Res Guy 4 a BN aa . ie ‘ mee B ‘ oe sey a nath ‘he SS. bo } reat? a ie Ht Panee cA ae TES. Hye fi hah 3 : . ‘ aay) ‘ “3 .¥ . Th gro Tes S$ te 8 A ° LP EAS a biG Rt oe Hh if 5) 0 ne (ak air 5 he reser a Ch CA OW, oO & 5 as J 25 PNAS OT HS 18 ah eS Hades LIBRARY NEW TORS 5, ~AL GARDERY LIBRARY NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN a yi 7 = { hata of Pore - : __. eae \ PY :. a 7 on ria : 2} | an | a ' a : eye ime en, = 7 api oa ae im i . ¥ : | 7) ' iii) i oe iy Vs re : 7 ‘th. oe nee t kA Labentonhs bar i | | i te RM Via Pi iM pie My, | em PAma hh ar hioneprteiis onan Bg EU WAY itt a eel oY LA a ee oe 2 ; ; } 1 . i 7 ma oy . i , Mi : . j : lJ 7 i ¥ ; sh ya sl ' | , b " BA t =a — ae ae divin IT a rie nat tue ay nr mee | ¥ ie wer 4 ei uF a r y WAN ee | i: 4 er rt ah ie ' 7 oT \ ; j mie i y ae ¥ Wii yh oe 1a ay mn A AM in 4 ye le yi ne) Pi ne i : 4” } ey vt ra a | a TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. SECRETARY AND TREASURER; WILLIAM J. MOFFAT, FELLOW OF THE BOTANICAL SOCIETY, EDINBURGH, VOT? SELL EDINBURGH: PRINTED: POR THE SOCLE TY, SOLD BY DOUGLAS & FOULIS, CASTLE STREET. 1890. » A } RTENTYT XT CN r LIBRARY NEW YORK BOTANICAL CARnEN iNS 4 ATL Vid sk ‘| PD teed HE AV . i 5 a - mM — = , q : - a Pero) Tl re me oy ooe. fet: Shen PA ; ae ani: Rade ae ea IGT. hint. ee. BI ain ror ue pee TS CONTENTS OF VOL XII. The Society, as a body, is not to be considered responsible for any statements or opinions advanced in the several papers, which must rest entirely on the authority of the respective authors. VI. WE. VIII. IX. . Forestry in Hungary (with Map). By Colonel F. Battery, R.E., . The Proposed School of Forestry. By Sir DierricH BrAnpis, K.C.S.I., Bonn, Germany, é : . Forest Administration in the Canton Vaud, Switzerland. By GrorcEe CADELL, Lausanne, Dr Cleghorn’s Services to Indian Forestry. By Sir D. Branpis, late Inspector-General of Forests to the Government of India, Deciduous Trees, with Ornamental and Coloured Foliage, useful in Landscape Forestry. By JoHn Mrruven, Leith Walk Nurseries, Edinburgh, ReEportT OF THE SELECT COMMITTEE OF THE House oF Commons, 1887, ON FoRESTRY, . : - - The Plantations en the Estate of Wentworth, Yorkshire. By GrorcE Dopps, Forester, Wentworth, Rotherham, Yorkshire, The Plantations on the Penrhyn Estate, North Wales. By ANcus D. WexsstER, Forester, Penrhyn Castle, North Wales, Report OF EXHIBITS AT THE INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, EDIN- BURGH, 1886, . : : . ABSTRACT of the Accounts of the RoyaL ScorrisH ARBORICUL- TURAL Society for Year 1886-87, 5 Address delivered at the Thirty-fifth Annual Meeting, 7th August 1888. By Matcotm Dunn, Dalkeith, . ; 5 2 PRESENTATION TO HuGH CLEGHORN OF STRAVITHIE, M.D., LL. D., F.R.S.E., ; : ~ - c On the Comparative Value of Exotic Coniferze as Ornamental or Timber Trees in Britain. With Table of Measurements. By Tuomas WILKIE, Forester, Tyninghame, East Lothian, é 87 94 104 165 181 188 189 198 206 lv X. XI. XXI. XXII. XXIII. XXIV. XXY. CONTENTS. The Douglas Fir (Abies Douglasii) in Scotland. By Dr W. Senticn, Professor of Forestry, Cooper's Hill Engineering College, Staines, Surrey, Old and Remarkable Trees on the Rolle Estate, Stevenstone, Tor- rington, Devon. By JAMEs Barriz, Forester, Stevenstone. [Plates II. to V.], . The Comparative Value of Exotic Conifers as Ornamental or Timber Trees in Britain. By A. D. WexsstEr, Holwood Estate, Kent, ; ; . Plan and Specification for the Erection of a Forester’s Cottage. By R. B. Keay, Forester, Redcastle, Ross-shire. [Plate VI. ], . Old and Remarkable Trees on Holwood Estate, Kent. By A. D. Wesster, Holwood, Kent, . Landscape and Economic Planting. By Cuarves S. FRANCE, Bridge of Dee, Aberdeen, . On the Advantages of forming Belts of Plantations on Hill Pasture Land. By Tuomas WILKIE, Forester, Tyninghame, East Lothian, . . ‘ . ; - . The Giant Arbor-Vite (Thuja i lig By A. D. WEBSTER, Holwood, Kent, . ; . Tables for the Conversion of Measurements from one Denomination to another. By Colonel F. Bartey, R.E., . The Ligneous Plants of Hampshire. By Joun Smiru, Romsey, Haunts, . : x : . Report upon the rearing of Underwood for Game Coverts in High Forest. By Tuomas Witkre, Forester, Tyninghame, East Lothian,. Agstracr of the Accounts of the Royat ScorrisH ARBORI- CULTURAL Society for Year 1888, . “ 2 ; Address delivered at the Thirty-sixth Annual Meeting, 6th August 1889. By WiLt1AM M‘CorquopALe, Scone, Vice- President, * ; On the Old and Remarkable Yew Trees in Scotland (Taxus baccata, L.). By Roserr Hutcuison of Carlowrie, F.R.S.E., Influences affecting British Forestry. Inaugural Lecture in the Course of Forestry, Edinburgh University, 23d October 1889. By WitiiAm SomErvVILLE, D.Cic., B.Sc., F.R.S.E., On the Creation of Leasehold Timber Farms. By A. T. WILLIAMSON; Corstorphine,. a : - ° The Larch Bug, ‘‘Aphis,” or ‘‘ Blight” (Chermes laricis). By Dr W. Scuticu, Professor of Forestry, Cooper’s Hill Engineer- ing College, Staines, Surrey, 242 246 288 301 371 374 375 379 403 418 423 CONTENTS. XXVI. The Effect of the Railway and Canal Traffic Act, 1888,, in relation to Forestry. By A. T. W1LLraMson, Corstorphine, XXYVII. On the Comparative Value of the different Timber Trees grown for profit in Britain ; with Rate of Growth of each Species in a given time. By Davin Tair, Overseer, Owston Park, Doncaster, Yorkshire, : c : - = XXVIII. The Commercial Aspect of Bark- ae By A. T. WILLIAM- son, Corstorphine, : F : i Apstract of Accounts of the RoyAL ScorrisH ARBORICULTURAL Socrety for Year ending 31st December 1889, . APPENDIX. = Former Presidents, . List of Members, corrected to Daccumboe 1889, 431 443 448 PAGE pein: dae mike vite bh aigh th + whet sink a t wae s sostled i'l | in Pee a= ‘We Pa en aati { we ate Tr sp renin 2 yy ANB fee Crvemeod. WEES T oe Ve ng . yee _ | ae Tas eee: ~ Alas aa ae 4 . 2a YA ba. lee i a a hee A a te ical @ 7 » “* - z , « vt ce gs & rai4 . aa os, . > q " ‘ * ¢ %. - » io a 7 a Fee i y 7 > eo . 5 4 . ” - - < $ . ® * - mys! . i. « . J 7 OF THE | ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY VOL. XIL.—PART LI. SECRETARY AND TREASURER, WILLIAM J. MOFFAT. —— <<<. LL LL OO eee ae EDINBURGH: PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY. BY DOUGLAS & FOULIS, CASTLE STREET. MDCCCLXXXVIII. ESTABLISHED 1809. NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE INSURANCE COMPANY. — Incorporated by Royal Charter and Special Acts of Parliament. President.—HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF ROXBURGHE. Vice-President.—HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF SUTHERLAND, K.G. EXTRAORDINARY DIRECTORS. Rieut Hon. LORD NORTHBOURNE. Rigut Hon, Toe EARL OF ABERDEEN. Rigut Hon. Tue. EARL OF STRATHMORE. Sir MATTHEW WHITE RIDLEY, Bart., M.P. GENERAL COURT OF DIRECTORS. DAVID DAVIDSON, Ese.—Chairman. EDINBURGH BOARD OF DIRECTORS. J. F. WALKER DRUMMOND, Esa. RALPH DUNDAS, Esq. DAVID B. WAUCHOPE, Esq. JOHN WHARTON TOD, Esq. Sir JAMES GARDINER BAIRD, Barr, | Hon. HENRY J. MONCREIFF. GEORGE AULDJO JAMIESON, Esq. Sirk JAMES H. GIBSON-CRAIG, Bart. FREDERICK PITMAN, Esq. Rient Hon. Tot EARL OF ELGIN. EVAN ALLAN HUNTER, Esq. Riaut Hon. Sir THOMAS CLARK, Barr., CHARLES GAIRDNER, Esa. Lord Provost of Edinburgh. CHARLES B. LOGAN, Esa. Manager, A. GILLIES-SMITH, F.R.S.E. Secretary, PHILIP R. D. MACLAGAN. Actuary, THOMAS WALLACE. Medical Oficer, JOHN MOIR, M.D., F.R.C.P. Solicitors, J. & F. ANDERSON, W.S. | Auditor, JAMES HALDANE, C.A. RESOURCES OF THE COMPANY REVENUE FOR THE YEAR 1886. _ As at 31st December 1886. From the Life Department— I. CAPITAL— ; Net Life Premiums, In- Authorised Capital, . £3,000,000 terest, etc., . ; £488,932 Subscribed Capital, Ri 2,500,000 Annuity Premiums (in- Paid-up Capital, . : 625,000 cluding £86,165, 9s. II, FIRE FUND— by single payment) Reserve, hea ge. * 61,950,000 and Interest, . 112,504 Premium Reserve, . 380,910 “£601,436 436 Balance carried forward, . 107,997 From the Fire Department— £1,738,907 Net Fire Premiums, In- IIL. LIFE FUND— ——_—__——. terest, etc., . . £1,231,960 Accumulated Fund £1,833,396 i eres a > eB, BSR, C8 The Accumulated Funds of the Life Department i are free from liability in respect of the Fire (Annuity Branch), . 607,636 Department, and in like manner the Accumu- lated Funds of the Fire Department are free £4,253,355 Srom liability in respect of the Life Department. Life DEPART SMe NE: Large and Accumulating Bonuses. Moderate Premiums. Perfect Security. Nine-Tenths of the whole Profits of the Life Assurance Branch are allocated to Participating Policies. The Bonus at last Division ranged, according to the age of the Policy, from £1, 9s, to £2, 17s. 10d. per Cent. per Annum, on the Original Sum Assured, SPECIAL FEATURES. Claims paid on proof of death and title. Premiums adjusted to each half-year of age. Minimum Surrender Values fixed and held at credit of Insured for five years Paid- sag hae Liberal Amount granted in place of Lapsed Policy if desired within x Months. Inaccurate Statements in Proposal Papers do not involve Forfeiture of Policy unless accompanied by Fraud. Policies in most cases free of all Restrictions as to Occupation, Residence, and Travel. ANNUITY BRANCH. Annuities, Immediate, Contingent, or Deferred, are granted on favourable terms. PLad DEPARTS Nee Property of nearly every description Insured at Home or Abroad at the Lowest Rate of Preminm, Net Fire Premiums for 1886, £1,142,730. Losses promptly and liberally settled. Prospectuses and every information may be had at the Chief Offices, Branches, or Agencies, RY __ EDINBURGH, . 64 PRINCES STREET. CHIEF OFFICES—\ToONDON, . . | 61 THREADNEEDLE ST., F.C, CONTENTS. The Society, as a body, is not to be considered responsible for any statements or opinions advanced in the several papers, which must rest entirely on the authority of the respective authors. III. DY). We Val Ale . Forestry in Hungary (with Map). By Colonel F. Batntry, R.E., . . The Proposed School of Forestry. By Sir DirrricH BRranpvis, K.C.S.I., Bonn, Germany, . H . . “ Forest Administration in the Canton Vaud, Switzerland. By GEORGE CADELL, Lausanne, - - 5 : - Dr Cleghorn’s Services to Indian Forestry. By Sir D. Branpts, late Inspector-General of Forests to the Government of India, Deciduous Trees, with Ornamental and Coloured Foliage, useful in Landscape Forestry. By Jowxy Metruven, Leith Walk Nurseries, Edinburgh, - - : - . ° REPORT OF THE SELECT COMMITTEE OF THE HOUSE OF CoMMONS, 1887, oN FoRESTRY, : The Plantations on the Estate of Wentworth, Yorkshire. By GEORGE Dopps, Forester, Wentworth, Rotherham, Yorkshire, The Plantations on the Penrhyn Estate, North Wales. By Ancus D. WezstTeER, Forester, Penrhyn Castle, North Wales, Report oF EXHIBITS AT THE INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, EDIN- BURGH, 1886, “ . A ABSTRACT of the Accounts of the Royau ScoTrisH ARBORICULTURAL Socrety for year 1886-87, . 87 94 104 156 165 181 188 en SN et te ' 7) hy ; ba 4 ba : bs lew Hee, — 4 ws abet se. oem TRANSACTIONS OF THE Royal Scottish Arboricultural Society. THE CouNCcIL would earnestly draw the attention of the Members to the Abstract of the Society’s Accounts for 1886- 1887 on page 188, in which is shown an extra large amount of Subscriptions due and unpaid at the close of the financial year. Members will greatly facilitate the work of the Society, and save a considerable expenditure, by promptly remitting their Subscriptions as they become due. THE Councit also respectfully request that those Members whose Subscriptions are in arrear, will make payment of them at their very earliest convenience. By order of the Council, wT ar NO SNTNIN 2 Ronwl Scottish Arboricultural Society. SPHCIAL NOTICE. Tur Councit direct the attention of Members to an arrange- ment made with the Proprietor of the Farming World, pub- lished at 63 Princes STREET, Epinsureu, by which a Forestry Department has been added to that paper. The CouNCIL express the hope that Members, and all interested, will heartily support this effort to provide a useful weekly medium of Forestry intelligence, both by reading the Farming World, and by contributing Forestry notes to its pages. ‘ Aj/ ’ . My x y q “ s ABA a “ a ~*. s a Sse Jimutlicd ibe Vi itlnr® tautle TN 4 rh a a a by Sit te didnot db vegest 4 Le suenes “now sivayon) auR : | CUBE Hat Dine ey a vdiitin eth 7 y Sock} Bub Bs arth iat edith oe S Miiclig TAL Ive} vow cis wily ag sini dW, id, CEPT a a ho Te ie fa iii Als Gauls nit a BG ee e Fy Lie 9 v4 “wetorsiget SLE - r pW Nae Mra ile Fak VL o ten ettel ieee sa r eager Ay eitiebe emma) Gee te eo f sea, Dae Fa 4 Aa j fhe Sis as uc tris uikittnart p ital : a stl ery 41} Fail’ “ titi ites Hae Halt 4) fi ant Walk oo ‘ ao 7p sieht ebet at iwi Hig, Jen th nite Gheearntors To sch spe slid We , a pe UAT ed Les ate Viv’ sith ie pti Ri ek ne eds ae OS 3) Vee ct vo ay" Ree og | Sols, , i toe > rt ese ; maid 7 iv imei. Oe Pe ae Oe ee in 20 SLY OD. NER Nee a ee AVE R i be, be Reka Weg Day iar is? whi Le wh | ifs aN Ls : - A sacl a TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY PORES TERY TN TUN Gx nae (With Map.) By Colonel F. Bartey, R.E. CPAP PE RE THE HUNGARIAN FORESTS. AREA, ELEVATION, CLIMATE, SPECIES, AND DISTRIBUTION OF TREES. THE total area of the kingdom of Hungary, including Croatia and Slavonia, is 125,370 square miles, of which 35,459 square miles, or over 28 per cent., are forests, owned by the following proprietors : Square Miles. The State, j F : 5,553 sec ieee Do., studs, railways, War Department, 170 P ; Departments and Communes, . 5 8,200 or 23 ‘a Corporations and Ecclesiastical endowments, 2,071) 1or FO 53 Public foundations, . ; : : 319 Private do., : : ; ; 8 sat a Trustees, c ‘ F é ~ | 1999" er 6 es Joint proprietors, 5 : : 7) AS LO Moras Joint Stock Companies, : ; : 654 or 2 o (A.) 24,075 or 68 Private persons (B.) 11,384 or 32 Total, - . 35,459 or 100 c This gives nearly 14 acres of forest per head of the population. Forests in Class (A.) must, under section 17 of the Forest Law, be managed in accordance with the provisions of a working plan, VOL, XII., PART I. A 2 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. approved by the Minister of Agriculture, and framed on the prin- ciple that they are required to give a constant annual yield for_ ever. Consequently no portion of them can be disforested. But the private forests, about one-half of which are owned by a small number of proprietors, some of whose immense domains cover many square miles, are, unless they have been declared ‘‘ Forests of Protection” under the law, worked according to the wish of the owner, who, however, may not disforest any portion of them which grows on a purely forest soil—that is to say, a soil which is in- capable of being profitably cultivated, either as fields, gardens, or vineyards, or of being used as meadow land. Section 2 of the law includes, under the head of Forests of Pro- tection, all forests which are situated in high mountain regions, on loose stony soil, alpine plateaux, peaks, ridges, or steep slopes ; also those which serve as a protection against landslips, inundations, and avalanches, and the removal of which would involve injury either to land or to lines of communication situated below them, as well as those which serve as a shelter against dangerous storms. The law provides that, within five years of its promulgation, a list of all such forests must be prepared ; that they must all be demar- cated ; and that, no matter to whom they belong, they must be worked in accordance with the provisions either of a working plan, or of rules approved by the Minister of Agriculture. The area of the State forests was much larger in former years than it is now—a loss of 20 per cent. having been experienced since 1878. This is mainly due to the commutation of rights, many of which have been got rid of by the surrender of land given in exchange for them ; but there is still a good deal to do in this direction, though not nearly so much as has already been accom- plished. The diminution from this cause of the area of the State forests between 1880 and 1884 amounted to 1427 square miles. The following areas are administered by the Forest Department, in addition to the State forests (5553 square miles) shown above, viz. : Square Miles. In towns, 4 Unavoidably retained as being ( Arable fields, : 48 enclosed within forest boun- { Meadows, . : 63 daries, , : . \ Pastures, . oe a0 Alpine pastures, : : ; ; - 93825 Unproductive land, . F : : > /) doe Total; vile FORESTRY IN HUNGARY. 3 So that the total area in charge of the Department amounts to 6266 square miles. The forests of Hungary are situated in the following zones of altitude : Square Miles. 5,206, or 15 per cent. below 200 metres (656 ft.). 9,935, or 28 5 between 200 and 600 metres (656 and 1968 ft. ). 20,318, or 57 - above 600 metres (1968 ft.). 35,459 Forty-two meteorological stations have recently been established in or near the forests, for the purpose of observing the temperature and degree of moisture of the air, the direction and force of the wind, and the amount of rainfall. The data furnished by these stations are collected and tabulated in the central office at Buda- Pesth. Observations recorded at altitudes varying from 16 feet (Fiume) to 2526 feet (Fajna in Marmaros) show that, in 1884, the maximum rainfall amounted to 63 inches (Fiume and Goszpics, both in the south); while the minimum, 4 inches, occurred at Petrozsény in the east. The maximum temperature rose to 100° Fahr. at Szolnok in Lower Hungary ; and the minimum, 23° below zero Fahr., was registered at Szepes-Jglo in the north, at an alti- tude of 1525 feet. The highest mean temperature, 59° Fahr., was at Zeng, and the lowest, 40° Fahr., at Fajna in Maérmaros. The forests are thus classed, according to the quality of the soil on which they grow: Square Miles. Purely forest soil, as above defined, : . 28,505 Soil adapted for other uses, A . : 4,785 Plantations on moving sands, . : : 420 Forests of Protection, : : : - 1,749 Total, . . 85,459 It is said that the various species of trees are found in the fol- lowing proportion, viz. : Oak (Quercus pedunculata and Q. sessiliflora), : . 22°28 per cent. Oak (Q. cerris), A 5 F ‘ ‘ em 5/2 i Beech (Fagus sylvatica), : ‘ . 36°54 hes Hornbeam (Carpinus betulus and 0. or EE : = 19:13 Ae Birch (Betula alba), . : : : : eee ered es Carry forward, . ee O0G » 4 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. o Brought forward, . . 76°06 per cent. Poplar (Populus alba, P. canadensis, P. nigra, P. idle alis, P. tremula), . 2°38 Willow (Salix alba, S. caprea, S. Venta S. purpurea, S. triandra, S. viminalis), . Ash (Fraxinus excelsior and F. ornius), : : ; 1) Elm (Ulmus campestris, U. montana, U. suberosa), . ik 1:52 a Maple (Acer campestris, A. platanoides, A. pseudo-platanus), Alder (Alnus alpina, A. glutinosa, A. incana), : NWOT, a Acacia (Robinia pseudo-acacia), = /O839 fn Lime (Zilia argentea, T. reiaditotia fhe parcifoa), . 0°09 aA Spruce (Abies excelsa), : : : ; eel go, Be Silver fir (Picea pectinata), . j ; : cae eae 5 Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris), . : : : = SOL a, Larch (Larix Europe), : ‘ . : 7) 20°05 5 100 - The following trees and shrubs also occur in the forests, but not in sufficiently large numbers to be mentioned separately in the above list :—Quercus pubescens, Q. Hungarica v. conferta, Castanea vesca, Corylus colurna, C. avellana, Sorbus Aria, Prunus spinosa, Juglans nigra, Platanus orientalis, Morus nigra, Rhus cotinus, Cornus sanguinea, Pinus austriaca, P. Mughus, P. Cembra, Juniperus communis, Taxus baccata. Experiments with a view to the introduction of certain foreign species have been made in the State forests. The areas actually covered by the principal groups of species are as follows, viz. : Square Miles. Oak, ; ; . 9,930 Beech and other prea ae: ed species, . ao L8376L Conifers, . : ; : : ‘ 6,768 Total, : . 35,459 The following table shows the area occupied by each of the principal groups of species in the State forests, and their distribu- tion throughout the three zones of altitude : | | Beech and other No. of Oak.| Broad- |Conifers.| Total. |permanent leaved Springs. Species. Metres. Feet, ae rs | Plains, 0to200= Oto 656,|515 310 1 826 100 Low hills, 200 to 600 = 656 to 1968, | 380 906 92 1378 1,002 Mountains above 600=above 1968,| 51) 1734 | 1564 | 3349 11,861 - oh a ee ees ee Le el eee Total 2s wade miles, . -|946| 2950 | 1657 | 5558 | 12,963 FORESTRY IN HUNGARY. Or MANAGEMENT AND WORKING. Previously to 1848, when the feudal system still prevailed in the country, the Hungarian forests were, generally speaking, valued almost solely on account of the game which they harboured. They were very little worked, and their revenue was merely that obtained from grazing, from the collection of acorns, and from the sale of firewood ; timber was used exclusively for local purposes. A few forests only, situated either near rivers, such as the Danube, Tisza, Garane, Vag, and Arva, or around mines and smelting furnaces, or in the neighbourhood of large towns, produced any considerable income to their owners. After the year 1850, when the feudal system had ceased to exist, the situation was extremely unfavour- able to proprietors of land, who, a few years later, when, in conse- quence of the extension of railways, new markets were opened, tried, without thought of the future, to realise as much as they could from their forests, the importance of maintaining which they failed to understand. They did not, in most cases, possess the capital required to work them on their own account, and they therefore farmed them out, on from five to ten years’ leases, to merchants and contractors, whose sole aim was to get the timber out at a cheap rate. The proprietors were unacquainted with the prices paid for wood in the market ; they would not incur the ex- pense of having their forests properly valued ; and were ignorantly satisfied if they received considerable sums for forests of large extent, even though the rates paid to them were ruinously low. The first merchant who came carried off the finest timber, those who followed him taking, each in succession, his choice among the best of the trees which remained, and offering still smaller prices. In this manner the wood was cleared out of the more accessible forests by slides, canals, and streams, and they rapidly became denuded ; while the large quantity of waste-wood, resulting from a too prodigal felling for large timber, brought about a depreciation in the price obtainable for firewood in other forests. In consequence of this, and of the general absence of communications in the country, which caused the timber over the greater part of it to have little or no value, a large proportion of the best oak forests were ruined by continued grazing, and were reduced to the condition of forest pastures and acorn grounds; indeed, in many instances there was little left in them but old stumps; and where the cattle permitted 6 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. the growth of young trees, the ground was taken possession of by beech and hornbeam. ‘The oak forests will now gradually be re- stored ; but very few of them, except in Slavonia, can be worked for a long series of years. It was formerly the practice to permit grazing during the fellings and the years immediately succeeding them, and numbers of cattle were bred who passed their whole lives in the forests ; it must therefore be considered a fortunate circum- stance, that, after the valuable trees were felled, a crop of shrubs was able to spring up here and there and afford some shelter to the ground. At the same time, valuable beech and pine forests, ex- tending over thousands of acres, were cut or burnt down, with the deliberate object of turning them into pastures, which were then considered to have more value than forests yielding no revenue. Subsequently to the year 1850, an inconceivable amount of harm was done, the forests near the principal lines of export, or situated in the vicinity of towns and manufactories, having been worked far too heavily. At this time also forests of large extent were con- ceded to communes, who, not sufficiently understanding their value, destroyed them ; and the timber and even the soil of many forests, the property of joint owners, was sold by the co-proprietors, who ignorantly preferred the small sum of money they could then realise on them to the permanent revenue they might ultimately have yielded under the more favourable conditions of the future. Con- siderable areas also were cleared for cultivation, but the result was in many cases disastrous; as, for instance, along the banks of the Danube, the Tisza, and the Temes, where formerly fine oak forests grew, but the ground is now occupied by marshes. A recent case of this kind occurred near Arad, on the Maros, where, the forest growth having been cleared away, the soil rapidly deteriorated, and is now fitted neither for agriculture nor for forest. Owing to the above causes, the condition of the forests, especially those which belong to communes and private proprietors, is at the present time very poor—excessive felling, imperfect regeneration, and uncontrolled pasturing having led in many localities to the most melancholy results ; as witness the shrub forests on the higher mountains, the moving sands of the Alféld or great plain lying between the Danube and the Tisza, and the stony avalanches of the Karst between Trieste and Fiume, where the soil, when pro- tected by forests, was extraordinarily fertile, but now the limestone rocks have been completely denuded; and if the country is to be allowed, even gradually, to recover itself, the exclusion of cattle, FORESTRY IN HUNGARY. 7 sheep, and goats from the whole area, by successive blocks, has become an absolute necessity. But although, on the re-establishment of a constitutional Govern- ment in 1867, matters began to mend, little real progress was made until 1879, when the present Forest Law was passed, which not only ensures the proper management of the forests, but regulates the floating of loose logs and timber rafts, as well as the transport of forest produce by land, thus protecting both the owners of forests and the timber merchants, as well as the persons through or over whose property the produce passes; and the forests are now under proper control throughout the entire country. The old way of working was not one calculated to develop a good system of sylviculture ; but now, as the forests become thinner and wood dearer, while mountain sides are denuded and river banks undermined, the necessity for the early introduction of a better system is realised, and people begin to appreciate the new law, which, if it came at the last moment, did not come quite too late ; and under it a good and certain forest revenue may still be looked for. The excessive fellings practised between 1850 and 1880 so re- duced the stock of timber in the forests, that they have not now, with comparatively few exceptions, sufficient to enable their rational management to be at once undertaken. It has been calculated that the stock remaining is not more than two-thirds of what it ought to be, and a due proportion of age-classes is rarely found. On the other hand, however, in about one-fifth part of the entire area, the forests, which here consist principally of beech, but partly also of conifers, cannot yet be worked on account of the absence of export roads, which, in many cases, it will not at present pay to make; and these will, as they are gradually opened out, supply the home and foreign markets for some years to come. The statement, then, which is often heard, that there is still a great stock of wood in the forests, is only true for parts of them. It is said that in the State oak and fir forests, the stock of timber falls short of what it should be by 575 and 649 millions of cubic feet respectively, while in the beech forests the stock is in excess by 1013 millions of cubic feet ; and the condition of the forests owned by other proprietors is cer- tainly not more favourable than this, The all-round density of the forests is probably not more than from 6 to 7, and the younger age-classes, where they exist, are, generally speaking, in an unsatis- factory condition. It used to be the custom to sell, in addition to 8 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY, the ordinary fellings, the ash, elm, maple, and other species found . scattered here and there throughout the forests, and on this account it is now very difficult to obtain wood of these kinds at reasonable prices. Until recently, then, rational treatment was, especially in the communal and private forests, almost completely neglected. Now the forests are managed as high forest, coppice, or coppice with standards, in the following proportion, viz. : Square Miles. High forest, with a revolution of 80 to 120 years, extending, in rare cases, to 160 years in the oak forests, 5 . 25,367 Simple coppice, 10 to 60 years, ° “ : 10,028 Coppice with standards—standards 80 to 120 years, coppice, 20 years, . : ; , - : . 64 Total, .» : 35,459 In the State forests the proportion 1s as follows, viz. : Beech | and other } Oak. Broad- Conifers. | Total. | leaved Species. High forest, . : ; 4 : 924 2795 1493 | 5212 Simple coppice, , : : 18 70 ae 88 Coppice with standards, 2 2 1 a 3 Forests of Protection (selection method), 2 84 164 250 Total square miles, ; . | 946 2950 1657 | 5553 Regeneration by natural means is resorted to as far as possible ; but both early and late frosts are very frequent, so that a crop of seed cannot be looked for oftener than once in five years, and since the year 1880 regeneration by planting or sowing has been largely practised. During 1884 the following areas in the State forests were regenerated by natural and by artificial means respectively, VIZ. : Square Miles. Natural, é ; : ¢ : : 26 Artificial, f Berm ; ; : t Planting, ; - : ll — 19 Total. 4: 2 45 The total cost of the sowing and planting work was £4183, or 6s. 10d. per acre for sowing and 7s. for planting. FORESTRY IN HUNGARY. 9 The spruce, Abies eacelsa, is the most important of the conifers found in Hungary. It is, generally speaking, grown unmixed with other species, and the forest is clean-felled, the ground being restocked artificially two years afterwards. The advantages of growing forests composed of a mixture of species has not yet been fully recognised except in the State forests, where in suitable regions, when the production of large timber is aimed at, it is now the rule to mix spruce, silver fir, and beech in the following proportions, viz. : 50 to 60 per cent. of spruce. 20 to 30 es of silver fir. 10 to 20 ne of beech. There is a great deal to be done in the way of restocking bare ground ; the funds hitherto granted for this purpose being insufficient to admit of satisfactory progress being made. But the State gives out plants gratis to proprietors of all classes, and nearly eleven millions of them have been distributed during the years 1883, 1884, and 1885. The species principally employed are as follows, viz.: The Robinia pseudo-acacia, which grows very rapidly, yields excellent firewood, vine props, and timber of small size ; the Scots pine, which is planted out at a year old, but in some districts is without needles for a part of the year, and in the northern pro- vinces suffers much from snow ; and the black Austrian pine. The larch does very well in some districts, and considerable attention has recently been paid to it. In former days forest management was directed principally to the production of firewood, and this is the case still on many properties. But as soon as the improvement of communications enabled timber to be carried to distant markets, even beyond the national frontiers, and the diminution of stock caused a rise in prices, attention began to be directed to the production of large timber of good quality. During the last ten or fifteen years, how- ever, many young oak and spruce forests have been cut for tanning bark, and a good deal of harm has been done by over-cutting for this purpose. The minor products are at present confined almost exclusively to grass, acorns, and nut galls; the various industries which usually flourish in the neighbourhood of extensive forests not having yet been developed to any considerable extent. Grazing, is, however, an important question, both on account of 10 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. the large number of cattle and other animals which have to be kept alive, and also on account of the revenue realised from it. The forest pastures are very extensive, and their existence is, as has previously been explained, one of the principal causes to which the present bad condition of the forests is attributable. It has been assumed that 1 buffalo, 1 horse, 3 donkeys, 3 pigs, 10 sheep, and 1 goat, each of them require as large a provision in grazing as 1 ox or cow— 3oxen under 3 years of age being equal to 2 full-grown animals. 2horses ,, 3 rs 1 5 animal, 2donkeys,, 2 4 young pigs 3 lambs or kids a3 be) 29 29 1 99 1 39 a9 1 9 99 And on this assumption, the equivalent of 8,300,000 oxen has to be provided for. But it has been calculated that the non-forest grazing grounds do not, at the most liberal rate of production, yield enough grass for more than 5,300,000 oxen; and as stall feeding is very rarely practised, three millions of cattle have to be provided for in the forests. But if every acre were made available which could, without risk to the crop of trees, be opened for grazing, not more than one-fourth of the three millions of oxen could be properly fed ; and this fully explains why the forest pastures are now being ruined by over-grazing, while the cattle are, generally speaking, in very poor condition. Legislation on the subject is urgently needed. People in Hungary, as well as in other countries, sometimes assert that the forests do not suffer from grazing ; and they cite examples to prove that they have known very well, and carefully watched for the last twenty, thirty, forty, or fifty years, such and such forests, which have always been full of cattle, and still continue to exist. But, notwithstanding this evidence, it is certain that, even where forests too heavily grazed over have not disappeared entirely, they have suffered severely in their rate of growth and in the quality of the wood they produce, while their complete disappearance is only a matter of time. The damage done by fires is not so serious in the north as it is in the south and east, where shepherds frequently devastate large areas by burning them over, in order to obtain fresh pasture for their flocks, Attacks by insects, principally Bostrichus typographus, are frequent, especially in the eastern provinces ; here also dangerous storms very often occur. It is said that in 1884 the damage done FORESTRY IN HUNGARY. 11 in the State forests alone, by fires, wind, insects, and the like causes, was as follows: No. of Areas affected, instances. Acres. Weds : _ 76 Broad-leaved forest, . . 1693 ; ‘ Coniferous forest, . : , 34 — 1727 Inundations, . 19 2 ; 5 - : : - g Winds 1% . 51 (800,000 cubic feet of wood), . : 396 Frost and snow, 7 ( 88,000 a dy: : 956 Rats, - se Bes z - : - : : , 405 Imsects:,. <: Ar Bally; : : : - : : . 8415 6998 In 1867 there were only 1390 miles of railway in the kingdom, now there is a network aggregating 5530 miles all over the country ; and no less than 18 per cent. of the merchandise carried by goods train, and by the Danube Steam Navigation Company, consists of forest produce. Twenty miles of narrow-gauge railway have been constructed for forest purposes. There are also 4,460 miles of State roads. 23,005 ,, Departmental roads. 35,983 ,, Communal roads. 1,799 ,, rivers and canals which can be used for floating wood. The State roads are kept in good order, but those belonging to communes are not so. In addition to the above, the State has 148 miles of dry slides, and 65 miles of wet slides, with 93 reservoirs, constructed for floating purposes, holding 175,000,000 cubic feet of water. There are also 62 booms, aggregating 8040 yards in length. The floating of timber from the mountain forests to the plains, and thence to the markets, is still largely practised, especially in the Carpathians, where, notwithstanding the huge quantity of timber, principally beech, consumed annually in the maintenance of river banks, the erection of weirs, and other works, it is con- sidered cheaper than the construction and repair of cart-roads, which, as they are not required for other purposes, would have to be paid for entirely from the forest budget. The rates for transport by water are also, beyond comparison, lower than those for transport by road ; and the latter would be enhanced if the large amount of wood now water borne were to be thrown on to the roads. These considerations appear to justify the existing arrangements, 12 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. in spite of the lavish expenditure of wood on works connected with the floating of timber, which must strike with astonishment every visitor to these regions. When the quantity of snow on the ground does not render this impossible, the fellings are usually made in the winter; but otherwise they are effected after the snow has melted, say about the month of May, when the sap is beginning to rise. The trees are immediately barked, the top branches being left uncut, so as to draw up the sap from the lower part of the trunk, and thus facilitate its drying. In autumn, the timber is cut up and con- veyed outside the limits of the block in which it was felled ; and in the succeeding winter, it is moved down to the river side, so that it may, in the spring and summer, be floated down to the markets. As the works of various kinds which have to be con- structed in connection with the floating arrangements are on a large scale, and involve a very heavy outlay, the forest officers are required to possess a complete knowledge of this branch of engineering. Sufficient labour is, generally speaking, obtainable among the agricultural population for all ordinary work, such as sowing and planting, sliding, drawing, floating and sawing of timber, making of charcoal, and the like; but should large orders be received for cask staves, or railway sleepers, contractors bring additional work- men from the Austrian province of Carniola. It is customary to farm a portion of the forest produce to the commune, in return for the transport of a certain quantity of wood. The timber floaters are a strong hardy race, whom long practice has taught to work with safety upon the most difficult and dangerous rivers. The original workmen were Germans from the Black Forest ; but there are now many ‘‘Szekelyek” from Transylvania, and Wallachians, who have learnt the business from the Germans. A bad feature in the present system is that, partly from long custom, and partly from the prevalence of a false idea that the stock is very abundant, the cutting up and working out of the produce is wastefully conducted, thus causing a loss of from 30 to 40 per cent. of the wood. As the stock of timber decreases, and prices rise, an improvement in this respect will doubtless be effected ; and, when the workmen are better trained, much of the present waste will be avoided. The State employs 2933 permanent, and. 19,840 temporary, hands. The former, who act as instructors to the latter, are a most useful class ; and some colonies of them, founded during FORESTRY IN HUNGARY. 13 the last century, now form prosperous communes on the borders of the State forests. : The rates paid for daily labour are usually from 1s. to 2s. 6d. for a man, and from 3s. to 8s. for a cart and two horses. But most kinds of work is, as a rule, executed by contract, or by piece- work, at fixed rates. ADMINISTRATIVE ORGANISATION. Before 1881, the direction of all forest affairs was vested in the Minister of Commerce ; but in that year it was transferred to the Minister of Agriculture ; and at the same time the administration of the forests was confided to a special branch, which was relieved of the management of the State agricultural property, and rendered completely independent of all other work. Within the office of the Minister, forest business is dealt with by the Director General of Forests, who, acting as his delegate, decides, with certain exceptions, all questions that are submitted to him. His office is divided into three sections, which take up matters referring to the State forests, working plans, and inspections respectively. Each section is under a forest councillor. Section 17 of the law pre- scribes that the proprietors whose forests come under its provisions, must employ the number of managers and guards fixed by the working plan, and this forms the basis of the organisation of the Hungarian Forest Service. The State forests are now divided into 18 Conservatorships with an average area of 310 square miles, each of which is controlled by a superior administrative officer, corresponding to a Conservator, who is in direct communication with the Director General. The Conservator directs, inspects, and controls. His circle is formed by the aggregation of a number of divisions, the officers in charge of which are under his orders. Among his various prerogatives may be mentioned the following, viz. :—He can engage subordinates and fix their rate of pay; grant leave within certain limits to persons of all grades employed within his circle ; approve of contracts for one year relating to the conversion or carriage of forest produce ; and order experiments or purchases of plant or stock to the value of £80. He can also sanction the annual sales of forest produce, in accordance with the tariff approved by the Minister, and order the erection and repair of buildings to the value of £160. The officers in charge of divisions, of which there are 167, with an average area of 33 square miles, act under the instructions of 14 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. . the Conservator, to whom it is their duty to submit proposals on all subjects relative to the management and working of their forests. Authority in certain matters is delegated to them, but they are not permitted to exceed their ordinary powers, except in cases of emer- gency. The division is subdivided into beats, each in charge of a forest guard. There are 1272 of such beats, their average size being 44 square miles. Forests which come under the provisions of section 17 of the law, but are not the property of the State, are managed under the authority of the administrative committees of the sixty-four depart- ments and fourteen free towns into which Hungary is divided ; and each of these acts through a sub-committee of three members, chosen either from its own body or among other persons skilled in forest business. The State exercises control over the actions of these committees by means of inspectors, of whom there are twenty in Hungary, each having two or more entire departments assigned to him. The committee has power to decide, in accordance always with the provisions of the forest law, all questions that are from time to time submitted to it by the communes or other proprietors ; but it is compelled to take the advice of the inspector, subject to an appeal by them or by him in case of disagreement to the Minister of Agriculture. In urgent cases, the inspector, as the minister’s representative, has power to stop fellings or other opera- tions which he considers detrimental to the forests; and in such cases the administrative authorities and local police are bound to support him. In case the committee habitually fails in its duty, the minister can replace it by a State commissioner; and this has once been done. The twenty inspectors, with their twenty assist- ants and offices, cost the State £8932 in 1884, and £9360 in 1885. The supervision exercised according to law by these officers is not at present hked by the proprietors, especially by those among them who desire to enrich themselves at the expense of future genera- tions ; but the good advice they have received has added many thousands of pounds to the value of their forest capital. Experience continues to show the necessity for the maintenance of the existing system ; and the inspectors are now called upon to redouble their efforts in order to safeguard the public interests, and to correct the errors of the past. The State will take charge of, and manage through its own officers on behalf of the owners, the communal forests in any department the administrative committee of which applies for this FORESTRY IN HUNGARY. 1 to be done; and many of the departments have availed themselves of this privilege with the most satisfactory results. Small. private proprietors may associate themselves together for the payment of the establishment prescribed by the law; and, similarly, communal forests of limited extent may be grouped together for purposes of management, and the overcharging of their budgets be thus avoided. But if they neglect to provide in some manner the necessary managers and guards, the departmental administrative committee or Minister cf Agriculture has power to appoint them. The number and distribution of the superior officers and subordinates employed by the State is as follows : | Superior | Subordt- | yroniats, | ‘Total Central Office, . : ; ; 27 eee ees Pil Inspections, ; : - - 40 So ve 40 State forests, 3 HOD Va) saz 264 PA ATU Communal forests managed by the} ee a eo ee Byes - = = Higher ‘school, : : : : i aa sri 7 Lower school, . : . : 6 3 ode 9 597 1346 264 2207 The superior officers are of the following classes, viz. : Yearly rate of Pay, No and Allowances for * lodging, Office, Ser- vants, and Horses, Officers corresponding in rank with Conservators, 28 £172 to £332 Secretaries, : - . . 5 LLO Fee lallG Superintendents of Working Plans. : : 9 115,, 164 Assistant ditto, . : ; : : 2 60 Deputy Conservators, : ; : 1 27 985, 142 Assistant ditto, . ‘ : F eo 60 94,, 106 Sub-Assistant ditto, é = - J) 440 fiem | ths Storekeepers and Paymasters, . : me eeoo 6055. 2-84 Engineers, : A ; : ; 4 845. LbZ Inspectors of Depéts, : 2 ; au es 57,, 83 Probationers, A ‘ : : = 26 44 Apprentices, : : ; : So avic: 2955) = 38 Doctors, . 5 ; - - tii! Fila, MoO Registrars, F r 4 E 8 56r., saps Accountants, 5 4 ‘ ‘ Jy 60: 48 ,, 200 In addition to their yearly pay and allowances, these officers receive from 25 to 60 loads of firewood, and are permitted to 16 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. cultivate from 5} to 28} acres of land, according to their grade. The pay and lodging allowance of subordinates ranges from £18 to £42 a year; they-receive from 17 to 25 loads of firewood, and are allowed to cultivate from 44 to 5} acres of land, according to grade. The annual cost of the above establishment is about £93,550, or about 63d. per acre. The Inspectors receive as yearly pay, lodging, and office allow- ance, from £180 to £204, with £80 in addition as travelling allowance. The Assistant Inspectors receive from £80 to £112, with £56 as travelling allowance. The scale of pay for officers in the State service corresponds with that fixed, during the last century, for other officials of similar rank ; but it is considered too low, and will probably be raised. These officers are entitled to pensions under rules passed in 1885. When necessary, officers and subordinates are accommodated with houses in the forest, the number of buildings erected for this purpose being as follows, viz. : For superior officers, 1 to 3 rooms, ‘ P 3 69 Ditto, more than 3 rooms, . : ~ 2o9 For superior officers and guards, . - : oon For guards, : : : : ; . 680 Offices, . : : 4 : J 3 27 1882 The service of the managers and guards employed under the departmental administrative committees, is, like that of the State officials, permanent, and under fixed rules. They cannot be dis- charged except under a prescribed procedure. The great private proprietors usually pay their employés at a rate which is from 25 per cent. to 50 per cent. higher than that of corresponding grades in the State service; but their appointments are not so well secured to them, and they have no regular pensions to look forward to. In order to obtain an appointment as forest officer or manager in any of the forests which are, by the provisions of section 17 of the Forest Law, under the immediate control of the State, a candidate must be a Hungarian subject, who has completed his studies at the High School, and passed as Bachelor of Letters or Bachelor of Science. He must either undergo the course of instruction at the academy at Selmeczbanya, or pass the final examination there, or be trained in some foreign school of the same class in which all FORESTRY IN HUNGARY. yi the required subjects are taught. He must then, after serving two years on probation, pass the State Forest Examination, held at Buda-Pesth, which he cannot do unless he is qualified as above. The proprietors of forests which are under the provisions of section 17 cannot employ officers or managers who have not duly passed this examination. Section 37 of the Forest Law provides that no guard can, ten years after the promulgation of the law, continue to be employed in these forests unless he has passed a prescribed examination, He must, in the first place, either pass through one of the secondary schools, and then serve for a year on probation, or he must show himself to be proficient in reading, writing, and arithmetic, and serve for three years on probation; after one or other of which tests, and as soon as he has attained the age of 24 years, he is eligible to pass the Forest Guards’ Examination, held periodically in various towns throughout the country. Guards are permitted to perform their military service after they have completed their course of instruction and probation. All officers, managers, and guards are sworn in, and they then wear a uniform, prescribed, in the case of the State forest service, by the King, and otherwise by the Departmental Administrative authorities. Up to the end of 1884, the following number of officers and subordinates in Hungary had been sworn in: Superior Officers. In the service of the State, . : 318 In the service of other proprietors eee eee are aes scotion 17, 695 Ditto, ditto, are not under section 17, 589 Total, : - 1602 Of these, 449 have passed the State Forest Examination. Subordinates. In the service of the State, . a SUSBBE In the service of other proprietors ieee forests are inde eutid 17, 14,593 Ditto, ditto, are not under section 17, 6,926 Total, : . 22,842 Of these, 690 only have passed the Forest Guards’ Examination. About one-third of the entire number of subordinates have other employment in addition to their forest duties. There are 360 sworn superior officers and 2400 subordinates in Croatia and Sla- vonia. Hmployés of both grades can prosecute cases of forest offences, and, if they have been duly sworn in, their depositions constitute a complete proof against the offenders. VOL. XII., PART I. B 18 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. Private proprietors, whose forests are not under section 17 of the law, can employ whom they please ; but their men must be of good character, and sufficiently instructed to be able to do their work efficiently. They have, however, at the present time, very few competent foresters. Worxkine PLans, Propucr, aNnD SALES. All the forests included in Class (A.) (see page 1), being under the provisions of section 17 of the Forest Law, must, as before stated, be managed in accordance with the provisions of a working plan approved by the Minister of Agriculture. A period of five years, which expired on the 14th June 1884, was allowed for the submission of proposals on this subject ; but up to that date very few had been received, and most of the proprietors have had to ask for the extension of three years, which can legally be granted when sufficient cause is shown. In as many as possible of these cases, however, the Minister of Agriculture has, in the manner prescribed by the law, approved of temporary plans to regulate work for the next few years. These plans have been prepared by the inspectors from data furnished by the proprietors. The regular working plan consists of three parts— 1, A statement of the present condition of the forest. This gives all information relative both to the forest itself and to its sur- roundings, which is likely to influence the management—such as its situation, its owner, the rights of other persons in it ; the wood markets and export lines; the managers, guards, and workmen employed ; the previous system of working, the results of survey, and valuation of the growing stock. 2. The use to which the forest is to be devoted. This must be determined on the assumption that it is to give a constant annual yield for ever, but, subject to this condition, the wishes of the proprietor must be considered. 3. Management and yield. This part of the working plan deals with the species to be cultivated, the system of management to be adopted, the revolution, manner of regeneration, and division into blocks and compartments, as well as the working out of the pro- duce, and such like matters. The law lays down that the revolu- tion for high forest cannot be less than 60 years, and for simple coppice less than ten years. The annual cuttings are always to be determined by area, not by a consideration of the cubic contents of the stock and the rate of growth. All quantities of wood are FORESTRY IN HUNGARY. 19 to be expressed in cubic metres. The smallest scale permissible for the working map is ;z7z4ogq) or 4°4 inches to the mile. For small forests, not adapted to regular treatment, more simple working plans may be framed. For Forests of Protection the Minister of Agriculture determines the system of working; but there can be no clearing, clean-felling, nor collection of dead leaves, grass, or herbs within them, and, generally speaking, they are closed against grazing. In the State forest service, the Working Plans Branch is an entirely separate one. In each Conservatorship there is a Working Plans’ officer, with the necessary staff, who is immediately subordi- nate to the Director-General, from whom alone he receives instruc- tions ; but he is attached to the Conservator, and is obliged to furnish him, from time to time, with such information as he may require. The special branch undertakes all valuations, surveys, maps, and working’ plans ; it prepares all temporary plans and rules, and takes cognisance of any deviations from them or from the regular working plan ; it is consulted when the alienation of any forest land is proposed, whether in commutation of rights or otherwise. The procedure is as follows—viz., a draft of the proposals having been drawn up on the lines aboye indicated, it is submitted to a committee of five members, consisting of the Conservator, the next senior forest officer, the divisional officer, the officer in charge of the neighbouring division, and the Working Plans’ officer. All other officers and guards, who are in the place where the committee sits, are present, but have not the power to vote. The report of the committee, which includes all opinions which are not in accord with the general views it expresses, is submitted to the Director-General, and is returned, after approval, in order that the details of the proposed plan may be worked out. When this has been done, the committee again assembles, and, having discussed them, submits the report to the Director-General. From his office the working plan is returned to the Administrative Committee of the Depart- ment, to be examined in accordance with the Forest Law ; and, after a further examination by the Inspector, it is finally approved, and its provisions are carried out. During 1885, 44 superior officers, 20 temporary employés, passed students of the forest academy, and a staff of chain-men, flag-men, and labourers were engaged in the work. The expenditure, in addition to salaries and allowances, was £3989. 20 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. In the case of the communal and other forests, which are under section 17 of the law, the working plan must pass through the hands of the Inspector, and, after discussion by the Administrative Forest Committee of the Department, be submitted to the Minister of Agriculture, by whom, on the report of the Director-General of Forests, it is approved. All working plans are to be revised periodically. The following statement, which does not include the provinces of Croatia and Slavonia, shows the progress made, up to the end of 1884, in the preparation of working plans : Square miles. Regular working plans approved, . : - 3 < 4 8k5 Temporary 45 . 4746 Felling stopped pending as Sper of the oan ene . 1462 Totaly. ; ; : ; . 6603 This represents rather more than 22 per cent. of the forests in Hungary alone. The areas set forth above are owned as follows, Viz. : Proportion to the total area s a class. By the State, : - : . 254 33°3 per cent. By communes and public fodiicaiions, : . 6344 rf ‘ By private proprietors (forests of protection), 5 The small proportion of the State forests which has been dealt with is remarkable. It is, however, expected that the work will be completed within the next twelve years. The mean annual yield of the Hungarian forests in wood, includ- ing that cut as thinnings, is as follows, viz. : Cubic feet. From high forest, . : : . 753,001,177 = 464 per acre. sy): ) COppice;s. 3 ‘ . 244,722,038 = 38 es », coppice with standards, . ‘ 2,267,367 = 56 Fe Total, . . 999,990,582 This is equivalent to 63} cubic feet per head of the population. The working plans approved to the end of 1884 show the annual yield as 942,605,282 cubic feet, the surface to be cut over each year being 396,952 acres. These figures give 2370 cubic feet per acre cut over, and 59 cubic feet per acre of the whole forest area. FORESTRY IN HUNGARY. 21 It is said that the proportion of timber and firewood obtained from the three principal groups of species is as follows, viz. ; Timber. Firewood and Charcoal, Oaks 7% ; : ; : . 25-40 per cent. 60-75 per cent. Beech and other broad-leaved species, 3-15 ne 85-97 - Conifers, : é : ; . 70-85 5 15-30 3 In the State forests the mean area clean-felled over during the three years from 1882 to 1884 was 22,981 acres, and the produce was— Cubic feet. Timber, : ; : : : 32,664, 860 Firewood and charcoal, ; : : ‘ . 58,163,882 Motaleer ‘ z ; . 85,828,742 with 3200 tons of bark. The mean imports and exports of forest produce during the three years from 1882 to 1884 were as follows, viz. : Tons. Value. Imports, : . : - . 139,666 £450,647 Exports, : é c : . 618,182 2,165,864 Exports exceeded imports by . 478,516 £1,715, 217 The figures do not include considerable imports of wood from the Austrian provinces of Galicia, Carniola, and Styria ; so that the excess of exports over imports is not really so great as it would appear to be from the above statement—96 per cent. of the re- corded imports and 42 per cent. of the recorded exports are trans- actions with Austria. Sawn deal and oak timber is exported to Germany, France, Holland, and Belgium, and large quantities of cask staves have been sent to France; but as the customs-duty in Germany has been raised during the last few years, the exports to that country have considerably diminished. The present rate of export, which, however, forms a very small proportion of the timber annually imported by the other European States, cannot be maintained much longer, and it is indeed already beginning to fall off. The supply of cask staves sent to France from Slavonia will certainly be greatly diminished within the next ten or fifteen years. It is a noteworthy fact that the principal timber exporting countries of Europe, Russia and Sweden, are, like Hungary, commencing to reduce the quantity annually sold beyond their frontiers. The purchase and sale of wood forms an important branch of 22 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. Hungarian commerce. There are in the kingdom 499 dealers in timber, 1601 in firewood, 25 in tanning bark, 221 in charcoal, and 36,798 carpenters, cartwrights, caskmakers, turners, parquet makers, and others. The sixty principal wood merchants have an average capital of over £8000, some of them having as much as £80,000 ; eighty others have an average capital of £4000. Some of these dealers buy the trees standing in the forest, which is the system most frequently employed, though it is considered to be prejudicial to regeneration, and they cut them up into logs; others buy the logs, and convert them into boards and scantlings, which they dispose of generally to a lower class of dealers, with small capital, who retail them to the consumers. Although the sale of timber standing in the forest is largely practised, a considerable proportion of that from the State forests is sold in depéts, to which it is taken either by departmental agency or by a contractor ; and it is there sold, ordinarily by auction but sometimes by private contract, to one or more of the principal merchants, who pay for it at first class or second class rates, according as the depdt is within or beyond 12 kilometres, or 7} miles, from a certain point fixed upon for this purpose in each district. The railways require 14 millions of sleepers a year; and, together with the Danube Steam Navigation Company, use wood to the amount of nearly 21 million cubic feet. There are 2533 mines, smelting furnaces, and manufactories, consuming wood, which among them take annually about— 4,270,000 bushels of charcoal. 14,772,000 cubic feet of firewood. 2,971,000 Ff mine props. 1,230,000 bg scantlings. 124,000 - planks, The annual export of coal is 2,362,000 tons, and the mean imports and exports of coal and coke during the three years, from 1882 to 1884, have been— Tons. Value. Imports, , ; : : SS HOM £313,069 Exports, ; : ° ‘ 2) C0 ,026 26,904 Imports in excess, . : » 295,192 £286,165 The manufacture of iron, which is very largely developed in Hungary, consumes large quantities of wood in the form of charcoal, On an average, 157,000 tons of iron are manufactured FORESTRY IN HUNGARY. 23 annually ; and 56 million cubic feet of wood are consumed by the smelting furnaces. The mean imports and exports of iron, during: the three years from 1882 to 1884, were as follow : Tons, Value. Imports, : ; 3 F . 105,008 £1,580,500 Exports, , : : ; . 46,408 468,320 Imports in excess, . F . 58,600 £1,112,180 There are 1470 saw-mills, viz. : Thousand cubic feet of timber. 179 Steam mills, working 320 frames, each of which can cut up annually, 140 to 175 69 Water mills, large, ,, 1038 oo -: 70 ,, 106 1242 i small, _,, 1242 Ae +8 LA 8 They are together able to cut up annually over 88 million cubic feet of deal, or from 50 to 60 per cent, of that quantity of hard wood. The rates obtained in 1884 for building timber, sold standing in the State forests, were as follows, viz. : Pence per cubic foot. Above 13} inches Below 133 inches diameter. diameter. Oak, : : ‘ ; oar DR Beech, . : : : ee 1:3 Ash, Maple, Elm, ; ; 2°9 2°3 Spruce, . : : . 1°8 1b Silver fir, : ; . 1°8 1°5 Garehsy : : : 3°4 2°4 Scots pine, E : : 2°9 2°2 The average rate for timber of this class was therefore about 2°2d. per cubic foot, and about 8s. 10d. per load of 50 cubic feet, which is an extremely low rate in comparison with that obtained for such timber sold from the French forests. Firewood is sold in the forest at from one farthing to one half-penny a cubic foot. The mean nett revenue of the whole of the forests taken together is £777,000, or 83d. per acre. The actual receipts and expenditure for the State forests during 1884 and 1885 were— 1884, 1885. Receipts, . : : : £493, 805 £499,754 Expenditure, ; : ; 331,889 331,684 Surplus, ‘ : : £161,916 £168,070 The average annual surplus for the four years from 1881 to 24 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. 1884 was £180,000, or about 1s. an acre, which is not more than. one-seventh of the surplus per acre realised from the French forests. But the figures given above do not include the charges for the maintenance of the forest branch of the Minister of Agricul- ture’s office, amounting to £2992; nor do those for 1885 include the sum of £14,640 expended on new buildings, and if this be added, the surplus of that year is reduced to £150,438. The capital value of the State forests has been calculated on the assump- tion that the mean nett revenue of £180,000 represents 2 per cent. thereof ; and, thus taken, it amounts to £9,000,000, or about £2, 10s. per acre as compared with £20 in France. The following appear to be some of the principal reasons for this remarkable difference, viz.:—the much larger proportion of the total area of the country which is occupied by forest (28 as compared with 17 per cent.), the smaller population (125 as com- pared with 181) per square mile, the less prosperous condition of the mass of the population, and the remoteness and inaccessibility of a large proportion of the forests. These circumstances tend, on the one hand, to a comparatively small local consumption ; and, on the other, to a reduction in the quantity of produce exported, and in the prices which merchants can afford to pay for it to forest proprietors, Ricuts or User, Forest OrreNnces, GAME. The rights which existed prior to 1848, and related chiefly to firewood and pasture, but sometimes also to timber, have in a great measure been commuted ; but much remains to be done in this direction, there being still 514 communes to deal with. Before 1884, however, the rights held by 628 communes in the State forests, had been commuted or regulated, and negotiations were pending in 147 others. It appears from the record that there are now only 6 communes, holding rights in the State forests, in which the question has not yet been taken up. As compensation in lieu of grazing rights, many communes received forest-land with trees growing on it ; but, in a large number of cases, they had hardly entered into possession when they proceeded to clean-fell the timber ; and the consequence is that these areas, which, if properly managed, would have afforded ample fodder for the cattle, and a certain amount of wood also, are almost completely ruined, and scarcely produce any grass. It is said that, even when all rights have been commuted as far as practicable, it will be necessary to leave from 30 to 40 FORESTRY IN HUNGARY. 25 per cent. of the entire forest area open as forest pasture ; but if this be the case, measures must be taken to protect the trees, so as to prevent the soil from deteriorating. Under the head of Infringements of Rules (Contraventions) are classed all acts and omissions provided against by the forest law, which are committed by the proprietor, his family, agents, or work- men. For instance, if a. proprietor treats his forest in such a manner as to endanger its existence ; if he cuts down a Forest of Protection, or a forest of any sort, on ground incapable of being used as fields, meadows, gardens, or vineyards, he is guilty of an act of infringement. The proprietor of a forest under section 17 of the law, who cuts more timber than is allowed by the working plan, has to pay a heavy fine, and to replace the excess quantity cut, by refraining for the necessary time from the ordinary annual fellings. All other contraventions of the provisions of the working plan, the extraction of stumps and roots, pasturing of cattle, and the collection of dead leaves, grass, or herbs, are punishable by fine. Among punishable omissions may be mentioned the following, viz. :—non-submission of proposals for the working plan, non- employment of the necessary establishment, non-exercise of proper supervision, omission to re-plant or re-sow to the extent prescribed by law. Heavy fines can be inflicted for such omissions, as well as for neglect to report the resignation or dismissal of an employé, and for failure to observe the standing orders for the prevention of forest fires, and attacks by insects, or the regulations regarding the transport of rafts and logs. Among Forest Offences (délits) are classed thefts of unfashioned produce, if its value, and that of the damage caused, are together not more than 30 florins (£2, 8s.); damage of any sort to the value of less than 30 florins ; dangerous acts and omissions, without regard to value ; and the purchase or sale of produce, the sale of which has been prohibited. Such offences may be disposed of administratively by the mayor or head of the police. But thefts and damage to the value of more than 30 florins, acts and omissions which have resulted in a forest fire, thefts of fashioned produce, or the unauthorised collection of seeds, are offences which are punish- able under the ordinary law only. They are to be tried at once, taking precedence before all other cases. The delinquent pays the value of the stolen goods, as well as compensation to the amount of from one-quarter to the whole of the estimated damage he may have done ; and, except in cases of theft of dry wood, branches, 26 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. . shrubs, broken pieces of wood, bark, acorns or other fruit, he pays also an amount equal to the sum of both these together, into the Forest and Charitable Funds. Between 1881 and 1884, the following cases of Infringement of Rules and Offences occurred : Infringements. Offences. Acquitted on appeal, . : ; 17 5,830 Confirmed, ; - 3 ; 171 36,179 Total, 188 42,009 The fines amounted to £7070. The number of such offences in the State forests alone, dealt with in 1884 and 1885, was 49,529, and the fines amounted to £9812. There is a great deal of game in the country ; and it is, owing to the introduction of laws for its preservation, decidedly on the in- crease. In the Carpathian Mountains are found the bear, wolf, lynx, red-deer, and roe-deer, besides hares, partridges, capercalzie, black game, and others. Before 1872, proprietors of land had not the right to prevent other persons from pursuing game over their property. But in that year it was enacted that the right of shooting and hunt- ing belonged solely to the owner of the land, and a close time for each kind of game was fixed. A law passed in 1883, however, does not allow this right over a property of less than 200 arpents (284 acres) in extent ; but small proprietors, owning not less than 50 arpents (71 acres), may unite together to make up the required area, and they can then secure the sole right to pursue game over it. Proprietors who have less than 50 arpents, or do not join with others to make up 200, must farm their shooting with that of the communal land, and they then receive a proportional part of the income derived from it. Guns are taxed, and shooting licenses have to be taken out, while poaching is severely punished. Sworn forest employd¢s are exempt from the gun and license tax ; but they can only shoot within the limits of their own charge, and with the consent of the proprietors of the land. It is said that during 1884 over about one-third of the Hungarian territory, 1,102,926 head of game valued at £53,200, and including 280 bears, were killed ; and it is probable that the game killed in the entire country was worth nearly £100,000. There is a national sporting society, with 1200 members, which watches over the interests of the chase. It has recently introduced the wild sheep (mowflon) and the wild turkey into Hungary. FORESTRY IN HUNGARY. 27 Forest ScHOOLs. The Academy at Selmeczbénya.—The institution at Selmeczbanya was opened asa school of mines in 1770, but a forest class was added in 1808; some idea of the development of which may be obtained from an inspection of the following figures, showing the numbers of forest professors and students at various periods : Professors. Students. 1808- 9, . j : : 2 22 1809-10, 2 57 1814-15, 2 5 1821-22, 2 29 1833-34, yy 13 1865-66, 2 82 1867-68, 5 35 1872-738, 6 96 1873-74, 6 134 1882-83, 65 222 1884-85, 6 287 This branch is now by far the most important, there being 325 forest students, and only 80 miners. A forest officer of high rank has charge of it, under the control of the Director, who is a mining engineer. Young men who have completed their studies at the High School, and passed as Bachelors of Letters or of Science, are eligible for admission. The ordinary course of studies extends over three years, but candidates for appointments as forest en- gineers remain an additional year, in order to complete their studies in mechanics and architecture. All regular students must go through the entire ordinary course, and are examined every six months before a special commissioner, in order to test the amount of progress they have made. Fees are not charged, and twenty scholarships, of £24 each, are given to those among the poorer students who are found to have done the best. The courses of mathematics, physics, geometry, and architecture, which are conducted by professors belonging to the school of mines, are the same for the miners and the foresters, and there are no special professors for chemistry and forest botany. In the opinion of the heads of the Forest Department, the present organisation is unsatisfactory, the following being the principal objections taken to it. The school is under the Minister of Finance, instead of 28 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. ° uuder the Minister of Agriculture, as it should be; for he is charged with the control of both the forests and the mines. The subjects common to both branches are taught rather from the miners’ than the foresters’ point of view, to the prejudice of their application by the forest students to their profession. The Forest Department hopes that these drawbacks will be considered by the Government, and the school reorganised on a new basis. There is a magnificent library, and a museum containing splendid collections of various kinds, such as minerals, rocks, botanical and entomological specimens, samples of raw and manufactured produce, with models of forest engineering works, kilns, tools, apparatus for felling and converting timber ; a collection to illustrate the diseases of trees, especially those caused by fungi of various kinds ; sections of wood, and many other things. Some forests near the school are placed under the control of the Director for purposes of in- struction, and the students make annually one or two forest tours with their professors. There is a second school, with about 50 students, at Koréds in Slavonia, but it is not in a satisfactory state, and is about to be reorganised, Mention has previously been made of the State Forest Examina- tion, which, in addition to that of the academy, must be passed by all candidates for the superior service before they can be appointed. The committee under which this examination is conducted is composed of twenty members, nominated every six years by the National Forestry Society, from among State or other forest officers, but appointed by the Minister of Agriculture. The presi- dent, who has the right to select annually from among the members of the committee three commissioners to actually undertake the examinations, is the Director-General of Forests. The candidates, who pay an entrance-fee of £2 each, are examined in the following subjects, viz. :—Sylviculture, working of forests, valuation surveys and working plans, construction of machines and buildings, forest protection, control of hunting and shooting, organisation of the forest service, functions of the various grades of officials, forest law, and the commutation of rights; they are also required to show themselves capable of taking independent charge of a forest estate. On passing this examination, they receive a diploma. Of the 210 candidates who were examined during the five years from 1880 to 1884, 160 passed, and 50 were rejected. Every year one of the most promising among the young forest officers who has passed FORESTRY IN HUNGARY. 29 the examination is sent abroad to study forestry in other countries. He receives an allowance of £80 towards his expenses. Secondary Schools.—Two secondary schools are supported by the National Forest Fund, one at Kirdlyhalom, near Szeged, opened in 1883, and the other at Vadaszerd6, near Temesva, opened in 1885. >> 2) 39 », canadensis aurea Van Geerti. Prunus Pissardii. Pyrus aucuparia pendula variegata. Pyrus longifolia. ;, vestita. Quercus Americana Albertsi. a 35 macrophylla. x cerris Lucombeana. 5 », variegata. ,, comptonifolia, s, concordia, 3 ©Wammio: 5 dentata. 5) sdaleata, », glandulifera. » imbricata. », laurifolia. », lusitanica variegata. ne macranthera. nigricans, ue pannonica, », pectinata. »» pyramidalis punctata. », robur argentea variegata. asplenifolia. filicifolia. heterophylla. Louetti. maculata. Fe >, nigra. »» sempervirens pyramidalis. Sambucus canadensis aurea. of nigra argentea. | Tilia alba variegata. Americana. Europe argentea. As ,, asplenifolia speciosa. ba s, bicolor. Ulmus montana argentea. Viburnum Opulus variegata. 3? 2? 29 99 104 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. REPORT OF THE SELECT COMMITTEE OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS, 1887, ON FORESTRY. The Select Committee on Forestry—extracts from the Reports of which have appeared in the Z’ransactions for the last two years—was ordered by the House of Commons to be re-appointed on the 16th of May 1887, “to consider whether, by the establish- ment of a Forest School, or otherwise, our Woodlands could be rendered more remunerative.” The Committee was nominated on the 20th of May, and con- sisted of the following members :—Viscount Ebrington, Sir Edmund Lechmere, Sir John Lubbock, Sir Richard Temple, Colonel King- Harman, Colonel Nolan, Dr Farquharson, and Messrs C. Acland, Biddulph, Craig Sellar, Evelyn, Farquharson, Munro Ferguson, Gilhooly, Egerton Hubbard, Fuller Maitland, Rankin, and Mark Stewart ; five members to be a quorum. Sir Edmund Lechmere was elected Chairman of the Committee. At six meetings held by the Committee on the 8th, 15th, and 28th June; 6th, 12th, and 20th July, for the examination of witnesses, the following gave evidence :—William Barron, land- scape gardener, Borrowash, Derby; John Wrightson, Professor of Agriculture, Downton College, Hants; Rev. John B. M‘Clelian, Principal of the Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester ; Earl of Ducie, Tortworth Court; Thomas J. Elliot, Professor of Estate Management, Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester ; Earl Bathurst, Oakley Park, Cirencester; Sir James Campbell, Bart., Deputy-Surveyor, Dean Forest, Gloucestershire; H. A. 3ritton, Timber Valuer, Wolverhampton; Hon. G. Lascelles, Deputy Surveyor, New Forest, Hants; John M‘Gregor, Forester, Dunkeld, N.B.; William M‘Corquodale, Forester, Scone, Perth ; John G. Thomson, Forester, Grantown, N.B.; Robert Dundas of Arniston, Midlothian ; Rev. T. E. F. Flannery, Parish Priest, Carna, County Galway ; Andrew Gilchrist, Forester, Powerscourt, County Wicklow ; John Clutton, Ex-President of the Surveyors’ Institution, London ; Evan Powell, Land Agent, Llanidloes, Wales ; Sir Joseph D. Hooker, Ex-Director of the Royal Gardens, Kew ; Rev. John C. Brown, Haddington, N.B.; Viscount Powerscourt, Powerscourt, County Wicklow ; Sir Alexander Taylor, President of REPORT OF THE SELECT COMMITTEE ON FORESTRY. 105 the Royal Engineering College, Cooper’s Hill, Staines, Surrey ; and Sir Richard Temple, Bart., M.P., The Nash, Worcestershire. The evidence given by these twenty-two witnesses is generally of an interesting nature, and, along with the proceedings of the Com- mittee, fills a bulky Blue Book of about 160 pages. The details are far too voluminous to be given here, but those interested in the subject can purchase the Blue Book—* Report from the Select Com- mittee on Forestry, with Minutes of Evidence, 1887,”—for 1s. 9d., through any bookseller. The interests of various educational institutions in England were warmly advocated by their representatives, as suitable centres for teaching Forestry ; the Scottish representatives, and all the other witnesses who touched upon the subject, were unanimous that Edinburgh was the best centre in Scotland ; and the Irish repre- sentatives, and others examined thereon, agreed generally that Dublin was the proper centre for Ireland. Among a mass of irrelevant inatter, it is often difficult to sift the facts bearing directly on the subject before the Committee, but the general opinion is clear enough in favour of a better system of education and training for Foresters, and that existing institutions should be utilised for the purpose. The weight of the evidence in favour of the best centre for a School of Forestry is about equally divided between Edin- burgh and Cooper’s Hill. The first has the most complete educational equipment and greater economy to recommend it ; the second, the important fact that it has already a small School of Forestry attached to it, for the training of students for the Forest Service in India, but necessarily conducted on a rather costly scale for home forestry requirements. Several other schemes were propounded, but no approach to unanimity was expressed regarding them. The following extracts bear more directly on Scottish Forestry, and the general question of a School of Forestry, and therefore may be deemed of greatest interest to the members of the Royal Scottish Arboricultural Society. In the course of his examination, on the 28th June, Mr John M‘Gregor, Ladywell, Dunkeld, Forester to the Duke of Athole, gave the following evidence :— “‘Since 1860 I believe you have had the entire charge of the Duke of Athole’s woods?” ‘“ Yes.”—-“ Where are the woods situ- ated?” ‘All in Perthshire.”—‘ What is the acreage of wood- land which you have under your charge?” “About 20,000 acres.” —“ What description of trees do the woods principally con- 106 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. sist of?” “The bulk is larch; five or six thousand acres of larch mixed with spruce, and about a thousand acres of oak coppice. The remainder principally Scots fir. The largest larch plantations are those of Loch Ordie and Loch Hoishen.’—‘‘ Have you any other description of pine?” ‘‘ None, except specimen trees in policy grounds.” —“ Have you not the Abies Douglasit in your woods ?” “A few thousand trees ; more experimental than anything else.” “Have you given your attention to the general subject of the condition of woods and forests in Scotland?” ‘In Perthshire; I confined it to Perthshire, because I have never been much out of it.”,—“ What is your opinion as to the management in Perthshire ?” “Tt might be better.”—“ Do you consider that the land agents, or the factors, as they are called in Scotland, are fairly well informed as to the management of woods and timber?” “Very few of them.”—‘‘ What are the subjects on which factors and woodmen are deficient?” ‘They are deficient in the knowledge of what trees ought to be planted on suitable soils, and when thinning out ought to commence ; and, in fact, the general management of the woods altogether.”—‘“ What are the special subjects which those who have charge of woods ought to understand?” “They ought to understand the soils and situations suited for the different varieties of forest trees to be cultivated for profit, and they ought to know the proportions in which those trees should be planted, and whether they ought to be planted mixed or pure.”—“ They should know something about the diseases of trees?” ‘‘ Cer- tainly.” —‘‘ And of the insects affecting trees?” ‘Yes; that isa subject which requires to be very much studied.” “Will you give us some idea of the system pursued upon the Duke of Athole’s estates as regards falling and thinning timber. Do you cut down a certain quantity every year?” ‘That depends very much on the demand. We commence to thin as soon as ever a plantation requires thinning, and we thin out the least vigorous trees, the least valuable, leaving the best, generally, until the wood is ripe, and then it is all cut down.”—“ Have you a steady and ready demand for the fallings and thinnings?”” ‘‘ We had before the gales of 1879 ; but since then the demand has fallen off, and the price has also fallen off very much.”—‘“ That is in consequence of the large amount of timber that was blown down by the gale ; the market has been over-stocked?” “ Yes, and the depression of the coal and iron trades as well.”—‘‘ Do you consider that in Scot- land tracts of waste land can be planted with profit?” “TI think so.” REPORT OF THE SELECT COMMITTEE ON FORESTRY, 107 “Will you give some particulars in your own experience of the Duke of Athole’s estates as regards profit?” ‘The present Duke has planted recently about 3000 acres, which are doing very well, principally Scots fir. We found that the old plantations afforded much shelter to the arable land, and since the plantations have grown up they are very valuable as wintering for sheep. Some of our sheep farmers have to send their hoggs 100 miles away to winter; whereas if there were more woods in the valleys they would not require to send them away so far.” “Can you give us any details of the average value per acre of yearly falls and thinnings?” ‘Not of yearly falls; but I could give you pretty accurately the value of a plantation of 366 Imperial acres of larch planted in 1817, which I had occasion to value a few years ago. The mode I adopted was to measure an acre here and there, through the wood. In all there were 17 acres measured. The number of trees per acre was 180 to 190, and the value would be about £40, 5s. per acre. That was the average over the whole. The acres on the lower part of the plantation were worth perhaps nearly £100; and at the top of the hill, with 1000 feet of altitude, the acre would not be worth more than £20; but over the whole the value would be about £40 per acre.”—‘‘ What would be the lowest elevation?” ‘About 300 feet to 400 feet.”.—“ Do you mean it is worth now, to cut down, £40 per acre?” “ Yes.”— “That is standing?” ‘ Yes; for the wood merchant to cut it him- self, and do everything; the proprietor would have that.”— “Clean cut?” “Yes; itis not yet at maturity. It will be more valuable.” —“ That is the present value, assuming a clean cut?” “ Yes.”—“ But that is not the value at which you would put it if you were going to take part of it away and leave part standing?” “ No.”—“ You could make more if you tried?” “Yes.” —“ Sup- posing the property were going to be sold, would the timber then be valued at £40 per acre?” ‘I should think so.”—“ You still assume that it would be cut down this year; do you consider that there is an increase of value still in the timber, that it may be more valuable at a future day?” ‘Yes. If the property were to be sold I do not think the present purchaser ought to pay any more than it was worth at the present time.”—‘‘ Do you think you can get anything more than the present value, without making a clean cut, so that the remaining trees shall grow into greater value, so that you can get more than £40 an acre?” ‘Yes ; I think if it were managed until the best trees were at maturity it would bring 108 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. more money.”—‘“ Has this plantation paid anything at all since the year 1817; have there been any thinnings taken away ?” “Thousands of pounds’ worth have been taken away.”—‘ What is about the average annual value for the last fifty years?” “TI could not say that, because I had not the management of it all the time.” —“‘ Has there been any return from pasture?” “Yes. Before this was planted the pasturage was let for £5. It is now let for £15.”—“ The annual value of the 366 acres was only £5 a year before it was planted?” “ For pasture.”——“ Then you consider the larch has really improved the pasture?” ‘‘ There is no doubt ; because it has killed the heather, and grass has come up instead.” *‘ Have you given your attention to the question of schools for instruction in forestry?” “ Yes.”—‘“ What is your general view of the question?” ‘At the present time there are no means by which a young man can learn anything about forestry except going about and working under foresters as a day labourer. The Highland and Agricultural Society have of recent years introduced examinations ; and they also offer premiums for essays on subjects connected with forestry.”—-“‘ You are one of the board of examiners of that society?” ‘* Yes.”——“ Are Mr Thomson and Mr M‘Corquo- dale, who are here, also members of that board?” “ Yes.”—‘ And Dr Cleghorn is the other member?” “‘ Yes, those are the examiners in practical forestry; there is also an examiner in botany.”— ** Perhaps you will give us the qualifications you require from the candidates?” ‘They are supposed to have a thorough acquaintance with the details of practical forestry ; with a general knowledge of the following branches of study so far as these apply to forestry — the outlines of botany ; the nature and properties of soils, drainage, and effects of climate; land and timber measuring and surveying ; mechanics and construction as applied to fencing, draining, bridg- ing, and road-making ; implements of forestry ; book-keeping and accounts. The examinations are open to candidates of any age. Then the syllabus of examination in the science of forestry and practical management of woods consists of: (1.) Formation and ripening of wood ; predisposing causes of decay ; (2.) Restoration of woodlands, consisting of, (1) Natural reproduction ; (2) Arti- ficial planting ; (3.) General management of plantations, cropping by rotation, trees recommended for different situations ; (4.) Season, and methods of pruning, thinning, and felling; (5.) Circumstances unfavourable to the growth of trees; (6.) Mechanical appliances for conveying and converting timber, construction of saw-mills; (7.) REPORT OF THE SELECT COMMITTEE ON FORESTRY. 109 Qualities and uses of chief indigenous timbers ; processes of pre- serving timber ; (8.) Management of nurseries; seed sowing; (9.) Collection of forest produce ; (10.) Manufacture of tar and charcoal ; (11.) Insects injurious to trees ; preservation of birds which prey upon them, drawing a distinction between birds which are bene- ficial and those which are destructive to trees. That is practical forestry.” —-‘‘ What is the mode of conducting the examination in forestry?” ‘In the first place, written questions are settled by members of the Committee a few days before the candidates are asked to come up to Edinburgh. Those questions are submitted to the candidates when they come to the Society’s Chambers, and they are allowed three hours to answer them. Then the oral examination takes place the day after. That occupies two or three hours, the candidates being examined first in practical forestry, and if they fail in that, they are not examined further.” “The Society also gives premiums for approved reports?” “Yes.” —“ Is that competition confined to foresters, or is it open?” “Tt is open.”—“‘It is open to land agents or to anybody?” ‘Yes, we have had land agents and land agents’ clerks who come up.”— ‘* Do you think that forestry ought to be connected with the science of agriculture, as a part of agriculture, rather than of any other science?” ‘Yes, it would be more natural to combine them.”— “ What is the class of men who come up to these Forestry examina- tions of the Highland and Agricultural Society?” ‘‘They are assistant foresters generally, and land agents and their clerks.”— “Do any actual working foresters, men who absolutely are working in the woods, come up for examination?” “No.”’—‘ You have no labourers?” ‘‘They are young men who have it in view to be- come foresters who come up, thinking that the certificate of forestry from the Highland and Agricultural Society would enable them to obtain a situation.” —‘‘ Most of them have learned what they know by practical work more than by study?” ‘ By practical work en- tirely. They are working men, and know very little about scientific matters.” —‘‘ They have not learned much by reading?” ‘“‘ No, they are doing so now, but then it is very difficult for them to learn by reading, because there is no text-book worth reading.” —‘‘ How long have these examinations been instituted?” ‘Tam not very sure. They have been in existence for about ten years, but I could not say exactly.”—“ Are they attended tolerably well every year?” ‘Not very well. We have never had more than four candidates at one examination.” 110 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY, “You have read through the evidence given before the Committee of last year, and of the year before?” ‘ Partially, so far as I had time.” —‘‘ You read Dr Schlich’s evidence?” ‘‘ Partly.” —“‘ Do you concur with the views he expressed as to the locality of the school of forestry and the mode of establishing a school of forestry?” “Generally ; I do not remember what he says about the locality. Some of the witnesses approve of having a school concentrated at Cirencester or Downton, and others at Cooper’s Hill. I do not think that would suit for Scotland at all.”—‘“‘Looking at ,the question purely as connected with Scotland, what part of Scotland do you think would be most convenient for such a school?” “I do not think that forestry can be properly taught in a scliool in class-rooms. They require to have some acres of land. Perhaps if 5000 acres of land could be got containing proper soil for growing trees, that would be sufficient.” ‘Is there any agricultural school in Scotland with which a branch of forestry instruction can be con- nected?” There is nothing that I know of but the Botanic Garden at Edinburgh.”—“ Have you seen anything of any agricul- tural schools?” “No, never. I know nothing about them; we have no agricultural schools in Scotland ; some large farmers take pupils, but that is entirely private.”—‘ Have you ever had any pupils to farmers come up for examination in forestry?” ‘“ Yes, but they were young men who intended to become foresters.” — “Or land agents?” ‘Or land agents.”—“‘ You have had them coming up for that examination with a view to their being land agents afterwards?” ‘‘ Yes, they were at the time factors’ clerks.” —““Ts there a sufficient number of young men anxious to become foresters to justify the establishment of a school of forestry?” ‘“‘ Not at the present time, but then there is no encouragement for them. I think the proprietors must take the first step. If pro- prietors take any man they can get hold of for a forester, there is no use in a young man spending time or money learning forestry, if some retired gamekeeper is to be put in charge of the woods.”— ‘Proprietors must show that they value the certificate?” ‘‘Cer- tainly.”—“ Do you mean that they must pay their head forester better than they do now?” “Well, I do not say that, but I would say that a forester, to be authorised to go and deal with woods, ought to be somewhat in the position of a doctor or veterinary surgeon. He ought to be certificated by somebody, who is qualified to give a certificate as to his competency.”—‘ At the present time you do not think that that isso?” ‘I do not REPORT OF THE SELECT COMMITTEE ON FORESTRY. 111 think so. I think the proprietors, as a rule, have stood aloof from the movement. We have an Arboricultural Society in Scotland, but the proprietors have not patronised it so much as they might have done.”—‘‘ How is that Arboricultural Society maintained ?” “By subscriptions from members.”—‘‘ Who are the members chiefly?” ‘There are a good many proprietors members, but they do not attend the meetings.”—“‘ Are many foresters members of it?” They are mostly foresters.”—“Is it important for a forester to have the exclusive management of the sale and the purchase of all matters connected with the woods he manages?” ‘It depends entirely on the size of the woods. If he has a very large charge, I think he ought to be entrusted with the whole; if it is a very small estate, perhaps that is not necessary.” —‘“‘A very small estate would hardly find work for a forester?” ‘ No.”—‘ But where there is the work for a forester you think he ought to be entrusted with the sale entirely?” “I think so.” “You said something just now about the profitable cultivation of woods ; of course that entails the knowledge of markets and of the demand that is likely to take place. Have foresters in Scotland very little opportunity of gathering much knowledge of that kind?” ‘“‘The system observed on the Duke of Athole’s property is when a lot is to be cut down, to advertise it, and take offers from wood merchants, and that brings out the real value of the timber.”— ‘‘ But in order to carry on forestry profitably and with foresight, it is necessary even to plant with some idea of what is likely to be the future demand?” “Yes; and to plant what is likely to grow. At the present time I think it would be very injudicious to plant larch extensively.” —‘ Because you think larch has not become a success?” ‘I am sure of it. There is hardly a larch plantation in Scotland free from disease, but then what that disease is, is a disputed question. I hold that it is caused by an aphis.”—“ That of course is a matter for scientific investigation?” “ Entirely, and for that reason foresters should know a good deal about entomology.” —“ That of course requires special instruction?” ‘“ Certainly.”— «That can only be given at a school or college?” ‘‘ Quite so.”— “Have you any practical suggestion to make as to how that difficulty can be met?” “No. If a school was to be organised and established, a person ought to be appointed who could give in- struction in that branch.”—“ You said there was a Botanic Garden at Edinburgh ; do you think anything could be usefully attached to that institution for this purpose?” ‘There is not a district 112 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. ° 7 near Edinburgh sufficiently large where a forest could be established, but there is no doubt the Botanic Garden would be a very useful place.” “In your examination for the Highland and Agricultural Society you deal with entomology?” ‘Only with insects which are injurious to trees.” —‘‘ Cannot something be done by maintaining those ex- aminations, and making them more widely known?” “Yes, I think so.”—‘‘ Were those examinations advertised much?” “Not very much. They were advertised in the newspapers.”—“ What fees have to be paid for these examinations?” ‘‘ Nothing.” —“ No fee at all?” ‘‘No.”—“ The certificate then is practically a free gift?” “It isa free gift.”—‘“There is no expense to the candidate?” ‘‘ None whatever. The only expense is his coming to Edinburgh to be examined. The certificate is signed by the president of the Society, the secretary, and the examiners.”—“ Are the questions ever published afterwards?” “They are published in the journal of the Society.” Are the proprietors, who you say do not appear to appreciate these certificates as they ought to, aware of the amount of information that is necessary to acquire a certificate?” “I hardly think so.”—“ You think a little improvement might be made in that way?” ‘Yes, very much.”—“Is it your opinion that more can be done in that general way than by the establishment of a definite school specially for the purpose of forestry?” ‘Yes, but there is no doubt that a definite school would be a very great step towards the better management of woods, and the publication of a text-book, such as they have with regard to Continental forests. We have no text-book ; the only book worth reading at the present time, is ‘ Arboriculture, by the late Mr Grigor, a nurseryman at Forres.” “With regard to what you say about the appointment of foresters, I suppose you mean that the proprietors, in fact, are ignorant about trees, and not particular with regard to whom they appoint?” “A good many of them.”——“ What is your opinion as to what is neces- sary in the way of a school, or in the way of improving the knowledge of timber in Scotland?” ‘Ido not see any better way than the establishing of a school. For instance, no gentleman would take a gardener unless he were a thorough gardener, accustomed and well able to grow vegetables and fruits; he grows only annual crops ; and when the proprietor sees it necessary to have a proper gardener whose mistakes can be seen at the end of one year, I think it is far more necessary that he should have a thoroughly qualified forester REPORT OF THE SELECT COMMITTEE ON FORESTRY, E13 whose mistakes may not be found out for thirty years.” —“ What kind of school would you suggest?” ‘Something like. what a number of the witnesses have been speaking about; I would suggest a school in Scotland with an extent of 4000 or 5000 acres.”— “‘ What sort of fees would you charge?” ‘If it were such a school that gentlemen’s sons might go there, I think they ought to pay a fee, and perhaps agents, but working foresters would be hardly able to afford it.’—“‘In anything that was established, there would re- quire to be a free class which working foresters could attend?” “T think so, for poor young men who could not afford to pay a fee.” “Js there much waste land in Perthshire which could be profit- ably planted?” “Very much.”—‘*‘ How much do you think?” “J have no idea.”—“Is there much difficulty in getting your timber to the market?” “No. The Highland Railway has been of great benefit to the district.”—‘‘ Are the rates high?” “The wood merchants complain about them. We sell to the wood merchants ; we are not so immediately connected with the rates as they are, but we hear the wood merchants complain very much about them.”—‘‘Do you sell your timber direct to the wood merchants?” ‘ We sell it direct to the wood merchants. When it is not a clean cut, we cut out such trees as require to be cut and measure them; they are sold by the foot at three different prices.".—“Is all your timber managed on commercial prin- ciples?” ‘‘ Except what is used for estate purposes.”— “Is all the timber that is used for improvements in the estate home- grown timber?” ‘“‘Generally.”—‘Is there any foreign timber used in houses?” “Yes. If there is a great hurry to get a shooting lodge put in order, or a farmhouse, they sometimes take dry foreign timber, but where there is time it is generally home timber that is used.” —“ Do you think home timber might be used for building purposes?” ‘‘ Yes, there is no doubt of it.”— ‘You do not think enough trouble is taken to find markets for home-grown timber?” ‘The only trouble taken is to advertise it to the wood merchants; we leave them to find the markets.”— ‘“‘ What reasons do the wood merchants give for not taking home timber?” ‘None. They would take it if they had a market for it ; one reason is the depression of trade. The principal market we used to have for home timber was the coal and iron pits,” “Ts the growth of timber much hampered by game in Perth- shire?” “A good deal.”—“ By what kind of game chiefly?” “I would begin at capercailzie, they destroy the tops of the Scots firs ; VOL. XII., PART I. H 114 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. and hares and rabbits are the principal animals. I find that grouse are very apt to destroy young buds.”—“ You think the growth of timber is seriously hampered by game in Perthshire?” “If it is planted in large areas, not very much, but small belts are very much damaged by game.”—“ Do you raise any natural wood?” “ No- thing but birch. There is a natural pine wood in Perthshire, the old wood of Rannoch. It is awood of considerable extent entirely of Scots fir.’—‘‘ Could more timber be grown on the system of its being allowed to grow naturally than by plantations?” ‘“ You require to introduce the seed somehow ; then you require to break up the surface.”—“ You do not grow any timber by the natural system?” ‘ No.” ‘Could you give the Committee a table of the original cost of the Duke of Athole’s plantations, and what they paid during the last fifty or sixty years?” ‘TI could not tell you what they paid, but I can give you an idea what the cost was.”—‘‘ Have you no record of the annual value of the timber sales?” ‘I have the sales books since 1860.”—“ Could you tell us how much per acre, roughly, over a certain area it has been the last twenty years?” ‘No, I could not. Because the wind-blown trees in 1879 have interfered with all our calculations in that respect.”—“‘ Up to 1879 you might?” “ We might manage the general average income, but I could hardly give the income from the different plantations.”—‘‘ You could not show us the increased value per acre?” “A great many sheep runs are let from 6d. per acre up to 2s. or 3s., and at the end of fifty or sixty years when we havea crop we might have larch worth £40 or £50 an acre, so that it would be far more profitable to be planted than to be kept for sheep. Some people say it would inter- fere with the grouse shooting, but I do not think so.” “Ts there any one kind of foreign timber more than another which rivals the home-grown timber. Does foreign pitch pine or spruce run you close?” ‘We have a better quality of home spruce than the spruce we get from the Baltic; it is harder; and the old Scots fir wood of Glen Fishie, Rannoch, and Braemar, is equal to any Baltic timber.”—“ That is natural timber?” ‘‘ Yes.” “You said you would not plant larch as a tree for profit?” “I would not advise any proprietor to invest much money in plant- ing larch on account of the disease.’—“ Have you reason to be- lieve that the disease will be permanent?” ‘ No, because I have seen some years that were not so bad as others.”— “Is it in Scot- land a disease of such amount as to seriously damage the trees?” REPORT OF THE SELECT COMMITTEE ON FORESTRY. 115 “Tt destroys them altogether, and in England also, I saw an in- stance the other day, where they were just as bad, in Hampshire.” —‘ What tree would you plant?” ‘Scots fir is the surest to plant in Scotland on our hills. Scots fir and birch.”—‘‘ How long is it before Scots fir comes to maturity?” ‘‘ Scots fir will continue to grow until it is 120 years old, but it is fit for the market before that time.”—“ How soon would you make a final cutting of a Scots fir plantation at the greatest profit?” ‘‘ Not sooner than eighty years.” —“About two generations?” ‘Yes.”—“ Do you think then that planting Scots fir upon ground that can be rented at almost any money is a paying operation commercially?” “I would not advise planting moorland if it were worth from 7s. 6d. to 10s. for pasture purposes, There is plenty not worth ls. which ought to be planted first ; the least valuable ought to be the first planted, and not beyond a certain altitude. Scots fir might be advantageously planted up to an altitude of 1500 feet, but not higher. I think it would be prudent to limit the planting of larch to between 1000 feet and 1200 feet.”——“ Your opinion is that there is a considerable quantity of land in Scotland which might be commercially profit- ably planted with some kind of tree?” ‘‘ Certainly.” “Have you tried the Douglas fir at all in Scotland?” Yes.” —“Do you think that a good tree?” ‘In certain situations it is. It is a fast-growing tree, but it ought only to be planted on land suitable to spruce firs.” —“ Is there any deciduous tree which you would recommend to be planted?” ‘Yes; ash, sycamore, and oak. Oak used to be planted extensively for the purpose of form- ing coppices, but now oak coppices do not pay. The only place where it would be of advantage is in steep ravines.”—‘ Do you think that any amount of learning or foresight could possibly lead a man to know what would be the proper timber to plant to come into the market in fifty or sixty years?” ‘‘I have not the slightest doubt of it.”——“ You think it is possible?” ‘‘ Quite possible, un- less it were to be attacked by an insect such as the larch is; of course no human foresight could prevail against that.”—‘ What do you think would be the timber to be profitable fifty or sixty years hence?” “I think at present Scots fir on moorland is most likely to be profitable.” “‘ With regard to the diseases of the larch and of trees generally, you said that you thought foresters ought to have a knowledge of the diseases of trees, and a knowledge of entomology, as insects create a great many of these diseases. Would it not be possible 116 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. for foresters to send portions of a diseased tree for examination to scientific men?” ‘‘ Quite possible.”—‘‘ Would it not be a sufficient way of finding out the nature of the disease?” ‘It might be. I have sent specimens, and I have found scientific men to differ very much about the causes.”—“ Do not you think if scientific men differ so much about them, that partially scientific or wholly un- scientific men would differ a great deal more?” “ No doubt.”— *«‘ And you think it possible for working foresters with anything like a moderate education to acquire such a knowledge of the diseases of trees as to make it really worth while their going into that?” “TI think they would; I do not see anything to prevent it.” “You just now mentioned the education of gardeners, and you said that no gentleman would take a gardener who was not a properly qualified man ; but there is no school for gardeners as far as I am aware either in Scotland or in England?” ‘ No, but then they go to good gardens to learn.”—‘“ They are apprenticed, in fact?” “‘ Yes.” —“‘Do not you think a more practicable way of getting hold of working foresters is to have them apprenticed to good foresters who are at present working foresters, rather than to send them to some centralised school?” “At present there are very few large establishments like gardens where a number of apprentices would be taken in.” —“ Are there not sufficient of those to be able to train up a sufficient supply of new foresters?” “I do not think so. I know Mr M‘Corquodale, of Scone, takes pupils, or he did ; and I have had one or two myself, but they came as labourers. I took no fee, and I had not them put under apprenticeship. They simply saw the operations as they went on. There was no agree- ment whatever. They just came and went when they saw proper.” —‘Do you think it would be possible to get any knowledge of forestry, sufficient to give some kind of inkling, as you say in Scotland, to young men, by having some tuition at the elementary schools on that subject?” ‘ That is well worthy of consideration.” —‘Do you think the Government would be justified in giving a grant, making it what they call a special subject?” ‘ Yes.”— “ Giving a grant to such a subject as forestry?” ‘ Yes, they do so now for agriculture.”—“ Not in elementary schools?” “It is a special subject under the Science and Art Department.” “Do you think moorland at sixpence an acre might be very pro- fitably planted with trees?” ‘ No doubt.”—“ What would be the cost per acre of planting the cheapest place on a large scale?” “About £2 an acre.”—“ Fencing and all?” ‘Yes, if the planta- REPORT OF THE SELECT COMMITTEE ON FORESTRY. The tion were of a large area, because large areas can be inclosed cheaper than small ones.” —‘‘ Do you know Ireland at all?” ‘No, I do not.”—“ If you have a large mountainous district of say half a million acres, and there is very little planting in it, do you think it would improve the country generally to plant a portion of that with trees?” ‘‘ Certainly.”—“ If the proprietors will not or cannot do it, do you think it might be of national advantage if the Government took it?up?” ‘* Yes,”—“‘ Are not there some districts in Scotland where the enterprising proprietors plant a good deal, and other districts with equal advantages where other proprietors do not plant at all?” ‘That is the case.”—‘In those districts where the proprietors do not plant, do you think some advantage would be gained if the Government were to take up their work and plant, of course keeping the increase of the trees to themselves. Do you think that might be done with advantage?” “T daresay it might.”—‘“‘ You have not thought on that subject?” ‘It intro- duces rather a complicated question ; how would the proprietor be compensated?” ‘Suppose they were paid for the land they give up, and were willing to give it up?” ‘It would be far better to have the land planted than left as it is at all events.”—‘“ And it would shelter the other land?” ‘ Yes.”—‘ And would generally improve and beautify the country?” ‘* Yes.”—‘* Would it not in- troduce new industries into the country?” “ Very possibly.”— ‘“« In those districts where the proprietors do not plant, do you think it would be advantageous for the Government to step in and plant trees?” “ Certainly.” “You began life as a woodman?” ‘“ Yes.”—“ You picked up all the knowledge you got for yourself?” ‘Certainly ; I was at no school.”—‘* Do you think you would have done better if you had had a course of scientific instruction?” ‘I have not the slightest doubt of it; I have felt the want of it all along. I had to read up, and there are very few books to read.”—‘“ That is your own experience, and you are prepared to recommend that men beginning life as foresters, should have some definite instruction ?” * Certainly.” —“ Have you formed any opinion as to what the length of such a course ought to be ; what is the shortest time. Of course these men are poor and cannot afford to pay very large fees or go on long?” ‘The very shortest time to see all the operations would be a year. He ought to be two years at the very least.”— “Would that include the lectures and instructions at the school?” “Tf the school and the forest were to be within a reasonable 118 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. distance of each other, it might.”—“ Do you think it is advisable and necessary to teach young fellows of the rank of foresters on small properties, botany and elaborate things of that kind. Do you think they would be much better for it?” ‘They require to know as much of botany as would enable them to distinguish one plant from another.” “That is a very simple matter. You would not be prepared to recommend a long course of botany?” “No, I do not mean that.” “‘T believe you said the management of the Scottish forests might be much better than it is now?” ‘ Yes.”—“In what respect? Where does the deficiency now lie in the management of the Scottish forests?” ‘The deficiency lies in this, that if it is left to the forester, he often does not know when to begin to thin, or when to plant, and what to do in other matters. Some men in charge of woods prune live branches off resinous trees.”—“ That bad management is in consequence of the ignorance of those who manage it?” ‘To a certain extent.”—‘ You said something about factors. Is it not the fact that most of the factorships on small properties are held by lawyers of the neighbouring towns?” ‘On very small properties, but now I think resident factors are becom- ing more the rule in Perthshire.”—‘‘ You cannot expect town lawyers to know much about planting?” ‘No, I do not think they pretend to.”—‘‘ You think the better plan would be to have resident men who would superintend these matters?” “ Yes.” “ Do you think the low price of trees just now is more due to the gale of 1879 or to foreign competition?” ‘‘I think it is more due to the depression of trade. If the coal and iron trades were as prosperous as we have seen them, our thinnings and our home wood would sell much better.”—‘‘ The market, you say, was thoroughly glutted in 1879?” “ Yes.”—‘‘Is it beginning to recover from that?” ‘ Not very much yet.”—‘“ Was not the market glutted by the great gale of 18812” “There was a succession of gales from 1879 to 1883 or 1884.”—“ There was a gale in 18817” “Iam not certain, but I believe that altogether in four or five gales, there were 200,000 trees blown down on the Duke’s estate. 1879 was the worst gale we had.” “ Could you say whether the great plantations on the Duke of Athole’s property and elsewhere have had any effect on the climate?” ‘I think they have; they shelter the low ground very much,”—‘“ Have they affected the rainfall at all?” “I do not think there was any record kept of the rainfall before.”—“A REPORT OF THE SELECT COMMITTEE ON FORESTRY. 119 former witness before the Committee said he thought the effect of planting forests was to make the climate more equable ‘and tem- perate?” ‘That is the general opinion, but I could not say so from experience.”—‘“ You cannot say that it affects the rainfall either?” ‘I could not say.”—‘* Have you a great deal of rain?” “No, it is not a very wet district in Perthshire. We have an average rainfall of 30 to 40 inches.” ‘‘ Have these plantations been successful as a commercial speculation?” ‘I think so.”— ‘** But at present prices they are not?” “ Even at present prices they are better than if left as moorland in their original state. Before 1879 we were getting 14d, and 15d. a foot for larch, and now it is down to 9d. and 10d. Scots fir freely brought 8d. a - cubic foot ; now it is only 4d., and there is very little demand at that.” ——“ I suppose anything over ls. a foot for larch pays well?” “Less than 1s. pays well.” “ From whatever cause the cultivation of woodlands is much less profitable than it used to be when you began your career in con- nection with forests; it does not pay so well?” ‘“ Oak coppice does not pay nearly so well. The reason is that other foreign sub- stances are used for tanning leather.”—“ Does larch pay as well?” “ No,” —“ With regard to the 366 acres of larch, you said that they were planted on land from 300 to 1000 feet above the level of the seat” ‘Yes, I am speaking from recollection of the figures on the Ordnance Survey.”—‘“ What is the highest elevation at which larch can be profitably grown?” ‘From 1000 to 1200 feet, provided the soil and situation are suitable.” You said also that there is a good deal of waste land in Perthshire that might be planted ?” “ Yes.”.—“Ts much of that waste land at a high elevation?” “There is a good deal of it higher than 1200 feet ; but it would not be advisable to plant higher than that.”—“ But much of it below that is fit for planting?” ‘‘A great extent.” ‘‘ With regard to this disease in the larch that has caused so much ravage; has it increased of late years?” ‘‘ Yes, I think it has.”—“‘ Can you tell us when the disease first appeared?” “A cotton-like substance was noticed first about 1800, and since then it has increased very much.”—‘‘ Has any way of combating the disease or any remedy yet been discovered or made known?” “Ido not think there has,”’—“ Have you found the Scots fir also subject to the ravages of an aphis or any other disease?” ‘I have found a white substance caused by a coccus on the Scots fir, but it does not kill it.’—‘ In the county of Surrey I find the Scots fir is 120 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. subject to some disease?” ‘There are beetles that affect it, and there is also the caterpillar of the sawfly that devours the foliage of the Scots fir.’—‘‘ But not to the same extent as the larch?” ‘No, the larch dies entirely.” “Is it your experience that planting larch upon a sandy soil in Scotland makes pasture grow underneath the larch ; have you ever seen young larches turn a sandy soil into pasture?” ‘ No, never. The larch destroys the heather, and grass comes up instead of the heather almost always.”—‘‘ It does turn the heather into grass ?” “« Tt does not turn the heather into grass, but it makes grass come in place of the heather.” ‘* What would be the average rental of the land which is under 20,000 acres of timber?” ‘Two shillings an acre overhead,”— ‘** Have you any idea of what the value of the woods would be as they stand?” ‘ No.”—‘* You are substituting the planting of Scots fir for the planting of larch now?” “ Yes; and of course we are planting Scots fir where I would not plant larch under any circumstances.” —“ You are not planting so much larch now as formerly?” ‘*No,.’—‘ There is a great advantage in planting timber in large blocks?” Yes; it is so for various reasons ; it can be done cheaper, and it affords greater shelter.” —“ Is it your opinion that there is a great deal of land which has little chance of being turned to the best advantage, because some small annual shooting or grazing rental is valued by the proprietor more than the distant prospect of a large return from timber?” ‘That is so.” —‘ Are any of your plantations deer fenced?” ‘ Yes.”—‘* What increase of cost do you suppose that would be?” ‘ About 4d. a yard more for the fencing.” —“ What would the planting and deer fencing amount to per acre?” ‘I could not tell that exactly.”—- ‘Could you do it for £4 an acre?” “Yes; ona large extent,”— “Five hundred acres?” ‘ Yes,” “Tn Dr Schlich’s evidence he rather seems to recommend the connection of a forest school with Cooper’s Hill, where already students receive a certain amount of forestry instruction, with a view of managing Indian forests; do you think a central school of that sort would be a good thing, and if it were established, do you think it would be better connected with Cooper’s Hill, or with some more strictly agricultural college?” ‘ Certainly it would be better to be associated with an agricultural college than with an institutioa like Cooper's Hill.”—“ Do you think that until any central school, or any school, can be established for the purpose of instruction in REPORT OF THE SELECT COMMITTEE ON FORESTRY. 121 forestry, it would be a good thing to carry out generally the same system which has been carried out, according to your evidence, by the Highland and Agricultural Society?” ‘ Yes.”—‘‘The system of having boards of examiners in different parts cf the country to examine candidates, not only candidates who are going to become professional foresters, but all candidates who desire to be examined in forestry ; do you think that system would be a good one?” “I think it would, because no candidate would come up for examina- tion without preparing himself to a certain extent.”—‘‘ And you believe that if some such system as that were adopted, it would call attention to the defects which you and other witnesses have given us evidence upon, as to the mismanagement, and the want of scientific knowledge of forestry generally?” ‘Yes, I think it would do so.” “‘ Besides the points which you have mentioned in your evidence, is there any other point upon which you would like to make any statement to the Committee?” ‘There is one thing, that if the woods were more extensive in Scotland, there would be more employment for workpeople ; the country would maintain a larger population.” —“ Then you think the forest area in Scotland might be largely increased?” ‘Very largely ; it can be very much ex- tended.” —“ With profit?” ‘With profit.”—‘‘Why is that not done now?” ‘I cannot tell. It is expensive for some proprietors to do so, and perhaps they are not very able to bear the cost ; that may be one reason.” —‘‘I suppose the largeness of the capital required is a consideration?” ‘ Yes, very much so ; and it does not make immediate returns; that is another consideration.”——“‘ Have you ever known a proprietor borrow money from Government, or a society, pay interest upon it, and make it pay?” ‘I think it may be done ; I believe it can be done just now. The Lands Improve- ment Company lend money to proprietors to form plantations ; or, at all events, a certain proportion of the expense is found by the Lands Improvement Company.”—“ Would the return upon capital laid out in forestry be long deferred?” ‘‘I do not think it would.” —‘ How many years?” “ Twenty-five years, perhaps.”—“ Is that the shortest time?” ‘I could not tell.”—‘* Would there be no return at all before twenty-five years?” ‘Yes; the thinnings would be of some value after fifteen years.”—‘‘ Would there be no return for fifteen years?” “No,”—“Is not that rather a long time to wait?” “Ido not know.”—*“ You are speaking of larch planta- tions, I suppose?” ‘ Scots fir.’—“ Scots fir and larch?” ‘I have 122 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY, just stated that the larch at present is in such an unsatisfactory state that I would not advise a proprietor to invest largely in planting larch. It is so diseased.” “ Are not proprietors prevented by the danger of losing many of their trees by gales of wind in Scotland from planting ; you men- tioned a very great number that were destroyed in 18791” ‘We have had a series of gales since 1879.”—“Is not it the fact that proprietors may lose a number of trees in that way, and does not that deter them from investing money in planting?” ‘Ido not think so.” —“It seems a reasonable thing that it should do so?” ‘“‘They were not entirely lost, although they were blown down. Of course it glutted the market, and it was an extraordinary occurrence.”—‘‘ The price was very much lowered by the multitude of trees in the market through those gales?” ‘“* Yes,”—‘“ You think it is the slow return that prevents the planting?” “That is one reason.”—‘‘ What other reason are there?” ‘ When sheep farms are let, and when shootings are let, sometimes the sheep farmer and sometimes the shooting tenant objects to the proprietor taking off a slice of land and planting it.”—“ That means that sheep farming and shooting rents are much more lucrative than planting?” ‘“‘ They are more immediate.”—“ You think sporting rents have dis- couraged planting in Scotland; they have been an obstacle to making new plantations?” ‘I do not think they have encouraged it at all events.”—“ Do you suffer much from squirrels?” “ Yes, a dood deal.” “Tf there is any evidence which you would like to give on any special point, which will assist the Committee in the consideration of this subject, we shall be glad to hear it?” “I think there is nothing else.” In giving evidence on the same date, Mr Joun Grant THomson, Forester to the Dowager Countess of Seafield, at Grantown, Strath- spey, replied as follows :— “In what counties are the woods belonging to Lady Seafield ?” “They are scattered over the counties of Inverness, Banff, and Moray.”—‘ What is the extent of the Strathspey district in which you have special charge?” ‘Between 60,000 and 70,000 acres of woodlands alone.”—“ A considerable sum of money has been ex- pended on the estate since you took charge of it?” ‘A large amount of money; somewhere about £90,000 or £100,000.”— ‘‘ What do you consider the cost of planting in Scotland, including REPORT OF THE SELECT COMMITTEE ON FORESTRY. 123 hd the carting, the plants, the draining, the wire, and the whole thing?” ‘It depends very much on the size of the inclosure. If it is a large inclosure it can be done much more cheaply than a small ove. In one plantation out of a number that we made, I have the details here. It was nearly 900 acres in extent. It was fenced with six wires and wooden straining and intermediate posts. The straining posts were put in wherever they were required, at dis- tances 60 to 100 yards, and sometimes 120 yards apart, and the intermediate posts were six feet apart. The cost of that was £259, 10s. 2d. Then we planted 2,826,000 Scots fir. They were one year seedlings, two years transplanted, or two years seedlings, one year transplanted; that is, the same age (three years old), but differently treated. Then there were 111,000 of larch, and 50,000 of others, principally spruce. We have our own nursery, but the trees were charged the same as if they had been bought, some 6s. or 7s. a thousand for the Scots fir. That came to £651, 6s. The expense of carting the plants from the nursery and planting them was £328, 19s. 1ld., and for drains, £64, 8s. 4d., making a total of £1304, 4s. 5d., or somewhere about 30s. an acre.” “ Have you read the evidence given before this Committee of the last year and the year before?” “ Partly.’—“‘ What are your views with regard to the question of a school of forestry?” “It would be all the better if there could be a school of forestry. If they had the theoretical as well as the practical part, it would be all the better for foresters.”—“ You have had some experience of training young men on the estate as foresters?” ‘I have trained a large number.”—“ Do they come to you as apprentices or merely as labourers on the estate?” ‘They are labourers and apprentices at the same time. They stay with us two or three years, and then we generally get some other employment for them as foremen or as foresters.” —‘ Do you think if that system were generally adopted, it would, to a great extent, supply the information which is re- quired?” ‘Yes; at the same time it would be all the better if there were a higher school where they could get more instruction than could be given on private properties.” —‘‘ They would get the practice on the private properties, and they would get more of the theory at the schools?” ‘* Yes.” “ Have you a theory of your own as regards the question of re- production of trees. Have you noticed that where trees are frequently planted in the same soil there is a tendency to decay ?” “Yes. There is the decayed vegetable matter of former crops of 124 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. trees, which forms a skin on the ground. The seed does not get down to the natural soil, and until it does get to the soil it will not make any perceptible growth. It may keep alive for a time, but it very seldom takes root at all. As soon as it gets to the soil it grows quite freely.”—“ Do you think the want of repro- duction in some of our woodlands is in any way attributable to that?” ‘“ Not unless the ground has been under a crop of wood for a great length of time. In the natural forests they have been under a crop of wood for many generations.”—“ In that case it would be better to grub up the old wood and plant fresh woodland in another place?” ‘It would be much better.” “You say that replanting on the same ground does not appear to answer. Do you apply that to planting the same kind of trees?” “ Yes.” —“ Would it be different if you were plauting chestnuts or oaks after fir?” “ Quite different. I have seen natural woods that have been under Scots fir, when they were cut away, the birch grew the next year, or a year or two afterwards, where Scots fir would not have grown.”—“ Do you think that with regard to a fact of that kind there is much to be learned by systematic experiment ?” “ There is, no doubt.” —“ There is nothing of that kind now estab- lished, is there?” ‘Nothing that I am aware of.”—‘‘ What is learnt has been learnt hap-hazard from the experience of different men?” “ Yes; and when one is going through the country taking notes of any matter of that kind.” **Do you think that more would be done for forestry by the establishment of a school for teaching young foresters either theory or practice, or by establishing a system of examination by competent men, and giving the men who are employed to examine some kind of position, such as professors ; an endowment, I mean, so that they might go about the country and study the question in a scientific way, and then by means of their examination direct the education of young foresters?” “I think the best way would be to have the school; and have them examined there in the schools.” Do you think there is a sufficient number of foresters employed to maintain a school?” “ There is a sufficient number employed if they would be able to pay the fees. As a rule, foresters are not over well paid, and if they had to pay heavy fees for a school, I am afraid they would not be able to do it.”—“ At the same time a school must be a paying concern if it is to go on. It is a question of demand whether the supply can be maintained, is it not?” ‘I should be afraid that the number of pupils would REPORT OF THE SELECT COMMITTEE ON FORESTRY. 125 not support a school.”—‘ That is my fear; that is why I suggested the alternative ; if we cannot maintain a school, whether we can do anything in another way to promote intelligent forestry ?” ‘‘ Some- thing might be done as you suggest by going through the country, and having centres where foresters might be examined.”—‘ You have heard of the University local examinations?” ‘ Yes,”— “You have heard of the examinations spoken of by the last witness, conducted, I think, at Edinburgh only?” “That is by the Highland and Agricultural Society; yes.”—“ That system might be extended with profit?” ‘It would be with profit if it were extended.”—“ Do you think these examinations are sufficiently appreciated by Scottish foresters and Scottish landlords?” “There are only three candidates on an average, come forward each year for examination,’ —“ Are you one of the examiners?” “I am.”— “‘ How are the examiners appointed?” ‘ By the society.”—‘ Are they all members of the society, or are they taken from outside ?” ‘**] think they are all members of the society.” “Do you think anything can be done in connection with the Botanic Garden at Edinburgh?” ‘ Certainly, you could get infor- mation there ; but, if I may be allowed to say so, I think if there is a school of forestry they would require a tract of land, so that it could be managed by the school itself. I do not suppose that private proprietors would be inclined to give their ground for experimental purposes.” —“ Experimenting on forestry would take a long series of years?” ‘* Yes.” —‘‘ And all that time the rent of the land would have to be paid?” ‘Of course.”—‘ Therefore, you see that the undertaking is a costly one?” ‘It would be a costly one. My idea is that they would require 3000 to 10,000 acres.” —“‘ What do you suppose the rental of such a tract would be: 2s. 6d. or 5s. an acre?” ‘You require to pay a great deal more than that. You require to have it where there is good soil, low ground as well as high ground.”—‘“‘ You would not be able to earn the rate out of the forest, would you?” “It should pay itself.” —‘‘ You think that it is not an impracticable idea that a school might be established with a sufficient area of forestry to form an important centre of education for foresters ?”—“It might be established.” —“T suppose the school need not necessarily be a very expensive affair?” ‘No, it would not require to be very expensive.”—“ How much do you think a school need cost ; what would the staff require to be?” “ You would require a lecturer or a professor at, say £400 or £500 a year, and you would require a 126 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. practical teacher of forestry, say at £200 a year, and that would be about all that you would require.”—‘‘I suppose men who are going to the Colonies or to India would come and be educated ?” “ T expect a great number would.” “Have you much natural Scots fir?” ‘A great deal of natural fir.,—“ Do you allow much of it to come up; do you inclose for the purpose of allowing natural fir to grow?” “Great quantities ; to a great extent.” What proportion of your timber is natural fir and what is planted. Is half of it natural fir?” ‘I should think about half is natural fir and birch.”—‘“ Do you get a higher price for it in the market?” “ No, although it is better quality.”— “You ought to?” ‘We ought to, but we do not.”—‘* Do you cut on a regular system, or so many acres a year?” ‘ Not so many acres a year, but so much thinning, and clearing at the same time.”—“ Do you have a clean cut every year?” ‘Not every year.” —“ How many men do you employ?” “It varies very much ; we do a great deal of our work by contract, nearly all the cutting of trees is by contract, so much per hundred ; fencing is by contract, so much a yard or 100 yards.”——“ Since so much land has been put under timber in your district there has been a larger field for labour ; it gives more employment?” ‘It gives more employ- ment for work-people.”—‘‘ Have you much difficulty in getting your timber to the markets?” ‘None now. We have the benefit of the Highland Railway and the Great North of Scotland Rail- way ; both run through the property.”—‘‘ How much has timber gone down in price during the last ten or fifteen years?” “ Fully a third.” —“ Have you been much troubled by squirrels?” “ Very much,”—‘“ And by game?” “ Very little.” “How many wood-cutters do you employ?” “In Strathspey there are three foresters, and under each forester there is a regular staff of men.”—‘‘ We have it in evidence that a school of forestry would be most useful to the head men; men like yourself or your sub-foresters, and that technical education is not necessary for the men who are only employed to cut down trees, or do the regular planting?” ‘If those men had the education they might rise from being wood-cutters to being head men, and very likely would rise.” —‘ A forest could be well managed by a skilled head forester and by men under his command who were not skilled?” “ Perfectly.” —‘ You told us in evidence that probably young men could not afford the cost of the education?” ‘ Where there is a will there is nearly always a way.”—‘‘ In speaking of forestry, must we not dis- REPORT OF THE SELECT COMMITTEE ON FORESTRY. 127 tinguish between forestry that is necessary for England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland; I mean, would a forester taught in Devonshire be a good forester for Strathspey ?” “I think not; the two are dis- tinct.” —“It was argued that there were certain general principles that were equally applicable to all parts of the United Kingdom, but that the practice must be learned in the individual place?” *“* Almost in the locality.” —‘‘ Have you any experience of training young men as foresters to go out to India?” ‘‘ Several of them have been with me for some time before going out, after coming home from France.”—‘ They went abroad first?” “They went abroad to France first and came to me afterwards.” ‘** Have you ever made a calculation of the cost of planting, from the beginning to the end, of any special plantation?” ‘The one that I have just quoted is from the time the ground was inclosed, which included inclosing, planting, plants, and draining. It cost somewhere about 30s. per acre.’—-‘‘ Have you followed that up by also keeping an account of the cost of cutting and the thinning and any other processes, and on the other side, the money that you received for the sales of the particular plantation?” “ None of the plantations that I have made have, I may say, yielded any return yet.” —“ Then you are unable to give the Committee any information as to any profit which may arise or has arisen on any of your woods?” From calculations that I made on other plantations I think they should yield about 10s. a year; from 7s. 6d. to 10s. a year per acre.” —“ You think it would be worth planting any land which did not bring in a rental of 10s. a year?” “ Yes, if you have a sufficient extent of it, but if it is only a little bit, the cost of inclosing a little bit is very much extra. It comes to be very expensive if you fence a small bit.”—“ Do you think there would be a sufficient number of foresters who would take advantage of any school that were established so as to make it worth while setting up aschool?” ‘TI think a good number would take advantage of it.” “ Do you think the system of apprenticing boys and young men is a good one for teaching them practical forestry?” “I think so.”—‘‘ Is that a system which is largely adopted in Scotland?” ‘“‘T always have several young men with myself; I cannot speak as to others.”—-“‘I presume they go out to be head foresters to smaller places?” ‘To smaller places, and sometimes to pretty large places.” —“ Do you know what the present acreage of forests in Scotland is?” “I think there is somewhere about 730,000 128 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. acres of woodland in Scotland.”—“ I forget whether the Scots fir forests are returned annually with the agricultural returns or not?” ‘“*T think they are.” “Do you think that growing trees in Scotland is an industry which is likely to be sufficiently useful from a national point of view to make it the duty of the State to subsidise it?” ‘I should think so.”—‘“‘ Why?” “ Because I think timber is sure to rise in value. Foreign competition will very likely fall off as it gets more inland and more expensive to bring it home, and the home timber will rise in value.”—‘‘That has not been the process the last twenty-five years?” “No, it has not.” ** Are you able to say from your own experience whether these great plantations at Strathspey and elsewhere have had any effect on the climate?” ‘I think they have. I know of one plantation that was cut down. There was a spring of water in it before the trees were felled; shortly after the trees were felled the spring dried ; now it is replanted again, and they are up four or five feet high, the waters have returned to the spring. The trees prevent evaporation.” —‘ Speaking generally, has the effect of the planta- tions on the surrounding agricultural land been beneficial or other- wise?” ‘They have been beneficial as far as shelter is concerned. A great number of farmers have applied to get a small portion of their farms inclosed for the sake of the shelter.”—‘‘ Can you say whether it has affected the rainfall or not?” “TI could not say whether it has, further than the instance I have given you about the spring.” “You just now said you calculated the profit upon certain forests to be something like 7s, 6d. per acre ; what do you suppose would be the value of that land to let for other purposes ; would it be as much as that?” ‘No; it would be worth about from 8d. to ls. an acre.”——“It is practically bog land or moor land?” “Not bog land, but moor land, dry moor land.” What do you think it is worth for the shooting rent and the sheep rent?” “ Well, taking the two together, from 1s, to 1s. 3d. an acre.” ——“ Have you any knowledge of woodlands in England?” “TI have had experi- ence in the Crown Woods both in the Dean Forest, and at Chop- well, in the county of Durham.”—‘“ Do you think there are many districts in England where it would be desirable to plant forests on a large scale?” ‘Well, I have not sufficient knowledge of the country to say.” “Do Scottish proprietors have much difficulty now in finding REPORT OF THE SELECT COMMITTEE ON FORESTRY. 129 competent men to manage their forests for them?” “ Occasionally they do find difficulty, especially large proprietors.”—“ Is there a difficulty in finding the skilled labour which is necessary to pro- perly attend to forests?” ‘Not a great deal.”—“ You yourself would not find difficulty in finding skilled labour?” ‘I have always more applicants than I can find employment for.”—‘‘ Men who do their work well?” “Yes; who are anxious to get into the employment for the sake of what they see, and of the prospect of getting appointments afterwards.”—“ Where do the Scottish pro- prietors now go to find foresters or men to manage their forests ?” “They frequently apply to myself, and frequently they apply to others, such as Mr M‘Corquodale, and to nurserymen.”—‘ Do you think that Scottish proprietors generally would be favourable to the establishment of a school of forestry in Scotland?” ‘I think so.” —“ Do you think it is a matter that they would care very much about, or that they would merely accept it?” “I think that they are taking more interest now than what they used to do in the plantations.” “ You told us that the late Lord Seafield invested a large sum of money in planting?” ‘‘ Yes.” —‘‘ You said £80,000 or £90,000. Does he expect to get a tolerably good return from that from a commercial point of view?” ‘Yes, commercially ; but then there are other reasons to be taken into consideration. As I say, there are parts of it planted for ornamental and other purposes. Of course, as to what is planted for ornament and other purposes, you do not look to that for interest on your money. You look at it from a different point of view ; the beauty of the place, or some- thing of that kind. But the large plantations will pay interest on the outlay, and rent for the land as well.”—‘ Do you think there is an obligation on Scottish proprietors, or any proprietors, to plant a certain proportion of waste lands every year?” ‘I think so.”— ‘Even if it does not pay?” “It will pay ultimately, I have no doubt.”—“ Do you think that Lord Seafield would have been as well off if he had not planted trees, but left his moors for grouse?” T think not.” ‘We have heard from several witnesses that there is a great deal of waste land in Scotland and elsewhere which might be planted with advantage ; of course every waste land will not carry trees profitably ; it is no use planting in soil if it is not adapted for growing trees?” ‘No, it is no use planting in soil that will not grow trees, but there is very little soil but what will grow trees.” — VOL. XII., PART I. I 130 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. “ Damp, boggy soil will not?” ‘No, that will not grow trees ; nor rocky soil, bare rock would not do.”—‘“ That would exclude a great deal of waste land in Scotland and elsewhere, that has been been spoken of ?” ‘ Yes, if you take it all in one tract.”—‘ Do you think it reasonable to believe that some portion of the diseases of trees arises from their being planted in unsuitable soil?” “Partly. I think it is quite wrong to plant the same kind of trees in different kinds of soil. Some soil is more suitable for one tree than for another.”——“ You say that it would pay to plant any piece of waste land which is bringing in not more than 10s. an acre; but in the one case you are getting your 10s. without ex- penditure, and in the other case you have got to go to a great expenditure to get your return. You have got to put down an immense sum before you can get a return from trees, and grouse moors will bring you a return without any expenditure at all. Does not that affect the commercial aspect of the thing?” ‘These forests do not destroy shooting altogether.”——“ But they destroy the grouse shooting, certainly?” ‘Not for a number of years after they are planted.” —‘‘ You may get black game, but not grouse long after they are planted?” ‘‘ You get grouse from three to five years after. It depends on the state of your heather.” “In your experience is the use of wood in this country shrink- ing at all, from iron being more used?” “For large beams and such things as that the demand is falling off, but for ordinary pur- poses I do not think it is.”—“ With regard to foreign competition ; do you think that will probably lessen in future?” “I think foreign competition will probably lessen in future.”—“Is it your view that trees are brought over more cheaply on account of freights being cheaper from a less trade?” ‘“ Yes; and labour is cheaper abroad just now, but it is sure to rise as English capitalists go there.” “Ts it your opinion that the woods in Scotland and elsewhere are as badly managed as some of the witnesses want to make out ?” ‘** There are some of them not very well managed.”—‘‘ You do not admit that as regards your own woods?” “TI think our own woods are managed tolerably well.”—‘‘ Do you think they are as well managed as they might be if they were more scientifically managed according to the theories of some people?” ‘I am not aware of anything in which they could be managed better than what is, in fact, being done at the present time.” —‘ I wanted to ask you that question on account of a further question. Do you think your REPORT OF THE SELECT COMMITTEE ON FORESTRY. Sik woods are sufficiently well managed to make it desirable as a train- ing ground for students and young foresters ; whether they could be adapted to that purpose?” “Well, as I have said, I have trained a great many young men who have gone out to be foresters, and they have turned out very good men.”—‘ Then, in fact, you have practically got a small forestry school of your own?” ‘“ Yes, on a small scale.”——“ You train all your own staff, do you not?” “ Well, two of our head men were not trained with me, but all the others have been trained with me.”—‘“ Do you consider those men you turn out to be quite competent to take charge of woods on a small scale?” ‘ Quite, and some of them to take charge of woods on a large scale.” —“ In addition to that, are you good enough to take young men for a short time?” ‘‘ Yes, we take a considerable number of that kind.”—‘“ You would be of opinion that a short course of practical instruction carried on in your woods would be enough to fit a young fellow to take charge of a considerable plan- tation afterwards?” ‘‘ He would see a great deal in a few weeks or in a few months, but he would require, I should say, to be twelve months before he would be competent to take charge.”—‘ Do you think he would be competent to take charge of woods without a course of lectures in botany, natural history, and geology for instance?” ‘* He would be all the better for that.”—‘ It would be quite a short course?” ‘ Quite a short course.”—“ Half-a-dozen lectures would be enough to tell him all the botany he would re- quire ?? “A dozen.”—‘ Then how many for natural history ?” Half-a-dozen.” “Ts it an advantage of scientific instruction that it would stimulate young men to make investigations and work them up. Would it give them the lines on which they could work scientifically and get further information?” ‘There is no doubt it would, but the drawback is, that unless they are able to get better salaries than they are getting they could not afford to go to a great expense with their education.” —‘‘ That is exactly the point; the difficulty in getting good cheap and practical instruction for your young men, who will get from £1 to 30s. a week?” ‘‘ Yes, or from £80 to £100 a year.” —“‘ Tt would be absurd to think of sending them to a large school for two years’ training in matters of science?” ‘The re- muneration would not pay the expense.”—‘‘ Would you consider it possible to establish at your woods or elsewhere a short practical course which would make these young men quite fit to manage woods on a moderately large scale?” ‘‘ The difficulty of that would 132 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. © be that one proprietor might be willing, but perhaps his successor might object to it, so that you would require to have a school that would be independent of any one individual.” Do you mean to say that the woods would have to be independent?” ‘The school would have to be independent.”—-“ There ‘are no woods in the possession of Government which are sufficiently well managed or extensive to allow that instruction?” ‘Not unless Government would assist in getting a tract of land as I suggested before for experiment.” “ You think it would not be practicable to work the thing in Scotland in any of the existing woods on account of the difficulty you have suggested?” ‘I do not think it would be.”— “Have you had some experience of English woods as well as of Scottish woods?” ‘JI have been in the Government woods in England.”—“ Do you consider that the same rules of forestry, look- ing at the difference of climate and other differences between England and Scotland, would apply to England and Scotland, the same system of management of woods?” ‘I do not think it would apply to the South of England.”—‘‘ You mentioned the interesting fact that when you cut down Scots fir that birch came up instead ?” “Yes,” —“ By a sort of natural succession?” ‘ Yes.”—‘“‘ Have not you found the same thing in England, that when you cut down an old wood some other kind of trees grow in its stead?” “I have not had sufficient experience.” “You know all Scotland pretty well, do you?” “ Except the south-east.” —“‘ Has there been an increase in planting in Scotland, or a decrease, of late years?” ‘‘ Until within the last two or three years there was a large increase.”—-‘‘ You mean that in the last two or three years there has been a decrease?” ‘‘There has been a decrease.” —“ To what do you attribute it chiefly?” “To bad times, and the difficulty in getting farmers to allow their land to be planted. Farmers are very unwilling to part with the land, the times are so hard upon them.”—‘I should have thought that farmers would be rather glad to get rid of a good deal of their land? ‘ Unfortunately it is often the best bit of grazing that is taken for planting.” “ Have you regular apprentices under you, men regularly appren- ticed for so many years?” ‘“ Well, not by any regular form of writing, but they come with the understanding that they will re- main for two years or three years, and they look forward to getting something better out of it.”—“Then if there was a School of Forestry, these men who had been with you for two or three years REPORT OF THE SELECT COMMITTEE ON FORESTRY. 133 would go to the School of Forestry?” “They would go to the School of Forestry.”—“ You say you do not think the number of people would maintain the school?” ‘I am afraid of it.”—Could you utilise any of the Scottish Universities. There is a chair of agriculture, is there not?” ‘* Yes.”—‘“ There is no chair of forestry?” “No chair of forestry.”—“ Would a chair of forestry be of any value, in the place of a school of forestry?” “ Well, not unless they had the practical teaching along with it.”—“ If there was a chair of forestry in the Universities to which these lads who have been three years with you could go and attend the lectures in- stead of going to the forestry school, they could get the scientific teaching from the professor of forestry, could they not?” “They could get the scientific training, but they could not get the practical training.” —‘ But they could get the practical training from you in the three years they are with you, and then they could go to the University and get their one year, or whatever it may be, of scientific training?” ‘ Yes.”—‘‘ Has that been mooted at all?” “TI have never heard it mooted.” —‘‘ What wages do these lads get when they have been with you three years?” ‘‘ They get 12s. to 14s. a week with me.”—‘‘ On leaving?” “ All the time they are with me; then they look forward to getting on as foreman at 18s. or 20s. a week, or they may happen to get a forester’s situation at £60 or £70 up to £100 a year.”—“ And a house?” ‘And a house ; the salary is occasionally higher.” Mr Witi1am M‘Corquonates, who has been Forester to the Earl of Mansfield at Scone, Perth, for the last fifty years, gave the fol- lowing interesting details in the course of his examination :— ““You have been employed extensively as a wood surveyor ?” “Yes.” —“ Have you. in that capacity visited much of the woods in England as well as in Scotland?” ‘‘ Yes.”—‘‘ You have had a general experience of wood management in England?” “TI have inspected several estates in England.”—‘“‘ What is your general impression as regards the management of woodland in England. Is it very far behind that of Scotland?” ‘The estates that I have been employed on were not so far behind. They were pretty well up.”—“ Do you find that those who have the management of woods are fairly competent to undertake their duties as woodmen ?” “Yes, there are many who have been regularly trained as foresters, and they are competent to take the management of woods.”—“ In England?” “Yes.” 134 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. “Have you practically trained young men on Lord Mansfield’s estate in the same manner that Mr Thomson has done at Lord Sea- field’s?” “Yes; I always kept a certain number of young men.”—“ Were they merely labourers, or were they apprenticed to you in any way?” ‘We have very few labourers. They are all young men, assistant foresters.”’—‘ Do they come to you for a certain time?” ‘They come for a certain time; some of them serve a regular apprenticeship. I have some from England just now.”—‘ Have they had previous experience in wood management before they come to you?” ‘ Many of them come as journeymen ; but I train a number of young men from the commencement. Some of them stay three, four, five, and six years.” —‘“ Do you con- sider when they leave you that their practical knowledge is sufficient to enable them to manage woods skilfully without any theoretical instruction?” ‘I consider that many of those who remain for four or five years are very competent when they leave me.” “Do you think a school of forestry is really required in Scot- land?” “ Well, I do not think a school of forestry would be very well supported.”—-“ Do you think, independently of the measure of support it might receive, it is really required?” ‘‘ Young men training for the Indian forests might take advantage of it, I have no doubt; but the truth is that foresters in Great Britain are not very highly paid, and they cannot afford to acquire very expensive education.” —“ Do you think it would be sufficient for present pur- poses that young men should receive a practical instruction in such woods as those of Lord Seafield’s, Lord Mansfield’s, and others?” “TI do.”—‘* And then go to Edinburgh and complete their theoretical education in the manner which has been sug- gested?” ‘“T think they could be sufficiently trained as practical foresters without a forestry school.”—‘“ Do you think that through the agency of the University of Edinburgh and the Highland and Agricultural Society’s examination, there would be sufficient pro- vision made for the necessary theoretical instruction?” ‘I do not think there would.”—“ You think that there would be something more required than the advantages which the University of Edin- burgh would afford if there was a Chair of Forestry?” ‘If there was a Chair of Forestry.”—“ Without it you think not?” “1 think a chair combined with the Agricultural Chair might be quite ample.”—“ There is a Chair of Agriculture?” “I think there is.” —‘‘ To that you would attach a Chair of Forestry, that is to say, REPORT OF THE SELECT COMMITTEE ON FORESTRY. 135 ¢ that the same person, the professor of agriculture, should also instruct in forestry?” ‘TI should think so.” “Do you think, at the present time, with the drawbacks of pre- ferential rates and foreign competition, that timber really can be grown to a profit?” ‘ Foreign competition is the ruination of our own timber, I know.”—“ But with all these disadvantages, do you think still that there is any hope of growing timber in Great Britain and Ireland at a profit?” ‘Yes, I think that timber may yield a pretty good return if well managed. There is a great mistake frequently made in not planting the proper tree. It is a crop that cannot be altered for fifty or sixty years; and the right tree should always be put into the right place.”—‘‘ Then who are the persons who should direct that proper selection; the factors, or the land agents of estates?” ‘ Well, I do not think the factors are very competent.”—‘‘ But they are the persons who naturally would make the selection?” ‘There is frequently advantage taken of that by such as Mr M‘Gregor, Mr Thomson, and myself. We, and such as we are, frequently go to give advice. I have been employed on the estate of Lord Dalhousie, on which I have laid out 22 sites for new plantations varying from 10 to 200 acres each.” —‘‘ But by some system of instruction the factors, who are really responsible for this selection of the trees and the supervision of the plantations, could be made quite capable of managing woods without the special advice of such gentlemen as yourself?” “It is very rarely that factors have experience in selecting trees for growing. For instance, taking land going to be planted, if my opinion was to be asked I should say on some lands, ‘plant larch and Scots fir intermixed in equal quantities ;’ on other lands I would recommend silver fir to be planted for a permanent tree, and so on.” ‘You have had a good deal of experience with the Douglas fir?” “« Yes.” —“ Have your plantations succeeded?” ‘‘They are doing remarkably well. Lord Mansfield’s are the most extensive planta- tions of the Douglas fir (Abies Douglasiz) I know.”—“ Have you suffered much from trees being blown down with wind?” “No. There is one plantation on which a good many were blown down ; but there is one on the side of the railway to Dunkeld that has never had a tree blown down in it. There are eight acres of it. Itisa pure Douglas fir plantation. It was thinned in the spring of this year. We have taken 620 trees out of it; and they are the largest of their age I ever saw. They measured about 60 feet in length ; 136 TRANSACTIQNS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. they are twenty-seven years of age; many of them girth 5 feet 9 inches in circumference 3 fedt above the ground, I never knew of that amount of growth in any conifer of the age. There are two trees of the Douglas fir growing on the estate of Lynedoch ; and when they were fifty years of age they were 73 feet in length. These trees contained 150 cubic feet of timber each. The larch is a very fast-growing tree; and very rarely indeed have I found a larch fifty years of age to contain 50 cubic feet of timber; but the Douglas firs have added 3 cubic feet for every year of their growth.”—“ Have you put any Douglas fir timber into the market?” ‘This is the first lot that has been thinned out; I have sold individual trees, perhaps a score at a time, but this is the first lot of any consequence.”—‘ Can you tell what it cost to plant all those eight acres of Douglas fir?” ‘* We reared the plants from seeds, and the planting cost about 10s. per acre.”—‘“ What did you get for the 620 trees that you sold?” ‘ They are not sold; they have just been cut.”—‘‘ What do you expect they will fetch?” *T do not know how they will sell, as the wood is not known, but I should hardly expect that they would sell for as much as larch spars, for which we get 4s. to 6s. per 100 feet run.” “Ts it your experience that plantations in Perthshire have suf- fered much from game?” “They have suffered very much.”— “ There has been great loss by game?” ‘Great loss. The rabbits and hares will eat the bark of trees from 80 to 100 years of age, elm, ash, and beech. I have seen them peeling them, raising themselves up as high as they can, and not leaving any of the bark within two feet of the ground.”—‘“ You find game is very pre- judicial to forestry in Perthshire?” ‘‘ Yes, very.” ‘‘ Have you any experience of making a plantation with borrowed money?” ‘No.”—‘ Can you imagine any man who would borrow money from the Government at three per cent. and make it pay ?” ‘Well, it might pay ; but it will take a considerable time before it does. Lord Stormont wished me last year to draw out a note of what 20 acres would cost to plant, and what they might realise in eighty years. I have drawn out this paper for Lord Stormont. Perhaps I may read it.”—‘“‘ Yes; pray do.” ‘It was 20 acres of land to be planted under larch.”——“ Will you give us the heading?” ** First of all, there is the cost of fencing 20 acres, £41; cost of plants, £25; cost of planting, £8; rent of 20 acres at 10s. per acre, £10; that amounts in all to £84. Then there is compound interest on above £84 for twelve years, that is £126, 8s. 7d. REPORT OF THE SELECT COMMITTEE ON FORESTRY. 137 Then, first, thinning at twelve years of age 4000 trees at 1d. per tree, £16, 13s. 4d.; deduct cost of thinning, £8, 6s. 8d.; deduct balance in favour of thinning, from £126, 18s. 7d., and then that leaves £118, 11s. 11d.”—‘“ Can you tell us how much an acre you made it at the end of eighty years?” “At the end of twelve years, £16, 13s. 4d., for the 20 acres at ld. per tree. Then I take the £118, 11s. 11d. ; at seventeen years of age, compound interest for five years, £130, 2s. 104d.; at seventeen years of age, second course of thinning 300 trees per acre, 6000 trees at 2d. per tree, £50; cost of thinning, £25 ; deduct balance in favour of thinning, £25. Then it reduces it to the amount of £105, 2s. 103d. Then taking £105, 2s. 104d. at twenty-two years of age, compound interest at five years, £124, 14s. 14d. ; third course of thinning 8000 trees at 4d. per tree, being at the rate of 400 trees per acre, £133, 6s. 8d.; cost of thinning and repairing fence, £50, 16s. 8d. ; deduct balance in favour of thinning, £82, 10s. ; then that reduces the amount to £42, 4s. 1d. for you to charge compound interest on. At thirty years of age the interest is wholly paid off, because the planting and everything is paid off in thirty years. It is like thirty years’ purchase. Then at thirty years of age balance in favour of plantation, £57, 3s. 10}d.; at thirty-seven years of age, 200 trees per acre, that is 4000 trees at 2s. per tree, £400; deduct cost of thinning, £33, 6s. 8d.; balance in favour at that age, £366, 13s. 4d. At forty-five years of age, 100 trees per acre, 2000 trees at 2s. 6d. per tree is £250; cost of thinning, £31, 5s.”—“ You need not read all the figures; can you give us the total result?” ‘The result is, ‘ Matured crop at eighty years, 130 trees per acre, in all 2600 at 20s. per tree, £2600, and the total amount in favour of plantation is £3217, 12s. 24d” That leaves exactly £2 per acre of rent throughout for the land.”— “Throughout the period of how many years?” ‘ Eighty years.”— ‘Will you hand in that document?” <“Yes.”—-“ Have you allowed anything for rates and taxes in that estimate?” “The rent is calculated from the commencement.’—“‘ But there are rates to be paid every year upon it?” “The rates are not included. The rates on plantations in Scotland are very small.”—‘‘ You make no allowance for that, do you?” ‘There are no rates mentioned.” “You said you did not think that there would be enough demand for a School of Forestry in Scotland tu make it pay?” ‘I searcely think it.”—“‘ Do you think there would be enough demand to make it desirable for Government to pay for it?” “If there 138 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. were established a forest school, and if there were a large Government forest in connection with it, I believe it might be taken advantage of, and be of great service in training young men.”—‘“‘If there were established a school in connection with some of your large woods in Scotland (for instance, your woods), do you agree with Mr Thomson, who said that the difficulty would be that one pro- prietor might approve of such an arrangement, and that his successor might not?” ‘I do not know really that it would be taken advantage of as it ought to be.”—‘“ Do you not think, that if you had a forest school on a small scale attached to some of your large woods in Scotland, the proprietor would have this advantage, that it would guarantee that the woods would be thoroughly well worked, and that it would be a guarantee for the scientific management of that particular wood?” “TI believe it would be advantageous.”— “* Have you any plan to suggest, short of a Forestry School, as to any smaller school than a Forestry School, at which young forest men, getting from £70 to £80 a year, would receive a better train- ing for their work?” ‘I do not think that ordinary school teachers can teach much of the science of forestry.” —“‘ They have not been trained themselves, in fact?” ‘I do believe that if young men are very well educated, and properly trained, and serve a regular apprenticeship, they would come out very useful foresters for any- thing either at home or abroad.” “JT believe you have nothing farther to tell us about the com- mercial value of the Douglas fir?” ‘‘No, I cannot say, because it is a new kind of timber; it has never been brought into the market, but I have tried it in fencing and for gates and gate-posts, and it has been found to do very well. We had some fine trees blown down about eleven years ago, which I had cut up into fence posts, and they have been put into wire fences. They are still, that is eleven years, in the wire fence, wearing twice as long as Scots fir posts would do.”—“ You think it is a good quality of wood from what you know?” “TI think it is."—‘‘It is not subject to any disease like the larch?” “It is a tree that is exceptionally free from insects. I do not know a single insect that is peculiar to it.” “‘Do you find silver firs worth anything as timber?” “ Yes; about eleven years ago I could not get reliable information as to how they would last as railway sleepers, from engineers or foremen over the surface men of railways. I got four silver fir sleepers cut, and they were laid on the railway when they were laying sleepers, four miles out from Perth ; they were laying at the same time new REPORT OF THE SELECT COMMITTEE ON FORESTRY. 139 Baltic sleepers, and I got the engineer to lay them together to fairly test them. They were laid eleven years last April. They are still in use, and most of the Baltic sleepers were thrown out three or four years ago. I believe that the silver fir sleepers will wear for four or five years yet.”—“ Do you know whether the value of these foreign fir trees varies a great deal according to the locality and the soil in which they are growing?” ‘Do you mean foreign ?”—‘“ I mean your silver fir. That is not an English tree. The general experience of it is that it is inferior as timber, is it not?” ‘‘The quality depends a good deal on the soil and the climate. For instance, Scots fir that is grown in Scotland is a great deal richer, and more full of resin, than a Scots fir grown in England. If you split up a bit of old Scots fir it will blaze like a candle, it is so rich and full of resin. That is not the case if it is grown in England, as far as I have seen.” —“‘ What sort of soil were these firs grown in that you cut such good sleepers out of ?” ‘The subsoil is stiff till, with a good rich loam on the surface.”—‘‘ They were grown in good land?” ‘They were grown in good land. I believe these silver firs are likely to wear out larch sleepers ; larch sleepers stand on an average eight or nine years, and these silver firs have been in eleven years. There was nothing applied to them, no creosote, or anything of that kind.” “You say that the higher the altitude where the Scots fir grows the better the quality of the timber ; is it better in Scotland than in England?” ‘I did not say that the higher the altitude the better the timber ; but the quality of Scots fir is generally very good upon high altitudes.”—“‘ But Scots fir grown in Scotland is better than that grown in England?” “ Yes, it is.”—‘‘ Because it is a more northern climate and more suitable to it?” “ Yes, I be- lieve it is, and there is something in the soil in Scotland that produces a rich timber full of resin.”—‘‘ You have spoken of the Douglas fir tree. You have a high notion of its value, and you have also spoken of the silver fir. Have you any experience of any other of the foreign pines recently introduced ; for instance, the Corsican pine?” “ The quality of the timber of the Corsican pine is something the same as the Scots fir; it grows very rapidly, but it is very shy to start after being transplanted. When planted out into the forest a great many die. They are very bare of fibrous roots. It is a very difficult tree to establish, but when they are once established in the forest they grow very rapidly, and I believe it is going to be a very good timber tree.”—“ Have you any ex- 140 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. : perience of the Sequoia or Wellingtonia?” “Yes, but it will never be a good plantation tree nor very ornamental ; it tapers so much. It would not cut up advantageously.”—‘ I mean what they call in America Sequoia sempervirens, they find a very useful tree in America ; it is half-brother to the Wellingtonia. Do you grow it?” ‘*No.” From a proprietor’s point of view, Mr Roperr Dunpas of Arniston, Midlothian, gave some useful evidence bearing on a Forestry education in connection with the Scottish Universities, stating as follows :— “Will you give us your views as to a school of forestry ?” “ Well, as to that, there has been a great deal of talk about schools of forestry, but I think the want of them has been much exag- gerated; I do not think there is the real want that is stated. People go about, and they see woods that are neglected, and it is put down at once to want of scientific knowledge on the part of the foresters, but the fact is that the bulk of the woods we see neglected now-a-days is due to the unremunerative nature of wood growing, and because the owners cannot and will not throw away good money after bad in keeping them in order ; that is really the cause. Then with regard to one or two other points. I think there never was a time when in Scotland, at least (the only part I can speak about), the foresters were such a highly-educated intelligent set of men as they are just now; I think they are thoroughly up to their work. You may give them, of course, a little scientific training on the top of their practical knowledge; but I do not think there ever was a time when there was a more highly educated and better set of men than the Scottish foresters are just now. Then there is one objec- tion which strikes me at once to what are called the Schools of Forestry, and that is the large expense it would be to the country in establishing them and keeping them up when once they were established. I do not think that a young man would learn his work so well in what would be a school of forestry, as he would as an apprentice under a thoroughly good forester on a well-managed estate. I saw a good deal of that when I was young, because Mr Brown, my forester, of course became very well known all over both England and Scotland, and numbers of lads came to be trained under him and to learn their work. In fact the demand on him to supply foresters was so great that they were, many of them, not quite long enough there who were sent out; but he turned out a REPORT OF THE SELECT COMMITTEE ON FORESTRY. 141 great number of first-rate men, who to this day, many of them (and I think it is forty years ago), are up and down different parts of England and Scotland. In fact the only possible plan of training a set of good foresters is by apprenticeship on a large estate under a thoroughly good man. That would take a man on to say twenty- one or twenty-two years of age. Then if it was thought desirable he might go to any of the institutions. The Scottish Universities are the cheapest places for instruction you can have, aud in England there are now arising similar institutions here and there where scientific training is given at a very cheap rate. That might follow the young foresters’ five or six years’ learning of the work under a thoroughly good practical man, but I certainly should be sorry to see any attempt made at starting a school of forestry without first of all trying the plan of utilising the institutions which are in exist- ence, such as the Scottish Universities and the training institutions in different parts of England. I have had a little experience about that. I am patron of a few poor bursaries in the University of Edinburgh, and small as they are (they are only £20 a year) there is always a number of candidates. It shows that the system of establishing bursaries, if that were tried, need not be very ex- pensive to the nation ; there is always a great competition to get these little £20 bursaries. Occasionally I have applications from men who have been in trade, artisans who for some reason of their own wish to get a scientific training, or even occasionally they wish to go out as missionaries and to get training for Church work after- wards. But the main point is that I think £20 or £25 a year would be sufficient to enable a lad, after he had learnt his practical work thoroughly, to go to Aberdeen or Edinburgh and to get what additional scientific training might be thought desirable there. I think that the nation would get far more for their money in that way than they would by establishing a school of forestry. I think schools of forestry would be very expensive, and I do not know that they would turn out good results. Of course one must also keep in mind that the number of foresters for whom places are to be had is very limited ; it is only upon a large estate that remunera- tion can be given for a well-educated forester. I think there would scarcely be openings if schools of forestry were established upon a large scale for the lads that they would turn out. Then as to teaching boys at parish schools or public schools of forestry and agriculture, I have no idea that that would answer. I think a lad, if he intends to take to farming or forestry, must learn the practical 142 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. part first of all, and then get any scientific addition to it later in life when he is able to take it in better. I think as far as forestry schools go, what I have said explains my view.” “What are bursaries. Are they what we call exhibition scholar- ships?” “Yes; they are established by money being left for the purpose.” —“ Are they obtained by competitive entry?” “A great many are by competitive entry. These I speak of are in private patronage.” —“ You are aware that the Highland and Agricultural Society have taken up the subject of forestry?” “Yes. I have been taking a leading part for many years in it.”—‘ And a certain amount of value is attached to those who have gained their certific- ates?” ‘Yes. But if there is anything to be done in the way of forestry education, I think it would have to be by establishing bursaries or some mode of that kind.” Young men might, after working a certain time upon a large estate, if they obtained any of these bursaries, supplement their instructions?” ‘ Yes, quite so, by a session or two. I am not speaking at random on this ques- tion, because I have known several cases of farmer's’ sons who, before beginning regular work, have gone to the University of Edinburgh for one or two winters, simply to get scientific teaching on the top of what they had acquired with their fathers on the farm, and in one instance I knew the son.of a forester who did the same.”—‘ But then there must be somebody capable of giving the scientific instruction, a professor of forestry, attached to the univer- sity?” “Yes. There are many of the Chairs in the Edinburgh University which could be utilized for any such purpose.”—“ The instruction in forestry might be combined with agriculture?” ‘To begin with, there is a Chair of Agriculture and Rural Economy. Rural economy ought certainly to include forestry. The Professor is a young man newly appointed, and I should say he ought to be perfectly able to take in hand both forestry and agriculture. Then at the same time there is geology, botany, natural history, and chemistry. I think the great advantage to young men of getting a course or two is, that although they may not go very far into the science, it teaches them how to observe. The want of accurate observation is a great drawback to foresters and farmers. They have never been taught to use their eyes in matters of minute detail, especially as to the causes of diseases of wood and the diseases of plants. It is very difficult to get an accurate account of what the man really sees unless he has gone through a certain amount of training to fit him for accurate observation.” —*‘ Would REPORT OF THE SELECT COMMITTEE ON FORESTRY. 143 not that accurate observation be fostered by a school of forestry ?” “Of course it would, but when you have got an institution like the University at Edinburgh and the University at Aberdeen, where you have a staff already at your hand, it would be rather an ex- pensive way of going to work to start another one. My point is, that at all events before starting a school of forestry the teaching of forestry should be attempted in combination with the existing staff at Aberdeen or Edinburgh, both of which are within reach.”— “Would not the absence of woods from the neighbourhood of Edinburgh and Aberdeen be a drawback to that?” ‘‘No, Ido not think so, because I am contemplating that the young men who go there simply go there for a winter course, and that they have been five or six years at the practical part of their business and have learnt that already.”—“ Then with regard to the expense, you spoke of the very large expense of a school of forestry?” ‘ Yes.” — ‘* The evidence that we have had points to some £600 or £700 a year as being necessary for salaries. You would not regard that as very heavy?” “TI do not see how anything worth establishing could be done at that sort of price.” “Do you know whether the Agricultural and Rural Economy Lectures at Edinburgh University are well attended?” “That I do not know. Professor Wallace has been a very short time in the Chair, and the class had gone down very much before he was appointed.”—‘‘ His predecessor had not a large attendance?” ** Under his predecessor it had not answered well; I think there is no reason why the Professor of Agriculture in Edinburgh should not also teach forestry.”—‘‘ Do you know what class of men go there as students?” ‘ Well, the bulk of them are those who are intending to be land agents, and I suppose a certain number of the higher class of farmers’ sons.”—“ Your idea would be that lads who were to become foresters should have their practical training under an existing forester in some of the large estates?” ‘Yes. With regard to practical knowledge, they should be thoroughly up to their work before they leave the man under whom they are being trained.” —“ And then get scientific training?” “And then get scientific training for a winter, or perhaps two winters. I would do it in the Scottish fashion, which is taking a half-year at a time. As you know, there are many Scottish lads who cannot afford a whole year, and they work during the summer, and they go to the University and get their class lectures during the winter. That is the only practical way of giving scientific training to a forester.”— 144 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. » “You think they should attend the lectures of the agricultural professor and also lectures in chemistry?” “And botany and natural history.” —“ What rate of fees would they pay, say for a course of lectures on agriculture?” ‘That I am not able to say.” —‘“Three guineas a course?” ‘‘I do not know how much it is ; it is not much. It cannot be much from the very poor class who sometimes attend.” —“ Probably it would be about three guineas a course?” “ Probably.” —“ You think that would be preferable to starting schools of forestry?” “ Much preferable.” On the general question of Forest Schools, Sir JosepH DaLron Hooker, ex-Director of the Royal Gardens, Kew, gave some valu- able evidence as follows :— “ Have you formed any opinion which you would communicate to the Committee as to the present condition of woodlands in this country?” ‘TJ have observed that they are very much neglected, but then it must be remembered that it is very difficult to judge between what are planted as mere shelter and what are planted for woodland purposes. As a rule, those which are planted chiefly for shelter are entirely neglected, and are not looked upon as a source of profit ; whereas woodland and copse woods, if grown for profit, are in quite a different position.” ** Do you consider that the establishment of a school of forestry in some form or other would be advantageous to the owners of woodlands in this country?” “I think that an establishment teaching forestry would be exceedingly useful, but I am not pre- pared to say that I should advocate the establishment at once of a school of forestry proper in addition to that at Cooper’s Hill.”— “Would you favour the Committee with your views as to what would be the best mode of developing the teaching of forestry?” “T can hardly say that I have considered the matter, except with reference to India and the Colonies, which I have been consulted about ; but my impression is that the best plan would be to take advantage of the existing institutions as far as possible. At Cooper’s Hill there is an amount of first-class teaching of forestry for certain purposes, and it is a great pity that that first-class teaching should not be utilised as far as it goes more for general purposes. Nor do I see why the agricultural colleges should not be taken advantage of. It is a great pity that the teaching of agriculture and sylviculture should be entirely dissociated.” —“ You would rather introduce the study of forestry at the existing REPORT OF THE SELECT COMMITTEE ON FORESTRY. 145 institutions than found an independent school of forestry?” ‘“ Yes ; I would do this as a tentative process, and if it succeeded it would then be the time to consider the expediency of forming a school of forestry proper.” “Has your attention been directed to the evidence given by Colonel Pearson before this Committee last year?” ‘Only to those portions which you pointed out to me to-day.”—‘ You have not, perhaps, had time to form an opinion upon his evidence?” “‘T was already familiar with what you had pointed out to me as regards Colonel Pearson’s recommendations, because I was consulted about the formation of the teaching establishment at Cooper’s Hill.”—“ Will you tell us how far you concur with the evidence of Colonel Pearson?” ‘“ Generally, 1 may say I entirely concur. I think that Cooper’s Hill might be taken advantage of with very great benefit.” “« Are you acquainted with the system which is pursued at the Agricultural College at Cirencester?” “I am not.”—‘‘I gather from your previous answers that, without expressing a distinct opinion upon that subject, you would rather lean to the idea that instruction in forestry might be introduced with advantage at Cirencester also?” ‘Yes; I think that would be very useful in many ways. Many of the agricultural students would very probably have to act more or less as foresters, and it would be a great pity that they should have to go to another special forestry school to learn much of what they might have learned during their stay at an agricultural college like Cirencester.” “Would you endeavour, at first at all events, to localise the study of forestry so as to bring together all those who desire to take up the study of forestry?” “I think there are certain institutions to which forestry students would naturally like to go. For in- stance, such places as the Scottish universities, and Cirencester, and Downton, because of the other information which they might obtain there, and which information would bear upon forestry.” —“My question was rather, do you think that there would be so many students of forestry, at first at all events, that it would be desirable to introduce special instruction in forestry at several centres ; or do you think it would be better to begin by selecting some one institution for that purpose?” ‘I am not quite prepared to answer that question ; but my impression is that there would be difficulty in getting Scottish students to come all the way up to London, or to Cirencester, or to Cooper’s Hill ; but that is a VOL. XII., PART I. K 146 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. | question of expediency upon which I could hardly give an answer. As regards England, I think there would be no material difficulty in students proceeding to Cirencester.” Then I may take it that as regards England you think it would be better to try to select some one institution, not necessarily a new one, for the purpose of teaching forestry?” ‘I think so, But there is a reason why Scottish students might prefer the teaching in Scotland, and that is because the forests of Scotland are in so many respects different from those of England.” —‘ But as regards England you think it would be better to endeavour to keep all the students of forestry at some one institution, in the first instance at any rate?” “I think so.”— Would you recommend the Committee, on the whole, to adopt the suggestion which was thrown out by Colonel Pearson ?” “Yes, I think so, having regard to the provisions he makes for land agents, and bailiffs, and so forth.” ‘What you have said has reference to the training of managers and land agents?” ‘‘ Yes; but I would even throw all the teach- ing open to persons of a lower grade, because you often have ex- ceedingly able young men who are not land agents, but who would rise to be land agents if they had the facilities and encouragement which such a training would give.”—‘“ You imagine that they would try to get the diplomas?” ‘ Yes.”—‘‘ But they would not necessarily go in for the wider training which such a college would give?” “‘ Not necessarily ; but I think that very likely young men of ability would go in for the wider training after commencing the other, and that is the reason why I think that advantage should be taken of a place which has the best means of teaching, which I assume would be Cooper’s Hill for a long time to come.”—“ Rather than Downton and Cirencester?” ‘Yes. One reason why I should recommend some teaching of forestry at Downton and Cirencester is because I think agriculture and forestry should not be dissociated.”—‘‘ Do you think that there is sufficient opportunity of practical instruction in forestry at Cooper’s Hill?” ‘I do not think there is now, but I think there might be. Under any circumstances that is a necessity.” —“ Do you think that we ought to ask the Government to endow a professor, or to contribute to the establishment of a class of forestry at Cooper's Hill?” ‘There is one there already.” —‘ That is only for India, is it not?” “ Yes, primarily, but the instruction given for India would be very useful for land agents generally ; and, as was recommended in Colonel Pearson’s Report, and which I approve of, shorter courses might be given at the same REPORT OF THE SELECT COMMITTEE ON FORESTRY. aa place for such land agents and bailiffs as would not go through the whole course of study.” Do you think that anything could be done at Kew in connection with such classes?” ‘ I think that the elementary training in botany and also instruction on all such matters as diseases of timber and so on, could be arranged for there. Furthermore, I believe that there is forming at Kew a large collec- tion of instructive specimens illustrating injuries to timber produced by fungi, insects, etc. ; and a study of such is essential to a sound forestry education.” —‘“‘ Would it be possible to combine that train- ing with the Cooper’s Hill classes?” ‘So far as botany is con- cerned I believe that it is already arranged that the students at Cooper’s Hill will have some instruction in botany in the museums and gardens at Kew, and this would be supplemented by the good timber collection which has been got up at Kew.” ** Your view is, that the existing institutions should be profitably utilised for the study of forestry?” ‘That is the first step. If there was thereafter found to be a great demand for the study of forestry, it would then be a question whether a forestry school other than Cooper’s Hill should not be established.” —“ Is it not rather a cumbrous plan for a land agent first to have to go to the Agricultural College at Cirencester to get his agricultural training, and then to come up to London to get his forestry training in another place ?” “ Yes.” —‘* Would it not be more convenient to have the two things taught in the same institution?” ‘ Yes.”—‘‘Is much theoretical instruction necessary to a student in forestry?” “I think that a sound elementary acquaintance with five or six branches of science would be very useful, but not more than a young man could pick up at such a course of instruction as I should contemplate, and as is, I believe, to be obtained at the Agricultural Colleges.”—‘ What branches of science would you suggest he should be acquainted with?” ‘TI should say meteorology especially ; and the organs and tissues of plants, physiological botany, geology, and elementary chemistry.” —‘‘ You would recommend that only for a man of good emoluments who was going to take a good position?” ‘It would be necessary for him, but it would be useful for all. I should be inclined to have the instruction so arranged that all classes might have an opportunity of obtaining some acquaintance with the different branches of science concerned in forestry, so that if a gentleman wished to send a young lad of ability, however poor he might be, to study forestry, he might go through the elementary courses first, and then, if he proved competent, he might go up for 148 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. the higher and fuller curriculum.”—“ Would it be necessary to have a regular curriculum?” “ There is a regular curriculum for India and the Colonies, and I think such a one should answer for land agents.” —“ Would it not be enough to have merely an Examining Board?” An Examining Board is one thing, and a curriculum is quite another. The curriculum provides for a regular and con- tinuous course of study. As to the Examining Board, I am not prepared to say what would be the best composition for such a board.” “The difficulty connected with this matter in Scotland is that our foresters are quite small men, who are paid £1 or 30s. a week, and the great desideratum in their case is to get some kind of training which they can get through in some three or four months?” ** Yes, I am aware of that difficulty, and that is the reason why I have suggested that there should be elementary courses at Edin- burgh, Glasgow, Aberdeen, and St Andrews, or in perhaps two out of the four Scottish universities.” —“ What is the shortest course from which such a man could really get advantage?” ‘I should say three months. Of course, six months would be better.”— ‘“* Would a course of three months’ training be long enough to give aman sufficient theoretical instruction to enable him to usefully apply his knowledge in the management of woodland?” ‘Yes, and to enable him to go on afterwards with books. It would put him in training for future progress on his own part. It would give him scientific methods of study, and then he could go on by himself afterwards.” —‘ That might be quite a cheap course?” “ Yes, the great expense would be having to live in Edinburgh or in Glasgow, or wherever it might be; but that is what as poor students of other subjects are doing now in Scotland.”—“‘ And Scottish students, as a rule, are very frugal, are they not?” ‘ Certainly.” “ Are there any trees which are not usually grown in England now, but which could be grown at a profit in this country?” “I have thought over that matter a great deal, and I cannot say for certain that I know of any that could be. The growth of such trees is so different in this country from what it is in their native country. Taking, for example, the larch disease which has been spoken of here this morning: I remember the larch disease forty years ago as existing then, though not to the same extent. We are growing the larch now in a climate which is totally different from its native climate. It is an eastern tree; it begins in the Tyrol, and extends eastward into Eastern Siberia; it is not really a western REPORT OF THE SELECT COMMITTEE ON FORESTRY. 149 tree at all. We are now growing it here in a climate which is not the true climate of the larch.“ Do you think that we could grow the Corsican pine, the Pinus Laricio, at a profit in this country ?” “‘T do not see why we should not; it is a very good wood; but it grows much more rapidly here than it does in Corsica. It does not, however, follow that because the wood is good in Corsica it will be so in Britain. If you take a section of the Pinus Laricio grown here, and a section of it as grown in Corsica, and compare the two, you will find that there is a considerable difference in the wood.”-— ** Have you any experience of the Douglas pine grown in masses in this country?” ‘I have seen a great deal of the Douglas pine ; it has been in this country for about sixty years. I have taken sections of the Douglas pine grown in this country, and compared it with others grown in America, and the difference is so enormous that I cannot suppose that the wood of the Douglas pine of this country will ever be equal to that grown in Vancouver. If my memory serves me, I have found five annual rings in Vancouver- grown specimens to one of trees grown in this country. The same may be said with regard to the growth of the cedar of Lebanon; in its native country, where it only grows four or five months of the year, its timber is close-grained, hard, and durable; whereas the wood of English-grown trees is valueless.”—“ May I take it that in your opinion many trees grow too quickly in this country?” “¢ Yes, the northern ones and those from drier climates.” “ You spoke just now about the larch growing in this country in quite a different climate to that to which it is accustomed?” “Yes.” —“ Do you think that has anything to do with the develop- ment of larch disease, of which we have heard so much?” “TI think that is quite probable. That disease might have a much more rapid development in a moist climate like Great Britain than in Eastern Europe or Siberia.”—‘‘ That does not hold out a very encouraging prospect for the future of the iarch in this country ?” “Tt does not.”—“ Do you think that the disease has anything to do with the seed?” “No, it is outside it altogether.” “‘ Of course the education of foresters who are intended for the Indian service, or for the Colonies, would be carried much further than that for woodreeves or land agents?” “ Certainly.”—“ But there would be a great deal that is common to the two courses, would there not?” ‘“‘ Yes, all the elementary principles would be common to the two.”——“ Therefore, the Government having already established a course of instruction for the higher order, that esta- 150 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. blishment might be utilised for the instruction of men who did not intend to carry the matter so far?” ‘‘That is my. view.”— ** Among some of those who have come here to give evidence, par- ticularly those representing land agents, and the landed profession generally, there is an opinion that it would not be so absolutely necessary for woodreeves and bailiffs to go to a school of forestry if there was a school where the land agents could be instructed, be- cause the land agents would then be able to communicate the infor- mation they had received to the woodreeves and bailiffs under them ; would you agree with that opinion?” ‘I should doubt whether they could communicate it sufficiently scientifically. It wonld be a great advantage, no doubt, that they should have the knowledge, but still I think it is the training in scientific methods that the men get in a college or a school that would be specially important to them.”—‘“ Landowners in these days would hardly be likely to pay the expense of a man going away from the land for three months, or six months, or twelve months, as the case might be?” ‘No, it is a money question throughout, no doubt.”— “Whereas a land agent would willingly go for instruction to a school which would probably enable him to get a higher position?” “« Yes, and also for the certificate which he might thus obtain.”— ‘* Probably a man who has had a three months’ course would have a better chance of getting a place than one who has not had that advantage?” ‘* Yes, it would give an opportunity to a man who had not intended to go into the higher branches of proceeding onward to these. He might show ability at the lectures which he would be obliged to attend, and that might lead to his being en- couraged and helped to go on to the higher branches.”——“ You consider that although a land agent himself might give a certain amount of instruction to the woodreeves under him in scientific subjects, which would be better than nothing, that would not be nearly so good as the instruction which the men would get from three or six months’ residence at a college?” “ It would not com- pare with it.” Upon the general question also, Dr JoHN CroumBiE Brown, LL.D., Haddington, gave farther evidence, as follows :— “‘'You have had considerable experience in schools of forestry on the Continent?” “ Yes; I have visited most of the schools of forestry, and have had correspondence with* the managers of all those which I have not visited personally.” —“ Which of the foreign REPORT OF THE SELECT COMMITTEE ON FORESTRY. 151 " forestry schools with which you are acquainted would you consider the best model for one in Great Britain ?”—‘‘The question was put to me last year, and on the spur of the moment I answered ‘Spain ;’ and continued consideration of the subject satisfies me that Spain is decidedly the best model for a school.”—“ Is the school in Spain an independent school of forestry?” ‘It is an independent school of forestry, supported by the State, at the Escurial.”—‘‘ Not connected with agriculture?” ‘* Not connected with agriculture.” “ What does the staff consist of ?” “In round numbers I should say a principal, ten professors, and ten assistants.”—‘‘Of what class of men are the students principally?” ‘‘They are equal to those who go to the university. They have gone through a pre- liminary training in the schools, which would have fitted them for a university course if they had chosen to go there.”—‘‘ And do they go out afterwards as forest managers?” ‘They can at once have an appointment by the Government, or they may be employed by private proprietors. They prefer the Government appointments.” —‘ Have you any idea of what the expense of the course of instruc- tion there is?” ‘There is this difficulty in taking the cost of instruction at the schools on the Continent, that in many cases the school-house which may be a palace is given free. In almost all cases the teachers hold Government appointments as foresters, and have a gratuity in addition to their regular pay; in Spain the addition runs from 60 to 100 guineas over and above their pay. It is only the superior officers of the forest engineers who get the higher appointments. It is not in that respect, however, that I re- commend Spain as a model; it is more the perfect freedom and liberal course of study that is followed there that I recommend it ”? for. ‘«« Are there forests in the immediate neighbourhood of the school in Spain?” ‘There are in the Guadarrama; but they do not attach great importance to having forests in the immediate neigh- bourhood of the school. In common with all the advanced foresters on the Continent, they say that is a matter of very little importance. They take the students to the forests that they may see what is being done, and that there the professors may explain what has been said in the lectures, illustrating this by what the students see going on in the woods.”——“ Have they any nursery?” “They have a small nursery, but the different students are not required to engage in nursery ,operations ; the nursery is very limited.”— ‘‘Have they a museum?” ‘They have a museum.”—‘“ Where 152 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. they have collections of various specimens?” ‘Yes, collections of everything connected with forestry, forest products, and the produce of forest industry, the implements that are employed in forest management, and mechanical, hydrostatic, hydraulic, and other illustrations of physical science.” “‘ Besides the students of the class you describe, are there any of a subordinate class corresponding to our woodreeves?” ‘“ Not there. They attempted an inferior school elsewhere, but it was found not to be successful. It was found better to entrust the training of workmen employed to the highly educated and trained students who had left the school.”—“In your opinion, after well considering the subject, do you think that the very best principle to adopt in the event of any school being established, is to endeavour to instruct, as far as possible, scientifically the land agents who have charge of the woods, and leave it to them to instruct, so far as they can, their subordinates, namely, the woodreeves, bailiffs, and working men under their charge?” “I am not prepared to say that. What I admire in Spain is, that instead of just going on in the rut they have adapted the training to the requirements of the country, and we too should adapt our training to the requirements of Britain and our Colonies.” “ Your views, as already given in evidence, were rather in favour of having a school in each country?” ‘I should be in favour of one national school.”—‘‘ You said that in Scotland it would be better to have one at Edinburgh.” ‘‘ Yes.”—‘‘ When you speak of having one national school, do you mean for the whole of Great Britain?” “T believe that in Edinburgh we have facilities for the establishment of a school of forestry that would meet the require- ments of the whole of the Empire, India, the Colonies, and home.” ** You would propose to make Edinburgh the nucleus for the whole of Great Britain, would you?” “I have no objection to the national school being situated elsewhere, but I know of no situation in which so many advantages could be combined as in Edinburgh. In Edinburgh, with the existing arrangements, we can at a com- paratively small expense establish a school of forestry equal to the most celebrated schools on the continent of Europe.” “Ts it the fact that there is a very great difference between the circumstances of forest management and forest growth in Scotland and England?” “ Yes.”——“ Would it not therefore be desirable to have a school in England as well as one in Scotland?” ‘TI believe that no disadvantage would result from having a national school in REPORT OF THE SELECT COMMITTEE ON FORESTRY. 153 England, a national school in Jreland, and a national school in Scotland ; but my belief is that it would be the better course in every way, not only pecuniarily, but in other ways, to concentrate the whole of our energy upon the establishment of one central school, wherever the situation may be.” —‘‘ Where would it be desirable to establish the school in Ireland, if one were established there?” “Tn Dublin.” —“Do you know anything of the Agricultural College at Glasnevin?” “T know little or nothing of it. I know more of the College or School of Science similar to the School of Mines in London. It appears to me that whatever advantages may be derived from the students going to Glasnevin, it would be better that they should go from Dublin to Glasnevin than that they should start at Glasnevin and come into the School of Science, or whatever the designation of it may be, in Dublin.” “You are rather in favour of adapting the existing institutions, than of founding quite a new school of forestry?” ‘To some ex- tent Iam. I believe that the best plan would be to have a school of forestry in Edinburgh under the Department of Education, so that that would be to a certain extent a new institution, and yet it is at the same time combining it with an established institution.” —‘ Jn addition to that would you have another school in Dublin and one in London?” ‘TI think that it would be preferable to concentrate the whole of our energies upon the development of a school in Edinburgh.”—‘‘ Your view is, that the principles of forestry are the same everywhere, and that the variations adapted to the different conditions in different districts would be better treated practically afterwards?” ‘Yes, they could be acquired on the spot. In short I would treat the study of forestry as the study of medicine is treated. The students of medicine are made thoroughly acquainted with the theory of disease, the phenomena of disease, the remedial applications, and remedial treatment, and then they are sent out to apply the information they have obtained to whatever patients come under their notice.”—“ It would not be safe, would it, to send out a doctor to practice who has only been trained theoretically ; he has to go to the hospitals first?” “ Yes, he goes to the hospital to see what is done there, which is met by the student in forestry going either alone or with a professor to forests in the immediate neighbourhood or at a greater distance from the school ; it is not required to have the students personally treat the patients in the hospital. They hear why this or that is done, and what the effect of the treatment has 154 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. been, and what the condition of the patient was a fortnight or three weeks before.”—‘‘ Of course the only reason why a student is not allowed to do the work in an hospital, is that it is not safe for patients to be treated by an unskilled person, but he would learn his profession quicker and better if he did the work him- self ; would it not be better that a young forester should have the opportunity of doing these things himself instead of merely look- ing on?” “It might be, but the knowledge might be too dearly purchased. The opinion of all the advanced students of forestry on the Continent is that it is better when studying to study, and when practising to practise, than to attempt to combine study and practice, and so divert the attention of the student.”—“ Would not the practice be much more likely to sink into the student’s mind if it is taken at the same time as the theoretical instruc- tion?” “He might lose much of the scientific instruction. I prefer the word ‘scientific’ to ‘ theoretical,’ because we maintain that it is a positive science and not mere speculation. It is desir- able that the student’s whole time should be devoted to his obtain ing this knowledge.” The result of the deliberations of the Committee appeared in a Report, dated 4th August 1887, in which they summarise their labours, and arrive at the following conclusion :— The Committee recommend the establishment of a Forest Board, They are also satisfied by the evidence that the establish- ment of Forest Schools, or at any rate of a course of instruction and examination in forestry, would be desirable, and they think that the consideration of the best mode of carrying this into effect might be one of the functions entrusted to such a Forest Board. As regards the Board of Forestry, the Committee submit the following suggestions :— 1. That the Board should be presided over by a responsible official (an expert by preference) appointed by the Government, and reporting annually to some depart- ment of the Government. 2. That the Board should be so constituted as to comprise the principal agencies interested in the promotion of a sounder knowledge of forestry, especially the various teaching and examining bodies, as well as the pro- fessional societies. REPORT OF THE SELECT COMMITTEE ON FORESTRY. 155 3. That the following Bodies should be invited to send delegates to the Board :— The Royal Agricultural Society of England ; The Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland ; The Royal Dublin Society ; The Office of Woods and Forests ; The Linnean Society ; The Surveyors’ Institution ; The English Arboricultural Society ; The Royal Scottish Arboricultural Society ; and, that the Director of Kew Gardens should be a member ex officio. That the Board should also comprise three Members of each House of Parliament, and a certain number of owners or managers of large woodlands, a preference in the latter case being given to those who are in a position to afford facilities for study in their woods. 4, That the functions of the Board should be— (a.) To organise Forest Schools, or, at any rate, a course of instruction in forestry. (6.) To make provision for examinations. (c.) To prepare an official syllabus and text-book. 5. That the examiners should be required to examine in the following subjects, namely :— (a.) Practical forestry. (6.) Botany. (c.) Vegetable Physiology and Entomology, especially in connection with diseases and insects affect- ing the growth of trees. (d.) Geology, with special reference to soils. (e.) Subjects connected with land agency, such as land drainage, surveying, timber measuring, ete. The expense of secretarial staff and examiners need not, in the opinion of the Committee, exceed £500 a year, and the cost might be considerably reduced by fees for diplomas. 156 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. VI. The Plantations on the Estate of Wentworth, Yorkshire. By GerorGe Dopps, Forester, Wentworth, Rotherham, Yorkshire. In this Report I propose giving some details of the nature, extent, and management of the woodlands upon the estate of the Right Hon. the Ear] Fitzwilliam, K.G., at Wentworth, York- shire. The estate is situate in the southern part of the West Riding, and extends to close upon 60,000 acres ; the woods and plantations occupying about 5640 acres of that area. The estate lies at a comparatively low altitude in the midst of the South Yorkshire coal and iron districts. The soil as a general rule is not of first-rate quality, and the subsoil is of a cold clayey nature, yet, in some instances, trees have grown in it to a great age and an immense size. The difficulty now to contend with in growing trees in this district is the amount of smoke in the atmosphere, and any one not accustomed to iron and coal mining districts can scarcely con- ceive the damage done to vegetation by the smoke and fumes from the mines, and also from the coke ovens which are in constant operation in the locality. In making new plantations or in renovating the old woods upon the estate, much care has to be taken to use the species of trees upon which the smoke seems to have least effect. These are principally trees having a smoothish bark, such as ash, beech, birch, Spanish chestnut, horse chestnut, lime, wych elm, and sycamore. A considerable quantity of larch has been planted of late years, but after reaching a height of ten to twelve feet the trees are gradu- ally dying off, chiefly on account of the unsuitability of the soil for the growth of larch, but also in some measure from the surround- ing atmosphere being impregnated with noxious vapours, which are injurious to plant life. I notice the only trees of the pine tribe that seem to thrive here are the Scots fir, Pinus sylvestris, the Austrian pine, P. Austriaca, and the Corsican pine, P. Laricio. Many of the newer conifers, especially Cedrus Deodara and Wellingtonia gigantea, have been planted in the Home woods and Park, but after lingering for a few years they have mostly all died out, and those that are alive present a very sickly appearance. I purpose to give in detail the system of management of the woods on this estate which has been followed for a number PLANTATIONS ON THE ESTATE OF WENTWORTH, YORKSHIRE. 157 of years, and [ think a report upon the woodlands will be better understood from the following tabulated list, giving the names of the various woods and plantations, their extent, crop, age as far as known, soil and situation. Names of Woods. ae Crop. = a pica = Soil and Situation. iy Sl eo 1000 | Mixed. 3 to 300 years, | Clay. Sheltered. Rainbro’ Park, . 200 | Oak. Gio bona: 99. ae. Hood Hill, . | 220 | Mixed. 80, sete, es Low Woods, . 180 | Oak and ash. 160 ,, |Clay. Sheltered. Tankersley Woods,| 600 | Mixed. 1Osta: (Ole; Wee Le posed. : : Yellow Clay. Swinton Woods, 300 | Oak. COM a. Stieltaren. Light Loam. Eccleshall, - 450 | Oak. Unknown. Sheleeen F td Yellow Clay. Tinsley Park, . 380 | Oak. 3 EP Moder. 'Shelt. Edlington, A 510 | Oak. - a; Loam. Sheltered. Bradfield, . | 1800 | Firandlarch.| 40 to 70 years. | Sandy. Exposed. 5640 By this table it is seen that there are about 5640 acres under a crop of wood, among which oak predominates, the ages of the trees ranging from a few years to at least three centuries. 1. Tot Home Park. Beginning with the Home Park, which extends to about 2000 acres, we estimate the area under wood, including some planta- tions that lie contiguous to the Park, at 1000 acres, of various ages. The altitude, at the highest point, is about 300 feet above sea-level ; the surface of the ground is of an undulating character, so that the district is moderately sheltered. The soil is mostly inclined to clay, with a cold clay subsoil, resting upon freestone. Some of the trees in the Park have attained to large dimensions, chiefly oak, and it is currently reported here that some of the older and larger specimens are the remnants of the ancient natural forest, which I have no doubt once stretched across from Sher- wood Forest in Nottinghamshire to this part of the country. I regret to say that many of the largest of the old trees are dead, and more dying every year, some of them containing from 400 to 500 cubic feet of timber. In fact, we felled some last 158 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. season which contained 430 feet of timber when measured, It is a pity to see so many hoary-headed monarchs of the forest standing dead or dying side by side. They well exemplify Dryden’s beautiful lines :— ** The Monarch Oak, the Patriarch of trees, Shoots rising up, and spreads by low degrees ; Three centuries he grows, and three he stays Supreme in State, and in three more decays.” The earliest planting here of any note was done by the first Marquis of Rockingham, who lived about 180 years ago. It is rather a curious fact that even the trees that appear to be about 100 years’ growth, have not the least appearance of attaining to anything like the size and dimensions of the older trees, as they are now showing symptoms of premature decay, by the stunted and sickly appearance of the foliage that they put on every season. This I attribute in a large degree to the. prevalence of smoke and noxious fumes, which have arisen in this locality within the last hundred years or so, There are some very fine rows of lime-tree and elm in the Park, planted in the same form as the Duke of Marlborough drew up his troops at the battle of Blenheim. The lime-trees are all intact, and are admired by every one, but a great many of the elms have been blown down from time to time, and not having been replaced, the gaps spoil the general effect. These trees are now about 170 years old. There are a great many clumps scattered up and down the Park and the adjoining fields, planted with different varieties of trees, but as stated before, they are not likely to attain to any- thing like valuable dimensions. Consequently I maintain that the Austrian, Corsican, and Scots firs are the most useful and most likely trees to succeed in a district such as this. For underwood and game cover we find Rhododendron ponticum the most useful, although we plant several other sorts, such as black- thorn, privet, and hazel, but none take so freely to the soil as the Rhododendron. 2. RAINBRO’ PARK. This wood may be said to be one of the Home plantations, as it lies immediately outside of the Park, and extends to 200 acres, varying in age from 6 to 150 years, It slopes to the north, and has a more exposed aspect than some of the neighbouring woods. PLANTATIONS ON THE ESTATE OF WENTWORTH, YORKSHIRE, 159 It has an altitude of about 250 feet above sea-level. The soil and subsoil are a strong yellow clay. The original crop has been oak, but as it was showing symp- toms of decay, the greater portion of the old trees were cut down a few years ago, leaving only a few of the healthiest and best for the sake of appearance in the landscape. The ground has all been replanted with such kinds as elm, birch, mountain ash, Austrian and Corsican pines. As a general rule the young trees have done well, and promise to make a valuable crop, but in some instances they are overshadowed by the old trees that were left standing. A great many of the old trees are dying off and should be removed, which process will now require extra care, to avoid much damage to the healthy growing young trees. oe elooD) Hani: This wood consists of beech, Spanish chestnut, elm, Scots fir, and a few larch. It is about 80 years old, extends to about 220 acres, and is situated at an altitude of about 350 feet above the level of the sea. The soil is of a light sandy loam, resting upon open disintegrated freestone. The trees are generally healthy, with the exception of the larch. Some very promising specimens of beech and Spanish chestnut are growing here. The situation is sheltered. A number of very fine drives were formed through this wood about thirty years ago, 4. Low Woops. This plantation extends to 180 acres, and is about 150 years old. It is in a sheltered situation. The crop is chiefly oak and ash. The soil is a clayey loam. This wood has suffered severely from being in the neighbourhood of iron-works, which, however, are now done away with. I have advised to clear the greater portion of the present crop away and replant the ground with the most suitable kinds of trees. 5 'TANKERSLEY Woops. This district comprises a parish and township lying at a high elevation, and is consequently much exposed. The highest part is about 600 feet above sea-level, and lies very exposed to the west wind. The woodlands extend to about 600 acres, and the trees vary in age from 10 to 70 years. A large portion of the 160 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. crop is oak, but the younger woods are mixed oak, elm, sycamore, ash, and other trees. The younger woods have been planted in narrow belts, and mostly on land which has been occupied by old pit workings, consequently the soil is of various kinds, but clay is the prevailing one. This is also a smoke infested district, one of the largest iron-works in Yorkshire being upon the land, and also an extensive colliery. We are kept continually felling dead trees, and I am of opinion that, if the smoke continues, very few live trees will be found in the course of a few years. 6. Swinton Woops. The woodlands in this district extend to about 300 acres. The trees grown are chiefly oak. The situation is rather sheltered, lying close upon the banks of the river Don, and the altitude is about 150 feet above sea-level. The soil is yellow clay. The woods in the district have all the appearance of having been well attended to, and thinning has been judiciously practised. The great majority of the trees are well grown and healthy, and exhibit all the signs of attaining to valuable dimensions. 7. EccLESHALL Woop. This is a large wood extending to somewhere about 450 acres, and lies to the south-east of the town of Sheffield. Portions of it have already been taken up for building sites, and in a few years hence, I have no doubt it will be extensively used for that pur- pose, lying as it does within easy reach of such an important and progressive town. The soil is light loam, in some places inclined to sand, and rests upon the Millstone-Grit formation. The altitude is about 300 feet above sea-level, and rises with a gentle slope to the west, forming the boundary line between Derbyshire and York- shire. It is moderately sheltered, and I believe is also an out- lying part of the ancient Nottinghamshire Forests. The crop is oak, and must be of great age, as all the trees have the appear- ance of being grown from old stools. The oak is not healthy, and shows symptoms of dying off in the course of a few years. Some planting has been done in a few of the openest parts, and consists of larch, Scots fir, sycamore, Spanish chestnut, ash, elm, mountain ash, birch, and beech, and all promise to grow well. The ages of the recent plantings PLANTATIONS ON THE ESTATE OF WENTWORTH, YORKSHIRE. 161 are from 12 to 4 years. The great difficulty to contend against is the brackens and other rank herbage that grow upon this land, which entail a great amount of labour and expense in keeping the young plants clear. It has been found advantageous to cut the brackens in their early growth, as the constant bleeding weakens them very much. 8. TinsLEY Park Woop. This wood lies intermediate between the towns of Rotherham and Sheffield, and receives the full effect of the smoke, sulphur, and other fumes, no matter from which direction the wind may blow. The district is flat, and about 150 feet above sea-level. The soil is clay. The extent is 380 acres, age unknown, but to all appearance the wood is natural. The crop is oak, with a few birch that have grown up naturally. The greater portion of this wood ifs, consequently, a matter of some consideration for the owner, as to whether to keep it up as a wood or not? It is com- pletely surrounded by public works, which entail great difficul- ties in the matter of planting. If replanting is undertaken here, I have recommended to plant sycamore, ash, birch, beech, and wych elm, as the trees most likely to grow to anything approach- ing timber size in such a locality. 9. Epitincton Woop. This wood extends to 510 acres, at an altitude of about 150 feet above sea-level, and the situation is well sheltered. The soil is clayey loam, resting upon a limestone subsoil. This is one of the most valuable woods upon the estate, and is no doubt a part of the remains of the Nottinghamshire Forests, as it is situate close to the borders of the counties of York and Nottingham. Some yews in the centre of the wood are of immense size and great age. They are still growing, and very healthy, and may have at one time supplied Robin Hood and his merry men with bows and arrows. The crop is principally natural oak, having a few ash, beech, and larch mixed through it which were planted about 60 years ago. The trees are generally healthy, but in some instances the older oaks show symptoms of decay, chiefly in the top branches, which may be attributed to the repeated cutting over, VOL. XII., PART I. L 162 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. and springing up again from the old stools. The old oaks con- tain on an average from 40 to 70 cubic feet. This wood has been worked upon the coppice principle. There are several miles of fine drives through it in various directions. 10. BRADFIELD PLANTATION. An extensive tract of moorland extending to about 1800 acres. This district lies at an altitude of about 900 feet above sea-level, and part of it is exposed to the blast from all directions, The soil is chiefly of a sandy nature, but in an extensive area like this the soil varies greatly. A ravine traverses a great portion of the wood, and upon the slopes, on both of its sides, the trees have done well. The first planting was begun here in 1817 with 45 acres, and the whole extent was finished in 1830, The crop is principally larch and Scots fir, with a few spruce. The earliest planted parts are fast coming to maturity, hundreds of trees dying off every year. Weare now contemplating clearing it off in sections, and replanting. An experiment was tried here in a part where the soil is deepest and best. About 40 acres were sown with oak acorns ; these have grown, but never attained to any size or value. The largest trees after 60 years’ growth may contain from three to four cubic feet, whilst many of the larch grown beside them contain 25 feet of wood. ‘This has been a very profitable invest- ment for the owner, as the land is chiefly moor, and of very little value for any other purpose. The larch grown here has the reputation of being very tough and durable. It has been mostly sold at one shilling per foot, at a distance of nine miles from a railway station or the nearest market. The whole of this wood is enclosed with a substantial stone wall. MANAGEMENT. I cannot say that the woods upon this estate have been managed upon the most scientific principles, still they will com- pare favourably with most other extensive woodlands in the district. The woods No. 7, 8, and 9, mentioned in this report, have been treated as coppice woods, or, as they are termed in the district, “spring woods.” The routine of management of these woods is PLANTATIONS ON THE ESTATE OF WENTWORTH, YORKSHIRE. 163 to have a fall every year, so that all the ground may be gone over in twenty-one years. The timber is sold standing, by public auction, in early spring. The trees are all previously marked, measured, and valued by the woodman. The purchaser pays all the expenses for felling, peeling, cutting, and clearing the underwood, etc. In a book for the purpose, the reserved trees, and trees for sale, are all noted. No tree is measured that does not contain ten cubic feet of timber. Under that size they are classed as_ poles. The system of measuring is as follows. The men are supplied with six rods, each six feet long, with ferrules to slip the rods into as they are passed up the tree. One man uses the rods, another the tape for the girth, and a third enters the number of tree, the length, and the girth into the book. It is surpris- ing how near, by this simple method, they can go to the contents of each tree. | It is the custom to peel the trees standing, which is certainly an advantage in getting the bark earlier cured, as no time is lost in felling. Iam of opinion that it is also better for the timber, as the longer it stands after being barked, it is always becoming more seasoned. Many would perhaps object to the purchaser cutting down the wood, but in this case it is no objection, as the woodmen are the proprietor’s servants ; the purchaser agreeing to pay for the work- ing of the wood at prices stated in the Rules of Sale. The usual contract prices for working the wood are as follows :— for felling, per ton of 40 feet, 3s.; barking, per ton, 30s.; cutting and ranking of cordwood, 4s. per cord; stakes per score, 5d.; and so on, the woodmen providing their own tools. In the Home plantations and Park much the same system of piece-work is carried out, especially in felling, barking, and similar operations, the same price being paid as in the ‘spring woods,” but in all cases the wood is felled before it is sold, which is mostly done by private bargain. The younger plantations have been partially thinned, but no system of pruning has been adopted. The consequence is, that most of them are found full of straggling lob-sided trees, which might have been straight and well-grown if proper attention had been paid in due time to the pruning of them. Planting was formerly done by contract ; letting it to some of the working men, at so much per 1000 for making the pits and 164 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. © putting in the plants. This is a system which I do not approve, and consequently it has been put a stop to, There are two nurseries, of about three acres each, upon different parts of the estate, for keeping up a supply of young trees, and plants for underwood. Seedlings are generally bought.and kept a year or two, as the case may be, and in this way the young plants become to a certain extent acclimatised before being planted out permanently. Plants grown in these nurseries lift with abundance of roots, and when planted out they soon lay hold of the ground, and begin to grow with vigour at an early period. In this and other ways, they are an important advantage upon an estate. THE PLANTATIONS ON THE PENRHYN ESTATE, NORTH WALES. 165 VII. The Plantations on the Penrhyn Estate, North Wales. By Aneus D. Wesster, Forester, Penrhyn Castle, North Wales. The estate, containing the plantations which form the subject of this report, occupies the almost entire northern part of the County of Carnarvon. Lying for the greater part of its length along the shores of the Irish Sea, and being well backed up by a range of mountains which are among the loftiest in Britain, the climate, as might be expected, is on the whole mild and humid, and well suited for the cultivation of timber trees. The soil is, generally speaking, a sandy loam, of fair quality, but stiff though fertile clays, as well as peat and alluvial deposit, occur in considerable quantities in various places over the estate. Although the low ground from the seashore to the base of the mountains is rich, well sheltered, and the climate extremely mild, thus fitting it for the growth of most of the trees and shrubs that can be grown out of doors in Britain, still amongst the hills the weather is usually wild and stormy, the winds from the south- west telling severely on most trees growing at high altitudes. Useful timber is, however, grown to fully 1000 feet above sea- level; and with care and judgment in planting suitable trees, especially around the margins of the woods, good timber might be produced at even a greater altitude. t As we purpose describing the geological formation in conjunc- tion with each plantation or plantations, as the case may be, it is here unnecessary to offer further remark, than that along the coast there is a narrow strip of carboniferous limestone and within this the Old Red Sandstone; while inwards to the foot of the mountains the flat ground is occupied by argillaceous schists. The rocks which form the mountain range are composed of schistose hornblende, granite, and porphyry. For convenience sake, and as many of the plantations are of small acreage and lying in close proximity to each other, we have found it better, so as to be as concise as possible, to include several in one, the natural conditions of soil, altitude, and aspect warranting such a course of procedure. No. 1 is a mixed plantation, 98 acres in extent, situated on the northern flank of an abruptly rising hill, and at elevations ranging from 750 feet to 1020 feet above sea-level. The soil throughout is a free, sandy, rich loam; save in one corner where it is wholly 166 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. composed of peat, and resting at no great depth on slate rock. In several places throughout the plantation the rock crops above the ground, in some instances to a height of 20 feet, so that timber growth on such places is stunted when compared with that of the wood generally. The main crop consists of larch and Scots fir, with a free sprinkling of Abies Douglas in the lower-lying half of the wood, and a few beech and spruce at the highest elevation. Generally speaking, the trees have done well, for although only twenty-two years planted, the average height, up to 900 feet altitude, is fully 27 feet. Abies Douglasii grows very rapidly ; but on overtopping the surrounding trees the leader usually gets broken over, so that at present, although thicker in the stems, they are no taller than the general crop. The plantation has been thinned twice, but the trees are thick on the ground, and the stems of the larch in particular are remarkably clean, straight, and with a gradual taper, rendering them of great value for fencing pur- poses. At present the average distance between the trees is about 6 feet. Towards the top the crop becomes gradually lighter, but had a belt of the Austrian and Corsican pines taken the place of the larch now existing, the trees would have been, we have no doubt, of little less stature than those at lower levels. The natural vegetation of the woodland consists of Hmpetrum nigrum, Erica vulgaris, Vaccinium Myrtillus, Oxycoccus palustris, the latter on damp ground, Pteris aquilina, Polypodiuwm vulgare, Allosorus crispus, Athyrium LFilia-famina, Lastrea Filia-mas, Lycopodium Selago, and various species of grasses, these generally occurring in the more open parts of the wood and amongst the rocks which crop out here and there over its surface. No. 2 was planted ten years ago, contains 31 acres, and is at altitudes varying from 500 feet to 750 feet. The soil is of ex- cellent quality, being a rich sandy loam, although about 5 acres at the extreme top consist of peat, the whole resting on the débris of slate rock. As an experiment the wood was planted with the Corsican pine and Cornish elm at 16 feet apart, the intervening spaces being filled up with larch, Scots fir, and various kinds of hardwoods. Around the margin on the exposed side a number of the Austrian pine were planted, while spruce and alder were largely used in the damp, peaty ground at the top of the wood. The Corsican pine has, perhaps, done best of any, and will form the standing crop with a few specimens of the Cornish elm for variety and distant effect. THE PLANTATIONS ON THE PENRHYN ESTATE, NORTH WALES. 167 At the highest altitude, and where fully exposed to the strong south-western blasts, the Corsican pine stands boldly out, even where the Scots fir is bending from the blast. The average height of the trees is about 6 feet, although many of the Corsican pine are from 8 feet to 10 feet, well branched, and with plenty of healthy foliage. A low narrow ridge of soil was thrown up alongside the fence that surrounds this wood, and seeds of gorse were sown rather thickly on the top of it. This is now a capital fence as well as shelter, the latter more particularly on the exposed side. No. 3 is a plantation of 73 acres, at an altitude of 250 feet to 450 feet, planted thirty-three years ago, and contains a mixture of larch, Scots fir, Douglas fir, oak, elm, and ash. The soil is loam of fair quality, and the trees vary in height from 30 feet at the higher level to fully 50 feet at the lower level. Abies Douglasii has here done remarkably well, the soil and partially sheltered situation being all that could be desired for the successful cultivation of the tree. Thinning and pruning has been well attended to, and the trees are in consequence equally distributed over the ground and in a healthy thriving condition. In addition to the above trees there are a few specimens growing here of Araucaria imbricata, Cedrus Deodara, and Pinus Cembra, but they are not of large size. No. 4 is an old oak wood, 35 acres in extent, and growing on a free sandy loam with an alluvial deposit, on the banks of the Ogwen River. The oak trees, which are fully a century old, and contain on an average 60 cubic feet of wood each, stand thin on the ground, the intervening spaces being occupied by Pinus strobus and Abies Douglasti, these having been planted twenty-three years ago. At irregular distances alongside a road that runs through the wood, are some fine examples of Araucaria imbricata, Cedrus Libant and C. Deodara, Pinus Cembra, Thuia gigantea, and Cryptomeria japonica. Where they have had plenty of room they have done well, and look the picture of health, the free alluvial soil being particularly suitable for their growth. The ground being well sheltered and with an easy slope down to the river’s edge, and the soil of excellent quality, Abies Douglasii has done remarkably well, many of the trees being 70 feet in height, and containing fully 50 cubic feet of wood. Pinus strobus is also quite at home, the free soil resting on shale rock seeming to suit this valuable 168 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. © tree. Some of it measure about 50 feet in height, and with straight, clean stems girthing 5 feet at a yard from the ground. Last autumn, the branches of the oaks were pruned hard back, so as to give ample room for the Abies Douglas, which, with Pinus strobus, is intended to form the succeeding crop. Blackthorn, bramble, rough grasses, bracken, lady fern, and Blechnum boreale carpet the ground. No. 5 is 110 acres in extent, and of thirty-five years’ growth. It is situated on a gently north-sloping hill, at elevations varying from 200 feet to 400 feet, and about a mile distant from the sea- shore. Over the whole wood the soil may be said to be a fertile sandy loam, except in one or two places where it is stiffish and inclined to clay. With the exception of about 5 acres of scrubby oak, the crop is larch and Scots fir, with a few Pinus Laricio and P. Austriaca. Having been attended to in the way of thinning and pruning, the trees have thriven well, the average height of the larches being 45 feet, and containing nearly 10 cubic feet of timber each. The Scots fir is of about the same size, while Pinus Laricio is towering 10 feet above any of the others, and with stems propor- tionately thick. Thinning is at present required, but as prices for timber are unusually low, and the individual trees not actually suffering from overcrowding, this operation has been deferred for atime ‘The oaks, which form what was the original wood, are small and of but little value, and are being gradually removed and their places filled by other and more valuable trees. In addition to the trees already mentioned there are a few specimens of ash, beech, elm, and sycamore which are thriving in a fairly satisfactory manner. Gorse and broom grow in several of the open rocky parts, while of other natural underwood the blackthorn, bramble, raspberry, elder, and bilberry, form a large proportion. No. 6 is 25 acres in extent, and may best be described as a worthless plantation to the forester, but an invaluable one for the sportsman. It is situated on a rocky hill side, with a north aspect, and within half-a-mile of the sea. The soil, which is thin over the wood generally, is rock débris with a small admixture of loam and peat. Dwarf and stunted oaks form the main crop, while hazels, also of diminutive growth, and a few blackthorns, are interspersed in open places, especially around the margin. Save a small sum realised on one or two occasions from the sale of rods for mending the near-lying fishing weirs, no revenue is THE PLANTATIONS ON THE PENRHYN ESTATE, NORTH WALES. 169 obtained from this wood, except, perhaps, the sum realised from the great quantities of game which are fostered beneath its shade. On an average the trees are about 12 feet in height, but remarkably spreading and bushy, and therefore well suited for acting as a game preserve. No. 7 contains about 53 acres, and in contradistinction to the last, is a profitable wood, although situated at from 600 feet to fully 1000 feet above sea-level, and exposed at times to terrific storms. It clothes the southern slope of a hill, near the entrance to the Pass of Nant Francon, and was planted thirty-five years ago. Except in one place where peat is present, the soil is a kindly loam, not too stiff, resting on slate rock, which crops above the ground in several places. The crop is principally larch, but a few Scots and spruce firs are likewise present, as are also oak, sycamore, and alder. As thinning has been carefully attended to, the trees, especially the larches, are well grown, clean, and destitute of branches for half their height. They average 30 feet in héight, and, being straight and clean, sell readily either for fencing purposes or telegraph poles. On the outskirts of the wood the trees are not so tall as stated, more particularly those on the southern and south-western sides. Plenty of natural underwood occurs through- out the plantation, especially along the rocky margins of a fast- tumbling mountain stream that traverses its entire length. The bilberry, cranberry, crowberry, heath, and St John’s wort occur in plenty, while, as might be expected in a mountain woodland, other smaller growing plants are tolerably abundant. No. 8.—Three woods are here included, for as they lie adjacent to each other, are of nearly similar soils, and were planted at the same time, they may well be treated as one. The total extent is 35 acres, the soil a stiff but fertile loam, the aspect north, and the underlying rock a valuable slate. One of these plantations, however, differs considerably from the others in the soil being damp and retentive, and the crop hardwoods instead of conifers. In it alder and birch form the main crop, with a few sycamores and ashes on the drier grounds. They are fully 20 feet in height, and having been allowed plenty of room, are well furnished with branches down to within a yard of the ground. Larch forms the main crop of the other two, and is well grown, clean, and valuable. These woods were planted thirty- two years ago, and from their rapid growth at so high an alti- 170 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. tude—750 feet—they show that vast tracts of similar ground in the same valley might profitably be put under timber. No. 9 contains 62 acres, varies in altitude from sea-level up to 350 feet, and is composed in part of loam, decayed vegetable matter, and stiff clay, the underlying rock being principally argillaceous schist, and in a portion the Old Red Sandstone. This wood is forty years planted. Larch and Scots fir are the chief trees, with ash, elm, oak, beech, birch, and alder in smaller numbers. Throughout the wood the trees have done well, the hardwoods in particular, and are now fully 50 feet in height ; and, from having been allowed plenty of room, are stout and bushy, and with stems girthing 4 feet to 5 feet at a yard from the ground. The situation is, on the whole, well sheltered from the south and west, from which points our most dreaded winds blow. In certain parts the trees have been thinned out excessively, in order to admit light and air for the production of brambles and other game-covert plants. Indeed in some places the trees might, so far as the production of timber is concerned, stand twice as thick as they are at present, and with this desirable result, that the wood produced would be straight and clean, and consequently of much greater value in the market. No. 10 extends to about 18 acres, and the soil is of fair quality, being of a stiff loamy texture, resting on a retentive gravel subsoil, well drained. Abies Douglasii, A. Smithiana, A. canadensis, Pinus strobus, the Norway maple, and oak, together with a few speci- mens of birch, beech, and the winged elm (U/mus alata), constitute the main crop of this plantation, which is situated on a sheltered and level tract of ground, about a mile inland from the seashore. Although planted only twenty-nine years ago, Abies Douglasvi has attained to large dimensions, many of the specimens being almost 70 feet in height, and well branched to near the ground; this latter, the result of careful and timely thinning. Several of the stems of the larger trees girth fully 7 feet ata yard from the ground, and some even exceed that measurement. Abies Smithiana has also thriven in a remarkable manner, and formed fine bushy specimens, with beautiful dark-green pendulous branches. The timber is of a firm texture, with a decidedly pretty grain. Growing, as these trees are, principally along the margin of the plantation, and being visible from the adjoining road and railway, they have a very pleasing appearance, their drooping spray and shapely out- line imparting a character peculiarly their own. Pinus strobus, although of large size, has not done so well as might have been THE PLANTATIONS ON THE PENRHYN ESTATE, NORTH WALES. 171 expected, several of those that were cut down when thinning the plantation seven years ago being “pumped” or rotten at the heart, the soil evidently being unsuitable for their growth. The finest trees of this pine that we know of are growing amongst broken slaty rock, with a small admixture of decayed vegetable matter, and where the soil is naturally well drained. Of Abies canadensis there are some healthy and vigorous growing specimens, the mild situation and dampish ground being well suited for producing good examples of this distinct and highly ornamental conifer. The hardwoods have, likewise, thriven in a very satisfactory manner, and having at all times been allowed plenty of room for perfect development, the spread of branches in some instances almost equals the height of the trees. In consequence, the Norway maples show off to perfection their large, five-lobed leaves, and contribute in a very marked degree to the ornamental appearance of the wood. Underwood, principally privet, laurel, and barberry, has been planted for game-covert in open portions, which, with the natural vegetation—bramble, bracken, stinking hellebore (Helleborus fetidus), broom, gorse, and rough growing grasses—help to impart warmth and verdure that would be otherwise wanting. The covert-plants are formed into irregular-shaped patches of one species, this being decidedly better both for the plants themselves, and for their management in the way of pruning, layering, etc., than had they been indiscriminately planted. No. 11 is 18 acres in extent, composed principally of larch ; but these have not done well, owing to the light gravelly nature of the soil. When thinned six years ago, nearly one-half of the trees were rotten at the core; this extending from the base to about half-way up each stem, and consequently the trees are of little value except for the shelter they afford. The plantation is situated on the crest of a gently sloping, sandy hill, at an altitude of hardly 200 feet, and with a north-western aspect. Pinus Laricio thrives exceedingly well here, the sandy soil suiting its wants admirably, at least if rapid growth and healthy appearance are anything to judge by. Seeing how well this tree grows here, we have removed a number of the larch and planted it instead, along with the Austrian pine and several kinds of hardwood trees, so that ultimately a crop of these will take the place of the dying larch. The plantation was formed thirty-two years ago. The original crop is now fully 35 feet in height, and the stems girth on an average 2 feet at a yard from the ground. 172 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. The disease does not show itself until the trees are about 16 feet in height, but after that its progress is rapid, the rot penetrating in a very few years to half the height of the tree. Cutting down the plantation would, of course, be the most practicable way to set matters right; but as it is visible from the mansion-house windows and the grounds, and helps to hide some unsightly build- ings, its removal would mar the landscape to such an extent that it has been allowed to remain as it is. No. 12 is 45 acres in extent, and the greater part of it is oak coppice, with some spruces and silver firs along the side of the public road for shelter and ornament. There are likewise a few specimen conifers, including Pinus Pinaster and P. strobus, Abies canadensis and A. Douglasit. As the ground is poor and rocky, and exposed to the south- west, from which point the worst winds blow, the oaks are not of great size, nor will they ever be of much value, and although planted over thirty years, they have not attained to a greater height than about 16 feet. Five years ago the plantation was thinned, the best oaks being carefully pruned and left as standards. As a game-preserve this wood is of much value; the trees, being deciduous and standing wide apart, allow of the free growth of natural underwood. No. 13 is 31 acres, facing the north, 200 feet above sea-level, and consists of oak and spruce, planted twenty-seven years ago. The soil is of two kinds—a free rich loam where the oaks are planted, and a damp, boggy loam carrying the spruce. The oak and spruce have both done well. The plantation has been well attended to, the oaks having been thinned and pruned with care and discrimination ; while the spruce portion, by timely draining and the filling up of gaps caused by uprooted trees during storms, is all that could be desired. A few larch were planted with the oaks as nurses, but these have nearly all been removed in the course of thinning. The average height of the oaks is 22 feet, that of the spruce nearly 30 feet. No. 14 extends to 33 acres, is at 400 feet altitude, and has a north-western aspect. The soil is a free peaty loam, resting at no great depth on broken slate-rock. This is a mixed wood, con- sisting chiefly of oak and larch, with a small admixture of elm, beech, birch, alder, Scots fir, lime, and sycamore. About 4 acres at one end of the plantation are planted entirely with alder, the ground being boggy and unfitted for bearing a better crop. The soil, though rocky, is fertile, and produces excellent timber, especially THE PLANTATIONS ON THE PENRHYN ESTATE, NORTH WALES. 173 larch, oak, and birch. Thinning has been regularly attended to, and in consequence the trees are clean and valuable, many of the larches, although only thirty-four years planted, containing about 10 cubic feet of timber. No. 15 contains 29 acres, is situated on rocky ground at 500 feet altitude, the soil being a light, sandy loam. This plantation is composed entirely of oak, but owing to the elevated site, the open exposure to the south and west, and the poverty of the soil, the trees are not of great size, although planted nearly half-a- century ago. They stand thin on the ground, about 18 feet apart, and are short of stem, with flat, bushy heads. Although the timber is of small size, it is hard and of excellent quality, and sells readily in the immediate neighbourhood for boat building. No. 16, about 16 acres in extent, is composed principally of Scots fir and larch of nearly one hundred years’ growth, and is situated in a sheltered valley at 700 feet altitude. The soil throughout is of excellent quality, being decayed vegetable matter and loam resting on slate-rock. Many of the Scots firs are 75 feet in height, with stems girthing 8 feet at a yard from the ground, and contain about 100 cubic feet of excellent timber. The larches are fewer in number and of less size; but a few specimens are nearly as tall, and contain as much wood as the Scots firs. The trees standing thin on the ground, rhododendrons and laurels have been planted for effect in irregular-shaped clumps throughout the wood. In one corner are a few sycamores and beeches of large size, the former in particular containing some clean and very valuable timber. No. 17, containing 12 acres, is a young oak plantation of twenty-seven years’ growth, and situated on ground gently sloping to the north, at 250 feet altitude. The soil is a stiff loam, border- ing on clay, the underlying rock being the Aber fault. A stream runs through the entire length of the plantation, and into which the drainage of the ground has been carried ; but owing to the stiff, retentive nature of the soil, water lodges for a considerable length of time on the surface. The oaks have done fairly well, considering the unkindly soil, and that they are fully exposed to winds blowing both from the south and west. They are now about 20 feet in height, well branched, and standing at 10 feet apart. A few spruces have, likewise, been planted in the dampest corner of the wood, and these have grown and thriven in a very satisfactory manner, being now fully 30 feet in height. 174 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. » No. 18 is almost wholly composed of sycamore scattered thinly over an extent of fully 100 acres. The trees have, in the majority of cases, attained to full maturity, many being about 80 feet in height, and containing 120 feet of wood. In nearly all the trees the timber is of excellent quality, the stems being large, straight, and unusually clean. The ground on which these fine trees are growing is a deep yellow loam, the aspect northern, and the altitude 350 feet. Many of the largest trees have been felled, but generally speaking there is yet a fair crop of averaged size and clean speci- mens. They have been planted about 150 years. No. 19 consists of a series of small plantations that lie contigu- ous to each other, were all planted about the same time, and contain the same class of trees—larch, Scots fir, and a few hardwoods, principally oak and ash. These plantations are on the top and sides of an abruptly rising hill, which runs inland from the sea for several miles. Throughout the whole the soil is of almost uniform quality, being a rich, though shallow, red loam, resting on greenstone and felspathic rock, which in many instances crops above the ground, and renders timber growing quite out of the question. Wherever a little soil is present the trees have, however, done well, and are now, on an average, 30 feet in height, although planted only thirty-one years ago. It should be stated that there are many trees of less size than the dimensions given, but in all cases this may be attributed to the scanty amount of soil occasioned by the rocks cropping up to within a few inches of the surface. Thinning has been well attended to, indeed in many of the individual woods this operation has been carried to excess, so as to allow of the free growth of brambles and other natural under- cover. The bare rocky peaks of the hill being visible from the mansion and the surrounding grounds, were formerly an eyesore, but the well laid-out plantations have given it quite a picturesque appearance in the landscape. No. 20 is 12 acres in extent, at an altitude of 250 feet, and was planted eighteen years ago. The crop is larch, Scots fir, and birch, this latter tree being well suited for the dampish loamy soil of which the ground is mainly composed. There are many gaps in the plantation, owing to patches of the larch having died out through excessive damp, but these have been filled up from time to time by more suitable trees, particularly birch and alder. The Scots fir and birches first planted look well, and are from 15 THE PLANTATIONS ON THE PENRHYN ESTATE, NORTH WALES. 175 feet to 20 feet in height, bushy, and with stems which are thick in proportion to their length. Those trees which were planted to fill up the gaps are growing rapidly, and will, from the shelter they receive, soon be as tall as the original wood. No. 21 is about 25 acres in extent, situated on a hill side, and at 100 feet above sea-level. Sycamore, beech, elm, larch, and Scots fir compose the crop, which was planted forty-seven years ago. The soil throughout the wood is of excellent quality, being a free loamy peat, well drained, and resting on greenstone rock principally. Most of the trees have done well, the sycamore in particular. They are nearly 60 feet in height, and with stems averaging 6 feet in circumference at 3 feet from the ground. The trees have plenty of room owing to repeated thinnings, and at present stand about 18 feet apart. No. 22 is 30 acres in extent, and the soil stiffish loam, resting on rough gravel. It was planted twenty-four years ago, The crop consists of larch, Scots fir, birch, elm, ash, oak, and a few syca- mores. The trees are about 40 feet in height, and having been grown thickly are straight and free from branches for nearly one- half their height. For fencing purposes and pit props the produce of this wood sells well, the poles being long, clean, and with a nice gradual taper. No. 23 is situated at 700 feet altitude, contains 75 acres, and is on tolerably flat ground near the mountain base. The crop consists of larch and Scots fir, with a small number of hardwoods around the border. The soil in most parts is a stiff loam, border- ing on clay, but is well suited for timber growing, the crop thriving well and averaging about 40 feet in height. It was planted about half-a-century ago. Most of the hardwoods have died or been cut, leaving the larch and Scots fir. From being grown thickly the timber is clean and free from knots, and finds a ready market in the neighbourhood for crane poles used in the various quarries. The soil being naturally damp and retentive was drained in a very efficient manner when the plantation was formed, and has required nothing further in that way since, except a scouring out of the ditches when thinning takes place. No. 24 is almost similar to the last in every respect, only it is situated at 500 feet instead of 700 feet altitude. The crop is larch, Scots and spruce firs, oak, elm, ash, beech, birch, and sycamore, as well as a few alders, which latter line the banks of a rapid stream which divides the wood into two nearly equal parts. As regards size and age the trees are similar to those described in 176 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. No. 23. They have, however, received a greater number of thinnings, and are consequently better furnished with branches, though the timber is not so clean and straight as if they had been allowed to stand thicker on the ground. Natural vegetation is, likewise, abundant, and consists of the bilberry, crowberry, gorse, heath, ferns, and grasses common to such situations. No. 25.—This consists of a number of small and recently- formed plantations and screen belts containing in all about 40 acres. The soil is of two distinct kinds—sandy loam and peaty loam ; the situations sheltered, and the distance inland from two to three miles. The Corsican pine has been largely planted in all these woods, but there is also a fair quantity of larch, Scots and spruce firs, as well as various kinds of hardwoods. All these plantations have been formed within the past ten years, but the greater number seven years ago. They are thriving well, but have as yet received no thinning, although one of the patches, which is composed principally of the Corsican pine, will require attention in this way during the present year. No. 26 is a seaside plantation of nearly 20 acres in extent, and was formed eighteen years ago. Next to the shore the soil, as might be expected, is barren and sandy, but inwards it improves wonderfully, being of a loamy nature, intermixed with veins of clay and sand. The trees first planted were the Corsican and Austrian pines, sycamore, elm, white beam (Pyrus aria), and willow ; while of shrubs the sea buckthorn, blackthorn, spindle- tree, tamarisk, barberry, and laurel occupied the more prominent places. Owing to the unfavourable surroundings many of the trees, particularly the hardwoods, have died out, and their places, next to the shore at least, have been filled by planting strong bushy plants of Pinus Pinaster and also more of the Corsican pine, this latter doing best of any down even to high water mark. Gorse and broom seeds germinated freely, and a great portion of the sea barrier is now thickly covered by the former. Amongst the shrubs that have done best, particular mention may be made of the tamarisk, sea buckthorn, and Darwin’s barberry, all these being invaluable plants for using along the sea coast. No. 27 is 15 acres in extent; soil, an unkindly clayey loam, resting on rough gravel ; situation, exposed to the south and west. The ground was originally planted with Scots fir, larch, birch, and alder, but owing to the unkindly nature of the soil and exposure to the strong south-western gales, many of them have died out, and the ground has been replanted with Corsican, Austrian, THE PLANTATIONS ON THE PENRHYN ESTATE, NORTH WALES. 177 Scots and spruce firs, along with a few birch, oak, and alder. The drainage not being satisfactory, renewed efforts to drain the ground are now beginning to have effect, and the greater portion of it is now in a passable condition, and fairly suited for the successful cultivation of a crop of timber. In one corner of the wood where the soil was a nice kindly loam and not too damp, the first planted trees have thriven in a satisfactory manner, the average height being about 15 feet, bushy in proportion, and the Scots fir with fine glaucous green foliage. Pinus Laricio has also done well, and is of equal height with the Scots firs. No. 28 was planted so as to afford shelter to a mountain village at nearly 1000 feet altitude. It is a long narrow strip, running parallel to the main road of the village, and consists of larch, Scots and spruce firs, as also a very considerable number of birch, sycamore, elm, and oak. Being fully exposed to the south-west, and the soil a poor, thin gravel, with a thin surface coating of peat, the trees have not grown fast, and although nearly thirty years planted, have not attained to a greater height than 18 feet. Thinning of the wood has taken place only twice, but the trees are by no means drawn up or weak, and are generally bushy and well-formed, especially the Scots fir. When thinned eight years ago many of the wind-shorn larches were removed, so that when viewed from a distance the plantation has the appearance of being composed wholly of pines. No. 29 consists principally of ornamental plantations within the park, and extends to fully 300 acres. The soil in most parts is a free kindly loam, which is remarkably well suited for the growth of trees, the newer conifers in particular; and is at vary- ing altitudes from sea-level up to about 100 feet. The trees are, generally, of large size and well grown, and have been planted within the last sixty years, although many of the older trees, particularly the fine oaks around the mansion, must be fully two hundred years of age. The newer conifers have all been planted during the past forty-five years, and many of these, especially the Douglas firs, Corsican pines, Araucarias, and Cedars, have attained to large dimensions. The Douglas fir, which is more abundant than any of the other conifers, and numbers several hundreds, has been planted in a great variety of soils; but that in which it succeeds best is a well-drained alluvial deposit resting on gravel, and where partial shelter is afforded. Many of these are from 60 feet to 70 feet in height, and with stems girthing at 3 feet up from 10 feet to 16 feet. The timber VOL. XII., PART I. M 178 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. is of excellent quality, and has been used with satisfaction for general estate purposes. Pinus Laricio is also in great numbers, and thrives well on almost pure gravel, with a slight surface coat- ing of decayed vegetable matter. The average size is from 50 feet to 70 feet, and the stems girthing from 5 feet to 9 feet at 3 feet up. Pinus strobus, P. Cembra, P. halepensis, P. insignis, P. Austriaca, P. Pinaster, and P. pyrenaica, all do remarkably well, and have formed, in many instances, fine bushy specimens of 50 feet in height. P. Austriaca in particular has been planted in quantity for the sake of the valuable shelter it affords, and hun- dreds of the trees measure from 4 feet to 7 feet in girth of stem. Abies Nordmanniana, A. grandis, A. nobilis, A. Webbiana, A. Pinsapo, A. magnifica, and A. Pindrow are all well represented in healthy free-growing specimens. A. grandis on well-drained loam is 60 feet in height, A. nobilis and A. Nordmanniana fully 70 feet high ; while of the others, well-grown trees of 30 feet and upwards are not uncommon. Of the Cedars, Cedrus Libani and C. Deodara have attained to large sizes, many of the former being from 12 feet to 14 feet in girth; while of the latter, specimens of 60 feet in height may be seen. Amongst the spruces that have done well and grown to be of large size, particular note may be made of Abies Menziesii, 68 feet in height; A. orientalis, fully 50 feet; A. Smithiana, 63 feet; A. canadensis, 30 feet; A. nigra, 50 feet. The former in particular is a lovely tree that thrives well in a dampish soil, and where partial shelter is secured. On gravelly soil it is apt to become rusty in appearance, and frequently dies out altogether. Wellingtonia gigantea and Sequoia sempervirens do well in several of the plantations, there being in one belt about a score of the former, each upwards of 60 feet in height. A good dampish loam suits this tree, but it must have plenty of room for the development of its long branches. Throughout most of the park woods Thuja gigantea has been planted, principally in the more open situations and around the margins for effect, it being one of the most valuable conifers we know of for planting indiscriminately. Even during the most severe storms, we have never known this tree to be uprooted, or to lose its leading shoot. It is very impartial as regards the quality of soil in which it is planted, for here it may be seen doing well in pure peat, gravelly loam, stiff loam, and decayed vegetable matter. The average height of this Tiwa, planted twenty-three years ago, is 40 feet. Cryptomeria japonica has, fikanichs received a great amount of THE PLANTATIONS ON THE PENRHYN ESTATE, NORTH WALES. 179 attention, being a fairly good sea-side tree, where partial shelter from direct cold cutting winds is afforded. In dampish but well- drained alluvial soil, it grows rapidly, and several specimens of fully 70 feet in height are to be seen. Scattered throughout most of these park woods are numerous large trees of Araucaria imbricata, ranging from 20 feet in height to upwards of 50 feet. This is a tree, more, perhaps, than any other, that dislikes codling, although, at the same time, it is by no means suitable for planting in wind-swept districts. To grow it in a satisfactory manner it must have plenty of room for perfect development of both root and branch. Amongst the Cypress tribe those that do best are Cupressus Lam- bertiana, a valuable tree whether for effect, shelter, planting in maritime situations, or for the finely-grained and lasting timber it produces; C. Lawsoniana, another elegant and easily-accom- modated species; C. Wutkensis, and C. sempervirens. Juniperus chinensis, J. recurva, and J. communis thrive well on various kinds of soil, and being highly ornamental are well worthy of attention in parks and plantations. In peaty loam incumbent on blue slate, J. recurva thrives well, several specimens being fully 16 feet in height, and with a spread of branches covering a diameter of 14 feet. Larix, or rather Pseudo-Larix Kempferi, Fitzroya patagonica, Salisburia adianti- folia, Taxodium distichum, Retinospora, various species, Cunning- hamia lanceolata, Taxus adpressa, T. baccata, and its yellow berried form, Cephalotaxus Fortunei, C. pedunculata fastigiata, and Cryptomeria elegans, all find suitable positions either on the lawn, in the parks, or woods, and grow in a satisfactory manner, Many of the above-named conifers are planted in the natural soil, but in dealing with rare and valuable species, a quantity of thoroughly decomposed vegetable matter has been added to the soil in which they are planted. In all cases pits of large size were opened for the reception of the trees, and the soil well broken up and allowed to remain exposed to the atmosphere for as long as possible previous to the insertion of the plants. Neither are hardwood trees neglected in these ornamental wood- lands, for the copper beech, cut-leaved alder, finest varieties of thorn, scarlet horse chestnut, weeping birch, service tree, snake- barked maple, golden and silver elders, liquidamber, and many others, are planted in quantity, and are now of a good size. Amongst the more ornamental flowered shrubs, Weigelia rosea, Fuchsia Riccartoni, Hydrangea hortensis, Chimonanthus frag- rans, Berberis Darwinii, B. Wallachii, Catalpa syringefolia, 180 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. . Cornus sanguinea, Daphne Mezereon, D. lawreola, Deutzia crenata, D. scabra, Luonymus europeus, Forsythia viridissima, Viburnum opulus, Syringa, of sorts, Spirea Douglasii, Rhamnus JSrangula, Philadelphus coronarius, and Leycesteria formosa find prominent places alongside the walks and drives, or in large irregular masses within the woods and along their margins. The old oak trees around the mansion, and over the park generally, are in a good state of preservation, and of goodly proportions. Most of them contain from 60 feet to 100 cubic feet of timber, but one patch growing on shallow peat contains fully 100 trees of 130 cubic feet each. Along with these latter are a few larch trees of fully 90 feet in height, and girthing on an average 11 feet at a yard from the ground. Ulmus Cornubiensis, a form of the English elm, has been planted largely, and many of the trees now stand 75 feet in height, and girth 8 feet at breast high. The sycamore, birch, beech, Spanish chestnut, and ash likewise do well, and from having been allowed plenty of room, and carefully looked to as regards pruning, are of large size and shapely in form. Most of the park woods are what may be styled ornamental game preserves. Throughout the majority of them large clumps of rhododendron, laurel, privet, aucuba, laurestinus, and many other shrubs suitable for covert purposes have been planted. In addition to the plantations described, there are several acres of newly formed woods, principally shelter belts, and experimental woods of Abies Douglasii, Thuja gigantea, and Pinus Laricio; but as the trees are of small size and only planted within the last few years, we do not consider they require any special remarks at the present time. INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, EDINBURGH, 1886. 181 INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, EDINBURGH, 1886. THE Scottish ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY'S EXHIBITS. Award :—Diploma of Honour. The Council of the Scottish Arboricultural Society resolved to contribute a selection of the valuable and interesting articles which it had acquired from time to time, especially at the close of the Forestry Exhibition, 1884, to the International Exhibition of Industry, Science, and Art, held at Edinburgh in 1886. Applica- tion was made for the necessary space, which the Executive Council of the International Exhibition freely granted in the interests of Forest Science. An eligible site, in a very convenient position in Court 13, was set apart for the purpose. There the Society made an attractive and highly interesting display of the many rare, curious, and valuable specimens, of which it had become possessed during a series of years, and from a great variety of sources at home and abroad, chiefly with a view of forming a Forestry Museum. The space was laid out in the form of a small Court, No. 394; and the various articles were effectively arranged on Stands, or displayed on the walls of the Court, where they were seen and examined with much interest by the numerous visitors to the Exhibition. The Secretary of the Society, Mr John M‘Laren, jun., or his Assistant, was daily in attendance, and furnished to the Members visiting the Exhibition, and to all other inquirers, the fullest par- ticulars regarding the articles exhibited, as well as giving informa- tion upon all topics connected with the aims and objects of the Society. The great interest taken in the exhibits by the general public, and the numerous questions they asked about the nature, properties, and uses of the different articles, clearly showed that the subject of Forestry in all its bearings has got a firm hold on the mind of the public, and that the Society’s efforts are being appreciated by a rapidly widening circle of intelligent observers. So highly was the work of the Society esteemed by the Jurors, that after fully examining the remarkably interesting and useful display of specimens of Forest products, and articles of scientific and practical interest in Forestry, they considered it worthy of the highest award made at the Exhibition—a ‘“ Diploma of Honour.” 182 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. ~~ The following list gives a few details of the leading features in the display made by the Society : A numerous assortment of the Tools used by Foresters in Britain, with Models of Implements and other appliances for the working of Forests and the conversion of timber. An interesting collection of the Tools used in Forestry in the several Presidencies of India and British Burmah. A complete set of the Tools used in the culture and manufac- ture of Willows in Bavaria, from J. H. Krahé. Set of Peat-Cutting Tools, of a rather primitive pattern, from County Tipperary, Ireland. Set of Tree-Planting Tools, of excellent design and workmanship, from Denmark. Set of Tools used in the Forests of Sweden and Norway. Improved Dendrometer, on Tripod, from D. F. Mackenzie, Morton Hall. A New Calliper Tree Measurer, from Denmark. An instructive Collection of the commercial products of the Forests of Ceylon; including medicinal and economic barks, seeds, gums, oils, fibres, and woods; cinchona bark in various stages of manufacture, and many other articles of interest, from John Alexander, Kirklees Estate, Ceylon. A Collection of Specimens of the Woods of the Canadian Forests, from W. Little, Quebec. A very interesting Collection of Woods from Natal, from D. M. Smythe, yr. of Methven, Perth. A neatly arranged Collection of 117 varieties of Woods grown in Scotland, from D. F. Mackenzie, Morton Hall. Several large Specimens of beautiful oak panelling from the old oaks growing in the existing remnant of the ancient Cale- donian Forest in Dalkeith Park, from Robert Baxter, Dalkeith. A fine Collection of 60 specimens of Woods, from the State of Perak, Straits Settlements. Samples of Barks for tanning purposes; and a fine Specimen illustrating the remarkably quick growth of Hucalyptus globulus, from Algeria. A large and fine Collection of Specimens of Timber and Bark, chiefly oak, grown in the Royal Forests of England. Section of an old Yew Tree, 3 feet 10 inches in diameter, grown at Roseneath, Argyleshire, from the Duke of Argyle. INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, EDINBURGH, 1886. 183 Section of an oak, 4 feet in diameter and 6 inches thick, from a tree still standing and growing on the Estate of Sands, Perthshire, from Laurence Johnstone of Sands. A fine Collection of Woods grown on the Scone Estates, Perth- shire, including wood of Douglas fir used for several pur- poses, and a Railway Sleeper of Silver fir which had been in use over seven years and is still quite sound and service- able, from William M‘Corquodale, Scone, Perth. A very interesting Collection of 115 kinds of Wood, all grown on the Hopetoun Estates in West Lothian, from John M‘Laren, Hopetoun. An interesting Collection of Specimens of the Wood of the Eucalypti, from Australia. A splendid Collection of the Woods used for Ordnance, and for other purposes by the War Department, from H.M. Secretary of State for War. This valuable and interesting Collection afforded a capital illustration of the great variety of Woods and other articles of Forest Produce which are used, and the purposes to which they are applied, in the science and art of war. Among others it included beautiful Specimens of the following Woods, each having the descrip- tion here given attached to it. 1. Oak (Quebec), used for barrels, kegs, rounds of ladders, fittings of ammunition boxes, and operating tables. 2. Oak (Riga), used for operating tables and internal fittings of ammuni- tion boxes. 3. Lime-Tree (Great Britain), used for cutting boards for collar makers, 4, Beech (Great Britain), used for bars and arches for saddles, and for fittings of ammunition boxes. . Oak (Odessa), used for barrels, kegs, rounds of ladders, fittings of ammunition boxes, and operating tables. 6. Oak (Dantzig), used for barrels, kegs, rounds of ladders, and operating tables. . Lancewood (West Indies), used for tripods for range finders. 8. Hornbeam (Great Britain), used for teeth of wheels, for heavy machinery. 9. Mahogany (Tobasco), used for levers, fittings of ammunition boxes, cradles for pack saddles, tackle blocks, and patterns. 10. Saul (Burmah), used for windlasses, gun carriages, bollards, rollers, quoins, and mortar beds. 11. Walnut (American), used for felloes of wheels for tropical service, pack saddles, and for barrack furniture. 12. Cedar (Cuba), used for panels of office waggons, linings of fuse boxes, model and pattern work. Ot “I 184 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. 13. 14, Mahogany (Honduras), used for levers, fittings for ammunition boxes, cradles for pack saddles, tackle blocks, and patterns. Elm (Great Britain), used for gun carriages, windlasses, railway trucks, naves of wheels, and tackle blocks. . Oak (African, Sierra Leone), used for windlasses, gun carriages, bollards, rollers, quoins, and mortar beds. . Cedar (Mexico), used for panels of office waggons, linings of fuse boxes, models, and pattern work. . Oak (Memel), used for barrels, kegs, and rounds of ladders. . Hickory (North America), used for waggons, forage and maltese carts, levers, sponge and rammer staffs, and ribs of pontoon boats. . Poplar (Great Britain), used for cutting boards for collar makers. . Ash (Great Britain), used for felloes of wheels, sponge and rammer staffs, handspikes, barrows, and hoops for casks. . Oak (Riga), used for barrels, kegs, and rounds of ladders. 2. Oak (Great Britain), used for frames of waggons, carts, and barrows, spokes of wheels, and gun carriages. 23. Elm, Wych (Great Britain), used for barge and boat work. . Sycamore (Great Britain), used for cutting boards. . Pine, Yellow (Quebec), used for pattern work, pontoon boats, sides of waggons, and medical boxes. . Pine, Kauri (New Zealand), used for pontoon equipment, tressel bridging, and saddle beams. . Pine, Oregon (Oregon), used for superstructure for bridging purposes. . Deal, Yellow (Petersburg), tised for coal trucks, stretchers, and ammunition boxes. 9. Deal, Yellow (Gefle), used for signal rocket sticks, tool chests, poles, buckets, and ammunition boxes. . Boxwood (West Indies), used for mallets and measuring rods. . Abele (Great Britain), used for provision boxes and cutting boards. . Bireh (Canada), used for barrack furniture. . Teak, Moulmein (Burmah), used for gun carriages and platforms. . Ebony, Black (Ceylon), used for turnery work. . Padouk (Burmah), used for bollards, windlasses, gun carriages, rollers, quoins, and mortar beds. . Walnut (Italy), used for felloes of wheels for tropical climates, and pack saddles for mountain service. . Greenheart (South America), used for gun carriages, mortar beds, windlasses, quoins, bollards, and rollers. . Lignuin Vitee (West Indies), used for sheaves of tackle blocks, for rollers, and for stretchers. - Iron Bark (Australia), used for gun carriages, mortar beds, wind- lasses, bollards, rollers, and quoins. . Sabicu (Cuba), used for gun carriages, mortar beds, bollards, rollers, and quoins, . Fir (Russia), used for pontoon equipment, gun platforms, and mortar beds. INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, EDINBURGH, 1886. 185 42, Boxwood (Turkey), used for mallet heads. 43. Alder (Great Britain), used for sabots. 44. Elm (North America), used for forage and water carts, sponge and rammer staffs, and railway trucks. 45. Deal, White (Petersburg), used for packing cases. 46, Deal, Spruce (Quebec), used for life-saving rocket sticks. 47. Deal, Yellow (Archangel), used for signal rocket sticks, and chests for tools and small arms. 48, Pine, Pitch (North America), used for picket posts, and sleighs for moving 80 and 100 ton guns, This Collection from the War Department included also ex- amples of Gun Stocks in different stages of manufacture, from the raw block of Walnut to the finished article, for both the long Snider and the Martini-Henry Rifles ; samples of peeled Willow and Alder woods, with Charcoal made therefrom, used in the manufacture of Gunpowder ; Specimens of “ Jack-Wood” from Ceylon, said to withstand the ravages of White Ants owing to its intense bitterness ; Specimen of Elm used for a Chopping Block, at Colombo, Ceylon, eaten out by White Ants, and illustrating their destructive nature to wood articles; and a complete Mounted set of Cavalry Lances, with shafts of Ash, Bamboo, and Lance-wood. A large and interesting Collection of Cones and Seeds in cases, bottles, and bags, all accurately labelled, from Vilmorin, Andrieux, & Co., Paris. A great variety of seeds, barks, fibres, gums, resins, oils, woods, and other Forest Products, from the various Presidencies of India and Burmah, A valuable Collection of fibres produced from indigenous plants ; many Specimens of Woods, and Samples of Forest Produce, from the Island of Mauritius. A Collection of Samples, in clear glass tubes arranged in cases, of about 500 kinds of Arboricultural, Agricultural, and Horticultural Seeds, with the Weeds and Adulterations commonly found among them, from Germany. A fine Collection of Tree and Shrub Seeds, and of Cones, grown on the Stevenstone Estate, Devonshire, from James Barrie, Stevenstone. Several fine Samples, in clear glass jars, of Scots fir and Common Spruce Fir Seeds, from Norway. 186 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. A large number of Samples of valuable fibres, gums, oils, seeds, barks, and other Forest Products, from the Islands of St Vincent and Tobago, West Indies. A numerous and varied Collection of Ropes and Cordage, and of the materials for their manufacture, from India, Burmah, Ceylon, Cyprus, Mauritius, South Africa, Sierra Leone, and British Guiana. A valuable Collection of Articles illustrating the manufacture of Paper from Wood, showing the different kinds of wood in their raw state; dressed and prepared for pulping; the various stages of maceration and the processes of pulping ; and also many kinds of paper and cardboard of various qualities made therefrom, from British, Danish, German, and Scandinavian Manufacturers. Samples of Wood Paper, from Japan ; and of the leaves of the Palmyra Palm (Borassus flabeliiformis) and the Talipot Palm (Corypha wmbraculifera), used by the natives in the East for writing upon. Section showing the point of union of Abces morinda grafted on Abies excelsa, The tree grew in the Grounds at Hopetoun House, Linlithgowshire ; and after attaining a diameter of 15 inches at the graft in about sixty years, it began to show evident signs of decay, although other similarly grafted trees are thriving well; from John M‘Laren, Hopetoun. A fine Collection of Specimens of various descriptions illustrat- ing the Art of Tree Pruning, and also the evil results of injudicious pruning, from D. M‘Corquodale, Dunrobin, Sutherland, and the Comte des Cars, Paris. Section of Stem of a Coffee Tree, showing the destructive work of the White Borer, Vylotrechus quadrupes, from Ceylon. Section of a Pile, showing the ravages of the Sea Worm, Xylophaga Teredo, from Pont-de-Galle, Ceylon. Section of Cedar of Lebanon, showing the ravages of the Giant Sirex ; from Alexander Christie, Warwick Castle. Several fine Specimens of the Nests of the Arboreal Termes (White Ants), which can be utilised in the manufacture of Papier Maché; from Dr Cleghorn of Stravithie, Fife. A very interesting Collection of beautiful Japanese Models of charcoal kilns, timber slides, dams, and other appliances for the transport and conversion of timber in Japan. INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, EDINBURGH, 1886. 187 Models of houses, huts, implements, household utensils, and other articles of domestic use, in India, Japan, Ceylon, South and West Africa, West Indies, and British Guiana. Model of Wooden Bridge over the Almond River, Perthshire, from William M‘Corquodale, Scone, Perth. Some very curiously trained and dwarfed Specimens of Abies jirma, Larix leptolepis, Pinus densiflora, and other trees, from Japan. A fine Collection of Bamboo Stems, of different lengths and sizes, showing the numerous modes in which the Bamboo is utilised in Tropical Countries. Specimens of Ornamental Wood Fencing and Lattice Work, from Denmark. Specimens of Slate Fencing and Slate Labels, from A. D. Webster, Penrhyn, Nerth Wales. A Collection of beautiful Photographs of old and remarkable Trees, from Magnus Jackson, Perth. Several fine Photographs and Illustrations of Forestry objects, from Dr Cleghorn of Stravithie, Fife. A number of neatly framed Coloured Plates of Lawson’s Pinetum Britannicum ; from The Lawson Seed and Nursery Company, Limited, Edinburgh. The Album of the Scottish Arboricultural Society, with the Photographs of Members. The Collections of valuable Forestry Books and Periodicals which have been presented to the Scottish Arboricultural Society, with complete sets of the Transactions, Proceed- ings, and other publications, and the Minute Book of the Society since it was instituted in the year 1854, s wonpny AIZNAMOVN Guo NHOL ‘ ‘PS 'S¢ ‘FLZF ‘QuNODd¥ sty} Jo asojo gv spun Jo o9v}g aed sv ‘arv AyoI00g 9Yy JO spun [%10} oY ‘“peyonor APuatoysns puv payeys A]}001100 Ao “AJoID0g VANG[NOOGAy YsIyI00g [ekoy ay} Jo taunsvawy, Sv “ouNE ‘uoIvT, | UYor AN JO JUNOY Suyoso1oy oyy poulwmexo aavy [—"1SST oqueaaonr YIEZ “‘ybunquipy 8 8 Fler n ¢ £99 —— 0 0 OF ‘ : : ; : ‘TaIsvaly, pie Arejadoag 0} onp Auepeg PP) AGS i 5 : : : : * ‘yueg WO. UAeIpIeao ssa T TL 69&¢F 4 be 9" SES j \- : : : : . * Gunodoy yeyideg jo Junowy 0 ¢ LeEF “oUtes Jo oysuBI] PU ‘YI0}g puL]JOog Jo yURG Jo OOTF Loy pred satid Sureq ‘pung Ssuryuig & . S SANNA UU} JO ALVLS & NM 2 a —— DL Glee: STR ALES OL Z1-26=. 4 : : ‘yueg YA yuNodDY Juang *y ie (0) ; : ‘yueg Ur yuNodY [eyIdepQ Uo 4salo}Uy “YT G VILA ; : . * 4yerptaao uo pied ysaraquy ‘TTA | 0 9 9 , : : : ‘sqdtadat SHOOWRT[AOSTIY “TILA Lear - : . 2 4so0}UT YIM yuno0o (ay ye een + ; ‘y00}g puLTJOOG Jo YUNG uo pueplalqy “TTA “oy [epdey ojur pred suondrosqng avyT jo yunomy “TA OVTSEa8 : . * “s}UMastIOAPY Of poatooat sug “[ A OBeg o ; ; : : * ‘sasuodxe [ejuaprouy “A 0:50) IG. ; ‘drysioquayy of] 1oy paatooat sung *A Selene 4 ; : : ‘pred sjunoosoy “AT > 371-3 ‘TvaIv UL [[IJS SlvoA TOWLLOJ OJ suOTdiIosqng *,] OMS7E=6 : § 2 : ‘fouout ur pred sazug “TI 9 6-96 = J8-98ST ‘two quatimd Loy oup suoydiosqug [I] 9 SLTI-Ses .: : ‘rade UL Seat LaUIIOJ IOf sUOT|dLIOSqnE "TT OUEGTAGigu is : * ‘paarodad suordmosqng jo sivally ‘[] 9 SIL Zits = * “avo Juatmmo 10; Surpueysyno suorjdiiosqug ‘| QO LSE OFS: ; % : . ‘puvy Ul Yseg ‘y ‘ADUVHOSIA HONVU | ‘INUVHO HONV UG om 8 ' ~ 28-9881 UVHA 10} ALHIOOS TVUNLTNOIYOLAV HSILLOOS TVAOT J° SENNOOOV J° LOVULSEV Scot. Arbor. Soc. Trans. Vol. XII, Pl. I Wwe Wy — ae mi) ie ye ur) \Tanacki i sy 2 a PROTECTIVE OO MP Oo s SE Cas The only Award for Tree Protective Composition at the Forestry Exhibition, Edinburgh, 1884. NATHANL. AHLBOTTN, Sole Manufacturer, and now the only surviving discoverer of the above For protecting young Forest and other Trees against the ravages of Hares and Rabbits, It is free from any poisonous substance, encourages the growth, is easily applied by the hand or a small brush, and is strongly recommended by all parties who have used it. To be had in 56lb. Casks at 18s. One cwt. and upwards at 36s. per cwt.— Casks free. From the Rt. Hon. Lord WynFrorp. 12 Grosvenor Square, London, 15th Nov. 1887. This summer I have been moving about in Scotland, and found wherever the Protective Composition was known it was highly approved of, and certainly I have found it so WYNFORD. The above is from numerous Testimonials, which may be had on application to NATHANL. AHLBOTTN, 50 SHORE, LEITH. ADVERTISEMENTS. Established 1801. SEEDLING AND TRANSPLANTED FOREST TREES. Ornamental Trees and Shrubs, Roses and Fruit Trees. JAMES DICKSON & SONS, 32 HANOVER STREET and INVERLEITH ROW, Hy El I BU Ge EL, CATALOGUES FREE ON APPLICATION. JO) Bracke, Orch sci, Up tingle eno xR D.N.O) .&.,, Dice Pere: NURSE BY ME, ABERDEEN. FOREST AND ORNAMENTAL TREES AND SHRUBS. Fruit Trees, Roses, Herbaceous Plants, Ete. FOREST AND GARDEN IMPLEMENTS OF ALL SORTS. Priced Catalogues Free on application. IRELAND & THOMSON, Durserymen, Seedsmen, and Yew Plant Merchants, Craigleith Nursery, Comely Bank, Edinburgh. New Golden Acre and Windlestrawlee Nurseries, Granton Road. Seed Warehouse, 81 Princes Street. M°SFPARLANE & ERSKINE, Lithographers, Engravers, & Letterpress Printers, 19 ST JAMES SQUARE, EDINBURGH, Having an efficient Staff of first-class Artists and Printers, execute every description of ARTISTIC & COMMERCIAL WORK, AND BOOK, LAW & GENERAL PRINTING, WITH TASTE, ACCURACY, AND DESPATCH. Printers to the Royal Scottish Arboricultural Society, Royal Physical £ociety, etc. ADVERTISEMENTS. DOUGLAS & FOULIS’ ENGLISH AND FOREIGN LIBRARY 9 Castle Street ED I Wreew £iG oH ge Books sentto any part of the Country and Changed at the convenience of Subscribers. Boxes Free Subscriptions, from One Guinea per annum, may commence at any date—— CLEARANCE CATALOGUE OF Books at Greatly Reduced Prices BEING SURPLUS COPIES WITHDRAWN FROM DOUGLAS -&FOULIS* LIBRARY Including also many other Works of Interest, now offered at the affixed cash prices Catalogue of Books RELATING PRINCIPALLY TO SCOTLAND CONTAINING UPWARDS OF 600 WorKs oN SCOTTISH HISTORY TOPOGRAPHY, POETRY anp BALLADS, BIOGRAPHY LANGUAGE, anp ANTIQUITIES The above are sent Gratis and Post free to any address The Farming World. ONE PENNY. [FRIDAY. ] ONE PENNY. Largest and Best PENNY AGRICULTURAL PAPER, Entirely Non-Political. Tn accordance with an arrangement with the Councit of the RoyaL Scottish ArgoricuLturAL Sociery, a Forestry Department has been added to the Farming World, which is thus oflicially recognised as a practical JOURNAL OF FORESTRY. The Farming World should be read by all Owners of Woods and Forests, Foresters, and all others interested in Forestry. May be had at the Bookstalls, and of all Newsagents, at the published price of One Penny. The terms of Subscription, free by post, and remittance with order, are :— 3 Months, ls. 8d. 6 Months, 3s. 3d. 12 Months, 6s. 6d. FOUR WEEKS (Post Free) FOR SIXPENCE. 63 PRINCES STREET, EDINBURGH. JAMES MACDONALD, Proprietor. WORKS ON FORESTRY AND GARDENING, New and Greatly Enlarged Edition. THE FORESTER: A PracticaAL TREATISE ON THE PLANTING, REARING, AND GENWRAL MANAGEMENT OF Forest Trees. By James Brown, LL.D., Inspector of Woods and Forests, Ontario ; Assisted by his Son, GkorRGE E. BRown, Forester, Cumloden, Newton-Stewart. Fifth Edition, Enlarged and Improved. Royal ’8vo, with nearly 200 Engravings on Wood, 36s. “It is an authoritative guide, and a reference book which no forester should be without.”— Land and Water. Cheaper Edition, with Chapter on ‘‘ The Larch Disease.” THE LARCH: A Practica TREATISE ON ITS CULTURE AND GENERAL MANAGEMENT. By CHRISTOPHER YOUNG MicHiEe. With an Introductory Chapter on the Larch Disease. Crown 8vo, 5s. ‘Within its pages the planter will find more information upon the best modes of treatment and culture of the larch-tree, whether in the nursery or plantation, than in any other book extant in the English language. ”_Journal of Forestry. New and Cheaper Edition. HANDY BOOK OF THE FLOWER GARDEN; Being Practical Directions for the Propagation, Culture, and Arrangement of Plants in Flower Gardens. With Engraved Plans. By Davip THOMSON, Gardener to His Grace the Duke of Buccleuch, K.T., at Drumlanrig. Fourth and Cheaper Edition, crown 8vo, 5s. “We are acquainted with the results produced by the able author, as well as with his book, and therefore can pronounce the book the best on the subject yet written or likely to be written for a long time to come.”—The Field. ‘‘We have seldom perused a book on Gardening which has left so complete an impression of reliability and thoroughness.” —Liverpool Mercury. ‘This is a most comprehensive guide to garden work.”—Dundee Advertiser. HANDY BOOK OF FRUIT CULTURE UNDER GLASS. By the Same. New Edition, Revised and Enlarged. With Engravings. Crown 8vo, 7s. 6d. “No work of the kind of which we have any knowledge is at all to be compared with this. It is the result of ripe experience, close thought, and ample acquaintance with the subject in all its parts.” —Scotsman. New and Cheaper Edition. A BOOK ABOUT ROSES. How to Grow and Show Them. By the Rev. Dean Hote. Tenth Edition, Revised, feap. 8vo, 3s. 6d. ‘*His work may now be considered the most complete guide to this interesting branch of floricultural art.”—Saturday Review. “At once charming and instructive. . . . The practical questions of position, soil, manure, and selection are carefully and exhaustively treated.”—Standard. CULTIVATED PLANTS: THEIR PROPAGATION AND IM- PROVEMENT. By F. W. Bursipas, Author of ‘‘The Narcissus; its History and Culture,” &c. With Engravings, and Index. Crown 8vo, 12s. 6d. DOMESTIC FLORICULTURE, WINDOW GARDENING, AND FLorat Decorations. Being Directions for the Propagation, Culture, and Arrangement of Plants and Flowers as Domestic Ornaments. By the SAME. Crown’ 8vo, with upwards of 200 Illustrations on Wood. New Edition, Revised and Enlarged, 7s. 6d. HANDBOOK OF HARDY, HERBACEOUS, AND ALPINE FLOWERS FOR GENERAL GARDEN DeCoRATION, Containing Descriptions of 1000 Species of Ornamental Hardy Perennial and Alpine Plants, adapted to all Classes of Flower-Gardens, Rockwork, and Waters; along with Concise and Plain Instructions for their Propagation and Culture. By WILL IAM “SUTHERLAND, Landscape Gardener, and formerly Manager of the Herbaceous Department at Kew. Crown 8vo, 7s. 6d. “The best book of its class available for English Readers.”—Gardeners’ Magazine. Revised Edition, brought up to date and Enlarged, with Numerous New Iilustrations. STEPHEN’S BOOK OF THE FARM. Detailing the Labours of the Farmer, Farm-Steward, Ploughman, Shepherd, Hedger, Farm-Labourer, Field-Worker, and Cattleman. Illustrated with Portraits of Animals, and Engravings. New Edition, Revised and in great part rewritten, by JAMES MACDONALD. [In preparation. | Fourth Edition, Enlarged. THE HANDY BOOK OF BEES, AND THEIR PROFITABLE MANAGEMENT. By A. Perricrew. Fourth Edition, Enlarged. Crown 8vo, 3s. 6d. “The author of this volume is evidently a practical man, and knows a great deal more about bees and their habits than most of the bee-keepers in England ; indeed, he may be said to be a very master in the art of bee mysteries.” —Bell’s Life in London, WILLIAM BLACKWOOD & SONS, Eprnspurcu anp Lonpon, MILLIONS OF FOREST TREES! FOREST TREES!! BY ROYAL WARRANT. aS Tee RABY FOREST TREES!!! H.R. H. the Prince of Wales. WE hold very extensive Stocks of Forests Trees, grown on our much exposed Friisipe Nursrriges, which produce magnificent Fibrous Roots, and well-hardened plants. Her Majesty’s Commissioners of Woods and Forests, during the past season, visited our extensive Nurseries, and expressed the greatest satisfaction, and subsequently placed with us an order for over 300, 000 Forest Trees, to be planted on the exposed mountains and crown lands in the Isle of Man. Planting done by Contract or otherwise in any part of the United Kingdom. Up to the time of going to press we have this season been favoured with instructions to plant seven forests and plantations. (Samples, with special quotations for large quantities, on application. Catalogues post free.) CONIFERA®.—Many choice and recently introduced varieties. Handsome specimens of various sizes. Recently transplanted. HARDY EVERGREEN SHRUBS.—For Fox and Game coverts, in great variety. Special offers to large buyers. EVERGREEN, and DECIDUOUS FLOWERING SHRUBS. ‘none sands of the finest varieties to select from. Prices very moderate. ORNAMENTAL TREES.—For Street, Park, or Avenue Planting. List of sorts and sizes on application. ROSES, and FRUIT TREES.—A Speciality with us.—During the present season we have sold over 85,000 Bushes of ‘““Whinham’s Industry Gooseberries,” many thousands being exported to the United States, France, Germany, Belgium, Holland, ‘Switzerland, Austria, Nova Scotia, Canada, the Channel Islands, etc., etc. ALPINE, HERBACEOUS, STOVE, and GREENHOUSE PLANTS.— In areat variety. Special offers for collections. LANDSCAPE GARDENING.—Having in our employment a thorough practical Landscape Artist, we are prepared to furnish plans for approval on the shortest notice. Our Plans, recently furnished for Parks, Lakes, Villas, etc., have been highly approved of. Silver Medal awarded at the Royat MINING AND ENGINEERING EXHIBITION, NEWCASTLE- ON-T'YNE, 1887.—No higher award being made in the Agricultural, Horticultural, and Arboricultural sections. Several Medals awarded for the general excellency of our Trees, Conifers, and Seeds. Descriptive Catalogues, post free. y J P WILLIAM FELL & CO. Seed Merchants, Nurserymen, Florists, Landscape Gardeners, and Government Foresters, HEXHAM, NORTHUMBERLAND. TRANSACTIONS ROYAL , SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. VOL. XII.—PART II. SECRETARY AND TREASURER, WILLIAM J. MOFFAT, FELLOW OF THE BOTANICAL SOCIETY, EDINBURGH. 5 5 ; ) : ‘ | } ») 5 § EDINBURGH: ia - PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY. SOLD BY DOUGLAS & FOULIS, CASTLE STREET. MDCCCLXXXIX. RARY DV i eae ESTABLISHED 1809. NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE INSURANCE COMPANY. Incorporated by Royal Charter and Special Acts of Parliament. FIRE—-LIFE-ANNUITIES. TOTAL FUNDS,. . | . _ $7,315,541 TOTAL CLAIMS PAID exceed _ £21,000,000 TOTAL INCOME for 1888, above ; ; . £2,000,000 Tae AccuMULATED Funps of the Life Department are entirely free from liability for the Fire Department, and in like manner the Funps of the Fire Departinent are free from liability for the Life Department. The Investments of the Life and Annuity Branches are therefore kept absolutely distinct from those of the Fire Department, and the Investments for each will be found separately set forth in the Balance Sheets. President.—HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF ROXBURGHE. Vice-President.—HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF SUTHERLAND, K.G. EXTRAORDINARY DIRECTORS. Rieut Hon. LORD NORTHBOURNE. Sirk MATTHEW WHITE RIDLEY, Bart., M.P. Rient Hon. THE EARL OF STRATHMORE. Rient Hon. LORD WOLVERTON. Rieut Hon. THe EARL OF ABERDEEN, TnE Hon. LORD WELLWOOD. Chairman of General Court of Directors—DAVID DAVIDSON, Esa. EDINBURGH BOARD OF DIRECTORS. J. F. WALKER-DRUMMOND, Esq. | CHARLES GAIRDNER, Esq., LL.D. DAVID B. WAUCHOPE, Esq. RALPH DUNDAS, Esa. Sir JAMES GARDINER BAIRD, Barr, JOHN WHARTON TOD, Exq. GEORGE AULDJO JAMIESON, Esq. Sir JAMES H. GIBSON-CRAIG, Bart. FREDERICK PITMAN, Esa. Rigut Hon. Tut EARL OF ELGIN. EVAN ALLAN HUNTER, Esq. Sir THOMAS CLARK, Bart. CHARLES B. LOGAN, Esq. Manager, A. GILLIES-SMITH, F.R.S.E. Secretary, PHILIP R. D. MACLAGAN, Actuary, THOMAS WALLACE. Medical Oficer, JOHN MOIR, M.D., F.R.C.P. Solicitors, J. & F. ANDERSON, W.S. Auditor, JAMES HALDANE, C.A. LIFE DEPARTMENT. Net Life Premiums for 1888, P ; ; : ; £359,440 SPECIAL FEATURES. Claims paid on proof of death and title. Premiums adjusted to each half-year of age. Minimum Surrender Values fixed and held at credit of Insured for five years. Paid-up Policy of Liberal Amount granted in place of Lapsed Policy, if desired within Six Months. Inaccurate Statements in Proposal Papers do not involve Forfeiture of Policy unless accompanied by Fraud. Policies in most cases free from all Restrictions as to Occupation, Residence, and Travel. ANNUL?Y BEANCH. Consideration received for Annuities in 1888, : ; : ° £166,688 FIRH DEPARTMENT Net Fire Premiums for 1888, __. : , - £1,282,255 Property at Home or Abroad invaded a hai Toten Rates, Prospectuses and every information may be had at the Chief Offices, Branches, or Agencies, Sw viwininie Sta . . 61 THREADNEEDLE ST., E.C. CHIEF OFFICES | EDINBURGH: ’ 64 PRINCES STREET. CONTENTS. The Society, as a body, is not to be considered responsible for any statements or opinions advanced in the several papers, which must rest entirely on the authority of the respective authors. PAGE VIII. Address delivered at the Thirty-fifth Annual Meeting, 7th August 1888. By Mancoitm Dunn, Dalkeith, . : : veese PRESENTATION TO HucH CLEGHORN oF STRAVITHIE, M.D., LL.D., F.R.S.E., : : ; : 3 » ie IX. On the Comparative Value of Exotic Conifer as Ornamental or Timber Trees in Britain. With Table of Measurements. By THOMAS WILKIE, Forester, Tyninghame, East Lothian, a PAE X. The Douglas Fir (Abies Douglasii) in Scotland. By Dr W. Scuuicu, Professor of Forestry, Cooper’s Hill Engineering College, Staines, Surrey, . ; : ; : . 226 XI. Old and Remarkable Trees on the Rolle Estate, Stevenstone, Tor- rington, Devon. By JAMES BArRrig£, Forester, Stevenstone. [Plates II. to V.], : : : : ; . 242 XII. The Comparative Value of Exotic Conifere as Ornamental or Timber Trees in Britain. By A. D. Wrexstrr, Holwood Estate, Kent, ; , : : F 4 ; . 246 ' XIII. Plan and Specification for the Erection of a Forester’s Cottage. By R. B. Kray, Forester, Redcastle, Ross-shire. [Plate VI.], . 288 XIV. Old and Remarkable Trees on Holwood Estate, Kent. By A. D. WesstER, Holwood, Kent, F ; ; : . 9301 XY. Landscape and Economic Planting. By CHArurEs S. FRANCE, Bridge of Dee, Aberdeen, : - : : . 322 XVI. On the Advantages of forming Belts of Plantations on Hill Pasture Land. By Tuomas WILKIE, Forester, Tyninghame, East Lothian, . : : : : : : oak XVII. The Giant Arbor-Vite (Thuja ge? By A. D. WEBSTER, Holwood, Kent, . ; ; ‘ : oak XVIII. Tables for the Conversion of Measurements from one Denomination to another. By Colonel F. Barney, R.E., ‘ , 5 Bil XIX. The Ligneous Plants of Hampshire. By JonHn Smiry, Romsey, Hants, . ; : : ; : i . o&d6 XX. Report upon the rearing of Underwood for Game Coverts in High Forest. By THomMAs WILKIE, Forester, Tyninghame, East Lothian, . ; : ; : 4 : > eval ApsTRACT of the Accounts of the Roysau ScorrisH ARBORI- CULTURAL SocrETy for Year 1888, ; : : - 34 ese yom ts Hiei “ae ae : =. ditt 3 ets bree we) dvd wie rs) Se TT our oh—w ih pod tr 3 ae se oe PO tie Bee ead = y it, Pt ga ait Shake Wav (TS_ sre ae ist c Th re is adi oe ae bh Ne. VB ee Be? Apiete i "| aes YA aN, © et i a Z iy , Wee Gay eel c One a a 1 GAINS Ce) a is, bee * eer LY a a at 7 .) stati Me “8 . ‘ . P i ‘ w 4 7 ee - oy Oe ee eo ‘ Te S264 et eee 1 4 et 2 if ey Te Ae, ce oe ey: id bis. P ) eT Pe red vi Pea Sema SA a ee oe is a : * easy F y a uM a Ape} ti ve a. poe es : | a Uk) tee 0 eee ry ctr * . . ‘ ‘ oC “ie ail) Ne tee foes eis s jpn Lod a ed ae Te "49 f te - . Ay 7 — ° @ 7 _ Pata, _ ¥ a : :. Py ta Ss A a TS) Faas A ees * L, tf otegyy a nines andl hate Bt etd: iy ‘ §-% aed ee * ° r< ate n a a bash Si ed ; “+ wey ghee v5) wise C a LAT ae ip hy we ia x Or Ore" i 5 | ade! a ir * ; by as >. 4! ‘ * . rh 7 Se tan Eine : TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. Royal Scottish Arboricultural Pociety. EXCURSION 1889. Tur Annuat Excursion will take place on Wednesday and Thursday, 7th and Sth August, to SHERWOOD FOREST, NorrinGHAMSHIRE, when the Estates of CLUMBER, THoREsBY, Rurrorp, WeELBECK, and Worksop will be visited. Due in- timation will be made to the Members of the Route, Charges, ete. Members who intend to join the Excursion will oblige by intimating the same to me as soon as possible, so that the necessary arrangements may be completed. W. J. MOFFAT, Secretary. 5 St ANDREW SQUARE, EpINBuRGH, Jay 1889. treated to an excellent discourse upon subjects of importance to Forestry, and upon many matters having a beneficial influence upon the welfare and prosperity of the Society. Therefore, I regret the more that I am not gifted with the eloquence necessary to address you in the same effective style ; nor am I possessed of the practical knowledge and training to enter with success upon a technical discussion of any special branch of the wide subjects of Arboriculture and Sylviculture, or what we know by the simple and comprehensive term of Forestry ; but, if you will kindly bear with me for a short time, I will endeayour VOL, XII., PART II, N TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. VIII. Address delivered at the Thirtyfifth Annual Meeting, 7th August, 1888. By Maxcorm Dunn, Dalkeith. GENTLEMEN,—In the absence of the President, Sir Herbert Eustace Maxwell, Bart., whose Parliamentary duties make it impossible for him to be with us to-day to give the usual Address, it has fallen to my lot, as a Vice-President, to undertake the duty of presiding at this Meeting, and to do the best I can, at short notice, to deliver the ‘Opening Remarks by the Chairman,” as intimated in the Billet. For many years it has been customary for the President to open the Annual Meeting with an Address on some topic of a special or general interest to foresters, and designed to promote the advancement of Arboriculture. From the able and learned gentlemen who have previously filled this chair on thirty-four similar occasions, the members present have always been treated to an excellent discourse upon subjects of importance to Forestry, and upon many matters having a beneficial influence upon the welfare and prosperity of the Society. Therefore, I regret the more that I am not gifted with the eloquence necessary to address you in the same effective style ; nor am I possessed of the practical knowledge and training to enter with success upon a technical discussion of any special branch of the wide subjects of Arboriculture and Sylviculture, or what we know by the simple and comprehensive term of Forestry ; but, if you will kindly bear with me for a short time, I will endeavour VOL, XII., PART II, N 190 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY, to glance at some of the more prominent topics of the day in con- nection with Forestry, and particularly those likely to interest the members of this Society, Looking back to the year 1854, when our Society first saw the light, we may say that systematic Forestry, as now under- stood, was then in its infancy. Our esteemed ex-President, Dr Cleghorn, was, at the same period, engaged in evolving, in the midst of his official avocations, that great scheme of Forest Conservancy, which he began to put into execution in 1856 in the Madras Presidency. A few years later, Dr Cleghorn took an active part, in association with Sir Dietrich Brandis, in estab- lishing in the various Presidencies that system of forest manage- ment which is now an important feature of the rural economy of the Government of India, and full of promise in the future development of that magnificent country. Forestry, in a practical form, was then unheard of in any of the nume- rous Colonies and Dependencies of the British Empire, in all of which it is now receiving more or less attention, and furnishes a subject for much speculation and discussion by those who are interested in the prosperity of our Colonies, as to the best methods for afforesting the extensive treeless wastes and arid tracts, which are too common a feature in many of them, At the same date, comparatively little had been done in Britain to improve the methods of Forestry adopted by our forefathers a couple of centuries ago, when first they began to utilise waste lands, by covering them with forest trees, The systems they practised in forming their woodlands, and in sheltering their fields and ornamenting their domains with plantations of trees and shrubs, were still, to a great extent, slavishly followed. Several generations of tree-planters had succeeded each other, working on almost identical lines ; and although, judged by more modern experience, their ideas might be somewhat crude, they were fairly successful in rearing beautiful plantations for the adornment of the landscape, and thrifty woods for sheltering many a bleak hillside. Is there much wonder then, that, before the advent of railways and the numerous appliances of modern civilisation with which we are now so familiar, there was little disposition to strike out into new and improved methods, or that the ordinary forester (lid not care to trouble himself about aught but what his father had practised before him? However, the time came when a few ardent and intelligent foresters clearly saw, that if their profession ADDRESS BY THE VICE-PRESIDENT, AUGUST 7, 1888. 191 was to hold its own in the struggle for life, something farther must be done, so that knowledge might be acquired with greater facility by their brethren, and the means afforded to raise them- selves and their profession to the higher standard demanded by the necessities of modern times. The Scottish Arboricultural Society was therefore instituted, in 1854, by a few able and enthusiastic foresters, with a view to promote a better knowledge of the science and art of forestry, and the adoption of the best methods for the management of our woods and forests. Following up the scheme so judiciously laid down by the original pioneers, the Society has diligently perse- vered on the path so skilfully traced, and has striven, by every legitimate means, to foster a love of the profession .among its members, to promote a correct knowledge of the various systems and details of modern forestry, and especially to institute a suitable education for young men, and the best possible method of training, to qualify them for carrying out with credit and success the manifold functions of a forester, As an instance of the enterprise and zeal of the Society, we may point to the announcement made by the Marquis of Lothian, then President, at the Annual Meeting in 1882, that the Council had resolved to promote an International Forestry Exhibition (the idea having originated with some members of the Council in the spring of that year) to be held at Edinburgh as soon as the necessary arrangements could be completed. This marked a great step in advance ; and when that unique and remarkable Exhibition was carried to a successful issue in 1884, the members of this Society had good reason to congratulate themselves on the wonderful amount of public interest and enthusiasm it had drawn towards the subject of Forestry, and the warm and liberal support which the Exhibition received from all parts of the world where forests exist, and where national and commercial interests depend largely upon them. Aroused in a great measure by the deep public interest excited by the Forestry Exhibition, this Society, along with others, took steps to press upon the Government, by petition and otherwise, the great want experienced in this country of a regular system of education and training for foresters, similar to that so long employed, and with such excellent results, in most European countries, especially in France and Germany. The subject was ultimately brought before Parliament, and chiefly at the instiga- tion of Sir John Lubbock, Bart., a Select Committee of the House 192 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. . of Commons was appointed in 1885, “to consider whether, by the establishment of a Forest School or otherwise, our Woodlands could be made more remunerative.” This Select Committee on Forestry sat in 1885, 1886, and 1887, and had full power to send for persons, papers, and records, so that the investigation might be as complete and exhaustive as possible. After due deliberation, the Committee proceeded to collect evidence by the examination of educa- tional experts, and of a selected number of other witnesses possessed of a more or less practical knowledge of the subject of inquiry. Thirty-one witnesses were examined, most of them at considerable length, during the eight days on which evidence was taken. They fairly represented the various interests involved in the question in each of the three kingdoms, and among them were the following ten distinguished members of this Society :—Sir James Campbell, Bart. ; Sir Richard Temple, Bart. ; Sir Joseph D. Hooker; Dr Cleghorn of Stravithie ; Mr Robert Dundas of Arniston ; General Michael ; Mr Alexander Mackenzie ; Mr John M‘Gregor; Mr William M‘Corquodale ; and Mr John Grant Thomson ; so that the Society was amply represented before the Committee. It is, however, to Dr Cleghorn that the credit is due of pointing out to the Committee, in the course of his evidence in 1885, the aims and objects of the Society, and the good work which it has done in promoting the better training of foresters, in spreading a knowledge of improved methods of forestry, and in stimulating an interest among landowners and others con- cerned, in the proper treatment of our woodlands, and of the importance of forest teaching as a great national desideratum. Mr John M‘Gregor also gave information as to the work of the Society when examined in 1887; and much useful and practical evidence, bearing directly on the question of inquiry, was fur- nished to the Committee by the other members of this Society. Having received all the evidence which they considered neces- sary, and matured their deliberations, the Forestry Committee agreed to a Report, which was issued by Parliament on the 3d of August 1887, in which they declared themselves satisfied by the evidence, “that the establishment of Schools of Forestry, or some similar method of instruction and examination in Forestry, would be desirable.” With the view of carrying this into effect, the Committee recommended the creation by the Government of a Forest Board ; and we are led to believe that ADDRESS BY THE VICE-PRESIDENT, AUGUST 7, 1888. 193 this Board will be formed in connection with the new Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, which it is intended to establish during this session of Parliament. Let us hope that when the Forest Board is created, such an able chief as our ex-President, the Marquis of Lothian, may be placed at the head of it. His great knowledge of and keen interest in Forestry, and his practical experience as President of the International Forestry Exhibition, and of this Society from 1879 to 1882, pre-eminently qualify him for the office. In accordance with the recommendation of the Forestry Com- mittee, the Royal Scottish Arboricultural Society will be entitled to a representative on the proposed Forest Board. Seven other societies and institutions connected with rural affairs are to have the same privilege of sending a representative to the said Board, which will also comprise the Director of Kew Gardens, three Members of each House of Parliament, and a certain number of owners or managers of large woodlands, Great care has evidently been taken to have all institutions and interests, in any way con- cerned in our woodlands and their management, duly represented on the Board; and if the various public bodies who possess the privilege are careful to elect thoroughly efficient members to represent them, we may look forward with confidence to the estab- lishment of proper institutions for the training of all grades of foresters that the necessities of the Empire may require either at home or abroad. We would no doubt have greatly preferred an independent Department of Forestry, the head of which would be in direct communication with the Government of the day, and respon- sible to it for all that concerned his Department. The Forestry Board may have considerable difficulty in obtaining full considera- tion from the Department of Agriculture, of many important questions with which it will be called upon to deal. The multi- farious duties and affairs connected with Agriculture must absorb most of the time and the principal attention of the Department, and leave but a small margin for either Forestry or Horticulture, both of which are to be included in its scope. In any case, foresters should earnestly make the best of the circumstances, and the result may be more satisfactory than present appearances lead us to anticipate. Assuming that our foresters will soon be enabled to acquire that complete and systematic training of which they have long felt 194 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. the want, it may be asked, and with reason, What are the prospects of foresters receiving remunerative employment, after they have fully qualified themselves for their profession? This is a question which I have looked into with care, examining it in various aspects, and I trust that my hearers will not con- sider that I take an over sanguine view, when I say that it appears probable there will be no lack of employment for duly qualified men, and that the remuneration will be at least equal to that received by any other profession, in qualifying for which the same amount of time and money has been expended. The owners of large estates are every day becoming more alive to the fact that their woods and waste lands must be managed with the best skill and intelligence that it is possible to command, so as to make them a permanent source of income, instead of the almost worthless burden which. they have often proved to be in the past. The area of the United Kingdom is computed to be, in round numbers, 121,000 square miles, or about 77 millions of acres. Of this area one-half, or thereabout, is held by those whom Bateman, in his treatise on the Modern Domesday Book, styles ‘the Great Landowners of Great Britain and Treland.” These Owners of large Estates, to the number of about 2600, hold from 3000 acres each, up to the enormous area of 1,358,546 acres owned by the Duke of Sutherland, the greatest landowner in the United Kingdom. Generally speaking, it is upon these vast estates that the large tracts of waste and treeless land is found. The owners of smaller areas cannot afford to allow land to remain waste and unprofitable, and as a rule the propor- tion of waste or land of small value to arable and woodland is much less on small than on large properties. Here, then, is scope enough for the employment of at least one well-trained forester on each of these large estates, and to clothe the bare and profitless wastes on some of them with healthy and remunerative forests would furnish work for several skilled foresters. From the Parliamentary returns in the Modern Domes- day Book, already referred to, it appears there are about 12 millions of acres in the United Kingdom, nearly all included in these large estates, the annual value of which does not exceed an average of 1s. 3d. per acre. Allow a deduction of one-third for high altitudes and land unsuitable for the growth of forest trees, there still remains 8 millions of acres of land which might be ADDRESS BY THE VICE-PRESIDENT, AUGUST 7, 1888. 195 covered with forests, to the great advantage of the owners and the immense benefit of the country. Granting that a third of the area is valueless for growing timber trees, and probably of small value for any other useful purpose, the value of the remaining two-thirds will be proportionably increased. Still, at the highest estimate, the yearly rental, from all present sources, is consider- ably under 2s. per acre ; and at that low rental the land is plainly not of much value for grazing purposes, Such land, properly planted, would, after the trees had attained a certain size, in all probability afford as much grazing for stock, under proper regulations, except in Pine woods, as it had furnished before being planted. It would also give far better shelter and cover for deer and other game, which would still be a source of considerable revenue. The greater portion of this land, lying at an altitude of 300 to 1500 feet above sea level, is well adapted for the growth of forest trees, and only requires to be properly laid out, planted, and managed by duly qualified foresters to greatly increase the annual income derived from it, after paying all expenses and allowing for all contingencies. In addition to this, the working of the forests, and the collection and manufacture of the various products, would supply well-paid. labour to a much more numerous rural population than now inhabits those districts, and would thus help to solve one of the great social problems of the day,—How best to retain in rural districts a happy and industrious working population ? Nor is there the slightest danger of over-stocking the country with forests, supposing every acre of these 8 millions was planted. The total area at present under woodlands in the United Kingdom is calculated to be about 2,788,000 acres, . the smallest proportion to the total acreage of the country that we find in any well-regulated European state. With the 8 millions added, the woodlands would only cover 14 per cent. of the total area, a proportion which is exceeded by several of the northern countries in Europe. We thus see that there is no want of room for a great ex- tension of the area of timber tree forests in the United Kingdom, and a consequent demand for well-educated and trained foresters, who can manage with success those important enterprises. It may be said that the owners of the land have the will, but some of them have not the means to plant extensively. This is a difficulty, howeyer, that can be overcome in the usual manner, either by 196 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. Government loans, or by forming public companies to supply the means. Money is cheap, and the security is good ; and those who first begin planting operations on a proper scale, and in a judicious manner, are likely to reap the greatest reward. We now turn for a moment to the events of the year which has passed since we last met in this hall. The first event to which I will refer was the highly successful Excursion of the Society immediately after our last meeting, when, by the gracious permission of the Queen, the members enjoyed the privilege of inspecting the beautiful woodlands around Balmoral, and the famed Scots Pine forest of Ballochbuie, a full account of which has been published and sent to every member. The issue of the Report of the Forestry Committee of the House of Commons took place on the 3d of August, as already stated, and caused a considerable amount of discussion in the public journals. It was favourably received and criticised by most authorities, although it raised but a limited amount of enthusiasm amongst professional foresters, owing chiefly to it failing to recommend a definite system of forestry instruction under proper authority, in accordance with the strongly felt want of professional men. A summary of the evidence and report has appeared in the Z'’ransac- tions for the last three years, and most of the evidence of value to foresters has been given in detail. In the month of October last the Society had the honour to have the designation of ““The Royal Scottish Arboricultural Society ” conferred upon it by Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen, by which title it will henceforth be known. The part of the ZYransactions lately issued comprises some valuable papers, and compares favourably with former issues. ‘Towards the end of 1887, the Council were able to make a favourable arrange- ment with the proprietor of the Farming World, by which Forestry articles and correspondence on topics of more or less importance have appeared in its pages, and every effort of the kind deserves the hearty support of all interested in the subject. In Forest Literature, the most important publications, in English, which have appeared during the year are the valuable Reports issued by the Forest Department of India, by several of our Colonies, and particularly by the Government of the United States. Many of these books have been presented to the Society, and are added to the library, ADDRESS BY THE VICE-PRESIDENT, AUGUST 7, 1888. 197 It is right that I should allude here to an important event which takes place to-day at our Annual Dinner; I mean the presentation of a Testimonial to our highly-esteemed friend, Dr Cleghorn of Stravithie, from his numerous friends at home and abroad, in recognition of his eminent services to Science and Art, and especially to Forestry. In accordance with Dr Cleg- horn’s well-known generosity and anxiety to benefit others, he has resolved to devote a sum equal to the value of the Testimonial, over £200, to forming a Library of Forest Literature for the free use of Forest students and others. Through the active and kindly interest of the Director of the Museum, General Sir R. Murdoch Smith, it has been arranged that the Library is to be located in the Museum of Science and Art in Edinburgh, where excellent facilities exist for its accommodation. When placed there, it will be easily accessible to students, foresters, and all who are interested in the subject. The Library will be known to all future generations as “The Cleghorn Forest Library,” in grateful remembrance of the esteemed donor. To us, as a Society, this is the most important announcement, in connection with Forest Literature, which has ever been made at our Meetings. The Library will prove an immense boon to future generations of young foresters, by placing within their reach, free of all cost, a most valuable collection of standard works on Forestry and its cognate subjects. I trust that all will endeavour to reap the fullest benefit from this generous and well-timed gift, for which foresters of all grades must feel deeply grateful. So much, gentlemen, for the past and present ; and, in conclu- sion, I sincerely hope that every member of this Society will make it a point to do his best to increase its future prosperity and usefulness. PRESENTATION TO HUGH CLEGHORN or SrtraviruiE, M.D., LL.D., F.R.S.E. On Tuesday, 7th August 1888, the annual dinner of the Royal Scottish Arboricultural Society was held in the Waterloo Hotel, Edinburgh, when the occasion was taken advantage of to present Dr Cleghorn of Stravithie with his Portrait, subscribed for by his numerous friends, at home and abroad, as a mark of their esteem for his personal qualities, and appreciation of his services to science and arboriculture in India and this country. The chair was occupied by Professor Bayley Balfour, and Mr M. Dunn, Dal- keith, officiated as croupier. Among others present were the guest of the evening, Dr Cleghorn of Stravithie; Sir William Muir, K.C.S8.1., Principal of Edinburgh University ; General Maclagan, R.E., Professor Sir Douglas Maclagan, Colonel Dods, Dr Lundie, Messrs J. E. Dovey, C.A., Edinburgh ; James Watt, J.P., Carlisle ; William Erskine, Edinburgh; James Kay, Rothesay; James Robertson, Panmure; John M‘Laren, Winchburgh ; John M‘Laren, junior, Perth; A. Milne, Edinburgh; A. A. Green, Edinburgh ; R. Baxter, Dalkeith ; and W. J. Moffat, Secretary, Edinburgh. The Secretary intimated letters of apology from a wide circle of friends who were unable to be present, in which they expressed the greatest interest in the object of the Presentation, and conveyed their warmest wishes that Dr Cleghorn might be long spared in health and happiness. The CuarrMAN gave the loyal and patriotic toasts in appropriate terms, which were warmly responded to. General Maciaaay, for- merly of the Indian Service, replied for the Army, and spoke of the friendship which he entertained for Dr Cleghorn, with whom, in his work in Northern India, he had been intimately associated for some years. Sir Wittiam Muir, in proposing the health of Dr Cleghorn and asking him to accept the Portrait, said,—I have received a PRESENTATION TO HUGH CLEGHORN OF STRAVITHIE, 199 letter from Sir Dietrich Brandis, ex-Inspector-General of‘ Forests in India, dated 14th July, in which he writes :—‘‘It is a great source of regret that I shall not be able to be present on 7th August, on the occasion of the presentation of a memorial to Dr Cleghorn. Would you do me the favour to mention that I am extremely sorry I cannot attend, as the duty which I have under- taken for the India Office, to conduct the senior students at Cooper’s Hill on their autumnal tour, will make it impossible for me to be present.” Proceeding, Sir William Muir said:—While my acquaintance with Dr Cleghorn began only in 1861, when at Cairo on our way to India, Sir Dietrich Brandis has kindly fur- nished me with an account of Dr Cleghorn’s earlier Indian career, to which I will take the opportunity of referring on one or two points, After marching about with his regiment for a year or two in the Madras Presidency, Dr Cleghorn was enabled to lead a more settled life, when he at once applied himself to scientific work. He early perceived the immense importance of the tropical forests. He saw that as the population spread out, the people were tempted to invade the forests and cultivate within them. He was one of the first of those who were at the bottom of the grand Forestry work now being carried on in India. Early impressed with the devastating results of what was known as ‘ Koomri” cultivation, as far back as thirty years ago he was instrumental in getting orders issued by the Government to stop that wasteful system. It was just such a man as our friend who could best carry out Forestry measures amongst the people of India without appearing tyrannical or overbearing, As Sir D. Brandis writes :—“ Dr Cleghorn was able to carry his point in regard to Koomri cultiva- tion, because he was known to be a true friend of the natives ; he entertained feelings of warm sympathy towards them, and had made himself familiar with their modes of life and systems of husbandry. As a medical man his name was widely known, and he had acquired much influence among the native population. When urging the discontinuance of Koomri cultivation in Madras, as he had previously urged it in Mysore, he knew that he was pro- posing measures which in the end would be highly beneficial for the people themselves. Dr Cleghorn’s single-minded desire to promote the welfare of the people was evident to those who at that time were in influential positions in Madras, and the confidence which they placed in him was the secret of his success in this important matter.” In 1850, when the British Association was in Edinburgh, 200 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. our esteemed guest was appointed, along with some other eminent men, to report upon tropical forests and the influence which they exerted on the climate and the resources of the country. That report has had an important effect on the movement in India for the conservation of the vast and rich forests there. In 1856, he was appointed Conservator of Forests in Madras; and in 1861 he brought out a book on the ‘‘ Forests and Gardens of Scuth India,” which was extremely useful in letting people see the value of the forests, and what ought to be done to assist their cultivation. In 1864 he made an important investigation into the vast forests of the Punjab, and in acknowledging his report the Government of India gave him the proud title of “the Founder of Forest Conservancy.” He was afterwards appointed a Commissioner to report on what measures should be taken for the systematic cultivation of the forests of India. It was then at Calcutta and Barrackpore that I saw much of our friend in the bright domestic life over which a cloud of bereavement has recently so sadly come. In 1867, when Dr Brandis came home, Dr Cleghorn was appointed to officiate as Inspector-General of the Forests of India. In 1869 he returned to this country, and since then he has taken an active part in the work of the India Office. Many a young man must have a pleasant recollection of the kindly way in which he was introduced to the service by our friend. When he retired, the Government of India said of him :—‘“ His long services from the first organisation of Forest Management in Madras have without question greatly conduced to the public good in this branch of the administration ; and in the Punjab also Dr Cleghorn’s labours have prepared the way for the establishment of an efficient system of Conservancy and working of the Forests of that province.” Since our friend became a resident in Edinburgh, he has been an ardent member of the Botanical Society, of which he has been President. Of recent years he has been an Examiner in Botany for the University of Edinburgh ; and for eighteen years has been Chief Examiner in Forestry for the Highland and Agri- cultural Society, an office which he continues to hold with great satisfaction to all concerned. He was elected a member of the Scottish Arboricultural Society in 1865, while still in India. Soon after his return to this country he was duly elected to the Council of the Society, and in 1872 he was appointed President, being re-elected in 1873, and again in 1883, 1884, and 1885. During his second term of office the International Forestry Exhibi- PRESENTATION TO HUGH CLEGHORN OF STRAVITHIE. 201 tion was held in Edinburgh, in 1884. Dr Cleghorn took the lead in carrying out that great undertaking, the first of its kind held in the British Empire, and the success of that unique and interesting Exhibition was largely due to his untiring industry and enthusi- astic labours. As a witness before the Forestry Committee of the House of Commons he gave, along with others, valuable evidence, which has induced the Government to propose the formation of a Forest Board to inquire into and promote the proper education and practical training of young men for Forest service ; and which has also led in part to the establishment of a Forest Branch in the Engineering College at Cooper's Hill, Surrey. In all Forestry matters, and especially those connected with the welfare and prosperity of the Arboricultural Society, our guest has always taken a keen and intelligent interest, and has never spared time nor trouble in carrying out anything that would be for the good of foresters or the advancement of Forestry. His services at the time of the Forestry Exhibition and since have been of extreme value, and I hope that as the result we shall have a School of Forestry here, and that Scotland will have a large share in the future administration of Forestry in the Kingdom. At home in Fife, and in Edinburgh, our esteemed friend is known for his interest in the welfare of all around him, and warm sympathy with every philanthropic movement having for its object the good of the people. He weeps with those who weep, and rejoices with those who rejoice. May he long be spared to be of use to us all, and may we long see his genial face among us. In asking Dr Cleghorn to accept his Portrait, Sir William Muir said that they were met to tender an expression of their affectionate regard for him, and he added, the fund was subscribed to by all classes—peers, Indian judges, members of Parliament, principals and professors of Universities, generals and colonels of the Army, foresters, and horticulturists. He asked Dr Cleghorn to accept it as a small token of theirregard. The Testimonial also comprised £200, which, in accordance with Dr Cleghorn’s suggestion and approval, was to be applied to forming the nucleus of a library of suitable books, to be called “The Cleghorn Forest Library,” to be placed in the Museum of Science and Art, Edinburgh. The proposal was received by the Company with the warmest enthusiasm ; and, in replying, Dr CLecuorN said,—Dear friends, in returning thanks on this to me very interesting occasion, I fear that I cannot adequately — 202 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. express my feeling of gratification at this unexpected presenta- tion, and especially the pleasure superadded by the kindly words of my valued friend, Principal Sir William Muir. It is very dangerous for any frail mortal to venture to speak of himself, or to refer to his past career ; but after the too generous allusions to various incidents of my life which have been made to-night, this can scarcely be avoided. In early life I was brought up with a tutor in the country, and trained to rural pursuits and acquaintance with agricultural routine. I had an excellent education—first at the High School of Edin- burgh, and afterwards at the University of St Andrews. In 1837, I became an apprentice for five years of the eminent surgeon, Professor Syme (from whom I learned much, both from his hand and his head), and graduated M.D., Edinburgh, in 1841. In the following year, at twenty-two years of age, I received an appoint- ment in the East India Company’s Service, and sailed for Madras in the troopship “ Wellington.” After a few years of marching and counter-marching with different regiments in Southern India, between Dharwar and Trichinopoly, I obtained a civil charge in the Mysore Commission, with the super- intendence of a jail, vaccination, and other duties. Here, for the first time, I had a considerable amount of leisure, and resolved to follow the advice previously given to me by Sir Joseph Hooker, viz., to study one plant a day for a quarter of an hour ; and which I did after the morning’s duty in the jail and hospital was over. About this time also, my honoured University teacher, the late Sir Robert Christison, sent me a list of inquirenda and desiderata relating to Indian drugs, which I endeavoured to follow up. Pursuing this plan steadily, I soon acquired a knowledge of the Flora of the Province of Mysore. As time advanced, official references were made to me in regard to the Medical and Economic Plants of India, and other duties were added, such as preparing a collection of native raw produce for the Local Museum. In 1848, I was sent home, invalided by Mysore fever, and took up residence at Torquay for three winters. In 1851 my papers were drawn up for resigning the Service; but before sending them in, I resolved to try another voyage round the Cape of Good Hope, and was preparing to start, when Professor Forbes Royle, of King’s College, London, asked me to assist him in arranging the raw produce for the Great Exhibition of 1851. I gave up my intended voyage, and was occupied for several months in classifying PRESENTATION TO HUGH CLEGHORN OF STRAVITHIE, 203 the exhibits in the Indian Section. Im 1852, finding my health improved, I returned to Madras; and, having resumed military duty, Sir Henry Pottinger, then Governor, appointed me to the Chair of Botany and Materia Medica in the Madras Medical College. To this the duties of Port and Marine Surgeon, and afterwards of the District Surgeoncy of St. Thomé, were added. I remained in Madras till 1856, when I was transferred to the Revenue Department by Lord Harris, and called upon to undertake the formation of the Forest Department in the Madras Presidency. In 1861, I received instructions from the Governor-General of India (Lord Canning) to proceed to the Punjab to examine the forests of the Western Himalaya, and to institute a systematic plan of Conservancy and management. I spent three years in exploring the countries adjacent to our north-west frontier, including part of Kashmir and the Trans-Indus territory. During this period, I learned much from my laborious and experienced friend and coadjutor, Sir D. Brandis. In 1869, I retired from Indian life, and have since lived amongst you, endeavouring to discharge such duties, public and private, as have devolved upon me. After Sir William Muir’s kind allusions, I need not refer to the part which fell to me in connection with the International Forestry Exhibition in 1884, or to such assistance as I was able to render in stirring up public interest in the claims of Forest Education upon the State, towards which some progress was made in the recent appointment by the House of Commons of a Select Committee to deal with the subject. That Committee has reported in favour of a Forest Board, and I venture to hope that in due time we shall see one or more Schools of Forestry established. I cannot sit down without again acknowledging the great kind- ness which has prompted this Presentation. The list of donors to the Testimonial, which has been handed to me, has greatly touched me, and I notice with special pleasure that it includes not a few of the junior officers in the Forest Department of India. To me it has been a pleasant duty to aid many young recruits in their train- ing for the Indian Service, and I have been much gratified by receiving a visit from some of them at my home in Fife when they return on furlough. I notice also the names of a large number of Scottish foresters, old and young, whose faces are well known to me, as I have often had the pleasure of meeting them at our annual gatherings. 204 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY, The Portrait shall remain at Stravithie as a memento of this occasion, and in considering the best object to which the Testi- monial Fund could be devoted, I may be allowed to say that I desired to confer a benefit on foresters in general, and young foresters in particular, and I believed that a Forest Library placed in a public institution like the Industrial Museum, where all could have access to it under proper regulations, would best conduce to that result. It has been a pleasure to me to know that this proposal has received the cordial support of Sir R. Murdoch Smith, K.C.M.G., the Director of the Museum. The Crovurirr, in proposing “‘ The Royal Scottish Arboricultural Society,” said it was never in better working order, the member- ship was flourishing, and a healthy vigour existed in all its branches, which the Members should strive to maintain. Colonel Dops proposed “The University of Edinburgh,” and expressed the hope that they might be successful at an early date in establishing a Chair of Forestry in the University. In replying, Sir Wm. Murr said he hoped they might, at some not distant time, have a Chair of Forestry in the University ; but, as they were aware, they were now in a very constrained position. They had been looking to Parliament for a long time to give them the liberty they desired, but the much-needed legislation, in the shape of the Universities Bill for Scotland, did not come. Members went on talking about other things which they had much better leave alone. Home Rule was a very good thing in its way, and he hoped they would have it in the University to the extent of enabling them to make the changes desired. As to the proposed transfer of the Botanical Garden, the University did not want it. They would much rather that it remained under the management of the Govern- ment, and open to the public at large, and he trusted that the repre- sentations that had been made would prevent its being handed over to the University. Mr Kay gave “Kindred Societies,” for which Sir Dovcras Mactacan responded. Mr Dunn proposed “‘The Landed Pro- prietors,” to whom the Society was much indebted for privileges it received, and the hospitality extended to its members when visiting the woodlands on their estates. Dr CieaHorn, in acknowledging the toast, said the administration of land was quite as difficult as farming now-a-days ; but there was much pleasure to be derived from the management of land, apart from the mere question of revenue. Mr Rogertson gave “The Nursery and Seed Trade,” for PRESENTATION TO HUGH CLEGHORN OF STRAVITHIE. 205 which Mr Mitye replied. The Croupier proposed “ The Secretary of the Testimonial Fund,” and Mr Joun M‘Laren, jun., acknow- ledged the toast, remarking that no one could know Dr Cleghorn without having his heart drawn out in affection to him. Mr MILNE, in proposing the health of the Chairman, congratulated Professor Bayley Balfour on the appointment which he had recently received, and expressed his belief that he would worthily maintain the traditions of the Chair of Botany in the University of Edin- burgh. The CHAIRMAN, in replying, said it was a peculiar pleasure to him to occupy the Chair so long filled by his father, and afterwards by Professor Dickson. He hoped that in the future, as in the past, the Botanic Garden over which he presided would be closely linked with the interests of the Royal Scottish Arboricultural Society. As to the proposed School of Forestry, he hoped it might be possible in some way to utilise the very great resources at the Botanic Garden and Arboretum, and to that end he sincerely trusted that the efforts of the Arboricultural Society would be successful in preventing the transference of the Garden to the University. The health of the Croupier having been proposed by Mr ErskIne, ** Auld Lang Syne” was sung, and the company broke up. VOL XII., PART II. oO 906 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. X. On the Comparative Value of Exotic Conifere as Ornamental or Timber Trees in Britain. With Table of Measurements. By Tuomas Wi1kIE, Forester, Tyninghame, East Lothian. There is nothing which adds more to the attractions and amenity of a place than the careful selection and distribution of hardy, ornamental, and timber trees, the setting and growth of which gives shelter and ornament to both estate and mansion. Receiving “all things richly to enjoy,” we have a diversity of leafage and outline in plants which enables us to make a selection from almost every part of the known world, such as is calculated to produce that appearance and effect which we desire. Our experience and knowledge of the hardiness and ornamental effect of the more recently introduced species and varieties of conifers is being gradually extended, and from numerous reports thereon we may now with some accuracy select those best calcu- lated to suit the soil, climate, and exposure of particular localities. It is not to be expected that one can actually describe the peculiar properties of each species, or of any plant in particular, from a point or in a manner to be at once just and pleasing to every observer, as each individual has his own peculiar tastes, fancies, and beliefs as regards both ornament and value. From my own experience, I shall endeavour to give a short description of those most commonly grown and which are useful for timber purposes ; and also make reference thereto as far as their orna- mental effect is concerned. This being a very numerous family of plants, I have purposely omitted a full description of many of the less useful species, so as to keep my report within moderate dimensions. The figures in the Table are chiefly gleaned from reports by travellers and good home authorities, and some have been collected by myself. I cannot, however, be held responsible for the statements of others, which I have had no opportunity to corroborate. I believe that man, animals, and plants are more especially adapted for, and will prosper best in, those parts and temperatures where nature has placed them ; hence, we cannot rationally expect that exotic conifers will succeed in every case. Had travellers given us full particulars as to soils, exposures, altitudes, and extremes of tem- peratures, our knowledge of the suitability of each variety would have been more cheaply gained ; because, when we can set plants COMPARATIVE VALUE OF EXOTIC CONIFER IN BRITAIN. 207 in soils, exposures, altitudes, and temperatures such as those in which we find them growing naturally, we will then have a more uniform success. I shall first treat of the Fir tribe, including the Hemlock, Spruce, and Silver Firs; all of which are evergreen. These, when growing alone, or promiscuously among deciduous trees having attractive outlines, produce a pleasing effect in the land- scape, especially during the spring and autumn months, when their tints blend more distinctly with that of other trees than during the summer season. Tue Hemiock Firs. Abies Albertiana (Prince Albert’s Fir).—Introduced in 1851. Habitat, Oregon and British Columbia, where it grows to 150 feet in height, and from 12 to 18 feet circumference. It much re- sembles the better known species, A. canadensis; and is quite hardy. A very free growing and useful tree, its graceful drooping branches and pyramidal form rendering it always attractive. A. canadensis (the Hemlock Spruce).—Habitat, Canada and the United States. Introduced about 1736. It has numerous slender drooping brancbes, clothed with short broad leaves of a light green colour on the upper and glaucous on the under side. In its young state it is a useful ornamental tree, of a branchy habit, and suitable for open exposed altitudes. It is of no value as a timber tree in this country. In America the bark is much used in tanning, but the tree is not grown in sufficient numbers in Britain to make the bark an article of commerce. A. Douglasii (the Douglas Fir).—Habitat, California, Oregon, and British Columbia ; was introduced in 1827. Perhaps more has been written about this fir than any other of recent introduction. Although of a spreading habit where it has room to grow, it is among the fastest timber-producing trees of the Fir tribe; but when too fast grown the wood is of a rough and second-rate quality. Possibly, with the exception of the larch, this fir is the most valuable, commercially, of all the exotic conifers. Hitherto it has been grown in too limited numbers, and under exceptional treat- ment, to enable us to put a proper value upon its timber. If treated like our common forest trees, my belief is, that it will not supersede some other species of fir. From the table at the end of this Report, it will be seen that Abies Menziesii grows at as high altitudes in its native habitat; and in some 208 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. places in this country it is producing as much, if not more, timber than the Douglas Fir; and before we place the latter at the top of the list, we must see its value better tested as a common forest tree. As yet the larch is the tree “par excellence” for forest planting ; and I question very much if the Douglas Fir were once tested as well as the larch has been, but that its supposed superi- orities will vanish. This dark-green tree, grown as a single specimen, is of an open habit of growth, and rather ornamental. A, D. Stairi—This distinct variety, which originated at Castle Kennedy, Wigtownshire, is almost white in spring. It assumes a colour approaching the type in summer, and a silvery tint in autumn, and generally loses its leaves before the next season’s growth appears. It is of a dwarfish habit, and is a unique speci- men for the lawn. A. Pattoniana (Patton’s Fir).—Habitat, California and Oregon. Introduced in 1851. It grows at altitudes ranging up to 10,000 feet, and attains heights of 150 and 200 feet, and girths of 16 and 20 feet; a very ornamental tree. Its leaves are light-green above, and glaucous beneath. Tue Spruce Firs. Abies alba (the White Spruce). — Habitat, British North America ; introduced about 1700. Height, 40 to 50 feet; has longer and more glaucous leaves than A. nigra; and is a very attractive tree, especially when standing singly, or set amongst others of a sombre green colour. A. Alcoquiana (Alcock’s Fir).—Habitat, Japan ; introduced in 1861. A conical growing and distinct tree, and a very free grower in this country. It is perfectly hardy, and I think no planter should omit this valuable species, either for ornament or profit. A, excelsa (the Norway Spruce).—Habitat, middle and north of Europe ; introduced about 1548. It thrives well, attains to a great height, and is a very useful timber tree, the wood being light and elastic, and suitable for a variety of purposes. Its durability depends a good deal on the altitude at which it grows, the soil it grows in, and the management to which it is sub- jected. The colour of the wood is either a reddish or yellowish white, and contains much less resin than the Scots pine. It weighs 65 lbs. 11 oz. per cubic foot when green, and 35 lbs. 2 oz. when quite dry. Its ashes furnish potash, and its trunk resin, from which Burgundy pitch is made. The timber takes a high polish, COMPARATIVE VALUE OF EXOTIC CONIFER IN BRITAIN. 209 is used for gilding upon, and, like the pear, takes a rich black stain. This tree is an excellent and cheap nurse, and being dense in the foliage, it may be said to be a storehouse of heat. It is of a conical form, and being an excellent non-conductor, it protects the ground from cold and drought. The tree luxuriates on north and east exposures in deep loams or a moist sandy soil, and on such it is believed to produce timber in this country equal, or almost so, to that grown in Norway. A. e. alba (the White Fir of Norway) is of a finer foliage, and by far the most ornamental of the varieties, especially in the early stage of the season’s growth, when the young shoots throw a profuse whitish green tint upon the graceful and pendant twigs and older grass-green foliage of the tree. A, e. nigra (the Black Fir of Norway).—As a single specimen this is a handsome tree till about 15 feet high, if it is allowed plenty of room, and the foliage is well retained. When older and full of vigour, it assumes a drooping habit, and then somewhat resembles Abies morinda. A. e. pendula (the Weeping Fir of Norway).—A most graceful tree, especially if grown in a moderately moist soil. Its drooping habit and dark glossy green leaves at once arrest the eye, and show to great advantage when growing amongst deciduous trees. A. e. variegata (the Variegated Norway Fir).—This has its leaves blotched with yellow, and is of a dwarfy and rather compact habit ; certainly a unique variety, though I do not consider it attractive. The dwarf varieties of the Norway Spruce are also worthy of a place in all collections, particularly on account of their neat ap- pearance and ornamental effect, such as the following :—A. e. Clanbrasiliana, dumosa, elegans, Finedonensis, inverta, mutabilis, pygmea, and others. A, Menziesit (Menzies’ Fir).—Introduced in 1831. Habitat, North-West America, from latitude 42° to latitude 67° North ; attaining its greatest dimensions about the mouth of the Columbia River. It does not attain to the size of the Douglas Fir in its native country ; but its timber is of excellent quality, and used for a great variety of purposes. In suitable sites in Britain, and in deep moist loam, it is a rapid growing and very handsome tree ; its beautiful silvery foliage and long wavy branches being very attractive in ornamental grounds. It is of a wide-spreading habit, and the branches require plenty of room to fully develop 210 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. their graceful proportions. Some of the finest Menzies’ Firs in Scotland are growing in the policies at Castle Menzies in Perth- shire. As a timber tree, it promises to be one of the best of recently introduced conifers. A. morinda (the Himalayan Spruce).—Introduced from India in 1818. It grows at high altitudes, and to a height of 150 feet, girthing from 12 to 20 feet. The tree isa very sombre figure in the landscape. It has a coarse open-grained wood, useful for purposes to which fir timber is generally applied ; and contains a large amount of resin in its sapwood. A, nigra (the Black Spruce).—Introduced about 1700. Habitat, North-East America, and westward as far as Wisconsin. In its native country it attains a height of 60 to 80 feet, with a girth of 4 to 6 feet. Its timber is strong, light, and tough, and used for a great variety of purposes; being durable for inside work, al- though perishing rather quickly when exposed. As an orna- mental tree, it is not often used, but when grown in open places in a moist retentive soil, it forms an attractive tree, of a dark spiral habit, the branches often loaded with cones, and having a striking effect among other trees of spreading habit and lighter foliage. A. obovata (the Siberian Spruce).—Introduced by Ledebour from Siberia, where it grows abundantly, and varies in height from a tree of 100 feet to a tiny bush on bleak exposures. Con- sidered by some authorities to be a variety of A. excelsa, but does not closely resemble the latter. A. orientalis (the Eastern Spruce).— Introduced in 1839. Habitat, Armenia. An elegant and very ornamental tree; with short leaves, about one-half as long as A. excelsa. This species is of a pleasing and graceful appearance, of a very hardy nature, and much admired in collections, A. polita (the “ Tiger’s Tail” Fir of Japan).—Introduced in 1861. Habitat, Japan; largely used by the Japanese for orna- mental work. Its leaves are prickly, and of a colour somewhat resembling the Gorse when aged. In habit it is much like the Black Norway Spruce. . | 180.) 46 Norway Spruce, . | | 1750 | Invercauld, . | Aberdeen, _ | 100 8 » Menziesii, . 1831 North-West Ame is «| 100 | 15 Menzies’ Spruce, . - | 1858 | Strathfieldsaye,. | Hants,. ' .| 97 4 10 “F 5 a . 1831 Do, do., a . | 100 | 15 Do., o . | 1858 | Castle Menzies, . | Perth, . .| 82 9 0 » Morinda, . i 1818 Himalaya Mountains, . - | 150 | 20 | 6to 12,000 | Himalayan Spruce, . | 1863 Brahan, . . | Ross, . .| 20 ies » nigra, . . .| 1700 | North-East America, . || 80 | 6 Eon | Black Spruce, .' | | 1865 | Hopetoun,. | Linlithgow,.| 17 | 1 2 » obovata, a oe Siberia, . aie hens - | 100 | 8 | 2to 5,000 | Siberian Spruce,. .| .. én aaa G » orientalis, . | 1889 | Black Sea Region, . .| 80 | 8|1to 3,000| Eastern Spruce, . || 1805 | Hopetoun,. . | Limtithgow,.| 36 | 1°" 9 eEMOMU Was yet! A860 |\Sapanycc = ss || 200 | Oil yas “Tiger's Tail” Spruce, | 1881 | Ardkinglas, . | Argyll,, | 3 | 0 4] ¢: | 1888 Picea amahitis, . | 1831 | British Columbinand Oregon, | 200 | 20 | 3 to 5,000 | Lovely Silver Fir, Hopetoun,. | Linlithgow,.| 12 | 1 8} <. | issu » balsamea, . “ 1697 Canada and E. United States, 60 | 5 eet Balsam Fir,. . . Invergarry, . | Inverness, .| 93 2 3] .. | 1876 » bracteata, . . 1853 Southern California, . » 150 6 6,000 Santa Lucia Fir, . 2 Hopetoun, - . | Linlithgow, . 6 0 5 es » cephalonica, . 1824 Greece, . ea = a GO | 9 | 2to 5,000 | Cephalonian Fir, f Whittinghame, - | Haddington, | 46 6 1} 200} 1881 1» grandis, 6 5 1831 North-West America, . - | 200 | 21 ce) Tall Silver Fir, . = Riccarton, - Edinburgh, .| 664 ales .. | 1884 1» lasiocarpa, . <| 1851 | California, . .° : | 160 | 18 Californian Silver Fir, | Do., jo, . | 60 aa v. | 1884 » magnifica, > | 1851 FDO eae ne ss |)325001| 185 Stately Silver Fir, . | .. | Hopetoun,. . | Linlithgow,.| 6 | 0 6| |. | 1881 » nobilis,. _. | 1831 | British'Columbia and Oregon, | 300 | 18 Noble Silver Fir,. ./1830|Coul,. °: //|Ross, °:| 75 | 8 o| ilu] .. » Nordmanniana, .| 1848 | Caucasian Mountains, . !| 100 | 16 Nordmann's Fir, _ | 1850 | Whittinghame, . | Haddington, | 60 | 4 10| 200 | 1881 » pectinata, . | 1608 | CentralEurope, . |. || 150 | 20} Common Silver Fir, . | 1692| Roseneath, . | Dumbarton, | 160 |24 0] -.. | 1807 insapo, Deep) W|iBpsinc ver. ce |, 380 Spanish Silver Fir, . | 1865 | Hopetoun,. . | Linlithgow,.| 99h| 2 1/| <. | isso yeligiona, . . 1888 |Mexic,. . . . .| 150/18 Mexican Sacred Fir, .| . pee i ee a as : sibiriea,’ 1820 | Siberia, =. . . -{ 60] 6|2to 5,000 | Siberian Silver Fir, || |. ; ne ¥ wus austriaca, . . 1835 Central Europe, - m . 80 | 9 Preis Austrian Pine, . . | 1882 | Hopetoun, . . | Linlithgow, .| 41 -. | 1867 » Cembra,’ > -| 1746 Do, and N. Asia, | 100 | 9 4to 6,000 | Swiss Stone Pine, ; | 1864 | Balmoral,,. | | Aberdeen,’ | 40 BL atty¢ ny contorta, . .| 1881 | North-West America, . <| 30| 5] .... | Twisted Pine, '. || .. Se 3 a Stan Br llsce » excclsa,, . . | 1827 | Himalaya Mountains, . - | 100 | 8 | 5to 12,000 | Himalayan Pino,. || 1803 Brahan,. _. | Ross, 2 .| $8 ee 1304) es » — tneignis, . 4 1833 California, . - . 80 8 Sa Remarkable Pine, . | 1857 | Castle Kennedy, | Wigtown, .| 36 5 6 ve 1875 » Jeffrey’, =. | B52 Do., + + + +} 150/16) ..., | Jeffrey's Pine, . | | 1865 | Hopetoun,. . | Linlithgow,:| 18 | 1 4 1881 }. Lambertiana, || 1827 Do. Se ee | Scouse wig Sugar Pine,.. | | | 1865 Dota Do, :| 2 | 2° ol 2° | tex » baricio, =. «| 1759 | Southern Europe, . . | 140 | 12 2to 6,000 | Corsican Pine, | | | 1882 DS ce ab Done eet | eae a my 1807 OR =| ABBR | Gallforminys scien 7 (00) | 22|/8 te 41000 | Coulter's Ping, ; 5 || <: |/Scone,) ¢ Alpert? :| ge | a of 1884 » mits, . 5 A 1739 Eastern United States, . 5 80 | 10 Yellow Pine, A é .. | Dropmore, . . | Berks, . All Se Gate 5 » monticola, . .| 1831 | California and Oregon, | -| 100 | 6 Mountain Pine, | .| :. | Scone, '. || Perth, aa || 6 0 1884 Pallasiana, . |) 1790 Crimea. = si | a0] 8 Crimean Pine, )]| | rene cacee 8 (ata | eee cf : inaster, . .| 1696 |S.ofEurope,. . +: || go] 7 ;-_ | Cluster Pine, | | | 1882 | Hopetoun,. _. | Linlithgow, . 3 86 ponderosa, . | 1827 | Oregon and California, | 200 | 24 | 4to 7,000 | Western Pitch Pine, || .. Bowen alicemar se csivsumiige st leeaieece rigida, . ey é 1759 Eastern United States, . F 70) 8 ae Pitch Pine, - a 5 . | Dropmore, . : | Berks, | Sabiniana, . .| 1832 | California, . . . || 70] 8 NutPine, . : | 2848 China, Sea 120 | 14 ake Chinese Larch, | | Ley Gg 4 mrocarpa,. i nada and E, 90 | 7 Black Larch, =. i reyll,. Libocedrus chilensis, 1847 bey Fle ois meg 5 z 80) 6 Chita pom ite, . | ae. ees i » decurrens, 1863 Callfornta, ek Sates 20 | Californian White Cedar Brahan, . ./| Ross. . mo ” : ss Gag oe ong a ey i ee i Biota orientalis, . .] 1722 | ChinanndJapan,. : °| 30 | 4 | Chinese Arbor-Vite, Honeioen! Tinlitine, i Thuia gigantea, > | 1858 North-West America, ‘| 150 | 12 Giant Arbor-Vitw, ' < | 1867 | Riccarton,: | | Edinburgh’ . it Tee A 0. bea cillsteo tae 0. . | .: | Linton, ": | | Kent, » occidentalis, | 1597 | Eastern North America, | ican Arbor-Vi rs Thai a Thigopsts dotobrata, .| 1858 | Japan, «| Bh | 8 Senbisetty | a veers en Area a Cryptomeria elegans, , 1861 Do, . 5 ae , 60 | 7 Elegant Japan Cedar, || 2 Linton, Ken’ m — Japonies, «| 384s We Wie ig oe 100 | 15 Japanese Cedar,’ |<. | Penrhyn, | || Carnarvon, | a \ at sae 58 Sie ce path eect ge a 5 : Retinospora jilifera,’ 1863 DAN ce Shas | Sopp ne PEE pee gatas, Brahan, . .| Ross, . . 5 pele 3) Sect as ees 409 | 22 Japanese Cypress, "| ©. | Hopetoun,. | Linlithgow, . | Laie Le Witness ct ws ea-fruited Cypress, . | 1880| Ardkinglas, || Argyll,. |. 14 || aad BSH etre idcantfotia, te eouhera China, . 5 a at b pratten Saini er] » | 1842 a i is Berar +, 48 3] 180 1888 i , 1) Fee ee Oe ceed) ere fangholm,. 0.5 | ’ «+ | 1888 Sequoia sempervirens, .| 1796 | North:West America, | :| 2970 | 40 Redwood, .' : {| 1848 | Strathfeldsaye, || Hants. °| oa 6 5. |) 1877 ” nl | 1798 Do. done 270 | 40 Do Stoneleigh, Warwick, 60 1877 a i -| 1796 Do. do. : .| 270 | 40 Doi, eee cise | Monerlates) sl| went ee | 36 3 | 160 | 1877 Weltinotin een : A540 5 E.United States, . | 120 | 40 fi Deciduous Cypress, .| .. | Sion House, | Middlesex, .| 90 5 + | 1881 bs ‘ulifornia, . 5 ci - | 350 | 80 | Bto Mammoth Tree, . - | 1856 | Powderbam, . | Devon, «| 0 oO} .. | 1881 » » + | 1868 Do. Be - | 350 80 | 5 to 7,000 Do., + .| 1857] Orton, .. | | Hunts, 50 o}| 2: | 1877 Tazw'brevifotia,”. | 1854 | NorthWest America, 1° | “20 | 88 2to 7,000 | Californian Yew, . calles ta | me bs eels » canadensis,. .| 1800 |Canada,. . .° : °/| gol 6 Canadian Yew,’ || 2. 2 Were ; Salle » Ouspidata,. | 388 | Japan, > 5-2 2 fi) aol 7 Japanese Yew, > 1 | 2! ess Po eo found Conif and thus accordingly are of too » to save them ite COMPARATIVE VALUE OF EXOTIC CONIFERZ .IN BRITAIN. 225 OTHER Exotic ConIFERs. Among other useful and ornamental Exotic Conifers, all more or less hardy, in the United Kingdom, and worthy of the atten- tion of collectors and landscape planters, are the following :—The Tasmanian Cypress, Arthrotaxis wmbricata, a neat and ornamental foliaged tree; the Chinese Yew, Cephalotaxus Fortunei, and C. pedunculata, small bushy trees, and fairly hardy ; several species of Podocarpus from Chili, New Zealand, Tasmania, China, and Japan ; the Huon Pine of Tasmania, Dacrydium Franklinii ; the Californian Nutmeg, Zorreya myristica; and the Torreya nucifera of Japan; the Kauri Pine of New Zealand, Dammara australis ; the Cunninghamia sinensis, from Southern China ; the Patagonian Cypress, Pitzroya patagonica ; the Plum-fruited. Yew, Prumno- pitys elegans, from the Andes of Chili; and Prince Albert’s Yew, Saxe-Gothea conspicua, a curious and interesting member of the coniferous family, from the southern parts of Chili and Patagonia. Remarks.—Of the commercial value, per cubic foot, of the timber of these exotic conifers, we have not yet had sufficient experience of them to enable us to give reliable figures. A genera- tion or two must pass away ere this can be done with any approach to accuracy. It is open to doubt if many exotic trees will produce as good and durable wood as when grown in their natural habitats ; although the larch is a notable example of high-class timber when grown in Britain, away from its natural habitat in Central Europe. I hope, however, that those exotic conifers, now planted and growing in this country, will long survive in healthy vigour, so that future generations will behold trees, it may not be equal to” those grown in American and other genial climes, but such as we have not had the pleasure of looking upon in our day. Encouraged by hope, let us plant for future generations trees which shall not only be majestically grand and lovely, but such as are also really useful ; and, as we gradually come to know the properties of each, give faithful record thereof, and thus do all we can by hand and pen to advance the successful growth of the best timber trees, as well as those of an ornamental character. See accompanying Table for measurements of specimen conifers grown in Britain. 226 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. XI. The Douglas Fir (Abies Douglasii) 7m Scotland. By Dr W. Scucicu, Professor of Forestry, Cooper’s Hill Engineering College, Staines, Surrey. Amongst the exotic timber trees which have been introduced into Europe during the present century, the Douglas fir has attracted more notice than any other species, owing to its remarkably quick growth during early youth. Specimens growing in free positions are believed to have laid on a mean annual increment of as much as 3 cubic feet, while only 1 cubic foot, at the most, could be ex- pected on a larch tree ; and even in a few fully stocked woods the increment appeared exceedingly great. In the Gardeners’ Chronicle of October 8, 1887, p. 427, an extract from the Perthshire Constitutional was published, which drew attention to the oldest plantation of pure Douglas fir in Britain, situated at Taymount, on the estate of the Earl of Mansfield, in Perthshire. In the extract this plantation is spoken of in glowing terms, but only a few scanty measurements are given, so that it is difficult for the reader to arrive at any definite idea on the progress of the plantation, whereby he can compare it with that of our indigenous timber trees. Besides being of very rapid growth, it has been claimed for the Douglas fir that it is not liable to disease —an advantage, which, if it really did exist, would be of great weight. Such general statements are often misleading, and I determined . to take the first opportunity to inquire somewhat more fully into the matter. Accordingly during a short tour in Scotland in July 1888, I measured a sample plot in the Taymount Douglas fir plantation, and I also measured, by way of comparison, a sample plot in an adjoining Scots pine plantation. The results of these measurements seem to me of sufficient interest to deserve publication. The plantation at Taymount is situated about seven miles to the north of Perth, in 564° northern latitude, and at an elevation of about 200 feet above the level of the sea. The ground slopes very gently towards the south-east, and the soil consists of so-called “ stiff till,” which, in this case, may be described as a loamy clay, THE DOUGLAS FIR IN SCOTLAND. 227. retaining moisture well. The locality may safely be given as first or best quality for the growth of trees. The rainfall has been put down at 28 inchesannually. The area of the plantation amounts to 8 acres. It was planted by Mr William M‘Corquodale, forester and wood-surveyor to the Earl of Mansfield, who may be said to be the senior wood-manager in Scotland, in the spring of 1860, in the following manner: Douglas fir, four years old, 9 by 9 feet; larch, four years old, one between every two Douglas firs, and an additional line between every two lines of fir, so that the plants stood 43 by 41 feet, each acre containing 2151 plants, of which 538 were Douglas fir, and 1613 larch. The plants of Douglas fir were two years’ seedlings, and two years’ transplanted. The plantation made a good start, and the firs are said to have taken the lead at once. The larch were gradually thinned out, until the last disappeared before the year 1880, since which time the plantation has been pure Douglas fir. The first regular thinning of the Douglas fir occurred in 1887, Before that thinning, about 277 trees remained per acre, the remaining 261 having gradually disappeared during the previous twenty-seven years. Of the 277 trees seventy-five per acre were thinned out in 1887, so that now, in 1888, the countings showed 202 trees per acre. No accurate statistics are in my possession regarding the material removed by thinning up to date. At the present moment the area is well stocked, and any small interruption of the leaf canopy by the thinning of 1887 will disappear by the end of 1889, when the cover overhead will, barring accidents, be again perfect. Thus, the thinning of 1887, though fairly heavy, was by no means too heavy. On a sample plot, measuring four-tenths of an acre of average appearance, all the trees were carefully measured by myself, per- sonally, on July 20, 1888, at height of chest, or 4 feet 6 inches from the ground. A selected sample tree was felled, by the kind permission of Mr M‘Corquodale, and carefully measured, and thus the cubic contents of the tree were ascertained, separated into solid wood and branches. The former includes all wood over 3 inches diameter at the small end. In the present case none of the branches measured as much as 3 inches in diameter, so that the solid wood represents the stem of the tree from the ground up toa diameter of 3 inches. The following table shows the growing crop per acre :— 228 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. — | 3 o oo | ie ~ = ow s ec os Fa } Le 2 So Ae um B23 | gs 48% f28 . oe “2% B2E8 & ase BEES £8 eam cee =a Soe ae me soz ©Oog o= Ses CO on Ses Sein A e250 oes nA Sos ~ or oO 2d o! 2 or oO . anes 2208 os nen 22 oF as yn aa> a3 sae = Lae ES Sta a4 5 2a 243 50 2 A 3 Z, ae A 3 A Be 4 3 °26 12 20 23°56 5 12 1°64 13 35 32°26 6 3 59 14 iy 18°17 7 7 1°87 15 20 24°54 8 10 3°49 16 8 alg es ky 9 17 751 17 2 3°15 10 15 8:18 ee 11 33 21°78 Totals x 202 158°17 From the above data it follows that the average sectional area 158-17 202 ~ diameter of 12 inches. The sample tree of average development, which was felled, showed the following dimensions : per tree is = ‘783 square feet, which corresponds to a Diameter at 4 feet 6 inches above the ground, . 11°78 inches. Sectional area 5 35 a ; Mele, ste Height, : - : 60 feet. At 48 feet from the eetinid the stem or a diameter of 3 inches, and here the top was cut off. These 48 feet were divided into eight sections of 6 feet length each, each section measured in the middle, and thus the following data obtained : th of Section Mean Diameter of Volume of Solid Wood | gine he : aie Feet. Section in Inches. in recs ee in 1 6 12°5 5-11 2 6 10°0 3:27 4 6 8°5 2°36 8 6 3°5 “40 Total, 48 17°89 The top, 12 feet in length, and the branches, were stacked, and found to fill a space of 50 cubic feet, which may perhaps be put as equal to 50:x‘15=7°5 cubic feet of woody matter. In the present paper this wood will not be taken into account. From the contents of the sample tree, the volume of solid wood per acre was calculated according to the following equation :— THE DOUGLAS FIR IN SCOTLAND. 229 Volume of sample tree: volume per acre = sectional area of sample tree: Sectional area of all trees per acre; or 17°89: w= ‘757: 158°17, and «= volume per a = 3738 cubic feet of solid wood over 3 inches in diameter, exclusive of top and branches. By dividing the volume by the age of the trees (52) the average ee 117 cubic feet, 32 exclusive of previous thinnings ; or, if only the time since planting (28 years) is taken into account :—Average annual production of solid wood = os =133 cubic feet, exclusive of previous thinnings. By way of comparing these results with the production of one of our indigenous trees, I measured the trees on a sample plot of one-tenth of an acre—in a very uniform plantation of Scots pine, situated at a short distance from the Douglas fir plantation. This Scots pine plantation had been established in a somewhat elevated spot, which was formerly of a swampy description. The locality must be classed as of second quality only, compared with the locality in which the Douglas firs grow. It was drained and planted in 1847—that is forty-one years ago—with four years old plants of Scots pine ; it has been thinned three times, and it will again be thinned in 1889. On July 20, 1888, the area was fully stocked. Omitting all suppressed trees, the survey yielded the following results :— annual production of wood is obtained : Diameter of Tree at 4 Feet 6 Inches Number of Trees of Sectional Area at 4 Feet above the Ground each Diameter. 6 Inches, in Square Feet. in Inches. 5 40 5°45 6 70 13°74 7 70 18°71 8 90 31°42 9 100 44°18 10 70 38°18 11 40 26°40 12 10 7°85 | ooo a7 shke Eee elt A esbioteile es pfx wae, | 490 185-93 It will be noticed that this plantation shows a greater sectional area per acre than the Douglas fir plantation. The mean height of the wood was found to be 45 feet, and from the available data it was ascertained that the volume of solid wood (3 inches diameter and upwards) amounted to 5015 cubic feet per acre. By dividing this number by 45—the total age of the trees, I 230 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. — obtained :—Average annual production of solid wood = = =111 cubic feet, exclusive of previous thinnings; or, if only the time since planting is taken into account :—Average annual production of solid wood = _— = 122 cubic feet. If now we compare the average annual production of Douglas fir and Scots pine, we find—Douglas fir=117 resp. 133, against Scots pine=111 resp. 122 cubic feet. Here, then, is an almost inappreciable difference, especially if it is considered that the quality of the soil in the Scots pine wood is decidedly inferior to that of the soil in the Douglas fir wood. Unfortunately I had no opportunity of measuring a larch wood in the vicinity of Taymount, but it is well known to all foresters that, up to an age of forty-five years, at any rate, larch produces a greater volume than Scots pine, so that I may safely say :—‘‘If grown in a well-stocked or crowded wood and in localities of equal quality, Douglas fir is not likely to produce more solid wood during the first thirty or forty years than the larch, and probably also not more than Scots pine.” The explanation is, that, although the individual Douglas fir develops more rapidly in diameter and in height than a Scots pine or larch, it requires, at any rate in Scotland, much more space ; and consequently an acre of land will hold only a much smaller number of trees. Moreover, I shall further on show that it is more tapering than the important European conifers. On the other hand, the growing stock of a Douglas fir wood con- sists of much larger trees (though smaller in number) than an equally old larch or Scots pine wood, and this is a great advantage where big timber fetches higher prices than moderate-sized timber. This advantage will, however, to a considerable extent, disappear with advancing age, when our indigenous timber trees reach the size usually demanded in the market. Although the Taymount plantation gives some valuable informa- tion respecting the early development of Douglas fir compared with that of Scots pine, it leaves us as yet completely in the dark as to the further progress of production with advancing age. We have detailed and accurate information of the rate of increment of various European conifers, such as Scots pine, spruce, and silver fir, but our oldest pure plantation of Douglas fir consists of trees now only thirty-two years old. As regards the production per acre in its native home nothing reliable is available. THE DOUGLAS FIR IN SCOTLAND. 231 Hough, in his Zlements of Forestry (1882), tells us that the Douglas fir reaches in Oregon to the enormous size of 200 to 300 feet in height, and from 15 to 20 feet in diameter; he adds, however, that the tree is more commonly about 150 feet high and from 4 to 8 feet in diameter. In America the trees are said to stand near each other, but this they certainly do not in the Scottish plantations ; on the contrary, here an acre can, owing to the spreading nature of the branches, accommodate only a small number of trees compared with other species. On the whole, the matter requires considerable further investigation. This could best be done by a competent forester proceeding to North America and making suitable measure- ments on the spot. Such a step was actually taken, in 1885, by Dr H. Mayr, a Bavarian forester and botanist. He visited the localities in which the Douglas fir thrives best, and he has promised to publish the information which he has gathered. So far, however, he has only favoured us with a few notes published in forest journals, and as he has proceeded to Japan as Professor of Forest Botany in the Japanese Forest School, his experience of the Douglas fir may not become available for years to come. Pending further investigation, I may be permitted to gather together what useful information is available at present, and to draw such conclusions as may appear permissible. The following! information is at my disposal :— (1.) Measurements in the Taymount plantation. (2.) Height growth of two Douglas firs on the same estate, planted in 1834. (3.) Information supplied by Dr H. Mayr. (4.) Examination of a Section of a full-grown Douglas fir, deposited in the Cooper’s Hill Forest Museum. (Ad. 1.) The details of the measurements made in the Taymount plantation have been given above. (Ad. 2.) The Douglas firs, planted in the year 1834, were about four years old when planted, so that the trees were about fifty-seven years old in 1887, when they showed a height of about 90 feet. (Ad. 3.) Dr Mayr informs us in the Allgemeine Forst und Jagd Zeitung of February 1886, p. 61, that the Douglas fir reaches the highest degree of perfection in the moist valleys of the Cascade Range Mountains, which run parallel to the Pacific coast. He found that in those localities the average height of full-grown mature Douglas firs, grown on soil of the best quality, amounts to 1 Much general information is, no doubt, available, but for the present object only actual measurements can be used. ' 232 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. 213 feet, with a diameter of 6} feet, measured at 6} feet above the ground. In the same locality, on gravelly soil, the trees only reached an average height of 148 feet, and a diameter of 2°6 feet. Again, in the Rocky Mountains, in Montana, at the same elevation and degree of latitude as on the west coast, the Douglas fir reaches, on best soils only, the same dimensions as on the gravelly soil of the Cascade Range Mountains, that is to say, a height of 148 feet, and a diameter of about 2°6 feet. The latter dimensions are not more than what our silver fir will attain in localities of the first quality. The part of the Cascade Range where the Douglas fir grows, has an annual rainfall of about 64 inches, while in Montana only 24 inches fall. Dr Mayr believes that the development of the Douglas tir is proportionate to the rainfall; respectively to the degree of moisture in the air. (Ad. 4.) The cross-section in question was sent from America for exhibition in Europe; it was then made over to Kew, and by the kindness of the Director of Kew Gardens it was lately presented to the Cooper’s Hill Forest Museum. The section shows a total diameter, including the bark, of 7 feet 9 inches, and the counting of the concentric rings indicates a total age of 515 years. A careful examination of the section has yielded the results exhibited in the subjoined table :— Diameter in Inches. Sectional Area in square feet. ee SEE Increment | | Increment | Increment Total, | during every Total. during every during every | 25 years. | 25 years. | 100 years. 25 10°9 10-9 0-648 0648 | 50 14°3 374 1-115 0°467 75 18°4 4°] 1°847 0°732 100 23°0 4°6 2°885 | 1°038 2°885 125 26°1 31 3°715 0°380 150 29°5 3°4 4°746 1°031 175 33°0 3°5 5940 1°194 200 36°6 3°6 7306 1°366 4°421 225 41°9 5°3 9°575 2°269 250 47 ‘1 52 12°100 2°525 275 51°6 4°5 14°522 2°422 300 56°6 5:0 17°473 2°951 10°167 325 60°7 4:1 20°096 2°623 350 65°2 4°5 23°186 3°090 375 69°6 4°4 26°421 3°235 400 74°8 5:2 30°516 4:095 13'043 425 HM 2°9 32°928 2°412 450 81°5 3°8 36°228 3°300 475 84°6 3°1 39°036 2°808 500 87°4 2°8 41°663 2°627 11°147 nod? 89°5 43689 ne y the pe 93°0 THE DOUGLAS FIR IN SCOTLAND. 233 This table exhibits some very remarkable facts. In the first place, it shows that the tree was still making good increment at an age of 515 years, which is higher than that usually attained by the European larch, Scots pine, spruce, and silver fir. Secondly, it shows that the enormously rapid increase of the diameter during the first twenty-five years is suddenly followed by a much smaller and an approximately even increment during each of the following nineteen periods of twenty-five years. I have represented the progress of the diameter increment in the following drawing, which will give a clear idea of it :— PCC He HH CEE eee eee mere ASA aoe aE 100 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 DIAMETER IN INCHES. > i=) or | ae 50 AGE IN YEARS; Diagram showing the increase in diameter of the trunk of the Douglas Fir, according to Age. Thirdly, the sectional area increases, on the whole, steadily. The periodic increment increases up to the age of 400 years, when it commences to fall. Taken by centuries, we find that the fourth century yielded the largest increment. The appended graphic representation will make this clear :— AGE IN YEARS, Diagram showing the periodic increment of every Twenty-five years in Square Feet. 234 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. Fourthly, the rate of growth indicated in the section up to the year thirty resembles that of the average tree in the Taymount plantation in a striking degree, as the following figures will show :— Diameter of average tree at Taymount at 4 feet 6 inches MEVEMGperginds ep las Pe ye a }12 inches, Diameter of thirty years’ growth on the section from ) tiaairohide: America, Assuming, then, that the average tree in the Taymount plantation will show a future developmeut similar to that shown on the above mentioned cross-section, I have endeavoured to forecast the volume of solid wood, or growing stocks (3 inches and upwards in diameter), which an acre of land of the first quality is likely to contain at various periods. In order to facilitate my task I shall commence by giving such data for the silver fir, obtained by careful and extensive measure- ments on the Continent. The volume, or cubic contents of a standing tree, is best calculated by the following formula :— sxhxf. Here s represents the sectional area taken at a convenient height above the ground, usually the height of the chest of a man, or about 43 feet; % indicates the height or length of bole; and f indicates a certain co-efficient called “the form figure.” The product of s x A represents a cylinder with a base equal to that of the tree at 4 feet 6 inches from the ground, and a length equal to the height of the tree, the volume of which is considerably larger than that of the tree, as the latter tapers from the base upwards ; hence f is a fraction of 1, and as the product, s x h, is thus reduced by multiplying it with f, the latter is sometimes called the reducing factor. During late years a large number of silver fir woods of varying age, from early youth up to muturity, have been carefully measured, arranged in different qualities—best, middling, and inferior—by ascertaining their height, sectional area at height of chest, and their cubic contents ; by dividing with the product of height by sectional area (h x s) into the volume, the form figure has been ascertained. The tables thus constructed can now be applied to the measurement of standing woods without any fellings whatever, by merely measuring the height and sectional area, and by taking the form figures from the tables. THE DOUGLAS FIR IN SCOTLAND. 235 The following extract shows the mean volume of solid wood in a well-stocked silver fir wood growing in a locality classed as belonging to the first quality up to an age of 140 years, beyond which age no figures are available :— Sectional Volume of Mean Tree. pve, | Boot] ean | ,arezat, | Form | “G'inches Years. | per |Beightin] “Ghost. | tor Sota [aidmeter and Sectional | Acre. cet. | Square Feet | Wood. Guble Fest Ashen eet per Acre. per Acre. eet: : yer alr 17 93 ‘65 1,082 "053 38°1 50 931 42 lye 47 3,458 190 5:9 75 433 75 243 "47 8,532 “561 10°1 100 213 97 295 "46 13,291 1°385 15°9 125 | 126] 109 335 "45 16,291 2°659 | 221 140 101 114 353 “44 17,720 3°495 25°3 In order to prepare a similar table for Douglas fir, it is necessary to ascertain the total sectional area per acre, the mean height, and the form figures for the years 50, 75, 100, 125, and 140; and this, with the scanty material at present available, can only be done in a rough and preliminary manner. Sectional Area.—We know that the sectional area of a dominant (or leading) tree is as follows :— At the age of 50 years, . : - = 1°115 square feet. os LOL e Hm ss 1847 5 ss LOOM S50 : - = -2°885 Pr i 1255 9 : 2 =) Owillb 3 5 HAO Bee 2 : ; = 4:307 3 In order to ascertain the total sectional area per acre at these periods, we must ascertain the number of trees which a well-stocked acre is likely to contain at the same periods. We know (1.) that a well-stocked acre contains 202 Douglas firs at the age of thirty-two years ; (2.) that 101 silver firs 140 years old, of a mean sectional area of 3°495 square feet, find room on an acre; (3.) that generally a Douglas fir requires at least as much room as a silver fir of the same sectional area, and, in fact, somewhat more, owing to the somewhat more spreading nature of the branches ; and (4.) that a Douglas fir 140 years old shows a sectional area of 4°307 square feet. 236 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. Taking these facts into consideration, the following numbers of Douglas firs per acre have been estimated :— At the age of 32 years, . - ; : ; 202 < By ass , ; : : 150 4 DP 8 : ; : 4 125 a 00 5. : : ; . 100 nn : ; 3 88 ee aes : . : : 80 By multiplying these numbers with the mean sectional area per tree, the total sectional areas of all trees per acre are obtained. (b.) Height.—The following facts are at our disposal: (1.) A Douglas fir thirty-two years old has a mean height of 60 feet ; mean annual height growth = 224 inches; (2.) a Douglas fir fifty- seven years old has a mean height of 90 feet; mean annual height growth (from thirty-second to fifty-seventh year) =14 inches ; both grown in Perthshire. (3.) Mature Douglas firs in the most favour- able localities of North America are reported to reach a mean height of 213 feet ; such trees are often up to 500 years old, but it is not known at what age the height growth ceases; let us assume that it is very slight after the age of 250 years. With these facts before us, the heights up to an age of 140 years may be estimated as follows :— At the age of 32 years, . ; : : - 60 a DOs ss : - - : 82 i era . : : : 105 ct Uf sae ; : : : 125 5 1 ae ; : : j 141 5% Tao : : - - 150 (c.) Form Figqure.—The form figures for silver fir are :— At the age of 32 years, . E : - : 65 iv Bite ey : : cgi 5 Te ben" : ; é : “47 ieee GAN, Tl. ie ; : f : 46 Oe ee ; : apse ye a ; , ; “44 The form figure of the Taymount plantation shows °39 for an age of thirty-two years. This is very considerably below the form figure for silver fir, and it is in accordance with the facts of the case. The Douglas fir is a much more tapering tree than the THE DOUGLAS FIR IN SCOTLAND. 237 silver fir, and the highest form figures which can be expected may perhaps be placed as follows :— At the age of 32 years, : : : = “39 Ba BO iy; é ; ‘ = 38 A Tb ; = 38 SS nae ; : : = 37 aon. os 3 = 36 Leni ; = "35 By utilising the figures thus estimated, the following table for the Douglas fir has been calculated :— tants Volume of Mean Tree. No. of hips Form | Solid Wood : Mean apa Figure (3 Inches F Age, | Trees | Height in Beeues for |Diameterand Sectional Years. | per Feet. Chest, Solid upwards) Area, | Diameter, Acre. Square Feet) Wood. | Cubic Feet | Square Inches. per Acre. per Acre. Feet. 32 202 60 158 39 3,738 “782 12°0 50 150 82 167 38 5,204 a5 14°3 75 5 105 231 38 9,217 1°847 18°4 100 100 125 288 37 13,322 2°885 23°0 125 88 141 327 36 16,599 3°715 26°1 140 80 150 345 "35 18,112 4°307 28°1 Let us now compare the volume of the Douglas fir with that of the silver fir :— Growing Stock per Acre Mean Annual Increment in in Cubic Feet. Cubie Feet per Acre. Age. Douglas Fir. Silver Fir, Douglas Fir, Silver Fir. 50 5,204 3,458 104 69 75 9,217 8,532 123 114 100 13,322 13,291 133 133 125 16,599 16,291 133 130 140 18,112 17,720 129 127 This table indicates that under a rotation of up to about ninety years the Douglas fir, owing to its more rapid development in early growth, yields larger returns of solid wood than the silver fir. Under a rotation of 90 to 120 years the returns in volume are about equal. Under a rotation of more than 120 years the Douglas fir will again yield larger returns of volume than the silver fir. The latter is of little consequence in this country, because no landed proprietor would think of working his plantations under a rotation of more than 120 years, unless he had a particular fancy to see large trees on his estate. Attention must also be drawn to the VOL: | X1l., PART IL, Q 238 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. fact that the mean annual increment culminates between the years 100 and 125, so that a rotation of, say, 110 to 120 years will yield, in the long run, a larger number of cubic feet of solid wood than either a shorter or longer rotation, both in the case of silver fir and, as far as I can judge, also of Douglas fir. The above data, it must always be remembered, refer only to the final cuttings. I have no data whatever which would enable me to compare the intermediate returns (thinnings) of Douglas fir and silver fir. I may also draw attention to the fact, that the numbers of cubic feet given above refer to the actual volume of solid wood. In order to obtain the number of cubic feet calculated from the quarter girth, as is usual in this country, the numbers must through- out be reduced byabout one-fourth (or, more accurately, 22 per cent.). I have compared the returns of the Douglas fir with those of the silver fir, because we possess accurate tables giving the volume- yield of the latter at different ages. It would have been more to the purpose to substitute the Jarch for the silver fir, but un- fortunately the laws of increment of the former have not as yet been so minutely studied and recorded as in the case of the latter. So much, however, is known, that the larch develops much more rapidly than the silver fir during youth, and that it yields larger returns of solid wood under a rotation of seventy-five years, and perhaps even eighty years, in favourable localities ; under a higher rotation the volume-yield of the silver fir is greater than that of larch. Hence it may be safely said, that under a rotation of seventy-five, and perhaps even eighty years, the larch will yield as much solid wood as the Douglas fir whenever they are grown in regular fully stocked woods, and in localities of equal quality— with this difference, that the material yielded by the Douglas fir will consist of a smaller number of trees per acre, with a greater mean diameter per tree. The laws of increment of Scots pine are well known. On good localities, like that of Taymount, the growing crop of a fully stocked acre compares as follows with that of Douglas fir :— . Volume of Solid Wood per Acre Mean Annual Increment per in Cubic Feet. Acre in Cubic Feet. Age. Douglas Fir. Scots Pine. Douglas Fir. Scots Pine. 50 5,204 5,600 104 112 75 9,217 7,900 123 105 100 13,322 9,300 133 93 THE DOUGLAS FIR IN SCOTLAND. 239 Under a rotation of fifty years Scots pine may even yield a little more material than the Douglas fir, but later on it drops consider- ably behind. Quality of the Timber.—The next point of importance is the quality of the timber. The wood of the Douglas fir has a great reputation, and in America its quality is believed to be equal to that of larch timber. In how far the Douglas fir grown in this country will come up to that standard remains to be seen. The larger sized trees so far cut on the Scone estate have been freely bought at the same rates as those usually paid for larch, but sufficient time has not elapsed to show the comparative merits of home-grown Douglas fir and larch timber. A few words must now be added with regard to the safety of production. First of all it is an undisputed fact that Douglas fir can, in this country, only be successfully grown in sheltered localities, because its leading shoot, and even the lateral branches, are very liable to be broken by wind. This reduces the area suitable for its cultivation very considerably. Then there can be no doubt that the Douglas fir, in order to yield large volume returns, requires good fertile and fresh or moist soil, in fact, soil on which any other species will produce a large volume of timber. Such land can, moreover, be used to greater advantage for field crops. What we specially require are species which will do well, or at any rate fairly well, on lands which are not suitable for field crops. Finally, it has been said that the Douglas fir is not exposed to any disease, while the larch, for instance, suffers so much in this respect. With regard to this point, it will be as well not to shout until we are safely out of the wood. It will be remembered that the larch disease did not show itself in Scotland until about sixty years ago. Only quite lately Mr M‘Gregor, who has been on His Grace the Duke of Athole’s estates for more than forty years, pointed out to me, that he has never seen the larch cancer on any of the old larch trees, except on those parts of the trees which have been formed during the last sixty years. This certainly seems to indicate that the disease did not exist before about the year 1820. No doubt exists now that the larch cancer is the result of the ravages of a fungus (Pezza Willkommiz), the spores of which enter the tree through wounds which were caused by insects (aphis), frosts, violence, etc. Only a few days ago, and after I had com- 240 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. menced this article on the Douglas fir in Scotland, I saw in a German forest journal, a notice of the discovery of an injurious fungus on the Douglas fir. Dr von Tubeuf, a pupil of the celebrated pathologist, Dr R. Hartig of Munich, has now described a fungus, Botrytis Douglasii, which is parasitic on the Douglas fir + it has been noticed during the last ten years, in several widely separated localities in Germany, on the trees in the experimental plantations which have been made of late years. As far as is known at present, the fungus attacks in the first place the young shoots, the needles of which turn brown or grey, the whole being ultimately spun over with mycelium ; it then extends and ultimately kills the plants. It has also been found that this same fungus can be cultivated on two to six years old plants of silver fir, spruce, and larch. Dr von Tubeuf found, as a general rule, that those Douglas firs were specially attacked which grow in fully stocked areas, so that the branches of the trees interlaced ; and in these cases the lower branches were more attacked than those higher up. He also noticed that free standing trees were free of the disease, and he naturally draws the conclusion, that infection depends on a high degree of moisture, such as is found in dense woods, while free-growing trees, exposed on all sides to drying air currents, escaped. Now, what does this mean? Simply that the Douglas fir must be grown in thin open woods, and if so, good-bye to any high returns per acre, such as silver fir, larch, or even Scots pine will yield. Generally, Dr von Tubeuf adds some very sensible remarks, of which I give the following extracts. He says :— “Tn introducing an exotic species, the first question should be whether, if grown in the same locality, it possesses any real advantages over our indigenous species, either in consequence of a superior quality of wood, rapid growth, large dimensions, active reproductive power, etc., or by more successfully resisting any unfavourable conditions of the soil or climate, or by being less subject to natural enemies, such as game, animal or vegetable parasites, etc.? A further most important question is, whether with the exotic tree we are likely to introduce new enemies to our indigenous trees? and in this respect we need only remind the reader of the imported enemies of the potato, the Colorado beetle, the enemies of the vine, ete. “Of our own enemies of trees, a large number attack without distinction the exotics lately introduced—Curculio, Bostrychus, THE DOUGLAS FIR IN SCOTLAND. 241 cockchafers, caterpillars, and beetles, attack exotics like indigenous trees ; Trametes radiciperda (one of the most formidable of fungi) destroys the wood of the Douglas fir like that of any other species.” These words deserve serious consideration. It is more than probable that the Douglas fir will, with us, in the course of time, develop its full share of enemies, if not more, considering that it is an exotic species. Before concluding, I desire to express a hope that my object in publishing these notes on the Douglas fir may not be misunder- stood. The cultivation of the tree in Great Britain and Ireland looks at present very encouraging, and I trust that experiments will be continued ; but I deprecate altogether rushing into extensive plantings, as advocated by the correspondent of the Perthshire Constitutional, until time has shown that the tree really deserves to supersede the species hitherto cultivated by us, and of which we know what to expect. My personal opinion is, that the Douglas fir will just as little revolutionise our sylvicultural operations as the Weymouth pine has been able to do, though great things were expected of it at one time. There is a great difference between nursing up a single tree in a fine soil and under otherwise favourable conditions, and the growing of a species on a large scale for economic purposes ; in the former case only exceptional results present themselves to the eye, while in the latter case averages must be looked for and reckoned with. 242 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. XI. Old and Remarkable Trees on the Rolle Estate, Stevenstone, Torrington, Devon. By James Barris, Forester, Steven- stone. [Plates II. to V.] The Stevenstone Estate, the property of the Hon. Mark G. K. Rolle, occupies a central position in the northern division of the County of Devon. The park in front of the mansion ranges in altitude from 400 feet to 500 feet above sea-level. The soil is a strong loam, the subsoil sandy clay, resting on shillet rock, with a very uneven surface. ‘The climate is mild, and the soil in general is favourable for the production of large hardwood timber trees. I purpose in this report to supply the particulars of twelve note- worthy trees on this property. Although none of them may be connected with historic events, yet they can be favourably com- pared with many other notable trees in the South of England. There are numerous other large trees on the property, but to give a minute description of them individually, along with their picturesque features and habits of growth, would extend this report much beyond the prescribed limits. The accompanying album contains photographs of the twelve trees, and also of a section of the base of the stem of each tree, so as to convey a fair idea of their appearance and dimensions. Each photograph is numbered, and these numbers correspond with those given in this report.! The first nine trees are situated in the deer park, some close to, and others within one mile of the mansion. The trees numbered 10, 11, and 12 are distant from the mansion about five, seven, and nine miles respectively. The measurements of each tree are given in a tabulated form at the end of this report, so as to be more convenient for reference. No reliable statement can be made as to the age of these trees, but I believe the majority of them are fully 200 years old. No. 1. Spanisu Cuestnout, Castanea vesca. (See Plate II.) This is a grand specimen, and a splendid type of what an old ornamental park tree should be. It is growing 70 yards south of Stevenstone House, is still healthy, and increasing in size yearly. 1 The handsome album furnished with the Report is added to the Society’s Library. It contains twenty-four beautiful photographic illustrations, giving a full view, and a stem section, of each of the twelve trees described.—Ep. OLD AND REMARKABLE TREES ON THE ROLLE ESTATE. 243 Portions of the top have been broken off by storms at different times, which have reduced the height of the tree in proportion to the great thickness of its bole. The circumference of the bole, at 3 feet high, is 22 feet 64 inches, and the tree contains 721 cubic feet of timber. No. 2. Asu, Fraxinus excelsior. A fine tree which stands about 300 yards south from the mansion-house in the middle of a group of walnut and other trees, At 30 feet high it divides into three large limbs, and is a healthy, fast-growing tree. At 3 feet up, it girths 14 feet 1 inch. No. 3. SpanisH CuHestnut, Castanea vesca. (See Plate III.) This splendid tree stands 40 yards south of the flower garden, and is one of the best of the old and remarkable trees on this pro- perty. At 3 feet high it girths 18 feet. It has a fine balanced and wide-spreading head of branches, with a diameter of 100 feet, and the tree contains 833 cubic feet of timber. No. 4. Beecu, Magus sylvatica. A remarkably fine specimen, which grows about 120 yards east of the mansion. This tree has got a peculiar large opening in the bole on the east side, 19 feet long, 12 inches wide outside, and 2 feet diameter in the middle of the bole, which is quite hollow up to 19 feet, where the tree forms a round, clean stem to 33 feet high. Even with this defect it would be difficult to select a handsomer example of a park tree. The top rises to 96 feet high, with a diameter of 72 feet, and the branches sweep down all round to within reach of the deer in the park. No. 5. ABELE Poptar, Populus alba. This beautiful tree stands on the west side of the park, close to the drive to Weekbottom, and forms an excellent contrast among other ornamental deciduous trees. It reaches to a height of 96 feet, with a clean bole of 46 feet 6 inches, and girths 11 feet 7 inches at 3 feet high. No. 6. Oak, Quercus pedunculata. A very fine specimen of an oak, which stands close to the Week drive, on the east bank, near the bottom of the park, and is one of 244 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. the many fine oaks on this bank. The circumference of the stem, at 3 feet high, is 17 feet 3 inches, and the tree contains 572 cubic feet of timber. No. 7. Linz, Zilia Europea. A beautiful tree, standing on the north side of the east approach to the mansion, and 23 feet from the road. It is a fine healthy tree, towering to a height of 100 feet, contains 404 cubic feet of timber, and girths 11 feet 74 inches at 3 feet high. No. 8. Oak, Quercus pedunculata. (See Plates IV. and VY.) Another fine specimen of an oak, which is growing on the east bank of the smallest pond near the middle of the park. It presents a healthy and vigorous appearance, and is likely to make a very large tree. It girths, at 3 feet from the ground, 17 feet 2} inches, and contains 472 cubic feet of timber. No. 9. Eneriso Extu, Ulmus campestris. This grand old elm grows cn the north side of the largest pond in the park, at 37 feet from the water’s edge. It has lost several fine limbs by strong gales; still it contains no less than 544 cubic feet of timber, girths 16 feet 2 inches at 3 feet up, and towers to a height of 100 feet. No. 10. Oak, Quercus pedunculata. In front of Beam House, and 90 yards away from it, stands this grand specimen, one of the finest of the old and remarkable oak trees in North Devon. It grows on the lawn adjoining the river Torridge, and is a very healthy tree with a fine balanced head of 107 feet diameter. It contains 500 cubic feet of timber, and girths, at 3 feet up, 17 feet 6 inches. No. 11. Brscu, Fagus sylvatica. This remarkably handsome tree is growing 200 yards south of the Umberleigh Station of the London and South-Western Rail- way, and on the east bank of the River Taw. The trunk of this gigantic tree is divided on the north side to near the ground, and at a height of 17 feet 3 inches from the base it wholly divides into two ponderous stems, one of which ramifies into four and the | Z ° ee et et NH OCOD ONOMNRWHH OLD AND REMARKABLE TREES ON THE ROLLE ESTATE. 245 other into six very large ‘limbs, and afterwards into a number of smaller limbs, forming a splendid head 94 feet high and 86 feet 6 inches in diameter. It girths 30 feet 73 inches at 3 feet, and 25 feet 3 inches at 5 feet up; and contains 988 cubic feet of timber. No. 12. Sitver Fir, Picea pectinata. A splendid specimen, and one of the largest fir trees on this property. It grows in a meadow, in deep, rich loam, and stands about 150 yards from Hudscott House. The circumference of the bole at 3 feet from the ground is 16 feet 1 inch. The height of the tree is 96 feet, and its cubic contents 522 feet. TABLE.—Giving the names, dimensions, and cubic contents of the foregoing Twelve Remarkable Trees. ES mS S Hy = vo eg | 25 | 3 | 2 1eele Name of Tree. eo zo rs 2 melo 4" |\t3| 2 Bh tl Seales Common. Botanical. Ft. In.| Ft. In.| Ft. In.| Ft. In.} Ft. | Ft. Chestnut, Spanish,|} Castanea vesca, . | 22 62)22 4) 8 6 | 80 0} 52/721 Ash, . Fraxinus excelsior, .| 14-1 )13' 3 | 380 0 | 77 0) 881/372 Chestnut, Spanish, Castanea vesca, -|18 0 | 1611 | 12 6 {100 0} 86} 833 Beech, f Fagus sylvatica, .|15 6/13 94/33 0 | 72 0] 96/3888 Poplar, Abele, . | Populus alba,. .|11 7 |10 43) 46 6 | 74 0| 92] 296 Oakey. . | Quercus pedunculata,| 17 3 |15 34/18 6 | 84 0} 90/572 Lime, : : . | Tilia Europea, .| 11 73) 11 53/16 0 | 76 0/100] 404 Oak, . | Quercus pedunculata,| 17 24/15 63/13 6 | 86 0| 68} 472 Elm, English, . | Ulmus campestris, .|16 2|15 0] 20 0} 64 0}100) 544 CES = . | Quercus pedunculata,|17 6 |15 0|12 38 |107 0} 70} 500 Beech, : . | Fagus sylvatica, .|30 74|25 8/17 3 | 86 6] 94/988 Silver Fir, . . | Picea pectinata, . | 16 1} 15 27) 12 6: P50" Onis ena22 246 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. XII. The Comparative Value of Exotic Conifere as Ornamental or Timber Trees in Britain. By A. D. Wesster, Forester, Holwood Estate, Kent. How difficult it is to plant for future effect and utility is well known to every arboriculturist, unless indeed we are content to do as our forefathers did, and think it wiser, to prevent mistakes, simply to copy where they have been successful. The wisdom of such a policy, in most instances at least, we would not think of denying ; yet it will be agreed by all that it would be folly not to give a fair trial to the many beautiful conifers introduced to Britain, particularly during the past three-quarters of a century. The comparative value of exotic coniferze as ornamental or timber trees in Britain is to the arboriculturist a subject of vast importance, but one that has as yet received little attention. That many of the newly introduced conifers are highly orna- mental and useful in the embellishment of our parks and grounds, and several of great value in commerce, is well known; although it must be admitted that our knowledge of most of them is far from perfect. In the following notes, the result of fifteen years’ expe- rience of these trees on three estates, where almost every species had a fair trial, only such kinds are treated of as have some claim on the arboriculturist for ornament or utility. In many cases, owing to large numbers of certain conifers having been planted, ample opportunity has been afforded for testing the quality of wood produced, while as all three estates contained lowland and mountainous ground, and in one case a considerable tract of peat bog with a large area of chalk, the soils, altitudes, and situations that are most suitable for each species have been carefully con- sidered and duly noted from time to time. To render this paper concise and of easy reference, the names of the trees have been arranged alphabetically, but not in order of merit, either as ornamental or timber-producing species, their comparative value in these respects being, however, duly noted. This method of arrangement may seem unsatisfactory, but in reality it is not so, for several conifers are both highly ornamental and valuable for the quality of timber they produce ; and it would in some measure involve a reiteration of statements to treat such under the two headings of ornamental and useful. 1. Abies Albertiana (Prince Albert’s Fir). — This graceful conifer, with its drooping branches and delicate feathery sprays COMPARATIVE VALUE OF EXOTIC CONIFER IN BRITAIN. 247 of foliage, silvered on the under side, is one of the most orna- mental that has yet found its way into this country. The foliage is much admired, particularly so in early summer when each twig is terminated with a tuft of golden-green leaves sur- mounted by the darker green of the previous year. The whole contour of Prince Albert’s Fir, particularly when grown in suit- able soil—a peaty loam—is gracefully irregular, the long and lithe branches and pendulous branchlets imparting a refined air that never fails to attract attention. For lawn and park planting it is much in request, and may be described as the most beautiful of its class. As a timber tree, Abies Albertiana is not likely to attract much attention, at least in this country, although, as ex- hibited at the Forestry Exhibition in Edinburgh, the wood seemed of excellent quality ; and thanks are due to the forester to the Right Hon. J. Inglis of Glencorse, Midlothian, for the practical way in which the timber was tested for fencing posts. One of those exhibited had been in the ground five years, and appeared to be little the worse. The upward annual growth of this spruce is fairly rapid; the average of fifteen specimens growing under favourable circumstances being 20 inches. At Hafodunos, in North Wales, one of these trees in thirty-five years produced 48} feet of wood, or fully 14 feet per annum. Habitat, British Columbia and Oregon. Introduced in 1851. 2. A. Alcoquiana’ (Alcock’s Fir).—This is one of the most distinct, beautiful, and desirable of Japanese conifers, and one peculiarly well suited for the climate of Britain. Its chief attraction, and that which distinguishes it from all other species, is the striking and beautiful contrast in colour between the upper and under sides of the leaves ; for, while the former is tinged with a golden hue, the latter is, in the majority of specimens, of a silvery grey. When only a yard in height, this pretty spruce is a model of beauty, the dense habit of growth and pleasing out- line being the admiration of all beholders. Regarding its value as a timber tree in this country, it would be hazardous to advance an opinion, too short time having elapsed since its introduction for any specimen to have attained maturity. When better known and more widely diffused, this handsome, hardy, and easily-managed spruce will occupy a front rank in ornamenting 1 A, Ajanensis is here described as A. Alcoqguiana. The upper and under sides of the leaves are wrongly described. The silvery, and what appears to be the under side, is in reality the upper.—Eb. 9248 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. our parks and grounds. Introduced in 1861 from the Island of Nippon, Japan. 3. A. amabilis (Lovely Fir).—This handsome tree is not common in this country, probably owing to the confusion which, until recently, existed respecting the identity and nomenclature of this and others of the North-West American Firs. When planted in suitable soil (the finest specimens I have noted are growing in reclaimed peat bog) A. amabilis is of rapid growth, one specimen in particular growing under favourable circumstances having for several successive years made an upward growth of 15 inches. As an ornamental tree it is second to no other conifer, the easily- arranged, semi-decumbent branches and great wealth of intense bluish-green foliage rendering it as unique as it is beautiful. Little is known regarding the quality of timber of this tree in the British Isles. Habitat, Oregon and British Columbia, In- troduced in 1831. 4. A. brachyphylla (Short-Leaved Japanese Fir) is well worthy of attention, it being perfectly hardy and highly ornamental. From what we have seen of this unusually pretty fir, it is certainly well worthy of extended culture, particularly where a bright-foliaged and not too densely-branched conifer is in request. Introduced about the year 1870. Habitat, the Island of Saghalien and Japan. 5. A. bracteata (Santa Lucia Fir).—Too much cannot be said in favour of this little known tree, for, with its long and thick deep-green foliage, erect habit, and generally pleasing contour, it is beyond doubt one of the most handsome of the many conifers with which California has enriched our Empire. Even the cones are so distinct from those of any other member of its tribe, being thickly covered with long leaf-like bracts, that recog- nition of the species from these alone is not difficult. The largest, best furnished, and most healthy specimen of A. bracteata that I have seen is growing in a soil largely composed of peat, and partially sheltered from the prevailing winds of the district. After becoming established the upward growth of this tree is fairly rapid, the annual addition to the height of the specimen referred to, for five consecutive years, averaging 134 inches. Being of recent introduction, few opportunities of testing the quality of the timber have been afforded. Native of Santa Lucia, in South California, and introduced in 1853. 6. A, Brunoniana (Indian Hemlock Fir) cannot be considered COMPARATIVE VALUE OF EXOTIC CONIFER IN BRITAIN. 249 as perfectly hardy in this country—a matter which is to be regretted, for it is undoubtedly the handsomest of all the Hemlock Spruces. There is a beautiful and fast-growing specimen in the Red Lodge Nursery at Southampton, which, for twenty-five years, has made an annual upward growth of nearly 10 inches. The branches are of easy arrangement, while the pendulous branchlets are thickly studded with inch-long leaves, glaucous on the under side, and suffused with a milk-white bloom, Habitat, Nepaul and Sikkim. Date of introduction uncertain. 7. A. canadensis (Hemlock Spruce).—No evergreen tree or shrub can excel this conifer for richness of foliage or beauty of outline; and during spring or early summer the young, droop- ing shoots of a lively yellowish-green contrast finely with the dark sombre green of the older foliage, and form a combination that for pleasing effect is certainly hard to match. An erroneous opinion is gaining ground, that the Hemlock Spruce is not suited for the climate of Britain; even Loudon and Michaux have little to say in its favour; and as a veteran American Arboriculturist some time ago remarked, English nurserymen have generally followed suit by regarding the tree in a similar light. True it is we have no such specimens as are recorded from “the far West,” and equally true is it that this spruce will not flourish and put on its best garb when planted anywhere and anyhow with us, no more than do the majority of foreign importations ; but treat the Hemlock Spruce in a rational manner, and as its nature requires, and it will ere long be found that few trees are more amenable to cultivation, and, perhaps, none repay more fully the bestowal of uw little extra care and attention at the time of planting. Numerous instances of the rapid growth of this conifer in the British Isles might be adduced. A moist, deep, rich, but light soil and sheltered situation are its chief requirements. Few trees in Britain attain the age or size at which the wood is mature ; but specimens that have come under my notice might be reckoned as second class in the pine list. The late Mr Speed, gardener at Chatsworth, who had unusual opportunity of observ- ing the tree and testing the quality of the wood, reported the latter as hard and heavy. In its native country the wood of the Hemlock Spruce is not much in request, being coarse and crooked grained, and liable to splinter. It is sawn into boards of an inferior quality, adapted for mining purposes, flooring of barns, wharves, and out-buildings. The bark is used for tanning 250 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. purposes, and in America realises about fifteen shillings per ton. A native of North America, Canada, the New England States, ete. Introduced about the year 1736. 8. A. cephalonica (Mount Enos Fir).—This handsome fir is well adapted for general use in our country, and whether planted singly on the lawn, or mixed with others in the woodland, is at all times a pleasing object, and worthy the attention of planters. Unfortunately, in some districts, and especially when planted in unsuitable situations, young trees are apt to suffer from late spring frosts. That, however, should be no detriment to its ex- tended use, as, by a proper selection of soils and sites, success in the cultivation of this tree is not difficult, A stiffish soil, such as a good clayey loam, thoroughly drained, and a northern or western aspect, will be found most suitable, as these con- siderably retard early growth, the great evil to which the tree is susceptible in our clime. As an ornamental conifer this fir is of at least second-rate importance, the long and lithe branches being well clothed with dark olive-green foliage, while the whole contour of the tree is remarkably pleasing. The timber of home-grown trees which I have used experimentally for several purposes appears to be good and durable, but sufficient time has not elapsed since the experi- ments were made to speak with certainty ; so far, however, they are satisfactory, and tend to prove that the wood, when of mature age, will be of value for many out-door purposes. According to General Sir Charles Napier, the timber produced in its native wilds is of excellent quality ; and he informs us that, in pulling down some houses which had been built from a hundred and fifty to three hundred years before, the wood from the Black Forest (on the Black Mountain, Cephalonia) was found as hard as oak, and per- fectly sound. In the seventeenth century wood was supplied from this forest for the whole of the Ionian group of islands, as well as for the arsenal in Corfu. The wood is extremely resinous. Under favourable circumstances, the rate of growth is about 10 inches a year; but the production of timber is somewhat slow. Three specimens of fifty years’ growth, which I measured, were 38 feet each on an average, or about 9 inches annually since they were planted. Introduced from Cephalonia in 1824. 9. A. concolor.—This species is nearly allied to A. grandis, but readily distinguished by the rather irregular arrangement of leaves, and by the upper and under surfaces being nearly the COMPARATIVE VALUE OF EXOTIC CONIFER IN BRITAIN, 251 same colour. The cones, which are usually produced singly, are larger, and the seeds much weightier, than those of A. grandis. It is more liable to be injured by spring frosts than that species, and this is noticeable when the trees are growing side by side and under similar conditions in every way. As a first-class ornamental conifer it is worthy of extended culture and_of greater attention than it has hitherto received. The leaves are of a whitish hue, changing to a pale green as they grow old, the upper and under surfaces being of the same colour. When it has attained to a height of a dozen feet the colour of the foliage is very pleasing. The outline is symmetrical without being stiff. To produce rapid growth the tree must be planted in elevated ground. Regarding the quality of timber produced by this tree in Great Britain little is known, too short time having elapsed since its introduction. A native of the Southern Rocky Moun- tains. Introduced in 1851. 10, Abies (Pseudo-tsuga) Douglasit (Douglas Fir) is in certain situations one of the most valuable timber trees that have yet found their way into these islands. As regards the actual produce of timber in a given time, it is far ahead of any other tree grown in this country, not excepting the Wellingtonia or Sequoia. We state this from measurements recorded by ourselves for a number of years of trees grown under similar conditions as regards soil, altitude, and situation. The greatest amount of timber produced by the Douglas fir in this country during fifty years is no doubt that of which we kept a record, viz., 240 feet, or nearly 5 feet per year for half-a-century. The tree here referred to as having produced this almost fabulous quantity of wood is growing on an estate in North Wales, and is of the following dimensions :—Girth of stem at 3 feet up, 11 feet 9 inches ; and at 21 feet up, 8 feet 4 inches; 42 feet in length of the butt contains 217 feet of excellent clean timber. Another Douglas fir, growing within a few yards ofthe former, has a girth of stem at 3 feet from the ground of 13 feet 84 inches; and 24 feet in length of the stem contains exactly 131 feet of wood. In a plantation of this fir formed twenty-two years ago, the average sizes we found to be as follows :—Height, 76 feet; girth of stem at 24 feet up, 4 feet ; cubic contents, fully 50 feet. The timber produced in this country is of excellent quality, being light but strong, works readily, has a pleasant yellowish tinge, and takes on a good polish. By way of experiment we ; e 252 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. have used the wood rather extensively for fencing purposes, for doors, in boat-building (principally as masts), and for various other purposes, and with excellent results ; although it would be premature to speak with perfect certainty, for sufficient time for a fair trial has not elapsed since the experiments were instituted. As an ornamental tree for the park or lawn the Douglas fir is of great value, its graceful outline and wealth of foliage being special attractions. When planted in clumps or masses it is effective, the beautiful rich green foliage being pleasing in the extreme, particularly in early spring, when the young leaves are becoming fully developed, for then the contrast between these and the dark green—almost yew green—of the older foliage is strik- ingly distinct. In planting the Douglas fir for ornament, ample space should be allowed for the development of all the branches, as, if the trees are crowded together, the lower branches die off, and thus greatly mar the effect. It is difficult to say as to the distance apart at which these trees should be planted, much depending on the soil, position, and altitude at which they are grown. A safe average, under ordinary conditions as to soil and situation, would be 20 feet, the standards ultimately left being 40 feet apart, thus giving, in the majority of instances, ample room for the spread of branches. The Douglas fir is a tree eminently adapted for cultivation in this country, but to grow it satisfactorily it must be planted in sheltered hollows, for experience has proved that it is ill- adapted for bearing storms, even at a few feet above the sea- level. It is well to bear this fact in mind, and to plant it only where it will be screened from the prevailing winds. Such situations are plentiful on almost every estate; and if it is intended to grow this handsome and valuable fir in a satis- factory way, its peculiarities must be attended to, for experience has proved it does not thrive on exposed ground. A native of North-West America. Introduced in 1827. ll. A. Engelmanni (Engelmann’s Spruce), with its deep green foliage, rather short, stiff, and horizontal branches, and spire-like contour, is destined to rank high amongst ornamental conifers in this country. It is hardy, of rather slow growth, and, so far as we know, proof against insect pests. Owing to its recent intro- duction nothing is known as to the value of timber produced in the British Isles. In its native country the timber is said to COMPARATIVE VALUE OF EXOTIC CONIFER IN BRITAIN. 253 be excellent and durable. A native of the Rocky Mountains, and introduced in 1864. 12. A. excelsa (Norway Spruce).— Whether as a hardy shelter- giving tree, or for the quantity of fairly good timber it produces, the common or Norway spruce must ever rank high in the list of exotic conifers which have been found suitable for culture in the British Isles. It is acknowledged by all to be a tree in every sense well adapted for extensive planting. It luxuriates at high altitudes fully exposed to our worst winds, and at the same time produces a great quantity of timber of excellent quality and well suited for general constructive purposes. The wood of the Norway spruce, like most other English grown timber, has fallen sadly into disfavour, but there can be little doubt that in a few years, when foreign supplies will be on the wane, its many good qualities will again bring it to the front. The wood is valuable for a great variety of purposes, but being of a knotty character, it is difficult to work. When clean grown it is valuable for roofing material (for which it has been long used in Scotland), flooring, pit props, fencing rails, and packing boxes. As an ornamental tree, the fine proportions and well-clothed stem of the Norway spruce are rarely seen to advantage, and it may be for this reason that it is seldom found occupying the pro- minent position it deserves as a decorative species. For park and lawn ornamentation it is worthy of greater attention, as it is one of the best and most effective of hardy conifers. Habitat, Europe, as far south as the Alps and Pyrenees. Introduced previous to 1548, but exact date not certain. 13. A. firma, known in most collections under the name of A, bifida, is only seen in this country as an ornamental tree, few specimens having attained to anything approaching maturity. The somewhat stiff but deep glossy green foliage, and erect habit of the tree as revealed in home grown specimens, render it one of great value for ornamental planting. It is found to be hardy. Introduced from Japan in 1861. 14, A. Fraseri.—Introduced from North Carolina in 1811, has little to recommend it either for ornament or utility in these Islands. It is of low growth, with slender branches, and leaves deep green above and silvery underneath. 15. A. grandis (Great Silver Fir).—This is truly a handsome conifer, and well adapted for ornamental planting ; the soft, rich, green foliage, densely branched stem, and symmetrical habit being VOL. XII., PART Il, R 254 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. recommendations rarely combined in one species. The timber produced in this country is of excellent quality, being weighty, resinous, and the concentric rings firmly packed. The largest specimen which I have cut down, and only stern necessity compelled its removal, was, exclusive of the broken top, 72 feet in height, measured 26 inches in diameter at the butt end, and contained 73 feet of timber. On measuring some of the annual rings near the bark, I found them to average one inch in thickness, which speaks highly in favour of the tree as a rapid timber-producer. When felled and stripped of its branches, the balsamic fragrance, from the quantity of resin the tree contained, was perceptible at a considerable distance—further than I have ever noticed even in the Douglas fir—and the circumstance was commented upon amongst the woodmen employed in removing it. The average upward rate of growth of A. grandis in this country is 17 inches, while the quantity of timber produced in fifty years by the large specimen referred to gave an annual average of nearly 134 cubic feet. When cut into boarding, the wood resembled in appearance the common silver fir, but was, perhaps, darker, of greater specific gravity, and of firmer texture. It works well and takes a good polish, but from the rapid rate of growth the graining is somewhat rough, though perfect in delineation. The timber was used experimentally for many purposes, but sufficient time has not yet elapsed for us to speak with certainty regarding its lasting qualities ; so far, however—and it is now five years since the tree was felled—it seems quite sound, and likely to remain so for many years to come. A comparison of the timber of this tree grown in Britain with that exhibited from British Columbia at the Colonial and Indian Exhibition, revealed but few differ- ences, and nothing more than might be expected between that of a partially developed and of a mature tree. Taking into consideration the quantity and quality of wood produced by A. grandis, as also its highly ornamental appear- ance and undoubted hardihood, we place it in the front rank for economic planting in the British Isles. The soil best suited for it is an open rich loam, where it will not suffer either from excess or want of moisture. Introduced from North-West America in 1831, 16. A. Hookeriana, named in compliment to the late Sir William Jackson Hooker, is a highly ornamental conifer, and one COMPARATIVE VALUE OF EXOTIC CONIFER IN BRITAIN. 255 that has been found well suited for planting in almost any part of the British Isles, as may also be said of the nearly-allied species A. Pattoniana. Both are elegant trees for the lawn or park. The former is a native of California, and was sent to this country in 1854. A. Pattoniana occupies the higher regions of the Sierra Nevada, and was introduced in 1851. By most botanists these trees are considered as the same, and should such prove to be the case, the name Pattoniana has priority over that of Hookeriana. 17. A. magnifica (stately Silver Fir)—When seen at its best in this country A. magnifica is truly a magnificent tree, but somewhat stiff in form. By some this tree is supposed to be but a form of the better known A. nobilis; but such is not our opinion, for, judging from several specimens of fairly large pro- portions, the differences are very marked. The foliage of A. magnifica is at all times of a whitish silvery appearance, as if coated with hoar frost. As an ornamental tree A. magnifica is of great value, while its growth is rapid, one specimen of which we have a record having attained the height of 25 feet in twelve years. Little is known regarding its value as a timber producer. Habitat, North California and Oregon. Introduced in 1851. 18. A. Maresii, a native of Japan, introduced to this country in 1879, is likely to turn out a very ornamental tree; but too short time has elapsed since its introduction for us to speak with confidence of its value. 19. A. Menziesii (Menzies’ Fir).—The many good qualities of this conifer, its strong, hardy nature, and its valuable timber, render it pre-eminent among the tribe. The symmetrical outline and vivid bluish-green foliage are its peculiar characteristics, and when in a young state it is one of the handsomest of evergreen trees. The cones are very ornamental ; indeed, they are the most distinct and pretty of any produced by the tribe. In cool, damp loam, and where partial shelter from prevailing winds is secured, this spruce does best, but it does not bear crowding. The thick spreading branches point straight outwards, so that in order to have well-grown luxuriant specimens ample room on all sides must be provided. Where the soil is light and dry the foliage is, if we may use the term for an evergreen, semi-deciduous and meagre, and the whole tree stunted in appearance ; indeed, so changed in general aspect does it become under these circum- 256 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. stances, that it is with difficulty recognised. The colour of foliage varies considerably in different plants, some being of a hghter and others a darker green, approaching to blue, this latter colour being by far the most ornamental, and only attained by such trees as are favourably placed and more fully developed in the younger stages. Under favourable circumstances the rate of growth of A. Menziesii is rapid. It is not uncommon for 2 feet to be annually added to the height for the first twenty-five years. About 1} cubic feet is the annual increase in the bulk of stem, but this has been surpassed by at least one specimen of which I am aware, The timber, although somewhat coarse-grained, is tough and strong, and is used for a great variety of purposes, including ship- building. We have cut up and used the timber of home-grown trees of Menzies’ fir with satisfactory results; it being of a pleasing colour, easily worked, firm and strong in texture, and, so far as our experiments extend, very lasting whether employed in or out of doors. A comparison of home-grown wood with that sent from its native country to the Colonial and Indian Exhibition revealed but slight differences. From our knowledge of this tree, there can be little doubt that as a valuable timber producer and as an ornamental species, it can hold its own with any of its kind that have found their way into this country. A native of North-West America. Introduced in 1831. 20. A. nigra (Black Spruce) has little to recommend it to the British arboriculturist, either as an ornamental or commercial tree. At certain stages of growth and when planted in peculiar situations there is a certain beauty about this spruce, but as usually seen in this country it is of meagre appearance and ill- adapted for ornamenting our parks and woodlands. The timber grown in its native country is of great value, but here the tree rarely attains to large dimensions, and the wood is seldom used. Introduced from North America about the year 1700. 21. A. nobilis (Noble Fir).—This tree is one of the hardiest and handsomest of the group, and is becoming tolerably common. Amongst the silver firs it is the most conspicuous and beautiful, the deep glaucous foliage, regularly disposed branches, and by no means stiff outline being special recommendations, Few trees are less particular about the quality of soil in which they are planted. It is of rapid growth, the average annual increase in height of several specimens of which I kept a record being 20 COMPARATIVE VALUE OF EXOTIC CONIFERZ IN BRITAIN. 257 inches, for a period of twenty-five years. The production of wood is likewise rapid, and in support of this statement one of many instances which came under my notice may be cited. A tree of this kind was planted in good soil and a sheltered southern situation in 1854, it at that time being a robust growing specimen of 3 feet in height. In 1884, or thirty years after- wards, it had attained to 55 feet, when it was found to contain 61 cubic feet of wood; giving an average annual increase of fully 2 cubic feet. The home-grown timber of A. nobilis is not of first-rate quality, it being, in every instance where I have had the chance of examining it, soft, easily worked, and clean grained. The timber of mature trees will no doubt be of better quality than that of specimens of thirty years’ growth. Habitat, about the Columbia River, in Oregon, and southwards to California. Introduced in 1831. 22. A. Nordmanniana (Nordmann’s Fir).—If A. nobilis be the best of the Californian silver firs, this is without doubt the finest and most valuable of the European or Asiatic species. Asa lawn tree it can scarcely be surpassed, the handsome and regular outline, rich glossy green foliage, and stately habit rendering it one of the handsomest of conifers for ornamental planting. We expect that at no distant date it will supplant the common silver fir for forest planting ; the timber is of excellent quality, the tree more ornamental, and as regards soil it is less exacting. Another advantage it has over the common silver fir is that, owing to starting into growth later in spring, it is less apt to be injured by unseasonable frosts. Few trees are less particular as to soil than Nordmann’s fir; it succeeds well in reclaimed peat bog, stiff loam, decomposed vegetable matter, and light gravelly soils. For planting on cold steep declivities in the vicinity of water, it is invaluable, and succeeds well where the common silver fir and even the larch become seared and unsightly. The timber pro- duced in this country is hard, close-grained, very lasting, and susceptible of a fine polish. It is superior to that of the common silver fir, being harder and firmer in texture, and should its durability prove equal to that species it will be one of the most valuable timbers. Introduced in 1848 from the Crimea. 23. A. orientalis (Eastern Spruce).—The usually dense habit of this spruce, combined with its deep dark green foliage, which is perfectly distinct from any other conifer, renders it of great “258 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. ‘value for contrasting with other trees of a more light and airy appearance. Although of slow growth and doubtful value as a forest tree, still for ornamental planting, particularly for lawns of small extent, or where larger trees would be out of place, this spruce is of particular value, and cannot fail to attract attention and win the admiration of the lovers of trees. As scarcely half a century has elapsed since its introduction no trees have reached maturity, although specimens of fully 50 feet in height are not uncommon. When grown under favourable circumstances, the Eastern spruce makes an annual upward growth of about 17 inches. A specimen, growing on gravelly loam with a surface coating of decayed vegetable matter and in a sheltered situation, has attained to the height of 47 feet in twenty-nine years, and in that time has produced about 30 feet of timber. The few specimens of wood I have examined were of good quality, the graining and texture resembling closely its near ally, the Norway spruce. As a timber tree it will never rank high with us; but as an ornamental and perfectly hardy tree, it merits greater attention than it has received. The date of intro- duction is not certain, but it is supposed to have been about 1838. Nearly 300 years before, in 1553, however, it was noticed by Belon, who visited its native country. Habitat, Mount Taurus and the Caucasian region. 24. A. Pattoniana (Patton’s Fir).—As before stated, this tree and A, Hookeriana are usually described by botanists, including Engelmann and Parlatore, as one species. That they are nearly allied in habit and foliage must be admitted by every one who has examined them. It is fair to add that plants differing materially in density as well as colour of foliage are occasionally met with. Whether these two spruces are distinct or not matters little ; both are highly ornamental and fast gaining favour amongst British tree-planters. Introduced in 1851. A native of the higher regions of the Sierra Nevada. 25, A. pectinata (Common Silver Fir).—As an ornamental tree this is only of secondary importance ; but for the value of the timber it produces it is well worthy of attention, although its merits in this particular have been exaggerated. The timber is of fairly good quality, and well fitted for rough outdoor carpentry. The timber is elastic, and the graining irregular, while it is soft, apt to shrink, and soon decays on exposure. For temporary buildings, tool-sheds, cattle-shelters, and many such purposes, we COMPARATIVE VALUE OF EXOTIC CONIFER IN BRITAIN. 259 have used the best quality of silver fir timber produced in this country, and with satisfactory results. It is excellent for use in connection with sluices and dams, or for lining the banks of streams and rivulets. Except the larch, we may say that the silver fir is second to none of the firs that have been introduced for upwards of one hundred years for the value of the timber which it produces. It is a native of Central and Southern Europe, and introduced to this country in the 16th century, but the exact date is unknown. 26. A. Pinsapo (Spanish Silver Fir).—The prickly short foliage, extreme density and rigidity, combined with compact growth and unique appearance, at once distinguish this from all other silver firs. In favourable circumstances few trees are more ornamental and effective ; but to see it in its beauty it must be planted singly or sufliciently far apart from others so that the branches may have suflicient room for full development. It is most attractive during late spring or early summer, for then the young growths contrast finely with the older foliage, the glaucous and remarkably stiff leaves forming a regular compact cone of the finest colour. Regarding the quality of timber produced in this country I can say little ; it closely resembles, both in colour and texture, that of the silver fir; but the examples which came into our hands were not sufficiently matured for a decided state- ment to be given. The average rate of growth of Abies Pinsapo under favourable conditions is 14 inches annually, while in one instance at least we have known it to produce 30 feet of timber in an equal number of years. A native of Spain. Introduced in 1839. 27. A. polita.—Introduced in 1861 from Japan, This is one of the handsomest and hardiest of the Japanese conifers, and one that is in great demand for ornamental planting, but its slow growth will debar it from ranking as a profitable timber tree. The foliage is of a pale green colour, which forms a striking contrast in early spring with the reddish-brown globose-shaped buds. 28. A. Smithiana (Himalayan Fir) is one of the most distinct and beautiful of the genus. Its graceful pyramidal habit is rendered strikingly beautiful by the slender terminal and lateral branchlets being pendulous to a greater extent, perhaps, than those of any other conifer, not excepting the Deodar. Since its introduction it has been widely spread over the country as an ornamental tree, proving hardy in most districts, although, in 260 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. common with many conifers, it commences to grow before spring frosts are past. It forms a remarkably handsome lawn or park specimen of neat conical habit, well furnished with bright green drooping branchlets. The timber, in its native country, is little thought of, being extremely soft, clean and easily worked, but perishable. Sir J. D. Hooker, in his ‘“ Himalayan Journals,” says that this spruce ‘‘ has white wood, employed for posts and beams.” The quality of wood grown in Britain can hardly be superior to that produced in its native country, yet my observations on wood grown at Penrhyn Castle, in North Wales, lead. me to believe it is equal to wood of the common spruce, but weightier and firmer, in trees of an equal age. Whatever the quality of timber pro- duced by the Himalayan Fir may yet turn out when that of mature trees is tried, we know not; but certainly as an orna- mental conifer it is one of the most valuable ever introduced. A native of the Himalaya Mountains, and introduced into Scotland in 1818. 29. A. tsuga (Japanese Hemlock Fir).—This is a distinct and highly ornamental conifer, and one well suited for planting where space is limited. It is somewhat pyramidal in outline, but by no means stiff and harsh, with foliage resembling that of the American hemlock spruce, but pleasanter in appearance. Being hardy, this conifer is sure to attract much attention when better known. There is a dwarf form called A. tsuga nana, which has been used with good effect in rock gardening. A native of Japan, and introduced in 1853. 30. A. Veitchis (Veitch’s Fir).—Introduced from Japan in 1879. It is a beautiful conifer, and found to be perfectly hardy. The leaves are thickly arranged, short, of a deep almost yew-green, but more glossy, and with two distinct silvery lines on the under side. Little can yet be said as to the timber value of this fir, but the young specimens are highly ornamental. 31. A. Webbiana (Captain Webb’s Fir).—This is one of the handsomest denizens of the Himalayas, but unfortunately it is not well suited for general planting in this country, being what is usually termed “spring tender.” By a careful choice of soil and situation many fine specimens have been reared in almost every part of the British Isles, amply rewarding the trouble taken to grow them by their stately grandeur and distinct appearance. The leaves are of a deep glossy green above, with two broad silvery bands beneath, more intense in colour than COMPARATIVE VALUE OF EXOTIC CONIFER IN BRITAIN. 261 in any other conifer with which I am acquainted, When planted in suitable soil—we have found a light vegetable loam most conducive to growth—this fir is of fairly rapid increase both in height and girth of trunk. A specimen growing in rich alluvial deposit, and sheltered from hard-blowing winds, attained to a height of 58 feet in thirty-two years, while the stem contained 37 feet of wood. We have more than once examined home-grown timber, and found it of fairly good quality, though somewhat soft. It is easily worked, and exceedingly durable when the non- maturity of twenty-three years’ growth is taken into account. 4. Webbiana is a native of the Himalayas, from Bhotan to Cashmere, and was introduced in 1822. 32. Araucaria imbricata (Chili Pine).—Though the Araucaria is of stiff outline, there is something remarkably pleasing and distinct about a well-grown and well-furnished specimen. The drooping sweep of the branches in old and healthy trees serves to a great extent to soften the rigidity of the foliage. When suitably placed with regard to its surroundings, it imparts to our lawns and grounds a distinctly foreign <&pect, and associates well with such trees as the Deodar, the Weymouth pine, and the weeping spruce. Perhaps no other tree has been for the past quarter of a century more sought after for ornamental planting than the Chili pine, while there is no more ill-used and wrongly- placed subject amongst the whole of our forest trees. Nearly every cottager must have his “ araucaria,” be the soil and space suitable or not, while the town garden is in many instances adorned with this tree, which is unable to withstand for any length of time the deleterious effects of an impure atmosphere. The araucaria is often crowded amongst evergreens, and the lower branches being deprived of light and air, die off pre- maturely. It is often planted in cottage gardens where a fair- sized specimen of the common Laurustinus could not, for want of space, become perfectly developed. It is found in damp, low- lying situations beneath the shade and drip of other trees ; and in soils where even the hardy privet fails to grow properly. To produce stately, well-furnished, and green-foliaged specimens of the araucaria, plenty of room must be allowed for its perfect development. It cannot bear being closely hemmed in by other trees, or where the drip from taller plants falls upon it, and these peculiarities will, to a great extent, prevent its being used as a forest tree in this country. The timber as produced 262 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. here is of excellent quality, and of a beautiful yellow colour, not unlike that of box-wood. It is remarkably fine and close- grained, works easily, and takes a good polish. I believe it would be useful in the manufacture of fancy work, furniture, and wherever a clean-grained and prettily-marked wood is in request. We have found it ill adapted for withstanding damp; whereas some fancy articles manufactured from it, and kept constantly in the dry warm air of a room, have stood the test for eleven years in a satisfactory manner. After becoming established, the rate of growth of the Chili pine is rapid in favourable circum- stances; that of several specimens observed being 19 inches annually. When a height of 50 feet is attained, the bulk of the trunk increases at the expense of the upward growth. As a distinct and ornamental conifer the Chili pine is of great value, but we hardly think that as a timber tree it will ever attract much attention in Britain. A native of Chili, on the western slopes of the Andes. Introduced in 1796. 33. Athrotaxis selaginoides (Tasmanian Cypress).—This interest- ing little conifer seems to be perfectly hardy, and when planted on the lawn attracts considerable attention, adding contrast and variety to the grounds. The leaves are of a glossy green colour, and closely appressed to the branchlets. With us it has attained to the height of fully 11 feet in fifteen years, and has never suffered from either cutting winds or wintry frosts. A native of Tasmania. Introduced about 1850. 34. Biota orientalis (Chinese Arbor-Vitz) is, perhaps, one of our commonest garden shrubs, or rather small trees, for it fre- quently attains a height of 25 feet. The leaves are of a pleasing green colour during summer, but usually, and particularly when the plant is grown in an exposed situation, turn of a brown hue in winter, As an elegantly symmetrical conifer, it has long held a prominent position in our lawns and grounds, and rightly so, for its peculiarly distinct form and warmth of foliage are decided attractions. Loudon says it was introduced in 1752; but a letter from the Duke of Richmond to Mr Collinson, dated February Ist, 1743, proves that it had been introduced previous to that date, A native of China and Japan. A considerable number of sports have sprung from this conifer. Of these the following are worthy of attention as ornamental, small-growing plants :—J. orientalis argentea, with creamy-white, and L. orientalis awrea, with golden foliage, are two of the most distinct and ornamental forms, and COMPARATIVE VALUE OF EXOTIC CONIFER IN BRITAIN. 263 are perhaps more popular for garden decoration than any of the others. B. orientalis aureo-variegata is another distinct and pretty form with piebald foliage, or one-half green and the other a rich yellow. &. orientalis elegantissima is of rigid upright growth, and with changeable foliage, usually of a pale yellow colour. B. orien- talis falcata is a distinct but not an ornamental plant, while B. orientalis gaponica is of good form, and valuable for planting in masses, where its pleasing globular form is best displayed. B. orientalis pendula is, as its name denotes, of a weeping habit, and when well grown and placed to advantage is second to none of its relatives as a distinct and handsome shrub. JS. ortentalis semper-aurescens is a counterpart of the golden form in habit, but it is of a different shade of yellow. These are the principal varieties in cultivation, and where small and bright foliaged plants are in request they are very useful. 35. Cedrus atlantica (Mount Atlas or African Cedar) is, par- ticularly in a young state, hardly distinguishable from the more commonly cultivated C’. Libanz, although, after a few years’ growth, its erect habit and rigid branches are sufficient means of identi- fication. As an ornamental tree it cannot compare with the cedar of Lebanon, although as a forest tree it is in every way preferable, producing more valuable timber, and having less inclination to ramify into unwieldy branches. For the latter reason alone it is valuable, for while the branches of the cedar of Lebanon suffer severely during stormy weather, and are often torn clean off, those of C. atlantica remain unharmed, their less length and weight freeing them from injury. In exposed situations, and where the soil is naturally cold, the Mount Atlas cedar makes a sturdy growth, and for this reason it is now much sought after for planting on bleak hill-sides, Little is yet known regarding the value of its timber produced in this country, as too short time has elapsed since ils introduction for it to approach maturity. That it is superior to the wood of the cedar of Lebanon in trees of equal age, we are, however, convinced, and there can be little doubt that in after years, when maturity has been attained, it will be found of great value for many con- structive purposes in these isles. It is a native of Mount Atlas in Northern Africa, and was introduced into Europe in 1841, and afterwards into England. 36. C. Deodar (Indian Cedar).—This tree is almost unrivalled in the grandeur of its lithe and beautifully pendulous branches ; 264 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. indeed we question much whether a more graceful, ornamental, and hardy tree has yet found its way into the British Isles. Few conifers are more accommodating as to soil. We have found it to be quite at home and to grow with the greatest freedom in soil of the most opposite descriptions. The timber, as produced in its native country, is of very superior quality ; but a comparison with that grown in England has rather surprised us, the home- grown timber being rather soft, fine-grained, and not very lasting. it is, however, but fair to add that the specimens of wood with which we experimented were immature, so that the lasting properties were materially lessened. As compared with that of the cedar of Lebanon of equal age, it is of better quality. A native of the Himalaya Mountains. Introduced in 1831. 37. C. Libani (Cedar of Lebanon), with its massive and well- clothed trunk, far-spreading and ponderous branches, and deep glaucous green foliage, is beyond doubt one of the most distinct and easily recognised of all trees. For planting amongst the general run of forest trees, this cedar is not well adapted. It requires plenty of room for spread of both root and branch, else it soon puts on a miserable appearance, the leaves becoming scant and yellowish green, the growth short, stunted, and prone to die off prematurely, thus imparting to the tree a half-starved look that is anything but desirable where a healthy state of the woods is of first importance. Hardly a year passes that we have not, on a large English estate where soil and situation are unusually well suited for the growth of exotic conifers, to remove one or two specimens of the cedar of Lebanon owing to ill-health, but how caused is a puzzle that has baffled our most careful in- vestigation. Low lying damp ground is not the cause, for others lying high and dry are similarly affected, and if soil be the cause, then that of every description almost must be at fault, for on rough sand, heavy loam, vegetable refuse, shale rock with light sandy loam at top, chalky soils in which the tree usually grows with great vigour, as well as carefully-prepared peat bog, they have gradually become unhealthy, and ultimately died out alto- gether. JI am not now referring wholly to woodland trees, but rather to those grown as single specimens for lawn and park decoration. Seldom does the disease, or premature death from other causes, attack trees of less than about twenty years’ growth. The first indication of decay is want of foliage, which becomes scant and of an unhealthy colour, and in Jess than four years the COMPARATIVE VALUE OF EXOTIC CONIFER IN BRITAIN. 265 tree dies off. When the tree grows in a conspicuous position, and gets in this condition, the axe is usually laid to its roots after the second year. The timber of the cedar of Lebanon as produced in this country is of no great value, being liable to snap across under strain, and owing to this many of our fine old English specimens are dis- figured from time to time by storms. We have had ample opportunity of testing the quality of the wood, and that of unusually large-sized specimens, but invariably found it wanting in durable properties, though fine-grained, hard, and beautifully coloured. When kept constantly dry, it, however, lasts for a very long time, and is thus of value for the purposes of the cabinetmaker, and is rendered additionally so by the delicious fragrance which it emits. For firewood the wood of this cedar is not to be recommended, as, although it burns clear and emits great heat, it sparks freely, and is thus highly dangerous. 38. Cephalotaxus drupacea (Plum-fruited Cephalotaxus).—This is a distinct, interesting, and beautiful coniferous shrub, and one that has been found hardy in almost every part of Britain. When grown in a cool, shady situation, it is a very ornamental plant, the dark, yellowish, green leaves rendering it of value for contrast. 39. C. Fortuner (Fortune’s Cephalotaxus) is a more ornamental plant than the last, the foliage being less sparsely arranged and of a deeper and more glossy green. We have grown it to best advantage in peaty soil, and where, from the close proximity of the surrounding trees, partial shelter and shade were secured. It is worthy of a place in any collection, be it ever so choice. Both this and the previous species were introduced from China in 1849. 40. C. pedunculata (Lord Harrington’s Yew), and 41. C. pedunculata fastigiata, the latter in particular, are very desir- able conifers, and where soil and situation are found suitable, they may be grown with good effect in the embellishment of lawns and parks. As a compact growing shrub or small tree, the latter is worthy of attention, and being hardy and of free growth, may be freely planted, particularly where a cool, loamy soil and warm sheltered corner can be supplied. C. pedunculata is a native of Japan, and was introduced in 1837; the other variety, also a native of Japan, was not introduced till 1861. 42. Cryptomeria elegans ranks as one of our most beautiful 266 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. and distinct coniferous trees. It is perfectly hardy, of free growth, and not exacting as to the soil in which it is planted. No other conifer with which we are acquainted is possessed of the gorgeous foliage tints which are so marked a characteristic of this pretty tree. In winter it glows with a reddish coppery hue, which colour is again changed to a cheerful green in the early spring months. When associated with our darkest evergreens, the bright coppery hue is considerably enhanced ; but to show it to perfec- tion it must be planted at a considerable distance from these, and with green as a background. The feathery growth of the tree is elegant in the extreme, while the foliage is easy of arrangement. It is more hardy than C. japonica, and has stood unharmed throughout the worst winters we have experienced since its introduction. Itis one of the most ornamental and useful of conifers. Introduced from Japan in 1861. 43. C. japonica (Japanese Cedar).—This distinct and beautiful conifer is found to be perfectly hardy, sound in constitution, of rapid growth when once established, and not fastidious as to soil or situation, provided the former be naturally sweet and healthy, or artificially made so. The branches spread horizontally, are slightly drooping with up-curved tips, the lateral ones dividing into numerous frondose branchlets, thickly covered with bright, glossy- green foliage. Delighting and thriving luxuriantly in cool, moist soils, the humid atmosphere of Great Britain is peculiarly suited for the successful cultivation of this handsome conifer. Better, indeed, than the generality of coniferous trees, the Japanese cedar seems to thrive in the dense still-air of mid-woodland, and is not at all fastidious about the juxtaposition of surrounding trees, if their extending branches do not actually commingle with its own. The timber of this tree is light but lasting, and employed for room-panelling, for furniture, and in the making of light packing- cases. It is white, soft, and easily worked, with a pleasant perfume, which makes its adoption for panelling or room furniture particularly desirable. We may add that the wood produced in Britain differs but little from foreign timber. 44, Cunninghamia sinensis (Chinese Fir),—This tree is of too tender a constitution for the climate of Britain generally, still in certain favoured localities, particularly within the influence of the sea, it does fairly well, and forms a handsome specimen, which, for distinct appearance and beauty of foliage, has few equals among hardy conifers. In no other conifer with which I am COMPARATIVE VALUE OF EXOTIC CONIFER IN BRITAIN. 267 acquainted is there so diverse an appearance of foliage, the pleasant light-green of the younger leaves offering a rich contrast to that of the older foliage. As an ornamental tree of distinct appearance the Cunninghamia should find a well-chosen spot in every collection, for, although somewhat tender in unfavourable districts, particularly when the soil and situation have not been attended to at the time of planting, yet in many places it has stood unharmed through our most severe winters, when some of our so-called hardy conifers were badly cut up. It wants a light and rich soil, plenty of room for development, and a partially sheltered southern situation. The rate of growth is not slow, one specimen of which I kept a record having attained the height of 45 feet in thirty-seven years, while the increase in girth at a yard from the ground was 7 inches in six years. The timber produced in this country is clean and firm, of a mahogany colour, and takes a good polish; but as the specimens were rather immature, these qualities would be much enhanced in full-grown and well-ripened wood. So far as we have ascertained, the timber is lasting, particularly when used for indoor purposes. It is as an ornamental tree that it is likely to attract most attention. Introduced from Southern China in 1804. 45. Cupressus funebris (Funereal Cypress) is, unfortunately, a conifer that cannot, in point of hardihood, be wholly relied upon for planting in these isles. It is an ornamental tree, with gracefully pendulous branchlets, thickly covered with yellowish- green foliage. A native of China. Introduced in 1846. 46. C. Goveniana (Gowen’s Cypress).—When seen at its best this is one of the prettiest and most interesting of conifers, par- ticularly during early spring, when loaded with pollen. It is of unusually dense habit, somewhat massive in appearance, with a plentiful supply of the brightest and freshest of foliage. It ranks with C. funebris as an ornamental species. Introduced in 1846 from California. 47. C. Knightiana (Knight’s Cypress).—If only for its graceful habit and conspicuous foliage, which is of a bluish-green shade, this cypress is well worthy of attention. It is not a common plant, but it is certainly the handsomest and hardiest of the Mexican cypresses. We found it to thrive best when planted in a mixture of loam and peat, and in a position where it was not subjected to cold or cutting winds. Once established, the growth is fairly rapid. A native of the Mexican Mountains, and introduced about 1840. - e 268 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. 48. C. Lawsoniana (Lawson’s Cypress).—No tree is more hardy than this cypress—none more easily managed or more readily suited with soil; while few others combine in a higher degree the useful with the ornamental. It has been planted largely in almost every British county, and in soils and situations widely different ; yet it is rare to see an ill-grown, stunted, or browned specimen, even when they are growing under very unfavourable conditions, I have tried it in reclaimed peat bog; in gravelly soil; even amongst the débris of a disused gravel pit ; in plastic loam almost bordering on clay ; free sandy loam and alluvial deposit ; and in all these it has proved itself to be at home, as the beautiful weeping spray of the most vivid green and the rapidity of growth bore clear testimony. When grown under suitable conditions the tree soon assumes that lively bluish-green tint which pertains toa healthy specimen. This pleasing tint of foliage is not equalled by that of any other tree that I know. As an ornamental tree it is, perhaps, superfluous to say one word in favour of this cypress, its qualities in this particular being well known and appreciated. I may, however, refer to its cheerful and desirable shade of green, and to the gracefully recurved and feather-like foliage, neither of which is surpassed by any other conifer. It is of columnar habit, but not formal in outline, as it is relieved by the drooping spray and elastic leading shoot, the latter being sufficiently tilted to one side to impart a pleasing finish to the tree. The timber is of no great value, but from the appearance of specimens cut from home-grown trees it would seem to be of good quality, and well worthy of a trial in household carpentry at least. It is of a pleasing light-yellow colour, remarkably close-grained, and takes on a good polish. The rate of growth is somewhat rapid, several specimens of which I have a record having attained the height of 43 feet in twenty-seven years. Amongst the varieties there are several distinct and desirable kinds ; and these, in the majority of cases, retain their distinctive characteristics under cultivation, such as the following varieties. 49. C. Lawsoniana alba spica has the branch tips of a creamy white colour, and—in contradistinction to C. Lawsoniana alba- vartegata, which has green foliage blotched with white—is of tall spreading nature, and soon attains to goodly proportions. C. Lawsoniana argentea is a distinct and pretty form, with silvery foliage. C. Lawsoniana erecta viridis is one of the best and most useful, and where a fastigiate-habited tree is wanted, and one of COMPARATIVE VALUE OF EXOTIC CONIFER IN BRITAIN. 269 a lively tint of green, this cypress should find a place, for it is the most valuable of all tapering trees. C. Lawsoniana filiformis, with its long and graceful branchlets, is worthy of extended culture ; while C. Lawsontana intertexta has beautifully glaucous foliage and a branching habit. C. Lawsoniana nana is valuable for rock-work embellishment. C. Lawsoniana is a native of Northern California, on the Shasta Mountains, and was introduced into this country in 1854. 50, C. Macnabiana (MacNab’s Cypress), although a very beautiful and distinct species, has never found much favour with British arboriculturists. This is certainly to be regretted, as its compact habit and deep bluish-green foliage render it a distinct and desirable species. Habitat, Northern California. Introduced in 1852. 51. C. macrocarpa (Large-fruited Cypress).—The heavy, massive branches, of an unchanging bright green colour, give to this fine cypress an air of stately grandeur that contrasts favourably with the weeping foliage of such trees as the Indian cedar and Lawson’s cypress, and renders it one of the most distinct and beautiful of ornamental evergreens. As an adjunct to our limited list of sea- side trees, it is of undoubted value, thriving better near the sea than inland, as has been proved in numerous places along our coasts. The timber, as regards graining, is the most beautiful of any wood grown in this country that I have seen—at least if a large-sized plank now before me is a fair representation. In appearance it resembles the wood of the American walnut (except in colour, which is of a beautiful Barberry yellow), the gnarled graining being equal to that timber. Trunk sections from trees I have bad cut up are, towards the centre, of a deep reddish hue, and the colour passes into a deep yellow outwards. Being close-grained, and remarkably hard, it works smoothly under the plane, and is susceptible of a fine polish, thesé qualities render- ing it of great value for many of the finer works in which wood is employed. For in-door carpentry it is likely to be much used, and will no doubt, when more readily procured, be largely used for constructive purposes. (C. macrocarpa, when suitably placed, is a tree of rapid growth. In one instance under my notice, it has attained to a height of 59 feet in thirty years. A native of California. Introduced in 1838. 52. C. nutkaénsis (Nootka Sound Cypress).—This is a fine spreading tree, with a great exterior resemblance to Lawson’s VOL. XII., PART II. S ' 970 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. cypress, but, we think, inferior to that well-known species in ornamental appearance. It is more formal in outline, and wanting to a great extent in the long weeping branchlets so characteristic of well-grown specimens of C. Lawsoniana. The timber is of excellent quality, remarkably light, close-grained, susceptible of a high polish, and has a pleasant fragrance, not unlike that of sandal-wood, which it retains for many years. Regarding the lasting properties of the wood of the Nootka Sound cypress grown in this country, it would be hazardous as yet to advance an opinion. It, however, promises well, and has stood the test of several years without any appearance of decay. At the Colonial and Indian Exhibition one of the largest and most conspicuous samples of wood was a clean and well-polished specimen, which clearly displayed the beautiful graining, as well as large size to which it attains in its native wilds. It was 18 feet in length, 4 feet in width, and 2 inches thick, clean, smooth, knotless as a piece of yellow pine, prettily grained and of desirable colour. Boats and canoes are made of the timber, and have proved lasting and strong; while oars, paddles, furniture, fencing materials, waggons, and household uteusils are but a few of the many uses to which it is applied. Trees of twenty years’ growth are usually about 19 feet in height, and in the nursery four-year-old plants are a yard in height. A native of Vancouver Island and British Columbia. Introduced about 1850. 53, C. sempervirens (Upright Roman Cypress),—This beautiful upright cypress is among evergreen shrubs what the Lombardy poplar is among timber trees—a fine contrast to the more spread- ing and round-headed forms. The deep evergreen branches and leaves render it a desirable tree for planting in graveyards and cemeteries, and owing to its fastigiate habit it forms a suitable tree for planting near buildings where the prevailing architec- tural lines are horizontal. When judiciously placed along the margins of plantations, or among other conifers of a more spread- ing habit, its effect is strikingly beautiful. As an ornamental tree this cypress is of great value, but as a timber producer, in this country at least, it is not likely to attract much attention, A native of the Mediterranean region, and eastward to the Himalaya, The date of introduction is uncertain, but prior to 1548. 54, C. thyoides (White Cedar), and its variegated form C. thyoides variegata, are two first-class ornamental trees, parti- cularly when planted in a cool dampish soil. In their cultiva- COMPARATIVE VALUE OF EXOTIC CONIFER&H IN BRITAIN. 271 tion we have been most successful by using peat largely in the composition in which they are planted. As ornamental trees, these, particularly the variegated form, are worthy of extended culture. Introduced from the United States in 1736, 55. C. torulosa (Tufted Cypress).—Few trees are better adapted for planting where space is rather confined than this, and being in every sense highly ornamental, it is of great value for lawn or garden decoration ; indeed, in the whole group of cypresses there is none more beautiful—the easy columnar habit, slender branch- lets, and bright glaucous foliage being perhaps not so nicely blended in any other member of the family. This cypress is usually classed as a semi-hardy tree, and although a few specimens did succumb to the intense frost of the winters of 1860-61 and 1866-67, yet many remained uninjured. In nearly every instance where trees were killed outright, the cause might be traced to the unsuitable positions in which they were placed, low-lying and well-sheltered places being chosen in which to plant this lover of high and dry ground, and a cool breezy situation. The branches, which are thickly produced, have a decided upward tendency, but tufted branchlets, with their graceful foliage, deprive it entirely of the fastigiate appearance that characterises not a few of our conifers, It isa tree of fairly rapid growth,— one specimen, which with great reluctance we had to remove recently, had attained a height of 43 feet in thirty-five years. The timber of this specimen, which we had cut up and converted into boarding, was hard, close-grained, and fibrous, of a purplish- yellow colour, and fragrant. It is a native of the North-Western Himalayas, and was introduced to this country in 1824, 56. Fitzroya patagonica (Patagonian Cypress).—This tree has a decidedly ornamental appearance, the branches, which are irregularly placed and rather slender, being bent downwards at the tips, which is, however, more decided in healthy, fast- growing specimens than in those unfavourably placed and unhealthy. Contrary to the usually expressed opinion regarding the tender nature of this interesting tree, we feel justified, from the results of experiments both in England and Ireland, in recom- mending it as a valuable addition to the pinetum, more parti- cularly in the warmer maritime portions of southern and western Britain. As an ornamental conifer, the Patagonian cypress is well worthy of culture wherever a suitable situation can be provided. It is a native of Western Patagonia, and was introduced in 1849. 272 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. 57. Ginkgo biloba (Maiden-Hair Tree).—The glossy-green, fan- shaped leaves, cut up like some of the species of Adiantum fern, give to this plant a distinct and remarkable appearance. The light and open aspect, peculiar foliage, and stately dimensions, combine to render it one of the most valuable landscape trees that have yet found their way into this country. The timber is said to be of excellent quality as produced in its native country, but whether that grown in the British Isles will prove equally valuable is still a matter of conjecture. A native of Northern China, and introduced about 1754. 58. Juniperus chinensis (Chinese Juniper).—This is certainly the most ornamental of the genus; indeed, in this respect it is perhaps not excelled by any evergreen shrub in cultivation. During winter or in early spring, when covered with its golden male flowers, this juniper is particularly beautiful. It is hardy, and of easy culture. A native of China and Thibet. Introduced in 1804. 59. J. communis (Common Juniper), and J. ¢. nana (Dwarf Juniper), are native species, and both are of value wherever neat-growin and bright-foliaged plants are in request. 60. J. drupacea (Syrian Juniper), a handsome and distinct conifer, one that is perfectly hardy in this country, and neither fastidious as to soil or situation. Whether planted singly or mixed with other shrubs, this pretty juniper never fails to attract attention and produce the most pleasing results. A native of Syria, and introduced into European gardens in 1854. 61. J. hibernica, or, as it is usually styled, J. communis hibernica (Irish Juniper), is a most desirable and highly orna- mental plant, of inestimable value in landscape gardening generally. The growth is close and compact, as in the Irish Yew, and the foliage of a peculiar silvery-grey tint. 62. J. recuwrva (Weeping Indian Juniper).—When seen at its best and growing in suitable soil, it is certainly a most distinct and elegant species, and one that has been found well suited for culture, under certain conditions, in the British Isles. Planted in cool, moist, shady situations, it soon forms an elegant and distinct specimen, with abundance of recurved, feathery foliage, which is of an unusual, greenish-grey colour, while the contrasting light- green of the young, and the rusty brown of the older foliage is remarkable, and renders the tree as striking as it is beautiful, It is a native of the Himalayas; but the date of introduction is uncertain, COMPARATIVE VALUE OF EXOTIC CONIFERZ IN BRITAIN. 273 63. J. Sabina (Savin), although hardly worthy of special remark as an ornamental plant, is of great value for rockwork decoration, or wherever a small-growing and widely-spreading evergreen shrub is in request. It isa native of Southern Europe, and was introduced to this country prior to 1548, 64. J. virginiana (Red Cedar).—This tree is of the easiest culture, and seems to succeed well in almost any situation, but attains greatest perfection when planted near the sea-coast. As an ornamental tree it is well known and much valued for lawn and shrubbery decoration. It is a native of North America, and was introduced in 1664. 65. Laria europea (European or Common Larch).—As a valu- able timber-producing tree the common larch is surpassed by no other that has been introduced into this country. The wood is very durable, strong, and easily worked, and largely employed for rural purposes. As an ornamental tree the larch is, we think, not sufticiently appreciated. In the spring months, just when the young leaves are bursting from the bud, few trees have a more decided golden-green tint, or are more enchanting when viewed from a distance. Unfortunately of late years the larch has become subject to a disease which has to some extent lessened the value of the tree for forest planting. It is a native of the Alps and Central Europe. The date of introduction is uncertain, but it must have been prior to 1629, in which year it is mentioned by Parkinson. 66. L. Kempferi (Golden or Chinese Larch),—This is a highly ornamental tree, the foliage of which in spring is of the most. delicate pea-green, and towards autumn assumes a bright or clear golden-yellow. Even when leafless, the beautiful yellowish-green or golden-brown of the young shoots is particularly effective, and as uncommon as it is beautiful. We have found the golden larch to be perfectly hardy, to succeed well, perhaps best, on a free gravelly loam, and to bear stem and branch pruning with impunity, It is the only deciduous golden conifer at present introduced, and is the largest in growth. For its ornamental qualities it is cer- tainly well worthy of extended culture. A native of China, and introduced in 1846. 67. Libocedrus chilensis (Chilian Arbor-Vitz), although not perfectly hardy in all parts of Britain, is well worthy of culture in warm and sheltered situations for its ornamental aspect. The bright glaucous green foliage and neat habit are good recom. ' 274 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY, mendations. It is a native of Southern Chili, and was sent to this country in 1847. 68. ZL. decurrens (Californian White Cedar), as seen in this country, is a very distinct and desirable conifer, the bright green foliage, columnar habit, and finely-divided frondose branches being its chief recommendations. A native of North California and Oregon. Introduced in 1853. 69. Pinus Austriaca (Austrian Pine).—This tree has of late years attracted considerable attention, not only from its perfect hardihood, but from its ornamental appearance and the shelter it affords to other less hardy kinds. As an ornamental tree it is certainly not behind many of its neighbours, with its wealth of dark, glossy, and shaggy foliage, and pleasing contour. For planting in clumps or masses it is particularly well suited ; indeed few pines form a more striking feature in the landscape than this tree does when arranged in irregular clumps. Single specimens, when allowed plenty of room on the greensward, are highly attractive, and produce in a short space of time masses of the richest green foliage, which contrasts well with other conifers of a light or silvery appearance. As a timber tree it is not without value, and several experi- ments made with the wood prove that it is very durable, and one of the few kinds that may be used where it is subjected to wet and dry alternately. Seven years ago we cut up two large trees of this pine, and placed the planks side by side with those of the Scots and Spruce firs to hold up the sliding banks of a river, each being marked and noted for future observations, and on examining these a year ago the Austrian pine seemed quite sound but of lighter colour than when placed in position. Sufficient time, however, has not elapsed for us to speak with any amount of assurance as to the superiority of the wood of this tree over that of either the Spruce or Scots firs, but from the present appearance of gates, stiles, and posts manufactured some years ago, there can be little doubt that it will, so far as lasting qualities are concerned, be quite equal to either of the other two. It is remarkably strong, tough, coarse of grain, very resinous, works well, and takes a good polish. A native of Austria, and introduced into Great Britain in 1835. 70. P. Cembra (Swiss Stone Pine).—This is a tree that deserves extended cultivation, as, apart from its ornamental appearance, it is extremely hardy and well adapted for planting COMPARATIVE VALUE OF EXOTIC CONIFER IN BRITAIN. 275 on a great variety of soils and situations, from well-drained peat at sea-level to thin, poor soils at great elevations. The timber is soft, fine-grained, easily worked, and susceptible of a nice polish. It is found in the Alps and Carpathian Mountains, as well as in France, Italy, Austria, Hungary, and Syria. For its introduction to this country we are no doubt indebted to the Rev. J. Harte, who, in 1746, published ‘‘ Essays on Husbandry,” in which it was strongly recommended, and we learn that in the same year it was planted by the Duke of Argyll. It was not, however, until 1833 that Messrs Lawson, of Edinburgh, imported the first large supply of seed, although, several years previously, in 1828, Mr Lawson brought from Switzerland a small number of seeds which were distributed amongst his friends, the produce of these being, no doubt, among the oldest trees of this pine in the country. 71. P. densiflora (Japanese Pine).—The pleasing bright green tufted foliage of this pine renders it a distinct and desirable species, and one that we can confidently recommend for orna- mental planting, but particularly where contrast and variety are of paramount importance. A native of Japan, and introduced into Europe in 1854. 72. P. excelsa (Himalayan Pine) is one of great value for ornamental planting, the long and lithe branches, elegant foliage of a glaucous, bluish green, and graceful outline, being all recom- mendations of the highest order. The wood, in its native country, is highly valued, but, as grown in the less favourable climate of Britain, it is never likely to attract attention in an economic sense, It is a native of the Himalayas, from Bhotan to Afghanistan, and was introduced into England about the year 1827. 73. P. halepensis (Aleppo Pine) is well worthy of a greater amount of attention than it has yet received. For planting along the seaside, and where the soil is of the poorest descrip- tion, it is particularly valuable. The tree has rather a pyramidal habit, with an abundance of long, slender branches, which are somewhat scantily covered with bright silvery grey foliage. The timber produced here is of fairly good quality, and fine examples were shown at the Edinburgh Forestry Exhibition. Under favourable circumstances the growth of the Aleppo Pine is by no means slow, one specimen, the dimensions of which we took recently, having attained to a height of 45 feet in thirty-seven years, while the girth at a yard from the ground was 4 feet — 276 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. 7 inches. It is a native of both Europe and Asia, and was introduced into this country in 1663. 74. P. inops (Scrub Pine), although of rather straggling growth, is by no means an inelegant tree when well grown, and associates nicely with others of more formal growth. A native of North America, from New Jersey, southward to Kentucky. 75. P. insignis (Remarkable Pine).—This is one of the handsomest pines that have yet been introduced, and it is unfor- tunate that so desirable a species should not be perfectly hardy. It succeeds fairly well in the southern English counties, and particularly in maritime districts, but where subjected to cold, cutting winds and inland situations, it is not satisfactory. In a suitable position it is a tree of great beauty, the dense, grass- green foliage and neat habit of growth rendering it as distinct as it is ornamental. The timber, as grown in the south of England, is of fairly good quality, being clean, close of grain, and easily worked. : é 8 9 Diameter of branches, . ; 2 : 45 0 Cubic contents, ‘ , 5 : 97 0 No. 2—Height, . ; : : : ae 0 Girth of stem at 3 feet, . ; : . 8 3 Do. do. 5 feet, . : c 8 2 Diameter of branches, . 5 : c 57 0 Cubic contents, : : ; 67 0 No. 1 grows in the grounds at Hollydale, by the side of the VOL, XIl., PART 11. a . 318 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. public road ; and No. 2 occupies a prominent position close to the smaller pond at the same place. No. 20. Weymouth Pine (Pinus Strobus).—No tree of this kind on the Holwood property has as yet reached maturity, but several of large size and vigorous growth are to be met with. Growing on the ramps of the Roman Camp are several fine specimens, the largest of which we have measured having a stem girth 3 feet and 5 feet from the ground of 6 feet 8 inches and 6 feet 3 inches respectively. The height is 72 feet, and the greatest spread of branches is 42 feet in diameter. In all probability these trees were planted at the same time as the Scots firs and cluster pines already mentioned, and if so, a fair estimate may be made as to the respective rates of growth of these three species of pines. Soil, a rich gravelly loam. No. 21. Wych or Scotch Elm.—Of this tree there is a large specimen on the south side of Holwood House, near to the public path. The dimensions are as follows :—Height, 72 feet ; diameter of branches, 66 feet ; girth at 3 feet and 5 feet, 12 feet and 11 feet ; and cubic contents, 162 feet. This fine specimen of a wych elm has a tall, straight, and well-formed stem, from the base of which few suckers are ever emitted. No. 22. Horse Chestnut.—A fine tree, which is not so remark- able for large dimensions as it is for symmetrical shape and ornamental aspect, stands near the road from Holwood House to Keston Church. Its dimensions are—Height, 54 feet; dia- meter of branches, 52 feet; girth of stem at 3 and 5 feet, 7 feet 9 inches and 7 feet 2 inches, This is the most remarkable specimen, so far at least as ornament is concerned, of the horse chestnut on the Holwood estate. It is growing in a gravelly soil, on chalk, No. 23. Silver Fir.—The largest silver fir at Holwood is growing in the old oak wood which extends along the west side of the park, not far distant from the Five Island Pond. Another whose dimensions we also subjoin is growing in the shrubbery at Holwood House. The dimensions of both are as follows :— Feet. Inches. No. 1—Height, . : : - - , 92 0 Diameter of branches, . ‘ - . 57 0 Girth of stem at 3 feet, . 9 7 Do. do. 5 feet, . ; - é 9 3 Cubie contents, . ‘ ‘ - Z 123 0 OLD AND REMARKABLE TREES ON HOLWOOD ESTATE. 319 Feet Inches. No. 2—Height, . J . : - : 89 0 Diameter of branches, . ‘ : : 49 0 Girth of stem at 3 feet, . ; 7 2 7 2 Do. do. 5 feet, . : - : it Cubic contents, . : : : : 92 0 No. 24, Spruce Fir.—In a few spots on the estate where the soil is a heavy dampish loam, the spruce fir succeeds fairly well ; but where gravel and chalk predominate in the surface soil, the spruce is short-lived, and rarely attains a large size. One of the largest, certainly the most ornamental from its peculiar weeping habit, is growing to the west of Holwood House on a gently sloping bank, and where its characteristic features are brought prominently before the visitor who chances to stray along the beautiful green drives with which this part of the park abounds. This tree measures as follows :— Feet. Inches. Height, . - - : : : 59 0 Diameter of branches, . : : - 27 0 Girth of stem at 3 feet, . : : ; 7 8 Do. do. 5 feet, . : : : 7 6 Greatest length of weeping spray, : - 16 0 No. 25. Horse Chestnut (two trees) raised from seed brought by the Earl and Countess of Derby from Ferney, Lake of Geneva, March 1873. These trees are growing at the top of the concrete pond at Keston Lodge, and on the margin of the carriage drive. They are both growing rapidly, the largest being 15 feet in height, and with a stem girthing 14 inches at a yard from the ground. No. 26. Oaks.—A number of trees, raised from acorns planted for Mary, Countess of Derby, by Thomas Carlyle in October 1875. These are not in a flourishing condition, which can hardly be due to the soil, as other oaks growing in close proximity have attained to goodly proportions. The largest of these seedling oaks does not exceed 8 feet in height, and the average is 6 feet. No. 27. Quercus sessilis (Q. Robur sessiliflora?).—This was reared in 1873 from an acorn brought from Burwood, Cranborne. It is 6 feet 7 inches in height, in a fairly healthy condition, and grows on the lawn, near thé entrance gate to Keston Lodge. No. 28. Flowering Ash (Ornus ewropeus).—There is a beautiful specimen of this interesting tree in the park in front of Hollydale House, which is a treat to view when in full flower. It is 35 feet 320 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. in height, girths 4 feet 7 inches and 3 feet 11 inches at 3 feet and 5 feet from the ground, and has a spread of branches 27 feet in diameter. No. 29. Mulberry (Morus nigra).—This tree is growing within fifty yards of the latter, and in an open though partially shaded situation, It is fully 25 feet in height, girths 4 feet 8 inches at 3 feet up, and 4 feet 7 inches at 5 feet from the ground, with a diameter of branches of 39 feet. Judging from the healthy appearance of this tree, it seems to be peculiarly well suited for the soil and climate of this part of Kent. No. 30. Purple Beech (Fagus sylvatica purpurea).—Of this very distinct variety of beech there are numerous examples, some being of a great size, while others exhibit the richest colouring of foliage. The largest occupies a conspicuous position on the sloping ground to the south of Holwood House, and is the best furnished specimen I have ever seen. At 3 feet and 5 feet from the ground the straight and well-rounded stem girths 11 feet and 10 feet 11 inches, while the tree rises to fully 50 feet in height, and has a spread of branches 75 feet in diameter. The head of this tree is very shapely, and having at all times been allowed plenty of room for development the branches are long, lithe, and evenly distri- buted on the stem. The soil is a free and rich loam, resting on a bed of chalk. No. 31. Cut-leaved Alder (Alnus glutinosa laciniata).—There are two specimens of this tree at Hollydale, both of about equal height and bulk of stem. The largest is growing on the margin of the lake, and almost opposite to Keston Lodge. It is 45 feet in height, is 6 feet and 5 feet 2 inches in girth at 3 feet and 5 feet from the ground, and has a spread of branches 45 feet in diameter. Both trees are objects of great beauty, the plenti- fully and finely-divided foliage being a source of much attraction. This variety of alder seems to be very partial to water, much more so than the normal form ; indeed the finest specimens are always to be found growing with their roots within reach of water. No. 32. The Catalpa thrives with unusual luxuriance in the grounds at Hollydale. A specimen on the lawn is 40 feet in height, and girths, at 3 feet and 5 feet from the ground, 3 feet 3 inches and 3 feet 2 inches. Owing fo being crowded in between a huge beech and a deciduous cypress, the spread of branches is not in proportion to the height, but otherwise it is perfect. No. 33, The Magnolia (Magnolia cordata) is represented by a OLD AND REMARKABLE TREES ON HOLWOOD ESTATE. 321 large well-furnished tree, which seems to be quite at home in “The Garden of England,” as Kent is designated. It is growing on the greensward within a few yards of the wall of Hollydale garden, and in a partially sheltered situation. When studded with its deliciously fragrant flowers, this tree is an object of much admiration. The height is 52 feet; girth at 3 feet and 5 feet from the ground 5 feet 11 inches and 5 feet 9 inches ; diameter of branches 45 feet. No. 34. The Umbrella Magnolia (Magnolia tripetala).—The leaves of this curious and handsome species are unusually large, and of a pleasing light green above, paler beneath, while the flowers are white, and produced about midsummer. About 14 inches is the average length of the leaves, while they are fully 5 inches in breadth. The largest plant of this magnolia is growing within half-a-dozen yards of the J. cordata above described. No. 35. The Mexican Deciduous Cypress (Taxodiwm Meai- canum) is not a tree that may be relied upon as perfectly hardy in this country. At Hollydale, growing on the lawn, there is a fairly good tree, straight as an arrow, and fully 35 feet in height, with a stem girthing 3 feet 3 inches at a yard from the ground, During early summer this is a tree of great beauty, the light fulvous green foliage being pleasing almost beyond descrip- tion. In autumn again it turns of a lovely pinky hue, and associates well with the majority of our forest trees whose foliage at that season is of a waning yellow. No. 36. The Tree Box (Buaus sempervirens arborescens) has, in the grounds at Keston Lodge, attained to a height of fully 30 feet, and with a spread of branches 18 feet in diameter. The position in which it is planted is well sheltered, while the soil is a dampish loam incumbent on gravel. 322 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. XV. Landscape and Economic Planting. By Cuarues 58. France, Bridge of Dee, Aberdeen. Every one who travels and exercises those common attributes with which man is endowed—namely, the natural emotions of likes and dislikes in the objects which are always surrounding them, must be affected either pleasingly or otherwise by the pro- fusion and variety with which nature has adorned the landscape ; it may be by the rolling undulations of a comparatively flat country, by the sterile waste of the bleak muir or bare sandy down, or by the wild mountain range and precipitous crag. In these natural scenes the picture is invariably modified so as to relieve it of monotony and sameness by the sylvan beauties of our valleys, the distribution of larger tracts of woodland and forest on the more elevated reaches, or, it may be, by small isolated clumps, here and there, either announcing where more trees have existed, or indicating where trees ought to grow. These, and many other features, are all calculated to evoke feelings of interest and admiration in proportion as they strike the eye from given points, and produce pleasing emotions, or otherwise by association, in the mind of the observer. Nature has thus provided many rich treats to the eye of the intelligent and thinking mind. These beautiful gradations of “wood and fell,” of “light and shade,” are calculated not only to touch the heart with the most gentle feelings, but are also intended to elevate and inspire the mind with high and holy emotions of reverence and awe, and ** To trace in Nature’s most minute design, The signature and stamp of Power Divine.” We must, then, admit that nothing approaches perfection in general beauty more than Nature if viewed aright. Still, even Nature has been subject to change, arising from many causes. Nothing on earth has escaped accident to its normal condition, nor has that which we call Nature had immunity from acci- dents and their influences. What we would call accidents to Nature have been brought about by many causes. It may have been the ruthless hand of the invader, the force of worldly circumstances, the uneducated work of man, or the convulsions of Nature herself. These and many other influences may have LANDSCAPE AND ECONOMIC PLANTING. JJ interfered with the normal condition of Nature ; hence the neces- sity of human taste and skill being applied, in order to replace if possible what an abnormal state of things has brought about. This, then, in so far as it relates to our subject, is the work of the planter ; and we will endeavour in the course of this paper to lay down a few general principles by which this may be accomplished. We admit the utter impossibility in the compass of a single essay to do anything but merely “tap the subject ;” but we trust sufficient may be said to engender a desire for further and more minute study. Planting for landscape effect may, however, have other objects than merely replacing what the accidents of Nature have deranged. Special circumstances may demand, on given and limited areas, the production of a distinct and complete effect. In such a case, in order to produce beauty in accordance with true principles, it may be found necessary to act in opposition to the teachings of Nature in its widest meaning. Permit me to explain this. We admit the natural distribution of trees in the landscape, both as an index to climate, soil, etc., to be economically the best guide. We further admit that in the distribution of colour, light, and shade, Nature is the best preceptor; but we must also recollect that Nature is far reaching. We do not see the whole picture. It is beautiful and complete as a whole, but the eye of man can only see a part. That part is obviously imperfect, as its proportions only bear a relation to the whole. For example, if we take a beautiful picture and divide it into several parts ; looking at these parts separately, we will at once see grave inequalities both in colouring and relative proportion. The incongruities of the parts could only be harmon- ised by seeing it as a whole, as all the details bear a relation to the whole, not toa part. The part inspected separately is a meaningless daub—the whole is an exquisite work of art. In like manner also it is with Nature; we only see a part of the picture, and consequently we imagine we see certain incongtuities. We then introduce art to elaborate on a small scale what Nature has done on a large. While it is right, therefore, to keep the laws of Nature in the forefront as the basis of beauty, it is not expedient to follow her in every detail, because wild Nature is not always and under all circumstances pleasing to the cultivated eye. We consequently introduce art, based upon Nature, but refined to the circumstances, to satisfy the demands of educated taste. In 324 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. order that this may be attained, certain general rules, or first principles, must be carefully studied, and not only so, but the operator must be, by natural intuition and experience, able to apply these principles in a careful and discriminating manner, so as to produce the desired result. With the view, therefore, of assisting in this inquiry, we would as briefly as possible notice a few of the points which we deem necessary in order to arrive at an approximation of the truth on this subject. The first matter of study is the principles of Taste, as leading to the production of the Beautiful; and, while it cannot be expected that we can go into an exhaustive discussion on the different opinions that have been held on this subject, we may be permitted to draw the attention of the reader to what we consider are the more important points which seem to be germane to the matter, and which may be useful to the student. The nature and the principles of taste are subjects which have been very fully treated by the following writers,—viz., Price, Knight, Burke, Allison, and Repton, and, as showing the complex nature of the inquiry, it is a remarkable fact that no two of these great men have absolutely agreed. Loudon, again, has condensed the views of all the foregoing, and we would recommend his works, along with those of Price, Repton, and Gilpin, as the best calculated to assist the student in the present inquiry, because they treat of the subject from a purely landscape point of view, while most of the other writers have made it the subject of philosophical or rather psychological study. 5 Price devotes his inquiry to the definition of the picturesque ; Burke endeavours (and has, perhaps, done more than any other) to illustrate what is “the Sublime and Beautiful ;” and Knight in many respects controverts the views of both, as well as some of those of the more practical Repton. Allison, on the other hand, while clearly laying down lines of his own, summarising the truth, and casting aside errors, has, in his admirable “ Disser- tation on the Nature and Principles of Taste,” to a certain extent finished the discussion, by carefully eliminating the doctrines of each from their fallacies, and bringing into clear relief what is really the definition of true taste. This has been expressively and succinctly given in a summary, which, for the benefit of the reader, I will shortly recapitulate in as near as possible the words of the author, The two primary objects of inquiry which he lays down are—I’irst, “ The investigation of these qualities that produce the LANDSCAPE AND ECONOMIC PLANTING. 325 emotions of taste;” Secondly, ‘‘The nature of the faculty by which these emotions are received.” It will be obvious that the two qualities or objects should be considered together, for he says, “‘ We can never ascertain what is beauty without having clear notions of the state of mind which it produces, and in its power of producing which its essence consists ; and it is utterly impossible to ascertain what is the nature of the effect produced by beauty on the mind, till we can decide what are the common properties that are found in all the objects that produce it.” It would therefore appear that the view Allison held was, that the feelings which actuate our minds from the contemplation of beauty are not engendered by any physical or absolute quality in the objects we contemplate, but by the association in our imaginations of them with other objects which are interesting or affecting, such as love, pity, fear, veneration, or some other common or lively emotion of the mind. _ The fundamental principle of this theory is, that all objects are beautiful or tasteful, or even sublime, which suggest to our minds some simple emotion, such as love, pity, terror, or any other social or self affection of our nature, and that the beauty we ascribe to them consists in the power they have by association, or other- wise, of reminding us of the proper objects of these familiar affections, or of some other similar emotion which we have felt on a former occasion when identical feelings of the heart and mind were evoked. We are by no means prepared to give this theory an unqualified assent, because there are various arguments that may be advanced against it in its bare and skeleton form; but as a safe basis from which to start, we think it may with certain qualifications be generally admitted. It may be said now, however, what has this to do with the main object of this paper? the doctrine is so speculative that it may be deemed as quite inapplicable. We will endeavour to show how it is completely germane, and thoroughly in keeping with our present object. There can be no doubt that in creating beautiful objects in the landscape, or in making the objects around us pleasing to the eye, all the qualities enumerated above must be understood and, if possible, so arranged as to evoke the emotions necessary to to constitute beauty or good taste. At one time smoothness and regularity may draw forth a feeling of pleasure, at another time ruggedness and irregularity may have the same effect; but these 326 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. are relative either to objects immediately in association with them, or as bearing affinity to some other similar object created by past experience or recollection. We will take an instance or two so as to illustrate our meaning. For example, see yon old ruin, the stones of which are gradually crumbling into decay, the green ivy clinging around it to shield it, as it were, from the damaging influence of the atmosphere. Examine it closely ; is it beautiful in itself? are those crumbling stones and lime inherently beautiful? No; but the contemplation of that old structure is beautiful to the eye, because it carries the mind back to years long gone by. It may be the only remains of some departed glory in either Church or State, or it may be the link which ties the present with the memory of some great man, or some epoch in history which draws forth feelings of interest and respect, venera- tion, love, or pity ; or long ago within those walls may have been enacted some terrible tragedy, which even now produces a sense of horror in beholding the spot. See again, that old gnarled tree, it may be an oak, with twisted branches, hollow stem, and apparently existing only by a miracle in nature. In itself it is ugly, no symmetry, partially decayed, struggling for an existence, or perhaps dead altogether. Can there be beauty in it? Yes; there is beauty to the mind that can be affected with past associa- tions. That tree may have withstood the blasts and convulsions of hundreds of years; beneath its ample shade deeds may have been done which thrill the heart; or among its spreading boughs it may have hid one whose name is associated with historical events which interest and draw forth the tenderest or most patriotic emotions of the heart : consequently it is beautiful. Now, true taste is the creation or arrangement of existing objects of this or a kindred description, so as to produce in the mind true beauty. Let us now endeavour to apply this in the further and more particular consideration of our subject, and in order that this may be done as perspicuously as possible, it is necessary that we should define the objects of ornamental planting. This we will shortly put under three heads— first, Planting around a country residence, or in the home park for ornamental purposes, Second, The general distribution of trees over a large area of country with the view to landscape effect and general utility. Third. Hints on the distribution of different varieties of trees with a view to the picturesque and beautiful. LANDSCAPE AND ECONOMIC PLANTING. on 1. The Ornamental Planting of the Grounds around a Country Residence, or in the Home Park. As this isa branch of the subject which may be more parti- cularly defined under the name of “ Landscape Gardening,” the sphere of operation is necessarily circumscribed, and has con- sequently to be dealt with as distinct from the larger question. The object of the distribution of woods, plantations, etc., in a home park may be said to be of a purely decorative or ornamental description, and while the principles of general utility must always be kept in view, they do not form so large a consideration as the question of creating a beautiful picture which shall be pleasing from various points of observation. The difficulties which present themselyes to the landscape gardener in the carrying out of this are sometimes very great. While he is an artist supposed to execute a natural picture in accordance with the principles of good taste, he has at the same time often to create a picture, pleasing to a certain individual, his employer, who may not agree with him as to what is good taste. As already pretty fully adverted to, however, taste is an emotional quality of the mind, and therefore subject to many different altera- tions, in proportion (1.) to the constitution of the mental condition at given times; and (2.) to the various circumstances which from time to time may affect it; and consequently it is obvious that while there are certain very distinct lines by which the successful operator must be guided, he in many cases must make these subservient to the necessary variations of each particular case. It would be trespassing too much on the patience of the reader to go into details on this point, beyond merely adverting to it in passing. Moreover, our chief object is shortly to give some practical hints for general application, rather than to go into the theoretical phases of the subject, and delineate, as near as we can, the lines upon which the planter ought to proceed in adorning a home park. The first consideration is the nature and extent of the ground which has to be treated, and the situation of the mansion-house, or main object from which the different views of the effect are to be observed, This, therefore, being the point of greatest importance, it should be the centre from which the main body of the planta- tions should radiate, and while these need not be continuous, they 328 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. should have the appearance, at any distant point, of forming a principal feature of the park. The objects in this arrangement are various. It gives shelter and the appearance of warmth to the mansion, and can be utilised for covering up any necessary outbuildings which may interfere with its appearance; at the same time, it can be made effective in closing up from the mansion any object not pleasing to the view in its immediate vicinity, such as stables or other buildings necessary to the establishment. From this main body or mass must then diverge all the lesser plantations, strips, or individual trees—in other words, the further distribution of trees in the park, which must, however, in all instances be relative to this initial point. In laying out this central body care should be taken to preserve all far-stretching views from the mansion, either by vistas through the mass, or by larger openings, such as glades or partially enclosed spaces of grass, in order that from several points at the mansion, or in the private grounds, pleasing views of distant objects may be preserved, as well as views of the farther woods in the park, or beyond its limits. In forming the more distant plantations, the shape which they are to take must be settled very much in accordance with the general nature of the ground, as well as their relation to the main body. If the general surface of the ground is level, as in many parks in the midlands of England, straight avenues and individual trees are quite admissible, or even groups to give breadth at certain points ; and an informal mass on any point which will not obstruct a view may be introduced with good effect. The ground being level, the natural consequence is, that any given area looks much less than the same extent would do if it was hilly or rolling, and the introduction of properly distributed individual trees, groups, avenues, or, it may be, larger masses, gives an idea of extent, or lengthens the distance, which is here so much required. Should the ground be hilly or rolling, the treatment is differ- ent. Avenues should be avoided as much as possible—in fact, avenues on uneven surfaces are, as a rule, not in good taste, being too formal. The hills or rising ground should be planted in irregular masses, and the lower ground left free from trees, because planting the hills always increases the effect, while planting the valleys, and leaving the hills bare, diminishes the idea of extent. These masses should be so distributed as to permit of views of the LANDSCAPE AND ECONOMIC PLANTING. 329 intervening glades being seen at a distance. The planting of belts is, and has been, very common in home parks, and no doubt there are cases in which they are essential; but as a rule they should be avoided for several reasons—(1.) because they are unprofitable ; (2.) they are too formal ; (3.) they are liable to convey the idea of being closed in; and (4.) they in many cases obstruct views of distant objects of interest which always ought to be conserved. Except therefore it may be for shelter, or to shut out or cover up some unsightly object, belts should not be adopted in park planting. This is a very cursory outline of a few of the different points to be observed in laying out plantations in a demesne or home park. There are, however, many other little details which natur- ally reveal themselves in order to satisfy taste and local circum- stances, but which could only be fully described on a given subject being presented to view, accompanied with a series of detailed drawings to illustrate the case. Our end being to lay down general principles rather than elaborated details, we allow each individual case to be treated as may be found necessary in accordance with these principles. 2. The distribution of Trees over a large area of country, with the view to Landscape Effect and General Utility. We now approach the second head, and assume that the question is—the planting, or distribution of plantations, in a wide district, with the view to improve the landscape, as well as for general utility. It may be said that Nature is here the true preceptor to follow, because the object being more general and less of an artificial character, the adoption of Nature as the sole guide is the proper course. Now we are by no means prepared to admit this without a considerable qualification. In laying out a district for such a purpose as indicated, we must always bear in mind that, extended though the area may be as compared with the ornamenting of a demesne or home park, even here it is circumscribed as compared to Nature in its widest acceptation—in other words, we wish to make a complete picture of what is necessarily only a portion of the one great picture. Again, we must rectify and rearrange the accidents before referred to, with the view of bringing out true 330 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. beauty. To achieve this it may be necessary to depart in a great measure from those arbitrary rules which a study of Nature would inculeate, because here as well as under the former head, local circumstances, general utility, and the physical aspect of the ground, must all exercise an influence on the course which it is necessary to adopt. In proceeding practically to the carrying out of these ideas, it is necessary to consider and settle the quantity of ground to be planted, bearing in mind always only to plant the least valuable land, and also to consider and arrange the forms those plantations should take, and their relationship to each other, 80 as to produce, as much as possible, a proper balance in the landscape, while at the same time having them so distributed as to render not only mutual shelter, but also shelter to the culti- vated land around them. In planting a large extent of country, the primary object is not so much landscape effect, although that ought to be very promi- nently kept in view, as the profitable covering of the less fertile land, the sheltering of neighbouring arable land, and, in short, devoting the ground as a whole to the most useful and profitable purposes. Having fixed the locality and extent of the different planta- tions, the next step is to arrange definitely the form or boundaries of each, We may here premise that anything opposed to utility is bad taste, because otherwise the main object would be sacrificed to the less. While irregular boundaries in a state of wild nature are generally the rule in a waste and uncultivable country, it would be eminently bad taste alongside of good arable land, where such an arrangement would entail much extra expense in the working and cultivation of the soil. In this case, therefore, straight boundaries along cultivated fields are by no means ugly or out of taste. Small groups or individual trees ought also to be avoided on such ground, as tending to incommode profitable cultivation, besides producing unprofitable timber. The ground selected for planting should generally be the least valuable ; but even at the sacrifice of a portion of the more fertile the planta- tions should be in good large masses, so distributed as to produce a pleasing effect, while at the same time laid out with the view to produce the best timber. Nature generally plants the valley, and leaves the hill tops bare. "We would, however, reverse this so far by planting the hills and leaving all the valleys or lowlands fit for cultivation bare of trees, while at the same time any LANDSCAPE AND ECONOMIC PLANTING. 351 sheltered glens that are too narrow, or whose banks may be too steep for profitable cultivation, ought to be planted. In planting hillsides, it is always well to make the upper outline as irregular as possible, if it is impossible from the altitude to carry the plantation over or up to the top of the hill. In this case the irregular outline is better than a straight line. It is here we again apply the teaching of nature—first, because there is no economic object to be attained by a straight line, and it is here that rugged nature ought to be shown, as it conveys the idea that altitude or climatic influences have prevented the plantation from naturally existing higher. So much for the planting of a hilly or rolling country. On a level country, again, the treatment must be different. Large masses are not so essential, except, it may be, on a flat sterile plain too poor for profitable cultivation, in which case large masses are not only quite admissible, but the proper form for the plantations to take ; but in a rich and fertile district it would be too great a sacrifice of good ground. Smaller masses may be with advantage introduced, however, and hedgerow trees alongside of roads and lanes, but not in hedges or fences, as they, by their shelter or otherwise, might unduly interfere with the ripening of neighbouring crops. The ornamental object in planting level ground is not so much to create a picture, because the extent open to the vision is very limited, hence form or relative effect is not so apparent as to break the level surface, and in doing so enhance the beauty, by conveying an idea of extent and creating interest in the beholder, while the introduction of plantations breaks the damaging influences of prevailing winds, and shelters the inter- vening lands both for the production of crops and the pasturage of stock. Beauty being a purely relative quality dependent on the circum- stances under which it is contemplated, and the associations attached to either the object or the mind of the beholder, it is quite possible that as much beauty may be conveyed by the beholding of a comparatively flat or even rolling country, rich in sylvan treasures, as in the wilder and more rugged scenery where woods and jagged crags are the prevailing objects in the landscape. Each has beauties peculiar to itself. It is then the duty of the planter to endeavour to realise what are the conditions necessary to produce their several effects in accordance with the principles of good taste; and it may be said that this consists in the most 332 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. implicit attention being paid to the following—viz., “ Utility, proportion, and unity, or the general harmonising of all the parts and circumstances to the whole.” 3. Hints on the proper Distribution of Trees, with a view to Effect in the Landscape. We have hitherto been dealing entirely with those branches of the subject which may be classed under the following heads :— Taste, form, and the proper distribution of plantations in the land- scape under two different conditions—viz., in a home park with a view to ornament alone, and over a large area of country, where ornament and utility are each combined. We now desire to draw attention to the material by which these several objects may be best accomplished, In the case of the grounds surrounding a residence, be it small or large, the treatment must necessarily depend in some measure on the desire and peculiar taste of the proprietor, and that must be further qualified by the situation, soil, and other local circum- stances. In order to make a beautiful or pleasing arrangement of trees and shrubs, the first consideration is, to use such plants as are likely to suit the locality and display their natural character- istics. Again, form must be closely studied so that trees which naturally assume certain distinct forms or shapes are introduced where such forms will be in keeping with the position occupied by them. We may class trees under three heads—Spiral-shaped, such as the spruce ; oblong-headed, such as the Lombardy poplar, and some of the cypress tribe; and round-headed, such as the oak, beech, and many other trees. As most plantations, whether they be large masses, groups, or clumps, are seen in profile, it must be obvious that the introduction of spiral-shaped trees as forming the margin of any group, is not good taste, because they are too formal and stiff. Round-headed trees are, therefore, much more in keeping, because there is greater variety in the form of head and distribution of the branches, while as regards height they are more likely to form an uneven surface to the eye, and by that means give light and shade to the general picture. We therefore recommend that in producing a pleasing effect by plant- ing groups or clumps, the preponderance ought to be given to round-headed trees. At the same time the introduction of a spiral tree here and there may form a pleasing contrast ; but care LANDSCAPE AND ECONOMIC PLANTING. api. should be taken that they are only introduced so as to produce this, or its may be colour at given points, On the other hand, if they are planted in small groups, or one or two introduced along the margin of a thicket, or in the bottom of some dingle or sheltered spot where their form will not improperly interfere, the general effect will probably be enhanced. Again, on rocky or uneven surfaces, and among hills, the spiral-shaped trees are in their proper place ; indeed, it is their natural habitat. For general ornamental planting, we think that round or irregular headed ought to have the preponderance, with those of an oblong or fastigiate form sparingly introduced among them, as they blend better than the more formal spiral trees. Another very important point which must be kept in view is the selection of trees likely to attain a certain size and height; and the commingling of those trees, so as to produce effect with- out conveying the idea of crowding. No doubt in planting it is necessary to plant at first pretty thickly, so as to encourage growth, and thereby enable the trees to assume their natural characteristics ; but in laying out mixed plantations for ornament, care should be taken to plant such trees as are intended to form the permanent crop, at such distances that they can be preserved in the subsequent thinnings. Ligneous plants are divided into two classes, viz., trees and shrubs; and each class varies materially in individual magnitude. A proper study therefore of this char- acteristic is of the first importance. The next point to be considered is the different kinds of trees most suitable for ornamental planting. As already hinted, this must greatly depend on circumstances—viz., soil, situation, and the object desired. The list from which the planter can select is, we may say, almost inexhaustible. Among trees which are indigenous to Britain we may enumerate the following : oak, ash, beech, Wych or Scots elm, English elm, sycamore, alder, birch, several species of willow and poplar, and last, though not least, we have the only indigenous member of the fir tribe in our Scottish pine. Among exotic kinds which have been introduced to Britain, none have furnished more choice species than the order of Conifere; while many of the American maples judiciously distributed form a beautiful contrast of colour when blended with our more stern foliaged trees. In a paper such as this, it is unnecessary to give a list of the many trees and shrubs at the command of the planter, to enable him to produce VOL. XII., PART II. ¥ 334 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. results satisfactory, not only to good taste, but also to utility. We therefore pass that over, and in the subsequent remarks will advert more to the disposition of varieties in ornamental planta- tions in relation to form. We will presume that the outlines of an existing plantation require to be broken, and, to accomplish this, it is necessary to plant a group, or single trees, on the verge of this plantation. In doing this, regard must be had to what the body of the planta- tion is composed of. The introduced group onght to be the same ; by this means harmony and unity are produced, while if trees entirely different were planted, the opposite would be the effect. If, however, in the planting of a protuberance, or group, it is found necessary to make that protuberance more apparent, and show a more decided recess in the outline, one or two distinct trees, not too dissimilar in shape, but possessing greater depth of colour, may be introduced with advantage, without in any way detracting from the harmony. In general planting for ornament, it is held by some that mixed plantations furnish the greatest amount of beauty. Now this is a matter that is by no means clear, and cannot in our opinion be held as an arbitrary axiom. On the contrary it is subject to very great objection. By mixing up all varieties in general planting, there is no real variety, as the eye is always seeing the same thing, and, as Repton says, “Variety is destroyed by the excess of variety.” But by grouping certain kinds by themselves this is not the case, because the eye passes from one group to the other, and hence receives, as it were, a fresh impression. We are therefore inclined to think that, as a general rule, the promiscuous mingling of varieties in a plantation is a mistake, and we would under all circumstances prefer the planting of each separate species in groups. These may be large or small as the circum- stances may admit, but done in such a way as to prevent them from palling on our sense of beauty, by conveying an idea of sameness. Another point which we would refer to here is, what we would call the associations of trees. Different varieties of trees have attached to them certain attributes by association, either arising from historical connection, peculiarity to certain soils or localities, or in connection with their generally-applied uses ; and, as the creation of objects of interest is one of the first considera- tions of the landscape gardener or planter, it is well that this LANDSCAPE AND ECONOMIC PLANTING. 335 should not be overlooked. The oak and yew convey an idea of permanency, strength, and antiquity ; the cypress and the weeping willow an impression of veneration, the lime and sycamore of luxuriance, the alder and the mountain ash of poverty or sterility, and so on. It is well therefore that these qualities should be borne in mind, so that they may be either introduced where an impression in accordance with their distinctive associations is necessary, or calculated to produce interest; or, on the other hand, avoided where such an association would be incongruous, We have endeavoured to condense in as short a space as possible what we consider the most important points on this head of the subject, but obviously much more could be said in order to make all points clear. Space, however, will not permit of our going more minutely into the subject, but we trust sufficient has been said to convey to the reader a fairly correct idea of the general principles prescribed. It is now necessary to advert very shortly to the distribution of different varieties ornamentally, where the plantations are on a more extended scale, and where the main object is the profitable adorning of the landscape. Under this head it must be under- stood that the principle object is utility, and that, in regard to the ground plan, it has been already pretty fully gone into. The chief matter now to be considered is, How to combine the greatest profit with the utmost possible beauty in general effect? We can conceive of no better distribution of trees under these circumstances, than to plant in each situation the trees which are by nature best suited to it; because, the more naturally the trees are distributed, the more will they display their inherent beauties, which we conceive is really true beauty. The pro- miscuous mixing of many different kinds of trees, some indigenous, some exotic, some evergreen, and some deciduous, without relation to their suitability to the soil and situation, is in our opinion not only devoid of beauty, but is, to say the least, vulgar. We do not in any way find fault with a mixture of different trees all likely to grow well, and produce not only good timber but show variety in foliage ; nay, we distinctly say that is perfectly good taste where it can be accomplished ; but that all large plantations should be so mixed, simply for variety in foliage or individual form alone, is preposterous. Let there be mixed plantations where they are likely to be profitable, but let there also be plantations of one variety, such as Scots fir, larch, oak, or even of some of 336 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. our more recently introduced conifers, where they are likely to produce a really profitable crop. It is in such masses that trees of all kinds, if they are on their proper soil and situation, are most likely to display their true characteristics ; hence true beauty. There must be no patching here. Let everything be conceived and done in proportion to the extent of the work. No petty intermingling of patches of colour here and there will either add or detract from the general beauty of the design, if done in the way indicated. Where utility is accomplished, beauty exists ; and where proportion of design and harmony of outline and colour form the chief points, then the landscape may be said to be pleasing to the eye, and beautiful to the senses. ON THE ADVANTAGES OF FORMING BELTS OF PLANTATIONS. 337 XVI. On the Advantages of forming Belts of Plantations on Hill Pasture Land. By Tuomas W1xxi1g, Forester, Tyninghame, East Lothian. As an enormous number of sheep are grazed upon our hill pastures, and a large percentage of them are left there through the winter to find their food, in most cases upon cold bleak exposures, any means that can be adopted to add to their comfort and safety ought to be hailed with satisfaction. During severe storms thousands of them lose their lives, and others become so emaciated that many deaths follow, which means an almost incalculable loss to the owner. The knowledge of this ought to prompt us in our desires and endeavours to prevent suffering to the sheep and danger and anxiety to the shepherd. During the year 1885, there were stated to be, in the agricul- tural returns, 6,957,198 sheep in Scotland, and for the year ending 4th June 1886, 6,603,611. It is a well-known fact that sheep have some natural premonition of the coming storm, as I have seen those on the higher elevations coming down six or eight miles on the approach of a storm to seek for shelter from its fury in the lower grounds. If shelter is not naturally provided there, we ought to adopt the best means at our command for forming it. But serious as is the loss of stock in times of storm, cold wet springs are often as destructive as is the winter’s hurricane. Ewes become so weak and lean that they often are so reduced as to be unable to give birth to their young, or if they do, they fail to give the necessary support to them afterwards ; and thus we find the number of lambs very much less in severe seasons than in others of a more favourable nature. The past spring (1888) has been one of this severe description, and I have had reports from various quarters stating that it was one of the worst lambing seasons experienced for many years. All my correspondents agree in saying that had shelter been provided, a much less percentage of deaths would have resulted ; and several cases have been specially referred to where the death-rate has been much lower, owing to the presence and sheltering influences of plantations. In laying out belts of plantations on hills for shelter, the expe- rienced owner, or observant shepherd, should be consulted, as they are better acquainted with the peculiar and general wants of the land. It may, however, be unhesitatingly asserted that the plantations 338 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. should be so laid out that shelter on all sides will be provided, in order that a more comfortable resting-place may be had, as well as the security of the stock provided for, and that irregular or crooked margins following along the base of a ridge running up and down the hill should be the fixed boundary lines. The width of these belts may vary according to the width of the ridge, and may be stated at from 100 to 250 yards, and the highest belt should be made the widest, say from 250 to 500 yards broad, so as to give increased density to resist the storm. In order that freedom be allowed to the stock to roam at pleasure in search of their food, I would sug- gest that no belt should extend continuously without a break every 1000 or 1500 yards, and the higher and lower extremities of each should terminate in the hollows of the ground. Those lowest down, where it may be necessary to give artificial feeding, should have a broad base, enclosing a square or circular piece of unplanted ground, of such a size as may be necessary for the safe accommoda- tion of the stock, and so formed that it may be easily accessible in any emergency, advantage being always taken of any natural shelter. No belts should be formed near ravines or rivulets, where sheep may congregate and be suffocated under the accumu- lated depth of snow. Shoulda belt be required where no prominent ridge occurs, or on a neck of land where contrary currents meet, it must be formed of greater width. Draining may be necessary where the lower belts are to be formed, but if the ground is considered in a good condition for pasturing, I hold that fir plantations will grow without any more drainage. Better to shorten the length of the plantation than to have large ruts formed near the lower base, in which sheep may be lost or injured; and as I propose setting plants on ridges or “ shanks,” as they are locally termed, it will be understood that the ground will have a slope on at least three sides, hence stagnant water will seldom if ever be found. Pine timber absorbs a large amount of moisture, and unless where water is stagnant I would not recommend the formation of drains. Fencing is often one of the most expensive items in connection with the formation of plantations, but in the circumstances under consideration, shelter and not profit from the crop being the main object, the fences ought to be of the best class. Where stones can be had, and the ground is not too steep for the erection of walls or stone dykes, these are the best for adoption ; but where too steep for their erection, or stones are absent, galvanised iron and wire ON THE ADVANTAGES OF FORMING BELTS OF PLANTATIONS. 339 fences are the best and most durable. Short sections of stone dykes might, however, be erected in many instances, which would shelter both the newly-formed plantation and the grazing stock at the same time. Jn erecting the iron and wire fences, care should be taken that the holes in the iron standards are only as large as will allow the wire to be passed through, as, if the holes be larger and the wires have room to play, the constant movement produced by the wind, and consequent friction against the standards, causes the wires to be cut through in six or eight years especially at high altitudes. Both standards and wire should be of a strong descrip- tion, as the snow may gather in heavy wreaths and destroy the whole at a time when the damage cannot be repaired, and the stock thereby have access to, and might destroy the crop in the plantation. The best trees for the purpose are the Scots Fir (Pinus sylves- tris), the Austrian Pine (P. austriaca), the Mountain Pine (P. moniana), the Birch (Betula alba), and the Mountain Ash (Pyrus Aucuparia), all well-known hardy trees, which, although planted at an altitude of 2000 or 3000 feet, will grow well, and produce the shelter required. At and under 1600 feet elevation the larch and Norway spruce (Abies excelsa) may also be used. The pines on the higher and drier portions of the ground should be mixed with the birch and mountain ash, and the lower belts planted on the same principle, but may have the larch set on the less exposed portions, with spruce and birch mixed in the dampest sections along with the Scots fir. The mountain pine need not be planted at elevations under 1200 feet. The plants at high altitudes, or above 800 feet, and those to be set on exposed promontories or bare margins, should be 1 year 1 year plants of the pines, and the birch and mountain ash 6 inches to 9 inches in height. The lower belts, in cases where the herbage is rough, may be planted with 2 year 1 year; or if at elevations of only a few hundred feet, 2 years 2 years pines and larch may be used, and also plants from 9 to 15 inches of birch and mountain ash. Wherever the surface is broken, birch seeds might advantageously be sown, and a few hazels set in the ground. All should be planted at 24 feet apart, with a view to encourage an early start and produce the desired effect as soon as possible. Remarks.—From 5 to 10 per cent. of sheep stock would be saved from suffocation in the snow, by the protection afforded to them by the sheltering plantations ; and from 10 to 15, or even 20 per cent. of ewes and lambs from death by the evil consequences 340 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. of a cold wet spring. Then we may safely reckon that a much less percentage of the stock would be attacked by what is known as “trembling,” and other diseases arising from cold and exposure, and hence the increased numbers and value of the stock, producing a greater return to the tenant, a larger rental to the proprietor, and cheaper meat and clothing to the people. If such are the approxi- mate results in bad seasons, we may also anticipate a favourable return in ordinary ones ; but without doubt we would produce a healthier and heavier stock, and I affirm that the pasture would be materially improved ; it would come away sooner in the spring, and remain fresh later in the autumn. We would also be showing a proper feeling of sympathy towards the harmless sufferers from inclement Nature, and confer a boon and draw forth the praise of succeeding generations, as the plantations, if carefully attended to, would afford good shelter for 200 years to come. And let us hope that, before they are cleared, the fallen seeds will germinate and perpetuate the blessing. THE GIANT ARBOR-VITA. 341 XVII. The Giant Arbor-Vite (Thuja gigantea), By A. D. WessteEr, Holwood, Kent. The climate of Great Britain is well suited for the culture of this handsome, fast-growing, and valuable timber-producing tree, as it thrives luxuriantly in a cool moist soil, and although intro- duced only thirty-six years ago, there are numerous specimens fully 70 feet in height to be met with in various parts of the country. Perhaps the name of no other tree has been the subject of so much confusion; even the honour and date of its introduc- tion to Britain is a matter of dispute. Veitch’s “ Manual of Coniferze” states that it was introduced by them, through their collector, William Lobb, in 1853,—a statement which receives little credence from Edinburgh authorities ; for in the “ Trans- actions and Proceedings of the Botanical Society of Edinburgh,” 1872, Mr James M‘Nab tells us that “a Thuja, raised from seed, and proved to be the true Zhwja gigantea (Yellow Cypress), is another acquisition first sent by Jeffrey. At first the seedlings resembled Thuja occidentalis, and little attention for a time was paid to them.” This statement is rendered all the more probable by specimens taken from three of the trees raised from seed sent home by Jeffrey to the Oregon Association, and now growing in the Botanic Garden at Edinburgh, which were recognised, about three years ago, by some of the Kew authorities as “forms of the true Thuja gigantea.” It is also well to remember that both 7. gigantea and the nearly allied 7. plicata grow side by side in their native wilds, which, coupled with the fact that two more of Jeffrey’s seedlings were recognised by the same authorities as 7’. plicata, goes far to substantiate Mr M‘Nab’s remarks. When sending the specimens to Kew for examination, the Curator of the Edin- burgh Botanic Garden stated they were from plants “ raised from seeds sent to Edinburgh by Jeffrey in 1851.” This statement, along with the recognition of the specimens by so high an authority as forms of the true 7. gigantea, gives Jeffrey’s claim two years of priority over that of Lobb. The tree under notice has also been named 7. Menziesii, and 7. Lobbi. It is, however, the true T. gigantea which was first described by Nuttall in his “ Plants of the Rocky Mountains,” and this is now the recognised name. 342 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. Soil, Situation, and Exposwre.—Professor Macoun, botanist to the Geological and Natural History Survey of Canada, tells me that he has always found the largest specimens of this tree in damp alluvial deposits ; indeed, that it is almost unknown in the dry central plateau, but plentiful along the coast and rivers, as well as in the great mountain valleys. Judging from its growth on an estate in this country where it has been planted by the hundred, and under varying circumstances as regards soil and situation, we should say that a deep and dampish sandy loam best suits the Giant Arbor-Vite, although we have seen it doing well and forming timber rapidly on decayed vegetable refuse, rocky slate débris, gravelly loam, loam of a plastic clayey nature, and well-drained peat bog. In each case, however, abundance of moisture was present in the soil—not stagnant, but sufficient to keep the soil in a dampish condition, and prevent it becoming dust-dry even in the hottest and driest of summers. We measured recently several specimens of this tree, which were planted twenty- five years ago in a deep, rich, sandy loam resting on gravel, with a deep surface layer of decayed vegetable matter, and found the average annual upward growth to be 2 feet 8 inches; whereas others, planted at the same time on a fairly rich but rather dry gravelly loam, had made hardly 2 feet. Of twenty-four trees measured, the average annual growth was found to be 22 inches ; but no special care, either in the planting of the trees or choice of soil, had been bestowed on them. On reclaimed bog the upward growth of the tree is surprising, several specimens having formed a leading shoot of fully 37 inches annually. The bog, previous to draining and reclaiming, was used for peat-making, but at the time of planting a small quantity of soil was added to the pits in which the Thuja was placed. As an experiment, we some years ago formed a small plantation of this tree in a well-sheltered piece of ground near the sea-level, and about two miles inland; but as the soil was of a stiff and cold nature, though perfectly drained, the plants did not at first succeed as well as could have been desired. Now, however, that they have established themselves, growth has become rapid—far more so than temporary trees which were mixed with them, to be removed at an early date. The soil was of a half-clayey and half-boggy nature, which, previous to being drained, cut like cheese, but when exposed to the atmosphere for a length of time, crumbled down, and was then well fitted for plant growth. THE GIANT ARBOR-VITA. «3843 Some of the largest specimens of the Giant Arbor-Vite that I know of are growing in alluvial matter, which has been deposited by a rapid-flowing English river, this being largely commingled with rocky débris carried down from the hills by the stream. One of these, perhaps the largest, was, when I measured it in July 1887, 76 feet in height, with a trunk girthing 4 feet 11 inches at a yard from the ground, and 4 feet 8 inches at 5 feet up; the diameter of branches being 15 feet. Others in the same place ranged from 50 feet in height upwards, with straight, clean, and well-formed stems ; the situation was sheltered, and the trees were planted among old specimens of the English oak, elm, and ash, as well as a few Eastern spruces, Douglas firs, and Weymouth pines. At Hafodunos, in North Wales, this tree grows with great luxuriance, and this is all the more remarkable, as the site is in a romantic mountain valley, and fully exposed, at over 900 feet altitude. We were quite surprised to see how well these trees did at that altitude, the growths being Jong and well-matured, while foliage of the most healthy description was abundantly produced. It is questionable whether any other of the newer conifers, except- ing perhaps the Austrian and Corsican pines, would have succeeded so well under similar conditions. In the park at the same place, and at altitudes ranging from 700 feet to nearly 900 feet, this fine tree is everywhere seen in the most luxuriant condition, thus demonstrating its great value for planting in high-lying and breezy situations. The soil here is a rich sandy loam, resting on broken whinstone. In the chalky districts of Kent the Giant Arbor-Vitz is likewise quite at home, although the annual growth does not approach that on heavier and damper soil. Sir C. W. Strickland writes to say, that at Hildenley, Malton, Yorkshire, he has this Thuja thriving well in good alluvial soil, and also in that of a very opposite description. “There is a hillside here,” says Sir Charles, “‘ with a thin soil upon limestone rock, which I planted two or three times over with larch with very small success—chiefly, I believe, on account of the extreme dry- ness of the site. The Thuja grows there with great vigour, and I have scarcely lost one of those planted. Among the other merits of this Thuja is the ease with which it can be transplanted, owing to its having bushy fibrous roots, instead of the long tangles which larch and many other conifers have.” There can be little doubt, however, that in this country the Giant Arbor-Vitz thrives better when planted in rich dampish soil, 344 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. than in light dry loam or gravel. Even when young in the nursery, we have noticed the preference of this tree for a cool moist soil, seedlings placed in light warm loam succeeding very indifferently. As to situation or exposure to wind, the Giant Arbor-Vite is almost totally indifferent, for we have planted it at 750 feet altitude on the hill-side, where almost fully exposed to the south-west wind, and with every prospect of its attaining goodly proportions in years to come. We cannot, however, expect the Giant Arbor-Vite to attain the large dimensions on the wind-swept hill-side which it does in the warm and sheltered valley ; yet it is well suited for high- lying and breezy situations in this country. At Benmore, in Argyleshire, it is thriving luxuriantly at high altitudes, and in a few instances, where planted in alluvial soil, it rivals the larch as a rapid grower. Zhuja gigantea is also one of the few trees which the Prussian Government is introducing as useful additions to the State forests. Quality of Timber.—The timber of this tree, as produced in its native wilds, is, as every one knows who had the privilege to behold the huge logs and well-dressed planks in the Canadian Court of the late Colonial and Indian Exhibition, of very superior quality, and held in high esteem in its native country for construc- tive purposes, particularly by the cabinetmaker and boat-builder. Being fine in the grain, of a yellowish-brown colour, easily worked, remarkably durable, and light in proportion to its bulk, it is extensively used in the manufacture of furniture, for shingles, household utensils, fencing purposes, and in the erection of houses and outbuildings. On account of its lasting qualities, but parti- cularly when subjected to dry and damp alternately, it has been used largely for piles, while many of the canoes and boats made on Vancouver Island are formed of this wood. It has been recorded that in the repairing of an old fort in North-West America, the only log found sound after twenty-one years’ trial was one of the Giant Arbor-Vite. Professor Macoun told me that the huge log exhibited at the Colonial Exhibition, and which was no less than 21 feet in girth, and taken from a tree 150 feet in height, might be considered as a fair sample of what was produced under favourable circum- stances, and that the average dimensions reached by this stately tree are but little less. The largest trees are usually hollow for a short distance up the stem, but even then the outer THE GIANT ARBOR-VITH. 345 timber is perfectly sound and well fitted for constructive pur- poses. For making large pillars or columns it is peculiarly well suited, being so even of grain, susceptible of a nice polish, and of a most desirable rich colour ; qualities which were well set forth in the Exhibition by the large and beautifully carved posts which once ornamented the Indian villages of the Queen Charlotte Islands. In No. 1 Museum at Kew there are some interesting specimens of the wood, including a stave and several sections, as well as a hat, shawl, and mat made from the fibrous bark. This fibre of the inner bark is largely used by the Indian tribes for making articles of dress, ropes, and mats. It is premature to speak of the value of the timber of Thuja gigantea produced in this country, as sufficient time has not elapsed since the tree was introduced for the timber to become matured. We have, however, used the timber of trees of thirty years’ growth, and, on comparing it with that produced in its native habitat, the differences were few indeed ; the same yellowish tinge and compact though light nature being quite apparent in the home-grown wood. A friend who cultivated this tree largely on an estate in the north of Ireland, and who has used the wood, tells us that it is “ firm and of good quality, quite upholding the published descriptions of foreign-grown timber of the same kind,” Judging by present appearance, and the many uses to which it is applied in its native country, there can be little doubt that the timber grown in the British Isles will be of excellent quality, and when produced in sufficient quantity will be largely used in the arts and manufactures. The headquarters of this tree, Professor Macoun tells us, may be said to be the north-west coast of the United States. In the Columbia valley it forms vast forests, and in the valley of the Beaver it attains large dimensions, specimens 150 feet in height, with a diameter of 10 feet, being not at all uncommon. At an altitude of 6000 feet, along the line of the Canadian Pacific Railway, it occurs as a mere shrub, but gradually increases in size as it descends the hills, until in the fertile valleys it attains to full dimensions, with beautifully straight and clean stems that are branchless for nearly half their height. Ornamental Qualities. —As an ornamental tree, Thuja gigantea is well worthy of attention, the bright green graceful foliage being pleasing in the extreme, imparting to the tree a contour that is 346 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. highly desirable among hardy conifers. The stem is well clothed with irregularly-arranged branches, which are short in proportion to the height of the tree, the branch diameter of a specimen 50 feet high rarely exceeding 12 feet, thus giving the tree an easy columnar habit that rarely fails to attract the attention of even the most unobservant. The branches are placed at right angles to the stem, or nearly so, with the tips curving upwards. They are very flexible, and densely covered with scale-like finely-pointed leaves, which are of a bright glossy green above, and glaucous beneath. The cones are fully half an inch long, clustered near the ends of the branches, and borne in greatest abundance on the top half of the trees. When ripe in October and November, they impart, from their great numbers and light brown colour, a by no means uninterest- ing feature to the trees. So pliant is the leading shoot, that we have frequently tied it in a knot, and, when released, it sprung back to the original position without the least damage. This pliability of the young wood renders accidents to the tree of rare occurrence. During ten years’ residence on an English estate, where the Giant Arbor-Vite was planted in great quantities, we never knew an instance of this tree having suffered from the wind. Even during the memorable “Tay Bridge gale,” when nearly every other species of tree was more or less maimed, this tree stood unharmed. As a specimen on the lawn the Giant Arbor- Vite will ever hold a high position ; but to be shown off to perfection it requires a background of darker-foliaged trees or shrubs, such as the yew, holly, laurel, and others whose foliage is of a darker hue. Placed along the outskirts of plantations, particularly of hardwood, it has a telling effect, more especially where visible from the drives, and where a bit of green in the winter landscape is of importance. Unlike Thuja occidentalis, the foliage does not turn to a rusty brown during the autumn and winter, but remains a bright and pleasant green ; indeed, this is an unerring point of difference between these two species of Arbor-Vite. For filling up gaps where other trees have been uprooted by the wind the Giant Arbor- Vite is peculiarly well adapted, by reason of the narrow spread of its branches, this being a matter of much moment in the choice of forest trees for filling up open spaces in woods and plantations. We have used it largely for the purpose, and may say that for planting where space is limited it is one of our most valuable THE GIANT ARBOR-VITA, 347 evergreen trees, luxuriating even where interfered with by the branches of neighbouring trees, and where neither light nor air can freely penetrate. The bark of the Giant Arbor-Vite is of a warm and pleasant brown colour, thin and smooth in texture, and where glimpses of it are revealed here and there along the stem it forms a striking contrast to the bright green of the foliage. Nursery Manayement.—The cones are collected in October and November, and after being thoroughly dried by exposure to wind and sunshine, are carefully stowed away in shallow boxes in a dry and airy loft, until wanted for sowing in spring. We have found it advisable not to sift the seeds from the husks, because, by allowing the latter to remain, a greater quantity of air permeates the mass, and thus to a great extent damping is prevented. It is, however, well to turn and disturb the whole mass two or three times during the winter, and if this can be accomplished on a dry day in the open air, so much the better. When wanted for sowing, the seed should be passed through a }-inch riddle, to clear it of cones and rubbish. In preparing the seed-beds (which should be in a sheltered situation in the open air), let the soil be deeply dug and left exposed to the influence of the weather, especially frost, for a considerable time, as this has a most ameliorating action upon it. Should the soil be ordinary loam, let leaf-soil and silver sand be freely incorporated with it, mixing the whole well together with a digging-fork. The beds may be formed 4 feet wide, of any convenient length, and divided by alleys 1 foot broad. Rake the surface well, to remove hard clods and stones, leaving it in a free open state for the recep- tion of the seeds. Level and smooth the surface with a light roller, taking care that it does not excessively harden the soil. Sow the seed thinly and evenly, either broadcast over the surface or in lines, as may be found most convenient. By sowing in lines a great saving of seed is effected, and greater regularity at the same time secured. The lines are formed 2 inches apart, and hardly + inch deep. In covering the seeds great care is neces- sary, so that they may not be buried too deeply, and to avoid this the soil should be distributed from a finely-meshed riddle. This, in the hands of an experienced man, is used with great freedom, and the soil distributed evenly and not too thickly. The soil used for covering should be of a light sandy nature, free from lumps or stones, and moderately rich. No beating of the surface of the beds with the back of a spade should be permitted, as this 348 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. causes the soil to bake and become full of cracks, and thus numbers of the seed are lost. Sowing should not take place until April or May, and dry weather must be chosen for this work, as well as for the formation of the beds. Should dry parching weather prevail for any length of time after sowing, watering may be resorted to with great benefit, using a fine-rosed watering-can and rain water if procurable. When the young plants begin to appear, shading from direct sunshine will be highly beneficial, and this can easily be done by sticking a few spruce branches around the beds, particularly on the southern and western sides. The beds should be kept at all times clean and free from weeds, which is best performed by hand- picking during dripping weather, as at such a time the young plants are less apt to suffer from root disturbance caused by the extraction of the weeds. As the seedlings will have to remain for one winter at least in the beds before they are large enough for planting out, it is probable that numbers of them will be raised up by the frost, and in such cases a quantity of fine sandy soil, evenly sifted amongst them, will soon set matters right. Should the young plants come up too closely, it is wise policy to thin out the smaller for the benefit of the remaining ones. When they have attained a size sufficient for handling, they should be carefully lifted with a fork, and planted in previously prepared soil—not in too sheltered a portion, but where the wind can have free access to them. The size of the plants will form a guide as to the distance apart at which they should be planted ; but seedlings of the second year may be placed at about 4 inches apart in the rows, and 9 inches from line to line. Spread the roots well out in planting, laying them out to their full extent on all sides of the plant. After remaining for two years in this position, the young plants should again be transplanted into well- enriched ground, their individual sizes forming, at this stage of their growth, the best criterion as to the distance apart at which they should be placed. In planting, however, the method usually adopted of taking out a notch and placing the plant close against the perpendicular side, will not do, as by such a course of treatment the roots are caused to diverge to one side, and when the trees are planted out perma- nently they usually topple over during the first hard-blowing gale. The best method we know of, and one that we have adopted with success, is to take out a notch on each side of the line, and partly level the ridge under the latter, the centre of the crown of each THE GIANT ARBOR-VIT#. 349 plant being placed exactly where the line struck, and the roots spread evenly into the notches on each side. By so doing, the roots are trained from infancy in the positions they should occupy, and, forming a whorl round the base of the stem, they are enabled to collect food from all quarters, and the trees are far less liable to be upset during a gale. Propagation of this Thuja is also effected by cuttings, but these seldom form such well-shaped trees as those produced from seed. However, as on many estates seeds are difficult to procure, and young plants have to be raised from cuttings, the following method may be practised with the best success :— Karly in September take off young shoots of the current season with a small portion of the previous year’s wood, and insert these in sandy loam in a border facing north. In choosing the cuttings, those from the south side of the tree where fully exposed to light and air root more freely, and produce better plants, than those from the shady side. Press the soil firmly round the cuttings, and scatter a little sharp sand on the surface, just suft- cient to hide the soil. Should severe frost set in during the winter, it may be well to make a temporary erection, and cover over with a few old mats, straw, or any other convenient material, which will to some extent ward off the frost, and thus prevent the cuttings being lifted out of the ground. The two special points to be attended to in raising cuttings of this Thuja are to insert them sufficiently early in the season, so that they may get callused before the winter sets in, and to prevent the sun’s rays striking them for any length of time until the roots are formed. By the end of the second year the cuttings will be ready for planting into nursery lines, which operation is similar in all respects to that recommended for seedlings. Generally speaking, plants raised from cuttings are difficult to get to start away freely, they having an inclination to form a spreading head, which must be corrected by pruning at an early stage of their growth. Grafting is another method of propagating the Giant Thuja, and one that is commonly practised on the Continent; and it has this advantage, that larger plants are formed in less time than from either cuttings or seeds. The stock used is Thuja occiden- talis, a vigorous growing and hardy species, and the operation is performed both in spring and summer, but more satisfactory results have been obtained by grafting in August than at any other time, for the following reasons :—By grafting in August the VOL. XII., PART IT. Z 350 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. scion gets hold of the stock in autumn, and although actual growth does not take place during the winter, yet with the protection of glass the union of the scion and stock goes on and is perfected, so that when a start to grow is made in spring the one seldom shows any inclination to get rid of the other, as is not unfrequently the case when the operation has been performed in spring. Spring grafting must be performed in a warm close house, and unless hardening off is practised with a great amount of caution, many of the plants will cast their scions when the sap begins to move quickly. The stocks should be potted up in spring for autumn grafting, as by that time they are established and in the best condition for operating upon. Recapitulation.—From these observations of the growth, hardi- hood, and valuable timber-producing qualities of Z’huja gigantea, there can be little doubt that it is one of the most useful forest trees that have yet found their way into this country ; and in point of general utility it is well entitled to rank with such other tried and valuable introductions as the Douglas fir, the Corsican, Austrian, and Weymouth pines, and that desirable silver fir, Abies Nordmanniana. Its perfect hardihood in even the coldest portions of the British Isles is now well known ; while in Switzer- land and Germany, where very few of our best conifers can with- stand the too often semi-arctic winter, this tree is highly prized, and is a great favourite with planters. Then, again, it withstands exposure to long-continued and hard, biting winds better than almost any other tree ; its lithe branches and supple leading shoot rendering it peculiarly well adapted for exposed positions. It cannot be said to be particular about soil, for, as has been stated, goodly specimens have been produced in this country on soil of the most opposite descriptions, although, at the same time, that of a rich, moist, and open nature is preferred. The rate of growth is very rapid, surpassing that of most of our cultivated trees, while the timber is of superior quality, and the branch spread narrow in proportion to the tree’s height—all valuable qualities in a conifer for general forest purposes, As an ornamental conifer it ranks high, and has already received a great amount of attention in this way ; while the extreme ease with which it may be propagated is another point that is greatly in its favour, and which will, in conjunction with its other good qualities, cause it at no distant date to be largely used for economic planting both at home and abroad. TABLES FOR THE CONVERSION OF MEASUREMENTS. 351 XVIII. Yables for the Conversion of Measurements from one Denomination to another, By Colonel F. Barney, R.E. EXAMPLE TO SHOW THE MANNER OF USING THE TABLES. Convert 341'27 Hectares to Acres. HECT (c) ACRES. Ab oe 4s | CE TO Eg a= (d)4 Onis 40 TRS a een Ae el (a)3 De teh A= ORES (b)8 HS P(e a= Ie 2AL. «el cd 4Dky case j= le 46 8) 22 6. ee (= (e)1 oo, Ot nie Om 8= I Sis 8 OG |. Bar ene, 9= re 2 PRT, ORemar omen Decimals Whole numbers. * 1 Hectare is equal to 2°47109 acres; and so on in all the other Tables. 3 in the 3d place of whole numbers gives, , - 741°327 eA ages... be sn &

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The Ligneous Plants of Hampshire. By Joun Situ, Romsey, Hants. An account of the indigenous plants of a county is of interest not only to the Botanist, but also to the practical Forester. Some counties have a flora peculiarly their own, or at least have plants which occur more abundantly than in other counties ; and Hampshire being rich in native and naturalised plants, I have been induced to submit this paper on the Ligneous Plants, giving the results of many years of observation, It seems desirable to localise as much as possible our native flora, and by examining counties separately we are more likely to determine which plants are true natives. Without further remark I proceed to give an account of the native trees and shrubs of Hampshire, adopting the Natural System of classification. CuruLirer£.—The British Oak (Quercus Robur pedunculata). —This is the prevailing tree of the county, and is found in every variety of soil and subsoil. There are many fine old trees, such as the one at Oakley Farm, Mottisfont, girthing 31 feet 6 inches! ; one at Hurstbourne Park, girthing 21 feet ; and many others remarkable for size and beauty. The “ Dur” or Durmast Oak (Q. Robur sessiliflora) is a distinct species. 1st, the leaves are on long foot-stalks ; 2d, the acorn is on a short foot-stalk. These two characters are exactly the opposite of Q. Robur, but this is not the only distinction, for the bark of the young tree is more silvery in appearance than that of the mature tree. The habit of growth is also different; the head is more spreading and umbrella-shaped. Finally, the timber is not of so enduring a quality, and the tree does not attain to such large dimensions as the other species. This species is not widely distributed, but a large wood exists between Hursley and Romsey, where a great many specimens are to be found, and also in Brook-Wood in the northern part of the New Forest. The Beech (Fagus sylvatica).—While the leaf and the acorn of the oak vary much in different trees, the leaf and the mast of the beech are seldom seen to vary. The ancient beech forests were at one time very extensive in the county, but are mostly giving place to oak. It has still, however, a wide range, and such old 1 For a description of the trees of which the measurements are given in_ this paper, sce ‘* Present State and Future Prospects of Arboriculture in Hampshire” (Z’rans. Scot. Arbor. Soc., vol. xi., page 522, et seq.). THE LIGNEOUS PLANTS OF HAMPSHIRE, 357 clumps as are seen in the Outwood, Hursley, Norman Court on the borders of Wiltshire, and Mark Ash in the New Forest, still show the grandeur of the ancient forests. The Hazel (Corylus avellana).—The nut of the hazel varies greatly in different plants, but not so the leaf. This tree is widely distributed, and in former years it was extensively planted in the hedgerows. Twenty-five to thirty years ago many of these hedge. rows were grubbed up, partly for the purpose of enlarging the fields, and partly owing to the depreciation in the value of hazel hoops consequent on the importation of the foreign article ; but after a time it was found that imported hoops did not last so long as homegrown, and now hazel “rods” command a good price. The wood is cut at the age of from eight to twelve years, and is the most useful of our small-wood. Here a question presents itself to the agricultural chemist.—Most of these hedgerows have been in existence time out of mind, and have been regularly cut say every ten years. The weight of a crop taken off an acre is estimated at 40 tons. Besides this, there is in the hedgerow a thick carpet of wild hyacinth (Agraphis nutans), wood anemone (Anemone nemorosa), and the common primrose (Primula vulgaris). When grubbed up a rich virgin soil is exposed, in strange contrast to the adjoining arable land, which has been ploughed and manured from the time the hazel was planted. The hedgerow has neither been tilled nor manured, yet not only is the soil richer, but has increased in bulk, and is on a higher level than the arable fields. Compare the weight of produce carried off per acre, and putting the hazel at ten years of age, and taking the weight at 40 tons, — this gives an average weight of 4 tons per acre per annum, while agricultural produce cannot be taken at more than 2 tons per acre per annum, But it may be said that there is a crop of “roots” of say 20 tons to the acre every four years. To balance this, however, the ground receives say 20 tons of manure per acre in every fourth year. Then, without going into the chemical composition of the produce removed, it is obvious that the 4 tons of wood contain a larger proportion of solid matter than the 2 tons of agricultural produce. It is said that the hazel leaves which fall tend to enrich the soil. This is no doubt true, but whence did the leaves obtain their nourishment? Some part may be from the atmosphere, but the agricultural plant has the same chance. It may be said that the roots of the hazel penetrate to a greater depth in the soil. This is true, although the hazel is not a deep-rooting plant. Then, 358 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. again, what is to be said of the crop of wild hyacinth, etc.? Is, then, the rotation of crops, so much insisted upon, a mistake? I cannot answer, but only point out the fact that a piece of land will produce year after year 4 tons per acre of the same crop, while a similar piece only produces 2 tons of different crops, and the former piece of land remains richer than the latter. The Sweet or Spanish Chestnut (Castanea vesca).—This noble tree is not indigenous. It is, however, plentiful in the county, and is naturalised, reproducing itself freely. While the oak and the beech (especially the former) are attacked by caterpillars, aphis, and different insects, producing galls and other excrescences, the chestnut, so far as I have observed, is exempt from insect pests. This immunity, and the value of the small-wood and timber, while it is one of our fastest-growing deciduous trees (the poplars and willows excepted), all combine to make it one of the most valuable trees for planting. This seems to have been gene- rally appreciated, for it has been extensively planted, and there are now many plantations of useful timber trees and considerable breadths of coppice. The trees are not of large dimensions, the largest being in North Stoneham Park, with a girth of 16 feet 9 inches. There are many girthing from 8 to 10 feet. The Hornbeam (Carpinus Betulus).—This tree is admitted into the British flora, but is not common in Hampshire, and I am not aware that it reproduces itself; for I have not found a single “self-comer,” and would therefore pronounce it not to be a native. Uimace#.—The Elms have given rise to considerable discussion amongst botanists as to the several species or varieties found wild in Britain, and in consequence it is difficult to pronounce which are natives, as all the species are trees of semi-cultivation, and occur usually where the soil has been disturbed. The Common Elm (Ulinus campestris), the most majestic of all the species, is common, occurring mostly in hedgerows, clumps, and avenues. For the last it has a fine effect, but’ it cannot be recommended for the purpose on account of its dangerous peculi- arity, that without warning a large bough may snap and fall with serious consequences. Several instances have occurred of persons being killed from this cause. A fine avenue, the glory of South- ampton thirty years ago, is now almost gone; only a tree here and there remains to show the ancient grandeur. Various theories have been started as to the cause of this destruction, but no satisfactory cause has been assigned. The Corporation of South- THE LIGNEOUS PLANTS OF HAMPSHIRE. 359 ampton, to their credit, have continued to replant young trees in place of the old ones. This species seldom produces fertile seeds, but propagates itself by suckers, which run to a great distance from the parent stem, and have been measured to the length of 60 yards. In 1880, a piece of ground which had been allotted for gardens was laid out for building purposes ; but as operations did not commence till 1886, the land meantime lying dormant, on digging it up in that year elm roots were found to have extended 30 yards from the adjoining trees. This gives an average of 5 yards or 15 feet in each year. Now this was not poor, but very rich soil, having 2 feet of vegetable mould, then 6 feet of hazel loam down to the gravel, so it could not be for want of nourishment. The Wych Elm, Wych Hazel (U. montana).—This is more limited than the last, but it occurs at widely distant stations in the county. This species is quite distinct, in that it produces fertile seeds and has no suckers. It is not found of larger girth than 15 feet 7 inches at Tufton, near Whitchurch, while U. campestris in Broadlands Park has a girth of 24 feet 7 inches. OLeacea.—The Common Ash (raainus excelsior).—This well- known tree is not so plentiful in a natural state as might be expected, seeing that it produces winged seeds (keys) abundantly. It is the “ husbandman’s tree,” providing him with “ plough bote and cart bote,” as allowed by the lord of the manor, but has been largely superseded, like the ‘‘ wooden walls of old England,” by iron, The ash is still used for many purposes, and the supply is barely equal to the demand. Many old adages which foretell the weather have fallen into disuse, but I have to record a rather curious fact, On the 25th of May 1887, the buds of the ash had no appearance of life, not even swelled, while the oak was almost in full leafage. This year (1888), at the same date, the ash is nearly in leaf, while the buds of the oak are just beginning to swell. These are the same trees, and the contrast between the two years is certainly remarkable. The old saying is, that if the oak comes out before the ash the summer will be dry, but if the ash is first out then the summer will be wet. 1887 was dry, and we now wait for 1888. The Common Privet (Ligustrum vulgare).—This useful shrub is common everywhere in coppices, hedgebanks, ete. It is of little value, except as cover for game or as a hedge plant, and when kept trimmed it becomes almost an evergreen. The most beautiful hedge of it I have seen is at Shelley farm on the Paultons estate. - 360 TRANSACTIONS OF ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY. Tintaczz2.—The Common Lime (7%/ia europea), and the Small- leaved Lime (7. parvifolia).—I do not consider either of these natives of the county, having only found them where planted. AcERACEZ.—The Common Maple (Acer campestris) is plentiful everywhere, but seldom attains to any size either in girth or height, and is mostly cut as copsewood. The Sycamore (A. Pseudo-Platanus). —The Greater Maple, whether a native or not, is frequently met with, and reproduces itself freely. Berutacez.—The Common Birch (Betula alba) is abundant, and is valued most for its beauty, with its drooping tresses and fragrant perfume. It lays claim to be the “ Lady of the Woods,” and many specimens are found of rare beauty, which give such a charm to the wild woodland scenes in the New Forest. The Common Alder (Alnus glutinosa) is found by every stream and rivulet, and in boggy places. The small-wood is useful for many purposes; and the tree being a rapid grower, it is valuable. SaticaceEz.—The Abele or White Poplar (Populus alba) is plentiful in the river valleys, especially in the Test Valley from Mottisfont to Clatford, near Andover. It is very ornamental, and finds a place in the grounds of most suburban villas. I have little hesitation in saying that it is a native of Hants. It sup- plies the most valuable timber of all the poplars. The Grey Poplar (P. canescens) is occasionally found, but is not plentiful, and is a doubtful native. The Trembling Poplar or Aspen (P. tremula) is comparatively rare, and the specimens I have seen do not appear to have the tremulous motion of the leaves which is characteristic of them in the north. I consider it a doubtful native. The Black Poplar (P. nigra) is plentiful, and is more likely to be a native than the last. The Lombardy Poplar (P. fastigiata) is considered by some to be only a variety of the last ; but I have noticed that it puts forth its leaves a fortnight earlier than the black, and they are smaller. Other characteristics would lead to the conclusion that it is dis- tinct. It is in considerable numbers, but as the timber is of no value, it can only be prized as an ornamental tree. Of course it has no claim to be considered a native. The Willow, Sallow, and Osier (Salix).—With reference to this genus of plants, I take the following from Hooker and Arnott’s “British Flora ;”—“The many important uses rendered by the THE LIGNEOUS PLANTS OF HAMPSHIRE. 361 different species of willow and osier, serve to rank them high in our list of economical plants. The larger kinds, which are the most rapid growers, yield timber and exceed 60 feet in height ; whilst the least of them (S. herbacea), which grows on the summits of our Highland mountains, can scarcely be said to rise above the surface of the soil in which it vegetates. Many are in great request for baskets, hoops, and crates. Their bark is used by the tanner, and that of one species (S. fragilis, var. Russelliana) as a substitute for Peruvian bark. ia COTTAGE-SHOWING SANITARY ARRANGEMENTS. ADVERTISEMENTS. AUSTIN & M’ASLAN, Wurserymen and Seedsmen, GEA SG oO VY. TH fSy We AN TE (Sy HELI ID) UL peal ree SEED WAREHOUSE, . 89 MITCHELL STREET. . STORES, . .’ SALKRID STREET: NERSERINS .) 145, .. CATHCART, WE beg to offer a very Extensive Stock of splendidly rooted, vigorous plants, comprising— FOREST TREES.—Suitable for various Soils and Exposures. ORNAMENTAL TREES—For Parks and Lawns. ORNAMENTAL FLOWERING and FOLIAGED SHRUBS. —For Game Covers, etc. FLOWERING PLANTS.—For Woodlands. Catalogues Free on Application. For Large Quantities Special Quotations and Samples will be supplied. naa ee a et > SEEDS. < PERMANENT PASTURE GRASSES.—Suitable for heavy clay as well as light gravelly and mossy Soils, for which we have received many very high commendations. LAWN and BOWLING-GREEN GRASSES.—These we be- lieve are Unsurpassed, and produce Magnificent Swards. TURNIPS, MANGOLS, CARROTS, CLOVERS. — Purest Stocks, and cannot fail to give satisfaction, and beg to solicit the favour of a share of your Orders. ADVERTISEMENTS. DOUGLAS & FOULIS’ ENGLISH AND FOREIGN LIBRARY 9 Castle Street EDIN BU RoGaw =F Books sent to any part of the Country and Changed at convenience of Subscribers. Boxes free Subscriptions, from 21s. per annum, may commence at any date CLEARANCE CATALOGUE OF BOOKS at Greatly Reduced Prices BEING SURPLUS COPIES WITHDRAWN FROM LIBRARY Including many other Works of Interest, offered at affixed Cash Prices ALSO CataLocuE or Booxs RELATING PRINCIPALLY TO SCOTLAND Containing many important Works on History, ARCHEOLOGY TopoGRAPHY, PoEtry & BALLADs, BrioGRAPHy, &c Also ENGLISH, WELSH, IRISH, and FOREIGN LITERATURE The above Gratis and Post free to any address THOMAS METHVEN & SONS Beg to request the attention of those about to plant to their Stock of SEEDLING AND TRANSPLANTED FOREST TREES, Ornamental Grees and Shrubs, Rhodadendrons, Htr., WHICH IS VERY EXTENSIVE, AND IN A HEALTHY, VIGOROUS CONDITION. Samples and Prices on Application. LEITH WALK & WARRISTON NURSERIES, EDINBURGH. ADVERTISEMENTS. ‘‘CERTIFICATE OF MERIT,” Highest Award at INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, CARLISLE, 1880. “SILVER MEDAL,” Highest Award for Hot-Houses, at the INTERNATIONAL Forestry EXHIBITION, EpINBURGH, 1884. ‘‘GOLD MEDAL,” Highest Award at INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION, EDINBURGH, 1886. MACKENZIE & MONCUR, HORTICULTURAL BUILDERS AND HEATING AND VENTILATING ENGINEERS, UPPER GROVE PLACE, EDINBURGH, AND ST ANDREW’S CROSS, GLASGOW. Conservatories, Greenhouses, Vineries, Foreing Houses, and all kinds of Horticultural Buildings erected in wood or iron in the most approved manner in any part of Great Britain or Ireland, at strictly Moderate Rates. Illustrated Sheets on Application. Splendid Illustrated Catalogues, Price 3/6. PLANS AND SPECIAL DESIGNS. Heating with Hot-Water, Low and High Pressure, Steam heating on the return gravity and expansion system, for Hot-Houses, Swimming Baths, Private and Public Buildings. Ventilating Apparatus, Atmospheric and Mechanical. Satisfactory Results in all Cases Guaranteed. ADVERTISEMENTS. AGRICULTURAL SEEDS. THOS. EDMONDSTON & SON, GRASSMARKET, EDINBURGH. GRASSES AND CLOVERS of all sorts, thoroughly cleaned and carefully selected, and may be relied upon as fresh and genuine. TURNIP SEEDS of all the most approved kinds, and of reliable stocks. FARM IMPLEMENTS AND TOOLS. Farm and Garden Implements of all Sorts. THOS. EDMONDSTON & SOK, Seed and Iron Merchants, GRASSMARKET, EDINBURGH. TIMBER GROWING. A PROFITABLE APPLICATION OF THE SOIL. Grown from Seed collected in the North of Scotland, on high-lying uf grounds, and under the exposure otf a rigorous climate, possessing robust- ness of growth and abundant root fibre. FOREST-TREES sent to all PARTS of the UNITED KINGDOM. Carriage Rates Lessened and Packages Saved by using ‘* Through Trucks.” EXPORT ORDERS CAREFULLY SUPPLIED, AND CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. SPECIAL OFFERS FOR LARGE QUANTITIES. CATALOGUE POST FREE. BENJAMIN REID & CO, FOREST-TREE NURSERIES, ABERDEEN. ADVERTISEMENTS. Established 1801. SEEDLING AND TRANSPLANTED FOREST TREES. Ornamental Trees and Shrubs, Roses and Fruit Trees. JAMES DICKSON & SONS, 32 HANOVER STREET and INVERLEITH ROW, Ee NBR Glee CATALOGUES FREE ON APPLICATION. FOREST AND ORNAMENTAL TREES AND SHRUBS, Fruit Trees, Roses, Herbaceous Plants, Ete. FOREST AND GARDEN IMPLEMENTS OF ALL SORTS. Priced Catalogues Free on application. IRELAND & THOMSON, Durserymen, Seedsmen, ant Dew Plant Merchants, Craigleith Nursery, Comely Bank, Edinburgh. New Golden Acre and Windlestrawlee Nurseries, Granton Road. Seed Warehouse, 81 Princes Street. MCFARLANE & ERSKINEB, Lithographers, Engravers, & Letterpress Printers, 19 ST JAMES SQUARE, EDINBURGH, Having an efficient Staff of first-class Artists and Printers, execute every description of ARTISTIC & COMMERCIAL WORK, AND BOOK, LAW & GENERAL PRINTING, WITH TASTE, ACCURACY, AND DESPATCH. Printers to the Royal Scottish Arboricultural Society, Royal Physical Society, etc. ADVERTISEMENTS. DOUGLAS & FOULIS, BOOKSELLERS AND LIBRARIANS 9 CASTLE STREET, EDINBURGH Will be happy to send Gratis and Post Free :— A REFERENCE CATALOGUE OF PUBLICATIONS ON FORESTRY, GARDENING, AND FARMING 36 Pages 8vo, containing about 1000 Titles STANDARD WorKS ON THE ABOVE SUBJECTS ALWAYS ON SALE Out-of-Print Books sought for and reported free INTERNATIONAL 4 Qa FOREST AY GaHBi TION > IMBURCH 4 _— at A Reg. No. 52544, ) CELEBRATED TREE Soo. PROTECTIVE COMPOSITION . The only Award for Tree Protective Composition at the Forestry Exhibition, Edinburgh, 1884. NATHANL. AHLBOTTN, Sole Manufacturer, and now the only swrviving discoverer of the above For protecting young Forest and other Trees against the ravages of Hares and Rabbits, It is free from any poisonous substance, encourages the growth, is easily applied by the hand or a small brush, and is strongly recommended by all parties who have used it. To be had in 56lb. Casks at 18s. One ewt. and upwards at 36s. per cwt.— Casks free. From the Rt. Hon, Lord Wynrorp. 12 Grosvenor Square, London, 15th Nov. 1887. This summer I have been moving about in Scotland, and found wherever the Protective Composition was known it was highly approved of, and certainly I have found it so. WYNFORD. The above is from numerous Testimonials, which may be had on application to NATHANL. AHLBOTTN, 50 SHORE, LEITH, WORKS ON FORESTRY AND GARDENING. Just Published. THE PRACTICE OF FORESTRY. By CuristopHer Y. Micure, Forester, Cullen. Crown 8vo, with Illustrations, 6s. “‘A book of an eminently practical nature, . . . dealing with evident ability with every question that is likely to meet the forester in his daily work.” —Scotsman. THE LARCH: Berne A PractIcAL TREATISE ON ITS CULTURE AND GENERAL MANAGEMENT. By the same Author. With Illustrations. New and Cheaper Edition. Enlarged, with additional Chapter on the ‘‘ Larch Disease.” Crown 8vo, 5s. ‘‘ Within its pages the planter will find more information upon the best modes of treatment and culture of the larch-tree, whether in the nursery or plantation, than in any other book extant in the English language.”—Journal of Forestry. “ “f ie work is a most valuable addition to our standard literature on arboriculture.”— Banff ournal, New and Revised Edition. THE FORESTER: A PracricaL TREATISE ON THE PLANTING, REARING, AND GENERAL MANAGEMENT OF Forest TREES. By JAMES Brown, LL.D., Inspector of and Reporter on Woods and Forests, Benmore House, Port Elgin, Ontario. Fifth Edition, Revised and Enlarged. With numerous Engravings on Wood. Royal 8vo, half-bound, 36s. “Tt is an authoritative guide, and a reference book which no forester should be without.”— Land and Water. “ Asa practical text-book for the young forester, the work is invaluable, and no intelligent young man following the profession ought to rest satisfied until he is in possession of a copy, and has carefully studied it in all its details.”—Jouwrnal of Forestry. New and Cheaper Edition. HANDY BOOK OF THE FLOWER GARDEN; Being Practical Directions for the Propagation, Culture, and Arrangement of Plants in Flower Gardens all the year round. Embracing all Classes of Gardens, from the largest to the smallest. With Engraved Plans of grouping in Beds and Borders. By Davip ‘Thomson, Gardener to His Grace the Duke of Buccleuch, K.G., at Drumlanrig. Fourth Edition, crown 8vo, 5s. “‘ We are acquainted with the results produced by the able author, as well as with his book, and therefore can pronounce the book the best on the subject yet written or likely to be written for a long time to come.”—The Field. HANDY BOOK OF FRUIT CULTURE UNDER GLASS. By the Same. New Edition, Revised and Enlarged. [Illustrated with numerous Engravings. Crown 8vo, 7s. 6d. “No work of the kind of which we have any knowledge is at all to be compared with this. It is the result of ripe experience, close thought, and ample acquaintance with the subject in all its parts.”— Scotsman. CULTIVATED PLANTS: THEIR PROPAGATION AND IM- PROVEMENT. By F. W. BursipGe, Author of ‘‘The Narcissus; its History and Culture, ’ etc. With 191 Engravings, and Index. Crown 8vo, 12s. 6d. ‘‘ This is a book not for the ordinary villa gardener, but for the professional gardener, and for those amateurs who, by their interest in the pursuit, and the skill and patience they bring to bear upon it, rank in success and authority with the professionals.”—Standard. New Edition Revised. DOMESTIC FLORICULTURE, WINDOW GARDENING, AND FLorAL DecoRATIONS. Being Directions for the Propagation, Culture, and Arrangement of Plants and Flowers as Domestic Ornaments. By the Same. Crown 8vo, with upwards of 200 Illustrations on Wood. New Edition, Revised and Enlarged, 7s. 6d. “A charmingly illustrated vade-mecum on Window-Gardening, Floral Decorations, and the whole field of adaptation of floral science to domestic ornament.”—Academy. Fourth Edition, Enlarged. THE HANDY BOOK OF BEES, AND THEIR PROFITABLE MANAGEMENT. By A. Pettigrew. Crown 8vo, 3s. 6d. ‘““The author of this volume is evidently a practical man, and knows a great deal more about bees and their habits than most of the bee-keepers in England; indeed, he may be said to bea very master in the art of bee mysteries.”—Bell’s Life in London, New Edition, Thoroughly Revised and Greatly Enlarged. STEPHENS’ BOOK OF THE FARM. Detailing the Labours of the Farmer, Farm-Steward, Ploughman, Shepherd, Hedger, Farm-Labourer, Field-Worker, and Cattleman. Fourth Edition, Revised, and in great part Rewritten, by JAMEs MACDONALD, of the “‘ Farming World,” etc. AssISTED BY MANY OF THE LEADING AGRICULTURAL AUTAO- RITIES OF THE DAY. Illustrated with numerous Portraits of Animals and Engravings of Implements, ete. To be completed in Six Divisional Volumes, strongly bound in cloth. Now ready. DIVISIONS I., II., and IIL, price 10s. 6d. each. ‘‘ Few books on farming have acquired such a popularity as this lifework of its able author ; few publications on the subject have so well deserved the conspicuous place which it now occupies amongst the standard works on agriculture.”—The Farm. WILLIAM BEACKWOOD & SONS, EpinspurcuH anp Lonpon, MILLIONS OF FOREST TREES |———--— =~. as FOREST TREES!!! We hold this season extensive Stocks of Forest Trees, grown on our exposed Fretisipe Nurseries, which produce Fibrous-Rooted Plants thoroughly hardened. We had the pleasure recently of supplying a large Government order for over a quarter of a Million Forest Trees, and have again this season been favoured with another large order from Her Majesty’ s Commissioners of Woods and Forests for 100, 000 Transplanted Larch (Native), both of which were to plant on the Crown Lands, Isle of Man. Planting done by Contract or otherwise in any part of the United Kingdom. Samples, with special quotations for large quantities, on application. (Catalogues post free.) ORNAMENTAL TREES.—For Street, Park, and Avenue: Planting— consisting of the finest varieties in puliteaiaan: CONIFERS.—Thousands of the finest, and recently introduced in specimens. Regularly transplanted. HARDY EVERGREEN SHRUBS.—For Fox and Game Coverts, in great variety. Special offers to large buyers. EVERGREEN, and DECIDUOUS FLOWERING SHRUBS.—Thov- sands of dee best sorts to select from. ROSES, and FRUIT TREES.—A Speciality with us.—We have this season received orders for over 100,000 Bushes of ‘“Whinham’s Industry _ Gooseberries,” many thousands being exported to the United States, Canada, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Austria, Belgium, France,Germany, Holland, Denmark, Saxony, Poland, Norway, Switzerland, the Channel Islands, and all over the United Kingdom. ALPINE, HERBACEOUS, STOVE, and GREENHOUSE PLANTS.— In great variety. Special offers for collections. LANDSCAPE GARDENING.—This branch is a special feature in our business, and we have this season received many large orders for the supply of Trees for Parks and Cemeteries ; have also laid out many new grounds ; and, having a practical Landscape Artist in our employment, we are in a position to submit Plans for approval, and give Estimates on the shortest notice. Silver Medal awarded at the RoyaL Mininc AND ENGINEERING EXHIBITION, NEWCASTLE- ~~ -ON-DYNE, 1887.—No higher award being made in the Agricultural, Horticultural, and Arboricultural sections. Several Medals for general excellency of our Trees, Conifers, and Seeds. (De sicihaih Catalogues, per ree WILLIAM FERBLL & CO, SEED MERCHANTS, Slurservmen, Florists, and Landscape Gardeners, HEXHAM, NorTHUMBERLAND. TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SCOTTISH ARBORICULTURAL SOCIETY VOL. XII—PART IIL. SECRETARY AND TREASURER, WILLIAM J. MOFFAT, FELLOW OF THE BOTANICAL SOCIETY, EDINBURGH, EDINBURGH: PRINTED FOR THE SOCTETY. BY DOUGLAS & FOULIS, CASTLE STREET. MDCCCXC. BONUS YEAR 1890. ’ NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE INSURANCE COMPANY. Incorporated by Royal Charter and Acts of Parliament. ESTABLISHED 1809. FIRE-LIFE-ANNUITIES, (HE FUNDS of the Life Department are not liable for Obligations under : the Fire Department, nor are the Funds of the Fire Department liable for Obligations under the Life Department. In this Company, therefore, the Investments for the Life Department are kept entirely separate from those of the Fire Department, as set forth in the Balance Sheet. President.—HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF ROXBURGHE, Vice-President.—HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF SUTHERLAND, K.G. EXTRAORDINARY DIRECTORS. Ricut Hon. LORD NORTHBOURNE. Si MATTHEW WHITE RIDLEY, Bart., M.P. Rient Hox. THe EARL OF STRATHMORE. Ricut Hon. LORD WOLVERTON. Rigut Hon. Tus EARL OF ABERDEEN. Tur Hon. LORD WELLWOOD. Chairman of General Court of Directovs—DAVID DAVIDSON, Esa. EDINBURGH BOARD OF DIRECTORS. J. F. WALKER-DRUMMOND, Esq. CHARLES GAIRDNER, Es@., LL.D. DAVID B. WAUCHOPE, Esq. RALPH DUNDAS, Esa. Sir JAMES GARDINER BAIRD, Barr, JOHN WHARTON TOD, Esq. GEORGE AULDJO JAMIESON, Esq. Sir JAMES H. GIBSON-CRAIG, Barr. FREDERICK PITMAN, Esq. 2iaut Hon. Tok EARL OF ELGIN, EVAN ALLAN HUNTER, Esq. Sir THOMAS CLARK, Barr. CHARLES B. LOGAN, Esa. Manager, A. GILLIES-SMITH, F.R.S.E. Secretary, PHILIP R. D. MACLAGAN. Actuary, THOMAS WALLACE. Medical Officer, JOHN MOIR, M.D., F.R.C.P.- Solicitors, J. & F. ANDERSON, W.S. Auditor, JAMES HALDANE, C.A. BLP E: DEPARTMENT: . Next Division of Profits, 3ist December 1890. Nine-Tenths of the Whole Profits of the Life Assurance Branch are allocated to Participating Policies, The Bonus at last division ranged, according to the age of the Policy, from £1, 9s. to £2, 17s. 10d. per cent. per annum on the Original Sum Assured. SPECIAL FEATURES. Claims paid on proof of death and title. Premiums adjusted to each half-year of age. Minimum Surrender Values fixed, and held at credit of Insured for five years. Paid-up thy 2 “dl Liberal Amount granted in place of Lapsed Policy, if desired, within Six Months. Inaccurate Statements in Proposal Papers do net involve Forfeiture of Policy, unless accompanied by Fraud. Policies in most cases free of all Restrictions as to Occupation, Residence, and Travel. ANNUITY BRANCH. Annuities,—Immediate, Contingent, or Deferred, are granted on favourable terms. FIRE DEPARTMENT. Property of nearly every description Insured at Home or Abroad at the Lowest Rate of Premium. Losses settled with promptitude and liberality. Prospectuses and every information may be had at the Chief Offices, Branches, or Agencies, CHIEF OFFICES: EDINBURGH—64 PRINCES STREET. LONDON—61 THREADNEEDLE STREET. ADVERTISEMENTS. Patronised by HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN ; and 20,000 and upwards of the Nobility and Gentry. FOR EVERY DESCRIPTION OF OUT=DOOR WORK. Ce Poe ON- Ss NON-POISONOUS LIQUID PAINTS, These are beautifully prepared, and of the highest quality. Suited for EVERY purpose WHERE ordinary paint CAN be applied. They possess great body and covering power. ALL COLOURS. EASILY APPLIED. PRICES, TESTIMONIALS, AND PATTERN CARDS POST-FREE. , The Original Anti-Corrosion Paint can only be obtained of WALTER CARSON & SONS, LA BELLE SAUVAGE YARD, LUDGATE HILL, LONDON, E.C., and BACHELOR’S WALK, DUBLIN. WT vl ee be P wy Laloepant ian ie ae . ga liqqaytieneD: age” ’ - a ta; € hod. unser caresialidy : ; WOT JSvO TING 949 UL puUrY|st UO t ZOUe CTU eS TU we od od *poom ALaYOOL §,MOYAIVIL \ oe te ao 01 9 ve ig 9 ve 0 08 “ 0 a 3 . 2 “ ak . J ae fe) ‘oO se] uy “y0oa ou WO Sutids WOR as .- an IL 9 -- 19 gi se 0 & “NI *OAvay *[10s pe aaa -od ‘op fa a “e P 6 FSG) OP ie nOn este es ND “AUIO ‘uvoy Apues Qusry “TO. 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Bot oorynek | we UL MOM HOOI7 iF ' “ol c ‘ } santo tate (Pmmnle = yell foolom) = | wa 2 ie ow) puw onan a), Ariba : 5 : awice we Mee ney 2om10. 0% } Oo o6 |o s ‘pus sp (oAtE) UO PNO od pee 4 “od rom “od xen sa Hs os wx burs os | -weti0g jo worry mM “£aN,UDD WUAANIO JO = eset }o » o 2 [0 92 | “| -ioamt ‘sp avg) “Auowiosnry “od ae 0 1 |oo -oupyeewiedt ‘oa re 26 ow “om oa * a1 8 8 ETE sayuns si ‘ ¥ con) Bae | : 8 6 0 ot o on * AAs prrvs ony) samo

— Gunoooy 4stT WO pury ut ysepj—eour[eg ‘ASUVHOSIA Boney ‘ENUVHO ce ‘6881 AHANTOTC ISTE sUIpUG UVGA 10} ALHIOOS TVANLTNOAOLAV HSILLOOS TVAOA 90} JO SLNQOOOV JO LOVULSEV 448 Ae itil 4 Nusitaty es aut vata AYPEN DIX. ——— AKopal Reottisy Arboricultural Society. etal PaTtron—HER MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY THE QUEEN. cant 1—FORMER PRESIDENTS. YEAR, 1854. JAMES Brown, Deputy-Surveyor of the Royal Forest of Dean. 1855. Ditto, Wood Commissioener to the Earl of Seafield. 1856. Ditto, ditto. 1857. The Right Hon. Tur Ear. or Ducte. 1858. The Right Hon. THe EArt or Srair. 1859. Sir Jonn Hatt, Bart., of Dunglass. 1860. His Grace Ture DuKE oF ATHOLE. 1861. Joun J. CHaumers of Aldbar. 1862. The Right Hon. THE Ean. or AIRLIE. 1863. The Right Hon. T. F. KENNEDY. 1864. Ropert Hurcuison of Carlowrie, F.R.S.E. 1865. Ditto, ditto. 1866. Ditto, ditto. 1867. Ditto, ditto. 1868. Ditto, ditto. 1869. Ditto, ditto. 1870. Ditto, ditto. 1871. Ditto, ditto. 1872. HucuH Ciecuorn, M.D., LL.D., F.R.S.E., of Stravithie. 1873. Ditto, ditto. 1874. Joun Hutton Batrour, M.D., M.A., F.R.SS.L. & E., Professor of Botany in the University of Edinburgh. 1875. Ditto, ditto. 1876. The Right Hon. W. P. ApAm of Blairadam, M.P. 1877. Ditto, ditto. 1878. Ditto, ditto. 1879. The Most Hon. Tur Marquis or Lorutay, K.T. 1880. Ditto, ditto. 1881. Ditto, ditto. 1882, ALEXANDER Dickson, M.D., F.R.S.E., of Hartree, Regius Professor of Botany in the University of Edinburgh. 1883. HueH CLiecuorn, M.D., LL.D., F.R.S.E., of Stravithie. 1884, Ditto, ditto. 1885. Ditto, ditto. 1886. Sir HERBERT KusTack MAXWELL, Bart., of Monreith, M.P. 1887. Ditto, ditto. 1889. The Right Hon. Tar EArt or Horrrovun, Hopetoun House, Linlithgow. 1890. His Excellency The Right Hon. Toe Eart or Hoprroun, Governor of Victoria, Australia. 2 APPENDIX. 2.—LIST OF MEMBERS. Corrected to December 1889. The Names printed in italics are those of Members whose present Addresses are unknown. Any information regarding these Members will be gladly received by the Secretary. Law V. Members in arrear shall not receive the Transactions while their Subscriptions remain unpaid. Any Member whose Annual Subscription to the Society remains unpaid for three years shall cease to be a Member of the Society, and no such Member shall be eligible for re-election till he shall have paid up his arrears. Date of Election. HONORARY MEMBERS. 1873. Branpis, Sir Dietrich, K.CS.1, Ph.D., Zz-Inspector-General of Forests in India, Bonn, Germany. 1868. BULLEN, Robert, Curator of the Botanic Garden, Glasgow. 1886. CAMPBELL, Sir James, Bart., Whitemead Park, Lydney, Gloucester- shire. 1865. CLEGHOoRN, Hugh, M.D., LL.D., F.R.S.E., Stravithie, St Andrews, Fife (also a Life Member by composition), 1886. Hooker, Sir Joseph D., M.D., K.C.S.L, The Camp, Sunningdale, Berks. 1864. Hurcuison, Robert, F.R.S.E., of Carlowrie, University Club, Edin- burgh. 1886. Jack, Edward, St John, New Brunswick. 1886. JoHore, The Maharajah of, Johore, Malay Peninsula. 1856. Lawson, George, LL.D., Ph.D., Secretary for Agriculture, Govern- ment of Nova Scotia, Halifax, Nova Scotia. 1869. Loru1an, The Most Hon. the Marquis of, K.T., Secretary of State for Scotland, Newbattle Abbey, Dalkeith (also a Life Member by composition). 1886. Lussock, Sir John, Bart., M.P., D.C.L., High Elms, Down, Kent. 1854. M‘CorquopaLE, William, Forester and Wood Surveyor, Jeanie Bank, Perth (also a Life Member by composition). 1886. MicHakEL, General, C.S.I., Ascot. 1889. Sarcent, Professor C. S., Director of the Arnold Arboretum, Harvard College, Brookline, Massachusetts, U.S.A. 1886. Sourney, Hon. Robert, Cape Town. 1889. Scuticn, Dr William, Professor of Forestry in the Engineering College for India, Cooper’s Hill, Surrey. 1831. Tempre, Sir Richard, Bart., G.C.S.I., The Nash, Worcestershire. 1886. Toxat, Tokio, Japan. APPENDIX. 3 Date of Election. LIFE MEMBERS. 1875. 1883. 1874. 1883. 1883. 1887. 1884. 1886. 1877. 1866. 1877. 1884. 1871. 1875. 1877. 1882. 1871. 1867. 1879. 1879. 1882. IUSi(Ae 1872. 1879. 1876. 1875. 1865. 1880. 1880. 1884. 1867. 1876. 1877. 1871. 1875, 1883. 1872. 1867. 1875. 1876. 1881. ACLAND, Sir Thomas Dyke, Bart., M.P., of Killerton, Exeter. ADAM, Sir Charles Elphinstone, Bart. of Blairadam, Kinross-shire. ADDINGTON, The Right Hon. Lord, Addington Manor, Winslow, Bucks. ALEXANDER, John, Assistant Conservator of Forests, Kandy, Ceylon, ATHOLE, His Grace the Duke of, K.T., Blair Castle, Blair Athole. BAILey, Colonel F., India Forest Service, Simla, India. Batrour oF BurieicH, The Right Hon. Lord, Kennet House, Alloa. Batrour, Edward, of Balbirnie, Markinch, Fife. Batrour, Isaac Bayley, 8c.D., M.D., F.L.S., Professor of Botany, Edinburgh. Barriz, James, Forester, Stevenstone, Torrington, North Devon. Barry, John W., of Fyling Hall, Fylingdales, Scarborough. Bates, Cadwallader John, of Heddon and Langley Castle, Northum- berland. Bewu, William, of Gribdae, Kirkeudbright. 3ERTRAM, William, Ellengowan Villa, Newington, Edinburgh. Bouckow, C. F. H., of Brackenhoe, Middlesboro’-on-Tees. Brucr, Hon. Robert Preston, M.P., Broomhall, Dunfermline. Brucr, Hon. T. C., 24 Hill Street, Berkeley Square, London, W. Brucr, Thomas Rae, of Slogarie, New Galloway Station. BucHANAN, Charles, Overseer, Penicuik House, Penicuik. Buccievcn, His Grace the Duke of, K.T., Dalkeith Park, Dalkeith. CHOWLER, Christopher, Gamekeeper, Dalkeith Park, Dalkeith. Cuiay, J. Spender, Ford Manor, Lingfield, Surrey. CLERK, Sir George D., Bart., Penicuik House, Penicuik. CoLquHouN, Andrew, Forester, Rossdhu, Luss, Dumbartonshire. Cowan, Charles W., of Logan House, Valleyfield, Penicuik. Craic, Wm., M.D., C.M., F.R.S.E., 7 Bruntsfield Place, Edin- burgh. Cross, David G., Forester, Kylisk, Nenagh, Ireland. CuMBERBATCH, L. H., Holt Cottage, Brockenhurst, Hants. Curr, Henry, Factor, Pitkellony House, Muthill, Perthshire. Currig, Sir Donald, K.C.M.G., M.P., of Garth Castle, Aberfeldy. DALGLEIsH, John J., of Ardnamurchan, 8 Athole Crescent, Edin- burgh. DALGLEISH, Laurence, of Dalbeath, 8 Athole Crescent, Edinburgh. Dewar, Daniel, Forester, Beaufort Castle, Beauly. Duncan, Alexander, of Knossington Grange, Oakham, Leicestershire. Duncan, James, late of Benmore. Dunpas, Charles H., of Dunira, Dalhonzie, Crieff. Dunpas, Robert, of Arniston, Gorebridge. Dunn, Malcolm, The Palace Gardens, Dalkeith. EAsrwoop, James, The Gardens, Bryn-y-Newadd, Bangor, North Wales. Epwarops, William Peacock, 8.8.C., 21 Hill Street, Edinburgh. EvuiotT, Walter, Manager, Ardtornish, Morvern, Oban. 4 APPENDIX. Date of Election. 1879. Fatconer, Dr John, St Ann’s, Lasswade. 1888. 1869. 1874. 1885. 1881. 1866. 1856. 1884. 1880. 1874. 1867. 1880. 1874. 1884. 1871. 1876. 1876. 1869. 1884. 1880. 1882. 1876. 1868. 1874. 1883. 1881. 1880. 1875. 1881. 1875. 1874. 1876. 1884, 1868. 1879. 1882. 1869. 1872. 1880. 1879. 1879. 1857. Fereuson, R. C. Munro, M.P., of Raith and Novar. Fisu, D. T., Hardwick House, Bury St Edmunds, Firzwitu1AM, The Right Hon. the Earl, K.G., Wentworth, Rotherham, Yorkshire. Fiemine, J. B., ‘‘ Beaconsfield,” Kelvinside, Glasgow. Forses, Arthur Drummond, Millearne, Auchterarder, Perthshire. France, Charles S., 11 Bridge Street, Aberdeen. GoueH, William, Wood Manager, Wykeham, York. GraHAM, Wm., of Erins, Tarbert, Lochfyne. Grant, Sir George Macpherson, Bart., M.P., Ballindalloch Castle, Banffshire. GRANT, John, Overseer, Daldowie, Tollcross. Grimonp, Alexander D., of Glenericht, Blairgowrie. Hare, Colonel, 32 Palmerston Place, Edinburgh. Hersert, H. A., of Muckross, Killarney. Heywoop, Arthur, Sudbourne Hall, Wickham Market, Suffolk. Hops, H. W., of Luffness, Drem. Horne, John, Director, Forests and Gardens, Mauritius. Horspureu, John, 131 Princes Street, Edinburgh. Huru, Louis, of Possingworth, Hawkhurst, Sussex., Alex., Breadalbane Estate Office, Aberfeldy. JENNER, Charles, Easter Duddingston Lodge, Edinburgh. Jonas, Henry, Land Agent and Surveyor, 4 Whitehall, London, S. W. Leicester, The Right Hon. the Earl of, Holkham Hall, Wells, Norfolk. Lesui£, Charles P., of Castle-Leslie, Glasslough, Ireland. LesLiz, The Hon. George Waldegrave, Leslie House, Leslie, Fife. Loney, Peter, Estate Agent, Marchmont, Duns. LonspDALE, Claud, Rose Hill, Carlisle. Love, J. W., St Kilda, Victoria, South Australia. LovE.ace, The Right Hon. the Earl of, East Horsley Towers, Woking, Surrey. LumsDEN, David, of Pitcairnfield, Perth. LuTrrELL, George F., of Dunster Castle, Taunton, Somersetshire. MAcpDoNALD, Ranald, Factor, Cluny Castle, Aberdeenshire. M‘Doveat., Captain J. W., jun., of Orchill, Braco, Perthshire. Macopvurr, Alex., of Bonhard, Perth. M‘Greeor, John, Forester, Ladywell, Dunkeld, Perthshire. M‘Intosu, Dr W. C., Professor of Natural History, University of St Andrews, 2 Abbotsford Crescent, St Andrews. M‘Kenziz, Alex., Superintendent of Epping Forest, The Warren, Loughton, Essex. MAcKENZIE, Colin J., of Portmore, Eddleston, Peebles. MAcKENZIE, Donald F., Estate Office, Morton Hall, Edinburgh. MACKENZIE, Sir Kenneth, Bart., Conon House, Dingwall. M‘LAREN, Jobn, jun., Pitcullen Terrace, Perth. MacRircute, David, C.A., 4 Archibald Place, Edinburgh. MaoTier, A. W., ‘‘ Rothesay,” Bournemouth, Hants. APPENDIX. 5 Date of Election. 1880. 1871. 1880. 1881. 1858. 1882. 1889. 1881. 1856. 1887. 1878. 1855. 1876. 1866. 1883. 1872. 1871. 1854. 1867. 1877. 1882. 1883. 1889. 1883. 1873. 1883. 1880. 1865. 1877. 1880. 1855. 1883. 1872. 1878. 1872. 1878. 1871. 1869. 1889. Matcom, Lieut.-Col. E. D., R.E., 18 Queen’s Gate Place, London, S.W. MAxweE.t, Wellwood H., of Munches, Dalbeattie. Mesuam, Captain, Pontryffydd, Bodvari, Rhyl. Micui®r, John, Forester, Balmoral, Ballater. Minto, The Right Hon. the Earl of, Minto House, Hawick. MITcHELL, Francis, Forester, Warwick Castle, Warwick. Morrat, James, Assistant Factor, 48 Castle Street, Edinburgh. Naytor, Christopher John, Brynellywarch, Kerry, Montgomery- shire. PortsMouTH, The Right Hon. the Earl of, Eggesford, North Devon. ProFeiT, Dr Alexander, Her Majesty's Commissioner, Balmoral. PUNCHARD, Frederick, Underley Estate Office, Kirkby Lonsdale, West- moreland. RAMSDEN, Sir John, Bart., 6 Upper Brook Street, London, W. RITCHIE, William, of Middleton, Gorebridge, Edinburgh. RoBERTSON, James, Wood Manager, Panmure, Carnoustie. Rotio, The Hon. Wm. Chas. Wordsworth, Master of Rollo, Duncrub Park, Dunning, Perthshire. RosreBery, The Right Hon. the Earl of, Dalmeny Park, Edinburgh. Ross.tyn, The Right Hon. the Earl of, Dysart House, Fife. RUTHERFORD, James, Agent, Kirkleatham, Redcar, Yorkshire. Scorr, Daniel, Wood Manager, Darnaway, Forres. Smiru, Thomas Valentine, of Ardtornish, Morvern, Argyleshire. SmyTHE, David M., yr. of Methven Castle, Perth. Sprot, Captain Alexander, of Garnkirk. SoMERVILLE, Dr William, of Cormiston, Biggar, B.Sce., F.R.S.E., Lecturer on Forestry in the University of Edinburgh. SraFForD, The Most Hon. the Marquis of, M.P., Dunrobin Castle, Golspie. Starr, The Right Hon. the Earl of, Lochinch, Castle Kennedy, Wig- townshire. Stormont, The Right Hon. Viscount, Scone Palace, Perth. SUTHERLAND, Evan C., of Skibo Castle, Dornoch. TALBERT, Peter, Forester, Glenericht, Blairgowrie. TERRIS, James, Factor, Dullomuir, Blairadam, Kinross-shire. Tuomson, Alexander, 35 Chester Street, Edinburgh. THomson, John Grant, Wood Manager, Grantown, Strathspey. TROTTER, Colonel H., of Morton Hall, Edinburgh. TroTTER, Colonel, R.A., The Bush, Edinburgh. TURNBULL, John, of Abbey St Bathans, 49 George Square, Edin- burgh. Urquuart, B. C., of Meldrum, Aberdeenshire. WALKER, Major I. Campbell, Conservator of Forests, Forest Office, Madras. ; Wemyss, Randolph Gordon Erskine, of Wemyss and Terrie, Fife. Wid, Albert Edward, Conservator of Forests, Punjab, India. Witson, David, jun., of Carbeth, Killearn. 6 APPENDIX. Date of Election. ORDINARY MEMBEBS. 1882 1881. 1878. 1872. 1865. 1887. 1869. 1883. 1883. 1883. 1887. 1881. 1887. 1887. 1872. 1883. 1860. 1880. 1880. 1880. 1886." 1889. 1877. 1888. 1884, 1867. 1882. 1889. 1886. 1874. 1871. 1883. 1866. 1887. 1889. 1869. 1889. 1883. 1854. 1872. 1876 . AuLBoTTN, Nathaniel, Tree Protective Composition Manufacturer, 50 Shore, Leith. Arrure, The Right Hon. the Earl of, Cortachy Castle, Forfarshire. Arrken, Andrew Peebles, M.A., Se.D., Professor of Chemistry, Veterinary College, Clyde Street, Edinburgh. ALEXANDER, James, of Dicksons & Co., 1 Waterloo Place, Edinburgh. ALLAN, John, Forester, Dalmeny Park, Edinburgh. ALLISON, Donald, Assistant Forester, Rosehaugh, Easter Suddie, Ross-shire. ANpeErsoN, Alexander, Forester, St Fort, Newport, Dundee. ANDERSON, David, Assistant Forester, Inver, Dunkeld. ANpERSON, Hector, Assistant Forester, Ardross, Alness, Ross-shire. ANDERSON, James, Forester, Early Wood, Bagshot, Surrey. ANDERSON, James, Clerk of Works, Balmoral. ANDERSON, Thomas R., Assistant Forester, Idvies, Forfar. ANNAND, Adain, Forester, Brucklay Castle, Aberdeenshire. ANNAND, John F,, Assistant Forester, Brucklay Castle, Aberdeen- shire. ANNANDALE, Robert B., Adderley Lodge, Market Drayton, Shropshire. ARGYLL, His Grace the Duke of, K.T., LL. D., D.C.L., F.R.S., F.G.S., Inverary Castle, Argyleshire. AustTIN & M‘AstAn, Nurserymen, Buchanan Street, Glasgow. BALDEN, John, Dilston, Corbridge-on-Tyne, Northumberland. BALDEN, John, jun., Corbridge-on-Tyne, Northumberland. BALDEN, Robert S., Wood Manager, Castle Howard, York. Batrour, John, of Balbirnie, Markinch, Fife. BaA.LFour, John, Gardener, Stravithie, St Andrews. Barciay, David, Forester, Blackhouse Cottage, via Greenock. Bar.Lass, James, Ironmonger, High Street, Perth. Barrett, Robert B., Agent, Skipton Castle, Skipton, Yorkshire. Barrig, David, Forester, Comlongan Castle, Annan. Barrie, John, Land Steward, Gateforth Hall, Selby, Yorkshire. Barron, John, Elvaston Nurseries, Borrowash, near Derby. Barron, James, The Gardens, Meldrum House, Aberdeen. Barron, James, Forester, Hatfield House, Herts. Baxter, Robert, Forester, Dalkeith Park, Dalkeith. Bett, Andrew, Forester, Broomhall, Charlestown, Fife. Bei, James, The Gardens, Stratfieldsaye, Winchfield, Hants. Brest, Andrew, Assistant Forester, Frystone Hall, Ferrybridge, Yorks. Berry, Frank, Assistant Forester, Brucklay Castle, Aberdeenshire. Bissert, William S., Overseer, Moncrieffe House, Perth. BLAtr, Peter, Gardener, Trentham, Stoke-on-Trent. BLAKE, Jas., Forester, Morton Hall, Edinburgh. Boa, Andrew, Land Steward, Dalton House, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Boa, Andrew, jun., Sub-Agent, Great Thurlow, Newmarket, Suffolk. - Booru, John, of Flottbeck Nurseries, Hamburg. APPENDIX. ; 7 Date of Election. 1857. 1882. 1887. 1883. 1889. 1860. 1880. 1881. 1886. 1878. 1868. 1887. 1889. 1884. 1883. 1885. 1873. 1873. 1880. 1884, 1887. 1870. 1866. 1889. 1865. 1883. 1878. 1867. 1884. 1883. 1871. 1887. 1872. 1866. 1882. 1887. 1887. 1876, 1879. 1858, 1872. 1874. 1875. 1867. Bortuwick, William, Forester, Dunnichen, Forfar. Boss, John, Jun., Assistant Forester, Hopetoun, South Queensferry. Boutcer, Professor, 18 Ladbroke Grove, London. Boyp, John, Forester, Cumbernauld, Dumbartonshire. Britton, Horatio A., Timber Valuer, 6 Birch Street, Wolverhampton. Bropig, James, Land Steward, Glasslough, Armagh, Ireland. Bropig, Thomas D., W.S., 5 Thistle Street, Edinburgh. Bropig, Vernon Alex., Civil Service, Madras. Brown, Alexander, Nurseryman, Millport, Bute. Brown, J. A. Harvie, of Quarter, Dunipace House, Larbert. Brown, John E., F.L.S., Conservator of Forests, Forest Board Office, Adelaide, South Australia. Brown, J. R., Wentworth Nurseries, Hexham. Brown, P. 8., Tayview, Broughty Ferry. Brown, Thomas, Forester, Craigingillan, Dalmellington. Brownine, John M., The Gardens, Dupplin Castle, Perth. Bruce, Thomas, Assistant Forester, Cross Roads, Kinnell, Friockheim. Brypon, John, Forester, Rothes, Elgin. Bucuan, Alexander, A.M., F.R.S.E., Secretary of the Scottish Meteorological Society, 72 Northumberland Street, Edinburgh. Buppicom, W. B., Penbedw, Mold, Flintshire. Burrows, Alfred J., F.S.I., F.L.S., Land Steward, Pluckley, Kent. CADELL, George, 14 Canning Road, Addiscombe, Surrey. CAMERON, Alexander, Forester, Countlich Lodge, Ballinluig, Perthshire, CAMERON, Robert, Forester, Pale, Corwen, North Wales. CAMPBELL, Colin, Agent, Bretby Park, Burton-on-Trent. CAMPBELL, James, of Tillichewan Castle, Dumbartonshire. CAMPBELL, John Macnaught, Assistant Curator, City Museum, Kel- vingrove Park, Glasgow. CANTLEY, N., Superintendent, Botanical Gardens, Singapore. CHIRNSIDE, Francis, Forester, Ladykirk, Berwickshire. Curisti£, Alex. D., The Gardens, Ragley, Alcester, Warwickshire. CuRISTI£, William, Nurseryman, Fochabers. CHURNSIDE, Robert, Forester, Edlingham, Alnwick. Ciark, Alexander, 226 High Street, Linlithgow. CLARK, David, Forester, Elie House, Elie, Fife. CLARK, James, Forester, Balvaird Cottage, Strathmiglo, Fife. Cotiins, Robt. T., Forester, Trentham, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire. Cook, Alfred, Assistant Forester, Sandycove Lodge, Husborne Crawley, Woburn, Beds. Coox, James, Land Steward, Arniston, Gorebridge. Coupar, George, 24 St Andrew Square, Edinburgh. Couear, Robert, Forester, Ashford, Cong, County Galway, Cowan, James, Forester, Bridgend, Islay. Cowts, John, Assistant Forester, Mountstuart, Rothesay. Cowrerr, R. W., Assistant Agent, 81 High Street, Sittingbourne. CrasBE, David, Forester, Cortachy Castle, Kirriemuir. CRABBE, James, Forester, Glamis Castle, Forfarshire. 8 APPENDIX. Date of Election. 1876. 1887. 1883. 1881. 1868. 1880. 1885. 1884. 1869. 1884. 1874. 1883. 1865. 1857. 1884. 1883. 1882. 1884, 1868. 1877. 1887. 1882, 1884. 1889. 1867. 1889. 1862. 1866. 1868. 1884. 1875. 1889. 1885. 1873. 1885. 1884, 1882. 1887. 1873. 1884. 1887, 1880. 1884. 1872. Cromp, James, Assistant Forester, Kelly Castle, Arbirlot, Arbroath. CumMinG, Allan, Forester, Willdeans, Kennoway, Fife. CUNNINGHAM, Alex., Assistant Forester, Lilleshall, Newport, Salop. CUNNINGHAME, J. C., of Craigends, Johnstone, Renfrewshire. CUNNINGHAM, John, Forester, Ardross, Alness, Ross-shire. Curr, James, Kindar Lodge, Dumfries. Curtis, Charles, Assistant Superintendent of Forests, Penang. DALzIEL, James, Forester, Culzean Castle, Maybole, Ayrshire. DANIELS, Peter, Forester, Slindon Hall, Arundel, Sussex. Davinson, Alex., Assistant Forester, Durris, Aberdeen. Davipson, George, Land Steward, Walton, Linlithgow. Davidson, James, Assistant Forester, Cavers, Hawick. Davipson, John, Agent, Greenwich Hospital Estates, Haydon Bridge, Northumberland. Davinson, John, Forester, Aldbar, Brechin. DeraneE-DrakE, Joseph Edward, Stokestown House, New Ross, Ireland, DENNE, John L., Jun., Greenstreet, Sittingbourne, Kent. Dick, Archd., Assistant Forester, Hopetoun, South Queensferry. Dickson, A., Steward, Baron’s Court, Tyrone, Ireland. Dodds, George, Overseer, Rotherham Woods, Rotherham. Doig, Charles, Overseer, Glen Tulchan, Methven, Perth. Dove as, Robert, 64 Princes Street, Edinburgh., Captain Palmer, of Cavers, Hawick. Dovcury, Wm., Forester, Langholm Estate, Canonbie, Dumfriesshire. Don, John, Seedsman, Chapel Bar, Nottingham. Dow, Thomas, Forester, Bretby, Burton-on-Trent. Drummond, Robert, Road,Surveyor, Midcalder. Drummonp & Sons, William, Nurserymen, Stirling. Durr, James, Factor, Blackwood, Lesmahagow. Durr, James, Freeland, Forgandenny, Perthshire. Dunpuy, Edward, Timber Merchant, Inistiogue, Kilkenny. Duncan, James, Land Steward, Glack, Old Meldrum. Duncan, J. W., Somerville Place, Broughty Ferry. Dunn, David, Superintendent, Queen’s Park, Heywood, Manchester. Durwarp, Robert, Manager, Blelack, Dinnet, Aberdeenshire. EppINcTON, Francis, Forester, Windlestone, Ferryhill, County Durham. Eden, Henley, Agent to His Grace the Duke of Somerset, Bradley Estate Office, Maiden Bradley, Bath. Elder, Wm., Forester, 40 Susannah Street, Alexandria, Dumbartonshire. ERSKINE, William, of Oaklands, Trinity. Ewine, David, Forester, Strichen House, Aberdeen. FARrquHArson, George, Assistant Forester, Durris, Aberdeen. Frrcuson, Robert, Nurseryman, 6 St Andrew Street, Edinburgh. Frrcusson, Sir James Ranken, Bart., Spitalhaugh, West Linton. Ferguson, Wm. Hooker, Knowefield Nurseries, Carlisle. FINGLAND, John, Forester, Drumlanrig, Thornhill, Drumfriesshire. APPENDIX. Date of Election. 1883. 1869. 1884. 1884, 1884. 1878. 1869. 1884. 1883. 1889. 1878. 1884. 1876. 1883. 1857. 1868. 1878. 1874. 1854. 1885. 1870. 1887. 1881. 1876. 1876. 1880. 1887. 1868. 1875. 1882. 1887. 1882. 1867. 1876. 1873. 1878. 1872. 1883. 1872 1888 1879 1880 1881 1882 1873 1889 Frnnayson, Robert, Assistant Forester, Hopetoun, South Queensferry. FisHER, William, Estate Agent, Wentworth Castle, Barnsley, Yorkshire. FLEMING, John, Camperdown Saw-Mills, Dundee. Forsss, Alex. J., Marybank School, Muir of Ord. ForseEs, John, Buccleuch Nurseries, Hawick. Forses, Robert, Overseer, Clova, Lumsden, Aberdeenshire. ForGan, James, Gardener and Overseer, Bonskeid, Pitlochrie. Forrest, Thomas, Assistant Forester, Allanton House, Newmains. Forrest, Sir William J., Bart. of Comiston, Edinburgh. Forster, William A., Forester, Belgrave Lodge, Eaton, Chester. ForsyTHE, John M., Wood Manager, Woburn, Bedfordshire. Fouts, Thomas, Publisher, 9 South Castle Street, Edinburgh. Fraser, Donald, Forester, Poole, South Milford, Yorkshire. Fraser, Frank, Gardener, Tillery, Aberdeen. Fraser, P. Neill, of Rockville, Murrayfield, Edinburgh. Fraser, Simon, Forester, Haddo House, Aberdeenshire. GALLETLY, James, Overseer, Bonhard, Perth. GALLOWAY, George, Estate Offices, Woodhouses, Whitchurch, Salop. GARDINER, Robert, Agent, Birchgrove, Crosswood, Aberystwith. GisB, James, Assistant Forester, Kinnaird Castle, Brechin. GILBERT, James, Forester, Gallovie, Kingussie. GILBERT, W. Matthews, The Scotsman Office, Edinburgh. GILcHRIST, William, Forester, Leuchars, Elgin. GILLANDERS, Alex. T., Forester, High Leigh Hall, Knutsford, Cheshire. GLASSBROOK, Geo., Bailiff, Remenham Farm, Henley-on-Thames, Bucks. GLEN, David A., Assistant Forester, Gartshore, Kirkintilloch. GoMERSALL, Edward, Forester, Moor Crichel, Wimborne, Dorset. Gossip, James, of Howden & Co., The Nurseries, Inverness. Gow, Peter, Overseer, Laggan, Ballantrae, Ayrshire. Gow, Robt., Assistant Forester, Raith, Kirkcaldy, Fifeshire. Grant, Alexander, Assistant Forester, Balmoral. Grant, Alex. M‘D., Assistant Forester, Newton, Winchburgh. GRANT, Donald, Forester, Drumin, Ballindalloch. GRANT, David, Forester, Dalvey, Forres. Grant, James, Forester, Heath, Chesterfield. GRANT, James, Assistant Forester, Drumpellier, Coatbridge. GREEN, Alex., Overseer, Allanton House, Newmains, Lanarkshire. Green, Arthur A., 20 Annandale Street, Edinburgh. . GREIVE, James, Messrs Dicksons & Co.’s Nurseries, Pilrig, Edinburgh. . GRIEVE, James, Waterloo Hotel, Edinburgh. . Happrneron, the Right Hon. the Earl of, Tyninghame, Prestonkirk. . Happon, Walter, Solicitor, Royal Bank, Hawick. . HADFIELD, Gordon, Forest Department, Madras. . Hamitton, Donald C., Assistant Forester, Warkton, Kettering, North- amptonshire. . Hamiton, John B. Baillie, of Arnprior, Cambusmore, Callander. . HANKINS, Charles, Forester, Empingham, Stamford. 10 APPENDIX. Date of Election. 1887. Hansen, Professor Carl, Royal Agricultural College, Copenhagen. 1872. 1888. 1880. 1889. 1869. 1866. 1871. 1883. 1878. 1871. 1886. 1866. 1884. 1887. 1874. 1872. 1882. 1880. 1876. 1878. 1884. 1881. 1884. 1870. 1886. 1887. 1875. 1880. 1883. 1870. 1878. 1882, 1888. 1867. 1880. 1870. 1876. 1882. 1882. 1872. 1887, 1870. 1879, HARTLAND, Richard, The Lough Nurseries, Cork. HARWELL, John Hood, Overseer, Whitemoss, Kirknewton. Havetock, W. B., Forester, Duncombe Park, Helmsley, York. Hayes, John, Overseer, Dormont, Lockerbie. HayMaAn, John, Overseer, Dumfries House, Cumnock, HeEnperson, Arch., Forester, Clonad Cottage, Tullamore, King’sCounty. HenpeErson, John, Overseer, Vogrie, Ford, Dalkeith. Henperson, W., The Gardens, Balbirnie, Markinch. Henry, Kennedy, Forester, Craighall, Rattray, Blairgowrie. HerHeERTON, Walter, Forester, Merton, Beaford, Devon. Hopson, Richard Edmund, Hollybrooke, Bray, Co. Wicklow, Ireland. Hocartu, James, Forester, Culhorn, Stranraer. ‘ Hoce, Andrew, Assistant Forester, Crofts of Clova, Lumsden, Aberdeen. Hoimes, Joseph, The Gardens, Winton Castle, Pencaitland. Home, Edward, Assistant Forester, Edington, Chirnside. Home, George, Forester, Branxholme, by Hawick. Hoop, James, Assistant Forester, Freeland, Forgandenny, Perth. Horeroun, His Excellency The Right Hon. the Earl of, President of the Society, Governor of Victoria, Australia. Hutt, Frank, Forester, Lilleshall, Newport, Salop. Hunter, James, Assistant Forester, Dalmeny Park, Edinburgh. Hunter, Wm., Forester, Drummond Castle, Muthill, Perthshire. Hutton, James, Forester, Glenormiston, Innerleithen, Peebles. Innes, Richard §., Upholsterer, 77 South Bridge, Edinburgh. IRELAND & THOMSON, Nurserymen and Seedsmen, 81 Princes Street, Edinburgh. IrvinE, Daniel, Overseer, Fincastle, Pitlochrie. JAcK, Donald, Assistant Forester, Rosehaugh Mains, Avoch, Inverness. JAcKson, Magnus, Photographer to the Society, Princes Street, Perth. JACKSON, Thomas, Princes Street, Perth. JOHNSTON, Robert, Forester, Somerley, Ringwood, Hants. JOHNSTON, William, Forester, The Lee, Lanark. JouNSTONE, Adam, Forester, Coollattin, Shillelagh, County Wicklow. JOHNSTONE, Wm., Forester, Munches, Dalbeattie. JoNnEs, James, Wood Merchant, Larbert. Kay, James, Wood Manager, Bute Estate, Rothesay. Keay, Robert B., Findon Estates Office, Conon Bridge. Kerr, David, Forester, Blair Athole, Perthshire. KerLMAN, John, Forester, Glenkindie, Aberdeen. Krnnepy, John, Forester, Flakebridge, Appleby, Westmoreland. Kennepy, Walter, Forester, Achany, Inveran, Sutherlandshire. KENNEDY, William, Overseer, Glen Carradale, Greenock, Ker, R. D., Writer to the Signet, 50 George Street, Edinburgh. Kipp, James B., Forester, The Poles, Dornoch. KINCAIRNEY, The Hon. Lord, 6 Heriot Row, Edinburgh. APPENDIX. 1: Date of Election. 1866. 1883. 1878. 1884. 1884. 1876. 1886. 1885. 1881. 1858. 1873. 1874. 1880. 1879. 1884. 1883. 1883. 1881. 1876. 1872. 1870. 1855. 1887. 1869. 1878. 1887. 1879. 1889. 1886. 1882. 1886. 1889. 1871. 1886. 1878. 1882. 1880. 1885. 1883. 1882. 1884. 1875. 1887. KincGHorN, Adam, Forester, Rochsoles, Airdrie. KINNEAR, Alex., Forester, Galloway House, Garliesten. Knieut, Henry, Royal Gardens, Laeken, Brussels, Belgium. Knox, Henry, Forester, Brae Lodge, Maybole, Ayrshire. Kyrke, Arthur Venables, Chard, Somersetshire, Kynrxg, R. V., of Penywern, Mold. LArpLAw, William, Forester, Fasque, Lettercairn. Larrp, James W., Nurseryman, 73 Nethergate, Dundee. Larrp, William, Forester, Durris, Aberdeen. Lamont, John, Nurseryman, The Glen, Musselburgh. Lauriston, Alexander, Woodman, Gorse Farm, Rufford, Ollerton, Notts. Lereu, William, of Woodchester Park, Stonehouse, Gloucestershire. LEISHMAN, John, Manager, Cavers Estate, Hawick. LinpsAy, Robert, Curator, Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh. Lindsay, Wm., Assistant Forester, Jardine Hall, Lockerbie. LitTLE, William, Cote, St Antoine, Montreal, Canada. Locu, Sir Henry B., K.C.B., Governor of Cape Colony, South Africa. Low, Joseph, Forester, Winterwell Thurlbear, Taunton, Somerset- shire. MacseEAn, John, Forester, Whin Park, Muirtown, Inverness. M‘Cott, James M., Factor, Craignish Castle, Lochgilphead, Argyleshire. M‘Corquopats, D. A., Bank of Scotland, Carnoustie. M‘CorquopaLe, Donald, Forester, Dunrobin Castle, Golspie. M‘Cutiocn, James, Forester, Gala House, Galashiels. M‘Curcueon, Robert, Forester, Whittinghame, Prestonkirk. Macdonald, Duncan, Steward and Forester, Clandeboye, County Down, Ireland. M‘DoveatL, Adam, Assistant Forester, Kileoy, Munlochy, Ross- shire. M‘Doveatt, Alex., Forester, Drumbuie Lodge, Dunkeld, M‘Dovea.L, Alexander, Cumbernauld Estate, Glasgow. M‘Dowatt, Thomas, Assistant Forester, Ardgowan, Greenock. M‘Fartane, John, Forester, Tarbet, Loch Lomond. M‘Farlane, Walter, Assistant Gardener, Morton Hall, Edinburgh. M‘Grppon, Adam, Forester, Minard, Inveraray. M‘GraATH, Patrick, Forester, Galtee Castle, Mitchelstown, Tipperary. MacGrecor, Alex., Assistant Forester, Cross Roads, Aylesbury. M‘Greeor, Duncan, Forester, Camperdown, Dundee. MacGregor, James G., Assistant Forester, Cally Mains, Gatehouse. M'‘Inrosu, A. G., Forester, Brocklesby Park, Ulceby, Lincolnshire. MacIntosu, William, 5 Thistle Street, Edinburgh. M‘Intyre, Alex., Assistant Forester, Craigengillan, Dalmellington, Ayrshire. M‘Intyre, John, Wood Merchant, Cardross, Dumbartonshire. M‘Kay, James, Forester, Breadalbane Estates, Killin. Mackay, John, Lauderdale Estate Office, Wyndhead, Lauder. Mackay, Peter, Assistant Forester, Scone, Perth. 12 APPENDIX. Date of Electi 1867. 1887. 1882. 1867. 1880. 1882. 1877. 1883. 1878. 1879. 1854. 1878. 1867. 1866. 1865. 1882. 1874. 1883. 1885. 1884. 1876. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1879. 1889, 1873. 1863. on. Mackenzig, Alex., Warriston Nursery, Inverleith Row, Edinburgh. MACKENZIE, Daniel, Assistant Forester, Raith, Kirkcaldy. Mackenzig, Sir Alex. Muir, Bart. of Delvine, Dunkeld. MaAcKENzIz, John Ord, of Dolphinton, W.S., 9 Hill Street, Edinburgh— Auditor. Mackenzie, Major, of Findon, Mount Gerald, Dingwall. Mackie, James H. J., Land Steward, Invermay, Dunning, Perthshire. M‘Kinnon, Alexander, The Gardens, Scone Palace, Perth. M‘Krnnon, George, The Gardens, Melville Castle, Lasswade. Mackrntosu, The, of Mackintosh, Moy Hall, Inverness. M‘LareEn, Charles, Land Steward, Cally Lodge, Dunkeld. M‘Laren, John, Inspector and Valuer of Woods, Hawthornvale, Winchburgh. M‘LAREN, John T., Overseer, Kennet, Alloa. M‘LeAN, Andrew, Forester, Rutherford, Roxburgh. M‘LEAN, William, Forester, Eglinton Castle, Irvine. M‘LEtLAN, Duncan, Superintendent of Parks, 7 Kelvingrove Terrace, Glasgow. M‘LELLAN, Robt., 5 Dowan Vale Terrace, Partick. M‘Leop, Angus A., Superintendent of City Gardens, 14 Royal Exchange, Edinburgh. M‘Leop, John, of Dickson & Turnbull, 26 George Street, Perth. M‘Nicott, Douglas, Estate Office, Mostyn, Holywell. Main, Adam, Assistant Forester, Cluny Castle, Aberdeen. Martin, James, Forester, Stoneleigh, Kenilworth, Warwickshire. Massiz, William H., of Dicksons & Co., 1 Waterloo Place, Edinburgh. MaxrTongE, John, Forester, Roseneath, Argyleshire. MAXweELL, Sir Herbert E., Bart., of Monreith, M.P., Wigtownshire. Merxktz, R. A., Agent for Lord Alington, Moor Crichel, Dorsetshire. MELVILLE, The Right Hon. Viscount, Melville Castle, Lasswade. Menzizs, George, Agent, Trentham, Stoke-on-Trent. MeruveN, John, of Thomas Methven & Sons, Leith Walk Nurseries, Edinburgh. 1863. Mrruven, Henry, of Thomas Methven & Sons, 15 Princes Street, 1865. 1886. 1889, 1882. 1883. 1884. 1869. 1886, 1876. 1889. 1876 Edinburgh. Micuig, Christopher Young, Forester, Cullen House, Banffshire. Mitter, Jokn J. W., Agent for the Marquis of Salisbury, Hatfield, Herts. Miniar, William, Gardener and Assistant Agent, Coombe Abbey, Coventry. Miine, Alexander, of James Dickson & Sons, 32 Hanover Street, Edinburgh. Miuroy, Alex., Forester, Glencorse, Edinburgh. Mircue.t, David, Assistant Forester, Durris, Aberdeen. MircueEi, James, Aldie Castle, Kinross. MircHE.L, James, Assistant Forester, Durris Estate, Aberdeen. MircuHE.1, John, Forester, Bolton Abbey, Skipton, Yorks. Mircue Lt, William, Brantinghampthorpe, Brough, Hull. . Morcan, George, Wood Merchant, Turret Bank, Crieff. APPENDIX. 13 Date of Election. 1877. 1862. 1884. 1866. 1876. 1883. 1883. 1871. 1885. 1869. 1882. 1875. 1857. 1886. 1857. 1885. 1889. 1879. 1887. 1869. 1871. 1882. 1882. 1878. 1874. 1888. 1883. 1876. 1888. 1886. 1870. 1881. 1873. 1877. 1876. 1884. 1879. 1882. 1883. 1887. 1883. 1888. 1887. 1867. 1872. 1870, Morrison, Alexander, Nurseryman, Elgin. Morrison, John, Coney Park Nursery, Stirling. MorsHEAD, Frank U. A., Salcombe Regis, Sidmouth, Devonshire. MuirHEAD, John, Forester, Bicton, Budleigh Salterton, Devonshire. Munro, Hugh, Forester, Holkham Hall, Norfolk. Mourpocu, James Barclay, Barclay, Langside, Glasgow. Murray, John, Assistant Forester, Murthly Castle, Perthshire. MYtLgs, James, Forester, Kinnaird Castle, Brechin. Newsicaine, John W., Nurseryman, Dumfries. Nico, W. R., Forester, Kilkerran, Maybole. OLIVER, George, Assistant Forester, Snettisham, Kings Lynn. Pace, Andrew Duncan, Land Steward, Culzean, Maybole. PALMER & Son, John, Nurserymen, Annan. Park, Alexander, Factor, Gartshore, Kirkintilloch. PARKER, James, Forester, Belvoir Castle, Grantham. Paterson, A. T., Steward, New Hall, Salisbury. PATTERSON, Colin M., Sub-Agent, Newbattle Park, Dalkeith. Paton, Hugh, Nurseryman, Kilmarnock. Paxton, Thomas A., Forester, Newbattle, Dalkeith. PEEBLES, Andrew, Estate Office, Albury, Guildford, Surrey. PENDREIGH, John, Assistant Forester, Port Bannatyne, Rothesay. Puiuip, Robt., Assistant Forester, Longleat, Horningsham, Wilts. Phillips, Alex., Assistant Forester, Balquhatson, Slamannan. Piteaithley, Alexander, Forester, Glentruim, Kingussie. Puatr, Colonel Henry, Gorddinag, Langairfechan, near Bangor. PratsEr, T. Herbert, Canford Estate Office, Wimborne, Dorset. Preston, Wm. M., Vaynol Park, Bangor, Wales. Rak, William Alexander, 52 St Swithin Street, Aberdeen. Ralston, James, Forester, Castlecary, ,Glasgow. RamaGE, J. L., Assistant Forester, Armsheugh, Grougar, Galston. Ratrray, Thos., Forester, Westonbirt House, Tetbury, Gloucestershire, Rracu, John, Assistant Forester, Rosehaugh, Avoch, Ross-shire. RicHarpson, Adam, Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh. RipER, William H., 14 Bartholomew Close, London, E.C, Ritouis, Alexander, Assistant Forester, Logiealmond, Perth. Rosertson, A. B., Moncrieffe House, Bridge of Earn. RoBERTsON, Donald, Forester, Novar, Evanton, Ross-shire. ROBERTSON, James, Assistant Forester, Baldornoch, Blairgowrie. Rogertson, William, Assistant Forester, Murthly Castle, Perthshire. RoBeERtTsoN, William, Assistant Forester, Scone, Perth. Robertson, W. H., Forester, Loughcrew, Oldcastle, Co. Meath. Rosson, John, Assistant Forester, Lintmill, Cullen, Banffshire. Ross, John, Forester, Hopetoun, South Queensferry. RussELL, John, Manager, Craigie House, Ayr. Rust, Joseph, The Gardens, Eridge Castle, Tunbridge Wells, Kent. RUTHERFORD, John, Forester, Linthaugh, Jedburgh. 14 APPENDIX. Date of Election. 1858 1875. 1871. 1870. 1883. 1881. 1880. 1883. 1870. 1881. 1887. 1882. 1889. 1869. 1868. 1880. 1886. 1873. 1871. 1883. 1886. 1870. 1883. 1885. 1882. 1886. 1870. 1882. 1875. 1876. 1876. 1889. 1887. 1876. 1878. 1853. 1872. 1873. 1869. 1869. 1887. 1882. 1889, 1869. 1871. 1882 . SAnpBACH, Henry R., Hafodunos, Abergele. Sane, Edmund, of E. Sang & Sons, Nurserymen, Kirkealdy. Scanrtu, T. W., Land Agent, Raby Castle, Staindrop, Darlington. Scorr, Adam, Forester, Southwick Park, Fareham, Hants. Scorr, D. P., Hilltown Branch National Bank of Scotland, Dundee. Scorr, James, Forester, Woollaton Hall, Notts. Scorr, John T., Commission Agent, Orrell, near Wigan. Scorr, William, Assistant Forester, Blairhill, Dollar. SuHanks, John, Forester, Kildrummy Castle, Mossat, Aberdeenshire. SuHprrit, James, Jun., Assistant Forester, Idvies, Forfar. Simpson, Anthony, Assistant Forester, Alloa Park, Alloa. Srnciarr, Peter, Wood Merchant, Perth. SINFIELD, George, Assistant Forester, Witch Wood Lodge, Staple Fitzpaine, Taunton. Srnron, James, Forester, Stourhead Estate, Stourton, Bath. Stater, Andrew, Overseer, Haystoun, Peebles, SmirH, David, Forester, Woodend, Rosslyn. SmitH, George, Assistant Forester, Durris Estate, Aberdeen. Situ, G. B., Wire Fence Manufacturer, 61 West Regent St., Glasgow. Smiru, James, The Gardens, Mentmore, Leighton-Buzzard, Bucks. SmirH, James, The Gardens, Hopetoun, South Queensferry. SmirH, Jolin, Surveyor, Romsey, Hampshire. SmituH, Thomas, Nurseryman, Stranraer. Smiru, William, Chemist, Stockbridge, Edinburgh. Spiers, David, Overseer, Mugdrum, Newburgh, Fife. SraLkeER, Donald, Forester, Murthly Castle, Perthshire. Sreap, F. W., of Ballindean, Villa Hortense, Worthing, Sussex. Srewart, John, Overseer, Abington, Lanarkshire. Srewart, John, 13 Burrell Square, Crieff. Srewart, J. M., Cherry Tree Cottage, Nusworth, Whitefield, near Manchester. SrEwart?, Robert, Forester, Stonefield, Tarbert, Lochfyne, N.B. SrrruING, John, Forester, Largie Castle, Tayinloan, Kintyre. Sroriz, Robert, 92 High Street, Dalkeith. Srrane, Peter, Forester, Donibristle, Aberdour, Fife. Sruart, Charles, Forester, Glenmoriston, Inverness. Sturrock, William, Assistant Forester, The Nurseries, Lanark. Srurt, W. Neville, Union Club, London. Swan, R. G., Auctioneer, Duns. Swinton, A. Campbell, LL.D., F.R.S.E., of Kimmerghame, Duns. Symon, John, Forester, Cawdor Castle, Nairn. Tarr, David, Overseer, Owston Park, Doncaster, Yorkshire. TayLor, Andrew, 11 Lutton Place, Edinburgh. TayLor, William, Assistant Forester, Dupplin Castle, Perthshire. TayLor, William Fletcher, Knowefield Nurseries, Carlisle. Tuomson, Lockhart, 8.8.C., 114 George Street, Edinburgh. TOMLINSON, Wilson, Forester, Clumber Park, Worksop, Notts. TURNBULL, John, Overseer, Brayton Hall, Carlisle. APPENDIX. : 15 Date of Election. 1882. Ulyatt, Thomas, Assistant Forester, Rufford, Ollerton, Newark, Notts. 1883. Unprrwoop, Henry E., Sub-Agent, Fornham, St Genevieve, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk. 1888. VincENT, Frederick D’A., 8 Ebury Street, London. 1870. Wat, G. Young, Land Agent, Grange House, Darlington. 1871. WarTson, John, Gardener, Upper Largo, Fife. 1879. Watson, John, of Earnock, Hamilton. 1872. Wart, James, J.P., of Little & Ballantyne, Nurserymen, Carlisle. 1889. Warrers, Dennis, Forester, Wester Elchies, Carron, Strathspey. 1887. Waucu, Thomas, Dalkeith Gardens, Dalkeith. 1874. Wesster, Angus D,, Overseer, Holwood Park, Kent. 1866. WexsH, William M., of Dicksons & Co., 1 Waterloo Place, Edinburgh. 1880. Wxstwoop, Wm., Manager, Belladrum, Beauly. 1883. Wuirron, Peter, The Gardens, Methven Castle, Perth. 1884. Wuirron, James, The Gardens, Glamis Castle, Glamis. 1883. WILKIE, Charles, Assistant Forester, Lennoxlove, Haddington, 1875. Wiixir, Thos., 25 Bennerly Road, Wandsworth, London. 1882. WiLLIAMsoN, A., Wood Manager, Eridge Castle, Tunbridge Wells, Kent. 1889. WriuiAmson, A. T., Zimber Trades Journal, Corstorphine. 1887. WILSON, George, Assistant Forester, Scone, Perth. 1872. Wrson, John, Forester, Sudbourne Hall, Wickham Market, Suffolk. 1883. WINNING, John G., Estate Office, Branxholm, Hawick. 1868. WYLLIE, George, Ballogie, Aboyne, Aberdeenshire. 1875. Youne, William, Forester, Morriston Cottage, Earlston, Berwickshire. if em nt Ne uve PL Sop, ‘nyt A sane A nol ‘brea 8 Toe ae dubel, * s ertig ont baat a Tr BP cern y. 7% ‘ee Oe Rats ©: : iTTA i. 14 ere gitel eu my af A > vt 7 ane NSE , lh aunt PLA EE dais aniteee MOAT AT a! eh ki L Sarowls . compet Mh AK beta Marne ries * an Or: en f *4e urge tt fn A oe ate ir, welll Ti A el ward all Ah satya lf HE tlie cae - , ret Biveed nL bei Tit Aet at”, vad re wore ans INA atte h Mada d) r itched) ie TA eerciis ey atte Mi ball Vite maint Vy Lest Jain es Ras ; renal Nk avery 7 ih vikeinett a i Ata a thot APA PP tae dei (40° ahh my sly i, laa esedipaitoy evel eshte pl HET ye. yA AEE , Tart Kwik tial fiterales A Paige) cise taut? py eenue: edt ait init bidet ytfiwial tila’ * Rasa ls cia6 aes ed LBA. Wil pileet oS kT) sia peaatol (ae eee ats —_— —— - a dha 2 HAL rr il lays a vareul) eee 4 ora a ee Stee i: Wd ented ducaliNie, Atiatat wallet” come eee ‘ey & f Aoi ®-.¢ , eT ae a. —* ry > ; 7 : 5 1 Ne ‘ = ao agus ae . . , y Te a ine de / ae « = “aT uy es WER oh, re 7 cae a ee a ~ | a eee ge ; a ere = i mA -* (hed re _ a ; iy ri : oe { Nig OT deat i : ’ . » & 1 -« , St eete ‘ Pye’ ah 2 bale a a aS 2° « ° as w * ADVERTISEMENTS. ADVERTISEMENTS. AUSTIN & M ASLAN, Murserypmen. and Seedsmen, GLASGOW. HS TA BLISS Eee Dee te SEED WAREHOUSE, . 89 MITCHELL STREET. Se SkORES, + . ‘SALKELD STREET, NURSERIES, . : . MCAT HCA, WE beg to offer a very Extensive Stock of splendidly rooted, vigorous plants, comprising— FOREST TREES.—Suitable for various Soils and Exposures. ORNAMENTAL TREES.—For Parks and Lawns. ORNAMENTAL FLOWERING and FOLIAGED SHRUBS. —For Game Covers, etc. FLOWERING PLANTS.—For Woodlands. eee Catalogues Free on Application. For Large Quantities Special Quotations and Samples will be supplied. tt tt Hy im Mm ++ SURDS- 8 OF TESTED QUALITY. PERMANENT PASTURE GRASSES.—ASuitable for heavy clay as well as light gravelly and mossy Soils, for which we have received many very high commendations. LAWN and BOWLING-GREEN GRASSES,—These we be- lieve are Unsurpassed, and produce Magnificent Swards. TURNIPS, MANGOLS, CARROTS, CLOVERS. — Purest Stocks, and cannot fail to give satisfaction, and beg to solicit the favour of a share of your Orders. ADVERTISEMENTS. THOMAS METHVEN &% SONS Beg to request the attention of those about to plant to their Stock of SEEDLING AND TRANSPLANTED FOREST TREES, Ornamental Grees and Shrubs, Rhodtadendrons, Htr., WHICH IS VERY EXTENSIVE, AND IN A HEALTHY, VIGOROUS CONDITION. Samples and Prices on Application. LEITH WALK & WARRISTON NURSERIES, EDINBURGH. Established 1801. SEEDLING AND TRANSPLANTED FOREST TREES. Ornamental Trees and Shrubs, Roses and Fruit Trees. JAMES DICKSON & SONS, 32 HANOVER STREET and INVERLEITH ROW, DIN BU RiGee CATALOGUES FREE ON APPLICATION. ADVERTISEMENTS. **CERTIFICATE OF MERIT,” Zighest Award at INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, CARLISLE, 1880. “SILVER MEDAL,” Highest Award for Hot-Houses, at the INTERNATIONAL Forestry EXHIBITION, EDINBURGH, 1884. **GOLD MEDAL,” Highest Award at INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION, EDINBURGH, 1886, MACKENZIE & MONCUR, HORTICULTURAL BUILDERS AND HEATING AND VENTILATING ENGINEERS, UPPER GROVE PLACE, EDINBURGH, AND ST ANDREW’S CROSS, GLASGOW. Conservatories, Greenhouses, Vineries, Forcing Houses, and all kinds of Horticultural Buildings erected in wood or iron in the most approved manner in any part of Great Britain or Ireland, at strictly Moderate Rates. Tllustrated Sheets on Application. Splendid Illustrated Catalogues, Price 3/6. PLANS AND SPECIAL DESIGNS. Heating with Hot-Water, Low and High Pressure, Steam heating on the return gravity and expansion system, for Hot-Houses, Swimming Baths, Private and Public Buildings. Ventilating Apparatus, Atmospheric and Mechanical. Satisfactory Results in all Cases Guaranteed. ADVERTISEMENTS. Grown from Seed collected in the North of Scotland, on high-lying = grounds, and under the exposure of a rigorous climate. Hardy Ornamental Coniters, Evergreen Trees and Shrubs, Plants for Game Coverts, Hedges, &c. All are Fibrous-Rooted, Robust, and Grown Unsheltered. SENT TO ALL PARTS OF THE UNITED KINGDOM. SPECIAL OFFERS FOR LARGE QUANTITIES, and Carriage Rates Reduced. CATALOGUES POST FREE. BENJAMIN REID & CO, FOREST-TREE NWURSER/ES, ABERDEEN. AGRICULTURAL SEEDS. THOS. EDMONDSTON @& SON, GRASSMARKET, EDINBURGH. GRASSES AND CLOVERS of all sorts, thoroughly cleaned and carefully selected, and may be relied upon as fresh and genuine. TURNIP SEEDS of all the most approved kinds, and of reliable stocks. FARM IMPLEMENTS AND TOOLS. Farm and Garden Implements of all Sorts. THOS. EDMONDSTON & SON, Seed and Iron Merchants, GRASSMARKET, EDINBURGH. ADVERTISEMENTS. DOUGLAS & FOULIS' ENGLISH AND FOREIGN LIBRARY 9 Castle Street, Epinsurcu ——— &S~ Books sent to any part of the Country and Changed at convenience of Subscribers. Boxes free Subscriptions, from 21s. per annum, may commence at any date I. CLEARANCE CATALOGUE OF BOOKS at Greatly Reduced Prices BEING SURPLUS COPIES WITHDRAWN FROM LIBRARY Including many other Works of Interest, offered at affixed Cash Prices II. CaraLtocuE oF ANCIENT AND MopERN Booxs Containing many important Works on History, ARCHAOLOGY ToPpoGRAPHY, Portry & BALLADs, BioGRAPHY, &c. és III. A Reference Catalogue of Publications on Forestry Gardening, and Farming 36 pages 8vo, containing about rooo Titles Post free to any address MCFARLANE & ERSKINE, Litbograpbers, Engravers, & Letterpress Printers, 19 ST JAMES SQUARE, EDINBURGH, Having an efficient Staff of first-class Artists and Printers, execute every description of ARTISTIC & COMMERCIAL WORK, AND BOOK, LAW & GENERAL PRINTING, WITH TASTE, ACCURACY, AND DESPATCH. Printers to the Royal Scottish Artoricultural Society, Royal Physical Society, etc. t iat nih Alanine ; yea le RR NE 9 4 Bea Ne ; “whl q re i bier ty “4 ‘hy jl y va ye a m if i" weer ' 7 i ef a ‘ L ry i oa rites | Teggk (al A ; ah a ae i : bala oar ; Tien alt Hihias' ssh leay © ; ’ ; » : ‘2 Aid thy : hue Ai roe ar 4 . " ME ree Y Vial the fail sem i ve ' eg = t { ! { b wey : ise Pais i Fi My j ne 0 7) a , \ ave y ae i j ivahe i > . re r b AWS, J . ‘ i ¢ c 7 7 a . " q valet i " . wus : ‘ a) i 1 na ohh an ¥ ware a ,' I %) \ in? 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