ee eet shatt oe TrS.tT5.2322 tiie Ts ied pee) = ey eed Se ped) I fa pemhnn EKE ED pera ee ae — es ee 25 af, <> * ear eree aa « 5 Age: 5 pane a hal Field Museum of Natural History LIBRARY Chicayn Gina ee Zook Po t} Digitized i the Internet Archive - in 201 f babe TRANSACTIONS OF THE SOUTH AFRICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. VOLUME XVIII. 1907-1909. With Flee EN PLATES. CAPE TOWN: > SUBDISHED by THE SOCIETY. 1909, PRINTERS &4 § PUBLISHERS ui 6 — e @ e ee e eceee aooce . e 4% ® 2 49000 e e a20aee0 ° ° ee? iS CONTENTS. MinutTEs oF PROCEEDINGS On THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE OVULE AND EMBRYO-SAC IN Cassia tomentosa, Lamk. By W. T. Saxton, B.A. (Plates i., ii.) ; THe FerRtTinity or Some CoLoniAL SoILs, AS INFLUENCED BY GroLoGIcaAL ConpiTions. By Cuas. F. Jurirz, M.A., TE JL On Some New Fossin Reprines FRoM THE KARROoO BEDS OF Victoria West, SourH Arrica. By R. Broom, M.D. D.Se., C.M.Z.S8. (Plates ui., iv.) SomE New Soutn Arrican SuccuLents. By R. Maruorts, Ph.D., M.A. (Plate v. and one Text-figure.) A REVISION OF THE CoLEOPTEROUS SuB-FAaminy Byrsopine (Curculionde). By Guy A. K. Marsnatt, F.Z.5. (Plate A REVISION OF THE GENUS Synthocus, Schonh., AND ITs Auules (Curculiomde). By Guy A. K. MarsHatn, EZ.S. (Plate: vi.) ; ; é : REVISED List oF THE FLORA oF Natat. Compiled by J. MeEpDLEY Woop . Mesembrianthemuwm calcareum, Marloth: A New Mimicry Pranr By kh. Mariorn, Pb.D., M.A. PAGE dl 43 53 89 121 281 iv Contents. A CONTRIBUTION TO THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE CAPE GOLDEN Moures. By R. Broom, M.D., D.Sc., C.M.Z.S. On THE LuNAaR Croup-PEeriop. By J. R. Surron, M.A. A Srupy oF SomE Facts AND THEORIES BEARING UPON THE QUESTION OF THE ORIGIN OF THE ANGIOSPERMOUS FLORA oF SoutH Arrica. By 8. ScHONLAND, IP JD). Hon. M.A. Oxon., A SpEcIAL DETERMINANT HAVING (7, 8) EQUAL TO ZERO WHEN s>r+1. By Tuomas Muir, LL.D. CoNTRIBUTIONS TO THE AFRICAN FuLorA. By Harry Bowus . THe Rock ENGRAVINGS OF SOUTH AFRICA. (Plates vii.xv. and two Text-figures) By L. P&RInGuey. EartH TEMPERATURE AT KIMBERLEY. By J. R. Surron Notes ON THE BUSHMEN OF BASUTOLAND. By 8. 5. Dorman PAGE 283 313 321 369 379 401 421 437 TRANSACTIONS OF THE SOUTH AFRICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY, Vou. XVIII. ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE OVULE AND EHMBRYO-SAC IN CASSIA TOMENTOSA, Lamx. (Read March 27, 1907 ) (Plates I.—-II.) By W. T. Saxton, B.A. The development of the ovule and embryo-sac in plants has been investigated very fully, especially during recent years, and the normal course of events has been thoroughly worked out in several cases. There are, however, in this species of Cassia, certain pecu- harities of interest, which are described below. It has been found most conducive to a clear account to give all the stages of develop- ment, as far as they have been investigated, normal as well as abnormal. The species is a South American one, not native in Cape Colony, and the material has been obtained from private gardens in Cape Town. It is proposed to give a short account of the development from about the archesporial stage to the formation of the definitive nucleus in the eight-celled embryo-sac. The young ovule at about the archesporial stage is distinctly campylotropous (Hig. I.). No definite archesporial cell or cells are clearly recognisable, but one towards the centre, somewhat larger than the surrounding cells (M.M.C., Fig. I.), is probably the megaspore mother-cell just becoming differentiated. The primordia of the outer (O.1.) and inner (I.1.) integuments are shown distinctly 2 Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society. at this stage. A slightly older stage (Figs. II.a and II.b) shows the megaspore mother-cell much more distinctly differentiated. It is separated from the epidermal cells by three layers of cells, indicating a probability that the archesporial cell * was hypodermal, and gave rise to a row of four cells of which the lowest became the func- tional mother-cell. [This would agree with Guignard’s researches on Cassia stipulacea and CO. corymbosa referred to below. | The mother-cell seems to undergo a resting period while growth of the other parts of the ovule proceeds, as the next stage (Fig. III.a) shows the ovule distinctly anatropous, while Fig. III.b (drawn from the same section) shows the last stage of the first division of the mother-cell. The second division of the mother-cell is shown in Fig. IV. The considerable increase in the differentiation of the integuments since the last stage (ig. III.) indicates that this division also proceeds very slowly. This stage (Fig. IV.) shows very clearly that a row of fowr potential megaspores is developed. The development still proceeds very slowly up to the final differentiation of the functional megaspore. This is shown in Fig. V.a. . The integuments have now reached practically their mature form, and the diameter of the ovule is almost equal to the internal diameter of the ovary. The peculiar arrangement of the integuments is well shown in this Hig. (V.a). This arrangement is always found in the mature ovary, namely, that the micropylar opening in the outer integument is not immediately over that in the inner integument (as is usually the case in other plants). It is probable, therefore, that the pollen tube would not follow the sinuous course of the micropyle, but would grow through the tissue of at least one integument. | Fig. V.b, drawn from the same section, indicates that it is the third megaspore from the apex which develops, and not the innermost, as is almost universally, the case. The two apical megaspores abort and in later stages are almost indistinguishable from the wall of the embryo-sac, which merely appears somewhat thickened at the apical end. The cases previously noted in which the innermost megaspore does not become functional are very limited in number, and, among the Dicotyledons, are almost all plants belonging to the natural orders Rosacew and Leguminosex. Since these two orders are very closely allied, there would seem to be a tendency towards this pecu- * Assuming that a single archesporial cell was originally present: | + I hope to be able to investigate this point later, See note, p. 12.., The Ovule and Embryo-Sac in Cassia Tomentosa. 3 liarity in this particular line of evolution. Cassia itself belongs to the tribe Czsalpiniacese of the Leguminose. In Kosa it has been found that the outermost megaspore functions.* In Hriobotrya the innermost megaspore usually becomes functional, but sometimes the middle or outer one. Occasionally all three begin to develop.t Some species of Acacia conform to the normal type, 7.e., the inner- most megaspore is functional, but in other species the inner but one of a row of four, or the middle of a row of three, is functional. } The development of the embryo-sac, after the stage shown in Fig. V., proceeds rapidly and normally. The four-nuclear sac is shown in Fig. VI. This stage also shows that the functional megaspore is the third from the apex. Another peculiarity is found, however, after the next division, 12.é., as soon as the eight-nuclear stage is reached. The antipodal nuclei, instead of forming a group at the base of the embryo-sac, lie in a row in a tubular prolongation (Figs. VII.a and VII.0). The three lower nuclei are cut off by cell walls, and in considerably later stages are not easily distinguished from the surrounding cells of the nucellus. They do not, however, abort, but appear to function, in common with several cells of the nucellus, as conducting tissue. The depleted condition of the cells surrounding the base of the embryo-sac is very noticeable in Figs. VII., VIII., and IX., whereas the antipodal cells have large and deeply staining nuclei, indicating a strong probability that they have absorbed and digested the contents of the surrounding tissue, and will, in turn, keep the egg apparatus supplied with nourishment by this means. At this stage, and until that shown in Fig. X., the micropylar nuclei are exceedingly small, but embedded in rather dense cytoplasm. In Fig. VII.a the two middle antipodal nuclei are placed trans- versely, but in Fig. VII.d all four lie in a row. The first case is the same arrangement as Guignard found in Cercis siliquastrum. In each case one of the micropylar nuclei is distinctly separated from the other three, preparatory to its migration towards the centre of the embryo-sac as one of the polar nuclei. In Fig. VIII. the * J. Vesque, ‘‘ Développement du sac embryonaire des Phanérogames Angio- spermes,” Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot., 1878 and 1879; Compt. Rend., 88, 1879; Bot. Zeit., 37, 1879. Coulter and Chamberlain, ‘‘ Morphology of Angiosperms.”’ + L. Guignard, ‘‘ Recherches sur le sac embryonaire des Phanérogames Angiospermes,’”’ Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot., 1882. Coulter and Chamberlain, ‘‘ Mor- phology of Angiosperms.”’ { L. Guignard, ‘“‘ Recherches d’embryogénie végétale comparée. I. Légumi- nenses,” Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot., 1881. Coulter and Chamberlain, ‘“‘ Morphology of Angiosperms,”’ 4 Transactions of the South African Philosophical Soctety. uppermost antipodal nucleus has migrated towards the centre of the embryo-sac, and in Fig. IX. the other polar nucleus has joined it from the micropylar end. It would seem that it is always the antwpodal polar nucleus which migrates first, and is then followed by the micropylar polar nucleus. Many cases like Fig. IX. have been found, in which the polar nuclei are lying against the wall of the embryo-sac, and a somewhat smaller number of cases in which, as in Fig. X., the polar nuclei (which have now fused to form the definitive nucleus) lie in close contact with the egg apparatus. Fig. X. shows only the egg apparatus and the definitive nucleus. The antipodals can no longer be clearly recognised at this stage. The early fusion of the polar nuclei indicates that if a so-called triple fusion occurs in Cassia tomentosa, it is not a simultaneous fusion of three nuclei, but a fusion of the second male nucleus with the definitive nucleus, formed by the previous fusion of the polar nuclei. It has not been possible to investigate this point at present.* Figs. XI.a, b, c, d,e, f, show various stages of karyokinetic division in the young nucellus. In d, e, and f the chromosomes are seen in the equatorial plane. The number of chromosomes is twelve. Unfortunately the only stage found showing the heterotypic division was not in a condition to show the chromosomes, hence the re- duced number could not be ascertained. There is no reason, however, to suppose that the species is abnormal in this respect, and we may safely assume that the reduced number is half the ordinary number, 7.e., six. In conclusion, I have to thank Dr. H. H. W. Pearson for advice and criticism on various points in this investigation. | Summary.—The chief points noted in the above account are :— (1) The innermost megaspore is not functional, as is usually the case, but the innermost but one. (2) The antipodal cells, instead of fopming a group, lie in a row in a tubular prolongation of the embryo-sac, and, together with certain surrounding cells of the nucellus, appear to function as a conducting tissue. | (3) The number of chromosomes in vegetative karyokinetic division is twelve. BoTanicaL LABORATORY, SourTH AFRICAN COLLEGE. * Plants have been kept under observation for some months after flowering commenced, but seed has only been set during January of this year. I hope to investigate the later stages when suitable material has been obtained. (5) EXPLANATION OF FIGURES. All sections were cut with a Cambridge rocking microtome, the thickness varying from 5p-10y. The figures were drawn with the aid of a Zeiss microscope and a Zeiss camera lucida, Figs. III.b, X., and XI. with a Zeiss +-in. oil immersion objective. The sections are cut transverse to the axis of the ovary, thus giving longitudinal sections of the ovule. In all Figs.O.W. = Ovary wall. O.I. = Outer integument. LI. = Inner integument. M.M.C. = Megaspore mother-cell. N. = Nucellus. E.S. = Embryo-sac. H.C.N. = EKgg-cell nucleus. S.N. = Synergid nuclei. P.N. = Polar nucleus or nuclei. D.N. = Definitive nucleus. : Young ovule about megaspore mother-cell stage. x 184. Il.a & b. Young ovules showing megaspore mother-cell each. x 184. III.a. | Young ovule showing stage of development at first division of megaspore mother-cell. x 104. III.b. Central part of same section more highly magnified. x 760. Wie Young ovule showing second division of megaspore mother-cell. x (circa) 200. V.a. Young ovule showing development of functional megaspore. x 68. V0. Central part of same section more highly magnified. x 320. VI.a. Young ovule showing four-nuclear embryo-sac drawn from two sections. x 104. Wale De Central part of same sections more highly magnified. x 184. VIl.a. Hight-nuclear embryo-sac. Drawn from three sections. x 184. VII.6. Another embryo-sac showing same stage. Drawn from two sections. x 288. Wat Embryo-sac in slightly later stage. Drawn from two sections. x 160. 1D.¢ Embryo-sac after migration of both polar nuclei. Drawn from three sections. x 184. Xe Micropylar end of mature embryo-sac showing two synergide egg- nucleus and definitive nucleus. The latter still shows two distinct nucleoli. x 656. XI.a-f. Stages of karyokinetic division. a-c. In plane of division. d-/. In equatorial plane. a x 880 6b x 880 c x 880 d x 760 e x 880 f x 760 he a tlh gia) Poy wie | i_ f ipis oa Cela lus ‘iia ~ aga ? 1% ‘ ’ j % fi i > ly-Abe Cas cee whe pw > ys y te a io A c | x t . — i ; ~_S ~. ~ 4 i ‘ is ‘ ce if rN ai r : ‘ 5 e 7 MER ’ Oi; j : ' vert LAS rhs $ : on ar nt | i * ' " ice ' ie AP « Pa ivy i i sat a t iT +p . 4 , ms ‘a we ‘ ¥ ‘ : (oe. yer Tee en ae ty ie rr | eg ee . ~ ' % + s a at Se . * = 1 ‘ ot — : * y i 4 tal i, | = a = . Rae “Ls leans o firr il soc.Vo. XVII. # x (ctrea) 290. A --- LT. on West, Newman lith. \ > y, f S Le oe & as cay Zoe rane QR ; = an 4! a \ - . 7 rt ~~ = 5 -~ ° _ : ; é - \ 7 - = “ { ‘ a j (7) THE FERTILITY OF SOME COLONIAL SOILS, AS INFLUENCED BY GEOLOGICAL CONDITIONS. By Cuas. FE. Jurnirz, M.A., F.I.C., Senior Government Analyst. (Read at a Meeting of the §8.A. Philosophical Society held on March 27, 1907.) About seven years ago it was my privilege to read before this Society a paper embodying some results of investigations made in the Government Analytical Laboratory with regard to the pro- portions of plant food in a number of soils collected within the South-western Districts of the Colony.* I then endeavoured, as far as available information would permit, to refer each sample analysed to the underlying geological formation, with a view to deducing such ‘conclusions as it would be permissible to draw respecting certain phases of the agricultural capabilities of soils derived from this or that series of rocks. It was at that time found practically impossible to suggest any deductions in respect to the relationship between the geology of a district and the agricultural potentialities of its soils, based upon the results of chemical analyses of the latter, which could not have been equally well arrived at by comparing the geological features with nothing more than the practical experience of local agriculturists. Family resemblances between soils over- lying one and the same series of rocks were not sufficiently evident, and, as far as the investigations in the Government Laboratory had proceeded, similarities between soils were apparently due more to geographical than to geological causes. The reasons for this will become clearer as we proceed, but for the present they may be summarised in two words—insufficient data. It is an essential preliminary to an adequate comprehension of the figures which I propose to place before you that I should explain precisely what is meant by the term ‘‘soil analysis’”’ as employed and implied in this paper. The expression has a variety of significa- tions ; hence it is not surprising to find that it has been subjected to much misuse, as the operations it represents have been to much * Trans. S.A. Phil. Soc., vol. xi., pt. 2, pp. 125-160. 8 Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society. abuse. We are gravely told—generally by persons who are neither chemists nor have kept abreast of the times in scientific agriculture —that soil analysis has not the value for the farmer once attributed to it. But there is a flaw in the reasoning, owing to want of defini- tion : logicians call it the fallacy of the ambiguous middle term. We may put the syllogism in another way, and you will then perceive the flaw at once: Some modes of soil analysis are valueless for agri- cultural purposes ; the determination of the proportion of plant food in the soil is one mode of soil analysis; hence the determination of the proportion of plant food in the soil is valueless for agricultural purposes. Here the substantial correctness of both major and minor premises may be conceded, but the conclusion is false; it is the fallacy of a universal conclusion from a particular premise. It is by people who reason in this manner that chemists who perform and Governments who permit extensive investigations into the nature of the country’s soils for the benefit of the agriculturist are held up to fine scorn for squandering the taxpayers’ money in vain research, There is, however, an opposite extreme. This, like the last, is common to the learned and the unlearned. Many imagine that the chemical analysis of a thimbleful of soil will terminate all agricul- tural perplexities for the farmer. Both extremes are erroneous, and for one reason: the exact nature and scope of agricultural chemical analyses of soils are not properly understood. It is a generally accepted fact that certain chemical compounds are necessary to the normal growth and development of plants. Most prominent amongst these compounds are lime, potash, and phosphoric oxide. These three comprise the inorganic or mineral constituents of the food of plants; there are other constituents as well, but it is not material to refer to these here. The three com- pounds just named are therefore termed “ plant-food constituents.” It is essential and important to note the distinction between “ plant- food constituents” and “plant food Potash, for instance, is a plant-food constituent, no matter where or how it may exist, whether deep down in the mines of Stassfurt, or in the wool on the sheep’s back ; in the impermeable granite below Table Mountain or in the waters of the Dead Sea ; butit is not plant food except when present in the soil; more than that—except when present there in the very condition in which the plant growing upon that soil can withdraw it and turn it to its own account. Now a chemical analysis of the soil, to be of value to the farming community, should tell—not the quantities of plant-food constitwents present, but the proportions of plant food. It becomes obvious, Fertility of some Colomal Soils. 9 then, that we are to distinguish between at least two kinds of chemical analyses of soil, one of which supplies the farmer with information of value, while the other does not; the latter may, nevertheless, be of considerable value to the geologist. Those who assail soil analysis generally confuse between these two kinds, and rain their blows upon both without discrimination. As a matter of fact, it would be more correct to divide soil analyses into three classes. First of all the plant-food constituents may be present in the soil in such a condition as to be quite incapable of being absorbed by the plant; bearing in mind that we are looking at the subject from the agriculturist’s standpoint, we may call these the plant-food constituents of the third or lowest grade. The chemist who wishes to ascertain the total quantity of plant-food constituents in the soil needs to employ the strongest chemicals, or the energetic action of fluxes at a high temperature, in order to attain his object, for the plant-food constituents of the third grade are usually silicates or aluminates, and do not respond to any less radical treatment ; in any case they are not plant food. Needless to say that the acids generally employed by the agricultural chemist fail to extract these compounds from the soil, and hence do not give the utterly mis- leading results occasionally attributed to them. The first and second grades of plant-food constituents differ from the third in being avail- able for plants: that is to say, they are actually plant food. These are extractible from the soil hy mineral acids, such as hydrochloric acid. The plant-food constituents of the first grade are readily or immedi- ately available to plants, and the chemist can extract them from the soil by means of water or weak organic acids, such as a dilute solution of citric acid: those of the second grade are less soluble, less readily available to plants, and extracted in the laboratory by strong mineral acids, but not by water or weak organic acids. They are not imme- diately removed by the crops, but continue in the soil as a ‘reserve stock ’’—a term that I shall have occasion to use again; let it be remembered, therefore, that whenever it is employed in the course of these remarks it signifies plant food of the second grade. Thus we have these three grades of plant-food constituents in the soil :— I. Soluble in water and in weak organic acids : Immediately or readily available for plants. II. Soluble in strong mineral acids : Available for plants only as a reserve stock. III. Insoluble in ordinary acids, and extracted only by fusion or by specially powerful reagents like hydrofluoric acid: Not available for plants. 10 Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society. Obviously the agriculturist has little, if any, interest in non- available plant-food constituents, and chemical analyses—be they of a single soil sample or of a whole series of representative soils from various parts of the country—which give only figures showing the total amounts of plant-food constituents present, and afford no indication as to the quantity of available plant food—whatever interest they may possess for the geologist—have none for the farmer. It is true that by mechanical disintegration and chemical decom- position plant-food constituents of the third grade may ultimately become available, as they very slowly change into those of the second, but the process is so gradual as practically never to have any value for the generation in occupancy. The constituents of Grades I. and II., on the contrary, possess great interest for the farmer; they comprise the actual plant food; the former affect the land’s immediate productiveness, the latter its permanent value. So we are brought to this conclusion, that if a chemical investi- gation of a country’s soils is to be made, it is the reserve stock of plant food in the soil (that is to say, the constituents of the second grade) that calls for first attention. They are constantly changing into constituents of the first grade, and are being removed from the soil by plants very much more rapidly than they can be produced from the constituents of the third grade. It may be of some value, either incidentally in certain cases or subsequently to a thorough investigation of the reserve stock of plant food in the soils of the whole country, to inquire into the conditions and quantities of the other two grades as well, but the immediate and pressing necessity is to proceed with all speed along the line just indicated as demanding prime consideration. We must not dwell on these points too long, especially as I hope to revert to them again in a pamphlet, now in course of preparation, which will deal more fully with the details of the soil investigations that have been carried out up to the present in the Government Analytical Laboratory, but, before passing on, it should be said that one reason why fuller data were not to hand at the time of the pre- paration of my last paper on this subject was that a sufficient number of soils had not then been analysed by a method which could be taken as affording a reliable means of ascertaining the reserve stock of plant food in the soil, and it is, of course, in- admissible to compare, say, a granitic soil examined by one mode of analysis with a sandstone soil treated in another way. Even now the data are all too few; but the need of arousing, in scientific circles, a deeper interest in investigations of this kind, and amongst Fertility of some Colonial Sorts. 11 the general public and the farming community more particularly, a keener sense of their importance and value, is most pro- nounced; hence my reason for laying before you figures which might otherwise have been well deferred until they had attained to greater completeness. In all the analytical results which follow the method of analysis adopted has been the extraction of the soil at the ordinary tempera- ture with hydrochloric acid of 1:115 specific gravity for five days, and the determination of inorganic constituents in the solution so obtained.* This method was very fully detailed in my previous paper, and I still regard it as, of all extraction methods, the most satisfactory for quantitatively gauging the reserve stock of plant food in soils. Although the figures arrived at by this method from various soils of similar type are in very close agreement amongst themselves, it must not be supposed that the reserve stock of plant food is a sharply defined item in any soil—one that can be determined with the rigid accuracy generally associated with chemical operations. It must be clearly understood that the methods of determining plant food in soils have an element of arbitrariness about them which causes the results obtained by their means to be more or less empirical. At the same time it must never be forgotten that all this can be true without in the least detracting from the great value of the information thus gained. Just here one or two figures may be given to indicate how plant- food constituents in different degrees of availability are to be found in one and the same soil. The following, taken from Bulletin No. 41 of the Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station, shows that a very considerable proportion of the plant-food constituents present may be in forms not available for plants :— Phosphoric | @rnde Iie wa.ce: Pa etibid 2h maid ce, ESSE, eet a6 2-18 — Heavy clay soil...... | cag: sh eel e Me Fe Grade andigralaeoll| oa TE cu) BR MB 0 Tt will be noticed that in the clay soil as much as 96 per cent. of the total potash is in a form unavailable for plants. Similar results have been arrived at in our own laboratory. For instance, three soils from farms in the George Division (Uitkyk and * For the determination of phosphoric oxide the soil was extracted by boiling with nitric and sulphuric acids. 12 Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society. Great Brak River) were extracted by the hydrochloric acid method already referred to. Thus the following percentages of plant food (Grade II.) were obtained :— Phosphoric Lime. Potash. Oxide. AM eae sCiasewies aw esos “050 °023 -012 Sees cite tesxaioneses "094 ‘O61 "015 CR R eae a aciee Ue Seuss "044 SOUT "008 On evaporating soils taken from the same localities with a mixture of hydrochloric and nitric acids, and thereafter boiling the residues with hydrochloric acid, very much higher results were arrived at. Phosphoric Lime. Potash. Oxide. A a Sisisloeticenae cetaceans 25 “14 iit By CSR cee cen oon 19 25 029 Gi nessa pe Reidencninacaees 25 27 055 A clear indication that these soils, which were granitic in origin, contained a considerable quantity of plant-food constituents of the third grade. In analysing a soil with the object of determining its ‘‘ reserve stock” (z.e., Grade II.) of plant food, a clear description of the method of extraction is always essential. The standard method adopted by Professor Hilgard and other American investigators indicates the maxymum amount of plant food that is present in any given soil in a condition capable of extraction by plants: this is one reason for the adoption of the method.* A somewhat similar state- ment may be made in respect of the “immediately available”’ (Grade I.) plant food in the soil. The results obtained, for instance, by Dr. Dyevr’s citric acid method, may be looked upon as indicating not the reserve stock but the immediately available plant food, and as showing the maximum amount immediately available, in much the same way as hydrochloric acid-of 1:115 specific gravity shows ‘the maximum that can be considered to be present as a reserve stock. Extraction of a soil with water likewise shows immediately available plant food therein, although not the full amount. How much less may be extracted from a soil by ove method than by another will be gathered from the following results obtained in * The method adopted as a standard in the Government Laboratories here differs from Professor Hilgard’s only in being carried out at the ordinary tem- perature, whereas his is conducted at steam temperature. In this respect our method is more along the line of that employed by the German experiment stations. Fertality of some Colonial Soils. 13 regard to a soil collected on the Government agricultural farm, ‘“‘ Hilsenburg,”’ in the Stellenbosch Division :— Phosphoric Potash. Oxide. Grade I.—Extracted with water ............ Undetermined -0013 Grade I.—Extracted by Dyer’s method (Ciao) EHC) SM ancer coeoococoboconcocoooce sonnet °017 “0036 Grade II.—Extracted by standard method 024 024 Of course it will be seen that, as everything that water or the weaker organic acids could extract from a soil will also be removed by hydrochloric acid of the standard strength, the second grade of plant food will generally include the first ; in other words, if Grade I. is taken to mean “immediately available ”’ plant food, then Grade II. means ‘‘immediately available’’ plant food plus ‘‘reserve stock.” This being the case, it follows that when water or citric acid extract only infinitesimal quantities of plant food from the soil, there may still be a large stock of plant food in reserve, but if only small amounts are extracted by hydrochloric acid there cannot be much plant food of any kind. IH, therefore, the hydrochloric acid extraction method indicates the soils of a certain area to be poor, there can be no question that they are poor indeed. I pass on from these more or less introductory remarks to another aspect of the subject under consideration. At the time of my former paper the work of the Geological Commission had not advanced to the stage it has now attained, and the results of that work were not available, as they are at present, for the purposes of our own investigation. The geological survey of the Colony cannot but be of great worth to the scientific agriculturist, the more so when supplemented by investigations such as those with which the Government analysts have been engaged; in fact it is not too much to say that, in great part, they only become thus fully valuable when so supplemented. The detailed and instructive maps issued by the Geological Commission, showing, in very many cases, the boun- daries of the farms surveyed, cover largely the ground traversed by the chemical staff, and are comparable with the maps issued by my own office, in connection with which the endeavour has ever been to mark, as accurately as possible, the farm boundaries and all locali- ties whence samples of soil have been collected. Hence the soils analysed can often be assigned to their proper geological formations, and deductions drawn accordingly. Facilities were thus afforded whereby it became possible to arrange the figures in the subjoined tables in classified lists. Before any further reference is made to these figures, the extreme difficulty of obtaining samples of soils typical of definite geological 14 Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society. formations must be mentioned. It does not need much discernment to classify as a sandstone soil one taken from the top of Table Mountain, or as a Malmesbury slate soil one from the upper slopes of Lion’s Rump, but when a valley composed of beds of the Bokke- veld series is flanked by sandstone mountains it becomes less easy to predicate to what extent each has influenced the chemical nature of the soil; still more complicated is the problem when dealing with such districts as Robertson, where, in parts, quite a large number of rocks contribute to the formation of the soil. Had the samples of soils examined been so selected as specially to typify certain definite geological series, it is highly probable that ere now much more would have been learnt regarding the nature— from the farmer’s standpoint—of the soils derived from each series ; but circumstances have all along rendered any such system of collection impracticable ; indeed, as observed on a former occasion, geographical rather than geological considerations had to guide us in the selection of areas to be investigated. In spite of the fact that conditions were not propitious for the selection of typical samples, it has been possible to sort out from the many soils that have been analysed some to typify various geological formations, and the chemical composition of the soils so sorted out on the whole bear out the reasonableness of the classi- fication. I propose, first of all, to consider the soils derived from the geologically oldest rocks, and to follow the upward sequence thence, as circumstances permit, ending with the superficial deposits. Beginning, then, with the pre-Cape rocks, as the Geological Com- mission has termed them, which underlie the Table Mountain and correlated series, the soils derived from the Malmesbury series require first notice. J regret that by the standard method adopted in our laboratory no analyses have been made of sufficiently typical soils collected within the district which gives its name to this series, but from the Malmesbury beds of the Paarl and Stellenbosch ' Divisions the fourteen soils enumerated below were taken, in such places as to be practically representative. The series of rocks from which these are derived consists mostly of hard close clay-slates; the chemical composition of the latter is, for the most part, silicate of alumina, and, therefore, practically void not only of plant food but also of plant-food constituents. The percentage proportions of lime, potash, and phosphoric oxide in the soils are what I chiefly desire to direct attention to, but there are also incorporated in the list the percentages of moisture retained in the air-dried soils, as well as the organic matter lost on ignition ; Fertility of some Colonial Souls. 15 these latter are expressed in terms of the soil sifted through a 1 millimetre sieve, while the determinations of plant food are calcu- lated upon the fine earth, a term which is herein taken to mean that portion of the soil capable of passing through a sieve with meshes half a millimetre in diameter. The percentages of this fine earth in the sample as collected in the field and air-dried are also given below. I. MALMESBURY SERIES. Phos- Serial) Division. Farm. pine |Water.| Ore20i¢ | Time. |Potash. phorie 1 Paarl® hvac. Matjes Kuil...... 51:0 29 1:29 024 010 017 2 NY canes Groenfontein ... | 81:2 67 2°65 ‘012 029 027 3 Po . wP Rocbocten Kuilenberg ...... 53°6 1:13 5:23 072 045 061 4 gar 1 ceased De le Meenas 55:1 1:72 6°41 100 073 055 5 Set aciticniciests Lange Rug ....... 65:3 111 522, "034 041 046 6 Bin) Macccoonane Knolle Vallei ... 79°6 1:72 7:39 098 044 056 7 RSP eisaeaesions 56 “9 330 68°7 32 177 012 013 010 8 S5h_baneeR seisisitts Driefontein ...... 50°6 52 1:23 022. 048 019 9 A Lecdeoaner Burgers Drift ... | 60:3 1:20 4:07 026 075 054 10 Ane ie asec Dryvers Vallei... | 51:8 1:48 4:87 014 039 055 11 Shey anodes Lang Hoogte ... 558 63 2°33 010 042 027 12 Stellenbosch | Elsenburg......... | 802 95 2:07 065 024 024 13 af sat yleatceecss 577 63 2-95 044 024 050 14 A Nooitgedacht ... 922 81 4:26 ‘008 039 046 Nos. 3 and 4 are possibly affected by disintegrated granite, but very little chemical change would be noticed in consequence hereof, for a reason that will be alluded to later. These clay-slate soils, it will be noticed, exhibit, almost uniformly, an all-round poverty in plant food. The percentages in the above fourteen soils average as follows :— aL Oper nacestc ace ce an meteors stuns nes eseeasseasaslonssicnases 039 OURS omeenasceedssme seats ees sciatinsesouotwaencebeasce tes "039 PNOSPHOTIGTOXIGE: see seacseccdets «cece seiscnoedawecctacsedses 039 Commencing near the village of Robertson, a tongue of the Malmesbury beds runs at first westward for about thirty miles, and afterwards northward, between two sandstone ranges, for a distance of nearly forty miles, forming the Tulbagh valley. As will be more readily understood later on, when we come to deal with the soils of the Table Mountain series, the soils of the northern portion of this valley, being practically encircled by mountains composed of Table Mountain sandstone, are distinctly poor all round ; it would, in fact, be difficult to understand, as we shall afterwards see, whence they could derive any natural fertility ; the root of the tongue, nearer Worcester, is less dominated by the sandstone, and the calcareous matrix of the Enon conglomerate, which prevails there, exercises an undoubtedly advantageous effect upon the soil. The following are 16 Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society. the analyses of the soils collected from this strip, beginning with the sandstone-encircled tip and working downwards :— Il. TONGUE OF MALMESBURY SERIES EXTENDING FROM THE VICINITY OF ROBERTSON TO THE WINTERHOEK MOUN- TAIN NORTH OF TULBAGH. . 5 ; Phos- Era Division. Farm. aes Water. Creneie Lime. |Potash. poor xide. 15 Muilioagiatess | Mis cuaadieecesecee 73:4 95 351 044 032 023 16 ee ... | Knolle Vallei ...... 61°4 1:49 3°64 068 038 047 17 5 Liss i RN 98:7 5°75 10:09 ‘008 ‘030 023 18 re ... | Kluitjes Kraal ...... 94:8 292, 11°78 070 095 ‘070 19 Worcester | Breede Rivier ...... 83°4 1:34 3:77 086 027 034 20 us Wilge Rivier......... 53°7 219 7:55 150 147 093 21 A Hendracht ......... 100 2°09 6°62 066 037 069 22, Me Hartebeest Rivier | 709 ‘79 3:47 ‘016 091 051 23 = Zeekoegat ............ 89°6 1:59 4:04 260 195 089 24 A Tweefontein ......... 70:0 78 2°98 038 158 ‘078 25 is INOMM Oe eee 755 1:45 3°64 156 068 063 In many places the soils resulting from the rocks of the Malmes- bury series are diversified by the intrusion of granite. The conse- quent diversity is more than becomes evident at first sight, for, although poverty in plant food is practically inherent in the soils of the Malmesbury series, it is otherwise with those derived from granite. This is owing to the fact that while the Malmesbury rocks are deficient in plant-food constituents, the intrusive granite is not, and thus the resulting granitic soils impart to the clay-slate soils not only plant-food constituents, proportionate to the relative quan- tities in which the two classes of soil are mixed, but also actual plant food, proportionate to the amount of decomposition that the granite has undergone. Where the granite has not been sufficiently decomposed the elements of fertility contained in its constituent minerals are not available for the plant; in other words, sufficiency of plant-food constituents may then be present in the soil while there is lack of plant food. The diversification of the clays derived from the Malmesbury slates, consequent upon the introduction of granite ‘as a soil-forming factor, is therefore dependent not only on the rela- tive quantities wherein these two classes of rock contribute to the formation of any particular soil, but also on the stage which the mechanical disintegration and chemical decomposition of the granite has reached. These facts naturally add to the difficulty of laying down anything like a typical composition even for unmixed granitic soils. It may be remembered that, in the course of my previous paper on this subject, mention was made of several granite soils that had been analysed by Professor Hahn. In one—an alluvial soil—the con- Fertility of some Colonial Soils. 17 stituent minerals of the granite had completely decomposed, and the results of the analysis of this soil were :— PAINS). caccuse uote aero eee eae een aai'ieisiewscenseetes 281 POtASH sess awcdeawneteakee ce eea tee meee Rese seebicssenes 151 Phosphoric: O1GO sc .scscancn-cenan eetceteens ses os cidelose aise 172 The averages of the others, which were primary granitic soils, twenty in number, were :— Tustin. siaa stele a ccna tina stcias deioatteieitt a ae see cittinie saaraiste iste 037 Polis Hib sees cae das ccdewt on ncensesesuasannoreenseedeuacads 025 PHOSPHOLIC OXAGE aiev.scesoscice veces oomesevaysssemecones as 014 It was not, I repeat, that the latter contained less lime, potash,-and phosphoric oxide than the former, but that those substances were largely present in the first soil in the condition which I have described as Grade II., whereas in the others the greater part existed as plant-food constituents of the third grade. With this explanation there should be no cause for surprise that most of the nine primary granite soils whose analyses follow are shown as deficient in mineral plant food :— III. GRANITE SOILS. Fine Organic Phos- Serial Division. Farm. asthe Water. Niatter, Lime. |Potash. phorie 26 George......... Diepkloof ............ 94-7 ‘OT 3:51 028 034 "020 27 Malmesbury | Alexanderfontein | 72:0 1:57 5:83 146 121 ‘061 28 e iy 738 115 3:18 072 075 072 29 90 se 80:0 1:47 5:01 096 095 073 30 9 59 72:2 1:01 4:33 014 114 049 31 ” a 68°0 1:09 2:64 014 045 028 32 yr) 90 76:0 1:28 4°30 014 "095 "055 33 IPMAWAl sooaosoes Vredehot ............ 61:5 “87 3°69 034 014 055 34 Stellenbosch | Neethlingshof ...| 691 1:26 4:05 024 "023 018 The averages of these soils work out as follows :— BUI rer setas sen cose Mees eors cee tee Sodan coens cused ssee sense "049 Heth erent ses oa ciaciasiaten cisa tiaciiss oiaeselsielelb esa aivibleGiewe views 069 EOS PIVORICHOXAGE) oasis), as ces orcs aisiemsinws see tenecanaease 048 The result of the partial decomposition of the felspar contained in the granite is seen in the relatively larger percentage of potash when these analyses are compared with those of the clay-slate soils. Above the slates of the Malmesbury series, in the Oudtshoorn Division, are what have been termed the Cango beds, consisting of quartzitic pebbles embedded in a slaty matrix, which at some places becomes calcareous. It may be expected that the former type will produce a comparatively poor soil, while a correspondingly better class of soil will be produced where the calcareous matrix prevails. 2 18 Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society. Unfortunately the sandstone range of the Zwartbergs so overshadows the localities whence were collected the only three of our samples which represent the area of the Cango beds that the exact extent to which they typify these beds cannot yet be gauged. The following are the three soils referred to :— IV. CANGO BEDS. : : ‘ Phos- Serial! Division. Farm. wine |water.| 9réanic| rime. Potash.| phoric Oxide. 35 Oudtshoorn | Lemrick............ 586 111 3:68 068 194 "123 36 * ...| Welgevonden ... 760 1:90 5:10 084 144 067 37 Me ...| Matjes Rivier ... | 61°6 3:15 17:14 7-460 087 ‘166 Nothing need be said to emphasise the great difference between the first two and the last of these three soils. We have now to turn our attention to a class of soils of still more pronounced calcareous type. As in the south-western corner of the Colony the pre-Cape rocks comprise largely the Malmesbury clay- slates and shales, so in the northern part we have the series of rocks which, over thirty years ago, Stow associated with the name of the Campbell Rand—that range of precipitous cliffs which terminate the Great Kaap Plateau towards the south-east, and flank at first the Vaal and subsequently the Harts River for a distance of over a hundred miles from the junction of the former with the Orange River below Campbell. Limestone and dolomite enter largely into the formation of these rocks, and extend westward and northward as far as Vryburg. In the soils representative of this series we must consequently expect to find large quantities of hme; here and there, however, the quartzites and sandstones of the superimposed Griquatown series become apparent, and considerably diminish the proportions of available lime. - The following table shows the results of analyses of these soils :— V. CAMPBELL RAND SOILS. . p eat Phos- Bee Division. Farm. Cae Water. Creanue Lime. |Potash. bere xide. 38 Kuruman ...... Kuruman ...... 76'4 1:01 1:48 026 024 024 39 Spey dehy, lt Mee 100 3°56 38:22 3°66 ‘030 132 40 ape aaa eee & > | 88'7 2°89 7 54 4:80 084 088 41 Sie Litas co, | Upeeease 85:2 3°54 4:99 6:32 059 056 42 BN I) Mae 4 Seecet| GAN 416 6°75 14:04 028 059 43 Us eee: aoe Dae . 871 1.86 213 ‘278 ‘068 026 44 Vryburg ...... Geluk ............ 89°6 “92, 1:63 062 020 013 Fertility of some Colomal Soils. 1g Stow * distinguished between the rocks of this series and the olive shales, as he termed them, deposited unconformably over the ancient schistose rocks underlying the crystalline limestones of the Camp- bell Rand. The analyses given in the next table are those of soils which may be taken as representing this deposit of shales :— VI. QUARTZITES AND SHALES EAST OF CAMPBELL RAND. (Stow’s OLIVE SHALES.) : : ‘ ; Phos- Boral Division. Farm. ae Water. Ginnie Lime. |Potash. phoric 45 Hopetown ... | Vluitjes Kraal ...... 90:0 Wo 1°29 048 065 020 46 Barkly West | Brady’s ............... 92°2, 94 1:78 044 ‘050 031 47 = a. oe 84-4 | 1°16 2-80 020 | 112 | -045 48 - Patrys Kraal ......... 83°4 202 2°98 082 056 038 49 f ate ae 93:4 | 3:33 4°19 240 | +193 | -031 50 5 Gaanzepan ............ 97°3 66 1:47 020 ‘046 013 51 O6 aye Oh eeanetines 94°6 63 1°31 036 035 014 52 55 EDIE Oe pr racaeceea cn 94°6 4:74 10°90 3°768 ‘187 101 53 A Zwartputs ............ 98'°3 ‘719 1°69 020 ‘037 022, 54 a PAT. Beeese cca nsece 96°8 2°02 298 082 ‘056 038 55 a Je RAG OT im anseconoanaetodees 96°6 6°82 5 64 1:037 054 195 56 a |S LAVA Gs eae nena Seme aarene 97°6 6:03 4:98 461 ‘027 154 57 Taungs ...... Salisbury ............... 93°8 "54 117 034 034 009 58 Bie. eee Luxmotre ............... 85'2 2°95 3:11 22.0 101 063 59 Nun Abe anes Middle Park ......... 95:4 2°56 3°38 162 ‘103 055 60 A Meo be Aon Pe Reopens 882 61 1°31 010 030 014 61 + Mogogong ........... 735 | 1:04 913 022 | -024 | -045 62 Be isioues opie) iY Soosrenenarc 82°5 2°47 3°91 130 ‘118 059 63 a thatees A. Been Wee occBeeseace 76°6 1:22 2°19 008 ‘041 045 64 Fae B ccisbanee ht We 8! 3S ements 80°9 1°78 Q°47 054 ‘074 040 65 Sen bcoses 730 *84 171 006 039 032 Although some of the soils enumerated in this last table are of good quality, nearly all of them show a deficiency in potash and phosphoric oxide, while about a dozen lack lime as well. Their averages are as follows :— TE ITR GE Parameters nate dace ane nsOaee cad vaieathnss oMelueaiscteoaene tes 310 TEOURIGL OE a dude ac eoHe BOO RCE IRE COGROP EEE thee CoE Ene Aner ene 067 HOS PMORIC] ORAS anna sees es acecne uns see seaauecdeneasiwees 051 Of the rocks of the Cape System, the lowest are those of the Table Mountain series. Table Mountain sandstone constitutes the greater part of the lofty mountain ranges which extend for hundreds of miles along the south-western part of the Colony; they tower above all other rocks for very many miles around, and it is, therefore, a safe assumption to make that the virgin soils, collected from these high altitudes, are quite uninfluenced by any other geological formations. Furthermore, the rocks of the Table Mountain series consist of little else than silica, namely, sandstones and quartzites, with occasional shales. It may be anticipated, therefore, that the soils thence * Geol. Soc. Quarterly Journal, December, 1874. 20 Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society. derived will not be of very complex chemical composition, but will, on the contrary, lack the essential elements of plant food. This we actually find to be the case. The following is a table showing the results of analyses of 46 soils collected either directly from areas formed of this sandstone or from valleys so completely dominated by ranges of the Table Mountain series as to render it practically certain that no other geological formations could have contributed to their composition in any marked degree :— VII. TABLE MOUNTAIN SANDSTONE SOILS. ; ; : Phos- Boral Division. Farm. ae Water. ie Lime. |Potash. prone 66 | Bredasdorp | The Hope............... 90°6 1°75 5°35 064 ‘017 "045 67 | Caledon ...... Gloviaye ce. perceteee eee 73°5 47 177 010 ‘017 037 68 APs lee ease: Ny de. uckiecechvnecteermne es 64°3 86 2°92, 006 008 028 69 550 lprcadgaeeall (UBS SUAS Fo eee anna Ber 52°5 34 1:26 008 008 015 70 sae aewdeas Geelbeks Viel......00.. 81°6 “58 3°36 "044 014 “009 val Sm Wien Isaaks Rivier ......... — 1°01 = "014 “09 05 72 | Ceres ......... Riet Vallei............... 97:0 36 1:93 072 015 022 73 asks, ae Pres eeee og Sse cnaaat 80°7 37 1°86 ‘010 015 028 74 Real cccnocans ie | DBiwehdocsueans 98°3 OT 1°41 ‘010 012 010 75 sot Po esmetaeonad lain & bye e poceeeenenuceee 98°0 56 2°55 “008 ‘017 "032 76 | George......... Outspan Reserve ...| 97'8 1°62 6°57 034 "016 022 17 see ceereee Woodville ............... 98°2 1°41 6°02 024 ‘010 015 78 een, eaGnems Diep River ............ 97°0 1°12 5°94 026 ‘016 031 79 Ba cee Nessras Grootfontein ......... 66°8 2°78 8:06 ‘040 041 "095 SOMA err. Ceiensts Schoonberg ............ 81°9 2°84 7:37 030 "066 068 81 Knysna cote: Geelhoutboom ...... 96:0 1°17 6°55 032 012 020 82 WUD Westone Roode Kraal............ 98°5 86 4:19 044 ‘011 013 83 See eater Balmoralye eee 94°7 ‘97 5:01 “050 014 ‘018 84. in) Meie tha Millwood ............... 96°6 1°59 8°86 074 ‘017 031 85 fe Meee oe Portland Heights ...| 95°6 3°84 12°21 032 028 056 &6 Aci i OuGECA Povbland yee 98°2 1:27 5°81 028 “014 046 87 Ae eee ee AISTMIDY (ice ccceesodeacenenes 97°0 66 2°80 028 023 010 S88 Al dee keee. Eae2 Holt biti A dash See aes 98-0 1:20 5°39 “082 "030 ‘018 89 Oudtshoorn Saffraan River......... 76'3 *40 1°89 ‘074 035 040 SO | Baiarl! KeerwedeY............+:: 79 2°16 7:57 ‘010 039 042 91 Be Dede etteel|| See eee Cetera cares 70°4 1:40 4:27 042 ‘087 042 92 Swe SntceRen La Dauphine Peeeneee ||| MONRO. ‘81 2°55 ‘008 013 ‘038 93 cence La terre de Luque...| 651 ‘97 2°78 ‘008 ‘013 022 94 ARO esSHepaa Ane a0 5 Sele 56°9 1°56 4:77 “006 ‘015 ‘017 95) eas ee oes Zand Drift ............ 86'3 1°41 3°85 ‘058 ‘019 038 96 Robertson .. Concordia ............... 66°4 81 3°25 ‘030 027 ‘036 97 Fp Mel > 9 ¢ cayn, ” (yaeseoatenennts 62°4 59 2°95 013 “060 045 98 Rietvallei ............... 60°3 21 1:21 ‘010 036 ‘010 99 Swellendam Tradouws Hoek...... 76'8 ote 4:15 024 033 023 100 | Tulbagh...... Doornboom ............ 24:4 OT 1°61 ‘008 020 019 101 | Uniondale... | Gold Diggings......... 5771 1°78 4°72 "054 “050 ‘O77 102 .% ... | Avontuur ............... 83"44 “71 2°92 °058 ‘030 ‘036 103 5 Fea) | IMEIS SUNG Rea. coecceensoee ee 35'8 "76 3°30 050 "062 052 104 3 ... | Klipheuvel ............ 94°2 "74 2:97 030 038 026 105 ‘, ... | Krakeel River ......... 92°4 1:07 3:20 “040 054 "044 106 |Worcester ... | Slanghoek............... 98°5 2°92 10°47 022 028 136 107 99 ... | De Doorne............... T41 62 2°48 048 ‘085 "052 108 - SPCUGIIN Mtsctses setes tones 752, ‘96 3°38 044 ‘067 047 109 " ... | Wagenboom............ 33°2 17 "44 ‘038 “015 "022 110 3 ... | Vendutie Kraal ...... 88'6 69 3:03 086 048 033 111 Ap .. | Karbonaatjes Kraal| 52°2 ‘09 iT ‘016 034 "024 It will be observed that in no single instance does the reserve stock of either lime or potash rise as high as ‘1 per cent., and only in one case—that of sample No. 106, from the farm Slanghoek, in the Worcester Division—does the percentage of phosphoric oxide Fertility of some Colomal Souls. 21 exceed ‘1. The average percentages of the reserve plant food in these 46 sandstone soils are as follows :— JOUMG "2.55. cc ncesocsnseememmemaenere aececsacsencss@euaese 034 Potash... Asses sdeh ates oes des sensu ceaarecs ta. sess nase 031 Phosphoric Omide Rasesstnc- sees -eeencueirere.- cece seen t ‘036 Lying conformably above the Table Mountain sandstone are beds of what is known as the Bokkeveld series. These consist of alternate layers of shales and sandstones, the lower bands of the series being fossiliferous. It would, perhaps, have been difficult to predict, without previous practical agricultural experience, what would be revealed by chemical analysis of soils derived entirely from the Bokkeveld beds ; nor is it easy to tabulate—bearing in mind the circumstances under which the samples were collected—a list of soils formed solely from the beds in question ; for, to the reasons which operate against this in other cases, there must here be added this— that the Bokkeveld beds occur mostly in valleys, and the resulting soils are, therefore, as a general rule, diluted or otherwise influenced by the disintegration and decomposition of the rocks composing the surrounding hills and mountains. Hence there are very special difficulties involved in sorting out many Bokkeveld soils that could really be called typical from the samples that have been dealt with in our laboratories. I have, however, made a choice of eighteen, which may fairly be considered to represent solely Bokkeveld- derived soils; the results of the analyses of these are given in the following table :— VIII. BOKKEVELD SOILS. Phos- Set Division. Farm. ree Water. creanie Lime. |Potash.| phoric Oxide. 112 | Ladismith...| Buffelsfontein ......... 86°8 1°66 4:97 150 O74 073 113 | Robertson...) Harmonie I. ............ 80°5 1°23 5°41 122, "153 079 114 35 ...| Harmonie II............. 83°9 1:07 3°92 564 095 047 115 55 cod|| LEGS ISG eOLIS) “S5seqcosodoodes 80°8 1:13 4:64 114 250 120 116 55 UM resend Ra dehasvenver cs 95°2 1°49 571 742 202 193 117 a IBENS (ela)! lore oooeeneECCeneacee 49°3 1:93 5°28 808 331 148 118 5 fee RADEEIR Chek caeacre sashes 94-7 1:28 6°07 600 "247 139 119 |Swellendam | Poortfontein ............ 62°7 “31 1°32 046 176 036 120 Fe Wiitivdlighy seteccseceeecesee 81°0 2°04 6:92 2518 416 234 121 is Doorn Rivers Vallei| 172°8 121 576 042 262. 134 122 5 3 rr 9 80°3 118 5:95 106 272 151 123 es Lemoens Hoek......... 89:0 1°21 5°69 170 197 122 124 | Uniondale...| Kamanassie Wagen ID Verb ie secnosesnensocenodes 57:9 1°54 7°10 102 182 095 125 aS ...| Wilgehouts Rivier ...| 93°2 1:09 4:96 048 212, 104 126 Py ...| Roode Heuvel ......... 81:7 87 3°34 098 *255 122 127° | Worcester...| Keurbosch Kloof...... 717 ‘96 4-67 136 "164 086 128 50 Ms sa Sap eure 79°0 “98 3°89 449, "139 O77 129 as ...| Stinkfontein ............ 70°6 1°64 6°65 162 324 156 On comparing the above table with the preceding one, it imme- diately becomes plain how greatly these Bokkeveld soils differ from 22 Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society. those of the Table Mountain series. While the proportions of lime, potash, and phosphoric oxide practically never exceed ‘1 per cent. in the sandstone soils, they rarely fall below that figure in the typical soils of the Bokkeveld series. The average percentages of plant food in these eighteen soils work out as follows :— | JETbTOYs) © Sagqoouncoaa soqodonEnAgaood acd coNEdsqnbia08d80G00600050000 387 POtaS lity csuddicsbasaeoee semen jegatasoteeeccse ness suqnemescers 231 Phos pWOriGiOXIde crmscssccmucaes see iscds-ceeecceeeere 118 It is difficult to say, in default of a previous thorough investigation of soils which are known to be productive in this Colony, what pro- portions of plant food may be considered to render a soil either chemically rich or of normal fertility ; but, basing our opinions on Kuropean and American standards, we may affirm that, while the sand- stone soils show an all-round poverty, our analyses reveal the average Bokkeveld soil to be satisfactorily provided with all of the three essential inorganic elements of plant food. Just here we touch upon a somewhat curious feature. As far as can be gathered, the soils in Table VII. represent undoubted sand- stone soils, and those in Table VIII. purely Bokkeveld soils, but in various localities a number of soils have been taken from near the line of junction between the Table Mountain and Bokkeveld series. In some cases the underlying rock belongs to the former series, in others to the latter, but in both cases I have noticed a peculiarity in the composition of these ‘‘junction”’ soils, the nature of which will become evident upon glancing through the next table. IX. BOKKEVELD NEAR JUNCTION WITH TABLE MOUNTAIN SANDSTONE; OR VICE VERSA. : : : Phos- Bere Division. Farm. en Water. Creanic Lime. |Potash. pape xide. 130 | Ladismith ... | Papenkuilsfontein}| 60°5 64 2°36 056 ‘136 042 131 | Robertson ... | Donkerkloof......... 9071 108 6:18 064 126 ‘061 4 132 ap ree MO des cAnas stort 80°9 65 4°33 ‘032 180 ‘068 133 “1959 ... | Harmonie L ......... 70:2 ‘98 4°52 ‘016 ‘147 ‘050 134 aA ... | Het Kruis Pad...... alll 1:20 6°45 038 125 ‘079 135 ns ite A Bs a ee 64:7 ‘90 3°63 050 078 074 136 | Swellendam | Het Goed Geloof...| 62°5 2:00 11°03 074 ‘210 201 137 .. Barrydale ............ 83°4 1:16 6:12 040 250 ‘096 138 | Worcester ...| De Doorns............ 81°6 ‘69 314 050 113 049 139 ...'| Klein Straat......... 93°8 Lay 3:01 "022 105 054 140 a wee ENZOLTASU mecteasereenee 770 39 2°01 024 ‘077 052 I regret that not more than eleven soils are available for the purpose of illustrating the point involved; it will, however, be seen that, while these soils resemble those of the Table Mountain series in regard to the amounts of lime and phosphoric oxide contained, Fertility of some Colonial Soils. 23 they approach the Bokkeveld soils in respect of their potash content. This feature is perhaps better distinguished on taking the averages, which, for the last table, are as follows :— TION. «oa soresgn cea’ cio ceneere anata va tat aoa acleeraisks se'eisereias 042 BObasla sicavcn see syat- oeaeoea omer ae eee lustsiadelece vc 141 Phosphoric Oxides. vesss se sacercccsesetncnae see sisiee cease 075 If these were simply Bokkeveld soils diluted by alluvial sand from the Table Mountain series one would expect a lowering of all three plant-food constituents in the same proportion; but, as we see, the reduction of lime and phosphoric oxide is proportionately much greater than that of the potash.* It puzzled me at first to account for this, but one explanation seems feasible. Dr. Corstor- phine, in his second report on the Geological Survey of the Colony,t remarks on the distinctive character of the lowest beds of the Bokkeveld series, which enables one with little or no difficulty to draw the line of separation between it and the Table Mountain series below. The basement beds of the Bokkeveld series, he says, are felspathic and micaceous, and quite different from the hard, compact quartzite of the older series. I am not aware whether it is potash felspar that is here alluded to, and our analyses, as before observed, do not furnish data with regard to the total amounts of the plant-food constituents in the soil, but it seems just possible that in this fact lies the explanation of the predominance of potash in what appear to be primary soils collected near the common horizon of the two series. It would certainly be of interest to investigate the subject more closely, so as to confirm or disprove the hypothesis here suggested. or this purpose samples of soil would have to be collected in such a manner as to render it absolutely certain that they were primary soils representing the vicinity of the line of junction; in the past the collection of soils has been carried on largely without regard for geological considerations—the time has now arrived, I think, for greater precision in this respect. It may be pointed out just here that one of the soils classed as a true Bokkeveld soil, No. 119 in Table VIII., bears a considerable resemblance in chemical composition to those enumerated in Table IX.: its potash, compared with the deficiency of lime and phosphoric oxide, is high, but not so high as the general run of true Bokkeveld soils, and in both lime and phosphoric oxide it is the poorest of the Bokkeveld soils. I have classed it among the latter * In a mixture of 45 parts of the average Sandstone soil (Table VII.) with 55 of the average Bokkeveld soil (Table VIII.), the percentages of plant food would be—Lime, -228; Potash, :141; Phosphoric oxide, ‘081. + Ann. Rept. Geol. Commission, 1897, p. 16. 24 Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society. because of its geographical position, but it appears almost certain, upon the basis of the reason just stated, that it must have been derived from the basement beds of the Bokkeveld series. Above the Bokkeveld beds, and therefore geologically of more recent date, are those of the Witteberg series. They consist of quartzites associated with shales, and the soils thence derived would therefore be expected to conform in chemical character with those resulting from the older Table Mountain series. I regret that only four of the soils analysed in our laboratories can be assigned with any definiteness to this formation. The results of their analyses are as follows :— X. WITTEBERG SOILS. : : Phos- Serle Division. Farm. peas Water. Greanle Lime. |Potash. pupHe 141 | King William’s MG Wwileseccececere Evelyn Valley | 975 6:26 16°60 050 082 105 142 Ladismith ...... Elands Vallei 85:3 93 4:08 036 071 068 143 | Victoria East... | Hogsback ...... 99°6 5:87 10°72 028 038 055 144 | Worcester ...... Matjes Kloof... | 707 93 1:53 088 041 033 On account of their fewness it is scarcely permissible to compare these four soils with the forty-six derived from the Table Mountain series ; but, as has already been remarked, it is one of the purposes of this paper to point the need of greater exertion, and, on that ground, it may not be unfitting to emphasise paucity of information so as to induce fuller investigation. There are vast tracts of country dominated and influenced by ranges of mountains built up of the Witteberg beds, and, if the investigations proposed by me about a dozen years ago had been both embarked upon and prosecuted with the alacrity fondly pictured at the start, it is possible that the soils of extensive areas would ere now have been mapped out in such a way as to show, at all events in some respects, how they answer chemically to the requirements of fertility. These observations come in most suitably just at this stage, because it was precisely in connection with the Witteberg soils that I was first led to propose to the Government of the day that a systematic agricultural survey of the Colony’s soils should be taken in hand, impelled thereto by the results of analyses I had made of soils from the Albany and Humansdorp Divisions, in both of which areas that bone disease in stock vernacularly termed ‘“lamziekte’”’ (literally, ‘‘lame sickness’’) prevailed. The soils of a great part of the Albany Division, and of the adjoining Divisions of Bathurst and Willowmore, are apparently Fertility of some Colomal Souls. 25 largely derived from the quartzites of the Zuurberg range, which is entirely built up of rocks of the Witteberg series; while almost throughout the whole of the Humansdorp Division the soil is the result solely of disintegration of the great ranges of Table Mountain sandstone which extend along the south coast from George, and eventually die out in the Zitzikama range. These sandstones and quartzites contain practically nothing capable of affording nutriment to plants, and are almost devoid of the very mineral salts essential for the production of bone material. It would be of more than interest to have the areas that are covered by these poor soils mapped out as exactly as possible, so as to show their extent, and yet these all-important investigations have been absolutely dormant these seven years past. The average results of the above Witteberg soils may as well be added for comparison with those already given: they are as follows :— JUMMNG. Sogdagodocce doconns6dcdc dob DBanGOd OC HUROLTOReoenBbcoOoe 051 JPOUEEO,., coosedaconsacadoohead cobopsSaCKEebbonooobHENOeos Saba 058 JEG] NCIC! CYAIGIS seccepaccataduoone SucHonSFOCCOCHIGNOCONOCO 065 These soils, as before remarked, may be expected to resemble those from the similar sandstones of the Table Mountain series. There is, however, more clayey material in the Witteberg rocks, and hence—if the subject were more closely investigated—we should probably discover that the soils derived from them do not exhibit quite the absolute poverty of the Table Mountain sandstone soils : it is true that the above four analyses representing the Witteberg series are along the line of this view, but they are altogether too few in number to add any confirmation thereto. The soils derived from the Dwyka series, which overlie the Witte- berg beds, lead us from the Cape into the Karroo System, where we meet with an all-round richer type of soil than the average of the older system. Of the soils which represent the Dwyka beds of shales and conglomerates we have unfortunately examined only two that can be taken as in any way typical, and both of these were collected within the Worcester Division: their analyses resulted as follows :— XI. DWYKA SOILS. " : . Phos- Reveal Division Farm. ee Water. Crean’ Lime. |Potash. phere 145 | Worcester | De Hoek .................. 84-1 3°80 6°85 1-640 157 065 146 ae Aan de Doorn Rivier| 866 1:08 2°54 "386 ‘119 052 | 26 Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society. We cannot, of course, generalise from the results of two analyses ; all that can here be said is that these two differ from those of the Table Mountain and Witteberg sandstones, on the one hand, by showing adequate proportions of lime and potash, and from the Bokkeveld soils, on the other, in their relatively low phosphoric oxide. The matrix of the rocks constituting the conglomerates is composed of quite a variety of minerals, amongst which felspar, augite, and calcite are prominent, and would probably disintegrate into just such soils as are typified in the above two analyses. Passing over the intervening rocks of the Karroo System, in respect of which it would be difficult, for several reasons, to submit any analyses of typical soils at the present stage, we have next to giance briefly at the upper series of this System, namely, the Storm- berg series, which we may group with the Burghersdorp, or upper- most beds, of the Beaufort series just below them. These consist of sandstones, shales, and clays, interspersed with calcareous rocks, and producing soils of a red or purplish colour. I do not think that we can assign any of these soils that have hitherto been analysed as definitely to certain geological series as in the case of the older rocks, partly because many of the samples were not officially collected. At the same time a selection has been made of soils taken from localities where the influence of the Stormberg and Burghersdorp beds was most likely to have been traced in their composition; they are comprised in the following table :— XII. BURGHERSDORP BEDS AND STORMBERG SERIES. : : : Phos- Bot Division. Farm. nee Water. renee Lime. |Potash. phoris 147 | Albert ......... Odendalstroom | 94°6 2°44 371 540 048 138 148 Rye): Wedvieteiae Pr 95:2 2:10 2°68 424 051 089 149 Aliwal North | Aliwal North... | 995 3:23 3°66 ‘376 079 ‘088 150 63 " =5 We OG 20 4°32, 276 123 ‘087 151 a id a Sc ecso | Sen 4:17 "192 128 057 152 i5 3 - pp ooo || Qf tax|| Btls) 4°73 ‘036 123 ‘056 153 | Colesberg ... | Oorlogspoort... | 911 2°49 373 |- 046 "156 068 154 50 ce 55 si 92°7 2°67 3°69 094 165 ‘072 155 a dha - BAG 938 2°94 3°84 ‘114 183 ‘070 156 ae 580 30 ae 976 4°40 651 506 203 115 157 59 nee oA EBS 95:1 2:33 3°84 066 184 ‘073 158 3 500 50) 385 94:7 3°51 3:81 ‘216 136 ‘069 159 | Queenstown | De Boulogne... | 99'5 6:94 6:36 ‘232 ‘341 ‘074 160 ” ” 5a0 98:3 | 10:08 10°75 852 237 069 161 ” : ” boc 92:4 5:94 6:05 346 235 145 162 Steynsburg... | Zout Kuil ...... 94:8 6:19 334 042 195 ‘031 163 59 tele PY acc 929 2:89 3:23 448 152 038 164 a 00 Pay mb eoseac 97°8 5°65 481 ‘062 ‘181 ‘089 165 99 3 sy) escort 97°5 4:28 4:25 ‘062 213 121 166 90 506 Fo hares 911 4:00 4:26 044 ‘189 097 167 +5 sa ie esos 98:0 5'58 5:09 ‘066 ‘257 093 168 AN ... | Klerk’s Kraal... | 98:4 4:33 4:09 238 196 013 169 aa ... | Middel Water | 98'8 4:27 3:79 130 192 ‘037 170 ‘ .. | Van Vuuren’s Keraiail Se snesccsees 98:0 3:99 3°99 188 ‘161 ‘080 Fertility of some Colomal Soils. 27 The most remarkable feature about these soils is that they are all very uniform in texture and fine in grain, as may be noticed on glancing down the column headed ‘ Fine EKarth.” The effect of the calcareous rocks is seen in the relatively large proportions of lime in some of the soils; their irregular occurrence in the very small per- centages exhibited by some others. There is, in fact, much less range in the potash than in the lime of these soils. The averages for these Burghersdorp and Stormberg soils are as follows :— WANANG) Seth adue ee adeaeweandotece nee seers paces aacaeross Jasco 233 Hotashiy (sag... passtince eiisoialejsilctects cals seisieniscelen see tae Sobocae 172 BMOSPMOKIG OXAGE! ..5,.24 Ssassices yoce Hae aie solige sewaaaeei 078 The next class of soils that we have to deal with belongs to the Uitenhage series, and more particularly to the geological base of that series, namely, the Enon conglomerate. The formation is of a more recent date than any of those previously considered, and we here pass from the Karroo to the Cretaceous System. The Uiten- hage series consists of shales, clays, and sandstones, with limestone bands and marls. A fair proportion of lime may therefore be expected in the soils to which these rocks give rise, and in the following table this anticipation will be seen to prove correct :— XIII. UITENHAGE SERIES. 7 : : Phos- Se Division. Farm. Sree Water. Pete Lime. |Potash.| phoric Oxide. 171 | Knysna...... Gaanze Vallei ... | 995 219 631 116 054 045 172 rt pone Witte Drift......... 908 1:60 6°42 "112 ‘069 ‘044 173 bye twtr Matjesfontein ... | 84:4 1:33 5:16 112 039 ‘078 174 |Oudtshoorn | Vlakte Plaats...... 895 2:06 6:25 1170 299 150 175 be Riet Vallei ......... 56:0 65 1:85 154 100 ‘074 176 A Oudtshoorn......... 69°9 3°73 4:33 ‘100 149 058 177 a Blaauwboschkuil | 91:5 1:97 4:31 ‘530 ‘211 134 178 55 Welbedacht ...... | 91:0 ‘87 2°50 606 144 124 179 es Jan Fourie’s Karaial icicescdonsss 95:9 “84 2°36 172 161 063 180 aa Welgerust ......... 911 1:57 265 170 170 063 181 . Adjoining Buffels Wienke Rapa seeneacn 81:9 “44 1°64 046 098 049 182 | Uitenhage | Upper Landdrost | 995 2:70 4:72, 182 292 ‘073 183 . 5 ae 98:9 ‘79 2°56 156 197 068 184 aK Gouvernements Belooning ...... 99 1 1:92 562 ‘718 "333 143 185 6 Gouvernements Belooning ...... 98:3 1:07 3°30 ‘078 108 ‘075 186 3 Klaas Kraal ...... 93:2 “94 3°64 392 239 116 187 aa ‘ St whens 100 1:35 3°63 592 226 ‘086 188 3 oe Hee cers 98°4 ‘90 2°90 066 ‘178 068 189 D is Sor Penecane 99°6 1:02 2°54 182 185 092 190 Pe Malmaison ......... 95'8 1:22 3:48 ‘278 ‘276 087 191 Ae AA bh kepeencnen 99:2 118 3:73 338 ‘278 132 It is interesting to note how closely these Uitenhage soils resemble those of the preceding table in respect of their plant-food content ; in each case the average is slightly higher than in the Burghersdorp and Stormberg soils, namely— 28 Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society. NE TTIVG Wo eelsits cigs co eis oo ecigay ae eiciclons Since mec eteotee cen eee eee 299 POCASI ces. scbase consent sagoesedeerea sere emeeeme eee 181 Phosphoric: OXIGO 6.02504: scoseanes ee eeecn ee rem eR eee 087 Not many analyses have been made of soils representative directly and solely of recent superficial deposits. Two samples, one of which is a type of the blown sands that cover the Cape Flats, yielded the results given below :— XIV. SAND DOWNS. : : : Phos- Ss il fae : ? Rea Division. Farm. eee Water. Creauie Lime. |Potash.| phoric | Oxide. 192 Knysna ...... Sidgefield......... 96°4 ‘56 171 090 050 051 193 Stellenbosch | Eerste River ...| 981 — — ‘066 010 = 008 | | Both of these, it will be seen, are very poor in plant food generally. Of quite a different type are the silts transported, some of them over distances of hundreds of miles, by streams and rivers. The composition of our river silts is far too vast a subject to discuss at this stage, but it is one that calls for much close study and patient investigation. Silts are proverbially fertile—a circumstance which is due not only to their chemical composition but to their mechanical condition as well. ‘To this the Oudtshoorn Division, whose soils are so largely made up of the silts and clays brought down from the Karroo by the Gamka and Olifants Rivers, owes its productiveness. Amongst all the soils that have been analysed in the Government laboratories none occupy a higher place than those of the Oudtshoorn Division, and much of the rich soil of that area is now being carried away into the sea by the Gouritz River, especially at times of disas- trous flood, although some of it is retained and the Mossel Bay and Riversdale Divisions as the river passes through them on its seaward course. Eleven analyses of such river deposits have been made by means of the standard method, with the results below given :— _) XV. ALLUVIAL SILTS AND RIVER DEPOSITS. : : P Phos- eal Division. River. Farm. ane Water. Crea Lime. |Potash.| phoric ? : : Oxide. 194 Gordonia ... | Orange ...... Upington ......... 100 3:23 3:49 582 093 061 195 AG ies Rone merle Se Tae ace 100 168 2°05 400 065 052 196 Albert......... sae” Beteeie Odendalstroom | 100 3°46 4°42 1:372 042 149 197 Prieska ...... ee Zeekoebaard ... | 100 599 14°81 1444 “473 221 198 | Kimberley | Vaal ......... Warrenton ...... 91°5 2°50 3°34 ‘278 ‘108 ‘074 199 “ ye Meee re 0 es 88:2 6:29 5:07 "346 094 ‘070 200 Ladismith Buffels ...... Buffelsvallei ... | 65:0 ‘93 4:04 332 ‘166 ‘106 201 4 mane aesuiee Zeekoegatsdrift | 975 “92, 4:39 344 ‘187 ‘097 202 Swellendam | Touws ...... Zeventontein ... | 972 64 3:59 220 146 082 203 Knysna. ...... Keurbooms | Matjesfontein... | 971 3.05 11:92 544 105 ‘110 204 Libode ...... St. John’s | Isinuka ............ 97:2 2°73 165 520 ‘171 ‘137 Fertility of some Colonial Soils. 29 They show considerable variety, both in texture and in chemical composition. The proportions of lime, potash, and phosphoric oxide average as follows :— HEANATO)P Se ceaerescsomvecmcrenactasasete ceesancrcscatse sees scssaions 584 POUAGIIM 270 Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society. do. P, incanum Sw. On trees and rocks, midland and upper districts. 6. P.africanum Mett. On trees and rocks, coast to 1,500 feet alt. 7. P.lanceolatum Linn. On trees and rocks, from 1,500 feet alt. to Drakensberg. __- P. lanceolatum Linn., var. sinuatum Sim. In similar localities, midlands. 8. P. lineare Thb. On trees and rocks, not uncommon, midlands and upper district. P. lineare Thb., var. Schraderi Mett. In similar localities. 9. P. lycopodioides Linn. On rocks and trees, coast and mid- lands. P. McKenii Baker is merely a more luxuriant form. 10. P. normale Don. On moist rocks, coast to 2,000 feet alt. ; rare. 11. P. irioides Lam. On trees and rocks, coast to 500 feet alt. 12. P. phymatodes Linn. Coast only, often on trees. Nothochlena ineequalis Kze. On dry rocks with northern aspect, 2-3,000 feet alt.; plentiful near Inanda. 2. N. Eckloniana Kee Rocky hills in open ground all over the Colony. 3. N. Buchanani Baker. Wet rocks with southern aspect, Inanda and Noodsberg. Gymnogramme Totta Schl. By streamlets in woods, 3- 4,000 feet alt. 2. G. cordata Schl. On rocks in woods, 2—5,000 feet alt. 3. G. argentea Mett. On rocks in woods, 2—3,000 feet alt. G. argentea Mett., var. aurea Mett. Noodsberg, 2,500 feet alt., Buchanan; Wood. 4. G. lanceolata Hk. On trees and damp rocks, Inanda to Noodsberg. 5. G. ochracea Presl. Gerrard. Not known to us. Vittaria lineata Sw. On trees and damp rocks, Inanda to Noodsberg. Lygodium scandens Sw. Zululand. Acrostichum hybridum Bory. On moist rocks, from 2- 3,000 feet alt. 2. A. Aubertii Desv. On damp rocks and trees, 2-3,000 feet alt. 3. A. spathulatum Bory. On moist rocks in shade, usually with southern aspect, from 3—5,000 feet alt. 4. A. latifolium Sw. On rocks in shade, 1,500-—2,000 feet alt. ; rare. 5. A. conforme Sw. On rocks and trees, 1,500—4,000 feet alt. 6. A. tenuifolium Baker. Climbing tall trees, coast to 2,500 feet alt, Usually in or at edges of swamps, Revised List of the Flora of Natal. 271 7. A. aureum Linn. Near sea-coast only. Osmunda regalis Linn. Moist, open places, coast to Drakensberg. Todea barbara Moore. Common by streams and in damp places, coast to 3,000 feet alt. Schizea tenella Klf. Near brook Umtwalumi, very rare, gathered by McKen only. 2. §. pectinata Sw. Damp hillside, Inanda, Wood; near Umbilo, Sanderson. Mohria caffrorum Desv. Damp, open places all over the Colony. Marattia fraxinea Sm. In shady ravines, coast to 3,000 feet alt. Ophioglossum vulgatum Linn. Sandy banks near Durban. 2. O. reticulatum Linn. Open ground all over the Colony. EQUISETACEA. Equisetum ramosissimum Desf. Damp places, coast and midlands; not common. LYCOPODIACEA. Lycopodium Saururus Lam. On rocks and trees in midlands. 2. L. verticillatum Linn. On rocks and trees in midlands. 3. L. gnidioides Linn. On rocks and trees in midlands. 4, L.cernuum Linn. In moist ground, coast to 3,000 feet alt. 5. L. clavatum Linn., var. inflexa Spreng. On wet banks, mid- lands. | 6. L. carolinianum Linn. Very wet soil in open ground, coast to 3,000 feet alt. 7. L. dacrydioides Baker. Not known to us. Psilotum triquetrum Sw. On old trees, coast districts ; rare. SELAGINELLACEAL. Selaginella pumila Spreng. Not known to us. 2. §. rupestris Spreng. Open rocky ground ; common. 3. §. depressa A. Braun. In damp places, midlands. 4. §. Kraussiana A. Braun. Wet rocks in woods, all over the Colony. 5. S. McKenii Baker. Banks of Tugela River. Not known to us. Isoetes natalensis Baker. Collected by Rehmann near Estcourt, 3—4,000 feet alt. Not known to us. Azolla pinnata R. Br. Near Umgeni, Drege ; Natal, Guweinzius. Marsilia capensis A. Br. Natal, near Fox Hill, Maritzburg, Little Noodsberg, Durban Flat, Coedmore (Buchanan). 2. M. macrocarpa Presl. Natal (Baker). ( 272 ) INDEX PAGE PAGE ADO ook Bi kelpers eager mee tke 139. Angpacumr, hte. Biss oeee 227 Abrus! o5/ Magner ee deren ae 148) | Anisochssta ae... 0. sees 168, 184 Albutilonms 2 iit. seis. Geiser gees 131 +} (Anoiganthug 25. i232: see eae 236 INCACIB, . aide © an gets para a ea 152,219 fj) CAMONS .hice ge ney seer rete eee 126 Acalyphas onnc8. ciate reer 222) | (ANMONACEES) ey. ene 123, 126 Acanthacess: rh. casey. ear 124. 903: | HAnsellia:<.4.4¢ 2. eto en eee 226 ACDrYFOCMOM Lucca UR ceere 8 N70) Antherteum 4.98655. ses eae 242 Achyrantesas cwaeee acer 215 )Anthistinia caus. seer eee 257 Acidantheray . 2. 25G% g5..°$0 0% 234 | ‘Astholyzar ok. ost se ree 235 BeWsy 00 \eh ol Wak Great Ae Beato) con SB ira dhediy Bins s5 157 | Anthospermum ty. o7.9505 anne 165 Acokanthera. s2csio-. snus ne es 1905) PAnthoxanthtmy -se seer 261 IACLIGOCALPUS!. cjryuies: havea ies 35,9 ANN GVGLO SIAR, 62. fees cows sotto a cere 221 Acrostichtam: (Rete es sae. ae DTO? i) HANUUT 4 2.05 ace GP ght ee atremeanees oe 162 Adenoelinei.£. 2. 302. BeBe 222 | Apoecynacese ....\). 2: Peas eee 124, 190 Adenostemma pean ake See IGS | sApodolirion |. oases eee 236 YANG HOU (016 (2 umes uetogree Sy ate DS RAPA es ld 207 *| Apodytes: “comin ons ces eee 137 Adian GUM, Greil sae sees Shee 266: |, Aponogeton:) 2.) .5hoselesea ase 249 Acolamthusc. isos nas ook ees ae DVD: VARS. 3. can ened ee as ei ae 127 AOEVE: oitinek ssdehonn sere at ouas 14] Wo il We 2X0 216] 21k: eae EV RO ORR Rt hc 148 ASC hy MOMENEC) toy) ack-\s se a 6 14S: tArahinced: 2.! 46 os ickigee ae eeee 124, 162 Apapanthusine secre cnt cieoe ss 242) | ATgemone 2.026. eee 127 AGoratum ime scr to Ghee ee ee 1G8is| PAreyrolobiuna nae eee 144 AOTUMMVOMIAS Haste aaa Ae eb ele ouste ¢ 153.4) Aristeg.:. ¢: e¢pcdncs he gees ees 232 INGLOSLIS: Astece stoi oisevad Rites alietlcredaystets 261" | GARIStIGa~ oc 5:c,.cuetens or oe Rie ote 261 AN ZOOT NY Me tien s Cee cactus hts ate 160) |} “Amoidete.!jeccic. Soe 124, 248 AMUSE: shes oh ote Be so ake 213 |} vATtabOsryS.. tdsntse aye eens ake 126 AIIDORUA, ais coum ceuoemeesc oe 129; 164: || JAwbomnisia. “avn nee oe oe eae IN (Ff AL DIZ ZAM wre Wd beers oases 129. 1152 | Arthrosolem: 4222546 | ASpArAPUS: 155. fact ye ge hee 238 Alysicarpus)-ei.a- jac olon eto 148.4 “Agpiditum -..°. eve meas des tae 269 Amarantace®.............6.. OE i141 AS plOn WM sii. Maes ccd atte ne ee 268 (fo AMROTEMTUS, 5.0f. once aten hoe mee O47) Astragalus 5. gases iei ak wees 148 Mmarylidese hr access erro 1D4 F285 i OAStEr ws 2s oislaiegits Galois ate ane we a 168 Ammocharis <9) Sas eee 2364) #Astrecchilene fh sions an eee 196 Am pelidess 0.5. 1.0e 3 tae eee 189 | Asystasia........ Sad laetied the eines 205 Am phidoxdi. nc. 2:24.08 05.8 ot eee 70: ch Atbhanasignve'. 55 snctioh mos spss 176 AMACRECIBICESS 6's. b--0 Meee: TOS eO ws) UD YIKIS. ia coe ans tees wee Pacnetorens 174 ELC LES se waauc, suoaeeenty pecan teens L884) Aqistwaline 4.1% 2 cde tacteeteme ere chen Pehee Anagttabe viens ht. Gk. cecueuaeeks 198¥) Avensstrum 34.04 .esercos ake 261 /alahyorey pool ol bhiaeeeeytea wes bo ge. BAO |, AVICENDIG. 4/0 6. ses wie ewer 210 ADGVOPDEOH '.... nate een eee ZG CAXONOpUS' » Ani ome ek cet eeee 259 AM@UIGIMG..'s-3.2.¢ var aanee es eee Beye WABOUa «nie: ied roma yennenee meee 271 ANIEMIONG I, oh: sack cep ee 122, 126 ANOSOEDIZEl 6.0/0 a) phan. hs eile 162) sBaphia.. +. ddvevat Fenyantens 151 Index 273 PAGE MRA WDBYOUEGD, cass, 10 6.6 cars eeecararnna ate 232 JTLT W ee eee Ae a ae 205 BOGE Oper po esces oy avavs ace EME AN 136 JER) O29 0) 01 Ce er 157 J SVENE Logi ov: Bye te Aree ee 151 HORN T Na Voto reigeyen Sysy sch sviy ess vasageho ts 160 Bea MIACHH ” SiS 5 5. Ses es Ody 160 JECTS eee Se 239 ROR BAO MHS) fsa, ae 221 BISSIX hago heya ech ge ees 265 JEN XC TOR OT PS eee Aer oncans Ini Cran Eee 265 HS BOWANICCS) « 6 6 ate aes Guard ane gs Wied 230 US UIOTAY ook acs ve Ses a4 5 hb dO 156 SEUMISICOSS 5 coset beatae os oo is 122, 155 JTC IS) G0 en a eee 236 Buehenredera ...........e280% 143 J CXTIGI aN SYS er We eae ean 201 PE OULOT A) ta om ais Ou ws oA oa 191 Pert IM Gg ees) Sen eles hc wo See OAM 241 JNU OVE GENE Fee ne er ee eae ee 241 IIDOSU IIS cf) se. os <4 2 aie BA 253 EPMA i, is ays 2 Fk sate a ve MESH 237 POMC, rea ee ee a WP Siehian 161 imechelliia, ...<....6s. Ps hn Alena 163 IPMIEEGORACHGEs . ccs nace ves AEE 137 a LOM ation sw Me hei ke cs Saas ae 201 (COC HEC DE EASA Geo oe 123, 160 TaD a ee etc akttatie W kylis 128 @alammagrostis ..5 26. cee seas oe 261 MOULIN INO 64 ace 6 cnn fo caie eee 6 ateet eke 225 Wa OIG 45 905 626 ss ones eaubage 175 PNIGEICHO 5 ots. cc es cee se Geren 156 RUNGE RS i ee Ow ca Se Ge 122, 224 @alodendron «2. ..e6sss oss deacs 136 @aMPUTHIA, oo cc. sae tes ea es 151 Campanulacee .. .......... 124, 185 (SPT Eee 149 Cea | oe ig eke nw lee puhdee ois Son 2Oe PAGE CG TIINT, sspcireve: ave; exaveceysndss See weve 164 CO(25)3) 2): (6 (2: SS ae 123, 128 CaN APIS ci. a sheets sive oo ae oe 128 OE TIGD:< Gael ee nae prem E . / 255 GavdaMiIne... oi ccmiecss a4 owls 127 Cardiospermum:..<.. .. 22550808 140 Caisse ier s0c Sho oteraeo. sn 190 Canyophy lee... uo. «noms oeee 123, 130 (GEIST NRephte Eck eR a ena eee 151 CESBING yw sce tis tar a ephlacs eo 138 OSs ltalares es 1 sree tae 174 @aSsiTONSIS 6 c.o.-cutvaia ce eae ee 137 @assipoureaias. occ. soo f+ cag bien 222 @lausensdicses cases oes sae 136, 219 Geni abi Sievers. 48s ale 6.6 hoe oe 126 WSO Haig clo he os oe ks e Be we 128 Clerodendron 2.2% 24,046 «scien 209 Gliftoriaresnisc es. 6 665800500 ee 153 Gbivd ales ates a vis o.oo So ee 237 Ohiviisy ps. sens esto osco eo 221 OMeSbISie mc.c- ce Seine coer ae aee 142 CoOeciiiai aso. cos Statin ane ane 159 Cola mets oe a ee oe 132 Coleoirype. .. 6. sche oa ee 247 Coloust ccc tio areas 38; 2) 4202 @olpoon. 55 2c Sheets cee oi 220 @Combretacess. 2232455.) es 123, 156 Combretime: \ 44). 2 eke Solace 3 156 @ommehinaiet sa kee ase ee 246 Commelinacee .....,........124, 246 274 Index PAGE PAGE Commiphora’... 260.0025 ctrl BRM MDeieki ay cs ccrreestarscieteeelsrn eee 170 Compositaa ts 2 tracies eterno Za 167 4| (Dermatobottys -.. ce. 6 --eee ae 198 @oniferess; 5. ca) tata cen ee 194 224: | PDesmodium: Ase. ccs oe oie 148 COMMA Poy. aon er oes soars 262 Crassulasc co! crcniochesr ane ear WHS A) MD UPSACOR ssr< bie veo Gr deo cetet ors) erence neers 166 Crassullaces. 4 a.i. oe beeen MOS MASH ADIGE sleds eaercucnsiers cone cevekors vor keeeee tre 229 Crepistivn.< chee een ose eee 1849) | Dischoriste:...205 «oc ochre 204 Crit ye sta tice a see cir ean eee 236.7) UDISPeTIS) cake eee joe wine ee 231 Crocosimaian 2... ... 2... \-9> - 151 CrarcCimia sc). 2 2 eas set als ees es SIE | MEVOl OuinttKe e7s,c 5 ants e's ei ree 228 Crear demiayy tai. %s ois etal’ a's eae 8 NG Agi ommahimigee ss 35a.) ate re 158 Gariwlewme qeoot ties < sees ss IGE) PSone) 665 ame peo oUeOIo DOC 232 Gastonia: conc .t hs es oss GUO: QAOn | Ello slunadiaiern. o 192, | eelymenophyllum) 22.22. ...- 266 Geramiaces ~.. ssa iee sey dae ws Se lson| Eby pericimers) <2. m... a= se ee 131 Gera MMI. sas i shale sels t's Ils) |) lek yeml@bhin Sgoqauseeoun se cos0 co 131 Gerperawen sey Bane oo ad ees Ilse | lelyqulnesn@) Soups equceo cs ac@or 121, 248 Gerrardambhcy 42h / cs creo GO) | celiypochesris,§ 6 /....e otra ae oe 184 LCEPARCMATIO NY Ok ys oe tse eh IBIS) |) IShquoesies Gequnsdcgssbos5cedoca 207 (GiG SPOUSE 1 CCE Ae Ae oa 202) Eby pOlepis ss acrr-eretieeiiete er 266 Sle ern tot dare crete stn e's wlohe At Hah |) ERY POMIGMer. sce on seer cetetete re ie 235 CHS CHOU 154 2% Yale oh % els oote Vg 0s RG Ta STI Gea senensonuscoaeeguc 212 GH AIONUS! (ever, csc oe once we Re 234 GHOTHOSO) 2 Aas Pees ti ae Valen Sk DAG Wernher ree Seo eS atlag' cle 137 GIVING 2 nba ok cee ea week 4 HAS) Blicinene . 542/58 Fea ck ste 128, 137 Cap Mahim co. 26 . ws 2 ooh les Se ZO) || Pilicebracess 25.0582isjca0 5 t« 2's 124, 214 Garda «4. see's terme od | HivsamblWege ee eins cmc saree = Me 200 276 Index PAGE | Impatiens”... 0) sates aos wae 136 Tmaperataye 25 30: ie os nie +o. sie rcne oma 200 MORE Bis bisa saa o duewip enone 266 PAGE TAINO E ss erseenees ae Geeks ese ae 1238, 134 simu. a sieiteacts Cyt eeeeaere 134 MANUS < See otek cesta seca. ohare 225 Ti pocarplarc ser weet or oe eee 254 AGI PIAN: nsec eo ne ee eae 209 Tisssochiluses 2558. ee ake haere 226 liithospermiumn > 26 iy 4e oan ee 193 PiGbOMIas <2 es oeae ea eee 246 solo Oliay 2 anceps conor aco ulerea ee eee 185 Wopamiacere 06.2.5 tate ae ee 124, 191 Trou 23 ea Ne ee eee ee 265 Bionehitis: 2icau ci hleeois sebene 266 TOWNES cuts Actes oe cate 267 epholesna: jo eho oc. es ve 177 oranthacess 1.5 sae eer: 219 Tu@ranbl ws) fc. hse Me 219 HOtononis 2%. see. ee 142 TOG wc acs ee ee 145 Ihexostylis s25.0..-.- EC fac 142 DEM WIP ee ele cee 8 Sea 158 Tamla ..aee oe ee Ce ote 248 1 Gh, (chyba ieee awe Ate ea eon roe B 197 Ibycopodiacee ............- 124, 271 Tie opodauma 22s). sos cies loco 271 WayeroG tua 3. isda 6 ote agers se te 270 TSIM ACI, © s.b-c2 ie .se eo Neuses 188 lbyth varies ...%.)0% o.2 essa yeer 123, 157 leybh rum... i, ts 2 ok eau noe 157 MES Wadi oosoa oes Linicilc seen 190 IES) chy (2 a ene are Cer a ee 205 Miacowanila.. 0% abo 5a tle eee 174 Ui 2 20510 Ee Hae Gee Oni eM WEN EAT Tro 128 WEaCS8i: os, cha ri a oce, cin ae eee 188 Mathériniian «ausn eae enero bauer 133 MallOtus)~ 2.26.5 tami eon 222, Malpighiacer: Waa. ee 123, 135 Mail Via coe ead an oie eine ere 131 MialWaCese 22:0. cans e tanye eter 1238, 181 Malvastriim. 4653. tc eee 131 Mian 16a). <3. 5 tax see iec eee eee eae 198 Wierd GGUS be oe coe eter eaten se cael eee 271 WiariS@USa... sce ancieaurss Cerne e a 123, 187 Nireliamthwss (4. ..826 cee ceria 140 IMU Rek: eee ar aS EMSRS Reon 8 265 IVIMITATS xs kigua ts c2h qomce Se ehoe OOe eee 260 Mealolobiuim: 2. vo.0necuac vee 143 NGO RWG: . v5 wy ate Rote eee 159 Mamecylon «i... cs 3s gos om onan 157 Menispermacee ............ 123, 127 IMEMOGOES. <.oecceiee wae ee 190 Menthe «i ose: a is.tece oe ean 212 Mesembryanthemum .......... 160 Index PAGH INEM SIGN ee on oak aes ances one aes 174 MMe FOCI Oar sauce cess sss e+ bss 264 MUOROMIOPI alte hie. ces kas a es ws 212 as Gy TRY DTT ng 168 HSE LUTGROLTIED) Ses ate clas eee rr 147 WULTTOA UCTS Ge tanta came ae 200 WEUMMISOP Se 2. ce oy. cles ce ees ce 122, 189 IMitibriOShiCIMa . 3.42.6... 22 262s e8 164 WELEOCRIPUMI sea. oc. cae ce ss 166 Modecca ..... E10 ee nN aa 158 TE aT UST ARE he le ae aie ea a QTL OU Oer ite tie s aoe or sve 4, 160 Wit mOEATCA. «aac oe es 2 8 159 INOMECHINGY «ara faces whee ose 206 WVIGHIIMTACCSS 5 ace ce ee gece a 123, 216 Monocotyledones ...........-.. 225 VIG OMM erst anne nce se wears 135 WOE Ey Gato Ree Ae a 232 MIOSCMOSIMG). oc ccis.s se see ee «as are 210 AVN Cay. on ave wees ees 68 147 MVitor albicans uc ee eeetney soa 130 MVM OSOUIS crete. ccna Mere meen os shea 193 IMIR ELC Ayers SoS eases ten eye iene + ayers 224 IVEVPIGA CCHS: create wt so bc cia ov van oles ae 224 WEP PIOP MO VILGMA 45 oe ee ele sn oe 156 Wi rophammMus \. 00.60 oe. ee 155 NN AS70102) AS ea nea arn ar me a 188 WI ESUMEEO! (als a. ose es Se ee oe 124, 188 AY VAI I OCEE 2 a n e 123, 156 MEVESACIGUUIMN . 2.2.06. sees eet 8 227 IS SCEOXVION) fa. s sce G ta ek a8 139 IN@HGNG ENGELS as eee oe Ne INASGUEGMUI soc oleeicees beccae INEMmOciiere tac tat noite aces INE MPOMIUMA, “55056 a es Siele s eee oe INEDRTOIEPIS 2.64. 5a+8e sets ee INIGIENTAS SS Se ee ath ne INSEE) a ea ee ee es ee ea ENESTICr Orakei as oe A cass INICAMGrai ee. os Seas cae s INmCOUaMan ta. Pate selec se soeceets JINITIG Oa: NE Stee a EMielotiinetar ofc k ociaccnatsacetee hs « ENOUleGuiar Id. tooo tee eats TSIOLIB OR cet Sua e eee ne ae an a a ING@GhO¢hl@na .. 6.664626 cae. eae INGcObmKUS As se ec eS eer. Notosceptrum INTICISSTB hereto eee an Nyctagines ING mopligea: 2556 Sec. Oates SR a CUXGIELIIS "hye se ee ag a Wonmucea: Costas kk iter fee. ermine asec eee Sef Ree: LOUIE Ee ae Eee I a WAC HDD io! Ea IRN RSA Se tee Ae MEnWopiera “eer ee. wal ee MPRLCIMe roe.) SRS hy be eel f N, Oldenlandia aa eee eRe te fe See 277 PAGE ROMDELNNCLICE Ds (ar cee aie lsteiavevsrn lave 3 Sic oie ys 269 WINBOGETDUS “2. 6c oc cee oem 181 OP TOMIOLISS rare vente c ae siel> armen 128 CLE Eee eR RES ea I Cd 157 ET eI RA Pt Ea ABA 265 Omuerarie® ...0o 0s. we oe ..123, 158 OMCINODIS: 5. = 2/0: eee cle = sol ONTCOW Ay ease ats os a areia ets See 128 Ophioeawlony 2)... 5 2. ere 158 Opinioglossumi ait eee 271 Oplismienuiss 2"... veces seme 259 Wreliders, Vacs oe eo eee eae eee 124 Grnithosaluim + = sent nee oer 245 OVbHosiphmom =. ..s.. asec 210 ORY S18 ic eect nk 6 ieee ee ee 160 Osmiumdaes). 25.6: sara ore ee 271 Osbeospermum J. onsen ere eee 181 Osyvridocarpus 32... - seca 220 OR VETS ora nS econ els a nnaye ot ee eee 220 OU OMI osc 2 cpus. conan 181 Othonnopsis’ S2s.5.. 2:0. Sen 180 Ox align wey. sacs ok Ae ee 136 OXVanthUsy.. cosas ss Soe nee 164 Oxy Gon uM.) 225s. Gaerne eras 215 HEINE esos hee he Rs cere eaters 124, 248 IPAQ KM aes Gece ie sa namie come 162 PPA IMICUIN S.0 ero eto vocie"s oun cece 258 HPADANIGE, -sye.ce ers ine si erore oe eyecare 127 eADAVELACCe) «|. wees. + so ae 123, 127 PRIGtALIAL Uo. . 3 hc sc sve e's cree sere 224 ParGmeritma, “Salsas ce aa cig 175 JEANS) OIC TH anes tana mR IS ct 257 IAS CORN vee dieie cid ies cag sone 217 PS SUMMORE 8s fale os.clels ors ais aterels 124, 158 HAVOUOOTE ce ees CA ee aoe tierenee 165 eUVOMM | het eae cones) ok ee or 131 POUNCE! 0 was kcsce is ee oe eee 124, 203 Peddeia Sees odes csv awoere sees 219 CAT ROMIUIN, 66). sc 6 eles 'ele cies aie 135 PEMOSTOMMUIM H. . o a. Sac oe oe ee = 197 CU oar tients sue v Ses waive ays cee ee 267 Pennisebuim “foi. 8S. .sce. ek ae 260 IF CMGAMISIAL sft. sels ou eee ese 164 HES ENG) eer eer ae ro wane Enero ne ee 163 Pentaschistig’ 55 O60 Sie scki of ae Oe 261 PPOMGAIN | Shee Pei oie ce aie 176 IPGperomiiay 5... o oe oll ee ees 216 MO DOMMA. 2 Aerts Lis Paice nem 159 PPELISUEO PUG’. «5 Sse ichars cl retorts 207 HMRIRCEOUIS ce ee otc aie so eete i oer eer ete 262 f “Petalactella: 25860 oc085 dele ae os 174 BeucedanUMt: io 20.5 52sec os ee 162 Ph alaris” <<. 55.52 s aes woes 265 Warn aceuMl’ 2s Shoe esac 3 wn oe coke 160 Phaseolus, * i. akc VAT eects oh 149 PAV IGOSIS® 7k owe Seto eee ore 204 BHlipiars es [ar eseeeoeaes ee as i i (52) 00 b: ON eed oe RA er 121, 248 PHragmoites' £5 a5 See eoO8 sees 261 PHyselis: sos Ae ater eee cee. oe 198 Pity th 2s Soe a heres Dae ses Ie 139 Pity Wannis, Ber ees ves oe an. ater 221 278 PAGE iBhyllopodauiie erence cree 199 Bhysalis 27.2... eles wkeision aie 197 Phy tolaccar ye ssc2 es nee 215 Phytolaccerms “225.1025 sce 215 Pimpinella s:j.c02 cote ate eee 162 IPADGT hy soon eevee cesta me ee ee 216 PUP CT ACER we .c ans a utetonsteys steckoash: 124, 216 IPASUIG): Ge. kc lee ee 248 IPiGbOSPOLCc ot eee ee 128, 129 Pittospormnny ne creeks ane 129 Plantaginerei1.ppc-a cae 213 Plantago cm... scenery ee eee 2138 Platanthera: eee oe ee 229 iPlatyearpha.*-s-7.cic see eee 183 Platylepis 93.5... eee er ei eee 227 Blectranthusin by. eee eee 211 Plectronia oot: -casc-ne cece 164 Pilleurostylia. 02a ee 138 Plumibaginet. Wa. ce 123, 188 Plumbago® i.e eee 188 Pl ammerian. . .cc siete rte ee ten. 191 PO as hts vats tect 8s Meee Wace rene ae 265 Rodalyriay (..20 se sees are 142 IPROd Oca rpusi eerie 122, 224 Podostemaceruaaeeeeeee cc. 124, 216 Rogonarthria,.c:.). 2 sos -e eee 262 Pollichigyj.,- 01 ere eee ee 214 Polling ies pre oaenecr ane eres 255 POlycanpee arent aero err 131 Poly carpomia...< cy. acte se srece ee 131 IROly@alaig.sopsy. «actA rene ais) Seder 129 Roly salleee istic hci. ss ob wire tare 129 POLY BONA COR siete lore late oon) oe 124, 215 Poly gona. i cece scot so are 215 Polypodi mary esi! \sheio «ere eyslers ee 269 ROIVMOGOW fix va cestieree' = =) 5 hese be 261 Bolystachiyairs jac aceite oc rete 226 OPOWAB Airs. acto ce ree oo oie kon ies 126 Portulaca eset tis et co ee 131 IPortillacece revs. csiiss ste ceeveret 123, 131 POrtwlae@ aria, 4 6.05.50. 5: sjessoiere 131 Rotamogetom’.¢ jicmac sc sci 0+ sic 249 Botamtophialay ii. saree. 6 3 66 epee soy 264 FPOUZOISTE ais a cutive, deoe sro es 224 Brimulacete: 55 cfs nin. execs 5%: 124, 188 PPINGZIG cohesion ee esos aes 175 PYIOMUM 62 yo ccprernsesw dee sae 248 IPETVE) < leatheds site Steet 5 ordca Pareto 209 POUCA sie aches wstncre tcc eres sea raneeuerie 217 IPEOLEACEH- 2. «tania Gost. te alate ale ually AE LOUOPHUSi: selene arty eeogkeae eats 122, 142 Peammobropliay. = eesti se 160 Pseudarthrian . .. +. 0 sce. sees 148 Psilotrichwin <<... eee mee 215 PBUO GUM oii04/2s cr rece ete 271 IPSOGAICR voctin overs Me ate Se ameiene regent 145 PSyehobria: 54.00%. sapere element 165 (PUREIB sctezsiesays.x%, 50 .< 0 @ ia y rE 267 Pterocelastrus ...-...cs..eeeme 138 PtBLOR YOM, 6 ios, 0.063510 rem eee 140 IPLBEY SOOM. «5. sna a vette 231 PUUIGRIA iis awicis «seen 175 PUPAE srwaisk soe os wd aren waa 214 Index PAGE Pitterlickta, o.errac..ovsislarexs eee 138 PyCnestachy sii .c1.. oo ncn oe 212 PY GRCUS: aioe eeu eos eo rte 250 VS QUINN weal Stoysoys fo) acter ede Jo eS oO 152 Pyrenacantha, @3asAss ee eer 137 QuUgSquals: a en hae Ge eee 156 121) out: a ten ere cnn a ahs Sa 142 andi, «. o0.c hs er. aerate ere de 163 Ranunculace.. neon eee 123, 126 latenomoaOWUlS “Gogooocoueasaccc 122, 126 Rauwoltia, st a ay.ce nae on eee 191 IRaWSOnIAS ccc... oe cok ae 129 ela iiia,s. 2015. eee eer eae 174 Resed ace «0a eo reer 123, 128 IREStlaCe sy aio tececc a ceaeromes 124, 249 IRGSUIO: sce: cuuertnets eae et eee 249 Rub amane ss” 5.<.6\. chan naseaee eee 123, 139 Ribamnuiserskyenis ssc sees 139 Rhamphicarpar..-s--ssso ac 201 hinacanthusi. eee eee 207 VB ip sallis cette cases cove mare emt 160 Rhizophora see aes een eee 156 Rhizophoretess-. a: ae ence 123, 124, 156 US Geass. cian carne eee eee 140 Nhynchocalyx 254.28 soe ae 157 Rbynchosia, «ac. .asccn cone 149 Rhynchospora) essere 254 IRIGHATGIA® «ck shee Se teen 248 Richard soma an see oes 166 RiGiNOCALDUS 2c ols Sete 221 IRUCIMUS). vase tics ah cae ee 222, HS 4012) Uf he penne erereer deat nema ateT ars I 1s 187 HOTA WES, clsres sic Gecvo et eat re eee 232 IROSA COR. 6 osc eisltetn cine eee eae 128, 152 Rottboellian. s... 2244006 os erodes 255 IROVONS. (c0% wad Ores oer 189 FRUITS, 5 cease Sees canoer tees 166 IRbISCCR: Nec aiek ac Cato os 124, 163 TRUS. .2% oacseiisw 2. aero ee 152 Rielle: eens ewe eee oe were 204 PUGIMEK64' .. ction tc eee eran 216 RUG COE:-« Parowieke eearsry ole eres 123, 186 TRUIGG YB eso ori. sho eles sass sein ei Sreteteye 206 Sacchartm’ .cimraet cee on eee 255 SS aGGTA - eee el. (313 ) ON THE LUNAR CLOUD-PERIOD. By J. R. Sutton, M.A. (Read July 31, 1907.) Herr Otto Meissner has recently raised anew the question of the pretended cloud-dispersing power of the moon. In a discussion of the observations of the state of the night sky made at Potsdam during the eighty lunations extending from January, 1894, to June, 1900, he finds no such dispersing power, but, on the contrary, a minimum of cloud about the time of new moon, and a maximum at or shortly after full. A summary of the mean percentages of sky obscured by cloud at Potsdam for the three observation-hours ip : 9 p.m., 10 p.m., and midnight (ie, pias al oe mo EY ~ TOK each day during the lunar month, is given in the large Table at the end of this paper. The following is a reduction of the result :— Moon’s Age. Cloud per cent. Day 1-3 57 4-6 o3 7-9 59 10-12 63 13-15 59 16-18 68 19-21 58 22-24 o9 25-27 57 28-30) Y9) These numbers appear to indicate that the sky is clearest in the first week, and most obscured in the third week of a lunation. * O. Meissner, ‘‘ Ueber die angebliche ‘ wolkenzerstreuende’ Kraft des Mondes,”’’ Met. Zeitschrift, May, 1907. 21 314 Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society. Meissner attributes the belief in an exactly opposite state of things, as also Ernst Schmid did half a century ago,* to a mere psychological impression. My own idea, however, is that, even if there be no lunar influence whatever upon the clouds, we should expect to get Meissner’s result or something like it. For there must often be clouds in the sky at night which moonlight could make visible, but starlight alone cannot. At Kimberley it often happens that cirrus and thin cirro-stratus appear to dissolve at sunset, whereas the rising moon has shown them again quite plainly. Moreover, summer sheet-lightning, on the horizon, will often show clouds overhead in a sky that otherwise will seem perfectly clear. Tor this reason it is perhaps not altogether improbable that Meissner’s cloud sequence is in reality due to a variation of illumination rather than to a true variation of cloud. This view receives some confirmation from the fact that various observers have found thunder-clouds at any rate to be more frequent at new moon than at full moon. Koeppen, for example, finds that the frequency of thunderstorms at new moon to that at full moon is in the ratio of 29 to 21. From which it seems to follow that the lower and heavier clouds, at least, are more numerous at new moon. My own impression has been that a sufficiently long series of observations would show—providing we allow for the variation of illumination at night throughout the lunar month—practically no influence on the part of the moon upon the clouds. Short series can of course show anything, as we see from the thousand and one meteorological cycles that are deduced from the sunspot cycle.} With the idea of substantiating or disproving this impression I have worked up my cloud observations § for the 87 lunations extending * EH. E. Schmid, Lehrbuch der Meteorologie, 1860, p. 681: ‘‘ Wenn aber Baco annimmt, der Himmel sei bei Vollmond besonders heiter, und dabei im Winter die Kalte besonders streng, so ist diese Meinung wohl nur darauf begriindet, dass der Vollmond in heiteren Nachten unsere Aufmerksamkeit besonders auf sich zieht, und dass kalte Winternichte besonders hell sind.” + See J. Hann, Lehrbuch der Meteorologie, 1901, p. 662, Art. ‘‘ Mondperiode der Gewitter;’’ also W. M. Davis, Elementary Meteorology, 1894, Art. 327, ‘‘ Weather Cycles.” Arago found a slight preponderance of rain at new moon as compared with full. Seeing that a good proportion of rain in France falls in thunderstorms, Arago’s result is in conformity with that of Képpen. + See, e.g., J. A. Westwood Oliver’s interesting little brochure, Sunspottery, 1883, p. 36 et seq. The late R. A. Proctor had a decidedly clever chapter, entitled ‘“‘Sunspot, Storm, and Famine,” in Pleasant Ways in Science (reprinted 1893). He showed in a very amusing way that there is a sunspot period in the Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race. § Made at Kenilworth (Kimberley), South Africa. For a brief general discussion of the Kenilworth observations of cloud, see J. R. Sutton, ‘‘ The Climate of Kimberley,” in the Report of the Highth International Geographic Congress, 1905. On the Lunar Cloud-Period. 315 from January 1, 1900, to January 13,1907. The results are given at length, in the large Table at the end, in four periods :— I. 21 lunations, 1/1/00-13/9/01 ; I. 21 ,, = 14/9/01-26/5/03 ; Il. 21 =, ~—- 7/5 /08-25/1/05 ; IV. 24 ,, 26/1/05-13/1/07. In each of these the average percentage of cloud is given at 2 p.m., 8 p.m., the mean of six obversations a day, 7.e.— VIII. + XI. + XIV. + XVIT. + XX. 4+ XXITI. 6 ’ and the decrease of cloud between 5 p.m. and 11 p.m., for each day of the lunar month. This last, the decrease, is evidently a necessary process, because although we should expect to see more clouds at night in full moonlight than at other times, yet if there be really a cloud-dispersing effect, the difference would be greater about full moon than at other times, other things being equal. In arranging the results the cloudiness has been tabulated for each day of full moon, and for fourteen days before and fourteen after. The thirtieth day, the averages for which are given in brackets, has been assumed equal to the arithmetic mean of the fourteenth day before and the fourteenth after full moon.* This day is marked with the conven- tional black dot (@) signifying new moon; the ring dot (O) signi- fying full moon. The following are the Kenilworth averages in trihemera :— Daye 2 p.m. 8 p.m. Mean. KV MRL e3 30% 19% 24% 14% jae 37 29 30 14 79 40 31 By) 12 10-12 an 31 32 7 1S SNE 33 Oe 28 2 O-18 36 33 32 q 19-21 36 25 30 5 99-94 35 23 30 12 95-27 39 23 29 14 28-30 33 17 24 14 * Done in this way because the lunation, or synodic month, averages only 29°53 days. 316 Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society. These results are decidedly curious. At 2 p.m. there is a double maximum and minimum during the course of the lunar month: the first minimum falling just after new moon, and the second just before full; while the first maximum occurs at the first quadrature, and the second maximum early in the last quarter. There are also indications (which are, however, plainer in the daily averages of the large Table) of another maximum at full moon. The curious thing about these minima and maxima is that they belong to a daylight hour, and are therefore quite independent of moon- light. At first sight the 8 p.m. results are pretty much what would be expected on the assumption that the moon often makes thin clouds visible which would, without the help of the moon’s light, often escape observation. That is, we get considerably. more cloudiness between the third and eighteenth day than we do between the eighteenth and third. For the moon sets before 8 p.m. (on an average) in the first octant, and does not rise before 8 p.m. in the sixth octant. But it is not so easy to explain the mini- mum of the thirteenth day, nor the very pronounced full-moon maximum. The mean results agree on the whole better with the 8 p.m. averages than they do with the 2 p.m. averages. This is worth attention, because they are derived from four daylight observations and only two night observations. The minimum in the fourth octant 1s particularly well marked as well as the full-moon maxi- mum, both, as it happens, corresponding with the same turning- points on Meissner’s curve. In fact, the correspondences here between the Potsdam and Kenilworth results are much more exact than there seems to be any physical reason for. Assuming the cloudiness of the sky to be apparently less at night when the moon is below the horizon than it ought to be, we ought to expect the greatest differences between the cloud percentages of 5 p.m. and 11 p.m. from the first to the sixth day, because the moon sets before 11 p.m.; and from the twenty-second to the thirtieth day because the moon does not rise until after 11 p.m. To a certain extent we get this result. But we get more. There is no sudden decline in the value of the differences as soon as the moon is still above the horizon at 11 p.m.; on the contrary, the decline is gradual until the tenth day—after which it is rapid. This is interesting, because the light of the moon is considerable throughout the third octant. But it is still more interesting that the value of the decline runs up again to a maximum at full moon. This fact would doubt- less have pleased Sir John Herschel, who fancied that he had On the Lunar Cloud-Period. SL7 evidence of the cloud-dispersing power of the moon. Herschel wrote as follows: ‘“‘ Though the surface of the full moon exposed to us must necessarily be very much heated—~posszbly to a degree much exceeding that of boiling water—yet we feel no heat from it, and even in the focus of large reflectors it fails to affect the thermometer. No doubt, therefore, its heat (conformably to what is observed of that of bodies heated below the point of luminosity) is much more readily absorbed in traversing transparent media than direct solar heat, and is extinguished in the upper regions of our atmosphere, never reaching the surface of the earth at all. Some probability is given to this by the tendency to disappearance of clouds wnder the full moon—a meteorological fact (for as such we think it fully entitled to rank), for which it is necessary to seek a cause, and for which no other rational explanation seems to offer.’ Herschel further remarks that the ‘‘fact’’ is based on his own observation, quite independently of any knowledge of such a tendency having been observed by others: ‘‘ Humboldt, however, in his personal narrative, speaks of it as well known to the pilots and seamen of Spanish America.” * The cloud-dispersing power of the moon may be as well known to the pilots and seamen of Spanish America as the dependence of the changes of the weather upon the changes of the moon. And it may, for all one knows, be equally baseless. However, in the large Table at the end, I have given the average decrease of cloudiness from afternoon to night, 2.e.— XIV.+ XVI.+ XVIII. XxX. + XXII. 3 i ae a at Habana (Belen) during the lunar month, derived from four years of observation.t There appears from this to be a fairly well-defined maximum of decrease about three or four days before full moon, but a distinct minimum at the time of full moon. The critical reader will judge for himself whether this supports Humboldt’s statement. Three-day averages of the decrease of cloud from afternoon to night * Sir J. F. W. Herschel, Outlines of Astronomy, 1851, Art. 432. The italics in the quotation are Herschel’s. Herschel thought that Arago’s result (i.e., slightly more rain at new moon than at full) was ‘‘ part and parcel of the same meteoro- logical fact.” An old idea in England was that a change of the moon near the Pleiades brought rain. + These are reduced from Padre Gangoiti’s excellent annual, Observaciones Meteorologicas y Magneticas. The beautiful printing of these reports is unsur- passed throughout the world. 318 Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society. at Habana, together with similar decreases at Potsdam from 9 p.m. to midnight, are :— Day. Habana. Potsdam. @-3 OT 9%, 12:6 % 4—6 26 —0°6 1-9 15 +2°6 10-12 14 + 2:2 13-15 13 — 2:4 O-18 6 +0°5 19-21 25 +0°3 22-24 29 —1'8 25-27 26 +3°7 28-30 29 +04 According to this the Habana results show no cloud-dispersing power in the moon; on the contrary, they show the effect of lunar illumination. The Potsdam results are so irregular that they prove (or disprove) anything, except that when the sky is dark, about @, the decrease of cloud seems to be greatest. The distribution of thunderstorms throughout the lunar month at Kenilworth, for the 87 lunations 1900-1906, is given in the last column of the large Table. The numbers fall upon a somewhat irregular curve, showing nevertheless a well-marked minimum at new moon, and maxima in the first and fourth quadrants. There is also some tendency to a maximum at full moon. This does not agree with Kuropean experience. And contrary to what might have been anticipated, the thunderstorm numbers do not agree very well in phase with those of cloud. Trihemera are :— Day. No. of Thunderstorms. @-3 4-6 48 1-9 33 10-12 42 13-15 36 O-18 39 19-21 38 22-24 45 ~ 26-27 46 28-30 26 The inference that may be fairly drawn from the results tabulated in this paper seem to me to be that if they do not go far enough to 319 20d On the Lunar Cloud-Per -UTy “$400 ih o¢ 0g 9T CT 93 6 PI SG PG Tg ial ST ST GG Trg NO) I Tg 9g CP 6 ras) 63 SI 9 8 ral g ae | Be KG 03 je eT CT LG G 9 cg 97 | 98 OT g¢ 63 GT. 8 EG OT 03 OG i= GG Og 1G 1G 61 61 0% LT 03 PE 8g Te eT gg LG 8T 0G LT OT GG 9G 9g a eT 8g 13 FG SI OT fe Eg LP ST ST LG SG 8ST ST GB OT 8ST. ie 6E 03 FG ep G Ze OT 61 Gg PrP EG Tg CT 19 63 i e="| SI ell 9 Tg 8g LB 9 Gg GG 61 03 VG 9g 68 OF Tg 61 Se 7G 9T GT LT ral 61 rE bP Lg E BG 6G CP GB 6 13 IP LP SP GT Ms Eg i} 6 S- | F 9T GG Ig 8B LG GT 61 GB KG dit OT Eg Or | Ze GE 9G 0g iat OT GG ST OT Og 9g 8G NG Tg BG NG GG GT 61 Eg Sr. | Og €T EC CZ G D; S y= \9n Tg Lg 63 KG 0g 63 IP 3 Tg 1 rE 68 0g Le Za| 9 G ral 0) 8 T— | %eE 0g 1g Le 63 LG Iz NG Le &G 6g EP 9g ia Te G 7 0 8 9 Y 8% 63 0g 8G 63 0G ST aE 06 9 Gg Lg eh FI 39 6 g C= ES Nay ral rE Eg Lg 8e 13 8g GP 8g ie 9g 9g Tg 6P 6 OL 9 8 c OT TI G 6G 6g rE 8G ST 63 OF 8g hit 1G Eg IP PP 9T Gg 7 i! 9T PL 6 ral Eg oP LZ 6g GB og GP PG 9g LG OF ee ie 9T LG 8 S ¢ G 3S) I 0g gg 0% OF 9G Tg 9g 61 vP GB 9g 97 | 82 IT GG IT ii ial g= | ea i LB 0% eG Tg 1g IG 6 | o8 rE BG We | Ge) Be 6 19 6I S 7 G Cau 8 sare 9 Te rE ize 9G ral 8G ae e¢ | OF 61 ET G9 BE 8 G 9T G 8 ie 83 LG 0g 6g 6G 8G BG 1 9g 8g Ge || Ge GT 9 SI S eT ae ee eee ee Lie BE Ee OF Eg GG Tg ale LY he PE GE FL €9 ral I 61 g 6 9T ras rE Gg 12 || Oe oe 68 1G ge | oe Lg OF I? €T 8g 6 iE SI LT 0 FL rE 8g I? 63 83 Eg OF 8g Gu aOe ap ih Of | Gn IT GG at en 6 ei 6 03 as 6E Tg 6g 9G oe Gg Ig ae | OF I? ip | 7 6 6g 61 ST G 8 1G 6 6G Ng 6G Ge GB 6G 83 63 8G 6G 9g Lg Ue 9 as BG ia él PL i il We BE 6G LB IP BE he ING GE LP 8g 8g GE 63 i 6h | 62 ral Ge 8 G 1% 6G eG fete Ge 1g 1 61 OG 8G Lg ae b On | Ce ei EG 8G 9T 61 ia ST CT 8G 63 03 OF EB 1G 8G GT 9g 9T 9g ee | ke ig 6e | 92 IT G Gi I i 7 9T 8G GG 9G LT tL 91 GB ST 0g 0% | Ge &T 8¢ 96 CT 0G a OL PL 1G ra ie PG &B 1 Tar 83 GB 16 0g Eg og (or) | ee | (sz) | 94 | (st) | (tz) | or) | Gr) | @2 | (ec) | Ge) | (et) | z) | ot | (en) | (2) | Gr) | Cn) | te | Ge) | Ge) walelel rs BY Se | & Be “Aye | SAP | “mn | o a 2 | 2h) UN) 10 I Mp ee | nee |) aa ‘I 257 eI || inne Ba | a | FSe ‘urd ‘foyreq| ‘urep nero puev‘urds aeonaa esverto0q MEIN ‘urd § ‘und % 61 25 gg TZ ge 6S Lg 25 25 GS GP 86 GP ete Sf 68 8 LP 68 Lg 68 98 LY GP 8P SP 0g 25 6% ($3) LG as 9g LP LG 9F eg 0G GG OF 9g Tg og eT 8G ida Ge Cc CP CF 8G FE Gg 0g 8g OF 9g ce 8G (83) SAMHOOr- DO ed SAOVINGOUAT NI “HINO UVNO'TT GHL ONIUNC (AMIUDAWIY) HLYOMTINAY LY SSHNIGQOTD AO NOILVIUVA 320 Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society. prove that there is a lunar influence over the clouds, they do not prove that there is not. There are, at any rate, a number of inte- resting coincidences which seem to be worth elucidation. One con- clusion, however, seems to be pretty safe, namely, that should a definite lunar influence in the matter of cloud dispersal ever be found, it will not be in virtue of the moon’s heat absorbed by the upper strata of the earth’s atmosphere. The following are the ratios per hundred of the number of times that each degree of cloudiness, on a scale of 1 to 10, has been observed at Kenilworth. The number 10 indicates a sky completely obscured, 00 absolutely clear, and 0 a sky with less than one-tenth covered with cloud :— Seale: e..2se QO. 705 Dh Did a eo aoe 7 Seo ean”) Winter...... Oo = Toh Canoe 18: 223 soa tf Summer 5. soll OR 6) Pom Ol 8 tome ee eo) ee ele ( 321 ) A STUDY OF SOME FACTS AND THEORIES BEARING UPON THE QUESTION OF THE ORIGIN OF THE ANGIOSPERMOUS FLORA OF SOUTH AFRICA. By §. ScHontanp, Hon. M.A. Oxon., Ph.D. (Read August 28, 1907). The affinities of the Flora of South Africa with other Floras were recognised as soon as floristic studies had been sufficiently advanced to warrant a comparison, but speculations as to its origin were naturally barren, as long as the former distribution of land and water in the Southern Hemisphere could not be surmised. Un- fortunately Palzeo-botany, which might have given us the clue, has to a large extent failed to render any assistance. The supposed identification of Southern types of plants in the Tertiary deposits of the Northern Hemisphere are considered by most eminent botanists, such as Sir Jos. Hooker, the late Mr. G. Bentham, A. Schenk, &c., as worthless. Laurent has recently (1899, p. 69) * tried again to prove that the Proteacee originated in the North, but the evidence on which he relies seems to be altogether untrustworthy, and he knocks his whole argument to pieces by stating (p. 77) with reference to the forms he describes ‘‘nous ne disons pas que ce sont des Protéacées mais que ce sont des plantes a aspect protéiforme de nature coriace et séche.’”’ Why, then, does he refer them even to definite genera of Proteacee ? The question of the origin of our Flora having been approached ‘almost entirely by European botanists, who were naturally influenced by the leading features of the development of the Floras of the Northern Hemisphere, it has sometimes greatly suffered through forced interpretations of facts and supposed facts (compare, ¢.g., Thiselton-Dyer, 1878). The data for an adequate treatment of the subject are absent even to this day; still it may be advisable to focus, as it were, the facts which recent researches have brought to light * The numbers in brackets refer to the Bibliography appended to this essay, the titles being arranged in chronological order. 3822 Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society. and the legitimate conclusions which may be drawn from them, in order to see whether they help us to make a step forward in our knowledge of the origin and development of the Flora of South Africa. Dealing with the origin of the Flora of South Africa, we have first of all to cast a glance at the present distribution of flowering plants of South Africa, the general features of which are now so well known that I need not refer to them in detail. We recognise at once that there is one region, the South-Western Region of Cape Colony (the ‘Cape Province”’ of Marloth, 1905), which stands apart from the other regions. The peculiar types characteristic of this region have been mainly taken into consideration in speculations on the origin of the Flora of South Africa. Nearly fifty years ago Dr. (now Sir Joseph) Hooker pointed out the affinities of the South African Flora with the Flora of Australia (Hooker, 1859). I will quote the exact words which he used, as his cautious conclusions have frequently been interpreted as meaning that the Australian and South-West African Floras are derived from common ancestors which inhabited a vast Antarctic continent of which the greater part has been submerged (see Bolus, 1905, p. 19). He says on p. xcii: “The most conspicuous characters that extra- Tropical Africa presents in common with Australia, are the abun- dance of species of the following orders: Proteacee, Composite, Iridee, Hemodoracee, Buettneriacee, Polygalee, Restiacee, Hricee, Hpacridee, Decandrous Papilionacee, and tribes Podalyriee and Lotee, Rutacee, Thymelee, Santalacee, Anthospermous Rubiacee. All these orders are far more abundantly represented in Australia (especially South-Western) and South Africa than in any other part of the world, added to which by far the greater number of the known genera and species of Proteacee and Festiacee are confined to these two countries. Other marks of affinity are the Cycade@, the genus Encephalartos (to which Mueller reduces Macrozamia) being common to both; numerous terrestrial Orchidee, Droseracee, Zygophyllee, Inliacee, Smilacee@, and Capparidee ; the genera Pelargonwm and Mesembrianthemum, besides Metrosideros, Acena, Tetragona, Hermannia, Sarcostemma, Sebea, Callitris, Anguillaria, Restoo, Carphia, Uncinia, and Ehrharta. The rarity in both of Arordee, Laurinee, and all Rubiacee, except the Anthospernuan, is also worthy of notice. With regard to the Natural Orders enumerated above, their genera are almost unexceptionally different in the two countries.” “Succulents are comparatively rare in Australia, which almost wants the conspicuous features of South African vegetation—the Origin of the Angiospermous Flora of South Africa. 323 Crassulacee, Ficoidee, fleshy Asclepiadee, Liliacee (Aloes) and Huphorbie.” And further on, p. civ: ‘The many bonds of affinity between the three Southern Floras—the Australian, Antarctic, and South African—indicate that these may all have been members of one great vegetation, which may once have covered as large a Southern area as the Huropean does a Northern. To what portion of the globe the maximum development of this Southern Flora is to be assigned, it is'vain at present to speculate, but the geographical changes that have resulted in its dismemberment into isolated sroups over the Southern Ocean must have been great indeed.” The same caution in dealing with this question is exercised by Engler in his monumental work ‘‘ Die Entwicklungsgeschichte der Pflanzenwelt seit der Tertiarzeit’’ (1879, 1882)), and even recently he has again (Hingler, 1903, p. 35) expressed himself to the effect that the origin of the isolated types, which are restricted to South- West Africa, but are represented in other countries of the Southern Hemisphere by allied types, constitutes a great enigma. The frequently quoted example of the distribution of the genus Gingko, which is now only found in Japan and China, while in former ages it was very widely distributed, gives us a hint as to how little value we can attach to speculations which are not supported by paleontological evidence, and since paleontological evidence is practically absent for the former distribution of the Angiosperms in the Southern Hemisphere, there is double caution necessary in accepting conclusions from our knowledge of the present distribution of plants, unless they are supported by facts derived from palzo-zoology and geology. That many of the types, more or less restricted to South-West Cape Colony, are of great antiquity seems to be beyond dispute, but in order to get an idea of their origin we must first of all settle the question whether their sojourn in South Africa dates far back, geologically speaking. Any theory accounting for the origin of the South African Angiospermous Flora must take cognisance of the fact that no trace of a glacial period has been discovered in South Africa later than Permian times. Moreover, geological evidence is strongly in favour of the assumption that South Africa never reached much further southwards than it does now. It is inconceivable that in a shifting of localities such as a glacial period would involve, two such highly specialised and large conglomerates of species of the most diverse orders such as we find in the Cape Province and the Central Districts of Cape Colony could have persisted, and there is no reason to think that the extreme differentiation of plants found in South Africa could have been accomplished since the last period of glacia- 324 Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society. tion of the Northern Hemisphere. I am aware that Passarge, in his book on the Kalahari (Passarge, 1904) points out how this desert region shows many traces of a former pluvial period, which he correlates with the Pleistocene glacial period of the Northern Hemisphere (see also Penck, 1905, p. 7); but I am quite unable to accept his conclusions on this point, nor do I think that he has proved that the Kalahari and other parts of South Africa are drying up. All we know is, that South Africa in all parts (and perhaps less so in the South-West Coast Region than in the others) is subject to extreme fluctuations, as regards seasonal and annual rainfall. I had already come to the conclusion that our climate could not have altered materially, at least smce Upper Cretaceous times, when I received Prof. Gregory’s remarkable paper, ‘‘ Climatic Variations : their Extent and Causes’”’ (Mexico, 1906), which thoroughly con- firms my view, the logical outcome of which would be that in the Northern Hemisphere the variations in climate, culminating occa- sionally in ‘‘ice-ages,” would only have been produced by local causes. If it be accepted ‘‘ that former climatic changes” (in the Northern Hemisphere) ‘involve less extreme changes of tempera- ture than have been generally assumed, and that we are not called upon to explain former tropical forests in the Arctic lands, or fossil coral reefs in the Arctic seas, or occasional universal refrigerations of the earth, then the problem of climatic variations is greatly simplified’ (Gregory, p. 14). ‘‘ There is no evidence to show that the Antarctic continent has ever supported a Flora essentially different from what we would expect, if it had always been under conditions similar to those which exist now.” The fossil Conifers found may well be explained as being the remnants of drift-wood, and an Antarctic origin of any elements of our Flora seems to be completely ruled out of court, and ‘‘nothing known from the Antarctic regions is against the assumption that the mean climate of the world is fairly constant” (Gregory, p. 7). ‘‘ The evidence of paleontology proves that the climatic zones of the earth have been concentric with the poles as far back as its records go”’ (Gregory, p. 7). With reference to the Flora of the Karroo Region, Dr. Bolus says (1905, p. 28): “ The strength of the Flora to maintain itself under the different conditions of a desert-like environment is shown by its ability to push outward in every dry valley of the neighbouring regions. The only marked exception to its great strength to resist foreign invaders is also a tribute to its age—long adaptation to the severity of its environment. For the one plant which has success- Origin of the Angiospermous Flora of South Africa. 325 fully invaded this region, and has spread to such an extent as to become its greatest pest, is a species of Opuntia (perhaps O. tuna) from the drier parts of Mexico and Central America. The connec- tion with the South-Western Region is but a slight one, for while many typical Karroo plants have apparently invaded the latter, there are but few of the peculiar South-Western types to be found here. The few Rutacee, Hricacee, and Restionacee which appear are mere stragglers on the nearer mountains; while Brumacee, Proteacce, and Peneacee are, as far as we know, entirely absent.’ Other writers have also commented on the antiquity of the Cape Flora. Of these I will only quote Diels (1905, p. 73), as his remarks have also some bearing on another aspect of our problem which will be discussed later on. He says: “The Flora of South Africa in its resistance to intruders from other countries is in striking contrast to the Flora of New Zealand which is flooded by European colonists -and weeds. Perhaps this can be explained by the supposition, which is also supported by other facts, that the conditions under which the South African plants have flourished, have persisted in their main features for countless ages, while in New Zealand the xerophytic Flora can only be looked upon as a remnant of bygone ages, when the present New Zealand was only a portion of a large expanse of country in which large plains extended in an eastward direction. These plains must have been much drier than the present New Zealand, and were the home of the Xerophytes which come as a surprise nowadays.” Evidence is also not wanting that floral elements further north are of great antiquity. Thus Warburg (1903, pp. 482, 483) brings forward reasons for the antiquity of the Flora of the Kunene— Kubango Region (examined by Baum on his Kunene-Zambesi expedition), and distinctly states that, according to his opinion, the climate, with reference to the amount of rain, cannot have altered to an appreciable extent for countless ages. He also points out how small the affinity of that region is with the genuine so-called Cape Flora of South-Western Cape Colony. There are neither Bruniacee nor Diosmee, neither Peneacee nor Restiacee. Proteacee are repre- sented only by a few species of Protea and Fawrea. Hvricacee were not found at all by Baum. Welwitsch found in Huilla five species belonging to the genera Agauria, Ficalhoa, Philippia, and Bleria. We know that up to Jurassic times the interior of South Africa consisted of a series of large lakes. There is no evidence that the interior of Cape Colony has been under the sea or indeed under water of any kind since the close of the Karroo period (Rogers, 1905, p. 3887). It is a fact that the period of the drying up of these lakes 326 Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society. coincided with a remarkable development of the higher animals in South Africa. It saw the birth of the mammals and some of the types of reptiles which persist to the present day. In view of these facts it may perhaps be justifiable to conclude that, in the vegetable kingdom also, evolutionary developments took place, that the ancestors of our present Angiosperms appeared, and that some of the types which then appeared have persisted with little modification down to the present day. This is at present only a working hypo- thesis, but it must be remembered that for the Northern Hemisphere (Flahault, 1907, p. 292), by important discoveries in America, in Portugal, in France, and in Central Europe, the appearance of the Angiosperms has been further and further removed, but no clue as to their origin has been found. There is no doubt now that they appeared in Europe and America at the beginning of the Lower Cretaceous, while a large expansion of Dicotyledons characterise the vegetation of the Upper Cretaceous, but no intermediate forms between Angiosperms and Gymnosperms have been found. Is perhaps Welwitschia an indication that such intermediate forms may be looked for in the Southern Hemisphere and especially in South Africa, though Welwitschia itself must be looked upon as a final branch of the Gymnosperms? If it is objected that we have no right to postulate the existence of the ancestors of some constituents of the Cape Flora down into Cretaceous and perhaps even earlier times, it should be remembered that even in Hurope in Cretaceous and Tertiary deposits we only know well-preserved remains of forest plants (Engler, 1905a, p. 12), chiefly trees and shrubs—we scarcely know any remains from the undergrowth of forests, scarcely any from the tree—and shrubless formations, and yet these must always have existed. The absence of paleeontological evidence for our hypothesis is, therefore, not quite so serious as it appears at first sight.* * Prof. Schwarz told me some time ago that he had seen a palm-like fossil plant from near Burghersdorp. Knowing that Mr. Alfred Brown, of Aliwal North, had in his collection many fossil plants, which are probably undescribed, I wrote to him whether they might perhaps include some Angiosperms. In his reply he says: ‘¢ The fossiliferous strata here are nearly at the top of the so-called ‘ Burghersdorp beds,’ and besides ferns, cycads, and other fine plants there appear to be both sedge- like plants and palms, besides some peculiar cellular stems which may afford some evidence of what you require.” Of course I give this information for what it is worth, but I hope by kind per- mission of Mr. Brown soon to have an opportunity of critically examining these specimens, and thus decide whether they afford evidence for my views or not. In the meantime I hazard the guess that the ‘‘palm-like”’ fossils are not Angiosperms but Cordaitales, Origin of the Angiospermous Flora of South Africa. 327 We have only four alternatives as to the origin of the Cape Province types. (1) They may have originated near where we find them now. (2) " - ,, migrated from the North. (3) 9 7) ” om) ” 9 Kast. (4) ”” ” ”? ”) ” wr) West. Very little could be said for the fourth alternative if we interpret it literally, though in Permian times, and perhaps later, there may have been a direct western land-connection with America. With regard to the second and third, they may in part or entirely be covered by the first, as we can only form conjectures as to the direction in which migration has taken place, e.g., an order poorly represented in South Africa and richly developed in Australia, if found nowhere else, may have originated in either country or in a hypothetical land-connection between them. Before proceeding further I may state that the guiding ideas (Leitende Ideen) with which Engler (1882), ix—xii) prefaces his work, have also guided me in this essay and should be referred to by anybody who makes a serious attempt to understand the present distribution and the history of any Flora. Without the theory of evolution, on which they are based, no attempt of arriving at a satisfactory conclusion seems to have the slightest chance of success. At the saine time nobody can study such a problem as we are dealing with, without perceiving that it throws sidelights on the attempted explanations of evolution, which makes one and all of them appear inadequate. For many years it used to be held almost as an axiom that the Flora of South-West Cape Colony and South-West Australia were closely allied. This, of course, was over-stating the case. On the other hand, Diels (1906) seems to go too far in the opposite direction. He states that the Flora of extra-Tropical West Africa is closely connected with the vegetation of the Hast coast of the Australian continent. This is already seen in the fact that the ‘ Hremea- province’’ extends far to the east; but while the Flora of East Australia is closely connected with the malesian-papuan vegetation, this is not at all the case with the Flora of West Australia. This, according to the author, is the most important difference between East and West Australia. On the other hand, the author does not admit the close connection between the Flora of South-West Australia and the Flora of the Cape. In consequence of certain geographical analogies between the two regions, there is in both a predominance of the evergreen sclerophyll-formations, and the general physiognomy of them is further made similar by the great 328 Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society. development of species. But these are, according to him, only external resemblances; there are in reality very great differences. The true Cape Region is, on the whole, without trees, while in West Australia portions of the Hremza, which climatically correspond to the Karroo, have big trees and scrub, about the height of a man. Besides, the Cape Region possesses many succulents; these are wanting in West Australia, with the exception of a few that belong to cosmopolitan orders. The Cape exceeds to a tremendous extent West Australia in the number of bulbous and tuberous plants; further, the annual plants which play an important part in the composition of the Cape Flora, do not find their counterpart in West Australia, except in a few places of the Kremea. These statements by Diels, if unchallenged, might tend to make the pendulum swing too much in the opposite direction. I am afraid Diels has not sufficiently taken account of the fundamental difference between the Flora of the Karroo and the Flora of the South- Western Region. If we stick strictly to the latter there are certainly such close connections that we cannot avoid the conclusion that they are the result of a former land-connection south of the Equator. Hooker refers to Proteacee, Composite, Iridee, Hemodoracee, Polygalee, Restiacee, Hricacee (in South Africa), corresponding to Epacridee (in Australia), Papilioncaee, Rutacee, Thymelee, Santa- lace@, and some others which, by their abundance in both countries, point to parallelism of development from a common origin. Ben- tham (1873) has worked out this point with reference to the Conwposite. C. B. Clarke has emphasised it with reference to certain -Cyperacee. Schindler (1904) is of opinion that the HALORHAGACE have had a Southern origin. Stapf (1904) has pointed out that the endemic forms of Granuwnacee of his “Cape Province”’ have their allies not with the Tropical African grass Flora but with the Temperate types of Eurasia and Australasia. He clearly recognises the difficulty of a Northern connection, although not a few of the genera of grasses in question are represented on the mountains of Tropical Africa by allied forms, which, as it were, form a bridge to the large Northern centres of development. To these belong Avenastrum, Agrostis, Melica, Poa, Festuca, Bromus, Brachypodium. Others pinch out without passing into the Tropics, such as Pentaschistis and Pseudobronws, or are poorly represented beyond it. But when one wants to picture to oneself in detail how this distribution has been brought about, the difficulties seem insurmountable. The genus Danthonia has another centre of development in Australia and New Zealand, where it radiates to the North to Temperate Asia. This process is repeated Origin of the Angiospermous Flora of South Africa. 329 in America. The main region of distribution is always within the south temperate zone, and here the most nearly allied genera are found. Hhrharta is restricted almost entirely to South Africa with the exception of one species which probably has spread as a weed as far as India. The nearest relations, Microlena and Tetrarrhena, little more than dimerous modifications of Hhrharta, are peculiar to Australasia. Tetrarrhena is restricted to Tasmania and West Australia. Microlena, on the other hand, extends from Tasmania, through Australia and New Zealand, to the mountains of New Guinea. A further similar case which refers to a sub-tropical type is Potamoplila, which has one species in South Africa, one in Madagascar, and one in South-Hast Australia. This relationship amongst Southern Temperate types and their radiation from the South is also plainly shown in various other orders, the distribution of which we will now briefly consider. PROTEACEE (after Engler, in Engler-Prantl, Natirl. Pflanzenfam.). 960 species: 591 in Australia, 25 in Tropical Hast Africa, a few in Angola, 2 in New Zealand, 7 in Chile, 36in Tropical South America, 262 in South-West Cape Colony, 2 in Madagascar, about 5 on the mouvtains of Tropical Africa. I. Persooniwidee. 1. Persoomee. 6 genera in Australasia, 1 in New Caledonia, 1 in Madagascar, 1 (Brabeiwm) in South Africa. 2. Franklandiee. 1 genus in West Australia. 3. Proteee. 4 genera in Australia, the others (Sorocephalus, Nivema, Serrura, Mimetes, Spatalla, Fawrea, Protea, Leucospermum, Leucadendron, Aulax) in South Africa (Paurea, Protea, and Leucospermum extending into Tropical Africa). 4. Conospermee. 2 genera in Australia. II. Grevilloidee. 1. Grevillee. 10 genera in Australia, 1 in Eastern Tropical Asia, 1 in Tropical America and New Caledonia, 2 in Tropical America, and 1 in Chile. 2. Hmbothriee. 1 genus in South-Western America from Chile to the Straits of 22 330 Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society. Magellan, 1 in Hast Australia, Tasmania, and Chile, 2 in Australia and New Caledonia, 1 in Queensland. 3. Banksieae. 2 genera in Australia. IRIDACER. Of the 31 genera found in South Africa, 12 extend to Tropical Africa. No others are found in Tropical Africa, except the American genus Marica which is probably introduced. The following South African genera have more than local dis- tribution :— Morea (South Africa, Tropical Africa, Madagascar, Australia). Ferraria (South Africa to Angola and Ngamiland). fiomulea (South Africa, 2 in Tropical Africa, many in the Mediterranean Region, a few in Central Europe). Aristea (South Africa, Tropical Africa, Central Madagascar). Hesperantha (South Africa, 1 in Abyssinia, 1 in the Cameroons Mountains). Geissorhiza (besides the South African species, 1 in Madagascar). Dierama (South Africa, mountains of Tropical Africa). Lapeyrousta (South Africa, and a few species in Tropical Africa). Watsonia (South Africa, and 1 species in Madagascar). Babiana (South Africa, and 1 species in Socotra). Crocosma (South-East Africa). Tritonia (South Africa, and 2 species on the mountains of Central Africa). Acidanthera (South Africa and Tropical Africa). Gladiolus (South Africa, Tropical Africa, and a few European, Mediterranean, and Oriental). Antholyza (South Africa and 4 gee es in Tropical Africa). 15 genera are.endemice. The following réswmé of the distribution of the order is mainly after Pax :— I. Crocoidee. Two main centres of development; the Cape and the Mediterranean Region, the genus Lomulea common to both. II. Lridoidee. lt. Moreee l(a). Iridine. Chief centres of development, the Cape and the Mediterranean Region, but reaching as far as Hast Asia, North America, and | Australia. Origin of the Angrospermous Flora of South Africa. 331 1(b). Maricinea. Tropical and sub-Tropical America, 1 species in Tropical Africa (probably introduced). 2. Tigridiee. 2(a). Lugridine. Chiefly developed in Tropical and sub-Tropical America. 2(b). Cipurine. Chief centres of development, the Cape and Tropical America. 3. Susyrinchee. 3(a). Lrbertone. Bobartia (South Africa). Inbertia (Chile, New Zealand, South-East Australia). Diplarrhena (Tasmania, South-East Australia). Belameanda (Tropical East Asia and Japan). 3(b). Srsyrinchine. South America down to the Straits of Magellan. 4. Arwstee. - 4(a). Patersonine. Chile, Australia (including Tasmania). 4(b). Aristine. Chief centre of development the Cape, 2 genera in Tropical and sub-Tropical America. III. Latoidee. 1, inee. Chief centre of development the Cape, radiating into Tropical Africa. 2. Gladwolee. | Chief centre of development in South Africa and Tropical Africa, eastwards to the Mascarene Islands and Socotra, northwards (only the genus Gladiolus) reaching into the Mediterranean Region and Central Europe. 3. Watsomee. Chief centre of development South Africa, but also in Tropical Africa and the Mascarene Islands. We see from this distribution that the Tropical African Iridaceze are, aS it were, only outliers of the South African ones, which are chiefly concentrated in the Cape Province. Only seven South African genera extend beyond continental Tropical Africa: Morea to Madagascar and Australia; Romulea, northwards to Central Europe ; Aristea, Gerssorhiza, Watsonia, to Madagascar ; Babiana, to Socotra ; Gladiolus, to Europe and the Orient. At this stage I would also, without further discussion, draw attention to the remarkable distribution of the Sisyrinchine and Aristine, perhaps the most primitive Iridacee. 332 Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society. RESTIONACEE (after Hieronymus, in Engler-Prantl, Natirl. Pflanzenfam.). I. Diplanthere. 3 genera in South-West Australia. Il. Haplanthere. 1 genus in Australia and New Zealand; 1 (festio) in South Africa and Australia; 9 restricted to South Africa; 3 restricted to South- West Australia; 1 to South Australia; 1 (Leptocarpus) with 1 species in Cochinchina, 1 species in Chile, 7 species in South Africa, 12 species in Australia, of which one also in New Zealand. It is interesting to note that a more reduced type, the nearly allied CENTROLEPIDACES, have their chief centre of development in South- West Australia and Victoria, but there are also representatives of the order in the southernmost parts of South America and the neigh- bouring islands, also in New Zealand and other Pacific islands between Australia and South America, only 1 in Cochinchina, while the ERiocauLace®, which represent a type that may also have been derived from Restionacee, have a much wider distribution chiefly in the Tropics of both hemispheres. JUNCACER. Priomum, South-West Cape Colony to Lower Albany. Of allied genera, 1 in Bolivia and Northern Chile, 1 in the Andes, 1 in the region of the Magellan Straits, 1 in New Zealand and the neigh- bouring islands, 1 on Fuegia, the Falkland Islands and the Campbell Islands. Juncus, cosmopolitan ; 28 species in South Africa, mostly in the “coast region ”’ of the Flora Capensis, the majority endemic. Luzula, only 1 species in South Africa. According to Buchenau (1880, p, 139) the Juncacex are a geologi- cally ancient order; well-defined groups of Juncz are already known from the Miocene. He further characterises Prionzwm as a primitive type of Juncacee, so that its occurrence in South Africa and the dis- tribution of its nearest allies is of great interest in connection with our problem. LILIACE (mainly after Engler, in Engler-Prantl, Natirl. Pflanzenfam.). I. Melanthiordee. 1. Tofieldiee. 3 genera in the Northern Hemisphere, 1 on the mountains of British Guiana, 1 in Borneo. Origin of the Angiospermous Flora of South Africa. 333 2. Helomee. North America, Japan, and Formosa. 3. Veratree. Northern Hemisphere, chiefly North America. 4, Uvulariee. 2 genera in Hast Australia; 1 (Gloriosa) in Tropical Africa, Mada- gascar, and Asia, and in the coast districts of Cape Colony as far west as Port Alfred; 1 (Littonia) in Arabia, Tropical Africa, and Natal ; 1 (Sandersonia) in Natal; 1 in Hastern North America; 1 in Hastern Asia; 1 in Tropical Africa. 5. Anguillariee. Burchardia. 1 species in Temperate Australia and Tasmania. Androcymbium. 2 species in the Mediterranean Region; about a dozen species (of which 1 occurs in Abyssinia) in South Africa. Beometra. 1 species in South-West Cape Colony. Dipidax. 2 species in South-West Cape Colony. Wurmbea. 7 species: 1 in South-West Cape Colony as far as Port Elizabeth, Somerset East, &c.; 1 in Griqualand East and Natal ; 1 on the island of Fernando Po (at an altitude of 3,000 m.); 4 in West Australia. Anguillaria. 2 species in West Australia, of which one also in East Australia and Tasmania. Iphigenia. 5 species: 1 in the Indian Monsoon Region as far as North Australia, 1 only in the East Indies, 1 in New Zealand, 1 in Angola, 1 in Madagascar. 6. Colchicee. Chiefly in the Mediterranean Region; 3 genera. Il. 7. Herrerwidee. 1 genus in South-HKast Brazil. Il. Asphodeloidee. 8(a). Asphodelee—Asphodeline. 4 genera-—chiefly in the Mediterranean Region and Western Asia. 8(b). Asphodelee—Anthericine. Bulbinella, Kunth. 10 species : 7 in South Africa, mostly in South- West Cape Colony; 1 in Natal; 1 in the Transvaal; 1 in New Zealand ; 1 on the Campbell and Auckland Islands. Bulbine, Linn. 27 species: 25 in South Africa, 2 of which extend to the mountains of Equatorial Africa; 2 in Kast Australia. Anemarrhena, Bunge. 1 species in Northern China. Anthericum, L. About 60 species, mostly in Africa (55 in South Africa) ; a few in Europe, several in North and South America. Chlorophytwm, Ker. About 50 species in the Tropics of both hemispheres, of which 11 are in South Africa (mostly Eastern). 334 Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society. Thysanotus, R. Br. About 22 species in Australia (mostly West Australia). Dichopogon, Kunth. 2 species in Hast Australia. Glyphosperma, 8. Watson. 1 species in North America. Arthropodwm, R. Br. 8species: 5in Australia, 2 in New Zealand, 1 in New Caledonia. : Bottinea, Colla. 1 species in Chile. Echeandia, Ortega. 2 species from Mexico to Guiana. Pasithea, D. Don. 1 species in Chile. Chamescilla, F. Mull. 2 species in West Australia. Tricoryne, R. Br. 6 species, of which 5 in Hast Australia, 1 of which also occurs in West Australia; 1 only in West Aus- tralia. Agrostocrium, EF, Mull. 1 species in South-West Australia. Cesia, R. Br. 10 species: 3 in South-West Cape Colony, 1 in Madagascar, 6 in Australia. Corynotheca, EF. Mull. 3 species in Tropical and West Aus- tralia. Hodgsoniola, F. Mill. 1 species in South-West Austvralia. Nanoltrion, Benth. 1 species on the Winterhoek Mountains, South-West Cape Colony (Engler looks upon this genus as a reduced form of the Cesia type; English botanists consider it to be most nearly allied to Herpolirion, Hook. fil., a monotypic genus of the Inliacee-Asphodeloidee found on the mountains of New Zealand, Tasmania, and South-West Australia). 8(c). Asphodelee—Chlorogaline. 3 genera in North America (including Mexico). 8(d). Asphodelee—Odonstomine. 1 monotypic genus in California. 8(e). Asphodelee—Hriospermine. Eriospermum, Jacq. In South Africa (spread over all regions), also widely spread in Tropical Africa. Bowiea, Harv. Hastern parts of Cape Colony, Natal, extending into the Orange River Colony. Schizobasis, Bak. Kalahari and Central Regions of Cape Colony ; 1 species in Angola. 8(f). Asphodelee—Xeronemine. 1 genus in New Caledonia, 1 in New Zealand, Tasmania and South- Hast Australia. 8(g). Asphodelee—Dianelline. 1 genus in Temperate Australia; 1 on the Andes of Peru and Columbia, 1 widely spread from Australia, Hast Indies, and many Pacific Islands. Origin of the Angiospermous Flora of South Africa. 335 9. Hemerocallide. 2 genera in the north temperate regions of the Old World; 1 in New Zealand, 1 in Hast Australia, 2 in North America. 10(a). Aloinee—Kmiphofine. Kniphofia, Monch. 32 species in South Africa (mostly Eastern) ; 13 in Kast Tropical Africa as far as the Nile-land; 2 in Madagascar. Notosceptrum, Benth. 2 species in Angola. 10(b). Aloonee—Aloine. Aloe, L. About 120 species, of which the majority are in South Africa (poorly represented in the Cape Region), over 50 occur in Tropical Africa; a few reach Madagascar, Bourbon, Socotra, India, China, and the Mediterranean Region. Gasteria, Duval. Nearly 50 species in South Africa. Apicra, Willd. 8 species in South Africa. Haworthia, Duval. Over 60 species in South Africa, 1 in Angola. 1 genus on the mountains of Mauritius and on the island of Bourbon. 11. Aphyllanthee. 1 monotypic genus in the Western Mediterranean Region. 12. Johnsomee. 6 genera in Australia, chiefly South-West Australia. 13. Dasypogonee. 1 genus in South-West Australia. 14. Lomandree. 3 genera in Australia (1 also found in New Caledonia). 15. Calectasiee. 3 genera in Australia, chiefly West Australia. ITV. Allioidee (poorly represented in South Africa, absent in Australia). We will only refer to the genera represented in South Africa. Agapanthus, L’Herit. A monotypic genus, very widely spread in South Africa, absent in the Central Regions. Tulbaghia, L. About 13 species: 10 in South Africa, 2 or 3 on the mountains of Tropical Africa. Allwum, L. Of this large genus only 1 species occurs in South Africa which seems to be widely spread, though rather local in its distribution. V. Scallee (strongly developed in South Africa, the Mediter- ranean Region and other parts of the temperate regions of the Old World; 1 genus restricted to Madagascar, 1 to North America, absent from Australia). The following genera are restricted to South Africa: Massoma, Thunb. ; Daubenya, Lindl.; Whiteheadia, Harv. ; 336 Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society. Polyxena, Kunth.; Lachenalia, Jacq.; Rhadamanthus, Salish. ; Intanthus, Harv.; Galtonia, Dene.; Velthermia, Gleditsch. The following South African genera have more than local dis- tribution :— Drima, Jacq. 22 species in South Africa, 7 in Tropical Africa. Dipcadi, Medic. 16 species in South Africa; also developed in Tropical Africa, Madagascar, the Mediterranean Region, and India. Albuca, Linn. About 50 species in South Africa; extends to Tropical Africa and Arabia. Urginea, Steinh. 27 species in South Africa; extends to Tropical Africa, the Mediterranean Region, and India. Hyacinthus, Linn. About 80 species; 2 in South Africa, 1 in Tropical Africa, the others in the Oriental and Mediterranean Regions. Drimiopsis, Lindl. 7 species in South Africa; 5 in Tropical Africa. Eucoms, L’Hérit. 8 species in South Africa; 1 in the highlands of Central Africa. Scilla, Linn. About 60 species in South Africa; the remaining species (about 30) widely spread through the Old World; 1 or 2 doubtful species in Chile. Ornithogalum, Linn. About 75 species in South Africa, strongly developed also in Tropical Africa, and widely spread throughout Europe and Asia. VI. Dracenoidee. 1. Yuccee. 2 genera in North and Central America. 2. Nolinee. 1 genus in Texas and Mexico. 3. Dracenee. Dracena, Vand. About 50 species spread through the warmer regions of the Old World; 47 species in Tropical Africa; only 1 in South Africa (South-Eastern). 1 genus on the Mascarene Islands and New Caledonia; 1 in the warmer regions of the Old World and America; 1 in New Zealand and Pacific Islands; 1 in Tasmania. VII. Asparagoidee. 1. Asparagee. Asparagus, L. 43 species in South Africa; 36 in Tropical Africa ; a few on Madeira and the Canaries; a few on the Mascarene Islands; 17 in the Mediterranean Region, and spread from there northwards to Norway and eastwards to the Malay Archipelago. The other genera chiefly in the Mediterranean Region and the Orient. Origin of the Angiospermous Flora of South Africa. 337 2. Polygonate. 6 genera in the temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere. 3. Convallariee. 9 genera in Kast Asia and North America. 4, Pardee. 4 genera in the temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere. VIII. Ophiopogonoidee. Sansevierta, Thunb. Widely spread in the Tropics of the Old World; also found in South Africa and the Mascarene Islands. 3 genera in Eastern Asia. IX. Aletroidee. 1 genus in Kast Asia and Hastern North America. X. Luzurvagordee. Behnia, Diedr. From Uitenhage eastwards to Barberton and Natal. 2 genera in Kast Australia; 1 in Southern Chile; 1 in Southern China and at the Magellan Straits ; 1 in Chile, Peru, Patagonia, the Falkland Islands, and New Zealand. XI. Smilacordee. 1 genus in East Australia and New Zealand; 1 in Hast India and East Asia. Smilax, Toum., with about 200 species, is chiefly found in the Tropics and extends northwards into extratropical regions, 1 species reaches southwards to Natal. H #MODORACE (Baker includes in this order Sansevierta, which has been referred to amongst Liliacee). Apart from Sansevieria none of the South African genera are found in Tropical Africa, which has only one other representative of the order, namely, the genus Cyanastrum, which is endemic in Guinea. Hemodorum, 8m. 17 species spread over the whole of Australia. Wachendorfia, L. 2 species in South-West Cape Colony. Barberetta, Harv. 1 species in Kaffraria and Natal. Dilatris, Berg. 1 species in South-West Cape Colony. Lanaria, Ait. 1 species from Worcester to the neighbourhood of Port Alfred. Cyanella, Linn. 3 species mainly in West and South-West Cape Colony. The order is also represented by 3 genera in America (chiefly the tropical parts). a 338 Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society. CruUCIFERZ—Tribe Thelypodiee (after Prantl, in Engler-Prantl, Natirl. Pflanzenfam.) 1. Stanleyine. 1 genus in New Zealand, 1 in Kerguelen Island, 3 in North America. 2. Cremolobine. 4 genera in Western South America. 3. Heliophiline. 5 endemic genera (including the large genus Heliophila) in South Africa, essentially South-Western. CUNONIACEZ. Platylophus, Don. Monotypic genus in South-West Cape Colony. Cunoma, Linn. 1 species widely spread in South Africa; 5 species in New Caledonia. There are altogether 19 genera with about 120 species. The chief development of the order is in the Southern Hemisphere between lat. 13° and 35°; few species go northwards beyond these limits. None in Tropical Africa. LEGUMINOS&. The distribution of some of the Legwminose@ allied to South African endemic genera is of special interest. The following information is taken mainly from Taubert in Engler-Prantl, Natirl. Pflanzenfam. Papilionate—Podalyriee. Cyclopia, Vent. 10 species in South-West Cape Colony. Podalyria, Vent. 20 species, mostly in South-West Cape Colony. 19 genera with 371 species in Australia, many only in West Aus- tralia. 1 genus (with 2 species) from Arabia through the whole Mediterranean Region; 1 monotypic genus in the Himalayas ; 2 genera with 29 species in North America and Temperate Asia ; 1 monotypic genus in California. Papilionate—Genstee—Liparine. 6 genera with 38 species almost restrictéd to South-West Cape _ Colony, very few east of Uitenhage. Papilionate—Genstee—Borassieme. ) genera with 57 species, all in Australia. Papilionate—Genistee—Crotalarune. 10 genera (including the enormous genus Aspalathus), restricted to South Africa; with the exception of Pleiospora all of them essentially South-Western. Lotononis with 60 species, mostly in Tropical and South Africa; 4 in North Africa, Spain, and the Orient. Origin of the Angiospermous Flora of South Africa. 339 Crotalaria, with 250 species; distributed over the Tropical and sub-Tropical countries of both hemispheres. 1 genus in the Southern Andine Regions; 1 monotypic genus in South-East Brazil; 1 monotypic genus in India and Ceylon; 1 genus in the Hastern Himalayas and Socotra. GRUBBIACE. Hieronymus (in Engler-Prantl, Natiirl. Pflanzen-fam., ii., 1, p. 229) expresses the opinion that this order represents the prototype of Santalacee. It has 1 genus with 3 species in South-West Cape Colony. SANTALACE: (after Hieronymus in Engler-Prantl, Natiirl. Pflanzen-fam.) This order has 4 main centres of development: (1) South Africa, with the largest number of species; (2) Australia; (3) South America; (4) South Asia and the islands of the Malay Archipelago.* I. Anthobolee. 1 genus in Australia, New Zealand, the Malay Archipelago, and the Sandwich Islands; 1 in Malakka and the Malay Archipelago. Il. Osyridee. 4 genera in Australia (1 also in New Zealand), 1 in Burmah and Malakka, 1 in Hast India, China, and the Malay Archipelago, 1 in Kast India, 1 (Colpoon) in South Africa, 1 in the southern part of South America and the Falkland Islands, 1 in Chile, 1 (Osyrvs) in South Europe, almost the whole of Africa (including South Africa) and East India, 1 in Japan and North America, 1 in Hast India, the Malay Archipelago, the Pacific Islands, and Australia, 3 in South America, 1 along the Lower Danube and in North America, 1 in North America and the Himalayas. Ill. Thesiee. 2 genera in South Africa (Osyridocarpus and Thesidiwn), 1 genus (Thesvwm) in the temperate regions of the Old World, but also sparingly in the Tropics (strongly represented in South-West Cape Colony), 2 in Chile, the Argentines, and Patagonia. I think amongst these facts of distribution there are a good many which support the view of Hooker’s that many of our South African * The Myzodendracee, a reduced type of Santalacee, are only found in South Chile and near the Straits of Magellan. 340 Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society. types must, with corresponding Australian types, have taken their origin in a great Southern land connecting South Africa and Australasia. Others might have been added. It is certainly most extraordinary that wherever we find the closest agreement between the Floras of the two countries it is between the boxed-up Flora of the Cape Province and the Flora of Australia, chiefly West and South-West Australia, and when we consider that this connection exists in widely separated orders, these facts become all the more wonderful. Similar facts of distribution are also known amongst animals without ready means of distribution. I will only refer to Peripatus and Worms. The distribution of Peripatus (after Sedgwick, 1901) is as follows: Cape Colony, Natal, Gaboon, New Zealand, Australia and Tasmania, New Britain, the Malay Peninsula (and Sumatra ?), South and Central America, and the West Indies. Perzpatus cinctipes, Pure. (Cape Colony and Natal), shows some Australasian features; P. thollon, Bouv., from HKquatorial West Africa (Gaboon) shows some neotropical features. The Malayan species, while showing some features of the neotropical species, resemble the Australian species in others. Beddard (1893, p. 110) points out how important the distribution of Harthworms is, to explain former land-connections, as they are killed by sea-water. He comes to the conclusion that ‘the former existence of a habitable Antarctic continent, with arms stretching to New Zealand, Africa, and Patagonia, seems to be the clearest way of explaining these facts” (of the distribution of the native earthworms of the Southern Hemisphere). When I first approached this subject seriously, I came to the same conclusion, namely, that a former connection with antarctic lands would yield the key of the problem, but further study has shown me that it is untenable. In the first place I became con- vinced of the relative stability of the climate of South Africa, as a consequence of which our plants could not have come from Antarctic lands. In the second place, while there are undoubtedly strong connections between the Flora of South Africa and the Flora of southernmost South America, they are not by any means so strong as with the Flora of Australia. The theory which I formulated is briefly this: At the times when these common types developed, probably in Lower Cretaceous times, possibly even in Jurassic times, there was still a direct land-connection between Australia and South Africa, that some of these types were carried to South America by a later connection with Aus- tralia, and that, on the other hand, Tropical Africa was able to Origin of the Angwospermous Flora of South Africa. 341 exchange types of animals and plants with Tropical America up to early Tertiary times, and that in this way a second con- nection between the South African Flora and the Flora of America was established. In formulating this theory I was aware of the great objections which Wallace has urged against the assumption that the distribu- tion of sea and land has been radically changed during the Tertiary and Secondary periods, and I have even, some ten or twelve years ago, expressed the same view under the influence of his writings. I well remember his warning that it is ‘so easy and pleasant to speculate on former changes of land and sea with which to cut the Gordian knot offered by anomalies of distribution, that we still con- tinually meet with suggestions of former continents stretching in every direction across the deepest oceans, in order to explain the presence in remote parts of the globe of the same genera even of plants or of insects—organisms which possess such exceptional facilities both for terrestrial, aerial, and oceanic transport, and of whose distribution in early geological periods we generally know little or nothing.”’ But the facts to which I referred, and others which might have: been added, seem imperatively to call for the theory which I have just mentioned. The survival of an ancient Flora of the Southern Hemisphere seems to be generally admitted now (see, e.g., Diels, 1906) and its existence cannot be explained with the aid of existing land- connections, nor are many of the elements of this Flora particularly well adapted for easy terrestrial, aerial, and oceanic transport, and objections which may be raised against arguments derived from the distribution of insects cannot be raised when we consider animals such as Peripatus and earthworms. There seems to be no way of escaping the conclusion that in late mesozoic times, possibly up to the Cretaceous period, there was still a more or less direct land-connection between South Africa and Australia. H. EF. Blandford (1875, p. 540) first clearly stated that in Permian times India, South Africa, and Australia were connected by an Indo-oceanic continent. There is no need to inquire here into the evidence of this hypothesis; it may suffice to say that, apart. from purely geological considerations, it rests chiefly on the known distribution of the Glossopteris-Flora (compare Arber, 1905). The general statement that such a continent existed in Permian times is now pretty universally admitted. Direct land-connection between South Africa, Madagascar, and India through Ceylon is admitted to. have persisted right into the middle of the Tertiary period (Stanley Gardiner, 1906, p. 321, and Gadow in Stanley Gardiner, 1906, p. 469). Pee eS = oe ca ee 342 Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society. It is further admitted, especially on zoological evidence, that by that time the direct connection between South Africa and Australia had disappeared, but since the causes (erosion and subsidence) which led to the excavation of the Indian Ocean must have acted gradually I see nothing in the way of assuming that in Cretaceous times, or perhaps even somewhat later, there were still such considerable remnants of the ancient continent as to allow the interchange of plant-types between Australia and South Africa. It may be desirable to quote some of Mr. Stanley Gardiner’s conclusions in full, especially as they throw also ight on the former northern connections of South Africa. (P. 317): “ The land-connec- tion of South Africa and Madagascar with India can scarcely be dis- puted, though its duration and the changes which have taken place in it may legitimately be discussed. Parts of each continent would appear to have remained continuously as land from the Carboni- ferous to the present day, while the present land-connection between India and South Africa through Persia and Arabia cannot have come into existence before the Middle Tertiary period. Remains of the same land-fauna and flora from the Carboniferous to the Middle Secondary period are found in both South Africa and India, and must certainly be deemed to prove a land-connection, which can only have extended along the Madagascar-Ceylon line. North-west and south-west of this bridge were marine faunas quite distinct yet recognisably of the same geological periods.” (P. 318): “In the Upper Secondary (in the Middle and Upper Cretaceous), and even in the Lower Tertiary (Eocene), there was sea covering the southern part of Europe and parts of North Africa and Arabia, connecting the Atlantic Ocean with the Arabian Sea. On either side of the line of connection between Madagascar and India we find still distinct marine faunas in elevated submarine deposits of the Upper Cretaceous period. This fact implies that there was no connection of the oceans until the Hocene at least, such as would have enabled the faunas of the two oceans to have seriously intermingled—in other words, that the connection between Madagascar and India continued up to the Hocene, though with possibly one or two straits not sufficiently broad for the intermingling of the two marine faunas, though serving to separate the land organisms of the two regions. Africa would at this time have been an island, and it probably continued to be so until the middle or commencement of the Upper Tertiary, during which it had a wide land-connection across the Red Sea through Arabia to South Europe to Asia, and so to North America and to India.”’ (P. 318): “Again we find elevations of late Secondary and Eocene Origin of the Angiospermous Flora of South Africa. 348 rocks on the coast of Madagascar, South Africa, and India, as well as rocks of still later periods. This fact, together with the existence of deep water (2,000 fathoms) round the north and east of Mada- gascar and round South India without any marked tailing off of the land-slope to its depth, points to the subsidence having necessarily been local, and having ceased to operate peculiarly abruptly at either end.” From these remarks [ would only conclude that the Southern Ocean had already in Cretaceous times made serious inroads on the supposed ancient Indo-oceanic continent without having necessarily destroyed the main portion of it. This view seems to have alo been taken by Mr. R. Lydekker, who took part in the discussion which followed the reading of Mr. Gardiner’s paper. This view is further strengthened by the fact that while Lower Cretaceous deposits are only known in South Africa as the so-called Uitenhage- beds in the Sundays River valley, Upper Cretaceous deposits are known from various localities as we go further east and north from the neighbourhood of the St. John’s River to Madagascar. The whole difficulty of the distribution of the Cape types seems thus to be capable of solution if we go back to early Cretaceous times, and as remains of Angiosperms have been found in other parts of the werld in deposits of early Cretaceous age, we seem to be on safe ground in assuming that they also existed in South Africa during that period, but, as I indicated before, I am inclined to go even a step further. As undoubted Angiosperms have been found in early Cretaceous deposits, their roots probably go back into Jurassic times, and I am in hopes that they will be found yet on the Southern Hemisphere in Jurassic deposits, if they have not been found there already. Nobody who has followed recent advances in Palxo- botany will be prepared to say that this is impossible, for the extent to which the clock has been put back recently in Vegetable Palzeon- tology forms one of the most striking results in modern botanical research. Most competent Palo-botanists are, with Zeiller, of opinion (quoted by Scott in Progressus Rei Botanic, i. (1807), p. 177, where the literature is cited) that the ferns, though they were not entirely absent, occupied an altogether subordinate position in the Paleozoic period. The forms hitherto taken for ferns being Pteridosperms (Cycadofilices), Scott himself, while agreeing as to the age of the Pteridosperms, thinks this statement too sweeping. The Angiosperms, which concern us here chiefly, have been found in the Cretaceous of various countries, but at this period we find already a number of types developed which live to the present day, and there is not only a possibility, but I think a probability, that they re 344 Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society. had Angiospermous ancestors in even somewhat earlier times. In fact some of the Palzeozoic Lycopods had Angiospermous fructifica- tions, though I do not wish to imply by this statement that our Angiosperms have been derived from them. We must now briefly consider how it is that we find some of the Cape types in Southern South America. Neumayer assumes that in Jurassic times the whole of Africa was still connected by land with the whole of South America, and thus a huge continent was in existence bounded in the north by the Mediterranean Ocean, which reached westwards to the Pacific (see map in Stanley Gardiner, 1906, p. 319), and that in Lower Eocene times the South Atlantic had been sufficiently carved out so as to leave only a few large islands between North and West Africa and North-East South America. If such a connection existed in Jurassic times, it may account for the presence in southern South America and in Tristan da Cunha of some of the Cape types, but as a matter of fact the Flora of southern South America is so closely connected with the Flora of New Zealand and Australia that we must rather assume a direct connection between these countries in Cretaceous times. Dr. von Zittel rightly points out if such a connection had taken place during the Tertiary period we ought surely to have found South American types of Edentates and Perissodactyles in Australia. At the same time the fossil Marsupials of Argentina show that at some time there must have been a connection between the Australian and Neotropical faunas. This connection must, however, have come into existence after the connection with South Africa was broken, otherwise we should expect to find remains of Marsupials in South Africa. The absence of such remains seems to me also clearly to prove that the direct connection of South Africa and South America did not exist when the Cape Flora originated. To the indirect connection through Tropical Africa reference will be made later. Quite recently Hackel (1905, 1906) has given attention to the relations of certain constituents of the Flora of the countries near the Straits of Magellan to the Flora of North America and Hurope, and he also comes to the conclusion that there must have been a former land-connection between them and Australia and New Zealand. Before leaving the typical plants of the Cape Province we must briefly consider the Hricacee, Peneacee, Rutacee and Brumacee. The distribution of the Hricacee defies at present a satisfactory explana- tion. Their prevalence in South-West Africa and the prevalence of Epacripace# in Australia cannot be used as evidence that these Origin of the Angiospermous Flora of South Africa. 345 two orders originated in the Southern Hemisphere from common ancestors (compare Drude in Engler-Prantl, iv., 1, 1897, p. 29). As regards the Rutacrms Engler has pointed out (Engler-Prantl, i11., 4, p. 106) that the Xanthoxylee must come nearest the original type of the order. From these he supposes the Cuspariee, Boromee, and Diosmee to have developed. The first are very richly developed in South America, the second in Australia, the third in South Africa, especially in South-West Cape Colony, but whether this points to a common origin in the Southern Hemisphere does not seem to be at all clear. The Pene@acee and allied orders (the T'hymeleales) also fail to give us in their distribution an indication of their origin. PENZACES nearly allied to Thymeleacez ; only distinguished by 4-merous ovary with 2-4 ovules each. All in South-West Cape Colony; 21 species and 5 genera. GEISSOLOMACEH. 1 monotypic genus; closely allied to Peneacee, with which the order has frequently been united. South-West Cape Colony. OLINIACEH. Fruit a drupe, while in the two previous orders the fruit is a capsule. About 6 species : 4in Cape Colony, 1 in Usambara, 1 in Abyssinia. THYMEL#ACEZ, with the exception of the polar regions distributed over the whole globe, but many genera and groups very localised. Peddiea. 6 species, South-East and Tropical Africa. Gidia. 80-90 species, Tropical and South Africa, Madagascar, and Hast Indies. Struthwla. 24 species, mostly in South Africa, 3 in Tropical Africa. Cryptadena. 4-5 species, Cape. Lachnea. 18 species, Cape. Passerina, 4 species, and Chrymococca, 1 species, Cape; 2 allied genera in Central and Northern Asia. Dais. 2 species: 1 in Natal and 1 in Madagascar. EL#AGNACEH. Chiefly in the northern temperate and sub-tropical zone ; none in the Southern Hemisphere. The Bruniace®, 12 genera and over 40 species, which are re- stricted to South Africa, and even almost entirely to South-West Cape Colony, are so isolated amongst Saxifragine that we can also only point to their antiquity. About their origin no guess can be hazarded. There are a number of genera of large orders which must be placed in the same category, e.g., Cliffortia (about 40 species, mostly 23 346 Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society. South-Western Cape Colony) allied to Bencoma (a genus with 2 species on Madeira and the Canary Islands). A former northward extension of the typical Cape Flora can scarcely be denied if our views are correct, for at the time when the Uitenhage beds were laid down, the central portions of Cape Colony must to a large extent have stood in the same relation to the continent as the present coast districts. Whether the occurrence of species of Cliffortia and a Restio on the Roggeveld can be used as evidence of such former extension seems to me, however, doubtful. A former eastward extension is certainly demanded by our theory. The data for an exact statement of the relations of the Southern Coast Flora as far as Natal with the Flora of South-West Cape Colony are scarcely worked out sufficiently, but we know that even now many outliers of the typical Cape Flora reach far east, and their number would probably be much greater if the Tropical African Flora did not appear as a formidable competitor in the Coast Region where summer rains become more and more prevalent. The mean annual temperature increases as we go further and further north-east, and though we cannot speak very decidedly on this point, it seems to me that owing to the lowering of the mountains since Upper Cretaceous times and the alternate sub- sidence and elevation of the coast-lands of which we have already a. fair amount of knowledge, the Tropical African Flora has had a good chance of supplanting the typical South-West Flora along the. outh coast of Cape Colony to a very large extent. Marloth (1905, p. 589) recognises besides his ‘‘Cape Province ’” only a ‘ Paleotropical Province.” There is undoubtedly a good deal to be said for this division of the South African Flora, but I think it would have been wiser to place the “ Karroo”’ into a phyto-geographical province by itself, although it stretches its arms. like a big octopus into the neighbouring regions wherever suitable. conditions exist. Some of the types characteristic of this region show still relations to the Flora of Australia while others show relations to the Tropical Floras of both hemispheres as seen by the subjoined distribution of Arvzoacee and Phytolaccacee (as defined by Pax in Engler-Prantl, i., 10). AIZOACES. I. Molluginoidee. 2 genera in the Tropics of both hemispheres, 3 (Pharnaciwm, Hyper- stelis, and Calanthwn.) restricted to South Africa, 1 in New South Origin of the Angiospermous Flora of South Africa, 347 Wales and West Australia, 1 (Orygia) through the desert regions of Africa and the East Indies. II. 1. Fucoidee—Sesuvidee. 2 genera widely spread in tropical and sub-tropical countries, 1 in the West Indies. II. 2. Picoidee—Aizoee. 3 genera (Plinthus, Galema, and Acrosanthes) restricted to South Africa, 1 (Azzoon) from South Africa through Tropical Africa to South Hurope and North-West India, 2 restricted to Australia. Il. 3. Ficorde@e—Mesembriantheme. The majority of the species of Tetragonia are found in South Africa, a few in Australia (1, 7’. expansa, with very wide distribution, even found in South America). The genus Mesembrianthenum is also almost entirely restricted to South Africa, mostly found west of the Fish River and south of the Orange River. A few species spread northwards as far as the Mediterranean Region; a few others, which have spread to Australia, the islands of the Pacific, California, &c., are sea-shore plants. PHYTOLACCACE. I. Rwinee. One chief centre of development Tropical America, spreading into the adjoining sub-tropical and also into the temperate parts, 1 genus in Australia, 1 (Adenogranma) in South Africa. II. Lime. 2 genera (Polpoda and Limewm) in South Africa, the last extending through Tropical Africa to the Hast Indies; 1 genus in Mada- gascar. | III. Stegnospermee. 1 genus in Central America and California, 1 (Psammotropha) in South Africa. IV. Phytolaccee. 1 genus (Phytolacca) widely distributed in the Old and New World (absent in Australia), 1 in Chile, 1 (Gzesekza) in South Africa. V. Gyrostemonee. 3 genera in Australia. VI. Agrestidee. 1 genus in Mexico and Guatemala. (1 unclassified genus in Yun-nan.) Although I think it advisable to separate the Karroo Province from the Palwotropic Province of Marloth, I have no doubt that many types which must be looked upon as paleotropic have penetrated into it, as they have also done so largely into the 348 Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society. remainder of the South African Flora, which shows pretty close connections with the Tropical African Flora. The question of the origin of these floral elements resolves itself, therefore, into the question of the origin of the Flora of Tropical Africa which cannot be dealt with here very thoroughly, although it may be advisable to refer to a few points connected with it. Thus Stapf (1904, p. 409) says with reference to Granunee: ‘The connection of the tropical and sub-tropical elements amongst the grasses of South Africa with the paleotropic Flora of Tropical Africa is so clear that no further comment is necessary. The whole sub-tropical grass region of South Africa is nothing but a continuation of the whole floral region in the north. Relations to other tropical countries exist almost exclusively by way of Tropical Africa. There are only three exceptions which are too isolated to be used as the basis of an argument for the former direct relations to extra African tropical countries.” Similar relations can be traced in very numerous other orders. Engler (1906, p. 34) has summarised the relations of the Flora of the Northern Transvaal, Natal and Rhodesia to the Flora of Tropical Africa as follows: ‘If we now ask to which of the known floral regions of Africa these parts of the Transvaal or Rhodesia can be associated with, the answer is not very difficult. The investigation of British and German East Africa, as well as Northern Rhodesia, has more and more shown that these regions belong together, as also Angola, Benguela, and a large part of German South-Hast Africa, just as it was clear long ago that the Flora of Natal is related to the Flora of the Mozambique and Zanzibar coast regions. There are small differences between the various subdivisions, if we work carefully through the genera which are distributed through the whole of the East African and South African ‘‘ steppe” provinces. We then find that in several contiguous sub-provinces certain groups of species predominate; on the other hand, some species (especially of Combretwnv) are distributed through several sub-provinces. From the enumeration of the plants observed by me, it resulted that not a few are identical with plants collected by Welwitsch in Benguela. Relations to Natal are smaller, which may be explained through the fact that here we have to do with an inland Flora in which the Cape and Madagascar floral elements still more pass into the background than in Natal.” One naturally looks to the Flora of the higher mountains of Tropical Africa for an extension of the South African types and for an indication of the channels in which those types have moved. This interesting question has been referred to in various publications Origin of the Angiospermous Flora of South Africa. 349 by Hooker and other distinguished botanists, but for fuller informa- tion we must turn again to Engler’s publications. With regard to the relations of the Flora of the Tropical African mountains to the Flora of South Africa he says (1892, p. 79) : ‘In conformity with the orographical configuration of Africa there are intimate relations between the Tropical African mountain vegetation and of the Flora of South Africa, but not with the Flora of South-West Cape Colony, which represents quite a different floral element.” “The following species are only found in South Africa and the Tropical African mountains: Podocarpus falcata and P. elongata, Trichocladus ellupticus, Calodendron capense, Ilex capensis, Rhamnus prinoides, Myrsine africana and M. melanophlea (also in Macaro- nesia), Olea laurifolia, Clerodendron myricoides, Clausema inequalis, Brucea antidysenterica, Grewia occidentalis, Zizyphus mucronata, Tarchonanthus camvphoratus, therefore mostly baccate and drupaceous woody plants, of which, however, some, like Zizyphus mucronata, Olea laurvfolia, considering the size of their fruits, could only spread slowly. Several of these forest-plants may formerly, when the steppe-vegetation was more restricted and the forest fires caused by man did not take place, been more widely distributed. Of shade- plants there are in South Africa and the Tropical African mountains : Pennisetum macrourum, Agrostis vestita, Cyathula globulifera, Phy- tolacca abyssinica, Thalhictrum rhynchocarpum, Stephama abyssuuca, Indigofera endecaphylla, Hibiscus Ludwig and H. gossypinus, Phay- lopsis longifolia, Coccunra adoensis, Lobelia stellarioides ; of steppe- plants: Andropogon Schimpert and lepidus, Lasiosiphon Kraussi, Monsoma biflora, Hermanna abyssinica, Oldenlandia caffra, Senecio longiflorus ; of rock-plants: Adiantum ethipicum, Cheilanthes nwult- fida, Pteridella hastata, Mohria, Panicum diagonale, Brachypodium flecum, Ornithogalum Ecklom, Pollichia campestris, Crassula subulata, Osteospermum muricatum and O. moniliferum, Gerbera abyssinica ; of mountain-pasture plants (Bergwiesenpflanzen) : Melanis minutiflora, Ehrharta abyssimca, Kyllungia pulchella, Ficona clandestina, Scirpus schoenoides, Carex Boryana, Asparagus plumosus, Hypoxis villosa, Aristea anceps, Dierama pendula, Liparis capensis, Hebenstrertia dentata, Helichrysum elegantissimum, HE. fetidum, H. setosum, Athrixia rosmarinifolia, Artenusia afra, Ursinia annua; of marsh- plants: Polygonum serrulatum and P. tormentosum, Cyperus rubi- cundus, and C. assimilis, Gunnera perpensa, Belmontia grandis.’ ‘To these numerous species, which are distributed chiefly from the East African mountains as far as South Africa, may be added others which have their nearest relations in South Africa: Faurea, the Pittospora of Abyssinia and the Cameroons, species of Heteromorpha, 350 Transactions of the South African Philosophicat Society. Ericinella, Halleria, Acocanthera, Sparmanma, Invpatiens mecrantha, Rhoicissus erythrodes, Alepidea, Ruttya, Pycnostachys, Laswocorys, Melothris punctata, Lobelia Schinmpert, Melhania, Justicia brevi- caulis, Anthospermum pachyrrhizum, Trirhaphis, Sporobolus, Tricho- pteryx, Hesperantha, Acidanthers, Antholyza, Lapeyronzia, Disperrs, Anemone Thomson, Helichrysum globosum and H. gerberefolvum, Senecio farinaceous, Clarenceanus and toms, Landtia. To these would have further to be added numerous genera which South Africa and the Tropical African mountains have in common with the lower regions of Tropical Africa. While these types have a fairly uniform distribution, there are also on the high mountains of Africa here and there species of genera which in South Africa are richly developed: Protea (though not so poorly represented in Tropical Africa as formerly believed, yet much less developed than in South Africa), Struthiola (with only 1 species on Mount Kenia), Bleria, Psoralea, Lightfootia, Gazana, Berkkeya, Selago, Streptocarpus, Falkia, Cypha, Disa, Wurmbea. Several of these genera also occur on Madagascar and the Mascarene Islands. Not only on the African high mountains, but also in the lower regions of Tropical Africa we meet with the genera Kyllingia, Aloe, Kniphofia, Albuca, _ Morea, Kalanchoe, Trochomeria. This is also the case with the following genera, which reach as far as the Mediterranean: Danthoma, Gladiolus, Dipcadi, Urginea, Pennisetum, Rhus, Celtis, Peucedanum ; while other genera reaching from South Africa to the Mediterranean Region only inhabit the mountains, namely: Osyrvs, Rhamnus, Erica, Romulea, Bromus, Habenaria, Ranunculus, Pelar- gonvum, Mesembrianthemum, Silene, Dianthus, Trifolium, Crassula, Pimpinella, Daucus, Rubia, Wahlenbergia, Crepis, Lactuca, Sonchus, Helichrysum, Penmsetum ciliare, Fuirena pubescens, Bartsia Trixago, Sanicula europea. It is well known that some of these genera, such as Hrica, Pelargomum, Mesembrianthemum, Crassula, Helichry- sum and Wahlenbergia are in South Africa, on a restricted area, represented by a large number of species. In spite of that we must not at once jump to the conclusion that these genera originated in South Africa. Since the Mediterranean and Tropical African species are distinct from the South African ones we must assume a great age for these genera connecting South Africa with the Mediterranean Region.” I must further quote pretty freely from a more recent publication of Engler (1905, p. 587), as it throws important side-lights on the origin of the South African Flora: ‘“‘There is no doubt that in Tropical Africa a floral element predominates, which is peculiar to this part of the world. An accurate comparison shows that Origin of the Angiospermous Flora of South Africa, 3861 this element is more nearly related to that of Tropical Asia than that of Tropical America, and that it is especially nearly connected with that of India and Madagascar. But besides the Tropical African element of the Flora we find in Tropical Africa members of other elements—of the Madagassian, of the Indian, the South African, the boreal, the Mediterranean, and even of the Tropical American. But it is to be noticed that these elements are distributed in the various formations in a very different way.” ‘“‘The different halophilous beach formations do not belong to the same floral element. On the coasts of East Africa there pre- dominate, besides some other truly African, members of the Indian and the Monsoon elements; whereas on the coasts of West Africa exists an element belonging to both Tropical America and Tropical Africa.” ‘“‘ Besides, the accurate investigations of recent times have shown that in the hydrophilous and hygrophilous megatherm formations of Western Africa some genera exist, the other species of which are to be found only in the corresponding formations of Tropical America. And not only some genera, but even whole families and tribes, are developed only in Tropical America and in either West Africa or in the whole of Tropical Africa; for instance, in the hygrophilous formations, the Mayacacee, hapatacee, Musacea-Strelitz- idee, Balanophoracee-Langsdorfiee, Moracee-Brosimee, Caricacee, Humiriacee, Winteranacee, Cactacee-Riipsalidee, Gentianacee- Leiphaimee. In the subxerophilous and xerophilous formations of the plain regions and the lower mountains some families and tribes behave in a similar manner, namely, the Vellozvacee, Hydnoracee, Turneracee, Loasacee, Rafflesiacee-Apodanthee,and Cytinee. Besides these families there are to be mentioned some natural orders which have also members in the Monsoon lands, but which are developed in rich numbers only in America and Africa ; for instance, the Pontederiacee, the Moracee-Dorstenee, the Rosacee-Chrysobala- noidee, the Simarubacee-Simarubee, the Burseracee, the Dichape- talace@, and the large genera Hermanna and Asclepias.”’ “In the hygrophilous megatherm formations, and in the meso- therm formations of East Africa, especially in the rain forests and in the forests of the higher mountains, the Indian and Madagascar elements are rather numerous in members, and even the same species are to be found in the mountains of Hast Africa, the Madagassian Islands, and in India, especially many ferns.”’ “The South African element, too, is not absent in these forma- tions, but it is much more numerous in species in the shrub formations of Angola and Hast Africa. In the xerophilous forma- 302 Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society. tions the Tropical African element is very nearly related to the Indian?element, especially north of the Equator.” ‘Besides, in the subxerophilous and xerophilous formations of North-East Africa, and more in Somaliland than in Abyssinia, the Mediterranean element is represented by numerous genera; for instance, Buxus, Pistacia, Farsetia, Diceratella, Malconia, Gypsophila, Micromeria, Lavandula, Carduncellus, Cistanche, Junwperus, Callrtris.”” ‘¢ Hinally, besides the Mediterranean, the boreal element has many species in the microtherm formations of the high mountains of Africa. These are relatively poor in plants originating from African types, whereas the boreal and Mediterranean forms which have immigrated into the higher mountains of Africa have developed in their new area new species and varieties.” “Lastly it must be mentioned that, in spite of the narrow relations between the African mountain vegetation and the Mediter- ranean Flora, there are wanting many genera and orders otherwise distributed over large areas; for instance, the Abietinee, Fagacee, Betulacee, Pirolacea, Hricacee-Rhododendroidee, Aceracee, Capri- folacee (with exception of Sambucus ebulus), Rosacee-Spireoidee, Coriartacee, Daphne, Acomtum, Aquilegia, Draba, Huonynus, Geum, Ribes, Rhus-sect. Trichocarpe, Hieracium, Gentiana, Iris, Lilwum, Fritillaria, Orchis, Ophrys. The fact that of all these groups no members exist in the higher mountains of Africa proves that the boreal element has immigrated from the North and Hast into the Mediterranean regions, whereas, on the other hand, some types, now believed to be properly African, for instance Encephalartos, extended their area as far as Southern Europe. Therefore the hypothesis cannot be maintained that in the Tertiary period the same mixed Flora was distributed over all the Old World, a Flora from which the various elements should have differentiated by and by.” With reference to the subject under discussion, the connection of the Flora of West Tropical Africa with the Flora of Tropical South America pointed out by Engler is of particular interest, since it has a bearing on the connection of our own Flora with the Flora of South America generally. Already in the data of distribution which I submitted to illustrate the Southern origin of the typical South- Western Flora, a number of relations between the Flora of South Africa and the Flora of Tropical Africa showed themselves. I need only refer to the Iridacee—Iridine as compared with Iridacee— Marvine and Iridacee—Cipurine. I would also recall the distri- bution of Peripatus. Similar relations are indicated in the distri- butional data which I gave about a few orders that are characteristic Origin of the Angiospermous Flora of South Africa. 393 for the Karroo Region (see Ficoidacee-Sesuvide and Phytolaccacee- Rwimee and -Stegnospermee). I might also have mentioned the only 2 endemic South African genera of Portunaccacem: Ana- campseros (placed by Pax between 2 American genera) and Portu- lacarta (placed by Pax between a genus from Chile and another from Madagascar). I might further have mentioned Pelargonium, the nearest living ally of which is Trop@olwm (distributed in South and Central America and Mexico). Now, while some of these rela- tionships may perhaps be explained by a former Southern connection, others only find their explanation if we assume a former land-con- nection between Tropical West Africa and Tropical South America, which must have lasted into Tertiary times. Such a connection, besides clearing up some of the relations of the Flora of Tropical Africa and Tropical America, would also explain many relations between the Fauna and Flora of Madagascar and South America. It would especially explain the relations of the Flora of Tropical West Africa to the Flora of Tropical South America which, with all diffidence, I venture to think are even more intimate than represented by Engler in the passages quoted above. To mention only one of many indications for the correctness of this view I would point to the distribution of the Cyppraces. In dealing with the Cyperacee of the West Indies, Clarke (1906) comes to the following conclusion : ‘‘The most remarkable fact that has come out in this enumeration is the large number of species common to West Tropical Africa and the West Indies. This feature is also common to the mainland of America and Africa; a prominent point in this connection is the almost equal distribution of the species of the distinct genus Mapamia, sect. Humapama in Guiana and Guinea. As far as South Africa is concerned, it is noteworthy that the con- nection with Tropical America is, amongst others, shown very plainly in numerous Gamopetale, and this may perhaps also be an indica- tion that it has existed into Tertiary times. Obvious relations can be traced between South African and Tropical American Hydrophyllacee, Lentibulariacee, Gesneriacee, Bignomacee, Solanacee, &&. Amongst SCROPHULARIACEZ we find 1 species of the genus Alonsoa, R. et P. near Uitenhage, 7 or 8 in Tropical and sub-Tropical America ; in the tribe Chelonee we find 6 genera endemic in South Africa (mostly Eastern), 1 Halleria, L., in South Africa, Abyssinia, and Madagascar, and of the remaining 20 genera mentioned by Bentham and Hooker 15 are restricted to America; the tribe Gerardie@ is especially inter- esting, as it contains so many parasites and semi-parasites. Its dis- tribution seems clearly to demand a former land-connection of West Africa and South America. Its members are grouped round Tropical 354 Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society. Africa as a centre to which America and South Africa stand in relations of almost equal degree, as the following table of distribution will show. The tribe has 6 genera in America, chiefly Tropical, 1 in the Hast Indies, 1 in West Tropical Africa, 1 in Tropical and sub-Tropical Asia, Malay Archipelago, and Australia; 2 are restricted to Madagascar, 1 to Madagascar and North America, and 1 to the East Indies and Tropical Africa, and the following South African genera :— Melasma, Berg. About 24 species; distributed in the hotter parts of the world (8 in South Africa). Gerardina, Engl. Monotypic; Transvaal and Tropical Africa. Striga, Lour. About 30 species ; distributed over the hotter parts of Africa, Asia, and Australia (6 species in South Africa). Buttoma, McKen. 2 in Tropical Africa, 1 in Natal. Sopubta, Hamilt. 20 species ; distributed over Africa, Madagascar, and India (5 in South Africa, chiefly Hastern and Kalahari Region). Bopusia, Presl. 2 species in South Africa, 1 in Socotra. Buchnera, L. About 75 species ; distributed over the hotter parts of the world (4 in South Africa). Cycniwm, E. Mey. About 25 species; mostly in Tropical Africa (3 in South Africa). Ramphicarpa, Benth. 10 to 12 species; 3 in South Africa, the others in Tropical Africa, East Indies, and Australia. Harveya, Hook. About 27 species ; 21 in South Africa, the others in Tropical Africa and the Mascarene Islands. Hyobanche, Linn. 5 species in South Africa only. I may add that Charadrophila, Marloth, and Dermatobotrys, Bolus, 2 endemic genera, which doubtfully belong to Scrophularicae@, seem to point also to American affinities. Thus wearrive at the coaclusion, from phytogeographical considera- tions, that there was a double connection between the South African Flora and the Flora of South America—one by way of Australia, accounting for relations of the Flora of the Cape Province, chiefly with southern South America, and one by way of Tropical Africa accounting for the relations of the Paleotropic South African plants with the Flora of Tropical America. The land-connection which the latter relations imply has been conceded as a reasonable hypothesis by numerous zoologists and geologists. Von Ihering (1893, p. 6), starting chiefly ‘from a consideration of the distribution of fossil and recent fresh-water mussels, points out that with reference to its fresh-water fauna South America can be divided into three regions. The northern is connected with the palearctic region. Central South America has no trace of relationship with North America, Origin of the Angrospermous Flora of South Africa. 3585 only with Africa, Madagascar, and to a small extent with East India, these forming a portion of an ancient continent (named by him Archhellenis), which successively broke up into pieces, and thus, é.g., many genera were preserved in Madagascar and South America, which elsewhere died out. Lastly, the fresh-water fauna of the southern part of South America and of Chile are, according to him, closely connected with that of New Zealand and partly with that of Australia and Tasmania. These facts are parallel with some of the phytogeographical facts previously mentioned to which others derived from the Flora of Madagascar and the Mascarene Islands will be. referred to later on. Even Socotra yields such points of contact (Balfour, 1888, p. lxxiv). It is satisfactory to find that such a high authority as Mr. Boulenger (1905, p. 417) accepts the hypothesis of the former land- connection between Tropical South America and a portion of Tropical West Africa. He says: ‘‘ As it is admitted by most geolo- gists that a continuous land-communication probably existed across the Atlantic between South America and Africa up to the end of the Upper Cretaceous period (not, however, in the position designed by Dr. Ortmann, as is proved by the recent discovery of Turonian beds in the French Soudan, in Nigeria, and in Cameroon), it is legitimate to explain the distribution of the Characinide —Africa and Central South America—by such a bridge. This explanation tallies well with the fact, pointing to a severance from remote times, that, although the Characinids of the Old and New Worlds show near affinity, no single genus is common to both. The further fact that the more generalised genera (Hrythruune) are now found in America, points to the African forms having migrated from the West.” Ameghino (1906, p. 280) deals also with the supposed ancient land-connections between South America, Australia, North America, and Africa, after having gone into it already thoroughly in a previous paper which I have, however, not seen. According to him South America and Africa were united by continuous land, a portion of the Archhellenis of Mr. v. Ihering (1893) during the whole of the Upper Cretaceous, and this junction, though restricted, existed still during a portion of the Eocene, while in the form of a chain of islands it existed to the Middle Miocene. wis This assumption is based largely on facts of distribution of animals, but as far as I can judge such a junction between the two continents must already, in Jurassic times, have been somewhat removed from South Africa. The occurrence of Stereopternwm in Southern Brazil and of Mesosawrus in South Africa, as also the dis- covery of theromorphous reptiles in Southern Brazil apparently 356 Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society. related to some found in South Africa (Ameghino, 1906, p. 282) and the absence of these forms in the Argentines and Patagonia seem, besides the dissimilarity in the fresh-water fauna, to indicate a connection of South Africa with Tropical America in Triassic times, which was already somewhat indirect by a further northwards carv- ing out of the South Atlantic, and thus even for Jurassic times Neumayer’s map previously referred to is hardly quite correct, as it indicates land between the whole of Africa and South America. However, in Cretaceous times only a bridge could have existed which became narrower and narrower until, in Miocene times, as Ameghino has pointed out, it was only represented by a chain of islands. . We may, therefore, now take it for granted that, at all events until Eocene times, an interchange of plants between Tropical South America and South Africa, by way of Tropical West Africa, was possible, and that thus some curious phytogeographical relations become intelligible. There is, as far as I can judge, nothing known about the truly indigenous Flora of St. Helena which could be used as evidence against the view here advocated. St. Helena must have been a link in the chain between South Africa and East Tropical America. The affinities of its Flora are essentially African, and while we find that the presence of the genera Phylica, Pelargonium, Mesembrianthe- mum, Osteospernum, and Wahlenbergia, which are eminently characteristic of extra-Tropical South Africa (though with the exception of Phylica not of the “Cape Province ”) indicate a South African connection. Bentham (1873, p. 563) has pointed out “ that those composite denizens [of St. Helena], which bear evidence of the greatest antiquity have their affinities for the most part in South America.” Unfortunately the Flora of the Mauritius and the Seychelles is of very little use in throwing light on the problem before us, since the native Flora of Mauritius especially, like that of St. Helena, only represents the wreck of its constituents as compared with its _composition before the island was occupied by Europeans. The obvious relations of the orchids of these islands to those of South Africa, as well as other similar relations, do not necessarily demand a former land-connection with South Africa. I regret that I have been unable to make a comparative study of the Flora of Madagascar, which to a large extent might yield the proof that the views here advocated are in the main correct. Palacky (1905), who has recently dealt with it, has only published a scrappy sketch of his ideas as to the genesis of the Flora of Africa, Origin of the Angiospermous Flora of South Africa. 357 and I must unfortunately pass his views over as they are not intelligible to me. I hope he will soon publish a much more detailed account, since Madagascar is supposed not only to have been a portion of the hypothetical Indo-oceanic continent, but also of the ‘‘Archhellenis’’ of von Ihering. It should therefore form, as it were, a centre in which all Southern (including Indian) types should be met with as far as they could adapt themselves to such conditions as we may expect to have existed in Madagascar since Cretaceous times, and as, further, the age at which Madagascar was separated from the various countries with which it has been connected, can be determined with approximate certainty, it will be seen how important it will be to analyse the Flora of Madagascar most minutely at some future date. In the meantime I must content myself with a few quotations from Wallace (1892, p. 440) dealing with the Flora of Madagascar and the Mascarene Islands, though I cannot agree with the conclusions which he draws from the facts. “The affinities of the Madagascar Flora are to a great extent in accordance with those of the Fauna. The tropical portion of the Flora agrees closely with that of Tropical Africa, while the plants of the highlands are equally allied to those of the Cape and of the mountains of Central Africa. Some Asiatic forms are present which do not occur in Africa; and even the curious American affinities of some of the animals are reproduced in the vegetable kingdom. These last are so interesting that they deserve to be enumerated. An American genus of Kuphorbiaceze, Omphalea, has 1 species in Madagascar, and Pedianthus, another genus of the same natural order, has a similar distribution. Myrosma, an American genus of Scitamineze has 1 Madagascar species; while the celebrated ‘travellers’ tree,’ Lavenaha madagascariensis, belonging to the order Musacee, has its nearest ally in a plant inhabiting North Brazil and Guiana. Hchinolena, a genus of grasses, has the same distribution.” “Of the Flora of the smaller Madagassian islands we possess a fuller account, owing to the recent publication of Mr. Baker’s Flora of the Mauritius and the Seychelles, including also Rodriguez. The total number of species in this Flora is 1,058, more than half of which (536) are exclusively Mascarene—that is, found only in some of the islands of the Madagascar group, while nearly a third (304) are endemic or confined to single islands. Of the widespread plants 66 are found in Africa and not in Asia, and 86 in Asia but not in Africa, showing a similar Asiatic preponderance to what is said to occur in Madagascar. With the genera, however, the proportions are different, for I find by going through the whole of the generic 358 Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society. distributions as given by Mr. Baker, that out of the 440 genera of wild plants 50 are endemic, 22 are Asiatic but not African, while 28 are African but not Asiatic. This imples that the more ancient connection has been on the side of Africa, while a more recent immigration, shown by identity of species, has come from the side of Asia; and it is already certain that when the Flora of Madagascar is more thoroughly worked out, a still greater African preponderance will be found in that island.”’ ‘“A few Mascarene genera are found elsewhere only in South America, Australia, or Polynesia; and there are also a considerable number of genera whose metropolis is South America, but which are represented by one or more species in Madagascar, and by a single often widely spread species in Africa. This fact throws light upon the problem offered by those mammals, reptiles, and insects of Madagascar which have their only allies in South America, since the two cases would be exactly parallel were the African plants to become extinct. Plants, however, are undoubtedly more long-lived specifically than animals—especially the more highly organised groups—and are less liable to complete extinction through the attacks of enemies or through changes of climate or of physical geography. Hence we find comparatively few cases in which groups of Mada- gascar plants have their only allies in such distant regions as America and Australia, while such cases are numerous among animals, owing to the extinction of the allied forms in intervening areas, for which extinction, as we have already shown, ample cause can be assigned.” ‘‘ Among the curious affinities of Mascarene plants we have culled the following from Mr. Baker’s volume. JT’vochetia, a genus of Sterculiacee, has four species in Mauritius, one in Madagascar, and one in the remote island of St. Helena. Mathwrina, a genus of Turnerace@, consisting of a single species peculiar to Rodriguez, has its nearest ally in another monotype genus, Hrblichia, confined to Central America. Svzegesbeckia, one of the Composite, consists of two species, one inhabiting the Mascarene Islands, the other Peru. Labourdonatsia, a genus of Sapotacee, has two species in Mauritius, one in Natal, and one in Cuba. Nesogenes, belonging to the Verbena. family, has one species in Rodriguez and one in Polynesia. Mespilodaphne, an extensive genus of Lawracee, has six species in the Mascarene Islands, and all the rest (about fifty species) in South America. Nepenthes, the well-known pitcher plants, are found chiefly in the Malay Islands, South China, and Ceylon, with species in the Seychelles Islands, and in Madagascar. Jilla, a large genus of Liliacee, is exclusively American, except one species Origin of the Angiospermous Flora of South Africa. 359 found in Mauritius and Bourbon. Agauria, a genus of Hricacee, is found in Madagascar, the Mascarene Islands, the plateau of Central Africa, and the Cameroon Mountains in West Africa. An Acacia, found in Mauritius and Bourbon (A. heterophylla) can hardly be separated specifically from Acacia koa of the Sandwich Islands. The genus Pandanus, or screw-pine, has sixteen species in the three islands—Mauritius, Rodriguez, and the Seychelles—all being peculiar, and none ranging beyond a single island.”’ ‘‘Of palms there are fifteen species belonging to ten genera, and all these genera are peculiar to the islands. We have here ample evidence that plants exhibit the same anomalies of distribution in these islands as do the animals, though in a smaller proportion ; while they also exhibit some of the transitional stages by which these anomalies have, in all probability, been brought about, rendering quite unnecessary any other changes in the distribution of sea and land than physical and geological evidence warrants.” ‘‘In my ‘ Geographical Distribution of Animals’ I have remarked on the relation between the insects of Madagascar and those of South Temperate Africa, and have speculated on a great Southern extension of the continent at the time when Madagascar was united with it. As supporting this view I now quote Mr. Bentham’s remarks on the Composite. He says: ‘The connections of the Mascarene endemic Composite, especially those of Madagascar itself, are eminently with the Southern and sub-Tropical African races; the more tropical races, Pluchemee, &c., may be rather more of an Asiatic type.’ He further says that the Composite Flora is almost as strictly endemic as that of the Sandwich Islands, and that it is much diversified, with evidences of great antiquity, while it shows insular characteristics in the tendency to tall shrubby or arborescent forms in several of the endemic or prevailing genera.”’ Balfour (1888, introductory chapter) has given some interesting speculations on the composition and probable origin of the Flora of Socotra. Besides other most interesting information bearing on our subject, he gives a table showing the distribution of eleven genera with endemic species in the Phanerogamic Flora of Socotra which are confined to the African continent. Of these no less than seven occur in South Africa: Huclea, Hctadiopsis, Camptoloma, Graderia, Laswcorys, Babiana, Hemanthus. He points out that in Socotra. we have, besides others, African elements of several types. Besides the general African types we have those kinships with forms of sporadic African distribution of many of the most peculiar plants of Socotra, and in Helichrysum, Babiana, Hemanthus, Dracena, Begoma, and other Socotran plants of like kinship we have the 360 Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society. remains of the oldest African Flora which finds its southern limit in South Africa, its eastern limits in Madagascar and the Mascarene Islands, and its north-eastern limits in Socotra. Though I must presuppose a still older element, namely, the typical Cape Flora to which the above-mentioned genera cannot be said to belong strictly speaking, I think the general reasoning of Balfour with the facts before him are perfectly sound. Of course the obvious explanation of these facts is a former land- connection with Africa—an explanation adopted by Balfour. He also assumes a former land-connection to explain the presence of Indo-Malayan types in Socotra, Madagascar, and the Mascarene Islands. Incidentally this would explain the presence of a number of such types in Tropical Africa and South Africa. We gather (p. lxxiv) further from him that in early and middle Tertiary times Socotra was in great part submerged, and that since then it has not been connected with the East. If these views are correct, the invasion of the Indo-Malayan types must have taken place in pre-Tertiary times—a conclusion which is in agreement with the views as to the carving out of the Indian Ocean at which we previously arrived. There remains now only to be considered the origin of the Mediterranean and other Northern extra-tropical elements which are found in the Flora of South Africa. We have altogether left aside Ettingshausen’s views (1875, p. 624) of the former existence of a universal Tertiary Flora, of which a good deal is supposed to have been left stranded in South Africa. There seems, however, little doubt that many types, now widely spread, have originated in the Northern Hemisphere. There can be very little doubt that a fair number of these have reached our parts, and have even pros- pered in the ‘‘Cape Province.’ Perhaps the most conspicuous example is the genus Hhus, of which no less than eleven species occur on the Cape Peninsula alone, yet the close analysis to which the sect Gerontogee, Engl., which includes our own species of Rhus, has been subjected by Diels (1898) leads him, and I think rightly, to the conclusion (p. 642) that this section has branched from the type (Stamm) of the genus presumably during the early Tertiary in the southern portion of the eastern part of the Northern Hemi- sphere. Originally it probably included forms, the organisation of which was adapted to moderately dry and sunny localities. When in the course of the Neogen the geological revolutions in Western Asia and Europe caused migrations on a large scale, and at the same time more intimate relations were established between East Africa and the Indian region, Rhus took part in the general invasion of Origin of the Angiospermous Flora of South Africa. 361 Eurasian types into Africa and there commenced in numerous regions a more diverse development than in its original home. The absence in South Africa of so many of those elements which have found their way to the mountains of the most southern parts of America and Australasia, makes the presence of others all the more remarkable. The presence of many of these find their explana- tion in the distribution of the plants of the higher mountains of Africa (compare Engler, 1892, p. 85 and following). Others, how- ever, are at present quite isolated. Thus Fedde (1905, p. 42) remarks as follows on the Papaveracee: ‘‘ The rather isolated occur- rence of Papaveracee at the Cape has many analogies in other relations between the Cape Flora and the Mediterranean Region. The occurrence of Fumaria abyssinica in Abyssinia and a new species of Fwmaria on the Kilimandjaro does not clear up this matter, since in South Africa only the genera Papaver, Corydalis and Trigonocapnos occur, but not Fwmaria”’ (except F. officinalis, L., aS an introduced weed). ‘‘ Perhaps we may yet find repre- sentatives of the last three genera on the mountains of Hastern Africa.” Fedde also remarks upon the extraordinary distribution of our only species of Papaver, P. aculeatum, Thunb., which occurs only with us and in Kast and South Australia, but from what I know of this species in South Africa, I] venture to say that there can be little doubt that it is not a native species. However, it was not my object in this essay to aim at an exhaustive treatment of the subject of the origin of the Angio- spermous Flora of South Africa, nor would I have been able to accomplish this object. If I have succeeded in showing even dimly in what channels the elements comprising the Angiospermous Flora of South Africa have moved since Cretaceous times I shall feel amply rewarded. Jt can scarcely be hoped that we shall ever get a per- fectly clear view, for numerous types, of which we have no concep- tion, must have died out since Angiospermous plants first made their appearance on this globe; further, we have no absolute standard, and are not likely to get one, by which we can with certainty fix the relative ages of the majority of Angiospermous types; further still, we have no absolute means by which we can determine the direction in which the current of plant-development has moved, and, lastly, while we may dimly perceive the main channels of such development, there must have been numerous _ side- and cross-channels of various widths and various lengths, These must have frequently influenced the final result. At the same time we must acknowledge that Zoo-geography, assisted by 24 362 Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society. Palaeontology and Geology, have during recent years arrived at certain more or less definite results as to the previous history of the earth and the migrations of certain groups of animals, and that, if our results harmonise with those gained by the sister sciences, we may confidently rest assured that our main results must approxi- mate the truth. Whether we have already arrived at such a close agreement I must leave the reader to judge. ( 363 ) SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY. 1851. ETTINGsHAUSEN, C. v. :—‘‘ Die Proteaceen der Vorwelt,’’ Wien. 1859. Hooxer, J. D. :—‘‘ On the Flora of Australia, being an Introductory Essay to the Flora of Tasmania.’”—Botany of the Antarctic Expedition, Pt. iii., London. 1859 to ——. ‘Flora Capensis,”’ vols. i.—iii., by W. H. Harvey and O. H. SonpEr (1859-65), vol. iv.—vii. (in course of publication) by various Botanists, ed. by W. Thiselton-Dyer. 1861. Unerr:—‘‘ Neu-Holland in Europa,” Wien. 1862-1881. 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Laurent, L.:—‘‘ Flora des calcaires de Célas,’? Annales du Musée d’Histoire Naturelle de Marseille—Série ii. Bulletin, Tome i., fase. 2. Selected Bibliography. 365 1900. to ——. “Das Pflanzenreich,’’? herausgegeben von A. Engler. Leipzig. 1900. Curarxs, C. B.:—Cyperacee of the West Indies,’”’ in Urban ‘‘ Symbole Antillane’’ (Abstract in ‘‘ Kew Bulletin,’ 1900, p. 27). 1900. Sim, T. R.:—‘‘ Botanical Observations on Forests of Eastern Pondoland.” Cape Agricultural Journal, xvi., p. 25. 1901. Sepawick, Apam :—“ Peripatus”’ in Cambridge Natural History, vol. v. 1901. Amxcutno, F.:—‘‘L’Age des formations sédimentaires de Patagonie,” 1902. 1902. 1902. 1903. 1903. 1903. 1903. 1904. 1904. 1904. 1904. 1904. 1904. 1904. 1905. 1905. 1905. 1905. 1905. 1905. Anal. Soc. Cient. Arg., t. li. Curist, H. :—‘‘ La Flore Ancienne Africaine’’—Bibliothéque Universelle, Archives des Sciences Physiques et Naturelles, 3 iéme Sér. t. xxviii., no. 10. AnpEeRSon, W.:—First Report of the Geological Survey of Natal and Zululand. MaruotH, R.:—Notes on the Occurrence of Alpine Types in the Vegetation of the Higher Peaks of the South-Western Districts of Cape Colony.’’— Trans. S. A. Phil. Soe., vol. xi. Sewarp, A. C.:—‘‘ Presidential Address,’’: Botanical Section, Br. Assoc. Report for 1903. Botus, H. and Woutry-Dop, A. H.:—* List of the Flowering Plants and Ferns of the Cape Peninsula.”—Trans. S. Afr. Phil. Soc., vol. xiv. Warsure, O. :—‘* Kunene-Sambesi Expedition (H. Baum),”’ Berlin. Eneuer, A.:—‘‘ Uber die Friihlings-flora des Tafelberges bei Kapstadt,”’ Abdruck aus dem Notizblatt des Kgl. bot. Gartens, Berlin, Appendix xi. Enauer, A. :—‘ Plants of the Northern Temperate Zone in their Transition to the High Mountains of Tropical Africa.”—Annals of Botany, vol. xviii. PassarGe, S.:—‘‘ Die Klimatichen Verhaltnisse Sitidafrikas seit dem mittleren Mesozoikum.’’—Zeitschr. der Ges. f. Erdkunde, Berlin. Sewarp, A. C.:—‘* Catalogue of the Mesozoic Plants in the Department of Geology, British Museum.’’—The Jurassic Flora ii., London, p. 2. Scuwarz, EH. H. L.:—‘*The Volcanoes of Griqualand East.’’—Trans. S. A. Phil. Soc., vol. xiv. Natuorst, A. G.:—Sur la flore fossile des regions antarctiques.—C. R. Ac. Sc., Paris, 6 June, 1904. Stapr, Orro:—‘‘ Die Gliederung der Graser-flora von Sitidafrika’’; aus ‘¢ Festschrift zu P. Ascherson’s 70. Geburtstage,’’ Berlin. ParsaRGE, S. :—‘‘ Die Kalahari,” Berlin. Du Tort, A. L.:—‘‘The Stormberg Formation in Cape Colony” in ‘‘ Addresses and Papers read at the joint meeting of the British and S. A.A. A.S.,”’ vol. ii. Scuwarz, H. H. L.:—‘‘ High Level Gravels of the Cape and the Problem of the Karroo Gold.’’—Trans. §. A. Phil. Soce., vol. xv. Hacxeu, E.:—‘‘ Uber die Beziehungen der Flora der Magellans-lander zu jener des nérdlichen Europa and Amerika.’’ Ber. der. Bot. Sektion des naturwissenschaftl Vereins fiir Steiermark, in den Mitth. Naturwiss. Vereins Steiermark, Jahrb. 1905 (1906), pp. cx-cxv, Engl. Bot. Jahrb. xxxvi., Lit., p. 2. Broom, R. :—‘‘ On the Classification of the Karroo System in South Africa ’”’ in ‘‘ Addresses and Papers read at the joint meeting of the British and Se An Ay AGS: 1905, vol. ii: Rogrers, A. W.:—‘‘ An Introduction to the Geology of Cape Colony,’’ London. BovuLencer, G. A. :—‘‘ Presidential Address,’’ British Association, sect. C, 1905. 366 1905. 1905. 1905. 1905. 1905. 1905. 1905. 1905. 1905. 1905. 1906. 1906. 1906. 1906. 1906. 1906. 1906. OR 1906. USO 1907. Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society. ARrBER, E. A. NewEeuu :—‘‘ Catalogue of the Fossil Plants of the Glossopteris- Flora in the British Museum (Nat. Hist.),’”? London. See p. xxxi. Scuenx, H. :—(1) Vergleichende Darstellung der Pflanzengeographie der subantarktischen Inseln, insbesondere tiber die Flora und Vegetation von Kerguelen ”’; (2) ‘‘ Uber Flora und Vegetation von St. Paul und Neu Amsterdam ’’—Abdruck aus ‘‘ Wissenschaftl. Ergebnisse der deutschen Tiefsee-Expedition auf dem Damfer Valdivia,” 1898-99, ii. Band, Jena. —Referat in Engl. Bot. Jahrb., xxxvii. (1906). Diets, L.:—‘‘ Ueber die Vegetations-verhiiltnisse Neu-Seelands’’—Engl. Bot. Jahrb., xxxiv. Encurr, A.:—‘‘On the Vegetation and Floral Elements of Tropical Africa.’’—British Assoc. Report, 1905. Penox, A. :—‘‘ Climatic Features of the Pleistocene Ice-Age,” in ‘*‘ Addresses and Papers read at the joint meeting of the British and S. A. A. A. S.”’ vol. ii. ScuinpueR, A. K. :—‘‘ Die geographische Verbreitung der Halorrhagacee ”’ in Bericht tiber die zweite Zusammenkunft der freien Vereinigung der system. Botaniker und Pflanzengeographen zu Stuttgart vom 4-7. Aug., 1904. Enauer, A. :—‘‘ Uber neuere Ergebnisse der botanischen Erforschung von Afrika.”’—Ibid. FrEppE, F.:—‘‘ Die geographische Verbreitung der Papaveraceen,”’ in Bericht tiber die dritte Zusammen-Kunft der freien Vereinigung der system. Botaniker und Pflanzengeographen zu Wien am 14. und 15. Juni, 1905. Enouer, A.:—‘‘Grundziige der Entwicklung der Flora Europas seit der Tertiarzeit.’’—Ibid. Bouvs, H. :—‘‘ Sketch of the Floral Regions of South Africa,’’ in ‘* Science in South Africa,” with a map and a‘ Selected Bibliography,’’ Capetown, AnpREws, C. W.:—‘‘ A Descriptive Catalogue of the Tertiary Vertebrata of the Faytm, Egypt ’’ (see pp. xxv—xxvii), London. Encier, A.:—‘‘ Beitrage zur Kenntnisse der Pflanzenformationen von Transvaal und Rhodesia.’’—Sitzungsber. der Kgl. Preuss. Akademie der Wissenchaften, Bd. lii. MartotH, R.:—‘‘ Hine neue interessante Cliffortia vom Roggeveld.”— Engler’s Bot. Jahrb., Bd. xxxix. Grecory, J. W.:—‘‘ Climatic Variations: their Extent and Causes,”’ Mexico. StanuEy Garpiner:—‘‘ The Indian Ocean.’’—Geogr. Journ. for Oct. and Nov., 1906. Pauacky, J.:—‘‘ Zur Genesis der afrikanischen Flora.”—Beiblatt zu Enegler’s Bot. Jahrb., No. 84, xxxvii. Amercutino, F.:—‘‘Les Formations Sédimentaires du Crétace Supérieur et du Tertiaire de Patagonie,” in ‘‘ Anales del Museo Nacional de Buenos Aires,’”? Buenos Aires. FLanauut, Ch. :—‘ Les progrés de la Géographie Botanique depuis 1884.’’— Progressus Rei Botanice, vol. i. Diets, L.:—Die Pflanzenwelt von West Australien siidlich des Wende- kreises,”’ Bd. vii. der ‘‘ Vegetation der Erde herausgegeben von A. Engler and O. Drude, Leipzig. (Referat in Engler’s Bot. Jahrb., xxxviii., Lit. 57). AnpERson, W.:—‘‘On the Geology of the Blutf-bore, Durban, Natal.”— Trans. Geol. Soc. 8. Africa, ix. Scuwarz, E. H. L.:—‘*The Rock Channel of the Buffalo River, East London.”—Records of the Albany Museum, vol. ii., pt. 1. Selected Bibliography. 367 1907. Laurent, L.:—‘‘ Les Progrés de la Paléobotanique angiospermique dans la derniere décade.’’—Progressus Rei Botanicse, vol. i. 1907. Sim, T. R.:—‘*‘ The Forests and Forest-Flora of the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope,’ Aberdeen. [This was received after my manuscript was finished. ] Numerous references to changes in the general surface and levels of the land in Cape Colony will be found in the ‘‘ Annual Reports of the Geol. Survey of the Cape of Good Hope.” PE. mam. por a ener See ey = — — 4 + a _ Py > a aa « Ff es —. |... + 7 ( 369 ) A SPECIAL DETERMINANT HAVING (7, s) EQUAL TO ZHRO WHEN s>7r+l. By Tomas Muir, LL.D. (Read August 28, 1907.) 1. In connection with a certain differential equation there has recently come to light * a peculiar determinant, which, when of the nth order, has 2n—1 distinct elements Qo» Q,, Qs) Tare Qn—t Byy Day veey Ons so placed that a,_, is the element common to the first column and last row, that the complementary minor of a,_, is the persymmetric determinant eeeeeeseerseaet ee eee eee st eH wes OHH Oe EO Oe and that the 6’s occupy the remaining part of the first column, and in the reverse order the remaining part of the last row. When n=2, 3, 4, ... the determinants are thus Deas On ON as OE Ot | Gra wOn ey ROM a Qeii Gs Oe kOe Ge. | Gee ROes kD: , ON Gan Gi: Q, | Oe Or 05. Oe ian tac and may be conveniently denoted by N,, N., N;, .... The requirement in the above-mentioned connection was to show that a special case of such a determinant vanishes, and Professor * Bureartti, P., Sulle condizioni per |’ equivalenza di un equazione differenziale lineare e della sua aggiunta. Rendic. Ist. Lomb. (2) xi. (1907). 370 Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society. Pascal, having been led to take up the problem, published a solution early in the present year,* his mode of attack being to consider the ratio of the said determinant to another of simpler formation, namely, the persymmetric determinant, D, say, of which the first three instances are ae Ps be Oh a i | (an 1? a a 2 I ce) ce a The object of the present short paper is to make known a corre- sponding investigation undertaken with a view to restate and amplify Pasceal’s results. 2. At the outset it is manifest that a necessary and sufficient con- dition for the equality of the x fractions OF Marg ee ie 0. |O, Os. Oh) = ie fs I I | @, b, b, | Cb, it \If) b, a | On Che Oe sh Pe me ; bh a, G. @ ie a Fu ree Ge. 0 Oy a) ae is the vanishing of the n ~ 1 determinants PNGB Ip PND Shh cca HIND), (1) In the next place it is readily seen that the co-factor of the second- highest power of — in a determinant of the form eee ene eee POF eerste eeoeeeeroees eer eo eeees is got by multiplying the first column by the last row after striking out the common element a,,; that is to say, the term in 2” is (—1)" (Gis Gory 22) An—t, dCs Cn3. +299 Ging) Es (11) * PascaL, E., I determinanti riccorrenti e loro proprieta. Rendic. .. . Ist. Lom- bardo . . . (Milano) (2) xi. pp. 293-305. See also pp. 462-475, and Periodico di IM Giba5 SRL A Special Determinant. 371 From this it follows that the co-factor of (-—a,)" in | N,D,.,| 1s em Ore On| Magee y On lr ries Or ON Ony sign Orta Opens +<+5, Or) (111) —an expression which we may denote by 9,, so that 6,=4,07 + a3 — 2a,0_0,, 0, = 4,0; + 2ata, — 2a,b,b, — a,0;, ese eee tet eeesreeseeeeseree tee eee eeoe ses Tee We can then establish the interesting result that | N,D, | — at eons |N,D;|/=—a,.|©, | 0, a,|, |N,D,|=—a, 0, a, 2 a, , Oe 1 OA eae (IV) and consequently that a a0; =a | NED: |, + 4,0; =|N,D,/— @,|N,D,|, ae a0, aa ND 7 a,|N,D, | ats Aa,| NED: ; Beers N Mu Wate AF tyne UREA Nah, (v) Viewed as a condition, therefore, the vanishing of NID, Nw Da lb Shan a SED is exactly equivalent to the vanishing of Ory Ob; On) 259: OX: (v1) But it is equally true that the vanishing of 0,, 0,, ..., O,_, 18 exactly equivalent to the vanishing of the determinants 6,, 6. a, 6, a, Gaa: 6. a, a, (v11) ; ‘S), G UW “bose. which differ from those in (IV.) in that a, now everywhere takes the place of a,_, except in the 6’s: and as the latter determinants can be shown to be equal to 0. (ip bk A@ Daa kOe | Oxo O° Os 8 Cp ee Os GO GO, Gale (0, Gy G,| a, DO (0s One. (v111) GeecOber On) 0;),,. | Om Ce G. =O. A, CS V0), SU em ea eerie SPE SRE Oe ee a. 372 Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society. we have the important proposition that a necessary and sufficient condition for the equality of the fractions with which we started is the vanishing of the n — 1 determinants obtainable from N,, N,,..., N, by putting CHOI Uhr OR easihey Ono in place of Glog Gis +244 Um—ay On —ty Uns (IX) Further, if we call those new determinants M,, M,, ..., M,, we have as an analogue to (V.) 0,= ve —a,0,=M,—a,M,, a0, = M,—a,M,+a,a,M.,, (x) 3. Instead of taking as our initial condition the vanishing of NED gieNe Dales, NED we might with equal propriety have taken the vanishing of NED UNE, CNED Ee Wess NG SSD) The proposition then corresponding to (IV.) is GA ee Oe JAD lD g, ©, Ghlh [SD ie: ANNOY a GO, OQ, a, 4G), a; a. @ \N,D,|=— : Oe OF 10250 ae ( x1) SO bie 0; O, a, Q); e@oceeerereeceeeee®eoeoseeeeeaeeeteeeeeeee | from which we see that the co-factor of —a, in | N:D, |, the co-factor of — az in | N,D, |, the co-factor of —a3 in| N,D, |, ...... are the deter- * It may be worth noting that these are at once transformable into by Mas Gt eOs Oe Gia 2 + a2 On its a; G;| |@, ay b, ay “Ja, da}, Ox) "Gs Git 0s OU. «d, 2 On, Gs 1G, De. Gia, Qo @y Qo\J— 05 -@z Go|) == 2510, “Ge az Ga eUs. Dy Os Fle RC b, Gg) a; dz 6, 062, Tere ee eee eee ee eee eee eee ee eee ee ee ey A Special Determinant. 373 minants so differently arrived at in (VII.): and that, generally, the co-factor of a7 in | N,D,., | is = (S) See Malte a Pa oe Os 0, a, Ga a Ecce 0, a, a, he” ee a ; Be eee kotSaa Vale wnt incre te eeee amen (XII) Oe Oe Oe Dy, veeeee A, | 0, Cl. Ofrae Ohe 5 Sonune Oe 4, In the special case where the original fractions are not only equal, but equal to zero, and where therefore a,a,= 07, the 6’s may be altered into Ay { (Gos a,0a,, a) a (0, b,§0., b,) } ’ DA (Goo Gay OL Oy Op) (Oe OO Ny ec ece reese FO OOO eeeeserevesre® FO FEGOseevree eS Gree e22e8 SF een ene and consequently the requisite conditions take the form of the vanishing of 7 (not 7—1) expressions of one and the same form, namely, (aoa) — (0, 42:), (Go, Ar§a,, Ax) —(0,, 5,8 6,, b,) (XIII) eosteeeeeeoeeceseers eer oees eer eeeeeeneoe eee If we further specialise by putting a,=2, the nm equations to be satisfied may be written (AL, A, a, 1) aid (b,5.,) i 0, (i @,, @,§a@,, a, 1) =(0,, 0,00,, 6,)=0, (XIV) eee ere tee eee see eee eee ese eee reecer et OP eoveevsenee One solution of those last equations is got if a,, a,, ... be made equal to the even-numbered members, and 0,, 0,, ... to the odd- numbered members of the series Bree HONG 1 TP op 30 Qn)? as is seen from the vanishing of 1 Gayl Oe 0 EO, 4s EP aes V.€., (2m) | (1 = Dae 374 Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society. when & is put equal to 1: we thus have Pascal’s result 1 20. 0 ule opt as 1 1 + - ee 1 1 1 BI 1 OM ie t 0) (xv) a eE Qn—8)1 @n-4! @r-o1 4 1 1 1 i (Hl) @H9)l Casal eo S14 1 1 1 1 (Qn)! @Qn=1)! @n—3)! ~~ ant from the second order onward. Utilising then the fact learned from (VIII.), that every such result has a companion, we obtain 1 1 A ee 1 il il Q] AY 2! eoeceee 1 Ih 1 5! 6! 4 eee eee . . ee ASN ny ager O Metwern emanee 1 ates I. —0 XVI i i iL ae 1 oe (Q2n-3)! (Q2n—-2)! (Qn-—4)! ~~" oa 1 1 I eal Coal) Cay Cea 4! 3} 1 | Il il 1 (Qn-2)1 (Qn-1)! (2n-3)! Bi . which also holds from the second order onward. 5. Expressions similar to those given in (XI.) for [DA Dee eee and in (IV.) for | INDE , | INEIDE | mine 389 [Ney | A Special Determinant. 375 are obtainable for all the other members of the array | N,D, |, eeoeereeereceer rer saerseese® FS OFFS eeeerest ®t eoeoerseesne IN,D,|, |N2D,|, |N;D,|, -...-- » |N,D, |; Cale a, a,\9: |, Ao Oe a? | Op Oh Q,|9:1 G, Ao G\@e Gp Oy 0, a. Ay \; 0, a, Qs); Qo Ay Os Gd, ~ Ao a3 a, Ao Gn Cp Oe Gin Os a; GiGy @, Go wds 0, G, A, Ao 0, A, A, O, a, G, 4a, 0, A, A aA,i, 0, & 4, a,|, QO, A, G;, |, eocet ter eeseeereet FS eseorsee tS 2S@esereFeeeteeerersereereeto2eeeeeeseeeeer et eseoeseert O2ees The first and last member of any row in this array being already known from (IV.) and (XI.), we have only to ascertain how the other members of the row are formable from either of those. As an example let us take the (s—1)th now, and start with the last member of the row, our knowledge from (XI.) being that the expression for PNee De pis a |. A, Wo mrp US: 3a. ham eas Oy woot cer eeereet eS eFGeeet tO oeereat OS Seeerseoee where each a is confined to’one diagonal. Lowering each element. of the last column of this by one place we obtain the preceding determinant, that is to say, the determinant in the expression for |N,_.D,|: lowering in addition each element of the second-last column we obtain the determinant in the expression for | N,_,D,|: and soon. Quite generally, therefore, we have |N,D, |=“ : Os ee eacan | (XVII) a, | Ox Uk whscanee 0, Dz -neeee a or a) 376 Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society. the columns other than the first and second having the non-zero elements do, Q,, A, ---, and the last s—7—1 of them being ‘‘lowered ”’ from the position of persymmetry. With the help of this result | N,D,| may be expressed as a series of terms arranged according to powers of do, the lowest power being the 7th and the highest the (r+s-—2)th. The term containing the former is readily seen to be FO FOL aCe iene eee (oe (XVIII) Oe Oe WA eect acter Sea Wh ORs Se Racse and it can be shown that the term containing the latter is Ores (GAR (XIX) il 3 Wert ( ) GO. 1, The determinant in (XVIII.) manifestly remains the same for all values of s: and when s is taken equal to r+ 1 we are brought back to (XII). , 6. It may not be amiss to recall the fact that determinants in which every element is zero whose column-number exceeds its row- number by more than 1—the class to which belong the N’s, the D’s, the M’s, and others occurring above—made their appearance com- paratively early in the history of the subject. They are to be found first in Wronski’s books, namely, in the Réfutation de la théorie des fonctions analytiques de Lagrange, published in 1812, and in the second section of the Philosophie de la techme algorithmique, pub- lished in 1817. They next turn up in Scherk’s Mathematische Abhandlungen, which bears the date 1825. Both writers are led to them by having to solve a set of linear equations each of which has one more unknown than the equation preceding it: and the latter writer actually uses his result to find the 4th Bernoulli number.* Since the determinant of the nth order partitions itself into two similar determinants of the (7—1)th order, for example, Ge NG ee will S2Oel Oa OE) cll @e Ola gb. - | 0) 10; 0s aame \o2 3 | Ch P Cn eace Pe) ee aba oid idl Gs 0, Gnas * For details see chap. xvi. of The History of Determinants in the Historical Order of Development, London, 1906. A Special Determinant. 377 the number of terms in the final development must be 2”. Further, since the second determinant on the right is got from the first by interchanging the suffixes 1 and 2, it follows that when we have got 2" terms of the development the other half of the terms may be obtained by making the said interchange. We thus derive the following rule for writing out cwrrente calamo the full development. Write first the principal term a,b,C3 ..- Yy+Z,/ mterchange n—1 and n and a second term ws got; imterchange n—2 and n-1 1m the pre- ceding two terms and other two are obtained: interchange n-3 and n—2 and the number of terms 1s again doubled : and so on. (xx.) Of course with every interchange there is a change of sign. Thus the four-line determinant above is equal to Axb,€,d, : —b,c,d,: —a,b,c,d,+a,b,¢,d, : : —@,0,c,d, +a,b,c,d, +4a,b,c,d,—a,b,c,d,:. Again, we may view the terms of the development according to the number of the elements of the minor diagonal a,, b,, ¢,, ... which they contain. The term containing none of these elements is a,b,c.d,, the terms containing only one are — y.b,6,d, — b5.d 40,0, —C4.d, 02d, the terms containing only two are + d2h,.6,d,+a,¢,.b1d,+0,¢,.4,d2, and the term containing all three is —fzb,C,.d,. There being only one term for each of the combinations DOs Cnn G20 O20 ,5 0,0, 3, 30564, the total number of terms is thus iN = Cree I ae Cx. 2 =P ose + Cx, n—I Wen, oe as before. 25 | ) i 5 ~ WA =o iter ehh ‘iver © ¥ nines: hela 7 ‘ 7 7 i vo ee hae. OF ie : a Vee ae ed ae) is ers, a ian het lea ae ee | aa of mI are his ay - ( 379 ) CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE AFRICAN FLORA. By Harry Bouuvs. COMPOSITAs. ASTER PEGLERZ Bolus, n. sp. (Asteroid). Ad A. hispidum Baker non Thunberg accedit, habitu robustiore, rams magis folrosis, folus latioribus, pedunculis brevioribus sat differt. Herba robusta erecta rigida, ad 60-90 cm. alta; rami simplices stricti hispiduli striati foliosi, internodiis 1-1:5 cm. longis; folia adscendentia sessilia, inferiora lanceolato-ovata, superiora gradatim angustiora, omnia acuta rigida crassa, utrinque asperrima, 4-6 cm. longa, 1:5—2 cm. lata, utrinque serrata dentatave, dentibus in exempll. pinguioribus 95-6, grossis, incurvis, apice calloso-subpungentibus, 0-2-0°5 cm. longis, 3—5-nervia nervis subtus valde prominentibus, superne impressis ; pedunculi in axillis foliorum superiorum 3-6, monocephali, laxe fastigiato-corymbosi erecti, 3-10 cm. longi, bracteis foliaceis 1-3 ornati; capitula crateriformia, 1:5 cm. longa, 2°5 cm. lata; involucri squame 3-seriate erectz, anguste lanceolate acu- minate scariose rigid carinate, floribus disci breviores, 0°5-1:2 em. longe; flores radii circa 18, ligulis albis, 0°9 cm. longis, 0:2 cm. latis, disci oo, corollis 0-9 cm. longis; pappi sete 2-seriate, albida, intimis corollas disci equantibus; achzenia plano-subcompressa, facie 1-costata, 0°25—0°3 cm. longa. Hap.: Transvaal Colony; Hast Rand, Ginsberg Mines near Johannesburg, approx. alt. 1,800 meters, Jan., Miss Pegler, 1043! (in my herb.); Meintjes Kop, near Pretoria, 1,430 meters, Dec., Bolus, 11955; Rehmann, 4726; near Lydenburg, Wilms (in herb. Kew). Closely allied to A. hispidus, Baker, not of Thunberg, but is a larger, stouter plant, with more numerous, broader leaves, reaching to the summit of the branches, shorter peduncles, with larger leaf- like bracts. Wilms’ specimen in herb. Kew was distributed with a 380 Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society. MS. name as a new species, but which does not appear to have been published ; the name, moreover, being preoccupied we are compelled to pass it by. HELICHRYSUM, Geertn. H. GEMMIFERUM Bolus, n. sp. (Huhelichrysum § Hricefolia). H. folus parvis dense confertis lanceolatis acutis wtrinque tomentosis ; capitulis subumbellatis capitatisve ; imvolucra squamis interioribus quam flores duplo longioribus denvum subradiantibus ners macula purpurea notatis ; corollis apice purpurers. Fruticulus erectus rigidus ramosissimus, 9-27 cm. altus; rami ramulique adscendentes usque ad apices dense foliosi, 2-7 cm. longi; folia imbricata, seepius erecta appressaque, rarius patentia, lanceolata acuta v. acuminata, marginibus inflexis, ca. 0-4 cm. longa, superioribus sensim paullo majoribus et sepe gemmiferis, ad 0-7 cm. longis ; capitula campanulata, 0°9 cm. longa, apice 0°6—-0°8 cm. lata, in umbellis subglobosis 6—11-cephalis confertis, rarius (in exempll. Marlothianis) 1—2-cephalis; pedicelli tomentosi, 0:2—0-3 cm. longi, bracteis foliaceis 1-3; involucri squame 3-serlate, exterioribus erectis vel apicibus reflexis, linearibus acutis subfoliaceis fusco- tomentosis, 0°4 cm. longis, interioribus oblongis, dimidio superiore petaloideo radiante niveo opaco, ad flexionem macula purpurea, notato, quam flores duplo longicribus; receptaculum foveolatum ; flores 20-25 homogami, corollis 0:45 cm. longis, superne purpureis ; pappi sete serrate, apice barbellata, copiose, caduce, corollas excedentes ; achzenia glabra. Has.: Cape Colony; distr. Stellenbosch, slopes of the Sneeuwkop. Mt., alt. 1,460 meters, Jan., Marloth, 1835! mountains about French Hoek, approx. alt. 1,070 meters, Dec., G. Mann! (6389 in herb. Bolus and herb. Kew); distr. Clanwilliam, Cederbergen, between Clanwilliam and Biedouw, approx alt. 900 meters, Oct., Bolus, 8297. Most nearly allied to H. cerastoides DC., which is only known to: me from the somewhat brief description. It seems to be sufficiently different by the more numerous heads, and by the inflexed (not. ‘“‘subrevolute’’) leaf-margins—a character which seems to be generally constant. H. Srmir Bolus, n. sp. (Huhelichrysum § Declinata). H. declinato Less. affine, sed folis spathulato-obovatis, ratione latioribus, capitulis solitarvis mayjoribus facile distinguatur. Fruticulus nanus prostratus, totus albus, indumento molliter Contributions to the African Flora. 381 araneoso-tomentoso intertexto undique vestitus; rami abbreviati, decumbentes, dense foliosi, ad 6 cm. longi; folia patentia conferta obovato-spathulata acuta, basi sensim angustata quasi petiolata, semi-amplexicaulia, pleraque 0°6—1 cm. longa, majoribus ad 1:5 cm. longis, 0:2-0:4 cm. lata; capitula solitaria heterogama, immatura cylindracea demum campanulata, 0°5 cm. longa, 0°4—-0°5 cm. lata, in pedunculis gracilibus nudis vel minute bracteatis ad 2:2 cm. longis; involucri squame 3-seriate laxe erecto-patentes, apice nives, infra tomentose, 0:-4—0°5 cm. longs, exteriores ovate acute sub tomento intertexto fere abscondite, interiores lanceolats intimis linearibus obtusis subzquilonge; receptaculum foveolatum; flores ? ad 8, ¥ ad 18, corollis 0:25 cm. longis; pappi sete fere leves; achenia papillosa 0:06 cm. longa. Has.: Cape Colony, near Hanover, Jan., approx. alt. 1,441 meters, T. &. Sim, 2863! (in herb. Galpin). A very distinct species, nearest to H. declunatwm Less., next to which it may be placed; but easily distinguished by its prostrate habit, more copious snow-white indument, proportionately broader leaves, and more especially by its solitary heads. H. LITORALE Bolus, n. sp. (Huhelichrysum § Declinata). H. precincto Klatt affine subsinuleque, sed folris nulto majoribus obovatis remotiorrbusque, wmvolucra squanus hyalinis, distinctum. Herba biennis (?) late diffusa, ad 13 cm. alta; rami procumbentes vel laxe adscendentes graciles araneosi, parce foliati, ad 30 cm. longi, ramulis floriferis erectis; folia patentia remota spathulato-obovata, apice rotundata, semi-amplexicaulia, utrinque cano-tomentosa, vetu- stiora spe nigrescentia, 1-2°5 cm. longa, 0°5-1:1 cm. lata; capitula in glomerulis 2-3-cephalis ad apices ramulorum brevium aggre- gata, foliis floralibus involucrata, homogama campanulata, 10-16-f1., 0:45 cm. longa; involucri squame 3-seriatze erectz, oblonge vel lineares obtuse, minute apiculate, vel sepe demum emarginate, hyaline, supra medium fusce, 1-nerviz, 0°3—0-4 cm. long; recepta- culum alveolatum; corolle 0:3 cm. longe; pappi sete copiosa scaberule; achzenia glabra 0:07 cm. longa. Has.: Cape Colony; distr. East London, on the beach near Gooda R. mouth, Dec., Galpin, 7342! sandhills, Kwenqgura R. mouth, Dec., Galpin, 5786! (in. herbb. Galpin and Bolus). Allied to H. precinctum Klatt, of which we have seen and examined the type, but is a more robust plant, with fewer, larger obovate leaves, larger clusters of heads, and hyaline involucral scales, not opaque as in H. precincitum. In spite of the difference 382 Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society. in colour of the last-named organs, we should place both these species in § Declinata next to H. serpyllifolium Less., to which in general appearance it bears a considerable resemblance. H. Hayeartur Bolus, n. sp. (Huhelichrysum § Declinata). H. habitu aspectuque H. sessilis DC., differt autem ramis longioribus, folus late obovatis obtusissinus suborbicularibusve. Fruticulus prostratus; rami patentes divaricati elongati, cum ramulis radicantes, ramuli rigidi, abbreviati, foliosi, cinerei, tenuiter araneosi demum glabrescentes; folia densa erecta patentia, vel demum reflexa, ad apices ramulorum presertim conferta rosula- taque, late brevissimeque petiolata, obovata vel suborbicularia, seepius rotundata rarius subacuta, tomento intertexto albido vestita, supra nervis 3 impressis percursa, cum petiolo 0-5-1 cm. longa, 0:3-0°5 cm. lata; capitula solitaria homogama, ad apices ramulorum sessilia, campanulata, circa 75-fl., 1:4 cm. longa, apice 1-1°3 cm. lata; involucri squame erecte vel vix radiantes 4d—6-seriatez scariose, exteriores ovate acutz fuscescentes 0°4-0°5 cm. longe, interiores lanceolate rosea vel rubra, intimis lineares apice angustatz vix acutz albz, 1:2 cm. longe; receptaculum elevatum foveolatum ; achenia papillosa, 0:1 cm. longa. Has.: Orange River Colony; Rensburg’s Kop, approx. alt. 1,800— 2,150 meters, Febr.. W. Haygarth 9727! of herb. Wood (in my herb.). This is near to H. sessile DC., of which, however, I possess no authenticated specimen. What I have agree very well with the description, and exhibit a different plant from the present one, which may be placed next to it. H. Lereouptir Bolus, n. sp. (Huhelichrysum § Imbricata). Ad H. fastigiatum Harv. proxime accedit, folus sepe majoribus, mvolucrt squanus acutis, appendicibus imterioribus citrines, floribus numerosioribus, drffert. Fruticulus erectus ramosissimus, totus albo-tomentosus, 10-12 cm. altus ; rami adscendentes, laxe foliati, 4-10 cm. longi; folia erecto- patentia remota oblanceolata obtusa apiculata, superiora linearia acuminata semi-amplexicaulia, 0-8-3 cm. longa, 0-2-0°6 cm. lata; capitula homogama subcylindrica, 15—21-fl., 0°5 cm. longa, 0°3 cm. lata, in cymas laxas, 4-10-cephalas, 1:5-2°5 cm. latas, disposita ; involucri squame 5-6-seriate, laxe appresse, apicibus demum reflexis squarrosisve, acute, exteriores ovate fulve, basi tomen- Contributions to the African Flora. 383 tos, 0°15 cm. longe, interiores lineari-unguiculate, appendice ovata patente vel radiante, citrina, usque ad 0°5 cm. longe; receptaculum foveolatum ; corolla vix matura 0:3 em. longa; pappi sete paucze scaberule, apice barbellate ; achenia minutissime glandulosa. Var. £3 parvifolia; folia sapius recurva, e basi ampliata sub- auriculata subulato-linearia acuminata, margine crispulato revoluto, ad 1:1 cm. longa, 0:1-0:2 cm. lata, paucis expansis latioribus oblanceolatis hinc inde intermixtis. Has.: Cape Colony; in sandy fields round Clanwilliam, approx. alt. 120 meters, Oct., also on Ram’s Kop near Clanwilliam, Aug., C. L, Leipoldt, 510! var. 3, in rocky places, Wupperthal, Clanwilliam distr., alt. 580 meters, Oct., Bolas, 9022. This has the habit and aspect of H. fastigiatwm Harv., next before which I would place it; the differential characters are given above. The heads are very like those of H. exciswm Less., except that the involucral scales of this are not quite so squarrose. The foliage of our var. (3 looks very different from that of the type, but having found a few expanded leaves, like those of the type, but smaller, amongst the others, I concluded that, as the locality would suggest, it is but a form of the type adapted to more severe life-conditions. It has more the aspect of H. fastigiatwm than has the type itself. H. ZWARTBERGENSE Bolus, n. sp. (Huhelichrysum § Imbricata). H, prostratum ; foliis oblongo-obovatis, utrinque lanatis ; capitulis m apicibus ramulorum sesstlibus, solitarius vel interdum, ramulis aggregatis, 2-3; mvolucrt squamis erectis testacers. Fruticulus humilis perennis prostratus subceespitosus; ramuli numerosi breves adscendentes graciles foliosi lanati; folia erecto- patentia sessilia oblongo-obovata obtusissima, utrinque lana grisea laxissime intertexta vestita, 0°5-0°6 cm. longa, 0°3 cm. lata, floralia parum minora capitula arcte involucrantia; capitula sessilia solitaria ad apices ramulorum vel interdum, ramulis aggregatis, 2-3, sub- cylindrica homogama, circa 23-fl., 0°5 cm. longa, 0°35 cm. lata; involucri squame 3-seriate, erecte, subacute, dorso + lanate, testacez, apiculo fusco, exteriores ovate, 0°2 cm. longe, interiores lineares, 0°5 cm. longs, floribus parum longiores; receptaculum nudum; corolle, 0°3 cm. longe; pappi sete serrulate, copiose ; acheenia papillata, 0:05 cm. longa. Has.: Cape Colony ; district Prince Albert, rocky places on the summit of the Zwartberg Range near the Pass, approx. alt., 1,675 meters, Dec., Bolus, 11532 (in herb. Kew). The place of this species in the genus is difficult to determine. 384 Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society. It has the general appearance of some species of the § Imbricata, Harvey, and although it lacks the usually more numerous and squarrose involucral scales of that section, yet I know of no more suitable position, and I would place it there as a somewhat aberrant member of that group, next to H. fastigiatum Harvey. H. Scutecuteri Bolus, n. sp. (Huhelichrysum § Hriocephala). H. habitu § Plantaginearwm, folvis utrinque glabris, capitulis cam- panulatis, involucrt squamis acutis araneoso-tomentosis fuscrs vel interdum primulinis, receptaculo foveolato foveolis parum depressis, achenus ellipticis subcompressis tuberculatis. | Herba rhizomatica 25-87 em. alta; caulis unicus vel plures sim- plex adscendens foliatus griseo-tomentosus, sursum pedunculoideus ; folia radicalia oblanceolata acuta, utrinque 3—d-nervia, supra szpe resinosa vernicatave, basi in petiolum alatum 2-2°5 cm. longum attenuata, cum petiolo 8-15 cm. longa, 1°5-2°5 cm. lata, caulina pauca, sensim minora angustioraque, semiamplexicaulia lanceolata, marginibus reflexis revolutisve, superioribus distantibus linearibus longe acuminatis, in bracteas corymbi conformes transeuntibus ; capitula subsessilia vel breviter pedicellata homogama campanulata, 9-12-f1., circa 0°5 cm. longa, in corymbos laxiusculos vel interdum laxissime patentes, 2-11 cm. latos, disposita; involucri squame 3—4-seriatze erectz acutz araneoso-tomentose, extime ovate, 0-2 cm. long, interiores oblonge, longiores, intimz apice patentes, fuscee, vel, in duobus exemplaribus, pallide flavide primulineve, ad 0°56 cm. longe; receptaculum breviter foveolatum, foveolis parum depressis; corolle segmenta extus papillosa; pappi sete scabride, basi brevissime concrete, corolla breviores; acheenia elliptica subcompressa tuberculata, 0-1 cm. longa. Has.: Transvaal Colony; Drakensberg Range: at the Devil’s Kantoor, approx. alt. 1,600 meters, Sept., Bolus, 7810! (in herb. Kew); near Barberton, 1,200 meters, Oct., Galpin, 1128!; Eland’s Spruit-berg 2,070 meters, Dec., Schlechter, 3852! Swazieland ; near .’Mbabane, 1,370 meters, Jan., Bolus, 11969! This has the habit of the § Plantaginea, in which it resembles H. leropodiwm DC.; from this it may be at once known by its acute involucral scales. But its foveolate receptacle obliges its exclusion from the subgenus Lepicline, and for want of a better place it may be put, by virtue of the tomentose involucral scales, in the some- what artificial § Hriocephala. Contributions to the African Flora. 385 H. tsoueris Bolus, n. sp. (Kuhelichrysum § Stcechadina). HI. fruticulus decumbens ; foliis oblongis ; capitulis im corymbum globosum arcte congestis; involucri squamis erectis inter se sub- equilongis. Caules plures rhizomatici radicantes ; rami adscendentes foliosi tomentosi, ad 15 cm. longi; folia patentia, superiora fere erecta, oblonga, obtuse acuta, apiculata, basi parum angustata, 1-2-5 cm. x 0-3-0°6 cm., 1-nervia, utrinque breviter pubescentia, pilis longioribus parce intermixtis, nervo cum marginibus incrassatis prominenter albo-lanatis, superiora sensim minora usque ad corymbos attingentia, apice squamis scariosis coloratis appendiculata; capitula homogama turbinata 0°6 cm. longa, in corymbum globosum polycephalum, 2-2'5 cm. diam. arcte congestum disposita; involucri squame circ. 32, 5-seriate, laxiuscule erect subsquilonge obtusissime citrine, basi tomentose, extimze oblonge vel oblongo-cuneate, 0-6 cm. longe, interiores oblanceolate, intime lineares basi angus- tate; receptaculum foveolatum vel forsitan demum alveolatum ; flores 28-30, corollis immaturis 0°35 cm. longis; pappi sets apicem versus barbellate et aurese. Has.: Cape Colony; on the side of the Great Winterberg, distr. (Queenstown, approx. alt. 2,250 meters, March, Galpin, 2657 ! This species has somewhat the habit of H. splendidwm Less., var. montanum Harv., next to which I would place it, although the heads are very different. The leaves resemble those of certain forms of A. fulgidum Willd., and of H. marginatum DC. H. FuanaGani Bolus, n. sp. (Huhelichrysum § Stcechadina). H. pstlolepidt Harv. affine, foluis obovatis oblongisve, obtusissumis, capitulis minoribus, magis congestis, sat differt. Fruticulus perennis procumbens; rami lignosi late patentes radicantes, deinde debiliores, subherbacei, laxe adscendentes sim- plices 8-10 cm. alti; folia semi-amplexicaulia, inferiora patentia vel reflexa, + conferta, superiora erecta sepius appressa, remotiora, internodia squantia, semper basin corymbi attingentia, eumque sepius involucrantia, obovata oblongave obtusissima suprema floraliaque acuta, nigroapiculata, obscure 3-nervia, utrinque appresso-tomentosa, 1-1°56 cm. longa, 0:2-0°5 cm. lata; corymbi sessiles polycephali semi-globosi vel interdum fere globosi, dense congesti rarius laxiusculi, subtus sape dense araneoso-tomentosi, 1:3-1:8 cm. diam. ; capitula late campanulata, 0°3-0°4 ecm. longa et lata; involucri squame 3-seriate erectze, apicibus patentibus vel 386 Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society. reflexis, oblonge obtuse vel acute subequilongx, flores fere eequantes, glabre, nitentes, inferne flavidee superne aurex; flores homogami ca. 30, corolle 0:3 cm. long ; pappi sete scabride alba; achenia minute papillosa, 0:1 em. longa. Has.: Orange River Colony ; summit of the Mont-aux-Sources, approx. alt. 2,900 meters, Jan., Flanagan, 1964! Cape Colony ; district Barkly East, Drakensbergen, Doodman’s Krans Mt., approx. alt. 2,930 meters, March, Galpin, 6682! (in herbb. Kew, Bolus, &c.). Allied to H. psilolepis Harv., next to which it may be placed. The whole plant is stouter, more procumbent at base, with different leaves and considerably smaller and more crowded heads. H. ALTICOLUM Bolus, n. sp. (Huhelichrysum § Stoechadina). H. capitulis 4-6-fl. homogamis ; involucri squanus 3-seriatis laxis erectis inter sese subequilongis duabus extinus reliquas fere amvplec- tentibus. Fruticulosus, 16-34 cm. altus; caules 1-3 e basi perenni, simplices erecti, parce foliati, griseo-tomentosi, sursum in pedunculum nudum transeuntes; folia infima subradicalia erecta vel patentia sessilia obovata vel obtuse acuta, ad 3°5 cm. x 1°8 cm., indumento duplici, superiore tenuiter araneoso, inferiore pubescente predita, caulina pleraque basin caulis versus orta remota oblonga, ad 5°5 cm. x 1-1°5 cm.; corymbi solitarii vel 2—-3-furcati approximatique poly- cephali, bracteis foliaceis oblongis inter se tela araneosa connexis involucrati, globosi vel semiglobosi 2°2-3 cm. lati; capitula dense conferta homogama, cylindrica vel subcampanulata, 05-06 cm. longa; involucri squame 9-12, 3-seriatze laxse erecte, inter sese subeequilongee, due extime late ovate acute fuscescentes, capitulum fere amplectentes, interiores ovate lanceolate vel lineares, acute vel subobtusee, apice citrine, 0°5 cm. longer; receptaculum stipite minuto sub quoque ovario preeditum, ceteroquin nudum ; flores 4-5, corolle segmenta extus dense papillosa; pappi setz serrulatea sursum _ barbellate, caduce ; achzenia glabra. Var. 3 montanum; in omnibus partibus multo minor, ramulis presertim abbreviatis foliosis nec in pedunculos productis, 38-5 cm. altis; foliis spathulato-obovatis, apice rotundatis, subtus 3—5-nerviis, ad 2-3 em. x 0:6-0°9 cm.; corymbis globosis, minoribus foliis supremis seepe involucratis ; cetera typi. Has.: Cape Colony; on the Old Katberg Pass, Stockenstrom district, approx. alt. 1,650 meters, April, Galpin, 2397! var. 6; Orange R. Colony; summit of the Mont-aux-Sources, approx. Contributions to the African Flora. 387 alt. 3,000 meters, Oct. (1897) Alfred Bolus (10682! in herb. Bolus) ; same place and date, G. Mann (2866! in herb. Marloth); same place, March (1898) M. S. Evans, 742! (in herbb. Kew and Bolus). A distinct species without, so far as I know, any near ally. I should place it for the present next to H. subglomeratum Less. At first sight the variety appears to be widely different. It is only when the heads are carefully examined that the specific identity seems unquestionable, and one is forced to the conclusion that it is but a very stunted mountain-form of the type. H. wInEATvum Bolus, n. sp. (Euhelichrysum § Stcechadina). Hf, caule lignoso prostrato (?); folwis confertis spathulatis obovatisve apice rotundatis ; wnvolucri squamis 3-4-seriatis semi-pellucidis, dilute fulvis, linea brunnea notatis. Fruticulus prostratus (?) omnino tomento laxe griseo-araneoso indutus ; rami abbreviati capitula adusque dense foliosi, 15-3 cm. longi; folia conferta sessilia patentia, infima rosulata, oblonga vel oblongo-spathulata, obtusissime rotundata, basi parum attenuata, membranacea 0:9-1:5 cm. longa, 0°-4-0°6 cm. lata; capitula homo- gama subcylindracea vel oblonga, demum turbinata, 0°6 cm. longa 0-4 cm. lata, in corymbos 1:5—-2 cm. diam. dense conferta ; involucri squame ca. 25, 3-4-seriate, dilute fulvee semipellucide brunneo- apiculate, nervo brunneo percurse, extime variabiles ovate, oblongz vel lineares, lana abscondite 0-4 cm. longs, interiores lanceolate obtuse glabre, 0°5 cm. longs, intime lineares, apice parum ampliate flores sequantes; receptaculum alveolatum ; flores ca. 26, corollis 0°5 cm. longis ; pappi sete fere leves, albee; achzenia glabra, 0-11 cm. longa. Has.: Cape Colony; district Barkly Hast, on the great Dra- kensberg Range, Doodman’s Krans Mt., approx. alt. 2,740 meters, March, Galpin, 6669! (in herbb. Kew Bolus, &c.). A stunted little mountain plant, and from the specimens it is scarcely possible to judge whether the very short branches are prostrate or ascending. Its nearest affinity seems to be with H. lucilwoides Less. (§ Stoechadina), next to which it might be placed, but the habit is very different and our plant has heads with more than twice as many flowers. H. WITBERGENSE Bolus, n. sp. (Huhelichrysum § Stcechadina). H. fruticosum, folus ovatis lanceolatisve acutis T-9-nervus ; capt- tulis im corymbos terminales polycephalos sessiles dense confertis, wmvolucri squanus 3-seriatis erectis fuscis, receptaculo foveolato. 388 Transactions of the South African Philosophical Soctety. Fruticulus erectus ramosus ad 60 cm. altus; rami adscendentes dichotomi robusti rigidi inferne nudi superne adusque corymbos dense foliosi; folia sessilia semi-amplexicaulia adscendentia vel patentia, inferiora sepe reflexa, ovata vel ovato-lanceolata acuta, utrinque 7—9-nervia, superne glabra rudia nervis profunde depressis bene notata, inferne tomento intertexto cano vestita, nervis promi- nentibus sub tomento demum + perspicuis, ad 1:4 cm. longa, 0:4-0:7 cm. lata; corymbi terminales sessiles dense conferti, polyce- phali semiglobosi, foliis floralibus cincti, 2-2°5 cm. diam.; capitula campanulata sessilia vel pedicellis tomentosis 0:1-0°2 cm. longis fulta, circa 26-30 fi., 0:°5-0°6 cm. longa, apice 0°4 cm. lata, floribus femineis perpaucis; involucri squamee 3-seriatze fuscee erecte, exteriores lanceo- lates acuminate basi araneose, 0:2 cm. longe, interiores intimzeque lineares acute apicibus tantum patentibus reflexisve, 0°5 cm. longe ; receptaculum foveolatum ; pappi sete circa 10-12, minute serrulatee apicem versus barbellate ; achzenia subcompressa papillosa fusca. Has.: Cape Colony; district Barkly Hast, Witbergen, Ben Mac- dhui, approx. alt. 2,925 meters, March, Galpin, 6692 ! (in my herb.). A very distinct species with the habit of H. trilineatum DC., differing from that by its broader acute leaves, which are always glabrous above, by its acute and differently coloured inv. scales, and by its foveolate receptacle. In H. trilineatwm, which is placed in the subgenus Lepicline; the receptacle is honeycombed with distinctly raised and toothed ridges between the cells, while such ridges in ours are quite absent. It should therefore be placed in the subgenus Euhelichrysum, where it may stand at the end of the section Stcechadina. H. onticopappum Bolus, n. sp. (Lepicline § Aptera ?). H. folus linearibus ad 6 cm. longis, 0:1-0°3 cm. lates ; capitulis numerosis wm corymbum conglomeratun 0O:9-1:7 cm. latum + dense confertis, 10-12-floris ; pappi setis perpaucis, apicem versus plumosis, apie squamis vesicularibus inflatis coronatis. Fruticulus erectus ad 25 cm. altus, e basi ramosus; rami ramu- lique adscendentes, interdum subvirgati foliosi, cum foliis indumento membranaceo arcte intertexto griseo vestiti; folia sessilia, sub- decurrentia erecti-patentes vel szpius late recurva, linearia acuta, basi parum ampliata, sepe conduplicata, 1-nervia, 1-6 cm.—sepis- sime 2-3 cm. longa, 0:1-0°3 cm. lata; capitula turbinata 10-12-fl., 0-3 cm. longa, in corymbum 20-40-cephalum bracteatum adpresse lanatum, 1-2 cm. latum, + dense conferta; involucri squame 3—4-seriate, appressz hyaline obtusissime, exteriores ovata, in- Contributions to the African Flora. 389 teriores oblonge, intime apicibus breviter patentibus aureis, cetero- quin sordide fuscescentes fascia rubro-brunnea medio ornate ; receptaculum processibus minutis carnosis cuneatis obtusis emargi- natis preeditum ; flores homogami; pappi sete perpauce (3-4), infra. medium nud, sursum gradatin plumose, apice squamis inflatis obtusis coronate ; achzenia glabra. Has.: Natal; rocky hill, Great Noodsberg, approx. alt. 900 meters, Wood, 4142! near Karkloof, April, alt. 900-1,200 meters,- Wood, 4456! (in herbb. Kew and Bolus). In habit and external appearance this much resembles AH. ano- malum Less., next to which it may be placed in the sequence of South African species. It differs from that by its web-like papery indumentum, much longer leaves, fewer-flowered homogamous heads, peculiar short fleshy receptacular processes, and by the inflated hairs at the apex of the pappus bristles. The processes of the receptacle have only been seen in a somewhat young stage of development, and may prove, on examination of better material, to be an important character. H. acropuHitum Bolus, n. sp. (Lepicline § Aptera). H. folus parvis subspathulatis, lanuna expansa obcordata vel sub- renform, capitulis homoganus + 45-floris, mvolucri squanus dilute flavidis, interioribus albidis. Fruticulus erectus ramosus, totus nisi capitula cano-tomentosus ad 30 cm. altus vel ultra; rami pauci erecti subflexuosi rigidi, parce foliati, rarius numerosi conferti foliosi; folia patentia sessilia pleraque gemmifera subspathulata retusa, sepe apiculata, subtus l-nervia, tomento intertexto vestita, lamina obcordata vel sub- reniformi, sepe apiculata, 0°25-0°5 cm. longa, 0:3-0-7 cm. lata, tota 0°5-1 cm. longa; capitula crateriformia vel semiglobosa, majora ad 0-9 cm longa, 1:4 cm. lata, pleraque 0-7-1 cm., ad apices ramu- lorum in corymbum sublaxum 2-7-cephalum disposita; involucri squame primo laxiuscule adpresse erecto-incurve, dein patentes, acute scariose glabra concave opace, exteriores ovate, dilute flavidee, 0°3 cm. longe, interiores oblonge albide, ad 0°7 cm. longe ; receptaculi fimbrillis pallidis achzeniis subzequilongis ; flores homo- gami, circa 45, corollis 0:4 cm. longis; pappi sete inferne bar- bellate, supra medium subplumose; achznia papillata, 0-08 cm. longa. Has.: Cape Colony; district Ceres; rocky mountain slopes on the Skurfdebergen, near Gydouw, approx. alt. 1,500 meters, Dec. (1891), #. Bolus (in herb. Bolus, 7552!) ; on the Gydouwberg, 1,800. 390 Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society. meters, Jan. (1897), Schlechter, 10049! district Worcester; on the Matroosberg, 1,950 meters, Jan., A. Bolus (in herb. Bolus, 6359 !) (in herbb. Kew, Schlechter, Bolus, &c.). A very distinct species, in floral structure nearest to H. awriculatwm Less., next to which it may be placed. The heads are nearly as large as in that, but the leaves very different. These latter are of somewhat unusual shape: the petiole-like lower portion being broadish, and then more or less suddenly dilated into an obcordate or subreniform blade, more resembling those of H. exciswm Less., than those of any other known tome. The plant is probably con- fined to the higher mountain-ranges of the western part of the Colony. H. sETIGERUM Bolus, n. sp. (Lepicline § Aptera). H. albo N. H. Br. persinule, differt autem capitulis minorrbus, fimbrillis receptaculs setiformibus acununatis achema subequilongis. Fruticulus rhizomate lgnoso, omnino cinereo-tomentosus ad 32 cm. altus; folia radicalia erecta vel rosulato-patentia dense con- ferta obovata vel obovato-oblonga, basi angustata, obtusissima vel subacuta, 1°5-6 cm. x 1°7 cm., caulina remota erecta sepe adpressa oblonga, superiora acuta interdum squama scariosa apice ornata, semi-amplexicaulia, 1-3 em. x 0°3-0°5 cm. ; capitula solitaria vel in cymulis 2-3-cephalis disposita, pedicellis 1:3-1:5 cm. longis, homo- gama, crateriformia, 1-6 cm. longa, 2°5 cm. lata; involucri squame 5-6-seriates radiantes, scariosz, nitide glabre, albe vel sezpius dimidio superiore brunnez, extimee ovate acute, 0°5 cm. longe, interiores lanceolate acute ad 1:3 cm. longs ; receptaculum fimbril- lato-favosum, fimbrillis plurimis setiformibus elongatis e septis favi ortis, integris denticulatisve vel bipartitis pallidis, achenia squan- tibus vel superantibus; flores numerosissimi, corollis 0:45 cm. longis; pappi setze fere leves; achznia subturgida glabra 0-1 cm. longa. Var. 3 minor; corymbis 4—6.cephalis; capitulis 0:8-0-9 cm. longis, 1 cm. diam. floribus quam in typo paucioribus. _ Has.: Cape Colony; summit of Kraal Berg, Barkly Pass, Jan., G. Rattray (7303! in herb. Galpin); district Mount Fletcher, summit of Satsanna’s Berg, approx. alt. 2,900 meters, March, Galpin, 6670!; district Barkly East, summits Ben Macdhui and Doodman’s Krans Mts., approx. alt. 2,900-3,000 meters, March, Galpin, 6676! (in my herb.). Orange R. Colony; summit of Mont-aux-Sources, 2,900 meters, Jan. (not fully developed), Flanagan, 1969! Var. 6 Barkly East; summit of Doodman’s Krans Mt., 2,940 meters, March, Galpin, 6686 ! Contributions to the African Flora. 391 H. oppuctum Bolus, n. sp. (Lepicline § Aptera). H, foliis linearibus, cum rams indumento duplici, superrore mem- branaceo tela imstar papyraceo intertexto argenteo polito undique obductis, inferiore breviter tomentoso ommino abscondito ; caprtuls 5-10, im corymbum confertis, subsessilrbus, 25-45-floris. Fruticulus decumbens erectusve, pedalis vel ultra, pauci-ramosus ; rami adscendentes, sapius simplices, interdum semel vel bifurcati, plerique graciles, foliosi, cum foliis tela membranacea vel papyracea arcte intertexta argentea polita undique et fere omnino vestiti; folia sparsa sessilia, nullo modo decurrentia, conferta rarius sublaxa, erecto-patentia vel erecto-recurva, ad 2 cm. longa, 0:3 cm. lata, linearia sphacelato-apiculata, sub tela externa utrinque breviter tomentosa, marginibus recurvis, nervo medio s#pe prominente ; capitula campanulata subsessilia, 0°5 cm. longa, 0:4 cm. lata, in corymbum d-10-cephalum, 1-2 cm. latum conferta, foliis paucis reductis tomentosis cincta ; involucri squame circa 4-seriate appressx glabree scariose subhyaline nitentes, circumscriptione subirregulari, extimis sepius lanceolatis acutis brevioribus, interioribus oblongis obtuse acutis vel obtusissimus, intimis flores equantibus, apice leviter inflexis, omnibus infra medium albidis vel cremeis, supra dilute flavidis vel rarius subaureis; receptaculi fimbrille acheniis fere equilonge ; flores homogami, 23—29, vel, in var. 8,45; achzenia glabra nigricantia, 0-1 cm. longa. Var. 3 laxior ; rami simpliciores, longiores, subvirgati ; folia laxiora, angustiora; corymbi 1-—d-cephali; involucri squame nitentiores, subaures ; capitula ad 45-fl., 0°6-0'7 cm. longa. Has.: Natal, Great Noodsberg, on rocks, approx. alt. 900 meters, April, Wood, 869! 4130! 5292! Nkandha, 1,200-1,500 meters, id., 8843! Zululand, Umblatusi, approx. alt. 300 meters, April, Wylie (in herb. Natal), 8640! Var. 6 Transvaal, Devil’s Kantoor, Drakens- bergen, Sept., Bolus, 7806! Wood, 890 matches the last, on the authority of Mr. N. HE. Brown, of Kew, but I have not seen it. (All the above are in herb. Kew.) The species is not very near any other of this section. The heads somewhat resemble those of H. cephaloidewm DC., but the involucral scales are less yellow, and the plant in other respects quite different. A notable mark is the curious double indument. The upper web-like layer is like that of H. subglomeratum, which was pointed out by Lessing and which, as he says, may be removed almost entire. But besides and below that is a quite separate, and more ordinary cover- ing of soft short hairs, the whole forming an effective protection against excessive transpiration. This lower coating of hairs is 392 Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society. absent, or very sparingly exhibited, in H. swbglomeratum, and is not noticed either by Lessing or Harvey. It is, however, found on the leaves of one or two other species of the genus. H. LEPIDOPoDIUM Bolus, n. sp. (Lepicline § Chionostemma, Harvey, extens.). H. in toto argenteo-albidum ; folis spathulato-obovatis, wtrinque tomento intertexto arcte adpresso levi tectis ; pedunculis monocephalis, sqguams crebris scariosis caducis onustis. Fruticulus ramosus, 60 cm. altus; rami rigidi lignosi foliosi; folia imbricata erecta appressa sessilia semiamplexicaulia spathulato- obovata, obtuse acuta, subtus l-nervia, utrinque tomento intertexto arcte adpresso argyreo levi subnitente tecta, 1-2-2 cm. longa, 0:8- 1:3 cm. lata; pedunculi robusti lignosi erecti monocephali, 9-10 cm. longi, bracteis crebris scariosis diaphanis ovatis, longe acuminatis, caducis, basibus semiamplexicaulibus persistentibus, circa 1 cm. longis, ornati; capitula ovalia circa 3:3 cm. longa et lata; involucri squame 5—6-seriatee erectze sublaxz, nec radiantes, scariose nitentes nivex, basi purpureo-maculate, exteriores ovate acuminate 1:5 cm. longee, interiores lanceolate longe acuminate, 2°8 cm. longe, intimz oblonge obtuse, 0:5-0°7 cm. longe; receptaculum subplanum, alveolatum, septis fovearum in setas 4 breves pallidas productis ; flores %, corolle 0°6 cm. long; pappi sete fere glabre vel vix scabre, basi brevissime concrete; acheenia ovalia crassa, facie leviter applanata, glabra granulata brunnea, 0°25 cm. longa. Has.: Cape Colony; on slopes of the Sneeuwkop Mt., near Stellenbosch, approx. alt. 1,460 meters, Jan., Marloth, 1831! (in my herb.). . A very distinct species, without any near ally known to me. It may be recognised at once by its close silvery indument, without visible hairs and almost metallic in appearance, combined with its large solitary heads. The latter most resemble those of A. vestitwm, Less., next to which it may be placed. HELICHRYSUM, sub-gen. nov. Lysiolepis, Bolus. Receptaculo paleis scariosis caducis ovaria semi-anrplectentibus onusto. H. argyrophyllum De Candolle, Prodr., vi., p. 186. This species was placed by Harvey (Flora Capensis, iii., p. 233) in the subgenus Kuhelichrysum, section Chrysolepidea, subsection Xerochlena. But neither author makes any mention of the paleew on the receptacle. These are oblong acute, strongly incurved, scarious Contributions to the African Flora. 393 caducous and pale yellow, about 0:2 cm. long, more or less enwrapping the achenes, and overtopping them (as in the genus Relhania), When the palez fall the receptacle is seen to be foveo- late. I know of no other species of Helichrysum which exhibits such palezw. It will be seen from the above that they are not at all like the fimbrils of the subgenus Lepicline; for although these are in some species equally as long as, or even longer than, those of our present species, they are not scarious, not caducous, nor in any degree enwrapping the ovaries. It may be a question whether this species should not be removed to the genus Cassinia. The only representative of this genus in South Africa (C. phylicoides (DC. sub Khynea) Benth. & Hook. f.) has a very different appearance ; and, moreover, the palez in that are like narrower involucral scales with the upper and lower half differentiated from each other in the manner so common in the involucral scales of Helichrysum, Metalasia, &c., whereas in the present plant the pales are not so differentiated, but are uniform throughout ; and in Cassinia do not, as in this species, envelope the ovaries. It may be advisable to leave the species in the genus Helichrysum for the present; but then it should be regarded as forming a new subgenus as above. The following additional stations are now known, besides the only one hitherto recorded: Cape Colony; Perie Mts., near King William’s Town, approx. alt. 760 meters, Dec., Tyson, in Herb. Norm. Aust-Afr., 856! Katberg, March, Rev. Baur, 864! district Maclear, alt. 1,800 meters, Jan., Bolus, 10121! The inflorescence varies from a solitary terminal head to a 3-6- headed loosely fastigiate corymb. H. aGrostopHitum Klatt, in Bull. Herb. Boiss. IV., p. 833, Var. nemorosum Bolus, n. var. (Lepicline § Plantaginea). Planta metralis; folia ovata acuta, radicalia 25-31 cm. longa, 9-17 cm. lata; pedunculus (parte caulis subnuda) 45 cm. longus ; panicula magis evoluta, 15 cm. lata, sub-umbellatim divisa, ramulis primariis 6-7 validis, 5-6 cm. longis, capitulis numerosissimis. Has.: Transvaal Colony, in thick undergrowth in a wood, Houtbosch, distr. Pietersburg, approx. alt. 1,500 met., Febr., Bolus, 10991 (in herbb. Kew and Bolus). This looks unlike the typical specimens (2.e., Galpin 703, only, for the other number cited by Klatt, viz., Schlechter 6216, is, according to the specimens under that number in my herbarium, received from Schlechter himself, a different species, and apparently H. grisewm 26 394 Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society. Sonder). After a careful examination, however, I am unable to satisfy myself that, excepting the different shape of the leaves and the stronger, more luxuriant growth of the whole plant, due, as it appears to me, to a more favourable situation, there is really any difference which can be regarded as of specific value. H. HomiLtocurysum 8. Moore (Lepicline § Plantaginea), Journ. Bot., KXxvii. (1899), p. 371. This species has been described from small poorly-grown speci- mens. Those of Mclea, apparently the first discovered (in 1874), show a plant at least 21 cm. high, with branches 13 cm. long, leaves distinctly petiolate, the largest, including the petiole, 4:8 cm. long, 3°3 cm. wide, the panicles up to 6 cm. in spread, the heads about the same size as in the type. The species is unlike any other known to me, but I venture to suggest it would be more fitly placed in the § Aptera, next to H. petiolatum DC. The following additional stations may be added: Transvaal; district Lydenburg, in crevices of dry quartzose rocks, Drakensbergen near Mac-a-Mace, July, McLea (3013 in herbb. Kew and Bolus). Natal; Great Noodsberg, April, Wood, 933! and 4141 !—the latter quite immature and smaller in all parts (in herb. Kew). H. AvUREO-NITENS Schultz Bip.—Note: in the Herb. Norm. Aust-Afr, MacOwan ¢ Bolus No. 460 were distributed plants of the above species wrongly marked ‘‘H. psilolepis DC. var.,’’ which should be corrected. AMPHIGLOSSA KoLBeEr Bolus, n. sp. (Inuloidex-Relhaniez). A. folus erectis appressis nec imbricatis; capitulis 5-6-fl., 2 2, ligulis exsertis, % 3-4. Fruticulus erectus diffusus griseo-tomentosus, 20 cm. altus vel ultra ; rami divaricati subflexuosi graciles rigidi foliosi, 0-10-15 cm. diam. ; folia erecta incurvo-appressa sessilia ericoidea, nec imbricata nec gemmifera, late linearia vel oblonga subobtusa crassa, marginibus _ inflexis, supra dense tomentosa, subtus tenuiter tomentosa demum glabrescentia, 0°25-0°32 cm. longa; capitula ad apices ramulorum breviorum sessilia, 2-3 glomerata, rarius solitaria, cylindrica demum crateriformia, foliis floralibus minoribus congestis arcte suffulta, 0:4-0°5 cm. longa; involucri squame erecte 2-3-seriatze oblong vel lineares acute scariosze fusce, extime basi tomentose reliquis glabris; flores 2 2, % 3-4, ligulis fil. 9 erecto-patentibus purpureis, 0:3 cm. longis, 0°12 em. latis, corollis fil. ¥0°3 cm. longis; achzenia glabra, 0°07 em. longa. Contributions to the African Flora. 395 Has.: Cape Colony; District Prince Albert, Great Zwartebergen Range, near the Pass, Rev. Dr. Kolbe, 1477! (in my herb.). A very distinct species, which falls into DC.’s section Phzenoglossa, but most resembles in general appearance A. callunoides DC., differing by its leaves which are entirely and closely appressed, and not gem- miferous, by its shorter heads, and fewer ray-flowers with exserted ligules. IpHIONA DENTATA Bolus.—This name must replace that of Pegolettia dentata, published by me, in vol. xvi., p. 385 of these Transactions. The error was corrected on p. 6, at the foot of the Table of Contents in the same vol., but as that did not appear until some months later, while off-prints had meanwhile been distributed, it is necessarily repeated here. The description remains unchanged, but the following correction is substituted. For the words ‘In floral structure nearest to,” &c., read ‘“‘ Nearest to I. baccharidifolia Benth. & Hook. f., distinct by its much narrower and more deeply- toothed leaves, much more numerous, narrower, and acuminate involucral scales, and by its silky achenes.” PEGOLETTIA TENUIFOLIA Bolus, n. sp. (Inuloidez-Huinulez). P. folits anguste lineartbus, imtegerrimis; wvolucrt squamis 4—5-servatis. Fruticulus erectus, circa 30 cm. altus; ramuli pauci, adscendentes subvirgati graciles glanduloso-puberuli striati pauci-foliati; mono- cephali; folia sparsa internodiis 0:2-0°5 cm. longis, sessilia, laxe patentia, anguste linearia acuta conduplicativa vel rarius plana, glabra, puberulave, punctulis nigris impressa, 1-nervia, ad 2°5 cm. longa, 0:2 cm. lata; capitula ad apices ramulorum solitaria, cam- panulata, 1'7 cm. longa, apice 1°5 cm. lata; involucri squame 4—5-seriate, lanceolate, setaceo-acuminate, 1l-nervie, marginibus scarlosis, apicem versus puberule ciliateque vel interdum glabre nudzque, 0-2-1 cm. longe; corolla cylindracea sursum sensim ampliata 1 cm. longa, lobis glanduloso-hispidulis; achznia leviter costulata, minute hispidula, 0°23 cm. longa; pappi palez exteriores lanceolato-lineares acutee 0:15 cm. longs, sete interiores barbellate, corolla parum breviores. Has.: Transvaal; district Waterberg, in a valley, Boschpoort, near Warm Bath, approx. alt. 1,100 meters, fl. Jan., Bolus, 11951 (in herb. Kew, Schlechter, &c.). Of the species of Pegolettia known to me this seems nearest to P. senegalensis Cass., and P. mucronata Benth., of the latter of which 396 Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society. I have no specimens. It appears to be distinct from either as well by its very slender leaves, as by the more numerous rows of its involucral scales. CINERARIA MONTANA Bolus, n. sp. (Senecionidew-Euseneciones). C. caule lignoso tomentoso folus pinnatisectis subtus tmdumento albidotomentoso arcte mtertexto ommino imdutis, swperne glaberrimis, capitulis medrocribus heterogamis. Fruticulus perennis erectus ad 40 cm. altus; caulis (vel ramus abscissus ?) simplex, sursum ramulosus, lignosus, dense foliosus tomentosus, superne corymbo desinens; folia_ sessilia erecto- patentia pinnatisecta, circumscriptione late ovata, ad 4:5 cm. longa, 2°6 cm. lata, lobis utrinque 3-4, mediis oblongis acutis mucronatis decurrentibus integris rarius irregulariter dentatis mar- ginibus revolutis subcoriaceis, superne glabris subtus indumento albido-tomentoso arcte intertexto omnino indutis, nervo prominente, ad 1-5 em. longis 0°5 cm. latis, lobis inferioribus subconformibus sed minoribus, infimis parvis subulatis stipuleformibus cauli utrinque adherentibus; corymbi laxe patentes, ad 10 cm. lati polycephali, pedunculis 4-5 cm. longis, cum pedicellis 0-2-2 cm. longis albo- tomentosis, bracteis distantibus foliaceis setaceo-acuminatis in calyculum transeuntibus; calyculi squame 3-0, scariose; capitula turbinata vel semi-globosa, 0°5-0°7 cm. longa, apice 0:6—0:7 cm. lata; involucri squamz 10-13 erecte subimbricate lanceolate acuminate 3-nervize, marginibus scariosis, glabree fusca, 0°5-0°6 cm. longer; radii flores ca. 7, ligulis 0-4 cm. longis, disci ca. 30, sursum gradatim ampliati, 0° cm. longi; achzenia glabra l-nervia; pappi sete 1-seriatze, basi breviter concrete, albidz, corollas subzquantes. Has.: Natal: summit of the Drakensbergen, approx. alt. 1,500- 1,800 meters, Febr., Haygarth (Com. J. M. Wood, 99251). A very distinct species with something of the habit of C. tomentosa Less., but taller and more robust, and differing much in its in- florescence and leaves. The latter are very dark, or dry dark, on the upper surface, and, though glabrous, are much wrinkled -and rough in the dried state. The lgules of the ray flowers appear to be yellow. BERKHEYA INGRATA Bolus, n. sp. (Arctotidese-Gorteriex § Stobza). B. folus caulims bipinnatipartitis segmentis linearibus rigidis, supra 5-nervirs dense setulosisque, capitulis medrocribus homogamis solitarus vel laxe corymbosis, pappr squamis 2-serratis oblongis obtusis subminutis ; achenus glabris. Contributions to the African Flora. 397 Herba annua vel perennis (?) erecta ramosa, 45 cm. alta vel ultra ; rami adscendentes foliosi rigidi striati tenuiter albido-tomentosi, demum glabrescentes, 10-16 cm. longi; folia radicalia haud visa, caulina erecto-patentia vel sape recurva, sessilia auriculato-semi- amplexicaulia, ambitu obovata, bipinnatipartita, pinnis 5—-10-jugis, basi per rhachin alato-decurrentibus, usque ad basin partitis, seg- mentis rigidis linearibus vel lanceolato-linearibus spinoso-acuminatis, basi spinellis recurvis donatis, marginibus revolutis nudis, supra 5-nerviis, nervis arcte approximatis, dense setulosis, subtus 1-nerviis cinereo-tomentosulis, folia inferiora in specimine unico ad 11 cm. longa, pinnulis 0:°3-0-4 cm. latis, pleraque 3-6 cm. x 2-3 cm., pinnis infimis 2-4 szpius in spinulas reductis, folia superiora sensim minora; capitula homogama solitaria ad apices ramulorum breviter pedunculata, pedunculis gracilibus 1-2 em. longis, rarius subsessilia, expansa 4—5°D cm. diam.; involucri foliola foliacea, pinnulis similia, basi concreta tomentosa 4-seriata radiantia, exteriora breviora, interiora 1:°5-2°5 cm. longa, flores duplo super- antia; receptaculum alveolatum, fimbrillis capillaceis pallidis, ad 0°5-0°9 cm. longis; flores m, corollis 0°7-0°8 cm. longis; pappi squame 2-seriate oblong, obtuse, minute denticulate albe, 0:06 cm. long; achzenia turbinata glabra, 0°13 cm. longa. Has.: Transvaal Colony, near Standerton, common, Jan., Feb., J. Burtt Davy, 899! 3359! Although the achenes are quite glabrous this seems to come nearest to Stobea bipinnatifida Harvey, differing by its much nar- rower leaf-segments, larger heads, and relatively longer involucral leaflets. The bristles on the upper surface of the leaves are much coarser than those of B. setufera DC. It has excited some appre- hension in the Transvaal by its alleged rapid spread in the neighbourhood of Standerton, its spinous leaves being very obnoxious to cattle. BERKHEYA MAGALISMONTANA Bolus, n. sp. (Arctotides-Gorteriez | § Stobza, ?) B. folas altermis ambitu oblongis lanceolatisve acutis pinnatifidis vel rartus pinnato-dentatis, lobis spinoso-acuminatis interstitiis basi- busque semper nudis, capitulis mediocribus, laxe corymbosis, vel subsolitarus, pappt squamis varrabilobus acutis vel subobtusis, apice + laceratis, achenus dense sericeo-villosis. Suffrutex erectus ramosus rigidus albo-tomentosus, ad 35 cm. altus vel ultra; rami adscendentes teretes, ad 23 cm. longi; folia alterna sessilia, inferiora conferta, superiora sensim pauciora, erecto- patentia, vel subrecurva, ambitu lineari-oblonga, lanceolatave spinoso- 398 Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society. acuminata, pinnatifida vel minora grosse dentata, lobis dentibusve utrinque 2-5, subdeltoideis spinoso-acuminatis, interstitiis basi- busque nudis, superne araneosa demum glabrescentia, creberrime reticulato-venosa, inferne szpe l-nervia tomento intertexto arto vestita, 3-5°5 cm. longa, 0°8-1°5 cm. lata; lobis 0:2-0'4 cm. longis, spinis 0°2 cm. longis; capitula pauca 2-6 in apicibus ramulorum laxissime corymbosa vel subsolitaria, mediocria, crateriformia, circa 2°5 cm. diam.; pedunculi bracteati, ad 4 cm. longi; involucri squame radiantes 4-seriatz, foliaceze lineari-lanceolate spinoso-acuminate, marginibus spinelloso-ciliatis, basi concrete superne glabree 3—5-ner- vate, inferne tomentose, 0-6-1:3 cm. long ; receptaculum 0°6 cm. diam., septis alveolorum breviter setaceis; flores radii + 14, ligulis 1-2 cm. longis, disci + 60, corollis 0°7 cm. longis; pappi squamee variabiles obovate oblong vel oblanceolatze acute vel subobtuse lacerate serices pallide vel rarius purpures, 0°15 cm. longe; achenia turbinata sericeo-villosa. Has.: Transvaal; Magaliesbergen near Aapies R., approx. alt. 1,800 meters, Jan., Schlechter, 4163! Crocodile and Magalies Rs., 1,500 meters, May, Burtt Davy, 204! near Rustenburg, 1,380 meters, Olive Nation, 322! (in herb. Bolus). This species is perhaps nearest in appearance to B. corymbosa DC., but the pappus is very different in structure and is somewhat inter- mediate in character between that of the §§ Huberkheya and Stobxa. Harvey mentions the same peculiarity in his notes upon B. seminivea Harv. & Sond., and upon B.? annectens Harv., in Flor. Cap., iii., pp. 907, 509. Erica THopEI Guthrie & Bolus in Dyer, Flor. Cap., iv. 1., 284. This species was described upon scanty and somewhat withered material. We now owe to Mr. Galpin excellent specimens which, like Thode’s, were gathered at a considerable elevation, but probably at a different season. These show that the original description and also the position assigned to the species in the genus, need revision. The following corrections may be noted :— EK. THoper G. & B. (§ Hermes) . . . petioles 4-4 the length of the leaf-blade ; flowers axillary, subcalycine ; pedicels deflexed. The following is the new station: Drakensberg, marshy places, Doodman’s Krans Mt., district Barkly Hast, approx. alt. 2,690 meters, March 7, 1904. Flowers white; growing socially in masses. Galpin, 6766! (in herbb. Kew, Galpin, Bolus, &c.). I propose to remove the speciés from the section Trigemma to the section Hermes and to place it between LH. longiaristata Benth., and E. flavicoma Bartl., to both of which, but especially the latter, Contributions to the African Flora. 399 it bears a considerable resemblance. The only objection to the arrangement is the somewhat proportionately large and prominent sepals; but the flower is scarcely calycine, and the same difficulty meets us constantly in endeavouring to define rigidly the boundaries of many of the sections of this large genus. LEUCOSPERMUM ZWARTBERGENSE Bolus, n. sp. (Proteacez- Persoonioidex-Proteex, Hngl. § Diastella, Salisb.). L. foluis linearibus subobtusis subacutisve, basin versus angustatis, rigidis crassis, glaberrumis ; capitulis globosis, 1-1°5 cm. diam. ; mvolucrt squanus circa 3-servatis. Suffrutex validus humilis decumbens, ad 24 cm. altus; rami ex ima basi numerosi adscendentes robusti rigidi, dense foliosi, 0:2—0°4 em. diam. ; folia erecta vel seepius arcuata linearia, basin versus angustata subobtusa vel subacuta calloso-apiculata crassa rigida glaberrima, juniora sericeo-villosa, 15-35 cm. longa, 0:2-0°3 cm. lata; capitula sessilia globosa, 1-1'5 cm. diam.; involucri squame ca. 3-seriatz villoso-ciliatz glabrescentes, exteriores ovate, 0°3 cm. longs, in- teriores oblonge 0-7 cm. longe, 0:2 cm. late; receptaculum elongatum cylindricum, dense sericeo-hirtum, paleis lineari-lanceo- latis acuminatis duplo longioribus interjectis, 0°5 cm. longum, 0-3 cm. diam.; perigonium 0:8 cm. longum, laminis extus cano- villosis; squamelle filiformes, 0°25 cm. longe; stylus filiformis, perigonium fere sequans; stigma cylindricum vel subclavatum, 0-15 cm. longum; ovarium sericeum. Has.: Cape Colony; rocky places near the summit of the Zwarte- berg Pass, district Oudtshoorn, approx. alt. 1,460 meters, Dec., Bolus, 12267 (in herb. Kew, Brit. Mus., Berlin, &c.). A distinct species, not much like any other known to me. In habit and leaves it bears a great resemblance to Sorocephalus salsoloides ft. Br. Sivan pir ehigi We at ena 2 é Tere F Ta ee) 7 az aie LIS eo PRY i. S 135% 1380x 66mm a 710.x 90x 5mm | 180mm x 100 mm 7 West, Newman collo. Vol. XVIII. ' Fig.2.60x39 cm Pio ie Wesi,Newman collo. ‘ Trans.S.Afr.Phil.S oc Vol. XVIII. Fig.5 60x 40. cag l¥. West, Newman colic. " Trans.S. Afr Phil.Soc Vol.XVIII. Fig.10. #7 4% 29 West,Newman collie. ee al g eo) SS K : SO 9 > oy j CY) x Kk Lop) i ‘i us § ~ ES D ic be XQ Trans.S.Afr Phil.Soe Vol XVIII. 275x 270 cm. + 7 a5 West, Newman col Pix Trans.S.Afr Phil.S oc Vol. XVIT. 8. Fig ZO KS 9 Oem. eee Trans.s.Afr.Phil Soc. Vol. XVUL. Pa OC Fig.2. 550 x 31 mm. West, Newman collo. Trans. S.Afr.Phil.Soc.Vol. XVIII. ELSI: 4.74 m.m. high. me bx ee Fig:2. 453 m.m.long. West,Newman collo. é: PEAY Trans. S.Afr. Phil. Soc.Vol. XVIII. 460 x 760.m.m. Rig ale 910 x 580 mm. West,Newman collo. FiG.e: ar fhe! ” - a (401 ) ON ROCK-ENGRAVINGS OF ANIMALS AND THE HUMAN FIGURE, FOUND IN SOUTH AFRICA. (Second Note.) By L. PERINGUEY, Director of the South African Museum. With Plates VII.-XY. (Read September 29, 1908.) if THE Rock-ENGRAVINGS. In a preliminary note on this subject, published in Vol. XVI, 1906, of the Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society, I alluded to rock-engravings (sculptures rupestres, graffiti, petro- glyphs) of a type far superior in finish and artistic merit to those that were at the time the object of my communication. These rock-engravings are indeed so very superior in technique and correctness of outline, that they cannot fail to compel admira- tion, especially when it is remembered how primitive were the tools used by the sculptors, and how exceedingly hard the surface of the rock, which must have caused many a rechipping of the edges or points of the stone tools, themselves of a material not harder than the stones on which the delineations are so deeply engraved, These rocks are porphyritic, or consist of amygdaloid diabase ; but some carvings have been found on granite, on sandstone, and also on slate. In many of the figures here reproduced * we have no longer lines or outlines obtained by more or less rough pointing or punching as shown in several of the illustrations of my first note. The technique * The reproduction of these figures was obtained not by chalking the chipped parts, but by carefully oiling the surface of the rock adjoining the outlines of the figures ; owing to the darkening of the adjoining surface, the figures appear boldly and very distinctly in the photographs. 27 il WIL 402 Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society. is of a much more complicated nature, and it includes occasionally lines in relief. This is well shown in Fig. 2 of Plate VIII. which represents an elephant fleeing before a hunter armed with bow and arrow. The lines intended to represent the corrugation of the skin are in relief, and in relief also is the somewhat slender tail, which is, however, not well brought out in the photograph. Apart from the real artistic merit of the intaglio process, the attitude of the animal in flight before its pursuer is amazingly correct. The manner in which the ears are carried, the hanging down of the lower lp, the curvature of the back, the bending backwards of the left fore foot, the manner in which the left hind leg is thrown back are absolutely exact, and denote a keen power of observation on the part of the sculptor. The figure of the man is, as usual, very poor in design, but in this instance one notices in it an expression of activity ; the hunter is plainly running after its quarry, and the sex is not apparent. This rock-engraving is probably the best of its kind as yet discovered. I have, however, been told of another hunting scene (several men attacking a rhinoceros) which, my informant pro- ~ nounces, after an inspection of this engraved stone, to be equally good in finish. Fig. 1 of Plate VIII. is that of another elephant going peacefully along. The ears alone are in relief, and the whole body is carefully chipped; the intaglio bringing out the outlines of the thighs is executed in a masterly manner. Fig. 3 of Plate IX. is in point of excellence second only to Fig. 2 of Plate VIII. It is that of a buffalo (Bubalus cafer), and is wholly hollowed out, but the two lines indicating the horns are in bold relief. The attitude of the animal, the switching of its tail, is full of life. As a study of nature at rest, it can be matched only by Fig. 7 of Plate X. representing a female Koodoo (Strepsiceros Kudu). The next sculptures in order of merit are the two giraffes in Plate XI. In both, the large spots of the skin are executed in bold relief, the chipped-off interstices being in places as much as 8 mm. deep. Fig. 12 is in motion, and the four legs are clearly delineated ; Fig. 13 seems to be at rest, only two legs are there shown. The execution of these figures is so good, that it seems probable that what might appear at first sight to be a defect in technique, is in reality the result of consummate skill, the absence or the presence of two or four legs being intended to convey the im- pression that the animal is either resting or on the move (see also Figs. 4 of Plate IX., 1 and 2 of Plate XIV., &.). I may add that in all likelihood, the rock-engravings here mentioned Rock-Engravings of Animals and the Human Figure. 403 are, judging from the position in which they stood, the work of the same artist. On the other hand, many of the quadrupeds of inferior workmanship are elsewhere represented with two legs, or occasionally three. None of the rock-engravings mentioned in my first note exhibit any attempt at perspective, if we except perhaps that of a giraffe (loc. cit. Plate XII., Fig. 3). Under the head of the animal, the body of which is represented in full, is that of a much smaller one. It is doubtful, however, if that reduction in size is meant to convey an idea of the dwarfing due to the distance. The animals depicted are as arule not grouped together, but Miss M. Wilman, a former assistant of the South African Museum, and now in charge of the Kimberley Museum, has obtained by rubbings, tracings of animals that show a technique of very high order indeed and plenty of imagination. These figures (1 and 2, Plate XIV.) are those of two giraffes engraved on a small boulder the contour of which made it impossible to trace the animals in their right position. They form part of a group of three; one animal reaches on one side the top of a tree, the second does the same from the other side, the third is no longer well defined and a rubbing could not be obtained. In the same spot is a giraffe of the same size as the other two suckling her young, and the execution is as good as that of the two figured in Plate XIV. These sculptures from the Vryburg District are probably the best of their kind, and it is impossible not to credit the sculptors of these scenes with plenty of imagination and a great mastery of their craft. _ In other places discovered lately are specimens of nearly equal artistic merit. Fig. 9 of Plate X. represents a galloping rhinoceros, which is not only realistic in the extreme, but which might be termed ‘‘ study of a head.” The sculptor plainly intended to depict the fore-part of the animal only, because it abuts on the edge of the boulder which is there at right angles with the face of the rock. A similar instance is to be found in the admirably treated fore-part of an eland (Fig. 19 of Plate XII.) obtained from a different locality, and in all probability not executed by the same sculptor. There has been no attempt to continue the outline on the receding face of the rock. The running ostrich, Fig. 11 of Plate X., is full of life. But more singular perhaps than any of the illustrations here given is that of Fig. 20 of Plate XII. The surface of the boulder is there closely amygdoidal ; the lower part is a little more even. It is that part that the engraver has chosen for depicting two blue cranes (Letrapteryx paradisea). Extraordinary as may seem the attitude of these birds, it is an exact reproduction of them when they play | . | | | 404 Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society. their curious antics or strut grotesquely along. ‘To the right of the engraving are three superposed, broadly triangular chevron-like lines. Fig. 1 of Plate XIII. is that of an eland, which I have selected among others because of the very effective appearance obtained by retaining for the central part of the body the original smooth surface of the rock, and thus helping to bring out the chipped part more clearly. But next to, and often intermingled with, these well-finished engravings are some which contrast singularly with the others in their lack of artistic merit, or even crudeness. Thus Figs. 6, 8, and 10 of Plate X., although found with the series in Plates VIII. and XIV., are not of equal merit; Fig. 18 of Plate XII. which was figured on the same boulder as Fig. 7 of Plate X. is made quite ludicrous by contrast. The tracings (Fig. 1 of Plate XV.) are certainly far from being artistic. I may say that in this case the latter scene stood by itself. Figs. 14, 15, 16, 17 of Plate XI. do not betray much skill, and are of the same type of workmanship as the singular design that sur- mounts Fig. 10 of Plate X. Starred designs are not uncommon. I have seen them from the banks of the Orange and of the Vaal Rivers; and they are met with on the plains of Kimberley and of Bechuanaland.* Rough check-boards made by lines intersecting each other are also known. Hiibner, speaking of a group of these sculptures in the Potchefstroom District (Zeitsch. f. Ethnol., 1871), says, ‘‘ Besides these easily recognisable figures there are, however, many others, which are difficult to explain. I may merely mention one in which 6 vertical stripes, or succession of holes, were cut at right angles by 4 or 5 similar lines; another, where 12 rows of 3 holes are situated under each other, and which cannot possibly be considered as alphabetic signs; very common are circles of 100 mm. long from which 18 radial strokes, about 100 mm. long emanate, so that the whole might be a representation of the sun.”’ Fig. 17 of Plate XI. represents a foot the small size of which suggests the possibility of the etching having been made from a wet imprint. The disparity of skill and technique evinced by the illustrations given in this paper can be explained by the assumption borne by * In certain Bushmen paintings stars and check-boards do also figure. In the tracing of one such picture in the South African Museum is the reproduction in red ochre of a very small, almost delicate human hand, with the digits spread out. This picture was plainly produced by the impression on the surface of the rock of the painter’s hand covered with red pigment. A similar impression, but the hand is white on a red ochre background, occurs in the very ancient cave of Castello, vide ‘* Portugalia,” vol. ii., fase. 2. ? 1904. Rock-Engravings of Animals and the Human Figure. 405 facts that other and less talented sculptors endeavoured to imitate, and this more or less clumsily, the portraiture the evidence of which they had before them. A good instance of this is shown in Fig. 2, Plate XIII., which would seem at first sight to represent a fight between a rhinoceros and another quadruped of identity unknown. Now, the rhinoceros is plainly Rhinoceros simus ; it is etched all over, and although not having the finish of the Vryburg engravings and others, is still a fine piece of work. The imitator has entirely failed to give to his reproduction a semblance to any of the quadrupeds met with in South Africa. In his book, ‘Aus Nama- land und Kalahari,’ Jena, 1907, Schultze figures two engravings found in the close neighbourhood of Beaufort West in the Cape Colony. The lower figure, that of the eland, is genuine; the upper is a miserable attempt at imitation of a nondescript quadruped.* Dr. A. W. Rogers, Director of the Cape Geological Survey, saw in places between Kuruman and Tsenin, along the Kuruman River, numerous series of engravings of that type made by the Bechuana herd-boys or others. Rev. G. E. Westphal, of the Berlin Mission Society, and stationed at Pniel on the Vaal River, was very careful in selecting for the South African Museum old original engravings from the numerous carvings perpetrated by the school-going children of the Station, which are of Koranna, Bechuana, and Griqua mixed origin. Some of these imitations are so crude that they cannot deceive any one; but in some cases it is difficult to decide as to the authenticity of the etchings, that is to say if we assume that the most perfect are very ancient. Fig. 1 of Plate XV., traced and photographed by Dr. A. W. Rogers, is on a quartzite rock and is covered with a distinct patina, but the lines of the engraving are not patinated. It is thus likely of comparatively recent origin, ike most of the obscene representations met with; but in Plate XII., the very uncouth Fig. 18 is as well patinated as the elephants on Plate VIII. ei AGE OF THE Rock-EHNGRAVINGS. I have in my first note pointed to the great similarity between the rock-engravings of the southern part of Africa and those occurring in Southern Algeria and the Sudan. The great antiquity of the * IT am informed that in the same district most of the Bushman paintings are disfigured by additions such as waggon and drivers, to the original figures of antelopes, &c. eS a + we a= . oe . ——= OF see = — Se ee ee TW Nil 406 Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society. Algerian ones is demonstrated by the fact that man did there execute among others the figure in intaglio of an extinct buffalo, Bubalus antiywus. We had in South Africa, and living at the same time, another buffalo, B. bain, probably larger than the northern one. Its remains have been found in a situation that clearly showed that it had been laid low by man, and its bones fractured for the extrac- tion of marrow, in common with bones of the rhinoceros, large antelopes, kc. SBubalus baint does not seem to have been etched in South Africa, but its contemporary, Rhinoceros sumus, which is said to occur still in parts of Central Africa, is often figured. The South African engravings are, however, on a much more reduced scale than the Northern, and although we have found in both parts of the African continent the stone implements used for the repro- duction of these figures, it is impossible as yet to assign to them an age, and it is doubtful if the conclusions arrived at by the late Sir John Evans or M. M. Boule can be accepted in full.* But what can be said with regard to some of the South African implements found is that they are unmistakably of the same type as the palxo- liths found in Lake Karar. If we take in South Africa the evidence of the rocks themselves, and they are probably the hardest and most durable of those occurring in the country, we find that the etched parts are in many cases nearly as completely covered by the characteristic thin shining black or brown film found on exposed rock surfaces in the interior of South Africa as the surface of the rock itself. Many, if not most, of the well-executed etchings are strongly patinated, and while a few of less artistic merit are partly coated with that film, the ruder kinds are not coated at all, or are only so in a moderate degree. t In the case of the former, and although there is no means of ascer- taining at what rate this film is deposited, there is some justification in assigning to these sculptures a very ancient origin, owing to the presence on the etched part of a patina that can hardly be differen- tiated from the crust forming on the surface of the boulder, &e. Stow, himself an eminent geologist, in order to show the great antiquity of / some etchings occurring on an island in the Vaal, opposite Riverton (“The Native Races of South Africa,” London, 1905, p. 30), says: ‘The extreme antiquity of some of these designs is, however, clearly evinced by the fissures which have been formed in the apparently * « Htude s.1. station paléolithique du lac Karar,” Boule (L’ Anthropologie, vol. xi., 1900, p. 1); ‘‘ Paleolithic Man in Africa,” Evans (Proc. Roy. Soc. 66, No. 433, 1900). + Mr. A. du Toit, of the Cape Geological Survey, informs me that the black shining film is not the result of a simple oxidation as I thought, but of the forma- tion of a very thin film of iron and manganese. FRock-Engravings of Animals and the Human Figure. 407 impenetrable rocks since the earliest designs were chased upon them. . . . One of the oldest was that of an eland done on a larger scale than any other representation of an animal found; but since its completion, a large fissure has been worn through the rock, upwards of nine inches in breadth in its broadest part, and about eighteen inches in depth.’”” When one considers the extreme hardness of these rocks, the great antiquity of these engravings would seem proved by that statement, but I must add that on the testimony of Rev. G. EH. Westphal these same rocks, including the engraved ones, are often split by the concussion of the terrific peals of thunder pre- vailing there. On the other hand, ice-scratches occurring in the bed and on the banks of the Vaal River, exposed partly to the polishing effect of the huge periodical floods, or partly to the eolian agencies when the river is low, are still perfectly distinct. Perfectly distinct also are the aboriginals’ sculptures engraved on the same rocks, and which, for aught we know, may have been nearly contemporaneous with the uncovering of these traces of glacial action, some of which, I am informed, are not very much deeper than the intaglios themselves. These rock-engravings, however, are not found only on the banks of rivers. Asa matter of fact those occurring on the banks of the Orange or Vaal are, so far as I know, often inferior in merit if com- pared with those occurring in the Vryburg, Upington, or Prieska Districts in the Cape Colony. The water-flow cannot in the case of most of these have played the part of a destructive agent. Some are found in solitary boulders on the veld; others on small eminences - without any spring or water-flow in their neighbourhood, &c. At no great distance from a place in the Vryburg District where many of these images are found, is a depression which after the summer rains becomes a very shallow ‘‘pan,’’ or lake. Not only there, but also at a long distance off, are strewn either on the surface, or at no great depth, stone implements of a paleolithic type, showing a great resemblance to those found further south. Made of a volcanic rock of perhaps as hard a structure as the amygdaloid rocks on which the sculptures are found, these implements are as much polished by eolian agencies as if they haa been exposed for untold ages to the turbulent, although in South Africa spasmodic, flow of river waters. I give in Plate VII. 3 figures of these implements. Figs. 1 and 2 are hand-picks ; Fig. 3 was probably used as a sling-stone, or for hand-throwing. The edges are too sharp to admit of its having been used for trimming or detaching flakes. In other places where stone implements similar to those occur in South Africa, there is nothing to suggest the presence of old river 408 Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society. gravels,* and it is perhapsa moot point if the geological circumstances now obtaining differ much from those found in the post-pleisto- cene, or perhaps the pleistocene period. Stow, however, does not think so, and in dealing with what he terms the evidence of great antiquity of these stone implements, he mentions a bed of sandy marlin which he discovered a number of finely chipped stones, and comes to the conclusion +} that the ‘“ Vaal River itself did not flow in the same channel in which we now see it. .. . The hunters who made or used these weapons must have lived at a period so remote that the physical features of the country were really different from what we see at the present time.” In order to prove the antiquity of the Bushman race—which he considers to have been the first aboriginal—he quotes also finds including ‘‘ finely shaped stone armlet,”’ ‘‘ Bushman beads made of ostrich egg-shell,” ‘‘a stone hammer and a well-formed chipped stone,” ‘‘Bushman pottery,” ‘‘ maal stones, stone implements, and an awl made of ivory,” &c., found at various and sometimes con- siderable depths. Unfortunately I cannot find from a careful perusal of his book that Stow knew how to distinguish between implements of the neolithic and paleolithic types. No evidence has as yet been obtained of pottery, bone awls, or perforated stones being found associated with paleolithic forms, whereas they are always asso- ciated with the neolithic or recent period in South Africa. The presence of these stone implements found close to the sculp- ture themselves, or in the immediate neighbourhood justifies, however, the assumption that the two must be associated. The flakes which I figured { bear plain evidence of having been used as engraving tools ; but these flakes cannot, unfortunately, be said to belong either to the palzolithic or to the neolithic type. What we know of the Stone Age in South Africa does not allow of discrimination between very remote, ancient, or recent periods. If the celts of paleolithic type are very ancient, so are many of the rock-engravings ; if they are not, the evidence drawn from their _ association with these implements settles the question of their antiquity. But to me a point of great importance is the total absence in the scenes of the better and more ancient manufactures of figures repre- senting the ox, the Cape sheep, or any other domesticated animal. * Cape, Stellenbosch, Paarl, Worcester, Tulbagh, Piquetberg, Knysna, Cradock, &c., Districts in the Cape Colony. + ‘The Native Races of South Africa,” p. 25. t Trans. 8. Afric. Phil. Soc., xvi., 1906, p. 412. Rock-Engravings of Animals and the Human Figure. 409 Why should only the fere nature be represented in these graffiti, and not the cattle which the Hottentots—great shepherds, and on that account great nomads—had always with them ? * On that ground alone there is some justification in coming to the conclusion as I do, that these rock-engravings are anterior to the immigration of the Hottentots. III. WHO WERE THE RocK-ENGRAVERS? There is no doubt that among the aborigines of mixed Hottentot race, especially among those called ‘“‘ Bushmen” in the up-country districts and also near the coast of Cape Colony, there are still individuals very proficient in the art of carving, and some of their productions are really surprising. I have the handle of a home-made awl carved into the typical shape of a Hottentot head with prominent cheek-bones, slanting eyes, &c.; on a slab is carved the typical Cape cart with two impatient horses, and the driver, a farmer in his best Sunday clothes, and with long, flowing beard, holding the reins, &c. But the term “Bushman” has been, and is still, applied to so many mixed aborigines of the Khoi Khoin races that at the present moment it is absolutely misleading. Stow, in his posthwmous work, assumes, however, that the oldest South African inhabitant was the Bushman, and divides the race into two sections: the painters and sculptors, explaining their migrations southwards “‘ from the relics they have left of their former ownership.” ‘This theory may at once be dismissed, because these relics have now been found where Stow did not know them to exist. In page 43 he states that the makers of these sculptures lived in large communities, and were one of the two main branches of the Bushmen, one being cave-dwellers whereas the other lived in towns of from one to two hundred huts, the position of these huts in the hills being marked with a semvzcircle of stones. He connects these last- named people with the makers of sculptures because of the number of chippings, chiefly representations of animals, occurring in these spots. He gives two such examples found on ‘“ kopjes”’ or com- manding positions in these terms :— ‘‘ We have already noticed the difference in the habitations of the two main branches of the Bushmen. Those who were the cave- * In a cave quite lately discovered at Hauston, near the seashore of the Caledon District, in the Cape Colony, bones of all these animals, as well as those of the ruminants of the antelope tribes, elephants, hippopotami, &3., were found mixed together. es Pe ae 1 to 3 feet it changes gradually into a compact red subsoil (possibly washed out of the surface sand in the course of ages by the rain) which is very hard when dry, but soft and plastic when wet. Under this is a shallow layer of about a foot in depth of hard limestone lumps overlying an indefinite depth of soft floury chalk. It would appear, then, that some irregularity in the thermal capacity and conductivity of the ground down to a moderate depth should be expected. There is also to be taken into account the comparatively short period during which observations have been taken, and also the change in the position of the thermometers. Taking the average of the variation of the logarithms and retarda- tion of the epochs between 4 and 6 feet, we get °1534 as the average of the numbers in the last line of Table 9. This gives for the diffusivity k/c in the chalk the value 133:33 per annum, which reduces to ‘(0044 in C.G.S. units, a value not differing greatly from Angstrém’s value for argillaceous sand, nor from A. Herschel’s value for dry clay.* Professor H. EH. Callendar has shown how the dif- fusivity may be simply and directly computed from a graphic integra- tion of the algebraic expression of the law of diffusion, 7.e., of — dv _ k dv te SG For from the observations with the different thermometers at any date a curve may be drawn showing the variation of temperature at different depths for that epoch. Let a series of such curves for successive epochs be drawn on squared paper. The area included between any two of these curves when multiplied by c, the thermal capacity of unit volume, gives the total quantity of heat absorbed * See ‘‘On the Reduction of Observations of Underground Temperature,’’ Lord Kelvin, Phil. Mag., 1861; Deschanel’s ‘‘ Natural Philosophy’’ (Everett), 1891, p. 425; Preston, ‘‘ Theory of Heat,” ch. vii.; Fourier, passim. 430 Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society. per unit area of surface by any stratum of the soil between the dates and depths for which the curves are taken. That is Q = Ac. Now the quantity of heat per unit area of surface which flows past any level at a depth x in unit time is equal to the product of the thermal conductivity & and the average temperature gradient dv/dx between the two successive epochs. That is, for the depths 2, and 2, and corresponding temperatures v, and v,— Qa pide. aul Vat, Oda = k@ say. Whence— My own attempts to apply this formula have not been very successful, even in dry weather when the diffusivity of the ground has not been interfered with by moisture. For one thing I have not found either A or dv/dx easy to determine from a diagram. There is no doubt, however, that had my thermometers been more numerous, say only 6 inches apart instead of 2 feet, there would not have been much, if any, difficulty. — The observations, nevertheless, yield in one particular a direct measure of the effect of a given surface disturbance in terms of the temperature and the average rate at which it travels downwards. For example, Table 10 shows the average effect of a heavy fall of rain after a spell of dry weather in the last quarter of the year. At this time the mean temperature at each depth in question is gradually rising in response to the increasing heat of the sun’s rays. An idea of the normal rate of rise may be obtained from the extended averages at the end. Table 10 shows what disturbing effect a smart shower has upon these normals in the course of the following week, expressed in deviations from the normal. It is based upon the particulars of thirteen storms of rain. * H. L. Callendar, ‘‘ Observations of Soil Temperatures,” Trans. R. S. Canada, 1895, 1896. It will be understood, of course, that Callendar’s method only gives the diffusivity at the time of observation, whereas the periodic constants give the mean diffusivity for the year. The two results may disagree to some extent because of the varying amount of moisture in the soil. Harth Temperatures at Kimberley. 431 TABLE 10. DISTURBANCE OF TEMPERATURE CONSEQUENT UPON RAIN. Day. pee ack | Ones One Foot. Two Feet. Four Feet. Six Feet. oO Oo oO O oO Oo 1 — 0:5 — 21:9 — 5'5 — 1°3 + 0:1 + 0°3 2 — 3:2 — 16°0 — §°2 = 216 0:0 + 0:2 3 — 3:2 — 78 — 3°3 —2°7 — 0:3 + 01 4 = Beil — 8°8 — 2:2 — 2°3 — 0:4 + 0:1 3) = je! — 67 —1°7 eo) — 0°5 0:0 6 — 0°6 — 19 + 0-1 — 4 — 0°6 0:0 7 + 0°7 “4+ 0:4 + 0:7 — 0°8 — 0°6 — 0:1 8 + 1:9 — 39 0:0 — 0°4 — 0°5 — 0-1 In this Table the first day is the day of rain. It appears from this that the minimum temperature of the surface is not much affected while the rain lasts, but that the maximum runs down immediately and rises gradually afterwards. The effect is felt at night for 48 hours at least. The disturbance appears almost immediately at a depth of 1 foot, and it travels downward at a fairly uniform speed of 10 inches a day. A consideration of the facts adduced in this paper prompts the suggestion that the lagging of air temperature, whereby the hottest and coldest times of the year are more or less later than the sol- stices in various parts of the world, may depend as much upon the quality and dampness of the ground as upon the vertical circulation of air. The Table at the end gives the average temperatures, at each depth observed, for trihemera throughout the year. Tor example, the temperatures opposite January 3 are averages for January 1, 2, and 3. The sequence of values in this Table indicates a downward tendency in the temperatures, ¢.g., at 4 and 6 feet the average temperature at the end of December comes out much lower than those of the beginning of January. Another curious feature is that the annual cold spell of the middle of July is felt in the ground to a depth of 2 feet. 432 Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society. TEMPERATURES OF THE HARTH IN TRIHEMERA. 1.—January, February, March. Date of the Third Day of Trihemera. ATS Eiaelele One Inch | One Inch i M in. ax. Feb. y 1] 14 IF 20 2s 26 29 March 3 6 9 12 15 18 20 24 27 30 XXIII. APRMMMAAADMAADDOOSO SSO MGSES KARE OARRROBSRS ANNO TOOWWROKR NOOO ROOGH XXIII. 124-6 Ld 120-5 121°5 124-0 114-4 123-9 120-4 121°6 122-0 1216 115°6 1169 1161 2-8 112°3 ilkos9 110-0 IMO ey 106°4 109°6 ILIARS) 112°8 IMO Ff 97°6 101°6 100°6 Oia 105°8 100°5 One Two Four Six Foot Feet Feet Feet. 86°9 81:5 79:0 71:8 83°4 80:1 Tol 72:0 84:6 199 Tol (2:1 86:3 80:5 75:2 72:2 87-0 81:6 10°4 72°4 84:1 80:8 Tod (at 86:2 80:7 T93°7 CaS 85-5 81:2 15'°8 72:8 84-9 80:6 asd 73:0 85:5 80°3 75:9 13°2 87-0 81:6 76:0 13°3 85:1 Si 16°3 13°4 84:0 80:5 16°2 13°9 54-0 TET 16:2 73°6 83-7 80:0 76:0 73°6 83:8 (SPS 76:0 13°6 84°5 (og Kone fart 81:6 18:7 org (eke 81-4 18:4 To'7 13°8 80-4 WES, 79'°6 13°7 81-0 Cloak To4 13'°7 82-2 18°2 19'3 73°6 Sila 18°2 19'3 13°6 80-1 CC 75'3 13°9 16°4 19°9 T5°1 73°6 15°6 14:2 74°95 73°D 15:9 74:0 74:0 73°3 15°4 73°6 13°6 13°2 16°3 73°95 Jo 72°9 14:9 (3:3 Toul 72°6 Date of the Third Day of the Trihemera. April June 2 5) 8 ia 14 ity) Earth Temperatures at Kimberley. One Inch | One Inch Min. XXIII. TABLE 11 (continued). 2.—April, May, June. Max. XXIIL. OX 95°5 73°4 JO 72°8 97°7 (2RT 99°5 12:3 96:6 10-7 98°4 10°8 95°6 70°5 96:5 70-1 94:4 69-2 94:4 68-1 w2OT) 67-4 92°8 66:0 90:7 65:7 JOnt 64:7 89:0 63:3 85:5 61:4 84:2 60:5 85°0 60:9 84:2 60:3 19:7 58°6 768 56:8 77:0 50°6 18°7 00°5 7o4 54°7 731 52°2 14:2 53°0 76-1 53°6 Tor4 04:3 74:4 53°9 10°7 53°0 433 Four Six Feet Feet. XX XEXG (29 72°5 12:5 72°4 72:1 72:2 71:8 72:0 71:4 (Aer (sh 71:5 70°8 71:3 10°4 CARO 10:2 70°8 Cog 70°6 69°5 70°4 69:0 (her il 68:6 69°8 68°2 69-6 67°8 69°3 67:1 69:0 66°6 68°6 66:0 68:2 65°6 67°9 65°1 67°5 64°5 67:2 64:0 66°8 63:3 66°4 62°8 66:0 62:2 65°5 61:5 65:2 61:0 64:7 60°8 64:3 60:5 64:0 60°3 63°7 29 434 Transactions of the. South African Philosophical Socvety. TABLE 11 (continued). 3.—July, August, September. | mate of the Third Day of the Trihemera. July Aug. Sept. il One Inch One Two Four Six Min. Max. Foot. Feet. Feet. Feet. XXIII. XXIII. xX XX. XxX XX. 32°9 76:9 O3'l 04:2 60:0 63°3 31:7 18°6 030 04:2 09°6 63-1 31:8 (90 O31 04:0 59°4 62°9 34:4 TOY) 03'°8 04:3 09:2 62°5 33'0 80:1 04:0 o4°5 ogi l 62°3 300 80-1 04:0 54:5 09:0 62:2 32°5 18:3 03°2 04:2 089 62:0 32°3 82:2 039 04:2 08°7 61:8 34°5 84:0 ool 04°8 08'6 61:6 33°3 84:8 00°2 ool 08'6 61:5 33'0 86:6 009 oo'4 08'6 61:4 30°9 87:6 06°5 00°9 08°7 61:3 36:2 88:9 57°8 56°6 08°77 61:2 84:4 90:6 O77 06°8 08:9 Gla 36°90 91:5 08'8 O7T°4 O9i1 61:1 36°4 92:4 08:9 OTT 092 61:1 33:0 93:0 08:2 O76 09:4 61:2 36°2 haya 09°5 O79 09°95 61:3 34:7 94:4 58:8 08°95 09°6 61:2 30°4 9019 09°9 08°5 09°8 61:3 Se ap OES 61:8 09°3 099 61:3 38:1 | 102°4 62:7 60:2 60:2 61:4 41°8 | 102:7 63:9 6131 60:4 61:4 43:2 101:0 64:5 61:8 60:9 61°6 40°3 3930 64:1 61:9 61:2 61°7 41°3 95}1 63:1 61:6 61°5 61:9 41:2 | 100°3 64:4 61:7 61:5 62:1 43:3 | 102°5 65:4 62:3 61:7 62:2 43-1 102°3 67:1 63:5 61:9 62:3 46:8 | 105:7 68°8 64:6 62:4 62:4 108°6 C12 66:3 62:9 62:7 Date of the Third Day of the Trihemera. Oct. Nov. Dec. Earth Temperatures at Kimberley. TABLE 11 (continued). 4.—October, November, December. One Inch | One Inch One Two Four Six Min. Max. Foot. Feet. Feet Feet. XXIII. XXIII. XxX. XX, XX. XX. 48:3 109°7 elert 67-1 63°5 62:9 00°0 | 113-1 72°6 67:9 64:1 63°2 SO LOE) 72°3 68°3 64°6 63°6 AT*4 110:0 (ass: 68:4 65:0 63°8 47:5 112°3 (2%) 68:2 65:2 64°2 O15 ae Tol Ooa 65°5 64°4 HOP 4) JUS) 79°6 70°4 66:0 64°7 O27 113°8 (ow (Ae: 66:5 64°9 04°95 109:2 vias) 716 66°9 65:3 SG) JEG 13°7 (BOI Oren) 65°6 55°2 | 118°5 18:9 72°5 67°5 65°7 50°O | 120°7 19°4 73°6 68-0 66:0 00'8 123°5 80:5 74:4 68°5 66°3 9199) 120°1 (39 74:9 69:0 66:6 56-4 | 120°0 19'8 Tol 69°4 67:0 034 | 120°2 78°6 74:3 69:7 67°3 64:°7 | 121:°3 80:5 750 69:8 67:5 04:9 | 121°5 80:3 75°3 LOA 67°7 OU |) LIAS 79:0 Tol 70°74 68-0 Say |) IRs) 81-4 75°o 70°5 68°3 61:2 121°5 84:0 ate 70°9 68:4 096 | 124-7 84:5 (iepal Ges 68:6 62:°4 | 128°0 86:0 19°4 72:0 68:9 Gone sled 86:7 80:0 72°95 69:°3 62°9 126:°0 85°4 80°2 73°0 Ooi 60:3 118°6 83°2 79:0 13°3 70:0 62:7 | 121°5 84:2 79°2 13°3 70°4 61:5 128°4 85°6 19°4 73°5 70°4 61:0 | 124:3 84:5 80:0 73°8 10°C 60:2 121°5 84:5 (oes: 9 70°9 62°5 | 125:5 86°3 80:0 74:1 tE0 ( 437 ) NOTES ON THE BUSHMEN OF BASUTOLAND., By Rev. 8. 8. Dornan. (Read November 27, 1907.) When Moshesh, the founder of the present Basuto nation, came into the country now known as Basutoland—for the name dates only from its occupation by him—he found scattered families of Bushmen living in the country. Whether they were recent immi- grants or not no one knew. The land was at that time covered with rank grass and bush; there was abundance of game. Lions, leopards, elands, gnu, rhebock, &c., were plentiful, and on these the Bushmen subsisted. Hlephants, though represented on one or two of their paintings, do not seem to have lived in the country, as it is too mountainous. Long before the Great Emigration of 1836 parties of Boers from Cape Colony were accustomed to cross the Orange River for the purpose of hunting, and the game which escaped slaughter gradually retired northwards. The destruction of the wild animals had an intimate bearing on the fortunes of the Bushmen. But although Basutoland was in the possession of scattered families or clans of Bushmen, their real occupation of the country dates from the wars of Chaka, and the Great Trek, that is from the early part of last century. There were two of these migrations. The first immigrants came principally from the Cape Colony, from where they were hunted out by Dutch commandoes. These bands lived in what is now known as the Conquered Territory, and their centre was a cave in the neighbourhood of Hermon, to the west of this country near Wepener. The Bushman name for this part was Qibing—a locative case from Qibi, a digging stick. These were the Bushmen of Mamantso, called after their chief. As the appellation is not Bushman but Sesuto, it was given to them no doubt by the Basuto. They differed from other Bushmen in that they were tall, strong men, evidently pointing to an admixture of Hottentot or Kafir blood, most likely the former, {it 438 Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society. These immigrants left the neighbourhood of Hermon and wan- dered north to the Phutiatsana, or Little Caledon, a tributary of the Caledon River, which falls into it below Maseru. Here they lived at the mountain Qeme, and were known by the name of the Bush- men of Mapeshuane, a name of manifest Sesuto origin.* These people eventually joined the second party of immigrants, and with such as were left of them retired to Griqualand Hast, then called No Man’s Land. The second and much larger immigration occurred just after the * These Bushmen were not numerous. There were two small clans, one at Qeme, the other at Qoaling, a mountain beyond the Phutiatsana, nearer Maseru. Moshesh found them there when he settled at Thaba Bosiu. He tried to become friendly with them, by giving them some old oxen to herd for him, as well as to try to induce them to settle down, and give up their wandering and thievish manner of life. However, they did not see matters in that light. They made up their minds to possess the cattle which were lent them. Under cover of the darkness they stole from mountain to mountain, the whole clan—men, women, and children —driving the cattle before them. To follow them and recover the cattle was a difficult and dangerous operation, for the Malutis were said by the Basuto to be infested by a peculiar kind of viper, which could jump the height of a man from the ground. These snakes were very poisonous, and were much dreaded by the Basuto. For the Bushmen they had no terrors, as they possessed a medicine for snake-bites which the Basuto had not. It was said by the old Basuto that when they travelled in the mountains they used to carry a large flat stone upon their heads, in order that when the snakes sprang at them they might bite the stone and not the head. The night when these Bushmen left their caves with the cattle they left behind them two young girls. The name of one was Qeea, while the other was too young to tell her name. These girls were seized by Moshesh as compensation for his stolen cattle. Qeea was taken to Thaba Bosiu, while the other was given to Mating, one of Moshesh’s retainers, who gave her the name of Ma-Tseole. Qeea, when grown up, had a son named Chitja, who is still alive though very old, and resides—or, at least, was lately residing—in the Orange River Colony near Hlotsce Camp. The fugitives, after settling in the mountains, ate up all the cattle they had with them, and became confirmed marauders, plundering the country around. They eventually joined the clan under Swai at Sehonghong, and shared his tragic fate. This will be narrated later. The following is a portion of one of their hunting songs: ‘‘Qilo! qamole! haoletse! hetsema ! Nqaqama! qemeqoma! qemase, qoobetse!”’ The above is confirmed by the testimony of an old Bushman woman, who gave the writer the following information: ‘‘I was born at Mequatling, in the Orange River Colony, in a cave.there. My father was the chief. When I was quite small we were chased away from there by the Boers (about 1858). Wecame to Qeme, and joined another clan there, but soon quarrelled with them. My father then went to the mountain called Kolo, and lived there till he died. He married a Mosuto wife and lived in a hut like other Basuto, and when I grew up I married a Mosuto husband, and call myself a Mosuto,”’ Notes on the Bushmen of Basutoland. 439 Great Trek of 1836. They were driven out of the Orange River Colony by the emigrant Boers, and went south to the Quthing district, where they lived in a cave called Qhoasing = at the water. Their chief’s name was Mphaki, also a Sesuto appellation. From there they were chased away, on account of their cattle-lifting, by Pafodi, son of Morosi, chief of the district. Some of the petty chiefs in that part of Basutoland still possess poisoned Bushman arrows, given to them by these people. From Qhoasing they divided into two bands, of which one went up the eastern side of the Senqu, or Orange River, the other up the western side. Those who went up the eastern side were led by a chief called Melikane, from whom the river Melikane takes its name. He had four sons—Ramatlamo (Sesuto, ‘“ Father of calumny ’’), Swai (Bushman, ‘“‘ Knife ’’), Motseki (Sesuto, ‘One who quarrels’’), and Qang. Melikane remained at the cave on the river Melikane. The later history of Ramatlamo and Motseki is unknown. Swai went farther up the Senqu River, and lived at the cave known as Sehonghong. From thence he made forays on the cattle of the Basuto and Kafirs. The tragic end of Swai and his clan will be more fully related, in connection with the causes which led to the extinction of the Bushmen as a people. Near the river Melikane is another river called the Tsuediki. On the banks of this river are rock shelters containing paintings, but as no Bushmen are known to have lived there, it is supposed they belong to some of Ramatlamo’s or Motseki’s people who went up the river—a supposition that is strengthened by the fact that similar paintings are found higher up the river in the cave called Leqhoa, _a hybrid word consisting of the Sesuto prefix Le = thing, and Bushman qhoa = water. It is believed these people also retired to Griqualand. East when the Basuto occupied this tract of - country. . The second band went up the western side of the Senqu. The head of this band was Ntharetsane (Sesuto probably ‘“‘I am en- tangled,” ‘‘I have lost my senses’’), who had two brothers, Qabane and Sekitsene (Sesuto, ‘ The little swift one’’). It will be observed that all these names, as well as those of the previous clan, are descriptive names, bestowed upon the Bushmen by their enemies, the Basuto. This band seems not to have been guilty of any theft— rather an unusual thing for Bushmen, and which raises an interest- ing question as to whether the Bushmen were originally the habitual thieves both black and white men describe them to have been, and which undoubtedly they usually were. Their paintings are found in the cave they inhabited. They came there about 1860. The last family, a father Kholoboto and his son Hoko, came hither about the 440 Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society. same time. Kholoboto went to Griqualand Hast some time after- wards, but Hoko remained, and died there in 1902. Some half-castes and very few pure-bred people, mostly women, still live in Basutoland, but they are now reckoned as part of the Basuto nation ; and it is difficult to get them to talk of their ances- tors, as they feel the changed condition of things very keenly. A few chiefs have Bushman grooms, and I am informed they are superior to all others. In addition to their natural reluctance to talk of the past, the Basuto discourage any systematic attempt to glean information about their history, partly because their own part in the various events which led to the extinction of the Bushmen was none too generous, and partly because they dislike intensely to see white men take any interest in such vermin as Bushmen, in the charitable language of the Basuto. If one asks for any details of paintings, they invariably say they do not know. They are so much afraid of white men obtaining any information about the country that they always suspect them of wanting to discover gold or diamonds, and lead them to seize ultimately the country. There is no necessity to dwell upon the physical character- istics of the Bushmen. They have been often described. They have left no impression to any appreciable extent upon the other races, except probably upon the Hottentots. But it is worthy of remark that such half-breeds as I have seen have inherited more of the Bushman than of the Basuto type, for example the hollow back and projecting buttocks. Some linguistic peculiarities which are shared by certain Kafir and Bechuana tribes, and more largely by the Hottentots, call for remark. Chief of these are those harsh faucal sounds termed clicks. Speak- ing generally, the Bushman language has had no influence upon Sesuto either in syntax or accidence, with perhaps the single excep- tion of the locative case. This case, if one can term it such, is not formed by a prefix, but by a suffix, as ‘‘thaba,’”” a mountain; “thabeng,”’ at the mountain. Now it is a curious fact that the same formation occurs in the Bushman dialects, as Qibing, at the digging stone, from Qibi, a digging stick; Qhoasing, at the water, from qhoa, water: all place- names in Basutoland. Of course there is no absolute proof of the connection between the two cases, but the resemblance is certainly remarkable, especially when one remembers that the locative case formation is a standing exception to the prefix method in Sesuto. With reference to pronunciation, the case may be somewhat stronger. Bushman speech abounded in clicks, almost every word having one of some kind or other. Philologists distinguish five Notes on the Bushmen of Basutoland. 441 such clicks, and sometimes six, namely, a labial, “dental, palatal, lateral, cerebral, and guttural. The first is produced by a sharp sucking of the lips. The second by pressing the tongue against the front teeth and rapidly withdrawing it, a sound not very unlike what many English people employ to express disgust or disappoint- ment. The third against the palate. The fourth by pressing the tongue against the side of the mouth and rapidly withdrawing it, a sound not unlike what a jockey uses to urge ona horse. The last two are almost impossible to describe, and I am disposed to believe that at least one of them is only a harsh palatal click. _ Most philologists consider these clicks, at least in Kafir and Sesuto, are only harsh k sounds. Of these clicks the palatal occurs in a large number of Sesuto words, but there is no evidence that the words themselves were derived from Bushman. At the same time it is interesting to note that primitive Sesuto had no clicks. These clicks could have been derived from Zulu and Xosa, two branches of the language commonly called Kafir. In Kafir itself there are three clicks—dental, palatal, and lateral—represented by c¢, q, and 2. They occur in an immense number of words, the palatal click predominating. Those Kafir tribes which have been longest in contact with Hottentots and Bushmen have the largest number of words in which clicks occur. It is quite possible, as the Rev. J. L. Dohne, a distinguished Kafir scholar, has shown, that these clicks could have arisen independently in Xosa and allied dialects. No Bushman dictionary has ever been published, so that it is impossible to decide the question. The MS. of a Bushman dictionary of 20,000 words is said to be in posgession of “Miss Lloyd, of Char- lottenburg, a sister-in-law of Dr. W. H. J. Bleek, of Cape Town, who published before his death three parts of a comparative grammar of South African languages, containing Bushman forms. A _ short grammar of Bushman was also issued by Frederick ‘Muller, of Vienna, but it is too meagre to be of much service. The Basuto call the Bushmen Baroa, the meaning of which is uncertain. It may mean ‘‘men of the south” (boroa). I am inclined to think from further reflection that the Sesuto appellation ‘“‘boroa,’’ to the south, or south, really comes from the name Baroa. The Kafirs call the Bushmen‘Abatwa, manifestly the same name, as the Sesuto prefix Ba becomes!in® Kafir°Ama or Aba.: {Amongst themselves the Bushmen were called ’San, and it is a mistake to say they called themselves Khuai, which is the’ designation of the Hottentots. The chief of each little clan was all-powerful, and his word was law and must be obeyed. He was looked upon as the father of the 442 Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society. clan, and was the leader in the various. hunting or. predatory expedi- tions undertaken, but the various clans scarcely ever combined for offensive purposes. The Bushmen were communists in the sense that the game killed by a member of a clan was shared by the whole of it. | They lived mostly in caves. Great numbers of these caves occur in Basutoland, in almost every one of which traces of Bushman occupation can be found. They were the rallying-points of the various clans, and no matter how far their wanderings may have led them they never failed to return periodically to relate their hunting exploits. i When a young man wanted to marry a girl, he was always sup- posed to kill an animal, generally the largest and fiercest he could find. He then carried the animal, or as much of it as he could, home, and gave the best part to the girl. He was then looked upon as a man, and as a suitor for the hand of the girl. Besides this, the young men of the clan usually gathered round him and gave him a severe thrashing with sticks till he was quite bruised. If he bore this without murmur he was declared worthy of the girl. The Bushmen were partly monogamous, partly polygamous. Considerations of food were generally the ruling motives in the choice of wives. When game was plentiful, and the hunters had undisputed possession of the country, polygamy generally prevailed, but when the stronger races began to drive the Bushmen before them it was incumbent on each man to have as few family encum- brances as possible. This was specially true in the later stages of their history. The husband was absolute master of the wife, but this did not mean that he treated her any worse than other Bantu tribes do. Conjugal fidelity on the part of either husband or wife was not conspicuous. Great laxity in such matters usually pre- vailed. From observation on Bantu tribes, I am convinced that polygamy is no safeguard against purity in family relations. Besides, wealth is always a great inducement to polygamy amongst heathen peoples. The man who has the largest worldly possessions, espe- cially cattle, will usually have the largest number of wives. The rite of circumcision seems to have been practised by Bush- men, as one of the Basuto circumcision songs speaks of the ‘“ clever Bushman’”’ who first taught. them how to perform the rite in a ‘good manner.” 7 The Bushmen usually cut off the first joint of the little finger of the left hand. What religious significance this had, if any, I am unable to discover, as the only Bushman to whom I put the question was not able to afford me any information, . Notes on the Bushmen of Basutoland. 443 The men and women ate separately, a custom common amongst Bantu tribes, which persists long after the latter have become to some extent civilised. The game was killed by the men, but in times of scarcity various kinds of edible roots and tubers were col- lected, as well as the seeds of certain grasses. These were pounded up with stones. The roots were dug up with a digging stick called the Qibi, a straight, tough piece of wood about three feet jong, pointed at the end. It was inserted in a circular stone and wedged tight. The labour taken to round and bore these stones with no tools but their hands must have been immense. The flesh of animals was preserved in the following manner. They cut off the fat, boiled it, and placed itin askin. Then they took the lean portions, pounded them up with stones into fine powder, which they spread out to dry. When thoroughly dried they preserved it ina skin. In this way they could keep it for a long time. When they wanted to eat it, they mixed the fat and powder together and boiled it. Of course this method of preserving meat prevailed mostly after they had been driven away from their ancestral hunting grounds into the mountainous portions of the country, where game was scarce and hunting attended with considerable risk of attack. When the Bushman had plenty to eat, and when there was abundance of game to be killed, he was not troubled with much thought about making provision for the future. He spent his time, together with his neighbours, feasting and making merry, and only bestirred himself when the pangs of hunger were too great to be resisted any longer. Another method of cooking meat was to make a hole in the ground, line it with stones, light a fire, take out the ashes, and then put in the meat. The hole was then covered with a large flat stone. After some hours the meat was taken out perfectly cooked. They made their own clay pots, but what pottery they made was coarse and brittle, being only limited to the barest necessaries. The Bushman religion was a sort of nature worship. The prin- cipal power was Qeng, the exact meaning of which cannot be deter- mined, but it seems to have been no more than the storm spirit. In common with many Bantu tribes, the Bushman was in the habit of cursing the demon of the thunderstorm when it lasted too long to be pleasant. If it rained too long he was very angry, as it prevented him hunting, but if after a long drought a thunderstorm of great intensity came up suddenly, as it very often does in this country, he was particularly pleased, as it meant new grass, and grass meant game and times of plenty. I have never heard that the Bushmen 444 Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society. looked upon the lightning as a kind of bird as the Basuto and other tribes do. They also believed in witchcraft, but not to the same extent as the Bantu. The awful evils attendant upon witchcraft, such as ‘“‘ smelling out,’ do not seem to have prevailed amongst them. This practice exists largely wherever natives possess cattle, and is often the means of getting rid of dangerous rivals or of increasing a chief’s wealth. As the Bushmen possessed no cattle, the reason for the practice did not exist. A Bushman’s only notion of the value of cattle was to eat them. The Bushmen buried their dead near the caves where they lived, and marked the site with a small cairn of stones. I have seen several of these little piles, but whether they mark Bushman graves or not I cannot say. The Basuto when appealed to either could not or would not give any information on the subject. I have not been able to discover if the Bushmen had any ideas of immortality. Of all the Bushmen relics their paintings are the most interesting. They are common in the caves or rock shelters of Basutoland. They generally occur near the crests of the hills in Cave Sandstone, an Upper Triassic rock. This rock is interbedded near the base with soft green mudstones, often containing dinosaurian footprints, and occasionally bones of the same animals. These mudstones weather away much more rapidly than the sandstone, which is tough in texture, giving rise to openings, large and small, at different levels, with overhanging ledges. These openings are not true caves, being usually quite exposed on three sides. On the smooth faces of the cliffs one often meets with Bushman paintings. These paintings are usually small, not more than 4 or 5 inches in height. The prevail- ing colours are brown and black, with occasionally blue and yellow. One is struck with the accuracy of detail in the delineation of the characteristic habits of the animals painted. They are practically destitute of perspective, but in spite of this they are wonderfully accurate and true to life. It would seem from a study of such paintings as I have seen that they were done by a single artist in each cave, as the same colours, shapes, and attitudes constantly recur. There is nothing in the paintings to indicate relative age or development, as they are all about equal in point of execution. Where differences exist they are generally due to better or worse preservation, but we may be sure that to reach such a high state of art must have meant a long stage in development. The age of most of the paintings in Basutoland can be definitely settled as within the last seventy years, and many of them within fifty years, There are caves, such as those in the Notes on the Bushmen of Basutoland. 445 Kolo mountain and elsewhere, where it is known that no Bushmen have lived for over sixty years at any rate, but those of the Malutis are certainly not more than fifty years old, as the Bush- men were driven up there about 1860. Thus there is nothing to prove their great antiquity. There are paintings in Cape Colony, near Wellington, which may be far more ancient, but the question is, were they there when the Dutch occupied that part of the country? JI have not been able to discover whether the Dutch found them there when they occupied that district. If it were so, then they are more than two hundred years old. Is it possible that the Bushmen have obtained the art from the white men? To me it seems probable that painting is the only relic left of a higher civilisation the Bushmen once possessed. More reliable information may one day throw some light on the question as to the age of the oldest paintings. From the number of paintings in Basutoland it is evident that the knowledge of painting was not confined to a fewindividuals. Every little clan seems to have had its painter, or family of painters, who depicted its exploits on the walls of the cave where it dwelt. Some of the Baphuti, a tribe of Kafirs near the Drakensberg, who are said to have some Bushman blood in them, and can still speak a little of the Bushman language, can paint—an art they have evidently learnt from the latter, but their paintings are vastly inferior. It is a pity that these paintings could not be preserved as memorials of a bygone and deeply interesting race. The Basuto herd-boys who inhabit these caves during the summer months, when the cattle are sent to the higher pastures, take what looks like a malicious delight in defacing them. Usually this takes the form of smearing them with red clay, which, needless to say, does not improve them. Besides the Basuto are so jealous of any one visiting and examining the pictures that they wilfully destroy them. The chiefs themselves encourage it, so that if this is allowed to go on there will soon be none left. The Basuto are utterly wanting in talent of this kind; they see no beauty in, and put no value upon, such things. It is certainly strange that a people like the Basuto, who take the greatest delight in cattle, and notice anything peculiar in the shape of a cow’s horn, should be so utterly deficient in artistic skill, while a race that possessed no domestic animals but dogs, should have developed such a considerable degree of talent. These rock-paintings ‘are so numerous, and of such uniformity that detailed description is needless. A group of these paintings from one of the most recently inhabited caves will serve as a type of all the others. This is a cave at Sehonghong on the Senqu, or 446 Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society. Orange River. This cave is about 80 feet by 40 feet, and contains a great number of paintings illustrative of the chase of elands, leopards, hartebeest, gnu, rhebock, and jackals, all of which animals existed not long ago in that part of the country. In another cave near the station of Hermon is a painting representing the Bushmen driving off a herd of cattle, while the Kafirs are doing their best to retake the captured stock. That the pursuers are Kafirs is evident from the form of the shield—the oval form—which is not used by the Basutos. This picture is wonderfully true to life. Here we see the Bushmen driving off the herd, while others keep off the pur- suers, who are following in great wrath, but afraid to close with their enemies on account of the poisoned arrows, the least seuaaa of which speedily proved fatal. Bushman thefts of cattle and horses were carried out with a con- siderable amount of skill. During the hours of darkness they drove off the herds in small bands in different directions, so that if the pursuers followed they might recover a few head, but never all. When their enemies retired they drove the loot to the neighbour- hood of their caves, and there slaughtered them one by one, feasting and making merry, till not a single hoof remained. They never attempted to ride horses, the only use they made of them was as food. There is a good series of paintings between Masitise and Leloaleng in Southern Basutoland. The individual figures, though small, are remarkably accurate and well finished. They represent the chase of elands by horsemen. They are therefore comparatively recent, cer- tainly well within a century, as the Basuto did not become possessed of horses until about 1820. There are twelve figures in all, usually about the same size, 74 in. x 4 in., though the elands are slightly larger than the horses. There is also a rhebock upon a neighbour- ing rock, but evidently of the same age as the others. Five horses are done in yellow paint, one in white, while their riders are red. The elands are brown, with white legs and neck. The attitudes of the animals are most lifelike. Another series occurs at Thabana Morena. Here are some dozens of paintings, about forty in all, representing the chase of elands, rhebock, hippopotami, &c. At one place we see a battle taking place between some parties of Bushmen and what are pre- sumably Bechuana, but the figures are so defaced that it is difficult to make them out. At another place we see some engaged in an encounter with a hippopotamus. They are decidedly getting the worst of the fight, as the enraged animal has knocked one of them over, and scattered the others and put them to flight. These figures Notes on the Bushmen of Basutoland. 447 are very close together, badly wanting in perspective, and are about 7 in. x 5 in. On the road to Machacha near the station of Thaba Bosiu is to be seen one of the finest series of paintings in the whole of Basuto- land. The cave is on a tributary of the Little Caledon River, which there has cut a narrow, winding trench, over 400 feet deep. On the rock-face underneath a huge overhanging cliff, are hundreds of paint- ings, some of them 24 in. x 9 in., representing hartebeest, gnu, rhe- bock, eland, storks, lions, and jackals, most of them in the natural colour of the animals. They are in all sorts of attitudes, grazing, surprised, in flight, &&. The body of the eland is red, the neck, head, and legs white. Mixed with these are scores of men in rows with bows and arrows, evidently fighting. At one place we see a Bushman stealing up to a rhebock grazing in fairly long grass, with his arrow on the string, while immediately alongside we see the hunter charged by the infuriated animal he has just shot, and knocked over. Lions are depicted in their yellow colour, some leaping upon game, others on the que vive. Then there are rows of jackals following the lions, and curious drawings like snakes, or some kind of mytho- logical rings with a snake inside. At another place is an indecent painting, but the indecent addition is probably the recent work of a Basuto herd-boy. The question arises, Were the Bushmen always thieves? There are traditions that the first Bantu tribes found the Bushmen honest enough. Very probably the former had little to steal from, and the Bushmen were never numerous enough to make any stubborn fight for their ancestral hunting grounds. The following is a short list of Bushman names of places, &c., and of such as owe their origin to encounters with the Bushmen, with the meanings of those that are known :— Place Names :— Qeme mountain = I have had enough food. Qhoasing = at the water. Qhughu mountain, unknown. Qogolosi mountain, unknown. Qibing mountain = at the stone. Qalabane mountain, unknown. Senqu = the Orange River. Qudu river, unknown. Quthing river, unknown. Qoasing river, unknown. Leqhoa river = qhoa water. . 448 Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society. There are also large numbers of others, the meaning of which is unknown. Melikane is a river named from the Chief Melikane. The following incident gave rise to the name: Melikane and his clan stole a herd of cattle, was pursued, and the cattle captured. During the night the pursuers heard a Bushman call ‘‘ Melikane,”’ ‘‘Melikane,’ and they gave the river the name, Lekhalo la Masholu = the Pass of the Thieves, so called from a herd of cattle being retaken from the Bushmen in the pass. Things :— Qhoa = water. Qibi = a digging stick. Soang = meat. Qhu = fire. Religion. Qeng = God or Spirit. The incapacity of the Bushmen to adapt themselves to a pastoral or other mode of existence, must be set down as the main, though not the actual, cause of their disappearance. Generations of hunting life had made them incapable of settling down amongst other tribes to a new life, and even if they had the stronger races would have plundered them just the same, as it must be remembered that Kafirs and Bechuana were themselves thieves by nature, and never could resist in their savage state the temptation to loot the herds of their weaker neighbours. An interesting example of this incapacity to change the conditions of life, was given to me by Mr. J. P. Murray, of Maseru, relative to a single Bushman near East London. This man, the last very probably of his tribe, inhabited a cave near the coast in some very thick bush. He took to stealing pigs and poultry from the farmers and devouring them at night. When caught he was imprisoned for a year, but on release went on with his thefts as before. After a time he disappeared, having been shot during his thieving expeditions. He was quite unable to speak a word of any language but his own, and could make his way through the most impenetrable bush at night with the most unfailing accuracy. _ The revolutions caused by Chaka and Umsilikasi in their sanguinary raids, contributed not a little to the extermination of the Bushmen. Tribes fleeing to escape slaughter fell upon their neighbours with the assegai until the whole land reeked with slaughter, from Delagoa Bay to the St. John’s River, and from Mafeking to Durban. These fleeing tribes exterminated the Bush- men wherever they went. The present Basuto nation was formed by the genius of Moshesh out of the remnants of clans broken up by these two bloodthirsty potentates. It is computed that they were responsible for the destruction of a million lives, which is certainly Notes on the Bushmen of Basutoland. 449 an exaggeration, considering the sparseness of native population a century ago. In the destruction of the Bushmen the whites took a prominent part. There were recognised Bushmen hunts in the Cape Colony up to 1830, and when the Boers crossed the Orange and the Vaal the process went on. Commandoes were regularly organised to hunt them down like wild beasts. No attempt was ever made by Bantu or European to conciliate them, at least not on any scale. Driven from the territories they occupied so long, the last of the once numerous clans betook themselves to the fastnesses of the Malutis, that great double range of extinct volcanoes which forms the backbone of Basutoland. In the wild gorges of the upper Orange River the few survivors that had escaped the general slaughter, held out till within the last forty years. The disastrous end of the last chieftain of the Maluti Bushmen and his little clan may fittingly bring this narrative to a close. In the large cave at Sehonghong already mentioned there lived the last chief of the Maluti Bushmen, Swai by name. Stow, in his ‘“ Native Races of South Africa,” gives an account of the destruction of the clan, which is inaccurate in many respects. Briefly his account is as follows: ‘‘T'wei’’ (as Stow spells the name) ‘‘ was besieged in his cave by some of Allison’s men ”’ (whoever these were). “He had a few guns, and defended himself courageously, but his bullets giving out, he was reduced to firing blank charges, whereupon his assailants discovering the ineffectual nature of the fire, made a rush for the cave, and overpowered him and those who had taken refuge with him.” Krom the native minister of the district, the Rev. J. Moteane, I have received the following account of what took place: ‘‘ The Bush- men had first been scattered by the chief Joel, of Qalo near Botha- Bothe. an “8 "* serjjeg pue sdurnyg ‘ eG AG = ee 3 ea = ca “ Gof = ATOUOHBIG pur Suyutg peoory ‘* So OLS ag x yoo ssvq ted sv oouvlyg sunvopg ‘‘ OL 1 OfAg 22 vs a ae ‘* suoyvorqng J2. By (CsG.., LL.B., Claremont, C. C. Lithman, K. V., Dock Road, Cape Town. Logeman, W. S., South African College, Cape Town. Lounsbury, C. P., B.Sc., Depart- ment of Agriculture, Cape Town. Louw, A. J., B.d., B.Sc., Graaft- Reinet, C. C. fuyle, J-, | MeAR Grey = College; Bloemfontein, O. R. C. Maberly, Dr. J., Woodstock, C. C. Macco, A., Stassfurt, Germany. M.A., MacDonald, G. B. Douglass, Uniondale, C. C. MacLean, L., Union-Castle Co., Cape Town. Macmillan, B. R., Department of Agriculture, Cape Town. Mallison, P. R., Hex River, C.C. Mally, C. W., B.Sc., Graham’s Town, C. C. Mally, L., Belvedere Avenue, Cape Town. Mann, G., South African Associa- tion, Cape Town. Mansergh, C. L. W., Public Works Department, Cape Town. Marloth, R., Ph.D., M.A., Church Street, Cape Town. Marshall) 2G. UA (KS Henis<, F.Z.S., P/O. Boxetab; Salis- bury, Southern Rhodesia. Masey, F. E., Rhodes’ Buildings, Cape Town. Masson, J. L., Surveyor-General’s Office, Maritzburg. Meiring, I. P. van H., Worcester, Cc. C. Mellor, Hi: Ts,” Bastiat .Gass., Geolog. Survey, Pretoria. Melvill, E. H. V., Johannesburg. Menmuir, R.W., 4.M.I.C.E., Wood- stock, C. C. 1902 1899 1903 1899 1898 1905 1896 1892 1902 1903 1907 1903 1901 1899 1906 1904 1904 1900 1903 1903 1895 1902 1906 1905 1901 1895 Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society. xxi Mennell, F. P., Rhodesian Museum, Bulawayo. Millar, A. D., Durban, Natal. Milligan, A., D’Urban. Moffat, J. B., Kenilworth, C. C. Molengraff, G. A. F., Ph.D., P.O. Box 149, Johannesburg. Morris, F. M., MW.B., B.Sc., Hope Street, Cape Town. Morrison. Jak ede VebESey F.R.S.E., Victoria College, Stel- lenbosch, C. C. Moines C.MiG oie). 5 Fhe Sa, Department of Education, Cape Town. Muirhead, J. M. P., F.S.S., Sel- wyn Chambers, St. George’s Street, Cape Town. Muller, H. J., Willowmore, C. C. Neethling, H., Department of Agriculture, Bloemfontein. Nobbs, E., Ph.D., Department of Agriculture, Cape Town. Noorden, P. M. van, Willowmore, C.C. Oakley, H. M., The Colonnade, Greenmarket Square, Cape Town. Oger AS nAG web aSGen ete Rhodes’ University College, Graham’s Town. O’Meara, E. A., D.S.O., P.O. Box 3243, Johannesburg. Oppenheimer, E., P.O. Box 273, Kimberley. Orpen, J. M., Bulawayo. Payne, H., A.M.I.C.E., South African College, Cape Town. Pearson, H. H. W., M.A., F.L.S., South African College, Cape Town. Périneuey,. iis, D:Sce VH.H.S.; F.Z.S., South African Museum, Cape Town. Secretary. Pickstone, “HH, EH V., Groot Drakenstein, Paarl. Pole-Evans, J. B., B.Sc., Depart ment of Agriculture, Pretoria. Potts, G., B.Sc., Ph.D., Bloem- fontein. Proctor, J., George, C. C. Parcel Wee E.. Hy, BAr ileBs. P.O. Box 306, Bulawayo. Turner, G., M.D., Government Buildings, Pretoria. Versfeld, J. J., F.L.R.C.S., Stel- lenbosch, C. C. Inst of Members. 1877 de Villiers, The Right Hon. Sir J: H,, KiCOMsG. ee Ce Wyn berg, C. C. 1900) Walsh, > Ac, P/O) Box 29) Gape Town. 1903 Warren, E., D.Sc., The Museum, Maritzburg. 1904 Weir, F., Roeland Street, Cape Town. 1904 Wessels, F., 17.B.; Cape Town. 1907- Whaits, Rev. J. H., The Rectory, Prince Albert. 1905 White, Franklin, Bulawayo. 1878 Wiener, L., Newlands, C. C. 1898 Wilman (Miss),M.,Kenilworth,C.C. 1900 Wilson, “Hi. 1.,). ClviG. ica. Groenhof, Bloemfontein. 1903 Wilson, Marius, M.D., Cape Town. 1897 Wood, J. Medley, Berea, Durban. 1902 Young, A., M.A., B.Sc., South African College, Cape Town. 1905 Young, R. B., Technical Institute, Johannesburg. INDEX SLIP. Maruotu, R.—Mesembrianthemum calcareum, Marloth: A New Mimicry Plant. Trans. S. Afric. Phil. Soc., vol. xviii., 1907, p. 281. Mesembrianthemum calcareum, Marloth: A New Mimicry Plant. R. Martoru. Trans. S. Afric. Phil. Soc., vol. xviii., 1907, p. 281. Mimicry by Mesembrianthemum calcareum, Marloth. R. Marworu. Trans. 8. Afric. Phil. Soc., vol. xviii. 1907, p. 281. Broom, R.—Contribution to the knowledge of the Cape Golden Moles. Trans. S. Afric. Phil. Soc., vol. xvili., 1907, p. 283. Moles, Cape Golden, Contribution to the knowledge of. Broom, R. Trans. S. Afric. Phil. Soc., vol. xviii., 1907, p. 283. South African Golden Moles, Contribution to the knowledge of. Broom, R. Trans. S. Afric. Phil. Soc., vol. xviii., 1907, p. 283. Surron, J. R.—On the Lunar Cloud-Period. . Frans. S. Atrie: Phil. Soe., vol. xviii., 1907, p. 3l3- Lunar Cloud-Period, On the. J. R. Surron. Trans. 8S. Afric. Phil. Soc., vol. xviii., 1907, p. 313. ScHONLAND, S.—Study of some facts and theories bearing on the question of the Origin of the Angiospermous Flora of South Africa. Trans. 8. Afric. Phil. Soce., vol. xviii., 1907, p. 321. Origin of Angiospermous Flora of South Africa, Study of some facts and theories. S. ScHONLAND. Trans. 8. Afric. Phil. Soc., vol. xviii., 1907, p. 321. Angiospermous Flora of South Africa, Study of facts and theories of Origin. R. ScHONLAND. Trans. S. Afric. Phil. Soc., vol. xviii., 1907, p. 321. Muir, THomas.—A Special Determinant having (7, s) equal to Zero whens > r + 1. Trans. 8. Afric. Phil. Soc., vol. xviii., 1907, p. 369. Special Determinant having (7, s) equal to Zero whens > 7 + 1. Tuomas Murr. Trans. 8S. Afric. Phil. Soc., vol. xviii., 1907, p. 369. Bouvus, Harry.—Contributions to the African Flora. Trans. 8. Afric. Phil. Soc., vol. xviii., 1907, p. 379. African Flora, contributions to. Harry Bouvs. Trans. 8. Afric. Phil. Soc., vol. xviii., 1907, p. 379. Flora of Africa, Contributions to. Harry Bouvs. Trans. §. Afric. Phil. Soc., vol. xviii., 1907, p. 379. hte ec at Af Moo "7 ni Lore. . Jdmld yroloiht wah & paltohsel4 .awewodns mmr wrotnalé LAS. FORE itiveloy -oethdt ahs Beil Vie, “The aes Chdy 1 AL, RC a” . teal a ee won & -dolpall, ae . 8S .gj TOL jitvx fow oF ike Bint h 2 recy ¥ oh HTrOtsaM Pines i ? 8 Was vive ia i}, . i ive fy ave, “ shtolxalt ey ONS es sdtatlinasatieeadst yd ceil TBS xe ORL ceive fev do0B HE SoiebA Tee a ix ile “brie | ae) | ae Wy oli By Sty Cape ., Wa . < @ahlol ashi kt nee edaito adbolv Git sl, of: woidsd inicio to CHE VORP viiins..lov ,.008 Lid oitA .@ .enadlinee. Alea . to ohana, ail? of a6 adi sxablo ray aq palelt £88 .q YORE , tee ee | Oe atic OFT, a ae \ at (oh egal “7 a. _ eve is bent Wile av, Ty J ee! Poe WA fs rable irditek aed ‘at voided atoM lisblGey she slin0b SEE .g/ TORE diva, lows 908 Hat. pinta 1a dae AD has ey ie rT ey eta “L987 Wood a. Moetiley Haran. Dorin | bolted -SvolD rene Dodd OL SH .L Seok ” ELE ep PGUE ellis yl py Acad oi GC soetitenin College, (iy Towsd ‘ ' y., feel YT es Lowe, thy B., Protvbeed Deas tye we, | . alt 10 HolteT-buold wand SLE .q PORE hive 164.908 Jd ortA 2 ener? . worm AL oh: = x} ; S ’ silt to cciaoinp odd sco utitined ssrroodd baa atoat moe to 0 tuna GK ATAOMOS noi ihiioR Yo atol"t shorrioutorgas oilt to- aigivO, ISB TEES Ee Joe 008 Jidd oh ft soa ss) sixoods bag aont satea to ybote park iu0e to soll ervorecnalaal to wightO 188 co VOOL Lifts fov , 007 Jidt oitth A unarT rman A * ane ivi big iat aie atoal to “Buse aoeta (fi108 to. anol sconseomnall lay “+ TSC .g TOOT , flea lor 0088 iM oink aman” nib a “Ln ie aia ai hae ale #08 4 TOOK, , rac ac a Aid ninth. 2 smer?, | a in ¥ | -L +p ine eaista eee om rr9tat ROE og TEE 9 AcE ae eee both aM r ee ae. rom ped i Te (ATE TORE | itive J , my ia A | baees) cae re Karroo Beds, Victoria West, South Africa, Some New Fossil Reptiles from. Broom, R. Trans. 8. Afric. Phil. Soc., vol. xviii., 1907, p. 31. MaritotH, R.—Some New South African Succulents. Trans. 8. Afric. Phil. Soc., vol. xviii., 1907, p. 43. South African Succulents, Some New. Martorta, R. Trans. 8. Afric. Phil. Soc., vol. xviii., 1907, p. 43. Succulents, Some New South African. Martotu, R. Trans. 8. Afric. Phil. Soc., vol. xviii., 1907, p. 43. MarsHauL, Guy A. K.—A Revision of the Coleopterous Sub-family Byrsopine (Curculionids). Trans. 8. Afric. Phil. Soc., vol. xviii., 1907, p. 53. Revision of the Coleopterous Sub-family Byrsopine (Curculionide). MarsHatut, Guy A. K. Trans. S. Afric. Phil. Soc., vol. xvili., 1907, p. 53. Byrsopine (Curculionids), Revision of the New Coleopterous Sub-family. Marsuauu, Guy A. K. ‘Trans. 8. Afric. Phil. Soc., vol. xviii., 1907, p. 53. Marsuauu, Guy A. K.—Revision of the Genus Synthocus, Schénh., and its Allies (Curculionide). Trans. 8. Afric. Phil. Soc., vol. xviii., 1907, p. 89. Revision of the Genus Synthocus, Schénh., and its Allies (Curculionide). MarsHant, Guy A. K. ‘Trans. 8. Afric. Phil. Soc., vol. xviii., 1907, p. 89. Synthocus, Schénh., and its Allies (Curculionidzx), Revision of the Genus. MarsHaLtu, Guy A. K. Trans. 8. Afric. Phil. Soc., vol. xviii., 1907, p. 89. ‘oth asli¢qotl fagot werk nice point iin08 jaoW ainoioll abe corn { TOOL itive lov ,.908 did% .hiA 2 ane? A coon” |’ tusinooné aacitaA dino@ vie smot—A-aregmM = (ORL , sive for 00d LAT ormtsA .4 esa? ; é tf, . wort smoke nSls00e qaoimaA divo® VOUr .fiivs Jovy 908 fit .o4tA 8 ened! ine JL wytToigsl . * ° ae agoitd igoe wor.emoe siisinooud ’ oh gq ,TOUD itive fav ppo8 dt onté ed ere? ai aToageM , ee ‘ iY ; aniqsvigh ylinatdu@ evorigqesiod alt lo solsivel A—H .A ro duane ke .p YORE: litve dog ,.008 AMT .ohPA 4 antasT (ehicoivoawmD) ~ 1 . - ; . : E (esbiwotlsiosD) aniqosry al nok dua asotahyoslo) adh to abiebrol nee cs TORE ..fitvx lov ..008 AS Sirk faajergiings Roos AvoD aidanatale, Me NS Wa \ : 2 . . -tlinral-due suototignated walt odd lo noisivedl eabinoitvesib) sniqoss7a . ' BSther; sT00E dtive lov ,. 908 JidT wointA 4 enetT A A TOD ae | “pot wi has desis heath annsP adlt to noisivall—.A A 400 oh 08 .q TORI .itivz fow loo@ Jidd tA 2 ecient Ambiclinay: = = -* as : a 2 - f La ee e ara re. habidettuneey woiliA’ bli baa re wat auio® od Yo aoiaivest ‘Ty id f, TRE .jtivx tov, 008 Bd obs 2 aneT A ney : e | Sy (al res oe >a ja “staan Sates < Pike ~ mee o Pe (100 odd to moixivesd (@binoilnow)) eoilté ati | — Rees: pea Pe =. ==) er { ' a is Ee. oq VOR! vitiva Joy 7.008. li T.onth .B ener hla ZMK ree wes " Ditty TM one-ogidnal haa slyvO ost Jo drstogolevell ail) nO—.T W/ vorgas AAPL itive lov .oo® Sid .omtéA .B perl Animnl needs) nisl ol een) 4 one-eyed Dan olu7O lo iseugolsyvsd mad , OGL .t 17 ,.900 IT otth 2 eae PE WWI .70Tzae Ui ope-Oyidail fox olovO to tepengolsyetl , tral ;p2oliemed ore a Voen uve lov 000 Jit sinh) 2 see TW woTesh lnstgolos yd beenoulici = lich laincleD omos to eight —. ‘i .e.n0 aan Fg ,YOOL ,.fttvz Joy 00%, . itt oeRtA enarl eo = -BAOMIDEOO Inoigolost) yd hoouenlat bai lio Ia eiso2 to Yititio4 p Samat ihre) [noigoloot) yd boooorlitnt es Lei x lov, 002 Jidd ith B pees INDEX SLIP. Saxton, W. T.—On the Development of the Ovule and Embryo-sac in Cassia tomentosa, Lamk. Trans. S. Afric. Phil. Soc., vol. xviii., 1907, p. 1. Development of Ovule and Embryo-sac in Cassia tomentosa, Lamk. Saxton, W. T. Trans. 8. Afric. Phil. Soc, vol. xviii. 1907, p. 1. = Cassia tomentosa, Lamk., Development of Ovule and Embryo-sac in. Saxton, W. T. Trans. 8. Afric. Phil. Soc., vol. xviii., 1907, p. 1. Juritz, Cuas. F.—Fertility of some Colonial Soils, as influenced by Geological Conditions. Trans. 8. Afric. Phil. Soc., vol. xviii., 1907, p. 7. Fertility of some Colonial Soils, as influenced by Geological Conditions. Jurnirz, CHas. F. Trans. §. Afric. Phil. Soc., vol. xviii., 1907, p. 7. Soils, Fertility of some Colonial, as influenced by Geological Conditions. JuRITz, Cuas, F. Trans. S. Afric. Phil. Soc., vol. xviii., 1907, p. 7. Broom, R.—Some New Fossil Reptiles from the Karroo Beds of Victoria West, South Africa. Trans. §S. Afric. Phil. Soc., vol. xviii., 1907, p. 31. Reptiles, Some New Fossil, from the Karroo Beds of Victoria West, South Africa. Broom, R. Trans. §. Afric. Phil. Soc., vol. xvili., 1907, p. 31.. er, A Ni Poe ave c ia Es) hao 4 ELIAS si & we or § a