^.s.:b. /; THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE EOYAL IRISH ACADEMY. VOL. XIX. DUBLIN: PRINTED BY M. H. GILL, PRINTER TO THE EOYAL IRISH ACADEMY. SOLD BY HODGES & SMITH, DUBLIN AND BY T. & W. BOONE, LONDON. MDCCCXLIII. The Academy desire it to be understood, that they are not answerable for any opinion, representation of facts, or train of reasoning, that may appear in the following papers. The Authors of the several Essays are alone respon- sible for their contents. CONTENTS. SCIENCE. ART. PAGE I. Researches on the Nature and Constitution of the Compounds of Am- monia. By Robert Kane, M.D., M.R.I.A., Superintendant of the Laboratory, and Professor of Chemistry to the Apothecaries' Hall of Ireland, Professor of Natural Philosophy to the Royal Dublin Society. Read April 9, May 14 and 28, 1838 1 II. Description of the Cydippe Pomiformis Mihi (Beroe ovatus Flem.), with Notice of an apparently undescribed Species of Bolina, also found on the Coast of Ireland. By Robert Patterson, Esq., Member of the Natural History Society of Belfast. Read Decem- ber 10, 1838 91 III. On the Longitude of the Armagh Observatory, given by fifteen Chronometers of Arnold and Dent. By the Rev. Thomas Romney 'RoBm^o^,D.D.,M.R.I.A.,^c. Read December 10, 1838. . . .110 IV. On the Difference of Longitude between the Observatories of Ar- magh and Dublin, determined by Rocket Signals. By the Rev. Thomas Romney Robinson, D.D., M.R.I. A., 8^c. Read June 24, 1839 121 V. On the Direction and Mode of Propagation of the Electric Force traversing interposed Media. By George J. Knox, Esq., A.M., M.R I.A. Read February 11, 1839 147 VI. On the Bolina Hibernica. By Robert Patterson, Esq., Member of the Natural History Society of Belfast. Read November 11, 1839 154 vi CONTENTS. VII. On the mutual Action of Permanent Magnets, considered chiefly in reference to their best relative Position in an Observatory. By the Rev. Humphrey Lloyd, A.M., Fellow of Trinity College, and Professor of Natural Philosophy in the University of Dublin. F.R.S., V.P.R.I.A., Honorary Member of the American Philo- sophical Society. Eead February 11, 1839 159 VIII. On the Constant of Refraction, determined by Observations with the Mural Circle of the Armagh Observatory. By the Rev. Thomas EoMNEY Robinson, D.D., M.R.I. A., Member of other Philosophical Societies. Eead January 11, 1841 177 IX. On the Heat developed during the Combination of Acids and Bases. By Thomas Andrews, M.D., M.R.I.A., Professor of Chemistry in the Royal Belfast Institution. Eead January 11, 1841 228 X. Supplement to a Paper " on the mutual Action of Permanent Mag- nets, considered chiefly in reference to their best relative Position in an Observatory!' By the Rev. Humphrey Lloyd, D.D., Fellow of Trinity College, and Professor of Natural Philosophy in the Uni- versity of Dublin. F.R.S., V.P.R.I.A., Honorary Member of the American Philosophical Society. Eead April 26, 1841 249 XI. Supplementary Researches on the Direction and Mode of Propa- gation of the Electric Force, and on the Source of Electric Deve- lopment. By George J. Knox, Esq. M.R.I A. Eead May 25, 1841. 257 XII. On Fluctuating Functions. By Sir William Eowan Hamilton, L.L.D., P.R.IA., F.R.A.S., Fellow of the American Society of Arts and Sciences, and of the Royal Society of Northern Antiquaries at Copenhagen ; Honorary or Corresponding Member of the Royal Societies of Edinburgh and Dublin, of the Academies of St. Peters- burgh, Berlin, and Turin, and of other Scientific Societies at Home and Abroad ; Andrews' Professor of Astronomy in the University of Dublin, and Royal Astronomer of Ireland. Eead June 22, 1840. 264 XIII. On the Minute Structure of the Brain in the Chimpanzee, and Human Idiot, compared with that of the perfect Brain of Man; with some Reflections on the Cerebral Functions. By James Ma- cartney, M.D., F.R.S., F.L.S., M.R.I.A., S^c. Sfc. Eead June 27, 1842 232 CONTENTS. vii ART. PAGE XIV. On Equations of the Fifth Degree ; and especially on a certain System of Expressions connected with those Equations, which Professor Badano has lately proposed. By Sir William Rowan Hamilton, iiy.Z)., P.R.I.A.,F.R.A.S.,' Honorary Member of the Royal Societies of Edinburgh and Dublin ; Honorary or Corres- ponding Member of the Royal or Imperial Academies of St. Peters- burgh, Berlin, and Turin, of the American Society of Arts and Sciences, and of other Scientific Societies at Home and Abroad ; Andrews^ Professor of Astronomy in the University of Dublin, and Royal Astronomer of Ireland. Read August 4, 1 842 329 XV. On the Compensations of Polarized Light, with the Description of a Polarimeter for measuring Degrees of Polarization. By Sm David Brewster, K.H., D.C.L., F.R.S, M.R.I.A., and V.P.R.S. Edinburgh. Read November 14, 1842 377 XVI. On the Heat developed during the Formation of the Metallic Compounds of Chlorine, Bromine, and Iodine. By Thomas Andrews, M.D., M.R.I. A., Professor of Chemistry in the Royal Belfast Institution. Read December 12, 1842. . , 393 ■ POLITE LITERATURE. I. A Memoir of the Medals and Medallists connected with Ireland. By the Very Rev. Henry Richard Dawson, A.M., V. P. R.I. A., Dean of St. Patrick's. Read March 16, 1838, . 1 II. On the Antiquity of the Kiliee, or Boomerang. By Samuel Fer- guson, Esq., M.R.I. A. Read January 22 and February 12, 1838. . 22 III. On the Egyptian Stele, or Tablet. By the Rev. Edward Hincks, D.D. (Communicated by the President.) Read June 28, 1841. . 49 IV. On the true Date of the Rosetta Stone, and on the Inferences de- duciblefrom it. By the Rev. Edward Hincks, D.D. Read May 9, 1842 72 V. An Essay upon Mr. Stewart's Explanation of certain Processes of the Human Understanding. By the Rev. James Wills, A.M., M.R.I.A. Read February 14, 1842 78 viii CONTENTS. ABT. PAGE VI. Memoir of Researches amongst the inscribed Monuments of the Gr (SCO- Roman Era, in certain ancient Sites of Asia Minor. By the Rev. James Kennedy Bailie, D. D., late Fellow of Trinity College, and Lecturer of Greek in the University of Dublin. Read May 9 and 23, 1842 HI ANTIQUITIES. I. On the Irish Coins of Edward the Fourth. By Aquilla Smith, M.D., M.R.I.A. Read November 30, 1839 1 II. On the Irish Coins of Henry the Seventh. By AQurLLA Smith, M.D., M.R.I.A. Read June 14, 1841 50 III. On the Norse Geography of Ancient Ireland. By Geokge Downes, Esq., M.A., M.R.I.A., Member of the Royal Society of Northern Antiquaries of Copenhagen'^ F.H.M. M.S., Jena. Read April 26, 1841 ' 84 LIST OF PLATES. SCIENCE. PLATE PAOE I ILLUSTRATIVE OF MR. PATTERSON'S PAPER ON THE STRUCTURE OF THE CYDIPPE POMIFORMIS 109 MAP TO REV. DR. ROBINSON'S PAPER ON THE DIFFERENCE OF LONGI- TUDE BETWEEN THE OBSERVATORIES OF ARMAGH AND DUBLIN, . V>C, 11., Ill DIAGRAMS ILLUSTRATIVE OF THE REV. DR. LLOYD'S PAPERS ON THE MUTUAL ACTION OF PERMANENT MAGNETS, 159, 249 IV., V ILLUSTRATIVE OF DR. MACARTNEY'S PAPER ON THE STRUCTURE OF THE BRAIN OF THE CHIMPANZEE 32S VI ILLUSTRATIVE OF SIR D.BREWSTER'S PAPER ON THE COMPENSATIONS OF POLARIZED LIGHT, 377 VII ILLUSTRATIVE OF DR. ANDREWS' PAPER ON THE HEAT DEVELOPED DURING THE FORMATION OF THE METALLIC COMPOUNDS OF CHLO- RINE, BROMINE, AND IODINE, .WS POLITE LITEKATURE. I., II ILLUSTRATIVE OF MR.FERGUSON'S PAPER ON THE ANTIQUITY OF THE KILIEE, OR BOOMERANG 48 ANTIQUITIES. I., II., III., IV. ILLUSTRATIVE OF DR. A. SMITH'S PAPER ON THE IRISH COINS OF ED- WARD IV 40 v., VL, VII. ...ILLUSTRATIVE OF DR. A. SMITH'S PAPER ON THE IRISH COINS OF HENRY VII 81 Direction to the Binder. In binding the Volume, cancel the leaf in Antiquities, p. 49, of Part I. VOL. XIX. TEANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL IRISH ACADEMY, I. Researches on the Nature and Constitution of the Compounds of Ammonia. By Robert Kane, M.D., M.R.I. A., Superintendent of the Laboratory and Professor of Chemistry to the Apothecaries' Hall of Ireland ; Pro- fessor of Natural Philosophy to the Royal Dublin Society. Read April 9th, May 14th, and May 28th, 1838. PART I. ON THE SULPHATES AND NITRATES OF MERCURY, PARTICULARLY THE SUBSALTS FORMED BY AMMONIA. Having shown in a former memoir that by the action of ammonia on the chlorides of mercury, there came Into operation the principle which had been found by Dumas and Llebig to regulate the constitution of so many interesting bodies of organic origin, — that Is to say, that by the elimination of one equivalent of hydrogen from the ammonia, and the union of the remaining hydrogen and nitrogen with the metal, there was generated an amide, — it became of importance to follow out into other combinations of the metallic salts with ammonia, an investigation which had led, in the few cases already studied, to such novel and Interesting results. It is Intended in the present memoir to investigate the func- tions of the ammoniacal elements of the mercurial subsalts, a department, of which, notwithstanding the labours of many chemists, our knowledge has re- mained imperfect, from circumstances similar to those which had led, in the same VOL. XIX. B 2 Dr. Kane on the Compounds of Ammonia. hands, to the conflicting opinions as to the nature of white precipitate already noticed. In addition to the ammoniacal subsalts of mercury, there are described in the present paper the sub-sulphate and the sub-nitrates of the black and red oxides. And as the necessity of a new examination of these compounds may not appear to those who have not themselves studied the chemistry of the salts in detail, I may state, that in order to ascertain the part which the ammonia plays in the subsalts formed by its means, it became necessary to establish a comparison with the ordinary subsalts most analogous in composition ; and on searching through the analyses of the mercurial subsalts already recorded, I found the testimonies so conflicting, and the results so imperfect, that I was obliged to commence the subject as if it had been actually new. In the former memoir I assumed as the atomic weight of mercury the num- ber 202.8, which supposes the corrosive sublimate to be a bi-cliloride. This opinion I have since found reason to alter, from evidences, partly derived from the results contained in the present paper, and partly from other sources ; I have therefore now adopted the Berzelian number 101.4, by which the calomel is looked upon as a sub-chloride, and sublimate as containing an equivalent of each ingredient. It will be found that by this arrangement the formula of these classes of compounds become much more simple than on the plan of the larger number, to which however they can easily be reduced. Without occupying attention by any unnecessary prefatory matter, I shall pass at once to the analytical results. I. OF THE SULPHATES OF THE RED OXIDE OF MERCURY. Before commencing the study of the action of ammonia on the sulphates of mercury, I considered it proper to satisfy myself, by actual analyses, of the com- position of these bodies, particularly with reference to the possible existence of water as one of their constituents, and the more so, as from the conflicting state- ments of chemists with regard to the nature of turpeth mineral, it was not unlikely that a source of error not previously unveiled might exist. As, how- ever, my results have confirmed the ordinary view of the composition of these bodies, I will not detail any of the methods I employed, but merely state the absolute numerical results. Dr. Kane on the Compounds of Ammonia. An analysis of neutral sulphate of mercury gave ! ;■. .Viltff. Vi,r,. Experiment. Theory h^o.sOj Sulphuric acid = 26.72 Oxide of mercury = 72.98 99.70 Three analyses of turpeth mineral gave I. Sulphuric acid = 10.89 Oxide of mercury = 88.71 26.82 73.18 100.00 II. III. 10.87 11.08 89.24 88.76 99.60 100.11 99.84 The theory of ngo. SO3 + 2 h^o should give Sulphuric acid = 10.91 Oxide of mercury = 89.09 I would not have brought forward even this notice of the numbers I obtained, were it not that from the high authority by which some of the incorrect results had been supported, and their insertion in some of the most approved ele- mentary books, it might have appeared objectionable to make any one of the various formulas given the foundation of a chain of reasoning, without having first established by experiment its superiority over the rest. II. OF AMMONIA SUB-PEKSULPHATE OF MERCURY. When persulphate of mercury is treated by water of ammonia, it is converted into a white powder, which appears to be almost insoluble in water. In general, on the first addition of the water of ammonia, there is some turpeth mineral formed, which however gradually disappears, and the product is an uniformly white powder. This reaction takes place more rapidly by boiling, but the nature of the result is the same. If turpeth mineral be boiled, or treated in the cold with water of ammonia, it is converted into the same white substance, as shall be proved by the analyses subjoined. The existence of this white ammoniacal sub- sulphate was noticed by Fourcroy, but he made no analysis of it, nor has it ever been, at least to my knowledge, subjected to an accurate investigation. This substance is heavy ; it is not decomposed by water, which, however, dis- B 2 4 Dr. Kane on the Compounds of Ammonia. solves some traces of it. When heated it becomes brown, exhales traces of ammonia, much water and nitrogen, and there finally remains sulphate of the black oxide of mercury, which by a further heat gives its usual products of de- composition. This powder is soluble in nitric and muriatic acids. When dif- fused through water, and treated by sulphuretted hydrogen, the mercury is all thrown down as sulphuret, while the liquor remains perfectly neutral, and gives by evaporation sulphate of ammonia. I shall speak of this substance always as ammonia-turpeth, a name short, and not involving any theory, and therefore the best calculated for use. To analyze this compound, the following methods were pursued : A. 5.072 grammes ammonia-turpeth were dissolved in muriatic acid, and precipitated by muriate of barytes. The sulphate of barytes formed was washed until the water passed quite pure ; it was then carefully dried and ignited, and weighed, when corrected for the ashes of the filter, = 1.223 gramme, or 24.11 per cent., containing 8.28 of sulphuric acid. The liquors filtered off the sulphate of barytes were treated by sulphuret of hydrogen, and the sulphuret of mercury was collected on a filter, and carefully dried until it ceased to lose weight ; when dried there was Sulphuret and filter = 5.835 ") 4 005 „«• 8.229 ammonia-turpeth. Dr. Kane on the Compounds of Ammonia. 5 The liquors remaining contained a trace of mercury, which precipitated gave 0.220 of ng. s. Therefore 100 of sulphate of mercury gave Ammonia-turpeth = 79-31 Sulphate of barytes = 58.91 •.• Sulphuric acid = 20.245 And sulphuret of mercury = 2.10 equivalent to 1.81 of mer- cury, giving 1.96 oxide and 2.68 sulphate. There had therefore been decomposed 100 — 2.68 of the sulphate, and 100 of sulphate completely converted into ammonia-turpeth should give Ammonia-turpeth = 81.48 Sulphuric acid = 20.06 The sulphuric acid in 100 of Hgo. SO3 is 26.82, of which 20.06 is almost exactly three-fourths, for | . 26.82 = 20.115. Therefore in the ammonia-tur- peth is contained all the mercury and one-fourth of the sulphuric acid ; its com- position therefore comes out. Mercury = 67.83 Sulphuric acid = 6.76 Other matters =: 6.89 83.25 j 81.48, or 8.29 [ 100.00 8.46 J C. 7.317 grammes of ammonia-turpeth were diffused through water, and decomposed by a current of sulphuretted hydrogen. The sulphuret of mercury was collected on a filter, and dried carefully, until it ceased to lose weight. Filter and sulphuret = 7.422 \ ^ ^^j^ Filter = 0.355 / ' ' Sulphuret = 96.58 per cent., containing 83.35 mercury. The clear liquor reacted neutral ; it was evaporated in a water-bath to per- fect dryness, and the capsule, with the residual sulphate of ammonia, carefully weighed ; the salt then cleared out without loss, and the capsule tared ; the salt was then again weighed on the tared slip of paper, on which it had been col- lected, and the second not differing from the first weighing by a milligramme, certainty of accuracy was obtained. The sulphate of ammonia weighed 0.988 gramme, corresponding to 13.5 per cent., and consisting of 6 Dr. Kane on the Compounds of Ammonia. Sulphuric acid = 8.18 Ammonia = 3.48 ■ 13.50 Water =: 1.84 . Tabulating the results of these three methods, there is obtained for ammonia- turpeth A. B. C. Mean. Sulphuric acid = 8.28 8.29 8.18 8.25 Mercury = 83.69 83.25 83.35 83.43 Ammonia = 3.48 3.48 Oxygen and loss := 4.84 The positive values obtained by analysis give the proportions in ammonia- turpeth to be : 1 atom of sulphuric acid. 1 atom of ammonia. 4 atoms of mercury. But for the oxidation of the mercury there would be required (as, from the solu- bility of ammonia-turpeth in muriatic acid, the whole of the mercury is proved to be in percombination) oxygen := 6.582, a quantity which is altogether excluded by the sum of the values of the other ingredients, which leave room for only 4.84 of oxygen. Now this number is almost exactly three-fourths of 6.582, since § . 6.582 = 4.937 ; and we have consequently the most complete evidence that the fourth atom of metal is combined with some other negative radical than oxygen. If one conceives that in this ammonia-turpeth the azote and hydrogen exist as amidogene, the formula falls in accurately with the experimental results, for there is 8.27 Analysis = 8.25 3.32 = 3.27 83.47 = 83.43 4.94 = 5.05 S03 = 40.16 NHj = 16.14 4Hg- z= 405.60 3o = 24.00 485.90 100.00 100.00 By this formula 100 of sulphate of mercury should give 81.30 of ammonia-tur- peth, while in experiment B there was obtained 81.48. It will be seen that the formula h^o. SO3 + 2 ugo -\- Hg nHj is completely Dr. Kane on the Compounds of Ammonia. . 7 analogous to that for the yellow powder formed by the action of water on white precipitate, if we write the sulphate of mercury as h^. so^ ; then there is Hg-. cl-\-2 ngo -{- ng nh^, and H^. SO4 + 2 H^-O + ng NHj. We shall have occasion, hereafter, to advert to this type of a remarkable class of combinations. III. ACTION OF AMMONIA ON SULPHATE OF BLACK OXIDE OF MERCURY. When the sulphate of the black oxide of mercury is treated by cold or boiling water no reaction occurs indicating the formation of a basic salt ; it would there- fore appear as if there existed but one sulphate of the black oxide. When sulphate of the black oxide of mercury is treated by water of ammonia there is obtained a dark grey powder, which, when heated, gives water, ammonia, sulphurous acid, oxygen, and mercury. It is thus indicated to be a basic salt, containing ammonia ; but great difficulty was found in tracing accurately the proportions in which complete decomposition occurred. To determine the nature of this grey compound, the following method was adopted : — A weighed portion of sulphate of black oxide of mercury, was treated by an excess of water of ammonia, until the reaction appeared to be complete, and a uniform dark grey powder was produced. It was then collected on a filter, and the liquors, which contained but a mere trace of mercury, were mixed and acidulated by muriatic acid, and precipitated by muriate of barytes. The sul- phate of barytes was then collected and dried, and having been ignited, with its filter, weighed, and the correction for ashes made. The results of five experiments of this kind are given in the subjoined table, the details being omitted, in consequence of my not intending to use these results as bases for induction, and therefore it not being necessary to specify the par- ticulars of each case : 100 of H^.O-f- SO3 A. B. C. D. E. . Grey Powder . . Free SO3 . . . . Not determined. 13.83 83.08 11.73 92.3 Not determined. 90.22 8.33 88.89 9.96 8 Dr. Kane on the Compounds of Ammonia. The sulphate of the black oxide of mercury is, when prepared by double decomposition, anhydrous, and is composed of Mercury = 80.80 1 Oxygen = 3.18 [ 100.0 Sulphuric acid = 16.02 J But, from the extensive limits, within which the quantity of the sulphuric acid removed by the ammonia, is contained, it would, be improper to assert positively by what formula the result should be expressed. I consider that by the action of the ammonia a certain quantity of a per-compound may have been formed, and thus have given rise to the variable nature of the result. The results A and B, however, tend to induce me to look upon the grey compound, when pure, as having the composition \igo.so^-\-2ugo-\-ngtiH^, and bearing the same relation to the ammonia-turpeth, that the powder formed by water of ammonia on calomel, bears to white precipitate. If one might hazard a conjec- ture, the other results would indicate a tendency to a limit in the decomposition, when the half of the sulphuric acid had been removed, and thus there may be a body also grey coloured h^o. SO3 + ug nh^, or rather h^ SO4 -\- Hg nh^, similar to H^ cl -\- ug NHj, as described in the former paper. I did not follow up any analysis of the grey powder, because it was evident, from the variable nature of the circumstances affecting its formation, that no result could be obtained, so closely true, as to prove either for or against the question of the function of the ammonia, or indeed the quantity of the latter constituent (never more than three per cent.), that might have been therein contained. It is necessary therefore, on this point, to allow of the temporary guidance of the analogical evidence, which we derive from the more fixed results of the analyses of corresponding compounds. IV. OF THE NITRATES OF THE RED OXIDE OF MERCURY. We owe to the younger Mitscherlich an examination of the nitrates of mer- cury, which constitutes, up to the present day, all our knowledge regarding them. The singularity of the results to which he arrived, rendered their repetition of importance, and the more so, as the doubts which had been thrown upon the correctness of his analyses of the ammonia-nitrates, by Soubeiran, Dr. Kane on the Compounds of Ammonia. 9 rendered it necessary to confirm his formula before they could be assumed as data in an investigation like the present. There can be obtained but one crystallized nitrate of the peroxide of mer- cury : this salt is formed in small prisms, which deliquesce, except in a very dry room ; when dried between folds of blotting paper, the crystals taste metallic, but not acid. These crystals are decomposed by water, but only a portion of the mercury is thrown down as a pale yellow powder, whilst the liquor becomes acid. If the supernatant liquor be evaporated, the excess of acid is driven off, and there crystallizes, on cooling, the same salt as had been previously dissolved. To analyze this salt, the same method was pursued as had been employed by Mitscherlich, and with exactly the same result. As the analyses were but con- firmatory of his accuracy, I shall not enter into their details. The formula of this crystallized pemitrate of mercury is ugo. NOj + ugo -\- 2 ho, and in num- bers : 2 atoms of oxide of mercury = 202.80 1 of nitric acid = 54.14 2 of water = 18.00 274.94 It is well known that this salt is decomposed by water, but there still remains some doubt as to the constitution of the subnitrate thus generated. From the variable appearance it presents, according to the method by which it has been obtained, it evidently is not of constant nature ; and it is generally stated by systematic writers, that by washing it can be completely resolved into nitric acid and oxide of mercury. Of this nitrous turpeth, as it has been generally termed, two quantitative analyses have been recorded, of which the results follow : Oxide of Mercury. Nitric Acid. Reference. Braancamp = 88.0 12 An. Chim. 54 Grouvelle = 88.97 11.03 An. Ch. et Phys. 19 These results coinciding so closely, and leading immediately to the formula NO5 4" 4 H^o, might appear to be conclusive, but several circumstances induced me to consider a new examination necessary. Thus, all other analyses made by Braancamp Vere inaccurate by four or five per cent., a result to be partly attri- buted to the imperfect state of analytical chemistry at the time he wrote ; and VOL. XIX. C 10 Dr. Kane on ike Compounds of Ammonia. also, it appeared from the evidently inconstant nature of the subnitrates obtained by water, that the stages of its production required to be closely studied. In addition I had observed that nitrous turpeth, when heated, always yielded some liquid nitric acid ; this fact should introduce water as one of its constituents, which the results obtained by Braancamp and Grouvelle necessarily exclude. A quantity of crystallized nitrate of mercury was treated by water, and the undissolved portion washed by warm water until the washings no longer reacted acid. It then appeared as a fine yellow powder, very heavy, not acted on by cold water, but converted into a brownish red powder by boiling water, which dis- solved out the soluble nitrate of mercury, not affecting blue cabbage paper. When this powder is heated, it gives much red fumes and a quantity of liquid nitric acid, and there remains red oxide of mercury, which by a stronger heat is decomposed. As, by avoiding the use of boiling water, this powder was obtained apparently similar in appearance and properties at different times, it was selected for analysis. A. 5.458 grammes of this powder were dissolved in muriatic acid, and treated by proto-chloride of tin. There were obtained 4.170 grammes of metallic mercury, giving 76.40 ug per cent. B. 5.513 grammes of a portion prepared at a different time were dissolved in muriatic acid diluted with a good deal of water, and precipitated by sulphu- retted hydrogen ; there were obtained Filter and sulphuret = 5.935 1 f. ^^o Filter = 0.932 / ^ giving mercury =. 78.31 per cent. C. A portion of the yellow powder having been treated by boiling water, and having assumed a brownish red colour, was dissolved in muriatic acid, and precipitated by sulphuretted hydrogen. Thus analyzed, 4.975 of this powder gave 4.919 sulphuret of mercury, corresponding to 85.33 mercury per cent. D. A quantity was boiled for a long time, until it had been converted into a brick red powder, which was analyzed by solution in muriatic acid and the sepa- ration of the mercury by proto-chloride of tin ; from 7.746 grammes were ob- tained 6.673 mercury, or 86.17 per cent. No matter how far the boiling might be carried, I could not reduce the powder to thq state of pure red oxide. The residual powder dried always gave Dr. Kane on the Compounds of Ammonia. 11 by heat red fumes, and also liquid nitric acid, but in constantly decreasing pro- portion. I consequently considered it unnecessary to press the series of analyses further. The analyses A and B give the result NO5. Ho -|-3h^o pretty closely, the theoretical numbers being 63.14 16.13 N05 = 64.14 HO = 9.00 3h^ = 304.20 3o := 24.00 } } 328.20 83.87 H^ = 77.74 0 = 6.13 NO5 = 13.83 HO = 2.30 391.34 100.00 100.00 and I am disposed to consider such as being the real composition of the yellow sub-pernitrate prepared by water not boiling. It will be at once seen that this formula assimilates completely the sub-nitrate of mercury with those of copper and of bismuth, the nature of which has been lately elucidated by the experi- ments of Graham. With regard to the red sub-nitrate prepared by boiling water, I am inclined to look upon it, in like manner, as having a definite composition, because, whilst the specimen used in analysis C had been boiled but for a few minutes, and that used in analysis D for some hours, their composition appeared to be quite the same. When heated, this red subsalt certainly yields a trace of water, besides nitrous acid fumes ; but this water is in such small quantity that it might be considered as hygrometric. The quantity of mercury obtained, may serve equally well for one or other of two formulee, thus : NOj -f- 6 H^O NO5. HO 4- 7 H^O Nitric acid = 7.62 6.52 ] Oxide of mercury z= 92.38 92.39 • = 100.0 Water = 1.09 . Although I have always found this red powder to give a trace of water, yet I incline strongly to the first of the above formulae, to which I shall refer when treating of some analogous ammonia compounds. As the composition assigned by Grouvelle to the sub-pernitrate falls within the limits of the two bodies which have been just described, it may be supposed that he had examined a mixture of them, and not a pure substance ; this idea I consider probably to be true. c2 12 Dr. Kane on the Compounds of Ammonia. By the action of water on the crystallized pernitrate it is resolved into yellow sub-pemitrate and an acid-reacting salt, which, when evaporated, yields, as was already mentioned, the same crystallizable nitrate, whilst the excess of acid passes off. There takes place, therefore, a division of the mercury into two portions, one of which passes into solution, whilst the other is left in the insoluble yellow powder. The salt in solution does not appear to crystallize, but to give, on concentration, nitric acid and the crystallized basic salt of Mitscherlich. The proportion of mercury which remains in the solution approximated, in my trials, to one-third of that precipitated, and the action of water may be explained by the following formula : 2(N03-f 2Hg-o-i-2Ho) =: Iho.nOj-I-Sh^oJ + J H^O.NOs -f 3 Hd J The crystalline pernitrate being considered as a double salt, which is decomposed by water into its constituents. It may evidently be likewise considered as a simple salt, the sum of the number of atoms of hydrogen and mercury remaining still four, but capable of indefinite replacement within that limit. The proportions of mercury and nitric acid in solution, after the precipitation of the yellow basic salt by water, must be quite definite, and should, if isolated, produce a salt h^o . nOj. ho -\- 2 ho, corresponding to the ordinary nitrates of copper and bismuth, but which may be so easily decomposed as to be uncrystal- lizable. Moreover, if we look to the very general tendency to the formation of bodies containing four equivalents of mercury, it will appear not impossible but that a type of basic nitrates Hgo.vio^.iigo-\-2ngo may really exist, and on which Grouvelle may have happened to alight, although I could not, even after many trials, succeed in preparing it. Thus there should be a series of salts : Hgo . NO5 . HO -[- 2 HO . uncrystallizable. Hg-o. NO5 . H^o -j- 2ho . ordinary salt. Bgo . NOj . HO -{- 2 H^o . yellow basic salt. wgo . NO3 . H^o -\- 2h^o . Grouvelle's basic salt, and also Hgo . NO5. H^o 4" 4 H^o . 'red basic salt. V. OF THE AMMONIA SUB-PERNITRATES OF MERCURY. It has been long known, that, by adding water of ammonia to a solution of pernitrate of mercury, there is obtained a fine white powder, which has been Dr. Kane on the Compounds of Ammonia. 13 examined by Mltscherllch and Soubeiran, with results, however, so discrepant, as not to allow us to draw any conclusion whatsoever from them. Almost immediately on commencing the examination of this reaction, I found that the nature of the precipitate obtained was liable to considerable variation, and that very trivial alterations in the conditions, under which the ammonia was added, changed the proportion of quicksilver by four or five in the hundred, — limits including the values obtained by the above-mentioned chemists. It therefore became probable that, as in the case of white precipitate, the existence of two or more different bodies had led to the discrepancies in the statements of those chemists ; and by paying minute attention to the circumstances which influ- ence their formation, I was led to detect the existence of three distinct ammo- niacal subnitrates, as prepared by mere precipitation. The circumstances which influence the nature of the precipitate are, the concentration of the mercurial solution, its degree of acidity, the strength of the water of ammonia, the excess of one or other reagent, and the temperature. By slight changes of these, there are produced modifications of composition, and frequently an imperfect change from one to the other form takes place. In addition to these three precipitated compounds, there are two others obtained by crystallization, of which one had been examined by the younger Mitscherlich, and the other was met with first in the course of these investigations. Ammonia Sub-pernitrate, No. 1. — When a dilute, and not very acid solution of pernitrate of mercury is treated by weak water of ammonia, (taking care not to add an excess of the latter, and the solution being cold,) there is obtained a pure milk-white precipitate, not granular, which remains suspended for a considerable time. This precipitate, collected on a filter, may be exposed to a heat of boiling water without change, and is consequently easily dried. When this powder is heated, it becomes yellow, and gives azote, ammonia, then red fumes, and finally oxygen and quicksilver. If boiled with water, it becomes granular and heavier, deposits itself more easily, and has lost, in some degree, its pure white colour. The water remains neutral, but is found to hold some nitrate of ammonia in solution. On analysis, this powder yielded precisely the same results as had been obtained by the younger Mitscherlich ; on that account I shall not insert the 14 Dr. Kane on the Compounds of Ammonia. details of the methods, which in great part resembled those already described in the analyses of ammonia-turpeth, but shall merely note the quantities of mercury and other constituents obtained. In three analyses there resulted : I. II. HI. Mercury = 76.50 76.84 75.9 Nitric acid = 12.66 Ammonia = 4.01 These three portions had been prepared and analyzed at different periods. The formula NO5 + nHj -\- 3 h^o gives 3 atoms mercury = 304.20 76.17 3 „ oxygen = 24.00 6.01 1 „ nitric acid ::= 54.14 13.54 1 „ ammonia — 17.14 - 4.28 399.48 100.00 Mitscherlich's result was Mercury = 75.55 Nitric acid = 14.33 Ammonia = 4.68 There can, therefore, be no doubt of this being really the composition of the substance, and if we compare it with the yellow sub-pernitrate, we shall observe a very curious analogy. Thus the water in the common subnitrate is replaced by ammonia, that is, by amide of hydrogen, so that the basic function which has been so elegantly shown by Mitscherlich and Graham to belong to water, appears to be enjoyed in a certain degree by ammonia also. This is shown, and the nature of this white substance very elegantly proved, by an experiment well calculated for class illustration: if some of the water subnitrate be put into a solution of nitrate of ammonia, and boiled for a moment, the white powder is rapidly formed, and the liquor will be found to be strongly acid. Thus, (H0.N05 4-3Hg-0)-|-N05NH3= (NH3. NO5 + 3Hg-o) + HONO5. Of the Ammonia Subnitrate, No. 2. — It having been found that, by boiling the former powder with water, it altered in its appearance, and became much Dr. Kane on the Compounds of Ammonia. 15 heavier and more granular, it was natural to expect from it a different constitu- tion. If the solutions of nitrate of mercury and of ammonia be mixed, while hot, or if they be boiled after mixture, the same modification is produced ; and as Soubeiran had been led astray by the effects of boiling white precipitate, it might be inferred that his discordant results arose from his operating with hot solutions in this case also. The powder, thus prepared, gives the same results of decomposition as the former ; potash, even boiling, exerts no action on either, giving out no ammonia, and no oxide of mercury separating. The following analyses were made : A. 7.185 grammes were dissolved in muriatic acid, and the solution precipi- tated by sulphuretted hydrogen. The sulphuret produced weighed Q.*l&6, or 94.17 per cent., containing 81.24 of mercury. B. 7.353 of another portion were dissolved in muriatic acid, and the mercury precipitated by proto-chloride of tin. There were obtained 5.978 grammes, being 81.28 per cent. When this powder, diffused through water, is treated by sulphuretted hydro- gen, there is formed sulphuret of mercury, and the li(juor contains neutral nitrate of ammonia. From these results, and the quantity of quicksilver coinciding so closely with that obtained by Soubeiran, there is no doubt but that the substance is the same as that upon which he operated. The formula given by Soubeiran is N05-lr-NH3-|-4Hg'0, which gives the numbers Aug = 405.60 79.71 4o = 32.00 6.29 NO5 = 54.14 10.63 NH, = 17.14 3.37 508.88 100.00 He however obtained 80.08 mercury per cent., or more than he should by his formula; and he proved that the nitric acid and ammonia could not exist in the powder as common nitrate of ammonia. Indeed he expressly states that the clearing up the nature of the function played by ammonia in these combinations should be left to a future period in science. Under these circumstances there can 16 Dr. Kane on the Compounds of Ammonia. be no doubt but that the true formula for Soubelran's subnitrate is as follows : H^o . NO5 + 2h^o + Hg-Ac?, which gives 4Hg- = 405.60 81.13 3o = = 24.00 4.81 NOj = = 54.14 10.83 NHa = = 16.14 3.23 499.88 100.00 This compound resembles those already described containing chlorine and sulphuric acid. By using strong nitrate of mercury, and a considerable excess of a strong solution of ammonia, I have on two occasions obtained a yellowish white precipi- tate, yielding between 84 and 85 per cent, of mercury, and containing nitric acid and ammonia in the proportions of one equivalent of each. I have not, however, discovered the circumstances under which this third modification may be generated at will, for in trying often to form it, sometimes by hot liquors, at other times using the solutions cold, I have obtained the substances previously de- scribed, or else mixtures of them. The existence, however, of a yellowish white powder containing more mercury than either, is certain, and I consider its formula to be probably (h^O . NO5 -f 4 H^O + H^Arf), I shall not, however, dwell upon it more ; the relation which it holds to the red sub-pernitrate is quite evident. The Crystalline Ammonia Subnitrate. — Mitscherllch had observed that if the ammonia subnitrate of mercury be boiled with an excess of ammonia, and nitrate of ammonia be added, a portion of the powder dissolves, and the liquor, when it cools, yields, according as the excess of ammonia passes off, small crystal- line plates of a pale yellow colour. I have verified this observation, but I did not analyze those plates, because I could form but a very small quantity of them ; and having found in all cases that Mitscherlich's analyses were remarkably good, I considered that in the case of these crystals, which I found great diffi- culty in preparing, I might rely upon his accuracy. He found these crystals to be NH3.N05-t-2Hg-o. But while I believe the numbers to be true, I do not Dr. Kane on the Compounds of Ammonia. 17 consider that to be the rational formula. These crystals are formed by the solu- tion of Soubeiran's subnitrate in nitrate of ammonia, and the formula is (H^NOe + 2 Hg-O -f Hgkd) + (nH^O . NOj, which is equal to twice (nh.,. NOj-j- 2h^o). That such is its constitution will be clearly shown from the study of the body next to be described. When Soubeiran's ammonia subnitrate is boiled in a strong solution of nitrate of ammonia it is dissolved in considerable quantity, and the liquor being filtered while hot, deposits, on cooling, small but very brilliant needles, which after some time lose their lustre, and become dull and opaque, an appearance which the salt, when rapidly formed from a very strong solution, occasionally possesses from the commencement. This salt, after it has been once dried, can- not be again brought into contact with water without decomposition ; its consti- tuents are reproduced, the nitrate of ammonia dissolving, and Soubeiran's sub- nitrate being left undissolved. These circumstances rendered a few analyses sufficient for determining its composition. A. 6.061 grammes of this salt were diffused through water, and decomposed by a current of sulphuretted hydrogen gas. The sulphuret of mercury was col- lected on a filter, and having been carefullydried, weighed 4.187, corresponding to 69-08 sulphuret and 59.60 mercury per cent. The liquor and washings, eva- porated to dryness, in a water-bath, gave 2.173 of nitrate of ammonia, therefore 35.85 per cent. B. 5.973 of a quantity prepared at a different time were dissolved in muriatic acid, and treated by sulphuretted hydrogen. The sulphuret was cau- tiously dried until it ceased to lose weight, and amounted to 4.010, giving 67.13 sulphuret, and 57.99 mercury per cent. Hence there is Mercury, mean value = 58.79 Nitric acid = 24.17 Ammonia = 7.65 If we divide these numbers by the atomic weights of the bodies, and reduce them to a standard, we shall find that there are almost exactly three atoms of nitric acid, three of ammonia, and four of mercury. VOL. XIX. D 1 8 Dr. Kane on the Compounds of Ammonia. The formula 3(nh40 . NO5) -\- Ango gives 4h^ = 405.60 59.78 4o = 32.00 4.72 3NH3 = 51.42 7.58 SnOj = 162.42 23.94 3ho = 27.00 3.98 678.44 100.00 I do not consider the rational formula of this compound so simple as should appear from the above expression. It is most likely to contain the ammoniacal subnitrate ready formed ; it being decomposed by contact with water, and yield- ing that substance. If the mercury be as Soubeiran's subnitrate, the formula presents a curious relation ; thus, 3 (NH4O . NOj) -\- 4 H^o =r (NOj-Hg-O + 2Hg-0 -\- UgAd) + 2(n05. ho -|- 2hO -f HA6?). The facility with which this salt may be formed by heating red oxide of mer- cury with nitrate of ammonia might be used as an argument for the former view. VI. OF THE NITRATES OF THE BLACK OXIDE OF MERCURY. In the memoir to which I have had so frequently occasion to refer, George Mitscherlich described two crystallized proto-nitrates of mercury, and gave detailed analyses of them. I have had occasion to confirm his results, and I consequently consider the composition of these two salts as well established. I shall not describe any of my own analyses of them, but merely insert the formulae derived from the numbers of Mitscherlich, in order that the substances, next to be examined, may be compared with them. The salt obtained in transparent rhombs from an acid liquor has the formula (h^o -j- NO3) -{• 2 HO, and consists of Black oxide of mercury = 74.54 1 Nitric acid = 19-09 ■ 100.00 Water = 6.37 When this salt is digested with more black oxide of mercury, or when an acid solution of it is left standing on an excess of mercury, the crystals which are de- Dr. Kane on the Cotnpounds of Ammonia. 19 posited are opaque and white, they are generally rhombic prisms. The second (dimorphous) variety described by Mitscherlich I have not analyzed. Their formula is 3Hgo -\-2trl4HO J zncl-\-9zno. The oxychloride A and its hydrates conform to the type of the Brunswick green and of the oxychloride of mercury. Elsewhere the nature of this type will be discussed. The oxychloride B, in its dry form, is evidently the basic compound corres- ponding to the chlorides, with six atoms of water of crystallization, and hence zncl -\- Qzno corresponds to Hydrates of zncl -\- Qzno. 54 Dr. Kane on the Compounds of Ammonia. Iigcl-\- 6 HO and other cases, of which the chloride of hydrogen is the most remarkable. When water is saturated with muriatic acid gas, the solution being kept at the temperature of 32° F., it acquires a specific gravity of 1.2109, and then contains in 100 parts 42.43 of gas, by Edmund Davy's determination. If the water be retained only at 60" the absorption does not proceed so far, the specific gravity reaching only about 1.192, and the liquor containing only 38.38 of chloride of hydrogen in the 100. Thompson found the strongest liquid acid to be 1.203, and to contain 40.66 per cent, of gas. Now, if we calculate the num- ber of equivalents of water which these results indicate as combining with one of chloride of hydrogen, we shall find In the acid of 1.2109 . -- = ^- and IM = 5.5 HO 49.4 9 In the acid of 1.192 . — = — '■ — and — '— = 6.5 HO 58.5 9 T ^u -J n or>o c/h 36.42 ,53.15 _ _. In the acid of 1.203 — = ——- and = 5.91 HO 53.15 9 Scarcely any doubt can remain, therefore, that in the strongest liquid muriatic acid, the chloride of hydrogen combines with six equivalents of water, and that it is hence analogous to ca.cl-\-6H0 and to zncl-\- 6zno. This strong hydrated chloride of hydrogen cannot be heated without escape of gas, and if it be distilled, the boiling point gradually rises until it reaches 230° F. ( 1 10° C.) when it ceases to change, and the liquid subsequently distils un- altered. If a weaker acid be distilled, it loses water until the boiling point rises to the same degree, when acid of the same strength distils, as in the former instance. This acid, with a constant boiling point, has a specific gravity of 1.094, and contains 19.19 per cent, of real acid by Davy's estimate, and 20.44 by Thompson's ; hence the proportion is, taking the mean of their results, E^ = 1_M2 = ?6^ and i£^ = 16.35. HO 80.18 147.3 9 Dr. Kane on the Compounds of Ammonia. 55 Hence this acid, with constant boiling point, is composed of HcZ+ 16ho, and its formula may properly be considered as h.c/-4-6ho -\- IOho. corresponding to zncl-\-Qzno-\-\0-H.o. the hydrated-oxychloride, which has been described. X. OF THE AMMONIA-SULPHATES OF ZINC. This salt was prepared by passing ammoniacal gas through a strong and hot solution of sulphate of zinc, until the whole of the sub-sulphate precipitated had been redissolved. The liquor, on cooling, deposited a flocculent mass, in semi- crystalline grains resembling starch ; and if the liquor be evaporated, or kept liot, the separation of this substance continues ; when, however, the solution is allowed to cool, and then having been filtered, is left to spontaneous evaporation, it remains clear ; and small, but perfectly distinct crystals are deposited, which remain bright while moist, but effloresce, and become opaque almost immediately on being dried and left in the open air. These two bodies contain alike, sulphuric acid, oxide of zinc, ammonia, and water, but the quantity of the constituents is not the same ; I shall therefore describe them separately, commencing with the crystallized ammonia sulphate. When this salt is heated it gives water and ammonia, and there remains sul- phate of zinc ; if the heat be very gently applied, all ammonia may be expelled, and the residual sulphate of zinc will be quite pure ; but if the salt be suddenly heated, a quantity of sulphate of ammonia is produced, and the sulphate of zinc remaining is mixed with oxide. m As this salt, from the manner of its formation, must contain two equivalents of ammonia to one of the sulphate of zinc, the analysis of it became very simple, as it was to be directed specially to the examination of the quantity of water which it might contain. In efflorescing this salt does not lose ammonia. To determine its composition, 3.701 of clear crystals, dried between folds of blotting-paper, were heated at first very gently, but finally to ignition. On the first application of the heat the salt fused, and emitting water and ammonia, left a perfectly white residue of sulphate 66 Dr. Kane on the C Gummy residue. «. Volatile matter = 20.29 J ■ • b. Volatile matter = 19.71 Effloresced salt = 100.00 From these results follow the formulae Transparent crystals = zwo.s03-|-2nh3-{-4ho Effloresced crystals := ZWO.SO34-2NH3-J-2HO Gummy mass = zno . SO3 -\- NH3 -|- ho Which gives by heat = zrao . SO3 I shall, before proceeding further, return to the examination of the flocculent substance which was deposited from the hot solution of the ammonia-sulphate. It cannot be redissolved in water, which distinguishes it from the transparent crystalline salt; when heated it fuses, and is decomposed with the escape of water and ammonia, as is the case with the substance already described. It was ana- lyzed as follows : 5.033 of this flaky substance was heated until all escape of water or of ammonia had ceased ; there remained 3.821 of sulphate of zinc, corresponding to 75.92 per cent., and ^1 = IWs' ^"^25.53-17.14 = 8.39, or nearly 9. Hence the formula is zno . so^ -f- nh, -]- ho. These flakes have therefore the same composition as the gummy mass obtained by melting the crystalline salt, and this circumstance proves that the gummy mass is really a definite chemical compound, which could not have been so positively shown from the method by which it had been prepared. When the crystalline salt is kept for some time at a temperature of from 80° to 100° F. it gradually falls down into a white powder, all traces of crystalline structure having totally disappeared ; during this decomposition, water alone escapes, as turmeric paper left on the surface of the powder is not at any period affected. When this powder is heated to about 212°, it gives out water and am- monia, which continues up to a certain point, but in order to finish the expulsion of the water, the temperature must be raised until the mass has become fused ; VOL. XIX. I 98 Dr. Kane on the Compounds of Ammonia. after that time, the continuance of the heat occasions the loss of more ammonia, but no more water is disengaged. Unless the heat be very accurately managed, sulphite of ammonia is apt to make its appearance before the last portions of the ammonia have been expelled ; with care, however, a sulphate of zinc almost com- pletely soluble in water may be obtained. To determine more closely what occurs in the case just noticed, 4.238 grammes of the powder formed by the efflorescence, at 100°, of the crystals were heated until the sulphate of zinc remained pure behind ; it weighed 2.800, or 66.07 per cent. 4.385 of the same powder were heated until it had fused, and the escape of water had ceased, great care being taken to seize the precise time, and to avoid the application of any unnecessary heat ; the residual mass weighed 3.470, or 79.13 per cent. XT 66.07 80.50 J ., „. ^c^A , r. 3393 ~ 4Ym' ~ + ^' 'I" P' ^"^ + ^^* The proportion of ammonia being a little less than two atoms. Again, the second experiment gives " ■ > zr 79.13 of residual fused mass; and Ammonia 13.06 66.07 80.50 1 80.50 z«o so, = , or nearly — •* 13.06 15.91 17.14 NH3 The effloresced powder was therefore zno SO3 + 2NH3 + HO, corresponding to the crystallized ammonia-sulphate of copper, and by heat it loses NH3 . HO, and there is formed S03.ZnONH3, being precisely the same as in the copper series. This effloresced powder put into water dissolves almost without residue, provided the water be free from carbonic acid. The reasoning which I employed concerning the rational formulas of the Dr. Kane on the Compounds of Ammonia. S9 ammoniacal compounds of copper, applying with equal force to those of zinc, I will not repeat it, but arrange the results just now described, in accordance with those views. 1. The crystalline salt = (NH3 , ho) SO3 + zno . (NH3 . ho) + 2 ho. 2. The effloresced crystals = (nHj . ho) SO3 + zwo (nHj . ho). 3. The effloresced powder = (NH3 . ho) SO3+ z«o . NH3. 4. The flakey substance = (NH3 . zno) . SO3+ ho. 5. The fused mass from 3 =: (nHj . zno) .so. I will not enter into the consideration of any of the interesting relations which the arrangement of this series of bodies must suggest, except to point out in the ordinary sulphate of ammonia, the anomaly of the crystallization of which, with an atom of water, is so curious, the analogue of the bodies 4 and 5. Thus there is (NH3H0.) sOg + HO and (nh3.ho)s03 as there is (NH3 . zno) SO3 -\- ho and (NH3 zno) SO3. When discussing the theory of these bodies in another section, I shall have occasion to recur to these results. XI. OF A NEW BASIC SULPHATE OF ZINC. When the bodies (4) or (5) are treated by water they are decomposed, the body (1) dissolves, a quantity of sulphate of ammonia is likewise formed, and the insoluble matter is so definite and marked in its composition, that it must be regarded as a new basic sulphate of zinc. It is white, insoluble in water, when heated it gives water, and leaves a white powder behind. It was analyzed as follows : 2.594 grammes, dried by a spirit-lamp, gave 1.950, or 75.18 per cent., having lost 24.82 water. The residual sub-sulphate was boiled with solution of carbonate of soda, and the carbonate of zinc collected on a filter, dried, and ignited ; the oxide of zinc remaining weighed 1.635, or 64.22 per cent. Hence the composition Sulphuric acid = 10.96 Oxide of zinc = 64.22 Water = 24.82 I 2 ■60 Dr. Kane on the Compounds of Ammonia. 2.544, dried, gave 1.957? from whence Dry sub-sulphate zz. 75.88 Water = 24.12 The dry mass, exposed to the air, absorbed water, and became 2.137? or 8.40 per cent., having taken up almost exactly one-third of the quantity of water it had lost. These results point out the formula SO3 -|- 6z^^o -j- 10 HO, which should give SO3 = 40.16 10.79 6zwo = 241.80 65.02 10 HO = 90.00 24.19 371.96 100.00 There are two sub-sulphates of zinc already known, of which the one SO3-}- 4z?20 has been described by Schindler, Kuhn, and Graham. It appears to combine with variable proportions of water, from two to ten equivalents, but most commonly is to be found with four. The second has been examined by Schindler alone, who gave its formula as sOj-j- 8zno -\- 2 ho. I have not had an opportunity of verifying this result, but I consider the correctness of his analysis as being very probable. The same chemist showed that there may be formed a soluble compound of SO3 -j- 2 zno, which, however, is destroyed when dried. Hence the series of basic sulphates of zinc may be thus arranged : Real neutral sulphate = zno . so,. Salt with saline water = (zrao.Ho) SO3. Soluble salt of Schindler = (zwo . zwo) SO3. Common crystals = {zno . ho) so3-|- 6 ho. Hyperbasic salt, dry = (zno .zno)so3-\-Qzno. Common basic salt, dry = (zwo . zwo) so3-|-2zrao. Do. with water — Schindler = {zno . zno) . SO3 4- 2 zno -\- 2 ho. New basic salt, dry = {zno . zno) SO3-I- 4z»o. Do. with water = {zno . zno) SO3 -\-4:zno -{- 10 ho. The law of replacement being precisely what was already shown in the copper series, but still more complete from the discovery of sOj-f- 6z«o. Dr. Kane on the Compounds of Ammonia. 61 PART III. ON THE THEORY OF THE AMMONIACAL COMBINATIONS. On the accession to science of any considerable body of new facts, we should carefully examine how far they tend to modify our ideas of the nature and inti- mate structure of the bodies to which they relate, and of the forces to the action of which these bodies are subjected, and by remodelling our views in accordance with the ideas thus obtained, we should endeavour after a closer approximation to that truth, the attainment of which is the object of all scientific labour. A body, possessing so many interesting properties as ammonia, standing as it were, on the confines of mineral and of organic chemistry, and forming the con- necting link between them, must even, on its own account, and still more from the remarkable variety of classes of combinations into which it enters, occupy a prominent place in the general theory of chemistry, and the grounds of any pro- posed alteration in our views concerning it should be examined with the attention due to the Importance of the subject. I shall therefore lay before chemists, for discussion, some views of its nature and laws of combination, differing in many important particulars from those hitherto received, which have been suggested to me by the researches on the various classes of compounds of ammonia contained in the present and former papers. These views are connected in a very remark- able manner with those concerning which the opinions of chemists have been so long divided ; it will be seen, in fact, that the principles of the theory which I propose, embrace all that was vital in former hypotheses ; and it may be almost considered as an argument for its sufficiency, if not actual truth, that in the de- velopment of these views is exemplified the ordinary course of advancing know- ledge, when the once conflicting elements of rival theories are found forced into coalition by the grasp of some generalization of a higher order. Before commencing the explanation of my own views, I shall briefly describe the essential principles of the previous theories of ammonia. A. — The oldest view : 1. That ammonia NH3 is an independant base, saturating acids and forming salts. 62 Dr. Kane on the Compounds of Ammonia. If, as Dulong proposed, all acids be regarded as hydrogen compounds, thus SO3 + HO as SO4 + H, similar to c/h, the old view explains the main requisite in all theories of ammonia, the presence of water in the salts formed by the oxygen acids. Sulphate of ammonia becomes so^.h-j-nHj, like c/.h-j-nHj. B. — The theory of Berzelius : 1. That the ammoniacal amalgam contains a body, nh^, which is metallic, com- bines with oxygen, and then may replace potash in combination. 2. That when NH3 combines with hc/. the NH3 takes h, and forms NH4, with which the chlorine combines. 3. That the water in the ammoniacal salts with the oxyacids converts NH3 into NH^+O. C. — The amide theory, as left by Dumas and Berzelius : 1. There was assumed a hypothetic body, nh^, which replaced chlorine and oxygen in certain organic combinations. 2. Potassium or sodium heated in ammonia, liberated therefrom as much hydro- gen as from water, and formed amidide of potassium or of sodium. Ammonia is in no place called amidide of hydrogen by Berzelius or by Dumas, nor is NH3 ever written NHj-f- h, but Dumas may have had that idea indistinctly in his mind when he said that it was perhaps possible that as hydrogen forms hydracids with some bodies, so it might produce hydrobases by its union with others. He may have meant that hydrogen formed ammonia, a hydrobase, by uniting with NH3 amidogene, but he much more probably referred to the combination of the hydrogen at once with nitrogen ; his adherence to the common, but incorrect ideas of the nature of the hydrogen bodies in general having completely pre- vented him from seeing the true position of ammonia and its compounds. The insufficiency of these views may be very briefly pointed out ; thus, A. — The oldest view. 1. It applies only to the common ammoniacal salts, but does not attempt any explanation of the nature of the numerous other classes of ammonia com- pounds. 2. It states merely that nHj acts as a base, but does not explain its relation to ordinary bases which are metallic oxides, nor the points in which the ammo- niacal salts differ from the metallic salts of the same acid. Dr. Kane on the Compounds of Ammonia. 63 B. — The Berzelian view. 1. It does not assign any proper function or place to ammonia itself, which might be absolutely dropped out of the theory without loss. This view, there- fore, leaves unexplained all combinations of ammonia with bodies which do not contain hydrogen. 2. That NH3 -\- H.cl becomes nh^ + cl, is purely hypothetical, and highly improbable, the ammonia not exercising any apparent affinity for hydrogen, while that of chlorine for hydrogen is very strong. Hence the duty of proving the change in position of the fourth atom of hydrogen rests with the Berzelian theory, and has not been yet performed. C. — The amide theory. 1 . Our knowledge of the amidogene combinations has been acquired almost exclusively since the theories just noticed had been proposed, and consequently what is now the most important principle in a complete theory, the connexion of the ammonium and of the amidogene compounds with those containing ammonia itself had no place therein. Hence all former theories are insufficient, from the ground that the new facts gained by the study of the metallic amidides cannot be explained by or included within the principles upon which they rest. I shall now describe, in a series of propositions, the principles of the theory which I advocate, and then taking each proposition by itself, will sum up the evidence derived from experimental results, by which I consider its validity to be established. Prop. I. — That the so called hydracids are not really such ; that hydrogen, in all its forms of combination, is analogous to certain metals of the electro- positive class, and its compounds react like theirs under similar circum- stances. II- — That ammonia NH3 is amidide of hydrogen nh^ -\- h, and resembles in some respects the oxide, in others the chloride of the same positive element. Ill- — That NHj amidogene may combine with metals, and that the metallic amidides have a singular tendency to combine with the chlorides or oxides of the same metal, or of a metal of the same family, and thus form bodies resembling the chloro-oxides, chloro-sulphurets, or oxysulphurets. IV.— That NH3 = NHj -f- H amidide of hydrogen can perform the same functions ./r 64 Dr. Kane on the Compounds of Ammonia. in combination as water, oxide of hydrogen, whether as basic water, or water of crystallization, and likewise can replace the water termed saline in certain salts by Graham. V. — That the so called oxide of ammonium nh^o is oxy-amidide of hydrogen NHj . H -|- HO, and that sal ammoniac is chloro-amidide of hydrogen nh^ . h -|- ucl. VI. — That the ordinary ammonia salts ally themselves to the salts of the copper and zinc class, which contain two equivalents of oxide. VII. — That if chlorine could be separated from sal ammoniac, the residual NH4 should be regarded as nH2 + 2h, sub-amidide of hydrogen, as when by removing the chlorine from white precipitate, the sub-amidide of mercury, NHj + ^Hg-, formed by the action of water of ammonia on calomel, should remain. Prop. I. — Of the general positive Nature of the Compounds of Hydrogen. In a memoir which was published in 1831 in the Dublin Journal of Medical and Chemical Science, I pointed out that the general bearing of the properties of the compounds of hydrogen should induce us to assign to those bodies a totally different position from that which the names of hydrogen-acids previously assigned to most of them would appear to warrant. Thus that, whilst we found hydrogen to manifest immensely superior electro-positive energies to those of gold, platinum, or sulphur, it was quite unphilosophical to suppose, that when all of these bodies were combined with chlorine, the hydrogen should be that least capable of diminishing the negative power of the chlorine. I showed that from the considerations which are suggested to us by a fair comparison of the proper- ties of the oxides, chlorides, sulphurets, &c. of hydrogen, with those of the similar compounds of the metals, it became quite necessary to allow, that although in some cases, as where water united with potash or lime, the hydrogen body may per- form the negative function, yet in the vast majority of cases the part played by it in combination is that of positive constituent. I shall refer to the memoir above quoted for the details of the views which I then brought forward ; previously to that time Mitscherlich had already sug- gested, that in the hydrated acids the water acted as a base, but this, from the indif- ferentism of water in the generality of chemical actions, could not be considered Dr. Kane on the Compounds 0/ Ammonia. 65 as leading to any thing like the general principle which formed the subject of my paper. Since that period, although no writer has broadly reproduced this theory of the hydrogen combinations, yet the progress of research has gradually lent to it the most efficient support, by the discovery of classes of bodies identifying in the strictest manner the chemical relations of hydrogen, and of certain of the more positive among the metals. The beautiful investigations of Graham on water as a constituent of salts, particularly those illustrating the conversion of the neutral into the basic condition by the replacement of the hydrogen by a metal of the magnesian family, has shown that in its relations to oxygen at least no line of distinction can be drawn between hydrogen and the metals which with it constitutes so natural a group. Passing to the other compounds of hydrogen, there will be found in the series of researches on the zinc and copper families, a variety of instances in which the chloride of hydrogen is represented with remarkable closeness by the chlorides of copper or of zinc. The examination of the various oxychlorides of zine, in their dry and hydrated conditions, which presents to us the perfect analogues of the chloride of hydrogen in its two stable conditions of definite combination with water, points out an identity of action liable to little objection. Like the chloride of hydrogen also, chloride of zinc is caustic, and when con- centrated reddens litmus, so that the peculiarly acid character of affecting that re- agent is to be found well developed in bodies to which, under any circumstances of ordinary language, the name of acid could scarcely be applied. The relation of chloride of zinc to ammoniacal gas is likewise very remarkable, as indicating the general similarity of action between the hydrogen and zinc compounds : the volatility of the ammonia-chloride of zinc, the permanent nature of the ammonia-chloride of copper, indicate a closeness of union between the metallic chloride and the ammoniacal gas, which brings those bodies into very intimate connexion indeed with sal ammoniac. As this proposition will receive from the evidence of several of the succeed- ing ones a great deal of additional support, 1 will not here enter into any further evidence in favour of it. Every fact which, in the course of these researches, be- came the subject of examination, has tended to strengthen my confidence in the truth of the general principle which the additions to science from the recent investigations of other chemists have likewise uniformly tended to confirm. VOL. XIX. K 66 Dr. Kane on the Compounds 0/ Ammonia. Prop. TI. — That ammonia fiu-^is amidide of hydrogen, and should he written NH2 4" H. The re-examination of the results of Gay Lussac, Thenard, and Davy, on the action of potassium on ammoniacal gas, gave to the interesting views of Dumas, arising from the discovery of oxamide, a stability and importance which must be considered as the origin of all subsequent investigations in that extensive field. When we allow for the various sources of error to which, from the easy decom- position of the resulting bodies, the quantitative determinations of the hydrogen evolved from the ammonia is exposed, we shall find in the experiments of those exact chemists a complete proof that potassium liberates from ammonia precisely the same quantity of hydrogen as from water, and hence that the element remaining united with the potassium is amldogene. The idea of ammonia being itself a base differing essentially in constitution from the oxides of hydrogen or of the metals, prevented the distinguished discoverer of oxamide from tracing in the action of potassium on ammonia, the rational constitution of the latter, and although he recognized completely the identity of function performed by the metal in the one case, and the carbonic oxide in the other, yet it is evident, from the tenor of his observations on all occasions, that he looked upon the abstraction of the equivalent of hydrogen as subverting the constitution of the ammonia, and that the amldogene resulting did not stand in any natural relation to the ammoniacal gas employed. Notwithstanding the remarkable cases discovered and examined by Henry Rose, in which the combinations of ammonia with the various classes of salts ap- peared to correspond so closely with the same salts containing water of crystalli- zation, whence, taken in connexion with the existence of the amldides of potassium and sodium, the symmetricity of nHj and oh might be inferred, and the form NHj.H given to the former ; yet, until the discovery of the composition of white precipitate, and of the similar bodies which I examined, and which was funda- mental to all these researches, instances of the resolution of ammonia into amldo- gene and hydrogen, independent of all destructive action, had not become sufficiently positive and unexceptionable to lead any chemist to express the opinion of its being really amidide of hydrogen, ranking with the oxide and chloride of the same element. This view, however, results almost unavoidably Dr. Kane on the Compounds of Ammonia. 67 from those experiments, although I myself did not finally adopt It until by the development of the nature of the other quicksilver combinations vpith ammonia, the complete identification of the principle of action of oxygen and amidogene, particularly as exerted in the two classes of water and of ammonia sub-salts, left no room in my mind for any other hypothesis. The objection to the assumption of the existence of an hypothetic body, amidogene, which might be supposed to weigh powerfully against the general acceptance of this theory, is deprived of a great deal of its force when we come to examine it with somewhat more care. In order to arrive at an idea of the actual nature of ammonia, and of the position it is suited to occupy in the general scheme of chemical reactions, we must investigate the laws of its affinities, and study accurately the analogies which it presents in its combinations, with those of other bodies of simpler constitution, and the history of which is as yet better understood. From these data must our conclusions be drawn, and decompositions, frequently of an accidental character, and mostly dependant on the peculiar manner in which the affinities of the decomposing body may be exerted, should be considered of but secondary importance, and subordinate to the study of the general history of the substance, although still suited, under proper limitations, to guide us usefully in our course. It is right that the exertions of chemists should be directed to effect the isolation of amidogene, and it is to be hoped that the same success which crowned the beautiful researches of Gay Lussac on Prus- sic acid, will reward their efforts ; but even should this radical, like those of so many of the most important series in organic chemistry, for a longer time elude our grasp, it is proper and just to assume it to exist, if we, by so doing, can obtain a more satisfactory explanation of phenomena, and link together classes of facts previously disconnected and obscure. Prop. III. — That amidogene may combine with metals, and that the metallic amidides have a singular tendency to combine with the chlorides or oxides of the same metals. The formation of the amidides of potassium and sodium, gives sufficient proof of the first part of this proposition, and there have been found in the researches on the ammoniacal combinations of quicksilver, numerous instances of the truth of the latter principle. Thus white precipitate must be looked upon as a com- K 2 68 Dr. Kane on the Compounds oj" Ammonia, pound of chloride and amidide of mercury, and the black substance formed by the action of water of ammonia on calomel must be composed of sub-chloride, united to the sub-amiduret of the same metal. More complex examples are furnished by the yellow powder Hgcl-\-2 Hgo -{■ Bg . NH2, and the bodies UgSO^ + 2 H^O + H^NH^ Hg-NOg+ 2Hg-0 + H^NHj. In the copper family there exist some examples equally remarkable, but which shall be referred to particularly under a distinct head. Prop. IV. — That amidide of hydrogen can perform the same functions in combination as oxide of hydrogen, whether as basic water, as water of crys- tallization, or as the water termed saline by Graham. In the most perfect cases of substitution, where the substances belong to strictly isomorphous groups, the similarity of properties and structure existing through the several classes of bodies formed by the mutually replacing elements, assumes an exactness to which no parallel is found in the instances with which the history of the ammoniacal bodies has supplied us ; yet amongst the combinations described in the preceding sections, analogies and relations have been observed of such closeness, as to give to the truth of the proposition now in question the highest probability. A vast number of bodies, such as oxygen-salts, chlorides, iodides, &c., ex- posed to the action of ammoniacal gas, absorb a considerable quantity thereof, and it is afterwards found that different portions of this ammonia are retained with various degrees of force : the greater part being, generally speaking, ex- pellable by the temperature of boiling water, whilst the remainder clings to the substance with a much higher power, sometimes not being separable, unless the constitution of the body be completely broken up. This fact finds a complete parallel in the relative degree of affinity with which water is retained by ordinary salts and acids. Thus the retention of the basic water by oxalic and common tartaric acids, and the greater affinity of the last atom of water in the sulphates of the magnesian class find in the compounds of ammonia their analogous combina-. Dr. Kane on the Compounds of Ammonia. 69 tions, and one of the most embarrassing circumstances in the present investigation arises from the fact of the relation of ammonia and water being so close, that where the ammoniacal bodies are soluble in water, they cannot be brought into contact with it without an exchange of position occurring to a considerable ex- tent, and the body crystallizing in a state containing both water and ammonia. Thus, whilst by passing dry ammonia over chloride of copper, the body cmc^-|-3nh3 may be obtained, the result of treating a solution of chloride of copper by ammonia is CMc/-t-2NH3-l-HO, in which the third equivalent of ammonia has evidently given place to one of water ; and though the copper, as I have already shown, is separated from the chlorine, however by means of heat both bodies yield cwc/NHg; the one losing 2NH3, the other H0.NH3. Thus, through the whole class of soluble ammonia-copper and zinc combinations, the water replaces, in the first instance, the metallic constituent, and partly the am- monia itself, and it is only when by the application of heat the water with some ammonia has been expelled, that we arrive at the real combinations of the metallic compound with amidide of hydrogen. The basic nitrates of mercury being insoluble, furnish one of the most striking examples to be found of the replacement of water in its basic condition by ammonia. It was proved that the basic nitrates stood in the same relation to the neutral salts as that which Graham had pointed out for the nitrates of the magnesian class; and I showed, in the same section, that the ammonia sub- nitrates were so constituted, that the nitric acid and oxide of mercury remained the same, whilst the water of the ordinary sub-salts was replaced by the ammonia thus : kd representing nh^. amidogene. The yellow sub-nitrate of the red oxide is HO.NOj-f-SH^O. The ammonia sub-nitrate of the red oxide is hac?.no5-}-3h^o. The sub-nitrate of the black oxide is HO.NO^-^- 2Hg-o. The ammonia sub-nitrate of the black oxide is hac?.no5-|-2h^o. 70 Dr. Kane on the Compounds of Ammonia. These examples establish, in this case, the complete similarity of action of hydrogen, whether combined with oxygen or amidogene. In the second part of the present memoir will be found a remarkable instance of the replacement of water by ammonia. There was described a new chlor- oxide of copper, GUcl-\-'2cuo:, this unites with water, forming a brown powder, cud -\- 2CMO + HO, evidently analogous to dry Brunswick green, cud -\- 2 CMo -|- cuo ; but it also unites with dry ammonia to form a brown powder, cud -\- 2 cuo -|- HA£? ; under which form the replacement of ho by cuo, and of both by hac?, is evidently showrn. When once the principle of ammonia being considered as amidide of hydro- gen, has been steadily brought before the mind, the nature of a vast class of combinations, the functions of the ammonia in which had previously presented great difficulty, is at once cleared up. Thus the combinations of ammonia with the chlorides of tin, of antimony, of phosphorus, &c. are at once seen to resemble those which many of the same bodies enter into with water, in equally definite proportions ; thus snd^ + hac? is a white solid body, and snd^ -f ho is equally white and solid. The compounds of the chlorides and oxysalts of the magnesian class of metals present a parallelism still more close, and to which, after some time, I shall again refer. A class of bodies, the nature of which has frequently given occasion to dis- cussion, is the combinations of the oxygen acids with dry ammonia. Of these, the most remarkable and the most accurately studied is that with sulphuric acid, and I shall consider it in these observations as the type of the whole class. There are two opinions of the nature of this body, — first, that which vaguely considering ammonia as a base per se, looks upon the existence of two classes of ammoniacal salts, one merely of ammonia, the other of oxide of ammonium, as possible, and enumerates this and other similar bodies in the former group ; second, that which considers the sulphuric acid and ammonia as being mutually Dr, Kane on the Compounds 0/ Ammonia. 71 decomposed, and water being formed, an amidide to be produced, with which the water remains united. Thus there is SO3-I-NH3 or sOg-NHj-)- oh. From the latter view, although supported by the high sanction of Dumas and many others, I must dissent. We have no reason to suppose water to be con- tained in the compound in this eliminated form ; and unless we find no other legitimate method of explaining its origin and properties, an hypothesis of that kind should not be resorted to. Previous to discussing the first point of view, I must make some observations as to the view of ammonia being an independent base. This phrase has had its origin in the earliest age of organic chemistry, when the volatile ranking with the fixed alcalies, chemists were contented with the observation that there were salts of ammonia, as there were salts of potash and soda, without recognizing ac- curately any difference of type of constitution amongst them. The progress of analysis, however, pointed out the presence of water in all ordinary ammoniacal salts of the oxygen acids, and hence the notion of the independent basic power of ammonia became almost forgotten. Indeed, if one examines what is said by systematic writers on the combinations of the dry acids with dry ammonia, it will be found that no definite or distinct idea of their nature has been formed ; that they are grouped together to separate them from the real ammoniacal salts, which are said to contain ammonium, but that no opinion of their intimate con- stitution has been hazarded even by Berzelius. In fact in order to understand their nature, our opinions as to the words acid and base must be reviewed. We can no longer look upon oxygen as being the sole negative element of basic bodies, since sulphur identifies itself with it in all its principles of action, and the analogy has been extended with some justice even to chlorine, iodine, and bromine. Hence there can be no doubt but that amidogene, which relates itself to oxygen so closely in a multiplicity of instances, may form the negative element in com- binations of this kind, and as water, oxide of hydrogen, acts as a base, so may ammonia as amidide of hydrogen. The difference between the vague old idea of ammonia as an alkali, and the definite principle of the basic power of amidide of hydrogen will be at once felt ; in fact the alkali, the body which resembles and replaces in combination the other alkalies, potash and soda, is not ammonia, but ammonia and water, not amidide of hydrogen, but oxide of ammonium, (of Berzelius). Whilst the amidide of hydrogen, ammonia alone, is analogous to, 72 Dr. Kane on the Compounds of Ammonia. and replaces oxide of hydrogen, or the oxides of the magnesian class of metals. It is this distinctness in the point of view which will enable us to apply this principle in a useful manner. Now, taking the instance before described, there is H.0-I-SO3, similar to H.Acif + sOa; and the circumstance of the latter not precipitating barytes water, or chloride of barium, is at once seen to result from the heterogeniety of the negative ingre- dients in the two cases ; because, arranging the formulee according to Dulong's view, to which the opinions of chemists now so generally incline, there is H -j- so^ and h -\- xdso^ ; and the formation of Ba.so^, which results naturally in the former case, becomes complicated and difficult in the latter. In fact the body Adso^ is quite distinct from any thing belonging to sulphuric acid, and can only give origin to it from a complete destruction of the powerful affinities by which it was at first produced. This view of the basic action of ammonia, and of its relation to acids, will be found to lead to considerations of the highest interest to organic chemistry, but which it jvould be improper to introduce here, in the detail which alone could be of use. Prop. V. — That the so called oxide of ammonium, nh^o, is oxyamidide of hydrogen, and that sal ammoniac is chlor-amidide of hydrogen. The only reason which has been advanced in support of the Berzelian ammo- nium theory, is the beautiful symmetry with which the ammoniacal and potash salts are by it invested, and that as the similarity and replacing power of 0H.NH3 and OK constituted one of the best authenticated facts in the doctrine of isomor- phism, it was but reasonable to suppose the corresponding portions of those symbols, hnHj and k to belong to the same class. The circumstance also of the ammoniacal amalgam preserving so perfectly a metallic appearance, although its density becomes so wonderfully diminished, lent to the idea of the existence of a metal (ammonium) powerful support ; and there is indeed nothing in the theory which I now bring forward to negative the leading principles of that view, by the adoption of which so great simplicity had been conferred on the history of Dr. Kane on the Compounds of Ammonia. 73 the ammonia salts. Thus according to my ideas, as well as in the Berzelian view, the c/nh^ replaces c^k, and onh^ replaces ok in combination, and also nh^, if isolated, should be considered as fulfilling the functions of k ; but in the theory now proposed an additional step is made, by which we are conducted to a closer and more distinct view of the inner constitution of these bodies. When we place in contact two substances both compound, and which mu- tually combine, in order to judge of the mode in which these elements unite, we must examine the nature of the affinities by which a breaking up of the original constitution might be effected, and likewise those which would tend to maintain the two constituents in their primitive condition, and allow merely of their union with one another. On these circumstances, and by the general mode of reaction of the new substances formed, must the construction of its rational formula be founded. If we contemplate the reaction of dry chloride of hydrogen and amidide of hydrogen, when brought into contact, we shall not be able to trace any tendency in the latter to deprive the chlorine of the hydrogen with which it is united ; on the contrary, we find the affinity of chlorine for hydrogen so pre- ponderating, that ammonia, by its agency, may be reduced to simple azote. It is therefore contrary to all first principles of chemical affinity to believe, that in the combination of the chloride with the amidide of hydrogen, all the hydrogen can exist in one group of the formula, whilst chlorine alone constitutes the other; since, if we had amidogene or ammonium isolated, there can be no doubt but that chlorine could take hydrogen from both. That assumption could only become justifiable if rendered necessary by strongly corroborating facts, and it will be found that no facts at all sufficiently in point can be brought forward. Regarding ammonia as amidide of hydrogen, its union with chloride of hydrogen becomes but a particular case, although one of the most important, of the general tendency of chlorides, oxides, and amidides of the same or of similar radicals, to unite and form double chlor-oxides, chlor-amidides, or oxamidides. In fact, if we look to the formation of white precipitate by corrosive sublimate and water of ammonia, it will be seen that the decomposition and combinations are on each side quite symmetrical ; thus, there is 2Hgcl-^ 2HAd= (Hgcl-{- BgAd) + (HcZ-f- HA(/). The two resulting compounds, white precipitate and sal ammoniac, being strictly bodies of the same type, one containing quicksilver and the other hydrogen. VOL. XIX. h 74 Dr. Kane on the Compounds of Ammonia. I sought very frequently to obtain sal ammoniac combined with water of crystallization, in order to produce a parallel to the compound •agcl-\-'2.yigo-\-ugKd, but unsuccessfully. Yet if we consider the close relations of hydrogen and cop- per, and of oxygen and amidogene, we will find in the bodies CMc/ -|- 2 CMO + HO cud -\- ^cuo -\- cuo cud -\- 2 CUO 4" HA6? similar cases, in the same way as quicksilver, gives vigd -\- 2 Hg-o + Hg-o ; and also the soluble ammonia chloride of copper, whether written cud -\- 2H\d ■\- HO, or (hc/+ HArf) + (CMO.HArf), presents analogies fully supplying the place of hydrated sal ammoniac. To sal ammoniac itself the copper and zinc series affords numerous analogues. Thus, the perfectly definite and well characterized bodies, 1. cud-\-nkd. 2. znc^-j- HArf. 3. md -\- HArf. correspond to n.cl -\- HAC? ; whilst we find for the ordinary compound cud -J- (h.c/ + -akd) + 2 ho, the body znd -\- (znd -\- nKd) and also znd -\- {znd -\- hac?) + {no.Hkd), or else zncl-\-iucl-\-HKd)-\-{zno.vLA.d). Dr. Kane on the Compounds of Ammonia. *lb These analogies are so remarkable, that any detailed comment on them is un- necessary. Since the oxide of ammonium of Berzelius possesses a definite constitution only in the salts of oxygen acids with which it may unite, the superior simplicity and distinctness of the present view becomes still more remarkable in its case than in the former. We have seen that in combination with oxides the amidide of hydrogen or of the metals assumes, even in the simplest cases, very complicated formulae ; thus, the Oxamidide of mercury is iig\d -j- 2 H^o -j- 3 HO. Oxamidide of copper is 2 CMAcf -j- CMC 4" 6 HO. Oxamidide of gold is 2 Kuxdy -{■ AMO3 -f- 6 HO. When, therefore, we come to examine the constitution of water of ammonia, a similarly large number of molecules may be expected to be contained in its equi- valent group, and in the fact of all the oxamidides above described, and also that of silver, the analysis of which I was obliged to abandon, being the most dange- rous and explosive bodies, we may trace the source of a facility of decomposition in the oxamidides of hydrogen, which prevents us from obtaining even the degree of definite constitution which has been found to exist in the hydrates of the chloride of hydrogen, although the approximation in the strongest water of am- monia to the formula nh3-|-4ho cannot be overlooked ; and therein also we find the explanation of the want of success in obtaining, in an isolated form, the oxide of ammonium, which has always been, and must continue, an objection to the Berzelian theory. The transition from the view of the constitution of sal ammoniac just de- scribed, to the corresponding theory of the salts with oxygen acids, is very simple, and will not require much exposition. Giving to the oil of vitriol the formula so^-|- H, it will at once result that hydrogen combinations of that form should as easily unite with the amidide of hydrogen as with any of the corresponding oxides; and hence the ordinary sulphate of ammonia becomes H.SO4-I- ha6?, the nitrate of ammonia HNOg -J- HAof. In its common form the sulphate of ammonia L 2 76 Dr. Kane on the Compounds of Ammonia. assumes two equivalents of water, and becomes H.SO4 + hac^.ho, with which very many analogues will be found. Thus in the magnesian class we find the sul- phate of copper uniting with ammonia in a similar manner to form the body CMSO4.+ BAd. In nickel there is m.so^ + ha(/; and in the zinc combinations there is not merely znso^ + ha^, but znso^ -j- hacJ.ho, resembling in constitution the ordinary sulphate of ammonia. It is very much to be regretted that the cir- cumstance of water decomposing these bodies prevents the question of their isomorphism with the ordinary ammonia salts from being fully determined, but it is not improbable that future research may enable some instances to be examined.* • In the Jahresbericht for 1837, (17th year,) page 139, Berzelius, in commenting on the inte- resting results of Heinrich Rose on the combinations of dry sulphuric acid and the chlorides of the alkaline metals, &c., speaks of the combination of sulphuric acid and sal ammoniac in the following terms, which, that work being but little circulated in Ireland, I shall here translate, as the opinions of that eminent chemical philosopher must affect considerably the judgment of chemists concerning the views which I have proposed. " These facts are of great theoretical interest. They appear, if not expressly to answer, at least to give indications for the solution of a great variety of questions. That, for example, whether sal ammoniac consists of muriatic acid and ammonia, or of the metallic body, ammonium, and chlorine. The great analogy between chloride of potassium and sal ammoniac seems to me to speak plainly enough in this question, but distinguished chemists appear not to approve of this evidence, and prefer the former view as the more probable. If we consider the action of dry sulphuric acid on sal ammo- niac as a new form of the question put in order to compel an answer, the answer given must negative the view of hydrochlorate of ammonia. Dry sulphuric aeid, combined with ammonia, cannot be expelled by muriatic acid, and consequently has a greater affinity for it than the latter. It is hence clear, that if muriatic acid were present in sal ammoniac it should be expelled by the dry sulphuric acid. On the contrary, however, the acid unites with the sal ammoniac, and forms a body, which in all its relations corresponds to the compounds of the acid with the chlorides of potassium and sodium, and it is only by a higher temperature being applied that decomposition sets in, and there are formed dry sulphate of ammonia and free hydrochloric acid. My view may be rather keen- edged, but it appears to me that these experiments of Rose's declare with positive openness the sal ammoniac to be chloride of ammonium, and not hydro-chlorate of ammonia." — Page 141. If wo look upon the relation between ammonia and chloride of hydrogen as being in accordance with the old view, that of acid to base, then the criticism of Berzehus must be considered as possess- ing very considerable accuracy and force. But it has been my great object in the present section to show, that our views in this respect require a profound alteration. When we apply to the explana- tion of Rose's results the lights which we receive, in addition, from the change in our point of view, and that we consider the oxyamidide and chloro-amidide of hydrogen as related to each other, Uke Dr. Ka^e on the Compounds of Ammonia. 77 Prop. VI. — That the ordinary/ ammonia salts ally themselves to the salts of the copper and zinc class, which contain two equivalents oj" oxide. The subject of this proposition is one of the most remarkable which I have been induced to adopt in the course of these researches, and the nature of the evidence in its favour will require a cautious and detailed examination of the Individual instances of replacement by which it is supported. I have pointed out already, briefly, that all those ammonia-copper, zinc, and nickel combinations which are formed by solution in water, must be looked upon as combinations of ordinary ammoniacal salts with metallic oxide and amidide of hydrogen, as well as occasionally still more water, at least in their crystallized condition. As the establishment of this principle becomes of great importance, I shall again sum up the proofs of it, and notice one or two examples, which were not at that time alluded to. The progress of the reaction, in which at first a pure ammoniacal salt and a basic metallic compound is always formed, indicates the nature of the resulting body very remarkably ; and when we consider that the bodies generated by dry ammoniacal gas were in all cases quite different, the evidence becomes almost complete ; likewise, where we find that in the quick- silver compounds the formation of the ammonia-quicksilver body occurs from the commencement, and we cannot trace any stage at which the deposition of a sub- cbloride and oxide of potassium, it appears quite natural that sal ammoniac should combine with acids, as chloride of potassium does in some instances, and that there should be so, -f- (hcI-\- axd) as there is so, -|- (ho -\- H\d) equivalent to acrOj -j- kg and 2cr03 4- kc^. On this view there is no reason for the expulsion of chloride of hydrogen as being the weaker acid, but by heat the expulsion of HC^ can easily be understood. We cannot, by heating so, -|- Ho.HArf, expel ho, without other effects complicating the result ; but the reaction in the case of so, -|- Hc/.HAfZ takes place with greater ease and completeness. The compound so, -f- Hcl, formed by Aim6, though not analyzed, evidently resembles so, -{- ho ; and by the addition of ammonia a compound of an equivalent character should be produced. Another similar case is the brown powder, so, + (cmo -f- Hci), which, when heated, gives so, + CMC and h.c^, as there are so, 4- cmo.ho and so, + cuo.Hxd, which give precisely similar results. Berzelius appears to have understood from my description, that when dry c^h is passed over dry cmo.so,, the brown mass becomes moist from free sulphuric acid; that, however, is not the fact, water is set free only when the sulphate of copper is not dry ; the brown mass does not fume nor grow damp ; it does not give any indication of free acid. The body so, -|- cuo.cla is perfectly definite and well characterized. 78 Dr. Kane on the Compounds oj" Ammonia. stance free from ammonia has occurred, some fundamental distinction must necessarily be drawn between the resulting ammonia bodies of the mercurial series and those containing copper, zinc, or nickel. A remarkable example of this kind is furnished by nitrate of silver. When dry ammonia is passed over nitrate of silver it is absorbed in quantity, but by the application of a moderate heat it can be all again expelled. If an excess of water of ammonia be added to nitrate of silver there is obtained the crystalline com- pound analyzed by Mitscherlich and myself, and which, when heated, gives common nitrate of ammonia, metallic silver, and the elements of amidogene. Thus there are two bodies, 1. Ag-CNOj-j-^NHj. 2. HO.NO5.NH3-I- A^-,A o. > indicating the sum of the mutually replacing elements. In the synopsis of the analytical results of the basic sulphates contained in the sections on the cop- per and zinc compounds, the instances given can be so immediately compared with the above expression, that it is not necessary to reinsert them here. Although the general form of the crystallized chlorides of the magnesian group of metals, as was well shown by Graham, consists in the adhesion of pairs of equivalents of water, yet in the construction of the basic chlorides or chlor- oxides the form pointed out for the nitrates and some basic sulphates is adopted; thus, the ordinary chloride of copper, cmc^-1-2ho, cannot be obtained in combi- nation with more water, but the tendency to assume the fourth molecule is shown in its basic forms, thus it may become cud -j- 2 cuo, and thence CUCl-\-2 CUO -{- CMC cucl-\-2cuo-\-no cud -\- 2 CUO -\- HArf as has been already noticed in another point of view. 86 Dr. Kane on the Compounds of Ammonia. In quicksilver there is the oxychloride ugcl -\- 2 ugo ■\- HgO, and then Hgcl 4- 2 wgo -j- Hg-At? evidently corresponding ; but in most instances the basic chlorides follow, like the sulphates, the form of the hydrated neutral conditions, and hence there is zncl -\- 6 zno cud -j- 4 cuo cud -j- 2 cuo as there are two, four, or six atoms of water in the crystallized conditions of various chlorides. Prop. VII. — That if chlorine could be separated from sal ammoniac, the resi- dual NH^ should be regarded as nh^ -}- 2 h, sub-amidide of hydrogen, as when by removing the chlorine from white precipitate, the sub-amidide of mercury, nh^-J- '2,ng, formed by the action of water of ammonia on calomel, should remain. The discussion of this proposition leads to some considerations as to the nature of the so called compound radicals, which of late years have played so distinguished a part in the progress of chemical philosophy. The views which I shall put forward I offer with considerable hesitation, as not resting directly upon experimental evidence, but resulting from the peculiar manner in which my researches have induced me to contemplate the nature of those hypothetic bodies. The fundamental idea that a compound body might so manifest its affinities as to simulate the properties of an undecompounded substance, received its first conception, as well as proof, from the beautiful discovery of cyanogen by Gay Lussac, which continues even up to the present day the most glaring instance of the truth, as well as the most excellent example of the nature of the theory of compound radicals. The extension of the principle involved in the very existence of cyanogen, to explain the constitution of classes of bodies of organic origin presenting strong analogies to the cyanides, although the compound radicals of their series could Dr. Kane on the Compounds of Ammonia. 87 not be successfully isolated, gave to the theory of organic chemistry great clear- ness and consistency, and was indeed philosophically just, since from the facility of decomposition of cyanogen in a variety of ways, we must infer that many bodies of similar nature may be so much more easily decomposed, that in our ordinary modes of operating on them their preservation becomes impossible, pre- cisely as the existence of cyanogen had escaped the acuteness of Proust, of Ber- thoUet, and others, who had experimented on prussic acid at former times. I therefore do not hesitate to place the theory of compound radicals amongst the greatest benefits which chemistry has lately received, and hope with confident expectation for the addition of very many new examples to the list, hitherto restricted to cyanogen and mellon. But what is the constitution of a compound radical ? does it consist of a group, beyond which we cannot go without reducing it to its merely undecom- posable constituents ? or has it, again, a symmetricity of constitution like the whole mass from which it had been eliminated. I shall not touch upon this ques- tion as affecting cyanogen, benzoyl, or similar bodies, limiting myself altogether to the examination of how far our ideas of the nature of ammonium may be affected by that point of view. In sal ammoniac, the chlorine is certainly united with a body which replaces potassium, and if we could discover circumstances under which the chlorine might be transferred to another substance, leaving all the hydrogen and azote undisturbed, then the ammonium would be isolated ; but let us examine what this ammonium should be. The sal ammoniac is chlor-amidide of hydrogen. If the chlorine were removed, the amidogene should remain combined evidently with twice as much hydrogen as constitutes ammonia, and this body, sub-amidide of hydrogen, might well be able to represent in combination, and to combine with, metals. This partial participation in metallic properties is found in other sub-combinations, as in the sub-oxides of copper and of mercury, and hence the generation of the ammoniacal amalgam, its low specific gravity, the sub-amidide of hydrogen being probably gaseous : an extension of this view might illustrate the condition of the isomorphism of two equivalents of one oxide with one of another, (as pointed out in the alums and certain minerals in the last proposition,) the former, perhaps, assuming the form o (ror) : the sub-oxide represented in the brackets relating itself as a compound radical to the oxygen outside. Hence, 88 Dr. Kane on the Compounds of Ammonia. likewise, a consideration of the problem, whether a second oxide be a combina- tion of metal with oxygen, or of oxygen with the first oxide, which I must consider as decided by the circumstance of the atomic weight containing one or two equivalents of oxygen. Thus I look upon the study of the salts of mercury as decisive upon the red oxide of that metal being protoxide, but the examination of the compounds of manganese assigns to the black oxide the form (ivino) -\-o. A remarkable fact in the history of the alkaline salts suggests an extension of the views here discussed, which is thrown out as a speculation, and to which I do not wish to attach otherwise importance. The sulphate of ammonia may be written on the ammonium theory, SO3+0. (nh^), or SO3-J- o(ha 106 Mr. Patterson on the Cydippe Pomiformis. sant. Sometimes it is seen rising to the surface of the water with a slow and equable motion, like that of a balloon, then gradually descending, the mouth being retained in its usual erect position. Next ascending with rapidity, and turning the mouth downwards, or revolving on the transverse axis of the body ; and then abandoning all these modes of progression, revolving on its longitudinal axis, the body being vertical, and in this position twirling round and round the vessel. When the movements of the body are thus varied, how great must be the variety of motion in the cilia by which the body is propelled ! When the movements of the Beroes were thus diversified, it may be imagined they afforded highly pleasing objects for contemplation, especially as they dis- played in the sunshine a splendid iridescence, caused by the action of the cilia in the water. To the various persons whom I met in the ferry-boats, plying between the Corran and Island Magee, their existence had been previously unknown. They seemed to be delighted no less by the novelty than by the beauty of their appearance, and not unfrequently compared the action of the cilia to that of the paddles of a steam-boat. The C. Pomiformis, as now described, differs from the C. Pileus in the num- ber and structure of its cilia, the position of the tentacula, the form of their sheaths, the want of colour in the ova, the inconspicuous structure of the nervous system, the existence of a transverse membrane at the anus, and the position in which the body is held when vigorous and unexhausted. I do not include in these distinctive characters the intestinal vessels which convey the fluid to the several bands of cilia, as it is possible that further investigation may prove tbat a somewhat similar arrangement prevails in both.* When we contemplate the delicacy of structure displayed by the Beroes, we are prompted to inquire how they escape destruction from the turbulent element in which they live. On this subject Lesson remarks, " On doit supposer qu'ils augmentent leur pesanteur specifique pour se precipiter a une certaine pro- fondeur, la ou la mer est calme, et ou les lames sourdes, se font moins sentir."f • Nov. 22, 1838. I have this day, for the first time, had access to the observations and researches of Martens on the Acalepha of the Beroe family, (Memoires de I'Acad. Imp. des Sciences de S. Petersbourg, tome ii. p. 479,) and am glad to find the above opinion confirmed by the authority of that author. In his illustrative plates, drawn from living specimens, the ramiform vessels going out to the bands of cilia are figured in several different species. t Annales des Sciences, tome v. p. 243. Mr, Patterson on the Cydippe Pomiformis, 107 So far as their absence from the surface during stormy weather may be regarded as corroborative of this observation it is correct ; but the procedure appears to be insufficient to defend them when near the coast from serious and often fatal injury. On this subject I would refer to the diary published by me in the Edin- burgh New Philosophical Journal for January, 1836, as to the weather of the early part of May, 1835, considered in connexion with the number of Beroes taken at various intervals during the same period. That they are more abundant in some seasons than in others, may be inferred from the fact, that in the beginning of May, 1835, I took, in crossing the ferry from the Corran to Island Magee and returning, so many as thirty-five. In the same locality, in the apparently more genial month of June, 1838, the greatest number I took in any one of twelve crossings, between the 5th and the 30th of that month, was seven. On the 10th of September, however, in the same year, and in the same place, I took the unusual number of forty-one. All of these were small in size, the largest not exceeding four lines in length. Nearly a month later than this, I placed my net, &c. in the hands of my friend Mr. W. Thompson, who, in the prosecution of his researches into our marine productions, was going out for a day's dredging in the Belfast Lough. In the evening he gave me the unexpected pleasure of seeing nearly eighty Beroes, all of the present species, and rendered still more acceptable by the fol- lowing note : " The entire of these were taken between ten and half-past twelve o'clock this forenoon, the day being very calm and bright for the season ; the wind easterly. The towing net was first placed In the water opposite to Holywood ; about three quarters of an hour afterwards, near to Cralg-a-vade, it was found to contain twenty specimens. In five minutes more thirty-six were taken, in the next ten minutes eight, and In another quarter of an hour fifteen." The ensuing day, 6th October, my friend Mr. G. C. Hyndman, while en- gaged in similar pursuits, employed my net with even greater success, and in the same locality took nearly one hundred individuals, all of them similar to the above. The present species appears to be extensively diffused around the Irish coast. It has been taken at the Giant's Causeway by Mr. Hyndman ; in the Loughs of Lame, Belfast, and Strangford, by the author, as already mentioned ; in the Bay p 2 108 Mr. Patterson on the Cydippe Pomiformis. of Dublin, outside of Kingstown Harbour,* and at Lambay Island, by Mr. Thompson and Mr. Ball, and by the latter gentleman at Youghal. In conclusion it may be remarked, that the species now described combines the characters in Fleming's definition of the genus Beroe : " body with vertical ciliated ribs ; tubular vessels traverse the axis of the body with lateral and termi- nal apertures ;" and those in his genus Pleuro-brachia, " body sub-orbicular, with eight ciliated ribs and two ciliated arms, one on each side." As it seems desirable to place under our view the distinctive characters of C. Pileus and Pomiformis, as detailed in the present paper, I subjoin a brief definition of each. They are the only British species at present referrible to the genus Cydippe of Eschscholtz. C. Pileus.-^Tentacula issuing near the mouth ; cilia fin-like, with slightly rounded outline ; ovaries crimson ; nervous system, whitish cords, and ganglia. C. Pomiformis. — Tentacula issuing near the anus; cilia divided; ovaries colourless; nervous system inconspicuous. • The specimens there captured were exhibited before the Natural Histor}' Section of the Bri- tish Association in Dublin. — See 4th vol. of Reports, p. 72. I am informed by Mr. Ball, that Mr. Bergin of Dublin has preserved some of these animals in a solution of acetate of alumina for fifteen months. In alcohol they have generally fallen to pieces in the course of a few weeks, or become so contracted as to be valueless as specimens. P4 r ^'^^m^^* -Tt> -^j Mr. Patterson on the Cydippe Pomiformis. 109 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATE ILLUSTRATIVE OF THE APPEARANCE AND STRUCTURE OF CYDIPPE POMIFORMIS. Fig. 1. — Magnified representation of this Beroe in the act of revolving on the longitudinal axis of the body. 2. — Internal structure, exhibiting the form and position of the sheaths of the tentacula, and arrangement of the ramiform vessels communi- cating with the several bands of cilia. 3. — The same vessels as viewed vertically ; the dotted figures mark the outline presented in this position by the sheaths of the tentacula. 4. — Anal extremity of the body, with the transverse transparent membrane, and part of the several bands of cilia. 5. — Membranous lobes surrounding the mouth. 6. — Cilia represented in motion. 7. — Cilia of another individual when at rest. 8.— Cilia of C. Pileus ; copied, for comparison, from the Zoological Tran- sactions, vol. i. plate 2. For the original drawings, which are taken from living specimens, I am indebted to the kindness of my relative, B. J. Clarke, Esq. of La Bergerie, Portarlington, with whom I had the pleasure of repeating many of the observa- tions recorded in the present paper. The Beroe is represented of about three times its natural diameter. 110 III. On the Longitude of the Armagh Observatory, given by fifteen Chronome- ters of Arnold and Dent, Sfc. By the Rev. Dr. Robinson, M.R.I. A., &c. Read 10th December, 1838. IHE determination of this important element is at least as difficult as essential ; and whatever be the care of the astronomer it often happens that after years of observations have elapsed, the result still remains in some degree uncertain. The various methods of determining arcs of longitude have each their peculiar causes of error. When the methods of signals can be employed with only one inter- mediate station, it is decidedly the best; but obviously the measurement of large distances is in most cases impracticable, and when many stations intervene the accumulated errors may attain a serious magnitude. The expense of this pro- cess, and the number of assistants required, are also frequently very serious objections. The longitudes assigned by geodetic operations depend on an assumed figure of the earth, whose constants are not well known, whose very existence is proble- matical; and even if correct, it will differ from the Astronomical longitude whenever local attractions deflect the direction of gravity to the east or west of the theoretic vertical. The mere observation of an occultation is the most satisfactory that can be imagined in common cases ; but there is uncertainty enough in deducing from it a longitude, caused by the doubtful nature of some elements that enter the calcula- tion. It is affected by errors in the tabular place of the moon, which are not totally corrected when the declination has been actually observed, as only one limb can be taken, and that is affected by irradiation. It is influenced by the error of the tabular semldlameter, and still more of the horizontal parallax, which is to a cer- tain extent hypothetical, whether given by theory or deduced from observation. And lastly, it depends on the assumed distance of the spectator from the earth's centre, a quantity computed on the hypotheses of its spheroidal figure and given The Rev. Dr. Robinson on the Longitude of the Armagh Observatory . Ill compression, but which in strictness ought to be investigated by independent research. In cases when the apparent tract of the star is very oblique to the moon's limb, its irregularities present a new source of error ; and the final result is, that though the observations may be certain to a tenth of a second, the longitudes deduced may differ several seconds, and the truth can only be attained by a mean of many, taken under circumstances differing as much as possible. The method of transits of the moon and lunar stars, though it afford an easy and pretty accurate approximation, is affected by the influence of irradiation, which I believe to vary not only with the telescope, but also with atmospheric changes. The personal equation is also different in some instances, for the planet and the stars, as I infer from the fact, that the transits observed by my late assistant gave the longitude five seconds of time less than those observed by my- self after his death. In this method, therefore, it is necessary not merely to have observations of each limb, but to multiply the stations of comparison, that among the variety of observers and telescopes a kind of mean result may be obtained. The determination by chronometers depends on the perfection of these machines, and in particular on their rate being unchanged by the agitation of a long journey. This, strictly speaking, is never the case, though it is sometimes very nearly accomplished, and its effect will disappear from the mean of the results obtained in going and returning, if the circumstances of the two journies are nearly similar. Unfortunately it rarely happens that an astronomer has the power of making these experiments on a sufficient scale ; but such an opportunity seemed to Sir William Hamilton and myself to present itself, in consequence of Mr. Dent's chronoraetrlc visit to Paris, and the yet more remarkable notice, read at the Newcastle Meeting of the British Association, of the Chronometric Longitude of Sir Thomas Brisbane's Observatory. Mr. Dent not merely promised us every assistance, but when, having obtained the consent of the authorities of our respec- tive observatories, we proceeded to make the necessary pecuniary arrangements, he treated the matter as one of science, not of commerce, and not only took on himself the expense and risk of the journey, but came in person. The chronometers which he placed at our disposal were fifteen, of which twelve were those that had been used in the determinations of Paris and 112 The Rev. Dr. Robinson on the Longitude of the Armagh Observatory^ Makerstown. These, latter were rated for some days at the Royal Observatory^ Greenwich, and on September 20th were delivered to Mr. Dent. The remain- ing three were timed by the pupils of the Marine School at Greenwich, on the same day. They were packed in two boxes, and kept steady by a stuffing of horse hair, which to me at least appeared a very insufficient guard against the concussions of their rapid journey, but it seems to have been effectual. Much of this journey was performed with the marvellous rapidity of modern improvement, yet it may be questioned whether a slower passage would not have been more favourable ; for the jarring of the railroad is severe, and the peculiar vibration of a steam-vessel I know to be very liable to disturb the performance of a chro- nometer. In this instance, of the total distance travelled, 275 miles were sea, 190 in Ireland in the common cars or stage-coaches, and the rest, amounting to 500, were performed on railways. On the morning of September 22, the watches were compared at the Dublin Observatory, with the transit clock, by Sir William Hamilton, his assistant Mr. Thomson, and Mr. Dent himself; and on that of the following day, at Armagh, by Mr. Dent and myself. As Mr. Dent's time was precious, and I attach little or no importance to stationary rates, he started on the evening of the 24th, after we had again each compared the watches ; and revisiting Dublin on the follow- ing day, and again making the comparisons, he sailed in the evening for Liverpool. The watches were finally returned to Greenwich, and compared by Mr. Main with the transit clock on the 27th, shortly after noon. In making these comparisons, the Dublin astronomers appear to have taken beats of the watches, and divided the seconds of the sidereal clock. Mr. Dent took beats of the clock, and divided those of the watch, and I waited for coinci- dences and separation of the beats, — far the most accurate, but also far the most tedious mode of comparison. My results were, however, almost identical with Mr. Dent's. Mr. Main, I believe, used the same method ; for entire and half seconds only appear in his comparison, as must be the case when the watches beat twice in the second. If we denote by e the correction of a watch when leaving the eastern, w that when arriving at the western station, i the interval of the watch's time between The Rev. Dr. Robinson on the Longitude of the Armagh Observatory. 1 13 the two comparisons, and a its rate, (+ when losing, because it increases the positive correction,) we obviously have L = E— w + eXi, and accenting the letters for the return, l = e' — w' — r'Xi'. If we suppose k = r', that is, either the rate unchanged on the road, or similarly disturbed in the two journeys, then we have ^ _ (e'-w')-(e-w) ^j^ i + i' which may be called the travelling rate, and is given by subtracting from the watches' change between the two eastern comparisons the change between the two western, and dividing by the difference of the intervals; and this obviously is the rate which should be used. We have also 2l = e'— w' + E — w-|-rX(i — 0 (2) from which it is obvious, that if the times employed in going and returning are equal, or nearly equal, the effect of an error in the assumed rate is insensible in the mean of the two. As the expression of r assumes that the longitudes obtained going and returning are equal, it is obvious that when the travelling rate is applied, it is useless to compute them separately. If we suppose that e — w requires a correction e, whether caused by errors in the comparisons, or by accidental disturbance on the journey, then we obtain a value of R by eq. (1), which requires the correction '' ~ I + 1' and the correction of the mean longitude given by eq. (2) I + I' which in general will differ but little from that which occurs if we use stationary rates, VOL. XIX. Q 114 The Rev. Dr. Robinson on theLongitude of the Armagh Observatory. rfL" = |-e + ie' Errors caused by the journey produce opposite effects going and returning, and as the disturbances may be expected to be nearly equal in the two cases, it is highly probable that their effect on the mean longitude is insensible in such a case as the present. Having premised so much as to the principles of the process, I annex its elements. The first column of the following table contains the number and dis- tinguishing letter of the watch ; the second its correction at the epoch of its own time given in the third ; the fourth and fifth are for the return. GREENWICH OBSERVATORY. Arnold and Dent 1034 A + 4".57s.36 20''.0799 4- 5"'.17^92 271.0278 » 1042 B — 0.1.58 20.0847 4- 0,13.61 27.0218 j> 965 C 4- 3.11.15 20.0809 4- 3.24.89 27.0219 » 910 D + 0.19.53 20.0014 4- 0.48.81 27.0271 j> 718 E 4- 3.32.60 20.0805 + 3.44.14 27.0278 91 1663 F + 0.9.33 20.0833 4- 0.30.81 27.0295 » 1155 G — 0.0.90 20.0833 — 0.18.76 27.0322 S> 978 H + 6.3.82 20.0788 4- 6.23.82 27.0315 JJ . 995 I + 2.38.37 20.0815 4- 2.49.79 27.0321 JJ 1152 K + 0.56.77 20.0380 4- 0.53.09 27.0343 »> 1153 L + 5.25.91 20.0789 4- 6.59.05 27.0329 )> 777 M 4- 1.55.36 20.0820 4- 2.2.27 27.0369 GREENWICH NAVAL SCHOOL, REDUCED TO THE OBSERVATORY. Arnold and Dent 820 N 4- 1.15.20 20.2083 4- 1.11.90 26.9722 1017 O — 0.22.70 20.2083 — 0.14.40 26.9722 1045 P + 0.25.30 20.2083 4- 0.49.10 26.9722 The Rev. Dr. Robinson on the Longitude of the Armagh Observatory, 1 15 DUBLIN OBSERVATORY. A — 20»18M5 21 ".9661 — 20"'.8'.72 25'».0028 B — 25.19.22 21.9715 — 25.12.00 25.0076 C — 22.6.00 21.9725 — 22.0.04 25.0062 D — 24.53.50 21.9770 — 24.39.36 25.0090 E — 21.44.66 21.9780 — 21.39.58 25.0076 F — 25.6.92 21.9837 — 24.56.49 25.0104 G — 25.27.30 21.9864 — 25.34.74 25.0125 H — 19.11.95 21.9871 — 19.3.17 25.0083 I — 22.39.63 21.9912 — 22.33.91 25.0118 K — 24.25.35 21.9951 — 24.26.60 25.0139 L — 19.46.04 21.9951 — 19.31.80 25.0111 M — 23.23.22 22.0000 — 23.20.44 25.0146 N — 24.6.83 22.0021 — 24.7.87 25.0163 0 — 25.41.70 22.0079 — 25.38.19 25.0180 P — 24.49.39 22.0097 — 24.39.68 25.0183 The correction of the Dublin transit clock was on the 21st = -|- 35'. 75 by a Lyrae and a Aquarii, and its rate = + 0'- 25, using the places of the Nautical Almanac. It is confirmed by a Aquarii, Fomalhaut and a Pegasi on the 22nd. The correction on the 24th = -]- 36*. 53 by a Cygni, a Aquarii, a Pegasi, and a Andromedag. Q 2 116 The Rev. Dr. Robinson on the Longitude of the Armagh Observatory. ARMAGH OBSERVATORY. A — 21">.29M0 221.9563 — 21'°.26'.95 23<'.9724 B — 26.31.61 22.9625 — 26.29.35 23.9770 C — 23.18.33 22.9608 — 23.16.92 23.9761 D — 26.3.46 22.9645 — 25.58.94 23.9786 E — 22.57.05 22.9639 — 22.55.87 23.9778 F — 26.17.89 22.9674 — 26.14.82 23.9815 G — 26.44.10 22.9683 — 26.46.61 23.9826 H — 20.23.35 22.9647 — 20.20.58 23.9787 I — 23.52.59 22.9677 — 23.50.88 23.9819 K — 25.39.57 22.9697 — 25.40.73 23.9843 L — 20.55.21 22.9683 — 20.51.17 23.9816 M — 24.36.72 22.9722 — 24.35.92 23.9857 N — 25.20.74 22.9739 — 25.21.41 23.9876 0 — 26.53.93 22.9760 — 26.53.96 23.9904 P — 25.59.82 22.9770 — 25.58.61 23.9904 The correction of the Armagh transit clock on September 21st was = — 30'. 45 by a and /3 Lyrae ; f , 7, a and /3 Aquilae ; and a Cygni. On Sept. 23rd, by the same stars, It = — 31'.23, and the rate = — 0'.38. Hence I derive the following longitudes of Armagh ; each being the mean of those coming and returning : A . • + 26"'.35^39 B 36.32 C . 35.46 D . 35.03 E 34.69 F 36.17 G . 35.74 H 35.56 The Rev. Dr. Robinson bw the Longitude of the Armagh Observatory, 117 I . . . 35.69 K . . . 35.12 L . . . 35.28 M . . . 35.06 N . . . 34.67 O . . . 35.12 P . . . 35.99 Me an . . 26.35.44 The consistency of these results is very remarkable, the probable error of their mean being less than OM, but its agreement with the longitude given by other means is not less striking. From solar eclipses* of 1826 and 1836, and 19 occultations, 24 in all, I found + 26.35.58. Three others were doubtful, as the star-paths were nearly tangents to the moon ; but as the sum of the coefficients produced by the uncertainties of parallax and declination is nearly = 0, I add their mean with the weight of two = 34M5, and the occupation longitude is 4- 26"°. 35'. 47. The longitudes deduced from lunar transits give Greenwich, 7 of first L. . . 26 36.26 3 of second L. . . 32.04 Dublin, 30 of first L. „ 9 of second L. Cambridge, 1 1 of first L. „ 3 of second L. 26.34.15 35.16 42.49 26.38.82 38.79 28.38 26.33.58 * The beginning in 1826 ; the beginning and end in 1836 ; and the beginning and end of the Annulus. 118 The Rev. Dr. Robinson on the Longitude of the Armagh Observatory/ . Konlgsberg, 8 of first L. „ 4 of second L, 38.17 26.69 26.32.43 Paris, 2 of first L. . . 42.06 „ 3 of second L. 32.42 26.37.24 The differences are considerable, but I think the mean 26.35.64 must be very near the truth. I have had few chronometric results previous to Mr. Dent's visit, and those obtained with my pocket-watch. Sharp, 1760, during my visits to London, &c. under unfayourable circumstances. They are : Greenwich, 2 pair Kensington, 3 do. Edinburgh, 1 do. 26.35.44 34.54 36.04 26.35.09 But the weights of these being much less than those of the results obtained with Mr. Dent's watches, can only be considered as depressing a little the mean of them. On the whole, therefore, I am not inclined to change the quantity which some years since I gave to Mr. Stratford for insertion in the Nautical Almanac, + 26.35.50. between me ana . A . Uubun are : . + 1M4'.31 B 14.84 C . . . . . 14.56 D . 14.63 E 14.30 E . 14.57 G . 14.39 H . . . 14.30 The Rev. Dr. Robinson ow the Longitude of the Armagh Observatory. 1 19 I 14.91 K 14.18 L 14.13 M 14.46 N 13.73 0 13.95 P Mean 14.55 + 1.14.39 If each of these be subtracted from the corresponding longitude of Armagh, we obtain that of Dublin, such as would be given on the system of computation employed. But I have found by a direct comparison the longitude of Dublin : A a + 25".21^08 B 21.48 C 20.90 D 20.40 E 20.39 F 21.60 G 21.35 H 21.26 I 20.78 K 20.94 L 21.15 M 20.60 N 20.94 O 21.17 P 21.44 Mean . \- 25.21.08 It is, I think, evident, that the original longitude of the Bishop of Cloyne, 25.21.00 is the true one. That illustrious astronomer had latterly increased this a second, probably induced by the result of lunar transits ; but though I am sure he would not have done this without weighty reasons, yet I think the evidence of these chronometers would have been considered by him irresistible. 120 The Rev. Dr. Robinson on the Longitude of the Armagh Observatory. The geodetic diflFerence of longitudes is, as I have already said, altogether unconnected with this inquiry, but in the ensuing summer I hope that we shall be able to lay before the Academy a determination of the differences between Dublin and Armagh, by means of Rocket signals, for which the Honourable Board of Ordnance have afforded us most ample means, though unfortunately too late in the autumn to be available this year. By the valuable aid of Lieute- nant Larcom, I trust we shall be enabled to perform this interesting operation in the most satisfactory way ; and by extending the same system to Mr. Cooper's Observatory at Markree, we shall have an arc of longitude measured in the most perfect manner, entirely across the island. Armagh Observatory, J\rov. 9, 1838. 121 IV. On the difference of Longitude between the Observatories of Armagh and Dublin, determined by Rocket Signals. By the Rev. T. R. Robinson, D.D., Member of the Royal Irish Academy, and other Philosophical Societies. Read 24th June, 1839. In the communication respecting the Chronometric Longitudes of Armagh and Dublin, which I had the honor of submitting to the Academy last winter, I mentioned that it was our intention to determine the difference of our meridians by rocket signals ; this has since been performed, and has given results which are the subject of this paper. The method of signals is the most obvious of all, and under favourable cir- cumstances, the most accurate. In it, the time of one place is transported to another, not by any machine, imperfect in its performance, and disturbed by that very transporting ; the chronometer in it is light. If the appearance used for a signal be instantaneous, the only known source of error is in the deter- mination of the Observatory time, which equally affects all other longitude methods. It appears to have been first used by the celebrated Picart, in a journey to Denmark, for the purpose of ascertaining the true position of Tycho's Observatory. He caused a fire to be kindled on the tower of the Observatory of Copenhagen, which was occasionally covered by a screen, and the time of its disappearance noted there, as well as by an observer at the ruins of Uraniburg. The distance is not more than seventeen miles, and there must have been some difficulty in covering the fire rapidly, as, from a passage in another of Picart's works, it appears to have been three feet in diameter. If, instead of a fire, one of Drummond's lights, placed in the focus of two Fresnel's lenses, directed to the stations, were suddenly covered by a hood, we should have a signal visible at any distance ; which, besides being perfect in its nature, might serve to remove a doubt which has sometimes occiured to me. The impression of a VOL. XIX. R 122 The Rev. Dr. Robinson on the Difference of Longitude luminous object remains for one or two-tenths of a second on the eye : is this duration the same for all persons ? Is there a corresponding delay in the per- ception of light at its first appearance ; or, does the mind take instantaneous cognizance of the action on the retina ? If not, is the interval of time required the same for every observer ? The beautiful experiments of Mr. Wheatstone* show that we can see an object whose visibility lasts only the millionth part of a second ; but our perception of it may not be synchronous with its appearance. All of this which concerns the astronomer might be decided by observing the reappearance of the light, as well as its vanishing. The management of che- mical apparatus on a mountain summit is, however, no easy matter, and Lieut. Larcom, R. E., has suggested an application of the heliostat, which offers the same results : directing its beam to one station, but diverting a portion to the other by a second mirror, suitably placed, the same occultation and reappearance may be effected with the utmost facility. The necessary apparatus was ready, and if there had been enough of sunshine in May, I should have reported on the performance of it ; but I hope that before these longitude operations are com- pleted, I shall have another opportunity. No more mention of fire signals occurs in the annals of astronomy till 1735, when De La Condamine proposed to measure an arc of longitude by means of the flash of cannon ; taking the idea, in all probability, from the ridiculous pro- ject of Whiston. As the signals are generally given on mountains, where cannon are of difficult conveyance, his proposal is scarcely less absurd ; but it was made practicable four years after by Cassini and Lacaille, who used the powder without the artillery. Stationed on mountains, in the south of France, 110 miles apart, these astronomers observed the flash often pounds of powder fired at an intermediate point, and deduced, though but imperfectly, the differ- ence of longitude. Besides the imperfection of their means of getting the time, the quantity of powder used was excessive, and its flame must have lasted one or two seconds. Even with so small a quantity as half a pound, this inconvenience is felt : Professor Santini complains that the signals given with this quantity, at Monte Baldo, in 1824, were not instantaneous, the inflammation lasting ^ of a second. It must, however, be observed, that this is more remarkable when the powder is unconfined, than when fired in ordnance, or in the head of a rocket. * Philosophical Transactions, 1834, p. 591. between the Observatories of Armagh and Dublin. 123 Nor is such a quantity as ten pounds at all necessary in respect of visibility. Von Zach found that even so little as four ounces was seen at 150 miles, by the reflection of its light from the air, the flash itself being below the horizon ; and that it was visible at 140 in the twilight:* and the French observersf state, that at twenty-seven miles one-eighth of an ounce can be seen with the naked eye. These are important as guiding facts ; at the same time, the superior clearness of the air in the central parts of Germany should be kept in mind. This method was again forgotten till Von Zach revived it at the beginning of this century. It has since been extensively used in Germany, J and by the French and Italian astronomers in the measurement of an arc of longitude between Marennes and Fiume.§ Where the localities of the line afford fit stations, this method is very satisfactory ; but, where mountains of the requisite height, and in proper places, are wanting, a sufficient elevation must be obtained by art. I am not prepared to say how far it might be possible to obtain this by " Captive balloons," though the fates of Pilatre de Rozier and Madame Blan- chard are strong arguments against the union of aerostation and pyrotechny.|| The use of rockets in such cases was proposed by Robins, in 1749» and was practised by the elder WoUaston, and some other astronomers, near London, in 1775. More lately it was used on a large scale by the French, between Brest and Strasbourg, and by a commission of French and English, between Greenwich and Paris. The first is briefly described in the elegant notice by Major Sabine, given in the Quarterly Journal, vol. xxili. ; and that part which was done in 1824 is given with sufficient detail in the Memorial du Depot de la Guerre, vol. ill., to enable us to appreciate its value. It seems to have been unsuc- cessful, as out of 300 signals, on each branch of the arc, only six transmissions In the first attempt occurred on one branch, and none in the other ; and on the second trial, out of 360, only thirty-six on the first. It is possible that this may * Correspondence Astronomique, vol. iii., p. 437. t Nicollet Con. des Terns, 1829, p. 381. X For details of some of these by Littrow, see Cor. Astron., vol. vii. p. 257. § Con. des Terns, and Plana, Arc du Parallele Moyen. II Howitzer shells were tried by the French, but rejected, as the flash was not sufficiently bright ; their fragments would, I think, be very dangerous to those who give the signals, and the howitzer not easily managed on a mountain. r2 124 The Rev. Dr. Robinson on the Difference of Longitude have been owing to the bad quality of the rockets employed, as they are said to be similar to those furnished for the English operation, which proved defective, a large proportion of them bursting. They were, in fact, overloaded, the sig- nals being given with eight ounces of powder ; and it seems that in attempting to make them able to carry this to the requisite elevation, the limit of strength was approached rather too closely. None of the distances are excessive. That (La Heve, St. Clair) which in the first line barred all transmission, is but seventy-one statute miles ; it however required an elevation of 680 yards, which probably many of the rockets did not reach. Colonel Bonne, who reports this, attributes the failure to the fog which rests on the Seine, as the line of sight crossed this river seven times ; and seems to think that in all such operations, the passing large surfaces of water should be avoided. Before adopting this conclusion, we should remember that in 1825, when the line was changed, and when no distance exceeded fifty-two miles, no greater success was obtained. Perhaps sufficient attention was not paid to the selection of clear nights for the signals ; as every astronomer is aware that sometimes small stars can be seen almost to the horizon, while in ordinary good observing weather, this is by no means the case. When such favourable circumstances are noticed at the observatories, which are the extremities of the chain, a transmission of signals by numerous intermediate posts, should run along the line as a notice to fire the rockets, and thus success may be insured by a moderate expenditure of blue lights and patience. The operations on the arc between Greenwich and Paris are described by Sir John Herschel in the Philosophical Transactions for 1826, with his usual precision and elegance : the memoir explains the method of successive signals with peculiar clearness, and in particular illustrates the method of using the broken sets to the best advantage. The distances here also were moderate, the greatest (La Canche, Lignleres) being only fifty-six miles ; yet the success was not very great, ten complete transmissions being obtained only on four nights out of twelve, by 120 signals at each of the three stations. It Is however evident, that Colonel Bonne's opinion of the difficulty of passing water does not hold with respect to sea ; for, while 109 of the Wrotham signals were seen at 26 miles, ninety-two of those at La Canche, at fifty-two miles, were visible. These operations were not followed up in Great Britain for several years. between the Observatories of Armagh and Dublin. 125 but in 1834 the British Association expressed a wish that the longitudes of Cambridge, Oxford, Edinburgh, Dublin and Armagh should be determined by the method of signals, and by chronometers. For this object it appointed a committee from its astronomical members, and gave them authority to apply to Government for any assistance that might be necessary. Of this Sir William Hamilton and myself are members ; and I am happy to say that its work has commenced in Ireland. As far as the chronometric part is concerned, there is, perhaps nothing to be desired, except the personal equation of the Greenwich observers, which will be determined when an opportunity offers ; and though the signal-measure, which is the subject of the present communication, relates to the smallest of the arcs, it is important, both on its own account, and as a means of training us for more extensive lines. The Observatories of Armagh and Dublin are situated very unfavourably for the signal-method, there being no point visible from both. About four miles south of the first, a range of hills rises from 600 to 1000 feet above its level ; but these are shut out from the view of Dublin, by a ridge about twelve miles to the north of it, 500 feet high. Even with powerful rockets it was not easy to clear these barriers ; but our difficulties were removed by the aid, and, I may add, encouragement which we received from our friend Lieutenant Larcom. He not only gave us whatever information we required, but added a personal atten- tion to the details of our work, without which it would, perhaps, have failed. Among other matters for which we have to thank him, was a diagram, in which he laid down the observatories, and all the mountains which could possibly serve as signal stations. To each was annexed its height, distance, azimuth at each observatory, altitude affected by the average terrestrial refraction ; and when the line of sight was thrown up by an intervening ridge, the height there, and the elevation at which it passed the summit of the station, and which, of course, it was necessary that the rocket should clear, after allowing for refraction.* This * It is really wonderful how completely every undulation of the ground has been registered in the Survey. The altitudes sent to me, which must have been computed from the general sections, agree with observation in the most extraordinary way. A fact of another kind will show such members as may not be acquainted with these things the precision of the Ordnance Survey. I set a telescope to the azimuth given for Slieve Gullion, and ascended the intervening hill with a theodolite, which I moved till, by signal from the Observatory, it was in the Una ; then I took, with 126 The Rev. Dr. Robinson on the Di^erence of Longitude showed at once that our choice lay between two — Loughanleagh, in the county of Cavan, and Slieve GuUion, at the southern extremity of Armagh. The first would divide the distance better, but as its line passes through the smoke of the town of Armagh, the other was adopted. Its summit, 1893 feet above the sea, is occasionally visible at Dublin, but is 800 feet below my view, the distances being 50.9 and 18.2 miles, as shewn in the annexed map, for which I am obliged to Lieutenant Larcom ; the section beneath shows the character of the intervening land. From this, the necessary size of rockets can be inferred; the pound rocket (1'". 7 diameter) rises 1400 feet, on an average, but cannot carry four ounces of powder, while it is evident from Sir J. Herschel's paper, that the two-pounder (2'". 1 diameter) is quite sufficient. These projectiles, when of such a size, require extreme care in the details of manufacture ; and, if ill made, are not merely uncertain, but actually dangerous ; and the case seeming of sufficient importance to authorize an appli- cation to Government, I made an application to the Board of Ordnance, stating the nature of my work, and requesting a supply of rockets. My reliance on that liberality which I have always found in the Government, when the import- ance of any scientific object is duly laid before them, was not disappointed, and I have much pleasure in acknowledging the kindness with which the Master- General, Sir Hussey Vivian, and the other members of the Board attended to me ; not merely giving the rockets, but tents for the firing party, and other matters which were necessary, but which I had in the first instance overlooked.* I may add, that as a measure of precaution against the interference of curious visitors, two of the police were placed at my disposal ; it was, however, un- necessary, as, though great crowds of the peasantry were attracted by an exhibition so new to them, they shewed every disposition to oblige and assist. Having made all requisite preparations, I proceeded, on the 13th of May, to the theodolite, the angle between the telescope and the pile on the mountain top, where our rockets were to be fired ; it proved 180°. 0'. 0"., or the three points were in one right line. * The rockets were remarkably good ; not one burst, which certainly is a singular contrast to the French rockets in Sir J. Herschel's and Colonel Bonne's operations. Their average rise, on the only evening that I measured it, was 800 yards ; they had, however, only four ounces of powder, but the part of the case which contained it weighed six ounces more, so that they actually carried a greater weight than the French. Seals 20 kHa » One. fii.-/, Veriiad, Scaii m^rrated W t. W.kW AN© SECTDOKS SHEWING THE RELATIVE POSITIONS OF THE OBSERVATORIES OF BUBUJ^. AEMASH iJ^JU BJAJS-KEEE. 1840 between the Observatories of Armagh and Dublin. 127 establish my party at the mountain. This month was found by the officers of the Survey favourable for their w^ork, and I knew it to be equally so for astronomical observations. On arriving, I found all difficulty removed by the kindness of Dr. Campbell, the rector of Forkhill, who had, with the hospitality for which he is remarkable, even in Ireland, provided such assistance that we were able to have the tents pitched, and the stores arranged within a couple of hours ; nor was his attention bounded with this, but continued during the whole of our operations.* The wind blew furiously from the N.W., and next day the snow fell several inches deep on the mountain. I had not reckoned on such weather, but the sky was clear at intervals ; and I knew that even a gale will not affect the ascent of a well proportioned rocket. I therefore left my eldest son, Mr. T. A. Robin- son, in command of the party, with directions to commence firing at ten, and give a signal every five minutes, as far as twenty, unless the night was decidedly cloudy. It would have been better to have arranged signals with him, but in my uncertainty of the quality of the rockets, I was desirous to economize them as much as possible. Sir W. Hamilton (H) and myself (R) had arranged a list of stars to be observed daily, and, as I have stated. Lieutenant Larcom had given us the means of directing our instruments to the mountain with astronomical precision. The signals were, in fact, visible at Dublin, when the weather was fine, by the naked eye, but this could not be trusted to in moonlight or cloud, and they were observed there with Sharp's equatorial, whose telescope, by Cauchoix, has an object glass of flint-glass and quartz, 5'". 2 aperture, with a power of 54. The time was noted by Arnold's clock. At Armagh the locality permitted the use of more instruments. My assistant, Mr. Edmondson (E), observed, by the transit clock, with a 3<} feet achromatic, by TuUey, of 3'". 2 aperture, power 30, placed at the * The tents were pitched at the cairn, which is the trigonometrical point of the Survey. It is of great size, and contains a sepulchral chamber, in the form of a cross. The peasantry open it with great reluctance, and close it as soon as possible, believing it the dwelling of a sorceress, one of whose feats is given in Miss Brooke's Relics of Irish Poetry. Afterwards, when the weather became still more tempestuous, they were moved about 600 yards northward, near the lake which is found on this lofty summit. This new position is about 100 feet lower, but the rockets were much too powerful to make this of any consequence ; they might in fact have been fired in the valley of Forkhill, had I been aware of their excellence. 128 The Rev. Dr. Robinson on the Difference of Longitude southern window of the transit room. I had intended to use my great reflector, with a power of 70, but the rapid motion of the rockets across the field* of view, and the oblique movements of the equatorial, 2". 1 5". from the meridian embar- rassed me, and after losing a few, I betook myself to its finder, 2|'° aperture, power 18, with a field of 1|^ degrees, which proved quite satisfactory. The clock is by Sharp, with a mercurial pendulum. Mr. Robert Finlay (F) was to observe with Troughton's equatorial, 2|'" aperture, power 75, but as the field of view is narrow, and from not being accustomed to such instruments, he was even more embarrassed than I ; he also was driven to the finder, which is a com- mon affair, with an aperture of an inch. The clock has a gridiron pendulum. The equatorial clocks were compared with the transit clock by chronometers, before and after the observations of each night ; and as the simple reduction of these indications to sidereal time is not likely to involve any mistake, the obser- vations are given in sidereal time, as it seems needless to occupy valuable space by setting down the actual clock times noted. They are as follow : May 14, 1839, cloudy, high wind, fourteen rockets fired. ARMAGH. DUBLIN. _, |-Seen, but not observed. , . . . No. 2. R E } Seen. No. 3. R Seen. E 13*. SG". 24'. 68 H 13\ 37". 39'. 10 E observed with the naked eye. No. 4. R1 E No. 5. R E }Seen. iDitto. H . 42"". 32'. 10 H . 48 25 10 * They rose, on an average, a degree of declination above the boundary of view, while the field is but 38 minutes. between the Observatories of Armagh and Dublin. 120 ARMAGH. No. fi. R i;i\ E .51" . 5V. .| No. 7. R . E 56 46 "} No. 8. R 14 E 1 51 "} No. 9. R . E 6 28 ^1 No. 10. R . E 11 28 24) E Doubtful at Dublin DUBLIN. H 13\ bT. 5'. 30 H • 58 0 10 H 14 3 6 10 H • 7 44 00 H • 12 43 10 H 17 33 10 No. 11. R . 16 18 43) E . . 18 67j Marked doubtful at Dublin. No. 12. R . 21 34 23) ^ _ H . 22 49 10 E . . 34 67i No. 13. R >Lost in cloud, ..... H 28 51 10 No. 14. R 14 31 56 23| ^ H 14 33 10 60 E . . 56 my The flash, at lighting the rockets, was seen at Dublin ; the train, as well as the explosion, (which was Instantaneous,) was visible by the naked eye at Armagh. On May l6th, thirteen rockets were fired, but the evening became rainy, and many were missed. . VOL. XIX. s 130 The Rev. Dr. Robinson on the Difference of Longitude No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. ARMAGH. R 13\ SS"" 3r. 80 E . , 31 67 F R . 40 48 30- E . , 47 67 F . • 47 33 R . 45 41 79 E . . 46 67 F } } } DUBLIN. H 13*. 36". 46'. 62 H H 42 2 12 R noted the disappearance of the train in the cloud, which was sudden. E suspected the explosion. H saw train but not explosion, and did not note the time of disappearance, which, however, may sometimes give a good result. No. 4. R . SO". 40^ 89a E . . 40 67i . . . . H . . . , F . . 42 23J The rocket turned before exploding, and was not seen in Dublin. No. 5. R E F 55"". 57'. 79 . 57 67 . 57 43 } H Faint, not seen in Dublin. No. 6. No. 7. No. 8. R 14\ E . F . R . E . F . R E . F r. l4^ 08a . 13 m\ . 13 39J 5 45 78a . 45 65 V . 45 99J 10 48 56 > between the Observatories of Armagh and Dublin. 131 ARMAGH. ' DUBLIN. No. 9. R Lost in cloud. 3 > . No. 10. Lost in heavy rain, though it was clear at the mountain. ;} Observed at Dublin by Mr. Thompson, Sir Wra. Hamilton's assistant. No. 12. R . 30". 39^ 75>v E . . 39 36j> . . . . T . Sr. 54'. 12 i) E . 15". 44'. m F No. 11. R . 25". 55^ 75- E .. 55 66 V . . . . T . 27°. 10'. 12 F . . 55 48, F . . 39 28- No. 13. R . 35 23 94a E . . 23 55 V . . . . H . 36 38 12 F . . 23 22J The rocket-stand was moved, as the fury of the gale made it impossible to remain at the cairn, and all work was impracticable till the 20th, when it was fine on the mountain, but there was much haze below, strongly illuminated by the moon ; and some annoyance from flying clouds. Twenty rockets were fired. No. 1. R 13\52". 38'. 79^ E . . 38 63 V . . . . T 13\ 53". 53'. 70 F . . 39 IsJ Faint at Armagh. No. 2. R . 57". 43'. 79- E . . 43 63 5> . . . . T . 58 58 32 F . . 44 18> '} No. 4. R and T saw train but not explosion. No. 3. R 14\ 2-". 14'. 92- E . . 15 16^ . . . . T 14 3 29 82 F and T saw train but not explosion. s2 13'2 The Rev. Dr. Robinson on the Difference of Longitude AKMAGH. DUBLIN. No. 5. Train seen, but not flash, , . '. T . IS". 37'. 70 No. G. R . \T. 3ff. 96-v E V • . . . T Train, but not flash. F . . .37 22J No. 7. R . 22 24 13 } E . . 23 77 > . . . , - T Not seen. F . .24 22- No. 8. R . 27 19 53- E . . 19 27 5- T Train, but not flash. 19 271- . 19 22) F . .19 22. No. 9. Train seen, but not flash, . . . T . 33". 29'. 70 No. 10. R . 30"". 5.5'. 73- E . . 55 77 ^ • • • • T . 38 10 10 } F . . 55 71 No. 11. R . 42 1 93^ E . . 6 78l . . . . T . 43 17 70 F ■ R noted the disappearance in the cloud. T appears to have taken the same. E was a suspicion. R used the large reflector for the next three. No. 12. R . 47"". 9'. 13>. 9 08 1 . . . T . 48"". 23'. 70 9 20J No. 13. R . 52 9 03-^ E . . 9 48i . . . . T . 53 23 70 F . . 9 20J Barking of dogs troublesome at Armagh. No. 14. R . 57"". 25'. \3>. E . . 24 78[> . . . . T . .58 39 70 F . .25 20J between the Observatories of Armagh and Dublin. 133 ARMAGH. No. 1.5. R 15". 2" .17'. 93 E . 17 78 F • 18 19 No. 16. R E F 7 24 24 24 43 68 69 No. 17. R 12 22 63 E . 22 78 F • 22 99 No. 18. R E F 17 41 41 41 91 28 69. DUBLIN. } } } T 15". 3". 31'. 70 8 38 70 13 36 70 18 55 70 This did not rise into the field of R's telescope, but was noted as above by another person at the same clock, with the naked eye. No. 19. R . 22". IT. 84' E . . 17 68 F . . 18 07- No. 20. R 15 27 16 93' K 15 27 It) \y6\ E . . 16 79!> F . . 17 17-^ T 23"". 31'. 70 15 28 31 20 On the 21st, twenty rockets were fired. No. 1. Not seen No. 2. R 14". P. 35^ 87^ No. 3. E . . 35 73 F . . 35 62 R . 6 15 87> E . . 16 23 F . . 16 02. } } T 13", 57". 35\ 38 T 14 2 50 38 7 30 38 134 The Rev. Dr. Robinson on the Difference of Longitude ARMAGH. DUBLIN. No. 4. R . ir. 25'. 36-v E . . 25 73 V . . . . T . 12"'. 39^ 38 F . . 25 6lJ No. 5. Not seen. . . . . . . T . 17 59 88 No. 6. Not seen H . 22 37 38 H notes that it seemed to last from 36'. to 38' . ; it was probably the train seen through an opening in the cloud. No. 7. Not seen T . 27". 54'. 38 No. 8. R . 31'°. 39'. 82-^ E > . . . . T Saw train but no flash. F J No. 9. R . 36 33 83>v E . . 34 23 i . . . . H . 37'". 48'. 38 F . . 34 7lJ No. 10. R . 41 41 03-^ E . . 41 isl . . . . H . 42 55 38 F . .40 7lJ No. II. R . 47 0 33^ E . . 0 I4I . . . . H . 48 14 38 F . . 0 77J R noted this as low. F lost it for a time, but saw the flash. No. 12. R . 51>". 45'. 23-. E . . 45 44J. . . . . H . 52 59 88 F . . 45 67J No. 13. R . 56 41 02-. E . . 41 04 V . . . . H . 57 55 38 F . . 40 76^ No. 14. Exploded before it rose to its full height and was not visible at Armagh. between the Observatories of Armagh and Dublin. 135 ARMAGH. DUBLIN. No. 15. R 15\ 6". 51'. 02-v E . . 51 24 V . . . . T 15\ 8™. 5'. 38 F . . 51 76) This also exploded at less than the usual elevation. No. 16. R . 11". 52\ 72-^ E . . 52 75 t . . . . H . 13 7 38 F . . 52 76)' No. 17. R . 17 21 6l-\ E . . 22 25 > . . . . T • . 18 35 88 F . . 22 24^ At Armagh the rocket disappeared in cloud, but passed through it, and the train and explosion were well seen. No. 18. R . 21"". 53'. 81- : E . . 53 65;. H . . 8 38 T . 23™. 7'. 38 F . . 53 74 ■ H observed with a night-glass, held in the hand, but is unquestionably riffht. 9. R . 26™. 43'. 29>i H . 27"". 58'. 38 No. 19. R . 26™. 43'. 29- E . . 43 25 F . . 43 73 No. 20. R . 31 44 49 E . ; 44 45 F . . 44 73 } } H . 31 59 08 In consequence of the miscarriage of a letter, there was no firing on the 22nd, the only perfectly fine night of the whole period ; and though nine were fired on the 23rd, of which six were seen here, none were visible at Dublin. The moon was now so nearly full, and so low, that it became difficult to see the rockets at Armagh : and the results already obtained proved so satisfactory, that it was thought needless to repeat the signals from this station. Indeed, bad as the weather was, it was as favourable as that which has succeeded it. 136 The Rev. Dr. Robinson on the Difference of Longitude As the most important part of longitude measures is the determination of the Observatory time, I annex the transit observations, and the clock corrections deduced from them. The instrument at Armagh is 5:^ feet focal length, and 3.8 inches aperture, power 1 60 ; its axis was examined by the level daily, and its meridional position constantly verified by two marks, which being exactly adjusted to the meridian, would also detect any error of coUlmatlon, if it existed. This was insensible, as also is shown by six reversions made on May 25th, for the purpose of verifying the equality of the pivots, the difference of which is given by them = 0'. 0004, in fact, evanescent. At the same time their figure was tried by examining the inclination at every twenty degrees from the northern to the southern horizon ; but though tenths of seconds of space can be estimated on the level, no error could be found. The transits were, except in two instances, taken by Mr. Edmondson. At Dublin, they were taken by Mr. Thompson : the instrument has six feet focal length, and four inches aperture, power = 100. The inclination of its axis was found by the level, on the 8th, 17th, 22nd, and 23rd, = -}-2'. 18; its meridional position by nine observations of Polaris, from April 30 to May 22, and its error of coUimation by four of the same star, on May 20th, reversing between the wires, from which it appears that the observed transits require tlie correction, — o'. 5371 + o'. 6134 tang 8 — o'. 1059 secant 8. The clock corrections are deduced from the places of Encke's Jahrbuch, which for 7 Ursa?, and some other stars, agree better with our observations than those of the Nautical Almanac. between the Observatories of Armagh and Dublin. 137 DUBLIN. ARMAGH CO CO -J m a DATE. STAB. OBSERVED TKANSIT. S o o STAR. OBSERVED TRANSIT. ? 21 o o o c O May 12. O Sirius, 6'>. 38". 5» 26 9 — 2n9 Procyon R, 7 30 54 72 9 —2 02 Pollux R, 7 35 30 14 9 —2 21 a Hydrae, 9 19 43 40 9 —2 03 t Regulus, ^ Leonis, y Ursae, Polaris, S.P. Spica, Level 9 59 50 11 40 54 11 45 24 13 1 5 13 16 47 4- 1" 45 81 36 91 48 13 9 9 8 3 9 -1 99 -1 89 -1 79 — 1 25 -1 80 „ 13. 0 Leonis, 11" 40m .57^ 34 5 — 4^.32 g Leonis, 11 40 54 06 9 — 1 65 ) Polaris, s.p. 13 1 27 00 1 —5 68 y Ursae, 11 45 24 52 9 — 1 50 Spica, 13 16 50 32 5 -4 19 Polaris, s.p. 13 1 6 90 3 -0 96 7, Ursae, 13 41 18 91 5 -4 20 Spica, 13 16 46 61 9 -1 31 Level -f- 1" 45 lowered a xis. „ 14. y Ursae, 11 45 27 10 5 —3 99 Procyon, 7 30 53 97 9 -1 23 i Pollux, Regulus, Level 7 35 29 9 59 50 + 0" 50 33 26 9 9 — 1 36 -1 40 „ 13. Rigel, 5 6 53 15 3 -4 38 Capella, 5 4 49 60 7 -1 63 5 a Hydrae, 9 19 46 60 5 —4 50 Rigel, 5 6 49 68 3 -1 58 Regulus, 9 59 53 94 5 —4 58 Sirius, Pollux, Level 6 38 4 7 35 29 + 0" 85 63 56 6 3 —I 58 — 1 63 „ 16. |3 Leonis, 11 40 57 76 5 -4 77 Procyon, 7 30 54 02 9 -1 29 n y Ursae, 11 45 27 72 5 -4 62 Pollux, Regulus, ^ l,eonis, y Ursae, Level 7 35 29 9 59 60 11 40 53 11 45 24 4- 0" 22 39 28 94 54 3 2 9 8 — 1 43 -1 43 — 1 44 -1 34 „ 17. Polaris, s.p. 13 1 27 00 1 -3 15 ? Spica, 13 16 50 86 5 —4 76 „ 19. Regulus, 9 59 49 73 9 -0 90 © iS Leonis, y Ursae, Spica, Level 11 40 53 11 45 23 13 16 46 - 0" 12 32 83 22 7 6 9 — 0 84 -0 65 — 0 87 VOL. XIX. 138 The Rev. Dr. Robinson on the Difference of Longitude DUBLIN. ARMAGH. J Eli a at u2 tf a s a " M DATE. STAR. OBSERVED TEANSITS. 1 ^ STAR. OBSERVED TRANSIT. 1 S ° S 6 2 o e O May 20. Capella, 5". 4"-. 53^ 39 5 -5«.17 Capella, S". 4'°.48». 50 9 -O'-SS 5 Rigel, 5 6 53 93 4 —5 16 Sirius, 6 38 3 62 9 -0 49 Procyon, 7 30 58 52 5 -5 24 Procyon, 7 30 53 01 9 -0 31 Pollux, 7 35 33 61 4 —6 35 Regulus, 9 59 49 16 8 -0 36 P Leonis, 11 40 68 24 5 —5 29 0 Leonis, 11 40 52 74 4 -0 28 y Ursae, 11 45 28 02 4 —6 05 y Ursae, 11 45 23 33 8 -0 21 Polaris, s.P. reversed, 13 1 29 . 37 60 33 2 2 -4 08 —5 08 I Spica, 13 16 45 59 9 -0 24 • Serpentis, 15 36 28 86 5 -6 19 Level + 0" 15 -0 14 „ 21. Sirius, 6 38 3 15 3 S a Coronae, 15 28 0 46 5 —5 09 Spica, 13 16 45 15 9 +0 19 a Serpentis 15 36 28 84 6 —5 16 V Ursa;, Level 13 41 14 + 0" 42 40 9 -f 0 26 „ 22. Capella, 5 4 63 17 6 —4 94 Capella, 5 4 47 72 6 +0 46 s Rigel, 5 6 53 80 2 —5 03 Rigel, 5 6 47 52 3 +0 62 0 Tauri, 5 16 12 63 2 -5 Jl ^ Tauri, 5 16 6 80 9 +0 35 Sirius, 6 38 8 98 5 -3 12 Sirius, 6 38 2 67 9 +0 27 Procyon, 7 30 58 06 5 -4 79 Regulus, 9 59 48 26 9 4-0 53 Pollux, 7 35 33 36 6 —5 12 0 Leonis, 11 40 51 76 3 4-0 70 Regulus, 9 69 64 28 5 —4 99 y Ursae, 11 45 22 42 8 40 69 Polaris, s.P 13 1 33 10 3 -6 57 Spica, 1) Ursae, Leve 13 16 44 13 41 13 I + 0" 44 67 83 8 8 40 68 4-0 87 Hence I deduce the clock corrections : May 14, Dublin, = — 4'. 25 at 11\ 56'" Armagh, = — 1 34 „ 15 0 „ 16, Dublin, = — 4 Armagh, = — 1 „ 20, Dublin, = — 5 Armagh, = — 0 „ 21, Dublin, = — 5 Armagh, = -|- 0 65 j> 12 47 35 »> 15 0 22 >> 13 22 20 j> 15 50 13 » 13 38 26 » 15 50 between the Observatories of Armagh and Dublin. 139 It will be observed that both clocks were accelerated at the 15""; this was chiefly caused by a fall of the barometer of three-fourths of an inch (Memoirs Ast. Soc, vol. V. p. 125). The mercurial pendulum of my clock is accelerated 0'. 37 by a fall of one inch ; the coefficient for the gridiron pendulum which belongs to the Dublin clock is probably greater, but as the effisct is only dif- ferential, it seemed unnecessary to allow for it. The differences of longitude given by the signals are as follows : DATE. NO. R. £. F. MEAN. May 14. 3 . 1 m.l4s 42 Mean of R (8) 1" .14'. 45 6 1 ■".135 85 . E(4) . 14 80 7 13 35 8 14 36 9 15 26 10 14 86 ' 11 14 67 14 43 12 14 87 14 43 14 14 37 13 94 ,, 16. 1 1 2 11 12 14 13 14 14 82 1 82 37 37 14 14 14 14 95 45 1 46 76 ■°.14». 14 14 79 64 84 Mean of R (5) 1 E(5) . F(4) . 14 14 14 31 64 79 13 14 18 14 57 14 90 „ 20. 1 2 3 10 14 14 14 14 91 53 90 37 15 14 14 14 07 69 66 33 14 14 14 52 14 39 Mean of R (1 4) I 14 45 or omitting the two doubtful R'(12) 1 14 40 Mean of E (13) .14 40 - 11 12 15 14 77? 57 14 62 14 .1 50 Mean ofF(12) . 14 12 13 14 67 . 14 22 14 50 14 . 14 57 14 92 14 50 15 . 13 77 13 92 13 51 16 . 14 27 . 14 02 14 01 17 14 07 . 13 92 13 71 18 . 13 79? . 14 42 14 01 19 . 13 86 14 02 13 63 20 . 14 27 . 14 41 14 03 „ 21. 2 3 4 9 . 14 . 14 . 14 . 14 61 51 02 55 . 14 . 14 . 13 14 65 15 65 15 14 14 13 13 76 36 77 67 Mean of R (14) 1 Meanof E( 14) . Mean of F (14) . 14 14 14 47 41 24 10 . 14 35 . 14 25 14 67 t2 140 The Rev. Dr. Robinson on the Difference of Longitude DATE. NO. R. E. F. MEAN. May 21. 11 1". 14'. 03 V^.UK 24 1 ■".13*. 61 ^ 12 14 65 . 14 44 14 21 13 . 14 36 . 14 34 14 62 15 . 14 36 . 14 14 13 62 16 . 14 66 . 14 63 14 62 17 . 14 27 . 13 63 13 64 18 . 14 57 . 14 73 14 64 19 . 15 09 . 15 13 14 65 20 . 14 59 . 14 63 14 35 Were we to suppose the results of each night of equal weight, and take the arithmetical mean, we should find, K = 1". 14'. 44 E = . 14 44 F = . 14 38 but this condition cannot be assumed ; for a greater number of signals are observed on some nights, and the clock correction is concluded with unequal pro- bability. The probable error of the difference of observed times is, denoting by e that of the transit of a single star supposed the same at each observatory (as it is at Armagh and Dublin in fact), and by s the number of stars, If the number of rockets be r, and the probable error of the observation of one at both observatories be ± em, that of the mean of the night is ± -7=, and therefore that of the night's result (e) = ±eX>/i+i,-|-^^ By examining these results, I find e = ± 0'. 065 and em = dz 0'. 23 for E and E, F being greater, and hence the probable weight of each night between the Observatories of Armagh and Dublin. 141 1 w = * 1+1 + 12 s s r To apply this, the Dublin correction on the 14th Is derived from one star, and the mean of three on the preceding, and two on the following day. I assume * z= 3. At Armagh s' = 3. On the 16th, two stars, and the mean of three preceding and one following give * = 3 ; *' = 5. On the 20th, s = s' = 7. On the 21st, two and the mean of seven and seven give s := 9 ; at Armagh, four and the mean of seven and nine give s' = 11. Hence, calling the decimals of the second of a result l, we have May 14, w z= 0.46154 . . . wl = 0.20769 r 0.27273 0.08182 e May 16, . . 0.34091 0.10568 r Same 0.21818 e 0.22059 0.17426 F May 20, . . 0.875 ^ 0.39375\ r 0.77778/ 0.31040J r' 0.82727 0.33091 E 0.61765 0.07412 F * This expression of w shows, that with us the flash can be observed with about the same pre- cision as the appulse of a star to a wire ; but a more important deduction may be made respecting the method by successive signals. As each of these adds to the denominator of w a term _ r their number diminishes it rapidly. Thus on the 20th, if, as in the Paris and Greenwich arc, we had employed two intermediate stations, it would have been but 0.37 of its actual value, even supposing the transmission perfect. I am therefore decidedly of opinion, that stations of transmission should be made absolute stations, when it is possible, by furnishing them with transit instruments : this guards against failure, and scarcely lessens the value of the result. Thus in the case supposed, w is 0.33, but it will be obvious that in Sir J. Herschel's operation, had this been done, instead of the ten complete results which he obtained, he would have got at least ninety. 142 The Rev. Dr. Robinson on the Difference of Longitude May 21, . . 0.94414 0.44375 k Same, 0.38710 e 0.74356 0.17845 f The final means are, therefore, R = 1". 14'. + ^'•^^^^'^ = Im. 14'. 439 ^ 2.62159 k' = 1 14 + 1:9^^ = 1 14 423 ^ 2.52437 E = 1 14 + 2:21^ =1 14 427 ^ 2.38505 F=l 14 +-5i^ = l 14 270 ^ 1.58180 The result F has obviously far less weight than the other two, which must be attributed not merely to Mr. Finlay's total want of practice in such obser- vations, but also to the small optical power of his telescope. Though it differs but little from the others, I think it best to omit it, and consider the mean of r' and E as the definitive result l™. 14'. 425. But had I used it and retained the two omitted on May 20th, this would be only 0'. 03 less, and identical with the result given by Mr. Dent's chronometers. These, however, require a correction for what is called the Personal Equation of the transit observers. It may appear strange that two practised observers should not observe the passage of a star over a spider's line at the same instant, but the fact is undoubted, and the difference is not of a decimal or two, but in the case of perhaps the first of European astronomers, it exceeds a second. The cause is unknown, but as from its being almost invariably independent of the declination, it appears not to originate in the eye, the probability is, that it is caused by some exercise of thought in associating the indications of the ear to those of the eye. In most cases it is constant for many years in the same indi- vidual ; in some, probably by carelessness, it goes on increasing. The usual method of determining its amount is thus : the observer, e, ob- between the Observatories of Armagh and Dublin. 143 serves the transit of a star at the first wires, and t at the remainder. Each wire is then reduced to the centre ; this is repeated for many stars. If they agree, there is no personal equation ; otherwise, it is their difference. Or they may observe entire transits alternately on one night, and again inversely on a sub- sequent one, each taking the stars which the other had previously examined. The clock rates deduced from these will be ultimately too great, and too little, by the personal equation, which, therefore, is half their difference. Or, lastly, by a method shown to me many years since by Sir James South, which I prefer, as enabling the astronomer to decide several questions connected with the subject.* This requires an equatorial, whose micrometer wires are to be separated any quantity, i% and set parallel to the meridian. Let p, the personal equation, be the correction to be added to e, the time observed by one, to reduce it to t, that by the other ; then t' — e' — p' = i' X secant 8 ; then move the equatorial, by its horary movement, into another position, and repeat the process till a sufficient number be obtained ; then let the order of ob- serving be inverted, and we have e" -f- p' — t" = i' X secant 8 ; and hence we find 2p' = s (t' — e') — s (e" - t'O- If the equatorial were very much out of adjustment, and the hour angle considerable, this process might require a correction, which, however, presents no difficulty. Far from the meridian a correction for refraction might also be required, but such circumstances will always be avoided. I sent Mr. Edmondson to Dublin for the purpose of making such a com- parison, which, after much delay by rainy weather, he effected on August 18th. Sharp's equatorial was used for the observations. * In particular as to the moon. In many cases, I believe, the personal equation for this planet is different from that for stars ; and that even for the first and second limbs it is not always equal. The bearing of this on the longitude method, by moon culminating stars, is evident, as also the mode of ascertaining its influence and amount. 144 The Rev. Dr. Robinson on the Difference of Longitude With 71 Aqullae, 8 = _ 1° 40' by 16 pairs, E' - Ts = 24s 2871 „ _ , 0' 147 t' - e' =24 581/^ - +0.147 25 Aquarii, 8 = -|" 1° 31 by 17 pairs, with another opening of the wires, E — T = 20' 0881 , „ ,^^ T' - E' = 20 412) ^ = + 0-162 Another set of 14 pairs, E — T = 20» 053\ „ ^n^KA T'-E'=20 37l|'^ = + °-^^* 63 Aquarii, 8 = — 5° 6', 16 pairs, E— T = 20»100\„ im^o T'-E' = 20 444) ^ = + 0-1^2 Again 15 pairs, E — T = 20' 207) , n ono T'-E'= 20 613} ^ = + 0-203 The mean of the seventy-eight pairs is -\- 0'.167, or Mr. Thompson observes so much later than Mr. Edmondson. I regret that the moon was not observable. They tried the sun's second limb, and found by 14 pairs p = + 0.225. Hence, our true difference of longitude is by Rocket signals . 1". 14'. 258 Chronometers . . 14 220 I stated that it appeared unnecessary to continue the signals at Slieve Gullion ; and this, I hope, will be admitted in reference to the object proposed, the determination of the arc of longitude between Dublin and Armagh. As, however, calculating on the number of failures in the French rockets, I had got more than proved to be required, it is my intention to employ the re- mainder in a way, which, while it verifies the present work, will determine the between the Observatories of Armagh and Dublin. 145 position of another point, likely to become of great importance, the Observatory of E. J. Cooper, Esq., at Markree ; which, not merely from the magnificence of its instruments, but the intention of its possessor to make it a permanent estab- lishment, merits this distinction. It will be seen, on referring to the map, that the high mountain Cultiagh, in Leitrim, has been selected with this view : it is visible from Markree, barely hid from Armagh by Cairnmore ; and, though eighty-two miles from Dublin, yet, as 1700 feet above its summit will reach the view at that place, this, also, is completely within the scope of these rockets. If there be any fine weather in autumn, I hope to perform this then ; and, afterwards it will be our object to connect the Irish observatories with those of Scotland and England. Several points in Antrim are visible from Armagh, and also from the west coast of Scotland : and if the method of successive signals were employed, there is no difficulty in reaching Edinburgh. But for reasons already given, I would use this only as a last resource, and then make the inter- mediate stations absolute, which, if they are chosen at primary points of the tri- angulation, is likely to give very useful geodetic information. But in the present instance I conceive it quite possible, by using large rockets, to effect the junction with one signal station. The mountain Goatfell, in the Island of Arran, has been chosen as the station. Its height is 2865 feet, and if the rockets can add to this 3300, they will be in view both here and at Edinburgh, the distances being 105 and 86 miles. That this can be accomplished is certain, for a few which I made recently, no heavier than those which have been described, rose, with four ounces of powder, 4.500 feet ; and if the Board of Ordnance continue their powerful aid to us, I am confident of success.* Similar rockets will, I think, also connect immediately Oxford with Dublin. If fired on Plinlimmon, 1500 feet will bring them within view of the latter, and also of the other, probably, unless the circumstances of the ground in its vicinity forbid it. But as to this I have not yet consulted my geodetic Mentor. If, however, it be necessary to observe them from one of the neighbouring hills, * Since this was written, the Board have granted my application for a supply of rockets capable of ascending to the required height. VOL. XIX. U 146 The Rev. Dr. Robinson on the Difference of Longitude, Sfc. that is scarcely an objection, if it be so near the observatory that time can be transmitted certainly by powder signals, as they can be multiplied to any , extent. The junction of Oxford with Greenwich is a matter of no difficulty. T. R. ROBINSON. Armagh Obsebvatoby. 147 V. On the Direction and Mode of Propagation of the electric Force traversing interposed Media. By George J. Knox, Esq., A. M., M.R.I.A. Read February 11, 1839. Whatever theory be adopted to explain the passage of the electric force traversing an intervening fluid or solid substance not undergoing electrolyzation, — whether we suppose it to originate in an inductive influence affecting the circumambient ether of each particle of the substance in the line of direction of the force, in whose alternate states of induction and equilibrium consists the pas- sage of the electric current, (the rapidity of such changes constituting its inten- sity,) while the vibratory motion produced in the particles of the ether on each successive return to a state of equilibrium causes the phenomena of the light and heat developed ; or whether we adopt the gross conception of the passage of a fluid ; still it is important to determine if the electric force passes along the surface of the interposed substance, or through the interior of its mass. Dr. Faraday* has shown that water will convey a feeble current of electricity, without undergoing electrolyzation. To determine whether, under such circum- stances, it will convey an electrical current along its surface or through its substance, a glass tube, ten feet long, and half an inch internal diameter, bent in the centre twice at right angles, was filled with distilled water. Two copper wires, twenty feet long, having platina wires soldered to their extremities, were inserted in barometer tubes of six feet in length, the platina wires being sealed in the tubes within half an inch of their extremities. The other ends of the cop- per wires were connected with a delicate galvanometer, and a constant battery of successively one, two, four, &c. pair of elements. On immersing the platina wires in the liquid, their relative distances from each other should decrease if the current passes through the water, but should • Series VIII. (970.) U 2 148 Mr. Knox on the Direction and Mode of increase if it passes along the surface, the deflexion of the galvanometer indicating the path. With one pair of elements there was no deflexion of the galvanometer^ with two pair of elements there was a slight deflexion visible through a lens, which increased slightly on immersing the platina wires in the liquid. With four pair of elements, a deflexion of two degrees took place when the platina wires were on the surface of the water ; a deflexion of four degrees when they were immersed to the bottom of the tubes. As the number of alternations in the battery increased, so did proportionably the comparative deflexions of the galvanometer : the experiments proving that water, whether undergoing elec- trolization or not, conveys an electric current through its substance, and not along its surface, and that the decomposition of the water is an effect produced by the passage of the electricity when of sufficient intensity, and not the neces- sary consequence of its passage. A similar experiment having been tried with phosphorus melted under spirits of wine, (being a non-conductor,) it was found to Obey the same law with water ; that is, to convey the current through its substance.* To determine whether the metals followed the same law, I suspended from the top of the new patent shot tower at Waterloo-bridge a leaden pipe, 170 feet long, and three-fourths of an inch Internal diameter, through which was drawn an insulated copper wire, 180 feet long, one extremity of which being soldered to the inside of the end of the pipe, this end was sealed with fused metal, and to its external surface was soldered a copper wire of the same length as the former ; round the tube, at its orifice, was twisted a copper wire ten feet long. The insu- lated wire being connected with a constant battery of one pair of elements in contact with one pole of an exceedingly delicate galvanometer, (constructed by Mr. E. M. Clarke of the Lowther Arcade, ) the other pole of the galvanometer was brought successively in contact with the extremities of the uninsulated wires. The deflexion was greater when the current passed along the wire connected with the orifice of the tube, (although here the contact was not so good,) than when it passed along that soldered to the sealed extremity. Again, the uninsulated wires being connected with separate galvanometers, • It was unnecessary to try similar experiments with the analogous bodies, sulphur, selenium, and iodine. Propagation of the Electric Force. 149 so as to allow the current of electricity to pass along either of the uninsulated wires alone, or to be distributed between both, it was found (as well as could be determined by transposing the galvanometers,) to have divided itself into two equal currents flowing along both wires. From the first experiment we may infer that a current of electricity passes with greater facility along the surface of a metal than through the interior of its mass, although we cannot hereby infer that it could not pass through the inte- rior of the metal, when this is the only road open for its transit.* To the experiments with phosphorus it might be objected that its capability for conducting an electric current is due to the presence of water, of which some have supposed that it could not be entirely deprived, although the experiments of Sir H. Davy, wherein he obtained hydrogen and oxygen from sulphur and phosphorus by heating them in contact with potassium and sodium, and by sub- mitting them to the electrolytic action of a powerful galvanic battery, did not prove that they were united with the basis of these substances in such proportions as to form water, nor indeed does he appear to have entertained such an opinion himself. His opinion of the nature of sulphur was, that it was "a compound of small quantities of oxygen and hydrogen, with a large quantity of a basis, that produces the acids of sulphur In combustion, and which, on account of its strong attraction for other bodies, will probably be difficult to obtain In Its pure form."f To put the question beyond any further doubt, I will mention some experiments which I tried In the Laboratory of the Royal Dublin Society in the year 1837, having had, through the kindness of Professor Davy, a galvanic battery of sixty pair of plates, five Inches square, put at my disposal. When fused phosphorus, sulphur, selenium and Iodine, were submitted sepa- rately to the action of this battery charged with a strong acid solution, they conveyed the electrical current freely during the whole time, giving a spark whenever contact was broken ; yet at the end of two hours they showed not the * The high conducting power of mercury for electricity renders it almost impossible to deter- mine, by this method, whether metals in i\ie fluid state obey the same laws of conduction as when in the solid state. If they do not, it is highly probable there is a general law, that all solids condixct along their surface, and all fluids through their substance. The investigation of such general law I propose to continue in another paper. I Bakerian Lecture, 1809. 1 50 Mr. Knox on the Direction and Mode of slightest trace of decomposition, no gas being evolved at either pole, which would have been the case had there been any water present. Having by these experiments shown the direction of propagation of the electric force, I will now consider the source from which it originates in the voltaic pile, the mode of its transfer, and its sustaining principle. Sir H. Davy's* opinion that the contact of the metals was \}a.Q 'pr'imum mobile of voltaic excitement, having been proved by Dr. Faradayt to be erroneous, chemists are now pretty generally agreed that the electrical force developed in the voltaic pile is due altogether to chemical action, concerning which there are different opinions ; of these, I will mention two, which are the most applicable to the present argument — Dr. Faraday'st and Mr. Becquerers.§ The former supposes that the development of electricity is due to decomposition alone, and in no case to the chemical union of bodies, while the latter contends that it is due to both, and in proof of his opinion shows that when an alkali unites with an acid, with a neutral salt, and in fact with any solution whose natural state is with re- gard to it electrically negative, a current of electricity will flow from the alkali to that solution. Sir H. Davy|| has taken a different view of these experiments from Mr. Becquerel, supposing that the electric current is produced by the ac- tion of the acid or alkali upon the platinum plates ; but the latter has shown that the electrical current is produced equally when no such action could take place, the platinum poles being placed in separate cups filled with water.lj The accuracy then of Mr. Becquerel's experiments having been fully esta- blished, the question arises, how are we to reconcile them with other well known contradictory facts ? such as for instance those of Sir H. Davy,** — solid potash and sulphuric acid combining in an isolated platinum crucible, and causing no electrical development. Again, a plate of copper and of sulphur, when heated, have their electrical states increased until chemical action begins, when they cease. * Phil. Trans., Bakerian Lecture, 1826. t Eighth Series, (880). X Eighth Series, (927) (928). § Tom. ii. from page 77 to 81. II Phil. Trans., Bakerian Lecture, 1826. T He might have added another experiment, free from all objections — namely, the increased intensity consequent upon an increased number of alternations of acid and alkali. •* Phil. Trans., Bakerian Lecture, 1807. Propagation of the Electric Force. 151 The simplest and clearest course, and that most reconcileable with the laws of statical electricity, seems to me to be : — to consider that no electrical development is caused by the union of an alkali with an acid, (the electricity being thereby dis- guised,) but that, at the instant before the union takes place, the particles of the alkali and of the acid, being in opposite electrical states, affect their surrounding particles by induction, causing thereby a feeble current of electricity to circulate from the acid through the galvanometer to the alkali, which supposition is borne out by the fact that a dry acid and alkali, when in contact, show opposite electrical states. The same arguments apply equally well with regard to thermo-electricity. The contact of two metals produces in them opposite electrical states. Their chemical union in an Isolated vessel gives no electrical development ; thus a " solid amalgam of bismuth and lead become liquid when mixed together, with- out producing any electrical effect." * Again, " a thin plate of zinc placed upon a surface of mercury, and separated by an insulating body, is found to be positive, the mercury negative ; but when kept together a sufficiently long time to amalgamate, the compound gives no signs of electricity."* These experiments explain why the contact of the two extremities of metallic wires, constituting a closed circuit, should, as the potash and nitric acid just mentioned, produce an induced electric current. That the electric states of dif- ferent metals in contact, when excited by heat, do not follow the law of their natural electrical states, and change on increase of temperature, is no argument against the explanation I have given, for upon what this change in the electrical excitation produced by heat depends, whether upon a peculiar arrangement of the crystalline parts of the metal, or of their compound elementary particles, we are as yet perfectly ignorant. That the same general law of the contact of metals and of fluids applies equally (although in an inferior degree, owing to their want of conducting power) to the contact of the gases, may be shown by the experiment of Dr. Faraday (Sixth Series) of the union of hydrogen and oxygen by a plate of pla- tinum ; the electrical force, which circulates by the Interposed platinum plate, facilitating the union of the two gases.f * Phil. Trans., Bakerian Lecture, 1807. ■\ Aqueous solutions of different gases, when brought into contact, have been found to produce electrical currents. 152 Mr. Knox on the Direction and Mode of To return to the source of the voltaic force in the battery. Zinc, when placed in contact with a dry acid, has been found to become positively electrified. When the zinc plate h>!as been immersed in the acid solution, being positive, it attracts oxygen, by union with which its electrical state is disguised, while the hydrogen, set free in a highly positive electrical state, reacts upon the oxide of zinc, rendering it negative by induction. The platinum wire connecting the posi- tive solution with the negative zinc plate, reduces all for the moment to a state of equilibrium, so that the electricity becomes disguised, not transfen-ed bodily from the platinum to the zinc ; which state of equilibrium is no sooner restored than it is destroyed, the zinc regaining its positive state, and the oxide being removed by the acid. If we consider then what takes place, we shall perceive that the zinc plate un- dergoes alternate states of induction and equilibrium, as do likewise the particles of the solution between the zinc and platinum plates, and, in fine, the platinum plate itself, and that as the number of alternations of zinc and platinum increases, the electrical energy of the zinc plate increases, as does also the rapidity of its oxidation and deoxidation, and as a consequence the rapidity of change of induction and equilibrium upon which the intensity of the current depends. The decomposition of the electrolyte may be considered to be the effect produced by two forces acting upon its particles ; the attraction of the poles* of the battery (whether they be metal, water, or air) originating, while the electrical states induced upon the particles give the direction to the electrolytic action. From what has been said above, we may, I think, presume that an electric current originates in a natural electro-inductive power of bodies when brought into contact, and is continued by alternate states of induction and equilibrium, the rapidity of change of state constituting its intensity. And inasmuch as the accumulation of the electric ether on the surface of the particles by the inductive * In place of poles, I should more properly have said electrodes, their bounding surfaces. It follows, as a consequence of the theory, that the particles of oxygen in contact with the electrodes should be attracted by, and set free from, those electrodes upon each alteniation of the states of induction and equilibrium ; and that, when the induced state has not sufficient energy to overcome the affinities already engaged, the current of electricity passes without producing electrolyzation. For a different explanation, vid. Dr. Faraday's Series of Researches, 493, 494, 495, 534, 535, 536, 337, 807. Propagation of the Electric Force. 153 force, and its recession on each return to a state of equilibrium produces what may be called an oscillation in the ether, the theory may be otherwise stated thus : — the mass of oscillating ether which surrounds the particles constitutes the quantity, while the rapidity of the oscillations constitutes the intensity of an electric current. The late experiments of Dr. Faraday upon induction (Eleventh Series) shew- ing that an insulated body (the particles of bodies may be presumed to be such) cannot receive an absolute charge of electricity, but only an inductive charge, afford a strong argument in favour of my views. The theory proposed in this paper, and deduced from the experiments of Sir H. Davy, given in his Bakerian Lectures, is an extension of the views therein developed, reconciles the contact with the chemical theory, and re- duces to the laws of statical electricity all the phenomena of electricity in motion. I will now endeavour to show how the law of the definite nature of electro-chemical decomposition, so beautifully developed by Dr. Faraday, follows as a consequence from this theory. Were the particles of all bodies endued with the same quantity of electricity, and of the same density, it is evident from the laws of statical electricity, that no one body could have an attraction or repulsion for another ; consequently, it is an evident fact, that the quantity and density of the electric ether varies in different bodies ; and as, from the theory above stated, electricity never leaves the particles, but merely (to use the words of statical electricity) accumulates upon the surface, and returns, it follows that the electri- cal states of the particles of bodies are constant and unalterable, and therefore it is obvious that the law discovered by Dr. Faraday follows as a consequence from this hypothesis, which is at once clear and simple, which includes all the phenomena, and is but a reference of the laws of statical electricity to the par- ticles of bodies in place of their masses. VOL. XIX. 154 Mr. Patterson on the Bolina Hibernica. VI. On the Bolina Hibernica. By Robert Patterson, Esq., Member of the Natural History Society of Belfast. Read November 11, 1839. In a paper on the Cydippe pomiformls, read before the Royal Irish Academy in December, 1838, and published in the present volume,* the occurrence on our coast of another species of ciliograde was mentioned, its figure described, and some particulars respecting its economy brought forward. The present is intended as a sequel to the former communication respecting this animal, the Bolina Hibernica. The specimens from an examination of which I am enabled to give the particulars here recorded, were obtained the 11th of July, 1839, when I was Explanation of the Figures. F^, 1. Front view. 2. Lateral view. 3. Anterior portion viewed from above. 4. Posterior portion seen from beneath. Ante, page 91. Mr, Patterson on the Bolina Hibernica. 155 lodging at Bangor, county of Down ; and such was their abundance on that day, that in the course of twenty-five minutes, one hundred and twenty-six individuals were taken in the bay by means of two small canvass towing nets. On several occasions, both before and after that date, my efforts to obtain specimens were totally unsuccessful. The general movement of the animal appears more deliberate, or less vivacious than that of the Cydippe pomiformis, though always graceful and varied. The spiral motion on an axis, mentioned by Mertens as the mode of locomotion, may occasionally be seen, but is not habitual. Like Cydippe pomi- formis, it generally swims in an erect position, with the mouth upwards. Its increase of power does not seem proportionate to its increase of size, for a small medusa of the genus Geryonia of Cuvier, which chanced to be thrown into the glass, attached its peduncle to a Bolina from twelve to sixteen times its own bulk, and with great apparent ease towed it round the vessel, reminding the spectator of a pigmy steam tug towing a stately merchantman. This species of beroe is extremely susceptible of injury, and hence, when any number are taken, some are sure to be found in a shattered state, perhaps, with so much as one-half of the body torn away. Any of the cilia detached from the body, along with a small piece of skin, will continue to vibrate for many hours ; this is particularly apparent in the four tentacula, and in the four ciliated rings or orifices, from which these organs are protruded. In both, we do not merely behold marginal cilia in rapid and continuous motion, but their number and variety of position is such, that the mutilated part to which they belong, is moved about with the briskness and activity which we are apt to regard as characteristic of a perfect and vigorous animal. Under each of the bands of cilia, two aqueous currents are easily discernible, one ascending, and one descending with great regularity.* The tentacula were formerly mentioned as " extremely beautiful in appear- ance, both from their transparency, and from the numerous minute, delicate, pointed cilia along their edges." Their great attraction, however, is their versatility of form. They may be seen pointed, erect, and hollowed longltudi- * In a communication on C. Pileus, made by Mr. Garner, at the late meeting of the British Association, it was stated that such currents are occasioned by the action of minute internal cilia, placed on the parietes of the vessels. x2 156 Mr. PATTERSOisr on the Bolina Hibernica. nally like the ears of a horse, or somewhat funnel shaped, and occasionally either flattened or concave, with the extremity rounded. At times their position is horizontal, at others they hang " loosely down like the ears of a lap-dog, or are curved like the petals of the martagon lily." A whitish cord-like body extends round the orifice of the mouth ; another round each of the four apertures, whence the tentacula issue. From each of the longer bands of cilia, a similar cord of a whitish milky colour, extends over the lobes at the mouth, touches the one first mentioned, and is con- tinued to the four orifices already noticed, one going to each.* These orifices are connected in a similar manner with each, those on the same side of the body by a sti'aight cord, those on opposite sides by an arched one, which adapts itself to the expansions or contractions of the body. The cords from all the bands converge near the anal extremity. The two prominent lobes adjoining the mouth, and which sometimes consti- tute one-fifth of the entire length of the animal, are not permanent in their form, but vary not only in the regularity of their outline, but also in the extent to which they are distended, and at times, especially when the animal is in an exhausted state, become so reduced in size as to be scarcely perceptible. During the time the drawings were in progress, specimens of the animal were kept in glass vessels of various dimensions, for the convenience of reference and examination, and one of these containing several individuals, was placed on the mantle piece, adjoining to some glasses filled with garden flowers. On looking at these through the transparent body of the Bolina, the flowers were seen so distinctly, that the several kinds were at once recognised, and the parts of fructification in some campanulate corollas, were with ease distinguished. On taking a glass containing one of these heroes into a dark room, no luminosity was apparent, but on its being shaken, transient gleams of light were emitted. The animal was then taken and plunged in a glass of fresh water, which appeared instantaneously filled with innumerable small bright globules * The following passage in Jones's" Outline of the Animal Kingdom," occurs in treating of the Beroeform species of Ciliograde Acalephse. " From both extremities of the digestive cavity, arise vascular vessels, one surrounding the oral, and the other the anal portions of the body: from these two rings eight double vessels arise, which run longitudinally from one pole to the other of the creature, beneath each of the cartilaginous ribs, upon which the cilia are placed." — p. 73. Mr. Patterson on the Bolina Hihernica. 157 of fire, all in motion and rapidly disappearing ; and on a light being brought, the Bolina was found lying lifeless at the bottom. In glasses containing a few individuals, flashes of light were given out, sufficient to render the figures on the dial plate of a watch visible for a moment, but too transient to allow the hour to be observed. Two large opaque vessels, each containing twenty or thirty individuals, were next subjected to examination in the dark cellar in which they had been placed. On agitating the first of these, light of a pale green tinge seemed instantly to diffuse itself through the water. On doing the same with the second, the whole contents of the vessel became lighted up so completely, as to render all the adjacent objects visible for a moment. On stir- ring it round, the animals were seen like lamps suspended in the water, to which their own radiancy imparted* a milder and fainter effulgence. On touching them with the hand, light was invariably given out with increased brilliancy, the bands, and every portion of the cilia being distinctly exhibited, with a splendid greenish lustre as beautiful as it was evanescent. It was impossible to behold these bodies of innocuous fire, floating amid the brightness which they themselves diffused, and not feel, that to convey an adequate idea of their beauty, would be a task more fitted for the imagery of the poet, than the language of the naturalist. Being obliged to leave Bangor early next morning, the sea water in one of the larger vessels was not changed during the day, and in consequence of this neglect, I found, on my return at night, that all its occupants had died. The water, owing to their decomposition, then presented a discoloured milky appear- ance, and emitted a peculiar and disagreeable odour. On being agitated in the dark, no light was given out, thus proving that the luminosity of the previous evening was peculiar to the living animal, and was not extended to the putres- cence of its decaying parts. This species, and the Beroe fulgens of Macartney, taken by J. Templeton, Esq., on the Down coast, are the only Irish cilio- grades in which the luminous power has hitherto been observed. Being desirous of ascertaining if the present species had been recognized in any other localities, I exhibited the accompanying figures at the late meeting * " lis brillent pendant la nuit, comme autant de lumieres suspendues, dans les eux." — Lamarcli. 158 Mr. Patterson on the Bolina Hihernica. of the British Association in Birmingham, and solicited information on the subject. It was unknown to any of the naturalists then present ; and my friend Edward Forbes, Esq., who communicated a valuable paper " on the Ciliogrades of the British Seas," pronounced it to be distinct from any of the eight species enumerated by him. As it does not appear to have been previously recorded, either by British or Continental writers, the specific name Hibernica, before applied provisionally, may now be regarded as permanent. It would be premature to say the same of its generic title ; for although it agrees with the Bolina of Mertens more nearly than with any other at present defined or figured, we recognise in the diminished size of the lobes, and in the more extended portion of the longer bands occupied by cilia, a still nearer approach to the true heroes ; so that it is possible when we attain a more extended knowledge of the various species of ciliogrades, the present may be referred to an intermediate genus, yet to be established, or ranked with some of those now existing, under one common and comprehensive appellation. The localities in which it has hitherto been observed are, Larne Lough, county of Antrim, (R.Patterson); Bangor, Bay, (R.Patterson); Strangford Lbugh, county of Down, (W. Thompson) ; Lambay Island, county of Dublin, (R. Ball, and W, Thompson) ; and Youghal Harbour, county of Cork, (R. Ball). The present species is not likely to be confounded with either of its two congeners, — B. elegans, of a pink colour, found in the South Sea, or B. sep- trionalis, clear bluish, taken in Beering's Straits. The following brief specific description may suffice to distinguish it from other British ciliogrades. Bolina Hibernica. Form variable, generally ovate, rounded, and compressed. Hyaline, lobes contractile, and not more than one-ififth of the entire length of the animal. Longer bands, ciliated nearly to their apex. For the accurate figures by which the present paper is illustrated, I am indebted to the skill and kindness of Miss Masson of Bangor. A much greater number would, however, be requisite to convey an adequate idea of the diversi- form aspect of the animal, especially with regard to the inflated appearance occa- sionally presented by the upper portion of the body. TnoK -g./.A.^TOL.'XK/t./^g.' 3CIEKCE PLATE N» 2. 'SOS ivr 159 VII. On the mutual Action of Permanent Magnets, considered chiefly in reference to their best relative Position in an Observatory. By the Rev. Humphrey Lloyd, A.M., Fellow of Trinity College, and Professor of Natural Philosophy in the University of Dublin, F.R. S., V.P.R.I. A., Honorary Member of the American Philosophical Society. Read February 11, 1839. It is a problem of much Importance, in connexion with the arrangement of a Magnetical Observatory, to determine the relative position of the magnets in such a manner, that their mutual action may be either absolutely null, or, at the least, readily calculable. As a preliminary step to the solution of this problem, it is necessary that we should know the direction and intensity of the resultant force exerted by a magnet upon an element of free magnetism placed in any manner with respect to it. This question has been already solved by Biot, on the supposition that the action of a magnet is equivalent to that oi two forces of equal intensity, one attractive, and the other repulsive, emanating from two definite points or poles. There is no difficulty in generalizing the problem, and in obtaining a solution independent of this particular hypothesis. The middle point o, of the magnet ns, (Fig. 1) being taken as the origin of coordinates, and the line connecting it with the magnetic element m as the axis of abscissae, the distance, mq, of that element from any point (x, y) of the axis of the magnet-bar is V{a-xf-^y\ the distance om being denoted by a. Hence, if m denote the quantity of free magnetism in the magnetic element M, q the corresponding quantity in a given elementary portion of the magnet at q, the force exerted by the latter on the former is 160 The Rev. H. Lloyd on the mutual Action of permanent Magnets. the law of the force being similar to that of gravity, 1. e. directly as the pro- duct of the magnetic masses, and Inversely as the square of their distance. Let this force be resolved In the direction of the axes of coordinates. The portion parallel to the axis of x Is mq{a — x) and that parallel to the axis of ^ Is . mqy and the sums of these portions, taken throughout the entire length of the magnet, are the components of the total action. Let the distance oq = r, and the angle moq = 0, 0^ = r cos 0, y = /■ sin 0 ; and substituting, the components of the force exerted by q on m are mq (a — /•cos0) mqr sin )qdr y_^ smtf^grdr ^-™ (o^_2arcos0+Ol' (a^ — 2 ar cos 0 + r^)! ' ^^ I being half the length of the magnet. The quantity q being an unknown function of r, it is manifest that the integration of these formulae cannot be effected in finite terms. The Rev. H. Lloyd on the mutual Action of permanent Magnets. 161 If we develop the trinomial factor (a' - 2 or cos 0 + A' ^ = o-^ ( 1 — 2 ^ cos (^ + -^,)7 it is manifest that the quantity within the brackets will be expressed by a series ascending by the powers of - ; and that accordingly the preceding integrals may Cv be developed in serial of the form m C ^^ . U, . U„ . U-t -|f^„+E + ^^ + ^^ + &e.), a^\ a a^ a^ } in which the coefficient of the general term is U„=V \ qr'" dr. V being a function of the constant angle 0. Now, if the distribution of free magnetism be symmetric on either side of the centre, the alternate coefficients, U^, U^, U^,kc. vanish, the values of q being equal, with opposite signs, at the cor- responding distances r = ± s. We have therefore, in this case, „ m fA. , Aj , A. , . \ a' \ a * a^ ^ a^ ^ J (2) the two series descending according to the odd powers of a. When the length of the magnet is small, in comparison with the distance a, these series converge rapidly, and, for most purposes, the first term affiards a sufficient approximation to the actual value. We have then, approximately, X = ^, Y=^; (3) a^ a^ ^ ^ VOL. XIX. Y 162 The Rev. H. Lloyd on the mutual Action of permanent Magnets. and denoting the total force by R, and the angle which it makes with the axis of abscissae by w, tan«. = -jl, i?= -^ \ (4) Now, stopping at the first dimension of - m the development of the trino- mial factor, (l -2%os0 + -^) ^ = l+3^cos0, q.p. and substituting, we find ^, =;= 2 COS 0 \ qrdr = 2 Mcos 0, B^ = sin 0 V qrdr = Msin ; putting, for abbreviation, \ qrdr = M. Finally, substituting these values in (3) and (4) ^ iMm , ^ Mm . , ... X = ^— cos 0, Y = — ,- sm 0 ; (5) a^ a'' ^ ' j\f iffi tan 10 = -|- tan 0, R = — j v 1 -{- 3 cos^ 0. (6) The theorems expressed by the formulae (6) were taken by Biot as the basis of his well-known theory of terrestrial magnetism. If we desire to push the approximation further, we must include (in the r^ development of the trinomial factor) the terms involving -y. We thus find Aj = 2Mj cos 0 (5 cos^0 — 3), B^ — ^M^ sin 0 (5 cos' 0 - 1) ; in which we have made, for abridgment, V qr'drzziM.^. The Rev. H. Lloyd on the mutual Action of permanent Magnets. 163 Hence the components of the force are X= ?|- cos 0 {m, + ^X5 cos^ 0 - 3)1 [ (7) F=^sIn0|il/,+ |-^X5cos^0-l)}; the integral Involving the first dimension of r being denoted, for distinction hy M,. When 0 n 0, these values become 2m r,^ . 21/, r=o, X=^^(^.+^-^.); and the resultant force is, consequently, directed in the connecting line. When 0 = 90", we find and the force is altogether perpendicular to the joining line. , Returning to the approximate formulae (5), it is easy to deduce the directive force, or the moment of the action exerted by one magnet on another, the length of each being supposed small in comparison with the distance between them. In this, and other similar applications of the formulae, we may consider the distance a, and the angle 0, as the same for all the elements of the magnet acted upon ; the variations of these quantities being of the order of those which we have already neglected in this approximation. Let us assume that the two magnets ns and n's' (Fig. 2) are in the same horizontal plane, and that the magnet acted on, n's', is capable of motion in that plane round an axis passing through its centre of gravity. Let J^ and Y denote, as before, the components of the force exerted by the former upon any element of free magnetism, q', situated at the point q' of the latter. These forces being directed in the line oq', and in the line perpendicular to oq', respectively, their moment to turn the magnet n's' round its centre of motion o', is o'a' (Xsin n'q'o — Fcog n'q'o). y2 164 The Rev. H. Lloyd on the mutual Action of permanent Magnets. Now the angle q'oo' being very small, we may (in the same order of approxima- tion as before) put oo for oq, noo' for noq', and n'o'o for n'q o ; and accord- ingly, denoting the distances oo' and o'q' by a and r', and the angles noo' and n'o'o by (f) and (f>', we have (5) ^ 2Mq' ^ ^ Mq' . ^ X =■ — 3-^ cos 0, y = — ^ sm 0 ; ilf being the moment of free magnetism of the acting magnet, as already defined. Hence the moment of these forces to turn the magnet n's' is — ^-12 cos 0sln0' — sin 0cos0'i=: ^3 j sin (0 4" 0') — 3sin (0— 0')> ; and multiplying by dr', and integrating, the total moment is ^'{sin (0 + 0') - 3 sin (0 - 0')}, (8) in which M' denotes the moment of free magnetism of the second magnet, or the value of the integral \q'r'dr., taken throughout its entire length. Let us apply this result to the case of the mutual action of two horizontal magnets, the axis of one which, ns, lies in the magnetic meridian, while that of the other, n's', is perpendicular to it (Fig. 3). Such is the position of the magnets in the instruments used in determining the declination, and the horizontal com- ponent of the intensity of the earth's magnetic force. The moment of the force exerted by the second magnet on the first is in this case (8) MM' ,. „ „ ,. -2^j-(l — 3cos2 0); since 0 -j- 0' = 90". Hence, that this moment may be nothing, we must have cos20 = i. (9) Accordingly the mean direction of the first magnet will be undisturbed by the second, when the line connecting their centres is inclined to the magnetic me- The Rev. H. Lloyd on the mutual Action of permanent Magnets. 165 ridian at the angle 0 = 35° 16'. Mr. Weber has already arrived at this result by other methods. With respect to the deviations of the magnet from its mean position, (or the apparent variations of the declination,) it is manifest that they will be increased or diminished in a given ratio, the action of the second magnet on the first being in the same direction as that of the earth, and therefore altering the directive force in a given ratio. The true variations will therefore be obtained from the apparent, simply by multiplying by a constant coefficient. The reciprocal action of the first magnet on the second, however, is not directed either in the magnetic meridian, or in the line perpendicular to it, and the second magnet is therefore disturbed by the first. With two magnets, ac- cordingly, it is impossible to neutralize the effects of mutual action. Now let a third magnet be introduced ; and let us suppose, in the first instance, that this magnet h fixed, being destined only for the purposes of cor- rection. We have, in this case, only to consider the forces exerted upon the first and second magnets. Let A, B, c, (Fig. 4) be the three magnets — of which a is the declination bar, having its axis in the magnetic meridian ; b the horizontal intensity bar, whose axis is perpendicular to the magnetic meridian ; and c the third, or cor- recting bar, the azimuth of whose axis is arbitrary. Lines being supposed drawn joining the centres of these magnets, let the sides of the triangle opposite to the points a, b, c, be denoted by a, b, c, respectively, and the angles which these lines form with the magnetic meridian by a, |3, 7 ; let the angle which the axis of the third magnet c makes with the same meridian be denoted by f ; and finally, let the magnetic moments of the three magnets be A, B, C. The forces exerted by the magnet b, upon any element m of the magnet a, in the direction ab, and in the direction perpendicular to ab, respectively, are (5) , 2Bm . Bm + —^ sm 7, - —3- COS7 ; the magnetism of m being supposed to be northern, and the positive and ne- gative signs being employed in the usual conventional manner. Let these forces 1 66 The Rev. H. Lloyd on the mutual Action of permanent Magnets. be resolved each into two, in the magnetic meridian, and perpendicular to the magnetic meridian. The former components are , 2-Bm . , Bm . -j- — ;^sin7C0S7, -1 -3- sm 7 cos 7; and the latter , 2 5m . „ Bm „ + —5- sm' 7» — — ,- cos''7. c Again, the forces exerted by c upon the element m of a, in the direction ac, and in the direction perpendicular to ac, are . 2 Cm , ^, Cm . , ^. + -^cosa-^), --^sm(f-^); and the resolved portions of these forces in the magnetic meridian are + ?^cosa-i3)cos^, +^sin(f-^)sin^; while the components perpendicular to the magnetic meridian are + ^^ cos (^ - p) sin p, - ^? sin (f - /3) cos /3. Accordingly, the conditions of the complete equilibrium of the forces exerted by B and c on a, are -T5 1 2 cos ((3 — ^) cos /3 — sin (]3 — f ) sin j3 1 + 3 -^ sin 7 cos 7 = 0. -^3 12 cos (i3 - f ) sin i3 + sin (jS— f ) cos iSJ + — (2 sin^ 7 - cos' 7) = 0 . In like manner, the forces exerted by the magnet a upon any element m of the magnet b, in the direction ab, and in the direction perpendicular to ab, respectively, are , 2 Am , Am . + --r— C0S7, +--j-sm7. The Rev. H. Lloyd on the mutual Action of permanent Magnets. 167 And the forces exerted by c upon the same element, in the direction bc, and in the direction perpendicular to bc, are 2 Cm , . Cm., ^^*^n«-U' - -^-sinCa-f). Resolving these forces, as before, in the direction of the magnetic meridian, and in the direction perpendicular to it, and making the sum of the resolved parts in each direction equal to nothing, the equations of equilibrium are found to be c c . "> J. — 5 -< 2 cos (a — f ) cos a — sin (a — f ) sin a V -| (2 cos^ 7 — sin* 7) = 0, — 5 -j 2 cos (a — f ) sin a -\- sin (a — f) COS a I -j- 3 —j sin 7 COS 7 = 0. If we resolve the trigonometric products, and make, for abridgment, A B a h ^=P, -^=Q, -=p, - = g, the four equations of equilibrium become 3cos(2/3 — f) + cos^ -1-3 Qq^sm2y = 0, (10) 3sin (2j3 — f) + sinf + ^^'(1 — 3cos27) = 0, (11) 3cos(2a — f) + cosf +P/(14-3cos2 7) =0, (12) 3sin(2a — f) + sin f-1- 3 Pp' sin 2 7 = 0; (13) of which (10) and (12) relate to the forces in the magnetic meridian, and (11) and (13) to those perpendicular to it. The ratios p and q are functions of the angles a, j3, 7, f, expressed by the formulae : sin (^-7) _ sin (g - 7) ^~sin(a-j3)' ^~sin(a-|3)' ^^ The complete solution of the problem is contained in the preceding equa- tions ; and it follows, in general, that they may be satisfied by means of the four arbitrary angles, a, /3, 7, f, — and consequently the desired equilibrium produced 168 The Rev. H. Lloyd on the mutual Action of permanent Magnets. by suitably determining the positions of the three magnetic bars, whatever (within certain limits) be their relative intensities. In the case which we have at present in view, — that is, when the third magnet is merely used as a counteracting power, — its intensity may be taken at pleasure ; and accordingly one of the ratios, P or Q, is disposable, as well as the four angles. It follows from this, as there are but four conditions to be fulfilled, that one of the five quantities abovementioned remains arbitrary ; and the nature of the problem obviously suggests that this should be the angle 7, which determines the position of the line connecting the two principal magnets, and that the conditions of equilibrium should be fulfilled by means of the other variables, which determine the position and force of the subsidiary magnet. Let us suppose, for example, that it has been chosen to take the line con- necting the magnets a and b coincident with the magnetic meridian ; or that 7 = 0. The equations (10, 11, 12, 13) thus become 3 cos (2 j3 — f ) + cos f = 0, 3sin(2^-f) + sin^ = 2gy^ 3 cos (2 a - f ) + cos f = — 4 Pp\ 3sin(2a — f)+sinf = 0. From the first and fourth we have, at once, i + cos 2 i3 ^ ^ sin 2 a ^-X ^=:— tanC=-i ?r-- sm 2 /3 ^ ^ — cos 2 a Another relation between the angles a and § may be inferred from the second and third of the foregoing equations, from which we obtain, by division and sub- stitution, ^ — cos2a_ T^ Q q^ ^ B sin' a ^r2|3 ■" ^ Yf ~ ^'A' sin'jS ' From this and the preceding equation, the values of a and j8 may be obtained by elimination. These angles being known, f is given by means of either of the expressions for tan ^ above written ; and one of the ratios, Q or P, by the second or third equation, the other remaining arbitrary. The Rev. H. Lloyd on the mutual Action 0/ permanent Magnets. 169 We have hitherto considered the third magnet as fixed, and serving only to complete the equilibrium of the forces arising from the mutual action of the other two. This magnet may, however, be a moveable one, and its movements serve to exhibit the changes of one of the magnetic elements. In fact, three independent variables are required, in order to determine completely the ter- restrial magnetic force, (or its changes,) in direction and intensity ; and, ac- cordingly, whatever elements be taken as the basis of this determination, three separate instruments will be, in general, requisite for their observation. In this case, then, it becomes necessary to consider the action of the first and second magnet on the third. The third magnet employed in the Dublin Magnetical Observatory, is in- tended for the determination of the variations of the vertical component of the earth's magnetic intensity. It is a horizontal magnet, supported on knife edges, and capable of motion in a vertical plane. The plane passing through the centres of the three magnets being horizontal, the axes of the magnets neces- sarily lie in the same plane ; and, consequently, the action of the first and second on the third is directed in that plane. Let this force be resolved into two, one in the direction of the axis of the magnet, and the other perpen- dicular to it. It is obvious that the latter component can have no effect on the position of the magnet, being at right angles to the plane in which it is con- strained to move ; we may, therefore, confine our attention to the former, — that is, to the resolved part of the force in the direction of the magnet. Using the same notation as before, the forces exerted by the magnet a, upon any element m of the magnet e, in the direction ac, and in the di- rection perpendicular to ac, respectively, are (5) ,2Am „ , Am . + — ^cos^, 4.__sm/3; and the resolved parts of these forces in the direction of the axis of the magnet c are ,2Am „ ,„ ^. , Am . ^ . , + — ^cospcos(f-^), +-^sm^sm(f-/3). In like rtianner, the forces exerted by p upon the same element m of c, in the direction bc, and in the direction perpendicular to bc, are VOL. XIX. z 170 The Rev. H. Lloyd on the mutual Action of permanent Magnets. , 2Bm . , Bm sin a, -j 3— cos a ; a^ ' ' a^ and the resolved parts in the direction of the axis of c are 2Bm . . Bm -I -5-sinacos(a — ^), + —5- cos asm (a — f). Making the sums of these resolved parts equal to nothing, and performing the same reductions as before, the condition of equilibrium of the forces exerted upon the magnet c, in the direction of its axis, is expressed by P/ {3cos (2^ - f) + cos f} + Qq' {3 sin (2a -^ + sinf} = 0. (15) For the conditions of equilibrium of the disturbing forces exerted upon the three magnets, a, b, c, by their mutual action, we must combine equation (15) with the four equations (10, 11, 12, 13) already given; and, as there are but four arbitrary angles, it follows that complete equilibrium is not attainable, except for determinate values of the relative forces of the magnets. It fortunately happens that, for the special purposes which we have here in view, we may, without inconvenience, dispense with one of the conditions of equili- brium,— that, namely, of the forces exerted upon the magnet b resolved in the direction of the magnetic meridian. This condition, (which is expressed by equation (12)) being left unfulfilled, it follows from (13) that the resultant force exerted upon the magnet b by the other two, will be directed in the mag- netic meridian itself, and will therefore conspire with, or directly oppose, the force exerted by the earth on the same magnet. Consequently the changes of position of the magnet bar, (which, in this instrument, are proportional to the changes of force divided by the total force,) are thereby only diminished or in- creased in a constant ratio, — namely, the ratio of the force of the earth to the sum or difference of that force and the resultant force of the two magnets. The changes sought are therefore obtained simply by multiplying by a constant coefficient. Accordingly, the four equations (10, 11, 13, 15) being fulfilled, the disturbing action exerted upon the magnets a and c will be completely balanced ; and, with respect to that exerted upon the magnet b, its effect may be at once eliminated from the results, by altering in a suitable manner the constant in the formula of reduction. The Rev. H. Lloyd on the mutual 'Action of permanent Magnets. 171 It follows at once from the equations (10, 13, and 15) that sJn27 = 0; (16) and therefore that 7 = 0, or 7 = 90°. The line connecting the magnets a and B must therefore be parallel or perpendicular to the magnetic meridian. Sub- stituting the former of these values, equations (10, 11, 13) become 3cos(2j8 — f) + cosf = 0, (17) 3sin(2,3 — f)'-|-sinf = 2(?9', (18) . 3sin(2a — f)-|-sinf = 0; (19) in which a = -r—-, r. Equation (15) is rendered identical. When we make ^ sm(a — /3) ^ ^ 7 = 90°, the only difference is, that the second member of (18) becomes 40cos^a . , J f. 2Qsin^a • 1 ^ 1. u , mstead 01 . 3- -r. It is easy to see m what manner we should sin'(a— i8)' sin^(a — /3) proceed for the purpose of eliminating among these equations ; the final equa- tion, however, will be one of much complexity. In the application of the original formula it will often occur that we are not at liberty to consider the four angles, a, )3, 7, f, as all arbitrary, some circumstance connected with the locality determining one or more of these quantities, or establishing one or more relations among them. Let us suppose, in the first place, that there are but three arbitrary quan- tities, so that we can satisfy but three of the equations of condition. We shall select for that purpose the equations (10, 11, 13), leaving (15) unfulfilled, as well as (12). This being done, the disturbing action exerted upon the magnet c remains unbalanced ; but, as the effective part of this action is directed in the axis of the magnet itself in its mean position, it does not alter that position, but merely diminishes or increases the deviations from it in a given ratio. In the case of this magnet therefore, as in that of the magnet b, the effect of the dis- turbing action may be allowed for, by a suitable alteration in the coefficient by which the changes of angle are multiplied. In order to illustrate this, and at the same time to apply the formulae in a very important case, let it be required that the centres of the three magnets z2 1 72 The Rev. H. Llovd on the mutual Action of permanent Magnets. shall be situated in the same right line. This condition is expressed by the relations the two equations being equivalent to a single condition, inasmuch as one of them is a consequence of the other. Substituting in the formulae (10, 11, 13), and expanding, they become (^ + cos 2a) cos f + sin 2a sin f + Q ?' sin 2a = 0, (20) (^-cos2a)sinf+sin2acosf + ^ y'(^ - cos2a) = 0, (21) (^ — cos 2a) sin f + sin 2a cos f + P/ sin 2a = 0. (22) Dividing (20) by (21), we find, on reduction, cos f = 0, and therefore f = 90°. (23) Accordingly the plane in which the magnet c is constrained to move must be perpendicular to the magnetic meridian. Now, making f = 90° in the three equations (20, 21, 22), the two former are found, of course, to be identical ; and we have l-|-gj3_0j ^— cos2a-|- Pp'sin2a = 0. From the first of these we obtain which determines the place of the centre of the intermediate magnet c. Again, in virtue of the relation p -\-q =i 1, there is Wherefore putting, for abbreviation, the second equation becomes (|^ — cos 2a) -f- A;sin 2a = 0 ; and we find The Rev. H. Lloyd on the mniual Action of permanent Magnets. 1 73 tana=-f^±V^T^^* + ^; (26) which determines the azimuth of the line connecting the three magnets. This arrangement of the magnets is represented in Fig. 5. This is, in many respects, a very advantageous disposition. The disturbing forces exerted upon the magnet a are in complete equilibrium, so that this magnet (which is that employed in absolute determinations of declination and intensity) may be used as if it were insulated ; and, with respect to the magnets B and c, the effect of the disturbing forces is corrected by a simple change of a coefficient. As to the Observatory itself, one long and narrow room, about forty-eight feet in length, and sixteen feet in breadth, will suffice ; the hearing of the axis of the room, along which the three magnets are to be disposed, being determined by (25, 26). The magnet a should be so far from one end as to allow a space of eight or nine feet in a direction perpendicular to the mag- netic meridian, on either side, for experiments of deflection ; the magnet b may be close to the other end. The place of the intermediate magnet will be de- termined by (24).* Having considered the case in which three only, of the four variables, are arbitrary, it remains to examine that in which there are but two disposable quantities ; the other two being either absolutely determined, or else connected with the rest by given relations. We can satisfy, in this case, but two of the equations of equilibrium ; and we shall select for that purpose (\\) and (13), which express the conditions of equilibrium of the forces exerted upon the magnets a and b in the direction perpendicular to the magnetic meridian. These being fulfilled, the resultant action on each of these magnets is directed in the magnetic meridian itself, and therefore conspires with, or directly opposes, the force of the earth. Hence the mean position of the magnet a is unaltered ; and the changes of position of * These dimensions have reference to magnets whose directive power is about the same as in those employed in the Dublin Magnetical Observatory. The magnet bars, a and b, are here of the same size — each 15 inches in length, f of an inch in breadth, and -J- of an inch in thickness ; they are of course magnetized, as nearly as possible, to saturation. The magnet c is 12 inches in length, but much smaller than a and B in its other dimensions. 174 The Rev. H. Lloyd on the mutual Action of permanent Magnets. both magnets are merely diminished or increased in a constant ratio, — namely, in the ratio of the force of the earth to the sum or difference of that force and the resultant force of the magnets. Lastly, it appears from what has been already said, that the mean position of the magnet c is likewise unchanged by the disturbing action, and that its variations of position are only altered is a con- stant ratio. The effect of the disturbing forces, therefore, is in every case readily allowed for. As an example of this case of the general problem, let it be required that the three magnets shall be in the same right line, that line being no longer ar- bitrary, as before, but determined. The two equations (11) and (13) are in this case reduced to (2 1 ) and (22). Dividing the former by the latter, we have PP' _i-C0s2a p_^ Q/^-cos2ax This equation, in which the second member is known, determines the place of the centre of the intermediate magnet. Denoting the second member, for abridgment, by r, we have p = qr, p -\- q ■= 1; whence It is manifest from (27) that we cannot have cos 2a = ^, or sin 2a z: 0, and accordingly that the angle a cannot have any of the values 0°, 90°, or 35° 16', otherwise the intermediate magnet would be infinitely near one of the ex- tremes.* To determine the azimuth, f, of the plane of the intermediate magnet, we divide either of the original equations (21) or (22) by sin 2 a, and substitute for * In order that the intermediate magnet should be equally distant from the other two, the angle must have one of the values determined by the equation i— cos2« PA S A / 9 A^ 1 - =: — ^: — , or tan a : sin2« ~ Q~ B' ~4B— \6 B' ^ 2' When A^B, or the forces of the extreme magnets equal, this becomes tan . = ^-^^^ (r= 1.781, or = - 0.28l); and the corresponding values of a are -}- 60° 41', and — 15o 41'. The Rev. H. Lloyd on the mutual Action of pormanent Magnets. 175 4 — cos 2a . , Pp^ ' , • ' -o^ Its value ;^3 above deduced. We thus obtain Whence COS^ I s'"^ f I 1 _ , ^ — mn ± V'm^ -\- n^ — I ,^ , tanf = -,_r . (39) in which we have put, for abridgment, — _J_ _ ^ _ _J_ _ Cc' This solution becomes impossible when m* -f- ra* < 1, or (30) The formulae (11) (13) suggest of themselves many other cases of easy solution. Thus, if it be assumed that 7 = 0, a = 90, or the line connecting A and B coincident with the magnetic meridian, and the line connecting b and c perpendicular to it, equation (13) gives ^ = 0. Substituting in (11), it be- comes 3 sin 2/3 = 2 Qo', or, since in this case g — , ^ cos j3 sin /3 cos* /3 = ^ Q ; from which the angle /3 is determined. This disposition of the magnets is represented in Fig. 6. The equilibrium is fulfilled in this case independently of the value of P, or of the relative forces of the magnets a and c : the reason of this is evident. On the other hand, the solution requires that Q shall not exceed a small limit ; for the first member of the preceding equation is a maximum, when tan /3 = ^, and substituting, the greatest possible value of Q is *^ = 0.859 • Again, if we have cos 27 = ^, /3 = 0, (11) gives f = 0 , as before ; and (13) becomes 3 sin 2a 4- 2 ^^^Pf = 0. But /> = - -^^ = -^. — , sm a v'3 sm a 176 The Rev. H. Lloyd on the mvtucU Action of permanent Magnets. and substituting, sin* a cos a = ^^ P ; from which the angle a is determined. This arrangement is represented in Fig. 7. The conditions of equilibrium are here satisfied independently of Q. As to P, it cannot exceed the limit determined by making the first member of the preceding equation a maximum. This gives tan a ■=. 2; and, for the greatest value of P, ^^^^ = 3.155. 177 VIII. On the Constant of Refraction determined hy Observations with the Mural Circle of the Armagh Observatory. By the Rev. T. R. Robinson, D. D., Member of the Royal Irish Academy , and other Philosophical Societies. Read 11th January, 1841. IT may, perhaps, appear presumptuous in me to approach a subject which has already occupied so many of the greatest masters of mathematical science, and in the opinion of many is exhausted. But if we look without prejudice at the labours of Laplace, Bessel, Ivory, and Plana, besides many others of less renown, and carry our examination a little beyond the mere analytical work, we shall find that the problem of astronomical refraction has not been rigorously solved by theory, and I am even inclined to think never can be. All it appears to me that theory can be expected to perform, is the supplying astronomers with ready means of approximating to tables of refraction, which shall satisfy their observa- tions ; and on the other hand they are bound to remember, that such tables, however carefully verified for one observatory, may be defective when tried at another. For in fact it is universally assumed in these investigations, that the atmos- phere is arranged, with the surfaces of equal density spherical and concentric to the earth ; this gives the differential of refraction in function of the density and distance from the centre. Now, firstly, this fundamental hypothesis is not even approximately true. Near the earth, the surfaces of equal temperature (and therefore of equal density) must depend on the figure of the ground ; the air over a hill must be very differently circumstanced in respect of heat, from that at the same height over a deep valley. Forests, large bodies of water, and the vicinity of cities must exert a similar disturbing influence, and that to an extent which cannot be neglected. In a set of hourly observations, made some years since on the altitude of my meridian mark, I found an increase of refraction, VOL. XIX. 2 A 178 The Rev. Dr. Robinson on the Constant of Refraction. amounting sometimes to 13", when the intervening valley was overshadowed by clouds, though the meteorological indications at the observatory remained the same. But how much greater would the disturbance of a star have been whose light must have passed through many miles subject to these anomalies ? For we have no reason to suppose that they are confined to the immediate vicinity of the earth's surface ; they must extend as far as the clouds, (whose existence shews an irregular distribution of heat,) or at least six miles high ; more than three times the height of Quito, at which Bouguer found the refraction only two-thirds of what it is at the level of the sea. Some remarkable facts respecting the variation of terrestrial refraction, when the ground is covered with snow, and immediately after sunset, are given by Struve, in his Gradmessung, but one still more in point is mentioned by the Rev. G. Fisher,* in the Appendix to Parry's Second Voyage, page 175. He found, while ob- serving at Igloolik, that at temperatures of from 20° to 30° below Zero, and at an altitude of 3° 8', the refractions of Sirius were about a minute less when observed over open sea to the south-east, than over land covered with snow or ice, to the south-west. The existence of these local anomalies can only be ascertained by low refractions ; and therefore theory is in such cases unavailing. But secondly, even were the hypothesis on which the differential equation of refraction is based strictly true, yet that equation cannot be integrated without assuming a relation between its variables, their real relation being unknown. Philosophers have been guided in this, either by supposed conformity to the law of nature, or by facilities of integration ; but in both cases their results cannot be supposed to have any value except as far as they are confirmed by observation, and therefore all must be pronounced alike empirical. But at low altitudes observations are both difficult and uncertain, and therefore it is by no means easy to pronounce on the results of a given hypothesis ; so that besides that lately published by Biot (but which I believe has not yet been applied to construct refraction tables) there are at least four of high authority ; that of Newton, as modified by Bessel, supposing the temperature uniform, but changing the modulus of atmospheric elasticity by an experimental co-efficient; that of Simpson, * To whom I am indebted for much valuable information respecting the important observations published there, and indeed for ray acquaintance with the book itself. The Rev. Dr. Robinson on the Constant of Refraction. 179 assuming the density to decrease uniformly as the height increases; that of Laplace, expressing the density by a product of two factors, representing the preceding hypotheses, and that of Ivory, supposing it asf 1 — —y- J .* Now these are obviously mere arbitrary assumptions, and the verifications which some of them are supposed to receive by exhibiting the decrease of temperature at a small elevation, and the barometric formula for heights, are worth little ; the first being unknown at any given place,f and the second being a consequence of any law which will make the temperature decrease nearly uniformly within a few thousand feet. The slightest attention to meteorological facts will show that there cannot be any general formula expressing the density in terms oHhe height alone, and that even could it be found for one place by experiment, it would be entirely inapplicable to any other. It is certain, that between the tropics there is an ascending current of heated air, replaced by a stream of cooler from the north, while it flows towards the poles, descending in its turn and giving out its heat ; and it is therefore equally certain that the law of atmospheric temperature must depend on the latitude. It is not impossible, that in the arctic regions we may find a uniform temperature, or even an increase on ascending. Such must indeed be the case, if there be any truth in the conclusions of Fourier, or Poisson, respecting the temperature at the termination of our atmosphere ; for if with the former we suppose it = — 58° of Fahrenheit, or with the latter, much more elevated, approaching 32°, yet cold below either has been observed by northern travellers. At a given place we might, perhaps, by aeronautic investigations, ascertain the law of decreasing density and temperature, for a certain epoch ; but it is highly probable, that this would not obtain when the sun had a different declination, or the weather was different ;| it is unquestionable, that it would be * The last appears the best, but it is to be regretted that Mr. Ivory has assumed the use of the internal thermometer, and not given separate reductions for the temperature of the barometer. This last also applies to the very convenient tables of Bessel's Refractions, given by Mr. Airy. f Because the decrease in free air cannot be the same as that observed on the side of a mountain, and in contact with a mass of matter influenced both by the air and the earth's internal heat. { In the celebrated ascent of Gay Lussac, the temperature at Paris was 87o Fahrenheit, so that the air cannot have been in a normal condition : the meteorological instruments below should have been noted every few minutes, and the times of observation above given. In the published 2 a2 180 The Rev. Dk. Robinson on the Constant of Refraction. disturbed by wind, or variations in the hygrometric state of the air. And it must be remembered, that at least three-fourths of the entire refraction are pro- duced in the region which is thus affected ; and that in observation we find differences of 15 or 20 seconds in the same star, when the thermometer, barome- ter, and hygrometer of the observatory shew no change. It appears to me, therefore, vain to expect an a priori solution of the problem of astronomical refraction, and that it will always be necessary to reform by observation whatever tables may be proposed to us. The tables of Bessel or Ivory — (if the refractive and thermometrical constants of the latter were cor- rected, I should prefer them) — are sufficiently exact for this purpose in the observatories of Europe.* Down to 74° zenith distance, it is known, that the law of density has no sensible effect on the refraction ; and in ordinary cases this is sufficient for the astronomer, who seldom observes so near the horizon, because there the fluctuations of a star are so great, that a great number of observations are necessary to give even moderate precision. But he must occa- sionally observe, under such circumstances, comets and planets ; and, besides, it is necessary for an accurate determination of the principal constant, that he should go as far from the zenith as is possible, without risking the certainty of his correction. In my latitude, at 74° zen. distance, an error in the constant is only doubled ; and the average discordance of observation will be near a second ; so that were we limited to the use of stars above this altitude, it would be almost account it is stated, that the thermometer was steady at 30-75 cent. As light clouds existed far above the balloon there must have been an evolution of heat from their formation. Still it is to be wished that the experiment were repeated. * In the Arctic regions all the tables fail completely. I give a couple of instances from the Appendix to Parry, already noticed, p. 209. They are Nos. 25 and 29. The first gives from 108 observations, the refraction = 665".9 at zen. dist. 84°.13', 82, Bar. 29.79, A. T. -|- 45, Ext. T 35°.9. After correcting for latitude, Bessel's refraction is 18" .72 in defect. Ivory's 13" .27, and mine 20''.7I. Again, 32 observations give refraction =r 342" .5 at 79°40'. 61, bar. 29.86, A. T. + 45°, E. T. - 260.7. Here Bessel's is 40".31 in excess, Ivory 31".66, and mine 22".78. It seems to follow from these and similar instances, that in such extreme cases the arrangement of the atmos- phere must be regulated by very different laws from those that prevail in more temperate latitudes ; and it seems equally obvious, that its influence on refraction commences much nearer the zenith. It is my intention to recur to these Arctic observations in a subsequent communication on the lower refractions. The Rev. Dr. Robinson on the Constant of Refraction. 181 impossible to determine it to the tenth of a second. But it is practicable to go about 10° lower, by a principle, first, I believe, remarked by Laplace ; namely, that the refraction computed on the hypothesis of uniform temperature is greater than the truth, and on the hypothesis of uniformly decreasing density less, and that the mean of the two is nearly exact. For instance, Laplace gives for the horizontal refraction, (t = 32° ; barometer, 29.92,) U. Temp. . . . 2394". 6 i Observed . . . 2106 .o' Uniform decrease of dens. 1 824 . 1 \ The arithmetical mean = 2109.3; the geometrical =: 2090. Ivory finds (t = 50, bar. = 30.00,) French tables . . . 2031.5 < U. D. D.* ... 1722.7 \ ^^^-^ In this case the second deviates the most, arith. mean = 1988.6 ; geometri- cal = 1970.7. At zen. dist. 85" 16'.70, t = 54.2, bar. 30.24, I find with Ivory's constant, U. T 624.3 > 3 Y Ivory's first tables . . 620.6 \ U. D. D 615.8^4.8 Henderson found the refraction (by 29 Cape observations of 7 Draconis) = 614.10, which, when increased for the difference between Ivory's constant, and Bessel's reduced to the Cape, would become 617.86. The arithmetical mean =: 620*05, the geometrical = 620.03. Ivory has given a table constructed on the hypothesis of u t for t = 70 and B = 28.85, from which I take, at zen. dist. 86°, U. T 653.1 > g 5 Ivory .... 646.6^ U. D. D. . . . . 642.5S^-1 Arithmetical mean = 647.80, geometrical 647.77. * As corrected by Plana (Observations, Int. Ixxxvi.) The series for u T is slowly convergent, and the computation would be very troublesome, were it not for the tables of the integral which Bessel gives in the Fundamenta. 182 The Rev. Dr. Robinson on the Constant of Refraction. U. T 802.5 > j2 4 Again, zen. dist. 87°, U. T. Ivory .... 790.1 J U. D. D. . . . . 776.1 \ ^^-^ Arithmetical = 789.30 ; geometrical = 789-19. Lastly, Brinkley gives the comparison of 42 observations of a Lyrae s p with these hypotheses, zenith distance = 87°.42', t = 35°, B. 29-50, U. T. . . . . 1067". 0> 20.5 Observed . . . 1046 .bl U. D. D. . . . 1011 .OS^^-^ Arithmetical = 1039" ; geometrical = 1038-6. But it must be remarked, that the temperature is by the internal thermometer, the external being 31.3 ; the barometer also is 0'.078 too little ; in respect of the first of which the observed refraction should be lessened 9"-2, and for the second 2".90. It is evident that these means are not in error one-twentieth of the difference between the two hypotheses ; and, therefore, as far as 85° from the zenith may be depended on as certainly as any table extant. Laplace used this principle not only in constructing the French tables, but also to show that the refractions above 74° are independent of the law of density. Brinkley, however, showed that the same method could assign them as far as 80°.45 ; the most important of the terms omitted by Laplace in the development of R in tang. 6 has at that zen. distance in the two hypotheses the values 2".60 and 1".73 ; the arithmetical mean of these cannot be 0".43 wrong, and its error is probably less than 0".04. The opinion expressed by this great astronomer in his second memoir on refraction. Transactions Royal Irish Academy, vol. xiii. p. 169, that, by the method given there, a table of refractions could be more certainly derived from observation " than from any hypothesis respecting the actual variation of density," probably hindered him from pursuing the pre- sent method to its full extent, which, however, may be done with extreme facility. In his notation. Transactions Royal Irish Academy, vol. xii. p. 83, the equation of refraction is, _ — rfp X oft sin 0 / 1 + V CLd. — 2r(l + 6p)y l + V-^(l+¥)sin^e The Rev. Dr. Robinson on the Constant of Refraction. 183 when p is the density at the distance r from the centre, p and a, the same quan- tities at the earth's surface ;* hp the refractive force of air at the density p, and 6 the apparent zenith distance. If v?e assume, A = ■/!+ V sin e V\-\.bp — {l-\-bp')im'e Q = refraction if the earth vpere plane, r — a s = r, r Brinkley has shown, page 85, that, , — ^ bAdp '' = ^+b^ • / 1 + (2* - s') X A^ and by developing a we find, omitting higher powers of b. Developing • (^r we have, * These quantifies more strictly relate to the osculating circle, and the constant of a table must be modified accordingly. The quantity — is one of these ; if we assume the mean radius of curva- ture as the standard, and the earth's compression ^^^, then for another latitude, I I -7 = - X 1 + 0.0004991 X cos 2l. Laplace has remarked that this should make the refraction to the north and south unequal. In fact, if we suppose the last rays of twilight to be once reflected, and that refraction ceases with reflection, (in which case I find, taking into account the curvature of the ray, which Delambre has neglected, that the height of the reflecting point is 41.536 miles,) andthe rayis acted on in the case of horizontal refraction, through 8" 43' of latitude. The change of the radius of curvature, and the place of its centre, must make a sensible difference in the two refractions, but the effect of the difference of tem- perature in the two trajectories is perhaps still greater. The value of I is also inversely as local gravity, and that of b (or of the density corresponding to a given barometric column) directly as it ; they must therefore be divided and multipUed respectively by 1 — 0.002695 X cos 2l. These corrections may seem minute, but are very sensible in low refractions. 184 The Rev. Dr. Robinson on the Constant of Refraction. dR = dQ X — f*X3A' + 10A'+7A«) + 1 s%a' + 15a' + 35a« + 21a") &c. l+bp From the height of the atmosphere given in the preceding note = 7-53 X I, it appears that ¥s is nearly = s\ and, therefore, we need not develope beyond terms of this order, and the equation becomes dRzzdQ .X^.e[l + ^&(p'-p)(l + 3tang^0)] -^*'X 3^- ^ tl+^^('''-/'H3 + 5tang^0)] + ^s' X ^.0 . [l+5tmg\e-^ih(p'-p) (3+30tang'+35tang*)] COS - f s*X ^^.0[3+7tang^0+^J(/)'-)t))(15+7Otang^04-63tang*e)] OOo + t«'X tS • ^ [1 + 14 tang* + 21 tang* 6 + ^b (/- p) (5 + 105 tang* e + 315 tang* + 231 tang^)]. -\-ibdpX cos" These terms are of the form s'dp, and s'p dp. The hypothesis of uniform temperature is expressed by the equation, 1 as p = e ', giving the density unity at the surface, and evanescent at an infinite height. Between these limits we have, ■^\''dp=--^X{n.n-l 2.1) C« „ , l-'fn.n — l n The hypothesis of uniformly decreasing density gives. The Rev. Dr. Robinson on the Constant of Refraction. 185 P = l-^ as 21 }/P'^P=-a"^(n + l)in+2r The term ^sdp, is the same on either hypothesis, being a result of the atmo- sphere's equilibrium ; the coefficients of the higher terms differ, those on the hy- pothesis u T Increasing much more rapidly, ifrdp is that which Brinkley added to 5 P Laplace's expression, using the arithmetical mean, which gives - X —5. I have pre- o a ferred the geometric mean of the separate terms, as giving less weight to u t, which is especially necessary near the limit of convergence.* If we develope q, pass from sines to arcs, and put u for . , ,. — , we shall have, ^ ^ sin 1 r" = ^ X tang e V? sin 1" u'sin^ \" + ^^-f^ X tang' e + t^^ X tang^ 6 (q'. q") — -X^, X - . ^ e [1 .00000 + 6 X tangle (1.06698)1 (a. a ') sm 2 a cos'' "- ' o \ /^ \ j + shr2^ ><^^-^^t2.44949 +6 X tangle (5.04119)] (/3. /3') - si;^ ^ S • S" ^ ^8.65117 + h X tang^ e (26.92202)] (7. y') + ^ ^ ^* ^ • ^ [38.43867 + h X tang^ 6 (160.08103)] (8 . I') A xi^,.^. 0 [199.22000 &c.]. sm 2 a* cos'' * The original intention was to have assumed the terms zz ^01 X a'l' ; a and a' being arbitrary factors determined by observation ; but as the simple -v/i X i' was found to satisfy my observations, VOL. XIX. 2 B 186 The Rev. Dr. Robinson on the Constant of Refraction. 41 The terms /3, 7, and 8 have nearly the ratio — X tang* 6, and therefore the Or convergence ceases when the fraction =: 1 ; or below 85°. Near that limit several of the higher terms are equal with opposite signs, and therefore (Lacroix, III. p. 160) I retain half the two last, which I find give at 85° the same results as a much more extended development, including all affected with ¥ and — ~- 6. This expression may be put into the form given by Brinkley, certainly the most convenient with which I am acquainted, B, = fiX tang 6 — c ; the last of which quantities can be tabulated with the argument zenith distance, and is, in most cases, independent of the barometer and thermometer. Their influence is, when necessary, easily allowed for : if a unit of air at 50° become l-\- e(t — 50) at f, the quantity - must be multiplied by this factor, Or and that of fi or b divided by it, from which we deduce the change of c for temperature, D = e (^ - 50°) X[a' + p- 2q' - 3q" - 7], which is always small from the absence of a, the largest of the terms. this was unnecessary. Assuming Bessel's jj. to be 67" .524, and Ivory's 58".496, my table, when changed for these values, gives at their normal circumstances, 1. dist. R — B. B — I. 770 .. . — 0".ll . . . — 0".02 78 — 0 .10 — 0 .05 79 ^0 .11 — 0 .07 80 — 0 .12 — 0 .10 81 — 0 .06 — 0 .12 82 — 0 .08 — 0 .19 83 < — 0 .10 — 0 .25 84 — 0 .13 — 0 .30 85 — 0 .28 — 0 .42 The diflference obviously depending on some slight difference between the values of jj. and those used in computing the tables. It is equally evident, that to the zenith distance of 85 the results of the three formulae are identical for all practical purposes. The Rev. Dr. Robinson on the Constant 0/ Refraction. 187 If the barometer become h -j- A, Instead of h, the normal pressure, the terms H 4- A a, /3, 7, &c., are to be multiplied by ; q', a , /3', &c., by its square, and H q" by its cube ; we find the barometric change of c, E = - X [c + q' + 2q" - a' + ^ &c.]. If h be one inch, the value of e at 85° = — 2".34, so that these corrections can be worked by mental computation.* * This form of the refraction has the advantage of being easily applicable to the equatorial. In a memoir on this instrument, (Trans. R. L A. vol. xv.,) I have shewn that most of its corrections depend on an arc of the hour circle passing through the star intercepted between the pole and a perpendicular from the zenith. It is also equal to the intercept between the horizon and equator, whence I call it the horizontal declination. Denoting it by the symbol ?, the polar distance by d ; and being satisfied with the approximation, Refr. in P. Dist.z= Refr. in Zen. Dist. X cosine of angle of position, we have, (H) = ,Xtang(x>-0-cX^-^^^g^. c may be put in the form, ^.9 Iq' sin«a —a + b tang* 9 — c tang^fl &c.], cos' and its resultant in declination. (c) = tang /■ ..x cos* ^ |- [q' sin' (D — ?) — a + 6 tang' (d — ?) - c tang* (d — ?)] The first of these three terms is obviously the value of c taken with the argument (d — ?) instead cos' ^ of 0, and multiplied by . ^ , of which latter a table for each hour is sufficient. The second is Sin 13,L never =r 0".01 ; and the third, which is insensible above 80°, is computed by the formula ^^ ,. _ ,)^ X (^- i)[iog-' (6.28162) - iog-'^!:!^ a remarkable approximation to that of Bessel. This is, however, for the temperature of the barometer 37° ; but it vs^ill probably avail for 50° also ; as if, on the other hand, the Dublin barometer has a wooden mounting, on the other there is probably a little air in the upper part of the tube which will compensate for its inferior expansion of scale. Bessel has given for a or r^T-r* 57-538 at 48°.75, but the barometer at 50°. He, however, found afterwards, that the refractions of his table require to be multiplied by 1.00l779> which would make it at the normal temperature and pressure 57.4993, hence ^ = 57.524. This appears to satisfy the Greenwich observations, as well as* those at the Cape of Good Hope ; and its unexpected agreement with Brinkley shows how safely it may be depended on. At the same time, the very circumstances of that agreement give additional weight to the opinion which I have already expressed, that every fixed observatory should verify the refractions which it employs, and employ meteorological instruments of the best quality that can be made. The observed refraction of a star below the pole is obviously (omitting degrees) R = o — 8, o being the observed polar distance, 8 the assumed declination of the star. Calling do and dh the corrections which these require, the true refraction is o — 1-\- do — dZ. If we put /i X V for the tabular refraction, we have, V (/x -|- dfi) ■=. vi -\- do — dl. Now, the polar point having been determined with an erroneous refraction, all the polar distances require the correction rf/x X p ; and if we determine the declination by observations above the pole, we have, rfo = (^/i X P ; dh-=. — dti.[y'-\-v)\ and hence, R — v/t = rfB = c?/i [v — v' — 2p] = c?/x X k. * When the necessary corrections for the latitude and the change of the length of the pendu- lum are applied. The Rev. Dr. Robinson on the Constant of Refraction. 191 The constants v and v' must be computed for the mean refraction of each set of observations ; p from the annual mean temperature and pressure, as the observations for index correction and latitude extend through the year. If we observe a star of southern declination, and assume it to have been well determined at some place where it passes near the zenith, we obtain d/i with a much larger coefficient, for we find in the same way, ^E = d/j, (y -\- f) = d/j, X y^- It may be doubted, however, whether anything is gained by the superior mag- nitude of K ; for it is unsafe to argue, as if the results of one set of instruments were identical with those which another would give in the same locality. The refraction used at the southern observatory must also have been carefully verified, as p' the polar constant is in those existing very considerable. The process must, of course, be applied to as many stars as possible, both for the sake of accuracy in the final result, and also because the identity of the values of dfi, obtained at different zenith distances, is an evidence of the correctness of the formula used to compute the refraction. Among the various modes of com- bining the partial results, I prefer that which makes the sum of the squares of errors of observation a minimum ; not taking into account those irregular fluc- tuations to which low stars are liable, caused by momentary changes in dfi, or in the law of density, and, therefore, scarcely coming within this application of the theory of probabilities.* This gives the formula, _ K X s (dR)-\-K' X s jdR') ^ ~ K^ X w + k'- xn' The Armagh circle has been described by me in the Memoirs of the Royal Ast. Soc. vol. ix. After using it pretty extensively, during the last six years, I have found no reason to change the favourable opinion of it which is expressed there ; and, in particular, find no trace of the evil which Mr. Airy considers pro- bable in circles divided on the face, namely, great and irregular fluctuations of run in the microscopes, (Mem. R. Ast. Soc. vol. x. p. 266.) So far from this, it is remarkably steady in that respect. A change of 30° alters the mean run of the four microscopes from 0".25 to 0".47 ; the utmost force that can be applied * See on this subject, Bessel Ast. Nachrichten, No. 358. 192 The Rev. Dr. Robinson on the Constant of Refraction. drawing the instrument from the pier, and pushing it toward it, makes only a change of 0".02 ; of 30 sets taken round the circle at different times, the greatest I have found is 0".75, and the least 0".00 ; and during the last three years that at 360° (which equals the mean of the 30 sets) has been within the limits of 0".25 and 0".54. In respect of its division, after a careful examination of 288 diameters in four positions, I have stated, that I considered It good ; trifling, however, as the resulting error may be. It is obviously always necessary to correct for It when it is known. I have not, however, obtained my con-ections in the pre- sent Instance by the method described in that memoir. The errors which I found were absolutely casual, so that it was Irapessible to Interpolate between them ; the Individual research of each would have demanded an impracticable sacrifice of time ; and even could this have been afforded, the value of the result appears to me at least doubtful. All such modes of examination assume, that the divisions keep the same relative position while the circle is turned through any arc ; but it is found in actual experience, both with this and other circles, that occasionally the correction of a diameter varies with its situation to a whole second or even more. I have, therefore, applied twelve equidistant microscopes to the circle ; and presuming (as is also shown by the table of errors which I had constructed by my first method of correction) that their mean is free from sensible error, I use It to correct that of the four reading microscopes. In a way as simple as I believe it to be effective. Let m^ m^ be the means of the reading microscopes, and of the twelve when any number x is at the index. Then, on this supposi- tion, we have, m, — 'm„ = u, — u„-\-e{x) — e (o). We may assume the reading of the four at o to be a zero to which all others are referred, and therefore, e {x) = (m, — m„) — (m, — M„), which only implies the permanence of the microscopes while the readings are taken. Out of more than 100 of these -corrections most are negative, which arises from the zero reading m„ requiring, according to my former mode of examination, a correction of-|-0".93; about one-fourth of the number differ from this more than ± 0.49, and in some I have found reason to suspect a minute change depending on the temperature. As, however, it can be deter- The Rev. Dr. Robinson on the Constant of Refraction. 193 mined In a few minutes at the very time of observation, this is of no conse- quence. The index correction of this instrument is deduced from observations of Polaris. The star is observed five times near the meridian, and reduced to it by a table computed from the formula, rfo =: A 4- A* X tang 8 X sin 1", where, sin X cos . 8 sinl' X versme p. These, compared with the mean places of Bessel brought up by the constants of Baily's catalogue (for the time) and corrected for the term 2 3) , give the approxi- mate correction. When conjugate observations (above and below the pole) can be obtained, the mean is independent of any error of the assumed declinations ; but at other times the difference between Bessel's place and my own is applied as a correction.* As long as the difference of individual results is manifestly mere error of observation, it is assumed that the mean is the index correction during that period. Its changes are slow, having an annual period, and a given extent of variation during the eight years that the instrument has been used. The most probable cause of this appears to be some influence of temperature on the hill, for the transit instrument, and a telescopic meridian mark about fifty feet south, suffer analogous variations. As the fact is curious, I annex a table of the index corrections during 1839, which will also show that no error can arise from its occurrence.f • Equal to -I- 0".21 by 700 conjugate observations, t 1838, Dec. 18, , _ ^ ^ 1839, Feb. 24, \ /^^ April 7, ,, 24, May 16, , _ 3 g^ Junes, |_i63 OK > ' ] — 4.75 ] — 5.20 t — 4.19 e '''}-0.14 Sept. 11, -J ggg 0'='-i8'|_a49 1840, Feb. 28, VOL. XIX. 80 obs. 40 50 55 115 10 75 45 105 25 2c 194 The Rev. Dr. Robinson on the Constant of Refraction. The declinations of those refraction stars which are in the Nautical Almanac were compared with its places, as long as they were given to the second place of decimals. Afterwards, they were reduced by the constants of Baily's catalogue, and compared with its mean places for the year, corrected when necessary for proper motion. The others were taken from that catalogue, and reduced by its precession, corrected for Bessel's last value of n, and for secular variation (com- puted from its value compared with the precessions given in the Fundamenta). When any of them have been observed at Greenwich, by Airy, the proper motion has been deduced from his results by the formula, _ A — cat 4- f (p — b) — 1".053 X cos a '^ - '- WVt ' where p — b Is the number found in the last column of the Fundamenta, t the time in years from 1830, and 1.053 the correction for the error in the constant of precession used in that work. When Airy had not observed the star, I use my own declination changed for Bessel's refraction. The low stars are often neat spectra (that of aLyrae, I have found 22" long); sometimes the blue and violet disappear for several seconds, and sometimes, though less frequently, the red, the rest remaining unabsorbed. When the colours are distinctly separated, I take the yellow where it borders on green, which I think a tolerable average for the mean of the spectrum. The star should be carefully watched during its whole transit, for the undulations that produce irregular refraction are often of long duration ; and sometimes a star, which is apparently well bisected for several seconds, will leave the wire altogether. The temperature is observed by a thermometer of Troughton which I found here. I have verified its freezing and boiling points to assure myself that it had not undergone the change said to have occurred in some thermometers. I have also compared it at several points with a standard instrument made for me by Troughton and Simms, in 1834<, and think it of equal excellence. It is established at a north window of the eastern tower, about four feet above the centre of the circle, and twelve distant in a horizontal direction. In a semicylinder of polished copper, and an interior one of tin, arranged so as to permit a free circulation of air, but excluding all external radiation. In summer, when the rays of the sun reach the northern side of the tower, a second thermometer Is used at a southern The Rev. Dr. Robinson on the Constant of Refraction. 195 window of the same tower, till both agree, which generally is the case an hour after sunset. The internal temperature is also in most cases recorded, from a third standard thermometer attached to the telescope near its centre ; but in this observatory it is not to be used in computing refraction. If any error were produced by preferring the external, its amount should be greatest when the difference is greatest, which I do not find to be the case. For instance, among 39 refractions of a Cygni, I find, 9 with I — E from 0° to 3°, mean 2°.37, give diff. from mean — 0".22. 10 from 3° to 4° difF., mean 3°.39, give - 0".17 10 from 4° to 5° diff., mean 4°.45, give + 0".58 10 from 5° to 7°, mean 6°.01, give — 0".21 In this star, 1° would change the refraction 0".72. Among southern stars, 23 of \ Sagittarii. 8 from 0° to 3° mean 2°.l6 give — 0".22 8 from 3° to 5° mean 3°.78 give — 0".ll 7 from 5° to 7° mean 5°.66 give + 0".33 Here 1" gives a change of 0".65. In these the discordances obviously have no connexion with the state of the internal thermometer ; and the case is the same with other stars. The barometer used was, till December 4, 1835, a portable one, by Ramsden. It was then replaced by a standard one of Newman, similar to that described by Mr. Baily in the Philosophical Transactions for 1837, p. 431. Mr. Newman states, that the specific gravity of its mercury is 13.545 at 60°, and that the diameter of its tube is 0'.570. In such a tube the correction for capillary action is nearly insensible ; but it happens to be unnecessary here, for a reason given by Laplace, Conn, des Tems, 1829, but not, that I am aware, noticed in any English work. In barometers like this, the scale is terminated at its lower extremity with a point which is brought into contact with the mercury of the cistern ; but the surface of the latter is also curved, so that the contact, if near the edge, is made at a surface lower than the real zero. K the distance from the edge be properly assumed, this may be made to counteract the depression above : it is rather too great here, giving only 0'.003, but the rest is neutralized by the fact, that the contact (if estimated, as I do it, by the meeting of the point 2 c2 196 The Rev. Dr. Robinson on the Constant of Refraction. and its reflected image) does not take place without a minute depression of the mercury, which is between 0.001 and 0.002. The refractions have been computed with ji — 57.7682 (Brinkley's reduced to my latitude), and the colatitude 35° 38' 47". 3. In this climate and this exposed situation, it is not very easy to observe by reflection, and I have not yet definitively settled this element. With the first division of the circle, 41 pair give 47". 22 With the second „ 58 „ 47". 48 With the third „ 132 „ 47". 37 mean . 47". 37 The first and third are corrected for error of division. In the second, three divisions were read at each microscope. It is obvious that these give no reason for changing 47".3, which had previously been determined with Troughton's equatorial by upwards of 200 pair of observations ; and equally so that whatever uncertainty there be, can have no effect. The following are the results that I have obtained : 45 up' Cygni. Twelve observations (1838. 772) with Brinkley's Constant of Refraction give the Declination for 1830, 8= + 48° 23' 1". 51. Precession = + 11". 844 ; sec var. = -f 0". ^12 ; proper motion = + 0".033. DATE. E. T. I. T. A. T. BABOK. ZEN. DIST.* OBS. SEFBACT. da. 1836, Feb. 14. 42.2 43.5 44.2 30.122 77° 10'. 53 256.67 + 0.01 » 17. 36.2 38.3 39.1 30.241 77 10 55 256.51 — 4.47 „ 26. 29.7 34.5 35 28.979 77 10 65 252.63 — 0.77 1838, Feb. 7. 37.0 39.5 40.1 29.804 77 10 27 253.50 — 3.07 „ 8. 37.5 39.9 41.4 30.173 77 10 27 255.00 — 4.58 „ 15. 38.8 44.1 45 29.768 77 10 36 250.60 — 4.70 )> „ 17. 33.5 39.3 40.6 29.367 77 10 35 251.06 — 2.62 >f „ 23. 31.2 35.6 37.1 29.474 77 10 28 256.20 — 0.76 » „ 29. 43.8 46.8 48.3 ■ 30.409 77 10 29 236.63 — 1.44 * The figures after the minutes of zenith distance are decimals. The Rev. Dr. Robinson on the Constant of Refraction. 197 DATE. E. T. I. T. A. T. BABOM. ZEN. DI8T. OBS. BEFBACT. dti. 1839, Feb. 9. 37.1 43.1 30.084 770 9'. 89 257.20 — 1.64 „ 12. 36.7 a , 40.9 30.046 77 9 90 257.59 — 1.19 » 14. 35.8 . . 40.5 29.733 77 9 93 256.58 — 0.33 „ 17. 34.2 • . 39.5 29.915 77 9 95 261.75 + 2.73 „ 18. 31 34.2 29.380 77 9 96 255.97 — 0.17 ,, 24. 33.1 . , 37.4 29.462 77 10 02 253.11 — 2.59 „ April 5. •40.9 , , 43.7 29.733 77 10 12 253.17 — 0.72 » 7. 38.1 40.9 42.2 30.091 77 10 07 236.50 — 1.94 1 l1Xdvi = — 28".25 K = 2.8861 dB.= — V'.m dfi=— 0.576 31. o Cygni. Twelve observations (1838. 533) give 8 = + 46° 13' 45". 59. Precession = + 10". 648 ; sec var. = -f 0". 228 ; proper motion = + 0". 039. DATE. E. T. I. T. A. T. BABOH. ZEN. DIST. OBS. BEFBACT. dB. 1837, March 1. 29.2 34 35 30.193 79° 18'. 92 314.06 — 2.27 >5 „ 14. 34.1 37.3 39.3 30.287 79 18 91 314.91 + 0.98 J) „ 23. 32.2 34.3 33.8 29.665 79 19 03 307.47 — 1.38 )> „ 24. 29 33.3 36.8 29.725 79 19 03 307.50 — 4.04 >» „ 30. 36.1 38 42.1 29.758 79 19 03 309.29 + 2.16 » April 3. 35 37.8 39 29.429 79 19 03 308.90 + 4.41 •>■> » 4. 35 38 40.3 29.683 79 19 11 304.79 — 2.36 )» „ 7. 38.9 41.7 43.2 30.297 79 19 03 309.08 — 1.77 1838, Feb. 20. 31 34.4 35 29.496 79 18 51 305.76 — 1.88 3> „ 21. 31.8 35.5 36.6 29.577 79 18 78 307.62 — 0.41 IJ March 6. 38.8 39.7 40.2 29.456 79 18 93 301.81 — 0.42 9f „ 7. 36.5 38.8 40.3 29.790 79 18 86 305.76 — 1.42 » „ 8. 37.9 39.9 41.7 30.176 79 18 79 310.09 — 0.10 >» „ 17. 35.8 39.1 40.9 29.368 79 18 95 301.48 — 1.78 >) „ 23. 31.3 35.7 37.3 29.480 79 18 88 309.24 + 1.86 ** „ 29. 44.2 47 48.5 30.410 79 18 83 309.43 + 1.04 16 X July 7. 55.8 60.3 62 30.100 79 44 15 309.64 + 0.23 » „ 8. 58.8 62.9 65 30.019 79 44 18 308.36 + 1.57 >» » 9. 55.3 62 64 29.899 79 44 16 309.66 + 1.91 )> „ 13. 56.4 61 64.5 29.472 79 44 28 302.94 + 0.19 Jl „ 14. 58.3 65.4 64.2 29.544 79 44 11 302.49 + 0.34 » „ 16. 58.8 60.6 62.3 29.917 79 44 22 306.27 — 1.46 » „ 26. 60.1 62.1 64.1 29.762 79 44 32 301.23 — 2.22 l> „ 27. 55.4 59 62 29.571 79 44 30 301.86 — 2.56 )> August 5. 48.9 53 55.9 30.150 79 44 11 313.34 — 1.24 J> „ 6. 52.8 56.9 59 30.239 79 44 17 311.43 — 1.55 >» „ 7. 53.5 57.8 60.3 30.264 79 44 15 311.58 — 1.28 » „ 8. 56.1 59.5 61.8 30.193 79 44 18 309.35 — 1.02 )» „ 14. 58.2 61.3 64 30.069 79 44 21 307.58 — 0.09 » „ 15. 60.9 62.5 64.5 30.079 79 44 25 306.22 + 0.03 1838, July 25. 52.1 • • 59 29.897 79 44 11 307.74 — 2.08 >> „ 26. 52.4 57.1 58.5 29.678 79 44 20 303.13 — 4.27 » August 4. 56.7 • • 62 29.203 79 44 24 299.29 — 0.56 » 54 58 60 29.008 79 44 27 298.63 — 0.83 20 X e^E = — 15".86 K = 3.7318 <^R = — 0".79 dn = — 0. 212 • Brinkley's* . . = 54".70 Airy (Cambridge,) . 54".78 Bessel's, . 53 .61 Argelander, 53 .50 Airy (Greenwich,) 53 .40 Mine, . 54 .31 The Rev. Dr. Robinson on the Constant of Refraction. 199 P.XXI. 157 Cygni. Fifteen observations (1838. 800) give, *8 for 1838. Jan. 1, = + 45° 42' 55". 74. Precession = + 15".586. DATE. E. T. I. T. A. T. BAROH. ZEN. DIST. OBS. BEFBACT. dR. 1837, March 13. 29.2 33.6 34.8 30.211 79° 50'. 72 329.51 — 2.93 „ 14. 33 36.8 38 30.277 79 50 69 331.53 + 1.14 ,, 24. 28.2 33 35.1 29.726 79 50 81 325.78 — 1.96 „ 29. 32.1 35 38 29.535 79 50 84 324.26 + 1.31 „ 30. 34.7 36.5 42.1 29.760 79 50 82 326.20 + 2.68 „ April 1. 33.8 35 39 29.810 79 50 85 324.39 + 0.29 » 3. 33 37 38 29.438 79 50 92 320.41 — 0.91 1838, „ 11. 40.5 45 46 29.849 79 50 64 321.39 + 0.99 8 X <^R = + 0".62 K = 4 .0544 Jr = 4- 0".077 dfi = -\-0 .019 22. Andromedce. Eleven observations (1838. 337) give, 8 = + 45° 7' 33". 65. Precession = + 20". 056 ; sec var. = — 0". 009 ; proper motion = + 0."005. DATE. E. T. I. T. A. T. BABOM. ZEN. DIST. OBS. BEFBACT. dB. 1837, May, 3. 44.7 46.2 50 29.722 80° 23'. 54 331.12 — 2.21 1838, „ 4. 44.2 48.8 60.1 30.008 80 23 12 334.64 — 3.13 )J ?) 6. 48.7 62 63.5 30.200 80 23 12 334.72 — 0.89 >» S> 6. 52.1 54 55.8 30.163 80 23 16 332.73 — 0.11 » J> 8. 56.5 60 61.8 30.176 80 23 19 329.47 + 0.56 5J >J 10. 47.1 53.2 56 30.260 80 23 06 338.20 + 0.90 » )> 11. 49.1 53.5 55.2 30.132 80 23 15 332.81 — 1.72 1839, April, 17. 37.8 40.8 43.4 29.101 80 22 82 328.10 — 2.83 * This star has not been reduced to 1830, as I am doubtful of Piazzi's place ; the right ascension which he gives is also erroneous. It is rather too faint for subpolar observation here. 200 The Rev. Dr. Robinson on the Constant of Refraction. DATE. E. T. I. T. A. T. BABOM. ZEN. BIST. OBS. BEFBACT. ds.. 1839, April, 18. 36.9 43.3 44.2 29.212 80° 22'. 77 331.71 — 1.05 19. 40 42.7 43.9 29.766 80 22 70 336.39 — 0.38 23. 46.8 60.5 51.3 29.916 80 22 79 331.63 — 2.02 24. 44.4 47.4 49.2 29.912 80 22 73 335.20 — 0.05 30. 60.6 53 54 29.818 80 22 87 327.36 — 2.54 May 2. 46.1 48.1 53 29.890 80 22 77 332.96 — 0.78 7. 49.8 51 53.1 29.875 80 22 86 327.98 — 3.12 10. 43.2 47.4 49.2 30.124 80 22 76 334.07 — 1.90 )> 12. 44.9 47.9 50.8 30.002 80 22 81 331.43 — 3.30 17 X <^R = — 24".57 K = 4.1560 dvL = ■ dfi = • . 1". 44 • 0". 348 /3 AurigcB. Nine observations (1837. 675) give * 8 = + 44° 55' 12". 66. Precession = + 1". 132 ; sec var. = — 0". 642 ; proper motion = — 0."019. DATE. E. T. I. T. A. T. BABOH. ZEN. DI8T. OBS. BEFBACT. dB. 1833, July 23. 49.9 66.6 29.718 80° 37' . 97 .339.66 4- 2.07 August 1. 56.3 62.2 , , 30.348 80 38 00 339.51 — 0.64 ,, 2. 55.9 61 , , 30.268 80 38 05 336.49 — 2.98 1835, July 29. 66.1 , , , , 30.076 80 37 99 331.64 — 6.36 *> „ 31. 57.7 62 ., 29.993 80 37 93 335.03 + 0.71 )» Aug. 2. 58.2 62 .. 29.871 80 37 98 331.46 — 1.66 91 „ 6. 53.8 61.6 , , 29.796 80 37 91 336.55 + 0.96 >J „ 30. 57.2 60.6 .. 29.868 80 37 97 333.56 — 0.47 1837, July 8. 67.7 63 64.2 30.025 80 37 79 334.92 + 0.52 yy „ 9. 54.1 61 63.0 29.896 80 37 73 338.34 + 1.98 99 „ 10. 66.3 62.3 65 29.846 80 37 80 334.37 + 0.22 99 „ 13. 66 59.8 63.1 29.454 80 37 89 329.11 — 1.10 » „ 14. 57.7 65 64 29.644 80 37 85 331.49 + 0.55 Airy (Greenwich, 36 and 37) . . 11". 40 Argelander „ (Cambridge) . . . 12 . 35 Mine . 11". 00 12 ,76 The Rev. Dr. Robinson on the Constant of Refraction. 201 DATE. E. T. I. T. A. T. BAROH. ZEN. DIST. OBS. BEFBACT. da. 1837, July 16. 55 60 61.8 29.908 80» 37'. 75 337.77 + 1.72 »» » 20. 55 5 61 63 29.934 80 37 86 331.43 — 4.50 »» » 27. 55.8 68.2 61.6 29.671 80 37 88 330.75 — 0.80 » August 3. 47.8 52 549 30.152 80 37 67 339.71 — 4.35 >» „ 6. 51.5 54.9 57.2 30.239 80 37 75 339.43 — 2.82 l> „ 7. 51.2 55.7 59 30.264 80 37 74 339.63 — 3.14 »l „ 8. 55 58.9 61 30.193 80 37 79 336.78 — 2.43 >» » 14. 57.1 61 63 30.069 80 37 82 335.27 — 1.07 >» ,, 15. 68.8 61.9 63.1 30.081 80 37 81 333.83 — 1.49 9t „ 16. 60.9 63 65 29.971 80 37 89 331.26 — 1.41 n „ 26. 50.9 55.8 59 29.930 80 37 71 339.54 + 0.45 »> „ 29. 48.2 64.9 57.3 29.429 80 37 86 333.88 — 1.49 „ 31. 50.1 56 67 29.266 80 37 97 330.74 — 1.54 1838, July 25. 50.8 , , 68 29.883 80 37 71 338.42 — 0.21 >» „ 26. 51.2 . • 57 29.680 80 37 75 .336.39 + 0.30 ti August 4. 55.7 , , 61.5 29.205 80 37 86 330.06 + 2.41 >» „ 6. 53.1 • • 59.1 29.013 80 37 98 323.32 — 4.03 30 X 6?R = — S0".59 dvi= — 1".02 K = 4.2046 dfx=— 0.242 a Cygni. Twenty- four observations (1838. 105) give, *8 = _j_44°40'35".50. Precession = -j- 12". .597 ; sec var. = -\- 0".226 ; proper motion Insensible. DATE. E. T. I. T. A. T. BABOH. ZEN. DIST. OBS. BEFBACT. dB. 1836, Feb. 17. 36.2 38.2 38 30.241 80° 31'. 08 339.84 — 2.16 „ 26. 29.7 346 35.5 28.983 80 31 40 348.59 — 3.39 „ March 7. 34 39.8 40.2 29.166 80 51 49 349.11 — 1.78 1837, March 12. 28.4 33.1 35 29.617 80 51 07 359.68 — 0.80 » 13. 29.2 34 35 30.193 80 31 02 362.03 — 4.85 » 17. 38.1 40.4 41.3 30.206 80 31 09 358.74 — 1.30 „ 24. 28.6 34.9 36.8 29.722 80 31 12 357.98 — 3.63 i> )i *9. 32 37.4 38.2 29.330 80 31 20 353.88 — 2.77 • Brinkley's* . — 36.25 Airy, Greenwich, (36), . = 34.76 Bessel, 34.21 Challis (1837,) 35.95 Argelander, 33.50 Mine, .... 35.70 Airy, Cambridge, 35.14 VOL. XIX. 2d ' 202 The Rev. Dr. Robinson on the Constant of Refraction. DATE. £. T. I. T. A. T. BABOM. ZEN. DIST. OB8. BEFBACT. dR. 1837, April 1. 34.6 38 40 29.816 80o 51' 20 353.68 — 4.48 » 99 3. 34 37.5 38 29.438 80 51 27 350.08 — 4.00 )) 99 4. 34.4 37.8 40.3 29.683 80 51 18 354.39 — 3.08 )> 99 7. 37.6 40.6 42 30.308 80 51 15 357.57 — 4.79 » 9) 9. 39 42.1 43.2 30.245 80 51 10 359.99 — 0.77 99 99 16. 35 40.2 41 29.558 80 51 23 352.35 — 2.29 )9 *> 17. 42 43.2 44.5 29.764 80 51 23 352.02 + 0.18 1838, March 7. 37 39.5 40.1 29.804 80 50 96 352.08 — 3.93 » jj 8. 37.3 39.6 41.4 30.173 80 50 86 358.00 — 2.10 99 99 17. 35.2 39.6 40.3 29.366 80 51 00 351.13 — 0.77 9} jj 23. 31 35.5 36.9 29.468 80 50 93 356.10 — 0.45 99 *» 29. 43.8 46.8 48.3 30.409 80 50 93 357.18 — 0.67 99 April 11. 41.3 45.4 47 29.830 80 50 97 356.23 + 3.14 »9 99 12. 43 46.1 47.6 30.188 80 50 94 357.43 + 1.56 1839, Feb. 9. 37.1 ■ • 43.1 30.084 80 50 48 360.18 + 0.28 )f 99 12. 36.7 • • 40.9 30.046 80 50 50 369.80 + 0.97 )» >9 17. 24.2 • • 28.2 29.244 80 50 58 356.36 — 0.74 99 >9 18. 31.7 .. 34.2 29.374 80 50 62 364.75 — 0.03 99 99 20. 28.9 • • 33.5 30.066 80 50 44 366.35 + 0.10 99 >9 24. 33.1 r • 37.3 29.462 80 50 65 353.85 — 0.86 99 March 2. 37 • • 44 29.856 80 60 66 364.79 — 1.53 )j 99 3. 40.2 • • 43.6 29.820 80 50 71 362.37 — 1.18 9} 59 17. 34.2 39.5 29.915 80 50 67 367.23 — 2.06 99 99 25. 36.6 , , 42.9 29.424 80 50 83 348.45 — 3.13 99 9> 27. 41 , , 45.4 29.082 80 50 93 341.86 — 2.40 99 April 5. 40.9 45 43.7 29.735 80 50 85 347.89 — 4.28 99 99 6. 38.1 42.8 44.8 30.122 80 50 66 359.67 + 0.93 yj 99 7. 38.1 40.9 42.2 30.091 80 50 69 357.61 — 0.78 9) 99 11. 39.9 43 46 30.442 80 50 62 361.86 + 0.79 J) 99 12. 44.2 46.5 47.1 30.270 80 50 72 356.80 — 0.02 99 99 19. 44.8 47 47.6 29.708 80 50 86 347.01 — 1.92 39 X rfR = - 58". 99 d& = — 1".51 K = 4.5685 dfi z=z— 0.331 46 Andromedcs. Thirteen observations (1838. 083) give, 8 = + 44° 38' 7". 08. Precession := -j- 19".065 ; sec var. = — 0".l6l ; proper motion = — 0".0l7. BATE. E. T. I. T. A. T. BABOU. ZE!». DIST. OBS. BEPBACT. dR. 1837, May 18. 1838, May 5. » 11 6. 45.1 47.2 49.9 49.9 50.7 52.8 50 52.2 54.1 30.193 30.200 30.165 80° 52'. 63 80 52 30 80 52 34 355.18 352.96 350.11 — 0.18 — 0.65 — 1.09 The Rev. Dr. Robinson on the Constant of Refraction. 203 DATE. E. T. I. T. A. T. BABOM. ZEN. DI3T. OB8. BEFBACT. da. 1838, May 8. 53.7 57.9 60.1 30.172 80° 52' 36 349.05 + 0.59 )) » 10. 46.0 52.1 53.4 30.261 80 52 22 357.59 + 2.47 » » 11. 47.1 52 54.5 30.128 80 52 32 351.68 — 1.09 » „ 15. 39.4 45.2 47.7 29.688 80 52 31 352.44 — 0.97 )» „ 23. 48.2 56.7 54.5 29.780 80 52 45 344.70 — 3.26 ») » 24. 49.2 53 54.7 29.864 80 52 36 350.03 + 1.84 1839, April 23. 45.8 48 50.2 29.912 80 52 02 349.51 — 1.63 >» May 2. 44.3 49 50 29.884 80 51 98 351.59 — 0.27 >y „ 6. 45 51 52.5 29.989 80 51 97 352.78 + 0.30 )» » 7. 46 49.9 51.3 29.864 80 52 05 347.81 — 2.63 9> „ 10. 41 45.8 48 30.136 80 51 88 358.50 + 1.21 » „ 12. 43 46.1 49 29.984 80 51 89 357.08 + 3.10 »> „ 21. 44.8 50.2 52 30.050 80 52 00 351.48 — 1.94 W » 22. 42.7 46.2 49.2 30.176 80 51 92 356.59 + 0.31 » „ 25. 48 53.8 55.2 30.028 80 52 04 349.25 — 1.51 >) „ 26. 48.2 52 54.7 29.987 80 52 05 348.53 — 1.63 J 9 X (^R = — 7".65 rfR = — 0".40 K = 4.4839 dfi — - 0.090 64 ^ Cygni. Twelve observations (1838. 767) give, 8 = + 43° 15' 11".98. Precession = + 14". 104 ; sec var. = + 0".219 ; proper motion = + 0".033. DATE. E. T. I. T. A. T. BABOH. ZEN. DIST. OBS. BEFBACT. <;b. 1838, March 8. 36.8 39.4 41.1 30.170 82° 15' 02 417.67 — 3.05 ,, 17. 34.6 39.6 40.3 29.377 82 15 18 409.25 — 2.41 „ 23. 30.4 35.0 36.6 29.549 82 15 13 413.15 — 8.52 >> )» -*"• 43.5 46.6 48.1 30.408 82 15 10 416.00 — 1.84 „ April 8. 42.3 45.1 46 29.460 82 15 32 403.74 — 2.09 1839, Feb. 20. 28.5 33.1 30.060 82 14 52 427.84 + 1.34 » » •^4. 33.1 • • 37.2 29.467 82 14 75 415.18 + 1.16 „ March 3. 39.3 • • 43.5 29.820 82 14 81 41.3.24 — 0.09 » 17. 34.9 • • 39.5 29.917 82 14 79 417.30 -1.41 „ 27. 40.8 • • 45 29.070 82 15 10 398.47 — 3.27 „ April 6. 37.4 42.1 44.2 80.125 82 14 79 418.96 — 0.24 7 37.9 40.7 42 30.089 82 14 86 414.90 — 3.51 „ 11. 39.3 43 45.2 30.440 82 14 72 423.71 + 1.89 „ 12. 43.3 45.8 46.9 30.270 82 14 92 411.74 — 4.26 14 X (^R = — 21".30. K = 5.6710. dK = — I". 52. dn= — 0.268. 2d2 204 The Rev. Dr. Robinson on the Constant of Refraction. 17 AndromedcB. Fifteen observations (1838. 801) give, S = +42° 19' 39". 41. Precession = -\- 19". 883 ; sec var. = -\- 0.051 ; proper motion = -\- 0.042. DATE. E. T. I. T. A. T. BABOH. ZEN DIBT. OBS. BEFBACT. <;b. 1837, April 16. 31.3 35 35.9 29.578 83" 9'. 22 468.26 + 1.25 17. 36.8 40.7 42.1 29.875 83 9 23 466.92 + 2.45 yt *) 22. 40 42.8 43 29640 83 9 33 459.87 + 0.81 1) May 3. 45.2 49.7 50 29.673 83 9 46 452.95 — 1.35 1838, May 5. 49.8 53 54 30.190 83 9 05 455.77 — 1.44 6. 52.8 54.3 55.9 30.156 83 9 09 453.39 — 0.36 >> j> 8. 58.2 60 62.9 30.180 83 9 13 450.20 + 1.43 1839, April 17. 37.9 42.8 43.4 29.101 83 8 78 448.57 — 3.56 18. 38.1 42.8 44.5 29.209 83 8 74 451.33 — 2.23 19. 40.2 42 43.8 29.764 83 8 62 458.92 — 1.13 9f )» 24. 44.9 47.3 49.7 29.916 83 8 59 460.91 + 2.43 9f May 2. 47 50.2 53.1 29.894 83 8 73 453.09 — 2.04 5. 47 49.7 51.1 29.786 83 8 75 451.66 — 1.91 l> 9» 7. 50.8 52.2 54.2 29.873 83 8 78 450.22 — 0.94 14 X II 8. » 12. 53.9 53.9 46.9 49 58.5 56.7 54.7 53.8 29.870 29.827 29.509 29.277 83° 5'. 56 83 5 53 83 5 48 83 5 78 444.58 447.82 451.05 435.41 — 0.35 + 2 47 + 5.00 — 5.45 Argelander's *= 57". 80 ; proper motion =: - 0". 286. The Rev. Dr. Robinson on the Constant of Refraction. 205 DATE. E. T. I. T. A. T. BABOM. ZEN DIST. OBS. BEFRACT. <2b. 1835, Sept. 15. 48.3 52.5 29.427 83° 5'. 65 441.67 — 1.92 Oct. 3. 46.1 50.2 , , 29.227 83 5 64 445.37 + 1.51 1837, Aug. 30. 47.2 51.8 54.7 29.252 83 6 06 442.15 — 0.31 • 1838, Sept. 9. 44.3 48.8 52.5 30.127 83 5 96 458.33 — 0.28 20. 44.5 53.9 29.606 83 6 27 446 88 — 3.86 23. 49.9 , , 55.5 29.560 83 6 36 442.07 — 2.77 24. 46.8 56.9 29.721 83 6 21 451.16 + 1.14 25. 45.5 54 29.860 83 6 17 453.78 — 0.78 Oct. 4. 45.1 55 30.286 83 6 09 460.06 — 0.24 1839, Sept. 5. 52.9 57 57.9 29.474 83 6 69 434.36 — 5.60 Jf 10. 51.3 54.1 56.2 29.888 83 6 54 444.38 — 4.27 11. 48.4 52 2 55.1 29.714 83 6 56 443.35 — 5.44 21. 46.6 51.7 53.5 29.390 83 6 59 444.18 — 1.08 Oct. 2. 43.1 49.7 52 29.620 83 6 49 452.28 — 0.28 4. 42.1 45.1 47 29.888 83 6 36 460.33 + 2.64 ^t 12. 46.8 48 50.1 29.664 83 6 57 448.62 — 1.17 99 9) 16. 44.2 47.3 47.9 29.582 83 6 59 448 01 — 3.14 17. 41.2 49 49.9 29.956 83 6 51 445,46 — 4.19 18. 43.1 46.8 48.8 29.788 83 6 50 453.58 — 1.68 »f » 20. 45.9 48.8 49.4 29.778 83 6 57 450.11 — 2.32 24 X c?R = — 32".38 K= 6.1247 dR= — I". 35 rf/i= — 0".220 Precession = /i Urscs Majoris. Ten observations (1838. 235) give, 8=+42°21'4". 05. — 17".877 ; sec var. = — 0".236 ; proper motion = — 0".015. DATE. E. T. I. T. A. T. BABOH. ZEW. DIST. OBS. REFRACT. «fB. 1835, Sept. 22. 49.9 52.9 28.907 83° 11'. 96 439.21 — 1.13 )» „ 23. 47.3 52.4 , , 29.285 83 11 90 443.02 — 5.51 »> „ 24. 45 49.6 , , 29.727 83 11 66 457.80 + 0.16 »» Nov. 22. 39.3 45.6 , , 29.411 83 11 86 460.16 + 1.66 1838, Sept. 23. 49.8 . , 54.8 29.571 83 12 77 446.78 — 4.61 1839, Sept. 30. 44 50.3 52.3 29.828 83 12 97 458.09 — 3.23 »» Oct. 2. 42.5 47.1 49.8 29.625 83 12 98 458.14 — 3.86 >» » 4. 42.9 45.8 47 29.919 83 12 88 464.49 + 0.59 206 The Rev. Dr. Robinson on the Constant of Refraction. DATE. B. T. I. T. A. T. BABOM. ZEN. DIST. OBS. BEFBACT. dR. 1839, Oct. 5. 41.3 47 50.2 30.148 83° 12'. 84 465.82 — 3.09 » 12. 45.5 47.5 49.2 29.703 83 12 97 461.13 + 3.15 „ 15. 43.2 48.9 49.1 29.570 83 13 04 457.58 — 0.66 „ 16. 44.2 47.8 47.8 29.610 83 13 08 455.33 — 2.65 » 17. 39.9 46.1 47.5 29.947 83 12 91 465.57 — 1.75 „ 20. 44.2 46.8 48.5 29.786 83 13 09 455.46 — 5.23 ,, 27. 41 46.1 47.3 30.298 83 12 86 470.96 — 0.75 „ Nov. 11. 43.3 45.5 48.1 29.000 83 13 28 448.78 — 0.75 ,. 12. 41.9 45 47 29.320 83 13 24 452.70 — 3.19 „ 13. 38.2 42.2 45.5 29.679 83 13 12 459.66 — 5.50 l8Xt^R = — 36".35 6?R=— 2".02 K=: 6.2821 «?/*=— 0.321 V Persei. Twelve observations (1838. 416) give, 8 = -f 42° 2' 2". 57. Precession = -\- 11.954 ; sec var. = — 0.471 ; proper motion = — 0.004. DATE. E. T. I. T. A. T. BAKOH. ZEN. DIST. OBS. BEPKACT. dB. 1837, June 3. 45.2 54.6 29.891 83° 27'. 37 475.51 — 0.42 j> » 5. 50 56.9 57.3 30.005 83 27 35 476.63 + 3.92 }> » 1". 52 55.1 57.1 29.500 83 27 66 458.63 — 4.40 » » 14. 52.1 57.1 59 29.735 83 27 57 464.67 — 1.85 » » 23. 62.4 63.8 65.3 30.122 83 27 68 457.66 — 4.70 1838, June 12. 52 54.9 59 29.632 83 27 32 460.78 — 3.94 1839, June 16. 52.9 57.9 58.8 30.144 83 27 05 468.37 — 3.25 7 X «?K = — 14".64 K = 6.5578 dR — — 2".09 dfi=— 0.326 The Rev. Dr. Robinson on the Constant of Refraction. 207 Precession = — 58 AurigcB. Twelve observations (1837. 561) give, 8 = + 41° 58' 16". 86. 3".376 ; sec var. = — 0". 613; proper motion = — 0". 138. DATE. E. T. I. T. A. T. BABOH. ZEN. DIST. OB8. BEFEACT. dK. 1833, Aug. 14. 47.7 53.3 29.708 83° 32' 89 473.59 — 2.77 1835, July 29. 53.2 58 , , 30.066 83 32 84 475,56 — 0.72 7J » 31. 56.5 62 , ^ 29,990 83 32 87 473.71 + 1.98 1» Aug. 30. 55.2 59.5 , , 29.868 83 32 86 467.04 — 4.14 1837, July 16. 512 59,1 61.2 29.897 83 32 96 470.52 — 2.03 n „ 20. 53,7 59 60.9 29.944 83 32 92 473.26 — 0.11 >' Aug. 5. 46,3 51 53.9 30.152 83 32 72 486.84 + 2.05 » „ 6. 51 53.9 55 30.245 83 32 86 478.50 — 3.03 » » 7. 49.4 54.8 58 30.260 83 32 77 483.46 + 0.27 9> „ 15. 57.9 61 63 30.084 83 32 99 470.93 — 0.87 » „ 26. 49 54.7 56.5 29.939 83 32 94 475.06 — 3.63 n ,, 29. 46.5 52 54.6 29.429 83 32 99 471.83 — 1.31 1838, Aug. 4. 54.8 , , 60 29.204 83 33 18 461.39 + 0.21 >» » 11. 56.9 , , 62.2 29.764 83 33 09 467.64 — 0.22 5> „ 12. 56.3 , , 61.8 29.840 83 33 07 477.92 — 0.99 >» „ 13. 51.8 , . 58.5 30,060 83 32 92 467.64 + 0.08 1839, July 15. 50.1 52.8 57.3 29.853 83 33 00 474.37 — 1.85 »» » 19. 51.4 54.4 59.2 29.071 83 33 20 462,91 + 0.45 » » 24. 52.9 58 59.3 29,578 83 33 15 466.32 — 2.82 ?> „ 27. 52.2 60 61.5 29,636 83 33 07 471.34 + 0.84 » » 31. 47.8 52 55.2 29,624 83 33 05 472.63 — 2.37 » Aug. 2. 56.1 57.1 59.8 29.762 83 33 15 467.52 — 1.25 »» ,, 4. 52.3 57.4 59.9 30.184 83 32 98 477.59 — 1.68 j> » 12. 49.1 56 58 30.124 83 32 94 480.66 — 0.84 24 X rfR = - 24".75 K = 6.5578 dr)i = — 1".03 dfi=— 0.157 208 The Rev. Dr. Robinson on the Constant of Refraction. y AndromedcB. Twelve observations (1837. 531) give, *2 = + 41° 30' 34". 54. Precession = + 17".647 ; sec var. = — 0". 260 ; proper motion = — 0".057. DATE. E. T. I. T. A. T. BABOH. ZEM. DIST. OBS. BEFBACT. dn. 1836, May 28. 54.2 59.4 61 30.281 83° 58'. 12 506.19 — 1.47 1837, i» 12. 46.7 51.6 52.1 29.617 83 87 88 499.84 — 2.78 >» » 14. 44 5 51.8 62.8 30.013 83 57 66 513.25 — 0.08 » »» 18. 44.8 48.4 60 30.193 83 57 61 616.38 + 0.24 99 )» 2(i. 43.5 51.1 61 29.588 83 57 72 510.12 + 2.89 9t »» 27. 50 54.2 64.1 29.800 83 57 84 503.23 — 0.62 l> >» 30. 46.9 52.5 53.2 29.837 83 57 74 508.82 + 1.15 )> June 3. 48.7 54.6 66.8 29.896 83 57 77 506.96 + 0.40 1838, May 15. 38.2 44 46.9 29.684 83 67 33 612.64 — 1.91 » f> 17. 39 45.9 47.1 29.716 83 67 32 51395 — 0.20 » »i 23. 47.4 51.3 53.3 29.786 83 57 54 500.86 — 4.08 9f 19 24. 48.3 62.1 63.9 29.870 83 67 42 608.03 + 0.84 *» »» 25. 50.4 54 65.5 29.906 83 67 47 505.28 + 0.70 99 >» 26. 52 54.S 56.9 29.931 83 67 45 506.31 + 3.17 1839, May 25. 46.7 51 53.7 30.208 83 67 05 510.21 — 3.21 99 )> 26. 46.2 60 53.1 29.988 83 67 13 505.87 — 4.06 »> >» 28. 56.2 57.1 58 30.064 83 57 24 499.33 — 3.75 9> yy 29. 53 8 56.2 60 30.077 83 57 16 503.79 + 0.56 >» it 30. 56.1 68 61.2 30.044 83 67 22 500.26 + 0.02 >» fy 31. 67 58.8 62.1 29.916 83 67 27 497.68 — 0.67 tt June 1. 52.8 55.5 59.2 29.786 83 57 21 600.65 + 1.18 99 )» 2. 52.1 56 69.8 29.624 83 57 26 498.09 + 0.58 1) >» 3. 46.9 50.4 52.5 29.500 83 57 20 501.67 + 0.41 23 X <^B = — 10".59 K = 7.1337 dvL = dfi, zz - 0".46 — 0".065 * Argelander's » . . . = 35". 20 Airy, Greenwich, (1836 and 1837,) 34 11 Mine, . , 34". 74 The Rev. Dr. Robinson on the Constant 0/ Refraction. 209 58 Persei. Eight observations (1837. 198) give, 8 = 4- 40° 54' 24". 32. Precession = + 8".07l ; sec var. = — 0".329 ; proper motion = — 0".035. DATE. E. T. I. T. A. T. BAROH. ZEN. DIST. OBS. KEFHACT. da. 1837, June 11. 60.7 58 58.7 29.506 84° 34'. 35 540.79 — 3.89 a » 13, 51.7 65.5 57 29.602 84 34 27 546.15 4-2.77 14. 61.2 56.1 67.2 29.735 84 34 26 647.53 — 0.78 1839, 16, 51.6 66.8 58.8 30.144 84 33 87 551.15 — 3.66 28. 47.1 60 53.8 29.881 84 33 89 550.96 — 4.89 >» I> 29. 45.9 50.1 54.9 30.102 84 33 72 560.81 — 0.28 6xdR = — 10".73 K = 7.8566 d&= — l".79 dn—— 0.228 58 Cygni. Twelve observations (1838. 024) give, 8= + 40° 30' 58". 86. Precession = + 13". 603 ; sec var. = + 0". 233 ; proper motion = + 0". 018. DATE. E. T. I. T. A. T. BABOM. ZEN. DIST. OBS. BEFBACT. da. 1837, March 24. 28.5 33.9 36.1 29.722 84° 66'. 49 604.06 — 9.41 ,» » 29. 32.2 36.1 38.2 29.630 84 66 58 599.77 — 4.47 „ April 1. 33.9 37.0 39 29.812 84 66 40 610.71 + 2.96 1838, March 8. 36.8 39.4 41 30.170 84 66 20 604.29 — 5.79 „ 17. 34.6 39.6 40.3 29.377 84 56 38 596.87 — 1.39 „ „ 23. 30.4 35 36.6 29.469 84 56 32 600.31 — 4.61 » » ^"' 43.5 46.6 48.1 30.408 84 66 35 599.37 — 6.09 1839, April 6. 37.8 42.2 44.2 30.126 84 55 98 606.53 — 0.66 1840, Feb. 26. 31.8 35.8 37 30.357 84 56 43 619.21 — 0.74 ,, 27, 28.6 34 36.3 30.258 84 65 41 620.33 — 2.47 ,, ,, jy. 32 35.7 36.5 30.264 84 55 48 616.43 — 2.48 „ March 1. 30.8 33.6 34.9 30.330 84 55 43 618.21 — 2.80 )) >i ■^• 34.5 35.7 36.2 30.382 84 55 59 609.34 — 7.60 VOL. XIX. 2e 210 The Rev. Dr. Robinson on the Constant of Refraction. DATE. E. T. I. T. A. T. BABOM. ZEN. DIST. ODS. BEFRACT. dB. 1840, March 3. 34.2 35.8 37.2 30.415 84° 55'. 40 621.50 + 3.82 4. 35.5 37.2 38.2 30.247 84 55 45 618.75 + 6.38 5. 38.2 38.2 40.2 30.108 84 55 71 603.40 — 2.67 6. 44.2 43.1 43.1 30.249 84 55 84 595.56 — 5.10 9. 40.3 42.8 43.5 30.481 84 55 69 605.34 — 5.13 18. 38.2 42.8 44.5 30.150 84 55 79 600.66 — 3.91 20. 35.6 40.1 43.2 30.380 84 55 75 603.22 — 9.06 23. 86 37.9 40.2 30.261 84 55 71 606.31 — 6.98 21 X rfR = — 67".20 K = 8.8831 Persei. 58 Aurigae. y Andromedae. 58 Persei. 58 Cygni. 17 16 20 8 17 30 39 19 14 24 14 18 7 24 23 6 21 — 81.5223 — 31.2112 — 59.1490 4- 2.4732 — 102.0713 — 128.6188 — 269.4501 — 34.3018 — 120.7923 — 198.2566 — 41.1506 — 228.3543 — 93.8717 — 162.3056 — 75.5459 — 84.3546 — 596.9444 445.642 224.400 278.526 131.505 293.630 530.360 813.976 382.002 450.243 900,287 545.895 710.366 287.796 1032.114 1170.462 370.351 1657.992 — 0".576 — 0 160 — 0 212 + 0 019 — 0 348 — 0 242 — 0 331 — 0 090 — 0 268 — 0 220 — 0 075 — 0 321 — 0 326 — 0 157 — 0 065 — 0 228 — 0 360 Sum . . 317 — 2305.4273 10225.547 Hence dfx = 2305.4273 10225.547 = — 0.2255. The Rev. Dr. Robinson on the Constant of Refraction. 211 The value of ft used in computing the refractions is, /x = 57.7682 ; ( a' its effect on the mean of four microscopes was = — — '~r77r — ^* *^^^ *^™^ it was changed by the rough operations necessary in attaching another pair of a' microscopes, and has been since considered permanent at -f- 0". 41 X —;• This is, however, a mean value, being deduced from readings of the four, in 30 equidistant positions of the circle. Hence 1 found as above _38^2909^ ^ ^10225.547 ^ and M = 57".5464 a value whose near approximation to Bessel's 57".524, will prove very remark- able, if when I have means of determining the length of the seconds' pendulum here, it should be found little different from that of Konigsberg. That obser- vatory is a little north of me, but it is only 90 feet above the Baltic ; while this is 211 feet above the sea, and the substratum, dense limestone, so that the local gravity must be nearly alike in both cases. As to the southern stars, I have used the declinations of the St. Helena catalogue, reduced to Bessel's refractions, by the table given page 22, and those of Professor Henderson. (Mem. R. Ast. Soc. X. 80.) The two are not strictly comparable in respect of refraction, for the St. Helena Observatory, being 700 feet above the sea, and resting on dense volcanic rocks, may be expected to have an excess of gravity above the Cape, and therefore larger refraction. At the latter place I find, by comparing the length of the pen- dulum with that of Greenwich, that Bessel's refractions should be multiplied by 0.9984 ; and, in fact, Henderson's observations on refraction shew, that even a greater diminution is required. I have not, however, changed them further than 2 E 2 212 The Rev. Dr. Robinson on the Constant of Refraction. by reducing them to 1830, with the precession, &c., annexed to each star. When possible, the proper motions are deduced by comparison with Airy's Greenwich places. 24. o* Canis Majoris. 8 = — 23° 35' 23". 83. J. (Johnson). Precesslon = — 4". 846; sec var. = — 0".352; proper motion = -f"0 " -Oil- DATE. E. T. I. T. A. T. BAEOH. ZEN. DIST. OBS. BEFBACT. dB. 1837, Feb. 18. 34.3 41 41 29.274 77° 52'. 73 269.48 + 2.37 March 12. 29.8 35.6 36.8 29.575 77 52 85 274.78 + 1.19 >} $1 13. 30.7 34.8 86 30.174 77 52 66 276.29 — 2.10 17. 38.6 41.8 43 30.211 77 52 74 271.47 — 2.76 21. 38.8 40.1 41.1 29.712 77 52 79 268.76 — 0.88 9) )) 23. 32.2 36 37.6 29 663 77 52 76 270.51 — 3.10 24. 32 36.5 38.1 29.727 77 62 77 270.15 — 3.51 1838, Feb. 8. 38.7 39.8 40.2 28.524 77 53 02 254.86 — 4.14 jy 13. 27 30 31.2 29.479 77 62 86 270.93 — 3.51 20. 31.8 34.7 35.7 29.483 77 52 76 273.16 + 1.59 21. 32.9 36.1 38 29.583 77 52 82 269.90 — 2.06 March 15. 39.2 44.8 47.2 29.798 77 52 88 267.99 — 2.08 )> )> 17. 36.2 39,8 41.2 29.344 77 52 93 265.12 — 2.64 13xrfR = — 21".63 K = 5.2240 rfR = — 1".16 C?;U = — 0.318 15 Argus. *8 = — 23°49'8". 58.(J. H.) Precession = — 10". 051 ; sec var. = — 0". 317 ; proper motion = + 0".075. DATE. E. T. I. T. A. T. BABOM. ZEN. DIST. OBS. BEFBACT. dR. 1837, March 13. „ 14. » » 23. 29.2 34.1 32.2 34.1 37.3 34.5 35 38.4 35.8 30.185 30.287 29.657 78° 6'. 92 78 6 96 78 7 03 282.69 280.78 277.17 — 2.28 — 1.17 * Johnson's *...=: 7" .80 Henderson's i Had the first been used, the refractions would be 0".78 less ; »» 4. 35.7 38.7 40.3 29.683 78 7 00 279.65 + 3.22 1838, Feb. 20. 31.2 34.4 35 29.496 78 7 08 279.34 + 2.90 )J )» 21. 31.8 35 36.9 29.577 78 7 13 276.93 — 0.96 IJ March 17. 35.8 39.1 40.9 29.368 78 7 22 274.61 + 1.11 1839, Feb. 20. 29.6 • • 34.1 30.066 78 7 20 283.91 + 0.06 ]> » 24. 33.8 , , 38 29.461 78 7 13 274.69 — 0.86 )} March 17. 35 • • 40 29.907 78 7 12 279.87 + 0.89 » »» 25. 37.9 • • 43.9 29.424 78 7 59 269.77 — 3.14 >> April 5. 40.4 , , 44 29.722 78 7 47 272.52 — 1.69 fJ )> 6. 39 44 45.8 .S0.118 78 7 39 273.57 — 1.05 ft )> 7. 38.5 40.2 43.2 30.094 78 7 45 276.75 — 2.00 3J >» 11. 41.8 45.2 47 30.442 78 7 42 274.51 — 5.48 l6xrfR = — 14".62 K = 5.5356 <;r = — 0".9l dfi=— 0.165 16. o' Canis Major is. 8 = — 23' 58' 35".82. J. Precession = — 4". 092 ; sec var. = — 0". 353 ; proper motion = — 0".059. DATE. E. T. I. T. A. T. BABOM. ZEN. DIST. OBS. BEFBACT. da. 1837, Feb, 18. 34.3 41 41 29.274 78° 15' 70 279.53 + 3.05 )) March 12. 29.8 35.6 36.8 29.575 78 15 68 283.13 + 1.06 >f ■ »» 13. 30.7 34.8 36 30.174 78 15 71 281.70 — 5.65 tt » 17. 38.6 41.8 43 30.211 78 15 76 278.48 — 3.56 )> »» 23. 32.2 36 37.6 29.663 78 15 76 279.06 — 2.43 ») >» 24. 32 36.5 38.1 29.727 78 15 73 280.69 — 1.62 1838, Feb. 8. 38.7 39.8 40.2 28.524 78 15 97 265.28 — 1.72 »» >> 13. 27 30 31.2 29.479 78 15 72 281.30 — 1.67 )» » 20. 31.8 34.7 35.7 29.483 78 15 72 282.64 + 2.59 )) 21. 32.9 36.1 38 29.583 78 15 79 278.13 — 1.89 it March 15. 39.2 44.8 47.2 29.798 78 15 87 275.23 — 3.36 tt )> 17. 36.2 39.8 41.2 29.344 78 15 91 273.32 — 4.36 »> >> 23. 33.5 35.2 39.7 29.500 78 15 87 275.28 — 3.91 lSXdR=— 23".47 K = 5.5514 dR : dfi : : — 1".81 — 0.325 214 The Rev. Dr. Robinson on the Constant of Refraction. Precession 0".012. (A.) ^ Argus. ♦8 =—24° 26' 17".90. (J.) 8".647 ; sec. var. = — 0".329 ; proper motion DATE. E. T. I. T. A. T. BABOM. ZEK. DIST. OB3. REFBACT. da. 1837, March 12. 28.5 33.4 35 29.604 78° 43' 68 296.33 + 1.38 )) ») 13. 29.2 34.1 35 30.182 78 43 62 300.13 - 0.04 14. 34.2 37.6 39 30.287 78 43 68 296.36 — 1.64 29. 32.2 38.6 40 29.521 78 43 59 290.11 — 1.47 9> » 30. 36.1 38.2 42 29.757 78 43 61 288.93 — 2.57 1838, Feb. 20. 31.4 34 35.2 29.496 78 43 81 293.98 + 1.93 21. 31.9 35.2 36.9 29.577 78 43 87 290.84 — 1.68 IJ March 29. 45.1 47.1 48.5 30.410 78 43 95 289.59 — 2.93 1839, Feb. 20. 29.6 • • .34.1 30.066 78 43 86 297.64 — 1.18 March 17. 35.1 • • 40.1 29.912 78 44 02 291.56 — 2.24 jy „ 23. 38.9 • • 44.1 29.424 78 44 15 283.90 — 2.83 )t April 5. 40.3 • • 44 29.717 78 44 16 284.37 — 4.48 » » 7. 38.9 40.4 43.2 30.094 78 44 07 289.26 — 4.12 13 X <^R = — 21".87 K = 5.7931 ds. = — V'M diMz=— 0.290 22 \ Sagittarii. f 8 = — 25° 30' 23". 90. (J.) Precession = + l".528 ; sec. var. = -|-0".537; proper motion = —0".291. (J.) DATE. E. T. I. T. A. T. BAROH. ZEN. DIST. DBS. BEPBACT. da. 1837, July 20. ,, 27. „ August 5. 54.7 55 46.9 57.3 57 51 61 61.6 53.9 29.940 29.571 30.152 790 46'. 40 79 46 48 79 46 36 308.74 306.47 313.99 — 1.29 + 0.43 + 0.53 • Airy (15 observations, 1836-7) . 18".93 f The declinations of this star are discordant : Airy (16 in 1837) .... 25".79 Johnson , . . . 23 .90 Maclear 24".45 The Rev. Dr. Robinson on the Constant of Refraction. 215 DATE. E. T. I. T. A. T. BAROH. ZEN. DI3T. OBa. KEFBACT. dR. 1837, Aug. 6. 61.2 54 56.2 30.240 79° 46'. 32 316.17 + 0.76 >» 19 7. 50.3 54 68 30.261 79 46 20 313.75 — 2.54 l> )» 14. 56.8 60 62 30.070 79 46 43 309.84 + 0.05 )> Jl 15. 58 61 63 30.082 79 46 45 308.51 — 0.84 J> 9> 16. 60.6 62.1 64 29.968 79 46 54 306.71 — 0.95 »» » 29. 47.6 52.2 56 29.430 79 46 41 311.51 + 2.19 >* » 31. 48.7 63 56.1 29.275 79 46 49 306.92 — 0.16 1839, July 15. 60.2 62.8 57.3 29.853 79 46 29 815.08 + 3.41 »> If 19. 51.8 54.6 59.2 29.071 79 46 51 301.84 — 0.68 >> >J 24. 53.7 69.2 61 29.578 79 46 42 307.17 + 0.62 »» »> 28. 62.4 57.2 61.8 29.778 79 46 13 311.02 + 2.96 » »» 31. 48.1 63.8 56.1 29.622 79 46 32 313.22 + 2.62 »» Aug. 2. 66.9 57.9 60.1 29.764 79 46 46 306.70 — 0.84 » )> 4. 62.9 58.1 60.2 30.186 79 46 30 314.58 + 0.44 )» » 19. 47.1 54.2 56.2 29.960 79 46 29 316.52 + 0.72 »» s» 20. 50.8 56 67.8 30.084 79 46 33 313.05 — 0,66 )) J) 21. 63.2 56.2 68.9 29.932 79 46 36 311.48 + 0.90 n )» 26. 61.2 65.5 59.1 29.620 79 46 39 310.31 + 1.73 »> Sept. 5. 55.9 58 61.7 29.428 79 46 50 303.39 — 0.28 )) » 11. 51.2 67.2 60 29.736 79 46 42 308.58 — 1.20 23 X ofR = + 7".92 K= 6.1035 c?K = + 0".34 dfx=z-{- 0.056 Antares. * 8 = — 26° 2' 47". 69. (J. and H.) Precession = — 8".556 ; sec var. = -\- 0".487 ; proper motion = — 0".031. DATE. E. T. I. T. A. T. BAROM. ZEN. DIST. OBS. BEPBACT. dB. 1837, June 14. 51.2 55.1 57.2 29.735 80° 19'. 80 325.90 — 0.49 „ 15. 50.9 57.1 61.1 30.090 80 19 72 331.25 + 0.43 July 7. 56.2 59 62.2 30.106 80 19 83 325.18 — 2.27 »i » "• 56.9 63.7 65.4 29.905 80 19 89 321.55 — 3.16 ,, 10. 60.1 64.2 66.5 29.846 80 19 93 319.50 — 2.47 » 16. 56.6 61 63.1 29.923 80 19 85 322.83 — 2.37 ,, 18. 57 60.2 63.5 29.612 80 19 81 320.07 — 1.40 ♦ Airy, »(18 obs. in 36 and 37) . 48".ll Argelander Henderson . . . . 48 .68 Mine Johnson, . . . . 46 .71 46".50 47 .44 216 The Rev. Dr. Robinson on the Constant of Refraction. DATE. E. T. I. T. A. T. BABOM. ZEN. DI3T. OBS. BEFBACT. rfB. 1837, July 20. 57.0 60 63 29.934 80° 19'. 82 325.53 + 0.55 August 5. 51.2 53.8 57.1 30.147 80 19 76 329.79 — 1.56 1» „ 13. 63 63 66 30.075 80 19 97 320.11 — 2.53 1838, July 1. 53.2 57.3 58.7 29.806 80 19 99 325.10 — 1.23 „ 25. 53.2 57.5 60 29.904 80 20 00 325.21 — 2.15 » „ 31. 57.3 , , 62 29.812 80 20 01 324.79 + 1.32 1» August 4. 58.8 , , 63 29.192 80 20 14 313.62 — 2.35 1839, June 14. 48.1 53.8 56.2 29.892 80 20 03 331.01 + 0.21 »t „ 16. 51.6 56.8 58.8 30.144 80 20 06 329.49 — 1.70 »» „ 28. 47.1 50 53.8 29.881 80 20 03 331.33 + 0.66 „ 29. 45.9 50.1 54.9 30.102 80 19 94 337.18 + 2.54 July 9. 52 54.8 58.8 29.370 80 20 26 318.29 — 4.17 it » 10. 53.9 56.6 60.2 29.517 80 20 22 320.71 — 2.00 )> „ 20. 55.3 57.2 60 29.360 80 20 23 320.04 — 0.07 ?> „ 22. 55.4 59 60.9 29.750 80 20 15 324.57 — 0.78 22 X rfB = — 24".99 K = 6.3200 1".14 0.180 19 2 Sagittarii. 8 = - 29° 53' 25". 75 (J). Precession = -\- 0".884 ; sec var. = + O"- ^59 ; proper motion = — 0". 014. DATE. E. T. I. T. A. T. BABOM. ZEN . DIST. OBS. BEFBACT. dB. 1837, July 20. 54.8 57.3 62 29.938 84° 6'. 24 507.06 + 0.36 M )> 27. 65 57 61.5 29.671 84 6 37 499.91 — 4.38 }I Aug. 6. 51.2 54 56.2 30.240 84 6 10 516.16 — 3.91 7. 50.3 64 68 30.261 84 5 95 524.71 4- 3.45 9f )> 14. 56.8 60 63 30.069 84 6 34 608.72 — 8.85 >> )) 15. 58.6 61 63 80.082 84 6 30 604.49 — 6.74 16. 60.6 62.1 64.5 29.970 84 6 33 502.80 — 2.47 29. 47.6 52.2 56 29.430 84 6 16 613..58 + 3.08 31. 48.7 63 56.1 29.275 84 6 27 506.99 4-0.78 1838, Aug. 4. 65.1 • • 60.5 29.200 84 6 45 494.66 — 2.04 14. 52.1 • • 60 30.040 84 6 18 611.22 — 4.24 1839, July 15. 50.3 52.8 57.3 29.853 84 6 13 511.52 — 2.81 )» ?} 24. 53.7 69.2 61 29.678 84 6 17 509.15 4:0.98 31. 48.1 53.8 66.1 29.622 84 6 17 509.50 — 2.34 Aug. 11. 50.9 50 58.9 30.162 84 6 07 516.65 — 2.19 )> !j 19. 47.1 .54.2 56.2 29.960 84 6 08 516.41 — 3.34 )) Sept. 5. 55.9 58 61.7 29.428 84 6 32 501.96 4.1.11 S> )» 11. 51.2 37.2 60 29.736 84 6 29 504.57 — 7.76 18 X «?R = - K = 9.5710 41".41 dK—— 2".30 dn=- 0.241 The Rev. Dr. Robinson on the Constant of Refraction. 217 34 a Sagittarii. *h= - 26° 29' 55".31. (J.) Precession = -|- 3".889 ; sec var. = + 0".532 ; proper motion = — 0".093. DATE. E. T. I. T. A. T. BABOH. ZEN. DIST. OBS. BEFBACT. dB. 1838, Aug. 4. 54.8 60 29.204 80° 45'. 20 330.87 — 1.19 »> >» 13. 51.8 , , 68.5 30.060 80 45 09 309.30 — 4.91 5> )> 14. 52.9 • • 58.2 30.0.33 80 45 06 340.34 — 2.80 1839, July 19. 51.4 54 67.3 29.072 80 46 09 333.01 + 0.37 ») }, 24. 53.7 59.2 61 29.578 80 45 07 334.58 — 5.18 }) j» 28. 51.5 55.7 60 29.776 80 44 97 840.62 — 0.43 » )) 31. 47.4 51.2 66 29.627 80 44 93 342.88 4-0.46 )J Aug. 2. 56.1 57.1 59.8 29.762 80 45 06 335.22 — 2.56 )> jj 3. 52.7 56.8 59.2 30.026 80 44 95 341.96 — 1.11 J» » 4. 62.3 57.4 59.2 30.184 80 44 90 345.06 — 0.12 ») jj 11. 51 56.2 58.2 30.169 80 44 89 345.50 — 0.45 » j» 12. 49.1 56 58 30.124 80 44 82 860.24 4- 3.50 J> )j 19. 47.7 51.7 56.2 29.960 80 44 92 344.39 — 1.56 >J »» 21. 53.1 56.4 58.1 29.930 80 46 01 339.40 — 2.41 )> » 24. 54.8 57.7 60 29.746 80 45 00 339.45 + 1.02 >» >» 26. 51 54 59.1 29.620 80 44 98 841.03 4- 1.40 >) Sept. 5. 54.9 57 60.8 29.442 80 45 10 334.20 — 0.73 17 X ^R = - 16".70 K = 6.7651 dfji 0".98 0.145 * This star is doubtful. i by Airy (3 observations), . . . . . Henderson (Edinburgh, 5 obs.), Bessel's Refraction, „ Cape, Maclear, Direct, „ Reflected, ...... Johnson, ........ 67".52 54 .66 58 .11 58 .17 57 .23 55 .31 VOL. XIX. 2f 218 The Rev. Dr. Robinson on the Constant of Refraction. c Canis. *8 = — 28° 44' 45". 35 (J. and H.) Precession = — 4". 507 ; sec var. = — 0". 333 ; proper motion = — 0". Oil. DATE. E. T. I. T. A. T. BABOM. ZEN. DI8T. OBS. HEFKACT. dB. 1837, Feb. 18. 34.8 39.6 40.2 29.295 82° 59'. 03 452.35 + 3.28 )) March 12. 29.3 33.5 36.8 29.575 82 58 95 460.15 + 1.31 13. 30.4 34.7 36 30.177 82 58 89 463.88 — 3.05 17, 38.2 41.4 43.1 30.211 82 59 01 453.46 — 6.04 it 23. 32.1 35.2 37.6 29.663 82 59 00 457.54 + 0.28 J> J) 24. 32 36.5 38.1 29.727 82 59 02 456.63 — 1.73 1838, Feb. 8. 38.7 39.5 40.2 28.524 82 59 43 430.66 — 3.38 13. 27 30 31.2 29.478 82 59 02 456.53 — 3.29 $) >J 21. 32.9 36.1 88 29.583 82 59 14 450.18 — 5.18 1839, Feb. 12. 36.2 41.2 30.034 82 59 05 459.29 + 0.50 14. 36.1 • • 40.9 29.734 82 59 13 454.90 4-0.50 17. 22.7 , , 29.8 29.210 82 59 08 458.68 — 1.38 f} ), 18. 29.7 34.1 29.400 82 59 15 454.22 — 1.67 20. 29.8 • • 34.9 30.054 82 58 95 466.47 4- 0.75 March 3. 40.2 , , 45.5 29.820 82 59 22 452.36 + 0.74 ft » 17. 35.2 •• 40.5 29.912 82 59 15 457.61 — 0.49 I6xdn = — 18".85. rfa = — 1".18. K = 8.6376. dfi=- 0.136. SI r] Cants Majoris. n = — 28° 58' 35". 79 (J.) Precession = — 6". 642 ; sec var. = — 0". 323 ; proper motion = — 0".011. DATE. E. T. I. T. A. T. BABOM. ZEN. DIST. OBS. BEFBACT. da. 1837, Feb. 18. 34.8 39.6 40.2 29.295 83° 12'. 90 465.05 + 2.24 March 14. 34.7 38.6 40.8 30.287 83 12 74 477.79 — 0.62 )) 17. 38.2 41.4 43.1 30.211 83 12 89 469.29 — 4.19 )» >» 23. 32.1 35.2 37.6 29.663 83 12 85 471.85 + 0.67 * * by Airy (26 obs.) . . 46".38 Henderson, Cape, . . . 46".36 ■\ Henderson's declination is a second greater, but rests on a much less number of obser- vations. The Rev. Dr. Robinson on the Constant of Refraction. 219 DATE. E. T. I. T. A. T. BABOM. ZEN. DIST. OBS. BEFRACT. dK. 24. 32 36.5 38.1 29.727 83 12 83 473.37 + 1.12 30. 37 40.1 42.1 29.756 83 13 00 463.15 — 4.39 1838, Feb. 8. 38.5 39.3 40.2 28.524 83 13 30 444.99 — 1.94 21. 32.4 35.5 38 29.583 83 12 98 473.32 + 3.62 1839, Feb. 9. 39 43.7 30.064 83 13 04 468.45 — 1.86 12. 36.2 41 30.040 83 13 04 468.91 — 4.10 14. 35.9 40.8 29.733 83 13 11 465.39 — 3.16 17. 22.3 29.8 29.220 83 12 93 477.02 + 2.32 18. 30.7 34.1 29.394 83 13 09 467.04 — 1.65 20. 29.9 34.3 30.058 83 12 92 477.85 — 2.20 March 17. 35.4 , . 40.1 29.908 83 13 10 470.39 — 1.47 J) >> 25. 40.1 •• 44.1 29.416 83 13 33 456.61 — 2.76 16 X rfR = — 18".37 K = 8.8592 d^= — 1".15 ? 14. 34.7 38.6 40.8 30.287 80 23 95 343.81 — 3.55 )> ?j 17. 38.2 41.4 43.1 30.211 80 23 99 340.16 — 3.81 JJ )) 23. 32.1 35.2 37.6 29.663 80 23 94 343.68 + 1.53 »> 9J 24. 32 36.5 38.1 29.727 80 24 02 338.56 — 4.42 1838, Feb. 8. 38.5 39.3 40.2 28.524 80 24 28 321.45 — 3.17 » 9) 13. 27 30 31.2 29.479 80 24 00 339.75 — 4.16 »> ?» 20. 31.8 34.7 35.7 29.483 80 24 17 338.76 — 1.70 21. 32.9 36.1 38 29.583 80 24 03 339.11 — 1.57 J? March 15. 39.2 44.8 47.2 29.798 80 24 13 335.69 — 2.74 ?> J) 17. 36.2 39.8 41.2 29.344 80 24 19 338.60 — 1.80 >J ?9 23. 33.5 35.2 39.7 29.500 80 24 09 338.62 — 0.68 14 X fifR = — 29".33 K = 6.5921 dvL = — 2".09 <^/i=— 0.318 2f 2 220 The Rev. Dr. Robinson on the Constant of Refraction. f Canis Majoris. 8 = - 29° 59' 34". 62 (J. H.) Precession = — 1".205 ; sec var. = — 0". 335 ; proper motion = — 0".022, DATE. E. T. I. T. A. T. BABOH. ZEN. DI3T. OBS. BEFBACT. (2b. 1837, Feb. 18. 34.7 41.6 41.4 29.264 84° 12'. 13 533.37 + 3.77 „ March 12. 30 36.4 37 29.562 84 12 09 537.47 — 3.17 1838, Feb. 8. 39 39.8 40.6 28.530 84 12 48 510.98 — 0.89 )) 99 13. 27.6 30.3 31.8 29.474 84 12 15 539.80 — 2.61 1839, Feb. 10. 42 , , 44 30.116 84 12 23 527.50 — 9.27 12. 36.2 , , 41.4 30.034 84 12 02 540.77 — 1.01 )J >) 14. 36.3 41.5 29.735 84 12 13 534.72 — 2.63 1840, Feb. 13. 34.8 37 40.2 29.625 84 12 15 534.57 — 2.30 )) )» 26. 33.8 36.7 40.1 30.370 84 12 14 542.88 — 8.82 28. 32.7 35 37.2 30.234 84 11 96 548.47 — 2.02 „ March 2. 33.5 35 38.5 30.386 84 11 89 553.44 + 1.33 ?> » 3. 34.8 36.4 38.4 30.416 84 11 87 554.56 + 3.43 j> ?? 4. 35.8 38 40 30.254 84 12 09 541.50 — 5.59 5. 38.2 39.7 41.5 30.128 84 12 13 539.00 — 2.90 9. 44.9 44.8 45 30.477 84 12 11 540.30 + 0.55 9? ?J 17. 42.2 46 49.1 30.214 84 12 16 537.84 — 0.45 J> » 18. 41 45.3 49 30.146 84 12 17 537.55 — 0.95 17 X (^a = — 33".53 K = 10.0672 dvi=- 1".97 rf/i= — 0".196 38. f Sagittarii. *g = — 30°6'49". 15. (J.) Precession = + 4".487 ; sec var. = + 0",543 ; proper motion (J.) = — 0".013. DATE. E. T. I. T. A. T. BABOH. ZEN. DIST. OBS. BEFBACT. dK. 1837, Aug. >» » )j »> 6. 6. 7. 46.1 48.8 49.2 51 53.2 54.8 53.7 55 56.2 30.155 30.248 30.259 84° 18' 64 84 18 48 84 18 63 538.27 546.92 538.23 — 2.57 + 6.15 — 0.39 * The proper motion is deduced from J., as Airy's places for 1836 and 1837 differ 2".68. The Rev. Dr. Robinson on the Constant of Refraction. 221 23 X <^R = - 2,2". M K = 9.8637 dfi : : - 1".41 — 0'M42 DATE. E. T. I. T. A. T. BABOH. Z£N. DIST. OBS. REFBACT. dB. 1837, Aug. 15. 57.9 60.4 62.8 30.090 840 18'. 97 518.33 — 8.92 Jt )> 16. 69.2 62 64 29.965 84 18 98 518.13 — 4.12 ») 26. 49 64.7 56.6 29.939 84 18 77 531.06 — 3.10 29. 46.5 52 64.6 29.429 84 18 86 526.97 — 1.99 1838, Aug. 4. 54.8 • • 60 29.204 84 18 94 515.17 4- 1.34 13. 51.8 • • 68.6 30.060 84 18 75 527.16 — 5.21 14. 53 , ^ 68.2 30.033 84 18 70 530.00 — 0.42 1839, July 24. 52.5 57.4 59.2 29.578 84 18 65 526.57 4- 3.79 27. 52.2 60 61.5 29.636 84 18 68 624.82 — 0.46 28 51.5 55.7 60 29.776 84 18 63 628.18 — 0.27 1) 31. 47.4 61.2 56 29.627 84 18 63 528.60 — 1.22 Aug. 2. 56.1 57.1 59.8 29.762 84 18 72 523.14 + 1.12 3. 52.1 56 59.2 30.026 84 18 57 532.28 -1- 0.99 »* J> 4. 52.1 67.8 59.2 30.184 84 18 62 629.28 — 4.75 11. 51 56.2 58.2 30.169 84 18 61 530.05 — 6.02 12. 49.1 56 58 30.124 84 18 49 537.07 + 0.74 24. 54.8 57.7 60 29.746 84 18 81 618.55 — 4.74 26. 51 54 69.1 29.620 84 18 68 526.98 + 1.70 Sept. 5. 54.9 57 60.8 29.442 84 18 86 517.96 4- 0.16 >> )j 11. 50.8 53.7 68 29.736 84 18 76 522.60 — 5.14 Fomalhaut. * 8 = -30° 31'. 15".26. (H. J.) Precession = + 19".073 ; sec var. = + 0".13.5 ; proper motion = — 0".180. DATE. E. T. I. T. A. T. BABOH. ZEN. DIST. OBS. REFBACT. dR. 1839, Oct. 12. 44.8 46.8 48.9 29.710 84° ■39'. 95 566.45 + 2.07 17. 39.1 44.9 46.5 29.944 84 39 82 576.00 — 1.11 >9 ii 27. 41.1 45 47 30.293 84 39 70 683.29 + 3.22 S» »> 28. 43.1 46.2 48.5 30.412 84 39 94 569.18 — 10.86 » Airy, (Greenwich, 22 obs.) 16".00 Johnson, 14".75 „ (Cambridge, 21) . 13 .38 Mine, 14 .36 Henderson, (Cape,) 15 .78 Bessel, (Tab. Reg.) 20 .24 222 The Rev. Dr. Robinson on the Constant of Refraction. DATE. E. T. I. T. A. T. BABOH. ZEN. DIST. OBS. BEFEACT. dB. 1839, Nov. 11. 42.9 44 47.3 28.998 84° 40'. 18 556.57 + 2.57 » ») 12. 40.9 43 46.1 29.332 84 40 17 557.07 — 4.92 j» 26. 32 35.8 40 29.173 84 39 83 578.74 + 8.02 Dec. 2. 38.2 40.8 42.4 29.758 84 40 00 568.91 — 5.24 » 28. 29.8 34.2 37.2 29.762 84 39 82 579.90 — 5.53 1840, Sept. 28. 47.1 50 51.1 29.016 84 39 83 650.25 4- 2.36 )J ») 29. 45.1 47.8 49.1 29.582 84 39 54 568.21 + 2.97 Oct. 2. 42 45 46.1 30.148 84 39 46 574.50 — 1.28 3. 39.5 47 49.8 30.160 84 39 45 674.35 — 4.67 J> 4. 40.8 46 46.8 30.119 84 39 47 672.97 — 3.79 9) 10. 41.8 43.8 45.5 30.210 84 39 42 677.23 + 0.09 11. 42.8 45.2 46 30.295 84 39 42 577.20 — 0.26 ;» }» 12. 45.9 47.5 49 30.405 84 39 52 571.35 — 4.20 yj » 14. 41.2 43.2 45.5 30.208 84 39 31 584.18 + 6.84 )» Nov. 21. 43.9 42.8 43.8 29.470 84 39 84 656.80 — 4.16 » »> 27. 41.4 42.8 43 30.130 84 39 70 565.66 — 11.08 20 X rfR = — 28".96 k = 10.6207 rfR = — 1".45 (^/x = _ 0.136 Combining, we obtain, NAME. NO. OBS. ndBXK nK«. df. o' Canis. 15 Argiis. o' Canis. 1 Argus. ^ Sagittarii. Antares. J Canis Maj. a- Sagittarii. I Canis Maj. n Canis Maj. i Sagittarii. t, Canis. f Sagittarii. Foraalhaut. 13 16 13 13 23 22 14 17 16 16 18 17 23 20 — 112.9950 — 80.9305 — 130.2914 — 126.6960 + 48.3397 — 157.9369 — 193.3463 — 112.9772 — 162.8188 — 162.7435 — 396.3260 — 337.5632 — 318.9921 — 307.6758 3-54.772 490.286 400.634 436.280 856.812 878.733 608.381 778.032 1193.730 1255.767 1648.873 1722.926 2237.730 2255.988 — 0".318 — 0 165 — 0 325 — 0 290 + 0 056 — 0 180 — 0 318 — 0 145 — 0 136 — 0 130 — 0 241 — 0 196 — 0 142 — 0 136 Sum . . 241 — 2552.8420 15118.944 The Rev. Dr. Robinson on the Constant of Refraction. 223 , , —2552.842 ^,^„o and du. = = — 0.1688 ^ 15118.944 The correction for run for these stars give, and we have, fi = 57.7682 — 0.1688 — 0.0063 57.5931 which agrees so nearly with the determination from sub-polar stars (their dif- ference being only 0".5 at Fomalhaut) that there is obviously no necessity for supposing any discrepancy between the northern and southern refractions at this observatory, especially as it would vanish entirely were the Cape declinations not used. If now we take u := 57.546 ; the value of — reduced to my latitude a is 0.00129263, and (using the well-known notation of Mr. Babbage to save space) the equation of refraction becomes for t = 50, barometer 29-60, R = tang . e X log-' (1.7600151) -f tang^ . e X log-' (7.9045751) {1 +tang^ . 6 X log. -' (6.44559)} — ^^ . 6 X log-' (8.8715498) {1 -f tang* . 6 X log. "' (6.77484)} + ^^ . 0 X log-' (6.3720995) {1 +tang* . 6 x log"' (7-06014)] — ^^ . 6 X log-' (4.0315728) {1 + tang* . 6 X log-' (7-23971)} t»us + ^^ . 0 X log -' (1.7907405) {1 -f tang* . 6 X log"' (7-34007)] cos' 224 The Rev. Dr. Robinson on the Constant of Refraction. From this the following tables have been computed. In the first, the column X • .1 1 -1 pM(1 + 6(t— 50)) , , l-fe'(T — 50) A contams the logarithm of -^ — - ,-,, „^ -^, and b that of -—{ — 777 -— ;, 29.0O \-\-e (T — 50) e' the expansion of the brass scale being taken = 0.0000 1 0479 ; and e" that of mercury = 0.0001. The second table contains c, the sum of all the terms except the first, for the argument zen. distance ; d =: the change of c for one degree increase gt tem- perature ; and e its change for one inch rise of the barometer. This last serves also to change c for a slight variation in /x, the constant, for fin -r = E X 0.5144 and A must be changed by log /x' — log fi. The refraction is given by log k' = A 4" B 4" log tang apparent zen. dist. -f- log. bar. R = u' — c — D X (t — 50°) — EX (bar. — 29.60.) Argument of A, external thermometer = t Argument of b, attached thermometer = t Argument of c, d, and e, apparent zenith distance. The Rev. Dr. Robinson on the Constant of Refraction. 225 Table I. Ther. = 50' ; bar. = 29-60 Inches. T. A. B. T. 31 A. B. T. A. n. 0 0.33343g, 0.30517,8 + 74 1 62 0.27864,3 - 46 1 0.332499, 32 0.30429,, + 70 63 0.27781,3 - 60 2 0.33 165g, 33 0.30341,, + 66 1 64 0.27698,, - 54 3 0.3306 Ig, 34 0.30253,8 + 62 65 0.276168, - 58 4 0.32968g, 35 0.30165,7 + 68 66 0.27534,3 62 5 0.32874^3 36 0.300788, + 54 67 0.27451,, - 66 6 0.3278 Igj 37 0.29991,, + 50 i 68 0-27369,, - 70 7 0.32688^3 38 0.29904,, + 46 ! 69 0.27287,, - 74 8 0.32595;,, 39 0.29817,, + 42 70 0.27205,, - 78 9 0.32503g, 40 0.29730,, + 39 71 0.27123,, - 81 10 0.324 lip. 41 0.29643,6 + .':i6 72 0.27042,. - 85 11 0.323 1 9g, 42 0.29557,6 + 31 73 0.26961,, - 69 12 0.32227g, 43 0.29471,6 + 27 74 0.268808, - 93 13 0.32 136g. 44 0.29385,, + 23 75 0.267998, - 97- 14 0.32044„, 45 0.29298,6 + 19 76 0.26718e, - 101 15 0.319539, 46 0.29212,6 + 15 I 77 0.2663790 - 105 16 0.318629, 47 0.29126,, + 11 78 0.26557,, - 109 17 O.3177I9, 48 0.29041,, + 7 1 79 0.26476,0 - 113 18 O.3I68O9, 49 0.28956,, + 3 i 80 0.2639690 - 117 19 0.315899„ 50 0.28872,, 0 81 0.26316,0 - 121 20 0.314999„ + 117 51 0.287878, - 3 i 82 0.262368, - 125 21 0.3l409g„ + 113 52 0.28703,, - 7 ! 83 0.2615690 - 129 22 0.31319,9 + 109 63 0.286188, - U j 84 0.2607690 - 1.32 23 0.312309„ + 105 64 0.28534, - 15 i 85 0.25996,0 - 136 24 0.31140,9 + 101 55 0.28449,, - 19 86 0.26916,9 - 140 25 0.3 1051 90 + 97 66 0.28365,, - 23 87 0.25837,9 - 144 26 0.3096189 + 93 57 0.28281,, - 27 88 0.26758,9 - 148 27 0.3087289 + 89 58 0.28197,, - 31 89 0.25679,9 - 152 28 0.3078389 + 85 59 0.28113,3 - 35 90 0.25600,9 - 156 29 0.3069488 + 81 60 0.28030,3 - 39 91 0.25521.9 - 160 30 0.3060689 + 78 61 0.2794783 - 42 i 92 1 0.25442 - 163 VOL. XIX. 2g 226 The Rev. Dr. Robinson on the Constant of Refraction. Table IL Z. D. c. D. E. Z. D. c. D. E. Z. D. c. D. £. 40 0.01 76° 20' 4.693, 0.002 0.14 81=55' 20.82„ 0.006 0.63, 10 0.01, 40 5.0*3, 0.002 0.16 82 0 21.42,3 0.006 0.64, 15 0.02, 77 0 5.42,, 0.002 0.16 5 22.06,, 0.006 0.66, 20 0.03, 20 5.84„ 0.002 0.18 10 22.70,, 0.006 0.68, 25 0.04, 40 6.31,, 0.002 0.19 15 23.38,„ 0.006 O.7O3 30 0.05, 78 0 6.83,3 0.002 0.21 20 24.08„ 0.006 0.73, 35 0.073 10 7-n3„ 0.002 0.21 26 24.81,, 0.006 0.75, 40 0.10, 20 7.4I3, 0.002 0.22 30 25.57,, 0.006 0.77, 45 0.15, 30 7.7233 0.002 0.23 36 26.35,3 0.006 0.79, 46 0.16, 40 8.063, 0.003 0.24 40 27.18,, 0.007 0.82, 47 0.17, 50 8.4O3, 0.003 0.26 45 28.03,, 0.007 0.85, 48 0.18, 79 0 8.763, 0.003 0.26 60 28.92,3 0.007 0.87, 49 0.19, 10 9.15,, 0.003 0.28 55 29.85„ 0.007 O.9O3 50 0.20, 0.01 20 9.57,, 0.003 0.29 83 0 30.82,.„„ 0.008 0.93, 61 0.21, 0.01 30 10.01,, 0.003 0.30 5 31.82,.„, 0.008 0.96, 62 0.233 0.01 40 10.47,, 0.003 0.31 10 32.88,.,„ 0.008 0.994 53 0.25, 0.01 50 10.96,3 0.003 0.33 15 33.98,.,, 0.009 1.03, 54 0.27, 0.01 80 0 11.49,, 0.003 0.35 20 35.13,.,, 0.009 1.06, 55 0.29, 0.01 5 11.77,, 0.003 0.35 26 36.32,.,, 0.010 I.IO4 66 0.323 0.01 10 12.05,, 0.003 0.36 30 37.66,.3, 0.010 1.14, 57 0.35, 0.01 15 12.343„ 0.004 0.37 35 38.87,. 3, 0.011 I.I84 58 0.39, 0.01 20 12.643, 0.004 0.38 40 40.24..,, 0.012 1.22, 59 0.43, 0.01 25 12.9533 0.004 0.39 45 41.66,.,„ 0.013 1.27, 60 0.47, 0.01 30 13.283^ 0.004 0.40 50 43.16,.,, 0.013 1.31, 61 0.52, 0.02 35 13-61,3 0.004 0.41 65 44.73,.,, 0.014 1.36, 62 0.58. 0.02 40 13.963, 0.004 0.42 84 0 46.37,.,, 0.015 1.41, 63 0.65^ 0.02 45 I4.3I3, 0.004 0.43 5 48.09,.,„ 0.016 1.47, 64 0.72, 0.02 50 14.67,, 0.004 0.44 10 49.89,.,, 0.018 1.53, 65 0.80,, 0.03 55 13.05,0 0.004 0.46 15 51.78,.„ 0.019 1.69, 66 0.91,, 0.03 81 0 16.45,, 0.004 0.46, 20 S3.77,.„, 0.022 1.65, 67 1.03,, 0.03 5 15.86,, 0.004 0.48, 26 55.86,.,„ 0.023, 1.72^ 68 1.17,, 0.04 10 16.28,, 0.004 0.49, 30 58.06,.3, 0.0263 1.79, 69 1.34,; 0.000 0.04 15 16.72,, 0.004 0.60, 36 60.37,.,, 0.0283 1.87, 70 1.53„ 0.001 0.05 20 17.17„ 0.004 0.52, 40 62.82,.,, 0.031, 1.96, 71 1.80,, 0.001 0.06 25 17.64,, 0.005 0.53, 45 66.40, ., 0.035, 2.04, 72 2.093, 0.001 0.06 30 18.12,„ 0.005 0.54, 50 68.11,.,, 0.039, 2.13,0 73 2.48,, 0.00] 0.08 35 18.62,, 0.005 0.56, 66 71.003.„, 0.044, 2.23,, 74 2.97,, 0.001 0.09 40 19.14,, 0.005 0.58, 85 0 74.06 0.050 2.34 75 3.59,, 0.001 0.11 45 19.68,, 0.005 0.59, 76 4.373, 0.001 0.13 50 20.24,, 0.005 O.6O3 The Rev. De. Robinson on the Constant of Refraction. 227 Example. Fomalhaut, zen. dist. 84° 39'. 46 ; e. t. 42° ; bar.' 30\148 ; a. t. 46M. tang z. D. . 1.02913 c — 62.56 A. . 0.29557 (d) + 0.25 = _ 8' X — 0.031 B. 4- 15 (e) — 1.01 = 4- 0.548 X — 1 -95 30.148 1.47926 —63.38 2.80411 636.96 = r' 573.58 = R. The Reader is requested to make the following Correction :- Page 223, last line, /or 1 + read 1 — . 2g2 228 IX. On the Heat developed during the Combination of Acids and Bases. By Thomas Andrews, M. D., M. R. I. A., Professor of Chemistry in the Royal Belfast Institution. Read 11th January, 1841. 1. IT has been long known that chemical actions are in general accompanied by the evolution or abstraction of caloric. In most cases the change of tempera- ture depends upon the result of the action of different causes, some of which tend to increase, and others to diminish the initial temperature of the reacting bodies. Thus, in the decomposition of a solution of carbonate of soda by con- centrated sulphuric acid, the combination of the sulphuric acid with water and with the alcali are two distinct sources of heat, while the separation of the carbonic acid from the soda, and its evolution in the gaseous form, are equally distinct causes of a diminution of temperature. To estimate the influence of each of these circumstances in any particular instance is a problem of great difficulty ; and we can only expect to accomplish its complete solution, by confining our investigations, in the first place, to these simpler cases, where the variations of temperature are produced by the operation of one single cause. For this reason, I have confined myself, in this preliminary inquiry, to the examination of the calorific phenomena which occur during the combination of acids and bases with each other, under the most favourable circumstances, for obtaining results free from complication. 2. The experiments to be hereafter described were all performed with very dilute solutions, by which means no correction was required for the heat evolved, when strong solutions of certain acids and alcalies are diluted. The method of operating is easily described. In separate glass vessels solutions of determinate weights were prepared, one containing the quantity of alcali whose power of generating heat was sought, and the other, a little more than the equivalent of Dr. Andrews on the Heat developed, Sfc. 229 acid required to neutralize the alcali. After the liquids had acquired the same temperature, they were mixed together in the jar containing the alcali, and the increase of heat carefully observed by a delicate thermometer. This process was adopted from the facility of its execution and the uniformity of its results. It is, however, obvious, that a large portion of heat would be absorbed by the glass vessel ; and it was, therefore, necessary to establish, by a series of inde- pendent experiments, the corrections to be applied to the temperatures thus obtained. 3. As a basis to this whole investigation, the heat developed in the combina- tion of nitric acid and potash was carefully determined. But before describing the method employed, I must anticipate an observation which will be afterwards proved, viz., that the same amount of heat is developed when a given quantity of an alcali is united to an acid, whether the acid added be just sufficient to neutralize the alcali, or be considerably in excess.* The addition of a slight excess of acid does not, therefore, in any way interfere with the results, except in so far as it renders them more uniform and certain, by producing a rapid and complete neutralization of the alcali. 4. A cylindrical vessel of very thin brass was procured, capable of containing rather more than the quantity of liquid employed. Into this vessel was introduced the solution of caustic potash, the weight of which solution was about nine times greater than that of the dilute nitric acid destined to neutralize it. This vessel was so thin that we may assume, without any sensible error, its temperature to have been identical with that of its liquid contents. It weighed 6.63 grammes, which, assuming the specific heat of brass to be .094, is equivalent to 0.623 gr. water. 5. As the weights of the glass and mercury in the bulb and immersed portion of the tube of the thermometer were both unknown, I was obliged to have recourse to a direct experiment, in order to ascertain their equivalent of water. For this purpose, 30 grammes of water (the quantity of liquid usually employed) were introduced into the brass vessel, and the increase of its tempera- ture carefully observed, when the thermometer, previously heated through a • These observations, as well as others of a similar kind in subsequent parts of this paper, refer always to dilute solutions, such as are employed in these experiments. 230 Dr. Andrews on the Heat developed certain number of degrees, was suddenly cooled by Immersion in it. Denoting by t the loss of heat sustained by the thermometer, and by If the temperature gained by the liquid, I obtained in different trials the following numbers : 12 3 t = 59°.00, t = 69°.00, t = 72°.00. t'= o°.9o, tf = r.oo, if= 1M5. Hence, we deduce for the value of the thermometer in grammes of water, 12 3 Mean. 0.47, 0.45, 0.49, 0.47. 6. From the last two results we may therefore conclude, that the brass vessel and thermometer, taken together, are equivalent to 1.09 gr. water. 7. A very important source of error in this and other similar investigations, where the variation of temperature of a liquid requires to be observed with the utmost precision, arises from the cooling influence of the surrounding air during the time occupied by the observation, which, in the experiments I am about to describe, amounted to nearly 1'. Where the increase of temperature does not exceed 2° or 3° Fah., the common method of cooling the liquid before the experiment begins, as many degrees below the temperature of the air as it will afterwards rise above it, may be employed with success ; but for greater incre- ments of heat, this process is liable to a serious error, which it is necessary to avoid. In fact, on mixing the liquids together, the thermometer attains, in a very few seconds, almost its ultimate point of elevation, and it occupies at least four-fifths of the entire time in rising through the last half degree. As, therefore, the mixture continues much longer in the upper than in the lower half of its range of temperature, the method just described will necessarily yield results sensibly below the truth.* In practice, this error may be effectually obviated, by reducing the initial temperature of the liquid so far below the temperature of the air, that its final maximum may never reach higher than 2° F. above the same point. • A similar observation has been made by M. Regnault in his recent and valuable memoir on the " Specific Heats of Simple and Compound Bodies" (Ann. de Chin. t. 63, p. 23) ; but the error thus induced he corrects by means of an interpolating formula. during the Combination of Acids and Bases. 231 8. The strongest nitric acid employed in these experiments contained 13.3 per cent, of real acid, and when one part of such an acid is diluted with nine parts of water, no sensible production of heat can be discovered by the most delicate thermometer. The corresponding solution of caustic potash, containing only 1.3 per cent, of alcali, was of course far beyond the limit of such sources of heat. That simple dilution exercised no influence on the result was further proved, by increasing the weight of the acid liquid, and diminishing that of the alcaline, while, at the same time, the quantities of acid and alcali in each, as also the total weight of both liquids, remained the same ; yet such variations in the form of the experiment produced no change whatever in the elevation of tem- perature observed on mixing them. 9. Having discussed the corrections arising from the form of apparatus, I now proceed to give the details of the fundamental experiment, on the absolute amount of heat evolved in the union of nitric acid and potash. The general accuracy of these results was tested and confirmed by repeating the experiments in the form of a series, in which (the weight of the whole liquid remaining constant) the quantities of the combining substances were taken successively, in the proportions expressed by the numbers 1, 2, 4 ; and it will be seen that the corresponding increments of temperature bear a similar ratio to each other. 10. Into the brass vessel before described, a solution of caustic potash, con- taining .0882 gr. of alcali was introduced. It weighed 27.3 gr., which, added to 1.09 gr., the equivalent in water of the vessel and thermometer (6), makes the whole equal to 28.39 gr. water. The acid solution, in a small glass tube, weighed 2.83 gr., and contained .106 anhydrous nitric acid. Thermometer in air stood at 38° F. Temp, of acid, .... J, alcaline solution, Mean temp, before mixture, Temp, after mixture. Increase in temp. (31.22 water) . r.64 11. The last experiment repeated. Ther. in air 39°. 38° .20 37° .00 37° .11 38°.75 232 Dr. Andrews .o« the Heat developed Temp, of acid, , . . 39°.00 ,j alcallne solution , 37°.50 Mean temp, before mixture 37°.64 Temp, after mixture, . . 39°.25 Increase (31.22 gr. water) . V.Ql 12. Alcaline solution weighed 27.2 gr., and contained .1765 gr. of pure potash, or double that in the last experiments. Acid solution weighed 2.85, gr. containing .212 anhydrous nitric acid. Ther. in air 39°.5. Temp, of acid, . . . 39°.00 „ alcfline solution, . 37°.00 Mean temp, before mixture, 37°. 18 Temp, after mixture, . . 40°.40 Increase (31.14 water), . . 3°.22 13. Alcaline solution 26.85 gr., containing .353 potash ; acid liquid 3.25 gr., containing .424 anhydrous nitric acid. Ther. in air 39.3°. Temp, of acid . . . 39°.70 „ alcaline solutions . 34°.30 Mean. Temp, before mixture, 34°.86 Temp, after mixture, . . 4r.45 Increase (31.19 water) . . 6°.59 14. Reducing these results to the quantity of alcali (.353 gr.) used in last experiment, and to 30 gr. of water, we obtain the following numbers : 12 3 4 Mean. ^°.83, 6°.70, 6°.68, 6°.85, 6°.76. 15. This may be otherwise expressed, by stating that 1 gr. of potash, in combining with nitric acid, is capable of heating 85 gr. of water through 6°.76 of Fahrenheit's scale, or, which is the same thing, of heating 574.6 gr. of water through 1°. It must, however, be carefully observed, that in this experiment it during the Combination of Acids and Bases. 233 is not pure water, but a weak solution of nitrate of potash, which is actually heated ; and the above numbers would therefore require a further correction, in consequence of the difference between the specific heats of these liquids. This correction, however, must be extremely small, from the very dilute solutions obtained : it would probably be within the limit of the errors of observation. 16. Many of the subsequent experiments would have been performed with difficulty in a metallic vessel. I therefore substituted a pretty thick glass jar for the brass vessel, and both solutions were brought as nearly as possible to the tem- perature of the surrounding air, at the commencement of each observation. In this way, numerous experiments were easily performed, which yielded results comparable with each other, although all below the truth. It was, therefore, necessary to ascertain the absolute loss of heat when the experiment was per- formed in this way, and whether it was proportional to the elevation of tem- perature. For this purpose, solutions were prepared containing the same quan- tity of potash and nitric acid as in the experiments with the brass cylinder. 17. Alcaline solution 27 gr., containing .0882 gr. potash ; acid solution 3 gr., containing 1.06 nitric acid. Temp, rose on mixture, 1°.45. Another experiment gave 1°.45. 18. Alculine solution 27 gr., containing .1765 potash ; acid solution 3 gr., containing .212 nitric acid. Temp, rose on mixture 2°.90. Another experiment gave 2°.95. 19. Alcaline solution 27 gr., containing .353 potash ; acid solution 3 gr., containing .424 nitric acid. Temp, rose on mixture 5°.8. Another experiment gave 5°.8. 20. Alcaline solution 24 gr., containing .353 potash ; acid liquid 6 gr., containing .424 nitric acid. Temp, on mixture rose to 5°.9. 21. Collecting these results, we obtain for the elevation of temperature of VOL. xix. 2 H 234 Dr. Andrews on the Heat developed 30 gr. of water, in a glass vessel, by the combination of .353 gr. potash with nitric acid : 1 2 3 4 5 6 Mean. 5^8, 5°.8, 5".8, 5°.9, 5°.8, 5°.9, 5°.83. This number differs by 0.93° from the absolute quantity of heat before found, which is the loss of heat by this method of performing the experiment. It also appears from the coincidence of the results obtained with different proportions of alcali, that the loss of heat is proportional to the rise of temperature, and hence the necessary correction for this error is, in all cases, easily made. 22. When the base is insoluble in water, and slowly soluble in the acid, a new element enters into the observation, and requires to be estimated, viz., the cooling of the liquid during the prolonged duration of the experiment. In the observations last described, the thermometer attained its maximum in about 45" from the time the liquids were mixed, but in the solution of such substances, as magnesia or the oxide of zinc, not less than 2', or 2|-' will elapse before the liquid becomes transparent, and the thermometer stationary. Even to complete the solution within this period, the liquid requires to be constantly stirred with a glass rod. This circumstance renders these results less precise than those in which the combination occurs instantaneously ; but the amount of error thus produced may be estimated, by repeating the same experiment in precisely the same manner, with a solution of caustic potash, containing exactly the quan- tity of alcali (as deduced by calculation from the foregoing experiments) which should produce the same elevation of temperature as had been obtained with the slowly soluble base. The difference between the increase of heat actually found, and that deduced from calculation, will be equal to the loss of caloric occasioned by the stirring, and length of the experiment ; and consequently the required correction for the number obtained by observation. The precise value of this correction will be given hereafter. 23. The general conclusions which I shall endeavour to establish in the subsequent part of this communication, may be enunciated in the form of the three following laws : Law 1. — Tlie heat developed during the union of acids and bases is de- termined hxj the base and not hy the acid; the same base producing, when during the Combination of Acids and Bases. 235 combined with an equivalent of different acids, nearly the same quantity of heat ; but different bases a different quantity. Law 2. — When a neutral is converted into an acid salt., by combining with one or more atoms of acid, no change of temperature occurs. Law 3. — When a neutral is converted into a basic salt, by combining with an additional proportion of base, the combination is accompanied with the evolution of heat. 24. To the first of these laws important exceptions are presented by the peroxide of mercury among the bases, and by the hydrocyanic, and probably the carbonic acid, among the acids ; and it is not improbable that more extended investigations will lead to the discovery of other exceptions. The second law has been established by numerous experiments, and can scarcely be said to be liable to any well-marked exception ; but I feel much less confidence in enun- ciating the third, as a general principle, from the very limited number of cases of soluble subsalts in which it was possible to verify its accuracy. 25. In order to obtain results of as much uniformity as possible, the standard alcaline solution was always mixed with rather a greater quantity of acid than was necessary to neutralize it.* The combination was thus effected more rapidly and certainly, than if an attempt had been made to form an exactly neutral compound. That this excess of acid did not produce any sensible difference in the result, will be rendered evident, when the experiments are examined, which will be hereafter cited, in illustration of law second ; and, indeed, if no basic compound existed, the numbers obtained were identical, whether an equivalent of base was neutralized by an excess of acid, or a like equivalent of acid neutralized by an excess of base. I have arranged, in distinct tables, the increments of temperature obtained by combining an equivalent of each base with the acids. The equivalents taken were .353 grammes potash, .234 gr. soda, .129 gr. ammonia, .572 gr. barytes, .213 gr. lime, .154 gr. magnesia, .301 gr. oxide of zinc, .834 gr. oxide of lead, .870 gr. oxide of silver, and .810 gr. peroxide of * In the cases of the phosphoric and arsenic acids, the quantity of acid was just sufficient to con- vert the alcali into the common phosphate and arseniate ; that is, half an equivalent of acid for an equivalent of base. The reason of this will appear again (35). The number for chromic acid is only deduced from an indirect experiment upon the bichromate of potash. 2h2 236 Dr. Andrews on the Heat developed mercury. The entire weight of the solution, after the mixture was made, amounted in every Instance to 30 grammes. In the first four tables, the first column of numbers contains the elevation of the thermometer actually observed ; and the second, the result corrected for the loss of heat, occasioned by the mode of performing the experiment (21). 26. Table 1. — Potash. ACID. FOUND. CORRECTED. DIFFERENCE FROM MEAN. Sulphuric, Nitric, Phosphoric, Arsenic, Hydrochloric, Hydriodic, Boracic, Chromic, Oxalic, Acetic, Formic, Tartaric, Citric Succinic, Mean, .... 6°.30 5.83 5.70 5.70 5.65 5.80 5.60 5.55 5.70 5.50 5.50 5.25 5.25 5.25 7°.32 6.76 6.61 6.61 6.56 6.74 6.50 6.46 6.62 6.39 6.39 6.10 6.10 6.10 + 0°.80 + 0.24 + 0.09 + 0.09 + 0.04 + 0.22 - 0.02 - 0.06 + 0.10 - 0.13 - 0.13 - 0.42 - 0.42 - 0.42 6.52 during the Combination of Acids and Bases. 237 27. Table II.— Soda. ACID. FOUND. CORRECTED. DIFFERENCE FROM MEAN. Sulphuric, Nitric, Phosphoric, Arsenic, Hydrochloric, Hydriodic, Boracic, Oxalic, Acetic, Tartaric, Citric, Succinic, Mean 6°.40 5.55 5.55 5.60 5.80 5.70 5.80 5.75 5.45 5.10 5.10 5.10 7°.44 6.45 6.45 6.50 6.74 6.62 6.74 6.68 6.34 5.93 5.93 5.93 + 0°.96 - 0.03 - 0.03 + 0.02 + 0.26 + 0.14 + 0.26 + 0.20 - 0.14 - 0.55 - 0.55 - 0.55 6.48 28. Table III. — Barytes. ACID. FOUND. CORRECTED. DIFFERENCE FROM MEAN. Nitric, Hydrochloric, Hydriodic, ...... Acetic, ....... IV^ean • . • 5°.90 5.85 6.00 5.50 6°.85 6.79 6.97 6.39 + 0°.10 + 0.04 + 0.22 - 0.36 6.75 238 Dr. Andrews on the Heat developed 29. Table IV. — Ammonia. ACID. FOUND. CORRECTED. DIFFERENCE FROM MEAN. Sulphuric, Nitric, Arsenic, Hydrochloric, Hydriodic, Oxalic, Acetic, Tartaric, Citric, Succinic, IVIean 5°.45 4.80 4.90 4.80 4.80 4.90 4.70 4.40 4.35 4.40 6°.34 5.58 5.69 5.58 5.58 5.69 5.47 5.11 6.05 5.11 + 0°.82 + 0.06 + 0.17 + 0.06 + 0.06 + 0.17 - 0.05 - 0.41 - 0.47 - 0.41 6.52 30. The remainder of the bases examined, being either insoluble or very slightly soluble in water, were added in the solid state to the acid solution, whose weight was always so adjusted as, together with that of the base, to be equal to 30 grammes. The bases were all taken in the anhydrous state, except lime, which dissolves with extreme difficulty even in the dilute acids, unless previously converted into a hydrate. The experiments performed with these bases occupied from 80" to 100" longer than those with the soluble alcalis. This renders the application of a new correction necessary. The method of determining the amount of this correction has been already explained (23). In the remaining tables, the first column contains the result as found by experiment ; the second, the duration of the observation ; the third, the correction applied for the heat lost thereby ; the fourth, the corrected result ; and the fifth, the difference from the mean. during the Combination of Acids and Bases. 2.39 31. Table V. — Magnesia. ACID. FOUND. TIME. COB. TIME. CORRECTED. DIFFERENCE FROM MEAN. Sulphuric, . . Nitric, . . . Hydrochloric, Mean, 7°.00 6.70 6.60 2' 2 2 0°.30 0.30 0.30 8''.48 8.13 8.11 + 0°.24 + 0.11 — 0.13 8.24 32. Table Yl.—Lime. ACID. FOUND. TIME. COR. TIME. CORRECTED. DIFFERENCE FROM MEAN. Nitric, . . . Hydrochloric, Acetic, . . Mean, . . 5°.95 5.85 5.80 0''.25 0.25 0.25 7°.20 7.08 7.03 + 0°,10 — 0.02 — 0.07 7.10 33. Table VII. — Oxide of Zinc. ACID. FOUND. TIME. COR. TIME. CORRECTED. DIFFERENCE FROM MEAN. Sulphuric, . . Nitric, . . . Hydrochloric, Hydriodic, Mean, . . 4°.45 3.90 4.00 3.50 2' 2 2 4 0°.20 0.20 0.20 0.45 5°.40 4.76 4.88 4.59 + 0°.49 — 0.15 — 0.03 — 0.32 4.91 240 Dr. Andrews on the Heat developed 34. Table VIII. — Oxide of Lead. ACID. FOUND. TIME. COR. TIME. CORRECTED. DIFFERENCE FROM MEAN. Nitric, . . . Acetic, . . . Mean, . 3°.45 2.95 2' 3 0M5 0.30 4°. 18 3.78 + 0°.20 — 0.20 3.98 35. The oxide of silver gave, with nitric acid, an increase of temperature of 2°.7 corresponding, when corrected, to an actual elevation of 3°.23. 36. To render the numbers in each table strictly comparable with one another, would require a minute investigation of the influence of every possible source of a variation of temperature in the experiments ; such are, differences in the specific heats of the solutions formed, alterations in the density of the liquids after mixture, &c. However, from very dilute solutions being employed, and also, from the results being identical when the strength of the solutions was greatly varied (9), it is probable that the errors arising from such causes could not amount, in most cases, to more than a few hundreths of a degree. Taking, therefore, the results as they appear in the tables, it will be found on exami- nation, that they are in accordance withLaw 1, (24). If we refer to the first, second, and fourth tables, as being the most extensive, from the large number of soluble compounds formed by potash, soda, and ammonia, it will be observed, that the sulphuric acid developes from 0°.8 to nearly 1° more than the megn heat given by the other acids, while the tartaric, citric, and succinic acids fall from 0°.4 to 0°.55 short of the same. A minute investigation of the influence of the disturb- ing sources of heat will, no doubt, discover the cause of these discrepancies ; the high numbers for sulphuric acid are probably connected with that acid's well- known property of developing much heat when combined with successive atoms, of water. All the other acids develope very nearly the same amount of heat in combining with the same base ; the greatest divergences from the mean quan- tity being in the case of potash, -\- 0°.24, and — 0°.13 ; in that of soda, -j- 0°.26, during the Combination of Acids and Bases. 241 — 0°.14 ; and in that of ammonia + 0°.17 and — 0°.05. These differences are almost within the limits of the errors of experiment. In the other tables a similar agreement will be found to exist. Indeed the sulphuric acid does not exhibit in them so wide a discordance from the other acids as before. I must, however, remark that the numbers for the insoluble bases are scarcely so exact as those which are contained in the first four tables. 37. Whether the base be soluble or insoluble in water, the increments of temperature obtained, by combining the same base with different acids, may be compared with each other ; but if we wish to discover the relations subsisting between the temperatures developed by different bases, it becomes necessary to take into consideration the heat absorbed by the insoluble bases, in passing from the solid to the fluid state. I am not at present acquainted with any method whereby the heat thus abstracted can be estimated. But the numbers for the insoluble bases, from this cause, will be all too low. We may, therefore, arrange the bases in the following order, in respect to their power of developing heat when combining with the acids ; but this arrangement is liable to be disturbed when the value of the unknown quantities shall be determined. It must also be recollected that the potash, soda, barytes and lime were in the state of hydrates before mixture, while the magnesia, oxide of zinc, oxide of lead, and oxide of silver were anhydrous. Magnesia, .... 8°.24 + a: . 7.10 + a;' . 6.75 . 6.52 . 6.48 . 5.52 . 4.91 +y' . 3.98 + a;'" . 3.23 + x"" Lime, Barytes, Potash, Soda, . Ammonia, Oxide of Zinc, Oxide of Lead, Oxide of Silver, 38. The peroxide of mercury has given results altogether at variance with the preceding. It developes with the nitric and acetic acids nearly the same quantity of heat, but with the hydracids the most singular anomalies occur, as will appear in the next table. VOL. XIX. 2 1 242 Dr. Andrews on the Heat developed 39. Table IX. — Peroxide of Mercury. ACID, FOUND. Nitric, . . Acetic, , , Hydrochloric, Hydrocyanic, Hydriodic, , 1°,20 1,20 3,80 5.85 9,20 2' 2 2 2 3 CORR. TIME. 0°,05 0,05 0.20 0,25 0,60 CORRECTED, r.27 1,27 4.65 7,10 11.40 40, To the last number some objection may be made, as a large excess of hydriodic acid was used to prevent the formation of the Insoluble perlodlde of mercury ; but even if we omit it altogether, the other parts of the table exhibit singular discrepancies. It is probable that a more extended investigation will discover other metallic oxides, resembling the peroxide of mercury, in yielding different quantities of heat, when they combine with the hydraclds, 4 1 , The hydrocyanic acid stands not less apart from the other acids than the oxide of mercury from the rest of the bases, in its development of heat when forming compounds ; and it is remarkable that no analogous property appears with the hydrochloric and hydriodic acids. The hydrocyanic acid used in these experiments was perfectly pure : it was employed immediately after being rectified over chalk, and had no action on vegetable colours, I have collected together the elevations of temperature produced by it, and contrasted them with the mean quantities of heat given by the other acids with each base. BASE. HYDROCYANIC ACID. MEAN OF OTHER ACIDS. DIFFERENCE. Potash, Soda, Barytes, Ammonia, Peroxide of Mercury, , . 1°,45 1,45 1,68 0.51 7,10 6°,52 6.48 6,75 5,52 5°,07 5,03 5,07 5,01 during the Comhination of Acids and Bases. 243 42. Thus the hydrocyanic acid developes with potash, soda, barytes, and ammonia, 5° less than the other acids. On the other hand, it yields no less than 7°.l in combining with the peroxide of mercury, while the oxyacids produce with the same base, only r.27. 43. I now proceed to cite a few experiments in illustration of Law 2 ; viz., that during the conversion of a neutral into an acid salt, no evolution of heat occurs. 44. 23 gr. of a solution of caustic potash, containing .353 gr. of alcali, were mixed with 7 gr. of a solution of oxalic acid, containing .271 gr. (or 1 equiv.) of acid. Temp, after mixture rose 5°.7. 45. 31 gr. of a solution of neutral oxalate of potash, containing .624 gr. of the salt, were mixed with 9 gr. of a solution of oxalic acid, containing .271 gr. (1 equiv.) acid. Temp, after mixture rose 0°.0. 46. The solution of binoxolate of potash, obtained in last experiment, was mixed with 18 gr. of the solution of oxalic acid (2 equiv.) Temp, rose after mixture 0°.15. After some time, crystals of quadroxalate of potash began to form, which accounted for the slight elevation of temperature. 47. On adding to a solution of sulphate of potash a second atom of sulphuric acid, the temperature of the mixture rose only 0°.l, although the combination of the first atom had produced 6°.3 of heat. 48. Similar results were obtained with the oxalate, tartrate, and acetate of soda, when converted into the corresponding supersalts ; and by neutralizing these acid salts with the base, the same heat was invariably produced as if the excess of acid had existed in a free state. I may cite particularly the case of the bichromate of potash, which gave, when converted into the neutral chromate, a quantity of heat corresponding with that developed by the acids in general with potash, viz., 6°.45. In verifying this principle, care must be taken to select examples where all the compounds are soluble salts ; otherwise, the latent heat extricated by the solid precipitate would interfere with, and complicate the 2i 2 244 Dr. Andrews on the Heat developed result. It is for this reason that the formation of the bitartrate of potash is accompanied by heat, although none is evolved when the neutral tartrate of soda combines with a second atom of acid. 49. As a farther illustration of the same principle, I am unwilling to omit the description of an interesting experiment, although its complete explanation involves the consideration of a class of phenomena which I have carefully ex- cluded from the present communication. Three solutions were prepared, each containing 25 gr. of liquid ; the first, holding in solution .353 gr. of pure potash ; the second, .520 gr. of carbonate of potash ; and the third, .683 gr. of bicarbonate of potash ; consequently the amount of real alcali the same in all. They were then separately neutralized by 5 gr. of a solution of nitric acid, containing a considerable excess of acid, and the two latter solutions were well stirred, to expel, as far as possible, the carbonic acid gas before the final tempe- rature was observed. The elevations of temperature were, for DIF. Pure Potash, . 5°.8 Carbonate of Potash, . 1.7- 4.1 Bicarbonate of Potash, . . 0.4 1.3 50. Thus we see that the effect of separating the first atom of carbonic acid, in the gaseous state, from its combinations with the alcali, was to cause the disappearance of 4°.l of heat ; while the separation of the second atom, and its complete expulsion in the gaseous state, produced a further diminution of temperature of only 1°.3. In these observations, two distinct sources of an absorption of caloric exists ; one, the separation of the chemical compound into its constituents ; the other, the change of one of those constituents from the liquid to the gaseous state. Had both causes acted equally on the second as on the first atom of carbonic acid, we should have obtained with the bicarbonate, as great a diminution of temperature as had occurred with the carbonate, or the thermometer would have sunk 2°.4 instead of rising .4°. But the conversion of the second atom of carbonic acid into the gaseous state is completely effected, while a considerable portion of the first atom remains dissolved in the liquid ; and consequently, the striking difference in the result can only be accounted for, on the principle stated in the second law, that the combination, or separation of during the Combination of Acids and Bases. 245 the second atom of carbonic acid is attended with no evolution or abstraction of heat. 51. The tribasic, phosphoric, and arsenic acids, in their combinations with the fixed alcalis, present a slight divergence from this law, and at the same time, give results closely coincident with each other. In the following table, the increments of temperature are exhibited which were observed, when solutions, containing the compounds denoted by the first and second members of the ex- pression, were mixed together. The symbol NaO corresponds, as before, to .234 gr. soda, and the entire weight of the solution was 30 grammes. POUND. COBRECTKD, (NaO + ^PA) + ^PA • , 0°.40 . . 0°.46 (NaO + fPA)+iPA • . 0°.30 . . 0°.35 52. In other words, the combination of the common phosphate of soda with half as much acid as it already contains produces an increment of temperature of 0°.46 ; and its complete conversion into the biphosphate, a farther increase of 0°.35. Similar numbers were obtained with the arsenic acid. (NaO+^-AsA) + iAsA • (NaO + 1 As,0,) + iAs,0, . 54. The same acid gave with potash, 55. From these experiments it follows, that during the conversion of the common alcaline phosphates and arseniates into supersalts, a quantity of heat is evolved, which is about one-seventh part of that produced during the formation of those salts themselves. As, however, the alcaline phosphates and arseniates are not strictly neutral in composition, and their solutions have an alcaline re- action, it is, perhaps, scarcely correct to adduce them as exceptions to Law 2. The pyrophosphoric acid, in similar circumstances, scarcely produces any beat ; FOUND. COKRECTED. 0°.40 . . 0°.46 0^35 . . 0°.40 FOUND. CORRECTED, 0°.80 . . 0°.93 FOUND. CORRECTED. 0°.15 . . 0M7 0°.00 . . o°.oo 246 Dr. Andrews on the Heat developed resembling, in this and its other thermal properties, the ordinary acids. Denoting the pyrophosphoric acid by Pyr. we have, (NaO + ^PyrA)+iPyrA (NaO+|PyrA) + iPyr.A 55. The formation of the alcaline subphosphates and subarseniates, by the direct union of the common phosphates and arseniates, with an additional equivalent of base, is accompanied with a definite evolution of heat. On adding to solutions of these salts, containing the equivalents of alcali before referred to (NaO, .234 gr. KO, .353 gr.), alcaline solutions having half as much base as was already in the salts themselves, I obtained very uniform results. FOUND. CORRECTED. (NaO + ^-PA) + ^NaO . . . r.7 . . r.97 (NaO + ^AsA)+^NaO . . r.7 . . r.97 (KO + ^AsA) + ^KO . . . r.7 . . r.97 (NaO + iPyrA) + iNaO . . OM . . 0°.12 56. That the heat produced was connected with the formation of the sub- salt, appears distinctly from the circumstance, that a further addition of alcali was not attended with any increase of temperature. The absence of any heat in the case of the pyrophosphate of soda is easily explained on the same principle, as Graham has shown that no subpyrophosphate of soda exists. 57. The formation of these subsalts exercises a remarkable influence on the quantities of heat developed, when the base is neutralized by successive portions of acid. In ordinary cases, the heat evolved in this way is proportional to the quantity of acid added. Thus, on mixing a solution of pure potash with one- fourth, one-half, &c., an equivalent of nitric acid, the elevations of temperature will be one-half, one-fourth, &c. of what is observed when the alcali is completely neutralized. And the same principle I find to hold good, when successive por- tions of the phosphoric (tribasic) and arsenic acids are added to solutions of the pure alcalis, till the subsalts are formed ; but, after that point, a very different law is followed, as will be seen in the next tables : FOUND. CORRECTED. 4°.65 5''.40 0.90 1 .04 4°. 75 5°. 5 1 .85 .99 4.80 5°.57 .90 1 .04 during the Combination of Acids and Bases. 247 I. NaO + iP,0„ . . . (NaO + ^PA+F^OJ . II. NaO + ^AsA. • (NaO + ^AsA) + MsA. • III. KO + ^AsA (KO + ^AsA)+iAsA . 58. Had the evolutions of heat corresponded with the additions of acid the second numbers would have been one-half of the first in each set of experiments. Hence, the increments of temperature for equal portions of acid are nearly as 2.5 : 1, before and after the formation of the subsalt. The pyrophosphoric acid, on the contrary, presents no similar irregularity, developing equal increments of heat, for equal additions of acid, till the pyrophosphate of soda (NaO -{- i|PyrA) is formed. 59. It may, perhaps, be prematnre, from such imperfect and limited data, to offer any general observations on the preceding experiments ; but I shall, never- theless, venture to show the accordance of laws second and third, with those general views of the constitution of the salts which have been so ably illustrated by Graham. The conversion of a neutral into an acid salt being in reality the formation of a double salt, is not accompanied by any disengagement of heat ; because such combinations as the latter do not evolve heat. No caloric is extricated when the tartrates of potash and soda unite ; and, consequently, none ought to be given off, when the tartrate of soda is combined with the tartrate of water. But, on the other hand, heat is disengaged when the base in the tartrate of water is replaced by soda; because soda, in its combinations with the acids, evolves much more heat than water. How far the heat evolved in the formation of the different hydrated acids may be the same, is an interesting question not yet determined ; but there can be little doubt that water holds a very low rank among the bases, in reference to its power of generating heat when combining with the acids. On the same principles, and again referring to the observations of Graham, we can understand the cause of the evolution of heat during the 248 Dr. Andrews on the Heat developed, Sfc. conversion of the neutral phosphates and arsenlates Into basic salts. In reality, an equivalent of water is here again replaced by an equivalent of alcali, just as occurs in the direct combinations of the acids and alcalis.* * When the experiments detailed in the foregoing paper were almost completed, I received the 6th No. oiPoggendorff's Annalen, for 1840, containing the first part of a valuable Memoir, by M. Hess, entitled " Thermo-chemical Researches." The experiments detailed by M. Hess refer principally to the heat developed when sulphuric acid and water combine together — a subject not touched upon in the present paper. He has, however, extended his inquiry to the heat evolved during the combination of sulphuric acid with potash, soda, ammonia, and lime ; and also of hydro- chloric acid with potash, soda, and ammonia. But the results obtained by M. Hess cannot be im- mediately compared with those given in this communication, as his experiments were performed with stronger acids, which disengaged heat when diluted with water. The quantity of heat thus extricated, M. Hess has shown to be the same, whether the acid and water be mixed together in presence of a base or alone ; and he has likewise furnished accurate data, by means of which the heat derived from this source, in his experiments, may be estimated. Now, assuming with him, as a term of comparison, the number of grammes of water which would be heated through 1° cen- tigrade, by saturating with each alcali 1 gramme of sulphuric acid, or the corresponding equivalent (0.908 gr.) of hydrochloric acid — all taken in the state of very dilute solutions — we deduce from the foregoing tables the numerical results in the first of the following columns ; while those in the second are derived from the memoir of M. Hess : TABLES. HESS rPotash, 407 . . .406 Sulphuric Acid with . . -s Soda, ■ Ammonia, C Potash, Hydrochloric Acid with < Soda, V. Ammonia, 413 . . . 411 352 . . . 403 364 .. . 362 373 . . . 368 310 . . . 318 It is very satisfactory to observe how closely these numbers agree with each other, with the single exception of that which expresses the heat evolved when sulphuric acid and ammonia com- bine. The cause of this discrepancy I have endeavoured in vain to discover ; but it probably depends upon some condition in the experiment of M. Hess, which may have escaped my observation. ■?;«nj A^.'TOL.XE>. EOS SCEITCE PIATE .m . 9 O Hb fi'l o -H' JJf>*.,.iJi! 249 X. Supplement to a Paper " On the mutual Action of permanent Magnets, considered chiefly in Reference to their best relative Position in an Observatory." By the Rev. Humphrey Lloyd, D.D., Fellow of Trinity College, and Professor of Natural Philosophy in the University of Dublin, F.R.S., V.P.R.I.A., Honorary Member of the American Philosophical Society. Read April 26, 1841. In a former paper I have investigated the conditions of equilibrium of the forces exerted upon one another by three magnets, such as those employed in the Dublin Magnetical Observatory, and in the Observatories since established by the British government, in observing the three elements* of the Earth's Magnetic Force. The axes of these magnets being supposed to lie in the same horizontal plane, the forces which they exert upon one another are necessarily directed in that plane ; and the conditions of equilibrium of these forces are expressed hy five equations, the forces exerted upon one of the magnets, in the direction perpendicular to its axis, being destroyed by the reaction of its sup- ports. To fulfil these conditions, there are only four arbitrary quantities, — namely, the angles v^rhich the lines connecting the centres of the three magnets make with the magnetic meridian, and the azimuth of the axis of one of the magnets. Hence it followed, that complete equilibrium was not attainable, except for determinate values of the relative forces of the magnets. I was, therefore, compelled to select among the conditions of equilibrium, all of which * These elements are the declination, and the horizontal and vertical components of the force. The magnets employed in observing the first and second of these elements are capable of motion in the horizontal plane, the axis of the first being in the magnetic meridian, and that of the second perpendicular to it ; the third magnet, being supported on knife-edges, is capable of motion only in a vertical plane, and its azimuth is arbitrary. VOL. XIX. 2 K 250 The Rev. H.Lloyd on the mutual Action of permanent Magnets. are not of equal practical value ; and I was thus led to consider some less complete solutions of the problem, in which three, or even two only, of these conditions are satisfied. But all these solutions are exposed to the objection, that the positions of the magnets which fulfil the conditions are dependent upon their relative forces, and are, therefore, subject to vary along with them : — in other words, that upon any change of these forces, the equilibrium already effected will be destroyed, and a new arrangement of the magnets be required to restore it. To obviate the inconvenience arising from such a displacement of the magnets employed in the observations, it has been suggested to fulfil the con- ditions of equilibrium by means of additional magnets, whose positions could be readily altered as the forces varied. To this, however, there are serious objec- tions. In the first place, by thus increasing the number of balancing actions, the chances of error in the positions of the centres of force, as well as the liability to alteration in their intensities, are multiplied ; and, secondly, on account of this liability to change, no absolute measurement could be safely made, without a re-examination of the relative forces of the magnets, and a readjustment of their positions ; so that nothing appears to be gained. Under all these circumstances, the best course appears to be, to satisfy so many of the conditions of equilibrium, as are capable of being fulfilled independ- ently of the relative forces of the magnets, and to apply corrections for the actions which remain unbalanced. In this manner, the changes which the forces of the magnets may undergo, in process of time, will not disturb the equilibrium which has been effected ; and the unbalanced actions, being in definite directions, will admit of being determined by an easy experiment, and allowed for by a simple correction. In order that any one of the equations of equilibrium* may subsist inde- pendently of the ratios of the forces of the magnets, the part which contains one of these ratios, and that which is independent of it, must separately vanish, and the five equations are resolved into the following : * Equations (10, 11, 12, 13, 15), pp. 167, 170. The Rev. H. Lloyd on the mutual Action of permanent Magnets. 251 3 cos (2)3 — f ) + cos f = 0, sin 27 = 0 ; (1) 3 sin (2/3 — f ) + sin f = 0, 1 — 3 cos 27 = 0 ; (2) 3 cos (2a — f ) + cos f = 0, 1 + 3 cos 27 = 0 ; (3) 3 sin (2a — f ) + sin f = 0, sin 27 = 0 ; (4) 3 cos (2^ — ^) + cos ^ =z 0, 3sin(2a-^) + sinf = 0. (5) Now it will be seen, on a little consideration, that of these five pairs of equations, the equations (2) and (3) exclude, each, the other four ; so that if we fulfil the condition expressed by (2), or that expressed by (3), in this way, we cannot at the same time satisfy any other. On the other hand, each pair of the remaining conditions, expressed by the equations (1, 4, 5), has one equation in common ; so that for the fulfilment of these three con- ditions, three equations only are to be satisfied ; and these three equations are not only not inconsistent, but even leave one of the angles still un- determined. These equations are sin 27 = 0, (6) 3cos(2/3 — 0 + cosf = 0, (7) 3 sin (2a — f ) -f sin f =: 0. (8) The first of them determines the angle 7 ; and as the other two contain three arbitrary angles, they maybe fulfilled in an infinite variety of ways. Accordingly we must have 7 = 0, or 7 = 90°; (9) that is, the line connecting the magnets a and b must be parallel or perpen- dicular to the magnetic meridian. And the angles, a, /3, f, which determine the place and azimuth of the third magnet, are connected by the relations, ^ + cos2^_ sin2a , sin2i3 - ^'^^^-i- cos 2a' ^^"^ so that when one of these angles is assumed or given, the other two are deter- mined. 2 k2 252 The Rev. H. Lloyd on the mutual Action of ■permanent Magnets.. The natural course is to assume the azimuth of the magnet c, and thence determine the place of its centre. Let us suppose, then, that the plane of the magnet c is parallel to the magnetic meridian, or that The equations (J, 8) then give, cos 2j3 = — ^, sin 2a = 0 ; and these two equations, together with (6), solve the problem. As we cannot have 7 = 0, a = 0, simultaneously, there are two solutions, namely : 7=0, a = 90°, 1 S = 54° 44'. 7 = 90°, a = 0, J ^ The corresponding arrangements of the magnets are represented in Figs. 1 and 2. Again, if the plane in which the magnet c is constrained to move be perpen- dicular to the magnetic meridian, or f = 90°, the equations (^, 8) are then reduced to sin 2^ = 0, cos 2a = ^ ; which, in conjunction with (6), furnish the two solutions : 7 = 0, /3 = 90°," , a = 35° 16'. 7 = 90°, 13 = 0, These arrangements are represented in Figs. 3 and 4. In estimating the comparative merits of these four arrangements, we should observe that the magnet c is usually much less massive, and therefore less powerful than either of the other two ; and, accordingly, that the arrange- ments represented in Figs. 1 and 4, in which the distance, ab, of the stronger magnets is the shortest side of the triangle abc, are, on that account, in- The Rev. H. Lloyd on the mutual Action 0/ permanent Magnets. • , 253 ferior to those represented in Figs. 2 and 3. Of the latter, the arrange- ment (Fig. 3) is to be preferred, where our object is to diminish as much as possible the residual action upon the declination magnet, A ; and, on the other hand, the arrangement (Fig. 2) should be chosen, if we prefer to diminish the action upon the magnet b. There is still another particular disposition which deserves to be considered : that, namely, in which the magnet c is equally distant from the other two. This condition is expressed by the relation, a + p^lSO"; and eliminating, by means of it, the angle /3 in (10), we have cos 2a -|- ^ sin 2a sin 2a cos 2a — ^ ' whence cos'' 2a — sin* 2a zz ^, sin 2a ^ ± ^, and a = ± 20° 54'. Again, substituting this value in (10), we have tan f = -i-^- = d= 1.6180, f = 58° 17', or = 180° - 58° 17'. ^/5 — 1 Accordingly, the arrangement of the magnets is that represented in Fig. 5, or the reverse arrangement, in which the magnet c is in the corresponding position on the opposite side of the line ab. Let us now consider, briefly, the corrections required for the residual actions, and the manner in which they are to be experimentally determined. In virtue of the equations (6) and (7), the action exerted by the magnets b and c upon a, in the magnetic meridian, is null ; the disturbing action is, there- fore, perpendicular to the meridian, and operates only as a deflecting force. The amount of the deflection produced by this resultant force is easily deter- mined ; for we have only to reverse the magnets b and c simultaneously, and it is obvious that the difference of the readings of the magnet a, in these two positions of the deflecting magnets, is double the deflection sought. In order to 254 The Rev. H. Lloyd on the mutual Action of permanent Magnets. eliminate the actual changes of declination which may occur in the interval of the two parts of the observation, simultaneous observations should be made with an auxiliary apparatus in another apartment ; or, should such an apparatus be not at hand, the effect of the changes may be got rid of by making a series of readings of the magnet a, with the deflecting magnets alternately in the two positions. The amount of the deflection, thus determined, is to be applied as a correction in measurements of the absolute declination : being a constant quantity, or nearly so, its effect upon the declination changes may be disregarded. Lastly, there being no disturbing force upon the magnet a, in the magnetic meridian itself, the absolute horizontal intensity, determined by experiments of vibration and deflection, according to the method of Gauss, will need no cor- rection.* On the other hand, the disturbing force exerted upon the magnet b, by the other two, is directed in the magnetic meridian itself, and therefore con- spires with, or opposes, the force of the earth. The correction required for its action is determined with the same facility as in the former case. We have only to reverse the magnets a and c simultaneously, and to note the change of position of the magnet b thereby produced. Half the change, converted into parts of the whole force by multiplying it by a coefficient already known, is the ratio, -, of the disturbing force to the total force ; and, in order to correct for this f force, we have only to multiply the observed results by the coefficient 1 ::p -, usmg F the upper sign when the disturbing action conspires with that of the earth, and the lower when it is opposed to it. Finally, with respect to the magnet c, the disturbing action, being perpen- dicular to the plane in which the magnet is constrained to move, is destroyed by the reaction of its supports, and no correction is needed. * The remdtani of the force of the earth, and of the disturbing action, will of course differ, theoretically, from the former ; but, in genera), by an inappreciable amount. If x denote the earth's horizontal force, and J the deflection produced by the disturbing action, the resultant force will be X secant i. Now, supposing J to be two minutes (which is greater than any amount it can have with magnets of the size of those employed in the Dublin Observatory, and at the distances recommended below) the resultant force will exceed x by the quantity .0000002x. The Rev. H. Lloyd on the mutual Action of permanent Magnets. 255 It may be useful to suggest, in a few words, the form of building adapted to these arrangements. For the arrangement represented in Fig. 3, the ground-plan of the building may be a square, whose sides (24 feet in length) are parallel and perpendicular to the magnetic meridian, (Fig. 6). This area may be conveniently divided into four parts, viz. : a principal room, 24 feet in length and 16 feet in width ; two subordinate rooms, and a vestibule. The principal room should contain the magnets a and b, which may be placed at an interval of 18 feet,* the joining line being the axis of the room. Two pedestals, a' and b', (at an interval of 4^ feet), will serve to support the reading telescopes ; and the observer's chair may be placed between them. The magnet c should be placed in one of the small rooms, its distance from the magnet a being ac = ab X tang 35° 16' = 18 X 0.707 = 12.73 feet. In order to diminish, as far as possible, the de- flecting force exerted by the magnets b and c upon a, these magnets should have their poles similarly placed (i. e. the same pole in each turned to the east) ; for, in this case, the resulting action is the difference of the forces exerted by the separate magnets. It will be convenient to fix another pedestal, D, for the support of an incli- nation instrument, in the second of the small rooms, and at the point corres- ponding to c in the first ; — the line bd being perpendicular to . the magnetic meridian, and the distance bd = ac. It is manifest that, in this position, the action of the magnets b and c upon a magnetic particle at d will be perpen- dicular to the magnetic meridian ; and will, therefore, have no effect upon the position of the inclination needle, being destroyed by the reaction of its supports. And, in order that the action of the magnet a may be in the same direction, it is only necessary to turn it round, so that its axis may lie in the line ax, which makes with the magnetic meridian an angle bax = bad. For tan d = v'2 ; and tan dax = 5 z: 2 v''2 ; so that tan d = ^ tan dax, and db is the * At this distance, the deflection produced by the magnet b upon A, (the deflecting magnet being of the size and power of those employed in the Dublin Magnetical Observatory), is only about 1^ minutes ; and the greater part of this small disturbance will be annulled by the opposing action of the magnet c . 256 The Rev. H. Lloyd on the mutual Action of permanent Magnets. direction of the force exerted by the magnet a (in that position) upon the point D. This temporary adjustment of the magnet a may be at once effected by means of a line drawn on the supporting pedestal ; and it is obvious that it may be accomplished v^'ithout removing the magnet from its stirrup, or inter- fering in any vpay with its permanent adjustments. The building required to receive the magnets, in the arrangement repre- sented in Fig. 5, may be still simpler ; consisting only of a single room, 26 feet in length, and 16 feet in width, and having a portico with a second door, to prevent draughts of air, (Fig. 7). To find a suitable place for the inclination instrument, we have only to determine the point on the line ab, at which the action of the magnet c is per- pendicular to ab. Then, the action of the magnet b being perpendicular to AB at every point of this line, the forces exerted by b and c will be perpendicular to the meridian, and will therefore be destroyed by the reaction of the sup- ports ; and, in order that the same thing should hold also for the magnet a, we have only to turn that magnet, temporarily, into a position perpendicular to the meridian. Let D (Fig. 5) be the point sought, and do a line perpendicular to ab ; then the condition requires that tan cdo :=. ^- tan ocd ; or, denoting the angle CDA by x, cotan x = 7]- tan {x — 58° 17')- Whence, developing and substituting the value of tan (58° 17')» we have the following quadratic for the determi- nation of tan X, tan -X — 4.854 tan a; — 2 = 0. Accordingly, tan 3; = 5.236, or =: — 0.382 ; and :r = 79° 1 1', or r= — 20° 54', Of these solutions the former is that adapted to the present purpose ; the latter giving the point a itself. The pedestal erected at the point d will likewise serve to support the reading telescope of the magnet b, which may be inserted in a groove cut in the top, so as not to interfere with the other instrument. The supporting pedestal of the telescope of the magnet a should be on the line da, its centre being four or five feet from the point d, so as to admit the observer's chair between the two pedestals. 257 XI. Supplementary Researches on the Direction and Mode of Propagation of the electric Force, and on the Source of electrical Development. By George J. Knox, Esq., A. M., M. R. I. A. Read May 25th, 1840, XI AVING in my former paper* described some experiments which proved that water and phosphorus convey a current of electricity through their substances, while metals convey the current along their surface, and feeling anxious to discover some general law regarding the direction of propagation in liquid and solid bodies, I have continued the investigation to fluids ; not only those which convey the feeble current of the voltaic pile, but to others which require the high intensity of the electrical machine ; and although the experiments be few, yet I think that they may be considered to be sufficient to establish the law regarding fluids, that they convey through their substance in all directions alike ; an opinion which one would be inclined to adopt previous to experiment, from considering the difference between the nature of liquid and solid bodies, the one having their particles chained down by powerful affinities, which no ordinary electrical force can overcome, while the other, from the perfect mobility of their particles, allow the electric state to be induced upon them with equal facility in one direction as well as another. That there exists no regular law with regard to solids, appears from the Researches of Dr. Faraday (XI. and XIV. Series), in which he shows, that the lines of induction do not pass through metallic bodies (1221), (affording a corro- borative proof to mine that they do not convey through their substance), while several solid bodies, such as shell-lac, sulphur, &c. (1228, 1308, 1309, 1310), allow the inductive force to pass through them with greater facility even than air. • Tran. R. I. A., vol xix. p. 147 ; Phil. Mag. vol. xvi. p. 185. VOL. XIX. 2 L 258 Mr. Knox on the Direction and Mode of EXPEKIMENTS. The bent glass tube which I employed In my former experiments having been filled alternately with muriatic acid, hydriodic acid, sulphate of copper, and mu- riate of ammonia, and the circuit being completed by a current from a sustaining battery of one pair of elements, the same law was found to subsist as when water and phosphorus were employed, i. e. that the current passed through their substance and not along their surface. The same likewise took place when the tube was filled with fused chloride of tin, which conducts by electrolysis, and fused periodide of mercury, which conducts by conduction. To determine whether this law with regard to liquids which convey a gal- vanic current subsists when non-conducting fluids are employed, I filled the tube alternately with alcohol, naphtha, oil, fused lard, bees' wax, and resin, and having connected one of the insulated wires with the ground, I connected the other with an insulated brass ball, fixed at the distance of four-tenths of an inch from the prime conductor, of a nine inch electrical machine. ALCOHOL OR NAPHTHA. When the platinum wires were immersed in the legs of the bent tube until their extremities were placed at the distance of five inches, ten sparks passed in one revolution of the plate ; when at two feet distance, eight sparks ; when at four feet distance, six sparks. OIL. At the distance of five inches, seven sparks passed in one revolution of the plate; at the distance of two feet, four sparks passed ; and at the distance of four feet, two sparks passed in one revolution. FUSED LARD. At the distance of five inches, two sparks passed in one revolution of the plate ; at the distance of two feet, one spark in one revolution ; at the distance of four feet, one spark in three revolutions. bees' wax. At the distance of five inches, one spark passed in one revolution of the plate ; at the distance of two feet, one spark in one revolution and a half; at the distance of four feet, one spark in two revolutions. Propagation of the Electric Force. 259 RESIN. At the distance of five inches, one spark passed in one revolution of the plate ; at the distance of two feet, one spark in two revolutions ; at the distance of four feet, one spark in two and three-fourth revolutions. These latter substances begin to conduct when in the viscid state, and the conducting power Increases up to the boiling point. SOURCE OF ELECTRICAL DEVELOPMENT. Before reconsidering the source of electrical development, I shall briefly mention the arguments which may be brought forward against the emission, and in favour of the vibratory theory, the former supposing a transference of elec- tricity from particle to particle, the latter assuming that the atoms of matter are encircled with ethereal atmospheres, the atoms of which can oscillate within certain distances. The arguments in favour of this latter theory, independent of such as the mathematician may bring forward, rest upon the hypothesis proposed by Sir H. Davy,* " which, after a lapse of twenty years, continued, as it was in the beginning, to be the guide and foundation of all his re- searches;" a theory now almost universally received as established — that chemical affinity is an electrical phenomenon, and that the entire subject of chemistry is an illustration of that primary law of electricity, the attraction of oppositely electrical bodies. If the electric forces which cause the attraction of bodies be definite, as they are, being their atomic numbers, how can this be consistent with a theory which supposes that the electricity leaves the particles, allowing them at one moment to contain more electricity than at another, and, consequently, a higher affinity, and a different atomic number ? When two atoms are brought into contact, their electrical ethers, being disturbed, cause a disturbance to take place in the electrical ethers of adjacent atoms, which disturbance should increase until it arrives at a maximum, when combination takes place. The same may be said of the compound atoms or molecules, of the compound molecules or particles, and of the compound par- ticles or bodies en masse ; and that such a development of electricity by contact of the latter does take place, the original experiments of Volta, together with • Bakerian Lecture, 1807-1826. 2 l2 260 Mr. Knox on the Direction and Mode of the late experiments of Fechner and Peclet, have fully established. Fechner* has proved (having shown that the same experiment was incorrectly tried by Delarive), that when potassium, or sodium, are brought into contact with pla- tinum, electrical development takes place without chemical action. Pecletf has proved that electrical excitation is caused by the contact of platinum and gold, wherk chemical action could not take place. In support of the opposite opinion is the experiment of Delarive,| who found, that when chlorine gas is passed through an insulated copper tube, the condenser exhibits electrical develop- ment, which, he remarks, decreases when chlorine, unmixed with atmospheric air, is employed, and also when the chemical action between the chlorine and copper is violent ; circumstances which admit of a simple explanation by the contact theory, according to which the air receives an electrical charge from the chlorine while in contact with the copper, which charge so much of the gas as combines with the copper loses. The same explanation may be given to the experiments of Peclet,§ who has satisfactorily shown that the presence of moisture is necessary in order that the oxidation of the amalgam on the rubber of an electrical machine should develope electricity, the aqueous vapour in this case receiving the charge. Experiments, then, having proved, that contact and not chemical action causes the development of electricity, the question arises, how are we to explain the phenomena ? When two atoms unite, it is difficult to avoid the conclusion, that the compound atom (molecule) must have oppositely electrical surfaces. Two such polarized molecules approaching cause a disturbance to take place in the electrical ether, which disturbance is propagated by induction to a distance; but when the molecules approach sufficiently near to combine, the two oppositely electrical surfaces of one molecule coming in contact with the two oppositely electrified surfaces of the other, no development of electricity can take place, the electrical states becoming completely disguised ; and such a supposition is borne out by every fact in crystallography, which shows that the molecules have poles. The particles being compound molecules should have poles likewise ; and when they unite, or chemical combination takes place, there should be no de- velopment of electricity ; and, consequently, when oxygen unites with zinc (as in * Phil. Mag. vol. xiii. 1838. f Annales de Chimie, fom. Ixxi. p. 80. X Bib. Univer. N. S. torn. iii. kj Annales de Chimie, torn. Ixxi. p. 83. Propagation of the Electric Force. 261 the galvanic battery) no development of electricity should take place from their union ; but the hydrogen, whose positive pole had been previously united with the negative pole of the oxygen, should induce negative electricity upon the oxide, while the negative pole should induce positive electricity upon the next particle, and so on to the platinum plate. The greater the number of particles of hydrogen inducing electricity upon the platinum plate, the greater, of course, the quantity of electricity induced upon that plate ; the number of particles of hydrogen being the measure of the quan- tity, whether it was oxygen, chlorine, iodine, or bromine, with which the hydrogen may have been previously in combination ; and that such is the case is proved by experiment. That alternate recombinations and decompositions take place has been shown by Grothhus and Faraday. How beautiful is the analogy which subsists between statical and voltaic electricity when the contact theory is adopted ! By friction (lateral contact) between silk and glass opposite electrical states are induced upon each. By the contact of zinc with a dry acid, or alkali, opposite states are induced upon each. When the plate of the electrical machine is put in motion, the prime conductor receives a charge whose intensity is directly as the non-conducting or insulating nature of the glass, and as the distance between the collecting forks and the rubber when the axis is made of glass. When the zinc is placed in contact with the acid, or alkali in solution, the charge is allowed to pass from the zinc to the platinum, being in this case a charge by induction, as in the former case it was one by convection ; and the intensity varies as the insulating state of the solution, and as the distance between the platinum and zinc, as is proved by the experi- ments of Delarive,* which show that the water battery charges to a higher intensity than the acid battery, although it takes a longer time than the latter to charge to a given amount. Again, when a small electrical machine is rotated rapidly, while a larger one is rotated slowly, the former will charge to a given intensity in a shorter time than the latter, although it never can rise to an equal intensity. So in the acid and water batteries, the former, owing to the rapidity of alternations of induction and equilibrium, charges to a given intensity In a shorter time than the latter, yet still it never can rise to an equal intensity. Similarly may be explained why, when two metals in a solution form a closed * Bib. Univer. torn. iv. p. 360. 262 Mr. Knox on the Direction and Mode of circuit, whatever increases the chemical action upon one more than upon the other, increasing the rapidity of alternate states of induction, produces a charge in a shorter time ; and this takes place not only when two different metals are employed, but also, when plates of the same metal being used, a difference of polish or a difference of heat applied alters the chemical action upon one plate more than upon the other. A further analogy is faintly borne out by the following experiments, which may lead to an explanation of some curious facts regarding the alternate increase and decrease of intensity in the voltaic pile, dependent upon the number of alternations, as observed by Delarive* and others. Having connected, by means of insulated copper wires, the insulated conductors of an electrical machine, with two insulated brass balls, the spark that passed between the two balls measured one-fourth of an inch. When the insulated negative conductor of this machine was connected with the insulated prime conductor of another similar one, and its insulated negative conductor with one of the brass balls, and the two machines rotated simultaneously, the length of the discharging spark was increased to one-half; with three electrical machines similarly arranged, the length of the spark which passed was one-third ; with four, it returned to one-half; beyond this number no regularity in the length of the discharging sparks was observable. The quantity in the electrical ma- chine increases with the number of collecting forks, when the rubbers and forks are disposed in such a manner, that the latter can receive the greatest quantity of electricity from the excited glass ; so in the voltaic pile, the quantity is as the number of particles of hydrogen set free against the surface of the platinum. The effect which a current of electricity, considered to be a row of particles whose oppositely electrified surfaces are ranged in the same direction, undergoing alternate states of induction and equilibrium, produces upon contiguous particles, should be to induce in them oppositely electrified surfaces, which, in undergoing alternate states of induction and equilibrium, should obviously give rise to a cur- rent of electricity in an opposite direction, — and this is agreeable to fact. To afford an explanation of magnetism, considered as an electrical phenomenon, no theory as yet proposed is adequate. That of Ampere (although exceedingly beautiful) is yet all but physically impossible, for how can we suppose that when the electrical current which magnetizes a steel bar ceases, the electricity in the * Bib. Univer. Tom. iv. p. 360. Propagation oftlie Electric Force. 2()3 bar continues to revolve round the particles of the steel ? Does not the marked difference between iron and other metals, and between steel and soft iron in the same metal, show that magnetism (if electrical) must be a case of statical electri- city ? What arrangement of electrified bodies may produce such a state of statical power may possibly be within the reach of experiment ; but to deter- mine the condition of the electrical ether in a bar of steel, is a question which, as it regards the mutual actions of systems of attracting and repelling points, being far beyond the reach of experiment, requires for its solution a higher, more elegant, and more comprehensive instrument of research, mathematical analysis. 264 XII.— Ow Fluctuating Functions. By Sir William Rowan Hamilton, LL. D., P. R. I. A., F. R, A. S., Fellow of the American Society of Arts and Sciences, and of the Royal Northern Society of Antiquaries at Copen- hagen ; Honorary or Corresponding Member of the Royal Societies of Edinburgh and Dublin, of the Academies of St. Petersburgh, Berlin, and Turin, and of other Scientific Societies at hom^, and abroad ; Andrews' Professor of Astronomy in the University of Dublin, and Royal Astronomer of Ireland. Eead June 22nd, 1840. The paper now submitted to the Royal Irish Academy is designed chiefly to invite attention to some consequences of a very fertile principle, of which indica- tions may be found in Fourier's Theory of Heat, but which appears to have hitherto attracted little notice, and in particular seems to have been overlooked by PoissoN. This principle, which may be called the Principle of Fluctuation, asserts (when put under its simplest form) the evanescence of the integral, taken between any finite limits, of the product formed by multiplying together any two finite functions, of which one, like the sine or cosine of an infinite multiple of an arc, changes sign infinitely often within a finite extent of the variable on which it depends, and has for its mean value zero ; from which it follows, that if the other function, instead of being always finite, becomes infinite for some particular values of its variable, the integral of the product is to be found by attending only to the immediate neighbourhood of those particular values. The writer is of opinion that it is only requisite to develope the foregoing principle, in order to give a new clearness, and even a new extension, to the existing theory of the transfor- mations of arbitrary functions through functions of determined forms. Such is, at least, the object aimed at in the following pages ; to which will be found appended a few general observations on this interesting part of our knowledge. SiE William Rowan Hamilton on Fluctuating Functions. 265 [1.] The theorem, discovered by Fourier, that between any finite limits, a and b, of any real variable x, any arbitrary but finite and determinate function of that variable, of which the value varies gradually, may be represented thus, 1 (** C® fx zz -\ da\ d^cos (/3a — Px)/a, (a) with many other analogous theorems, is included in the following form : /x = \ da\ dp(f)(x,a,^)fa; (b) the function 0 being, in each case, suitably chosen. We propose to consider some of the conditions under which a transformation of the kind (b) is valid. [2.] If we make, for abridgment, ^|r{x,a,p) = \ c?p0(ar,a,/3), (o) the equation (b) may be thus written : Jx =:\ dayjf (x, a, P~^a„, /i < ^~' a„^„ ; the interval /x — \ between these limits being less than |3~' (m -\- 2) b, if \ > ^~'a„_„ /x < p~'a„^™^,; so that, under these conditions, (j3 being >0,) we have m > — 2 + |3b~'(/x — A). However small, therefore, the interval /x — A may be, provided that it be greater * These notations >• and -< are designed to signify the contradictories of > and < ; so that " a > V is equivalent to " a not > b," and " a < b" is equivalent to " a not < b." Sir William Rowan Hamilton on Fluctuating Functions. 267 than 0, the number of changes of sign of the function n^„, within this range of the variable a, will increase indefinitely with /3. Passing then to the extreme or limiting supposition, /3 = oo , we may say that the function n„„ changes sign infinitely ofien within a finite range of the variable a on which it depends ; and consequently that it is, in the sense of the last article, a fluctuating function. We shall next consider the integral of the product formed by multiplying toge- ther two functions of a, of which one is N^„, and the other is arbitrary, but finite, and shall see that this integral vanishes. [4.] It has been seen that the function n„ changes sign at least once between the limits a:=an, a=:anj^y Let it then change sign k times between those limits, and let the k corresponding values of a be denoted by a„ ,, a„ j, ... o^, 4. Since the function n,. may be discontinuous in value, it will not necessarily vanish for these k values of a ; but at least it will have one constant sign, being throughout not < 0, or else throughout not > 0, in the interval from a = a„ to a = a„ , ; it will be, on the contrary, throughout not > 0, or throughout not < 0, from a„^ to a„,2 ; again, not < 0, or not > 0, from a„ ^^ to a„ 3 ; and so on. Let then n„ be never < 0 throughout the whole of the interval from a„ ; to a„i^, ; and let it be > 0 for at least some finite part of that interval ; i being some integer number between the limits 0 and k, or even one of those limits themselves, pro- vided that the symbols a„o, a„i^jare understood to denote the same quantities as a„, Onj^y Let F„ be a finite function of a, which receives no sudden change of value, at least for that extent of the variable a, for which this function is to be employed ; and let us consider the integral c?a N„F„. (1) Let f' be the algebraically least, and f^^ the algebraically greatest value of the function f„, between the limits of integration ; so that, for every value of a between these limits, we shall have F„ — f' <: 0, f'' — F„ < 0 ; these values f^ and f^', of the function f„, corresponding to some values d„i and a\i of the variable a, which are not outside the limits a^i and 0^,1 + 1- Then, since, between these latter limits, we have also 2m2 268 Sir William Rowan Hamilton on Fluctuating Functions. N„ <: 0, we shall have \ ' ^'rfaN„(F„ — F^) < 0; \ rfaN„(F^^ — F„) <0; (k) s. the integral (i) will therefore be not < *„ j f\ and not > *„,( f'\ if we put, for abridgment, and consequently this integral (i) may be represented by *„ , f', in which f' < v\ f' D> f", because, with the suppositions already made, s„_i > 0. We may even write f' > f\ f' < f\ unless it happen that the function f„ has a constant value through the whole extent of the integration ; or else that it is equal to one of its extreme values, f' or f'\ throughout a finite part of that extent, while, for the remaining part of the same extent, that is, for all other values of a between the same limits, the factor N„ vanishes. In all these cases, f' may be considered as a value of the function f„, corresponding to a value a'„i of the variable a which is included between the limits of integration ; so that we may express the integral (i) as follows : in which In like manner, the expression (m), with the inequalities (n), may be proved to hold good, if N„ be never > 0, and sometimes < 0, within the extent of the integration, the integral «„_j being in this case < 0 ; we have, therefore, rigo- rously. r«""4-i \ rfa N. F, = *„,„ F,; -f5„,,F^ +... + *„,tF,i . (0) Sir William Rowan Hamilton on Fluctuating Functions. 269 But also, we have, by (h) 0 — Sn,o + Sn,y-\- •■•-{■ Sn,k; (p) the integral in (o) may therefore be thus expressed, without any loss of rigour : k in which n'hi + i \ rfaN<.F„ = S„.„ A„,„ + ...4-*n.iA„,*, (q) »JCL. so that A„,i is a finite difference of the function f„, corresponding to the finite diflference a'„i — a„ of the variable a, which latter difference is less than a„+i — a„, and therefore less than the finite constant b of the last article. The theorem (q) conducts immediately to the following, \^_, c?aN^„F„ = /3 '(s„,„8„,„ + ... + ;?^a8„,*), (s) in which 8„,i = F^-,„.^_. — F^-,„„; (t) so that, if /3 be large, ?„_; is small, being the difference of the function f„ corres- ponding to a difference of the variable a, which latter difference is less than /3~'b. Let±8„be the greatest of the/c-l-l differences 2„,oj-'^n,*> or let it be equal to one of those differences and not exceeded by any other, abstraction being made of sign ; then, since the k-\-l factors 5„,o> •'■ \k are alternately posi- tive and negative, or negative and positive, the numerical value of the integral (s) cannot exceed that of the expression But, by the definition (1) of 5„_i, and by the Umits ±c of value of the finite func- tion N„, we have ±«n,i > (a«,i + l — «n,Oc; (v) therefore ± (*»,o — «n,, + •■• + (— 1)* *n,*) > («« + , — a„) c ; (w) and the following rigorous expression for the integral (s) results : 270 Sir William Rowan Hamilton on Fluctuating Functions. i "M + l 6„ being a factor which cannot exceed the limits ±1. Hence, if we change successively n io n-\-\,n-\-2, ..n-\-ni ~\, and add together all the results, we obtain this other rigorous expression, for the integral of the product n^„ f a, < b), tends to any and to what finite and determined limit, as j8 tends to become infinite. In this inquiry, the theorem (b') shows that we need only attend to those values of a. which are extremely near to x, and are for example comprised be- tween the limits orqie, the quantity e being small. To simplify the question, we shall suppose that for such values of «, the function/^ varies gradually in value ; 272 Sir William Rowan Hamilton on Fluctuating Functions. we shall also suppose that No = 0, and that n„ a"' tends to a finite limit as a. tends to 0, whether this be by decreasing or by increasing ; although the limit thus obtained, for the case of infinitely small and positive values of «, may possibly differ from that which corresponds to the case of infinitely small and negative values of that variable, on account of the discontinuity which the function n„ may have. We are then to investigate, with the help of these suppositions, the value of the double limit : lim . lim . (•' + ' . ^_, ^ , ,. 6 = 0 /3 = 00 \ f" ^pu-x^ (« - ^) /a ; (g ) this notation being designed to suggest, that we are first to assume a small but not evanescent value of e, and a large but not infinite value of /3, and to effect the integration, or conceive it effected, with these assumptions ; then, retaining the same value of e, make /3 larger and larger without limit ; and then at last suppose 6 to tend to 0, unless the result corresponding to an infinite value of j8 shall be found to be independent of e. Or, introducing two new quantities y and »7, determined by the definitions yzz^{a~x), »7 = /3e, (h') and eliminating a and ^ by means of these, we are led to seek the value of the double limit following : lim . lira . c " , _, . in which rj tends to oo, before e tends to 0. It is natural to conclude that since the sought limit (g') can be expressed under the form (1'), it must be equivalent to the product /,X^ dyTfyy-'; ^ (k') and in fact it will be found that this equivalence holds good ; but before finally adopting this conclusion, it is proper to consider in detail some difficulties which may present themselves. [6.] Decomposing the function yV+t^-'s i^^to two parts, of which one is inde- dent of y, and is =^x» while the other part varies with y, although slowly, and Sir William Rowan Hamilton on Fluctuating Functions. 273 vanishes with that variable ; it is clear that the formula (i') will be decomposed into two corresponding parts, of which the first conducts immediately to the expression (k') ; and we are now to inquire whether the integral in this expres- sion has a finite and determinate value. Admitting the suppositions made in the last article, the integral ^ ^^N,^ ' •^-i will have a finite and determinate value, if f be finite and determinate ; we are therefore conducted to inquire whether the integrals are also finite and determinate. The reasonings which we shall employ for the second of these integrals, will also apply to the first ; and, to generalize a little the question to which we are thus conducted, we shall consider the integral 0«N„F„J (!') F„ being here supposed to denote any function of a which remains always positive and finite, but decreases continually and gradually in value, and tends indefinitely towards 0, while a increases indefinitely from some given finite value which is not greater than a. Applying to this integral (1') the principles of the fourth article, and observing that we have now Fa„i a,„ and a„ being assumed <; a ; and also that we find ± 5J'"rfaN„ FX^bc (F„^ - F„„^_) ; (n') and consequently p^n + tn -3a„ «^«N„F„<^bc(F<,„-F„^^,^). (O') This latter integral is therefore finite and numerically less than g- be f„ , however great the upper limit a„^„maybe; it tends also to a determined value as m VOL. XIX. 2 N 274 Sir William Rowan Hamilton on Fluctuating Functions. increases indefinitely, because the part which corresponds to values of a between any given value of the form o^^.^ and any other of the form a„4.„+p is included between the limits ± ^ be f„ , which limits approach indefinitely to each other and to 0, as m increases indefinitely. And in the integral (1'), if we suppose the lower limit a to lie between a„_, and a„, while the upper limit, instead of being infinite, is at first assumed to be a large but finite quantity b, lying between a„^„ and a„_^™_^„ we shall only thereby add to the integral (o') two parts, an initial and a final, of which the first is evidently finite and determinate, while the second is easily proved to tend indefinitely to 0 as m increases without limit. The integral (1') is therefore itself finite and determined, under the conditions above supposed, which are satisfied, for example, by the function f„ = ar\ if a be > 0. And since the suppositions of the last article render also the integral \ rfaN^o"* determined and finite, if the value of a be such, we see that with these supposi- tions we may write w = C C?aN„a~S (p') w being itself a finite and determined quantity. By reasonings almost the same we are led to the analogous formula w-=C " day^a-'; (q') and finally to the result ,^ = 70-^ + TU-" = C rfaN<.a-i; (r') in which w' and zs- are also finite and determined. The product (k') is there- fore itself determinate and finite, and may be represented by zs/^. [7.] We are next to introduce, in (i'), the variable part of th^ function y^ namely, which varies from/*a;_„ tofx+^i while y varies from — ^ to + 17, and in which € may be any quantity > 0. And since it is clear, that under the conditions Sir William Rowan Hamilton on Fluctuating Functions. 275 assumed in the fifth article, e ™0 \ =00 ' i_fi ^yy~' (/-+--' y — /x) = 0, (s') if f be any finite and determined quantity, however large, we are conducted to examine whether this double limit vanishes when the integration is made to extend from y=^ioy=.'q. It is permitted to suppose that f^ continually increases, or continually decreases, from a ■=. x to az=L x -{- e ; let us therefore consider the integral SI C?aN„F„G<., (f) in which the function f„ decreases, while g„ increases, but both are positive and finite, within the extent of the integration. By reasonings similar to those of the fourth article, we find under these con- ditions, and therefore \ p^n + m • + (^«n+, - ^-n^-a) «<•« + .+ (^»« + 3 - ^°. + .) «"« + 4 + ^'^- - This inequality will still subsist, if we increase the second member by changing, in the positive products on the second and third lines, the factors g to their greatest value g„ ; and, after adding the results, suppress the three negative terms which remain in the three lines of the expression, and change the functions F, in the first and third lines, to their greatest value F„ . Hence, ±\ rfaN„F„G„<3bcF g ; (w') this integral will therefore ultimately vanish, if the product of the greatest values of the functions f and g tend to the limit 0. Thus, if .we make 2n 2 276 Sir William Rowan Hamilton on Fluctuating Functions. the upper sign being taken wheny^ increases from az=a:toa=:3;-\-e; and if we suppose that f and rj are of the forms a„ and On+m ; we see that the integral (t') is numerically less than 3 be a„~' (/"«+. — f^), and therefore that it vanishes at the limit 6 = 0. It is easy to see that the same conclusion holds good, when we suppose that rj does not coincide with any quantity of the form a„^„„ and when the limits of the integration are changed to — tj and — f . We have therefore, rigorously, lim . lim .(*»», _,. .. 6 = 0 ^=00 3_/^N*3/ '(/x+«,-»— /x) = 0, (x') nowithstanding the great and ultimately infinite extent over which the integration is conducted. The variable part of the functiony may therefore be suppressed in the double limit (i'), without any loss of accuracy ; and that limit is found to be exactly equal to the expression (k') ; that is, by the last article, to the deter- mined product -sr/j;. Such, therefore, is the value of the limit (g'), from which (i) was derived by the transformation (h') ; and such finally is the limit of the integral (f), proposed for investigation in the fifth article. We have, then, proved that under the conditions of that article, B zToo " W« N^ (a-x) (« - ^r'/a = ■=[/■- ; (y') and consequently that the arbitrary but finite and gradually varying functiony"j.> between the limits x ^a, x=: b, may be transformed as follows : f. = ^~' ^ rf«N.(„_^) (a — .r)-'/„ ; (z') which is a result of the kind denoted by (d) in the second article, and includes the theorem (a) of Fourier. For all the suppositions made in the foregoing arti- cles, respecting the form of the function n, are satisfied by assuming this function to be the sine of the variable on which it depends ; and then the constant sy, determined by the formula (r'), becomes coincident with tt, that is, with the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a circle, or with the least positive root of the equation Sir William Rowan Hamilton on Fluctuating Functions. 277 sin j: X 0. [8.] The known theorem just alluded to, namely, that the definite integral (r') becomes = tt, when n,, := sin a, may be demonstrated in the following man- ner. Let c" , sin So A = V da i— ; C" , cos /3a B = Wa T-r^ ; J« 1 + a^ + ' then these two definite integrals are connected with each other by the relation ^=(S/^-i)«' because C^ 1^ C 1 sin /3a V rf/3B = \ da l" , d c" 1 a sin /3a and all these integrals, by the principles of the foregoing articles, receive deter- mined and finite (that is, not infinite) values, whatever finite or infinite value may be assigned to /3. But for all values of /3 > 0, the value of a is constant ; therefore, for all such values of /3, the relation between a and b gives, by inte- gration, e-^ 1(5 <;/3 + l) B — a1 = const. ; and this constant must be = 0, because the factor of e~^ does not tend to become infinite with ^. That factor is therefore itself = 0, so that we have A = (^''rf^+l)B, if^>0. Comparing the two expressions for a, we find B + ^B = 0, if^>0; 278 Sir William Rowan Hamilton on Fltcctuafing Functions. and therefore, for all such values of ^, B e^ = const. The constant in this last result is easily proved to be equal to the quantity a, by either of the two expressions already established for that quantity ; we have therefore B =: a e~^, however little the value of /3 may exceed 0 ; and because b tends to the limit - as ^ tends to 0, we find finally, for all values of /3 greater than 0, These values, and the result \ J sm a da ^: -n. to which they immediately conduct, have long been known ; and the first relation, above mentioned, between the integrals a and b, has been employed byLEGENDRE to deduce the former integral from the latter ; but it seemed worth while to indicate a process by which that relation may be made to conduct to the values of both those integrals, without the necessity of expressly considering the second differential coefficient of b relative to /3, which coefficient presents itself at first under an indeterminate form. [9.] The connexion of the formula (z') with Fourier's theorem (a), will be more distinctly seen, if we introduce a new function p„ defined by the condition N„ = J"rfaP„, (a") which is consistent with the suppositions already made respecting the function n„. According to those suppositions the new function p„ is not necessarily continuous, nor even always finite, since its integral n„ may be discontinuous ; but p„ is sup- posed to be finite for small values of a, in order that n„ may vary gradually for such values, and may bear a finite ratio to a. The value of the first integral of p. is supposed to be always comprised between given finite limits, so as never to be numerically greater than ± c ; and the second integral. Sir William Rowan Hamilton on Fluctuating Functions. 279 M„ = (rrfa)^P„, (b") becomes infinitely often equal to a given constant, a, for values of a which extend from negative to positive infinity, and are such that the interval between any one and the next following is never greater than a given finite constant, b. With these suppositions respecting the otherwise arbitrary function p„, the theorems (z) and (z') may be expressed as follows : and b "" fx = -=f~' \ do.\ d^ P^(a_x)/a ; (or > a, < 6) (b) ■u being determined by the equation CO 1^ ^=\ da\d^V,^. (c") Now, by making p„ = cos a, (a supposition which satisfies all the conditions above assumed), we find, as before, and the theorem (b) reduces itself to the less general formula (a), so that it includes the theorem of Fourier. [10.] If we suppose that x coincides with one of the limits, a or h, instead of being included between them, we find easily, by the foregoing analysis, /„ = ^^-'f* 6. (h") And the foregoing theorems will still hold good, if the function y^ receive any number of sudden changes of value, between the limits of integration, provided that it remain finite between them ; except that for those very values d of the variable a, for which the finite function y^ receives any such sudden variation, so as to become =y^ for values of a infinitely little greater than a, after having been =y^^ for values infinitely little less than a, we shall have, instead of (b), the formula -T + -r = C da f rf/3 P,(„_„,/„. (i") [11.] Ifp<.be not only finite for small values of a, but also vary gradually for such values, then, whether a be positive or negative, we shall have lim and if the equation _ .N„a- = P„; . (k") a = 0 N._. = 0 (1") have no real root a, except the root a = a:, between the limits a and b, nor any which coincides with either of those limits, then we may change/^ to ^^ -f^, in the formula (z'), and we shall have the expression : /x = '=r~'Po\ c^aN«(„_x,N„_!^/„. (m") Instead of the infinite factor in the index, we may substitute any large number, for example, an uneven integer, and take the limit with respect to it ; we may, therefore, write Let then Sir William Rowan Hamilton on Fluctuating Functions. 281 (2n-l-l)(a— ») f -1^ ^'™ C*^ So day, " So dav^ \ dav,— Q„,„\ dav,; (o") *'(2B — l)a *'o l+Qaa + Q».2 + ... + Q.» = ^-^ ^^' (P") So^« Pa and the formula (n") becomes /. = ^-' P„ (^* rfa/„ + 2(„)1 5* rfa Q_ .,„/„) ; (c) in which development, the terms corresponding to large values of n are small. For example, when p,. = cos a, then w = TT, Po = 1, Q„,„ = 2 cos Ina, and the theorem (c) reduces itself to the following known result : /, = ^-' (J* flfa/„ + 2 2,„r.£ ^« COS (2«a - 2w^)/„) ; (q") in which it is supposed that x ^ a, x < b, and that h — o !J> x, in order that a — X may be comprised between the limits ± tt, for the whole extent of the integration ; and the function y^ is supposed to remain finite within the same extent, and to vary gradually in value, at least for values of the variable a which are extremely near to x. The result (q") may also be thus written : /. = -n-' 2(„;_:C ^«cos {2na - 2nx)f^ ; (r") 'J a and if we write it becomes 0v = ^ 2cn,- : J d^ COS (n(8 - ny) 0^ (s") the interval between the limits of integration relatively to /3 being now not VOL. XIX. 2 o 282 Sir William Rowan Hamilton on Fluctuating Functions. greater than 27r, and the value oi y being included between those limits. For example, we may assume 2a =: — TT, 26 = it, and then we shall have, by writing a, or, and/, instead of /3, y, and 0, 1 f» " f' — -^ 2(„) _ » J rfa COS (na — nx)f^, (t") in which a; > — w, or < tt. It is permitted to assume the function/ such as to vanish when a < 0, > — tt ; and then the formula (t") resolves itself into the two following, which (with a slightly different notation) occur often in the writings of PoissoN, as does also the formula (t") : 2" \ daf^ + 2(„r, \ da cos {na — nx)f, = -nf^ ; (u") h ^ «?«/a + 2(„r. J' da cos {na + nx)f^ =z 0 ; (v") 2 '0 ^ being here supposed > 0, but < tt ; and the function/ being arbitrary, but finite, and varying gradually, from a = 0 to a = tt, or at least not receiving any sudden change of value for any value x of the variable a, to which the formula (u") is to be applied. It is evident that the limits of integration in (t") may be made to become z^il, I being any finite quantity, by merely multiplying na — nx ■n . 11. under the sign cos., by y, and changing the external factor k~ to ^r^- ; and it is under this latter form that the theorem (t") is usually presented by Poisson : who has also remarked, that the difference of the two series (u") and (v") con- ducts to the expression first assigned by Lagrange, for developing an arbitrary function between finite limits, in a series of sines of multiples of the variable on which it depends. [12.] In general, in the formula (m"), from which the theorem (c) was derived, in order that x may be susceptible of receiving all values > a and < b (or at least all for which the function /^^ receives no sudden change of value), it is necessary, by the remark made at the beginning of the last article, that the equation Sib William Rowan Hamilton on Fluctuating Functions. 283 rc?ap„=0, (w") should have no real root a different from 0, between the limits qr (& — a). But it is permitted to suppose, consistently with this restriction, that a is < 0, and that 5 is > 0, while both are finite and determined ; and then the formula (m"), or (c) which is a consequence of it, may be transformed so as to receive new limits of integration, which shall approach as nearly as may be desired to negative and positive infinity. In fact, by changing a to \a, j; to Xx, and^^; to y^;, the formula (c) becomes /, = \^-' p„ (J^-,^ <^«/a + 2(„ri J;^-!^ da Q,._,,,„/„) ; (x") in which \~'a will be large and negative, while X~^b will be large and positive, if \ be small and positive, because we have supposed that a is negative, and b positive ; and the new variable x is only obliged to be > \~*a, and < X''^, if the new function y*t be finite and vary gradually between these new and enlarged limits. At the same time, the definition (o") shows that PaQx„_x,,„ will tend indefinitely to become equal to 2P2„^(„_,) 5 in such a manner that lim . PflQxa— Xj.n ■■ /„"^ \ = 0 2"7 ; ~ ' ^^ ^ at least if the function p be finite and vary gradually. Admitting then that we may adopt the following ultimate transformation of a sum into an integral, at least under the sign \ rfo, *^ CO X^i^'o ■ ^ ^ (^ ^» + ^^'•" ^-M»-.)) = j^ d^ P.(a-.). (Z") we shall have, as the limit of (x"), this formula : fx — ^~^\ G?« W^P;9(a_x)/a; (d) which holds good for all real values of the variable x^ at least under the conditions lately supposed, and may be regarded as an extension of the theorem (b), from finite to infinite limits. For example, by making p a cosine, the theorem (d) 2o2 284 Sir William Rowan Hamilton on Tluctuating Functions. becomes /, = TT-' C da\d^ COS (/3a — /3a;)/„ (a'") which is a more usual form than (a) for the theorem of Fourier. In general, the deduction in the present article, of the theorem (d) from (c), may be regarded as a verification of the analysis employed in this paper, because (d) may also be obtained from (b), by making the limits of integration infinite ; but the demon- stration of the theorem (b) Itself, in former articles, was perhaps more completely satisfactory, besides that it involved fewer suppositions ; and it seems proper to regard the formula (d) as only a limiting form of (b). [13.] This formula (d) may also be considered as a limit in another way, by introducing, under the sign of integration relatively to /3, a factor f^^ such that F„=l, F^=0, (b'") in which k is supposed positive but small, and the limit taken with respect to It, as follows : /- = A; = 0 ' '^~' \ ^" (^ ^^ P^f— ) ^*^)/"- (^) It is permitted to suppose that the function f decreases continually and gradually, at a finite and decreasing rate, from 1 to 0, while the variable on which it depends increases from 0 to oo ; the first differential coefficient f' being thus constantly finite and negative, but constantly tending to 0, while the variable is positive and tends to cc. Then, by the suppositions already made respecting the function p, if a — or and k be each different from 0, we shall have \ c?^P^(a_x)F*^ = Ft^N^(„_^, (a — or) ' — k{a—x) 'V flf/3N^(„_,)F'i^; (C'") and therefore, because f^ = 0, while n is always finite, the integral relative to j8 in the formula (e) may be thus expressed : m \ «?^P^(„_x)Fi^ = (a — ar)-'i|ri_,(„_^„ (d'") the function ^ being assigned by the equation Sir "William Rowan Hamilton on Fluctuating Functions. 285 For any given value of A, the value of this function ^ is finite and determinate, by the principles of the sixth article ; and as \ tends to oo, the function i^ tends to 0, on account of the fluctuation of n, and because f' tends to 0, while 7 tends to GO ; the integral (d'") therefore tends to vanish with k, if a be different from X ; so that lim k ™0-J (//3p„„_,f., = 0, ifa>ar. (f") On the other hand, if a = or, that integral tends to become infinite, because we have, by (b'"), Thus, while the formula (d'") shows that the integral relative to /3 in (e) is a homogeneous function of a — x and k, of which the dimension is negative unity, we see also, by (f") and (g"')> that this function is such as to vanish or become infinite at the limit A; = 0, according as a — :r is different from or equal to zero. When the difference between a and x, whether positive or negative, is very small and of the same order as k, the value of the last mentioned integral (relative to /3) varies very rapidly with a ; and in this way of considering the subject, the proof of the formula (e) is made to depend on the verification of the equation 00 z^-'C dX^^\-'=\. (h'") But this last verification is easily effected ; for when we substitute the expression (e'") for ^„ ai^d integrate first relatively to X, we find, by (r'), oo C rf\N,,\-' = ^; (i'") it remains then to show that - f rf7 f; = 1 ; (k"') and this follows immediately from the conditions (b'"). For example, when p 286 Sir William Rowan Hamilton on Fluctuating Functions. is a cosine, and f a negative neperian exponential, so that p„ = cos a, F„ = e~% then, making \ = A;"' (a — x), we have C rfjS e-'^ cos (|3a — /ar) = (a - t)-' -^^ ; 0 » - V-x = Wy e"^ sin X7 = — — - ; and It is nearly thus that Poisson has, in some of his writings, demonstrated the theo- rem of Fourier, after putting it under a form which differs only slightly from the following : lim f* (* /. = 7r-^^^^^^rfaJ^rf^e-*^COs(|3a-j3ir)/; (1'") namely, by substituting for the integral relative to /3 its value k 1^ -\- {a — xf ' and then observing that, if k be very small, this value is itself very small, unless a be extremely near to x, so that f^ may be changed tof^ ; while, making a=z x-\- k\, and integrating relatively to \ between limits indefinitely great, the factor by which this function y^, is multiplied in the second member of (1'"), is found to reduce itself to unity. [14.] Again, the function f„ retaining the same properties as in the last article for positive values of a, and being further supposed to satisfy the condition F_. = F„, (m'") while k is still supposed to be positive and small, the formula (d) may be pre- sented in this other way, as the limit of the result of two integrations, of which the first is to be effected with respect to the variable a : Sir William Rowan Hamilton on Fluctuating Functions. 287 Now it often happens that if the function y^ be obliged to satisfy conditions which determine all its values by means of the arbitrary values which it may have for a given finite range, from a :=a to a = b, the integral relative to a in the formula (f) can be shown to vanish at the limit Ar = 0, for all real and positive values of /3, except those which are roots of a certain equation Qp = 0 ; (g) while the same integral is, on the contrary, infinite, for these particular values of j8 ; and then the integration relatively to /3 will in general change itself into a summation relatively to the real and positive roots p of the equation (g), which is to be combined with an integration relatively to a between the given limits a and b ; the resulting expression being of the form /x = 2,(<^a0.,„,X (h) For example, in the case where p is a cosine, and f a negative exponential, if the conditions relative to the function y be supposed such as to conduct to expres- sions of the forms in which h is any real or imaginary quantity, independent of a, and having its real part positive ; it will follow that 1 S dae-''^' (cos /3a — v/ — I sin /3a)/. _Vr(/3v/-l+^) ^(/3v/-l-A;) (P'") 0(^/-l+A;) cpip^-l-k) in which v^a* is = a or = — a, according as a is > or < 0, and the quantities ^ and k are real, and k is positive. The integral in (p'"), and consequently also that relative to a in (f), in which, now. p„ = cos a, F„ = e **^'•^ 288 Sir William Rowan Hamilton on Fluctuating Functions. will therefore, under these conditions, tend to vanish with k, unless ^ be a root p of the equation (pv/-l)=0, (O which here corresponds to (g) ; but the same integral will on the contrary tend to become infinite, as k tends to 0, if /3 be a root of the equation (q'")- Making therefore |3 = p -J~ ^^' ^"<^ supposing k\ to be small, while p is a real and posi- tive root of (q'"), the integral (p'") becomes k-' 1+V in which A^ and b^ are real, namely. ,(A,-v/-lBj. (r'") ' ^'{p^-l)^'(-pv'-iy (n (f) being the differential coefficient of the function 0. Multiplying the expres- sion (r'") by 7r~' d^ (cos ^x -^ \/ — 1 sin ^x), which may be changed to Tr~^ kd\ {cos px -\- \/ — 1 sin pa:) ; integrating relatively to X between indefi- nitely great limits, negative and and positive ; taking the real part of the result, and summing it relatively to p ; there results, /x=2p(ApCospar-HBpSinp^); (t'") a development which has been deduced nearly as above, by Poisson and Liou- viLLE, from the suppositions (n'"), (o'"), and from the theorem of Fourier presented under a form equivalent to the following ; /x = ^^™Q • '^"^ J ^^ S "^^ «'* "^"^cos i^a - ^x)f^ ; (u'") and in which it is to be remembered that if 0 be a root of the equation (q'")) the corresponding terms in the development ofy^; must in general be modified by the circumstance, that in calculating these terms, the integration relatively to A extends only from 0 to oo. For example, when the function y is obliged to satisfy the conditions Sir William Rowan Hamilton on Fluctuating Functions. 289 the suppositions (n'") (o'") are satisfied ; the functions 0 and ^ being here such that ^ (A) = C rfa («*('-") — e*(»-'))/„ ; therefore the equation (q'") becomes in this case cos pi = 0, (w'") and the expressions (s'") for the coefficients of the development (t'") reduce themselves to the following : 2 c' ^(, = Y^ da cos /Ja/„ ; B„ rz 0 ; (x'") so that the method conducts to the following expression for the function y^ which satisfies the conditions (v'"), /. = ^2,.-cose^^;i::^(.«cos e^il^/.; if) in which y^ is arbitrary from a = 0 to a = /, except that fi must vanish. The same method has been applied, by the authors already cited, to other and more difficult questions ; but it will harmonize better with the principles of the present paper to treat the subject in another way, to which we shall now proceed. [15.] Instead of introducing, as in (e) and (f), a factor which has unity for its limit, we may often remove the apparent indeterminateness of the formula (d) in another way, by the principles of fluctuating functions. For if we integrate first relatively to a between indefinitely great limits, negative and positive, then, under the conditions which conduct to developments of the form (ii), we shall find that the resulting function of j3 is usually a fluctuating one, of which the integral vanishes, except in the immediate neighbourhood of certain particular values determined by an equation such as (g) ; and then, by integrating only in such immediate neighbourhood, and afterwards summing the results, the develop- ment (h) is obtained. For example, when p is a cosine, and when the conditions (v'") are satisfied by the function yj it is not difficult to prove that VOL. XIX. 2 p 290 Sir William Rowan Hamilton on Fluctuating Functions. \ da cos ipa-px)f^= — LT/ ^-COS^x\ daCOS^af^; (z'") m being here an Integer number, which is to be supposed large, and ultimately infinite. The equation (g) becomes therefore, in the present question and by the present method, as well as by that of the last article, cos plzzO ; and if we make p zz p-^-y, p being a root of this equation, we may neglect y in the second member of (z"'), except in the denominator cos §1:=. — sin pi sin 7/, and in the fluctuating factor of the numerator cos (2toj3/ -\-?l-{- ^'^) = — sin pi sin (2myl -\- yl) ; consequently, multiplying by tT^ dy, integrating relatively to 7 between any two small limits of the forms ipe, and observing that lim .2^' sin(2TO/7 + /7)^2^ m = 00 7r J_, sin ly I ' the development 2 yi = r 2p cos /9^ \ da COS pa/^, which coincides with (y'")» ^^^ is of the form (h), is obtained. [16.] A more important application of the method of the last article is sug- gested by the expression which Fourier has given for the arbitrary initial tem- perature of a solid sphere, on the supposition that this temperature is the same for all points at the same distance from the centre. Denoting the radius of the sphere by I, and that of any layer or shell of it by a, while the Initial temperature of the same layer is denoted by a~^J'„, we have the equations /o=0,/,+ ./. = 0, (a-) which permit us to suppose V being here a constant quantity not less than — /"', and/"' being the first diffe- rential coefficient of the function y^ which function remains arbitrary for all values Sir William Rowan Hamilton on Fluctuating Functions. 291 of a greater tlwn 0, but not greater than /. The equations (b^*") give (]8cosj8/+»/sin/30\ fl?asinj3a/„= . (c^'') (P sin §l—v cos /3/) \ da cos ^a/, - cos ^a (/„ ^ , +/„_,) ; SO that {p sin pZ — 1/ cos /)/) \ da cos /)o/„ = cos pa(f,+, +/„_i), (d'O if p be a root of the equation - p cos pl-\-v sin pi = 0. (e^O This latter equation is that which here corresponds to (g) ; and when we change ^ to p-\-y, 7 being very small, we may write, in the first member of (c^''), j3cos/3/-l- *'sinpZ = 7 [(1 -\- vl) cospl — pl^m pi}, (f-"') and change j3 to /j in all the terms of the second member, except in the fluctua- ting factor cos §a, in which a is to be made extremely large. Also, after making cos /3a := cos pa. cos 701 — sin pocsin 7a, we may suppress cos yac in the second mem- ber of (c^*^), before integrating with respect to 7, because by (d^^) the terms involving cos7« tend to vanish with 7, and because 7"' cos yx changes sign with 7. On the other hand, the integral of is to be replaced by tt, though it be taken only for very small values, negative and positive, of 7, because « is here indefinitely large and positive. Thus in the present question, the formula /, = ! . 1™ • C c/psin^.r(''°(/asinpa/„ (g^O TT a = CO Jo ♦^i-a (which is obtained from (a'") by suppressing the terms which involve cos /3jr, on account of the first condition (b^''),) may be replaced by a sum relative to the real and positive roots of the equation (e^'') ; the term corresponding to any one such root being {1 -\- vl) cos pi — plsmpl* ^ ^ if we suppose p > 0, and make for abridgment 2 p 2 292 Sir William Rowan Hamilton on Fluctuating Functions. ,»+' (i-) Rp = (1/ COS pi — p sin pi) \ da sin paf^ + sin /»«(/„+, -{-/_,). The equations (b^^) show that the quantity r^ does not vary witli a, and there- fore that it may be rigorously thus expressed : Rp = 2 (1/ cos pi — p sin pl)\ da sin paf^ ; (t^' ) we have also, by (e^''), p being > 0, 2(1/ COS/)/ — pmipl) 2/> ■ .jy cos pl-\-l [v COS /)/ — /9 sin pi) pi — sin pi cos pi' And if we set aside the particular case where the term corresponding to the root P=0, (n-) of the equation (e^''), vanishes in the development ofy^^ ; because this term is, by {gn, ''-^d^{p^^'^da^m^af}j, ' (0^0 a being very large, and j3 small, but both being positive ; and unless the condi- tion (m^'') be satisfied, the equation (c^^) shows that the quantity to be integrated in (0^''), with respect to p, is a finite and fluctuating function of that variable, so that its integral vanishes, at the limit a =1 00 . Setting aside then the case (m'^'^^), which corresponds physically to the absence of exterior radiation, we see that the function y^, which represents the initial temperature of any layer of the sphere multiplied by the distance x of that layer from the centre, and which is arbitrary between the limits a: = 0, a: =^ l, that is, between the centre and the surface, (though it is obliged to satisfy at those limits the conditions (a^^) ), may be deve- loped in the following series, which was discovered by Fourier, and is of the form (h) : 2p sin px \ da sin paj"^ '' pi — sin/)/ cos/)/ ' Sir William Rowan Hamilton on Fluctuating Functions. 293 the sum extending only to those roots of the equation (e^'') which are greater than 0. In the particular case (m^''), in which the root (n^^) of the equation (e^'') must be employed, the term (o^'') becomes, by {c'^) and (d^^), .||{^°^Wa«c-/(/„^.+/„_Oac]-, (q-) in which, at the limit here considered, but also, by the equations (b^''), (m^*^), the sought term ofy^ becomes, therefore, in the present case, and the corresponding term in the expression of the temperature x'^fx is equal to the mean initial temperature of the sphere ; a result which has been otherwise obtained by Poisson, for the case of no exterior radiation, and which might have been anticipated from physical considerations. The supposition »'^+l<0, ' (u^'') which is inconsistent with the physical conditions of the question, and in which Fourier's development (p^O may fail, is excluded in the foregoing analysis. [17.] When a converging series of the form (h) is arrived at, in which the coefficients 0 of the arbitrary function f, under the sign of integration, do not tend to vanish as they correspond to larger and larger roots p of the equation (g) ; then those coefficients 0^„,p must in general tend to become fluctuating functions of a, as /9 becomes larger and larger. And the sum of those coefficients, which may be thus denoted, 2p0x.a,p=^^.a,p> (l) and which is here supposed to be extended to all real and positive roots of the equation (g), as far as some given root p, must tend to become a fluctuating func- 294 Sir William Rowan Hamilton on Fluctuating Functions. tlon of a, and to have its mean value equal to zero, as p tends to become infinite, for all values of « and a; which are different from each other, and are both com- prised between the limits of the integration relative to a ; in such a manner as to satisfy the equation J^^«^.„.»/„ = 0, (k) which is of the form (e), referred to in the second article ; provided that the arbitrary functionyis finite, and that the quantities \, /i, x, a, are all comprised between the limits a and b, which enter into the formula (h) ; while « is, but x is not, comprised also between the new limits A and jjl. But when a.-=^ x, the sum (i) tends to become infinite with p, so that we have ■fx,,.« = co, (l) and \ d<^i;.a.^fa=A., (m) e being here a quantity indefinitely small. For example, in the particular ques- tion which conducts to the development (y'"), we have 2 0;,,^p = J- cos px cos pa, (\"') and (2ra — l)7r P = 2? ' ("^^ therefore, summing relatively to p, or to n, from w = 1 to any given positive value of the integer number n, we have, by (i), . mr (a — x) . mr(a4-x) sm ^ sm — ^-j-^ — - and it is evident that this sum tends to become a fluctuating function of a, and to satisfy the equation (k), as p, or n, tends to become infinite, while a, and x are different from each other, and are both comprised between the limits 0 and l. On the other hand, when a becomes equal to x, the first part of the expression Sir William Rowan Hamilton on Fluctuating Functions. 295 n (x^'') becomes = j, and therefore tends to become infinite with n, so that the equation (l) is true. And the equation (m) is verified by observing, that if or > 0, < /, we may omit the second part of the sum (x^^), as disappearing in the integral througli fluctuation, while the first part gives, at the limit, mr (a — s) sm- 2/sm-4^ If X be equal to 0, the integral is to be taken only from 0 to e, and the result is only half as great, namely, . mra. sin— J- but, in this case, the other part of the sum (x^^) contributes an equal term, and the whole result is^g. If x =.1, the integral is to be taken from / — e to /, and the two parts of the expression (x^'') contribute the two terms ^y^ and — ^y), which neutralize each other. We may therefore in this way prove, d posteriori, by the consideration of fluctuating functions, the truth of the development (y'") for any arbitrary but finite function y^j and for all values of the real variable x from X ^0 to s=: I, the function being supposed to vanish at the latter limit ; observing only that if this function/*^ undergo any sudden change of value, for any value x'^ of the variable between the limits 0 and /, and if x be made equal to ar" in the development (y'")> the process shows that this development then represents the semisum of the two values which the function y receives, imme- diately before and after it undergoes this sudden change. [18.] The same mode of a posteriori proof, through the consideration of fluc- tuating functions, may be applied to a great variety of other analogous develop- ments, as has indeed been indicated by Fourier, in a passage of his Theory of Heat. The spirit of Poisson's method, when applied to the establishment, a posteriori, of developments of the form (h), would lead us to multiply, before the summation, each coefficient 0^„_p by a factor Fk,^ which tends to unity as k tends 296 Sir William Rowan Hamilton on Fluctuating Functions. to 0, but tends to vanish as p tends to co ; and then instead of a generally/ fluc- tuating sum (i), there results a generally evanescent sum (k being evanescent), namely, 2pFA,,0^_„_, = Xx,a,*:,p» (n) which conducts to equations analogous to (k) (l) (m), namely, ;-^™o5'rf-Xx.a...-/» = 0; (o) ^!!"nX..x,...=ao; (p) k = 0 lim -'+• k %^^_dax.,.,.,.f.=f.. (q) It would be interesting to inquire what form the generally evanescent function X would take immediately before its vanishing, when F*.. = «'*" and 2p sm px sin pa ''' pi — sin pi cos pV p being a root of the equation pi cotan pi = const. , and the constant in the second member being supposed not greater than unity. [19.] The development (c), which, like (h), expresses an arbitrary function, at least between given limits, by a combination of summation and integration, was deduced from the expression (m") of the eleventh article, which conducts also to many other analogous developments, according to the various ways in which the factor with the infinite index, n«(„_x)) May be replaced by an infinite sum, or other equivalent form. Thus, if, instead of (0"), we establish the following equa- tion, \ rfap„=: R„„V rfap„, (a'') ♦^(2n_2)o •^0 we shall have, instead of (c), the development : Sir William Rowan Hamilton on Fluctuating Functions. 297 /x=^ 'Po2(„)"\ daR^_^^„f^; (r) which, when p is a cosine, reduces itself to the form, /r = - ^,Z C ^« cos (2^r^ . "^^^j/^, (b ") X being > a, < ft, and h — a being not > tt ; and easily conducts to the known expression f 1^:. »C' ^ (2w— l)7r(a — ^) /x = ^ 2^„) , "^^da cos ^ '—f^ /„, (cO which holds good for all values of x between — I and -j- 1- By supposing 7^ ■=■ y"_a> we are conducted to the expression (y'") ; and by supposingy^ = — y_„, we are conducted to this other known expression, „ 2 ,„ . (2n— l)7r^c' . (2w— l)7ra /x = ^2(„)iSin^ __^^^c^asm-5^ ^f^—fah (dO which holds good even at the limit x -=1, by the principles of the seventeenth article, and therefore offers the following transformation for the arbitrary func- tion/"< : f 2_ 00^ ,xnC' J • (2/i— l)7ra /,= --2(„)i(-l)"J^^asin^ ^[-^—fa- (eO For example, by making^ = a*, and supposing ^ to be an uneven integer num- ber ; effecting the integration indicated in (e ^), and dividing both members by f, we find the following relation between the sums of the reciprocals of even powers of odd whole numbers : in which [^•]*z=^(^•-l)(^•-2). . .(e_A;+l); (g") and -.*=2Q V>(2^-ir*; (hO thus 1 = w, = 3w., — 3. 2. 1. 01, =z 5«.2 — 5. 4. Bw^ + 5. 4. 3. 2. 1 Wg, (i'') VOL. XIX. 2 Q 298 Sm William Rowan Hamilton on Fluctuating Functions. so that «2 = 1> <«4 = i. ^e = !%-• (kO Again, by making j^ zz a*, but supposing i = an uneven number 2k, we get the following additional term in the second member of the equation (f ^)} (-i)*[2;cr«,.^„ (F) in which thus 1 = w, = 2a.2 - 2. 1 tt.3 =4m2 — 4. 3. 2«., + 4. 3. 2. 1 m^, (n'') so that Wj = 1, W3 = ^, Wj = ^. (o'') Accordingly, if we multiply the values (k '') by — , --, t— -, we get the known values for the sums of the reciprocals of the squares, fourth powers, and sixth It 1^ powers of the odd whole numbers ; and if we multiply the values (0'') by -, -t^j ^, we get the known values for the sums of the reciprocals of the first, third, and fifth powers of the same odd numbers, taken however with alternately positive and negative signs. Again, if we make^^ = sin a, in (e''), and divide both members of the resulting equation by cos I, we get this known expression for a tangent, which shows that, with the notation (h''), tan^ = «»j^' + w4P+We^* + ...; W) so that the coefficients of the ascending powers of the arc in the development of its tangent are connected with each other by the relations (f^), which may be briefly represented thus : V^^\ = (14- V"^ D„)^*- tan 0 ; (r ^ the second member of this symbolic equation being supposed to be developed, and Sir William Rowan Hamilton on Fluctuating Functions. 299 Dj* tan 0 being understood to denote the value which the i'" differential coefficient of the tangent of a, taken with respect to a, acquires when o := 0 ; thus, 1 = Dj tan 0 = 3Dj tan 0 — d/ tan 0 ] = 5DotanO — 10D„HanO + D„*tanO. J Finally, if we make y^ = cos a, and attend to the expression (p''), we obtain, for the secant of an arc /, the known expression : 7_v - 2(-l)"+' sec I - 2.(„,_„ ^2^ _ !■) ^ _ 2/ '■> (f) which shows that, with the notation (niQ, iecl=. or < 0, according as their indices are positive or negative. If the differential coefficient p„ be also supposed to remain always finite, and to receive no sudden change of value in the immediate neighbourhood of any root V of (a''^), we shall have, for values of a in that neighbourhood, the limiting equation : Sir William Rowan Hamilton on Fluctuating Functions. 301 a zz. V and p„ will be different from 0, because the real roots of the equation (a''0 have been supposed unequal. Conceive also that the integral QO tends to some finite and determined limit, which may perhaps be different for different roots v, and therefore may be thus denoted, as j3 tends to oo , after the given law referred to at the end of the last article. Then, by writing and supposing j3 to be very large, we easily see, by reasoning as in former articles, that the part of the integral which corresponds to values of a — .r in the neighbourhood of the root v, is very nearly expressed by and that this expression is accurate at the limit. Instead of the equation (s), we have therefore now this other equation : 2. W, PT'/x + v = V . \ da S„_:r,;s/„ ; (t) the sum in the first member being extended to all those roots v of the equation (a^^), which satisfy the conditions x-\-v>a, = C dt Pta + fi,' (s''0 [22.] One of the simplest ways of rendering the integral (e^") determinate at its limit, is to suppose that the function p„ is of the periodical form which satisfies the two following equations, p being some given positive constant. Multiplying these equations by da, and integrating from a = 0, we find, by (a"), N_a + N„ = 0, N„+j, + N„ = N,; (u''0 therefore Np = Np + N_p = 0, (v''0 and N„ + p = — No, N„ + jp = N„, &C. (w''0 Sir William Rowan Hamilton on Fluctuating Functions. 303 Consequently, if the equations (t^^) be satisfied, the multiples (by whole num- bers) of p will all be roots of the equation (a^^) ; and reciprocally that equation will have no other real roots, if we suppose that the function p.., which vanishes when a is any odd multiple of ^, preserves one constant sign between any one P such multiple and the next following, or simply between a = 0 and « = ^- We may then, under these conditions, write Vi = ip, (x''') i being any integer number, positive or negative, and vi denoting generally, as in (b''^), any root of the equation (a''^). And we shall have ^" 2(„) .:( da COS (2na - <2nx)f^ ; {{"") which may be transformed in various ways, by changing the limits of integration, and in which halves of functions are to be introduced in extreme cases, as above. On the other hand, if the law of increase of j8 be, as in (r), that of coinciding successively with larger and larger even numbers, then and the equation (t) becomes 2i(-l)'/x+.v = ^''Po V,J c?«s<._,,^/„. (v) For example, in the case {e^^'), we obtain this extension of the formula (b''), 2i(-iy/x + ,v = 7r-'2w_:^'rfacos(2^m.^T:::i:)/„. (h''^^) We may verify the equations ({^") (h^") by remarking that both members of the former equation remain unchanged, and that both members of the latter are changed in sign, when x is increased by tt. A similar verification of the equa- tions (u) and (v) requires that in general the expression Sir William Rowan Hamilton on Fluctuating Functions. 305 should either receive no change, or simply change its sign, when x is increased by p, according as j3 tends to co by coinciding with large and odd or with large and even numbers. [23.] In all the examples hitherto given to illustrate the genei'al formulas of this paper, it has been supposed for the sake of simplicity, that the function p is a cosine ; and this supposition has been sufficient to deduce, as we have seen, a great variety of known results. But it is evident that this function p may receive many other forms, consistently with the suppositions made in deducing those general formulas ; and many new results may thus be obtained by the method of the foregoing articles. For instance, it is permitted to suppose p„=l, ifa^=\ c?aN„(a-f-4m)''' = Am log (4m) — (8m -|- 2) log (4m -|- 1 ) + (8m + 6) log (4m + 3) - (4m + 4) log (4m + 4) But, by(h''), if A; be any integer number > 0 ; therefore 1 0~2t ,„^ 2* ^ = 2, ^""^(^ + i) /■7r\ ft»2;t being by (q'') the coefficient of ^-* ' in the development of tan x. From this last property, we have ^m -0^^ = t (S^ d^) t^" ^ = 1 S] ^^ log «ec a: ; (v^O therefore, substituting successively the values ^ = ^ and ^ = t, and subtracting the result of the latter substitution from that of the former, we find, by (u'^^^), Q - - ^ = - f Y^ — y j dr log sec s = -y dx log tan s 4 8 r*- - y rf*- log cotan z. ( w ''") TT . 0 Such, in the present question, is an expression for the constant w ; its numerical value may be approximately calculated by multiplying the Napierian logarithm of ten by the double of the average of the ordinary logarithms of the cotangents of the middles of any large number of equal parts into which the first octant may be divided ; thus, if we take the ninetieth part of the sum of the logarithms of Sir William Rowan Hamilton on Fluctuating Functions. 307 1* 3" 5" 177" 179" the cotangents of the ninety angles j-j j-> ^' • • • "X"' ^P' ^^ S'^^n by the or- dinary tables, we obtain nearly, as the average of these ninety logarithms, the number 0,5048 ; of which the double, being multiplied by the Napierian logarithm of ten, gives, nearly, the number 2,325, as an approximate value of the constant ■57. But a much more accurate value may be obtained with little more trouble, by computing separately the doubles of the part (r''^^), and of the sum of (s"^) taken from m= I to m = (x^; for thus we obtain the expression # ■a- = 12 log 3 — 8 log 4 in which each sum relative to in can be obtained from known results, and the sum relative to k converges tolerably fast ; so that the second line of the expres- sion (x''") is thus found to be nearly = 0,239495, while the first line is nearly := 2,092992 ; and the whole value of the expression (x''") is nearly w = 2,332487. (y''") There is even an advantage in summing the double of the expression (s*^-^^ only from m =: 2 to m := CO , because the series relative to k converges then more OS rapidly ; and having thus found 2 \ dati^ar\ it is only necessary to add thereto the expression 2C (/aN, a-' =12 log 3 -20 log 5 + 28 log 7 — 16 log 8. (z'") The form of the function p and the value of the constant sr being determined as in the present article, it is permitted to substitute them in the general equations of this paper ; and thus to deduce new transformations for portions of arbitrary functions, which might have been employed instead of those given by Fourier and PoissoN, if the discontinuous function p, which receives alternately the values 1, 0, and — 1, had been considered simpler in its properties than the tri- gonometrical function cosine. [24.] Indeed, when the conditions (t''^) are satisfied, the function p^ can be 2r2 308 Sir William Rowan Hamilton on Fluctuating Functions. developed according to cosines of the odd multiples of — , by means of the for- mula (y'"), which here becomes, by changing I to^, andy to p, Px = 2(„j, A,„_, cos ^ -^ , (a''"') in which 4r'| (2w — l)7ra /uy/z/N 0 the function n^: at the same time admitting a development according to sines of the same odd multiples, namely, and the constant ts being equal to the following series, Thus, In the case of the last article, where jp = 2, and p„ = 1 from a =: 0 to a = 1, we have ^"-'"tt 2«-1 ' ^^ > Px = -(^cos — — 3 'cos— -4-5 'cos— ...j; (f^"^) y. = -, (^sin Y - ^ ' sm — + 5 ^ sm -^ - ...j ; (g"-"') ^ = -(1-^-3-^+5-^ — 7-'+"-); (h''''0 so that, from the comparison of (w^^^) and (h^^^^), the following relation results : 0 But most of the suppositions made in former articles may be satisfied, without assuming for the function p the periodical form assigned by the conditions (t^^). Sir Wjlliam Rowan Hamilton on Fluctuating Functions. 309 For example, we might assume p„ = - r do sin 0-^ cos (2a sin B) ; (k''^") which would give, by (a"), and (b"), N„ = ^ r do sin e sin (2a sin 6) ; {V"') M^zz-Tc/i' vers (2a sine); (m^^^^) and finally, by (r'), z;r = 2r(;0sin0 = 4. {n''"') This expression (k^^^^) for p„ satisfies all the conditions of the ninth article; for 4 it is clear that it gives a value to n„ which is always numerically less than - ; and 7r the equation which is of the form (g), is satisfied by all the infinitely many real and unequal roots of the equation C f^0cos(2asin(?) = O, (p^^^^) which extend from a= — cotoa=GO, and of which the interval between any one and the next following is never greater than w, nor even so great ; because (as it is not difficult to prove) these several roots are contained in alternate or even octants, in such a manner that we may write mr TT nit "">-2-4' We may, therefore substitute the expression (k''^") for p, in the formulae (a), (b), (c), &c. ; and we find, by (b), if jp > a, < 6, /, = TT-' \ da^ d^ r de sin 0^ cos {2^ (a - x) sin 0}/, ; {v''"') ^a •^o •^o that is, {t''"') 310 Sir William Rowan Hamilton on Fluctuating Functions. /, = i- ^ 1™ f de sin e'\ da sin (2^ (a - ^) sin 6} (a - x)-'f ; (s''^^^ a theorem which may be easily proved a posteriori, by the principles of fluctua- ting functions, because those principles show, that (if x be comprised between the limits of integration) the limit relative to /3 of the integral relative to a, in (s^^"), is equal to Ttf^. In like manner, the theorem (c), when applied to the present form of the function p, gives the following other expression for the arbitrary function/", : ^ rj> ^ do sin 6 sin (2 (a — x) sin 6^ cos (An (a — x) sin 6^ ; + (n)^)^ «/a 5; de sin e sin (2 (a — x) sin o) X being between a and b, and b — a being not greater than the least positive root V of the equation - C rfe sin 0 sin (2 V sin e) = 0. - (u """ ) And if we wish to prove, a posteriori, this theorem of transformation (t'^"), by the same principles of fluctuating functions, we have only to observe that 1+22," cos 2ny = !!^^±i^), (v-) and therefore that the second member of (t*^^^^) may be put under the form iirv, p' ^"f/Csin 6sin ('(4re + 2) (a — ^)sin0^ 1™ i daf— ^— ■ — — — _— _Z . (vf'^'") n=ccJa •^" 2 5^ rfe sine sin (2 (a — a:) sine) ' ^ ^ in which the presence of the fluctuating factor am (^{An -\- 2) (a — a;) sine), combined with the condition that a — a; is numerically less than the least root of the equation (u^^"), shows that we need only attend to values of a indefinitely near to x, and may therefore write in the denominator, C de sin e sin (2 (a — x) sin e') = tt (a — x) ; (x''"') Sir William Rowan Hamilton on Fluctuating Functions. 311 for thus, by inverting the order of the two remaining integrations, that is by writing ^ da^ de... = ^ d6\ da.., {f") we find first lim P^ sin ((4^ + 2) (g-^) sine) _ ' for every value of 6 between 0 and tt, and of x between a and b ; and finally. [25.] The results of the foregoing articles may be extended by introducing, under the functional signs n, p, a product such as §r^, instead of j3«, 7 being an arbitrary function of a. ; and by considering the integral in which f is any function which remains finite between the limits of integration. Since 7 is a function of a, it may be denoted by 7^, and a will be reciprocally a function of 7, which may be denoted thus : While a increases from a to b, we shall suppose, at first, that the function 7^ in- creases constantly and continuously from 7„ to 74, in such a manner as to give always, within this extent of variation, a finite and determined and positive value to the differential coefficient of the function 0, namely, We shall also express, for abridgment, the product of this coefficient and of the function f by another function of 7, as follows, 0'.Fa = ^ (d«) Then the integral (a"^) becomes 312 Sir William Rowan Hamilton on Fluctuating Functions. and a rigorous expression for it may be obtained by the process of the fourth article, namely 4" 0^' (a„^ „ — a„) cl ; in which, as before, a„, a„^„ are suitably chosen roots of the equation (g) ; c is a finite constant; 6 is included between the limits ±1 ; and I is the difference between two values of the function ^^, corresponding to two values of the varia- ble 7 of which the difference is less than ^~'b, b being another finite constant. The integral (a^^) therefore diminishes indefinitely when ^ increases indefinitely ; and thus, or simply by the theorem (z) combined with the expression (e"), we have, rigorously, at the limit, without supposing here that n^ vanishes. i rfaN,^F„ = 0. (w) The same conclusion is easily obtained, by reasonings almost the same, for the case where 7 continually decreases from 7„ to 74, in such a manner as to give, within this extent of variation, a finite and determined and negative value to the differential coefficient (c^'''). And with respect to the case where the function 7 is for a moment stationary in value, so that its differential coefficient vanishes between the limits of integration, it is sufficient to observe that although ^ in (e") becomes then infinite, yet f in (a^'^) remains finite, and the integral of the finite product das^^F^, taken between infinitely near limits, is zero. Thus, generally, the theorem (w), which is an extension of the theorem (z), holds good between any finite limits a and b, if the function f be finite between those limits, and if, between the same limits of integration, the function 7 never remain un- changed throughout the whole extent of any finite change of a, [26.] It may be noticed here, that if j3 be only very large, instead of being infinite, an approximate expression for the integral (a^^) may be obtained, on the same principles, by attending only to values of a which differ very little from those which render the coefficient (c^^) infinite. For example, if we wish to find an approximate expression for a large root of the equation (p ''^^^ ), or to express approximately the function Sir William Rowan Hamilton on Fluctuating Functions. 313 If" 7^ = -\ da cos (2/3 sin a), (g") when /3 Is a large positive quantity, we need only attend to values of a which differ little from - ; making then sin a =: 1 — J/*, da __^dy (h«) v/2— y' and neglecting y^ in the denominator of this last expression, the integral (g^^) becomes y^ = A^cos2^+B^sin2^, (i^*) in which, nearly, *^ = — i /^cos(2^^/^) = -_=; v/2 7r/3 B, = ^L.^sin(2^y) = ^; ^ (k") so that the large values of ^ which make the function (g") vanish are nearly of the form - n-n TT 2"~8' (1-) n being an integer number ; and such is therefore the approximate form of the large roots a„ of the equation (p'^^^O • results which agree with the relations (q''^^^), and to which Poisson has been conducted, in connexion with another sub- ject, and by an entirely different analysis. The theory of fluctuating functions may also be employed to obtain a more close approximation ; for instance, it may be shown, by reasonings of the kind • lately employed, that the definite integral (g^^) admits of being expressed (more accurately as j8 is greater) by the following semiconvergent series, of which the first terms have been assigned by Poisson : /,= ;^2,,UO]-n[-^]0W)-^cos(2i3_^-j); (m-) and in which, according to a known notation of factorials. vol. XIX. 2s 314 Sir William Rowan Hamilton on Fluctuating Functions. [0]-' = 1-1. 2-'. 3-'. 1 . [-i-r = -7 1—3—5 1— 2^■ (n«) 2 ' 2 2 ' 2 ■ . For the value ^ = 20, the 3 first terms of the series (m^^) give 9 \ cos 86°49'52" , 1 sin 86°49'52' •^^—\} 204800 J (o«) 204800; ■/20^ ' 320 x/^Q^ = 0,0069736 + 0,0003936 = + 0,0073672. For the same value of j3, the sum of the first sixty terms of the ultimately con- vergent series /.=Vo([or)*(-/3')' (p") gives /,o = + 7 447 387 396 709 949,9657957 t - 7 447 387 396 709 949,9584289 J (q^^) = + 0,0073668 The two expressions (m^^) (p^^) therefore agree, and we may conclude that the following numerical value is very nearly correct : -'{do, cos (40 sin a) = -\- 0,007367- (r") [27.] Resuming the rigorous equation (w), and observing that we easily see that in calculating the definite integral in which the function f is finite, it is sufiicient to attend to those values of a. which are not only between the limits a and h, but are also very nearly equal to real roots or of the equation 7x = 0. (U-) The part of the integral (t"), corresponding to values of a in the neighbour- hood of any one such root x, between the above-mentioned limits, is equal to the product j'rfa5"#P^/„ = .2.-^, (X-) Sir William Rowan Hamilton on Fliictuating Functions. 315 7« J_„ «— a;' ^ ' in which /3 is indefinitely large and positive, and the differential coefficient 7'^ of the function 7 is supposed to be finite, and different from 0. A little considera- tion shows that the integral in this last expression is = it w, -cr being the same constant as in former articles, and the upper or lower sign being taken according as 7'x is positive or negative. Denoting then by 1/7' x^ the positive quantity, which is = + 7'a; or = — 7'^, according as 7'^ is > 0 or < 0, the part (v^^) of the integral (t^^) is -5^5 (w") and we have the expression ^ J^ the sum being extended to all those roots x of the equation (u^^) which are > a but < b. If any root of that equation should coincide with either of these limits a or h, the value of a in" its neighbourhood would introduce, into the se- cond member of the expression (x^^), one or other of the terms 7a 7a 7» 7» the first to be taken when 7^ = 0, 7'a > 0 ; the second when y^ = 0, y'a < 0 ; the third when 7^ =0, 7'^ > 0 ; and the fourth when 74 = 0, 7'j < 0. If, then, we suppose for simplicity, that neither 7„ nor 74 vanishes, the expression (x^'^) conducts to the theorem 2./x = ^-' ( rfa C dp P,y„ /7J ; (X) •^a »^o and the sign of summation may be omitted, if the equation 7* = 0 have only one real root between the limits a and b. For example, that one root itself may then be expressed as follows : X=zr-'^ da^ dp P^ a VT?. (z«) The theorem (x) includes some analogous results which have been obtained by Cauchy, for the case when p is a cosine. 2 s 2 316 Sir William Rowan Hamilton on Fltictuating Functions. [28]. It is also possible to extend the foregoing theorem in other ways ; and especially by applying similar reasonings to functions of several variables. Thus, if 7, 7^'> ... be each a function of several real variables a, a^", . . . ; if p and n be still respectively functions of the kinds supposed in former articles, while p<'\ n'", ... are other functions of the same kinds ; then the theorem (w) may be ex- tended as follows : \ c^aV da('>...N.^N'<./i)...F„,„(i),.,. =0, (y) the function f being finite for all values of the variables a, a^", ..., within the ex- tent of the integrations; and the theorem (x) may be thus extended : Ja Ja('> 0 •■^0 *■ (Z) •••/a,a('\..VI7; J in which, according to the analogy of the foregoing notation, — 00 0 and L is the coefficient which enters into the expression, supplied by the princi- ples of the transformation of multiple Integrals, while the summation in the first member is to be extended to all those values of or, d?''^, . . . which, being respectively between the respective limits of integration relatively to the variables a, a^", ... are values of those variables satisfying the system of equations 7., x(», . . . = 0, yllln), ...=0,.... (c*) And thus may other remarkable results of Cauchy be presented under a gene- ralized form. But the theory of such extensions appears likely to suggest itself easily enough to any one who may have considered with attention the remarks already made ; and it is time to conclude the present paper by submitting a few general observations on the nature and the history of this Important branch of analysis. Sia William Rowan Hamilton on Fluctuating Functions. 317 Lagrange appears to have been the first who was led (in connexion with the celebrated problem of vibrating cords) to assign, as the result of a species of in- terpolation, an expression for an arbitrary function, continuous or discontinuous in form, between any finite limits, by a series of sines of multiples, in which the coefficients are definite integrals. Analogous expressions, for a particular class of rational and integral functions, were derived by Daniel Bernouilli, through successive integrations, from the results of certain trigonometric summations, which he had characterized in a former memoir as being incongruously true. No farther step of importance towai'ds the improvement of this theory seems to have been made, till Fourier, in his researches on Heat, was led to the discovery of his well known theorem, by which any arbitrary function of any real variable is expressed, between finite or infinite limits, by a double definite integral. Poisson and Cauchy have treated the same subject since, and enriched it with new views and applications ; and through the labours of these and, perhaps, of other writers, the theory of the development or transformation of arbitrary functions, through functions of determined forms, has become one of the most important and inte- resting departments of modern algebra. It must, however, be owned that some obscurity seems still to hang over the subject, and that a farther examination of its principles may not be useless or un- necessary. The very existence of such transformations as in this theory are sought for and obtained, appears at first sight paradoxical ; it is difficult at first to conceive the possibility of expressing a perfectly arbitrary function through any series of sines or cosines ; the variable being thus made the subject of known and determined operations, whereas it had offered itself originally as the subject of operations unknown and undetermined. And even after this first feeling of pa- radox is removed, or relieved, by the consideration that the number of the opera- tions of known form is infinite, and that the operation of arbitrary form reappears in another part of the expression, as performed on an auxiliary variable ; it still requires attentive consideration to see clearly how it is possible that none of the values of this new variable should have any influence on the final result, except those which are extremely nearly equal to the variable originally proposed. This latter difficulty has not, perhaps, been removed to the complete satisfaction of those who desire to examine the question with all the diligence its importance deserves, by any of the published works upon the subject. A conviction, doubtless, may 318 Sir William Rowan Hamilton on Fluctuating Functions. be attained, that the results are true, but something Is, perhaps, felt to be still wanting for the full rigour of mathematical demonstration. Such has, at least, been the impression left on the mind of the present writer, after an attentive study of the reasonings usually employed, respecting the tranformations of arbi- trary functions. PoissoN, for example, in treating this subject, sets out, most commonly, with a series of cosines of multiple arcs ; and because the sum is generally indetermi- nate, when continued to infinity, he alters the series by multiplying each term by the corresponding power of an auxiliary quantity which he assumes to be less than unity, in order that Its powers may diminish, and at last vanish ; but, in order that the new series may tend Indefinitely to coincide with the old one, he conceives, after effecting Its summation, that the auxiliary quantity tends to be- come unity. The limit thus obtained is generally zero, but becomes on the con- trary Infinite when the arc and Its multiples vanish ; from which It Is Inferred by PoissoN, that if this arc be the difference of two variables, an original and an auxiliary, and if the series be multiplied by any arbitrary function of the latter variable, and integrated with respect thereto, the effect of all the values of that variable will disappear from the result, except the effect of those which are ex- tremely nearly equal to the variable originally proposed. PoissoN has made, with consummate skill, a great number of applications of this method ; yet It appears to present, on close consideration, some difficulties of the kind above alluded to. In fact, the introduction of the system of factors, which tend to vanish before the Integration, as their Indices increase, but tend to unity, after the integration, for all finite values of those indices, seems somewhat to change the nature of the question, by the Introduction of a foreign element. Nor is it perhaps manifest that the original series, of which the sum is indeter- minate, may be replaced by the convergent series with determined sum, which results from multiplying Its terms by the powers of a factor Infinitely little less than unity ; while it is held that to multiply by the powers of a factor Infinitely little greater than unity would give an useless or even false result. Besides there is something unsatisfactory In employing an apparently arbitrary contrivance for annulling the effect of those terms of the proposed series which are situated at a great distance from the origin, but which do not themselves originally tend to vanish as they become more distant therefrom. Nor is this difficulty entirely Sir William Rowan Hamilton on Fluctuating Functions. 319 removed, when Integration by parts is had recourse to, in order to show that the effect of these distant terms is insensible in the ultimate result ; because it then becomes necessary to differentiate the arbitrary function ; but to treat its diffe- rential coefficient as always finite, is to diminish the generality of the inquiry. Many other processes and proofs are subject to similar or different difficulties; but there is one method of demonstration employed by Fourier, in his separate Treatise on Heat, which has, in the opinion of the present writer, received less notice than it deserves, and of which it is proper here to speak. The principle of the method here alluded to may be called the Principle of Fluctuation, and is the same which was enunciated under that title in the remarks prefixed to this paper. In virtue of this principle (which may thus be considered as having been indicated by Fourier, although not expressly stated by him), if any func- tion, such as the sine or cosine of an infinite multiple of an arc, changes sign in- finitely often within a finite extent of the variable on which it depends, and has for its mean value zero ; and if this, which may be called a fluctuating function, be multiplied by any arbitrary but finite function of the same variable, and after- wards Integrated between any finite limits ; the integral of the product will be zero, on account of the mutual destruction or neutralization of all its elements. It follows immediately from this principle, that if the factor by which the fluctuating function is multiplied, instead of remaining always finite, becomes infinite between the limits of integration, for one or more particular values of the variable on which it depends ; it is then only necessary to attend to values in the immediate neighbourhood of these, in order to obtain the value of the integral. And in this way Fourier has given what seems to be the most satisfactory pub- lished proof, and (so to speak) the most natural explanation of the theorem called by his name ; since it exhibits the actual process, one might almost say the in- terior mechanism, which, in the expression assigned by him, destroys the effect of all those values of the auxiliary variable which are not required for the result. So clear, indeed, is this conception, that it admits of being easily translated into geometrical constructions, which have accordingly been used by Fourier for that purpose. There are, however, some remaining difficulties connected with this mode of demonstration, which may perhaps account for the circumstance that it seems never to be mentioned, nor alluded to, in any of the historical notices which 320 SiK William Rowan Hamilton on Fluctuating Functions. PoissoN has given on the subject of these transformations. For example, although Fourier, in the proof just referred to, of the theorem called by his name, shows clearly that in integrating the product of an arbitrary but finite function, and the sine or cosine of an infinite multiple, each successive positive portion of the integral is destroyed by the negative portion which follows it, if infinitely small quantities be neglected, yet he omits to show that the infinitely small outstanding difference of values of these positive and negative portions, corresponding to the single period of the trigonometric function introduced, is of the second order; and, therefore, a doubt may arise whether the infinite number of such infinitely small periods, contained in any finite interval, may not produce, by their accumulation, a finite result. It is also desirable to be able to state the argument in the language of limits, rather than in that of infinitesimals ; and to exhibit, by appropriate definitions and notations, what was evidently fore- seen by Fourier, that the result depends rather on the fluctuating than on the trigonometric character of the auxiliary function employed. The same view of the question had occurred to the present writer, before he was aware that indications of it were to be found among the published works of Fourier ; and he still conceives that the details of the demonstration to which he was thus led may be not devoid of interest and utility, as tending to give greater rigour and clearness to the proof and the conception of a widely applicable and highly remarkable theorem. Yet, if he did not suppose that the present paper contains something more than a mere expansion or improvement of a known proof of a known result, the Author would scarcely have ventured to offer it to the Transactions* of the Royal Irish Academy. It aims not merely to give a more perfectly satisfactory demonstration of Fourier's celebrated theorem than any which the writer has elsewhere seen, but also to present that theorem, and many others analogous thereto, under a greatly generalized form, deduced from the principle of fluctu- * The Author is desirous to acknowledge, that since the time of his first communicating the pre- sent paper to the Royal Irish Academy, in June, 1840, he has had an opportunity of entirely re- writing it, and that the last sheet is only now passing through the press, in June, 1842. Yet it may be proper to mention also that the theorems (A) (B) (C), which sufficiently express the character of the communication, were printed (with some slight differences of notation) in the year 1840, as part of the Proceedings of the Academy for the date prefixed to this paper. Sir William Rowan Hamilton on Fluctuating Functions. 321 atlon. Functions more general than sines or cosines, yet having some correspon- dent properties, are introduced throughout ; and constants, distinct from the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a circle, present themselves in connexion therewith. And thus, if the intention of the writer have been in any degree ac- complished, it will have been shown, according to the opinion expressed in the remarks prefixed to this paper, that the development of the important principle above referred to gives not only a new clearness, but also (in some respects) a new extension, to this department of science. VOL. xrx. 2 T 322 XIII. — On the Minute Structure of the Brain in the Chipanzee, and of the human Idiot, compared with that of the perfect Brain of Man ; with some Reflections on the Cerebral Functions. By James Macartney, M. D., F. R. S., F. L. S., M. R. I. A., &c. &c. Read June 27, 1842. JVIANY years ago I discovered, with only a common pocket lens, a reticulation of fine white fibres, immediately under the surface of the cerebrum, in birds. This first led me to believe that the medullary fibres, as they are called, extended farther, and were more subdivided than had been hitherto supposed. I have since been able to demonstrate to medical students, and to several teachers of anatomy, the existence of those filaments in every part of the brain, by simply moistening the substance of the organ, during the dissection, with a solution of alum in water, which has the effect of slightly coagulating, and rendering the finer fila- ments visible, which, in their natural condition, are transparent. By this means, I have shown that the filaments (which I prefer to call sentient, instead of white or medullary) everywhere assumed a plexiform arrangement, and that the most delicate and intricate plexusus were to be found inclosed in the grey or coloured substances of the brain. This fact proves the analogy between the coloured sub- stances of the brain, and the ganglia of the nervous system, in which there is a close reticulation of nervous fibres. I have long been in the habit of consider- ing the magnitude and form of the entire brain, and of its several parts, as being merely subservient to the number, extent, and connexions of the various plexuses, in which, and especially in those occupying the coloured substances, I believe the sensorial powers of the brain to reside. A Chimpanzee (the pigmy of Tyson) having some months ago died in Dub- lin, and the dissection of it having been entrusted to Mr. Wilde, I proposed to him that I should undertake the examination of the animal's brain, in my own Dr. Macartney on the Structure of the Brain in the Chimpanzee, ^c. 323 manner. Tyson and others had described the bulk, shape, and external appear- ance of the different parts of this creature's brain, but the intimate structure had never been examined by any anatomist. I shall now lay before the Academy an account of what I observed in the brain of the Chimpanzee, and likewise in those of two idiots ; by which it will appear that the brain in the latter possesses a still lower degree of organization, than in the former animal. DISSECTION OF THE BRAIN IN THE CHIMPANZEE (siMIA TROGLODYTES. LIN.) The external for^n bore so great a resemblance to the human brain, that, excepting the difference in size, the one might be mistaken for the other. The convolutions were as decidedly marked, and the proportions of the cerebellum to the cerebrum were exactly as in man. On the under surface of the brain I ob- served that the two white pea-shaped bodies, called corpora candicantia, were very indistinct ; and they did not appear to be, as in man, the continuation of the anterior crura of \he fornix. The pons, which unites the lateral lobes of the cerebellum, was, perhaps, rather flatter than in the human subject, and the fifth pair of nerves entered it, and passed for a little way distinctly, which is so re- markable in the sheep. The pyramids did not decussate to any extent ; only two superficial bundles of fibres crossed. The corpora olivaria did not project distinctly, and the band which surrounds them was not observed. The structure internally of these bodies consisted of white filaments included in grey substance. The branches of the arbor vitce were, perhaps, not so deep, but quite as numerous as in us. The white filaments composing the trunk were not so fine, nor so strictly interwoven, as in man, and therefore they were more easily distinguished. The corpus Jimbriatutn was a long shape, and appeared to be composed chiefly of grey substance, and wanted the denticulated edge. The part called locus niger, in the crura of the cerebrum, was a small, greenish-grey mass, of an irre- gular figure, and less than a pea, instead of the crescentic form, as in man ; and it did not mingle with the white fibres of the crus. The pineal gland was large. It was removed in making a cast of the ventricles, and lost ; it was not, therefore, ascertained whether it had any calcareous matter in it or not. The parts in the lateral ventricles corresponded very nearly with the same in man. The soji com- 2t2 324 Dr. Macartney on the Structure of the Brain in the Chimpanzee and missure was particularly strong, and held distinct white filaments. The linea semilunaris was faintly marked. The two anterior of the tubercula quadrigemina, called nates, were the smaller. The fourth ventricle was much prolonged into the lateral lobes of the cerebellum. The grey substance on the floor of the ven- tricle was not raised into the appearance of two ganglia, and there were no white stria. The sentient or white filaments formed looser or less complicated plexuses, wherever they were examined, than in man, and I could not discover any of the delicate arborescent filaments in the base of the corpora striata. DISSECTION OF A FEMALE IDIOT, WITH EXTRAORDINARY BRAIN. The whole mass of the brain was small, but the front part did not recede. The convolutions were rather small, but sufficiently deep for the size of the brain. The lobes of the cerebellum were not the one-third of the usual size. The gyri were scarcely distinguishable, and the divisions were few and shallow. The arbor vitce had but two principal branches, and the sub-divisions of these were few. The anterior part of the lobes was supplied by two clusters of membranous cells, filled with red jelly or albuminous fluid, such as we find substituted for the brain in acephalous foetuses. The corpus fimbriatum was indistinct, wanted the denticulated margin, and the proper structure interiorly, and was not half the proper size. The pons was exceedingly small, and its internal structure obscure. The pyramids were parallel cylindric forms, and did not appear to decussate. The corpora olivaria had little prominence, and the coloured substance was deficient. The locus niger was imperfectly formed, and not of a dark colour. The corpora striata were very small, as also the white filaments contained in them. The pineal gland was rather of a large size, and contained a cluster of round soft bodies, in place of the calcareous granules. In fine, the character of the whole brain was imperfection of intimate structure. The plexuses were not intricate, and the grey substances pale, and not in sufficient quantity. This person had been a patient in the Whitworth Hospital. The account I received of the state of her intellect from the house pupil was, that she was foolish, and that he could never get a rational answer from her. She was extremely ugly, with projecting jaws and teeth, and an idiotic countenance. She was an unmarried woman, but not a virgin, notwithstanding the great deficiency in her organ of amativeness. Human Idiot, compared with that of the perfect Brain of Man. 325 DISSECTION OF THE BRAIN OF A MALE IDIOT. The cerebrum was small, and the anterior lobes especially so. The cerebellum projected beyond the posterior lobes of the hemispheres. The convolutions of the cerebrum were small, particularly those of the anterior lobes on the left side, — they were so imperfectly developed, and so closely connected to each other, that they had more the appearance of a tuberculated than of a convoluted surface. The olfactory nerves were small, and very deficient in grey substance, indeed all the coloured parts of the brain were rather pale. The pyramids could scarcely be distinguished, being extremely small, and confounded in the projection of the corpora olivaria ; they did not appear to decussate ; the one on the left side was particularly small. The left hemisphere of the brain was smaller than the one on the right side. The tubercula quadrigemina were of an equal size, and a grey colour on their surface. The pineal gland was large, semi-transparent, and con- tained very little of the gritty matter. On the surface of the left crus of the cerebrum there was a green tinge observed, which, on being cut into, proved to be the locus niger in a disorganized and nearly dissolved state. There were no white strice in the fourth ventricle. The plexus of white filaments at the roots of the olfactory nerves was very plain on the right side, but very imperfect on the left. The brain was tolerably firm. The spinal marrow was hard, and the cere- bellum was soft. The structure, as well as form of the parts in this brain, was imperfect throughout, but most remarkably so on the left side ; the want of agree- ment between the two sides would necessarily impair the functions of the brain. The first deviations from the perfect brain of man appear to be with respect to the following parts : — The locus niger, the corpus fimbriatum, the white strice in the floor of the fourth ventricle, the decussation of the pyramids, the distinc- tion of the anterior crura of the fornix, the corpora olivaria, the degree of inter- mixture of the sentient or white filaments in the arbor vitce, the corpora candi- cantia, and the existence of calcareous granules in the pineal gland. It is remarkable, that many of these parts are not found in the first stages of foetal life, and some of them not until after birth. The pineal gland, accord- ing to Meckel, is not perfect until the seventh year of infancy. The same parts, also, first decline, and ultimately disappear in animals, according to their scale of organization ; and further, it is chiefly with respect to these parts, that varieties 326 Dr. Macartney on the Structure of the Brain in the Chimpanzee and of structure are observed in the brains of different rational human beinffs. I have found many deviations from the ordinary structure in subjects, without being able to ascertain what peculiarities of character belonged to them when alive ; but in one instance, of a deaf and dumb person, the white strice of the fourth ventricle (with which the auditory nerves communicate) were imperfectly formed, were not subdivided, and did not unite with each other. If, therefore, we can ever arive at correct notions of the functions of the brain, it must be by careful dissections of the interior parts of the cerebral organ, and by ascertaining the correspondence between the minute structure, and the endowments and disposi- tions of the different individuals ; taking into account, at the same time, the influ- ence of the various organs of the body, instead of ascribing to certain parts on the surface of the brain, distinct and often opposing faculties, as Gall and Spurz- heim have done. It seems to be particularly absurd to suppose that the cerebellum, a part evi- dently as highly organized, and of as much importance as the cerebrum itself, should be designed to produce merely the sexual instinct. In animals that have the lateral lobes of the cerebellum very small, or who want them altogether, this instinct is stronger than in man. In those instances which are known of the absence of a part, or one lobe, or the whole cerebellum, no want of the venereal appetite existed ; and a case is related of a person in whom the sexual desire was so ungo- vernable, that mechanic restraint became necessary ; and it was found, after death, that both lobes of the cerebellum were wanting in this person. In animals that propagate only at particular seasons of the year, the testicles and ovaries are sin- gularly developed at those periods, and afterwards decline, while at the same time no change takes place in the cerebellum. The abolition of the sexual instinct, by the extirpation of the testes, or of the ovaries, puts it beyond all doubt that this impulse does not originate in any part of the brain. It would appear that all instincts depend upon the condition and state of feel- ing in those organs with the functions of which they are immediately connected ; thus, the maternal instinct (at least in mammiferous animals) is in a great mea- sure the result of the tension of the mammary glands. As soon as this is removed, by the absorbents carrying off the milk, quadrupeds lose all care and anxiety about their young. The cerebral organ would, perhaps, of all others, be the most unfit for the generation of instincts. The brain is destined to direct or control instinc- Human Idiot, compared with that of the perfect Brain of Man. 327 tlve feelings, and therefore it cannot create them. If a person attempt to command any instinctive impulse to be felt, he will find it as impossible to do, as to rise from his chair, merely by willing it, without the aid of the muscles. I have ascertained and demonstrated, by repeated dissections, that all the plexuses of the brain are continuous with each other ; that no part of the nervous system is isolated ; and, consequently, the different parts must exercise a mutual influence on each other. I have proved that the spinal nerves, as well as those of the brain, are not inserted in the same way as the roots of plants penetrate the earth, which has been heretofore believed, but that they are united with the parts from which they are supposed to arise, and that the spinal nerves form a chain of communication with each other, after they enter the spinal marrow. It is in consequence of the integrity of the whole nervous system, that the various sympathies, both natural and morbid, exist between the different organs of the body. If the continuity of the sentient or nervous filaments were to be inter- cepted at any one place, their functions would be arrested at that point, in the same manner as the division of a nerve, destroys sensation and voluntary motion in the parts to which the nerve is sent. Some anatomists, it is true, have supposed that the various reticulations of the nerves, and the intermixture of the filaments of the brain, were merely to bring them into contact, and that there was no incorporation of the sentient substances. This opinion is consequent upon another, as ill supported by facts ; namely, that there is a subtile or nervous fluid, which carries impressions made on the nerves to the brain, and thus causes sensation ; and that the same fluid, proceeding from the brain to the muscles, produces voluntary motions. It has never been, however, attempted to explain how this imaginary fluid could become the instrument of sensation or volition, more than the sentient substance itself. For ray part, I am satisfied with the knowledge of the undoubted fact, that the peculiar matter which exists in the nerves, and the white filaments of the brain, is endowed with the power oi feeling — a power perfectly distinct from every other in nature ; and I think it is equally obvious that the various modifications of sensorial function we observe are the result, and require for their 'production, the multitude of sub- divisions and re-unions that take place in the sentient filaments of the brain and nerves. Voluntary motion appears to me to be the natural consequence of the connexion between the central part of the nervous system, and the muscles which move in obedience to the will or desire of the individual. 328 Dr. Macartney on the Structure of the Brain in the Chimpanzee, S^c. EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. Plate I. — Fig. 1. Was drawn from an accurate plaster cast of the upper sur- face of the brain of the Chimpanzee. Fig. 2. Was taken from the cast of the lower surface of the same brain. Both these figures are of the natural size. Plate II. Exhibits the different parts as they were found on the inferior sur- face of the brain of an idiot. a a. The two lateral lobes of the cerebellum, exceedingly small, and imperfectly formed. h h. The membranous cells, which held a reddish fluid. c. The pons or commissure of the cerebellum, also small and im- perfect. d d. The pyramidal bodies. e e. The olive-shaped bodies, making scarcely any projection. ff. The olfactory nerves. gg. The optic nerves. , h h. The third pair of nerves. The other nerves were not preserved. ..^pgg'^'^^^ft^jpiw-" r^^^. Fi^j'? '■^sas^sis*' • [r*;W?»r^'"^-;' PLATE 2. J^nufru, cot- JJ^m* dv (?Jhf Ncfytf ^imiZMo }6 7Hm9f^ 329 XIV. — On Equations of the Fifth Degree : and especially on a certain System of Expressions connected with those Equations, which Professor Badano* has lately proposed. By Sir William Rowan Hamilton, LL.D., P.R.I.A., F.R.A.S., Honorary I/ember of the Royal Societies of Edinburgh and Dublin ; Honorary or Corresponding Member of the Royal or Imperial Academies of St. Petersburgh, Berlin, and Turin, of the American Society of Arts and Sciences, and of other Scientific Societies at home and abroad ; Andrews' Professor of Astronomy in the University of Dublin, and Royal Astronomer of Ireland. Eead 4th August, 1842. 1. JLAGRANGE has shown that if a be a given root of the equation a"-' -I- a"-* + . . . + a* -f a+ 1 ^ 0, n being a prime factor of m, and if n denote for abridgment the quotient 1.2.3. ..m (1.2.3...-) then the function t = x' -{- ax" -{- a^x'" + . . . + a^-'ar'"" has only jj. different values, corresponding to all possible changes of arrangement of the m quantities a/, x", ... jr'"", which may be considered as the roots of a given equation of the m"* degree, ^■» _ Aar^-' + Bar*"-*— c^"-^ -j- . . . = 0 ; • Nuove Ricerche sulla Risoluzione Generale delle Equazioni Algebriche del P. Gebolamo Badano, Carmelitano scalzo, Professore di Matematica nella R. Universita di Geneva. Geneva, Tipografia Ponthenier, 1840. VOL. XIX. 2 U 330 Sir William Rowan Hamilton on Equations of the Fifth Degree. and that if the development of the n'* power of this function t be reduced, by the help of the equation a":=l, (and not by the equation a"~' -f- &c. = 0,) to the form r = ^'°' + a^ + a'l" + . . . + a"-' ^"-", then this power f itself has only - different values, and the term ^°' has only — T-^ — rr such values, or is a root of an equation of the degree n{n — \) ^ *' 1.2.3....m m\"' ^(7^_l)(l.2.3...-J of which equation the coefficients are rational functions of the given coefficients A, B, c, &c. ; while ^', ^", . . . ^'"~" are the roots of an equation of the degree n — 1, of which the coefficients can be expressed rationally in terms of ^''" and of the same original coefficients A, ... of the given equation in x. 2. For example, if there be given an equation of the sixth degree, x^ — KX^ 4" B.r'' — cj;^ -j- Yix"^ — eo: + f := 0, of which the roots are denoted by x', x", x'", x'^, x^, x"^, and if we form the function t-x'^ax"\ a^x'" + a^x'''-\- a' x" -{- a? x"", in which a = — 1 ; we shall then have ni = 6, 7^=2, /x = ^ = 20, ^ = 10, , ^ ,, = 10; 3b n n{n — \) and the function t will have twenty different values, but its square will have only ten. And if, by using only the equation a^ ■=. 1, and not the equation o = — 1, we reduce the development of this square to the form f = ^o' + ar, the term ^°* will itself be a ten-valued function of the six quantities x' , . . . x''; and ^ will be a rational function of ^'"^ and a, namely, r = A^ - 1^°). Sir William Rowan Hamilton on Equations of the Fifth Degree. 331 3. Again, if with the same meanings of ^', . .. x^', we form t by the same expression as before, but suppose a to be a root of the equation a^ + a 4- 1 = 0, then m = 6, n = 3, /i = -^ = 90, ^ = 30, , ^ ^. = 15; 8 n n{n—\) so that the function t will now have 90 different values, but its cube will have only 30 ; and if that cube be reduced, by the equation v^ z=. 1, to the form ^rr^^o' + ar + a^r, then 1'°' will be a root of an equation of the fifteenth degree, while ^ and ^" will be the roots of a quadratic equation, the coefficients of this last equation being rational functions of ^'°', and of the given coefficients a, &c. 4. And if, in like manner, we consider the case m = 5,n = 5,fji = 120, ^ = 24, - , ^ ,, = 6, n n{n — \) so that o(f , . . x^ are the roots of a given equation of the fifth degree X' — KX^ -|- -Qx'^ — cr^ ■\-ttX — E = 0, and t=x' -^ ax" + c? x"' + a^x"'-i- a'x'', in which a is a root of the equation a* -1- a' 4- a^ -j- a + 1 = 0, then the function t has itself 120 different values, but its fifth power has only 24 ; and if this fifth power be put under the form f = ^o' + ar 4- a" r' + aP ^" + a' ^'\ by the help of the equation a* = 1, then ^"^ is a root of an equation of the sixth degree, of which the coefficients are rational functions of a, b, c, d, e, while ^, ^", ^'", ^""^ are the roots of an equation of the fourth degree, of which the co- efficients are rational functions of the same given coefficients A, &c., and of 1'°'. 5. Lagrange has shown that these principles explain the success of the known methods for resolving quadratic, cubic, and biquadratic equations ; but 2 u 2 332 Sir William Rowan Hamilton on Equations of the Fifth Degree. that they tend to discourage the hope of resolving any general equation above the fourth degree, by any similar method. And in fact it has since* been shown to be impossible to express any root of any general equation, of the fifth or any higher degree, as a function of the coefficients of that equation, by any finite combination of radicals and rational functions. Yet it appears to be desirable to examine into the validity and import of an elegant system of radical expressions which have lately been proposed by Professor Badano of Genoa, for the twenty- four values of Lagrange's function f referred to in the last article; and to in- quire whether these new expressions are adapted to assist in the solution of equa- tions of the fifth degree, or why they fail to do so. 6. In order to understand more easily and more clearly the expressions which are thus to be examined, it will be advantageous to begin by applying the method by which they are obtained to equations of lower degrees. And first it is evident that the general quadratic equation, A-* — A^ -f- B = 0, has its roots expressed as follows : x' = a-\-^, x" =ia — ^', a not here denoting any root of unity, but a rational function of the coefficients of the given equation (namely t}a), and /3^ being another rational function of those coefficients (namely j^A^ — b) ; because by the general principles of article 1., when m = 2 and n := 2, we have - = 1, so that the function (x' — x"y is n symmetric, as Indeed it is well known to be. 7. Proceeding to the cubic equation X^ — AX'^ -\- BX — C = 0, and seeking the values of the function f = (or' + ex" -f e' x"'y, in which 6 is such that e^ + 0 + 1 = 0, * See a paper by the present writer, " On the Argument of Abel," &c., in the Second Part of the Eighteenth Volume of the Transactions of this Academy. Sir William Rowan Hamilton on Equations of the Fifth Degree. 333 we know first, by the same general principles, that the number of these values is two, because - =: 2, when m = 3, ra := 3. And because these values will not n be altered by adding any common term to the three roots a/, x", x'", it is per- mitted to treat the sum of these three roots as vanishing, or to assume that x' + x" + x'" = 0 ; that is, to reduce the cubic equation to the form x'^ -|- px' -{■ q-=zO. In other words, the function e={x, + ex,-^6'x,y, in which x^, x^ x^ are the three roots of the equation with coefficients a, b, c, will depend on those coefficients, only by depending on p and q, if these two quantities be chosen such that we shall have identically » ar* — A^'^ -\-'&x — c — {x — \ kf ■\- f {x — :j a) -1" §-. 8. This being perceived, and x" and x'" being seen to be the two roots of the quadratic equation y^+yy + y^ + p = o, which is obtained by dividing the cubic . x"^-\-px" — x'^ -px' = Q, by the linear factor xf' — x' \ we may, by the theory of quadratics, assume the expressions x" = a-{-p, x"' = a—p, provided that we make a=-l-x', ^ = -^x"-p, that is, provided that we establish the identity (x" - af — ^ = x"' + X' X" + x'^ + p. And, substituting for x', x", x'", their values as functions of a and /3, and reduc- ing by the equation 0^ + 0 -f- 1 = 0, we find 334 Sir William Rowan Hamilton on Equations of the Fifth Degree. in which a' = - 27 a (a^ - ,3=), /3'^ = _ 27 ^^ (9a^ - ^f. But a and /3' are rational functions of x' and p ; and substituting their expres- sions as such, we find corresponding expressions for a! and ^^ namely, a' = ^-x' {x'- +;,), ^"^ = ^ (Sy^ + 4p) (3a;- + pf. 9. Finally, or' is such that x'^-\-px' = — q; and it is found on trial to be possible by this condition to eliminate x' from the expressions for a' and j3'^, obtained at the end of the last article, and so to arrive at these other expressions, which are rational functions of p and q : a'^-Y*?. r = ^(27?^ + 4/). In this manner then It might have been discovered, what has long been other- wise known, that the function ^ is a root of the auxiliary quadratic equation (t'y-{-2lq (f)-27p'=0. And because the same method gives (y + ex" + e'x'") (x' + e' x" + ex'") = ga^ + 3^ = — Sp, we should obtain the known expressions for the three roots of the cubic equation x" -\- px' -\- q - 0, under the forms : •^-3 ?'^"-3~r-^-3 T' which are immediately verified by observing that 't\3 '^ = >. ©-(?)=-'■ The foregoing method therefore succeeds completely for equations of the third degree. 10. In the case of the biquadratic equation, deprived for simplicity of its second term, namely. Sir William Rowan Hamilton on Equations of the Fifth Degree. 335 x'*-\-px'^-\-qx' -{-r-O, so that the sum of the four roots vanishes, we may consider x", x'", x"', as roots of the cubic equation x"^ + x' x'" + {x'^ -\-p) x" + x'^ ^px'-\-q = 0; and this may be put under the form (^x" — ay — 3rj (x" — a) - 2e = 0, of which the roots (by the theory of cubic equations) may be expressed as fol- lows : x"=a-\-p-\-y, .r'" = a + e/3 + eV x"" = a -{■ e'p-\- By, /3, 7, and 6, being such as to satisfy the conditions ^3 _j_ ^3 _ 2e, j8y = »;, 02 4- e -I- 1 = 0. Comparing the two forms of the cubic equation in x", we find the relations x'= — 3a, x'^ -\- p = 3 (a-" — 7]), x" -\- px' -\- q = — a' -\- 3ari — 2e; which give a=-^x', ri = - ^ (2x'' -^ 3p), e =-^(20x" + I8px' + 27q). Thus, any rational function of the four roots of the given biquadratic can be ex- pressed rationally in terms of a, j3, 7 ; while a, ^, and /3' -\- 7^ are rational func- tions of x', p, q ; and the function x'* -\- px"^ -\- qx' may be changed, wherever it occurs, to the given quantity — r. 1 1 . With these preparations it is easy to express, as follows, the function {x' - x" + xf" - x'y, which the general theorems of Lagrange, already mentioned, lead us to con- sider. Denoting it by 4^, we have z = (— 2a+ ep + 6^7)2 = a' + els' + ey ; in which a' = 4a? -\- 2/^7, /3' = 7^ - 4a]3, 7 = ^* — 4a7 : and the three values of z are the three roots of the cubic equation 336 Sir William Rowan Hamilton on Equations of the Fifth Degree. (^ _ a!f — 3»/ {z — a!) — 2e' = 0 ; in which a' z= 4a^ + 2rj, vi = j3'y = V- + iGa'-*/ — Sae, e' = 1 (^'3 + y'3) — 2e2 - t;3 — 12aej7 + 48a^ 17^ - 64a^e. Substituting for a, 7], e, their values, as functions of x', p, q, we find V = i (— I2x'* — 12j9a;'^ - 12^0;' +/) ; €' = 315: (72jo:c'* + 72pV* + 72iJ(?a/ + 27?^ + 2p^) ; and eliminating x', by the condition «''' -|- px'^ -\- qx' := — r, we obtain V=i(12r + ;>^); e' = 3^(-72p/- + 27?^ + 2/). The auxiliary cubic in z becomes therefore (^ + ^Py - i (12r +/) (2r + §;>)+ 2V (72;>r - 27?^ - 2f) = 0 ; that is ;23 + 2j9 0^ + (/ — 4r) 5? — 9-^ = 0 ; and if its three roots be denoted by z', z", z"\ in an order such that we may write z' = \{:d^x" -x'" -x'^y-d-^^^i, Z" = l {x' - x" + x'" - x'y = a' + e^ + e'y', s'"= 1 (x' - x" - x'" + x'^f =: a' + 0^-p'+ ey, we may express the four roots of the biquadratic equation under known forms, by means of the square roots of z', z", z'", as follows : x' =+^/^ + iV^" + ^V^", y = + |V^' - 1/^" - iV^", a/" = - ^/^' + \^z" - \V2f", x'^=-i^z'-^v'z"-\-iv^z"'. Sir William Rowan Hamilton on Equations of the Fifth Degree. 337 It may be noticed. also that the present method gives for the product of these three square roots, the expression : y/z'. ^Z".^Z"' = ^ (X' + X" - X'" — X'") {X' - X" + X'" - x'") (^a;'_a:"-x"'^x"') = (_ 2a 4- /3 + 7) (— 2a + ej3 + O'y) ( —2a + 6'p -\- Oy) = — 8a^ + 6ar] 4" 2e = — q ; a result which may be verified by observing that, by the expressions given above for a, t]', e', in terms of a, 7], e, we have the relation z'z"z"' = a'' — 3a r,' + 2e' = (— 8a^ + Barj + 2e)^ 12. In this manner, then, it might have been discovered that the four roots :i'„ X2, Xp x^, of the general biquadratic equation X* — Ax^ -\- Bx'' — ex -\- T> =^0, are the four values of an expression of the form a -|- 13 + 7 -{- 8, in which, a, /3- -|- 7- -j- 8', /378, and )3^7^ -j- y'i- + c-^'; are rational functions of the coefficients A, B, c, D, and may be determined as such by comparison with the identical equation (a + ^ + 7+S_a)^-2(p^ + 7^ + 8^)(a + ^ + 7+5-a)^ + (/3' + r + ^7 = 8i37K« + ^ + 7 + S - a) + 4 (^y + 7^8^ + 8-'/30, of which each member is an expression for the square of 2 (^y + 78 + ^P)- It might have been perceived also that any three quantities, such as here /S'-, y\ 8', which are the three roots of a given cubic equation, may be considered as the three values of an expression of the form a -}- ^ -\- y', in which, a', ^'y, and ^^ -f 7'^ are rational functions of the coefficients of that given equation, and may have their forms determined by comparison witli the identity, (*' + ^ + 7 - «■')' - 3py' {a! + ^' 4- 7' _ a') - ^" - 7'' = 0. And finally that any two quantities which, as here /3'^ and 7', arc the two roots of a given quadratic equation, are also the two values of an expression of the form a" -f /3 ', in which a" and ^'^ may be determined by comparing the given equa- tion with the following identical form, (a" + p" _ cc"f - ^"-^ = 0. VOL. XIX. 2 X so that and 338 Sir William Rowan Hamilton on Equations of the Fifth Degree. Let us now endeavour to apply similar methods of expression to a system of five arbitrary quantities, or to an equation of the fifth degree. 13. Let, therefore, x^, x.-^, x^, x^, x^, be the five roots of the equation X^ — AX* + BX^ — CX'^ -}- T>X — E = 0, (1) and let .r', x", x"', x^^, x^, be the five roots of the same equation when deprived of its second term, or put under the form x" + px'^ + ya-'2 + rx' + * = 0, (2) a/ + or" + 3f" + x'"" + a;'' = 0, (3) ^ x,zzx' + ^^, x^ = x"+^h, &c. (4) Dividing the equation of the fifth degree x"' -af^^p {x"^ - x") + q {af" - x'^) + r {x" -3f)zzO, (5) by the linear factor x" — a;', we obtain the biquadratic x"* + x'x"^+ {xf^ + p) 3f^+ {a/^ + px' + q)x"-\-x"-irp3/''-\-q3^ + r = 0, (6) of which the four roots are x", x'", x^^, x ^. Hence, by the theory of biqua- dratic equations, we may employ the expressions : provided that a, j3, 7, 8 are such as to satisfy, independently of x", the condi- tion : {oo"~«.y-2{^^f+l-^){x"-c.f-S^l{x"-c.) + ^+y*^i* -2(^Y-f 7^8^ + g'^p^) = ar"" + x'x"' + {x"" + p) x'"" + {of' + px' + q) x" -f x'* + px'^ -\-qx' -\-r; which decomposes Itself into the four following : — 4a = a;' ; + 6«^-2(^^.f 7^ + 8^) = x'^-j-j9; -4«'+4«(/3^ + 7^+8^)-8/378 = a/'+j9a;' + y; [ (9) +«^-2a^(|3^+ 7'^+g^).f 8a^7g-f (^* + 7^ + 8^)'^-4(py+7'8^+ 8^/3^) (8) Sir William Rowan Hamilton on Equations of the Fifth Degree. 339 and, therefore, conducts to expressions for a, /3' + 7' + ^^ /^T^? and ^V -|- 7^8'^ + 8^j3^, as rational functions of a/, jo, y, r. Again, by the theory of cubic equations, we may write : ^- = e-\- K-\-\ 7' = e + 0a: + (f\ 8^ = e + 0^ + OX, (10) in which 0 is a root of the equation 02 + 0 -1_ 1 ::: 0, (11) while e, *-A, and k^ -|- X^ are symmetric functions of /3^ 7'^ 8^. Making, for abridgment, ^78 rz 17, Af\ rr <, we have, by (10) and (11), /r'^ + \3 = ^^ — £3 4- Set, and /S^ + 7^ + 8^ = 3e, PY + 7^8^ -I- 8'^j3^ = 3 (e' - t) ; and, therefore, by (9), — 4a = y ; Qi^c^ — e) -zz a/"^ -\- p ; — 4tt='+12ae — 8i; = y^+p,r'4-y; ' a* - Qa\ + 8a»7 — Se^ + 12^ = x" + J9x'^ + ya/ + r ; conditions which give a = ~i^ ; e = -^i^(5y^ + 8p); t = +^:f(10y*4-ll;>y^+9?^' + p^+12r). J Thus, a, e, 7/, and «, on the one hand, are rational functions of x', p, q, r; and, on the other hand, x\ x", a/", a'^^, x^ may be considered as functions, although not entirely rational, of a, e, rj, i. In fact, if these four last quantities (denoted to help the memory by four Greek vowels) be supposed to be given, and if, by extraction of a square root and a cube root, a value of k be found, which satis- fies the auxiliary equation / _ (^2 _ ^3 ^ 3,^) ^3 _(. ^3 _ 0, (17) 2x2 (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) 340 Sir William Rowan Hamilton on Equations of the Fifth Degree. and then a corresponding value of X by the condition kX = i, we shall have ± )3 by extraction of another square root, since j3' = e -|- a- -f- X ; and may afterwards, by the extraction of a third square root, either find ± y from the expression y^ =z e-{- 6k -\- 6-\, and deduce 8 from the product ^yh =. t), or else find — (7 "f" ^) from the expression {y + if=2e-K-X + ^; (18) and may then treat oc", x'", .x'*', x^, as the four values of « -}- /3 + 7 + 8, while x" ^ — 4«. Hence any function whatever of the five roots of the general equa- tion (1 ) of the fifth degree may be considered as a function of the five quantities A, a, e, t;, t ; and if, in the expression of that function, the values (16) be substi- tuted for a, 6, t], I, so as to introduce in their stead the quantities x', p, g, r. It Is permitted to make any simplifications of the result which can be obtained from the relation (2), by changing a/* -\- pi^'^ + (l^^-\- ''•^'j wherever it occui-s, to the known quantity — s. 14. Consider then the twentyfour-valued function, referred to In a former article, and suggested (as Lagrange has shown) by the analogy of equations of lower degrees ; namely, t% in which t zz x^-\- wx^ + MV3 -|- to^x^ + f^^^.v (19) and «* + «.' -f ft)^ -f « -f 1 = 0 ; (20) a) here (and not a) denoting an imaginary fifth root of unity, so that «*=1. (21) Observing, that by (4) and (20), x^, &c. may be changed in (19) to x', &c. ; and distinguishing among themselves the 1 20 values of the function t by employing the notation 4»erf, = «,V' -f w^x^'^ -f «.V=> + a.V"' -j- u,'x^'\ (22) which gives, for example, ^■2345 = ^ + « V + «V" + wV + wx ''; (23) we shall have, on substituting for x' Its value — 4a, and for x", x'", x'^, x" their values (7), the system of the twenty-four expressions following '& Sir William Rowan Hamilton on Equations of the Fifth Degree. 341 ^12345 = — 5a + B/3 + C7 + dS ; k''-th)U-\-{k-^?,lh)k{'>f—e^-\-^ei) J^PI^tf-e^2,eif;\ (40) and «', P -{■ i'^ have corresponding expressions, obtained by accenting k and /. 17. If then we make ^ = Hi + ^/H« ^' = H, — \/h2 ; h^ -\- h'^ = 2H3, h^ — h" = 2\/h, ; t'' + i^ = 2H„ V'3. i' = 2\/H,; (41) (42) (43) 344 Sir William Rowan Hamilton on Equations of the Fifth Degree. we see that the six functions v may be expressed by the help of square-roots and cube-roots, in terms of these six quantities h, by means of the following for- mulae : V345= Hi+ V^H^ + \/h3 + \/h, -f \/h. 'v/h.; V453 = H, + \/Hj + 0A/H3-f \/h,+ 0Vh, Vh^; Vm4 = Hi + V'h^ + 0VH3 4-\/H4-f eVn^ Vh^; (a) and '354 = H, — \/H2-f V'Hj — \/h, + V'Hj + V'He; , = H, - Vh, + 6 Vn^ - Vh, + e"- Vh, + Vhb ; H, — Vh^-^-OWh^ — Vh^+ 0 Va^-\- Vhq-. (b) which have accordingly, with some slight differences of notation, been assigned by Professor Badano, as among the results of his method of treating equations of the fifth degree. We see, too, that the six quantities h,, . . . h„, (of which in- deed the second, namely, u^, vanishes), are rational functions of a, e, rj, t; and therefore, by article 13., of .r', p, q, r. But it is necessary to examine whether it be true, as Professor Badano appears to think (guided in part, as he himself states, by the analogy of equations of lower degrees), that these quantities h are all rational functions of the coefficients jo, y, r, s, of the equation (2) of the fifth degree ; or, in other words, to examine whether it be possible to eliminate from the expressions of those six quantities h, the unknown root .r' of that equation, by its means, in the same way as it was found possible, in articles 11. and 9- of the present paper, to eliminate from the correspondent expressions, the roots of the biquadratic and cubic equations which it was there proposed to resolve. For, if it shall be found that any one of the six quantities h,, . . . h^, which enter into the foriTiulae (a) and (b), depends essentially, and not merely in appearance, on the unknown root jc'; so as to change its value when that root is changed to another, such as x", which satisfies the same equation (2) : it will then be seen that these formulze, although true, give no assistance towards the general solution of the equation of the fifth degree. 18. The auxiliary quantities w, b, c, d, being such that, by their definitions (20) and (30), (44) Sir William Rowan Hamilton on Equations of the Fifth Degree. 345 — 1-1-b4-c + d = Au)\ — 1+B — c— DZI 4w', — 1 — B-|-C — D = Ad?, — 1— B — C + D = Aw, while w, tt>^ w', w* are the four imaginary fifth roots of unity, we shall have, by the theory of biquadratics already explained, the following identical equation : {{x-\- \f - (b^+ c^ + d*)}* - 8bcd («+ 1) — 4 (bV+ c^*+ dV) = {(a; + l)^+5r + 40(:c+l) + 180, (45) the second member being equivalent to «* + 4ar' + 4 V + 4'a; + 4^ we find,' therefore, that b2 4-c*-|-d2 = — 5; BCD = -5; bV+ cV + dV = — 45; (46) and, consequently, B*+C* + D*= 115. (47) Hence, by (37), the common value oi g and g-', considered as a function of a, e, J/, £, is : g- = ^ = 125 (— 25a* + 50a?e — GOa'f} + 31 ae* - lOOai + 4>eri) ; (48) and if in this we substitute, for the quantities a, e, i], i, their values (16), or otherwise eliminate those quantities by the relations (15), and attend to the de- finitions (41) of the quantities Hj and H2, we find : . H, = ^ (25a;'* + 25^^=' + 25^0;'^ + 25rar' + pg) ; (49) and, as was said already, H, = 0. (50) It is therefore true, of these two quantities h, that they are independent of the root a/ of the proposed equation of the fifth degree, or remain unchanged when that root is changed to another, such as a:", which satisfies the same equation : since it is possible to eliminate a/ from the expression (49) by means of the pro- VOL. XIX. 2 Y 346 Sir William Rowan Hamilton on Equations of the Fifth Degree. posed equation (2), and so to obtain Hj as a rational function of the coefficients of that equation, namely, 125 H. = -Y2-(i'?-25«). (51) Indeed, it was evident a priori that h, must be found to be equal to some ra- tional function of those four coefficients, p, q, r, s, or some symmetric function of the five roots of the equation (2) ; because it is, by its definition, the sixth part of the sum of the six functions v, and, therefore, the twenty-fourth part of the sum of the twenty-four different values of the function t ; or finally the mean of all the different values which the function f' can receive, by all possible changes of arrangement of the five roots y, . . ^^, or jr,, . . x^, among themselves. The evanescence of h^ shows farther, that, in the arrangement assigned above, the sum of the three first of the six functions v, or the sum of the twelve first of the twenty-four functions t, is equal to the sum of the other three, or of the other twelve of these functions. But we shall find that it would be erroneous to con- clude, from the analogy of these results, even when combined with the corres- ponding results for equations of Inferior degrees, that the other four quantities H, which enter into the formulas (a) and (b), can likewise be expressed as ra- tional functions of the coefficients of the equation of the fifth degree. 19. The auxiliary quantities b^ c% d% being seen, by (46), to be the three roots »„ z^, z^ of the cubic equation z'+5z^— 45« — 25 = 0, (52) which decomposes itself into one of the first and another of the second degree, namely, z — 5 = 0, z^-^10z-\-5 = 0; (53) we see that one of the three quantities b, c, d, must be real, and =z ± V5, while the other two must be imaginary. And on referring to the definitions (30), and remembering that w is an imaginary fifth root of unity, so that w* and w' are the reciprocals of w and w\ we easily perceive that the real one of the three is d, and that the following expressions hold good : B^zz— 5— 2d; c'= — 5-f-2D; d* = 5; (54) with which we may combine, whenever it may be necessary or useful, the rela- tion Sir William Rowan Hamilton on Equations of the Fifth Degree. 347 BC li: — D. (55) If then we make, for abridgment, f - (0 - 0') D = (0 - 6') («' - «,' - 0,^ + «), (56) 9 being still the same imaginary cubic root of unity as before, so that r = -15; (57) we shall have, in (39), r,^ + es' + e'c' = 10 - 2^, D* + 0B* + 0«c* = — 20 + 20f , B^c" + 0c'd^ + e^D^B" = 30 + lOf ; and, consequently (because bcd =. — 5), 0A;=-lOO(5-f)(25a' + 2^) + 5OO(ll+f)«e; , ^^^^ (58) el= — 2000 (2 + f ) a ; while &^k' and GH' are formed from Ok and 61, by changing the signs of f . It is easy, therefore, to see, by the remarks already made, and by the definitions (42) and (43), that the quantities H3, h^, H5, Hg, when expressed as rational functions of a, €, 7], I, or of x', p, q, r, will not involve either of the imaginary roots of unity, 6 and w, except so far as they may involve the combination f of those roots, or the radical -s/ — 1 5 ; and that Hj will be formed from H3, and Hg from H4, by changing the sign of this radical. We shall now proceed to study, in par- ticular, the composition of the quantity h^ ; because, although this quantity, when expressed by means of a/, p, g, r, is of the thirtieth dimension relatively to y, (p, q, and r being considered as of the second, third, and fourth dimensions, respectively), while H3 rises no higher than the fifteenth dimension; yet we shall find it possible to decompose h^ into two factors, of which one is of the twelfth dimension, and has a very simple meaning, being the product of the squares of the differences of the four roots x", x"', x^^, x^ ; while the other factor of h^ is an exact square, of a function of the ninth dimension. We shall even see it to be possible to decompose this last function into three factors, which are each as low as the third dimension, and are rational functions of the five roots of the original equation of the fifth degree ; whereas it does not appear that H3, when regarded 2 Y 2 348 Sir William Rowan Hamilton on Equations of the Fifth Degree. as a function of the same five roots, can be decomposed into more than three ra- tional factors, nor that any of these can be depressed below the fifth dimension. 20. Confining ourselves then for the present to the consideration of h^, we have, by (42) and (38), the following expression for the square-root of that quantity : /h, = \{>^- X') {^' - ^kPKk — P (/.' + X') } ; (60) and, therefore, by (59), and by the same relations between *-, \, and e, rj, i, which were used in deducing the formula of the sixteenth article, we obtain the follow- ing expression for the quantity h^ itself, considered as a function of a, e, rj, i: H, = 2'»5'« { {rf - e^ + Secf - 4i'} l' ; (6l ) in which we have made, for abridgment, L = /t' - Sifiu-" + (ri" -e' + del) i^, (62) and ;x = (-5+f)(5a^ + f^)+(ll + ^)ae,. = 4(2+f)«. (63) Now, without yet entering on the actual process of substituting, in the expression (61), the values (16) for a, e, rj, t; or of otherwise eliminating those four quan- tities by means of the equations (15), in order to express h^ as a function of or', p, q, r, from which j/ is afterwards to be eliminated, as far as possible, by the equation of the fifth degree ; we see that, in agreement with the remarks made in the last article, this expression (61) contains (besides its numerical coefficient) one factor, namely, (^2_e3_l-3et)2_4t^= (;r3_V)^ (64) which is of the twelfth dimension ; and another, namely, l*, which is indeed it- self of the eighteenth, but is the square of a function (62), which is only of the ninth dimension : because a, e, i], i, are to be considered as being respectively of the first, second, third, and fourth dimensions ; and, therefore, fi is to be re- garded as being of the third, and v of the first dimension. 21. Again, on examining the factor (64), we see that it is the square of another function, namely, a-' — X^ which is itself of the sixth dimension, and is rational with respect to y, x'", x'^, x'^, though not with respect to a, e, t], i, nor with respect to x\ p, q, r. This function k^ — X^ may even be decomposed into six linear factors ; for first, we have, by ( 11 ), Sir William Rowan Hamilton on Equations of the Fifth Degree. 349 k^-\^ = {k — X) (v — ex) {k — e'\) ; and, secondly, by (10), 3ic = ^ -\- ey -\- eh'', 3\ = 0" ^ ey^ -\- e^i\ expressions which give ^-\ =^(e-e^)(i^-y^), ,-ex = i(i-e)(^-z'), .-e^X = ^(e^-l)(y^-^'); but also, by (7), h^-y' = l {x" - a/") (x" - x'""), |3^ - 8^ = I {x" - x''') {x'" - x"), y--^ = :^{x"-x''){x''' -x'"); (65) {QQ) (67) (68) and therefore, {e - ff) (1 — 0) (0^ - 1) = (1 - 0)^ = — 3 (0 — 0^) ; (69) r' _ \3 = _ 2-« 3-^(e-e^){x"-j/"){af'-x^'^){x"-x'') 1 (y- _ o;^'') (a;'" - a: 0 (or^'' - or 0- J Thus, then, the square of the product of these six linear factors (70), and of the numerical coefficients annexed, is equal to the function (64), of the twelfth di- mension, which itself entered as a factor into the expression (61) for h^; and we see that this square is free from the imaginary radical 0, because, by (11), (0 — 0^)^ = _ 3 ; (71) and that it is a symmetric function of the four roots x" , x'", x'^, x^, being pro- portional to the product of the squares of their differences, as was stated in article 19. : so that this square (though not its root) may be expressed, in virtue of the biquadratic equation (6), as a rational function of af, p, q, r; which followed also from its being expressible rationally, by (64), in terms of e, v], i. 22. Introducing now, in the expression (64), here referred to, the values (16), or the relations (15), we find, after reductions : 350 Sir William Rowan Hamilton on Equations of the Fifth Degree. — 2-« ^-^{25x'^ + 75;?^* + (48/+ 45r) x'^-\- 27pqx' \ (72) — 2p^ + 72pr — 27q''}; (K'+\J=(rf—e'+3eiy=2-''3-^{625x"'+3l50p3f''+(8025p'+2250r)s" + ISbOpqx" -\- (7100/ + 10350pr — 1350y') x" + 4050pV" + (2004/ + 15120pV — 4050j9y' + 2025r') x'* + (2592/y + 2430p^r) a:'' ^(73) + (— 192/ + 6732/r — 1863pY + 6480pr" — 2430jV) x'^ + (— 108pV + 3888py — U58pq') x' + 4/ — 288/r + 108/^' + 5184/r^ — 3888^yV + 729*7*1 ; 4v='V = 4t' = 2-'" 3-« { lOOOy" + 330qpa;'«' + 2700^0/" + (3930p'+ 3600r) j;'«+ 5940pya;"+ ( 1991;)'+ 7920pr + 2430^') x'^ + (3807/?+ 6480?r) or' ^+ (393j9*+ 5076pV+ 2673^5* + 4320r') x" + (594p'5 + 7I28i??r + 729?0:r'' !-(74) + (33/ + 792/r + 243/9^ + 4752pr' + 29I69V) x" + (27pV + 648pV + 3888?r') x' + / + 36/r + 432pV' + I728r'} ; and, finally, (/.' - \=')'^ = (^^ - e' + 3et)^ _ A? = — 2-"^ 3-' { 125x'" + 350py "• + 400yy» + (285/ + 450r) x'^ . + SSOp^-a^" + (32p» + 790pr + 410y') y" + (4 1 4/y + 9609r) ^ + (— 1 6/ + 192/r + 546py' + 565r'') or'* + (— 8/9 + 966pyr + 108«7^) ^" ^ ^^^^ + (12/— 132/r + 105py + 464pr" + 522yV) x"" + (S/gr — 48pV + 54p?^ + 576yr') x' + l6pV — 4py _ 128/r=' + 144pyV + 256/^— 27y'}. 23. This last result may be verified, or rather proved anew, and at the same time put under another form, which we shall find to be useful, by a process such Sir William Rowan Hamilton on Equations of the Fifth Degree. 351 as the following. The biquadratic equation (6), of which the roots are x", x'", x''', x^, shows that, whatever x may be, {x — x"){x — x"'){x — x"'){x — x'')= 1 X* + x'x' + ocfx^ + x'^x + x'* \ (76) + JO (a;'' _|_ x'x + «'*) + «7 (^ + y ) + r ; j and, therefore, that (^ _ x") (y - y") (or' _ x'") {x' — x'') = 5x'* + 3px" + 2qx' + r. (77) If then we multiply the expression (75) by the square of this last function (77), we ought to obtain a symmetric function of all the five roots of the equation of the fifth degree, namely, the product of the ten squares of their differences, mul- tiplied indeed by a numerical coefficient, namely, — 2~'^3~^, as appears from (70) and (71) : and consequently an expression for this product itself, that is for {x" — x'''f{x^'-x''y{af" — x"y {x"' — x''f{x'''-x'')\ J must be obtained by multiplying the factor 125^* + &c. which is within the brackets in (75), by the square of 5^* + Zpaf^ + 2qx' + r, and then reducing by the condition that x'^ + px"^ + qxf^ + /-^ = s. Accordingly this process gives : p = 3125s^ _ 2,'7bOpqg' + (108/ — gOOpV + 825j!jY + ^OOOpr" + 2250yV) s" — {I2p*qr — ] 6pY — 56qpV + 630p^V + leOO^r' — lOSy*) s + iGpV^ — Ap^'qV — 128pV* + 144j)^V=' + 256r^ — 27?^ ; an expression for the product of the squares of the differences of the five roots of an equation of the fifth degree, which agrees with known results. And we see that with this meaning of p, we may write : {k^ - \')^ = _ 2-'=' 3-^ p {5x'* + 2>px'^ + Iqx' + r)-\ (80) The expression (61) for h^ becomes, therefore : J, _ g-2 3-3 5,B r (f'"- 3'/^'-' + (^' - ^' + 3») Al .81) H4_-2 6 5 P(, 5x^' + ?,px'' + 2qaf+r j' ^^^^ /x and V having the meanings defined by (63). (79) 352 Sir William Rowan Hamilton on Equations of the Fifth Degree. 24. With respect now to the factor l, which enters by its square into the expression (61), and is the numerator of the fraction which is squared in the form (81), we have, by (62), (63), and (57), L = I (15625a9 + 24375a'e + 3750a«»; — l6l25aV + 1500a*t + SgOOa^ef] + 7605aV _ 8820a^e« — 6260aV — 1290a^€'»; + I20u'r]i. + I56aerf + 8ri') + l| ^ ( 15625 (a"— a'e) + 3750a«»;— 125aV + 15500a^ — 2500a^€»7 + 1125aV— 4500a='«_100aV— 10aV^+1240aV— 100a6?;'' + 8i7^) ; (82) and when we substitute for a, e, »;, t, their values (16), we find, after reductions, a result which may be thus written : 2«5'l = 5l' — f l" ; (83) if we make, for abridgment, l' zr 25X' + 275^y' + ( 135p^ — 350r) j/' + 2l0pqj;'* + (141/— 500pr+ SS5q^)3f' + {9Sp'q-20qr)x"'-^20pq'a/—4q l" = 1750^^ + 2825py^ + 2100q.v"' + (1120/ + 1825r) x" \ (84) + I6l5j9yy*4. (39/ + 1060pr + 500q^) x" + (109p*^ + 620qr) a;'^ + 68pq^j/ + 12q\ With these meanings of l' and l", the quantity H4, considered as a rational func tion of a/, p, q, r, may therefore be thus expressed : 5L'-fL' H4 = — 2-"3-^5 .p(. bx"' + Spx"" + 2qs' + J' (85) p being still the quantity (79). and f being still = v' — 15. 25. Depressing, next, as far as possible, the degrees of the powers of or', by means of the equation (2) of the fifth degree which 3/ must satisfy, we find : (86) in which the coefficients are thus composed : Sir William Rowan Hamilton on Equations of the Fifth Degree. 353 and l'„ = - 110/5 - 4^' + 350rjf, l', = — llOjoV + ^Qpq" — 275qs + 350r^ l'j =z — 17/5' — 2-5p* + 55qr, L'3 = + 31/ - I75pr + llOy^ l/,= -90pq; l"„ = — 45/* + 12^^ - 75?-* ; l", = — 45pV + 68^5^ — 350^* — 75r" ; l"j = + 64/y - 107 5ps + 195yr ; l"3 = — 6p^ — 90pr + 150^^ ; l", = + igOpq — 1750*. } (87) I (88) But because, after the completion of all these transformations and reductions, it is seen that the five quantities 5l' •^"0. 5L',-fL"„ 5L',-fL"„ 5l'3-^l"3, 5L',-fL"4, (89) which become the coefficients of y, x'\ y, ,r'^ af\ in the numerator 5l' — ^l" of the fraction to be squared in the formula (85), are not proportional to the five other quantities r, 2q, 3p, 0, 5, (90) which are the coefficients of the same five powers of a/ in the denominator of the same fraction, it may be considered as already evident, at this stage of the inves- tigation, that the root .7/ enters, not only apparently, but also really, into the composition of the quantity h^. 26. The foregoing calculations have been laborious, but they have been made and verified with care, and it is believed that the results may be relied on. Yet an additional light will be thrown upon the question, by carrying somewhat far- ther the analysis of the quantity or function H4, and especially of the factor l ; which, though itself of the ninth dimension relatively to the roots of the equation of the fifth degree, is yet, according to a remark made in the nineteenth article, susceptible of being decomposed into three less complicated factors ; each of these last being rational with respect to the same five roots, and being only of the third dimension. In fact, we have, by (62), and by (11), (12), (13), 2z vol. XIX. 354 Sir William Rowan Hamilton on Equations of the Fifth Degree. L = (/i + «•!/ + \v) (n + Okv + e^Xv) (fi 4- eVv + exv) ; that is, by (10), L = (/i — ev-\- ^\) (fji — ev + r/u) (fi — ev + h\) ; in which, by the same equations, and by (63) and (57), M-ev = (-5 + f)(5a'+|/3y8)+(l-^)a(/3^ + y + 8^); V (91) (92) (93) (94) (95) = (8 + 4^)a; f = x/-15. Thus, L is seen to be composed of three factors, L = MjMjMa, Ml := /x — ev + ^v, Mj = /i — ev -\- 7^1/, M3 = /it — 61/ + g'l/, of which each is a rational, integral, and homogeneous function, of the third di- mension, of the four quantities a, /3, 7, 8, and, therefore, by (7), of the four roots xf' ■, x'", x^^, x^, of the biquadratic equation (6); or finally, by (4), of the five roots a:,, x^, x^, x^, x^, of the original equation (1) of the fifth degree : be- cause we have Xf' = OTa — ^ (or, + X2 + Xj + Xi+ OTj), &c. ; (96) or because 20a = x^ + X3 + x^+ X, — 4x^, 4/3 = jCj + iBg — or^ — x^, 4:y = x^—X3 + x^ — x^ TcO ^^ iJTrt ^^ "^s """" ^4 "T" 5* (97) And the first of these three factors of L may be expressed by the following equa- tion: 100m, = 5m', - f m", ; (98) in which, M', = 4.x,' - 3a:.* (or, + x, + x, + x,) - 2x, {x^^ + x^ -f x^ + x^) n — 1x, {x^3 -f x^x^ -\- 6a;, {x^ + 0^3) (or, + x^ > {m) + 2{-«^2^3(^2+^3)+^4-«^5(^4+^6)} " 3 { J^2^3(-«^4+^5) + ^A(^2 + ^3)} ; J and Sir William Rowan Hamilton on Equations of the Fifth Degree. 355 + \Ax, {x^x^ + x^x,) — Qx, (x^ + 0:3) (x^ + X,) -{j;^'-^x,'+x,'-\-x,'-2(x^^+x,^)(x,+x,)-2(x^^+x,') (x^+x,)] ; . while the second factor, m^, can be formed from Mj by merely interchanging ^3 and x^ ; and the third factor M3 from m^, by interchanging x^ and Xy 27. If, now, we substitute the expression (94) for the numerator of the frac- tion which is to be squared in the formula (81), and transform also in like man- ner the denominator of the same fraction, by introducing the five original roots Xj, . . . x^, through the equations (77) and (4), we find : H4 = (•*"l -^2) (-^l ^3) {^1 •^4) {^1 ^5) and we see that this quantity cannot be a symmetric function of those five roots, unless the product of the three factors Mj, m^, M3 be divisible by the product of the four differences a:, — x^ . . . x^ — Xy But this would require that at least some one of those three factors m should be divisible by one of these four dif- ferences, for example by or, — x^; which is not found to be true. Indeed, if any one of these factors, for example, Mj, were supposed to be divisible by any one difference, such as x^ — x.^, it is easy to see, from its form, that it ought to be divisible also by each of the three other differences; because, in m,, we may in- terchange x^ and Xj, or x^ and x^ or may interchange x^ and x^, or x^ and x^, if we also interchange x^ and x^, or x^ and x^ : but a rational and integral function of the third dimension cannot have four different linear divisors, without being identically equal to zero, which does not happen here. The same sort of reason- ing may be applied to the expressions (95), combined with (93), for the three factors M„ M2, M3, considered as functions, of the third dimension, of a, j8, 7, 8 ; because if any one of these functions could be divisible by any one of the four following linear divisors, or, — a:^ = — 5a— (/3 + 7 + 8), x^ — x^= — 5a—(^ — y — h), Xi — x^= — 5a—(—p-\-y—d), Xi — x^^ — 5a (_p_7 + 8), J (102) 2z2 356 Sir William Rowan Hamilton on Equations of the Fifth Degree. (103) it ought from its form to be divisible by all of them, which is immediately seen to be impossible. The conclusion of the twenty-fifth article is, therefore, con- firmed anew ; and we see, at the same time, by the theory of biquadratic equa- tions, and by the meanings of e, tj, i, that the denominator of the fraction which is to be squared, in the form (81) for H4, may be expressed as follows : 5.r'* + 3px" + 2qx' -\-r = {a;, — x.,) (or, — x^) (^, — x,) (x^ — x,) =z (5ay - 6e (5a)* + 8r] (5a) — 3 (e^ - 4^ ; a result which may be otherwise proved by means of the relations (15). 28. The investigations in the preceding articles, respecting equations of the fifth degree, have been based upon analogous investigations made previously with respect to biquadratic equations ; because it was the theory of the equations last- mentioned which suggested to Professor Badano the formulas marked (a) and (b) in the seventeenth article of this paper. But if those formulae had been sug- gested in any other way, or if they should be assumed as true by definition, and employed as such to fix the meanings of the quantities h which they involve ; then, we might seek the values and composition of those quantities, h„ . . . h^, by means of the following converse formulas, which (with a slightly less abridged notation) have been given by the same author : H3 + Vh, = 2V (V345 + ^'^453 + o^^mT ; H, - v^He = 2V (V345 + ^^53 + ^^34)' ; and H, - ^/H, = ^ (v3,4 + v^3 + V43J ; (c) H5 + \/He = 2V (^3*4 + ^v,« + e'\,^y (d) Let us, therefore, employ this other method to investigate the composition of h^, by means of the equation 54 ^/H4 = (V34, + 0^4,3 + ey,^y - (v3,4 -f 6%,, + ev,,,y ; (104) determining still the six functions v by the definition (33), so that each shall still be the mean of four of the twenty-four functions t ; and assigning still to these last functions the significations (32), or treating them as the fifth powers of Sir William Rowan Hamilton on Equations of the Fifth Degree. 357 twenty-four different values of Lagrange's function t, which has itself 120 values : but expressing now these values of t by the notation taicde = ">^^a + w"^* + "'''^c + "'"j^rf + WX„ (105) which differs from the notation (22) only by having lower instead of upper in- dices of x; and is designed to signify that we now employ (for the sake of a greater directness and a more evident generality) the five arbitrary roots x„ &c., of the original equation ( 1 ), between which roots no relation is supposed to sub- sist, instead of the roots x', &c., of the equation (2), which equation was sup- posed to have been so prepared that the sum of its roots should be zero. 29. Resuming, then, the calculations on this plan, and making for abridg- ment A = Xa + Xi -{- Xe -{- a;a-\- x„ (106) so that — a is still the coefficient of the fourth power of x in the equation of the fifth degree ; making also Vfaicde = iCa* X^ + 2Xa^ x/ -j- 4Xa^ X, X, + GXa" Xi^ X,-\-\ Ix^ Xj X^ X^, (10?) and Xjcde = 5 (Vf abode + ^bcdea + ^cdeai + ^fdeatc + ^eabcd) j ( 1 08) we find (because w* = 1), for the fifth power of the combination (105) of the five roots x, the expression : ^aicde = A^ -f ( w" — 1 ) Xicde +(«»'— 1 ) Xceid ] / ^09) + (w — 1) Xedcft -f (ur^ — 1) Xdiec ; J and, therefore, for the six functions v, with the same meanings of those functions as before, the formula : "Vcde^^ ■^{i^Kcde ~\~ i tcied-\- t^ldeie-\- ''ledci) I OlO) = A*-f-(«)-f «."- 2)Yed,-l-(a.'-+ ".'-2)y,„; J in which, 4 Ycde ^^ ^icde + ^c2ed "T" ^deic "T ^edc2- \^^^) If then we make y^, = ^\ + y'\, y,3,= <,-y",, 1 v,,,= y'3+v"3, Y,,, = y',-Y"„ , (112) Y,34 = y'4 + y'\, Y354 = Y'4 — y'\ ; 358 Sir William Rowan Hamilton on Equations of the Fifth Degree. we shall have, by (20) and (30), the following system of expressions for the functions v : '345 = a*-5y', + dy",; V4.M = A* - 5¥'3 + dy' '534 = a*-5y'4 + dy"4; and (113) V354 = A^ - 5y'4 -dA; V543 = A* — 5y'3 -DY^'a; V435 = a' - 5y', -DY",; (114) (115) D being still = w* — w' — w^ + «, so that d^ is still = 5. We have also the equation : ^2345 "T ^3254 "T ^4523 "l ^^5432 "r ^2453 T" ^4235 T" ^5324 T" ^3542 "T ^2534 "I" ^5243 "l" ^3425 "T ^4352 ^2354 I ^^3245 "T" •'^5423 T ^4532 "T ^2543 + X5234 + X4325 + X3452 T" ^2435 "T ^4253 T ^3524 l" ^5342 » because the first member may be converted into the second by interchanging any two of the four roots x^, x,, x^, x^, on which (and on ^,) the functions x depend, and therefore the difference of these two members must be equal to zero ; since, being at highest of the fifth dimension, it cannot otherwise be divisible by the function ^=(x^- a?3) (x., — X,) (x^ - X,) (^3 — x^) (x^ — X,) (x, — X,), (116) which is the product of the six differences of the four roots just mentioned, and is itself of the sixth dimension. We may therefore combine with the expres- sions (113) and (114) the relations : ^345 ~r Y453 + ¥534 =^ Y354 -f- Y543 -f- Y435 ; K^^t ) and y"3+y"4 + y",iz0. (118) 30. With these preparations for the study of the functions v, or of any com- bination of those functions, let us consider in particular the first of the three following factors of the expression (104) for 54 x/h^ : Sir William Rowan Hamilton on Equations of the Fifth Degree. 359? V346 - V543 + ^' (V453 - V435) + ^ (V534 - V354) ; V345 - V435 + ^ (V453 — V354) + ^ (V534 - V543) ; 6 being still an Imaginary cube-root of unity. We find : V345 - V354 = 5 (y', - y'O - dy"3 ; 1 V534 - V435 = — 5 (y', - y',) - dy"3 ; V453-V5,3 = 2dy"3; (119) (120) expressions which show immediately that V345 + V453 + V534 = V354 + V543 + V43y (121) and, therefore, by (c) and (d), that H2 = 0, as was otherwise found before. Also, 20» _ 0 _ 1 = (0 _ 1) (20 4- 1) = - (1 - e) (e - e') ; (122) and, consequently, by (120), the first of the three factors (119) is equivalent to the product of the two following : 1-e, 5(Y,-y\)-^Y'\; (123) in which, as before, f = (0 — 0^) D = a/^=T57 But, by (112) and (117), 2 (Y'4 - y's) = Y53, — Y435 - (y^, — y,^) = 2 (y^ - Y^) + Y,,3 - Ym3, (124) and (125) (126) •^^3 — ^453 ^543 » so that the first factor (119) may be put under the form : ^ (1 - 0) {10 (y,3, - Y,3,) -4- (5 - f ) (y«3 - v^3)}. Besides, by (111), the three differences Ycde ~~ Ycedj Ycde ~~ Yedct Ycde ~~ ^dcet \^"' ) 360 Sir William Rowan Hamilton on Equations of the Fifth Degree. are divisible, respectively, by the three products {x^ — x^) (Xa — x^), {x.^ — Xi) (Xe — Xa), (x^ — x^) (x^ — Xj) ; (128) and, therefore, the factor (126) is divisible by the product (x^ — x,)(x^ — x,), (129) the quotient of this division being a rational and integral and homogeneous func- tion of the five roots x, v?hich is no higher than the third dimension, and which it is not difficult to calculate. 31. In this manner we are led to establish an equation of the form : V345- V354 + ^'(V453- V543) +^(V534- V435) = (1 " ^) K" ^3) i^^-^^) ^l' (130) in which if we make 2N, = 10N', + (5-f)N% (131) we have (^2-*3)(^4-«5) (^2 - -^3) (^4 - ^5) Effecting the calculations indicated by these last formulae, we find n', = |(m".-m',), N".= -fM"„ (133) m', and m", being determined by the equations (99) and (100) ; and, therefore, with the meaning (98) of m„ we find the relation : n,= -125m,. (134) Thus, the first of the three factors (119) may be put under the form : — 125(1 -e)(x,-x,) {x,-x,)m,; (135) ■:.■:■ - ) in deducing which, it is to be observed, that the first term, Xa* x^, of the formula (107) for Waicdc gives, by (108), the five following terms of Xjcd«: 5Xa* Xi + SiCj' Xa + 5Xe' Xa + 5x/ X^ + 5Xe* Xa l ( 1 36) and these five terms of x give, respectively, by (111), the five following parts of Y^; ^ ^j5Q^ T,,,3 = (2-«.''-2«.^ + «,7'; T3,3, - (2 - 2«.^ -u?^ u>)\ But ftt* 1= 1 ; therefore. Sir William Rowan Hamiuton on Equations of the Fifth Degree. 363 T,,,, = (- 2 - «.' + ^-^ + 2u>f, (151) and T,3,, + Tj,,,, = 0. (152) Again, T3^ = (1 _ a^-^r (2 - «)^ T,,^ = (1 - u,-f (2 - 0,^ ; (153) and if we make (2 — «.)^ = E-o, (2 +«,)*= E + o, (154) we shall have Ezi 32 + 80w^+10wS o = 80w + 40«)^ -f o;^ ; (155) also, (1 — uPf = - 5«)^(1 - w^) (1 - w- + w*) ; (156) we find, therefore, by easy calculations, (1 — wy E = 300 4- 430« - llOw^ — 540«.' — SOw\ ] (1 — w^)^ 0 = 600 +190« — 405«.^ — 395«)^ + 10«)''; j and by subtracting the latter of these two products from the former, and after- wards changing w to its reciprocal, we obtain : T3254 = - 300 + 240co + 295«»^ - 1 45«»-' — 90u,\ ] ^'^^ T^= — 300 + 2400."+ 295w^ — 145tt.-^ — 90«. j We have, therefore, by (20), T32M + T«.3==-750; (159) and, consequently, by (33) and (152), v,.= -^5. (160) 34. In like manner, to compute, in this example, the second of the six func- ' tions V, we have adding then the two products (157) together, and afterwards changing w to w^ and w^ successively, we find, by (154) : 3 a2 364 Sir'William Rowan Hamilton on Equations of the Fifth Degree. T532, = 900 + 620«.^ — 515«»^ — 935«» — 70«.^ J but, by (20), (30), and (54), 2 (a. + «.") = — 1 + D, 2 («)^ + «.^) = — 1 — D, D^ = 5 ; (163) therefore, T2453 + T3M2 = 0, t,,3,+ t,3^ = 2250-1000d; (164) and v,„ = ^(1125-500d). (165) 35. To compute the third of the functions v, we have, in the present ques- tion, the relations : '^2534 ''3254' ''"5-243 '^4235' ''"3425 '^5324' ''"4352 '''4523 ' (. ^'^"j and, therefore, by (159) and (164), y,3, = — 375 + 250D. (167) For the fourth function v, we have, by processes entirely similar to the forego- ing : T«a4=-(l--o^(2 + «'0^ T,,3, = _(l_«,^)*(2 + ..)^ 1 T2354 + T4532 = - 2250 - IOOOd ; j ^ ^ '3245 T3245-fT,«3=+750; ] ^ "^^ V3^=z— 375 — 250d. (170) For the fifth function v, we have the relations : '''2543 ''"2354 5 ''"5234 -~ ''"4325 5 ^3452 ^^ T4532 5 \^' '■J and, therefore, by (168), v^3=i(1125 + 500d). (172) Finally, for the sixth function v, we have ''"2435 — - ''"5423> ''"4253 ''"3524' ''5342 -— ''"3245 5 ( W which results from the formula (85), combined with (79) and (86) (87) (88) : and thus we have a new confirmation of the correctness of the foregoing calcula- tions. 40. It is then proved, in several different ways, that the quantity h^, in the formulae which have been marked in this paper (a), (b), (c), (d), and which have been proposed by Professor Badano for the solution of the general equation of the fifth degree, is not a symmetric function of the five roots of that equation. And since it has been shown that the expression of this quantity h^, contains in general the imaginary radical ^ or \/ — 15, which changes sign in passing to the expression of the analogous quantity Hg, we see that these two quantities, h^ and ^g, are not generally equal to each other, as Professor Badano, in a supplement to his essay, appears to think that they must be. They are, on the contrary, found to be in general the two unequal roots of a quadratic equation, namely, h/ + QH, + K* = 0, (201) in which Q = - (h, + hJ = 2-" 3-^ 5'*w^ (5l'^ - 3l"*), (202) and B = Vuy Va, = — 2-'" 3-' 5'' ^"^ (5l'* + 3l"^), (203) Sir William Rowan Hamilton on Equations of the Fifth Degree. 369 Tsr, l', and l", having the significations already assigned ; and the values of the coefficients q and r depend essentially, in general, on the choice of the root x', although they can always be expressed as rational functions of that root. 41. It does not appear to be necessary to write here the analogous calcula- tions, which show that the two remaining quantities Hj and Hj, which enter into the same formula (a), (b), (c), (d), are not, in general, symmetric functions of the five roots of the proposed equation of the fifth degree, nor equal to each other, but roots of a quadratic equation, of the same kind with that considered in the last article. But it may be remarked, in illustration of this general result, that for the particular equation of the fifth degree which has been marked (147) we find, with the arrangement (148) of the five roots, the values: H3 = 2-^3-^5»(1809 — 914^), H, = 2-^ 3-^5" (1809 + 914^); (204) with the arrangement (192), H3= 2-^ 3-* 5^(1269+ 781^), H5 = 2-^ 3-2 5^ (1269 — 781^); (205) and, with the arrangement (198), H3 = 0, H, = 0. (206) The general decomposition of these quantities H3 and Hj, into factors of the fifth dimension, referred to in a former article, results easily from the equations of definition (42) and (43), which give : <2n,= {h + h'){h + eh'){h + e^h'); 1 2h, = {i + i') (i + ei') (i + eH'). J And the same equations, when combined with (40) and (38), show that the combinations H3^ — H, = A^ h", h/ — u^ = P i\ (208) are exact cubes of rational functions of the five roots of the equation of the fifth degree, which functions are each of the tenth dimension relatively to those five roots, and are symmetric relatively to four of them ; while each of these func- tions, hh' and ii', decomposes itself into two factors, which are also rational func- tions of the five roots, and are no higher than the fifth dimension. 42. In the foregoing articles, we have considered only those six quantities h VOL. XIX. 3 B (209) (210) 370 Sir William Rowan Hamilton on Equations of the Fifth Degree. which were connected with the composition of the six functions v, determined by the definition (33). But if we establish the expressions, Tc2ed ^^ Vcde "T" — T y' — y" 4- y'" y" » 453 "31" 3' "^54 ^\ - ^"\, y' — Y^' 4- y'" y" — V^' V^" • '534 ^4"* 4' '354 ''4 ' 4» ''345 '' 5r'' 5»'^435 ^ 5 '' 5» y" Y^" 4- Y^"" y' V^^ v"" '443 "si'' 3 J "^ 513 "3 " 3' y" Y^^' 4- Y^"' y' — Y^"" V^^" • *534 * 4T'' 4> "354 '^ 4 ■' 4» and 345 .\\V „\^^" Y^''^ -4- Y^^"' y'" v' ^ air '^ 5'* 435 '^ '■ 453 *■ 3 T^ » 3» " 543 '' 3 »■ 3» ■' 534 " 4T^'' 4> * 354 ^ 4 '' 4' we find, by (30), results analogous to (113) and (114), namely. V — * 345 v' — ' I'll — ■ » All "™' v" — BY^', + CY^"„ V',33 = BY-, - CV-"„ By^+CY-'3, V',3 = BY-'3 - CY-"3, BY^ + CY% V'3^ = BY^-CY^^"4; 435 ^ ^ 5 + BY-",, v",3, : = CY^ CY-'3 + BY-"3, V",,3 = cy\ and CY^ ■ BY-',, ■BY-'3, BY-'4; v"' — 345 v"' — 453 v'" DY-, - 5y-"'„ y'",3, = DY-', + 5y-"„ DY-^ - 5y-"3, v'",,3 = DY-'3 + 5y"-'3, DY--4 - 5y-"'4, v'"354 = DV^"4 + 5y--'4. (214) (215) (216) (217) (218) . (219) And squaring the eighteen expressions (217) (218) (219), we obtain others, for the eighteen functions v'^ v"*, v'"*, which depend indeed on eighteen others of the forms y, determined by the definitions (211) (214) (215) (216), but which are free, by (54) and (55), from the imaginary fifth root of unity, w, except so far as that root enters by means of the combination d, of which the square is = 5. 44. If, now, we write like Professor Badano (who uses, Indeed, as has been stated already, a notation slightly different), 3 B 2 372 Sir William Rowan Hamilton on Equations of the Fifth Degree. H '^''V = Hi9 + '/H20 + a/h,, 4- \/h,, + Vh bM III 2 •19 ^19 Vh„ 24' = H,9 + \/h2o + 0Vh„ + 1/H22 + 0\/h,3 — /h24 : (a'") and • R45 ^^ ^*1< * 435 "19 H„ \/h2o + VH^TyXa + Vh23 + Vh24 ; /h^o + e^^^i — /h,2 + 0'Vhj3 + v'h24; \/h2„ + eVHo, — 7h^+ T'"4cde, (239) we have in general the relations, Tedcb = T^°^6cde — BT'jcde — CT"jc&, + 'DT"'icdt ', j , And hence, for the same equation of the fifth degree, and the same arrangement of the roots, we find, by (54) and (55) : H, = - 2-* 3-' 5* (10975 + 706d) ; H,3= - 2-* 3- 5* (10975 - 706d). I (241) Sir William Rowan Hamilton on Equations of the Fifth Degree. 375 But, for the same equation (147), with the arrangement of the roots (192), we find, by similar calculations, the values : H, = - 2-^ 3-' 5^ (10975 - 1472D) ; | h,3=-2-^3->5*(10975 + 1472d); J and with the arrangement (198), h, = -2-^3-'5^(10975 + 3832d); | H,3 = — 2-'-3-'5^(10975-3832d). | We see, therefore, that in this example, the difference of the two quantities H, and H,3 is neither equal to zero, nor independent of the arrangement of the five roots of the equation of the fifth degree. However, it may be noticed that in the same example, the sum of the same two quantities h, and h,3 has not been altered by altering the arrangement of the roots ; and in fact, by the method of the 43rd article, we find the formula : (244) "5" V^7 "T H13) = (^2345 X5432) -\- (X2453 X3^.2) -j- (X2534 ^43Si) "T (X3254 X4523) + (X4235 X3324^ + (,'^5243 ^3426^ I (,X2354 X4532) -J- (X2543 X3452) + (,X2435 X5342) r i,X3245 X5423^ "T (.X5234 X4325^ + (X4353 X3J24^ of which the second member is in general a symmetric function of the five roots, and gives, in the case of the equation (147), by (221) and (222), the following numerical value, agreeing with recent results, H, + H,3 = — 2-' 3-' 5" 439. (245) 47. It seems useless to add to the length of this communication, by enter- ing into any additional details of calculation : since the foregoing investiga- tions will probably be thought to have sufficiently established the inadequacy of Professor Badano's method* for the general solution of equations of the fifth de- gree, notwithstanding the elegance of those systems of radicals which have been proposed by that author for the expression of the twenty-four values of Lagrange's * Professor Badano's rule is, to substitute, in each h, for each power of x', the fifth part of the sum of the corresponding powers of the five roots, x',.,x^ ; and he proposes to extend the same method to equations of all higher degrees. 376 Sir William Rowan Hamilton on Equations of the Fifth Degree. function If'. Indeed, it is not pretended that a full account has been given, in the present paper, of the reasons which Professor Badano has assigned for believing that the twenty-four quantities which have been called h are all symmetric* func- tions of the five roots of the equation of the fifth degree ; and that those quanti- ties are connected by certain relations among themselves, which would, if valid, conduct to the following expression for resolving an equation of that degree, ana- logous to the known radical expressions for the solution of less elevated equations : <* = Ki + a/Kj -f V Kg -f \/k4 + V K3 — V'k4 + V{Vi,-\- -/Kg + A/i74rVI^-|- Vk, - V'kJ + \/{k, 4- /Kg + 0V K, -f a/ Kg + e^V'lE^^T-T^} + v/{K3 + -v/k« + e^v'K, + 1/K3 + e^^^;:=wT,}. But it has been shown, in the foregoing articles, that at least some of the relations here referred to, between the twenty-four quantities h, do not in general exist ; since we have not, for example, the relation of equality between h^ and Hg, which would be required, in order to justify the substitution of a single symbol K4 for these two quantities. It has also been shown that each of these two unequal quantities, h^ and Hg, in general changes its value, when the arrangement of the five roots of the original equation is changed in a suitable manner : and that h,, •H,3, H,9, are also unequal, and change their values, at least in the example above chosen. And thus it appears, to the writer of the present paper, that the inves- tigations now submitted to the Academy, by establishing (as in his opinion they do) the failure of this new and elegant attempt of an ingenious Italian analyst, have thrown some additional light on the impossibility (though otherwise proved before) of resolving the general equation of the fifth degree by any finite combi- nation of radicals and rational functions. * " Dunque le H sono quantita costanti sotto la sostituzione di qualunque radice dell' equa- zione." To show that the constancy, thus asserted, does not exist, has been the chief object pro- posed in the present paper ; to which the writer has had opportunities of making some additions, since it was first communicated to the Academy. rmat.R.LA. Vol.JlL.RZTr M" M C ^ i a ^« B D 1^.2 Fy:S SB«*e!t»rKK!-S3i»l: -uw. ■N ■ ■■?'■ 1 ' /-'■^ '. »*»?.,■;■>' ..' ,"Tm> nsnn y^. , VifMrawK Mmwr , ,sr-- ^W-,^^wW\i *|J«l'.].ft.lifTT^ has equal values ; and in the case of reflected and refracted light, the one compensates the other, when 0 -j- 0' zz 90°, or tan 0 + cot 0' = 1, or when cos (i -\-i') tan X cos ;. .,, + cotar. cos (i — i') = 1. {i — t) ^ ' Now, though we shall find that at the angles of compensation in the preceding * Philosophical Transactions, 1830, pp. 74, 75, 78; 136, 138, 139, and 143. VOL. XIX. 3 D 386 Sir David Brewster on the Compensations of Polarized Light. table, the values of -|- 0 and — 0 in the case of reflexion, and of ± 0 and 90" — 0' in the case of a reflexion, and a refraction, are nearly equal ; yet it requires to be proved, that when the planes of polarization are inclined at an angle, ± x, to the plane of incidence, greater or less than 45°, another reflexion at another angle, which would give ± 0, or 90° — 0', of the same value, will restore the planes to their original inclination. When X = 45°, and when one reflexion has turned the planes of a ray polar- ized 45° into 37° 21', or given the planes a rotation of 45° — 37° 21' = 7° 39', the action of a refracting surface which produces the same rotation, or 52° 39' — 45° = 7° 39' will bring the planes back to 45°, or restore the partially polarized light to common light. Call x ■=. 37° 21', then in order that the refraction may restore the ray to 45° we must have 0' = 45° or cot 0' = cot x cos (^ — i') zz 1. Now, cot 0' = cot x cos {i — ^'), and when x = 45° and 0' = 52° 39', cot 0' = cos (i — i'). But x = 37° 21' = 90° - 0, hence — "— = ^ '^ cot .r cot0', and = cos {i — i'), consequently cot x cot {i — i') = 1. In like manner 0' will be restored to 45° by a reflexion which gives 0 such, that 0 + 0' = 90°, or tan 0 = cot 0'. That is when x = 45°, and 0 = 37° 21', cos (i "4— i I tan 0 = tan x 7-7- ^r ^ 1 . The general formula ^ cos (^ — ^ ) ° cos (i -\-i') , 1 tan 0 = tan x ^. n^ becomes, when x zz 45 , cos (i — ^ ) cos (i + »■') tan 0 = f-. ^, cos (?. — I ) But when x zz 52° 39' = 90° — 0, we have 1 = tan 0, and tan X 1 cos (^■ + i') tan a; cos (i — i')' cos (i -\- i) , tan X ■ — , . .;- = 1 . cos (e — i) Consequently, Sir David Brewster on the Compensations of Polarized Light. 387 Having thus determined that light polarized in a plane whose inclination to the plane of reflexion is + (p, will be compensated by oppositely polarized light, whose inclination is — (p, if both the lights are reflected, or by refracted light whose inclination is 90° — 0 or 0', we must next endeavour to discover at what angle of incidence the polarized light submitted to the polarimeter, has suffered reflexion or refraction, when we have the angle of incidence and the inclination of the plane of polarization, by which we have effected the compensation. Let us first take the case when light partially polarized by reflexion is com- pensated by the polarization produced by refraction through one surface, at an incidence i of 80°. The index of refraction being 1.525, we shall have when or = 45°, cot 0' = cos (i — i'), and 0' = 52° 33'. Now, the plane of the light polarized by reflexion must be inclined 90° — 0', or 37° 27' ; we must, therefore, find the angles of incidence above and below the polarizing angle, or the two values of i corresponding to this value of 0, namely, 37° 27', at one or other of which the original light must have been reflected. These values will be obtained from the expressions cos (^ + i') , . ., sin i tan 0 = -: 7pr, and sin i = . cos (/ — I ) m When ^ -|- i' is less than 90°, or when the angle of incidence is less than the po- larizing angle, tan 0 is positive, and we have sin i = ^/(m'^+l)a^tan 0)-^ / ^ ^/"~7~2';;r^~4T^^-( 8 tan 0 I "^ W* + 1 ;< -^ (1 -tan 0)U ' When i + i' is greater than 90°, and tan 0 negative, the formula becomes smz-y _8tan0 l~^- ^ + V^^F+lJ ^ (l+tan0)^/ ' From these formulae, whem m = 1.525 and 0 =: 37° 27', we obtain i:= 24° 50', and 83° 30'. When the compensation of refracted light is effected by one reflexion, either above or below the polarizing angle, for example, at 15° 40', and 87° 51', we shall have 3d2 388 Sir David Brewster on the Compensations of Polarized Light. tan 0 = ^^iiyi^ = 42» 31'. cos (l — I ) But in the refracted light thus compensated, we must have 0' = 90° — 42° 31 = 47° 29', and, therefore, we must determine the angle of incidence i, at which the original light suffered refraction. The expressions from which we obtain i are cot 0' = cos (J, — i'), and sin i' = , which give . . m / sm t = - — -J J tan f/> V •^aJ tan '0' sm tan 0 V ^2 _^ 1 _ 2 m from which we obtain, when 0' ^ 47" 29', i = 56° 45', the maximum polarizing angle. Hitherto we have supposed the compensation to be produced by one refrac- tion, or by one reflexion ; but it may be effected by several. In the case of re- flected light this is not necessary, because we have all degrees of polarization by reflexion, from 0° of incidence to the polarizing angle, and from this again to 90° of incidence. When the compensation, however, is made by successive reflexions at the same angle of incidence, or when light which is compensated has been so reflected, we may find the angle of incidence ^, when n is the number of reflexions, by means of the formulfe ^ , cos"(^■ + ^■') ■. ., sin z , «.- — - — co?, {i-\-i') tan 0 = „;. .,;, sm i = , and v tan 0 = ~ :7^,* ^ cos"(z — z') m ^ cos{t — t') which give when i -}- i' is less than the polarizing angle, and tan 0 positive. But when i -f- i is greater than 90°, and tan 0 negative, we have sini- /K+l)(l+^tan0)^^ / ( 2m n^ 4^ta«0^ * See Phil. Trans. 1830, p. 80, 81. Sir David Brewster on the Compensations of Polarized Light. 389 In the case of light polarized by refraction, the action of several surfaces may and must often be necessary to produce compensation, and in this case, or when the light compensated is polarized by successive refractions, we may find the angle of incidence by means of the formulae cot 0 r: cos" (i — i'), and sin i' z= . m And since v' cot0= cos (i — i'), we have for n refractions,f .in,:-— "L_ / "-^;^^an0-] Vtan0 When the light has passed through a prism whose angle is ^, then if the angle of the prism is equal to the angle of refraction, or ^ = i', or sin -f = SlH Z , the incidence i will be found from the formula for one refraction, because m the ray will emerge perpendicularly from the second surface of the prism, and suffer no change in its planes of polarization. If the angle of the prism is double the angle of refraction, or -^ = 2i', and the deviation i — i' a minimum, the incidence i will be found from the formula when n, the number of refractions, is two ; the refraction, and consequently, the polari- zation at each surface being equal, and, therefore, the same, as for a plate when ^ = 0. Having thus determined the laws of the compensation of polarized light, I shall conclude this paper by pointing out a few of their numerous applications. 1. The first and most important result of this inquiry is, that it aifords a new and independent demonstration of the laws of the polarization of light by reflexion and refraction, given in my papers of 1830. As this result has been already referred to, I shall merely mention the following general proposition. When a ray of common light is incident at any angle upon the polished surface of a transparent body, the whole of the reflected pencil suffers a physical change, bringing it more or less into a state of complete polarization ; in virtue of which change, its planes of polarization are more or less turned into the plane * See Phil. Trans. 1830, p. 137. 390 Sir David Brewster on the Compensations of Polarized Light. of reflexion, while the whole of the refracted pencil has suffered a similar, but opposite change, in virtue of which, its planes of polarization are turned more or less into a plane perpendicular to the plane of reflexion. 2. As the light of the sky and the clouds is more or less polarized, the em- ployment of the light which they reflect may, in delicate experiments, be a serious source of error, if we are not aware of its properties. By the principle of compensation, however, we may convert this partially polarized light into common light, and thus make experiments with as great accuracy in the day- time, as we can do with the direct light of a flame. If the light from a parti- cular part of the sky is admitted into a dark room, or otherwise employed, we have only to compensate its polarization either by reflexion or refraction, and em- ploy, as unpolarized or common light, that part of the light which corresponds with the neutral line. 3. The laws of the compensation of polarized light enable us to investigate the polarizing structure of the atmosphere, and to ascertain the nature and ex- tent of the two opposite polarizing influences, which I have found to exist in it, and by the compensation of which the neutral points are produced. But, as I shall soon submit to the Society the results of my observations on this subject, I shall not add any thing further at present. 4. In every case where reflected or refracted light reaches the eye of the observer, whether it comes from bodies near us, or from the primary or secondary planets of our system, the doctrine of compensation enables us to obtain im- portant information respecting the phenomena presented by light thus polarized. The nature of the reflecting or refracting surface, the angles of reflexion or refraction, and the nature of the source of illumination, may, in certain cases, be approximately ascertained. 5. When the light of the sun, or any self-luminous body, is reflected from the surface of standing water, such as the sea or a lake, it is polarized according to laws which are well known ; but when the partially polarized light of the sky (light polarizes in every possible plane, passing through the sun and the observer) is reflected, a variety of curious compensations take place, which, when the position of the observer is fixed, vary with the season of the year, and the hour of the day. In some cases, there is a perfect compensation, the partially polar- ized light of the sky being restored to common light by the reflection of the Sir David Brewster ow the Compensations of Polarized Light. 391 water. In other cases the light of the sky has its polarization increased by reflexion from the water in the same plane in which it was itself polarized ; and in other cases, the compensation is effected only in particular planes. At sun- set, for example, the light reflected from the sea at a great obliquity in two vertical planes inclined 45° to a vertical plane passing through the sun and the observer, is compensated in these two planes, or the plane of its polarization is inclined about 45° to the reflecting surface. The same observations apply to the light of the two rainbows when reflected from the surface of water. 6. When the light of the sky, or of the rainbow, is reflected from surfaces not horizontal, such as the roofs of houses, sheets of falling water, or surfaces of smoke and vapour, the compensations are more varied, and a perfect neutralization of the light by the second reflexion is more frequently obtained. 7. When the compensating rhomb, whose properties I have already described, is made of glass not highly polished, light that has suffered total reflexion is seen through the face ad. Fig. 1. As the faces ab, cd, are parallel, none of the light regularly refracted by the face ab can suffer total reflexion from cd. Upon examining this curious and unexpected phenomenon, I found that it was owing to light radiated, or scattered from the surface ab, which falling upon cd at angles greater than that of total reflexion, whose sine is — , necessarily suffered total reflexion. That this was the cause of the phenomenon, I proved by covering the surface ab with a film of dried milk, which radiated light from every part of its surface, and produced a beautiful zone of totally reflected light, increasing in brightness as the incidence upon ab became more oblique. In examining this totally reflected light, I was greatly surprised to find, that it was partially polarized, and exhibited an interesting example of compensation. Let MN, Fig. 8, be the luminous zone of totally reflected light with its blue border. At the polarizing angle of the second surface of the rhomb, the polar- ization is incomplete ; but at angles between that angle and 83°, the polarization gradually diminishes, and at 83° it becomes common light, the rectilineal fringes AB produced by the rock crystal passing into neutral light at cd, close to the boundary mn of total reflexion. From 83° to 90°, which corresponds to a very narrow space at cd, the light still appears compensated, though it is slightly polarized, in a plane perpendicular to that of reflexion. 392 Sir David Brewster on the Compensations of Polarized Light. At 83°, when this takes place, the totally reflected light mn is polarized, as shown at ef. Fig. 9, in a plane at right angles to that of reflexion. But as the angle of incidence diminishes, the polarization diminishes, till at an angle of 68° it becomes common light, the polarization produced by total reflexion at the second surface exactly compensating, as at cd, that produced by refraction at the first. At angles less than 68°, the totally reflected light is partially polarized in the plane of reflexion, the polarization increasing till the scattered light disappears. The polarization of the light that afterwards suffers total reflexion, is pro- duced by its refraction at the first surface ab, Fig. 1 of the rhomb, and the phe- nomena above described arise from the opposite action of the reflecting surface CD ; at one angle producing an inferior degree of polarization, at another com- pensating it, and at another overbalancing it. St. Leonard's College, St. Andrew's, April 24th, 1841. ■>'?''\'''Uo Trans R.I^.J&Z.X1X. Tij. 3. Fij.i. k-—'- 393 XVI. On the Heat developed during the Formation of the Metallic Com- pounds of Chlorine, Bromine, and Iodine. By Thomas Andrews, M. D., M. R. I. A., Professor of Chemistry in the Royal Belfast Institution. j> : y^.' • v Read December 12, 1842. ' . "Ir *li 1. In pursuance of the train of investigation commenced in a preceding Memoir, I propose, in the present communication, to advance to the consideration of the more complicated thermal phenomena, which are accompanied by alterations in the state of aggregation of the combining bodies. To deduce general conclusions from such inquiries is extremely difficult, as the variation of temperature mea- sured by the thermometer is in every instance the resultant of more than a single cause, each of which must be separately eliminated, before the heat arising from the chemical union can be determined. It has been my endeavour to furnish as many data as possible, in the cases I have examined, for the solution of these interesting problems. 2. That we may be enabled to measure with precision the heat developed during a chemical combination, it is necessary that the reaction should be very quickly completed ; and the experiment is also greatly facilitated, when the ac- tion commences, by simple contact, without the application of external heat. These conditions are completely fulfilled, when chlorine, bromine, or iodine are brought into contact with zinc or iron, water being also present. To the success of the experiment the latter condition is indispensable, as these elementary bodies, at ordinary temperatures, and in the dry state, have no action upon one another.* • The description generally given in chemical works of the rapid manner in which zinc, copper, antimony, &c. enter into combination with chlorine gas at common temperatures, is only true when the gas is in a moist state. Chlorine gas, when carefully dried, has no action whatever, at the ordi- nary temperature of the atmosphere, upon fine filings of zinc or iron, or upon copper reduced from VOL. XIX. 3 E SO'i Dvi. Ai^BVLBWs on the Heat developed during the Formation of the The relative proportion of water is also a matter of importance. The quantity present must be suflScient to dissolve, with facility, the resulting compound, and it ought not greatly to exceed that amount. In the following experiments I usually employed about 2.4 gr. of water, for every 0.42 gr. chlorine, 0.9 gr. bro- mine, and 1.5 gr. iodine, which entered into combination. If this precaution be attended to, and the mixture briskly agitated, the whole reaction will be com- pleted in the course of a few seconds. 3. As our object is to ascertain the heat due to the combination of the re- acting bodies in an anhydrous state, and as we actually obtain the result of the combination In a state of solution in water, It is obviously necessary, in the first instance, to apply a correction for the heat arising from the solution. The amount of this correction is easily discovered, by determining the heat evolved during the solution of a corresponding weight of the dry compound in the nor- mal proportion of water. If the combining bodies do not unite in more than one proportion, there only now remains to be determined the heat evolved or absorbed during the changes of aggregation which occur in the course of the combination. Unfortunately we cannot attempt, by direct experiments, to dis- cover the amount of this Important correction. 4. If we now make A := heat evolved during the reaction of chlorine, zinc (in excess), and water, B zz heat evolved during the solution of Zn CI in a like proportion of water, X = heat evolved or absorbed during the change of the constituents its oxide by means of hydrogen gas, although the action, as is well known, is most energetic if mois- ture be present. On the contrary, the dry gas instantly combines with arsenic, antimony, and phos- phorus. This striking difference appears to depend upon the circumstance that the compound* formed by chlorine with the former substances are solid at common temperatures and very fixed, while those formed with antimony and arsenic are fluid and volatile. The chloride of phosphorus is also very volatile. If, however, the chemical affinity be very intense, combination will take place although the resulting compound be quite fixed and solid. Thus potassium inflames in dry chlorine gas, but the chloride which is formed terminates the action before the whole of the metal has entered into combination. The fluidity of the metal also exercises an important influence in determining the combination, — as in the case of mercury, which slowly combines with dry chlorine. The pre- ceding remarks may be also applied to the behaviour of dry bromine when brought into contact with the metals. Metallic Compounds of Chlorine, Bromine, and Iodine. 395 of Zn CI, from the state of aggregation in which they exist, as gaseous chlorine and metallic zinc, to that state in which they exist in the dry chloride of zinc, X =. heat due to the union of zinc and chlorine, we shall have the following general equation : :r = A — B ± X. And, designating the corresponding values for bromine by a', b', x', af, and for iodine by a", b", x", ar", we shall have 0/ = a' - b' ± x', y'=A"-B"±x". 5. The class of metals forming more than one compound with chlorine, bro- mine, and iodine is very numerous ; but none of them present the same facilities for this investigation as iron, to which accordingly I propose to confine my atten- tion in the present paper. It is usually stated in chemical works that when chlorine, bromine, or iodine act upon an excess of iron filings, suspended in water, a solution of protochloride, protobromide, or protoiodide of iron is formed. But such a description gives a very imperfect idea of the successive series of pheno- mena which actually take place. We have only, indeed, to watch carefully the progress of the experiment, in order to discover that a sesquicompound (Fe^Clj, Fe^ Brj, Fej I3) is formed in the first instance, which afterwards, by combining with an additional atom of iron, becomes converted into the protocompound (FcaCla-j-Fe, &c.) To prove this, we only require to filter the liquid be- fore the reaction has terminated, when a red solution will be obtained, having all the properties of a solution of a sesquisalt of iron, and yielding by evaporation a red deliquescent mass. Whether the experiment be made with chlorine, bro- mine, or iodine, the same results will be obtained. An elegant illustration of a similar train of changes is afiPorded by the action of chlorine gas on metallic tin. If we agitate an excess of tin filings with a little water in a glass vessel of chlorine gas, till the colour of the gas has scarcely disappeared, and instantly filter, the liquid which passes through will produce only a faint opalescence, when dropped into a solution of the bichloride of mercury ; but if the agitation be continued for only a few seconds after the disappearance of the chlorine, the filtered liquid will give a dense curdy precipitate when added to the same solution. 3 E 2 396 Dr. Andrews on the Heat developed during the Formation of the 6. From these observations It follows, that the primary form of combination, into which the molecules of chlorine, bromine, and iodine enter with iron, is that represented by the formulas Fcj CI3, Ye^ Br 3, Fe^ I3, and that the so-called proto- compounds are, in reality, secondary combinations, formed by the union of the sesquicompounds with an additional atom of iron (Fcj CI3 + Fe, &c.). This con- clusion is farther confirmed by the well-known fact, that when these substances unite at elevated temperatures, the red or sesquicompounds are always formed.* 7. Let us now make c =z heat evolved during the reaction of chlorine, iron (in excess), and water. D = heat evolved during the solution of Fcj CI3 in a similar proportion of water. E = heat evolved during the combination of Ye^ CI3 in solution with Fe. Y = heat evolved or absorbed during the change of aggregation of the constituents of Fe^ CI3. y =: heat due to the union of Fej with CI3. Let us also, as before, represent the corresponding values for bromine by c', d', e', y', y, and for iodine by c", d", e", y",/'. The following equations will then give the values oi y, y', andy. y = c - -D — E ±Y, y — c'- -d'- — e'± Y / 5 y" — :c" -d" - -e"± Y 8. Having thus endeavoured to lay down general formulas for the heat of combination, I proceed to describe the experiments by which the values of a, b, c, &c. have been determined. 9. The apparatus employed in these experiments consisted of several distinct parts. The combination was effected in a thin glass vessel of the form repre- sented in fig. 1. When chlorine was the subject of experiment, this vessel was * If the view, which regards Fe CI as the primary form of combination, be preferred, it will be necessary to suppose that three successive changes occur, — first, the formation of the compound Fe, + Clj ; secondly, its conversion intc Fe, CI3 by combining with CI ; and thirdly, the reconver- sion of the latter into Fej CI3 by its union with Fe. Metallic Compounds of Chlorine, Bromine, and Iodine. 397 filled with the gas in a moist state, and two very flimsy glass balls, such as those shown in fig. 4, were afterwards cautiously introduced. One of these balls con- tained a large excess of the metal in the state of fine filings ; the other, a quantity of water, whose weight had been adjusted nearly in the proportions before de- scribed. On the other hand, when bromine and iodine were under examination, the metal and water were introduced into the vessel itself, while the bromine, or iodine, carefully weighed, was contained in one of the little balls. The vessel was in all cases closed by a good cork, which was rendered air-tight by cement. A small stud of iron wire was inserted into the cork to maintain the glass vessel in its proper position in the interior of the apparatus. This vessel, thus prepared, was agitated for some time in water adjusted to the proper temperature, and then placed in the light copper vessel, fig. 2, which was immediately filled with water, and its lid screwed on. In the top and bottom of the copper vessel, loops of cop- per wire were inserted, by means of which it could be suspended, without contact of the hand, in the centre of a cylindrical vessel of tin plate, fig. 3, having a de- tached cover above and below. The complete arrangement will be readily un- derstood from an inspection of fig. 5. In the lids of the tin cylinder and copper vessel corresponding apertures existed, through which the bulb of a delicate ther- mometer could be introduced into the water in the interior of the latter. On withdrawing the thermometer the aperture in the copper vessel could be closed, in the course of two or three seconds, without touching the vessel itself. By this arrangement the copper vessel with its contents was suspended in a fixed position in the centre of, but not in contact with, an outer cylinder of tin plate, while at the same time the temperature of the water could be noted at any time without removing it from its situation. A larger cylindrical vessel, capable of being ra- pidly rotated round its shorter axis, completed the whole apparatus. It is shown in fig. 6. 10. When an observation was made the copper vessel was suspended in the cylinder, the opening in its lid closed, and the apparatus placed in a horizontal position, and then cautiously agitated (lest the glass balls should break), till a perfectly uniform temperature was established through the whole of the copper vessel and its contents. This being accomplished, the cylinder was again placed in the position represented in fig. 5, the temperature of the water carefully noted, and the cork replaced. It was then suddenly shaken, so as to rupture the 398 Dr. Andrews on the Heat developed during the Formation of the glasa balls within, and immediately afterwards secured in the interior of the larger cylinder, fig. 6, where the whole was rapidly rotated, for the space of five and a half minutes, from the time of observing the temperature. It was then removed, and the temperature of the water again observed. In the case of bro- mine and iodine, all that now remained to complete the experiment was to weigh the water in the copper vessel, but, in the case of chlorine, the original volume of the gas had to be determined. For this purpose, the glass vessel was placed in a water-trough, and the cork withdrawn. From the quantity of water which rushed in, the bulk of the chlorine was easily estimated. It is almost unnecessary to add, that, in every instance, the whole of the chlorine had entered into combination ; the small residue being atmospheric air, unavoidably introduced when the bulbs were inserted. 1 1 . The accuracy of experiments of this kind greatly depends upon the heat which is gained or lost by the apparatus during the course of the experiment. In a vessel placed apart from other sources of heat, the losses and gains of heat will evidently be equal to one another for equal diflPerences of temperature above and below that of the surrounding air. But in the apparatus I have just de- scribed, from the proximity of the person of the observer, and the necessity of grasping the tin cylinder while placing it in, and removing it from, the rotating machine, this middle point is no longer the temperature of the air, but 1°.4 above that point. Direct experiments also showed that the water had nearly attained its maximum point in 45", from the time when the glass balls were ruptured, and 15" usually elapsed from the observation of the first temperature to the latter moment. We may, therefore, assume that the water is at the maximum tempe- rature during 4-|-', and at the minimum during 15". If we put e for the excess of the final temperature above the air, e' for the difference between the initial temperature and the same, and r and r' for the corrections to be applied for the cooling and heating of the apparatus, during periods of 4^' and 15" respectively, ' we shall have R = + (e-r.4)X 0.049, r' zz — (e + r.4) X 0.003 -fO°. 03. 12. The constant quantity 0°.03 is added to the correction for simple heat- ing, as an allowance for the heat, transmitted by the hand through the apparatus, while rupturing the balls. The temperature of the water being generally so ad- Metallic Compounds of Chlorine, Bromine, and Iodine. 399 justed, that the mean point between the Initial and final temperatures was from half a degree to one degree above that of the air, the entire correction required was in all cases very small. 13. The value in water of the different parts of the apparatus was estimated with as much precision as possible. The specific heat of the copper and brass of the copper vessel was assumed to be 0.095, that of the glass of the glass vessel and balls was determined by a careful experiment to be 0.140. The leather, cork, and cement were found to be nearly equivalent to 1.1 gr. of water, and the spe- cific heat of the solution formed in each experiment was also determined. 14. In the description of the experiments I have used the following abbre- viations : Bar. — The height of the barometer. Th. air. — The temperature of the air. T'. — The initial temperature of the water in the copper vessel. T'. — The final temperature of the same. Inc. c. — The increment of temperature corrected for heating and cooling, according to the formulas given before. Aq. — The weight of the water in the copper vessel. Sn. — The weight of water equivalent to the solution of the compound formed. This is found by multiplying the absolute weight of the solution by its specific heat, which is also given. Vss. — The weight of water equivalent to the vessels and other solid substances used in each experiment. 15. The temperatures are given in the degrees of Fahrenheit's scale ; the height of the barometer in English inches ; the volume of the chlorine in cubic centimetres ; and the weight of the water, &c. in grammes. The volume of the chlorine gas requires to be corrected for moisture, as well as for temperature and pressure, and I have assumed the weight of 100 cubic centimetres of the dry gas at 32°, and under a pressure of 29.92 in. to be 0.317 grammes. COMPOUNDS OF ZINC. 16. Zinc and chlorine, Zn + CI -|- Aq. Bar 29.47 in. . . 29.07 in. . . 29.97 in. Th.air 50°.70 . . . 48°.50 . . . SO^.SO 400 Dr. Andrews on the Heat developed during the Formation of the ^ • • • • • • rpf Inc. c Aq Sn. (sp. heat 0.76) Vss CI Heat of comb. . 45°.22 . . . 49°.08 52°.18 . . . 54M4 7°.03 . . . 5M2 143.0 gm. . . 143.6 gm. 2.4 . . 1.7 21.3 . . . 21.3 141.0 c. c. . . 100.4 c. c 2820° . . . 2811° 47°.97 . 55°.20 . 7°.34 . 136.6 gm. 2.4 . 21.3 . 141.4 c. c. 2802° . Mean heat referred to chlorine as unit, 2811°. Mean heat referred to zinc as unit, 3086°. The first number indicates the number of degrees through which a portion of water, equal in weight to the chlorine, would be raised by the heat extricated during the combination ; the second, the corresponding number of degrees for a portion of water equal in weight to the zinc. 17- Zinc and bromine, Zn -|- Br -|- Aq. Th. air 63°.40 . . 64°.10 . . 68°.3 T' 61°.30 . . 62°.07 . . 66°. 12 T^ ...... 66°.94 . . 66°.91 . 71°. 12 Inc, c. 5°.70 . 4°.87 . 5°.03 Aq . 152.8 gm. 155.0 gm. 158.4 gm. Sn. (sp. heat 0.62) . 2.3 . 2.0 . 2.1 Vss .' 19.4 . . 19.4 . . 19.4 Br 0.936 . 0.806 0.847 Heat of comb. . . . 1063° . . 1066° . . 1068° Mean heat referred to bromine as unit, 1066° Mean heat referred to zinc as unit, 2586°. 18. Zinc and iodine, Zn + I + Aq. Th. air . 64°.0 . . 63°.80 . . 38°.4 T . 61°.08 . 60°.50 . . 36°.74 T^ . 66°.72 . . 67°.67 . . 42°.42 Inc. c . 5°.66 . . 7°.24 . . 5°.77 Aq . 159.5 gm. . 161.1 gm. . 129.1 gm Sn. (sp. heat 0.56) 3.8 . . 4.9 . 3.2 Metallic Compounds of Chlorine, Bromine, and Iodine. 401 Vss 19.7 . . 19.8 . . 21.6 1 2.372 . . 3.084 . . 2.000 Heat of comb. . . 436°.7 • 436°.2 . 444°.0 Mean heat referred to iodine as unit, 439°. Mean heat referred to zinc as unit, 1720°. 19- To ascertain in the preceding cases the heat due to the solution of the compound, portions of each, carefully dried, were introduced into the thin glass balls, and the weight accurately ascertained, while the normal proportion of water for their solution was placed in the glass vessel. 20. Chloride of zinc and water, Zn CI -\- Aq. Th. air . 36°.90 . . 37°.20 T' . 35°.7l . . 36°.05 T . 39°.00 . . . 38°. 72 Inc. c . 3°.29 . . 2°. 63 Aq . 131.4 gra. . 129.9 gra Sn. (sp. heat 0.76) 10.6 . . 8.4 Vss 21.7 . . 21.7 ZnCl 3.516 . . . 2.750 Heat of comb. . . . 292° . . 292° Mean heat referred to chlorine as unit, 292°. Mean heat referred to zinc as unit, 320°. 21. Bromide of zinc and water, Zn Br -j- Aq. Th. air T' T Inc. c Aq Sn. (sp. heat 0.62) Vss Zn Br . . . . Heat of comb. . , 54°.00 53°.86 56°.36 2°. 51 153.9 gm 9.1 19.4 5.077 127° 55°.50 55°.35 57°.4I 2°.06 154.9 gm. 7.7 19.4 4.310 122° VOL. XIX. Mean heat referred to bromine as unit, 124°.5. Mean heat referred to zinc as unit, 302°. 3 F 402 Dr. Andrews on the Heat developed during the Formation of the 22. Iodide of zinc and water, Zn I -|- Aq. Th. air T' J. • • • • • • rpf X ■ • • • • • Inc. c Aq Sn. (sp. heat 0.56) Vss Zn I Heat of comb. . . 58°.60 . 58°.02 . 59°.07 . 1°.02 . 159.1 gm. 4.8 . 19.1 . 3.52 . 66°.5 . 59M0 . 59°. 12 . 60°.21 . r.06 . 159.6 gm. 5.0 . 19.6 . 3.92 . 62°.6 . Mean heat referred to iodine as unit, 62°.8. Mean heat referred to zinc as unit, 246°. 38°.4 37°.58 40°.12 2°.52 125.6 gm. 10.7 21.6 8.42 59°.3 COMPOUNDS OF IRON. 23. Iron and chlorine, Fe^ + CI3 + Aq + Fe. Bar . 30.07 in. . 29.97 in. 29.08 Th. air . 50°. 50 . . 50°. 50 . 48°.00 V 47°.47 . . 47°.67 . 4.5°.78 T^ 53°.78 . . 54°. 08 . 51°.93 Inc. c 6°.36 . . 6°.47 . 6°.23 Aq 133.8 gm. . 143.9 gm. 143.9 gm. Sn. (sp. heat 0.74) 2.2 . 2.4 . 2.4 Vss 21.1 . 21.3 . 21.4 CI 131.7 c.c. . 141.5 c.c. . 141.5 c. c. Heat of comb. 2503° . . 2534° . 2505° Mean heat referred t( ) chlorine as unit, 2514°. Mean heat referred t( 3 iron in Fcj as unit, 4921°. 24. It must be carefully observed that the unit here taken is not the whole of the iron dissolved, as in the case of zinc, but only two-thirds of it ; because the remaining third does not enter directly into combination with the chlorine, as has been already explained. Metallic Compounds of Chlorine, Bromine, and Iodine. 403 25. Iron and bromine, Ye^ + Brj -\- Aq -|- Fe. Th. air . 64M0 . T' . 61°.81 . T^ 66°.89 . Inc. c . 5M0 . Aq 155.3 gm Sn. (sp. heat 0.60) . 2.4 . Vss 19.4 . Br 0.994 . Heat of comb. . . . 909° . 49°.00 47°.52 53°.55 6°.14 147.4 gm. 2.7 19.4 1.145 909° 26. Mean heat referred to bromine as unit, 909°. Mean heat referred to iron in Fe2 as unit, 3933° Iron and iodine, Fe^ + 13+ Aq -\- Fe. Th. air. T' rpf X • • • • Inc. c. . . Aq. . . Sn. (sp. heat 0 Vss. . . I. . . . Heat of comb 63°.20 . . 38°.10 60°.30 . . 36°.32 65°.83 . . 41.°44 5°. 55 . . 5°.17 162.1 gm. . 126.1 gm 4.8 . 3.6 19.5 . . 21.6 3.151 . . 2.360 328°.3 . 331°.5 63°.40 61°.04 65°.99 4°.97 157.7 gm. 54) . 4.2 19.6 2.752 327°.8 Mean heat referred to iodine as unit, 329°.2. Mean heat referred to iron in Fe2 as unit, 2299°. 27- The object of the experiments detailed in the three following tables was to determine the heat evolved, when solutions of the sesquichloride, sesqui- bromide, and sesquiiodide of iron are converted into solutions of the proto- compounds by agitation with an excess of iron. The sesquichloride of iron, obtained by the action of dry chlorine gas upon heated iron, was dissolved in water (the quantity being adjusted as usual) in the glass vessel, and an excess of iron filings was placed in one of the small balls. But I was obliged to have re- course to a different method in order to procure determinate quantities of the sesquibromide and sesquiiodide of iron in solution, from finding it impossible to 3f2 404 Dr. Andrews on the Heat developed during the Formation of the obtain these compounds in the dry state. At first I attempted to add an excess of bromine or iodine to solutions of known strength of the protocompounds ; but, on endeavouring to expel the excess by heat, I found it difficult, even in the case of the sesquibromide of iron, to avoid the decomposition of the sesquicompound itself, when the solution was concentrated. The object in view was finally effected in a very complete and easy manner, by adding weighed quantities of bromine or iodine to solutions of the protobromide, or protoiodide of iron, con- taining more than twice as much bromine or iodine, as the quantity added. The object of employing a larger proportion of the proto-solutions than the bromine or iodine added would be capable of converting into the state of sesqui-com- pounds, was to prevent the possibility of any free bromine or iodine being pre- sent ; and, as the results were the same, whether the excess of the proto-solution was greater or less, it evidently in no way interfered with the success of the expe- riment. In reducing the results we have, therefore, to remember that the sesqui- compound formed, contains three times the quantity of bromine or iodine added, designated in the tables by Br X 3 and 1x3. 28. Sesquichloride of iron and iron, Fcj CI3 Aq -|- Fe. 6r.80 . 61°.85 . 63°.34 . 1°.46 . 132.8 gm. 3.0 . 21.8 . 0.856 . 40(3 . Mean heat referred to chlorine in CI3 as unit, 402°.5 Mean heat referred to iron in Fe^ as unit, 788°. 29. Sesquibromide of iron and iron, Fcj Br, Aq -\- Fe. Th. air 44°.40 . . 46°.70 . . T' 44°.46 . . 46°.23 . . T^ ..... . 46°.68 . . 49°.02 . . Inc. c 2°.23 . . 2°.81 . . Th» air. . T. . . T^ . . Inc. c. Aq. . . Sn. (sp. heat 0.73) Vss. . . . Fe^Clj . . Heat of comb. . 62°.50 . 43°.00 . 61°.35 . . 41°.2I . 64°.29 . 45°.45 . 2°. 92 . 4°.25 . 144.3 gm . '. 151.4 gm. 6.8 . 10.4 . 21.4 . . 19.9 1.895 2.900 402° 402° 47°.20 45°.77 50°.84 5°. 14 Metallic Compounds of Chlorine, Bromine, and Iodine. 405 xiq Sn. (sp. heat 0.60) Vss BrX3 . . . . Heat of comb. . . 152.6 gm. 6.3 . 19.6 . 2.163 . 184°.0 . 152.4 gm. 7.3 . 19.6 . 2.739 . 183°.9 . 152.1 gm. 12.9 ,19.6 5.199 182°. 5 Mean heat referred to bromine in Brj as unit, 183°.5. Mean heat referred to iron in Fe^ as imit, 794°. 30. Sesquiiodide of iron and iron, Fe^ I3 Aq -f- Fe. Th. air. . . . T' X • • • • • Inc. c. . . . Aq Sn. (sp. heat0..54) Vss 1X3 . . . Heat of comb. . . 47°.40 . 46°.41 . 49°.22 . 2°.80 , 151.2 gm 9.1 , 20.0 4.497 112°.3 Mean heat referred to iodine in I3 as unit, 112°.l Mean heat referred to iron in Fe^ as unit, 783°. 47°.00 . 46°.87 . 49°.24 . 2°.38 . 150.5 gm. 6.8 . 19.9 . 3.741 . 112°.8 51°.10 50°. 15 54°.66 4°.58 146.8 gm. 17.7 19.8 7.596 lllM 31. To complete this part of the inquiry, it only remains to determine the heat evolved during the solution of the sesquichloride, sesquibromide, and sesqui- iodide of iron in water. This I have been able to accomplish only in the case of the sesquichloride of iron, from having failed, as has been already remarked, in all my attempts to obtain the other two compounds in a dry state. Even a concen- trated solution of the sesquibromide of iron allows bromine to escape during the process of evaporation. If the evaporation be carried to dryness, and the dry mass heated just to the point of fusion, a red substance remains, which is com- posed of one atom of the protobromide and one atom of the sesquibromide of iron (Fe^ Br^). An approximation, however, may be made to the heat which would be developed during the solution of these compounds, by assuming that it will bear the same relation to the heat developed during the solution of the sesqui- chloride of iron, which has been already ascertained to exist in the case of the analogous compounds of zinc (20, 21, 22). 406 Dr. Andrews on the Heat developed during the Formation of the 60°.5 . . . 4r.4 60°.2 . . . 41°.02 61°. 93 . . . 42°. 10 r.68 . . . r.04 132.8 gm. . . 120.4 gm 2.7 . . . 1.6 21.7 . . . 19.3 0.856 . 0.504 466°. . 441° 32. Sesquichloride of iron and water, Fcj CI3 + Aq. Th. air. T. . T. . Inc. c. Aq. . Sn. Vss. . Fe,Cl3 Heat of comb. Mean heat referred to chlorine in CI3 as unit, 453°. Mean heat referred to iron in Fe^ as unit, 887°. 33. On the principle just stated, we may infer, as a rude approximation, that the heat disengaged during the solution of the sesquibromide of iron would be (referred to the iron as unit) 837° ; and that disengaged during the solution of the sesquiiodide, 682°. 34. If we now substitute the numerical values, obtained by the preceding experiments, for the known quantities in the equations given before, we shall obtain .r = 3086° -320° ±x y= 2586° — 302° ±x' .r"= 1720° — 246° drx" y = 4921° — 887° — 788° dr y y' = 3933° - 837° — 794° zb y' y = 2299° — 682° — 783° ± y' From these equations we deduce w or Zn + CI = 2766° ± x y or Zn + Br = 2284° ± x' x" or Zn + I =z 1474° ± x" y orFe2+Cl3 = 3246°±Y «/' or Fe^ + Br, = 2302° dr y' y" or Fe^ + I3 = 834° =t y" (16, 20) (17, 21) (18, 22) (23, 32, 28) (25, 33, 29) (26, 33, 30) Metallic Compounds of Chlorine, Bromine, and Iodine. 407 35. It must be remembered that each of the letters x, x', &c. represents two unknown quantities ; first, the change of temperature due to the alteration of aggregation of the particles of the metallic elements, in passing from their ordi- nary form to that form in which they exist in the dry salt ; and, secondly, the change of temperature arising from the like alteration of aggregation of the par- ticles of the electro-negative element. The actual value of these quantities can- not be determined by direct experiments, but it is probable that for the combi- nations of the same metal, the differences between x, x', and x", and between Y, \', and y" will arise chiefly from the alterations of aggregation of the electro- negative, and not of the metallic element. Now, as the heat arising from the condensation of chlorine from the gaseous to what may perhaps be termed tlie saline solid state, must be far greater than that arising from the change of fluid bromine, or solid iodine, to the same state, it would be an object of great interest to determine the heat evolved or abstracted during the changes of these bodies from one physical condition to another, which would enable us to compare the heat of combination of each body in the same physical state. This I have only attempted yet to effect for the case of the solidification of bromine; and, as the re- sult of a very imperfect experiment, it may be stated, that the heat evolved during the passage of that substance from the fluid to the solid state, would be sufficient to raise an equal weight of water through 24°. This amount of heat is evidently far too small to account for the differences observed in the values of x' and oc" , and ofy andy ; from which it follows, that bromine and iodine, in the same physical state, evolve very different quantities of heat when combining with the metals. 36. On comparing the numbers deduced from the foregoing experiments (28, 29j 30) for the heat developed during the conversion of the sesqul-com- pounds of iron into the corresponding proto-compounds, by combining with half as much iron as they already contain, the very interesting general principle re- sults, that, referred to the combining iron as unit, the heat evolved in all these cases of combination is the same. In fact, we have . Fe^ClaAq-f Fe = 788°. Fe,Br3Aq + Fe = 794°. Fe, L Aq -f Fe = 783°. 408 De. Andrews on the Heat developed during the Formation, Sfc. The slight differences between these numbers are fully within the limits of the unavoidable errors of experiment, and leave no doubt of the truth of the prin- ciple just enunciated. 37. On a future occasion I hope to have an opportunity of describing a more extended series of experiments now in progress, on the heat developed during the combination of other elements with chlorine, bromine, and iodine ; and, till that opportunity occurs, I shall reserve any further observations of a general cha- racter upon the preceding results. Meanwhile they may be thus recapitulated : 1. The heat developed during the combination of a given quantity of zinc with chlorine gas is sufficient to raise an equal weight of water through 2766°, while that evolved during the combination of the same metal with bromine, in the fluid state, is 2284° ; and with iodine, in the solid state, 1474°. 2. The heat developed during the combination of iron with chlorine, bro- mine, and iodine (which always takes place under the form FejClg, Fe^Brj, Fcj I3) is sufficient to raise an equal weight of water through 3246°, 2302°, and 834° respectively. 3. When solutions of the sesquichloride, sesquibromide, and sesquiiodide of iron become converted into proto-compounds by combining with iron, the heat evolved in all is the same for the same quantity of iron dissolved. POLITE LITERATURE. VOL. XIX. POLITE LITERATURE. I. A Memoir of the Medals and Medallists connected with Ireland. By the Very Rev. Henry Richard Dawson, A.M., Dean of St. Patrick's. Read 16th March, 1838. O, when shall Ireland, conscious of her claim, Stand emulous of Greek and Roman fame ? Pope. 1 HE increasing interest which has been of late years manifested respecting collections of medals, affords a strong proof of the value justly attached to them, both as commemorative corroborations of certain historical events, and also as specimens of skill, ingenuity, and taste amongst artificers in that line. In almost every country of Europe, excepting our own, its medallic history has at successive periods occupied not only the attention, but the pens of learned indi- viduals, and their lucubrations have greatly contributed as well to stimulate the ingenuity of the artist, as to elucidate the facts connected with its exercise ; so that many a political event, and many an heroic achievement, which had escaped the notice of contemporary historians, has, through their instrumentality, been rescued from oblivion, and brought under the notice of posterity in the almost imperishable materials of the precious metals. The northern States of Europe can boast of Beskrivelse, Mechel, and Brenner illustrating and explaining their medals. Holland and the Netherlands have Van Mieris, Van Loon, and Bizot, in ponderous folios, with plates and text, describing each minute particular. In France, Le Blanc, Fleurimont, and Bouteroue have engraved both coins and medals ; while in the later period of the glorious era of Andrieu, Laskey and Millingen have elaborately pointed out a2 4 The Very Rev. H. R. Dawson on the their beauties, and detailed their intentions. Italy can point to Anthony Count Caietani explaining the various works of the middle ages contained in the cabinets of Mazzuchelli ; and to Venuti, Nobili, and Mollnet those of the Popes of Rome are indebted for a great addition to these attractions. England can refer to the works of Evelyn, Vertue, and Edwards noticing and illustrating the varied spe- cimens of skill which have been produced by those artists whom the country encouraged, and whose works have served to perpetuate the actions, good or evil, of her devoted servants. I could refer to many other countries of Europe, where the proud records of their fame have found studious chroniclers both with pen and hand ; but no attempt has yet been made to record historically the medals of Ireland ; and while some pains have enabled me to rescue the works of her artificers from, I should say, undeserved oblivion, I venture to call the atten- tion of the members of the Academy to some of the productions of the Irish Coining Press, as well as to some medals connected with our country, and exe- cuted by foreigi;! artists, in the expectation that their countenance may be the means of eliciting some of the latent, and stimulating the neglected talents of our countrymen. For some few years past I have been endeavouring to collect and arrange in historical order the medals connected with this part of the United Kingdom ; and though with considerable diffidence I present these brief notices of my researches to you, (brief, because I find these records of our national deeds very few,) yet I am not without hopes that they may excite some interest even amongst those who have not hitherto turned their attention to this pursuit. I purpose, there- fore, to offer you some notices of such medallists, and such designs, emanating from their studla, as have fallen under my observation. I regret to say my ma- terials are scanty, owing, I believe, mainly to this, that the country has not hitherto fostered nor encouraged that beautiful branch of art. The earliest medal that I have met with, as connected with Ireland, is of the time of Charles II. ; a small silver piece, of very beautiful execution, and I con- sider it to be the work of some English or foreign artist, as both sides are obviously taken from two medals which were struck to commemorate the mar- riage of that Prince with Catherine of Portugal. It bears on the obverse a figure of St. Catherine with her wheel, and the legend pietate insignis. The reverse has Fame blowing a trumpet, and in her left hand she carries an olive Medals and Medallists connected with Ireland, 5 branch. On the banner appended to the trumpet there is a small harp, the arms of Ireland, and were not that sufficient to appropriate this medal as belong- ing to our series, the inscription provincia connagh, decides the matter. Now it is well known that Charles was married to Catherine of Braganza by Sheldon, Bishop of London, May 21st, 1662; but many think the ceremony was pre- viously performed by a Roman Catholic priest to satisfy the scruples of the concealed as well as the avowed Romanist. This priest may have come from Connaught, and it is not improbable that this piece was struck, that at least som» obscure evidence might remain of the event. The Roettiers, the celebrated Dutch medallists, worked for Ireland ; but their skill was, I believe, less exercised to commemorate the heroic achieve- ments of her sons, than to promote the purposes of their unfortunate master ; and those pieces generally known as the gun money of James II. are sup- posed to have been struck from dies executed by John Roettier. However base the materials of these coins, their neatness and execution afford reasonable grounds for attributing them to such a devoted follower as he was knovra to be of the exiled king. I should here observe that James Simon, the author of an essay on Irish coins, has engraved, Plate VII. No. 154, and described a silver medal, which he conceives alludes to the landing of James in Ireland, and his reception by his Irish subjects at Kinsale, March 12th, 1689. The obverse represents the king crowned, and in his royal robes, holding a baton in his hand. Behind him a ship, and before him a crowd hailing his approach, the legend JACOBUS • II. DEI • GRATIA. The rcvcrsc, two sceptres in saltire behind a crown, with the motto intemerata, and the legend mag. br. fra. et . hib. rex. 1689- Simon saw only a drawing of this medal, which was sent to him by Mr. Charles Smith of Dungarven ; I have not been so fortunate as to meet with it myself, nor can I find any further record concerning it; but Simon is too accurate to allow me to doubt its existence in his day. When William III. came to fight the battles for our liberty and his own sovereignty in this kingdom, his various victories were commemorated in Hol- land by his own countrymen, and so many medals were struck with the intent of perpetuating his renown, that it would be tedious here to enumerate them. The engravings and descriptions published by Van Loon inform us, that neither the Boyne nor Aughrim, nor Galway, nor Limerick, were considered undeserving of commemoration by those who were most conversant with the events which 6 The Very Rev. H. R. Dawson on the produced such an effusion of Irish blood. Nor were these memorials confined to the illustrious hero himself, for similar records are also found of his victorious generals, Schomberg and De Ginkle. But in connexion with the history of this period, one medal only has been discovered, struck in Ireland, and this bears reference to Van Homrigh, a fol- lower of William's, who settled in Ireland about this period. And as this medal has not been hitherto published, it may be interesting here to describe it, and to show upon what occasion it was struck. It appears from the records of the Corporation of Dublin, that in the year 1688 Sir Michael Creagh was Lord Mayor of the city, and as such was in possession of the parapharnalia connected with his office ; in the following year two persons, Terence Dermot and Walter Motley, held the office, the one for nine, and the other for three months. They, it is supposed, never received the usual ensigns of dignity, but it is certain that in those troublesome times they were either lost or purloined, and to this day it is usual, at the triennial perambulations of the city boundaries by the Lord Mayor and his staff, for an officer to make proclamation that Sir Michael Creagh should appear and restore the collar and its appurtenances connected with the office, which he is alleged to have conveyed away. In the year 1698 William III. presented to the city a new collar of SS., to which is appended the noble medallion I am now about to describe, exe- cuted by James Roettier. Obverse, gulielmus . tertius • d. g. mag. brit. fran. ET . HiB. rex. Bust looking to the right, with flowing hair, in armour, with a scarf over it. Reverse, gulielmus hi - antiquam et fidelem-hiberni^ me- TROPOLIN - HOC INDULGENTI^ SU^ MUNERE - ORNAVIT • BARTH VAN HOMRIGH ARM. URB. PRiETORE . MDCxcviii. This medallion is an important addition to our series, as few impressions can possibly come under public observation. During the reign of Anne, though Croker exerted his talents in England to commemorate the distinguished events of her time, I have been unable to dis- cover any medals immediately connected with Ireland ; and this appears strange, since it is well known that Swift, then possessing great weight and authority, exerted his influence to procure that change in the coinage which called forth those pattern farthings, exhibiting records of remarkable circumstances, and which also have encouraged the preposterous notions so widely diffused respecting their extreme rarity and enormous value. He was a patriot, and it would appear from some memoirs connected with him, to a certain degree, a collector of Medals and Medallists connected with Ireland. ^ medals ; but his taste lay in a different line from that of encouraging artists or scientific pursuits. Connected with the times of George I., I am able to produce, I think, one medallet, and that without any reverse. It is very small, and exhibits a three- quarter bust of my celebrated predecessor in the Deanery of St. Patrick, in his full wig and gown, with falling bands. It bears a strong resemblance to a por- trait in my possession, which Swift is said to have given to Vanessa at the time he quarrelled with her. The legend is, j-s dd d-s-p-d. (Jonathan Swift, D. D., Dean of St. Patrick's, Dublin.) The execution is tolerably good, but I have not been able to ascertain either the artist or the occasion upon which it was struck. In the succeeding reign, patronage or party feeling appears to have given some stimulus to the art, for I find no fewer than five medals connected with the period. As one only has been published, and that in a very incorrect and slovenly form, and none hitherto described, I shall here attempt to give some elucidation of them. The first again refers to Dr. Swift, and exhibits his portrait three-quarter face to the left, with wig and gown, in a small oval frame, supported by a winged child upon clouds. To the right of Swift is Minerva seated, in armour, with spear and aegis, pointing with her right hand to a shield resting against her knee, and bearing the arms of Ireland. To the left a female also seated, lean- ing on a pile of books, and with her right hand holding a laurel crown over the Doctor's bust. Above there is a winged figure of Fame, and below a scroll inscribed rev. j. swift, d. s. p. d. The reverse displays Hibemia seated, in her right hand an olive branch, and her left is supported by a harp. In the back ground a shepherd tending his flocks, and a view of the sea covered with ships. On the exergue is the date mdccxxxviii., j. b. fecit. This medal, I conjecture, was intended to commemorate Swift's exertions for the advance- ment of commerce, manufactures, and agriculture. He was at that period in the zenith of his glory ; and it cannot surprise us that the zealous friends, of whom he had many, should thus endeavour to perpetuate his fame. Of the artist I know nothing, and the execution is so rude, that I am indisposed to conjecture it to be the work of any artificer of eminence. The next in the suite gives better hopes for the progress of improved taste in the medallic 8 The Very Rev. H. R. Dawson on the art as connected with Ireland, and the subject is very interesting. The artist, T. Pingo, has not hesitated to put his name upon the work, and it fully sup- ports the character he has obtained. The obverse presents three figures, on the right a female thrown upon the ground, emblematic of Ireland ; at her feet a cap of liberty and a spear. A male figure in the centre is represented seizing her by the hair with his left hand, and with the right holds a dagger over her. 'On the left stands Justice, with her emblems, averting his uplifted arm, and the inscription reads, may geokge protect what justice trys to save. On the reverse, at the top, is the harp of Ireland, with some of the strings broken, and at the bottom a shield, bearing the arms of the city of Dublin, the sword, mace, cap, and collar of the city lying near it on the ground. Across the field is the legend, the glorious - attempt - of lxiv-to preserve the- consti- tution - MDCcxLix. There is every reason to presume that this medal was struck to commemorate the defeat of the efforts put forth by the celebrated Charles Lucas in favour of the liberties of the Corporation of Dublin, as it was in this year he addressed his memorable letter to George II. on the charter of the liberties of the city of Dublin, complaining that the freemen and common council were defrauded of their rights and privileges by the Board of Aldermen, who, he alleged, were mere usurpers, and arrogated to themselves too much power in the election of the Lord Mayor. I am now about to call your attention to a medal in the possession of many families in this country, which, in design and execution, will not be easily sur- passed. As it has not, I believe, been published, and as it relates to an event considered very remarkable in the history of the Irish Parliament, I shall be excused for recording some details respecting it while they are yet attainable. By the Commons' Journals it appears that from the year 1692 the practice of the house was to call for and examine the public accounts. If there appeared a deficiency in the treasury, they provided for it ; if a surplus remained after the purposes were served for which it had been granted, they proceeded to dispose of it for the public advantage, without asking permission from the Crown, or re- ceiving any intimation that the king's prerogative was thereby invaded. It happened that in 1Y49 a considerable sum remained in the treasury, and upon the circumstance being reported, the Commons of Ireland framed the heads of a bill, according to the powers heretofore exercised by them, for applying a portion Medals and Medallists connected with Ireland. 9 of it towards the discharge of the national debt. They were sent to England, returned without alteration or objection, and the same course would have conti- tinued, had not some mischievous intermeddling courtier discovered what he considered an invasion of the rights of the Crown, which it was determined by those in authority to repel. In the year 1751, the Lord Lieutenant, acting upon this suggestion, in his speech from the throne at the opening of the session, informed the House of Commons, " That he was commanded by the king to acquaint them, that his Majesty, ever attentive to the ease and happiness of his subjects, would graciously consent and recommend it to them, that such part of the money then remaining in the treasury, as should be thought consistent with the public service, should be applied to the further reduction of the national debt." This was assuming that the king had an exclusive property in it, and might, as an act of favour, permit the Parliament to dispose of it. The Commons in their Address paid no regard to this unprecedented claim. The heads of the bill were framed as usual, it passed the Commons and Privy Council, was sent to England, but returned with the word "consent" inserted in it. Then, though many members were dissatisfied with this infringement of their rights, it passed unani- mously, and thus a precedent was made which was attempted to be used on the event which produced the present medal. In the year 1753 even a larger sur- plus was reported in the treasury. The Right Hon. Thomas Carter, Master of the Rolls, presented, on the 13th of December, a bill, entitled " An Act for the payment of £77j500, or so much thereof as shall remain due on the 25th of De- cember, 1753, in discharge of the National Debt." This was read a first time on the following day, and a committee was appointed to inquire if any, and what alterations had been made in the preamble and enactments of the bill. On the 15th, Mr. Upton reported that an alteration, or rather an addition, had been made, by inserting in the preamble the following words : " And your Majesty, ever attentive to the ease and happiness of your faithful subjects, has been gra- ciously pleased to signify that you would consent, and to recommend it to us, that so much of the money remaining in your Majesty's treasury as should be , necessary, be applied to the discharge of the national debt, or of such part thereof as should be thought expedient by Parliament." The house was again aroused to jealousy respecting an invasion of its privileges, and on the 17th it resolved itself into committee, when the Master of the Rolls reported from it, VOL. XIX. B 10 The Very Rev. H. R. Dawson on the that they had agreed to the enacting paragraphs of the bill, but disagreed to the preamble; a division took place, and the bill was rejected by a majority of five voices.* Although the numbers on each side are not given in the Commons' Journals, I conceive, from the record of this and another medal, that the dissen- tients amounted to 124, a strong testimony to the feeling of parliamentary pri- vilege that pervaded the house. I should add, that this bold assertion of right by her representatives produced no immediate advantage to Ireland, whatever may have been its future consequence, for his Majesty, by his letter, took that money out of the treasury which had been the subject of dispute. On the obverse of the medal the legend reads, utcunque ferent ea facta minores viNCiT amor patri^. In the centre stands Hibernia, with a harp in her left hand, and behind her another figure holding a distaff, emblematic of the staple trade of the country. On her right stands another female grasping her hand, and holding in her right hand a roll inscribed leges. To her left is the Speaker of the House of Commons in his robes, placing a cap of liberty on her head, and holding in his left hand a heavy bag inscribed vindicata, and behind him three senators stepping out from a portico. Over the figures is Fame flying, and blowing a trumpet, with a banner appended, and inscribed cxxiv ; she holds in her left hand a ribbon or band bearing the inscription, ergo tua JURA MANEBUNT. On the cxerguc are two human figures naked, the one with the head of a bird of prey, clutching at a quantity of money scattered on the ground, which the other with the head of a wolf, and loosed from a chain fastened to a rock, guards ; behind them some open rolls. The legend on the reverse reads, QUIQUE SUI MEMORES ALIOS FECERE MERENDO. AcrOSS the field, SACRUM - SENA- TORIBUS CXXIV - QUI TENACES PROPOSITI - FORTITER AC PRUDENTER - JURA PATRI^ RITE-VINDICARUNT XVII - DIE DECEMBRIS ^R^ - CHRISTIANS MDCCLIII - QUociRCA viviTE - FORTES. I conjectuTc a medal in gold was given to each of the members who voted on the popular side, as I have seen several, and the one before me is engraved on the edge THO^ Montgomery, ESQ^ 8 b". 1755. He was Member for the Borough of LifFord in that Parliament. Another medal and medallet, both of similar type, were also struck upon the occasion of this triumph. Obverse, the speaker . and liberty. Bust three- * In the "Universal Advertiser," Dublin, 1754, there is a list of the members \»ho voted for and against the Altered Money Bill. Medals and Medallists connected with Ireland. 11 quarter face to the left, in wig and robe of office. The portrait is that of Henry Boyle, afterwards created Earl of Shannon, under whose banner the patriots opposed the corruption and tyranny practised by Primate Stone and the Court party. Reverse, the 124 patriots of Ireland; in the field a harp with the royal crown over it. Exergue, December 17- 1753. The execution of both is indifferent, and the metal brass ; they were probably struck immediately upon the occurrence of the event. The next piece, and that too upon the same subject, refers to the Kildare family ; on the obverse is seen a table covered with money, to the left a hand and arm stretched out from above grasping at it; to the right a man in full dress, in an attitude of defiance, with a drawn sword over the table, as if guarding the money, with the inscription, touch not says • kildare. Exergue, mdcclv. Reverse, a harp with a crown over it; legend, prosperity to old Ireland, 1754. This commemorates the celebrated memorial presented to the king by James Fitzgerald, Earl of Kildare, remonstrating against the withdrawal of money from Ireland, and the removal from public employment of those who favoured the popular cause. The last medal but one connected with this reign had reference to a con- tested election for a member for the county, which took place in Louth in the year 1755. At that time a number of persons formed themselves into what they called an Independent Club, for the purpose of giving opposition to the gentlemen of the county of the high influential interests, and resolved to try and obtain the return of the members. In one instance they were successful in ousting Mr. Bellingham, and succeeded in returning Thomas Tipping, Esq., in con- junction with the Hon. W. H. Fortescue, to serve in Parliament. This medal commemorates their triumph. Obverse, firm to our country as the hock IN THE sea. a large rock standing boldly in the sea, the four winds blowing against it, and on the top a figure of Hibernia, with her left hand resting upon a harp, and her right pointing upwards. Reverse, may the lovers of liberty NEVER LOSE IT. Two hauds United, with a heart over them ; and underneath, in the field, by our strict - union in louth - we disappointed the - hopes OF OUR enemies - ON THE 1 OF NOVEM - 1755 IN THE 29 YEAR -OF THE REIGN OF - K • GEO • THE II - WHOM GOD LONG - PRESERVE. The artist has not given his name, but from the execution of the work he could not have been one B 2 12 The Very Rev. H. R. Dawson on the of any note ; and I may observe, that the design of the obverse seems to have been very closely copied from a medal by Dassier, to the memory of Dr. Samuel Clarke. About the year 1756, there existed an Association of Painters and Sculptors in Dublin, who exhibited their works at a house in William-street, which they built as an Exhibition Room, with the assistance of a parliamentary grant ; but not being incorporated, they were unable to hold the premises, and were even- tually ejected from them by some persons who had advanced them money towards the completion of the building. They had a medal struck as an admission ticket, bearing on the obverse a boy sculpturing a bust, behind him another with pallet and colours, and in the back ground a column and a capital. The reverse is merely inscribed exhibition ticket, with a space left for the proprietor's name. This, I am aware, cannot legitimately be classed as a medal, but as it occasionally appears in collections, I have thought it desirable to record it here. That I may not interrupt the course of this memoir, I shall here insert an account of a very remarkable medal which has been sent to me, (though I have been unable to procure an inspection of the piece itself,) and extracted from Faulkner's Dublin Journal of August 6th, 1768, which precludes the necessity of any further remark for its elucidation. " On Saturday last ended the poll for the election of Knights to represent the County of Westmeath in Parliament, when the numbers stood thus : for Lord Bellfield, 475 ; for the Hon. Colonel Rochfort Mervyn, 387 ; and for the Right Hon. A. Malone, 469, of whom 377 were single votes ; when Lord Bellfield and Mr. Malone were declared duly elected, the latter by a majority of 82 over Colonel Rochfert Mervyn. After the return the free and independent electors, consisting of a most respectable majority of the gentlemen of the county, met together, and they (in testimony of the singularly constitutional conduct of their candidate, who stood forth at their call and nomination, with an exertion of his usual dignity and spirit,) formed a subscription for a gold medal with the following device : Liberty embracing with her right arm a pillar, and supporting herself by it, her left arm resting on her shield, her spear, casque, and other ensigns lying at her feet ; the motto vincit AMOR PATRiiE, ANNO 1768. On the revcrsc, a hand presenting a civic crown, and underneath, presented to the right honourable a. malone by the FREE and independent ELECTORS OF THE COUNTY OF WESTMEATH, IN ACKNOW- LEDGMENT OF HIS STRENUOUS AND SUCCESSFUL SUPPORT OF THEIR INTERESTS Medals and Medallists connected with Ireland. 13 ON THE 25th of JULY, 1768," I am pleased to have the Opportunity of preserving this record of any testimonial to the merits of so celebrated a man as Malone, and the more so as I had vainly sought from the gentlemen of Westmeath any account of the occasion on which the medal was struck, as in fact it appeared totally unknown to those of whom I made the inquiry. The reigns of the two last Georges constitute an aera in the medallic art, of which Ireland may be justly proud, as it produced two artists, who, notwithstand- ing the difficulties under which they laboured, were the authors of some speci- mens in the art, that will not lose by comparison with those of the most skilful in that line in any country. They were both natives of Dublin, and when I men- tion the names of William Mossop, father and son, every admirer of medals will justify me in endeavouring to rescue from oblivion such memorials of them as I have been able to obtain. Through the kindness of Edward Hawkins, Esq. of the British Museum, I have been put in possession of, and allowed to use, several letters and pieces of autobiography from William Stephen Mossop, jun,, which give the Academy a security for their authenticity, but I shall state them very briefly, as they might otherwise extend this memoir to an unreasonable length. The series published by these two artists amounts to more than seventy pieces. William Stephen Mossop, the elder, was born in Dublin A. D, 1751, and about 1765 was placed with Mr, Stone, at that time regarded in Dublin as a man possessed of considerable ingenuity as a die sinker, but whose talents never carried him higher than making a steel letter, or some other mechanical work. Here Mossop's time was thrown away, and his term of apprenticeship passed in the mere drudgery of a trade. Stone was employed in making seals for the Linen Board, and upon this work Mossop was chiefly engaged, and by his exertions mainly con- tributed to the support of his master's family. Stone soon fell a victim to intem- perate habits, and was succeeded by his son, who following his lamentable example, died in the same wretched way. Mossop was then engaged to work for the Linen Board on his own account, and continued to execute their orders until 1781, when a change in the system of the Board threw him out of employment, burthened with a wife and growing family. At this period he was induced, from an accidental circumstance, to undertake some higher works of art. A per- son intending to purchase some medals, submitted them to the judgment of Mossop, who then, for the first time, had an opportunity of contemplating those 14 The Very Rev. H. R. Dawson on the beautiful results of human Ingenuity. He gave an opinion in accordance with the impression produced on his own mind, recommended the purchase of them, but for some reason it was never completed, and eventually he bought them on his own account. From this hour his destiny was fixed ; the flame had been kindled, and every moment he could spare from his other avocations was em- ployed in the study of what was now become an absorbing pursuit. From admiring, he desired to imitate, and persuaded himself that though he might not succeed in the first or second attempt, he would ultimately accomplish something similar. In the year 1782 he produced his medal of Ryder the comedian, his first work, which as a debut in the arts will always be esteemed. When publicly announced, it attracted crowds to inspect and admire it : and yet, after a lapse of several months, but one was sold, and empty praise was for some time his sole reward. At this period he executed a medallion, of which, I believe, only very few impressions remain. It represents the busts of the Right Hon. John Beresford and his wife. Miss Montgomery, side by side, and was engraved for a person who passed himself as a Turk, and kept baths in Dublin : he was called Solyman Achmet, but his real name was, I believe, Kerns. Having received some favour from Mr. Beresford, he caused this medal to be engraved, and set in the side of a silver cup, which he presented to him. The work is extremely delicate, and gives a faithful resemblance of his patron and lady. Amongst those who were distinguished as encouragers of genius, Mossop found a friend and protector in the late Dr. Henry Quin. The first work he executed after his acquaintance with that gentleman was a head of his patron, and in it the artist had given an expression so true to nature, and had finished the whole with an air so closely resembling the antique, that it met the unquali- fied approbation of the excellent judge whose portrait it gives. The immediate occasion of this medal was as follows. Robert Watson Wade, Esq., first clerk of the treasury under Wm. Burton Conyngham, Esq., was affected with a violent imposthume in his side, which had baffled the skill of the faculty in Dublin, but having fortunately called in Dr. Quin, he obtained almost immediate relief, and as a token of gratitude presented him with this medal in gold, and inscribed on the reverse, ob sanitatem restitutam excudit r w wade. This was followed by orders for medals of Mr. La Touch e^ Mr. Alexander, Mr. Deane, and Viscount Pery. Of this nobleman it may not be unsuitable to record an anecdote, which Medals and Medallists connected with Ireland. 15 affords an example worthy of imitation amongst those who may have an oppor- tunity of patronizing arts and artists. When Mossop had finished the head of Lord Pery, he waited upon him with the work. His Lordship expressed him- self highly pleased with the performance, and inquired what remuneration he expected ; on Mossop's replying twenty guineas, the nobleman's surprise gave every reason to imagine that he conceived it an exorbitant demand; coldly remarking, that he thought the artist had not put a fair price upon his work, he observed, he hoped he would be satisfied to accept what he thought proper to give. With these words he presented Mr. Mossop with a paper, which he put into his pocket without examination, and in some confusion bowed and withdrew. If the artist was mortified under the impression that his price was to be reduced, we may imagine his gratification at finding he had been presented with an order for double the sum he had demanded. Shortly after, in 1786, Mossop was employed to execute the Prize Medal of our Academy. The side with Hibernia and the emblems of art was the original device, to the other side was added the head of the Earl of Charlemont when he became our president. As this work may be justly considered the chef d'ceuvre of the artist, and is, I regret to say, in the hands of so few of our members, it will be proper here more particularly to describe it. Obverse, JACOBUS • COMES • DE CHARLEMONT • PR^s. The Earl is represented in the uniform of the Irish volunteers ; the resemblance is most correct, and the exe- cution of the head beautifully soft and fleshy ; the modem costume, so ill adapted to classical art, is rendered agreeable by delicate and judicious ma- nagement. Reverse, veteres revocavit artes. Hibernia seated on a pile of books, surrounded by emblems of astronomy, chemistry, poetry, and antiquities. Exergue, acad • reg • hib • inst • jan . 28 - mdcclxxxvi. The figure is bold and masterly, the drapery broad, and the drawing correct ; while the disposition of the emblems is so tasteful, that in the variety of subjects embraced, nothing ap- pears crowded or confused. The noble Earl was so pleased with this specimen of his skill, that he allowed the artist the use of his library, and free access to all his valuable collections. Soon after the execution of this work Mossop received orders for the medal of Lord Rokeby the Primate ; for that given at the Commencement in Trinity College ; for the badges worn at various societies ; and for tickets of ad- mission to sundry institutions : in fact, he had arrived at the top of his profession. 16 The Very Rev. H. R. Dawson on the > and in every thing connected with it in this country he was employed. His fame had reached England, so that Mr. Boulton, the intelligent proprietor of the Soho Factory at Birmingham, was induced to give him an invitation to go over to his employment in 1791? expressed in the most flattering terms, which, how- ever, he thought proper to decline. During the administration of the Marquis of Buckingham he produced a pattern piece, which he denominated the Union Penny, engraved after a design by Sir Joshua Reynolds. Only six impressions were struck before the die was destroyed, but so admirable was the execution, that two were thought worthy of a place in the cabinet of the reigning monarch. Afterwards he was employed to superintend the coinage of the copper money issued by Messrs. Camac, Kyan, and Camac, until the failure of the concern, by which he sustained considerable loss ; and then he resumed his former pursuits. These led him in 1797 to com- memorate the destruction of the French fleet atBantryBay by a beautiful medal, which is still worn by the members of a club established on the occasion in the neighbourhood ; and he was further employed by the Orange Association and by the Farming Society, to design and make their badges and premium medals. The Rebellion, and subsequently the Legislative Union in 1801, diverted the public mind from any consideration of the fine arts, and the medallic art, the object of our inquiry, shared the common neglect. With the exception of a medal for the Dublin Society, and a Premium Medal for the Navan Farming Society, no other work of importance was executed by Mossop ; and when the former was undertaken, it was proposed that it should have an appropriate reverse for each of the objects which that Society was embodied to encourage. From the eminent skill exhibited in the part of the work which was completed, it is much to be regretted that the original plan was not persevered in. This medal, when at present used, is struck with a blank reverse, upon which is engraved the name of the person obtaining it, and the object for which it is adjudged. In 1804 a paralytic affection, followed almost Immediately by apoplexy, ter- minated in a few hours the life of this ingenious artist. Though his works are not numerous, they are interesting, and as the first of the kind produced in Ire- land, are a lasting evidence of his natural ability in this department of art. Had he received the advantage of early preparatory study, there can be no doubt that he would have equalled any modern medallist, and rivalled those in former times of whom other countries are so justly proud. Besides his medals, he engraved Medals and Medallists connected with Ireland. 17 several large official seals for corporate bodies in Dublin and elsewhere. He also executed a head in carnelion, and a small copy in ivory, from the celebrated gem of the marriage of Cupid and Psyche. In the domestic relations of son, hus- band, and father, he was most exemplary, and obtained respect wherever he was known. William Stephen Mossop, jun., also a native of Dublin, was born in 1788, and after receiving a liberal education at the celebrated school of Samuel Whyte, he commenced in 1802 his studies in the fine arts at the academy of the Royal Dublin Society, under the care of Mr. Francis West, then master of the Figure School. The progress he made not proving satisfactory, he was placed amongst the private pupils of Mr. West, with whom he continued until his father's death left him, at the age of sixteen, very inadequately prepared to commence the practice of his profession ; and the first work he produced was the medal for the Society incorporated for promoting Charter Schools. It was commenced in the life-time of his father, and finished shortly after his death, when the artist was not seventeen years of age. In 1806 he was employed by the Farming Society to execute a badge to be worn by such persons as were life members ; and in 1809 he commenced a medal of considerable merit, for the purpose of commemorating the fiftieth year of the reign of George III. By his own account I find that in the following year he visited London for the first time ; but, as he expresses it, " his stay was so short, and he was so much bewildered by the variety that surrounded him, that he did not derive all the advantages from it he might have done." However, his spirit was greatly aroused, for though after his return to Ireland he was much occupied in working at medals for various branches of the Farming So- ciety, then in active operation, he found time to execute a medal, the die of which was afterwards purchased by the Feinaglian Institution as a Premium medal, and for which he obtained a premium himself from the Society of Arts at the Adelphi. In 1814 he obtained another premium from the same body for a head of Vulcan, which he engraved in compliance with an advertisement from that Society, who promised to purchase the die, but left it, through neglect, on his hands. Thus it appears his merit was acknowledged, but his works were very inadequately remunerated. In 1820, I find from his letters, that he projected a series of medals of dis- tinguished Irish characters, but I cannot discover that he put his design fully VOL. XIX. c 18 The Very Rev. H. R. Dawson on the into execution, though medals of Ussher, Swift, Charlemont, Sheridan, and Grattan afford some evidence of a commencement. Their execution, and the fidelity of the likenesses they exhibit, are such as to make us regret the design was allowed to fall to the ground. The last die that I can discover of his work- manship is one of a noble medallion of the illustrious Wellington ; it appears as jf the subject, as well as the country of the hero, had sharpened his graver, and directed his hand, for it is in truth a spirited performance, having on the obverse a bust of the Duke to the left, and on the reverse the appropriate emblem of Victory crowning a warrior, who is seated, leaning upon his shield. There is also, by the same hand, a small medallet of the hero, a perfect gem ; the die came into the hands of the late Mr. West of Skinner-row, and impressions from it are very rare. On one side it exhibits a bust inscribed duke of Wellington, and on the other the simple but expressive word Waterloo, inclosed in a v«-eath; this reverse however was executed by another artist. Mossop died in 18275 having for some time previous been afflicted by mental aberration, brought on probably by intense application, and increased by those disappointments con- comitant with unrequited genius and professional assiduity. Unwilling to break in upon the account of the two Mossops, I must here insert a reference to some medals struck in the years 1 797-8. Kirk, an artist well known in England, thought it no disparagement of his own talents to copy from Mossop's medal the head of Primate Robinson, and place it on a smaller one with his name, and bearing on the reverse an elevation of the library at Armagh, as a memorial of the liberality of that munificent prelate. The two next are miserable in point of design and workmanship. They were executed under the direction of a person named Brush, who was a silversmith, and as appears from them totally devoid of skill and judgment in that line. One I imagine to be the original badge of the Orange Society, and bears a figure of William III. on horseback within a border of orange lilies. On a scroll above, THE glorious MEMORY, and below, KING AND CONSTITUTION. Rcvcrsc, a sword and sceptre in saltire through a crown, in a wreath of orange lilies, and below on a scroll, god save the king. The second bears the legend, corpo- ration AND citizens OF LIMERICK, — a castlc, with the armorial bearings of the city in a wreath of laurel and palm. Reverse, a crown within a laurel wreath inscribed to the heroes of coloony, 5th • sep*. 1798. It was designed to Medals and Medallists connected with Ireland. 19 commemorate the successful battle fought by the Limerick militia under Colonel Vereker, against General Humbert and the French, at Coloony, near Sligo. Another medal of this year, of beautiful workmanship, and executed by Hancock in England, commemorates the. decisive victory obtained by Sir I. Borlase Warren over the French fleet off the coast of Donegal, on the 12th of October, 1798. The visit of George IV. to his Irish dominions naturally called forth the emulative talents of various artists, both in this and the sister kingdom. On this occasion a medal was published by Mossop. Obverse, georgivs iv d . g . brit . ET HiBERNi^ REX F • D. The king's head laureated to the left. Reverse, advenit REX CONCORDAT civiTAS. Hibcmia standing with a cornucopia in her right hand, and an Irish harp in her left ; at her feet, on the right, a child with a lighted torch, setting fire to a pile of armour and military weapons ; on her right a square altar, with a small flame arising from its top ; in the exergue the arms of the city of Dublin, with the city mace, sword, and cap, mdcccxxi. The die of the reverse of this medal was broken after a few impressions were struck off, and the artist speedily executed another, which differs a little from the one just described, having in the exergue, xii , aug : mdcccxxi. Connected with his Majesty's visit, another medal was executed by Isaac Parkes, an artist still living, to commemorate the Installation held at St. Patrick's Cathedral. Obverse, georgius mi . D : G : britanniarum rex -fid: king's head laureated to the left, encircled by the collar of the order of St. Patrick. Reverse, south-east view of St. Patrick's cathedral ; in the, exergue, royal installation - AT S^ PATRICK' DUBLIN - AUGUST XXVIII - MDCCCXXI. The vicW of the cathedral is very correct, and executed with ability. There is a medal connected with this period, which, though executed in England, as it purports to be struck on Irish metal, it may be fitting to allude to. Obverse, georgius iiii d : g : britanniarum rex f : d : Bust to the left, with a laurel crown. Reverse, Hibernia with a harp, and a wolf dog at her feet, receiving the king, who is just landed from a boat bearing the royal standard. Howth, and some of the most conspicuous buildings of the city in the back ground. In the exergue, in commemoration op his majestys - most gra- cious visit to IRELAND - 1821. w • HAMY DiREX. There is engraved on the edge, IRISH COPPER from the mines in the county of wicklow. This is a work got up by Hamy and Mann, silversmiths in Dublin. The bust was exe- c 2 20 The Very Rev. H. R. Dawson on the cuted by Benjamin Wyon, and the reverse by Mills, both artists of eminence, and are creditable to them. I have but few medallists more to notice ; as they are still living, and work- ing in their profession, I should prefer finding that the Academy was about to take them under its fostering care, to occupying your time in criticising their performances. John Jones was employed in the establishment of the younger Mossop until the death of the latter, and has since produced some works from his own graver connected with the political events of these busy times. They speak for themselves, and I only regret that he has not been more employed, as his Premium Medal for the North East Agricultural Society, is, in taste and execution, a very beautiful performance. His tools and presses are now rusting in his workshop ; and a talented professional native, educated in an excellent school, has the mortification of finding himself neglected, and English artists employed to record Irish events. William Woodhouse, who is a native of England, and received his education at Birmingham, has also struck some few medals. I have no doubt, from the specimens I have seen, that were he to receive due encouragement, his talents would be well employed in the service of our country. The last with whom I am acquainted is Isaac Parkes, a native of Birmingham also, but who came to this country in 1807, and served his apprenticeship to his brother, an eminent button manufacturer in this city. We are justified in con- sidering Parkes as our own ; for, here he served his time ; here he received instructions in modelling from Sherwin, the pupil of Smyth, whose chisel- lings and figures adorn so many of our public buildings ; and, here whatever proficiency he has attained to in the art has been elicited and nourished. If diligent attention to business, access to a well-chosen collection of models, and a considerable share of ingenuity and taste, can secure public patronage, Parkes well deserves it ; and his large medallion of the late Duke of York is an evidence of his boldness and power in the art of die sinking, — for amongst all those of the middle ages, I have scarcely seen one that exceeds it in relief, and it has this superiority over them, that while they were invariably cast, this was raised out of the solid metal by the power of the screw. The comparatively small number of medals I have been able to record from the time of Charles II. to the present day, affords a lamentable and humiliating Medals and Medallists connected with Ireland. 21 proof of the small encouragement both arts and artists have hitherto received in Ireland. Our medallists, while labouring under great discouragements, have shown themselves capable of performances worthy a place in any cabinet ; what might we not then expect if the liberal, the enlightened, the classical were once aroused to patronize an art which formed the boast of Ancient Greece and Rome in the days of their greatest power and highest civilization. P. S. — It was my intention to have accompanied the preceding Memoir with an Appendix, giving a particular description of many other medals connected with Ireland, as well as those which have been noticed already, together with engravings of the most rare and interesting. But since I have more particularly directed my attention to the subject, my researches have led to the discovery of so many medals, of the existence of which I was before ignorant, already amount- ing in all to more than two hundred, that I shall for the present defer the pub- lication of the appendix and engravings till I am enabled to present it to the Academy in a form as complete as I would wish, and as the subject deserves. 22 II. On the Antiquity of the Kiliee or Boomerang. By Samuel Ferguson, Esq., M. R. I. A. " Forte tamen aliquis erit qui de Aclide certius aliqnid in medium ferat." — Pierii in ^neid, 1. vi. V. 730, Comment. Read January 22, and February 12, 1838. I.— OF THE CATEIA. 1 HE Kiliee or Boomerang, at present the peculiar weapon of certain Australian islanders, several varieties of which are represented in Plate I., appears to have been known to European and other Continental nations from a very remote period. The name by which the Boomerang is most readily recognized in the works of Roman writers is Cateia. Of this, the earliest notice is found in the MnexA of Virgil, where, among various tribes who joined themselves with Tumus, mention is made of a people accustomed to whirl the Cateia after the Teutonic manner, " £t quos maliferse despectant m^enia Abeli% Teutonico ritu soliti torquere Cateias." Virg. Mneid. 1. vii. v. 740. The next mention of the Cateia occurs in the Funics of Silius Italicus, where the poet describes an individual of one of the Lybian tribes, who accompanied Hannibal to Italy, as being armed with the bent or crooked Cateia : " Tunc primum castris Phcenicum tendere ritu Cinyphii didicere Macae : squalentia barba Ora viris : humerosque tegunt velamina capri Setigeri : panda manus est armata Cateia." Sil. Ital. Punic. 1. iii. v. 274. Mr. Ferguson on the Antiquity of the Kiliee or Boomerang. 23 A third notice of the Cateia is found in the Argonautics of Valerius Flaccus, where, in an enumeration of the Maeotic nations which rose in arms against Jason, a people are described whose tents of raw hides were carried on waggons from the extremities of the poles of which their young men whirled Cateias. " Quin et ab Hyrcanis Titanius expulit antris Cyris in arma viros : plaustrisque ad prselia cunctas Coraletae traxere manus : ibi sutilis illis Et domus, et cruda residens sub vellere conjunx, Et puer e primo torquens temone cateias." Val. Flac. Argonaut. 1. vi. v. 83. From these notices it may be collected, 1st. That the Cateia was an instrument of a curved shape, for this is the constant meaning of the adjective pandus. " Carinas pandae," ( Virg. Georg. 1. ii. V. 89.) — " Delphines pandi," (Ovid. Trist. 1. iii. v. 9.) — "Fauces pandae," {Stat. Sylv. 1. iii. V. 15.) — " Rostrum pandum," {Ovid. Metamor. 1. iv. v. 57.) — "Rami pandi," {Ovid. Metamor. 1. xiv. v. 37.) — "Juga panda bourn," {Ovid. Amor. 1. i. and Eleg. 1. xiii. v. 4.) 2nd. That it was a projectile — "e temone torquens." 3rd. That it was dismissed with a rotatory motion — " torquens," — " soliti torquere." For, although the verb torqueo is frequently applied to the projec- tion of the straight missile, it is always with reference to the rotatory motion either of the amentum, by which several sorts of straight missile were thrown, or of the weapon itself round its own axis. These marked characteristics of the Boomerang would, perhaps, furnish sufficient grounds for inferring an identity between it and the weapon under consideration ; for, from recent experience, it might safely be asserted that no instrument having the peculiar shape ascribed to the Cateia could be projected with a rotatory motion, without also exhibiting the great distinguishing property of the Boomerang by a reciprocating flight. But the description of the Cateia, given by Isidore, Bishop of Seville, a writer of the end of the sixth and beginning of the seventh century, renders this line of argument unnecessary. He describes the Cateia as a species of bat, of half a cubit in length, 'which, on being thrown, flies not far, on account of its weight, but where it strikes, it breaks through with excessive impetus. And if it be thrown by one skilful in its use, it returns 24 Mr. Ferguson on the Antiquity of the Kiliee or Boomerang. hack again to him who dismissed it. The passage occurs in the " Origines," under the head Clava, viz. : " Clava est qualis fuit Herculis, dicta quod sit clavis ferreis invicem reli- gata, et est cubito semis facta in longitudine. Haec et Cateia, quam Horatius Caiam dicit. Est genus Gallici teli ex materia quam maxime lenta; quae, jactu quidem, non longe, propter gravitatem, evolat, sed ubi pervenit vi nimia perfringit. Quod si ab artifice mittatur, rursum redit ad eum qui misit. Hujus meminit Virgilius dicens ' Teutonico ritu soliti torquere Cateias.' Unde et eas Hispani Teutones vocant." — Isidor. Origin. 1. xviii. c. vii. Thus, all the characteristics of the Boomerang, its use, its shape, its mode of projection, its extraordinary impetus, and its peculiar reciprocating flight, belong to the Cateia, from which it cannot but be concluded that these were the same weapon. II.— OF THE ACLYS. Another name by which a weapon of the same character would appear to have been known to Roman writers is Aclis — aclidis, and Aclys — aclydis. It is first mentioned by Virgil, speaking of the aborigines of Campania. " Oscoruinque manus : teretes sunt aclides illis Tela ; sed haec lento mos est aptare flagello." ViTg. JEneid. 1. vii. v. 730. From which it appears that the Aclys was originally a hand weapon, as its discharge by means of a thong is mentioned as something unusual. Silius also mentions the Aclys, after enumerating those tribes of Campania who allied themselves with Home before the battle of Canns. " Formabat Scipio hello. lUe viris pila, et ferro circumdare pectus Addiderat : leviora domo de more parentum Gestahant tela ; amhustas sine cuspide cornos ; Aclydis usus erat, factseque ad rura bippennis." Sil. Ital. Punic. 1. viii. v. 553. Mr. Ferguson on the Antiquity of the Kiliee or Boomerang. 25 And again, among the forces of Hannibal : " Jamque Ebusus Phcenissa movet, movet Artabrus arma Aclide vel tereti pugnax instare veruto." Sil. Ital. Punic. \. iil v. 362. Mention of the same weapon is found in the rescript directed to Zozimio, Pro- curator of Syria, empowering him to pay a certain annual stipend to Claudius, at that time tribune of one of the Roman legions, and afterwards Emperor, which document is embodied in the life of Claudius, by Trebellius PoUio. Here, among various articles of value, such as mantles, belts, and various sorts of weapons, are specified " Lancea2 Herculeanse duse — Aclides duse — falces duae, &c. (Hist. Aug. Scrip. Minor, v. ii. p. 149.) These passages, although they may appear to distinguish the Aclys from straight missiles in general, yet do not afford more than a negative inference. A more satisfactory evidence of the shape of the weapon, may, however, be obtained from a passage of Valerius Flaccus in the above-mentioned enumera- tion of the Mfflotic nations. " Nee procul albentes geminS, ferte aclyde parmas Hiberni qui terga Nose, gelidumque securi Eruit, et tota non audit Alizona ripa. Fal. JFlac. Argonaut. 1, vi. v. 99. For " fert," Burmann reads " ferit," and considers the double Aclys as the instrument in eliciting a warlike sound from the struck shield. He also takes " albentes" to mean white, as having no device, in the same sense as " albus" in Virgil, " parma inglorius alba." But " fert" is the reading of all the MSS., and, as "fert" cannot take an ablative to complete its meaning, "gemina aclyde" must be referred to "albentes." Again, had Valerius intended to convey the same meaning with Virgil, he would have used "albas," or perhaps " albatas," but never " albentes," which means growing white from some other colour, and implies a proximate cause. — " Campique ingentes ossibus albent," (Virg. ^neid.\.x\\. v. 36.) — "Caput quod videam canis albere capillis," Ovid. Heroid. Ep. xiii.) The meaning of the passage would, therefore, appear certainly to be, " close to him, the hewer of the crust of wintry Danube, who VOL. XIX. z> 26 Mr. Ferguson on the Antiquity of the Kiliee or Boomerang. draws his water with his axe" (a quaint phrase parallel to that of Sidonius Apol- linaris, " Ligerimque securi exclsum, per frusta bibit. — Carm. v. v. 209.) advances shields charged with the white blazonry of the double aclys." Now, the general family to which this tribe belonged, appears as well from their being brought from the Alazonian or Amazonian river (it is also fi'om the banks of the Danube that Seneca brings the Amazons in his Hyppolitus) as from some markedly Amazonian characteristics attributed to them. Of these the most striking is the adoration of pillar-stones, an Amazonian trait not to be mistaken. For, however fabulous that story was which appears to have originated in a vulgar etymology of the word Amazon, it is certain that there were nations of such a family, among whom the women took an active part in war, and that the worship of pillar-stones has been very generally ascribed to them by ancient writers. Plato mentions an amazonian pillar-stone at Athens. IlXrja-iov cokci Tcov TTvXcov Trpo^ rrj Afia^oviSi crrvXr) (Plato in Axiocho. v. iii. p. 365.) And the Argonauts of Apollonius are represented as finding a similar one in Pontus, near the Amazonian Temple of Mars. 'Itpog (^ VOTE nacrai Afia^oveg £V)(sraovTai," Apollon. Argonaut. 1. ii. v. 1177. " Wherein was set up a black holy stone to which all the Amazonians offered their prayers." A stone of the same sort was shown in Colchis in the time of Arrian, and was said to have been the anchor of the Argo, (Arrian. Peripl. p. 9 ;) and even down to the thirteenth century, pillar-stones were of frequent occurrence throughout the plains bordering on the north of the Euxine, (^Rubru- quis apud Hackluyt. vol. i.) So that, in reference to the bearers of the shields blazoned with the double aclys, the following passage from Bryant's Analysis of Ancient Mythology may safely be submitted. " The Amazonians were Arkites ; hence it is, that they have ever been represented with lunar shields ; many have thought that they were of a lunar shape, but this is a mistake, for most of the Asiatic coins represent them other- wise. The lunette was a device taken from their worship. It was their national ensign which was painted on their shields ; whence it is said of them, * Pictis billantur Amazones armis,' and in another place ' ducit Amazonidura Mr. Ferguson on the Antiquity of the Kiliee or Boomerang. 27 lunatis agmina peltis, Penthesllea furens.' The Amazonian shields approached nearly to the form of a leaf, as did those of the Gothic nations. Pliny says of the Indian fig, ' Foliorum latidudo peltae eflSgiera Amazoni?e habet.' Upon these shields they had more lunettes than one ; and from them the custom was derived to the Turks and other Tartar nations." — (Anal. Anc. Myth. v. iii. p. 472.) Whether or not the lunette, which is still the ensign of a very numerous nation, was an Arkite emblem, as this learned, but somewhat fanciful writer supposes, it is extremely probable, that if his interpretation of " lunatse peltse" be correct, this is the same blazonry described by Valerius Flaccus, whose omitting so marked a characteristic would otherwise be singularly inconsistent with the propriety observed throughout the remainder of his poem. " Albentes gemin^ fert aclyde parmas" may then be rendered — " Advances shields charged with the white blazonry of the double lunette" and thus the curved form of the aclys, if this argument of Bryant be correct, will become as apparent as that of the " panda Cateia." This view is strongly confirmed by the description given of this weapon by Servius. " The aclys," he says, " is a weapon of so great an antiquity, that the use of it in war has not been recorded (meaning probably, not otherwise than by poetical writers.) We read, however, that these were bats, of half a cubit in length, with horns projecting at either side, {eminentibus hinc et hinc acumini- bus,) which were so cast against the enemy attached to a line, as to be capable of being retracted after having inflicted the wound;" (Sertnus in JEneid. 1. vii. v. 730.) Here, while Servius clearly describes the shape, and refers to the peculiar flight of the Cateia, he seems to consider the latter as produced by the retraction of thongs to which the weapon was attached ; and in this view he has been followed by all the commentators down to our time. He admits, however, immediately after, that this was but a guess, and refers to the tradition which appears to have preserved the true account ; " putatur tamen esse teli genus quod per flagellum in immensum jaci potest," which will safely bear this translation, •' some, however, are of opinion, that the thong was only used in its projection, and that by its means it could be cast to an immense distance." Such was the Aclys, according to the uncertain report of Servius, and, whatever it may have appeared to him to be, he identifies it with the Cateia, jd2 28 Mr. Ferguson on the Antiquity of the Kiliee or Boomerang. making only this distinction, that the latter was a weapon of double the dimen- sions ; " Cateiam quidam asserunt teli genus esse, tale quale Aclides sunt, ex materia quam maxime lenta, cubitus longitudine, tota fere clavis ferreis illigata, quam in hostem jaculantes, lineis quibus earn adnexuerant, reciprocam faciebant ;" (Servius in ^neid. 1. vii. v. 741;) where it will be still observed, that he leaves it uncertain whether the reciprocating flight arose from the retraction of the lines, or was a consequence of the mode in which the weapon was thrown by their instrumentality. To these we may add a testimony of considerable force, if the translation suggested should be deemed the true one, from Sidonius ApoUinaris, Bishop of the Arverni, a writer of the fifth century. The passage occurs in that panegyric which Sidonius recited before the Emperor Majorian on his arrival at Lyons in the year 457. In this piece the Acquitanian prelate gives an interesting, though inflated account of a victory obtained a short time previously by Majorian over a predatory band of Vandals and Moorish slaves from Africa, who had attempted to carry off a prey from the coast of Campania. He depicts the fat Vandal starting from the benches of his galley, and arming himself for the support of his emissaries on shore, with certain poisoned missiles, which, according to what appears the most obvious translation,* strike twice when once discharged ; and, in * It may be argued that the words, " quae ferlant bis missa semel" have reference to the poison of the arrows alluded to in the preceding Une, and mean, " vfhich injure doubly by a single dis- charge." The other translation has, however, been preferred on the following grounds. Both interpretations go on the assumption, that in the words " quae feriant bis missa semel," the poet intended an antithesis between his and semel ; and the diflference between the two interpreta- tions consists in this, that in the one the antithesis is held to lie between the one discharge and the two successive effects ; while in the other, it is held to lie between the one discharge and the two simultaneous effects. It is true, bis, under certain circumstances, will mean double in simultaneous operation, as " bis periit amator," &c. ; but never, it is submitted, when in opposition to semel, for semel has but one meaning, " once, in point of time" and to be in opposition to it, bis must necessarily mean " twice, in point of time," The interpretation which refers his to a succession of blows, would, therefore, so far appear preferable to that in which his is made to have reference to the double simultaneous operation of cutting and poisoning by one and the same blow. Again, where the actions of two or more agents unite in one verb, the verb employed ought to be such as is proper to both or all. Thus, in expressing in English the idea supposed by the Mr. Ferguson on the Antiquity of the Kiliee or Boomerang. 29 the subsequent account of the engagement, represents some as slain by pikes, some by arrows, and others by the Aclys. " Turn concitus agmine tot& In pugnam pirata coit ; pars lintre cavata Jam dociles exponit equos, pars ferrea texta Concolor induitur, teretes pars explicat arcus, Spiculaque infusum ferro latura venenuin Quce feriant his missa semel ; jam textilis anguis Discurrit per utramque aciem, &c. &c." And again, after the battle joined : " Hunc coiiti rotat ictus equo, ruit aclide fossus Ele, veruque alius, jacet hie simil alite telo Absentem passus dexteram." Sidon, Apollinar. Carm. V. v. 328-413. Thus, then, the notices which can be collected concerning the Aclys furnish evidence nearly as strong as that adduced in the case of the Cateia, shewing that suggested interpretation to be conveyed by these words, we do not say, " which poison twice when once discharged," on the one hand, nor " which cut twice when once discharged," on the other ; but select some equivalent for Jeriant, which is equally applicable to the infliction of a hurt by the incision of a cutting instrument, and by the operation of a poison, such as " wound," " hurt," " injure," &c. But it is conceived thaX ferio is not capable of such an equivalent. It means essentially to " hit," to " strike," to " illide against," and is quite inapplicable, without a very strong metaphor, to the operation of a poison. But if there be two agents, as in this case, the common verb cannot be employed metaphorically, unless the metaphor be equally applicable to both agents. The meaning of the common verb cannot be split, so as to suggest two ideas, one metaphorical, and one simple, having reference severally to the respective agents. Had the poet intended the meaning suggested, he might properly enough have made use of either " noceo" or " laedo," both of which are applica- ble, as well in point of rythm as of meaning. Thus, "namque ut refecta est coluber, nocuit hominem protinus," (Pheedn, 1. i. fol. 18 ;) " Lcedere aliquam vulnere," {Ovid, in Jbin, v. 484,) &c. Further, missa seems to imply progressive motion, such as is more proper to successive than to simultaneous effects ; and, therefore, had Sidonius intended the meaning suggested, he would pro- bably have employed, not missa, but some such word as acta, impacta, or the like, which would carry the agents to their locus in quo, and leave them there. To express the meaning suggested, the fittest words would be " quae noceant dupliciter simplici ictu," which are all different from the words employed ; but, to express the meaning adopted, it would be impossible to find apter words than those employed themselves. 80 Mr. Ferguson on the Antiquity of the Kiliee or Boomerang. all the chief characteristics of the Boomerang belong to this weapon also ; whence it is concluded, that the Aclys was a weapon which differed from the Cateia only in dimensions. Ill— OF THE ANCYLE. The etymology of the word Aclys points, in the third place, to another name by which a similar weapon seems to have been known to the Greeks. " Ego jacula crediderim, (says Turnebus, in his commentary on the 'duas Aclydes' of Trebellius, Adversar. lib. xxx. c. xi.), an sata, an amenta. Ay/cuAat autem Graeciae jacula quaedara sunt ; et per diminutionem inde AyKvXiSes — inde Aclydes." And this etymology is generally adopted by subsequent commenta- tors. There exists, indeed, a remarkable connexion between the sounds ak and ank, which strongly supports the conjecture of Turnebus. Thus, as Vossius observes, from KLKiwo^y cincinnus ; from Xei\(o, lingo ; from cx'^j anguis. In like manner ank, in the present of some verbs, assumes the form ak in the pre- terite, as stringo, «^rm ; ^ngo, Jixi ; £rango, Jregi ; x'mco, vici ; i^ango, pcBxi, pegi, pepigi ; pactum, &c., (old praeterite.) Thus, also, the ayKvpa of the Greeks, and anchora of the Latins, is found in the form akkeri in the Islandic, and akkjeri in the dialect of the Feroe islands. — (Antiq. Americ. ante- Columb., p. 328.) So also in topographical nomenclature, the Sangar river, called by the barbarians Sagaris ; the Ogygian gates, stated by Hesychius to be called the Oncaian gates by the Athenians, &c. Numerous similar instances may be had in the modem languages of Europe, as against, in the Anglo-Saxon onjean, {Skinner, Etymol. Mag. Ling. Ang.) ; aguillon, the French needle, in the Teu- tonic, angel, (do.) ; ache, a pain, from the Anglo-Saxon anje, vexatus, (do.), &c. Now the KyKvkrj of the Greeks, though commonly used synonymously with the Latin Amentum, meaning the thong or attached sling by which various sorts of missiles were discharged, has an independent signification as a distinct species of missile, as in that passage of the Orestes of Euripides, where certain Phry- gians, speaking of their weapons, are made to say : 'O fif.v irtrpovc 6 Ss ayKvXag, 'O Se %i(pOQ irpoKWTTOv ev x^potv ex^v. JEurip. Orest. v. 1438. Mr. Ferguson on the Antiquity of the Kiliee or Boomerang. 31 On which the scholiast observes, ayKv\as — ra aKovria avo tov eTrrjyKvXtaa-Oai ; j) 8coTi airo rrjy Kara fX€-asT>ipK ; and, of course, if the prin- ciples which Ihave endeavoured to establish elsewhere be correct, in a year B. C. of the form 1767 — 30 k. If now a record should be found of any given panegyry of the series occuring in any given year of any other king, the exact interval between the commencement of the two reigns could be determined from an approximate interval. Suppose, for example, that a record should be found of a grand panegyry occurring in the twenty-sixth year of Amenothph III. Knowing that the commence- ment of his reign was above 100 years before that of Rameses the Great, we should infer, that the interval between his twenty-sixth year and the first of Rameses, was ninety years ; and, of course, that the interval between the beginnings of the two reigns was 115 years. Unfortunately, with the exception of the two tablets at Silsilis, I believe no record of this kind has been discovered. Rev. Edward Hincks on the Egyptian Stele, or Tablet. 51 by which the chronology of the Egyptian kings can be settled with accuracy, renders it highly desirable that they should be sought after. In order to show the utility of tablets of this description, I will enter into some details respecting the two that are known ; and I am the more disposed to do this, because a false inference has been drawn from one of them, and 1 believe the other has not been noticed by any one conversant with hieroglyphics. One of these tablets, which is in the museum at Florence, records, that a per- son named Psammitich, was born in the third year of Necho, the tenth month, and first day ; that he died in the thirty-fifth year of Amasis, the second month and sixth day ; and that he lived seventy-one years four months and six days. When this tjiblet was first noticed, it was carelessly stated, that it counted seventy-one years from the third of Necho, to the thirty-fifth of Amasis ; and from this it was inferred that there were thirty-nine years between the first of Necho and the first of Amasis. If, however, we take into account the months and days, we shall see that the true interval was forty years. This interval comprehends the reigns of three kings, the joint length of whose reigns is stated by Herodotus to be forty-seven years ; by Africanus, from Manetho, to be thirty-one ; and by Eusebius, who professes also to follow Manetho, to be forty-eight. We may judge of the degree of credit due to the Greek authorities by the gross blunders which they have, all of them, been detected in making, in this instance, where the truth is known from a cotemporary monument. We may likewise test their accuracy by the length of reign which they assign to Cambyses in Egypt. Herodotus, Diodorus Siculus, and Eusebius, are all agreed that he conquered that country in the fifth year of his reign ; and of course that he reigned over it only three or four years. Africanus alone gives him a reign of six years ;* but in this he is corroborated by the express testimony of a cotemporary monument, * Ka5ft|Si/cr>){ IT» t T?5 iavTov ^owiXEia; Xlef(ra» iPeu/iKivait, Alyuirvov eri) r'- So the text of Africanus exists in all MSS. and editions ; but for i I would read 9' ; correcting a mistake, into which a trans- criber might easily fall, and rendering the statement perfectlj' consistent with truth. I would also correct the text of Africanus, by substituting ir for j-', as the length of reign of Necho II. This mtdces him agree as to the length of that reign with Herodotus ; and as to the sum of the three reigns with the Florence tablet ; for, where reigns are reckoned by complete years, months and days being neglected, the sum of sixteen, six, and nineteen years may be very well reduced to forty. c2 52 Rev. Edward Hincks on the Egyptian Stele, preserved in the Coptic jy6n or UJUJIT, and corresponding to the Latin cap-ere. * I mean the king, who is called Thothmos V. by Rosellini. The Italian antiquarian has imagined a king of this name, whom he calls Thothmos III., but who had no real existence. Having taken it into his head that Queen Amouneth ente heou, who erected the Karnac obelisks, was the mother of Thothmos Mephre, and finding that the name of the father of this king was Thothmos, he assumed the existence of a husband of the queen, whom he called Thothmos III. ; and he styled Mephre, Thothmos IV. The fact is, however (as I conjectured in a note to my paper on the years and cycles of the ancient Egyptians, and as has since been completely established), that this queen if 2 60 Rev. Edward Hincks on the Egyptian Stele, or Tablet. Ins. 93), the deceased person is called "the attendant upon the king in his journeys to the southern and northern countries, who went from Naharina (Mesopotamia) to Karai in the suite of his majesty." It is worthy of observa- tion, that these are the identical limits of the Egyptian empire, which are recorded on the Liverpool and Paris scarabaei (as already noticed), in the eleventh year of Amenothph III., the son and successor of this king. This deceased person, whose name was Amenothph, was also "first prophet of Empe" and " superintendent of his Majesty's cattle stall ;" and he held another office under the crown, the nature of which I do not understand. After the name of the person commemorated by the tablet, there occurs very commonly, in inscriptions of all ages, an addition on which I will make a few remarks. It commences with the word Me (yo) " truth," expressed either symbolically, by an ostrich feather or a measure ; phonetically, by the sickle and arm, which represent the two component letters of the word ; or in both ways combined, the measure or feather, the sickle and arm being all used. This is followed by a club, T, representing the word Taoue, " speaking," the subsequent or complementary letters of which are but seldom expressed. And after this we occasionally meet characters which I consider to belong to the sentence; namely, Chal, (^n) a preposition, answering to the Hebrew ^a or ■?, " to," and either the name of Osiris, or the two N's, the hatchet and the pike, with which the words Nter, " god," and Naa, " great," are written, and which are commonly used as abbreviations of those words. I would then translate the entire addition, not as ChampoUlon has done " the truth-speaking, le veridique,"* but " who has spoken the truth to Osiris," or " to the great god."f This expression I under- stand in a forensic sense, as meaning "who has been justified, or pronounced Innocent, by Osiris." It has been expressly stated by Diodorus, that the presi- dent of every Egyptian court of justice wore a badge, which was called Truth, vias sister to Thothmos Mephre, and that they were children of King Thothmos II. It is there- fore Mephre that we should call Thothmos III. ; and his grandson, under whom this tablet was sculptured, must be Thothmos IV. * I do not deny that the two former words would have this meaning, if they stood alone; as they do in the praenomen of the successor of Amenemhe III., whose phonetic name has not yet been ascertained, " The sun who speaks truth." But I conceive that in the addition of which I am speak- ing, the subsequent words, if not expressed, are always to be understood. t Or as I have observed in one place, " To the lords of the abode of glory." Rev. Edward Hincks on the Egyptian Stele, or Tablet. 61 and which the monuments show us to have been an image of Thme, the goddess of Truth or Justice, who is represented sitting, with an ostrich feather on her head, and a bandage over her eyes. With this figure he touched the successful party in the suit; thus announcing to him that the decision of himself and his assessors was in his favour. This was as much as to say to him that " he had spoken the truth ;" that his plea was true. In accordance with this, the unsuc- cessful accuser, the adversary of the deceased, is called in the ritual "the liar." Here I cannot refrain from noticing the extraordinary mistake, into which Sir J. G. Wilkinson has fallen with respect to this badge, which he supposes to have been the same as that worn by the Jewish high priest ; arguing from the similarity of the words Thme and Thummim. The resemblance between these words is merely apparent, and disappears when we reduce them to the radical forms. The initial Th of the Egyptian word is the feminine article, while the j^ of the Hebrew word is radical ; and, on the other hand, the Egyptian word has at the end of it a letter having the force of the Hebrew y, to which there is nothing equivalent in the Hebrew word that has been supposed to correspond with it. The resemblance, then, between the names (yo and dji) it not real; nor were the purposes for which the two badges were worn at all similar. The addition, of which I have been speaking, which is commonly abbreviated to two characters, such as W or appears to belong to deceased persons exclusively ; so that it might be translated " deceased," or " the late." It is contrasted with the characters, 1^ which, when they follow the name of a man, imply that he is alive. Thus, on a broken tablet, in the British Museum (Eg. Ins. 27) the person comme- morated is called Imothph, deceased, son of Hapi, still alive ; and of a deceased mother, daughter of a deceased person, and sister to a living person. It was, however, in most cases, considered sufficient to express that a person was alive, if the characters for deceased were omitted after his name. Now, as 6i Rev. Edward Hincks on the Egyptian Stele, or Tablet. these characters are wanting after the names of many persons commemorated on tablets, a question arises, whether these tablets were always funereal ; whether they may not, in many instances, have been erected by individuals out of gratitude to the gods, for gifts conferred on them during their lives. That this was the case, in some instances, is highly probable ; but I would by no means affirm that it was the case whenever the characters expressing death were wanting. It is, however, a question, which I do not feel myself called on to decide. One thing appears to me clear ; namely, that the presence or absence of this addition is no criterion of the antiquity of the tablet. 10. It is otherwise with certain prefixes, which are found on very early and on very recent tablets, immediately after the preposition en, or enkien. Tablets of the Ptolemaic and Roman ages, and, perhaps I should add, tablets sculptured under the latest dynasties, have after this preposition the title " Osiris," which is never found on the more ancient tablets. I do not, by any means, intend to deny that it was customary, in ancient as well as in modern times, for the Egyp- tians to identify deceased persons with Osiris. I am aware that on that most ancient record, the coffin found in the third pyramid, this identification is distinctly made. What I mean to assert is simply this — that the title is not given to deceased persons on ancient tablets. 11. On the other hand, a title, which I interpret "the blessed," or "favoured," sometimes followed by a preposition, and the name of a deity, is almost pecu- liar to very ancient tablets. Instances, may, perhaps, occur, in which this title may be found on recent ones, or in which it may be wanting on ancient ones ; but we may infer with tolerable certainty, that if this title be found on the stone, it is more ancient than the reign of Amenemhe III., and if it be not found on it, it is of that or some subsequent reign. I would be understood as speaking with the same qualification as I did with respect to the title Osiris. Deceased persons of all ages are spoken of as "blessed," or "possessed of blessing;" but it is only on ancient tablets that gifts are said to be given "to the blessed superintendent," &c., or the like. The essential part of the title, to which I allude, is the character. representing an object unknown to me. How this character came to signify Rev. Edward Hincks on the Egyptian Stele, or Tablet. 63 " blessed," I cannot say; but Mr. Sharpe assigned this meaning to it by decipher- ing ; and though I do not often assent to that gentleman's conclusions, I cannot avoid doing so in this instance. It may possibly represent the idea expressed by the word "blessed ;" but it is possible also, and 1 think much more probable, that it represents some object, the name of which was pronounced in the same manner, or nearly so, as the Egyptian word for " blessed," or as the first syllable in this word. Along with this unknown character, there occur in this title, when written in full, the leaf, answering to the Hebrew Aleph, and which may be read by any vowel ; the sickle M, the sieve CH, and either the pair of leaves EI, or the quail OU. The two latter characters are equivalent to our termina- tion ed ; and have the same effect as the corresponding Hebrew vowels '' and \ when placed before the last radical, in the participle Pahul or the verbal noun of the form Pahil. Rejecting then these servile letters, the Egyptian verb con- sists of three letters nOJ^j in addition to the unknown character ; which I regard as merely determinative, unless it be used as a substitute for the whole word, or for its first syllable, or for the consonant M. To show the manner in which this peculiar character is introduced, I will set down a number of varieties which I have met with ; putting for the common phonetic characters their Hebrew equi- valents, and for the peculiar character an asterisk ; and, for the sake of compari- son, I will do the same thing with the word me, " truth," already mentioned ; the asterisk in it representing its peculiar character, the ostrich feather or the measure. Amach, to bless, is written, *n?l3N ; n*50N; T\*ii'i PI*; * Me, truth, is written, *y;a ; i?)D* ; y* ; * The peculiar characters belonging to the word me, " truth," are known to be ideagraphic ; but that which distinguishes the word amach, is unknown ; and, as I have already observed, it may be significative of sound. If I must hazard a conjecture, it would be that it represented a vessel holding mud, with the mud flowing out of it ; omi, or ome, is the Coptic for " mud ;" and the old Egyptian word for it probably only differed from this in its vowels.* * On communicating my views respecting this word to Mr. Birch, he proposed an objection to them, which I think it right to notice, as I trust I shall be able satisfactorily to remove it. He ob- served that the preposition used between this participle and the name of a deity was " to," not " by," as according to my views it should be. The proposition is bn, answering to the Hebrew 64 Rev. Edward Hincks on the Egyptian Stele, or Tablet. I now come to the most important part, as I think I may safely call it, of the inscription on a tablet, namely, the speech put into the mouth of the deceased person. It may be known by the group of hieroglyphics which precedes it, as in the skeleton inscription given above. These characters are in^, " he says," that is, " who says ;" for the Egyptians had no relative pronouns. If the person commemorated be a female, the broken line D, " she," is used for the horned serpent, "i, " he." It must not be supposed that these speeches are always of im- portance, or even that they always convey information respecting the deceased person. Sometimes, the speech is a prayer addressed to Osiris, or some other deity ; sometimes it is a statement of the happiness enjoyed by the deceased in Amenta ; sometimes it is an Invitation to mankind in general, or to the priests, or to those who may approach the burial place, to pray for blessings to the deceased ; but it is, in many instances, a brief narrative of the most important events in the life of the deceased person ; and it is here, if any where in the body of the inscription, that we may expect to find the time when he lived, or his age, stated. It would be impossible, in such a paper as this, to describe at any length the varied contents of this portion of the inscription. Nor is it necessary for my purpose, which is merely to direct attention to this class of Egyptian antiquities, and to guide the purchaser or student to those which are of most value, either from their age or from their contents. It is a rule, which admits few excep- tions, that very little information is to be derived from any tablet which does not contain a speech ; but the converse of this is by no means true ; many speeches contain no information whatever. I have mentioned, as I went along, several criteria of the antiquity of tablets. It remains for me to notice one, the most striking of all, which lies not in the bH or b ; and, no doubt, it signifies most commonly " to." It, however, has other meanings, just as the corresponding h has. It is used before the name of a king, when the year of his reign is to be expressed. So is the Hebrew b. And why may it not be also used for "of" in such expres- sions as " the blessed of Osiris," « the favoured of his master ?" In that very ancient Hebrew passage. Genesis, xiv. 19, a document, which is probably of the same age with the tablets which contain this formula, the proposition b is used for "of" in the similar expression, "Blessed be Abram of the most High God," ]^>b^S bwb. The Hebrew and the ancient Egyptian languages throw great light on each other ; and it is not unreasonable to expect that the study of the Egyptian monuments will elucidate many passages of the sacred text that are now obscure. Rev. Edward Hincks on the Egyptian Stele, or Tablet. 65 inscription itself, but in the sculptures which accompany it. In the more ancient tablets, the figures which occur are exclusively those of the deceased person and his relatives ; figures of deities are never introduced. On the contrary, a tablet of the eighteenth dynasty, or of any subsequent period, is seldom without the representation of some deity or deities. I must, however, remark, by way of caution, lest anyone should infer from this that the Egyptians of the earlier ages did not represent their deities in a visible form, that in the inscriptions on these ancient tablets small images of the deities are used, either to represent their names, or as determinative signs after them. The difference between the two classes of tablets is not to be attributed to any change in the religious notions of the people ; it seems to have been merely a difference of taste or fashion ; the more ancient Egyptians representing the deceased person as entertaining his relatives at a feast, while those of after ages represented him as doing homage to the deities. The dates of some tablets are conspicuously placed at the tops ; the royal name and titles being inclosed in a cartouche, and the year of the king's reign, and sometimes the month and day, being prefixed. It is from a comparison of these dated tablets, the relative ages of which can admit of no question, that I have derived the criteria of antiquity which I have mentioned. I say the relative ages, because there are gaps in Egyptian chronology, which render it impossible for us to assign as yet the years, or even the centuries, before our era, at which the earlier kings lived. We know that the eleven kings, who appear as the predecessors of Rameses II. in the tablet of Abydos, with the inter- vening kings and queens whose names are omitted, reigned together for about 300 years. These are included in the eighteenth dynasty of Manetho. We know also that from the commencement of the reign of Sheshonk I., who com- menced the twenty-second dynasty of Manetho, to the Persian conquest, is within a trifle, in excess or in defect, of 450 years. But as to the interval between the accession of Rameses II. and that of Sheshonk I., we have as yet, so far as I am aware, no satisfactory evidence. We know both from Manetho, and from the royal tombs at Thebes and other monuments, that a great number of kings intervened ; but we have no certainty, that they did not belong to two or more contemporaneous dynasties ; or that in the same dynasty two or more brothers did not occupy the throne together. This interval, then, which is by some extended VOL. XIX. / 66 Rev. Edward Hincks on the Egyptian Stele, or Tablet. to 550 years, is reduced by others to less than the half of that period ;* and thus an uncertainty to the extent of about 300 years exists as to the reign of each monarch of the so called eighteenth dynasty, when the date of its com- mencement is compared with any given era ; although the order of most of the reigns is perfectly well ascertained, and the length of many of them is known also. , I have spoken of kings and queens belonging to this dynasty, whose names are omitted in the tablet of Abydos. That this should be the case should excite no surprise, because that tablet was only intended to include the royal ancestors of Rameses II. The non-appearance of a king's name in it is no evidence that he did not live during the interval of time which it comprehends. In point of fact, the monuments in existence exhibit to us no less than four royal per- sonages, who lived between Thothmos IV. and Rameses I., the twelfth and fifteenth kings on the tablet, in addition to the two who appear as the thirteenth and fourteenth, viz., Amenothph III., and Horus (Har-em-hebee). The names of three of these kings are Amuntuonkh, Amunmes, and Amenothph IV. ; that of the fourth, whose tomb is in the western valley at Thebes, is yet undetermined. There can be little doubt that Amuntuonkh was the brother of Amenothph III., who shared the sovereignty with him for a time. This was pointed out by Sir J. G. Wilkinson, who has, however, confounded this king, who probably died in his childhood, with Amenothph IV. This last king has deservedly excited much interest ; and strange mistakes have been made respecting the age when he lived. M. Letronne, and other French writers, have supposed him to belong to a dynasty anterior to the shepherds, the immediate successors of the gods ! Colonel Vyse, on the other hand, imagines him to be one of the Persian kings of the twenty-seventh or thirty-first dynasty ! The monumental evidence is, however, conclusive as to his belonging to the Thothmos family. It appears, that having become a proselyte to sun worship, he changed his original name of Amenothph, which implies devotion to Amoun, for Vach-en-aten (jn{^3n3)» • The most probable supposition appears to me to be that, which makes the date of the ceiling of the Memnonium about 1322 years B. C. ; and which, to accord with this, assumes that the twen- tieth and twenty-first of Manetho's dynasties reigned contemporaneously after the nineteenth. If this be so, according to the principles laid down in a former note, Rameses the Great must have ascended the throne in 1347 B. C, about 400 years before Sheshonk. Rev. Edward Hincks on the Egyptian Stele, or Tablet. 07 " the adorer of the sun's disk."* The latter name is found at Karnac, cut over the former, the praenomen attached to it remaining unchanged. Not content with this, in the fervour of his religious zeal, he made war against the name of Amenothph, wherever he found it. It has been defaced in innumerable instan- ces in the second cartouche of his grandfather (or perhaps his great grandfather), Amenothph III. In general, the name has been merely chiselled away ; but in several places, a repetition of the praenomen has been cut over it ; a plain proof that his hostility was not directed against his ancestor, but against the name which he bore. There is also a tablet of Mr. Harris's of the age of Thothmos IV. (already referred to in this paper), relating to a deceased Amenothph, the former part of whose name has been rudely defaced in every one of the four places where it occurs. A like hostility appears to have been directed against the goddess Mouth, the wife of Amoun. In a curious statue of the reign of queen Amuneth, in the collection of Sign. Athanasi, representing (as I conceive) this queen, when an infant, in the arms of her nurse, and commemorating the father of the nurse, whose name was Sen- Mouth ; the latter part of this name, which occurs very frequently in the inscriptions, has been, in the majority of instances, more or less defaced. This statue is curious, not only on account of its subject, but on account of its exhibiting traces of two defacers ; a political one, who obliterated the name of the queen on the accession of her brother; and a religious one, at a later period, who made war on the name of the goddess. I mention these facts, because they are not unconnected with the subject of the present paper ; they furnish a criterion of the age of a tablet which may some- times be applicable. If the name of Amoun, or Mouth, appears on a tablet with marks of a hostile tool, it may be considered as certain that it was anterior to the reign of Rameses I., perhaps to that of Horus ; and as highly probable that it was not very long anterior to it. Very ancient tablets, which are now in existence, were in all probability buried in the days of the sun-worshipper. * In an article in the Foreign Quarterly Review, which has appeared while these sheets were passing through the press, this king is called Oubasheniten, which is interpreted "the splendour of the disk." The Coptic word oubash, splendour, is in Egyption 2723?, and can have no connexion with nS; the Coptic corruption of the latter might be bash or ouash, but it certainly could not be oubash. It has been demonstrated by Salvolini that this root signifies " to adore." Ouasht has this signification in Coptic, iu which language a T is often paragogic. /2 68 Rev. Edward Hincks on the Egyptian Stele, or Tablet. Before the commencement of the eighteenth dynasty, the tablet of Abydos furnishes us with five royal names, to which we may add a sixth, ascertained from other monuments, who appear to have constituted the twelfth dynasty of Manetho, and to have reigned for about 1 60 years. These sovereigns have been commonly classed under the sixteenth and seventeenth dynasties of Manetho ; but that writer's catalogue of the twelfth appears to me to be intended for them, though we must suppose it to be grossly corrupted. The five dynasties intervening be- tween the twelfth and eighteenth, I conceive to have been either contemporaneous with the twelfth, or altogether imaginary. The first two monarchs of this twelfth dynasty were Osortasen I.* and Amenemhe II. ; the former of whom appears to have reigned forty-two years, and the latter thirty-two, before they took their respective successors into part- nership with them. A great number of dated tablets are in existence, belonging to these two reigns. The first year of Amenemhe II. corresponded with the forty-third year of Osortasen I. ; and the first of Osortasen II. with the thirty- third of Amenemhe II. ; after whose death he appears to have reigned a very short time. We cannot, then, expect to have many monuments of his. After him comes Osortasen III., and then Amenemhe III. The first Amenemhe preceded Osortasen I., and belonged, according to Manetho, to the eleventh dynasty. I have made the preceding statements advisedly, and on what I consider perfectly sure grounds, though they are at variance with the received opinions. Major Felix produced a supposed succession from Benihassan, from which he inferred that Amenemhe the First intervened between Osortasen I. and Amenemhe II. This error, for such it demonstrably is, has been adopted by Sir J. G. Wilkinson, and by Rosellini ; and Mr. Cullimore has grounded upon it a restoration of the obliterated portion of the tablet of Abydos, which has been published, under the title of" Chronologia Hieroglyphica," by the Royal Society of Literature. I have the highest respect for the learning and ingenuity of Mr. Cullimore, but truth obliges me to pronounce this restoration to have been made on erroneous grounds, and to be of no authority whatever. The sole ground for supposing that the royal names at Karnae formed a connected series, * Or Gesortasen, if the initial letter corresponding to V be sounded in Greek as a G, as it is in Gaza, Gomorrah, &c. Hence, probably, the grossly corrupted reading of Manetho, Gesongosis. Rev. Edward Hincks on the Egyptian Stele, or Tablet. 69 like that of Abydos, was that the names of the three kings in question occurred among the names at Karnac ; and that they might be read with a little manage- ment in the order, in which the Benihassan inscription was supposed to indicate that the kings reigned. It is quite impossible, however, that the names at Karnac can be read with any management in the true order of succession, as indi- cated above ;* and therefore I conclude that the names at Karnac must have been set down without order, the inscription there having never been designed to be historical. Nor do I think that it at all follows, that these were names of Egyptian sovereigns exclusively. If Thothmos reigned over the country about Meroe, as 1 believe he did, his predecessors in that region might very well be represented as receiving homage from him, as well as his predecessors In Egypt. I will now state the grounds on which I pronounce the received order of succession of these three kings to be erroneous. In one of Mr. Harris's ta- blets figured by Mr. Sharpe (Eg. Insc. 73), which Is dated in the third year of Amenerahe II., the deceased person is made to say, that he was born in the reign of Amenemhe I., and was appointed to certain offices by Osortasen I. When first I saw this, I was lost in astonishment, having never doubted, after the con- fident statements of Mr. CuUimore, Sir J. G. Wilkinson, and Rosellini, that there was a clear indication at Benihassan of an order of succession inconsistent with this. To settle the question, however, I referred to the Benihassan inscrip- tion itself, which I found copied by Mr. Burton (Exc. Hier. 33). I certainly found the three royal names occurring there in an order, which might not unnatu- • This remark has led to a friendly correspondence with Mr. CuUimore, the result of which I have been requested to communicate in a note. Mr. CuUimore and I are agreed, that there is a way of reconciling the facts above stated, which he does not dispute, with the authority of the Karnac tablet, namely, by supposing that Amenemhe I. usurped the government in the hfe-time of Osor- tasen I., but that he died before him, and the latter then resumed his authority ; so that he was, in fact, the predecessor both of Amenemhe II., as is testified by contemporary monuments, and of Amenemhe I., in accordance with the Karnac tablet. But Mr. CuUimore and I differ as to the claims of this tablet to be received as an historic document. He considers it to carry with it its own evidence that it is such, and to be sufficiently corroborated by other monuments. I, on the contrary, conceive it to be totally destitute of internal claims to be received as an authentic catalogue of kings ; I consider the evidence on which Mr. CuUimore relies, as corroborating it, to be inconclusive ; and I think that other parts of it, as well as the Osortasen succession, are inconsistent with contem- porary monuments. Mr. CuUimore's services to the cause of literature have been great ; and while I am compeUed to differ from him on this point, I readily acknowledge them. 70 Rev. Edward Hincks on the Egyptian Stele, or Tablet. rally be supposed to be the reverse order of their reigns. Amenemhe II. occurred first ; it was followed by Amenemhe I., and that by Osortasen I. I observed, however, that there was a great deal of matter intervening between these royal names ; and I found, on examination, that this intervening matter was of such a nature as completely to disprove the order of succession, which it had been supposed to prove. The inscription stated that Nebhothph had been appointed by Amenemhe 11., in the nineteenth year of his reign, a " Repha-He," with the military government of a certain district ; the same rank and government having been conferred on his father by Amenemhe I., and on his elder brother by Osortasen I. Of course, Osortasen I. intervened between the two Amenemhes. After this I became acquainted with a tablet in the Leyden Museum, the date of which made " assurance doubly sure ;" being " the forty-fourth year of Osor- tasen I., which is the second year of Amenemhe II." The importance of this inference, as setting aside the supposed series of kings at Karnac, will, I hope, be accepted as an excuse for this digression. I will only add, that of the kings preceding Amenemhe I., we know very little as to the order, and nothing as to the length of their reigns. I have now completed the task which I had marked out for myself; and it is my earnest wish that what I have said on this branch of Egyptian antiquities may induce others of my countrymen to engage in the study of this interesting and Important branch of literature. I trust that no preconceived opinion of the Impossibility that hieroglyphic characters in ancient inscriptions should express phonetically the words of a language will cause them to shut their eyes against the fact that they do so. And I trust also that no unworthy national prejudice will lead them to undervalue this field of discovery, because, though it may be said to have been opened in England, its most successful cultivators have been hitherto foreigners. I well remember the time, when the current of national prejudice ran strong against what were contemptuously called " French Mathe- matics ;" but the good sense of our countrymen at length prevailed, and those branches which were once regarded as exclusively French, have been pursued with as much success in England, and, I will add, in Ireland, as ever they were in France. Let us adopt the same course in respect to hieroglyphical literature ; and, in place of decrying the labours of Champollion, and undervaluing his won- derful discoveries, let us apply ourselves to follow them up ; correcting, as we go Rev. Edward Hincks on the Egyptian Stele, or Tablet. 71 along, his errors where we find that he has committed them ; but candidly acknowledging that he himself corrected most of his early errors in his grammar, and that those which remain are few and unimportant, when we take into account the number, the magnitude, and the importance of his discoveries. 72 IV. On the true Date of the Rosetta Stone, and on the Inferences deducihle from it. By the Rev. Edward Hincks, D. D. Read May 9, 1842. IN investigating the affairs of ancient nations by the help of the contemporary monuments that are yet in existence, there is no knowing beforehand how prolific a single truth may be ; what a train of interesting and even important facts may be brought to our knowledge by combining that one truth with those that are already known. This should lead us to prize every new fact that can be ascer- tained, however unimportant it may appear in itself. And, on the other hand, a similar consideration should lead us to endeavour to correct every falsely assumed fact, no matter how trivial the error may appear ; for falsehood is unfortunately as prolific as truth ; and one falsehood, assumed as a fact, may give birth to errors without number. A striking illustration of these general principles has lately occurred in M. Letronne's Edition of the Greek Inscription on the Rosetta Stone ; in which, with the most perverse ingenuity, he draws inference after inference from the false date, which Dr. Young assigned to that monument ; which inferences are all erroneous, and are in most cases the very reverse of those which should have been drawn. The date, which Dr. Young erroneously assigned to that monument, was the 27th March, 196 B. C, according to the proleptic Julian reckoning ; the true date was, according to the same reckoning, the 27th March, 197 B. C. I will first contrast the inferences which M. Letronne has drawn from Dr. Young's date, with the inferences that he would have drawn had he adopted the earlier date ; placing, for greater clearness, the corresponding inferences, which are ge- nerally contradictory, in parallel columns. Having done this, I will bring for- ward reasons, on which I confidently pronounce it to be impossible that Dr. Young's date was the real date of the monument. Rev. Edward Hincks on the true Date of the Rosetta Stone. 73 M. Letronne's inferences relate to the history of Epiphanes and to the mode of computing the years of his reign, and that of other Egyptian kings ; and to the various priesthoods of royal personages that are mentioned on the Ptolemaic monuments. He begins with the latter of these ; but it will be more convenient to take the former first. I will only premise that the ninth year of Epiphanes, according to Ptolemy's canon, and the Egyptian mode of dating, is admitted to have been that, the first day of which coincided with the 1 1th October, 197 B. C. Assuming the Rosetta Stone to be dated in March, 196 B. C, M. Letronne infers: 1. That Philopator died in March, 204 B. C. 2. That Epiphanes was born in October, 209 B.C. 3. That the interval between Philopator's death in March, 204, and the 1st Thoth in the following October, was counted as the first year of Epiphanes. 4. That, as a general rule, the portion of a year which elapsed between a king's death and the 1st Thoth following, no matter how small it might be, was counted as the first year of his suc- cessor. If, however, it were dated in March, 197 B. C, the inferences woyld be : 1. That Philopator died in March, 205 B. C. The decree bears date the day following the an- niversary of his death ; and, as it is said to be in his ninth year, while, according to the Egyptian computation, it was in his eighth, it must have been made on the day after the eighth anniver- sary of his death, when he had reigned eight complete years. It should be observed that the mention of the ninth year is in the Greek part of the inscription ; the Egyptian date was on a part of the stone which is broken off. 2. That Epiphanes was born in October, 210 B. C. 3. That the interval between Philopator's death and the 1st Thoth following, was counted as a continuation of the 17th of Philopator, which began on the preceding 1st Thoth ; and that the first year of Epiphanes did not commence until the 1st Thoth after his father's death. 4. That, in the case of a king succeeding peaceably to the throne in the latter part, or even in the middle of a year, the remainder of that year was called after his predecessor; and that his first year was not reckoned to begin till the 1st Thoth after his accession. Previous to considering M. Letronne's inferences respecting the various royal priesthoods that are mentioned in Ptolemaic inscriptions, it will be right to men- tion the data which he uses in conjunction with the Rosetta Stone. There are VOL. XIX. K 74 Rev. Edward Hincks on the true Date of the Rosetta Stone. three papyri in the Egyptian Museum at Paris, bearing date in Epiphi of the seventh year of Philopator, i. e. in August, 216 B. C. ; in Pharmuthi of the 8th of Epiphanes, i. e. in May, 197 B. C. ; and in Paophi of the 21st of Epiphanes, i. e. in November, 185 B. C. The important point, in which M. Letronne has erred, is that he supposes the second of these papyri to be dated ten months be- fore the Rosetta Stone, when it is really dated two months after it. On the first of these papyri and on the Rosetta Stone, Aetes or Aetos is mentioned as priest of Alexander and of the other deified kings ; while on the second of the papyri Demetrius is mentioned as filling that office. On the second and third papyri, as well as on the Rosetta Stone, Hirene is mentioned as priestess of Arsinoe Philopator ; but the Athlophora of Berenice Evergetis and the Cane- phora of Arsinoe Philadelphe are different in all the documents ; Aria, however, the Canephora of the Rosetta Stone, being the Athlophora of the second papyrus. The inferences then are as follows : 5. Demetrius being priest of the kings before the decree recorded on the Rosetta Stone, while Aetos was priest at the time of that decree, and also at a period previous to it, the office of priest of the kings was not a permanent one, but was probably annual. 6, The offices of Athlophora, Canephora, and Priestess of Arsinoe, were all annual. It would be highly improbable, if this were not the case, that the persons holding them would in two out of the three cases, be changed during the short period of ten months. 7. The office of Athlophora was not placed first, as being a more important office than that of Canephora ; for Aria held the former office in 197, and the latter in the following year. M. Letronne conjectures that the reason for the for- 5. Demetrius not being priest, so far as we know, till after Aetos had ceased to be so ; there is no ground for supposing the office to be an- nual. Aetos probably held it from the com- mencement of the reign of Philopator till after the Rosetta decree. In the course of the next two months, he either died or was removed by the new sovereign, who, it will be recollected, assumed the reins of government at the date of that decree. 6. There is no reason as yet for supposing that any of the royal priesthoods was annual. The changes which took place between the dates of the Rosetta Stone, and of the second papyrus, were such as it was highly probable would take place, if the office were held during pleasure, in the two months next following the attainment of his majority by a minor sovereign. 7. The office of Athlophora, being always placed before that of Canephora, was a more im- portant office. Aria, who held the latter in March, 197, was promoted to the former before May in that year, the former Athlophora dying. Rev. Edward Hincks on the true Date of the Rosetta Stone. 75 mer beinw always named before the latter was, or being removed by the new king. The idea that Epiphanes, or those who acted for him in of these offices being annual ones appears to have his minority, had a particular regard for the me- first occurred to M. ChampoUion Figeac ; but it mory of his grandmother. is not necessary to suppose them to be so, in or- der to explain the observed facts ; and the con- trary supposition seems on every account prefer- able. I come now to state my reasons for maintaining, that the Rosetta Stone re- cords a decree which was made in March, 197 B. C. The date of the decree is given according to the Greek and Egyptian computations, so far as respects the month and day. It was the 4th of Xanthicus, being the 18th of Mechlr. Now I am going to show that these dates could not possibly coincide in the year 196 B, C. ; but that they could and did coincide in the preceding year. It has been proved by Archbishop Ussher, that the Macedonian year was a solar one, similar to that which was introduced at Rome by Julius Cassar. As, however, some may doubt whether this solar year was in use at so early a period as the date of the Rosetta Stone, and as it is generally believed that the Mace- donians had also a lunar year ; it will be necessary to show in the first place, that the 18th Mechir, that is, the 27th March, in the year 196 B. C, could not be the 4th of a lunar month. To do this, I need only quote M. Letronne's own words : " This year the full moon fell on the 29th March, or the 6th Xanthicus. The first of this month was then about the ninth day of the moon's age ; whence it would follow that the calendar to which it belonged was not lunar, unless this month was this year an intercalary one (a moins que ce mois ne fut embolimique cette annee)." The learned Frenchman has not explained how this removes the difficulty ; though it is evident that he supposed it to do so. It is not very ob- vious how in any lunar calendar, whether the month was intercalary or not, the full moon could occur on the sixth day. In the preceding year the full moon fell on the 9th April ; so that if the 27th March had been the fourth of a lunar month, the full moon would be on the 17th day of it. This is so much less astray from the correct time than in the year 196, that if it were certain that the Macedonian year were lunar, I think there could be no hesitation in fixing on the year 197 B. C, as that in which the fourth of a lunar month would coincide with the 18th Mechir. I am, however, decidedly of opinion, that the Macedo- K 2 76 Rev. Edward Hincks on the true Date of the Rosetta Stone. nian year was solar ; and I find that, by supposing it to have been so, an exact coincidence between the two dates occurred in the four years 200, 199, 198, and 197 B. C, but not in 196, or in any other year. That the Macedonian year was a solar one, subsequent to the Julian reforma- tion of the Roman calendar, is unquestionable. What I contend for is, that it was so at the time of the Rosetta Stone, more than 150 years before that refor- mation ; and the double date of that monument appears to me to establish this interesting fact in chronology. The mode of proceeding, in order to investigate this matter, is a simple and obvious one. I will take those dates of the Macedo- nian solar year, as it existed under the Romans, which are recorded as being co- incident with dates of the Julian year, or of the fixed Alexandrian year, the cor- respondence of which with the Julian is known. From these dates, and the known lengths of the Macedonian and Julian months, it is easy to ascertain with what day of the Julian year any given day of the Macedonian year, say the 4th of Xanthicus, coincided in each of the four years of the Julian cycle ; and it is obvious that this coincidence must remain unaltered, if we compare Macedonian years, actual or proleptic, at any period, with proleptic Julian years. Now it has been shown by Archbishop Ussher, that the Macedonian year, as used in Asia generally, differed in certain respects from the Macedonian year, as used in Macedonia. The commencement of both years was at the autumnal equinox ; but the first month of the Asiatics was Hyperberetaeus, while that of the Macedonians proper was Dius. The same difference remained through the other months, Xanthicus being the sixth in Macedonia, but the seventh in Asia. It is natural to suppose that Egypt would follow the Asiatic system in preference to that of the Europeans ; and this is confirmed by the Egyptian date, with which one of these Asiatic dates which I am going to produce is stated to correspond. These dates (which I take from the treatise of Archbishop Ussher, " de Macedo- num et Asianorum anno solari ;" a valuable work, with which neither Dr. Young nor M. Letronne could have been acquainted) are, first, that of the martyrdom of the Apostle St. Paul ; which is stated by Euthalius to have occurred on the 29th June, A. D. 67, being the 5th Panemus. Xanthicus, Artemisius, and Dffisius had the same number of days as March, April, and May. Therefore the 29th March in that year coincided with the 5th Xanthicus, and, of course, the 28th March with the 4th Xanthicus. Rev, Edwakd Hincks on the true Date of the Rosetta Stone. 77 The second date is that of the martyrdom of St. Polycarp, which is shown by the learned Archbishop to be assigned by the most correct copy of the Acts thereof to the 2nd Xanthicus, and 26th March, A. D. 169 ; being the day of the great Sabbath, or that Sabbath which occurred at the Passover. In that year, therefore, the 4th Xanthicus also coincided with the 28th March. The third date is that of the burial of the younger Valentinian, which is stated by St. Epiphanius to have fallen on the 23rd Artemisius, being the 21st Pachon (of the fixed Alexandrian year) and the 16th May, A. D. 392 ; the latter days are known to correspond. This correspondence gives us for the 4th Xan- thicus in that year the 27th March. It is, therefore, evident that in bissextile years, the 4th Xanthicus corresponded with the 27th March, and in the other three years of the Julian cycle with the 28th March. This is, in truth, nothing more than what has been expressly asserted by the Archbishop, who shows in his treatise (pp. 46, 47» Ed. 1648), that in bissextile years the month of Xanthicus, which he specially notices on account of its connexion with Easter, began on the 24th March, and in the other three years on the 25th. Now, as the year 197 B. C. was proleptically bissextile, according to the Ju- lian computation, the 4th Xanthicus must in that year have coincided with the 27th March, and therefore with the 18th Mechir. In the three preceding years it would also coincide with the 1 8th Mechir, both dates coinciding with the 28th March ; but in the following year, 196 B. C, and those after it, the 18th Mechir would coincide with the 27th March, while the 4th Xanthicus would coincide with the 28th. It appears to me that this amounts to a complete demonstration, that the true date of the Rosetta Stone was 197 B. C, and that the date assigned to it by M. Letronne after Dr. Young was erroneous. Consequently, the seven inferences drawn by M. Letronne must be rejected ; and the seven others, in most cases contradictory, which I have placed in the parallel columns, must be substituted for them. 78 V. — An Essay upon Mr. Stewarfs Explanation of certain Processes of the Human Understanding. By the Rev. James Wills, A.M., M.R.I. A. Read February 14, 1842. CHAPTER I. ARGUMENT STATED, AND MR. STEWART's EXAMPLES ANALYZED, WITH A FEW ADDITIONAL CASES WHICH PRESENT THE SUBJECT UNDER A DIPEERENT ASPECT. It is some years since I was very much struck by an argument of Mr. Stewart's with which many here are likely to be famiKar : he endeavours to prove from several cases, that the mind, from habit, acquires a rapidity in the succession of distinct thoughts, so great as to escape the consciousness, a proposition which he en- deavours to prove by examples, and from which he draws some important conclu- sions. Considering that all his instances are such as seem essentially to involve the principle of consciousness, I found it hard to acquiesce in his theory. But it was impossible not to admit that if Mr. Stewart has correctly stated his facts, the in- ference is in no way to be avoided. And I failed at the time to observe, that all these facts (as I shall presently show) are themselves results of a very complex nature, and requiring a minute analysis, before they could become the fair grounds of such inferences as Mr. Stewart's : I, therefore, with some reluctance, dropped a subject which seemed to offer some curious approaches to a more inti- mate knowledge of our intellectual nature. The popularity which Mr. Stewart's theory has acquired (chiefly owing to his very curious and interesting exposition of the phenomena of dreaming) has led me to reconsider the subject with more deliberate attention : and I now venture to advance a statement of the inferences which I propose to substitute for Mr. Stewart's. To express Mr. Stewart's theory in his own language, it is this, " The won- Rev. J. Wills on certain Processes of the Understanding. 79 derful effect of practice, in the formation of habits, has been often and justly taken notice of, as one of the most curious circumstances in the human constitu- tion. A mechanical operation, for example, which we at first performed with the utmost difficulty, comes in time to be so familiar to us, that we are able to perform it without the smallest danger of mistake, even while the attention appears to be completely engaged with other subjects. The truth seems to be, that in consequence of the association of ideas, the different steps of the process present themselves successively to the thoughts, without any recollection on our part, and with a degree of rapidity proportioned to the length of our experience ; so as to save us entirely the trouble of hesitation and reflection, by giving us every moment a precise and steady notion of the effect to be produced." Ac- cording to this statement, a succession of acts of attention and volition are sup- posed to pass through the mind with a rapidity too great to be perceived, and for which, therefore, there can be no argument but the necessity of the thing ; because, according to Mr. Stewart, no other will explain the phenomena. These notions are so involved in the entire of Mr. Stewart's Theory of the Mind, that were I to attempt a full analysis of his reasoning It would necessarily lead me into a very prolonged discussion, which should commence by a systematic expo- sition of those elementary views of the mind and its functions, which I conceive to be entangled with many errors by Mr. Stewart. The difficulty attendant on such an undertaking would be enormous : for 1 must confess that I cannot so easily satisfy myself as Mr. Stewart and other writers on the same subject seem to have done, with any definition of those elementary processes of the mind, on which so much reasoning is built. The elementary fallacy in which I conceive Mr. Stewart's error to have originated, is comprised in his very first step. It is difficult to speak satisfacto- rily of a function so purely elementary as consciousness. Like light, it is chiefly apprehended by reflection from surrounding things : but it is not hard to point out the mistake which Is Implied in Mr. Stewart's view. He fails to observe that the mind apprehends by wholes before it perceives by parts. Consciousness, as it may be described (I do not pretend to define), appears to be the sum of sensations and apprehensions of whatever nature, which constitute the whole state of mind at any moment. The fallacy contained In Mr. Stewart's first ex- amples, consists in an Implication that every part of this aggregate is separately 80 Rev. J. Wills on Mr. Stewart's Explanation of perceived. Had he distinctly asserted this proposition, he vpould have quickly seen his error, but he takes it for granted, and goes on to applications in which it misleads him. There is, in those who are in a state of consciousness, at all times a certain aggregate of things presented to the perception. Of these, some may become more prominently the objects of attention, and the rest will invariably, in the same proportion, become vague and indistinct. The perception of indi- vidual parts of this vague whole will, in general, not be separately recollected, because they have not been separately observed; and not, as Mr. Stewart assumes, because the observation has been too rapid. There is a process, it is true, by which, in a certain class of cases, the mind can recal and analyze a large combi- nation of things ; but this is not what Mr. Stewart has in view.* I shall presently be in a condition to examine more closely some of Mr. Stewart's reasonings on this point, but I shall now proceed by a more simple and far shorter method, which Mr. Stewart himself has the great- and signal merit of having pointed out, and in some measure exemplified. Instead of adopting de- finitions, and launching out upon the vague ocean of pure reasoning, I shall essay the humbler adventure of a coasting voyage along the safe shore of known and familiar facts ; the only method that I suspect will be ever found to lead to any satisfactory result, in a science of which the first elements are so little tangible to strict observation as those of the mind. The nature then of the analysis to which I beg to call the attention of the Academy is strictly this ; I shall state in order a numerous train of well known and most common facts, in all of which the same process can be easily observed, and which will exhibit this process in a variety of aspects, so that it may thus appear what method of explanation will best agree with all. Among these I shall include Mr. Stewart's cases, and endeavour to show that his explanation, which is specious enough on a confined view of examples selected for the purpose, is negatived entirely when referred to other cases which cannot be regarded as specifically different. The first case which Mr. Stewart states, with an explicit reference to the subject of this essay, has the advantage of offering a passing view of another • Some of the examples by which Mr. Stewart illustrates his views concerning consciousness, perception, and attention, cannot be here satisfactorily discussed, until I shall have first fully ex- plained the principle to be asserted in this essay. I shall, therefore, revert to them further on. certain Processes of the Human Understanding. 81 philosopher, who, though far less reasonable than Mr. Stewart upon the subject, offers the advantage of a different observation of the same phenomena. Mr. Stewart quotes from Hartley his first example, which is that of a person playing upon the harpsichord. The fingers of the player perform a variety of movements from key to key, each of which, as Hartley observes, is at first an act of distinct volition. By degrees, however, the motions (according to his lan- guage) cling to each other, and the acts of volition grow less and less, until at last they become evanescent. On this case Mr. Stewart says, " thus in the case of performance on the harpsichord, I apprehend that there is an act of the will preceding every motion of the finger, although the player may not be able to recollect these volitions afterwards, and although he may, during the time of his performance, be employed in carrying on a separate train of thought." In supporting this proposition, Mr. Stewart observes, that the " player may vary his rate of movement, and play so slowly as to be able to attend to every separate movement :" and on this very justly observes Hartley's unreasonable- ness in assuming two different rules of mental action for the quick and the slow playing. It is remarkable that Hartley's reasoning actually terminates in the vulgar notion upon that class of acts commonly called mechanical, from which his in- stance is drawn ; a circumstance which at least seems to show that he has carefully observed, and correctly described the pAewomena, though in his attempt to explain them he was (as usual) misled by a theory. The fact that the distinct acts are not separately the object of any conscious volition or attention, he recognized by direct observation : it was perhaps rash to infer the absence of these elements : but if Hartley knew any thing about the art from which he exemplified his rea- soning, he must also have observed, that these separate attentions and volitions were in certain movements of the player necessarily impossible, and that, there- fore, some other law must be sought for : the automatic movement is very like the truth, and though liable to Mr. Stewart's objections, would be far easier to support than his own solution. I trust to convince the Academy that there Is no proof of the separate volitions assumed by Mr. Stewart, in either quick or slow movements. Volitions there must be, but executed under the intervention of another process ; a process, it js true, still to be referred to the effect of habit, VOL. XIX. L 82 Rev. J. Wills on Mr. Stewart's Explanation of but carried on in the progress of its operation to a much more complete result than that contemplated by Mr. Stewart. Let me call your attention to the actual Instance : two or more notes are marked for the right hand to strike together, and perhaps as many more for the left, all at the very same time, and by one movement in which several others, all distinct in their effect and intent, are absolutely and indivisihly combined into one act: a single impulse giving simultaneous movement and synchronous directions to several members, and constituting, therefore, one conception in the mind of the mover. The difference between such a process and the most rapid succession that the nature of the thing can admit of, — say the vibrations of sound, — is as great as the difference between the mere confusion of substances called mixture, and the substantial union caused by chemical affinity : as that substance is one, so is the effect in this case absolutely one, executed by one act, governed by one con- ception— a single complex idea, the result of association. I agree with Mr. Stewart, or rather with the common notion, in assigning this complex act to habit ; but habit acting, not by mere acceleration, but by a maturer process to which it is always tending, and which forms its main department of the mind; the combi- nation of ideas which have been frequently presented, into recogiiized groups, of which each, losing its features of aggregation, acquires an integral and distinct identity of its own. Though I am anxious to avoid the adoption of any system of metaphysical language, yet it will be convenient to keep in view, that the re- sults here described are the same which are called complex ideas by Mr. Locke, which term I shall retain through this Essay. Let us dwell for a moment longer on this first case, and take one glance at the general progress of the performer in the acquisition of the art by which those complex movements are effected. At first those signs must be separately observed by the learner, and the an- swerable movements separately made ; two notes cannot be at the same instant observed, still less their movements (altogether amounting to four distinct acts of thought for one simultaneous act of the hands), be performed; though all are fully recognized, no velocity of will and attention can impart the simultaneous execu- tion required : the movements can only come separately, and, therefore, cannot operate together. Slowly, however, and by continual repetition of the same efforts of attention, the combinations begin to be seen as combinations, and be- certain Processes of the Human Understanding. 83 coming virtually single conceptions are executed by single movements. One act of volition can direct the most complicated movement when it is once thus conceived. And it is a very remarkable and highly confirmatory fact, that the slightest attempt to direct the attention to any of the separate components or signs, would instantly disconcert the most practised skill. This Mr. Stewart would have seen and profited by seeing, had he not selected examples of which the component acts are not necessarily simultaneous. A performer on some kind of instrument requiring a succession of uncompounded movements, may un- doubtedly, by playing more slowly, attend to his separate touches, but then he is not a case in point : for that species of acceleration of the mental processes which can be actually observed, is not that for which Mr. Stewart would contend. The point here to be established, is not that the mind may not operate with any imaginable velocity, but that the assumption of an acceleration so great as to es- cape all consciousness, is unnecessary for certain purposes, and a departure from an observable and well known process. It is one thing to assert that the mind can by distinct steps follow and regulate certain rapid changes of motion, and another to assume that this process may become so rapid, as to be impossible for the apprehension to follow it distinctly. The real difficulty which I shall have to surmount is this, that there appears in this case, and some others, to be two dis- tinct trains of thought going on. I mean, further on, to show that this is but apparent, and I shall at the same time show that Mr. Stewart's assumption vastly aggravates this difficulty. A curious instance of the effect of separate attentions and volitions in cases of complex action is not very uncommon. When a person of a very anxious temper is called on for an exhibition of skill in some act which requires very complex acts of mind, it sometimes occurs, that extreme anxiety to succeed forces the attention from the common process, as here described, to an intimate notice of the separate acts of the combination : and the links of complex volition are thus broken, so that embarrassed movements follow. The best illustration of this will occur farther on. This last circumstance is most frequently observable in that extensive class of acts, which, in popular phrase, we call mechanical. They are, indeed, nearly de- cisive against Mr. Stewart; for, while they consist, for the most part, of complex movements, the separate acts of which they are framed have never been recognized L 2 84 Rev. J. Wills on Mr. Stewart's Explanation of in separation, and cannot be taken asunder by any power of attention. Of these, every person has his own share — one instance will be enough ; that, suppose of unlocking some well known lock, which has become, by habit, so familiar, that it can be effected in the dark. Now let any person who is conscious of any such habit try to substitute his reason for the habit ; he will at once, and I would say inevitably, fail ; his volitions and attentions will put his hand astray. In fact, the operation of habit was to frame the conception of a movement, out of an actual movement which, by the help of the sight, was first repeatedly performed. Of such movements of frame and thought, are composed the entire actions of the player's hand, the dancer's foot, or the reader's eye. And here it may be useful to observe and bear in mind, that in all these cases, of every description, there ex- ists at the same time a distinct succession of acts of will and attention, sometimes continuous and sometimes changing, but always fully apprehended by the con- sciousness ; and that the mind is in fact thus guided from change to change, and from one complex act to another ; while these latter alone are the processes in ques- tion here. According to Mr. Stewart, both must be going on together without intermission, at different rates, and having different objects ; taking, for instance, the player on the harpsichord, we have the movements of the hands, the interpreta- tion of the notes, the relative intent of each to a certain whole harmony, the moral sentiment belonging to the melody. Now had Mr. Stewart been asked to explain this medley of concurrent processes, he must have been forcibly conducted to the very theory which is here proposed to be substituted for his. But I turn to Mr. Stewart's next example, suggested by a passage in the Latin writings of Doctor Gregory, who applies a similar example to prove or illustrate the rapidity of muscular action, for which he refers to the vast num- ber and variety of intonations produced by muscular movements in the pronun- ciation of words. With the Doctor's application I am not concerned. Mr. Stewart says, " when a person, for example, reads aloud, there must, according to this doctrine, be a separate volition preceding every letter." Now, I do not here state Mr. Stewart's very indirect reasoning, because it consists altogether in combating objections which have not, I believe, been advanced, viz., objections to the possibility of the extreme rapidity of mental action required by the process he assumes. I do not, for my part, deny the fact of such possible velocity of the thinking power, though I see no force in Mr. Stewart's reasons for it. I only certain Processes of the Human Understanding. 85 affirm that it is not proved by any of the alleged examples, and is not necessary for their explanation ; and into the assumption of such a necessity, the entire argument of Mr. Stewart may be resolved. This example is very convenient for illustration ; I will, therefore, examine it fully. Now let it be distinctly kept in view, that though the process of reading is in both systems inferred to be the result of a power attained by habit, the dif- ference is as to the nature of that attainment. Mr. Stewart's solution requires that it should be by accelerating that succession of acts, by which every letter of the word is separately noticed. If this be true, then, it is evident that the facility can in no way depend upon perceiving the combination, as it is the prin- ciple that every separate part must be antecedently recognized, and the perception of the combination is but consequent. Therefore, it is quite immaterial how strange the order in which letters are combined, when they are separately so far known as to be instantaneously recognized. Now this can be tested. If any reader who is sufficiently interested in the matter for an experiment, will take the trou- ble to write out a few lines of new combinations of letters, forming words of the ordinary number of letters, or get it done by another, and then try his skill in reading those words with the usual rapidity ; he will immediately discover that, however expert he may consider himself to be, he will be compelled to go back to the old nursery discipline of spelling. Those extremely rapid attentions and volitions will be found to fail when they should be efficient, if the assumption of Mr. Stewart (for, after all, it is no more) be correct. Here, again, I might pause to dwell on the consequences of Mr. Stewart's assumption. The same law which demands successive distinct notices of the letters, essentially requires an equally distinct and separate succession of perceptions of the several parts which form the shape of the letter. The letters taken separately have each a sound different from their syllabic effect, and this again is variously modified according to the combination. Then comes to be recognized the sense which a word ac- quires from context ; and lastly, the train of reason in which the intellect seems to be wholly engaged. If all these several trains are to be separately noticed, according to Mr. Stewart's law, it is evident what a complication of wholly distinct trains of thought must be simultaneously proceeding ; but if Mr. Stewart should stop at any point short of this, it is plain that his whole theory fails ; the explana- tion he must substitute at that point may serve as well for the whole ; the neces- 86 Rev. J. Wills on Mr. Stewart's Explanation of sity of the assumption no longer exists. Let me now call the attention of the Academy to the law of progress, by which the requisite facility is actually attained, both in this and all the other cases to which Mr. Stewart's theory of acceleration can be applied. So long as a direct and separate conscious attention is required to each of the several letters forming a word, the process is that of spelling only ; the compo- nents are separately and successively noticed, but the result (a wholly different object of thought) is not perceived. How, then, does the mind proceed ? It slowly, and by much discipline of thought and repeated efforts, acquires a stock of syllabic and vocal associations ; that is, it acquires a set of complex ideas and represented sounds. In these, it no more separately notices the separate parts of the syllable than the separate parts which constitute the form of the letter. And let it be observed, that in difficult handwriting, it is hy the syllable that the letter is known, rather than the converse process. Again, it is pretty well known, that in correcting the press, it is exceed- ingly difficult to acquire the habit of perceiving literal errors ; while compositors in printing offices have been heard to remark an occasional difficulty in readiilg words and sentences, from their habit of attending to the letters. Just in proportion to the expertness of the reader, and his intimate acquain- tance with written language, the combinations become more extended ; and, in consequence, the number and extent of the parts which escape notice also in- crease ; as the letter became lost in the syllable, so the syllable becomes lost in the perception of the word. Words acquire their visible symbols, and are dis- cerned in such ill-formed scrawls, that no letter could be separately recognized ; here it is evident that the general form of the word is enough for the mind. Even common conventional forms of sentences are read with one single act of thought, forming but one idea, registered by use ; and if any one wants an illustration, I will refer him to the familiar fact, that in reading easy and idiomatic language, the omission of words is often unperceived. The omission is supplied by the men- tal eye ; it has become a portion of a known whole. To complete our view of this case, a written word becomes identified with the meaning of which it is the 'visible symbol. By a further extension, a sentence becomes similarly identified with a process of thought. Every one possesses a certain range of thought, all of which habit has thus symbolized. And this range is various in its scope and certain Processes of the Human Understanding. 87 breadth in different minds. Present any one with a wholly novel combination, and he must pause to analyse. The facts so far observed are no more than an analysis of the process of learn- ing. The scholar slowly acquires a class of complex ideas, called syllables ; from these he acquires another more compounded, as they coalesce into another class called words. To this I may add, that, as ordinarily takes place in our complex ideas, the combination is entirely (or, to a great degree) different in character from the parts of which it is primarily composed. But, of this there are better examples ; the sounds of the letters are to some extent preserved in most words. Another reason why the example was calculated to mislead is worth notice, — in speech, the sounds of most words are necessarily successive ; and this alone might tend to conceal the simultaneousness of the mental act. But it will be at once recollected that, in reading, the eye has commonly passed over many words, before the tongue has performed its office. The general inference is this, — that by habit, groups of signs, of movements, oi facts, thoughts, sensations, or phenomena, acquire certain relations to each other ; and these being acquired, it is the combination alone that becomes the object of thought. The parts come simultaneously to the apprehension or sense ; they do not_ even necessarily require to be complete ; it is enough if the character is kept. Hence the deceptions in drawing — the faces in the fire, and the innumerable illu- sions of the eye and ear; and, perhaps, all the senses. I think that some more simple illustration of these facts may be satisfactory. Mr. Stewart employs several, but for the most part they are not sufficiently fa- miliar to convey much in the way of illustration. Before I proceed to their analysis I shall, therefore, endeavour to apply the same investigation to some very common and familiar acts, with which most persons must be acquainted. In first learning to ride, there are certain niceties of posture and action, but still of a very simple and easy nature, to be simultaneously attended to. These the finished equestrian (unless he be a riding master) performs unconsciously, and perhaps has forgotten in their separate forms. A simple volition executes for him a compound posture of movement. But, look at the tyro, he learns in a few minutes all the simple rules that are to be taught ; but he cannot govern the gallop, or ride skilfully and with a firm and graceful seat over the bar or wall. 88 Rev. J. Wills on Mr. Stewart's Explanation of He forgets the leg, while attending to the inclination of the body ; and the hand neglects its office, while he thinks of his feet ; the saddle, bridle, stirrups, whip, and spurs belong to different systems, and war with each other, and the idea of preserving a graceful balance obliterates them all. Now, as the idea of succes- sion is here excluded, and as the equestrian must keep all together, or roll in the dust, the process becomes more clearly indicated ; he must necessarily acquire a position of will or attention, of which all these minutias are the components. In shooting, there are three acts to be executed simultaneously — the motion of the gun, of the eye, and of the finger ; they separately present no difficulty ; the young sportsman is, however, aware how hard it is to think of them toge- ther ; the veteran executes them as a simple act conceived by the will, and per- formed by the members. But this example offers a side-glance at the process : for in shooting there is an obstacle very often found from the operation of ex- treme anxiety to hit : the immediate effect of this is to cause a minute attention to the means, so that the ordinary act is thus interfered with. The complex volition is resolved into its component parts, and while the anxious marksman is securing some part of accuracy, he neglects some other. The sure marksman does not think of any methods ; but hits without knowing how it was done : his gun seems to have learned its part, and comes up to his mark : he may tell you, if you ask, that he never takes an aim. The fact is, that men do not recollect, and often cannot find out the component ideas involved in their commonest acts : they act with a single effort complex in its motions, but uniform and one in the im- pulse of the mind. It would be tedious to apply, at detailed length, the same reasoning to all the examples given by Mr. Stewart : but it is fit and just to touch upon them ; in order to indicate at least their connexion with the general process. They m^ all indeed suggest much, which I shall not notice until further on, when I shall reach the more general statements which I think to be the results of this view. The case of an expert accomptant is easily apprehended. The constant habit of arranging numbers into groups, each group indicating a certain sum, is the same process as that by which letters combine into words having each word a cer- tain sense. This is too simply obvious to dwell upon. But I would here call your attention, by the way, to the obvious difficulty, which makes the conception of all unhabitual operations very nearly impossible to the certain Processes of the Human Understanding. 89 human mind. In truth, it is only when the habit is actually acquired that any idea of the act can be realized to conception ; and it then escapes the powers of distinct analysis. But on this point I shall only need to remind you that the same difficulty must exist, however the matter be explained. It belongs not to the solution, but to the fact. There is perhaps more real difficulty affecting the case of the jugglers, which is noticed by Mr. Stewart. And the more, because, as in many acts of the mind, it is in some degree entangled with other laws of action. Yet, so far as the main point, it is not really difficult to explain. The eye and hand, with all their involved rapidity, are still kept under the unerring government of a single con- ception of a complex continuous movement, every part of which is together pre- sent to the mind. Were it not for this, indeed, it would not be difficult to prove that this, and all other similar feats, would be utterly impracticable. A distinct interference of volition would arrest the juggler's flying and circling balls; as it would precipitate the rope dancer, another of Mr. Stewart's cases, from his dangerous height. In this case the movement and the balance are preserved by not thinking of the emergency of the instant : but yielding to the constant action of a conception and habitual impulse, which have been called mechanical, with a just regard to analogy, because they exclude the uncertainty of the deliberate and voluntary processes of the mind. There is withal a distinction which I have hinted, but with which I did not wish to complicate the subject, which demands notice. The cases which I have referred to, as well as the numerous ones which might be mentioned, all fall into two general classes : that oi instantaneous acts which present no difficulty, and lead the investigation with the simplicity of self-evidence to the nature of the opera- tion ; and those which, being continuous, appear at first less reconcileable to the solution which explains them into a single idea. This difficulty (if such it should be called) is but specious : there is no reason against the supposition of one idea being held for any length of time, which the purposes in question require. I am no more bound to the asssumption of a single instantaneous process than Mr. Stewart. I am not bound to disprove, that habit facilitates, and therefore accele- rates any constant succession of ideas : but the inference is as to the result, when this succession has apparently ceased. And this result, according to the view here explained, is simply this, that the limit of such acceleration is a coincidence. VOL. XIX. M 90 Rev. J. Wills on Mr. Stewart's Explanation of A result whieh, if this very faulty method of statement were to be allowed, would amount to something different from the metaphysical asymptotes, involved in Mr. Stewart's indefinite acceleration.* There is one example brought forward by Mr. Stewart among the statements by which he is first led to the conclusion which I have been examining in this essay. I could not have noticed it much sooner without anticipating the infe- rences at which I have now arrived. The following is Mr. Stewart's statement : " It has been proved by optical writers, that in perceiving the distances of visible objects from the eye, there is a judgment of the understanding antecedent to the perception. In some cases this judgment is founded on a variety of circumstances combined together, — the conformation of the organ necessary for distinct vision ; the inclination of the optic axis ; the distinctness or indistinctness of the minute parts of the object; the distances of the intervening objects from each other, and from the eye ; and, perhaps, on other circumstances besides these : and yet, in consequence of our familiarity with such processes from our earliest infancy, the perception seems to be instantaneous ; and it requires much reasoning to convince persons unaccustomed to philosophical speculations that the fact is otherwise." I shall not here dwell on the very equivocal language used by Mr. Stewart. The purpose for which he uses the example is, however, such as to imply the more objectionable of two senses in which I might take his assertion of a "judgment of the understanding antecedent to the perception ;" that is, that antecedent to the perception some distinct exercise of reason, referring to the separate inci- dents of the actual perception, occurs. In this sense, the mere statement is a suf- ficient reply ; the notion conveys an utter absurdity. If, however, Mr. Stewart simply means the process of the understanding, by which inferences respecting the distances of visible objects have been gradually obtained; so that a judgment, grounded on such reasonings as he has stated, goes before and modifies the per- ception, forming, in accordance with his views, an antecedent part of it ; while the extreme rapidity of the mind prevents any consciousness of the distinctness in time between the two processes ; his fallacy is certainly less glaring, but I must observe, that it only becomes so by simplifying the assumed process. Now, • The method is faulty, because it confuses two very distinct classes of phenomena: the aggre- gate perceptions of mere consciousness, and the complex formations of association. certain Processes of the Human Understanding. 91 the fact is, that the species of reasoning to which Mr. Stewart refers the judg- ment has no existence in any case. The reasons not only never occur to the understanding, but are not to be found by it, unless in the case of opticians, who are themselves so little aided by their reasons, 'that they have long disputed as to the means according to which vision is accompanied by a judgment of distance. The theory here stated reduces this question to a very simple and obvious law — the same long ago stated by Mr. Locke in his chapter on the Association of Ideas. By habit we are enabled to understand our perceptions as the indications of ex- ternal things ; the import of a habitual perception demands no reasons of any kind ; it is become a part of it.* As the eye approaches or recedes, the appear- ances of things uniformly alter ; and as the mind grows accustomed to these altera- tions, it insensibly learns to translate them into the constant fact. Should any occasion of doubt arise, the reasoning then steps in ; it is, however, seldom derived from the laws of vision. When the judgment is not involved in the perception, it Jbllows it. The artist whose business it is to imitate the appearances of things, imposes on the perception, by producing the same indications in a different way ; it is then that the judgment becomes antecedent, and that the law of the appear- ances must be ascertained. In the common exercise of vision, distance is recog- nized as every other object of sight which constant recurrence has made familiar. By habit, the eye, ear, and all the senses acquire their proper scales of adaptation — a law involved in every movement of the frame, in every living thing. There is another class of common facts, very curiously illustrative of the con- clusion hei*e aimed at. I mean the numerous errors arising from our tendency to combine, or from the habitual combinations of every individual. These, from their nature, must be mostly peculiar, and even singular. Every one may recol- lect some case in his own experience, and it is but a chance if any instance which one person may offer will have come within the observation of another. An in- stance may, however, be good for illustration. I recollect that once, on looking at a picture which represented the interior of a cottage, with very unusual force and truth, to have observed that the flame of the fire seemed to have the same quiver- ing motion always accompanying the kind of flame represented. Now this could • The perception is itself a complex state of mind ; it is composed of certain sensations, and certain judgments. m2 92 Rev. J. Wills on Mr. Stewart's Explanation of not be the result of any real perception, but is easily explicable by the process already described ; the form, hue, and motion of the flame had been so associated, that the incident wanting in the representation was supplied, before the judgment could come into operation.* Of this nature are those cases also, already slightly adverted to, of faces framed by the imagination out of accidental lines. Let me dwell a moment on this, for it is one of a large and diffusive class of results, to all of which the same explanation will apply. I mean that class of expressions and effects which must in part be referred to the fancy of the observer. The expression of the human countenance offers an instance in which several varied qualities of human character seem combined with certain dispositions of form, in such a manner, that while the expression is instantly presented to the observer, he can in few instances, and then but partially, and by much nicety of observation, as- certain the precise arrangements of feature to which the characteristic expression is due. I shall not encumber the case by an analysis of the origin of such combi- nations ; it will be enough for the present purpose to observe, that the acquired tendency to read such undistinguished elements into meaning must be very deeply fixed ; to all purposes, it might be considered as instinctive. For, while all can at once see and designate an ordinary expression, which is the result of cer- tain lines of feature, the artist alone can discriminate the characteristic curve, and reproduce the effect on his canvass. But now observe the consequence of the associating tendency, — the strong prepossession which conveys ideas of expression from lines Indistinctly discerned, will actually select and attach similar expression to similar lines, when they appear in any mass of confused and indiscriminate lines. The instant the eye rests on a single characteristic curve, this will be the key to all the lines in the mass which (if I may so speak) belong to the same face. The fierce eyebrow will impose on the eye a mouth of the same character, which will be seen in its proper place. This case is the plainest of its class ; but all the forms of familiar things are similarly traced by the vacant eye, out of formless elements ; for these alone leave it free to the stream of association. From this, I might proceed to the phenomena of dreams ; but the subject demands a separate treatment, and must be referred to the conclusion of this Essay. The cases so far stated to the Academy have exhibited the simple continua- * The picture alluded to is the " Arran Fisherman's Drowned Child," by Burton. certain Processes of the Human Understanding. 93 tion of a process which we can trace, to further phenomena of the same appa- rent nature in which it cannot be so easily traced : but from which there seems no reason to exclude it, unless one which should be noticed before I venture to extend my theory to the explanation of some of the more complex operations of the intellect. This objection consists in the difficulty of attributing so many varied and continuous acts to one single conception, or moment of time. My answer to this objection (here) shall be very brief indeed, being no more than this, — that the self-same objection applies to Mr. Stewart's explanation of every example he adduces. If twenty acts of will, or attention, or reason, or any other mental process, take place in the time of one, the difficulty is not much dimi- nished by saying they are successive, instead of simultaneous. In truth, no power of intellectual comprehension or resolution can distinctly conceive either one or the other ; they are creatures of reason only. I am aware of the infinite divisibility of time, which is easily proved by the same argument which demon- strates the same proposition of a line, on the parts of which it is only necessary to conceive the idea of motion. I am also willing to assent to any proposition assert- ing the infinite velocity of the thoughts ; I do not pretend to deny any thing on the mere ground of not being able to explain it ; but I say that, so far as I can venture to assert, the proof has entirely failed. The necessitas rei of Mr. Stewart has no existence ; and if any solution is to be tolerated of those processes of the mind which are so subtle, or so compounded, as to escape all direct analysis, there is none more likely to apply, than that which, in simpler cases, is plainly and mani- festly applied to the same offices. On this point, let me recal your attention to Mr. Stewart's own argument against Hartley's theory, as I think we may now be better enabled to perceive that it equally destroys his own, while it is not applica- ble to that here offered. Hartley supposes the same processes, which are volun- tary up to a certain rate of velocity, then to become automatic. Stewart very justly remarks the disadvantage of assuming two wholly different laws of action for the same processes, in different degrees of action. Now Mr. Stewart only escapes the same objection, by giving the same name to different things ; this I have already shown. But in my own solution alone the same law is manifestly carried through, without the least abatement of its identity. Not being a sum- mary operation, but the result of numerous operations, it does not in any way involve the principle of consciousness, more than the growth of the body involves 94 Rev, J. Wills on Mr. Stewart's Explanation of sensation. Unconscious from tlie very commencement, the combining process is no worse than unconscious at the height and depth of its remotest combinations. And if — in the indefinite progress of intellectual power, which no thinking per- son will venture to limit — the elemental process which generates all our registered and tangible combinations should give birth to combinations more broad, or subtle, or varied, there is no reason why we should think it necessary to say that these are beyond the limits of its office. It is easy to perceive, as a direct consequence, that the operation which I have explained by so many examples, must react upon all our perceptions, and there- fore modify the very consciousness. All that we see or hear, and every intima- tion of the senses, must become variously involved with suggestion, — or combined Into these complex notions which I have stated as an ultimate result. This pro- cess not only supplies the successive trains of recollection, which will arise at the sound of a name or the sight of a place : but it will, under circumstances, identify them into that indissoluble connexion, that often gives to place Its peculiar aspect, or to countenance its familiar expression. Thus it is, that to different persons, the poet, painter, geologist, or agriculturist, the same prospect of a country pre- sents so different a scene. The whole frame of intellect and perception are al- tered, and all that meets the sense formed into different combinations. In the same manner, the moral structure of the mind is affected by the same law. It would demand a separate essay to shew the precise operations by which principles recognized by the intellect, and tendencies Implanted in the nature, become variously involved, so as to become Inseparable in thought from circum- stances, acts, and courses of conduct. For a dissertation admirably illustrative of this, I would refer to Bishop Butler's chapter on Moral Habits. I shall here content myself with pointing out an Important bearing of the principle. In pro- portion as we act upon a determining motive, there takes place and grows a com- bination which identifies the motive and the action, so that the principle becomes Incorporated with the moving impulse. On the other hand, the converse process takes place, when a separate attention Is frequently directed to laws of conduct which are rarely carried into effect. The habit of distinctly regarding those principles and observances, in proportion as it is cultivated, tends more and more to give them separate identities in the mind ; so that the exercise of the reason becomes less and less capable of moving the active tendencies of our nature. certain Processes of the Human Understanding. 95 Hitherto the examples discussed have been more viewed as means of ascer- taining a result, than for any interest of their own. I should, however, not have pursued them into so detailed a discussion, were there not applications to be made of more general interest and importance. Before entering upon the application of the theory thus arrived at, to the ex- planation of more complicated phenomena, it may be advisable to clear away a slight difficulty which may otherwise appear to embarrass the language which I am compelled to use in common with other writers who have taken different views. Had I adopted a purely theoretical method, this explanation must have commenced my statement, in the regular form of definitions : the method here adopted has necessarily transferred these definitions to the conclusion : they are, m fact, the questions under discussion. In common with Mr. Stewart's, the theory here explained involves the as- sertion of one law of operation pursued through different stages, in each of which, its results, though in principle the same, are apparently different, and actually tend to different uses. In these different stages, this operation has acquired different names ; a circumstance which, while in ordinary language it undoubtedly contri- butes to clearness, tends, at the same time, to baffle the metaphysical inquirer. The river which winds through a hundred realms, is distinctly referred to these varied localities, by the hundred names, which only help to confuse the general map. The term, association, is here used to signify the process by which ideas are combined, through all the stages of this operation. It is assumed to be the ten- dency of the mind to recal together, and permanently combine, oft recurring ideas or phenomena. As by repetition the effect of this tendency is increased, a conse- quence is that it must be experienced in different stages of progress : of these are the several classes of suggestion, in which one idea leads to the successive recur- rence of another, which has been in some way associated with it. The next dis- tinguishable stage, is that which it has been the purpose of this Essay to illus- trate, and which, for distinctness, I have called combinations, or complex ideas of that kind which are formed by association* * There are two distinct classes of complex ideas; viz., those framed by association, and those acquired from the immediate constitution of things. 96 Rev. J. Wills on Mr. Stewart's Explanation of CHAPTER II. THE SAME ARGUMENT ILLUSTRATED BY A MORE EXTENDED APPLICATION — THE ORATOR. In passing from cases in which the mental process approaches nearly within the ordinary range of that class of ideas, of which no one doubts the unity, it may be necessary to proceed with new caution. Hitherto our instances have had the advantage of the important character of being free from any element, not com- monly recognized in single ideas : no difficulty has arisen from their duration, or apparent variation ; all, as I have endeavoured to show, being comprehended toge- ther within the limits of duration which appertain to single acts of thought. This last fact is especially important to be borne in mind ; as it offers the essential characteristic by which I would ascertain the unity of the mental process. But when I distinguish the instances now to be explained from those already offered, the distinction is only apparent. The difference in this respect is only just such as to present a difficulty to the apprehension : the intellectual processes are the same, and the reasoning, were it to be distinctly followed out, would be the same. This will now, however, be the less required, as I have some trust that the elementary process has been satisfactorily ascertained ; and the far more complicated nature of the example now to be noticed would render the same method hitherto fol- lowed, both tedious and difficult, and occupy an unwarrantable length of the Academy's time. I have already endeavoured to shew, that there can be no reason for fixing any limits to the operation of the function which is known to be so active, or which has so large an ascertained compass, as the associating faculty. From the simplest commencement of its operation, where it is merely suggestive, to the completion of its task, when oft-repeated association is lost in the simultaneous unity of combination : from the simple combination which invests three or four letters with a mora^ or physical existence, to the wide and varied array of remotely related, or even discordant notions, forms, reasons, and abstractions, which, from their compass, variety, number, and even inconstant and fleeting connexions, re- ject the identifying stamp of a name ; all are still subject to the operation of a certain Processes of the Human Understanding. 97 subtle process which is for ever going on, the most constant as well as the most powerful of the mental functions. In this, also, essentially different from all other mental functions of which we have any distinct notion, that it is independent of all volition and consciousness ; and if the illustration be allowed, that it bears to the recognizable and conscious operations of the mind a relation analogous to that which the digestive and assimilative processes bear to the voluntary powers of the frame. There is no discoverable limit to the operation of the process here described, though it only becomes distinctly cognizable as it comes within the province of language. But before this condition is attained, and beyond the bounded compass of language, there is an endless range of unfixed, local, and transitory combina- tions of ideas ; some belonging to real existence, and some in their nature arbi- trary and unreal : all, still, in some way connected with the ordinary operations of the mind. Of this vast stock of ideal elements, the wrought and unwrought materials of thought, there is a continuous transition in the progress of association : some are connected no further than the first stage of mere suggestion — these are the ordinary masses of our casual associations, and are, by the nature of things, un- limited ; some have local relations, and are peculiar to times, places, individuals, and professions — these may acquire the form oi combination in individual minds ; others, lastly, from their uniform juxta-position in reality, acquire a permanent unity, and the indissoluble stamp of a name. These last alone are universally re- cognized in their real character; while the unlimited multitude of casual and transi- tory associations, appearing in the various stages of the common process, from the remotest suggestion to the most constant identification of an inseparable unity, thus afford a seemingly wide scope for metaphysical discriminations and classifications — while the process throughout is uniform. In following out this varied succession of changes, there would be, however, the utmost complication, as at every point the process becomes variously subjected to the active operations of the understanding, which derives from it the entire stock of its ideas. I shall now, therefore, aim to be compendious, and for this purpose select an example which involves the utmost difficulties to which this inquiry is liable. The intellectual habits of the public speaker have been explained by Mr. Stewart, according to the theory which I have been endeavouring to supersede. Lord Brougham has described them with the accuracy of a philosopher, and the VOL. XIX. ^ 98 Rev. J. Wills on Mr. Stewart's Explanation of eloquence of a consummate orator. I quote this description, which is the more to my purpose from the metaphysical propriety of the language, which seems to in- dicate that Lord Brougham, had his attention been specially directed to the topics here discussed, would have followed it out to the same conclusion.* " Whoever (his Lordship writes) has observed the extraordinary feats performed by calcula- tors, orators, rhymers, musicians — nay, by artists of all descriptions, can want no further proof of the power that man derives from the contrivances by which habits are formed in all mental exertions. The performances of the Italian Im- provisatori, or makers of poetry off-hand upon any presented subject, and in almost any kind of stanza, are generally cited as the most surprising efforts in this kind. But the power of extempore speaking is not less singular, though more frequently displayed, at least in this country. A practised orator will declaim in measured and in various periods — will weave his discourse into one texture — form parenthesis within parenthesis — excite the passions, or move to laughter — take a turn in his discourse from an accidental interruption, making it the topic of his rhetoric for five minutes to come, and pursuing in like manner the new illustra- tions to which it gives rise — mould his diction with a view to attain or shun an epigrammatic point, or an alliteration, or a discord ; and all this with so much assured reliance on his own powers, and with such perfect ease to himself, that he shall even plan the next sentence while he is pronouncing off-hand the one he is engaged with, adapting each to the other, and shall look forward to the topic which is to follow, and fit in the close of the one he is handling to be its intro- ducer ; nor shall any auditor be able to discover the least difference between this and the portion of his speech he has got off by heart, or tell the transition from the one to the other." In noticing the theoretical justness of the language here used, I overlook the fact that, notwithstanding his theory, Mr. Stewart's language is equally accom- modated to what I consider the truth of nature ; a fact which, indeed, leads to the reflection — how much on the surface this truth is, had it been let alone. Mr. Stewart's common sense and sagacity intrude upon his ingenuity, which I must, in fairness, observe is not the characteristic of his sound understanding, and seldom * The slight discrepancy will be accounted for by observing, that the subject occurs but inciden- tally in his Lordship's discourse, and that probably the outline is suggested by the perusal of Stewart. certain Processes of the Human Understanding. 99 leads him far astray from the track of observation. And it is, indeed, almost apparent from his language, that a second and more deliberate consideration would have led him to an inference, which, though opposed to his propositions, is directly involved in all his language. He had only to ask himself the question, why — having assigned so much of the very same operations to habit and associa- tion as he manifestly does — ^he should stop at a certain point, and not observe the strict analogy that pervades the entire work of the mind from first to last. As the accomptant has insensibly treasured all the usual combinations of figures ; as the fluent reader similarly possesses all the usual groups of letters, syllables with their wonted sounds; as the musician has the same possession of the two classes of simultaneous and successive indications of sound ; so, in the separate pursuits of life, there is, incidental to every one, a peculiar range and grouping of the materials of professional avocation, all so ready at command, and so inde- pendent of separate attention and voluntary effort, as to admit to some extent of other trains of thought being at the same time engaged in. The poetical land- scape painter can, with one glance of his imagination, throw together into one single whole, all the vast and boundless varieties of observed nature ; the modi- fications of form, colour, light, and distance are at his command : sky with its blue depths and fantastic pageantry of cloudwork, earth with its varieties of hill and dale, forest and lake, from the mountain receding into etherial distance, to the flowers and weeds which diversify and animate his foreground. These, without conscious eflbrt, roll together like new creations, at the very caprice of a moment. Nor is this all ; with equal facility the groups of life, armies, proces- sions, and all the bustle and pageantry of civil life start up in the conception, or fill an imaginary canvas with the additional incidents of representation, the adaptations of life and proportion which deceive the eye. These combinations, — and let me say, that I would not here dwell upon such a fact, did I not believe it, in different degrees, common to all minds, — offer a wide range of the most complicated conceptions of that kind which the mind most rapidly and easily throws together with the fertility of a kaleidescope, because being mainly con- versant with visible images, they demand less attention and study in their acqui- sition, and form a great portion of the common stock. Every one is master of a certain stock of intellectual maps of familiar places and accustomed roads, as well as pictures and portraits, which supply the ofiice of terms. From the same compen- n2 100 Rev. J. Wills on Mr. Stewart's Explanation of dious source arise the similarly combined groups of our more purely intellectual stores. The lawyer, together with the stock of precedents, maxims, and forensic conventions and technicalities, which are to him an habitual language and rule of reason, is also possessed of his treasury of phrase, adapted to the exigency of his profession ; as he increases in practice, they grow together by the process of as- sociation, as insensibly as the muscles of the Athlete, and acquire command by training. With these he similarly obtains the habitual command of trains of considerations, which being variously adapted to the questions that engross his understanding, offer various and new points of relation to each other. These, however varied, subtle, and remote, must, in proportion as they are liable to re- cur in practice, become gradually arranged by some certain index of the mind with more or less familiar combinations, and, therefore, demanding a greater or less degree of separate attention to bring them together ; the less familiar de- manding more distinct and separate efforts of thought, because they are either not at all, or less, involved in the common process. But still, only in proportion as the combining processes have taken place, will the operation, so lucidly ' described by Lord Brougham, be performed. To the more experienced mind, or the more powerful and richer intellect, vast and seemingly boundless galleries (if I may use the metaphor) of views, combined in order, and ranged in their due subordination and distance, will start at every suggestion ; and trains of rea- soning, which hours are insufficient to express, will be placed like a picture before the mind. Of this, too, every mind possesses its share, but it is not given to all, or even to many, to look with a length and breadth of intellectual range that might well pass for inspiration along the chain of consequence to the remote conclusion. Every pursuit and every character of mind has its own range, in which it gathers intellectual combinations of its own, incomprehensible to most others. It is needless, and would occupy a long discussion, to dwell on these unconscious commonplaces, the ideal or verbal associations of politicians and poets, moralists and preachers. I should use one description for all ; the science does not exist, nor perhaps the intellect to produce it, which could reduce so wide a scope of method, arrangement, and material, into a practical compendium. It would hold the place to thought which logic does to reasoning, or rhetoric to language. But here it may be useful to guard against the suspicion that two distinct processes are confused. Let it be observed, that in the whole of the operations certain Processes of the Human Understanding. 101 to which I have adverted, I do not exclude the operation of any other process that may be insisted upon. I simply have endeavoured to place due bounds to an usurpation in favour of some known faculties, and to restore to another its own due jurisdiction. I am not to be understood as excluding the separate work- ings of attention and volition from their very observable place in every one of the operations just noticed. But what I have contended for is reducible to the nearly self-evident fact, that in the course of all habitual thoughts, there is a point where the separateness of associated ideas ceases to be perceived, and I say, that at the same point these separate acts of attention and volition also cease ; they are neither necessary nor conceivable, or indicated by any sign, and their as- sumption is, therefore, altogether gratuitous. The orator, as he follows out the details, which appear in the perspective of his ideas, will direct the minutest attention to each as it passes in array: while he is following out this long chain, he is obviously exerting a voluntary and con- scious attention to the verbal evolution of its parts. And the very same law of association which offered the first summary glance of his whole argument, operates as he proceeds, and presents similar combinations at the separate stages. With this, suggestions, which are no more than imperfect associations, are starting up in proportion to the range of the speaker's mind. But reflect what an absurd medley of processes there should be, if we admit that throughout this lengthened operation the whole chain is still retained before him by a continued succession of iterations of the same rapid series of separate attentions and volitions ; the ne- cessary consequence of Mr. Stewart's assumption, that this chain is put together by this inconceivable operation : whereas, by the explanation which has been here offered, the formed combination is already there, lying like a text-book before a lecturer, and needing no jarring dance of imperceptible volitions and attentions ; volitions unwilled, and attentions unattended to : no inconceivable analysis to supersede and frustrate those fundamental operations to which, by Mr. Stewart's own repeated admissions, direct or implied, the very power of thinking at all is due. The view here oflTered may be illustrated with some precision. Every one may be supposed to dwell within some circle of familiar localities which are va- riously combined in his memory. Within this compass a hundred roads and by- paths are within the instant command of his recollection, and as in conception 102 Rev. J. Wills on Mr. Stewart's Explanation of he places himself in each successive point, a wide variety of scenic combinations spontaneously arise on his mental vision, each of them filled with different succes- sions of locality. Strictly analogous is the intellectual horizon of the practised professional speaker, within the range and compass of his habitual associations. The analogy may be further pursued even in the failures to which either is liable, when his thoughts attempt to travel out of the accustomed range : though he may possess a general knowledge of his line of road, the traveller must lose the chang- ing combinations, the side views, and the shifting backgrounds ; while the orator, in like manner, must want the varied suggestions, and the rapid transitions, so ex- cellently described by Lord Brougham. His language, supplied as language is by habitual combination, will become less appropriate, flowing, and effective ; and should he not have the good sense to perceive quickly the really narrow limit of his power, and take due care to keep within its scope, he will soon become embarrassed by an effort to maintain his usual superiority. There is another not unfamiliar affection to which unaccustomed speakers are occasionally subject, which may be considered to illustrate the elementary process in a different way. When a young speaker, in his great and earnest anxiety, instead of yielding his mind to the spontaneous processes already de- scribed, begins to exert an enforced voluntary effort, and to look for that lan- guage in one way which should be obtained in another ; a total embarrassment often seizes him, he begins to look for the path on which he should be moving, and he can see nothing more than the preconceived outline, which it had been his design to clothe variously in effective language, and with all the popular artifices of rhetoric. In thus dwelling on the example offered in this section, I cannot but observe, that I could have selected others far more illustrative of the argument; but I have thought it fairest and most satisfactory to pursue the subject as it has been argued by Mr. Stewart and others who have fallen into his views. certain Processes of the Human Understanding. 103 CHAPTER III. APPLICATION TO DREAMS. In dreaming, the ideas which press themselves are either such as have been pre- viously connected by association, or not. If they have not, Mr. Stewart's theory cannot be applied, nor will such cases be found illustrative of the mode of expla- nation adopted in this essay. Both, though in very different ways, involve the principle of association. Cases of dreaming occur in. which the succession of thought appears too ca- pricious to be easily referred to any of the waking habits of most minds, and though even these may be, to a considerable extent, explained according to the law of suggestion, yet it will be apparent enough that they cannot be considered as cases of that succession of thoughts, which has become accelerated from the effect of frequent iteration. In these it must be observed, that the process is directly contrary to the process of waking reason. Awake — certain ideas are ac- companied by a rapid combination (or acceleration), such as not only to facilitate the course of the thoughts in some established direction, but to prevent any other; whereas, in sleep, the occurrence of the same idea leads mostly to a different train, which could not well take place if the same associative (or accelerating) faculty, in- stead of being more alert, were not itself asleep, or nearly so; and it is very curious to observe, how the suggestions of the waking faculties change in the very process of falling asleep, so as, indeed, to indicate very clearly that the faculty which governs the connexion of our thoughts has partially at least resigned its office. The most familiar things take monstrous forms, and begin to play strange an- tics, which are to be noticed as tending to show that particular operation of habit, on which Mr. Stewart relies for his solution, to be diminished, and ren- dered comparatively inert in sleep, just as the other faculties are. Now, let us see what Mr. Stewart's notion Involves. The associating faculty acts in sleep with increased energy, and according to a new law. First, it acts with increased energy, or in other words, is more awake in sleep. When awake it can only read, play the piano, or execute such operations as it has learned from repetition; but asleep it acquires the power of accelerating all those 104 Rev. J. Wills on Mr. Stewarfs Explanation of thoughts over which it has no such power when awake ; it can compose new novels with a rapidity unknown to Scott, and dramatize them with a facility be- yond the joint efforts of Shakspeare and Garrlck. No matter with what lumber- ing incapacity, or what inert and floundering dulness its waking thoughts may be combined, all at once in sleep, it can take the wings of Ariel and " Put a girdle round about the earth in forty minutes," or rather in the twinkling of an eye. — So much for increased energy. But it acts according to a new law. Mr. Stewart says not. He meets the objection by those solutions which I have already gone through. But if these were even granted, the matter is not mended. For a moment, assuming Mr. Stewart's explanations to be all correct, it will yet appear that the sleeping and waking processes have the essential difference of a new law. According to Mr. Stewart, the process of the mind, when awake, becomes so rapid that separate attentions and volitions grow imperceptible ; if so, how does it happen that in a case of the same supposed process in sleep they all become dis- tinctly perceptible and conscious ? The romance comprising a long succession of events, occurs in an Instant, but all the parts of which it is composed are (according to Mr. Stewart) so sepa- rately attended to that they could not be more observed assunder, if they actually took a long period of time. Here, then, is one difference ; there is not only an increase of power, but a different mode of action. But I have another question to ask — if the assumed rapidity of ideas does not escape the attention, when asleep, and does when awake, why is not this character at least uniform ? why, in fact, is it reversed ? Why, in sleep, do not all the other operations of habit become similarly re- solved, by separate acts of attention, into their constituent parts ? If this law were to be followed out into its consequences, there could be no such thing as a dream at all ; thoughts would be thus resolved into their elements, and the mind could not think even for the purpose of dreaming. The case amounts to this ; when awake, the effect of habit enables the mind to pursue a succession of musical notes, so fast that it cannot have a conscious perception of their separate occurrence: when asleep, it seems to have acquired a faculty the converse of this ; that is, it accele- rates a succession of slow operations, which, when awake, no power of conception certain Processes of the Human U?iderstanding. 105 could so compress together in the mind ; and then it actually does perceive their separate occurrence. Now I will not undertake to deny the possibility of this mode of operation, because I do not think that any thing should be denied or affirmed without proof; but I say the case is clearly different from the former • examples with which Mr. Stewart has attempted to illustrate and explain it. The attention which follows and dilates into a history, the rapid phantasmagoria of the dream, should, by the same power, separate the letters of a word, and the components of all our perceptions. It is plain that any acceleration supposed in the former cases, must involve some process different from the latter, and that the result also is opposite. But it is needless to grapple with a theory which rests on nothing at all; the difficulties inseparable from Mr. Stewart's solution, entirely disappear when the process of habit is rightly comprehended, and directly applied. When a complex conception, formed, as I have already explained, by the or- dinary law of habit, offers itself to the mind, it presents one undivided and simul- taneous combination. I am now to apply this principle to that class of dreams which can be considered instantaneous : to such alone the argument of this Essay extends. I shall here for the present assume, for the assumption does not affect the argu- ment, that there are two classes of dreams ; those which are instantaneous, and those which are not. It is of the first I .am here to speak. The first and greatest difficulty affects me in common with Mr. Stewart, for whether the aggregate of ideas which passes during the explosion of a pistol shot is succes- sive or simultaneous. It is equally hard to comprehend. They take place in the time of a single act of thought, and I say, that they constitute but a single act ; the nature of this I have fully explained, and it only remains to point out its probable application to this case. In looking at a familiar combination of words, the intellect receives both the ideas of their appearance and their sense, long before the eye could have noticed all the separate letters, syllables, and words. In fact, only a part is looked at ; but the mind, which is slow to analyze its own operations, is impressed with the sense of having separately noted all. Now such is the case of the dreamer ; to understand it, no more is necessary than to recollect the observed fact, of which every one who dreams is aware, — I mean the tendency of the mind to realize its VOL. XIX. 0 106 Rev. J. Wills on Mr.. Stewart's Explanation of ideas in sleep. Think of a person, and he stands before you, and with him all the most prominent associations connected with him ; these, too, appear as objects of sense, being realized to the imagination. This fact is, indeed, well worthy of attention from those ingenious writers who have investigated the subject of dreams ; and if I do not greatly err, it will be found to offer the specific principle from which all its peculiar phenomena arise. The effects of imagination cease to be distinguished from the effects of sensation. The conception, or intellectual sign, is in the dark isolation of sleep confounded with that thing, the presence of which it liabitiially signifies ; for though the intellect is obscured, and its action partial, yet so far as it does act, it follows the same laws of action as when awake ; but the direct and manifest result is an illusion easily understood. The shadows of things being thus invested with the conditions of seeming reality, and exempted from the interference both of sensation and will, lead to a natural illusion. The mind, deceived by the whole combination, judges as we judge in looking at a perspective deception ; the whole of the accessory ideas becoming similarly rea- lized, modify the process. It is not the person only who appears, but the person doing some characteristic act ; which act carries with it the supposition of other accessories, in which may be involved the ideas oi distance and succession. Thus a few characteristic facts may compose the illusory perception of a story, just as a few characteristic touches convey the illusion of a picture to the eye. The sole difficulty, indeed, which may seem to affect the entire process, is the apparent suc- cession and duration ; the duration we know to be an illusion, and the succession (without duration) is resolved precisely into the common analogy of all the other examples 1 have noticed. There is, indeed, no reason why the idea of duration should not follow the common law of all our ideas. When awake, there is a real perception which is contradictory to the illusory perception. Asleep, the idea is subject to the general effect already stated as a common condition of the mental operations in dreaming ; with the conception in which it happens to be involved, it becomes seemingly realized, and consequently becomes a distinct fea- ture of the illusion ; the moment has expanded into an age, because it seemed to embrace the occurrences of an age. If the thought of eternity should present itself, or of infinity, the imagination becomes oppressed with some vast field of darkness, or the burthen of some endless endurance. The idea of duration is sub- ject to the same conditions by which all other ideas are affected. There is, per- certain Processes of the Human Understanding. 107 haps, no idea so apt to be held in due subordination to the reality of things ; and yet every one can at once recal cases enough in which it is liable to be variously falsified in the perspective of thought. The case of dramatic fiction may, perhaps, be considered most apposite ; a train of occurrences, which involves the idea of time, is presented ; and though the waking man is quite cognizant of the actual state of the case, yet a latent but operative impression follows the law of habit more quickly than the judgment of the reason ; and the conditions of a fictitious succession are sufficiently realized, to affect the imagination. To produce such illu- sions, in the highest perfection, is indeed the end of a subtle art, by which the poet can impose his waking dream upon the reader. " Qui pectus inaniter angit, Irritat, mulcet falsis terroribus implet, Ut magus: et modo me Thebis, modo ponit Athenis." But when, in sleep, a complex conception or train of ideas (for I suppose either case), involving the idea of succession, is presented, the idea then not mei'ely alfects the imagination with a latent impression — the impression takes the form of reality, and the conception becomes affected by the elements of time and space. A picture when dreamed of is likely to assume the appearance of reality, because the artifice of perspective suggests the impression of distance ; and every ♦ other combination may convey similarly some impression, which, once received as real, alters the condition of the case. And here let it be observed, there can be no controversy on the point ; however it may be explained, the idea of duration is unreal ; it must at once be admitted to be but a component idea — involved, to be sure, in a very curious manner well worthy of attention, but offering abso- lutely no obstacle to any theoi'y in question. But having gained this point, it suggests a good deal. First, were we to look no farther, it seems plain that the same explanation may be applied to any other ideas which may seem to form parts of a dream ; that (to use the short cut of illustration) the dream was but as a face seen in a fire, in which a few leading lines take the shape of a familiar combination, and, though imperfect, carry with them the entire of that which they partially represent. The same process (whatever it may be) which gives visible appearance to a mere idea, may be well supposed to give visionary completeness of outline to a few random touches of thought. This, let it be observed, has a very distinct parallel in the o2 108 Rev. J. Wills on Mr. Stewart's Explanation of known illusions of the pencil ; a few imperfect, but characteristic, lines can be so placed, as to convey as much as the most complete representation. But sleep seems to carry the process of deception much farther. I have, for instance, fre- quently observed, what must have occurred to many to notice, that in sleep the mind is strangely imposed on as to resemblances. The absurdity of the most fan- tastic changes and representations is seldom, if ever, noticed ; and if a dream of any supposed incidents be attentively called over after waking, it will be observed, that in many instances the impressions were not only unreal but false. Little now remains to be said, so far as the topic of dreaming is involved in this inquiry. Our thoughts, as I have shown, present themselves in varied aggre- gations. In different minds the constituent ideas of the aggregation are diversi- fied by the habits and intellectual constitution of the individual ; but while these aggregations are liable to be presented in sleep as in waking, there is j ust one condition of difference, which, without altering any of the primary laws of thought, by direct consequence changes the entire character of the result. This condition is simply the realizing of the idea. Under this operation, the slightest and most latent impression which constituted any part of the waking association, in sleep starts into shape, and becomes an efficient and distinguishable feature of the dream. A dream may thus be considered as a picture presented to the sleeper's fancy, sometimes full of meaning and orderly subordination, sometimes strange, • fantastic, and unaccountable ; at times the object is some preconceived associa- tion, and occupies the ordinary duration of thought, but still undergoes the effect of being dramatized in all its parts, because, in fact, such a consequence is abso- lutely involved in its being realized ; and it Is thus also that those seemingly in- stantaneous successions arise. Again, the actually present scene, or circum- stances, may be part of a dream : and the sleeper will then awake under the sense of reality. I shall now end with a few remarks upon the manner in which the ordinary law . of association, considered simply as suggestive, may be supposed to operate in a state of sleep. For this purpose it must be observed, that the action and reaction of associations are mutual, and that, therefore, in sleep, if any moral affection of the mind is, as may happen to be, induced by some fantastic cause, it will, according to the known law of habit, immediately suggest some such occurrence as would ordinarily have caused it ; suppose, for example, the parts of the frame which certain Processes of the Human Understanding. , 109 would be affected by violent weeping to be acted on by some cause purely physi- cal : now, even when awake, the moral frame of mind is in some small degree liable to the species of external action here supposed ; and the fact is general ; there is no train of correlative affections either between mind or body, or between the thoughts and affections of the mind, that is not liable to commence at either end of the chain. When we are awake, this liability is regulated by the action of other causes ; the processes of the mind are subject to both the will and the senses, there can, therefore (generally speaking), be no illusion ; the scenes and occupations of reality are before us, and all the control of the active faculties is in operation. Now, to recur to the examples just given, a person, if he is of a delicate frame, may, under the influence of some nervous affection, be, even while awake, disposed to gloomy views of affairs ; but let him fall asleep — he is instantly head and ears plunged into a bottomless abyss of perils, distresses, and labours, defined or undefined, taking form in the shape of some gigantic calamity, or cloud- ing the prospect with the obscurity of terror and inconceivable ruin. It becomes a dream, or that species of oppressive consciousness which is called a nightmare. Now, if the images of a dream are supposed to be presented in succession, a very different order of phenomena from those hitherto contemplated takes place; all, however, the result of the two main principles now stated, viz., the apparent realization of the idea, and the governing law of suggestion. The general con- dition will be best conceived by an illustrative method of statement ; but first let me impress the two points to be illustrated. The moment the thought occurs, the thing appears : and as every thing is likely to present some suggestion, no sooner does it appear than some new fancy starts to mind, so as to place the whole in a new relation to the dreamer. This may be exemplified : a person dreams of some friend who lives in a distant city ; the individual at once becomes present : this individual exercises some particular calling, or has habits which characterize him; these at once are suggested and realized ; they absolutely imply the notion of some locality, and the locality becomes present. This implies a change of place, and at once, as if his night-cap were the wishing-cap of the fairy tale, the dreamer is transported with a thought over the intervening billows or mile-stones, and without any interruptions from collisions, explosions, or upsets, is set down in the well remembered street. No sooner is he there, than his friend, who is, perhaps, a great traveller, begins the story of some adventure in returning from the con- 110 Rev. J. Wills on certain Processes of the Human Understanding. tinent ; or not being very hospitably disposed, asks him by what road he means to go home. Instantly at the word, a rush of waters, and the wind roaring in the shrouds, salutes his ear ; or he is hurled away on the Liverpool railroad ; and if he had the ill luck to have looked into any of the public journals that evening, he is startled into a terrified consciousness by the explosion of a boiler, or the shock of trains rushing into collision. Such is the fantastic chainwork, in which the same laws which contribute to maintain the coherence of our waking thoughts, operate to disarrange and confuse them into the obscure phantasmagoria of dreams. CONCLUSION. The subject of dreams has led me somewhat beyond the strict argument of this Essay. There is, perhaps, no class of affections to which the mind is liable, so adapted for the purpose of investigation on the elementary laws of association. Mr. Stewart's chapter on the subject of dreams offers also a singularly pleas- ing and Instructive example of that just method of philosophical induction, of which there is generally so lamentable a dearth in all inquiries respecting the intellectual faculties. But Mr. Stewart set out with a notion, which was not merely adapted to lead him into some important errors, but altogether to shut from his view the actual law which regulates the succession of thoughts in dreaming. I regret this the more, because. If I am not very much mistaken, I shall here- after show, that the elementary facts illustrated In this Essay would have other- wise offered to this sound-minded Inquirer, a simpler and better evidenced foun- dation for the whole structure and action of human reason, than has yet been fully noticed by any of those who have turned their thoughts to the subject : this 1 trust to be enabled to explain satisfactorily hereafter. Ill yi. — Memoir of Researches amongst the inscribed Monuments of the Grceco- Roman Era, in certain ancient Sites of Asia Minor. By James Kennedy Bailie, D. D., late F. T. C. D., and Lecturer of Greek in the University. Bead May 9 and 23, 1842. PART I. THE APOCALYPTIC CITIES. I. IHERE are few departments in the extensive field of classical antiquities which have excited greater interest, or to which scholars have applied themselves with more zeal, than the philology of inscriptions ; those memorials of past ages which, more intimately than perhaps any other monuments, bring us into con- tact with the laws, the institutions, the manners, and, it may in a certain sense be added, the languages of the civilized nations of antiquity. On this point I feel assured, that it is quite unnecessary for me to enlarge at any great length in the hearing of my present auditory, composed as it is of persons who are fully prepared by their respective studies and accomplishments, to acquiesce in the truth of what is here stated; but as it has fallen to my lot, recently, to be placed in circumstances peculiarly favourable to the giving me a somewhat clearer in- sight into the various details of this branch of literature than I had ever possessed before, to a juster appreciation of its value, and to the improvement of my know- ledge of it, by enabling me to prosecute my studies and my researches at the very fountain-head, it will not, perhaps, be regarded in the light of a presumptuous attempt on the part of the writer of the present memoir, to endeavour, by sub- mitting it to their consideration, to awaken a spirit of inquiry commensurate to the importance of the subject. This, in the present state of literature and literary research, it would be difficult to overrate. VOL. XIX. P 112 Dr. Kennedy Bailie's Researches amongst the inscribed Monuments The Continental philologists, particularly those of Germany, have long since devoted their attention, proverbially so unwearied, to the elucidation of these * remains. Their profound and exact learning has contributed in a pre-eminent degree to its establishment, as a most valuable and interesting department of literature. They have travelled with the zeal, and deciphered with the acumen, of devoted students ; or from the professor's chair have poured fresh streams of light on the sense and construction of the monumental language. I here refer especially to the Germans ; and, for evidence of what I state, I deem it sufficient to mention the names of Thiersch and Creuzer, of Miiller and Bockh. The " Corpus Inscriptionum Graecarum," of the last of these scholars, will long re- main a monument of his industry, learning, and profound research ; it affords, at the same time, a convincing demonstration of the utility of this branch of philological science ; for by his exact acquaintance with it, he has been enabled to clear up many points of extreme interest in the social economy of the ancient inhabitants of Greece, which had been involved in much obscurity before. It has supplied him with an extensive and a solid basis for the construction of his most valuable work, " Uber die Staatshaushaltung der Athener," an attentive perusal of which is of such essential importance in the investigation of the Attic monuments, and the study of the Attic literature. To the third of the abovementioned names, the deceased and lamented Miiller, I cannot refrain from paying the tribute of a well-merited eulogium. He also was distinguished amongst the foremost in this, as well as in other de- partments of Greek learning. With the genuine ardour of a Philellenist, he visited the shores of Greece, penetrated into her territory, mixed with her children, disinterred from the sepulchres in which they had lain so long en- tombed, the sculptured monuments of her pristine magnificence, and gave them once more meaning and life. I shall not soon forget the impressions which were made upon me when visiting one of his favourite scenes. It was at Castri, the re- presentative of the ancient Delphi. I was conducted by his host to the site of the ApoUoneum, and within an enclosed space to which he directed my attention^ on the very ground of the Peribolus, I found ranged the huge masses of en- graved and sculptured blocks, which by Miiller's perseverance had been laid open to view. Here was labour for months ; I might say more truly, for years ; for the entire extent was one continued series of engraved characters ; the re- of the Grceco- Roman Era in certain ancient Sites of Asia Minor. 113 cords of the Pythian shrine for generations on generations ; and yet the part which had been exposed, formed, in all probability, but a small proportion of the monuments which still remained under ground ; and which the deceased scholar would doubtless, had his life been spared, have rescued, as he had done their fellows, from their present state of oblivion. The efforts which Miiller made cost him dear. A few months before ray arrival at Delphi, he had been carried off by a malignant fever, which had been brought on by his incessant labours. It is said that he was engaged in preparing a history of Greece, and that this visit to her shrine had been paid in the hope of discovering amongst its vast mass of inscribed monuments, inedited materials for his projected work. Nor would his expectations have been disappointed : for the little which I was enabled to observe, and the less to glean, amongst those treasures, sufficed to convince me that a rich and abundant harvest awaits the student in that spot, whether his attention be devoted to the sacred annals of Greece, or to researches into her dialects. The great work of Professor Bockh to which I have referred, leaves, it is true, all other publications of the same class at a vast distance behind it. It may most justly be styled a national performance, and has beeh executed with talent proportioned to the munificence of the government under whose auspices it has been published. It is impossible to read a page of that work without being impressed with the highest admiration of the learning and critical acumen of the author. It is a vast repertory of political and philological learning. Under the first of these heads, I comprehend all subjects which relate to civil economy, all hieratic details, all private or domestic contracts ; under the second, the phi- lology of archaic forms, as well as the more known usages of the refined dialects of Greece and its dependencies. But justice to the merits of British scholars demands a meed of praise to be awarded to them, for having contributed in no ordinary degree to the advance- ment of this literature. We all are acquainted with the names of Pococke, Chandler, Chishull, Clarke, and Rose. I mention these amongst a great num- ber of others, as the representatives of their class, but not by any means as en- titled to a monopoly of the honour which is due to talent, labour, and research. The " Antiquitates Asiaticae" of the third of these, Edmund Chishull, was a pub- lication in all respects worthy of the character which he had already acquired by p2 114 Dr. Kennedy Bailie's Researches amongst the inscribed Monuments his work on theBustrophedon Inscription of Sigeum, and which had brought him into a certain degree of collision, not derogatory to his scholarship, with the illus- trious Bentley. This, and the publication which succeeded it, I reckon to be, on the whole, the most important of any which had appeared on palteography before the volume of Rose, who, in redeeming the pledge which his abilities and learning had given, had the advantage of an improved state of antiquarian knowledge, and of literary correspondence of the highest order. His learned volume, entitled " Inscriptiones Grsecae vetustissimae," was pub- lished in 1 825, at the expense of the University of Cambridge, and is enriched with prolegomena and notes, evincing considerable research, a great part of them, moreover, the fruits of his intimacy with Professor Bockh. A kindred spirit has animated the scholars of other nations ; for example, Italy and France ; the first of which can recount such names as Maffei, Lanzi, Visconti, amongst her contributors to this department of learning ; whilst France has had her Spon, a traveller, — and amongst her antiquarians, a Bar- thelemy. a Raoul de la Rochette, and a Boissonade. I refrain from naming another who certainly made considerable noise in his day, but whose archaso- graphical exploits in the Peloponnese have handed down his name to posterity with a somewhat worse than an equivocal reputation attached to it : for it is, I be- lieve, a matter of notoriety, that the researches of Fourmont have not benefited scholars so much as his vain and dishonest pretences have occasioned them trouble in disengaging the ore from the dross, what was truly classical and authentic from the unlearned and spurious admixture. The character of this traveller may be sufficiently estimated from the fact, that Professor Biickh has devoted an article of much length, in his great work, to the exposure of his forgeries. Nay more, it is even reported of him, but with what truth I can only judge from hearsay, that, such was his narrow-mind- edness and illiberality, he caused, in many instances, monuments to be defaced, lest succeeding travellers should profit by their inspection. This at least I can state with certainty, that some instances of this ungenerous temper have been pointed out to myself during my tour in Greece. In concluding this part of my subject, it may be interesting to my audience for me to remark, that the educated classes of Modern Greece are directing their attention to this amongst other branches of Hellenic literature. It was of the GrcBco- Roman Era in certain ancient Sites of Asia Minor. 115 my good fortune, during my stay at Athens, to become acquainted with the gentleman* who is at present employed by the Greek government as Curator of Antiquities in that metropolis, and to benefit by many interesting conversa- tions with him on the present state of learning in Greece, and the progress of his researches. He is himself an author, having given to the public a topographical account of ancient Athens, which has been translated into several of the modern languages. He has collected, moreover, in the Acropolis and the Theseium (which were the principal scenes of my labours), a considerable number of statues, busts, reliefs, and inscribed tablets, most, if not all of which, have been published in Ephemerides, and in his own work. This consideration, however, did not deter me from prosecuting my researches in the same field, and holding a converse on Minerva's height, or within the sanctuary of the hero-god of Athens, with her jurists, her priests, her statesmen, and her warriors. But I press forwards somewhat too rapidly. Greece, though the principal scene of my labours, was one of the last ; and it is my present intention to lay before my fellow-academicians, with all the respect which is due to so learned and distinguished a body, a summary of my researches in the order in which they were conducted. I might have observed a different, and, for some purposes, perhaps a more convenient arrangement ; I mean by this, a classification of the documents which I have collected, according as they related to public or to private concerns, to secular or religious, to the historical or the purely legal. Of all these I possess examples, viz., treaties, lists of magistrates, treasury accounts, temple inventories, epitaphs, with a great variety of others, which have unfortunately been so mutilated and defaced, as to afford a wide scope to the student in such matters for the exercise of his palaeographical sagacity. Now, an arrangement under these several heads presents many advantages, when the subject is made a study : and a more convincing proof of its expediency cannot be cited than from the great work of Professor Bockh, wherein the reader is at a loss which to admire most, the lucidity of the disposition or the accuracy of the details. But as the circumstances under which I appear before the Academy, and hope shortly to present myself before the public, are somewhat different from those of the mere editor, I have deemed it best to be guided in a 116 Dr. Kennedy Bailie's Researches amongst the inscribed Monuments great measure by them, that is, to follow the course of my recent travels ; to conduct my hearers over the ground which I have traversed ; and at my halting- places to share with them my palace, my hovel, or my tent, as the case may be ; and then to unpack before them my treasures of by-gone ages, whether sought in the desert, or amidst the habitations of my fellow-men ; whether surrounded by the ruins of ancient splendor, or the tombs of departed greatness ; whether ex- posed to the chilling blasts of the alpine region, or fanned by the zephyr of the valley, or scorched with the rays of a tropical sun. Limited as I was to a certain period of absence, it was quite impossible for me to consult my ease, or the state of the weather, in making my visits to ancient sites. With but rare exceptions, I was in constant motion; I was in consequence subjected to innumerable hard- ships and inconveniences, from which travellers in those imperfectly civilized reo-ions, who have time at their command, are enabled to exempt themselves. I was accordingly forced to traverse the burning plains of Asia Minor in the dog- days, and to make my visit to Greece during mid-winter, in which region I shall not soon forget the perils my health and person encountered, more especially in the interior of the Morea, where the country has been, until very lately, a per- fect wilderness ; and the more civilized districts of which are but slowly emerging into social life, after the terrible vengeance wreaked upon the Moreotes by the hordes of the Egyptian Pasha. Roofless dwellings, wasted fields, ruined villages, and an Impoverished people bade mournful welcome to my retinue and myself, after many an hour's exposure to "the pelting of the pitiless storm" in the alpine solitudes of the Peloponnese. Nor has that scourge of Greece, under the Musulman rule, the pestilence of the Klepts, been wholly banished from the country ; although, thanks to an improved system of police, and some vigorous measures adopted lately by the government, the evil has been materially dimi- nished. The researches of which I propose to give the Academy some account at present, commenced in Asia Minor, and embraced the following sites ; Ephesus, Gheyerah (the representative of Aphrodisias), Ailah Shehir (the ancient Phila- delphia) ; Sart, that is, Sardes ; Kirkagatch, a Turkish town on the road from Thyatira to Pergamus, and which the inscriptions found there seem to prove to have been in some way connected with Stratonicea : Ak-Hissar, which occupies part of the site of the ancient Thyatira ; Pergamus ; Eski-Stanpiil, the site of of the Grasco- Roman Era in certain ancient Sites of Asia Minor. 1 17 Alexandria Troadis ;* Beeram, the representative of Assos ;f and one or two other places of minor importance, in the Troad, on the site of Roman military stations, where I collected a few Latin inscriptions. This list, to which is to be added a small collection which I made at Smyrna, comprehends my labours in the department of inscriptions during two excursions which I made from that city ; one around the churches of the Apocalypse ; and another to the Dardanelles, returning by the coast to Smyrna. Of these sites, Aphrodisias and Thyatira furnished me with by far the greatest number of inscriptions. Indeed, so numerous are the inscribed monu- ments in the first of these places, that the principal trouble devolving upon the traveller is a selection of the most important, or those which illustrate best the ancient records of the place. I find fifteen of these inscriptions in my note- book ; but at least ten times that number solicit the attention of the antiquarian : and accordingly the curious in such matters will find, in the last published volume of Mr. Fellows' travels in those regions, a much larger collection of the inscrip- tions of Aphrodisias than I have made. It will be borne in mind, however, that that gentleman worked at a great mechanical advantage, for, avowedly un- acquainted with Greek literature himself, he adopted the plan of what may be termed mechanical copying ; in which way two or three sheets of the soft Turkish paper will perform in a few minutes as much work as would cost ordinary drudges, who have the misfortune to know something of the language, as many hours to get through. Any one, however, who has seen his first volume, will clearly ap- preciate the advantages of this method. Whenever an inscription is at all de- faced, and the most valuable are generally not the least so, the thousand lines which the chisel of time has indented in it, are as faithfully represented in the mechanical counterpart, as those of the epigraph itself; a source of error most prolific, as well as vexatious, to the decipherer afterwards, when threading his way through the palaeographical labyrinth. The strangest readings have, in consequence, found their way into that part of Mr. Fellows' first volume which relates to Inscriptions. His second, which has recently made its appearance, I have not had time to examine with the minuteness which it seems to deserve. • Acts, xvi. 8, 11. t Ibid. xx. 13, 14. 118 Dr. Kennedy Bailie's Researches amongst the inscribed Monuments Rejecting, therefore, all such contrivances for facilitating or expediting labour, my uniform method was, to make myself acquainted, in each instance which presented itself, with the import of the words, when it was at all possible for me to do so. This, after some practice, was of great utility in enabling me to abridge the trouble of a repeated inspection, as established formulse were of constant recurrence, and the known succession of words thus at once suggested itself to the mind. In cases, where the characters were so defaced or mutilated as to afford no clue, or next to none, to the sense, my practice was to read the several tituli orthographically, that is, to resolve them according to the known laws of termination of their components ; I mean, according as they were nouns, verbs, or particles, thus to establish what may be termed resting-places for the eye, while the hand was occupied with the task of committing the record to paper. This method, or rather what was consequent upon it, dexterity of trans- cription, effected often somewhat more than a mere abridgment of labour : for it is clear, that the same law of sequence which enabled me without actual in- spection to anticipate sentences, supplied me also with the means of restoring them when broken off or effaced. I have thus been frequently guided to the general import, at least, of a document, the first appearance of which was most unpromising to the copyist. An example, or two, may not be uninteresting. There are few formulae of more constant recurrence, particularly in the ancient sites of Asia Minor, than epigraphs on the coffers {