FORSHEE PEOR TE FOR EDVCATION PORTS CUENGCE LIBRARY OF THE AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY AND PROCEEDINGS OF THE opal Society of Victoria. VOR xX. Edited under the Authority of the Council of the Society. THE AUTHORS OF THE SEVERAL PAPERS ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SOUNDNESS OF THE OPINIONS GIVEN AND FOR THE ACCURACY OF THE STATEMENTS MADE THEREIN. MELBOURNE : STILLWELL & KNIGHT, PRINTERS, 78 COLLINS STREET EAST. Issued February 1874. AGENTS TO THE SOCIETY. Wittiams and Noroats, 14 Henrimrra Srrenr, Covent GarpEN, Lonpon. To whom communications for transmission to the Royal Society of Victoria from all parts of Europe should be sent. ae Me WA Da (hy Jatt (MW. AA / Sif hun ey elt Aue it: Tue Councit has to express its great regret that it was impossible to issue any Transactions before, as from the unexpected withdrawal of the Government Grant in 1868, there were no funds to do so, or even to pay the printer for the volume last issued. A sum having now been granted by the liberality of the present Government, the present volume has been prepared as soon as the great difficulty in collecting the papers rendered it possible. Unfor- tunately some are altogether wanting; several having been returned to their authors, as there was no immediate possibility of their being printed, and some of them are not recoverable. There is now a prospect of greater regularity in the issue of the Transactions for the future. Presipent’s Appress, 1870 CONTENTS OF VOL. PresipEnt’s Appress, 1871 PRESIDENT’S ADDRESS, 1872 Art. I. 0. XIU. XVI. Notes on the Harthquake in Gippe Land, by R. L. J. Huuery, Esq. .. Notes on the Quality of Hartley hel Getis Shale for the Manufacture of Gas, together with a description of the new Coal Seam at ee by A. K. Surra, C.H., F.R.8.S.A., &e. &e.. ; yn Argis and surrounding Mepale, by A. Sunur, Esa. : F Decay of Gaspipes in agian Soils by Guanes Foorp, Esq. te On 7 Argis and ae s Spectrum, by A. Lin Sueur, Hsa. Notes on a Simplification of a Eheeeritn Process used with Self- Reais Instruments, by R. L. J. Hutery, Esa. . On the Brilliant Aurora of “he 5th ae ‘1870, by R. L. J. Hunery, Esq. .. Notes on the occurrence of hates or bay aie Stones at Beechworth, by EH. J. Dunn, Esa. On Street Odours and Neglect of Neen by Wm. Wanner, Esa. ats Hand v. Machine broken Metal, aan nM to their comparative value for the construction LE and repair of city and suburban streets and roads, by A. K. Suir, Esq. On the Melbourne Great oe by H. hs Severn, Esa. Some Notes on the Cultus of Gr in Gis Land, by Josnpu Bosisto, Esq. .. é ¢ On Hydrogenium, by Gzuorce Foorp, Eso. On the Melbourne Great eee os A. Lr Suzvr, Esa. - On Railway Working Wipensee in Victoria, by F. C. Curisty, Eso. On the Ventilation of Ships, Waker, Esa. ue ty ae Ghee . XiX—xxxil xxxv—lili lvii—lxxi 1—4 5—11 1116 16—23 23—27 28—31 32 32—35 35 36-—388 39 39—42 42—46 46 46 47 XVII. XVIII. XXXVI. XXXVI. XXXVIUT. XXXIX. XL. —_— ee Contents. A Proposition for the Improvement ana Extension of the Wharfage Accommodation on the Yarra River, by M. ApotpHE Caranpat, C.H. France On Colonial Timber Trees, and some European Trees, which have been proved to be suitable to the Colony of Victoria, by F. C. aa Esa., C.H. On the late Te eCetRR cee a reader of Auroras, by R. L. J. Hutery, Hsa. On a New Form of Bae by R. L. J. Huuery, EHsa. 2 Some Notes of Dieervance with ke Mabonens Great Telescope, by Fartz Macezores, Hsa. Notes on Enhydros found at Beechworth, ne GrorGE Foorp, Esa. On a Self- thas Hydrostatic Chime oh Gare: weight, by A. K. Surru, Esq., C.H., M.R.S.8.A. On Gun Cotton as an Explosive eget by. R. L. J. Eiwiery, Esq., F.R.C.S8: .. On some Hydraulic MaccroreGe, Esa. .. Clock Weights, by F. Suggestions for the Improvement of the Mined: s Compass, by E. J. Wurtz, Esa. .. oe On a Direction Rain Gauge, by Prormssorn Witson A Method for the Manufacture of Chloride of Aluminum and Calcium, for use as a Disin- fectant, by J. Cosuo Newsery, Hsq. Ocean Waves and their Action on Brean Bodies, by 8. R. DEVERELL, Esq. On a Linear Method of Finding the Pie of Ships, by EH. K. Horne, Hsa. Abstract of a Paper on Aboriginal Art in Pee asia, Polynesia, and Oceanica, and ats) Decay, by H. EH. Patn, Esa. On 7 Argis and Nebula, by F. Nie Esa. Areometer, by GrorcEe Foorp, Hsa. On a Method of Combining Marsh’s Test fon Arsenic with Reinsch’s, by Rey. W. Kenny On the Cultivation of Mentha Piperita, or True Peppermint, in Victoria, based on a Report received from England ete to its Oil value, by J. Boststo, Hsa. Patents and their enc hee by roan ie son, Esa. 7 On Meat Preserving, De Re Gea so. On Biangular Co-ordinates, Patrick Forp, Esq., M.A. Self-acting Safety Regulator and Coal Huan ile for Steam Engines, by F. Poouman, Esq. Improved Fire-Plug, by A. K. Surrn, Esq., C.H. contributed by Pace AT 47—56 56—64 64 65—71 71—76 76—78 78 79 79—80 81 81 82—99 99 100—105 106—113 113 116 116—120 121—125 125 125 125—127 127—128 XI. XLIX. LIV. Contents. Notes on Sirius and its Companion Stars (Greet Telescope), by F. Macenorez, Hsq. Note on the Cranbourne Meteorite, by eae W. Giszons, Hsq., F.C.8., &e. .. As On a Specimen of Native Copper recently joan at Footscray, near Melbourne, by G. Foorp, Esa. On Yan Yean Water, by Sypnry W. GIBBONS, Bae Er F.C.8., &. The Use of Bisulphide of Carbon as a Soin att in the Extraction of ee ee by J. Cosmo NEwsery, Hsa. On Siemen’s Universal Caicanon bie: for ‘Testing Telegraphic Lines, by R. L. J. Hutery, Esq. Notes on the Mechanical ack of eee Wy GrorcEe Foorp, Hsa. On an Kasy and Eixpeditious Method of venice a Ship’s Position on a Coast when only one Object on Shore can be seen either in the Day or Night, by the use of i 's Anti-Collision Dial, by C. J. Perry a: On the Treatment of Conall in ATT to Science, by H. K. Rusden On a Kaleidograph, by M. O. PritcHarp On Matter—A Mode of re 2. Farte Mac- GEORGE, Esq. On Ocean Wave Power Machinery, by 8. R. DEVERELL, Esq. The Classificatory System of Kinship, by Rav. Lorimer Fison Se C Air and Water Poisoning in Peers L Sewage, by Sypnny W. Gipzons, Hsq., F.C.S8., &e. Air and Water Poisoning in Melbourne— Part II. On the Possible Pollution of the Yan Yean Reservoir by the Drainage from een ee: by Sypney W. Gipsons, Hsq., F.C.S., &e. . ProckEDines, &c., 1872 MEMBERS Vil PAGE 128—130 130—131 131—135 135 135—138 139 139—147 147 147 147 147 148—154 154—179 180—195 195202 205—216 217—220 Royal Society of Victoria, S67 08 qo atron. HIS EXCELLENCY VISCOUNT CANTERBURY. Presivent. R. L. J. ELLERY, Ese. Vice- Presidents, PROFESSOR F. M‘COY. | PROFESSOR G. B. HALFORD. Trewsurer. THOS. H. RAWLINGS, Hsq., J.P. How. Seevetarp. H. K. RUSDEN. Mrbrvarian. Custos of Collections. DR. NEILD. J. COSMO NEWBERY, Usa. Gowncil. DR. E. BARKER, J. T. RUDALL, Esq, F.R.C.8. DR. JAS. CORRIGAN. A. K. SMITH, Esq., C.E. PROFESSOR M. H. IRVING. H. G. TURNER, Esq. 8. W. M‘GOWAN, Esa. G. H. F. ULRICH, Esq. J. MARSHALL, Ese. ROBT. WILLAN, Ese. REV. ISAAC MOORE. PROFESSOR W. P. WILSON. opal Society of Victorin. ANNIVERSARY ADDRESS OF Ghe President, Mr. R. L. J. ELLERY, F.R.AS., Government Astronomer. [Delivered to the Members of the Royal Society, at their Annual Conversazione, held on July 10, 1870.] GENTLEMEN OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF VICTORIA, _ We meet to-night to inaugurate the 15th session. The last occasion upon which I had the honour to deliver an annual address was in March, 1868. This gap in the usual order of things was brought about by the alterations in the building, which occupied many months last year. During the past two sessions we have held 24 ordinarf meetings, at which many very valuable and interesting papers were read, of which eight pertained to physical science; seven to geology, mineralogy, and palzontology ; one to natural history ; three to medical science ; one to social science ; and four to arts and manufactures. The first part of the volume containing the transactions of the Society during the first half of 1868 bas been published, I regret, however, to state that, owing to the great draft on our funds occasioned by the alterations in the building and furnishing, the printing has been in abeyance. C2 XX President's Address Our intercourse with kindred societies has still further increased, and we are now receiving most valuable con- tributions in the shape of books and pamphlets from nearly a hundred learned bodies. This fact renders the temporary cessation of the publication of our transactions doubly a matter of regret, as we are thus unable to keep up that regular exchange which these societies have a right to expect. I trust, however, we shall soon be in a position to resume the quarterly or half-yearly issue of our transactions. On occasions like these it is more usual to review the past year’s progress in science and arts generally, than dwell at length upon what has been done within our own Society, which is familiar to you all. I shall therefore not detain you with any further details of our two last sessions, but invite your attention to several matters of interest cognate to the objects of our Society, which refer to the progress of knowledge, both in this colony and abroad. In the first place I would bring under your notice the two years’ history and present state of our several public scientific establishments. Botanical science is largely indebted to the labours of our member, Dr. Von Mueller, the head of the Botanical department of Victoria. One of the prominent results of Dr. Mueller’s investigations is the publication of the Universal Flora of Australia (under the editorship of Mr. Bentham), to which Dr. Mueller is the principal contributor; the fifth volume has, by this time, passed the press in London. This work, when completed, will be the only one extant that deals universally with the - flora of a large division of the earth’s surface. It will form a permanent basis of all future research with respect to the adaptability of Australian plants to medicine, the arts, or other useful purposes. You will be glad to learn that Dr. Mueller is about to establish a permanent phytological collection in our new for the year 1870. xxi industrial museum, which will comprise objects illustrative of our natural resources in the vegetable kingdom, and of materials used in the industries obtained from plants in this country as well as other parts of the globe. Such a collection properly arranged and accessible to the public will undoubtedly prove a valuable and instructive addition to the industrial museum, more especially if at the same time Dr. Mueller fulfils a project he has in contemplation of publishing in a popular form a volume on the culture of utilitarian plants in the colony not indigenous to it, as well as of plants likely to add to the resources of countries lying under similar latitudes to our own. The preservation and perpetuation of our more extensive forests is already become a question of serious import. A few years ago we thought our forests inexhaustible; but already the bad effects of the indiscriminate stripping of our mountain ranges are becoming visible. The immense and increasing draft on our forests for fuel and other purposes has already denuded the land in the vicinity of towns and other centres of population of its former covering of timber. This, unless replaced by artificial planting, will eventually leave our hills bare, and in all probability the climate will suffer in proportion. Dr. Mueller, in introducing and rearing very large numbers of forest trees that will be useful in them- selves for the wood and bark, has exercised a wise forethought, of which the colony will reap the fruit in years to come, when the cork oaks, hickories, red cedars, and firs shall have in part replaced our eucalypti, mimosa, and other far less useful trees. I regret to have to state that the progress of our national museum, which has been attaining to such perfection under the directorship of Professor M‘Coy, has been seriously retarded by the withdrawal of the necessary assistants and a diminution in the annual grant for contingent expenses. XXil President's Address Our observatory has been engaged with its usual work in astronomy, meteorology, terrestrial magnetism, and general physics. Considerable progress has been made in the Melbourne portion of the survey of the southern heavens ; the sky lying between the 60th and 52nd parallels of declination has been carefully surveyed, and the positions of 38,905 stars established and catalogued, of which 29,633 have been reduced to the epoch agreed upon, namely, 1875, and their positions at that date computed. Our staff of selfregistering meteorological instruments may now be con- sidered complete, and consist of three magnetographs (that is for declination, dip, and horizontal intensity), a thermograph, a barograph, electrograph, and anemograph. With these instruments a continuous and unceasing record is obtained by the aid of photography of all the variations in the force and direction of the earth’s magnetism, of the temperature of the air, and of evaporation, of the state and variations of the pressure of the air, atmospheric electricity, as well as of the direction, changes, and force of the wind. Since my last address both the 1st and 3rd volumes of the Melbourne Observations have been published. The first contains all the results obtained at Williamstown before the Observatory was removed to Melbourne; and the third pertains entirely to astronomical work done at the Melbourne Observatory in the years 1866, 1867, and 1868. The great Melbourne telescope, as you are aware, arrived in Melbourne in November, 1868, and was erected a few months after- wards. It has now been fairly at work for about 10 months, and some of the results obtained have andy, been laid before you by Mr. Le Sueur. An impression appears to have got abroad that there is something wrong with the great telescope, and it has even been whispered that itis a failure. The efforts, on the one — hand, to counteract this impression by statements of the for the year 1870. XXiil true state of the case, and, on the other, to strengthen it by magnifying its defects, or asserting the existence of imaginary ones, have left the public mind in a state of doubt on the point. When it was decided by the committee of the Royal Society of London that the Melbourne telescope was to be a four-feet reflector, it was hoped, as is our wont, we should get one better than any other; but although our hopes are not fully realised in that respect, we know we have the result of the best efforts of one of the most renowned opticians, and may feel satisfied that if it does not excel, it quite equals, every other of its size that has yet been made. ‘There are only about three telescopes in the world of like dimensions, all reflectors; there is none similar in form to ours except in much smaller size, so the experience both in the construction and use of such giant instruments is extremely limited. Large telescopes always disappoint dilettante observers, and often at first even experienced astronomers. It is only when in the hands of the patient, plodding, discriminating worker, that they reveal the mysteries of deep space, and that often fitfully, perhaps for a few seconds only in the course of hours. Each short moment, however, when the cylinder of atmosphere through which the star (or nebula) light passes to the mirror is favourable for its transmission, becomes to such astronomers the opportunity for result and discovery. The Great Melbourne Telescope, like Mr. Lassell’s Lord Rosse’s, Sir John Herschel’s reflectors, the Dorpat and Harvard refractors, is not a perfect telescope. No perfect telescope, large or small, has ever yet been constructed. The small appear comparatively more perfect from the less light they collect, and the less power that can be used with them, and consequently the less effect of atmospheric influence; but if a similar perfection of figure as belongs to the best achromatic or reflector ever constructed.on a small scale be XXiV President's Address obtained on a four-feet surface, it would, I am confident, fall far short of the perfection of the large mirrors already in existence. It is only when the surface is large that the imperfections, insignificant on small ones, become so apparent. - No one in the colony can have any interest in overpraising or bolstering up our great telescope, those most closely concerned in it least of all. Their duty is to find out its defects and perfections, remedy and eliminate the former as far as possible, and set it to the work for which it was obtained, and when necessary give their honest opinions of its merits and faults, unbiassed by any con- siderations whatever; and this has been done. In closing my remarks on this subject, I wish to point out that the fact of this instrument not being perfect does not in any way warrant the assumption that it is.a failure. Between perfection and failure there are many grades, the higher of which are seldom reached by human handicraft. Jam quite satisfied that our reflector will compare favourably with the only two large ones now in use, namely, Lord Rosse’s and Mr. Lassell’s ; and in our present state of practical optics we cannot reasonably ask more. The trigonometrical operations of the geodetic survey have now spread a network of carefully-measured triangles over nearly the whole face of the colony. The coast line, from the boundary of South Australia to Cape Howe, has been measured by it, and with the exception of the north-west portion of the colony, known as the Mallee or Upper Wimmera District, nearly every district has been enmeshed by the geodetic surveyors. Among the results of these operations the determination of true distances between point and point, place and place, and the latitudes and longitudes of all the mountain and hill tops used as trigonometrical stations, as well as of for the year 1870. XXV townships and surveys in their neighbourhood, constitute the most important and valuable. These form stock-in- trade for the further survey and settlement of the colony, and the everlasting references for the adjustment of disputes with reference to boundaries and areas of land property. The survey has been fast approaching its completion, but you will reeret to learn that retrenchments in the public expenditure have fallen so heavily on this branch of the service as to very seriously cripple its progress. The most important and interesting operation of late has been the determination of the termini of the boundary between New South Wales and Victoria, with the view of marking it on the ground. The act of Parliament by which Victoria became a separate colony defines her boundaries in certain terms—that between South Australia and Victoria is named the “14Ist meridian of longitude ;” that separat- ing us from New South Wales, “The River Murray, from the intersection of the 141st meridian to the branch or source nearest to Cape Howe, and thence by a line bearing S.E. to Cape Howe. The boundary between South Australia and Victoria was marked in 1847, as nearly coin- ciding with the 141st meridian as was then known from the mouth of the Glenelg to the Murray. The Murray gives us all our northern boundary, but no line from the eastern sources of the Murray to Cape Howe has ever been marked, and consequently over 100 miles of frontier is in the position of “No Man’s Land,” with its uncertain jurisdiction and unpaid rents. The definition of this boundary at the jot expense of the two colonies, by the geodetic surveyors of Victoria, was some time since agreed upon, and three survey parties have been actively engaged for many months on the work necessary to accom- plish it. The particular source of the Murray to form the N.W. terminus, as well as the particular point XXV1 President's Address on the coast to be considered as Cape Howe being deter- mined upon, it became necessary to run a line from one point so as to strike the other at a distance of over 100 miles. To do this, the true difference of — latitude and longitude of both points had to be determined. This demanded an extension of the triangulation to Cape Howe and Gabo Island on the one hand, and to Forest-hill, the Pilot, and Mount Kosciusko on the other—operations of a most difficult and expensive character, involving great hardships and often great danger to those engaged on it. It has, however, been accomplished, and the true bearing of a line started from Forest-hill in the N.W. that will strike Cape Howe in the S.E., has been computed in accordance with the best knowledge we possess of the figure of the earth. The difficulties besetting the inception and growth of the industries of a new country, and the progress made in the face of such impediments, is well illustrated by the progress of our manufacture of preserved meats. In Victoria, for many years to come, the supply of animal food must prove in excess of the local demand, while its export in an unpro- tected condition is prevented by the liability of the material to rapid putrefactive decay. Our lists of patented inven- tions show that considerable spirit and enterprise have been devoted to working out some new processes for meat preservation more efficient than those already in use; but these newly-proposed methods—those by refrigeration, by injecting the entire carcase with preservative fluids, by investing the meat in paraffin, and, in fact, by other , methods, which appear feasible enough if we regard only the broad principles of each, have as yet presented such formid- able difficulties opposing their reduction to practice, that the well-known method of Appert, of cooking and hermetic- ally sealing the meat in tins, is, notwithstanding its for the year 1870. XXV1i comparative expense, and perhaps some other drawbacks, in increasing use by the local meat-preserving companies. No doubt improved methods will before long be reduced within practicable limits, but in the meantime the vitality of the enterprise is shown by its steady growth, unassisted as yet by any available new method. A requirement, subsidiary to the new meat-preserving industry, of considerable importance on account of its economic sense and sanatory bearings, concerns the disposal of the waste meat and animal refuse, a con- siderable bye-product of the manufacture. The recently- patented method of Mr. George Foord deals with this sub- ject. The method, I am informed, is about to be put in operation by the firm of Messrs. James Macmeikan and Co., who are building a large factory, and providing powerful plant for carring it on. The sanatory bearing of the action employed in this patented process of Mr. Foord, by which putrefactive and fermentative decays are suppressed by the use of sulphuric acid, does not appear to have been hitherto recognised. It may in the future admit of important applications in various matters of public hygiene. In looking back on the progress of science generally dur- ing the past two years, it cannot but be remarked that out of all the rest the additions to our knowledge of solar physics stand out the most prominent. On the occasion of our last inaugural meeting, I called your attention to the then approaching total solar eclipse of May, 1869, which would be visible over a part of India and the Indian seas. This eclipse, as you will remember, was a remarkable one, from the long duration of the total obscuration, which offered an unusually favourable opportunity for the examination of the strange phenomena generally witnessed on such occasions. The eclipse was successfully observed, the results were XXVill Presidents Address extremely satisfactory, and the mystery of those wonderful red or rose-coloured prominences which during the moments of totality have been seen to jet out from or hover over the sun’s edge, and which had hitherto puzzled astronomers and physicists, was to a great extent unravelled. The spectroscope revealed in their light the well known lines of hydrogen. Every observer told the same story— hydrogen lines, the light of incandescent hydrogen. These beautiful rose-coloured prominences, therefore, appear to be jets and clouds of red-hot hydrogen of enormous dimensions, some of which are sometimes projected nearly 100,000 miles into space. Almost immediately after the eclipse two astronomers— M. Janssen im India, and Mr. Lockyer in England— independently discovered that these red flames could be seen at almost any time, and that no total eclipse was necessary to render them observable and measurable, and to bring them within the reach of the searching analysis of the prism. With the spectroscope specially arranged on a telescope these phenomena could be seen almost at any time. This discovery gave a new impetus and direction to the physical investigation of the sun’s surface, and opened up new fields and methods of research which have added very largely to our knowledge of the physical constitution of our oreat luminary. It had long since been shown by spectrum analysis in the hands of Kirchhoff, Bunsen, and others, that the visible surface of the sun or photosphere contained the incandescent “vapours of many of the metals, earths, and gases, which exist in our globe; and careful observers have noted the mobile condition of it, more especially in the neighbourhood of spots, where the vaporous masses are often seen to move with terrific speed in cyclonic whirls. Now, the behaviour of these vapours can be seen in profile around the sun’s edge. for the year 1870. XoM From the observations of Lockyer, Huggins, Janssen, and others, it appears that surrounding the photosphere is an envelope of far less luminosity, which has been styled the chromosphere. The spectra of this chromosphere is, with the exception of a yellow line, identical with that of hydrogen, and like that of the red prominences. The spectra of magnesium and barium were also observed occasionally in the chromosphere, as if injected into it from the photosphere. From this it may be inferred that the hydrogen flames or red prominences are portions of the chromosphere thrust out into space by eruptive forces from beneath. . The spots on the sun have also been the subject of unceasing inquiry, both as to their constitution, their cause, and the mysterious influence they appear to exert on the magnetic and electrical condition of the earth and air. The opinion seems to have gained ground that they are down- rushes, cyclones, or maelstroms, by which the light-bearing vapours of the photosphere are whirled or sucked into enormous depressions laying bare a cooler or more light- absorbing substratum. These spots, as you are aware, are more prevalent during some years than others, and it is now pretty well established that the maximum period recurs about every 10°6 years. It is also found that the maximum disturbances of terrestrial magnetism, or periods when magnetic storms become prevalent, take place at the time of the sun-spot maximum, and at such times frequent and very bright auroras occur. At this present moment the sun is passing through one of its “spotted fevers,” and the magnificent aurora, with the magnetic storm which preceded and accompanied it, was one of those “wonderful sympathetic shudders by which our globe testifies its subordination to solar forces. Xxx Presidents Address On September 2, 1859, just about 10.4 years ago, one of _the most magnificent auroras ever seen in Melbourne occurred, and is, I have no doubt, well remembered by many present. Large spots were visible on the sun, and at the very time when we were watching the gorgeous rose coloured streams shooting zenithwards, and forming their beautiful corona, a strange occurrence in the sun’s surface was witnessed independently by two astronomers in England. In the neighbourhood of one of the large spots an intensely brilliant outburst of light was observed, and swept like a cloud across it. It was seen for nearly five minutes, during which period it was estimated to have travelled at least 35,000 miles. At the same time also, the earth was under a violent magnetic convulsion, and grand auroras were visible in both hemispheres. Electric currents in both the air and earth were so intense, that, as Sir John Herschel remarked, “the telegraph wires struck work.” The puny force furnished by their batteries was overwhelmned by the rich supplies from the fountain head itself. In the last aurora our wires also surrendered themselves to the air currents, and for moments telegraphic messages could actually be transmitted by their aid; as a rule, however, they are fitful and violent, often injuring the more delicate telegraphic instruments by their great intensity. The spectrum of auroral light has been frequently observed, more especially by M. Angstrom, of Upsala. In nearly every case it has been described as consisting of two lines or bands in the green part of the spectrum, near to the position of the green calcium lines. During the most brilliant display in April last, I was able to obtain a very bright spectrum of the light with a wmicrospectroscope. Unfortunately the dispersion was small, but the light was so intense as to admit of a very narrow slit. jor the yer 1870. XXXi The spectrum obtained from the red streamers consisted of a strong red band or line (which I estimated was rather more refrangible than C line), and bands in the green, which I believe to be the same as described by Angstrom. The spectrum of the green light which formed the lower arch of the aurora, however, contained no red band, and the appear- ance of it as the spectroscope was passed up and down, so as to receive the light from the streamers or green arch, was very marked indeed. I am not aware of this red band or line having been noticed by any previous observers ; and had it not been so clear and prominent, far brighter than the green ones—and had I not proved that it belonged to the red streamers, and not to any other of the auroral light, by the method referred to—I might have been doubtful as to the real existence of a line not hitherto noted in the spectra of aurora. It is to be regretted, but it is nevertheless true, that meteorology is stillin the dark—an occult science. After years of careful observing, and the accumulation of hundreds of ponderous volumes of observations, the laws which govern the weather are almost as deeply hidden from us as ever. In astronomy, phenomena can be predicted centuries beforehand, yet it cannot be foretold what shall be the weather to-morrow. But, admitting this, careful observers cannot divest themselves of the belief that the greater climatic events, such as dry or wet, hot or cold, seasons, recur in cycles, or are brought about by some great telluric or more general cosmical causes, which may yet be traced out. Nor do I think there is anything unreasonable in the belief. If such causes are ever traced, I think they will be found extraneous to our globe, and probably in the varying conditions of the sun itself. Every time the more violent disturbances take place in that body the earth’s magnetic forces tremble in sympathy—the normal electric conditions, XXXii President's Address. of its surface are frequently and violently disturbed and reversed—these apparent and measurable effects are most probably accompanied by others that cannot yet be traced in their complexity. The amount of total sun force acting upon the earth must vary considerably between the sun-spot maximum and minimum ; the area occupied by the sun-spots and their penumbra often reaches to a fiftieth of the sun’s disc, and on some occasions they have occupied as much as a thirtieth. It can scarcely be conceived that the modification and, perhaps, obliteration of so much of the sun-force acting towards the earth can occur without some change in the condition of her surface and atmosphere. The further physical Science advances, the closer and more numerous seem the relations existing between the sun and terrestrial phenomena, and to my mind it appears quite probable that solar physics will, eventually, be found to be the true key to meteorology. Ropal Society of Victoria, LY) dhe Qutron. HIS EXCELLENCY VISCOUNT CANTERBURY. Arvesident. R. L. J. ELLERY, Esq. Vice- Dresidents. A. K. SMITH, Eso., C.E. | PROFESSOR W. P. WILSON. Crensurer. ROBERT WILLAN, Eso. Hon. Secretary. H. K. RUSDEN. Librarian. Custos of Collections. DR. NEILD. H. E. PAIN, Esq. CGonneil. DR. E. BARKER. S. W. M‘'GOWAN, Esq. C. G. CASEY, Esa. JOHN MARSHALL, Esq. J. FLANNAGAN, Esa. } FREDERICK POOLMAN, Esa. PROFESSOR G. B.. HALFORD. J. T. RUDALL, Esq., F.R.C.S. | EDWARD HOWITT, Eso. H. G. TURNER, Esq. PROFESSOR M. H. IRVING. Gq. H. F. ULRICH, Esq. Roywl Society of Victorin. ANNIVERSARY ADDRESS y OF Che President, Mr. R. L. J. Evuery, F.R.A.S., Government Astronomer. [Delivered to the Members of the Royal Society, at the Annual Conversazione, held on August 14, 1871.] GENTLEMEN OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY, This evening we meet to commemorate the sixteenth year of existence of this Society, and, in accordance with time- honoured custom, it devolves upon me, as your President, to deliver an address to you on its past year’s history and progress. At our former annual gatherings it has been usual also to review briefly the progress achieved by the various public institutions devoted to science or art in the colony, as well as to advert to a few of the more prominent and interesting instances which mark the past year’s advance in knowledge, and I think we could not do better than still to adhere to this custom. | Our last anniversary meeting was held on the 8th July, 1870. Since that date twelve ordinary meetings have been held, at which many valuable contributions to science and art were read or laid before you, leading in several instances to interesting and instructive discussions. At the July meeting, last year, Mr. Le Sueur read some notes on the Great Melbourne Telescope, which were for the ¢) an XXXVI President's Address most part in reply to certain statements contained in a former paper by a member who had spoken of the performance of the telescope most unfavourably. Mr. Le Sueur showed that the conclusions of the writer were arrived at upon insufficient knowledge, and were, in fact, erroneous. At the August meeting, Mr. Walker read a paper on “Street Odours,” in which he endeavoured to prove that the foul odours emanating from. street channels and gutters were not noxious in themselves, contending that more mischief was done to health by want of ventilation in dwelling houses than by the foul smells which frequently pervade populous and ill-drained localities. At the October meeting, Mr. Walker read a paper on the “ Ventilation of Ships,” the principle proposed for adoption being the leading of galvanised iron tubes of large diameter, with full collecting apertures, under the decks, and terminating in the funnels of the galley fires. In November, a paper contributed by Mons. Carandel was read. It described a scheme for the improvement of the river banks and wharfage, in the construction of which a peculiar kind of beton, made from the excavated material, was to be used instead of stone or wood. Mr. Rawlinson also gave an oral account of some of the extinct volcanoes of the Western District he had visited. At the December meeting, Mr. Christy read a paper entitled ‘The Useful Woods of the Colony,” in which he dealt with the durability of our native timbers and the adaptability of them for various purposes. He also enumerated many timber trees not indigenous which were fitted by their usefulness, hardiness, and quick growth for planting in the colony. At the same meeting I also read a short paper on “The Late Exceptional Season and Frequency of Auroras.” The great number of auroral displays, coupled with unusual weather, as well as with the remarkable for the year 1871. XXXVii frequency and number of sun spots, had induced me to compare the periods of magnetic disturbances and auroras with the prevailing weather. At the March meeting I described a new form of automatic spectroscope which I had devised some ten months pre- viously. The arrangement provided that a train of prisms should be adjusted to the position of minimum deviation by the act of pointing the observing telescope to any required portion of the spectrum. Mr. MacGeorge also made some notes on ‘Observations with the Great Melbourne Telescope,” in which he pointed out that still further changes had taken place in the nebula of HKta Argus since Mr. Le Sueur’s last observations. Mr. G. Foord contributed a very interesting paper at the April meeting on the “Fluid Contents of Enhydros,” in which he gave the results of an analysis of the liquid con- tained in these strange productions, as well as a description of the microscopic appearances of the inner and outer surfaces of the walls of the cavities, suggesting a theory of their formation. At the May meeting, Professor Wilson called the attention of the members to the total eclipse which would be visible in the northern part of Australia in December next, and suggested the propriety of an endeavour on the part of the Society to organise an expedition to observe it, and a committee was appointed to carry this suggestion into effect. At the same meeting Mr. A. K. Smith described and illustrated a new hydrostatic chain and clock weight. Three papers were read at our June meeting—one by myself, on Gun Cotton, in which I described the various kinds of gun cotton, their properties, methods of use, as well as the results of some experiments I had made with the material; Mr. White read a paper on “ Improvement of the Mariner’s Compass,” in which he recommended the abandon XXXVI President's Address ment of the style of compass-reading by points as cumbrous, imperfect, and leading to mistakes, and the substitution of “circular readings ;” Mr. MacGeorge exhibited drawings of some remarkable sun spots, and read a paper on and described a plan for “ Hydraulic Clock Weights.” At our last meeting, in July, Professor Wilson exhibited and described a very simple and effective form of direction Rain Gauge ; and Mr. Cosmo Newbery gave a short account of anew method of preparing Chloralum (the new disin- fectant and styptic) from kaolin. I regret to say that these contributions to science and art are not yet printed. Since the withholding of the small state assistance the Society enjoyed up to within the last two or three years, coupled with a recent monetary loss, our financial condition has not been sufficiently flourishing to enable your council to proceed with printing the transactions. This is the more to be regretted, as we are unable to reciprocate regularly with the kindred societies in Europe, America, and other parts of the world, who continue regularly to forward to us their transactions and publications, as well as with public institutions from whom the Society receives frequent valuable additions to its library. The funds of the society under the careful management of our present treasurer and secretary, have however considerably improved, and the council hope to resume publishing the transactions before very long. Our library has been largely increased during the past ~ year by contributions and donations from abroad, which have been conveniently classified and arranged by our hon. librarian, Dr. Neild. In accordance with an alteration in our rules last year, the session of this year did not commence till March, instead of January as heretofore, allowing two months’ vacation. This arrangement will, no doubt, be found satisfactory to the members. for the year 1871. XXxIx Returning to the subject of the solar eclipse, it may be mentioned that the committee appointed at our meeting in April last, to endeavour to organise the expedition to Cape York to witness the total ectipse in December next, have held several meetings, made many of the necessary inquiries, and communicated with kindred societies in the neighbour- ing colonies. The eclipse will take place on the 12th December next. The path of totality crosses the northern portion of Australia. The nearest avaliable portion of this path for an expedition starting from here will be about Cape Sidmouth, somewhat south of Somerset, Cape York. The proposition is to charter a large and powerful steamer to proceed from Melbourne at the end of November, calling at Sydney, Newcastle, Brisbane, and Rockhampton, so as to reach Cape Sidmouth a few days before the 12th of December. The approximate cost of a large steamer for the trip is estimated at £2,000, which will include everything usually supplied to first-class passengers in our best inter- colonial steamers—and it is thought that if a sufficient number of passengers offered themselves the cost to each would not exceed £25, and would probably be less. The | expedition is to be open, not only to members of this and kindred societies in other colonies, but to any others who may offer and be approved of by the Eclipse Committee. It is estimated the trip would occupy from 25 to 30 days, and it has further been suggested that the return trip might be made wid Fiji. This Society has not in any way under- taken to carry out this expedition unless a sufficient num- ber of passengers offer themselves ; and it must be borne in mind that to effectually organise it, two months, or six weeks at least, will be necessary; and if the list of passengers be insufficient by the middle or at latest the end of September, the scheme will have to be abandoned. x] President's Address By the last mail I received a telegram from Sir Edward Sabine, president of the Royal Society of London, asking if Australia intended to do anything with respect to the eclipse, and also if we would use instruments if sent. I consulted the hon. the Chief Secretary as to the reply I should make to this, and informed him what the Society had done towards organising an expedition. He thought the offer of Sir Edward Sabine should be accepted, and gave me to understand that if the Eclipse Committee would place him in possession of the details of their proposition, the probable cost, and the portion of it likely to be raised from such as would join in the expedition, he would probably be ina position to ask Parliament for some aid in the matter, and signified his readiness to communicate with the Govern- ments of the other colonies, with a view of obtaining help from them also. There are many men scientifically engaged to whom an opportunity of witnessing and carefully observing this, one of the grandest of all phenomena, would be invaluable ; there are more who, it is expected, would gladly seize the chance of a summer trip in a comfortable steamer, coupled with the prospect of seeing once in their lives the splendid spectacle of a total eclipse; and beyond all this, the last total eclipse expeditions of various countries to the Mediterranean were only partially successful owing to the bad weather, and some most important problems with respect to that wonderful appearance the corona remain unsolved. If Australia should be able to con- tribute observations which shall lead to this solution it will place her still higher than her already well-recog- nised position as a contributor to the world’s scientific advancement. | The past year’s history of our several scientific depart- ments, although unmarked by any very startling achieve- for the year 1871. xli ments, will not be found barren of results. Our Observatory has been fully occupied with its usual work in astronomy, meteorology, terrestrial magnetism, and other physical inves- tigation. -The great telescope, having passed through its ordeal of criticism, is now quietly doing the work for which it was intended ; how well it does it will best be estimated by those veterans in astronomical research who have com- menced the work now being continued with this instrument. One of these capable judges—I may say the chief one—has, I regret to say, passed away but lately—one whose early labours form the groundwork and reference of what is now being done in nebular astronomy at our Observatory—I refer to the celebrated Sir John Herschel, who died 11th May, 1871, at the good old age of 79. He was a member of the Committee of the Royal Society of London to whom the whole question of the construction of our great telescope was entrusted, and, having been the first to thoroughly scrutinise and depict some of the large Southern nebule, he had watched with great interest for the results of its revelations concerning them. He lived to see the first instalments only, but still sufficient, I hope, to assure him that this grand instrument, retracing the paths of his research in the skies, would faithfully record the present form and condition of these the objects of his labour at the Cape of Good Hope. The most prominent result of the work with the telescope is the certainty that some of the large nebule, especially of Argus, are undergoing very marked and rapid changes. No photography has yet been done with it, as the necessary apparatus arrived but lately, and the requisite arrangements about the building have yet to be made. It is expected that these, however, will be completed before the summer commences, when a regular campaign of lunar photography will be opened. xiii President's Address The more precise astronomical work undertaken by our Observatory—the accurate determination of the positions of the stars of the Southern skies—is progressing well, and the value of the contributions of the Melbourne Observatory to stellar astronomy, especially that pertaining to the Southern heavens, is now fully acknowledged by scientific individuals and societies of Hurope and America. Unusual disturbances in terrestrial magnetism and frequent occurrence of auroras have marked the past year, and have presented a most favourable opportunity of comparing the simultaneousness of magnetic disturbances in both northern and southern hemispheres. Professor Heis, of Munster, in Westphalia, whose name is associated with this branch of physics, having obtained from Mr. Carl Moerlin, the second assistant at our Observatory, the dates at which auroras had been seen here, as well as the times of magnetic disturbances on which no aurora was seen, has lately returned to him a pamphlet containing a comparison of such occurrences in Melbourne with similar ones in Europe, from which the interesting facts appear that whenever an aurora australis was seen here the aurora borealis was also seen in some part of the northern hemis- phere, and the dates of great magnetic disturbances in Melbourne, on which, however, no aurora australis was observed, coincided in most cases either with great magnetic disturbances in the northern hemisphere or with the occurrence of the aurora borealis combined. I can” hardly pass over this circumstance without pointing it out as an instance of the importance of combined observations of physical phenomena of this character, and of the greater results that come out of a free communication between scientific men engaged in research in different parts of the world. The members will be sorry to learn that the progress of our for the year 1871. xliii National Museum has been brought almost to a standstill during the past year. I am informed, by the director (Professor M’Coy) that this is owing to the change of management from the director and chief secretary to an enlargement of the Public Library trust, which now includes the National Museum, and that in consequence of a great reduction of the means hitherto at his disposal for the care, preservation, and additions to the collections, his efforts at progress have, for a time at least, been paralysed. The whole of the collection of machinery and mining, which were intended to facilitate the formation of a mining and agricultural school at the University, have been removed to the technological collection at the Public Library. The geodetic survey, I informed you in my last address, had been reduced by the Government to exceedingly small dimensions. The limited staff left were then engaged in marking the boundary line between New South Wales and Victoria, which, as you are aware, has hitherto been an imaginary line joining Forest Hill and Cape Howe. At the date of our last anniversary meeting the geographical positions of the termini had been determined, and a line started from Forest Hill to emerge at Cape Howe, the azimuth of which had been computed from the geo- graphical positions of the termini, and from the best available data of the figure of the earth. Although the final line has not yet reached Cape Howe by several miles, the pioneer line shows that it will intercept the mark fixed about 18 months ago as the south-east terminus, by the surveyor general of New South Wales and myself, within a few feet— probably not exceeding 12. This, on a line of about 115 miles running, bearing south-east, is an achievement which can only be properly appreciated by astronomers and surveyors, and reflects the greatest credit on the officers who have been engaged on the work. xliv President’s Address Concerning the botanical department, under the direction of our esteemed fellow-member, Dr. F. von Mueller, there is also something to say. During the past year the seventh volume of the Fragmenti Phytographie Australis has been completed, and considerable’ progress has been made with the arrangement of material and elaboration of the notes for the sixth volume of the Flora of Australia. This volume will contain the rest of the Monochlamydie, and a portion of the M onocotyledonecw. Dr. Mueller has placed before the public, in the Technological Museum, a large number of technological and medicinal articles derived from plants. These are all beautifully arranged, and cannot fail to be of the greatest value. It includes various kinds of timber (indigenous and foreign), drugs, oils, fibres, dyes, tars, paper materials, acids, &c. All these are named and labelled in a way that conveys clear information as to the source from whence the samples were obtained. I am happy to inform you that Dr. Mueller contemplates issuing a work on such industrial cultures as can be pursued in our climatic zone with advantage. For such a publication the necessity has gradually arisen through the great increase of agricultural settlement, and it appears that there is now some hope that the necessary monetary help for such an undertaking will be afforded. In an appendix to a report of the Acclimatisation Society Dr. Mueller has already given a list of such indigenous and foreign timber trees as seem particularly eligible for industrial culture and for establishing new forests, or for enriching those which exist. As regards the progress achieved in the arts and manufac- tures in the colony during the past year, there are one or two points worthy of special note. The preservation of meat for exportation is especially becoming of great importance— on the one hand to the Australian colonies, which are for the year 1871. xlv eminently fitted for producing a large supply of flesh food beyond their home requirements ; and on the other, to the more densely-populated countries where such food is not only scarce and dear, but where also cattle appear to be unusually liable to disease and deterioration. ‘The Australian preserved meats are rapidly growing in favour in Europe. Although at first they met with a cautious reception and frequent unfavourable comparisons, samples of these recently returned to the colony by our agent-general, along with samples of the best dockyard preserved meats, were opened and tried here, and were ascertained by impartial judges to be mark- edly superior to dockyard samples. The verdict in England, however, was the other way. It ought to be explained that the judges in Melbourne did not know which were Australian and which were dockyard - samples until after their decision had been arrived at and announced ; while at the dockyard trials the circumstances were different in this respect, the judges deciding upon samples of known origin. The preservation of meat promises to become one of the largest industries in Victoria, and although prices in Hurope have declined since the war, there can be no doubt of the ultimate prosperity and extent of the enterprise as long as the manufacturers maintain the reputation they have already achieved. While on this subject, I might mention that in October, 1857, Mr. Sizar Elliott read a paper before this Society on the preservation of animal substances, and opened a tin of meat which had been put up 10 years previously. The contents were declared by those present to be of excellent quality; and it appears My. Elhott had carried on the preservation of meat on a commercial scale in New South Wales as early as 1846 and 1847, and we see his name mentioned on several occasions as having obtained first-class medals for his preserved beef, xlvi President's Address mutton, turtle, &c., and at our exhibition in 1867 he received a medal for preserved meat and vegetables 20 years’ old, There can be little doubt that Mr. Elliott may be considered as the Australian pioneer in this now very important industry. The utilisation of waste flesh, carcases, and offal for manure, is another item of our progress worthy of note. In my last address I referred to a method invented by our member Mr. Geo. Foord, for rapidly and economically converting all such material into high class manures, which was then about to be carried out upon a manufacturing scale. This is now an accomplished fact, and the method may be seen in operation at works specially constructed for the purpose, and carried on by Messrs. MacMeikan and Co. at Footscray. The process mainly consists of breaking down first the soft tissues and ultimately the bony fabric of carcases by the agency of oil of vitriol at a high temperature. The vitriol is manufactured in the contiguous works of Mr. Robert Smith, and with this facility entire droves of animals or the refuse of the meat preserving works can be converted into merchantable manure, separating the tallow in a marketable form, in three hours, without any contamination of the air. I may be pardoned perhaps for alluding to the completion - of our Post-office clock as a small instance of our progress in the mechanical arts; it is the first instance of any clock of large dimensions being made in Australia, and, I believe, in the southern hemisphere. The time-keeping: part, you are aware, was completed some time ago; but the striking mechanism was only erected in its place a few weeks since, and must be considered as still upon its trial, masmuch as the probation such machines usually undergo in the workshop in this instance takes place in its final position. At the time the clock was stopped for the purpose of erecting bells and striking machinery, I advised the Public Works for the year 1871. xlvii ’ department to substitute a mercurial compensation pendulum for the lead and wood compensation hitherto in use. I am glad to say the suggestion was adopted, and the clock is now furnished, I believe, with the best two seconds pendulum in the world, The going of the clock since the alteration is all that could be desired, and, could the barometer be persuaded to always stand at 30in., I do not think the clock would vary two seconds from the true time from one year’s end to the other, the first stroke of the hour bell being usually within two seconds of the true Melbourne time. The pendulum is a steel rod 15 ft. 8 in. long, carrying at its lower extremity a cast-iron cylinder 54in. high, which contains 210lb. mercury. The calculation for the dimensions of the column of mercury contained in a cast iron cylinder were made with great care by Mr. White, the chief assistant at the Observatory, and, so far as can be seen from the changes of temperature that have occurred since the pendulum was erected, the compensation appears perfect. On reviewing the progress in science achieved throughout the world generally during the past year, there is little that stands very prominently amidst the year’s result. This might easily be without being in any way a sign of relaxing effort, for we must bear in mind that the brain, thews, and sinews of two of the greatest nations in Europe, renowned in arts and sciences, have been absorbed in war. For all this, there are some noteworthy results of observation and research, which may be selected from among the marks of intellectual advancement, one or two of which I would now briefly refer to. A total eclipse of the sun occurred in December last. The path of totality passed over the south of Europe, the Mediterranean, and the northern-most part of Africa. The results obtained from the observations of the Indian eclipse in 1868, which I referred to in a former address; and the x] vill President's Address later one, visible in North America, had left one or two important points with respect to the chromosphere and corona still doubtful. Expeditions from England, America, and several European countries, eagerly availed themselves of this opportunity of settling these doubts and furthering our knowledge of solar physics. These expeditions chose separate parts of the path of totality for their labours, but unfortunately cloudy weather was so prevalent that only a few of the many observing parties -were able to obtain satisfactory observations. The results still leave some mat- ters undecided, which it was hoped would have been cleared up, but they go far to confirm the observations of the American astronomers in 1869, which had been received somewhat doubtfully by some physicists. The great question of the true character of the coronal light is still unsolved, yet the observations obtained are sufficiently conclusive to render the theories held by some _ untenable. I do not think any doubt now remains in the minds of astronomers as to its being a truly solar phenomenon, and neither lunar nor belonging to the earth’s atmosphere, as had been advanced. The observations with the polariscope show that a large proportion of the coronal light is reflected, and it appears that some of this reflection has taken pees in our atmosphere, though not by any means all. One great result at this eclipse was the obtaining a set of magnificent photographs of the corona, notably one by Mr, A. Brothers, of Manchester. This forms a most valuable achievement. I see that Mr. Brothers is publishing true copies of this, both on paper and as transparencies for pro- jection, and I hope before long to be able to show you specimens of both. The principal object observers of the total eclipse next December will have in view will be obtaining more photo- graphs, further spectroscopic observations directed to special for the year 1871. xlix points, and very careful examination of the polarisation of the coronal light. Recent applications of the spectroscopic science include the employment of the salts of lithium for determining questions concerning sewage, contamination of drinking water, and the possible spreading of cholera, typhoid fever, and like diseases, The spectrum of lithium, as you are aware, is of an exceed- ingly well marked and unmistakeable character. It is, moreover, readily obtained from the slightest traces of the sub- stance. To the suspected cesspool or sewer an addition of a salt of lithium is made, after which, by examining contiguous supplies of drinking water in the spectroscope, the presence or absence of the lithium line shows unequivocally whether contamination by infiltration has or has not taken place. Among works of art paintings are remarkable for their perishable character, their decay in many instances arising from the very nature of the pigments and vehicles employed. The works of Sir Joshua Reynolds and those of the great Turner afford lamentable instances of decay resulting from the empirical handling of the painter’s materials, but to the present hour little or nothing has been done to set the manufacture and use of pigments upon a proper chemical basis. Within the last year, however, a step has been made by the Royal Academy of Great Britian, which has founded a professorship of chemistry in its application to the fine arts, from which we may hope that the evil referred to will be gradually overcome. Early last year the scientific world were very much interested in the results of some experiments by Professor Tyndall on the dust which pervades the air we breathe. We had been accustomed to look upon the numberless motes which can be seen floating in the air wherever a beam of strong light traverses it as merely dust—organic, or inorganic, but at least, innocuous matter; but Professor Tyndall showed i ] President's Address that it consisted, not only of dust, but of débris of animal tissues, and, most important of all, of germs of living organisms. He pointed out the high probability that the inhalation of these organic impurities was the cause of much disease, and he adduced many startling instances of the rapid spread of parasitic organisms in wounds and delicate surfaces of the human frame which had been unduly exposed to these impurities of the air. Preceding and contemporaneous with Professor Tyndall’s researches in this direction, we find many well-known and able men engaged in work and discussion of what is known as “The Germ Theory,” which may be briefly defined as a question ‘“‘ whether living things of a necessity spring from living things or no?” Results of numberless experiments and patient research have been advanced for both sides of the question by Darwin, Huxley, Bastian, Frankland, Calvert, and others ; but I believe it will be admitted that the evidence against the spontaneous generation theory, and in favour of the necessary pre-existing germ, is at the present moment by far the strongest, and getting stronger. \ But the portion of the germ question I wish to draw your attention to more especially is that which affects us more directly—the question whether germs which can float, and be wafted in the air, are capable of planting themselves in our bodies, and there give rise to disease. Professor Tyndall, in the lecture above referred to, pointed out how readily these organisms could be filtered from the air we breathe by respiring through a handkerchief or through cotton wool, and the value of sucha precaution in malarious and disease-stricken localities. And several travellers have since certified to the value of sleeping under muslin or fine mosquito tents in the fever districts of Africa and India, and the immunity from fever enjoyed by those adopting this precaution. Professor Tyndall again lectured on this subject in June last, and gave sume for the year 1871. hi remarkable instances of the effect of the absence of this “air dirt” in retarding decay and putrefaction. . He tells us of a method of vaccination adopted by a Mr. Ellis, which is likely to be a great improvement on the old mode. He forms a little bleb, or blister, with cantharidin, and having pricked this, he lets out the drop of fluid and inserts his vaccine point; after a minute he withdraws it, and the epidermis fall back on the skin, excluding the air and its germs. From the results of hundreds of cases it appears this method avoids most of the troubles incident upon ordinary vaccination, especially secondary abscess. Mr. Ellis attributes the com- parative safety of his method chiefly to the exclusion of the air and what it contains. Professor Tyndall is strong in his conviction that many of these germs are disease seeds, and that most contagious diseases are spread by their own special seeds wafted in the air. Hesays: “It is not on bad air or foul drains that the attention of the physician will primarily be fixed, but upon disease germs, which no bad air or foul drains can create, but which may be pushed by foul air into virulent energy of reproduction. You may think I am treading on dangerous eround—that I am putting forth views that may interfere with salutary practice. Nosuch thing. Ifyou wish to learn the impotence of medical science and practice in dealing with contagious diseases, you have only to refer to a recent Har- veian oration, by Dr. Gully. Such diseases defy the physician —they must burn themselves out.” Professor Tyndall’s views are shared by many scientific men, both medical and others, and are strongly advanced by some of the most eminent physicians and surgeons. The most successful surgical treatment is that where exclusion of air and destruction of germs are carefully attended to; and more perfect methods of accomplishing these will be undoubtedly attended with equivalent good results, E 2 li President's Address For avoidance of germs of malaria and contagious diseases in infected districts, the filtration of air by cotton-wool respirators or simple handkerchief appears to be all-sufficient. In hospitals and crowded localities applicable methods for ridding the air of them have been proposed, and tried with more or less success ; but a thoroughly effective one does not appear yet to have been reached. Professor Tyndall has been blamed for going beyond his own particular province in these lectures, and trespassing on the precincts of medical science. Those who have blamed him are no true lovers of progress, for if medical art is ever to become more than an art of rule and experience—if it is to be a true science—it will be accomplished, I am convinced, only by the aid of physical and chemical research. | Unfortunately, a sound knowledge of physical science is not considered necessary to the acquirements of a medical man by many of that profession ; and I very much regret to say that a proposition to include a little of it in the curriculum of the medical students at our University was rejected by the council some time since; and it is for the. present practically decided that a sound knowledge of the various forces to which the human system is subjected, and of which it and its well or ill being are for the most part the result, shall not be essential for the granting of a licence to practice and experiment upon human systems generally. He must know his medical botany, his pharmacy, his bones ; he must be up in physic; but “ physics or mathematics ” for the present are not wanted. I have been given to understand that this decision was arrived at, not from any undervaluation of the importance of these branches of science, but that the curriculum of the student was already too heavy ; yet, valuable as a knowledge of medical botany and pharmacy is, might not a little traiing in physical and mathematical science be substituted for them, for the year 1871. liti with considerable advantage both to the student and to his future patients? I may, probably, like Professor Tyndall, be blamed for meddling with such things ; but as a large portion of my life was spent in the studying and practising of medicine and surgery, and the rest in studying natural philosophy and mathematical science, the right to speak as I have may be conceded to me. I know most of the members of this Society hold like views. I know many of our most eminent medical men do so also, and I have heard more than one veteran member of the faculty bitterly regret that both mathematical and physical science had not formed a larger part of medical education in their day. Let us hope, for the saké of medical science, that this state of things will soon be mended. Loyal Society of Victoria. UI te) 7/ We qatron. HIS EXCELLENCY VISCOUNT CANTERBURY. Avesident. R. L. J. ELLERY, Esq. Vice-residents, A. K. SMITH, Esq., C.E. l PROFESSOR W. P. WILSON. Crensurer. ROBERT WILLAN, Ese. How. Secretary. H. K. RUSDEN. Hibrarian. Custos of Collections. DR. NEILD. H. E. PAIN, Esq. Gouncil. . DR. E. BARKER. REV, WILLIAM KELLY, 8.J. JOSEPH BOSISTO, Ese. 8. W. M‘GOWAN, Eso. C. G. CASEY, Eso, BARON VON MUELLER, C.G.M.G. J. FLANNAGAN, Eso. FREDERICK POOLMAN, Esa. GO. FOORD, Visa. J. T. RUDALL, Esq., F.R.C.8. EDWARD HOWITT, Ese. G, H. F. ULRICH, Ese. doyal Society of hist ANNIVERSARY ADDRESS OF Che President, Mr. R. L. J. ELLERY, F.R.A.S., Government Astronomer. [Delivered to the Members of the Royal Society, at their Annual Conversazione, held on July 8, 1872.] GENTLEMEN OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY, We have now entered upon our fifteenth session, and as you have done me the great honour to again choose me as your president, it devolves on me, in accordance with our rules, to address you on the past year’s history and progress of the Society ; and also to call your attention to some of the more noteworthy facts which mark the last year’s history of general scientific progress. First, then, in reference to our own business, I regret to have once more to inform you that, since the last publication of the Transactions of the Society, the funds have not been in a sufficiently flourishing condition to enable the council to resume the printing. For many years past the only revenue of the Society has been that derived from entrance-fees and subscriptions of mem- bers. From this, not only the current expenses but the interest on money borrowed for carrying out the alterations and additions to our buildings have to be paid; and although our income will amply meet these demands if the annual subscriptions of members are regularly paid, there has lviti President's Address hitherto been an insufficient sum left to print our T’rans- actions without other aid. The Government has been solicited for help every year since 1867, when the last aid was granted to us by Parliament. The council hope, however, that their request this year will be acceded to. I am happy to state, moreover, that (many arrears of subscriptions having been received of late) the financial condition of the Society is just now better than it has been for years. It is intended therefore, at all events to at once print the arrears of Transactions, and the council trust that they may be able to henceforward publish promptly and regularly the proceedings of our meetings, which they will be quite able to do if the Parliament — resumes its small annual grant-in-aid. Our last anniversary meeting was held on August 14, 1871. Since that time the Society has held eight ordinary meetings. On September 11, a valuable paper “On Ocean Waves, and their Action on Floating Bodies,” was con- tributed by Mr. Deverill. Mr. MacGeorge also read a paper, contributed by Mr. Horne, of Adelaide, “On a Linear Method of Finding the Stability of Ships ;’ and Mr. Pain, on “Aboriginal Art and its Decadence in Australasia, Polynesia, and Oceanica.” The meeting of October 9 was occupied with Mr. MacGeorge’s account of “ Changes in Hta Argts,” and Mr. G. Foord’s “ Areometer for Measuring Specific Gravities.” On November 13, our next meeting, the Rev. W. Kelly and Mr. Bosisto contributed papers, the former “On a Method of Combining Marsh’s Test for Arsenic with Reinsch’s, so as to secure very reliable results ;” the latter “On the Cultivation of Mentha Piperita in Victoria.” On November 22, it will be remembered, the Australian Eclipse Expedition started from Melbourne. Our next meeting was a special one held on January 22, and was devoted to matters connected with the Lclipse Expedi- for the year 1872. lix tion, and to the approaching elections of council and office- bearers, which took place at our next meeting, on March 11. In April, Mr. Harrison read a paper “ On Patents and their Utilisation.” Mr. Caldwell contributed one on “ Meat- preserving,” and Mr. P. F. Ford on “Biangular Co-ordinates.” On May 13, Mr. F. Poolman read a description of his “Self- acting Safety Reoulator and Coal Economiser for Steam engines,” and Mr. A. K. Smith exhibited and described “ An Improved Valve for the Fire Plugs in Water Pipes,” the object being to prevent the entry of sewage water into the pipes when the pressure was off—a thing that might occur with the ordinary fire-plug valves. At our last meeting, on June 10, Mr. MacGeorge contributed the “Results of Observations on Sirius and its Companions” with the great Melbourne telescope. Mr. White exhibited some new five- figure logarithm cards which he had arranged, and Mr. Gibbons read a few “ Notes on M. Berthelot’s Analysis of the Cranbourne Meteorite.” Perhaps the most noteworthy fact in connexion with the past year’s history of the Society is the organisation of an expedition for observing the total eclipse of December 12, 1871, near Cape York, and, although the expedition met with a total disappointment of its main object through cloudy weather, the effort made cannot but redound to the honour of the Australian colonies. It will be unnecessary for me to recapitulate every step of the organisation of this. expedition, it will suffice to briefly refer to the leading: facts: Professor Wilson in May, 1871, first directed the attention of the Society to the occurrence of a total eclipse over North Australia in December, and suggested that an endeavour should be made by the Society to organise an expedition for observing it. Government aid was asked, and liberally granted, not only by our own colony, but by New South Wales, Queensland, and South Australia. On November 22 |x President's Address the Australian expedition sailed from Melbourne to Cape Sidmouth (lat. 13 deg. 25 min. §., long, 143 deg. 37 min. E., and about 176 miles south of Cape York, on the east coast of Australia), vid Sydney, at which place the Queensland Government steamer the Governor Blackall was ready to receive them. The Victorian party consisted of an observ- ing party of eight, and 13 passengers. At Sydney these were joined by the New South Wales observing party of six, and three passengers, these (numbering 30), with the officers and crew, and three or four mechanics and assistants, made up a party of 72souls. The expedition left Sydney on the eve of November 27, and arrived off Cape Sidmouth on December 6, after a rapid and exceedingly pleasant and varied passage. The character of the navigation within the Barrier Reef rendered it necessary to anchor before night, - and this was generally done under some of the numerous and beautiful islands which stud the seas in the immediate neighbourhood of the east coast of Australia. On several occasions we anchored early enough to permit of landing upon and exploring the island. Instead of Cape Sidmouth itself, an island known as No. 6 of the Claremont group was selected for an observing station. The chief reasons for preferring it to Cape Sidmouth were these—the water is very shoal for over two miles seaward at Cape Sidmouth, which would have made it very ditticult to land the instruments safely, and rendered communication between the shore and the ship very tedious. The 8. E. trades were still blowing, it was therefore a lee shore, and the aboriginals were known to be numerous in that part, and are often troublesome at night. The coral islands, on the other hand are generally “steep to,” affording good anchorage close in on the lee side, and there is generally good landing for boats ; these facts induced us at all events to examine No. 6 Isiet first. for the year 1872. | Ixi We found it afforded good anchorage on the sheltered side, perfectly good and safe boat landing ; it was, moreover, in almost the same latitude as Cape Sidmouth, and the central line of totality passed within four miles of its centre. In other respects, however, it was a most uninviting place—a mere sandbank, over which an 8 ft. tide would have swept, clothed only with a few miserable bushes, and infested with myriads of rats. At low water the reef was exposed, and the island became six miles long, and two broad; at high water it collapsed to 200 yards wide by about half a mile long. However, it suited well for landing our instruments, and for observing, and it was selected as the observing station. On December 7 we commenced erecting our observing tents and instruments, and finished in time to give us about a day and a half for rehearsals; most of the passengers in the meantime employing themselves in boat . excursions, in collecting shells, coral, and béche-de-mer on the reefs at low water, while some made a voyage to the main land, at Cape Sidmouth, about 15 miles to the westward. Up till the 11th December the weather had been on the whole fine, and promising of clear skies; but on that day the wind fell, and heavy thunderstorms came on during the afternoon and evening, which continued all night. Next day broke gloomy, overcast, and raining. Now and then came a slight break, and a peep of the sun for a moment to tantalise us. Every instrument was set and ready, every observer at his post, and prepared—hoping against hope—till our time-keeper called out that the eclipse had commenced, warning us from time to time of the approach of totality and its progress, but impenetrable clouds hid all from us. Once for a moment a break showed us the last thin cresent just before totality—and that is all the Australian Eclipse Expedition saw of the total eclipse of December 12, 187]. Ixii Presidents Address A schooner engaged in pearl-shell fishing anchored along- side us in the evening of the same day. The captain report- ed having witnessed the eclipse about 18 miles north of us ; _ but on inquiry it was evident that it had only been visible for a few moments through thin clouds. Next day we steered homewards, calling at several islands and at Cardwell. We arrived at Brisbane on the 20th, where the expedition was most royally received ; and I cannot let this opportunity pass without recording the great hospitality and kindness which was shown to every member of the Australian Eclipse Expedition by the Government and people of Brisbane. After three day’s stay there, we steam- ed south again, reached Sydney on December 25, and Melbourne on January |. Although disappointed of its principal hoped-for results, the expedition did not return quite empty-handed. The Botanical and Naturalist members obtained some valuable collections, and a regular series of meteorological observa- tions throughout the voyage was made ; the geographical position of Hclipse Island, the magnetic declination, dip and horizontal force, were also determined. The true position of the Observatory station, deduced from his observations by Mr. White, is lat. 13° 29° 36° 1” S. and 143° 46’ 30” E. The detailed results of the several other Eclipse expeditions, which took up their positions in India and Ceylon, have not yet fully transpired, but the fact that four out of five of the observing parties were favoured with clear skies, and were highly successful with their observations, is now well known. So far as can be gathered from the fragmentary accounts that have yet reached us, it appears that the coronal light is not that of the sun or surrounding chromosphere reflected, as has been supposed by some, but is a true solar envelope, containing at least cooler hydrogen and an jor the year 1872. Ixiii unknown substance, which, as appears to be probable, is identical with that which produces the spectrum observed in auroras, and which is specifically marked by a line known as K 1474 in the green. The spectrum of the chromosphere was characterised by the hydrogen C line, which predominated ; a line known as 1474 of Kirchoffs scale in the green part of the spectrum; and the blue hydrogen line F. The corona was observed to be of a clearly radiated structure, or, as Mr. Lockyer says, ‘the rays were built up of innumer- able bright lines of different lengths, with more or less dark spaces between them; near the sun the structure was lost in the brightness of the central ring.” He tried the spectrum of a streamer above the point at which the sun had disappeared. He says: “I got a vivid hydrogen spectrum with. line K 1474 . . . . the line C was very vivid,. . . the spectrum was undoubtedly the spectrum of glowing gas.” . I have but little of more than ordinary interest to record of the past year’s history of our several science or art institutions. The Technological Museum attached to the Public Library has made considerable progress ; not only have the Commissioners established classes of chemistry, mineralogy, and practical mining, but have organised even- ing courses of lectures on popularised science and art. These have always been so well attended that it is to be regretted that a larger lecture-room than the one which was built for class teaching has not been erected. The earlier courses of these lectures have been printed and circulated by the Commissioners. They appear to have attracted considerable attention in England and on the Continent, especially those by Baron Von Mueller on Forest Culture, and the purely technological series of Mr. George Foord. Professor Negri, president of the Royal Geogra- phical Society of Italy, in referring to Baron Von Mueller’s lxiv President's Address lecture, said he wished the Italian Government would have it translated into Italian and circulated throughout the country. A telegraph class for ladies has also been established in connection with the museum, at which pupils are instructed in the manipulation and ordinary use of the Morse telegraph instruments. It is intended, I believe, to hold periodic examinations of the pupils, and to grant certificates to such as prove themselves to be competent. ‘The most recent step in the right direction the commissioners have taken is the appointment of a gentleman of undoubted ability to conduct classes in geometry and mathematics. The additions that have been made from time to time to our national gallery of pictures now form a most valuable and beautiful collection, and it seems well adapted to fulfil one of its principal objects—the foundation of a school of painting. Already we have seen in Melbourne copies after pictures in our national collection of no small merit, and giving good promises of future excellence. For so young a colony as ours the number of students is even now large, and is, I hear, increasing. The National Museum at the University, under the care of Professor M‘Coy, is becoming more complete and perfect every year; the space that has become available, through the removal of many of the mining and machinery models to the Technological Museum will be most advantageously bestowed upon numerous beautiful specimens and collections which hitherto have appeared somewhat too crowded. Botanical science in the colony, represented by our fellow member Baron Von Mueller, has made considerable progress during the past year. I have already referred to his lectures on forest culture, in which he clearly set forth the more important and lasting objects of a botanical department in a new country, and, to quote his own words,“ a botanic garden has not merely to gratify the passing hour, but has to fulfil for the year 1872 Ixv great objects of the whole community, as well for this as for the coming generation.” Baron Von Mueller, I am glad to say, intends shortly to issue some popular works on Australian botany; the first, I believe, is to be devoted to the ferns, and it is intended to illustrate it by photo-litho- graphy. I have been also informed that Count Castlenau, the well-known zoologist, has prepared a descriptive essay on the fishes of Victoria, which is to be issued with the report of the Acclimatisation Society. I refer to these points, although they do not belong to our past year’s history, because they indicate scientific vitality and progress ; and although the fruition may belong te another year of this Society, the work evidently belongs to this. In our Observatory one of the most interesting results of the past year’s work is the establishment of the fact that the nebula in Eta Argtis has not only undergone marked change since the time it was observed and drawn by the late Sir John Herschel at the Cape of Good Hope, but has also exhibited notable change since the erection of the great telescope at Melbourne. Drawings of it made at intervals of only a few months, as was pointed out by Mr. MacGeorge in the paper he read before you at our October meeting, present such differences that we can now hardly escape from the conclusion that observable changes in this nebule take place very rapidly. Several observers in the southern nemisphere have devoted a good deal of attention and observation to this celestial object—notably, Mr. F. Abbott, of Hobart Town ; Mr. H. C. Russell, director of the Sydney Observatory ; Mr. Tebbutt, of Windsor, New South Wales; and Lieut. Herschel, of India. Mr. Abbott, I believe, was the first to draw attention to the fact that it no longer appeared as drawn by Sir John Herschel. Mr. Russell made a very eareful drawing of the nebula as seen with the Sydney 7}in. ¥ Ixvi President's Address refractor. Mr. Abbott also made some drawings from observations with a 44 in. refractor and Lieut. Herschel by aid of a 12in. reflector. They have all indicated that the general appearance of the nebulz differed considerably from that represented by Sir John Herschal’s drawings, although none of the apertures used could in any way pretend to reach the more minute details grasped by Herschel’s 2 ft. reflector. Several of the drawings which reached home had evidently not been executed with that precision which is so necessary to establish a fact of this kind in the minds of astronomers who are unable to see for themselves. There has arisen, therefore, in the minds of many of our most renowned observers in England and elsewhere, doubts as to the real existence of these changes. For it must be remembered that the immense distance of the nebule from us—probably far beyond the most distant stars—makes it necessary that changes such as these described, to be visible to us even with the aid of such light-gathering apertures and optical power as is possessed by our large telescope, must be stupendous in the highest degree and almost beyond comparison with the more ordinary cosmical changes with which we are familiar. Now, since the great telescope has been erected special] attention has been given to this object. Mr. Le Sueur devoted a great deal of time, extending over long periods, to examination and drawings, repeating his observations again after the lapse of many months. He constantly referred to me to establish or throw doubt on his observations, so that I often observed with av unbiassed eye for this purpose. The stars down to the 16th magnitude were carefully plotted (those to the 12th magnitude with the micrometer), to form an unchanging groundwork for the mapping. He announced _on several occasions in this Society and elsewhere that there were unmistakable changes since SirJohn Herschel’s drawings for the year 1872. Ixvii Mr. MacGeorge, who succeeded Mr. Le Sueur, and who has also observed and drawn the nebule constantly, pointed out to you in his paper in October last the progressive changes that had been noted. The diagram he then exhibited I had photographed and sent home to Dr. Robinson (one of the Great Telescope Committee), with a copy of Mr. MacGeorge’s paper. The paper got home first, and Dr. Robinson says, in a letter I received last mail, “I lose no time in forwarding the paper to Sir E. Sabine, Mr. Lassell, and Mr. Warren De la Rue. . . . Mr. Lassell seems to cling to the idea which he published some time ago, that there was no change whatever in Eta Aretts. He justifies this suspense of opinion by not being able to refer to the drawings, a difficulty which I hope you will soon be able to remove. I think his real difficulty is an opinion that nebule must be at a distance much greater than that even of small stars, and hence an incapability of conceiving the possibility of such changes as could be visible to us.” The photographs reached him by next mail, and he then writes—‘“ The photographs are very remarkable, and I think it is im- possible to look at them and doubt the reality of the immense changes that have taken place. Are these changes periodical? I send one of the photographs by this post to Sir Ed. Sabine, with request to forward it to Messrs. Lassell and De La Rue.” It is to be regretted that the minute and careful draw- ings made by Messrs. Le Sueur and MacGeorge have not yet been engraved, as they establish the fact beyond all doubt, as the photographs sent home were from a some- what rough diagram intended only to show the principal features of the observed changes. No one accustomed to observing could fail to be convinced of change going on if he only saw the nebule with a power of six or seven hundred on the great telescope on good nights at intervals F 2 lxvili President's Address of three or four months. Mr. MacGeorge reports from observations made only two months since that still further changes were evident. The full significance of these changes can hardly yet be estimated, but they overthrow many of our hitherto received notions of the conditions. of these tenants of space. It is a subject of the highest interest in physical astronomy, and one that will demand unremitting observation and drawing for its further elucidation. Tam glad to inform you that Government has given me the authority to publish every month the results of our observa- tions in meteorology, terrestrial magnetism, and of other phenomena; the numbers from the commencement of the year till the end of May are already before the public. By this means all the useful information derivable from the Observatory work in these branches of investigation is made quickly and generally available. Photography of celestial objects has been commenced with the great telescope, and some exceedingly fine and promising negatives of the moon were taken, enlargements from which ‘have already been exhibited at one of our meetings. Since April the weather has been too unfavourable to proceed with this work. Attempts to obtain photographs of planets and nebule have since been made, but while those of the planets promise well, no impression whatever of the brightest nebulze could be secured. Among the many subjects which have occupied a larger share of attention of scientific circles in the older world, and which mark indelibly the progress of scientific research during the past year, there is one which appears to me of surpassing importance. The Royal Astronomical Society awarded its gold medal this year to Professor Schiaparelli, director of the observatory at Milan, principally on account of his researches on the relations that exist between comets and shooting stars. You will remember in for the year 1872. Ixix a former address I had the honour of delivering to you, I spoke of the ‘meteor shower” which fell in Europe in November 1866, and that it had been established beyond a doubt that these bodies travelled in orbits intersecting that of the earth at different points; that one coterie intersected it in November, another in August, and so forth. Since then, however, it has been — found from observation that the number of these meteor rings is very large, and that they intersect the earth’s orbit, . at numerous points. And it may be stated generally, that all falling or shooting stars, at the time we see them, are, or have been very recently, members of groups travelling in true orbits, and not merely stray wanderers in space. Professor Schiaparelli has concluded from his researches that “celestial matter may be divided into the following classes: 1. Fixed stars. 2. Agolomeration of small stars (resolvable nebula). 3. Similar bodies, invisible except _ when approaching the sun (comets). 4. Small particles, composing a cosmical cloud.” He thinks the last occupy a large portion of space, and have motions similar to fixed stars. The latter are the sources of falling stars:. Brought by the motion of our system in space within the sphere of our sun’s attraction, they become in a measure part of his family and subject to him. If, while making their sun journey, they approach a planet—the earth for instance— they get disturbed in their orbits, and, becoming subject to the earth’s mass, liable to enter the upper regions of our atmo- sphere, under which condition they appear to us as “ shooting stars.” “Thus meteors and other celestial phenomena of like nature, which a century ago were regarded as atmospheric phenomena—which La Place and Olbers ventured to think came from the moon, and which after- wards were raised to the dignity of being members of the planetary system—are now proved to belong to the stellar Ixx 3 President's Address regions, and to be in truth falling stars. They have the same relation to comets as the asteroids have to the planets ; in both cases their small size is made up by their greater number. Lastly, we may presume that it is certain that falling stars, meteors, and aerolites differ in size only and not in composition ; therefore we may presume that they are an example of what the universe is composed of. As in them we find no elements foreign to those of the earth, we may infer the similarity of composition of all the universe—a fact already suggested by the revelations of the spectroscope.” Professor Schiaparelli had noticed a remarkable likeness between the elements of the orbits of some of these meteor groups to those of some well-known comets, the perihelion passage occurring approximately at near dates, the direction of their motion alike, the point they intersect the ecliptic, and their inclination to it very similar, while the distances of their nearest approach to the sun, and their period of revolution, have also a marked like- ness. The relations are very remarkable and Professor Schiaparelli concludes one of his last memoirs on this subject in these words: “These approximations need no comment. Must we regard these falling stars as swarms of small comets, or rather as the product of the dissolution of so many great comets? I dare make no reply to such a question.” The conclusions of Professor Schiaparelli are of the highest interest, and suggest some new and interesting questions on the constitution of the universe. Are the irresolvable nebulze systems of these cosmical particles? If so it will add a fresh interest to our observations of the changes going on in that of Eta Argts. In a new country, such as ours, in which all are so fully engaged in business pursuits, it would be un- reasonable to expect so large an annual crop of scientific for the year 1872. Ixxi facts as are realised in the older countries; but as the field for original observations in a new country is really wider in many respects than in the older, it is of course of the first importance that what we do obtain should be properly recorded and disseminated. I have mentioned that the Society's Transactions, the printing of which has been too long suspended, will be immediately resumed, and I believe I may confidently state that the present prospects of the Society are such as to warrant the belief that they will henceforth appear with regularity. It should be remembered that although this Society has now existed for so many years, its ranks are still thin, wanting both workers and supporters. It has been recently proposed in your council, as a means of strengthening and increasing the utility of the Society, that a rule should be adopted to admit of residents at a distance joiming us as country life-members, on the same scale as ordinary members are now admitted, by payment of half the usual subscription. This will entitle such members to the society's publications, and all the privileges of membership when it Melbourne. I have chosen the earliest occasion for announcing this proposition, which will no doubt be presently adopted by the generality of members. I also wish to remove an impression which I believe holds some ground, that advanced scientific attainments are indispen- sable qualifications for membership. The object for which our Society was founded was the promotion of literature, science, and art in the colony. Whoever can assist in this is, so far, eligible for membership. Art. 1L—Notes on the Earthquake in Gipps Land. By R. L. J. Every, Esa. [Read 30th August, 1869.] The Australian Colonies are fortunately seldom visited with earthquakes of any severity, the worst rarely causing more damage than the rattling of crockery and the alarm of the more nervous of the inhabitants. The Rev. W. B. Clarke, of Sydney, in a paper he read before the Royal Society of New South Wales, on September 2, 1868, gave a catalocue of 160 earthquakes that had been noted in Australia between the years 1773 and 1868, and although none of these were of alarming intensity, this veteran observer justly remarks—“ Looking at the condition of Australia, so far as is known, and to the history of such shocks as have been before recorded, we are, I hope, at present, physically considered, in no fear of any such great convulsion as has often overthrown cities and desolated vast regions in a few moments; and yet when we read the records of such disasters as have been chronicled, we have no right to presume that this country may never be so affected.” Our knowledge of the cause of earthquakes and of their relation, if any, with other telluric or cosmical conditions, however, has never yet been sufficient for founding a tenable hypothesis; and it is only by carefully noting the peculiarities of these disturbances, in connection with other phenomena, that we are likely to get more knowledge. And this will be my excuse for occupying your time with a few dry notes concerning the earthquake felt in Gipps Land in August; for, in doing so, all that is now known of this occurrence becomes recorded for after reference and use. Mr. Mallet (the highest authority upon the subject) has so thoroughly systematised what is known, that searchers after earthquake information cannot do better than consult his exhaustive reports on earthquakes, in the proceedings of the British Association. On August 30, I received the following telegram from Mr. Saxe, the telegraph manager at Bairnsdale :—“ About 4.50 this morning two severe shocks of earthquake were felt here. The first shock lasted about a second ; then an interval of a second, and then another shock of quite thirty seconds’ B 2 Notes on the Earthquake in Gipps Land. duration. A rumbling noise was heard for about three minutes after the shocks. The wave seemed to travel from west to east. Many persons ran out of their houses, fearing that they would fall.” Two days after I received the following information from Mr. John Oliver, Deptford, Gipps Land :— “| think it may interest you to know that we felt a smart shock of an earthquake at this township this morning at twelve minutes to five o'clock. It lasted fully one minute, and was followed about ten minutes afterwards by a sound which I supposed to be distant thunder. While the earthquake shock lasted, a dull deep sound was heard; the earth trembled, and everything indoors shook. I was up at the time, and looked at my watch immediately I heard the sound passing. The morning was dark, and a drizzling rain falling. To-day thunder has been rolling about. Any further information you may want, if I can supply it, I will gladly send you. Quarter-past eight o’clock Monday night: I had just written so far when we had another shock, which lasted about thirty seconds. The night is very dark and cloudy; people here are rather alarmed. Tuesday: Raining heavily all day with thunder, accompanied with hail showers. Wednesday: Fine warm day.” In reply to some questions I asked, Mr. Oliver subsequently informed me that “The trembling and rumbling noise felt and heard by us was continuously apparent through the whole of the minute. It shook the earth and everything inside my dwelling; and the noise was quite loud. It seemed to increase as it passed, and died away just as a wind comes over the tree tops, blows hard, and speeds on. The second shock occurred as I was writing my note to you. It was of the same character as the one in the morning, and shook the seat I was sitting on and the writing table. I can only liken the sound to that of a heavy goods’ train passing a wooden bridge. I feel convinced that it came from the west and travelled to the east; but I would not say it was due west and east, because I am not sure.” Mr. Turton, geodetic surveyor, who was camped at Little Ram Head, about 22 miles west of Cape Howe, sent me the following :—* Mr. Newton reports that when at the Snowy River, on August 30 at five am., he felt a very sharp shock of an earthquake. He was awoke by a loud rumbling noise, and immediately afterwards the building and all it contained began to rock violently; the inmates were much frightened.” Notes on the Earthquake im Gipps Land. 3 “Tt did not extend as far east as my camp at the Little Ram Head, nor to Wingan Inlet. But there was something very peculiar in the atmosphere; I could not sleep, and was walking about from midnight to daylight. The air was very still, but I did not notice the slightest tremor of the earth. One of the party was camped out at Wingan Inlet, and he was up at four am., but did not perceive any indication of the earthquake.” From the Ovens and Murray Advertiser we ascertain that “a smart shock of an earthquake was felt at Beechworth, between four and five on Monday morning 30th. The wave appeared to pass from the south-west towards the north-east, and was accompanied by a dull rumbling noise, not unlike the sound of a train in motion. In several houses the occupants were awakened by the jingling of the glass and crockery on the shelves, whilst others were aroused from their slumbers by the shaking of the beds, and an unpleasant Swaying motion given to the buildings. The shock, which is variously described to have lasted from three to fifteen seconds, seems to have been felt over a large extent of the hill country, but not, so far as we have heard, on the plains. A telegram from Bright informs us that a smart vibration was felt in that locality at a quarter to five o’clock, much about the same time it was experienced in Beechworth.” It was also felt at the Buckland and at Albury. The direction of the earthquake appears from the evidence to be very doubtful, as it always is. Mr. Oliver, who seems to have noted the occurrence carefully, feels confident of its having approached from a westerly direction. At Beech- worth it was noted to have approached from the south-west, Mr. Saxe says from “ west to east.” At Albury, it is stated to have travelled “north and south,’ that perhaps means from south to north. The time of the first shock was not given precisely, except by Mr. Saxe and Mr. Oliver. Mr. Saxe says 4.50 am.; Mr. Oliver, 12 minutes to five. At Beech- worth, between four and five is named. Any estimation of the direction from the difference of times noted is therefore out of the question. But I think we may safely assume that the direction was nearly north and south, probably 8.S.W. to N.N.W., and that the line of principal intensity extended from the coast line, somewhat west of the Lake’s entrance, northwards through Buckland and Bright, between the Buffalo and Bogong Ranges to Yackandandah, Beech- worth and Albury. The weather at the time was generally 4 Notes on the Earthquake i Gipps Land. described as calm and somewhat sultry. Mr. Turton remarks, “something peculiar in the atmosphere.” At Deptford, “drizzlmg rain was falling.” No sign of the shock was experienced at Port Albert, at which place the barometer stood at 29.88, with light winds from the N.E. A careful examination of the various magnetic and meteorological records at the time of the earthquake dis- covers no trace whatever of any disturbance of terrestrial magnetism, or of any marked atmospheric change. The barometer at the time was steady, and about 29.80 inch. From 9 a.m. till 7 pm. on the day previous there was a disturbed state of the barometer, with a downward tendency ; but this was accounted for by a strong northerly wind, which was blowing till 5.15 p.m., when it shifted to the S.W. with heavy squalls and a little rain. Although the magnetograms (exhibited) show a very marked and consider- able disturbance in terrestrial magnetism for some twelve or fourteen hours prior to the time of the earthquake, yet this had quieted down by about 2 am.; the earthquake occurring at 5.50 a.m. The state of atmospheric electricity as shown by the electrogram was almost quiescent at the time, although preceded, as in the case of the barometer, by great disturb- ances, principally of negative tension, as is usually the case with strong, dry northerly winds. The length of time over which the rumbling noise was heard appears remarkable for a case of such slight disturbance. At first I doubted the correctness of the statement that the vibration continued for over a minute; but Mr. Oliver, in his ' second letter, replies especially to a query I sent him on this point. He says, “it was continually apparent through the whole of the minute. The second shock also experienced in the evening of the same day lasted thirty seconds.” In this earthquake we have not, as is very frequently the case, a low barometer. It was not high, but 29.80 is but slightly below the average height. The state of the atmo- sphere was generally reported to have been unusually calm. I heard of no notable disturbance of the sea, nor any unusual wave; if there had been any I believe it would not have escaped notice, either at the mouth of the Snowy River or at the Lake’s entrance. ' Arr. I1—WNotes on the Quality of Hartley and Greta Shale for the Manufacture of Gas, together with a Description of the New Coal Seam at Greta. By A. K. Smita, C.E., F.R.S.S.A., &. &e. [Read 4th October, 1869.] I have been recently engaged in a neighbouring colony testing some of the coals and shales from the districts of Hartley and the Hunter River, in New South Wales, principally for ascertaining their value for luminiferous pur- poses. J now beg to submit a brief account of the results arrived at. I may premise that the experiments were made at the request of the provisional committee of the Consumers’ Gas and Oil Company, Sydney, for the sole purpose of deter- mining the value of Hartley shale for the manufacture of gas, to be used either by itself or to enrich (by mixture) the gas obtaimed from the ordinary Hunter River (New- castle) coal. EXPERIMENT WITH HARTLEY SHALE. Having examined the shale, I had it broken up into small pieces, and carefully weighed 224 lbs., with which I charged two fireclay retorts, first having noted the index of the station-meter to be standing at 5,586,294. Charging the retorts commenced at 10h. 27m. 40s. a.m., and finished at 10h. 30m. a.m.. thus occupying 2m. 20s. in the operation. At— Mins. h. m. 7 10.37 the meter indicated the production of 100 feet gas. 95 10.463 ” ” ” 200 ” 10 10.564 A 93 55 5 SK0) ig, 10 11. 64 5 Ps Po 400 ,, 10% 11.17 = a i 200% Miss 114 11.283 ‘3 sy ; 600s, 124 11.41 5 FA 3 TOD og 13 11.54 ‘5 i o 800s, eee 2... 7 i , re SOON ass 19 12.26 95 , is ONO 5 24 12.50 s yi a TOO: x, Ze Ld i A bs NAS) —_———_ 63 2 165 = 2h, 45m. 6 Notes on the Quality of Hartley and At Ih. 13m. the station meter indicated 5,587,420 feet. At the commencement Bi ... 0,086,294 ,, L126 33 A reference to the above times and quantities will show, that the first 100 feet of gas was given off in seven minutes from the time of closing second retort, or nine minutes and twenty seconds from commencement of charging the first retort. The second in 94 minutes. », third % 10 i 3; fourth A 10 3 er iiith: Ms LO Be Sixdihi es ae as » seventh eis yes » eighth 29 13 ” » ninth a 13 4 » tenth - 19 ms » eleventh ,, 24 <5 » twelvth -26 ,, 23 Re 1126 feet 165m, 20s. = 2h. 454m. thus showing the total quantity of gas made from 224lbs. of shale to be 1126 cubic feet, or at the rate of 11,260 feet per ton. The retorts were at a fair average heat and burned out or exhausted the charge in 2h. 454 mins. In making this experiment I had intended taking the ‘illuminating power of the gas as it was produced, but on account of the light from the burner consuming five feet per hour, being abnormally large and above the power of my photometer to register, I lost a few minutes in procuring a small burner: this, to a certain extent, destroyed the accuracy of the experiment; and although I continued taking the quality of the gas, I thought it advisable to set aside the results, which were on the whole slightly in excess of those subsequently obtained (the actual difference being as 51:58 is to 51°51.) I then commenced the second experiment, with the same quantity of shale—viz., 224 lbs,, with which I charged three clay retorts— Retort. Commenced at. Finished. Time Occupied. ham) is: Jay any! Fh 1st So th Ig Oras 1 19 383 p.m. 33 seconds. 2nd Sey) eh EO) AO i PAM). 0) 40 ai 3rd. Mee Wie 20 22 )).%5 2 ee OMe 48 30 Greta Shale for the Manufacture of Gas. 7 Averaging forty seconds for the time expended in charging each retort, The total quantity produced amounted to 1,128 cubic feet from 224 lbs. coal in 2 h. 29 min., or at the rate of 11,280 feet per ton of shale, thus showing a very close approximation to the quantity produced in the first experi- ment, the difference being only an increase of 20 feet, or at the rate of one foot per ewt, You will observe that the time occupied was less than in the former experiment. This arose from the quantity being used in three retorts instead of two, thereby reducing the quantity in each retort. Previous to commencing this experiment I had prepared a small burner, and had carefully weighed and noted the weight of the sperm candle to be used. At the conclusion of the experiment I found the experimental meter indicated a consumption of 2:2 cubic feet per hour, and that the candle had been burning 136 grains per hour. At various times during the distillation of the coal I tested the quality of the gas, and recorded its illuminating power. Each value I noted was the average of ten observations, and resulted in showing an average “illuminating power of 20°014 candles (say 20 candles) then as— 220 : 5 :: 20 to 45-45 However, as the candle consumed 136 grains per hour, instead of the standard quantity of 120 grains, it was required to find what number of standard candles was represented by 45°45, thus— L200 SG 4545) ollcandiles: After making various other experiments, both as to quality . and quantity, | obtained the following results as the average of the whole, viz. :—That the shale produces marketable gas at the rate of 11:280 cubic feet per ton ; that 5 cubic feet of the said gas gave a light equal to that derived from or afforded by 51°51 sperm candles, each consuming at the rate of 120 grains per hour ; and that one foot of gas gave a light equal to that derived from 1,23624 grains of sperm ; and finally that one ton (2,240 Ib.) of Hartley shale produces the same amount of light as 1,992 lb. of sperm candles. Subsequently I weighed off 100 lb. shale, and after carbonizing the same, Tl carefully weighed the coke, &c., and found that it amounted to 324 lb., thus showing that the volatile matter given off in the destructive distillation 8 Notes on the Quality of Hartley and of Hartley shale amounted to 674 per cent. I also experi- mented upon another description of shale, with the following results :—It produced 14,136 cubic feet per ton; 5 feet gave a light equal to 3762 candles ; one foot was equal to 902'88 grains of sperm ; and one ton gave a light equal to 1,823°3 lb. sperm candles. In order that you may compare the Hartley shale with Bog Head cannel coal, | now append the value of that coal, as given by the agents in their circular to gas companies, and as published in the journal of gas lighting :-— Bog Head cannel coal, or Torbane Hill mineral, produces 13,500 feet per ton. One foot equal to 84 sperm candles, or 1,020 grains. One ton equal to 1,967-14 sperm candles. In the Agents’ circular it is stated to be equal to 1,990 lb. sperm candles ; but when worked out according to the above description, the result is, as before stated, 1,967:14 lb. Ordinary British Newcastle caking coal is only equal to 420 lbs. of sperm candles. The other description of shale I experimented upon, although not quite so rich as the Hartley shale, is still of great value ; and thinking that a brief account of the seam from which it was taken would be of interest to the members of this Society, I procured copies of the Reports of William Keene, Esq., F.G.S., Examiner of Coal-tields, N.S.W., from which the following are extracts : “ Newcastle, 14th January, 1869. “To Michael Fitzpatrick, Esq., “Under Secretary of Lands, Sydney, “Sir,—I have the honour to forward herewith, for the further information of the Honorable the Secretary for Lands, plan and sections showing the great seam opened by me in Anvil Creek, at Greta, in which petroleum oil coal, and other varieties of coal, are found in a thickness altogether of 22 feet.” The following is a description of a section of the seam opened in the creek, and subsequently proved by a trial shaft at a depth of 40 feet :-— Greta Shale for the Manufacture of Gas. 9 Description. Shale Bituminous Coal Bright Coal Resurite Petroleum Oil Coal Bright Coal Splint Coal Woody Coal (good) Brown Clay Band Woody Coal (good) Fire Clay Coaly Band Fire Clay Coaly Band Fire Clay (grey) Brown Fire Clay Coal (excellent) Brown Shale Coal (excellent) DW} MPWRORSOHDWORKBAMRWONMWOL FF PRE OASOHOOOHHORENHOONO F Fire Clay Boz Grit and Conglomerate Rocks 1 0 Petcoleun Oil Coal 18 9 Coal Clam Fire Clay, Coaly Band, &c. 27 8 Subsequently, on the 4th July, 1869, Mr. Keene reports tothe Under Secretary for Lands, Sydney : “ Sir—I have the honour to report to you for the infor- mation of the Minister for Lands, under the date of the 30th April, 1868, the discovery of petroleum coal in the Greta field. “A continuation of this research has led to the further discovery in the last few days of what I believe to be the bottom seam of the Carboniferous Deposit in our coal field, and this coal, like to that of the seam above it, and which contains the petroleum coal, is of most excellent quality. I have not yet been able to ascertain the thickness of this bottom seam “ Signed. “tanner Ean «Examiner of Coal Fields.” = 10 Notes on the Quality of Hartley and Greta Shale. I now produce samples of the Greta or Anvil Creek coal, and petroleum shale, together with the section of the seam. Of the quality of the shale for gas making purposes I have before spoken, but the small slips I have sawn from the specimens before you will show that they can be easily ignited, and that they burn like a candle or vesta match. Next to their quality, perhaps the most important feature respecting the shale and coal from this seam is the statement that they can be put on board at Newcastle at the same (or a little less) cost as the ordinary coal mined within two miles of the port. The supply of coal to Melbourne and its suburbs is now becoming of great importance. The quantity used by the Government railways, engineering establishments, flour mills, paper and sugar manufactories, distilleries, breweries, and other industries requirmg steam power, shows a rapidly increasing demand; a demand that is accelerated on account of the distance from which firewood has to be brought, and its consequently enhanced price. Coals are also being used extensively for domestic purposes, especially im houses of the better class, and therefore the quality and price is an object of general interest, and one that demands occasional investigation. The quality of the coals in New South Wales changes very much. For instance, coals that I tested five years ago for the Melbourne Gas and Coke Company, were then of a very superior description, lately, the coals from the same pit I find are much deteriorated, containing more impurities, less gas, and that of a very inferior quality. As the coals here referred to are used for the generation of steam, the change in their quality must have prejudicially affected them for that purpose; also, the demand for gas coal has now reached about 30,000 tons per annum, and this demand may be expected to still further increase, if gas should be employed for cooking purposes. Mr. Lewis Thompson, the celebrated analytical chemist, in a pamphlet published by him, refers as follows to the use of gas as a calorific agent : “To obtain a perfect estimate of the relative money values “of gas and coal as calorific agents we must begin by tak- “ing a comprehensive view of the contingencies inseparably “attached to both, and perhaps when the expense and | “inconvenience arising from soot, smoke, and ashes, are “added to the cost of coal in the shape of labour for cleans- yn Argis and surrounding Nebula. Lt “ine rooms, furniture, and chimneys, together with the “damage thus created, we shall find no great reason for con- “cluding that the general use of gas as a heating agent, is “either an impossible or an improbable event in the pro- “ oressive march of real civilization.” Mr. Thompson’s remarks are made for, and applied to, a climate much colder than that of these colonies, and where heat at most seasons of the year is enjoyable rather than otherwise; but a cheap supply of good gas for heating and cooking purposes is a matter of more importance here than in the British Isles, inasmuch as in this climate, where the temperature ranges in summer from 70° to 100° Fah., the principal desideratum is to avoid as much as possible the use of fire for cooking purposes. In the country districts fires can be, and are, generally made out of doors; and thus the heating of dwelling-house apartments is avoided. How- ever, in the city, this can rarely be done, on account of the danger and inconvenience of open-air fires. It only requires a little time to prove beyond all doubt that ordinary culinary operations can be performed at less cost with gas, in con- junction with the use of Norwegian heat-retaining stoves, - than by any other means; that is if freedom from dust, a longer duration of heat, a greater economy of time, and a less necessity of unremitting attention, be considered of any monetary value. . Art. IIl—y Argis and surrounding Nebula. By _A. Le Susur, Esq. [Read 14th February, 1870.] At the request of your president I have drawn up the following account of some observations which I have lately made with the great Melbourne telescope. One important fact elicited may be stated in few words ; the spectrum of the star 7 Argis is crossed by bright lines. The abnormal variations in magnitude to which this star is subject gave reason to expect that some peculiarity in its light would be revealed by the spectroscope ; as soon, there- fore, as the instrumental and atmospheric conditions were sufficiently favourable, a careful examination was made. The first night employed was fortunately a good one, so that the bright line character, which might otherwise have easily escaped notice, was at once suspected. 12 n Argis and surrounding Nebula. Many stars (mostly variables, I believe) give spectra whose dark lines are arranged in bands, leaving more or less bright spaces between them. It became, therefore, of im- portance to ascertain whether or not the appearance of the spectrum of 7 Argts was due to such peculiarity. Stars of about equal magnitude were therefore examined ; in some spectra, notably in that of the red variable R Leporis, there appeared to be a condensation in the yellow, but in none was the general phenomenon so sharply marked as in n Argiis. Besides this evidence, the fact (as will be seen in the sequel) that the bright lines in 7 Argts are readily and rea- sonably accounted for in their proper positions, leaves very little doubt that the majority of them are real. Moreover it is quite an open question whether the band character of spectrum spoken of may not be partly due to the condition which produces bright lines. In a Orionis, for instance, it seems at least as plausible to assume the presence of that condition which produces bright hydrogen lines, as to deny the presence of hydrogen altogether. . The phenomenon is necessarily delicate, but by careful manipulation the lines may be handled in a sufficiently satisfactory manner to determine their refrangibilities within not wide limits. For the purpose of comparing a known spectrum with that of a star, the spectroscope is furnished with a reflector in front of the slit. A small hole in this reflector permits the passage of the star pencil, and the comparison light may at the same time be reflected through the apparatus. In this way five lines have been determined more or less satisfactorily. One in the red coincides with C, one in the blue with F, thus indicating the presence of hydrogen. A third line in the yellow apparently comcides with D sodium line, two in the green with the chief nitrogen line and 6 respectively ; a sixth line suspected beyond F, may be the third hydrogen line Hy. It should be remarked that with the dispersion used, and the width of slit required to see the lines at all satisfactorily, the limits of error may be sufficiently great to brig in two or more competitors for a particular line ; recourse must then be had te collateral evidence. In the cases of the red and blue lines there are no suffi- ciently marked competitors in the immediate neighbourhood, 7 Argis and surrounding Nebula. 13 the apparent coincidence with C F’ leaves, therefore, little doubt that these lines in the star are due to hydrogen. For the yellow line there were at first three candidates. D, a nitrogen line on less refrangible side of D, and the sun protuberance line; instrumental evidence has pretty satis- factorily narrowed the competition by eliminating the nitrogen line; whether or not the star line is due to sodium or to the substance whatever it be found in sun flames, cannot at present be said; a higher dispersion, when the star has sufficiently increased in brilliancy, will probably settle the point. One of the green lines is probably due to nitrogen, for although the limits of error might bring in iron as a com- petitor, the iron line in that position is nota bright one, and would therefore not be seen alone of the large number of lines which iron produces. The second green line is involved in the group b, and may be accounted for by magnesium or nitrogen ; the already assumed presence of nitrogen might perhaps lead us to infer that this second line is also due to it, but we know that nitrogen may be certainly indicated by the chief green line | alone. Moreover if the conditions were such as to make others of its large number of lines visible, the second green one would not be the first to appear. On the whole, therefore, it would seem that the bright lines seen in the spectrum of 7 Argts, indicate the presence of hydrogen, nitrogen, sodium, and magnesium. No dark lines have been seen with certainty, one is strongly suspected in the red, and occasionally there is an appearance as if the whole spectrum were crossed by a mul- titude; this is probably the case (the lines escaping our notice from faintness of the general light), for no star sufficiently bright to give a fairly visible spectrum has been found without dark lines ; Secchi has lately seen a bright line in the variable A at its maximum. Inthe case of T Corone, both dark and bright lines were seen by Messrs. Huggins and Miller. As these physicists remark, it is difficult to imagine the condition of a body producing light of this description; we . seem driven to the conclusion that the star consists of a solid nucleus, a gaseous envelope cooler than the nucleus pro- ducing the dark lines, and a second envelope, hotter than the nucleus, accounting for the bright ones. 14 9 Argis and surrounding Nebula. The sun is not a case in point, for there the bright and dark lines are not seen together. The former are visible only on a small annulus of the disc, and are due to gases cooler than the continuous spectrum giving nucleus, as proved by the fact that on the surface of the sun the corre- sponding lines are dark. In the absence of direct evidence from dark fines in its spectrum, we are unable to tell what are the constituents of 7» Argts, other than those revealed by the bright lines ; on the supposition, however, that the other substances belong to the series already discovered in the sun, stars, and nebule, it is not unimportant to notice that the constituents of the stars in question more or less certainly indicated by the bright lines would, from mechanical considerations, be high up in its atmosphere. Hydrogen (on a supposition) would mount far above the rest at the extreme limits thereof; nitrogen, sodium, mag- nesium would follow next in order. It is probable that the bright line character of the spectrum of 7 Argts, indicates a commencement of increase in brilliancy; whether or not, however, the star at its mimimum retains a condition capable of producing such a spectrum, there can be little doubt that the gases to which the now seen bright line belongs, play a prominent part in the star’s variability. | The nebula surrounding y Argts has been frequently ex- amined ; its spectrum consists of the three well-known bright lines indicating a gaseous constitution, similar to that of the nebula in Orion. The comparison of a sketch representing part of the nebula as seen last year in the Melbourne reflector, with Sir J. Herschell’s Cape drawing has afforded interesting results. It is well known by those who have devoted much atten- tion to nebula work, that even from the hands of a most accomplished draughtsman minute details are not to be implicity trusted ; when, moreover, to the imperfect represen- tation of the eye-view as seen with a particular instrument is added the disturbing effect of difference of aperture, much caution is required in drawing conclusions from the evidence . of observations made with widely different instruments. _ In the case before us the sketches differ very widely, not in minute detail only, but in general character over a large space. oi the Cape drawing the star y is immersed in bright nebula; as seen with the Melbourne telescope, it les on a n Argis and surrounding Nebula. 15 background almost completely black, and the contour of the nearest bright nebula is pretty sharply marked. In the Cape drawing the curious lemniscate vacuity is a conspicuous feature, and has its borders almost equally well marked throughout; in the Melbourne sketch the lemnis- cate is still conspicuous, but the south end is not clearly indicated, for the surrounding nebula in that direction is extremely faint. Mr. Abbott of Hobartown in the year 1864, and Mr. Powell of Madras, about the same time called attention to the fact that the star 7 was completely outside the bright nebula, and that the south end of lemniscate had disappeared. The instruments used by these observers were, however, so inferior in power to Sir. J. Herschell’s 18 inch, that it was not unreasonable to suppose the change merely apparent, due regard being had to the fact that the difference in the representation was precisely of a nature to be accounted for by the difference of instrumental means employed. With the Melbourne telescope the conditions are reversed, yet Sir J. Herschell saw bright nebula where with a much more powerful instrument, either none at all isseen, or a very. faint one barely suspected. The presence of a bright star has, however, a large dis- turbing effect (increased by aperture) in apparently obliterat- ing even bright nebula in its immediate neighbourhood ; and although the effect could not possibly spread over such a large space as that over which change appears to be indi- cated, it was not unimportant to get some further proof of the nature of the background on which y is situated. The spectroscope here comes to our aid; the excessively faint nebulosity over the region in question is incompetent to show even a trace of bright lines, and when by shifting the spectroscope the bright lines do appear, it 1s in positions which indicate that the eye-view configuration represents the actual facts. These proved facts, tnerefore, being that the star y is on a background almost completely dark; that the south end of the lemniscate opens out into a space almost as vacuous as itself; it is difficult to imagine any conditions instrumental or atmospheric which could produce an appearance at all approaching to that seen by Sir J. Herschell at the Cape. We have, therefore, evidence entitled to much weight that enormous changes have taken place in the nebula since the year 1838. EE 16 Decay of Gaspipes wn certain Sorts. Besides the difference in general features above considered, there are others, notably the presence in the Melbourne sketch of a pair of bright wings at the N. extremity of the lemniscate, which are not indicated in the Cape drawing ; this, however, and other differences of detail are in the direc- tion to be accounted for by difference of aperture used, no certain conclusion can therefore be yet drawn therefrom. Art. IV.—Decay of Gaspipes in certain Sorls. By G. Foorp, Esa. [Read 14th February, 1870.] In September, 1867, it became the duty of the writer of this note to inquire into the cause of the decay of a gas- main, the property of the city of Melbourne Gas Company. The scope of the question submitted did not, at that date, extend beyond its purely commercial sense; but as there. appears good reason for regarding the particular case as typical, and significant in reference to the broad subject of the “life” of gas and water mains, and because the subject has a scientific interest quite apart from its purely economic sense, I venture to lay before your Society such results as happen to be at this date at my command. In doing this, I wish to state that the particulars which I have to communicate are slight and imperfect ; that no pretentions to a close investigation are set up; and that I should not have risked the presentation, for registration, of so imperfect an account of a fact of confessedly great intrinsic interest, if I had not been encouraged by your President with the assurance that your Society is always ready and anxious to receive and record matters of fact and scientific interest, even though the observations may happen to be of a dis- jointed and casual character. I confess a personal concurrence in those views, for in our new continent, over the expanse of which promising objects, inviting observation, are so abun- dant, but in which the number of precise observers are, relatively to the field of inquiry, so few, doubtless for some time to come, observation, as distinguished from methodical research and experiment, must take the lead ; and the record of casual observations, even when unsupported by any extent of continuous inquiry or systematic experiment, must prove ultimately valuable. It is this conviction, coupled with the personal assurance of your President, which tempts Decay of Gaspipes in certain Soils. 17 me to present to your Society as a “laboratory note” what would otherwise remain in its place among the daily memo- randa of laboratory work. _ The facts of the case are the following :—Close to the site of the Melbourne old Exhibition building it has been found that the gas-mains are subject to an unusually rapid decay. The ground in which this quick decay occurs is at a high level (no less than one hundred feet above high-water mark in Hobson’s Bay). Itis one of the highest points in the city ; the position, in fact, affords an excellent panoramic view of Melbourne. It would, therefore, appear to be favourably situated for drainage by percolation through the porous soil. The pipes, the subject of this note, are laid eighteen inches below the surface, in a nearly white mottled clay, which to mere inspection shows no external evidence suggestive of any constituents favourable to a rapid destruction of the ipes. The sample of decayed pipe as received by me presented the following characters :—In some places it had entirely lost its metallic properties; it had passed out of the metallic state, but had retained its original form. In other places, an inner shell of unconverted cast iron remained. In one of the samples, which I submit, the converted portion is indicated by the mark A, and the unchanged part by the mark B. Sample C is wholly converted. D shows that the wrought-iron plugs are almost or quite exempt from the change. # is a sample of the substance of the converted pipe reduced to powder in a mortar ; an impalpable odorous brown powder. It may be here pointed out that the continuity of the changed parts, the continuity of the unchanged metallic portions, and the unchanged conditions of the wrought-iron plugs, are facts suggestive of a gradual conversion of the cast iron, progressive in space, and that the conversion proceeds under a galvanic agency, in which the graphite of the cast iron probably plays the part of the electro-negative element in a simple circuit of two solids and one fluid. The decay takes place from without inwardly. The specific gravities of the decayed and unaltered or slightly altered portions of the pipe, are significant. The specific gravity of the sounder portions of the pipe was ascertained to be a ae 599 That of the decayed or converted portion ... peo A sample with thin inner shell of metallic iron Bee rates. Gray cast iron (for comparison) being ne Area | C SS 18 Decay of Gaspipes wn certain Soils. The decayed portion had lost to some extent, but not altogether, its magnetic properties. It is easily reduced to a greenish-brown powder, approaching the tint of raw umber. On solution in hydrochloric acid, it. evolves no hydrogen—a fact which shows that it contains no residue of iron in the metallic state ; when thus dissolved it leaves a bulky residue of graphite with silicon—carbon—and sulphur—compounds of iron and manganese. The converted portion of the pipe, when newly taken from the ground, is soft, but hardens on exposure. During this induration shrinkage takes place, the converted portion separates from the unconverted, and cracks appear im the mass. But another interesting manifestation takes place when the pipe is exposed to the air; after it has lost the greater part of its free-moisture, droplets of a solution of protochloride of iron are extruded from its pores. The drops of pale green fluid soon become covered with a rust-red film of hydrated sesquioxide of iron; the little fluid drops soon disappear by evaporation, leaving hollow shells of iron oxide, with possibly some oxychloride. It is pretty clear that in the fluid forming these drops the chlorine of the chloride of iron acts chemically as a “carrier,” and is conducive to the ultimate conversion of the iron to the state of oxide; it is also clear that the chlorine, by combining with the iron and forming a soluble salt with it, enables the water to remove the metal through sensible distances of space. In pseudomorphic changes of the kind considered, this purely mechanical transposition of the materials is always an essential part of the process of the rebuilding, in new chemical forms, of the old materials. The general composition of the altered portion of the pipe is shown by the followimg figures :—The powdered material gives off over. 13 per cent. of moisture when heated, and it ‘leaves as undissolved residue 28 per cent. of its original weight when digested in hydrochloric acid. The iron solu- tion obtained by thus treating it contains protochloride of iron equal to oxide and chloride of iron in the decayed pipe to the extent of a little over half its weight. How far these contents of the altered pipe account for all or only a portion of the original constituents of the metallic cast iron, or what proportion of the metal is removed in solution, I have not ascertained ; the low specific gravity of the altered portion would imply either removal or expansion, probably both have taken place. <<. -~ —— = ee -? Decay of Gaspipes in certain Soils. 19 Water boiled with the powdered material of the pipe showed evidence of both sodium and chlorine abundantly present in solution—in fact, it is to the presence of common salt with concomitant agencies that the rapid transmutation of the cast-iron main may be attributed. When the clay in which the pipe was imbedded is examined two points become conspicuously apparent—Ist. The clay, retentive of moisture, is also so harsh and porous as to be permeable to air. In this sense it is the very opposite of “ fat,” water-tight, and consequently air-excluding clays. A block of this clay air-dried, when placed in water, rapidly falls, crumbling away in a surprising manner, at the same time releasing much air, and forming a gruel-like magma at the bottom of the water. A pipe of cast iron laid in this clay is, on account of the properties just mentioned, subject to the continuous and joint action of moisture and atmospheric gases. 2nd. But this clay has also another characteristic, it is charged with common salt. If we place it on a filter, wash it with distilled water, and evaporate the filtrate, a crop of cubic crystals of common salt is obtained. Results of experi- ments indicate 13 ounces of common salt per cubic yard of clay ; the actual contents may somewhat exceed this propor- tion, for it is well known that clayey matters will obstinately keep in quasi-mechanical adhesion substances which would be, excepting for the presence of the clay, easily removed in solution in water. ; That an alkaline chloride will promote the rusting of iron is instanced in the common iron-rust cement of the machinist. A dense network of iron turnings, moistened with solution of salammoniac, conforms to all the requisite conditions—per- meability to air, the simultaneous presence of moisture, and a suitable soluble alkaline chloride, provided as an oxygen carrier. In the case described we have almost identical conditions, with one exception. Our alkaline chloride is the chloride of a fixed, and not of the volatile alkali; we have chloride of sodium instead of chloride of ammonium, and it is not so easy to see how the chlorine forsakes-its most intimate rela- tions with the sodium to take up with the iron. The writer cannot pretend to anything approaching a discussion of this question on the basis of facts now presented. The subject is certainly a matter of great interest, which has not yet been fully discussed, and on which methodical experiment might he profitably expended, At present the writer contents him- c 2 20 Decay of Gasprpes vm certain Sorls. self with mentioning that, apart from the influence of voltaic decomposition, in which the graphite, iron and brine form the circle, there are conditions which are admittedly sufficient for bringing about the change, by enlisting only the simplest chemical means. Solutions of bi-carbonate of ammonium and chloride of sodium produce by interchange bi-carbonate of sodium and chloride of ammonium. ‘This decomposition formed the subject of a remarkable invention patented about 30 years since by Hemming and Dyer. On it was based the process of the British Alkali Company ; and although it did not succeed in an economic direction, the chemical change itself can be easily demonstrated by experiment, on the small or large scale, as an indisputable chemical fact. In the soil and porous clays we have a supply of both ammonia and. car- bonic acid, so that there is nothing wanting for brmging about a change of the kind considered. Moreover, the cast iron is permeable to gases, and the contained coal gas, although holding but little carbonic acid gas, is at all times a source of ammonia available for the chemical decomposition in point. The French chemists, investigating on behalf of agriculture, have also shown how, by means quite distinct from those just mentioned, common salt in a soil may be dissociated so as to yield sodium salts of an organic acid. In advancing these statements it is desired that the object be understood as that of showing that the conditions for possible chemical changes of the requisite kind do exist, and it is also wished that it should be understood that no assertion is advanced favouring any particular course of chemical exchange as that which actually takes place, of putting forward any agencies as those certainly concerned in such changes. We know quite well that a conversion of cast iron, very similar to the one under notice, takes place in the sea, and iron pipes or pumps drawing salt water from mines have peen found to decay from a similar cause. There is the case of a pipe in a coal mine, quoted by Dr. Henry. The specific gravity of the decayed pipe was 2:08 to 2155, and the water of the mine contained of saline matter, chloride of sodium, chloride of magnesium, chloride of calcium, sulphate of lime, and bi-carbonate of lime, 64 grains to the wine pint. Of course where chloride of magnesium is abundantly present, the aspect of the chemistry of the case is modified. Berzelius, in accounting for the corrosion under sea water, has not included the chlorides among the agents concerned ; but to Decay of Gaspipes in certain Soils. a1 our instance we cannot apply the views of Berzelius, for protochloride of iron sweating out of the pores of our pipe shows that the chlorine is implicated. Moreover, the Cranbourne meteorite, that known as Bruce’s, sweated drops of chloride of iron, and showed on the outer surface symptoms of having suffered a considerable wasting by oxidation. The sweating and the rusting are, in the particular instance, connected by the fact that the drops of iron chloride solution, coming out from newly-polished artificial surfaces of the metal, rapidly corroded the surface, forming a crust of oxide of iron. In a letter received from England, it is stated that Professor Maskeleyne bad expressed concern as to the future of the Bruce meteorite, on account of the decay to which it appeared subject. In the gaspipe and in the meteorite, two very different instances, we have the presence of iron proto- chloride accompanying, and apparently the disposmg agent in effecting the passage of iron from the metallic state to the state of oxide. It appears that the decay of cast-iron mains,’ due to salt in the soil, has been noticed elsewhere. Dr. John Smith, professor of chemistry in the Sydneye University, has men- tioned to the writer of this note a case occurring in India in which the mains, water-pipes it is believed, laid in swampy salt ground, perished so rapidly (@n a few years in fact) that the engineer employed on the question proposed as the best remedy the use of steel mains laid in air, supported on piers. It was calculated that the additional strength of the proposed material over that of cast iron would allow of the use of steel pipes of so light a substance that their cost would not greatly exceed that of the quickly-perishing cast iron. In the recent commission for inquiry concerning the City of Sydney Waiter Supply, this property of salt soil has not been overlooked—indeed the occurrence of salt ground has been regarded as a cogent reason against what might otherwise have been material to a practicable scheme for a high-level service. That gas and water mains of cast-iron will, under ordinary circumstances, last in the ground for a great number of years is established by a wide experience, but that cases of an opposite nature occur is shown by the example brought forward. The writer has no personal knowledge concerning the average “life” of water and gas mains, but he observes in the little treatise on “‘ Gasworks,” by Hughes, that 1} per cent. has been allowed for this deterioration in the case of 22 Decay of Gaspipes in certain NSorls. gas mains. ‘I'his would make the life say 66 years, or nearly two-thirds of a century, according tv which computation renewal of the gas mains laid at the beginning of the present century, when gas lighting was coming into general use, would now be falling due. Recently, in Melbourne, for business purposes—that is to say, as the basis of a commercial transaction—a duration of 50 years was arbitrarily assumed and accepted as the “life” of local gas mains. Between the normal rate, if approximated in these quotations, and that which may take place in a salt soil, the difference is very great, and the subject is therefore one deserving of a full investigation. In laying down a service like that of the Yan Yean, we are, perhaps, too apt to regard the work as of an absolutely permanent character. Several years ago, the writer recommended, in reference to that particular service, that sample portions of the pipes should be set aside, properly labelled, so as to afford the means of future comparisons. He would now suggest the possibility. — of decay of cast-iron buried in the soil taking place at an accelerating, rather than an uniform rate—in a manner, for “example, comparable go what takes place in the decay of timber. It might be well worth while to ascertain something concerning the earliest stages of molecular and chemical changes of cast-iron mains; when their conductivity for sound, for heat, and for electricity is first measurably affected ; when the specific gravity is first sensibly altered; when the strength is first in any sensible degree impaired; and when the proportion of carbon, silicon, &e., to that of iron, is first measurably altered? Notwithstanding the inquiries of Hallet, under the auspices of the British Association, concerning the oxidation of iron, and admitting the value of the various researches by other workmen, if we are to judge from what appears in the books on this important subject, there is yet an ample field and much promise for those who will devote their time to a further opening of the inquiry. Anyone devoting effort to this particular subject of the decay - of gas and water mains would, it is believed, reap results of great value and interest. Apart from this larger work, there is a set of observations of another class, easy of performance, and which would always repay attention—that, namely, of ascertaining the nature of ground opened for the reception of mains, particularly as to saltness or freedom from salt. The writer is inclined to the belief that salt soils are far more common On y Argus and Jupiter's Spectrum. 23 than is generally believed: the Plenty river, at its source in the ranges where the water first oozes out of the mossy ground, already shows evidence of chlorides in solution ; the clay, 7n situ, at the Old Exhibition Reserve, in which the sample of gaspipe exhibited has decayed, retains 13 oz. of salt, at least, per cubic yard, although it is ofa — highly porous character, although situated at one of the highest levels in Melbourne, and doubtless after occupying its present position high above the sea for a long continuance of centuries, subject all the time to the influence of rain soaking into it, and having a greater or less power of dissolving and removing the salt. It is true that the subsoil partakes something of the nature of a barrier, the drainage escaping in many cases over it rather than through it, so that soluble saline matters travelling down into the subsoil may be thus cut off from the further transporting influence of drainage. I will close these statements and suggestions with an incidental remark concerning the salting of land—namely, that it does not necessarily follow that the salt is in all cases derived directly from the- sea, that the salt is that which was in the soil or clay or rock at the time when it formed a sea bottom, and was submerged in brine. The atmosphere may be ascertained to perform an important office in this respect intermediate between the sea and the land. There is reliable evidence that the atmosphere performs this func- tion in some degree. To measure the extent to which the - air acts as a distributor of sea-water constituents over the land would be a work replete with interest. It is a question which may prove itself closely related to the sciences of hygiene and agriculture, and even with geology. Art. V.—On y Argtis and Jupiter's Spectrum. By A. LE Sueur, Esq. [Read 14th March, 1870.] I take this opportunity of mentioning that since the last meeting, the star 7 Argts has been examined with the original apparatus, modified so as to admit of a larger dispersion. With this new arrangement the red line keeps its place and character, the yellow is seen to be slightly less refran- gible than D. 24 On » Argis and Jupiter's Spectrum. The green lines, difficult before, become almost unmanage- able; considering, therefore, that mere extra dispersion in- stead of diminishing ‘the visibility of real lines should, if anything, make them more conspicuous, the latter observa- tions throw some doubt on the conclusions originally arrived at. In the paper read at the last meeting it was noticed that there were two ways of accounting for the appearance of the spectrum of y Argts. 1st. That it is a spectrum of groups of dark lines separated by more or less bright spaces. 2nd. That the bright lines are real and not due merely to comparative absence of absorption. The former supposition was discarded in favour of the latter, which was supported by strong collateral evidence. The behaviour of the red line,* with the larger dispersion, is strongly in favour of the original conclusion that the star is, even at the present low magnitude, enveloped by an atmo- sphere of hydrogen at high temperature, but the diminished visibility of the green lines points to the possibility that the appearance of this part of the spectrum is due merely to comparative absence of dark lines over moderately wide spaces. There seems to be no reason for objecting to this double nature of the spectrum, all red variables suttciently bright to bear a fine slit, are found to have a spectrum of groups, and some variables in certain phrases (T coronee at maximum for instance) develop bright hydrogen lines. Spectroscopic observations of small stars is so very difficult that we can hardly hope to obtain more satisfactory evidence until y Argis has increased in brightness. The spectrum of the star near maximum may, from phy- sical causes, differ somewhat in character from that seen at present, but evidence will no doubt be then adduced whereby the appearance at the lower stages may be more certainly accounted for. Spectrum of Jupiter. In the spectrum of Jupiter, the principal Fraunhofer lines are, as might be expected, readily seen; besides these there are lines of absorption, one of which is decisively proved by Mr. Huggins’ observations to have its origin in Jupiter's atmosphere. * Of the blue line I cannot speak with as much confidence, the faintness makes it difficult of observation, but I think it is as well seen with the larger dispersion as it was at first. On » Argds and Jupiter's Spectrum. 25 With the Melbourne Reflector we have command of con- ditions more favorable than those under which Mr. Huggins’ worked, but the conditions may be considerably varied at pleasure, and when by such variation the light was reduced to an intensity probably much less than that at Mr, Hugeins’ disposal, the line in question (914 of Mr. Huggins’ diagram) was still conspicuous ; so unexpectedly conspicuous, indeed, that until its position had been accurately determined, the line was mistaken for an atmospheric one strongly marked in low sun spectra, but, as was afterwards found, not readily visible on Jupiter when at considerable altitudes.* Considering therefore that the line or rather group, escaped Mr. Huggins’ notice with his earlier apparatus, there is good reason for supposing that the absorption by Jupiter’s atmo- sphere of that particular kind of light varies considerably. If this should prove to be the case, it will be interesting to note the degree of absorption in connection with the character of J upiter’s visible disc. With reference to this point, 1 may remark that the appearance of Jupiter last year was somewhat unusual, the principal peculiarity being a change in the colour of the central band from white to yellow, and I believe a greater yellowness of the general surface. A sufficient reason for increase of visibility in the Jupiter line may be found in a diminution or depression of cloud, whereby the ight would have to traverse greater thickness of atmosphere ; the greater yellowness of the surface is also fairly accounted for on the same supposition. Jupiter was taken in hand principally to note any pecu- liarity in the light from different parts of the surface, for which purpose the Melbourne Reflector, owing to its great focal length, is specially suited. The method generally adopted was to place the slit of the spectroscope perpendicular to Jupiter's equator; by this arrangement a spectroscopic picture of the surface is pre- sented to the view, and an admirable opportunity afforded of comparing the spectra of the different zones, and of noting * 882 of Mr. Huggins’ diagram (the numbers throughout refer to this diagram accompanying Mr. H.’s paper on Jupiter.) This line was well seen together with 914 when Jupiter was near the horizon. 882 was nearly as dark as 914, which did not seem to have increased from the additional absorption of the earth’s atmosphere ; this was not unexpected, for the corresponding group in low sun spectra is very faint. 26 On yn Argis- and Jupiter's Spectrum. the behaviour of the known Jupiter lines as they cross these ZONES. The diagram represents Jupiter and the corresponding spectrum, as seen on the night of 11th December, 1869 ; the general features were the same during November and December. NV P was slightly yellow and crossed by fine hair lines. P Q white, the brightest part of the surface. @ & dusky yellow. R T white. T S faintly yellow. P Q&T dark brown. In the spectroscope image P Q was conspicuous through- out the length of the spectrum, from its brightness. N P, TS beyond being less bright than P @, showed no marked peculiarity, the more refrangible end was well seen, probably somewhat absorbed, but of this there was no certain evidence. On Q & the absorption at the more refrangible end was strongly marked, gradually fading away to about H, from which point Q, R were seen separately with a spectrum between them of nearly the same brightness as the cor- responding part on the polar segments. * P was readily seen throughout the spectrum as a dark line. | * T was conspicuous only at the red end. The absorption lines, especially 914, were narrowly watched, but gave no certain indications ; the narrowness of the dark belts was unfavorable to the inquiry, so that with respect to these the negative evidence is of little weight, but the north and south segments and the zones between the dark belts were sufficiently wide to afford an opportunity of detecting any marked peculiarity in the spectral line as it crossed them. Somewhat contrary to expectation, the line retained an apparently constant character throughout. We are therefore led to infer that the light from the different parts of the visible surface had passed through not * On some of these belts a greenish and occasionally a reddish tinge was suspected. On » Argis and Jupiter's Spectrum. 27 widely unequal thicknesses of atmosphere, or, perhaps with greater reason, that the least thickness was sufficient to produce a maximum absorption on light of the retrangibility of 914. According to the generally received opinion, in P Q R and similar dark belts, we obtain views of the body of the planet; the other phenomena are also fairly accounted for on the sup- position that P @ is a dense stratum of cloud ; that the light from other parts of the disc is also reflected mainly from cloud, less dense, however, and more interrupted, affording partial views of the body of the planet ; hence the duskiness of @ R, the yellowness of this zone, and.the same but less marked colour of the polar segments being due to the general absorption of the violet end of the spectrum* by aqueous or other vapours. We have yet no certain evidence as to what substance or substances absorb light of the refrangibilities covered by the group 914, but it would seem that aqueous vapour cannot be largely concerned in the production of this group, for its darkness on the zone @ Ff accuses a very considerable thick- ness of the particular absorbents above that cloud band, and if aqueous vapour existed there to any great extent, we might expect the zone to be less distinctly white. The observations of Mr. Huggins are very strongly in favour of the supposition that another line (838) has its origin in Jupiter's atmosphere, the evidence adduced here by repeated comparison of the spectra of Jupiter and the Moon at considerable and nearly equal altitudes, leave little doubt of the truth of this supposition. This line is near C, and in low sun spectra is much more conspicuous than 914; as the reverse holds on Jupiter, it would seem that these two lines are due to different absorbents. From the researches of Messrs. Angstrom and Jansen it appears that 838 belongs to aqueous vapour. On this sup- position, if the foregoing explanations of the phenomena observed on Jupiter is true, we might expect to find the line less distinctly marked on the white zone than on the other parts of the surface; the line, however, was so little con- spicuous on any part that no certain evidence could be elicited. * Combined with the selective absorption at the less refrangible end, evidenced by the dark lines, and the apparent obliteration of the extreme red (not seen perhaps merely on account of faintness). 28 On a Photographic Process. Art. VI.—WNotes on a Simplification of a Photographic Process used with Self-registering Instruments. By R. L. J. Eiuery, Esq. [Read 14th March, 1870.] Since the adoption of photography as a means for obtain- ing continuous and automatic records of magnetic meteoro- logical and other phenomena, the observatory work in those branches of physical science has undergone almost a com- plete revolution. A fair knowledge of the theory and practice of photography has now become essential to the observer, and no public observatory of any pretensions can be considered complete without its photographic room. The photographic method of registration was first adopted in our observatory in August, 1867, in connection with an instrument (which I have already described) for measuring the force and variations of atmospheric electricity, and subse- quently for the magnetic instruments, the self-registerig barometer, and lately also for wet and dry bulb thermo- meters. At the present time about 20 sheets (6 inches by 13 inches) are prepared, developed, and finally treated every week. Artificial light, either from gas, oil, or kerosene, is’ always used in this kind of photography—in our observatory the former is used. . The instruments are so arranged that the light, from a peculiar kind of burner, falls on to mirrors affixed to the movable and sensitive parts of the apparatus, or passes through transparent spaces which move with the indicators of the particular instrument, after which it is focussed or condensed, so as to fall on to the photographic paper in the form of an intense dot or line of light. In the Electrographs and Magnetographs, the light first passes through a narrow slit and an achromatic lens, then falls on to the mirror, which reflects it as a line of light towards a cylinder, around which the sensitive paper is fixed; it is intercepted, however, by a cylindrical lens, which converges the line of light to a dot on the paper. As the mirror moves with the magnets or electrograph pendulum the dot will fall on different parts of the cylinder, which is caused to revolve once in 24 or 48 hours by clockwork—a curve or crooked line is therefore traced on the paper, showing the deviation of the magnets, &e., in the 24 or 48 hours. In the Barograph the light passing through the vacuum above the Mercury Column, is converged to a sharp line on the cylinder, and is elongated or shortened as the mercury rises or falls ; in the Thermographs On a Photographic Process. 29 it passes through a small air space in the mercury of the thermometers, and by means of lenses a bright image of this space is focussed on to the cylinder. The photographic results obtained are simple, consisting of straight or curved lines, or a regularly blackened surface without toning or shading of any kind, as will be seen by specimens on the table. It is, however, merely to the methods of preparing the sensitive paper that I wish to direct your attention to-night. At first the method we adopted was that known as Crooke’s modification of the old wax-paper process of Gray ; a modifi- cation arrived at after considerable experiment to ascertain what particular salts of silver, and their proportion, would be most sensitive to ordinary artificial hghts. The method is fully described in the British Association report of 1859, and was that subsequently adopted at the observatories at Kew and Oxford. In this process the paper is first soaked in melted wax, and superfluous wax afterwards removed by hot pressing. By this means it was intended to give the paper a closer and smoother surface, and also to render it transparent, so that copies of any pictures or impressions on it might be photographically obtained. The paper thus prepared and cut to the proper size is immersed in a bath composed of proper proportions of Iodide and Bromide of Potassium, with enough free Iodine added to render the solution of a port wine colour. After immer- sion for several hours in this bath the paper becomes of a dark reddish brown, and can be kept in this state for almost any length of time. The next part of the process is to render the paper sensitive to the action of light, which is accomplished by floating them ina bath of Acetic Nitrate of Silver on which, after a few minutes, they become of the delicate straw colour of Iodide and Bromide of Silver; in this state they can be preserved in the dark for some days without much deterioration, but in practice they seldom keep so much as a week before using. It is in this condition they are placed upon the cylinders for registering. When removed from the cylinder, after the 24 or 48 hours’ exposure to the dots or lines of light, the paper appears just the same as when placed upon them, no impression is visible till after the next process, development. This is done by floating them upon a solution of Gallic Acid with Nitrateof Silver and Acetic Acid [a film of which is poured on an accurately levelled sheet of plate-glass], for a period of time varying from two to three hours, depending on the tempera- 30 On a Photographic Process. ture, when the trace of the dots of light appear as black lines more or less, or as.a blackened surface in the case of Barograph. It only now remains to dissolve out the unchanged Iodide of Silver by Hyposulphate of Soda, and thoroughly free the papers from every trace of the latter salt by washing, and the registers are complete. In this process many precautions are requisite ; in the dif- ferent stages of preparing the paper they are the same as must always be observed in photography ; and the development especially requires great care. To secure good evenly waxed papers in the first place was found with us to be no easy matter, and required considerable time and frequent hot pressings, care being taken that the temperature was not higher than 212°. With every precaution, however, dark or spotted papers frequently resulted with us, and we seldom got a paper that, after fixing, returned any of its pristine whiteness on the unaffected parts. Frequent comparative failures of this kind led me to ex- periment, especially to obtain similar conditions of paper by other materials than wax, and I found by far the best result was got by using parafiin. The process was easier and quicker, the papers were cleaner and of a better colour, and best of alJ, the time occupied in the various processes of sensitizing, developing, &c., was very much shortened. Parafiin has a lower melting point than wax, consequently it can be kept fluid more easily, it permeates the paper much quicker and more evenly, and one or two pressings in the hot press are sufficient to get rid of all superfluous paraffin, and render the whole batch nicely and evenly translucent. Both —waxing and paraflining papers—are done by having a tin tray (large enough to hold a full sheet of photo-paper) fitted on to a large water-bath ; in this tray the wax or paraffin is melted and the papers dipped. A pile of paper is then made up by placing one waxed or parafiined between six or seven plain, and in the hot press the whole becomes evenly saturated. Paraffin has the advantage over wax on many other points : it is less sticky, the papers can therefore be separated more easily after coming from the press, and very few are torn; they are also less greasy, and take the baths more quickly and evenly, and when prepared are decidedly more sensitive. A few modifications in the preparation were suggested. By experience it was found better to use a larger quantity of free iodine in iodizing the papers, and not quite so strong a On a Photographic Process. 31 developer, otherwise the process was exactly similar to Mr. Crooke’s. Some time since it occurred to me that, as one of the reasons for waxing the papers was to obtain a good surface, and thatthe paper we new obtain has such an excellent sur face, it was quite probable, so far as that particular object was con- cerned, the waxing or paraflining might be dispensed with ; and further, that any necessity for leaving the papers trans- lucent for copying was rather the exception than the rule ; and if it were desirable to copy any, those particular ones could be paraftined at any time, or reduced copies could be obtained by the ordinary Collodion process. I therefore tried paper plain and simple, with results excelling those with araffin ; every part of the process was shortened con- siderably ; the percentage of defective papers was again greatly lessened, the records are whiter and clearer, and the fime and trouble ot the first preparation, which even in the case of paraffin was considerable, is done away with altogether. The time occupied in the different processes is here set down, and as in these days “time is money, the saving is worthy of note.: Todizing, Sensitizing. Developing. Wax . . 4 hours. 20 minutes 24 hours. aman) s., A. |, TOM as eas [Piz ae Dit as 40 min. Therefore the saving of time by using plain paper instead of waxed, taking into consideration that part of the process can be done by the batch, and others by the single papers only, will be at least 30 minutes for each paper, or 10 hours per week. I have here some samples of the different kind of paper before and after using; also, of the records obtained from the several instruments now in use at the Observatory. The importance of any simplification of the photographic methods used by those engaged in practical and experimental science will I am sure be so fully appreciated by them, that no apology on my part will be necessary for occupying your attention with apparently so trivial a matter. 32 On the occurrence of Enhydros. Art. VIL—On the Brilliant Aurora of the 5th April, 1870. By R. L. J. Every, Esq. [Read 11th April, 1870.] Art. VIII.—WNotes on the occurrence of Enhydros or Water Stones at Beechworth. By EK. J. Dunn, Esa. [Read by G. H. F. Unricu, Esq., on 11th April, 1870.] The locality in which the enhydros occur, is on Spring Creek, on the south side and close to the town of Beechworth. The rock is fine grained granite, with a small outlier of silurian ; this was originally covered by 10 or 12 feet of drift, but in the course of mining operations the rock was laid bare. A miner who worked this portion of the creek 10 years since informed me that he had observed large numbers of enhydros in clearing the bottom of the claim, and showed me some he had saved; after his party had ceased working, another started, and cut a tail race through the granite, the more effectually to drain and work the ground in the bed of the creek. It was in the cutting of this tail race that they were again brought to light in June 1864. A tunnel has recently been driven in the line of section A B on tracing, about 18 feet below the surface of the rock, giving an excellent opportunity for observation, and it is quite obvious from what the tunnel and cutting have laid open, that this has been in the line of great dislocating forces of which the dyke marked on the tracing was most probably the centre. This dyke is of singular formation. It is composed of fragments of granite and occasional pieces of sandstone cemented by crystallised quartz, and thereare also large masses of coarse chalcedony. ‘The whole appearance of this dyke suggests the idea of a chasm filled with small loose fragments of rock mto which a siliceous solution had penetrated, coating each piece with quartz and gradually cementing them into a solid mass. The silurian outlier is a yellowish brown and bluish grey sandstone, soft near the surface, but very hard near the granite, and full of joints. It is intersected by numerous blue quartz vems and straight veins of chalcedony scales with clay. Ry aii ry PULL ON \ ys) ' ; /! / ae i \ / ‘ JxZ7/]! } ib bs = al? 0 oy, Ao De yi y j = —= p wee ay , , A N = is, . if / | / }f : : , Ds | ‘ a | / (inva ea J i a i : : | | j j , : reat 4 hee ‘ ‘ } f ht fia, Off F Qo 8 Sa a Hh A fan fiat } / / { : | ‘ ( 7 ! as

OF 5 : . . =, / i / | NW | NY S y | \ [ i | B Section Plan and Sections of the locality in whi ch the Enhydros occur Scale, 4 Chams to | inch LZ, SA Dunn; Beeckwarths VO Mgrih S870 On the occurrence of Enhydros. 33 At the spot marked 1 (on the outlier) the stones were first met with. It was the widening of a vein bearing about N. 30 HE. and dipping to the north, forming an irregular cavity about 2 feet wide by 3 feet long, the small vein still continuing. This nest was filled with scales of chalcedony and fine clay, interspersed with the enhydros generally in groups, their planes being in contact with the planes of others, forming what appeared a solid lump ; it required, however, but very little force to separate them into distinct perfect stones. There were sometimes 10 or 15 thus joined. Some parts of the cavity were filled with scales and clay “only, the scales being nearly in the same direction, the edges looking like those of pieces of mica with frayed edges. The appearance of the scales might be accounted for by supposing the cavity to be filled with a solution of silica, holding in suspension fine clay. The rough walls would be first coated with coarse chalcedony, then—from'an excess of clay—a fine film of it might have been deposited, then a thin coat of silica, forming a scale and so alternating until the cavity became filled. Another place in which the enhydros occur (marked 2 in plate) is in soft fine grained granite. The vein is about + inch thick, expanding to a few inches in one place. This one is very regular in its strike (W 5° S) and dips to the N. The stones found here were unusually large, some as much as 5 inches across, but very dark in colour and nearly all : broken ; not more than one in ten is perfect in either vein, the large ones are almost invariably imperfect. There seem to have been three distinct movements of the rocks. During the first and probably most violent one the fissures in the silurianand hard granite were filled with quartz. During the next movement the chalcedony was deposited as solid veins from } to 1 inch thick, in the hard granite, and as scales; and enhydros later in the silurian and soft granite. The last movement dislocated these veins, and accounts for so many broken waterstones. This seems to have been the course of events, as the quartz veins are cut through by the chalcedony ones, and these again in places show signs of displacement. The enhydros consist of chalcedony with a hardness equal to topaz; they are many-sided and irregular in form, bounded by true planes. ‘Their colour varies from dark brownish yellow and nearly opaque to quite colourless and D 34 On the occurrence of Enhydros. transparent. Some of the planes are striated, others are covered with small pits. In such cases the corresponding plane has similar striation or pits. These pits seem to be the halves of air bubbles similar to those occurring in glass, and that this is most probably the truth is proved by one piece found, that shows unmistakable bubbles in the solid chalcedony. The enhydros vary in size from 5 inches across to the size of a split pea, containing fluid and a moveable bubble of gas. In many cases they show no indication of a bubble until unearthed for a few days. ‘The bubbles also some- times increase and decrease in a mysterious manner, and occasionally the fluid gradually disappears altogether. The shells vary in thickness from 4 inch to the thinness of | note paper, so thin, in fact, that they may be crushed through holding them incautiously. The interior of. some of the shells is quite smooth, others have drops of chalcedony on the inside, and a great many are coated with, or quite filled by quartz crystals. These erystals are generally minute, but sometimes } inch in diameter. They have grown so close together that the prismatic planes are scarcely discernible, but the pyramidal ones are perfect. The larger enhydros are seldom coated with crystals, and the fluid in such cases seems to be denser than in those so coated. Is it not probable that the hardness of these stones might be accounted for by their containing a small porportion of alumina in combination, and—to account for the quartz crystals—by supposing the solution, as soon as it became imprisoned, gradually to have deposited its impurities and then to have formed the pure quartz crystals ? In some of the cavities, in addition to the fluid there are specks of dirt and clay that move about on turning the stone. In one specimen hexagonal prisms of some mineral have penetrated from one side of the shell to the other ; over these a coating of silica has formed, subsequently the mineral has decomposed, and the casts are now filled with white clay. In another specimen there is a cavity not larger thana pin’s head containing a scarcely discernible moveable bubble. The following minerals occur in the granite about 100 yards south of the enhydros. Mica, black, white, and green, the latter in Stellate forms. Chlorite, Garnet, Black Tourmaline, Chalcedony, Iron On Street Odours and Neglect of Ventilation. 35 Pyrites, Felspar, in small crystals,Semi-opal, Quartz Crystals, Green Fluorspar, and Apatite (2) E. J. Dunn, Beechworth. To G. H. F. Ulrich, Esq., Melbourne. CaTALOGUE OF SPECIMENS. Chalcedony—shell filled with quartz. —_—__— Chalcedony. Shells with drops of Chalcedony inside. Do. smooth inside. Do. coated with quartz crystals. Do. nearly opaque. Enhydros with crystals and fluid inside. OND Om 99 bo Scales from the vein in soft granite. 10. Vein of chalcedony in granite. ll. Do. in silurian sandstone. 12. Do. in hard granite. Mr. ULricH remarked, that enhydros such as those described in Mr. Dunn’s paper, which he had just read, were unknown elsewhere, excepting only in Carolina, U.S. When he was in England, in 1867, he was shown similar polyhedral enhydros of somewhat lighter colour, by Professor Maskelyne, at the British Museum, who said they had occurred, like those at Beechworth, beneath drift. In fact, the stones from Carolina could only be distinguished from those from Beechworth by the slight difference in colour. : Art. 1IX.—On Street Odours and Neglect of Ventilation. By Wm. WALKER, Esa. [Read 11th April, 1870.] The object of this paper was to show that the evils of bad ventilation were too commonly neglected or subordinated to those of bad drainage, and that offensive odours are not nearly so deleterious as air which, from defect of quantity, had to be re-breathed. The accuracy of Mr. Walker’s view as to the comparatively greater importance of ventilation as compared with drainage, was generally contested by the members present, and the discussion was continued at a subsequent meeting. Dagan — | 36 Hand v. Machine Broken Metal. Art. X.—Hand v. Machine Broken Metal, with regard to their comparative value for the construction and repair of city and suburban streets and roads. By Mr. A. K. SMITH. . [Read 9th May, 1870.] After dwelling upon the importance of good and cheap road communication, and referring to the methods adopted by the Romans and other nations of antiquity, he expressed his opinion that no country in the world had done so much in opening up roads as Victoria, where the cost of carriage was reduced thereby to one-twentieth of the maximum price charged in past years. He proceeded to give a series of statistics in reference to Victorian roads, including a statement that during the 18 years ending in 1868, the Government spent £6,331,717 in making roads, and then addressed himself to his main subject. He traced the use of broken stone in road making from the earliest historic times, and, arguing that the Roman system was the best ancient method, pointed to the fact that in the city of Melbourne an improvement had recently been effected by laying channel- pitchers upon a foundation of concrete, instead of sand as formerly, thus re-adopting the old Roman fashion. Turning to English roads, he described the main differences between the various systems in.vogue there, as also on the Continent, and showed, by a series of figures prepared by himself, that in the matter of density and weight of stone we were supplied with road material of the best quality in the world. - Comparing hand-broken with machine-broken metal (samples of which were exhibited), he went on to give the results of a succession of experiments and observations which he had made during the past few years, and gave their final effect in the fact that a cubic foot of hand-broken metal (24 in. gauge) weighed 85lb., while machine-broken metal of the same size weighed no less than 96lb. As a member of the Public - Works Committee of the City Council, he had also made many other experiments, the leading points of which he detailed at considerable length, and their results tallied with those which had previously impressed him in favour of the machine-broken metal. He then described the way in which stone-breakinv machinery was introduced to Victoria by Mr. Appleton, the original Victorian patentee, and took special occasion to offer his tribute to the memory of the late Enoch Chambers, to whose skill and enterprise the Hand v. Machine Broken Metal. on colony was mainly indebted for the improvements by means of which proper machine-broken metal was made obtainable here. After stating how machine-broken metal had been applied in making and mending Melbourne streets, he stated that its chief superiority lay in the fact that it formed almost immediately a hard, durable road of even surface, and effected an immense saving of traction labour. More- over, seeing that the leading modern authorities on roads concurred in recommending the use of small metal—of 1 in. gauge, for instance—it was only by mechanical means that the material could be economically and properly produced. Machine metal could be supplied at 7s. per yard, and also gave a good top-dressing for footpaths at 5d. per square yard. He deeply regretted to find so many blind to this patent superiority, that city councillors, when before their constitutents, were often made to pledge themselves in favour of hand-broken metal, but he expressed a fervent hope that this feeling would soon give way, and that the degrading drudgery of breaking stones would be spared to the next generation altogether. It was true that pro- fessional opinion was to a certain extent divided on the point ; but in this respect a rapid change was taking place, and it would assuredly be much accelerated as the greater merits of the machine-broken material became known. Mr. A. K. Smith concluded his paper by adducing opinions in favour of machine-broken metal. First, those given by various professional and other authorities before the Road Maintenance Committee of the City Council in 1865; then the opinions of Mr. John Reilly and Mr. R. Adams, the past and present city surveyors, who both avowed that they had been converted by experience from the directly contrary convictions which they had previously entertained ; and lastly, those expressed by a great number of engineers officially connected with various local governing bodies throughout the country. Finally, he stated a series of propositions, the effect of which was that, by the proper use of stone-breaking machinery, roads might be made at one- half their present cost. Mr. WiLtiAM WALKER referred to several opinions of French engineers against the use of machine-broken metal, and contended that the streets of Melbourne were the worst he had ever seen. For proof of this he pointed to the condition of Elizabeth-street after three days’ rain, and said that if that street were subjected to a tropical rain, it would 38 Hand v. Machine Broken Metal. become impassable. He also denied that the pulverised stone acted as a good binder. As for the degradation of hand stone-breaking, he complained that machinery was driving the poor from the labour market. Mr. A. K. Suitu desired to observe that he had advanced no general opinion on the excellence of the Melbourne streets. As to the opinion of French engineers, he had quoted several in favour of the system he advocated. Mr. WitL1AM WALKER reiterated his opinions. Mr. R. ADAms (city surveyor) declared that the idea of the pulverised metal being turned into sludge by rain was simply absurd. His opinion had for many years been decidedly against machine-broken metal, and it was derived from observation of several hundreds of thousands of yards of metal broken for railway purposes, but that had now given way toa larger experience of the machine stuff. It had also several cther advantages not yet mentioned, such as superior cleanliness, and the rapidity with which a road might be formed thereby. Mr. Bosisto had been forced by his municipal duties to pay attention to the subject, and he fully endorsed Mr. Smith’s statement, that machine-bruken metal would make rapidly a smooth road, which was also cheaper than one of hand-broken metal; but he doubted its durability. This last opinion was derived from experience gathered in ~ Richmond. He still advocated the use of machine-broken metal for light traflic. Mr. W. CRooxE argued that the want of a good foundation had proved most disastrous to many roads. My. CuristTiz admitted the cheapness of machine metal, but denied that it- had the proper cubical form, by which alone it could be made to bind. Mr. A. K. Smiru urged that even hand-broken metal was not perfectly cubical. He pointed to specimens lying on the table to show how perfectly solid machine-broken metal would bind, and reminded his hearers that experience of roads of machine metal extended over no more than four years. On the Culture of Opiwm. 39 Art. XI—On the Melbowrne Great Telescope By H. A. Severn, Esq. (Read 18th June, 1870.] Art. XII.—Some Notes on the Culture of Opium im Gipps Land. By Joserx Boststo, Esa. [Read 8th July, 1870, at a Conversazione.] Two enterprising young men, Messrs. George and Arthur Turpin, engaged in agricultural pursuits on the Macallister River, in Gipps Land, finding the expenses attendant ‘on forwarding their cereal products to a market to be very great, thereby leaving no remuneration for their labour, sought out the farming of other vegetation that would give them hope for better results. One was, on my suggestion, the sleeping poppy—Papaver somnifera—the plant which supplies the opium of commerce. The specimen of opium I have the honour to exhibit this evening is part of a quantity produced by them during last December and January, and which obtained a very ready sale in Melbourne. Opium is the concentrated sap obtained from the head or capsule of the sleeping poppy, from which we obtain the well-known principle—morphia—besides narcotina, codeia, and others. The therapeutical or medicinal effect of opium and its preparation are in small doses stimulating, and in larger doses soothing and tranyuillising. Opium for centuries has received and continues to receive special notice from medical practitioners throughout the civilized world. The demand, therefore, is very great. The quality of opium is judged chiefly by its percentage of morphia, and a fair sample should not give less than 8 per cent. Climate, soil, and temperature, affect its nature much ; hence we have a variety of qualities obtained from the one kind. Standard opium is considered to be that grown in the Levant, and as opium grown in other parts approach this standard so is its value and quality judged. Some parts of Australia, where the poppy has been grown, have given inferior kinds, and have been recorded by home 40 On the Culture of Opium. chemists as being very deficient in morphia. When, there- fore, any portion of Victoria produces an opium possessing morphine properties of good standard, I think we should fail in our duty did we not draw attention to the fact. The opium in question, moderately dry, gave me on analysis 10 per cent. of morphia and 8 per cent. narcotina. Sample of each I have the honour to exhibit. The cost of its growth and labour to collect in Victoria is not now the time to discuss; it is sufficient for our purpose to point out that opium can be grown in Gipps Land —rich in active principles of fine aroma and colour, and greatly soluble. An outline of the mode of cultivating and collecting the opium, as employed by these young men and witnessed by myself, may be interesting, and may give some idea as to the probable amount of labour needed if grown in large quantity. The amount of land under cultivation was one acre im one of the mountain valleys by the Macallister River, the soil being very loamy, rich in decayed vegetation, of a chocolate colour, and very deep. The first sowmg took place in the latter part of July, and the second in September. Half the acre was set apart for each sowing, in drills, two and a-half feet apart, and each plant nine inches. The plants grew freely and attained the height of sixand seven feet ; the number of capsules on each plant varied from four to eight. These did not arrive at maturity together, so giving great facility for the thorough exhaustion of each capsule. The exact time when to commence tapping a capsule was known by the petals falling off from the green pericarp. The seed sown in July were full grown plants and ready for optum collecting during the following December, and those sown in September during January following. The capsules were fine and well rounded. The collecting season was exceedingly hot; but the great height of the plants shaded the collectors, and so dense was the foliage that a person working in one row could not see the person collecting in the next. The time of the day for collecting commenced at four o'clock in the afternoon and continued until dark, from eight to nine o'clock. The person tapping chose out his capsules, and if for the first collection would, with an instrument containing five lancet points, cut them longitudinally sufficiently deep so as not to penetrate through ; if for the second collection, would cut diagonally, and if for the third, transversely. Three tappings appeared On the Culture of Opium. 4] to exhaust each head. An interval of two or three days occurred between each collection from off the same capsule. The capsules bled freely, exuding a thick milky fluid, which did not concrete on the outside, thereby necessitating the immediate following up of the collector, who with the forefinger of the right hand took it from off the capsule and placed it into a vessel. About half a teaspoonful was obtained from off a poppy-head at each collection. The vessel when filled was emptied into shallow plates and placed in a shaded room, the fluid being allowed to thicken by evaporation at the ordinary temperature, which varied during every twenty-four hours between 75° F. to 120° F. After the lapse of a few days the opium was of moderate consistence, and was made up into balls, weighing about six ounces each, each ball being covered with the poppy leaf. It was observed that when the fresh milky fluid was exposed to the full light of day it became very black ; under shadow it assumed and retained a lively chocolate colour. The collecting season occupied about five weeks; the sap then ceasing to flow and the pericarp changing in colour. The bleeding or tapping of the poppies was usually per- formed by an adult, care being required not to pierce through the capsule. The collecting of the sap was performed by children. It will be observed that the time of day adopted in, Gipps Land for collecting the opium is the evening. In other parts of the world it is said to be collected in the morning ; also, the height of each plant is also stated not to exceed four feet ; here it reached from six to seven feet.: The morning dews on the Macallister are very great, rendering it almost impossible at that time of the day to work between the rows, the plants being so wet and the capsules high. From observation it was found that the sap considerably increased towards evening, and that the morn- ing dew greatly increased the flow. When there was no ' dew in the morning the sap-drops were few in the evening. For purposes of collection, therefore, the evening was chosen. The yield of opium per acre gave at the rate of 40lbs. weight ; but the whole of the plants sown on the acre were not worked upon, as the collection depended on a sparse population. One-third of the acre was well worked, and 42 On Hydrogenvum. this gave 15 lbs. weight of opium, and realised readily forty- two shillings per pound in Melbourne.* The want of assist- ance caused the remaining portion of the plants to be worked over hurriedly. One product was entirely neglected, namely, the collection of the seed; this, on expression, yields an oil useful in culinary purposes; also, for paints, being a drying oil, and for soaps, being soft and lubricating. We have here another instance of a valuable product being obtained from off Victorian soil, and also, as in this case, where the question of carriage is concerned, the locale being in the mountain ranges, the cultivation of such vegetation would prove of great service to the mountaineers, being small in bulk, nil in carriage, and of high marketable value. Art. XIII.—On Hydrogennwm. By Gro. Foorp, Esq. [A popular notice, read at the Society’s Annual Conversazione on the 8th July, 1870.) By the kindness of Colonel Ward, R.E., I have the pleasure of showing an object which will doubtless prove of considerable interest to both visitors and members. It is a medal pre- sented tv Colonel Ward by Dr. Thos. Graham, the late Master of the Mint ; and as coming from Graham’s hands it is a memento of one of Great Britain’s greatest physical philosophers. This, however, is only a portion of the interest resident in this little metallic disc, for it is alsoa tangible illustration of the very last of the life-long series of Graham’s remarkable discoveries. It is struck in an alloy of two rare metals: of palladium, a scarce metal of the platinum group, discovered by our countryman Wollaston, and of hydrogenvwm, or consoli- dated metallized hydrogen gas, which it was the last triumph of Dr. Graham’s almost alchymical powers to transmute and chain down into the form of a metallic alloy with palladium. ; It has been often maintained on chemical grounds that hydrogen gas is the vapour of a highly volatile metal, (these are Graham’s own words) ; and hydrogen is equivalent to a metal in all its chemical relations. It replaces metals in one class of chemical changes, and it is replaced in its = Opium imported into Victoria bears a duty of 10s. per Ib. On Hydrogenium. 43 - combinations by metals in another clays of changes. By elevation of temperature all metals can be reduced to the fluid condition, and many are easily converted into invisible vapours. Liven silver has been distilled, as water or spirit is distilled, although at a much higher temperature. Mer- cury is an instance of a metal fluid at common tempera- tures, but which can be frozen into a solid ; and there is an alloy of sodium and potassium which is also a fluid under normal conditions. Why then should we not have a metal . which is gaseous under ordinary circumstances? There appears to be no valid reason ; but until Dr. Graham showed us this alloy of palladium and the consolidated hydrogen, we have never been able to catch a glimpse of hydrogen in either the liquid or solid form. Many gases liquify under intense pressure, and become even solid when the combined effects of both pressure and cold are employed; but hydrogen. has resisted every attempt to squeeze it into a liquid by pressure from without; and it was not until Graham employed force in a different direction that any positive result of the compression .of hydrogen was obtained. Graham’s results were obtained by making palladium the. negative pole or cathode of a voltaic battery, decomposing water. In the arrangement, the hydrogen, one of the con- stituents of the resolved water, is set free in contact with the palladium, and as the latter has an affinity for the hydrogen, besides other physical peculiarities favourable to the fixation of the gas, the hydrogen, instead of rising in bubbles and escaping through the fluid, passes into the palladium. The hydrogen does not pass into the pores of the metal, if we understand the word pore in its everyday sense. It does not pass into any crevices or tubular openings into which moisture could enter, but it penetrates in the most intimate way the substance of the palladium, a metal denser than steel, having a specific gravity of 12°38, in fact, more than half as heavy again as cast-steel. The hydrogen passes into the palladium much as carbon is carried into the substance, between the atoms, of iron during the process of steel-making by cementation. The hydrogen passes in and is compressed, not’ by a pressure from without, but by an attractive force exerted from within. By this force the hydrogev is drawn to the inner- most parts of the plate of palladium, and it is compressed and solidified into what shows strong evidence of being a 44 On Hydrogenium. true alloy of hydrogenium, and whose white metallic aspect is due alike to the hydrogenium and the palladium: it is compressed into a space something less than the eight thousandth part of that which it occupied as a gas, say at a pressure of over eight thousand atmospheres, or of 123810 lbs. per inch, or over 55 tons per inch. In this case we may, as I have said. set altogether aside the idea of visible cavities or pores in the palladium, such as fluids might pass through, as through a sieve or grating ; for the chemist is cognisant of abundance of interspace between the atoms of matter, spaces quite invisible to the eye, even when aided by the most powerful microscopes, but not less real on that account. And notwithstanding all that is understood concerning the impenetrability of matter, there appears to be quite an open road in the structure of even the most dense solids, through which the atoms or molecules of other kinds of matter can enter whenever their chemical affinities dispose them for this kind of interpenetration. In this way 23 parts of sodium, which is quite a solid metal can absorb 24 parts of oxygen and 6 parts of carbon ; considerably more than its own weight of these substances, and the resulting carbonate of sodium occupies less space than the original metal. Here is a sort of stereo-diagram intended to show the composition of the chloride of sodium contained in a gallon of sea-water; it repre- sents a sphere of sodium of something under 1.9 inches diameter, also a sphere of chlorine gas of over ‘142 inches diameter. When, then, this relatively enor- mous atmosphere of chlorine, weighing about one and a-half times the weight of the sodium sphere is absorbed by the latter, the resulting sphere of common salt (of rock salt let us say) 1s but little larger than the original metallic sodium, so great is the power of condensation due to the affinity of the sodium for the chlorine, and so facile is the interpene- tration of these constituent elements of the rock salt. But in this latter example, although the condensation is so great, there is, you will observe, a slight increase of bulk in the product over that of the original metallic sodium. The salt sphere measures nearly 2 inches diameter. The condensation of the hydrogen into the substance of the palladium is also of the character of a chemical com- bination, but the compound formed is an alloy of two metals instead of a haloid salt. An enormous condensation takes ~ On Hydrogeniwm. AB place, and there is also, as in the former example of the formation of common salt, a measurable increase in the size and in the weight of the product. Graham has investigated these changes with such precision and minuteness as to show exactly what takes place. The palladium can absorb into its substance not less than 936 times its volume of hydrogen gas; that is to say, a small disc of the solid palladium of the diameter of this tube (showing a glass tube over three feet in length), and th of an inch thick, something nearly approaching the size of this little gem of a medal, would condense within its atoms the whole contents of this tube of hydrogen gas. If we regard the little disc as a piston closely fitting the tube, and if we regard this con- densation of the hydrogen as the result of a pressure exerted from without, it would require a force equal to more than eight thousand atmospheres, a pressure of over 55 tons on the inch, to force this piston down in the tube until the palladium and condensed hydrogen together occupied the same bulk as they do in the alloy, by virtue of the force of attraction exerted from within. When the combination of the palladium and hydrogenium is effected, the resulting alloy is of larger bulk than a very great increase of temperature of the palladium itself would occasion ; but the palladium itself in the alloy is actually squeezed into a smaller space at the time of combination. This is shown by its occupying less than its original space, if the hydrogenium be distilled out of it, and by certain experiments, the results of which prove that this diminu- tion of bulk does not take place at the time of the expulsion of the hydrogenium. That the combination is of the nature of an alloy is deduced from measurements of its tenacity and electrical _ conductivity, both very near to those of pure palladium, and, which is very remarkable, by the hydrogenium in the alloy proving measurably a magnetic metal. The two con- stituents stand in atomic proportions, and the solidified hydrogen, the hydrogenium, has chemical properties differ- ing from those of hydrogen gas, differing very much as the properties of ozone do from those of oxygen. From a solution of corrosive sublimate, the alloy of hydrogenium and palladium precipitates mercury and calomel, a change which hydrogen itself is quite incapable of effecting. A mix- ture of hydrogen and chlorine gas remains permanently unchanged as long as it is kept in the dark ; but exposed to 46 On Railway Working Expenses in Victoria. the influence of daylight these gases combine ; but hydro- genium combines with chlorine in the dark. Hydrogenium - reduces persalts to the state of the protosalts of iron. It converts red prussiate into yellow prussiate of potassium, and it has generally considerable deoxidizing power. The results of Dr. Graham’s precise experiments allow of a computation of the specific gravity of hydrogenium as it exists in the alloy. According to his latest figures, its gravity may be taken at "7; it is therefore of greater specific gravity than lithium (taken at 59); indeed the collective evidence is so much in favour of regarding the combination as an alloy, that the case may be regarded as parallel to that of the fluorides. We know fluorine very well in its combinations ; but we cannot yet properly succeed in isolat- ing fluorine from fluor spar or any other of its compounds, so as to obtain a private interview with it, and in the same way we now know hydrogenium as a metal alloyed with palladium, although we cannot yet isolate little silvery globules of the hydrogenium itself. Art. XIV.—On the Melbourne Great Telescope. By A. LE Sueur, Esq. [Read 11th July, 1870.] In this paper Mr. Le Sueur showed that the disparagement of the Melbourne Great Telescope by Mr. Severn in his late paper was unfounded, and arose from ignorance of the subject. Art. XV.—On Railway Working Expenses in Victoria. By F. C. Curisty, Esq., C.H. [Read 15th August, 1870.] In this paper Mr. Christy adduced evidence to show that the Victorian Government Railways were worked at half the cost of working American lines, and from 13 to 30 per cent. lower than English lines. This he attributed to the superiority of the road bed, of the rolling stock, of the climate, and to the excellent system of repairing promptly and economically. ; On Colonial Timber Trees. 4.7 Art. XVI—On the Ventilation of Ships. By Witi1aM ‘ WALKER, Esq. [Read on 24th October, 1870.] In this paper it was proposed to fix eight-inch galvanised iron pipes fore and aft under the upper deck, and on each side of the central portion. These pipes to be freely pierced with slot holes, six by one and a-half inches in size, and to terminate in the ship’s galley and aft deck galley furnaces, to secure a strong upcast draft, with modifications according to circumstances. Art. XVIL—A Proposition for the Improvement and Eatension of the Wharfage Accommodation on the Yarra River. By M. ADOLPHE CARANDAL, CE. France. [Read 14th November, 1870.] The proposition embodied in this paper was, that em- bankments and wharves should be constructed on both sides of the River upon the monolith plan, by a combination of M. Coignet’s system of “ Béton Agglomerés,” with a process © patented in Melbourne by the author, for the manufacture of brick and artificial stone from any kind of soil containing a little clay. The earth excavated was proposed to be used as the principal ingredient in the bricks to be used, as well asin the béton, which it was stated would be in solidity and durability second only to good granite or bluestone. The great rapidity with which the material could be prepared and used was one strong ground of recommendation. Art. XVIII.—Paper wpon Colonial Timber Trees, and some European Trees, which have been proved to be suitable to the Colony of Victoria. By F. C. Curisty, Esq. [Read 4th October, 1870.] I have ventured to write a short paper upon some of the useful timber trees indigenous to this colony, and have added a few remarks relative to some Kuropean trees which have come under my notice as being particularly adapted to this climate. As the object of this paper is to supply information of a practical rather than of a scientific character, I shall confine ———— ee | 48 On Colonial Timber Trees. myself to the popular names of the different timbers by which they are known commercially and to the artizan, instead of giving the botanical names, as the timber desig- nated alone by its botanical name would be nearly unknown in the timber market. It is quite evident, most timber merchants requested to supply certain timber designated by its botanical name, would be at a loss to understand what timber was required ; for instance, if an order were given for 1000 cubic feet of English Ash, and it was described as 1000 cubic feet of Fracinus Excelsior, the timber merchant would look with astonishment, and perhaps think he was being hoaxed ; so it is here, the timber is generally known by its colonial name, and to those names I propose to confine myself. The first object of this paper is, to arrive at the proper time for felling the various timber trees. In other countries, the opinion is that all timber should be felled when the tree is in its most dormant state. There is little doubt that the fittest time for felling is when the tree is most dormant, and as it is termed, when the sap is down; this assumed, there are two periods of the year when the colonial timber trees are in that state, viz., at midsummer and midwinter, but both these periods may vary a month or so, according to the late or early rains, for most of the trees make growth early in the spring, when they bloom, and then seed about midsummer, push a second growth early in autumn, and are slightly dormant about the early part of winter; but the latter period is rather indefinite. As there always will be a difficulty in determining in winter when the tree is positively dormant, I propose felling at midsummer, that is when the seed is ripe upon the tree. The different timber trees will vary slightly in their time of seeding, as also in the various localities, but not to any great extent. I am of opinion the trees should remain six or twelve months after felling ; in their bark, to prevent the sun acting on the timber and splitting it. ; It is a prevalent opinion that the sap should be drawn - from the timber by immersing it in water ; but with this I differ, as I believe the congealed sap in the timber is the strongest preservative, because timber that I have seen used which has been steamed, and the sap so drawn out, has decayed in a few years. On Colonial Timber Trees. 49 If the sap is extracted by any means, the pores of the timber should be refilled by some preservative. I do not think any of the colonial timber can be fairly tested until it has been felled at the fittest period and carefully sea- soned before being used. I proposed some time since, to make a series of experiments with various timbers, and I do not know any subject which is of more importance to the State. The importance will be seen when the amount of timber is considered which is being used for our railways, &c., if by judicious felling, seasoning, &c., 25 per cent. longevity can be obtained, that is, one-fourth more durability. Of course the difference of durability is at present unknown, but as many of the ordinary gum-wood railway sleepers have decayed in from five to seven years, it is to be hoped that some considerable improvement may be effected. The sleepers alluded to were supposed to have been blue coum, but I believe them to have been ordinary mountain eum, which is known as bastard box, or bastard peppermint. These timbers blend in appearance so much from circum- stances of locality, that it is most difficult to decide between them, even when growing, and utterly impossible when sawn. The various kinds of timber best known in Victoria as being most distinct, are the red gum, ironbark, stringybark, box, blackwood, mountain or white gum, messmate,’ and peppermint ; the latter three are those which blend and most assimilate one another; as also what is termed the bastard box, which sometimes assumes the appearance of the box, and sometimes more nearly the peppermint. The true Box has fine and thin bark, small leaves, slightly curled or wavy grain, and is generally found on quartz or schistose ranges. The box, when obtained from these ranges, where the growth of the tree has not been rapid, is, I believe, a valuable timber; I have seen some of it used in railway rolling stock, and it stood well. The Peppermint is of little use; the messmate is used chiefly for rough fencing; the stringybark (Lucalyptus obliqua) is used for clean fencing, also for shingles and palings, and is, in my opinion, a valuable timber for beams, flooring joists, &c, as it is a very strong wood, very straight in the grain, and only, I think, requires more care in felling and seasoning to become a favourite timber.* * Since writing this paper, I have seen Dr. Von Mueller, and he has advised ine not to give the Botanical names without a careful identification, as there are several species of peppermint and box. 50 On Colonial Timber Trees. The Stringybark requires no description, as it is so distinct that it is impossible to confuse it with any other timber, excepting the messmate, which in appearance looks lke a link between the stringybark and peppermint, and is generally found in the localities between the peppermint and stringybark. It is also a curious fact, that the messmate on the flats, near the peppermint, partakes of the character of the peppermint, and as it approaches the ranges and the stringy bark, it assimilates in character the stringybark timber. The Blackwood is a most useful timber; valuable for furniture and all indoor work, as also for the upper part or bodies of railway and other carriages, but it will not bear exposure to the weather without protection by varnish, &e. The blackwood has one most remarkable quality, and that is, a very small amount of shrinkage; I have seen it used in furniture and carriage building nearly green, and it has stood splendidly, with scarcely any perceptible shrinkage. The greatest drawback to all gum timbers* is their inclina- tion to shrink, in fact they shrink endways of the grain, and cast and pine in every possible way. The want of attention to fellmg and seasoning may have a great deal to do with this. It must be borne in mind that the blackwood (Acacia melonoxylon) is not one of the eucalypti, but an acacia ; several of the acaciz make good furniture. The Mountain or White Gum (Hucalyptus gurocalyx) when freely or luxuriantly grown is of little use, except for palings or shingles ; when grown slowly, it assumes more the appearance of the blue gum, is cut for blue gum, and sawn for the ordinary hard wood.t- The Ironbark (£. sideroxylon) is a fine wood for some purposes, but is apparently very heavy in proportion to its strength; it has been used in the building of railway waggons, but did not stand well; the timber does not appear to last under constant exposure to weather, and is in itself too non-elastic to bear the concussion to which it is subjected in rolline stock on railways; I have had no experience of it for railway sleepers. The Red Gum (Lucalyptus rostratu) appears to be one of the most valuable of timbers, but it also varies exceedingly ; * Dr. Mueller makes 137 species of gums in Australia, 27 of which are found in Victoria. + Dr. Mueller states, that the blue gum of Tasmania (#. Gilobulus) is found plentifully in many of the ranges of Victoria, and at the You Yangs and Western Port. On Colonial Timber Trees. 51 when grown in a swampy district luxuriantly the timber is straight in the grain and what is termed more free, and I believe less durable. The red gum is not valuable for furniture, except when used as veneer; sometimes it is so used, and is very beautiful in figure and colour. The chief use which red gum is put to is for any work that is exposed to the weather, as it appears to be the most durable timber we have under severe exposure. Used as posts, for fencing, it stands from twelve to fifteen years, and I should expect it to last from ten to twelve years for railway sleepers. All the gum timbers have one strange appearance when decaying, the wood separates across the grain, as if it had been affected by fire and charred; I account for this from the non-elasticity of the timber, because when subjected to expansion and contraction, caused by moisture in winter and excessive heat in summer, the fibre of the wood breaks, and so fissures across the grain make their appearance. The common wattle (Acacia dealbata) and other woods are useful for the manufacture of casks, &e., but as these are of minor importance they have not been introduced in this aper. The Blue Gum (Hucalyptus globulus)* should be largely planted, as the timber is one of the most useful of those indigenous to these colonies. Some of the European trees will doubtless be a great acquisition to this country ; the following are a few of which experience has proved their ‘suitableness to the soil and climate of Victoria. The English Ash (Fraximus excelsior + grows luxuriantly, stands the hot winds well, near Melbourne, and probably would grow even better in some of the damp gullies in the ranges ; the timberas most valuable. The Elms do well; some of them are exceedingly useful as timber trees, the common English Elm (Ulnws cam- pestris) is used for boat-building, waggon-wheels, and many other purposes where toughness is required. The English Oak (Quercus rubra) also thrives well. The value of this timber can be scarcely over-estimated. The Poplars adapt themselves to this climate, and are luxuriant in damp situations. The timber is one of the * Dr. Mueller says this gum is common in Victoria. + Dr. Mueller has distributed large quantities of the various species of ash, considering them important as timber trees growing so well in this country. z 2 Aa On Colonial Timber Trees. most useful for making barrows, waggons, and all other purposes requiring a light, tough wood. The Willows grow here as the old adage implies, “ Grow like a willow.” This timber is useful for fencing, gates, hurdles, chip-baskets, and a thousand other purposes. The Walnut thrives in deep soils, not too wet ; but, like the oak and other trees with strong tap roots, should not be transplanted. The nut should be set, and the tree allowed to grow from the nut. The walnut timber is valuable for furniture, gun-stocks, We. The English Box appears to suit this climate, as it grows freely and apparently as quickly as in England, where it is of very slow growth ; but as the wood is much esteemed for printers’ use, and other purposes, it would pay probably for erowing. The Limes (Tilia Europea) will doubtless thrive in some situations, but they require a deep soil and moisture. The timber is valuable, being the white wood of commerce, used so much for coach-pannels, fancy boxes, We. Many of the Pines and Firs seem to flourish here, and are of rapid growth ; but the timber is not in each variety equally valuable ; one of the most valuable, the Larch fir (Laria Huropea), does not appear to thrive near Melbourne, and should be tried on the snow-clad ranges in its native conditions. There are other varieties of the pine and fir, the timber of which is imported into this colony very extensively , and up to the present time it does not appear that any other timber has been discovered which is so generally useful. The following are the timbers of commerce, which there is little doubt would thrive well in many parts of this colony. The greatest danger to the forests of such timber would be fire, as all these timbers are highly charged with turpentine. The Yellow Deal of Europe is produced by the Scotch fir (Pinus sylvestris); the white deal of Norway by the Spruce fir (Abzes excelsa); from the latter the scaffold- poles and small masts are made; and from the Larch the best flooring-boards, We. In Germany and Switzerland the Silver Fir (Abies picea) is said to produce the largest amount of timber, and in Spain the Pinus pinaster. The most valuable pine timber of America is the pitch pine (long leaved-vine—Pinus Australis) ; next, the yellow On Colonial Timber Trees. 53 pine (Pinus mitis), and then the white pine (clear pine and lumber) which is obtained from the Weymouth pine (Pinus strobus). To this may be added, Pinus Rigida, as furnish- ing a large proportion of the American pitch. The Oregon timber is chiefly obtained from Abies Douglasii. When it is considered that the number of species of the pine tribe amount to about 500, as Dr. Mueller has informed me, it is not surprising that out of so large a number, there are many others besides those mentioned which will yield valuable timber. The species which are so much esteemed for their timber should be largely cultivated, and experimental planting tried with as many others as are found to be of robust habit and suited to this climate. Before leaving this subject, it is well to mention that there is no timber in any part of Australia, Tasmania, or New Zealand, that can be effectually substituted for the European and American fir and pine timber; the Kaurie pine (Dammara Australis) is perhaps the nearest. This is a very useful and fine timber, and should be largely planted if found to succeed here, as there is reason to believe it will. The Huon pine is also good timber, but not so strong in proportion to its weight. The Murray pine (Frenela Verrucosa) I havenot alluded to, as it scarcely attains sufficient dimensions to become ever a very valuable timber. To prevent the danger of fire in the pine plantations I would suggest the planting of belts of poplars and willows intersecting the pines. I do not think fire would pass through them, and I am of opinion that they would not readily burn, as they are generally very full of sap and moisture.* It is, perhaps, not out of place to refer to the extraor- dinary condensation of dew, which takes place with some of these trees; by the poplar, in particular, from its glazy leaves hanging perpendicularly, the dew is attracted, con- densed, and conducted to the earth. Gilbert White. in his “ History of Selborne,” mentions this, and refers to a pond surrounded by trees upon the top of a hill) He says this pond was never dry, although other ponds in the neigh- bourhood during dry summers were. I observed near Melbourne, in the middle of summer last year, at night, * The robust kinds of Mesembryanthemum, if planted amongst the young trees, would completely cover the ground, prevent the growth of grass and scrub, and check the spread of fire. 54 On Colonial Timber Trees. almond trees condensing the dew so fast that it was dripping from the leaves. In selecting sites for planting, attention sbould be paid to the soil and situation, as most trees have some peculiarity. Pines do not like a wet substratum, whilst ash, elm, and oak will flourish in it. In the county of Kent (Kngland) my father planted a large tract of poor, chalky hill-side with larch and Scotch fir; they had been planted about fifteen years when I left, holes were opened, and the young trees planted without any preparation of the soil; the larch grew rapidly and were making fine trees, but the Scotch firs did not succeed. So it will be here; one species of tree will thrive whilst another will die by its side, and yet both species may grow well in different situations and different composition of soil. Iam of opinion that a certain amount of drainage is necessary before any young trees can be established. When once established, the trees will not suffer so much from a wet subsoil. Cedars and Cypresses grow freely, but the timber differs in value according to the variety or species. Although this paper is scarcely intended to include the various causes of decay and deterioration of timber, it may not be thought out of place, perhaps, to mention that I believe there is no timber in this colony exempt from the attack of the teredo, nor of the white ant. ‘The red gum is attacked in its growing state by the termites or white ants, as may be seen when the trees are cut. Frequently the heart of a tree is completely eaten out; but I am not sure that the heart had not partially decayed previously to the attack. JI have not known any sound, seasoned red gum attacked by the white ant; not so with pine and deal. Near Melbourne I have observed pine and deal attacked by the white ant and completely destroyed ; the whole of the inside eaten, leaving nothing but a thin outside shell. I think it will be found that many of the wooden houses around Melbourne will be so destroyed, and when the white ants begin they do not stop, but commence at the founda- tion and eat up to the roof. The teredo is also very destructive, especially in Hobson’s Bay. I cannot speak positively to any attack upon red eum, but I have observed English oak completely destroyed as well as blue gum and most other woods; and I have no reason to believe red gum to be in any degree exempt from its attacks. On Colonial Pimnber Trees. 55 There is one subject, which, although it may appear scarcely consistent with the title of this paper, is of such vast importance that I hardly like to conclude without a brief reference to it. The subject alluded to is the effect of forest country upon climate. I have already mentioned the attraction and condensation of dew by trees, but reference has not been made to the retention of water in the soil under trees in consequence of the spongy nature of vegetable earth, or in other words a deposit of leaves, causing the formation of leaf mould. This is particularly noticeable in all woods where decidu- ous trees prevail; but large deposits of leaf mould occur in pine forests ; in fact, it is asserted as a feature in the growth of the pine, that it thrives best in rocky mountainous districts in shallow soils accumulated from the constant deposit and decay of the leaves of the pines. T think I may say that it is a well-ascertained fact that trees (deciduous in particular) growing in high situations and formed into forests, so attract the moisture of the atmosphere, condense it and again breathe it out as it were, that those districts are generally the sources of streams and springs. Again, referring to “White’s Selborne,” he says, “that in some of our smaller islands in the West Indies, where there are no springs or rivers, the people are supplied with water by some tall trees in the bosom of a mountain which keep their heads constantly enveloped with fogs and clouds, from which they dispense their never-ceasing moisture, and so render those districts habitable by con- densation alone; and further on he says, “Trees perspire “ profusely, condense largely and check evaporation so much “that woods are always moist; no wonder, therefore, that “ they contribute much to pools and streams.” “That trees are promoters of lakes and rivers appears “ from a well-known fact in North America ; for, since the “woods and forests have been grubbed and cleared all “bodies of water are much diminished; so that some “ streams that were very considerable a century ago will not “ now drivea common mill, Besides, most woodlands, forests, “and chases with us abound with pools and morasses; no “ doubt for the reason given above.” There can be little doubt that climates-of different countries are much influenced by the features of the country and the special vegetation. The countries which have large surface deposits of vegetable earth and forests consisting of 56 On the late Hauceptional Season. pines and deciduous trees are traversed by extensive never- failing rivers, are provided with constant springs and lakes ; the climate is less variable than that of Australia, droughts less frequent, and floods not so severe, in fact the climate is moderated and ameliorated. The Hucalyptz, or gum trees, shed their leaves principally during summer, which do not then readily decay, being of a dry, harsh nature, and charged with resinous matter ; but deciduous trees shed their leaves in autumn at a time when bush-fires are not prevalent, during the rainy reason, and therefore, readily decay and produce vegetable soil. The vegetable soil on the ranges here is greatly produced by the decay of tree-ferns. It is questionable whether the leaves of the gum trees respire moisture to the same extent as deciduous trees, the gum leaves being so dry and filled with resin or oil. As tree planting, timber producing, and forest conserving is a study worthy of the engineer, much attention is given to it in Europe, and the engineers of woods and forests are there appointed, because drainage is necessary and irrigation in some instances advantageous. Drainage is absolutely necessary to ensure the growth of the tree when young, and it should be borne in mind that if a tree becomes stunted when young it scarcely ever recovers, but either dies or remains a stunted unshapely tree quite unfit for timber. I believe Dr. Mueller has recommended the establishing of forest boards in all the districts, similar in constitution to the road and shire boards, and to these the forests of the district should be entrusted, for the purpose of preventing unnecessary destruction of timber, for enriching the forests, and for their future preservation by the proper planting and introduction of fresh and new trees. Art. XIX.—On the late Exceptional Season and Frequency of Auroras. By R. L. J. ELiery, Esa. [Read 12th December, 1870.] The late season, from April last to the present date, has been of so exceptional a character, occurring moreover at one of the sun-spot periods, when our luminary has been labouring under one of his exanthematous paroxysms, when auroras and great disturbances of the On the late Exceptional Season. 57 magnetic conditions of the earth have been unusually frequent, that it not unnaturally suggests itself that there may possibly be some connection between the sun’s condition and these climatic changes. We know that during these spot periods the sun’s surface is often teeming with spots frequently of large dimensions. Spots and penumbree, sometimes cover from a 60th even to as much as a 30th of the sun’s visible hemisphere ; and it can easily be imagined that the modification, if not obliteration, of so much sun force, must largely affect the conditions of the earth and its atmosphere, although in what manner or to what extent remains to be ascertained. The influence of these changes is evident enough so far as the earth’s magnetism is concerned, and instances are on record where a rapid change on the sun’s surface has been accompanied by almost simultaneous quivers of the earth’s magnetism. It is, moreover, now pretty well established that our maximum of magnetic disturbances agrees with the maximum of sun spots recurring about every ten years, and the probable relation between large disturbances of the earth’s magnetism and the state of the weather has already been several times suggested. Some years ago, Dr. Balfour Stewart suggested that “ Aurora displays might be secondary electric currents due to small but rapid changes, caused by some unknown - influence in the magnetism of the earth;” he compared the earth and its atmosphere to a Ruhmkorffs machine, the moist upper strata of the earth as well as the upper strata of the atmosphere composing the secondary conductors in which currents will take place whenever the magnetism of the earth changes from any cause.” * He further states, “These views would appear to be con- firmed by the very interesting records of earth currents obtained by Mr. Airy at the Greenwich Observatory, in which it is found that during times of very great magnetic disturb- ance, there are strong earth currents alternating from positive to negative, the curves lying nearly equally on both sides of the Zero.” In the Phil. Mag. of Feb. 1870, Dr. Balfour Stewart, referring again to this subject, says, “A further development of this idea has lately occurred to me, in consequence of a remark of my friend Mr. Lockyer, that the Zodiacal light may possibly be a terrestrial phenomenon, and may therefore be somehow connected with the phenomena of terrestrial magnetism. For not only will secondary 58 On the late Exceptional Season. currents be caused in a stationary conductor in presence of a magnetic core of variable power, but also in a conductor moving across the lines of force of a constant magnet. The question arises, have we on the earth such moving conductors? In answer to this, let us reflect what takes place at the equator. When once the anti-trades have reached the upper regions of the atmosphere, they will become conductors from their tenuity ; and as they pass rapidly over the lines of the earth’s magnetic force, we may expect them to be the vehicles of an electric current, and possibly to be lt up as attenuated gases are when they conduct electricity. May not these form the Zodiacal light ? “Such moving currents will, of course, re-act on the magnetism of the earth, We may therefore suppose that somewhat sudden and violent changes are likely to take place in the earth’s magnetism at those seasons at which the earth’s great wind-currents change most rapidly. May not this account for the excess of disturbances at the . equinoxes ? “ Besides the anti-trades, there are also, no doubt, ‘“ con- vection-currents,’ caused by the daily progress of the sun, taking place in the upper regions of the earth’s atmosphere. May not these also be the vehicle of currents as they cross the lines of the earth’s force, and account, to some extent at least, for the daily variations of terrestrial magnetism? and may not this be the reason of the likeness observed by Mr. Baxendall, between the curves denoting the daily progress of the wind, and those denoting the variation of the declination magnet? Such currents (in as far as they are electric conductors), taking place in the upper regions of the atmosphere, would not be felt by the earth-current wires at Greenwich, and I think Mr. Airy has noticed that this is the case. But the tidal wave represents a motion of a- conductor on the earth’s surface, with two periods in: one- lunar day. This motion cannot produce*a very great secondary current; but may it not be. sufficient to account - for the lunar-diurnal magnetic variation, which is also very ~ small 2 / “Such a current taking place in a conductor electrically connected with the earth’s upper surface ought’to be felt by the Greenwich wires; and, if I am not mistaken, Mr. Airy has detected a current of this nature. “ May we not also imagine that there are two varieties of aurora—one corresponding to stationary conductors under On the late Exceptional Season. SBD a very rapidly changing core, and the other to rapidly moving conductors under a constant core? And might not an aurora of the latter kind indicate the approach of a change of weather ? “These remarks are thrown out in order to invite comment and criticism, and they will have served their purpose if they direct attention to the part that may be played by moving conductors in the phenomena of terrestrial magnet- ism. It will be noticed that these remarks do not touch upon the mysterious and interesting connexion believed to exist between magnetic disturbances and the frequency of solar spots.” The last six years may be considered as constituting a period of unusually dry seasons. The first radical change in this order of things occurred in the beginning of April, this year, shortly after the occurrence of one of the most brilliant auroras ever witnessed here, and which was general in both hemispheres, appear- ing with great splendour in the north; from this time cloudy skies, and unusually frequent and copious rains became the ordinary state of climate, until a few weeks ago. I have since then frequently noticed that several of the brightest auroral displays were quickly followed by what we usually call bad weather—storms of wind, with thunder and rain. This has appeared so marked, that I sometimes found myself unwisely venturing a prediction of bad weather, simply because of the occurrence of an aurora.. These coincidences brought to my mind Dr. Balfour Stewart's suggestions, and I have lately examined our meteorological and magnetic records for the several months under review in order to ascertain to what extent auroras have been followed by marked changes in weather, and although the results are not quite conclusive, they appear ‘sufficiently, eonfirmatory to warrant me drawing attention to them, and to encourage careful observation in this direction. : The following information has been gathered solely from the records of our own observatory, but I intend comparing these with observations made over the rest of the Australian continent, Tasmania, and New Zealand, so soon as the whole year’s records are available, and bringing the results under your notice in a supplementary paper at some early meeting. In looking over the magnetograph papers for the last twelve months, a series of disturbances of greater or less 60 On the late Exceptional Season. extent is manifest nearly throughout that period, compara- tively few days only being quite free; the vibratory movement of the declination, and in a smaller degree of the horizontal force also, which mostly takes place during the summer months, and which occurs generally towards midnight and also towards sunrise, being particularly conspicuous by its frequency and extent from November, 1869, till the beginning of April, 1870; from June and during the winter months the extent of the disturbances decreased, and were even comparatively small, until August when they again became more frequent. The greater disturbances, which are of the nature generally accompanying auroral light, occurred on the following dates (of which sample papers are given); the dates upon which auroras were actually observed are also given. Year. | Month. Auroras. Magnetic Disturbance, 1870 | Jan. z 8 | Also reported by Mr. Todd, of Adelaide, as a fine display. Feb. | 1 | Visible from 8 to 10 p.m.; shortly after 9 p.m. some magnificent streamers. 10 ii Mar. | 20 21 April} 5 | Visible all through the evening; at times very brilliant, and particularly at 10.30 p.m. 20 | Faint only ; at 10.30 showed more distinct. Year. 1870 Month. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. | On the late Haceptional Season. 61 Magnetic Disturbance. Auroras, Shortly before 7 p.m. some fine streamers visible. Visible in early evening until after 8 p.m., but not brilliant. Visible from 9 p.m.; most brilliant at 11 p.m. On the evenings of the 24th, 25th, and 26th, a very fine display of the Aurora Borealis was observed by Prof. Neumayer in Germany (Palatinate). Traces only visible. Traces only visible in 8.E. Streamers 30 deg. to 40 deg. high at 10.30 p.m. Shortly after midnight a beautiful display, though cloudy. Visible night and evening ; fine red streamers, though bright moonlight. Auroral light visible, but no streamers. Visible for a short time at 9.30 p.m. Ai a during the evening. 5 A », at 9.20 p.m. fine streamers. At 11 p.m. traces visible; at 10 minutes past midnight on 21sta fine display, with streamers extending from 8. to S.W. Nore.—Mr. Gilbert, the journalist, reports to have seen a splendid Aurora shortly after 4 a.m. on the 21st, the whole extent of the southern sky from the horizon upward being illuminated by a reddish light, and terminating in something like a corona, but no streamers at all were visible. The whole appearance vanished instantaneously when a severe clap of thunder occurred at about 20 minutes to 5 a.m. Visible between 11 and midnight. 62 On the late Exceptional Season. Year. | Month. Magnetic Disturbance, | Auroras. | | | | 1870 | Nov. | 23 ' Traces visible during the evening. 24, | a3 a 23 ” 28 | Slight Aurora from 8.30 to 10 p.m. 29 | Dec. | 5 | g | Faint streamers. 10 | ial The following table shows the dates upon which auroras were distinctly observed during 1869 and 1870, and the kind of weather that followed in each case. 1869. Jan. 10.—Traces of an Aurora; no change in weather. 20.—Aurora reported from Guichen Bay. 21.—Aurora seen at Melbourne; the 5 days succeeding very hot and boisterous, with thunderstorms. Feb. 3.—Aurora seen at Melbourne ; no marked change. April 15.—Very fine display; nearly a week after weather Bocuse boisterous and showery, but only for a few ays. : Sept. 4.—Aurora seen; 2 days afterwards heavy squalls and rain showers for about 3 days. 1870. Jan. 8.—Aurora seen; hot and oppressive weather a few days afterwards. Feb. 1.—Aurora seen; hot and boisterous for 2 days after. ° April 5.—Vine Aurora; hot and sultry for a few days after, with rain, thunder, and lightning—followed a week after by heavy and steady rain, with frequent showers. May 20.—Faint Aurora; no change in weather until the end of May, when it became dull and showery, which lasted nearly through the whole of June. Aug. 22.—No marked change. Sept. 21.—Very boisterous and squally weather setting in the day after, with heavy rain, and lasting several days. 24.) Auroras; boisterous and showery weather, continu- 25. ing until the 29th. Oct. 21.—Warm and sultry weather for a few days afterwards. 26.—Steady rain the day after, and hot and boisterous; with thunder and lightning and rain showers the 2 following days. On the late Haxceptional Season. 63 Nov. 9.—Hot and sultry for 26 days afterwards, with thunder and lightning on the 11th, and heavy rain and squaliy and showery 2 following days. During this time weather generally fine, but dull and sultry, with thunderstorm on the early morning of : the 21st, followed in the afternoon by heavy squalls 15 nz: 18 20. and rain showers and cold, boisterous weather, 21. lasting until the morning of the 23rd. 3 5 Nov. a Boisterous and squally weather, with rain showers on 25.) the 25th, 26th, and 27th. 29.—Boisterous and squally, with rain showers on the 30th. It may be remarked with reference to the first table, that the number of magnetic disturbances recorded of a nature generally accompanying auroras, is greater than that of observed auroral phenomena ; it is very probable, however, that on many of these occasions auroras occurred, but by reason of cloud, haze, or moonlight were not observed here. During 1869 and early part of 1870, the Zodiacal light was very frequently seen, and sometimes of considerable bright- ness. Since the great auroral period has set in (April 5), it has only been observed faintly on one or two occasions. The mean temperature, humidity, and rainfall, for each | month of this auroral period, as compared with the means of the same months for the last twelve years, is as follows : TEMPERATURE: | Houmipity. RAINFALL. Monts. Sas i | Sex 2 eee ir iey0)) |e 8 |. 1870.1) AVeaea est 1870. 1 p® p’ are the prisms attached to the link work joimted at abcdefg. The first prism is pivoted to the table at the pomt Ff, and to the last prism is attached a right-angled piece A A, pivoted at the jomt h. By moving the arm A of the right- angled piece, the whole series of prisms is moved, the link work expanding or contracting by the slotted radial arms, moving over the centre pin C, which again travels in the slot S Sin the table. It will readily be seen, therefore, that all the parts being properly gauged and made, the whole series of prisms will be moved symmetrically by moving the arm A, which is rigidly fixed to the observing telescope, and it follows that by pointing the telescope to any desired part of the spectrum, the prisms will all move proportionally, and ¢ PRISM PLATE OF NEW FORM OF SPECTROSCOPE =e ¥ i | r B : e ie ¢ “ eee 2 i ; sole Fs : “3 S —— on , ‘Ne . Fr a = / x we : es Sea ; ; : x ¢ og 3 ; 2 2 es , s] x z * Fr + Observations with the Melbourne Great Telescope. 65 be in a position for minimum deviation. The pivot at h is removable, so that the right-angled arm A R, can be fixed at g f, ¢ b, &., as one or more prisms are required, the other prisms of course being removed. Art, XXI.—Some Notes of Observation with the Melbourne Great Telescope. By Farte Maccerores, Esa. [Read 12th March, 1871.] Mr. Le Sueur’s last recorded observations were on the 9th May, 1870, and from that time until the lst August, 1870, when the Great Telescope was entrusted to me, there appears to have been a period of almost uninterrupted bad weather, during which Speculum A was repolished by Mr. Le Sueur. With that speculum, whose performance has been perfectly satisiactory, the observations from which I now make a few extracts have been made. A Comet (2 of 1870?) of which the elements are supplied in the d stronomische Nachrichten of June 1870, appearing to be tolerably favorably situated after perihelion for observation from the Melbourne Observatory, Mr. Le Sueur having computed its place from the elements furnished by that journal, turned the Great Telescope upon it at 7 p.m. 13th August, 1870. It was then in the constellation Centaurus in about RA 10h. 45m. 8.P.D. 38° 29’, but from the want of a convenient star of reference no differential place could be obtained on that evening. It corresponded with the usual description of telescopic comets, being nearly round, tailiess, condensed towards an ill-defined nucleus of a few seconds diameter nearly central, and thinning away outwards until lost against the sky, the approximate total diameter being about 3’ 0”. The Spectroscope showed the usual cometic lines, one faint band reading 26-9-3 of the Grubb Spectroscope about midway between the F and the b groups which with same adjustment read 25-7-3 and 27-5-5 respectively. At each side of this, faint glimpses of still fainter bands once or twice appeared, but both Mr. Le Sueur and myself failed, after long watching, to obtain a reading of either, and on subsequent occasions the object had become so faint that no spectrum whatever could be obtained, appreciable to the eye. The central line appeared, however, to fall approximately into the position of the brightest of the Nitrogen lines. F 66 Notes of Observations with On the 22nd, 25th, 26th, 27th, 28th, 29th, and 31st Aug., the comet was observed and a number of differential places obtained with the Great Telescope, some also with the small equatorial refractor. The weather then again broke up, and as the comet set early, or rather became too low for observa- tion, and had not risen sutticiently to observe before daylight in the morning, no fair chance of seeing it again occurred until the 14th Sept, when it was searched for without success, the evening not being good. On the 15th I again found it and obtained a number of differential readings by means of the Grubb micrometer and the chronograph. On the 20th and 21st, the comet appearing exceedingly faint and aurora interfering I obtained a number of similar differential readings, but the position became continually worse for observation. On the 27th Sept. it was again with difficulty observed, and on the 11th Oct. the last glimpses of this visitor were obtained only by sweeping the telescope rapidly over its computed place and so gaining the effect of quick contrast with the sky ; but, of course, no differential place could be recorded. The great light-collecting power of a 4 ft. aperture, however, showed to great advantage in these observations ; by which the object was followed for a month longer than was possible to the other instruments available at the Observatory. Moon.—One half of each lunation being lost for the purposes of work upon the nebulee—the special work of the great equatorial, owing to the quantity of diffused moonlight which obliterates nebular details, ] have endeavoured, as much as possible, to utilise these moonlight evenings by devoting such part of them as can be spared from public visitors to occasional work upon the moon itself, the planets, and double stars—conducted under some difficulty, as no means have been yet provided for screening the eye from the painful glare of the moon, or for reducing or altering the shape of aperture to obtain clear definition and ease to the eye for micrometer measurements. But I give a few extracts which may prove interesting. Copernicus.—2nd Dec., 1870—-Terminator (or line of sunrise), 50 miles beyond Copernicus, which has four central peaks nearly on lunar parallel; the two most easterly close together. Several other peaks of inferior, altitude appear under higher illumination, the whole group standing on a floor which gradually rises from the foot of the interior slope of the vast ring 50 miles in diameter. Seven or eight consecu- the Melbourne Great Telescope. 67 tive ranges rise terrace-like from the floorto the summit of this rmg. The bright rays (of which Copernicus forms a centre) are visible for hundreds of miles in every direction up to the very edge of terminator, where, although any difference of level of 10 feet would produce a visible shadow, these rays still neither receive nor throw a shadow. Some parts of them appear dislocated by the crossing of ranges, &c., over their path. They seem evidently dykes—selenologically speakino—of a more reflective kind of rock or rock of a lighter color than the country through which they pass, and which they have ruptured and supplanted. In one place a - ray passes completely over the side of a crater-ring, yet conforms itself to the general surface of the crater; it intersects, indicating apparently that the surface must have been still in a plastic state after the date of Copernicus, and the radiating streaks from it, and at the time of the formation of the latter crater-ring. Copernicus.—5th Dec., moon nearly full—Copernicus under full illumination shows terraces of varying brilliancy arguing different dates of formation. The bright rays not more conspicuous than when on edge of terminator, but ‘having a more cloudy look—four central peaks of same appearance still. Maria.—Swept the Telescope over the different plains, and was unexpectedly struck with the green tint in many places pervading them, apart from the uncorrected chromatism of the eyepiece (power 255). Aristarchus.—The crater Aristarchus is about 100 miles from terminator. It appears many times more bright than the brightest object elsewhere—a painful brilliancy which gave, unlike all other lunar craters, the impression of heat as well as light. The shadow from the western wall of the ring is almost obliterated by the apparently inherent light of the interior. The steep central hill appears to-night to have a minute crater on its summit, very apparent at times, at others dim and vapoury-looking. A range visible beyond Aristarchus to the N.£., stretching as it were across the horizon 50 to 70 miles distant, and round the two terminating bluffs of this range extended avapourous-looking film, which encircled, also, Aristarchus. at a distance of, say 30 miles. Within this girdle of haze, Aristarchus, and the range, Herodotus, ce. appeared sharply detined—sharply comparatively speaking only, for these objects are all near the limb, and in the Great Telescope all objects near the moon’s limb appear less distinet F 2 68 Notes of Observations with than those near the centre. Hven the terminator line itself grows manifestly less distinct as it approaches the moon’s limbs; an appearance difficult to explain apart from a supposition of a lunar atmosphere of some kind. Yet the Spectroscope appears to negative such a supposition. Spect. Arist.—7th Dec., Spectroscope on Aristarchus shows at same time three spectra—one from central hill, and one from each side of the ring, side by side, brighter than from rest of moon, yet with no lines indicating incandescence, or additional absorption lines beyond those due to the earth’s own atmospheric absorption, as far as I could observe with certainty. Karthshine.—25th Dec. Terminator on Mare Crisium. Turned on the dark, or rather earth-lit portion of the moon, of which I was surprised to find that the large light- collecting power of the Great Telescope enabled me to distinguish all the chief features, the well marked boundaries of the plains, and the craters down to the middle size. Aristarchus comparatively as bright as ever but no appearance of intrinsic light, a broad bright ray shooting off S.E. b Herodotus. The shadow of the western side of the crater Aristarchus was visible on the floor, and the eastern interior slope was brightly illuminated by the earthshine. Grimaldi and Plato appeared as dark proportionately as at full moon, and indeed all parts appear much the same relatively as at the full, Copernicus.—Copernicus conspicuous with its system of bright rays divergent—the one which intersects the wall of Lambert precisely the same. Rays.—These rays appear, in fact, of the same brightness, relatively at whatever angle of illumination they are viewed, suggesting shade or tint peculiarity, more than peculiar reflective properties. Photometry.—Systematic photometric comparisons at varying angles of illumination would probably bring out interesting analogies with earth formations. Appenines.—The Appenines also come out well in Earthshine and stand up in bold relief—a splendid range. To-night, as on former occasions, I looked long and carefully for Schreeter’s supposed twilight-streaks from the bright cusps of the Moon, but did not see anything to be sure of. The blaze of light from the bright portion of the Moon so illuminated the field in the vicinity of the cusps that it is hard to say whether the apparent twilight is or is not real. the Melbourne Great Telescope. 69 Lunar Atmosphere (?)—Upon the same question of atmosphere in the moon, I note on the same evening :— “While observing the dark disc of the moon I saw a-star of medium magnitude approaching, so I closely watched its occultation. On reaching the limb at a slightly indented part, it appeared for an instant to flatten itself out along the surface and then suddenly to disappear. I state, of course, the effect upon my eye for what it is worth, as a single instance. ‘This occultation took place about 3h. 30m.,, sidereal time (26th Dec. 1870), moon pretty low.” _Sirius.—Not knowing when to look for Lassell’s com- panion of Sirius, I proceeded to note all the faint stars which I saw in its vicinity, very difficult to make out owing to the excessive brilliancy of this star in so large a telescope, and on the 9th Dec., 1870, after a series of micrometer measures of the faint star now called d, I note as follows :— “Calling distance between S* and d = 10 parts, x 20 mag., 15 parts dist. from S, and making angle of 5° preceding line joining S and d, referred to d. Another x 20 mag. 45° following same line, 4 parts dist. from d, very difficult, with 6th power (881), definition indifferent.” Two months afterwards, in looking over some miscellaneous observations of Lassell’s, I fell upon the one relating to his discovery which, with your permission, I will now supply: it is at page 38 of vol. 36, Mems. R. Astronomical Society, and it is as follows :— “1865, Jan. 13. The Comes strikingly plain ; angle of position 76°67 by 6 measures, with power 678. While trying to measure the distance, the images became greatly confused, and I had in consequence to give up observation. Mr. Marth afterwards endeavoured, on some abatement of the disturbance, to obtain some measures of distance, but without success. The remaining observations relating to this object are entirely by him. “While trying to get a measure I remarked to my surprise a star nearer to Sirius than the star “d,” which I had not seen before. (Mr. Lassell, Prof. Struve, and I had not perceived last year any star beside Clark’s Comes nearer to Sirius than d.) This new star has perhaps half the brightness of d, and is considerably fainter than Clark’s Comes. A rough observation with power 405 gave its position 126°6, and the star d, 164°6, distance about 2’. The perpendicular line from the new star upon the line of 70 Observations with the Melbourne Great Telescope. Sirius to d, cuts it about midway, but I could not get an exact estimate, and clouds put an end to further trials. “1865, Jan. 14. The new star of yesterday is very plain. Position Angle of Comes 77°63 by 3 measures. Ke New Star 127:03 2 as a d 163°89 ies ‘Interrupted by clouds. which had been threatening for some time ; and I was obliged to close in all haste, to save the speculum from the rain which shortly began to fall. “Feb. 4. Clark’s Comes very plain; 11th magnitude ; but is too windy for measures. The star of the 18th January very faint, but certainly seen. “March 23. Image of Sirius too confused for observa- tion. Comes and star of 13th January very plainly seen. “March 24. The image struck me as having never been better. Comes very plain; position by 6 measures with 405, 76°31; but the star is two hours from the meridian. The star of 15th January, though faint, is undoubtedly seen.” From this it appears that the new star noted by Lassell with his four feet, at Malta, corresponds with the one last noted by me. From this it seems that a star which had hitherto escaped such keen observers as Struve, Lassell, and Mr. Marth, had yielded on an indifferent evening at once to the Great Telescope here of the same aperture, without the eye being directed to it, or biassed by any previous information. Yet it has been said that the definition of the Great Telescope is faulty! I have now had some practical acquaintance with it, and have found that the definition is in direct ratio with the goodness of the evening. On one or two occasions the highest powers have been borne with perfect definition, showing that the defects are atmospheric ones not instrumental. Micrometer measurements of Alvan Clark’s Comes, Lassell’s Conup” d, &c., have been executed, and the existence of three new stars, which I designate for convenience f g and k on several occasions suspected. They are all nearer S than the star d of Lassell’s note. Another one suspected by Mr. Le Sueur, h, I have also occasionally suspected, but these objects are so exceedingly faint, if existent, that further observation on some nights of first-rate definition is neces- sary before making any positive statement. On Enhydros found at Beechworth. 71 » Argus.—The Great Nebula about » Argus was first observed by the Great Telescope on 27 Dee. last, and I then note :—“ Hvident changes in y nebula since Le Sueur’s sketches, and I notice a small bright duplicate nebulosity, s.f.1, like a small nebulous double star. It is too bright to have escaped previous notice, and is not noted by Le Sueur.” Subsequent observation has corroborated this statement, and itis now beyond a doubt, that the enormous physical changes are still taking place, particularly about the lemniscate, and suspected also in the star y itself. But these changes may form the subject of a future paper, and could be best illustrated by a reference to the sketches made at successive periods by Mr. Le Sueur and myself— _ comparing also with the drawing executed by Sir John Herschel. Some observations on Jupiter and Saturn, also. may on a future occasion be worthy of your notice, as also, some on the nebula about @ Orionis and others. Art. XXIIl—Wotes on Enhydros found at Beechworth. By Gero. Foorp, Esq. [Read April 12, 1871.] The great mineralogical interest attaching to the curious natural productions called ‘“‘ KEnhydros” or “water stones,” and the mode of their formation remaining, in many essen- tial particulars, without any adequate explanation, are circumstances which have induced me to believe that any contribution to the knowledge of them, however slight, would prove acceptable, and therefore I offer the following brief note on the subject to your Society. The sample, the subject of experiment, was a large Specimen, weighing over 900 grains, having for its largest section a form closely approaching an equilateral. triangle, measuring a little over twu inches on each of the sides. For this specimen I am indebted to the kindness of Mr. George H. F. Ulrich. It was, I am informed, obtained from the same site as those described by Mr. Dunn, and it possessed the usual characteristics. The specimen clearly included two separate chambers; in fact, dur- ing the course of experiment it was cloven_ into two separate water stones, of pretty nearly equal dimen- 72 On Enhydros found at Beechworth. sions; one of which appears to be quite filled up with quartz crystals, the other containing, besides an inner lining of quartz crystals, also a mobile fluid, and a bubble of air. The air bubble was transferable from place to place within the cavity, as the position of the specimen was altered. The remains of the specimen, which I submit for your inspection, are still in such a state as to convey a fair idea of its original form and character. To extract the fluid, a fragment was first broken from one of the corners of the stone. This disclosed a fine open- ing or pore in the quartz lining, connected with the inner cavity. ‘The specimen was now placed under the receiver of an air-pump, and as the exhaustion proceeded the air bubble in the water stone expanding extruded the fluid, drop by | drop, through the pore. In all fully eighteen drops of fluid were thus collected in a carefully-cleaned test-glass. The fluid, thus extracted, was perfectly pellucid, but contained a few minute angular transparent fragments, apparently splinters of quartz. The fluid is water, but slightly mineralized. A single drop evaporated on glass leaves a slight residue, forming a gummy annular outline, but affording distinct evidence of crystallization when examined under the microscope. When 15 drops of the fluid were evaporated in a watch- glass over oil of vitrol in vacuo, the fluid froze, giving out air-bubbles, which vesiculated the icy crust; the ice gradually disappearing left a small residue, nearly white in colour, non-crystalline, and wrinkled on the surface. A few small crystals and some larger (possibly hexagonal plates) were observed in the mass when examined microscopically. A small crop of beautiful microscopical crystals was obtained on re-solution and spontaneous evaporation. Among these, cubic crystals and crystals pertaining to the cubic system were recognized. On dissolving up the crystals a delicate impress of their form was left —white on a delicately pale yellow ground, as though a deposit of colloidal ferruginous silica remained, with colourless cavities where the crystals had occupied position. On testing the redissolved saline matter it gave a distinct white flocculent precipitate with nitrate of silver, imme- diately soluble in ammonia. It also gave a granular pre- cipitate with chloride of barium. With ammonia and oxalate of ammonia a very slight granular precipitate was obtained after some time ; and with ammonia, chloride of On Enhydros found at Beechworth. 73 ammonium and phosphate of soda, a relatively abundant crystalline precipitate, tufts or stellate groups of acicular crystals, was obtained. A drop of the fluid examined in the spectroscope showed vividly the sodium double line, but no indication of potassium, lithium, calcium, nor itideed of any other metal was apparent. Although the results thus recorded were quite distinct, it is yet to be remembered that the quantity operated upon was but a few drops of water, and that this small quantity was but feebly mineralized. Probably examinations con- ducted with larger quantities of the fluid of these “enhy- dros” may show additional reactions. The subject is certainly ‘of sufficient importance to invite further inquiry, if only a sufficient supply of these specimens containing water can be obtained. As far as my results are to be trusted they show that the fluid in the enhydros is limpid water feebly mineralized with chlorides and sulphates of sodium, magnesium, and calcium, and that a soluble form of silicic acid is also present. I have heard of some of these stones having an apparently viscid fluid within them. Of course I am unqualified to speak concerning specimens which I have not seen ; but, from the motion of the fluid in the few specimens which have come under my notice, and from the perfect limpidity and liquidity of the fluid extracted in two instances, I am inclined to the opinion that the contents as found in the specimen now described will prove characteristic for the whole ; especially as a bubble of fluid, moving from end to end within the stone, between closely approaching walls of the enhydros, serrated all over with the summits of quartz erystals, would be much impeded in its motion. It appears to my mind that water moving under these conditions would bear the appearance of sluggish oil. I have one or two remarks to make concerning the silice- ous substance of which these water stones are composed. When the two members originally forming the complete specimen were separated from each other, the cleavage sur- face presented thin and minute patches of a white substance, —a kind of bloom, mapped over it. When this bloom is removed, the surface of chalcedony beneath is found to be curiously marked with outlines, showing where each little patch has been attached, and the chalcedony is further seen to be laminated in places ; in fact, these thin lamin can be easily detached. When one of these laminz is examined 74 On Enhydros found at Beechworth. under the microscope, under an amplification of 90 diameters, it is found that besides this impress of the super- ficially attached bloom, the horny chalcedony shows also distinct and beautiful indications of regular crystalline structure,—a net-work like a geometrical carpet pattern: extending over the whole field. Now it has occurred to me as possible that this erystal- line structure in the chalcedony may afford the key to an explanation of the formation of these paradoxical enhydros, and if speculation, founded however on obser- vation of physical facts, be permissible, I should like to add a few words hinting what these crystalline demarcations have suggested to my own mind. ‘The ~* enhydros have this in common with agates, namely, an exterior of silica in the horny state, for the most part colloidal silica, and an inner layer of quartz crystals. The successive layers in both instances have been deposited from without inwardly ; that is to say, the chalcedony or agate first, the interior quartz crystals last; and ‘in the case of agate each layer of agate successively from the exterior layers to the interior ones. ‘The enhydros also agree with agates in showing points of infiltration, some of the enhydros leaking at one of the solid angles. Now, with agates, it is at least conceivable that water charged with silica and depositing it in a cavity in the amorphous form, would, if the supply were kept up, con- tinue so to deposit it, layer on layer, as long as a full water- way existed ; but when eventually by the deposit of this chalcedony or agate, this way is stopped up, thereafter any silica in solution entering into the central cavity must be dialysed by liquid diffusion through the mois- ture filling the pores of the amorphous silica. For this to take place a solution of silica in both the crystallme and amorphous states is requisite; but this necessity is in agreement with the composition of chalce- dony, which is generally admitted to be an intimate mixture of amorphous and crystalline silicic acid. The crystalline character is masked by the colloidal—masked, but not therefore necessarily altogether suppressed. This, indeed, is the point upon which my suggestion hinges. If the crystalline texture observed in the thin laminz from the outer layers of these enhydros is due to erystalline quartz, we may then ask whether chalcedonies do not differ in the proportions of the amorphous and crystalline consti- G ry stalhme Structure af nhydro S A thin lamine fromthe exterior of one of the water stones viewed under a magmiying power of 90 diameters. > On Enhydros found at Beechworth. 75 tuents, and whether the deviations are not attended with alterations of external characters; the amorphous character being most strongly asserted in those examples in which the erystalloid is at a minimum, symptoms of the crystalline character budding out whenever the crystalloid prepon- derates. We may ask (experimentally, I mean) whether chalcedony, which is stalactitic and dendritic, does not owe this form to a proportion of erystalloidal silica larger than that of agate, which deposits layer on layer on the wall of the geode without any tendency to arboresce above it; whether, in other words, the agate is not deposited after the manner of a varnish, while there is something approaching crystallization in the form of the chalcedony. If this variation of habit can be asserted for different proportions of the two forms of soluble silica, it would thence almost certainly follow, that with the crystalloidal silica at a maximum, or rather sufficiently preponderating, the deposit would assume something very nearly approach- ing the crystalline form, instead of stalactitic and dendritic form; it would interlace the cavity with thin planes in which _ the crystalline character would be discernible on close inspection, and the space thus being divided into regular chambers, all the consequences of an inner deposit of quartz crystals and other results as we find them would naturally follow. The thin lamination of the chalcedony exterior to the proper walls of the enhydros, the foliation of the material, so to speak, appears to favour the view that the property of forming plane plates resides in the material itself, and is not due to moulding. There is, in the Melbourne Public Library Museum collection of rocks, a specimen in which a chalcedonic deposit has taken place, forming septa, which while they are comparable to those of the water stones, show a remarkable difference, apparently very much to the point in reference to what is now suggested. In these septa there is an approach to the formation of plane sur- faces, but yet the deviation is so considerable as to suggest an intermediate character, possibly due to an intermediate proportion between the crystalloidal and colloidal silica of which they are composed. I put forward these suggestions merely for what they may prove worth, and as suggestive of direct experimental inquiry ; and, in conclusion, I will mention a fact showing that the juxtaposition of crystalloidal and colloidal quartz has 76 On a Self-acting a positive significance in the formation of mineral deposits. In a reef near Wellington, New South Wales, I discovered quartz traversed by thin veins of agate, and with fortifica- tion agate in small geodes in the mass. Inside one of these geodes was a lining of quartz crystals, and concerning this, to my mind, remarkable example, I think you will admit that there is something very interesting to be unriddled in those natural changes which can fill the crevices and in part the cavities of a massive quartz reef with colloidal silica, and afterwards fill up the interior of the colloidal deposit with crystals of quartz. EXPLANATION OF ACCOMPANYING PLATES. FIRST PLATE. 1. Annular residue, from evaporation of a drop of water from interior of enhydros; real size. 2 and 3. Microscopic view of portions of the margin of this residue. 4, Examples of crystalline forms, obtained by recrystallizing the residue obtained from fifteen drops of water from enhydros. 5. Residue of silicic acid, patches left on the glass capsule, as though a pellicle of colloidal silica had dried up. This residue is insoluble, or nearly so, in distilled water. 6. The same film broken up, and floa‘ing in shreds in water added to it. 7. Impress of crystals in this coloured colloidal residue. The parallel ruled lines, in figures 6 and 7, represent a pale ochreous tint in the original drawing. The second plate shows crystalline structure of laminz forming walls of the enhydros. Art. XXIII.—On a Self-Acting Hydrostatic Chime and Clock Weight. By Avex. K. Suiru, CE, F.RS. S.A. [Read 8th May, 1871.] A considerable amount of time and labour, and conse- quently expense, is required under the system at present in use, to wind up the heavy driving weights of large clocks, chimes, &c.; the expense being further increased by the necessity of making special preparation for a long descent of the driving-weights in the tower or building where the’ clock or chimes are situated; and as the weights are in most instances very heavy there is more or less danger attending their use. During the time that clocks and chimes for the New Post Office and Town Hall were under consideration, I thought over the subject at some length, with the view of altogether dispensing with the laborious process of winding up the heavy driving-weights generally used, and for that special purpose designed the plan I now submit to you. Whilst the Post Office clock was being constructed under Lm Lae. O : : : =-As Ez | yd 10'S). - Cg. | | filtesy 0 | YIFWUYD VIOTI OL LIVHS TWOILY IA Smith, CL. is) tel de _ PATENT SELF ACTING HYDROSTATIC Clack Weight [esas CAUZE \ # STRAINER > ~~~ IP a = OVERFLOW PIPE FROM TAWK A Hydrostatic Chime and Clock-weight. a the superintendence of our worthy President, I made known the plan to him; but the work was too far advanced for its introduction there. Subsequently, at the request of the President, I prepared the plan I now exhibit for the last conversationé of this Society, together with a brief description of my invention; but owing to the numerous objects of interest then exhibited, it was not then alluded to. In proceeding to describe the self-acting hydrostatic weight I may preface my observations by stating that it can only be applied where there is a supply of water under pressure. The accompanying sketch will assist in explaining its action : The upper cistern A is supplied by two small services from the street-mains, either of them being capable of supplying the demand, and the use of two services is simply to guard against any stoppage through accident to one. The ends of the service-pipes inside the tank are fitted with the ordinary ball-cock and lever for regulating the supply, and practically keeping the tank full up to the level of the overflow-pipe. A little above the bottom of the cistern A a small pipe is fixed with a stop-cock marked B, regulated by a micro- meter-screw. From this stop-cock a small pipe conveys the water towards the buckets D D D. At the outer end of this pipe there is a small piece of vulcanised indian-rubber tube attached CU, by means of which the buckets are supplied. These buckets may be constructed as shown upon the drawings, or of any other required shape ; their number and capacity being regulated by the work they are required to perform, and their driving-power made equal to the heaviest weight required for driving town clocks and the striking- gear of large bells and chimes. In each of these buckets the height and weight of the water used is regulated and determined by an overflow pipe & attached to the bottom of each bucket; the top of this overflow-pipe being lower than the upper edge of the bucket, not only keeps a constant weight of water in each bucket, but effectually prevents any waste or dropping outside. A small groove or channel is made in each bucket as shown, into which the end of the flexible indian-rubber hose fits, thereby enabling each bucket to receive its supply of water without splash or waste. 78 On Gun Cotton as an Explosive Agent. The buckets are fixed to the chain web G at every alter- nate hinged portion, as shown. ‘This chain is composed of a series of plates with joints projecting internally to gear in with corresponding indentations in the angles of the octagonal revolving drums H and J above and below and round which the chain-weh passes. The framing carrying these drums may be mounted on the lower tank 1G the buckets, as they revolve, empt themselves into this tank, which is kept constantly full of water to the level of the overflow L. The shaft 1, on which the drum is keyed, transmits the power for driving the clock, Ge., the pendulum of which regulates the descent of the full buckets in the same manner as with an ordinary weight. This apparatus can be kept at any reasonable distance from the clock, above or under it, or in the corner of the clock-room itself, as circumstances may best determine, and when once set going, will continue as lone as the materials last and the water is supplied. The plan now exhibited is for driving the works of a large clock, such as that required at the Town Hall. A slight modification of this plan would also adapt it to striking hours and chimes. As before stated, this system of weights would be self- acting, so long as the supply of water was continued; but as street-mains are liable to contingencies, I have, in order to make this scheme thoroughly complete, introduced a small force-pump V between the two cisterns A and K ; and, as the cistern K is kept full up to the level of the overflow, all that would be required in the event of the street-main being under repair, would be to pump the water from K to A until such repairs were effected. There are no cities or towns of any note in the Austra- lasian colonies without a high-pressure water supply fitted for the purpose I have here described. Art. XXIV.—On Gun Cotton as an Explosive Agent. By Ros, Ruuery, Hse. PRS. [Read 12th June, 1871.] In this paper the President gave a brief account of the properties and manufacture of gun cotton, with a few illustrative experiments. Suggestions for Improvement of Mariner’s Compass. 79 Art. XXV.—On some Hydraulic Clock-weights. By F. MacGzorcs, Esq. ; [Contributed 12th June, 1871.] This was an oral description, illustrated by a diagram of a method of winding up turret clock-weights by water power. The principal features in the proposition were, an arrangement by which water was admitted into a cylinder as soon as the clock-weights had descended to a certain level. The piston was thereby raised, lifting the clock-weights the length of its stroke again ; so soon as the weights reached their highest position, the inlet valve was closed and outlet opened, when the piston would fall to the bottom of cylinder, leaving the weights free to act on the clock. The winding up of the going barrel of the clock was done by a counter- poise weight sufficient to draw back the barrel against the friction of the spindle and ratchet click. The fall of the weight would be of course regulated by the stroke of the piston, and the writer proposed that a fall of one or two hours would probably be found most convenient in practice for ordinary turret clocks. Art. XXVI —Suggestions for the Improvement of the Mariner's Compass. By HK. J. Wutrez, Esa. (Read, 12th June, 1871.] ; The recent loss of the Queen of the Thames steamship, owing, in a great degree, it is said, to the erroneous action of the compasses, has led me to consider whether an improvement could not be made in’ what I may term the mathematical part of the subject; that is in the division and notation of the card. The present system was adopted at a time when the compass was supposed to point always to the true north, and was, perhaps, under this condition simple enough for the purpose. We have now, however, so many corrections to be applied to the reading of the com- pass before we can determine the true course, that it is quite astonishing how the present cumbrous method should have held its ground so long. The system of dividing circles, which have to be read round the whole circumference, into quadrants, or semi-circles, has been abandoned by astro- 80 Suggestions for Improvement of Mariner's Compass. nomers for some time, and thus a fruitful source of mistakes has been removed ; as, I think, everybody acquainted with the subject will readily admit. The first essential, then, for simplicity is that the points of the compass should be named consecutively right round the circumference, commencing at north, and increasing towards the east.. As to the number of points, it would be convenient to have 36, so that each would represent 10 degrees; this, however, would be too great an Innovation, and is so subordinate to the principle of consecutive readings, that I would retain the present 32 points with numbers marked by promiment figures at the end of each; between these the quarter points might be marked as at present. The convenience of this system would be very great; the corrections for variation, local deviation, instrument, and leeway would then be a matter of simple addition and subtraction, instead of at present, as In the words of the celebrated navigator, Lieut. Raper, R.N., one of considerable perplexity. The two methods may be best illustrated by an example. Suppose a vessel to be steering N.N.E. 4 E., the variation to be 24 points E., and the local deviation 3 points W.; at the same time suppose the vessel to be on the starboard tack, and to be making half-a-poit of leeway. The true course, in the old method, would be found by this process of reasoning; variation, allow 24 to the right ; deviation, 3 to the left, and leeway half-a-point to the left; that is, on the whole, 1 point to the left, so that the true course would be N. by E. 4 E. In the proposed method, the compass course would be 24, to which must be added 23 for variation, and 34 subtracted for deviation and leeway, leaving 14 for the true course. If the proposed change were once introduced, I think few would be willing to revert to the old system, and the boxing of the compass, which is now a matter of tedious education to our young sailors, and in which I have found some old salts not quite proficient, could be learned at sight by a mere child. With regard to the deviation of the compass, caused by local attraction, I have very little to say, except to impress upon masters of vessels the necessity of getting amplitudes at every opportunity, and not to depend for any length of time upon a table formed from swinging the ship; also, in thick weather, of sending a small compass aloft, out of the way of the iron of the ship; or, if the circumstances be favour- able, of letting a boat out astern, with a compass in it, and getting reciprocal bearings. On a New Disinfectant. 81 Art. XXVII—On a Direction Rain Gauge. By Proressor WILSON. [Read 10th July, 1871.] This was an oral description of a Rain Gauge—its uses— and the value of the record furnished by it. Art. XX VIII—A Method for the Manufacture of Chloride of Aluminum and Caleiwm, for use as a Disinfectant. By J. Cosmo NEWBERY. (Read 10th July, 1871.] ABSTRACT. Mr. J. Sullivan, a pupil in the laboratory of the Techno- logical Museum, has successfully manufactured a hydrated chloride of aluminum and calcium for use as a styptic and antiseptic. The chief ingredient used is the kaolin from Bulla Bulla, a township a few miles north-west of Mel- bourne. Mr. Sullivan mixes the kaolin,a silicate of alumina, with lime, forms this mixture into bricks of a convenient size, and burns them in a furnace or kiln. When the decom- position has taken place, the bricks are crushed and treated with hydrochloric avid, then evaporated to dryness to separate the silica from the soluble chlorides, which are washed out with water. The solution being made of any desired strength, when desired for medical purposes it is proposed to crystallize the chlorides, so that solutions may be made of known strengths. Many trials have been made with these solutions with great success, showing it to be a very valuable styptic and disinfectant, having all the properties of the “Chloralum,” a disinfectant lately introduced in England. It has been tried by several of the leading medical men of Melbourne, both in hospital and private practice, and their testimonials are submitted. Drs. Neild and Blair spoke of their successful experiments with this disinfectant. 82 Ocean Waves Art. XXIX.—Ocean Waves and ther Action on Floating Bodies. By S. R. DEVERELL, Esq. [Read 11th September, 1871.] 1. According to Professor Rankine, the “energy of a wave is half actual, half potential.” Whatever be the exact inference to be attached to this, it is plain that the power of ocean waves is the impressed force of the wind. The wind dies away, but its power still lives in the wave. Ocean waves, in fact, are vast reservoirs of power, or fly-wheels so to speak. When once set in motion, friction alone brings a wave to an end; theoretically, the motion would continue to be imparted from particle to particle for ever. How small the friction is, is evident from the distance to which waves visibly extend when a stone is dropped into a still lake ; and it has been computed to be so small that the whole circumference of the earth would, in free water, be insuffi- cient to destroy a wave sixty feet in height. Thus, in a calm at sea, we may witness huge rollers, known by seamen as a ground swell, progressing with undiminished force and velocity for weeks together, though there be no fresh impulse all the time; and the earthquake waves which receive their only impetus on the South American coasts, travel with destructive effect as far even as the Australian and Asiatic shores. 2. Until of late years, the theory of waves received very little attention, which fact is singular, considering the im- portance of the subject in ship-building, the construction of harbors, navigation, &c. (Art. Harbors, Hnc. Brit. 8th ed.) Professor Airy refers the difficulty of mastering the subject to the imperfection of mathematics (Art. Tides and Waves Ene. Met.)* Even as late as the time of the construction of Eddystone lighthouse, Smeaton spoke of waves as being “amongst those powers of nature which admit of no calculation.” 3. In contravention of Smeaton’s opinion, is to be con- sidered, that the production of waves is purely a dynamic process, and as such, a matter for calculation, as much as are the laws of falling bodies. In fact, the researches of Froude and Rankine have, despite the difficulties of the sub- * For a similar remark, see an article on the Pendulum, by Mr. Sang, Enc. Brit. 8th Ed. and their Action on Floating Bodies. 83 ject, placed it on too sound a basis for further controversy. They have shown that, amongst other properties, 4, The orbit of each particle of water in wave-motion is an ellipse ; the form of which depends in a known law on the depth of water, so that in the ocean, the depth of which 1s approximately infinite, the orbit is circular.* 5. That the wave-surface is trochoidal in shape : (Rankine, Manual of Applied Mechanics’ first published in 1858: “On exact form and motion of waves,’ Trans. Roy. Soc. 1862) such trochoidal profile being generated by rolling on the under side of a horizontal straight line, a circle whose radius is equal to the height of a conical pendulum, which revolves in the same period with the particles of liquid. 6. The hydrostatic pressure at each particle is the same as if the liquid were still. From these propositions, viz., 4, 5, and 6, which, for the sake of distinction, may be called Rankine’s laws, there follow that—- 7. Ifh be the height of a wave in deep water, its length is never less than zh. . 8. The undulations of waves are performed in the same time as the oscillations of a pendulum whose length is equal to the breadth of the wave, or to the distance between two neighbouring cavities or eminences (see Art. Hydrodynamics Eine. Brit. 8th ed. p. 162.) Now the oscillations of pendulums being as the square roots of their radu, it hence follows that . 9. The periods of waves are as the square roots of their lengths.+ * Jn the propositions which follow, ocean-waves only are referred to. AS in this paper frequent reference is made to previous passages, it has been found necessary to number them throughout. + The length of the seconds pendulum at the Pole is 39-218 inches; at the Equator 39-018, whence the mean length = 89:118. Now the length of a pendulum whose period of oscillation is ¢ = 39:118¢ in inches; conmse- quently if the length of a wave = b in feet, and v be its velocity in feet per second, we shall have 6 = 326722 and v = 3:26¢; alsot = V he from which equations all problems relating to cycloidal or breaking waves (which are those to which Smeaton’s dogma more immediately referred) may be solved. If for b we substitute its value, 3:1416/, then ¢ = / 0.963 h. Or finally— b= 31916h. t = 03103 Vh where ¢t = time the wave transverses space — its own length. v = 10116 vh. By which it appears that the velocity of a cycloidal wave per second is very nearly — square root of its height in feet G 2 84 Ocean Waves 10. With regard to the origin of ocean-waves, Professor Airy observes, “it is to be understood that either from preceding disturbances or from trifling irregularities in the action of the wind while the water is smooth, there are very shallow undulations on the water. Now, with all due deference to so great an authority, this surely attributes these stupendous and invariable results primarily to an accident. Tor, be it observed, every wave, no matter how enormous, must have had origin in a primary wavelet: to say it started into being at any other stage, is merely to enlarge the supposed magnitude of such first wavelet. In fact, the word regularities might be justly substituted for irregularities in the above remark ; for the Professor’s own mode of demonstration shows how the force of the wind acting in the direction of a tangent to the surface may produce the initial wavelet. Let a b (fig. 1, plate 1) be the smooth surface of water, ¢ a particle of a column of air moving in the direction of the arrow ; d ea stationary column of air. When the breeze commences, the particle ¢ is pressed against the particle d, which being stationary, reacts the pressure in all directions, shown by the dotted lines. Thus, a downward pressure is produced, and also a retrogressive pressure in the resulting hollow, in accordance with the theoretical motion of the particles of water; while the particle ¢ being reinforced, the column d e yields, and the onward motion of the wavelet takes lace. i Regarding the wind as a constant force, it now increases the result, viz., the initial wavelet, in volume and velocity. But this acceleration in the magnitude of the wave has its practical limit, for the wave recedes from the advancing air, and the wind, although a constant, being thus also a follow- ing force, its wiupulsive effect on the wave becomes retarded with the increase in the magnitude, and therefore, the velocity (9) of the wave ; so that, if the maximum force of the wind be known, the maximum dimensions of waves may be ascertained. The observed results agree in the main with theory. Were it not for the cause stated, it is obvious that, in a continuous gale of wind, waves would go on increasing to indefinite dimensions. 11. The force resident in a wave then is to be considered not as the received strength of the wind simply, but as the aggregated impulse from the time of its commencement. The wave becomes in fact a storehouse of power, retaining, and their Action on Floating Bodies. 85 like a vast fly-wheel, the acquired momentum of the air. Assuming the great forces which set the atmosphere in motion to be derived from heat, we may conceive the sun to be the prime source of power, and the ocean probably as the mightiest reservoir of its force upon earth. There is no cessation of its giant activity, and it may without error be said, that from the time an ocean vessel leaves one port to the time she enters the next, she is heaving upon perpetual waves. 12. To instance the force thus aggregated in waves, there is mentioned that at Port Sonachan in Loch Awe, with the diminutive fetch of only 13 or 14 miles, a stone weighing 4 ton was torn out of the masonry of the landing slip, and overturned by a wave (Hnc. Brit. Art. Harbors, 8th ed.), and a stone $ ton weight was similarly moved and over- turned at Buffalo (Stevenson’s Lngineering of North America). At Barrahead, one of the Hebrides, a wave was seen to strike a block of granite of 50 tons weight, and move it several feet. In November, 1817, the waves of the German Ocean, where the fetch is 600 miles, overturned, just after it had been finished, a column of freestone 36 feet high, 17 feet base, and at the point of fracture 11 feet in diameter (Hine. Brit. Art. Lighthouses). The prodigious impulse requisite to do this is shown in the height to which waves ascend against cliffs and headlands. Such effects are witnessed in their utmost grandeur in the islands on the west coast of Scotland, on the sides of icebergs, and at many points on the South African and Australian shores. So also at lighthouses ; at Bell Rock and Skerryvore, waves are known to dash completely over the summit of the edifices ; and a magnificent spectacle is presented at Cape Northumberland in South Australia, where a massive rock, said to be from 70 to 100 feet in height, is swept by every sea during a gale of wind. 13. In the German Ocean, with a fetch of 600 miles, the height of waves varies from 13 to 20 feet : the Mediterranean with the same fetch, gives the same results. But these proportions sink into insignificance in comparison with the great mid-ocean waves of the Atlantic and South Pacific. Dr. Scoresby (Brit. Assoc., 1850) states, the maximum height of waves off the Cape of Good Hope to be 48 feet: other writers make it considerably more, and it has even been estimated that, from summit to summit of these enormous masses of water, a distance of nearly the fourth 86 Ocean Waves of a mile may sometimes intervene.* In the presence of such colossal forces, a vessel is like a toy ; nor on reflec- tion is it less than wonderful that an object comparatively so fragile, can make her way amidst them unchecked and unharmed. 14. By an instrument called the Marine dynamometer, the force of waves at Bell Rock (North Sea) has been ascer- tained to be 14 tons per square foot, and at Skerryvore lighthouse in the Atlantic, 3 tons per square foot. That is, if a plate a foot square were inserted in the summit of a wave, these pressures would be exerted on it. A practical example of this gigantic force is shown in those occurrences, often disastrous enough, when a ship is “struck” by a sea, that is, when she meets a wave without rising to it. On such occasions, the vessel seems to hang motionless for an interval as if stunned, every bolt and timber quivering from stem to stern. In running or nearly so before a wind, a ship so struck is liable to be forced round by the huge impulse, and if there be great way upon her, to broach-to, to the almost certain destruction of a spar or spars. Another frequent occurrence is that “settling,” common to ships laden with shifting or loose cargo. A fleet of sugar ships coming in port sometimes presents a ludicrous appearance from this cause, the masts of the vessels inclining in various angles and directions. An instance of this kind was witnessed by the writer, in the China seas, in 1851. During the prevalence of a dead calm, accompanied however with enormous rollers or ground swell, the result of a typhoon a week previously, the vessel —which was one of 1,200 tons—having no headway, wascaught * Latterly, in 1869, waves have been measured in the English Channel, with a height of 43 feet ; itis probable, therefore, that Dr. Scoresby’s estimate for deep ocean waves is sometimes greatly exceeded. The reference to the measurement here stated has unfortunately beon mislaid. Maury, who, in his exhaustive work on the Physical ‘Geography of the Sea, does not treat distinctively of the waves, yet refers in enthusiastic terms to those of the great Southern Ocean. ‘To appreciate, he says, the force and volume of these polar bound winds in the Southern Hemisphere, it is necessary that one should ‘run them down’ in that waste of waters beyond the parallel of 40° south, where ‘the winds howl and the seas roar.’ The DLillows there lift themselves up in long ridges with deep hollows between them. They run high and fast, tossing their white caps aloft in the air, looking like the green hills of a rolling prairie capped with snow, and chasing each other in sport; still their march is stately and their roll majestic. 'The scenery among them is grand, and the Australian-bound trader after doubling the Cape of Good Hope, finds herself followed for weeks at a time by these magnificent rolling swells, driven and lashed by the ‘brave west wind’ furiously.” —Physical Geography of the Sea, p. 361. and their Action on Floating Bodies. 87 broadside on one of these waves with such force as caused the cargo, consisting for the greater part of sugar, to settle bodily on the port side. Ascending the next undulation, the loosened mass settled with still greater violence on the star- board side and was again thrown over to the port side, where it remained during the voyage, the vessel retaining a port list of about 15°. All this may be said to have taken place during the passage of one wave. 17. To arrive at the nature and extent of the wave forces affecting a floating body, it is necessary to investigate the theoretical motions of such a body. For this purpose, suppose the body to be of perfect buoyancy, that is a body which, its magnitude being inconsiderable with respect to that of the wave, possesses equal mobility with the particles of water on which it rests, so that it accompanies the particles in their motion. This it can only do, if absolutely inconsiderable, but we may suppose a very small object, such as a cork for instance, to approximate towards the motion of a particle of water. From the laws thus deduced, we shall be able to obtain modified views with respect to floating bodies of imperfect buoyancy, that is, of bodies which, being large with respect to the wave, possess unequal mobility with the particles of liquid on which they rest, and which therefore move relatively to them. 18. The direction of the force of buoyancy is always at right angles to the nearest surface of the water, whether that surface be horizontal, as in the case of smooth water, oblique, as in a descending stream, or variable, as in waves.* Thus, let (fig. 2, plate 1) e frepresent the surface of smooth horizontal water, B a floating body in it. Now, the water pressing upon all sides of the body, as shown by the arrows, the lateral pressures on the sides ¢ 2 and d & counteract each other, and the upward force of buoyancy is counteracted by and is equal to the weight of B. But, suppose the water became a descending stream whose inclined surface is « b ; the lateral pressures are now m 7 and 71k ; take p 7 equal to n k, then the preponderating lateral pressure m p will turn * The wording of Archimedes’ law, viz.: “that if a solid body be either wholly or partially immersed in a liquid, it is pressed upwards with a force which is equal to the weight of the liquid displaced, and whose point of application is the centre of gravity of the displaced liquid”’ is incorrect, if by upward is meant vertically upward. A cork, for instance, immersed in a wave, will proceed to the nearest point in the wave surface, not necessarily in a vertical direction. 88 Ocean Waves the body round upon its centre of gravity g, until the lateral pressures or immersions of the sides are equal ; that is until 1 k is parallel to a 6. The body then assumes the position shown in (fig. 3, plate 1) Let g s bea vertical line representing the weight of the body : this is equivalent tv two forces g 7 parallel with, and g ¢ at right angles to the surface of the liquid a b: consequently, t g at right angles to the surface will represent the force of buoyancy.* Hence by parity of reasoning the force of buoyancy acts everywhere at right angles to the surface of wave, and therefore, 19. A body floating on a wave will assume a position at every point such that the plane of flotation will be parallel to the wave surface at that point: the deviation of the mast from the vertical being equal to the angle which the tangent to the trochoidal surface at that point forms with the horizon. Thus, (fig. 4, plate 2) different objects placed in the five points, abcde will assume the angular positions shown. And one object, suppose that at a, will, during the passage of a wave, assume these positions successively. For from the defini- tion (17)— 20. A body floating ona wave travels in the same circular orbit as the surface particles on which it rests. (Fig.5, plate1.) Suppose the wave proceed from right to left, as shown by the large arrow. During its passage the body at a performs the circle abcd, and at the same time has an angular motion or oscillation about its centre of gravity, such that the plane of flotation is everywhere a tangent to the surface; for instance, at b and d the plane is tangential to the curve at e and f on the same level. The velocity with which the body is carried round is of course uniform, and in deep water is always less than the horizontal velocity of the wave. 21. The absolute motion or locus described by a given point of the floating body is an epicycloidal curve resembling an ellipse, one of whose axes is the diame- ter of the orbital circle. For instance, (fig. 6, plate 2) if a b c ad be the orbital circle as before, the mast-head will * Hence it appears that the common proposition that a floating body displaces its own weight of water is incorrect, except in the case when the the surface of the water in which it floats is horizontal. If 6 represent the angle of inclination of the surface, and B the weight of the body, 5 cos @ is the true weight of the displaced water. Hence also, a body on the side of a wave, is less immersed than when in the trough or on the summit. and their Action on Floating Bodies. 89 describe approximately the ellipse h e f g. The diameter of the orbital circle is here the major axis, the given point, viz. the mast-head, being above the centre of gravity of the body. Butif it be below, as suppose by the projection of the mast beneath, the ellipse 77 & lis described, in which the diameter of the orbital circle k 7 is equal to the menor axis. The other axis is the distance between the two positions which the given point occupies, at the approaching and departing mid-points of the wave. 22. The axis of the angular motion is parallel to the ridge of the wave. Fig.7. Letaarepresenttheridge of the waveadvancing inthe direction shown by the arrow ; A and 5 two floating bodies. Now, as the solid form of the wave may be supposed to be generated by the motion of the trochoidal surface curve along the straight line of the ridge, the water is level at every point of the diameter bc cf the body A drawn parallel to a @; the force of buoyancy therefore affects the parts on either side of this line, whence 6 cis the axis of angular motion. Similarly, in the cubic body B, the line d e passing parallel to a a through the centre of gravity of the body, is the axis of the angular motion of B. For the sake of distinction call this axis of motion, parallel to the ridge, the resultant or wave axis: and the inclination upon it the wave angle. Fig.8. Ifthe bodybean polonees ure of inconsiderabledimen- sions, as at C, and it be required { to refer the angular motion on the wave axis di ¢ to angular motions on the axis 7 7 and g h of the body, in order to determine the oblique position of the body with respect to the ridge of the wave, call 7 the pitch axis, g h the rolling axis. Let the whole angle of inclination on the wave axis be 6; the required inclinations on g h and 7), or the rolling and pitch angles respectively equal to ¢ and yy; then, by a well-known theorem of spherics cos 6 = cos ¢ cos ¥. If a plummet be suspended from the mast, the angle between the mast line and plummet line is equal to the wave angle. 23. The greatest angle of inclination of the body is at the mid point of the wave, and is less than half a right angle. In the figure 5, paragraph 20, let b be the mid-point on the circle corresponding to the position ¢ on the wave. Now, it is a property of this curve that a tangent at the point e is parallel to a chord dc of the rolling circle, and this chord 90 Ocean Waves being that of 90° it forms with the horizontal line d b e an angle of 45°, which is therefore the maximum slope angle at the point e.* 24, The whole motion of the body is compounded of three oscillations, viz.: a bodily horizontal oscillation, or sway, thus >> :; a bodily vertical oscillation, or heave, thus ; and an angular oscillation, or roll, thus af In the upper semicircle (figure 5, paragraph 20) the bodily sway is from right to left, the angular motion of the mast from left to right, and these are reversed in the lower semicircle. Hence we have for general rules that— When a body rises on a wave it is swayed horizontally first against the wave and then with it, but when falling on a wave, first with it and then against it. A floating body on the upper part of a wave is swayed with the wave ; on the lower part against it. The sway is equal to the heave or vertical rise and fall on approach and departure of the wave. During the passage of a wave, there are two oscillations of the plummet equal to twice the wave angle; or four half oscillations equal to the wave angle. _ These laws are universal, for though they are deduced on the assumption that the floating body is inconsiderable in magnitude with respect to the wave, they hold in a modified degree in the case of large bodies. For instance, if one end of a vessel rises to a wave, it is certain that the part which rises sways first against the advancing wave and then with it, and in falling, first follows the receding wave and then leaves it. 25. A ship, one diameter of whose plane of flotation is greater than the other, buoyed upon a wave or different parts of a wave, is acted on variously by their forces, which, as the vessel is a rigid body, in a great measure neutralise each other ; her actual motion of course is in accordance with the around the wave axis or centre of gravity. * By slope angle in future will be intended the greatest inclination or maximum angle attained by a vessel of any magnitude during an oscillation. It is customary for shipwrights to denote this angle by 0 as above. and their Action on Floating Bodies. 91 resultant of these forces. Hence the angle of inclination which she assumes will determine her position upon the resultant wave. Fig.9. Forinstance, suppose A beasmall body upon thelower part of a wave, a b progressing from right to left. A being inconsiderable the force of buoyancy isin the single direction shown by the arrow d (18), and being in the lower part of the wave, the body partakes singly of the moving force of the wave in the retrogade direction, shown by the arrow e (22). Now, suppose a very large body 6 B of similar figure to A, and whose centre of gravity is in the same point, be held in a similar position to A as shown in the figure. The body B covers the whole wave surface ¢ a b, and is acted on by the force of buoyancy in all the various directions shown by the small arrows at right angles to the surface; the resultant of which is such that B cannot maintain the same position as A ; for resolving the force of buoyancy into the hydrostatic pressure on the sides b if gand g ¢, and taking g h equal to b f, the force of buoyancy, that is the pressure of the water to fill up the displacement, acts on the sides f g and h ¢ (since b f and hg neutralise each other) will force the body round by virtue of the preponderating force on hi ¢. Again, since B covers the summit as well as the trough, the moving force of the wave urges it on at the summit and backward in the trough (23). On account of these con- flicting actions, the body B moves only partially with the particles of water in which it floats, and therefore as the positions of the waves constantly shift with respect to it, the motion of a large body floating on waves may be described as a ceaseless attempt to obtain an equilibrium which it never acquires.* 26. Fig. 10. But, whatever be the composite motion of the body B, this motion will be regular, that is it will be regularly repeated on the same system of waves. For, suppose the body 6 rest upon a series of parallel waves a a, b b, ¢¢, progressing in the direction shown by the arrow, and in the position shown, the mast will assume an angle with the ver- tical equal to 6. Then the waves being uniform when 0 has progressed to c, a has progressed to b; the relative position on the waves being similar ; ; consequently, as like causes produce like effects, the mast will assume the same angle with the vertical as before. Nor will the result be affected * See the footnote, 2 46. 92 Ocean Waves if the vessel be moving uniformly on her course : the periods of the oscillations only will be affected : her angular position with respect to the ridges remaining the same. Fig.11. Next, suppose the vessel be acted on by two systems of waves, viz., a a, bb, cc, as before, and p p, 7 q, 7 7, &., pro- gressing obliquely to them: and in the position denoted the mast assume an angle with the vertical equal to 6. Now, if the system a @ progress with the same velocity as the system p p Qn which case they must be equal in magnitude {8} ye when the wave a has progressed ‘to the position b, p has progressed to the position qg, and the two systems are in the same position as before with respect to the vessel: whence the same inclination @ will be repeated with the passage of each wave. If, however, the velocity of one system be 2 times that of the other, n of the large (and therefore more rapid) waves will have to pass before the next less one brings the two systems into the same relative position with the body. In this case therefore the vessel will repeat the same cycle of movements ; hence, universally, if a floating body however great float upon two or more systems of waves, and keep the same course or angle with respect to them, her motions upon them will be performed in regular cycles, each cycle comprising as many passages of the largest system of waves as is equal to the least common multiple of the velocities of all the systems. 27. The wave motions of a vessel of any size, steering a uniform course at sea, therefore, instead of being irregular follow these exact laws. In fact, we may imagine a resultant wave and the position and oscillations of a floating body of any magnitude or shape to be referable to those of an incon- siderable body upon this resultant wave. The orbit of the particles in such a wave would be elliptical, the elements of the wave being peculiar to each vessel, according to her magnitude and build. These elements can be accurately obtained by observations on bodies entirely withinboard, as will be subsequently shown. The period, dimensions, and position of the hypothetical wave being thence deducible. Of course there are disturbing influences, such as imme- diate effects of the wind, variations in the wave elements, in the vessel’s course, &c. Making allowances for these, however, a long series of experiments would furnish reliable if not very exact data for measurement of the mean elements of resultant waves. . $$$ at ee SSS eae eee and their Action on Floating Bodies. 93 28. With regard to the action of wave forces on a floating body, let us first take the case of a body of inconsiderable magnitude. Thus, if the body be at the point B; it is acted on by the force of gravity, in the direction Ba; by the force of buoyancy in the direction Bd ; perpendicular to the tangent of the wave surface at B; and by the moving force of the particles in the direction Bf; tangential to the orbital circle -at B. Now, resolve the forces of gravity into the two forces Be and Bb, tangential with and perpendicular to the trochoidal surface. Then the constituent bb and the force of buoyancy bd neutralise each other, and Be the resultant of Be and Bf, will be the resultant force, the locus corres- ponding to which is the orbital circle; gravity being the only one of the forces which is constant in direction. Hence, therefore, the bodily motion of a floating body on a wave is the resultant (variable) of three forces, viz.: the force of oravity, the force of buoyancy, and the moving force of the particles of water. Now, the same proposition holds in the case of a body of considerable magnitude, the only difference being, that the force of buoyancy and the moving force of the particles are, in this case, themselves resultant forces (25). The angular motion of the body round its centre of gravity or waye axis, 1s due to the force of buoyancy alone, acting in a variable direction by the shifting of the wave surface. The force of buoyancy is consequently exerted in two ways, viz.: in oscillating the body round its wave axis, and in moving the axis bodily. Now, the force tending to move any point within a vessel, is compounded of these: the part is moved by the resultant of all the wave forces, and of the force of gravity acting upon that part. 29. The momentum of a floating body on a wave, is equal to the momentum of the displaced water. For, as the body displaces a weight of water equal to the force of buoyancy (18), the result is the same as if the immersed part consisted of particles of the liquid, or were part and parcel of the wave. The wave force, therefore, exerted on floating bodies, is proportional to the masses of such bodies. A large body which subtends several waves, is of course acted upon by more forces than is a less body ; the rigidity of the body, in fact, serves to oppose or unite the various forces. Thus, if the immersion of a body be ten times as great as that of another body, and the direction of the level of the 94 Ocean Waves water be changed, the force of buoyancy to rectify the position of the larger body will be ten times as great as that . exerted on the less, but it has, of course, ten times the mass to move, and in the latter case, the force partially opposes itself, as illustrated in the figure, (fig. 7) paragraph 22. 30. But the motion of a floating body, however large, being simply due to the resultant of all the forces acting upon it, the actual motion of such body in space, is a measure of the mechanical effect exerted on it. Thus, if a vessel of 1,200 tons, by the action of wave forces, be raised or heaved two feet in a second; the mechanical effect is equivalent to a weight of 1,200 tons raised two feet per second, or 144,000 tons raised one foot per minute, which is nearly equal to 10,000 horse power. Such, for instance, would represent the gigantic impetus or force of the blow with which a vessel so circumstanced would be dashed against a rock. In regard to the angular motion, the prodigious effort of the force of buoyancy acting upon a surface of the eighth or even the fourth of an acre, is on the same stupendous scale. It follows from the preceding considerations that every portion of a body floating upon waves tends to move in the same orbit as the particles of water which would occupy its place were there no floating body. The rigidity of the ship unites or opposes these tendencies, and the whole mass moves only in accordance with their resultant ; the stability of the vessel depending on the degree with which these tendencies are counteracted by her magnitude and build. But it hence follows that the straining of a vessel in a sea- way wmereases in proportion with the wmerease im her stability. 1 think this somewhat important distinction should not be forgotten in the general eagerness to produce stable ships. The greater the freedom with which a vessel rides on the waves, the less will she be strained by the action of their forces. Nothing can be more certain than that if a vessel does not heel on a wave, the wave must strike her; and no vessel is so strong as to withstand, with- out detriment, for a lengthened period the continuous and unwearying assault of those gigantic forces by which she is surrounded. If a vessel is too unstable, she is liable to overset; but if her stability be increased to an undue amount she may be unsafe from another cause, namely, excessive straining, possibly eventuating after a long time in unlooked-for leakage or fracture. Between these two . and their Action on Floating Bodies. 95 risks there must be a certain degree of stability which com- bines the maximum of safety. It would, perhaps, be small consolation for a man to know he had assured himself from the danger of being capsized by an extra liability, of going straight down, and it may fairly be useful to apprehend the condition that a safe ship is one which partially opposes the wayes, and partially evades them by obeying them. In like manner a very steady ship is not necessarily the most comfortable one. The frequency with which the seas must visit her decks, and the constant creaking of her frame by the enormous moving force of water which she opposes are considerations in a long voyage. Whether these or greater freedom of motion on the waves be the less objec- tionable is of course matter for individual judgment. It is certain, however, that very excessive steadiness will never be attained; the magnitude of ocean waves being too great in comparison with the possible size of ships to - render it feasible. For instance, a wave only ten feet in height (and the surface of mid-ocean, in calm or storm is seldom if ever free from rollers of this magnitude) has a breadth of never less than thirty feet; so that we may easily perceive the huge effect which the force of buoyancy of such a wave must exert in shifting from one side to another, even of a vessel of fifty feet beam. The largest vessel yet constructed, the Great Eastern, is a notable example of this remark. She follows the waves heavily in a sea-way. The investigations herein will tend to show that the oscillation of a vessel on waves is the resultant of three simultaneous oscillations. I think, therefore, that the natural period of rolling of vessels when heeled over in smooth water, which seems to be the basis of the extensive experiments in ship-building now being made in England, and which we are told other governments are closely watch- ing, will be found to be at variance with the natural period at sea. A more practical method would appear to be to deter- mine by a course of wide-spread observations obtained in selfregistering instruments, the actwal movements of vessels during their voyages. For this purpose an instrument has been devised, by the assistance of which it is hoped also to establish definitely the mean elements of ocean waves ; but ag its action depends upon what I have called the principle of independent inertia, a somewhat abstruse subject, I will, with your permission, reserve its consideration for another paper. 96 | Ocean Waves How far the largest vessels are influenced by wave motion is shown by the early attempts to lay submarine telegraph cables, in which the wave motion of the ship was not pro- vided for. Of the first Atlantic cable, we are told “the stern of the Niagara was down in the trough of a sea, and the extra strain caused by her rising was the immediate cause of the cable’s parting.’—(London Times, August 15, 1857.) The Agamemnon also, was so seriously damaged by the shifting of a coil of the cable, as to cause serious apprehensions for her safety (‘‘ Prescott’s Electric Telegraph,” p. 180). The first Mediterranean cable was also destroyed from the same cause, viz.: the plunging of the ship (New York Times, August 28, 1857). Improved machinery, of course, now averts these disasters, but the facts show the extent of wave influence on vessels, so great as are employed in these undertakings. The facts also show the singular inattention* bestowed on the great phenomenon of waves in itself. Thus, Lieut. Raper (“ Practice of Navigation”) repeatedly refers to the sudden rise of a heavy swell “without any known cause, generally very quickly and subsiding very soon, and which constitutes a formidable danger.” H.M.S. Julia was wrecked in a calm at Tristen d’Acunha in a few minutes. More recently, very severe loss was experienced at St. Helena. The U.S. Exploring Expedition anchored off San Francisco, Noy. 1, 1841; the Vincennes being in seven fathoms and three miles off shore; About 10 p.m., the rollers got up and broke with the continued roar of a surf. At midnight, a sea broke heavily on board the Vincennes, a ship of 780 tons, displaced the booms and boats, and killed a man.” Now, these occurrences admit of easy explanation on referring to what has been here said on the permanence of waves (1); such rollers being the product of a sudden and transient squall, perhaps hundreds of miles distant, and whose existence may have ceased many days before the waves propagated reached the point of observation. Thus, we are told that “H.MS. Jsis, 450 miles to the * There is perhaps no other subject which has so excited the universal attention and awe of mankind, as that of the waves of the ocean. From time immemorial poets have delighted in portraying the magnitude of the powers which work the deep and rule the highway of nations. Yet, it is not a little curious that this subject, which, of all others, would be thought most likely to éngage the common interest, should only just now be entering into the ken of scientific research. and ther Action on Floating Bodies. 97 N.W. of Rodriguez, met with an enormous sea rolling from the S.E., about the time of the hurricane at that island in Feb., 1844.” (Thomson, “ Law of Storms ”)’ Why does a wave break? On a reference to the diagram in Section 20, the reason will soon become clear. It will be seen that, as the wave approaches in one direction, the particles of water before it proceed towards it in the opposite direction; in other words, while an advancing wave leaves behind it the particles which it has raised; it sucks up its supplies for the advance of the shape from the waters in front of it. Hence, if the waters in front are insufficient fully to supply the form of the wave; the form there becomes vacant, and the volume of particles in the rest of the wave being still impelled onward, fall over in their accustomed orbit into this vacant space. A breaker, in fact, is but a visible demonstration of the orbital motion of the particles, which may be observed with advantage against a shelving beach; the breaking being simply the completion of the movement in the unsupplied portion of the wave. Now, if there be good depth of water, there can be no lack of front water; because the particles beneath will instantly supply the place of those in front. A wave in deep water therefore meeting with a steep down rock. does not break ; that is, curl over, but smashes against it ; the shock being the same as that which a vessel sustains in seine struck by a sea. Thus, of one of the seas which struck the steamship London, and caused her ultimate loss. We are told that “100 tons of water fell on board.” The phraseology is correct: it is the body of a wave which strikes a ship, and as in this case bursts upon her. Such occurrences, not perhaps so calamitous, are common enough at sea. An equally disastrous one was that which befel the U.S. ship Sun Francisco, in 1853. The vessel, on account of her superior stability, had been selected by the American Government for conveyance of troops from New York to California. On the voyage, she was boarded by a mighty wave, which, in a moment and wnawares, washed overboard 179 of the soldiers and officers. Although the unfortunate vessel was afterwards spoken. by two others, and these par- ticulars gained from her, she was never subsequently seen ; so that it is probable the damage inflicted by the terrible stroke caused her to sink. Breaking, then, arises from the absence of a sufficient H 98 Ocean Waves. depth of front water. In thus arriving at the cause, appre- hension of danger from the breaking of waves in deep water is dispelled ; it being impossible, according to natural laws, for deep, or what is now called blue water to break. There is, however, a slight partial breakage from what may be justly called practical causes. All the preceding inferences are based on the supposition that the waves are of the same _ size; but from the variable nature of the wind this is not the case. When a large wave (known by seamen as a master wave) follows a smaller one, there is a deficiency of front water ; which is, however, instantly made up from the particles beneath. Now, however rapidly such adjustment takes place, it occupies an appreciable amount of time ; con- sequently, a trifling imperfection or vacuum in the shape of the advancing wave takes place, and a correspondingly — slight breakage occurs; so slight, however, on account of the rapidity with which particles of water replace each other as to amount to no more than a ridge of foam on the crest, dangerous perhaps to a very small boat, but not to a large one if well managed. These considerations should be an assurance to those who, in the hour of peril, are obliged to entrust themselves to the mercy of the waves ; as they point out that a boat has a much ereater chance of living in a wild sea (always premising deep water) than fears might suggest or has generally been supposed ; and, as a matter of fact, the truth of the proposition has been borne out by numbers of instances. As a rule, blue water is a guarantee of safety. A more general cause for the partial breakage or foam-ridge of deep sea waves is the superior impetus which the particles on the summit receive. The surface of the wave spreads like a sail to catch the force of the wind. If, therefore, the velocity of the wave be less than that of the wind, the back and summit particles in the instant of imparting the extra impetus to those before, will be pushed out of their place and so break slightly. When, however, the waves have attained their maximum velocity in accordance with the strength of the wind (10) the partial breakage due to this cause will have declined. ‘The general appearance, therefore. of lines of foam or foam-ridges, familiarly termed by seamen “ Neptune’s teeth,” is a sion that the wind 7s increasing, or that the magnitude of the waves will increase ; and their general decline shows either that the wind has decreased or the magnitude of the waves increased. LIinear Method of finding the Stability of Ships. 99 © Although sometimes agitated to a greater extent than at others, the surface of mid-ocean is never free from the action of waves. A recent authority* has declared that were the whole ocean to be still or stagnant for a few days, all life would be destroyed, both in it and upon the earth. The extraordinary permanence of deep ocean-waves, as a con- servator of power, would seem to be specially adapted in accordance with the conditions which this statement sug- gests: the whole surface may in fact be said to constantly rotate in an average orbit. The actual velocity of the particles in wave motion being less than the apparent velocity of the wave, the mechanical effect is the same as if the body of the wave moves actually with a part of the velocity, as it seems todo. Let us take the case of a great storm wave forty feet in height, 600 through at the base, and conceive a volume of water contained in the section of such a wave moving with a velocity of six feet per second, or 360 feet per minute. Or consider an ordinary ocean wave sixteen feet in height and 180 feet at the base; and multiply the power requisite to move a section of this body of water 240 feet per minute by a thousand such and we may form an idea of the magnitude of the energy engaged in stirring the waters. These are the giant forces which are perpetually traversing the surface of the ocean. ¥ Art. XXX.—On a Linear Method of finding the Stability of Shups. By E. K. Horne, Esa. [Read by Mr. MacGrores, on 11th September, 1871.] * The reference has been mislaid, but the assertion is that of an eminent Continental naturalist. H 2 100 On Aboriginal Art Art. XXXI.—Abstract of a Paper on Aboriginal Art um Australasia, Polynesia, and Oceanica, and its Decay. By Mk. PAIn. [Read 11th September, 1871.] Mr. Pain commenced his paper by stating that his atten- tion had been directed to the subject, about to be considered, for many years past; he referred to its present general interest, and to the increased “importance which it would acquire at a future date, when the aboriginal races shall have passed away, and when their works, treasured in museums, shall have become records of a condition of things no longer existing on the face of the globe. It was pointed out that these primitive people and their works formed an interesting chapter, an essential link in the history of the human race. The rapid decay of the native arts was also viewed from a sympathetic point of view, regretting that such simple and beautiful specimens of the skill of nature’s children, at present attainable if due effort were made, should so soon pass beyond recovery. The comprehensive nature of the subject was urged, and as the limits of time available for the present paper pre- cluded its consideration in detail, it was proposed that a few of the many otherwise available facts be received as examples of the whole. Mr. Pain stated that, with the object of rendering his paper as Interesting as possible, he had selected from his ethnological collection, some of those rare and beautiful objects of aboriginal handicraft, pertaining to Australasia, Polynesia, and Oceanica* ; and that he trusted their exhibition would have a stimulating effect ; that they would prove the means of creating a desire to collect, while there is yet opportunity, such specimens of the works of these peoples as are unique in character; unique, because although still obtainable, they are not now reproduced as formerly. They are not reproduced in the same number, or in the same degree of tasteful elaborate ornamentation. The asserted decline of native art is attributable chiefly to the social change to which these people are subject, “a change by some styled civilization ; a process * orneee were Banged a the room at ie ee s all, in which Mr. Pain’s paper was read. and its Decay in Australasia. 101 by which they become indoctrinated in many of the most odious and degrading vices of Europeans, and by which they at the same time lose the beautiful simplicity of aboriginal character and much of the ingenuity which has _ hitherto distinguished them as workmen.” Further detailed reasons for this decline were advanced. It was argued that the better class of workmen or experts fall most readily into the habits and customs of Europeans ; that they are the readiest, under the new conditions, to change and to abandon their primitive notions of ornamentation. The pre-eminent imitative faculty disposes the individual possessor of this power to procure and imitate the novelties introduced by the whites. The more inquiring minds of these highly-skilled natives are most susceptible of distraction, and their attention when once courted by new objects and European styles of ornament becomes thenceforth diverted from the original course. The old characteristic styles of work are left for execution by the less expert, but also less changeful native artizan. Mr. Pain proceeded to state the fact that ever since the advent of Huropeans among them, these natives have ceased to work as of old. Their best efforts have given place to such rude and trashy specimens (now produced expressly for barter), as appear worthless when compared with older and genuine examples. “ Tf we examine one of the early art-productions of the Fijians or New Zealanders—a carved weapon for instance, we shall find the work to consist wholly of an ingenious massing of ornament: the composition beautiful; the out- line truthful; the detail elaborate; the finish exquisite. With Nature as their guide and director, and their powers of design being restricted, they have acquired a skill, almost hereditary, enabling them to carry out these designs with a degree of precision and nicety of workmanship seldom surpassed in even the more civilized parts of the globe. Indeed, some of their works of a century past would, at the present day, bear favourable comparison with the finest specimens of Kuropean art.” The distinguishing characters of the ornamental works of these different families are thus referred to :— “J will now refer to the typical characters of their orna- mental styles. The feature distinguishing between the works of the Fijian and the New Zealander is one in which 102 On Aboriginal Art they are diametrically opposed to each other. The Fijian usually adopts an angular style of ornament; the New Zealander generally employing a convoluted design. These people are equally opposed in their respective manners of making fabrics for articles of clothing, Wc., the Fijian being far behind the New Zealander in this respect. This you will see to be fully proved by the specimens which I have this evening placed before you. The New Zealander excels in the latter point, but, on the other hand, I would also point out the advantage possessed by the Fijian in the manufacture of pottery ; an art which seems to be almost unknown to the New Zealander. Throughout these woven and fictile manufactures they each adhere to their peculiar designs, and to distinguishing features of ornamentation.” “Tt matters not upon whatever work these people are engaged, whether in the construction of their houses, the building of their canoes, in the making of their weapons, or their ornaments for personal wear, each invariably adheres to a style which is one of the distinguishing peculi- arities of the race. This practice is studiously borne out, and belongs to the majority of the races inhabiting the South Pacific Islands. Again, closer distinguishing features may be detected in the works of the various tribes com- prising the different races; each tribe strictly adhering to some special design of its own ; usually some characteristic carving on the énd of their weapons of war; some adopting a convex, others a concave form, either with or without ornament ; others affect a flat or square surface, so that it requires a long acquaintance with their works‘to be enabled to class them.” Frequently I have observed specimens obtained from one locality or race of people which have obviously been produced in other islands. This occurrence may be easily accounted for, by the fact of sea-faring men bartering them, and even by the barter which these different native people effect, at times, among themselves.” Mr. Pain shows that errors originating from causes of the kind alluded to have been promulgated in works of an otherwise reliable character. “In further illustration of these views I may refer to Owen Jones’ beautiful and elaborate grammar of ornament. Its first three pages are devoted to illustrations of aboriginal art, and are copied from specimens in the United Service and its Decay in Australasia. 103 Museum. Among these illustrations I find several speci- mens wrongly described. One specimen certainly charac- teristic of the natives of Tahiti is attributed to the New Zealander. Another specimen, strictly New Zealandic in character, cannot be placed at all, although very little know- ledge of style would enable any one to identify it with its producers.” Native Wood Carving.— “The New Zealander ‘proceeds thus: A block of wood is procured and rudely fashioned to the required size and shape; it is then saturated with any oily or fatty substance at command. The block is then carefully smoked over a fire, then again. oiled, and again smoked, and so on, until its outer surfaces are rendered vulnerable to the very primitive tools at command of the native artizan, namely, fragments of flint, obsidian, shell or their celebrated green stone (jade or axestone), by means of which their ideas are realized by a kind of etching, or, more properly speaking, a system of scratching and scraping.” “Another peculiarity belonging to the work of these people is that they perfect their designs in the mind prior to the commencement of any portion of the execution. When the design has been thus created, a portion only of the work is carried into execution by scratching out only so much as it is calculated can be completed within a given time. The workman trusts to his truly woydrous memory which carries him faithfully through to the finish, without misapplying a line, and this though many of their works are of such extent as to occupy years for completion.” The Comparative Skill of the Different Growps.—“ My reason for selecting the aboriginals of the Fijian and the New Zealand groups as examples, is on account of the universal opinion which places them foremost in the ranks of ingenious and clever native workmen ; because, indeed, they have no rivals among the inhabitants of the Southern Archipelago. I ought, however, to add that many clever tribes still exist among the Tongans, the Tannaese.(?), the Samoans, the inhabitants of Tahiti, and the New Hebrides group; among the whole of whom the same rapid decline of constructive and decorative art is perceptible, and their cease is identical in this respect with that of the Fijian and the New Zealander.” The Nutive Arts of Samoa—*The natives of Samoa to a great extent still hold their own in that peculiar class of 104 On Aboriginal Art work for which they have been from our first knowledge of them, remarkable, namely, in the building of canoes. The old. double war canoe of these people, as it was built generations back (a model of which, executed by them, I now produce), was throughout of such excellence as would do credit to a civilized people. Alas! these have now departed, making way for the single canoe and outrigger, which although decidedly a decadence must yet be con- sidered a creditable performance. Their canoes range from 20 to 40 feet in length, and they are seldom more than three feet in width, which necessitates an outrigger. They are rudely fashioned from the body of a tree, and are attached by two poles in a way similar to that formerly employed for the double canoes. These canoes are in many instances lavishly ornamented with shells and mother-of-pearl, yet never display any such beautiful traced or carved ornament as those emanating from the Fijian or the New Zealander. When the French navigator, Bougainville, visited this group of islands in 1768, he was struck with the large fleet of canoes with which his vessel was immediately surrounded ; and hence he designated them “the Navigators ;’ Samoa being the native name of the group.” New Caledonia. — If we compare the works of the natives of New Caledonia with those produced by the Samoans, we shall find that the two styles are almost identical, excepting the particular item of canoe building. In each case the manufactures are of an useful and substan- tial character, the most esteemed weapons of war being in many cases totally destitute of ornament. Neither of these races possesses high ability in ornamentation. A slight advantage may be justly awarded to the New Caledonian for his production of a rude kind of pottery; it is, however, of such an inferior kind as to be in no respect comparable to the fine and most useful fictile works of the Fijian.” Mr. Pain having instanced his views hy the examples above given, and having pointed to the Fijian and New Zealander as. the most energetic and skilful of these aboriginal races, contrasts them with the Australian and Tasmanian natives, whom he characterizes as the most indolent, and as occupying the lowest grade of intelligence, and especially of constructive ability, of all these races ; so low, indeed, as to show scarcely sufficient capacity or skill and its Decay in Australasia. 105 for making even a slight covering for themselves. The Tasmanian he places even lower than the Australian, pro- ducing absolutely nothing beyond one or two primitive weapons. Reeret is expressed concerning the Tasmanian, for the small interest generally manifested towards collecting such relics as could have been recently, and such as might yet be obtained for preservation in museums ; and especially as one last remaining female survivor is all that now remains of this once relatively numerous people. Allusion is made to the deceased king Billy, who was the last male of the Tasmanian native race, and to the unseemly proceedings attending his demise; and two highly typical and accurate life-size busts of Wanroddy, and Treginney his wife (parents of King Billy), were exhibited in illustration of remarks concerning the mode in which the Tasmanian native was made to retreat before the footsteps of the white man. It was stated how Wanroddy and Treginney became instru- ments towards this end, decoying their own people and betraying them into the hands of the Government autho- rities, and how a small pension was the reward for this base service. Mr. Pain explained further how the whole residual Tasmanian race, thus handed over, was shipped off and con- centrated in Flinder’s Island, and how, thus localized, they have rapidly diminished and are now in the last act of dying out, leaving the seantiest vestiges in evidence of their career, Mr. Pain’s paper concluded with a few hints concerning a scheme for collecting and preserving a museum of high class native art, which he proposed should be attached to this Society ; concerning which proposition it may be remarked that there is at least one other institution in Melbourne in which such a collection has been already com- menced, and moreover that the acquisition and care of an ethnological art-series is certainly at present beyond the scope of this Society’s business. ee a a eee 106 On » Argis and Nebula. ArT. XXXIT—On y Argds and Nebula. By F. MACGEORGE. [Read 9th October, 1871.] The admirable sketch and description of this wonderful object given by the late Sir John Herschel, and the catalogue of the stars comprised in it, form together—as far as the power of his 18-inch aperture could reach—a complete record of the appearance of 7 Argtis and Nebula, between the years 1834—1838. In that description he gives the position of certain stars on the borders of the lemniscate or central vacuity, close to the star y, in these words: “ Four stars, Nos. 686, 603, 589, and 670=w of the catalogue, are placed precisely on its edges, and will serve as excellent detectors of change in its form, should any occur. The stars No. 607=¢, 664=v, and 616, though near the edge, are yet fairly immersed in the Nebula. On the other hand, No. 634, situated in the contraction of the oval towards its middle, is yet fairly within the vacancy, and so situated, that the slightest shifting of the nebulous contour at its preceding side, cannot fail to be rendered sensible.” This piece of precise word-painting, added to the evidence of the published engraving in Sir John’s Cape observations, is most valuable, since a comparison with the nebula, as seen .- in 1871, will shew beyond doubt or cavil, the inapplicability of such a description, and such a drawing to tlie present appearance of the lemniscate outline in the Great Telescope. The rough chalk sketch marked 4, is a copy from part of the inverted drawing of Herschel, re-inverted to suit ordinary telescopes ; and I hope it will be distinctly understood that this and the other five rough copies from the working drawings are the work of one hour, and only intended to shew the salient points and the two or three stars referred to, the rest being unimportant. From 1838 to 1869 no observations of the nebula around 7 of a trustworthy character could be made—owing to the want of a telescope of sufficient power—although most interesting and important observations of the star 7 itself, and of the surrounding stars, have been made with small apertures, and Mr. Tebbutt of New South Wales, in particular, has in the Astr. Soc. Monthly Notices, for May last given a list of magnitudes of » Argus from 1854 to 1870, which On » Argds and Nebula. . 107 seems to shew that small periodical fluctuations of its light are still in progress, presaging possibly another outburst of this wondrous variable. Mr. Le Sueur’s first glance through the great Telescope at y Areus, in April 1869, revealed important changes, shewn in sketch 1 ; y, which in 1838 was involved in dense nebula, was seen on bare sky—the nebula having disappeared for some distance around it—and the southern loop of the lemnis- cate, consisting of equally dense nebula in 1838, had grown so faint as almost to disappear. The preceding side of the lemniscate had bulged out into the vacuity and stretched itself out into a bridge or isthmus, which, after a bend towards a projecting cape on the other side which seemed to stretch into the vacuity to meet it, passed northwards and jomed ‘the other loop of the lemniscate. The overlying streak or veil alluded to by Herschel, and shewn in his chart, had divided into a V shaped appendage to the V end of the V p loop of the lemniscate, and in July following, Mr. Le §. notes that a faint bridge existed, joining the S end of the isthmus with the nebula on the f side, across the vacuous channel. As 7 Argis has no sensible parallax, and in all probability is in physical connection with the nebula, we may assume every second of arc upon the rough drawings supplied, to represent at the least twice the diameter of the earth’s orbit, and as each of the sides of the squares shown upon the drawings represents 180 seconds of are, a rough scale is supplied by which to estimate changes whose magnitude and rapidity have no parallel in astronomic record; yet these changes as they are followed through their cycle, may remind the observer more or less forcibly of internal changes not very dissimilar, which are so frequently exhibited in sun-spots. Still more wonderful im its rapidity appears the change represented by Mr, Le 8’s next drawing of January 1870, only six months later, readily shewn in sketch 2. The isthmus of nebula has detached itself from the north side of the lemniscate, and withdrawn itself through 90 seconds of arc to form a broader peninsula of nebula, with such rapidity, that the severed end of the isthmus would appear to have travelled at a rate, per month, of 30 times the diameter of our orbit. These distances are of course esti- mated at right angles with the visual ray, and the real distances will in all cases be greater, since the various parts 108 ° On y Argus and, Nebula. of this nebula are doubtless situated at widely different distances from the observer. This second sketch of Mr. Le Sueur’s contains little else that differs from his first, except that in the corner he makes a memorandum : “Noticed a bridge at + Jan. 31, 70— never sure (?) before—may be small stars.” But as he notes on his first sketch : “ Bridge at ¢ in channel—no doubt at all -—April—July, 1869.” The truth probably is that a bridge existed at both these periods, which had been withdrawn in the interval, as my subsequent notes may explain. Last month, after concluding my year’s observations on this nebula—then becoming too low sub polo to observe—I unexpectedly came upon a third sketch (No. 3) of Mr. Le . Sueur’s, among some of his stray papers. Although un- finished—indeed, just commenced—I look upon it as the most valuable of the three, for, so far as it goes, it entirely corroborates the evidence of one change since observed by myself in the nebula, and sketched by me in entire ignorance of this sketch, thus supplying so unexpected yet stringent a link between his observations and mine, that hereafter no suspicion of optical bias as affecting the more important changes observed can enter my mind. After dotting down on his sketch all the stars observed near 7— nearly three times outnumbering Herschel’s in that space—which agree entirely with my latest sketch, even to the position of a minute triple star 7 f and close to 7 shown double by H., and triple, but differently placed in 1871 by Mr. Bussel, of Sydney Observatory, Mr. Le Sueur proceeds about March ’70, to pencil the outline of the lem- niscate, and at 2’ 30” » 1’ N of 7 shews the outline of a gulf or cleft commencing at the star 634 H. This star is one of those landmarks described by H. in the year 1838 as being near the margin. Mr. Le Sueur’s sketch shows it nearly in mid-channel ; 616 H, however, being still involved in nebula. Here probably Mr. Le Sueur saw the commencement of the intricate changes since observed by me in the 7 ~p loop of the lemniscate, and paused to unravel them before proceeding. In December, 1870, 7 was again sufficiently high to observe, and I took the first opportunity of turning upon it on the 27th, when, on comparison with Mr. Le Sueur’s sketches 1 and 2—for No. 3 had not then been found—showed marked changes in the nebula, and I at once commenced my first sketch, No. 4, confining myself to the neighbourhood of the lemniscate, where the most important changes seemed to On y Argis and Nebula. 109 be taking place, and where, from the brightness of the nebula and the amount of varying detail, the best field offered for the powers of the Great Telescope. For the changes of which I have spoken, and those of which I have yet to furnish a description, are utterly beyond the powers of detection of every other instrument in the southern hemisphere. With- out the Great Telescope another thirty years might have elapsed without producing changes sufficiently great to be within the compass of ordinary observatories. Ignorant then of Mr. Le 8.’s third sketch, and diffident of describing and drawing what I saw from the mere mag- nitude of the changes which had appeared in so short a time, I made a rapid sketch of the nebular portion of the lemniscate and neighbourhood, only putting in such stars as were necessary to guide the eye. The gulf at 634 H was one of the first features sketched, and my drawing shews not only that this star is in mid-channel, but that 616 H also is left nearly clear of nebula. The promontory which Mr. Le 8.’s second sketch shews still remaining, has detached its extremity to form an island of nebula, in which I note a star-like nucleus, and this, with the remnant of the promontory, seems to direct itself still more towards the opposing cape, which, however, does not appear so prominent as in Sketch 2. This, and the neighbouring parts of this margin of the lemniscate appears to keep the same hard deiinite outline which is presented by Sir J. H. but at 14 » 3 =side of each square, 14 NV, the outline seems encroaching upon the lemniscate, and leaving a little nearer 7 an oval patch of thinner nebula than that which surrounded it. Southwards also, the nebulous outline seems to be curdling and breaking up, and is evidently much less dense than drawn by 7D and a little less so than drawn by Le 8. But in the V p loop of the lemniscate changes perhaps still more evident are going on. ‘The outline preceding HT 670, which in Sketch 1 largely bulged into the lemniscate to meet the isthmus, and which in Sh. 2 and Sk. 3 is slowly with- drawing itself has still further retracted in a NV p direction ; the outline p this is withdrawing also in a NV p direction, and two condensations are taking place in the faint nebula which fills the V p loop of the lemniscate. The curved NV p arm of the V shaped appendage has turned itself into a V and S direction, and both arms appear straighter than in Sk’s land 2. A faint branch of nebula also appears 14 V of 7, and proceeds in a f direction, giving an appearance ¢ 110 On » Argtis and Nebula. again approaching nearly to that drawn by H. in 1838. The very faint nebula S p », does not appear at all until 2’ dist. where the outline of the faint nebula now seems to commence. ‘The outlying portions preceding lemniscate also show slight changes, but to these I have not devoted so close an attention, deeming it better to keep a close and unremitting watch over the central portions, than to distract the mind with too great a variety of details, and what I have sketched, however carefully, I confirm by verbal description in my notes on the spot, and add any impressions, however trivial, which strike me at the time, as such impressions are sometimes found to prove of the greatest value in retrospect. On the 17th January, of this year, I note: Power 520 shows distinct nebulosity surrounding 7 itself much con- densed towards y chiefly in direction of lemniscate. The margins of the channels and lemniscate come out in good distinct relief, just as I have already sketched them ; the vacant spaces showing almost black. Spectrum of nebula very faint, with usual lines ghostly and fitful. Spectrum of 7» hazy and unsatisfactory, with diffused light, although other stars appear distinct enough. Could not see the slightest appearance of bright lines, but fancied I detected with wide slit absorption bands in position of nebular lines, but too chaotic and indistinct for measurement although attempted frequently. Can 7's light be absorbed by surrounding nebula? At the time Le Sueur observed (December 1869), he says, “ No nebula is apparent about y, although sky did not appear so black as in lemniscate spaces, and 7 gave bright lines.” Next evening (18th January) Mr. Ellery confirmed my observations and verified sketch. Neither he nor Professor Smith, who was also present, recognised the spectrum of 7 when shown in the telescope as the same which they had seen the year before, and could find no bright lines. I again imagined I saw the same ghosts of absorption lines in the positions of the usual bright lines of the nebula. On the 18th May my notes describe the appearance of a small star in the oval space WV. p. y before described (owing to the nebula becoming still thinner in that spot) forming the head-star to a sort of miniature Orion of minute stars : a pentagon enclosing seven stars, five of which were seen by Le Sueur, none by H. The notes then proceed: “The : | ———E On » Argtis and Nebula. 111 small nucleus or involved star at a. (The zsland) in sketch appears brighter than in December (Le Sueur does not show this star at all) and could not be missed by a casual observer, and there is a general appearance of change going on which I have not time to note to night.” A close triplet of stars very minute, and never before seen by any one, appeared in mid-channel of lemniscate, and faint bridges between the island to cape before mentioned and the island and margin S. f: also appear. On the 17th June, the “island” star appears in the new channel between the island and the promontory to which it lately belonged, and is noted as being for the first time indubitably a star. These changes appear to indicate the movement of the island away from the promontory and towards the opposing capes. On 21st June, among other minute changes, I note that the island is nearer the cape than before observed ; but that the star is again becoming obscured by nebula in new channel, and then proceed. “The triplet V fy shown by H. as double only, by Le Sueur not at all, seems freer from nebula than before, indeed may be said to be positively free from it: the new star of the ‘Orion’ is r f again, only apparent at intervals.” On the 22nd, “Opened up 5 p.m. on 7 Arets with excel- lent definition powers 230 and 520. Island appears hard and defined at S f edge as before ; but 520 shows a narrow channel between this and the main nebula, instead of bridge before noted. Power 1300 shows this also more clearly, and confirms beyond a doubt the existence of a bridge at 100” p and 60” N of ». Many new stars.appear also around y and elsewhere, y quite involved in nebula, condensed in neighbourhood of 7; notch ” in WV f side of this net in which the triplet shows clearly. The definition with power 1300 is magnificent, and I used it with great effect for an hour.” | On the 17th June—I ought to mention—change had proceeded so fur that I had determined not to alter sketch 4, my first one, but to commence a new one; which I accord- ingly did, and commenced now to map (Sketch 5) every star I saw in and around the lemniscate as well as the nebular details. Besides the island now in mid-channel yet almost touching either shore there exist at the period of this last sketch—still incomplete—three instead of two areas of condensation in the NV p loop of the lemniscate, and the 112 On » Argis and Nebula. northern outline of this loop is moving north, proceeding so as to approximate this outline more to its appearance in 1838 than any previous drawings show it. Yet this outline is so faint that owing to the brightness of the included nebula the eye traces it with difficulty and at first takes the boundary of the included nebula as that of the lemniscate which viewed thus would appear to be much more narrowed than it has really been. The S margin of the gulf has retired still further from 634 and 616 H., and left 634 in mid-channel (a close double star as the Great Telescope now shows it), and 616 well clear of the nebula. The fading away of nebula is still extending around y as a centre, although that star is still apparently nebulous, and a very faint nebulous bridge only joined to the nebula, north preceding. The oval patch seems to be changing its form and closing up, and the head star of the minute ‘‘ Orion” is now never seen, and the Vp star of the pentagon rarely so. This configuration of stars has on several occasions given the vivid impression of being ‘“‘ set” on the nebula, with the exception of the two just mentioned, and I incline to think that the latter are on the other side of the nebula, the former on the side next the earth. : It may be interesting to add that on many occasions, and these always of the best definition, the nebula gave a dis- tinct stereoscopic impression to my eye, particularly when under high powers. The margin of the lemniscate always appearing the thickest part, and the vacuity appearing like a huge snowy cave with uneven woolly sides. With the kind assistance of Mr. Martin, an amateur in astronomy, | have commenced a catalogue of the stars observed, 109 of which have been observed within the th of a square degree immediately surrounding 7. Within this space Herschel’s 18 inch aperture recorded only 39. Since reading the above paper at the Royal Society of Victoria, I have had four opportunities of re-examination of this nebula, now rising into position in the evenings, and its appearance is in the main that represented by my last drawing and description, no important change having since occurred. The lemniscate has apparently gone through a cycle of changes, and has now become once more stationary. Learning from Mr. Russell that he intends to revise his paper, published in 1871, I may defer remark upon it until then, except to corroborate Mr. Russell’s remarks as to the alleged colours of stars near 7 observed by Mr. Abbott. I Btyokr afi. Pye ar Ge 14¢ Oa; D (Wine ieee SSS SSS SS SSS SESS SSS SSS SSSI SSS SESE ESSSSS PAW CHU SS ARE OMETER Avreometer. 113 also have been unable to detect decided colour with any telescope, beyond a ruddy tinge in one or two, certainly no colour to compare even remotely with those of « Crucis. And the magnitudes and positions of the stars around y, as seen in the Great Telescope, agree in most cases sufficiently well to enable the discrepancies to be assigned to ordinary errors of observation and reduction. Where any important differences occur they are generally found among small stars, which, although palpable enough in a four feet aperture, must have been at the extreme limit of vision in Sir John’s 18-inch reflector. It does not seem to have been before remarked of the stars which are in optical connection with the nebula, that they cluster most about those parts where the nebula is, or has been, most condensed. This appears from Sir John Herschel’s drawing and catalogue as well as my own, and is suggestive of physical connection between stars and nebula. Art. XXXIII.—Avreometer. By Grorct Foorp, Esa. [Read 9th October, 1871.] The instrument which I have now the pleasure of sub- mitting to your inspection involves no new principle, and ean scarcely lay claim to novelty of form; it is in fact no more than a modification or expansion of what has been already described. I beg to remind you that occasionally during the Society’s meetings, when the papers read have happened to make a somewhat short evening’s sitting, it has been felt that some light supplementary subject would fulfila want, by extending the business to a convenient duration. It is in this sense that I now venture to place this form of areometer before you, premising that in Lehmann’s Physiological Chemistry,—the English edition, published by the Cavendish Society, at page 437 of vol. i of that work, occurs the following passage :—“ Among the different areometers there is only one which deserves any special notice; but this instrument, which is constructed by Alexander, of Munich*, yields, according to my experience, much more accurate results than one might be disposed to expect, a prior, from its construction. It is arranged in the following manner: —‘two parallel graduated tubes, * Polytechn. Centralb., 1847, Heft 6, 5. 361, I 114 A reometer. both open at one end and communicating with each other at their other ends, at which is a small syringe, are intro- duced, the one into water, the other into the liquid to be examined. The air in the tubes is now slightly rarified by means of the syringe, when, by comparing the elevation of the water and of the other liquid in the tubes, the ratio of their specific gravities is given. ‘This is the best of all the instruments for rapidly determining the density, as the influence of temperature and of atmospheric pressure are here almost eliminated.” The instrument before you conforms in principle and in general arrangements with the description quoted. We have, you will observe, two glass tubes, each about three feet long and of very nearly the same internal diameter, namely, three-quarters of an inch. The lower ends of these tubes are open; the upper ends, also open, are contracted, and fashioned for juncture with caoutchouc tubular couplings. Two wooden rods, each four feet long, are fixed on a stout wooden base, so as to occupy a vertical position with an intervening space of twelve inches between them, and near their tops a light cross piece of wood connects these rods and preserves their parallel position. On the top cross-piece is fixed, in cork mountings, a tubular + shaped glass con- necting piece, to each of the two lower openings of which is appended by a caoutchouc junction one of the before-men- tioned vertical glass tubes ; and to the upper opening of this glass junction piece is in the same manner connected a pewter tube, which arches over, is carried down one of the vertical wooden rods, and at its lower extremity, which is again curved upwards, is affixed a caoutchouc syringe—that is to say—a bulb of india-rubber with valves, and which will pump air when alternately compressed by hand pressure and allowed to expand. Two matched ordinary glass beakers are placed under the pendant three feet glass tubes, and are blocked up to a proper height by wooden blocks, so that the lower opening of each glass tube is half an inch or less above the bottom of its beaker. A screw-clip is attached to the caoutchoue coupling over the branched glass tube at the top of the two vertical measuring tubes, and this completes the arrange- ment. . If mercury be poured into one of the beakers and distilled water into the other, so as to seal off the air contained in the two vertical tubes from direct contact with Areometer. 115 the exterior atmosphere, and if a few strokes of the syringe be now effected, a portion of air will be pumped out of the tubes, and in consequence the fluids—the mercury and the water—will rise in their respective tubes. The heights of the columns thus raised will be inversely as the specific eravities of the liquids; thus, in round numbers, with mercury having a specific gravity of thirteen and six-tenths, for one inch of column of mercury, we shall have a column of distilled water measuring thirteen and six-tenths inches, or for any given height of mercury that of distilled water will be thirteen and six-tenths times as great; always measuring from the surface of the fluid in the beaker to the top of the column standing in the tube. The measurements are made with the cathetometer, by the vernier of which the five-hundredth part of an inch is measurable, and when the utmost attainable accuracy is required, the mean of several measurements may be taken. Results are thus obtained with great rapidity, and the arrangement appears to promise some special advantages in comparing the specific gravities of fluids through a range of varying tem- peratures, as well as in the case of fluids of more or less viscous character, such, for instance, as blood and other animal fluids. One point of interest in reference to this mode of taking specific gravities is the fact that the measures are in a certain sense absolute, for although mere linear measurement, as an indication of mass, will not com- pare with the decisions of the balance ; yet, on the other hand, we have no corrections to” "make for the altered capacity of the containing vessel following change of tem- perature, as in taking the specific gravity of fluids in the balance by means of the ordinary specific gravity bottle. It is true that capillary action is an influence to be taken into account in interpreting results obtained with this areometer ; and it is also true that with certain fluids, as with oil-of-vitriol and water for example, the one will in time distil over, even at ordinary temperatures, and will sooner or later vitiate the fluid with which it is compared,— the water will thus distil over and dilute the oil-of-vitriol ; but these are not disturbing causes of such a character as to forbid the readily obtaining reliable and valuable results’ by employment of this instrument. As a means of demon- strating, from the lecture table, the relative specific gravities of different fluids, this arrangement certainly possesses very notable advantages. leg 116 On the Cultivation of Mentha Piperita, Art. XXXIV.—On a method of combining Marsh’s Test for Arsenic with Reinsch’s. By Rev. WM. KELLY. [Read 13th November, 1871.] The Rev. Wm. Kelly, S.J., explained in this paper a method which had suggested itself to him, by which Marsh’s test and Reinsch’s could be immediately combined, so as to ascertain and guarantee the absolute purity of the testing reagents, and to make the two great tests immediately corroborate each other. He relied on the well-known fact that the copper of Reinsch’s test is entirely dissolved in presence of Chlorate of Potassa, and pointed out that this action which is often treated as an objection to the test, may be made to confirm it. If a portion or the entire of the copper thus completely dissolved be introduced into Marsh’s apparatus, it will produce the characteristic clouds, spots, and stains; the troublesome frothing incident to organic substances being entirely avoided. Pieces of porce- lain and glass shewing the results of experiments were handed round. The reverend gentleman explained in detail many of the advantages which would arise from this com- bination, which he believed had not been suggested in any of our toxicological treatises. Art. XXXV.—On the Cultivation of Mentha Piperita or True Peppermint, im Victoria, based on a Report received from England relating to vts Oil value. By Mr. JosepH Bosistvo. (Read 13th November, 1871.] Amongst the auxiliary industries serviceable to Victoria, there is one at the present moment deserving of an intro- duction, viz., the cultivation of Mentha Piperita, or true Peppermint. The Mentha genus is well represented in Victoria, several species are to be found in abundance on the banks of the rivers and creeks, and also in moist and swampy places. Some time ago I examined many of these, and reported accordingly, forwarding their ottos to the International Exhibition 1862, where they met with favorable notice by the Jurors; this held out the hope that when the higher species or True Peppermint. 117 of the mint genus would be cultivated, a good result might be expected; this has been accomplished, and the reports received from gentlemen in England capable of giving an opinion on Oil of Peppermint, I will presently lay before you. The Mentha Piperita (a specimen on the table) is a plant needing no description, it being generally well known, although some confound it with the ordinary garden mint. The soil and climate of some parts of Victoria, offering to my mind facilities for the growth of Peppermint, I forwarded to those districts a number of plants with directions as to its cultivation, and obtained results all more or less en- couragine. The districts of Melbourne, Mount Macedon, and North Gipps Land, have each had a trial in its cultiva- tion; at present there can be no doubt that North Gipps Land carries the palm. In cultivating Peppermint for the purpose of obtaining its volatile oil, attention must be paid to position and soil ; its habitat being in loamy and moist lands, if this be neglected, it will soon loose its fragrance and flavour, for the lower species, such as the spearmint and pennyroyal. As an example of this fact, one of the late numbers of the Gardener's Chronicle mentions that “some peppermint plants from the Mitcham fields were introduced into a _ plan- tation at Singapore, in a situation fully exposed to the tropical sun; they grew very well, but not to the height they usually grow in England; moreover, they refused to flower, and almost as soon as they arrived at full growth, they dried up, having the appearance of being burnt. They were also found to yield not more than half the usual quan- tity of essential oil, and that of a dark claret colour and of an inferior odour.” The difference in the quality of pepper- mint oil is very great. England produces the best, Scotland the next, then America, afterwards France. Even in Eng- land, the counties. produce different qualities, none equal that grown in and around Mitcham, in Surrey, although Hertfordshire and Cambridge follow close after. The price varies accordingly ; thus Mitcham oil realises 40s. per lb. ; Cambridge, 33s. per lb.; American, 16s. per lb.; French, 10s. per lb. The oil upon which the accompanying report ig based, is from the plant grown in Gipps Land, between Stratford and Sale, and also in a mountainous district beyond Glen Maggie. On my visiting that part last year, I 118 On the Cultivation of Mentha Piperita, submitted the plant to distillation, and being of the opinion that its quality was excellent, I forwarded samples to several competent judges in England, with the accompanying | letter :— “T herewith send you a sample of an Essential Oil of Peppermint, distilled from the green and cultivated plant grown in the mountainous district of Victoria, with the request that you will favour me with an opinion as to its quality and marketable value if forwarded in large quantities. I may add, that being aware of the cost of labour attendant on its growth, I value its minimum price delivered in London, at 25s. per lb. The oil was distilled from the growing plant when in flower, and may be relied on as representing any future quantity in bulk. Sp. Grav. 904.” The following are the reports received :— Messrs. Meggeson and Co. :— “Tt is quite as strong as either the English or American, and although better flavour than American, not so good as what we use of Mitcham growth; it is very similar in flavour to the Oil grown in Scotland.” Mr. Wilson, or rather his successor, Mr. Cooper, says :— “We can hardly say what its value really is, but have no doubt if climatic influence permit, it will be an article of commerce in the not far distant future. There is a pungency about it above the American, but the flavour is weedy, which will soon be remedied by attention, and we should not be surprised to find it competing some day with our Mitcham growth.” Messrs. Quincey and Son report :— “We have examined the sample of Oil of Peppermint, thinkit good, but we think you had better rely on the report of Messrs. Meggeson and Co., as regards the actual quality as compared with English, upon which will depend its market value.” Messrs. Homer and Son report :— “We have examined the Oil of Peppermint distilled in Australia, the quality seems very good, we consider, at first, it would not bring more than 25s.; but, in time, as it became appreciated, it might bring more money. Messrs. Langton. Scott and Co., consider it the best foreign oil they have seen, but doubt if at first it would fetch 25s.” Messrs. Bush and Co. report :— «We consider it very good quality, about equal to our Cambridge Mint; we had submitted to us lozenges made by Meggeson and Co., three kinds, one lot containing Mitcham Oil, another lot containing Australian, and another containing Hatchkiss’ American; we picked out those made with the American at once as the worst, but were wrong with the other two, for we judged the Australian Oil made lozenges to be the Mitcham and vice versa; we think 25s. to be an outside price to be expected at first, but will afterward improve in price. There is a herby flavour about it which may be got over by cultivation.” or True Peppermint. 119 Messrs. Price and Hickman report :— - «We have examined the Australian Oil of Peppermint, and consider it to be of excellent quality, and but little inferior to Mitcham Oil. If it could be produced a trifle less yellow in colour, we have no doubt we could dispose of it in this market at about 27s. 6d. per lb. In its present state, we think it would be worth 25s.” Another firm report :— “Tt certainly is the best foreign oil we have seen, but still it is foreign, and we doubt if at first it can compete with English; we think it will scon take a high place.” These reports certainly establish the fact that, notwith- standing prejudices to be overcome, we can produce an Oil of Peppermint, which, with care and attention, will vie with the choicest known ; and my object in bringing this subject before this Society is, that it may become known that this interesting and minor industry is deserving of cultivation ; but the general indifference existing amongst cultivators of the soil to enter upon the growth of anything which is apart from that generally undertaken in Victoria, renders it difficult to produce a new export, which, like the present article, has a world-wide market. The information frequently sought by these farmers and obtained, often remains without further use, and if advanced a step, ends there. The plant now under notice, so far as my experience goes, has not been an exception ; some attention was bestowed in the districts I have mentioned at planting, yet, as the herb grew, it was allowed to be surrounded with weeds, and almost forsaken ; on submitting it therefore to distillation, it could not be entirely freed from weeds, rendering it difficult to obtain an oil of fine aroma; the report mentions ‘a slight weedy odour.” This, I think, must show the “expert” judging the oil, and also the reliable character of the opinions expressed. The demand in England and in most parts of the world for Peppermint Oil is very great, and the closer it resembles in flavour and aroma that of Mitcham, the greater is the preference given. I have seen it noticed that about 4,000 acres of Pepper- mint are annually under cultivation in England, and Piesse states that about 6,000 acres of it are annually under culti- vation in America. One acre will produce from ten to twelve pounds of oil. From my own observation, the best method to promote the growth of the plant is to plant the roots about six inches apart in rows, and the rows about Se 120 On the Cultivation of Mentha Piperita. fifteen inches from each other; the hoe can then be used freely between them, keeping down the weeds and checking the tendrils. The soil should be brought three inches high along each side of the plants, so as to stay the formation of leaf in the low portion of the stock; the leaves will then become very thick, well developed, and full of oil. The time for planting is the early part of September, and that of reaping in February, when just bursting into bloom. Peppermint should be distilled in its fresh state, and the process adopted should be either with water or steam. Steam is certainly the best and should always be used where there is quantity; the aroma is finer, there is less resin and colour- ing substance in the oil, and it is also a much cleaner process. The grower should therefore be guided in adopting water or steam according to the quantity grown. The want of some little knowledge in the distillation of oil-producing plants militates in no small degree against the farming of this class of vegetation ; but with very little care and observation, this knowledge can easily be obtained ; the only general instruction which can be given is, to be careful to retain an equable temperature, never exceeding 212°. All volatile oils obtained from vegetation of delicate aroma are very evanescent, and require a low temperature to secure ~ them, but those, in character with peppermint, where stearessence or stearoptene exist, require the temperature indicated. The apparatus need not be expensive for the purpose of distilling peppermint; £30 would supply the requisite for 20 or 50 acres. To avoid any difficulty in keeping the distilling apparatus on the farm between the seasons, the ready aid rendered . by the Government to native industries, would assist in making some arrangement with the distilleries department for the police stations to take charge of the still head and worm during the months when not required. To my mind, the farming of this plant in Victoria is very interesting ; interesting inasmuch as we actually find our- selves competing with England in the production of an article in which she has always excelled, and approaching a position which she has hitherto held without a rival. On Patents and their Utilization. 121 Art. XXXV1L—Patents and their Utilization. By Tuomas Harrison, Esa. (Read 8th April, 1872.] ABSTRACT. That it is not desirable that patent laws should be abolished, will appear, I think, from the following considera- tions :— Ist. Advantages secured under the circumstances of such abolition—that is by each inventor hiding from the public what he had discovered—must, of necessity, be often distri- buted in an unequal and unsatisfactory manner. A discoverer would reap his reward, not as a result of his having conferred a benefit upon society, but as a consequence of his discovery being of such a kind that its nature could be easily concealed. 2nd. A system of trade-secrets has decidedly a demoral- izing tendency. 3rd. The system of protection by secret is decidedly inimical to public interests. An illustration of this is given in an article relative to patent laws, appearing in the Mechanics Magazine for August, 1865, p. 96.