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ETL. [Wirn Turirty-two Priates anD TWELVE FiauRES IN THE TEXT. | EDITED BY WALTER HOWCHIN, F.G.S., Assistep By ARTHUR M. LEA, F.ES. PRICE, TWELVE SHILLINGS AND SIXPENCE. Adelaide : PUBLISHED BY THE Society, Roya Society Rooms, NortH TERRACE. DECEMBER 24, 1918. PrintED BY Hussty & GILLINGHAM LimiTED, 106 anv 108, Currie Street, ADELAIDE, SoutH AUSTRALIA. Parcels for transmission to the Royal Society of South Aus- tralia from the United States of America can be forwarded through the Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C, Vi. Aapal Soctety ot South Australia (INCORPORATED), Patron: HIS EXCELLENCY SIR HENRY LIONEL GALWAY, K.C.M.G., D.S.O. —offp— -—— ‘ OFFICERS FOR 1916-1gq. President : JOSEPH C. VERCO, M.D., F.R.C.S. Wice=Presidents : PROF. E. H. RENNIE, M.A., D.Sc., F.C.S. LIEUT.-COLONEL R. S. ROGERS, M.A..-M.D. ‘thon. Treasuret : W. B. POOLE. ‘Ibon. Secretary: WALTER RUTT, C.E. Members of Council: SAMUEL DIXON. PROF. T. G. B. OSBORN, M.Sc. E. ASHBY. R. H. PULLEINE, M.B. PROF. R. W. CHAPMAN, M.A., B.C.E. W. HOWCHIN, F.G.S. (Editor and Representative Governor) ‘Ibon. Huditors : \W. Le WARE. Jae H. WHITBREAD. $06 AGES LIBRARY SOU . vii. 4 - r ‘ ‘ r “ ™“ Cop. 3: een lL NTS. ee Total number of plants” ce -aa 89 $29 48° 29 07 ee ee Number with one root wa aes 89 25 43° DO See oe Number with two roots ee ee ee Number with three roots ... .. — 2) 42 Thus, while it frequently naptons that a plant with a high number of leaves has more than a single root, plants with 7 or 8 leaves may have but one root, and conversely plants with 2 or 3 leaves may have as many roots as leaves. No plants have been found in which the number of roots was in excess of the number of leaves. (c) The small proportion of fertile plants observed among the South Australian specimens is noteworthy. Of the 184 individuals enumerated above but 4 bore cones. They had respectively 2, 3, 5, and 6 leaves. Thomas (12: p. 290) has drawn attention to the point that there appears to be no necessary connection between the number of leaves and spore production. Observations in the field in South Australia confirm this. (d) With a solitary exception all the South Australian specimens of Phylloglossum had produced but a single tuber. 7 1 oneal 5 An increase in the number of individuals by the formation of two new tubers in a growing season is theoretically possible. Thomas (12: p. 290) says this is “‘quite a common occurrence,” though Cheeseman (4: p. 1033) says it is rare. A large number (over 100) of Western Australian plants were recently examined by Miss Sampson (11: p. 317), who found they had all formed but a single new tuber. It would seem that, in Australia at any rate, the multiplication of individual plants by the formation of more than one annual storage tuber is uncommon. The exception mentioned above was a fertile plant with 5 leaves and 2 roots that had formed one tuber stalk, which forked at the distal end, producing two tubers. This is figured, and will be more fully described should it prove of ana- tomical interest (text fig. 2). At present the only known South Australian station for Phylloglossum Drummondu is National Park, Belair. HaBITat. It has not been found possible to obtain much information as to the conditions of growth of Jsoétes Drummondu in other Australian States. The record made by Ewart and Rees (6: p. 5) states that the habitat was ‘‘in pools on summit, in granite basins on bare rock,’’ and Professor Ewart has kindly fur- nished the supplementary inform- ation that “it was completely sub- merged in summer time.’’ I have not had an opportunity of examining one of these specimens, but I grate- fully acknowledge the kindness of Professor Ewart in loaning me a Phylloglossum Drum- specimen from the National Herb- mondii. Fertile plant pro- arium, Victoria, collected in ‘‘sub- ducing two new res in : aay : _ one growing season by a galing Ws dplecnt) Little Desert teen of ge daa ’ : ‘’ end of the tuber stalk. megaspore measurements of this Camera lucida outline specimen agree with those from x3}. South Australia. The species may be said to be common in parts of the National Park, growing in damp sandy soils derived from decomposed Cambrian quartzites. The habitat and soil is similar at Big. 2: 6 Tea Tree Gully. At Victor Harbour the soil is also sandy alluvium overlying the glacial deposits near the mouth of the Hindmarsh River. At this last station some of the specimens were found submerged to a depth of 6 cms. in. a waterhole caused by the removal of a tree stump. This pool only contains water during the wet season. Most plants, however, were growing in the open some distance from standing water. In neither of the localities about Adelaide has Jsoétes been found submerged. The method of growth of the plant is incidentally referred to below in discussing the plant com- munity in which Phylloglossum occurs at Belair. It is unfortunate but inevitable that of the numerous investigators of Phylloglossum only one (Thomas) had access to material growing in the field. The information available as to the natural occurrence of the plant is thus very slight. Thomas points out that the plant is not a semiaquatic (12: p. 291). He says: “Phylloglossum, it is true, being a very small plant, can only grow whilst the surface soil is fairly moist, hence it forms a tuber and rests during the dry season. So far as I have seen the plant grows rather better on a hill- top, or at any rate it grows there at least as well as it does down the slope, and I have never found it in an actual swamp. It grows well on a slope where water can never lodge.”’ The locality given in Cheeseman’s Flora (4: p. 1033) is “barren clay hills’’ in the North Island of New Zealand. In the account by Diels of the Western Australian flora Phylloglossum is recorded amongst the ‘“‘miniature’’ plants (ephemerals) of the “alluvial formation” in the south- west province (5: p. 256). This alluvial flora is included by him in the “swamp formations.” It is explained, however, that the area is only a seasonal swamp. The soil retains the rains, and for a time is saturated (das Land tiberschwemmen). It dries slowly, and in the process becomes baked as hard as a brick (p. 249). The tree vegetation is an open stand of eucalypts (#. patens, H. rudis, or EL. rostrata) with local patches of melaleucas. The undergrowth may be shrubby, but in areas in which the water lies for weeks together the shrubs give place to undershrubs or herbs. These latter have a limited growing period, since growth is at a standstill while the ground is sodden, as also when it has dried up. The perennial herbaceous plants of such an area have rhizomes or other underground storage organs, e.g., tuberous droseras and numerous Liliaceae and Orchidaceae. Annuals, especially ‘‘miniature’? annuals (ephemerals), occur together with the bulbous plants. The similarity in composition between this Western Australian flora and that of the South Australian locality to be described is very striking. if In the National Park, Belair, there is an alluvial flat about half a mile long and some 300 yards across, bounded on either side by a small creek, on the further banks of which the land rises steeply. The surface soil is a cold grey sandy loam formed by decomposition of quartzite rocks of Cambrian Age. The subsoil as exposed by the creek banks is somewhat gravelly, owing to the presence of waterworn stones. The drainage of the flat, however, is insufficient, for the run-off is very slight, and since the area lies in a trough a quantity of water reaches it by soakage. In spite of the sandy nature of the soil there \ is sufficient silt to prevent rapid percolation of the water, so that frequently, following heavy downpours during the rainy months, there is a shimmer of surface water over the area. During the summer both creeks cease running, and the alluvial area becomes very dry, the soil baking hard at the surface. There are thus two sharply-defined seasons, neither suit- able to the growth of herbaceous plants: the summer when the soil is too dry, and the winter when it is sodden and cold. The active vegetative period for most plants is thus limited to the conclusion of the wet season, when in addition to a rise in the average temperature the ground is reasonably dry for days together. On an average, August to October inclusive may be taken as the chief period of vegetative activity for most flowering plants. During the early part of the wet season (May-July) except for Drosera Whittaker: there are few flowering plants to be seen. There is, however, a con- siderable growth of cryptogams (hepatics, mosses, and algae). Both Jsoétes and Phylloglossum appear early in the season. They were just visible on May 28 this year (1918), and had not died down till early in November, 1917. They thus have a much longer vegetative period than most of the herbaceous seed plants. There are occasional trees of Hucalyptus leucorylon (blue gum) and #. wiminalis (manna gum), ranging up to about 18 m. in height, also #. odorata (peppermint), which in this situation often shows a coppice or mallee habit and does not exceed about 5 m. Acacia pycnantha (golden wattle) forms the main underwood, but is infrequent. Scattered bushes of Leptospermum scoparium are frequent. Of the undershrubs Hibbertia stricta (30 cm.) is the most common. A variety of other undershrubs occur, but only as occasional bushes. Upon the surrounding slopes shrubs to a great extent replace the herbaceous plants to be described below. The alluvial flat flora there gives place to the sclerophyllous scrub or woodland typical of the area. The swampy nature of the soil is indicated by the sedge, Schoenus apogon, which is the dominant ground 8 species, growing in tufted patches but never forming a continuous carpet. Gramineae are hardly noticeable until the ground becomes drier at the close of the wet season. After the spring-flowering bulbous and tuberous plants have died down they become a more prominent element in the flora. The native perennials Neurachne alope- curoides, Danthonia setacea, and Stipa semibarbata, and the introduced annual Briza major, are the chief grasses. The herbaceous perennials (other than grasses) are divis- able into two groups: the first, containing such plants as Halorrhagis, Goodema, Helichrysum, possess stout root stocks, and during the dry season die down more or less completely, but show no special modification; the second and more numerous group is the geophytes. The earliest of these to appear is Drosera Whittakert, which comes into leaf soon after the first winter rains (May-June), and is to be found flowering when the whole area is sodden. Hypoais glabella and Wurmbea dioica both flower before there is any sign of the ground drying up (July-August). The majority of the species, however, do not flower till September-October, by which time the ground is appreciably drier, though following a period of heavy precipitation it may remain sodden with a shimmer of surface water for a day or two. The llaceous Burchardia umbellata is the latest geophyte to appear, and may be seen in full bloom when most of the others have died down. On the bare ground between the larger plants a great variety of ephemerals is to be found. The complete vegetative and flowering periods of these plants is hmited to a few weeks at the close of the wet season. This miniature flora is a notable constituent in the sclerophyllous areas of South Australia, whether on quartzite, alluvial sands, or in the scrub woodland that develops upon the coastal dunes. Upon the alluvial area considered, as also upon the quartzite wherever there be a local accumulation of water, the abundance of the Centrolepidaceae is especially worthy of note. Centrolems aristata is most frequent, often dominating the ephemeral florula. Centrolepis strigosa, Cyperus tenellus, and Stylidiwum despecta are all locally abundant. The little bladderwort, Polypompholy« tenella, is one of the rarer members of the flora. Hepaticae are general elements in this ground flora, ¢.@., Reboulia hemispherica, and notably a species of Fossombronia. The following analysis of the flora is fairly complete in regard to the vascular plants, though additional species of orchids might still further increase the number of geophytes : — Trees, | Eucalyptus leucoxylon Kucalyptus odorata KE. viminalis 9 Shrubs. Acacia pycnantha Leptospermum scoparium Undershrubs (less than *5 m.). Grevillea lavandulacea. Pultenea largiflorens Hibberta stricta Dillwynia hespidula H.. sericea Brachyloma humifusa Pimelia humilis Herbaceous perennials (with no special storage organs). Danthonia setacea Goodenia geniculata Neurachne alopecuroides Wahlenbergia gracilis . Stipa semibarbata Helichrysum scorpioides Ranunculus lappaceus H.. Baxteri Halorrhagis tetragona Leptorrhynchos squamatus Brunonia, australis Herbaceous perennials (nature of subterranean storage organ indicated). Phylloglossum Drummondii Caladenia Menzesii (tuber) (tuber) C. reticulata (tuber) Isoétes Drummondii (stock) C. dilatata (tuber) Arthropodium strictum (root C. leptochila (tuber) tuber) C. deformis (tuber) Burchardia umbellata (swollen Diuris maculata (tuber) stem) D. pedunculata (tuber) Caesia vittata (root tuber) D. palustris (tuber) Chamaescilla corymbosa (root D. longifolia (tuber) tuber) Glossodia major (tuber) Thysanotus Patersoni (root Thelymitra antennifera (tuber) tuber) ; T. luteocilium (tuber) Wurmbea dioica (bulb) Drosera auriculata. (tuber) ° Hypoxis glabella (corm) D. Whittakeri (tuber) *Sparaxis tricolor (corm) Microseris Forsteri (root tuber) Annuals. *Aira caryophyllea *Briza minor *Briza major Schoenus apogon Ephemerals (miniature annuals). Aphelia pumilo Hydrocotyle callicarpa Centrolepis aristata Daucus brachiatus C. strigosa Polypompholyx tenella Cyperus tenellus | Stylidium calcarata Juncus bufonius S. despecta Triglochin centricarpa Helipterum exiguum Drosera glanduligera Rutidosis pumilo Tillaea. purpurata Species marked * are not native, but established members of the alien flora. The foregoing analysis of the flora shows the area to belong to the formation of sclerophyllous woodland which occurs in the Adelaide district, especially on quartzite (9: p. 114). The undergrowth of shrubby plants, the absence of a ground-covering of grass, the large number of bulbous and 10 tuberous plants, together with ephemerals, are all character- istic of this formation. As vet the associations within this formation have to be defined. Forest is represented in the Adelaide district by stringybark (Hucalyptus obliqua and capitellata), while scrub is typical of the quartzite hill slopes. The characteristic scrub association of the sclerophyllous woodland has Hucalyptus leucoxylon as the dominant tree, but the bulk of the vegetation consists of very many species of shrubs averaging 1-1°5 m. high, and sometimes forming a close thicket. But little shade is cast, however, owing to the small size of the leaves. Such an ‘association has been compared with the maqui of the Mediterranean, or the chaparral of California by Warming (13: p. 308). Bulbous and tuberous plants are common in this association in South Australia, as in those of the Meditérranean and Cape Colony. In the alluvial area considered they are, however, unusually abund- ant. It is, moreover atypical in the abundance of the sedge (Schoenus apogon) and in the change between the relative proportions of shrubs on the one hand and geophytes and ephemerals on the other. In this respect it agrees with the alluvial swamp described by Diels (loc. cit.). Provided it be understood that the presence of standing water, or indeed any considerable soil moisture, is merely seasonal, and that there is a prolonged period in which the ground is baked hard, the area may be regarded as a swamp. True fresh-water swamps, the soil of which is wet most of the year, are not common in the hilly regions of South Australia, and they present a very different flora. It is as members of the geophytic element in this seasonal swamp on alluvial sands that Jsoétes and Phylloglossum occur. Jsoétes appears to have a wider range, but in all other stations known at present it is a geophyte on alluvial sandy soil, only isolated plants being actually submerged during the growing season. Jsoétes (fig. 3) agrees with many of its cogeners in general size and approximate depth to which the stock is buried. Phylloglossum is a much smaller plant than the other geophytes, for which reason Diels perhaps was led to class it with the ephemerals. It is, however, not ephemeral, but typically geophilous in its growth. Its annual tuber, sunken by a stalk to a constant average depth, is functionally comparable with the many other tubers, etc., developed by its geophytic neighbours, from which Phi glossum differs so markedly in size. SUMMARY. 1. Lsoétes Drummondu and Phylloglossum Drummondu are recorded for the first time from South Australia, thus ee ——— a — —— — —_ — = ‘ozis “quu ‘xoidde “Sr ‘eul] pezyOp [ByuoZIAoY Aq pozLoIpul @Ae] PUNOIH, “(OBVI[IT) tuOssaQVg snyouvshyT ‘149yd791Y MA VLasoug’ ‘(‘[ATeWY) 07}0qQ0)6 sixodh ‘upuowwnsy Unsso)bohy Ty ‘(prtyoig) lolput miposso)y “upuowwniqy sazg0sy ‘(OVI[IT) DII0Ip DIQuiINnj *D}DINIWUND VsLasSOMT ‘CORl[U]T) vsoqwh.sod vypsavwvyy ‘(*plyoig) Digfrwuajun vigruhjayZ >4YStr 04 Ye] Wo1y Sulproy ‘sezAydoos oy} fo euros Jo AIYysuOTyefol 4OOr OY} MOYS 0F WvISPIG 12 nomnntel ee fie eanee na ‘the latter species along southern ~ Australia. 2. A description is given of: the ‘a sheiaiels in which Isoétes and Phylloglossum occur.together. It is regarded as a seasonal swamp developed upon alluvial soil within the forma- tion of sclerophyllous woodland. 3. In South Australia both genera are members of a considerable geophilous element within this association. LITERATURE CITED. 322 (en 1, Benruam, G.: ‘Flora Australiensis,” 1878, vol. vii., p-. 672. hy 2. Bertrand, C. E.: Arch. Bot..du Nord de la France, | 1884. i 3. Bower, F. O.: Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, 1886, vol: Li76. = 4, Cueeseman, T. F.: ‘‘Manual of the New Zealand Flora,’’ ~~ “1906, p... £032. 5. Diets; Tg “Mie Pflanzenwelt, von West Australien,’ 1906;-p.. 256. 6. Ewart; cA. Jin, and REES, ~B.: Eee Roy. Soc. -Vict.,- ae 1913, vol., 26, peo or ' au: sale 7g MarIpen, T: “HS anit: BrrcuE;” Eo “SA Census of New ak —. Séuth Wales Plants,” 1916. =~ 8. MvELLeR, F. von: “Key to the System of Victorian H Plants,” 1888. 9. Ossorn, T. G. B.: New Phytologist, 1914, vol. xiii., i. 108: hs 10, Sansiben in Engler and Pratl “Die Naturlische Pflan- - sj zenfamilien,” 1902, I. Teil; IV. Abteil, p. 756. ~ 11; Sampson, K.: Annals of Botany, 1916, vol. xkx ep oe 12. THomas, A. P. W.: Proc. Roy. Soe. London, 1902, vol. lxix:, p.7285. 13. Warmine, E.: ‘“‘Oecology of Plants,’’ 1909. _\ “s DESCRIPTION OF PLATE I. . Fig. 43 General view of a portion of the area , Tiamat In the centre is a large*tree of Hucalyptus leucoxylon, small trees in foreground Acacia pycnantha. The-bulk of the grass-like vege- tation. is*Schoenus apogon, low shrubby plants Hibbertia. The ~ white flowers are Sparazis. The dense vegetation in the imme- diate background is developed along a creek bed. - Fig. 2. Phylloglossum Drummondii plants erowing mn situ. ~ Four fertile plants are to be seen with the peduncles elongated to ae gu thgee fames the length of the leaves. The strobili 2 are ripe. Trans. and Proc. Roy. Soc. S. Austr. Vol. ALII., Plate I. HUSSEY & GILL NGHAM LIMITED, PRINTERS & PUBLISHERS ADELAIDE, SO. AUS. . ‘ * > < ihe ‘ = bs . Ff, } : ‘ pie, . - . ‘ . rf . - : of ran SATE 5 ds , 7. ber Li ; i i “4 r of \ C—O 13 THE DEFLECTIONS OF COLUMNS UNDER AXIAL AND ECCENTRIC LOADING. By R. W. CuHapman, M.A., B.C.E. [Read May 9, 1918.] In a paper © published in The Physical Review for March, 1917, Mr. R. W. Burgess has demonstrated that the ordinary method of solution, for the problem of determining the deflec- tion of a column under load, leads to results that are very considerably in error when applied to the case of a long, thin column, pin-jointed at. the ends, and subjected to compression along its axis. In all such problems the solution is obtained by the integration of a certain differential equation. The exact solution is, as a rule, somewhat difficult; but a very simple solution can generally be obtained by neglecting the dy ‘ term involving the square of —, and as this is supposed to | By give results that are quite sufficiently accurate for all practical purposes, the usual solution of the problem is obtained in this way. This is the method universally adopted in all the text books on Engineering and Physics. It comes, therefore, somewhat as a shock to learn from Mr. Burgess that this universal method of calculation, when applied to determine the deflection of a pin-jointed column under axial load, leads to results that are in error by as much as 100 per cent. One naturally. thinks of all the other problems, fundamental in engineering practice, in which the computations of practical engineers are all based upon formulae derived by precisely the same approximate method of solution, and one wonders whether all this practice is fundamentally defective. Of such, for instance, are all computations on continuous girders and all calculations of beam deflections. As an illustration we will consider the case of the deflection of a beam supported at each end and loaded with a concentrated load W at the centre. Let 7 denote the span, and take the origin of co-ordinates at the centre of the beam. (1) “The Comparison ‘of a certain hace of the Elastic Curve with its Approximation.’’ 14 Then the equation to be solved, in order to find the deflection, is dp ? EDO gee 1 ene eT —-.) 8 Nae ad a In the usual text-book solutions the denominator on the left-hand side is taken as equivalent to unity, but an exact solution may be obtained as follows :— Integrating the above equation as it stands, we have EIp Wil Wat ee =—— 247 - (since =o when p=o) Vv (l+p% 2 2 a | 4EHI Put a? = —— W p? (laa)? 1+ p’ at from which we get 1 Y Now put —> —- r= — cos d 2 L dx = — sing od .. deflection at centre = y deh l * — sin*d— singdd 4 2 . > ae (as — —sin* +) | 16 15 T 2-78 4 2 a sin’ p (: — sin‘ +) dod 8 a? 16 a‘ °° =(expanding by the Binomial Theorem) AM fed is * int (1+ cnt @4---- Jag 8 a2 32 at ‘ Oo Now integrate each term separately, and we get i U? 3 + 7 8 a? 8 x 32a° iW 1 vw Geet e DB eet ee aa oe he 48HI 560 64 £#°7° The first term of this series is the deflection as usually computed, so that if we denote this by d, we have 108 ad y=a+ ——.— ¥ A da | The ratio of the error made by the ordinary computation to d is thus: + ---- 108 d? 1) An d Since — is usually in practical calculations something considerably less than ‘01, it follows that the error is not worth taking account of and is really quite negligible. Similar results apply in other cases of the deflections of beams, so that it seems that in such computations the ordinary method of calculation is quite good enough. It appears that the usual mode of solution can only lead to errors of a serious ae dy? nature, when, in addition to ( - 2 the equation to be solved ak / contains other terms that are themselves of a small order dy . comparable to —, and in problems on the deflections of beams ax this is not the case. 16 But in the case of columns the error made is of much more importance. Here, in certain cases at any rate, the error made in calculating the deflection of the column under load by the approximate method is considerable, and when the computed deflection is made the basis for determining the stress in the material, as is done in most modern column formulae, the result may be seriously in error. Accordingly in this paper an attempt is made to compute the deflections of columns without resort to the usual approximations. Casze 1.—PIn-JoINTED CoLUMN wiTH AxtAL LoaD. This is the case that has been worked out by Burgess, and his calculations will not be repeated here. If JZ denotes the moment of inertia of the cross section of the column; /, the coefficient of elasticity; and P, the compressive force along the axis, let EI ——=a . Then if J denotes the length of the column, measured around the curve, and fA the deflection at the centre, it is demonstrated that T = dd ao, J Se Te ee = 2a ie | pe (0) 2 where & is the complete elliptic integral of the first kind with h . the modulus k=—. | 2a Burgess then proceeds by expansion in series to obtain an expression for in terms of 1 and a. From the available tables of elliptic integrals, however, the value of h may be obtained much more simply. These tables give correspond- h l ing values of k and K, that is of — and —, from which 2a 2a again we may deduce the corresponding value of h/J. It will be seen that if there is no deflection of the column, so that h = 0, the integral gives //a =m or P=#T a}, which is Euler’s value for the greatest value of P that will not cause collapse of the column. Consequently in order to bend the column //2a must >47. Once this value is ex- ceeded, the tables show that the deflection increases rapidly with increase of P. 17 The table given at the end of the paper has been formed in the manner indicated above, and gives corresponding values of //2a and h/l. Values intermediate to those given may be obtained quite correctly, to the given number of decimal places, by interpolation. CasE 2.—PIN-JOINTED COLUMN wiTtH EccENTRIC LoaDING. ‘eo vy Porte cree eee fs { { by EC oy U ry ry 08 = PAG ha (1+ p?) ?, from which em In this case, if A B (fig. 1) denotes the original axis of the column, the com- pressive force P is assumed to act along a line parallel to 4 B at a distance f from it. Let . the deflection at the centre be A. Take the origin of co-ordinates at O, the centre of the bent column, Let e=f+h. Then the fundamental equation, with- out any approximations, is d p EI p— dy ‘3 = P(e—y), where p (1+ p?) 2 dy denotes — dx 1 8 Write = a and integrate ie L=y? — 2ey+2a®=(e-y)?-e8 +20 since p=o when y=o. 4at—(y?-2ey+2a?)? (y*? —2ey+2a’)? Now write e—y=ecos¢ ., dy=esin ddd A ed peg) 2 ea = 67 SINAC 18 4a* —(2 a*—e? sin? ¢)? and p? = ——————_—________ (2a? — e? sin? p)? *, integrating round the curve, the length of the column h i = = 2 v(iss)ay p 18) 2 a? 7) esin ddd a Ae (2a? — e2 sin? p)?} 2a°dd ae V (4a? — 2 sin? d) by dd my i) e2 v/ (: — — sin? ‘ . 4 a? The limits of the integral are from y =o to y=h. When y=0, ¢ =o. e—h f When yeh: cos ce) 1 = é h+f vi h+f a .. COS d, = The value of — is thus expressed in terms of an elliptic 2a é ; integral having a conveniently small modulus —, but, as the 2a integral is not this time a complete one, the value of h is not so easily determined as in the previous case. The integral reduces to the form in case 1 if f=o. Also if e=f, so that there is no bending, — = 0 ..*. P = 0, so that 2a bending begins in this case as soon as any load is put on. 19 In the ordinary notation of elliptic integrals we have l — = F (6,) 2a e where sin @ = —and cos ¢ = —— 2a h+f or, more neatly, in the inverse notation, f —— =cn(u,k) h+f : where wu = — and k = — 2a 2a a According to Euler’s theory, the maximum value of — 2a when the load is axial is 47. For eccentric loading, there- fore, the value must certainly be less than this. In cases of € any importance to engineers the value of — is quite small, 2a commonly of the order of ‘1 or less. Now the function cn (u,k) may be expanded in series, and we have (Cayley, Elliptic Functions, p. 57): u? us wu en(u,k) =1—- EM (1+ 4 hk?) eerie sate eer Wi ---- 2 6 But we know that . 1 aa ag te cos u=1 — E +e- ---- chaceeC € And as — is never much greater than 1 and k or — is quite 2a 2a small, it follows that it is quite sufficiently accurate to write cos uw in place of c n (wu, k) and thus obtain the result f Y = CON) ——— h+f 2a from which h may be simply determined. In applying this l formula, of course — represents the circular measure of the 7 2a angle, the cosine of which is to be taken. 20 If — = 1 and k = 0'1, the error made by computing h 2a from this simple formula is only 0°2 per cont If & = 02 the error amounts to 0°8 per cent. If & = 0°3 the error is 18 per oo Pe cent. If — < 1 the error will be still less.: 2a - 1, all Ieee The error made in using this simple formula does not l become appreciable unless — is considerably greater than 2a 1 and & has also a considerable value. In such cases we may write the equation to be solved in the form k en (u, k) = — | 3 ses Ds Ti 7 e where u = (—) and — are known and k (- 7 is to be Ja 2a 2a determined. A numerical solution of this equation may then be found by the aid of the published tables of the values. of elliptic functions. But for the practical problems of engineer- ing this process is not required, and the simplified approximate formula may be adopted. An inspection of a table of Elliptic Integrals shows that the integral representing the value of — is < 1 for all values. 2a of k provided that the value of ae) is not more than 49°, TEC is fie a cos 49° At+f or Aaa ties that A is not more than 524 fre) NUMERICAL: ILLUSTRATION. Suppose that we wish to compute the deflection of a steel column in the form of a British standard steel joist 8" x4" and 9' 6" long, under a load of 30,000 lbs., the line of action of the load: being 0°5" from the axis of the column. From the tables of standard sections we find the least. value of J is 3°57. 21 *, taking the modulus of elasticity as 30,000,000 lbs. per square inch, we have RI 30000000 x 3°57 a* = =——— = 3570 i 30000 ”, a = 59°805 l 114 a = ‘953 = the circular measure of 54° 36’ 2a 11961 ”, —— = cos 54° 36' = ‘579 h+f Now putting f = 05", this gives us h = ‘364". It will be seen that in this example, as in most practical : € "864 cases, the value of & in the exact equation = — = 2a 119°6 1S quite small, so that the approximate method of solution used gives no appreciable error. WwitH FIxED ENDS YP AND. EccENTRIC .LOADING. S In this case the ends of: the column are supposed to be rigidly held parallel to the direction of the compressive stress. — -——— eee eo poo e-----%-----> This requires, the application of a bending movement J/: at each end (see fig. 2). ae Taking the origin of co-ordinates at pES ' the centre of the bent column, and using ! the same notation as before, we have a dp EI p — rae dy Ke -- moe eee) = el cere) = { ‘ 1 \t -= P(e-y)—Pe : writing M = Pe Put = a* as before and integrate Fig. 2 Ni 22 2a" oh —,=y’—2 (e-c) y+2a* (since p=o when y=o) at a also p=o when y=h BH h? —2 (e—c) h=o .. €-C=— 2 a? | oe a HY —h yt 2? (1+ p?) 2 This is a differential equation of the same form as in Case 2. Dealing with it in precisely the same manner, we obtain the result 7 dg L=2a)V 3 v ee a sin? @ y 16a? a 2 dg =4da — eS h? ul l= sin? @ : 16a- the limits of the integral in this case taking a more simple form. l Thus — = K, where X is the complete elliptic integral 4a h of the first kind with k = —. 4a l Ci If h=o, or there is no deflection, — = — 4a rap 4 HI x? z.€., P= ————— is the least value of P which can produce ]2 any deflection, and we see that the least possible value of T —is —. 4a 2 The bending moment at the top and bottom of the h column =P f—-M=P (e-h) -Pc=P—. 2 magn The bending moment at the centre of the column h = P (e—h)=P—also. 2 23 In this case the deflection h of the column in no way depends upon the eccentricity of the loading. The further the line of stress is from the axis of the column the greater will be the bending moment J/ upon the holding supports at the ends, but, provided these remain firm, the deflection of the column is in no way affected. The table supplied to enable computations to be made of the deflection in Case 1 will also serve for the same purpose for Case 3. In modern formulae for the computation of the load on long columns, especially when there is eccentricity of loading, the deflection of the column under load is made the basis of the formula used. In many of these the assumptions made as to the deflection of the column are far from correct accord- ing to the foregoing calculations. The object of the writer is to make some contribution towards that more exact knowledge necessary for progress in engineering design. Table giving maximum of deflections of Pin-jointed Columns under axial load or deflections of Columns with ends fixed under any load the line of action of which is parallel to the axis :— l I Values of — for pin-jointed columns or — ? h 2a 4a Corresponding values of —. l for columns with fixed ends. 1-57080 0) 1:57092 ‘0111 157127 0222 157187 0838 157271 | “0444 157379 ‘0554 157511 ! 0664 157668 | 0773 157849 0882 1-58054 -0990 158284 ‘1097 158539 +1204 158820 -1310 159125 1414 159457 ‘1517 1:59814 ‘1619 160198 1721 In this table | = length of column. h = maximum deflection. a2= —— where P is the load in compression. 24 NOTES ON AUSTRALIAN ORCHIDS, TOGETHER WITH A DESCRIPTION OF SOME NEW SPECIES. By R. S. ROGERS, M.A., M.D. _ [Read May 9, 1918.] Pirates, El, Trepeye 1. CALOCHILUS CUPREUS, N. sp. Plate 11. A robust plant 15 inches to 2 feet in height. Leaf com- paratively short, 43-6 inches, rather rigid or fleshy, triangular in section, erect, pointed, channelled on the inside. Stem-bracts 2, from 2 to 3 inches long, coppery coloured, subulate, ‘clasping, lower one close to insertion of leaf, upper one about middle of stem ; floral bracts subtending pedicels of flowers, subulate, 14 inches or less in length. Flowers in a raceme of 8 to 15, with prevailing tints of yellow and reddish-brown. Sepals equal in length, yellow with reddish-brown stripes or dots; the dorsal one ovate, cucullate, shortly acuminate, streaked or dotted with reddish-brown markings; the lateral ones ovate-lanceolate, slightly narrower than the dorsal sepal. Lateral petals narrowly ovate-lanceolate, slightly shorter and much narrower than the sepals, yellow with darker stripes. Labellum with fleshy rectangular base and wide triangular lamina, longer than perianth, protruding between lateral sepals, golden-yellow, with fimbriated margins and reddish- blue hairs with metallic lustre; basal portion with brillant reddish-blue raised lines with metallic sheen, the two outer ones rather fleshy glandular linear-lanceolate, the intervening ones linear, sometimes fused at their bases or along their course, all ending in free divergent hair-like extremities; other hairs on lamina not dense and rather shorter than in other species of Calochilus; tip of labellum recurved and ending in a short, hairless, sinuous ribbon. Column short and widely pmeenl with reddish-brown markings, very open at base with a comma-shaped purple gland at each lower angle; no castellated ridge connecting the glands, but generally a more or less indistinct yellowish-brown marking between them ; anther long, horizontal, with duck-bill point ; stigma just below the anther, transverse, reniform with convex margin directed downwards. 25 Three valid species of Calochilus have been recorded, and from these the new species differs mainly in the following particulars : — 1. The leaf is relatively shorter and much more rigid than in the other species. It is also triangular in section, whereas the section is crescentic in the others, 2. The raceme bears a large number of flowers, wz., 8 to 15, whereas 8 flowers may probably be regarded as the maximum in other species. 3. Its copper-coloured bracts and the colour of its flowers are distinctive. 4. The glabrous oblong base of the labellum with the characteristic raised lines, serve at once to dis- tinguish it from other members of the genus. The following differential table will further show the relations of Calochilus cwpreus to other species :— Column-wing without dark gland on each side near base of column. oP of labellum ligulate ... .. 1. C. paludosus Column-wing with dark gland on each side near base of column. Tip of labellum without ligulate process, whole of surface of labellum hirsute ... 2. C. Robertsoni Tip of labellum with ligulate process, labellum not hairy at base. Base of labellum glabrous, with several raised longitudinal lines ... 3. C. cupreus Base of labellum smooth and thickened, without raised longitudinal lines ... 4. C. campestris It should be noted the C. paludosus, Br., is incorrectly figured in Fitzgerald’s Australian Orchids with two glands at the base of the column. This is not in conformity with the original description in Brown’s Prodomus, nor is it supported by Bentham in the Flora Australiensis, nor indeed is it sup- ported by Fitzgerald himself in Moore’s Flora of New South Wales (see page 394). Of the above species, (’. paludosus has been recorded only from Queensland and New South Wales; C. campestris from all the Eastern States, including Tasmania; and (’. Robertsoni from New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, and Western Australia. The new species was found by Mrs. R. S. Rogers near McLaren Vale early in November. The plants were mostly in advanced fruit, and evidently bloom in October. The name cupreus has reference to the coppery colour of the bracts and flowers. 26 2. PTEROSTYLIS PUSILLA, N. sp. Plate iii. A slender, glabrous plant, 24 to 34 inches high ; 2 lokely Scant bracts on stem and one subtending each flower. Flowers 1 to 4, on relatively long, slender pedicels. Leaves shortly petiolate, oblong-lanceolate, in a green radical rosette. Galea from ovary to extreme point of dorsal sepal 4 inch or less, with short recurved point and dark green stripes; lateral sepals conjoined, subulate, reflexed, margins involute, about the same length as galea. Labellum fleshy, on a wide claw, reddish-green, oblong- ovate, concave on its upper-surface, with thickened posterior margin ; tip straight ; under-surface with deep mesial channel running from base to tip between two pyriform swellings,. the: apices of which are directed forward, but do not reach the tip ; a few long hairs from lateral margins but not from posterior margin, lower mesial channel beset with very stiff transverse hairs, tip and posterior margin shortly ciliated. Column incurved, much shorter than galea, membranous wings roughly quadrangular, with rounded or obtuse angles, anterior margins and lower lobe ciliated; a secondary expansion, ovate-lanceolate in shape, on either side of stigma, extending from the membranous wings to the junction of the . middle and lower third of column; stigma rather narrow, oblong-elliptical. The affinities of this Pterostylis are with P. dee Mitchelli, and P. squamata. From all of these it is readily distinguished by the diminutive size of the plant and flowers and by the ce 5 of caudae to the lateral sepals. From P. rufa, Br., it further differs in the possession of a green, as opposed to a ‘withered radical rosette of leaves ; also in a fleshy, as opposed to a membranous labellum, the tip of which is quite straight in the new species and upturned in the other; also in the absence of long hairs or setae from the vestigial appendage, represented in this instance by a thick- ened posterior margin; the column wings have rounded angles and are without points, whereas in P. rufa they are acute, the upper one being produced into a short point. From P. Mitchelli, Lindl., it further differs in regard to its labellum, which has turgid pyriform swellings on its under- surface, and has a straight tip as opposed to a depressed tip in the former species ; also in the absence of a point to the upper angle of the column-wings; the stigmas likewise are quite different, being narrow oblong- elliptical in P. pusilla and semi- elliptical i in P. Mitchell. : : 27 From P. sguamata, Br., it may be distinguished by the absence of the withered radical rosette and numerous stem- bracts which characterize that species; also by the absence of long hairs on the vestigial appendage and by the presence of turgid pyriform swellings on the under-surface of the labellum. The following table will indicate the position of the new Pterostylis in regard to related species :— Leaves in a radical rosette, persistent or fading away before flowering; flowers usually multiple. Sepals all obtuse, lower lip shortly bilobed ; flowers diminutive ; rosette green. Slender species, appendage labellum pointing backwards 1. P... mutica Rather stout species, appendage labellum ; looking forwards 2. P. cycnocephala Sepals caudate or acute, lower lip deeply bilobed. Sepals caudate; labellum fleshy, tip depressed; bracts few; _ rosette green ; flowers not diminutive ... 3. P. Mitchelli Sepals caudate ; labellum fleshy, tip up- turned ; bracts numerous; rosette withered : flowers not diminutive .. 4. P. squamata Sepals caudate ; labellum membranous, tip upturned ;. bracts few; rosette withered ; flowers not diminutive ... 5. P. rufa Sepals acute but not caudate; labellum ' fleshy, tip straight; bracts 2, rosette green; flowers diminutive... ... 6. P. pusilla This plant blooms early in October, which is later than P. Mitchelli, so far as this State is concerned, but considerably earlier than P. rufa or P. squamata. It has reached me from the following localities: — South Australia—Geranium, Miss Nora E. Jacob; Wirrega, Prof. Osborn. Victoria—The Grampians, C. Walter ; Greens- borough, E. EK. Pescott; Blackburn, Miss Dorothy Coleman. The specific name pusilia has reference to its diminutive size. 3. PRASOPHYLLUM REGIUM, N. sp. Plant robust, 24 to 34 or more feet high; leaf not reaching to top of spike; bracts somewhat small and rather acute, subtending each flower, about one-third length of ovary. Flowers in rather a loose spike ; spike sometimes 16 inches long, and comprising upwards of 50 flowers; lower flowers distant ; ovaries long and very attenuated. Sepals acute and rather narrow, about equal in length, 6 lines; lateral sepals distinct at extreme base and tips, connate elsewhere ; dorsal sepal reflexed in mature flower. 28 Petals rather narrow, falcate-lanceolate, shorter than sepals, about 5 lines. Labellum on a distinct and narrow claw, oblong-lanceolate, margins crenulate, erect in its basal third, horizontal in its anterior part, nearly as long as the petals; inner plate with wide orbicular base and free entire margins, suddenly contract- ing at the bend into a rather bluntly lanceolate part with entire margins, extending to within a short distance of the tip. Column with a blunt sessile anther; long, narrow rostellum greatly exceeding in length the anther ; caudicle very long and strap-like; lateral wings blunt, oblong-falcate, membranous, with a basal thickening on dorsal margin, much higher than rostellum. Found by Dr. R. Pulleine, December, 1917, a little south of Manjimup, not far from Forest Diamond Tree, Western Australia. Two large Western Australian prasophylla have been described under the name of P. giganteuwm by Lindley (Swan River Appendix, 1839, and Genera et Species, 1840) and Endlicher (Plantae Preissianae, 1844-7) respectively. The Latin descriptions are not in either case sufficiently definite and detailed to enable one to identify the plant, but Bentham, who had access to both types, states that they are not forms of the same species. He reduces Lindley’s species to P. elatum, Br., and Endlicher’s to P. Fambria, Reich. f. The new species certainly cannot be referred either to P. elatum or P. Fimbria, although it bears a superficial resemblance to both. It must also be differentiated from three other tall Eastern Prasophylla, viz., P.. australe;-Br., P. flavum, Br. aga. odoratum, Rogers. All the above species, including P. regiwm, generally exceed 2 feet in height, but only in the latter have I seen a spike bearing between 50 and 60 flowers, or indeed anything approaching this number. It falls under Bentham’s Section 2, Podochilus, in which the labellum is on a distinct claw. The following table will effect the necessary separation : — Plants tall, generally exceeding 2 feet in height. Labellum sessile, lateral sepals connate, at least in the middle. Labellum sharply flexed; with very much ° raised prominent inner plate scarcely reaching beyond bend; lateral ap- pendages of column not exceeding rostellum in height; leaf-lamina long 1. P. australe 29 Labellum gradually recurved; inner plate not prominent, beginning about middle and extending nearly to tip; lateral appendages ‘of column not exceeding rostellum in height; leaf- lamina exceptionally short, meray exceeding 1 inch... .. ... 2 P. flavum Labellum hardly recurved ; inner “plate with free margins covering most of surface of lamina, extending nearly to tip, not prominent; lateral ap- pendages of column much. exceeding rostellum in height; leaf-lamina rather long ... 3. P. elatwm Labellum.on a distinct claw. Lateral ‘sepals connate or free. Lateral sepals connate. ) Labellum gradually recurved; inner plate with free margins copiously fringed, and within it a second rather ‘conspicuous plate; lateral appendages not exceeding rostel- lum; ovary elongated ... 4. P. Fimbria Labellum recurved at right angles ; inner plate orbicular- lanceolate with free entire margin, extending nearly to tip, no secondary plate ; lateral appendages column as long as in P. elatum much exceeding rostellum; ovary very iacakabe elongated “ae Mies Ole. Tequum Lateral sepals free and divergent. Labellum sharply _reflexed about middle ; inner plate not reaching far bey ond bend in voluminous mem- branous part of lamina; lateral appendages column not so high as rostellum; ovary turgid ... ... 6. P. odoratum The new species differs from P. elatwm not only in its possession of a distinct claw to the labellum, but also in the shape of the labellum and inner plate, the former being oblong- lanceolate, whilst the latter is orbicular in its basal portion and narrow-lanceolate anteriorly; while in P. elatwm both labellum and inner plate are ovate. Further, the rostellum and perianth segments are much wider in P. elatum than in P. reguum. 4, CALADENIA TESTACEA, Br. A slender plant, 6 to 17 inches high, with a slightly hairy stem and rather acute bract near middle; leaf narrow-linear to oblong-lanceolate, not nearly so hairy as in most Calademas. Flowers in a raceme, 1 to 5 on slender pedicels, each subtended by an acute bract reaching to the base of the ovary. Perianth segments covered with short glandular hairs; generally dark reddish-brown, except towards the base and 30 inner sides, where they are light coloured ; sometimes quite white ; lateral sepals and lateral petals spreading, about equal in length, 5 lines, falcate-lanceolate, contracted at base ; dorsal sepal a trifle shorter, much incurved. Labellum on a moveable claw, with basal portion erect against column; tip triangular recurved ; lateral lobes not well defined, sometimes almost absent ; margins entire except towards the tip, the edges of which are shortly, bluntly, and rather sparsely denticulated ; calli of lamina in 4 rows, reaching to within a short distance of the tip, where the rows are not so well defined, clavate, the stalks shorter towards the tip; two or three pink stripes near base. Column shorter than dorsal sepal, beneath which it is incurved, markedly winged, especially in its upper half; anther with a short point; stigma circular just below anther. The buds are characteristic, being bluntly falcate in shape, with dark glandular exteriors. This Caladema has not hitherto appeared on the records of this State, although there are specimens in the University Herbarium, collected in November at Glencoe and Millicent Flats. Notes in the folder by the late Professor Tate indicate that he thought of calling it C. quadraserriata, but finally left it unidentified and undescribed. It has been recorded from all the Eastern States except Queensland. The following are some localities in which it has been found: —New South Wales—Port Jackson to Blue Mountains, R. Brown, A. Cunningham, Woolls, and others; Mount Penang, Rogers. Victoria—Port Phillip, Gunn; Upper Fern Tree Gully, Pescott; Cravensville, Braine; Grampians, Pescott, French, jun., and Audas. Tasmania—Port Dal- rymple, R. Brown : ; Southport, C. Stuart ; Hobart and Circular Head, R. C. Gunn ; Gould Country and St. Patrick River, A. Simson ; Sandford, Miss A. L. Rogers. South Australia— Glencoe and Millicent Flats, R. Tate. It blooms in October and November. Its relations to the other Caladenias will be shown below when dealing with C. congesta, 5. CALADENIA CONGESTA, Br. Plant slender, from 7 to 24 inches high; leaf linear ; stem slightly hairy, with a closely-appressed rather acute bract about the middle. Flowers pink, rarely white, single or in a scattered raceme of 2 or 3, on slender pedicels, subtended by a bract often reaching as high as the hairy ovary. Segments of perianth covered with glandular hairs; lateral sepals spreading, lanceolate, contracted at base, about 31 9 lines long; lateral petals falcate, narrower and rather shorter than lateral sepals ; dorsal sepal shorter than the other segments, incurved over column, contracted at base. Labellum pink, about 44 lines, on a rather long and narrow claw, basal portion rather erect against column, the lamina gradually curved forward, divided very distinctly into 3 lobes; margins entire; lateral lobes falcate, acute, reaching well beyond the middle of labellum; middle lobe oblong- lanceolate ; calli dark crimson, imbricate, completely covering middle lobe, at first placed longitudinally in 2 rather obscure rows, the two nearest the claw being stalked, the others large sessile, flat-topped ; calli in anterior half arranged transversely, large, sessile, more or less oblong, flat-topped. Column rather shorter than dorsal sepal and labellum, incurved, ‘with rather wide wings, especially in its upper portion, blotched with pink markings; anther mucronate; stigma circular, disc-like, just below the anther. Found by Mr. J. M. Black in Glencoe scrub, November 27, 1917. Only a single specimen was seen, the normal time of blooming being earlier in the month. This plant has not hitherto been recorded from this State, but it occurs in New South Wales, Victoria, and Tasmania. I have never received or seen it from Western Australia, although Bentham notes a plant in Lindley’s herbarium as possibly belonging to this species. Caladema testacea, Br., and Caladenia congesta, Br., belong to Bentham’s Section Eucaladenia, in which “the sepals are acute or obscurely acuminate, rarely obtuse, the dorsal one usually erect and concave. Labellum inconspicuously veined, the disc with 2 or more rows of calli (sometimes arranged or united at the base almost in a semicircle).” They fall under the subsection where the flowers are pink or white, leaf narrow-linear or absent, labellum with broad lateral lobes. DIFFERENTIAL TABLE. Leaf narrow-linear or absent; flowers pink, pinkish, or white. Call arranged distinctly or obscurely in 2 rows. Labellum not exceeding half length of lateral sepals; lateral lobes broad, obtuse, and prominent, middle lobe denticulated ; leaf narrow-linear ; flowers pink or white ... C. carnea, Br. Labellum exceeding half length ‘of lateral sepals ; lateral lobes falcate, almost acute, incurved; middle lobe entire ; leaf absent at time of flowering ... C. aphylla, Benth. 32 “Labellum not exceeding half length of lateral sepals; lateral lobes entire, acute, falcate; middle lobe entirely «covered with large crowded calli, arranged posteriorly in 2 obscure rows ;. leaf limear ... .).:- isc.) ene). ane) oO, HOOMM@C Remain Calli arranged in 4 rows. . Lateral lobes of labellum ill-defined, the margins entire posteriorly, den- ticulated or fringed anteriorly; calli not reaching tip; dorsal sepal gradu- ally incurved ; column gradually bent forward, striped with pink; lateral sepals about 5 lines; flowers generally reddish-brown, but sometimes white C. testacea, Br. Lateral lobes of labellum broad, definite, obtuse, margins entire throughout; dorsal sepal abruptly incurved at or below middle; column abruptly bent forward ;-lateral sepals about 8 lines; flowers .whitish. .°+......(is.F -.0) > seu:) | tee Os, GR ee Labellum hardly 3-lobed, contracting to a point for about two-thirds length, markedly denticulated for same length; calli reaching to tip; dorsal sepal gradually incurved; lateral sepals about 9 lines; flowers white C. dimorpha, Fitz. Caladema congesta is a larger species than C. testacea, with larger flowers, the lateral sepals being about 9 lines as compared with 5 lines in the latter plant. The pink flowers of the former species are quite unlike the reddish-brown or white colours of C’. testacea. Distribution: —New South Wales—Near Bathurst, A. Cunningham ; Bowral, Sheaffe. WVictoria—Cravensville, A. B. Braine. Tasmania—Port Dalrymple, R. Brown; Cheshunt and Port Sorrell, Archer. South Australia—Glencoe, J. M. Black. 6. DrakEA Huntrana, F. v. M. Plate iv. A somewhat sturdy little plant, 34 to 7 inches in height ; leafless at the time of flowering; with 2 rather blunt, short, clasping bracts on the stem and a small sheathing radical bract ; stem generally reddish-brown, sometimes green. Flowers reddish-green, or occasionally quite green; 2 to 7; reversed; on fairly long, slender pedicels (about 4 inch), each pedicel embraced by a short obtuse bract; ovary slender, terete. Segments of perianth nearly equal in length, about 2 lines, all reflexed against the ovary ; lateral sepals green or reddish- green, oblong-spathulate, convex on outer surface, concave on inner, reflexed against ovary like a pair of insect’s wings; dorsal sepal green or reddish-green, quite blunt, about same +=) a or ae 33 width as lateral sepals, concave, reflexed against the ovary and slightly incurved towards the column; lateral petals narrow-linear, much narrower than the sepals, green, rather blunt, reflexed against the sides of the ovary. Column green or greenish-red, acutely reflexed from its base towards the ovary, about the same length as the perianth segments. ‘The upper half expanded in a concave disc-like surface, from the edges of which proceed two pairs of append- ages of nearly equal length ; the upper pair narrow-lanceolate, divergent, curving forward on each side of the apex of the anther ; the inferior pair falcate-lanceolate, divergent, curving upwards and forwards on each side of the stigma. Rostellum rudimentary. Stigma prominent, very wide, reniform, the concave border immediately below and in contact with the anther. Labellum articulated by a moveable joint to a linear projection of the column 3 lines long; peltate on a linear claw which is nearly as long as the column-foot. Lamina reddish- purple, insectiform, about as long as the claw (3 lines) ; anteriorly giving origin to a pair of pedunculated processes, each terminating in a globular purple gland; posteriorly dividing into two long narrow-lanceolate, divergent tails, from which proceed numerous long-jointed, purplish or reddish hairs ; an intermediate or thoracic portion, on the under-surface of which is inserted the claw, fringed with numerous long purple hairs, on its upper-surface a large purple triangular gland, situated at the base of the anterior peduncles. The reversed appearance of the flowers is due to the fact that the column and perianth segments are all acutely reflexed on the ovary. In the bud the upper-surface of the lamina is in close apposition with the front of the column, the pair of pedun- culated glands embracing its extreme base at its junction with . the foot; the triangular gland in contact with the middle of the undilated portion of the column; the rest of the inter- mediate portion covers the stigma, and lies between the lower pair of columnar processes which clasp it; the posterior divergent tails curl up between the upper pair of columnar processes, giving off hairs over the anther and tip of the dorsal sepal, which at this stage is in close contact with the back of the column. At this stage, also, the segments of the perianth form a complete covering to the reproductive mechanism ; the lateral sepals protecting the antero-lateral aspects, their tips being in close apposition with the tip of the dorsal sepal, and their inner margins in close contact, except for a small slit in the _ middle, through which is seen to project the angular process Cc 34 formed by the junction of the columnar foot and labellar claw. When the flower is about to expand the lateral sepals separate and suddenly rotate on their bases, so as to take up a position on the opposite side of the ovary, with their convex surfaces now facing each other ; the dorsal sepal also retracts a little from the column ; the columnar processes relax their grip of the lamina, and the labellum suddenly flies out with the claw at right angles to the columnar foot. Baron von Mueller mentions that “Mr. Bauerlin noticed in D. Huntiana, that at the slightest touch the labellum snatches across to the anther and stigma, subsequently return- ing with slowness to its remote positions.”’ Through the kindness of Mr. A. B. Braine, who supplied me with fresh specimens of this plant, I was able to closely observe the mechanism of expansion, but never on any occasion did I find the labellum irritable. I understand, too, that Mr. Braine, who was able to study them under more natural conditions, also failed to observe irritability. So remarkable a conformation is exceedingly suggestive of this peculiarity, and it is possible that irritable movements are only displayed under certain meteorological conditions. This singular and rare little orchid was first recorded from Mount Ting Ringy (4,700 feet), and later at Blackheath (L. H. Stephenson), in the Blue Mountains. It has not hitherto been recorded from any other locality. The present plants have reached me from Cravensville, near Tallangatta, in Victoria, and were collected by Mr. A. B. Braine in December, 1917. The genus Drakea contains 5 known species, two of which, D. irritabilts, Reich., and D. Huntiana, F. v. M., are natives of Eastern Australia; the others, D. elastica, Lindl., D. glypto- don, Fitz., and PD. ciliata, Reich., come from Western Australia. DIFFERENTIAL TABLE. Labellum articulated directly by its claw to column without intervening basal pro- jection; lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate leaf at time of flowering. Leaf-like bract on stem; column not reflexed on ovary J D. setae Labellum articulated at end of basal pro- jection of column. Leafless at time of flowering. Dorsal sepal greatly exceeding other seg- ments of perianth, column reflexed at right angles with ovary... .... D. irritabilis Segments of perianth about equal i in length; column actually reflexed on ; ovary «. DD, Hunger Leaf present at time of. flowering ; rigid, orbicular or ovate-cordate. 35 Posterior lobe of lamina of labellum broad, eta smooth; middle portion glandular and very hairy; anterior lobe hairy and very glandu- lar; anther with marked sharp point Posterior lobe of lamina smooth, hori- zontal, conical; middle portion very hairy, not elandular ; anterior lobe very glandular, not hairy; anther quite blunt Ws Berek tA D. elastica D. glyptodort 7. CHILOGLOTTIS MUELLERI, Fitz. This very rare orchid, which was discovered by Mr. C. French, sen., on the Lodden River, Victoria, and described by the late R. D. Fitzgerald many years ago, seems to have been lost sight of since that period. Recently I have received it from three localities, wz., Fern Tree Gully, Healesville, and Ben Cairn, near Warburton. The specimens were collected between October 27 and December 3, 1917, and I am indebted for them to Mr. E. E. Pescott, of Melbourne. Strangely enough, it has never received recognition in Victoria, and does not appear on the listed plants of that State. It was merged by Baron von Mueller into C. Gunni, Lindl., from which, however, it differs in several important respects. These differences may be shown as follows : — C. Mueller. C. Gunnii. 1. Plant ... Rather slender. Rather stout. 2. Leaves . Relatively long and Relatively short and narrow; elliptical- broad; oblong-lanceo- lanceolate or oblong- late or ovate. lanceolate. 3. Flower .. Narrow; quite green. Broad ; reddish-brown. 4. Labellum ... Ovate-lanceolate; green. et ovate; reddish- rown, p. Calli. -... . Dark bottle- green or Reddish-brown; a large, brown; generally ses- long-stalked, clavate sile but occasionally callus at base’ of very shortly stalked; lamina, and a short, mostly large with thick, almost sessile rounded or elongated land in front of this contours; often cres- near the centre: a centic, reniform or somewhat irregular sausage-shaped; irre- row of small stalked gularly grouped in_ calli on either side of centre and at base of _ these. lamina. s 6. Petals .. Spreading. Ascending. i _ All my specimens were found growing on the trunks of _ tree-ferns (Dicksonia). This habit appears to be shared in a c2 te Mevny Ml 36 much more limited extent by C. Gunii, and is referred to by Mueller,“ C. French, sen., and others. An illustration of the plant will be found in Fitzgerald’s Australian Orchids, vol. ii., plate 16. | Fig. 1. Fig. EXPLANATION OF PLATES. Puate II. Calochilus cupreus. The central figures show the plant in its natural size. Nw m Co Upper-surface of labellum, x2. Shows the fleshy glabrous rectangular base with the longitudinal raised lines and the hairy triangular lamina. Side view of the same, x2. Shows the tip of the labellum produced into a ligulate process. Front view of column, x2. Shows in its upper part the duck-bill anther, immediately below which is the rostellum, situated in the upper concave margin of the stigma. The dark comma-shaped glands are shown within the column wings at the base. Side view of the same, x2. Shows anther in profile, and also the lateral winging of the column. Puatse ITD; Pterostylis pusilla. Central figure showing plant in its natural size. A flower, (natural size) from the front. Labellum from above, x3. Note labellum with raised lateral and posterior margins and scooped-out upper- surface, with long hairs on sides and very short ones on tip and vestigial appendage; the broad claw; the pyriform bodies on the lower-surface are partly to be seen projecting on each side of the labellum at the base. Lateral view of labellum and claw, x3. Labellum seen from below, x3. Note the pyriform bodies, one on each side of the deep central channel which traverses the entire length of the lower-surface. Column from front, x3. Note the membranous wings just below the anther, and the secondary ovate- lanceolate expansion traversed by the narrow stigma. Column in profile, x3. Note its curvature; also the side views of the anther and the membranous wings. (1) Fragmenta, vili., 161; x., 117. Trans. and Proc. Roy. Soc. S. Austr. Vol. XLII., Plate II. ——————_— = ee ee a hE dre: Bae? arn. SA Ke. Vol. XLII., Plate III. (6) ys (4) xJ ACH arch Pterostylis pusilla, n. sp. : HUSSEY & GILLINGHAM LIMITED, PRINTERS & PUBLISHERS ADELAIDE, SO. AUS. “ans. and Proc. Roy. Soc. S. Austr. Vol. XLII., Plate IV. (4) x 3 RC hweath Drakea Huniiana, F. v. M. HUSSEY & GILLINGHAM LIM'TED, PRINTERS & PUBLISHERS ADELAIDE, SO. AUS. ay 37 . Prats IV. iy Drakea Huntiana, F. v. M. At each side of the plate the plant is shown in its natural size; on the right with two flowers expanded, and on the left a flower about to expand and several very young buds. Fig. 1. Labellum seen from above, x3. In the upper part of the drawing note the columnar foot (projection) articulated with the labellar claw, which is of about equal length ; also the two anterior peduncles terminating in globular glands and the large triangular gland lying between them; also the divergent posterior tails with their numerous hairs. , 2. An enlargement of a bud just about to expand. The lateral sepals have already rotated to the opposite side of the ovary, but the claw-like processes of the column have not yet released their grip of the labellum. ,, 3. Lateral view of fully-expanded flower, x3. Note that the flower appears inverted owing to the acute flexion of the column and perianth segments on the ovary. The claw is seen to be inserted into the under- surface of the middle or thoracic segment of the labellum. », 4. Front view of column, x3. This shows the lower unex- panded portion of the column and also the upper expanded part. In the latter will be seen the upper and lower claw-like processes, the anther between the former and stigma between the latter. 38 ADDITIONS TO THE FLORA OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. No. 13. By J. M. Buacx. [Read June 13, 1918.] Puates V. To VIII. -Most of the notes in this paper are the result of a visit to the 90-mile Desert and the South-eastern District made in the end of November and the beginning of December of last year. Several other collectors have also kindly furnished me with specimens from various parts of the State, some of which are dealt with here. Two species believed to be new to science, in the genera Dicrastylis and Limnanthemum, are described. The following species, native in other parts of Australia, are here recorded for the first time in South Australia: — Cardamine tenuifolia, Hydrocotyle plebera, Hypolaena exsulca, Goodena humilis, Melaleuca fasciculiflora, M. pauperifiora, Potamogeton tricarinatus, Scaevola mtida. Aliens are indicated by an asterisk, and the new introduc- tions recorded are:—Atriplex patulum, Carthamus glaucus, Dipsacus fullonum, Festuca elatior, Leontodon hismdus, Medicago orbicularis, Moenchia erecta, Pentaschistis Thun- berg. ; Where a new record is made for one of Tate’s districts, the name of the district is given within brackets immediately after the locality. MARSILEACEAE. Marsilea Drummondu, A. Braun. ‘“Nardoo.” Border- town, growing in mud along the Tatiara Creek (Dist. T). Leaflets silky on both sides and entire at summit. SELAGINELLACEAE. Selaginella Preissiana, Spring. Dismal Swamp. CoNIFERAE. Calhitris propinqua, R. Br. Scrub near Enfield. Large or small tree with spreading branches. PoOTAMOGETONACEAE. Potamogeton tricarinatus, A. Benn. Renmark (E. C. Black). River Murray, without exact locality (Mrs. Mellor). 39 Floating leaves 15-nerved. First record for South Australia ; the type came from the Murrumbidgee River, N.S.W. P. Tepperi, A. Benn. Finniss R. (H. Griffith); drains at Millicent. Upper leaves 19-23-nerved ; those of the Millicent specimens are broad-ovate or quite orbicular. GRAMINEAE. Lepturus incurvatus, Trin. Robe (C. D. Black); Beach- port (Dist. G). Danthoma pemeiliata, (Labill.) F. v. M., var. racemosa, Maid. et Betche. Cheltenham ; Keith ; Millicent; Bordertown. A small grass 20-30 cm. high, with filiform, hispid leaves ; the short broad outer glumes and short awn not much exceeding the lateral lobes give it the aspect of D. carphoides, F. v. He but the lateral lobes are twice as long as the base. Calamagrostis aemula, (R. Br.) Steud. Beachport. In south-eastern specimens the bristle of the rhachilla is 4 or 3 as long as the flowering glume, and the spikelet is 6 mm. long, while in the midland and northern specimens the bristle is very short or the rhachilla is merely produced in a tuft of hairs at the base of the palea, and the spikelets are rather shorter. An inland form with the ordinary small spikelets, but with the panicle much exceeding the leaves, as in var. Billardieri, is found at Millicent and Kybybolite. Mr. E. 8. Alcock states that it is known at the former place as “Blown grass,” because the ripe panicles are broken off near the base of the brittle stems and collect in bunches along the fences. Var. plebeva, Maid. et Betche (Deyeuzta plebeia, Benth.). Beachport. Glyceria flutans, R. Br. Dismal Swamp (Dist. G). Rooting at the nodes below water ; erect stems 1-1°50 m. high. Poa caesmitosa, Forst., var. laevis, Benth. Beachport. Not tall; leaves filiform, smooth; panicle contracted, short (about 3 cm. long). Var. tenera, Benth. Caroline scrub. Rootstock creeping; stems more or less procumbent; panicle 1-2 cm. long, lowest branch solitary, or the panicle reduced to a raceme of 2 or 3 spikelets, each containing only 2-3 flowers. Stipa flavescens, Labill. Robe; Beachport (Dist. G). S. setacea, R. Br. Bordertown (Dist. T). S. pubescens, R. Br. _ West of Bordertown; Keith (Dist. T); Beachport (Dist. G). i S. teretifolia, Steud. Robe (C. D. Black) ; Beachport (Dist. G). Amphibromus nervosus, (R. Br.) Hook. f. (A. Neesiz, Steud.). Belair road. Brown’s original specific name cannot, under the laws of nomenclature, be rejected in favour of Steudel’s later appellation. Sporobolus indicus, R. Br. Naracoorte (Dist. T; H. W. _ Andrew). 40 Triodia writans, R. Br. Keith (Dist. T). Panicum prolutum, F. v. M. Reserve of railway reser- voir, Bordertown (Dist. T). *Festuca elatior, L., var. arundinacea, Hack. Millicent. First record for South Australia.—Europe, temperate Asia, and North Africa. *Pentaschistis Thunbergu. Golden Grove (H. W. Andrew). First record. Growing over a considerable patch of ground.—A handsome South African grass, common near Cape Town. Determination made at Royal Botanic Garden, Kew. *Poa pratensis, L. Common about Millicent, especially near drains and swamps; Blue Lake, Mount Gambier; Robe. *Agrostis verticillata, Vill. Common in wet ground at Millicent. *Aira caryophyllea, L. Caroline scrub. *Polypogon maritimus, Willd. Woolley Lake, Beach- port. Already recorded for Robe. *Hordeum maritimum, With. Millicent ; Bordertown. *Lagurus ovatus, L. Beachport; Caroline scrub. This beautiful Mediterranean grass appears to be spreading all round our coastline. CYPERACEAE. Cyperus tenellus, L. Between Mount Gambier and. Glen- coe; Dismal Swamp (Dist. G). C. Gunniu, Hook. f. Myponga; near Onkaparinga River at Ambleside (Dist. A); between Mount Gambier and Glencoe (Dist. G). Scirpus cernuus, Vahl. Onkaparinga River at Amble- side; Beachport; Dismal Swamp; drains at Millicent. S. antarcticus, L. Between Glencoe and Lake Edward. Schoenus axillaris, (R. Br.) Poir. Millicent (Dist. G). Almost all the spikelets examined contained 2 fertile flowers, and, when ripe, 2 nuts, so that the early description by Hooker f. (Fl. Nov. Zel., i. 274) seems to be more correct than the later one by Bentham, Mueller, and others. S. mtens, (R. Br.) Poir. Beachport; Millicent drains; Glenelg River. S. apogon, Roem. et Schult. West of Bordertown (Dist. T). Gahma trifida, Labill. Robe (C. D. Black); shores of Lake George near Beachport (Dist. G). Locally known as “Cutting Grass.” Nut about 2 mm. long, black and shining when ripe; leaves very rough downwards. Cladiuwm filum, R. Br., which is scarcely to be distinguished from G. trifida except by the long, narrow, light-coloured nut and the smoother leaves, is also found at Robe. | Carex Gunniana, Boott. Drains at Millicent. A form remarkable for its broad leaves (to 9 mm.) with scabrous ee A Ln oe eee ~ = — eae . 4, not “5 or 6 or sometimes 1 or 2 more,’ 41 margins and the lowest female spikelet on a long peduncle, ‘sometimes twice as long as the spikelet. C. imversa, R. Br. Bordertown railway reserve (Dist. T). Cladium junceum, R. Br. Keith (Dist. T). Lepidosperma exaltatum, R. Br. Between Mount Gam- bier and Glencoe; Dismal Swamp. Stems 1-1°50 m. high; growing near water. L. longitudinale, Labill. Myponga (Dist. A; A. D. Black). JL. concavum, R. Br. Stansbury (Dist. Y) ; Tintinara ; Keith (Dist. T). L. elatius, Labill., is given by Tate (Fl., 265) for the Adelaide district, but the only specimen in his herbarium is from Mount Macedon, Victoria. Mueller, in his Key to the System of Victorian Plants, does not record it for any place further west than his “Southern District,’’ which includes the country round Port Phillip as far west as Cape Otway. The occurrence of this plant in our State seems doubtful. Chorizandra enodis, Nees. West of Bordertown (Dist. T). RESTIONACEAE. Hypolaena exsulca, R. Br. Keith. First record of this _ Western Australian species in our State. The male plant a) 2 ; appears indistinguishable from that of H. fastigiata, but the female has flexuose branches covered with a white, almost scaly tomentum ; style-branches very short, much thickened towards the base. H. fastigiata, R. Br. Keith (Dist. T). Lemdobolus drapetocoleus, F. v. M. Keith; Bordertown (Dist. T). CENTROLEPIDACEAE. Brizula pumilio, (F. v. M.) Hieron. Between Glencoe and Lake Edward. Stems 1-3 cm. high. Centrolems glabra, (F. v. M.) Hieron. Dismal Swamp (Dist. G). Stems red, 20-35 mm. long; leaves shorter. Trithuria submersa, Hook. f. Dismal Swamp (Dist. G). A dwarf, reddish plant, growing in mud; involucral bracts 4, ’ as stated by Bentham. Hooker (Fl. Tasm., i1., 79) says 4 ; Hieronymus (Nat. Pflanzen- _ fam.) says 2-4. In the flowers I examined the 3 styles were _ divided to the base into 2 branches. The name Juncella, F. v. M., has been substituted for Trithuria by Hieronymus in the Nat. Pflanzenfam., and by Maiden and Betche in the Census of N.S.W. Plants, on the ground of priority, but as - Mueller’s name was announced in 1854 without any descrip- tion, it cannot, under art. 38 of the Vienna rules, replace _ Hooker’s name, published with a description in 1860. Mueller __ himself accepted this position in his 1st and 2nd Census. 42 J UNCACEAE. Juncus martimus, Lamk., var. australiensis, Buch. Robe; Beachport (Dist. G). *J. cayntatus, Weig. Dismal Swamp. LILIACEAE. Dianella revoluta, R. Br. Cummins, E.P. (Dist. L) ; Bordertown (Dist. T). Arthropodium fimbriatum, R. Br. Keith (Dist. T). A. minus, R. Br. Bordertown (Dist. T). Burchardia umbellata, R. Br. Keith (Dist. T). Tricoryne elatior, R. Br. Keith; Bordertown (Dist. T). CASUARINACEAE. Casuarina Luehmannna, R. T. Baker. “Bull Oak.” Bor- dertown. Teeth usually 12, mostly truncate owing to the points having fallen; branchlets nearly 2 mm. in diameter, hoary with a minute pubescence visible under the lens, and very bitter to the taste, so that it is said stock will not eat this oak, although they are fond of most Casuarinas. Cones with the valves in only 2 rows in the specimens seen and therefore much depressed. C’. stricta, Ait. Wooley Lake, Beachport, on sandy slope near the sea; branchlets drooping. C. swberosa, Otto et Dietr. Scrub between Macclesfield and Strathalbyn ; Barossa Ranges (Dist. A); Keith; Tintinara. At Keith this was a dwarf shrub 1-150 m. high, and in the Tintinara specimens many of the flowers in the cone were abortive, especially towards the summit, which was consequently pro- duced in the form of a beak; valves of fertile flowers very prominent; sheathing-teeth 6. SALICACEAE. *Populus alba, L. “White Poplar.” Millicent. Spread- ing numerously by suckers in several places, some of the young trees standing 4 m. high. PROTEACEAE. Hakea vittata, R. Br. Beachport (Dist. G). A low shrub, not more than 30 cm. high; stems procumbent. /. wlicina, R. Br., var. flecilis, F. v. M. East Wellington; Keith; Bordertown. POLYGONACEAE. Rumex Brownn, Campd. Dismal Swamp. Dwarf form about 10 cm. high, with 3 teeth on each side of the inner perianth-segments, as in most South Australian specimens. Deceptively like stunted forms of *#. acetosella, L. (Sorrel), 43 which were growing in the same damp ground. W&. bidens, R. Br. Drains at Millicent; Lake Edward. CHENOPODIACEAE. Atriplex angulatum, Benth. Willochra Creek, near Quorn. Perianth appears quite distinct from that of A. cam- panulatum, Benth., although the two species were united by Mueller. This is the first time I have seen this plant. The specimen was collected on the Willochra Creek by Mr. Vosler, the Californian parasitologist who visited this country in March, 1918. -*A. patulum, L. “Common Orache.” Outer Harbour, close to sea and inland from Henley Beach, fruiting perianth submuricate ; ballast dump, Port Adelaide, perianth smooth (H. W. Andrew). First record for South Australia.—A common and very variable weed of the Old World. Chenopodium glaucum, L. A form with small leaves (mostly 5-10 mm. long) and succulent red stems, is numerous on the bed of Lake Ormerod, near Naracoorte, when the water recedes. PORTULACACEAE. Anacampseros australiana, J. M. Black. On February 2, 1918, a plant of this species, cultivated in my garden, opened its flowers for the first time in my experience, the 5 very pale pink concave petals almost erect and as long as the sepals; stamens 8. The flowering state in which the calyx scarcely opens and the petals are much shorter than the sepals, and on which the description was founded, is therefore not constant, although it appears to be the normal one. Claytoma australasica, Hook. f. Swamps at Murray Bridge (Dist. M) ; Dismal Swamp. CARYOPHYLLACEAE. *Moenchia erecta,,(l.) Gaertn. Between Glencoe and Lake Edward. A small weed of Central and Southern Europe. First record for South Australia; recorded for Victoria (as Cerastuum quaternellum) in 1893. *Silene conica, L. Millicent, roadsides and _ fields. Already recorded for Robe in 1911. CRUCIFERAE. Cardamine tenwfolia, Hook. Dismal Swamp. Growing in water ; stems weak. This plant, with its large white petals, leaves all with linear lobes and pod terminating in a style 2 mm. long, is so distinct in appearance from C. hirsuta, L., that I prefer to follow Bentham in keeping it a separate species. _ Not previously recorded in South Australia. 44. * Brassica adpressa, (Moench) Boiss. (Sinapis incana, L.) “Hoary Mustard.” Roadsides and uncultivated fields; said also to occur in cultivation. Locally called “Buchan weed.” Also at Naracoorte (H. W. Andrew). A European weed, previously recorded for Port Lincoln. In the South-east it appears to take the place of the Wild Turnip (*Rapistrum rugosum) of the North. *Alyssum marituimum, Lamk. Millicent. Growing wild in abundance on allotments and fields near the town. Already recorded for Robe. RESEDACEAE. * Reseda alba, L. “White Mignonette.’”’ This handsome plant, previously found on Kangaroo Island and at Robe, is common on vacant land near the railway station, Beachport. CRASSULACEAE. Tillaca colorata, Nees. Dr. C. H. Ostenfeld, of Copen- hagen, who is writing a series of papers on the flora of Western Australia, tells me in a letter that, having compared specimens of 7. acuminata, Reader, with 7. adscendens and T. colorata, Nees, he finds they are all one and the same species, and as Nees’ specific name has a priority of 54 years it must replace that of Reader in our flora. Colorata is chosen, because adscendens is already employed for a species of Crassula, with which Tillaea has been recently united as a subgenus by European botanists. 7’. macrantha, Hook. f., var. pedicellosa, F. v. M. Between Glencoe and Lake Edward. T. recurva, Hook. f. Dismal Swamp. Petals 4, white, nearly twice as long as the sepals; scale oblong, nearly half as long as the carpel, which contains 3-4 seeds. 7. Sieberiana, Schult. Hundred of Caroline. LEGUMINOSAE. Dillwyma ericifola, Sm., var. peduncularis, Benth. Penola Forest (W. Gill) ; between Mount Gambier and Glencoe. D. hismda, Lindl. Bordertown; Keith (Dist. T); between Murray Bridge and Callington (Dist. M). Pultenaea pedunculata, Hook. Bordertown (Dist. T). P. tenwfoha, R. Br. Strathalbyn (Dist. A); Warunda (Dist. L; H. Griffith). Var. recurvifolia, Benth. Mount Burr, near Millicent. Acacia farinosa, Lind]. Edilillie; Lake Wangary (Dist. L; H. Griffith); Port Vincent. (Dist. Y). A. acinacea, Lindl. Bordertown (Dist. T). A small — shrub, only 50 cm. high or less, with spreading stems and branches, sometimes very long and procumbent ; Mount Thisbe, K.I. (Dist. K ; H. Griffith). The specimens from Bordertown have the phyllodia broader in the centre and more contracted a rae te =¥ 4a 45 towards the base than those from Eyre Peninsula and Kangaroo Island, and the pod is broader (4-5 mm. as against 3 mm.). A. retinodes, Schlecht. The phyllodia vary from linear- lanceolate and 3-5 mm. broad to oblanceolate and 6-12 mm. broad. In maritime forms from Wedge Island and Beachport they are thick and rigid, with a breadth of 10-25 mm. A. salicina, Lindl. “Umbrella Bush.’’ Naracoorte (Dist. T; H. W. Andrew). A. rigens, A. Cunn. Monarto South (Dist. A; Miss A. McMahon). A. Menzelu, J. M. Black. Through the kindness of Miss A. MeMahon, school teacher at Monarto South, pods and seeds of this species have now been obtained, and are figured on plate v. The pods of A. Menzelw are linear, straight or curved, 25-45 mm. long, 2-3 mm. broad, the valves viscid- pustulate; the seeds black, shining, oblong, 4 mm. long by 14 mm. broad, the last 2 folds of the funicle swollen into a large, fleshy aril. They show a close relationship to those of ° A. rigens and A. Bynoeana, but the pod of Menzelii is much straighter and the seeds are narrower. A. Bynoeana, Benth. After reading the original descrip- tion of A. Walhelmana, F. v. M., in Trans. Phil. Soc. Vic., i., 37 (erroneously quoted as “A. Wilhelmsiana” and the refer- ence as “Trans. Phil. Inst. Vict.” in Fl. Aust., 11., 339), I have no doubt that this species is the same as A. Bynoeana. Mueller describes it as having “phyllodia incurved, upright, short, linear, filiform, compressed, ending in a broader, blunt, recurved apex, above or on both sides furrowed and furnished with 2 thin veins.”’ This description agrees with A. Bynoecana and not with A. calamifolia, of which Bentham wished to make it a short-leaved variety. Besides A. Wilhelmiana comes from the “mallee scrub on the Murray, where it was first discovered by Mr. Wilhelmi,” and that is just the locality where A. Bynoeana is found. This identification, if corroborated by examination of the types, would entail no change of name, as A. Bynoeana has the right of priority by at least one year. In specimens from Loxton and Karoonda the phyllodes are flat and 2-3 mm. broad, much resembling those of A. sclerophylla, but the latter has the phyllodes with 3 prominent nerves and 4 faint intermediate ones*on each surface, while those of A. Bynoeana have 2 prominent nerves and (in the broad-leaved form) 2-3 faint intermediate ones, and the mucro is curved at a more acute angle. A. microcarpa, F.v. M. Yumali (Dist. T; 8. A. White) ; Halbury scrub (Dist. N). 46 *Trifolium resupinatum, L. “Reversed Clover.’ Stock- yards at Mount Gambier; roadside between Mount Gambier and Glencoe; common at Millicent. First record for South Australia, although listed for Victoria by Mueller in 1887. It is rather conspicuous by its bright pink flowers, and in its woolliness bears considerable resembiance to 7'. tomentosum and 7’. fragiferum. The former is also common in the South- . east. *T7'. incarnatum, L. “Crimson Clover.’ Between Mount Gambier and Glencoe. *Medicago orbicularis, All. Field near Collinswood (H. W. Andrew). This flat-podded medic has not previously been noticed in S8.A., but was recorded for Victoria in 1907.— Mediterranean region. *M. lupulina, L. ‘‘Black.Medic.’’ Very common in moist place near Millicent. *M/. hismda, Gaertn., var. inermis, Urb. (M. reticulata, Benth.). Border- town. Var. lappacea. Millicent. Pod black and larger than in var. denticulata, Urb. (M. denticulata, Willd.). *Cytisus canariensis, L. “Canary Broom.” Established in fields and roadsides near Mount Gambier GERANIACEAE. Pelargomum Rodneyanum, Lindl. Naracoorte; Border- town ; Keith. Petals pink, streaked with crimson. P. australe, Willd., var. erodioides, Benth. Beachport; Caroline Scrub ; Dismal Swamp. *Geranvum molle, L. This delicate little plant, rare near Adelaide, is common in the moister climate of Mount Gambier. EUPHORBIACEAE. Beyeria viscosa, (Labill.) Mig., and B. opaca, F.v. M. Tate, in his Flora, gives B. viscosa for the Adelaide district, and in another place (although I have lost the reference) he says, “Mount Lofty Range, near water.” His herbarium, however, contains no typical specimens of that species. Bentham (FI. Aust., vi., 65) gives only B. opaca for South Australia. Mueller, in Fragm., i., 230 (1859), united B. opaca with B. viscosa, but later on he changed his opinion, and they remain distinct in his lst and 2nd Census. Bentham dis- tinguished B. opaca chiefly by its smaller leaves, and laid little stress on the length of the pedicel or the shape of the fruit. In his key to the system of Victorian plants (1887-8) Mueller divided the species as follows : — Leaves oval or elliptical-lanceolate; stalkets much longer than calyx; fruit comparatively large ... B. viscosa Leaves broad-linear, blunt; stalklets about as long as . the calyx; fruit comparatively small ... ...- ... B. opaca Unfortunately many South Australian specimens, especially from Robe and Beachport, in the South-east, have leaves 47 broadly lanceolate and acute, 2-4 cm. long, but the pedicels are always short, never as long as the almost globular fruit, and very different from specimens collected in Tasmania, which have pedicels 12-15 mm. long, much longer than the large obovoid capsule, which is almost lobed, owing to the deep furrows between the cells. This is the typical B. viscosa, as shown in Labillardiére’s figure. In short, if the two species are distinguished by the pedicels and fruits, we do not, on the present evidence, possess B. viscosa in Sovth Australia; if they are distinguished by the leaves, we do. Probably the two species should be united, but if they are maintained distinct, I should feel inclined to make the pedicels and fruit the leading characteristic, and in that case we have only B. opaca, with the following localities: Robe, Beachport, Port Vincent, Kangaroo Island, Marino, Cape Thevenard (leaves lanceolate or oblan- ceolate, long ‘or short, acute or obtuse, very white below) ; Loxton, Ooldea (leaves oblanceolate, short, light green below) ; Alawoona, Loxton, Yaninee, Gladstone, Quorn (leaves broad- linear, usually short, 1-2 cm. long). Var. linearis, Benth. _ ‘Torrens Gorge; Clarendon. Phyllanthus trachyspermus, F. v. M. Mount Lyndhurst (border of Dists. C and 8). Sent 'to the Department of Agri- culture under suspicion of poisoning stock. Bertya Mitchellu, J. Muell. Eight miles inland from Port Broughton (Dist. N; F. S. Salisbury) ; Yumali (Dist. T. ; S. A. White). This species has been recently united with B. oleifolia, Planch., from which it was distinguished in the Fl. Aust. by its narrower leaves. *Huphorbia helioscoma, L. Paddock near Walkerville terminus (H. W. eae Already recorded from Port Lincoln. RHAMNACEAE. Spyridium ervocephalum, Fenzl., var. n. adpressum. Variat folus confertis adpressis subcylindricis 3 mm. longis apiculo deflexo terminatis, petiolis brevibus sed consmcuis, capitulis sessilibus, folus floralibus 2-8. _ Port Lincoln; Edilillie (H. Griffith). S y \q jb is) oy Hy By oy Ss (ARS @ rote SSS PSD PY > yi eZ? Y 4A OB By > $/ » Oy eee os str SS \ ) / sy, pe re ea SOY pa ” oy ‘ Ss J GC Limnanthemum sty@gium SP nova HUSSEY & GILLINGHAM LIMITED, PRINTERS & PUBLISHERS ADELAIDE, SO. AUS. | | | XLII., Plate VII. Vol. a 3 Ee S aD a a = a ww a < o [a w = eo ST a 2 a 3 ao a Ww od Zz ie a = a Ye = i = =< x o z = = o oo] > wW oO n = ve Very ieribka ta spl. Austr. S. is r, Soc. l 1 Proc. Roy merasty f - 1] 1 “. r Ea ans, anc Ge Plate. VITT. Vol. ALII., Soc. S. Austr. ans. and Proc. Roy. Calocephalus Dittrichii zum. tie HUSSEY & GILLINGHAM LIMITED, PRINTE meet 61 Prats VI. Limnanthemum stygium, n. sp. 1, flower; 2, transverse section of ovary. } . Pruate VII. Dicrastylis verticillata, n. sp. 1, flower; 2, corolla; 3, pistil; 4, transverse section of ovary, showing the 4 cells, with 2 of the partitions much thinner than the other 2; 5, ovary more advanced, with 2 ripening and 2 abortive ovules, the 2 thin partitions being gradually pressed out of position; 6, bracts and bracteoles at base of flower-whorl, which is regarded from above:—a, a, a, the 3 bracts; b, b, the bracteoles (2 at the base of each cluster) ; c, c, c, the bases (concrete peduncles[?]) of the 3 clusters or reduced cymes, all the flowers having been removed; d, axis of the flower- ing branch. 7, anther and part of filament; 8, corolla in bud viewed from above:—e, e, the 2 lateral lobes folded outside the others; f, f, the 2 upper lobes; g, the lowest and largest lobe. 9, transverse section of leaf; 10, upper-surface of leaf near summit; 11, lower-surface of same. — Paare VIII. Calocephalus Dittrichii, F. v. M. 1, flower; 2, style; 3, -bract of general involucre; 4, outer bract of partial involucre; 5, innermost bract of same. 62 A REVIEW OF THE AUSTRALIAN REPRESENTATIVES OF THE GENUS ISCHNORADSIA. By Epwin Asusy. [Read April 11, 1918.] This genus, one of the subdivisions of the Ischnochitonidae, Dall, was made by Shuttleworth in 1853 (Berner Mittheil, 1853, p. 65), the characteristics being described as follows : — “Valves having sharp but rather thick insertion plates, those - of the median valves with two or several slits. Girdle covered with convex, pebble-like, smooth scales. Type, Chiton australis, Sowerby.” In addition to the Australian representatives, several species have been found in Japanese waters. Four species have been described as from Australia. In the “Mag. Nat. Hist. (Charlesworth)”, vol. iv., June, 1840, Sowerby described (p. 290) Chiton australis (Conch. Illus., fig. 46), Australia, and (p. 291) Chiton evanidus (Conch. Illus., fig. 139), New Holland. Reeve in 1847, pl. xxi., sp. 142, Chiton novae-hollandiae, New Holland, Mus. Brit., and Chiton metallicus, Rve., Conch. Icon., t. 17, f. 1041, 1847. Pilsbry made Z. evanidus and I. metallicus synonymous with J. australis, Sby., retaining two Australian species only, » I, australis, Sby., and I. novae-hollandiae, Rve. Iredale and May, in the Proc. Mal. Soc., vol. xi., pts. 11. and i., 1916, revive the name evanida, Sby., and distinguish two species in Tasmania, the Eastern corresponding with Sowerby’s descrip- tion of his evanidus:.-—“‘Central areas smooth in the middle, faintly striated at the sides; lateral areas rather elevated, with radiating granular striae.”” And go on to say: —“‘The North- west Tasmanian form differs in the absolutely smoothness of its pleural areas, and seems identical with the South Aus- tralian shells known as J. novae-hollandiae, Reeve.’’ I can endorse Iredale and May’s contention that the North-west Tasmanian form is identical with the South Australian shell. The examination of a fairly extensive series from North-west, Eastern, and Southern Tasmania, Mid- Victoria, and South Australia in my own collection, and also a series from Port Arthur, South-east Tasmania, from the collections of Mr. W. L. May and Dr. Torr, establishes the fact to my mind that only one species is common to these localities. All the adult shells from the widely-extended places are more or less ornamented with striae. “The absolute smoothness of the pleural area,’’ quoted by Iredale and May, is only met with in juvenile shells, and the majority of adults conform to Sowerby’s description of evanida. 63 Reeve’s 7. novae-hollandiae (1847) must therefore be relegated to the place of a synonym of Sowerby’s J. evanida 1840). Bat while the majority of adult specimens conform to Sowerby’s description of J. evanida, a few show continuous ribbing throughout the pleural area and right across the dorsal area, a characteristic that heretofore has been considered the most marked distinguishing feature of J. australis, Sby. This ribbed character is shown in one of the Port Arthur shells only 63 mm. long, and one collected by Dr. Torr at Stanley, North Tasmania, only 55 mm. long, while a Port Arthur shell 80 mm. long is typical evanda. Then, again, while the form in which the pleural area is ribbed right across is rare in South Australia, Dr. Torr has a specimen he informs me that he collected at Tungkallilla, on the South Australian coast open to the ocean, which is 45 mm. long, but is as strongly ribbed as the Port Jackson specimens of J. australis, and from the same locality a shell 33 mm. long showing as extensive ribbing in proportion to its age and size. But none of these strongly-ribbed variants from type from South Australia, Tasmania, and Victoria that I have examined, show the widely-spaced, prominent ribbing in the lateral area that is present in the Port Jackson shells. On the other hand, shells from Bulli, N.S.W., a good way south of Port Jackson, show a departure from the typical shell from that port in that the anterior valve is similar to the form occurring in the southern States, the ribbing being less pronounced and closer together. To sum up the evidence before us in regard to specimens from the States of South Australia, Tasmania, and Victoria : — (1) No really adult shells are absolutely smooth in the pleural area as described by Reeve. (2) That the age at which the shells from any of the localities referred to begins to show partial ribbing varies very much. (3) That living alongside with Z. evanida, Sby., in some parts of each of the three States named are shells in which the ribbing is as extensive, and closely approximates to, the Port Jackson, N.S.W., I. australis, Sby. (4) That all the adult shells from the southern States show a similar sculpture in the lateral area, viz., ribbing nearer together and less pronounced than is the case with the Port Jackson shell, but vary as regards the sculpture of the pleural area, from faint, broken ribbing over a portion of the area, to, in a limited number of cases, the area completely covered with strong ribbing, as in Z. australis, Sby. 64 Conclusion.—-On first commencing this inquiry I expected that the conclusions come to by Mr. Hedley in his very suggest- ive paper on “The Effect’ of the Bassian Isthmus upon the existing Marine Fauna,’’ Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, xxviil., 1903 (1904), would be amply supported by the distribution of the genus under review. That J. australis, Sby., would prob- ably extend down from New South Wales to the Gippsland coast, and as the western side of the lost isthmus is reached, say the west side of Wilson Promontory, be replaced more or less abruptly by Z. evumda, Sby. But in view of the fact that juvenile shells of both are equally smooth and inseparable, and the extreme variability of the southern form, we must conclude that all Australian representatives of this genus have a common ancestry, that the southern shells only represent a race, and do not warrant more than subspecific rank, and may be even relegated, as a result of future investigation, to the subordinate place of a mere variety. I conclude that the strongly-ribbed shells that occur (although but rarely) with the smoother forms in the south, are the progenitors of that section of the species that spread northward ; while the more variable but smoother form spreads westward. The evidence points to the distribution of this genus in Australian waters having taken place since the breaking down of the Bassian Isthmus and the existence of the present straits. We must, therefore, conclude that the known Australian representatives of the genus Ischnoradsia are limited to one species and one subspecies, Jschnoradsia australis, Sowerby (1840), and Ischnoradsia australis evanda, Sowerby (1840), the former inhabiting New South Wales, and the latter the States of Victoria, Tasmania, and South Australia. | Note spy W. L. May, Sanprorp, TASMANIA. Having been more or less associated with my friend Edwin Ashby in his investigation into Ischnoradsia, I am thoroughly , in accord with his treatment in the present communication. From a superficial glance at specimens from the various Aus- tralasian localities, they appear as one species, in shape, size, and colour, and this impression is confirmed by an examination of the girdle, which is practically the same in all. To maintain the several separate species, v2z., australis, evanida, and novae-hollandiae, we have to rely solely on the absence or presence, in varying degrees, of the longitudinal sculpture ; and as this can be shown to be quite inconstant in the southern and western shells, and as some of these approxi- mate rather nearly to the Port Jackson form, it seems necessary — to treat them all.as members of one variable species, but for convenience to maintain evanida for the southern and generally smoother form either as a subspecies, which is perhaps preferable, or as a variety. 65 MONOGRAPH ON THE GENUS STENOCHITON (ORDER POLYPLACOPHORA), WITH DESCRIPTIONS OF TWO NEW SPECIES. By Epwin Asusy. [Read May 9, 1918. ] Puates XIII. anp XIV. The genus Stenochiton was formed by Adams and Angas in 1864 (Ad. and Ang., P.Z.S., 1864, p. 193) for the reception of the South Australian shell described by the same workers under the specific name of juloides. The characteristics of the genus of which S. juloides was _the type are enumerated he Ada~- ~~ Loin) sevensung vue 100WINg as the distinguishing ir actoristics of the subgenus : —“‘Shell very much elongated, roundly arched, valves ischnoid, the central valves having _ several slits ; girdle having minute, smooth, imbricating scales.” As will be shown later, some species that evidently should be _ placed in this genus only show one slit in the central valves, _ and in one the scales are minutely striated. | Since Pilsbry wrote the above, two additional species _have been described. One by W. T. Bednall in 1897 (Proc. Mal. 4 Soc., vol. i1., pt. 4), under the specific name of gilsbryanus. The habitat is given as Troubridge Shoal, Gulf St. Vincent, “on seaweed (?) Zostera.” A third species was described by 7 myself under the name of pallens in 1900 (Trans. Roy. Soc. of S.A., 1900). While I have every reason to believe that one _ or other of the two species described in this paper as new under the respective names of posidonialis and cymodocealis must + have been the form described by Mr. Bednall, his description will not coincide with either of these very distinct forms. _ Either his figures and descriptions are at fault, or he described a . species that I have not yet been able to identify. a 64 Conclusion.—On first commencing this inquiry I expected that the conclusions come to by Mr. Hedley in his very suggest- ive paper on “The Effect of the Bassian Isthmus upon the existing Marine Fauna,’’ Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, xxviii., 1903 (1904), would be amply supported by the distribution of the genus under review. That J. australis, Sby., would prob- ably extend down from New South Wales to the Gippsland coast, and as the western side of the lost isthmus is reached, say the west side of Wilson Promontory, be replaced more or less abruptly by Z. evumida, Sby. But in view of the fact that juvenile shells of both are equally smooth and inseparable, and the extreme variability of the southern form, we must conclude that all Australian representatives of this genus have a common ancestry, that the southern shells only represent a race, and do not warrant more than subspecific rank, and may be even relegated, as a result of future investigation, to the subordinate f i ———~asaater — T_onnelnde that the stromgl y-rioped ERRORS AND CORRECTIONS. Page 68, fifth li ee eon line from bottom :—For J. posidonia read Page 80, eleventh line from bott : r om, shoul :— Australian waters.” I have a specimen plicated pues Page 85, first line of t CALLISTOCHITON. myself able : —For CALLOCHITON read SOWerpy (LO4U), Cie formes: wars c9 awe gs ee 4 the latter the States of Victoria, Tasmania, and South Australia. | Note spy W. L. May, SanprorpD, TASMANIA. Having been more or less associated with my friend Edwin Ashby in his investigation into Jschnoradsia, I am thoroughly . in accord with his treatment in the present communication. From a superficial glance at specimens from the various Aus- tralasian localities, they appear as one species, in shape, size, and colour, and this impression is confirmed by an examination of the girdle, which is practically the same in all. To maintain the several separate species, viz., australis, evanida, and novae-hollandiae, we have to rely solely on the absence or presence, in varying degrees, of the longitudinal sculpture ; and as this can be shown to be quite inconstant in the southern and western shells, and as some of these approxi- mate rather nearly to the Port Jackson form, it seems necessary — to treat them all as members of one variable species, but for convenience to maintain evanida for the southern and generally smoother form either as a subspecies, which is perhaps preferable, or as a variety. 65 MONOGRAPH ON THE GENUS STENOCHITON (ORDER POLYPLACOPHORA), WITH DESCRIPTIONS OF TWO NEW SPECIES. By Epwin Asusy. [Read May 9, 1918. ] Puates XIII. anp XIV. The genus Stenochiton was formed by Adams and Angas in 1864 (Ad. and Ang., P.Z.S., 1864, p. 193) for the reception of the South Australian shell described by the same workers under the specific name of julovdes. The characteristics of the genus of which S. juloides was the type are enumerated by Adams and Angas as follows: — “Shell elongated, narrow, convex; valves longer than wide, not carinated ; apex of the posterior valve subcentral ; plates. of insertion multifissate in the end valves, the intermediate valves having 5 fissures on each side ; girdle covered with very minute, polished, imbricating scales.” Carpenter (MS8.) refers the then _ only species known to his own later group Stenoradsia, but ‘Pilsbry (in Man. of Con., vol. xiv., p. 55) says: —“Steno- chiton, however, seems to have as much individuality as most _ of the divisions Ischnochiton, and may be allowed to stand as a subgenus.” He somewhat modifies Adams and Angas’ _ characteristics, retaining the following as the distinguishing characteristics of the subgenus: —“Shell very much elongated, roundly arched, valves ischnoid, the central valves having _ several slits ; girdle having minute, smooth, imbricating scales.” _ As will be shown later, some species that evidently should be _ placed in this genus only show one slit in the central valves, _ and in one the scales are minutely striated. / Since Pilsbry wrote the above, two additional species _have been described. One by W. T. Bednall in 1897 (Proc. Mal. ‘Soc., vol. 11., pt. 4), under the specific name of pilsbryanus. The habitat is given as Troubridge Shoal, Gulf St. Vincent, “on seaweed (?) Zostera.” | a me "9 x 7? . 66 Every effort has been made to get a sight of the type. Mr. E. H. Matthews writes me, February 28, 1918, that he sent all his own and the late Mr. Bednall’s types to Mr. Tom Iredale in London. The larger parcel reached London safely ; the smaller one, which may have contained the type of this species under review, went down. Mr. Matthews was good enough to send me some nice specimens that he refers to Bednall’s pilsbryanus. These are the same species I am describing herein as S. posidomalis, and differ materially from Bednall’s description in that the anterior valve is concave and not convex, as stated by Bednall, and the posterior valve is very flat and not strongly elevated and arched, as shown in Bednall’s drawing, also the mucro is differently placed. On the other hand, the figure of the posterior valve in Mr. Bednall’s paper well illustrates the same valve herein described and figured under the name of S. cymodocealis, and his statement that the anterior valve is convex also corresponds, but the figure marked (1) in Mr. Bednall’s description does not show the distinctive tapering characteristics in that species, and his statement that the “raised character of the lateral area does not extend to the outer anterior angle of tegmentum”’ does not correspond. We are, therefore, with the material available, quite unable to determine which, if either, of these very distinct species was described by Mr. Bednall. Part of the description appears to refer to one and the balance to the other. Personally, in spite of the fact that Mr. Matthews, in common with all other South Australian collectors, has in the past referred the species hereunder described under the name of S. posidomalis, to Mr. Bednall’s shell, and it is well known in ~ all Australian collections of Polyplacophora under that name, I am strongly inclined to think that the other species herein described as S. cymodocealis, or one nearly allied to it, is the species described by Bednall. Unless the type is still in exist- — ence it will be impossible to satisfactorily determine this ques- tion, so for the time being we shall have to add the two species herein described to our list of Stenochitons. Iredale and May, © in their paper on ““Mis-named Tasmanian Chitons” (Mal. Soc. vol. xi., pts. 1. and ii1., p. 105, Nov., 1916), think they recognize in Blainville’s Chiton longicymba (1825) from King Island a member, though not yet identified, of the genus Stenochiton, JI cannot concur with this opinion, and think that Blainville’s shell was more likely either 7schnochiton virgatus, — Reeve, or a near ally. The blue spots he speaks of are very marked in that species, and the shell is comparatively smooth. 67 Distribution.—It is remarkable that the whole of the known species of this interesting genus have been described from South Australia. Up to the present I believe there are only two records of the occurrence of members of this genus in the other States. Stenochiton pallens, Ashby, from Port Phillip Heads, Victoria, wrongly identified by Sykes (Proc. Mal. Soc., vol. i1., pt. 2, July, 1896) as S. julordes, Ad. and Ang., and correctly identified by Gatliffe and Gabriel (Proc. Soc. Vict., 30 (N.S8.), pt. i., 1917, p. 26), one specimen only. And S. juloides three valves only in shell-sand, Albany, W.A. (Torr: Trans. Roy. Soc., S. Austr., xxxv., 1911, p. 96). The other localities given by Hedley (in Jour. Roy. Soc. W. Austr., vol. vili., 1914-1915, p. 23) have probably been copied in error from the records of the next species in Torr’s paper. We have, therefore, the remarkable fact that outside of the two occurrences above referred to, no representatives of this interesting genus have so far been found outside of South Australian waters. Habits.—Bednall (in Proc. Mal. Soc., vol. 88, pt. 4, April, 1897, p. 142) gives the habitat of the few specimens of S. julordes that had then come under his notice, “found living on Pinna shells below low-water mark.’”’ And on the same page _he records the fact that the specimens he describes under the name of S. pilsbryanus were found on “seaweed (Zostera), Troubridge Shoal, St. Vincent Gulf.’’ Dr. Torr (Trans. Roy. Soc., S. Austr., vol. xxxvi., 1912) states that he had collected S. juloides by dredging and in shell-sand, and quotes Mr. Riddle as having found specimens on “old boots and bottles, and especially near the roots of Zostera, by dredging or with grappling iron—they are rarely found in shallow water.” And on the same page he records having taken specimens of Steno- chiton pilsbryanus, Bednall, “on Zostera (sea-weed).”” And again, “Two large specimens by Mr. F. L. Saunders on sea- weed at Aldinga,” and “near the roots of Zostera at Wool Bay and other places by Mr. Riddle.” I am now able to throw a good deal of light on the habits of members of this genus. The discovery of Stenochiton juloides, Ad. and Ang., on bottles, boots, etc., is evidently purely accidental. They live on the marine plant belonging to the order Fluviales known as Posidoma australis. I have found them in many localities at the base of the long ribbon-like leaves of this well-known plant. During the last week of December last, at Normanville, in this State, in company with Mr. F. L. Saunders, who with his brother had taken them in the same locality in numbers before, I was able by means of a strong digging hook to get well down into the roots of the Posidonia, and found enclosed in the brown sheaths of past leaves which enwrap the underground stems of that plant a large number of this Stenochiton. The D2 a Ae 68 spots that seemed to be especially attractive were beds of old, vigorous plants of Posidonia growing in sheltered pools (at low water), with a coarse sand or shell-grit bottom. The Stenochitons were usually about 3 inches deep in the shell grit, buried in the brown sheaths of Posidoma, but in a few cases odd specimens were found on the bases of the leaves outside the sand. Until recently most of the specimens that have been collected were these odd ones that had not worked their way down in the grit. The species hereunder described under the name of S. posidomalis also lives on the same plant, Posidonia australis, and I have found it in every locality I have visited in this State where this plant is growing. It is almost always found on the white or near the white bases of the leaves, just above the sand, and does not seem to bury itself in it. The best way to obtain it is to pull up bunches of Pos:donia from as low down as possible, and search the white bases of the leaves for the Stenochiton. If held up to the sunhght they are easily perceived, even when on the reverse side of the leaf. The species hereinafter described as Stenochiton cymodocealis is found on the cylindrical stems of the marine plant Cymodocea antarctica, which belongs to the same order as the preceding. I am indebted to Mr. F. L. Saunders for pointing out this plant to me, he having on a previous occasion taken this Stenochiton at Normanville on this plant, but had wrongly identified it as Stenochiton pallens, Ashby. I was able to obtain a nice series at that locality, and on searching the same plant afterwards at Cape Jervis, Encounter Bay, and still more recently at Marino, I have been able to find it at all these localities. The favourite spots seem to be the sheltered or shore side of beds of Cymodocea, growing in situations more or less sheltered. They are to be found usually only an inch or two above the point where the plant stems enter the sand. In no case have I found them on the short, flat leaves of this — plant. The girdle of this Stenochiton is in nature strongly incurved, almost reaching right round the cylindrical stems of the plant. The fourth species, Stenochiton pallens, Ashby, has up to the present only been found by dredging, and the plant it lives upon has not, therefore, been identified. Colour protection.—There is surely some connection between the habits of these four species and the markings and colouration that is peculiar to them. 8S. juloides is dark — brown in colour, of the same tone as the brown sheath of Posidonia. S. posidoma is normally yellowish-green, and — shell is very transparent, so that it blends remarkably well with the leaf it is on. It is nearly always found on the basal — portions of the leaf that are either very pale green or whitish. | The markings are suggestive of dashes of darker green on the \ ’ 69 leaf. In some case the ground-colour of this species is white, or nearly so, harmonizing well with the lower parts of the leaves. S. cymodocealis, while often in colour and markings resembling the darker-green form of the former species, is usually variegated by darker markings, and the dorsal area often shows pinkish shades, thus harmonizing to a striking degree with the various growths that so often encrust the stems of Cymodocea. Of the plant which is the host of Stenochiton pallens we have, as before stated, no actual knowledge, but we are surely justified in deducing from the habits of its congeners that it lives on a plant probably belonging to the same order Fluviales, that the portions of the plant it affects are probably pale brown, buff, or cream in colour, and also that as only dredged specimens have been found, the plant is either a deep-water species or a pale and colourless variety growing in deeper waters; or perhaps it lives upon the dying or dead leaves, with which undoubtedly its colour would well harmonize. Food.—I have attempted to keep the three first-named species in an aquarium, supplied with their respective host plants, but although care was taken to keep the temperature cool, they all died, and no results were obtained. Possibly these plants do not throw off sufficient oxygen. I think there is little doubt that Stenochitons live on the plants of the order _ Fluviales, are nocturnal, in common with most of the Poly- placophora. I have seen portions of the stems of ('ymodocea eaten in a way that would suggest that it had been done by the Stenocmton. Further, the Posidonia which is frequented by two of the genus is almost invariably clean, no small encrusting growths being present, and therefore it is doubtful “whether they would find any other food than the leaves of Posidoma. Iam indebted to Mr. J. M. Black for the indentifi- cation of the two marine plants referred to. There is a close outward resemblance between Posidoma australis and Zostera _ tasmamca, and therefore, owing to my inability to find speci- mens of the “sea grass’ I have referred to as Posidoma @ustralis in flower or fruit, it 1s possible that Mr. J. M. Black, who has been good enough to examiue and identify for me the “specimens I sent him, may not have had sufficient data for accurate determination. He says, “Judging only by the | breadth of the leaves and the nervation, the specimen sent is _Posidoma australis, and not a Zostera.”’ I think it not unlikely that the two species of Stenochiton I have referred to as living ‘on Posidomia may live on Zostera tasmanica just as freely. Classification.—The partial elucidation of the life history of members of the genus Stenochiton recorded in the fore- | going, which supplies strong circumstantial evidence that not 70 only in habits but also in food they are very distinct from any other of our Australian forms of the Polyplacophora, together with the external characteristics that differentiate them from other genera of the Ischnochitonidae, suggests that further investigation will reveal other differences, possibly internal ones, and warrants the elevation of the subgenus Stenochiton to the rank of a genus. I therefore propose to revive Adams and Angas’ genus Stenochiton, of which Stenochiton juloides, Ad. and Ang., is the type. In some respects it is unfortunate that this species should have to stand as the type of the genus, because it exhibits several peculiarities that are not common to those I consider its congeners. For the present we must deem — these specific distinctions only. The discovery of three or four new species that show several striking characteristics in common with Stenochiton juloides, that differentiate them — from other members of the Ischnochitonidae, makes it desirable to retain only a portion of the characteristics cited by Adams and Angas as distinguishing the genus and the adding of others. Generic description.—Shell usually elongated, highly polished, almost unsculptured, convex, z.e., rounded or arched as distinct from carinated, plates of insertion small, multi- fissate in the end valves, girdle clothed with very minute, polished, imbricating scales. Living on plants of the order Fluviales. Stenochiton (sensu stricto) will then be a subgenus of the genus Stenochiton, distinguished by the elongated character of the shell. A second subgenus will have to be formed to receive a broad-shelled species that was collected by the late Professor ‘Tate on plants belonging to the order Fluviales. This specimen has been placed in my hands by Dr. Torr to be dealt with in a future paper. Conclusion.—I am hopeful that the investigations of — future workers, not only in the other States of Australia, but also throughout the world, wherever plants belonging to the order Fluviales are found, will, now we know where and how to search, reveal many new forms of this genus. As Posidonia oceanica, an allied form to the Australian member, occurs — extensively in the Mediterranean Sea and the European shores of the Atlantic, it seems only reasonable to conclude that there will be forms of Polyplacophora living on it that will exhibit — some of the modifications peculiar to the Stenochitons of — Australia. STENOCHITON CYMODOCEALIS, 0. Sp. Pls. xiii. and xiv.,; figs, 1, 4; 5, 11, and.12 (a bee General appearance.—Shell long, sides almost straight for 2 of lateral, and then curving rapidly over dorsal area, width of shell less than 4 of total length, dorsal area rounded, shell — exceptionally highly arched ; the whole shell is very polished. 71 Colour.—The general colour is green, the dorsal area ornamented with a number of longitudinal pale-green lines, closely packed, and only discernible under lens. The rest of shell decorated with a number of broad, dark-green longi- tudinal dashes. The megalopores, in the form of pale-green dots, are under a compound microscope visible on the anterior and posterior valves and on the lateral areas, but not as marked as in S. posidonialis. Inside of valves green. Anterior valve.—Slope very steep, without sculpture, convex. In one specimen [ counted 24 slits or grooves; the interior in this is irregularly fluted, each flute ending in a blunt rounded tooth, a feature very distinct from any other known member of this genus, or any other member of the Ischnochi- tonidae, I believe. The slits are continued in shallow grooves, indistinctly pitted. After photographing the interior of this valve it’ met with a mishap, and is lost, and therefore I have had to replace it with another from a specimen of considerably larger size, which shows considerable differences; the slits are 12 or 13, the teeth are blunt and irregular knobs, the fluted appearance so much in evidence in the former valve is hardly perceptible in this one; perhaps with increased age the fluting is filled in. _ Posterior valve.—Highly arched, mucro central, promi- nent, posterior slope steep, nearly straight, but in type becoming slightly convex as it nears the girdle, shell highly polished, slits 13 to 15, a broad notch in the sutural laminae of this valve. Median valve.—Uniformly smooth and glossy, the lateral area strongly raised, and if looked at longitudinally with lens, the anterior margin of this area is seen to be uneven, due to shallow sulci following the growth lines ; so polished is the shell that this undulating character of the margin of this area is indiscernible unless the shell is held at a considerable angle. Median and dorsal areas.—Smooth and dorsal area in some valves slightly beaked, 1 slit. Girdle.—Clothed with small, closely-packed, smooth, ‘Imbricating scales, circular in shape, and thick in proportion to their diameter, reminding one of opalescent, flattened pebbles. The dark line showing in plate follows the contour of each valve. In life when looked at from above the only portion of the girdle showing is the narrow strip between this line and the shell. A darkish blotch extends across the girdle opposite each suture and at irregular intervals round the anterior valve. Measurements.—Tota! length of type, 10 mm. (shown in ‘plate with girdle flattened out); breadth, 35 mm.; the ‘Specimen shown in plate with recurved girdle as in nature | t 72 measures, length 8 mm., breadth 2mm, I have specimens that measure 12 mm. by 2°75 mm., girdle recurved. Locality.—I have found this species on the cylindrical stems of Cymodocea antarctica at Marino, Normanville, Cape Jervis, and Encounter Bay, all in South Australia, and Dr. Torr has specimens found in shell-sand at Aldinga. Specific name.—I have designated this species under the specific name of cymodocealis, after the generic name of the plant that is its host, and probably its food plant also. The plant was named after a sea nymph. Variation.—While the type is green all over, the decora- tion being due to either lighter or darker shades of the same green, the species is subject to considerable variation both in colour and markings. Jn one from Normanville, the apex of the anterior valve and the blunt beak of the next four valves is bright pink, also the ground-colour of pale olive that is present in most is in this specimen replaced with silvery-green, the markings mottled instead of striped, and the posterior margins of each valve decorated with 1 to 3 blackish dots, which without the aid of a lens look like pits. One other specimen from this locality has a dark-pink line the whole length of the dorsal area. Remarks.—This shell is easily distinguished from any other known Stenochiton by its highly arched character. The general appearance is that of a canoe turned bottom upwards. This effect is added to by the incurved girdle. In life, with the exception of the anterior and posterior portions, the whole of the girdle curves round clasping the hard cylindrical stem of the host plant, sometimes meeting on the other side. While the animal is able to flatten out the girdle enough to creep about on the surface of a bottle, it is evidently an abnormal position. In endeavouring to flatten out the girdles for figuring purposes I spoilt several specimens, and have, I fear, expanded the valves somewhat, giving a total width beyond what is true to nature. I am indebted to Mr. F. L. Saunders for pointing out to me the host plant. He had previously found specimens at Normanville, and wrongly identified the shell as Stenochiton pallens, Ashby. I am presenting the type and other specimens figured to the South Australian Museum. STENOCHITON POSIDONIALIS, Nl. sp. Pls. xiii. and | xim.; figs. 2, 6, and 13 °(@, @);aa General appearance.—Shell long, flat, rounded, smooth, : and highly polished. The whole shell is exceptionally flat as compared with other members of this genus. 73 Colour and markings.—General colour olive-green ; pleural area white; dorsal area largely white, suggestive of a white streak down the full length of the back. Lateral areas olive-green, with two dark spots on the posterior margins on either side, and a darker olive-green blotch near the apex. All the areas are ornamented more or less with brown or dark olive-green colour streaks. Under compound microscope the ‘megalopores are very pronounced on the anterior and posterior valves and lateral areas of median valves, the surface being apparently peppered all over with white spots. The pleural and dorsai areas under the same power are decorated with a number of white confluent streaks, which in the dorsal area form a complete network or mesh. Inside of shell, pale olive- green and white. Anterior valve.—Very distinct from others of this genus, in that this valve is distinctly concave, broad, and flat, nearly as long as wide, without sculpture. Under microscope (2-inch objective and eye-piece) this valve is covered with white dots. Inside of valve has 18 slits at fairly regular intervals, each slit continued as a groove, irregularly and deeply pitted, to the apex of the shell. The teeth are sharp, square edged ; colour, pale olive-green and white. ; Posterior valve.—Longer than wide, mucro anterior, hardly distinguishable, but in large shell from Cape Jervis ‘the mucro is practically median; posterior slope very flat, almost straight, but slightly concave. This feature is nothing like so noticeable as in the anterior valve. Slits 19, each continued in a groove to mucro; margin of teeth between slits slightly crenulate under 2-inch objective. Medion valves.—Uniformly smooth and glossy. The lateral area is raised, but not as strongly so as in S. cymodo- cealis. Slits 2 (in one case a suggestion of a third); the slits are continued in grooves deeply pitted for their whole length. “The dorsal area is not beaked in some valves, but in others slight beaking is perceptible. Note.—In a large specimen 20 mm. long, breadth ae “under 5 mm. collected by myself at Cape Jervis, the lateral area is distinctly raised, the line of demarcation between it and the pleural area being clearly defined from the dorsal area to the girdle. Two or three strong concentric sulci, following the / growth lines in the lateral areas, are present, giving a slightly corrugated appearance to that area. Similar shells to these large Cape Jervis ones were obtained by Dr. Torr at Corny Point, Yorke Peninsula. Pleural and dorsal areas smooth, highly polished. Under 2-inch objective and eye-piece both these areas are apparently thickly grooved with shallow wavy 74 grooves that coalesce in places, but by holding the shell side- ways a good lens reveals the fact that the shell is absolutely unsculptured. Dorsal area is not beaked. Girdile.—Less than ‘5 mm. in width. A dark blotch extends across the girdle at each suture and irregularly in front of the anterior valve. Is covered with small, closely- imbricating scales, only a portion of their rounded ends being visible, but which are when exposed found to be flattened, elliptical, rounded at ends, straight-sided, about twice as long as wide. The outer two or three rows are drawn out into coarse, transparent hairs or spicules, forming a distinct fringe. Measurements.—Type (flat view in figure in plate) : length, 9°5 mm. ; width, including girdle, 3°5 mm. Localities. I have found it on the eastern side of Gulf St. Vincent wherever I have searched for it on Posidonia australis; also at Port Lincoln; and Dr. Torr has found the large form exceedingly plentiful at Corny Point on Spencer Gulf. Specific name.—I have designated this species under the specific name of posidomalis, after the generic name of the plant which is its host, and probably its food plant. It is always, as far as my experience goes, found near the whitish base of the ribbon-like green leaves of Posidoma australis, just above where the leaves enter the sand. The plant was named after Poseidon, a god of the sea. Variation.—While the normal colouration is transparent green to olive-green, flecked or streaked with dark-green markings, in some specimens obtained by myself at Marino, and others collected by Dr. Torr at Corny Point, up to 15 mm. in length, the ground-colour is almost white, ornamented with a V-shaped, dark-brown blotch in anterior and_ posterior valves, and a V-shaped brown marking covering each dorsal area; the whole of the 4th valve and lateral area of the 3rd valve also dark brown. In a specimen, 17 mm. long, from Largs, sent me by Mr. E. H. Matthews, the ground-colour is dingy buff, with a V-shaped brown blotch on lst and last valves, and a brown streak continuing through all the dorsal areas. Dr. Torr has also a similar specimen. In another of Dr. Torr’s, the shell is orange colour. : Remarks.—This shell is easily distinguished from any other known Stenochiton by the shape of the anterior valve, which is distinctly concave, the general flat character of the shell, and the exceptionally flat posterior valve, the mucro being hardly perceptible. The figure in plate showing side view will sufficiently demonstrate these differences. I am presenting the type to the South Australian Museum. © 75 STENOCHITON PALLENS, Ashby (Trans. Roy. Soc. 8. Austr., vol. xxiv, p. 86, 1900). Pioxtiy., fe..14 (a,b), General appearance.—Shell glossy, elongated, evenly arched and rounded, side slope curved. Colour—Cream, mottled with pink and pale brown. Anterior valve.—Smooth and glossy, except for several growth-lines, that nearer the outer margin being the deeper. This valve is longitudinally very short, being twice as wide as long (see measurements). Slits 13, at very irregular distances apart. Posterior valve.—Shield-shape, tapering rapidly ; mucro posterior, only slightly raised. A deep sulcus traverses the valve a short distance from the margin, preserving the shield- like outline of the shell. A shallow diagonal depression crosses the valve from the mucro to the suture. Surface of shell glossy and smooth, slight growth-lines visible under the microscope. Slits six; the teeth are very irregular in contour. Median valves.—Uniformly smooth and glossy, showing numerous growth lines, which are continued right across the dorsal area. The three areas are hardly distinguishable, except that the lateral area is slightly raised. The posterior margin is finely serrated like a file where the valves are not worn; this sculpture is very shallow. Four of the median valves have one broad wedge-shaped slit on each side; two valves have two slits on each side. Inside of shell glossy white, sinus broad and shallow, sutural laminae only slightly produced. Girdle.—Under pocket lens appears whitish and _felt- lke. The margin fringed with white spicules, but under 1- inch objective the girdle is seen to be crowded with masses of small, irregular, imbricating scales, which are finely striated. Owing to the condition of girdle I have been unable to determine the exact shape of scales or verify the statement that they are finely striated. In the foregoing I have where possible followed the original description. Measurements.—Anterior valve of disarticulated type, longitudinal length 1°75 mm., breadth 35 mm. Anterior valve of co-type, longitudinal length 2°5 mm., breadth 5'5 mm. Posterior valve about the same width at anterior margin as valve is long. Width 5 mm., tapering evenly to 2 mm., then rounded off abruptly. Length of valve, 4°55 mm. _ Valves 2 to 6 are all 6 mm. wide and about 3 mm. in length at the dorsal area, and are therefore twice as broad as long. Valve 7 tapers a little. Habitat —I think the statement in the original descrip- | tion, Gulf St. Vincent, is probably correct, but one of the 76 three original specimens dredged by Dr. J. C. Verco, now in Dr. Torr’s collection, is labelled ‘‘Spencer Gulf.’’ Messrs. Gatliff and Gabriel have now added Port Phillip Heads, Victoria, as a locality (see previous reference). ‘At present our knowledge of this species is limited to four specimens. Remarks.—Under this heading in the original descrip- tion the statement in the second line, “‘the first valve being the broadest,’’ should have read ‘‘the first median valve being the broadest.’’ A reference to the measurements given above will clear this up. . The great breadth, in proportion to its short longitudinal length, of the anterior valve easily distinguishes this species from any other known form. I am presenting type to the South Australian Museum. STENOCHITON JULOIDES, Adams and Angas (Proc. Zool. Soc., 1864, p. 193; op. cit., 1865, pl. u., fig. 15). Pls. xii. and xiv., figs. 3, 8, 9; andl®) As no description, I believe, of this species occurs in any Australian literature, it may be well to redescribe it here. General appearance.—Shell very solid and elongated, sides much curved, the arch being continued evenly from the girdle right over the dorsal area. Width of shell, one- seventh of total length. The whole shell highly polished. Colour and markings.—Colour dark chocolate, merging in the pleural areas into maroon. (Col. Plates Soc. Frangaise des Chrysanthémistes, 343, No. 4, and 341, No. 3). Many specimens are much flecked and streaked with grey dashes, giving a grey-chocolate effect. Inside colour.—Anterior valve bluish-grey, others whitish-grey with the brown of outer shell showing through. Anterior valve.—Strongly convex, considerably longer than wide, unsculptured except for several shallow sulci fol- lowing the growth-lines, highly polished, inside many slits, counted 17, which are continued in grooves to the apex; the pitting of these grooves is only just discernable under a 2-inch objective and eye piece. Postervor valve.—Mucro posterior (Carpenter states median), the anterior portion of valve quite smooth and rounded longitudinally, forming a V-shaped area the full width of the valve at the suture (in the specimen described 55 mm. wide and a length to the mucro of 5 mm.). The posterior portion is highly polished and unsculptured, except for a number of concentric sulci following the growth-lines. The posterior area where it abuts on the anterior V-shaped portion is highly raised, the anterior margin forming a rounded diagonal ridge; this ridge is formed by a deep sulci 77 commencing quite shallow at mucro and increasing in deptlr until the anterior margin of valve is reached at the girdle. The slope behind mucro almost straight but shghtly concave near girdle. Median valves.—-Lateral area more strongly raised than is the case in any other known species of Stenochiton. This area is, in common with the rest of the shell, highly polished, the only sculpture being several concentric grooves following the growth-lines. The strong diagonal ridge which divides this area from the pleural area is formed by a rapid drop from the anterior margin to the pleural area, and not by any definite raising of the lateral area. Pleural and dorsal areas.—Indistinguishable from one another, except that the latter is usually outlined by a dark V-shaped mark. Both areas are smooth and highly polished, but the pleural area, where it abuts on the lateral, has the appearance of being broadly hollowed out, thus add- ing to the abruptness of the separating ridge that forms the anterior margin of the lateral area. Slits 3 to 4 very narrow (Carpenter gives central valve 3 slits, Adams and Angas 5 slits). This character seems rather specific than generic. Girdle narrow, clothed with small, closely-packed, imbricating scales, which are more flattened than in Stenochiton _ eymodocea, and although straight-sided are almost as broad as long. The scales in the outer row are lengthened and pointed, under l-inch objective resembling short blunt spicules. The effect of a fringed edge is hardly perceptible. Measurements.—Total length of dried specimen not dis- articulated, 40 mm. Length of valves taken longitudinally _ at suture: (1) 5 mm., (2) 3 mm., (3) 4 mm., (4) 4:25 mm., (5) 55 mm., (6) 6 mm., (7) 55 mm., (8) 55 mm. Breadth of valves: (6) 65 mm., anterior valve 4 mm., posterior valve nearly 6 mm. It will be seen that the shell is widest at the sixth valve, and tapers forward to the anterior valve. The tapering of the posterior valve is rapid, as has been before alluded to. Remarks.—The shape of the anterior valve, great length of the shell, and the raised lateral area with its abrupt ridge, easily distinguish this species. They are rather specific differences than generic characters. Note.—While I have in the choice of distinguishing names departed somewhat from the fashion that has mostly been followed heretofore by workers in Polyplacophora, I deem no apology is necessary. The striking habits of the group dealt with suggest that their names should be chosen with reference to them, rather than to their valvular structure. 9) 0 BO 13. 14. 78 - EXPLANATION OF PLATES. Pirate XIII. Stenochiton cymodocealis, n. sp., side view. posidonialis, n. sp., side view. juloides, Ad. and Ang., side view. cymodocealis, n. sp., from above, natural position. cat . n. sp., from above, flattened- out girdle. ‘ posidomalis, n. sp., from above. guloides, Ad. and Ang., from above. ; PuatE XIV. 3 Stenochiton juliodes, Ad. and Ang., posterior valve. 5 Reon Ad. and Ang., median valve. m% “A Ad. and Ang., anterior valve. cymodocealis, n. sp., 1n situ, on stem of cymodocea. a i (a) anterior valve. (b) median valve. (c) median, showing arch. (d) posterior valve. (e) inside of anterior valve, showing teeth. posidonmialis, n. sp., (a) anterior valve. (b) median valve. (c} posterior valve. (d) inside of anterior valve, showing teeth. pallens, Ashby, (a) anterior valve. (b) median valve. 9 rans. and Proc. Roy. Soc. S. Austr. Vol, ALII., Plate XIII. HUSSEY & GILLINGHAM LIMITED, PHINTERS & PUBLISHERS ADELAIDE, SO. AUS. rans. and Proc. Roy. Soc. S. Austr. Fig. 8. ——- - Fig. 12b. Fig. Fig, 12d. Fig. La: 13b. ie Vol. ADL: Plate TV. Fig. 14a. Fig. 14b. Figs We. Fig. 13d. VGHAM LIMITED, PRINTERS & PUBLISHERS ADELAIDE, SO. ALS 79 NOTES ON SOUTH AUSTRALIAN POLYPLACOPHORA, WITH ADDITIONS TO THE FAUNA; TOGETHER WITH A LIST OF AUSTRALIAN POLYPLACOPHORA, SHOWING THEIR DISTRIBUTION IN THE AUSTRALIAN STATES. ~ By Epwin Asupy. [Read June 13, 1918.] In presenting this list of Australian Polyplacophora the writer is conscious of many imperfections. It was prepared originally for his personal use, as an aid to the further study of the very interesting order of mollusca dealt with. But on submitting the rough draft to his friends, Mr. W. L. May and Dr. W. G. Torr, he has been encouraged to offer it for publication at once. As far as possible the latest classification has been adopted and the list kept as concise as possible, the writer contenting himself with giving a bibliography of the various works and papers consulted. The list presents many peculiarities of distribution, but comments thereon are beyond the limits of this paper. While lists of the Polyplacophora recorded from several of the individual States have from time to time been pre- sented, no complete list for the whole of Australia appears to have been compiled previously. Mr. T. Iredale’s list (Proc. Mal. Soc., vol. ix., pt. ii., p. 158, Sept. 1910) is incomplete, and intended only to illustrate his very interest- ing paper?! I have with some misgivings included the fauna of Norfolk Island and Lord Howe Island in the New South Wales list, thereby increasing the number of species credited to that State. The number of species and subspecies recorded from the respective States are as follows:—Western Australia, 40; mnmout Australia, 70; Victoria, 36; Tasmania, 44; New South Wales, 41; Queensland, 30. The total for Australia is 147, a few of which are doubtful. South Australia has the honour of holding easily the first place as to number of species, and, in fact, about half the total known Australian species have now been recorded from that State. (I have in my collection a specimen of Acanthochiton zealandicus, Quoy. and Gaim., labelled ‘‘New South Wales,’’ but no further data. I have not felt justified in placing it on the Australian list until further data are forthcoming.) 80 Notes AND ADDITIONS TO SoutH AUSTRALIAN FAUNA. Lemdopleurus liratus, Ad. and Ang., 1864 (Tereno- chiton, Iredale). This shell has heretofore been labelled in our collections. “L. inguinatus, Reeve, 1847.’’ Many years ago I pointed out to my friends that it did not agree with the New Zealand shell. We are indebted to Mr. Iredale for its identification with L. hiratus, Ad. and Ang. Lemdopleurus badius, Hed. and Hull (Tercnochiton, Iredale). (Rec. Aust. Mus., vol. viu., No. 4, 1909)" 1 am glad to be able to place this interesting Legidopleurus on our South Australian list. On December 28, 1917, Mr. F. L. Saunders and I visited Cape Jervis, when Mr. Saunders was successful in finding two nice specimens. (Unfortunately my bottle of Lepidopleurus was washed out of my pocket, so to Mr. Saunders belongs the honour of finding the first fully-identified specimen.) On March 14, 1918, I again visited Cape Jervis, and was successful in getting another. In February, 1917, I found a carinated Leyidopleurus, which I put aside for identification. It approaches L. badius very closely, but shows some differences, and will need further investigation to accurately determine the question. . Mr. Saunders kindly lent me his specimen to send over to Messrs. Gatliff and Gabriel, and later to Mr. Hull, who all have stated that it is certainly a typical L. badius, previously only recorded from New South Wales. Lepdopleurus columnarius, Hed. and May, 1918 (Terenochiton, Iredale). Messrs. Gatliff and Gabriel (Roy. Soc. Vic., vol. xxx., N.S.; pt. i., p. 24) have identified Dr. Torr’s L. pelagicus (Torr: Trans. Roy. Sec: 8) Ausure, vol. xxxvi., p. 165) with the latter species, and so L. columnarius must be added to our South Australian list. Ischnochiton wilsom, Sykes, 1896 (Proc. Mal. Soc., vol. il., pt. 2, July, 1896, p. 89). In addition to the two speci- — mens recorded by Dr. Torr in his valuable paper on South Australian Polyplacophora (Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austr., vol. xxxvi., 1912) ‘‘as probably all that have been found in South Australian Polyplacophora (Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austr., vol. at, Aldinga Bay about seventeen years ago. Ischnochiton atkinsoni, Iredale and May; 1916 (Proc. Mal. Soc., vol. xxii., pts. 2 and 3, Nov:, 1916). Tiseie another addition to our South Australian fauna. In January, 1917, Dr. Torr and I spent some time at Port Lincoln, and we both collected a nice series of a shell we at the time referred to a variety of Z. crispuws, Reeve. Mr. Gatliff suggested at the time that our shell might possibly be Iredale and May’s J. atkinsoni. Recently I have been able to pay more attention to this group, and Mr. May has > ee , .. 81 kindly lent me his co-types, so I am able to say that the Port Lincoln shells are undoubtedly referable to that species, although showing some slight variations. It is easily differ- entiated from /. crispus by its small finely-striated scales. Ischnochiton falcatus, Hull, 1912 (Proc. Roy. Soc. Vict., vol. xxv., N.S., pt. 1, Aug., 1912). I have a specimen of this shell marked Gulf St. Vincent, and have found amongst my papers the commencement of a written description in my own handwriting dated 1900, so the shell must have been collected prior to that year. The strong ribbing in the pleural area, and the coarse toothing of the posterior margin of the lateral areas, easily distinguishes it from its congeners. It is an interesting addition to the South Australian fauna. Ischnochiton milligani, Iredale and May, 1916 (Proc. meal. Soc., vol. x11., pts. 2 and 3, p. 109, Nov., 1916). This shell, which is a subspecies of the well-known New South Wales shell J. proteus, Reeve, for many years was wrongly labelled in Australian collections ‘‘J. divergens.’’ We are indebted to Dr. Torr, who has collected Polyplacophora throughout the Australian States more extensively than any other worker, for the addition to the South Australian fauna of this very fine form. He obtaimed a single but splendid specimen at Cape Northumberland in January, 1914. The measurements are, 45 mm. x21 mm. Haploplax pura, Sykes, 1896 (Proc. Mal. Soc., vol. ii., pt. 2, July, 1896). I am glad to be able to record this as a South Australian shell, having collected a single specimen at Marino on February 12, 1917. I am indebted to Messrs. Gatliff and Gabriel for its identification, they having com- pared it with typical specimens in their collection. Heterozona subviridis, Iredale and May, 1916 (Proc. meal 0c, vol. xir., pts,-2 and 3, p. 105, Nov., 1916). I am able to include this shell in the list of Victorian shells, as in looking through with Mr. W. L. May a fine series _ of Ischnochiton crispus sent me some years ago by Mr. Gabriel from Back Beach, Phillip Island, Victoria, we were able to pick out four specimens of Messrs. Iredale and May’s shell. Rhyssoplax calliozona, Pilsbry, 1894, Torr in Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austr., vol. xxxvi., 1912, gives measurement of Mreest Gried specimen as 55 mm. x 25 mm. TI have one collected at Cape Jervis on December 28, 1917, measuring 65 mm.x 35 mm., in splendid condition. It was accom- panied by others of exceptional size. Rhyssoplax bednalli, Pilsbry, 1895. In addition to the localities given by Dr. Torr (Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austr., vol. xxxvi., p. 154, 1912), I can add that of Warrenben, in South Australia, from which I have one valve. rE. Loncella angasi, Ad. and Ang., 1864. I have taken at different times three large specimens alive at Marino in deep holes at lowest tide measuring 67 mm. x40 mm., and one at Aldinga Bay measuring 67 mm. x 47 mm. Omthochiton ashbyi, Bed. and Matt., 1906. Torr (Trans.. Roy: Soc. S. Austr., vol: Cxxxvi eae eeo! 2) refers to only one specimen having been taken. The type was ‘collected by me at Aldinga Bay prior to 1898 and placed in Mr. Bednall’s hands for description. Several years later I took a second specimen from the same spot about a quarter of a mile south of Aldinga jetty in a large sheltered pool. This is the one referred to in Torr’s paper, and is still in my possession. When alive its girdle and valves were brilliant green and pink harmonizing with the calcareous growths on the rock upon which it was found. In January, 1918, Dr. Torr was successful in finding a third specimen at Corny Point, Yorke Peninsula. Acanthochiton maughani, Torr and Ashby, 1898. In Torr’s paper (Trans. Roy. Soc. 8. Austr., vol. xxxvi., p. 162, 1912) only one locality is given for South Australia. I collected it at Aldinga Bay in 1897 and at Port Noarlunga and Marino in 1899. It is, as far as my experience goes, always a rare species in this State. . Acanthochiton cornutus, Torr and Ashby, 1898 (Trans. Roy.. Soc.. 8: Austr., vol. xxil., pt. 2 (pee 2e oeeeand, Ashby). The type locality is given as Marino at low tide. It was taken by me on_the reef which at low water is quite shallow, many rocks being exposed. In Torr’s paper (Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austr., vol. xxxvi., —p. [61,1002 \iiteseage- ‘‘This is evidently a deep-water species.’’ I think it doubtful whether the occurrences he refers to have been correctly identified. I have not myself seen.a second specimen. The existence of eyes in the dorsal area, as referred to in the addendum to the original paper by Torr and Ashby, should make it easy of identification. I should be exceedingly grateful to any collector who may meet with this shell if he would kindly place a specimen or specimens at my disposal, in order that the remarkable discovery of eyes in an Acanthochiton may receive further elucidation. Amisoradsia mawlei, Iredale and May, 1916 (Proc. Mal. Soc., vol. xii., pts. 2 and 3, p. 108, Nov., 1916). Subspecies: saundersi, n. subsp. When at Port Lincoln in January, 1917, with Dr. Torr, I collected several specimens of an Jschnochiton evidently new to this State. On comparing it with Iredale and May’s Tasmanian shell mawle:, for which they formed a new subgenus Anisoradsia, a close general resemblance was discernable, but it differs in several respects.. 83 It is certainly deserving of subspecific rank. My material is rather limited, so that it may on further examination and comparison with a more extended series be found to deserve full specific rank. Anterior valve.—The radial ribbing in this valve is in straight lines, somewhat broken, giving a shallow, nodulose appearance to these ribs, whereas the sculpture of the dominant form (mawlei) is wavy. Median valves.—The broken concentric ribbing of the lateral area easily distinguishes it from typical mawlei. In this sub- species the sculpture is very coarse. The concentric ribs are better described as exceptionally coarse nodules, more or less running into one another; this feature is especially marked towards the posterior margin of this area. Posteror valve.— The sculpture of this valve behind the mucro is much coarser than is the case in the dominant form (mawlei). In other respects the characteristics seem to accord. I am naming it in honour of Mr. F. L. Saunders, who is an earnest South Australian collector, and to whom belongs the credit of having first noticed the “host plant’ of Stenochiton cymodocealis, Ashby. DISTRIBUTION OF AUSTRALIAN POLYPLACOPHORA. Order POLYPLACOPHORA. Suborder LEPIDOPLEURINA. Family LyprpoPpLeurRipaE, Pilsbry. Genus LrpPrpoPLruRUvs. | | Subgen. TrERENocHITON, Iredale. | liratus, Ad. and Ang., 1864 ... matthewsianus, Bednall, 1906 | badius, Hedley and Hull, 1906 ... | norfolcensis, Hedley and Hull, 1912 catenatus, Hedley and Hull, 1912 columnarius, Hedley and May, 1908 x | niger, Torr, 1g ee : Subgen. CHorIPLax. gray, Ad. and Ang. Suborder CHITONINA. Family CAaLLocHITONIDAE, Thiele. Genus CaLLocarTon. | | | piinesso Gould, 1846. ...' ...0 0.3. | wehbe} x rufus, Ashby, 1900 . Berto BF! es sx x mayt, Torr, 1912 ee cae ose ah elongatus, May, ene, be 5 | | | | nw ala Genus Evpoxocurron. Subgen. Eupoxorrax, Iredale and May inornatus, "Ten, Woods ... .... 3H | | Subgen. CHAETOPLEURA. biarmata, Rochebrune, 1882 ... 84 Family IscHNocHITONIDAE, Pilsbry. ‘ \ , <= i>) fA Genus STENOCHITON. iy: 5 Subgen. STENocHITON. quloides, Ad. and ee 1865 pilsbryanus, Bednall, 1896 posidonialis, Ashby, "1918 cymodocealis, Ashby, 1918 pallens, Ashby, 1900 ‘Subgen. ZOSTERICOLA, MS., Ashby, 1918 Genus IscHNOCHITON. Subgen. IscHnocHITon. pilsbryi, Bednall, 1896 ... torri, Iredale and May, 1916 — crispus, Reeve, 1847 sie subsp. decoratus, Sykes, 1896 . atkinsoni, Iredale ‘and ich 1916 _peyoniis, Pilspry, . 1694. 22 9 tateanus, Bednall, 1897 . falcatus, Hull, 1912 . in ee wilsont, ‘Sykes, 1896 = levis, Torr ... proteus, Reeve, 1847- e B subsp. milligani, Iredale and May, i916 . Se gabriel, Hull, 1912 alomnus; Thiele TOLL ys eee indifferens, ‘Thiele, 1911 x intermedius, Hedley and Hull, ‘1912 bednalli, Torr, LOUD: : conti actus, Reeve, 1847 (decussatus) lineolatus, Blain., 1825 (contractus) fruticosus, Gould, 1846 ... aa virgatus, Reeve, 1848 Subgen. Hapnoprax. thomasi, Bednall, 1896 ... smaragdinus, Angas, 1867 .. x var. picturatus, Pilsbry . x subsp. resplendens, Bed. and Matt. xixix lentiginosa, Sowerby rales. pura, Sykes, TBODY gene gol ie Ure x x mayi, Pilsbry, TSO 5) 4.2 rae Doubtful IscHNocHITONS. adelaidensis, Reeve ... it: variegatus, "Ad. and Ang., . 1864 : Mo MOD OM bd va 4 Wh KM OW OM bh MoM MM OM Ob bd 4 ia! bd bd OO 4 4 va b cancellatus, Sowerby carinculatus, Reeve arbutum, Reeve sculptus, Sowerby ... ... longicymba, Blain., 1825 ustulatus, Reeve, 1847 ... Subgen. AnrsorapsiA, Iredale and May. mawler, Iredale and May, 1916.07: subsp. saundersi, Ashby, 1918 ... Subgen. IscHNoraDsIA, Shuttl, australis, Sowerby, 1840 | $5 subsp. "evanida, Sowerby, 1840 wT Subgen. Hrrgrozona, Carp., MS., Pilsbry. cariosus, Carp. and Pils., 1873: fo. sub-viridis, Iredale and May, 1916 85 Family CALLISTOPLACINAE. Genus CatLocuiton, Pilsbry. antiquus, Reeve, 1847... .. ‘| subsp. mawlet, cma and May recons, Thiele, 1911 . Bevis Sethi’ bs Family Mopa.iipae. Genus PLaxipHora, Gray. | Subgen. PLAxiPHORA. ‘ albida, Blain., 1825 Ae MR ces paeteliana, Thiele, 1911 . hedleyt, Torr, 1911 ... pustulosa, Torr, 1911 Sebra, Torr, 1911 Subgen. PoNEROPLAX, Tredale. costata, Blain. ... tS 4 Subgen. Frempieya, H. and A. Ad. conspersa, Ad. and Ang., 1864 ... matthewst, Iredale, 1901(?), var. x x | x ww K Family CryPTOcONCHIDAE, (Burrow, 1815) Iredale. Jenus AcaANTHOCHITON, Gray, 1821. _Subgen. ACANTHOCHITON. suert, Blain., syn. asbestoides, Smith} x granostriatus, Pilsbry, 1894 . : crocodilus, Torr ‘hand Ashby, 1898 cornutus, ‘Torr and Ashby, 1898 . maughani, Torr and Ashby, 1898 extlis, Torr and Ashby, 1898 pilsbryi, Sykes, 1896. lachrymosa, May and Torr, 1912 . brevispinosa, Sowerby, 1843 HEA 4 deliciosus, Thiele, Co) a PRS Raean 2 sub- viridis, Torr; 191): '... < vercons, Torr and Ashby, 1898 ... | retrojectus, PaspRy, “1S04°" ) .30 S| x (2) subsp. rufus, Torr, eR Yet variabilis, Ad. and Ang., 1864... | x kimberi, Torr, 1912 . ; leuconotus, Hed. and Hull, 1912 . approximans, Hed. and Hull, 1912 cori, Pilsbry, ito) a Subgen. Nororrax, Adams. | matthewsi, Bed. and Pils., 1894 ... Speciosus, A. Adams, 1861 ... wilsont, Sykes, 1896 Beate fe ai 4 glyptus, Sykes, 1896 Subgen. Macanprexivus, Dall., 1878 = Lozo- PLAX, Pilsbry. costatus, Ad. and Ang., 1864. ...|x rubrostratus, Torr, 1912 Doubtful ACANTHOCHITONS. tatei, Torr and Ashby, 1898, (2) granostriatus, Pilsbry ... . bakeri, Torr, 1912, napaiile of PaeMiention 00) et tl te pats MM OY Mh WM MK YM MW Wh nh Tas, 86 Family CryPToPLAcIDAE, Dall. Genus CRYPTOPLAX. burr own, Smith, 1884 gunnt, Reeve, TBAT. Hae. So x striatus, Lam., 1819 oculatus, Quoy and Gaim., 1834 . har tmeyeri Vs Thiele, 1911 michaelseni, Thiele, TOUT Family CHITONIDAE. Genus Ruyssoprax, Thiele, 1893. qUgOSUS, Gould, 1846 a ie’ subsp. diaphora, Tre. and May, 1916 ; coxt, Pilsbry, 1894 torrianus, Hed. and Hull, calliozona, Pilsbry, 1894 exoptanda, Bednall, 1897 bednalli, Pilsbry, 1895 ... tricostalis, Pilsbry, 1894 lamans, Sykes, 1896 . corypheus, Hed. and Hull, 1912 . verconis, Torr and Ashby, 1898 . oruktus, Maughan, 1900... aureo-maculata, Bed. and Matt. ... vauclusensis, Hed. and Hull, 1909 translucens, Hed. and Hull, 1909 cOccus, Menke, 1844 ey howensis, Hed. and Hull, “1912 Genus AMAUROCHITON, Thiele, 1893. glaucus, Gray. 1828 Perle Genus SypPHarRocHiTon, Thiele, 1893. pelli-serpentis, Q. and Gaim., 1835 subsp. ena Ire. and May, 1916 H ed. and Hull, eee eee 1909 ... funereus, 1912 Genus ScLEROcHITON, Cpr. miles, Pilsbry, 1892 curtisianus, Smith, 1884 Doubtful Currons. exiguus, Sowerby, 1843 . pulcherrimus, Sowerby, 1841 . Genus Tonicia, Gray. carpenteri, Ang. hulianus, Torr, 1911. picta, Reeve, 1847 ... fortilirata, Reeve, 1847 . Subgen. Luciiina, Dall. confossa, Gould, 1846 delecta, Thiele, "1911 Genus ACANTHOPLEURA. spinosa, Bruge., 1792... ... ...| Subgen. AmpuitromuRa, Pilsbry. gemmata, Blain., 1825= spetiger Sowerby . ae aculeata, Linne., “1758 x x x eee bevel Sieg ox oe x i|ix x x oun arate x Ke % x eae seit oe x \ exaloe x xy) x x x Leetes =| | | | bs x : = | | x f° x | Br, & a x x ac is Tas. 87 Vic. N Tas. Genus Lorica. volvox, Reeve, 1847 . ee x subsp. cimolia, Reeve, Cn x | x | Genus Lorice..a. | angasi, Ad. and Ang., 1864... ... : 2 alias see Genus ScHIzocHITON. ancisus, Sowerby, 1841 ... ... ...| x Genus OnrrnocutrtTon, Gray. ‘| | ; scholvieni, Thiele, 1910 . ato Se x * ashbyi, Bed. and "Matt., 1006. o. x guercinus, Gould .:. . Bae PaO rugulosus, Angas | discrepans, Hed. and. Hull, 1912 . Genus LioLoPHURA. garmardi, Blain. subsp. ‘queenslandica, Pils., 1894 georgiana, Quoy and Gaim., 1835 .. Mow OK BIBLIOGRAPH. Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austr. :— 1898—Vol. xxii., pt. 2, Torr and Ashby. 1900—Vol. xxiv., pt. 2, Ashby. Vol. xxiv., pt. 2, Maughan. 1911—Vol. xxxv., Torr. j fot2——-V ol. xxxvi., Torr. Proc. Mal. Soc. Lond. :— 1897—Vol. i1., pt. 4, April, Bednall. 1896—Vol. 11., pt. 2, July, Sykes. 1906—Vol. vii., pt. 2, June, Bednall and Matthews. 1910—Vol. ix., pt. 3, Sept., Iredale. 1914—Vol. ron pt. 1, March, Iredale. Vol. xi., pt. 2, June, Iredale. 1916—Vol. xii. -» pts. 2 and 3, Nov., Iredale and May. Bae Pete and Proc. Roy. Soc. Tas. .» pp. 25-40, 67, May and orr. 1916—Proc. Roy. Soc: W. Austr., vol., 1914 and 1915, Hedley. 1914—Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., Sept., Tredale. Records Australian Museum : — 1908—Vol. vii., No. 2, Hedley and May. 1909—V ol. vii., No. 4, Hedley and Hull. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales :— 1908—Pt. 4, Hedley. . 1912—-Vol. xxxvii. ae 2, May; Hedley and Hull. Proc. Roy. Soc. Vict. : 1903—Vol. xv. (N. Ss. ), pt. 2, Pritchard and Gatliff. oi —Vol; xxi, (N.S.),. pt. ip Hull. ii ——Vol.-xxx. (N.S.), pt. ie Gatliff and Gabriel. 1892-1894—-Man. Con.,. Tryon and Pilsbry, vols. xiv. and xv., pts. 52-58, Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1894—Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Pilsbry. 1915—Trans. N. Z’d. Institute, vol. xlvii., 1914, Iredale. 1909-1910—Revision des Systems der Chitonen in Chun’s Zoologica, Thiele. 1909—Aust. Assn. Adv. Science, sec. D, ‘‘Marine Fauna of Queens- . land,’’ Hedley. 88 AUSTRALIAN FUNGI: NOTES AND DESCRIPTIONS. No. 18 By J. Burton Cietanp, M.D., and Epwin Cuzszt, Botanical Assistant, Botanic Gardens, Sydney. [Read July 11, 1918.] Puates [X. ro XII. In submitting these notes and descriptions of some of the higher Australian fungi, we would like to point out the difficulties surrounding the identification of our species. The individuals of most species vary considerably amongst them- selves, and, unless there is some outstanding common feature, extremes may not be recognized. Most of the fleshy species alter vastly in drying, the spores being frequently the only constant feature. To study a species properly it is therefore necessary to know it in the field, to write a full description of it when fresh, to have it figured in colours, to preserve specimens by drying as quickly as possibly and in formalin, and to measure the spores. It is very often exceptionally hard to say whether Australian species, which resemble extra- Australian ones, are or are not the same. Coloured plates of European species may be compared with our fresh plants or with coloured drawings of them, the dry plants of both may be examined sometimes side by side and their spores may be com- pared, and the descriptions of fresh plants of each considered. In these cases, if essentials agree, the diagnosis may be con- sidered reasonably sound. We have adopted the plan of referring Australian plants to European species if there seems reasonable ground for considering them the same, even in the absence of authentically identified dry European plants with which to compare them. We, however, also add to such identifications our own descriptions of the Australian plants. If later the latter are found to be distinct, the error is thus easily rectified, and meanwhile we prevent undue multipli- cation of specific names. For the Australian higher fungi to be adequately known, it is essential that coloured drawings should be prepared and published of each. We have already over 150 of these, and hope that means may sometime be found to make them available to the scientific public. We are deeply grateful to a generous benefactor of this Society for enabling those in this series to be reproduced. The references to plates, under ‘‘colour tints noted,”’ are to those by Henri Dauthenay in ‘“‘Répertoire de Couleurs © hey a ee 89 : publié par la Société Francaise des Chrysanthémistes et René Oberthiir’’—the only colour index at present available to us. The species considered are numbered consecutively for the convenience of possible reference in future papers. SuMMARY OF CONTENTS. Brown-spored Agarics. . Rozires: 1—R. australiensis, n. sp. ' Puoniota: 2—P. disrupta, Cke. and Mass. 3—P. pudica, Fries. 4—P. recedens, Cke. and Mass. 5—P. eriogena, Fries. 6—P. wnicolar, Fl. Dan. 7—P. marginata, Batsch. 8—P. pumila, Fries. Cortinarius: 9--C. (Phlegmaciwm) variicolor, var. nemor- ensis, Fries. 10—C. (P.) corrosus,.Fries.. 11—C. (P.) decoloratus, Fries. 12—C. (P.) largus, Fries. 13— C. (P.[?]) rotundisporus, n. sp. 14—C. (Myxamicium) archert, Berk. 15—C. (Myz.) vibratilis, Fries. 16— C. (Dermocybe) camurus, Fries. 17—C. (D.) miltinus, Fries. 18—C. (D.) venetus, Fries. 19—C. (Telamoma) austro-evernius, n. sp. Paxittus: 20—P. aureus. 21—P. paradorus, Kalchb. (Phyl- loporus rhodozanthus, Schw.). 22—P. crassus, Fries. 23—P. sp. 24—P. involutus, Fries. Hepetoma: 25—H. crustuliniforme, Bull. 26—H. subcol- lariatum, Berk. and Br. 27—-H. montanum, n. sp. InocysE: 28—I. asterospora, Quel. 29—I. subasterospora, n. sp. 30—I. gomphodes, Kalch. 31—J. albidipes, m sp. 32—I. obscura, Pers. 33—I. flocculosa, Berk. 34—4. australiensis, n. sp. Frammvura: 35—I". carbonaria, Fries. 36—F. californica, Earle. 36a—F. californica, var. communis, var. nov. f 3/—-F. fusa, Batsch. 38—F. liomonia, Cke. and Mass. 39—_F. radicata, n. sp. 40-—F. filicea, Cooke. 41—F. purpureo-mtens, Cke. and Mass. 42—F. purpurata, Cke. and Mass. 43—F. excentrica, n. sp. Borsitius: 44—B. flavidus, Bolton. Lear enee 45—N. horizontalis, Bull. 46—N. semiflexa, Berk. an: r: GauLpRA: 47—-G. tenera, Schaeff. 48—G. campanulata, Mass. 49—G. rubiginosa, Pers. 50-—G. hypnorum, Batsch. TupartaA: 51—T. furfuracea, Pers. 52—T. inquilina, Fries. Crepipotus: 53—C. mollis, Schaeff. 54—C. globigerus, Berk. 55—C. salmonicolor, n. sp. Purple or Porphyry-spored Agarics. Psatiiota: 56—Ps. campestris (L.). 56a—Ps. campestris, var. hortensis, Cke. 568n—Ps. campestris, var. sylvicola, Vittad. 57—Ps. arvensis, var. villaticus, Brond. 57a— Ps. arvensis, var. iodoformis, var. nov. 57B—Ps. arven- sis, var. fragrans, var. nov. 58—Ps. pratensis, Schaef. 59—Ps. elatior, Cke. and Mass. StropHaRia: 60—S. obturata, Fries. 61—8S. stercoraria, Fries. 62—S. wmbonatescens, Peck. 90 HreyHoroma: 63—H. fasciculare, Huds... 64—H. elaeodes, Fries. 65—H. sublateritiwm, ‘Schaeff. 66—H. perplexum, Peck. 6/—_F.. “fragile: Peck. PsILocyBE: 68—Ps. sarcocephala, Fries. 69—Ps. bullacea, Bull. “ 70—Ps. musci, n. sp. -7I=—Ps: “foemsecn,. Pers: 72—Ps. atomatoides, Peck. 73—Ps. ceres, Cke. and Mass. 74—Ps. aggregata, n. sp. Black-spored Agarics. PanakEoutus: 75—P. ovatus, Cke. and Mass. 76—P. retirugis, Fries. 77—P. campanulatus (L.). 78—-P. sub-balteatus, Berk. and Br. 79—P. semilanceatus, Peck. PsaTHYRELLA: 80—P. disseminata, Pers. BROWN-SPORED AGARICS. ROzITES. According to Massee (Brit. Fung. Flora, 11., p. 232, 1893), though ‘‘the genus Locellinia, Gillet, founded for the recep- tion of a rusty-spored species having a universal veil that remains at the base of the stem as a volva, differs from A ceta- bularia, Berk., in having a secondary veil and adnate gills, nevertheless Saccardo has made the mistake of sinking Berkeley’s genus, and placing the species in Locellama.’’ Cooke, in his Handbook of Australian Fungi, 1892, follows Saccardo, as does Hennings in Engler and Prantl’s Die Natiirlichen Pflanzenfamilien. On the other hand, the latter author, under the genus fozites, Karst., defines this as having a ring on the stem and with the young plant enveloped in a universal veil, which later on remains as fragments on the surface of the cap and as a sheath at the base of the stem. The Australian plant we have found has when young such a universal veil, rupturing in the way indicated, a marked secondary veil forming later ragged fragments of a ring, and adnate and later nearly free gills. It is obviously Rozites as defined by Hennings, but also, we take it, the Locellunva of Gillet referred to by Massee. At present we adopt Mozites as being less eee to cause confusion. 1. Loztes australiensis, n. sp.—The young plant with a subglobose or pear-shaped an up to 3 inches across, on a broad stem 3 inches high and 24 inches broad, which con- tracts into a conical root; adherent to the upper part of the stem and separated from the cap are large ragged fragments of a universal veil (=volva) disclosing beneath the secondary veil; viscid when moist; pure white or with a slight brownish tint. When adult, pileus up to 11 inches across, exnvanding to convex and then nearly plane and usually broadly gib- bous, sometimes with a depression in the umbo, smooth, white with a sight brownish tint, sometimes cracking, with frag- ments of the veil at the edge. Gulls when very young pale 91 straw and adnate, finally shghtly sinuate and nearly free (S.A.), in the New South Wales specimens adnate with a trace of decurrence, moderately close, rather narrow, pale salmony-brown becoming more cinnamony, finally rich rusty brown. Stem when adult up to 6 inches high, 1} to 2 inches broad, becoming bulbous below and then contracting into a conical root, white, slightly fibrous, solid, with large ragged fragments of a rather superior ring, and below this the remains of the universal veil (volva) are usually distinguish- able (S.A.). The New South Wales (1918) specimens show a sheathing base to the lower two-thirds of the stem, comprised of superimposed split layers of the universal veil seen in the young plant, surmounted by a broad upwardly-concave per- sistent ring. Stem (N.S.W.) attached to white mycelial threads traversing the ground and forming indefinite masses. Flesh tough, white. No smell. Spores in the mass rich ferruginous brown, microscopically yellow-brown, oblique, with pointed ends, 85 to 10° x 5 to 6 p. On the ground under trees, sometimes subcaespitose. Found in exactly the same spot, forming a colony some 20 yards in diameter, about 14 miles due west of Mount Lofty, South Australia, in May, 1910, and April, 1917. We also have a specimen, locality not noted, from New South Wales, and in May, 1918, at Wauchope and Kendall found several colonies in forests. Pileus ad 20 cm. latus, convexus, plerumque late gibbosus, interdum in umbone depressus, aliquanto glaber, albidus sed fuscum tinctus. Lamellae juventute substramineae, adnatae, demum minime sinuatae et stipite paene dis- junctae, modice confertae, subfulvae, mox cinnamoneae, demum ferrugineae. Stipes ad 15 cm. altus, 2°5 cm. crassus, basi sensim bulbosus, albidus, subfibratus, annulo subsuperiore. Volva imperfecta. Sporae per- ferrugineae, obliquae, 8°5-10°5 x 5-6 p. Colour tints noted: New South Wales—Pileus shows tints of pale-yellowish flesh, No. 68; gills near snuff-brown (deep bistre), No. 303, at first Ton 1, then Ton 3. South Australia—Spore mass and dried gills near bistre, No. 328, Ton 4. ) PHOLIOTA. 2. Pholiota disrupta, Cooke and Massee: Grev., xix., 89; Cooke: Handb. Austr. Fungi, No. 220. Previously recorded, Victoria.—The following description of a plant collected by us agrees fairly well with that of P. disrupta given by Cooke in his Handb. of Austr. Fungi (No. 220) :— “Stout. Pileus 44 inches across, slightly convex, smooth or 92 finely rough, whitish with a dirty-brownish tint. Gills moderately crowded, adnate, whitish with a brown tint in certain lights, later oe coffee coloured, and finally cinnamon-brown. Stem 34 inches high, § inch in diameter above, expanding below to a cueenits bulbous base 14 inch thick, with a conical almost fusiform root, mealy iaie and somewhat silky fibrous. Ring 2 inch from the gills, pendulous, torn, a rich reddish-brown from fallen spores. Spores brown, 11 to 11°5 x 5°5 p, oblique, with one or both ends pointed.’’ On the ground under a rock, Milson Island, Hawkesbury River, May, 1913. In the description given by Cooke, the cap is said to be at first smooth, then cracked deeply into large areolae. Our specimen was smooth when gathered, but is irregularly wrinkled when dry. The spore measurements given by Cooke are larger than ours, viz.. 14 x 9 pw. Our spores are perhaps rather bright to be called ‘‘dusky ferruginous’’—P. disrupta is placed in the section Phaeotae by Cooke—but the tint “‘tawny-brown,” applied to the colour of the spores in the description, could be applied to those of our specimen. Cooke records the species for Victoria. 3. Pholiota pudica, Fries.: Hymen. Eur., p. 118; Sacc.: Syll., v., 3065; Cooke: Illustrs., pl. 362; Cooke: Handb. Austr. Fungi, No. 221. Previous Australian record, Victoria.— We refer to this species a pure-white Pholiota with a slightly hollow stem found growing in caespitose fashion amongst bark at the base of a Eucalyptus on Milson Island, Hawkesbury River, in March, 1912. Spores oval, brownish, 72 to QO), [ai 4. Pholiota recedens, Cooke and Massee: Grev., xvill., 25; Cooke: Handb. Austr. Fungi, No. 217. Previous Australian record, Victoria.—We refer, with some hesitation, the fol- lowing common plant in the Sydney district to P. recedens. Pileus 4 to ? inch in diameter, hemispherical or conico- campanulate, then expanded, sometimes slightly umbonate, smooth, brownish-tan, edge becoming dark brown on drying and striate, slightly hygrophanous, when young sometimes showing some lighter yellow shreds on the pileus the colour of the ring. Gills adnate but slightly sinuate and with a slight decurrent tooth or adnexed and seceding, moderately distant, ferruginous tan. Stem 2 inches high, slightly striate, hollow, slightly thickened below, ferruginous tan. Ring marked, dis- tant, reflexed, striate above, yellowish-brown. Spores yellow- brown, obliquely flask-shaped, 9 to 13 x 6 to 7 up. On the ground, Neutral Bay and Mosman, Sydney, May, June, and August (D. I. C., Watercolour No. 21; Miss Clarke, Watercolour No. 136.) | SS a ae 93 Colour tints noted :—Pileus at the periphery when moist ~ near brownish-terracotta, No. 322, Ton 2, with darker lines, in the centre darker than mineral brown, No. 339, Ton 4. Gills near hazel, No. 324, Ton 4. Ring, yellowish-buff, No. 310, Ton 2. Spore mass rather browner than yellow ochre, No. 326, Ton 2. | 5. Pholiota eriogena, Fries.: Pl. Preiss, 11., 132; Sacc.: Syll., v., 3128; Cooke: Handb. Austr. Fungi, No. 230. Previously recorded, Western Australia. — The description given by Cooke of If. ermogena, Fr., in Pl. Preiss., is very short and will probably fit a number of species. As it is based on Australian plants, we refer the following species to it to avoid multiplication of specific names. Our plants agree well with the description and plates of P. discolor of Peck. Puileus 4 to 1 inch in diameter, con- vex, sometimes irregular, dark brown or reddish-brown becoming pale tan or reddish-tan, slightly viscid and not striate (one collection; Blue Mountains), edge at first turned in. Gills adnate, moderately crowded, light or reddish-brown. Stems 1 to 14 inch high, pallid becoming brownish or brown, at first mealy, slightly striate, slightly hollow, base slightly enlarged with a white mycelial attachment. Superior ring not very marked and evanescent. Spores pear-shaped, 7 to oo x 5p. On wood, single, Blue Mountains, May, 1914; Terrigal, June, 1914; Bulli, May, 1914—all in New South Wales. 6. Pholiota unicolor, Flora Danica, t. 1071, fig. 1; Cooke: Handb. Brit. Fungi, p. 149; Cooke: [Illustrs., pl. 356B.—We place the following species under P. wnicolor, though it has resemblances to P?. marginata. In Cooke’s Illustrations of the former, the small specimens show umbona- tion, whilst in ours even large ones show prominent umbos. Our specimens also seem to be larger than P. wnicolor, whilst the gills cannot be called triangular. The plants grow singly, whilst in P. wnicolor they are said to be subcaespitose and in P. marginata solitary or gregarious. Pileus up to 14 inch in diameter, convex, at first deep reddish-tan to watery yellow- brown, drying to a pale brown, edge finely striate when moist, - smooth, umbonate, sometimes acutely so. Gills adnate or with a decurrent tooth, reddish-brown to pallid cinnamon becoming dingy cinnamon, moderately close. Stem 14 inch high, slightly attenuated upwards, base a little swollen, covered with whitish-mealy fibrils, brownish below, solid. _ Ring moderately distant, marked or sometimes slight. Spores 75 to 104 x 4 to 52 p. 94 Scattered on fallen trunks. Mount Wilson, June, 1915 (Miss Clarke, Watercolour No. 85); Leura, June, 1916; Lisarow, August, 1916—all in New South Wales. 7. Pholiota marginata, Batsch.: Elench. Fung., f. 207; Cooke:., Ilustrs.,. pl. 372; Sace.:. Syl) vise esOen Cooke: Handb. Austr. Fungi, No. 229. Previous Australian record, Victoria.—We refer the following to this species:—Pileus 1 inch in diameter, convex, slightly distorted, smooth, pale tanny- white to tan, sometimes a pale centre and darker periphery. Gills adnate, moderately crowded, cinnamon. Stem 14 inch high, moderately slender, attenuated upwards, with a central brownish ring, sometimes brownish above the ring and whitish below, sometimes brownish or pallid brown or brown with white streaks throughout, hollow. Caespitose amongst or on old wood and sawdust. Spores 6 to 7 x 45 to 5 p. Milson Island, Hawkesbury River, July, 1912 (Miss Clarke, Watercolour No. 8). 8. Pholiota pumila, Fries.: Mon., 1., p. 321; Fries.: Tcones, u1., p: 5, pl. 105; Cocke: Dlustrs., pl s0sa3 saccs: Syll., v.,- 3135; Cooke: -Handb. Austr. PunergaNor Zoek: Previous Australian records, New South Wales, Victoria.— We describe our specimens thus:—Pileus up to # inch in diameter, broadly conical or convex, then nearly plane, trace of an umbo or apex somewhat pointed, faintly striate near the edge, dark reddish-brown to yellow-brown and waxy looking when moist, finely granular with a lens, hygrophanous, opaque and pallid brown when dry. Gills adnate, with a trace of decurrence, moderately close to rather distant, pallid brown to reddish-brown. Stem 1 inch high, pallid brown to dark brown, somewhat silvery-mealy, solid or slightly hollow. Ring superior to rather distant, filmy, later disappearing. Spores oblique, one end acute, yellow-brown, 7 to 8 x 4 to AD p. | Amongst moss. The Spit, Sydney, July, 1916 (Herb., J. B. C., Form. Sp., No. 216); Mosman, Sydney, August, 1914 (several acuminate cystidia, 34 x 8 »); Neutral Bay, April) Vols: Colour tints noted :—Pileus when moist near brown-pink, No. 297, Ton’ 35.4-gills\mear Ton 2: CoRTINARIUS. 9. Cortinarius (Phlegmacium) varucolor, var. nemor- ensis, Fries.: Hymen. Eur., p. 339; Cooke: Illustrs., pl. 863; Massee: Brit. Fung. Flora, i1., p. 99.—Specimens which we think may be this variety we describe as follows :—Pileus 1? inch across, convex, very irregular, dark brown with per- haps a tinge of purple, viscid. Gills moderately close, dingy violet, then yellow-cinnamon, from distortion of the cap variously attached being sometimes slightly decurrent, at others adnate or deeply ventricose and shightly cut out. Stem 1} inch high, stout, a little swollen at the base /? inch in diameter), “conical below this, finely striate, yellowish with tinges of violet. Superior veil. Flesh of stem turning violet. » Caespitose. Spores 75 to 82 x 52 uw. National Park (N.S.W.), July, 1916; (?)this species, Milson Island, Hawkesbury River (N.S.W.), July, 1912. The following, with intensely glutinous caps, seem to belong to the same species as the above:—Pileus up to 2% inches high, at first convex and rather irregular, then more expanded, fibrously streaked, pale tan with a stony tint and then deeper tan and the edge pallid with a lavendar tinge, or dark brown with a voilet tinge and paler edge. Gills sinuately adnexed or adnate, moderately crowded, at first brown with a voilet tinge, finally cinnamon. Stem up to 2 inches high and # inch thick, stoutish, often flattened, fibrously streaked, whitish, sometimes voilet tinted when damaged. Flesh of cap with a faint brownish tint, of stem faint voilet. Cobweb veil when young; superior ring. Spores flask-shaped, 8 to 85 x 52 p. Meeman, syoney, April, 1915 (Herb., J. B. C., Form. pp., 64); Hornsby (N.S.W.), June, 1916 (no violet tint noticed in gills; stem violet; veil violet; spores finely rough). 10. Cortinarius (Phlegmacium) corrosus, Fries.: Epicr., p- 266; Cooke: Illustrs., pl. 715; Massee: Brit. Fung. Flora, u., p. 108.—We refer the following to this species :—Pileus 14 inch in diameter, convex, irregular, rather fibrously streaked, apparently sticky, dark tan. Gills moderately close, adnate with a slight decurrent tooth, dark cinnamon, drying bright ferruginous with a pale edge. Stem stout, whitish, shightly streaked, solid, base slightly bulbous with a free edge, doubtful remains of the cobweb veil. Spores with one end more pointed, 8'2 x 5'2 un. On the ground. Mosman, June, 1915. ll. Cortinarius (Phleg.) decoloratus, Fries.: Monogr., mat, p. 30; Cooke: Illustrs., pl. 729; Massee: Brit. Fung. Flora, u., p. 113; Cooke: Handb. Austr. Fungi, No. 360 (Vict.).—We place the following under this species :—Pileus up to 24 inches in diameter, plane or irregular and a little depressed, very viscid, wax coloured. Gills adnate, slightly ventricose, pallid cream with a brownish tint, then a little browner, moderately close. Stem up to 24 inches high, slightly ‘attenuated downwards, silky fibrous, folio: white. Spores yellow-brown, oblique, 7 to 8 x 52 up. - 95 : 96 Lane Cove River, Sydney, June, 1916. 12. Cortinarius (Phleg.) largus, Fries.: Monogr., i1., p. 10; Cooke: Illustrs., pl. 701; Massee: Brit. Fung. Flora, li. p. 99.—The following appears to be this species, though the spores are a little narrower. Pileus finally up to 9 inches across, convex, then irregular, then irregularly upturned, viscid when moist, dark tan, finally becoming scorched brown, very slightly fibrous when young, then smooth. Gills deeply sinuately adnexed, close, pallid brownish-white with a faint violet tinge, soon losing the violet to become pale brown, then more cin- namon, finally dark reddish-brown. Stem 34 inches high, 14 inch broad above, at first very stout with a non-marginate bulb of 2 inches, when adult the bulb not noticeable, root conical, solid, white tinged with the brown spores. Remains of a cobweb veil when young. Tough. Flesh white, 14 inch thick. No smell. Spores microscopically yellow-brown, oblique, one end pointed, 104 to 12 x 5 up. Caespitose on the ground. Mount Lofty (8.A.), April, SHEE 13. Cortinarius (Phleg. |?]) rotundisporus, u.sp. (pl. 1x., figs. 3 and 4).-—Pileus up to 1 inch in diameter, slightly viscid when moist, surface dull, convex with a trace of an umbo, the edge a little turned in when young, occasionally of a beau- tiful mauve colour, becoming pallid with a greyish-blue tint and traces of brown when dry. Gills adnate or with a trace of decurrence and slightly sinuate and ventricose, moderately close, dingy flesh-tinted drying pale yellow-brown then browner. Stem up to 2 inches high, attenuated upwards, rather bulbous below, slightly striate, slender to moderately slender or rather stout, white tinged with the colour of the cap, with remains of a superior cobweb veil (bluish when young), hollow. Flesh of the stem and cap pallid watery or turning yellowish in the stem, no blue. Spores smooth, nearly subspherical, 6°8 to 74 x 55 to 6 up. Subcaespitose under trees, Bradley Head and Mosman, Sydney, May, 1917, and April, 1918 (Miss Clarke, Water- colour No. 152). Colour tints noted :—-Pileus when dry becoming creamy- yellow, No. 30, Tons 2 and 3, tinged more or less with eucalyptus green, No.*248, Ton. 2. Stem tinted with the — colours of the pileus. Gulls when dry yellow-ochre, No. 326, Ton 1. Spore mass near snuff brown (deep bistre), No. 303, Ton 3. Puileus and stem of one specimen tinged with lavender- — blue (violet-blue), No. 204, paler than Ton 1. It is probable that this species should be placed under © Myzxamicium. In one specimen the stem seemed to be viscid 97 a as well as the cap. The specific name rotwndisporus is given on account of the subspherical spores. Pileus ad 35 cm. latus, paulo viscidus, convexus, paulo umbonatus, margine initio paulo involuto, pallido-flavus et glauco-violaceus coloratus. Lamellae adnate et minime sinuatae, subventricosae, paulo confertae, fusco-carneae, deinde flavo-ochraceae. Stipes ad 6 cm. altus, sursum attenuatus, paulo bulbosus, minime striatus, albidus et ad pileum similiter coloratus. Velum initio coeruleus. Caro pallida. Sporae glabrae, subsphericae, 6°8-7°4 x 55-6 pw. | | 14. Cortinarius (Myxacium) archeri, Berk.: Fl. Tas., t 181, f. 7; Sacc.: Syll., 3763; Cooke: No. 361.—This species, recorded for Tasmania, is not rare in the Sydney district. Our description is as follows:—Pileus 2 to 5 inches in diameter, convex, then sometimes slightly depressed, intensely glutinous, rich brownish-violet, later becoming dry and shin- ing and tan-brown with a deep violet streaky edge or light to dark chestnut only, edge turned in when young. Gills adnate or with a very slight sinus, or with a decurrent tooth, : moderately close, pallid earthy with a violet tinge, then cinnamon or snuff-brown. Stem up to 3 or 4 inches high, 4 - glutinous, base bulbous ota up to more than 1 inch thick, attenuating upwards to % inch thick, conical below the bulb and ending in mycelial Mireads, hollow, pallid with a marked violet tint below the fugacious ring. Ring sometimes marked and persistent. Veil cobwebby, reddish-brown. Spores yellow- brown, ends rather pointed, rather elongated, very finely mrough, 12 to 145 x 7 to 75 wp. Z Hawkesbury River, June, 1912; locality not stated; Neutral Bay, Sydney, ‘April, May, and June; Gladesville, | Sydney (M. Flockton), May, 1910; Cheltenham, Sydney (A. A. Hamilton), May, 1910; Penshurst, Sydney, June, 1907. ‘ Colour tints noted: Se idee of pileus when half-grown 7 with lavender-blue (violet-blue), No. 204, Tons 1 to 3; ater the peripheral third of the pileus raw umber, No. 301, and the centre near brown-pink, No. 297, Ton 1. Lamellae " _ when mature near snuff-brown (deep bistre), No. 303, Ton 2, with a slight lavender tint. Stem when very young lavender- blue (violet-blue), No. 204, Ton 4. Spore mass brown-pink, No. 297, Ton 4. cE 15. Cortinarius (Myx.) vibratilis, Fries. : Monogr., 11., _p. 48; Cooke: Illustrs., pl. 744; Massee: Brit. Fung. Flora, IL, p. 92.—We give the following Posen pene of the speci- mens we thus refer:—Pileus up to 14 inch in diameter, ‘glutinous, convex then plane, subgibbous in one collection, . 98 rich tan to dark yellow-brown. Gulls sinuately adnexed or as if adnate and then seceding, moderately close, pale salmon or pallid cinnamon. Stem 14 inch high, moderately stout, somewhat swollen below, viscid below the brown median remains of the veil, solid or hollow, white, sometimes fibrously streaked. Taste bitter. Spores yellow-brown, 8°5 tc, occa- sionally, 10° x 52 yp. On the ground. The Spit, Sydney, July, 1916; Sydney, July; Mount Lofty (S.A.), July, 1914 (cap 2 inches in diameter, stem not noted as sticky, spores distinctly larger and usually 10°5 w long; this may be a distinct species). 16. Cortinarius (Dermocybe) camurus, Fries.: Epicr., p. 285; Cooke: Illustrs., pl. 784; Massee: Brit. Fung. Flora, il., p. 61.—The following resembles the description of this species and also Cooke’s illustration of it, save that the umbo may be acute and not obtuse. Puileus 1 to 14 inch broad, 3 inch high, conico-convex with an acute, sometimes obtuse, umbo, edge slightly incurved, finely fibrously striate, not viscid, dark tan or with the apex nearly black, succeeded by chestnut-tan or reddish-brown with the periphery lighter, drying rather shiny and striate. Gulls adnate or slightly sinuate, moderately close, edge crenate, slightly ventricose, reddish-cinnamon. Stem 3 inches high, rigid, moderately slender, attenuated upwards, slightly fibrillose or silky striate, shightly hollow, white or pallid whitish. Ring imperfect. Brown(?) or whitish cobwebby universal veil. Flesh thin, attenuated towards the edge. Slight seminal smell. When, young with the edge turned in and the cap conico-acute.. Caepitose at the base of tree-trunks. Spores yellow-brown,, sometimes slightly warted, 8°5 to 10°4 x 5 to 6 uw. Neutral Bay, Sydney, “April and May, 1915 (Miss Clarke, Watercolour No. 74; Herb., J. B. C., Form. Sp., 102); base of tree, Mosman, Sydney, July, 1916 (spores ney warted); Hawkesbury River, May, 1915 (cap 4 inch ia diameter, reddish-brown; gills adnexed; stem 1 inch high, moderately stout, solid; flesh pale reddish-brown; spores smooth). Bradley Head, Sydney, May, 1917; Kendall (N.S.W.), May, 1917. Colour tints noted:—Pileus tan colour, No. 317, Tons 2-4, apex very dark; gills cinnamon, No. 323, Ton 3; spore mass near Ru ochre, No. 314, Ton 1. | 17. Cortenarius (Dermocybe) miltinus, Fries.: Epicr., p. 287; Cooke: Ilustrs., pl. 7854; Massee: Brit. Fung. Flora, il., p. 65.—We describe specimens collected at Bradley Head Sydney, in April, 1918, thus:—Pileus up to 2 inches (5 cm.) in diameter, convex, finally upturned and rather wavy, sub- gibbous, dry, matt, reddish-brown, paler when old. Gills 99 sinuate, rather ventricose, moderately close, blood-red brown, later more rusty. Stem up to 1# inches (4°5 cm.) high, moder- ately slender, sometimes flattened, slightly fibrously streaked, blood-reddish-brown, hollow. Veil reddish-brown. Flesh of cap white over the stem attachment, very thin elsewhere; flesh of the stem reddish-brown peripherally. Spores 7 to- 8x 42 pn. Colour tints noted:—Pileus in places red ochre (red- brown terracotta), No. 332, Ton 1; with tinges in the centre rather more purplish than blood-red brown, No. 337, Ton 2; other parts of the pileus (peripherally) approaching ‘tan colour, No. 317, Ton. 1. Stem at the base approaching garnet brown, No. 164, Ton 1, and also the blood-red brown of the pileus, No. 337, Ton 2. Gulls near dark Indian red (red- brown), No. 338, Ton 4; later, from the spores, turning more to mineral brown, No. 339, Ton 2, with touches of cin- namon. Spore mass near hazel, No. 324, Ton 4. The following qepeas to be smaller specimens of this ‘species:—Pileus # to 1} inch in diameter, convex, then up- turned, sometimes umbonate, dark tanny or yellow- brown, with a lens finely fibrillose, edge turned in. Gills adnate, moderately close or moderately distant, pallid cinnamon to reddish-brown. Remains of a yellow. -brown cobweb veil. Stem 1 to 2 inches high, slender, finely striate, white at the & but very soon blood-red from the fibres of the universal veil seen in very young plants covering the cap and stem with blood-red, solid. Spores yellow-brown, (?)finely rough, 85 m2 p 4 On iis ground, North Bridge, Sydney, July, 1916 (Herb., J. B. C., Form. Sp., 211); National Park (N.S.W.), July, 1916. 18. Cortinarius (Dermocybe) venetus, Fries.: Epicr., p. = Cooke: Illustrs., pl. 8338; Massee: Brit. Fung. Flora, ,p. 73.—We place the following under C’. venetws :—Pileus a to 2 inches or more in diameter, convex, usually gibbous, edge turned in, then expanding and irregular, smooth, bright _ yellow-green to olive-green or brownish-green. Gills broadly -adnexed and slightly sinuate, sometimes with a decurrent tooth, moderately close, pale yellow-brown, then cinnamony- _ yellow, peer dark yellow- -brown. Stem up to 3. inches high and 3 inch broad, wavy, pallid yellowish or whitish, sometimes reddish-brown below ([{ ?]from veil), fibrillose, solid or with a tendency to be hollow. Flesh white with a pale yellow tint, thin except in the centre; when injured by insects turning reddish-brown. Remains of cobweb veil on the upper rt of the stem. Spores smooth, oblique, rather elongated, Mil x 52 to 7 p. E2 100 Usually in clumps. Under Casuarina, Milson Island, Hawkesbury River, June, 1913 (cap noted as slightly sticky when moist, sometimes when old with fibrous dark-brown scales forming a solid patch in the centre; D. I. C., Water- colour No. 27); Mount. Wilson (N.S.W.), June, 1915; Lane Cove River, Sydney, June, 1916; Mount Lofty (S.A.), July, 1914 (cap up to 34 inches in diameter, uniform dark green or olive-green or green-tinged shades of brown, somewhat striate, spores 8°5 to 9 x 52 yp). 19. Cortinarius (Telamoma) austro-evermus, n. sp. (pl. ix., figs. 5 and 6).—The following seems to be the Australian representative of C. evernius:—Pileus up to 2 inches in diameter, convex, then expanded and wavy, finally sometimes upturned and splitting, duil violet with the periphery paler, drying to a pale brown with a slight violet tint or tanny- brown, obscurely striate, not viscid, smooth. Gills adnate, moderately close, not connected by veins, violet-cinnamon becoming browner, drying to a ferruginous brown. Stem up to 3 inches high, slender, solid or slightly hollow above, silky fibrillose, shining, the light being reflected so as to give a somewhat banded appearance, voilet tinted or pallid whitish with traces of violet. Flesh thick in the centre of the cap, then becoming almost suddenly thin, white or violet tinted. Spores very finely rough, 7 to 85 x 52 to 6 p. Smelk pleasant. Shghtly caespitose. . Under bushes. Lane Cove River, Sydney, June, 1916 (Miss P. Clarke, Watercolour No. 110; Herb., J. B. C., Form. Sp., 194); North Bridge, Sydney, June, 1916; National Park (N.S.W.), July, 1916; Bradley Head, Sydney, May, LOA, 3 The following description of another collection shows the variation in the species:—Pileus ? inch in diameter, conico- campanulate and broadly and obtusely umbonate, then ex- panding to 14 inch in diameter with a slight umbo, not viscid, dull brownish-violet, paler at the periphery. Gills adnate, moderately distant, at first pallid brown with a violet tint, then rusty-cinnamon without violet. Stem 1 inch high, stout, then more slender, white with a pale lilac tint. Whitish fibrillose veil. Flesh of the cap solid in the centre, then thin, violet. tinted. No smell. Spores 85 x 52 to 66 up, occasionally much: larger. Under bushes, Lane Cove River, Sydney, June, 1916 (Miss P. Clarke, Watercolour No. 111; Herb., J. B. C. Form. Sp.j.195). Pileus ad 5 cm. latus, convexus deinde expansus, obscuro violaceus, exsiccatus pallido-fuscus et leviter violaceus. promiscue striatus, non viscidus, glaber. Lamella 101 adnatae, aliquanto confertae, violaceo-cinnamoneae, deinde fuscae, exsiccatae ferrugineo-fuscae. Stipes ad 7°5 em. longus, gracilis, sericeo-fibrillosus, candidus, violaceus aut pallido-violaceo-albidus. Caro albido- et violaceo- colorata. Sporae 7-8°5 x 5°2-6 wp. PAXILLUS. 20. Paxillus aureus, auct.(?).—Specimens of this species have been kindly identified for us by C. G. Lloyd. Plants collected at Somersby Falls, near Gosford, New South Wales, in May, 1915, we describe as follows: —At first small, orbi- cular, attached by the back, hymenial surface slightly con- cave and saucer-like, pale yellow, the gills thick and honey- comb-like, upper-surface white. Finally somewhat flabelliform, 1 inch broad and # inch high, the upper-surface white and matt, laterally attached; gills rather thick, radiating, dividing, connected by numerous wrinkles, buff coloured; on rotten log; spores pale yellowish, elliptical but often irregular, 4to 48 x 3 p. Large and handsome specimens (those identified by BP loyd) were found under a fallen log at Wiseman Ferry (N. S.W.) in August, 1915; the spores, borne on tetrasporous basidia, were pale yellowish (2), rod-shaped, 3°5 x 15 p; ‘the dried plants show radiating gills connected by wrinkles, fihe gills being a rich golden-brown near their bases and dark brown at the distal ends. Fr 21. Phylloporus rhodozanthus, iach.) Bres.; Paxillus. paradoxus, (Kalchb.); Cooke: Illustrs., pl. 884; Cooke: Mandb. Austr. Fungi, No. 369, fig. 38 (Vict., Q’land.).— From Petch’s account (New York State Museum, Rep. of ‘State Botanist, 1908, p. 40) this is a variable species and has Been referred to various genera and described under different ‘specific names. The species as met with by us also seems ‘rather variable. The usual form has a relatively short, stout met with exhibiting longer and more slender stems and deeply decurrent gills. The stems usually show only a trace of brown or reddish-brown. Our usual specimens agree well with Petch’s description and the spore measurements with his. ‘Massee, in his British Fungus Flora, gives the spore measure- A composite description of our plant is as follows :— 'Pileus 2 inches or more in diameter, convex, sometimes dis- torted, tomentose or villose matt, dark umber to brownish, ‘Tec dish-brown, pale yellowish-brown or stony-brown. Flesh stem and adnato-decurrent gills, but occasional specimens are | — 102 thick. Gills almost adnate to decurrent, moderately close, sometimes branching and anastomosing, a little wrinkled, apparently not easily separable from the hymenophore, bright canary-yellow to greenish-yellow, often becoming darker spotted when old, with a hand lens seen to be bristling with cystidia. Stem 2 inches, occasionally more, high by 4 inch in diameter above, occasionally long and slender, slightly attenuated downwards, usually stout, rarely flexous, usually central, slightly fibrillose and villous, not scaly, solid, brittle, pale brown and yellowish or reddish-brown just below the gills, sometimes whitish or pallid with a faint brown tint due to punctate points. Spores in the mass greenish-brown, microscopically pale yellowish-green, elongated, somewhat twisted, rather ‘‘mummy-shaped’”’ like typical Boletus spores, 78 to 16 x 3°8 to 5°5 p, usually about 12 x 52 wp. Cystidia acuminate, blunt-topped, 70 x 10°4 to 15 p. In young speci- mens, the edge is markedly turned in and the gills may be crenulate and show forking and irregular buttressing folds. Milson Island, Hawkesbury River, June, 1912, and November, 1914, also April, 1915 (apparently,a young speci- men with adnate yellow gills, stem 1 inch long, white, attenuated upwards); Neutral Bay, Sydney, April, 1915 (young specimen: pileus 14 inch across, viscid, dark brown, edge markedly turned in, gills decurrent, vivid pale yellow), and February, 1917 (Miss Clarke, Watercolour No. 145), and March, 1917; Hill Top, Southern Line, February, 1911 and 1917 (E. C.); Lewra, Blue Mountains, February, 1911 (T. Steel); Lane Cove River, Sydney, April, 1913 (stem long — and slender, gills deeply decurrent, spores 78 to 104 x 4 yp, the spores distinctly smaller and perhaps paler than in the | stouter forms; Miss Clarke, Watercolour No. 144)—all m _ New South Wales; under bushes, Morphett Vale (S.A.), July, 1914 (a much stouter form). Colour tints noted:—Pileus hazel, No. 324, Tons 1-4; snuff-brown (deep bistre), No. 303, Ton 2. Gills canary-yellow .(yellow-green), No. 17, Ton 4; primrose-yellow, No. 19, Ton 2. Stem snow-white, No. 2 (J. B. C.). Pileus when fresh snuff-brown, No. 303, Ton 3, shading to dark fawn, No. 307, Ton 3, when dry—also a tendency towards tints of mineral-brown, No. 339, Ton 1. Gills yellow-lake (old gold), No. 33, Ton 1, to yellow- -tan colour, No. 315, Ton! Vor yolk-yellow, No. 24, Ton 3; in certain stages approaching yellow cadmium, No. 47, Ton 3. Upper part of stem cream-yellow, No. 30, Ton 2, to amber-yellow, No. 28, Tons, 2, 3 (EH. C.). 22. Paxillus erassus, Fries.: Epicr., p. 318; Cooke: [ihistrs.,- ple 877; Massee: Brit. Fung. Flora, 1-; p.: 19 103 Cooke: Handb. Austr. Fungi, No. 370 (Q’land).—We have specimens collected at Port Hacking, near Sydney, in August, 1915, that very closely resemble Cooke’s illustration of P. erassus, which has been recorded for Queensland. The gills, however, seem more ‘‘crowded’’ than ‘‘rather distant.’’ The spores were elongated, of the same shape as in P. paradoxus, microscopically greenish-yellow, and 11 to 14 x 42 to 5 p in size (as against 15 to 18 x 7 to 8 » given by Massee). 23. Paxillus, sp.—These specimens, collected by one of us (J. B. C.) at Mount Lofty, South Australia, in May, 1900, resemble the preceding, save that the stem is stouter and they have dried darker. The plants were often very large, with the caps orange-brown to yellow-brown when fresh, the decurrent gills brownish, and the stems solid and whitish. The spores were elongated, ‘‘mummy-shaped,’’ hke those of P. paradoxus, greenish-yellow microscopically, and m2 to 155 x 5 p in size. 24. Paxillus involutus, Fries.: Epicr., p. 317; Cooke: Illustrs., pl. 875; Massee: Brit. Fung. Flora, ii., p. 9.—The following resembles a dried specimen of this species from England kindly sent to us by Miss Wakefield, save that the gills have dried a darker brown. The spores also agree. Pileus 3 inches in diameter, slightly convex with the centre slightly depressed, dark brown, matt. Gills dark earthy- brown, moderately close, decurrent. Stem # inch high, stout, brownish with fine punctate spots, solid. Flesh turning a little brownish. Spores yellow-brown, not ‘‘mummy-shaped,”’ WS to 9 x 5 pw (English specimens, 75 to 10°5 x 5 p). Under a tree, National Park, South Australia, April, 1917. HEBELOMA. 25. Hebeloma crustuliniforme, Bulliard ; Cooke: Illustrs., pl. 507; Massee: Brit. Fung. Flora, ii., p. 176.—The follow- ing species, evidently introduced, agrees best with the descrip- tion of H. crustuliniforme:—Pileus up to 3 inches across, irregular, convex then nearly plane, often shiny, biscuit colour or sometimes mouse-brown in the centre, paler towards the periphery, the brown in the centre sometimes appearing as if seen through a fine whitish film. Gills sinuately adnexed, moderately close, pallid fleshy-brown becoming browner, edge finely serrate. Stem up to 24 inches high, usually stout, sometimes slender, white, somewhat fibrillose, mealy above, stuffed. Spores microscopically dull brown, oblique, one end finely pointed, apparently finely rough ([?]from drying), met to 12 x 6 to7 p. ___ Caespitose in large clumps under English oak, chestnut, _ and other introduced trees, National Park (S.A.), April, 1917. 4 ; 2 104 Hitherto not found under’ any native trees (e.g., Hugenia, Eucalyptus) planted or growing in the neighbourhood. This seems to be the same species that, about twenty years ago, grew in great abundance under Pinus insignis at the Parkside Mental Home. It has died out from this situation for many years, in spite of no alteration having occurred in its sur- roundings. Perhaps the soil became exhausted for it, as is the case in some of the fairy-ring species. The plants have a slight resemblance to the common mushroom, accentuated by the gills having a somewhat flesh-coloured tint, and they have been mistaken for this by persons of little observation. The species is obviously an introduced one, as is evidenced by its clinging to the neighbourhood of introduced trees, but it is remarkable that these should be of several species. 26. Hebeloma subcollariatum, Berk. and Br.: Ann. Nat. Hist., n. 1942; Cooke: Ilustrs. , pl. 506; Massee: Brit. Fung. Flora, ii., p. 175.—We describe our Australian speci- mens as follows:—FPileus up to 1 inch or more in diameter, | hemispherical, then convex, sometimes finally upturned, slightly viscid, pale yellow-brown, sometimes browner on top, when very young edge turned in and closed in by the veil, later with a few mealy flakes, the remains of the veil, and with fragments of the veil round the edge, veil rarely forming an imperfect ring. Gulls sinuate-adnate, discoloured a greyish- brown, when dry reddish-brown, 4+ inch deep. Flesh of cap white, } inch deep. Stem up to 1# inch high, attenuated downwards, base a little swollen and with abundant fine root- ing mycelium, hoilow or stuffed, pale brownish, but almost white, finely mealy, when young shaggy from the universal © veil. Spores in the mass dark brown, not purplish-brown, » microscopically yellowish-brown, usually 12 to 14 x 85 up, | sometimes 11 to 17 x 7 to 10°4 yp, occasionally (Manildra speci- mens) 15°5 to 19 x 10 to 12 un. On dung or by roadsides, usually near horse- -dung. Sydney, February, March, April; Narrabeen, February, December; Milson Island, Hawkesbury River, Taner Orange, November ; Manildra, October ; Wellington, November; Narromine, May; Narrabri, November: Hill Top, December ; Cooma (C. C. Settar), January ; Mummulgum, near Casino, December; Byron Bay and Murwillumbah, April—all in New South Wales. Adelaide, July and September. . Colour tints noted :—Pileus honey-yellow, No. 35, Tons. 1, 2. Gills in certain lights near otter-brown, No. 354, Ton 1. Spore mass between snuff-brown, No. 303, Ton 1, and chocolate, No. 343, Ton 1. 27. Hebeloma monianum, n. sp. (pl. ix., figs. 1 and 2).— Pileus 14 inch or more in diameter when expanded, convex, a ; 105 edge at first a little turned in, broadly gibbous, sometimes with a depression around the umbo, rather sticky, yellowish- brown, apex often darker, with scattered brown scales. Veil evident when young, remaining for a while as an appendi- culate margin to the pileus. Gills slightly sinuately adnate, moderately crowded, dark cinnamon. Stem up to 24 inches high, firm, later hollow, fibrously streaked with brown fibrils below, brownish below, paler and mealy above, base a little swollen. Spores dull brown, 7 x 36 p, occasionally 85 x 4 p. | , a Amongst grass in damp forest, Mount Wilson, Blue Mountains, June, 1915 (Miss Clarke, Watercolour No. 82; Bierb., J. B. C., Form. Sp., 127). Pileus 3 vel 3 + cm. latus, convexus, margine initio paulo involuto, lato-gibbosus, paulo viscidus, flavo-fuscus, apice saepe atro-fusco, squamis dispersis fuscis. Velum initio evidens, deinde appendiculatum. Lamellae minime sinuato-adnatae, paulo confertae, atro-cinnamoneae. Stipes ad 6 cm. altus, firmus, demum tubulosus, deorsum fibrillis fuscis, sursum pallido-fuscus et farinosus, base paulo bulbosus. Sporae fuscae, 7-8°5 x 3°6 to 4 p. 28. Inocybe asterospora, Quelet: Bull. Soc. Bot. France, » “xxvi., p. 50; Cooke: Illustrs., pl. 385; Massee: Brit. Fung. Flora, ii., p. 194.—The following appears to be typical J. _asterospora, and is a distinctly larger plant than the next “species:—Pileus 14 inch in diameter, convex with a large conical umbo, somewhat golden-brown, fibrillose. Gills adnexed, nearly free, moderately close, cinnamon-brown. Stem 1} inch high, moderately stout, slightly attenuated upwards, striate, _ pallid-brown tinted, solid, fibrous. Spores irregularly nodular, Moo, 89 x 7 p. Cystidia 40 x 12 to 14 pn. Mount Lofty, South Australia, April, 1917. We have also collected typical specimens at Bradley Head, Sydney, in April, 1918. In these, the pileus was up to 13 inch in diameter, the gills were at first dingy pallid-brown and were sinuately adnexed, the stem was 24 inches high and } inch thick and was pallid fleshy-brownish and had a slightly swollen base, whilst the spores measured 85 to 104 p, and cystidia were present. On crushing, there was a strong seminal smell. _ We have also collected specimens at Mosman (December and | May; formalin specimen) and Suspension Bridge, Sydney, April. (Miss Clarke, Watercolour No. 182.) G . ie INOCYBE. ; Spores rough or irregular. Cystidia present. ; = Ban 106 The following colour tints were noted :—Pileus near dark chocolate-brown (carob-brown), No. 342, Ton. 1. Stem buff, No. 309, Ton 1. Spore mass chocolate, No. 343, Ton 2. 29. Inocybe swbasterospora, n. sp. (pl. x., figs. 4 and 5).—The following common species in the Sydney district agrees fairly well with Cooke’s illustrations of J. astero- spora, save that the plants are smaller. It also resembles somewhat Cooke’s figures of 7. marituma. As it seems clearly distinct from the South Australian specimens, we give it a new name which indicates its affinity :—Puileus occasionally up to 14 inch in diameter, slightly convex, sometimes depressed, subgibbous to occasionally papillately umbonate, dark brown, occasionally lghter or rusty-brown and often more chestnut at the periphery, usually fibrously streaked and splitting, occasionally more scaly. Gills adnate to adnexed, separating from the stem, moderately crowded, pale milk- coffee coloured, then cinnamon, sometimes with a white edge. Stem up to 14 inch high, moderately stout, solid, slightly fibrillose, pale brownish, slightly mealy above, base sometimes a little swollen. Spores irregularly knobby, 7 to 9 x 52 to 7 w». Cystidia numerous, ventricose, apices usually knobby, 42 x 17, 47 x 15%, 5O x 14; 5b x 215, TO Sydney district, March to July, October, December ; Pittwater, April; Parramatta, July; Milson Island, Hawkes- bury River, July, November; Hill Top (E. C.), May; locali- ties not noted (several); locality not stated (stem white but cap dark). (Miss Clarke, Watercolour No. 33; D. I. C., Watercolour No. 63; Herb., J. B. C., Form. Sp., November, 1914). ates interdum ad 3 cm. latus, aliquanto convexus, interdum depressus, subgibbosus, interdum papilloso-umbonatus, fuscus, interdum pallido-fuscus aut ferrugineo-fuscus, vulgo fibratus et fissus, interdum aliquanto squamosus. Lamellae adnatae aut adnexae, stipite secedentes, aliquanto confertae, pallido-cinereo-fuscae, deinde cinna-— moneae, interdum marginibus albidis. Stipes ad 3°75 cm. altus, aliquanto crassus, non cavus, aliquanto fibrillosus, pallido-fuscus, in parte superiore aliquanto farinosus, base interdum aliquanto inflato. Sporae nodis irregularibus, 7-9 x 5°2-7 w. Cystidia ventricosa, apici- bus vulgo nodosis, 42 x 17, 47 x 15.5, 50 x 149 5b. x Dim, 10 ex ET a meue: 30. Inocybe gomphodes, Kalchb.: Grev., vili., 152, tab. 142, f..8;. Sacc.: Syll., v., 3235; Cooke: ’Handb, Austm Fungi, No. 237 (N.S.W.).—The following we believe to be Kalchbrenner’s JZ. gomphodes, his figure of which it resembles. In the original description, there is no reference 107 to the character of the spores or the presence or absence of ecystidia:—Pileus up to 1} inch in diameter, conico- campanulate with the edge turned in, gradually expanding to convex with a large obtuse umbo, then nearly plane on top with an umbo and convex edge, fibrously streaked, cap sometimes splitting when old or the fibres separating and curling up, light brownish-tan. Gulls deeply sinuately adnexed, nearly reaching the stem and then ascending so as to be nearly free. Stem 2 inches high, moderately stout, solid, whitish, somewhat mealy. Spores irregular . and _knobby, 7 to 9 x 44 to 5'2 p. Cystidia ventricose or clavate, apices rough, 52 x 10°4, 42 x 14 p. On the ground, Milson Island, Hawkesbury River, November, 1914 (Herb., J. B. C., Form. Sp., 22), and May, 1915. 31. Inocybe albidipes, n. sp. (pl. x., fig. 3).—Pileus up to 1 inch in diameter, when young acutely umbonate, later gibbous and nearly plane, light to yellowish-brown, apex darker, silky fibrous or radiately fibrillosely rimose or striate and cracking. Gulls moderately close, adnate to adnexed or nearly free, dingy greyish-brown becoming dark cinnamon, edge not white. Stem up to 14 inch high, rather stout, slightly fibrillose, base swollen or with a marginate bulb, solid, white, or occasionally with a slight* yellowish tint. Spores knobby, 7 to 85 x 5 pw, 7p. Cystidia ventricose with “rough apices, 42 to 60 x 14 to 20 p. Neutral Bay, May, 1915 (Herb., J. B. C., Form. Sp., 109) and 1916; North Sydney, April, 1915 and 1918; Chats- wood, May, 1916 (Miss Clarke, Watercolour No. 97); Mosman, June, 1915, and December, 1916 (Herb., J. B. C., Form. Sp., 262); Lane Cove River, May, 1916—all in the Sydney district. Colour tints noted :—Pileus dark fawn, No. 307, Ton 1 or paler, apex darker and browner than Ton 4. Pileus ad 2°5 cm. latus, acute umbonatus, deinde gibbosus et subplanus, fusco-cervinus, apice fuscus, sericeo- fibrosus aut fibrilloso-rimosus. Lamellae subconfertae, adnatae aut adnexae, cinereo-albidae, deinde pallido- fuscae, denique fusco-cinnamoneae. Stipes ad 3°75 cm. altus, subfibrillosus, ad basem bulbosus, solidus, albus aut stramineo-albidus. Sporae verrucosae, 7 to 85 x 5 pn, 7 p. Cystidia ventricosa, apicibus aspris, 42-60 x 14-20 py. Spores smooth. Cystidia present. 32. Inocybe. obscura, Pers.: Syn., p. 347; Cooke: Illustrs., pl. 427; Massee: Brit. Fung. Flora, ii., p. 190.— 108 We refer the following to this species: —Pileus up to 14 inch in diameter, slightly convex, slightly umbonate, somewhat streaked to fibrillosely scaly, brownish with a violet tinge to violet-brown. Gills moderately crowded, slightly sinuate to adnexed, pallid smoky-brown, edges finely serrate. Stem 14 inch high, violet tinted, paler above, base slightly bulbous, solid, stringy. Strong scented, when dry a strong mousey smell; one specimen with a seminal smell when fresh. Spores smooth, brown, 7 to 85 x 52 w. Cystidia elongated flask- shaped, rough at the apices, 50 x 12 to 17 up. Hawkesbury River, under rocks, November, 1914; Sydney, May, 1915. | 33. Inocybe flocculosa, Berk.: Engl. Fl., v., p. 97; Cooke: Illustrs., pl. 393; Massee: Brit. Fung. Flora, 11. p. 188; Cooke: Handb. Austr. Fungi, No. 236 (Vict.). —The following descriptions are composite pictures of two groups of specimens, which we at first thought comprised two species, but on careful comparison think should both be referred to i flocculosa. They indicate the variations in individuals of a species which may easily lead to an undue multiplication of specific names. (a) Pileus up to 4 inch in diameter, conico-campanulate to conico-expanded, slightly umbonate, a tendency to stria- tion, pale straw-brown to dull dark cinnamon-brown, apex sometimes dark’reddish-brown and periphery pale yellowish- brown, interwoven fibres round the edge usually forming a just discernible whitish line. Gills slightly sinuately adnexed to just adnexed, moderately close to moderately distant, cinnamon. Stem up to 1} inch high, slender, slightly bulbous at the base, slightly hollow, stringy, pale brown or the colour of the cap, covered with mealy fibres which often form a white base. Spores smooth, pointed, oblique, sometimes rather triangular, 7 to 9 x 45 to 66 pw. Cystidia somewhat fusi- form, or elongated fusiform, or signsatee diamond-shaped or flask- shaped, thick» walled, apices rough, 42 to 70 x 85 up, 42 to 63 x 11 to 145 up. On the ground, often under rocks, shrubs, or banks. Milson Island, Hawkesbury River, May, 1915 (D. I. C., Watercolour No. 52; Herb., J.. B. C., Form jsp aula Neutral Bay, Sydney, April, 1915, and May, 1913 and 1916; Lane Cove River, Sydney, May 1915; North Bridge, Sydney, June, 1916. | (6) Pileus 4 inch or a little more in diameter, convex then nearly plane, gibbous or with an acute umbo, fibrously striate, splitting, bistre brown to dark brown. Gills moder- ately close to moderately distant, adnate, reddish-brown to brown. Stem ? to 1 inch high, slender, solid, pallid brown 109 and fibrously streaked and mealy, sometimes with whitish fibrillose scales at the base. Spores pale brown, smooth, oblique, sometimes rather triangular, 68 to 85 x 5°2 uw. Cystidia numerous, thick walled, ventricose or fusiform, often elongated, 25 to 70 x 8°5 to 17 p. Gregarious on the ground. Mount Irvine (N.S.W.), June, 1915; Bumberry (N.S.W.), October, 1916; Mount Lofty (S.A.), July, 1914; Neutral Bay, Sydney, May, 1915 (gills just adnexed, dingy cinnamon, edges white and very finely serrate; Herb., J. B. C., Form. Sp., 105). Colour tints noted:—Pileus near snuff-brown (deep bistre), No. 303, Ton 1; apex of cap near raw umber, No. 301, Ton 4, periphery shading to pallid. 34. Inocybe australiensis, n. sp. (pl. x., fig. 2).—Puileus up to 4 inch in diameter, convex, sometimes somewhat umbonate, covered in a rather echinulate way with dark _ brown, almost black, projecting fibrous scales, which are wart- _ like above and more imbricate below. Gulls adnexed, crowded, cinnamon or dark brown. Stem 1+ inch high, pallid browa to dark brown, mealy above, solid, base a little swollen. Spores brown, smooth, oblique, 6 to 7 x 4 to 5 p. Cystidia numerous, ventricose or narrow ventricose, 42 to 70 x 85 = to 10°5 wp. | Neutral Bay, Sydney, May, 1915 (Herb., J. B. C., Form. ~Sp., 106; Chatswood, Sydney, May, 1916 (Miss Clarke, _ Watercolour No. 96); Sydney. _ Pileus ad 1°5 cm. latus, convexus, interdum paulo umbonatus, -squamis subnigris fibrosis vestitus. Lamellae adnexae, confertae, cinnamoneae vel atro-fuscae. Stipes 3 cm. altus, pallido-fuscus aut fuscus, sursum farinosus, non tubulosus, base minime bulbosa. Sporae fuscae, glabrae, obliquae, 6-7 x 4-5 wp. Cystidia ventricosa vel angusto- ventricosa, 50-70 x 105, 42 x 85 yp. FLAMMULA. 35. Flammula carbonaria, Fries.: Syst. Myc.,1., p. 252; Cooke: Illustrs., pl. 442; Massee: Brit. Fung. Flora, ii., p. 133.—The following seems best referable to this species, though it is smaller, and has cystidia which are not men- tioned in descriptions of the species:—Pileus 4 to 1 inch in _ diameter, convex, edge turned in when young, dark tan to chestnut, periphery paler, in one collection with a teat-like —umbo. Gills adnate, moderately crowded, pallid then dark cinnamon, edge noted as finely toothed in the Dubbo speci- mens. Stem 1 inch high, whitish to pallid, sometimes with brownish fibrils, stuffed. Taste not bitter. Spores yellow- _ brown, 68 to 82 x 3°5 to 5 »; ecystidia fringing the edge of 110 the gills, acuminate or clavate with rough apices and swollen bases, 43 to 48 x 85 to 104 uw. Usually densely caespitose with rooting mycelial strands amongst or near the charcoal of burnt logs. Milson Island, Hawkesbury River, May, 1913, and October and November, 1914; Spring Vale, near Dubbo, July, 1915; Suspension Bridge, Sydney, April, 1915 (cap viscid). 36. Klammula californica, Karle-—The following is the original description (the reference we do not know) of this species found in California:—‘‘Gregarious or caespitose, under trees, probably from buried rotten wood; pileus 4-7 cm., expanded, subumbonate, pale ochre-brown, umbo often darker, glabrous, subhygrophanous, margin entire; lamellae subsinuate-decurrent, heterophyllous, crowded, subventricose, pale ochraceous to fusco-ferruginous; spores ferruginous, elliptic, 6-7 x 4 p; stalk 5-6 cm. x 3-4 mm., subequal, slightly enlarged at apex and base, glabrous above, brown fibrillose below, base white mycelioid, bringing up attached sand and fragments, pale brown, apex yellowish-white, solid ; flesh cream coloured, unchanging, taste and smell mild. The glabrous subhygrophanous pileus places this species in the section Udae.’’ The fact that this species was described from America as being found in plantations of Eucalyptus directed our attention specially to it. The form which we refer to a new variety, var. communis, we at first thought might be it. Compared with specimens of F. californica, kindly for- warded to the National Herbarium by C. F. Baker, and . identified by Earle, however, the spores are distinctly larger. Though the spores of the specimens under consideration are somewhat broader and rounder than those of the American F. californica, they resemble them closely, and the dry plants appear very similar. Cystidia are common on our species and its varieties, and we found a few in the American plants. We describe our collection as follows:—Pileus 4 inch in diameter, convex, gibbous, not definitely viscid, centre brown, rest yellowish. Gills adnate, moderately crowded, dull greenish-yellowish. Stem 1 inch high, slender, hollow, fibrillosely striate, pallid yellowish. No taste. Spores almost subspherical or triangular, pale brownish microscopically, 52 to 6 x 4 p. Cystidia ventricose, 40 x 10 p. On the ground, Lane Cove River, Sydney, May, 1916. 36a. Flammula californica, var. communis, var. nov. (pl. xi., figs. 3 and 4).—The following differs, more especi- ally in the distinctly larger spores. Jt is relatively common in the Sydney district and somewhat variable. Pileus up to 2 inches in diameter, convex, then flattened or upturned, ~ gibbous, viscid when moist, sometimes slightly streaky with 111 fibrils or with a few widely separated scales, dark tan or reddish-brown with a pale yellow-brown periphery, in a very young plant the edge turned in and a fibrillose veil. Gills adnate or sinuate Sat a slight decurrent tooth, moderately close, yellowish-green or pale yellow-brown, drying dark binnamon. Stem & to 2 inches high, slender, slightly attenu- ated upwards, slightly hollow, base a little bulbous, fibrous, apex not mealy, clad below with brownish fibrillose scales with white mycelium at the base, yellowish-brown above. Flesh white, becoming yellow(?). No taste. Sometimes gregarious. Spores elliptical, dingy brown microscopically, 78 to 9 x 5 to 63 ». Cystidia ventricose with acuminate apices, 50 x 10°5 to 13°8 wp. Milson Island, Hawkesbury River, July; 1912, and May, 1913 (D. I. C., Watercolour No. 12); Neutral Bay, Sydney, April, 1915 (Miss Clarke, Watercolour No. 58), June, 1914 and 1916, July, 1916; other localities, near Sydney, April to July; Lane Cove River, Sydney, June, 1916 (spores yellow-brown) ; Brookvale, July, 1916; Terrigal, June, 1914; Hill Top, April, May; Lilyvale (A. A. Hamilton), April, 1912; The Oaks, June, 1914; Leura (T. Steel), February, 1911, and (J. B. C.) June, 1916; Kendall, May, 1917—all “in New South Wales. The following are larger forms usually _ found amongst fallen leaves:—-North Bridge, Sydney, June, _ 1916 (cystidia 42 x 13°8 p); Sydney, March, 1914, and June, ' 1916; Lane Cove River, June, 1916; on a stump, Mosman, May, 1916 (cap up to 3. inches across, cystidia 35 to 60 x 14 »); Lisarow, August, 1916—all in New South Wales. Colour tints oted:: —Centre of pileus madder brown (brownish-terracotta), No. 334, Ton 4, periphery paler. ‘Lamellae straw-yellow, No. 31, Tons 2, 3. When drying, pileus near fawn, No. 308, Ton 1 the centre near Ton 4. The lower part of the stem the same tint but paler, the ‘scales about Ton 3. Lamellae golden-bronze-green, No. 298, Ton 2 (J. B. C.). Pileus brown-pink, No. 297, Tons 3, 4, to burnt umber, No. 304, Ton 1. Gills snuff-brown, No. 303, Ton 1, to mineral- brown, No. 339, Tons 1, 2. Upper part of stem cream-yellow, No. 30, Ton 2, to amber-yellow, No. 28, Tons 2, 3 (E. C.). Pileus ad 5 cm. latus, convexus, mox planus aut repandus, gibbosus, interdum viscidus, fuscus, margine pallido- fusco. Lamellae adnatae vel sinuatae et minime decur- rentes, paulo confertae, flavo-viridae deinde pallido-flavo- fuscae, exsiccatae cinnamoneae. Stipes ad 5 cm. altus, gracilis, sursum paulo attenuatus, paulo tubulosus, base paulo bulboso, fibrillosus, deorsum squamis fibrillosis fuscis, sursum flavo-fuscus. Sporae ellipticae, fuscae, 112 78-9 x 5-63 p. Cystidia ventricosa, apicibus acumin- atis, 50 x 10°5-13°5 py. The following form of Flammula_ califormca, var. communis, seems worthy of separate mention. Pileus up to 1 inch in diameter, convex, then more expanded, slightly umbonate, tanny-brown becoming darker, slightly viscid when young and moist. Gulls at first adnate, then slightly adnexed, moderately close, pallid dingy yellowish-brown becoming dingy cinnamon. Stem up to 1 inch high, slender, slightly hollow, slightly striate, whitish flecked with small brownish scales from | the veil, which are also seen on the edge of the cap when young. Flesh somewhat dingy. Rather caespitose. Spores tawny, 7 x 48 p. A few flask-shaped cystidia with rough apices, 25 x 12 uw. On the ground, Mosman, December, 1916 (Herb., J B,C. Nom. Sp." 260). 37. Flammula fusa, Batsch: f. 189; Cooke: Ilustrs., pl. 433; Massee: Brit. Fung. Flora, 11., p. 134; Cooke: Handb. Austr. Fungi, No. 257 (Vict.).—The following seems to be this species. It has a strong resemblance to a large form of our F. filicea, but grows on the ground :—Pileus 4 inches in diameter, nearly plane, a little rugose, tanny- brown. Gills adnate with a decurrent tooth, moderately close, bright ferruginous. Stem 24 inches high, moderately stout, apparently solid, fibrously striate, pallid brownish, with a fusiform root. Flesh yellowish. Spores ferruginous, finely rough (1/12-inch lens), 7 x 5 p. On the ground, Lisarow (N.S.W.), December, 1916. 38. Flammula lomonia, Cke. and Massee: Grev., xv., 94; Sacc.: Syll., v., 3379; Cooke: Handb. Austr. Fungi, No. 259.—This species is recorded by Cooke for ‘‘Victoria, Cudge- gong River, and Lake Bonney.’’ The following, collected on rich soil at Beaumont, near Adelaide, in September, 1913, and on road-sweepings, Adelaide, in July, 1914, appear to be it:—Pileus up to 4 inches in diameter, hemispherical, then gradually expanded, finally with the edge upturned, when young brownish-yellow, glutinous, finally a pale lemon- yellow, edge sometimes obscurely striate. Gills adnate, ventricose, rather crowded, pallid white becoming greyish with a brown tint, finally when old a dark greyish or earthy brown. Stem up to 3 inches high, whitish or pale yellow, attenuated slightly downwards, sometimes shaggy-scaly towards the base, fibrously rooting below, stuffed in one collection, markedly hollow in another. Veil in one collection leaving ragged remains on the edge of the pileus and on the stem, absent in the other. Occasionally slightly caespitose. 113 Spores oval, rather elongated, light brown, 14 to 165 x 8 to 85 yp. 39. Flammula radicata, n. sp. (pl. x., fig. 1).—Pileus about 4 inches in diameter, occasionally as much as 9, slightly convex to plane or slightly depressed with irregular depressions and bumps, pallid white to yellowish-tan or dark chest- nut, apparently not viscid. Gills adnate to decurrent, moderately crowded, nar- row, many short, . not branched, easily separating from the hymenophore, pale cinnamon to rich reddish- brown. Stem up to 44 inches high, stout, # to 14 inch thick, slightly at- tenuated upwards, slightly bulbous, extending down- wards as a long tapering root up to 14 inch in length or more in large specimens, stuffed, mealy-white with brownish stains or streaky brownish fibrillose. Spores elongated, oblique, 7 to Be x2 * to.'6'S. p,>' 1m jene specimen 6 to 7 x 3D p. Bursting through the ground and often partly ~ Flammula radicata, n. sp. Section. covered with the sandy soil in which the plants are found. Milson Island, Hawkesbury River, under trees amongst leaves, July, 1912; Hawkesbury River, May, 1913 (Miss Clarke, Watercolour No. 16); Bulli Pass, April; The Oaks, June, 1914—all in New South Wales. _ Pileus circum 10 cm. interdum ad 23 cm. latus, convexus ad planus aut minime depressus, irregularibus cavis et verrucis, pallido-albus ad fulvo-helvolus aut gilvo- fuscens, non ut videtur viscidus. Lamellae adnatae ad decurrentes, mediocriter confertae, angustae, multae breves, non ramosae, facile ab hymenophora secedentes, pallide cinnamoneae ad vivo-rufofuscae. Stipes ad 12 cm. longus, crassus, 2 ad 3 cm. latus, minime attenuatus sursum, subbulbosus, descendens deorsum radice longe attenuato ad 3 cm. longo vel ultra in magnis specimen- tibus, farctus, farinoso-albus cum fuscis maculis aut 114 striatulo-fusco-fibrillosus. Sporae elongatae, obliquae, toll x, 52 to/6 Sige 40. Flammula filicea, Cooke: Seem. Journ. Bot., i., p.. 66, pl. in.,° fig. 1; Cooke:}) Miliisieeeeaee 4507; Massee: Brit. Fung. Flora, 1., p. 142.—We have re- corded this species for various localities in New South Wales and South Australia in the Journ. Roy. Soc. N.S. Wales, 1914, p. 434. Further experience emphasizes its variability, and we are inclined to think that it is really only an extreme form of /’. sapinea, and that many of our speci- mens might be classified as the latter. Our specimens vary from slender small forms to large stout ones, and the cap from squamulose to villous or nearly smooth. In specimens found at Neutral Bay, Sydney, in February, 1917, the cap had in places a greenish hue, the rest being yellowish- -brown with punctate scales, whilst the base of the stem was rather purplish-brown. This type, which is not uncommon, seems to merge into /’. purpurata, which, we think, may be only a variety of /’. filicea (or Ff. sapinea). We have the following additional records and dates of /’. filicea:—Sydney, several localities; Tuggerah; National Park; Kew—all in New South Wales. January, March to July, October. Colour tints noted :—Pileus sometimes Mars yellow, No. 316, Tons 1, 2. Spores in thick masses very near bistre, No. 328, Ton 4; in thin masses, redder than Ton 1. Since these notes were written we have had a letter, in answer to enquiries as to the possible relationship of /. filicea, F. purpurata, and F. purpureo-nitens to F. sapinea, from Miss E. M. Wakefield, of Kew Herbarium. She has very kindly looked into the matter as far as possible, and writes as follows:—‘‘I think it quite likely that F. filicea is only a form of F. sapinea. F. purpwreo-mtens, however, apart from the difference of colour, seems to have had a perfectly | smooth, shining pileus, and also has broader and browner spores. We have no specimen of /. purpurata, and I have never seen it; but I have never seen any trace of purple on ~ British specimens of /’. sapinea.’’ 41. Flammula purpuwreo-mtens, Cooke and Massee: Grev., xv., 94; Sacc.: Syll., v., 3393; Cooke: sama: Austr. Fungi, No. 266 (Vict., Q’land, W. Austr.).—We have previously recorded from New South Wales (loc. cit., p. 436) what we believe to be this species. It may be only a dark form of F. filicea. We have the followmg from Somersby Falls, near Gosford, New South Wales (May, 1915):—-Pileus ? inch in diameter, convex, slightly fibrous, dark reddish-brown becoming blackish. Gills sinuately adnexed, moderately crowded, reddish-gold, edges darker and — eS eee ee ~~ Se 115 usually finely serrate. Stem 1+ inch high, slightly striate, hollow, dark reddish-brown. ‘Spores finely warty, 8 to 82 x 5-2 p. On a fallen log. 42. Flammula purpurata, Cooke and Massee: Grev., xvili., p. 73; Cooke: Ilustrs., p. 964; Massee: Brit. Fung. Flora, li., p. 143.—The following Flammula (pl. ix., fig. 7) 1s evidently very close to, if it is not actually, 7. purpurata. It closely resembles Cooke’s illustration. It is also evidently near /’. filicea, and perhaps the latter and /. purpurata are forms of one species:—Pileus # inch across, convex, edge turned in when young with remains of the veil, dark madder brown with a tinge of purple, strongly villoso-fibro-scaly, in one specimen the edge of the cap beyond the gills when viewed from the underside against a strong light showing a greenish tinge. Gills close, adnate with a decurrent tooth, pale yellowish drying to a bright ferruginous. Stem 1 inch high, slender to moderately stout, pallid, fibrously striate, no definite trace of a ring. Spores 7 to 8 x 52 yn, finely rough under a 1/12-inch lens. On a rotten stump, Mosman, Sydney, ne 1916 (Miss Clarke, Watercolour No. 130). 43. Flammula excentrica, n. sp. (pl. xi., figs 1 and 2).— The following species, in its bright ferruginous spores and general appearance resembling a Flammula but with an excentric stem, has been met with on several occasions :— Pileus up to 4 inches broad and 3 inches from before back- _ wards, convex to nearly plane, rather wavy, at first yellowish- tan and sometimes flecked with minute fibrous scales, finally rich reddish-brown or dark reddish-tan (very dark brown when dry in one specimen), sometimes paler in the centre, surface dull or somewhat villous, moist looking when old. Gills very crowded, at first pale yellowish-cinnamon, finally rich ochreous-brown, almost auburn, reflecting the light, adnate or slightly sinuate with a decurrent tooth. Stem up to 2 inches long, often much less, short, excentric, attenu- ated downwards, firm, sometimes hollow, brownish or reddish- ‘brown or pale yellowish-brown, fibrous or striate, no collar or ring. Flesh reddish-brown. Spores bright ferruginous, finely rough, 6 to 7 x 4°2 to 55 p, occasionally 85 to 12 x 52 to 6 p. On fallen logs or attached to buried wood. Neutral Bay, July, 1912 (Miss Clarke, Watercolour No. 1); Terrigal, June, 1914; Milson Island, Hawkesbury River, April, 1915; Ryde, May, 1916; Mosman, October, 1916; attached 3 feet up a Melaleuca stump, Lane Cove River, Sydney, June, 1916; _ Kendall, May, 1917—all in New South Wales. 116 Colour tints noted:—Pileus when drying approaching Mars yellow, No. 316, Tons 1 and 2, scales darker approach- ing Ton 3; sometimes neutral orange, No. 319, Ton 1. Lamellae near Roman ochre, No. 327, Ton 1; then raw sienna, No. 329, Tons 2 and 3, in the high lights with darker reflections; in certain lights approaching orange cadmium, No. 49, Tons 1 to 3. Pileus 10 x 75 cm., convexus aut aliquanto planus, flavo- ferrugineus, aliquanto villosus. Lamellae confertae, nitido-flavo-ferrugineae, adnatae aut minime sinuatae. Stipes ad 5 cm. altus vel minus, excentricus, deorsum attenuatus, firmus, fibrillosus, ferrugineo-fuscus. Caro fuscida. Sporae ferrugineae, 6-7, interdum 85-12 x 52-6 p. BOLBITIUS. 44. Bolbitius flavidus, Bolton; Agaricus flavidus, Bolton: p. 149, pl. 149; Cooke: Illustrs., p. 689; Massee: Brit. Fung. Flora, 11., p. 204.—We refer the following to this species: —Pileus 14 inches in diameter, occasionally up to 24 inches, when young obliquely conical, then conico- campanulate, finally slightly convex, viscid, when moist some- times semi-transparent and greyish and apparently striate from the gills showing through, bright yellow with a greenish tint or pale canary-yellow or creamy-white with a suspicion of yellow or pallid brown when.old, sometimes almost white. Gills nearly or just free, moderately close, pale becoming brown. Stem 14 inch high, occasionally up to 34 inches, slender, attenuated upwards or slightly attenuated in the middle, hollow, shghtly mealy, whitish, sometimes very pale yellowish-white. Partially deliquescing. Spores bright brown, oval with one end slightly flattened, thick walled, 10) 40,13 DO Stes LO a: On dung and manured ground. Milson Island, Hawkes- bury River, April, May, and June, 1913 (D. I. C., Water- colour No. 28); Neutral Bay, Sydney, October and November, 1913, and May, 1914 (D. I. C., Watercolour No. 30); Manly, January, 1915; Mummulgum, near Casino, October, 1916; © Adelaide, July, 1914 (cap whitish). NAUCORIA. 45. Naucoria horizontalis, Bull.: t. 324; Cooke: Ilustrs., pl. 6018; Massee: Brit. Fung. Flora, ii., p. 155.—We have recorded this species for New South Wales in Journ. Roy. Soc. N.S. Wales, 1914, p. 436. We describe our Australian specimens as follows:—Pileus usually 4+ to 4 inch, occasion- ally up to # inch, in diameter, convex, sometimes flabelliform — 117 or kidney-shaped, centre sometimes a little depressed or some- times with a slight acute umbo, later more flattened, faintly striate, villous looking, pale brownish-straw to orangey- brown. Gills adnexed, almost free, moderately distant, crenulate, colour of cap. Stem + to 4 inch long, slender, central or a little excentric or sometimes nearly lateral, attenuated downwards, sometimes with some whitish mycelium at the base, slightly brownish. Spores yellow-brown micro- scopically, oval, T to 3. 5 to 65 pz. On fallen logs or bark of dying Eucalyptus (2. mperita). Neutral Bay, Sydney, March, April, May, July (D. I. C., Watercolour No. 17). Colour tints noted:—Pileus and gills near brown-pink, No. 297, Ton 1, the gills warmer. 46. Naucoria semiflexa, Berk. and Broome: Ann. Nat. Hist., n. 1246; Cooke: Illustrs., pl. 5094; Massee: Brit. Fung. Flora, u., p. 156.—We refer the following to this species, with Cooke’s illustration of which it agrees :— Pileus 4 inch in diameter, convex, waxy-brown flecked with white scales, drying to a pale yellowish-brown. At first the whole plant is covered with a whitish meal and the edge of the pileus is a little turned in; later the meal is left covering ‘the cap and stem. Gills pallid brownish and adnate when very young; then becoming somewhat ventricose and adnexed and reddish-brown to dingy cinnamon, edge finely serrate. Stem about 4 inch long, central, curved from its situation on upright trunks, mealy-white, solid. Spores pale yellow-brown, mo to 85 x 45 to 5 p. On trunk of a living eucalypt. Bingham Springs, near mpumberry (N.S.W.), September, 1916 (Herb., J. B. C., Form. Sp., 237). GALERA. 47. Galera tenera, Schaeff.: t. 70, f. 6-8; Cooke: /Illustrs., pl. 461; Massee: Brit. Fung. Flora, u., p. 144; Cooke: Handb. Austr. Fungi, No. 284, fig. 26 (Vict., Tas.).— The spores of our specimens are distinctly larger than the Measurements given by Massee (12 to 13 x 7 p») for this species. The stem also seems paler than the descriptions would lead one to infer. We have found the spores of speci- mens of G. tenera from California, identified by Prof. Peck, to measure 13°8 to 15°5 x 85 to 10 p. These seem identical im size and colour with spores from two collections found on or near horse-dung at Adelaide in July, 1914. In these two collections, however, our notes state that the stems are “pallid whitish, ” and the formalin specimens show likewise stems a little paler than our other specimens. Possibly the Adelaide species is not the same as the New South Wales one, 4 r. 1i3 but if so it is probably the true G. tenera. For the present, however, we leave them all under G. tenera. We thus describe our specimens :—Pileus # to 1 inch broad by % inch high, conical, then conico-campanulate, when moist dark watery brown to ferruginous and finely striate, drying from the centre to a pale yellowish-brown or fawny-white and becoming atomate, apex sometimes more rufous when dry, edge not turned in when young, in one collection the cap noted as slightly viscid when young. Gills adnate to just free, ascending, narrow, moderately close, reddish-brown to yellowish-cinnamon. Stem up to 3 inches or more high, slender, wavy, polished, sometimes finely striate, pallid with a rufous tinge to pale brownish with a darker base, sometimes hollow, not rooting. No smell. Spores yellowish-brown, oval, thick walled, 12°5 to 20 x 8 to 115 uy. On dung, occasionally on manured soil or grassy ground. Mosman, Sydney, May; Milson Island, Hawkesbury River, February, April, May, June; Ryde, Sydney, May; Orange, October—all in New South Wales (Miss Clarke, Watercolour No. 23). Adelaide, July. 48. Galera campanulata, Massee: Brit. Fung. Flora, u., p. 145; G. seligenea, Fr., in Cooke’s Illustrs., pl. 1156.— We refer the following with some doubt to this species. It has been found coming up in grass and lawns, whilst G. tenera appears chiefly on dung:—Pileus 2 inch x # inch to % inch x # inch, conical, then expanding to become broadly conical, pale brownish-fawn or pale tan or very pale fawnish- white, apex acute or obtuse, sometimes with a dark-tan umbo, finely striate, in one collection slightly sticky. Gulls just adnexed to adnate (one collection), close, narrow, yellowish to reddish-brown or pale fawn. Stem 1% to 2 inches high, white to whitish, silky, finely striate, base slightly bulbous, attenuated upwards, hollow. Spores 10°5 to (occasionally) 13°8.6r.15°5. x (3 to.Sap: Sydney, February and March, 1914; Hawkesbury River, November, 1914 (Miss Clarke, Watercolour No. 40); Ade- laide, September, 1913; Neutral Bay, Sydney, December, 1916 (cap apparently not hygrophanous). The spores of our specimens referred to G. tenera are usually distinctly larger than those of this species, whilst in formalin specimens of the two the tinted stem of the former can be easily recognized when compared with the white one of this species. 49. Galera rubiginosa, Pers.: Syn., p. 385; Cooke: Tllustrs., pl. 4648; Massee: Brit. Fung. Flora, 11. p. 148.— Though the following species (pl. xi., fig. 7) has spores a little broader and, from Cooke’s illustration, gills more 119 broadly attached, it seems undoubtedly to be the Australian representative of G. rubigimosa:—Pileus % inch broad and high, conico-campanulate, obtusely umbonate, dark chestnut when moist, tan coloured when dry, coarsely ribbed to the umbo. Gills adnate, broad, moderately distant, dark reddish- brown. Stem 1} inch high, slender, dark brown, slightly hollow. Spores yellow-brown, finely rough under 1-12-inch lens, obliquely oval, 10°5 to 11 x 75 uy. Amongst moss on rocks, Mosman, July, 1916 (Miss Clarke, Watercolour No. 132). | 50. Galera hypnorum, Batsch: f. 26; Cooke: Illustrs., pl. 4654; Massee: Brit. Fung. Flora,’ ii., p. 149; Cooke: Handb. Austr. Fungi, No. 286 (Vict., S. Austr.).—Though the following species (pl. xi., fig. 8) has the edge somewhat turned in when young, we nevertheless believe it to be a Galera and the Australian representative of G. hypnorum :— _ Pileus } inch broad and 5/16 inch high, conico-campanulate, without a definite umbo, dark yellow-brown drying to a pallid tan, striate, edge a little turned in when young so that the cap is nearly globular. Gulls moderately distant, ascending, adnate, not ventricose, yellow-brown. Stem up to 1 inch high, slender, yellow-brown. Spores yellow-brown, oval, oblique, showing apparently a narrow flange on each side towards one end, giving the spores a winged appearance, 8 to 9 x 52 to 6 un. Amongst moss on flat rocks, Mosman, Sydney, July, 1916; amongst moss on fallen trunks, Lisarow (N.S.W.), August, 1916 (Miss Clarke, Watercolour No. 133). In the Sydney district there are three fairly common species—G'. rubigunosa, the above G. hypnorum, and Psilocybe musci—found growing amongst moss, which all somewhat resemble each other and are all hygrophanous. They may be readily distinguished, however, as follows :— G. rubiginosa has a darker reddish-brown cap and reddish- brown gills; G. hypnorum has a yellow-brown cap, ascending gills less broadly attached than the preceding and yellowish, and the characteristic slightly ‘‘winged’’ spores; Ps. musci has a cap of a darker tint than G. rubiginosa and usually definitely obtusely umbonate, the darker gills are so broadly attached as to be sometimes slightly decurrent, whilst the spores are a pale porphyry-slate colour under the microscope. TUBARIA. 51. Tubaria furfuracea, Pers.: Syn., p. 454; Cooke: Illustrs., pl. 603; Massee: Brit. Fung. Flora, ii., p. 122; Cooke: Handb. Aust. Fungi, No. 288, fig. 20 (Vict., Q’land, Tas., Lake Bonney).—We refer the following to this 120 species :—Pileus up to 1 inch in diameter, hemispherical or rather campanulate, then convex, centre deeply dimpled, brown or reddish-brown, drying pallid, rugose striate. Gills adnate when quite young, then definitely but slightly decur- rent, rather distant, deep, cinnamon to reddish-brown. Stem up to 14 inch high, slender, a little wavy, dark brown or reddish-brown above and darker below, granular, often with whitish down at the base, shghtly hollow. Spores micro- scopically yellow-brown, 8 to 8°5, occasionally 10 x 52 up. On the ground, Orange, October, 1916; Manildra, October, 1916—both in New South Wales. 52. Tubaria inquilina, Fries.: Syst. Myc., 1., p. 264; Cooke: Illustrs., pl. 497; Massee: Brit. Fung. Flora, ii., p. 126; Cooke: Handb. Austr. Fungi, No. 289 (N.S. Wales).— We have some doubt in placing the following under this species :—Pileus up to 4 inch in diameter, convex, flattened | atop and slightly umbilicate, coarsely striate, dingy tan, edge not turned in when young. Flesh thin. Gills arcuate, slightly decurrent, deep, moderately distant, many short, pinkish-tan, when dry earthy-brown. Stem a little over 1 inch high, finely mealy, darker brown than the cap. Spores microscopically a very pale dirty dull brown, 85 to, occa- sionally, 10°4 x 5 to 5D wp. On clay soil, Adelaide, July, 1914. CREPIDOTUS. 53. Crepidotus mollis, Schaeffer: t. 213 ; Cooke: Illustrs., pl. 498; Massee: Brit. Fung. Flora, ii., p. 117; Cooke: Handb. Austr. Fungi, No. 293.—This species has been recorded by Cooke for Victoria and Western Australia, and by ourselves (Journ. Roy. Soc. N.S. Wales, 1914, p. 436) for New South Wales. We describe our Australian specimens as follows:—Pileus up to 1 inch across, occasionally more, convex, fan-shaped, sometimes striate, smooth, white then dingy watery brownish, somewhat hygrophanous, smooth, edge turned in when young. Gills thin to rather thick, moderately close to rather distant, at first pallid and then pale brownish. Laterally attached by a very short almost obsolete downy stem. Spores in the mass snuff-brown (deep bistre), No. 303, Ton 3, obliquely oval, 7 to 85 x 4 to 52 up. On rotten stumps and trunks, Mosman, June, July, October; Terrigal, June (spores 85 to 10°4 x 55 p); Lisarow, June, August, December—all in New South Wales. | 54. Crepidotus globigerus, Berk.: Linn. J., xiii., p. 158; Sacc.: Syll., v., 3610; Cooke: Handb. Austr. Fungi, No. 294 (Vict.).—Our plants agree with the description of this species, to which we refer them. They also, however, 121 agree perfectly with Peck’s dscription of C. malachius, B. and C., and with his figure of it (N. York State Mus., Rep. of State Botanist, 1907, p. 139, pl. 112, figs. 1-4). Our plants we thus describe:—Pileus about 1 inch in diameter, occasionally 2 inches broad by 14 inch from before back- wards, edge slightly striate, at first pure white or whitish, then pallid white becoming greyish translucent. Gills pallid becoming dirty greyish-brown, edge finely serrate, moderately distant. Attached by a fluffy white base. Spores dingy brown, thick walled, noted as very finely warted with an oil-immersion lens in one case, spherical, 55 to 9 wp. On fallen logs, Tuggerah, October, 1914; Narrabeen, mpl, 1915 (Herb., J. B. C., Form. Sp., 61); National Park, July, 1916—all in New South Wales. 55. Cremdotus salmonicolor, n. sp.—Pileus up to 2 inches broad and 14 inch deep, convex, dull, pale pinkish, laterally attached. Gulls moderately distant, many short, rich pinky- salmon becoming more ferruginous. Spores in the mass salmony-brown, microscopically pale brown, pear-shaped, 66x48 pw. On rotten fallen trunk in brush forest. ~Mummulgum, near Casino (N.S.W.), December, 1916. The colour of the gills and of the shed spores suggests that the plants might belong to Claudopus, but the tint in the mass is much browner than, for instance, that of Pluteus cervinus, so we refer the species to Crepidotus. Pileus ad 5 cm. latus, 30 mm. crassus, convexus, siccus, pallido-carnosus, a latere adjunctus. Lamellae paulo distantes, multae breves, ferventer incarnatae, mox magis ferrugineae. Sporae in toto salmoni-coloribus- fuscae, per amplificationem pallido-fuscae, piriformes, 66 x 48 p. PURPLE OR PORPHYRY-SPORED AGARICS. PSALLIOTA. 56. Psalliota campestris, (L.); Cooke: Illustrs., pl. 526; Massee: Brit. Fung. Flora, i., p. 410; Cooke: Handb. Austr. Fungi, No. 307 (Vict., Q’land, N.S. Wales, S. Austr., Tas.). —We consider as the typical form of this species, the common variety having when young a smooth pure white cap, pink gills, and a pleasant but not scented smell. It seems widely distributed in pastures throughout Australia, and may be found at almost any period of the year provided weather conditions are favourable. Spores 63 to 9 x 42 to 55 up, usually 7 to 8 x 5 up. We have noted specimens as follows:—Sydney district, January, April; Hawkesbury River, March; Dubbo, June; { £ r 122 Kew, January, May—all in New South Wales; Adelaide, autumn. . Occasionally, especially in shady places, this pure white form has a definite pink tinge in the cap, which is also finely fibrillose. Wet conditions seem to favour this. ,We have noted this feature several times, and have a specimen col- lected at Sydney in June—gills rich pink, just reaching the stem, ring distant and single, spores 7:2 x 5 wp. 56a. Psalliota campestris, var. hortensis, Cooke: Illustrs., pl. 527.—Mushrooms with brownish fibrillose scales on the cap are not uncommon in the Sydney district. The following is the most marked form we have met with. It had not been cultivated:—Pileus up to 4 inches in diameter, densely covered with reddish-brown fibrillose scales. Gills rounded near the stem and just free, pink then purplish-brown. Flesh white, somewhat tinted brownish. Stem 3 inches high, up to # inch thick, with a small cavity, base slightly bulbous. Ring ample, moderately distant. Spores 5'2 x 34 un. Neutral Bay, Sydney, April, 1915 (Miss Clarke, Water- colour No. 67). Specimens obtained at Miulson Island, Hawkesbury River, in January, 1915, had the scales more numerous in the centre and a moderately slender, solid stem ; spores usually 5°5 x 3°4 yp, occasionally 6°38 x 34 wp. 568. Psalliota campestris, var. sylvicola, Vittad. ; Cooke: Tllustrs., pl. 529; Cooke: Handb. Austr. Fungi, No. 307 (Vict.).—We have several collections of specimens which we believe belong to this variety. The pilei are comparatively smooth and white or pallid whitish, and the stems more or less elongated and bulbous at their bases. The smell is also rather strong. Spores 4°5 to8 x 2°5 to 5 wp. Sydney district, various collectors, February, March, June, July, October. 57. Psalliota arvensis, var. villaticus, Brond; Cooke: Tllustrs., pl. 585; Massee: Brit. Fung. Flora, 1., p. 413.— We refer the following to this variety, with Cooke’s illus- tration of which it agrees. It appears also to agree fairly well with the description and Cooke’s plate of P. augustus, Fr., so we may be mistaken in our reference :—Pileus up to 4 inches in diameter, at first rather campanulate, finally slightly convex and wavy, when young covered with small brown scales so as to appear uniformly brown, when adult the brown scales more separated. Gills just about reaching the stem, at first nearly white, then very pale pink, then purplish. Stem 3 inches high, stout, white, mealy, solid. Ring thick, ample. Flesh turning yellowish or reddish-brown when bruised. Smell slightly fragrant and unlike that of P. campestris. Spores usually 58 x 4 p, occasionally 123 68 x5 p. Plants when cooked were found to be less palatable than those of P. campestris, and had a definite but slight fragrant taste. On manured soil, Botanic Gardens, Sydney, November, 1916 (Miss Clarke, Watercolour No. 139), July, 1907, and February and March, 1917; Heathcote (E. Lower), May, 1912. 57a. Psalliota arvensis, var. todoformis, var. nov. (pl. xii., figs. 1 and 2).—This variety, to which we can find no reference, is characterized by its very strong iodoform smell. When brought into a house, the whole building is filled with this smell, which persists after drying. One of us has eaten specimens without any ill-effects, though the taste was rather unpleasant owing to the partial persistence of the smell. On the other hand; the following experience, for the notes of which we are indebted to Miss C. M. le Plastrier, of Sydney, indicates the need for great caution in tasting such plants :— “Re the iodoform-odour agarics. Three of us ate some. The odour was attributed by us not to the mushroom, but to the nurse who was with us at the time (it was during my father’s last illness). As soon as we tasted iodoform, we stopped eat- ing, and so did not partake heavily. The effects were a burning in the throat and restlessness. It was at the evening meal they were served, and not one of us (three in all) slept that night, failing off only towards morning. There was in my own case a certain amount of nausea (probably due to imagination). The agarics grew in great abundance in the shade of a large Schinus molle, and though they were close to the wire fence of a fowl-yard, and even grew on the other side of the wire, the fowls never touched them, though when I gave them an ordinary agaric they ate it readily.” Pileus 4 inches or more in diameter, campanulate, then convex, sometimes with the centre depressed, smooth, pure white, sometimes with a faint brown tint in places. Gills nearly reaching the stem, rounded, white to pallid, remaining pale for long, then becoming pinkish, finally purplish-brown. Stem up to 5 inches high, slender, often flexuous, base not bulbous but rooting, slightly attenuated downwards, with spongy pith or hollow, silky-white. Ring very marked, not definitely double. Flesh of the stem showing reddish to yellow-orange stains when cut. Strong iodoform smell. Spores 5 to 6°3 x 3°5 uy. Densely caespitose, often in depressions amongst grass. Neutral Bay, Sydney, April, 1913 (Miss C. le Plastrier), March, 1914, and April, 1915 and 1916; Mosman, Sydney, March, 1916; Milson Island, Hawkesbury River, May, 1913; Gordon, Sydney, April, 1916 (C. Wickham). (Miss Clarke, Watercolour No. 77.) 124 Pileus 10 cm. aut plura latus, campanulatus, mox convexus, interdum centro depresso, levis, clare albus aut umbrinus maculatus. Lamellae confertae, stipiti adnatae, obtusae, -albae ad pallidae, diu lvidae, mox carnosae, demum purpureo-umbrinae. Stipes ad 12 cm. longus, gracilis, saepe flexuosus, non bulbosus sed radiciformis, sensim attenuatus deorsum, annulo amplo non plane duplici. Sporae 5 to 63 x 3°5 p. 57s. Psalliota arvensis, var. fragrans, var. nov. (pl. xil., figs. 3 and 4).—We have met with this distinct variety on a number of occasions. It may be readily distinguished from the common field mushroom by slight yellowish stains on the cap, by the pallid colour of the gills when- young, and by the definite though slight fragrant smell. Pileus up to 34 inches in diameter, usually much less, at first hemi- spherical, then convex, sometimes conical with a depressed centre, sometimes gibbous, smooth, shining, pure white, later with faint rusty or yellowish stains, when bruised turning yellowish. Gulls close, free or just reaching the stem, whitish for long, then pallid greyish or pale creamy-pink, finally purplish-brown. Stem 34 inches high or less, sometimes up to 4 inch thick, slender or stout, slightly hollow or solid, with a pointed root, white, sometimes later with a reddish tint. Texture sometimes tougher than that of P. campestris. Slight but definite fragrant smell. Spores sometimes 7 to 85 x 4:2 to 5'2 p, sometimes 5°2 x 34 pw; of 11 collections in which the spores were measured, 5 gave the larger size and 5 the smaller, whilst one varied from the higher to the lower: there seem to be no other essential differences between the two. Milson Island, Hawkesbury River, January, April, May; Sydney, April, December; locality(?), September ; Forbes, August; Lisarow, April, May; Bumberry, near Manildra, October; Kendall, May (Miss Clarke, Watercolour No. 158); Byron Bay, April (cap flecked with minute brown scales)—all in New South Wales. Colour tints noted:—Pileus showing stains of yellow ochre, No. 326, Ton 2. Gills when mature approaching but paler than purple-black, No. 345, Ton 1. Pileus ad 9 cm. latus, primo hemisphericus mox convexus, levis candidus clare-albus, demum quasi ferrugineus aut flavus maculatus, si contusus flavescens. Lamellae confertae, solutae aut paene solutae, albidae, deinde pallidae, denique pupureo-fuscae. Stipes ad 875 cm. latus, albus, tenuis aut crassus, aliquanto cavus aut solidus. Odor aliquanto fragrans. Sporae 7-8 x 4°2- 52 ps. 125 58. Psalliota pratensis, Schaeff.; Agaricus pratensis, Schaeff.: Icon., t. 96; Cooke: Illustrs., pl. 525; Massee: Brit. Fung. Flora, i., p. 414.—We refer the following to this species, though the gills are not rounded behind and the stem is not hollow. Our plants agree well with Cooke’s Illustrations:—Pileus up to 4 inches in diameter when mature, at first rather globose and with. the centre depressed, finally convex and somewhat umbonate, creamy coloured, clad with fibrillose dark-brown concentric scales, very thick at the disc, giving with the ground-colour a dark grey-scaled appearance to the cap. Gulls just reaching the stem, then free, not rounded behind, crowded, narrow, whitish for a long time, then passing through pale pinkish to brown and dark purple-brown. Stem up to 44 inches high, 4 inch thick, base usually bulbous, smooth or scurfily squamous to _ the ring, white or tinged faintly reddish, stuffed with downy fibrils. Flesh 3 inch thick. Veil long persistent, finally rupturing to leave a voluminous dependent ragged ring at the junction of the upper 4 or + of the stem with the vremainder. Spores 52 to 55 x 34 yp, occasionally 6°8 x 34 p. When cooked, the taste resembles that of P. campestris. Milson Island, Hawkesbury River (N.S.W.), January and April, 1915 (Miss Clarke, Watercolour No. 65). 59. Psalliota elatior, Cooke and Mass.: Grev. vil., 3; Cooke: Handb. Austr. Fungi, No. 310, fig. 28.—This species is recorded by Cooke (No. 310) for Victoria. We describe our specimens as follows :—Pileus 1 inch or more in diameter, at first convex, then more expanded and covered with pinky- fawn squamules, becoming darker at the gibbous umbo, later reddish-brown from fibrous scales, especially over the -umbo, finally shghtly upturned and gibbous, blackish-brown and slightly fibrous. Gills free, close, at first pinky-white, then rich pink, finally purplish-brown. Stem up to 2 inches high, slightly attenuated upwards, whitish, fibrillosely streaked, then pinkish-white and smoother, slightly bulbous, slightly hollow. Ring rather distant. Flesh white. The colour partly dissolves in formalin solution to a reddish-brown tint. Spores 52 to 5°5 x 3°4 ps. | In a wood, Narrabeen, near Sydney, April, 1915 (Miss Clarke, Watercolour No. 48; Herb., J. B. C., Form. Sp., 48); under Casuarina, Suspension Bridge, Sydney, April, 1915; Mosman, Sydney, April, 1915. STROPHARIA. 60. Stropharia obturata, Fr.; Harper: Trans. Wisc. Acad. of Sci., Arts, etc., xvii., pt. ii., No. 3, plate; Massee: ies go 126 Brit. Fung. Flora, 1., p. 400.—The following, from the decided smaller size of the spores, seems not to be S. corondlla, Bull.; S. melasperma, Bull.; or S. bilamellata, Peck, all of which it somewhat resembles. On its general likeness to the photograph of S. obtwrata given by Harper, and from the description of this species quoted by this author, we at present place it here. The cap is not noted as being “rimosely- squamulose’’ when fresh, but some of our dried specimens suggest that this was the case:—Pileus up to 24 inches in diameter, eventually plane or a little upturned, edge turned in, slightly sticky, finely woolly or fibrous, with white frag- ments of the veil at the edge, reddish-tan or pale brownish with a violet tinge in one collection. Gulls slightly sinuately adnate or simply adnate, broad, moderately close, greyish- brown, then browner, purplish-brown when dry. Stem up to 1? inch high, silky-white, slightly curved, stout, solid, attenu- ated downwards, with long ramifying white mycelial threads at the base. A marked whitish ring, marked by the gills on its upper-surface, sometimes fragmentary, close to the cap, the stem below the ring with scattered fibrous scales as if from remnants of the veil. Flesh thick, white. Spores dark purplish-brown or purple porphyry, slightly flattened on one side, 6 to 7:5 x 34 to 48 p ‘On the ground, Netival Bay, Sydney, May, 1915, a June, 1916 (D. 1. C., Watercolour No. 67); Wahroonga (W. B. Stokes), May, 1915; Lisarow, June, 1916—all in New South Wales. 61. Stropharia stercorarta, Fries.: Syst. Myc., 1., p. 291; Cooke: Illustrs., pl. 538; Massee: Brit. ree anh en Ls p. 404.-—The chief differences between S. stercoraria and S. semiglobata seem to consist in the former being larger, having a distinct pith in the stem and having larger spores, whilst S. semiglobata has a ‘“‘persistently hemispherical’’ cap. Harper (Trans. Wisconsin Acad. of Sc., Arts, and Letters, vol. xvii., 1914, p. 1022) says that S. stercoraria is dis- tinguished from S. semiglobata by ‘‘the more expanded pileus, the stuffed and more floccose stem, the larger size, larger spores, and plane not clouded gills.’’ He adds, however, that these distinctions do not always hold good, and that he has found the spores of S. semiglobata as large as any described for S. stercoraria. He gives the spores of the former as 13 to 14 x 8 to 9 » or larger, and of the latter as 16x10». The common dung Stropharia of Australia seems to be S. stercoraria, inasmuch as it is not ‘persistently hemi- spherical,” but expands, and has spores measuring up to 20 p or more. The stems, however, are hollow, a characteristic apparently of S. semiglobata as compared with “stuffed with 127 a distinct pith.’’ The gills are also often clouded. We believe that all the specimens we have met with belong to one species, and that this is the S. semiglobata recorded in Cooke’s Handbook (No. 313) for all the States. Taking everything into consideration, we prefer to place the plants for the present under S. stercoraria. Stems up to 4 inches high, hollow, with whitish pith. Pileus sometimes becoming brown. Spores 14 to 24 x 7 to 12 p, usually about 16 to 19 x 9 to 10 yn. On dung. Sydney district, January, March, May, June, July, September, December; Liverpool; Parramatta, March ; Milson Island, Hawkesbury River, November; The Oaks, June; Hill Top, July; Leura, February; Bumberry, October; Coonamble; Orange, October, November—all in New South Wales.- Adelaide, September. In the following, the spores are rather smaller :— Narrabeen, December (spores 13 to 14 x 85 yp); locality not stated (spores 13°5 to 145 x 9 »); Cowra, June (spores 145 to 16 x 9 »); Mummulgum, near Casino, December (spores 12 to 15°5 x 8 to 85 p, pileus expanding); Glades- ville, Sydney (spores 11 to 12 x 7 to 9 p). | 62. Stropharia wmbonatescens, Peck: N. York State Mus. Rep., 30, p. 41; Harper: Trans. Wisc. Acad., etc., Xvill., p. 1023.—The following is the original description by Peck, as quoted by E. T. Harper :—‘‘Pileus at first conical, subacute, then expanded and umbonate, smooth, viscid, yellow, the umbo inclining to reddish. Lamellae plane, broad, at length ventricose, blackish-brown with a slight olivaceous tint. Stem equal, slender, hollow, generally a little paler than the pileus. Spores purplish-brown, almost black, 10 x 15 to 184 w. Plant 3 to 4 inches high, pileus 6 to 12 lines broad, dung in pastures.’’ Harper, in reference to his speci- mens, adds to the above description :—‘‘The plants are very close to Stropharia mammillata, Kalch., and probably belong to that species, but the pileus is rather umbonate than papillate, and the spores are elliptical rather than ovate or pyramidal, as in the description of Stropharia mammiliata.’’ We refer the following (pl. ix., fig. 8) to S. umbonatescens:—Pileus 3 to # inch in diameter, conico- convex, then plane, acutely umbonate or papillate, yellowish- brown with apex dark chestnut, very viscid. Gills adnate, moderately distant, dark grey. Stem 3 to 43 inches high, slender, fibrillosely squamulose below, hollow or partly filled with spongy pith. Ring superior, evanescent. Marked mouldy smell. Spores purplish, elliptical and somewhat oblique or a little flattened on one side, 15°5 to 20 x 85 (to 11°2 p. 128 On horse-dung probably, collected on three occasions in April, May, and June, 1915, Neutral Bay, Sydney (Miss Clarke, Watercolour No. 78; Herb., J. B. C., Form. Sp., 113). Numerous plants were collected on dung on the hills near Beaumont, Adelaide, in April, 1917—these were at first acutely conical and viscid, with the edge of the pileus a little inturned, then convex with an acute umbo, then expanding and reaching 14 inch in diameter; gills adnate, later with very shght decurrence or seceding, clouded grey, then dingy sooty-brown; the stem was pallid with a slight brown tinge, markedly hollow, with a slight moderately dis- tant black ring; mouldy smell marked; spores 16°5 to 20°5 x 10°5 to. 12 p. HyPHOLoMa. 63. Hypholoma fasciculare, Huds.: Fl. Anglica, p. 615; Cooke: Illustrs., pl. 561; Massee: Brit. Fung. Flora, 1., 382; Cooke: Handb. Austr. Fungi, No. 315 (Vict., S. Austr., Tas.)—This is a common and characteristic species in the neighbourhood of Sydney, growing in dense clusters at or near the base of old stumps, posts, etc., and frequently emerging from the ground in clumps near buried rotting timber. The yellowish tinge of the edge of the cap and the dull yellowish-green gills with the clustered habit and bitter taste render it easily recognizable. Sydney district, Parramatta, Hawkesbury River, April to July; Hill Top, March and April; Berowra, June; Kendall, May; Mount Lofty Ranges (S.A.), June. Spores purplish, 6°5 to 8 x 35 to 52 p. A few slightly ventricose acuminate cystidia, 35 x 10°5 p, have occasionally been seen. Several clusters show evidence of a ring on the stem, whilst a collection obtained at Mosman in July, 1915, shows specimens with a very marked persistent ring, technically placing them in the genus Stropharia. 64. Hypholoma elaeodes, Fries.: Epicr., p. 222; Massee: Brit. Fung. Flora, i., p. 383:—The following, collected on one occasion only, seems to be this species. It agrees with Cooke’s Illustrations (which, however, Massee places under H. fascicularis):—Pileus up to 1 inch in diameter, convex, slightly gibbous, tanny-yellow, remains of veil at the edge. Gills slightly sinuate, close, colour of cap, then becoming more umber. Stem 1 inch high, slender, mealy-white with tinges of brown shining through, fibrously streaked. Flesh yellow. Taste bitter. Spores porphyry coloured, 7x38 No cystidia seen. Caespitose at the root of a stump. Leura, Blue Moun- tains, June, 1916 (Miss Clarke, Watercolour No. 119). | 129 65. Hypholoma sublateritium, Schaeff.: t. 49; Cooke: Illustrs., pl. 557; Massee: Brit. Fung. Flora, i., p. 380.— The following plants, collected on a fallen log at Mount Wilson, Blue Mountains, in June, 1915, seem to belong to this species rather than to //. fasciculare :—Pileus 2} inches in diameter, orange-brown, yellowish towards the edge, con- vex, then expanded. Gills dirty yellowish-green, sinuate. Stem up to 4 inches long, markedly attenuated downwards, white above, then stained reddish-brown, shining, slightly striate, hollow. Caespitose. Bitter. Spores purplish, 6 to 85 x 3:8 to 42 py. No cystidia seen. 66. Hypholoma perplecum, Peck; Harper: Trans. Wisc. Mead. of Sciences, Arts, etc., xvil., p. 1148, plate. E. T. Harper quotes Peck’s original description as follows :— “Pileus’ convex or nearly plane, sometimes umbonate, glabrous, ‘reddish or brownish-red, usually yellowish on the margin. Flesh white or whitish. Taste mild. Lamellae thin, close, slightly rounded behind, adnexed, pale yellow becoming tinged with green, finally purplish-brown. Stem rather slender, equal or nearly so, firm, hollow, slightly fibrillose, whitish or yellowish above, reddish-brown below. Spores 3 to4 x 6to8u. Pileus, 2°5 to 7 cm. broad. Stem 5 to 7 cm. long, 4 to 8 mm. thick. Generally caespitose. On or about stumps or prostrate trunks of trees in woods or open places. Edible.’’ Harper adds that Peck says that it differs from Hypholoma sublateritium in its ‘‘smaller size, paler margin of the pileus, somewhat umbonate pileus, mild taste, and paler and more slender stem, which is always hollow, even when young.’’ Harper also states that this plant has usually been considered a form of H. sublateritiwm. From the descriptions Harper gives, it would appear that the gills in H. perplexum are ‘‘slightly rounded behind, adnexed,”’ whilst in H. sublateritium they are ‘‘adnate.’’ The following, collected at Mount Wilson, Blue Moun- tains, in June, 1915, seems to belong to this species :—Pileus 2 inches in diameter, convex, dark tanny-brown, slightly gibbous. Gills rather sinuately adnexed, moderately close, brown with a greenish tinge. Stem brownish, white mealy fibrils below, base a little swollen, slightly hollow. Flesh yellow. Taste mild. Densely caespitose on a fallen log. Spores purplish-brown, 7 to 76 x 3:4 to 42 p. No cystidia seen. ; : 67. Hypholoma fragile, Peck: N. York State Mus., Mus. Bull., 131, 1909, p. 22 (pl. v., figs. 1-7).—This species has given us considerable trouble. Though closely resembling the descriptions of H. appendiculatum and H. candolleanum, it did not seem to be either. Miss E. M. Wakefield, of Kew, F 130 has kindly forwarded us dried specimens of H. appendicu- latum (=H. candolleanum), from London. The spores of these are distinctly smaller than those of our plants, being 6 to 7 x 35 to 4 p, whilst our plants in the dry state have less pale caps and a warm brownish tinge in the gills. The spores of plants identified as H. candolleanum by G. H. Robinson, and given to us by Mr. C. Brittlebank, of Mel- bourne, are distinctly much darker microscopically than those of our plants or Miss Wakefield’s. The description and figures given by Peck of H. fragile seem to fit exactly our species. We quote here Peck’s description :—‘“‘Pileus thin, fragile, conic or subcampanulate, becoming convex, obtuse or -subumbonate, floccose-squamulose when young, with the margin slightly appendiculate with fragments of the veil, glabrous when mature, yellowish, greyish or subochraceous, the centre sometimes a little darker; lamellae thin, narrow, close, adnate, whitish or pallid becoming purplish-brown ; stem slender, stuffed or hollow, glabrous or minutely floccose, white; spores 8 to 10 x 4 to 5 p.”’ Our species (pl. xi., fig. 5) is common in the neighbour- hood of Sydney and at Milson Island, Hawkesbury River, occurring in gardens or on rich soil, sometimes singly and sometimes in large patches. The presence of appendiculate remains of the veil round the edge of the pileus is marked in some specimens, but as a rule is very evanescent. When very young, the plants are convex, pale fawn, margin slightly incurved, showing appendiculate remains of the veil, the surface being covered occasionally with scattered whitish friable warts, also due to the remains of the universal veil. The cap soon expands, remaining somewhat convex and slightly umbonate or being wavy, still showing in some cases scattered punctate granules, and reaches a diameter of 1 to 13 inches. The centre is brownish-fawn or pallid clay colour, the edge pale fawn, striate. Gulls moderately crowded, adnate, whitish then purplish-brown. Stem 14 to 2-inches high, rather fragile, slender, pure white, silky . striate, perhaps slightly mealy above, hollow. Spores purplish- -brown, oval, slightly oblique, 6°8 to 9 x 4 to 54 un. ‘On the ground, somtimes caespitose. Sydney and Hawkesbury River, February to May, November; Hill Top (N.S.W.), May, 1915. (Miss Clarke, Watercolour No. 34; Herb! d= By.C,, Mornigcsp. aly, PSILOCYBE. | i 68. Psilocybe sarcocephala, Fries.: Monogr., 1., p. 429; Cooke: Tllustrs., pls. 567 and 520; Massee: Brit. Fung. Flora, i., p. 364.—We consider that the following is this 131 species :—Pileus up to 3 inches in diameter, at first almost hemispherical, when adult convex and a little irregular or slightly dimpled, finally sometimes with the edge upturned and slightly gibbous, reddish-brown to brownish-tan or yellowish-tan on top, paler towards the periphery, sometimes ‘pallid with a brownish tint all over, slightly viscid when moist, smooth to slightly fibrillose. Occasionally a fibrous veil is seen when young, leaving fibres on the lower part of the stem. Gills slightly but definitely sinuate, broadly adnexed, occasionally adnate, moderately close, at first nearly white, then pallid salmony, then almost a mushroom tint but not so bright, finally browny-salmon, sometimes spotted brown. Stem 3 inches high, } to 4 inch thick, stout to slender, white, mealy above, slightly fibrillose, base a little thickened, solid (noted as hollow in one collection). Flesh white, moist looking. Slight mushroomy smell. Caespitose or gregarious. Spores in the mass dull vinus brown, micro- -scopically dull brown with a vinous tinge, oblique, one end more pointed, 8°5 to 9 x 4 to 5'5 p, occasionally 13°5 x 5°5 p. On the ground.. Hawkesbury River, July, 1912 (Miss Clarke, Watercolour No. 6), and May, 1913; Terrigal, June, 1914; on an old camp site under bushes, Lane Cove River, Sydney, June, 1916; The Spit, Sydney, July, 1916; Brook- vale, July, 1916; National Park, July, 1916—all in New South Wales. 69. Psilocybe bullacea, Bulliard; Champ.: t. 566, f. 2; : Cooke: Illustrs., pl. 6088; Massee: Brit. Fung. Flora, i1., 370.—We have previously recorded this species for New South Wales and Adelaide (Journ. Roy. Soc. N.S. Wales, 1914, p- 438). We have the following additional localities or dates:—Orange, November; Sydney, March, June, July; _Milson Island, Hawkesbury River, May; (7?) this species, Walcha, July—all in New South Wales. Adelaide, September. 70. Psilocybe musci, n. sp. (pl. x., fig. 7).—Pileus 4 inch across and + inch high, conical or convex with a marked obtuse umbo, becoming nearly plane and 2 inch across, hygro- _phanous, umbo a waxy yellow-brown, the rest dark brownish and striate or rugose, drying from the apex to a pallid _brownish-white or tan, slightly viscid when moist, edge turned /in when very young and closed with a veil, which occasionally leaves a slight ring on the stems in older specimens. Gills rather distant, broad, greyish-brown to dingy dark brown, adnate to slightly decurrent. Stem up to 14 inch high, slender, pallid brownish, somewhat silky striate, hollow. Plant Yather tough, not fragile. Spores porphyry tinted, 75 to 9, and occasionally 10°5, x 5 to occasionally 6 p. F2 132 Gregarious amongst moss on rocks in shady places. Sack- ville Reach, Hawkesbury River, August, 1915; Mosman, North Bridge, and The Spit, Sydney, June and July, 1916 (Miss Clarke, Watercolour No. 134; Herb., J. B. C., Form. Sps., 157, 230). This species appears to be allied to P. bullacea. Pileus *6 cm. latus, conicus aut convexus, obtuse umbonatus, deinde paene planus, hygrophanus, fuscus, postquam sicco pallido-fuscus, striatus aut rugosus. Lamellae aliquanto distantes, fuscae, adnatae aut aliquanto decur- rentes. Stipes ad 3 cm, longus, tenuis, pallido-fuscus, aliquanto sericeo-striatus, aliquanto cavus. Sporae porphyraceo-coloratae, 7°5-9, interdum 10°5 x 5-6 p. 71. Psilocybe foentsecu, Persoon: Icon. Descr., t. 11, f. 1; Cooke: Illustrs., pl. 590; Massee: Brit. Fung. Flora, 1., p. 377; Cooke: Handb. Austr. Fungi, No. 323 (Lakeg Bonney).—The following, which is found growing on dung in Australia, resembles Cooke’s illustration of this species and — the description of it. Compared with identified specimens | kindly sent to us from England by Miss Wakefield, though { ( the size of the spores of our plants agree with that (13°8 to : 15°5 x 75 yw) of the European species, the latter are more | of a dark sooty-brown and ours of a purplish or porphyry brown. For the present at least we leave our plants under P. foenisecii :—Pileus up to 14 inch in diameter, usually less, convex to campanulate, then nearly plane, with a small acute. umbo, dark brown and striate when moist, drying to a pallid , yellowish or brown. Gills moderately crowded, narrow, | adnate, sometimes ventricose, greyish-purple to brownish- | purple when dry, edges white. Stem 1? to 34 inches high, ' slender, fibrously striate or finely striate below and mealy above, hollow, pallid brownish or pallid with a rufous tinge, | mycelium at the base. Spores in the mass very dark purplish- black, microscopically dark purple-brown or porphyry brown, oblique, elongated, 13 to 15°5 x 7 to 85 yp. On dung. National Park (N.S.W.), July, 1916; The Spit, Sydney, July, 1916; cap not noted as umbonate, gills greyish-brown, sinuate and moderately distant, stem pallid whitish, spores 12 to 13°2 x 7 p, The Oaks (N.S.W.), June, 1914; cap not noted as umbonate, gills ascending and nearly free, stem whitish, spores 12° to 13°38 x 75 yp, Terrigal (N.S.W.), June, 1914; Ararat, Victoria, May, 1917 (E. J. Semmens). 72. Psilocybe atomatoides, Peck: N. York State Mus., Mus. Bull., 157, 1912, p. 96.—The following is evidently not Psathyrella atomata, to which with much doubt we at first referred it. It resembles more the description of Peck’s 133 Psilocybe atomatoides, with which for the present we place it. Peck’s description is as follows:—‘‘Pileus thin, fragile, con- vex or subcampanulate becoming nearly plane, rugosely wrinkled, atomate, slightly and evanescently white floccose, slightly hygrophanous, greyish or ochreous-brown, sometimes with a pinkish tinge, flesh cinereous; lamellae moderately broad, gihventricose, rounded behind, adnexed, cinereous becoming dark brown; stem equal, hollow, minutely flocculent when young, pruinose at the top, whitish; spores blackish-brown, 7 to 8 x 4 to 5 pw. Pileus 16 to 24 mm. broad; stem 3 to 5 cm. long, 2 mm. thick.’’ Our species appears to differ in the gills being more adnate and the stem solid. When young the edge of the cap was ‘‘not definitely turned in,’’ which should be the case in Psilocybe. We describe our plants as follows :—Puleus 4 to 14 ich. in diameter, conico-campanulate or broadly conical, then cam- panulate, then more expanded, almost membranaceous, apex pale yellowish-fawn, the rest coarsely plicate and dark umber drying to a pallid brownish, the gills showing through, some shining particles; when young, pale fawny- yellow with glistening particles, striate, edge not definitely turned in. Gills adnate, ascending, broad, moderately distant, grey then purplish-brown, clouded with the spores. Stem 1} to 24 inches high, slender, solid, shining, white, slightly brownish below, at first mealy. Tending to dissolve. Spores in the mass very dark purplish-brown (dark neutral tint, No. 346, Tons 1-4), microscopically dark brown, 65 to 9 x 44 to 55 p. On the ground amongst leaves, Mosman, Sydney, May. 73. Psilocybe ceres, Cooke and Massee: Grev., xvi., 72; Cooke: Handb. Austr. Fungi., No. 324, fig. 31. Previously recorded for Victoria.—This is recorded in Cooke (No. 324) for Victoria. In this work, the spore measurements given are 14 to 16 x 6to8y. The following is the description of our Specimens, whose spores are a little smaller:—Pileus up to 1} inches broad, convex, then expanded and slightly umbonate, smooth not striate, not viscid, rich orange brick-red or rich searlet-brick or even approaching the tint of tomatoes, veil separating early and remaining slightly attached to the edge of the pileus. Gills sinuate adnexed, moderately crowded, greyish brown becoming purplish-brown. Stem up to 4 inches long, wavy, slender, reddish-brown below and pale above or colour of the cap but paler, shining, faintly striate, firm and cartilaginous, slightly swollen below and attenuated upwards, strigose at the base, solid, later hollow, when old the flesh of the stem reddish- brown, with mycelium rooting amongst dead leaves. Spores purple- -brown, thick-walled, ” elliptical, meO to 12 x 5°6 to7 p. Occasionally caespitose, 134 Blue Mountains, May, 1914 (Herb., J. B. C., Form. Sp.); Mosman, Sydney, May, June, amongst fallen leaves (Miss Clarke, Watercolour No. PAR Parramatta, June, 1916. (Miss Clarke, Watercolour No. 118; Herb., J. B. CO; Born Sp., 208). 74. Psilocybe aggregata, n, sp. (pl. xil., figs: 5 and 6).— Pileus up to 1 inch across, usually # inch, slightly convex becoming flattened, very dark chocolate-brown when moist, drying from the centre to a pale brown, faintly striate. Gills close, OSS slightly ventricose, colour of the moist cap. Stem short, 3 inch long, curved, pale brown, semi-transulcent,, shghtly Bien silky- ialnoues hollow. Spores in the mass dark purplish, microscopically a dark . bronzy-brown, 55 x 3°4 p. Numerous ventricose cystidia, the apices rough, 35 to 40 x 10°5 pw | In dense masses covering a fallen log. Leura, Blue Mountains, June, 1916 (Miss Clarke, Watercolour No. 122 ; Herb). JB. Ci, Form. Sp7209), Pileus ad 2°5 cm. vulgo 1°9 cm. latus, ines convexus,, deinde aliquanto planus, nigro-fuscus, postquam _ sicco’ pallido-fuscus, aliquanto striatus. Lamellae confertae, adnexae, aliquanto ventricosae, nigro-fuscae. Stipes brevis, 19 cm. longus, curvatus, pallido-fuscus, semi- translucidus, aliquanto cinereo-pallidus et sericeo-fibratus, cavus. Sporae nigro-purpureae, 5°5 x 34 p. Cystidia ventricosa, apicibus asperis, 30 to 40 x 10°5 p ! BLACK-SPORED AGARICS. PANAEOLUS. 75. Panaeolus ovatus, Cooke and Massee: Grev., xviii., 4; Cooke: Handb. Austr. Fungi, No. 332; Cleland and Cheel: Journ. Roy. Soc. N.S. Wales, xlvili., p. 439. Pre- viously reported for Victoria and New South Wales.—We have the following additional New South Wales records of this species. We have notes also that, when old, the cap may have a brownish tint and crack into scales. Sydney district, including Manly and Parramatta, January to April, December; Milson Island, Hawkesbury River, January to March; Goulburn, February; Cobar (L. Abrahams), June; Baan Baa, January ; Kew, January, On dung, near Adelaide, April, 1917 (stem very slightly hollow). 76. Panacolus retirugis,- Fries.: Epicr., p...235; Cookes Illustrs., pl. 627; Massee: Brit. Fung. Flora, i., p. 334; Cooke: Handb. Austr. Fungi, No. 336 (Vict.) ; Cleland and Cheel: Journ. Roy. Soc. ‘N.S. Wales, 1914; p. 439 (N.S: 135 Wales).—Further specimens have been collected at Neutral Bay, Sydney, in May, 1916; Botanic Gardens, Sydney, April, 1915; and Penshurst, Sydney, January and July, 1910. On dung, National Park (S.A.), April, 1917 (spores 14 to 17 x 85 to 10°4 p). 77. Panaeolus campanulatus, (L.) Fries.: Hym. Eur., p. 311; Cooke: Illustrs., pl. 629; Massee: Brit. Fung. Flora, 1., p. 336; Cooke: Handb. Austr. Fungi, No. 328 (Vict.) ; Cleland and Cheel: Journ. Roy. Soc. N.S. Wales, 1914, p. 440 (N.S. Wales).—As indicated in our previous notes, we refer our common dung Lanaeolus that exhibits a shining cap to this species (probably). We are not sure if, at present, we are not confusing two species under this heading. The fol- lowing is a composite description of our collections :—When very small pileus cylindrical and closed by the veil, later conical or sugar-loaf, then convex and up to 1 inch broad and + inch high, sometimes somewhat gibbous, when moist pale brownish with a darker edge or pale pinky-fawn or velvety- grey with a fine whitish edge, when dry shining and smooth and smoky-white or brownish. Gulls adnate, ascending, narrow, crowded, dark grey. Stem 3 inches high, dirty rufous or brownish, powdery white above, somewhat striate. Spores black or dark neutral tint {[Dauthenay, pl. 346 (2)], ventricose with the ends drawn in, 104 to 16 (occasionally) x 7 to 10°8 p. On dung or manured soil. Sydney district, including Manly, February to July, November; Milson Island, Hawkes- bury River, May, July; Hill Top, May, July; Orange, October; The Oaks, June (edges of gills pale) ; Murwillumbah, April (spores rotund, 105 x7 to 75 p, cap not shining when dry); Terrigal, June; Tuggerah, October; Bumberry, Sep- tember, 1916 (spores 13°8 x 8°5 1, pileus not shining when dry, edge markedly turned in when young, edges of gills whitish, stem slightly hollow)—all in New South Wales. Adelaide, September, 1913 (pileus silky pale brown breaking into brownish scaly patches with silky greyish-white between or with cobweb-like brownish speckling). 78. Panaeolus sub-balteatus, Berk. and Br.: Ann. Nat. ‘Hist., n. 923; Cooke: Illustrs., pl. 6318; Massee: Brit. Fung. Flora, i., p. 337.—The following we refer to this species :— Pileus 1 inch broad, } inch high, broadly conico-convex, then convex, obscurely umbonate, mealy, when moist’ mouse _ greyish-brown and slightly striate at the edge, when drying a dirty pale brownish-white or stone-white with a dark ring near to but within the edge that fades as drying becomes complete. Gills adnate to adnexed, moderately close, ascend- _ ing, ventricose, narrow, many short, dark grey or pinkish- brown, edges paler. Stem up to 3 inches high, hollow or 136 solid, mealy, stringy, slightly silky striate above, pale tanny- brown or pallid flesh colour. Single or subcaespitose, on rich soil or dung or amongst grass. Spores black, the ends constricted, very variable, many swollen, 10°4 to 12, occa- sionally 13°38 x 7 to 85 p Milson Island, Hawkesbury River, November, 1914 (Herb., J. B. C., Form. Sps., 2,29), and FPebpagmy ano: Neutral Bay, Sydney, December, 1914; Botanic Gardens, Sydney; Mummulgum, near Casino, December, 1916—all in New South Wales. 79. Panaeolus semilanceatus, Peck: N. York State Mus., Mus. Bull. 131, p. 37.—Peck’s description of this species is as follows:—‘‘Pileus thin, conic-ovate, umbonate, greyish- brown ; lamellae ascending, black when mature; stem slender, glabrous, hollow, brown: spores ellipsoid, compressed variable in size, black, 12 to 18 x 8 to 12 p. Similar to Psilocybe semilanceata, Fr., 1 size and shape, but differing in colour and spore character.’ We have a common species, growing amongst grass in the Sydney district, that resembles closely dried specimens of Psilocybe semilanceatus, kindly sent to us by Miss E. M. Wakefield from England, but differing in the spores being black. It appears to be Peck’s species. We describe specimens (pl. x1., fig. 6) as follows: —Pileus about 2 inch high and + inch wide or larger, conico-ovate, somewhat acuminate, constricted below and inturned so as sometimes to almost completely hide the gills, always showing some degree of inturning, occasionally slightly sticky, edge shghtly striate, pallid greyish-straw, somewhat browner on top, pallid silky when dry, sometimes, according to moisture, showing a greyish band near the edge. Flesh whitish, thick in the centre. Gills ascending, adnate, about 3 inch deep, greyish-black, edge white and very finely toothed. Stem up to 2} inches high, silky shining, hollow, twisting on section, somewhat cartilaginous and stringy, slightly attenuated downwards, pale brown. Spores dark brown to black, oval, ends pointed, 12 to occasionally 13°8 or 15°5 x7 to 85 yp. Amongst grass. Cook River, Sydney, March, 1911 (A. A. Hamilton); Botanic Gardens, Sydney. March 1914 (D. I. C., Watercolour No. 35); locality not noted, March, 1916 (Miss Clarke, Watercolour No. 39); Cremorne, Sydney, March, 1914; Milson Island, Hawkesbury River, November, 1914; Narrabeen, February, 1917; Mummulgum, near Casino, December, 1916—all in New South Wales. PSATHYRELLA. 80. Psathyrella disseminata, Pers.: Syn., p. 403; Cooke: Illustrs., pl. 6578; Massee: Brit. Fung. Flora, 1., p. 345; ‘rans. and Proc. Roy. Soc. S. Austr. Vol. XLII., Plate IX. 6 HUSSEY & GILLINGHAM LIMITED, PRINTERS & PUBLISHERS ADELAIDE, SO. AUS. 9 Trans. and Proc. Roy. Soc. S. Austr. Oly Sala 7" Pa bee ae HUSSEY & GILLINGHAM LIMITED, PRINTERS & PUBLISHERS ADELAIDE, SO. Aus, ‘ - » * = ‘ i ' x « . = # o . ra ‘ nd s f i ) . ~ ri “ Trans. and Proc, Roy. Soc. S. Austr. Vol. XLII, Plate XT. i aye th a ge AP ee Sai ree Oe ay *? ee ae ee eee a A, pen ~*~ HUSSEY & GILLINGHAM LIM'TED, PRINTERS & PUBLISHERS ADELAIDE, SO. AUS. Trans Vol. XLII., Plate XTI. Ma “ y ® y HUSSEY & GILLINGHAM LIMITED, PRINTERS & PUBLISHERS ADELAIDE, SO, AUB 137 Cooke: Handb. Austr. Fungi, No. 344 (Vict., Q’land, Tas., W. Austr.).—We describe Australian specimens (pl. x., fig. 6) as follows:-——Pileus up to 4 inch broad, conico- campanulate, greyish-brown, ribbed to the top, which is flattened and pallid white, a few shining particles, edge not turned in when young. Gills adnate, “moderately distant, dark brown with a purplish tint. Stem 1 inch high or a little more, pure white, silky shining, hollow. Densely gre- garious. Spore mass near dark neutral tint, No. 346, Ton 4. Spores dark bronzy-brown microscopically, one end truncate, 7 x 3°8 to 42 p. At the foot.of a fence-post, Murwillumbah, April, 1916 (Herb. J. B. C., Form. Sp., 175); on ground near trunks, Lisarow, June, 1916 (spores 8 to 9 x 5 ay: Mosman, Sydney, August, 1916 (spores in the mass black, perhaps with a tinge of “purple ; thin spore-prints ereyish- black— Miss Clarke, Weapercoiour, No. tol; Herb., J. B. C., Form. Sp., eae round stump, Orange, October, 1916 (spores 85 x 4 y,); trunks of Hrythrina, sp., Botanic Gardens, Sydney ; pees Sydney—all in New South Wales. W penta! Gully, near Adelaide, and National Park (S.A.), April and June, 1917 (spores 72 to 9 x 42 to 48 p). DESCRIPTION OF PLATES. Pruate IX, Fig. 1. Hebeloma montanum, n. sp. Pees 5 », and spores. ras Gotpinarius rotundisporus, n. sp., with spore. aa) a tee a a an section. mas: ri austro-evernius, n. sp., with section and spore. $35) 6. 7 ” 9 d » @ Flammula purpurata, Cke. and Massee, with spores. 5 8. Stropharia umbonatescens, Peck, and spore. Prac X. Fig. 1. Flammula radicata, n. sp., with spore and spore mass. 5 2. Inocybe australiensis, n. sp., with section, cystidium, and ‘ spore, eee * albidipes, n. sp., with section, cystidium, and spore. ‘ . . . . pet ee i subasterospora, n. sp., with section, cystidium, and. spores. Jpn n. Sp. EG. Psathyretia disseminata, Pers., and spore. pe 3 ¢- Psilocybe musci, n. sp., showing moist pileus (dark brown), dry pileus (pallid), section, and spores. Fig. 39 GO ID a mm GW LW 138 Priate XI. Flammula excentrica, n. sp. ,, eross section, spores, and spore mass. californica, var. communis, var. nov. * a bs var. nov., cross sec- tion, cystidia, and. spore. Ae) on) Hypholoma fragile, Peck, and spore. Panaeolus semilanceatus, Peck. Galera rubiginosa, Pers., with section and spore. ,, hypnorum, Batsch, with section and spore. Pirate XII. Psalliota arvensis, var. 1odoformis, var. nov., with spore and spore mass. 4 ay Bs nt var. nov., section. Ri ,, fragrans, var. nov. ) > 9 5 var. nov., section and spore. Psilocybe aggregata, n. sp., showing moist pileus (dark), dry pileus (pale), section, spore, and spore mass. n. sp., showing gills and cystidium. 139 NOTES ON SOUTH AUSTRALIAN MARINE MOLLUSCA, WITH DESCRIPTIONS OF NEW SPECIES.— PART XVI. By Jos. C. Verco, M.D. (Lond.), F.R.C.S. (Eng.). [Read August 8, 1918.] This paper is a continuation of the series from page 201, of vol. xxxvi., of 1912, and deals with the genera Cypraea, Trivia, and Frato. After enumerating for a_ species its localities in South Australia, those in Western Australia are given as far north as Fremantle, where I may have taken it. Further, where in the same area I have obtained species not found in South Australia, they have been listed, so as to indicate which pass round Cape Leuwin and which do not. Cypraea reevei, Sowerby. Cypraea reevei, Gray: Sowerby’s Conch. Illus., 1832, fig. 52, Cat. Cypraeidae, 1837, No. 15; Adcock: Handlist Aquatic Moll. Twisemeelous. p. 0, No. 153; Shaw: Proc. Mal. Soc., 1909, vol. vili., p. 302; Verco: Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austr., ist2. vol. xxxvi., p. 210; Hedley: Jour. Roy. Soc. W. Austr., 1916 (1915), p. 199. Habitat.—Sowerby (1837) gives Garden Island, mouth of the Swan River, Western Australia. Taken off Newland Head, Encounter Bay, 20 fathoms, 1 dead; in Backstairs Passage, 20 fathoms, 1 dead; Yanka- lilla beach (Adcock);. Cape Spencer beach (Tate); Corny Point beach, Spencer Gulf; St. Francis Island beach, 1 per- fect; 100 fathoms, 90 miles west of Eucla, 3 alive; 72 to 120 fathoms, 120 miles west of Eucla, 1 dead; Hopetoun beach, 2 (A. Parkinson); Esperance beach, 4; Albany beach, 3; Rottnest Island, 3. When mature the length may be 40 mm. or only 28 mm. The relative width may vary, being 25 mm., with lengths of 36 and 39 mm. Of three taken alive in 100 fathoms one is of a uniform delicate cream colour, one a lavender-grey, and one of a rather deeper tint with four obscure darker transverse bands. The beautiful example from St. Francis Island is of a dark slate colour, with close set antero-posterior lighter lines, 4 faint broad transverse darker bands, and the whole surface finely malleated. Some more solid older speci- mens are of a light chestnut colour with darker chestnut bands. All have the pink tips front and back. It is a rare shell in South Australia, and appears not to reach the Victorian boundary, is distinctly more common at 140 the western end of the South Australian coast, and is found as far north as Rottnest. It is taken alive on the beach at Albany, and also in 100 fathoms, so that it has a wide range -of depth. Cypraea angustata, Gmelin. Cypraeca angustaia, Gmelin: Syst. Nat., 1790, p. 3421, No. 40; Sowerby : Conch. Illus., 1836, fig. 105; Cat. Cyp., 1837, D. iO. No. Bo. Kiener : Coq. Viv., vol. 1, 1845, p. 43, Nor 36, pl. xxxv. figs! 2) 2a: Reeve: Conch. Icon., vol. iil. 1846, pl. wie ae. 91: Angas: Proc. Zool. Soc., 1865, p. 170% Sowerby : Thes. Conch., 1870, p. 30, No. 101, pl. XxVili. , figs. 296, 297; Ten. Woods: Proc. Roy. Soe Tas., 1878 (1877), D. 35; Brazier: Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, vol. v., 1881 (1880), p. 499; Adcock: Handlist Ag. Moll. S. Austr., 1898, p. 5, No. 156; Beddome: Proc. Linn. Soc. N-S. Wales, vol: xx11,, 1898, p. 568, pl. xxi., figs. 1-3; Pritchard and Gatliff: Proc. Roy. Soc. Vic., vol. xii. (N.S.), 1900 (1899), p. 181; Hedley and May: Records Austr. Mus., vol. vii., No. 2, 1908, p. 111; Hedley: Austr. Assoc. Adv. “Sci.,;7 1900} ¢eeaoe - Shaw: Proc. Mal. Soc. Lond., vol. viii., 1909, p= 306) Gmelin gives hab.(?); Sowerby, in 1837, South Africa; Kiener, Indian seas and shores of New Holland; Angas gives Guichen Bay, South Australia, and adds, ‘‘It is a Tasmanian species, not extending into the South Australian gulfs, where several allied species have their habitat’’; Ten. Woods gives ‘common’ in Tasmania; Brazier questions the locality of a specimen from ieeccon Bay, or the identification of the shell. But Hedley cites it from Queensland; and Hedley and May record it from 100 fathoms off Cape Pillar, Tasmania. Sowerby, in his Thesaurus, ventures the opinion that comptoni, declivis, piperita, and bicolor are all varieties of angustata; while Beddome creates the varieties swhcarnea, Ancey, may, and albata. Pritchard and Gatliff discuss this question fully, and declare all to be varieties. I have no hesitation in supporting these authors and in confirming Sowerby’s further suspicion as to the varietal position of C. pulicaria, Reeve. C. angustata, Gmelin, the.typical ventri- cose form, is not very common in South Australia, but is most so in the eastern part, as MacDonnell Bay, where occurs the very elegant form figured by Reeve, pl. xvu., fig. 91, covered with a bluish-white enamel. It is found, howe, along the whole coastline of South Australia to the west, as far as explored, and at Albany up to 24 mm. in length. Like all its varieties it may have several transverse ridges. C. angustata, Gmelin, var. comptoni, Gray. Cypraea comptom, Gray: Voy. ‘‘Fly,” 11., App., 1847, p. 356, pl. i., f. 3; Angas: Proc. Zool. Soc., 1865, p. 170; Brazier roe Zool. \Soe., 1872, p. 85; Ten. Woods: Proc. Roy. Soc. Tas., 1878 (S77 ).ep. 203 Adcock: Handlist Aq. Moll. S. Austr., 1898, p. 5, ‘ 141 No. 157; Henn: Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, vol. xx., 1896, p. 520; Beddome: Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, vol. xxii., 1898, p. 568, pl. xxi., figs. 15, 16; Hedley: Journ. Roy. Soc. N.S. Wales, vol. li. (1917), 1918, M. 70. Habitat.—Gray gives Port Essington; Angas, Port Lin- coln, Gulf St. Vincent, and Port Adelaide Creek; Brazier, Twofold Bay, New South Wales, Cape Riche, King George Sound, and north coast of Tasmania; Pritchard and Gatliff, Victoria. It is more common along the South Australian coast than the typical C. angustata. It is found alive in rock pools, and has been dredged alive up to 14 fathoms. It may be 21 mm. x 12°5 x 95, or reach 27 x 16°5, as at St. Francis Island. Several have been taken at Albany up to 20 mm., but none on the western coast of Western Australia. C. angustata, Gmelin, var. declivis, Sowerby. Cypraea declivis, Sowerby: Thes. Conch., vol. iv., 1870, p. 31, No. 103, figs. 287, 328*, 329* ; Bedodme: Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, vol. xxii., 1898, p. 571, pl. xxi., figs. 12-14; Pritchard and Gatliff: Proc. Roy. Soc. Vict., vol. xii. (N.S.), (1899), 1900, p. 184. Habitat.—Sowerby gives Tasmania; Pritchard and Gat- liff, Victoria. The plump ventricose form, with crowded large dark-brown spots along the columellar side, smaller lighter peppered spots all over the dorsum, is found at MacDonnell Bay, 2, 25 mm. x 18 x 135; the narrow form, Esperance Bay, 1. Cypraea angustata, Gm., var. mayi, C. E. Beddome: Proc. Saas NS. ales, vol. xxir., 1898, p. 570, pl. xxi., figs. 4, tO y ¢. Taken at MacDonnell Bay; at Sleaford Bay, 5, up to 7mm) lo), and down to 165 mm. x 12 x 825; also at Venus Bay, up to 29 mm. x 19 x 145; at Albany, 7, up to 25 mm. Cypraea angustata, Gm., var. subcarnea, Ancey, C. E. Beddome: Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, vol. xxi., 1896, part 3, p. 467; also op. cit., vol. xxii., 1898, p. 571, pl. xxi., figs. 8, 9, 10. Habitat.—Tasmania (Beddome) ; Victoria (Pritchard and Gatliff). This is quite rare in South Australia, but is taken in MacDonnell Bay and Lacepede Bay; and one was found at Esperance, in Western Australia. Cypraea angustata, Gm., var. albata, C. E. Beddome: Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, vol. xxii., 1898, p. 571, pl. xxi., figs. if, ida; His type locality is Derwent River, Tasmania; but he reports a specimen from South Australia. There is a narrow pure white form like an albino—C. comptonii, Gray—from MacDonnell Bay and Gulf St. Vincent; also a cream-coloured plumper form without spots or dorsal bands. Others may 142 have small reddish-brown spots on each margin, and others in addition may be dusted with very minute brownish specks. Some have. the cream colour slightly tinged with brown, and yet without dots or bands, or have dots only, or faint transverse brown bands in addition. Others may be browner still, with faint brown bands, marginal dots fairly many and distinct or absent, and so merge into C’. swbcarnea. Cypraea angustata, Gmelin, var. piperita, Gray. Cypraea piperita, Gray: Zool. Journ., vol. 1, 1825, p. 498; Sowerby: Conch. Illus., Cyp. Cat., 1837, No. 100, fig. 24, 1832; Menke: Moll. Nov.-Holl., 1848, p. 30; Reeve: Conch. Icon., vol. ii1., 1846, pl. xvii., Sp. 87; Angas: Proc. Zool. Soe., 1865, 'p. 170, and 1867, p. 206; Sowerby: Thes. Conch., vol. iv., 1870, p. 31, No. 104, figs. 285, 286; Ten. Woods: Proc. Roy Soc. Tas., 1878 (1877), p. 35; Tryon: Man. Conch., vol. vii., 1885, p. 189; Adcock: Handlist Aq. Moll. S. Austr., 1898, p. 5, No. 158; Beddome: Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, vol. xxii., 1898, p. 574, . pl. xxi., figs. 17, 18; Pritchard and Gatliff: Proc. Roy. Soc. Vict. (N.S.), vol. x1i., 1900 (1899), p. 184; Tate and May: Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, vol. xxvi., 1901, p. 374; -Hedley: Proc. Roy. Soc. W. Austr., vol. i., p. 199; Hedley: Proc. Roy. Soc. N.S. Wales, vol. h., Supp., 1918, p. M. 70. Sowerby, in 1870, first suggested its conspecifity with C. angustata, and Pritchard and Gatliff supported him. Woods, Beddome, and Tate and May kept them separate. Hedley unites them, and my examples completely intergrade. Gray gives its habitat as New Holland; Sowerby as New South Wales; Menke as Western Australia; Angas as Port Lincoln and Port Jackson; Ten. Woods as Tasmania ; Pritchard and Gatliff as Victoria. Taken on the beach at Normanville and American River, Kangaroo Island. Dredged alive in Backstairs Passage in 13, 15, 18, 20, and 23 fathoms; in Gulf St. Vincent in 5 fathoms; in Investigator Strait, 13, 15, and 17 fathoms; and dead but fresh in 25 fathoms off Beachport; also on the beach at Esperance 1, and at Albany 4. Cypraea angustata, Gmelin, var. bicolor, Gaskoin. Cypraea bicolor, Gaskoin: Proc. Zool. Soc., 1848, p. 91, 92; Angas: Proc. Zool. Soc., 1865, p. 170; Sowerby: Thes. Conch., vol. iv., 1870, p. 31, No. 104, figs. 288, 289, 5383; Tryon: Man. Conch., vol. vil., 1885, p. 189; Adcock: Handlist Aq. Moll. S. Austr., 1893, p. 5, No. 159; Beddome: Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, vol. xxii., 1898, p. 576; Pritchard and Gatliff: Proc., Roy. Soc. Vict. (N.S.), vol. xif., 1900 (1899), p. 184; Tate and May: Proc. Lirin. Soc. N.S. Wales, vol. xxvi., 1901, p. 374. Sowerby, in 1870, made it a variety of (. piperita, Gray; Tryon, Pritchard and Gatliff, and Tate and May cor- rectly concur. 143 Its habitat was given by Gaskoin as Australia; Angas localized it more definitely at Kangaroo Island and Port Adelaide Creek; Beddome extended it to Tasmania; and Pritchard and Gatliff recorded it from Victoria. Taken on the beach, Kangaroo Island, Gulf St. Vincent and Spencer Gulf, Fowler Bay (Tate), and Albany 3. Dredged alive in Gulf St. Vincent, 7 fathoms 6, 17 fathoms 3. One is a facsimile of Sowerby’s fig. 289, a smal! ventricose form from Miss Saul’s collection; others match fig. 533, ‘Mr Hugh Owen’s beautiful shell from South Australia.’’ Cypraea angustata, Gmelin, var. pulicaria, Reeve. Cypraea pulicaria, Reeve: Proc. Zool. Soc., 1845, p. 23; Conch. Icon., vol. iii., 1846, pl. xvii., Sp. 84; Gaskoin: Proc. Zool. Soc., 1848, 97: Sower ae Thes. Sarah, 1870, p., 31; No. 105, pl. xxviii., Pigs: 290, 291; Tryon: Man. Conch., vol. vii., 1885, 189, pi. xvi., figs. 59, 60; Tate and May: Proc. Linn. Soc., vol. xxvl., 1901, p. 445; Hidalgo: Mon. Cyp. Viv., 1907, B 480 ; Verco: Trans. Roy. Soc. 8. Austr., vol. xxxvi., 1912, . 210; Hedley: Journ. Roy. Soc. W. Austr., vol. 1,, 1916; p. 199. Its habitat was unknown to Bacve and Gaskoin; Sowerby and Tryon give it as Australia; Tate and May deny Tasmania, as affirmed by Paetel; Hidalgo rightly cites Geographe Bay. It has not been recorded from Victoria. E. H. Matthews has 5 worn examples from Corny Point. Dredged in Gulf St. Vincent or Spencer Gulf, 3; one has the articulated cross bands, and sparse large dots along the sides and over the dorsum; a second has the sparse large dots on the sides and dorsum, and the articulated bands on the left base and side, but on the dorsum the middle two bands have their spots joined by narrow brown bars, while the spots of the anterior and posterior bands become blotches, and the whole surface is finely peppered and reticu- lated brown. Forty miles west of Eucla, in 100 to 116 fathoms, 1 was dredged alive; 80 miles west, in 80 fathoms, 1 alive, and in 100 fathoms, 2 alive, up to 20 mm.; and 90 miles west, in 100 fathoms, 4 alive, the largest 23°5 mm. long without spots of any kind, one 21 mm. with many spots on the thickened outer lip alone, one of 19 mm. with spots scattered sparsely over the dorsum and sides, none on the base or outer lip, one 19 mm. with spots scattered sparsely over the dorsum, sides, and thickened outer lip. Esperance 3, one with the middle two rows of spots joined by a brown bar and so grading into (@. bicolor, but with the numerous side dots coming well over the dorsum. Albany. 2, up to 21°55 mm. x 12 x 95, typical in shape and ornament, with four equidistant cross bands of articulated squarish brown spots, and numerous smaller rounded dots on 144 both sides, crowded towards the base, and becoming more discrete on the dorsum. Another also typical in shape with spots at both margins, also sparsely scattered over the dorsum ; but these are nearly obscured by a very fine general brown reticulation, in which are faintly visible four slightly browner cross lines, due to greater thickness of the reticul- lation at these places. . Ellensbrook beach 16, ranging from 145 mm. x 8 x 625 to 20 mm. x 11 x 85, yellowish-brown. These all have transverse rows of square spots on the dorsum forming four interrupted or articulated narrow bands, of which the front one is often obsolete or absent, less frequently the back one is obsolete. Besides these there are many rather large brown dots, most numerous and deeply coloured on the thickened outer lip, numerous but more discrete on the left side of the shell, extending upwards to the centre of the dorsum. These are mostly roundish and irregularly scattered, but some tend to be squarish, and even to run in transverse lines between the bands of squarish spots. Rottnest (Mrs. Simpson) 2, up to 16°25 mm. C. pulicaria seems to be the extreme western variant of C. angustata, which is the extreme eastern form, while comptont and piperita and bicolor are most abundant in the middle southern Australian area. (CC. angustata is more common in Tasmania than elsewhere, and becomes gradually scarcer to the west, while C. pulicarra is common on the western coast of Western Australia, is rare on its southern coast, becomes very rare further east, and disappears beyond Kangaroo Island. Shaw says (. pulicaria, “‘on account of its narrower and more elongate form and finer teeth, should be regarded as a good species, and not a variety of (. angustata.’’ But in well-marked C. pulicaria the teeth vary from 22 to 30 in shells of the same size, and in well-marked CO. angustata-comptoni they may be just as numerous and as fine, and the shape may be as narrow and long in the latter as in the former. The colour ornament in typically shaped (. pulicaria also varies from uniform white through all gradations of the flea-bitten dots, and through the articu- lated bands and very fine pepperings and fine reticulations into piperita and bicolor, and so through comptoni into declivis and angustata. Cypraea friendii, Gray. Cypraea friendti, Gray: Zool. Miscel., 1831, vol. vili., p. 29; Gray: Descrip. Cat. of Shells, Cyp., 1832, p. 5, No. 32; Menke: Moll. Nov.-Holl., 1843, p. 29; Shaw: Proc. Mal. Journ. Lond., - 1909, vol. viii., p. 303; Hedley: Journ. Roy. Soc. W. Austr., vol. 1., 1916, p. 199. 145 Cypraea scott, Broderip: Zool. Journ., vol. v., 1831, p. 330, pl. xiv., figs. 1-3; Sowerby: Conch. Illus., Cat. Cyp., 1837, Sp. 33, . 44, 1832; Kiener: Coq. Viv., vol. 1., p. 110, No. 99, 1845, . Xiv., fig. 1., 1843; Reeve: Conch. Icon., vol. iii., 1845, pl. iv., g. 10; Ten. Woods: Proc. Roy. Soc. Tas., 1878 (1877), p. 35; Tryon: Man. Conch., vol. vii., 1885, p. 176, pl. ix., figs. 29, 30; Adcock: Handlist Aq. Moll. S. Austr., p. 5, No. 154; Tate and May: Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, vol. xxvi., 1901, p. 445; Sowerby: Thes. Conch. vol. v., 1870, p. 18, No. 54, figs. 47, 48; Shaw: Proc. Mal. Soc., vol. viii., 1909, p. 303 (gives Gaskoin, not Broderip, as the author). This shell has generally been referred to as (. scottu, Brod., but Gray has priority of publication. Broderip gives as the habitat the Strait of Sunda, near Angia, Java, and Kiener the Moluceas ; but Sowerby, in 1837, Garden Island, Swan River. Menke in 1843 confirms this in his ‘‘Western Coast of New Holland.’’ Reeve cites not only Swan River for the typical shell, but Port Lincoln for his variety B, which is evidently C. thersites, Gaskoin. Ten. Woods writes, “In more than one work it is spoken of as Tasmanian, but I cannot find any trace of this species among cellections.’’ So also Tate and May reject it for Tasmania. It was listed by Adcock for South Australia. Mr. E. H. Matthews has a shell from Yorke Peninsula which was regarded as (C. scottw,; it 1s a somewhat elongated example of C. thersites. I took it on Bunbury beach. Captain Irvine, of Fre- mantle, told me that several specimens may somtimes be obtained from the piers of the jetty, apparently feeding on the coral-like incrustations. Tate’s collection contained 5 examples ranging up to 81 mm. x 40 x 34 mm. from Geo- graphe Bay. At Esperance Captain Douglas gave me 4 individuals said to have been gathered locally. These were much longer, wider, and higher. Cypraea friendii, Gray, var. thersites, Gaskoin. Cypraea thersites, Gaskoin: Zool. Proc., 1848, p. 90; Angas {Aricia): Proc. Zool. Soc., 1865, p. 170; Sowerby: Thes. Conch., fee tore 16, No. 55, pl. vii., figs. 49, 50; Tryon: Man. Conen., vol. vii., 1885, p. 176, pl. ix., figs. 31. 32; Adcock: Hand- list Aq. Moll. S. Austr., 1898, p. 5, No. 155; Verco: Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austr., vol. xxxvi., 1912, p. 209; Hedley: Journ. Roy. Soc. W. Austr., 1916 (1915), p. 200. Gaskoin’s habitat is ‘‘Salt Creek, Yorke Peninsula, South Australia, on clusters of zoophytes at 2-3 fathoms.’’ Angas cites this as “‘the only place where it has hitherto been found.’’ But Reeve’s variety B of (. scottw from Port Lin- coln is almost certainly this species. It has since been taken in numbers at Black Point, Gulf St. Vincent, and in Hard- wicke Bay, Spencer Gulf. One was dredged by me full 146 grown at the entrance to American River, Kangaroo Island, and 2 fragments eroded, in 40 fathoms off Beachport; also in the Great Australian Bight, alive, in 72 and 100 fathoms. When quite young, up to 25 mm. in length, the shell is thin, pyriform, with a depressed exsert spire, and uni- coloured yellow, the spire tinged with brown. Then dark brown spots and splashes up to 2 or 3 mm. in size appear over the anterior third or from the spire to the notch. At 30 mm. the colour becomes light purplish-brown, with two obscure yellowish-white transverse bands about 2 mm. wide, with about two-fourths of the shell between them. At 40 mm. the purplish tint is deeper and the spots are still discrete, or the whole dorsum may be clouded’ with spots of irregular shape and obscure margins running into or super-— imposed on one another. At 50 mm. the spots may be nearly effaced, and besides the two pale cross bands the indistinct spots may be seen to form obscure interrupted dark mahogany transverse bands. At 65 mm. the shell has grown more globular, being 50 mm. wide and 40 mm. high; it is still very thin; the outer lip is inflected, slightly convex, 14 mm. wide, and edentulous; the dorsum may have about 6 trans- verse dark rusty mahogany bands. After this the labrum flattens through callous deposits at the latero-labral margin, and teeth appear along the labral edge and the opposite columellar margin. The labral teeth become more valid and extend slightly over the inferior surface. They seem very often to extend to the extreme outer border, but this is an illusion due to blackish-brown rays, which extend from the border, and become narrow as they approach the teeth. ‘These rays are absent from the columellar side, where round or oval spots are found. The teeth on both sides of the aperture are white or nearly so; also the central part of the base as well, but this varies greatly in degree, in some cases the base is almost wholly dark brown. As a rule the border- ing latero-basal callus is nearly black. It may extend in varying degrees over the dorsum, and in some examples the whole dorsal surface may be very dark, producing what is popularly known as “‘the black cowry.”’ | Reeve’s variety B of C. scottw from Port Lincoln was evidently the form which Gaskoin subsequently described as C. thersites. It is now degraded to a varietal position. C. friendw from Geographe Bay is a much narrower and lower shell than the Squth Australian C. thersites, and might properly be regarded as a different species, but for the Esper- ance shells, which relatively are broader and higher than the former, but not proportionately so broad and high as the latter. 147 The relative measurements are as follow :— Western Australian Shells, From Geographe Bay :— elo mmiex 40 x 34 =] 2, 59 mm. < 33 x 26°5=100 x 56 x 46. = 7a mm.x 4. x 338 = From Ksperance :— . 4. 94 mm. x 538 x 40=100 x 56°4 x 5. 86 mm. x 53 x 40=100 x 61 x 46: 6. 81 mm. x 50 x 40= 100 x 63 x 50. South Australian Shells. 1. 75 mm. x 47 x 388 =100 x 62°66 x 50: 2. 69 mm. x 44 x ree 100 x 63°77 x 51: os. o0'mm. xX 4. 76 mm. x Davee mmm... X G. 16 Dim. x 52 50. x 41 =100 x 66 x 54. 50 x 41 =100 x 69°45 x 56-95. 55 X 42:5=100 x 73:3 x 56°6, From these data it is plain that there is an uninterrupted gradation between the narrow and low form of C. friendu to the broadest and highest example of (. thersites; and while the narrowest of the former kind and the broadest of the latter are very unlike, the intermediate examples are too alike to be separable, although the author of the Mono- graph Cyp, in Thes. Conch., vol. iv., 1870, p. 18, writes in reference to them, ‘‘The two . ... although curiously allied, differ so much in proportions that they run no risk of being confounded with each other.’’ No distinctive feature can be found in the number or character of the teeth. The labral teeth in (. thersites vary from 23 to 28, and in C. friendu from 21 to 28; the columellar from 9 to 15, and from 6 to 13. The spire in the Geographe Bay specimens is much longer than in South Aus- tralian C. thersites, but in the Esperance Bay examples it is intermediate. Looking at the shell from above and behind, the ascending posterior channel in the Geographe Bay speci- men lies well to the right of the spire, and rising above it turns to the left over the spire, whereas in some of the South Australian shells it ascends directly to, and only to the point of the spire. In other examples, however, it turns to the right of the very short spire, while in one of the Esperance shells it goes directly to its apex. So with the lateral compression of the shell base in front and its angular deviation to the right, there is the same gradation. The width of the aperture is no diagnostic. This is as narrow in the extreme western form as in the extreme eastern, while in the Esperance specimens it is wider. The base is usually very darkly and completely coloured in C. friendw, while in ©. thersites it is generally in large part white; but sometimes 148 it is no more completely or darkly coloured in that than in this. Usually the lateral borders are less callows, and less deeply blackish-brown in C. friendu, but this is not sufficient to specifically separate them. Their specific identity seems certain. Cypraea armeniaca, Verco. Cypraea uwmbilicata, Sowerby : var. armeniaca, n. v.; Verco: Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austr., vol. xxxvi., 1912, p..211; Iredale: Proc. Mal. Jourmy wolex parts li. and iu., 1916, p. 93; Hedley: Journ. Roy. Soc. N.S. Wales, vol shi Sse) 1918 Supple psa iu: Iredale proves the name CU. umbilicata, Sowerby, to be preoccupied by Dillwyn, and renames it C. hesitata; so C. armentaca becomes the species name, and hesitata the varietal. Though the latter is found to the east of Australia as far north as New South Wales, and is not very uncommon in Tasmania, yet it has not been taken along the southern coast of Victoria or South Australia, nor in my dredging off this coast up to 300 fathoms. C. armeniaca was dredged in the Great Australian Bight, somewhere west of Eucla, and therefore in Western Australian waters. Cypraea caput serpentis, Linne: Syst. Nat., 1758, p. 720; Hedley: Journ. Roy. Soc. W. Austr., vol. 1., 1916 (1915), p. 198; Hedley: Proc. Roy. Soc. N.S. Wales, vol. li, Suppl., 1918, De. MeO: This is recorded from New South Wales and Queensland, and has been sent to me from Cape Banks, Byron Bay, and Moreton Bay; from Cambridge Gulf, Broome, Carnarvon, Geraldton, and Pelsart Island. I have taken it at Rottnest. Island and at Ellensbrook. It was given to me as from Albany, but I did not find it myself when collecting there, and am disposed to think it does not occur there, nor else- where along the southern coast of Australia. Cypraea vitellus, Linne: Syst. Nat., x., 1758, p. 721; Angas: Proc. Zool. Soc., 1867, p. 205; Brazier: Proc. Zool. Soc., 1872, p. 83; Hedley: Journ. Roy. Soc. W. Austr., 1916 (1915), 9. 200. Menke localizes it on the western shore of New Holland; Angas in Port Jackson, Brazier makes Botany Bay its southern limit; Gross’ collection has examples from Moreton Bay and North Queensland; Tate’s North-west Australia ; and I have taken it at Ellensbrook, south of Cape Naturaliste. Two fine specimens were given to me by a gentleman, who had them given to him at Albany, but this locality is pro- bably incorrect; I found none there. Cypraea helvola, Linne: Syst. Nat., 1758, p. 724; Brazier: Proc. Zool. Soc., 1872, p. 84; Hedley: Austr. Assocn. Adv. Sci., 1909, p. 362; also Journ. Roy. Soc. W. Austr., 1916 (1915), p. 199. eas 149 / Brazier records it from Bellinger River beaches, New South Wales; Hedley from Queensland. It has been sent to me from Carnarvon, North-west Australia. Brazier cites it from Rowley Shoals, and I have taken it at Ellensbrook. It has not been found on the southern shores. Cypraea cribraria, Linne: Syst. Nat., 1767, p. 1178; also Gmelin’s Edition, Tom. i., pars. vi., 1789, p. 3414, No. 80; Gray: Zool. Journ., vol. iv., 1828, p. 79; Shirley: Proc. Roy. - Soc. Q’land, vol. xxiii., 1911] (1910), p. 99. Gray gives New Holland as its habitat; Shirley cites Moreton Bay. Ellensbrook, west coast of Western Australia, one beach specimen in good condition, colour slightly faded. Hedley, in Jour. Roy. Soc. W. Austr., vol. i., 1916 (1914- 1915), p. 199, records C. fallax, Smith, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (5), vili., 1881, p. 441, W. Austr.; Tryon, in Man. Conch. 1885, vol. vil., p. 190, writes: —‘‘C. fallax, E. A. Smith, is an unfigured variety, credited to Western Australia. It differs from the normal shell in being larger, more pyriform, white spots smaller and less clearly defined; they appear to blend into the fawn colour of the dorsum, which is paler than in C. eribraria.’’ My shell is rather less than 1°1 inch, the maximum of C. eribraria given by Tryon, and less still than my cabinet specimens of this species, which reach 1°25 inch. The relative sizes of my example, and the largest of these are poem oex to and 30 mm. x 18 x 145. Its dimen- sions, therefore, do not suggest C’. fallax, nor does the colour ornament, for the spots are typically large, and allowing for some fading of the yellow-brown foundation tint are typically distinct. It seems, therefore, to be a _ typical C. cribraria. It has not been found on the southern shore of Australia. Trivia australis, Lamarck. Cypraea australis, Lamarck: Anim. s. Vert., 1822, vol. vi., p. 404; Verco: Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austr., vol. xxxvi., 1912, p. 215; Hedley: Journ. Roy. Soc. W. Austr., 1916 (1915), p. 200. It has been taken along the shore of South Australia from MacDonnell Bay to Fowler Bay and on St. Francis Island. It reaches 16 mm. in length, and is well and typically coloured. Dredged off Beachport, 2 in 40 fathoms, up to 115 mm., 2 in 110 fathoms, and in 200 fathoms 1 showing colour spots; off Cape Jaffa, in 90 fathoms 1 eroded ; off Cape Borda, Kangaroo Island, in 55 fathoms 2 very poor, in 62 fathoms 2 dead, up to 11°5 mm., typically coloured. In the Great Australian Bight, Federal trawler *‘Endeavour,’’ 40 miles west of Eucla in 110 to 116 fathoms, 150 1 recent, translucent, uncoloured; 80 miles west of Eucla in 80 fathoms 2 dead, up to 11 mm., showing colour at the ends; in 81 fathoms 3 recent, coloured on back and ends; 90 miles west of Eucla in 100 fathoms, 1 eroded. Taken on beach at Esperance up to 13°5 mm.; at Albany up to 12 mm. ; at. Ellensbrook, very many brilliantly coloured; on Rottnest Island up to 11 mm.; Cottesloe beach up to 14 mm. Trivia globosa, Sowerby. (CUypraed globosa, Gray: M.S.S. Descrip. Cat. of Cyp., p. 14, No. 121). Sowerby: Conch. Illus. Cat.,. Sp. 117, 1837, fig. 34, 18382; Sowerby: Thes; Goneh:, vol: iv., 1870; p. 47, No. 167, pl. xxxv.,. figs. 466, 467; 2aiieae eo. Zool. Soc., 1871, p. 94; Hedley: Austr. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 1909, p. 3862; Shaw: Proc. Mal. Soc., vol. vii., 1909; p, 308. Dredged by Federal trawler ‘‘Endeavour’’ 40 miles west of Eucla, in Great Australian Bight, in 72 fathoms 1; at 80 miles west in 81 fathoms 1. In King George Sound in 12° to 14 fathoms 3 dead, but in perfect condition, 4 mm., 3 mm., and 25 mm. long (Dr. Verco). Erato bimaculata, Tate Erato bimaculata, Tate: Adelaide Philos. Soc., 1878, vol. i 88; Tate and May : Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, VOL: xvi, 1901, D. 375, pl. xxiil., fig. 6. Recorded by Tate on the east and west coast of Gulf St. Vincent and on the east coast of Spencer Gulf. Dredged 4 alive in 5 fathoms Gulf St. Vincent; in Backstairs Passage in 17 fathoms 11, in 22 fathoms many dead, 10 quite fresh; off Corny Point, Spencer Gulf, in 30 fathoms 1 dead. Albany beach 1 3S On, Bunbury, dredged, in 15 fathoms 1 dead; Rottnest Island beach 2, typical (Dr. Verco). Erato lachryma, Sowerby. Erato lachryma, Gray: Descrip. Cat., 1832, p. 17; Sowerby: Conch. Illus. Erato, p. 15, Sp. 5, 1837, fig. 48, 1832 (Lachr yma trifasciata, Humphrey, M. 5. Ss Sower by : “Thes. Conch., vol. iii., 1866, p. 82, Sp. 5, figs. 4, 5, 6; Reeve : Conch. Tcon., 1865, ee D's Tate: Trans. Roy. Soc. 8. Bice. TS81.. vol.iVey we 140; Tate and May: Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, vol. xxvi., 190R saan Hedley: Austr. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 1909, p. 362. Erato denticulata, Pritchard and Gatliff: Proc. Roy. Soc. Vict., vol. xii. (N.S.), 1900, p. 183. Sowerby’ type of 1832 was from New South Wales; in the Thes. Conch. the species was recorded from Japan in 1866. Tate identified it from Fowler Bay (Mrs. 2S Te ee ee - +t 2 - e - ee 151 Richards) and Tasmania (Petterd); Pritchard and Gatliff described it as a new species from Victoria; and Hedley listed it for Queensland. Taken on the beach at Venus Bay, Port Le Hunte, and ' $t. Francis Island, up to 7 mm. long. Dredged dead in Encounter Bay, Backstairs Passage, Gulf St. Vincent and Spencer Gulf, Investigator Strait, from 6 to 22 fathoms, alive in 17, 20, and 22 fathoms Backstairs Passage. Dredged off Beachport in 40 fathoms 4 poor and 3 moderate almost bleached, in 49 fathoms | large and quite fresh, in 110 fathoms 13 very poor up to 7 mm., in 150 fathoms 1 very poor, in 200 fathoms 2 poor; off Cape Jaffa in 130 fathoms 2 dead; off Cape Borda in 55 fathoms 33 nearly bleached up to 625 mm., 1 dead but fresh; off Neptune Islands in 45 fathoms 3 poor. Taken on Esperance beach 2; dredged in 35 fathoms off Hopetoun 8 dead; on Albany beach 1; dredged in King George Sound in 12 to 14 fathoms 1 immature dead, and in 35 fathoms 1 broken; on Ellensbrook beach 1 of 7 mm. and 1 of 45 mm. in length; on Yallingup beach 6; at Bunbury on the beach 1 of 5°75 mm. length, in 5 fathoms 1 dead, in 22 fathoms 3 dead but fresh (1 immature) ; Rottnest Island 17 up to 7 mm. long, and typically coloured. 152 ABORIGINES OF THE WEST COAST OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. VOCABULARIES AND ETHNOGRAPHICAL NOTES. By Daisy M. Batss. Communicated by J. M. Black). NA [Read September 12, 1918.] The alphabet used to express native words is that of the International Phonetic Association, with shght modifications, and the characters which require explanation are as follow :— [a] when long [a : | 1s the English a in father; when short the Scottish a in ‘‘man.’’ [e] as in “‘they.’’ [e] as in bed; when long [e: |. as in “‘there.’’ [t]sas: Ineeapiiiny [pita] ; when long [i:] as in ‘‘marine.” [o| as English o in ‘‘not.’’ [u] as oo in foot; [u:] as in boot. [o] as w in ‘ein? or € In ‘‘wanderer.”’ [au] and [ai] nearly as ow in ‘“‘now’’ and a in “‘aisle.’’ A long vowel is indicated by the sign [:] placed after it. [j}]J=y im young. [tj] and [dj] are the sounds heard in English ‘“‘tune’”’ [tju:n] and “duty” [dju:ti], and must not be confused with English ch or /, two sounds which are quite unknown in Australian languages. [y]=ng in “‘singer.”’ (e}=ch, ims chines [5]= th in ‘‘other.?’ (s] is abeaiys eonenymges as in aoe (1) This paper has been Se rasa to me = rae ‘Bares who has been doing philanthropic work among the aborigines at the Wirilya native camp, near Yalata, and at other places on the West Coast, and has thus had exceptional opportunities for con- tinuing, among natives of South Australia, the valuable observa- tions on language and customs which she has already made with regard to those of Western Australia. My share of the work has been almost wholly confined to transliterating the native words and arranging the vocabulary alphabetically. The language dealt with here is essentially the same as that spoken at Murat Bay, of which I published a short vocabulary in these Transactions, xh., 38.—J. M. Brack. .* 153 The stressed or accented syllable is indicated by the sign ['] placed before it, but in order to avoid the neces- sity of accenting every word, it must be understood that all words which have no mark of stress are accented on the first syllable, whether they contain two or more syllables. Letters and single words in the phonetic alphabet occurring in the ordinary text are placed within square brackets. VOCABULARY OF THE WironcuU LANGUAGE | wi :TOnU Wongir | alindjira, north. wngari, eye-brow. baba, native dog. bala, ba’lardu, he she. bala yarbi, he is lying down. bal’djindjir, coachwhip bird. balgorda, seal. bandji warlbu, ribs. bani uldi, come here! bardjarda, native cat. barna, long-tailed iguana. baru, animal food. bernbern bu:lala, bell bird. barnda (banda), stone. bi:larl, pied bell magpie. bilda, hip; also opossum. bildabi (contraction of bilda gabi, opossum water), name of a waterhole in the Wookata district. bina, ear. bi:ra, moon, month. bi:ri, fingernail. bi:ria, heat (of sun). bi:riy warlba, sandhill. birli, water-bearing roots of mallee. bi:ru bi:run, sacred kingfisher (this 1s also a sacred bird with the aborigines). bogun bogun, bell bird. bu:ka (bu:ga), stinking. bu:kabi (contraction of bu:ka gabi, stinking water), name of settlement (Bookabie), about 26 miles from Fowler Bay. bu:kati, boot (from the English word). bu:lgara, sandalwood tree. bu:ndi, species of Acacia. bu:ndja, mouse. bundjin, white-shafted fantail. 154 bu:ni, bird’s nest. bu: ngara, to smell, to stink. burgu, fog in the upper air. bu:reru, small quail. bu:ri, white stone; also white man’s money. burli, parrot (in general). burn burn, fruit of native peach. dalja, to spit. dauw, edible gum of walduri, a species of Acacia. djaljir, white cutting flint. djarda, stomach. djarda u:ndan (yu:ndan), empty stomach. djarlbu, ant-eater. dje:gi, edible grub. djilbi, old, grey-headed man. dji:da, bird (in general). djildja, calf of leg. djildjil, warbler (bird). djilga’morda, scorpion. djilon, grey bell-magpie. djina, foot, road, track. djina’arbil, murderer’s slippers. djina’arda, evil spirit, devil. djina’mildjarn, instep. djina’djarda, sole of foot (lit. foot-stomach). djina’bi:ri, toe-nail. djindu, sun; also a species of mallee. djindidji, species of J/yoporum. djinga, evil spirit; spirit of dead native. djinti, rump. djindir-djindir, wagtail, shepherd’s companion. djirbea, restless fly-catcher. dji:rigi, grub of wattle. dju:dilu, brush kangaroo. dju:in dju:in, grey-crowned babbler (bird). dju:li dju:li, bat. djuygu djuygu (Sungu dungu), an edible root. durdur, soft red ochre. dalbundjir, martin, swallow. dan dain, female caterpillar-eater (bird). derba, inside, within. du:ban 6a, to cover up, bury. yaiju du’ bandana, I have covered it up. du:gur, to dream; long ago, in ‘‘dream’’ or ‘‘ancestral times.’’ du:la (du:la), cutting flints of various colours (not white). na, 155 du:lea, little blue penguin. gabi, water. gabi yal, to drink (lit. to eat water). garbidji (karbidji), species of wallaby. garuray, gully. gibar, gibora, wild turkey. gibora ma (‘‘turkey food’’), Anguillaria diovwa (a small Liliaceous plant). girgirn, hawk (in general). eu:balu, club. :dji gu:dji, dust storm. :jana, ‘“‘native gooseberry.’’ :ma, one. u:mba‘le:ra, whirlwind, duststorm. u:mbu, to urinate. :mbarn, urinating. :na, to void excrement. :nan, elbow. :njaru, thirsty. :ndji, fly; gu:ndji gu:ndyji, lots of flies. :rarduyal, to drink plenty. gwa, yes. i:rbil, hail. jadu, good. jalgundu, edible grub. jagala, red mallee. jailbuiy, cloud. jambadu, far away. janguna, white cockatoo. jangu u:ldin, going to sleep. jara, tooth. jari, arm. jau, seagull. ji: bi, breasts. jilgi, bed (made of leaves, grass, etc.). jini, name. ji:ra, mouth. ji:rgili, genuine name of Eucla. joo, bough of a tree. ju:ldilja, genuine name of Ooldea. | ju:jan (nju:jan), spear made from tree root and? bar- tered from the district where it was obtained (north-east of Laverton, W.A.), along the edge of the Nullarbor Plains, towards Penong. ju:yngu, to give. ju:ri, to hear. kabulu, kidney. - —_ = _— —_— 3g IQ GQ Je Je Je JQ JQ IS Ie IO V le a oe ~ ~ —_ _ ~ no _ 156 kadji, spear (in general). kagal.n (kogalog), cockatoo (in general). kagu, white edible root. kala, fire. kala’ warda, firewood. kala'djirdjir, black-breasted plover. ‘kalaia (kalia), emu. ‘kalaia ‘maldara, murderer’s slippers, made of emu feathers and hairstring. kalbordi, to break. kalbin, mallee hen. kalda, stumpy-tailed lizard. kalga, Venus (star). kalgula, an edible fruit. kali, boomerang. kali'gah, bow-legged (lit. boomerang-legged). kalon, heat (of fire). kalonga. burnt. kandi, gum of sandalwood used to fasten flints on Spears, etc. kandil, ribs. kanu, frilled lizard. ka: nga, crow. kango, shade. kara, spider; also sandplain. ka’rambi, an edible fruit. karar, pearlshell ornament (article and name come 204 the coast of Western Australia). kararu, light-coloured people. karba, to dig. kardia, myall (Acacia sp.). kardidi, teeth. kardjul, ankle. kargala, pig-face (Mesembryanthemum ). kargu, yellow pipeclay. kari, immediately, presently. ‘ karidjal, heel. karu, teatree (Melaleuca). kata (=Wwana), woman’s digging-stick. koga, head. koga lidja (liéa), sea-shells. koga nu:rar, hair of head. kogarara, east. konu, mallee, the bark on the roots of which is eaten. ku: dara (ku: djara), two. ku:ga, animal food. ku:lardi, butcher bird. ku:lgari, fat. ku:liba, masked wood-swallow. kumba, ‘fruit of Solanum sp. kundolu, Pettosporum phillyracoides (tree). ku:ndi, club. kuygara, sparrow hawk. ku:ra, magpie. ku’:rabi (contraction of kura gabi, magpie-water), native name of township near Fowler Bay (Coorabie). ku'raiy (kri: 7), long-tailed iguana. ku'raiy gabi, settlement on West Coast (Kooringibbie) ; name of waterhole in vicinity. kurdi, native peach tree (fusanus acuminatus ). kurdu, vein; also hole. kurda’guéa, crimson-breasted chat. kurdudu, heart. kurgu, boobook owl. kurli (gurli), species of sheoak. ma, vegetable food. madji, husband. maderi, dark people. maléulu, tomorrow. malda, neck. ma: lu, silvery-grey or white kangaroo. ma:mu, stillborn baby. me bala: saltbush. mayiri, throat. mara, hand. mara’djarda, palm of hand (ht. hand stomach). mara’bi:ri, finger-nail. marailja, sorcerer, medicine man. mardarba, hard red ochre. marngu:r, three (also used in the Murchison and Gas- coyne areas, Western Australia). me:l, eye. me:lgalba, eyelash. menarn, bittern. maka, no. merdern (matn), wife. mernda, clay, ground. mi:di, mi:rdi, back. _ milbi, shoulders. mi:rdinanga, mi:rdi bi:li:, back-bone. mildjin, skin. miljilin, parasite on sandalwood (Loranthus[{?]) with edible fruit. mindara, an edible fruit. 158 minja, little, small. minjiay, Minari, mindjin, mountain devil (Moloch horridus ). minjaru, cold. minga, sick, ull. mi:rikata, morning star. mi :riljilji (miljil’ji:ri), superb warbler. mi:ru (mi:la), spear-thrower. mombaingin, to sneeze. mo:gu, edible grub. mu:di, fish (in general). mu:dundu, cloud. mu:ga, voice, speech. mu-gu, ankle. mu:la, mu:lda, nose. mu:la’mambarn, moustache. mu :linga, mouse. mu :léu, red fungus growing on dead sandalwood. mu :lai’oyu, an edible snake. mu:ndu, diarrhoea. mu :ndum, covered up with earth. mu: nin, kidney. mu:na, head-covering, hat. mu:na’ardu, heavy, big, strong. mu:rdi, knee. mu:rgu, noise. mu :rlina, small lizard. muryu ingu, evening star. nala, name of the [kon u] mallee in the Eucla district and totem of a local group who call themselves [nala um] (um is a contraction of [wamu] camp). nanéa, bad. naruri, orphaned waterholes and country whose owners are all dead. njanji’dji:ra, black-faced cuckoo shrike (also black- | shouldered kite). at nji:ari, mountain devil (Joloch horridus). njilba, fruit of a creeping plant. njildi ju:lan, to cry. nji:mi, hp. njinagain, to sit down. nju:di, netted bag of hairstring in which a child is carried. nju:ri (nju:ni), you. nju:rilu (nju:nigu), yours. nabarli, fringed lizard. qaiju (naidju), I. 159 naljugu, my. na:in, to breathe, to pant. nal, to eat. nalara, our, ours. naldi, liver. nqanana, what? yanana jini, what (is your) name? yanunga, what is it? ynambu garbil, evil spirit. nana, me. nanba (nanba), belt. nanga, bone. nagali, cloud. nani, frog. narbi, lying down (to sleep). garnuin, chin. yarga ru:yuni, quivering of upper part of body in the dance. yaru, water-bearing roots of mallee. nau, bird’s egg. no:gorn, bird’s egg. nu:du, cheek. nu:gu, temple. nu:ldi, tears. nu:ldu, plenty, abundance. qu:lu, skin. nu:lu’bu:nji, frightened. nu: yi, bittern. nu:ra, wurley, native hut of boughs and saplings. qu:rar, hair. nu:rar bi:rbarn, hair-cutting. paldjari, enough. talin, tongue. tju:garn, a parsnip-like root. tjurguin, a small white fruit. @ala, where? @ala wen, where are you going? éamuna, greenish edible mushroom. éardu ini, go away, go back. éarndu, whistling eagle. ulba’reri, south. undugu, thunder. undugu wongan, a thunderstorm (‘‘thunder talking”). wa, face, forehead. wadji, yes, true. waidjirda, bandicoot. waierda, opossum. - wallbela, whitefellow (from English word). 160 wala, angry, sulky. waldja, eagle or eaglehawk. [waldja] is always the bird who brought the first fresh water to the natives in [du:gur] or ‘‘dream times.’’ : walduldu, cloud. walga, ground fog; also fruit of small prickly plant (Solanum sp. walgala, Pholidia scoparia (shrub). walu (waldu), wallaby. wana, woman’s digging-stick. wanberdi, cool south-west winds (Eucla). wanjiri, ‘‘native currant.’’ warda, shrub. warda dadi, scrub country. war’dargana, Boundary Dam. wardriy, wild turkey (ju:lbari dialect). wardu, wombat. warl (worl), native road leading to the principal per- manent waters. warlba, hill. warlilja, bandicoot. warna, sea. waru, kangaroo (in general). waru gu:liy, kangaroo in pouch. Wen, go. wi:a, mother. Wl:ana, woman. wi:ba, ant (in general). widji widji, large ceremonial boomerang. wi:ldjara, a long time ago. wi:lu, curlew. wl:lurara, west. wi:na, white pipeclay. Wi:naga, wind. winda, pigeon (in general). windu, hooked twig for picking out grubs from roots. wi: nidja, grassbird ; also fantail warbler. wi:ra, sky, clouds. wirbin, spotted ground- bird. Wi:ronu wonga, the native language given in this vocabulary. wolindji, chest. womariy, spear-thrower, wommera. woyala, crow. wonga, speech, language. wongan, speak! wonunu, stnall seed (nardoo|?]) pounded and made into damper. 161 PERSONAL NAMES. Names are often given from some circumstance attendant on birth, such as | y'ygali] ‘‘raincloud,’’ given to a girl child. A soft rain was falling when she was born. [dju:ndal] “summer cloud,’’ was also the name of a little girl. Sea clouds hung over the coast and someone drew attention to them. The child’s grandmother |kabarli] caught the word men- tioned and gave it as a name to the newborn baby. If a bird, animal, insect, etc., is seen near the spot where the child is born, it will receive the name of such object. In the case of boy children their birth-name may be dropped after initiation, when they will be called by the name of the place where their initiation was carried out. A boy initiated in 1913 at a creek called [dji:gala], 16 miles east of Eucla, received the name of the creek. His birth-name was [gu:rardu], his mother’s brother’s name. Names of men :— {@arnduriy] and [@arnduririj, from [#arndu], the whistling eaglehawk; [bi:ra du:gur], ‘‘dream moon’’; [womalal, “crow.’’ Names of dead relatives—grandparents usually— are frequently given to children. TRIBAL OR LocaL Group NAMES. Wi:royu wonga (from wi:ra, cloud and wonga, speech). Tarcoola Road. ku: gurda wonga (ku:ga, meat). Ooldea (ju:ldilya) area. ju:lbari wonga (ju:lbari, south): Fowler Bay, Great Bight, and towards Eucla. jagarga wonga (jaga, woman). Eucla area. wadi wonga (wadi, man). Near Boundary Dam. ba:du wonga (ba:du, man). Near Boundary Dam. wongal’i: wonga. Boundary Dam area. nalia wonga (nalia, our). North of Boundary Dam, in the (Musgrave[?]) ranges. nada wonga (yada, I, me). Near the wi:ronu(?). nandja woyga (yandja, forbidden|?]). North of Bound- ary Dam area. marda wonga (marda, yes). Near Western Australian border. jaga nu:ri (jaga, mother|?]|). North-west of Ooldea. bi:dju wonga. Boundary Dam area. kungu (kundu) wonga (kuygu or kundu, woman). North of wongal’l: wonga. andingiri. North of yalia wonga. njunya wonga. North-west of wadi woyga. ku:gara wonga. North of wadi wonga. djidji wonga. West of Boundary Dam. 162 wanbiri wonga. Boundary Dam area, West. minma wonga. Boundary Dam area, North. wala wonga (waia, woman). Boundary Dam area. warbail wonga (warbail, woman). Boundary Dam area. mandjindji wonga. West of border and east of Western Australian goldfields. rabuna (Spencer’s ‘‘Urabunna’’[?]). Near Coward and Hergott Springs (Marree). jairunda (Spencer’s ‘‘Arunta’’[?]). Towards Oodna- datta (wudnadat). jul’u:ridja (Spencer’s ‘‘Luritcha’’). Finke River to Lake Amadeus, Northern Territory. RELATIONSHIP. The following terms are used by the [wi:ronu] and |ju:lbari] people, from about Tarcoola to the Western Australian border :— nalara, @arburda, our own family group, who cannot intermarry. marria, older brother (kurdana in jagaynu:ri dialect). bananu, younger brother (malaiy in jagayu:ri). mama, father and father’s brother. nunduna, yundjub, wi:a, mother. The two first names appear to be applied to one’s own mother. wi:a, mother’s sister. kangea, older sister (kang eru in jagenu:ni dialect). bu: jalu, younger sister (malaiy in jagaqu:ri). wandi, kada, son; kaduna, sons. wanji, u:ndal, daughter; u:ndalya, daughters; also son’s wife’s sisters. damu, paternal and maternal grandfather and grand- uncle. kabarli, paternal and maternal grandmother; also son’s daughter and daughter’s daughter; also wife’s mother’s mother and husband’s mother’s mother. bogali, paternal and maternal granduncle; also wife’s father’s father and husband’s father’s father. kundili, father’s sister. ka :1n, Ica : :inja, komuru, mother’s brother. merdern (matn), own wife. walidji, wife’s sister; also husband’s brother. marudu, wife’s brother; also husband’s sister. ju:mari, u:mari, wife’s mother; also husband’s father. ju:mari ka:in, u:mari komuru, wife’s father. madji, husband. ju:mari wi:a, husband’s mother. 163 gidjara, brother’s son (male speaking). gidjara, sister’s son (female speaking). wanji, u: ndalya, sister's daughters (male speaking). u:ndal ju:mari, son’s wife (male speaking). ju:marti, daughter’ s husband (female speaking). ingilji, son’s wife’s mother and father; also daughter’s husband’s mother and father. barda’mi:ra, two brothers who exchange wives with each other. nandara, straight marriage. njurgarda, wrong marriage (when yalara or @arburda intermarry). - bu: lilin, pu:lulin, nardugu, betrothed in infancy. kaia’ni:a, strangers (Eucla ‘district). wi:rin’ima, strangers (about Ooldea). kardi, karda, fully initiated man. kala bu’rai, uninitiated young man (kala, penis). Other terms for ‘‘our own people’’ are :— qananidja, narumba, du:nada, waldada, nanderga. The term for “‘great-grandmother’’ and ‘“‘great-grand- father’? is the same as that for ‘‘son’’? and ‘‘daughter.”’ In all tribes I have found that the fourth generation begins thus, and if a fifth generation should arise, with a member of each living, the term for “‘great-great-grandfather” will be mama, and for ‘‘great-great-grandmother’’ wi:a. The sequence of generations runs thus :— Daughter, u:ndal. Son, wandi, kaéa. Mother: wi:a. Father, mama. Grandmother, kabarli. Grandfather, 6amu, bogali. Great-grandmother, u:ndal. Great-grandfather, kaéa. Great - great - grandmother, Great - great - grandfather, Wi: a. mama. Great - great - great - grand- Great: - great - great - grand- mother, kabarli. father, Jamu. I have known two families of four generations—one in | the Eucla area and the other in the Nor’-west—and in each family the great-grandmother was called by the name for “‘daughter.”’ Several of the relationship terms given above are identical or almost so with those of the Luritcha Tribe recorded in Messrs. Spencer and Gillen’s work, ‘‘Native Tribes of Central Australia.’’ This tribe is shown in the map (p. 3) as occupying the country between the Finke and its north- west tributaries and Lake Amadeus. [ju’lu:ridja] is the name applied to the Luritcha cabs ritja] by the [jaga’ yu:ri]. G2. 164 [jaga] is the Eucla area word for ‘‘mother’’ and is the south- west Australian word for ‘‘woman”’ [jaga, joga, jog]. PLACE-NAMES NEAR EUCLA. [ku:lbari], the last male native of Ilgamba Water, properly [ji:lga’amba], name of permanent water at the head of the Bight, stated that, besides Ilgamba, the following were landing-places on the cliffs between Ilgamba and Eucla {ji: rgili]:— TeX du:landa (Sponge Cove, about 3 miles west of Ilgamba). no : bernda. kardulba or kardu'ulba. bi:na. burdin’ jerba or burdin’gerba. mordi’e:reyn (about 14 miles east of Eucla). Fishing for seal [balgorda] and little penguin [6u: lea] took place at certain seasons, the Ilgamba and Eucla natives often joining in these fishing expeditions. Descent was ex- tremely dangerous at some of the landing places; [mordi’e:roy]is easy of access and is often visited by the Eucla telegraphists. At [kaldiljera], about six miles from Eucla, Eyre noticed the ‘‘cutting-flint quarry’’ on the top of the cliff. The white cutting-flints [djaljir] from [kaldiljera] were bartered by the Eucla natives to tribes west and east of them. Ciass SYSTEMS. I can find no class system, such as obtains among the Dieri, Urabunna, Luritcha, and other tribes mentioned by Howitt and Spencer and Gillen, amongst these tribes of the West Coast and the tribes of the Border and Eucla areas. The two-class system, similar to that of the Dieri, but with different bird names, obtains in the south-west of Western Australia, and also bears on colours—white cockatoo and crow, light and dark purple. The four-class system obtains amongst the circumcized tribes bordering the south-west of Western Australia and up to West Kimberley; in the north- east Kimberley has a sixteen-class system. Somewhere south- east of Kalgoorlie the four-class system dies out, and as the natives of the south-east areas say, ‘“‘Marriages and rela- tionships go by faces’’ (probably light and dark colour). I have not previously visited the south-east Kalgoorlie area, where the class system dies out. It would be interesting to know where Spencer and Gillen’s northern class systems stop, and by what system they are replaced. The Eucla area system was one of small totemic groups, and apparently the Si: ee. it ee 165 West Coast system is somewhat similar; but whatever system obtained on the West Coast in the early days, there is no system whatever at present. Most of the [ju:lbari] people are dead, and the numerous natives at present frequenting the West Coast come from districts far north and east of the Great Western Railway, and, as will be seen by the tribal names, are hopelessly mixed. One man has had as wife a woman, her own mother (his mother-in-law), and his wife’s own daughter (by another father). The man became blind, ““‘because he did this thing’’ the natives say. Cross-cousin, or first-cousin marriages, apparently did not obtain amongst the West Coast tribes. West of Eucla area, near Twilight _ Cove, I found one tribe where cross-cousin marriages was the law or rule. CEREMONIAL DANCES. An interesting circumstance happened during my resi- dence in the camps of the Eucla and West Coast natives, and that was the meeting of two ‘‘corroborees,’’ whose starting points were in North-eastern Queensland and North-western Australia respectively. The travels of these two ceremonies occupied many years. Dr. Roth mentions having seen the north-eastern ceremony called [mu:luygaj} in the Diamantina district in 1904 (see Roth’s ‘‘Bulletin’’). The |mu:luyga] arrived at Penong, on the West Coast, in 1915, taking thus eleven years to travel down from the Diamantina. Shortly before the [mu : luyga] reached Penong the [wandjiwandji] had arrived from the Nor’-west and had been performed at that place. I have only been able to trace the |wandjiwandj1]| beyond Laverton, Western Australia, as yet; but I feel sure the ceremony had not its origin there. Most probably it started in the Kimberley area, where I have known the natives to ‘‘compose’’ new dances and send them along cer- tian routes, to be bartered to those to whom they are shown and taught, and who in their turn barter them to other tribes. These two ceremonies represent in their travels a broad V, and, coupled with other circumstances, I assume that there has been a highway along this great distance for many generations. For instance, a turtle (sea turtle) ceremony was composed by an ancestor of one of the Broome district tribes. I saw the ‘‘dance’’ when I was in Broome, and noted the names of certain important objects that played their part in this special ‘‘dance.’’ I have discovered that this ‘‘dance,’’ with the same names, attached to similar objects, was known to the [ba:du, wadi] and other groups living in the Boundary Dam area. And if I add to this the numerous dialectic words similar in the Boundary Dam and Nor’-west areas, I think it quite possible that the route by which the present dances 166 travelled and are travelling (the [mu:luyga] is taking the route north-westward now, and the [wandjiwandji] north- eastward) is a very old one, and it also shows that the cir- cumcised tribes—amongst whom anly these ceremonies travel —were a horde in themselves, and that they arrived after the uncircumcised aborigines, who were the first-comers. Out- side this great V the tribes—certainly of Western Australia and probably of the Eastern States—were uncircumcised, and a most important fact in connection with this is that the circumcised people were gradually encroaching upon and cir- cumcising the tribes outside their borders. I have proved this from Point Malcolm (South Coast, Western Australia) to Ballaballa (beyond Cossack, North-western Australia). . Among the groups along the lne of demarcation between these two places boys had been given over to the circumcised group adjoining for initiation, but no son of a circumcised father was found to have been given to the uncircumcised tribes for initiation. With the most patient enquiry I could not find one instance of this, but of the other (where the uncircumcised boys are handed over) I found many instances. When Sir John Forrest made his journey along the South Coast he noticed that the circumcised groups were east of Cape Arid, which was then their western boundary. They have reached Point Malcolm in the years that have passed since that journey was taken. When white settlement first took place at Geraldton, Western Australia’ (about the fifties), the circumcised tribes were within 20 miles of the coast. When I visited the Geraldton area in 1905 they had reached the coast, but their progress was rendered easy by white settlement. They have, therefore, the whole northern seaboard of Western Australia, down to Ballaballa in the Nor’-west, thence inland until they reach the Murchison area, where they touch the coast at Geraldton; from whence they go inland south-east until Point Malcolm is reached. From Point Malcolm they occupy the southern coast to some point in South Austraha or Victoria, whence they again turn inland. Another most interesting point in this connection is that. the Kabi tribes in Queensland, described by the Rev. J. Mathew, have much in common with the south-western (Western Australian) tribes. I fully believe that were these routes followed, which the corroborees are now travelling, much important light would be thrown on the origin of the aborigines, their routes, and their dialects. I may add that I attended two performances of the [wandjiwandji], each of which lasted a fortnight, there being three performances every twenty-four hours—at 3 p.m., ee 167 7 p.m., and when the morning star rose, just before the false dawn. Each ceremony was conducted by a different {bu : nari] or master of ceremonies—in Eucla by [ku : lea’ gara], who brought it from some point south-east from Kalgoorlie ; the second was in the West Coast district, the |bu:nori] of the second being the learner at the Eucla performance. Each of these men had the |[kalaia] (emu) as their totem, the [wandjiwandji]| being an ‘“‘emu totem” ceremony. The totemic portion of the ceremony was strictly confined to the men, but at every portion or phase I was present. Unfortunately I was unable to get to the district where the |mu:luyga] was per- formed, and so cannot compare it with Dr. Roth’s account. The two performances of the [wandjiwandji] showed clearly the remarkably retentive memory of the learners, the. songs in both cases were exact in every detail, also the tunes and actions of the performers. 168 ADDITIONS TO THE FLORA OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. NO. 14.1 By J. M. Brack. [Read October 10, 1918.] Pirates XV... tro Xi VEL Many of the specimens dealt with in this paper were collected during an excursion along the Great Northern Rail- way as far as Marree (Hergott) in October, 1917, and also at Yunta, on the Broken Hill line. Species believed to be new to science, in the genera Frankenia, Muehlenbechia, Atriplex, Acacia, and Minuria,. are described and figured. The following Australian species are recorded for the first time for this State:—WSolanum Oldfieldu, Eucalyptus vitellina, Stipa eremophila, Vittadinia scabra, Pimelea ammocharis. Alien species are distinguished in the body of the text by an asterisk. Those recorded here for the first time are:— Mesembryanthemum angulatum, Sutherlandia frutescens. New records for Professor Tate’s districts are enclosed in brackets after the name of the locality. J UNCAGINACEAE. Triglochin caleitrapa, Hook. (T'. centrocarpa, Hook., var- calcitrapa, Benth.). Mount Gunson (Mrs. Beckwith). GRAMINEAE. Panicum prolutum, F.v. M. Railway reservoir, Hawker (Dist. S). Panicle 12-20 cm. long, lowest branches scat- tered, central ones verticillate or opposite; spikelets becoming purple. Stipa eremophila, Reader. Largs Bay; Brighton; Marino; Murray Bridge; Keith; Orroroo; Yunta; Hawker; Murat Bay; Nullarbor Plain. It will be seen that this: grass, here recorded for the first time for South Australia, is widely distributed in our State. The type came from Lowan, Western Victoria. Near S. flavescens, Labill., it is distinguished by its short ciliate ligule, longer outer glumes (the lower one 15-20 mm. long and 3-nerved, and the upner one 12-14 long and 5-nerved), and larger flowering glume 169 (8-10 mm. long with the stipes), clothed with rich golden or dark-brown hairs, and usually with a small ‘‘neck’’ or “collar’’ at the summit, owing to the hairs being much shorter at that spot. The panicle appears to be always embraced at base by the swollen sheath of the uppermost leaf. The northern specimens are slender and about 40 cm. high, with glabrous nodes; those from Keith and the sea- coast are stouter, with pubescent nodes. The determination of the Yunta specimens was kindly confirmed by Mr. J. W. Audas, of the National Herbarium of Victoria. S. seabra, Lindl., nov. var. auriculata. Variat ligu/d unilateraliter auriculaté. aura; Yunta; Mount Gunson ; Minnipa. The orifice of the leaf-sheath has on one side a long erect lobe or auricle, which is continuous with the short ciliate ligule. The lower sheaths are often pubescent with spreading hairs, and the panicle is loose and clasped by the base of the uppermost sheath. It is a less slender grass than the type, and the leaf-blades are always scabrous. SB. setacea, R. Br. Leigh Creek. Stems slender’ but stiff, to 70 cm. high; ligule short, glabrous; leaf-sheath silky at the orifice. Calamagrostis aemula, Steud. Yunta (border of Dists. S and M). Glyceria ramigera, F. vy M. Frome River, Marree. Mr. E. H. Russell, the well-known pastoralist, called this ‘“‘Cane- grass,’’ so apparently that name is applied in our Far North both to G. ramigera and Spinifex paradorus. *Schismus fasciculatus, Beauv. Yunta. *Avena fatua, L. ‘“‘Wild QOat.’’ Flowering on the plains at Marree in October. CYPERACEAE. Scirpus pungens, Vahl. Growing round a mound spring, Marree (Dist. C). J UNCACEAE. Juncus paucifiorus, R. Br. Beetaloo; Wirrabara (Dist. Ne CASUARINACEAE. Casuarina lepidopholia, F. v. M. Moolooloo (S. A. White); along Windy Creek, near Leigh Creek (Dist. 8). Locally called “‘Black Oak.’ Tree about 5 m. high, with dark bark; branches mostly erect-spreading, only a few of the lowest drooping; male trees far exceeding the females in number; sheathing teeth 9-11. 170 PROTEACEAE. Hakea leucoptera, R. Br., var. Kipyistiana. Leigh Creek. Small tree or large shrub; flowers white, not scented. | H. Kdmeana, Tate. Leigh Creek. SANTALACEAE. Fusanus spicatus, R. Br. Leigh Creek. A small tree 3-4 m. high, locally known as the ‘‘Quandong,’’ and much smaller than /. acuminatus, R. Br., which is distinguished as the ‘‘Native Peach.’’ The leaves of F. spicgtus are thicker, broader, of a darker green, and the fruit is inedible. POLYGONACEAE. Muehlenbeckia coccoloboides, nov. sp. (tab. «v.). Suf- frutex circiter metralis, caulibus ramosis glaucis diffusts flexitibus basi lignosis, folus lineari-lanceolatis margine recurvis 1-2 cm. longis caducis, floribus dioieits in fascrculos subaphyllos 3-10-floros ad nodis dispositis, bracteis calyptri- formibus ocreisque tenerrimis caducissimis, periantho masculo breviter pedicellato 5 mm. longo octandro, lobis 6 obtusis patentibus tubo paulo longioribus (rarius perianthio sexlobo enneandro), pistilli rudimento minuto, perranthio femineo ovoideo vel globoso carnoso subsessili circiter 3 mm. diametro, lobis 5 (rarius 6) erectis obtusis minutis (vie 1 mm. longis), styli ramis margine crenato-dentatis, stigmate decurrente, staminibus sterilibus connatisque vesiculam simulantibus, perianthio fructifero aucto carnoso ovoideo vel subgloboso plus minus angulato rubro vel rubescente 6-7 mm. longo fructum omnino involvente, nuce trigond nigra mtente, semims testa rubella verruculosd, embryone lateralt curvo. Lake Blanche; fruiting September, 1916; S. A. White. In the fleshy enlarged fruiting perianth, tipped by the minute lobes and completely enclosing the fruit, this species comes very near to the genus Coccoloba, but differs in its habit, which is quite that of Muehlenbeckia, in the dioecious flowers, narrow cotyledons, and non-ruminate albumen. It stands nearest to J/. Cunninghamu, F. v. M., from which it is dis- tinguished by the peculiar female perianth, the flowers in separate clusters and never in spikes, the stigmas not term- inal but decurrent on the style-branches, etc. This interesting desert plant was found by Captain White during the Museum Expedition to Cooper Creek in 1916, but his specimens were only in fruit. The seed germinated readily, and I was able to cultivate several plants in North Adelaide, but they did not produce flowers until June, 1918. —— “Sher situa. dared oe LE Ni SE 171 In the original specimens the fruiting perianths were all ovoid, but some of the plants which I grew developed globose perianths. | CHENOPODIACEAE. Bassia divaricata, (R. Br.) F. v. M. Marree; Nil- pena; Leigh Creek. Spines slender, yellow, divaricate, the 2 longest 6-16 mm. long; leaves cylindrical or subcompressed, glaucous, fascicled, broad and persistent at base, hairy in the axil. B. enchylaenoides, F. v. M. Loxton, Mannum (Dist. M); Gawler Ranges (S. A. White), Yalata (Mrs. D. M. Bates; Dist. W). B. tricorms, (Benth.) F..v. M. Marree (Dist. C). Atriplex angulatum, Benth. Marree; Hookina; Hawker. In the large-leaved form the male clusters form an inter- rupted terminal spike 2-4 cm. long, with a few males accom- panying the females in the upper axils; in the small-leaved form there are no spikes, the males accompanying the females in the upper clusters, the fruiting bracteoles are smaller and narrower, and the petioles much shorter. Both these forms sseem to be indicated by Bentham, but further investigation may show the advisability of treating them as distinct species. The narrow bracteoles show an approach to 4. leptocarpum, but the leaves are different. Atriplex crassipes, nov. sp. (tab. xrvi.). Herba cano- farinosa (specimine meo 17 cm. alto), caule ramisque erectis rigidis, foliis ovato-lanceolatis wintegris 4-8 mm. longis brevissime petiolatis, floribus monoicis, glomerulis confertis axitllaribus, masculis in apmce brevium ramulorum sitis et aliquot floribus femineis circumdatis, glomerulis inferioribus omnino feminets, bracteolis fructiferts parvis (circiter 2 mm. longis) rhomboideo-subtrilobis reticulatis fere ad medium usque connatis in stimte crasso cylindrico fere aequilongo stantibus semine orbiculart mgro, radiculd supera. Marree (Hergott). Near A. humile, F. v. M., but the male flowers are not spicate, the fruiting bracteoles are smaller, distinctly stipitate, and more or less 3-lobed. It: is, perhaps, nearer to the small-leaved form of A. angulatum, but the bracteoles are differently shaped and the stipes longer and thicker. Atripler nummularium, Lindl. ‘‘Oldman Saltbush.”’ On plains at Marree and near the bed of the Frome River. The drifting sand often forms small hillocks around each shrub or cluster of shrubs. Fruiting bracteoles sometimes 10 mm. long by 15 mm. broad. 172 A. halimoides, Lindl., var. conduplicatum, F. v. M. et Tate. Marree. Fruiting bracteoles 2-edged in the connate portion then forming 2 spreading erect wings. A. campanulatum, Benth. Yunta. Nov. var. adnatum. Variat appendiculis bracteolarum linearibus non solum tubo affixis sed etiam usque ad apicem bracteolae anticae adnatis. —Near Lyndhurst Railway Station; Marree. Kochia humilluma, F. v. M. Carrieton (Dist. N). A very puzzling form of Kochia was found at Leigh Creek, with the minute, soft leaves of A. pyramidata, but with the broad, flat-topped fruit of A’. villosa. Osteocarpum acropterum, F. v. M. et Tate. Marree; Willochra. Leaves green, succulent, plano-convex. AMARANTACEAE. Alternanthera nodiflora, R. Br. Marree. AIZOACEAE. Gunmopsis zygophylloides, (F. v. M.) Maid. et Betche (Atzoon zygophylloides, F. v. M.). Marree. The capsule is 4-lobed and much depressed in the centre of the summit. It begins to open septicidally, but almost at the same time it splits loculicidally also, so that it finally separates into 8 valves. The placentas remain united in the centre, and the lower half of the column, which bears no placentas, is 4-winged, because the lower parts of the septa break away from the valves and remain attached to the central column. The dehiscence is therefore partly septifragal. . *Mesembryanthemum angulatum, Thunb. Port Lin- coln (H. Griffith); swamp near Port Adelaide (H. W. Andrew). South Africa. First record for this State; already recorded for Victoria. CARYOPHYLLACEAE. Spergularia rubra, Pers. Marree (Dist. C). Small specimens growing at waterlole. *Hermaria hirsuta, L. Leigh Creek. After re-examin- ing the specimens in the Tate Herbarium labelled ‘‘H. ancana, Lamk.,’’ and collected on the Murray and in the North, I have no doubt they are the same plant as the above, now widely distributed throughout South Australia, and that H. incana should be deleted from our flora until we have better proof of its introduction. CRUCIFERAE. Lemdium hyssopfolum, Desv. Waterfall Gully; Fin- don; Grange Road; Gladstone. Fruits arranged in long racemes. 173 L. fasereulatum, Thell. Gladstone; Yunta; Renmark ; also Broken Hill, New South Wales. Fruits densely clus- tered at the ends of the branches. Both these species were placed by Bentham in the Fl. Aust. under LZ. ruderale, L., a European and Asiatic species which Dr. Thellung, in his monograph of the genus, considers does not exist in Aus- tralia. The determinations were made by Mr. J. H. Maiden. Stenopetalum sphaerocarpum, F. v. M. Cultivated specimens show that the white petals are, when the circinnate blade is unrolled, quite twice as long as the sepals (4 mm. as against 2 mm.). S. lineare, R. Br. Mundowdna (Dist. C). Blennodia canescens, R. Br., var. pterosperma, J. M. Black. Parachilna. Alyssum linefolium, Steph. Marree (Dist. C). Menkea sphaerocarpa, F. v. M. Waterhole near Marree. Already recorded from Arkaringa. *Diplotaris tenufolia, DC. Common and _ growing luxuriantly over 1 m. high in the sandy bed of the Yunta Creek, near the railway. This weed is said to have been introduced here from Port Lincoln some years ago under the mistaken impression that it was a useful fodder plant. LEGUMINOSAE. Acacia colletiodes, A. Cunn., Dublin scrub (Dist. A); Yunta (border of Dists. S. and M). A. hakeoides, A. Cunn. Dublin (Dist. A; H. Griffith) ; Halbury, Peterborough (Dist. N); Oodnadatta (Dist. C). A. Oswaldu, F. v. M. Yunta (border of Dists. S and M). A. Kempeana, F. v. M. Ooldea (Dist. W; S. A. White). Flowering December, 1917. A. oxycedrus, Sieb. Between Mount Gambier and Glencoe (E. H. Alcock). Flowering at end of August, 1917. Calyx flat-based and saucer-shaped, hairy, 4 mm. long; petals free nearly to base, smooth and glabrous, 14 mm. long. A. brachystachya, Benth. Ooldea (S. A. White). Acacia rivalis, nov. sp. (tab. wvm.). Frutex glab- rescens 3-4 m. altus in alveo rivi torrids crescens, ramulis angulatis, phyllodis lineari-lanceolatis plus minus falcatis 4-7 em. longis circiter 3 mm. latis obscure uninerviis et penninervis oblique mucronulatis, glandulé marginal pusillé paulo infra medium phyllodwu sita, pedunculis monocephalis solitarius pubescentibus 4-6 mm. longis, capitulis parvis globosis circiter 40-floris, floribus pentameris, calycis mem- branacet lobis brevibus obtusis pilosis, petalis distinctis uninervus superne pilosis calyce fere semel longioribus, 174 bracteola hypocrateriformi, ovario glabro, legume planius- eulo recto vel leviter falcato 7-10 cm. longo 4-5 mm. lato unter semina constricto, seminibus ovato-oblongis longitudin- alibus nigris, funiculo longo semel complicato itaque majorem partem seminis circumcingente. Growing rather numerously in the bed of a dry creek at the foot of the ranges near Hawker; flowers in bud; fruit almost ripe. (October 18, 1917). A specimen was submitted to Mr. J. H. Maiden, the leading authority on Australian Acacias. He agreed that this is probably a new species, and added :—‘‘Its affinity appears to be with A. leprosa, Sieb., var. tenufolia, Benth., in the flowers and bracts, and with the narrow forms of A. stricta, Willd., in the phyllodes and general appearance, but the flowers and pods are totally different. The pods are a good deal like those of A. calamifolia and its allies. Without flowers and pods it could easily be mistaken for A. aestivalis, Pritzel, a Western Australian species.’? A. rivalis is certainly well distinguished from any other South Australian species. Swaisona Burker, F. v. M. Yunta (border of Dists. S and M). Only one specimen found growing near a smal] watercourse beside the Broken Hill Railway. Stems _ pros- trate; leaflets 7, grey-villous; standard red with yellow base (drying purple), wings red, shorter than the yellow incurved keel. The 2 longitudinal. calli at the base of the standard are much more easily observed when the plant is dried than when it is fresh. S. campylantha, F. v. M. Near waterhole at Marree. Erect perennial about 30 cm. high; leaflets 3-5; flowers purple; pod not quite ripe, becoming glabrous, 15-23 mm. long at this stage, oblong, swollen, deeply impressed along the upper suture, not really stalked but much contracted towards the base. Indigofera australis, Willd., var. minor, Benth. Hawker (Dist. S). *Sutherlandia frutescens, R. Br. ‘‘Bladder Senna.”’ A garden escape established near Leigh Creek. Native of South Africa. * Wedicago minima, L. Numerous at Millicent. A form with the spines short, thick and not hooked, so that it has a very different appearance from the ordinary form which is found in our midland and northern districts. Determined at Kew. ZYGOPHYLLACEAE. Zygophyllum prismatothecum, F. v. M. Marree (Dist. C). Leaf-lobes incurved at summit; petals 4, yellow, lanceo- late, 2 mm. long; seeds 2-3 in each cell (not solitary, as 175 stated by Bentham), when soaked exuding a dense mucus and long spiral fibres. The specimen in the Tate Herbarium is from Idracowra, Northern Territory. Z. crenatum, F. v. M. Mernmerna (Dist. C). Z. Billardiert, DC., var. ammophilum. Farina. Stems procumbent; flowers drooping; petals 4, white, lanceolate, scarcely as long as the sepals; fruit 5-7 mm. long. This form, which is found in many parts of the North and in the Murray district, is the Z. ammophilum, F. v. M., except that the stamens number 8 instead of 4. I have only found 4 stamens in one specimen from Edithburgh, Yorke Peninsula. It seems to me to vary too little from the type to be considered a separate species. SAPINDACEAE. Dodonaea microzyga, F. v. M. Windy Creek, near Leigh Creek. A small shrub about 50 cm. high; leaves spreading, leaflets varnished, very sticky; fruits glossy, pink, 15-18 mm. long (with the wings), dissepiments remaining attached to the axis; seeds ovoid-compressed, black. MALVACEAE. Sida intricata, F. v. M. Hawker; Leigh Creek; Yunta (Dist. 8). 3 Plagianthus glomeratus. Marree; Leigh Creek. The petals, which dry yellow, are described in my field-note as “light green, recurved under the calyx and between its teeth ; anthers yellow.’’ Cienfuegosia haketfolia, Hook. Hills near Hawker (Miss Reed). | } *Modiola caroliniana, (L.) Don. (M. multifida, Moench). Clarendon (H. W. Andrew). DILLENIACEAE. Hibbertia acicularis, F. v. M., var. sesstliflora, J. M. Black. Wirrabara Forest. FRANKENIACEAE. _Frankema, the only genus in this family, is a difficult one, owing to the external resemblance of several of the species and to the variation in the number of floral parts which may be often found on the same plant. Even in the usually regular F. pauciflora flowers can be found with 4 calyx-teeth and 4 petals. To the somewhat scanty literature of the genus a valuable contribution has been made this year by Dr. C. H. Ostenfeld in his revision of the Western Aus- tralian species (Contributions to Western Australian Botany, 176 u., 47-55, Dansk Botan. Arkiv, 1918). An effort is here made to do the same work for the species of this State. Key TO THE SoutH AUSTRALIAN SPECIES OF Frankenia. Section Toichogonia, Niedenzu. Placentas parietal, each bearing 1 or more ovules; funicles either ascending and the ovule with an inferior micropyle, or deflexed and the ovule with a superior micropyle. A. Placentas 3, each bearing several ovules, funicles ascending, micropyle inferior. a. Leaves petiolate, subcylindrical, almost glabrous; ovules 3-6 to each placenta ; diffuse plant, chiefly maritime ... ... F. pauciflora b. Leaves sessile, linear, ashy ; inland plants. 1. Leaves rather flat, several at the nodes, as long as or shorter than the inter- nodes; ovules 8-9 to each placenta ; erect plant i F. foliosa . Leaves subcylindrical, few at the nodes, . small but much longer than the internodes; ovules about 5 to each placenta; creeping plant... ...... F. muscosa B. Placentas 2-3, each bearing 1-2 ovules; funicles defiexed, micropyle superior; leaves sessile. 1. Placentas 3, each bearing 2 ovules; leaves ovate-cordate, glabrous and_ pitted above ted crepe loon foeca.n jae 51, ec Gee enc 2. Placentas 2, each bearing 1, rarely 2 ovules; leaves small, el Nataage Saupe: Pee en ee a thet Oneas a .. KF. fruticulosa Section Basigonia, Niedenzu. Placdene basal, each bearing 1 ovule on a long funicle, erect in the lower part, deflexed and often twisted in the upper part; micropyle superior. Placentas 3, rarely 2; leaves petiolate, sub- cylindrical or ovate and almost flat ; aor: plant tke yes: .. F. serpyllifola Frankenia eueiords DC. (pl. ai). A diffuse shrub, scarcely 30 cm. high, growing in intricate masses in salt ground, usually near the sea; branches pubescent; leaves subcylindrical, glabrous above but sometimes covered with a white incrustation, midrib usually concealed, but prominent below in transverse section; calyx almost glabrous, 5-6 mm. long by 14 mm. broad; petals pink, usually 5, rarely 4, free; stamens 6; style-branches 3, stigmas decurrent on one side for 4 or ? of their length; ovules 3-6 to each placenta.— Patawalonga Creek and sandhills near Glenelg; salt swamps, Port Noarlunga; Port Elliot; Beachport; Robe; Pondalowie Bay (S. A. White); salt lagoon, Dudley Peninsula, K.L.; 177 Bay of Shoals, K.1. (Tate Herbarium); Lake Torrens (Vic- torian National Herbarium). Frankenia foliosa, nov. sp. (tab. wouw.). Fruticulus cinereus 7-15 em. altus, caulibus erectis ramisque dense puberulis, foliis sessilibus 3-7 mm. longis late linearibus obtusis margine revolutis sed planiusculis pilis minutis con- spersis et crustd albd obtectis inferioribus 6-16 ad nodis aggregatis et internodia aequantibus, nervo mediano infra lato prominente, vagind ciliolata, floribus in cymas densas dichotomas dispositis, calyce ovoideo-oblongo 5 mm. longo 2-2-5 mm. lato, petalis 5 roseis liberis, staminibus 6, styl ramis 8, stigmatibus crassis dimidium ramorum decurrentibus, placentis 3 parietalibus, ovulis 8-9 ad quamque placentam, funiculis ascendentibus, micropyle ifera, seminihus -papil- losis. Marree; Farina. An erect, dwarf, ashy-grey shrub with bright pink flowers; flowering in October and November. Frankenia muscosa, nov. sp. (tab. xvi.). Fruticulus nanus cinereus vel ferrugineus, caulibus ascendentibus saepe ad nodis radicantibus, foliis sessilibus parvis (circiter 3 mm. longis) sed approximatis et winternodus multo longioribus lineari-subcylindricis margine revolutis parce puberulis et crustad alba obtectis, nervo mediano prominente, vagina ciliolata, calyce 5 mm. longo 25 mm. lato 5-dentato, petalrs 5, staminibus non visis, placentis 3 parietalibus, ovulis circiter 5 ad quamque glacentam. South Australia. Dalhousie Springs. Northern Territory. Finke River, between Crown Point and Horseshoe Bend. Captain S. A. White, who collected the specimens at both places in August, 1913, says:—‘‘This little prostrate plant is evidently very rare. It has a moss- like appearance.’’ The condition of the specimens showed that they grew in damp soil. Flowering was over and only one or two withered calyxes remained. The flowers are apparently solitary. Frankenia cordata, nov. sp. (tab. xvu.). Fruticulus ramosus, ramis parce pilosis, folus sessilibus ovatis vel oblongis basi plus minus cordatis margine revolutis 4-6 min. longis. supra glabris punctatis infra puberulis, nervo Adel anconspicuo, vagind ciliolata, floribus solitarius, calyce 6 mm. longo basin versus in costis piloso superne glabro 5-dentato, petalis 5 apice laceratis potius quam dentatis, staminibus 4-6, styli ramis 3, stigmatibus crassis dimidium ramorum decurrentibus, placentis 3 parietalibus, ovulis 2 ad quamque placentam, funiculis deflexis, micropyle superd. 178 South Australia. Between Everard Range and Wanta- pella Swamp (S. A. White, August, 1914). Northern Territory. West of Lake Amadeus (Tate Herbarium ; no collector named, but probably W. H. Tietkens in his journey of 1899). Both specimens are very small. F. fruticulosa, DC. (pl. xvii.). A small maritime shrub with minutely puberubent branches and the straggling char- acter of /. pauciflora, but with small sessile often white- incrusted leaves, glabrous above, linear-subcylindrical, 2-4 mm. long; midrib prominent below; sheath ciliate; flowers solitary, usually terminating short branchlets; calyx 3-4 mm. long, 4-5-toothed, petals 4-5, white; stamens 6; placentas 2, parietal; ovules 1, very rarely 2 to each placenta and, where there are 2 ovules, the corresponding style-branch is divided into 2 branches; funicles bent downwards.—- Ardrossan, Yorke Peninsula (Tate Herbarium, coll. J. G. O. Tepper); Murat Bay. As regards the identity of this species, see these Transactions, xl., 68, and xli., 49. J. Vesque, in describing the leaf of 7’. fruticulosa (Ann. sci. nat. 6M sér. xv., 125), says:—‘‘Nervure médiane fortement saillante en dessous, formant avec les bords de la feuille deux profondes gouttieres.’’ This description applies to the species here dealt with, although it is true that it also fits one or two other species. F. serpyllifolia, Lindl. (pl. xvi.).. Dwarf shrub, in South Australian specimens 15-30 cm. high, with erect branching stems rising from a woody base; branches, leaves, and calyx pubescent or hispid (often almost bristly) with spreading hairs; leaves stalked, 3-7 mm. long, usually much shorter than the internodes, revolute on the margin so as to appear almost linear-cylindrical, or almost flat and ovate or ovate- oblong, midrib inconspicuous below; flowers in loose or com- pact dichotomous cymes; calyx 5-8 mm. long, 2 mm. broad; petals 5, bright pink, free; stamens 6; style-branches 3; stigmas very shortly decurrent or descending half-way along the branch; placentas 3, basal; ovule 1 to each placenta on a long bent funicle; seeds papillose, 1-2 in capsule. I have examined specimens from the following localities :— South Australia.—Frome River, near Marree; Hawker; Leigh Creek; Mount Parry; tableland north of Callana, _ Lake Eyre Basin; sandy soil near Ferdinand River (the last 3 from the Tate Herbarium); east of Everard Range; Mur- teree, Strzelecki Creek; Innamincka; west of Port Augusta ; Eringa, Lindsay Creek (S. A. White); north of Goyder Lagoon (R. Cockburn). Northern Territory—Henbury, Finke River (S. A. White). 179 Queensland.—Roxburgh Downs (F. M. Bailey) ; Georgina River (E. W. Bick); Diamantina River (F. M. Bailey); Monkira Station, Diamantina River (S. L. Debney); ‘‘South- western Queensland” (T. Little); between Stokes Range and Cooper Creek (Dr. Wheeler). This is the species accepted as /’. pauciflora, DC., var. serpyllifolia, Benth., in the National Herbarium of New South Wales. In the Queensland Herbarium it is sometimes labelled ‘‘var. serpyllifolia’’ and sometimes ‘‘var. thymordes.’’ The only specimen in Australia of the type, collected by Sir Thomas Mitchell on the Nive River, Queensland, and described by Lindley in 1848, appears to be in the National Herbarium of New South Wales. Mr. J. H. Maiden writes: —‘‘Our specimen of the type is merely a fragment glued down on a slieet of paper, and has only about a couple of flowers, which seem to be immature. Mr. Cheel very care- fully compared it with the specimen I sent you from the Diamantina River, Queensland, a locality in the same general he of country as that where the type was originally collected.’’ This is the specimen collected by the late Mr. F. M. Bailey and mentioned above. It belongs to the ovate-leaved, hispid form common in Queensland and in our Far North, and cer- - tainly to the section Basigonia. The Queensland specimens agree very well with Lindley’s short original description (Mitchell, Exped. Trop. Aust., 305) :—‘‘Tomentosa hispida, foluis oblongis planis longe ciliatis, floribus solitariis sub- capitulatis pentameris, calycibus patentim hispidis.’’ The species here dealt with is not the same as that described and figured by Dr. Ostenfeld (/.c., 51, fig. 15) as F. serpyllifolia. The description and figure are there based on a Western Australian specimen presented by Baron von Mueller to the Berlin Herbarium and named ‘“‘F. serpylli- folia”’ by W. J. Bray in Engler, Bot. Jahrb., xxiv. (not accessible here). It has (according to Ostenfeld) the ovary of F. pauctflora and leaves glabrous on both surfaces. It is true that Bentham made F. serpyilifolia a variety of F. pauciflora (Fl. Aust., 1., 152), but it is noteworthy that he does not mention the number of ovules, although he does so in the case of F’. pauciflora and of var. thymoides. The plant which I have here described must (at least in the form with rolled leaves) be very close to, if not identical with, F. interioris, Ostenfeld, J.c., 53, fig. 17. Var. eremophila, nov. var. Variat omnibus foliis lineari-subcylindricis, ramis foliis calycibusque pilis brevissimis obtusis vestitis et plus minus crustad albd tectis, nervo mediane infra manifestiore, staminibus 5-6, styli ramis et placentis 2-8. ; 180 South Australia.—Ooldea (Tietkins); head of Great Bight (T. Richards) ; Euria (Eucla[?], T. Richards) ; Yalata, near Fowler Bay (R. Tate). A very minutely pubescent greyish desert plant, which should perhaps be considered a distinct species, but the specimens (all from the Tate Herbarium) are small and incomplete. THYMELAEACEAE. Pimelea ammocharis, F. v. M.. Yaninee, Eyre Penin- sula (border of Dists. W and L). Received from the local school teacher per E. G. Edquist. Quoted for Central Aus- tralia in Tate’s Flora, but this appears to be the first record of this beautiful silver-leaved plant in South Australia. Pimelea curviflora, R. Br., var. micrantha, Benth. Hawker (Dist. S); Melrose; Gladstone; Hundred of Pirie; Murray Scrub; Collinswood. MyRTACEAE. Hucalyptus viteluna, Naud. Road between Mount Gam- bier and Glencoe. A tree 5-7 m. high, often with drooping branches; bark rough and brown or grey, except on the smaller branches, where it is smooth and lght in colour. The glossy leaves vary much in size and shape, are 10-20 cm. long and 12-45 mm. broad, with the lateral nerves often almost parallel with the midnerve, after the manner of JL. pauctfiora, Sieb. Umbels 3-15-flowered, the operculum either almost flat, with a small umbo, as described by Naudin, or hemispherical and umbonate; fruits ovoid-truncate, 7-8 mm. in diameter and 6-7 mm. long, the rim broad and flat. This species, as far as South Australia is concerned, was placed by Bentham (Fl. Aust., 11., 202) under L. virgata, Sieb., with the locality ‘‘stringybark forests 15 miles north-west of Mount Gambier.’’ It seems to me very probable that this is the same species as was described and figured by the late J. Ednie Brown (For. Fl. S. Austr., part 4) under the name of #. paucifiora, Sieb. The localities quoted are Dismal Swamp and Benara Estate. Although #. pauctflora, Sieb., and LF. Sieberiana, F. v. M., are both recorded by Tate for the Mount Gambier district in his Fl. Extra-trop. 8. Austr., the Tate Herbarium contains no specimens. There is, however, a specimen labelled ‘“‘#. amygdalina, Labill., Nangwarry Forest and Tarpeena, J. E. Brown and R. Tate,’’ in the Tate Herbarium. This also appears to be the same as my specimens, and some collected later by Mr. E. S. Alcock, on the road from Mount Gambier to Glencoe, which were submitted to Mr. J. H. Maiden and determined by him as 181 Kh. vitelina. The fruits of the specimen labelled ‘‘7. amygdalina”’ by Tate are a trifle smaller than those gathered between Mount Gambier and Glencoe (about 5 mm. long by 6 mm. diameter at the summit), but otherwise agree with them. All the localities mentioned lie near together, and are in the same class of country. Mr. Maiden considers KB. vitellina to be a hybrid between 1. pauciflora, Sieb. (L/. coriacea; A. Cunn.) and #. amygdalina, Labill., which has become more or less fixed. H. leucoxylon, F. v. M. Wirrabara Forest. ‘‘Blue Gum.” The typical form, with smooth, white and bluish bark on the stem, is found here, but there are also many trees with similar flowers and fruits, but with a rough black bark. The dark-barked form also occurs at Bordertown, with the point of the operculum much shorter than usual. Maiden (Crit. Rev. Euc., i1., 82) points out that Bentham confused FE. leucozylon, F. v. M., with #. siderozrylon, A. Cunn. In distinguishing the two species Maiden says that /’. sideroxylon has the bark ‘“‘black, furrowed, and rugged.’’ while #. leucorylon has it “‘whitish or bluish, smooth.’’ It appears, therefore, that we have in South Australia either a form of E. leucoxylon closely approaching 1. sideroxylon, or else the latter species itself. H. oleosa, F. v. M. Leigh Creek. Here a rather tall tree, with lanceolate black-dotted leaves like pees of #. calycogona, Turez., var. gracilis, Maid. Melaleuca glomerata, HF. v/ M. Leigh Creek. This is a ‘“‘paperbark teatree,’’ the bark white on the outside, fibrous beneath, and pealing off in thin strips. UMBELLIFERAE. Didiscus glaucifolius, F. v. M. Lyndhurst Railway Station. My field-note says, ‘‘Flowers white ; leaves glaucous.’’ In other northern specimens from Oodnadatta and Strzelecki Creek most of the dried petals are blue, so that probably both colours occur. CONVOLVULACEAE. Convolvulus erubescens, Sims. Three forms of this varti- able species were found at Hawker :—1, limb of corolla pink, rotate, almost or quite lobeless, 15-20 mm. diameter when open; leaves narrow, entire in the upper part and with 2 spreading, emarginate auricles at base. 2, limb pink, 8-10 mm. diameter, spreading-erect, with prominent rounded lobes ; leaves narrow, lobed, with lobed auricles at base. 3, limb white, 6-10 mm. diameter, spreading-erect, lobes subacute ; leaves broadly ovate-cordate, bluntly lobed all round. 182 Cressa cretica, L. Marree (Dist. C). Although this species is described as having 2 distinct styles, it has fre- quently one bifid style, as in the genus JVilsonia. SOLANACEAE. Solanum oligacanthum, F. v. M. Plain near Marree. Shrub about 40 ém. high; corolla purple, sinus between lobes shallow; petioles of the lowest leaves 5 mm. long, of the uppermost: about 1 mm. S. Oldfieldu, F. v. M. Near Ooldea (B. 8S. Jobson). First record for South Australia of this species, hitherto found only in the Western State. S. petrophilum, F. v. M. Woolshed Flat, Warren Gorge (Dist. N); Arno Bay (Dist. L). MYOPORACEAE. Hremophila Freelingu, F. v. M. Shrub growing on hill- sides at Leigh Creek; flowers lilac, sometimes twin or even 3 in the axil. EB, Sturtu, R. Br. Yunta (Dist. 8). Flowers lilac. RUBIACEAE. Asperula scoparia, Hook. f. Hawker. CoMPOSITAE. Krechthites quadridentata, DC. Hawker (Dist. 8). Calotis scabiosifolia, Sond. et F. v. M. Railway reser- voir, Hawker. Rayflowers white; pappus-awns 4-5; achenes with narrow, ciliate wings; otherwise as described. Luxuriant specimens reach 30 cm. in height. Leptorrhynchos pulchellus, F. v. M. Leigh Creek (Dist. S). Pterigeron adscendens, Benth. Frome River, near Marree. Minuria rigida, nov. sp. (tab. xviii.). Fruticulus ramosus ascendens 20-80 em. altus basi lignosus glaber absque floceulis lanosis axillaribus, folus ovato-lanceolatis rigidulis acutissimis 5-10 mm. longis, supremis minoribus, involucris terminalibus hemisphaericis 5 mm. longis, bracteis oblongis margine scariosis acumine patente terminatis, floribus radi numerosis pallide lilacinis, disci circiter 30, achaenio radi compresso pilis biuncinatis vestito, papm setis 15-20 achaenio maturo quadruplo brevioribus, achaenio disci abortivo, pappi setis harhbellatis valde inaequalibus, longioribus 6-10 tubum corollae aequantibus cum aliquot breviortbus subpaleaceis alternantibus. 183 Near waterholes and on the plains at Marree. Nearest to M7. antegerrima, Benth., but the leaves are broader, more acute (almost acuminate), and more rigid, the involucre larger and the bracts with a spreading point. The axils both of the leaves and branches are usually woolly. The leaves closely resemble those of /aiolaena leptolepis, Benth. The new species differs from all previously described MZinurias in the very short pappus ef the rayflowers. The bristles only equal one- fourth of the ripe achene in length, whereas in the other species they are always longer than and often twice as long as the achene. Helipterum uniflorum, J. M. Black. Marree. Numbers > of the detached woolly fruiting heads were found clinging to the stellate-hairy under-surface of the leaves of Solanuim lacunarium, F. v. M. H. microglossum, (F. v. M.) Tate. Hawker. Vattadimia scabra, DC. Marree. First record for South Australia, although it has already been found in the southern end of the Northern Territory. There is nothing to dis- tinguish this species from forms of V. australis with thick, obovate, scabrous leaves except the pubescent ribless achenes. V2 australis, A. Rich., var. -pterochaecta, F. v. M. Hawker (Miss Read). *Sonchus asper, Hill. ‘‘Rough Sowthistle.’? Hawker; Melrose; Keith; Nantabibbie. A stout plant, standing 50-150 cm. high, with prickly leaves. *S. oleraceus, L., 1s also common on the plains at. Hawker. *Centaurea melitensis, L. This weed (‘‘Maltese Cock- spur’’) is very common near Leigh Creek. *Onopordon acaule, L. Yunta. Common on the flats subject to inundation from the creek. 4 DESCRIPTION OF PLATES. Pirate XV. Muehlenbeckia coccoloboides, n. sp. 1, portion of male plant. 2, portion of female plant. 3, male flower (side view). 4, the same (viewed from above). 5, stamen (front). 6, stamen (back). 7 and 8, female flowers. 9, vertical section of No. 7: a, epidermis of perianth; b, fleshy layer of perianth; c, the connate sterile stamens surrounding the ovary; d, wall of ovary; e, erect ovule. 10, pistil. 11 and 12, fruiting perianths showing the ovoid and globular forms. 18, vertical section of nut and seed: f, pericarp; g, warted testa of seed; h, albumen; i, curved embryo; 7, base of fruiting perianth. 14, nut. 15, transverse section of seed (lettering as in No. 13). 16, sketch showing habit of plant. 184 Prate XVI. Atriplex crassipes, n. sp. 1, female flower. 2, vertical sec- tion of same. 38, male flower. 4, fruiting bracteoles and stipes. 5, vertical section of seed. 6, vertical section of No. 4. Frankenia serpyllifolia, Lindl. 7, flowering branch of broad- leaved form. 8, transverse section of leaf of same. 9, flowering branch of narrow-leaved form. 10, transverse section of leaf of same. 11, pistil. 12, ovary spread open. 18, seed and one valve of capsule. Pratt XVII. Frankema pauciflora, DC. 1, pistil. la, upper part of style branch. 2, ovule and funicle. 3, ovary spread open. 4, transverse section of leaf. 5, seed: rh, rhaphe; h, hilum. 6, transverse section of seed: a, a, albumen; c, c, cotyledons; rh, rhaphe. ; F. foliosa, n. sp. 7, transverse section of leaf. 8, pistil. 9, vertical section of seed. F. fruticulosa, DC. 10, transverse section of leaf. 11 and 12, pistils. 18 and 14, ovaries spread open. F. cordata, n. sp. 15, transverse section of leaf. 16, pistil. 17, calyx. 18, ovary spread open. F. muscosa, n. sp. 19, pair of leaves. 20, transverse section of leaf. Puate XVIII. Minuria rigida, n. sp. 1, disk flower. 2, ripe achene of ray. 3, 2-hooked hair of achene. 4, upper part of style of disk flower. Acacia. rwalis, n. sp..° 5, bud. <6, petal 7 iriereale: 8, seed. ‘Trans. and Proc. Roy. Soc. S. Austr. Vol. XLIT., Plate XV. Muehlenbeckia coccoloboides nov. sp. HUSSEY & GILLINGHAM LIMITED, PRINTERS & PUBL’SHERS ADELAIDE, 60. ALS. rans. and Proc. Roy. Soc. S. Austr, Vl. cuel., Plate SVE ; OH (x / Ai /., ~ $ phe f) 7) I : ) outcrops of Cambrian limestones below sea level but within the limits of wave action. In sup- port of the first of these suggestions, the parent rock is in the neighbourhood, and, under ordinary circumstances, their presence on the beach could be easily explained by stream erosion carrying the land waste to the sea; but such a trans- porting force has no existence in the neighbourhood at the present time. Horse Gully is the deepest and longest gully in the locality, and has undoubtedly been excavated by running water, and further, it is equally certain that the transported material in the excavation of the gully must have found its way into the valley of the gulf. If the stones on the beach came from the head of this gully, where a similar rock is ee a — 199 in situ, then the questions arise, When did this transport take place? and, Why is not a similar agency in operation at the present time? At the present time there are no permanent streams on Yorke Peninsula and practically no land drainage reaches the sea. Horse Gully is grass grown, and at its mouth the only evidence of stream transportation is in the form of a narrow band, about 2 feet in width, containing small stones of less size than marbles, whilst the rest of the bottom is covered with grass. On the testimony of the oldest residents, cover- ing fifty years of experience, there has never been sufficient water in the gully to transport the smallest stones within their knowledge. The Archaeocyathinae pebbles on the beach are usually from 6 to 9 inches in diameter, with larger stones of the impure variety, which would require a con- siderable body of water for transport. The possibility of the pebbles having been derived from rocky reefs through wave action is at present incapable of proof. The sea cliffs consist of clay of unknown thickness, and no investigations for testing the presence of such reefs have been carried out along the littoral and shallow margins. The more plausible suggestion seems to be that of stream erosion and delivery at some past time, and the present rela- tively dry condition of Horse Gully, and others of a like kind in the neighbourhood, may arise from underground channels and caves in the limestones by which the existing drainage finds a passage downwards instead of to the sea. 3. Dowlingville. At. Thompson’s Hut, Section 128 (Hundred of Cunningham) strong exposures of Cam- brian lmestone occur in the bottom and sides of a shallow creek, close to the main road, near Dowlingville. The out- crop measures 160 yards in length by 40 yards in width; strike, north-north-west to south-south-east; dip, 25° easterly. The stone is a dark, bluish-grey limestone, exactly corresponding to the fossiliferous beds of Horse Gully, and is sparingly fossiliferous; the only other example than that of Horse Gully of a fossiliferous Cambrian limestone within the area under observation. Little time could be devoted to fossil hunting, but several fragments of trilobites were detected in the stone. The rise on the southern side of the valley, under which the limestone passes, is thickly strewn with travertine. LOWER LIMESTONE (DOLOMITIC). The lowest member of the Cambrian limestones in the neighbourhood of Ardrossan is a finely granular, white or yellowish dolomitic rock. Its position in the series is defined 200 by the Maitland No. 1 Bore (see page 202), and from the fol- lowing analysis, kindly undertaken by Mr. W. 8. Chapman, of the Adelaide School of Mines, it is shown to be a true dolomite :—_ Per cent. Insoluble matter vas) Sadie. ove er Ferric oxide bus sees lees loses. -3s ee Alumina } : wos aed + eas Clee tna Calcium carbonate Soe eed eee ool) Scr! Magnesium carbonate ..: ... \.... 2 oa aeyeeaeoae 99°61 This is the most widely distributed member of the Cam- brian limestones throughout the district (the newer beds having aparently been removed by denudation), and pre- serves a general uniformity of chemical and physical char- acteristics in all its exposures. The following are the chief localities where its outcrops can be seen :— 1. Hastern Scarp of Coastal Ridge. A low range with its scarp facing the sea is continuous from Horse Gully to Ardrossan. The dolomitic rock rises from beneath the marble on the northern side of Horse Gully, and has been quarried on Cliff's farm (formerly Mrs. Naughton’s land), almost. in a direct line with Parara Head Station. It is here a white, crystalline dolomite, with a dip west at 38°, and a little further to the westward the dip changes to the south- west at 19°. Excellent exposures are seen in a small trans- verse gully, about half a mile to the northward of the quarry just referred to, where the stone is a yellowish, granular dolomite (penetrated by ferro-manganese stains), with a dip of 35° facing 40° east of south. In the next gully, a little further to the northward, the beds have a south-westerly dip at 30°, and continue in outcrop along the slopes of the ridge,. until they cross the Maitland road, and disappear from sight on the western side of the Ardrossan Cemetery. 2. Rogues Gully. Situated 24 miles to the southward of Horse Gully and about 6 miles from Ardrossan. Deep gul- lies, now permanently dry, have been excavated in the dolomite beds, but as the country is covered by dense scrub: it is unfavourable for geological observations. The hillsides are covered with surface rubble, but no large faces of stone are exposed, and consequently no reading of dip could be taken. The stone is saccharoidal in texture, grey or yel- lowish in colour, and at surface often soft through partial decomposition. The base of the beds is not exposed, but as. they occupy the whole of the main and lateral gullies to the top of the adjoining heights, their thickness is —— at. not less than 100 feet. 201 3. “Sliding Rocks’’ (pl. xxi.). These rocks occur as an isolated exposure on the beach, 14 miles to the southward of Rogues Point (at the outlet of Rogues Gully), and a little to the north of Muloowurtie Point, in Section 49. The rocks make a bold ridge, 20 feet in thickness, with a strike almost due north and south and a dip east, 10° south, at 40°. The beach at this spot is narrow, and the Cambrian beds are overlain in the cliff face by horizontal strata of soft decomposing fossiliferous (Miocene) sandstones and arenaceous clays. The isolated character of the outcrop, the tabular form of the bedding, and the high dip of the beds as they pass below sea level have given rise to the descriptive name by which they are known as “‘sliding rocks.’’ The béds are characteristic of the lower or granular-crystalline (dolomitic) portion of the Cambrian series. 4. Montgomery’s. This area is situated 14 miles to the northward of Ardrossan, near the boundaries of the Hun- dreds of Cunningham and Clinton. A ridge of the Cambrian dolomites extends from Mr. Montgomery’s farmstead (Section 172) northwards, through Section 182, into the Hundred of Clinton, and is said to occur at intervals in that direction for a good many miles. It was also traced in a westward direction, across the public road and in rises, still further to the west, in Section 173, giving a breadth of three-quarters of a mile. In driving over the paddocks in a north-westerly direc- tion the ground was.spotted by numerous ‘‘swallows”’ _ (saucer shaped) with ‘‘crab holes,’’ down which the water is said to rush freely in wet weather, a certain evidence of underlying limestones. If these “‘swallows’’ mark the pre- sence of the Cambrian limestone it must have a breadth of not less than 2 miles over that country. The stone, for the most part, is buff coloured and saccharoidal in texture, containing numerous cavities lined with crystals. It is much broken by joint planes, which are coated of a black colour, probably caused by a thin film of manganese oxide. — Over this extensive area no section could be seen suffi- ciently exposed to show the dip of the beds. The outcrops are marked either by flat, tabular patches, or otherwise by loose surface fragments. In Mr. Montgomery’s yard, near the junction of roads (Section 172s), there is a limekiln that has been excavated in the beds and exposes Oy ene eo 2 eres ak Uae oe: S Pee ease Gels 28ah Ses See es eee ee yy : DC < : ‘ " ; / i \ , : p> 7 y} > . Yi. ” 4 . . n t - ra t i "i - i fe Ly . ~ * \ . } : F s Trans. and Proce. Roy. Soc. . Austr. Vol. XLII., Plate XXI. HUSSEY & GILLINGHAM LIMITED, PRINTERS & PUBLISHERS ADELAIDE, SO. AUS, Ardrossan. line Rocks,’’ south of . lic Ss (ats k Dolomites of Upper Cambrian, ite AXII. gl Pal Way Vol. ¥ Frans. and Proc. Roy. Soc. S. Austr. “UBSSOIPIY “STOAB IY pue SPURS pe re plf[osuor) JO poUto fF DIV ILO TOATYY JUVTOUW \|TED, PRINTERS & PUBLISHERS ADELAIDE, SO. AUS. Austr. ind Proc. Roy. Soc. S, © ‘ Trans. ‘pue UloyINOs 4V MOLA ‘UvssOIpry ‘oovAlIe sy, TaATy JUOTOUY iH DN “® LY ae LY = aey - ~ v v = — — se) =) a - A v — ~ _— = ~ ~~ Nn rl ~~ o — N o e a 4 LY a _ = op + ~ _— = = = — “ on a =~ CG ae MN M ) Cl —s (=) xq 225 Prare XXV. Near view of consolidated siliceous alluvia forming part of old river terrace, coastal ridge, near Ardrossan. Prate XXVI. View of Rocky Point (looking south), situated on coast, 12 miles southward of Ardrossan.. The Point, which is 70 feet in height, consists of ancient fresh-water beds, some of which have become consolidated by the introduction of secondary silica. The higher of the two human figures seen in the photograph stands upon the chief bed of consolidated alluvium contained in the section, Prate XXVIII. A large block of consolidated alluvial sandstone on the beach, about half-way between high and low watermark, at the base of Rocky Point cliff. The honeycomb form of the rock illustrates the irregular character of the silicification. Puate XXVIII. Sea cliffs at Ardrossan composed in their middle and lower portions of mottled sand-rock of Pleistocene Age. A narrow shelf, situated near the upper part of the cliffs, forms the dividing line between the Pleistocene mottled clays below and the Recent reddish clays and gravels which rest unconformably upon the former. The rain washes down the softer rocks near the top of the cliffs, and this to some extent obscures the features of the mottled beds that he beneath. Pyuate X XIX. Section in the sea cliffs, exposed by an excavation near the landward end of the Ardrossan jetty, showing an unconformity ; the lower portion of the cliff face is composed of the Pleistocene mottled sand-rock, and the upper portion, consisting of Recent reddish clays and gravels, occupies an eroded gutter in the former. 226 THE LEPIDOPTERA OF BROKEN HILL, NEW SOUTH WALES. PART IV. By Oswa.p B. Lower, F.Z.8., F.E.S., ete. [Read October 10, 1918.] This paper contains a supplementary list of species taken since the first part was published, together with those omitted, and a few new species. I also add the few Rhopalocera taken here. Family ARCTIADAE. Subfamily ARCTIANAK. - 565. Sprtosoma(?) cosmeta, Low. Rather common in April and May; also occasionally from June to October. I have not yet seen the female, which is probably apterous. Subfamily AGARISTIDAE. 566. Comocrus BEHRI, Angas. One specimen, in March. This species is known to most Australian collectors as casuarinae, Scott. It varies somewhat in the hindwing, as the yellow postmedian band may be broken into spots or entirely absent, as in the form flexuosa, W1k. NOCTUINA. Subfamily AGROTINAE. 567. MELICEPTRIA ALEUROTA, Low. Two specimens in March. The type came from Derby, Western Australia, which habitat was accidentally omitted in the original description (Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 1901, p. 641). Subfamily CUCULLIANAE. 568. ARIATHISA EMBOLOMA, N. sp. One specimen, in May. Subfamily ACRONYCTIANAE. 569. KUPLEXIA MELANOPS, Low. One specimen, at light, April. 227 570. APINA CALLISTO, WIk. Not uncommon during March and April. A rapid day flier. Exceedingly common in the larval state, destroying a large amount of low herbage. The larvae are very partial to the ‘‘Cape weed” (Cryptostemma coronaria), but a small clear-winged Ichneumon destroys huge numbers; out of seventy-five larvae I bred but three imperfect imagoes. The species is widely distributed throughout Australia. 571. IpaNIcA CORNIGERA, Butt. Taken occasionally during October and November. This is another widely distributed species, its geographical range extending from this district to New Guinea. Subfamily SARROTHRIPINAE. 572. Evesma suspeLauca, WIk. Two specimens, in March. Subfamily NOCTUIN AE. 573. SETIDA QUADRISIGNATA, Wlk. Not uncommon, at light, September to November. 574. BytTuRNA DIGRAMMA, Wk. Taken occasionally during March and April. The speci- mens taken here are generally much redder than those taken in South Australia. Subfamily ERASTRIAN AE. 575. TARACHE MICRASTIS, Low. Two specimens, in March; also from Tennant Creek, South Australia, and Birchip, Victoria. 576. XANTHOPTERA OPELLA, Swinh. Five specimens, in March and April; also taken at Birchip, Victoria. Subfamily ACONTIAN AE. 577. Earias FABIA, Stoll. Rather common during September and October. I also take it freely at Wayville, South Australia. The markings vary from deep emerald-green to dull yellowish-fuscous. 578. ACONITA CONGENITA, Hmps. Nine specimens, taken at dusk, in March. These were attracted to the flowers of the common ‘‘water melon.’’ The type came from Queensland. 12 228 579. Mavuritia tcontca, WIk. Four specimens, in March and April. Subfamily CATOCALINAE. 580. OPHIDERES MATERNA, Linn. Three specimens, in April. These were all taken at the same time at one of the city fruit stores. 581. .GRAMMODES CALLIMERIS, Low. Two specimens, in October. The type came from Cook- town, Queensland. 582. GRAMMODES CHRYSOMERA, Low. Three specimens, in March, October, and December. 583. TRIGONODES HYPPASIA, Cram. Five specimens, in February and July. The specimens are much smaller than those from Brisbane, Queensland. Subfamily HYPENIDAE. 584. GoNITIS SABULIFERA, Gn. Taken occasionally, March. 585. CosmMopHiLA EROSA, Hb. Not uncommon, during March, April, and May. . The specimens taken here are much darker than those from India. It stands in some collections as xanthindyma, Bdv., and indica, WAk. | GEOMETRINA. Subfamily MONOCTENTADAE. 586. TAxEOTIS PHAEOPA, Low. The female of this species is always smaller than the male. Usually taken during May and June, but I have secured specimens in September. Subfamily SELIDOSEMIDAE. 587. AMELORA IDIOMORPHA, Low. Two specimens, taken at hght, in June and September. 588. CHLENIAS CYCLOSTICHA, Low. One specimen (type), taken in June. 589. CHLENOMORPHA SCIOGRAMMA, 0. sp. One specimen, in November. . 229 ee a ee 590. PAaUROCOMA CONIOPA, n. sp. One specimen, in May. BOMBYCINA. Subfamily LYMANTRIADAE, 591. ApRosITA oBscuRA, WIk. Two male specimens, in October and November; also from Aldgate, South Australia. Dr. Turner named a speci- men Aprosita ulothria (type in South Australian Museum). Walker made it a 7'chiwra, Kirby makes it a Clathe, but for the present we will allow Turner’s genus to stand to receive it. Subfamily NOTODONTIDAE. 592. CaPpuUSA SENILIS, WIk. Three male specimens, in November. Almost certainly attached to Casuarmma. Being an exceedingly swift flier, it is difficult to secure perfect specimens. Subfamily ZEUZERIDAE. 593. ZEUZERA PERIGYPSA, Low. One specimen, in March. 594. CuLaMA CALIGINOSA, WIk. Three specimens, in April and May. The larvae feed in the roots of Hucalypti, and I have found pupae about 6 feet away from the trunk of the tree. ’ 595. HEcTOMANES NOSERODES, Meyr. Five specimens, all males (at light), in March and April. PY RALIDIN A. Subfamily PHYCITIDAE. 596. HomoroOSOMA MELANOSTICTA, Low. Three specimens, in October. 597. MvyELoIS FLAVEOTINCTA, Lucas. Not uncommon, especially at light, September to December. The perfect insects frequent the stunted plants of Bassia, and lie motionless on the stems or leaves; they are then difficult to discern on account of the blending of colour. : Subfamily PYRAUSTIDAR. 598. NorarcHa CLyTALIS; WIlk. Taken occasionally, in March and April. 230 599. Borys PHOENICEALIS, Hb. — Taken occasionally, in March. 600. Srmroceros (NacoLEeIA) MESOCHLORA, Meyr. Rather common, in March and April. Subfamily ENDOTRICHINAE. 601. ENboTRICHA PUNCTICOSTALIS, WIk. Taken occasionally, in March and April, also September. The specimens are much darker, and more shapely marked than those from Queensland. Subfamily PTEROPHORIDAE. 602. SPHENARCHES CAFFER, Zeller. Taken occasionally, in March. TORTRICINA. Subfamily TORTRICIDAE. 603. TortTRIxX POSTVITTANA, WIk. Several specimens, in March and April. Subfamily EUCOSMIDAE. 604. ARGYROPLOCE DOXASTICINA, Meyr. Not uncommon, in March and April. I have recently taken this species at Wayville, South Australia. TINEINA. Family OECOPHORIDAE. 605. ZoNOPETALA SYNARTHRA, Meyr. Three specimens, in November. 606. Linosticua(?) sticHopris, Low. One specimen, in July. 607. LinosTicHa SERICOPA, Low. Two specimens (at light), in November. 608. TRACHYNTIS MIMICA, Low. One specimen, in March. 609. NEPHOGENES MACULISARCA, Low. Two specimens, in October. —— eee 231 610. PHrILOBOTA EREMOSEMA, Low. One specimen, in November. 611. GurstTi1a DELOSTICHA, Low. One specimen, in March. 612. GuESTIA SYMMADELPHA, Low. One specimen, in May. 613. PavRONOTA LASIOPREPES, Low. One specimen, in May. 614. Psecapra postica, Zeller. Not uncommon, August and September. I have never taken this species except at light. 615. OxrcOPHORA PSEUDOPRETELLA, Stt. Not uncommon, from December to March. A well-known European species. : 616. MacrospaTHRA HEMITROPA, Meyr. Three specimens, September and October. Family XYLORYCTIDAE. 617. XYLORYCTA PARTHENISTIS, Low. Two specimens, in November. In the original description (Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austr., 1902, p. 237) the habitat was omitted. It should be:— Hab.: Tennant Creek, Central Australia, taken in October. Family GELECHIADAE. | 618. ARISTOTELIA HEMISARCA, Low. Several specimens, in March and April. RHOPALOCERA. Family PAPILIONIDAE. 619. Papinio STHENELUS, Macl. Not uncommon, October to May. 620. Paprnio aEGEUS, Don. Two specimens, in November. 621. Papitio anactus, Mazcl. One specimen, in October. 232 Subfamily PIERIDAE. 622. TERIAS SMILAX, Don. Taken occasionally, October to March. 623. CALLIDRYAS PYRANTHE, Linn. Taken occasionally, in October. 624. ANAPHAEIS TEUTONIA, Fab. Rather common, October to December. 625. DELIAS AGANIPPE, Don. Fairly common, October to January. Subfamily DANAIDAE. 626. Danats PETILIA, Stoll. Rather common, during November to March. 627. Danais ERIPPUS, Cram. Rather scarce, April. Subfamily NYMPHALIDAE. 628. PYRAMEIS KERSHAWI, McCoy. Common, during October and November. 629. PYRAMEIS ITEA, Fab. Not uncommon, September to March. 630. JUNONIA VELLIDA, Fab. Tolerably common, September to December. Subfamily LYCAENIDAE. 631. LiycAENA BIOCELLATA, Feld. Common, September to March. 632. LycAENA SERPENTATA, Herr Sch. Not uncommon, October and November. 633. LycaAENA LABRADUS, Godt. Not uncommon, October to December. 634. OGyrRIs OROETES, Hew. Taken occasionally, in November. Frequents the flowers of Hremophila Sturti. 233 NOCTUINA. Subfamily CUCULLIANAE. ARIATHISA EMBOLOMA, N. sp. 2,40 mm. Head and thorax dark fuscous, head mixed with whitish, centre of thorax and patagia white. Antennae fuscous. Palpi whitish, terminal joint short, fuscous. Abdomen grey-whitish, beneath white. Legs grey-whitish, tarsi fuscous, ringed with whitish. Forewings elongate- triangular, costa straight, termen oblique, gently waved throughout; dark fuscous, wing between base and first line strongly mixed with whitish, sometimes mixed with pale rufous; first line strongly waved, white, edged throughout by a blackish shade, from one-quarter of costa to about one- third of dorsum; second line rather broad, waved, with a broad median projection, rather obscure in one specimen, black, more or less narrowly edged throughout with white; wing below cell between first and second lines strongly mixed with rufous, but not reaching dorsum; orbicular snow-white, centred with black; reniform black, edged anteriorly with white ; cell more or less filled in with black; subterminal line strongly dentate, snow-white, from costa near apex to tornus, edged anteriorly and in one specimen posteriorly, with lanceo- late black marks, which are well marked, space between second and subterminal lines strongly mixed with rufous, except at reniform, where it is suffusedly whitish; a series of four white dots on posterior half of costa; a black line along termen with a series of somewhat lunulate spots between veins; cilia grey, rufous-tinged with a rufous median line. Hindwings light smoky-fuscous, paler on basal half; line along termen as in forewings, cilia snow-white with a grey median line. Not unlike some specimens of Huxoa radians, Guen. Hab.—Pinnaroo, South Australia; two specimens, in May and June. Broken Hiil, New South Wales; one speci- men, in May. GEOMETRINA. Subfamily SELIDOSEMIDAE. CHLENOMORPHA, n. gen. Face with appressed scales. Palpi long, porrected, two and a half times width of eye, terminal joint short. Antennae of male bipectinated, apex simple. Thorax without crest. Posterior tibiae somewhat dilated. Forewings with small fovea; 10 free, 12 anastomosing with 11. Hindwings normal. 234 A curious genus, apparently related to Chlenias on the one hand, and Paralaea, on the other, but differing from both by the presence of fovea of forewings. Type sciogramma, Low. CHLENOMORPHA SCIOGRAMMA, Nl. Sp. gd and Q, 28-30 mm. Head, palpi, antennae, and thorax dull slaty-fuscous, palpi darker beneath, antennal pectinations 10, apical portion simple. Abdomen yellow- ochreous. Legs ‘whitish- fuscous, posterior pair whitish. Fore- wings elongate-triangular, termen oblique, rather prominent on vein 3; greyish-fuscous, somewhat slaty-tinged; markings hardly traceable; a fine crenulate line from just before middle of costa to before middle of dorsum, more pronounced on dorsum; an irregular whitish line, from three- -quarters of costa to just before tornus, followed by a fine whitish crenu- late line, from costa just before apex to tornus; a fine black interrupted line along termen; cilia grey, with a pale fuscous subbasal line. Hindwings faintly crenulate; grey-whitish ; an indistinct fuscous line from costa at one-third to one-third dorsum ; a fuscous discal dot; an obscure faintly waved fus- cous line, from costa at three-quarters to two-thirds of dorsum, followed by a narrow obscure whitish shade; an obscure fuscous band before termen; line along termen and cilia as in forewings. Underside of both wings grey-whitish, a blackish band just before termen, well defined on both wings. Hab.—One male, Broken Hill, New South Wales; two females, Pinnaroo, South Australia, all taken in November. AMELORA LITHOPEPLA, 0. sp. 2, 30 mm. Head, palpi, and thorax ochreous-grey. Antennae ochreous. Abdomen greyish-ochreous, grey-whitish beneath. Legs grey-whitish, sparsely sprinkled with fuscous scales, middle and posterior tibiae and tarsi fuscous, banded with whitish. Forewings elongate-triangular, termen gently rounded; ochreous-grey; a narrow very outwardly oblique fuscous streak, from costa at about one-fifth, reaching about one-third across wing, indicating anterior line; a very obscure pale-fuscous mark at posterior end of cell; a very short dark- fuscous outwardly-oblique mark on costa ‘at. five- sixths, indi- cating posterior line; from each of the costal streaks there are faint indications of waved lines reaching dorsum at one- quarter and at tornus; cilia ochreous-grey. Hindwings grey, becoming fuscous-tinged around margins; a _ dull-fuscous discal spot; cilia grey. Hindwings beneath with an outwards 235 curved series of fuscous dots, from costa at five-sixths to just near tornus. Not very near any other species of the genus. Hab.—Dundas, Western Australia; one specimen, in October. PAUROCOMA CONIOPA, Nl. sp. 2, 28 mm. Head, palpi, antennae, and thorax dull ochreous. Abdomen grey. Legs ochreous-fuscous, posterior pair greyish. Forewings elongate-triangular, termen waved throughout, gently rounded; pale dull ochreous, more or less minutely irrorated with blackish scales; an obscure fine fuscous line, from two-fifths of costa’ to one-third dorsum, with two rounded projections above and _ below middle; a fine fuscous transverse discal dot; an obscure fascia-like fuscous shade, from five-sixths of costa to tornus; median third of wing somewhat lighter than rest of ground- colour; a fine waved blackish line along termen; cilia greyish-ochreous. Hindwings with termen as in forewings; grey-whitish, sparsely irrorated with some fine fuscous scales ; line along termen as in forewings; indications of a fine waved fuscous line, from beyond middle of costa to beyond middle of dorsum; cilia whitish. Underside of hindwings with fuscous median discal dot, and submedian waved line very clear. Probably allied to molybdina, Low., but quite differently coloured. Hab.—Broken Hill, New South Wales; one specimen, in May. PYRALIDINA. Subfamily PYRAUSTIDAE. METALLARCHA THIOSCIA, Nn. sp. 2, 20 mm. Head and thorax deep yellow. Antennae fuscous. Palpi yellow, terminal joint fuscous. Abdomen fuscous, ringed with deep yellow. Legs fuscous, posterior pair sprinkled with yellow. Forewings elongate-triangular, costa straight, termen oblique, gently rounded; dark fuscous ; markings yellow; a broad dorsal streak, occupying half of wing, becoming narrowed at posterior end but continued to anal angle, where it joins a narrow streak along termen and continues almost or quite to apex; an irregular spot in cell, at one-fourth from base, a second, larger and somewhat sphenoid, in middle of wing, and a third, transverse, at three-quarters, just below costa, at four-fifths; cilia fuscous, with a darker basal line. MHuindwings orange; a blackish discal spot; a moderately broad fuscous band along termen, becoming broader at apex, upper edge very slightly waved; 236 a narrow yellow streak along termen, sometimes obscure ; cila fuscous. Nearest the following species, but distinct by the Brcad dorsal streak. Hab.—Pinnaroo, South Ausioahes three specimens, in October. METALLARCHA CLETHRODES, 0. sp. @, 20-22 mm. Head and thorax yellow, head sprinkled with fuscous. Antennae and palpi fuscous, second joint of palpi beneath yellow. Abdomen fuscous, ringed with yellow. Legs fuscous, posterior pair sprinkled with yellow. Fore- wings elongate-triangular, costa straight, termen oblique, hardly rounded; orange-yellow, with shining fuscous mark- ings; a narrow costal streak throughout; a small quadrate spot on lower edge of costal streak at one- sixth; an outwardly curved moderately thick fascia, from costa at two-fifths to dorsum in middle; a somewhat similar, but thicker fascia from just before three-quarters of costa to dorsum before tornus, indented in middle, the indentation sometimes meet- ing previous fascia; a thick fascia along termen, from costa, where it is broadest, to termen above tornus, where it joins previous fascia; a narrow streak of groundcolour, from five- sixths of costa, and continued along termen to tornus; cilia dark fuscous, darker basally. Hindwings bright orange; a dark-fuscous discal dot; a dark-fuscous band along termen, moderately broad, becoming broadest at apex; a narrow line of groundcolour along termen; cilia as in forewings. Allied to Goudu, Low., but differs in smaller size, palpi, thorax, and narrower markings. Hab—Pinnaroo district, South Australia; five speci- mens, October and November. MeETALLARCHA Goupi1, Low. (Trans. Roy. Soc. 8. Austr., 1902, p. 234). Having obtained a nice long series of this species, I am redescribing it, as the original description is faulty. gd and @, 20-30 mm. Head, palpi, antennae, and thorax dark fuscous, basal joint of palpi beneath orange, patagia yellow. Abdomen fuscous, banded with orange- yellow. Legs dark fuscous, anterior coxae and posterior tarsi and tibiae sprinkled with orange. Forewings elongate- triangular, costa straight, termen oblique, gently rounded; deep yellow, with shining fuscous markings; a rather thick streak along costa, from base to apex, attenuated posteriorly, and emitting a flattened spot near base; a slightly outwards curved fascia, from costal streak at one-third to dorsum 237 before middle; a similar fascia from costal streak at three- fifths to dorsum at about three-quarters, strongly indented in middle, rarely reaching previous fascia, upper half much thicker; a fascia from about three-quarters of costa, reaching half across wing, thence curved around to meet preceding fascia just above indentation; whole of area of wing beyond this, excepting a narrow orange line along termen, filled in with light fuscous, minutely irrorated with yellow; cilia dark fuscous. Hindwings deep orange; a dark-fuscous discal spot; a moderately broad fuscous band along termen, strongly dilated on apical portion ; a narrow orange line along termen, sometimes suffused with fuscous; cilia as in forewings. Allied to diplochrysa, Meyr. Hab.—Birchip, Victoria; two specimens. Pinnaroo dis- trict, South Australia; twenty specimens, in October and November. TINEINA. Family GELECHIADAE. ARISTOTELIA PERIBAPTA, N. Sp. ) 3 and 9, 18-20 mm. Head, thorax, antennae, and palpi pale ochreous, head paler, antennae of male minutely ciliated, about half. Abdomen pale ochreous-whitish. Legs ochreous-whitish, posterior tibiae very roughly haired. Fore- wings elongate, moderate, apex pointed; 7 and 8 out of 6; pale ochreous-yellow, margins minutely irrorated with darker ochreous; cilia ochreous, more or less mixed with light ferruginous. Hindwings with apex pointed, produced, termen sinuate; pale fuscous; cilia as in forewings. Not near any other of the genus. Reminds one of Nothris meliphanes, Low. Hab.--Henley Beach, South Australia; five specimens, in September. EPIPHTHORA DELOCHORDA, N.. sp. ¢,18mm. Head whitish. Thorax and palpi ashy-grey- whitish, palpi internally white. Antennae whitish, obscurely annulated with fuscous. Abdomen ochreous. Legs ashy- grey-whitish, posterior pair more whitish. Forewings narrow, acutely long poimted; ashy-grey-whitish; a narrow white streak along costa, from one-quarter to three-quarters; a narrow white. streak along fold, obscured posteriorly; a fuscous outwardly oblique rather broad bar, from dorsum at one-third to termination of white streak along fold; cilia grey, becoming ashy-grey-whitish on apical portion. Hind- wings with emargination obtuse, produced apex about one- quarter; grey, tinged with pale fuscous; cilia greyish. ! 238 Probably nearest niphaula, Meyr., but differs by shorter costal streak, narrower white streaks, and the oblique fuscous bar. Hab.—Pinnaroo, South Australia; one specimen, in July. Family TINEIDAE. CHRYSORYCTIS(?) IDIOCHROA, N. sp. 3, 20 mm. Head pale ochreous-yellow. Thorax white. Antennae ochreous. Palpi ochreous. Abdomen ochreous- orange. Legs ochreous. Forewings elongate, costa gently arched, termen very obliquely rounded ; white; a fine ochreous line along costa from base to three-quarters; cilia pale ochreous. Hindwings dull ochreous-orange; cilia as in fore- wings. Underside of all wings dull ochreous-orange. Probably nearest ochracea, Meyr.; the white forewings should make it easily recognizable. Hab.—Broken Hill, New South Wales; one specimen, in January. TRISYNTOPA, n. gen. Head with appressed hairs. Antennae moderate, in male filiform, ciliations two, with strong basal pecten. Palpi moderate, curved, ascending, second joint tolerably smooth, terminal joint half of second, just reaching base of antennae. Abdomen moderate. Posterior tibiae rough-haired above and beneath. Forewings with veins 7 and 8 stalked, 7 to apex, 9 out of 7 above middle; 3 and 4 short-stalked. Hindwings over 1, subovate; 3 and 4 from a point, 5 approximated to 4, 6 and 7 parallel. A curious genus not near any other known to me. The neural characters are somewhat abnormal for this group, but until further material is forthcoming it can remain here. Type euryspoda, Low, TRISYNTOPA EURYSPODA, N. sp. 3, 25 mm. Head, palpi, and thorax ashy-grey-fuscous, palpi paler beneath. Antennae fuscous, annulated with darker, ciliations 2. Abdomen ochreous-grey, silvery-grey ' beneath. Legs silvery-grey, anterior and middle tibiae and tarsi infuscated. Forewings elongate, moderate, costa moder- ately arched, apex rounded, termen rounded; ashy-grey- whitish ; veins, especially towards termen, more or less out- lined with fuscous; an obscure elongate dot in cell; a second, more distinct at posterior end of cell; base of wing some- what darker than rest; a somewhat obscure curved row of more or less disconnected spots just before and parallel to termen; cilia grey-whitish, basal half fuscous. Hindwings 239 grey-whitish, slightly fuscous-tinged around apex; cilia white, with a fuscous subbasal line. Hab.—Broken Hill, New South Wales; one specimen, in October. Family ELACHISTIDAE. LIMNOECIA PYCNOGRAMMA, 0. sp. g and 2,20mm. Head orange-yellow. Thorax orange- yellow, with a moderately large somewhat quadrate patch of fuscous on anterior two-thirds. Antennae fuscous, annulated with yellow. Palpi orange, terminal joint paler and mixed with fuscous anteriorly. Abdomen pale yellow. Legs fus- cous, posterior pair yellow. Forewings elongate, moderate, costa gently arched, termen obliquely rounded ; bright yellow, with purplish-fuscous markings; a rather thick oblique basal fascia, leaving a narrow streak of groundcolour at base; a broad median fascia occupying median third of wing, edges oblique, containing a somewhat triangular-shaped spot of groundcolour on costa, and sometimes a narrow outwardly oblique streak of groundcolour just above dorsum; a narrow streak along termen, dilated gradually to apex; cilia dark fuscous. Hindwings elongate-lanceolate, moderately broad; pale grey, finely irrorated with light fuscous; cilia orange- yellow. Nearest zanthopelta, Low. Hab.—Broken Hill, New South Wales; two specimens, in September. 240 NOTES ON SOME MISCELLANEOUS COLEOPTERA, WITH DESCRIPTIONS OF NEW SPECIES.—PART IV. / By Arruur M.. Lua, F.E.S., Museum Entomologist. ee sien from the South Austrahan Museum.| [Read October 10, 1918.] | Puates XXX. tro XXXII. PSELAPHIDAE. ARTICERUS. _ The genus Articerus (like Mandalotus of the Curcu- lionidae and Laws of the Malacodermidae) contains species many of which are characterized by remarkable sexual features. In the male the metasternum is always different from that of the female, being often armed with one or two spines or projections and sometimes largely excavated; the under-surface of the abdomen of the female is usually evenly convex, with the pygidium in the normal position of that organ; but on the male the abdomen is strongly depressed towards the base, with the apex incurved and the pygidium overhanging; as a result the sex of a specimen carded in the ordinary way may be distinguished from the side, the female having the metasternum and abdomen almost con- tinuously resting on the card, while in the male there appears a gap (sometimes of great extent) between the tip of the abdomen and the highest point of the metasternum; the tibiae of the male are often armed and sometimes have curious flanges, the femora and trochanters are also subject to great sexual variation; but the sexual variation of the antennae is seldom very pronounced. It.is desirable to set unique speci- mens so that both surfaces may be closely examined, and in describing new species quite as much attention requires to be paid to the under-surface and appendages as to the upper- surface. At one time several exotic species were referred to the genus, but these have all been excluded by Raffray. 241 . 4 . The following references, tnostly since the date of Masters’ Catalogue, have been made :— Scnauruss: Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen., 1882, pp. 176-196. Monographs the genus (then containing several foreign species), one being described as new; this paper, except for aurifluus (given as for 1883), was not referred to in Masters’ Catalogue. Rarrray: Rev. d’Ent., Caen., 1887, p. 18. One species described as new. Rarrray: Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 1900, pp. 241-244. Four species described as new. Rarrray: Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 1903, p. 97. One species described as new. Rarrray: Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr., 1904, pp. 445, 454. Notes on genus. RaFFray: /.c., 1909, p. 50. One species described as new. RaFFrray: Wytsman’s Gen. Insect., 1908, fasc. 64, pp. 417, 425, 426. 7 Notes on genus and catalogue of species. Rarrray: Junk’s Catal. Weoley, 1311) part 27, pp.. 172,173. Catalogue of species. Biacksurn: Trans. Roy. Soc. 8. Austr., 1889, p. 138. One species described as new. Lea: Proc. Roy. Soc. Vict., 1904, pp. 375, 376. Notes on four species given. fueere. L910, pp. 163-174. Notes on most of the known species given and nine described as new. Lea: l.c., 1912, pp. 53-56. Notes on several species given and one described as new. The males of the species known to me may be tabulated ) as follows :— 242 snyngqib SUDLOILIZUI S1L4WIA1} WAP snusazsoydo] sn41z40drg supLoua ft snsourdsrq sadupwny sadv1z4n9 siULodpUrplia WnU}.LOf 149SD60}8DULI.L9 snibar IT eee eee see eee SHOIqeIS JSOWTe WNUIOSvIOPT *)) e[pplwu Suoje peyyoyo ATsnonordsuoo WNUAe4sVyyT “7 ‘pouieun uswmopqe jo xedy “Ll ea ney Jejed Ajjourysip xoede pure ‘10,1048 ‘poadno ATooTvOs ovUUEyUYW */4 yiep Aywmsojtun Jsowye pue paAino Aysnonordsuoos ovuueyuy *Y ‘ayeyueplq UstOpqe jo xody “C ‘A[1or1ojsod o}ejueplun wnutoyseyop “D6 xodv Ivou peyv[Ip A[Ueppns ovuueyuy “2 xode 0} pojyeiip AjuUoAo ovuuoqUy ‘2 ‘aseq 4B poyeiedes pue Joyjeus Yonu 44009 oy, “YY “* 9SBq UOWUIOD & YIM puB snonordsuod AJOA 400} OY, “Y ‘A[tor1eysod oyejuepIq Wnuseyseyoy, “6 ‘apts 10}no oY} UO Jou ‘pesuvyp fi ‘10 ‘posuepy you osviqiy s[pprm 10 quorg “fff opts JIajno UO Y400} Io ssuvy snonordsuod AJoA B YAM ovIqGI} ETppIP, ‘ff ““* gpiIs oyno uO osuRy snonordsuoo AIOA & YGIM ovVIqty Juor “f ‘xodv¥ 0} pozeyiip Atsnonordsuoo SSo[ 10 o10Wl oBvUUEZUY ‘aa qynoysnoiy} Y}pIM Wods JO (UOIZIIIZSUOD [VSeq oY} 1OJ Ydooxe) ovUUEqUYW *a mouse X9AU0O a2 e[pplu UO SUIYOVOIOUS UOIZVAvOX “qq peuIeun WNUtoyseyep, “pp ous powmie A[SuOI}S WNUIOISeYoP, “Pp ‘snOnoIdsuod JOU SLozUVTOOT] PUB PEyoIe JOU AOE} S[PPI]T 99 snonordsu0d AIoA S1oqyuUevYyO1y puv poyoIe A[SUOI]S VIOWJ Y4IM SDO] O[PpIP °9 ‘uo0T,.10d X9AUO0D JO o[pplul UO SulyoVoious you ustopqe jo sovyins-1eddn uo uolzVAvoxG “q *peqJOII4su0d OF JON “DD esevq vou poejortjsuod ATUSppNs UoULOpqY ‘{NOYSNOAY} WOT{09S sSLOASUBI] UL IepNoIIO evuueqUy “VW 4a}8060)309 Wale 5ac Sin crate 5106 store De Goo rete yons qnoyqi A TI ivi f[oe oy ~~" YUfoo} [TVUIS OM} ZIM OVFINS-1apuN JO UOTYVABOKE 84} JO soptg ‘] ‘OJVOAOT IO PoJVAVOXS OvJINS-JopuyQ “AH SlUgUaaAIIpNS = rs ss “* 97¥O[NS AT[VUIPNyLsuUo, UawOp(e Jo sovsINs-lepuyn ‘i ‘poulie 0S JON “O49 Sadijuap *** ch di oy “* potwie Ajsnonoidsuod Alea Siozuvyo01y eIppI, “9 ‘ATOSIOASUBI} JOU Jnq ‘poewIe WNU.L9}SeI0, “aA snnyiund + hes +9 a peoryd Ajosioasuvsy soutrds om YAM WNULI4SVIOPL “HT SIUDINBatdt —** ee oe a Ne es a ae “* peulivun WNUloyseyep, “7 ‘ATIOLI9ys0d poyvavoxo ATIYSIT you 7 WNUIe4SeIOP, “WW snyIadiavnoxa siete Sate sia vee eee Oto orate ers Mere oyeqzuop 40U STIUM. Daya) 1Y7WYiub + “ss oe ae. “" O[PPrIul UI 97eJUEp UOT4ZVAVOXS oYY Jo [[VM You “Db "Y100} yoreqns odIVL OMY oI YOM puryeq ‘uoryeavoxa deep oo1v] & YIM WnuTeyseqey, “WY or "peqol1zsu0d OS you evuuEqUYW ‘Gq < S1UL001449N48U09* ae safe sais be 1 a “* O[pprlul UT peqorsysu0o evuueyUy ‘G ‘ WO Sv Suryovorous you uoTyeAvoxM “QO 181948 DUL wee wee see sae tee see tae ae powuie Os jou ovIqty 4u01 UG snaoosnd = **" a: chi gle OES xodv ye pewure Ajsnonoidsuoo ovrqiy quolyq ‘dc | ‘snonordsuoo Aida quowYoeo.oUe oY, ‘00 sadiaawq ** ef a a os aie ds SUOTJOIIIP MoF B WOAT ydooxe Snonotdsuoout pue AMol[eys UoOVAvoXe oY} JO JUEUTYOVOLOUE IoOTIOqS0d eu, O. “SSoT YON, “ww SWULONYDIUp as “* pvoy Jo 4vIpy 04 [enbs ynoqe vuuszuL Yoo Jo vore [etloysedng wu ‘4 “‘BYOS BV YONS yNoyIIAA “ww SIULOIAINI ee at ies me “* Yynour oy} Wory Surzoolord, vyas snonoidsuoo yw -w ‘U0T}10d X9AUOD Jo a[pplw UO Suryovo1oUs UsWIOpgL Jo eovjins-leddn uo uoryearoxgm “oO ‘Poy PUr OS Jou VIOWsy e_ppIP, ‘qq snpyung 3 ae a -* sad fae “" peyepur Ajsnousoue vioutey efppryy wei ‘syivd ur oyer Aus ye ‘doap uvYy} JopIaM ovuUuoJUy “yy > mm. Q. Differs in being somewhat wider posteriorly, antennae shorter, and (as viewed from the sides) somewhat stouter, under-surface of abdomen evenly convex, not grooved, and metasternum and tibiae unarmed. Hab.—North-western Australia: Fortescue River, from nests of a small species of /ridomyrmex (W. D. Dodd). Type, I. 8539. Not very close to any other species known to me; brevipes (also from North-western Australia) is a shorter species, with less conspicuous prothoracic fovea, and with abdomen, legs, clothing, etc., different. The clothing of most of the upper-surface is so short that it appears almost like very small scales, but the elytra have a conspicuous apical fringe of short spines; the male has a short spine projecting from the mouth. The antennae of the male are lightly curved, viewed from above they appear to be almost parallel-sided from near the base to the truncated apex, but from the sides each appears to be rather thin on the basal half, and then evenly and rather strongly dilated; from some directions they seem to be finely longitudinally striated, but this is really due to the arrangement of the granules. From an oblique direction the widest part of the prothorax appears to be quite angular. From the sides, and in a rather poor light, the under-surface of the abdomen of the male appears to have an acute spine, but in a good light and from an oblique direction this is seen to be due to two erect setae, close together, but one on each side of the median groove. ARTICERUS COELOGASTER, Nn. sp. d. Dark castaneous-brown; elytra, upper-surface of abdomen, and appendages somewhat paler. Clothed with very short pubescence, becoming more conspicuous and golden about apex of elytra, upper-surface of abdomen with a few erect setae about sides and apex, and with a small fascicle on each side of base. Head short, wide, and deép, without median line; punctures dense and rather coarse. Antennae short and wide. Prothorax lightly transverse, front angles rounded off; with a feeble medio-basal depression; punctures as on_ head. Elytra moderately dilated posteriorly, subsutural striae lightly defined; base with dense and moderately coarse punctures, smaller and sparser (but distinct) elsewhere. Upper-surface of abdomen with a short deep excavation, not encroaching upon the convex portion; under-surface with a 254 large almost circular fovea, extending from base to the slightly overhanging pygidium; with two short medio-apical processes. Jfetasternum sloping upwards from base to beyond the middle, and then strongly sloping downwards to apex. Front and hind tibiae somewhat dilated, the middle pair short, strongly curved, and terminated by a sharp spur. Length, 24 mm. Hab.—Queensland: Cairns district, from a nest of ants (F. P. Dodd). Type (unique), I. 8538. The type was somewhat mouldy, and on cleaning it pos- sibly some of the pubescence was removed; the species, however, is one of the most distinct in the genus; it is a rather large dark one, at first glance somewhat resembling, but really very different from, dentiventris and lophosternus ; it 1s about the size of dilaticornis, but the abdomen is very different, antennae smaller, etc. Structurally it is close to raffrayi, but is much darker, the under-surface of the abdomen with a more sharply defined excavation (without sub- basal armature), and antennae slightly shorter. The antennae are narrow at the base, then suddenly and strongly dilated and flat, near the apex they become narrower and deeper, with the apex itself almost circular, the greatest width is almost median; seen from below the basal two-thirds appear to be finely striated. The medio-basal impression of the pro- notum is, for the genus, decidedly feeble, but is quite distinct. The excavation on the under-surface of the abdomen is actually of greater extent than the one on the upper-surface ; the summit of the metasternal] elevation is not spinose, but from some directions appears to be slightly angular. CUCUJIDAE. LAEMOPHLAEUS BLACKBURNI, Grouyv. (1902). L. frenchi, Blackb. (1903). There was not time for the description of blackburm to be noted in the Zoological Record when the description of frencht was sent for publication; otherwise the late Rev. T. Blackburn would certainly not have redescribed this remarkably distinct species. SCARABAEIDAE. NESO FLAVIPENNIS, Macl. (formerly Platydesmus ). NV. yorkensis, Blackb. N. planicollis, Blackb. The late Rev. T. Blackburn has already) referred to planicollis as a synonym of flavipennis; but he was under the (3) Ante, 1907, p. 274. ~ 255 impression that yorkensis was distinct on account of the club and the base of the prothorax. The antennae, however, are very different sexually; in the male the lamellae of the club are much longer than in the female, although in that sex they are so long that a unique specimen would probably be regarded as a male. On some specimens the convexity of the prothorax is more pronounced than on others, but the differ- ence is certainly less striking than is implied in the table, and its apparent convexity is subject to alteration by the closeness of its application to the elytra. Of yorkensis there are in the Museum a cotype male and the type female; of planicollis there are two cotype females and a named male (but not marked as a cotype), and, sex for sex, these agree well in structure. There are also numerous other specimens before me, and the species may be taken in abundance at lights in Northern Queensland. The head and prothorax are frequently more or less reddish-castaneous, but vary (in both sexes) almost to black, occasionally they are scarcely darker than the elytra; pale females in colour are scarcely dis- tinguishable from some forms of Haplonycha testacerpenms, but may be at once distinguished by the base of the prothorax being almost simple, instead of narrowly but conspicuously upcurved as on that species. Neso puca.is, Blackb. The carinae on the pygidium of this species is sometimes very conspicuous, but varies so that on some specimens it is not traceable. The male differs from the female in being more parallel-sided, and with the lamellae of the club almost twice as long. The size varies from 12 to 16 mm. ANODONTONYX VIGILANS, Sharp. A. creber, Blackb. A. chalceus, Blackb. A. indignus, Blackb. Two. specimens, one without label, the other) labelled _‘‘Austral.,’?in Dr. Sharp’s writing, were sent by Mr. Arrow as A. wigilans, a species comented upon by the late Rev. T. Blackburn as incapable of determination) but as nearest in description to chalceus. They, in fact, agree well with three specimens from his collection labelled as chalceus, and their iridescence is quite as pronounced as on those specimens. They agree also with two named specimens of imdignus, .a cotype, and some other named specimens of creer. (4) Almost certainly one of the specimens mentioned by Sharp. (5) Ante, 1907, p. 260. 256 In Blackburn’s table reliance was placed on the lateral parts of the prothorax being ‘‘very closely: (almost con- fluently) punctulate’’ in ereber and ‘‘much less closely’? in chalceus and indignus. On the cotype of creber the punctures there are certainly somewhat denser than on specimens of the other supposed species, but they are also denser than on a specimen from Ballarat and two from Forest Reefs also identified by him as creber, and on these the punctures both there and elsewhere (including those between the first and second elytral striae) are much as on the specimens of wndignus and chalceus; the two latter were distinguished by ‘“‘Hind angles of prothorax quite distinct, though strongly obtuse” in chalceus, and ‘‘quite rounded off’’.in andignus; on the speci- mens in the Museum I can find no difference whatever in the actual rotundity of the angles when viewed from exactly the same direction; if viewed from different points and with the base closely applied to the elytra or not there appear to be slight differences. The apparent convexity of the prothorax of the various specimens differs also with the point of view, but from the same viewpoint the difference is extremely small, certainly not of more than individual importance. ANODONTONYX PLANICEPS, Blackb. (formerly Sericesthis ). Sericesthis parvipes, Blackb. | There are in the Museum the type female, six other specimens labelled as planiceps by Blackburn, and numerous others. These vary in colour from light reddish-castaneous to forms whose prothorax, scutellum, and elytra are almost black; some have only the pronotum blackish, and some have the elytra dark but diluted with red about the shoulders. On some specimens, especially of the large dark ones, the clypeus is conspicuously bilobed in front, and it varies (independently of sex) to almost evenly rounded. The sizes of the elytral punctures are also somewhat variable. Of parvipes there is one specimen labelled as a cotype, and I cannot distinguish this structurally from females of plamceps, the character relied upon by Blackburn, “‘Inter- mediate tarsi very little longer than their tibiae’ as against ‘nearly twice as long’’ (of planiceps) is, on these specimens, more apparent than real; on some of them the claws are directed almost at a right angle to the claw joint, on others they appear to continue the line of the claw, and specimens of the latter (especially if males) appear to have much longer tarsi, but to the eye the four basal joints are pe perceptibly longer than the tibia in both sexes. ge ara 257 Var. ater, n. var. Seven specimens (from Hawker) differ in having the entire upper-surface deep black, with the under- surface and appendages dark reddish-brown, becoming black in parts. The clypeus in all of them is rather conspicuously bilobed. They were sent with many other specimens having the head pale and the general colour not deep black. ANTITROGUS BURMEISTERI, Blackb. The table differentiating the three known species of Antitrogus given by Blackburn (ante, 1911, p. 199) readily permits of the specimens before me being divided into three aggregates, but he appears to have been in doubt as to whether the colours may not have been of more than indi- vidual importance. A long series of males (including a co- type and many specimens taken by Mr. Griffith, some of which were commented upon) indicate that the general colour varies from a rather dark reddish-brown to almost black. The size varies from 21 to 24 mm. The female is rather larger and stouter than the male, and the club is much smaller, but the proportions between the third and fourth joints of the antennae are the same; the spurs to the hind tibiae are somewhat stouter, but are otherwise scarcely different. ANTITROGUS TASMANICUS, Burm. This species varies in size from 19 to 23 mm., and in colour from a reddish-brown to piceous-brown, with or with- out a pruinose gloss; occasionally the elytra are paler than the rest of the upper-surface. .The female differs from the male as does the female of burmezsterr, but the proportions of the third and fourth joints of the antennae are as in its own male. SEMANOPTERUS. By various authors nineteen (©) names have been referred to this genus, and in dealing with these(? Mr. Gilbert J. Arrow transfers one (dentatus, Blackb.) to Hophileurus, and regards all the others, largely by ‘‘a study of the genitalia of the males’’ (these, however, not being otherwise. noted) as belonging to but five species. I differ from him, however, as regards two (meridianus and tricostatus) of the names, and consider that but four species can be maintained. There are in the South Australian Museum, from the Blackburn collection, specimens of all his supposed species, (6) Really twenty, as Mr. Blackburn (ante, 1896, p. 250) refers S ay S. punctiventris,’’ evidently an MS. name subsequently altered. (7) Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., Ser. 8, vol. xiv., 1914, p. 267. J ’ 258 with the exception of dentatus ; by the courtesy of the Curator of the Australian Museum (Mr. R. Etheridge) I have also been able to examine the types of Macleay’s two species, and Mr. Arrow sent specimens which he identified as solidus and subcostatus. SEMANOPTERUS CONVEXIUSCULUS, Macl.: Trans. Ent. Soc. N:S. Wales, if), p, 20m S. angustatus, Blackb.: Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austr., 188 i.cpeezo2, 1896, p.. 25g: S. minor, Blackb.: l.c., 1887, p. 233; Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 1888, p. 1413. S. longicollis, Blackb.: Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 1888, p. 1412. S. rectangulus, Blackb.: Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austr., 1895, p. 41. | S. persimilis, Blackb.: U.c.; p. 42. S. carinatus, Blackb.: l.c., p. 43. S. meridianus, Blackb.: l.c., 1896, p. 250. S. concentricus, Blackb.: l.c., p. 251. S. tricostatus, Blackb.: l.c., p. 52. S. distributus, Blackb.: l.c., p. 252. Pl. xxx.; pl. xxx1., ‘figs..21, 22;. pl. xxx) Bese0-coe To the synonymy of this species as given by Arrow the two last names have been added, making it as above. In Blackburn’s table of the genus primary use was made of the basal angles of the prothorax, and in fact it is difficult at first to accept the idea that a specimen whose basal angle of prothorax is without the slightest incurvature, as on the type of convexiusculus (pl. xxxii., fig. 30) can be conspecific with another whose basal angle is very conspicuously notched, as on the cotype of rectangulus (pl. xxxu., fig. 32), especially when these differences are accompanied by others in the “pygidium, prosternum, etc. However, from examination of the actual types Mr. Arrow came to his conclusion, and in this I am reluctantly compelled to follow him. I have very carefully studied Blackburn’s table of the genus with the cotypes (marked as such by himself), and believe that in preparing it he could only have closely examined the types themselves, and made no allowance for variation. For in- stance, concentricus, angustatus, and minor are stated to have the sides of prothorax ‘‘strongly incurved in front of base’’ ; those of two cotypes of concentricus, a cotype of angustatus, and two cotypes of minor have the sides just. perceptibly incurved to base (pl. xxxii., fig. 31); on the type female of concentricus there is no incurvature at all, the sides being 259 as on the type of convexiusculus (pl. xxxii., fig. 30), but on a specimen he identified as minor (pl. xxxii., fig. 33), and which I regard as belonging to the variety rectangulus, there is a conspicuous notch near the base. A specimen labelled as carinatus, the type female of persimilis, two cotypes of rectangulus, and two of distributus could fairly be said to have the sides “‘strongly excised,’’ as noted in the table, but a cotype of tricostatus (pl. xxxil., fig. 36) has but a slight incurvature there. The clothing of the pygidium is a prac- tically useless character for a table, as the hairs are certain to become more or less abraded with age; the punctures of the pygidium are strikingly different on some of the cotypes, but here again, from them, I cannot follow Blackburn’s com- ments. The discal depressions of the prothorax, as on most of the Dynastides, are particularly lable to variation. Meridianus was regarded by Arrow as a synonym of swzb- costatus, but his opinion is not borne out by the type female, which placed side by side with the type of convexiusculus is seen to be absolutely conspecific with it, differing in a very slight degree in the basal angles and in the punctures; but in size, outline, and general sculpture the two are in perfect unison. Possibly the type male belongs to swbcostatus, and the type female to convexiusculus, but this is doubtful from the description. A cotype female from Bindogundra has the prothoracic margins exactly as on the type of convexiusculus, but differs somewhat in the elytra] punctures. Tricostatus was apparently considered as distinct by Arrow, although all he says of it is that it is apparently con- fined to Western Australia.(8) A cotype male in the Museum (pl. xxxii., figs. 32, 36) agrees absolutely (except for a slight degree in the notching of the base), with a specimen pl. xxx., fig. 8, and pl. xxxi., fig. 33) identified by Blackburn as minor). Two other cotype males (from Geraldton) have the prothoracic excavation exactly as on a cotype of rectangulus, and the basal notch as in fig. 35 (pl. xxxii.), with the third carina on each elytron less conspicuous than on the other cotype. It appears, therefore, that this name should also rank with the synonyms of convexiusculus. A copy of these notes was submitted to Mr. Arrow for his opinion, which was given as follows:—‘‘I strongly suspect that some of the specimens upon which you are relying as cotypes of Blackburn’s species are not the same species as his types. S. tricostatus is a well-marked species, as you will see if you will examine the genitalia, which are of supreme (8) Blackburn, however, said that from it ‘‘a single male ee . . . from North Queensland seems indistinguish- apie =...” 32 260 importance in distinguishing these insects. S$. meridianus type is a female, but is certainly not convexiusculus, Macl., if the latter is angustatus, Blackb. I have mounted and care- fully compared the aedeagi of all ten types and very many other specimens, and consider my conclusions certain.” I have not felt justified in breaking up the abdomen to examine the aedeagus of any of the male types or cotypes, but three figures are given from some specimens carefully compared with them. Five males agreed closely with rectangulus, and the aedeagus of one is figured (pl. xxxu., fig. 41). The aedeagi of the others all differed slightly from it and from each other; on one of them the two serrations on each side were extremely feeble. Four males agreed closely with a specimen considered by Mr. Blackburn to be adelaidae; of these one has the aedeagus as on pl. xxxu1., fig. 39, two had it somewhat similar although not exactly the same, but that of the fourth (pl. xxxii., fig. 40) was without the subapical notch. It would appear, therefore, that the aedeagus in some species is just as unreliable as external features. SEMANOPTERUS SUBCOSTATUS, Cast. (Philewrus), Hist. Nat., il., p. 116 (Chiroplatys, Mast. Cat., No. 2478). adelaidae, Hope: Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., iv., p. 281. subaequalis, Hope: l.c., p. 282. | depressus, Hope: l.c., p. 282. depressiusculus, Macl.: Trans..Ent. Soc. N.S. Wales, 1., p. 200. Pl. xxxi., figs. 17-20; pl. xxxil., figs. 36,39, 40: Blackburn ofSeubcostatus remarked that it ‘‘might be almost any Semanopterus, but is probably adelaidae, Hope.’’ Arrow says,(9) “T have already 0) expressed my opinion that the three names bestowed by Hope (adelaidae, subaequalis, and depressus) refer all to one species. To this species depressiusculus, Macl., and meridianus, Blackb., also apply, and it should be called S. subcostatus, Cast.’’? In neither reference, however, does he give the grounds for his belief, and presumably the type of swbcostatus is not in the British Museum. As regards meridianus, I consider that as a synonym it should be transferred to convexiusculus, and com- ment upon it under that species. : a ta ta Ua (9): L.ce, 1914 paeon (10) Z.c., Ser. 8, vol. viii., 1911, p. 156; im this reference; however, he did not include adelaidae. 261 SEMANOPTERUS SOLIDUS, Burm. (Scapanes), Handb. v., p. 207. S. subaequalis, (Hope) Blackb.: Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austr!, 1887, p. 231. Asemantus subaequalis, (? Hope), Blackb.: /.c., 1896, p. 248. Pl. xxxi., figs. 23-26; pl.’ xxxii., fig. 37. Blackburn had doubts as to his identification of swb- aequalis, and these doubts were evidently well founded, as Arrow (no doubt from examination of the types) regards all three of Hope’s names as belonging to but one species. ‘The former, however, from his comments on solidus, evidently considered the probability of its being the same species as the one he identified as swhaequalis. On pl. xxxi. are figures (23 and 24) of the specimens described by him as belonging to his new genus Asemantus, and the species he supposed to be suwbaequalis; whilst figs. 25 and 26 (pl. xxx1.) are of specimens identified by Arrow as solidus, they certainly belong to but one species, a fairly common one in parts of Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, and South Australia. Curiously enough standing under the name of Scapanes solidus, in many Australian collections, was one of the largest of our Dynastides (pl. xxxi., fig. 29), but a refer- ence to the original description proves that this legendary identification is utterly wrong. SEMANOPTERUS LEAI, Blackb. (Asemantus), l.c., 1897, p. 29. Pees nes, 27, 28; pl. xxxii., fig. 38. Regarded by Blackburn as congeneric with the preceding species and generically distinct from Semanopterus; it occurs in Western Australia, and is very different from any other species of the genus. EUPATORUS AaUSTRALICUS, Arrow, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1908, p. 354. Pi sizsod,, fe; 29; This species appears to be confined to the southern parts of coastal Queensland. CoRYNOPHYLLUS MODESTUS, Blackb. A male from Queensland (Stanthorpe) differs from a co- type male of this species in having the cephalic horn larger (11) Hupatorus australicus, Arrow. 262 and more acute, the space on the head behind it flat instead of concave, and the clypeus and tibiae reddish. Horonotus opratus, Sharp. AH. variolicollis, Fairm. Palmerstoma minor, Blackb. P. pusilla, Blackb. Prior to their despatch to the British Museum I examined the types of minor and pusilla, and was satisfied that they are but forms of optatus, a species that varies greatly in size, and is frequently attracted to lights in the tropical parts of Queensland. Part of this synonymy has already been recorded. ) Horonorus BoviLii, Blackb. (formerly Palmerstonia). A male from Cairns (E. Allen) differs from the male previously commented upon by Blackburn (ante, 1896,-p. 254), in being considerably larger, in having the cephalic horn considerably larger, and the three prothoracic horns larger, more acute, and not placed in a transverse row (as on that specimen), but closer together, two in front and one behind; the difference to the eye is a very striking one, but the species of Horonotus are so variable that the difference is not likely to be more than an individual one. The stridulating file of the pygidium is a very beautiful one. HEMIPHARIS FROGGATTI, Macl. I have recently examined the types (sexes) of this species- As suspected “2) they belong to the variety speciosa of H. insularis. CHLOROBAPTA VIRIDISIGNATA, Macl. A female in the Macleay Museum is evidently the type of this species, and as suspected (5) it is a variety of frontal. On its prothorax there are two small green spots on each side; associated with it is a male with quite ordinary markings. DIAPHONIA DORSALIS, Don. A male (from the Richmond River) in the Macleay Museum has the black markings much more extended than usual, the pale portion on each side of the prothorax being very narrow, the elytra are dark except for a very narrow lateral margin, and even this becomes infuscated about the apex; a second specimen (also from the Richmond River) has the pale elytral margins somewhat wider, and about the apex. (12) Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austr., 1914, p. 149. Gs)’ Tv¢:, ‘p. 136; - 263 somewhat irregular, so that the dark portion at the summit of the apical slope appears to be trilobed. DIAPHONIA MNISZECHII, Jans. A specimen of this fine species is in the Macleay Museum from the Darling River. LYRAPHORA OBLIQUATA, Westw. A specimen labelled as from Mudgee (New South Wales) is in the Macleay Museum, but the locality is probably wrong. GLYCYPHANA BRUNNIPES, Kirby. There are two specimens of this species in the Macleay Museum, from North-western Australia, with the white mark- ings occupying an unusually large proportion of the elytra. MICROVALGUS QUINQUEDENTATUS, Lea. Some specimens, that appear to be males of this species, © differ from the females in having the apical segment of abdomen flattened in middle, and the general colours some- what darker. MIcROVALGUS DUBIUS, Lea. There are specimens of this species in the Macleay Museum from South Australia. CURCULIONIDAE. MYLLOCERUS HERBACEUS, Pasc. Mr. Arrow sent for examination a cotype of this species; it has a strong conical tubercle projecting backwards from the under-surface of the rostrum, and all the femora are acutely and distinctly dentate; as these characters (the first of which is a very remarkable one) were not mentioned in the original description I thought that possibly a mistake had been made in the identification, and wrote to Mr. Arrow for confirmation of same. In reply he wrote, ‘‘I have ex- amined Pascoe’s type and find it has the peculiar hooked process on the rostrum and also sharply spined femora.”’ Mirabilis, the only other Australian species with the under- surface of rostrum somewhat similar, belongs to a different section of the genus, and has the base of ‘prothorax much wider and clothing very different. ESSOLITHNA RATTULA, Pasc. (formerly Pephricus). A cotype of this species, evidently the one noted as having ‘“‘two fine white lines at the base of the elytra,’’ was 264 | . ~sent for examination ; specimens were in the Macleay Museum from the Darling River. The species in general appearance is fairly close to cordipennis, but the space between the scrobes is strongly narrowed posteriorly, whereas on that species it is slightly dilated posteriorly; the clothing also is different. As in some respects it seemed to agree with the description of wmbratus, some years ago specimens were sent for comparison with the type of that species, and of these the late Rev. T. Blackburn wrote, ‘‘Specimens sent are certainly not wmbratus. Apart from colouring (which is very different) it differs, enter alia, as follows: Shape of prothorax—in umbratus, less rounded laterally with greatest width in front of middle; in your species well rounded, widest at middle. Interval between scrobes in wmbratus continuously and evenly narrowing from base to apex, in your species at its narrowest near base.’’ The latter character will also dis- tinguish the species from mediofusca, which in many respects it resembles. There is a whitish ring on each of-+the femora. ESSOLITHNA NIGESCENS,. Pasc. (formerly Chaodius ). A cotype of this species sent for examination has the front coxae exactly as on Hssolithna rattula, that is to say, the intercoxal process is rather narrow, about half the width of that between the middle coxae and transversely cleft at its narrowest part; the claws are unidentate. It was only on these characters (in comparison with Polyphrades) that Chaodius was proposed as new, and I regard it is absolutely synonymous with Hssolithna. The elytra were described as subparallel, but the shoulders are rather strongly rounded,,. the sides at the apical fourth are coarctate, and the sides between are gently rounded; possibly the sides are sexually variable, but the word subparallel as applied to the cotype would be misleading. The species is extremely close to cordvpenms, but differs in having longer and narrower elytra. ESSOLITHNA UMBRATA, Blackb. (Pephricus). On closely examining a cotype of this species each claw is seen to have a smaller one soldered to it at the base; the smaller claw is invisible from most directions, but its presence on this species and its gradual enlargement on several species of Polyphrades, till at the apex the claws are noticeably cleft, but of equal size, seem to imply a doubt as to whether Essolithna (to which genus Pephricus has already been referred) can be eventually maintained as distinct. : 265 CATASARCUS POLLINOSUS, Pasc. C. maculatus, Pasc. A specimen sent for examination by Mr. Arrow, marked as a cotype and bearing a label ‘‘Catasarcus pollinosus, Pasc.,’’ in Pascoe’s own writing, is simply a specimen of maculatus that has the whole of the upper-surface with a curiously leaden or varnished appearance. It was described s ‘‘having an ashy-waxy appearance above.’’ This appear- ance is liable to occur on any species of Catasarcus, and I have previously commented upon it under the word ‘‘Varnish- ing.’’ (14) As, however, the description of ~pollinosus was printed (p. 23) before that of maculatus (p. 25) the latter name must be treated as a synonym. The species occurs in abundance at King George Sound and near same. It is quite possible that the species is the Cneorhinus impressipennis of Boisduval.“5) The figure of that species is certainly an extremely poor one, but, such as it is, it seems to come closer to this species than to any other before me. CATASARCUS STIGMATIPENNIS, Boi. (formerly Cneorhinus ). C. transversalis, Germ. C. memnonius, Pasc. A specimen sent for examination by Mr. Arrow as a cotype of memnonius is simply an abraded ‘6 one of trans- versalis, the only species of the genus of which I have seen authentic specimens from any other State than Western Aus- tralia. It is common in many parts of Victoria and South Australia, is considerably variable in size, and abraded speci- mens have a very different appearance from ones in good con- dition. I am also convinced that it is the Cneorhinus stagmatipennis of Boisduval, described as from Port Western (near Melbourne). CaATASARCUS OVINUS, Pasc. ask aepenee from the , British Museum bears three labels: —1. ““N. Australia.’ Jeo LDOWIIDS, 265 4 ("oe Be pea. ovinus, Pasc. ee with type, G. J. A.”’ But in that institution (judging from specimens sent to me for examination) there are many specimens labelled as from North Australia and Bowring that are certainly not from the tropical portions of Australia, belonging to quite common (14) Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 1897, pp. 593, 594. (15) Voy. ‘‘Ast.,’’ p. 350, and Atlas, pl. vii., fig. 9. (16) It was described as being ‘‘without any scales.’’ 266 species in New South Wales, Victoria, or Western Australia. This species 1s a common one in Western Australia, and is the one I previously “”) surmised to be such. CATASARCUS GRISEUS, Pasc. — _ A specimen sent as a cotype. of griseus-is certainly very close to the preceding one, but differs in the elytral striation being less evident. posteriorly, and the punctures towards the — base more or less transversely confluent (much as on many specimens of transversalis). In Pascoe’s table they are separated by griseus being ‘‘oval and more or less oblong’’ and by ovanus being ‘‘shortly ovate’’; there is certainly a slight difference in the comparative widths of the specimens. sent, but there are specimens. of ovinus. before me with a~ still greater range in width. In griseus the first joint of the funicle was described as ‘‘very little longer than the second,’’ in ovinus as ‘‘considerably longer’; but on each of the speci- mens sent the first joint appears to be about one-fourth longer than the second, the proportions being exactly the same. That the two forms represent distinct species I can hardly believe; if they should eventually prove to be varieties: griseus has priority. CATASARCUS CERATUS, Pasc. C. granulatus, Lea. A specimen sent for examination by Mr. Arrow, marked as a cotype, and bearing a label “‘Catasarcus ceratus, Pasc.,”’ in Pascoe’s own writing, 1s simply a varnished one of the species I subsequently named granulatus. Its finer sculpture is naturally less conspicuous and the varnishing has extended even to parts of the legs. Its antennae are missing, but those of the type were wrongly described. (18) CATASARCUS LONGICORNIS, Pasc. A Champion Bay specimen sent for examination as a cotype of longicornis agrees well (even as to the antennae) with a species, common about the Swan River, which I have long had as hopei. But probably Pascoe had another species as hopei, and I am not prepared to defend my identification of the latter. It might be pointed out, however, that the differences relied upon in his table by Pascoe could very well be sexual. | (17) Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austr., 1909, p. 165. (18) See note Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austr., 1909, p. 156. 267 CATASARCUS ARMATUS, Blackb. Six specimens before me, from Kalgoorlie, are evidently in better condition than the type was; four of them have the elytra at the base densely clothed (mostly in three con- spicuous patches) with ochreous scales, having, on close examination, a somewhat golden glitter, and similar scales rather thickly scattered elsewhere. Along the middle of the prothorax there is usually a conspicuous line of bluish scales ; three of the specimens have the shoulders tuberculate, but on the others they are unarmed. CATASARCUS SERICEUS, Blackb. A specimen, from Kuminin, possibly belongs to this species. Its, scales, whilst mostly greenish, are considerably mixed with sooty and somewhat golden ones; the post- humeral tubercle (directly above the middle of the meta- sternum) is an obtuse swelling only, instead of a spine, as on most species of the genus. AMISALLUS NoDosUS, Er. A specimen, from Tasmania, agrees with Erichson’s description of nodosus, but in addition to the large elytral tubercles described by him it has several small ones on the suture about summit of apical slope; these were not men- tioned, but their presence on any species of the Leptopsides is of importance as an aid to identification, and nodosus 1s the only described species of Amzsallus with such tubercles. A specimen from Mount Tambourine (Queensland) has similar sutural tubercles to the Tasmanian one, but the interior row on the right elytron is composed of five, and on the left elytron of seven, large tubercles. AMISALLUS WHITEI, Waterh., var. A specimen, from Cairns, differs from the typical form of this species in having a cluster of four conjoined tubercles, forming an irregular mass on each shoulder; the furrow on its prothorax is distinct, narrow, and scarcely interrupted, and the inter-ocular tubercles smaller and more obtuse than usual. LIPOTHYREA CHLORIS, Pasc., var. Five specimens from Charters Towers differ from the typical form of this species in having the green scales replaced by ashen ones, and the size decreasing to 6 mm.; the general appearance of the smaller specimens is much like that of arrowt, but they are without the conspicuous long setae of that species. 268 OxyOPS GEMELLA, Pasc. A specimen from ‘‘Western Australia’? (the type was from Champion Bay) sent as a cotype of gemella is very close to multidentata, but differs in the front tibiae being thicker, straighter, and less conspicuously dentate. The original description is distinctly misleading (if the cotype agrees well with the type), as the elytra were noted as having the third interstice elevated throughout and as having “‘singulatim medio nigro-plagiatis et postice macula alba distincta notatis’”’ ; also no mention was made of a rather strong pro- thoracic carina. On the cotype there is a semicircular irregularly double row of large punctures or foveae, com- mencing near the shoulder, curved round to near suture, and then obliquely hindwards, terminating about summit of apical slope; these punctures appear darker than the adjacent parts owing to partial absence of clothing, but the space there is certainly not black. The species also occurs. in South Australia and Victoria. ETHEMAIA ALTERNATA, Lea. Mr. Feuerheerdt has recently taken numerous specimens: of this species. On some of them the elytral scales are mostly slaty-white, but with patches varying to sooty; on many of them there are small patches of ochreous scales at. the base of the head; some of them have a second tubercle on the fifth interstice before the one crowning the apical slope. | LycosuRA BREWERI, Pasc. (formerly PANTOREITEsS). L. wmermis, Lea. A cotype of brewert sent for examination by Mr. Arrow does not even belong to the Gonipterides, but is a Lycosura, and is the species I have named inermis. OPpsITTIS ATOMARIA, Pasc. Sediantha marituma, Lea. Mr. Arrow sent for examination a cotype of Opsittis atomaria. The genus and species are the same as those I subsequently named Sediantha maritima. The eyes were correctly described by Pascoe as transverse, small and approximate in front, but the figure (pl. vii., fig. 8) of the side view of the head is utterly misleading. The genus is quite close to Desiantha of the Erirhinides, but Pascoe referred it to the Molytides, where I would never have thought of looking for it. 269 PHRENOZEMIA. This genus was referred by Pascoe to the group Eugnomides of the Erirhinides. A female of the typical species, /yprordes, was recently sent to me for examination by Mr. Arrow; it bears a name label by Pascoe, and is no doubt a cotype; there are also numerous specimens from Geraldton before me that belong to the species. The genus looks out of place in the Erirhinides, and more as if it should be asso- ciated with Jfedicasta, or possibly Acalonoma, but regarding it as an Erirhinid it could, in Blackburn’s table (dis- regarding the position assigned to it by him on account of the “‘eyes as much on rostrum as on head,’’ a scarcely correct character,(20 as the eyes, although quite frontal, are not any more ‘‘on’’ the rostrum than on many other Erirhinid genera), be associated with Deszantha, to which it is far from being closely allied; but if excluded from I of that table, it could be placed in MM,(!) and the ocular lobes being entirely wanting, it would be associated with Omorophius, to which also it is far from being closely allied. The eyes are rather large but not prominent, coarsely faceted, and distant from the prothorax; the head is regularly narrowed from its base to the base of the rostrum, and the eyes are so little prominent that they scarcely interfere with the general obliquity of the sides. PHRENOZEMIA LYPROIDES, Pasc. This species is individually and sexually variable. In the specific description the scales were noted as “‘griseo-albis,’” but in the generic one as having ‘‘a pearly lustre’; on the pronotum there is often a pale median line of scales extending forwards on to the base of the head, and backwards to beyond the scutellum; towards each side of the elytra there is often a whitish vitta, with a golden or greenish gloss, but often the scales of the upper-surface are smoky-brown, pale golden- green and golden confusedly mixed; on the under-surface and legs they are also variable, but with the paler colours prevailing; some specimens, however, have scarcely any gloss to the scales, and the expression ‘‘griseo-albis’’ well applies to them. The rostrum of the male is almost straight and almost as long as the prothorax, and the antennae, when stretched out at right angles to the rostrum, are so placed (19) Ante, 1894, pp. 148-150; although tabulated by Blackburn. it was apparently unknown to him. _ (20) Nor can I find any warrant in Pascoe’s description or in his table of genera for such a character being used. (21) Pascoe corrected the original description of the funicle when describing a second species of the genus. 270 that the distance separating them is slightly greater than the distance between them and the tip of the muzzle. In the female the rostrum is thinner, more noticeably but not strongly curved, about one-fourth longer, and the distance between the antennae is scarcely more than half that between them and the tip of the muzzle. The basal segment of the abdomen of the male is moderately concave, and the second is flat in the middle; in the female the basal segment is gently convex in the middle, and the second decidedly convex. : CyROTYPHUS FASCICULARIS,: Pasc. A specimen from Coolgardie differs from the normal form of this species in being considerably larger (17 x 7 mm.), fascicles on the elytra more numerous (there are nine small ones on each side of the suture), the transverse series of four tubercles on the pronotum larger, and the apex with two fairly large ones (on the normal form these are represented by slight ridges). CTENAPHIDES MACULATUS, Pasc. (formerly Hurhynchus ). C. gymnostictus, Lea. Mr. Arrow sent a female of Hurhynchus maculatus for examination, marked as having been compared with the type. It is the species I subsequently named C. gymnostictus. Pascoe’s description is somewhat misleading, as the club was given as black and the elytral interstices as having piceous spots; the elytra certainly have a spotted appearance, but this is due to small glabrous spaces, these being exactly the same colour as the rest of the derm. The scutellum was described as triangular; as a matter of fact, it is almost vertical with a conspicuous median groove. HaAPLONYX SCOLOPAX, Pasc. A cotype of this species sent for examination proves to be, as previously suspected, (22) simply an abraded specimen of spencei; the sexes differ in the length of the rostrum, that of the female being distinctly longer than that of the male. HaPLonyx DOTATUS, Pasc. A cotype of this species is certainly but one of the many varieties of myrrhatus. The clothing and scales of specimens of Haplonyx that have been preserved in liquids often differ ‘considerably in appearance from specimens of the same species that have been killed and kept dry. Partial abrasion also considerably alters their appearance. (22) Ante, 1910, p. 44. 271 HApPLONYX FALLACIOSUS, Pasc. A cotype of this species is structurally very close to fasciculatus, but has the prothorax non-fasciculate. The description implies that there is but one fascicle on each elytron, but on the cotype there are five on each, three on the third interstice and two on the fifth. DecILaus INFAUSTUS, Pasc. (formerly Drassicus ). Decilaus coryssopus, Lea. A specimen sent for examination by Mr. Arrow as a cotype of Drassicus infaustus and agreeing with the descrip- tion, agrees with the type of D. coryssopus. Pascoe referred it with some doubt to Drassicus, but it belongs to Decilaus ; he recorded it from Wide Bay, and the cotype is so labelled ; the types of coryssopus were from Hobart, and it is very doubtful if Wide Bay was correctly given. PHLAEOGLYMMA PALLIDA, Lea. Two specimens, from the old collection, and without locality labels, evidently belong to this species. They differ from the type in having most of the scales on the upper- surface of a dingy light brown, but in places verging to sooty. The white scales form three lines on the pronotum, of which the median line is no longer than the others. On each elytron they form an oblique stripe from the shoulder to near the suture, and another across summit of posterior declivity. On the under-surface the light-brown scales are fairly numerous. The three specimens, that I have now seen of the species, appear to be all males. PACHYPOROPTERUS SATYRUS, Pasc. (Poropterus). Poropterus inominatus, Pasc. Mr. Arrow informed me that these names are Synonymous, satyrus was recorded from Tasmania and inominatus from Queensland; the former occurs in many parts of Tasmania, but» apparently not beyond that State. If the type of the latter was really from Queensland, I should be dubious about its being really a synonym, especially as Pascoe compared them, saying of imominatus that it was “‘shorter, less convex, the parts behind the carina marking the upper region of the epipleura, abruptly constricted, and the scales at the base of the elytra concolorous with and closely fixed to the derm, the part, except under a strong lens, appearing denuded.’’ However, in a second communi- cation Mr. Arrow wrote, ‘‘The single type specimen of mmominatus bears only the loc. Queensland in Pascoe’s 272 handwriting. The only part of the above comparative description which I can confirm is the denuded appearance, which is an unmistakeable reality. I think Pascoe must have made a mistake in the locality and imagined the rest.’’ OmybDAUS LuRIDUS, Fab. (formerly Rhynchaenus ). Cryptorhynchus fultginosus, Boi. Acalles immansuetus, Boh. O. plinthordes, Pasc. In commenting (2) on the synonymy of fuliginosus, I was somewhat dubious as to luridus really being the same species, as Pascoe stated that it was a Poropterus; I have seen the type of fuliginosus, which is certainly the same as immansuetus and plinthoides, and Mr. Arrow has recently compared the types of luridus and plinthoides, and considers them identical. CHRYSOMELIDAE. DIAPHANOPS WESTERMANNI, Boh. Var. D. meyricki, Blackb. Var. D. parallelus, Blackb. There are before me 28 specimens, all of which I believe to be westermannt, but they present considerable differences in size, colour, and clothing. The difference in appearance of the clothing is often due to partial abrasion 24) and to the colour of the derm upon which it is resting, but on some specimens it is beautifully regular, and on others it appears to be rougher, this, however, probably being due to some of them having been preserved in alcohol. The colour of the derm varies from entirely pale reddish-brown to entirely deep black, many specimens have the elytra and appendages con- spicuously paler than the head and prothorax, some have the elytra only paler, and some have only parts of the head and of the antennae darker than the other parts. On the male the prothorax is rather shorter than on the female, and with the front angles more conspicuously rounded off, its elytra also are proportionately wider than on the female, and the antennae are slightly longer. The specimens commented upon or described by Blackburn) were all taken by Mr. Meyrick at Geraldton, and of these there are in the Museum two doubtfully identified as westermanni, two marked as (23) Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 1913, p. 463. (24) On partially abraded specimens there are seen to be seriate rows of large punctures on the elytra, but these are normally almost or quite concealed. (25) Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 1889, pp. 457-9. 273 cotypes of meyricki, and one as a cotype of parallelus.(2) Of a pair taken im cop. at Geraldton the male agrees perfectly with the specimens identified as westermanm, the female agrees perfectly (except that the head and part of the antennae are much darker) with the cotypes of meyrickz. Of another pair taken im cop. at Bunbury, the male agrees perfectly with the cotype of parallelus; the latter certainly has not anything near as parallel elytra as is implied by the description, these being (except for the sexual difference in width) practically the same as in the cotypes of meyrickt. CRIOCERIS FUSCOMACULATA, Clark. C. recens, Blackb., var. This species is very variable and is abundant in Northern Queensland. The following more or less constant colour forms may be noted :— A. Flavous; head (neck usually excepted), scutellum, parts of under-surface and of appendages (most of femora excepted) black. In general appearance this form is close to C. mgripes, but differs considerably in the punctures and in the shape of the prothorax; that species appears also to have the scutellum invariably pale, on this (and in all other forms of the species) it is invariably dark. On this and on form B the elytral punctures are often surrounded by watery rings, when they appear to be considerably larger than they really are; on examining them from the sides, however, they are seen to be no larger than on the darker specimens. B. Like A, except that on each elytron before the middle there is a conspicuous more or less rounded black spot. This is the typical form. C. Black, elytra flavous, a large black spot on each elytron. D. Like A, except that there is a large black blotch on the elytra occupying more than half of the surface, but leaving the basal third, margins, and apex pale. EK. Like D, except that the suture is pale throughout. F. Black, basal fourth of elytra (and sometimes the extreme margins or portions of them) pale. This is the variety recens. There are other forms varying in the under-surface and legs; one before me is entirely black, except that a narrow basal edging to each elytron and parts of the under-surface and of the femora are reddish. The pale colour on the various forms varies from a clear flavous to a rather dark red, but this may be due to age, etc. (26) Although he stated that ‘‘a single specimen was taken.’’ 274 STETHOPACHYS FORMOSA, Baly. -This species occurs from the Richmond River, through the coastal districts of Queensland to Darwin. . In the most abundant form the elytra have five spots; three somewhat angular sub-basal ones, and two rounded or transverse sub- apical ones; occasionally the three sub-basal ones are con- joined, and frequently the subapical ones are; on an occa- sional specimen the spots are entirely absent, and occasionally they are reduced to two small subapical ones and a minute one near each shoulder; on,one specimen each subhumeral spot is split up into two, so that there is a transverse series of five spots near the base. There are also other varieties, but I have seen none bearing the cephalic spot of the type. STETHOMELA PURPUREIPENNIS, Lea. A specimen of this species has recently been taken at Hobart by Mr. G. H. Hardy. CALOMELA TENUICORNIS, Lea. Mr. Carter informs me that the locality ‘Sandgate’ for the specimen received from him should have “been ‘‘Sandstone”’ (half-way between Murchison and Kalgoorlie). ’ ARSIPODA KINGENSIS, Blackb. The late Rev. T. Blackburn described kingensis as a variety of variegata, but I am convinced that it should be regarded as a distinct species. In addition to the King Island specimens numerous others have been taken in various parts of Tasmania, and there were two in the Blackburn collection from Adelaide, and all these differ from varvegata in being distinctly narrower, prothoracic and elytra punc- tures considerably larger, colour invariably very pale, and the elytra never with darker markings. Variegata is cer- tainly a variable species, but I have never seen a specimen without some darker markings, and even the palest specimens differ from kingensis in the structural features noted. CHIRIDA MULTICOLOR, Blackb. The type of this species was described as having on its prothorax ‘‘a short broad blackish vitta running forward a short distance from the base and dilating at its front.”” But on a cotype the vitta, although of the shape described, is of a rather light brown. There are numerous other specimens before me (from Cairns, Mulgrave River, Mackay, and Clar- ence River) that structurally agree so well with the cotype that I cannot regard them as distinct, but tae all have the prothorax immaculate. i =. frans. and Proc. Roy. Soc. S. Austr. Vol. XLIL..o Plate xX. "holo by le. M. Hale. HUSSEY & GILLI} GRAM LIMITED, PRINTERS & PUBLISHERS ADELAIDE, $6. AUS. Trans. and Proc. Roy. Soc. S. Austr. Vol. XLIT., ‘Plate XXXI. 'hoto by H. M. Hale. HUSSEY & GILLINGHAM LIMITED, PRINTERS & PUBLISHERS ADELAIDE, SO. AUS. rans. and Proc. Roy. Soe. S. Austr. Vol. XLII., Plate XXXII. me —— ————————— ————— ——————— ).. 31 32 53 34 HUSSEY & GILLINGHAM LIMITED, PRINTERS & PUBLISHERS ADELAIDE, SO AUS, 275 EXPLANATION OF PLATES. PuateE XXX. (All of Semanopterus converiusculus, Macl.) 1: 2 § 3. 8 ei 8 5 8 6. 8 7, 8 8. 8 9. 10. 8 11. 8 12. 8. 13. 8 Taig 1.8 16. 8 ian 18. ahs 20. 21. S 22. Sg 23.) 8 24. f 25.) 8 26. | 97. S 98. 8S. Type, Gayndah. . angustatus, Blackb. Cotype, South Australia, . minor, Blackb. Cotype, South Australia, . minor, Blackb. Type of female, South Australia. : longicollis, Blackb. Type of female. Coonabarabran. : rectangulus, Blackb. Type of female, Alice Springs. . rectangulus, Blackb. Cotype, Leigh Creek. . rectangulus, Blackb. (identified as minor, Blackb.). Elder Expedition. . rectangulus, Blackb. N. Queensland. . persimilis, Blackb. Type of female, N. Queensland. , carinatus, Blackb. Bears name-label but is not a cotype, Queensland. concentricus, Blackb. Type ot female, Darling Downs. . concentricus, Blackb. Cotype, Beverley. ; concentricus, Blackb. ‘Without name label, but num- bered 6207, Nullabor Plains. . distributus, Blackb. Type of female, Whitton. . distributus, Blackb. Cotype, Tamworth. PuateE XXXII. subcostatus, Cast. (identified by Mr. Arrow). New South Wales. S. subcostatus, Cast. (identified by Mr. Blackburn as adelaidae, Hope). South Australia. . subcostatus, Cast. (depressiusculus, Macl., types). Gayndah. . converiusculus, Macl. (meridianus, Blackb., type of female). New South Wales. . convexiusculus, Macl. (tricostatus, Blackb., cotype). Western Australia. . solidus, Burm. (identified by Mr. Blackburn as sub- aequalis, Hope). South Australia. . solidus, Burm. (identified by Mr. Arrow). Queens- land. . leai, Blackb. Cotype, Pinjarrah. leai, Blackb. Type of female, Western Australia. 29. Eupatorus australicus, Arrow. Pre: XX Xt, . 80. Sides of prothorax of figs. 1 and 12. 31. fs af pa S, 4,5, 13): 14) and 24: 32. ? 9 Sips 6. 33. 5 5 Pe) LS; amd 15: 34, i Me sis oand LO. 35. tere) Were dy ay 4 anid. 16; 36. fs 3 Rh de. LS, 195°20) “and 22° 37. rs i », 23, 24, 25, and 26. 38. 45 27 and 28. ey Aedeagus of S. adelaidae, Hope. 0. ” ” 4l. os S. rectangulus, Blackb. 276 FURTHER NOTES ON SOME MOTHS FROM LORD HOWE AND NORFOLK ISLANDS IN THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM.! By A. JErreris Turner, M.D., F.ES. [Read October 1C, 1918.] A preliminary note on some moths taken by Mr. A. M- Lea on these islands appears in these Transactions (vol. xli., 1917). My departure to England prevented me from dealing with them more thoroughly at the time, but has enabled me to obtain valuable help from Mr. Edw. Meyrick, F.R.S., Sir Geo. Hampson, and Mr..L. B. Prout in determining some of them. Some corrections will be made in the former lists, all new species described, where this can be done, and the relationships of the fauna in each case will be discussed. At first sight the collections appeared disappointing, for they consisted mainly of well-known and widely distributed species; but a closer examination showed the presence of a considerable percentage of new species, for the most part small and inconspicuous, but of great interest. It must be remembered that Mr. Lea was mainly bent on collecting Coleoptera, and that the moths obtained were chance cap- tures, including a large proportion taken at ight. The latter might be expected to consist mainly of species feeding on common weeds and garden plants, for the most part not endemic, and some at least artificially introduced. The col- lections, however, establish the existence on each island of an endemic lepidopterous fauna, and there can be no doubt that by systematic collecting many interesting species would be added to the list. Lord Howe Island. Corrections and additions to former list :— ARCTIADAE—For n. gen.(1) et. sp. (page 53) substitute Ilema, n. sp. GEOMETRIDAE—For Boarmia inflexaria, Snel. (page 53), substitute Cleora infleraria, Snel. For Cidaria(?). sp. (page 53), substitute Xanthorhoe(?) n. sp. TINEIDAE—// yponomeuta, sp., 1s referable to pawrodes, Meyr., previously known only from Queensland. Add twonew species of Blastobasis and one of a new genus Hretmobela. The following species, six in number, were taken on the island several years ago, and presented to me by Mr. G. A. Waterhouse; not one of them is endemic. ‘ 277 _ ArcrTiaDAE—Utetheisa pulchella, Lin.,(?) or pulchel- loides, Hmps.(?) One female example, which might be referable to either of these widely distributed species, which can be distinguished only by the secondary sexual characters of the male. The latter occurs in the Kermadec Islands and New Zealand. NocruipaE—Ophideres fullonica, Lin. Three examples. Common on the Queensland coast and throughout the Eastern tropics. Has also been taken in New Zealand. Dasypodia cymatodes, Gn. One female example. A common species in Queensland and New South Wales. SPHINGIDAE.—Sphinx convolvuli, Lin. Two examples. Common throughout the Eastern Hemisphere. GEOMETRIDAE—Urolitha bipunctifera, Wik. One female example. Also from Queensland and New South Wales. I believe the larva feeds on the mango, and it may have been introduced. PyrRaLIDAE.—Botyodes asialis, Gn. One example. Wide- spread throughout the Eastern tropics, including New Guinea. I have no record for Queensland, though it should occur there. Family ARCTIADAE. ILEMA HAPLOA, n. sp. (dAoos, simple). 3, 24-28 mm. Head, palpi, and thorax brown. Anten- nae brown; in male with short ciliations (4) and longer bristles (1). Abdomen whitish-brown. Legs brown. Fore- wings narrow-elongate, somewhat dilated posteriorly; costal margin bent over to form a strong costal fold on under-surface from base to #; pale brown; cilia pale brown. Huindwings with 6 and 7 coincident; whitish-ochreous; cilia whitish- ochreous. — Although of plain inconspicuous colouring this species appears to be not very closely related to any other in the genus. Hight male examples. CALAMIDIA PAMPHAEFA, 0. sp. (zapatos all dusky). 36,31 mm. Head, thorax, and abdomen fuscous-brown. Palpi in male very long (5), ascending; terminal joint longer than second, spathulate; fuscous-brown. [Antennae broken.| Legs fuscous-brown. Forewings elongate, narrowly oval; brown closely irrorated with fuscous; an ill-defined median fuscous spot at 4; cilia fuscous-brown with pale apices. Hindwings and cilia pale fuscous. Very near the Australian C. hirta, Wlk., but much darker and of uniform coloration. Two male examples. 278 PHILENORA EUPHILETA, Nn. sp. (evpiAnrtos, well beloved). 3,15 mm. Head and thorax white. Palpi dark fuscous. Antennae pale fuscous; in male shortly ciliated (4). Abdomen pale ochreous. Legs ochreous; anterior pair with some pale- fuscous suffusion. Forewings elongate-triangular, costa gently arched, more strongly towards apex, apex rounded, termen obliquely rounded; white; costal edge ochreous; a large fus- cous blotch in disc beneath middle, where it extends from 4+ to 4, extending nearly to dorsum, where it is only half as long; a large pale-fuscous terminal suffusion not reaching apex ; cilia pale ochreous. Hindwings and cilia pale ochreous. One example. The type is wasted and the description of the forewings is probably therefore inexact, but the species is very distinct. | Family GEOMETRIDAE. Subfamily LARENTIANAE. XANTHORRHOE(?) APHANTA, Nn. sp. (addaytos, inconspicuous). Q, 24mm. Head ochreous-whitish. Palpi 24; ochreous- whitish. Antennae ochreous-whitish. Thorax, abdomen, and legs ochreous-whitish with some pale-brownish irroration. Forewings triangular, costa straight to %, thence slightly arched, apex round-pointed, termen slightly bowed, moder- ately oblique; ochreous-whitish ; markings fuscous-grey mixed with brownish, a moderate basal patch, its outer margin transverse, dentate; a slight suffusion beyond this; a broad median band, its anterior edge from 4 costa to mid-dorsum, concave, wavy; posterior edge from % costa to # dorsum, wavy, with a single, prominent, rather obtuse, median tooth ; towards costa the middle part of median band is paler and contains a transverse linear blackish discal mark; three rippled lines beyond median band, the last edged posteriorly by an interrupted dentate whitish line; a terminal series of blackish dots; «cilia ochreous-whitish. Hindwings whitish with some greyish suffusion; a terminal series of dark-fuscous dots. An inconspicuous species of ordinary facies. The type being a female, it is impossible to be sure that it may not belong to the genus Cidaria. One example. Subfamily ACIDALIANAE. BRACHYCOLA(?) MICROSTICTA, 0. sp. (utxpootixtos, minutely speckled). QO, 34 mm. Head, antennae, and thorax ochreous- whitish. Palpi in female 4, slender, terminal joint 4 279 second ; ochreous-whitish, upper edge of second joint purple- brown. Abdomen ochreous-whitish with four suffused dark- fuscous transverse bars on dorsum. Legs ochreous-whitish. Forewings triangular, costa very slightly arched, apex acute, slightly produced, termen slightly bowed; oblique; ochreous- whitish with very scanty, fine, dark-fuscous irroration; a postmedian series of minute dark-fuscous dots on veins; a terminal series of dark-fuscous dots between veins; cilia ochreous-whitish. Hindwings with termen slightly bowed ; colour and markings as forewings. Underside as upper but faintly tinged with rosy, and dots paler. _ Here, also, it is impossible to be certain of the genus in the absence of the male. One example. Family PYRALIDAE. Subfamily PYRALINAE. MAcCALLA PHOENOPASTA, Nl. Sp. . (poworacros, sprinkled with dark red). 36, 36 mm. Head and thorax reddish-brown irrorated with whitish. Palpi in male dilated and very long, erect; ochreous-brown irrorated with whitish. Antennae fuscous; in male moderately ciliated (4); antennal process in male large, reaching to middle of thorax; reddish-brown mixed with whitish, upper edge partly fuscous. Abdomen ochreous mixed with fuscous and whitish. Legs whitish mixed with dark red and fuscous, posterior pair paler. Forewings elongate-triangular, costa moderately arched, apex rounded- rectangular, termen slightly rounded, slightly oblique; in male with a short transversely linear glandular swelling on upper side of costa at #; whitish irregularly mixed with dark-red and greenish scales; a dark-fuscous transverse line at + from lower edge of cell nearly to dorsum, margined posteriorly with reddish; a very ill-defined whitish line from costa at ¢ to dorsum before. tornus,, margined posteriorly with reddish, which towards dorsum forms an incomplete dentate line; some dark-fuscous streaks on veins before apex; three fuscous spots on termen beneath apex; cilia whitish. Hindwings fuscous; paler towards base; cilia whitish. This belongs to a small Australian group within the genus, characterized by the costal gland in the male. It comprises costigeralis, W1k.; concisella, Wlk. ; demotis, Meyr. (which, however, I have not seen); and prasina, Warr. One male example. 280 Subfamily PYRAUSTINAKE. MECYNA INSULICOLA, n. sp.(?) (Insulicolus, inhabiting an island). 2, 35 mm. Head and thorax fuscous with some ochreous-whitish admixture. Palpi 4; fuscous, basal half of under-surface white. Antennae fuscous. Abdomen ochreous- yellow, paler beneath. Legs whitish suffused with reddish- ochreous; anterior pair more reddish. Forewings elongate- triangular, costa straight to 4, thence strongly arched, apex rectangular, termen nearly straight, only slightly oblique; fuscous irrorated with whitish, more densely so in posterior part of disc; an ill-defined oblong dark-fuscous spot on mid- dorsum; a large transversely oval dark-fuscous spot beneath midcosta; an interrupted dark-fuscous line represented by dots on veins from % costa, bent inwards below middle to join dorsal spot; terminal area tinged with dark red; cilia fuscous mixed with dark red. Hindwings ochreous-yellow, a dark- fuscous apical blotch prolonged by a narrowing process to mid- termen, containing some reddish scales; cilia ochreous, bases fuscous on apex of wing. Underside ochreous with large reddish blotch prolonged along costa and termen on both wings; forewings with an oblique fuscous mark on end of cell. One example. This species presents a difficulty. It is very distinct from the Australian M. ornithopteralis, Gn. (which, however, is almost, if not quite, identical with the European J. priby- gonalis), in which there is always a complete dark terminal band on the hindwings. On the other hand, it is very nearly similar to some examples of the American M. reversalis, but unless this species has been artificially introduced (which seems barely possible) it can hardly be identical. The most satisfactory way of dealing with the difficulty would probably be to regard all four forms as one species. Family TINEIDAE. Subfamily OKCOPHORINAE. ELAEONOMA PHAEOPASTA, n. sp. (gpaoracros, darkly sprinkled). g and 9, 15-17 mm. Head and palpi ochreous-whitish. Antennae ochreous-whitish; in male with extremely long ciliations (8). Thorax pale fuscous. Abdomen pale fuscous, apices of segments and tuft ochreous-whitish. Legs ochreous- whitish with a few pale-fuscous scales. Forewings not dilated, costa moderately arched, apex round-pointed, termen oblique, scarcely rounded; ochreous-whitish with patchy fuscous irroration more marked in male, especially in 281 posterior part of disc; three well-marked fuscous discal dots, first in dise at 4, second on fold slightly beyond first, third in dise before %; cilia ochreous-whitish. Hindwings and cilia rey. : But for the stalking of veins 2 and 3 of the forewing this might pass for one of the convictella group of the genus Eulechria. Three examples. BLASTOBASIS EPISEMA, N. sp. (émeoypos, distinctly marked). 36, 17 mm. Head whitish-ochreous. Palpi whitish- ochreous; in male with second and terminal joints much enlarged, the latter obtuse. Antennae with basal joint dilated to form a small eyecap with a well-developed pecten on its lower edge; whitish-ochreous; ciliations in male 2. Thorax whitish-ochreous, anterior edge fuscous. Abdomen fuscous, basal segment, apices of segments, tuft, and under- side whitish-ochreous. Legs fuscous with some _ whitish- ochreous admixture; posterior pair mostly whitish-ochreous. Forewings narrow, lanceolate; whitish-ochreous; markings dark fuscous; a well-marked V-shaped fascia from 4 costa obliquely outwards, then acutely bent back to mid-dorsum; a dot above tornus, and a second between this and 3 costa; a series of dots on apical part of costa and on termen; cilia whitish-ochreous. Hindwings lanceolate; pale grey; cilia ochreous-grey. One example. BLASTOBASIS DYSSEMA, N. sp. (dvoonpos, badly marked). od and Q, 14-18 mm. Head whitish-ochreous. Palpi whitish-ochreous; in male with second and terminal joints much enlarged, the latter obtuse. Antennae with basal joint enlarged and pectinate; pale fuscous; ciliations in male 2. Thorax fuscous. Abdomen fuscous; underside, and in male tuft ochreous-whitish. Legs pale fuscous; posterior pair mostly ochreous-whitish. Forewings narrow, lanceolate; ochreous-grey, in female pale fuscous; a minute longitudinal fuscous mark in middle of disc, and another before it on fold; a fuscous dot above tornus, and another between it and 2 costa ; cilia whitish-ochreous, in female pale fuscous. Hind- wings lanceolate; pale grey; cilia ochreous-grey. Five examples. : Family TINEIDAE. Subfamily GRACILARIANAE. Gracilaria, n. sp. One of the group allied to zylophanes, Turn., but distinct. Unfortunately during the journey to: England both forewings became detached and lost, so that it is impossible to give a description. 282 Subfamily LYONETIANAE. Erechthias, sp. One example not in a fit state for determination. uM | Subfamily TINEINAE, Gen. ERETMOBELA, Nov. (éperpoBedros, with paddle-shaped weapons—palpi). Head smooth-scaled ; side-tufts closely appressed. Labial palpi long, recurved; second joint moderate, with rough spreading short hairs anteriorly, and three or four long hair- like bristles from apex posteriorly; terminal joint longer than second, stout, obtuse, flattened, and dilated antero- posteriorly. Maxillary palpi obsolete. Antennae | shorter than forewings; apices of joints dilated. Forewings with eleven veins, 2 and 3 stalked from angle of cell, 4 approx- imated to them at origin, 5 and 6 separate and parallel, 7 and 8 coincident and running to costa, 9 separate, 10 from upper angle of cell, 11 from %. Hindwings with 2 from 32, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 separate and parallel, forking vein in cell well marked. : Mr. Meyrick informs me that this genus is allied to Setomorpha, though differing in neuration. ERETMOBELA PHAEOSEMA, Nn. sp. (daornpos, dusky marked). @, 16 mm. Head brown-whitish mixed with fuscous. Palpi ochreous-whitish; external surface of terminal joint fuscous. Thorax fuscous, extreme apex posteriorly narrowly whitish-ochreous. [Abdomen broken.| Legs dark fuscous ; middle and posterior coxae ochreous-whitish; tarsi and apex of tibia sharply annulated with ochreous-whitish. Forewings moderate, posteriorly somewhat constricted, costa strongly arched to middle, thence only slightly, apex round-pointed, termen obliquely rounded; ochreous-whitish irrorated with fuscous; markings dark fuscous; a dot on costa at 4, an elongate mark on costa before middle, a large spot on # costa, with a costal dot midway between the two preceding; irregular ‘but well-defined dorsal blotches at + and middle; a median discal dot at 4 and a second at 4; a terminal line dilated at tornus and interrupted above tornus; cilia fuscous obscurely barred with ochreous-whitish. Hindwings grey; cilia ochreous-whitish, on costa and dorsum grey. One example. Mr. Lea obtained 32 species; adding the six obtained through Mr. Waterhouse we have a total of 38. Among them are 25 known species and 13 are endemic species, which have just been described. Of the 25 there are 16 which 283 have a wide distribution, and 5 of these extend to New Zealand. These 16 species throw no light on the relationship of the local fauna; 2 of them (/ierozxestis omoscopa and Trichophaga tapetiella) are certainly introduced, and_pos- sibly this is true of some of the others. Nine species are known to occur only in Lord Howe Island and Australia (Dasypodia cymatodes, Dichromia quinqualis, Hypena sylpha, Urolitha bipunctifera, Cleora inflexaria, KE picrocis sublig- nalis, Scenedra decoratalis, Diplopseustis perieresalis, Hypo- nomeuta paurodes), except that one of them ((’. inflexaria) extends also to New Guinea, and another (D. perieresalis ) also to New Zealand. Of the 13 endemic species 5 admit of no definite state- ment of their geographical affinities. They are :— Xanthorhoe(*) aphanta Gracilaria, n. sp. Mecyna insulicola Er echthias( 2), sp. Eretmobela, n. gen. et sp. There remain 8, which are clearly of Australian affinity. They are:— Ilema haploa Macalla phoenopasta Calamidia pamphaea Elaeonoma phaeopasta Plhalenora euphileta Blastobasis episema Brachycola(*) microsticta Blastobasis dyssema The conclusion to be drawn is simple. Lord Howe Island is in its lepidopterous fauna merely a detached and isolated fragment of Australia. To this it is necessary to make one qualification; the relation is to that part of the Australian fauna that has Indo-Malayan affinities, and not to that part that is peculiarly and distinctively Australian. curved; an irregular oblique band from costa before middle to dorsum beyond middle, touching median streak, and strongly bent outwards at point of junction; from the upper part.of this. band posteriorly is given off a strong square- ended process; an irregularly bent fascia from costa at 3 to tornus, giving off two processes to costa before apex; a sub- apical costal dot; a subapical terminal mark; cilia white, 287 bases barred with blackish. Hindwings whitish-grey, some- what darker towards apex; cilia whitish with a faint grey sub-basal line. Although conspicuous the coloration is probably pro- tective on lichen-covered rocks. One example. SCHOENOTENES CAPNOSEMA, 0. sp. (xamvoonpos, With dark markings). 2,17 mm. Head grey. Palpi 24; fuscous, apices of second and terminal joints and whole of inner surface whitish. Antennae grey. Thorax grey, posteriorly tinged with brownish. Abdomen pale grey, towards apex darker. Legs fuscous; anterior and middle tarsi annulated with whitish. Forewings rather narrow, not dilated; whitish with silvery reflections, crossed by numerous fine, wavy, ochreous-brown transverse striae; numerous small tufts of raised scales; a prominent transverse ridge of raised scales from + dorsum to beyond middle, edged posteriorly by a blackish line; a similar slightly oblique ridge from costa before middle to dorsum beyond middle, with a broad blackish line on posterior edge; a tuft in mid-disc at %, preceded and followed by blackish spots; a slender blackish line from #4 costa to termen above tornus, angled outwards beneath costa ; a slender interrupted blackish terminal line; cilia ochreous- whitish, on tornus grey. Huindwings and cilia grey. One example. TORTRIX, sp. Two examples in poor condition of ordinary facies and not determinable. Subfamily EUCOSMINAE. ACROCLITA MACROMA, 0. sp. (waxpwpos, with elongate shoulders). 36, 12 mm. Head green-whitish. Palpi 2; pale fuscous. Antennae grey; in male slightly serrate, minutely ciliated. Thorax brown-whitish, in centre mixed with dark fuscous ; patagia in male long, extending well behind thorax. Abdomen fuscous. Legs fuscous-whitish. Forewings in male with strong costal fold extending to 4; green with dark- fuscous markings; fold strigulated with dark fuscous; several ‘dots and some scales in basal part of disc; a subcostal spot at 4; a narrow interrupted fascia from 2 costa to mid-dorsum ; a second fascia from apex to # dorsum, giving off a short outwardly curved line to tornus; a fine terminal line; cilia green-whitish, apices partly dark-fuscous. Hindwings dark grey; cilia grey-whitish. One example. mire 288 Family TINEIDAE. Subfamily GELECHIANAE. BRACHMIA, sp. One male example, imperfect, pronounced by Mr. Mey- rick to be closely allied to Brachmia arotraea, ae from Ceylon and India. Subfamily TINEINAE. TINEA CAPNITIS, n. sp. (kamvtis, smoky). d, 17-18 mm. Head fuscous-whitish. Palpi 23; fuscous, inner surface whitish. Antennae pale fuscous; in male with- joints enlarged at apices, minutely ciliated. Thorax fuscous. Abdomen ochreous-whitish, suffused with fuscous on dorsum. Legs fuscous; tibiae and tarsi annulated with ochreous- whitish; posterior pair almost wholly ochreous-whitish. Forewings moderate, not dilated, costa strongly arched, apex pointed, termen very obliquely rounded; ochreous-whitish rather densely irrorated with fuscous; absence of irroration leaves an obscure pale dorsal streak containing some fuscous scales near margin; very obscure fuscous discal dots at 4 and #; cilia fuscous. Hindwings and cilia grey-whitish. A very obscure species belonging to a cosmopolitan genus, of which many species are domestic in their habits and artificially introduced. I should not have ventured to describe it, but for the decided opinion of Mr. Meyrick, who kindly examined my examples, that it is both new and endemic. Two examples. The collection contains 33 species. Of these two are not determinable; one of these is a species of the genus Tortriz, the other a Brachmua, closely allied to arotraea, Meyr., from Ceylon and India. Of the remaining 31 there are 22 well- known species, 9 of which are endemic. Of the 22 known species 15 are of wide distribution. All of these occur in Australia, six of them also on Lord Howe Island. Four of them are recorded from New Zealand and the Kermadec Islands and one from the Kermadec Islands only (Perigea capensis). Of these 22 at least three (Hucosma plebetana, Polychrosis botrana, Hveroxestis omoscopa), and possibly others, have been artificially introduced. Two species (Acidalia rubriaria and Crocydopora cinigerella) occur both in Australia and New Zealand, but probably originated in . the former. The remaining five— | Chloroclystis laticostata Corambus cuneiferellus Xanthorrhoe sodaliata Argyroploce illepda Acidalia hypochra are Australian species, though the first occurs: also in the Kermadec Islands. - 289 Of the nine endemic species five are clearly of Australian affinity— Nesiotica cladara, n. sp. Schoenotenes capnosema, n. sp. Cleora idiocrossa, n. sp. Acroclita macroma, n. sp. Endotricha dyschroa, n. sp. Whether the genus Cleora (as distinguished from Boarmia) occurs in New Zealand may be regarded as an open question, but the Norfolk Island species is not allied to any found in New Zealand. Wesiotrca is a new genus closely allied to a genus described from Queensland, and the group to which it belongs is not represented in New Zealand. The genera Hndotricha, Schoenotenes, and Acroclita are well represented in Queensland, but do not occur in New Zealand. The genera Scoparia and Capua have numerous species in both Australia and New Zealand, and no stress can be laid on the two’ species described from Norfolk Island. Mr. Mey- rick assures me that they are not closely allied to any New Zealand species. The genus 7inea is cosmopolitan. There remains only Diasemia delosticha, which is the only new species here described clearly of New Zealand affinity. So far as these results go, the lepidopterous fauna of Norfolk Island shows only a slender connection with that of* New Zealand, but a strong connection with that of Queens- land. Why the connection should be with Queensland rather than with the southern half of the continent is explained by the map. The distance from Norfolk Island to the northern extremity of New Zealand is about 450 miles, to New Caledonia (the next nearest land mass) about 550 miles. Of the lepidopterous fauna of New Caledonia I know nothing, but the 500-fathom line shows a considerable extension of shallow water around that island, together with a much greater extension westward from the Australian coast just north of the tropic. This suggests strongly a former exten- sion westward, bringing Australia and New Caledonia into close connection, not necessarily by dry land, but with only one or two comparatively narrow intervening’ straits. Measuring from the 500-fathom limits that of Norfolk Island becomes nearly equidistant from those of New Caledonia and New Zealand, the distance being about 350 miles. 290 A GRAPHICAL COMPUTATOR FOR DETERMINING THE MOST ECONOMICAL BEAM TO CARRY A GIVEN LOAD. By Pror. R.-W. Cuapman, M.A., B.C.E. [Read October 10, 1918.] e An ordinary rectangular beam, designed to carry a given load, will have its cross section of minimum area when it is so proportioned that it is just as likely to fail by horizontal shearing along the neutral axis as to fail by rupture in the ordinary way. For a beam of breadth 6 and depth d, carry- ing a uniformly distributed load W over a span J, the con- ditions that this may be the case can be readily expressed in the form :— log 6+log d=log W—log $s ... ° 22.0 (1) , log d=log t—log2 |... 2.4, £997. Royat Society oF EpinsureH. Proc., v. 38, pt. 1. 1918. Trans., w.-bl pia... “Edin: 29in ARGENTINE. Acapemia NACIONAL DE CIENCIAS IN CorpDoBA. Boletin, tom. 22. Buenos Aires. 1917. 311 BRAZIL. Instituto OswaLtpo Cruz. Mem., tom. 8, fasc. 2-3; 9, fasc. 1. Rio de Janeiro. 1917. OBSERVATORIO NACIONAL DO Rio dE JANEIRO. Annuario, 34. 1918. CANADA. Canapa. Dept. of Mines. Geological Survey. Mem., 84, 87, 98-102. Ottawa. 1916-17. —— —— Mines Branch. Bull., no. 15, 16, 19, and 20, pt. 4. 1917-18. Publications; 217, 449, 454. 1917. Canapian Institute. Trans., v. 11, pt. 2. Ottawa. 1917. Orrawa NarurAtist, v. 31, no. 10-12. 1918. CEYLON. Cotomso Museum. Spolia Zeylanica, pt. 39. 1917. CHINA. Royat Asiatic Society, Nortu-Cuina Brancw. Journ., . v. 48. Shanghai. 1917. DENMARK. K. DANSKE VIDENSKABERNES SELSKABS. Oversigt, 1916, no. 4-6; 1917, Jan.-Jun. Cpng. PPtitter ict. 02 fil., ser. 7, t. 3, no. 2; -t. 4,.no. 1. BOLT. : Skrifter: nat. og math., ser. 8, t. 1, no. 4-5; t. 2, moe 4) LOLG-17. FRANCE. BONAPARTE, PRincE. Notes ptéridologiques, 3-4. Par: LOW Societe ENTOMOLOGIQUE DE France. Annales, v. 86, trim. feos ePar.- A917. Poe wai, no. 13-21; 1918, no. 1-6. SOCIETE DES SciENcES NATURELLES DE L’ OUEST DE LA Peaner bull, ser. 3, t. 4. Nantes. 1914. INDIA. Inpia. Board of Scientific Advice. Report, 1916-17. - Dept. of Agriculture. Mem., bacteriological ser., wmeemords Cale. ~ 1917. Botanical ser., v. 9, no. 2-3. Entomological ser., v. 5, no. 2-4. Report, 1916-17. Cale. 1918. Report of the second entomological meeting, asa, Feb., £917. ——_—_—__—_—_ 312 Inpia. Geological Survey. Mem., v. 45, pt. 1. Palaeontologia Indica, v. 3, mem. 2; 6, mem. 3. | Records, v. 48, pt. 3-4. 1917. Pusa Agricultural Institute. Report, 1916-17. Mapvras. fisheries Bureau. Bull., no. 11. 1917. ITALY. MaLPicHiA, anno. 28, fasc. 3-6. Catania. 1917. SocieTA [TaL1aNa DI SciENzE Naturaui. Atti, v. 56, fasc. 3-4, 1918. Mem., v. 8, fasc. 3. Payia:; 191% Societa Toscana DI ScrenzE Naturayti. Mem., v. 3. 1917. Processi verbali, v. 25, no. 5; 26, "nee -onue sa. hive JAPAN. Formosa. Bureau of Productive Industries. Icones of the plants of Formosa, v. 7. Taihoku. 1918. Japan. Imperial LKarthquake Investigation Committee. Bullgiv.cd; no 1: Tokyors sou; Kyoto ImperRiaL UNiversity. College of Science. Mem., v. 2, no, 5-6; 3, nov 1-4. Kydéto. 2O0ieie: ToHoxu ImpEeRIAL UNIVERSITY. Science reports: lst ser., v. 6, no. 3-5; 7, no. 1: 2nd ser, ¥.) 3). eremat 1917-18. ToHOkU MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL, v. 12-13; 14, no. 1-2. 1917-18. Tokyo ImpeRIAL University. College of Science. Journ., v. 37, art. 9-10; 38, art. 6-8; 40) ari ieee eee arty do. @4017-18. JAVA. NEDERLANDSCH Oost InpiIz. Hoofd-Bureau Muijnwezen. Jaarboek, 1915, pt. 2; 1916, pt. 2. Batavia. 1918. MEXICO. Instituto GEoLocico pE Mexico. Anales, no. 2-3. 1917. SoctepaD CrentTirica ‘‘Antonio AuzaTE.’’?’ Memorias y revista, tom. 36. Mexico. 1916. 3 NEW ZEALAND. New Zeatanp. Board of Science and Art. Bull., no. 1. Well. 1918. N.Z. journal of science and technology, v. 1, no. 1-4. 1918. Depr. oF InTERNAL AFFarRS. Annual report of Dominion laboratory, no. 50. 1917. 313 New Zeavann. Dept. of Mines. Palaeontological bull. no. 4-6. 1917. ' Geological Survey. Bull. 19-20. 1918. Annal report, no. 11. 1917. Dominion Museum. Report, 1915. Boir.jmo. 5.’ Well. 1916. New ZEALAND InstTITUTE. Trans., v. 49-50. Well. 1917-18. NORWAY. BEerRGENS Museum. Aarbog, 1914-15, pt. 1; 1916-17, pt. 1, 3. 1914-17. Aarsberetning, 1916-17. STAVANGER Museum. Aarshefte, 1916. PERU. CuERPO DE INGENIEROS DE Minas. Boletin 84-86, 88. Lima. 1917. SPAIN. JUNTA DE CiENCIES NatTuRALS DE Barcetona. Ser. biologico- oceanigraphica. I. 1917. Ser. botanica; I.-II. 1917. Ser. geologica, v. 1. 1918. Ser. zoologica, XI. 1917. SWEDEN. ENTOMOLOGISKA FORENINGEN’ 1 StTockHotm. Entomologisk Tidskrift, arg. 38. Upsala. 1917. GEOLOGISKA FORENINGEN I StockHotm. Forhandlingar, 38, ao b916-17. SWITZERLAND. SociETE DE PuHysique ET D’HistorrE NaTuRELLE. Compte rendu des séances, v. 34; 35, no. 2. Genéve. LOTC-18:- SocigETE NEUCHATELOISE DES oe NATURELLES. Bull., tom. 41-42. Neuchatel. ' 1917-18. UNON OF SOUTH AFRICA. Durpan Museum. Annals, v. 2, pt. 1. 1917. Report, 1917. Durban. GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF oes Arrica. Trans., v. 20, 1917. Johannesburg. 1918. Royat Society oF Sour an ‘Drans: 9V..) Os) pes) b-4. Cape Town. 1917. South AFRICAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF Science. Journal of science, v. 13, n.‘10-11; 14, no. 2-12. Cape Town. 1917- 18. 314 Sout Arrican Museum. Annals,.v. 9, pt. 6-7; 11, pt. 6; 12, pti 4-0; 13, pt. 5:6; 14, pt. 235 iat 8 16, pi. 1s. lt, pts. 7) Ob7=18: Report, 1917. Cape Town. 1918. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. AcADEMY OF NaTURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. Proc., Vv. (08; Pb.so 5 moosnou. ie al Oilers AMERICAN CHEMICAL Society. Journ., v. 39, no. 9-12; 40, no: -3." Kaston, Pa. 1917-18: AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL Society. Geographical review, v. A 0) AZ Ore meee a8. SOD AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF MininGc ENGINEERS. Trans., v. 55-96... NOY a ya oye: AMERICAN MicroscoricaL Society. Trans., v. 35, no. 4; 36, ‘ne, 1-2) AWeeatur,. Tl: .4 Lone AMERICAN Museum oF Naturat History. Anthropological papers, v. 11, pt. 13; .12, pt. 44535 12pm. pt: 23. 18; pt. 2-3; 21, pt. 15 225 pune Bibhography of the scientific publications of J. A. Allens + VINGe Bibhography of the publshed writings of Hy. F. Osborn. 1916. Bibliography of fishes, by B. Dean, v. 1-2, 1916-17. Bull ve Sony. 1916, Check-list of mammals of Nth. America. 1917. © Guide leaflets, no. 45, 47. 1917. Guide to the nature treasures of New York City. LOM Hand booksser no, 10"). Voli Journ., v. 17, no. 6-8; 18, no. 1-5 Sone te Report, L916 sNaY. 1917: American Puitosopnicat Society. Proc., v. 55, no. 8; 56, no. 126-2 Pilad. 1917. ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA. Journal of archaeology, v. 21, no. 3-4; 22, no. 1-2. - Concord, NH 19t7- - Bernice Pavani BrsHop Musrum. Mem., v. 4, pt. 3; 7, pt. 1. “Honoluluse 1917. Boston Society or NaturaL History. Mem., v. 8, no. 2. LOWG: Occasional papers, VII. 1915. Proe., v..\355 moigz-a-) 1915. Brookityn INsTITUTE OF ARTS AND ScieNcES. Museum quarterly, v. 3, no. 4; 4, no. 1-2; 5, no. 2. -1916-17. 315 Catirornia. State Mining Bureaw. Bull. 74, 77. Sacra- mento. 1917. Mines and mineral resources of the counties of Alpine, Monterey, El Dorado, Butte, San Ber- nardino and Los Angelos. 1917. Preliminary report, no. 3. 1917. CaLiIFORNIA University. Agricultural Experiment Station. Bull., 255, 258, 261-2, 265-7. Berkeley. 1915-16. Girogiar. mo. 129, 131, 136, 139. 1915. Entomology, v. 1, no. 6, 8; v. 2. 1916-17. Citrus Hxperiment Station. 16 reprints. Journal of agriculture, v. 3, no. 8. Riverside. 1916. Publications in agricultural sciences, v. 1, no. 12. Berkeley. 1917. Connecticut AcADEMY OF ARTS AND ScrIeNcES. Trans., v. 22, pp. 249-467. New Haven. -1915. ConnECTICUT GEOLOGICAL AND NaturaL History. SuRVEY.. Mates t-4. Hartford. . 1904-13. FIELD Museum oF Natrurat History. Anthropological ser..,. meee. 4. Chic. 1917. Beporercer, .v. 5, no. 2. Chic. 1917. Zoological ser., v. 10, no. 15;°12, no. 1. 1916-17. Fioripa. Geological Survey. Report, 1-9. Tallahassee. 1908-17. 2 WRANSDIN INSTITUTE. Journ.,..v. 184-5; 186, no. Il. Philad. 1917-18. Grorcia. Geological Survey. Bull. 32. Atlanta. 1917. Harvarp Cotiece. Museum of Comparative Zoology. Bull. Beeeee et, lo. 5; 61, -no. 10-15; 62, no. 1-4. A917. os Report, 1916-17. Camb., Mass. Hawalian Entomouocicat Society. Proc., v. 3, no. 5. Inuinois. State Laboratory of Natural History. Bull., v. Peeereeate 2, art. 3-4. Urbana, Ill. 1917. Inp1aANA ACADEMY OF ScIENCE. Proc., 1909-15. Iowa. Geological Survey. Annual report, v. 1-3, 6-7, 13-25. Des Moines. 1893-1916. an, pt: 2: 2-4. JoHns Hopxins University. Circular, 1916. Studies in historical and political science, ser. 34, Bees) oo, 10. 1.. Balt. ° 1916-17. Kansas UNIVERSITY. Science bull., v.10. Lawrence. 1917. Maine. Agricultural Experiment Statson. 11 reprints. Minnesota UNIVERSITY. Current problems, no. 8. 1916. Studies in language and literature, no. 4-5. 1916. Agricultural Experiment Station. Bull. 160-4, 169-171. 1916-17. 316 NatTionaL ACADEMY OF ScIENCES. Proc., v. 3, no. 8-12; 4, no. 1-6. Wash. 1917-18. New York AcapvEeMy oF Sciences. Annals,.v.-25, p. 1-308; 27, p. 197-214. 1916-17. Seiacicw 0). New York Pusiic Liprary. Bull., v. 21, no. 8-10, 12; 22, no. 1-5. 1917-18. New York State Museum. Report, 7, 9-11, 14-16, 18-39, 41-68. Albany. 1854-1914. OBERLIN CoLLEGE. Laboratory bull., no. 18. 1917. Wilson-bull., v. 29, no. 3-4; 30, no, Ta geagiT. Onto State UNIVERSITY. Bull., v..22, no. 11. 1917. Biological Survey. Bull.,- v.. 1-2. Columbus. 1913-16. — Ohio naturalist, v. 1-15. 1900-1915. Ohio journal of science, v. 18, no. 1-6. 1917-18. OKLAHOMA. (Geological Survey. Bull. 5, 7-11, 13, 15-16, 18-25. Norman. 1911-15. Circular; (2-5.- “LOVets: 3 Puriprine Istanps. Bureau of Science. Mineral.resources, 1916. Manilla. ¥ SmitrHsonian InstTiTuTIon. Bureau of American Ethnology. . Report 31st. Wash. 1909-10. TENNESSEE. Geological Survey. Bull. 1aB, 2 aDEG, 3 A-c, 4, 5, 9, 10 a-c, 13-18. Nashville. 1910-17. Resources of Tennessee, v. 1, no. 3-6; 2; 3, no. 2-4; 4; 5, no. 2-4; 6; 7, nose eee 1910-18. Unitep States. Dept. of Agriculture. Bull. 460, 463, 491, 532, 535, 537-8, 551, 555, 563. Wash. Ruiner’ si -oull:s 796- 9, 801, 806, 811, 823, 850-1, 861, 896-7, 900, 902. 1917-18. Tour of agricultural research, v. 8, no. 13; 9, no, 13), TO eer. , a 317 LIST OF FELLOWS, MEMBERS, Etc. AS EXISTED ON SEPTEMBER 30, 1918. Those marked with an ‘asterisk have contributed papers pub- lished in the Society’s Transactions. Any change in address should be notified to the Secretary. Nors.—The publications of the Society will not be sant to those whose subscriptions are in arrears. Wiontivn. Honorary Feiitows. 1910. *Brace, W. H., C.B.E.,M.A., F.R.S.,: Professor of Physics, University College, London (Fellow 1886). 18938. *Cossman, M., 110, Faubourg Poissonniére, Paris. 1897. *Davip, T. W. Ep@ewortn, ‘C.M.G., B. A., D.Sc., F.R.8., . F.G.S., Professor of Geology, University of Sydney. 1890. *ErueEripar, Rosert, jun., Director and Curator of the we: Australian Museum of New South Wales, Sydney. 1905. Gitxt, THomas; C.M.G., I.S.0., Under-Treasurer, Adelaide. 1905. ee Cuas., Assistant Curator, Australian Museum, ; ydney. 1892. *Marpen, J. H., 1.8.0., F.R.S., F.L.S., Director Botanic Gardens, Sydney, ‘New South Wales. 1898. “Meyrick, E. TB. A., F.R.S., F.Z.S., Tohrnhanger, Marl- borough, Wilts, England. 1894. *Witson, J. T., M_D., Ch.M., Professor of Anatomy, University ‘of Sydney, New South Wales. . 1912. *Trrprrr, J. G. O., F.L.S., Elizabeth Street, Norwood (Corresponding Member 1878, Fellow 1886). CorRESPONDING MEMBERS. 1913. *Carrer, H. J., B.A. , Wahroonga, New South Wales. 1909. * JOHNCOCK, oO. E Clare. 1893. “STRETTON, W. G.., Darwin, Northern Territory. 1905. THomson, G. M. i ye S., Dunedin, New Zealand. 1908. *WooLNnouaH, Warrer Grorae, D.Sc. , F.G.S., Professor in Geology, University of Perth (Fellow 1902). FELLOWS. 1918. Anprew, H. W., North Street, Collinswood. 1895. *AsHpy, Epwin, M. B:O:U Blackwood. 1917. Baiey, ae Director Botanic Garden, rae ey 1902. *Baxer, W. et F.L.S., Glen Osmond Road, ‘Parkside. 1907. *Brack, J. McConnett, GN Brougham Place, North Adelaide. 1909. Brapiey, Epear J. C. Be Hydraulic Engineer’s Depart- ment, Adelaide. 1912. *BroucHTON, A. C., Young Street, Parkside. 1911. 1883. 1893. 1916. 1906. LOOK 1904. 1895. 1907. 1912. 1914. 1916. 1914. 1887. 1915. 1911. 1902. 1918. 1917. 1914. 1904. 1880. 1910. 1904. 1916. 1916. 1896. 1883. 1918. 1912. 1893. 1918. 1910. 1915. 1897. 1884. 1888. 1914. 1905. 1874. 1907. 1897. 318 Brown, Epear J., M.B., D.Ph., 3, North Terrace. *Brown, H. Y. L., 286, Ward Street, North Adelaide. Bromuitt, Ropert, M.R.C.S., Medindie. Butt, LIoNEL B. Laboratory, Adelaide Hospital. Bunvey, ‘Miss Exien- Mitne, 148, Molesworth Street, North Adelaide. *CHapMan, R. W., M.A., B.C.E., F.R.A.S., Professor of Mathematics and Mechanics, University of Adelaide. CuristTiE, W., 49, Rundle Street, Adelaide. *“CLELAND, JoHN B., M.D., Government Bureau of Micro- biology, Sydney, New South Wales. *Cooxe, W. T., D.Sc., Lecturer, University of Adelaide. Corsin, H., B.Sc., University of Adelaide. CornisH, K. M., on Active Service. DARLING, HAG. ” Franklin Street, Adelaide. DaRROCH, D. G. on Active Service. *Drxon, SAMUEL, ’ Bath Street, New Glenelg. *Donpp, "ALAN Pj Kuranda; N. Queensland. Durron. Hoa. ” Anlaby. Epqutst, A. G., 20, Kine Street, Mile End. Eston, Ne Hi, ’ Childers Street, North Adelaide. FENNER, A. E., D.Sc., F.G.S., Education Department, Adelaide. Frreuson, HE. W., M.B., Ch.M., Gordon Road, Roseville, Sydney. Gorpon, Davip, c/o D. & W. Murray, Gawler Place, Adelaide. *GOYDER, GEO as, EX M., F.C.S., Gawler Place, Adelaide. *Grant, Kerr, M ., Professor of Physics, University of Adelaide. GrirFitH, H., Brighton. Hackett, W. C., Rundle Street, Adelaide. Hancock, H. Lipson, A.M.I.C.E. ,M.I.M.M. , M.Am.1I.M.E., Kennedya, Wallaroo Mines. Hawker, EH. W., F.CS., East Bungaree, Clare. *Howcnin, WALTER, F.Gss.. Lecturer in Geology and Paleontology, University of Adelaide. Isinc, Ernest H., Loco. Department, Islington. Jack, R.- Ii, B. E., Assistant Government Geologist, Adelaide. James, THomas, M.R.C.S., Tranmere, Magill. JENNISON, Rev. J. C. Maitland. *Jounson, E. A., M.D., M.R.C.S., 295, Pirie Street, Adelaide. LavuriE,“D. F., Agricultural Department, Victoria Square. *Lea, A. M., F.E. S., South Australian Museum, Adelaide. LENDON, A. A., M.D. (Lond.), M.R.C.S., Lecturer in Obstetrics, ” University of Adelaide, and _ Hon. Physician, Children’s Hospital, North Adelaide. *LOWER, OswaLp B., F.Z.S., F.E.S., 18, Bartley Crescent, Wayville. Martuews, G. M., F.R.S.E., F.L.S., F.Z.S., Foulis Court, Fair. Oak, Hants, England. *Mawson, Sir Dove.as, D.Sc., B.E., Lecturer in Mineralogy and Petrology, University of Adelaide. Maro, Gro. G., C.E., 90, Hill Street, North Adelaide. MELRosE, Ropert THOMSON, Mount Pleasant. *Morean, A. M., M.B., Ch.B., Angas Street; Adelaide. 319 ; *Osnorn, T. G. B., M.Sc., Professor of Botany, University of Adelaide. Pootr, W. B., Savings Bank, Adelaide. Poo, T. S., B.A., LL.B., Register Chambers, Grenfell Street. Porr, Witi1aM, Eagle Chambers, King William Street. Puxtemer, Masor R. H., M.B., North Terrace, Adelaide. Ray, WILLIAM, M.B. B.Sc., Victoria Square, Adelaide. “RENNIE, Ep warp H., M.A., D.Sc. (Lond.), E-O:s,. Pro fessor of Chemistry, University of Adelaide. Ripp.ir, Starr-Seret. A. R., No. 7 A.G. Hospital, Keswick. Roacu, B. §., Education Department, Flinders Street, Adelaide. *Rogers, Lirut.-Cont. R. S., M.A., M.D., Flinders Street, Adelaide. *Rurr, Watrer, C.EK., College Bark Adelaide. SELWAY, W. H., Treasury, Adelaid Snow, Francis H., National Mutual Buildings, King William Street. *Stantey, E. R., Government Geologist, Port Moresby, Papua. *Strrting, Sir Epwarp C., Kt., C.M.G., M.A., M.D., F.R.S., F.R.C.S., Professor of Physiology, University of Adelaide, Hon. Curator of Ethnology, South Aus- tralian Museum. SweerapeLe, H. A., M.D., Park Terrace, Parkside. *Torr, W. G., LL.D., M.A., B.C.L., Brighton, South Aus- tralia. *TurRNER, A. JErFeRIS, M.D., F.E.S., Wickham Terrace, Brisbane, Queensland. *Verco, JosepH C., M.D. (Lond.), F.R.C.S., Consulting Physician Adelaide Hospital and Children’s Hospital. Wainwricut, E. H., B.Sc. (Lond.), Seafield Tower, Glenelg. *WAITE, Banc R., F.L.S., Director South Australian Museum. , Warp, Leonarp Keitu, B.A., B.E., Government Geologist, Adelaide. Ware, W. L., King William Street. Wess, Norn 'A., Barrister, Waymouth Street, Adelaide. WHITBREAD, Howarp, c Jo. A. M. Bickford & Sons, Currie Street, Adelaide. : * WHITE, Caprarn S. ae Le ME, B. O.U., ‘‘Wetunga,’ Fulham, South Australia. *Zirtz, F. R., South Australian Museum. ASSOCIATE. Rosinson, Mrs. H. R., ‘‘Las Conchas,’’ Largs Bay, South Australia. 320 APPENDICES: FIELD NATURALISTS’ SECTION OF THE Bopal Society of South Australta (Incorporated), | ee ee THIRTY-FIFTH ANNUAL REPORT OF 2HE COMMITTEE For THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1918. Your Committee has much pleasure in reporting that the work of the Section has been enthusiastically carried on during the year. The election of officers for the year resulted in the follow- , ing members being elected to the respective positions : — Chairman, Mr. W. J. Kimber ; Vice-Chairmen, Dr. C. Fenner, F.G.8., and Mr. J. F. Bailey; Hon. Treasurer, Mr. B. B. Beck; Hon. Librarian, Miss I. Roberts; Hon Secretary, Mr. Wm. Ham; Committee, Lieut.-Col. R. S. Rogers, M.A., M.D., Prof. T..G.,B.. Osborn, M:Se., ‘Capt Sy yaaa, M.B.0.U., Mr. E. H. Lock, F.R.H.8., Mrs. R: 8. Rogers, Mr. W. H. Selway, Mrs. J. F. Mellor, and Mr. E. H. Ising, and Messrs. Edwin Ashby and Percy Runge, Chairman and Secretary of the Fauna and Flora Protection Committee ; Hon. Auditors, Mr. Walter D. Reed, F.C.P.A., and Mr. A. W. Drummond. The Fauna and Flora Protection Committee was also elected at the annual meeting, and comprised :—Messrs. K. Ashby and P. H. Runge, Dr. R. 8S. Rogers, Dr. W. Ramsay Smith, Dr. R. H. Pulleine, Messrs. J. W. Mellor, W. H. Selway, J. M. Black, A. G. Edquist, E. H. Lock, A. M. Lea, S. Angel, J. Willmott, R. Llewellyn, and S. Stokes, and Capt. S. A. White. The membership is now 157. At the annual meeting held on September 18, 1917, the retiring President (Prof. T. G. B. Osborn, M. Sc.) delivered an instructive address on “Parasitic Flowering Plants in eS ee, el ee | —— ee 321 South Australia. He referred particularly to such plants as Bartsia latifolia, and to members of the Scrophulariaceae, Loranthaceae, and Santalaceae. Muphrasia Brownw was also referred to and described. WMwxocarpus cupressiformis (the native cherry) the lecturer stated as probably parasitic, and some reference was made to the various species of Loranthus. At an adjourned meeting held on October 2, 1917, Prof. T. G. B. Osborn, M.Sc., continued his address dealing with a common weed of the park lands (Romulea bulbocodium ). The speaker drew the attention of the members of the Section to the various forms of botanical work which could be done near the city. The professor hoped that the Section would be able to do some work towards a detailed study of three species of mistletoe growing on native and other trees near Adelaide. The root systems of many common plants were also well worthy of study, e.g., those of the common nutgrass (Cyperus rotundus), and those of various species of the native Liliaceae. Another suggestion was that the Section should undertake to compile a map showing the distribution of native trees near Adelaide, and exact census of the plants in some limited area, such, for example, as the National Park. At the same meet- ing many interesting specimens were shown. Mr. W. J. Kimber exhibited several shells, including the new Volvatella, obtained in the dredging expedition of January 29, 1917. The species was as yet undetermined, but it was described as somewhat resembling V. pyriformis (Pease) of Queensland. Mr. Kimber also showed a fossil from the tertiary beds at Gaza. Mrs. Harris tabled an aboriginal skull obtained from the banks of the River Torrens. Miss I. Roberts showed a specimen of Archaeocyathinae, a fossil from the Cambrian series, and a piece of chiastolite, or ‘‘luck stone,’’ from Bimbowrie, South Australia. Other specimens tabled by Dr. Fenner included a fine beryl and several fossils forwarded from the war fronts in France, Gallipoli, and Palestine. These included Helix sp., brachipods, and others. Many fine orchids were tabled by Mrs. E. H. Ising and Miss Janet Davidson. Mr. Runge tabled specimens of bismuth, wolfram, asbestos, and gold ore. The Secretary showed a collection of native plants from Kangaroo Island. On September 29 a large party, under the guidance of Prof. T. G. B. Osborn, M.Sc., took part in an excursion to Slape Gully. The leader directed the attention of members more particularly to the sundews (Drosera ) and heath plants of the district. The monthly meeting on October 2 was devoted to the exhibition of specimens, a number of native plants being shown by members. L 322 On October 23 Messrs. A. Wilkinson and P. H. Williams gave an exhibition of some interesting and beautiful slides from photographs taken by themselves. Many of the slides were views taken on various excursions, while there were also fine pictures of the River Murray. Horsnell Gully was visited by members on October 13, under the guidance of Mr. E. H. Lock. The scenic. beauties were greatly admired, and specimens of the native flora gathered as well as of the English dandelion and Scotch thistle. On October 27 the party visited the National Park, and collected a number of species of the native flora. A large party travelled to Dunstan’s Gully on Novem: ber 10, when Dr. C. Fenner spoke on the physiographic features of the foothills and the geology of the Mount Lofty Range. On October 10, 1917, the members journeyed to Ambleside under the leadership of Mr. E. H. Ising. The wonderful pro- fusion of flowers was the outstanding feature of the outing. The leader spoke on leaves, their shapes and functions, and directed. special attention to the well- known ‘pink eyes’? (Tetrathecu ericifolia ). On November 24 a party travelled to Eden Hills under the guidance of Prof. T. G. B. Osborn, M.Sc. The introduced plants of the district formed the main subject of the after- noon’s work, including a description of the various species of clovers. A good many species of native flowers were collected. At the conclusion of the afternoon’s work the party was entertained by Mr. and Mrs. M. Symonds Clark at Eden. On April 27, 1918, excursions were resumed by the Section, the members travelling to Aldgate to view the autumn tints, Mr. E. H. Lock being the leader. Mr. A. G. Edquist spoke on the formation of colour in the leaves both from the botanical and chemical standpoint. On May 6 a large party travelled to Mylor, and succeeded in collecting many species of the hills flora, and studied the — river and cliff formation along the River Onkaparinga. Mr. A. M. Lea spoke on “‘Ants and their Guests’’ at the ~ evening meeting held on May 16. He described the manner ~ in which ants recognized other individuals from the same nest by the power of smell. Many species of ants kept slaves. Others stored up grain, which they dried to prevent germina- tion. , The heney ‘ants of Central, Australia became. in ieee of honey, which were largely availed of by the aboriginals, as had been noticed by Captain White in his recent. visit to Central Australia. The use of the episcope to show various — 323 drawings illustrating ant lite tended greatly to enhance the interest of the lecture. A seaside trip was undertaken on May 18, when a party under the leadership of the President and Mr. A. G. Edquist went along the coast from the Grange towards the Semaphore. Several interesting forms of marine life were noticed and described by Mr. Kimber, after which Mr. Edquist described the characteristic plants of the sandhills bordering the shore, and spoke on the many interesting adaptations shown by such plants growing under xerophytic conditions. On June | the Director of the Botanic Garden (Mr. J. F. Bailey) conducted a large party over the Garden and Betanic Park. The leader dealt more particularly with the trees growing in the garden, pointing out: their modes of growth and economic uses. The evening meeting held on “June 18 was well attended. Mr. H. W. Andrew, of the Agricultural Depart- ment, gave a most interesting address on ‘‘Weeds and Seed Control.” By means of lantern slides and a fine collec- tion of well-mounted specimens the lecturer illustrated many of the most troublesome weeds which have been imported into our State to the detriment of the producers, and described the methods by which it was attempted to prevent the introduction of fresh species and to diminish the spread of existing pests. The excursion of June 22 was devoted to the Morialta Gorge. Under Dr. C. Fenner’s leadership, and with the aid of maps supplied to each member of the party, the formation of the gorge was studied. The leader clearly explained the physiographic factors which had brought about the formation of the waterfalls, the picturesque canyon, and the many other forms of rock structure to be seen in the Morialta Reserve. On July 6, Prof. T. G. B. Osborn, M.Sc., conducted a party of members of the Section over the North Park Lands at Montefiore Hill, and gave an interesting exposition of the manner in which the common onion weed was enabled to spread with such destructive rapidity in pasture lands, and by means of specimens demonstrated the peculiar root system possessed by this plant. Several other introduced weeds were dealt with, and an adjournniert was made to the banks of the Torrens. The formation of “hooks” was pointed out, and attention was directed to the colonization of the newly- formed mudbanks by various species of plants. At the evening meeting held on July 16, Prof. T. G. B. Osborn, M.Sc., spoke on “The Variability of Organisms. 74 BY. means: of a card containing a ‘number of leaves from two branches of a pittosporum plant’ mountéd to show thé number of leaves of each of various lengths, the speaker was able to 324 vividly illustrate the variability of the plant in this respect. A graph formed from these numbers gave a curve of variability which was made the text of an interesting lecture on the subject of variability in general and the question of the limitations of its control. Another graph compiled by the speaker showed the variations in the number of ray florets in a large number of specimens of the common ox-eye daisy (Chrysanthemum leucanthemum) growing near Mount Lofty. In this case the graph showed that there were two apices, probably pointing out that there were really two species included, varying only in the number of ray florets. The speaker also exhibited specimens showing the ravages of the streak disease of the winter-flowering sweet pea. The excursion of July 20 was taken in the neighbourhood of the Black Hili. Mr. E. H. Ising (the leader) spoke on the heath-like plants, particularly dzaling with Hpacris and the various species of Styphelia. By means of specimens and blackboard diagrams the peculiar adaptations of these plants were explained and the construction of the floral organs shown. The botanical characteristics of the styphelias were illustrated, and the distribution of the various species touched upon. In addition to the lecture the leader was able to identify and speak upon a large number of species of native flowers which had been collected by members in this locality. Members visited Upper Sturt on August 17, under the leadership of Mr. A. G. Edquist. By special permission the party was enabled to follow the railway line into the National Park. The members were greatly pleased to find that the authorities were carefully protecting the native flora along the railway. Here many interesting native plants were noted, especially Hardenbergia monophylla. No collections were made, but at various points the leader dealt with the different plants seen. At a later stage Mr. Edquist delivered an address on the wattles. Specimens brought by the lecturer were handed to members, who were able to compare the foliage and flowers of the various species, the speaker giving a short account of each species, with particular reference to its suit- ability for planting. A general discussion on the acacias followed. At the evening meeting held on August 20 Dr. C. Fenner, F.G.S., gave an interesting lecture on ‘Volcanoes and Vol- canic Products,” illustrated by a fine series of lantern views. With the help of the episcope the speaker was able to show specimens of the various products of volcanic activity in the shape of lavas, pumice, and volcanic bombs. Some fine 325 specimens of obsidianites or australites were made the text of a short address, in which by means of diagrams the lecturer illustrated the various theories of their origin and distribution. On August 24 members took the tram to Paradise, and walked to Highbury under the leadership of Mr. W. H. Selway. The geological features of the locality were explained, special attention being. directed to the beds of fluviatile origin corresponding in age with the marine ,tertiaries of the coast. The sandy soil of Highbury is prolific in native flowers, including a considerable variety of orchids, of which several species were found, in particular Diuris palustris. Heath-lke plants were numerous, amongst these being Cryptandra tomen- tosa. Many acacias were in full bloom, including 4. montana, which is usually found only at higher altitudes. Dr. Fenner explained the existence of gravel beds at a high elevation, forming an apron of alluvial, the water-worn material having been deposited at the base of the ranges. On September 14 Mr. W. H. Selway conducted an excur- sion to the National Park. The leader gave an interesting account of the steps which had been taken to secure the old Government Farm as a National Park, and of the various troubles which the pioneers of the movement had to encounter from the opposition of those desirous of seeing the land cut up for occupation as working men’s blocks, etc. Wd: KIMBER, Chairman. W. Ham, Hon. Secretary. TWENTY-NINTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE NATIVE FAUNA AND FLORA PROTECTION COMMITTEE. On May 1, 1918, Mr. E. Ashby resigned his chairmanship prior to leaving for America, and Capt. 8. A. White, C.M.B.O.U., was elected as chairman. _ Several committee meetings took place during the year to discuss important questions. The chairman attended two meetings of sportsmen and others to consider the advisability of bringing in a new Bill for the protection of animals and birds. This was decided upon, and the chairman, through the courtesy of the Government, had a good share in the framing of the Act. The Bill was introduced into Parliament by the Hon. the Attorney-General (Mr. H. N. Barwell), and 326 was keenly watched and contested, and several points were lost, the most important being the definition of an aboriginal. Still, great. progress has been made, for hitherto many birds which have been unprotected will now have full protection. Many loopholes in the old Act have been rectified, and it will be much easier now to. bring offenders against the Act to justice. At the time of writing this report the Bill is coming forward for the third reading. The committee considered the seal question, for one sealer admitted having killed 1,400 seals in the last six months. The seal was placed in the totally protected list, but wheu before the House the clause was lost. Action is now being taken to declare both gults inside Kangaroo Island as a closed area or sanctuary for seals. The Royal Society elected a committee, comprising the chairman of the committee, as well as Messrs. S. Dixon and J. M. Black, to arrange a deputation to the Government, asking that Flinders Chase, Kangaroo Island, be constituted. On Wednesday, September 10, 1918, a meeting of. influential citizens took place in the Mayor’s parlour, Adelaide, and the Hon. J. Lewis, M.L.C., presided. The question was discussed in all its aspects, and a committee appointed, consisting of Capt. S. A. White, Messrs. 8. Dixon and J. M. Black, to arrange for a deputation. A eircular was printed, setting out the objects of the Chase, and circulated amongst the members of both Houses of Parhament, citizens, etc. On September 27, a large and representative deputation waited upon the Attorney-General (Mr. H. N. Barwell). Prof. Sir Edward Stirling, the chairman of the committee, Mr. H. Robins, and others spoke, and put the situation very clearly before the Minister. The question has been before Cabinet, but the results are not yet to hand. » It can be said that much good work has been accomplished during the year, and a great deal of additional protection has been secured for our fauna and flora. Still much remains to be accomplished. S. A. Waite, Chairman. "SI6L ‘9T toquieqdeg ee Se SYED AM Poompny| (a ee ny uDULLIDYD ‘AAMNIY “CF AM Vd Ow ‘Tay ‘dC waLIVA *JOOI100 Puno} puv poyIPRy OL 615 jo-O OLSOLs: IL z aoULl[eg ylperg ‘ ec 0 SIO[IVG 0} Aqinqgery ‘‘ e oO oy SqyueuIYsorjoyy *‘ i OL C Pee Se ree aSpeig jo ally 6 9 Cl CL eee eee toe .- Sol’ yy UOISINOXG 6 0 9 “ke weg ss 10j0W JO o1IFR OF, 9 FILQ *” 3 aes PlVMIOF JYSnoIg souL[eg Ag Ss 5 Dias a. “JUNOIIP wUowIlnoeg € L 68% . € L 685 | : Be ae eps = a _ PABAtOy poliieo couvleg ie 0 see w+. tee tee WSVILIED ce I 6 see eae see eee eee cee Sunurtg sé 0 eFs are: se sah BUISIZAOAPY 66 ; - oe af: ae usejUBT pue [[ey Jo o1ty 5 A lel aie! 3) Sam ae as “* qserequy yueg “‘ 0 “ee 3 brs * AreuoTyeAG ‘ Vee teas Paaae a : suotjydtiosqng suequieyy ‘‘ “2 POS egsO a. Oo OC Gz- at “* AjeID0g [esoy Wor JuBIDH ‘ a ieaapit Fayed 0} cae isicnae timers Bre H OE Qe Peres 2s Mie Sige piealoy 4yysnoiq soueleg i z | ‘WaaLlaNadxa SDS ne ‘sTalgoay "SI6I ‘9T saquiajdag papua wax of aungipuadxgy pun sqdva90x7 fo quauain19) ‘ALAIOOG TVAOY AHL dO NOLLOIG (SLSIIVANIVN Aa 328 GENERAL PN Dia [Generic and specific names printed in italics indicate that the forms described are new. | -Aboriginal grinding stones, 298; millstones, scrapers, and axes, 302; stone chippings, $02. Aborigines of the West Coast of South Australia, 152. Abstract of Proceedings, 296. Acacia acinacea, 44; brachystachya, 173; Bynoeana, 45; colletioides, 173; farinosa, 44; hakeoides, 173; Kempeana, 173; Menzelii, 45; microcarpa, 45; Oswaldii, 173; oxycedrus, 173; retinodes, 45; rigens, 45; rivalis, 173; salicina, 45. Acanthochiton maughani, 82. Aconita congenita, 227. Acroclita macroma, 287. Acrotriche ovalifolia, 52; cornutus, 82 ; serrulata, Agarics, Black-spored, 134; Brown- spored, 90; Porphyry-spored, 121. Agrostis verticillata, 40. Aira caryophyllea, 40. Album of Portraits, 297. Alternanthera nodiflora, 172. Alyssum linifolium, 173; maritimum, Amelora idiomorpha, 228; Jlitho- pepla, 234. Amisallus nodosus, 267; whitei, 267. Amphibromus nervosus, 39. Anacampseros australiana, 43. Anaphaeis teutonia, 232. Anisoradsia mawlei saundersi, 82. Annual Meeting, 303; Report, 304; Balance-sheets, 306. Anodontonyx planiceps, 256; vigi- lans, 255. Antitrogus burmeisteri, 257; tas- manicus, 257. Apina callisto, 227. Aprosita obscura, 229. Ardrossan, Geology of, 185. Argyroploce doxasticina, 230. Ariathisa emboloma, 226, 233. Aristotelia hemisarca, 231; bapta, 237. Arsipoda kingensis, 274. Arthropodium fimbriatum, 42; minus, 42. peri- Articerus, 240; table of species, 242 ; angusticollis, 244; asper, 244; bispinosus, 248; bostocki, 244; breviceps, 244; coelogaster, 253; constrictiventris, 244; cremasto- gastri, 251; cylindricornis, 245; dentiventris, 246; deyrollei, 245; duboulayi, 245; falcatus, 245; foveicollis, 245; gibbulus, 246; intercoxalis, 249; kingius, 245; lophosternus, 247; odewahni, 245; selysi, 245; setipes, 245; sharpi, 245; spinifer, 245; sulciventris, 252; tumidus, 245; westwoodi, 245. Ashby, E., Review of Genus Ischno- radsia, 62; Genus Stenochiton, 56; Australian Polyplacophora, 79. Exhibits: birds, 296, 297; moth, 296. Asperula scoparia, 182. Atriplex angulatum, 43, 171; campanu- latum adnatum, 172; crassipes, 171; halimoides conduplicatum, 172; nummularium, 171; patulum, 43. Australian Fungi, 88; Ischnoradsia, 62; Orchids, 24; Polyplacophora, 78. Avena fatua, 169. Bartsia viscosa, 54. Bassia divaricata, 171; enchylae- noides, 171; tricornis, 171. Bates, Daisy M., Aborigines of the West Coast of South Australia. Vocabularies and Ethnographical Notes, 152. Bertya Mitchellii, 47. Beyeria opaca, 46; o. viscosa, 46. Black, J. M.: Communicated paper on Aborigines, 152; Additions to the Flora of South Australia, 38, | 168; Exhibit of orchid, 297. Black-spored Agarics, 134. linearis, 47; Blastobasis dyssema, 281; episema, 281. Blennodia canescens pterosperma, 115. Bolbitius flavidus, 116. Botyodes asialis, 277. Botys phoenicealis, 230. ‘“Brachmia, 284, 288. | : | Cleland, J. B., and E. Cheel, Brachycola microsticta, 278. Brachycome debilis, 55. Brachyloma ciliatum, 52. Bragg, Prof. W. H., 296. Brassica adpressa, 44. Brizula pumilio, 41. Broken Hill, Lepidoptera. of, 226. Burchardia umbellata, 42. Byturna digramma, 227. testacea, 29. 59, . 169; Caladenia congesta, 30; Calamagrostris aemula, plebeia, 39. Calamidia pamphaea, 277. Callidryas pyranthe, 232. Callitris propinqua, 38. Calocephalus Dittrichii, 57. Calochilus cupreus, 24. Calomela tenuicornis, 274. Calotis scabiosifolia, 182. Capua aridela, 286. Capusa senilis, 229. Cardamine tenuifolia, 43. Carex Gunniana, 40; inversa, 41. Carthamus glaucus, 60. Cassinia aculeata, 56; a. laevis, 57. Casuarina lepidopholia, 169; Lueh- mannii, 42; stricta, 42; suberosa, 42. Catasarcus armatus, 266; griseus, 266 ; longicornis, 266 ; ‘ovinus, 265; pollinosus, 265; seri- ceus, 267 ; stigmatipennis, 265. Centaurea melitensis, 183. Centrolepis glabra, 41. Chapman, R. W.: The Deflections of Columns under - Axial and Kecentric Loading, 13; A Graphical Computator for Determining the most Economical Beam to carry a 207; ceratus, Given Load, 290. Exhibit of viscometer, 298. Cheel, E. (see Cleland, J. B., and E. Cheel). Chenopodium glaucum, 43. Chiloglottis Muelleri, 35. Chirida multicolor, 274. Chlenias cyclosticha, 228. Chlenomorpha, 255; C. sciogramma, 228, 234. Chlorobapta viridisignata, 262. Chorizandra enodis, 41. Chrysanthemum Parthenium, 60. Chrysoryctis idiochroa, 238. Cienfuegosia hakeifolia, 175. Cirsium arvense, 60. © Cladium filum, 40; Claytonia australasica, 43. junceum, 41. Aus- tralian Fungi, 88. Cleora idiocrossa, 284. Coleoptera, Miscellaneous, 240. Columns, Deflections of, 13. 329 | Comocrus behri, 226. Computator, Graphical, Conium maculatum, 52. Convolvulus arvensis, 53; 290. erubescens, 181. Cortinarius archeri, 97; austro-ever- nius, 100; camurus, 98; corrosus, 95; decoloratus, 95; largus, 96; miltinus, 98; rotundisporus, 96; variicolor nemorensis, 94; venetus, 99; vibratilis, 97. Corynophyllus modestus, 261. Cosmophila erosa, 228. Cotula reptans, 55. Crepidotus globigerus, 120; salmonicolor, 121. Cressa cretica, 182. Crioceris fuscomaculata, 273. Cryptandra amara, 48; a. longiflora, 48; tomentosa, 48. Ctenaphides maculatus, Culama caliginosa, 229. Cuscuta tasmanica, 53. Cynoglossum suaveolens, 53. Cyperus Gunnii, 40; tenellus, 40. Cypraea angustata, 140; a. albata, 141; a. bicolor, 142; a. comptoni, 140; a declivis, 141; a. mayi, 141; a. piperita, 142; a. pulicaria, 143; a subcarnea, 141£ armeniaca, 148; caput serpentis, 148; cribraria, 149; friendii, 144; f. thersites, 145; helvola, 148; reevei, 139; vitellus, 148. Cyrotyphus fascicularis, 270. Cytisus canariensis, 46. mollis, digvs 270. Dampiera marifolia, 55. Danais erippus, 252; petilia, 232. Danthonia penicillata racemosa, 39. Dasypodia cymatodes, 277. Decilaus infaustus, 271. Delias aganippe, 232. Dermocybe camurus, 98; venetus, 99. Dianella revoluta, 42. Diaphanops westermanni, 272. Diaphonia dorsalis, 262; mniszechii, 263. Diasemia delosticha, 285. Dicrastylis verticillata, 53. Didiscus glaucifolius, 181. Dillwynia ericifolia peduncularis, 44; hispida, 44. Diplotaxis tenuifolia, 173. Dipsacus fullonum, 55. Dixon, S., Exhibit of Grass, Dodonaea microzyga, 175. Donations to the Library, 308. Drakea Huntiana, 382. Earias fabia, 227. Eclipta platygiossa, 55. 98 : miltinus, 302. 330 Edquist, A. G., Exhibits: agglutinated sand, 298; cocoons of moths, 299. Elaeonoma phaeopasta, 280. Klesma subglauca, 227. Endotricha dyschroa, 284; puncti- costalis, 230. Epuloloies glabellum, 51; junceum, iene delochorda, 237. Erato bimaculata, 150; ‘lachryma, 150: Erechthias, 282. Erechthites picridioides, 58; prenan- thoides, 58; quadridentata, 182. Eremophila Freelingii, 182; Sturtii, 182. Eretmobela, 282; H. phaeosema, 282. Kssolithna nigrescens, 264; rattula, 265; umbrata, 264. Ethemaia alternata, 268. Eucalyptus capitellata, 49; diversi- folia, 49; incrassata, 49- leucoxylon, 49, 181; obliqua, 49; oleosa, 49, 181; :ovata,,) '49; ” uncinatay »49'; viminalis, 49; vitellina, 180. Kupatorus australicus, 261. Euphorbia helioscopia, 47. Euplexia melanops, 226. Evolvulus alsinoides, 53. Fauna and Flora Protection Com- mittee’s report, 3525. Festuca elatior arundinacea, 40. Field Naturalists’ Section report, 320. Flammula californica, 110; c. com- munis, 110; carbonaria, 109: excentrica, 115; filicea, 114; fusa, 112+ Jamonia, 112: purpurata, 115; purpureo-nitens, 114; radicata, 113. Flinders Chase, 500, 302, 326. Flora of South Australia, 38, 168. Fossiliferous Beds of Miocene Age, 294. Frankenia, 175; table of 16, \eordata, Aik: fruticulosa, 178; muscosa, 177; pauciflora, 176; serpyllifolia, 178; s. eremophila, 179. Fulgurites, 293. Fungi, Australian, 88. Fusanus spicatus, 170. species, foliosa, 177; Gahnia trifida, 40. Galera campanulata, 118; hypnorum, 119; rubiginosa, 118; tenera, 117. Galium Gaudichaudii, 54. Geology of Ardrossan, 185. Geranium molle, 46 Glyceria fluitans, 39; ramigera, 169. Glycyphana brunnipes, 263. Gonitis sabulifera, 228. Goodenia glauca, 55; humilis, 55; pinnatifida, 55; varia, 55. Gracilaria, 281. Grammodes callimeris, 228;. chryso mera, 228. Graphical Computator, 290. . ~Guestia delosticha, 231; symma delpha, 231. Gunniopsis zygophylloides, 172. Hakea Ednieana, 170; Kippistiana, 170; ‘42; vittata, 42. Halorrhagis heterophylla, 51. Haplonyx dotatus, 270; fallaciosus, 271; scolopax, 270. Haploplax pura, 81. Hebeloma crustuliniforme, 105; mon- tanum, 104; subcollariatum, 104. Hectomanes noserodes, 229. Helichrysum ferrugineum, 57; leu- copsidium, 56; retusum, 57. Helipterum microglossum, 183; wuni- florum, 183. Hemipharis froggatti, 262. Herniaria hirsuta, 172. Heterozona subviridis, 81. Hibbertia acicularis sessiliflora, 175; fasciculata, 48; stricta canescens, 48; s. hirtiflora, 48. Hibiscus Drummondii, 48. Homoeosoma melanosticta, 229. Hordeum maritimum, 40. Horonotus bovilli, 262 : optatus, 262. Howchin, W.: Notes on the Geology of Ardrossan and Neighbourhood, 185; A new Locality for Older leucoptera ulicina flexilis, Tertiary (Miocene) Fossiliferous Beds, 294. Exhibits: rock speci- mens and_ fossils, 302; sand- cementing fungus, 297; — shells, 300, 301. Hybanthus floribundus, 48. Hydrocotyle plebeia, 52. ~ Hypholoma_ elaeodes, 128; fascicu- lare, 128; fragile, 129; perplexum, 129; sublateritium, 129. Hypolaena exsulea, 41; fastigiata, 41. Ilema haploa, 277. Indigofera australis minor, 174. Inocybe albidipes, 107; asterospora, 105; australiensis, 109; flocculosa, 108; gomphodes, 106; obscura, 107; subasterospora, 106. Ipanica cornigera, 227. Ischnochiton atkinsoni, 79; falcatus, 80; milligani, 80; wilsoni, 79. Ischnoradsia australis, 62: : a evanida, 62. Tsoétes Drummondii, 1 Juncus capitatus, 42; maritimus australiensis, 42; pauciflorus, 169. Junonia vellida, 232. 331 Kochia humillima, 172. | Meliceptria aleurota, 226. | Menkea sphaerocarpa, 173. Lactuca scariola, 60. | Mesembryanthemum angulatum, 172. - May, Laemophlaeus blackburni, 254. Lagurus ovatus, 40. Lea, A. M., Notes on some Mis- cellaneous Coleoptera, with Descrip- tions of New Species, Part iv., 240. Exhibits: insects, 296, 297, 298, 299, 301, 303; lizard, 297; owl pellets, 299. Leontodon hispidus, 60. Lepidium fasciculatum, 173; hyssopi- folium, 172 Lepidobolus drapetocoleus, 41. Lepidopleurus’ badius, — 80, columnarius, 80; liratus, 80. Lepidoptera of Broken Hill, 226. Lepidosperma concavum, 41; elatius, a exaltatum, 41; longitudinale, 295 ; Leptorrhynchos pulchellus, 182. Lepturus incurvatus, 39. Leucopogon costatus, 52. Limnanthemum stygium, 52. Limnoecia pycnogramma, 239. Limosella aquatica, 54. Linosticha sericopa, 230; 230. Lipothyrea chloris, 267. List of Fellows, Members, etc., 317. Lobelia concolor, 55. Lord Howe Island Moths, 276. Loricella angasi, 82. Lower, O. B., Lepidoptera of Broken Hill, 226. Lycaena biocellata, 232; 252; serpentata, 232. Lycium campanulatum, 54. Lycopods, South Australian, 1. Lycosura breweri, 268. Lyraphora obliquata, 263. aa hyssopifolia, 48; salicaria, stichoptis, ‘ labradus, Macalla phoenopasta, 279. -Macrobathra hemitropa, 231. Marsilea Drummondii, 38. Maurilia iconica, 228. W. L., Ischnoradsia, 64. Mazus pumilio, 54. Mecyna insulicola, 280. Medicago hispida inermis, 46; h. lappacea, 46; lupulina, 46 ; minima, 174; orbicularis, 46. Melaleuca fasciculiflora, 50: glom- erata, 181; pauperiflora, 49; quadrifaria, 50; squarrosa, 51; Wilsonii, 51. Metallarcha clethrodes, 236; thioscia, 255; goudii, 236. Microvalgus dubius, 263; quinque dentatus, 263. Mimulus repens, 54. Minuria rigida, 182. | Miscellanea: Notes on the Occur rence of Fulgurites in a Sandhill at the Reedbeds, near Adelaide, 293: A New Locality for Older Tertiary (Miocene) Fossiliferous Beds, 294; Note on Lepidopleurus badius, 295. Modiola caroliniana, 175. Moenchia erecta, 43. Mollusca, South Australian, 139. Moths from Lord Howe and Norfolk Islands, 276. Muehlenbeckia coccoloboides, 170. Myelois flaveotincta, 229. Myllocerus herbaceus, 263. Myoporum acuminatum, 54. Myxacium archeri, 97; vibratilis, 97. Naucoria horizontalis, 116; semi- fexa,-L17, Nephogenes maculisarca, 230. Neso ducalis, 255; flavipennis, 254. Norfolk Island Moths, 276. Notarcha clytalis, 229. Obituary : Simson, we omer ue ta TT I; ,[ Wits Frontispiece, Forty-two PLATES, AND FIFTEEN FiguRES IN THE TEXT. | EDITED BY PROFESSOR WALTER HOWCHIN, F.G:S., Assistep sy ARTHUR M. LEA, F.E:S. PRICE, FIFTEEN SHILLINGS. Adelawe : PUBLISHED BY THE SociETy, Royau Socirrry Rooms, NortH TERRACE. DECEMBER 24, 1919. Printep BY Hussry & GILLINGHAM LimiTED, 106 anp 108, CurrRIk StREET, ADELAIDE, SouTH AUSTRALIA. Parcels for transmission to the Royal Society of South Aus- tralia from the United States of America can be forwarded through the Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. Vi. Royal Socrety of South Australia (INCORPORATED). Patron: HIS EXCELLENCY SIR HENRY LIONEL GALWAY, K.C.M.G., D.S.O. ——< tip —- OFFICERS FOR 1919-20. President : SIR JOSEPH C. VERCO, M.D., F.R.C.S. Vice=Presidents: KE. ASHBY, F.L‘S.;. M.BsO0G: MAJOR R. H. PULLEINE, M.B. ibon. Treasurer: W. B. POOLE. ‘bon. Secretary: WALTER RUTT, C.E. Members of Council: PROF. T. G. B. OSBORN, M.Sc. PROF. R. W. CHAPMAN, M.A., B.C.E., F.R.A.S. PROF. WALTER HOWCHIN, F.G.S. (Editor and Representative Governor). PROF. E. H. RENNIE, M.A., D.Sc., F.C.S. LIEUT.-COLONEL R. S. ROGERS, M.A., M.D. | CAPT. S.A) WHITH, CM. BOs bon. Auditors: W. L. WARE, J.P. H. WHITBREAD. A> Sat ENTS. a Verco, Sir Jos. C.: Obituary Notice (Sir E. C. Stirling) Epauist, Atr. G.: Vitality of Seeds ... Cretanp, Dr. J. Burton, and Epwin Cueeu: Australian Fungi: Notes and Descriptions, No. 2. The Sclerotia- pte bie pores ‘ts Australia. Plates i. to v. : Brack, J. M.: Additions to the Flora of South jens aia No. 15. Plates Mi to viii. Howcnin, Pror. WALTER: Be octenl ier cri (First Ooi. tribution). Plate ix. AsusBy, Epwin: A _ Review of nie eae Loricella anaes Polyplacophora), with Notes on Features Previously Unnoted and Description of a New Species. Plate x. Asusy, Epwin: Notes on Australian Polyplacophora, tagladinie Descriptions of Two New Genera, a New Variety, and the Description and Proposed Recognition of Mr. Bednall’s Stenochiton pilsbryanus. Plate xi. : PULLEINE, Dr. R. H.: A New ane of jane feat Kangaroo | Island. Plate xii. Waite, Cart. S. A.: Notes on ree ocean snee of Agieial Remains below Marine pote at the Reedbeds, Fulham, : near Adelaide ... _ Howcnin, Pror. actitiee’: eee Ngee on ae perce : rence of Aboriginal Remains discovered by Capt. S. A. White at Fulham (described in the pr ie meet with Remarks | on the Geological Section . : Butt, Dr. Lions, B.: A Gomnamition to he Bids of Fate ronemiasis: A Clinical, Pathological, and Experimental : Investigation of a Granulomatous Conditién of the Horse— Habronemic granuloma. Plates xili. to xv. : Rowe, A.: The Phaestos Disk: its He oe aoe S¥ie0.to Xxii. : Tuuny, C. E.: The Bearenes ie Origin of Ceieen Onarie Tourmaline Nodules in the Granite of Cape Willoughby. Plates xxiii. and xxiv. (Communicated by Prof. Howchin) Lea, Artuur M.: Notes on Some Miscellaneous Coleoptera, with Descriptions ‘of New Species, Part v. Plates xxv. to xxvii. Cietanp, Dr. J. Burton, and Epwin Cueex: Australian Fungi: 4 Notes and Descriptions, No. 3. Plates xxviil. and xxix. Tittny, OC. E.: The Petrology of the Granitic Mass of Cape Wil- loughby, Kangaroo Island, Part 1. Plates xxx. and xxxi. and 2 Maps: (Communicated by Prof. Howchin) . me Eston, Atsert H.: Australian. Coleoptera, Part i. - Brack, J. M.: Additions to the Higrs of poe Australia, No. 16. Plate xxxii. Back, J. M.: A Pe of hes een es Biiicnaaes “Plates Xxxiii. to XXXVil. wat am Bsn Ce * 81 85 142 156 166 262 316 342 349 355 CONTENTS. (Continuep). CuEeEL, Epwin: Notes on Three Species of Melaleuca. Plate XXxvlii. (Communicated by J. M. Black) Ae ETHERIDGE, R., jun.: The Cambrian Trilobites of Australia baa Tasmania. Bint XKKEK. PanG. xls AsubBy, Epwin: Descriptions of Six New Spare of hes Polyplacophora (Four Acanthochitons and Two Callisto- chitons), with other Notes. Plates xli. and xlii. CuapmMan, Pror. R. W.: Physical Er Oper of Some South Australian- grown Pines MISCELLANEA , ‘e ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS ANNUAL REPORT BALANCE-SHEETS DonaTIons To LIBRARY List oF MEMBERS ... APPENDICES : — Field Naturalists’ Section: Annual] Report, etc. ... Thirtieth Annual Report of the Native Fauna and Flora Protection Committee INDEX Page. 368 373 394 405 418 421 432 434 436 445 448 450 453 \ ‘WE LATE Sin BE. C. Strepine, Kr., C.M.G., PRS M.A., M.D. (Cantab.), F.R.G.S., C.MSZS2" THE Transactions 3 OF The Royal Society of South Australia (Incorporated.) Vol. XLII. OBITUARY NOTICE. WITH FRONTISPIECE. It is with profound regret we refer to the death of one of our most eminent and helpful Fellows, the late Srr E. C. erinuinc, Kr., C.M.G., F.R.S., M.A., M.D. (Cantab.), F.R.G.S., C.M.Z.S. He was elected a Fellow on October 4, 1881, a member of Council in 1882, and a Vice-President in 1883. Resigning this post in 1884, because he was leaving the State, he was re-elected in 1885 a member of Council, in 1888 Vice-President, and in 1889 he was chosen President. Directly his term of office expired he was again made a member of Council, and was repeatedly re-elected until 1900; so that he was in office for about eighteen consecutive years. From the first he took an active and prominent part in the affairs of the Society; in fact, we find him in the chair within about four months of his election. Having been recently appointed Lecturer on Physiology at the University he showed and explained one of his laboratory instruments, Williams’ Freezing Microtome; and being also a surgeon he exhibited some kangaroo tendon, and indicated its advantages as a ligature for tying vessels in operations. He went to England in 1884 for a few months, partly to secure the most recent and perfect apparatus for conducting physiological observations, and these on his return he ex- hibited and described to the members. In 1886 he showed a preparation of the genitalia of a female kangaroo, demonstrating the young attached by its umbilical cord, so proving it to be produced and born in the same manner as other mammals. During 1889, the year of his Presidency, he was not once absent from the gatherings of the Society, and we find him B 9 a showing the cranium of a South Australian aboriginal pre- senting a marked resemblance to the celebrated prehistoric Neanderthal skull, and having a very ape-like appearance; also a specimen of teal of brilliant plumage (Anas castanea). He did not know the locality from which it came, though several members had seen similar individuals in various parts of the Province. He did not agree with Gould that it was only the nuptial dress of the male of an ordinary teal, but felt satisfied it was a distinct species. On retiring from the Presidential chair he read an address on ‘‘Weissmann’s Theory of Heredity,’’ and the meeting carried a unanimous resolution that the address should be printed. He was Chairman of the South Australian Museum Committee in the year 1884-5, and when Dr. Haacke resigned his position in 1889 Dr. Stirling was installed as Honorary Director of the Museum. . This gave him free access to the valuable ethnological, palaeontological, and other novelties in that institution, many of which he brought before the Society as exhibits, or as subjects of the scientific papers with which he enriched our Transactions. There was, for instance, the marsupial mole Wotoryctes typhlops, the blind burrower in the sand, first brought under our notice in 1888, and again named, described, and beautifully illustrated in 1891, and still further dealt with in the volume for 1894. In 1890 he accompanied Earl Kintore and a party overland from Port Darwin to Adelaide, and devoted himself to the collection of flora and- fauna. In this way he was fortunate in securing half a dozen individuals of this new marsupial mole, as well as much other material, to supply not only our ' own Museum, but those in the Commonwealth and in foreign lands. : In 1893 he went with a party to Lake Callabonna to investigate the remarkable deposit of fossil bones belonging to gigantic extinct beasts and birds and to superintend their transport to Adelaide. By the patient industry and technical skill of Mr. A. E. H. Zietz they were collected, specially treated, packed, and removed to the Museum, where they were further prepared and preserved bone by bone; and from these Dr. Stirling and he were able to reconstruct the com- plete skeleton of the enormous marsupial, the Dzprotodon australis, a cast of which graces the entrance-room of the Australian wing of the Museum. There were also parts of an immense wombat, the Phascolomys gigas, and. portions of the skeleton of Genyornis newtoni, a struthious bird allied to the New Zealand moas, and almost equal in size to the largest of these. For more than four years these monsters occupied his attention, and several papers on the physical 3 features of Lake Callabonna and its fossil remains were sub- mitted to our Society and were printed as Memoirs, of which they constitute the whole of our, first volume. In 1894 he accompanied the Horn Expedition to the MacDonnell Ranges as medica] officer and anthropologist. To him was allotted the task of dealing with the ethnological material then collected, and in nearly 160 pages of the fourth volume of the Horn Scientific Expedition to Central Aus- tralia, 1896, may be found the results of his investigations. Doubtless we will remember his exhibition of quite a large number of ceremonial sticks and stones from that region, and the public lecture delivered under the auspices of our Society, in which he revealed the manners and customs of its inhabitants, illustrated with very fine diascopic photographs taken in Central Australia. He and Mr. Zietz dealt with all the vertebrata obtained by the Elder Exploration in 1893, and published their results in our Transactions for 1896. 7 In 1895 he was appointed Director of the Museum as a salaried officer, and held this post until the end of 1912, when he resigned (being followed by Mr. E. R.« Waite), and in April, 1914, was made Honorary Curator of. Ethnology. Sir Edward Stirling was, perhaps, as much interested in the anthropology and ethnology of Australia as in its palae- ontology. He gradually accumulated a fine library of works dealing with its history and its aboriginals, and with the inhabitants of adjacent islands. He collected in our Museum a large series of native skulls and skeletons, implements of war and peace, and, in fact, everything pertaining to their primitive life, and he spent his last three or four years as honorary curator of this department in cataloguing, arranging, and displaying this exceedingly rich collection. The exhibit of these in the top gallery of the Australian wing of the Museum is a monument to his expert: knowledge of this branch of science, as well as an enduring testimony to his persevering industry and special enthusiasm. | In 1898 he proposed a resolution in one of our meetings, which was carried unanimously, ‘“‘That whereas the aborigines of South Australia are rapidly disappearing, it is desirable in the interests of science and of our successors that a com- prehensive and enduring record of the Australian race in fullest anthropological and ethnological sense should be undertaken before it is too late.’’ Whenever any paper dealing with this subject was presented for acceptance the Council felt it had in Dr. Stirling an expert to whom it could be submitted for an estimate of its value. It 1s to his zeal and patriotism that we possess a very large number of valuable and even unique examples of ceremonial ornaments and other B2 4 rarities which but for his intervention would have been lost, not only to our State, but to our nation. As recently as 1911 he. wrote a lengthy paper entitled ‘‘Preliminary Report on the Discovery of Native Remains at Swanport, River Murray, with an Enquiry into the Alleged Occurrence of a Pandemic among the Australian Aboriginals.” He intended to discuss later his anthropological findings from examination of the bones and skulls of more than 160 natives obtained from the Swanport burial place, but “‘art is long, and life is short,’’ and this work is left for some other hand. He was also a lover of the Australian flora and fauna— an enthusiast in Natural History. The Field Naturalist Section found him ready to assist, as is witnessed by his evening lecture, in 1886, ‘‘On the Borderland of the Animal and Vegetable Kingdoms’’; also in the appeals of its Flora and Fauna Protection Committee, made time and again to consecutive Governments of the day, for reservation of more or less of the western end of Kangaroo Island, under the name of Flinders Chase, as an asylum or sanctuary for our fast disappearing indigenous animals and plants. Dr. Stirling several times supported its petition by cogent argu- ments urged in its favour, rendered the more forcible by his well-known scientific standing. As so recent and for so Jong a Fellow of the Royal Society of South Australia, we are in duty bound, as we are also glad, to pay a sincere and grateful tribute to his memory for the work he has done and the help he has given. Others than ourselves have during his lifetime been ready to recognize the value of his contributions. The Queen of the Netherlands conferred upon him a gold medal ‘‘for science and art’’ after the National Muesum of Natural History in Leyden, Holland, had been enriched by him. He was made a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society and a Corresponding Member of the Zoological Society, and above all else, and valued by him beyond bronze or silver dr gold decorations, was his title of ‘‘Fellow of the Royal Society of London.’’ which stamped his published work with the hall-mark of excellence, and gave him an accredited place among the scientists of the world. Jos. C. Vrerco, President. Evening Meeting, April 10, 1919. VITALITY OF SEEDS. By Aur. G. Epquisrt. [Read November 21, 1918.] In March, 1918, were commenced a number of experi- ments for the purpose of finding a practicable way of safely storing grain for lengthy periods against the ravages of rats, mice, weevil, and rain. The object in our investigation was to determine, if possible, that dry grain (wheat) could be stored safely in an atmosphere rich in CO, or of nitrogen, from harvest to the time of seeding, and even for longer periods, without impairing its vitality or germinating qualities. The report recently issued by Dr. Hargreaves, of the Chemistry Department, has necessitated the publishing of the following results. We had already been experimenting in this direction, and now have the pleasure of submitting further evidence of the value of the work done by the Department of Chemistry. Wuy CO, anp NITROGEN WERE CHOSEN. 1. It was recognized that CO, gas would quickly asphyxiate any animal life existing in the wheat, and prevent eggs of weevil and other beetles from hatching. 2. Carbonic acid gas is easily and cheaply generated. 3. It can be stored under pressure and safely transported to any part of the State. 4. It is perfectly safe and easily manipulated by any intelligent person. 5. It does not quickly destroy the vitality of dry wheat, and therefore might prove a safe medium in which to store seed wheat from harvest time to the time of seeding. 6. Carbonic acid gas is heavier than air, and readily displaces it. Nitrogen was chosen because it fails to support life, is inert, and poly. available without the use of gas-generating apparatus. EXxpeRtMent 1, — To prove whether or not dry grain respires. Method.—A glass tube closed at one end was partly filled with dry wheat harvested in 1917. In the open end of this tube was sealed a straight piece of narrow glass tubing. A retort stand supported the apparatus with the open end of the 6 narrow tube immersed in fresh lime-water. Every day the tube containing the wheat was lifted from the lime-water and the contents aerated for a few minutes. The water film which sometimes closed the mouth of the narrow tube was removed with blotting paper, by centrifugal force or by the passage of an air current across the open end of the tube. Kesult.—So far as visible evidence was concerned, dry wheat appeared to breathe very slowly or not at all. The grain appeared to be in a state of suspended animation. From the results of other experiments on vitality of seeds, it is definitely known that each kind of seed retains its vitality for a more or less lengthy period, and then dies either from the effects of desiccation or oxidation of the germ plasm. It may be said that a seed stored in a dry condition either dies of thirst or breathes its life away. Some seeds that we have tested lose their vitality at the end of one or two years ; others, such as acacia seeds, retain their germinating quali- ties for years. The seeds of Goodia latifolia are credited with having retained vitality for 105 years. Ten years ago Pro- fessor A. J. Ewart, of Melbourne, gave me three seeds of Goodia latifolia which he said were 101 years old. One of the three was successfully germinated. EXPERIMENT 2.—To demonstrate that germinating grain respires freely. Method.—The apparatus was arranged and manipulated in every particular as in Experiment 1, the only difference being the condition of the enclosed grain. The wheat used was placed in water at a temperature of 160° Fah. and allowed to cool, and to soak for twenty-four hours, before being enclosed in the glass tube. This treatment caused the grain to germinate rapidly, and poh helped to minimise attacks from moulds. Result.—The lower end of the narrow glass tubing, which extended below the surface of the lime-water, and into which the lime-water was forced by atmospheric pressure as the oxygen was converted by the wheat into CO, gas, became clogged with a white deposit of carbonate of lime. The significance of this result may be stated thus:—The oxygen of the air enclosed with the wheat was slowly absorbed by the germinating grain and converted into CO, gas. As fast as the CO, was formed it gravitated towards the lime-water and was absorbed with the formation of carbonate of lime. The inference.—Germinating wheat breathes freely and requires oxygen. EXPERIMENT 3.—To prove that dry grain can be stored in an air-tight receptacle for a considerable period without impairing the vitality or germinating qualities of the grain. 7 Method.—On March 1, 1918, small quantities of wheat harvested in 1917 were sealed in three glass bottles—A, B, and C, respectively. Test (1).—At the end of fourteen days the wheat in bottle A was planted on damp soil under a sheet of glass. Result.—The grain germinated freely. Test (2).—At the expiration of twenty-eight days the wheat in bottle B was planted on damp soil under glass. Result——The grain grew freely. Test (3).—On September 13, just 196 days after being sealed in bottle C, the grain was planted on damp soil under lass. . | . Result.—The grain grew freely. Conclusion.—The result of these three trials, which mark progress in a long series of experiments, goes to show that wheat may be stored in hermetically sealed receptacles for a considerable period without impairing its vitality. EXPERIMENT 4.—To prove that dry grain can be safely stored in an atmosphere rich in CO, gas for considerable periods without injury to the vitality of the seed. Method.—Small quantities of grain harvested in 1917 and having good germinating qualities were placed in three bottles—A, B, and C, respectively. The bottles were charged with CO, gas and then sealed. The method of charging the bottles was simple. CO, gas, generated in a flask from marble and hydrochloric acid, was introduced by means of a delivery tube passing through the stopper of the bottle. The © displaced air passed through a second tube into lime-water. The lime-water was used to test the quality of the air expelled from the bottle containing the grain. When the overflow was rich in CO, the bottle was carefully sealed. Test.—At the end of fourteen days, twenty-eight days, and 196 days, respectively, the grain in the three bottles was tested by planting it on damp earth under glass. fesult, Bottle A.—After immersion for fourten days in air rich in CO, gas the grain grew well. It appeared to show more vigour than the untreated grain used in the check experiments. Result, Bottle B.—The grain grew well after experiencing the effects of CO, gas for twenty-eight days. Result, Bottle C.—At the end of twenty-eight weeks the grain appeared not to have suffered asa result of confinement in air rich in CO,. The grain germinated freely. Note.—It will be noticed that the results of germination have not been expressed in percentages. To secure accurate 8 percentage results it would be necessary to duplicate the experiments to an extent impracticable under the circum- stances governing work in the laboratory where 225 students are conducting two or three experiments each. EXPERIMENT 5.—To demonstrate that dry wheat may be stored for some time in an atmosphere of nitrogen gas without impairing the vitality of the seed. Method.—Small quantities of wheat harvested in 1917 were placed in three bottles—A, B, and C, respectively. In each bottle were placed two small tubes, one containing lime- water and the other an aqueous solution of pyrogallic acid. The bottles were then carefully sealed. The lime-water absorbed the CO,, the evidence being the formation of.a crust of carbonate of lime within the tube containing the lime- water. The aqueous solution of pyrogallic acid absorbed the oxygen contained in the bottle, evidence of the absorption being the brown discolouration of the otherwise perfectly clear liquid. Test (1).—The grain from bottle A grew well when planted on damp soil under glass. Immersion in practically pure nitrogen for fourteen days did not seem to produce any bad effects. Test (2).—At the end of twenty-eight days the grain from bottle B was planted on damp soil under glass. It germ- inated freely. Test (3).—Through an accident the bottle was broken and the grain lost before its vitality could be tested. A later experiment demonstrated that dry wheat enclosed in an atmosphere of nearly pure nitrogen can retain its vitality for a period of 104 days, but will not survive an immersion in nitrogen for more than 143 days. EXPERIMENT 6.—To demonstrate the behaviour of wet grain stored in an air-tight receptacle. Method.—A small quantity of wheat harvested in 1917 was soaked in water for about twelve hours. It was then drained of free water, and sealed in a bottle having a few layers of wet blotting-paper at the bottom. Result.—The grain germinated and grew freely until the plumule became about five-eighths of an inch long and the radicle carrying root-hairs had grown to a length of three- quarters of an inch. At this stage of growth further develop- ment ceased. No chlorophyll was developed in the plumules, although they were exposed to light. The plants quickly perished. EXPERIMENT 7.—To demonstrate the visible effects of CO, on wet wheat enclosed in an air-tight receptacle. Ee 9 Method.—A small quantity of wheat that had been soaked in water for about twelve hours was sealed in a bottle containing CO, gas. The method of charging the bottle with CO, was the same as that employed in Experiment 4. Result.—The grain failed to germinate, but swelled to an unusual size before it died. Inference.—Germinating wheat is asphyxiated by CO, because of the absence of chlorophyll in the plumule. EXPERIMENT 8.—To demonstrate the effects of an atmo- sphere of nitrogen upon wet wheat. Method.—The apparatus and methods employed were similar to those outlined in Experiment 5. In this instance soaked wheat was used instead of dry grain. Result.—Germination proceeded slightly, just sufficient to show the development of the radicle and plumule. Growth ceased abruptly and the grain died. No chlorophyll was formed in the plumule. Inference.—Free oxygen is essential to the development of a germinating seed, and also to the development of chlorophyll. SimepLE MetTHop or TEsTING AIR-TIGHT BOTTLES. Completely immerse the sealed bottle in water that is a little warmer than the atmosphere. The air within the bottle expands, and should the bottle leak, silvery-looking air-bubbles will mark the position of the aperture. ConcLUDING REMARKS. 1. Vermin may be destroyed in properly-enclosed wheat stacks by the use of CO, or nitrogen gas without damage to the germinating qualities of the grain. 2. Perfectly ripe, dry grain can be safely stored from harvest time until the time for seeding in an atmosphere rich in CO, gas. 3. Excess of CO, gas and nitrogen prevents the develop- ment of weevil from eggs within a properly-heated stack. 4. Any ordinary barn properly lined with asbestos sheets will serve as a suitable storehouse or gas-envelope. 5. The CO, gas can be generated by pouring dilute hydrochloric acid on chips of marble or limestone. 6. The gas should be introduced near the top at one end of the stack, and the outlet pipe for the displaced air should be inserted near the bottom of the stack at the other end. 7. The escaping air should be tested with a little lme- water. When the escaping air causes the lime-water to turn 10 milky in appearance, sufficient CO, for all practical purposes has been introduced. 8. If the inlet and outlet pipes be fitted with stopcocks, the CO, gas can be drawn off at any time to permit of entrance to the barn. If both stopcocks be opened the CO, gas will drain away through the lower tap. 9. Asbestos-covering to stacks built on stone or concrete floors is suggested, because it is fire-proof, rat and mice- proof, and will withstand heavy knocks which would make holes through softer material. When the asbestos-coverings to stacks have served their purpose, the material could be sold or used for building purposes. Less durable materials are more costly in the long run. 10. Cracks and joints can be made gas-tight with a stiff mixture of finely-ground pipeclay and raw linseed oil. 11. Asbestos sheets can be made in the State from local deposits of the mineral. 11 AUSTRALIAN FUNGI: NOTES AND DESCRIPTIONS. No. 2.—-THE SCLEROTIA“FORMING POLYPORES OF AUSTRALIA. _ By J. Burton Cievanp, M.D., and Epwin CuEEL, Botanical Assistant, Botanic Gardens, Sydney. [Read April 10, 1919.] Piares I. to V. In Australia there seem to be at least three species of stipitate polypores growing from large true sclerotia, and two from large false sclerotia. Of those with true sclerotia, the best known is Polyporus myliitae, the ‘‘Native Bread.’’ It is characterized by a very large sclerotium, which on section is divided up into alveolar spaces, whilst the fruiting body has a whitish pileus with a centre the colour of a poached egg. The sclerotium of the second species resembles closely that of the former, but is smaller, whilst the pileus is brown. C. G. Lloyd (Mycolog. Notes, No. 39, December, 1915, p. 533, figs. 728-732) has described specimens of this species received from one of us as Polyporus mylittae, but we have compared our other examples of it with fruiting bodies obtained from R. T. Baker, described by him (Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, vol. xxvul., p. 542, 1902) and deposited in the Technological Museum, Sydney, and the two are apparently distinct species. The sclerotium of the third form is also very large (one weighed 7 lbs.), and resembles the other two, though the exterior differs, and the cut surface does not show any alveolar arrangement. So far we have not obtained fruiting bodies of this. The forms with false sclerotia have a deeply-situated mycelium which penetrates and surrounds sand and small stones, compacting them together into a mass, at times enormous. One of these is Laccocephalum basilamloides, the ‘““stone-making fungus,’’ and the other is the fruiting body belonging to the mycelial masses referred to by Lloyd when speaking of Polyporus tumulosus (Synop. of Sect. Ovinus of Polyp., p. 87). We have had an opportunity of examining the type of the former in the Herbarium of the University of Adelaide, and find it is closely allied to, but apparently not identical with, a specimen we recently collected that seems to be the 12 latter species. We find from an examination that L. basila- piloides does not belong to the section Amaurodermus, as Lloyd, from its description, was led to believe, but probably to the section Ovinus. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. We wish to express our indebtedness to the following for their courtesy in affording us facilities for examination of the specimens contained in the collections under their care :— To Mr. J. H. Maiden, I.8.0., F.R.S5 of the: National Herbarium, Sydney. To Mr. R. T. Baker, of the Technological Museum, Sydney. ) To Professor Sir W. B. Spencer, C.M.G., F.R.S., of the National Museum, Melbourne. To Messrs. W. Laidlaw, Biologist, and C. C. Brittlebank, Plant Pathologist, of the Department of Agriculture, Science Branch, Melbourne. To the Board of Governors of the Public Library, Museum, and Art Gallery of South Australia; and to Mr. Edgar R. Waite, Curator of the South Australian Museum. To Professor T. G. B. Osborn, of the University of Adelaide. To Mr. A. G. Hamilton, for the photographs in yl. v., figs. 1 and 2. ; POLYPORES WITH TRUE SCLEROTIA. 81. Polyporus mylittae, Cooke and Massee: Grevillea, vol: -xxi., p. 37 (1892). The subterranean sclerotium, or ‘‘tuber,’’ called ‘‘Black- fellow’s Bread,” ‘‘Native Bread,’’ or occasionally ‘‘Native Truffle,’’ was originally described under the name Mylitta australis by Berkeley in 1839. It is also recorded in M. C. Cooke’s Handb. of Austr. Fungi, No. 1351, under the latter name. In 1885 H. T. Tisdall discovered some speci- mens with fructification, and forwarded them to M. C. Cooke, who identified them as a Polyporus and named them P. mylittae (Gardener’s Chronicle, Oct. 29, p. 526, 1892). In 1902 R. T. Baker (Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, vol. xxvii., p. 542, pls. xxil. and xxiii. [1902]) exhibited some specimens with sporophores, and gave a detailed description of the same, and also had a coloured drawing made of the fresh specimen, which shows that the pileus is quite velvety and whitish, with more or less egg-yellow on the upper-surface. By his kind permission we are able to reproduce part of his sketch of the 13 fresh specimen. D. McAlpine, Government Vegetable Pathologist of Victoria, in 1893 (The Australian Journal of Pharmacy, Melbourne, vili., p. 291, Sept. 20 [1893], and Journ. Agric., Vict., ii., p. 1012 [figs. i.-v.], 1903), gives a very interesting and complete account of this species, together with photographic figures showing various stages of develop- ment. Professor A. J. Ewart (Proc. Roy. Soc. Vict., vol. 24, N.S., p. 59 [1911]), gives an account of some experiments in which he induced some sporophores to develop which measured 5 in. across. As showing the size to which these sclerotia may attain, we may mention that W. H. Breton (Tas. J., i1., p. 463, 1846) refers to a specimen of ‘‘Black- fellow’s Bread’’ weighing 254 lb. J. H. Maiden (Agric. Gaz., N.S. Wales, iv., p. 909, 1893) states that A. P. Miller, of Hobart, had sent a specimen weighing 39 lb., and that a sclerotium obtained at Bundanoon, in New South Wales, measured 241 in. in circumference and weighed 5 Ib. 14% oz. when fresh. He also mentions another Tasmanian specimen weighing 14 lb. (Tas. Cat., Exhib., 1851). In the National Herbarium, Sydney, there are quite a number of sclerotia which we believe belong to this species, but so far no sporophores have been forwarded with them. The localities from which these have been received are as follows :— New South Wales—Wolumba (P. J. O. Poole, Novem- ber, 1899); Garra, Great Western Railway (J. H. Maiden, 1899); Box Point, Barber’s Creek (J. H. Maiden, October, 1905); Burragong (C. Miller, April, 1905); Robertson (P. Williams, May, 1909); Eastwood (C. Lund, July, 1910); Wallangarra (F. Jaeger, September, 1912); Epping (J. Cole, January, 1915); Sassafras, via Nowra (R. C. Sturgis, December, 1915); Inverell (T. McDonough, March, 1916). Victoria—H2r Kryptogamae easiccatae (No. 211), Vienna, section only; Upper Ferntree Gully (J. M. Griffiths, March, 1909). Tasmania—Haweah, Bellerive (Miss Murphy, July, 1901). The following are in the Technological Museum, Sydney :—(1) Sporophore (pl. i.), now quite velvety on pileus and stem, whitish. Pores dirty brownish-white. Sclerotium about 6 in.x4 in. Its outer-surface irregularly bossed and folded with large brownish flakey crusts weathering to expose a light-brownish, almost white, surface. Cut surface alveolar, walls of alveoli white, polygonal area about 5 mm. in diameter, waxy-yellow. (2) Another sclerotium is wrinkled with an earthy-brown cuticle, which is thin and peeling off. 14 The following specimens are in the South Australian Museum, in the portion set apart for exhibiting the foods of the aboriginals : — : (3) Sclerotium when fresh probably about 9x 6x3 in. After arrival at the Museum it began to develop a sporophore. The upper-surface of this abortive fructification is pitted, from the specimen having been lying on perforated zinc. The surface is now dull white with slight brownish stains and finely villous. The pileus is very distorted. Irregular whitish pores. have formed. Spores were not seen. Un- earthed at the cyanide works of the Tasmanian Tailings Syndicate, Middle Arm Channel, River Tamar, Tasmania. Presented by Mr. Clement Phillipson, 1906 (Mus., No. 182). (4) An irregular sclerotium, 3x4 in. G. F. Thorp, 1899 .(Mus.,° No: 183). (5) Sclerotium, 4x3x2in. Found at Myponga ‘‘about 2 ft. underground near a gum tree in wet and sandy soil, 27/7/04. Advertiser Office (vide Proc. Roy. Soc. 8. Aust.)” (Mus., No. 181). (6) A small distorted sclerotium, 4 in. long. Professor Tate, Victoria. (Mus., No. 184). 7 The following is in the Herbarium of the University of Adelaide : — (7) Sclerotium apparently about 6 in. across when fresh. About 10 in. below the surface in mallee limestone country, Denial Bay district, South Australia. Presented by Mr. J. W.S. Mann, Saddleworth, South Australia, 15/10/12. The following are in the Melbourne National Museum :— (8) A large specimen from Toongabbie. | | (9) A specimen from the Pride of Stranger’s Mine, Yackindal. Dr. F. Stoward has found the sclerotium of this species in Western Australia. By his kind permission, we are able to reproduce his excellent photographs of this (pl. i1.). 82. Polyporus minor-mylittae (?Mylitta australis minor, Berk., in. Jour. Linn. Soc. (Bot.), vol. xiii., p. 175 [1873]). We adopt this name for what we regard as a distinct species, which may be distinguished by the smaller sclerotium and a different coloured sporophore. It has already been recorded by one of us in Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, vol. XXxvill., p. 170 (1913), and also by C. G. Lloyd in Letter No. 58, pp. 2 and 5 (1915), Note 269; and Mycol. Notes, No. 39, p. 533 (1915). ‘‘Pileus (pl. ui.) 3-7 cm. across with a sulcate, minutely tomentose surface, raw umber (brown). Flesh usually dry, 15 subligneous, usually in two layers, each 1 to 3 mm. thick, the upper rich cream to light brown, the lower white. Stipe mesopodial, 5-15 mm. thick, 2-6 cm. long. Pores small, roundish or irregular, 2 to 3 mm. long. Spores abundant, eylindrical, 2x6 pw, hyaline, smooth.’’—Lloyd. We have a fine series of specimens in various stages of devel- opment, some showing the sclerotia in the making from less than the size of peas, while other sclerotia are fully developed, varying in size from 2 to 7 cm. in diameter. Some specimens dug up out of the ground at Hill Top in February, 1913, show the formation of several minute sclerotia varying in size from 2x4 mm. to 6x9 mm., attached by whitish rhizomorphs to decaying Hucalyptus stumps. The series of specimens show that the spores germinate in moist soil, and that the hyphal strands absorb nutrient matter from decaying stumps, ultimately forming the sclerotia. In other specimens the sclerotia are soft and spongy, and are being exhausted for the purpose of forming the sporophore, as the surrounding soil is traversed by a mass of branching mycelial cords forming an indefinite mesopodial stem surmounted by the cap. Sporophores, in various stages of development attached to mycelial cords arising from the sclerotia, have been examined from the following localities in New South Wales :— Killara and North Sydney (H. Selkirk, May, 1904, and November, 1905); Hull Top, Main Southern Line (E. C., April, 1912; February, 1913; March, 1914; and February, 1916). There are also specimens of sporophores in the National Herbarium, Sydney, unattached to their sclerotia, from the following localities :—Barber’s Creek (J. H. Maiden, December, 1897); Wahroonga (W. Buckingham, July, 1899); Leura (A. A. Hamilton, March, 1910); Glenorie (E. C., February, 1910); Lawson ‘(Miss D. Wiles, com- municated by Mr. A. G. Hamilton in June, 1910). Speci- mens of sclerotia without sporophores are from the following localities: —Bibbenluke (Miss E. Edwards, August, 1899) ; Bega (Miss M. R. Otton, May, 1905); Hurstville (H. W. Hamilton, June, 1910); Hornsby (P. Williams, April, 1916). OTHER ScLEROTIA. In addition to the above we have also examined several remarkable sclerotia, but so far their fruiting bodies have not been found. They consist of :— 83. Two very large sclerotia (pl. i11.), somewhat resembling those of P. mylittae, found by Mr. W. R. Griffin, of Hurstville, Sydney, in the western suburbs of 16 Sydney, in the early autumn. The largest of these was roughly spherical, 6x5 in., and weighed 6 lb. 12 oz. The outer-surface was of a reddish-clay colour, irregularly fur- rowed and finely reticulated. On section there was an outer hard reddish crust, 4+ in. thick in places. Inside this the sclerotium. consisted of a greyish mycelial mass showing irregular whitish strands in places. Attempts were made to get the sporophores to develop, but a whitish mould-like growth alone appeared. 84. Sclerotia like worm-castings. Specimens of these are in the Botanical Department at the University of Adelaide from W. H. Jackson, Robe, South Australia, September, 1912, and A. Trezize, Robe; and others in the South Aus- tralian Museum from J.ake Albert (Mus., No. 186). These sclerotia are clay-brown in colour, up to 3 in. long and 4 in. thick, or 2x1 in., and are irregularly ringed and rugose, very closely resembling earthworm casts. The constrictions sometimes cut deeply in, so as to leave adjacent portions attached by a quite narrow neck. The substance is hard, dense, and somewhat translucent white. 85. Irregularly round sclerotia, perhaps forms of No. 84. In the Herbarium of the University of Adelaide from S. H. McMillan, Chemist, Mount Gambier, September, 1912. = in. in diameter, somewhat flattened spheroid in shape; slightly rugose, clay coloured, weathering to show a greyish surface. On section hard, the colour of semi- translucent quartz. 86. In the South Australian Museum, in the section devoted to the food of aboriginals, with a label, “‘Fungus grown on the ground. Eaten by the blacks, Central Aus- tralia. Presented by Mr. E. J. Warman’’ (Mus., No. 185). This sclerotium appears different from any of the others we have seen, but is considerably decayed. It is a somewhat pear-shaped light mycelial mass, splitting and irregularly alveolate, apparently composed of mycelium and _ reddish sand. POLYPORES WITH FALSE SCLEROTIA. 87. Polyporus tumulosus, Cooke: Grevillea, xvil., p. 55 (1899); Handb. Austr. Fungi, No. 586; Baker: Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, xxii., p. 238 (1897); Cheel: sbid, xxxviii., p- 171 (1913); Lloyd: Synopsis Sect. Ovinus of Polyporus, | p. 86 (1911), and Synopsis of! Stipitate Polyporoids, pp. 67 and 168 (1912). The following description is given in Cooke’s Handbook : —‘‘Pileus fleshy (3-4 in. diameter), firm, convex, clad with darker innate scales, margin at first incurved; flesh white; 17 stem short, thick, equal (1-2 in. x1 in.), solid, ochraceous ; mycelium profuse, white, forming a dense mass at the base; tubes adnate, or a little decurrent, broad; pores large, unequal, angular, spores 12 x 45 pw, pale olive. On the ground, Queensland.”’ Lloyd (/.c.) states that this is known from but one col- lection made in Australia, and preserved at Kew (England). “It is quite a distinct thing with a pileus resembling in some respects that of Polyporus betulinus. It has a soft, white flesh and a thin, papery, smooth cuticle. The stems are short, thick, and mesopodal. They are so covered with adhering dirt that it cannot be told whether or not they belong in the section with black stems. The pores are large, irregular, and apparently have turned black in drying. Spores not found by me.” In a footnote in the same work Lloyd further states: —‘‘On the hard, stony ridges about Brisbane, when trenching the land, large masses of mycelium are often met with. Some of the masses would weigh over a hundred- weight. From its consistency one might fancy that a quan- ‘tity of dough had been buried. My idea has always been that it was the mycelium of some Boletus’’ (quotation from Bailey). Lloyd also states:—‘‘Cooke named this plant tuwmulosus, under the impression that it produced these mycelial masses. I cannot see any direct connection between this fungus in the account as published and these mycelial masses, and I think it is not certain that there is any connection.”’ In the neighbourhood of Penshurst, near Sydney, one of us has found on several occasions large conglomerate masses of mycelium and earth when digging in the garden, which we believe are referable to this species. On one occasion some un- developed sporophores of a. whitish colour, showing a few large irregular pores, were found arising from one of these masses. Mr. R. T. Baker has also recorded (/.c.) this species from specimens collected by Mr. W. Bauerlen at Lismore. In March, 1915, a fine sporophore, together with a conglomerate ball of earth and mycelium, was collected at Casino by Mr. D. J. McAuliffe, and forwarded to us through Mlss LePlas- trier. Mr. J. Lalchere, of Wingham, Manning River, also collected portions of earth and mycelium, similar to the _ above, in July, 1916. The following two collections, though the pilei have glabrous surfaces, perhaps belong to the same species as the preceding :— (1) Pileus old and partly decayed, 2 in. across, convex and apparently slightly infundibuliform, smooth, pallid, brownish, with blackish streaks (probably from decay). Pores pallid, much decayed. Stem 5 in. long, buried in the ground 18 except for about 1 in., about # in. thick, slightly irregularly nodular, slightly bent. Attached to a large irregular mycelial mass, several inches long, composed of sandy particles and pieces of sandstone loosely agglomerated by mycelium, apparently confined by a thin reddish-brown crust. Spores white, elongated, shaped like typical Boletus spores, 10°4 x 3°4 to 4 pw. Milson Island, Hawkesbury River, March, 1916. (2) Pileus 2 in. in diameter, convex, smooth, pale brownish. Pores rather large, slightly decurrent, partitions thin, orifice slightly dentate, pale brownish. Stem 1 in. long, under 4 in. thick, roughish, pallid brownish, succeeded by a narrower irregular root 1} in. long, black on the outside (? from the soil) and white within. In a dry swamp attached to a large circumscribed mass 7 x 4x3 in. in size, composed of black sandy soil held together by whitish mycelial threads, but without a crust. Spores elongated, rather like those of Boletus, white, 12 to 165x4°2 to 5 ». Narrabeen, March, 1916. The following is a description of the specimen collected at, Casino by Mr. D. J. McAuliffe in March, 1915:—Pileus 3 to 4 in. across, more or less velvety tomentose, pallid or cream colour, tending to buff colour with age; margin involute; pores rather large, angular, pallid white. Stem nearly 5 in. long, up to 1 in. thick, the upper part pallid, the lower part more or less covered with mycelial threads and adhering soil. Spores not seen. The false sclerotium sent with the sporophore measured about 3 to 4 in. across. 88. Polyporus basilapiloides (McAlp. and _ Tepper); Laccocephalum basilamiloides, McAlp. and Tepper: Proc. Roy. Soc. Vict., vol. vii., (N.s.) p. 166 (pl. x.), 1894; Polyporus (section Amaurodermus) basilapidioides, Lloyd: Syn. Sect. Ovinus of Polyporus, p. 76, 1911, and Syn. Stipitate Polyp., p. 115 (1912). McAlpine and Tepper described this species and placed it in a new genus Laccocephalum. The characteristics of this proposed genus are that the plants are hard and woody from the first, that the pileus is peculiarly pitted, and that the spores are large, spherical, and coloured. On the strength of the lastnamed Lloyd placed the species under the designa- tion basilapidioides, in the section Amaurodermus. The spores, however, are white, and not coloured. The plant probably belongs to the section Ovinus, with other species forming true or false sclerotia. Though hard and woody to touch extern- ally, the section of the stem of one of the specimens we examined was, though firm and resistant, velvety to the touch. We would question further, therefore, the generic 19 - definition of ‘‘hard and woody from the first,’’ believing that growing plants will not be found to possess these character- istics, though the surface of old dried plants, which are most likely to be found, will suggest these qualities. The genus Laccocephalum cannot, we feel sure, stand on the pitted surface of the pileus alone. We have examined the type, as well as three other false sclerotia, one with a pileus, in the Herbarium of the University of Adelaide; five complete specimens in the South Australian Museum; another’ com- plete specimen and two false sclerotia in the Museum of the Department of Agriculture, Melbourne; and one false sclerotium in the National Herbarium, Sydney. We give descriptions of these in full. It will be noted that two speci- mens, one in Melbourne and one in Adelaide, differ from the others in having a strongly tuberculate crinkled edge to the pileus; also that, whilst the pitting, or alveolation, is marked in some plants, it is barely recognizable in others. The following are in the Herbarium of the University of Adelaide :— (1) Type specimen, labelled “‘Laccocephalum basilaqn- loides.’”’ Pileus 34 in. in diameter, convex, rather irregular, the centre a little depressed, dull pallid stony-white, pitted, with ‘irregular very shallow alveoli. Pores slightly decurrent, small, the colour of the cap. Stem { in. high, 2 in. thick, pallid brownish-white, slightly flattened. The false sclerotium is somewhat flask-shaped with a flattened base, 3 in. high by 34 in. broad, the surface somewhat irregularly nodular; it is apparently composed of sandstone particles or sand, welded by a mycelium into a firm mass, which can, however, be’ dis- integrated into particles by scratching with the finger. From South-eastern District of South Australia (A. Molineux). (2) Pileus 23 in. in diameter, convex, slightly depressed in the centre, slightly fibrillose, no pitting, dirty white with greyish areas from weathering. Pores a little larger than in the type specimen. Stem $4 in. high and 3} in. thick. False sclerotium irregular, somewhat ringed, 24 in. high, 14in. broad. Allawoona, Brown Hill Line, May, “1914 (SG: Taylor, engineman, Murray Bridge). (3) and (4) Two false sclerotia; localities not noted. The following, in the South Australian Museum, have been examined by us :— (5) Pileus 2 in. across, deeply convex, pallid white from weathering, the surface areolarly pitted in a very shallow way, the alveoli 4 in. in diameter, the septa with thin edges. Pores adnate, medium small. Stem 3 in. high, } in. across in the middle, expanding a little upwards and downwards. The 20 false sclerotium 24 in. high and 2 in. wide. Loxton District, 19/10/14 (Mr. H. R. Parnell, Librarian, Public Library). (6) Pileus 1? in. across, with indistinct alveolar mark- ings, and in the centre several irregular pits, pallid white from weathering. Pores adnate, medium size, pallid brownish. Stem ? in. high, } in. thick in the middle, a little thickened upwards and downwards. False sclerotium irregular, 14x1} in., a_ piece of Mesembrianthemum embedded in it. Locality not noted. (Mr. Jas. R. Beck, ‘“‘Kircaldy,’? Wyandra.) (7) This is the freshest specimen we have seen. Cap 2 in. across, convex, edge rather inturned, smooth, rather polished, showing small alveolar depressions, sometimes indicated merely by raised darker lines, irregularly tinted with chestnut to yellow-brown. Pores adnate, medium sized, pallid-biscuit tinted. Stem 4 in. high and 4 in. thick, the colour of the pores, rather sand incrusted, apparently slightly irregularly pitted as if from the presence of aborted pores ; flesh of the stem firmish, villous to touch. False sclerotium 14 in. high, 14 in. broad, composed of sand bound together by mycelium, easily disintegrated by scratching. (8) Pileus 5 in. across, with the centre depressed and the rest of the surface nearly plane, the edge consisting of large irregular tuberculate projections marked off by a slight depression from the plane surface of the cap, colour dull white from exposure. Pores rather small. Stem # in.- high and broad. False sclerotium irregular, 3 in. broad and 14 in. high. (Presented by Mr. H. E. Ellis, Kensington Park, Adelaide.) By the kind permission of the Board of the Public Library, Museum, and Art Gallery of South Australia, and the courtesy of the Museum Director, Mr. Edgar R. Waite, we are able to show photographs (pl. iv.) taken under Mr. Waite’s supervision of this remarkable specimen. A specimen in the Museum of the Department of Agriculture, Melbourne, closely resembles this one. The alveolar markings on the cap are absent or ill-defined in both. (9) Pileus 3 in. across, slightly convex and wavy, centre a little depressed, slightly irregularly rugose and shallowly lacunose, smooth, pale brownish. Pores adnate, small, pallid wood colour. Stem 4 in. thick and broad, finely lacunose, pale wood colour. False sclerotium 3 in. high, 4 i. broad, irregular and rather knobby, composed of pallid brownish sandy particles welded together, easily disintegrated by attrition. Spores white, elongated, 12 to 155x5 yp. Lake Alexandrina, South Australia. (Mr. J. A. Burrough.) 21 The following are in the Museum of the Department of Agriculture, Melbourne :— (10) Pileus 4 in. across, slightly convex, edge irregu- larly crenate, rather alveolate, pallid whitish. Pores adnate, brownish. Stem # in. high and broad. False sclerotium 4 in. high, 3 in. broad, outer crust hard, the inside capable of being scratched away. Locality not stated. (11) Pileus 2 in. across, glazed whitish with fine anas- tomosing lines. Pores adnate, pale brownish. Stem # in. high, 4 in. broad, brownish, finely areolate. False sclerotium 2 in. high, 4 in. broad. (12) Three small false sclerotia, all from the mallee, Victoria. The following is in the Melbourne National Museum :— (13) “Mallee Potato.’’ Sand held together by fungous threads; ploughed up at Nyall mallee; forwarded by Mr. Thomas J. Jenkins, 21/6/11. The following is in the National Herbarium, Sydney :— (14) One false sclerotium, somewhat bottle - gourd shaped, about the size of a child’s head, with the neck part cut through by a ploughshare. -The outer crust consists of rusty-coloured particles of sand bound together, the inner part of whitish mycelial strands and earthy and sandy matter welded together, of a similar colour and somewhat resembling eement. Forwarded from Rappville by Mr. A. Spedding through Mr. G. Marks, manager of the Grafton Experiment Farm. Mr. Marks reported that these false sclerotia are usually found in sandy soil at a depth of 4 to 6 in. They are brought up to the surface during the ploughing oper- ations, and when first unearthed the specimens are somewhat soft, but harden upon exposure to the weather. Other false sclerotia have been found near Grafton and at Casino. Similar specimens were submitted to the Chemical Branch, Department of Agriculture, and the following is a copy of a report made by Dr. H. I. Jensen:—‘‘The specimen of stone-making fungus was found to contain only 7°2 per cent. of organic and volatile matter, the balance being earth. On ignition the material first blackens, and then gives off heavy organic fumes with a disagreeable smell like burning bones and rags. On the destruction of all the organic matter, a pinkish-yellow earth remains. The specimen contains no carbonates of lime or iron, the cementing material seeming to be essentially fibres of organic matter. The exterior has a sandy crust, in which rather more oxide of iron has heer deposited than in the more organic core.” 22. 89. In these Proceedings'(vol. xlii., 1918, p. 297) Mr. Walter Howchin, on behalf of the Museum Director, exhibited and described a sand-cementing false sclerotium obtained near Balaklava by the Rev. J. Blacket. To make this series complete, by the kind permission of the Board of the Public Library, Museum, and Art Gallery of South Australia, and the courtesy of the Museum Director, Mr. Edgar R. Waite, we are able to reproduce an excellent photograph of this specimen (fig. 3, pl. v.). DESCRIPTION OF PLATES I. To V. Puate I, Fig. 1. Polyporus mylittae. Reproduction of part of a water- colour sketch, made by Mr. R. T. Baker, of the’ sporophore described by him. Reduced by half. Fig. 2. Polyporus minor-mylittae. Water-colour sketch by ~ Miss P. Clarke. Natural size. Prate IJ. Figs. 1 and 2. Polyporus mylittae. Photographs of the sclerotium of a Western Australian specimen, reproduced by kind permission of Dr. F. Stoward. Measurements in inches. Puate IIT, Figs. 1 and 2. Photographs of one of the sclerotia described under 83. Measurements in inches. Puate IV. Figs. 1 and 2. Polyporus (Laccocephalum) | basilapiloides. Reproduced by kind permission of the Board of the Public Library, Museum, and Art Gallery of South Australia. PuaTE V. Fig..1. Polyporus minor-mylittae. Sporophores just forming. Fig: 2. Polyporus minor-mylittae. Sporophore partly devel- oped, showing partial absorption of the sclerotium at the base. Fig. 3. Photograph of the false sclerotium referred to under 89. Reproduced by kind permission of the Board of the Public Library, Museum, and Art Gallery of South Australia. Trans. and Proc. Roy. Soc. S. Austr. Vol. XLITI., Plate I. Kig. Phyllis F. Clarke. PUSSEY & GILLIN 5 4AM CUAITED, PRINTERS & PUBLISHERS ADELAIDE, $9. AUS and Proc. Roy. Soc. S. Austr. Vol. XLITI., Plate I HUSSEY & GILLINGHAM LIMITED, PRINTERS & PUBLISHERS ADELAIDE, SO. AUS. . Austr. Vol, XLITI., Plate ITI. rans. and Proc. Roy. Soc. ay ~ ae as * Tae Hie, 2) HUSSEY & GILLINGHAM LIMITED, PRINTERS & PUBLISHERS ADELAIDE, SO. AUS. ‘ Trans. and Proc. Roy. Soc. 8. Austr. Vol. XLIII., Plate IV. Fig. 2. HUSSEY & GILLINSHAM LIMITED, PRINTERS & PUBLISHERS ADELA:DE, SO AUS. — 7 ans. and Proc. Roy. Soc. 8S. Austr. Vol. XLIII., Plate V. “4 on é . of ; = R . 7 5 . f : - . F of . CT oe | ' iow t a Fig. 2. ~ HUSSEY & GILLINGHAM LIMITED, PRINTERS & PUBLISHERS ADELAIDE, SO. AUS. 23 ADDITIONS TO THE FLORA OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. NO. 15. | By J. M. Brack. [Read May 8, 1919.] Puates VI. ro VIII. This paper contains notes on specimens collected by Mr. E. H. Ising in the Flinders Range, near Moolooloo head station, from September 30 to October 11, 1918; by Dr. W. A. Cannon in our Far North during last winter; by Capt. S. A. White, Mr. H. W. Andrew, and others in various parts of the State; and by myself during an excursion along the Pin- naroo railway in October last. Three species believed to be new to science—K ochia Cannonu, Pimelea Williamsonu, and Goodena vermcosa—are described and figured. A new variety of Hibbertia virgata is described, and an effort has been made to arrange the South Australian. species of Calamagrostis and Microcybe. The following Australian species are recorded for the first time in this State: —Loranthus miraculosus, Microcybe multi- flora, Stipa arachnopus, Dodonaea cuneata, Marsilia hirsuta, Goodema Nicholsonu, Eucalyptus Morrisu, Calamagrostis minor. The following new aliens are recorded :—Gastridium lendigerum, Eragrostis major, Ehrharta villosa, Chenopodium Vulvaria, Anacyclus radiatus. MaRSILIACEAE. Marsila hirsuta, R.Br. Pinnaroo; growing in marshy ground. Not previously recorded for South Australia. Leaflets 4-6 mm. long, more or less villous below; involucres villous, sessile or almost so. PINACEAE. Callitris verrucosa, R. Br. Yumali (S. A. White); scrub south of Lameroo. A shrub or small tree, often under 2 m. high. Near Ooldea (W. A. Cannon). C. robusta, R. Br. Common near Lameroo; a tree 4-6 m. high, usually with the stem bare up to about 3 m., the branches then spreading so as to form an ovoid head. Enfield, with the cones sometimes slightly warted. C. propinqua, R. Br. In the “‘Pinery,’’ on the road from Lameroo to Winnike Berick. A good-sized tree, the branches 24 often springing not far from the ground. The fruits vary in size on the same tree, and can sometimes be found scarcely larger than those of C. robusta. GRAMINEAE. Hriochloa punctata, (L.)., Hamilt. Frome River near Marree (Hergott). Pappophorum avenaceum, Lindl. Common at Marree. Eragrostis falcata, Gaud. non Benth. (#. lacunaria, F. v. M.). Berri, Lake Bonney, and other places along the Murray; Everard Range (S. A. White). Plate 25, which accompanies Gaudichaud’s description of #. falcata, and which shows the spikelets distinctly pedicellate, rather distant, and not clustered, supports the statement in Diels et Pritzel, Fragm. phyt. Austr. occ. 76, that the original specimen of Gaudichaud’s plant, preserved in the Berlin Herbarium, belongs to the species described in the Fl. Aust., vii., 649, as #. lacunaria, F. v. M. EL. Dielsu, Pilger. (HL. falcata, Benth. non Gaud.). Berri and along the Murray; Marree; Oodnadatta; Mulka (R. Cockburn) ; Strzelecki Creek (S. A. White); also Broken Hill, N.S.W. Stems stouter than in £#. falcata, Gaud., and spike- lets more curved. *H. major, Host. Roadside near Berri (C. G. Savage). This European grass has already been recorded in Victoria and New South Wales. It is said that cattle will not eat it on account. of the obnoxious smell of the leaves when fresh, and in North America it is known as ‘“‘Stinking grass.” In 1912 (these Trans., xxxvi., 172) I recorded the occurrence of *£. minor, Host., at Alice Springs, N.T., and Broken Hill, N.S.W., so that it probably occurs in our north-eastern country, although I have no specimens from South Australia. These two grasses resemble each other, both having a row of glands or tubercles along the margins of the leaf-blade, but EL. minor is a smaller plant, with a looser panicle, narrower spikelets (14-2 mm. broad), and the leaf-sheath is sprinkled with tubercles, many of which carry long hairs. #. mayor has glabrous sheaths, and the spikelets are 3 mm. broad. Rottboellia compressa, L. f. (Hemarthria compressa, R. Br.). Bridgewater (H. W. Andrew); beside River Onka- paringa, Woodside. The sessile spikelet is 8-9 mm. long, and has only 1 stiff, green outer glume, the 2 inner glumes being hyaline, with a short palea in the uppermost one. The pedi- cellate spikelet is 10 mm. long, has 2 stiff outer glumes, 2 hyaline inner ones, and a palea. It therefore appears prob- able that the second outer glume of the sessile spikelet exists, but is adnate to, and obliterated in the rhachis, as described 25 by Kunth (Enum., i., 464). All the pedicellate spikelets which I examined contained a bisexual flower, the same as the sessile ones. Stepa arachnopus, Pilger in Engl. Jahrb., xxxv., 70 (1904). Nullabor Plain (per Dr. R. 8S. Rogers); Peter- borough; Enfield; Pinnaroo. Our specimens seem to me to agree with the description in all particulars except that the awn varies in length from 34 to 7 cm. The numerous young shoots in the tuft consist of subulate, rigid, almost pungent- pointed leaves, hispid with spreading hairs. From among these arise the nodeless stems to a height of 30-40 cm., includ- ing a panicle 15-20 cm. long; the long uppermost leaf-sheath, which has a subulate blade much shorter than the sheath, usually clasps the base of the panicle; the awn is distinctly hairy in the lower part. If the determination is correct, this is the first record for South Australia of this Western Aus- tralian grass. Agropyrum scabrum, (Labill.), Beauv. Ferguson Gorge, near Moolooloo (Dist. S; E. H. Ising). Stipa scelerata, Behr. Scrub at Enfield (Dist. A). Danthoma pencillata, (Labill.) F. v. M. Pinnaroo (Dist. M). Panicum leucophaewm, H. B. et K. Golden Grove (Dist. A; H. W. Andrew). Probably introduced by stock from some northern part of the State. *Hhrharta longiflora, Sm. Moolooloo (E. H. Ising). *Phalaris paradoxa, L. Railway reservoir, Hindmarsh Valley (H. W. Andrew). First record for the mainland; previously found on Kangaroo Island. *Alopecurus pratensis, . Tantanoola (H. W. Andrew). Growing in crops as high as the wheat and oats. *Gastridium lendigerum, (L.) Gaudin. Black Forrest; Hindmarsh Valley; roadside north of Port Elliot (H. W. Andrew); Wirrabara (Tate Herbarium); Mount Barker; Myponga; Cummins, E.P. Called in England ‘‘Nitgrass.”’ First record for South Australia and, as far as I know, for Australia, but must have existed in our State for many years, as I first collected it at Mount Barker in 1903, and the speci- men from Wirrabara in the Tate Herbarium (placed without date under Calamagrostis quadriseta) must have been gathered several years earlier. This grass bears considerable resemblance to the native C’. quadriseta, but the panicle is denser, spike-like, and silvery-shining, at least after flowering ; the outer glumes are swollen and shining at the base, the lower one 5-6 mm. long and slightly incurved. A native of Southern and Western Europe, and introduced in Texas, California, and Chili. 26 *Ehrharta villosa, Schult. f., var. maxima, Stapf. Sand dunes south of Glenelg (S. Dixon); Clarendon; Streaky Bay, E.P. (per H. W. Andrew). A valuable sand-binding grass ; flowers October-November. Introduced to the State in recent years, and has established itself in several places. The identification was confirmed by the Kew authorities. A native of South Africa. : SoutH AUSTRALIAN SPECIES OF CALAMAGROSTIS. Panicle loose; bristle present. Flowering glume hairy, half as long as he outer glumes; awn attached near middle of flowering glume , . O, aemula Flowering and outer olumes longer, the flower- ing glume glabrous; awn attached below middle; maritime grass .. var. Billardieri Panicle dense or slightly lobed ; flowering ‘glume nearly as long as outer olumes. Awn almost basal. Bristle absent . Ses foes Aba) cual? G2 gee Bristle present | : var. montana Awn attached near middle of. “flowering glume. Bristle absent . Meee tas ieee | sae tog ee ae Bristle present — CBee Marie y's var. densa The arguments for uniting Deveume with Calamagrostis are fortified by the character of our Australian species. These are all distinguished from Agrostis by the conspicuous tuft of hairs on the callus of the flowering glume (rhachilla, or axis of the spikelet), but some of them have a hairy bristle (pedicel of an obsolete second flower) rising at the base of the palea and continuing the rhachilla (Deyewxia), while others have no such bristle (Calamagrostis). The remaining differences, however, are not such as would justify a classification under distinct genera, or even, in many instances, under distinct species. In our plants the other differences appear to me to be sometimes so slight as to be merely varietal. | Calamagrostis quadriseta, (Labill.) Spreng. (Deyeuaxia quadriseta, Benth.) Mount Lofty; Aldgate; Belair; Bridge- water; Clarendon; Myponga; Cygnet River, K.I.; Wilpena Pound (the last two from the Tate Herbarium). Grass 50-120 cm. high; panicle 5-13 cm. long, compact but usually somewhat lobed; outer glumes keeled, subequal, 34-5 mm. long; flowering glume 21-4 mm. long, 4-toothed, narrow, minutely scabrous ; awn almost basal, usually shortly exserted, but sometimes included ; tuft of hairs more or less surrounding the callus; grain fusiform, 2 mm. long, the membranous pericarp loose toward the summit; hilum shortly linear. Var. montana, Ewart. (Deyeuxia montana, Benth.) I have only inserted this variety because Bentham gives it for 27 ‘“‘Lofty and Bugle Ranges, /. Mueller,’’? in Fl. Aust., vii., 581. I have not been able to find any specimen bearing the bristle, either in my own collection or in the Tate or Menzel Herbaria. Professor Ewart, in reducing VD. montana to a variety of D, quadriseta, says (Vict. Nat., xxiv., 13), ‘‘These species are both very variable and run into one another at all points.’’ C.. minor (Benth.) combin. nov. (Deyewxia minor, Benth.). A new record for South Australia. I have only one specimen, collected at Mount Lofty in December, 1908, by H. Griffith. A slender grass; panicle 4 cm. long, slightly lobed ; outer glumes broad, subequal, the lower 4 mm. long, the upper one a litle longer; flowering glume broad, 3 mm. long, 4-toothed, scabrous, especially on the nerves; awn attached near the middle of the flowering glume and shortly exserted, hairs of the callus rather long, especially behind the palea, but no bristle. Our specimen agrees with one from Southport, Tasmania, kindly given me by Professor Ewart. _ Var. densa, (Benth.) combin. nov. (Deyeuxia densa, Benth.).. Blackwood (H. Griffith) ; Crafers (Tate Herbarium) ; quoted in the Fl. Aust., vu., 582, for ‘“‘Lofty Ranges and Onkaparinga, F. Mueller.’? Bentham describes the panicle as “‘dense and spike-like or slightly lobed, 2 to 3 in. long.” A specimen without locality lent me by Prof. Ewart has the panicle 5 cm. long and rather dense, but our own specimens have a longer and more lobed panicle, 8-16 cm. in length. Outer glumes subequal, 44-5 mm. long; flowering glume rather narrow, scabrous, 34-4 mm. long, the awn attached a little above the middle and shortly exserted; the bristle hairy and half as long as the palea; grain fusiform, 2 mm. long. The 4 teeth of the flowering glume are less conspicuous in the Tasmanian specimen than in ours. If it were proposed to retain this grass as a species in Calamagrostis, a new specific name would apparently be required, because (’. densa, Vasey in Coult. Bot. Gaz., xvi., 147 (1891), a. Californian grass, would be able to claim priority over C. densa (Benth.) Maiden et Betche, Cens. N.S. Wales, pl. 21 (1916). CYPERACEAE. Carex Bichenoviana, Boott. Paradise (H. W. Andrew). Style-branches sometimes 2 instead of 3. Mr. R. A. Black records (Proc. Roy. Soc. Tas., 1916, p. 145) the re-discovery of this plant in.a damp situation on Mount Direction, near Hobart. | Cyperus tenellus, L. Monbulla scrub, S.E. (Dist. T; H. W. Andrew). 28 Carex tereticaulis, F. v. M. Ferguson Gorge, near Moolooloo (E. H. Ising). Approaching C. chlorantha, R. Br., in its short panicle (5 cm. long), spike-like but interrupted towards the base, and tending towards C. appressa, R. Br., in its subtrigonous stems and leaves scabrous on the margin in the narrow upper portion. CENTROLEPIDACEAE. Centrolepis polygyna, Hieron. Soak at Winnike Berick, south of Lameroo. J UNCACEAE. Juncus holoschoenus, R. Br. Monbulla scrub (H. W. Andrew); Dismal Swamp, 8.E.; Waterfall Guily; Myponga. Our specimens agree with Brown’s characters—stem cylindrical or nearly so; stamens 6; capsule equalling the perianth; also with Buchenau’s character of the complete septa in the leaves. The plants from Monbulla and Dismal Swamp are dwarf. It appears doubtful whether we possess J. prismatocarpus, R. Br., in South Australia. All the specimens so named in the Tate Herbarium (from Waterfall Gully, Reedbeds, Mannum, Wirrabara, and Wilpena) are J. holoschoenus. J. pallidus, R. Br. Banks of Torrens Lake; Waterfall Gully; Slape Gully; Myponga; Nuriootpa; Woodside; Mount Gambier; Glencoe; Dismal Swamp. This species, as correctly defined, has always 6 stamens; capsule 3-4 mm. long, pale coloured and usually exceeding the perianth considerably ; stems stout, with continuous pith. LILIACEAE. Thysanotus Patersonu, R. Br. Pinnaroo (Dist. M). CASUARINACEAE. Casuarina Luehmannii, R. T. Baker. ‘Bull Oak.” Few miles south of Lameroo. Tree 8-10 m. high, with rough, brown bark; lowest branches drooping, uppermost spreading- erect; trunk usually without branches for 2 m. above the ground ; internodes to 20 mm. long; young cones tomentose. C. lepidophlowa, F. v. M. Oodnadatta (Dist. C); W. A. Cannon); sheathing teeth 9-11. Willigin Water, near Moolooloo (E. H. Ising); teeth 11-12. C. lepidophloia was described by F. v. Mueller in 1877; Bentham, in dealing with this genus in 1873 (Fl. Aust., vi., 196), placed specimens of C. lepidophloia under C. glauca, Sieb. Mueller distinguishes the former species as having 9-10 sheathing teeth; C’. glauca, as now understood, ‘‘having usually 15 in the whorl, varying from 12-16’’ (J. H. Maiden, For. Fl. N.S. Wales, 11., 95). Mr. Maiden is of opinion that C. glauca has not yet been be ” ; AST aE == 29 found in South Australia, but a specimen without fruit, which I collected in the Yappala Hills, near Hawker, from trees locally called ‘‘Black Oak,’’ has the branchlets fully 2 mm. in diameter and 14-16 teeth. Unfortunately I have no note as to the bark. The branchlets of our northern specimens of C. lemdophloia are greyish or hoary with a minute pubescence, 1-14 mm. in diameter, and readily separating at the nodes; the cones vary from subglobular to oblong, 15-25 mm. in length and 15-20 mm. in diameter, the valves in 8-9 rows. C. suberosa, Otto et Dietr. Lameroo. Sheathing teeth 5-6, short and appressed ; male spikes 1-4 cm. long. PROTEACEAE. Hakea ulicina, R. Br., var. flexilis, F. v. M. South of Lameroo. H. Edmeana, Tate. Witcher Well, near Moolooloo (E. H. Ising). Grevillea aspera, R. Br. Mount Patawurta (Dist. 8; EK. H. Ising). Adenanthos terminalis, Labill. Coonalpyn. (Dist. T; H. W. Andrew). LORANTHACEAE. Loranthus miraculosus, Miq. (L. pendulus, Sieb., var. parviflorus, Benth.). Robe (S. A. White); Port Vincent Y.P. (growing on Melaleuca parviflora); Ooldea (S. A. White). Leaves 1-6 cm. long, thick, nerveless, oblanceolate ; the central flower in each partial cyme is sessile; corolla 15-20 mm. long. SANTALACEAE. Exocarpus spartea, R. Br. Scrub at Enfield; Murray Scrub; 90-Mile Desert. An erect. broom-like shrub, usually 3-4 m. high, the ultimate branches drooping ; pedicels at first cylindrical, thick and green, then remaining unchanged or swelling until they are globular, succulent, whitish, and as large as, or larger, than the fruit; fruit ovoid, 4-5 mm. long, at first green, but when ripe becoming orange or a rich brown. POLYGONACEAE. Muehlenbeckia stenophylla, F. v. M. Common in the Trans-Murray scrub at Karoonda, Lameroo, and Pinnaroo. CHENOPODIACEAE. Kochia Cannonii, “ov. sp. (tab. vi.). Fruticulus sericeo- tomentosus, ramis di-trichotomis, folis aut omnino aut fere oppositis oblongis crassis obtuse trigonis 7-8 mm. longis 2-3 mm. latis apice acutis et recurvis vel fere uncinatis, floribus 30 axularibus, perianthio fructifero depresso, tubo brevissimo, lobis latis planiusculis pubescentibus ald wntegrad annulari membranacead horizontal 5-6 mm. diam. circumdatis. / Plain west of Leigh Creek (Copley) railway sation (W. A. Cannon); near Port Augusta (Tate Herbarium) ; Telowie. This species has the succulent, trigonous, subopposite leaves of K. oppositifolia, F. v. M., but they are longer and recurved or almost hooked at the summit, while the horizontal wing of the fruiting perianth is entire, and resembles that of some of the small-fruited forms of A. villosa, Lindl. Dedicated to Dr. W. A. Cannon, of the Carnegie Institution of Washington (Department of Botanical Research), who visited South Australia in 1918 to study the root-systems of our dry-country plants. He brought from Leigh Creek fruit- ing specimens of this AKochia, and on looking through my herbarium I found a similar specimen, without fruits, which I gathered in the Hundred of Telowie, near the coast, in 1906, and placed tentatively with A. oppositifolia. The Tate Herbarium contains, similarly placed, a specimen with 2 fruits, collected near Port Augusta. K. eriantha, F. v. M. Leigh Creek (W. A. Cannon). K. planifolia, F. v. M. Leigh Creek (W. A. Cannon). Leaves to 14 mm. long and appearing flat when dried, but when fresh I have found them rather cigar-shaped and very slightly compressed. They differ from those of A. sedifolia in being shortly, but distinctly, petiolate. : Chenopodium microphyllum, F. v. M. Mount Patawurta (Dist. 8; E. “H. Tsing). : *Chenopodium Vulvaria, L. ‘“‘Stinking Goosefoot.’’ Tantanoola District, 1918; growing in gardens and among potato crops (H. W. Andrew). This European weed, dis- tinguished by its unpleasant and persistant smell of stale fish, has not previously been recorded for South Australia. It seems to be a somewhat recent introduction to Australia. According to Prof. Ewart (Weeds, etc., of Vict., 75) it was first recorded for that State in 1908; C. Moore does not men- tion it in his Fl. N.S. Wales (1893), or F. M. Bailey in his Weeds, etc., of Queensland (1906). . PHYTOLACCACEAE. ) Codonocarpus pyramidalis, F. v. M. Ferguson Gorge, near Moolooloo (E. H. Ising). Fruits ripe (October 9). “A tree 5 m. high, with straight, smooth trunk; branches horizontal.”’ NYCTAGINACEAE. | } Boerhaavia repanda, Willd. Parachilna Gap (E. H. Ising). | 31 CARYOPHYLLACEAE. Scleranthus minusculus, F. v. M. Pinnaroo. This little plant, although well protected by its pungent leaves and calyx-lobes, appears to be rather rare. I only found one specimen. Jt has previously been recorded from Murray Bridge. : | S. pungens, R. Br. Moolooloo (Dist. 8; E. H. Ising). *Moenchia erecta, Gaertn. Blackheath, near Harrogate (H. W. Andrew). Already recorded from the South-East. *Lychnis alba, Mill. (L. vespertina, Sibth.). ‘‘White Campion.” Headlands of experimental plots at Cromolite, on the South Australian portion of the railway from Mount Gambier to Portland. Recorded as a weed for Victoria, but not previously observed in this State. *Silene venosa (Gilib.), Aschers. ‘‘Bladder Campion.’ North Park Lands; fields near Enfield, as well as in the hills. The principal synonyms of this species are :— Cucubalus Behen, L. Sp. pl. 414 (1753). C. latifolius, Mill. Gard. Dict., ed. 8, n. 2 (1768). C. venosus, Gilibert. FI. lituan., 11., 165 (circa 1782). Behen vulgaris, Moench. Meth. 709 (1794). Cucubalus inflatus, Salisb. Prodr. 302 (1796). Silene Cucubalus, Wib. Prim. fl. werth. 241 (1799). S. mflata, Sm. FI. brit. 1. 467 (1800). S. Behen, Wirzén. Enum. pl. offic. Fenn. 36. S. venosa, Aschers. Fl. Brandenb. 1. 86 (864). S. vulgaris, Garcke. Fl. Deutschl., ed. 9, 64 (1869). - S. latifolia, Britten et Rendle. List Brit. seedpl. 5 (1907). It is clear that when this species is transferred from Cucubalus to Silene the correct combination would be S. Behen, were it not that this name had been already adopted for another species by Linnaeus (Sp. pl. 418). Neither is S. latifolia, Britten et Rendle, admissible, because a distinct North African species had already received this name from Poiret (Voy. Barb., i1., 165). Therefore Ascherson’s combin- ation appears to be the correct one. rst _ RANUNCULACEAE. *Ranunculus trachycarpus, Fisch. et Mey. Common in water at Murray Bridge. This species seems scarcely to differ from f&. sardous, Crantz, except in the somewhat straighter and thicker beak of the carpel, and it should perhaps be treated, as Fiori does:in his Flora analitica d’Italia, as a variety of that species. The beaks in some of our specimens are often slightly curved. | 32 *Adoms autumnalis, L. ‘‘Pheasant’s eye.’’ Near Blyth; a few specimens; apparently localized.—EKurope and Western Asia. LAURACEAE. Cassytha melantha, R. Br. Mount Patawurta, near Moolooloo (Dist. S; E. H. Ising). | CRUCIFERAE. *Coronopus didymus, (.) Sm. (Senebiera didyma, Pers. ; S. pinnatifida, DC.). Common at Murray Bridge and Bordertown. *C. procumbens, Gilib. (Senebiera Coronopus, Poir.). Growing luxuriantly at Naracoorte and Penola (H. W. Andrew). Lemdium hyssopifolium, Desv. Morgan (B. Beck); Pinnaroo. DROSERACEAE. Drosera Menziesu, R. Br. Yumali (Dist) “Tees A: White). CRASSULACEAE. Crassula bonariensis, (DC.) Cambess. (Tillaea peduncularis, Sm.; 7. purpurata, Hook. f.). Soak at Winnike Berick, about 10 miles south of Lameroo (Dist. M). Carpels 8-13-seeded. C. Siebertana, (Schult.) Ostenf. Contrib. W.A. Bot., 11., 44 (1918). (Tillaea Sieberiana, Schult.) Pinnaroo; Moolooloo (E. H. Ising). LEGUMINOSAE. Acacia spinescens, Benth. Yumali (Dist. T; S. A. White). A. tarculensis, J. M. Black. Tarcoola (W. A. Cannon). Locally called ‘‘Steel bush,’’ from the greyish or glaucous appearance of the leaves; pods still unripe (September 6, 1918), thick but flat, 30-35 mm. long, 5 mm. broad, silky- pubescent. A. brachystachya, Benth. Near Leigh Creek (Dist. 8; W. A. Cannon). A. sublunata, Benth. Hills five miles north of Quorn (W. A. Cannon, July, 1918). Mueller considered that his A. parvifolia was a species distinct from A. swblunata; Bentham (FI. Aust., ii., 378) united them. Tate recorded both species (Fl. Extra-trop. S.A., 75), but his herbarium contains no specimen of either. Dr. Cannon’s specimen (the only one I have seen) has no flowers except a few dry ones hanging round the branch. Many detached bracteoles are also present; they are membranous, very concave, almost semi- globular, and must enfold the flowers to a degree not usual in 33 Acacia. They are quite obtuse and show no points, at least at this advanced stage; in this respect they agree with the description of A. parvifolia, but the peduncles of the unripe, spirally-twisted pods are almost: as long as the leaf, which scarcely conforms to Mueller’s ‘‘capitulis subsessilibus vel breviter pedunculatis.”” As the only distinction between the two descriptions lies in the shape of the bracteoles, the length of the peduncles, and the density of the indumentum, it appears safer, at least until we have further material, to follow Bentham in treating them as forms of one species. This plant, which was found growing with 4. calamifolia, seems rare or localized. The types of A. swhlunata and parvifolia both came from South Australia. A. pycnantha, Benth. Scrub south of Lameroo (Dist. M). A. microcarpa, F. v. M. Scrub near Lameroo, . Pin- naroo, and Jabuk. A low shrub with several stems rising from the ground-level or even below it; branches diffuse. The tallest plants were not more than 1 m. high, and some were only half that height. The phyllodial gland is usually present at a considerable distance from the base. A. brachybotrya, Benth. Pinnaroo. Puiiernz, M.B: [Read July 11, 1919.] PuaTE OX TT. AGANIPPE RAINBOWI, Ni. Sp. @. Described from living specimen. Cephalo-thorax, 5 mm. long, 455 mm. broad. Cephalo-thorax :—Obovate, nearly as broad as long, black or very dark brown, shining, entirely devoid of hairs except two or three stiff ones between the eyes. Pars cephalica:—Elevated, arched, distinct segmental groove. Ocular area:—Twice as broad as long, raised, arched, and provided with bristles. Clypeus:—Narrow, sinuate, sloping forward, weakly indented at middle. Pars thoracica:—Broad, fully curved at sides, sloping backwards, well-marked radial grooves. Fovea :—Deep, short, procurved. Marginal band: -_Hardly sinuate, bare of hairs. Hyes:—Front row very slightly recurved, the laterals equal in size or slightly larger than medians, are elevated on black bases, looking forwards and outwards. The medians, separated by rather more than their diameter from the laterals, are not elevated, and are separated from each other by one-half the diameter of a median eye. Posterior row procurved. The laterals are the larger, nearly equal in size to the antero laterals. They also are raised on elevated bases, looking backwards and outwards. The medians are small and not elevated, their inner border is convex, and their flat outer border is in contact with the base of the corresponding postero lateral. The distance between the postero medians is exactly that of the extreme outward limit of the antero medians. Legs:—Similar in colour to thorax; relative lengths, 4, 1, 2, 3; the two anterior pairs armed with long black spines, 5 metatarsi, and tarsi of 1 and 2 scopulate. Tarsal claws well developed. Two posterior pairs less robust, clothed with long stiff hairs and an occasional spine. Palpi :—Concolourous with legs, robust, clothed itl stiff hairs and bristles, tarsal joint scopulate. 75 Falces:—Black, shining, well domed, forward. Teeth of rastellum minute, shining, brown. Fang long, curved. Maaxillae:—Warm, yellowish-brown, furnished over greater part with regularly-set short dark spines, and sparsi thin black hairs. Jnner-margin clothed with dense long silky hairs or reddish-brown colour. Labium :—About as broad as long, beset with about 20 short stout black spines in its central area. Sternum.:—Pale yellowish- brown, slightly arched, sparsely clothed with black hairs; broadly pyriform with well-marked margin. Posterior sigilla, circular away from margin. Abdomen :—Dark brown, short, as broad as long, densely clothed with dark hairs, raised on papillary bases, giving the surface a markedly shagreened appearance. No dorsal design apparent. There are two well-marked circular lateral pits near the anterior margin of the dorsum, which slightly over- hangs the cephalo-thorax. Under-surface lighter towards centre, clothed as on upper-surface with hairs arranged more or less in transverse lines. Posterior lung sacs large, trans- versely ovate, sparsely clothed with fine curved black hairs. Spinnerets :—Concolourous, superior pair slightly longer than inferior pair and about half as broad at the base. 3. Described from dried specimen. Cephalo-thorax, 4 mm. broad, 4 mm. long; abdomen, 4 mm. long. Cephalo-thorax:—More circular than in the female, flatter, less elevated in front. Fovea:—Short, procurved, radial markings indistinct. Eye:—Formula identical with that of female, but eye area not bristled. Whole surface of thorax finely granular instead of polished, well-marked sinuate marginal border. Legs:—More slender, lengths 4, 1, 2, 3; armature .of strong spines, clothing less marked, no tibial mypophysis. | Palpi :—Brownish-black, no tibial apophysis, tibial joint large and inflated, unarmed, and sparsely clothed. Bulb concolourous, highly polished, stigma narrow, twisted, termin- ating in filiform style. This is much the smallest species of Aganippe yet dis- covered. Several females and one male were collected in May, 1919, at American River, Kangaroo Island, South Australia. American River, so called, is ced a deep bay nearly dividing Kangaroo Island in two. The species was found close to the main eaelenions in rubbly clay banks, just above high-water mark, and at high tides the nests must be very close to, if not in actual contact, with the salt water. The nests are abundant and in places 76 crowded together, so that a few cubic inches of clay will con- tain several nests. | The male, which unfortunately became dried, was in a nest like the’ females. The largest nest taken is 6 cm. in total depth, straight, and densely lined. The aperture, which has a lumen of 8 mm., 1s closed by a stout, circular door with an attachment of one-fourth its circumference to the tube. The door is flat on the under-surface and roughly heaped up on the outer- surface. The total width of door 15 mm. wide, 11 mm. from hinge to front. In one nest twenty young were found with the female, but in none were egg-cases found. Another nest contained the complete cocoon of a leaf-cutting hymenopter. Apart from its small size, the characteristics of this species are the dense spiny armature of the anterior two pairs of ambulatory legs and the palpi. Types 1 (male) and 2 (female) in Australian Museum, Sydney; 2 (female), co-type in South Australian Museum, Adelaide. DESCRIPTION OF PLATE XII. Agamppe rainbowt, n. sp. Fig. 1. Female, dorsal view. », 2 Female, ventral view. », 3 Male, palpus, lateral view. », 4. Nest, closed. », Oo. Nest, open. HOO OLLOOVLALLEA YOLEN ESTE ITEP LENOIR IER ans. and Proc. Roy. Soc. S. Austr. HUSSEY & GILLINGHAM LIMITED, PRINTERS & PUBLISHERS ADELAIDE, SO.AUS 77 NOTES ON THE OCCURRENCE OF ABORIGINAL REMAINS BELOW MARINE DEPOSITS AT THE REEDBEDS, FULHAM, NEAR ADELAIDE. _ByS. A. Waitt, C.M.B.0O.U. [Read July 11, 1919. ] In 1893 Mr. William White, of the Reedbeds, conceived the idea of forming a small lake as a sanctuary for water-fow] and other birds. For this purpose he leased a piece of ground from his younger brother (now deceased) situated close to what was once a large swamp, and only a few hundreds of yards from the sand-dunes near Henley Beach South. This part of the country has been in the possession of the family from the first, my grandfather, the late John White, having settled there prior to the proclamation of the Colony in 1836. The excavation required in the formation of the artificial lake was carried out entirely by hand labour and hand tools, and the excavated materials were carted to one side and tipped, making a considerable mound around the lake. The cost of labour alone amounted to over £1,500, in addition to the personal costs and years of hard work done by the owner. The locality where the work was carried out was swampy, being in the channel of the flood waters which sometimes came that way from the River Torrens, and yielded a swamp vegeta- tion, especially the “cutting grass” (Cladiwm filuwm) that was used in the olden days for thatching. The following is a statement of the various beds passed through in making the excavation : — Ft. In. PE SREONNO ny a eee. he wn. 16 2. Blue clay, very slimy and difficult to remove. At the bottom of this clay there were pockets of seaweed, some of which were quite decayed while other parts were well preserved Sate ae 3. Hard, rusty-coloured sand, sometimes cemented Gaeerner with sea shells ...°... 1... 7. ... 3° 0 4. Hard black clay on fairly level bed... .... ... 0 10-16 5. A peculiar formation of ‘‘swamp-stone,’’ occur- ing in denticulated or stalactitic concretions, SMEU OUR ae te ty 1. lial BO 6. Pure white sand (not bottomed) ...... ...10 0 As soon as the white sand was reached several clay-lined basins were exposed. The clay was from half an inch in thick- ness at the rim to 2 inches, or more, towards the bottom of the depression. Close to one of these basins was a length of black Sandy Soul. Itt. Goin; Blue Clay. 1 ft. 6 in. Estuarine Sand and Shells. Sift: ' Black Clay, with — Freshwater Shells. . ‘Varies from 10 in. to16 in. | ; River Sand, ' | with Calcareous . Concretions © 3 ft. White Sand. 10 ft. (not bottomed). References. X, Xa, Xb, Clay Basin seen in section. la, ib, 1c, 1d, position ¢ four of the cores, ¢ Pounding Stones. 2. Circular Hamme! stone. 3. Position of Oval Fa ricator. 4. Beach Stone. @ worked. 6. Carbonized Stick. | : 79 carbonized wood, that was inclined towards the basin. This was probably the remains of a spear handle or pointed stick of hardwood that had been thrust into the sand alongside what, I believe, to have been a dipping-place for water by the _ aborigines. Close to these dipping-places, and but slightly embedded in the surface of the white sand, were five cores of quartzite, that gave evidence of having been flaked by human hands. Four of these lay in pairs, quite close together, just as if the owners had laid them down after using them, probably for grinding their food. The excavation was carried down another 10 feet, through the white sand, but as this bed was of the nature of a quicksand, great difficulties were met with in its removal, for when left for a few hours the sand would cave in and reach its former level, so that after a depth of 10 feet was reached in this bed the work’ was stopped without reaching its bottom. Tt may be said that the benevolent intentions of the owner of the ground were to some extent realized. The surroundings were planted with a variety of native shrubs and trees which afforded both shelter and food for the birds, and these soon took advantage of this sanctuary, where they nested and be- came exceedingly tame, as did also the land and water snakes, which made friends with their human protector, whom they _ came to recognize. In the course of time the proximity of _ population and frequent raids of trespassers nullified the main objects for which the lake had been established. The clay basins, which I Suppose to be dipping-places of the aboriginals, were all on the same level, two. were fairly close together, while the third was further apart. I closely examined the hard clay to discover, if possible, finger-prints, but without success. Anyone seeing these basins could form no other idea but that they were made by man. I have never seen anything resembling this kind of con- struction by the aboriginals of Australia, but strange to Say, at a place called Kisimayu on the East Coast of Africa near the Somali Land border and right on the coast, I found some years ago natives making mud-lined basins in the sand to hold water. These were very like the ones described in this paper, only for shape, the African basin being much longer than they were wide, while two of the Australian ones were almost circular in shape, the third being a little depressed on the sides. The clay which composed these basins was dark in colour and very hard, the sand had drifted into all three, and it was only when a workman cut through one that their pres- ence was made known. On discovering a second one the sand ‘Was cleared away, but the basin evidently had cracks in it, 80 and would not stand its own weight, and fell to pieces. The carbonized wood was very distinct, and the outline of the spear or pointed piece of wood could be followed quite easily, but as soon as an attempt was made to remove it from its bed in the sand it fell to pieces. The large round hammer-stone and the smaller one with chipped sides and ends were found in the white sand and were elevated some 6 or 8 inches above the level of the clay basins and the chipped cores, or grinding-stones, but in a line with them. and on the extreme right of the sketch-plan. I think it is quite possible that this raised position upon which the two stones worked by the natives rested was due to the sand being forced up from below, for, as I have already said, when the water level in this sand bed was reached, in spite of 2 or 3 feet of sand having been taken out, in a few hours it had risen to its original level. There were no shells seen in this white sandy bottom, although sea-shells were met with in numbers higher up. In the early days, when the blacks were numerous on the Adelaide Plains, they pulled up the roots of flags and pounded them between stones prior to cooking. One strangely-shaped stone which may have been used by the aborigines, added to the objects already described, were all that remained to indi- cate the occupation of the ground by a tribe of blackfellows that must have long since disappeared. I have to thank Prof. Howchin, F.G.S., for his advice and interest in this subject. The Professor was good enough to accompany. me and view the site of the excavation, and I am pleased that he will add his valuable scientific views upon the subject. The section shown in the accompanying diagram is based on particulars entered in my note-book at the time of the excavation, and is drawn to scale. i 81 SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES ON THE OCCURRENCE OF ABORIGINAL REMAINS DISCOVERED BY CAPTAIN SG. A. WHITE AT FULHAM (DESCRIBED IN THE PRECEDING PAPER), WITH REMARKS ON THE GEOLOGICAL SECTION. By Pror, WattTeR Howcuin. [Read July 11, 1919. ] REMARKS ON THE BEDS PASSED THROUGH IN THE SINKING. The particulars supplied by Capt. S. A. White relate to a vertical section of over 20 feet. Samples of several of the beds passed through have been kindly placed at my disposal for examination by the author of the paper, and the following remarks have reference to their geological features. The num- bers prefixed to the paragraphs correspond to the respective beds in Capt. White’s descriptions. Bed No. 2.—The blue tenaceous clay, underlying the surface soil, probably represents the settlement of fine clay in the flood waters of the River Torrens when the ground was slightly above sea level, or the stage when the salt and fresh waters commingled; the pockets of sea-weed in the lowest portions of this clay give evidence of this. Bed No. 3.—This bed, 3 feet in thickness, represents the characteristic marine sands and estuarine fauna which form the banks of the Patawalonga, in the nature of a raised sea bed. In the sample submitted to me I observed the following mollusca:—Ampullarina quoyana, Trochoconchlea constricta, Risella melanostoma, and Nassa pauperata, all of which are common estuarine forms in the adjacent waters. The matrix is a slightly-cemented, somewhat coarse sand, mottled with iron stains. This bed gives evidence that the estuary of the Patawalonga Creek formerly reached this far north, about half a mile beyond its present limits. Its upper surface has been rucked by two channels of erosion subsequently to its deposition. Bed No. 4.-—Beneath the raised sea bed, as described above, is an indurated black clay with its upper surface show- ing a plane of erosion, varying in thickness from 10 inches to 16 inches. This is evidently a freshwater deposit, laid down in marshy ground that carried an extensive vegetation of some kind. No plant remains can be detected in the main body of the clay, but near the top of the deposit a somewhat lighter- coloured clay occurs in which are seen the shells of the fresh- water snail, Lamnaea. When a portion of the black clay was placed in water it passed down to an impalpable black mud, and after washing, left a residue of exceedingly fine white sand, mixed with black granules of a carbonaceous kind. 82 Bed No. 5.—-Only the stalactitic concretions were avail- able for examination from this geological horizon. The particular example shown me by Capt. White is 8 inches in length and numerously branched, reticulated and denticu- lated. Its composition 1s that of a fine sand calcareously cemented. Nodules and variously-shaped concretions of this kind commonly occur in deposits of fine alluvial sand, and can be found under such conditions in the banks of the River Torrens near Adelaide. They were also present in the alluvial bed, exposed under marine deposits, in the excavation made for Fletcher’s Graving Dock.) The bed containing these nodules at the reedbeds is undoubtedly of freshwater origin, probably laid down as river wash. Bed No. 6.—The white sand which formed the lowest bed in the section, and was not bottomed, has all the appear- ance of a wind-blown sand. It contains no organic remains, is of uniform grain, and is practically free from any cementing agent. In the excavation it had the character of a running sand which flowed in as fast as it was shovelled out and stopped all further sinking. It was probably formed as an ancient sand dune, the base of which is below the present sea level. THE STONE IMPLEMENTS. The stones showing aboriginal workmanship were of three kinds: pounding-stones or cores, a hammer-stone, and a fabricator. 1. Pounding-stones.—There are five belonging to this class, and these exhibit certain features in common, having a flat base and are roughly chipped in a way that might make them convenient for handling. The general form is very like the cores that are left after flakes have been struck off for mak- ing knives or scrapers, but the chippings have been too irregular and ill-shaped for such a purpose. Capt. White's suggestion that they may have been used for crushing, or pounding, is therefore probable, although the flat faces give no sign of wear. Lithologically these pounding-stones belong to two kinds of siliceous rocks. Four of these have been obtained from boulders of quartzite washed down from the hills in the vicinity of Adelaide. The fifth is a siliceous rock, of coarser grain, and the cement consists of colloid silica. The four first- mentioned are of Cambrian age and are of metamorphic origin, while the last-named is of Recent age and formed part of the consolidated sands of the older drainage system of South (1) Howchin: ‘‘Remarks on a Geological Section at the new Graving Dock, Glanville, with special reference to a supposed Old Land Surface now below Sea Level’ (Trans. Roy. Soe. S.,. Austr.; vol: x.:(1887),..p. 31). 83 Australia. One of the quartzite specimens, the smallest of the four, shows conchoidal fracture in the flat face and has been carefully chipped into an almost circular outline at the base. 2. Hammer-stone.—This is a very siliceous quartzite, 3} inches in diameter, circular in outline, thick, and flattened on two sides. Weathering has removed what was probably small granules of kaolin that were interspersed with the quartz grains, leaving the stone somewhat open. It is also bleached to a white colour, probably the result of deoxidation through contact with vegetable matter in the beds. It gives evidence of extensive use on the edge which has been worn back to a flat face about an inch in width. 3. Fabricator.—This tool is an oval-shaped, flattish pebble, 2 inches in the greater diameter, the parent rock being the very fine-grained quartzites that make a prominent feature at Sellick Hill. This class of stone, on account of its fine grain and conchoidal fracture, was a favourite stone with the aborigines of the Adelaide tribe for making their implements. It occurs on the beach and in the paddocks along the coast between Sellick Hill and Marino. The example found in the Reedbeds section is perfectly typical in its evidence of wear. The edge is much worn, especially a little aside from the obtuse ends of the stone, arising from the manner of its use in striking off flakes, and there is also considerable wear on the two flat faces at right angles to the former. After extensive use these fabricators assume a cruciform outline. No stone flakes, knives, or other worked stones were found where these implements occurred, but the presence of this fabricator proves that such definitely shaped stones were in use at the time to which the remains belong. 4. Casual Stones.—Two stones of an indefinite character were found at the same place. One a rough chip of weathered quartzite, circular in outline and having a diameter of 24 inches. The other, a flat, water-worn, elongated stone, about 6 inches in length and 1# inches in breadth, belonging to the purple-slates series of the Upper Cambrian. Stones of this kind are common as beach stones on the local shores; it gives no signs of having been used in any way, but it could only have occurred in the position in which it was found except by human agency. THe AGE OF THE ABORIGINAL REMAINS. The mean level of the site on which the excavation was made, according to official figures, is at or about high-water level. The situation is near the western margin of the flood waters of the River Torrens over the area known as the Reed- beds, and about half or three-quarters of a mile to the 84 northward of the highest position of the Patawalonga Creek. From Capt. White’s section it is seen that at present there is three feet of blue-clay and alluvium at the site covering the estuarine deposits. It is probable that the silt laid down by the flood waters of the Torrens is responsible for damming back the tidal waters of the Patawalonga to the extent mentioned above. The position in which the aboriginal remains were found, viz., 10 feet from the surface, places them either at or a little below low-water mark, while immediately above them is a fluviatile bed, 3 feet or more in thickness, capped by a fresh- water lagoon deposit. Following these river and swamp conditions we find an incursion of the sea over the area which resulted in the laying down of 3 feet of estuarine sediments. At the time of the human occupation of the site, neither the river nor the sea had covered the locality, which was occupied by sand drifts, and it was on these sand hills that the aboriginals were camped. As the ground was excavated by Mr. White, sen., in these blown sands to a depth of 10 feet below present low-water mark, there seems very clear evidence of a sinking of the land to the extent of several feet, at least, since the aboriginal camp was occupied. Evidences of alternations of level on the coast are supplied at other places. The interbedding of marine and freshwater beds at Glanville (loc. cit.) may be compared with the section now described, both of which show that, within recent times, the land has stood higher than it does at present. No evidence of aboriginal remains have been noted, hitherto, in South Australia other than in the most super- ficial deposits. The case before us appears to have a higher antiquity than any previously noted. The suggestive points are:—(a) The sand hills in which the aboriginals formed their camp are now below sea level; ()) in the interval separating that time from the present there have been several important changes in the physical condition of the neighbour- hood, the sand hills gave place to a river course, the sediments of which have since developed stalactitic concretions; after which, the river stage passed into that of a swamp; then followed an incursion from the sea; and, in more recent times, the area has been covered with mud laid down by the stagnant waters of the Torrens. These successive changes require a considerable length of time for their accomplishment and an undoubted antiquity for the human remains. At the same time it must be noted that the materials used by the aborigines of that day, as well as the types of implements and the methods of manufacture, are identical with those adopted by — the latest representatives of the race. 85 A CONTRIBUTION TO THE STUDY OF HABRONEMIASIS: ‘A CLINICAL, PATHOLOGICAL, AND EXPERIMENTAL IN- VESTIGATION OF A GRANULOMATOUS CONDITION OF THE HORSE—HABRONEMIC GRANULOMA. By Lionet B. Buti, D.V.Sc., S.A. Government Laboratory of Pathology and Bacteriology, Adelaide Hospital. [Read August 15, 1919.] PuatTes XIII. to XV. ContTENTS. A. INTRODUCTION. B. GRANULOMATA AS FOUND IN SOUTHERN AUSTRALIA. Clinical : —Distribution ; Occurrence; Site; Duration ; Examination. Pathological :—Microscopic examination; Macroscopic examination. The larval Nematode. Observations on the Life-histories of the Three Species of Habronema:—Habronema muscae, H. megastoma, H. microstoma. Animal Experimentation. 1. Habronema microstoma— (a) Feeding experiments with Stomoxys calcitrans. (b) Larvae placed in the skin of the horse. (c) Larvae placed on scarified skin. 2. Habronema muscae— (a) Larvae placed in the skin of the horse. (b) Larvae added to the conjunctival sac. (c) Larvae placed on scarified skin. (d) Larvae placed on moistened skin. 3. Habronema megastoma— (a) Larvae placed in the skin of the horse. (b) Larvae added to the conjunctival sac. (c) Larvae placed on scarified skin. (d) Larvae placed on moistened skin. 4. Experiments with Embryos. 5. Summary and Discussion of Experiments. Discussion. C. GRANULOMATA AS FCUND IN NoRTHERN AUSTRALIA. General ; Pathological ; Discussion. D. Sriminar GRANULOMATA AS FOUND. OUTSIDE AUSTRALIA. 1. ‘“‘“Summer Sores.’’ 2. “Swamp Cancer” in the Solomon Islands. 3. ‘‘Leeches’”’ and ‘‘Bursattee.’’ E. NOMENCLATURE. F. GreneRAL SUMMARY. G. PROPHYLAXIS AND TREATMENT. REFERENCES TO LITERATURE. DESCRIPTION OF FIGURES. 86 A.—INTRODUCTION. In 1916 the present writer recorded the occurrence in Australia of a granuloma which, in his experience, was most frequently found affecting the external genitalia of the horse. The condition was found to be of rather infrequent occurrence. It was first observed in 1912, and from this time onwards an occasional specimen was obtained. It was not until the early part of 1914 that the granuloma was found to be due to a larval Nematode. These preliminary observations were recorded, and up till that time no record of the occurrence of the condition in Australia had been made. The condition was described under the name of hab- ronemic granuloma, and the opinion was expressed that it was none other than the granulomatous affection found com- monly in the horse and ass in various parts of the world, and known usually as ‘‘summer sores,’’ or ‘‘granular_ dermatitis.’’ An hypothesis was advanced that a biting fly Was 1n some way responsible for the introduction of the larvae into or beneath the skin of the animal, and as a larval Habronema had been described as occurring in Stomoxys calcitrans, it was thought that this fly was incriminated. The present communication recapitulates the original observations, and records further observations and experi- ments. After an investigation into the life-histories of the three species of Habronema found in the stomach of the horse, and after an experimental investigation of the cause and nature of the tumours, the original hypothesis has now to be considerably modified. Since the disease was first recorded as occurring in Aus- tralia, Lewis and Seddon (1918) have recorded the occurrence of the condition in the region of the conjunctiva of horses in Victoria. Place (1915) in a previous publication had attempted to prove that the occurrence of malignant neoplasms in the orbit _ of the horse was commonly associated with the presence of larval Nematodes in this situation, and although he incrimin- ated a larval Habronema, there was no record of the worm having been isolated and identified. A further macroscopic and microscopic study of the granuloma occurring in horses in the northern parts of Aus- tralia, and commonly called “‘swamp cancer,’’ has been made, and the observations are outlined below. The literature bearing on the subject of ‘‘summer sores’’ and other similar conditions is reviewed and discussed in the following paper. 87 Macroscopic and microscopic examinations of a granuloma found affecting horses in the Solomon Islands are also recorded below. B.—GRANULOMATA AS FOUND IN SOUTHERN AUSTRALIA. Distribution.—Up to the present these granulomata have only been met with by the present writer in the northern parts of Victoria and in South Australia (the only parts of Australia in which the writer has worked). On the whole they appear to be more common in South Australia than Victoria. There is no reason to believe that they do not occur elsewhere in Australia, but it is probable that they are to be found more commonly in the warmer parts. Occurrence.—These tumours have only been met with during the summer and autumn months of the year. They occurred in stable-fed animals, and a large proportion of the cases have been stallions which have been kept in the stable for longer periods than ordinary working horses. Site.—The tumours are found most frequently upon the glans penis at. the urethral orifice, but also quite commonly on the sheath. When they occur elsewhere they are found most commonly on the limbs. Only two cases where the lesions have occurred in parts other than the penis and sheath have come directly under the writer’s notice. In these cases the tumours were situated in the metacarpal region and in the region of the hock, respectively, and were accompanied by lesions in the usual site. In February, 1917, through the courtesy of Mr. H. R. Seddon, Melbourne University Veterinary School, the writer had an opportunity of examining a specimen of similar char- acter taken from the membrana nictitans and lower eyelid of a horse. Mr. Seddon was informed by the sender that lesions were fairly frequently observed in this situation. Lewis and Seddon (1918) have recorded the occurrence of similar lesions in the conjunctiva of the horse. There seems to be no doubt that, as the knowledge of the characteristics of these granulomata becomes more wide- spread, they will be found to occur quite frequently in situations other than the external genitalia. Duration.—The tumours appear fairly suddenly, and _ grow rapidly for the first two or three weeks. From this time onward they gradually enlarge, and they usually show no tendency to disappear, although there is some evidence to show that occasionally the lesion may be quite transient. Most of the tumours met with have been removed surgically, so that there has been little opportunity of observing the 88 duration under natural conditions. In one case, however, the tumours persisted for several months, and, although decreas- ing in size, did not completely disappear even during the winter. Clinical examination.—Typical tumours of several weeks’ duration are recognized by their situation, their tough fibromatous nature, and by the appearance of small yellowish points lying beneath the mucous membrane or the unpig- mented epithelium or, if ulceration is present, in the floor of the ulcer. They are found to be attached to and involving the skin. Lesions of only several days to two or three weeks’ duration are more difficult of recognition, for they have not developed the characteristic yellowish points. Ulceration has rarely occurred at this stage. A history of a more or less sudden appearance, without any evidence of injury or bacterial infection, may help one in making a diagnosis. Macroscopic examination.—The tumours may be single or multiple, and those of some weeks’ duration are usually ulcerated on the surface. When situated on the glans penis they vary in size from that of a pea to larger than that of a walnut. The largest specimen examined measures 5 cm. in length, 2°5 cm. across the broadest portion, and 2 cm. in depth. The tumours on the sheath attain a greater size, one specimen measuring 6°5 cm. across the larger diameter, 4°5 cm. across the smaller diameter, and 2 cm. in depth. Much smaller tumours, vary- ing in size from that of a lentil to that of a pea, and showing a single yellowish caseous area in the centre, are sometimes seen, and are usually multiple. On section of a typical tumour of several weeks’ duration it is seen that the tissue is tough, firm, and fibrous, greyish to pinkish in colour, and contains scattered throughout the mass irregular, yellowish, caseous areas varying in size from points just visible to the naked eye to areas about 1 mm. in breadth by 4 or 5 mm. in length, or even larger. In tumours from the penis these caseous areas lie closer to the urethral than the external surface. At times these caseous areas may contain some calcareous deposit. They may be situated closely together or scattered sparsely throughout the tumour and, in the older lesions, may be fairly easily enucleated. On enucleation it is seen that in each individual lesion they have much the same con-— sistence and colour, but vary in form. Those from an older lesion are irregular in shape, yellow in colour, oe hard, often presenting a branching appearance. The points of caseous tissue seen on a cross section are found to be parts of a larger area. No transition between an 89 early, small, and an old, large caseous area is to be found, nor is there any evidence of a young bud or extension. On section of an early lesion, one of two to four weeks’ duration, it is seen that the tissue is less tough and pinker in colour. On careful examination small, pale-yellowish, caseous areas are seen scattered throughout. These are much smaller, paler, and softer than the areas seen in older lesions, and are enucleated with difficulty. The rather denser nature of the tissues in the glans penis apparently prevents the tumours reaching the size they attain in the looser tissues of the sheath, and, likewise, the tissue reaction is greater in the tumours from the latter situation. The appearances of the lesion removed from the meta- carpal region of the case mentioned above vary somewhat from those found in lesions from the penis and sheath. Beneath the ulcerated surface there is dense, sclerosing, fibrous tissue extending 5 mm. in depth, which has probably resulted from treatment with antiseptics. Beneath this is looser fibrous tissue containing translucent, greyish areas, somewhat circular in shape, and containing sometimes a yellowish point. The lesions observed by Lewis and Seddon were of the nature of a granuloma, involving the inner canthus of the eye and the membrane associated as a rule with irritation of the cornea and lacrymation. Yellowish necrotic areas were seen in the submucous, and sometimes the subcutaneous tissues. They were found on both surfaces of the membrana and in the skin of the lower ld and palpebral portion of the conjunctiva. Microscopie examination.—The microscopic picture is typical, but varies with the age of the lesion. In the older lesions, where it may be impossible to demonstrate any casual organism, the tumours nevertheless present quite a character- istic histological picture. In a section of a tumour from the glans penis it is seen that the epithelium is usually ulcerated about the summit of the growth. The ulcerated surface consists of ordinary granu- lation tissue, in which are many capillary blood vessels and a marked infiltration of the tissues with eosinophile leucocytes. At times caseous areas are seen on the ulcerated surface. At the edge of the ulceration the stratwm corneum is seen to be slightly thickened, while the rete mucoswm shows hypertrophic changes, anastomising processes dipping deeply into the cutis vera. The rete mucoswm at this point is usually slightly infiltrated with eosinophile leucocytes. The epithelium cover- ing the tumour in the other situations sometimes shows slight hypertrophic changes, but it is otherwise normal in appear- ance. The cwtis vera is normal in these situations, except for 90 a slight invasion with eosinophiles. Immediately under the cutis vera the eosinophilic infiltration is seen to be very marked. The eosinophiles may be so numerous as to fill all the lymph spaces, leaving only a more or less fine connective tissue stroma supporting them. There is an increase in the small blood vessels with well-defined walls. There is hyper- plasia of the fixed connective tissue cells. Roughly circular areas, consisting of embryonic connective tissue cells with some mononuclear leucocytes, but with few or no eosinophiles, are seen. The caseous areas vary slightly in size; they have well- defined margins and take acid stains intensely. Tissue reaction round these areas appears to depend on their age. There is a proliferation of the fixed cells and commonly a marked epitheloid cell reaction with the formation of multi- nucleated cells. Sometimes there is a well-defined fibrous capsule. The nuclei of the cells within the areas show some pyknosis, and the chromatim remains for some considerable time. The protoplasm of the cells is apparently fused. All tissues are included in this necrosis, and the in- distinct forms of blood vessels and connective tissue strands can be detected. In some of the areas a calcerous deposit may be seen. More or less in the centre of the necrotic areas are seen either circular or ovoid spaces containing débris and a few leucocytes. These represent the spaces at one time occupied by, and the remains of, a larval Nematode, and may appropriately be termed ‘‘worm canals.’’ Larvae or débris are not found in all sections. This may be due either to the fact that the section does not necessarily cut that portion of the necrotic foci containing the larvae or to the complete disintegration of larvae or débris. In some of the earlier lesions the larva is often to be seen distinctly. It is easy to demonstrate the clear, homogenous, finely-ridged cuticle, the musculature lying beneath, and the primitive alimentary canal. The section may be transverse, oblique, or longitudinal, and there may be more than one section of the larvae in a necrotic area. In one area seven - transverse or oblique sections were seen. These probably represent as many individual larvae. For the most part, however, only one worm is seen in each necrotic area, and it is always more or less twisted and curved. In other parts of the section the worm is found sur- rounded by only a small necrotic area. Often oblique and transverse sections of the worm are seen extending in a more or less regular line across the field of the microscope, repre- senting the twisting and curving of one organism. 91 In some lesions examined many larvae have shown marked degeneration with a well-developed necrosis of the surrounding tissues, while other forms have been well preserved, and have caused little or no necrosis of the tissues. This suggests that, in some cases, the larvae have made their appearance in the tissues not by one massive invasion, but by smaller invasions repeated over a certain period of time. For the most part, however, all larvae in a given lesion appear to be in approxim- ately the same state of preservation or disintegration. All the larvae seen jin the different lesions examined have appar- ently been dead, but the retrogressive processes vary markedly in extent in different tumours. | In the older lesions it is not possible to determine the exact nature of the material contained in the circular or ovoid spaces in the necrotic areas, but in the light of the knowledge gained from examining earlier lesions, there can be no doubt that the material is the débris of a larval Nematode. It must be insisted here that in the older lesions one may be unable to detect any degenerated larvae, or even the spaces which they at one time occupied. This fact renders it important that the histopathological picture in all its vari- ations should be thoroughly studied and understood. If this is done a diagnosis can usually be made, in spite of the fact that no casual organism can be demonstrated. The foregoing descriptions of the microscopic appearances apply equally to tumours from the penis and from the sheath, except that in the latter situation the tissue reaction is far more marked and the necrotic areas more diffusely scattered throughout the tumour. In both situations there may be marked endothelial proliferation in the intima of the arterioles. This is often seen in the deeper parts of the tumour. Sometimes there is thrombosis of the vessels. The necrotic areas, however, are in no way associated with the vascular changes, but are apparently due entirely to decom- position products originating in the degenerating larva. | The microscopic appearances of the lesion from the meta- carpus vary somewhat from those described above. The tumour consists throughout of dense fibrous tissue, in which areas of embryonic connective tissue cells with an infiltration of mononuclear leucocytes appear as islands. These areas are usually somewhat circumscribed, and in some of them are found degenerated larvae’ with slight surrounding. tissue necrosis and the formation of multinucleated cells. There is a diffuse infiltration of all the tissues with eosinophile leucocytes. There is little formation of new tissue apart from 92 the areas of hyperplastic connective tissue cells and some thickening of the dense subcutaneous connective tissue. The following is the description of the microscopic appearances of the conjunctival lesions observed by Lewis and Seddon :—‘‘From a study of the earliest lesions examined, viz., those of Case I.,. the parasites appear to occur primarily in lymph spaces. Only odd parasites or portions (in section) are found apart from the necrotic material. The presence of the parasites gives rise to small-celled infiltration as a tissue reaction, followed by an aggregation of neutrophile leucocytes and eosinophiles followed by necrosis of cells. While necrosis is In progress around the parasites one finds at the periphery of the mass large fibrous tissue cells massing together along with giant cells. The tissue between the areas is composed of typical granulation tissue, with eosinophiles and proliferation of endothelial cells and fibroblasts. There is also in one section some ulceration of the epidermis and some warty condition of the epithelium similar to what is met with in other ulcer- ative conditions.” It will be seen from this description that the change is essentially the same as that described above, varying mainly in the degree of tissue reaction. The larval Nematode.—-On account of the difficulty of obtaining early lesions, few opportunities of minutely exam- ining larvae have arisen. However, larvae have been separated out from the tissues, and most of the important characteristics have been determined. The method has been to separate the small necrotic areas from the tissues of an early lesion. These have been softened with pepsin or trypsin, washed, then lightly crushed between two glass slides, dehydrated and cleared with carbol-absolute alcohol. By gently moving and pressing the cover-slip placed over the portion of crushed tissue, one has been successful in forcing the larva out of the canal it occupies. The larva has never been removed unbroken, but by piecing the broken portions together the main external characteristics have been clearly defined. As far as can be judged the larva is approximately 3 mm. long by 40 » to 53 pw broad. The anterior extremity tapers slightly at the head, which is rounded. The mouth is sur- rounded by thin prominent lips. The posterior extremity tapers and terminates in a pointed tail, which is rounded at the tip to form a small bulb furnished with minute spines. The anus opens at about 83 pw from the point of the tail. The tail is curved rather sharply backwards. There are apparently no transverse striations of the cuticle, but in sections fine longitudinal ridges are seen. These longitudinal ridges are 93 only seen in transverse sections of the larva. The internal anatomy of the larva has not been accurately determined. The oesophagus is long, and the intestine occupies the main part of the body cavity. The description of the larva as found by Lewis and Seddon agrees closely with the above. They do not mention the occurrence of fine longitudinal ridges in the cuticle, but in the specimen shown the present writer by Mr. Seddon these longitudinal ridges were plainly to be seen. Their presence, as will be shown later, is of importance in the identification of the larva. From the foregoing it will be seen that the worm is an immature Nematode, and that it closely resembles the sixth larval stage of Habronema muscae as described by Ransom 1913). : ters is little or no direct evidence as to the mode of entry of the larvae. As Habronema muscae was the only species the life-history of which had been determined, it became necessary to determine the life-histories and morph- ology of the other two species of Habronema before it was possible to attempt to identify the species of larva responsible for the production of the lesions. Observations on the life-histories of the three species of Habronema were therefore made, and these will be outlined before the mode of entry and specific identification of the larva are discussed. OBSRVATIONS ON THE LIFE-HISTORIES OF THE THREE SPECIES oF Habronema. Since Carter first described the presence of a Nematode worm in the head of a house-fly in 1861, many other workers have observed and recorded a similar occurrence. Ransom (1913) has shown that the embryos of Habronema muscae are taken up by the larvae of Musca domestica, that they develop through larval stages in the fly larvae and pupae, and that the final larval stage of the worm is reached in the adult fly, and is usually found situated in the head and proboscis. Linstow, in 1875, described a Nematode larva in the head of Stomoxys calcitrans which resembled the larvae found in Musca domestica, but which he named /ilaria stomozeos. Harvey Johnston (1912) recorded the finding of a larva resembling that of 1. muscae in Stomozxys calcitrans, and a similar larva in Musca vetustissima. Ransom expressed the opinion that the larvae found by Linstow and others in Stomoxys calcitrans might possibly be the larva of Habronema microstoma. 94 At the time of starting these experiments nothing more than the above was known of the life-histories of the three species of Habronema found cmon in the stomach of the horse. In attempting to determine the species of the larva found in habronemic granulomata it became necessary to learn more of the life-histories of the three species of Habronema. In the latter part of 1916 experiments were started with this end in view, and also to obtain material for animal experi- mentation. The experiments had gone to show that under artificial conditions both Habronema muscae and H. megas- toma develop through their larval stages in Musca domestica. At that time it was not possible to take the experiments any further. Towards the end of 1917 the work was taken up again, when it was found impossible to pass H. megastoma through Stomoxys calcitrans. The work was proceeding when it was learned that Hill, working at the Melbourne University Veter- inary School, had confirmed the above findings, and had found, further, that Habronema microstoma developed through its larval stages in Stomoxys calcitrans and rarely in Musca domestica, while Habronema muscae showed no development in S. calcitrans. Nothing further of Hull’s work has been learned, and up to the time of writing (March, 1919) his work has not been published. The experiments were continued during 1918 and the early part of 1919. Method.—For the purpose of obtaining embryos, stomachs taken from horses killed at the Zoological Gardens, Adelaide, were examined. In all, considerably over one hundred stomachs were examined. In the preliminary experiments carried out in 1916 stomach contents showing numerous embryos of Habronema muscae, and in which no other species were found, were mixed with horse-dung and exposed in the stables for about two hours to allow flies to deposit their eggs thereon. The dung used in the experiments was previously found to be free from embryos capable of developing in J/usca domestica. Dung from the same animal was used in experiments with Habronema megastoma, and the contents of the submucous tumours were used to supply the embryos. In the later experiments sterilized dung was used, and the embryos were obtained from the gravid female ‘after specific identification. In the case of experiments with Habronema megastoma, embryos were also obtained by col- lecting the contents of the submucous tumours after these had been thoroughly scraped and washed in running water for ee 95 several hours, only the contents from the deeper portions of the tumours: being used. For the purposes of the experiments both J/usca domestica and Stomowys calcitrans were bred artificially and the cultures kept going in the laboratory. The culture of Stomoxys calcitrans was kept going for twelve months, when it was allowed to die out. The flies maintained their vigour and size throughout this period. They were fed daily on a rabbit, and were allowed to deposit their eggs on fermenting lawn clippings taken from a lawn where contamination by horse-dung was excluded. Musca domestica was fed on a mixture of horse serum, sugar, and water, and was allowed to deposit its eggs on sterilized horse-dung. It was found most convenient to use these artificial cultures of the flies, for in this way experiments could be made during that time of the year when specimens are difficult to obtain in the field, and also, the number of fly larvae developing in a given culture could be more easily -regulated. As in most of the experiments an attempt was made to obtain flies heavily infested with larvae, it was important to regulate the number of fly larvae developing in a culture. The stomachs were sometimes examined a few hours after removal, but for the most part not until twenty-four hours, and sometimes as long as forty-eight hours, after removal. The worms were always found to be alive and active, although in those collected from stomachs examined from twenty-four to forty-eight hours after removal, activity had considerably decreased. This loss of activity was an advantage when specimens had to be examined microscopically. Only on one or two occasions was a stomach found in which no worms could be detected. A complete examination for the presence of all possible species was not made, but a rough idea was usually obtained of the number of species present. Only in one case was Habronema microstoma found to be present in very large numbers without any other species. It was found to be more commonly present than was at first expected, and in most of » the stomachs examined could be found, although often only very few specimens were present. Habronema muscae was found to be present in most of the stomachs examined, and usually in large numbers. This worm was found to be more closely associated with the mucous membrane than Habronema microstoma, and quite commonly the head of the parasite was buried in the gastric glands. This parasite is usually orange- coloured, and sometimes more red, suggesting the presence of blood in the body of the worm. Chemical tests for blood were obtained with extracts from these worms. 96 Habronema megastoma was found to be of infrequent occurrence, and less commonly met with than the other species. Sometimes one would obtain two or three stomachs consecu- tively which contained H. megastoma, and then many stomachs would be examined before obtaining another speci- men. It was not until after a large number of stomachs had been examined that it became obvious that H. megastoma was more rarely met with than H. microstoma, H. muscae being the most common, and usually found in each stomach examined. For the purposes of the subject under investigation it was considered that any detailed study of the adult forms was unlikely to give any useful information. No detailed study of the development of the worm larvae in the fly larvae, pupae, and adults was made, as, of neces- sity, a limit had to be placed on the scope of the investigation. The following is a brief outline of the observations made on the embryos and larvae of the three species of Habronema and examination of adult flies :— Tue LiFe-History oF Habronema muscae (Carter, 1861). Ransom has already shown that embryos of Habronema muscae, passed along with the faeces of the horse, gain entrance to the larvae of Musca domestica, probably through being swallowed by the fly larvae. The embryos gain the body cavity, where they pass through their larval stages, and have usually reached the final larval stage (sixth stage of Ransom) at or soon after the hatching of the adult fly. This final larval stage was the first stage to be observed in the stomach of the horse. Ransom’s work consisted mainly in the examination of adult flies, pupae, and larvae for the presence of larvae of Habronema. He assumed that all larvae found in the head and proboscis of adult flies were larvae of Habronema muscae. It is possible, however, that some of the specimens he observed may have been larvae of Habronema megastoma. The experiments undertaken in 1916 under artificial con- ditions confirmed Ransom’s conclusions. Embryos of H. muscae.—Embryos that have been passed out from the female have been found to be enclosed in a thin shell which is closely applied to the body except at the posterior end, where it is distinctly seen held away by the curved tail. The embryos are only slightly motile. They measure from 80 p in length by 12 wu in width to 110 » in length by 6°6 » in width. When these embryos are collected from the stomach contents or from the gravid female and placed in saline they live for many days, depending on ————————— | 97 light, temperature, and bacterial growth. They rarely show any tendency to leave the shells. When placed in tap water the majority of the embryos are found to be free in twenty- four hours. Adult flies.—At first the observations were confined to the study of the development of H. muscae in Musca domestica. In the preliminary experiments it was found that approximately 100 per cent. of the flies hatching out showed larvae situated, almost invariably, in the head and proboscis. These larvae were found to resemble the sixth larval stage of H. muscae, as described by Ransom. As many as pene larvae were found in the head and proboscis of one fly. In the later experiments the examination of flies that had just hatched often showed the presence of larvae in an early stage of development, measuring approximately 400 p long, and being situated in the abdomen, and usually encysted. In from five to seven days these larvae were found to have developed into the final larval stage, and to have migrated to the head and proboscis. As many as from thirty to forty larvae have been found in the head and proboscis of these flies. For the most part larvae found in the head and proboscis have been of the final larval stage of development, but occa- sionally larvae of an earlier stage of development have been found along with those in the final stage. The flies often showed a marked paralysis of the proboscis, although they were still able to feed. The time occupied in development from the deposit of the eggs to the hatching of the adult flies was usually from fourteen to eighteen days. Flies bred in sterilized horse-dung, with which had been mixed an emulsion of embryos in normal saline solution, usually showed the presence of larvae in the great majority of those hatching out. On three occasions, however, no larvae were present in any of the flies hatching out. On two of these occasions the emulsion of embryos was made in tap water, and on one occasion in saline solution. On each of these occasions the eggs were obtained from flies caught in the laboratory. There was never any failure of development of larvae in the strain of Musca domestica kept going by artificial cultivation. All attempts to obtain any development of embryos of H. muscae in Stomozxys calcitrans failed. Larvae of H. muscae.—Attention was practically confined to the study of the final larval stage. These larvae obtained from the head and proboscis of flies were found to measure from 2°58 mm. to 2°87 mm. long, the majority measuring 27mm. The maximum width was found to vary from 50 p to 66°6 ». The head was rounded and the body tapered slightly E 98 from about the posterior part of the oesophagus. The tail was pointed and possessed a small rounded tip furnished with minute spines. The anus was open and situated 83°3 » from the point of the tail. The pharynx was 43°3 p long; the nerve ring 130 » from the anterior end of the body, and the anterior portion of the oesophagus 133 p to 140 p long. The larvae were embedded in paraffin and sectioned. On transverse section the cuticle was found to be traversed by fine longitudinal ridges. These numbered from forty to forty- two, as near as could be determined; started immediately behind the head and ended near the tail. Experiments were undertaken to determine the power of the larvae to leave the proboscis of the fly. Flies were placed in an inverted wide-mouthed Florence flask. The mouth of the flask was surrounded by gauze, which also surrounded the mouth of a test tube situated several inches below and con- taining sugar dissolved in water. This test tube was kept filled with the solution, which was examined from time to time for the presence of larvae. The flies drank freely of the solution, but at no time were any larvae found to have escaped into the solution. In one case two flies kept overnight in a test tube contain- ing a small amount of sugar solution were found to be dead the following morning. Two active larvae were found in the solution. It is not possible to say whether the larvae left the proboscis during the life of the fly or after its death. Dead flies have been placed in saline solution, and later larvae have been found in the solution. | In making a careful removal of the proboscis from the head it has sometimes been observed that the larvae will escape through the lips of the proboscis. This is probably due to rupture of the proboscis during handling rendering it possible for the larvae to escape from their situation in the muscular portion into the food canal. Experiments were made to determine whether larvae are capable of penetrating filter paper. A short test tube was filled with saline solution, or a mixture of saline and horse serum, and a folded filter paper (very small size) was fitted into the mouth of the tube. Larvae were placed in the fluid contained in the cup formed by the folded paper. This preparation was kept at room temperature or 37° C. for twenty-four hours in a moist chamber, and the fluid in the test tube examined for the presence of larvae. On one occasion two larvae were found in the fluid. This finding could not be confirmed after repeated experiments. The larvae were found to remain alive in saline solution or horse serum for forty-eight hours, and sometimes up to seventy-two hours. 99 Larvae were found to remain alive in the bodies of dead . flies for several days if loss of moisture was prevented. Tue Lire-nistory or Habronema megastoma (Rudolphi, 1819). The methods adopted in this investigation have already been mentioned. The embryos were sometimes obtained from the contents of the submucous tumours and sometimes from the gravid female. Embryos of H. megastoma.—The embryos are enclosed in a thin shell or membrane. They are doubled on themselves in the shape of the letter U, the tail coming to lie close to the head. The shell measures from 43°3 p» to 53°3 pw long by 116 » to 13°3 wp wide. The widest portion of the embryo measures 6°6 p. The embryos when placed in saline solution and tap water behave in the same way as those of H. muscae. When they do break away from the shell they remain bent in the shape of the letter V or the letter L. They are only very slightly motile. When taken from the gravid female the shell is less resistant than in those born under natural conditions. This has been found true of the embryos of all three species. Adult Flies.—In the main the results of the observations were the same as in the case of flies infested with the larvae of Habronema muscae. The rate of development. of the larvae appeared to depend upon the temperature at which the culture was kept. During the warmer weather flies hatching out often showed larvae at or near the final stage of development. At other times larvae were found in a very early stage of develop- ment. In one case flies hatching out in seventeen days showed larvae measuring from 272°7 » to 409 p» in length. These larvae were present in the abdomen, and the majority were _encysted. From four to five days later these larvae had developed into the final larval stage. The atmospheric temperature was high during this latter period. When the final larval stage was reached few or no larvae remained in the abdomen, but migrated to the head and proboscis. Many of the flies died suddenly, probably through injury to the central nervous system by the migrating larvae. The parasitism was very heavy, from fifty to sixty larvae being present in a single fly. The proboscides of many of the flies were seen to be paralyzed. When these flies were examined some days later the larvae were found to be less active than when first making their appearance in the head and proboscis. It has been observed that if flies die when the larvae are in an early stage of, development these larvae quickly die, but if the final larval stage has been reached the larvae live for E2 100 two or three days, provided that desiccation is prevented. Larvae in an earlier stage of development have at times . been found in the proboscis along with larvae in the final stage of development. Failure to produce an infestation of flies occurred, in exactly parallel circumstances as in the case of the experi- ments with Habronema muscae. All attempts to obtain any development of embryos of Habronema megastoma in Stomoxys calcitrans failed. Larvae of H. megastoma.—ULarvae obtained from the head and proboscis of flies were found to measure from 2°07 mm. to 25 mm. long by 60 p to 66°6 w wide. The larvae had the same general appearance as those of H. muscae, but in a few specimens a circular ridge posterior to the lips was observed. The pharynx was 60 p long; the nerve ring 116°6 » to 126°6 » from the anterior end of the body, and the anterior portion of the oesophagus 80 p to 90 » long. The anus was open and situated from 80 p» to 90 pw from the tip of the tail, which was pointed, and possessed a small rounded tip furnished with minute spines. On transverse section the cuticle was found to possess fine longitudinal ridges to the number of 40 or 42, as near as could be determined. Observations on the power of the larvae to leave the proboscis of the fly gave the same results as those given in the case of H. muscae. Experiments made to determine the power of the larvae to penetrate filter paper gave negative results. THE Lire-History oF Habronema microstoma (Schneider, 1866). The methods adopted at this investigation have already been mentioned. The embryos were obtained from the gravid female. Fermenting lawn clippings were used as a breeding ground for Stomoxys calcitrans, and an emulsion of the embryos in saline solution was added to this material. Embryos of H. microstoma.—The embryos when taken from the gravid female are usually very active, and they remain active for some days in normal saline solution. They measure from 90°9 » to 122°8 pw in length, and are enclosed in a thin shell or membrane. When placed in saline solution and tap water, respectively, they behave in the same way as those of H. muscae. The embryos may live for some days when passed out naturally with the faeces of a horse. The faeces of a horse were previously examined, and found to contain embryos of H. microstoma. These faeces were kept.for ten days, and then Stomoxys calcitrans allowed to deposit its eggs on the a 101 material. Flies hatching out from eighteen to nineteen days later contained larvae. Adult flies.—The rate of development of the worm larvae within the developing larvae and pupae of Stomowys calcvtrans appears to depend largely upon temperature. Flies bred at a low temperature, 20° to 22° C., and taking about thirty days to hatch out, show larvae in the earlier stages of develop- ment situated usually in the abdomen. Flies bred at a higher temperature, 25° to 26° C., develop more quickly, from seventeen to twenty days, and when hatching out show larvae in the final stage of development, mostly situated in the head and proboscis, with only a few in-the abdomen. Those larvae situated in the abdomen are usually in an earlier stage of development. If larvae in the final stage of development are found in the proboscis of newly-hatched flies, when flies of the same batch are examined a week to ten days later the larvae pre- sent are often dead. If the development of the fly larvae has been delayed it is noticed that when the adult fly hatches out many dead and degenerating worm larvae are present. This was noticed, for example, in a culture in which the fly larvae developed quickly and the adult flies hatched out in from seventeen to twenty days. Some of the fly larvae, however, developed more slowly, and the adult flies hatched out in from thirty to thirty-four days. It was in-these flies hatching out later that dead and degenerating worm larvae were found. For the most part, newly-hatched flies showed larvae in the earlier stages of development situated in the abdomen. These larvae developed into the final stage in from five to seven days, and migrated to the head and proboscis. Larvae in an earlier stage of development have at times been found in the proboscis along with larvae in the final stage of develop- ment. The larvae were situated in the muscular portion of the bulb of the proboscis, and numbered from thirty to forty. At no time did one fail to produce an infestation of Stomozys calcitrans with larvae of H. microstoma. Attempts to produce an infestation in Musca domestica usually gave negative results, but in one case there was an aberrant development of larvae of H. microstoma in M. domestica. In this case many of the flies examined showed embryos and larvae in varying stages of development. The development was distinctly aberrant, the larvae presenting appearances very different from those seen in Stomozxys cal- citrans. Many of the forms present resembled embryos just escaped from the egg-membrane, only were somewhat longer. None of the embryos developed into the thick, nucleated larvae as seen in the normal development. The longer forms were 102 all dead and degenerating. The measurements of some of these longer forms were 1515 p, 318 pw, and 424 p long respec- tively. Unfortunately, the preparations were lost through an accident before a more complete examination could be made. The subject was not pursued any further, for at the time it was thought that it had little bearing on the matter under investigation. Larvae of H. microstoma.—Larvae obtained from the head and proboscis of Stomoxys calcitrans were found to be distinctly shorter than the larvae of the other two species. They measured from 15 mm. to 2 mm. in length by 41 p to 58 » wide. The larvae had the same general appearances as those of the other two species. The pharynx was 43°3 p long; the nerve ring was 110 » from the anterior end of the body, and the anterior portion of the oesophagus was 1166 pu long. The anus was open and situated 66°6 » from the tip of the tail, which was pointed, and possessed a small rounded tip furnished with minute spines. On transverse section the cuticle was found to be homogenous and smooth, lacking all appearance of longitudinal ridges. Observations on the power of the larvae to leave the proboscis of the fly gave the same results as those obtained in the case of the other two species. The following observation made during the winter is of interest.—-Proboscides were removed at the bend just posterior to the bulb. These were placed in saline solution in sealed chambers. One set was left at room temperature, 20° C., for one hour, and when examined no larvae had left the proboscis. Another set was placed in the incubator at 37° C. for one hour. When examined the saline solution contained many extremely active larvae. The first set which had been left at room temperature was then placed in the incubator at 37° C. for one hour. On examination the saline solution was found to contain extremely active larvae. The proboscides were then examined, and only an occasional larvae was found to have been unable to leave the proboscis. Experiments made to determine the power of the larvae to penetrate filter paper gave negative results. SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION OF THE SALIENT OBSERVATIONS. Habronema muscae was found to pass through its larval stages in Musca domestica, but showed no development in Stomoxys calcitrans. H. megastoma was found to possess a similar life-history. H. microstoma was found to pass through its larval stages in S. calcitrans, and show sometimes an aberrant development in M. domestica. 103 The larvae of H. muscae and H. megastoma were found to possess very similar appearances. //. megastoma was usually slightly shorter than //. muscae, possessed a longer pharynx and a shorter anterior oesophagus, and the nerve ring was situated nearer the anterior end than in //. muscae. Both species of larvae possessed longitudinal ridges in the cuticle. It is doubtful if these small differences in the appearances of the two larvae would prove sufficient for the purpose of differentiating larvae taken from granulomata, as in this case the larvae usually show some retrogressive changes and exam- ination is more difficult. Larvae of H. microstoma were found to be shorter than the larvae of the other two species, and the absence of longitudinal ridges in the cuticle offers a means for absolute differentiation between this larvae and those of the other two species. Escape of the larvae from the proboscis of flies was found to depend upon rupture of some portion of the organ, probably the thinner citinous membrane on the interior surface of the labium. When this rupture was produced artificially the _ larvae rapidly made their escape into any moisture at hand, provided the temperature was sufficient to produce activity in the larvae. The escape of larvae from the proboscis under natural conditions was not demonstrated. The larvae when developed into the final stage migrated to the head and proboscis. This may suggest that the larvae abandon the intermediate host in somewhat the same manner as Filaria larva do, but observations do not lend support to this suggestion. The migration to and situation in the proboscis of flies seems to be a common feature in the develop- ment of Nematodes. For example, Patton and Cragg (1913) have observed the development of the embryos of a species of Oxyuris in Musca nebulo. The embryos are ingested by the fly larvae, and the worms undergo their evolution in the pupae. When the flies hatch out they are infested with adult parasites, which cause paralysis of the proboscis on account of their accumulation in this situation. The larvae apparently do not possess the power of penetrating the structures in the proboscis of flies. Rupture of the proboscis appears to depend upon the pressure exerted by the larvae, which pressure would be in direct proportion to the number of larvae present and their activity. Nor do the larvae appear to be capable of penetrating other objects such as filter paper. Larvae do not appear to live in saline solution, horse serum, or water for longer than two or three days, and rarely as long as seven days. The longevity of the larvae outside the 104 body of the fly may depend to some extent on the period of time elapsing between their development into the final stage and their escape or removal from the proboscis. Observations on the worm embryos suggest that these normally do not leave the egg-membrane, and their réle is a passive one. ANIMAL EXPERIMENTATION. | Preliminary experiments carried out in 1916 and 1917 with the final larval stage of both Habronema musca and H. megastoma had proved somewhat disappointing. The object of the experiment was to determine if possible which species of larva was responsible for the production of the granulomata. As the escape of the larvae from the proboscis of the fly appeared to be largely a matter of chance, it was decided to inoculate the larvae into the subcutaneous tissues of an animal. The larvae were obtained by dissection of the heads and proboscides of flies, and placed in a sealed pipette held vertically and filled with normal saline solution. When the larvae had gravitated to the end of the column of saline at the capillary end of the pipette the saline was removed, except for a small drop which contained the larvae. An incision was made through the skin of a horse and the larvae inoculated into the subcutaneous tissues. In each case a very small granuloma resulted, which on microscopic examination showed an infiltration of the tissues with eosinophiles, some hyperplasia of the fixed cells, and the formation of multi- nucleated cells. No necrotic areas were produced. It was conceivable that keeping the larvae in saline solution for one or two hours before inoculation had rendered them more vulnerable to the activity of the tissue cells and fluids, and that their more rapid destruction in the body had prevented the occurrence of necrosis. In. later experiments larvae were either allowed to escape from the proboscis directly into the tissues of experimental animals, or a mixture of equal parts of normal serum and saline was used as a medium of inoculation. The larvae were only allowed to remain in this fluid for about thirty minutes before being used. The preliminary experiments made in the latter part of 1916 and the early part of 1917 were seven in number, and the animal used was the one designated as pony in the later experiments outlined below. These preliminary experiments were made as follows : — Experiments with Habronema muscae :— (1) Embryos of H. muscae were placed in moist sawdust and the mass applied to the shaved skin of a horse. (2) Six larvae from the proboscis of a fly were placed on the shaved skin of the animal, the site being moistened with saline solution. 105 (3) Four larvae were placed in the conjunctival sac. (4) Seven or eight larvae were placed beneath the skin of the animal. (5) Experiment (4) repeated. (6) Experiment (4) repeated on a rabbit. Results —No evidence was obtained suggesting that the embryos or larvae were capable of penetrating the skin. There was no evidence of any change in the tissues of the conjunctival sac following the instillation of the larvae. A slight induration was produced at the site of inoculation of the larvae. One area was removed, and the microscopic examination revealed the changes in the tissues mentioned above. No change was produced in the tissues of the rabbit following inoculation. Experiments with Habronema megastoma:— Only one experiment was made. In this larvae were placed beneath the skin, as in experiments with H. muscae. The tissue reaction was the same in this case as with H. muscae. In the following experiments two animals were used throughout. For the purpose of identification one will be called pony and the other mare. 1. Experiments with H. microstoma :—- (a) Feeding experiments with Stomozxys calcitrans— Flies heavily infested with larvae were placed in a flask, the mouth of which was covered with gauze. These flies were placed on a shaved area of the skin of the mare, and held in position for about one hour. These experiments were made in the month of June, 1918, the weather being cool. The flies did not bite very readily. After the feeding operations the site was seen to be somewhat swollen, which swelling had increased slightly by the following morning, but rapidly disappeared during the day. Another site was selected, and the experiment repeated on the following day with the same results. The experiment was repeated on the pony with the same results. Some months later, December, flies were placed in a cage which was placed over a shaved area of the skin of the mare and kept in apposition for two hours by means of bandages. This experiment gave the same result as the previous experiments. The result of the experiments was a complete failure to pro- duce a granuloma by this method. It was observed that the proboscides of many of the flies were paralyzed, and that the flies had to a great extent lost their desire and ability to bite. They fed more readily on a rabbit, but not so readily as the normal flies. (6) Larvae placed in the skin of the horse— It was observed that when the proboscis was removed from a fly and placed in normal saline solution kept at 37° C., the larvae rapidly left the proboscis. It was decided to determine the ability of the larvae to penetrate the subcutaneous tissues of the horse. Two small incisions were made in the skin of the mare. The incision was not so deep as to pass right through the coriwm. Two proboscides were placed in each wound. The edges of the wound were drawn together by means of adhesive plaster. The following morning, 106 about twenty hours later, the proboscides were removed and the wound again protected by a covering of adhesive plaster. There was a marked swelling around each wound and a collection of pus in the wound. The purulent discharge completely disappeared twenty-four hours after the removal of the proboscides, but the tumefaction of the tissues persisted. In seven days’ time a hard granuloma about twice the size of a pea was present at each site. One site was removed for microscopic examination, and the other left for further observation. Microscopic examination showed marked infiltration of the tissues with eosinophiles, hyperplasia of the fixed cells, and the formation of multi-nucleated cells. Only one necrotic area was detected, but no larvae could be seen associ- ated with this. No larvae could be found in any of the sections made. The other area left for further observation gradually disappeared. This experiment was repeated in every detail on the pony. Two small granulomata resulted. One removed twelve days after inoculation showed the same histological picture as the one from the mare, but no necrotic areas or larvae were detected in any of the sections. These experiments were carried out during September, when the weather had become warmer. As the leaving of the proboscides in the wound for twenty - hours had produced a purulent discharge, it was decided to con- siderably reduce this time in future experiments. About six weeks later four proboscides were placed in a wound in the skin of the mare. These were removed from five to six - hours later. There was a marked swelling present, the area hav- ing a diameter of 4 cm. The tissues were very tense, and there was some blood-stained exudation from the wound. The swelling increased during the next twenty-four hours, but in another twenty-four hours it was much reduced. Seventy-two hours after inoculation only a slght thickening was detected. The site was removed for microscopic examination. In sections the larvae were found to have penetrated the tissues for some distance from the line of incision in the skin. They were surrounded by leucocytes, the nuclei of which showed fragmentation and pyknosis. There was oedema of the tissues, accumulation of leucocytes in small areas and around the blood vessels. There was infiltration of the tissues with eosinophiles. During December the same experiment was repeated on the pony. Two wounds were each inoculated with three proboscides, which were removed six hours later. One site was removed six hours after inoculation. Microscopic examination showed that there was dilatation of the vessels with oedema of the tissues. The tissues were infiltrated with polymorphs and eosinophiles. Larvae were found some distance from the site of inoculation and surrounded by leucocytes. The other area was removed ten days after inoculation. There was present a hard nodule about the size of a Barcelona nut. Microscopic examination showed the usual inflammatory reaction with giant-cell formation. There were a few necrotic areas pre- sent, with which were associated degenerating larvae. (c) Larvae placed on a scarified area of skin— An area of the skin of the pony was lightly scarified, and two proboscides placed on the moist surface. The experiment gave a completely negative result, healing taking place without any tume- faction of the tissues. 107 Several attempts were mace to inoculate the larvae beneath the skin by means of a hypodermic needle and syringe. It was found to be difficult or impossible to determine whether the larvae had been successfully inoculated, and as only a fleeting infiltration of the tissues occurred after inoculation, the method was abandoned. 2. Experiments with 1. muscae :-— (a) Larvae placed in the skin of the horse— Six proboscides of Musca domestica heavily infested with larvae were placed in an incision in the skin of the mare, and removed five to six hours later. Tumefaction of the tissues was produced, which increased during the twenty-four hours after inoculation, and then gradually subsided. About a week later a swelling about the size of a Barcelona nut was present. This rapidly reduced in size and completely disappeared. The day following the first inoculation another inoculation was made with the same results as the first. Some days later three more inoculations were made. After the primary tumefaction of the tissues had disappeared in from twenty-four to forty-eight hours no abnormality could be detected. These experiments were repeated on the pony. In all, three inoculations were made. Only a slight primary tumefaction of the tissues resulted which disappeared in about thirty-six hours, leaving only a very slight thickening, which completely dis- appeared in from fourteen to twenty-one days. (b) Larvae added to the conjunctival sac— About the same time as the above experiments were made larvae were placed in a pipette containing a mixture of equal parts of normal horse serum and normal saline solution. The larvae were then added along with a small quantity of the mix- ture to the conjunctival sac (off side) of the mare. The conjunc- tiva remained normal in appearance, and no excessive lacrymation was produced. . The experiment was repeated on the pony. The following morning a slightly excessive lacrymation was present, which, however, disappeared during the next twenty-four hours. The conjunctiva remained normal in appearance. (c) Larvae placed on a scarified area of skin— An area of the skin of the mare was lightly scarified, and the proboscides placed on the moist surface, and kept in place by the aid of adhesive plaster. The tissues showed very slight tumefaction twenty-four hours later, which rapidly disappeared. This experiment was repeated with the same result. It was also repeated on the pony, and no reaction was produced. (d) Larvae placed on a moistened area of skin— A shaved area of the skin of the mare was moistened with the serum and saline mixture, and a proboscis containing larvae placed on this. The following morning there was the merest suggestion of an elevation in the skin, but it was not observed the following evening. This experiment was repeated with the same result. - There was no reaction produced in the tissues to suggest that the larvae has penetrated the skin. 108 3. Experiments with H. megastoma:— (a) Larvae placed in the skin of the horse— Proboscides of Musca domestica heavily infested with larvae were placed in three incisions in the skin of the mare and removed from five to six hours later, when there was present a marked inflammatory oedema of the tissues. One area was removed five hours after inoculation for the purpose of microscopic examination. Larvae were found to have made their way into the subcutaneous tissues, where leucocytes had commenced to surround them. The other two sites were left for further observation. After inoculation the primary tumefaction reached a maximum in about forty-eight hours, and had a diameter of from 6 to 7 cm. This gradually subsided, and in nine days’ time one site was removed, when there was present a granuloma about the size of a smaill walnut. Microscopic examination showed an intense infiltration of the tissues with eosinophiles, hyperplasia of the fixed cells, the formation of multinucleated cells, and the presence of necrotic areas containing degenerating larvae. The other granuloma persisted for about three weeks, when it gradually disappeared. The experiments were repeated on the pony. Proboscides were placed in three incisions in the skin and removed from five to six hours later, when there was marked inflammatory oedema of the tissues. This increased during the next twenty-four hours, but had very much decreased in forty-eight hours after inoculation. One area was removed six hours after inoculation. Micro- scopic examination showed that the larvae had made their way into the subcutaneous tissues, where they were surrounded by leucocytes. The other two areas were left for further observation. In forty-eight hours after inoculation the swelling had almost dis- appeared, and in three or four days’ time there was little or no thickening of the tissues. (6) Larvae added to the conjunctival sac— Larvae were added to the conjunctival sac (near side) of the mare. ‘Twenty-four hours later no reaction had been produced. In three or four days’ time excessive lacrymation was present. In a further three days the conjunctiva was injected and somewhat swollen. Small yellowish ‘‘tubercles’’ were to be seen on the membrana. These persisted for over a week, but in a fortnight’s time had entirely disappeared. Epiphora continued, however, for about six weeks, The experiment was repeated on the pony with exactly the same results. (c) Larvae placed on a scarified area of skin— Larvae were placed on three scarified areas of the skin of the mare. larvae were added to one of the scarified areas on three consecutive days. In no case was any reaction produced. This experiment was repeated on the pony, two scarified areas being made. No reaction was produced. (d) Larvae placed on a moistened area of skin— Larvae were placed on two moistened areas of the skin of the mare. No reaction was produced. The experiment was repeated on two areas of the skin of the pony with the same result. 109 4. Experiments with embryos : — Embryos of the three species kept in saline and tap water, respectively, were added to sterilized horse-dung or sawdust and placed on shaved areas of the skin of the two horses. — In no case was any reaction produced in the skin of the animals. 5. Summary and discussion of the experiments : — Experiments have shown that larvae of H. microstoma are capable of making their way into the subcutaneous tissues of the horse through an incised wound in the skin. A certain number of these larvae appear to be rapidly destroyed and removed by phagocytes. Others are not so rapidly destroyed, when they produce a necrosis of the surrounding tissue and cells. As the larvae disappear they do not appear to leave any worm canals in the necrotic areas. In the experiments a tissue reaction was produced which is essentially the same as that seen in granulomata occurring under natural condi- tions. No granulomata were produced after allowing flies to bite the horse. When larvae were added to a lightly scarified area of skin they appeared to be incapable of penetrating the tissues ; at least no tissue reaction which might suggest such a penetration was produced. Larvae of //. muscae possessed the power of making their way into the subcutaneous tissues, but only a very slight tissue reaction was produced, and this quickly disappeared. When they were added to the conjunctival sac they produced no reaction. The larvae did not appear to be capable of penetrating the lightly scarified skin, nor the moistened, uninjured skin. Larvae of H. megastoma produced a typical granuloma in one animal, but failed to produce the same reaction in the other animal. The microscopic appearances of the granu- lomata produced were exactly similar to those seen in lesions occurring under natural conditions. Those larvae that were not rapidly destroyed and removed produced typical necrotic areas in which the degenerating larvae persisted for some time, and after their disappearance very definite worm canals were produced. The lesion, however, did not possess a marked chronicity. The larvae produced a conjunctivitis in both animals. They did not appear to be capable of penetrating the moistened or scarified_ skin. The granulomata produced with larvae of both H. micro- stoma and H. megastoma were comparatively small, and showed little chronicity. Likewise, the conjunctivitis produced by the larvae of H. megastoma was not of a very severe character. The larvae of H. megastoma, when they produced a granuloma, appeared to be better preserved than those of 110 - . microstoma found in the granulomata produced by the atter. Under the conditions of the experiment the embryos of all three species appeared to be incapable of penetrating the skin of the horse. In these later experiments the results obtained in the preliminary experiments were confirmed, viz., larvae of H. muscae produced no conjunctivitis and no typical granuloma in the skin, and the larvae of H. megastoma produced no typical granuloma in the skin of the pony. The experiments have shown that the larvae of all three species are capable of making their way into the subcutaneous tissues when the injury in the skin has been deép enough to include the coriwm. This migration in the tissues is probably assisted by the oedema present. The larvae, however, do not migrate for any great distance from the point of entry, in the experiments only up to about 1 cm. The larvae do not appear to be able to penetrate the tissues when the injury is confined to the superficial epithelium. Considering the number of larvae inoculated, the number of necrotic areas produced was small. This appears to be explained by the probable escape of some of the larvae, but more particularly by the early destruction of some of the larvae. Tissues removed from five to six hours after inocula- tion with larvae have shown the larvae surrounded by neutrophile leucocytes, which attack and apparently quickly remove them. Some of the larvae, however, appear to offer more resistance or attract few or no neutrophile leucocytes. These neutrophile leucocytes are not found in the tissues removed from five to seven days after inoculation. The fact that certain larvae of the same species appear to offer more resistance to the attack of neutrophile leucocytes, or show less positive chemotaxis, leads one to expect that certain strains or varieties of the same species would be more likely to produce granulomata under natural conditions. DISCUSSION. That these larval Nematodes are the cause of the granu- lomatous reaction there appears to be no possible doubt. Microscopical examination demonstrates that the larvae soon after their introduction undergo degenerative changes. There results an infiltration of the tissues with eosinophile leucocytes and some proliferation of the fixed cells. Mono- nuclear leucocytes are also attracted to the site. These changes cause a tumefaction of the tissues which later usually gives rise to a pressure necrosis in the skin or mucous membrane. As the degenerative changes in the larvae progress 111 there results a necrosis of the tissues in their immediate vicinity, giving rise to the typical caseous areas. These changes represent the characteristic appearances of the granuloma, and, apart from bacterial infection of the ulcerated surface, there is no reaction present which would not be produced by the presence and degeneration of the larval Nematode. This evidence is almost sufficient to prove that the larvae are the essential cause of the granuloma, and that they cannot be regarded as an epi-phenomenon. Added to this evidence is the failure to demonstrate by any conceivable method the presence of any bacterium, mould, or protozoon, except a mixed variety of bacteria on the ulcerated surface. Experimentally it has been shown that larvae of Habronema are capable of producing a granuloma very similar to that found under natural conditions. This fact, taken with the above evidence, is sufficient to prove that the presence of the larvae in the cutaneous, subcutaneous, or submucous tissues is the essential cause of the lesion. It is interesting to note that there is no essential difference between the tissue reactions seen in these tumours and those seen about many of the caseous areas to be found commonly in the internal organs of most herbiverous animals. The fact that, although the larvae die out soon after the first appearance of the lesion, the tumour goes on enlarging, and may exist for some considerable time, is of extreme interest. This gradual enlargement of the tumour consists of an enlargement of the necrotic areas and an increased tissue production. There is no increase in the number of foci as, for example, occurs in actinomycotic granulomata, except in the case of re-infection or super-infection. The growth of the tumour is due mainly to the fact that the substances which originate in the degenerating or autolys- ing larvae, and which apparently causes the death of the tissue cells, very slowly penetrate to the outside of the necrotic tissue, and thus cause,a slow but gradual enlargement or extension of the necrosis. This, of course, is limited, and the maximum amount of necrosis is produced in a certain time, according to various conditions which are difficult to measure. Once the larva becomes surrounded by necrotic tissue, the diffusion outwards of the autolytic products is impeded. The autolytic products would, therefore, become concentrated towards the centre of the necrotic area, and their slow diffu- sion to the outside would tend to produce a gradual extension of the necrosis, even after the complete disappearance of the larva. The continued presence and enlargement of the 112 necrotic areas would produce a corresponding tissue reaction, and so the tumour would continue to enlarge or grow. The chronicity of the tumour is due mainly to three factors, whilst in some cases there is a fourth. In the first place the slow diffusion of the necrosis-producing substance, which probably has its origin in the degenerating or autolysing larva, tends to produce a slow development of the necrosis, and to maintain it for some time. Secondly, the type of necrosis is that which is not readily absorbed or removed. The types of necrosis, or the characteristic changes of necrosis, depend mainly upon the intracellular enzymes. The necrosis- producing substance in this case must lead to an early destruc- tion of the autolytic enzymes of the cells, thus preventing further degenerative changes in the dead cells.1 Thirdly, because of the lack of chemotactic substances no neutrophile leucocytes enter to remove the dead tissue. Fourthly, there is the possibility of a super-infection. If a tumour has resulted from an infection of a wound, or after ulceration of a tumour has taken place, the possibility of the entry of fresh larvae must be considered. This super-infection has been very dis- tinctly observed in tumours examined from cases occurring in the British Solomon Islands. There seems to be no doubt that the presence of the larvae in the subepithelial tissues is accidental. The larvae apparently have no power of completing their life-history, for even in the earlier lesions they always show retrogressive changes, while in the older lesions one may be unable to detect anything but a few worm canals, empty or contaiming a granular débris. However, soon after their introduction the larvae must exhibit some progressive movement, for they penetrate to some depth into the subepithelial tissues, and, in the looser tissues, such as are found in the sheath, they become more dispersed. But this power of penetration is distinctly limited, and the larva is soon unable to maintain its life, probably on account of an inability to obtain a suitable food supply. The larva cannot correctly, be called a parasite, for a parasite may be defined as a living organism which takes up its abode on or within other living organisms for the purpose of obtaining food. (1) That absorption of dead tissue depends mainly upon the completeness or incompleteness of the destruction of the intra- cellular enzymes is illustrated by the following experiment :—Two pieces of fresh normal tissue, one heated to 100° C., and the other untreated, when placed in the abdominal cavity of the same species undergo very different changes. The unheated tissue soon under- goes autolytic changes and is absorbed, whereas the heated tissue, eos dead, undergoes no autolytic changes, and is very slowly absorb 113 There seems to be little doubt that the larva present in the lesions belongs to the genus /abronema. . In tracing the evolution of these tumours from the earliest recognizable lesion, and taking into consideration their situa- tion in or just beneath the skin or external mucous mem- branes, it seems reasonable to assume that the larvae are introduced from without and are not carried to the surface from within. A point to be decided is whether larvae of Habronema can enter the submucosa of the external mucous membranes or the subcutaneous tissues, and so make their way to the alimentary canal, or not. If the larvae are capable of oing this, as larvae of A nkylostoma are, then it is remarkable that they should so often be held up in the submucous or subcutaneous tissues. There is nothing to suggest that this is a common or even probable mode of invasion. : Experimental observations have shown that, although larvae are capable of migrating in the subcutaneous tissues for some little distance from the point of entry, this migration is very limited, and the larvae are soon surrounded by leuco- cytes. It would appear, therefore, that the presence of the larvae in the submucosa of the conjunctiva, and of the urethra or the subcutaneous tissues, is an accidental phenomenon. All the larvae found in the tumours have presented the same appearances, and must be regarded as being of the same stage of development. There is nothing to suggest that the larvae have passed through any developmental stages in the tissues of the horse. As the larvae found in the granulomata are in the same stage of development as those found in the head and proboscis of adult flies, it would appear that flies are in some way respon- sible for the production of the lesions. This is also suggested by the fact that the granulomata only occur at that time of the year when flies are present in abundance. Observations on the life-histories of the three species of Habronema have shown that H. muscae develops through its larval stages in Musca domestica, but it is not capable of such development in Stomoxys calcitrans, at least under experi- mental conditions ; H. megastoma has the same life-history as H. muscae; H. microstoma develops through its larval stages in Stomoxys calcitrans, and shows, sometimes at least, an aberrant development in Musca domestica. Harvey Johnston (1912) has recorded the finding of a larva somewhat resembling that of H. muscae in Musca vetustissima in Queensland, so it seems possible that these species may be capable of developing through their larval stages in other flies, particularly Muscids. Nothing, however, 114 is at present known about the possible development of these species in other flies, and as it would appear that the usual mode of development is as outlined above, the possible association of Musca domestica and Stomoxys calcitrans with the production of the lesions must be considered. The affection, as it has been observed by the present writer and by Lewis and Seddon, is most commonly situated in or about mucous membranes, viz., the mucous membrane of the urethra and that of the eye. Lesions are found, nevertheless, in other situations as on the sheath or the limbs. Why should these lesions be more commonly found in mucous membranes? The first explanation which suggests itself is that Musca domestica is attracted to these situations in search of moisture and food. Should larvae escape from the proboscis during feeding operations, there would be sufficient moisture present on the mucous membrane to prevent desicca- tion. Under these conditions it is possible for the larvae to penetrate the mucous membrane should they desire to and be capable of so doing. Larvae found in the lesions resemble those of Habronema muscae and H. megastoma, the cuticle of both these forms possessing longitudinal ridges, but not those of H. microstoma, the cuticle of this form showing no longitudinal ridges. H. megastoma is found in tumours situated in the sub- mucosa of the stomach of the horse. It is generally believed that it perforates the gastric mucous membrane, probably when in the larval stage. In its normal situation the parasite would live on the products of the tissues rather than on the semi-digested material in the alimentary canal. It is, there- fore, a parasite of tissues rather than of the contents of the alimentary canal. From a theoretical consideration one would expect the larva of H. megastoma to possess the instinctive desire to penetrate mucous membranes, and, further, to be able to maintain its life in the submucous tissues of the urethra and conjunctiva or the subcutaneous tissues longer than the larvae of the other two species. This suggests that the larva of H. megastoma is more likely to produce a habronemic granu- loma than the larvae of the other two species. Experimental | evidence also suggests that the larva of H. megastoma more readily penetrates the conjunctiva of the horse and sets up a granulomatous reaction, and also that it more readily sets up a granulomatous condition in the subcutaneous tissues than the larvae of H. muscae. Although the experimental evidence suggests that the larva of 7. muscae does not readily penetrate the conjunctiva or produce a granulomatous reaction in the subcutaneous 115 tissues, it is not possible to say that it is never responsible for the production of a habronemic granuloma. Clinical and experimental observations suggest that the production of a habronemic granuloma depends in some degree upon the susceptibility of the animal. It seems possible that the presence in the subcutaneous tissues of larvae of any of the three species of Habronema may set up a typical granuloma, provided the animal possesses a susceptibility to the particular species present. Experimentally it has been shown, for example, that the presence of larvae of 7. microstoma in the subcutaneous tissues may set up a granuloma with typical caseous areas, whereas, in the same animal, the presence of larvae of //. megastoma or H. muscae may produce nothing more than an acute inflammatory oedema, which quickly disappears, and is followed by no subacute or chronic changes. It seems possible, further, that certain tissues may react in such a way as to produce a habronemic granuloma, while other tissues in the same animal show no such reaction. The larvae of H. megastoma, for example, may set up a habronemic conjunctivitis, but when present in the subcutaneous tissues of the same animal little or no reaction is produced (vide experiments). -Assuming that larvae of H. megastoma are responsible for the production of habronemic granulomata, it seems possible that certain varieties of the same species are more likely to produce these lesions than other varieties. Certain varieties, for example, may possess more vigour in penetrating mucous membranes or moist surfaces, or they may possess greater powers of adaptation. The same may be true for the larvae of the other two species. ! ‘It is possible that habronemic granulomata may be due to the larvae of some unrecorded species of Habronema, though it does not seem very probable. The fact that habronemic granulomata are to be found in situations other than external mucous membranes led to the advancement by the present writer of an hypothesis that Stomozxys calcitrans was probably responsible for the inocula- tion of the larvae into the tissues of the horse. It has now been shown that S. calcitrans is the intermediate host of H. mucrostoma, and. that in the final larval stage the larvae of this species show no longitudinal ridges in the cuticle. This larva cannot, then, be responsible for the granulomata observed by the present writer in Southern Australia. It is possible that S. calcitrans may be the intermediate host of some other species of Habronema, the larva of which shows longitudinal ridges in the cuticle; but there is probably no 116 necessity to fall back on such an hypothesis as this. It seems possible that S. calcitrans infested with larvae of H. micro- stoma may inoculate these larvae into the skin of a horse with the production of a granuloma. It has been shown experi- mentally that larvae of H. microstoma are capable of produc- ing a typical granuloma in the subcutaneous tissues. The occurrence of such a granuloma under natural conditions, however, has not been definitely observed in Southern Australia by the present writer, although the lesion taken from the metacarpus may possibly have been due to these larvae. As far as can be ascertained the granulomata observed on the sheath and limbs have not resulted from infection of a wound. In no case has there been a history of a previous wound. It is possible that small wounds may have been over- looked, but it must be conceded that the sheath is a very uncommon site for wounds. These granulomata appear about the sheath and limbs, sites commonly attacked by Stomoxys calcitrans. When one or more of these flies bite they often produce some swelling in the skin, and an exudation of blood or serum occurs through the puncture wound. It seems possible that Musca domestica when coming to feed upon this exudate may contaminate the site with larvae of Habronema. The larvae would find sufficient moisture to prevent their desiccation, and would probably be able to make their way through the puneiure wounds into the skin and subcutaneous tissues. Wounds would often present ideal conditions for contam- ination by larvae and their subsequent penetration into the deeper tissues. It is probable that this method of infection does occur, but there seems to be no doubt that it is not. the only method of infection. Habronemiasis is so common in horses that it is rare to find a stomach free from one or other of the three species. This being so, it is remarkable that habronemic granulomata should be of such infrequent occurrence in Southern Australia and other temperate countries. There are several possible reasons for this: —(1) H. megastoma is not as common as the other species. It has been suggested that larvae of H. mega- stoma are probably the commonest cause of habronemic granulomata. In the experience of the present writer H. megastoma is the least common of the three species to be found in the stomach of the horse. This fact would tend to lessen the frequency of the occurrence of the granulomata if larvae of H. megastoma are the causal organisms. (2) The escape of larvae from the proboscis of flies'is not a common occurrence. It would appear that the larvae may escape from 117 the proboscis of Musca domestica when that fly comes to feed on moist surfaces. The escape of the larvae from the proboscis appears to depend upon the rupture of certain structures in the proboscis. This rupture appears to depend directly upon the number of larvae present and their activity. Unless conditions are such as to allow of the development of a large number of larvae in the fly, and the temperature is high enough to produce marked activity in the larvae, then it would appear that the escape of larvae from the proboscis is not very likely to occur. Experimental observations have shown. that the escape of larvae from the proboscis is not of frequent occurrence. (3) All animals do not appear to be susceptible. (4) It seems possible that certain strains or varieties of the same species are more likely to produce lesions than others. In each granuloma examined there have been a large number of larvae or necrotic areas present. This indicates that there is usually a massive infection at one point. Super- infection has not been found to be of common occurrence. Only in one tumour examined was this suggested by the fact that larvae showing marked retrogressive changes were present along with others showing very early retrogressive changes. Massive infection at one point, therefore, does occur, and is probably explained by the fact that the larger the number of larvae present in the proboscis of a fly the more likelihood of rupture of the proboscis and the escape of the larvae. Tumours on the glans penis have always been found at the urethral orifice. This suggests that flies are attracted to the moisture about the meatus, and that the larvae after escaping from the proboscis make their way through the mucous membrane of the urethra, and not through the modi- fied skin covering the glans penis. This is supported also by the fact that the necrotic foci are found close to or involving the urethral mucosa while they may be relatively a considerable distance from the external surface. C. GRANULOMATA AS FOUND IN NORTHERN AUSTRALIA. General.—A granulomatous affection of horses, commonly known as “swamp cancer,” and described by Lewis (1914) under the name of equine granuloma, is found in the northern or tropical portions of Australia. The condition has been thoroughly described by Lewis, who studied it in the field, and also conducted some experimental work in an attempt to artificially produce the disease. The present. writer was impressed with the great similarity between this condition and the granulomata observed in Southern Australia. On request, specimens of “swamp 118 cancer’ were kindly supplied by Mr. J. F. McKEchran and Mr. C. G. Dickinson. Macroscopic examination.—Macroscopic examination shows the tumours to vary very little from the granulomata already described. The most marked variation is in the very large size these tumours attain in the north of Australia and their great chronicity. A point to be emphasized is that in the early lesions the necrotic areas are small, pale in colour, and soft, while in the older lesions they are larger, darker in colour usually, and harder. It is evident that the growth of the tumour depends upon an enlargement of the necrotic areas and an increased tissue reaction, 2.e., the number of necrotic areas does not increase as the tumour grows. The necrotic areas when separated out from the surround- ing tissues are seen to have an irregular, bosselated surface with some marked irregularities or “branchings.” These necrotic areas are typical of “swamp cancer”’ as of the granu- lomata described above. Ulceration of the surface is much more extensive in “swamp cancer’ than in the granulomata observed in Southern Australia. Microscopic examination.—The histological picture is essentially that of a granuloma. There is an increased produc- tion of fibrous tissue, which varies with the age and size of the lesion. The tumour is extensively invaded with eosinophile leucocytes. There are collections of mononuclear cells, and an epitheloid (endothelial) cell reaction with, at times, the forma- tion of many multinucleated cells. Necrotic areas occur throughout the tumour, and in the older lesions they are more or less encapsulated. When ulceration of the surface is extensive, neutrophile leucocytes are attracted to the part. This histological picture is almost identical with that described in the present communication for habronemic granu- lomata occurring in, Southern Australia. The only variation is due to the earlier and more extensive ulceration and secondary infection of the superficial parts of the tumour. This gives rise to an infiltration of the tissues with neutrophile leucocytes, which are found mainly in the more superficial parts of the lesion, but are not seen attacking the caseous areas. The tissue reaction is very marked, being greater the larger the tumour. The caseous areas have the same microscopic appearance as those already described, but calcification has not been .- observed in “swamp cancer.” No very early lesion has been examined, so that it has not been possible to demonstrate any larval Nematode. In some cases spaces resembling worm canals have been observed. Ee 119 Possibly, however, these are blood vascular spaces that have been included in the necrotic area. The smallest lesion examined was one with a diameter approximately 2 cm. and a depth of about 6 mm. It was raised and had an ulcerated surface. Microscopically there was an extensive invasion of the tissues by eosinophile and neutrophile leucocytes, which were more crowded together in some areas, towards the centre of which typical necrosis had occurred. There were only very few necrotic areas present. The tissues were oedematous and haemorrhagic. The epidermis was in parts oedematous, and invaded by leucocytes. This change had led to ulceration with the formation of a vascular granulation tissue. Towards the edge of the lesion the epidermis showed considerable hypertrophic changes, the epithelium dipping deeply into the subcutaneous tissues, and showing numerous small processes. This hypertrophic change in the epithelium indicates an irritation of some standing. The necrotic areas were sometimes ill-defined and diffuse, and there was no attempt at encapsulation. Multinucleated cells were seen in several parts of the section. The whole lesion was examined in serial section and no larvae were discovered. The lesion, although a very small one, was probably of several weeks’ standing, and not as early as might be assumed from its size. A consideration of the hypertrophic changes in the epithelium, which must have been of several weeks’ duration, led to this conclusion. It may be mentioned here that there is a granulomatous condition affecting horses in the Solomon Islands known under the name of “swamp cancer.’ This condition is discussed else- where, and must not be confused with the “swamp cancer’’ of Northern Australia. DISCUSSION. There is a great similarity between the macroscopic and microscopic pathology of “swamp cancer” and habronemic granuloma as observed in Southern Australia. : The condition is undoubtedly a granuloma, and is due to a reaction on the part of the tissues to an invasion by some organism. It belongs to that type of reaction most commonly seen in animal tissues that have become invaded by some larval or adult verminous parasite. The reaction is so similar to that seen in some habronemic granulomata as to suggest that the condition is due to a similar cause. No larvae have been found in the tissues, but this is not proof that they have not been there at. some time, and that the tumour is not the result: of the invasion. At the same time there is no proof that larvae are responsible for the reaction. 120 Attention has already been drawn to the fact that the tissue reaction and necrosis found in habronemic granulomata are essentially the same as those found quite commonly in the internal organs of herbiverous animals following the death in the tissues of migrating parasites. Experience leads one to believe that a granuloma containing necrotic foci, showing a marked eosinophilic invasion and the formation of multi- nucleated cells, is due to the reaction of the tissues against an invasion by a larval or adult metazoan parasite, usually a Nematode. There seems to be no reason to suggest that “swamp cancer’’ offers an exception. It is now known that these lesions in the skin and external mucous membranes of the horse are most commonly due to a larval Habronema, and there is strong presumptive evidence that “swamp cancer” is due to a similar larva. It has already been shown that in older lesions larval Habronema cannot be demonstrated. It is difficult in a country like the Northern Territory of Australia to obtain early lesions, for the animals are not under constant super- vision. Lesions that have been sent to the present writer and described as early lesions have been found on examination-~to be small lesions, but of some standing. It seems almost certain that many of these small lesions would never develop into the large, chronic lesions. Their small size appears to depend upon the few necrotic areas present and a resistance on the part of the animal which is apparently absent in those animals which develop large, chronic lesions. Experimentally it has been shown that larvae belonging to all three species of Habronema are capable of penetrating the tissues for some distance from the point of.entry. At least two of these can set up a chronic irritation which leads to the formation of a granuloma containing necrotic foci. Experiment- ally it has also been shown that apparently the tissues of some animals offer a strong resistance to the presence of these larvae, and are capable of quickly destroying them before they are able to produce much reaction. It will be seen, therefore, that the possibility is that ‘swamp cancer’’ may be due to any one of the three species of Habronema. Evidence is not in favour, however, of the probability of “swamp cancer” being due to larvae of either H. muscae or H. megastoma. These two forms pass through their larval stages in Musca domestica, and as this fly is not usually to be found far afield, it seems probable that it is in no way associated with the occurrence of “swamp cancer.’’ It seems more probable that H. microstoma may be the species responsible for the lesion. As this species passes through its larval stage in Stomozys calcitrans there is more chance of horses in the field becoming inoculated with these 121 larvae than with those of the other two species. It has been shown experimentally that larvae of //. microstoma, although being able to set up a typical reaction with necrosis, quickly disappear in the tissues. If ‘‘swamp cancer’’ be due to the larval form of //. microstoma, it seems possible that this is one of the reasons for the failure so far to demonstrate the pres- ence of any larvae in the tissues. Also, as the presence in the skin of larvae of H. microstoma would apparently depend upon their inoculation by Stomoxys calcitrans, a super-infection would at least be uncommon ; therefore, one would not expect to find larvae only a few days old in an ulcerated lesion, as is possible in those due to the larvae of other species of Habronema. If “swamp cancer’’ is due to the final larval stage of H. microstoma as seen in Stomoxys calcitrans, then the probability of its demonstration in the lesions would appear to be somewhat remote. It seems possible also that ‘swamp cancer’ may be due to other species of Habronema carried by some other form of muscid such as Musca vetustissima, which may be found further afield than Musca domestica. If M. vetustissima were responsible one would expect to find lesions in the conjunctiva. As far as one is aware these have not been observed, nor have the lesions been observed on other external mucous membranes. Lesions have, however, been observed on the sheath and limbs, sites commonly attacked by Stomozys calcitrans, so that the suggestion that this fly may be responsible seems more likely to be true than the latter suggestion. The observations and experiments made by Lewis are of importance. He has shown that “swamp cancer’’ occurs on those parts of the body commonly attacked by Stomozys caleitrans. He has discussed the possibility of ‘“‘swamp cancer” being due to a verminous infection, but has come to the conclusion that it is improbable. He believes that the eosinophilia observed in the lesions is due to the reaction of the breaking-down epithelium, and calls the reaction a local eosinophilia. General eosinophilia may or may not be demonstrable, but im any case the eosinophile leucocytes found in the lesion have to be brought there by the circulating blood. Lewis is not very clear on the distinction he wishes to draw between a general and a local eosinophilia. Apparently he claims never to have found eosinophile leucocytes in the vicinity of verminous parasites. This is contrary to the experience of the present writer. It may be granted, however, that the presence of eosinophile leucocytes in a tissue is not always indicative of the presence of a verminous parasite. 122 Lewis is also of the opinion that the evidence is strongly opposed to the possibility of flies acting as the carrier of the infection. This conclusion is based on the fact that the number of biting flies in the Territory is considerable, but he has observed no preference on the part of the flies as to the portion of the horse to be attacked, whereas “swamp cancer’ lesions occur mainly about the legs and abdomen. He states, however, that the biting flies present are chiefly Tabanidae, and it is on observation of the presence and habits of these flies that he draws his conclusions. Lewis concludes that the probability is that the virus which causes the lesions “is normally a habitant of the swamps.” There seems to be some evidence to suggest that in swampy districts horses are more prone to the affection. This may possibly be explained, however, by the fact that in such areas horse dung is hable to remain longer in a moist state and be more attractive as a breeding ground for Stomoxys calcitrans. He has demonstrated that the condition is not contagious. His attempts to obtain micro-organisms by cultural methods failed, and all attempts to reproduce the lesions artificially by inoculation of portions of tumours from horse to horse gave negative results. These results are impor- tant, and are not incompatible with the hypothesis that the lesions are due to some verminous infection. Lewis himself admits that “the inability to reproduce the disease artificially from horse to horse suggests one of two things—either the presence of an intermediate host or carrier is necessary, or the appearance of the causative agent in the horse is an accidental phenomenon. .’ These conclu- sions actively support the above hypothesis, for if the lesions are due to a larval Habronema, the presence of an intermediate host or carrier is necessary, and, moreover, the appearance of the causative agent in the horse is, as far as we know, an accidental phenomenon. | “Swamp cancer’ occurs in horses in the field, but when these animals are brought in and placed on “hard food,’’ Lewis informs us, the tumours gradually disappear. If the granu- | lomata are due to a larval Habronema, this result is not very surprising, for in this case there is present no virus or micro- organism capable of multiplication in the tissues and of causing a progressive infection. If ‘‘swamp cancer’’ is due to a mould parasite, or some virus that is capable of multiplication in the tissues, this result is remarkable. If this be the case, it is also remarkable that necrotic areas do not increase in number and occur in all stages of development. Further, the failure of Lewis to transmit the disease from horse to horse can be taken as very strong evidence against the probability 123 of the condition being due to some micro-organism or virus capable of multiplication in the tissues. “Swamp cancer’ certainly shows a variation in non- essential characteristics from habronemic granulomata as seen in Southern Australia, but this is possibly due to several factors. In the first place, it is unlikely that “swamp cancer” is due to an invasion of larvae of either H. muscae or IH. megastoma. In the second place, horses running in the field, where the natural grasses are not always very nutritious, are likely to react differently from those kept on a highly nutri- tious diet (“hard food’’). In the third place, the climatic conditions would have a decided effect on the nature of the reaction to an invasion by a larval Habronema. In a previous publication the opinion was expressed that “swamp cancer” is almost certainly a variation of the affection observed in Southern Australia. After a more extensive experience in the examination of specimens, and after certain experimental studies, this opinion is still held. In conclusion, it may be said that there is strong pre- sumptive evidence to suggest that “‘swamp cancer’’ as observed in the northern parts of Australia is due to the invasion of the tissues by a larval Habronema, and that the species responsible is possibly H. microstoma, in which case it would most probably be introduced into the tissues by Stomowys calcitrans. D. SimrLarR GRANULOMATA AS FOUND OUTSIDE AUSTRALIA. 1. ‘‘Summer Sores.’’ This affection was first described, in 1850, by Bouley. Rivolta, in 1868, isolated a worm from the sores, and called it Dermofilaria irritans. Laulanié confirmed this discovery in 1884. Since that time many observations on “‘summer sores”’ have been published. The literature bearing on the subject has been reviewed by Railliet (1915). The affection has been variously named “summer sores,”’ “granular dermatitis,’ ‘““estival sores,” “granular sores,” and “esponja.” A typical lesion shows a granulomatous sore possessing small caseous nodules varying in size from that of a grain of millet to that of a pea. The lesions show variations in char- acter according to the country in which they occur, climate and other conditions, but the presence of the caseous nodules is characteristic. Resistance to treatment, chronicity, and an accompanying pruritus are also characteristic features of the affection. The parts most commonly affected are the extrem- ities, but the head and chest, and also the conjunctiva, are frequently the sites of lesions. , 124 The condition has been described as occurring mainly in India, Africa, and tropical America. For the most part the descriptions both of the pathology and the associated larvae have been neither very accurate nor full. Railliet in his report deals extensively with the researches of Descazeaux, who studied the condition in Brazil. Des- cazeaux conducted some careful observations, and his contribu- tion has considerably advanced our knowledge of the affection. The following is a brief summary of the description as given by Descazeaux : — ‘‘Summer sores’? appear during the summer; during the winter. these tumours disappear totally or in part, to reappear on the first return of heat. Three to 4 per cent. of horses and mules were found affected. The parts of the body most affected are the external surfaces of the extremities, the canon, the knee, and the lateral and superior parts of the neck. The condition is found in two stages. In the first stage the tumour is only inflammatory. Old lesions will again become active. The tumours are circular, non-adherent, and 1 to 1°5 cm. in thickness. In the second stage (15 to 20 days) the circular tumour varies in extent up to 30 cm. in diameter and 2 to 5 cm. in thickness; it is very fibrous and adherent to subjacent tissues, the superior part of the tumour being ulcerated. The tumour presents a tendency to enlarge. The surrounding skin is thickened, indurated, and elevated by a number of nodules, which soon ulcerate and become confluent. The ulcerated surface becomes covered by granulations. Pruritus is intense. The sores last six to nine months, and resist all treat- ment. Cold acts favourably upon them, and in the first months of the winter, if they are not very extensive, they may completely heal. If the sore is only in the first stage it will disappear in from four to six days. Pathological Anatomy.—At first the ‘‘Esponja’’ has the characteristics of an inflammatory tumour; it is very vascular and easily excised. Later the tumour becomes hard, fibrous, and infiltrated with calcareous ‘‘grains.’? On the cut surface these ‘‘orains’’? are seen to vary in size from that of a pin’s head to that of a pea, and they enucleate very easily. Microscopical.—The tumour in the first stage shows roughly three layers or areas—a deep layer formed by loose fibrous tissue and vascular spaces; a middle layer with little fibrous tissue but a considerable infiltration of leucocytes and eosinophiles; a superior layer formed chiefly of thickened fibrous tissue. In the middle, parasitic caseous areas are seen. These are oblong or round, measuring from 800 » to 900 uw in Iength by 300 « to 400 » in breadth. The worms are found in these necrotic areas, and vary from two to five in number. Some areas present a central cavity which was primarily occupied by the parasite. In tumours of the second stage it is difficult to find typical parasitic ‘‘tubercles.’’ The tumours consist mainly of dense fibrous tissue. Sometimes the débris of a parasite is seen. Descazeaux also gives a description of the ‘“parasite’’ which as Railliet has shown, he wrongly considered to be a mature female. This parasite he calls the “constant parasite,”’ as eg) lio, awa” 3 Bete eine, —_ —— 125 and describes it as being from 2°4 to 2°8 mm. long by 45 to 50 p broad, body filiform, terminating posteriorly in a_ blunt point furnished with bristles; cuticle striated longitudinally. In one sore he found, on dissecting the superficial part, five examples of a larva which he calls the “inconstant parasite.”’ This is described as being 900 p» long by 25 p broad, cuticle smooth, anus at the base of the tail, and vulva at the posterior third of the body. Railliet draws attention to the occurrence of cutaneous lesions in which larvae have been found, but which differ from the “‘constant parasite’ of Descazeaux. He recalls that Ercolani met with embryos of a Nematode in a horse on which were found “umbilicated crusts’? about 1 cm. broad and _ very adherent. The crusts implicated the entire thickness of the skin, and were localized at the lower surface of the body along the linea alba, where there were also many bare patches. In these crusts Ercolani found a small Nematode, which was characterized by keeping its caudal extremity doubled under the body and making frequent movements of abduction. He called the worm Trichina uncinata. Unfortunately no dimen- sions were given. Railliet remarks that Haubner described this condition under the name of “placoregma,” and that the affection, which has also been described by Cadeac, presents a very marked resemblance to “summer sores.” Railliet mentions that Buffard found embryos in oedematous plaques which somewhat resembled the lesions of dourine. These embryos measured 80 to 90 p» long by 3°5 to 4 » broad. Buffard believed these to be the embryos of Filaria papillosa (Setaria equina), but Railliet shows that he was mistaken. Railliet believes that the embryos found by Ercolani and Buffard are embryos of Habronema. | Further, Railliet believes that the “inconstant parasite” of Descazeaux is an early larval stage of Habronema, resem- bling stage 2 of H. muscae, as described by Ransom. Fayet and Moreau described a larva measuring 2°5 to 3°5 mm. long by 50 to 90 p broad, which possessed longitudinal striations, but spines on the caudal extremity were not mentioned. Railliet believes that if the larva really lacked the covering spines at the tip of the tail it would fall into one of the stages between 3 and 5 of H. muscae, as described by Ransom. The main part of Railliet’s paper deals with the classifica- tion of the larval Nematode found in “summer sores.’’ The fact that the larva possesses a spinous tip at the end of the tail has enabled Railliet to definitely place it in the super- family Spiruroidea. The larva corresponds closely to the sixth 126 wy larval stage of Habronema muscae, as observed by Ransom in Musca domestica. After discussing the findings of the various authors, Railliet comes to the conclusion that the Nematode of “sum- mer sores” is none other than a larva of Spiroptera of the genus Habronema. His general conclusions are as follows : — 1. The parasite of verminous dermatitis is an embryo or a larva of Habronema, which it is rational to ascribe to one of the three species of the genus living in the stomach of the horse. 2. The clinical forms of the affection vary in a certain measure with the stage of evolution of the parasite and with the climate. 3. It is probable that the infection of the horse occurs from without inwards by contact with manure, which harbours the embryos of Habronema rejected with the excrements, and that these embryos evolve in the skin as they do normally in the body of the fly. 4. It is possible also that the larvae escape from the proboscis of the fly in contact with the sores. More recently van Saceghem (1917) published a summary of some observations he had made on “granular dermatitis”’ as 1t occurs in equines at Zambi, Lower Congo. He found that the condition occurs only in animals kept in stables. The bedding was changed and the dung removed regularly from these stables. The disease is never localized in the hindquarters, but always in the fore quarters, on the legs, and the inner canthus of the eye. Lesions in other situations are rare. Equines which are allowed to live at liberty never present the disease. In a stable where several horses were affected with ‘summer sores’? he found that 20 per cent. of Musca domestica were infested with a Nematode larva 25 mm. long by 65 p» broad. The larva possessed an elongated, pointed, anterior extremity, and a blunt posterior end studded with bristles. The larvae showed no longitudinal striations. The larvae found in the sores were 50 p»p broad, and showed marked longitudinal striations. The lesions usually show a large number of calcified larvae and a few living ones. He says that there is thus a massive infection at a single point, and it is not very probable that these larvae are all conveyed during one short period of time to the same point. in a later communication, van Saceghem (1918) records the results of some experiments, and concludes that flies are the vectors of the Habronema larvae, and that the larva found 127 in the verminous nodules is an aberrant larva of //. muscae. In his earlier communication he says that in a few post- mortem examinations made at Zambi no specimens of //. megastoma were found. His conclusion was that H. megastoma was either absent or very rare at Zambi. In his experiment he, therefore, deposited larvae of Musca domestica on a freshly voided mass of dung from a horse “known to be infected with , H. muscae.’’ When the adult flies hatched out they were found to be infected with larvae in a proportion of 70 per cent. Larvae isolated from some of these flies and transferred on to the hair or shaved skin of a horse were found to die off rapidly and show no tendency to pierce the skin. When deposited on wounded surfaces covered with serous fluid they executed movements, and showed a marked tendency to become lodged in small crevices. He also deposited larvae in the inner canthus of the right eye of a horse which was kept isolated within an enclosure surrounded by fine mosquito netting. The animal subsequently became affected with conjunctivitis, and verminous nodules developed on the membrana nictitans. The left eye, which served as a control, showed no change. A further experiment was conducted in which two wounds were made in the skin of a horse; one wound was protected against flies and the other was left uncovered. The animal was placed in a stable in which 20 per cent. of the flies were infested with Habronema larvae. The unprotected wound became the seat of intense irritation, which caused the horse to bite itself. The wound became transformed into a char- acteristic “summer sore.”’ DISCUSSION. There can be no doubt that the etiology of the tumours found in Southern Australia and of those found elsewhere, and usually called “summer sores,”’ is the same. The larvae found in “summer sores’’ appear to be identical with those found in Southern Australia. Fayet and Moreau, Descazeaux and van Saceghem have all described the presence of longitudinal ridges in the cuticle, which also characterizes the larvae found here. Unfortunately the descriptions of the larvae have been very inaccurate, and in many cases they have been regarded as adult forms. It was not until recently that the etiology of the condition was established by Railliet in his interpretation of the work of Descazeaux. Although there are certain variations in the characters of the lesions, for the most part they are fairly constant. Those lesions in which embryos have been found do not appear to resemble a typical “summer sore‘ very closely. Railliet 128 believes that the clinical form of the malady may be in agree- ment with the stage of evolution of the parasite. There appears to be very little evidence to support Railliet’s theory, viz., that the lesions are due to the penetra- tion of the skin by embryos which develop as erratic parasites in an abnormal situation in undergoing an analagous develop- ment to that which they accomplish normally in the body of the fly. It has been shown experimentally that the final larval stage can produce a typical reaction, so, at least, this aberrant development does not appear to be necessary. It is possible that embryos may either penetrate the skin or become lodged in sores, where they may set up a tissue reaction, but there is no experimental evidence to support this assumption. Even if we assume the possibility of embryos of Habronema setting up a certain type of lesion in the skin, there appears to be little or no evidence to suggest that such embryos are capable of developing through their larval stages in this situation. Further, there is no proof that the embryos found by Ercolani in the one case, and by Buffard in the other, are embryos of Habronema. Embryos of Habronema are to be found in the faeces at all times of the year. If these embryos leave the faeces, and in penetrating the skin and their subsequent evolution they set up a typical “summer sore,”’ it is difficult to explain (1) the seasonal occurrence of the tumours and (2) the massive infec- tion at one point. The life-history of the three species of Habronema is of that type which involves a simple alternation between two hosts—one a vertebrate harbouring the adult and the other an invertebrate harbouring the larval stage. From a theoretical consideration it seems reasonable to assume that it is improb- able, should this alternation be broken, that the worm would be able to carry on its development. Before Railliet’s theory can be accepted it will require the support of more clinical and experimental evidence. The “inconstant parasite’ of Descazeaux, believed by Railliet to be an early larval form of Habronema resembling stage 2 of H. muscae as described by Ransom, is not definitely a larval Habronema. It was described by Descazeaux as a “larve strongyloide.’’ He described the anus as being open and situated at the base of the tail and a vulva situated at the posterior third of the body. The larva is 900 to 950 pu long by 25 » broad. It will be seen that the larva is approxi- mately only half the width of a Habronema larva. From an early stage resembling that of stage 1 of Ransom the growth » of Habronema larvae is mainly in length, the width or 129 diameter remaining approximately constant throughout. The presence of an open anus at the base of the tail is against its being a Habronema larva. 23 Trans. and Proc. Roy. Soe DISK SIGNS 6 7. 8 9 10 1] “ Treasury, “Lake Dwi S “Voke a “Crested “ Woman,’ “ Goddess “Man wal Child” | ae Y Vol. XLIIT., Plate XVIII. R TO DISK SIGNS PORTRA MARKIDES oO Head of “| or “Cap “ Rosette’ E “Boat” | Bird flyin | KA Ph PO A. R. del. “Bird settli JSSEY & GILLINGHAM LIMITEB PRINTERS & PUBLISHERS ADELAIDE, SO. AUS. Trans. and Proc. Roy. Soc. S. Austr . Vol. XLIIM., Plate XVIII. 1] | Bird settling down’ Lia A. R. del. DISK LATER CYPRIOTE SIGNS simitar To opisk sicns BGINISg. ob Ralls OF MYRES | DICESNOLA| PETRIE | ENCYC.BRIT.| EVANS MARKIDES “ Treasury,” or /\ “Lake Dwelling ”’ eax ‘S/ Sign is Tene 2 |‘ Yoke "reer way up ie th a i | ee M ae M ue MA ue 3 |“Crested Head” FO VO {723 PI fe K a) VO G Head of “ Votary,” + a he or ‘Captive PO PO : ty a eer “Woman,” or VV > |" Goddess” / | E 6 |“ Man walking ” DX cet I I I L Pulpecurid:” ¥ 8 | Rosette” ' E alk 9 |“ Boat ” | TE | LIN lb 10 | Bird flying away” Tt KA HUSSEY & GILLINGHAM LIMITEB PRINTERS & PUBLISHERS ADELAIDE, SO. AUS. Trans. and Proc. Roy. Soc. S Vol. XLITI., Plate XIX. DISK R TO DISK SIGNS SIGNS — PORTRAIT EV ans MARKIDES Vv 12 | Hide of so FA Animal” MA/, Cy pro- ? Minoan Later KE Cypriote 14 |“ Water” \\\ (AO NE as 13 |“Archer’s GF 15 |“ Fortress ” “Cat’s Head iol Bow” | cf | ZO a “Head of W 19 Sheep, or co 7 ate alee O HESS G 20 | Uncertain ae Pillar” NA NA A. R. del. Y & GILLINGHAN LIMITED PRINTERS & PUBLISHERS ADELAIDE, SO. AUS. Trans. and Proc. Roy. Soc. S. Austr. Vol. XLID., Plate XIX. DISK . LATER CYPRIOTE SIGNS simtar To pisk sicNs / SS | iN eS CF MYRES | DICESNOLA| PETRIE | ENCYC.BRIT.| | EVANS MARKIDES eNO 4 Vv “Hide of some ) (ean \ FA Animal in ~ nee iN w Cy pro- “Archer’s Glove”’ ’ Minoan Aly Later KE Cypriote ma aN “Water” {| (Graffito) O U “Fortress ” fr ~Cat'si Hiead” ES) : die, Ae DL (abe Wee Ses i “ Axe” L TA DA TA TA TA “Head of Wild LG Sheep, or Goat” J" 5] oe A 3 J RA JAMRA esPilian PUSSEY & GILLINGHAW LIMITEO PAINTERS & PUBLISHERS ADEI.AIDE, SO, Aub, Trans. and Proc. Roy. Soc. Vol. XLIEH., Plate XX. DISK R TO DISK SIGNS SIGNS ee EVANS. MARKIDES bo bo Plant,” or NZ VY oe O O O. @PA “Pig’s Head : 23 (Hempl oe", “Leather C RI (Macalis ma.) Bee,” or “ rAN RO 25 | “Fish” RA ae-Otus,” Or 26 6c“ Lily 9 (He 4d SE 27 i Phallic Or C4 es 28 |“ Mason’s S 29 30 (Evidently Moon and Star) | SU A.R. del. SEY & GILLINGHAM LIMITED, PRINTERS & PUBLISHERS ADELAIDE, SO. AUS. Trans. and Proc. Roy. Soc. S. Austr. Vol> Ghinl. Plate xexe DISK LATER CYPRIOTE SIGNS simitar to pisk sicns SIGNS _PORTRANTS oF | ~yrvees EVANS | MARKIDES iS) i) “Plant,” or “ Tree” Y Y y Y oe (Graffito) O O O. tPA “Pis’s Head” =~ (Hemp!) oy, A 23 “Leather Cutter” ~~, RI Hip Gio thine VA« =DO sw RO: TO: PA. PO: BA.. SI. LE: VO, ‘Sie Lreavdpov tot Hadow Pact r€us, z.e., ©*Of Eteandros the king of Paphos. "' A. ROWE. del. AM LIMITED, PRINTERS & PUBLISHERS ADELAIDE, SO, AUS. 155 DESCRIPTION OF PLATES. PuaTE XVI. THe PuHarEstos Disk—F ack ‘‘A.’’ Date c. 700 B.o. Provenance—Cyprus. Puate XVII. Tue Puarstos Disk—F ace ‘‘B.”’ . Prate XVIII. Later Cypriote Signs similar to Phaestos Disk Signs. Puate XIX. Later Cypriote Signs similar to Phaestos Disk Signs (contin. ). PLATE XX. Later Cypriote Signs similar to Phaestos Disk Signs (contin. ). PuateE XXI,. (a) Later Cypriote Signs similar to Phaestos Disk Signs (concluded ). (6b) Phaestos Disk Signs unlike Later Cypriote Signs. Prat XXII, (a) Equations of miscellaneous Cypriote Drawings, etc., with Phaestos Disk Signs (b) A typical inscription in Later Cypriote Characters, with transliteration, etc. 156 THE OCCURRENCE AND ORIGIN OF CERTAIN QUARTZ-. TOURMALINE NODULES IN THE GRANITE OF CAPE WILLOUGHBY. By C. E. Tittey, B.Sc., A.I.C., Demonstrator in Geology and Mineralogy, University of Sydney. (Communicated by Professor Walter Howchin.) [Read July 11, 1919.] Puates XXIII. anp XXIV. CONTENTS. Page. I. INTRODUCTION en PR ie % Reps owe |, II. GeneraL Description ae Bi hou III. THe Quartz-TouRMALINE opines ia ee A 5") IV. Summary... ap ni ros Mis sn tes I. INTRODUCTION. The present paper is devoted to a short description of an occurrence of some remarkable aggregates composed essenti- ally of quartz and tourmaline with felspar, which are developed in a mass of aplite intrusive into the granitic headland of Cape Willoughby, Kangaroo Island. The paper really forms part of a more extensive study of the petrology of the Cape Willoughby granite and its allied intrusions. The publication of these data is reserved for a later date. After a review of the occurrence, and reference to pre- viously published descriptions of similar aggregates at other localities, the probable mode of origin of the nodules is outlined. II. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE OCCURRENCE. Cape Willoughby consists of a large mass of granite intruded into a series of quartzites, quartz-mica-schists, and mica-schists of probably Cambrian Age. The granite is an even-grained rock consisting of quartz, microcline, plagioclase (oligoclase-andesine), and biotite. Under the microscope the accessories are seen to be muscovite, apatite, and. zircon. The most striking feature of the rock is the presence of sub- idiomorphic crystals of. quartz showing a remarkable blue opalescence. This granite occupies an area of approximately two square miles, and has a coastline length of about five miles. Into this granitic mass are intruded a highly interesting series of aplitic and pegmatitic rocks which are obviously 0 nae PO OS GO el Hy ae _ - 157 genetically related to the granite. The series comprises microcline aplites and a number of albite pegmatites (albitites), vz., quartz and muscovite albitites. These rocks traverse the granite in the form of dykes, and also as irregular masses, and represent the later stages of the crystallization of the granitic magma. _ The microcline aplite intrusive mass is the home of the quartz-tourmaline nodules now under discussion. This aplite, known as the ‘‘Pink Aplite,’’ occurs as a large intrusive mass along the coast adjacent to the Cape Willoughby Light- house. Its intrusive nature is well marked, the junction with the granite being well defined. The mass shows a rather ‘variable texture throughout its extent. The greater part is of very fine grain, but in part this grades into a coarser variety, in which are developed phenocrysts of blue quartz, and the ferromagnesian mineral biotite also makes its appearance. The aplite has been fissured, and along these fissures quartz veins have been intruded. Associated with these veins occurs a zone of altered aplite consisting essentially of quartz and a lght-greenish mica. This is a greisen. A further pneumatolytic change is the production along fissures of white kaolin. At the south end of the mass there are developed, in the very fine-grained variety, numerous patches, in cross section’ roughly hexagonal to elliptical. On examination these patches, or nodules, are seen to consist mainly of quartz and tourmaline. The minerals recognized in the aplite are quartz and felspar. Microscopically the minerals present are quartz, microcline, plagioclase (albite), and, as accessories, biotite, much chloritized, and muscovite. Kaolin and _ secondary mica accompany the felspars as alteration products. In the fine-grained varieties of aplite, biotite and muscovite are usually absent, the development of these minerals being relegated to the coarser varieties. The aplite is remarkable for the presence of occasional granophyric phenocrysts of quartz and microcline, and micro- graphic intergrowth of these two minerals is displayed, more especially in the coarser varieties. In parts of the finer- grained types the fabric approaches the type ‘‘granulitic,’’ characteristic of some aplites. III. THE QUARTZ-TOURMALINE NODULES. These nodules, on account of their mineralogical com- position, resist the attack of the normal agents of weathering 158 and, as a consequence, stand out in relief from the aplite in which they are enclosed. They occur apparently quite irregularly arranged in the mass, but appear with few excep- tions to be confined to the finer-textured variety of the aplite. In section, as seen on the rock face, they appear more or less elliptical, although some are really hexagonal. The form taken by the majority of the nodules is, however, an ellipsoid. In size they are slightly variable, but the greater number have diameters, approximately, of 2 in., or slightly less. A number of thin sections of these nodules was cut, and microscopical examination showed them to consist, essenti- ally, of quartz, felspar, and tourmaline.. The nodules show the general texture of the surrounding aplite. Tourmaline is abundant, and is characteristically developed in the act of replacing the microcline and albite felspar. All stages of replacement can be traced, from the initial stages to complete replacement. Minute arms of tourmaline stretch, at intervals, through the felspar, isolating portions of the one felspar from each other, in just such a way as to prove the development of tourmaline from the felspar. The tourmaline shows strong pleochroism, and is of blue colour of varying shades, tending to brownish-green. This is the blue aluminous tourmaline characteristic of felspar derivation.”) Minute amounts of muscovite may be associated with the tourmaline. The process of replacement described is well shown in the microphotos which accompany this paper. Quartz is pre- sent in clear grains with minute inclusions, and the felspar still unreplaced is heavily dusted with kaolin. Some quartz, especially towards the centres of the nodules, is probably secondarily produced during pneumatolysis. In some nodules the amount of replacement of felspar grains by tourmaline becomes more complete as the centre 1s approached. At the centre the remnant of a felspar grain may only be represented by a shred at the periphery, or a shred in the interior of the tourmaline grain. The proportion of quartz in such cases may increase at the centre, suggestive of silica being derived from the felspar interaction. Nodules somewhat similar to those just described have been previously noted by investigators of the Tasmanian Geological Survey. Waller noted their occurrence in an aplite from Mount Heemskirk, Tasmania. More recently L. L. Waterhouse has also described similar nodules in the (1) Cf. Mem. Geol. Surv. Eng. and Wales, 1909, p. 60; Scrivenor: Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. lix., 1903, p. 151. (2) Waller: Report on the Tin Ore Deposits of Mount Heems- kirk, Geol. Surv. Tas., Sept., 1902, p. 4. E— or er 7 = 159 Stanley River District, and has examined in more detail those occurring in the Mount Heemskirk acid intrusives.(4) The descriptions given by these two investigators agree, fairly closely, with the nature of the occurrence at Cape Willoughby. The presence of small amounts of cassiterite, the absence of felspar from the centre, and the frequent presence of a central cavity, seem to be the principal points of distinction between the Tasmanian and Willoughby examples. In discussing the origin of these nodules, both writers reach the conclusion that the nodules represent segregations of quartz and tourmaline. To quote Waterhouse, ‘‘They are due to the operation of magmatic differentiation in the original magma, the minerals now forming these nodules having gradually segregated and solidified as cooling pro- ceeded.”’ Apparently, similar nodules are developed in aplites associated with the granitic batholith of the Elkhorn District, Montana, as described by Barrell. Knopf also describes nodules from aplite in the same region, but south of Montana city.” These aplites are regarded as differentiates of the same batholith of quartz-monzonitic type, common to the Elkhorn and Helena Districts. The nodules contain quartz orthoclase, and tourmaline; but in neither case is the rela- tionship of the tourmaline to the felspar clearly indicated. Both Barrell and Knopf evidently regard them as segrega- tions from the liquid aplitic magma; ¢.g., Knopf states, ‘‘The tourmaline-quartz-orthoclase segregations are regarded as imprisoned and congealed globules of this final differentiate.’’ In the case of the Cape Willoughby nodules, the view that they are segregation products of earlier crystallization cannot be accepted. Microscopic and other evidence tends to show that they are, indeed, strictly pneumatolytic products. In the slides is to be seen the very act of replacement of felspar by tourmaline. The texture and composition of the nodule, apart from the presence of the tourmaline, suggests that the nodule has developed im situ. It has been mentioned above that the nodules are almost entirely relegated to the finer-textured variety of the main aplite. Similar circum- stances surround the Tasmanian occurrences, where Water- house, in referring to their occurrence, says,(®) ‘“‘In the field (3) L. L. Waterhouse: Bull. No. 15, Geol. Surv. Tas., 1914, (4) L. L. Waterhouse: Bull. No. 21, Geol. Surv. Tas., 1916, (6) Loe, cit., p. 28. (6) J. Barrell: 22nd Ann. Report U.S.G.S., 1901, pp. 542, 543. (7) A. Knopf: Bull. 527, U.S.G.S., 1918, pp. 34, 35, 53. iS) Lec. cit., p. 29. p. 28 p. 71 160 these nodules were not observed in the coarser-grained granite ; they appear to be confined to the finer-grained varieties”’ ; and again,(9 ‘““Their home is in the fine-grained tourmaline granite and the white granite, and it is in the former that they undoubtedly reach their maximum development.”’ The author, after consideration of the occurrence at Cape Willoughby, suggests that the following processes have co-operated in their production :— The crystallization of the main mass of granite was followed by the production of fissures and joints as a result of contraction through cooling. Into these fissures was in- jected the still liquid residue of the magma enriched in mineralizers, and forming what are now the aplites. The sudden injection of a highly fluid mass charged with volatile products, primarily water with other mineralizers, would, the fissure being spacious enough, provide an avenue of temporary escape for the more volatile products. A magma of this nature is thus characterized by a remarkable mobility of equilibrium. It is possible that, at this stage, the principal mineralizer, water, was present, partly as a gas, below its critical temperature. (10) The increased magma space thus originating through fissuring, the resultant effects are :— (1) A reduction of pressure due to expansion of the gas phase; concurrently a reduction of the con- centration of the volatile components in the hquid magma. (2) An increase in the viscosity of the silicate liquid due to reduction of the active mass of the mineral- izers in the liquid. 7 (3) Increasing the crystallization temperatures or freezing points of the silicates in solution. [It is to be noted here that a lowering of freezing point generally accompanies a reduction of pressure, but this effect must. be enormously outweighed by the decreased fusibility (solubility) consequent on diminished concentration of vola- tile components. This latter effect apears to have been ignored or denied by some petrologists, e.g., Schweig “) even ©) Loe: ett., No. 21 or 73: (10) It does not follow from this that the temperature was below 870° C.—the critical temperature for pure water. A gas dissolved in a mixture of non-volatile components has a higher critical temperature than it possesses in the pure state. This elevation of the critical temperature is analogous to the elevation of boiling point by dissolved substances. (11) M. Schweig: Neues Jahrbuch Beil., Bd. 17, 1903, p. 516, et. seq. 161 develops an hypothesis of differentiation of voleanic rocks in large part based on the lowering of freezing point accom- panying reduction of pressure due to ejection of magmas. The phenomenon of resorption, common in phenocrysts of hypabyssal and volcanic rocks, has also been attributed by some writers to a reduction in pressure consequent on injec- tion or eruption. There can be little doubt that this lowering, which never exceeds a few degrees per 1,000 atmospheres, (12) is enormously overweighed by the decreased fusibility conse- quent on removal of volatile components. (5) | Owing to the loss of volatile constituents and to a minor degree of changing temperature, equilibrium would be yiolently disturbed, and the residual magma conditions would become unstable. Some of the components of the fluid pre- viously near or at their freezing point would then become undercooled,“*4) and with a magma of aplitic composition the spontaneous crystallization of quartz and felspar would ensue. (12) Uniform pressure, of course, is Peete Wee) The differential effects of uniform and non-uniform pressure are dis- cussed in detail by Johnston and Adams. Amer. Jour. Sci., 35, 1913, 205. (13)G. Morey: Jour. Amer. Chem. Soc., pt. i., 36, 1914, 215. The influence of water at a high temper ature on the melting point of silicates is well exemplified in the work of Morey on ‘‘New Crystalline Silicates of Potassium and Sodium, their preparation and general properties.’’ The case is instanced of potassium silicate which when dry melts at 1015° C., yet yields in the pre- sence of water in a closed vessel at temperatures of 500° C. to 400° C. perfectly fluid (liquid) solutions containing 8-25% water. The results of these experiments at high temperatures and pressures are definite, and in full agreement with the existing physico-chemical theory as oven to solutions at ordinary temperatures and pressures. ere can be little doubt, therefore, that the melting depression is dependent on the concentration of the volatile component. (14) This undercooling is clearly shown diagrammatically in the temperature-concentration freezing point curve of a binary solution water-silicate, where P = original composition of the magma and Q= changed composition of the magma. P' represents the magma of ‘com- position P starting to crystallize, or, near the point of crystallization. The point Q’ represents the temper- ature and composition of the magma which is thus undercooled, with respect to the silicate, although the temperature ‘has but — slightly changed. The Wlustration is, of course, purely diagrammatic, and is not complete for the solution in question (water-silicate). G 162 On account:of the viscosity the actual size of the crystals would be small, for diffusion currents would not move sufficiently rapidly to supply the growing crystal. The conditions above described probably represent the “‘labile’’ state of undercooling, as described by Ostwald and Miers.5) The micropegmatite, on this view, represents the composition of the hypertectic rather than the eutectic point. Near the summit of the fissure chamber, crystallization would be initiated, as this is the point of maximum under- cooling due to the combined effects of cooling and of diminished volatile components in the liquid magma. Concurrently with the initiation of crystallization, at the top of the fissure chamber, the reduction in pressure of the volatile phase would initiate the formation of bubbles of gas or vapour, predominantly, water dissolved in the liquid magma and other volatile mineralizers, among which were compounds of boron (boric acid). These would originate throughout the depth of the fissure chamber and, viscosity - permitting, would gradually rise in the magma chamber, enlarging both by reduction in pressure during upward move- ment and, possibly, by coalescence of two or more bubbles. At this stage the magma chamber is pictured as filled with a more or less. viscous silicate liquid, crystallization having developed at its summit and, forming a network of crystals, gradually extending downwards, and, at the same time, ascending bubbles of gases (mineralizers) present in its lower layers. With the removal of anhydrous minerals at the crystallization level, additional gases would probably be set free. The bubbles, in ascension, on reaching the network of solid crystals of quartz and felspar would attach themselves to these in the form of bubbles. The gases released on crystallization would do likewise. The fissure magma is now pictured as a partially fluid mass containing a network of crystal silicates, some of which are enveloped in bubbles of the gas phase... It is probable that these might occupy definite restricted horizons of the fissure chamber. The volatile components present in the gas phase are assumed to have been, predominantly, water and boric acid. With a further reduction in temperature these mineral- izers take up an active rdle and enter upon a destructive stage. The felspar becomes unstable, and in an interaction with boron compounds tourmaline is produced im situ, the felspar being partially or completely replaced, according to (15) Vide the numerous papers by Miers and his co-workers. References to these are quoted by A. Harker, Natural History of Igneous Rocks, p. 208. 163 the concentration of the active gases. Quartz would, of course, be unattacked; but silica would probably be released in the interaction with felspar. With a still further reduc- tion, the remaining gases would be dissolved or condensed. The process would have initiated before final and complete consolidation took place, and the accompanying excess of alkalies, from the felspar interaction, would diffuse into the still liquid residue, partly surrounding the gaseous bubble. For the Cape Willoughby quartz-tourmaline nodules the following data are in accord with the hypothesis outlined in the previous pages for their manner of origin :— (1) The pneumatolytic origin of the tourmaline. (2) The development of the nodules in, and their practical relegation to, the finer-grained variety of the red aplite. (3) The composition and texture of the nodule in which the tourmaline is replacing the felspar is identical with that of the associated aplite. (4) The general ellipsoidal character of the nodules. As denoting their manner of origin, it is suggested that the name “Pneumatolith’ be attached to such pseudo- segregations occurring in rocks, and which owe their existence primarily to pneumatolytic processes. From the published descriptions of the Montana nodules previously noted, the exact relationship of the tourmaline to the orthoclase felspar associated with it is not clear, but the description of Barrell “6 is suggestive of the tourmaline being of pneumatolytic origin. A study of the literature on the mode of occurrence of tourmaline indicates that this mineral does, occasionally, appear pyrogenetically. This is especially so where it is present as an accessory uniformly distributed through granites or aplites. It is, therefore, possible that segregations of quartz and pyrogénetic tourmaline can occur, Through the kindness of Mr. W. H. Twelvetrees, Govern- ment Geologist of Tasmania, I have been able to obtain a number of nodules from the Heemskirk District: for micro- scopical examination. A number of these have already been described by Waller and Hogg.(”) The sections examined by the writer consist essentially of quartz and tourmaline, felspar being absent. Macro- scopically it has been recognized in one nodule, and is represented by kaolin. (16) Loc. cit., Sup., p. 543. (17) Waller ahd Hogg: Papers Proc. Roy. Soc. Tas., 1902, pp. 1438-156. me G2 . 164 On slicing the nodules a number of empty cavities occur on the face and are distributed throughout the nodule. Whether these represent the spaces originally occupied by felspar is not clear. Under the microscope, the quartz is seen to have crystallized in_ well-developed crystals. Numerous sections are shown as hexagonal or rhombic. This idiomorphism of the quartz is the most striking characteristic of the slides. Consequently the tourmaline is present as grains moulded on the quartz. In some cases the moulding is developed as to yield a rude type of poikilitic fabric. Occasionally the tourmaline may also be developed in prism- atic idiomorphs. The pleochroism of the tourmaline is strong, the characteristic variation being from bluish-green to light-brown yellow. In any one grain the colour varia- tion may be considerable; this variation is, usually, irregu- larly developed in patches. The colour may also vary zonally. The origin of these Tasmanian nodules is not as clearly demonstrable as of those already described from Cape Willoughby, in which the process of pneumatolysis is actually seen in progress. The evidence so far revealed, however, .is that the Tasmanian nodules are essentially of miarole origin. On this view come into line :— (1) The’striking idomorphism of the constituent quartz. (2) The presence of a central cavity in many of the nodules. . (3) The very general occurrence of cassiterite, either as a trace or in appreciable amount, and, in some nodules, of fluorite. The nodules are thus referable to a comparatively late stage in the. crystallization of the aplitic magma, rather than representing early segregation products. The associations (2) and (3), noted above, are regarded as strong evidence of their late miarole-pneumatolytic origin.‘ The origin thus out- lined, while not identical with that described for the Cape Willoughby examples, is closely analogous to it. SuMMARY. I. The quartz-tourmaline nodules are developed in. a mass of aplite intruding the Cape Willoughby granite. II. The nodules consist essentially of quartz, tourmaline, and felspar (microcline and albite). The tourmaline is in process of replacing the felspar, and is evidently of pneumato- lytic origin. III. The mode of origin of the nodules is discussed, and it is shown that they cannot represent segregations of earlier formed crystals from the aplitic magma. Trans. and Proc. Roy. Soc. S. Austr. Vol. XLITIT., Plate XXIII. Fig. 2. EUSSEY & GILLINGHAM LiAiTED, PRINTERS & PUBLISHERS ADELAIDE, SO. AUS. i. 4 Al : é tue 7? en a - $ ‘ i: . } , + , : ai. } | ‘ ‘ v . y = ; r Ff ‘ Y 1 : ne | y \ . ‘ { ee " ‘ = ry: : - = * 7 , 4 a ‘ : z A ea Vu ate P| XLITI., Vol. Trans. and Proc. Roy. Soc. S. Austr. Bigs ). Kies? HUSSEY & GILLINGHAM LIMITED, PRINTERS & PUBLISHERS ADELAIDE, SO. ALS. 165 IV. A mode of origin, in situ, is suggested which is in harmony with the evident pneumatolytic replacement that has occurred. V. As denoting their manner of origin, it is suggested that the name ‘‘Pneumatolith’ be attached to such pseudo- segregations occurring in igneous rocks and which owe their existence, primarily, to pneumatolytic processes. VI. The evidence of the Tasmanian nodules, while not as clearly delineated as in the Cape Willoughby examples, is strongly suggestive of miarole origin. Their formation is then referable to a late stage in the crystallization of the magma. The origin is distinct from the hypothesis of “segre- gation,’ and is closely related to the origin described for the Cape Willoughby nodules. The author is indebted to Mr. W. R. Browne, B.Sc., for helpful discussion during the preparation of this paper. DESCRIPTION OF PLATES. Pratt XXIII. Fig. 1. Photograph of a typical quartz-tourmaline nodule. The general ellipsoid shape of the nodule is apparent. A portion of the aplite is attached to its upper rear surface. Natural size. Fig. 2. Section of a quartz-tourmaline nodule showing the replacement of felspar by tourmaline. The tourmaline can be seen as a network through the felspar, isolating sections of the one felspar from each other. Magn. x 45 diameters. PruatE XXIV. Fig. 1. Another section. The clear areas are quartz. Magn. x 45 diameters. Fig. 2. A portion of fig. 1 enlarged to show the replacement of the felspar by the strings of tourmaline. Magn. x 80 diameters. 166 NOTES ON SOME MISCELLANEOUS COLEOPTERA, WITH DESCRIPTIONS OF NEW SPECIES.—PART V. By Artuur M. Lua, F.E.S., Museum Entomologist. [Contribution from the South Australian Museum.] [Read September, 12, 1919.] Puates XXV."1ro XOX ie Many interesting ants'-nest species are recorded in the present part, this being especially due to the efforts of Mr. J. S. Clark, in Western Australia, and Mr. F. Erasmus Wilson, in Victoria; others were also received from Messrs. W. and E. F. du Boulay (sons of the late F. du Boulay), from New South _ Wales and Western Australia; E. H. Zeck, New South Wales; H. W. Brown, Western Australia; R. J. Burton, A. HE Elston, and B. A. Feuerheerdt, South Australia; and F. P. Dodd and H. Hacker, Queensland. Mr. Clark paid much attention to nests of the common twig-mount ant, Zridomyrmex conifera, Forel,® which builds mounds of small leaves and twigs that may often be fired. Shortly after he began the examination of the nests he wrote of them :—‘“‘To date I have taken home fourteen nests, ants and all, and have very carefully sieved the lot. I cannot tell you all I have found, but I have 16 specimens of Cryptodus, 28 Articerus, 7 Scydmaenidae, 2 Ptinidae, 2 (?). I feel very pleased so far, as all the specimens, except Crypto- dus, are quite new to me._ I have also examined carefully six deserted nests of the same ants, but, except the Cryptodus, have found nothing. With this nest I find little in the top, or mound part of the twigs; I lift it right off, and drop it into a bag, then dig the ground out a foot deep into other bags, and number all the same, and I find that most of the beetles, etc., are on the top of the ground just under the twigs, and extending not more than three inches underground.” Mr.’ Clark subsequently examined many other nests of the species, and found in them many other true inquilines, some of which are here recorded; but he also obtained other specimens that are certainly not true inquilines, his thorough method of search rendering it probable that some of the specimens taken in the nests were victims of the ants; nevertheless, it is desir- able to put on record the names of such specimens. Recently he wrote:—‘‘I was sieving twig-mound nests most of the (1) Name received from Prof. Wheeler. 167 holidays, and from two nests took 13 Chlamydopsis inquilina, 4 Bnasiba tristis, 10 Seydmaenus, but I have not tried to count the various Articerus, Yctrephes, and Staphylinidae.’’ Many of his takings of the Staphylinidae I hope to record at a later date ; he also took some remarkable small flies and bugs. Having recent occasion to examine many of the large wheat-stacks in New South Wales, Victoria, and South Aus- tralia, several introduced species of beetles, not previously recorded from Australia, were found in greater or less abund- ance; for the names of several of these 1] am indebted to Mr. G. J. Arrow, of the British Museum. HYDROPHILIDAE. PSEUDOHYDROBIUS FLAVUS, N. sp. Flavous, some parts tinged with red. Upper-surface polished, under-surface subopaque, and very finely pubescent. Head with small and rather dense punctures, clypeus -with still smaller punctures, its suture distinct only at sides ; labrum very small. Apical joint of maxillary palpi shghtly longer than the subapical. Prothorax with shghtly larger punctures than on head. L/ytra with slightly larger punctures than on head, and with series of somewhat larger ones. Length, 3-4°5 mm. Hab.—New South Wales: Blue Mountains (Blackburn’s Collection), Wentworth Falls (A. Simson), Mount Victoria, Wollongong, Sydney, National Park (A. M. Lea), Richmond River (A. J. Coates); Queensland: Stradbroke Island (J. H. Boreham and H. Hacker), Mapleton (Hacker), Cairns (F. P. Dodd and Lea). Type, I. 8214. Much smaller and paler than florico/a, but with similar outlines; and, like that species, it may be taken from flowers (especially of the genus Leptospermum) producing nectar in abundance. The seriate punctures on the elytra are close together and moderately distinct, but not in striae, but there is a distinct sutural stria from the middle to the apex. PSELAPHIDAE. LEANYMUS MIRUS, N. sp. Pl xxv.,ifies: As: 3. Light castaneous, antennae (eleventh joint excepted) somewhat darker. Moderately clothed with short, pale pubescence. Head with three small foveae or large punctures triangu- larly placed: two between eyes and one in front. Antennae long, first joint cylindrical, about as long as three following combined, second—tenth subequal in length, the ninth and 168 tenth slightly increasing in width, eleventh about as long as ninth and tenth combined and much wider. Palpi with two spiniform processes on apical joint, one on the penultimate, and two on the antepenultimate. A spiniform process also on the cardo of the maxillae. Prothorax strongly and evenly convex; punctures very minute. Jlytra strongly convex ; with a deep stria on each from middle of base to middle of disk, where it abruptly terminates ; punctures sparse and small. Metasternum with a conspicuous oblique process on each side of middle. Abdomen with apical segment encroached upon by pygidium, this with a small fovea and several feeble nodes. Front legs with a spine on coxa and trochanter, femora rather stout, tibiae thin and bisinuate; middle tibiae thin, the hind ones thin and with a deep apical notch. Length 18-2 mm. Q. Differs in having somewhat shorter antennae, metas- ternum unarmed, under-surface of abdomen not encroached upon by pygidium and legs somewhat shorter, with the front tibiae no more sinuous than the middle ones, and the hind . ones not notched. | Hab.—Queensland: Cairns district (A. M. Lea). Type, I. 10650. The processes on the metasternum are joined together at the base, at the apex each is obtusely bifid, although the cleft is very feeble on some specimens. From some directions the terminal joint of the antennae of the male appears to be regularly ovate, from others it is seen to be somewhat produced on one side of the base. The figures of L. palpalis () will give a good general idea of this remarkable insect, but it differs from that species in being smaller, apical joint of antennae paler than the preceding ones, and none black, armature of the metasternum notched, front tibiae bisinuate and hind ones notched. As on that species both sexes have the front coxae and trochanters armed. The notched hind tibiae even more clearly indicate the affinity of the genus with Palimbolus (Didimoprora), near which, despite the very different palpi, it was referred from the only other known species by Raffray ; the spiniform process is so near the other part, however, that the notch could be easily overlooked. Five specimens were obtained by sieving fallen leaves at Malanda, of which one is a female, 94 other specimens, all males, were obtained at lights. ARTICERUS SUBCYLINDRICORNIS, Nn. sp. Pl) xavier ya d. Dark castaneous, disc of elytra paler. Moderately clothed with short, pale pubescence, denser on metasternum (2) Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 1900, pl. x., figs. 5 and 6. 169 than elsewhere ; a few hairs on abdomen, and a conspicuous fascicle on each side of base of its upper-surface, its excavated portion glabrous. Head rather stout and finely granulate, with a vague median line; with a short subtriangular projection from mouth. Antennae not much longer than head, feebly dilated from near base to apex, circular in transverse section. Prothorax subquadrate, front angles rounded off, with a fairly large top-shaped fovea, surface granulate as head. /lytra densely and finely punctate; subsutural striae distinct. Abdomen with a wide and deep excavation at base of upper-surface, the excavation widely and shallowly encroach- ing on middle of convex portion; its under-surface incurved from apex to base, apex strongly encroached upon by pygidium, which is foveate. Prosternwm with a conspicuous median keel between apex and coxae. Metasternum unarmed. SMemora moderately stout, unarmed; front trochanters feebly dentate ; tibiae thickened at apex, the middle ones feebly produced at inner apex. Length, 2-2°25 mm. @. Differs in having slightly shorter antennae, under- surface of abdomen evenly convex, the pygidium non-foveate, metasternum less depressed posteriorly, its clothing no denser than elsewhere, and the legs unarmed. Hab.—Western Australia: Swan River, many specimens from nests of Zridomyrmex conifera (J. 8. Clark). Type, T. 10626. In size and general appearance somewhat resembling A. eylindricornis, but there are many differences of the head, under-surface, and legs, the antennae are shorter and stouter, and are feebly dilated from the base to the apex. The meta- sternum of the male is flattened and somewhat depressed posteriorly, its dense clothing causes the flat space to appear ‘conspicuously triangular, and at each corner of the base of the triangle there is a feeble fascicle that has the appearance of a small tooth. The feeble armature of the legs (confined to the middle tibiae and front trochanters) is very unusual in the males of Articerus. ARTICERUS WILSONI, Nn. sp. Pi xxv., figs. 5 and. 6. 3d. Castaneous, some parts slightly darker than others, basal half of antennae darker than apical half. Clothing as described in preceding species. Head very short, part in front of eyes slightly wider than -long, a shallow depression in middle between eyes, on each side ef which is a minute black elevation ; surface finely granulate. Antennae circular in transverse-section, basal half narrow and 170 lightly curved, then strongly dilated with the apex truncate. Prothorax subquadrate, front angles rounded off; with a large median fovea from base to near apex; basal half granulate, apical half punctate. Hlytra with dense and moderately strong punctures, becoming smaller posteriorly; subsutural striae distinct. Abdomen with a wide and deep excavation at base of upper-surface, the excavation semicircularly encroaching upon middle of convex portion; its under-surface strongly incurved from apex to base. Metasternum ridged along middle, the ridge terminating near apex in a small acute tooth. Front tzb:ae with a feeble tooth near inner apex; middle femora stouter than the others; trochanters strongly dentate, tibiae with a small outer tooth near middle, and a ~ narrow flange at the outer apex, inner apex with an acute tooth almost in line with the flange; hind legs thinner than the others and unarmed. Length 2-225 mm. @. Differs in having the under-surface of abdomen convex, and the metasternum and legs unarmed. Hab.—Victoria: Eltham, in nests of ants under stones, July and August, 1918 (F. E. Wilson). Type, I. 10627. One of the most distinct species in the genus. In my table it would be associated with A. hamatipes, on account of the middle tibiae, but the armature is very different: on that species 1t consists of a conspicuous dentiform flange about the middle, on this species there is a small median tooth, but the apex is armed both internally and externally; the tooth of the front tibiae is feeble and invisible from most directions, it is also partly concealed by clothing. The fascicles on the upper-surface of the abdomen are rather larger than usual, and on its under-surface there are some small, median ones that from some directions look like small teeth. The two minute black spots between the eyes are fairly distinct; similar spots may be traced on most species of the genus. The only female examined has been returned to Mr. Wilson, together with one of the males. ARTICERUS MESOSTERNALIS, nN. sp. Pl. xxv, fiesxamnid se: dg. Rather dark castaneous, disk of elytra somewhat paler. Clothing as described in subcylindricornis. I1ead moderately long and (except for eyes) almost parallel-sided, densely granulate. Antennae rather thin and cylindrical, circular in transverse section, apical portion slightly dilated and truncate. Prothorar subquadrate, front angles rounded off; with a comparatively small and narrow medio-basal fovea; granules as on head, but punctate about apex. Hlytra densely punctate; subsutural striae distinct. 171 Abdomen with a large deep excavation at base of upper- surface, its middle semicircularly encroaching upon middle of convex portion ; under-surface slightly incurved from apex to base, apex encroached upon by pygidium, the latter with a subtriangular fovea. Mesosternwm with an acute subconical process between coxae. Metasternum convex along middle, but unarmed. Middle t:dcae with a small subtriangular pro- cess at inner apex, legs otherwise unarmed. Length, 1°75 mm. Hab.—Western Australia: Beverley, from a nest of a small black Jridomyrmex (E. F. du Boulay). Type (unique), I. 10644. 3 Somewhat like A. femoralis on an enlarged scale, or A. subcylindricorms on a reduced one; from both readily distinguished by the armed mesosternum. From some direc- tions there appears to be a feeble shining median line on the head. ARTICERUS DUBOULAYI, Waterh. Fl. xxv.,) igs: 9 to 12. Mr. E. F. du Boulay has recently taken at Beverley specimens of a species that. appears to be duboulayi; they differ in some respects, however, from the original description and figure (it is to be noted also that the figure differs in some respects from the description). In the figure the fovea on the pronotum only represents its deepest part, it really occupies about half the width, and more than half the length of that segment. The antennae and front legs agree from some direc- tions with the figure; but, as noted by Waterhouse, the former look very different from other points of view. The femora of the male were described as ‘‘much incrassated in the middle and somewhat compressed’’ but they are not so figured, and on the males before me it is only the middle femora that are much incrassated, and they are also bidentate. The hind tibiae from some directions agree with the description, but from others they are seen to be armed with a tooth behind the insertion of the tarsi, as a result, from some directions, the apex appears bifid; the apical portion is also clothed with golden hairs. The front and hind trochanters are briefly dentate, the middle ones are unarmed. The metasternum is ridged along the middle, the ridge becoming acute posteriorly, and shortly before its apex armed with a small tooth, on each side of the ridge the surface is strongly depressed. The under- surface of the abdomen has a depression on each side of the base, with a ridge between; between the apex of the ridge and the pygidium is another depression ; there are also a few small fascicles. The female differs from the male in having antennae shorter, straighter, and without subapical notch, metasternum and under-surface of abdomen evenly convex, 172 and the upper-surface of the latter less conspicuously notched at the sides, legs unarmed and middle femora no stouter than the others. The strongly-inflated middle femora of the male associates the species with twmzdus in my table, but the two species are otherwise very dissimilar. ARTICERUS CONSTRICTIVENTRIS, Lea. Specimens of this species have recently been taken by Mr. R. J. Burton in South Australia (Murray River) and by Mr. W. W. Froggatt in New South Wales (Hay). The male, hitherto unknown, differs from the female in having the pygidium encroaching upon the under-surface of the abdomen, and this is widely, shallowly, and somewhat irregularly de- pressed along the middle; the metasternum is convex along the middle, the convexity abruptly declivous posteriorly, and marked at its summit by a short process that is almost con- cealed by golden pubescence, the front tibiae are armed by a minute apical tooth, and the hind ones have a long apical bristle. (both middle tibiae are missing from the only male before me). ARTICERUS PASCOEUS, Sharp. Mr. E. F. du Boulay has taken several specimens of this species in ants’ nest at Beverley (Western Australia). In my table the male is noted as having ‘‘front tibiae conspicuously armed at apex.” This is the case when both tibiae and -tarsi may be seen clearly, but when the tarsi are pressed close to the apical tooth the latter might easily be mistaken for the former. Mr. Clark also took a specimen from the nest of a species of Cremastogaster near the Swan River. ARTICERUS CURVICORNIS, Westw. Specimens taken by Mr. F. P. Spry at Coburg and by Mr. H. W. Davey at Ararat (both in Victoria) differ from the normal form of curvicornis in having the antennae noticeably thinner, the prothorax somewhat wider, with the fovea some- what shorter, and the oral seta of the male shorter, the clothing in general has also a more sericeous appearance; but I can find no positive characters of the legs that would warrant their specific separation. ARTICERUS FOVEICOLLIS, Raffr. Mr. J. S. Clark has taken specimens in abundance in nests of /ridomyrimex conifera about the Swan River, that probably belong to this species, despite some apparent dis- crepancies. In the description the antennae are noted as ‘“‘capite plus duplo longiores,’’ and they are so figured; but on the specimens before me, on careful measurement, 173 they are seen to be less than twice as long as the head; they are also less conspicuously narrowed to the base than in the figure; the head is of peculiar shape, but the figure rather exaggerates the basal enlargement. In both sexes the - four front femora are moderately angulate, the hind ones feebly so. The male differs from the female in having the antennae slightly longer, the prothoracic hump slightly more pronounced, the under-surface of abdomen incurved from apex to base (instead of strongly and-evenly convex) with the pygidium encroaching upon it; the middle trochanters have an acute spine, and the middle tibiae have a short pro- duced spur at the inner apex. In my table it would be associated with fortnwm:, which is a much smaller and other- wise very different species. . ARTICERUS NITIDICOLLIS, Rafir. Mr. F. E. Wilson has taken two females of this species in Victoria (Lorne) in October, in nests of Kctatomma metal- liacwm, and of a small black sptcies of /ridomyrmex. A. FORTNUMI, Hope. Hab.—Parachilna, Mount Lofty Ranges. A. DILATICORNIS, Westw. Hab.—Fern Tree Gully, Coburg. A. DENTIPES, Lea. Hab:—Parachilna.. A. IRREGULARIS, Lea. Hab.—Coburg. Now knowing duboulayi, fovercollis, and the male of constrictiventris additions to my table) of males may be given as follows :— a, r. Pronotum highly polished Pe UcieaKs, . ILLOLCOLIS ee Pronotum subopaque Pn ewa.. GconstrictiventTys s. Eyes on widest portion of head ... fortrmumi ss. Eyes on narrowest portion (excluding neck) of head . ee Mesh es JOVEtCOLIS t. Antennae gradually increasing in width from near base . hamatipes. tt. Apical half of antennae suddenly t becom- ing much thicker ... ... wilsoni gg. 999g. Metasternum unarmed posteriorly, uw. Mesosternum with an acute projection ‘between middle coxae ... ... ... ... mesosternalis uu. Mesosternum not so armed ... ... ... subeylindricornis ‘y. Antennae no longer than head _... tumidus vv. Antennae as long as head and pr othorax combined Ls at Bee iets (ua dh |) ihe, CRUD OULELYD (3) Ante, 1918, pp. 242, 3 24: 174 TRICHOPTERYGIDAE. * RODWAYIA INTERCOXALIS, nN. sp. PAS eX, 7) es Dark castaneous, apical portion of elytra, abdomen, antennae, and legs much paler. Length, ‘6 mm. Hab.—Queensland: Cairns district, from nests of ants (B. B. Dodd). Type, 1. 10682: The outlines and punctures of this species are practic- ally the same as in all others of the genus, and in agreement with the comments on ovata,( and the clothing consists of very short depressed pubescence, giving the upper-surface a finely sericeous appearance as on most of them; but it is darker than any other species; the abdomen is not entirely covered by the elytra, and the apical parts of the latter in consequence appear considerably paler than those parts that cover the former, but the colour of the elytra, apart from this, seems to gradually become paler from the base to the apex. The intercoxal process of the prosternum, which at first glance appears to be black, is wider than in any other described species of the genus, and its front end (the sides of which, however, I have been unable to see clearly on any of the specimens examined under the microscope) appears to be without the flange-like processes of the other species; its hind end is more obtusely notched than in any other species, except ovata, and each side is finely margined. The host ant is a reddish stinging species of the genus A mblyopone or near thereto. RopDWAYIA ORIENTALIS, Lea. I recently took this species at Glen Innes (in abundance from nests of Camponotus nigriceps and of C’. aeneopilosus ), Peak Hill (from nests of Camponotus novae-hollandiae and of a small black hairy /ridomyrmexz), in New South Wales; and at Brisbane (from a nest of C. aeneopilosus), Mungar Junction (form a nest of Hctatomma metallicum), and Mount Tambourine (from nests of #. metallicum and Polyrhachis ammon), in Queensland. RODWAYIA MINUTA, Lea. Mr. E. L. Savage took a specimen of this species from an ants’ nest on Mount Lofty in April, 1917; this being the only specimen of the genus I have seen from South Australia, although it has been repeatedly searched for in nests of species of Polyrhachis, Ectatomma, and Iridomyrmex, in which specimens may be obtained in abundance in New South (4) Tas. Nat., 1907, p. 16. 175 Wales, Victoria, and Tasmania. I also took many specimens of minuta from the nest of a small variety of Mctatomma metallicum, on Mount Tambourine in Queensland. HISTERIDAE. | CHLAMYDOPSIS INQUILINA, Lewis. Many specimens taken by Mr. J. S. Clark about the Swan River from the nests of /ridomyrmex conifera appear to belong to this species; they agree well with the original description, but differ from the fisure subsequently given in having the elytra across the epaulettes wider than any other part, instead of (as in the figure) narrower than across the middle; the difference may be sexual or due to inaccuracy of the figure. The deep notch in each epaulette, combined with the inconspicuous punctures and striae on most of the upper-surface, and the strongly and evenly elevated sides of prothorax, render the species extremely distinct. In a note on the species) a letter from Mr. Lewis was quoted recording the type as from Liverpool, in New South Wales ; in the original description it was noted as from ‘‘Aus- tralia,” and taken by du Boulay. Liverpool was probably noted in error, for, so far as I am aware, the late Mr. F. He-tdu Boulay was never there, whereas he did a lot of collecting from ants’ nests in Western Australia. CHLAMYDOPSIS coMATA, Blackb. Mr. Elston has presented to the Museum a specimen of this fine species; he obtained it from a nest of Hctatomma metallicum (adjacent to a termite’s nest) on the Mount Lofty Ranges. | . CHLAMYDOPSIS EXCAVATA, Lea. Mr. W. du Boulay took two specimens of this species (now first recorded from the mainland) from a nest of Hctatomma at Hunter Hill (near Sydney) in October. : CHLAMYDOPSIS TUBERCULATA, Lea. Three specimens of this species were taken at Lorne (Vic- toria) by Mr. F. E. Wilson, from nests of a small black species of Iridomyrmex; one specimen was presented to the South Australian Museum, and another to the National Museum. CHLAMYDOPSIS AGILIS, Lea. A specimen of this species was taken at Nairne (South Australia) by Mr. W. L. Burton, from a nest of Hctatomma metallicum. (6) Proc. Roy. Soe. Vict., 1912, p. ‘72. 176 CHLAMYDOPSIS LATIPES, Nl. sp. Pl” xxv... ety 14; Dark castaneous-brown, some parts (the metasternum and abdomen quite) black. Head immersed in prothorax when at rest, face with shallow reticulate punctures. Antennae moderately long; scape curved at base, greatly dilated towards apex, outer portion with punctures as on face; funicle short, apparently. six-jointed ; club long and subcylindrical. Prothorax strongly transverse, front margin lightly elevated behind head, then with a strong oblique elevation to each side, sides scarcely elevated and somewhat sinuous, with a subconical tubercle in middle; with dense reticulate punctures; a narrow sub- marginal line at base. Hlytra about as wide as long; most of surface shining and with minute (scarcely visible) punctures ; epaulettes strongly raised and with punctures somewhat as on prothorax, a strongly elevated process between each epaulette and the suture, the process wide at the base, pointed at the apex, and with a conspicuous fascicle of golden red bristles, meeting a similar fascicle on a strong median elevation, the fascicles crossing a deep transverse subbasal impression, but between it and base a less depressed space with rounded outlines; outer walls with strong striae. Prosternwm and mesosternum with punctures as on pronotum; metaster- num shining, with a narrow median line; with small and not very dense punctures. Abdomen with punctures as on metasternum, pygidium and propygidium subopaque, and with much denser punctures. Legs long; femora densely punctate, grooved on one side throughout their length; tibiae wide and compressed, grooved on lower edge to fit into femora, with a shallow groove on inner side on the upper half for reception of tarsi, the grooves with an irregular fringe of setiferous granules, front ones dilating to about basal third, where there is a small tooth, then slightly diminishing to apex; the other tibiae wider and without the tooth, but otherwise somewhat similar. Length, 36 mm. Hab.—Western Australia: Mount Henry, from a nest of ants (Dolichoderes (Hypoclinea) scabridus, Mayr.©), J. 8. Clark. Type (unique), I. 10675. With the reticulated pronotum and polished parts of elytra as in the Tasmanian excavata, to which it is closer than to any other known species, but much larger, and basal parts of elytra, including the epaulettes and their clothing, very different, tibiae even more dilated, etc. The tubercle on the pronotum is quite distinct when viewed from the side, (6) Name reerived from Prof. Wheeler. 177 but is much smaller and otherwise different to that of tuberculata. When the head is extracted from the prothorax it may be seen that-the latter has a large excavation or fovea, partially invisible from above, for the reception of each antenna. At first glance the elytra appear to have two large, round, deep foveae, but this is due to the crossing of the fascicles over the subbasal excavation, and to the sinuation of the epaulettes at the sides of this, where also there are membranes with stiff bristles, these somewhat shorter than the fascicles; the excavation is without lateral openings, but there is a shallow depression (representing them) on each side, to which the striae are directed. CHLAMYDOPSIS STRIATIPENNIS, n. sp. Pi-xxw4, tig, 15, Black; elevated front margins of prothorax, antennae (club infuscated), and legs reddish-castaneous. Head immersed in prothorax when at rest; face with shallow reticulate punctures. Antennae not very long; scape curved at base, thickened to apex, with punctures as on face; funicle short, apparently six-jointed; club moderately long and subcylindrical. Prothorar strongly transverse, front margin narrowly elevated behind head, then more strongly elevated and curved to margins, narrowest at base; with dense reticulate punctures, in places becoming substriate. Elytra about as wide as long, closely but sharply striated ; base much and suddenly wider than prothorax; epaulettes strongly -raised, and crowned with stiff reddish bristles; subbasal impression not very large (in comparison with other species), its, deepest part highly polished, not indicated on the sides; tips with numerous short setae. Prosternum, mesos- ternum, and parts of metasternum and abdomen with dense subreticulate punctures, elsewhere with small ones. Pygidiwm and propygidium with dense reticulate punctures, and numerous short setae. Legs long; femora thin, grooved for partial reception of tibiae; front tibiae rather thin at base, then strongly thickened, a small tooth marking the termina- tion of the tarsal groove; middle tibiae slightly longer, rather less stout, and with the dentiform: projection almost obsolete; hind tibiae longer, still less stout (but with the apical half still fairly thick), and without a dentiform projec- tion. Length, 2°75 mm. Hab.—Victoria: Lorne, from a nest of a small black Iridomyrmex in October (F. E. Wilson). Type (unique), I. 10676. , A strongly striated species, readily distinguished from all others of the genus by (in combination) great width across 178 the shoulders, compared to the prothorax, epaulettes crowned with stiff reddish setae (not attached to a membrane), and by the greatly thickened front and middle tibiae. In my table it would be associated with ectatommae, which is a much smaller species, with very different legs. The elytra are _ strongly striated throughout, except. at the bottom of the subbasal depression, the striae are mostly longitudinal, but many are oblique or sinuous, and a few near the base are transverse ; on the outer walls they are not all directed towards a central point. CHLAMYDOPSIS CARINICOLLIS, Hh. Sp. Black, antennae and legs castaneous. Head immersed in prothorax when at rest; face with shallow reticulate punctures, and with two short longitudinal carinae, each ending in a small subconical tubercle. Antennae rather short; scape curved, strongly thickened, with punc- tures as on face; funicle short, apparently six-jointed; club long and subcylindrical. Prothorax strongly transverse, front margin lightly elevated and bilobed behind head, thence to sides strongly elevated and curved, sides behind where the margins join almost parallel, a narrow carina from apex to middle, a small tubercle on each side of and in line with its end, between each tubercle and the basal angles a short trans- verse carina, two small medio-basal tubercles; with dense, reticulate punctures. H/ytra not much wider than prothorax, slightly wider than long; epaulettes moderately elevated ; with a fairly large subbasal depression, extending almost to but not opening on to outer walls, and with a golden membrane overhanging it from the inner end of each epaulette; a narrow transverse carina on each at the apical third, extending to - the outer wall but not to the suture; punctures, almost throughout, much as on pronotum. Middle parts of meta- sternum and of abdomen shining and with rather small but distinct punctures, rest of under-surface reticulate and sub- opaque. Propygidiwm with a short longitudnal carina, and with a transverse one at its junction with pygidium. Lemora rather long and thin; tibiae strongly compressed, front ones with a strong tooth in middle, thence rapidly diminishing to each end, middle ones somewhat similar but the tooth less projecting, hind ones with greatest width slightly beyond the middle, the space between it and base quite straight (on the other tibiae it is distinctly curved), tarsal grooves on oblique outer edge, Length, 2 mm. Hab.—Victoria: Beaconsfield, from a nest of A phaeno- gaster longiceps, in July (F. E. Wilson). Type (unique), TeeswOGs Te 179 / A suboblong black species, with a median carina on the pronotum as in serricol/is and pygidialis, to which it is allied, but from both of which it differs in many respects. Seen obliquely from behind the middle portion of the basal depression appears to have some coarse punctures, the parts beyond the membranes appear to be almost circular and highly polished. CHLAMYDOPSIS COMPRESSIPES, Nn. sp. Castaneous. Head immersed in prothorax; face with shallow reticu- late punctures. Antennae rather short; scape curved, its apical half thick, with punctures as on face; funicle short, apparently six-jointed; club subelliptic. Prothorax strongly transverse, front margin slightly elevated behind head, thence to sides strongly elevated and lightly curved, sides feebly elevated and slightly curved, middle gently elevated and with a short feeble transverse carina; with shallow, reticulate punctures. Hlytra slightly but distinctly wider than long, suddenly much wider than prothorax; epaulettes raised and rounded, with punctures as on pronotum, close to the inner side of each epaulette a narrow ridge conspicuously elevated above it, a small upright fascicle between its hind end and the margin; basal depression wide, deep, and semidouble, its ends partly concealed in places; with elongate, subreticu- late punctures in middle, changing to simple striae; outer walls with numerous striae, all converging to a rather large but shallow fovea. Most of metasternwm and of abdomen shining and with small punctures, rest of under-surface, pygidium, and propygidium opaque and with punctures as on pronotum. Legs long, thin, and compressed. Length, 2°25 mm. Hab.— Queensland: Mount Tambourine, taken from a nest of ants in December (H. Hacker). Type (unique) in Queensland Museum. At first glance fairly close to empleuralis, with which it would be associated in my table of the genus, but readily distinguished therefrom by the epaulettes and tibiae; on the present species each epaulette is conspicuously raised, and at its greatest elevation is not disconnected with the part behind it, and its side has a round fovea not connected with the basal depression, although in line with it; the inner process near each epaulette is also terminated by a narrow ridge elevated above it; the tibiae have the outer outline gently rounded off, instead of angulate in middle; pallida, with somewhat similar tibiae, has very different epaulettes. The elytra are distinctly wider than long, and at the base are 180 much and suddenly wider than the prothorax; the legs, and especially the tibiae, are strongly compressed, so that although fairly wide they are thin, with the outer part of each tibia semi-transparent. From the species, atra, previously recorded from Mount Tambourine, it is distinct by its pale colour, and very different epaulettes and legs. COLYDIIDAE. EUCLARKIA, n. g. Head irregular, about as long as wide. Eyes small and lateral. Antennae short, stout, three-jointed, first joint small and almost concealed, second very short, third cylindrical, its apex truncated. Palpi small, only apical joint of each ex- posed. Prothorax subquadrate, strongly costate. Seutellum small. Hlytra closely applied to prothorax, strongly costate ; epipleurae rather wide and parallel-sided to base of abdomen, thence narrowed to apex. -Metasternum elongate; episterna rather narrow and parallel-sided. Abdomen composed of five segments, first and fifth subequal in length, second much shorter, third slightly shorter than second, and fourth than third. Legs short and fairly stout; front and middle coxae moderately separated, the hind ones more widely so; femora edentate; tibiae angularly dilated to beyond the middle, and then strongly narrowed to apex; tarsi with claw-joint almost as long as the rest combined, claws simple. This remarkable genus is clearly allied to iat. and in general appearance the species described below quite strongly resembles A’. rugiceps on a small scale; with antennae removed there is no strong distinguishing feature. The antennae at first glance appear to be but one-jointed, but a very small basal joint (invisible from above) may be seen, and a second one applied like a thin disk’ to the base of the third, the latter has its apex slightly concave, and filled with sensitised pubescence as in so many inquilines. The mandibles are tightly clenched on all the specimens before me. Only four distinct tarsal joints are visible. The elytral episterna and base of abdomen on each side are somewhat depressed for the partial reception of the hind legs when at rest. Wings are present. EUCLARKIA COSTATA, N. sp. Pl, xxve ne. 16. Rather narrow, depressed, opaque, with dense punctures all over. Brown or black. Head truncated in front, sides incurved from between antennae to eyes, beyond each of these a subconical projection, 181 and then narrowed to base; surface with about eight smal) elevations. /rothorax with six narrow costae from base to apex, the two median ones somewhat incurved at middle, the outer one on each side marginal. lytra with narrow costae on prothorax; with geminate rows of rather strong punctures. Length, 3-3°75 mm. | Hab. — Western Australia: Swan River, from nests of the twig-mound ant, /ridomyrmex (J. S. Clark). Type, I. 10651. About half of the specimens are of a dingy black, the others vary to a rather light brown, but the apical half of the antennae is usually paler than the basal half, the two shades of colour being frequently rather sharply Euclarkia costata, Lea. defined. On the elytra (counting the sutural thickening as the first) the second costa is continuous from base to apex, but near the apex is joined by another representing the third and fourth, these joined together slightly beyond the middle, the fifth is joined to the third at the base, but its apex is free and subapical, the marginal costa is strongly curved at about the basal third; the sutural costae appear as one, except near the base, where they narrowly diverge. A very slow-moving species, of which Mr. Clark obtained numerous specimens by sieving. It is one of the most interesting of the many curious species recently taken by him from nests of the twig-mound ant. MYCETOPHAGIDAE. LITARGUS BALTEATUS, Lec., Proc. Ac. Phil., 1856, p. 14. Mr. Froggatt and I obtained numerous specimens of this species In some damp wheat bags at Enfield, near Sydney. I am indebted to Mr. G. J. Arrow for the name of the species, now first recorded as occurring in Australia. SCARABAEIDAE. BoLBOCERAS QUADRIFOVEATUM, Nl. sp. i ey. ho. Le ple, xxv, ae 44: d. Castaneous, tips of some processes black. Underparts densely pilose. Head with a strong, erect, densely punctate central horn ; front face of clypeus: semicircular and vertical, each side narrowly carinate, and just before the canthus appearing as 182 a small subconical tubercle ; mandibles not notched near apex. Prothorax with four strong processes projecting forwards, and almost equi-distant at their tips, front margin with a narrow impression across middle, becoming foveate at each side, front angles acutely produced; with a large deep fovea close to each submedian horn; with a few large punctures about middle, becoming crowded towards and on sides; basal gutter with punctures throughout. Scutellum impunctate. EHlytra with small punctures in striae, of these the thirteenth and fourteenth very close together near base. Front tzbiae with six teeth, hind pair with two wide carinae. Length, 20-21 mm. Hab.—Queensland: Chillagoe (J. S. Clark). Type, E; L0Gs2: The apex of the prothorax is bifoveate, the foveae, however, lateral, but as the hind tibiae are not multicarinate Blackburn no doubt would have referred it to the first sub- group of group two, and it would there be associated with froggatti and armigerum, from the description of the former it differs in being smaller, and with the median processes of the pronotum closer together than in tenaz, instead of more distant; from armigerum it differs in having the lateral processes of the head much shorter and the median horn much longer, the discal foveae of the prothorax are also considerably larger, but the horns are somewhat the same; with the heads removed specimens of the two species would probably be thought to belong to but one species; tenar, also with four transversely placed horns, has them more widely separated, the foveae smaller and deeper, and the cephalic horn bifid. The cephalic horn is about as long as the distance across the canthi; the prothoracic horns are somewhat compressed laterally, and rather obtusely pointed, the median ones are shorter than the one on the head, and somewhat longer than the lateral ones; in addition to the large punctures on the prothorax there are numerous minute indistinct ones. A second specimen is considerably darker than the type; its head and prothorax being dark brown. BOLBOCERAS BISPINICOLLE, Nn. sp. Pl. xxv., figs. 18 and 19; pl. xxvi., figs. 45 and 46. 3. Pale castaneous, tips of some projections black. Under-parts densely pilose. Head gently concave in middle, with two feeble sub- nodular elevations near base, in front with two strong spines projecting forwards and upwards, a narrow carina connecting the spines, and another connecting each with the canthus; mandibles gently incurved near apex, the right one notched. 183 Prothorax widely declivious but not excavated in front; about one third from base with two strong curved spines or thin horns, at the outer base of each a large fovea shallowly connected with the small sublateral one; sides finely and acutely serrated; a few punctures obliquely placed behind each eye near apex, some at sides and others in basal gutter, elsewhere impunctate. Scwtellwm impunctate. Llytra with narrow punctures in striae. Front tzbiae with five teeth, hind ones with two wide carinae. Length, 19 mm. Q. Differs in having the head with more numerous punctures and granules, front face of clypeus crowned with four equi-distant subtriangular elevations; prothorax unarmed, with coarse irregularly distributed punctures, ~ sublateral foveae smaller and the median ones absent, and with a rather short (not the width of the head) transverse bisinuate carina about one-third from apex. Hab.—Western Australia: Geraldton (J. S. Clark). Type, I. 10660. Allied to frontale, and with the head of the male some- what similarly armed, but the spines of the prothorax are thinner and more divergent, and the large foveae or excavations are differently placed: on the present species each is subbasal and encroaches upon the hind part of a submedian spine, its nearest part to the margin being about twice its width; on frontale the excavations are considerably larger, some distance from the median armature, and each opens out on to a front angle; the females of the two species are very similar. The head of the male before and behind the frontal spines has numerous small subobsolete granules, elsewhere it is smooth and almost or quite impunctate. BOLBOCERAS TRIUNUM, 0. sp. foeexy., fio 20 pl xxvr.. fic. 47. o.. «Pale Pee isous, tips of some projections infuscated or black. Under-parts densely pilose. Head mostly flat, smooth near base, rather densely granulate elsewhere, front face of carina short, its middle crowned with a small tooth, this connected by a carina with a smaller tooth just above each antennal notch; each mandible with an almost rectangular notch, the front edge truncated. Prothorax with three rather small elevations arising from a fairly large common base, the median one carinated in front, a curved carina feeble but well defined and close to base in middle, and obscurely ending on each side between the elevations and the small sublateral fovea; sides finely and rather obtusely serrated; punctures crowded towards sides, irregular in front and sparse elsewhere. 184 Seutellum with minute punctures. Hlytra with small round punctures in striae, of the latter the thirteenth and fourteenth conjoined near base. Front ¢ibcae with six teeth; hind ones with two wide carinae. Length, 16-17 mm. Hab.—Western Australia (J. S. Clark). Type, I. 10658. Allied to trituberculatum, and with the head very similar, but the three prothoracic elevations much smaller, closer together, in line with each other (instead of the median one considerably in advance of the others) and arising from a common. base. RHOPAEA. The species of this genus, although of large size, are very difficult to separate on superficial examination, and this difficulty is increased by the considerable variation that appears to be common in the individuals of several species. Thus verreauxi varies in a fashion that is almost exactly paralleled by magnicornis and assimilis (with the antennae missing 1t would be difficult, I believe often «mpossible, to be sure of the identity of specimens of these species) ; morbillosa is closely resembled by mussoni, rugulosa, and polita; hirtuosa by decimens, etc. But the table given by Blackburn readily permits of the genus being split up into distinct and easily recognizable groups. RHOPAEA NIGRICOLLIS, n. sp. Pl. exv., fig. 22; pl xxvil, ae. ae 3. Of a dingy and rather pale castaneous-brown, sterna. and parts of legs darker, head, prothorax, and scutellum black, antennae flavous. Closely covered with short, depressed, ashen pubescence, mixed with a few longer hairs, these fairly numerous on prothorax; sterna densely pilose. Head rather strongly convex and with crowded punctures between eyes, becoming much larger and sparser on clypeus. Antennae ten-, flabellum seven-jointed, first joint of the latter very little shorter than the others. Prothorax apparently about twice as wide as long, sides strongly rounded and obtusely serrated, all angles rounded off, median line shallow and incomplete; with crowded but not very large punctures, and with some larger ones scattered about. Scutellum with crowded punctures. SHlyira with vague remnants of discal costae; with small dense punctures, often finely wrinkled or transversely confluent, and with numerous considerably larger and deeper ones. Pygidiwm densely punctate and shagreened. Front ¢zbiae strongly tridentate, the second tooth much nearer the first than third. Length, 18-20 mm. (7) Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austr., 1911, p. 189. 185 Hab.—Western Australia: Beverley (E. F. du Boulay). Type, I. 10792. The sides of the prothorax are obscurely diluted with red. There is a rather dense fringe of hairs overlapping the base of the scutellum. The prothorax measures 8x5 mm., but to the eye it appears twice as wide as long. Of the species referred to AA, in Blackburn’s table, it differs from soror in being much smaller and darker, prothorax with larger punc- tures, and third joint of the antennae of different shape; heterodactyla is a larger and paler species, and its third antennal joint has a spiniform process; in /irtuosa, pilosa, and australis the clothing of the head and prothorax is very different; in assimilis the third joint of the antennae is much longer, and the fourth of very different shape; from the description of /aticollis it differs in having the prothorax no wider than in pilosa, the smaller elytral punctures not more strongly impressed than the smaller ones of that species, the sizé is smaller, colour darker, and clothing different. In general appearance it is like a small dark verreawaxi, but its flabellum has one more joint than in that species. It is the first true species of the genus to be recorded from Western Australia. RHOPAEA DECIPIENS, Nn. sp. Pi eay,, oo. 20: gl. xxvi., fig. 48. g. Of a uniform and rather pale castaneous, some mar- ginal parts and the tibial teeth darker. Clothed with fine, depressed, pale pubescence, some longer hairs scattered about on elytra, and becoming dense on parts of head and pro- thorax; sterna densely pilose. : Head strongly convex and with crowded punctures between eyes, becoming much larger and sparser on clypeus. Antennae ten-, flabellum six-jointed. Apical joint of maxil- lary palpi long, and with a narrow opaque furrow. Prothorar moderately long (55-75 mm.), sides strongly rounded and obtusely serrated, hind angles obtuse but not rounded off, base lightly bisinuate; median line short and féeble; punctures erowded but sharply defined. Scwtellum with crowded punc- tures. Hlytra with dense punctures of two kinds: small, shallow, and often transversely confluent ones, and consider- ably larger and deeper ones. Pygidiwm shagreened and with dense punctures. Front tebiae strongly tridentate, the second tooth slightly nearer the first than third. Length, 20-23 mm. Hab.—New South Wales: Forest Reefs (A. M. Lea). Type, I. 4535. On one of the specimens the sides of the prothorax and the pygidium are infuscated, but this appears to have been caused by partial decomposition. There is a dense fringe 186 of hairs, similar to those on the sterna, overlapping the base of the scutellum. The flabellum at first glance appears to be but five-jointed, as the produced part of its basal joint is much shorter than that of the following one, and from some directions 1s concealed. To the naked eye the elytra appear to have vague temnants of discal costae, but these disappear under a lens. One of the specimens before me bears Black- burn’s name label ‘‘Rhopaea hirtuosa, Blackb.’’? and in fact it strikingly resembles that species, but it belongs to a different section of the genus, as the flabellum, including the first short one, consists of but six joints, instead of seven. Of the males of the group AAA, it is distinguished from verreauat by the shorter third joint of antennae, with the produced part of the fifth longer and more acute, the apical joint of the palpi is also much narrower; mussoni has the ramus of the fifth joint considerably longer and wider, and the palpi different; ragu- losa has the upper-surface almost glabrous; from the descrip- tion of dubitans it differs by the sides of the prothorax not being angular in the middle; by the table the third joint not “considerably longer than wide’ should distinguish it from consanguined. PARALEPIDIOTA CAVIFRONS, Nl. sp. Pl. scxva., fis; 90; Cus eale dire cae oe elytra and antennae paler, tibial teeth blackish. Head, prothorax, and scutellum with snowy-white, rounded or elliptic, depressed scales, becoming thinner and more or less setiform on elytra, abdomen, and parts of legs ; sterna and parts of legs with dense, whitish hair. Head strongly convex, and with rather large and dense punctures, becoming smaller and sparser in middle of base. Clypeus bilobed, margins strongly elevated. Antennae ten-, flabellum seven-jointed, first joint of the latter about one-fifth shorter than the others. Apical joint of maxillary palpi wide, with a wide shallow median depression. /Prothorax strongly convex, sides widely rounded and finely serrated, all angles obtuse; punctures sparser than on head, and much sparser about middle. Hlytra slightly dilated to beyond the middle, apices obliquely truncated ; punctures fairly dense and moder- ately large, becoming smaller and sparser in parts, discal costae lightly defined. Pygidium rather strongly margined, apex feebly bilobed; punctures rather numerous. Front tibiae strongly tridentate, hind tibiae with unequal spurs at apex, the larger one dilated to beyond the middle, and then narrowed to apex. Length, 20-21 mm. Hab.—Queensland : Gata: (J. S. Clark). “pace 10783. 187 Smaller and duller than /epidoptera and with two more joints to the flabellum. The white scales are fairly dense, but nowhere overlapping on parts of the head and prothorax, and many of them do not arise above their containing punctures. There is a dense fringe of long pale hairs over the base of the scutellum. The sides of the clypeus are strongly but not suddenly elevated, leaving a flat portion a little more than one-third of the median width, and about two-thirds of the length, the flat part with larger but sparser punctures than on the sloping ones. LEPIDIOTA FROGGATTI, Macl. PI) xxvii. ie. 51. Large specimens of this species are larger (up to 42 mm.) than any other specimens I have seen of the allied genera, such specimens have the femora and tibiae entirely black, and the hind femora have the setiferous punctures nowhere dense, and there is a comparatively wide space (about the median third) from which they are quite absent. The whole of the upper-surface is densely covered with short depressed setae, and there is a fringe of long hairs at the apex of the pro- thorax. Some specimens from the Coen River are smaller (29-34 mm.), clothing of the upper-surface somewhat sparser (not altogether due to abrasion), hairs of the metasternum of a rusty red, and with the antennae, palpi, and legs (tibial teeth excepted), more or less reddish ; the setiferous punctures of the hind femora are more numerous but not dense. var. STRADBROKENSIS, n. var. Pi Skvib), fig. 52. A specimen from Stradbroke Island (taken by Mr. Hacker in October, 1911) in the Queensland Museum, probably repre- sents a variety of the species; 1t is much smaller (26 mm.), no parti (except the tibial teeth) is quite black, and the hind femora are densely covered with setiferous punctures, and their lower edge is finely serrated; the preapical callosities of the elytra are rather more pronounced ; there is also no fringe of long hairs at the apex of the prothorax, and this is certainly not due to abrasion, as the clothing is in perfect order. SYSTELLOPUS ATER, 0. sp. PI XxvE Fs hee Oo: Black and shining. Under-surface and legs with black or blackish hairs. Head convex and almost impunctate at base, flat and with crowded punctures elsewhere. Clypeus semicircular in 188 front, with margins lightly upturned; hind suture con- spicuous, outcurved in front, incurved at sides. Labrum on the same plane as clypeus and rather more strongly upcurved in front; with an irregular row of strong punctures in front. Prothorax strongly convex, sides strongly rounded, hind angles widely rounded off; along middle and across a fairly wide space near base impunctate, elsewhere with rather small but sharply-defined punctures, irregularly distributed and nowhere crowded. Scwtelluwm semicircular, with rather numerous punctures. H/ytra with shoulders, sides, and apex rounded; sutural stria distinct, with several feeble geminate striae; much of the surface finely wrinkled, and with small scattered punctures. Pygidiwm impunctate along middle, finely asperate elsewhere. Legs short and thick; front tibiae strongly bidentate, hind pair about as long as the apical width. Length, 25 mm. Hab.— Australia (J. 8. Clark). Type (unique), I. 10791. The species has the robust build of many female Dynas- tides, to which subfamily at first glance it appears to belong ; but the clypeus, labrum, tibiae, etc., are in exact agreement with Systellopus obtusus; from which it differs in its high polish and much greater size, characters which also distinguish it from the description of validus. Both antennae and five of the tarsi have been broken, but the species is so distinct that I have not hesitated to describe the type. It was sent by Mr. Clark as from Chillagoe in Queensland, but as he had an accident with a box and some labels were mixed, the locality may be doubtful, and the specimen may have really been taken in Western Australia. HAPLONYCHA MARGINIPENNIS, N. sp. Pl. xxvi., fig. 54. Dark castaneous-brown with an opalescent gloss; head and parts of legs black. Head with fairly numerous long hairs between eyes, and very numerous on two basal joints of antennae, prothorax completely fringed with long hairs, narrowly on sides and base, widely in front; sterna densely clothed with dark hair, in parts almost sooty, pygidium sparsely clothed and with a thin marginal fringe; elytra with two fringes. Head smooth at base, with crowded and coarse punctures elsewhere. Clypeus with sides strongly narrowed to the front, which is strongly upturned ; front face with dense punctures. Antennae nine-, club three-jointed; fourth joint slightly longer than third and fifth. Penultimate joint. of maxillary palpi distinctly longer than antepenultimate, and slightly longer than apical. /Prothorax widely transverse, sides —— SO a Oe 189 strongly rounded, front angles produced and acute, hind ones rounded off; punctures rather small and not very dense, but becoming denser in front and on parts of base. Sewtellim punctate on basal half. lytra slightly dilated to beyond the middle; discal costae fairly well defined and bounded by geminate rows of punctures, the interstices with punctures much as on prothorax; suture briefly mucronate. Pygidiuin with dense punctures at base, small and sparse elsewhere. Front tibiae strongly tridentate. Length, 22 mm. Hab.—Western Australia: Eradu (J. 8S. Clark). Type (unique), I. 10787. - Commencing near the base of each elytron there is a dense even fringe projecting downwards; from the base itself there is another fringe, but of longer and sparser hairs or setae mostly projecting outwards. The basal joint of the hind tarsi is fully as long as the second, but from most directions it appears to be slightly shorter. It is much the build of solida, of Blackburn’s Group 4, whose elytra have similar double fringes, but the prothorax is rather densely clothed in front, and at the base has the long hairs characteristic of Group 2; in the table of that group it would be associated with latebricola, from which, as from all others of the group, it may be distinguished by its clothing. HAPLONYCHA SUAVIS, n. sp. IPR) exes 5 t fies “56; Flavous and brightly iridescent, head, some marginal parts, and teeth of front tibiae reddish. Sterna moderately densely clothed with whitish hair. Head smooth at extreme base, but with crowded punc- tures elsewhere. Clypeus widely rounded and strongly up- turned in front. Antennae nine-, club three-jointed; fourth joint the length of third and slightly shorter than fifth. Penultimate joint of maxillary palpi slightly shorter than the adjacent ones. Lrothorar widely transvarse, sides strongly rounded in middle, front angles produced and not very acute, hind ones obtuse, but not rounded off; punctures very minute. Scutellum impunctate at apex. H/ytra slightly dilated pos- teriorly; with rather small and ‘not very dense ‘punctures, geminate rows and discal costae ill-defined; suture not mucronate. Pygidiwm with fairly numerous punctures, except at apex. Front tcbiae strongly bidentate; two basal joints of hind tibiae subequal. Length, 17 mm. Hab.—Western Australia: Geraldton (J. S. Clark). Type (unique), I. 10789. The upper-surface at first appears to be glabrous, but on - the pronotum there is some very short evenly-distributed 190 pubescence (continued on to the base of the elytra), that is scarcely visible from above, but fairly distinct from the sides; the pygidium has somewhat larger (but still very short) pubescence, and a weak marginal fringe; the elytral fringe is long at the base but very short at the apex. The punctures on the head, although crowded, are nearly all sharply defined, they are just as dense in front of as behind the clypeal suture, but become sparser and smaller on the front of the clypeus; on the prothorax they are very indistinct, unless the surface is wet, but from some directions they appear like minute reddish dots. From the sides, in certain lights, the elytra appear to have faint vermiculate impressions, connecting two or more punctures, but sometimes traceable almost from base to apex; from most directions, however, they are invisible. There is a median remnant of a longitudinal carina on the pygidium. Between the second tooth and the base of the. front tibia there 1s a feeble undulation, but it could not fairly be regarded as a tooth. As the penultimate joint of the palpi is slightly shorter than the antepenultimate, the species can- not be referred to Blackburn’s Group 4, and failing that it can only be referred to Group 7; in the table of that group it would be associated with testacerpennis, from which, as from all others of the group, it 1s distinguished by the very fine pubescence of the pronotum,; the punctures between the eyes are also very much denser and coarser than on that species. In general appearance it is like neglecta, or a very small specimen of ruficeps (of Group 1), marginata (of Group 3), and griffith: (of Group 5). HAPLONYCHA NIGRA, N. sp. PI. -xxwi., big. foo: Black and shining, antennae (basal joint excepted), palpi and parts of tarsi more or less reddish. Upper-surface glabrous, except for a few hairs at sides of prothorax, and for a fringe of long hairs at sides of elytra; under-surface with long rusty-red hair, dense on sterna, sparser elsewhere. Head smooth at base; with crowded punctures elsewhere but becoming sparser and sharply defined towards apex of clypeus. Clypeus with rather strongly elevated margins. Antennae nine-, club three-jointed; fourth joint slightly longer than the adjacent ones. Penultimate joint of maxillary palpi slightly longer than the antepenultimate, but distinctly shorter than the apical one. Prothoraxr widely transverse, sides strongly rounded, front angles strongly produced and acute, hind ones rounded off; with dense and fairly large sharply defined punctures, becoming crowded in_ places. Elytra slightly dilated to beyond the middle, suture not 191 mucronate; punctures fairly large and dense, becoming crowded posteriorly, geminate rows and discal costae well defined. Pygidium with dense subasperate punctures, becoming crowded in corners, and sparse at apex. Front tibiae strongly tridentate ; basal joint of hind tarsi longer than second. Length, 185 mm. . Hab.—Western Australia: Kuminin (E. F. du Boulay). Type (unique), I. 10793. The punctures between the eyes are so crowded that part of the surface has a vermiculate appearance ; the clypeus from behind appears to be truncated in front, but from directly above it'1s seen to be gently rounded. The penultimate joint of the palpi from some directions appears slightly longer, but from others no longer than the antepenultimate, hence, as the pronotum and pygidium are black, there need be no hesitation in referring this species to Blackburn’s Group 8; ‘from the species of that group he somewhat doubtfully identified as gagatina, Burm., it differs in being much larger, prothorax shining, with strong well-defined punctures, and the pygidium also with stronger punctures; from funerea it differs in the much coarser punctures of the entire upper- surface and pygidium, and the elytra without a conspicuous margining membrane ; they have, however, an extremely short fringe projecting downwards that could be easily overlooked. GLOSSOCHEILIFER BIDENTATUS, N. sp. Pl, xxvi., figs. 57 and 58. Reddish-castaneous ; club of antennae and elytra flavous, suture base and margins of the latter darker. Upper-surface glabrous, except for a few long hairs in latteral gutters of prothorax ; elytra with a short dense fringe of golden setae projecting downwards, and with a straggling fringe of long reddish hairs projecting outwards; sterna with dense whitish hair, rest of under-surface more sparsely clothed, the hairs darker, stiffer, and many arising from minute granules. Head with fairly dense and not very large, but sharply defined punctures, coarser on basal half of clypeus than else- where. Clypeus gently rounded in front, margins moderately upturned. Labrum conspicuously produced and upturned in front. Antennae nine-, club three-jointed. Penultimate joint of maxillary palpi shorter than the adjacent ones. Prothorax strongly transverse, sides strongly rounded, front angles produced and acute, hind ones completely rounded off ; punctures small and not very dense: Hlytra slightly dilated to beyond the middle; punctures not very dense or large but sharply defined, geminate rows and discal costae feeble; suture not produced at apex. Pygidiwm strongly convex, punctures 192 dense in places, not very large but more or less asperate. Front tcbiae very strongly and acutely bidentate; basal joint of hind tarsi slightly shorter than second. Length 16-19 mm. Hab.—Western Australia; Swan River and Geraldton (J. S. Clark). Type, I. 10790. On the Swan River specimen, the larger of the two under examination, there are tufts on the front tarsal joints, probably indicating that it is a male; the shape of the labrum of the Geraldton specimen is not exactly the same as on the other, but it has the appearance as of being slightly malformed. At first glance the species appears to be quite an ordinary Haplonycha, like testacerpennis, jung, gracilis, etc. ; but with the produced labrum considered by Blackburn as sufficient to found the genus Glossocheilifer; its bidentate front tibiae readily distinguish it from addendus and labialis; in appear- ance it 1s fairly close to the former. Disregarding the labrum and associating it with Haplonycha, it would be referred to Group 6 or 7, probably the former. GLOSSOCHEILIFER ADDENDUS, Blackb. Recorded by Blackburn as probably from Western Australia. Mr. J. S. Clark has taken specimens at Geraldton, and both of us from near the Swan River. STETHASPIS SQUAMOSUS, Nn: sp. Pl. xxvi., figs. 59 and 60; Coppery-green or coppery-purple, elytra, antennae, palpi, and legs more or less reddish. Irregularly clothed with white scales ; tip of pygidium and parts of under-surface and of legs with long white hairs. Head rather wide, rather lightly convex, with not very numerous but sharply-defined punctures of moderate size. Clypeus with hind suture strongly triangularly produced backwards, middle strongly convex, margins moderately _ elevated, front truncate; punctures denser and larger than on rest of head. Antennae nine-, club four-jointed and rather - small, second joint almost as long as three following combined, fifth acutely produced on one side. fProthorax apparently twice as wide as long, sides finely margined, subparallel on basal half, thence oblique to apex, base with a conspicuous median lobe, the hind angles almost rectangular, apex gently arcuate, the front angles subarcuate, with an obtuse impunc- tate median line on basal half, elsewhere with punctures shightly smaller and: usually sparser than between eyes. Hlytra gently dilated to beyond the middle, apex widely trun- cate; each with fourteen deep striae, containing rather small 193 punctures; interstices regular, strongly convex and impunc- tate; a fine marginal membrane not extending to base. Pygidium and propygidium with small, dense, sublaminate punctures. J/esosternum with a strong process produced to front of front coxae, flat on lower-surface, arcuate above, and truncate at apex. Legs rather short, front tibiae strongly bidentate. Length, 14-16 mm. Hab.—Queensland: Cairns district (F. P. Dodd, H. H. D. Griffith, and A. M. Lea). Type, I. 4840. One specimen bears a note by the late Rev. T. Blackburn, “Not Xylonychus, probably female of gen. nov.. very near Colymbomorpha,’’ but as there appear to be only females of the species before me, I think it desirable to refer them to Stethaspis (= Xylonychus), from all the species of which they may be distinguished by the dense scales at the sides of the under-surface; the intercoxal process of the mesosternum is more produced than in eucalypti, being almost as in Phyllo- cocerus purpurascens. The elytra have a slight metallic gloss, but their margins are conspicuously metallic.. The scales are wide, and conspicuously dense, white, and overlapping at the sides of the under-surface, and on the middle of the: pro- pygidium, they are almost as dense on the sides of the pro- notum, but individually narrower; on the rest of the upper- surface they are sparser and subsetose in character; on the elytra they are confined to the striae, on the pygidium and the rest of the propygidium they are ‘fairly dense; there are usually three long hairs on each side of the prothorax. On the type there are seven punctures on the scutellum, but on the other specimens they are more numerous. In a recent letter Mr. G. J. Arrow remarked, “It seems to me quite unnecessary to make a new genus for 8. sgyuamosus ; we have four specimens of it, from Kuranda; they include both sexes, but the antennae of the male scarcely differ from those of the female.’’ COLYMBOMORPHA SPLENDIDA, 0. sp. ¢. Brilliant purplish-green with ‘a coppery gloss; front of head, sides of prothorax, propygidium, pygidium, under- surface, and legs (hind tibiae and parts of tarsi excepted) flavous, with a coppery-green gloss. Upper-surface glabrous, under-surface almost so. Head with sparse and small, but sharply-defined punc- tures. Clypeus about twice as wide as long, front truncated, disc rather strongly convex; punctures at apex and sides denser and stronger than between eyes. Labrum on the same plane as clypeus, narrow, apex gently incurved. Antennae nine-, flabellum six-jointed, the rami each about as long as H 194 the clypeus is wide. Prothorax not twice as wide as long, base much wider than apex, front angles produced and almost equilaterally triangular; hind ones strongly produced, sharply angular and slightly embracing shoulders, base strongly bisinuate; punctures sparse and minute, becoming larger, although still sparse, on sides. Scutellwm highly polished and impunctate. Hlytra each obliquely truncated at apex, out- lines continuous with those of prothorax; with rather strong, regular striae, containing shallow punctures, but these becoming more distinct towards base; interstices impunctate. Metasternum and hind coxae with rather large sparse punc- tures; intercoxal process of mesosternum obtuse and vertical in front. Front tibiae tridentate, apical tooth acute and moderately long, second small but acute, third very feeble. Length (3, 9), 9-11 mm. Q. Differs in being shghtly wider, abdomen more convex, legs shorter, antennal rami much shorter, and the fourth joint without one, so that the flabellum consists of but five joints, and the hind tibiae not entirely dark. Hab.—New South Wales: Dorrigo (W. Heron and H. J. Carter from R. J. Tillyard). Type, I. 4851. Differs from limeata in colour, in the polished and glabrous surface (the only clothing consists of a few stiff bristles on parts of the under-surface and legs) in the clypeus, etc.; the intercoxal process of the mesosternum is strong and well produced, but its front face is thick and rounded off; in lineata it is produced to an almost knife-like edge between the front coxae. In Phyllococerus purpurascens, which Black- burn considered (8) should be referred to Colymbomorpha, the intercoxal process is not produced with a knife-like edge between the front coxae, but as a truncated process above them. Jn C. lineata the front of the clypeus is evenly rounded and conspicuously upturned, so that, when viewed from behind, the labrum is almost concealed, but on the present species it appears to be attached to the clypeus as in the Systellopides. By the characters noted by Blackburn, in dividing the Melolonthides into subtribes, this species would be referred to the Systellopides, in this agreeing with Phyllotocus, although both genera differ in many particulars from the members of that anomalous group. SERICESTHIS SUTURALIS, Macl., formerly ScrTaLa. Scitala prunosella, Brenske. Blackburn (who also associated it with pruinosella) has commented upon the bad condition of the type of swtwralis (at (8) Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austr., 1911, p. 175. (9) Z.c., 1905, p. 276. ! 195 has lost five of its tarsi, both antennae, and all the palpi) ; but there is a specimen of the species in the South Australian Museum from Mackay, it has nine-jointed antennae, but the fifth and sixth joints are so thin and closely applied to the three-jointed club that it is difficult to see them clearly, the rami of the club are about the combined length of the two apical joints of the palpi, the basal joint of the hind tarsi is not much, but distinctly, longer than the second. PHYLLOTOCUS RUFICOLLIS, Macl. P. sericeus, Macl. There are three specimens in the Australian Museum standing as types of sericeus, and all are of the species tabled by Blackburn 9° as ruficollis, although he was dubious as to his identification of that species; the type of ruficollis was badly stained, but was partially cleaned for description. It is certainly not the species Blackburn identified and tabled as australis, and which he thought might be sericeus. PHYLLOTOCUS VARIICOLLIS, Macl. Correctly identified and tabled by Blackburn. (2) PHYLLOTOCUS BIMACULATUS, Er. On the typical form of this species each elytron has a pale, completely-enclosed spot of variable size, on the basal half; on Tasmanian specimens the spots are usually smaller than on mainland ones. var. NIGRIPENNIS, hh. var. Mr. H. J. Carter and I recently obtained at Strahan (Tasmania) numerous specimens that differ from the typicai form in having the elytra entirely black; the ae parts are also of a brighter red. var. BASALIS, n. var. Mr. Aug. Simson obtained at Wentworth Falls (New South Wales), in company with typical specimens, numerous others in which two-fifths of the base of the elytra are pale, the dark part is usually, but not always, advanced along the suture to the base. (10) Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austr., 1898, p< 24. QD L.c., p. 23. (12) L.c., pp. 23 and 24. H2 196 Var. INSULARIS, nN. var. Mr. H. Hacker obtained on Bribie Island (Queensland) three specimens that are more highly polished than usual, they have only the apical two-fifths of the elytra infuscated (and not very deeply so) and a slight infuscation about the elites they are also smaller (55-6 mm.) than the typical orm. PHYLLOTOCUS MACLEAYI, Fisch. This species occurs in abundance on eucalyptus and other blossoms in New South Wales, Victoria, and Tasmania. var. ASSIMILIS, Macl. This was considered by Blackburn as a variety only of macleayr, and such is my own opinion. var. PALLIDUS, n. var. Six specimens taken between Karoonda and Peebinga (by Mr. G. E. H. Wright), one from Murray Bridge (by Mr. H. H. D. Griffith), and one from Lyndoch (by Mr. J. G. O. Tepper), differ from the typical form in being entirely pale. PHYLLOTOcUS LURIDUS, Macl. (formerly CHEIRAGRA). As the claws to the four hind legs of this species are long, thin, and simple the species by Blackburn’s generic table of the Sericides must be referred to Phyllotocus. Although Macleay said ‘‘The male and female differ very lttle,” both specimens (presumably the types) standing under the name in the Macleay Museum are males, each having three long antennal rami. The species occurs in Queensland (Mapleton and Blackall Range) as well as in New South Wales, and all those before me are more or less brightly iridescent, the elytra are flavous with the suture, and a variable amount on each side infuscated or black, each of the hind femora has a wide tooth or subtriangular flange at the middle. PHYLLOTOCUS OCCIDENTALIS, Blackb. This species occurs in South Australia (Karoonda to Peebinga) as well as in Western Australia; in commenting upon the types Blackburn remarked that the apices of the elytra were “almost devoid of fuscous shading”; some of the specimens in the museum are entirely devoid of it; such specimens may be readily distinguished from the variety pallidus, of maclieayi, by the completely rounded off hind angles of the prothorax, and by the bidentate, instead of tridentate, front tibiae. 197 Var. APICIFUSCUS, Nn. var. Two specimens from Karoonda to Peebinga (G. E. H. Wright), and one from Mindarie (South Australia), have the apical fourth of the elytra deeply infuscated (almost black), they may be readily distinguished from the typical form of macleayt by the basal angles of prothorax and by the front tibiae. PHYLLOTOCUS, sp. An entirely pale specimen (from Edithburgh in the Blackburn collection) combines characters of two species, as the hind angles of the prothorax are rectangular -as in macleayt, and the front tibiae bidentate as in occidentalis. PHYLLOTOCUS MARGINATUS, Macl. Specimens of this species taken on Stradbroke Island (Queensland) by Mr. Hacker are smaller (5 mm.), than usual, with part of the apex of the elytra black, and the pale marking on the sides of the prothorax of the female smaller than usual. « PHYLLOTOCUS AUSTRALIS, Boi. Specimens of this species taken on Stradbroke Island by Mr. He Hacker, and at Cairns by Mr. F. P. Dodd, are smaller (575 mm.) than usual, and with the pronotum, scutellum, and elytra (except for a slight infuscation of the latero-apical margins of the latter) entirely pale. PHYLLOTOCUS USTULATUS, Blanch. The prothorax of this common Western Australian species varies from entirely black (as on the type) to entirely reddish ; several specimens before me have the prothorax reddish, with three infuscated spots: a moderately long median one and a small one towards each side. PHYLLOTOCUS NAVICULARIS, Blanch. In his table of the species of this genus Blackburn placed navicularis in the first section “A. Elytra glabrous (or nearly so) except along their lateral margin.” But on many specimens before me the hairs are quite as numerous about the suture and base as on specimens of species he referred to “AA. Elytra clothed with hairs (at any rate along the suture and_base).” The typical form has the head, prothorax, and a large spot on each elytron black, the spots frequently have a greenish or bluish iridescence, on the sides they occupy about half the length ; along the suture they are conjoined for about half their own length, being divided in front by a 198 sutural extension of the reddish basal portion. The species is common in parts of Queensland and of northern New South Wales; in addition to the varieties noted below there are others in the Museum. var. RUFIBASIS, Nn. var. Four specimens from Cape York (H. Elgner), differ from the typical form in having only about one-fourth of the elytra reddish, the black being widely subtriangularly advanced in front, so that it almost extends to the scutellum.. var. ERYTHRODERES, Ni. Var. Three specimens from the Coen River (W. D. Dodd), differ in having the prothorax entirely reddish; on two of them the apical half of the elytra is dark, but the suture is pale for portion of the distance; on the third specimen the spots are as on the typical form. var. APICALIS, Macl. Three specimens from the Coen and Stewart Ravers (W. D. Dodd), and Cairns (E. Allen), differ in having the prothorax and four basal segments of abdomen reddish, but elytra with the apical markings typical; this form appears to be the one described from Port Denison by Macleay as apicalis. Three other specimens from Cape York (H. Elgner) agree with these, except that the black portion is advanced to cover slightly more than half of the elytra. PHYLLOTOCUS LATEROFUSCUS, 0. sp. Flavous; an infuscate vitta occupying about one-third the length of each elytron near the side, abdomen slightly darker than metasternum. Glabrous except for a few stiff setae on sides of prothorax and of elytra, and on the legs. Head flattened, and with scarcely visible punctures. Clypeus not distinctly separated from labrum in middle, their combined length about two-thirds of the basal width. Antennae nine-, club three-jointed, the lamellae rather short. Prothorax about once and one-half as wide as long, sides rather strongly rounded, front angles produced and acute, hind ones rounded off; punctures fairly dense, but small’ and inconspicuous. H#lytra with rows of fairly large punctures in conspicuous striae, interstices gently cénvex, and of almost even widths, except that they become narrower towards the sides. Hind cozae at sides much longer than metasternum ; front tibiae bidentate; front claws uneven, the larger one moderately thick, but not appendiculate. Length, 55 mm. 199 Hab.—Queensland: Endeavour River (Dr. A. R. Pulleine, and National Museum from C. French). Type, I. 10775. In Blackburn’s table of the genus this species would be placed beside occidentalis, from which it differs in the elytra being more strongly striated, with larger punctures in the striae, and by the dark lateral markings; it is not very close to any other species before me. The elytral vittae are rather narrow, and are quite distinct, but their outlines are not sharply defined. The clypeus in front is slightly upturned on each side, but not in the middle, the uplifted parts being almost concealed by the rather strongly elevated labrum, which appears to be pressed close to them. The upper-surface is only shghtly polished, but it could hardly be called opaque. The abdomen is small and curved to the tip, so the specimens are probably males, despite the non-appendiculate front tarsi. PHYLLOTOCUS BASICOLLIS, n. sp. Q. Head and. metasternum reddish-brown, prothorax and scutellum reddish-flavous, elytra black and_ brightly iridescent, but margins (except at base) pale, abdomen and club of antennae black, legs flavous, the hind tibiae infuscated at apex. Front and sides of prothorax, sides and apex of elytra and pygidium with flavous or reddish setae. Head with small and crowded but distinct punctures. Clypeus not quite the length of an eye, and more than thrice as wide as long; labrum slightly more than half the length of clypeus, its margins lightly upcurved and the front one gently incurved to middle. Antennae nine-, club three- jointed. Prothorax not mich wider than the greatest length, basal half parallel-sided, front and hind angles produced and acute, the latter embracing shoulders; without punctures except for those containing the margining setae. /H/ytra with well-defined striae containing shallow punctures; interstices gently convex, moderately wide near suture, narrower towards the sides. Abdomen strongly convex, each of four segments with a conspicuous row of setiferous punctures. Hind covae at sides almost twice the length of metasternum, and with sharply-defined but not very dense punctures; front tibiae tridentate ; front claws equal and simple. Length, 5-5'5 mm. Hab.—Queensland: Brisbane, November, 1912, and November, 1916 (H. Hacker). Type, in Queensland Museum ; cotype, I. 10777, in South Australian Museum. The hind angles of the prothorax embracing the shoulders are without parallel in the genus; the claws are all thin, simple, and long, but not of the great length that is usual in Phyllotocus, and in other respects it is not close to any 200 other before me. The comparatively large, evenly-convex abdomen, with simple front claws, are indicative that the specimens taken by Mr. Hacker are females; one of them has beautiful golden depressed pubescence margining the base of the prothorax, of the elytra and scutellum, and forming a patch on each side of the pygidium; it is absent from the other, probably due to abrasion. The elytral striae are almost absent posteriorly and about the shoulders. PHYLLOTOCUS DECIPIENS, 0. sp. 3. Black; elytra with two conspicuous flavous vittae. Sides of prothorax and of elytra fringed with dark setae. Head gently convex and with small punctures between eyes. Clypeus about thrice as wide as the median length; punctures denser and coarser than between eyes, sides moder- ately elevated, front not elevated in middle; labrum short, distinctly separated from clypeus, moderately upturned in front. Antennae eight-, club three-jointed. Prothoraz scarcely one-fourth wider than long, sides gently rounded, front angles produced and acute, the hind ones almost rect- angular; punctures as between eyes. /lytra with well- defined but not even striae, mostly containing distinct but not very large punctures; interstices gently convex, narrower towards sides than towards suture, with small but fairly dis- tinct punctures. Hind coxvae at sides scarcely one-fourth longer than metasternum; front tibiae tridentate; front claws unequal. Length (d, 9), 5-65 mm. Q. Differs ih having the club of the antennae somewhat smaller, abdomen larger, legs shorter, and front claws even. Hab.—Victoria: Melbourne, eating grass, in October, 1911 (C. French, sen.), Oakleigh (C. French, jun.); South Australia: (F. Secker) ; Tasmania (Simson’s collection). Type, T+) 10839: In general appearance strikingly lke meyricki, from Western Australia, with which I had it confused, but the front part of the head is very different; on that species the clypeus and labrum are soldered together without a con- spicuous suture, the front strongly upcurved, and a wide and feebly-punctate elevation occupying most of the base; on the present species the suture between the clypeus and labrum is well defined, the labrum is shorter, wider, and less elevated in front, and the subtubercular elevation of the clypeus is lower (although quite as wide) and with more conspicuous punctures. In Blackburn’s table of the genus it would also be distinguished from meyricki by the tridentate, instead of bidentate, front tibiae; in that table it would be associated with macleayi, which is a larger and very differently-coloured 201 species with head and legs different. The dark part of the elytral suture is wide and almost parallel-sided, but from each side the dark part is absent, or almost so, at the shoulder, and gradually dilates till near the apex it curves round to join in with the sutural part; the claws and parts of the tibiae, sometimes also other parts of the legs, are more or less reddish. Parts of the upper-surface and of the sterna have a pruinose bloom. From above the basal angles of the prothorax appear to be quite right angles, but from the sides they are seen to be slightly obtuse; most of the specimens have a vague median line. The front claws of the male are of even length, but the larger one increases much in thickness to the base, although it is not appendiculate. PHYLLOTOCUS CRIBRICEPS, n. sp. 3. Black, elytra usually with some parts paler, and with a bright bluish iridescence; front legs mostly flavous, parts of the other legs obscurely diluted with red. Prothorax and elytra fringed with long and mostly pale setae, a few on head and many on under-surface and legs. Head with dense, sharply defined, and rather small punctures. Clypeus obliquely flattened, sides — slightly elevated ; punctures as between eyes; hind suture distinct only at sides, the front one throughout; labrum short, sharply defined, rounded and gently elevated in front. Antennae eight-, club three-jointed. Prothorax about once and one- half as wide as long, sides evenly rounded, apex evenly incurved with the front angles acute but scarcely separately produced, hind ones rounded off; punctures sharply defined, about as large as on head but not so dense. EHlytra with strong striae containing rather large punctures, except posteriorly; interstices rather strongly convex, narrower towards sides than suture. Hind cozae at sides scarcely longer than metasternum, and both with distinct punctures; all femora stout, the hind ones especially so; hind tibiae shorter and stouter than usual, the front ones tridentate ; front claws unequal, the larger one scarcely longer than the other, but more strongly curved, and with a large basal appendix. Length, 45-5 mm. Hab.—Queensland: Mapleton, in October. Type, in Queensland Museum; cotype, I. 10837, in South Australian Museum. As the antennal lamellae are long, the abdomen curved to its tip, and the front claws unequal, on each of the eight specimens from Mapleton, they are evidently all males. In general appearance the species is close to lurdus, but is smaller, narrower, hind femora unarmed, and a _ smaller 202 amount of elytra pale. The basal half of the elytra (except the suture and margins) is more or less obscurely flavous or reddish, but the markings, although usually distinct to the naked eye, are not sharply defined; one specimen has the elytra, except for their brilliant iridescence, entirely black. The front of the head seems slightly concave, owing to the obliquely flattened clypeus, with its edges and the front of the labrum elevated: the cephalic punctures, although small, are decidedly larger than usual in the genus. Each of the antennal lamellae is almost as long as the five basal joints combined, the fifth joint is very short, and can scarcely -be seen except under a compound power. PHYLLOTOCUS ANTENNALIS, Nn. Sp. ¢. Flavo-testaceous, some parts more or less deeply infuscated. Prothorax and elytra fringed with white or brownish hairs; similar hairs on under-surface and legs. Head with dense and sharply-defined, but not large punctures. Clypeus about four times as wide as long, sutures well defined, ‘punctures as between eyes; labrum about half the length of clypeus, apex gently curved and moderately uplifted. Antennae nine-, club five-jointed, each lamella as long as the four basal joints combined. Prothoraxr about once and two-thirds as wide as long, sides moderately rounded, front rather strongly incurved to middle, front angles acute, the hind ones rounded off; punctures not very dense, and small but sharply defined. lytra comparatively short; striae strong and containing well-defined punctures, interstices gently convex and with minute punctures. Sides of hind corae slightly longer than metasternum; hind femora stout and edentate; front tibiae acutely tridentate; front claws unequal, the larger one with a large isosceles-triangle-like basal appendix. Length, 5-5°25 mm. Hab.—New South Wales: Dorrigo (W. Heron). Type, Ean: The three specimens taken by Mr. Heron are males, and aS the middle claws are without long quill-like appendages, the species cannot be referred to Phyllotocidium, to which at first it appears to belong. The front of the head is much as in a female cotype of Phyllotocidium macleayi and so much more abrupt than in Phyl/otocus; the antennal club composed of five joints is also greatly aberrant, but Blackburn has frequently commented on the fact that the number of joints composing the antennae or the club in Australian Melolon- thides, cannot be relied upon generically; the third joint of the antennae is of considerable length, but the fourth is so small and closely applied to the club that it cannot be 203 distinguished from most directions. Seen from behind the greater portion of the head appears gently concave, owing to the flattening of the middle parts and the slight elevation of the sides of clypeus and front of labrum. The elytral striae and punctures are confused about the tips, but regular elsewhere. The three are (except for slight variations) similarly coloured, so presumably are not immature ; the head is more deeply infuscated than other parts, some of its margins being blackish, the antennal club is also blackish; the scutellum, suture, and sides of elytra, parts of sterna (some- times the whole under-surface), and parts of legs are more or less deeply infuscated, and there are two large but vague discal blotches on the prothorax. CHEIRRHAMPHICA. Blackburn proposed this genus for species possessing the enormous front claws of the males of Chesragra, but with the others long and simple; in his table it was distinguished by “basal four joints of front tarsi together shorter than apical process of tibia,’’ but this holds good only for the male; in the female the joints of the front tarsi are longer and much thinner, the fourth conspicuously passes the tibiae, and the fifth is smaller with uniform claws. CHEIRRHAMPHICA PUBESCENS, Blackb. The common form of the male was the one described by Blackburn, but the female is usually larger, and varies from a form having the upper-surface entirely dark to one in which it is entirely pale. The front tibial teeth are two in number, acute and fairly long, characters sufficient to distinguish the species from all the known Queensland members of the genus. It may be taken in abundance, from flowering wattles, from _ Geraldton to Beverley in Western Australia. CHEIRRHAMPHICA INSULARIS, N. sp. Black; front femora and tibiae, and antennae, except club, flavous. Upper-surface with numerous more or less upright pale hairs or setae, parts of under-surface and of legs with somewhat longer ones. Head smooth and with minute punctures about base, and crowded, with some larger ones between eyes. Clypeus semi- circular, with crowded punctures, its sides gently upturned ; labrum appearing as an upturned front margin to the clypeus. Antennae eight-, club three-jointed, lamellae scarcely longer than apical joint of palpi. Prothorax scarcely one-fourth wider than its greatest length, sides evenly rounded, front angles produced and acute, the hind ones gently rounded off ; punctures fairly dense and sharply defined. Scutellwm with 204 a few basal punctures. JSlytra rather narrow, basal half about the width of prothorax, thence strongly narrowed to apex, where each is almost pointed; with rows of rather large, asperate punctures, in shallow striae; odd interstices very feebly, in places not at all, elevated above the even ones. Abdomen small, curved to tip. Sides of hind corae much longer than metasternum; hind femora and tibiae stout; front tibiae unidentate; front claws unequal, the others very long and thin. Length, 5-5°5 mm. Hab.—Queensland: Stradbroke Island (H. Hacker and Dr, A. J -Turner)... Type, LAOnrG: The specimens from the island are evidently of one sex, and are probably males, as the front tarsi are moderately thick (thinner than in males of pubescens, coxalis, and tuber- culata) and passing the tips of the tibiae, but decidedly thicker than in the females of pubescens and tuberculata, and the front claws are decidedly uneven, one being quite small, and the other much larger, although much smaller than in known males of the genus, its abdomen also curves to the point as in undoubted males. If they are males the specimens before me are certainly distinct from interstitialis, described as from Northern Queensland; I examined the type of that species prior to its being sent to the British Museum, and noted that it was a peculiar-looking insect with somewhat similar colour and clothing to the present one, but opaque, the pro- thoracic punctures less conspicuous, and the head longer, with much smaller punctures; the specimens differ from the description also in having the elytra rugose, and without four obsolete costae, so that even if females they are unlikely to belong to that sex of interstitialis. The upper-surface is shin- ing, but that is not always a feminine character in the allied genera. On two specimens the middle tibiae and parts of the hind legs are partly pale, but obscurely so. The tooth of each front tibia, including the curve at its commencing point, is fully half the length of the tibia itself; the claws of the middle tarsi are slightly uneven and one is slightly less curved than the other. The larger punctures between the eyes are about as large as the ones on the prothorax.. On some of, the specimens the clothing on the upper- -surface is almost upright, on others it slopes at about 45°, the difference being probably due to treatment after capture. CHEIRRHAMPHICA COXALIS, N. sp. 3. Flavous, some parts deeply infuscated or black. Upper-surface more or less opaque and with a pruinose gloss, more pronounced on the elytra than elsewhere. Clothing much as on preceding species, except that on the disk of the elytra it 1s somewhat shorter. 205 Head with very small punctures at base, dense and of moderate size between eyes. Clypeus semicircular, front margin gently upturned throughout, punctures as between eyes; labrum closely applied to clypeus.. Prothorar moder- ately transverse, sides evenly rounded, front angles produced and acute, the hind ones moderately rounded off; punctures fairly numerous. /lytra with outlines and punctures much as on preceding species, except that the punctures are some- what smaller. Abdomen small, curved to its tip. Hind cowae very large, their sides fully twice the length of the metasternum; hind femora and tibiae stout; front tibiae unidentate ; front tarsi stout, fourth joint not passing tibiae, claw joint stout, claws very unequal, other claws very long and thin. Length, 5-5°25 mm. Hab.—Queensland: Cairns (E. Allen). Type, I. 4290. Distinguished from the preceding species by the less rugose elytra and absence of larger inter-ocular punctures, in addition to the very different colour and claws; the five speci- mens taken by Mr. Allen are all males, they differ from the description of interstitialis in colour and by the sculpture of the prothorax and elytra. The hind coxae seem to project almost as the drums of many species of cicadas; the longer claw of the front tarsus is almost as long as those of the others, but is irregularly widened towards its base, the smaller claw is scarcely half its length, and is much thinner, the middle claws although both long and thin are unequal, one being distinctly shorter, thinner, and less curved than the other. The elytra are black, or almost so, except for a transverse space on each side of the base, each space sometimes continued for a short distance near the suture, the hind tibiae are deeply and the hind tarsi and the head slightly infuscated; the abdomen is usually darker than the metasternum; the antennae are entirely pale. On one specimen the scuteilum is rather dark, and there are two large smoky blotches on the prothorax. Four of the specimens have the prothorax and elytra entirely opaque, but the fifth is shining, evidently owing to abrasion, as many of its hairs are missing, its punctures in consequence are much more distinct, especially on the prothorax. CHEIRRHAMPHICA TUBERCULATA, Ni. sp. g. Flavous, parts of legs tinged with red, sides of -elytra partly infuscated. Clothed with numerous conspicuous pale upright setae, longer on sides of prothorax and elytra than on their disks, legs and parts of under-surface with moderately long hairs. Head with fairly dense and small punctures, but inter- spersed with some fairly large ones between the eyes. 206 Clypeus semicircular, sides moderately uplifted; punctures, except that there are no large ones, as between the eyes ; labrum, except at sides, not distinctly separated from clypeus, and apparently forming its uplifted front edge. Antennae eight-, club three-jointed. Prothorar moderately transverse, sides evenly rounded, front angles produced and acute, the hind ones rounded off; punctures fairly numerous. Elytra scarcely wider than head, parallel-sided to beyond the middle and then strongly narrowed to apex, with fairly dis- tinct punctures in shallow striae. Abdomen small, curved to its tip. Hind coxae at sides much longer than metasternum ; hind femora and tibiae stout; front tibiae short, stout, and unidentate, front tarsi thick, the fourth joint not passing the tibia, claw joint stout with very uneven claws; middle and hind claws long and thin. Length (3, 92), 5-5:°25 mm. @. Differs in having the prothorax more narrowed in front, and with more distinct punctures, elytra less parallel- sided, with more distinct striae and punctures, and a con- spicuous elongated tubercle on the middle of each side, abdomen larger and evenly convex along middle, legs some- what shorter, front tarsi much thinner, fourth joint passing the tibia, and the claw joint thin with small equal claws. Hab.—Queensland: Endeavour River (C. French). Type, in National Museum; cotype, I. 10838, in South Aus- tralian Museum. A narrow pale species with peculiar tubercles on the elytra of the female; each tubercle is elongated, about one- fifth the length of the elytron, and whilst scarcely elevated above the general convexity of the surface, is rendered very distinct by the cutting away, as it were, of the adjacent parts. On the female the prothorax is shining and its punctures are rather large and very distinct, with numerous minute ones interspersed; on the male the surface is opaque, and the larger punctures are partly obscured, the minute ones dis- appearing. The infuscation of the sides of the elytra is rather narrow and varies in intensity, being more pronounced on the males than on the females. On the front tarsi of the male the three median joints are all much wider than long, the larger claw is quite as large as its supporting joint, and is considerably dilated to the base, the smaller claw is less than half its length and very thin; the claws on the middle legs are both long and thin, but one is distinctly longer and thicker than the other, on the hind legs the claws are almost even. CHEIRAGRA. This genus was proposed by Macleay to receive a number of small species allied to Phyllotocus, but with a membranous ee ee 207 appendage to each claw, the front claws of uneven size, and the larger one enormously developed. To it he referred Phyllotocus pusillus, Blanch., and six species which he sup- posed to be new—ruficollis, pallida, aphodioides, atra, pygmaea, and lurida, but the last-named species it is neces- sary to transfer to Phyllotocus. Subsequently he described another species, vittatus, referring it, however, to Phyl/lotocus. Blackburn also referred a new species, mac/eayi, to the genus, but subsequently made it the type of a new one, Phylloto- cidium. With long series of most species before me it seems pro- bable that all the species of the genus are very variable in colour, and that perfect males have the prothorax and elytra sericeous, but that those parts are shining in the females. The.females of several species may be readily distinguished inter se by the latero-posterior margins of the elytra being notched or flanged. By the courtesy of Mr. Shewan I have been able to examine all the specimens of the genus in the Macleay Museum. CHEIRAGRA PUSILLA, Blanch. (not Macl.). C. pygmaea, Mael., ¢. C. aphodioides, Macl., 9. From examination of the named specimens in the Macleay Museum I am satisfied that Macleay wrongly identi- fied pusilla (which presumably he regarded as the type of the genus), and that the species he named pygmaea is the real pusilla. The type was certainly a male, as its prothorax was described as ‘‘nigro, opaco, haud punctato’’ (punctures are present but could be easily overlooked). Two specimens were labelled with a query as pusilla, these are 4 mm. in length, and have the prothorax entirely pale, they belong to forms 2 and 3 of ruficollis; three others were labelled without a query as pusilla, and are still larger, two are males and have the prothorax darker than the smaller ones, they belong to forms 2 and 4 of rwficollis; the other is a badly-damaged female close to form 7 of ruficollis. Four specimens standing under the name of aphodioides in the Macleay Museum are all females of the real pusilla, not one of them has the elytra black, or even much darker than any of the others, the colour being of the same shade as the base of the prothorax; they all have conspicuous punc- tures on the prothorax, and the front claws not enormously developed. The species is the smallest of the genus; in the common form of the male the head and prothorax are black and the elytra pale, but with the sides widely infuscated or black 208 (the infuscation occasionally extends over most of the sur- face) ; in the common form of the female (including the types of aphodioides) the head and prothorax are infuscated, but the base of the latter is pale, the elytra are also entirely pale. The sides of the elytra of the female are not notched or flanged, and by this feature alone it may be readily dis- tinguished from small females of ruficollis and sericeipennis. CHEIRAGRA RUFICOLLIS, Macl. C’. pusilla, Macl., in error. C’. pallida, Macl., Q. Ply exe), fie oe The original description of this species (which appears to be confined to New South Wales and Victoria) is unsatisfac- tory, and of the specimens standing as rwficollis in the Macleay Museum, not one agrees exactly with it; of the five specimens so standing two are males and three are females. One of each sex has the elytra entirely dark (whereas the description implies that the whole upper-surface is testaceous) and the head and prothorax of a rather bright reddish-flavous ; to the male I have attached a label that it is probably the type; the second male has the head and prothorax of an obscure reddish-brown, the elytra testaceous with the suture darker (much the colour of the prothorax), and the sides widely margined with black; of the other females one has the prothorax as dark as in the second male, but with all its margins and a narrow line down the middle paler, it has also an obscure pale vitta extending from the base to about the middle of each elytron; the third female has a wider and longer vitta passing the middle of each elytron, and agreeing with “‘The female . . . sometimes a light patch on the disc of each elytron.’’ These specimens vary from 14 to 2 lines in the males, and from 2} to 24 in the females, but were described as 2 lines. The species is the most variable of the genus, but the females may be at once distinguished by the sides of the elytra, as near the apex of each there is a conspicuous notch (pl. xxv., fig. 23); the female, as in others of the genus, also differs from the male in having the prothorax shining and with conspicuous punctures. The specimens described by Macleay as pusilla belong to this species, whilst the types of pallida (Macleay) also belong to it. The following colour forms may be noted :— Males. Form 1. Head and prothorax of a clear reddish-flavous, entire elytra and parts of under-surface and of legs blackish, 209 or at least blackish-brown. The typical and fairly common form. Form 2. As 1, except that the elytra are coloured as the prothorax, but with the sides more or less widely infus- cated or black (a specimen of this species is standing, with others, as pusilla in the Macleay Museum, and another is the type male of pallida). This is the most common form of the male; on some specimens the head is darker than the pro- thorax; the latter may have some slight infuscations, or be even darker than the elytra, and the elytral suture is also sometimes slightly infuscated (thus approaching Form 3). Form 3. As 1, but with a pale oblique fascia on each elytron. A fairly common form, but the vittae vary in ex- tent, and the head and prothorax are sometimes as dark as in Form 4. Form 4. Coloured as described for the second male of the original specimens, one of which was identified by Macleay as pusilla. A rare form. Form 5. As 1, but with two infuscated blotches on the prothorax ; the head is also sometimes infuscated. A rather rare form. Females. Form 6. As 1, except that the abdomen is paler than the metasternum. A rather rare form, one of which is a cotype of the species. Form 7. As 6, except that the elytra are bivittate. A cotype female belongs to this form, which is variable and not very common; the other cotype female might also be regarded as belonging to it; one of the females identified by Macleay as pusilla could also be referred to it, although its head and prothorax are dark, but not black. Form 8. Entirely pale, except that the tips of some of the tarsal joints and the club of the antennae are more or less infuscated. This is the most common form of the female, and includes the type female of pallida. A rather dark speci- men of it was in error labelled as aphodioides in: the Black- burn collection. : There is also a female an the Blackburn collection that has the elytra pale, but with the margins infuscated: nar- rowly at the base, rather widely at the apex; much as on Form 2; but as there is but one specimen before me it has not been given a number. CHEIRAGRA ATRA, Macl. In describing this species Macleay said he had only seen a male of it; but two specimens were pinned through the name label in the Macleay Museum; the type male, and a 210 female, the latter in error, as it is an unusually dark speci- men of pusilla. Two other males before me agree with the type; one is from Sydney, the other, from the Blackburn collection, is without locality, but labelled ‘‘atra.’’ They all have the prothorax with a somewhat sericeous appearance, but also with sharply-defined punctures; the elytra also have sharply-defined punctures, and by the punctures alone the species may be distinguished from black males of other species. The female is at present unknown. CHEIRAGRA viTraTA, Macl. (formerly PHyLLorocus). This species, as yet known only from the Cairns district, was referred by Macleay to Phyllotocus, but the generic table by Blackburn indicates that it belongs to Cheiragra, as although the front claws of the male are less enormously developed than is usual in the genus, the four hind ones are much shorter than is usual in Phyllotocus, and each has a conspicuous membranous appendage. The sharply-defined pale vitta on each elytron of the male usually passes the middle, and occasionally includes the preapical callus, but it is sometimes much shorter; one specimen has the elytra | entirely black. The female differs from the male in being rather more robust, the whole of the upper-surface shining, and the front claws no larger than the others, but the elytral margins are of the same shape. Of the six females before me one has the upper-surface entirely dark, the second is almost as dark but has the prothorax obscurely diluted with red near the base, and the bases of the elytral vittae obscurely indicated; the third has more of the base of the prothorax pale, and the elytral vittae larger and almost con- joined to form a triangle (the scutellum at the middle of its base being dark); the fourth and fifth each have the pro- thorax of a rather bright red, except for an apical and two small lateral infuscations; the elytra have the apical third (more at the sides) infuscated, the basal parts and the scutellum being of the same shade of red as the prothorax ; the sixth specimen is in the National Museum and has the upper-surface entirely red. Lengths: ¢, 4-65 mm.; Q 7.0 9-7 mm. 3 CHEIRAGRA VARIABILIS, 0. sp. Pl. xxv., figs. 24 and 25. ¢. Colours variable. Prothorax, elytra, sterna, and abdomen opaque, owing to a conspicuous sericeous or pruinose bloom. Prothorax and elytra with a thin fringe of pale hairs or long setae, similar hairs on under-surface and legs. Head shining; with fairly dense and sharply-defined punctures. Clypeus with slightly coarser punctures than 211 between the eyes, hind suture moderately distinct, not distinctly separated from labrum, sides and apex slightly elevated. Antennae eight-, club three-jointed, lamellae small. Prothorax not \ much wider than the great- est length, sides evenly rounded, front angles produced and acute, hind ones somewhat r omlnded® ‘off ; Polen e tur es vaguely defined. Elytra rather strongly separ- Cheiragra variabilis, Lea. ately rounded at apex, sides gently rounded ; striae and their contained punctures obscured by bloom; odd interstices slightly raised above and wider than the even ones. Abdomen small and curved to apex. Sides of hind covae about one-third shorter than meta- sternum; tibiae stout, the front ones each with two large acute teeth and a very small one; front tarsi with four basal joints rather wide, the claw joint strongly notched near apex, and with very unequal claws, the larger one yery large, strongly curved, and with a large basal appendix, the smaller _ one shghtly larger than those on the other tarsi, and with its basal appendage simi- lar but without a quill. Length(¢, 9), 375-45 mm. Q. Differs in hav- ing the upper-surface and part of the meta- eo sternum polished, pro- Cheiragra variabilis, Lea. thorax slightly shorter, its punctures sharply defined, elytra with striae and their con- tained punctures sharply defined, and the interstices with distinct punctures ; abdomen larger and more evenly convex, 212 legs shorter, the front claws even and no larger than the others, the basal appendix and quill as on the others. Hab.-—Queensland: Wide Bay (Macleay Museum), Brisbane (Queensland Museum from H. Hacker). Type, I. 10836. ' A very variable species, of which there are at least two specimens of each colour form described below before me, and of which five forms have been taken in company by Mr. Hacker in October; they all have the basal joints of the antennae pale and the club dark. Form 1, 3. Black, head and scutellum somewhat paler, claws and front tibial teeth reddish. A specimen of this form has been made the type of the species. Form 2, ¢. Of a dingy flavous or testaceous, head with base infuscated, prothorax with infuscated blotches, elytra with suture narrowly and sides and apex more or less widely infuscated or black, most of under-surface and of legs black or blackish. The blotches on the prothorax of this form vary from two small and obscure spots to four large longitudinal ones, covering most of the surface ; occasionally the two median ones are conjoined so that there are but three blotches. Form 3, ¢. Head, prothorax, scutellum, and parts of legs more or less brightly flavous (but not shining), elytra and most of under-surface and of legs black. On this form the head is infuscated from the base to the clypeal suture, and there are some vague infuscations on the prothorax. Form 4, 9. Head, prothorax, scutellum, front legs, and parts of the others of a bright flavous, elsewhere black. On this form the elytra are usually of a deep polished black, but on one small specimen parts near the suture are obscurely paler. : Form 5, @. Bright flavous, head and prothorax with vague infuscations, metasternum and parts of middle and of hind legs dark, abdomen partly or entirely pale. One Brisbane specimen has the vague infuscations of the head and prothorax as on this form, but with the elytra obscurely infuscated at the sides, approaching the following one; another in the Macleay Museum, from Wide Bay, has the upper-surface uniformly pale. Form 6, 2. Bright flavous, head more reddish, elytra with the sides and apex widely infuscated, metasternum, most of abdomen, and parts of legs blackish. The only two speci- mens of this form I have seen are in the Macleay Museum, from Wide Bay, and one of them has the infuscation of the elytra much more extended than on the other. It is very difficult to distinguish some males of this species from some males of ruficollis, but the females may be readily 213 distinguished by the tips of the elytra (pl. xxv., figs. 23 and 25), these not being notched on the present one. Black males may be distinguished from males of atra, by the inconspicuous punctures of the upper-surface. From the real pusilla, of Blanchard, it is distinguished by its larger size; the outlines of the female elytra are somewhat similar, but the longer front portion of the front tarsi of the male is considerably longer ‘and otherwise different. So far as the specimens before me indicate, however, the present species is confined to Queens- land, and the others mentioned to New South Wales and Victoria. On fig. 24 the apical portion of the larger front claw of the male is shown as long and thin, as it appears from one direction, but from another it is seen to be strongly dilated to its base ; and in fact the claw varies in appearance from every point of view. CHEIRAGRA SERICEIPENNIS, Nn. sp. Pl, =xv., figs. 26: to 31. 6. Colours variable. Prothorax, elytra, and parts of under-surface opaque owing to a sericeous or pruinose bloom. Prothorax and elytra with a few fringing setae. Sculpture as described in preceding species except that the hind suture of the clypeus is better defined, that its suture with the labrum is marked by a series of conspicuous punc- tures, that the elytra are less distinctly separately rounded at apex, and that the front claw-joint with its claws are somewhat different. Length (d, @), 3°25-3°9 mm. Q. Differs in having the prothorax and elytra polished, with more distinct punctures, the elytra wider and each side near apex with a flange-like elevation, the abdomen larger, more convex, and the front claw-joint with its claws, much as the others. Hab.—Queensland: Cairns -district (Macleay Museum and F. P. Dodd), South Johnstone River (H. W. Brown), Stradbroke Island (J. H. Boreham). Type, I. 4288. A small species with the sericeous appearance of the elytra of the males very pronounced. The female may be distin- guished from females of other species by the sides of the elytra, each of these near the apex has a somewhat convex flange, causing the apex to appear rather abrupt ; from some directions and in certain lights each side appears to be notched (some- -_ what as on the females of ruficollis), but this is due to the part at the apparent notch being very thin, allowing light to show through. The average size of specimens is slightly more than that of pusilla, and distinctly less than that of ruficollis. On the male the fringe on each side consists of a few 214 widely-separated hairs or setae, on the female they are more numerous, but by no means dense. The front claw-joint of the male is deeply notched twice on the inner-side, leaving a thin truncated projection between the notches; the larger claw is strongly curved, from some directions appearing thin and acutely pointed, from others triangular and from others four- sided ; its basal appendix is large, and also varies with the point of view; the smaller claw is very much smaller than the other, but its basal appendix is much as those on the other tarsi. The antennae usually have the club distinctly darker than the basal joints. There are at least five specimens of each of the following colour forms before me. Form 1, 3. Flavo-testaceous; elytra black, with a con- spicuous bloom, abdomen blackish, metasternum more or less deeply infuscated, four hind tibiae, except at base, and tarsi blackish, or at least deeply infuscated. Includes the type. Form 2, o¢. Flavo-testaceous; elytra black, with sericeous bloom very conspicuous and almost golden, an obscure reddish spot, sometimes extended into a short vitta, on each side of the scutellum; metasternum, abdomen, hind legs, and middle tibiae (except at base) and tarsi black or infuscated. On this form there are usually two large infus- cated blotches on the prothorax. Form 3, ¢. Flavo-testaceous; elytra of a lurid reddish- brown, abdomen and parts of four hind legs black or deeply infuscated. The bloom of the elytra is rather less conspicuous than on the other forms, and their lurid-red colour is some- times partly extended on to the prothorax. Three males have the elytra of the same shade as in this form, except that the sides are infuscated; but of these two have the prothorax deeply infuscated, and of these again one (the only specimen examined from,Stradbroke Island) has the base of the head infuscated. There are only three females before me, all without bloom ; they all have the under-surface entirely pale, and the dark parts of the legs confined to the four hind tibiae and tarsi; two have the upper-surface entirely pale, but on the third the elytra are black. TELURA. In Blackburn’s table of the subtribe Sericoides (5) Telura is distinguished by ‘‘femora glabrous and very slender and elongate.’’ But the femora of the only then known species, vittecollis, although elongate, are certainly not glabrous, as some bristles are present on each of them. (13) Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austr., 1897, p. 32. er + by ‘ ft oF yA hit 2 pee persis 6 iT 7 Metibas-< ee oe. he ee 215 TELURA VITTICOLLIS, Er. This species is fairly common at night on eucalyptus foliage in Tasmania, and it occurs also in New South Wales (Mount Kosciusko), Victoria (Mounts Buffalo and Hotham), and South Australia (Mount Lofty). Specimens vary from having the upper-surface entirely flavous, to the prothorax bivittate, and the elytra quadrivittate. Erichson described the club of the antennae as three-jointed, but this is true only of the female, and Waterhouse has already pointed out that in the male it is five-jointed. TELURA CLYPEALIS, Nn. sp. Flavous, basal two-thirds of head deeply infuscated (almost black), prothorax narrowly infuscated in middle of apex, and obscurely along middle to base, elytra with a sharply-defined and almost black vitta from base to near apex. Prothorax with four long hairs on each side, rest of upper- surface glabrous; under-surface and legs sparsely clothed, four segments of abdomen each with a transverse row of setiferous granules. Head moderately convex, and with rather small punc- tures. Clypeus with apex conspicuously produced in middle, margins rather strongly upturned; punctures larger than between eyes but still small. Antennae nine-, club three- jointed. Prothorax moderately transverse, sides strongly and evenly rounded, front angles rather strongly produced and acute, hind ones rounded off; punctures small, varying slightly in size and density, but nowhere crowded. Hlytra narrow, sides slightly dilated in middle; with regular striae, the sutural one with distinct but shallow punctures ; interstices with fairly numerous, small, but sharply-defined punctures, becoming larger about base. Pygidiwm with minute and rather dense subasperate punctures. Legs long and thin; front tibiae strongly tridentate; basal joint of hind tarsi slightly shorter than second. Length, 11 mm. Hab.—Western Australia: Beverley (E. F. du Boulay). Type (unique), I. 4835. _ The narrow body, long and thin legs, tridentate front tibiae, eyes large and scarcely visibly faceted, and elytral striae not geminately arranged, indicate that this species, if not a Telura is extremely close to it, and provisionally, at least, may be referred to it; the clypeus is certainly very different to that of vitticollis, but in many allied genera it varies considerably. The vitta of the elytra is sharply defined, at the base it extends across four interstices on each, but it rapidly narrows till it only covers two, thence being parallel-sided almost to 216 its apex ; on the prothorax the markings are obscurely defined ; but it is probable that they are not constant. The three- jointed club may be indicative that the type is a female; each ramus is about the length of the apical spur of the front tibiae. ODONTOTONYX RUFICEPS, 0. sp. Black ; head, legs, antennae and palpi red, parts of under- surface obscurely diluted with red. Upper-surface glabrous, except for marginal fringes ; under-surface, pygidium, and legs with long pale hair, denser on metasternum than elsewhere. Head with moderately dense, sharply-defined punctures, rather small at base, larger in front. Clypeus semicircular, sightly concave, margins lightly upturned at sides, more strongly in front, hind suture curved backwards to middle ; punctures near suture much as behind it, but sparser in front. Antennae nine-, club three-jointed and small. Prothoraz about once and one-half as wide as long, sides strongly rounded and narrower at apex than at base, front angles produced and subacute, hind ones gently rounded off and slightly more than right angles; punctures much as on head but less crowded. Scutellwm impunctate. posteriorly. Hlytra feebly dilated posteriorly, apex widely rounded; strongly striate, with shallow punctures in the striae, the interstices with scattered punctures, about as large as those on prothorax. Pygidium with dense and minute punctures. Front trbzae with two strong teeth and a very small one;. basal joint of hind tarsi shorter than second, of the others longer than second ; each claw with a fairly large basal appendix, and’ a whitish membrane. Length, 10} mm.’ Hab.—New South Wales: Hunter River. Type (unique), in Macleay Museum. | Distinguished from brunneipennis by being more robust, the prothorax and elytra black, apical tooth of front tibiae more curved, the second larger, and the third smaller (almost vanishing), the appendix to each claw (the sole character distinguishing Odontotonyx from Nosphisthis) is rather large but less sharply defined than in brunneipennis, and the mem- brane is somewhat smaller. There is a vague remnant of a median line on the pronotum. PLATYDESMUS CASTANEUS, N.. sp. 3. Bright castaneous with a slight iridescence, head Tienes darker than prothorax. Upper-surface glabrous, except for conspicuous prothoracic and elytral fringes; under- surface with rather sparse, irregularly distributed, golden hairs. 1 ; 5 217 Head with numerous but not dense, and rather small sharply-defined punctures. Clypeus with sides rather lightly upturned, the front more strongly, hind suture gently curved backwards to middle; punctures somewhat larger and more crowded than between eyes. Antennae ten-, club four-jointed, rami of the latter curved, and about the length of the front tibiae. Prothorax not twice as wide as long, sides moderately rounded, front angles produced and acute, hind ones obtuse but sharply defined; punctures about as large but sparser than on head between eyes. Scute/lum impunctate except at base. Hlytra feebly dilated to beyond the middle, apex. widely rounded; strongly striate, with distinct punctures in the striae, second, fourth, sixth, and eighth interstices slightly wider than the others, and with more numerous punctures. Pygidium with rather dense punctures, except along middle. Front tibiae strongly tridentate; basal joint of hind tarsi shorter than second. Length, 10°5-11°5 mm. Hab.—New South Wales: Richmond River, in November (W. W. Froggatt). Type, I. 10785. May be readily distinguished from inusitatus, the only other species having the club of the antennae four-jointed, by its larger size, less convex form, prothorax no darker than elytra, and with much smaller punctures, etc. I have seen specimens of this species in the Macleay Museum, from Port Denison. ANODONTONYX INSULARIS, Nn. sp. Of a pale dingy red, some parts darker. Upper-surface with some long hairs scattered about, and forming a fringe on each side of prothorax and elytra, a row of setiferous granules across most abdominal segments. Head with dense punctures of moderate size, and a few larger ones scattered about. Clypeus with front margin rounded and rather strongly upturned. Antennae eight-, club three-jointed, second joint globular and distinctly wider than second, club small. Prothorazx not twice as wide as long, sides subparallel on basal half, front angles lightly pro- duced and subacute, hind ones rectangular and flat; punctures sparser and shallower than on head, but scarcely smaller; _ median line absent or very vague. Scutellwm impunctate ex- cept at base. lytra with fairly numerous, but not dense punctures, slightly larger than on prothorax; with feeble longitudinal elevations. Pygidiwm with fairly dense and rather small punctures. Basal joint of hind tarsv slightly longer than second. Length, 7-8 mm. Hab.—Queensland: Stradbroke Island, October, 1911 .(H. Hacker). Type, I. 4687. 218 The flattening out of the hind angles of the prothorax, and the clothing of the head associate this species with nigro- lineata, from which it may be distinguished by its much: smaller size, and by the granules of the prothorax and elytra; before the type of antennalis was sent to the Britsh Museum I noted that in appearance it was close to some specimens of the present species, but the second joint of its antennae was described as ‘‘not at all thicker than the third joint,” a character at once distinguishing it from the present and the two following species.. They are referred to Anodontonyx on account of the small club, Blackburn somewhat unwillingly having recognized that as a valid distinction from Sevtala. The smaller specimens (mostly males) usually have the pro- thorax and basal half of head darker than the elytra, some- times almost black, the elytra usually have the suture and sides lightly infuscated, and sometimes each elytron has in addition three very vaguely infuscated discal lines (these being the feebly-elevated parts) ; the sterna are usually darker than the rest of the under-surface. From some directions the prothorax and elytra appear to be slightly iridescent, but from a few to have a conspicuous pruinose bloom; the head, however, is noniridescent from all points of view. The long hairs of the upper-surface each arise from a minute granule, they are fairly numerous, but not dense, between the eyes and on the front third of prothorax, on the elytra they appear to be sparsely scattered at random, but from directly in front or behind they are seen to be in rows on the feebly- elevated parts ; on the abdomen the hairs are shorter, but the lineate arrangement is more distinct. The front tibiae have a large apical tooth and a much smaller subapical one; some- times a feeble third tooth is indicated towards the base, but it is usually absent. Mr. Hacker obtained many specimens. ANODONTONYX OPALESCENS, Nl. sp. Dark piceous-brown obscurely mottled with red, but brilliantly opalescent. A few long hairs between eyes and across apex of prothorax, sides of prothorax and elytra fringed, rest of upper-surface glabrous; under-surface and legs very sparsely clothed. Head with fairly dense punctures of moderate size, but sparse in middle. Clypeus almost truncate in front, margins rather strongly upturned. Antennae nine-, club three- jointed, second joint distinctly thicker than third and sub- globular, club small. Prothorax about twice as wide as long, sides dilated in middle but narrowed to both base and apex, front angles produced and acute, hind ones rectangular, median line very feeble; punctures somewhat larger than on r 219 head but sparser. /lytra rather long and thin, vaguely striated ; with fairly large punctures. Pygidium with fairly dense punctures. Front t/biae tridentate, the two front teeth large, the other small ; basal joint of hind tarsi slightly shorter and thicker than second. Length, 65-8 mm. Hab.—New South Wales: Barrington Tops, January, 1916, (HH. J. Carter). Type, I. 10779. The hind angles of the prothorax are not so flattened as in ngrolineata, but as the head has some long hairs it possibly would have been associated with that species by Blackburn ; it 1s certainly allied to it, differing in being much smaller and narrower, hind angles of prothorax sharper, etc. From some directions most of the upper-surface appears to be black, but from others much of the elytra of a dingy red, it is diffi- cult, however, to see their true colours on account of the brilliant opalescence (this. obscures the margins of the punc- tures, so that it is not easy to be sure of their exact size) ; from some directions even this changes to a pruinose gloss. One specimen, with much the same opalescence, has the elytra of a rather dingy red, with obscure darker lines. Three specimens from Kurrajong (C. T. Musson) and Mittagong (H. J. Carter and A. M. Lea) possibly belong to this species, and are probably females; they differ in being much paler (almost uniformly castaneous), without opalescent gloss, with denser and larger punctures, especially on the elytra, where they are rather crowded and moderately large, and shorter legs. ANODONTONYX NIGER, Nl. sp. Black, shining; antennae, palpi, and legs dull red, pro- sternum and front of clypeus sometimes obscurely diluted with red. Prothorax and elytra with a thin fringe of red- dish hairs, and a few hairs across apex of prothorax, rest of upper-surface glabrous; under-surface and legs sparsely clothed. | Head with fairly dense punctures at sides, but somewhat sparser in middle. Clypeus with margin rather strongly upturned in front but less strongly on sides, each side of base lightly produced, hind suture rather strongly drawn backwards to middle; punctures near base more crowded than between eyes, but becoming sparser in front. Antennae eight-, club three-jointed, second joint subglobular, distinctly wider than third; club small. Prothoraxr about twice as wide as long, front angles produced and subacute, hind ones gently rounded off; punctures rather small but sharply defined, nowhere crowded. Hlytra rather short; with geminate rows or rather shallow punctures, the interstices with rather 220 numerous punctures. Pygidiwm with fairly dense punc- tures, a depression in each basal angle. Front trbiae wide and strongly tridentate; basal joint of hind tarsi longer and stouter than second. Length, 8-9 mm. Hab.—Tasmania: Kempton, Parattah, Hobart (A. M. Lea), Brighton (Aug. Simson’s No. 2850). Type; de 819: The male has longer and thicker legs than the female, and the sexes differ to a slight extent in the prothorax, its greatest width in the male being postmedian, in the female antemedian, in the male also it is less transverse than in the female, hence the characters used in Blackburn’s table) are unsatisfactory; but of the species known to Blackburn it seems closest to tetricws, from which it differs in its smaller size, much smaller elytral punctures, less convex elytral inter- stices and red legs; it is without the metallic gloss of micans, and differs in other respects from that species. The median line of the prothorax is either absent or vaguely impressed for a short distance near the base. Countless thousands of specimens of this species are sometimes washed up on the beaches near Hobart, after sultry nights. PSEUDOHETERONYX SETICOLLIS, N. Sp. Pl sexy ie rable Black; antennae, palpi, and parts of tarsi obscurely red- dish. Head and prothorax with dense and extremely short suberect setae; abdomen and pygidium with longer and sparser setae, parts of legs, front wall of clypeus, angles of prosternum, and margins of elytra with still longer setae, or stiff hairs. Head smooth and impunctate at base, elsewhere with -crowded (but not confluent) and rather shallow punctures of moderate size. Clypeus with punctures as on rest. of head, front margin feebly incurved to middle, hind suture appear- ing as a narrow sinuous elevation. Antennae eight-, club three-jointed. Prothorax widely transverse, sides gently rounded, base very feebly bisinuate, front angles produced and acute, hind ones lightly rounded off, median line feeble; punctures somewhat smaller than on head, but quite as dense. Elytra with sides gently and apex widely rounded; with rather feeble relics of striation; punctures slightly larger, sparser, and more sharply defined than on _ prothorax. Pygidium with irregularly distributed, asperate punctures. Front tibiae strongly tridentate; basal joint of hind tarsi slightly longer than second, each claw with a Se basal appendix. Length, Y1°5-15 mm. (14) Trans. Roy. Soe. S. aseen 1907, p. 258. 221 Hab.—New South Wales: Mount Kosciusko (B. Ingleby, — Lueas, and — Guerand, 7,000 ft., in Howitt’s collection). Type, I. 589. | A strongly-convex dull species, but with shining elytra. Specimens vary somewhat in the punctures of the elytra and one has a few fairly well-defined striae, but all agree in having the prothorax with very dense punctures, with a minute seta arising from each ; on many of them the setae have caused mud to adhere uniformly to the surface, giving it a curious appearance ; the setae on the upper-surface of the head are just as dense, but from several specimens have been completely abraded; the elytra have a few extremely minute setae towards the sides, but from most directions they are invisible. The apex of the scutellum is without punctures, the apparent base has a few large ones, and the real base (normally con- cealed by the overlapping base of the prothorax) has dense ones. I have been unable to find external indications of sex in the eleven specimens under examination. The eight- jointed antennae and general appearance associate the species with baldiensis and creber, from which it may be readily distinguished by the prothoracic clothing. PSEUDOHETERONYX BASICOLLIS, n. sp. Pl, xxv., figs. 32 and 33; pl. xxvi., fig. 62. Black ; parts of antennae, of palpi, and of tarsi obscurely reddish. Upper-surface sparsely clothed with short, depressed setae, more numerous (but still not very dense) on head than elsewhere; prothorax and elytra fringed with stiff blackish setae, similar setae on parts of under-surface and of legs. Head with numerous, but not very dense or large, and rather shallow punctures, becoming crowded on clypeus;. front margin of the latter gently incurved to middle, hind suture lightly impressed and sinuous. Antennae nine-, club three-jointed. Prothorax scarcely twice as wide as long, sides strongly and evenly rounded, base evenly incurved to middle, front angles produced and subacute, hind ones rounded off, median line absent; punctures similar to those on head but sparser, a few very small ones scattered about. Scutellum with numerous punctures. Hlytra with sides gently rounded and apex almost truncate; punctures slightly larger than on prothorax. Pygidiwm and metasternum with rather coarse punctures. Front tibiae strongly tridentate; two basal joints of hind tarsi subequal ; claws strongly appendiculate. Hab.—Australia: (Blackburn’s collection) ; Queensland : Toowoomba (Hamlyn Harris in Queensland Museum); New South Wales (National Museum). Type, I. 4847. 222 The majority of the punctures on the upper-surface are so impressed that there appears to be a minute granule (often semicircular) at the back of each, but the granules are invisible from in front, they are decidedly coarser on some specimens than on others; in some specimens faint indications of elytral striae may be seen, but from others these are entirely absent ; _the lateral bristles each arise from a small granule. The front. claws (fig. 32) are of very different shape to the others (fig. 33), and the difference is apparently not sexual (at least I have been unable to find external indications of sex in the nine specimens under examination) ; its upper-surface is subopaque owing to very fine shagreening. The nine-jointed antennae associate the species with laticollis and helaeoides in Black- burn’s table; from which, as from all other described species of the genus, it may be distinguished by the base of the prothorax, this being gently and evenly incurved from each side to the middle; on all other species the base is gently bisinuate, with the part adjacent to the scutellum in the form of a wide feeble lobe. It is rather more convex than the preceding or following species. PSEUDOHETERONYX PUNCTICOLLIS, Nn. sp. PL oxxy. 2 ote mies Black; antennae, palpi, and parts of tarsi more or less reddish. Upper-surface almost glabrous; under-surface and legs sparsely setose. . Head with large and rather deep, but not crowded, punc- tures, suddenly becoming crowded on clypeus; the latter with apex gently incurved to middle. Antennae nine-, club three- jointed. Prothorax about thrice as wide as the median length, sides strongly rounded, base very feebly bisinuate, front angles rather strongly produced and acute, hind ones slightly rounded off; median line absent; with large deep punctures, becoming smaller towards sides, somewhat irregularly distributed but nowhere crowded. Elytra with sides gently rounded, apices very feebly rounded (almost truncate) ; with irregular rows of rather large punctures, in wide, shallow striae. Pygidiwm with very shallow punctures. Front tibiae strongly tridentate ; basal joint of hind tarsi shghtly longer than second; all claws acutely appendiculate. Length, 11 mm. ~ Hab.—Queensland: Camooweal. Type (unique), in (Jueensland Museum. The head and prothorax are opaque, the elytra moderately shining ; the whole of the body and even parts of the legs are very finely shagreened. There is a short seta in most of the punctures of the upper-surface, but they are very inconspicu- ous, as they seldom rise to the general level. The hind suture 223 of the clypeus is not very distinct by itself, but is rendered very distinct by the difference in the density of the punctures before and behind it; there are about ten distinct striae on each elytron, the punctures in each do not form a regular row at the deepest part, but many are on the sloping parts, although they could scarcely be regarded as geminately arranged; each of them, when viewed from behind, appears to have a small basal granule. The nine-jointed antennae associate this species with /atzcollis and helaecides, in Black- burn’s table, from which it may be distinguished by the longer basal joint of the hind tarsi; the punctures of the head and prothorax approach those of /aticollis, but the elytral sculpture is very different; the hind tarsi were not mentioned in the description of /aticollis, but two specimens (received from Mr. Carter and taken by Judge Docker at Walgett, as was the type) of that species before me have the basal joint decidedly shorter and thicker than the second. ByRRHOMORPHA RUDIS, Nn. sp. Black; antennae, palpi, and parts of tarsi reddish. Metasternum with fairly numerous blackish hairs, rest of under-surface and legs sparsely clothed. Head with crowded but sharply-defined punctures of moderate size. Clypeus widely excavated in front, sides rather strongly elevated, hind suture in the form of a narrow carina ; punctures as between eyes, but becoming smaller on sides. Labrum conspicuously elevated in front, deeply impressed along middle, the impression continued on to mentum, but much shallower there. Antennae nine-, club three-jointed. Prothorax scarcely twice as wide as long, sides decreasing in width from near base to apex, front angles rather strongly produced and acute, hind ones somewhat obtuse; median line rather feeble at base, but rather wide and deep in front; punctures much as on head, but becoming smaller (although not sparser) towards all margins. Scwtellwm with dense punctures, but tip polished and impunctate. Flytra feebly dilated to beyond the middle, each obliquely truncate at apex ; striae deep and wide, with coarse, irregular punctures, the interstices irregular, and with sharply-defined punctures. Pygidium with crowded asperate punctures, and a distinct median line. Front tibiae strongly tridentate. Length, 8-11°5 mm. Hab. —- Western Australia: King George Sound (Macleay Museum), Warren River (W. D. Dodd). Type, IT 4836. A rough-looking species close to verres, but club with only three joints, prothorax with more crowded punctures, _ 224 and with a conspicuous enlargement of the median line; the largest is less than the length noted for ponderosa. The coarse punctures are often confluent on the sides near the shoulders. The elytra of this and of the following species (except for marginal fringes) at first glance appear to be glabrous, but they have sparse and exceedingly short pubes- cence, that even under a strong lens appears hardly more than dust. VARIETY. One specimen has the front tibiae bidentate ; but agrees in other respects with the type and seven other specimens. ByRRHOMORPHA BASICOLLIS, Nh. Sp. Black ; most of under-surface, and of legs, labrum, and sides of clypeus, obscurely reddish-brown, antennae paler. Parts of under-surface and of legs with rather long, yellowish hairs or bristles. Head with crowded and small but sharply-defined punc- tures. Prothorax with crowded, small, and rather shallow, but sharply-defined punctures, frequently transversely or obliquely confluent. Hlytra with punctures of moderate size, but (except at the apex where they are smaller and denser) not crowded or confluent. Pygidiwm with very dense and small asperate punctures, with a very feeble median line. Front tibiae tridentate, the two front teeth large and acute, the other very small. Length, 9-10 mm. Hab.—South Australia: Lucindale (B. A. Feuerheerdt and F. Secker), Sandy Creek (J. G. O. Tepper). Type, I 4837. The under-surface is sometimes uniformly dull reddish- brown; on two specimens the abdomen is almost black, and darker than the sterna, on another it is considerably paler than the sterna. On the head of one specimen there is a very conspicuous, narrow, impunctate line near the base; but this appears to be due to less of its back part being con- cealed by the apex of the prothorax than in the others. The subsutural and sublateral striae of the elytra are in parts fairly well defined, but there are no distinct discal striae, their places being taken by obscure and subgeminate rows of punc- tures, scarcely differing in size from those in their vicinity. There is an enlargement of the median line of the pronotum, as in the preceding species, but the punctures of the prothorax and elytra are very much finer than on that species; the clypeus (except that its punctures are smaller), labrum, mentum, outlines of prothorax and of elytra, and the scutel- lum are as described in that species. From verres it is readily distinguished by the much denser and finer punctures of the prothorax, which are also frequently confluent; the sculpture 225 of the elytra is also much finer, and the subgeminate arrange- ment of punctures, although feeble, is more regular. FRENCHELLA GAGATINA, n. Sp. Pl. xxvii.) fig. 64. Black, highly polished; parts of antennae and of palpi reddish. Upper-surface glabrous, except for fringes of dark hairs on the prothorax and elytra; under-surface and legs with blackish hairs, denser on metasternum than elsewhere. Head with dense (but not crowded) and sharply-defined punctures of moderate size between eyes. Clypeus with suture gently sinuous; punctures (except in front) crowded and slightly larger than those between eyes. Antennae nine-, club three-jointed and rather small. /Prothorax about twice as wide as long, sides strongly rounded in middle, front angles produced and acute, hind ones obtuse but not rounded off; punctures about as large as those between eyes, but sparser and becoming smaller on sides. Scutellum impunctate on apical half. Hlytra slightly dilated to beyond the middle, apex gently rounded; each with ten well-defined striae containing numerous punctures, these of varying sizes but mostly fairly large; interstices with a few distinct punctures. Pygidium in parts with sharply-defined punctures. Front tibiae tridentate, the two front teeth large, the other very small. Length, 125 mm. Hab.-—Western Australia: Cue (H. W. Brown). Type (unique), I. 4780. | As the club is rather small the type is probably a female ; the median line of its pronotum is vaguely impressed on the apical third, and represented by an impunctate line from there to the base. The hind angles of the prothorax are sharply defined, although they are rather more than right angles, but this is the case with other species that Blackburn referred to B of his table, ‘““Hind angles of prothorax sharply defined,” from some directions, however, they appear to be quite sharply acute; by that table the species would be associated with sparsiceps, which is a narrower and paler species, with much sparser punctures between eyes, etc. It is darker and more strongly convex than any previously-described species, in appearance closer to some dark specimens of /wbrica than to any other, but differing by the absence of punctures from the greater portion of the elytral interstices, clypeus much less upturned in front, and front tibiae apparently bidentate at first glance, the third tooth being very feeble and nearer th base than in other species. I 226 FRENCHELLA FIMBRIATA, 0. sp. Pl. xxvi., fig, 65. Dark reddish-castaneous and highly polished; under- surface, legs, antennae, and palpi paler. Upper-surface elabrous, except for fringes of reddish bristles on the pro- thorax and elytra, a similar fringe on pygidium; under- surface moderately clothed in places. Head with sharply defined but not very large punc- tures, sparser between eyes than elsewhere. Clypeus convex in middle, its hind suture almost straight; punctures crowded and slightly larger than those behind suture. Antennae nine-, club three-jointed. _Prothorax not twice as wide as long, sides moderately rounded in middle, oblique to apex, with front angles produced and acute; feebly decreasing to base, with hind angles rectangular; base feebly bisinuate ; punctures sharply defined and nowhere dense. Scwtellum impunctate at apex. H/ytra gently and evenly dilated to beyond the middle, apex widely rounded; strongly striate, with rather small punctures in striae near suture, becoming rather large towards sides, the interstices with few but sharply- defined punctures. Pygidiwm with slightly larger punctures than on prothorax. Front tibiae tridentate. Length, 1) omime, Hab.—Queensland: Bowen (Simson’s collection, No. 2007). Type (unique), I.- 10782. A less convex species than usual; the type appears to be a male, as the rami of the club are longer than the other joints of the antennae combined; the apical tooth of the front tibiae is long and acute, the second one is acute but small, and the third is very small; the basal joint of the hind tarsi is thick, and its full length is greater than that of the second, but from some directions it appears to be slightly shorter. Regarding the species as belonging to AA, B, of Blackburn’s table, it would be associated with sparsi- ceps, from which it differs in its much darker colour, prothorax with sparser and more sharply-defined punctures, rather denser punctures between eyes, elytra more dilated posteriorly, pygidium with much larger punctures, etc. ; if it was regarded as belonging to AA, BB, it would be associated with /ubrica, which has much denser punctures, including many on the elytral interstices, and differs in other particulars. \ FRENCHELLA CRIBRICEPS, Nn. Sp. Pl. xxvi., fig; '66. Black and highly polished; palpi and parts of antennae and of front legs more or less reddish. Upper-surface sparsely clothed, but with distinct reddish fringes, pygidium with 227 ‘ rather long pubescence and a distinct fringe, sterna densely pilose. Head rather convex, and with rather large, crowded punctures. Clypeus with margins rather strongly upturned, hind suture curved backwards to middle; punctures much as between eyes, but becoming smaller in front. Antennae eight-, club three-jointed. Prothorax distinctly less than twice as wide as long, sides subangularly produced in middle, rather strongly narrowed to apex, with front angles produced and acute, less strongly narrowed to base, with hind angles sharply defined and almost rectangular; punctures almost evenly distributed, sparser, and smaller than on _ head. Seutellum with rather sparse punctures. LHlytra almost parallel-sided to near apex, which is almost truncate; striae well defined, but with irregular punctures; interstices with rather large, irregularly-distributed punctures. Pygidvum with dense, subasperate punctures about base, becoming sparser elsewhere. Front tibzae strongly tridentate; basal joint of hind tarsi shorter than second. Length, 11°5 mm. Hab.—South Australia: Lucindale (F. Secker). Type (unique), I. 4700. As the club is small the type is probably a female. There are fairly numerous erect hairs between the eyes, and sparse ones on the elytra; but the type has probably been partly abraded. There is a feeble remnant of a median line on the pronotum. By Blackburn’s table the species would be associated with hispida, from which it differs in being black, clothing of upper-surface much sparser, clypeus longer, etc. In general appearance it is fairly close to dark specimens of lubrica, but that species has denser prothoracic and elytral punctures, antennae nine-jointed, etc. ENGYOPS FLAVUS, Nn. sp. Flavous, front of head and parts of legs castaneous. A few long hairs between eyes, and a fringe of similar lairs on each side of the prothorax and elytra, rest of upper-surface glabrous; pygidium moderately densely clothed at apex; under-surface and legs very sparsely clothed. Head with fairly numerous and small but sharply- defined punctures. Clypeus with semicircular and rather strongly upturned margins, middle rather strongly convex and with denser and coarser punctures than between eyes; hind suture sharply defined. Antennae nine-, club three- jointed. Prothorax about twice as wide as long, side sub- parallel on basal two-thirds, and then strongly rounded to apex, front angles produced and acute, hind ones almost rectangular; punctures somewhat larger and denser than 12 228 between eyes. Scutel/im with punctures as on prothorax. Kiytra slightly dilated to beyond the middle, and then nar- rowed to apex, where each is obliquely truncated but with a fine membrane; with regular impunctate striae, interstices with slightly larger punctures than on prothorax, but not quite so dense. Pygidium with crowded punctures. Under- surface with rather dense and strong punctures, sparser and smaller on parts of abdomen than elsewhere. Front tibiae tridentate, the two apical teeth large, the other feeble; basal joint of hind tarsi as long as the second and third combined. Length, 8°5-9 mm. Hab.—Queensland: South Johnstone River (H. W. Brown), Innisfail (Mrs. McArthur), Mackay (National Museum, from R. E. Turner). Type, I. 10781. An elongate species, at first glance resembling some species of Phyllotocus (e.g., occidentalis, and the variety pallidus of macleay:), but with very different front parts of head, etc. The very large eyes with the space between them not much wider than long, simple claws (they are, however, thickened at the base), and general appearance are as in J. spectans, from which it differs in being much larger, clypeus shorter, punctures (especially on elytra) denser, etc., the elytra are also truncated at apex; the mentum is granulate but much less densely clothed than in specians. From above the hind angles of the prothorax appear to be acute, and to slightly embrace the elytra, but from the side each is seen to be almost rectangular. The sparse hairs on the head are partly in front of and partly behind the clypeal suture. Each ramus of the club is about as long as the inner spur of the front tibiae. The four specimens under examination appear to be all males. HAPLOPSIS SERRICOLLIS, N. sp. Black with a slight bronzy gloss, antennae (except club) and palpi red, tips and part of sides of elytra and parts of legs obscurely diluted with red. Rather densely clothed with long white hair. Head with coarse and dense punctures. Clypeus with margins moderately upturned, front truncate but with corners rounded off, the sides oblique. Antennae nine-, club three- jointed, rami about the length of the claw-joint without the claws. Prothoraa not twice as wide as long, sides strongly rounded and finely serrated, front angles produced and acute, hind ones obtuse but not rounded off; punctures large and asperate ; the interspaces with dense small punctures. Hlytra with subgeminate rows of close-set, asperate punctures, the wider interstices with numerous gaps on each side due to 229 punctures. Pygidiwm with crowded punctures. Front tibiae tridentate, the two first teeth large and acute, the third small, acute, and subbasal; basal joint of hind tarsi much shorter than second. Length, 6-6°25 mm. Hab.—Western Australia: Cunderdin, July-August, 1913 (Western Australian Museum, No. 7813). Type, Le 10797. In size and structure close to o//iffi, with which it would | be associated in Blackburn’s table, but the elytra have much longer clothing, and with scarcely a trace of metallic gloss; debilis has the clypeus somewhat different, the metallic gloss of elytra more conspicuous, and the clothing shorter; the tips of the elytra are obscurely reddish as in grisea, but the cloth- ing of that species is much shorter and the clypeus is very different. On the upper-surface there are fairly dense sub- depressed hairs, each about the length of a claw, and mixed with these (and very distinct from the sides) are longer erect ones, fairly dense on the head to base of elytra, but disap- pearing before the apex of the latter. From some directions the prothorax appears to be covered with small granules, much as in many small weevils (¢.g., Hssolithna, Polyphrades, etc.). The semidouble rows of elytral punctures are very irregular, and are in shallow longitudinal impressions, but these could scarcely be regarded as striae; on each elytron there are three interstices that are conspicuously wider than the others, but all have jagged edges due to punctures. The clothing some- what obscures it, but the whole of the derm appears to be very finely shagreened. MAECHIDIUS HACKERI, N. sp. Castaneous, some marginal parts darker, club paler. Moderately densely clothed with long, erect, golden or light- brown hairs; parts of under-surface with rather sparse, sub- depressed pubescence. Head with coarse and rather crowded punctures. Clypeus deeply notched in front, each side conspicuously trilobed. Antennae with the club three-jointed. Prothorax about __ twice as wide as long, sides moderately rounded and finely serrated, front angles: produced and moderately acute, hind ones obtuse and entire; punctures as large as on head, but less crowded. Hlytra feebly dilated to beyond the middle, with double rows of large punctures. Pygidiwm convex, with asperate, setiferous granules. Front tibiae tridentate; each claw with a conspicuous basal quill. Length, 8 mm. Hab.—Queensland: Buderim Mountain, in April (H. Hacker). Type (unique), in Queensland Museum. 230 The hairs are more conspicuously golden and denser on the pygidium than elsewhere. In Blackburn’s table the species would be associated with macleayanus, from which, as from all other species except variolosus and gilosus, it may be readily distinguished by the long erect clothing of the upper- surface; from the two latter species it may be distinguished by the quilled claws; in general appearance it is strikingly close to variolosus. MAECHIDIUS STRADBROKENSIS, Nl. Sp. Blackish, some parts obscurely paler, antennae and palpi reddish. Head and prothorax with rather long, stiff, erect, rusty-red bristles, somewhat similar but shorter and paler ones on pygidium, elytra with subdepressed whitish setae, and a few suberect bristles; under-surface and legs with moderately dense, short, curved setae. Head with large dense punctures between eyes. Clypeus strongly convex and with crowded punctures in middle, widely emarginate in front, each side with two triangular teeth, and a longer and more obtuse one extending to base. Antennae with club three-jointed. Prothorax about twice as wide as long, sides obtusely serrated, front angles produced, base strongly notched on each side; punctures large, round, and shallow. SHlytra almost parallel-sided to near apex; with rows of large, elliptic, ring punctures. Pygidiwm with a large median fovea. Front tibiae strongly tridentate; each claw with a conspicuous basal quill. Length, 9-11°5 mm. Hab.—Queensland: Stradbroke Island, in December (H. Hacker). |Type, in Queensland Museum; cotype, I. 10795, in South Australian Museum. In general appearance somewhat close to a species doubt- fully identified by Blackburn as emarginatus, with which it would be associated in his table, but readily distinguished by the stiff bristles of the head and prothorax; on excisicollis the prothorax has much thinner setae, and the basal excavations and elytral sculpture are different; imsuwlaris is much smaller and otherwise very different. MAECHIDIUS HOPEANUS, Westw. M. obscurus, Macl. The types of obscurus agree with specimens identifiea (correctly I think) by Blackburn as hopeanus. Macleay described the prothorax as ‘‘shallowly bifoveate near the sides with the median line lightly marked.’’ One of the specimens certainly appears to be bifoveate, but the other has vague depressions only (much as on typical specimens of 231 hopeanus); the lightly-marked specimen is also without a median line. MAECHIDINUS, n. g. Head rather small. Eyes small and lateral. Clypeus entire in front, its basal angles slightly exterior to eyes. Maxillary palpi small, the labial ones very small. Antennae nine-, club three-jointed and rather small. Prothorax not much wider than greatest length; hind angles semicircularly excised. Scutellwm semicircular. Hlytra not covering the propygidium and pygidium. Prosternwm with a W-shaped excavation in front for reception of antennae, one of which rests on each side of a triangular intercoxal process. Leys rather stout; front tibiae tridentate, the third tooth small and close to the base; claws long, thin, and simple. This genus appears to be allied to Cawlobius, and its front tibiae are much as in that genus and Auwtomolus, but the prosternal sutures are widely open, allowing the antennae to be concealed when at rest, as in Waechidius; a notch on each side of the base of the prothorax is often present in Maechidvus, near which the genus should be placed in cata- logues; but it is readily distinguished therefrom by the entire clypeus, exposed propygidium, “and great distance between the second and third teeth of the front tibiae. MAECHIDINUS LATERICOLLIS, Nn. Sp. Black; palpi, claws, and parts of antennae reddish. Upper-surface with stout depressed setae, or lanceolate scales, dense and mostly black on head, dense and white on sides of prothorax, and black in middle, irregularly distributed and sparser on elytra ; under-surface, pygidium, propygidium, and parts of legs closely plated with snowy-white scales, legs in addition with numerous jong whitish hairs, tips of abdomen and of pygidium with golden setae. Head with dense, partially concealed punctures. Clypeus widely transverse, front truncate, sides gently rounded, hind suture normally, concealed. Prothorax strongly convex, sides strongly rounded, at about the basal third with a small tooth marking the outer end of a strong basal notch, front angles produced and acutely triangular; median line shallow; punc- tures crowded and moderately large. lytra with irregular rows of punctures, many of which are separated by small transverse shining granules, interstices of uneven width and obtusely serrated. Basal joint of hind farsi conspicuously shorter and thicker than second. Length, 7-95 mm. Hab.—Western Australia: Beverley (E. F. du Boulay). Type, I. 4583. 232 To see the W-shaped excavation of the prosternum clearly it is necessary to remove the head; from most directions it is difficult to see the line dividing the front face of the clypeus from the labrum. The clothing is remarkable, especially on the elytra, where the setae or scales on perfect specimens seem to be in geminate rows, with the white ones stouter than the black ones, and either lanceolate in shape, or elongate-elliptic ; on the upper-surface even where dense the derm may usually be seen from an oblique direction, but on the hind-parts and the under-surface the scales are so dense and flat that most of the derm is hidden. MAECHIDINUS MARGINALIS, 0. sp., or var. Ten specimens differ from lJatericollis in having the pro- thorax wider, its clothing longer and more upright, the pale setae continued across both base and apex (on all the specimens of latericollis the pale clothing is confined to the sides), clothing of head longer and almost entirely pale, under-surface with clothing more setose in character, even on the abdomen (where the scales are all distinctly longer than wide, and many are longitudinally ribbed) and the hairs on the legs longer and denser. Length, 8-9 mm. Hab. — Western Australia: King George Sound (Macleay Museum). Type, I. 10796. There are ten specimens of the present form before me, all from King George Sound; and six of latericollis, all from Beverley, so that the differences noted are unlikely to be sexual; the curious front tibiae and lateral notches of prothorax are exactly alike on the two forms, but the distinctly wider prothorax of the present form is unlikely to be of varietal importance only. A specimen of this form was standing in the Blackburn collection at the end of Awtomolus, but it was damaged and the head was so mouldy that the antennae were concealed, hence he probably regarded them as broken off, and so refrained from describing it. CRYPTODUS. It is difficult and in many instances impossible, unless they are dissected out, to count the joints of the antennae of species of this genus, owing to the greatly dilated basal joint concealing some of the following ones, and to the brevity of the joint preceding the club, the latter I have presumed in every instance to be three-jointed. Probably Fairmaire dissected them out to make certain of them, as I have had to do in many instances, thus making certain that his counts of the antennae of variolosus and piceus as being nine-jointed —— 233 were correct. Of the species described by him the following comments are offered : — grosstpes. A very distinct species, with the base of the mentum much as in caviceps, but the two species otherwise very different. ereberrimus. I cannot find that Blackburn has anywhere published a note as to creberrimus being a synonym of paradoxus, but at the side of his copy of the description of ereberremus he wrote “= paradoxus Macl.” and the description agrees so well with ordinary specimens of that species that I also regard it as paradoxus. It is probable that some of Fairmaire’s other names are bestowed upon forms of the same variable species. fraternus. Although placed in A, species noted as having “antennae novem-articulatae. Mentum emarginatum,”’ this species was said to have ten-jointed antennae, and the mentum was not even mentioned. Probably it was accidentally referred to A, and as the species of B were divided into three groups, dependent on the form of the mentum, it would be unsafe to identify any specimens as fraternus, without additional particulars to those given in the description (which is simply a brief comparison with cycnorwm ). CrypTropus parapoxus, W. S. Macl. C. subcostatus, Macl. C. obscurus, Macl. The types of swhcostatus are quite ordinary specimens of paradoxus; the types of obscurus differ from those of subcostatus in the particulars mentioned by Macleay, but the differences are individual rather than specific. The life the insects lead naturally causes older specimens to lose much of their gloss; the antennae of the four specimens are almost or quite buried within their cavities, but appear to be quite as in paradozus. CRYPTODUS INCORNUTUS, Macl. The type of incornutus is certainly very close to paradoxus, the general outlines of the head, prothorax, and elytra (and the subapical tuberosities of the elytra) are very much the same; the deeply-notched mentum, the antennae, and _ legs are also very similar, but the complete absence of cephalic tubercles (they are, however, often very feeble on paradoxus ), _ the decidedly coarser prothoracic, and the generally coarser | punctures, may be distinctive. _A smaller and even rougher specimen also with nontuber- culate head was sent to me some years ago by Mrs. Hobler of Dalby; and has been considered a possible variety of | paradozus. 234 CRYPTODUS VARIOLOSUS, White. Mr. Clark and I have taken specimens of this species in abundance from nests of Iridomyrmex conifera, in many parts of Western Australia. CRYPTODUS PASSALOIDES, Germ. Mr. Clark and I have taken specimens of this species from nests of several species of ants in Western Australia, including Ponera lutea, and a small black Iridomyrmex. CRYPTODUS FOVEATUS, 0. sp. Pliexxyiljene- soap Dark brown, sometimes almost black, moderately shining. Upper-surface with very short, and rather sparse, golden setae. Head with crowded reticulate punctures, a feeble median depression and two feeble tubercles. Clypeus with margins rather strongly upcurved, middle feebly incurved. Mentum with base deeply semicircularly notched, and with two rather acute processes; with dense, reticulate sculpture, becoming sub-obliterated in front. Antennae ten-joited; basal joint strongly dilated to apex. Prothorax with fairly large, and rather dense, shallow punctures, each with a central pit, but becoming crowded and irregular on the sides in front, median line rather lhghtly defined, but with shghtly larger punctures than on the adjacent surface. H/ytra with rather large elliptic or round punctures, each with an elevated median line, the interstices with numerous sharply-defined punctures; costae distinct. Pygidiwm with a large median depression, with dense, reticulate sculpture, reduced to simple punctures at apex. Front tzbiae quadridentate, the subbasal tooth small, the others large. Length, 20-23 mm. /Tab.—Northern Territory (Blackburn’s collection), Daly River (H. Wesselman), Darwin (N. Davies); Queensland, Charters Towers (Blackburn's collection). Type, I. 2209. Very distinct from all other known species by the large depression or fovea on the pygidium, which is distinct to the naked eye and gives that organ a bituberculate appearance (thinking this was possibly a masculine character one specimen was dissected, without. an aedeagus being found); the quadri- dentate front tibiae is also a useful, but not unique, distinguishing feature. The five specimens before me have all simple front. tarsi. CRYPTODUS ANTENNALIS, N. sp. Pl. xxv., figs. 34 and 35; pl. xxvu., fig.. 86. Dark brown and moderately shining. Upper-surface with sparse and very minute setae. 235 Head with dense, reticulate sculpture, becoming laminate in front ; with a scarcely traceable median depression. Clypeus rather strongly elevated in front, less so on sides, the hind suture marked by a finely-elevated line, but not traceable across middle. Mentum with base deeply notched and bidentate; densely reticulate, but the sculpture subobsolete in front. Antennae ten-jointed, basal joint strongly dilated and lop-sided in front, the following joint inserted slightly nearer its base than apex. Prothorax with rather large and dense ring punctures, each with a central pit; median line feebly defined or absent. A#lytra with rather large, elliptic, ring punctures, becoming smaller, denser, and rounder on sides; costae well defined. Pygidiwm with numerous ring punctures, each with a central pit, becoming crowded in corners, and almost simple at apex. Front tibiae strongly tridentate. Length, 16-21 mm. Hab.—New South Wales: Mulwala, Coonabarabran (Blackburn’s collection from T. G. Sloane); Queensland: Bowen (Aug. Simson’s No. 4294). Type, I. 2266. The general sculpture is somewhat as in paradovus, but the surface is more polished, and the antennae are ten-jointed ; the basal joint is so wide, with its tip overhanging the base of the club, that it is impossible to count the joints before dissection. The head has two very feeble elevations, and these are sometimes so ill-defined that they might fairly be regarded as absent. The punctures on the front sides of the prothorax are larger than elsewhere, and do not degenerate into crowded scratches. There are seven specimens before me, all with simple front claws. CRYPTODUS ANGUSTUS, N. sp. Pl. xmvi, fie.) 87: Dark brown and shining. Upper-surface with sparse and extremely short setae. Head with coarsely reticulate sculpture, becoming finer in front; with a shallow median depression, on each side of which is a feeble elevation. Clypeus moderately elevated in front, rather feebly on sides. Mentum with base deeply notched and strongly bidentate; with coarse reticulate sculp- ture, becoming finer in front. Antennae ten-jointed, basal joint strongly dilated to apex. Prothorax with fairly dense shallow punctures, each with a central pit, becoming crowded on the sides in front; median line feeble. Hlytra with large, shallow, elliptic, ring punctures, becoming smaller and rounder towards sides, intérstices with rather sparse and small but sharply-defined punctures; costae rather feeble. Pygidium 236 with more or less crowded ring punctures. Front trbiue quadridentate, the subbasal tooth small, the others strong. Length, 16-22 mm. Hab.—Northern Territory: Darwin (Sir E. C. Stirling, N. Davies, W. K. Hunt, and Blackburn’s collection) ; Queens- land: Stewart River (W. D. Dodd). Type, I. 136. An oblong, flat species, decidedly narrower than usual. Three of the specimens before me were doubtfully identified by Blackburn as oblongoporus, but that species was the first to be referred to Fairmaire’s first section of the genus distinguished by having nine-jointed antennae, the front tibiae were also described as tridentate. The description of fairmaire: was simply a comparison with variolosus, without the size, mentum, or antennae being mentioned ; such as it 1s the present species differs from it in having the variolose elytral punctures deeper and sparser than on variolosus, the small ones on the interstices much sparser and not smaller. One specimen has some of the elliptic ring punctures, adjacent to the suture and the first discal costa, conjoined, so that they are prolonged from three to five times the normal] length, without increase in width. Of the eight specimens before me seven have simple front tarsi, and from the other they are missing. Novapus opscurus, Macl. (formerly OrycTEs). The type of this species was probably picked up dead; it is opaque and entirely covered with very minute reticulation that may often be seen on beetles that have partially rotted in damp situations; all its tarsi and one antennae are broken. It is a Novapus, and structurally is extremely close to the Western Australian simplex, but differs in the apex of clypeus, scutellum, and prothoracic excavation. There are in the Australian Museum two specimens (sexes) from Queensland that probably belong to the species, and are in much better condition ; they are both shining, with the punctures more distinct and the minute reticulation absent ; the male (from Duaringa) is slightly larger than the type, with the tubercles at the apex of the clypeus rather more prominent, the cephalic horn slightly longer and thicker, and the median carina of the scutellum absent. There is an obtuse swelling at the posterior end of the prothoracic excavation on both the type and the Duaringa males, and I have seen no similar swelling on any other male of the genus.75 The female (from Hidsvold, and there is an almost identical speci- men in the South Australian Museum from Brisbane) in Museum from Cairns. — 237 general appearance is much like the females of laticollis and adelaidae, but differs from them by the tip of the clypeus being bituberculate as in the male. By the removal of this species from Oryctes that genus must now be expunged from Australian lists, as barbarossa has been transferred to Haploscapanes, and mullerianus to Pseudoryctes. NovaPus RUGOSICOLLIS, Blackb. Pl.. xxvii., figs. 88 and 89. There are numerous specimens of this species in the National Museum from the King River, Northern Territory, all marked as taken from termite mounds. The male, hitherto undescribed (the type was noted as a male, but this was subsequently corrected) in general appearance is very close to the male of V. bifidus (the types of which were also taken from termite mounds) but differs in having the cephalic horn much less conspicuously bifid, the extent of the prothoracic excavation is much the same, but its walls are more acutely carinated and in front (but not at the apex) and posteriorly (but not at the base) each carina from some directions appears to terminate as a subconical tubercle; by the males alone, however, it would probably have been considered that bifidus was only a varietal form; but the females are very distinct, on bifidus the cephalic horn 4 is a ey bifid ; on rugosicollis it is briefly conical. ANEURYSTYPUS CARINATICEPS, n. sp. Pl sxvin,,“ne.. 82. 3. Bright castaneous, some marginal parts narrowly infuscated. Under-surface, legs, base of antennae, and ocular canthi, with long rusty-red hair; elytra with a dense fringe of short pale hair, projecting downwards, and a longer fringe of stiffer redder bristles, projecting outwards, pygidium with a loose fringe of long hairs at the apex, but base glabrous. Head with fairly dense punctures on a semicircular space behind the clypeus, base with sparse and small ones. Clypeus with semicircular, strongly-elevated margins; punctures larger than on rest of head, its hind suture marked by a strong transverse carina, subangularly elevated in its middle, and curved on each side so as not to touch the margin. Antennae ten-, club three-jointed ; club very long and almost parallel-sided. Prothorax not twice as wide as long, a narrowly impressed line across front margin; with small scattered punctures, becoming more numerous, but not crowded towards sides in front. Scutellum almost impunctate. Hlytra with a rather deep subsutural stria, elsewhere striation very ill-defined, but the punctures in subgeminate rows. 238- Pygidium with fairly dense punctures about base, but sparse elsewhere. Front tibiae strongly tridentate; claws long, thin, and equal. Length, 14-15 mm. Hab.—Queensland: Capella (Relton collection). Type in Queensland Museum, cotype, I. 10768, in South Australian Museum. In general appearance like inermicollis, but the clypeus is More semicircular, and the transverse carina is subangularly elevated in the middle; pachypus has the clypeus transverse, carina and legs very different; pi/osicollis is much smaller, head very different, and prothorax conspicuously clothed ; daevis is much smaller, with the carina not elevated in middle, etc.; the males of all the other described species have the prothorax armed -in front. The club of the antennae is distinctly longer than the front tibiae; the elytral punctures are rather small and are rather distantly placed in rows, the gemination of these being very feeble. Under a fairly high power the whole upper-surface and the pygidium appear to be very finely shagreened, and as a result less shining than on other species of the genus. Both specimens appear to have feeble remnants of a wide median line on the prothorax, but these are possibly due to irregular contraction. CoRYNOPHYLLUS CURVICORNIS, Nn. sp. Pl. xxyit- feel, ¢. Bright castaneous, parts of head and tibiae, and margins of prothorax of scutellum and of elytra more or less infuscated. ° Under-surface, legs, basal joint of antennae, and ocular canthi with long, rusty-red hair, elytra with a rather dense fringe of short pale hair projecting downwards, and a somewhat longer fringe of sparser and darker hairs projecting outwards; pygidium fringed with hairs, at the base rather short and irregular, at the apex longer and regular. Head with a strong and acute recurved horn between eyes, with sharply-defined but not very large punctures. Clypeus semicircular, margins rather strongly and equally upcurved. Ocular canthi wide, rather flat; with shallow and dense, sub- asperate punctures. Antennae ten-, club three-jointed ; club widely subelliptic-ovate, about as long as width of head at base. Prothorax with a wide and deep excavation, front angles acutely produced, the hind ones widely obtuse; with rather small and sparse but sharply-defined punctures, becom- ing somewhat larger and denser on parts of sides. Scutellum impunctate. Hlytra not much longer than wide; with subgeminate, but more or less irregular rows of fairly large ring punctures, usually in very feeble striae. Pygidiwm with sparse but distinct punctures, becoming crowded and shallow 239 in corners. Front tibiae strongly tridentate ; claws long, thin, and equal. Length, 16 mm. Hab.—Queensland: Maryborough (II. J. Carter from A. Steven). Type (unique), I. 10766. The raised margin of the clypeus forms an almost true semicircle, as on several species of Aneurystypus, more distinctly so than on C. modestus, or on a_ species which is probably C. metallicola, with which it would be associated by the simple cephalic horn, but the horn is much longer than on either of those species, and the prothoracic excavation is much larger; the club of the antennae is as long as in modestus or fortnumi, but not so wide, although less parallel-sided than on the species of dneurystypus. The horn from its base in front is about as long as the head is wide across the eyes, it curves back well over the front margin of the prothorax. The excavation occupies about half the width and about two-thirds the length of the prothorax, at the middle of its hind border it has a short semicircular extension, the front corners of which, from some directions, appear sub- tuberculate ; the front margin is without a median tubercle. METANASTES BICORNIS, Nn. sp. Pl. xxvii., figs. 83 and 84. 3. Black, highly polished; parts of appendages obscurely diluted with red. Head widely excavated and with a few punctures between eyes; with two stout curved horns in front; clypeus quad- risinuate in front. Antennae ten-, club three-jointed. Prothorax strongly and evenly convex, sides gently rounded and not much wider at base than at apex; marginal stria narrow, with a small median node near the apex ; impunctate. Elytra as wide as prothorax; and about twice as long; with rather shallow ring punctures in feeble striae, but about apex rather crowded, an almost impunctate space near each side. Prosternum with a strongly elevated, subcylindrical process, crowned with reddish bristles, behind coxae. Front tibiae with three strong, and two or three small teeth; front claws unequal. Length, 21-22 mm. Q. Differs in having the excavation on the head much smaller, the horns reduced to feeble elevations, the small prothoracic node absent, and the front claws equal. Hab.--New South Wales (J. S. Clark); Queensland: Yandella (F. A. Gore); Brisbane (C. Wild). Type, 1.10765. The fringe at the apex of the hind tibiae is composed of but few short and stout processes (they are too stout to be regarded as setae) but as they are detachable no doubt the hind margin may be regarded as ciliate; this being the case 240 the species (in an unpublished table by the late Rev. T. Blackburn) could only be referred to Metanastes. Excluding the head the general appearance of the species is like a very large Metanastes australis, Blackb., and the curious process. behind the front coxae is much the same as on that species, but the head is very different, and there are many other slight differences. Of the four specimens before me one has a median line very faintly indicated on the pronotum, two have it just traceable about the base, and from the other itis absent. The front claws of the female are simple; on the male one claw is much thicker than the other and much more curved; on the front tibiae there are two strong teeth, then a small one, then a large one, and then one or two small ones; the pygidium has dense punctures on both sexes, but on the female they are larger and more crowded than on the male, and the female has on it a conspicuous transverse ridge that is barely indicated on the male. The horns on the head of the male are rather more than half the length of the front tibiae on two specimens, but are rather less on the type. CHLOROBAPTA FRONTALIS, Don. Pl xxvii... 90) There are in the National Museum two males from Kookynie and Norseman, and one in the South Australian Museum from .Ankertell, that I cannot satisfy myself are really distinct from frontalis; but they differ from the more ordinary forms of that species in having the submedian tooth of the front tibiae much more acute, and the strigae of the pygidium more conspicuous. The markings are of a clear sulphur-yellow, not the dingy shade of yellow that the green markings often turn to with age or improper treatment, and Mr. Horace W. Brown assures me this is the natural colour of living specimens; frontalis, however, is such an extremely variable species, that it does not appear desirable to describe these specimens as representing a new species, or even to give them a varietal name. DIAPHONIA EUCLENSIS, Blackb. Mr. W. du Boulay has a specimen of this species in which the prothoracic blotch is reduced to a slight infuscation at the apical third. ANOPLOGNATHUS PRASINUS, Cast., formerly PaRranonca. (16) Pl. xxvii., fig. 68. The history of this species is somewhat complicated; at one time it was regarded as a New Zealand species, and a (16) Hist. Nat., ii., 1835-40, p. 143. 241 synonym of Stethaspis (now Chlorochiton) suturalis of the Melolonthides, but Lansberge, followed by Arrow and Ohaus, referred it to the Rutelides. There are specimens of it in the Museum from the Richmond River (New South Wales) and Caloundra (Queensland); in general appearance it is like a short thick-bodied female of Stethaspis eucaly pti (Xylonychus ), but it differs in many details of sculpture, and particularly in the metasternum and claws. ANOPLOGNATHUS SMARAGDINUS, Ohaus. Calloodes prasinus, Macl. Pe exxvii., oes, 605 and 70. As the front tibiae of Calloodes prasinus, Macl., are not unidentate, Ohaus referred the species to Anoplognathus, and there being already a prasinus in that genus he altered the name to smaragdinus.Q7 ANOPLOGNATHUS MULTISERIATUS, Nn. sp. Pipexy., 12. 360; pl. xxvil., fig. 67. Of a rather dark olive-green and highly polished; legs reddish with a coppery gloss, tarsi darker, antennae, palpi, and tip of mesosternal projection reddish. Upper-surface glabrous, pygidium uniformly clothed with depressed white hairs or setae, becoming longer and denser on sterna, and sparser along middle of abdomen. Head rather wide and lightly convex; with small and sparse but sharply-defined punctures near base, becoming larger in front. Clypeus about thrice as wide as long, front margin moderately, the sides lightly upturned; with rather crowded punctures. Prothorax about twice -as wide as long, front angles subacute, hind ones obtuse, base trisinuate, the median sinus narrower than scutellum ; punctures rather small and not very dense, becoming coarse and crowded on sides, with a narrow and scarcely depressed but impunctate median line. H#lytra slightly wider than prothorax, apex truncate ; with crowded rows of large punctures, becoming more regular towards sides. Pygidiwm with crowded punctures transversely arranged. Intercoxal process of metasternum long and acute, Front ¢zbrae tridentate, apical tooth long and acute, second _ triangular and rather large, the other obtuse, claws uneven, _ the larger front one conspicuously bifid at apex. Length, | 21 mm. Hab.—Queensland: Bribie Island (H. Hacker). Type | (unique), in Queensland Museum. A rather small, strongly punctured species, not. very close _ to any other known to me; of the other green species it may be (17)Stett. Ent. Zeit., 1904, p. 90. 242 distinguished from aeneus (Waterhouse) by its much smaller size, very different clypeus and partly red legs, from punctu- latus (Olliff) and prasinus (Macleay) by the more robust build, much coarser punctures, and very different clypeus, from the species identified by Ohaus as prasinus (Castelnau) by the much darker green without pale margins, elytra without regular striae, and by the different punctures and clypeus. From some directions the prothoracic margins and median line, scutellum, and the suture and margins of elytra appear to be of a brighter green than the adjacent parts. There are no distinct discal striae on the elytra, but to the naked eye the punctures appear to be packed together in close rows, about eighteen rows on each elytron, they are frequently transversely conjoined, and there are often strong punctures on the interstices between the rows; they are coarser than on any other species, except velutinus, but are not interspersed with foveae as on porosus and olivieri. CALLOODES NITIDISSIMUS, N.. sp. Pl, xxvii, figs. /lieand ons g. Bright metallic-green and highly polished ; antennae dull red, club darker. Upper-surface glabrous; pygidium evenly clothed with depressed white hairs or setae, these becoming dense on parts of sterna and sides of abdomen, legs sparsely clothed, a row of. reddish bristles on front femora. Head wide, obliquely flattened in front; with sparse and rather small but sharply-defined punctures. Clypeus about twice and one-half as wide as long, front margin rather strongly upturned; punctures distinct only on sides, hind suture feebly sinuous. Prothorax about twice as wide as long, gently convex, front angles acute, hind ones almost rectangular, base trisinuate, all margins thickened except close to scutellum and in middle of apex; punctures very small and sparse in middle, becoming larger (but still small) and denser on sides. Scutellum with sparse and minute punctures. Hlytra with outlines continuous with those of prothorax, each elytron sub- triangularly produced and finely serrated at inner apex, without discal striae, but with a narrow one on each side and a feeble one near apical half of suture; punctures very small and sparse, towards sides becoming lineate in arrangement. Pygidium with dense and fine sublaminate punctures. Front tibiae with a strong apical tooth only; claws unequal but simple. Length (d, 9), 20-23 mm. Q. Differs in having a conspicuous brassy gloss, the clypeus considerably wider, less upturned in front, and with larger and denser punctures, the punctures behind its hind suture are also larger and denser, the club of the antennae is ) | | | 243 smaller, and there is a very slight projection on the smaller front claw. Hab.—Queensland: Coen River (Blackburn collection and W. D. Dodd), Claudie River (J. A. Kershaw). Type, Bratt: The unidentate front tibiae renders it certain that this species should be referred to Calloodes, instead of to Anoplognathus; the size and shape are much as those of atkinsom, but the margins of the prothorax and elytra are not purplish, and the clypeus has less strongly upturned margins (these in some lights appear to be diluted with red) ; raynert has reddish legs, considerably larger, although small punctures, and differs in many other respects. On the male the coppery tinge is scarcely in evidence, but on the females it is very conspicuous, and their elytra in some lights appear to glow fiery-red ; the abdomen and front coxae of the only male under examination are partly reddish, but this may be due to immaturity ; the sides of the elytra are feebly wrinkled, the production of their apices is not a sexual character; all the specimens have a curious appearance as of being covered with wet varnish. REPSIMUS MANICATUS, Sw. - The form with red prothorax, and hind tibiae in the male greatly dilated to the apex, and more than twice the width of the base, was considered by Ohaus as not the real manicatus, but aeneus 18); in this he differed from several previous workers, and here I regard that form as manicatus. var. MONTANUS, Nn. Var. On several of the higher mountains in Victoria, and on Mount Kosciusko in New South Wales, a form occurs whose upper-surface in entirely brassy-green, or with only the sides of the prothorax obscurely diluted with red, but with the red legs and greatly dilated hind tibiae of the preceding form. Seen from behind the whole upper-surface of some specimens appears blackish-purple. The general colour is very similar to that of many small specimens of purpureipes, but on that species the hind tibiae of the male are scarcely thicker at the apex than in the middle. Mr. Davey took numerous specimens at Bright, in Victoria. SCHIZOGNATHUS VIRIDIAENEUS, Ohaus. PJ. xxvii., figs. 74 and 75. The female of this species was unknown to Ohaus. Two _ specimens (sexes) were received from Bryon Bay (New South (18) Stett. Ent. Zeit., 1904, p. 70, pl. i., fig. 8. 244 Wales) ; of these the male agrees perfectly with a male bearing Mr. Arrow’s identification label as viridiaeneus, and with the position assigned to it in the table by Ohaus; the basal joint of its front tarsi is but slightly longer than the second joint (from above it appears to be no longer). The female differs in being more robust, its clypeus red, with its sides almost evenly decreasing in width to apex, which is upturned with the corners rounded off; the front tarsi are thinner, with the basal joint more than twice the length of the second, and the larger claw-joint cleft. By Ohaus’s table it would be referred to lucidus, of which the female is unknown to me, but the male is very distinct from the male of viridiaeneus. SCHIZOGNATHUS BURMEISTERI, Ohaus. Bi svi, 5 dil ee This species occurs in Victoria (Gippsland) as well as in New South Wales (Galston) and Queensland. MIMADORETUS NIVEOSQUAMOSUS, 0. sp. Pl. ex heer Q. Dark piceous-brown, with a metallic-green gloss; elytra, antennae, palpi, and most of legs more or less castaneous. Moderately clothed with thin, white, depressed scales or setae, becoming dense on pygidium and under-surface. Head with large, sharply-defined punctures, rather dense near clypeal suture, smaller and sparser near base. Clypeus transversely oblong, about thrice as wide as long, margins moderately upcurved; with crowded, asperate punctures. Antennae ten-, club three-jointed. Prothoraxr scarcely twice as wide as long, sides rather strongly rounded, front angles produced and subacute, hind ones subrectangular ; middle with rather sparse and small but sharply-defined punctures, becoming larger and denser on sides. Scutellum with a few submarginal punctures. Hlytra gently dilated to beyond the middle, each widely separately rounded at apex; each with thirteen well-defined striae, containing distinct punctures, interstices smooth and almost impunctate. Pygidium with dense but normally concealed punctures. Prosternum with a conspicuous elevation at base, produced to between middle of front coxae. Mesosternum with a triangular process, not passing middle of coxae. Front tibiae strongly bidentate ; basal joint of front tarsi as long as the three following combined, larger claw-joint cleft at apex. Length, 12-14 mm. - Hab.—Queensland: South Johnstone River (H. W. Brown). Type, I. 10769. The greenish gloss is very conspicuous on the scutellum Yi a and margins of prothorax. The scales on the elytra are almost 245 confined to the sides of the striae, on the prothorax of one specimen they are fairly evenly distributed, but they are almost absent (no doubt from abrasion) from the median third of another. I have not been able to see the front of the lower lip clearly, but it appears to be obtusely pointed in the middle, in this respect differing from the typical species, flavomacu- latus; but the ten-jointed antennae, shape of clypeus, processes between front and middle coxae, bidentate front tibiae, and larger front claw cleft in the female, with the scaly body, indicate that it is either a Mimadoretus or extremely close to that genus. MIMADORETUS LEUCOTHYREUS, N. sp. Pil Sev; tie. 647. gd. Of a rather dark castaneous; antennae, palpi, and parts of legs paler. Somewhat irregularly clothed with white hairs. Head rather convex; with dense and moderately large punctures, becoming smaller and sharply defined about base. Clypeus transversely suboblong, about twice as wide as long, front margin gently incurved to middle and moderately up- turned, sides very feebly upturned; punctures much the same in front of, as behind the suture. Antennae ten-, club three- jointed ; club as long as clypeus is wide. Prothorax rather strongly convex, about once and one-half as wide as long, sides subangularly dilated in middle, front angles subacute, hind ones obtuse; with moderately large and fairly numerous punctures in middle, becoming denser and larger on sides. Scutellum with dense, concealed punctures. L/ytra slightly wider than prothorax, apex almost truncate; each with thirteen rather deep and regular striae containing punctures, these rather large at base, sides, and apex, but mostly smaller elsewhere; interstices almost impunctate. Pygidium with crowded, partially concealed punctures. Prosternum with a narrow wedge-shaped process extending to between coxae. Mesosternum with a triangular process between coxae. Front tibiae tridentate, apical tooth long, curved, and acute, second triangular and rather large, third feeble; basal joint of front tarsi slightly longer than second, claws long, thin, and unequal, but simple. Length, 11 mm. Hab.—Queensland: Cairns district (A. M. Lea). Type, [. 4853. Two specimens were obtained, on one of which there is a vague greenish gloss on part of the prothorax. The upper portion of the head is almost glabrous; on the prothorax there are numerous subdepressed hairs on the sides, but the median : | third is almost glabrous, the scutellum is densely clothed, on «ee = ieee | f 246 the elytra the hairs are fairly numerous, but mostly arise from the sides of the striae, on the margins they are denser, on the pygidium the depressed hairs are rather less dense than on the scutellum, and there is a marginal fringe of long ones; on the under-surface and legs the hairs are long, rather dense and erect. The humeral callosities are almost impunctate. The feebly incurved apex of lower lip, ten-jointed antennae, pro- cesses between front and middle coxae and clothed (although not scaly) body, indicate that this species also belongs to Mimadoretus or is extremely close to it, despite the tridentate front tibiae, of which, however, the tooth nearest the base is due more to the emargination between it and the second one, than to a projecting part of the tibia itself; they certainly do not belong to Mzmela. On the present species the two joints before the club are so close together that from some directions the antennae appear to be composed of but nine joints. AporEtuUS, Cast., Hist. Nat. Col., u., p. 142; Lacord., i1., p. 380. This genus apparently has not been previously recorded from Australia, it may be readily distinguished from all other Australian genera of Rutelides by the labrum being _produced in a curved process, usually with crenulated sides, over the labrum. The general appearance of the species des- cribed below is like some Melolonthides allied to Heteronyx with unusually large eyes. ) ADORETUS MELVILLENSIS, N. sp. Pl xxv fies 3. Smoky-brown, head darker between eyes, parts of elytra, and most of legs and antennae somewhat flavous. Evenly but not very densely clothed with depressed whitish pubescence, becoming longer on pygidium, parts of under- surface and legs; a dense and somewhat golden fringe on clypeus. Head wide and moderately convex; with rather dense, shallow, and frequently transversely-confluent punctures. Clypeus semicircular, margins strongly elevated; punctures ‘ subgranulate, and more sharply defined than on rest of head. Eyes very large. iLabrum with numerous, small acute granules, sides of its produced part black and crenulate. Prothorax more than thrice as wide as long, sides gently rounded and finely serrated; punctures much as on head between eyes. Hlytra very little wider than prothorax, each with four discal costae, the first and second extending from base to near apex, the third shorter, the fourth (near the margin) still shorter, punctures of moderate size but shallow, PAR 247 almost regular close to the costae, irregular elsewhere. Pygidium with dense asperate punctures. Front tibiae strongly tridentate, the teeth black-tipped and close together, basal joint of front tarsi about as long as two following combined, claws long, simple, and unequal. Length, 11 mm. Hab.—Northern Territory: Melville Island (W. D. Dodd). Type (unique), I. 4854. The hairs composing the fringe on the clypeus are all depressed and directed backwards. All the elevated parts of the elytra are distinctly paler than the depressed parts. Since the above was written I have examined some speci- mens from the King and Roper Rivers in the National Museum; these vary in length from 10 to 12 mm., and in colour from that of the type to having the upper-surface (the shoulders and subapical callosities excepted) black; two are females and have the larger of the front claws slightly cleft, their colour varies as in the males and the clypeal fringe is much the same. SAULOSTOMUS MIMICUS, N.. sp. Piesxvit., figs. 79-and 80. 3. Bright castaneous, tibial teeth and some marginal parts darker. Under-surface, legs, base of antennae, and ocular canthi, with long, rusty-red hair, pygidium with depressed but long pubescence, and with long straggling hairs, elytra fringed with reddish setae, directed outwards, and with a thin membrane directed downwards. Head with sharply-defined and rather sparse punctures about base, becoming rather dense in front, and crowded but less sharply defined on clypeus. Clypeus semicircular, margin moderately upturned in front, less so on sides, hind suture slightly arched, the convex side directed to the front. Antennae ten-, club three-jointed ; club long, almost parallel- sided, distinctly longer than front tibiae. Prothorax about thrice as wide as long, sides rather strongly and evenly rounded, not much wider at base than at apex, front angles subacute, hind ones rounded off, all margins narrowly impressed except in middle of base; punctures of moderate size, sharply impressed and nowhere dense, even on sides, interspersed with numerous minute ones. Scutellum with two kinds of punctures as on prothorax. Hlytra with conspicuous, but irregular geminate rows of fairly large punctures, in moderate or feeble striae, the interstices also with rather large punctures, numerous small punctures scattered about. Pygidium with dense and rather shallow transverse punctures. Front tibiae strongly and acutely tridentate; claws unequal but simple. Length (3, 9), 13-16 mm. 948 Q. Differs in being more robust, head with crowded punctures except at extreme base, where only are they individually distinct, clypeus more transverse, club of antennae less parallel-sided and only about two-thirds of the length of front tibiae, prothorax with larger and more numer- ous punctures, and the larger claw of the front tarsi conspicuously cleft at apex. Hab.—Queensland: Cunnamulla (H. Hardcastle). Close to S. collaris, and like that species in general appear- ance strikingly resembling several species of Anewrystypus, (to which genus collaris was originally referred by Blackburn), but the male differs in being consistently larger and with different punctures on the head; on the present species the punctures from the clypeal suture to the base are all sharply defined, and non-confluent; on collaris they are crowded and confluent behind the suture, but become isolated towards the base, the differences being pronounced between five males of each species; there are other slight differences of the antennae and legs. In general appearance and structurally it is close to S. wezsker, but without the least metallic gloss, the prothorax smaller and with larger punctures, those on the head larger and clypeus less strongly narrowed in front. From S. villosus it is distinguished by its glabrous upper-surface and from the description of S. felschea by its very different colour. Mr. Hardcastle obtained numerous males at lights, but only one female. | DASCILLIDAE. MACROHELODES. The species of this genus are usually very variable in colour, and to a certain extent in size; Tasmanian specimens are also usually larger, and frequently darker than mainland ones of the same species. MaAcROHELODES LUcIDUS, Blackb. The type of this species was described as having the - upper-surface black, except for the narrowly reddish suture of elytra. Of two cotypes in the Museum one is of a very dark brown, with a slight bluish gloss, and the suture some- what paler, but the second specimen is paler. Other specimens vary from a rather bright-castaneous to almost black, with the suture uniform in colour with the rest of the upper- surface. The species may be readily distinguished from all others by its polished and almost impunctate elytra, and by a small marginal fovea at the basal third of each elytron (not mentioned in the original descriptions). It occurs from Nelson, in Victoria, to Stradbroke Island, in Queensland. 249 MACROHELODES PRINCEPS, Blackb. I have seen no specimen agreeing with the description of this species, the type of which is now in the British Museum; should it prove to belong to the same species as crassus, it has precedence over that name. MACROHELODES CRASSUS, Blackb. var. iwmtricatus, Blackb. var. gravis, Blackb. var. tasmanicus, Blackb. var. niger, Lea. This appears to be the most variable Australian species of the family, as it ranges from specimens having the upper- surface entirely pale, to those having it entirely black, and where markings are present these are often asymmetrical ; in size 1t ranges from 65 to 10 mm., the average of New South Wales specimens being about 7, those of Tasmania about 9. Two specimens from the Blue Mountains (figs. A and B) _ were standing in the Blackburn collection as crassus,; two from Blackheath (figs. C and D) differ in having the median spot or fascia broken up into two, and one (fig. C) has the subapical spot broken up into two. A_ small specimen from LEbor _ (fig. E) has the humeral spot greatly reduced in size, and one (fig. F) from New South Wales, and another from the Endeavour River, have the markings (except the humeral 250 one) absent. Tasmanian specimens frequently have the dark elytral markings, except the humeral ones, all conjoined (as in fig. G), or even extended (as in fig. H), with all conjoined, only rarely are they as in fig. I; in fig. J is shown a form in which the markings are irregularly broken up but black, on many specimens, however, the markings are broken up into inde- terminate brown specks and blotches, which gradually become fainter till the elytra are entirely pale. In fig K the markings are reduced to three clusters, and there are many specimens with other markings before me. Although I have only given patterns of the elytra it is to be noted that the prothoracic markings are also very variable; in the patterns the elytra are drawn somewhat obliquely from the sides, this causing the scutellar notch to appear smaller than it really is, and the suture to appear somewhat curved. intricatus, Blackb. Blackburn thought this form was possibly a variety of crassus, and this I think is the case; of three specimens standing in his collection one has markings approaching those of fig. J, but less sharply defined, usually on the variety only the humeral spot (as in fig. F), is left, and not always that. gravis, Blackb. This is an entirely pale form, which Blackburn considered distinct by its colour, by the obsoletely costate elytra and by the punctures. Although many speci- mens appear to have each elytron obsoletely tricostate, this appearance is really due to three vague longitudinal pale stripes on each; the punctures are subject to a certain amount of variation, but their apparent size is considerably altered by waterlogging (as on many specimens of Cordus hospes): their rea] size may be noticed by looking at them obliquely. tasmanicus, Blackb. This is a fairly common form in Tasmania. I cannot follow Blackburn in regarding its antennae as essentially different from those of crassws; com- paring New South Wales and Tasmanian specimens side by side with antennae im the same position, no such differences as he denotes are distinct, but comparing a specimen with antennae gummed to the card, and one with them free apparent differences may be seen, this being partly due to matting of pubescence. niger, Lea. This is the extreme form on the dark side, as gravis is on the pale side. The type was from King Island, but there are specimens in the Museum from Flinders Island and Tasmania (George Town and Sheffield). MaAcCROHELODES MONTANUS, Nn. Sp. Head black; prothorax reddish, lateral and apical margins paler, base narrowly infuscated; elytra of a dingy EEE Ls 251 flavo-testaceous, sides paler, shoulders and suture black or infuscated ; mesosternum, metasternum, and part of abdomen black or blackish, rest of abdomen of a dingy red; legs reddish, parts of tarsi infuscated. Under-surface and legs densely and finely pubescent, upper-surface glabrous. Head with crowded and sharply-defined punctures, a shallow depression near each eye. Antennae extending to hind coxae, second joint shorter than third, their combined length about equal to fourth. Prothorax more than thrice as wide as the median length; with crowded punctures, slightly larger than on head, and much as on scutellum. Elytra not much wider than prothorax, but about six times its length; with crowded punctures not quite as dense, but larger than on prothorax. (nder-surface with dense and minute punctures. TJvbiae finely spurred at apex. Length, 4°5-6 mm. Hab.—Tasmania: Mount Wellington, including the summit (Aug. Simson and A. M. Lea), Cradle Mountain (H. J. Carter and Lea), Devonport (Simson), Magnet (O. L. Adams). Type, I. 10686. An elliptic species, readily distinguished from all others of the genus by its consistently smaller size, more depressed form, and much denser punctures, notably of the pronotum. The colour of the majority of the specimens under examination is as above noted, but the prothorax sometimes has two, four, or more infuscated spots, the scutellum is usually black, the dark spot on each shoulder may be sharply defined and small, or less defined and continued as a vague stripe to well beyond the middle, on such specimens the pale sides are very con- spicuous, the sutural infuscation is usually very narrow. :One specimen, from Magnet, has the prothorax black, except for the narrowly pale sides and apex, the dark humeral marking is continued almost to the apex, but beyond the middle breaks up into a series of infuscate spots, and there are numerous other feeble spots on the disk. Another specimen, from Mount Wellington, has the prothorax red, with pale margins and a few indeterminate dark spots about the base; its elytra are black, except for a narrow flavous stripe on each side, and a small transverse flavous spot, between the scutellum and each shoulder. | SCLEROCYPHON MACULATUS, Blackb. The markings of this species (which occurs from the Alpine district of Victoria to Cairns in North Queensland, although apparently nowhere common) vary considerably, but on the prothorax the sides are usually flavous, with the ‘median third blackish. 252 SCLEROCYPHON BASICOLLIS, Lea. Two specimens from North Queensland (Blackburn collection), and Toowoomba (Queensland Museum), differ from the type in having the pale pubescence on the pronotum extended so as to cover the base with the exception of three spots, which by contrast with the rest of the surface appear black. The Toowoomba specimen has the elytra of a dingy red, irregularly mottled with brown. SCLEROCYPHON AQUATICUS, N. sp. Black; extreme margins of prothorax and of elytra, and parts of legs obscurely reddish. Upper-surface irregularly clothed with ashen pubescence, under:sihiace densely and uniformly clothed. Head gently convex in middle; with small, dense, almost concealed punctures. Antennae not extending to middle coxae, third joint scarcely longer than fourth, but conspicu- ously longer than second. Prothorax about thrice as wide as the median length, sides curved, thin, and much wider at base than at apex, front rather deeply emarginate for reception of head, median line feebly defined in front, distinct on basal half, with a small, shallow, transverse impression on each side of middle, and several elsewhere; punctures dense and minute. Hlytra at base the width of prothorax, sides gently dilated to beyond the middle, and narrowly margined, at about the basal third with a fairly large but very shallow marginal depression; punctures as on prothorax. Length, 6-7 mm. Hab.—Tasmania: Waratah (H. J. Carter and A. M. Lea). Type, I. 10687. In searching for Parnidae at Waratah Mr. Carter pulled out a log from the water and obtained a specimen of this species from an immersed part of it; a few minutes after- wards I obtained two more in the same way. The clothing of their upper-surface has a somewhat spotted appearance, as. if the derm had been irregularly abraded, although I am satisfied they are in perfect condition ; the type has an appear- ance as of having a feeble median fascia, on a second specimen (returned to Mr. Carter) this appearance is less defined; on the third most of the clothing is blackish, but there are several distinct pale spots, and beneath these the derm itself is reddish, there being quite a conspicuous angular spot about the middle of each elytron. The general outlines are briefly elliptic; the junction of the prothorax with the scutellum and elytra is very finely serrated; the elytra in parts about the suture are very finely transversely wrinkled. 253 Two specimens from Hobart (A. M. Lea) agree in structure with the type, but have the elytra reddish, with many infuscated spots or blotches, and these, with the pale patches of clothing, give them a curiously speckled appear- ance; the prothorax has the sides rather widely diluted with red; the under-surface is reddish, except for the metasternum and for three black spots on each of the second to fourth segments of abdomen. A specimen from Brighton (Simson’s collection) may also belong to the species, but is of an almost uniform rusty-brown colour, with the pubescence on the upper-surface scarcely variegated; the median line of its prothorax is less distinct than on the type, and the two small submedian transverse impressions are just traceable. A specimen from the Tasmanian Lakes (Blackburn’s collection) in colour is very similar to one of the Hobart specimens, but the prothoracic impressions are even less distinct than on the one from Brighton. Looking at these specimens from a distance the elytra of each of the seven appear to have two thin and more or less vague pale fasciae: one about the middle, the other half-way between the first and the apex. MALACODERMIDAE. CARPHURUS MYRMECOPHILUS, N. sp. 3. Red; elytra (suture excepted), mesosternum, metas- ternum, and parts of abdomen and of legs more or less deeply infuscated. With numerous long, straggling, dark hairs, more numerous on elytra and abdomen than elsewhere. Head with two feeble longitudinal depressions between eyes, bounded by obscure ridges, the latter transversely con- joined behind eyes; with fairly dense but somewhat irregular punctures. Eyes rather small, but lateral and prominent. Antennae extending to about middle of elytra, first joint moderately stout, about as long as second and third combined, second subglolular but slightly wider than long, third slightly wider and larger, third-tenth subequal in length, fourth- tenth conspicuously wider than long, each joined to the middle of the preceding one by a thin stalk, eleventh distinctly longer than tenth, its tip bilobed. Prothorax slightly wider than long, sides evenly rounded, base depressed; almost impunctate. Hlytra not much longer than their greatest width, which is just beyond the middle; with numerous shallow punctures and feeble granules. Legs moderately long, basal joint of front tarsi with a narrow black rim at outer apex. Length, 450-5 mm. Hab.—South Australia: Lucindale, several specimens from a nest of Iridomyrmex detectus (B. A. Feuerheerdt). Type, I. 10680. 254 | The elytra on one of the specimens are almost black, with | a slight bluish gloss; the apical segment of the abdomen is | entirely pale, the others have the sides and tips pale; the | four hind femora are more or less deeply infuscated, and the infuscation sometimes extends to other parts of the legs. The elytra from some directions appear to be feebly wrinkled,.the punctures and granules are not very sharply defined, although sufficiently distinct. The female (not taken by Mr. Feuer- heerdt) will probably be found to have the head smooth and the basal joint of the front tarsi simple. | The generic distinctions between Carphurus, Heleogaster, and Neocarphurus are comparatively trifling, but still with long series of each seem quite satisfactory, and they may be readily separated at a glance; but the present species, except for the antennae, seems intermediate between Carphurus and Helcogaster; the fourth-tenth joints of its antennae, however, are conspicuously wider than long (not due to serrations or rami), this being at variance with all other brachelytrous Malacodermidae with exsertile vesicles. The species should perhaps have been regarded as the type of a new genus. PTENTDAHE ENASIBA TRISTIS, Oll. Pi, xxv., figs:: 37 anmdetece Mr. Clark has taken, near the Swan River, several speci- mens of this species from nests of the twig-mound ant (Iridomyrmex conifera). They vary in length from 35 to 4 mm., and im) colour yirom piceous to deep shining black, with the legs more or less red- dish. They all have four small short yellow fasciae on the sub- basal impression of the pro- thorax: two marking the end of the median line, and one on each side. The antennae are peculiar, and from the side (pl. xxv., fig. 38) agree with Olliff’s description, but from above they Enasiba tristis, Ol. look very different (fig. 37). POLYPLOCOTES CARINATICEPS, N. sp. Plipexvyaior 30k Castaneous, elytra, abdomen, and tip of antennae some- what paler than other parts. Glabrous. 255 HTead opaque, and with dense punctures; with a narrow median line from antennae to base, from antennae to lip with a strongly elevated narrow ridge. Antennae rather short, first joint stout, second rather short, its base partly concealed by apex of first, third to seventh submoniliform, eighth and finth indistinctly separated, at the base slightly wider than seventh, the tip truncated. Prothorax about as long as wide, with a large deep excavation on basal two-thirds, an impression connecting the fovea with each side, a strong acute tooth on each side near apex, with dense (sometimes punctate) striae, mostly converging to the excavation. “/ytra subovate, base truncate and very little wider than prothorax; with regular rows of distinct and rather small punctures. JM/esosternam with a narrow intercoxal process extending on to metasternum. Legs rather long and thin. Length, 15 mm. Hab.—Western Australa: Swan River, eight specimens from nests of ants, Cremastogaster conifera (J. 8. Clark). The strong frontal crest has a rounded outline; the lower cheeks are. each greatly expanded as a thin flange. The antennae at first appear to be composed of but eight joints, as the two apical ones are so close together that it is difficult to see the dividing line; on examining the under-surface of the basal joints under a compound power there appears to be a minute joint at the base of the apparent second, but it may not be a true joint. The lateral tooth on each side of the prothorax is nearer the apex than is usual in the allied genera, and in addition there is a very small process on each side at the exact middle. The abdomen of both specimens is widely depressed (probably a masculine feature), its first segment is very short and indistinctly separated from the metasternum, the second is large, its sutures with the first and third indis- tinct across the middle, but distinct at the sides (as a result, along the middle, the abdomen at first glance appears to be composed of but three segments), the third and fifth are much shorter, and the fourth still shorter. There is some special golden pubescence on the prosternum, but it does not extend to the metasternum or abdomen. This species might have been regarded as belonging to a new genus, but if true inquilines were to be treated as ordinary Coleoptera, it would be necessary to propose almost as many genera as there are species. POLYPLOCOTES SCABRICOLLIS, Lea. By the favour of Mr. G. F. Hill the type and only known specimen of this species is now in the South Australian Museum. 256 DIPHOBIA LONGICORNIS, nN. sp. Pl, xxvy; ooo cae Castaneous, head and prothorax somewhat darker than other parts. Upper-surface with sparse and short, semierect setae. Head with small dense punctures; with a shallow median line. Antennae long and thin, first joint rather stout, second with its base curved under apex of first, third distinctly longer than fourth, fifth-tenth moniliform, eleventh cylindrical, about as long as three preceding combined. /Prothorax distinctly longer than wide, with a deep post-median transverse impression, marked at its middle by a deep fovea and towards each side by a smaller one; densely strigose. Hlytra ovate, strongly convex, base truncate, not much wider than pro- thorax, and with six small deep foveae; with rows of small punctures, the interstices also punctate. Metasternum shining, and with fairly large, asperate punctures. Abdomen with small punctures in middle of two basal segments, becoming larger and asperate at sides, and on the whole of the third segment. Legs long and thin. Length, 1°75-2°25 mm. Hab.—Western Australia: Swan River, five specimens from nests of the twig-mound ant, /ridomyrmex sp. hee 8. Clark). Type, I. 10653. Readily distinguished from all other species of the genus by the long terminal joint of the antennae. The sterna and abdomen are glabrous. The femora are grooved throughout their length, on the under-surface, for the reception of the tibiae. ECTREPHES FORMICARUM, Pasc. Pl. ixxv., figs: 41 and? 42: Mr. Clark has taken this species, about the Swan River, in abundance from nests of Iridomyrmex conifera, and one specimen from a nest of the green-head ant (Hctatomma metallicum). These vary in length from 1°25 to 2°25 mm. Of the clothing Pascoe says “elytris . ,. . pilis minutis erectis valde dispersis.” King» (of its synonym Anapestus kreuslert) says ‘“‘sub lente setosus.” The clothing seems to be particularly liable to abrasion as most of the specimens before me are almost or quite glabrous on the upper-surface ; on one specimen there were numerous fairly long hairs on the pro- thorax and elytra, but on floating it off for examination most of the hairs were lost; on three specimens there are still a few hairs left on the upper-surface. The antennae look very different from different points of view. 257 DIPLOCOTES FOVEICOLLIS, Oll. Mr. Clark has taken four specimens of this species, about the Swan River, associated with the preceding species. Two of them have the elytra considerably darker than in Victorian specimens, TENEBRIONIDAE. ALPHITOPHAGUS BIFASCIATUS, Say. A. pictus, Menetr. A. populi, Redt. A. quadripustulatus, Steph. This species has been seen in countless thousands in wheat stacks at North Geelong, although it has apparently not been previously recorded from Australia. For references, etc., see Junk, Col., Cat., Pars. 28, p. 382; where it is recorded as from Europe and North America; but it is probably almost world-wide in distribution. LATHETICUS ORYZAE, Waterh. This species has been taken at wheat stacks in New South Wales (Barellan and Enfield); it does not appear to have been previously recorded as Australia. For references see Jauk,l.c., p. 393. THORICTOSOMA, 0.g. Head wide, bilobed in front, the lobes partially over- hanging antennae. Eyes apparently absent. Mandibles short, stout, notched at tips. Mentum large, convex, con- cealing labial palpi. Two joints of maxillary palpi exposed, short and subequai. Antennae short, with a closely-compacted three-jointed club. Prothorax transverse, front angles produced, hind ones obtuse. Scutellum absent. LHlytra rather short, conjointly rounded at apex, and slightly arcuate at base ; epipleurae rather narrow and terminated before apex. Prosternum with an obtuse intercoxal ridge, each front angle foveate. Metasternum about as long as two basal segments of abdomen ; episterna rather wide, but with indistinct sutures. Abdomen with first segment once and one-half the length of second, and the length of fifth, third shghtly shorter than second and longer than fourth. Legs short; front coxae lightly separated, the middle ones more widely, the hind ones still more widely ; femora unarmed, tibiae spinose near base, the front pair dilated, with a strong tooth near base separated from one near apex by a deep notch; tarsi thin, hind ones four-jointed, the others five-jointed ; claws small and simple. Apterous. | : 258 In general appearance the two species described below are strikingly like several species of Thorictus of the Clavicornes ; but the tarsi are heteromerous, tibiae very different, and ‘prosternum without pads of clothing. I carefully examined the type of each species both from above and below without seelng eyes, and then decapitated them and examined the heads under the microscope from many angles still without seeing any, so presume both species to be blind. Most of the surface under a fairly high power of the microscope appears to be very finely granulate or shagreened, and in certain lights this causes some parts to have a deceptive resemblance to eyes, but when viewed at a right angle this resemblance vanishes. The clypeus and labrum appear to be absent, as there are no sutures defining their margins. The mentum is large and convex, concealing the labial palpi; of the maxillary palpi only the two apical joints (these fairly stout and sub- equal) are visible. The antennae are eleven-jointed, but the joints are so close together and even in width at their junctions that it is only under a fairly high power that they can be counted ; the three basal joints are concealed from above, the three apical ones form a closely compacted club. The fovea on each of the front angles of the prosternum is closed externally, but open internally, it is evidently for the reception of the club of the antennae, the basal portion of which is received, when at rest, within a groove (bounded internally by a strong ridge) on the lower part of the head. Both species are gently convex with oblong-elliptic outlines. The parts of the mouth of inquilines are usually so greatly modified from species living normal lives, that I do not regard the great modifications of these as excluding the genus from the Tenebrionidae. In catalogues it may be placed near 7yphluloma, the only other known blind genus of the family, but it differs from it in many particulars of the head, antennae, and legs, in some respects it appears to approach Brachycilibe and Platycilibe, and with the fossorial front legs of Caedius, Caediomorpha, etc. Type of genus, ectatommae. THORICTOSOMA ECTATOMMAE, 0. sp. Dark castaneous-brown, legs and antennae somewhat paler. Glabrous. Hlead gently convex, with two vague oblique depressions in front; punctures dense and sharply defined but rather small. Prothorax about once and one-third as wide as long, front angles lightly produced but not clasping sides of head, hind ones not quite rectangular; punctures much as on head, but becoming more crowded on sides. Elytra about the width 259 of prothorax, with a deep marginal stria from base almost to apex ; punctures almost even throughout, and slightly denser than on middle of prothorax. Uvnder-swrface with fairly dense, small, sharply-defined punctures, becoming larger and more crowded on parts of prosternum. Front tcbiae with a subtriangular tooth near base, separated by a semicircular notch from a larger and more obtuse one at apex; apex with three processes: an acute and rather short spine at inner apex, an obtuse somewhat curved one close to and almost the length of tarsi, and a subacute and somewhat shorter one between it and the short one. Length, 19 mm. Hab.—Western Australia: Swan River, from a nest of a large dark species of Hctatomma (J. 8. Clark). Type, I. 10681. One of the most interesting of the many interesting inquilines recently taken by Mr. Clark. THORICTOSOMA 'TIBIALE, Nn. sp. Pl. xxv.,\ fig. 43: Castaneous-brown. Glabrous. Head much as in preceding species. Prothorax about once and one-half as wide as long, almost: semicircularly emarginate in front for reception of head, with a distinct stria from base to apex on each side; punctures small, sharply defined, and almost uniform throughout. Llytra about twice the median length of prothorax, and almost its exact width at base ; with a narrow deep stria on each side from base to apex, and with extremely vague indications of other striae; punc- tures much as on prothorax. Under-surface with somewhat larger punctures than on upper-surface. Front tibiae much as in preceding species, except that there is an additional small process at apex. Length, 2-2'25 mm. Hab.—Western Australia: Geraldton (A. M. Lea). In general appearance fairly close to the preceding species, but more uniformly coloured, prothorax rather more deeply emarginate in front, with a stria close to each side (there are none on that species), the marginal stria on each elytron deeper, and two conjoined at apex, with vague indications of other striae, and the front tibiae with an additional process at apex. Of the processes on the front tibiae one is short and acute, one is about the length of the three basal joints of tarsi, one is slightly longer, and the other is longer than the four basal joints combined, somewhat curved and rather blunt. Two specimens, one of which is now | headless, were taken in 1896, probably from a nest of ants. j2 260 CERAMBYCIDAE. PAaRANDRA FRENCHI, Blackb. PID xxvu., figs. 91 ‘ands0z: Several specimens of this species have been taken in the Dorrigo district by Mr. W. Heron, and on the Tweed River by Mr. Horace W. Brown. The male differs from the female in having the head considerably wider (its width across the eyes is equal to or slightly exceeds the greatest width of the prothorax, in the female it is distinctly narrower than the apex of the prothorax, and this, in the female, is less than the median width) with larger jaws, antennae longer, with the apical joint decidedly longer, prothorax more narrowed to the base, with the hind angles more acute and the elytra much shorter (only about two-thirds the length) and less parallel- sided. The reference given by Blackburn was misprinted 1885, instead of 1855. Photographs of Plates XXVI. and XXVII. by H. M. Hale. Photomicrographs in text by H. Hacker. EXPLANATION OF PLATES. PuatTE XXV. Bigs & Leanymus mirus, Lea, front leg. > 2. me ”) 9) be) hi nd leg. soles ,, armature of metasternum. Bee) Sct Articerus subcylindricornis, Lea, antenna. et Mew s wilsont, Lea, antenna. ARG eee - ,, middle leg. Sea el: Af. mesosternalis, lea, antenna. te oh here as a » middle leg. Soke Gola 4 duboulayi, Waterh., views of antenna. ele 5 middle leg. se uialicgt Rodwayia inter coralis, Lea, intercoxal process of prosternum, » 14.... ... Chlamydopsis latipes, Lea. Se as ee kee striatipennis, Lea. A fen iG acct cake Euclarkia costata, Lea, antenna. a 7.5. "hs ee Bolboceras quadrifoveatum, Lea, front view of clypeus. a ane ee a bispinicolle, Lea, front view of clypeus of male. ar ey cle ch me », front view of clypeus of female. Joe One ape triunum, Lea, front view of clypeus. 5) Oe eee Rhopaea decipiens, ‘Lea, ‘antenna. 5g en a rn nigricollis, Lea, antenna, 5, 28.... ... Cheiragra ruficollis, Macl., apex of elytra. seo oet see . variabilis, Lea. ais Ose eine eee " 5 jus Bex of. elytron. Ne Ac eu ie sericeipennis, Lea, apex of elytron. sl to 31. Hs es » views of front claw- joint and claws. Vol. XLIII., Plate XXV. (2, HMAA frans. and Proc. Roy. Soc. S. Austr. CAA Se a Y, HUSSEY & GILLINGHAM LIM “eo Trans. and Proc. Roy. Soc. S. Austr. Vol. XLII., Plate XXVI. HUSSEY & GILLINGHAM LIMITED PRINTERS & PUBLISHERS ADELAIDE, SO. AUS. « { ; Trans. and Proc. Roy. Soc. 8. Austr. Vol. XLIII., Plate XXVII. HUSSEY & GiLLINGHAM LIMITED, PRINTERS & PUBLISHERS ADELAIDE, SO. AUS. nea 261 Fig. 32..... ... Pseudoheteronyx basicollis, Lea, front claw. ae * » hind claw. o4.... ... Cryptodus antennalis, "Lea, antenna as seen when at rest. 35. 7 “3 ,» under-surface of basal ; joint of antenna. 36.... .... Anoplognathus multiseriatus, Lea, front claw- joint and claws. 37.... .... Enasiba tristis, Oll., antenna from above. ede SO ,, antenna from the side. he Polyplocotes carinaticeps, Lea, antenna. 40. . Diphobia longicorms, Lea, antenna. 41 and 42. Ectrephes formicarum, Pasc., views of antenna. 43.. ... Thorictosoma tibiale, Lea. PuaTe X XVI. ig. 44. . Bolboceras quadrifoveatum, Lea. 45 and 46. RS bispinicolle, Lea. Aq). triunum, Lea. Mees)... Rhopaea decipiens, Lea. ee - nigricollis, Lea. 50... ... Paralemdiota cavifrons, Lea. ‘51.... ... Lepidiota froggatti, Mael. oe As re ,, var. stradbrokensis, Lea. bays...» Systellopus ater, Lea. 54.... ... Haplonycha marginipennis, Lea. peas... sf migra, Lea, 56. . suavis, Lea. 57 and 58. Glossocheilifer bidentatus, Lea. 59 and 60. Stethaspis squamosus, Lea. 6l.. Pseudoheteronyx seticollis, Lea. Baie. |. a basicollis, Lea. ae... puncticollis, Lea. eee es By: enchella gagatina, Lea. ei, ess. a fimbriata, Lea. Ce aA cribriceps, Lea. Puate XXVII. ig.67.... ... Anoplognathus multiseriatus, Lea. 68. . ies prasinus, Cast. 69 and 70. smaragdinus, Ohaus. 7 and:/2.: Calloodes nitidissimus, Lea. Wie. . Schizognathus burmeisteri, Ohaus. 74 and 75. #3 viridiaeneus, Ohaus. iG. . Mimadoretus niveosquamosus, Lea. 7a ee leucothyreus, Lea. Lou. : Adoretus melvillensis, Lea. 79 and 80. Saulostomus mimicus, Lea. 81.... ... Corynophyllus curvicornis, Lea. 82.... ... Aneurystypus carinaticeps, Lea. 88 and 84. Metanastes bicornis, Lea. 85.... ... Uryptodus foveatus. Lea. 86. i antennalis, Lea. ie : ae angustus, Lea. 88 and 89. Novapus rugosicollis, Blackb. 90: . Chlorobapta frontalis, Don., var. 91 and 92. Parandra frenchi, Blackb. AUSTRALIAN FUNGI: NOTES AND DESCRIPTIONS. No. 3. By J. Burton CieLanp, M.D., and Epwin Cueet, Botanical Assistant, Botanic Gardens, Sydney. [Read September 11, 1919.] Puates XXVIII. anp XXIX. The following paper is a continuation of our two pre- vious ones in this series, and contains a number of notes on, and records of, the larger Australian fungi. The serial numbers are for future reference to the species concerned. The references under ‘“‘colour tints noted’’ are to the plates in Henri Dauthenay’s ‘‘Répertoire de Couleurs . . ef unless Ridgway’ s “Colour Standards and Colour Nomen- clature’’ is specifically mentioned. We would once more emphasize the difficulty attendant on the identification of the fleshy agarics. When referring these to known species, we have in most cases given our description of the Australian plants so determined, so that if we are in error, the mistake can later be rectified. We would again express our gratitude for being enabled to reproduce coloured plates of most of the new species described, and would offer our congratulations to our artist, Miss Phyllis Clarke, of Chatswood, Sydney, for her admirable delineations of these. We also owe much to the kindness of Mr. C. G. Lloyd, of Cincinatti, for identifying for us so many polypores and other more permanent species. Without his help, our task in these groups would have been very heavy, and errors doubtless numerous. Miss E. Wakefield, of Kew Gardens, has also kindly helped us on several occasions, whilst we are indebted to various Australian friends, whose assist- ance is acknowledged in the text, for a number of specimens. SUMMARY OF CONTENTS. WHITE-SPORED AGARICACEAE. Amanita: 90—A. grossa, Berk. AMANITOPSIS: 91—A. punctata, n. sp. ARMILLARIA: 92—A. mellea, Vahl. 93—A. mucida, Schrad., ; var. exannulata, var. nov. TricHotoma: 94—T. muculenta, Berk. 95—T. colossa, Fr. CuitocysBE: 96—C. media, Peck. 97—C. pinophila, Peck. 98— C. dealbata, var. minor, Cooke. 99—C. cyathiformis, var. cinerascens, Fr. 100—C. paraditopa, n. sp. 263 CANTHARELLUS: 101—C. lilacinus, n. sp. 102—C. imperatae, n. sp. 1083—C. nigripedes, n. sp. 104—C. corrugatus, n. sp. 105—C. foliolum, Kalch. Lactarius: 106—2. stenophyllus, Berk. 107—D. subtomen- tosus, B. and Rav. 108—D. serifluus, Fr. Russurta: 109—R. adusta, Fr. 110—R. Flocktonae, n. sp. 111—R. Marae, Peck. 112—R. xerampelina, Fr. 113—R. azurea, Bres. 114—R: granulosa, Cooke. 115—R. pec- tinatoides, Peck. 116—R. emetica, Fr. 117—R. fragilis, Fr. 118—R. erumpens, n. sp. Cottysia: 119—C. radicata, Relh. 120—C. velutipes, Fr. 121—C.. confiuens, Pers. 122—C. ingrata, Schum. 123— C. stipitaria, Fr. HyeropnHorvs: 124—H. miniatus, Fr. 125—H. conicus, Fr. 126—H. psittacinus, Schaeff. Marasmivus: 127—M. porreus, Fr. 128—M. alliatus (Schaeff.). 129—M. calopus, Fr. 130—M. equi-crinis, F. v. M Mycena: 131—WM. banksiae, n. sp. 1382—M. coccineus, n. sp. 133—M. sanguinolenta, Alb. and Schw. Prevrotus: 134—P. lampas, Berk. 185—P. ostreatus, Jacq. 136—P.. subostreatus, n. sp. .1387—P. Cheelit, Mass. | 138— P. striatulus, Fr. LENTINUS: 1389—Z. tuber-regium, Rumph. 140—Z. strigosus, Fr. 141—2Z. dealbatus, Fr. 142—L. fasciatus, Fr. 143— L. radicatus, Cooke and Mass. 144—D. ursinus, Fr. Panus: 145—P. stypticus, Fr. 146—P. viscidulus, B. and Br. Xerotus: 147—X. fuliginosus. LenzitEs: 148—JZ. abietina, Fr. 149—Z. wngulaformis, Berk. 150—E.. striata, Swartz. 151—D. saemamna, Fr. 152—L. Beckleri, Berk. 153—L. repanda, Mont. 154—DZ. Muelleri, Berk. 155—Z. bicolor. POLYPORACEAE. Bouetus: 156—B. romanus, Ottav. 157—B. scarlatinus, n. sp. Stropitomyces: 158—S. pallescens, Cooke and Mass. 159—S. floccopus, Rost. Potystictus: 160—P. elongatus, Berk. 161—P. meleagris, Berk. 162—P. badius, Berk. 163—P. ochraceo-stuppeus, Lloyd. 164—P. occidentalis, Klotzsch. 165—P. (Trametes) Per- soonu, Mont. 166—-P. subfulvus, Berk. 167—P. flavus, Klotz. 168—P. versicolor, L. 169—P. sanguwineus, L. 170—P. cinnabarinus, Jacq. 171—P. cervino-gilvus, Jungh. Potyporus: 172—P. Clemensiae, Murr. 173—P. anthraco- philus, Cooke. 174—P. sulphureus, Fr. 175—P. rosettus, Lloyd. 176—P. rufescens. Pers. 177—P. Albertini, Mueller. 178—P. eucalyptorum, Fr. 179—P. gilvus, Schw. 180— P. gilvus, var. scruposus, Fr. 181—P. (Trametes). pertusus, Pro eio2—P. Patouillardu, Rick. 183—P. fruticum, Berk. 184—P. sessilis, Murr. Fomes: 185—F'. robustus, Karsten. 186—F. conchatus, Pers. 187—F.. densus, Oleson. 188—F. roburneus, Fr. 189— F. rimosus, Berk. 190—F. badius, Berk. 191—F. pseudo- sener, Murr.(?) 192—F. yucatensis, Murr. Porta: 193—P. callosa, Fr. 194—P. vaporaria, Fr. Trametes: 195—T. lactihea, Berk. 196— T. protea, Berk. 197—T. semitosta, Berk. 264 HYDNACEAE. Hypnum: 198—H. rufescens, Pers. 199—H. coralloides, Scop. 200—H. ochracewm, Pers. 201—H.-Muelleri, Berk. 202— H. zonatum, Batsch. 203—H. alutaceum, Fr. TREMELLODON: 204—T. gelatinosum, Scop. Raputum: 205—R. Neigherrense, Berk. Irnpex: 206—J. consors, Berk. 207—IJ. cingulatwm, Lloyd. 208—I. saepiaria, Lloyd. THELEPHORACEAE. THELEPHORA: 209—T. terrestris, EKhrenb. 210—T. myriomera, Fr. StEREUM: 211—S. caperatum, Berk. and M. 212—S. elegans, Fr. 213—S. semilugens, Kalchb. 214—S. hirsutum, Willd. 215—S. zonarium, Lloyd. 216—S. vellerewm, Berk. 217—S. lobatum, Fr. © 218—S. alludens, Berk. 219-—S) mem- branaceum, Fr. 220—S. (Lloydella) cinerascens, Schw. 221—S. (Hymenochaete) adustum, Lev. Corticium: 222—(C. coeruleum, Pers. GASTEROMYCETES. CHLAMYDoPUS: 223—C. Meyemanus, Berk. BatTaREA: 224—B. phalloides, var. ‘Stevenii. GEASTER: 225—G. Clelandii, Lloyd. 226—G. floriformis, Vitt. 227—G. simulans, Lloyd. 228—G. Berkeleyi. 229-—G. minimus, Schw. 230—G. saccatus, Fr. Mycenastrum: 231—M. corium (Guers.). LycopERDON: 232—D. gemmatum, Batsch. CatvaTia: 233—C. lilacina (Berk.). ASCOMYCETALES. ENpDogonE: 234—E. tuberculosa, Lloyd. MorcuHELiLA: 235—M. esculenta, L. 236—M. conica, Pers. Lrot1a: 237—L. marcida, Pers. GEOGLOSSUM: 2388—G. Muelleri, Cooke. 239—G. glabrum, Pers. Puituiesia: 240—P. polyporoides, Berk. Urnura: 241—U. campylospora, Berk. Hypomyces: 242—H. aurantius, Tul. XYLARIA: 243—YX. anisopleura, Mont. 244—X. phosphorea, Berk. (?) 245—X. myosurus, Mont.(?) 246—X. faveolis. 247—X. hypoxylon, Grey. SarcoxyLton: 248—S. Le Rati (Hennings). Poronta: 249—P. punctata, L. 250—P. oedipus, Mont. NummMu.LaRiA: 251—N. Badleyi, B. and Br. Daupinia: 252— D. concentrica, Bolt. WHITE-SPORED AGARICACEAE, AMANITA. 90. Amanita grossa, Berk. Agaricus (Amanitopsis) grossus, Berk.: Fl. Tasm., ii., 242; Sace.: sSyll-, 28; Cooke: Handb. Austr. Fungi, No. 10 (Tasm.). Agaricus (Amanita) ananaeceps, Berk. (?): Hook, Lond. Journ., viii., 512; Bacess Syl; 36; ¢and Cooke. Handb. Austr. Fungi, No. 8 (Tasm. )— We sent specimens of our a to Miss E. M. Wakefield at Kew, asking if they were A. solitaria. She 265 has replied that they do not seem to be so, as A. solitaria has floccose and easily removed warts; their smell seems to ex- clude A. strobiliformis. She suggested that they might be A. grossa or A. ananaeceps. On referring to the brief descrip- tions of these two, it seems probable that they may refer to different stages of the one species. As the specimens of one of our collections agree very well with the description of A. grossa, we place our plants under this name, though if only one species is concerned A. ananaeceps has priority. A com- posite description of our specimens is as follows:—Pileus 4} to 7 inches in diameter, globose then convex, white some- times with a silvery tinge, shining, covered with scattered warts which have a broad base of puckered membrane and a projecting ragged apex as if a piece of tissue paper had been twisted round with the fingers, with large soft ragged fragments of the veil attached to the edge. Gills just reach- ing the stem, moderately close, of a dirty creamy-white colour, drying to a darker tint. Stem up to 6 inches high, up to 1? inch thick at the bulbous base and 1 inch in the upper part, solid (in one a little hollowed out above, probably from insects), ‘mealy-white, above sometimes with narrow ragged irregular rings from the veil, sometimes with no ring, the upper part of the bulb smooth, the lower with concentric rings of small warts. Spores 8°5 to 10°4x6'8 to 72 p, not _ thick walled. A strong sour smell as of rancid butter. In one specimen the gills showed frequent anastomoses by cross- veins forming elongated cells. Narrabeen, March, 1916; Kendall, December, 1917. AMANITOPSIS. 91. Amanitopsis punctata, n. sp.—Pileus up to 34 inches in diameter, at first globose, then convex, sometimes gibbous, then plane or slightly depressed, smooth, slightly sticky when moist, edge markedly striate or even sulcate, with occasional patches of the volva especially near the edge when young, very dark grey, greyish-brown or smoky-grey, darker in the centre. Gulls just free, showing lines on the adjacent part of the stem, close, greyish-white to very pale smoky-grey, edges darker and finely serrate. Stem 4 to 54 inches high, stout, 4 inch thick below, slightly attenuated upwards, finely es hollow below with pith, finely spotted with greyish fibrous scales forming striae below, or with fine dark cobweb- like fibrils. Volva sheathing, ample, greyish-lead colour. Spores spherical, thick-walled, 10°4 to 14, occasionally 17 or 18 p. After heavy rain, Bradley Head, Sydney, March to May; Mosman, April (D. I. C., Watercolour 62; Herb., ‘J. B. C., Formalin Sp. 165). 266 Colour tints noted :—Pileus smoke-grey (pl. 313, Ton 4). Stem flecked with smoke-grey (pl. 313, Ton 4). Gills very pale smoke-grey or greyish-white. Pileus ad 87 cm. latus, primo globosus, deinde convexus, interdum gibbosus, deinde planus aut depressus, glaber, margine striata, fumoso-cinereus. Lamellae subdis- junctae, confertae, cinereo-albidae, marginibus percinereo- albidis et subserratis. Stipes 10 ad 13 cm. altus, crassus, sursum subattenuatus, substriatus, deorsum cavus, fumoso-cinereus et punctatus. Volva vaginata, ampla, fumoso-cinerea. Sporae sphericae, 10°4-18 yp. This species is clearly closely related to, but quite dis- tinct from, A. vaginata, Roze, which we have also collected. We have come upon our species on several occasions, and it has always presented the same characters. The colour of the gills, punctate grey stem, and size and shape of the spores are distinctive features. We have designated it ‘‘punctata’’ from the appearance of the stem. (Pl. xxviii.) ARMILLARIA. ’ 92. Armillaria mellea, Vahl; Cooke: Illustrs., pl. 32; Cooke: Handb. Austr. Fungi, No. 47; Clel. and Cheel: Agr. Gaz., N.S. Wales, xxvu., 1916, p. 104, pl. 4.—Arrarat, Vict., May, 1917 (E. J. Semmens, No. 24); National Park, S. Austr., April and June, 1917; Kendall, N.S. Wales, May, 1917; near banana (J/usa, sp.), Botanic Gardens, Sydney, Jtlyj LILG: In May, 1917, an interesting form was found at Mosman, Sydney, growing in a dense caespitose mass at the base of a stump. The cap was almost black with dense short fibres. There were definite remains of a pale-brownish ring § inch below the cap, whilst just below the cap itself was a flimsy veil rupturing to form a very definite second ring. 93. .Armillaria mucida, Schrad., var. exannulata, var. nov.—Cap up to 4 inches in diameter, slightly convex, then plane, glutinous, edge a little striate, whitish to pale stone- brown, cuticle peels. Gills very slightly sinuate, slightly ventricose, moderately distant to distant, white. Stem 34 inches high, slender to quite stout, bulbous below, attenu- ated upwards, slightly fibrously streaked, fibrous, tough, white to whitish, solid. Spores spherical, granular, thick- walled with a ‘‘nucleus,’’ white, 15°5 to 24 pw, basidia and hyphae large in proportion. On rotting fallen trunk, Mum- mulgum Brush, near Casino, December, 1916. Even in young specimens we can find no sign of a ring. The plants are obviously. like a large ringless Armillaria — a x« ™ | 7 267 mucida, and on comparison with dried English specimens received from Miss Wakefield, the spores of the latter are found to be similar to those of our plants but smaller (15:5 to 17°3 »). Obviously the Australian plants are very close relatives to 4. mucida, probably being the Australian repre- sentatives, and, in spite of the complete absence of a ring, we place them under A. mucida as a variety rather than transfer them as a new species to another genus, and so lose their obvious affinity. Pileus ad 10 cm. latus, subconvexus, deinde planus, glutinosus, substriatus, albidus ad subfusco-albidus, cuticulo decor- ticante. Lamellae subsinuatae, subventricosae, - subdis- tantes ad distantes, albae. Stipes ad 8 cm. altus, tenuis ad robustus, ad basem bulbosus, albus ad albidus, solidus. Sporae sphericae, granulatae, 15°5-24 u. TRICHOLOMA. 94. Tricholoma muculenta, Berk.: Hook. J., 1845, p. 43; Cooke: Handb. Austr. Fungi, No. 50 (W.A.).—The following agaric we are provisionally placing under this specific name, but are not quite sure of its identity with the species :— Pileus 2 inches in diameter, glutinous, white with a tinge of brown at the apex, umbonate (conical), convex then ex- panded. Gills white (drying to a light brown), moderately distant, just adnexed. Stem white, glutinous, solid, faintly striate (?). Caespitose on bare ground. Taste (dry speci- men) mild. Spores white, spherical, 4 to 4:5 wp, warty with an apiculus at one end. Mailson Island, Hawkesbury River, May 5, 1913. This agrees with the original description, save that the spores are a little smaller (5 to 6 w in Berkeley’s species). No mention is made of the spores being warty. No British species of Z’richoloma agrees with our specimen. There is some resemblance between our fungus and the description of Russula virginica, Cooke and Massee. The spores correspond exactly, but our specimen is caespitose, and has not decurrent, crowded gills, and is clearly not a Russula. 95. Tricholoma colossa, Fr.: LEpicr., p. 38; Cooke: Illustrs., p. 87; Massee: Brit. Fung. Flora, ii., p. 182.— A large agaric, usually half buried in the sandy soil, fre- quently occurring after autumn rain in the coastal district near Sydney, seems referable to this species. The description of Tricholoma coarciata given by Cooke and Massee (Cooke: Handb. Austr. Fungi, No. 51) also seems like that of our species, but fig. 5, given by Cooke, is quite different. If this figure is one reconstructed from a rough sketch, and not 268 a true representation of the original, then it may still happen that our species is that given by Cooke, but until this is settled we leave it under 7. colossa. The following is the description of our specimens :—Caespitose. Pileus 3 inches in diameter, convex, brownish-tan, somewhat squamulose and cracking, edge turned in when young. Gills crowded, straw- coloured, becoming discoloured rufous, adnate. Stem stout, 24 inches x 14 inch thick, somewhat bulbous, discoloured reddish-brown, white above. Flesh showing pink at the base of the stem and under the cap. Spores pear-shaped, white, 7x 5'2 p. Newcastle (Miss Clarke), April, 1915. Other specimens show a cap convex to plane, ‘and finally often up- turned, up to 44 inches in diameter, shining, fawn to reddish- brown, when old often very dark reddish-brown and slimy, broken up more or less into scales; flesh thick; gills adnate or sinuately adnexed, spores 5°5 to 68 x 3°8 to 4°2 pw, in some specimens apparently of this species 7 to 85x52 to 7 p. Narrabeen, April; Sydney, April and. May; Hawkesbury River, April. CLITOCYBE. SECT. I.—DISCIFORMES. 96. Clitocybe media, Peck.—Peck’s description (N. York State Mus., Mus. Bull. 157, p. 61) is as follows :—‘‘Pileus fleshy, convex, becoming plane or slightly depressed in the centre, often wavy or irregular on the margin, not polished, greyish-brown or blackish-brown, flesh white, taste mild; lamellae broad, subdistant, adnate or decurrent, whitish, the interspaces often venose; stem equal or nearly so, solid, elastic, coloured like or a little paler than the pileus; spores ellip- soid, 8x5 yw. Pileus 5 to 19 cm. broad; stem 2°5 to 5 cm. long, 8 to 16 mm. thick. Gregarious or scattered. Mossy ground in woods.’’ We have not had access to his plates of the species. The following South Australian plants approximate to the descrip- tion of C. media, though differing in some details, e.g., the pallid-whitish stem. They differ from C. nebularis, Batsch, in their larger spores, and from C. clavipes, Pers., in the non-clavate stem and non-decurrent gills. There seems justi- fication for the Present in placing them under C. media. Pileus up to 6 inches across, convex, then plane or a little upturned, somewhat irregular and wavy, subgibbous, matt, centre smoky-brown, the rest moist-looking yellowish- stony-brown. Flesh whitish, moist-looking in places. Gills adnate, close, whitish, then rather pallid or creamy. Stem up to 1? inch high, slender to stout (up to # inch thick), rather attenuated in the middle, slightly fibrillose or fibrously 269 streaked, solid, pallid whitish. Hardly any smell. Spores 85 to 104x5 pw. In a garden amongst grass, Beaumont, Adelaide, and on the Mount Lofty Range above Beaumont amongst grass under a tree, June, 1917. | (Miss Rennie, Watercolour No. 3.) 97. Clhitocybe pinophila, Peck.—Peck’s description (N. York State Mus., Mus. Bull. 157, p. 63) is as follows :— “Pileus fleshy, thin, convex becoming umbilicate or centrally depressed, glabrous, pale-tan colour when moist, paler when dry, odour and taste farinaceous; lamellae moderately close, subarcuate, adnate or slightly decurrent, whitish ; stem equal, glabrous or slightly pruinose, coloured like the pileus; spores broadly ellipsoid or subglobose, 5 to 6x4 to 5 pw. Pileus about 2°5 cm. broad; stem 2°5 to 5 cm. long, 2 to 4 mm. thick. Gregarious. "Under or near pine trees. Sometimes the pileus ‘becomes striate on the margin in drying.” Though the spores of the following Australian plants growing under pines are slightly narrower and the gills seem to have a greyish tint, it seems probable from Peck’s descrip- tion that they may be his species. Possibly they are better referred to the Sect. Orbiformes. Pileus up to 2 inches across,. convex or plane, sometimes slightly depressed, thin, surface matt, when moist greyish-brown and translucent, when dry pallid brownish and opaque, edge turned in when young. Gills adnate to slightly decurrent, close, pallid whitish then pallid greyish. Stem up to 2 inches high, moderately slender, slightly attenuated downwards, slightly striate, often flat- tened, pallid brownish or pallid greyish-brown, hollow. Very sight fragrant mealy odour. Spores 52 to 7x2°5 to 3 up. Amongst grass, apparently usually (always[?]) under Pinus. Beaumont, near Adelaide, and National Park, S. Austr., June, 1917; amongst pine needles under Pinus, Craigie, Ararat (HE. J. Semmens, No. 146). 98. Clitocybe dealbata, var. minor, Cooke: Handb., p. 50; Cooke: Illustrs., pl. 173.—Small plants, growing on the ground or attached to grass or fern roots at Milson Island, Hawkesbury River, in April and November, seem to be var. minor of this species. They were pure white, sometimes with a yellowish tinge when old, convex and somewhat irregular, with moderately distant gills. Occasional specimens were truncate above, descending conically with deeply decurrent gills. Spores elliptical? 5°5 to 66x34 wp. SECT. IV.—-CYATHIFORMES. 99, Clitocybe cyathiformis, var. cinerascens, Fr. — We have collected specimens of this variety at Mosman, Sydney, 270 in March, May, and June, and at Lisarow in May. Reticu- lations have not been noted on the stems. The description of our plants is as follows:—Pileus up to 14 inch in diameter, very thin, translucent, pale greyish-brown, striate, sometimes somewhat rugose, umbilicate to infundibuliform. Gills moder- ately crowded, deeply decurrent, branching and anastomosing. Stem up to 2} inches high, tubular, and the hollow centre sometimes apparently communicating with the funnel-shaped cap, base slightly bulbous, of the same colour as the cap but browner below. Spores pear-shaped with a large vesicle, 7 to 85 x42 to 5 pw. Under trees, sometimes on rotten wood. (D. I. C., Watercolour 38.) SECT. V.—ORBIFORMES. 100. Chtocybe paraditopa, n. sp.+-We have met with the following species of Clitocybe on several occasions in New South Wales and South Australia. It has usually been found on or in the neighbourhood of cow-dung, and, if this habit is a necessity, is evidently an introduced species. From the descriptions and from Cooke’s illustrations of C. ditopa, Fr., it seems close to this species but, from comparison with dried plants kindly forwarded to us from England by Miss E. M. Wakefield, is clearly not identical with it. It also seems, from the description, to be close to C. swbditopoda, Peck. Its outstanding feature is a strong scent of wattle blossom, noticeable even at a distance as when walking near. Pileus 14 to 24 inches in diameter, slightly convex and irregular, the centre sometimes slightly depressed or almost infundibuliform, sometimes obscurely gibbous, smooth, when moist shining moist-looking pallid stony-grey to brownish, drying from the centre, which become pallid fawn, and finally pallid white and shining, sometimes when dry dingy greyish- white, edge incurved when young. Gulls moderately crowded to moderately distant, adnate, sometimes somewhat decur- rent, rather thick, narrow, French grey, dark grey or violet- grey, becoming dark greyish-brown. Stem 14 to 2 inches high, moderately stout or slender, often compressed and deformed, slightly fibrously streaked, rigid, usually markedly hollow, occasionally when young nearly stuffed, whitish. Often densely caespitose and deformed, on bare rich soil or under Casuaria twigs, etc., in or near cow-dung or in pas- tures. Strong scent of wattle blossom (4 cacra pycnantha or suaveolens). Spores with one end a little pointed, 5:2 to 6°8 x 2°6 to 3°6 w. Mailson Island, Hawkesbury River, April to July; The Oaks, N.S. Wales, June, 1914; Adelaide, July, 1914 (spores 7x3°8 pw). (Miss Clarke, Watercolour 79; D. I. C., Watercolours 50 and 51.) 271 Pileus 3°7 ad 6:2 cm. latus, subconvexus et irregularis, modo depressus, modo subgibbosus, glaber, hygrophanus, pallido-cinereo-fuscus, siccatus pallidus et nitidus. Lamellae adnatae, interdum subdecurrentes, angustae, pallido-cinereae aut violaceo-cinereae, deinde cinereo-' fuscae. Stipes 3°7 ad 5 cm. latus, saepe distortus, cavus, * albidus. Habitus saepe caespitosus. Odor fragrans. Spores 5°2-6°8 x 2°6-3'°6 p. Coloured figures of this new species were prepared by the Government Printer of New South Wales several years ago for publication in the Agricultural Gazette of N.S. Wales. Owing to the war such publication has had to be postponed, but it is hoped that the plate may appear in that journal during 1920. CANTHARELLUS. 101. Cantharellus lilacinus, n. sp.—Paileus up to | inch in diameter, convex and edge pee ae in when young, then slightly convex or even depressed, often deformed, surface matt or almost floccose, of a brilliant artificial-looking pinky- lilac. Gills markedly decurrent from the first, very distant, often branching, many short, edge rather thick, white or with a lilac tint. Stem up to 14 inch long, 3/16ths inch thick, moderately stout, equal, lilac above, a pale dull-yellow below. Flesh thick, lilac above, that of the stem white. Spores pear-shaped, 7 to 85x 4°5 to 55 p. Under Awnzea bushes, Gladesville, Sydney, June, 1916. (Miss Clarke, Watercolour arid :) Pileus ad 2°5 cm. latus, convexus, deinde subconvexus aut depressus, saepe distortus, subfloccosus, rosaceo-lilacinus. Lamellae decurrentes, distantes, saepe furcatae, margin- ibus crassis, albae vel sublilacino-albae. Stipes ad 3°7 em. altus, ‘5 cm. crassus, equalis, sursum lilacinus, deorsum pallido-croceus. Caro crassa, sursum: lilacina, in stipite alba. Sporae pyriformes, 7-8°5 x 4°5-5'5 yp. feo... fig. 1.) 102. Cantharellus imperatae, un. sp.—The following species, which we refer to the genus Cantharellus, though it approaches Clitocybe, has occurred during successive years on a patch of the grass Imperata arundinacea growing at Neutral Bay, Sydney. It especially occurs after heavy rains when the grass has been burnt and is attached in small gregarious masses to the bases of the stems near the ground. Pileus up to 3 inch or more in diameter, convex, subgibbous, then plane or a little depressed, somewhat irregular, edge turned in especially when young, surface matt, pale fawny-white in ' centre with the periphery paler or nearly: pure white, later 272 with a brownish tint. Gills adnate, then decurrent, edges rather thick and entire, moderately distant, sometimes branch- ing and connected by irregular cross-veins, white with an orange tint when dry. Stem up to 1? inches high, markedly attenuated downwards, slightly hollow, white and somewhat mealy above, mouldy greenish-grey and mealy below. Spores obliquely pear-shaped or flask-shaped, one end acute, with a central globule, 9 to 13°8 x52 to 7 p. Neutral Bay, Sydney, February, March, and almost at any time after heavy rain. Pileus ad 1°5 cm. aut plus latus, convexus, subgibbosus, deinde planus vel subdepressus, paulo irregularis, margine inverto, subcervino-albidus vel albus, deinde subfusco- albidus. Lamellae adnatae, deinde decurrentes, margin- ibus crassis, subdistantes, interdum furcatae et venis connectantibus, albae. Stipes ad 2 cm. altus, deorsum attenuatus, subcavum, sursum albus et subfarinaceus, deorsum sub-viride-glaucus et farinaceus. Sporae obliquae, pyriformes, 9-13°8 x 5°2-7 wp. As indicated under Clitocybe paraditopa (No. 100), it is hoped that a coloured figure of this species, the plate of which has been prepared for some years, may be published in the Agricultural Gazette of N.S. Wales in 1920. 103. Cantharellus nigripedes, n. sp.—Pileus 2 inch in diameter, slightly convex to nearly plane, centre sometimes depressed, very thin, distantly ribbed, rather fragile, white with a pale-brownish tint, darker in the centre, edge turned in when young. Gills adnate, pure white, moderately dis- - tant, many short, sometimes with irregular branching veins, edges a little thick. Stem up to 1} inch high, very slender, shghtly attenuated downwards, tough, black except near the apex which 1s white, nearly wholly white when very young, slightly greyish-mealy. Spores(?) 4x25 pw. Attached by a very small disk to fallen trees, etc., near brush. Murwill- umbah, N.S. Wales, April, 1916. .(Herb., J- By Ceeiorm Sp. 204.) Pileus ad 2 cm. latus, subconvexus ad subplanus, tenuis, costatus, subfragilis, albidus sed pallido-fusco tinctus. Lamellae adnatae, albae, subdistantes, interdum venis irregularibus et ramosis, marginibus crassis. Stipes ad 3°75 cm. altus, pertenuis, deorsum attenuatus, lentus, niger sed apice albo. Sporae(?) 4x2°5 up. 104. Cantharellus corrugatus, n. sp.—Puileus 1 inch in diameter, irregularly convex, then expanded with the edge a little flattened, the edge turned in when young, when moist semitranslucent greyish-white and striate, drying from the centre to become ;pure white and scarcely striate. Gills 273 distant, many short, sometimes forked and connected by numerous transverse wrinkles, white. Stem 2+ inches high, a little wavy, becoming attenuated at the base, hollow, rather cartilaginous, white with a slight brown tint below. Spores 7 to 85x3'8 p. Subcaespitose amongst dead wood at the _ base of a log. Kendall, May, 1917. (Miss Clarke, Water- eolour 159; Herb., J. B. C., Form. Sp. 282.) Pileus 2°5 cm. latus, irregulariter convexus, deinde expansus, primum margine incurvato, substriatus, semitranslucidus et subcinereo-albidus, siccatus albus. Lamellae distantes, interdum furcatae, venis frequentibus connectantibus, albae. Stipes 6°2 cm. altus, deorsum attenuatus, cavus, albus, deorsum subfusco-albidus. Sporae 7-8°5 x 3°8 up. F Plantae subcaespitosae. We have given the specific name ‘‘corrugatus’’ to the species on account of the wrinkled appearance presented by the intercommunicating veins. (Pl. xxix., fig. 2. 105. Cantharellus foliolum, Kalch.: Grev., ix., 134; ace: Syll., v., 1956; Cooke: Handb. Austr. Fungi., No. 414 (Q.).—We have specimens, apparently of this species, taken on fallen sticks and twigs at Mosman, Sydney, in April and November. The plants are small and pure white, show- ing a greyish tinge in drying. The gills are very irregular. Spores pear-shaped, 12 to 13°3x72 pw. (Herb., J. B. C., _ Form Sp. 88.) LACTARIUS. SUBGENUS I.—PIPERITES. 106. Lactarius (Piperites) stenophyllus, Berk.: FI. fam. u., p. 248, t. 181, fig. 8; Cooke: Handb. Austr. Fungi, No. 388.—A comparison of the following specimens with Berkeley’s rather crude figure of this species leaves no doubt in our minds that they are one and the same. Before referring to Berkeley’s description, we had noted the re- semblance to L. insulsus. Our plants we describe as follows :— Pileus up to 3 inches across, convex, often irregular, usually markedly infundibuliform, pale yellowish-brown, often some- what zoned, slightly viscid when moist, edge markedly -ineurved when young. Gills very crowded, adnate to slightly - decurrent, creamy-yellow becoming dirty yellowish-brown, apparently not pruinose from the spores. Stem up _ to 1} inches high, moderately slender to stout, slightly expanded above, white, rather mealy. Exuding copious white milk from the gills on the slightest injury and juice from the stem. Instantly peppery. Spores warty, spherical, 5 wp. Under trees, Ryde, Sydney, May, 1916. (Miss Clarke, Watercolour 105.) O74 SUBGENUS III.—RUSSULARIA. 107. Lactarius (Russularia) subtomentosus, B. and Rav. : Ann. Nat. Hist., Oct., 1869; Cooke: Handb. Austr. Fungi, No. 391 (Vict., N.S. Wales)—Specimens which we refer to this species have been obtained at the Hawkesbury River and at Lisarow, both in May. Their description is as follows :—Pileus 44 inches in diameter, convex to irregularly infundibuliform (funnel-shaped), brownish-umber, villous looking, rigid. Gulls pale cream, distant, many short, deep, decurrent. Milk abundant, white, mild. Stem up to 2 inches long, usually rather eccentric, double in one speci- men, matt, pale brownish to brown, becoming hollow. Spores spherical, warted, 7 to 9 ». Under trees. 108. Lactarius (Russularia) serifluus, Fr.: Epicr., p. 345; Cooke: Illustrs., 1012; Massee: Brit. Fung. Flora, 111., p. 32.—Our specimens may be described as follows :—Pileus when small convex and slightly umbonate, later expanded with centre depressed and sometimes infundibuliform, rich reddish-tan to dark velvety reddish-brown. Gills adnate, some forked near the stem or near the edge, some very short ones interposed near the edge between long ones, very pale brown to salmon or tawny-white. Stem central or eccentric from distortion, reddish-brown like the cap, whitish at the base, finally hollow. Slhghtly caespitose under trees. Spores very rough, spherical to oval, 65 to 7, 8x65 p. Neutral Bay, Sydney, May, June, November; Lane Cove River, June; Bulli Pass, November. RUSSULA. 109. Russula adusta, Fr.: Epicr.; “pp 350; 3 Cooke: Tllustrs., pl. 1051; Massee: Brit. Fung. Flora, i., p. 52.— We have collected this species on three occasions. The follow- ing 1s the description of specimens from the Blue Mountains obtained in May, 1914:—-Pileus convex, deeply depressed, pallid becoming tinged darker brown, not viscid, rigid, edge turned in. Flesh becoming dark grey. Gills crowded, fading off towards the stem, pure white becoming dark greyish-black. Stem 1 inch high, 2 inch thick, white becoming sooty, finely pruinose. Taste mild. Spores warty, slightly oval, 85x8 pw (in the other collections, the spores are spherical to irregular, 7 to 9 p). In specimens collected at Lane Cove River, Sydney, in May, fine -woolly scales were noted on the cap. 110. Russula Flocktonae, n. sp.—Pileus up to 4 inches in diameter, irregularly convex, then depressed, pale pinkish- fawn, pale yellowish-brown, dull reddish-orange or brilliant velvety buff-orange. Gulls adnate, moderately to widely separate, occasionally bifurcating, interspersed with short 275 ones, pure white, becoming darker and pruinose from the spores. Stem 1 to 14 inch high, stout, sometimes attenu- ated downwards, solid, reddish-brown to pinkish-buff. Sub- stance white. Taste mild, occasionally slightly peppery. Spores elliptical, warty, 8°5 to 108x7 to 85 yp, occasionally more spherical. Elongated cystidia, 26 uw long, seen in two collections. On the ground under trees, Ryde, Sydney, May; The Spit and Bradley Head, Sydney, June; Lane Cove River, Sydney, May; Hawkesbury River, April, June; Terrigal, June. (Miss Margaret L. Flockton, Watercolour A.) We have been unable to find any figure or description agreeing with this species, and so describe it as new. We have named it in honour of Miss Flockton, who has admirably delineated it, and who for many years has taken a special interest in fungi. Pileus ad 10 cm. latus, irregulariter convexus, deinde depressus, pallido-rosaceo-cervinus ad luteo-aurantiacus. Lamellae adnatae, subdistantes ad distantes, interdum bifurcatae, albae deinde pallidae et pruinosae. Stipes 25 ad 4 cm. altus, robustus, interdum deorsum attenu- atus, solidus, rubro-subfuscus ad rosaceo-cervinus. Caro alba. Insipidus, interdum subpiperatus. Sporae ellip- ticae, verrucosae, 85-108 x 7-85 w. Interdum cystidiis. As indicated under Clitocybe paraditopa (No. 100), it is hoped that coloured plates of this species, with others, may be published in the Agricultural Gazette of N.S. Wales in 1920. ) 111. Russula Mariae, Peck.—Peck’s description (N. York State Mus., Bull. 75, 1903 (1904), p. 29, pl. 85, figs. 1-8) of this species is as follows :—‘‘Pileus at first nearly hemispheric, soon broadly convex, nearly plane or centrally depressed, pruinose and minutely pulverulent, dark crimson or purplish, sometimes darker in the centre than on the margin, rarely striate on the margin when old, flesh white, pinkish under the cuticle, taste mild; lamellae moderately close, adnate, white when young, pale yellow when old; stem equal, solid or slightly spongy in the centre, coloured like or a little paler than the pileus, usually white at the top and bottom, rarely entirely white; spores pale yellow, globose, ‘003 of an inch broad.’”’ From this description and from the coloured figures given by Peck, we think there is little doubt that the - common mild-tasted purple-capped Russula with a rosy-pink _ stem found in the Sydney district is R. Mariae. Perhaps the specimens of R. purpurea, Gill. (R. Queletu, var. purpurea, vide Massee), recorded by Cooke (No. 395) for Victoria are also this species, but R. purpurea is an acrid species. | 276 We describe our specimens as follows:—Pileus up to 2+ inches in diameter, convex, centre depressed, edge some- times turned up, of various tints of dark purple, purplish-red, rosy-purple, or pallid yellow, the general tone being purplish, edge slightly striate, cuticle occasionally apparently slightly sticky when moist. Flesh white, perhaps faintly purple under the thick cuticle. Gills moderately close, white, becoming pale yellowish, fading away at the stem to adnate. Stem moderately stout, a little swollen below or sometimes attenu- ated downwards, tinged with rosy-pink, rarely whitish only, hollow, pithy, base rooting. Spores warty, spherical to slightly oval, 72 to 9 uw. Taste mild. Sydney, May; Milson Island, Hawkesbury River, March, April, May, November; Mount Lofty, S. Austr., July (gills yellow). Portions fed to a pig and to a rabbit produced no ill-effects. (Miss Clarke, Watercolour 65.) The following are in the National Collection at the » Botanic Gardens, Sydney:—Helensburgh (W. Craigie) ; Leura (A. A. Hamilton), April, 1908; Mosman (E. Cheel), May, 1912; Gladesville (Miss M. Flockton), April, 1910; Hawkesbury River (J. B. Cleland), April, 1910; Brownsville (E. Cheel), April, 1910. . 112. Russula xerampelina, Fr.: Epicr., p. 356; Cooke: Illustrs., pls. 1053 and 1074; Massee: Brit. Fung. Flora, lli., p. 60.—We refer the following to this species. It agrees well with the illustrations given by Cooke:—Pileus- up to 34 inches across, irregular, rather depressed in the centre, splitting and cracking, pallid whitish blotched with bright- brownish vermilion. Gulls adnate, moderately close, some- times forking, occasionally in deformed specimens forming irregular pores near the stem, pale buffy-white. Stem 24 inches high, 14 inch thick above, stout, attenuated down- wards, root rather conical, fibrously striate, white with tinges of pinkish. Flesh solid, white. Shght smell. Rather rigid. Taste mild. Spores pale-tinted microscopically, warty, 8°5 to 105 p. Partly buried in the ground. Mount Lofty, S. Austr; ) April W907; 113. Russula azwrea, Bres.: Fungi Trident., t. 24; Cooke: Illustrs., pl. 1088; Massee: Brit. Fung. Flora, i11., p. 57.—The following resembles Cooke’s illustrations of f. cyanoxantha, Schaeff., but cystidia have not been found. For the present at least we refer it to &. azwrea, which resembles R. cyanoxantha, and has no cystidia:—Pileus 1 inch across, convex and dimpled atop, finally 3 inches across and depressed, definitely sticky when moist, not striate, when small the colour usually blotchy purplish with stone tints between, sometimes with distinct greenish tinges; tending to crack into small fy 4 a 277 purplish-brown scales or to become blotchy bluish-green and brownish-yellow in the centre, when old pale brownish with shades of dull bluish-green, cuticle separable. Gills adnate, close, all equal, sometimes forked, sometimes slightly anas- tomosing at the stem, diminishing towards the stem and rounded peepaally, white or creamy. Stem up to 1? inch high and up to % inch thick, slightly attenuated downwards, mealy, very slightly striate, solid, white. Taste mild. Shed spores white, spherical, warty, 7 to 85 pw. Neutral Bay, Sydney, March and May, 1917; Narrabeen, March, 1916; North Bridge, Sydney, July, 1916. (Miss Clarke, Water- colour 147.) A similar plant obtained at Sydney in March, 1916, had a very slightly peppery taste. Probably the same species, with the cap pallid brownish-white with dull greyish- green blotches, was collected at Mount Lofty, S. Austr., in April, 1917 (spores 6 to 7 p). 114. Russula granulosa, Cooke: Handb., p. 332; Cooke: Illustrs., pl. 1038; Massee: Brit. Fung. Flora, ui., p. 69.— The punctate brown spots on the stem, the cystidia, and the acrid taste seem to indicate with reasonable certainty that the following is this species:—Pileus when young somewhat dome-shaped and irregular with the edge sharply turned in, then irregularly convex, finally expanding up to 4 inches in diameter, smooth but sometimes with a few wrinkles, or slightly fibrously streaked, edge plicate, somewhat viscid when moist, cuticle not separable, yellowish-brown. Flesh thick, becoming attenuated towards the edge, white. Gulls adnate to adnexed, moderately close, edges darker and very slightly serrate, creamy, when bruised becoming brownish. Stem 13 to 24 inches high, attenuated downwards, mealy white path a tinge of ochre or with fine scattered punctate brown spots. Taste intensely peppery and somewhat bitter. Spores warty, 7 to 9 w; a few projecting acuminate cystidia, fax i20%5 Narrabeen, March, 1916, and February, 1917; Kew, January, 1917; Neutral Bay, Sydney, March, 1917. (Miss Clarke, Watercolour 90.) 115. Russula pectinatoides, Peck.—Peck’s description (N. York State Mus., Bull. 116, p. 90) of this species is as fol- lows :—‘‘Pileus thin, broadly convex, becoming nearly plane or centrally depressed, viscid when moist, widely tuberculose striate on the margin, dingy straw colour, brownish, yellowish- brown or cinerous brown, sometimes darker in the centre, flesh white, greyish-white under the separable pellicle, taste mild or slightly and tardily acrid; lamellae thin, equal or _ with an occasional short one, some forked at the base, adnate, white becoming pallid ; stem equal or nearly so, even, glabrous, spongy within, white; spores whitish, subglobose ; ‘00025-0003 278 of an inch long, nearly or quite as broad. Pileus 1-3 inches broad; stem 1-2 inches long, 3-4 lines thick.” From this description and from Peck’s figures, we believe the following to be this species. The stem is, however, usually attenuated downwards and grey under the cap has not been noted :—Pileus up to 3 inches in diameter, slightly convex to infundibuliform, periphery more or less striate, the striae sometimes showing small rounded warts on the ridges, smooth, viscid when moist, edge thin and not turned in, yellowish-brown and paler in the centre, or a brownish centre with a pale-fawn periphery or olive-brown or pale olive. Gills sinuately adnexed or adnato-decurrent, usually fading away near the stem, moderately close, thick, cream becoming spotted with brown or becoming pallid brownish-white. Stem 14 inch high, about 2 inch across above, usually attenuated down- wards to % inch below, sometimes equal, slightly streaky, solid, white or white with a faint greyish tinge. Flesh white, thick in the centre, very thin towards the edge. Taste mild. Spores with a pale-yellow tint, spherical to subspherical, warty, 7 to 10». Under trees, Neutral Bay, Sydney, March, April, May, June; Bulli Pass, April; Hawkesbury River, June; Manly, April. 116. Russula emetica, Fr.: Epicri)) peoomeeoere. Illustrs., pl. 1030; Massee: Brit. Fung. Flora, i., p. 73; Cooke: Handb. Austr. Fungi, No. 399 (N.S. Wales, Vic- toria, Tasm.).—An acrid species with a red cap and ane of pink on the stem, though in stature more resembling #. fragilis, we believe to be R&R. emetica, as the former is not stated to possess a pink tinge to the stem. Other acrid speci- mens, very similar but with pure white stems, may be the same species as the ones with pink tinges to the stems, but as the stature and general appearance resemble so closely R. fragilis, we at present leave them under that species. Our pink-stemmed specimens have a bitter pungent taste and a purplish to purplish-pink cap. Spores warty, 85 to 10°-4x52 to 85 p. Sydney, June. 117. Russula fragilis, Fr.: Epicr., p. 359; Ceoke: Illustrs., pl. 1091; Massee: Brit. Fung. Flora, i1., p. 75; Cooke: Handb. Austr. Fungi, No. 400 (Q’land, Vict., S. Austr.).—Specimens, with the stature and general appear- ance of this species, have been found at Neutral Bay, Sydney, in June, and at The Spit, Sydney, in July. These may be described as follows:—Pileus 1 inch in diameter, depressed in the centre, deep crimson, edge slightly striate. Flesh reddish under the cuticle. Gills close, adnate, white. Stem 14 inch thick, slightly fibrously striate, solid. Taste acrid. Spores warty, spherical to oval, 8°5 to 10° un. 279 118. Russula erumpens, n. sp.—Pileus up to 3 inches in diameter, depressed to infundibuliform, pure white or with a dirty-brown tint, surface dull, not polished. Flesh white. Gills adnate, from depression of the pileus with rather a decurrent tooth, crowded, creamy-white, when old rufescent. Stem 14 to 2 inches high, $ to # inch thick, sometimes a little excentric, white or slightly brown-tinted below, stout, equal, solid, dull, not polished. Spores pale rusty, spherical to slightly oval, verrucose, 7 pp, 85x7p. Taste mild. Emerg- ing covered with soil. Neutral Bay, Sydney, January to May (after heavy rain), October and November; Milson Island, Hawkesbury River, April; Eagle on the Hill, Mount Lofty Ranges, S. Austr. , April, 1917 (pileus up to 44 inches across ; spores 8'5 to 10-4 “x tot 8 ip, microscopically appar- ently white). (Miss Clarke, Watercolour 63.) Pileus ad 7°5 cm. latus, depressus ad infundibuliformis, albus vel subfusco-albidus, non nitidus. Caro alba. lLamellae adnatae, confertae, subluteo-albidae, deinde subochraceae. Stipes 3 to 5 cm. altus, 1°25 ad 1°8 cm. crassus, interdum subexcentricus, crassus, solidus, non nitidus, albus. Sapor non piperatus. Sporae subochraceae, sphericae ad sub- ellipticae, verrucosae, 7 p, 85x7 wm. At one time we thought our species might be Mussula periglypta, B. and Br., of Ceylon. Through the kindness of Mr. T. Petch, of Peradeniya Gardens, Ceylon, we have received coloured drawings and dried specimens of the Ceylon species which show that the two are clearly distinct. As indicated under Clitocybe paraditopa (No. 100), it is hoped that a coloured figure of this species, the plate of which has been prepared for several years, will be published in the Agricultural Gazette of N.S. Wales in 1920. CoLLYBIA. SECT. I.—STRIAEPEDES. 119. Coliybia radicata, Relh. (Syn. C'. eradicata, Kalch. ; C. olwaceo-alba, Cke. and Mass.).—The typical form is recorded by Cooke (No. 78) for Victoria, Queensland, Tas- mania, and Western Australia. C’. eradicata (Cooke, No. 79) is recorded for New South Wales and Victoria; as it differs from C’. radicata only in the stem not being rooting and not being thickened at the base, we adopt Cooke’s suggestion that it may be possibly only an accidental variety of the latter, and so sink (. eradicata as a synonym. C. olivaceo- alba is recorded in Cooke (No. 82), and for Kogarah, New South Wales, by R. T. Baker (Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, xxiv. (1899), p. 446) for Victoria and South Australia. From 280 ; the description and from Cooke’s plate, it is apparent that C’. olivaceo-alba closely resembles C. radicata, the chief point of difference being the black base of the stem of the former. In May, 1915, we found specimens of C. radicata in the Sydney district with whitish bases to the stems and growing near these, plants with the abrupt black bases of C. olwvaceo- alba. Obviously both were the same species, and both showed the large spores—in this case 12 to 13°8 x 10°4 p—character- istic of CU. radicata and of C. olivaceo-alba. Apparently, therefore, the black-based plants are only a form of C. radicata not yet breeding true, and so not entitled to be established as a variety or species. We consider that a variety is a departure from the type due to some innate change and breeding true, whilst a form is a departure from type not necessarily breeding true, sometimes being merely a recog- nizable or an extreme variation in a variable species, some- times being the result merely of environment, as in de- pauperate examples. On these grounds we sink C. olivaceo- alba to the level of a synonym of C. radicata. SHC a> VES LIP E DE SE 120. Collybia. velutipes, Fr. Cooke: loc. cit., No. 85(Vict.). —On a fallen log near Wauchope, N.S. Wales, in February, 1917, a number of dried specimens of a Collybia were found almost identical with dried specimens of C. velutipes kindly forwarded by Miss E. M. Wakefield from England. They revived perfectly on being placed in water, but were not then viscid; the edge of the cap was also tuberculo-striate, which is not mentioned in the description of C. velutipes. Spores 7 to, usually, 85x52 y; of the English. specimens 8 to 85x 3'4 p. 121. Collybia confluens, Pers. Massee: Brit. Fung. Flora, iii., p. 130.—Plants collected by E. J. Semmens (No. 40) amongst pine needles ut Craigie, near Ararat, Victoria, in June, 1917, seem indistinguishable from dried English specimens of this species received from Miss E. M. Wakefield. Spores 5 to 7x3 wp. 122. Collybia ingrata, Schum. Massee: Brit. Fung. Flora, ii., p. 131.—Pileus up to 24 inches across, convex, gibbous, the thin edge rather upturned, edge frayed, some- what striate, pale to dark brown, sometimes chestnut. Gills adnate, moderately to very crowded, rather thick, edges finely serrate, livid or pallid brown. Stem up to 3 inches long, wavy, slender, clad with a dense velvetty-greyish bloom, stem brown when this is rubbe off, when moist brownish with a white bloom, cartilaginouy, rather stringy. Spores with one 281 end more pointed, 7 to 9x 3'4 to 4 ». Under bushes, Mos- man, Sydney, April, May. 123. Collybia stipitaria, Fr. Massee: Brit. Fung. Flora, ili., p. 129.—We have collected this species on one occasion on Milson Island, Hawkesbury River, in March. As men- tioned by C. G. Lloyd (Mycolog. Notes, No. 100), it revives on moistening like a Marasmius. The description of our speci- mens is as follows:—Pileus % inch in diameter, convex, thin, tough, reddish-tan. Gills moderately crowded, pale brown, slightly decurrent. Stem up to # inch high, base slightly swollen, hollow, villous, dark brown. Spores elliptical, 44 to 52x25 to 34 pw. Attached to the bases of living grass stems. (D. I. C., Watercolour 33.) HyGROPHORUS. SUBGENUS HyYGROCYBE. 124. Hygrophorus mimatus, Fr. Cooke: Handb. Austr. Fungi, No. 383 (Q’land, Vict.)—Our specimens approach H. coccineus in having a tendency to decurrence in the gills and occasionally a trace of yellow at the base of the stem. The spores are also a little smaller than those given for H. minaatus or H. coccineus. Our specimens may be dsecribed as follows:—Pileus 4 to 1 inch in diameter, convex, some- times a little dimple in the centre or umbilicate, sometimes irregular, sometimes upturned, sometimes slightly rugose and sometimes slightly squamulose, crimson, sometimes orangey- crimson or reddish-orange or pinky-scarlet. Flesh reddish. Gills distant, yellowish or rosy-pink or pallid, edge rather thick, adnate, becoming decurrent from depression of the pileus or with a decurrent tooth. Stem 11} to 2+ inches high, dilated upwards, solid, sometimes hollow, crimson, with base sometimes slightly yellowish or the buried part whitish and fluffy. Spores elliptical 7 to 8°5 pw, occasionally 10°4 x 3°6 to 68 pw. Amongst moss or under trees. Neutral Bay, Sydney, May; Lisarow, May; Mount Wilson, Blue Moun- tains, June; Leura, June; Blue Mountains, July; National Park, July; Oxford Falls, Narrabeen (Darnell-Smith), October; Tuggerah, October; Hawkesbury River, November. 125. Hygrophorus comcus, Fr. Cooke: Joc. cit., No. 384 (Vict.).—Our collections of this species may be described as follows :—Pileus ? inch in diameter, elongated globular, then convex with an acute umbo, fibrillosely streaked, yellowish- green or dark greyish-brown, turning black with black fibrils. Gills just free or just sinuately adnexed, triangular, yellowish becoming grey or dark grey. Stem 24 to 34 inches high, rather fibrillose and twisted, the fibrils later becoming 282 blackish, pallid brownish, with scattered black cobweb-like lines, or yellowish-green, becoming hollow. Spores ellip- tical, almost colourless, often with apparently a watery blackish tint, 9 to 104x6 to 7 ». Under shrubs. Lisarow, May; Neutral Bay, Sydney, May; Mosman, Sydney, June; Mount Lofty Ranges, S. Austr., June, 1917. 126. Hygrophorus pstttacinus, Schaeff. Massee: Brit. Fung. Flora, u., p. 341.—The following specimen seems to be best referred to this species:—Pileus up to 1 inch in diameter, somewhat conical, then convex, then expanded, dark green, browner on top, later pale olive-green, not appar- ently viscid, silky shining, rigid. Gills sinuate, thick, moderately distant, greyish flesh in colour. Stem 14 inch high, attenuated upwards, reddish-brown, becoming paler, hollow. Spores pear-shaped, 7°2 to 85x52 p. On the ground, Blue Mountains, May, 1914. MaRASMIUS. SECT. I.—COLLYBIARII. 127. Marasmius porreus, Fr. Massee: Brit. Fung. Flora, Hi., p. 155.—Pileus ? inch in diameter, plane or slightly depressed, striate, brown. Gills ainate, then seceding, close, dirty white. Stem slightly striate, base downy, brown. Shght foetid smell. Complete revival in water. Spores 52x25, 44 x2 p, one end more pointed. Amongst leaves, Manly, April, 1915. (Herb.,’J:..B: Ci ghomn ane Though our plants resemble more Cooke’s illustrations of M. erythropus than those of J/. porreus, on account of the smell we place them provisionally under the latter. | 128. Marasmius alliatus, (Schaeff.) Schrot. (MZ. scoro- donius, Fr. Cooke: Handb. Austr. Fungi, No. 424; Massee: Brit. Fung. Flora, i., p. 162.—Pileus 4 inch or larger, slightly umbilicate, coarsely but flatly grooved, dirty brownish-white to reddish-brown, paler periphery. Gills adnate, moderately crowded, many short, slightly toothed, pale cream. Stem # inch high, slender, hollow, smooth, dark reddish-brown. Slight smell of garlic. Attached to fallen leaves, sometimes apparently on the ground, by a slightly bulbous base. Shed spores elongated, pear-shaped or pip- shaped, one end narrower, 8°7 to 103x36to4 p. (D.1.C., Watercolour 32.) Neutral Bay, Sydney, February, March (spores 10°4 to 12°4x5°3), May; Murwillumbah, April, 1916 ([?]this species, stem finely mealy, pallid brown, spores 8x 2°5 ); Wiseman’s Ferry, June, 1915. The plate of JZ. scorodonius given by Cooke (Illustrs., 1125a) shows plants stouter and with caps and stems brighter rufous than our specimens. 283 129. Marasmius calopus, Fr. Massee: Brit. Fung. Flora, ili., p. 163; Cooke: Illustrs., 11258, and Handb. Austr. Fungi, No. 425 (Q’land).—Specimens collected at Mosman, Sydney, in November, 1914, and at Manly in April, 1915, and found growing on fallen twigs, agree with Cooke’s illus- trations. They differ slightly from the description given by _Massee in the stem being dark below and paler above. We describe our plants as follows:—Pileus up to 4 inch in diameter, convex, then plane or umbilicate, creamy-white sometimes with a smoky centre, somewhat sulcate-rugose, edge turned in when young. Gills adnate or adnexed, moderately distant, finely toothed, white. Stem 4 inch or more long, very slender, blackish below, then dark brown suddenly becoming whitish, sometimes almost throughout pale or dark brown, mealy tuberculose below, mealy above, attached by a minute disc. No smell (shght garlicky smell noticed in one collection). Spores rather elongated, one end more pointed, 52 to 7x2°5 to 34 p. (Miss Clarke, Watercolour 56; Herb., J. B. C., Form. Sps. 49 and unnumbered.) 130. Marasmius equi-crinis, F. v. M.: Grev., vili., 153; Cooke: Handb. Austr. Fungi, No. 441 (Vict., N.S. Wales, Qland). (Syn. Thamnomyces hippotrichoides, C. E. Broome; Alectoria australensis, Knight. Records in Ann. Rep. Bot. Gdns., Sydney, 1909 (1910), 10).—The sterile horse-hair-like mycelium is common in the Big Scrub on the Richmond River and in the Dorrigo Scrub, and also in Queensland, specimens having been collected at Enoggera, Coomera, Mount Mistake, | Allumbah, Taylor Range, Kerang Creek, and Dalrymple Creek. We have also specimens collected at Futuma, in the New Hebrides. The mycelium has a superficial resemblance to certain lichens, and has been recorded under the name Alectoria australiensis, Knight, in Bailey’s and Shirley’s works, as pointed out by one of us (Cheel: Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, xxxii., 1907, p. 475). The following we believe to be a pileate specimen :— Pileus ;', to $ inch in diameter, convex, with about 8 coarse rugae, brown, apex smooth and a little depressed, paler with a dark central knob. Gills adnate and attached to a collar but free from the stem, distant, about 9 or 10 in number, pallid. Stem up to 4 or 5 inches long, smooth, hair-like, dark brown or black, abruptly piercing the matrix. Under shrubs on fallen - wood or leaves. Mount Wilson, Blue Mountains, June, 1915 (Herb., J. B. C., Formalin Sp. 145). Extensive hair-like light-brownish mycelial threads, found covering fallen leaves, etc., in the neighbourhood of these specimens, may have been the sterile mycelium of this species, though the colour was _ not the dark brown or black of the stems of the cap-bearing portions. 284 Mycena. SECT. II.—BASIPEDES. 131. Mycena banksiae, n. sp.—Pileus up to 4 inch in diameter, convex, then nearly plane, viscid, sulcate-striate to near the centre, which may be depressed, covered with a pruinose downiness except in the centre, greyish-white becoming brownish, centre darker. Gills not or scarcely reach- ing the stem to adnate, moderately close, edges not serrate, greyish-white. Stem short, less than 4 to # inch high, shining, smooth, not definitely viscid, whitish with a slight greyish tint, attached by a small disk to the base of Banksia trunks, dead or living; we have also found it on dead wood other than Banksia. No smell. Spores subspherical, often with a large “‘nucleus,’’ 68 to 9, 85 x7, 8x5, G>x¢oem. fete. No cystidia. Mosman, April, 1915; Neutral Bay, April, 1915 (pileus conico-convex, pileus and stem with a glaucous bloom, lavender-grey, pileus widely suleate; gills few, adnate, widely separate, greyish-white; stem swollen below); Neutral Bay, April, May; National Park, N.S. Wales, July, 1916; Bradley Head, Sydney, May, 1917. (Miss Clarke, Water- colour 52; Herb., J. B. C., Form. Sps, 55/anda lea.) Pileus ad 1°25 cm. latus, convexus, deinde subplanus, viscidus, sulcato-striatus, pruinosus, subcinereo-albidus, deinde sub- fusco tinctus. Lamellae subadnatae ad adnatae, subcon- fertae, marginibus non serratis, cubcinereo-albidae. Stipes brevis, 1°25 (minus) cm. altus, nitidus, glaber, subcinereo- albidus, disco parvo. Sporae subsphericae, 68-8, 85 x 7, 6 X: Dupes We have named the species banksiae from having frequently found it growing on the trunks of various Banksias S(rAr soc.) Ne 32) SECT. III.—GLUTINIPEDES. 132. Mycena coccineus, n. sp.—The following beautiful little species seems referable to the genus Mycena. Speci- mens exhibit a tendency to revive when moistened, though this feature is not so definite as in the typical Marasmius. The gills, adnate when young, also tend to be definitely though slightly decurrent when old, suggesting Clitocybe, whilst their edges are rather thick, thus approaching Cantharellus. In Cooke’s illustrations we can find no species at all resembling it. By its darker denticulate edge to the gills it is probably related to Mycena strobilina and M. rosella, though on account of the glutinous stem when moist we place it in Mycena under Glutinipedes -—Pileus 2 inch in diameter, hemispherical to convex, occasionally dimpled or with a slight 285 obtuse umbo, faintly striate, when moist definitely viscid, of’ a dark blood-red or rich reddish-crimson colour. Gills adnate, then slightly decurrent, rather thick, moderately close, rose colour or slightly paler than the pileus, edge very slightly darker and finely denticulate. Stem 1 inch high, slender, coloured like the cap, glutinous when moist, hollow, usually attached by a small fluffy disc. On bruising the gills or stem, a little dark-red moisture appears. The colour rapidly disappears in formalin solution. Spores elongated, one end more pointed, very hard to see, 7 to 8°5 x 25 to 35 p. Attached to small sticks and leaves in damp shady_ places. Mosman, Sydney, April, May, and June; Tuggerah, October ; Hawkesbury River; Mount Kembla, November. Colour tints noted:—Pileus dull carmine-lake (pl. 106, Ton 4); old blood-red (pl. 103, Ton 2). Pileus ad 1 cm. latus, hemisphericus ad convexus, interdum umbilicatus vel subgibbosus, substriatus, viscidus, sanguineo-coccineus. Lamellae adnate, deinde sub- decurrentes, subcrassae, subconfertae, rosaceo-coccineae, marginibus sanguineo-coccineis et subdenticulatis. Stipes 25 cm. altus, tenuis, cavus, glutinosus, sanguineo- coccineus, ad basem disco. Sporae elongatae, 7-8°5 x fee a ye (Fl) xxix., fig. 4.) SECT. [V.——-LACTIPEDES. 133. dlycena sanguinolenta, Alb. and Schw. Massee: Brit. Fung. Flora, iii., p. 89; Cooke: Handb. Austr. Fungi, No. 116 (Vict.).—Cooke has recorded this species for Victoria Seceebaker (Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, xxxi.,-p. 720 [1906]) for New South Wales. On several occasions in New South Wales and South Australia we have met with a. Mycena which combines some of the characters of J. sanguinolenta with some of those of MW. haematopa, Pers. It agrees with the latter in the margin of the pileus being minutely toothed and the juice being prune coloured. It grows amongst leaves or grass on the ground, however, and not on trees or stumps. In size it resembles the former, and also has a dark-red edge to the gills, which in addition are finely toothed. The colour of the juice is darker than that of M. sanguinolenta given in Cooke’s illustration. At pre- sent we place it under J/. sanguinolenta, as being probably the Australian species hitherto recorded as such, but it is possible that it may not be either of the two species above mentioned. The description of our specimens is as follows :—Pileus up to 3 inch broad and 4 inch high, submembranaceous _ conico-campanulate, sometimes finally irregularly upturned, 286 sometimes umbonate, striate, edge of cap very finely toothed, pale brown to reddish- brown, drying paler. Gills adnate, moderately close, often irregular with connecting veins, whitish with a faint pink tinge ‘or pallid, edges dark red or dark purple, and finely toothed. Stem up to 3 inches high, slender, shining, slightly attenuated upwards, hollow, pale to reddish-brown. A prune-coloured watery juice exudes on section or from the broken gills. Spores elongated, white, coarsely granular internally, 7 to 9 or even 12x5 to 7 yp. The colour may dissolve in formalin specimens. Amongst leaves under trees, grass, etc. Neutral Bay, Sydney, June, 1913; Mosman, May, 1914; Manly, May, 1915; Mount Lofty, S. Austr., July, 1914; National Park, 8. Austr., June, 1917 (unusually large, the maximum sizes given above); amongst fallen bark and twigs, Craigie, Victoria, June, 1917 (EH. iT. Semmens, No. 39; probably this species). PLEUROTUS. 134. Pleurotus lampas, Berk.—Agaricus (Pleurotus) lampas, Berk.: Hook. J., iv., 1845, p. 44; Cooke: Handb. Austr. Fungi, No. 155.: Synonyms:—Agaricus noctilucus, Berk. (vide Cooke, No. 155). Agaricus (Pleurotus) phos- phoreus, Berk.: Hook. J., vii., 1848, p. 572; Cooke: No. 157. Agaricus (Pleurotus) illuminans, Muell.: Linn. J., xiii., 1873, p.. 157; Cooke: No. 150. . Agaricuss( Pleveatus) : candescens, Muell.: Linn. J., xii., 1873, p. 157; Cooke: No. 158; McAlpine: Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 1900, p. 553, pls. XXxX1. and xxxii. Panus incandescens, B. and Br.: Linn. Trans., 1., p. 5; Cooke: No. 498; Bailey: Comp. Cat. Q’land Plants, p. 725 (=A. Gardnert). Agaricus ( Pleurotus) Gardneri, as identified by Berk. and Br.: Linn. Trans., 1878, p. 399; Cooke: No. 149. (?)Agaricus (Pleurotus) midr- formis, Berk.: Hook. J., 11., 1844, p. 185; Cooke: No. 154. In our opinion all of the above supposed species recorded for Australia represent examples of but one variable and very common form, of which by priority the name should be P. lampas (or P. nidiformis, if this also is the same species). Our common luminous species is undoubtedly the species described so accurately by McAlpine (Joc. cit.). Our reasons for considering that there are so many synonyms are as follows :—First of all, the specimens we have ourselves examined are very variable as to texture, size, and colour. Some examples are very firm, approaching Panus, whilst others, usually growing in shady places, are very soft and watery. The colour of the cap varies from a creamy- white in shaded examples to purplish-black and occasionally 287 bright fulvous-brown. Various collections might thus quite well be classified as separate species. Then, with the excep- tion of Baron von Mueller—who only incidentally collected fungi—none of the authors quoted had, apparently, access to fresh material, and so were dependent on the notes (if any) of the collectors. In the paper in which P. Gardner is recorded by Berkeley and Broome for Queensland, it 1s in fact definitely stated that all the species recorded. by them were ‘“‘unaccompanied by notes or sketches of any kind.” In this paper there is no reference, as suggested by Cooke, to the fungus growing on ‘“‘petioles and half-putrid fronds of palms,’ which obviously is taken by Cooke from the original description of the species from Brazil. There is no reference even to the species being phosphorescent. Bailey (Compr. Cat. of Q’land Plants, p. 775), evidently on higher authority, states that Panus incandescens=Agaricus Gardner, ‘‘the large luminous fungus.’’ As regards P. mdiformis, though the original description does not mention any phosphorescence, Berkeley in speaking of P. lampas later says it is allied to P. mdiformis, which is also phosphorescent. The gills in the latter are described as ‘‘ochraceous,’’ which term might per- haps be applied to old specimens of our common species. In the original description of P. i/lwminans there seems no reason for it to have been classed by Cooke in the section with an annulate veil. 7 Taking everything together, therefore, we feel quite justified in this apparent “‘lumping,’’ and a reference to the original descriptions will show how imperfect these are for purposes of separation. We have written to Kew to ask whether specimens of JPleurotus lampas, phosphoreus, — aluminans, and candescens and Panus incandescens exist there, and whether the dried plants could be distinguished from each other. Through the Director of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Miss E. M. Wakefield has replied as follows :— “Specimens exist only of Pleurotus lampas, P. candescens, and Panus incandescens. To a person familiar with the fresh plants it might be possible to make a comparison, but the dried specimens alone are practically useless. The habit of all is very similar, but the spores found vary slightly in size, as follows:—P. lampas (type), 6 to 7x3 to 4 »; P. candes- cens (type), 7 to 75x 4 yw; (Melbourne specimen) 7 to 10 x5 to 6 w; Panus incandescens (type), 7x5 p. These are in all cases the spores obtained by scraping the gills, so that young ones would probably be included amongst them.’ This reply _ strongly supports our attitude. As regards P. nidiformis, _ Miss Wakefield, in answer to a later enquiry, said that no _ specimens of this species were in Kew Herbarium. 288 New South Wales.—We have a number of colections from the Sydney district, April to November; also specimens from Mount Wilson and Kendall, May. Spore mass sometimes pale ochraceous. Edge of pileus sometimes in- curved. Spores oval, with a large ‘‘nucleus,’’ 7 to 9x5 to 6 p, usually 75x55 p. In one collection made at Milson Island, Hawkesbury River, in April, the pileus was of a brilliant rufous-brown, the gills being also rufous coloured. We have collected this ‘‘bronzed’’ form also at Mosman in December, 1916, spores 6°2 x 4°2 (Miss Clarke, Watercolour 142; Herb., J. B. C., Form. Sp.+ 230), vam imi ol, at Mosman, Sydney, April, 1918, we found this species and Armillaria mellea growing together at the base of a stump. ‘Victoria.—Ararat (E. J. Semmens, No. 25), May, 1917. Colour tints noted:—Pileus, in the centre tints of purplish-black (pl. 345, Ton 1), grading into, but greyer than, Parma violet (pl. 200, Ton 4); grades of colour between dark chocolate-brown (pl. 342, Ton 3), buff (pl. 309, Ton 4), mostly browner than Mars yellow (pl. 316, Ton 4), with some yel- lowish-tan colour (pl. 315, Tons 1 to 4) but browner ; mineral- brown (pl. 339, Ton 2), the centre darker than Ton 4; Kaiser brown (Ridgway, pl. xiv.), light ochre-buff (pl. xv.), light buff (pl. xv.), and tints of light Payne’s grey (pl. xlix.); shades of Payne’s grey (pl. 356, Ton 4); grey (pl. 359) with a violet tint. Stem, tints of Mars yellow (pl. 316, Ton 1) at the base; tints of light Payne’s grey (Ridgway, pl. xlix.). 135. Plewrotus ostreatus, Jacq. Cooke: Illustrs., pls. 195 and 953; Massee: Brit. Fung. Flora, 11., p. 371.—We refer the following to this species:—Pileus up to 6 inches broad and 44 inches from before backwards, convex but nearly plane, pale smoky-brown, surface dull, edge slightly turned in. Gulls close, creamy-white, anastomosing below on the short stout lateral almost obsolete stem. Spores elongated, in the mass with a slight pinkish tinge, 8°5 to 105x3°5 up. Attached one above the other at the base of a stem of sassafras (Doryphora sassafras, Endl.). Hawkesbury River, Novem- ber, 1916. The following is probably also this species, having been found two years previously near the same spot. These latter plants grew singly on a fallen trunk:—Pileus up to 24 inches in diameter, convex and indented on the side nearest the stem, of a pallid stone-colour or greyish-brown, smooth but finely-punctate looking, slightly sticky, edge turned in. Stem nearly lateral, short (4 inch or under), stout, whitish to somewhat smoky. Gulls moderately close, creamy-coloured, tendency to fork, some short, deeply decurrent on to the stem, where they reticulate. Flesh thick, white, rather 289 tough, not phosphorescent. Spore elongated, 8°5 to 88 x 3°4 p, no cystidia. On upper surface of fallen trunk. Hawkesbury River, December, 1914. (Herb., J. B. C., Form: Sp. 18.) 136. Plewrotus subostreatus, n. sp.—Pileus up to 7 inches broad and 4 inches from before backwards, convex, becoming depressed towards its attachment, pallid whitish, matt. Gulls thick, creamy-white, anastomosing near the base to form a network. Laterally attached by a short broad pallid to brown matt stem, } inch long and % inch thick. Spores pear- shaped, 4x25 pp. On a fallen log, Wauchope, N.S. Wales, February, 1917. This species seems to approach Panus in texture. It differs from /’. ostreatus in the definite brownish stem and in the small spores. Pileus ad 17°5x 10 cm., convexus, albidus, subtomentosus. Lamellae crassae, subflavo-albidae, ad basem anastomosae. Stipes ad 2 cm. longus, lateralis, brevis, crassus, pallidus ad fuscus, subtomentosus. Sporae pyriformes, 4 x 2°5 p. 137. Plewrotus Cheelu, Mass.: Kew Bull., 1907, p. 122; Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, xxxii. (1907), p. 202.—Small, white. Pileus thickly hairy, attached by the vertex. Gills radiating from the centre, moderately close, rather thick. Spores thick-walled, subspherical, 6 to 8, 75x58, 85x7 p. On branches, Eden, Twofold Bay (portion of the type) ; National Park, N.S. Wales, July, 1916. 136. Pleurotus striatulus, Fr.: Icon., t. 89, f. 5; Sacc.: Syll., 1518; Cooke: Illustrs., 2128; Cooke: Handb. Austr. Fungi, No. 184 (Q’land).—Our specimens, which have been - identified by Lloyd, may be described as follows:—At first _ minute and cup-shaped, finally more open, sometimes fan- shaped, sessile by the edge or excentrically, hight grey to dark grey, slightly striate, powdery looking. Gills moderately dis- tant, darker grey than the pileus, sometimes with a brownish tint, radiating from the downy base. At once reviving on _ moistening (hence really a Panus). On decaying branches of _ a living cultivated mulberry (Morus alba, L.), Milson Island, ™ Hawkesbury River, June, 1913 (spores 55x36 p»); on a _ twig (spores 68x42 yp); on dead wood (spores 35 to _ @x2p); Manly, April; Sydney, May; Lisarow, June; Mount _ Wilson, June—all the latter with subspherical spores, 4'8 to _ 5°5 p (hence some doubt exists as to there being two species, with oval and subspherical spores respectively). LENTINUS. | 139. Lentinus tuber-regium, Rumph. . Lloyd: Mycol. _ Notes, No. 47, 1917, p. 666, fig. 959 (this collection).— _ Pileus up to 6 inches across, deeply infundibuliform, slightly aes 290 obscurely striate, with a lens minutely scaly, light brown to light smoky-brown. Gills close, deeply decurrent, white then with a brownish tint. Total height up to 9 inches; stem alone, above ground, 4 inches. Stem more or less equal, % inch thick, brownish, with darker fibrillose scales. Sclero- tium on section pure white, 2 inches in diameter. Spores pear-shaped, 5 to 6x2°5 to 3 w. On the ground amongst fallen branches of Arducaria Cunninghamu, Ait., Mummul- gum Brush, near Casino, December, 1916. I™dentified by C. G. Lloyd. We have recently received from Mr. C. T. White, Government Botanist, Queensland, some undeveloped sporo- phores obtained by Mr. Munro Hull at Eumundi in Novem- ber, 1918, on an old hickory (Tarrietia) stump in a banana plantation. 140. Lentinus strigosus, Fr. Cooke: Handb. Austr. Fungi, No. 454.—-We have made several collections in New South Wales, two of which have been identified by Lloyd. The pileus is up to 24 inches in diameter, moderately depressed, of a brownish-fawn colour, densely strigosely hairy. The decurrent gills are moderately clos entire, pallid ochraceous. The stem is short, up to 3 inch long, ‘swollen, contracted above where the gills join, and densely strigosely hairy. Spores 4°5 to 5x 2°2 to 2°5 w; cystidia thick-walled, blunt to club-shaped or irregular, 26 to 52x85 to 13°8 p. New South Wales, locality not noted; Mummulgum, near Casino, December, 1916; Wingham, November, 1916; Com- -boyne, September, 1918. See Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, Kxxlil., p. 202 (1907), for previous records. 141. Lentinus dealbatus, Fr. Cooke: loc. cit., No. 459 (W. Austr.)—We have specimens, obtained at Manildra, N.S. Wales, on a fallen Callitris log in October, 1916, which have been identified by C. G. Lloyd. The gills when young were purple-violet, bnt when old pallid yellowish without voilet. A few spores, 5 to 7 x 3°4 p, seen. 142. Lentinus fasciatus, Berk.: Hook. J., 1840, p. 146; Sacc.: Syll., 2317; Cooke: Handb. Austr. Fungi, No. 458 (Q’land, N.S. Wales, W. Austr., Tasm.); Lloyd: Mycol. Notes, No. 55, August, 1918, p. 796.—Our specimens, which have been identified by Lloyd (No. 412, described in his Mycol. Notes) were found growing at Malanganee, near Casino, in August, 1917, in rotten wood, the mycelium being effused over the wood for several inches as a thick brown velvety layer; a few spores seen, 5 to 75x3°4 to 45 yp. We have also the following: —New South Wales, locality not noted; Milson Island, Hawkesbury River, April, 1915, iden- tified by Lloyd (spores 7 x 3°4 », when moist the pileus ‘straw- brown, the gills buffy-brown, adnato-decurrent, and the stem Se, ery ee aye, tl - i yO Gera ee ’ 7 . 291 dark brown); Stockton, October, 1915, bleached specimens (identified by Lloyd). 143. Lentinus radicatus, Cooke and Mass.: Grev., xiv., 118; Sace.: Syll., 2395; Cooke: Handb. Austr. Fungi, No. 474 (Q’land).—A specimen collected on burnt soil at Milson Island, Hawkesbury River, in March, 1914, appears to be this species. This opinion has been confirmed by C. G. Lloyd. Its description is as follows:—Pileus 3 inches in diameter, upturned, reddish-tan, villous. Gulls pale cream, crowded, decurrent, edge a little toothed in places. Stem 4 inches long, 1 inch thick, pale brownish-white above ground but mostly buried, the lower 24 inches rooting and attenu- ated with a slightly bulbous hollow base, the rest solid, soil aggregated round the root. Spores elongated, oblique, 10°4 to 12x52 wp. 144. Lentinus ursinus, Fr.—Our specimens, kindly iden- tified by C. G. Lloyd, are 1 inch or more laterally and about # inch from behind forwards, the pileus fan-shaped, convex, densely pilose, dark brown. The gills are close, with the edges denticulate, pallid whitish. Laterally attached by a contracted base, sometimes developing into a short stem which is coloured and pilose like the pileus. On fallen trunks, often overlapping. Spores subspherical, 4°2x3'4, 38 p, etc., no eystidia. Mount Wilson, June; Lisarow, December. PANUS. 145. Panus stypticus, Fr. Cooke: Handb. Austr. Fungi, No. 502 (Vict.).—Specimens have been kindly identified for us by C. G. Lloyd. All the Australian specimens we have tasted lack entirely any hot or pungent taste. Spores 4°2 to 95x18 to 25 p. Mount Wilson, June; Leura, June; Lisarow, June; between Bowral and Robertson, August; Macquarie Pass, August. M6. Pans viscidulys, B. and Br.: Linn. Trans., ii., 59; Sace.: Syll., 2568; Cooke: Handb. Austr: Fungi, No. 504 (Q’land, N.S. Wales, Vict.).—Though our specimens revive perfectly on moistening, from their general. appearance we feel inclined to consider them rather as a Pleurotus than as a Panus. Pileus rather small, fan-shaped, glutinous, bright tanny-brown to chestnut, edge paler and slightly striate. Gills white or pale brownish-white, decurrent, con- nected by veins, moderately close, edge rather thick. Stem lateral or nearly so, very short (up to } inch long), villous to hairy at the base, pallid or pale brownish.. Spores colour- less, 6 to 72 x 34 to 4 w.. On fallen trunks amongst moisture, : Mount Wilson, June, 1915. The weak formalin in which a | 292 specimen was: preserved has become dark grey and clouded, as does a solution of silver nitrate when exposed to light. XEROTUS. 147. Xerotus fuliginosus, Lloyd: Letter 60, Note 338.— This species has been identified for us by C. G. Lloyd, who in his letter states that it is probably also X. tener, of B. and Br.; X. Bertern, of Mont.; X. lateritius, of Bo and C.; X. papyraceus, of Berk.; and X. Drummondu, of Berk., men- tioned in Cooke’s Handb. of Austr. Fungi. The pileus is thin, fan-shaped, up to 4 inch from side to side and } to 4 inch from before backwards, rugosely folded, reddish-tan when moist. The gills are distant, dark purplish-brown when moist. The stem is lateral, very short, dark brown, and finely villous. Young plants are bright rufous with hymenium a deep reddish-brown. Shed spores 10°4 to 12x7 p. On fallen twigs and sticks in brush forests, etc. Helensburgh (A. A. Hamilton), October, 1913; Bulli Pass, May, 1914, and November, 1917; Blue Mountains, Novem- ber, 1914 (spores 85x42 pw); National Park, July, 1916; Mosman, December, 1916. LENZITES. 148. Lenztes abretina, Fr.: Epicr., p. 407; Cooke: Tllustrs., pl. 11464; Massee: Brit. Fung. Flora, u., p. 306; Cooke: Handb. Austr. Fungi, No. 529 (Q’land, S. Austr.).— The gills of one of our specimens, identified by Lloyd, when moist were pale brown and pruinose with spores, slightly toothed and folded; the spores were colourless, elongated, 85 to 105x5 p (slightly larger than the measurements, 7 to 8x4 p, given by Massee for European ‘specimens), no cystidia; extending longitudinally many inches; on a fallen log near Hull Top, N.S. Wales, October, 1913. We also have the following :—Narromine, May, 1914; on fallen log, Milson Island, Hawkesbury River (sometimes effused, some- times reflexed ; pileus dark brown, growing edge yellow-brown to pallid; gills chocolate-brown; spores 8°5 to 10°4x4 p), February, 1915, identified by Lloyd (No. 325). This species(?), on fallen Callitris log, Pilliiga Scrub, November, 1916, identified by Lloyd (No. 328), who says, ‘‘Compared to the European plant, it is much thinner, more rigid, and has distinct pubescent abe not seen on the European plant; it should have a name.” . 149. Lenzites ungulatormis, Berk. Lloyd: Mycol. Notes, No. 56, October, 1918, page 811.—Lloyd has published the above note on our specimens, which were obtained at Malan- ganee, near Casino, in August, 1917. He thinks that this 293 “‘species,’’ described by Berkeley from the Southern United States, is not a true species, but an aberrant form of L. betulina. He says, ‘‘The context is white, ‘the gills typically those of the common Lenzites betulina, but the upper surface is different. It is white, not pubescent, nor zoned, but glabrous and rugulose.” We have also collected a specimen at Lorne, near Kendall, September, 1918. 150. Lenzttes striata, Swartz. Fr.: Epicr., i., p. 406; Sacc.: Syll., 2653; Cooke: Handb. Austr. Fungi, No. 531 (Q’land, Vict.).—On fallen Callitris log, Narrabri, Novem- ber, 1916 (identified by Lloyd, No. 266). Lloyd says of these specimens that they are not exactly the common plant of the American tropics, but close to it. ‘‘The colour, gills, and general shape are the same, but the surface is harder and more zonate.”’ 151. Lenztes saepiarva, Fr.: Hym. Eur., 494; Cooke: Iilustrs., pl. 1146a; Sacc.: Syll., 2636; Cooke: Handb. Austr. Fungi, No. 528 (Vict.).—Specimens identified by Lloyd (No. 219) from Manildra, October, 1916, on old Callitris stump. ieeeeeneves beckierm, Berk.: Linn. Journ., xi.,, 161; Sacc.: Syll., 2664; Cooke: Handb. Austr. Fungi, No. 536 (N.S. Wales, Q’land).—Wingham, Nov., 1916, identified by Lloyd (No. 331) as doubtfully this species. He adds that this specimen has the surface and context of L. Beckleri with the pores of L. repanda. “‘The gills of L. Becklert are more lamellate, like those of L. betulina, but I put more stress on the context nature and surface of this group of plants than on the hymenial configuration. In nature of context and surface it approaches Trametes lactinea.” 153. Lenzites repanda, Mont. Fr.: Epicr., 404; Sacc. : Syll., 2688; Cooke: Handb. Austr. Fungi, No. 542 (Q’land, N.S. Wales).—Eumundi, Q’land, January, 1911 (J. Stair; identified by Lloyd, No. 329); Murwillumbah, April, 1916 (spores 7 x 2°5 to.3 w; Lloyd, No. 330); Malanganee, August, 1917; Kendall, May, 1917; Comboyne, September, 1918. We have also specimens from Mango Island, Suva, Fiji, 1918 and 1919 (Mrs. Lucas). 154. Lenzites Muelleri, Berk. Daedalea Muelleri, Berk. - Grev., xix., 93; Cooke: loc. cit., No. 868, Vict. (aberrant be: repanda, Lloyd in letter).—Comboyne, September, 1918); identified by Lloyd (No. 512). Lloyd in a note says that L. repanda, unlike L. flavida, is remarkably uniform in hymenial form, but that our specimen is so different from the usual appearance that Berkeley might be excused for naming it a - new species as Daedalea Muelleri. Ue adds that it must not 294 be confused with Trametes Muelleri, which may also be a variant, but has small round pores and is more frequent and constant. 155. Lenztes bicolor.—On a dead stump of Cailitris robusta, R. Br., Pilliga Scrub, October, 1918; identified by C. G. Lloyd (No. 509). In a note on these specimens Lloyd says that they are the same as regards context-colour and gills as Lenzites abietina, but the surface is pale (almost white) and of a different colour to the context, and there are dark zones on the surface, where this pale surface layer is undeveloped. The upper’ surface view is the same as that of Polystictus Fries. Lloyd mentions that this is the only Lenzites he has seen where the context-colour and surface layer are not uniform. POLY PORACEAE. BO.LETUS. 156. Boletus romanus, Ottav.—The following species, of which we have had prepared a coloured drawing, resembles so closely the figure of ‘“‘Boletus Romanus, Ottav.,”’ given on pl. xv. of Badham’s work ‘‘On the Esculent Funguses of Eng- land,’’ that we consider, for the present at least, that we are justified in calling it by this name. Unfortunately all that Badham says of the species is as follows: —‘‘The B. Romanus was first described by Ottaviani, who obligingly sent a coloured drawing of it (from which the present figure has been taken), and a minute description, which I have unfortunately mislaid. The site of this Boletus is on ground where wood has been burnt, and it 1s brought by the ‘Carbonari’ in autumn when they come with their charcoal to Rome.” We do not find the name in Fries. Our plants were described when gathered as follows:—Pileus convex, splashed with madder-brown in fibrils, yellowish between. Pores rounded near the stem, very fine, rich sulphur-yellow. Stem stout, 24 inches high, 1 inch broad below, sulphur-yellow with slightly darker raised flecks. Flesh showing a tinge of blue in places. Spores “‘mummy- shape,’’ greenish, 10:4x3°4 p. Under Casuarina, North Bridge, Sydney, April, 1916. 157. Boletus scarlatinus, n. sp.—Pileus usually i} to 2 inches in diameter, but after heavy rains occasionally reach- ing 33 inches across, convex to nearly plane, irregular, smooth, somewhat viscid when moist (leaves may adhere to the separable cuticle), brilliantly but often irregularly coloured with tints of madder red, deep-orange cadmium, scarlet, crimson or yellowish buff. Pores adnate, rarely with a slight sulcus round the stem or slightly decurrent, in large specimens le ee i a | Se ae7e Peed a ee 295 the tubes 3/16ths to 5/16ths inch deep, rather large and irregular, rarely somewhat sinuous or gill-like near the stem, pale yellowish flesh or dingy yellow, becoming browner when old. Stem usually about 1} to 14 inch high, in large speci- mens 3 inches high, slender or stout (4 to 3 inch thick), conical or even a little bulbous below, often excentric, some- times slightly striate, whitish, yellowish or with tints of the pileus in places. Flesh white. Sometimes subcaespitose. Spores elliptical (not ‘‘mummy-shaped’’), pale yellowish, slightly curved, one end a httle broader, 5°5 to 8°5 (occasionally to 11)x34 to 42 ». Neutral Bay and Mosman, February to May (Miss Clarke, Watercolour 202); North Bridge, April (Miss Clarke, Watercolour 95); National Park, N.S. Wales, May. Colour tints noted :—Pileus fiery red (pl. 80, Ton 4) when wet, dull and more crimson when dry, to reddish chrome (pl. 51, Ton 4) at edge; orange cadmium (pl. 85, Ton 4); deep- orange cadmium (pl. 50, Ton 1); scarlet (pl. 49, Ton 4); dull madder-red (pl. 97, Ton 4); carrot red (Capuchin lake) (pl. 55, Ton 2); blood-red brown (faint) (pl. 337, Ton 1); cherry red (cerise) (pl. 91, Ton 4); nearly yellowish-buff (pl. 310, Ton 1); yellowish-white (pl. 13, Ton 4); yolk yellow (pl. 24, Ton 1). Pores, in one specimen, a little greyer than purplish-white (pl. 6, Ton 3). Stem, sunflower yellow (light cadmium yellow) (pl. 23, Tons 1 and 2) with tinges of red; primrose yellow (pl. 19, Ton 3) in upper part; deep cadmium yellow (saffron yellow) (pl. 48, Ton 1); orange cadmium (pl. 85, Ton 2); yellowish-white (pl. 13, Ton 4) at the top; a little brighter than honey yellow (pl. 35, Ton 1) tinged with faint brown lake (pl. 336, Ton 1). Pileus 3 ad. 5 cm. latus, interdum ad 9°3 cm. latus, convexus ad subplanus, irregularis, subviscidus, scarlatinus, coccineus aut aurantiaco-scarlatinus. Tubi adnati, 5-7 mm., flavido-albidi. Stipes 3 ad 3°75 cm. altus, interdum ad 7°5 cm. altus, subtenuis aut crassus (1°2-1°9 em. latus), colore flavo, flavo-pallido aut aurantiaco- scarlatino tinctus. Sporae ellipticae, 5°5-8°5 x 34-42 yn, interdum 8°5-11 x 3°8-4°2 uw. This species resembles Boletus Ballou, Peck (N. York State Mus., Mus. Bull. 157, 1911, p. 22, pl. viu., figs. 1-5), but the colour is much more brilliant than in his illustrations. The general description and spore shape and spore measure- ments show that the species are closely allied. The species may perhaps also be related to B. sanguineus, With. (Masse: Brit. Fung. Flora, i1., p. 266), though there is no change in colour in the flesh when cut. (PI. xxvii., figs. 5 and 6). 296 STROBILOMYCES. 158. Strobilomyces pallescens, Cooke and Mass.: Grev., xvii., 5; Cooke: Handb. Austr. Fungi, No. 575, fig. 51 (Q’land).—The base of the stem often bulbous; flesh turning bluish when cut, the blue later disappearing, flesh of stem reddish on section; upper part of stem sometimes tinted with rosy purple; spores 17 to 225x6 to 85 yp, longitudinally rugose; usually at the base of trunks, sometimes with pale fawn-tinted mycelium attached to leaves, etc. Frequent at Neutral Bay, Sydney, May; Chatswood (Miss Clarke, Water- colour No. 148); Narrabeen, March; Milson Island, Hawkes- bury River, March; Kendall, December. 159. Strobilomyces floccopus, Rost. Vahl: Ic. Pl. FI. Dan., t. 1252; Sacc.: Syll., 4835; Cooke: Handb, Austr. Fungi, No. 579 (Q’land).—The following, from the only description available to us, that in Cooke’s Handbook, seems to be this species. We have not noticed, however, that the veil is appendiculate as a ring, and the stem in our specimens can hardly be called lacunose above. There is no reference in Cooke’s description as to whether the epispore is smooth or rough (as in our specimens). SS. velutipes, Cooke and Massee (Cooke, No. 580), resembles our plants to some extent from the description, but its spores are definitely stated to be ““even.’’ Pileus up to 3 inches in diameter, almost hemi- spherical, then convex, edge turned in and extending slightly beyond the pores and sometimes showing fragments of the veil, soft to the touch, covered with a _ cotton-wool-like villosity with fine warts, sometimes presenting the appearance of adpressed dark-brown imbricate cotton-wool-like scales, dark sooty-brown to reddish-black, sometimes paler at the periphery. Pores adnate or slightly rounded near the stem and gradually separating from it or tending to be slightly decurrent, somewhat irregular, medium-sized, up to # inch deep, creamy to pallid white, turning dark brown or blackish. Flesh up to 2 inch thick, a thick cotton-wool-like layer on the surface, the flesh and tubes at once turning red, then blackish, when cut. Stem up to 4 inches high and # inch thick, equal or sometimes attenuated upwards or downwards, with a cotton-wool feeling from shaggy remains of the veil or finely strigosely scaly or villose, in one specimen splitting and the separated part revolute, in the upper part sometimes with a network derived from the pores or breaking into areolate dark portions showing the white flesh between, base sometimes slightly bulbous, pallid to brownish and dark sooty-brown, solid. Spores subspherical to broadly pear-shaped, rough (mulberry-like), 7 to 10°'4, 85x7 pp. At the roots: of trees orstumps. Neutral Bay, April, 1915; Bradley Head, Sydney, 297 April, 1919; Lisarow, May, 1918 (Miss Clarke, Water- colour 70; Herb., J. B. C., Form. Sp. 98); Krambach, near Gloucester, January, 1918. Colour tints noted :—Pileus reddish-black (pl. 344, Tons 1 and 2). POLYSTICTUS. . 160. Polystictus elongatus, Berk.: Hook. J., 1842, p. 149; Sace.: Syll., vi., 5640; Cooke: Handb. Austr. Fungi, No.. 750 (Vict., Q’land). LoMount Wilson and Katoomba, June; Leura, November ; Somersby Falls, near Gosford, May: Hawkesbury River, August and December (spores elongated, 5x2 p)—all in New South Wales. Specimens have been identified by Lloyd. 161. Polystictus meleagris, Berk. Lloyd: Letter 65, Note 577.—Specimens collected in Mummulgum Brush, near Casino, in December, 1916, have been identified by C. G. Lloyd (No. 257). 162. Polystictus badius, Berk. Lloyd: Letter 67, Note 666.—Specimens, sent to us by Dr. Leighton Jones from Darwin, have been identified by C. G. Lloyd (No. 317). 163. Polystictus ochraceo-stuppeus, Lloyd: Letter 63, 1916, Note 464.—Petersham, Sydney, April, 1912 (T. Steel). Identified by C. G. Lloyd in the above reference, who thus describes it :—‘‘Pileus erect, confluent, somewhat rosette form. Surface ochraceous, soft tomentose, not zoned. Context dry, soft, pinky, ochraceous. Pores minute, adustous. Cystidia none. Spores not known to me. In general colour much like Polystictus ochraceus, but context not of the same nature. The soft, pinky context is similar to species of 7'rametes, as T. lactinea, rather than to other Polystictus. We would put it in the section with Polystictus occidentalis, though its context relations are entirely different. The specimens, while well developed, grew on an ash floor, and the form, like the rosette form of Polystictus versicolor, when growing on top of a log, is probably not the normal form.”’ 164. Polystictus occidentalis, Klotzsch. Cooke: Grev., xiv., 85 (1886), and Handb. Austr. Fungi, No. 794; Sacc. : Syll., vi., 5843 (Vict., Q’land, N.S. Wales, S. Austr.).— Darwin, 1917 (Dr. Leighton Jones); identified by C. G. Lloyd (No. 316). 165. Polystictus (Trametes) Persooniu, Mont. Cooke: _ Handb. Austr. Fungi, No. 791 (Vict., Q’land, New Guinea) .— We have two collections, identified by Lloyd (Nos. 140 and 270), one from Mummulgum Brush, near Casino, N.S. Wales, December, and one from Murwillumbah(?) Of the former Lloyd says ‘‘pileus usually of a brighter colour. Pores some- _ what irpicoid.”’ 298 166. Polystictus subfulvus, Berk.—In identifying speci- mens for us, Lloyd says he thinks they are the same as the Brazilian plant. We have collected it at Kurrajong Heights in August, 1912 (spores(?) 3°5x1'7 »), and at Leura, June, OUG? | 167. Polystictus flavus, Klotz. Lloyd: Mycol. Notes, iii., p. 450 (1911-12), and Letter 67, Note 680.—Specimens col- lected on a fallen log near Nattai River, vza Hill Top, in October, 1913 (spores 6°2 to 8°5, usually 7, x 3°8 »), were con- sidered by Lloyd as a daedaloid form of P. flavus, having ‘‘the same context colour and microscopic structure (hyaline cystidia and spores).’’ We have also specimens from Narrabri, March, 1914 (spores 7 to 85 x 3°5 yp). 168. Polystictus versicolor, L..—Cooke: Handb. Austr. Fungi, No. 774 (Vict., N.S. Wales, Q’land, Tas.).—New South Wales: Mount Wilson, June, 1915; The Rock, July, 1917; Narrabeen, April, 1915; Hornsby, July, 1916; Neutral Bay, July, 1917 (confirmed by Lloyd, No. 386, who says ‘“‘a little pale but very close to the usual colour’’); Dorrigo, January, 1918; on decaying trunk of willow (Salix caprea, L.), Moss Vale, June, 1919; Myall Lakes (Mr. Gross), May; destroying a telegraph post, Mosman, May. Tasmania: Wilmot (A. M. Lea), January, 1918. Victoria: C. Brittlebank (No. 1), 1919. 169. Polystictus sanguneus. L. Cooke, loc. cit., No. 746; Clel. and Cheel: Jour. Proc. Roy. Soc. N.S. Wales, li., 1917, p. 485, No. 30.—Comboyne, August, 1915; Mango Island, Suva, Fiji, 1919 (Mrs. Lucas). 170. Polystictus connabarinus, Jacq. Cooke: loc. cit., No. 770; Clel. and Cheel : Joc. cit., p. 486, No. 31.—New South Wales: Barellan, August, 1918; The Rock, July, 1917; Dun- gog, November, 1916; Bellinger River (Mr. Smithers), June, 1919; Narrabri, November, 1916; Myall Lakes (Mr. Gross), May. ; ae Ararat (E. J. Semmens, No. 6). Queensland (on Acacia aulalocarpa, A. Cunn.(?), May, 1918 (E. Swain); on scrub-box (Hucalyptus, sp.), Gympie, June, 1918 (E. Swain). South Australia: Port Elhot, August, 1918 (D. I. C.). Western Australia: Guildford, December, 1918 (E. C.). 171. Polystictus cervino-gilvus, Jungh.; recorded for Australia in Cooke, Joc. cit., No. 789, as P. perademsae, Berk. and Br., which Lloyd states is a synonym.—Malan- ganee, 25 miles west of Casino, August, 1917, identified by Lloyd (Nos. 388 and 418). 299 POLYPORUS. 172. Polyporus (Petaloides) Clemensiae, Murr. Lloyd: Letter 65, Note 574, and Letter 68, Note 734; place after Polyporus rubidus, No. 12, Sect. 15, in Clel. and Cheel, Jour. Proc. Roy. Soc. N.S. Wales, li., p. 481.—Specimens obtained at Barron Falls, Kuranda, Queensland (Mrs. Fraser), in Sep- tember, 1917, have been identified by Lloyd (No. 429), who refers to them in Note 734. He says the species is close to P. rubidus, and is perhaps the basis of the record of the latter species in Cooke’s Handbook (No. 640). 173. Polyporus (Merismus) anthracophilus, Cooke. Cooke: Handb. Austr. Fungi, No. 622; Clel. and’ Cheel: loc. cit., p. 488, No. 39.—Pileus pallid to dark smoky-brown, spores ({ ?] conidial) 5x 3°4, 6 to 7x3 p, at base of a trunk, National Park (S. Austr.), June, 1917. These specimens were identified by Lloyd, who says that this is the plant so named by Cooke, but he thinks that it is better referred to Polyporus giganteus, Pers., as there is no real difference, though the Australian plant is darker and harder. 174. Polyporus (Merismus) sulphureus, Fr. Cooke: loc. cit., No. 624 (Q’land, Tas.); Cleland and Cheel: loc. eit., p. 488, No. 42.—In large masses at or near the bases of trees, Macquarie Pass, August, 1917; identified by Lloyd (No. 410). 175. Polyporus (Merismus) rosettus, Lloyd: Mycol. Notes, No. 43, 1916, p. 601; Cleland and Cheel: /®c. cit., p. 490, No. 47.—At the base of an old stump, National Park (S. Austr.), June, 1917, spores 4°2x2°5 »; identified by Lloyd (No. 350). 176. Polyporus (Spongiosus) rufescens, Pers. Cooke: loc. cit., No. 600; Clel. and Cheel: loc. cit., p. 490, No. 48.— At the base of a cultivated olive, numerous white spores, 5x 3°4, Beaumont, near Adelaide, April, 1917; identified by Lloyd (Nos. 300 and 443). 177. Polyporus (Spongiosus) Albertim, Mueller. Lloyd: Stipit. Polyporoids, p. 160, and Letter 67, Note 662; place after P. tomentosus, p. 491, No. 51, in Clel. and Cheel, Joc. cit.—This species closely resembles P. Schweinitzw in appear- ance, but microscopically has brown spores. Lloyd has iden- tified specimens for us. Taree district (H. Lyne), numerous brown, slightly irregular spores 85x55 p, January, 1917 (Lloyd, No. 295); Kendall, at base of tree, numerous brown oval spores 8 to 9 x 6 to 68 », March, 1918 (Llyod, No. 442). 178. Polyporus eucalyptorum, Fr. Cooke: loc. cit., No. 656; Clel. and Cheel: loc. cit., p. 522, No. 120.—On fallen trunks, Kendall, March, 1918, spores broadly pear- shaped, 85 to 104 x 6:8 pw.—colour tints noted, pores 300 yellowish-white (Dauthenay, pi. 13, Ton 4), cap tinted with pale otter brown, paler than otter brown (pl. 354, Ton 1); pellicle on pileus, greyish-brown with minute punctate spots, pores bright yellow, 1/16th inch deep, Bradley Head, Syd- ney, May, 1918; on underside of dead fallen trunk, Berrima, July, 1919, spores 85 x6 p—colour tint noted, pores near massicot yellow (Ridgway, pl. xvi.). 179. Polyporus gilvus, Sehw. Cooke: Handb. Austr. Fungi, No. 641; Clel. and Cheel: Jour. Proc. Roy. Soc. N.S. Wales, li., 1917, p. 533, Sect. 91, No. 143.—Near Wauchope, February, 1917, identified by Lloyd; Bulli Pass, November, 1917; Myall Lakes (Mr. Gross), May. 180. Polyporus gilvus, var. scruposus, Fr. Cooke: loc. cit., No. 643; Clel. and Cheel: Joc. cit., p. 534, Sect. 91, No. 143a.—Barron Falls, Kuranda, Queensland, September, 1917 (Mrs. Fraser). 181. Polyporus pertusus, Fr. (as Trametes). Lloyd: Mycol. Notes, No. 58, 1917, p. 827.—Barron Falls, Kuranda, Queensland, September, 1917 (Mrs. Fraser), setae brown, sharp-pointed, 25 to 34x7 pw at base; identified for us by C. G. Lloyd (No. 426). Speaking of this specimen in the note above cited, Lloyd states that this species belongs to the ‘““oilvus’’ group, having the same colour, spores, and setae, but the upper flesh is soft and spongy, as in P. fruticum. He considered it a very rare plant. 182. Polyporus Patowllardu, Rick. Lloyd: Letter 68, Note 738; Clel. and Cheel: foc. cit., p. 539, Sect. 95, No. 154.—Bribie Island, Moreton Bay, Queensland, spores yellow-brown, 5 x 3°4 w, no setae—Lloyd in determining this (No. 499) adds ‘‘this (determination) does not seem exactly right to me’’; Warren, N.S. Wales, on decaying trunk of a large specimen of Acacia salicina, var. varians, Benth., spores 772x6 p—confirmed by Lloyd; Malanganee, near Casino, August, 1917, spores brown, 4°8 x 3°4 p, no setae—identified by Lloyd (No. 415), Lloyd in the above note now thinks that the species grades into P?. dryadeus, Fr., the Australian plants being midway between the two with dark spores but no setae-like hyphae. 183. Polyporus fruticum, Berk. Cooke: loc. cit., No. 649; Clel. and Cheel: loc. cit., Sect. 96, No. 155.-—On shrubs, about 1 foot or so from the ground, Malanganee, near Casino, August, 1917—identified by Lloyd (No. 397); Barron Falls, Kuranda, Queensland (Mrs. Fraser),,September, 1917 —identified by Lloyd (No. 434). 184. Polyporus sessilis, Murr.; in Clel. and Cheel: Joc. cit., under Sect. 988.—Barron Falls, Kuranda, Queensland, September, 1917 (Mrs. Fraser); Lloyd in identfying these 301 \ b (No. 469) adds that this is really a sessile ?. lucidus. We have also specimens from Mango Island, Suva, Fiji (Mrs. Lueas), 1918, spores brown, very slightly rough, 12 x 6°5 p. Foes. 185. Fomes robustus, Karsten. Lloyd: Synop. Genus Fomes, p. 242, fig. 589; Clel. and Cheel: Jour. Proc. Roy. Soc. N.S. Wales, li., 1918, p. 509 (No. 101); Clel. and Cheel : Forest Comm. N.S. Wales, Bull. 12, 1918, p. 9, pl. ix.—Syns. Fomes Robinsoniae, Murrill, and F. squarrosus, Wilson ; Clel..and Cheel: Journ. Proc. Roy. Soc. N.S. Wales, li., 1918, p. 514 (No. 106); F. setudosus, Petch (form with abundant setae), Clel. and Cheel: /oc. cit., p. 511 (No. 102).— Lloyd has now come to the conclusion (Mycol. Notes, 50, p.‘713) that F. setwlosus is a setae-bearing .form of F. robustus. F. Robinsoniae and F. squarrosus he considers also to be /. robustus. In Australian specimens we note slight differences in the depth of colour of the context in different collections and even in the same individual plant. In some specimens we have not found setae, in others we have met with afew, whilst occasionally they are abundant. It may be convenient to retain the name /. setulosus for the latter. Queensland: Darling Downs, 20 miles from Toowoomba (Miss Butler), December, 1917. New South Wales: On a _ smooth-barked eucalypt, probably #. saligna, Sm., near Robertson, August, 1917: at base of Angophora lanceolata, Cav., Cremorne, Sydney, spores colourless, subspherical, 7 p, setae not seen, August and November; on WHucalyptus botryoides, Sm., Bradley Head, Sydney, spores subspherical, 6°8 p, setae not seen, April, 1918; on Casuarina suberosa, Ott. et Dietr., Manly, November, 1916; on Casuarina sp., between Telegraph Point and Kempsey, January, 1918; on Casuarina Luehmanm, R. T. Baker, Pilliga Scrub, Narrabri (identified by C. G. Lloyd, No. 303), November, 1916; on dead Banksia, Berrima, July, #919. South Australia: On FHucalyptus viminalis, Lab., National Park (identified by Lloyd, No. 424), spores colour- less, subspherical, 5 to 7 », a few scattered brown acuminate setae with broad bases. | 186. Fomes conchatus, Pers. Lloyd: Syn. Gen, Fomes, p. 244; Clel. and Cheel: Joc. cit., p. 512 (No. 103). Kendall, August, 1918; near Wauchope, February, 1917 (identified by Lloyd, No. 305). iy 187. Fomes densus, Oleson. Lloyd: Syn. Gen. Fomes, p. 245; in Clel. and Cheel, Joc. cit., place after /. conchatus, No. 103, p. 512.—This Lloyd describes as a thick heavy form 302 of F. conchatus, He has identified specimens for us (No. 448) found destroying telegraph posts at Cremorne, Sydney, in February and June, 1918; small brown setae present, the context suggesting a Fomes form of Polyporus gilvus. 188. Fomes roburneus, Fr. Lloyd: Syn. Gen. Fomes, p. 246; in Clel. and Cheel, Joc. cit., place after /. «gmarius, No. 105, p. 514.—Lloyd considers this species as a form of F. agmarius with abundant setae and a hard, black crust. He has identified a specimen for us (No. 428) found on a fallen log at Kendall, with very numerous brown setae projecting 17°4 », December, 1917. 189. Fomes rimosus, Berk. Lloyd: Syn. Gen. Fomes, p. 248; Clel..and Cheel: Joc. cit., pi. (>15 oem —— Queensland: Well-camp, Toowoomba (Miss I. H. Cameron), identified by Lloyd (No. 489), spores brown, 7x55 yp, August, 1918; Bribie Island, Moreton Bay, spores 5°2 x 3°4 p, September, 1918; on ironbark (Hucalyptus: paniculata, Sm.), Redbank, Brisbane, spores yellow-brown, 6°8x5°5 p, Sep- tember, 1918. 190. Fomes badius, Berk. Lloyd: Syn. Gen. Fomes, p. 249; in Clel. and Cheel, /oc. cit., place after /. rimosus, var: Niaowlu, No. 107s, p. 115.—Lloyd defines this as a large- spored /’. rmosus. He has identified two collections for us. No. 310 is from South Australia, spores subspherical, dark yellow-brown, 6°5x5 p, no setae seen; No. 466 on wattle (Acacia adalocarpa, A. Cunn.[?'], Gympie, Queensland (E. Swain), May, 1918. 191. Fomes pseudosenex, Murr.(?). Lloyd: Syn. Gen. Fomes, p. 255; in Clel. and Cheel, loc. cit., place after I. pullus, No. 110, p. 516; Lloyd: Letter 65, Note 546.—We have received from Mr. EK. Swain two specimens of apparently the same species, one obtained in May, 1918, and one in September, found growing on hoop pine ( Araucaria Cunning- hamu, Ait.) on Bunya Mountains, Queensland. One of these has been identified by Lloyd (No. 493) as probably /. pseudosenex, the pores were minute and yellowish, and the bracket was 4 inches laterally and high and 24 inches antero- posteriorly. The other specimen was larger, weighing 5 lb. 2 oz., and measuring 10 inches laterally, 7 inches high, and 8 inches antero-posteriorly ; it showed the presence of brown setae and occasional brown spores, 5°5 to 65x 3°8 yp, one apparently 8°5 x5 w. 192. Fomes yucatensis, Murr. Lloyd: Syn. Gen. Fomes, p. 257; Clel. and Cheel: Joc. cit., p. 516 (No. 112).— Dorrigo, identified by Lloyd (No. 446), spores brown, sub- spherical, 4 to 5 », numerous dark-brown setae, acuminate, with dilated bases, 34 to 50x85 yw; on Acacia aulalocarpa, 303 A. Cunn.(?), Gympie, Queensland (E. Swain), spores brown, 6 to 7 p, a few acuminate setae. PorRIA. 193. Poria callosa, Fr.: Syst. Myc., i1., p. 382; Sacc.: Syll., 5964; Cooke: Handb. Austr. Fungi, No. 820 (Q’land). —Mr. C. White, Government Botanist, Queensland, has kindly given us a portion of the specimen identified as this species for F. M. Bailey, and referred to in Cooke under No. 820. It bears a note, “‘Bailey’s No. 430, on rafters of a verandah, Brisbane.’’ In April and June, 1917, we obtained at Burnside, Adelaide, on the rotting trunk of Pius, sp., portion of a Porma which had dried a reddish-brown. This colour is a little deeper and redder than that of Bailey’s speci-. men, but the plants seem otherwise identical. Another species apparently, which has dried. a dark brown, is like Bailey’s specimen, save that the pores are twice as big. It formed an easily separable crust under the boards of a damp kitchen sink, Neutral Bay, Sydney, October, 1916. 194. Poria vaporaria, Fr.: Syst. Myc.,1., p. 382; Sacc.: Syll., 6035; Cooke: Handb. Austr. Fungi, No. 829 (Q’land, Vict., W. Austr., Tas.).—The following agree with an Ameri- can specimen kindly sent to us by C. G. Lloyd. On dying trunk, Neutral Bay, Sydney, August, 1912; Moss Vale, November, 1918; Ararat (A. J. Semmens, No. 10). We have a number of other specimens, probably of several species, resembling but not identical with Lloyd’s specimen. TRAMETES. 195. Trametes lactinea, Berk.: Ann. Nat. Hist., x., 371; Sacc.: Syll., 6204; Cooke: Handb. Austr. Fungi, No. 849 (Q’land, N.S. Wales, S. Austr.).—Specimens have been identified for us by C. G. Lloyd. Miulson Island, Hawkesbury River, July; Tuggerah, October; Kew, March, pores turn reddish on bruising when fresh (Lloyd, No. 343); Malanganee, near Casino, August, pores turn reddish on bruising; on iron- bark, Gympie, Queensland, June, red marks from bruising when fresh (E. Swain). See also Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, xxxil., p. 203 (1907), for previous record. 196. Trametes protea, Berk.—Lloyd has identified speci- mens for us (No. 438), growing on a fence at Kendall, Decem- ber, 1917; he considers the species as better placed under Polystictus. We have also collected specimens on dead wood on Bribie Island, Moreton Bay, September, 1918. 197. Trametes semitosta, Berk. Fomes semitostus, Berk., in Lloyd, Syn. Gen. Fomes, p. 220; Lloyd: Letter 68, Note 304 736.—In identifying specimens (No. 432) for us, found on a fallen trunk at Kendall in December, 1917, Lloyd (Letter 68, Note 736) says as follows:—‘‘In my Fomes Synopsis as a Fomes, but really a T’rametes. The type is a thin plant, hardly 4 cm. thick, but this specimen is 2 cm. thick. The surface is not of as dark a colour as the type, but no doubt will be when it gets to be as old as the type. ‘Half-toasted’ is a good name for it now, but not for the type now.”’ HY DNACEAE. Hypnum. 198. Hydnum rufescens, Pers.: Sym., :p. 555; Massee: Brit. Fung. Flora, 1., p. 152. A colour form of H. repandum, L. (Lloyd).—Lloyd has identified specimens for us under this designation. The flesh of the Australian species turns reddish- brown when injured. Neutral Bay, Sydney, June, 1912 and 1916; Newington, Sydney, June, 1914; Milson Island, Hawkesbury River, July, 1912; National Park, New South Wales, July, 1916, Spores 3°5 to 5°5 wp, spherical to oval. 199. Hydnum coralloides, Scop.: Carn., 2, p. 472; Massee: Brit. Fung. Flora, 1., p. 156; Cooke: Handb. Austr. Fungi, No. 925 (Q’land).—The identification has been con- firmed for us by C. G. Lloyd. Mount Irvine, Blue Moun- tains, January, 1915 (G. P. Darnell Smith), spores sub- spherical, 3°5'y.; on side of a trunk, Mount Wilson, Blue Mountains, June, 1915, spores 3°8 x 2°2 wp. 200. Hydnum ochraceum, Pers. Sacc.: Syll., 6725; Cooke: Handb. Austr. Fungi, No. 928 (Vict., Q’land).— Specimens, identified by Lloyd (No. 391), were collected at Lismore in August, 1917. 201. Hydnum Muellert, Berk.: Linn. J., xvi.j haga Sacc.: Syll., 6727; Cooke: Handb. Austr. Fungi, No. 929 (N.S. Wales, Q’land).—Specimens collected at Lisarow in June, 1916, were sent to C. G. Lloyd, who, in referrring to this species, adds:—‘‘I judge from my photograph of the ~ type. . . . The plant is very close to H. rawakense, Pets. I am not sure if it is distinct. It has similar cystidia on the teeth. It is more conchoid and the teeth are not so dark.”’ 202. Hydnum zonatum, Batsch.: F. 224; Massee: Brit. Fung. Flora, 1., p. 154.—Specimens collected on the underside of a fallen trunk at Mount Lofty, South Australia, in June, 1917, have been identified by Lloyd (No. 352). We have also collected specimens at North Bridge, Sydney, in June, 1916, on the ground—pileus 3 cm. broad, gibbous, rugose, slightly upturned, pallid to reddish-brown; flesh dark brown; teeth pallid; stem irregular, more or less central, brownish. 305 203. Hydnum alutaceum, Fr.: Syst. Myc., 1., 417; Sace,: Syll., 6761; Cooke: Handb. Austr. Fungi, No. 934 (Vict.)—Narrabeen, New South Wales (E. C.); Craigie, Victoria, June, 1917, on living bark of /wealyptus mellodora, A. Cunn. (E. J. Semmens, No. 54). TREMELLODON. 204. Tremelloden gelatinosum, Scop.: Fr. Hym. Eur., 618; Sace.: Syll., 6862; Cooke: Handb. Austr. Fungi, No. 942, fig. 68 (Q’land).—Mount Wilson, June, 1915, spores sub- spherical, 7 to 10°4 »; National Park, New South Wales, July, 1917, spores 85 x7 p, 7 p. RaDULUM. 205. Radulum (Lopharia, Thwattesiella) Neilgherrense, Berk. (R#. mirabile of Ceylon, R&R. lirellosa of Africa, F. Emericit of India, and R. javanica of Java are considered by Lloyd as probably this species; also Sistotrema wrpicinum, meperk. and Br., Linn. Trans., 1i1., 63, t. 13, f. 23, and Cooke, _ Handb. Austr. Fungi, No. 943 (Q’land), and Jrpex hezxa- _ gonoides, Kalchb., Grev. ix., p. 1, and Cooke, Handb. Austr. _ Fungi, No. 944 (N.S. Wales).—Lioyd has identified specimens for us (Nos. 64, 65, and 113). Milson Island, Hawkesbury _ River, June and July, 1912; Narrabeen, December, spores _ pear-shaped, 5 to 6 x 2°5 p. IRPEX. 206. Zrpex consors, Berk. Lloyd: Mycol. Notes, 45, 1917, __p. 625, fig. 887 (specimens from us). Syn.—Lloyd considers _ f. brevis, Berk.; 7. decurrens, Berk.; and probably Hynum meruloides, Berk., Linn. Trans., ii., 63, t. xi., f. 4, and Cooke, Handb. Austr. Fungi, No. 926 (Q’land), as all this “species. Sydney district, January, April, June, October (spores 5x 3°4 »); Narrabeen, April; Hawkesbury River, July (Lloyd, No. 353); Somersby Falls, near Gosford, May; Lisarow, June; National Park, New South Wales, July; Macquarie Pass, August (Lloyd, No. 393); Mount Wilson, ‘June (spores 4 x 2°5 »; Lloyd, No. 354, who says ‘‘the original matches this exactly—largely resupineate with a few pilei’’ ; Victoria, October (C. Brittlebank). 207. Irpex congulatum, Lloyd: Mycol. Notes, 55, 1918, p. 795, fig. 1197.—Lloyd, in describing our specimens (No. 355), says that they differ from Jrpex consors, which is a _ white plant, in being washed with a dark zone and appear so different that they should be named. He presumes that the _ Australian record of 7. zonatus (Cooke, No. 945, Vict., N.S. _ Wales, Q’land) is based on this plant, and that the previous ? al 306 identification by him of a specimen from Australia from J. T. Paul as J. zonatus was probably a mistake. New South Wales, spores oval, white, 5°2 x 3°2 yp. | 208. Irpex saemaria, Lloyd: Mycol. Notes, 48, 1917, p. 682, fig. 1019.—Lloyd considers that the record of E. tabacinus (Cooke, No. 948) for Australa probably refers to this species. Our New South Wales plants (locality not noted) are described by Lloyd as follows in the above Notes : — ‘‘Resupinate with reflexed pileus. Pileus coriaceous, dark brown (Brussels), smooth. Context concolorous. Teeth dense, 2 to 3 mm. long, concolorous, irregular. Hymenium white. Setae densely covering the teeth, projecting 20 to 30 p. Spores globose, 5 », smooth.’’? He points out that this species belongs to a _ section of Jrpex corresponding to ‘““Hymenochaete,’ and at one time described generically as ““H ydnochaete.”’ THELEPHORACEAE. THELEPHORA. 209. Thelephora terrestris, Ehrenb. Cooke: Handb. Austr. Fungi, No. 981 (Vict.); Clel. and Cheel: Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, xli., p. 860 (N.S.. Wales, 1S) Austr): Say n.- T. laciniata, Pers. (according to Lloyd); Cooke: No. 982.— Always under or near Pinus. Mount Lofty, April, and Ade- laide, June, 1917; Ararat, Victoria, June, 1917 (E. J. Semmens); Blayney, December, 1917, when young whitish and encrusting, then frondose. Spores nodular, 7, 8°5, S26. , 210. Thelephora myriomera, Fr.: Pl. Preiss., 137; Sacc. : Syll., 7129; Cooke: Handb. Austr. Fungi, No. 978 (W. Austr.).—Neutral Bay, Sydney, April, 1915; identified by C. G. Lloyd trom the description of this species, no type existing. STEREUM. 211. Sterewm caperatum, Berk. and M. Cooke: loc. cit., No. 992 (Vict., Q’land); Clel. and Cheel: loc. cit., p. 860.— Lisarow, New South Wales, October, 1916. 212. Sterewm elegans, Fr. Cooke: loc. cit., No. 994; Clel. and Cheel: loc. crt., p. 861.—Mount Irvine, June, 1915, the upper surface very light brown or damp-looking dark tan ; spores 4:2 to 5x 3'4 p—aidentified by C. G. Lloyd; Ararat, Victoria, spores 5x 3°4 p (EK. J. Semmens, No. 11). 213. Sterewm semilugens, Kalchb.: Grev., ix., 1; Sacc.: Syll., 7278; Cooke: loc. cit., No. 1010 (Q’land).—Mount Wil- son, June, 1915, spores 12 to 14x42 pw. Lloyd in identify- ing these adds:—‘‘The surface is relatively smooth and con- colorous with the context, ferruginous brown. The hymenium oop ee ene. A ee Se et 307 is cinereous, reminding one of Polyporus adustus. Cystidia none. . . . It is a good species, different from anything in Europe or America.” 214. Sterewm hirsutum, Willd. Cooke: Handb. Austr. Fungi, No. 1014; Clel. and Cheel: Proc. Linn. Soc., N.S. Wales, xli., 1916, p. 862.—On Hucalyptus tereticornis, Sm., Bumberry, September, 1916; on “#. Stwartiana, F. v. M., Orange, October, 1916; Taree (H. Lyne), April, 1917; Kew (N.S. Wales), October, 1915; The Rock, July, 1917; Ararat (Vict.), (E. J. Semmens, No.7). Lloyd has identified specimens for us as being pale forms approaching S. vellerewm, Berk. The following belong to this group:—Mount Lofty, on Hucalyptus trunks, and National Park, South Australia, June, 1917; Hawkesbury River, February, 1916 (Lloyd No. 373). 215, Sterewm zonarium, Lloyd: Mycol. Notes, No. 47, 1917, p. 664, fig. 95.—Lloyd has kindly identified New South Wales specimens (locality not noted) for us. Hus description of these in the above Notes is as follows :—‘‘Pileus sessile to ‘a reduced base, thin, rigid. Surface smooth, reddish-brown (Brussels brown, Ridgway), with narrow, strong, darker zones. Context tissue brown. Hymenial layer white, distinct from the context layer, and often but partially developed over the surface. Basidia clavate, forming a palisade layer. Cystidia mone. Spores 3x5 p, hyaline, smooth.” He adds:— “Stereum with smooth pilei are very rare. In fact, we know but one other well authenticated, viz., Sterewm versicolor, in its true sense. ”’ 216. Sterewm vellereum, Berk.: Fl. N. Zea., 183; Cooke: Handb. Austr. Fungi, No. 1004 (Vict.).—At the base of a trunk, Lisarow, June, 1916, spores 4°2 to5 x34 py. Lloyd in identifying these specimens says that the surface hairs are not so strong as in those specimens he has heretofore referred to this species, but still he believes our specimens belong to it. 217. Stereum lobatum, Fr.: Epicr., 547; Cooke: loc. cit., No. 1008 (all the States except S. Austr. and W. Austr.).—Lloyd has kindly identified specimens for us. When moist, zoned with grey and brown or dark browny-chestnut passing to chestnut, yellowish at the periphery; hymenial surface reddish-orange to yellowish-brown and yellow; spores fete (2x32 p. Bulli Pass, April, 1912; National Park, New South Wales, July, 1916; Lisarow, April, June, and December; Mummulgum, near Casino, December; Malan- -ganee, near Casino, August; Barron Falls, Kuranda, Queens- land (Mrs. Fraser). 218. Sterewm illudens, Berk.: Hook. J., iv., 59; Cooke: loc. cit., No. 1015 (all the States); Clel. and Cheel: Proc. 308 Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, xli., 1916, p. 863.—Lisarow, June, 1915; National Park, New South Wales, July, 1916. é 219. Stereum membranaceum, Fr. Clel. and Cheel: Joc. cit., p. 863 (N.S. Wales, Q’land).—Kurrajong Heights, August, 1912; Sydney, September; Milson Island, August ; Lisarow, June; near Wangan, Pilliga Scrub, October, 1918— dark-brown setae, 50 to 70x85 p at the base, acuminate, points acute or blunt. | 220. Stereum (Lloydella) cinerascens, Schw.—Both of our collections have been identified by Lloyd. Bull Pass, November, 1917, spores 9 to 10 x 6 to 68 yp, metuloids 87 x 25 p, rough, club-shaped ; on dead leaves of Ficus macro- phylla, Desf., Domain, Sydney, May, 1917. 221. Sterewm (Hymenochaete) adustum, Lev. (S. villosum, Lev.)—‘‘The same, I think, as Stereum villosum, Lev., but weathered specimen, the dark colour due to ex- posure (S. nigricans, Lev.; S. strigosum, Berk.; S. phaeum, Berk.; S. spadicewm, Berk., are all synonyms for me).’’— Lloyd, in identifying specimens for us found on a fallen log at Lisarow in June, 1916 (brown acuminate setae, 42x 7 pw). S. (H.) phaeum is recorded in Cooke, No. 1034, for Victoria, New South Wales, and Queensland; and S. (H.) spadiceuwm under No. 1037. We have recorded 8S. (H.) villosum for New South Wales (Joc. cit., p. 864), and have a further speci- men of this from Kurrajong Heights, August,-1912. CoRTICIUM. 222. Corticium coeruleum, Pers. Massee: Brit. Fung. Flora, i., p. 127.—Dorrigo, January, 1918, identified by Lloyd (No. 475). GASTEROMYCETES. CHLAMYDOPUS. 223. Chlamydopus Meyenianus, Berk. Lloyd: Lycop. of Austr., 1905, p. 9, fig. 6; Clel. and Cheel: Jour. Proc. Roy. Soc. N.S. Wales, 1., 1916, p. 109; as Tylostoma maaima, Cke. and Mass: in Cooke, Handb. Austr. Fungi, No. 1237, fig. 113 (W. Austr.).—We have received specimens of this rare species from Mrs. A. F. Cleland from Kurrawang, near Kalgoorlie, July, 1918. The peridium is # inch broad and 2 inch high, flattened spherical in shape, the apex irregularly torn with an aperture about 4 inch x+ inch; stem 3 inches high, + inch thick above, slightly attenuated downwards, striate, pallid; volva as a definite cup, 4 inch high, widely separated from the stem above; gleba light rusty in colour; spores finely rough, 6°8 p. : | 7 309 BATTAREA. 224. Battarea phalloides, var. Stevenii; Lloyd: loc. cit., p. 11, pl. 28, figs. 2 and 3; Clel. and Cheel: Joc. cit., p. 111; Cooke: Handb. Austr. Fungi, No. 1243 (W. Austr.), and as B. Muelleri, No. 1244 (S. Austr.), and B. Tepperiana, No. 1245 (Vict.).—Baan Baa, New South Wales, stem up to 12 inches high, attenuated upwards, very shaggy; volva buried in the ground. GEASTER. 225. Geaster Clelandw, Lioyd: Mycol. Notes, No. 55, 1918, p. 794, fig. 1196.—The type and cotype were found by Mrs. A. F. Cleland at Kalgoorlie in June, 1917. ‘Lloyd describes the species as follows:—‘‘Exoperidium rigid, in- curved when dry, cut into eight (in this specimen, also in the cotype) rather narrow lobes. Endoperidium scurfy, with a short, thick pedicel. Mouth protruding, strongly furrowed.” He adds :—‘‘The single specimen of this plant presents a char- acter to separate it from others of the section (Rigida, Cfr. Myc. Notes, p. 317) to which it belongs. It has a pedicellate endoperidium. The colour is decidedly red- dish, but it grew in red soil, which no doubt has something to do with the colour. Geasters are best defined in terms of others. This is Geaster Schmidelii as to size, pedicel, and mouth, but the exoperidium puts it in a different section. It is Geaster striatulus excepting the endoperidium, which is pedicellate. As a matter of fact, it is probably the original of Geaster striatulus, which was from Australia and not authentically known (Cfr. Myc. Notes, p. 312), and which was described as endoperidium ‘subsessile.’ But it is entirely different from (Geaster striatulus in the sense of Holl6s, which we have adopted and illustrated several times (Cfr. Myc. Notes, p. 71, and Lycop. Austr., p. 16).” 226. Geaster floriformis, Vitt. Lloyd: Lycop. of Austr., 1905, p. 16, fig. 10; Cooke: Handb. Austr. Fungi, No. 1264 (Vict., Q’land); Clel. and Cheel: Journ. Proc. Roy. Soc. N.S. Wales xlix., 1915, p. 221.—Manildra, New South Wales, October, 1916, identified by C. G. Lloyd—spores a finely rough, 3°4 to 4 wp. 227. Geaster sumulans, Lloyd: Lycop. of Austr., 1905, eee it Clel. and. Cheel: loc. cit., p. 220; as G. hygrometricus, Pers., in Cooke, Handb. Austr. Fungi, No. 1268 (W. Austr., Q’land).—Manildra, October, 1916, iden- tified by Lloyd—spores nearly smooth, 5°2 1; Dubbo, October, 1915—spores rough, 5°8 »; Mount Lofty, South Australia, July, 1914—-spores rough, 4 to 6 yp. 310 228. Geaster. Berkeleys1, Lloyd: Lycop. of Austr., p. 19.—Mummulgum, near Casino, December, 1916, spores rough, 3°5 wp. : 229. Geaster minimus, Schwein. Lloyd: Lycop. of Austr., p. 21—Narrabri, November, 1916, spores finely rough, 3°5 to 4°5 »; Baan Baa, January, 1917, spores rough, 5 p—both kindly identified for us by C. G. Lloyd. 230. Geaster saccatus, Fr. Lloyd: Lycop. of Austr., p. 22; Clel. and Cheel: Jour. Proc. Roy. Soc. N.S. Wales, xlix., 1915, p. 225.—Bumberry and Manildra, September and October, 1916, identified by Lloyd, who says ‘‘larger than -: our (7.e., the American) plant and tending towards rufescens”’ —spores distinctly rough, 5°8 to 6°8 4; Manildra, October, 1916, identified by Lloyd as a small form—spores finely rough, 3°5 »; Forbes, August, 1915). )sporesmiaaiooth, 3»; Murwillumbah, April, 1916, spores rough, 3°8 to 5 wp. MYcENASTRUM. 231. Mycenastrum corium, (Guersent) Desv. Clel. and Cheel: Jour. Proc. Roy. Soc., N.S. Wales, 1., 1916, p. 116.— Dungog, New South Wales, November, 1916, spores 10°5 p; Beaumont, near Adelaide, June, 1917, spores shaggy, 8°5 to 9 »; Kalgoorlie, June, 1917, spores rough, 10°4 to 12 yp. LYCOPERDON. 232. Lycoperdon gemmatum, Batsch. Clel. and Cheel : Jour. Proc. Roy. Soc! N.S. Wales, 1., 1916, priZ2 Noise National Park, New South Wales, on and near rotten wood, July, 1916, spores finely rough, 3°6 to 4 1; New South Wales, spores spherical, very finely warted under oil-immersion lens, 3°5 to 4 pw. CaLvaTIA. 233. Calvatia lilacina, (Berk.). Clel. and Cheel: loc. cit., p. 123, No. 32.—Baan Baa, January, 1917, identification con- firmed by Lloyd (Nos. 287 and 288), spores echinulate, 5 p, capillitium branching, 3°5 » in diameter—in one of these specimens the substance is bleached to a pale fawny-whitish colour; Sydney, May, 1918; Krambach, near Taree, January, 1918, spores echinulate, 5°5 »; Craigie, Ararat, May, 1918 (E. J. Semmens, No. 90). ASCOMYCETALES. Fam. TUBERACEAE. ENDOGONE. 234. Hndogone tuberculosa, Lioyd: Mycol. Notes, No. 56, October, 1918, p. 799.—The type specimens were obtained 311 by one of us (J. B. C.) at The Rock, New South Wales, in July, 1917. Mr. Lloyd’s description of the species is as fol- lows :—‘‘1-2 em. thick, globose, pale orange. Surface tuber- culate. Peridium indistinct. Gleba convolute, lacunose, yellow. Vesicle imbedded in the context tissue, globose, 50-60 mic., with thick, hyaline walls and granular, yellow contents.’’ Lloyd adds that, possessing the characteristic vesicles of the genus Yndogone, this is best so referred, but it differs from all other species in the lacunose gleba and tuber- cular surface. Our notes state that the plants were just above the ground, 4 inch in diameter when fresh, pallid orange in colour, and with a tuberculate surface. The vesicles were large, oval, thick-walled bodies, 85 x 60 pu in size in some cases, with granular contents. DISCOMYCETIINEAE. Fam. HELVELLIINEAE. MoRCHELLA. 235. Morchella esculenta, L. Pers.: Syn., 618; Sacc.: Syll., viii., 8; Cooke: Handb. Austr. Fungi, No. 1353 (no locality).—Victoria, September, 1913 (asci cylindrical, occa- sionally slightly wavy, 243x174 yw, spores oval, 19 to 20°7 x 11:2 ps). 236. Morchella conica, Pers. Cooke: Myco., t. 81, f. Miaeemaicessoyll., vi., 10; Cooke: Handb. Austr. Fungi, Mawtoo4, 4. 159 (Vict., S. Austr., Tas.); Cambage: Proc. Linn. Soc., N.S. Wales, 1901, p. 691 (N.S. Wales) ; Clel. and Cheel: Jour. Proc. Roy. Soc. N.S. Wales, xlvii., 1914, p. 443 (N.S. Wales). — Victoria, September, 1913 (asci 210 x 21 w; spores 24 to 26x16 yp). LEOTIA. 237. Leotia marcida, Pers. Lloyd: Geoglossaceae, p. 15.—Specimens have been identified for us by Llyod (No. 161), who says that many authors consider this species as merely a colour form of L. lwbrica, Pers. Our collecting notes are as follows:—Pileus # inch wide and $ inch high, irregu- larly nodular or “‘bumpy,”’ greenish-waxy looking, the under- surface slightly concave and paler and more watery in appear- ance, on section tremelloid and watery waxy-looking. Stem 14 inch high, + inch thick, yellow-waxy looking, punctate with slightly darker, apparently warty, particles, on section show- ing an outer clear cortex and a thick solid yellow-waxy core, which expands in the pileus as a thin disc. The spore-bearing part of the ascus about 60x 105 p, the whole ascus about 140 » long. Spores overlapping in the ascus, 175 to 312 21x 6 p, ends rather pointed, usually with four large globules. Under trees, Lane Cove River, Sydney, June, 1916; Dr.- Darnell Smith also collected specimens in the same month and year at Somersby Falls, Gosford; Neutral Bay, May, 1917; Mosman, April and May, 1918 (asci 60 to 70 y, spores 17°5 x 4:2 p, one side of the spore a little flattened). GEOGLOSSUM. 238. Geoglossum Muellerr, Cooke: Myco., t. 1, i. 2; Sacc.: Syll., 138; Cooke: Handb. Austr. Fungi, No. 1362 (Vict.).—1# inch high. Club slightly viscid when moist, a little shorter than the stem, black. Stem shining. Asci fusiform. Sporidia 3-septate, 58 to 66x5 yw. Under bushes, Parramatta, July, 1912. 239. Geoglossum glabrum, Pers.: Syn., p. 608; Sacc. : Syll., 141; Cooke: Handb. Austr. Fungi, No. 1363 (Vict., Q’land).—Club 4 inch high, 4+ inch wide, flattened, slightly sulcate, matt, almost black. Stem 14 inch high, attenuated downwards, dark chocolate, and lighter than the club. Asci 139 to 174x18 pp. Sporidia brown, 7-septate, 56x6 pw. On the ground, Neutral Bay, June, 1913 (identified by Lloyd, No. 230). We also have the following :—New South Wales, asci cylindrical club-shaped, 120 to 138x138 yp, sporidia brown, 7-septate (one 6-septate), 725x483 p. Sedgwick, Victoria (EK. J. Semmens), amongst mosses, asci 155 x17 yp, sporidia brown, 7-septate, 53 to 61 «7 p. Fam. PEZIZACEAE. PHILLIPSIA. 240. Phillipsia polyporoides, Berk.: Linn. J., xviii., 386; Sacc.: Syll., 608; Cooke: Handb. Austr. Fungi, No. 1399 (Q’land); Lloyd: Letter 62, Note 432, 1916.—Specimens obtained at Kurrajong Heights on a fallen log in August, 1912, are considered by Lloyd, from Berkeley’s description, to be probably this species, though he sees no justification for the specific name. He adds that the genus Phillipsia is close to Urnula, though put in a different section in Saccardo. He describes our specimens as being thick, dark, coriaceous, and cup-shaped, with large, hyaline, arcuate, smooth spores, 12x36 p, and numerous dark, filiform paraphyses, slightly enlarged at the apices. Our measurements show slightly curved spores, 27 to 29°5 x 10°14 to 12 p. We have also speci- mens collected by Prof. S. J. Johnston at Kendall in June, 1917, on wood—asci cylindrical, 313 to 340x12 to 14 yn, spores white, slightly curved, 25 to 28x 10°5 up. 313 URNULA. 241. Urnula campylospora, (Berk.) Cooke ; Peziza cam pylo- spora, Berk.: Fl. N. Zeal., 200; Geopywis cinereo-mgra, B. and Br.; Peztza cinereo-migra, B. and Br.: Linn. Trans., i., 404, t. 46, f. 16-18; Lloyd also mentions as synonyms Rhizina reticulata and Peziza rhytidia, and quotes Massee for a figure (Jour. Linn. Soc., xxxi., pl. 16, f. 17); as Urnula campylospora in Cooke, Handb. Austr. Fungi, No. 1453, f. 165 (Q’land), and in Lloyd, Mycol. Notes, No. 49, 1917, p. 695, f. 1037.—Lloyd has identified two collections for us. On wood, Lisarow, August, 1916 (asci 350 x 17 », sporidia curved 26x85 pw). On fallen wood, National Park, New South Wales, July, 1916 (under-surface and stalk black, finely rough; cup dark brown, then blackish; sporidia curved, sausage-shaped, 27°5 to 31 x 10°4 to 12 p). PYRENOMYCETIINEAE. Fam. HYPOCREACEAE. HYPoMYCES. 242. Hypomyces aurantius, Tul.: Carp., ii., 43; Plow.: Grev., 1., 44, t. 150; Cooke: Handb. Austr. Fungi, No. 1508 (Q’land).—Lloyd has identified a specimen for us, found on old Polyporus Berkeley: at Lisarow in June, 1916. He thinks this is probably also 7. rosellus (Cooke, No. 1506, W. Austr.). Asci about 100 x5; sporidia constricted in the centre, pointed at the ends, 17°5 x 3°4 » (Lloyd found them to be 20 to 24x5 to 6 p, hyaline, smooth, septate). Fam. XYLARIACEAE. XYLARIA. 243. Xylaria anisopleura, Mont.: Syll., 688; Cooke: Handb. Austr. Fungi, No. 1535 (Q’land) ; as Y. tuberiformis, Berk., in Lloyd, Mcyol. Notes, No. 48, 1917, p. 678, fig. 1011 only, later in Xylaria Notes, 1., 1918, p. 24, on the advice of Petch referred to X. anisopleura.—Our specimens, identified by Lloyd (No. 228), and referred to and figured in the above Notes, were gathered on a fallen trunk at Mount Irvine in June, 1915—asci about 100 ,» long; spores black, often slightly curved, 12°5x7 up. 244. Xylaria phosphorea, Berk.(?): Linn. J., xi., 177; Grev.: xi., t. 168, f. 75; Cooke: Handb. Austr. Fungi, No. 1537 (Vict.).—Specimens collected by Dr. Darnell Smith at Mount Irvine in January, 1915, were identified by Lloyd (No. 229), with much doubt, as this species—asci about 104 x 8°5 1; spores black, 12 to 13°8 x 6°6 p, one side slightly - flattened. ; 314 245. Xylartia myosurus, Mont.(?)—Lloyd has identified specimens (No. 269), collected on a rotten trunk at Katoomba in December, 1916, as probably immature examples of this species. Conidiospores 7 to 10°4 x 3°5 to 4 p, dagger-shaped. 246. Xylaria faveolis.—Lloyd, Xylaria Notes, i:, 1918, p. 9, figs. 1214-1216.—Lloyd has identified specimens for us (No. 440), referred to and figured in the above Notes. The plants were collected at Dorrigo in January, 1918—asci about 70 x 6 pw, spores 10°4 x 4 yp, blackish, one side a little flattened. 247.:Xylaria hypoxylon, Grev.: Fl. Edina ysoo,) acc. : Syll., 1260; Cooke: Handb. Austr. Fungi, No. 1547 (Q’land). —Lloyd has identified as probably the conidial form of this species specimens (No. 268) found at the base of a dead tree- fern at Katoomba in December, 1916—conidiospores 8°5 x 2 p, elongated, one end more pointed. SARCOXYLON. 248. Sarcoxylon Le Rati (Hennings). Lloyd: Mycol. Notes, 1917, No. 47, p. 668, fig. 960; Xylaria gigas (*), Cooke: Handb. Austr. Fungi, No. 1539 (N.S. Wales), is thought by Lloyd to be possibly this species.—Lloyd places this genus close to Xylaria. He has identified for us as Sarcoxylon Le Rati the specimens mentioned in his Myco- logical Notes. The species was previously, he states, only known from New Caledonia. Our specimens were found on the ground under trees at Lisarow, New South Wales, in December, 1916. The plants when fresh were in shape some- what like large examples of one of the forms of Polysaccwm pisocarpium, 1.e., broadly club-shaped. They were attached to large irregular white mycelial masses in the ground. The surface was covered with a yellow efflorescence showing numerous conidial spores (8°5 to 12°5x2 to 3°4 w). On sec- tion the centre was whitish and surrounded by a broad yellowish layer, whilst outside this was a black line covered with the yellow efflorescence. Smell unpleasant. PORONIA. 249. Poroma punctata, L. Cooke :Handb. Austr. Fungi, No. 1548 (Vict., Tas., W. Austr.).—Specimens collected on dung at Orange in October, 1916, were identified by Lloyd (No. 227)—asci 156 p long, spores black, 26 to 27 x 15:5 up. 250. Poroma oedipus, Mont.: Ann. Sci. Nat., 1855; Cooke: Handb. Austr. Fungi, No. 1549 (Vict., N.S. Wales, Q’land).—We have two New South Wales collections, both identified by Lloyd (Nos. 225 and 226)—asci 121 x 17 p, spores oval, surrounded by mucus, 19 x 8°5 » (immature). Trans. and Proc. Roy. Soc. S. Austr. Vol. XLITI., Plate XXVIII. HUSSEY & GILLINGHAM LIMITED, PRINTERS & PUBLISHERS ADELAIDE, SO. AUS , Trans. and Proc. Roy. Soc. S. Austr. Vol. XLII.; Plate XXIX. ra Phyllis F. Clarke. HUSSEY & GILLINGHAM LIMITED, PRINTERS & PUBLISHERS ADELAIDE, SO. AUS. 315 NUMMULARIA. 251. NMummularia Baileyi, B. and Br. Cooke : Hand. Austr. Fungi, No. 1554 (Q’land).—New South Wales _ specimens have been identified for us as probably this species by Lloyd (No. 223)—spores blackish, 17x 8°5 to 12 p, ends sometimes pointed. | DALDINIA. 252. Daldima concentrica, Bolt. Cooke: Hand. Austr. Fungi, No. 1561, fig. 202 (all the States except S. Austr.).— Mosman, Sydney, New South Wales (spores slightly curved, 13°8 to 15°5 x7 pw, asci 85 p in diameter); Malanganee, New South Wales, August (spores oval, 10°4 to 13°8x 6 to 8°5 1); Kendall, August; Flinders Island, Bass Straits, November (spores black, obliquely elongated, slightly pointed, 13°8 to 5x7 to 72 pw). See also Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, KXXVll., p. 236 (1912), for previous record. 7 DESCRIPTION OF PLATES. DePeATE XXVIII. Amamtopsis punctata, n. sp., with section, volva, and spores. Puate XXIX. Fig. 1. Cantharellus lilacinus, n. sp., with spore. nds os corrugatus, n. sp., with spore. » 3 Mycena banksiae, n. sp., with spore. eS eS coccineus, n. sp., with spore. » oO. Boletus scarlatinus, n. sp. Bo) 10: ys a“ . small form with spore. 316 THE PETROLOGY OF THE GRANITIC MASS OF CAPE WILLOUGHBY, KANGAROO ISLAND:—PART |. By C: HE. Truusy, B/Scm eae Demonstrator in Geology and Mineralogy, University of Sydney. Deas-Thomson Scholar in Geology, 1919. (Communicated by Professor Walter Howchin.) [Read September 11, 1919.] Puates XXX. anon XXXII. AnD 2 Maps. CONTENTS. I: Introduction. II. General Description. III. Characters of the Rock Types— (a) The Main Granite. (b) The Minor Intrusions. IV. The Pink Aplite and its Products of Pneumatolysis. V. The Nature and Composition of the White Pegmatite. VI. The Relations of the Rock Types. VII. General Discussion. I. INTRODUCTION. The imposing granite headland of Cape Willoughby forms the easternmost extremity of Kangaroo Island. From the standpoint of petrology this locality has received little attention, and in the previous literature dealing with this area brief reference only is made to the intrusion. This literature 1s °—— (v.) Howchin, W.:) ‘Trans. Roy. Soc. Si Austraavo. xxvil., 1903, pp. 80-83: (w.) Wade, A.: Bull. No. 4, Geol. Surv. S. Austr., pp. 20 and 21. In addition the writer has described certain quartz tourmaline nodules from this area. ) Howchin, while investigating the geographical extent of the late Palaeozoic (Permo-carboniferous) glacial deposits on Kangaroo Island visited Cape Willoughby, and in his subsequent paper briefly refers to the granite and its minor intrusions. Wade mentions its intrusive character into the (1) Tilley: Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austr., 1919, p. 156. 317 associated quartzites, and both investigators note the remark- able blue opalescence of the quartz grains present in the granite. e a %, % %, 8 3 3 lemile. more important dykes or intrusive masses are shown in addition. No detailed petrographic study has been made of the country rocks, which consist of quartzites, quartz-mica 320 schists, and mica schists. The whole region has suffered consid- erable regional metamorphism, in common with the metamor- phism shown by the eastern beds of the Mount Lofty Ranges on the mainland. The differentiation of contact and regional metamorphism for the area under consideration would demand much careful field and petrographic study. IIT. CHARACTERS OF THE Rock TyYPEs. (a) THE MAIN GRANITE. | Throughout the mass, the granite maintains a very con- stant mineralogical and textural character. In hand specimens the rock is more or less even-grained, with the occasional development of phenocrysts of unstriated felspar. The most striking feature of the rock is the presence of subidiomorphic crystals of quartz, showing a remarkable blue opalescence. This quartz is also developed in the minor intrusions associ- ated with the granite. The felspar shows well-developed cleavages, and often contains inclusions of biotite. Occasion- ally a felspar phenocryst may show, with the aid of a lens, an intergrowth with quartz—suggestive of a graphic inter- growth. According to the freshness of the rock the felspars are seen as greyish, pink, or tending to greenish in colour. The dark mineral is biotite. In addition small quantities of iron pyrites can be detected in some specimens. Under the microscope the minerals developed are seen to be quartz, microcline, plagioclase, biotite, and, as accessories, muscovite, apatite, ilmenite, pyrites, and zircon. As secondary minerals there are present epidote, leucoxene, sericite, kaolin, and chlorite. | Quartz occurs, firstly, as subidiomorphic grains with well- developed cracks, and showing undulose extinction. These represent the grains seen in hand specimens. Minute inclusions are very numerous, and in many cases appear to be laid out in strings. Many of these undoubtedly are fluid or gaseous inclusions, whilst others appear to be solid, and probably represent rutile needles. Whilst in reflected light this quartz is characterized by a bluish opalescence, in trans- mitted light it has a distinct yellowish to reddish yellow appearance, according to the thickness viewed. Again, some of the quartzes when carefully examined — show zones of alternate clear and opalescent layers in reflected light, and, in transmitted light, these show up as colourless and yellowish areas respectively. These zones appear to follow the outlines of the growing crystal. D4 = 2 088: It is not proposed to consider this question in the present paper, as the subject is reserved for a subsequent communication. 321 In some sections it would appear that, as an accompani- ment of cracking, there has been a rotation of sectors of the grain, for the grain is not optically continuous throughout. Along these cracks the quartz may show higher polarization colours. Quartz is also present in the slides in allotrimorphic grains, or as a constituent of a graphic intergrowth with microcline. This intergrowth may develop around the large quartz or microcline crystals, and is obviously of later crystallization. Microcline is present. in subidiomorphic crystals, which may show inclusions of biotite, plagioclase, and quartz. The -microcline twinning after the albite and pericline laws is very finely developed, and the lamellae are often seen to overlap. In sections parallel to (010) pericline twinning may be absent or submicroscopically developed; where clearly developed, however, it cuts the trace of the (001) cleavage at an angle of 74°-76 alien on (010) sections has a maximum value of 6°-7° from the basal cleavage. Some sections show a very fine perthitic intergrowth with plagioclase. The layers traverse the microcline, and are optically continuous; optically they have the properties of albite. This is the typical microcline microperthite structure. Plagioclase occurs in more or less tabular crystals of well- developed form, and shows the characteristic albite lamellae. Zoning is characteristic. The refractive. index is > C. Balsam, and most sections show R.I. < quartz. In zoned sections showing no multiple twinning the extinction from the (001) cleavage read as maxima :— Outer zone heed Ie ee saa es ae Intermediate zone ..... sie is 10° Central zone ... eh) Oe This corresponds to a range eta Ohsodeas (Ab, An,) to Andesine (Ab, An,). Such zoned sections (010) in convergent hght show the emergence of a bisectrix to be practically normal to the section. This is the obtuse bisectrix, and the negative birefringence is clear. ‘The felspar-is an Oligoclase-Andesine, the average com- position being nearer the oligoclase end. Some sections of the granite show the presence of a more acid plagioclase than the above. This has the pro- perties of oligoclase albite. It represents a later stage of crystallization, but is of minor development. Biotite.—This mineral is developed in clusters of flakes _ of elongated section showing the strong basal cleavage. The L 322 colour is dark. brown to greenish-yellow. The pleochroism is intense, showing practically complete absorption. The biotite encloses such minerals of earlier formation as apatite, zircon, and ilmenite. Chlorite and epidote are developed as secondary pro- ducts. The small amount of muscovite occurs in association with the biotite, and is of later crystallization. It remains clear and unaltered. Apatite occurs in slender needles and small hexagonal prisms. It is most abundant as inclusions in the biotite. Ilmenite is associated with the biotite, and is generally surrounded by a white leucoxenic decomposition product. Zircon, like apatite, is enclosed in biotite, and occurs in short prisms. It is usually surrounded by faint pleochroic haloes. Epidote is present, associated with biotite and plagio- clase; it probably results from the interaction of biotite and plagioclase, and is obviously of secondary origin. Calcite may be developed in addition. Kaolin occurs as a dust accompanying both felspars. The cores of some sections of the plagioclase show plen- tiful sericite, occurring in small flakes, sometimes to the complete exclusion of the felspar, from which it has developed. It is probably paragonitic in composition. The order of crystallization of the constituent minerals may be subdivided as :— I. Accessories—A patite, ilmenite, zircon. II. Biotite and accessory muscovite. _ III. Plagioclase—Quartz and microcline. Overlapping of the crystallization periods ‘of II. and III. occurred, as is evidenced by inclusions. This particularly refers to microcline, which in its occasional porphyritic deve- lopment is then referable to an early stage. The order of cessation of crystallization is more truly represented by the above arrangement. Nearing the completion of crystallization, the sodic character of the plagioclase had become marked, in some sections oligoclase-albite being developed independently, and the last stages are represented by the graphic intergrowths of quartz and microcline which surround the larger crystals. The relative proportions of plagioclase to microcline felspar show some variation in the different sections ex- amined. As a whole they are present in approximately equal amounts. The granite may therefore be placed in the Adamellite group. | Cognate Xenoliths.—These occur as ellipsoidal or ovoid patches in the main granite. In hand specimens they appear 323 as moderately dark-greyish, fine-grained aggregates, with the occasional development as phenocrysts of the characteristic blue opalescent quartz seen in the main granite. Muicroscopic- ally the segregations are seen to consist of the minerals of the main granite. Biotite is present in ragged flakes and, in parts, is altered to chlorite; epidote is also present as a secondary product. In some cases the remains of biotite are now only represented by chlorite and epidote together. Flmenite is sparingly present with its leucoxenic decomposition product. Phenocrysts of quartz and oligoclase-andesine or andesine are present, and the remaining mass consists of a fine-grained assemblage of allotrimorphic quartz and microcline, mostly untwinned. (2) The microcline is heavily dusted with kaolin. With the plagioclase the secondary development of scaly mica appears more usual. There is a minor amount of graphic eo of quartz and felspar (microcline). The specific gravity of one of these ovoid segregations was determined as 2°655 (16° C). The specific gravity of the main granitegis 2668 (16° C). D'®=2°668. The segregations show a variable amount of biotite, the one in question being, if anything, freer from this mineral than the average. In some cases their slightly darker colour, as an indication necessarily of a greater concentration of biotite than in the main granite, is probably illusory, in that they are finer grained, and the biotite is more evenly distributed than in the main granite. (6b) THE MINOR INTRUSIONS. For the purpose of later discussion these minor intrusions can be separated into three distinct groups:—/(a) The grey aplite; (6) the pink aplite; (c) the white pegmatite. These will be treated seriatim. (a) The Grey Aplite.—This occurs as an intrusive mass, elliptical in plan, behind Barn Bluff (vide map). In hand specimens it is a fine-grained light-grey rock with development (2)The absence of microcline twinning in some sections of the potassic felspar is not considered sufficient evidence to interpret the rock as possessing orthoclase in addition. The presence of microcline is definitely fixed by its characteristic “orating’’ structure, but it is quite possible for microcline to occur with albite twinning alone or no twinning at all. The very general presence of microcline in the older plutonic rocks is suggestive -that this mineral is really the stable phase of potassic . felspar. On this question cf. C. H. Warren, ‘‘A Quantitative Study of certain Perthitic Felspars’’ (Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts and Sciences, vol. 51, No. 3, 1915, pp. 127-154). L2 \ 324 of occasioial phenocrysts of the characteristic opalescent — quartz, bunches of biotite, and very sparingly an occasional phenocryst of felspar. A few scattered grains of pyrites are also present. The specific gravity of this rock is 2625. D'=2°625. Under the microscope the quartz phenocrysts have the same characteristics as possessed in the normal granite. Biotite is spread sporadically through the rock with its accompanying chlorite and epidote. Pyrites is also present. Quartz and microcline are developed, showing allotri- morphic boundaries. The microcline shows Carlsbad twin- ning, but the grating structure may be absent or represented only by submicroscopic lines of light and shade. Some plagioclase is present, and has the properties of oligoclase albite. Secondary mica and kaolin are developed as alterations of the felspar. In a phenocryst of microcline the micasation may be well developed. A primary micrographic intergrowth of quartz and microcline is often present round the borders of a large quartz grain. A determination of alkalies in this rock gave Nah ieee B5B%, Na, O =2:63%. The rock is a Biotite Microcline ntite In parts it has a distinct granite-porphyry facies, but its relationship to the associated intrusions is better indicated in the name given. (6) The Pink A plite.—This aplite occurs as a distinctly intrusive mass along the coast immediately south of Cannon Hill. Its junction with the granite is in most places markedly sharp. The mass shows a somewhat variable texture throughout its extent; the greater part is of very fine grain, but this grades into a coarser variety, in which are developed phenocrysts of blue quartz and a ferromagnesian mineral, biotite, also makes its appearance. It is an aplite with development in part of a distinct granite-porphyry facies. it is in this rock that occur the quartz tourmaline nodules already described in detail in a previous paper.©) A number of quartz veins occupy fissures in the aplite, and associated with these veins occurs a zone of altered aplite which appears to be of the nature of a greisen. A further alteration of the aplite is the production along fissures of a white kaolinized product. A number of quartz geodes are also developed. Microscopic description of this aplite is dealt with on page 325. (c) The White Pegmatite (Aplite).—There are a number of occurrences of this type all of which are not noted on the (Tiley. ieee. Ct.0 5° 2 : : | | ; 325 map. Some occur as veins in the main granite. The first occurrence noted is in the first gully south of the Cape Willoughby Lighthouse. The dyke outcrops at the head of the gully, and has a width of eight yards. Its boundaries are ill-defined and are covered with sand. In hand specimens it is a coarse aggregate of blue quartz and white felspar, apparently not graphically intergrown. A second pegmatite with predominant felspar and show- ing strings of quartz is well developed on the northern side of Barn Bluff. Limonite is associated with the felspar in parts as a subsequent alteration; muscovite is also present. The rock has weathered out into honeycombed masses. The remaining occurrences of this rock are in the form of veins, which outcrop on both sides of Pink Bay, along the coast. They vary in width from 2 ft. downwards, and vary in composition from an aggregate of blue quartz and white felspar to veins of pure felspar. For the most part these veins run parallel to the trend of the joint planes in the granite. The three types of minor intrusion occur as separate and distinct masses. In no case have they been observed in asso- ciation, to enable their order of intrusion to be determined. These, too, were the only types of intrusions seen exposed in the granite mass. Minor intrusions into the neighbouring quartzites were _ not observed; about seven miles from Cape Willoughby a pegmatite dyke is developed in schist. Gem tourmaline has been derived from this area, and the dyke is most probably an offshoot from the Willoughby mass. The writer had not an opportunity of visiting this locality. Microscopically, the minerals present in the pink aplite are quartz, microcline, plagioclase (albite), and, as accessories, biotite (much chloritized), and muscovite. Kaolin and _ secondary mica accompany the felspars as alteration products. One slide shows a well-developed phenocryst of plagioclase as a trilling, and, in addition, albite lamellae are present. This is probably an oligoclase albite. It is surrounded by a 7 beautiful micrographic intergrowth of quartz and microcline. The micrographic intergrowths are displayed more especially in the coarser varieties of the intrusion. In these, also, apatite bezins to appear and muscovite is more plenti- fully distributed, often in plumose fashion. Some of the albite shows twinning after both albite and pericline laws. In the finer-grained types the fabric approaches the type - “sranulitic’”’ characteristic of some aplites. In an aplite near Pink Bay, related to this series, _ subidiomorphic grains of magnetite appear, and in addition 326 there are present a few scattered grains of blue strongly pleochroic tourmaline. The albite in this rock is more abundant than in the aplite described above. The specific gravities of the rocks of this series are indicated below :— (1.) Fine-grained red aplite, D'%;=2°590. (it.) Medium-grained red aplite, D4) =2°602. (vii.) Coarse-grained red aplite, D'®¢=2°605. (iv.) Aplite from near Pink Bay, D'},=2'625. The aplites of this series are characterized by the pre- dominance of microcline felspar; plagioclase is subordinate. This plagioclase is an acid albite, and in the finer-grained aplite may appear as idiomorphic phenocrysts rarely, the main development being in association with the quartz and mircrocline. The listed specific gravities further point to the dominant felspar being potassic. A partial analysis of the fine-grained red aplite yielded K,O0=5°48%, Na,O=2°79%. The pink colour of this series is due to the presence of a fine film of haematite dusting the cleavages and cracks of the alkali felspars. IV. PRopucts oF PNEUMATOLYSIS OF THE PINK APLITE. These may be listed as follows:—/(a) The quartz-tour- maline nodules (Pneumatoliths); (6) the greisen; (c) the kaolin. The quartz-tourmaline nodules have already been described in the paper cited above. They were developed anteriorly to the greisen, which will now be discussed. (6) The Greisen.—Subsequent to the consolidation of the aplite fissures in turn were developed and afforded an avenue of escape for the remaining volatile constituents, now much reduced in temperature. The effects of the volatile constituents are denoted by the presence of quartz veins and the occurrence of small quan- tities of greisen developed as an alteration of the aplite. The quartz of the vein material has crystallized in the characteristic prismatic crystals capped with pyramid faces. A section across a quartz vein to the original aplite shows in succession-quartz, an alteration product of the aplite which proves to be a greisen, and this grades into an unaltered aplite. In hand specimens the greisen has a porous, fine-grained, light-greenish appearance, and with the aid of a lens quartz and a lightish-green mica are easily recognized. The porous character of the rock is well marked. 327 Under the microscope the minerals seen to be present are quartz and muscovite, the latter being slightly greenish in colour, and so is slightly pleochroic. The muscovite is present in elongated flakes showing good cleavages, and is often present in bunches or tufts, but in all degrees of orientation. In the true greisen replace- ment of felspar has been complete. A gradational alteration of the aplite occurs, however, and some sections show the incipient greisenization of the felspar. The quartz of the original aplite is unchanged, but some secondary quartz has been introduced. (ce) The Kaolin.—At a still later stage in pneumatolysis kaolinization of the aplite has occurred. The kaolin is deve- loped in bands along minute fissures, which may contain thin quartz veins, and may be ascribed essentially to the action of superheated water at a lower temperature than that of greisenization. The evidence of pneumatolysis of the aplite is clearly shown, and the progressive fall in temperature of the pneumatolytic agents is reflected in the change of pneu- matolytic product. The order of development of pneumato- lytic product in these aplites is in accord with that worked out for other fields. (4) The formation of muscovite from microcline is doubtless represented by the well-known equation :— (eye K Alsi,0,+ 4,0 — H, K Al, (Si0,),+K, Si0,+5 Si0,, and the development of kaolin by fae Alsi.0,+2 HO — Al,0, 2 810, 2 H,O+K, SiO,+3 Si0,, or if CO, is. regarded as an active agent by (lii.) 2 K AJSi,0,+2 H,0+CO, — > AIl,0, 2 SiO, 2 H,O+K,CO,+4 Si0,. The volume changes represented by these equations are for (1.) the oement, of muscovite and quartz, a volume decrease of 22 per cent.; for (iil.) the production of kaolin and quartz, a volume decrease of 13 per cent. During the greisenization kaolin can accompany the production of mica, although in general the former is dis- _tinctly formed at a lower ‘temperature. £* this isso, the porous nature of the greisen can be explained as due to the _ weathering out of kaolin from the rock. Even so, it is possible _ that the porosity may in part represent the volume decrease on greisenization, as shown by the preceding equations. It is difficult to understand, however, if this be correct, why the (4) Cf. Flett, J. S.: Memoir of Geol. Surv. Eng. and Wales, 1909, Geology of Bodmin and St. Austell, p.. 118. 328 quartz solutions in the associated vein did not completely | infill the cavities. V. Tue NaTurE AND CoMPOSITION OF THE WHITE PEGMATITE. The mode of occurrence of these dykes and veins has already been described, including a brief macroscopic descrip- tion of the various types. When these rocks were examined microscopically the pre- dominant felspar was found to be albite, and the rock types can now be classed as albitites. The varieties present are quartz-albitites, muscovite-albitites, and an almost pure albitite consisting’ practically of albite. This rock occurs in veins associated with a quartz-albitite. (a) Albitite.—D "fo = 2°622 : Under the microscope this rock is seen to consist essentially of albite. Accessories are apatite, in hexagonal crystals; zircon, in idiomorphic prisms, showing high polarization colours; and rutile, usually in prismatic forms. Muscovite is present in small tufts and is usually associated with apatite, zircon, and rutile. The albite is usually sub- idiomorphic to allotriomorphic. A curious mottled twinning shows up in some sections. This has been described as ‘“‘chequer albite.’’ 5) In other sections only well-defined albite lamellae are present. A very small quantity of interstitial quartz is present in the slide. The chequer structure is due to the presence of irregular interpenetrating twin lamellae. No traces of a mottled char- acter, however, are present on sections parallel to (010). This structure was first described by Becke.( Flett and Hughes have noted its development in phenocrysts of volcanic rocks associated with albite of the usual kind. In the albite rocks under consideration, there is no evidence to suggest albitization of original microcline felspar. Some albite sections show a transition from normal albite lamellae to the chequer type. Its occurrence, associated with normal albite, both here and in the example given by Flett, appear to negative any secondary origin as a pressure effect. Its origin is admittedly obscure, but it seems possible that it may be primary, indicating irregular deposition of albite substance during growth. The presence of excess mineralizers may have been effective to this end. (5) Vide Flett, J. S.: Mem. Geol. Surv. Eng. and Wales, Geology of Newton Abbot, 1913, p. 60. E. W.. Hughes: Geol. Mac... Jan. Joli ap. ule, (8) F. Becke: Denk. Kais, Akad. Wien., vol. Ixxv., p. 28, 1906. 329 The descriptions by Jack ‘”) and Ransome (*) of the albite present in albitite rocks, described by them, strongly suggest the presence of chequer albite in these rocks. (b) Quartz Albitite.—D'{> =2°640. This forms the most abundant type, and it is with this rock that the albite is associated. Here the quartz is present as blue opalescent grains as in the main granite. Microscopically, the minerals present are quartz, albite, and as accessories apatite, zircon, and rutile. The latter mineral is present in idiomorphic prismatic crystals and, also, as geniculate twins (twinning plane [101]), giving a sagenite network. | The albite has a refractive index less than Canada. Balsam. In sections perpendicular to the albite lamellae, the symmetrical extinction is 16° and on sections showing as untwinned the. maximum extinction is 19° from the (001) cleavage. Further confirmation is provided by the extinction given on (010) for the two parts of a Carlsbad twin. The sign of the birefringence is positive. (c) Muscovite Albitite.—This is developed at Barn Bluff. The rock in hand specimens has an altered appearance. Through the felspar can be seen very small veinlets of quartz, and portions of the felspar show alteration with limonitic _ material. Muscovite is recognizable. Under the microscope, the minerals present are albite, muscovite, and accessorily, quartz, apatite, zircon, and rutile. The albite possesses the same characteristics as in the other occurrences, and the peculiar chequer twinning is - observed. Some of the mica is associated with quartz in little tufts and rosettes. Both mica and quartz are probably secondary. Some muscovite, however, is undoubtedly primary. The rock _has apparently suffered some change, due to the presence of mineralizers, but the results are not as clearly demarcated as in other examples. A study of the literature of albite, aplites, or pegmatites indicates that this type of rock is comparatively rare. 7 Rocks of this type were first described under the name albitite by Turner (9) from Plumas Co., Sierra Nevada. These -aplites occur as dykes, and consist essentially of albite in _ granular aggregates. Quartz is occasionally completely absent, but may occur plentifully in the same dyke. Muscovite may or may not be present. Iron ores and apatite are sparingly distributed, and garnet is an occasional accessory. Dupare (7) R. L. Jack: Geol. Surv. S. Austr., Bull. No. 3, 1914, p. 16. (8) F. L. Ransome: Journ. Wash. Acad. Sci., vol. i., No. 4, 1911, pp. 114-118. (9)H. W. Turner: 17th Ann, Rep. U.S.G.S., pp. 728, et seq. 330 and Pearce “9° describe albitites from the Northern Urals, where they are associated with gabbro. In these rocks the albite is developed intergrown with a little quartz. It is to be noted that both these occurrences are associated with more or less basic rocks, e.g., in the Sierra Nevada with serpentine, and in the Northern Urals with gabbroid masses. In Australia rocks of this nature have been found in Western and South Australia. Maitland @) described a pegmatite from the Pilbarra region. The constituents appear to be albite, quartz, garnet, and cassiterite. From Eyre Peninsula, South Australia, R. L. Jack “2) describes dyke rocks of aplitic habit consisting, essentially, of albite with small amounts of quartz, muscovite, apatite, and magnetite. From the descriptions given, the albite evidently possesses the peculiar chequer structure. In one instance there is a remark- able association of wernerite with the albitite, the scapolite ‘being developed in long prismatic crystals. The association of the Western Australian albitite is with granite, whilst the Eyre Peninsula rock is intrusive into metamorphosed sedimentary beds, but granites are developed at hand. A partial analysis of an albitite from Cape Willoughby has been made. This is tabulated below, and for comparison the analyses of a number of other aibitite rocks are lsted with it :— ee II. N. Urals. III. Pilbarra. IV. Eyre Pen. Witioce bby. SiO, 66°54 66°09 68°36 66°13 68°39 TiO, n.d. 0°23 0°07 0°31 n.d. Al,O, n.d 18°85 \8°74 19°92 n.d Fe,0, n.d 0°91 = 0°60 n.d FeO n.d == 115 0°19 n.d MnO n.d — 0°45 = n.d MeO OLie 1°53 0°54 0°12 n.d CaO 0°43 1:09 0°39 0°57 0°65 Na,O 10°28 10°84 10°22 10°83 11°22 K,O 0°89 0°48 0°07 1°02 0°21 H,O n.d 117 0°03 0°44 0°45 PAO): n.d — — 0°09 n.d I. H. W. Turner: 17th Ann. Report U.S.G.S., 1895-6, p. 728. II. Dupare et Pearce: Compt. Rendu., 140, 1905, 1614. IIT. A. Gibb Maitland: Bull. 40, Geol. Surv. W. Austr., p. 100. IV. R. L. Jack(13): Bull. 3, Geol. Surv. S. Austr., p. 16. V. C. Willoughby nla! (10) Dupare et Pearce: Compt. Rendu., 140, 1905, 1614. (11) A. Gibb Maitland: Bull. No. 40, Geol. Surv. W. Austr., pp. 100-102. (12) R. L. Jack: Bull. No. 3, Geol. Surv. S. Austr., pp. 15,26; (13) The abnormally high content of .Na,O da; 489%) reponee for the Miltalie albitite casts suspicion on its reliability. 331 VI. THe RELATIONS OF THE Rock TYPES. In the accompanying table the mineral constitution of the rock types is shown. The sign + indicates the presence of the mineral as a constant feature, and often in relative abundance. The sign — indicates that the mineral is sparingly pre- sent, and may be absent. The two combined, +, indicate that varieties of the one rock type may show the variation indicated :— 2x28) 8 $ Hi s Lae | a = . > a © Rock Type. . 2 eee S 8 $ $ 5 F £ E ; 9 | 8 |S465| = | § e = il aie" ae Mik = = fee 1: oO] Bil e < Se lt Be ld sper ed Granite ...J + | + ae oes ape = Microcline ee + Aplites - (Calcic) Albitites .. + fe 2 i Gee ee The origin of the aplites, both potassic and sodic (albitite), _ with the granite remains to be discussed. Aplites associated with granite rocks consist essentially of alkah felspars and quartz, and occur as dykes or irregular sheets. In distinction from pegmatites they are characteristi- cally fine grained. This fine-grained texture may be inconstant, and with a transition into a coarser type they grade into pegmatites. Pegmatites appear to differ from aplites only in this, that they are typically coarser grained, and often contain a wider range of accessory minerals, these characteristics being generally assignable to the greater concentration of mineral- izers during their crystallization. These rocks represent the residual magma obtained by fractional crystallization, whether by sinking of crystals, or by a selective filter pressing, or squeezing out of the residual liquid from the crystalline mass of granite composition. Such residual magma, on the contraction resulting from the cooling of the crystalline mass, is injected into cracks or joints so formed. Where differentiation of the granitic magma followed different lines, we have aplites associated with lamprophyric rocks in complementary relationship. A review of the literature on granite aplites indicates that these are dominantly potassic, or sodi-potassic. Of aplites associated with basic rocks our knowledge has _ increased during the last few years. Such aplites may occur - 332 as salic interstitial masses or segregations within the associated rock, and are often characterized by a micrographic fabric, or they may occur as distinct dykes cutting the igneous mass. The composition of such aplites is variable. The pre- dominant felspar is very often albite or oligoclase, with quartz. Orthoclase may be absent. Such aplites are therefore often characteristically sodic. Examples of this type have been described by Elsden, 14) Bowen, 5) Collins,@® and others. To be correlated here also are the albite—rich dyke-rocks described by Turner, Dupare and Pearce, and Ransome.” The former are associated, as has been noted, with serpentine and gabbro masses respectively. The albite rocks described. by ~ Ransome are associated with diorite. In the micropegmatite of thes Purcell Sills,“8) orthoclase is associated with the sodic-plagioclase, and the potassic felspar plays the dominant part in the pegmatites of the Duluth gabbro. (9 In all these examples the dominant process of differentia- tion has probably been one of fractional crystallization. Before discussing the mechanism of the differentiation of the Willoughby aplites and pegmatites, the characteristics of the types will be shortly reviewed. They may be divided into two groups : — (i). Those characterized by dominant microcline. (11). Those characterized by dominant albite. The microcline aplites consist essentially of fine-grained aggregates of quartz, microcline, and subordinate albite. They may pass locally into a porphyritic type in which phenocrysts of quartz, biotite, and more rarely acid plagioclase are present. Granophyric phenocrysts of microcline and quartz also occur. The albite pegmatites (albitites) are composed essentially of albite with quartz (quartz albitite), of dominant albite with accessory muscovite (muscovite albitite), and are comparatively coarse grained, sufficiently so to texturally determine them as pegmatites. Miucrocline appears to be absent. (4) J. V. Elsden: Q.J.G.S., 1908, vol. 64, p. 273. (15)N. L. Bowen: Journ. Geol., 1910, vol. 18, p. 658. (16)W. H. Collins: Mem. 33, Geol. Surv. Can., 1918, p. 59. (17) F, L. Ransome: Journ. Wash. Acad. Sci., vol. i., No. 4, 1911, pp. 114-118. : (18)S. J. Schofield: Mus. Bull. 2, Geol. Surv. Can., 1914, pp. 1, et seq. (19) F, F. Grout: Econ. Geol., vol. 18, No. 3, 1918, p, 185. 333 The mode of differentiation of these rocks can be con- sidered under the following heads : — A. THE ORIGIN OF THE MICROCLINE—ALBITE APLITES. The microcline-aplites and albite-pegmatites are the only intrusions within the confines of the granite as exposed. No basic dyke-rocks were seen by the writer. In the country rock, some miles from the granite contact, Prof. Howchin (2° has reported a basic dyke of diabasic composition. The writer, unfortunately, was unable to visit: the locality during his visit. Despite the abundance of aplite associated with the granite, there appears to be a scarcity of other satellitic types of intrusion, such as those of Jamprophyric type, which, if present, might suggest complementary differentiation. The field evidence must be taken as it stands, for we have no warrant to assume that such lamprophyric types are present but still uncovered. This evidence is therefore suggestive that the microcline aplites are direct derivatives of the granite magma by a process: of fractional crystallization. | | j . * The aplites as now developed in the granite came into their position during the cooling and contraction of the erystalline granitic mass, v2z., by intrusion into contraction cracks and fissures. Im this respect, therefore, the aplitic intrusions resemble those characteristic of so many granitic masses. The origin of the albite rich pegmatites which are developed in minor amount within the granite remains to be treated. . ; B. THE ORIGIN OF THE ALBITITES. 5 It has been noted in the previous discussion that aplites i associated with basic rocks were often highly sodic, but not ; invariably so. In the case of the Willoughby pegmatites, the sodic type is associated only with granite. Their sodic nature —iN some cases they consist almost wholly of albite—is, how- 4 ever, no reason for genetically connecting them with basic rocks. Here again field evidence warrants no such assertion. J Their mode of occurrence is essentially as small dykes cutting the granite.- Their possible modes of differentiation can be considered under three heads : — (a) They represent an immiscible liquid phase separating from the residual magma. (20)W. Howchin: Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austr., 1903, vol. avi. pb. 1., p. 82. 334 (6) They are of secondary origin, and represent the albitization of original microcline dyke-rocks, this albitization being accomplished by magmatic soda- rich solutions. (c) They represent the ‘‘end product’’ and final differ- entiate of the residual magma, and are therefore directly related to the potassic-aplites. (a) Animmiscible phase of the liquid residual magma.— Daly,?@) Grout,@2) and others have resorted to liquid immis- cibility to explain certain types of differentiation. It must be admitted that the evidence for the separation of liquid phases in igneous magmas has not yet been clearly demonstrated, nor has the extensive experimental work on silicate-melts given any indication of such a process. For the Willoughby albitites it is thought that this mechanism is untenable, for homogenous rock masses abound in which all minerals herein concerned, viz., quartz, micro- cline, and albite, are associated in a wide range of mixtures. It is to be noted here, however, that the objection raised by Bowen (2) that the formation of a monomineralic rock is generally impossible by liquid immiscibility, owing to the fact that this would necessitate its crystallization at its true melt- ing point—+.e., far above the temperature of the magma, say for albite, 1100° C.—ignores the possibility, theoretically, of albite and a volatile mineralizer (¢.g., water) separating as a liquid phase, in which case the reductio ad absurdum argument fails. (b) Albttization of original potassic rocks.—This view immediately admits the albitites to be of secondary origin and the process of albitization to have been produced by magmatic soda-rich solutions. As far as the writer is aware, there is no evidence of albitization of the surrounding granite with which the albi- tites are in contact. Nor does the texture of these rocks suggest such a replacement. Both occurrence and texture are strongly against their derivation from original potassic-aplites. (c) The albitites represent the final differentiate or end product of the residual magma.—The writer is of the opinion that the albitites represent the final differentiate of the residual magma. The intimate relationship of the potassic-aplites and the albite-pegmatites is indicated by the presence, in each, of the (21)R. A. Daly: Igneous Rocks and their Origin, p. 226. (22)F. F. Grout: Econ. Geol., 1918, p. 185. (23)N. L. Bowen: Journ. Geol., Dec., 1915 (Supplement), p:60. 3 ee a OT) ae E 335 blue opalescent quartz so characteristic a feature of the normal granite. They are further related by the presence of albite, which, while the subordinate felspar in the potassic- aplite, is the dominant felspar in the albitites. The albite-pegmatites are to be distinguished from the potassic-aplites : — (i.) By their relatively minor development—being limited to a few dyke or pipe-like masses. (ii.) By their coarse-grained texture—the potassic aplites being predominantly fine grained. (111). By the presence of accessory minerals as apatite, zircon, and rutile in relative abundance. Such accessory minerals are practically absent from the microcline aplites. (iv.) By the absence of biotite. (v). By the absence of microcline. Varieties of Albitites.—The predominant type is a coarse- grained quartz-albitite, which may pass into veins of pure albite. The quartz occurs in blue opalescent grains and the albite in Carlsbad twins—also twinned on the albite law. The remaining type is a muscovite-albitite, in which mus- covite is associated with albite. The accessory minerals are developed inxall types. The Mechanism of Differentiation.—The residual magma, dominantly potassic in composition, was derived by the funda- mental process of differentiation—fractional crystallization. This liquid, by a process of straining off from the crystalline granite, is regarded as occupying subsidiary pools or cham- bers (24) within the granitic mass. Consequent on such fractional crystallization the residual liquid was enriched in mineralizers, chiefly water. In the main granite the crystallization of plagioclase was early initiated, and occurred with marked zoning, the varying composition being from andesine to oligoclase. The residual magma was thus enriched in albite molecules relatively to (24) In granitic masses the evidences of the existence of such magma pools, as stipulated, are principally provided by the occurrence of aplitic or pegmatitic phases with distinctly blended contacts with regard to the granite mass. Crystallization, in situ, is therefore demanded. Where contacts between the aplitic or pegmatitic phase and the granite are sharp and well defined crystallization occurred after intrusion from such a magma pool. Many granitic masses show the evidences of two such. types of satellitic phases. 336 anorthite, these latter being selectively locked up in the inner zones of plagioclase. The non-volatile constituents of the residual magma thus consisted essentially of quartz and microcline and subordin- ately slightly calcic albite. With the renewal of crystallization in the residual magma quartz and microcline were early precipitated, the magma being thus constantly depleted in these constituents. That some albite crystallized during this period is also evidenced by the presence of subordinate albite, associated with the micro- cline and quartz. This albite was still slightly calcic and with crystallization its composition approached pure albite. The amount crystallizing, however, was quite subordinate, and the impoverishment of the still liquid nevidng in. microcline molecules especially occurred. Nearing the completion of crystallization of such a magma pool, the residual liquid would have markedly changed in composition through such selective crystallization. This . residual liquid depleted in potassic constituents would there- fore have become highly sodic. By the opening of fissures in the surrounding rock this residual liquid, derived by fractional crystallization from the dominant potassic magma, was strained off from the eek Sa mass and solidified in the occupied fissures. Derived by such a process of fractional crystallization this residual liquid would be:—(i.) Predominantly sodic; (11.) characterized by an increased concentration of mineralizers. This process of differentiation receives considerable sup- port from a study of the albitites. Their coarse-grained texture and the concentration in them of such minerals as zircon, apatite, and rutile are characteristically to be associated with a concentration of mineralizers during crystallization, or, in other words, they are typical end products of differentiation. It has been noted that some muscovite and quartz in the muscovite-albitites appears to be secondary. This is prin- cipally evidenced by the shattering of albite plates by small quartz stringers. This pneumatolytic process is intimately related to the concentration of mineralizers during the crystallization of the rock. The shattering of albite plates by quartz strings and the production of muscovite can be relegated to a late stage of crystallization, 7.e., at or near the completion of crystallization. The muscovite indeed, may represent the hydrolysis of potential microcline-felspar. 337 The scheme of differentiation can be summarized in the appended chart : — Residual Magma—— > Albite Pegmatites. (dominantly sodic). My: Microcline Albite Aplites Chonolitic (differentiation may cease _, Mass. here). Differentiation im situ. Residual Magma (dominantly potassic). Granite [Adamellite]. Salic differentiate from a E - batholitic Granitic Magma. Magma. 4 The very minor amount of albitite in comparison to the development of potassic-aplite is here again emphasized. If this relation be preserved at depth, it follows that the com- position of the residual magma lies very close to that of the potassic-aplites. In this connection the writer would point out that the differentiation of the residual magma may be controlled by a mechanical factor. Where the residual magma has been forced into fissures and caused to rapidly cool, further differentiation may be inhibited and the magma solidify as a crystalline aggregate of quartz, microcline, and subordinate albite. On the other hand, the filtering of the residual magma into a subsidiary pool without rapid change of temperature and its slow crystallization undisturbed, then fractional crystallization may take place with the production of a small amount of residual liquid, enriched in mineralizers and of composition markedly different from that of the original residual magma. _ Movement at this stage would result in the straining off of the small amount of residual liquid, giving rise to intru- sions of highly sodic-pegmatite. a In composition, the potassic-aplites so derived would differ but slightly from that representing the composition of the residual magma. 338 We have here in miniature the outlines of a process which, on a grander scale, Smyth (%) has suggested for the differentiation of alkaline from subalkaline magmas. Review of differentiation.—The predominant potassic- aplites with the minor sodic-pegmatites, plus the volatile mineralizers, represent, approximately, the residual magma derived from the fractional crystallization of the granitic magma. This residual magma under favourable conditions under- went further differentiation, yielding predominant potassic- aplites as the fractionally crystallized portion and the minor sodic-pegmatites as the residual lquid highly enriched in mineralizers, now represented by the presence of the accessory minerals. In the main, the mechanism of differentiation appears to have been one of straining off of a residual lquid from a crystalline mass. It may well be that the extent of. differentiation in such cases 1s dependent on the magma chamber remaining undis- turbed by external agencies for sufficiently long periods to allow of delicate adjustment of equilibrium in the presence of volatile mineralizers. With the crystallization of the albite-pegmatites differ- entiation appears to have closed. At a late stage in the consolidation of the microcline-aplite, the pneumatolytic action of miuneralizers is represented by the quartz-tourmaline pneumatoliths, and at a still later stage greisenization and kaolinization were developed. Correlation with other Australian Albitites.—These albite-pegmatites, or albitites, are to be correlated with the previously-described albitites from Pilbarra region, Western Australia, and the albitites from Eyre Peninsula. In all three cases their association appears to be with granitic rocks. In the case of the Pilbarra rock, the pegmatite is tin bearing. The Eyre Peninsula albitites are remarkable for the association in one case of wernerite in long prismatic crystals. VII. GENERAL DISCUSSION. Form of the Intrusion.—It has been noted in the Intro- duction that the granite is distinctly transgressive to the surrounding schists and quartzites. The seaward extension of the granite is not known. Some evidence of the underground extension of the granite, in an horizontal direction, is afforded (25)C0. H. Smyth, jr.: Amer. Jour. Sci., 1913, 36, p. 42. 339 by the occurrence of a pegmatite dyke 8 miles from the granite headland. ‘This is genetically related to the Cape Willoughby massif, and carries gem tourmalines. With the crystallization of the granite and associated dyke rocks, the igneous cycle appears to have closed. *The foregoing data admittedly are insufficient to deter- mine the form of the intrusion, yet the writer ventures to place it in the class of chonolite, as described by Daly and defined by him as an igneous body:—/a) Injected into dislocated rock of any kind stratified or not; and (}) of shape and relations irregular in the sense that they are not those of a ' true dyke, vein sheet, laccolite, bysmalite, or neck; and (ec) composed of magma, either passively squeezed into a subterranean or orogenic chamber, or actively forcing apart the country rocks. The chonolite type, therefore, covers a wide range of _ intrusions whose form cannot be considered well characterized. It is thought that, for the Willoughby massif, the evidences of underground extension, horizontally, and the apparent rapid closing of the igneous cycle are not favourable to a batholitic nature. ) The relation of the Cape Willoughby Massif to other South Australian Intrusions.—Kangaroo Island is separated from the mainland of Jervis Peninsula by the narrow strait of Backstairs Passage. The island really forms a continua- tion of the Mount Lofty Range, cut across by the Backstairs Passage, which is probably a block-faulted area. The exten- sion of the island in a westerly direction is related to the strike of the axis of Palaeozoic folding, and is perhaps emphasized by the fact that the late Tertiary fault scarps _ are developed parallel to the strike of the Palaeozoic folding. The structure of the Mount Lofty Ranges has been shown _ to consist of a central geological axis of Pre-Cambrian schists and intrusive rocks with a north-east-south-west strike, (26 and _ developed, anticlinorially, a series of sediments dipping easterly and westerly from this axis. These sediments on the western side are only slightly altered, whilst their eastern representatives are markedly metamorphosed, being repre- sented by quartzites, schists, and marbles. : _ (26)W. Howchin: Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austr., vol. xxviii., 1904, pp. 253-280. W. Howchin: Ibid, vol. xxx., 1906, pp. 227- e202. W. Howchin: Aus. Ass. Adv. Sci., 1907, Sect. ©, pp. 414-442. 340 The easternmost beds have been invaded by igneous intrusions which are comparatively absent from the western side of the axis. (27) These sedimentary beds contain an interstratified glacial tillite. They have been designated as Lower Cambrian by Professor Howchin, but the possibility of their being Proterozoic must not be denied. Age of the Intrusion.—The granitic mass of Cape Wil- loughby is intrusive into the eastern representatives of this series. Howchin has shown that the late Palaeozoic (Permo- Carboniferous) glacial deposits overlie the old metamorphic rocks of eastern Kangaroo Island, and are represented near Cape Willoughby itself. The presence of these glacial beds indicates that already the granite was exposed in Permo- Carboniferous times. If the intruded beds are to be relegated to the Proterozoic, as has been suggested for their western representatives, then the age of the granite can only be rigidly defined as Post Proterozoic and Pre Permo-Carboniferous. On further analysis, however, it would appear that these limits can be somewhat narrowed. It is clear that in Permo- Carboniferous times the granite was exposed at the surface. The vast amount of erosion that would be required for its exposure indicates that it was intruded considerably prior to Permo-Carboniferous times. On the other hand, it is clear that the first great orogenic movements in this area subsequent to deposition of the intruded beds developed only after Cambrian time, for the Proterozoic age of these beds is dependent on a disconformity between their western repre- sentatives and the Cambrian Archaeocyathinae limestones. . The absence of Ordovician beds at the edges of the Cam- brian geosyncline points to the folding of this geosyncline at the close of the Cambrian or in Ordovician time. The development of the Mount Lofty Ranges as a huge anticlinorium with a pronounced westerly overthrust and the occurrence of an eastern zone of igneous intrusion is sug- gestive that these igneous intrusions are related to the folding. Since Ordovician times no orogenic movements have dis- turbed this area to the present day. The evidence of inclusions of country rock in the granite indicates that partial (27) This view of the structure of the Mount Lofty Ranges has been denied by some observers, particularly W. G. Woolnough. Remarkably clear evidence of the anticlinorial character of the ranges can be obtained in the Inman Valley, where an easterly succession beginning with the great angular unconformity of the Grey Spur can be traced through to Victor Harbour. More com- plicated but none the less clear is the succession in the Williams- town-Mount Crawford area, Barossa. The possible Proterozoic age of the westernmost beds affects this question not at all. ans. and Proc. Roy. Soc. S. Austr. Vol. XLIII., Plate XXX. HUSSEY & GILLINGHAM LI TED, PRINTERS & PUBLISHERS ADELAIDE, SO. AUS. ns. and Proc. Roy. Soc. 8. Austr. Vor, ALLEL. Plate Aces, |MITED, PRINTERS & PUBLISHERS ADELAIDE, SO. ALS. 3 — ( . 4 fi - : ! ee te = ~ J , i - x os « ~ 3 4 " ? A : Ps : ‘ : . 9 | ‘ — ? \ : 3 ~* { , fa 341 metamorphism had already been effected prior to intrusion. This is in harmony with the view that regional metamorphism had been induced in the period of maximum intensity of fold- ing, and that the igneous intrusions, while directly related to the orogenic movements, were developed at the close of the folding period, when movement was of a broad and relatively simple type. The mass of Cape Willoughby is to be correlated—based on the observations of Mr. W. R. Browne, B.Sc., detailed in a forthcoming paper—with the granite masses of Victor Harbour and Port Elliot, both on field and _ petrological evidence. ConcLuUsION. In conclusion the writer would suggest that :— (i.) The masses of Cape Willoughby, Victor Harbour, and Port Elliot represent chonolitic masses of limited surface extent, which are connected at depth to a single batholitic chamber. (i1.) These chonolites are arranged along a zone parallel to the strike direction of the older Palaeozoic folding. (i1.) These chonolitic intrusions, whilst related to the orogenic movements, were developed. only at the close of the folding epoch, when movements were of a comparatively broad and simple type. ' The writer is indebted to Mr. W. R. Browne, B.Sc., for much help and advice during the preparation of this paper. DESCRIPTION OF PLATES. PiatE XXX. View of granite outcrop forming part of the Cape Willoughby headland. PuaTtE XXXII. Fig. 1. Sagenite web of rutile in quartz albitite. Magn., 50 diams. Fig. 2. A typical section of chequer structure in albite of the Siindisten: Magn., 53 diams.+nicols. 342 © AUSTRALIAN COLEOPTERA —PART 1. By AuBert H. Exston, F.E.S. [Read September 11, 1919. ] PAUSSIDAE. ARTHROPTERUS ARTICULARIS, n. sp. (fig. 1). Dark castaneous, elytra slightly paler. With very short and sparse setae, except on sides and legs where they are more numerous and longer. Head wide, slight interocular depression, with numerous clearly-defined but somewhat irregular punctures; sides tuberculate behind the eyes. Antennae with more numerous punctures being somwhat subrugose at sides, first joint stout, shghtly longer than second and third combined, second about three times wide as long, fourth to ninth each about twice as wide as long and almost semicircular, the tenth about as long as eighth and ninth combined, almost circular, its apex slightly more rounded than base. /Prothorax slightly narrower than head, apex somewhat wider than base; disk flattened, median line clearly defined, margins slightly reflexed, more so at basal angles than elsewhere, with numerous well-defined but some- what irregular and small punctures. Sewtellum subtriangular. Elytra about thrice as long as prothorax, with irregular sub- serlate punctures, smaller than those on prothorax and almost disappearing posteriorly; apical membrane about as long as scutellum. Front tcbiae each with a large apical spur over- hanging an apical notch, the middle and hind ones are similarly furnished but much less conspicuously, and all strongly curve inwards on underside near base. Length, 5-54 mm.; width, 3-34 mm. Type, in author’s collection; cotype, I. 10842, in South Australian Museum. Hab.—South Australia: Quorn (A. H. Elston), Lake Callabonna (A. Zeitz). This species is easily distinguished by the apical joint of the antennae, which is almost circular, and the fourth to ninth which are somewhat semicircular in shape. On some specimens the interocular depression is more pronounced than on others, and those taken at Lake Callabonna are much darker in colour (although this is probably due to age), the prothorax and head being a dark brown, and in being more hairy, especially on antennae. The elytral pubescence is semi-erect and very short, but is quite distinct when viewed from the sides. On each of the front tibiae the apical spur is much larger than the free spur, but on the others the free spur is the more conspicuous 343 of the two, and the second and third joints of the tarsi are strongly dilated. CLERIDAE. LEMIDIA BASIFLAVA, 0. sp. Glossy black; front of head, antennae, base of elytra, and parts of front and middle legs flavous, hind legs black, the knees all more or less pale. Sparsely clothed with moderately 1, Arthropterus articularis, n. sp. 2, Lemidia variabilis, nm sp, 3, Methusa insignita,n. sp. 4, Front leg, D. insignita, n. sp, 9. 5, Front leg, D. mollis, Lea, Q. 6, Hind leg, Edusa pulchra, n. sp., g. 7, Hind leg, E. pulchra, n. sp., Q. long straggling hairs, becoming shorter, more or less erect and seriate on elytra. Head wide, almost impunctate with a few subrugose punctures at sides near ocular suture, inter-ocular impressions distinct. Prothorax about as long as wide, sides rather suddenly inflated at the middle, distinctly narrower than 344 head, constricted slightly more towards apex than near base, with a transverse impression near apex and a moderately large depression near middle of base, with a few scattered punctures. Hlytra about as wide as head, sides near base parallel, but becoming gradually dilated behind the middle then rounded at apex, with rows of rather large clearly- defined punctures becoming smaller posteriorly and disappear- ing at apex. Length, 4 mm. Hab.—South Austraha: Mount Lofty Ranges (R. J. Burton, 8. H. Curnow, J. G. O. Tepper, Ay Hi oiiston), Kangaroo Island (A. M. Lea). Type, I. 10833, in South Australian Museum. At first this was thought to be a variety of evs, but it differs from that species in having the prothorax black, the sub-basal depression less transverse, and the elytral punctures in rows and more clearly defined. In some of the specimens the apical joints of the antennae are more or less infuscate ; ' the flavous markings at base extend from near the suture (on two specimens they touch it) to the margin, the pale basal portion is confined to the depth of elytra, and when viewed from behind is barely perceptible. In Lea’s table this species would be associated with elongata from which it differs in being smaller, glossy black, the flavous portion of head more conspicuous, and the post-median fascia absent. kee BASIFLAVA, Var. FASCIATA, Nn. Var. Differs from above form in having the legs flavous, except that the hind tarsi and apex of tibiae are infuscate, and a somewhat irregular flavous fascia situated at the middle of the elytra, beginning near the suture and extending a little more than half way across. On one specimen the legs are much the same as on the type form and its fascia is repre- sented by two semi-detached spots, and on two the apical joints of the antennae are infuscate, one specimen has a tinge of red near the apex of the prothorax. Length, 4 mm. Hab.—South Australia: Kangaroo Island (A. M. Lea), Mount Lofty Ranges (A. H. Elston). — L. AURICOMA, 0. sp. Piceous-brown, head and prothorax black with a slight metallic gloss; mandibles, antennae, palpi, and legs flavous, the hind. tarsi more or less infuscate; elytra with a pale median fascia and pale markings basal and apical. Upper- surface with long, straggling, pale hairs becoming shorter and semi-erect on elytra. (1) A. S. E. Belg., 1907, p. 334. 345 Head wide with rather sparse punctures, interocular impressions feeble. Prothorax about as long as wide, narrower than head with sparse punctures more or less concealed, but in places subconfluent, sides dilated near the middle, with transverse impressions subapical and subbasal. //ytra wider than prothorax, sides parallel but becoming slightly dilated towards the apex, with numerous well-defined punctures becoming smaller posteriorly and disappearing at apex. Length, 3 mm. Hab.—Queensland: Cairns district (F. P. Dodd). Type, I. 10832, in South Australian Museum. The pale markings at base differ, on some of the specimens there is a subtriangular patch along the suture of each elytron connected with the shoulders, but on others the basal mark- ings are absent or very ill defined. The median fascia is narrow near the sides and is rather suddenly dilated near the suture, but it does not quite touch the sides or suture. The apical markings appear to be always present but are not so sharply defined as the median fascia, they are sometimes obscure and continued along tlhe suture and sides, but not touching the median fascia. In Lea’s table the typical form would be referred to /// and there associated with flavifrons, from which it differs in being smaller and having the front of head and prothorax black, the legs flavous, and elytral punctures not so clearly defined. The specimens with the basal markings absent would be referred to another section altogether, ////. Elytra with pale markings median and apical, or subapical. L. AURICOMA, var. FLAVIVENTRIS, n. var. Differs from the previous species in having front of head and abdomen flavous. Ij. VARIABILIS, n. sp. (fig. 2). Black with a bluish or purple gloss, the elytra conspicu- ously purple and furnished with two median and two subapical flavous spots; antennae flavous, the basal and several of the apical joints infuscated. Upper-surface sparsely clothed with - straggling, semi-erect hairs, becoming shorter and more erect towards apex of elytra. Head rather wide and covered with small clearly-defined punctures becoming subrugose in front, interocular depression distinct. Prothorar transverse, sides strongly dilated in middle, rather narrower than head with a few small punctures and a subapical and subbasal transverse impression. EHlytra wider than prothorax, about twice as long as base, sides 346 parallel near base and becoming dilated posteriorly, with moderately large and rather dense punctures becoming smaller posteriorly. Length, 4-5 mm. Hab.—Queensland: Cairns district (F. P. Dodd). Type, I. 10831, in South Australian Museum. This appears to be a rather variable species; there are four specimens in front of me and they all differ as regards the shape and size of the spots. In two the median spots are situated about midway between the suture and the margin, whilst in the others they are entirely absent. The subapical spots are fairly regular, and are placed quite close to the suture but do not touch it. On the head the interocular depression varies, the two shallow foveae being more conspicu- ous on some specimens than on others. In Lea’s table of Lemidia this species would be inserted after flavifrons as lll. Elytra with pale markings submedian and apical or subapical. L. FLAVICOLLIS, n. sp. Shining black; prothorax, antennae, palpi, and legs flavous, hind tarsi infuscate. Clothed with rather long, straggling, and mostly black hairs, becoming shorter and more or less erect: on elytra. Head wide, base and sides with a few small punctures, interocular foveae feeble. Prothorax slightly transverse, sides inflated at the middle, distinctly narrower than head, surface almost impunctate with a transverse subapical and subbasal impression. L/ytra at base about as wide as head, sides near base parallel becoming dilated towards apex, with irregular rows of shallow punctures becoming smaller and disappearing posteriorly. Length, 3-4 mm. Hab.—Queensland: Cairns district (F. P. Dodd). Type, I. 10830, in South Australian Museum. In Lea’s table this species would be associated with L. pictipes, Blackb., from which it differs in being somewhat shorter, antennae entirely pale, elytra with sparser and darker clothing, and with smaller and fewer punctures not extending so far towards apex, the size of the elytral punc- tures appear to vary on the six specimens before me. The hind tarsi appear to be always infuscated, the others some- times have the apical joint infuscate, and on one specimen the middle tarsi are infuscate. CURCULIONIDAE. DIETHUSA INSIGNITA, n. sp. (fig. 3).. 3. Dark brown with apical part of rostrum, antennae, and parts of legs paler. Densely clothed with, soft scales on 347 the upper-surface, mostly sooty-brown interspersed with white, the under-surface with uniformly white ones. Rostrum fully half as wide as head and about the length of the prothorax, tapering slightly towards apex, with dense punctures more or less concealed behind the antennae but distinct in front, a conspicuous flange on each side about the middle, each flange rendered more conspicuous by a fascicle of long pale clothing; scape thin, slightly thickened towards apex, about as long as funicle, inserted about one-third from apex of rostrum, first joint of funicle nearly as long as second and third combined. Prothorax moderately transverse with dense more or less concealed punctures. /H/ytra subcordate, distinctly wider than prothorax, base trisinuate, with regular series of large partially concealed punctures, interstices wide and even. Metasternum with a large deep excavation from its base, and continuing to near the apex of the first segment of the abdomen; between the middle and hind coxae, on each side an obtuse elevation crowned with a conspicuous fascicle. Abdomen with apex of last segment furnished with a small fascicle of pale clothing. /emora robust, dentate, the tooth on each of the middle pair considerably dilated ; middle tibiae distorted. Length (¢, 9), 4-5 mm. Q. Differs in being lighter in colour; rostrum longer, thinner, paler, with punctures concealed only near base, and antennae inserted somewhat nearer middle; metasternum and abdomen without the excavation and fascicles, abdomen more convex, metasternum with a slight depression; the middle femora are less robust with the tooth smaller; middle tibiae are less distorted and at the top of the apex a spur is present that slightly diverges from the length of the apex. _Hab.—South Australia: Quorn (A. H. Elston). Type, in author’s collection, cotype, I. 10835, in South Australian Museum. This species is the most distinct in-the genus and is easily distingushed by the fasciculate processes on the rostrum and metasternum of the male. The only other species in the allied genera that has fascicles on the metasternum is Melanterius pectoralis, Lea, whose male has only a slight depression, whereas in the present species the depression is deep and the fascicles are bent over at their apices, which are nearly touch- ing, and so forming an arch. The strongly dilated femora and distorted tibiae of the middle legs are also characteristic. The female in general appearance closely resembles the female of D. mollis, Lea, but With the front and middle tibiae different at apices; in the former species the spur is inserted about the middle of the apex and not diverging from it to any great extent, (fig. 5), its clothing on the upper-surface is 348 rather less variegated, and on the under-surface the scales are much the same as on the upper-surface; but on the present species the scales on the under-surface are decidedly smaller than those on the upper, and the spur on the front and middle tibiae is inserted at the top of the apex and continuing to its length, diverging from it at an angle of nearly thirty-five degrees (fig. 4). CHRYSOMELIDAE. EDUSA PULCHRA, DN. sp. 3. Metallic-green or greenish-blue with a coppery gloss in parts; labrum, palpi, antennae, and legs castaneous; the apex of palpi, apical joints of antennae, and last two joints of tarsi infuscate; the labrum and sides near eyes furnished with pale depressed setae, and the front angles of prothorax pubescent. Under-surface metallic-green with coppery gloss and lightly clothed with pale pubescence, sparse in middle and somewhat dense at sides. Head with numerous clearly-defined punctures, except at base of antennae, and a slight depression at the occiput. Antennae rather long with second joint about half as long as third. Prothorax with front angles acute, sides subsinuate, punctures as on head but becoming denser at margins. Scutellum transverse and almost impunctate. Hlytra almost parallel-sided to beyond the middle, with dense punctures set in somewhat irregular rows, some of them confluent at the sides. Abdomen with a few scattered punctures, and the apical segment has a shallow transverse depression. The hind tibiae are suddenly dilated near apex (fig. 6). Length Co). O)) 55-6. mam. ©. Differs in being more robust, the hind tibiae not suddenly dilated near apex (fig. 7), first joint of front tarsi smaller, the abdomen more convex and without the subapical depression, and more pubescent. Hab.-—South Austraha: Quorn (A. H. Elston). Type, in author’s collection, cotype, I. 10834, in South Australian Museum. This apparently belongs to the glabrous group of Hdusa and in Lea’s table (2) would be referred to C gq, but that the sides of its prothorax are almost straight in the middle, hence it could not be referred to either angustula or heterodoza; in general appearance it is like a*rather robust heterodoza, but the abdomen is metallic and its fifth segment is different in the male. (2) Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austr., 1915, p. 194. a, 3) TS el 349 ADDITIONS TO THE FLORA OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. No. 16. By J. M. Brack. [Read October 9, 1919.] PLaTE XXXII. GRAMINEAE. Dactyloctenium aegyptiacum, Willd. (Hleusine aegypt- vaca, Pers.) Mount Deputy, near Mount Eba H.S. (Dist. W ; G. Taylor). *Lamarckia aurea, Moench. Nuccaleena Mine, near Moolooloo (E. H. Ising). The most northerly record for this grass. CYPERACEAE. Scirpus littoralis, Schrad. Billakalina Well, 20 miles west of Coward Springs (Dist. C; Dr. G. Taylor, May, 1919). Cyperus distachyus, All. (Plate xxx1i.) Coward Springs (Dr. G. Taylor, May, 1919); Nilpena (R. Helms, May 2, 1891, in the Tate Herb.). The latter is evidently the same plant as that collected at Coward Springs, but some of the spikelets are twin, whereas they are always solitary in Dr. Taylor's specimen. Helms’ plant was listed by Mueller and Masems(these frats., xvi., part 2, 379, ann. 1896) as “C. laevigatus, Li., a slender form with'some of the spikelets solitary.”’ CU. distachyus, All. (C’. gunciformis, Cav.), is some- times treated as a variety of C. laevigatus, but it appears to be well distinguished by having fewer spikelets (2-5) in the cluster, the glumes dark-red instead of white and the nut only one-third (instead of one-half) shorter than the glume. Our plant agrees with the description in all particulars except that, so far as our present material goes, the spikelets are either solitary or only 2 in the cluster. The Tate _ Herbarium contains a specimen labelled (. laevigatus, from Middleton Creek (Miss Hussey, Feb., 1898), with white spike- lets in clusters of 8-16. The same species is recorded in Max Koch’s list of plants from Mount Lyndhurst run (these Trane., _ xxii., 116, ann. 1898). When Professor Tate’s flora was published, neither species had been recorded for South _ Australia. C. distachyus is a Mediterranean plant, but it is _ doubtless native hers. 350 CaSUARINACEAE. Casuarina stricta, Ait., and C. distyla, Vent. (Plate xxxll). The difference between the male flowers of these 2 species is very marked. In the former the 2 bracteoles are deciduous, coherent at the summit by their cilia, and anterior rather than lateral; in CU. distyla they are persistent, distinct, and lateral. The 2 perianth-segments of C. stricta are connate - and have the appearance of a single, flattish bracteole, notched at the summit and pubescent on the 2 midnerves; they are enclosed within the summit of the 2 bracteoles and are posterior in position, z.e., they are placed against the inner face of the stamen and next to the axis of the whorl. In (. distyla the perianth-segments are opposite and quite free; one is anterior and the other posterior. In C. stricta the bracteoles and perianth-segments cohere to each other on the summit of the ripening anther and usually fall off in’ one piece. The bracteoles are evidently the “valvulae calycis exteriores’ of Labillardiére (Nov. Holl. pl. spec. 11., 67, t. 218), and the perianth-segments are his ‘‘valvulae binae interiores,’’ from which he named the species C. quadrivalvis (=C. stricta). It is probable than an examination of the male flowers of Casuarina, which has only been attempted in one or two instances, would help materially in the satisfactory determina- tion of species. It is essentially a task for those who can examine living specimens, because the delicacy of the organs renders the investigation of dried material very difficult, a fact which is noted by Bentham in his great work. PROTEACEAE. Hakea ulicina, R. Br., var. flexilis, F.v. M. Yurgo, near Karoonda (Dist. M; H. W. Andrew). SANTALACEAE. Choretrum glomeratum, R. Br. Yurgo, near Karoonda (Dist. M; H. W. Andrew). POLYGONACEAE. Muehlenbeckia Cunninghamii, F. v. M. Miller Creek (Dist. W; G. Taylor). CHENOPODIACEAE. Atriplex rhagodioides, F. v. M. Walebing, near Kin- goonya (Dist. W; G. Taylor). 351 Bassia longicuspis, F. v. M. Nuccaleena Mine, near Moolooloo (EK. H. Ising). This long-spined species is the “Bindy-eye” of the Far Northern settlers. PoORTULACACEAE. Anacampseros australiana, J. M. Black. Moolooloo, “growing in a rocky gully” (E. H. Ising). CARYOPHYLLACEAE. Polycarpon tetraphyllum, L. Moolooloo (Dist. 8; E. H. Ising). PAPAVERACEAE. Papaver aculeatum, Thumb. Robe (Dist. T or G; C. D. Black) ;,Moolooloo (Dist. 8S; E. H. Ising). Apparently a very rare plant. The Robe specimen is 20 cm. high, that from Moolooloo only 4 cm. CRASSULACEAE. Crassula colorata, (Nees) Ostenf. (Tillaea acuminata, F. M. Reader). Moolooloo (K. H. Ising). LEGUMINOSAE. Glycyrrhiza acanthocarpa, (Lindl.), combin. nov. Ren- _ mark, River Murray. Flowers December-April; fruits April- May. A shrub 60-80 cm. high, much branched, with thick rootstock; the solitary seed is compressed-obovoid, shining, dull green mottled with brown. The anther-cells are confluent at the summit, and the anterior valve is smaller than the _ posterior one in all the anthers, of which 5 are smaller and on shorter filaments.—IJndigofera acanthocarpa, Lind]., in Mitch. Three Exped., u1., 17 (1839); Clidanthera psoraleoides, R. Br., App. Sturt Exped. Centr. Aust., ii., 73 (1849) ; Psoralea acanthocarpa, F. v. M., Fragm., ii., 45 (1862); Glycyrrhiza | psoraleoides, Benth., Fl. Aust., ii., 225 (1864). Acacia stenophylla, A. Cunn. Kingoonya (Dist. W; G. Taylor); also Yankee Gunyah, 10 miles west of Coward _ Springs. A. tarculensis, J. M. Black. Pera Rockhole (near Lake Labyrinth); Tomato Rocks (red felspar porphyries 15 miles south of Kingoonya; G. Taylor). : Aotus villosa, Sm. Karoonda (Dist. M; H. W. Andrew). *Medicago mimma, Grufb.,. var. brachyodon, Reichb. (M. brachyacantha, A. Kern.).. A specimen of this short- spined form which has established itself at Millicent, and which has already been referred to in these Trans., xlii., 174 352 (1918), was submitted to the botanists of the Muséum d’histoire naturelle, Paris, and determined as above. RUTACEAE. Microcybe multiflora, Turez. Yurgo, near Karoou: (H. W. Andrew). EUPHORBIACEAE. Phyllanthus lacunarius, F. v. M. Walebing Swamp, near Kingoonya (Dist. W; G. Taylor). Euphorbia Wheeleri, Baill. Moolooloo (Dist. 8S; E. H Ising). : DILLENIACEAE. Hibbertia crispula, J. M. Black. Ooldea Soak (May, 1919; G. Taylor). This specimen contains 2 fruiting carpels; pericarp dehiscing down the inner angle; hairlike segments of the arillus extending beyond the seed. FRANKENIACEAE. Frankema serpyllifolia, Lindl. Murrayville, Vict. (H. B. Williamson). The broad-leaved form. This is by far the most southerly locality recorded for this species, and points to the probability of its being found in our trans-Murray country. F. fruticulosa, DC. Murrayville, Vict. (H. B. William- son). This species has hitherto been collected only along our coastline. MYRTACEAE. Eucalyptus fasciculosa, F. v. M. Ashbourne (H. W. Andrew). Mr. Andrew says :—‘“‘Erect tree about 20 m. high; bark white on the upper part of the stem, mottled below; called locally Pink Gum or Mountain Gum.” The leaves are dark green on both sides. The height is quite double that which #. fasciculosa usually assumes in the Mount Lofty Range (6-10 m.), where it grows mostly in poor soil and with a more or less crooked stem. The height and straight growth of the tree at. Ashbourne bring it near #. paniculata, Sm. The outer stamens are barren and the anthers open in terminal pores. Also from Coonalpyn (Dist. T; W. J. Spafford). EH. dumosa, A. Cunn. In his Critical Revision of the Genus Eucalyptus, iv., 220 (1919), Mr. J. H. Maiden has restored H. dumosa to specific rank, in accordance with Bentham’s treatment, instead of making it a variety of £. ancrassata, Labill. Most Australian botanists will probably welcome this decision. The two species, at least in their South -. © _~ i ee ie 353 Australian forms, are very distinct. 4. awmosa includes var. conglobata, Benth., which is common at Port Lincoln and has clustered, sessile flowers. RUBIACEAE. Galium Gaudichaudi, DC. Parachilna Gap (Dist 8; EK. H. Ising). GOODENIACEAE. Goodenia vernicosa, J. M. Black. Parachilna Gap si si Ising). CoMPOSITAE. Helichrysum ambiguum, Turez. If all the forms with solitary terminal flowerheads on woolly peduncles, ciliate or fringed involucral bracts, pappus-bristles plumose towards the summit, and female flowers usually devoid of pappus are to be placed in this species, then it becomes one of great varia- bility. In the Tate Herb. is a specimen from Barrow Range, W. Austr. (R. Helms, 19/8/91), with soft, white-woolly appressed leaves only 4-8 mm. long, female flowers 4-toothed, the bisexual ones with 12-14 fragile pappus-bristles, the style swollen and hard at base. This form is probably near the type (which was collected by Drummond in Western Australia), and it bears a remarkable external resemblance to Calocephalus Ditirichu, F.v. M. Specimens from Idracowra, Finke River, N.T. (Horn Expedition), and Depot Sandhills, Finke River (S. A. White), agree with the above in most respects, but the pappus-bristles are 6-9, and much dilated at base.. Then there are specimens with stiff greenish leaves, glandular- scabrous above and more or less woolly below, from [lapilla Gorge, N.T. (Horn Expedition); between Ferdinand River and Mount Watson (Dist. W; R. Helms); Nuccaleena Mine, near Moolooloo (E. H. Ising) ; Mount Lyndhurst (H. Koch) ; all these have pappus-bristles 12-18; female flowers 3-toothed, without pappus (in the heads examined). Probably these represent H. semicalvum, F.v. M. (var. semicalvum, Benth). The Mount Lyndhurst specimen (Tate Herb.) has leaves 10-35 mm. long and simulates H. rutidolems, DC. More complete material may some day furnish characters for dividing these plants into 2 or more species. The achenes are slightly contracted at the summit, but not more so than in some other species of Helichrysum, and it does not seem _ necessary to transfer the species to Leptorhynchus. Olearia decurrens, (DC.) Benth: Oratunga Creek, near Moolooloo (Dist. S; E. H. Ising). Almost all the leaves toothed in their upper part, those on the barren branchlets linear-cuneate and often 4-5 cm. long, the midrib prominent M 354 below; style-branches with lanceolate papillose tips as long as the stigmatic part; anthers obtuse at base. Siegesbecktia orientalis, L. Owienagin Gap, near Moolooloo (EK. H. Ising). A remarkable instance of dwarfing, the specimen being only 3 cm. high, with a single terminal flowerhead. . *Hrigeron canadensis, L. Port Pirie (H. W. Andrew). Growing in marshy ground. DESCRIPTION OF PLATE XXXII. Cyperus distachyus, All. 1, a spikelet. 2, glume sprea open. 3, glume and nut. 4, pistil and stamens. \ Casuarina stricta, Ait. 5, two whorls of the male spike. 6, whorl of 8 male flowers, the 2 ciliate bracteoles of each flower facing outwards. 7, inner face of the stamen (1.e., that which is turned towards the axis of the whorl), the bracteoles and the 2 connate perianth-segments having been broken away from the base and lifted upwards by the anther, to which they still cling in the form of a hood. 8, side view of the same stamen. 9, outer face of stamen, showing the 2 bracteoles and the back of the anther. 10, the 2 connate perianth-segments. az, axis; anth, anther; br, bracteole; per. s, perianth-segment. Casuarina distyla, Vent. 11, two whorls of the male spike. 12, outer face of young male flower, still enclosed in the 2 bracteoles. 138, inner face of same, showing the 2 bracteoles and the base of one of the perianth-segments. 14, male flower at a later stage, showing the 2 bracteoles and the 2 perianth-segments partially enclosing the anther. 15, the same in the final stage; the perianth-segments have fallen and only the _ persistant bracteoles surround the filament. 4 ans. and Proc. Roy, Soc, 8S. Austr. Vol. LIII., Plate XXXII. 3 a ayy, : z SOI NIDIN St. RO sony s)) fl Casuarina Sot hil et a Are Cyperus distachyus Au Midis tl a-veee HUSSEY & GILLINGHAM LIMITED, PRINTERS & PUBLISHERS ADELAIDE, SO. AUS. 355 A REVISION OF THE AUSTRALIAN SALICORNIEAE. By J. M, Brack. [Read October 9, 1919. | Puates XXXII. ro XXXVII. A tribe of Chenopodiaceae, popularly called ‘‘samphire’’ in Australia; low shrubs composed of imbricate articles more or less saucer-shaped at the summit and succulent during the first year. Later on the articles harden and finally lose all sign of the margins at the summit, becoming a continuous woody branch or stem. The flowers are normally arranged in 3’s in hollows on each side of the lower part of the fertile articles, but in Salicornia australis 1 or 2 pairs of flowers are added at each side of the triad, so that we have a row of 5 or 7 flowers, instead of 3, or a whorl of 10 or 14 flowers, instead of one of 6. In Tecticornia cinerea, on the other hand, the triad is doubled and there are 6 flowers under each scale, or a whorl of 12 in all. The flowers are more or less protected by the margin of the article just below them. The article is usually regarded as consisting of 2 opposite rudimentary leaves, united by a sheath and combined with a succulent base which surrounds the whole internode. In all the genera except Tecticornia the articles are practically of one form and there is so httle difference between barren and fertile articles that in Arthrocnemum halocnem- oides and Pachycornia tenuis one sometimes finds new shoots springing from the summit of the flowering spike, or the lower articles of the spike are barren. In Tecticorma the barren articles resemble those of other genera, but the fertile ones are split to the axis into 2 spreading opposite scales, and the stout spike consists of these scales decussately arranged along the axis. The flowers are either bisexual or male only. In most species they are normally bisexual, but in Arthrocnemum arbuscula and in Pachycornia the central flower is bisexual and the 2 lateral are male. There is usually one stamen to each flower, and it is placed in front of the pistil. The only exceptions I have found are Salicornia australis, which has: often 2 stamens, one before and one behind the pistil, and Pachycorma robusta, in one central flower of which were 2 stamens. The stamens ripen and protrude while the pistil is still very young, and this fact may easily lead to error in the examination of relaxed specimens, because the stamen is con- spicuous, while the pistil is very difficult to find, and ‘a flower m2 356 - which is really bisexual may be taken for a male. Another difficulty is that the anthers fall early and even the filament sometimes disappears from the open perianth, so that the somewhat similar mistake may be made, at a later stage, of considering a bisexual flower as female only. There is, how- ever, considerable irregularity about the sex of flowers and in some cases there appears to be a tendency for the upper flowers of the spike to be male only. Much further work is required in the examination of living specimens. The lobes or teeth of the perianth have been described by most authors with greater fullness than in some cases they deserve. The examination of living plants shows that in Arthrocnemum halocnemoides and A. arbuscula the young perianth completely encloses the male and female organs without any perforation at the summit. Probably the texture is thinner above the stamens and style, and as these develop they push through the perianth, leaving an irregularly lacerated opening. In Arthrocnemum Lylei, on the other hand, each perianth is divided at the truncate summit into 3 equal deltoid lobes, and in Pachycornia robusta there are 3 or 4 unequal lobes. As regards other species further researches should be made in the living plant. The articles are, in the majority of species, so much alike that they afford an uncertain means of distinguishing between them. The exceptions are T'ecticornia cinerea, Pachycorma robusta, and, to a lesser extent, P. tenwis. The fruiting perianth, pericarp, and seed are a much surer guide, as their characters are strongly differentiated and remain constant within the species or variety. The wrinkling and granulation of the testa in the rough-seeded species seems to be due to a shortening and contraction of the cells towards the back of the seed. The fruiting perianth is various in texture, from thin and membranous to thick and spongy. The pericarp varies still more. It may be a delicate, hyaline membrane, often difficult to find, which breaks away from the base of the perianth and remains attached to the upper part of the latter, or it may become hardened and almost horny, or it may, along with the perianth, become more or less absorbed in the enlarged and hardened rhachis (Pachycorma). In Arthrocnemum and Salicornia both perianth and pericarp usually open at the base before they fall from the spike, and the seed escapes in this manner. In Tecticornia the perianth splits into 2 segments or valves and the seed has already escaped from the base of the delicate pericarp. In Pachycorma the spike doubt- less falls to the ground, and sun and moisture in time split open the bony axis and release the seed. —_ — en 357 Much confusion has been caused in this difficult tribe by the description of specimens which had only reached the flowering stage. To prevent an increase of this confusion in the future it would seem desirable that botanists should refrain from naming new species unless they are in a position to describe the fruiting perianth, the pericarp, and the ripe seed. The first serious work in this tribe was done by Moquin in his Chenopodearum monographica enumeratio, 108-116 (1840), and later on by the same author in DC. Prodromus, Xiil., 11., 144-152 (1849). Bentham dealt with the Australian species in Fl. Aust. v., 201-205 (1870), and J. D. Hooker, in Benth. et Hook. Gen. pl. 111., 65 (1883), stablished two new Australian genera:—Pachycorma and Tecticornia. Dr. Ove Paulsen determined the Chenopodiaceae brought from Western Australia by Dr. Ostenfeld (C. H. Ostenfeld, Contributions to West Australian Botany, part 2, Dansk Botanisk Arkiv, i1., No. 8, 56-66, ann. 1918) with several illustrations. Two monographs by Ungern-Sternberg (Versuch einer Systematik der Tribus Salicornieae, ann. 1866; Salicorniearum Synopsis in Atti del Congresso internaz. botan. in Firenze, 259-343, ann. 1876) are not accessible here. The specimens from the localities named below have all been examined by me. I have to thank the Government Botanists of Victoria (Prof. A. J. Ewart), N. S. Wales (Mr. J. H. Maiden), Queens- land (Mr. C. T. White), and South Australia (Prof. T. G. B. Osborn) for permitting me to examine many valuable specimens from the National Herbaria. Fertile articles slightly lobed at summit or almost entire. Seeds with copious albumen. Fruit free and usually falling off with the perianth ... Fruit embedded in the enlarged, “bony . ARTHROCNEMUM axis : . PACHYCORNIA Seeds without einen 5 . SALICORNIA Fertile articles divided to ke eae ina. 9 spreading segments or scales ... em WhO TECTICORNIA 1. ARTHROCNEMUM, Mog. Section 1. Trachysperma. Pericarp mem- branous ; seed compressed ; seed-coats 2, distinct, ‘the cuter crustaceous and bear- ing granules arranged in more or less concentric rows, the inner coat mem- branous. Perianth spongy, without distinct lobes ; pericarp hy aline, inconspicuous 1. A. halocnemoides Perianth herbaceous, with 3 broad lobes : pericarp hardened at’ summit and con- 2 LT CDLIG? ae ct Se ie TU A a i Bf 358 Section 2. Leiosperma. Pericarp horny ; seed compressed, the 2 coats very thin and coherent, so as to present the appearance of 1 membranous, smooth seedcoat. Spikes and branchlets stout; flowers all bisexual <2... wee Seki ee cee eee ae Oa) Spikes and branchlets slender, the spikes very short; central flower bisexual, the 2 lateral male ... ... ... ... ... 4) AeeGmsemla 1. A. halocnemoides, Nees in Pl. Preiss., i., 632, ann. 1844-5. (Pl. xxxili.) Shrub 20-120 cm. high, branches erect or intricate, barren articles 3-5 mm. long, slender (2 mm. thick), or stouter (4-5 mm. thick), constricted at each end, both forms of article often occurring on the same plant, lobes inconspicuous; spikes terminal and lateral 10-50 mm. long, usually turning red; fertile articles 6-40, short (2 mm. long, 3-4 mm. thick) ; flowers in 3’s, all bisexual, fruiting perianth white, spongy, dilated at summit; pericarp hyaline, at length almost disappearing ; seed compressed ovate-oblong, 1-14 mm. long, placed obliquely in the pericarp; testa crustaceous, in the typical form light brown, granular on the back, smooth in front; endopleura membranous; albumen lateral; embryo slightly curved, the cotyledons one-third as long as the radicle. —Salicorma arbuscula, Benth. Fl. Aust., v., 203 (1870), ex parte; S. tenuis, Benth., /.c., 204, ex parte (7.e., quod ad ea specimina pertinet, quae auctor feminea censuit). S. Australia. Salt lands along Port Adelaide River at Ethelton and Birkenhead (J. M. B., Feb.-April, 1919); Port Pirie (H. W. Andrew, July, 1919); Nilpena (R. Helms, May, 1891, “salt soil round spring,” in Tate Herb, as S. tenuis); N.W. interior of S. Australia (J. McD. Stuart, in Botanical Museum of Melbourne as S. tenuis); Murat Bay (J. M. B., November, 1915); Port Wakefield (J. M. B., November, . L919 Lan Se Geelong (H. B. Williamson). N. Territory. Finke River (in Phytological Museum of Melbourne as Salicornia leiostachya). W. Australia. Fremantle (Preiss., Jan., 1839, No. 1910, “in turfosis aqua marina subinde inundatis prope oppidulum Fremantle’’); Burswood Island, near Perth (F. W. Wakefield, Jan., 1914, per D. A. Herbert); “West Australia” (Drummond, no precise locality or date, in Botanical Museum of Melbourne as Salicorma arbuscula). This species was united by Benthan with Salicornia arbuscula, R. Br., although he gives the number of fertile articles correctly in the latter as 2 to 6, whereas Nees gives them as 8 to 12 for his species. In reality they are much more 359 numerous; the specimen from Burswood Island, W.A. has as many as 20, and in our South Australian coastal specimens the number of articles in the spike runs up to 30 and 40. The fruit, seed, and the number of bisexual flowers in each triad are quite different in the two species. In Nees’ type specimen (Preiss, No. 1910) the seeds, although not quite ripe, show distinctly the characteristic markings of the testa. For an explanation of what I believe is the confusion of two species in Bentham’s Salicornia tenuis see below under Pachycorma tenwis. Var. pergranulatum, n. var. (Tab. xxxii.) diam. Ptychoparia(?) tatei, H. Woodward, sp. Fig. 2. Imperfect cephalon, from a replica of Woodward’s original specimen of Dolichometopus tater (figured in the Geol. Magazine) 1., 1884, pl. xi., fig. 3).. x8 diam. Fig. 3. Imperfect cephalon, from one of Tate’s original specimens of Olenellus pritchardi (figured in Trans. Roy. Soc. S. eee ib. 2 1602, pl. ii., fig. 11). x4 diam. Ptychoparia(?) subsagittatus, Tate, sp. Fig. 4. Imperfect cephalon, from one of Tate’s original specimens of Microdiscus subsagittatus (figured in Trans. Roy. bog eoeewusurs xy., pt. 2, 1892, pl: 11., fig. 12). x6 diam. Fig. 5. Another similar example of Tate’s, but not pre- viously figured. The glabella furrows are distinctly visible in this specimen. X6 diam. Ptychoparia(?) australis, H. Woodward, sp. Fig. 6. Imperfect cephalon, from a replica of Woodward’s original specimen of Conocephalites australis (figured in the Geol- Magazine, i., 1884, pl. xi., figs. 2a, b). Nat, PuateE XL. Ptychoparia(?) howchim, Eth. fil. Fig. 7. Greater portion of a cephalic shield, from the original specimen (figured in Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austr., xxii., 1888, pl. iv.). x2 diam. Ptychoparia alroiensis, Eth. fil. Fig. 8. Nearly complete Trilobite, from a replica of the original specimen (figured in the Northern Territory Bulletin, 1910, pls. ii. and iii.). x4 diam. The illustrations were obligingly prepared for the writer by Mr. J. R. Kinghorn, of the Australian’ Museum, Sydney. (50) Etheridge: Rec. Austr. Mus., v., No. 2, 1904, p. 26, plax,, figs..1-3. 394 | ; DESCRIPTIONS OF SIX NEW SPECIES OF AUSTRALIAN POLYPLACOPHORA (FOUR ACANTHOCHITONS AND TWO CALLISTOCHITONS), WITH OTHER NOTES. By Epwin Asusy, F.L.S., M.B.O.U. [Read October 9, 1919.] Puates XLI. anp XLII. ACANTHOCHITON PILSBRYI, Sykes. Pl. xli., figs. 1 to 3. | A. pilsbryi, Sykes: Proc. Mal. Soc., vol. 1., pt. 2, July, 1896. A. maughani, Torr and Ashby: Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austr., vol. xxu., 1898. I am indebted to Mr. James A. Kershaw, of the National Museum, Melbourne, for the opportunity of examining Sykes’ type of the above shell. Sykes states that he had only the single specimen and did not disarticulate the anterior valve. An examination of the type at once gives the reason, for that valve, in common with several of the others, is badly broken. Further, the marked character of the sculpture of this shell is much obscured in the type owing to erosion and fracturing, but still more to the extensive limy encrustations, the deep .inter- spaces between the pustules being in most cases entirely filled in with the accretions. The very faulty drawings and description in Sykes’ paper are undoubtedly due to this feature. Both Mr. Sykes and Dr. Pilsbry, to whom'he submitted the type, emphasize the character of the dorsal area, narrow and well defined, but both ignore the characteristic feature of the shape and arrangement of the general sculpture so striking in good specimens of this shell. Description of sculpture referred to:—In the pleural area the pustules are about twice as long as broad, are square-ended and set in rows on the diagonal, so that one corner only reaches the upper line, the interspaces between the rows being a series of almost square hollows, the direction of the row of pustules is parallel with the dorsal area. A limited amount of bridging connects the pustules of one row with those of the next row. In the lateral area the row A. pilsbryi, method of sculpture in pleural area. es 395 becomes curved and the pustules larger, more raised, and rounded. Hab.—Victoria and South Australia. ACANTHOCHITON PILSBRYI a n. sp. Ph. mln. fg. Differs from A. pilsbryr, aia in having pustules less raised and rounded. The pustules are even more rectangular than is the case in the dominant form; in the anterior valve they are about twice as long as wide, straight-sided and square- ended, narrower as well as being less raised. While probably the number of pustules is about the same, owing to their being more slender the interspaces are proportionally wider. In the median valves the pleural area is markedly different from 4. piusbryi in that the pustules are very slightly raised, are long and slender, with greater space between the rows. Also the bridging in the species under description is more complete, a raised ridge joining the posterior portion of one pustule to the anterior portion of the corresponding one in the row above, thereby increasing the honeycomb appearance so characteristic of the southern and dominant species. The pustules in the lateral area are more raised and larger than in the pleural, but this feature is less pronounced than in A. pilsbryi. Hab.—Sydney Harbour, New South Wales. Remarks.—Owing to the recognition of Dr. Torr’s and my A. maughani as Sykes’ shell, that name becomes a synonym of A. pilsbry:. I am therefore preserving the name of Mr. M. M. Maughan, the ex-Director of Education in this State, by naming the subspecies after him. The type I am presenting to the South Australian Museum; it was collected by myself at Middle Harbour, Sydney, New South Wales. Genus AcanTHocHITON, Gray, 1821. Subgen. NoToPLax PORCINA, N. sp. el xl. figs, 7 to, 10. General appearance.—Shell elongated, glossy, carinated, side slope straight, all valves more or less covered with fine longitudinal ribbing. Colour and markings. —Light vinaceous-cinnamon, mot- tled with congo pink in the dorsal areas (Ridgway’s Colour Standards, pl. xxviii. and xxix.). Anterior valve.—Has five shallow undulations or ray ribs, is fairly evenly covered with wavy, concentric ribbing; in character these resemble “ripple marks’ on the sea sand. These marks turn inwards towards the apex of valve along the central rib. Near the apex the “‘ripple marks’ are crowded 396 and broken into incipient, flattened pustules. Insertion plates, porcelain white, slits five, broad. Posterior valve.—Mucro very distinct, posterior, the anterior portion of valve is similar in sculpture to the pleural and lateral areas in other valves. A diagonal depression separates this from the posterior portion, the ribbing being deflected downwards and its character somewhat altered, the ribs here showing a tendency to become granulose, still further changing when the posterior part of valve is reached, the shell there being covered with closely-packed granules without any system of arrangement. Insertion plates white, one broad slit on each side and four, and suggestion of a fifth, immediately behind the mucro. Median valves.—The dorsal area is longitudinally lined with whitish lines separated from one another by darker lines which look hke grooves, but under a stereoscopic microscope the surface is found to be practically ungrooved longitudinally, but crossed by shallow transverse sulci. Strictly speaking there is some evidence of shallow longitudinal grooving exist- ing in places; this feature may be more marked in other specimens. The pleural area is covered with close, wavy, longitudinal ribbing, the ribs are more abrupt on the lower side, and the trough between them is broad and shallow; both ribs and trough are diagonally scratched or minutely grooved. The lateral area is sculptured in a similar manner to the pleural, but the ridges are deflected upwards on reaching the diagonal undulation, it can barely be called a rib, which separates the two areas; the lateral area is very small compared with the pleural. Inside of shell white, median valve one slit, sutural laminae produced very little forward, sinus broad and sinuate. Measurements.—35 mm x 11 mm. in dried specimen. I am indebted to Dr. W. G. Torr for the opportunity of describing this very fine Acanthochiton; it was dredged in Gulf St. Vincent, South Australia. Up to the present only one specimen has been met with. The type will remain for the present in Dr. Torr’s collection, but MLE it will be placed in the South Australian Museum. Remarks.—This species can easily be distinguished from Notoplax matthewsi, Bed. and Pils., by the ribbing being continuous and not broken into granules, the ridges are less strong, and the pinnatifid character of the dorsal area, so marked in V. matthewsi, is almost absent in this species. It is more nearly allied to that species than to any other A cantho- chiton known to me. The specific name is derived from the Latin porca, meaning a ridge between furrows. 397 ACANTHOCHITON MAXILLARIS, N. 6p. Pl, mie, tgs; oO and 6; pl. xlii., fig. 1. General appearance.—Shell long, rather flat, sides slightly rounded, dorsal area much rounded, width of shell less than half its total length, dorsal area broadly wedge-shaped, all the valves are covered with longitudinal rows of rather large, rounded, mostly porcelain-white pustules, the outer row or rows being irregular in arrangement, all pustules in these being much larger than those in the upper rows and some being twice as long as their neighbours and mammiliform ; here and there there is a tendency for these large pustules to coalesce. Colour.—Shrimp-pink varying in places to geranium-pink (Ridgway’s Colour Standards, pl. 1.), the girdle is Brussels brown, this colour occurring also in places in the ground-colour of the shell mottled in with the pink. The milk-white or porcelain-white pustules contrast strikingly with the general ground-colour of the shell. Anterior valve.—This valve is too broken to disarticulate, is clothed with white pustules smaller towards the apex, and larger and more rounded towards the girdle; there are evi- dences of ray ribs, probably five, this feature being so common to Acanthochitons. Posterior valve.—Mucro posterior, dorsal area similar to median valves, broadly wedge-shaped and flat and transversely finely ridged. Balance of valve covered with closely-packed granules, greyish or transparent white, but the granules of the outer row forming the edge of the tegmentum are twice as large as the rest, broad and round, packed closely together, and porcelain-white in appearance. This outer row of pustules gives a scalloped look to the margin of the tegmentum. Inside white, tinged in places with pink, slits two, the sutural laminae form almost three sides of a square with rounded corners. Median valve.—Dorsal area very broad, subcutaneously lined with olive lines, transverse and longitudinal striae, the latter very indistinct. Apex is formed into a broad, rounded, flat beak, which overhangs and is distinctly rugose. The pleural and lateral areas are hardly separable, and there is a considerable margin of variance between the different valves but all show three or four longitudinal rows of rounded or oval, distinctly separated, milk-white pustules, those next the dorsal area are rather smaller than the lower row, then follows a row of milk-white pustules, fully three times the size of the upper row, and more or less placed alternately, short and long, looking like a row of irregular, rounded teeth set in a jaw, between this row, which rather follows the lines of growth 398 than being strictly longitudinal, and the outer margin, are a few irregularly-placed elliptical or rounded pustules, some milk-white, others dark. Inside white, slits one, ill defined, and placed far back on the insertion plate, suture broad. Hab.—Marino, South Australia. Collected by myself ; only one specimen on rocks at low tide. Girdie.—Spongy, but in places scattered minute spicules can be detected, towards the outer margin there are evidences of minute scales; it is possible that the scales have broken away from the older parts of the girdle. A fairly conspicuous hair-tuft is placed at each suture, but the spicules are short. Measurement.—-7 mm. x 3 mm. Remarks.-—This beautiful and striking Acanthochiton is easily distinguished from any known species by the row of exceptionally large milk-white pustules suggesting a row of rounded teeth set in a jaw, present in the median valve. The name is derived from the Latin mazilla, a jaw. The type I am for the present keeping in my own collection, but ultimately I hope to place it in the South Australian Museum. ACANTHOCHITON GATLIFFI, 0. sp. Pl. -xlit., fies>2 tous: General appearance.—Shell twice as long as broad (dried specimen), side slope very slightly curved, dorsal area broadly wedge-shaped, much raised, rounded transversely and longi- tudinally, valves covered with curved longitudinal rows of rather large, raised, flat pustules. Colowr.—The dorsal areas are deep Hellebore red, and the girdle and most of the ground-colour of the rest of the shell Dresden brown, the red merging into the brown; the pustules are a lighter shade than the portion of shell on which they are placed. (Ridgway’s Colour Standards, pls. x., xxvill., and xv.) Anterior valve.—Five rays or undulations, the whole valve uniformly clothed with whitish, elliptical, raised pustules, well separated from one another but not placed in defined rows ; these pustules are smaller and less flat than are those on the median valves. Inside and insertion plates deep pink, five slits, teeth sharp. Posterior valve.—Very small, mucro slightly posterior, dorsal area wedge-shaped but smaller in proportion than the other valves. The portion of shell to the front of the mucro is ornamented with a few large flat pustules in two rows, the posterior portion of valve decorated towards its margin with two rows of small granules. Inside pink, slits three, the insertion plates are produced posteriorly for a width almost equal to half of the exposed portion of valve, sutural laminae are produced sideways to an unusual degree almost forming a point, sinus broad. 399 Median valves.—The dorsal area broadly wedge-shaped, highly arched, longitudinally convex, beaked, pinnatifid. The markings and sculpture are a little difficult of definition, there is present a series of whitish spots arranged longitudinally on a dark-pink ground, the wavy longitudinal and transverse striae together with the colour markings give a granulose appearance to the whole of this area, which may be described as looking like strings of very small granules separated by dark-pink lines. The pleural and lateral areas are inseparable, are tra- versed by widely spaced, rather coarse, raised but flat pustules, under microscope they look like whitish, flat topped flagstones laid on the crown of raised portions of the tegmentum. Inside pink, insertion plates pink, slit one. Girdle.—Spongy, a few scattered short spicules and an incipient fringe. Hair tufts well defined, spicules short. Measurement.—The type (dry) measures 5 mm. x 2$ mm., being a little curved, probably 6 mm. would be nearer correct. Mr. Gatliff’s shell 6 mm. x 3 mm. and Mr. Gabriel’s shell 8 mm. x 4 mm. The type remains for the present in my collection but I shall hope ultimately to place it in the South Australian Museum. Hab.—I collected the type myself at Port Lincoln, South Australia, and sent two others, collected at the same place and time, to Mr. Iredale as being the same; but until these are returned to me and I can examine them under a microscope I cannot absolutely determine their identity. Messrs. Gatliff and Gabriel have both loaned me single specimens obtained off Point Cook, Port Phillip, Victoria, in 8 fathoms. Remarks.—I am indebted to the two gentlemen above named for the oppportunity of examining their specimens ; they exhibit a few minor differences. Neither show the pink colouration which is such a marked feature in the type; it is possible that their specimens may at one time have been in spirit which would: remove the colour. Mr. Gabriel’s shell, which is the largest of the trio, has a distinctly rugose dorsal ‘area, becoming granulose toward the beak; the pinnatifid ' character of this area is more distinct, and there are evidences of very minute scales on the girdle and of a girdle fringe. This interesting little Acanthochiton has been in their collection for some years, but was wrongly identified by them as Sykes’ shell 4A. pilsbryz, a species dealt with in the earlier portion of this paper. I am naming this shell after Mr. Gatliff, who with his colleagues has done much good work on the Victorian fauna. 400 - CALLISTOCHITON ANTIQUUS MERIDIONALIS, N. sp. Pl, 2x ea Introduction.-—In setting out to describe a new form of Callistochiton I collected ov the North-west coast of Tasmania I have been compelled to examine specimens from the type locality, New South Wales, which was described under the name C’. antiquus (pl. xli., fig. 6) by Reeve in 1847, and compare them with the Tasmanian shells and South Aus- tralian shells, with the result that I find that our South Australian shell must receive a distinguishing name before the new Tasmanian shell can, be put in its right niche in our classification. Description of differences.—In the South Australian shell the longitudinal ribbing in the pleural area is broader, less elevated, more wavy and granulose than in the shell from New South Wales, also instead of running parallel to the midline they are deflected somewhat towards it. The bridging of the South Australian shell is only slightly lower than the ribs, whereas in the northern shell the bridging is deep, not stand- ing up nearly as high as the longitudinal ribs; also the trans- verse ridges on the two lateral ribs are less elevated, further apart, and more numerous in the South Australian form. A still more striking difference is revealed when the valves are disarticulated. The anterior margin of the tegmentum is almost straight in the Sydney shell, but in the South Aus- tralian one it is produced forward almost to a point. The sutural laminae are broad and straight-edged in the northern shell, but are narrow and more produced forward in the South Australian shell. Another marked feature is that while in both the articulamentum is continued in front of the tegmentum across the sinus, in the South Australian shell it is divided into minute teeth—-I counted 10 slits—the edge of each of the minute teeth is curved, giving a scalloped margin to this portion of the articulamentum, whereas in the Sydney shell it is straight-edged, the slits being suggested by slight grooves. I am suggesting the subspecific name of mertdionalis for the South Australian shell. I have found this shell where- ever I have collected in this State. Type is from Marino. I am presenting it to the South Australian Museum. _ CALLISTOCHITON ANTIQUUS MAWLEI, Iredale and May. This species was described from Port Arthur, South-east- ern Tasmania by Messrs. Iredale and May. It differs again from either of the foregoing in that the longitudinal ribbing is persistent right over the dorsal area, the irregular network present in the two former being absent. The longitudinal 401 ribbing corresponds with the South Australian shell in the width of the ribs, but they are almost straight, nearer together, the bridging greatly thickened and proportionately shorter. The transverse ridges in the two lateral ribs are present as mere nodules, irregularly spaced and not as sharp strongly elevated ridges as in the two preceeding. This form easily takes its place as a subspecies of Reeves’ Callistochiton antiguus,. CALLISTOCHITON ANTIQUUS MAYI, Nl. sp. P) xhi,, ‘figs. 8 ‘and 9. The only opportunity I have had of collecting Chitons in North-western Tasmania was limited to one afternoon on October 11, 1916, when I had an hour or so on the rocks at a place called Penguin. Amongst the shells then collected was a small Callistochiton quite new to me, which I concluded and put aside as being Iredale and May’s new Callistochiton C’. mawlei, which I had not then seen. Since then my friend Mr. May has given me a specimen of that shell, and I find that the Penguin shell is quite distinct. I sent it over to Mr. May for his opinion, and he concurs with my view. I propose naming if after Mr. May as an acknowledgement of the help he has been in the elucidation of Tasmanian Chiton fauna. Description of differences.—This species differs from any of the preceeding in the entire absence of longitudinal ribbing. The whole pleural area is reduced to a network of which the strands are so thick that the holes between are nearly filled in, in the dorsal area this is absolutely the case, nothing but fine ° granulose sculpture remaining. Under a pocket lens the pleural and dorsal areas appear simply granulose, the network origin of the sculpture is quite lost. Under a higher power, however, the network sculpture survives in the form of numerous pits scattered towards the anterior margin. The transverse ridges in the lateral ribs are almost as defined as in the South Australian shell, but these ridges are more numerous and closer together. Measurement, 8 mm. x 5mm. I consider this species diverges most from the dom- inant form of all the subspecies here dealt with. Remarks.—In the absence of the examination of the Vic- torian Callistochiton fauna, our knowledge of the effect or otherwise of the Bassian Isthmus (Hedley: Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, xxvil., 1904) on the distribution of this genus is very incomplete. In some respects the South-eastern Tas- manian shell shows affinities with the Sydney shell; but the North-western Tasmanian shell is certainly more closely allied to the South Australian than either of the other two. This is certainly suggestive but inconclusive, until more Victorian material is examined. I hardly think any additional word is 402 needed to justify the placing of the four very distinct forms herein dealt with under the specific name of (. antiquus, Reeve, as subspecies thereof. I take it that true science is better served in showing their affinities, rather than magnify- ing their differences. We may conclude that all four species have a common ancestry, but that each of the widely separated localities has developed a fixed type of its own. In conclusion.—In my list of Australian Polyplacophora (Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austr., vol. xli., 1918) under the heading Callistochiton, two species and one subspecies were given, viz., C’. antiquus, Rve., 1847; C. recons, Thiele, 1911; and C. mawler, Ire. and May, 1916, the lastnamed being recorded as from both South Australia and Victoria. As regards the first it certainly was incorrect, and as far as I am aware it has not yet been found in Victoria. Two more must be added to the list now, bringing the total to five, and it is very probable that the very beautiful shell described by Dr. Torr as Ischnochiton bednalli, may have ultimately to be referred to this genus; I have not yet seen a disarticulated specimen, so cannot express a definite opinion. Undoubtedly the network sculpture is suggestive of this genus, but in some other respects 1t does not show any very close affinity with any of our known Australian forms. Since finally typing the foregoing paper I have turned up Iredale and May’s description of (. mawle: (Proc. Roy. Soc., vol. xii., pts. 1. and i., Nov. 1916) and cannot refrain from quoting their concluding remarks on the differences: “in the formation of the sutural laminae, these are continuous, whereas they are widely separated in the species (’. antiquus, Reeve, and even more so in the South Australian species.” Mr. S. Stillman Berry, of California, writes me on July 1, 1919:—“Your alcoholic specimens of Callistochiton (from South Australia) do not look like the dry antiquus from Sydney.”’ I think it probable that when the Victorian fauna is fully investigated we shall recognize two distinct species, C. antiquus, extending from Queensland down the Hast Coast, finding its extreme southern limit in Port Arthur, in Tas- mania, where the subspecies C. mawler, I. and M., is its representative, and a western species, extending from the sub- merged Bassian Isthmus through South Australia and Western Tasmania to Western Australia, of which the dominant form will be C. meridionalis, herein described, with C. mayz, also described herein, as its subspecies. Addenda.—After completing the draft of the foregoing paper I received from Mr. C. J. Gabriel, of Melbourne, an Acanthochiton which he had compared and identified with Sykes’ type of A. pilsbryz in the Melbourne Museum. Mr. 403 Gatliff had previously sent me a smaller shell of same species that he had also identified with Sykes’ type. I felt that to go counter to two such able conchologists needed assurance made doubly sure, and therefore wrote Mr. Kershaw asking that he would be good enough to loan me Sykes’ type again with per- mission to disarticulate another valve and clean same, because in its then encrusted and stained condition an element of almost intuition enters into its determination. Mr. Kershaw has sent me the type with the permission asked for. I was disappointed at finding that every valve was fractured, but have successfully disarticulated the second valve,. which although considerably broken has sufficient sculpture remain- ing for the purpose. I can, now it is cleaned, authoritatively state that Acanthochiton maughani, Torr and Ashby, is cospecific with Sykes’ shell A. pilsbryi, and is therefore a synonym; also that Messrs. Gatlff and Gabriel’s shells from Point Cook, Port Phillip, Victoria, are fine specimens of my Port Lincoln shell that Iam naming 4. gatliffi. I have photo- graphed under a high magnification the cleaned valve of Sykes’ type with a corresponding valve of A. maugham from the type locality, Port Victor. This photo is reproduced herein, and will, I trust, demonstrate to the satisfaction of all workers my contention. Photography.—I have contended for a long time that for purposes of accurate determination photography should be much safer than the work of an artist however well executed. While good photographs are comparatively easy at low magni- fications, its difficulty is greatly increased under high magni- fication ; this of course is especially the case with the carinated shells of Chitons. Further special methods of lighting have to be made use of to bring out the sculpture. The species under review has been figured three times—Proc. Mal. Soc., vol. u., pl. u., July, 1896, drawn by J. Green for Sykes ; again in Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austr., vol. xxii., 1898, figs. 5, a, b, c, d, and f, pl. vii., under the name of A. maughamn, drawn by C. Hedley for Torr and myself; and lastly, the New South Wales form in Rec. Austr. Mus., vol. vii., No. 4, 1909, figs. 24, 25, 26, and 27, pl. Ixxiv., drawn by Miss W. West for Messrs. Hedley and Hull. While the lastnamed figures are beautifully executed and a great advance on earlier attempts, the true character of the remarkable sculpture of the pleural area is not delineated. No further apology is needed for the presentation of the photos of this shell as attached to this paper. It is a satisfaction to have been able to clear up a long standing difficulty, and my thanks are due to Dr. Torr and Messrs. Kershaw, Gatliff, and Gabriel for the examination of material that has helped towards the solution of the problem. 404 DESCRIPTION OF PLATES. Pratt XLI. AUSTRALIAN POLYPLACOPHORA. Fig. 1. Acanthochiton pilsbryi, Sykes, x10, from S. Austr. Repeat 55 36 he x23, type, median valve. abe 95 % 45 » x23, from §S. Australia, median valve. ge ordhe a " maughaneanus, Ashby, x28, : median valve. sa ped i magillaris, Ashby, x28, posterior valve. i 0 sys os ks », median valve. uae be 2, porcevna, Ashby, x1. Pelle: aA . as * x6, anterior valve. ane 55 mt #3 », median valve. 510 af i. F 5, posterior valve. Pirate XLII. AUSTRALIAN PoLYPLACOPHORA. Fig. 1. Acanthochiton mazxillaris, Ashby, x10. souee ss gathiffi, Ashby, x11. ARS a s a x28, anterior valve. Ai sty iy - Re »» posterior valve. Aree SIE A 7 », median valve. 5 6. Callistochiton antiquus, Reeve, x15, median valve, from New South Wales. ai as ye in meridionalis, Ashby, «15, median valve, from S. Austr. 550 ores 7 i mayi, Ashby, x15, median valve, from Tasmania. ees +5 F ie Ashby, x15, anterior valve, from Tasmania. Volw X LEE: ‘Piete: 2G0. HUSSEY & GILLINGHAM LIMITED, PR NTERS & PUBLISHERS ADELAIDE, SQ. AUS. ‘rans. and Proc. Roy. Soc. S. Austr. Vol. XLITI., Plate XLII. HUSSEY & GILLINGHAM LIMITED, PRINTERS & PUBLISHERS ADELAIDE, SO. AUS. 405 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF SOME SOUTH AUSTRALIAN- GROWN PINES. By Proressor R. W. Cuapman, M.A., B.C.E. [Read October 9. 1919. ] The tests about to be discussed were made upon timbers. supplied to the Engineering Laboratory at the University by the courtesy of Mr. Walter Gill, Conservator of Forests. They reached the Laboratory in June, 1917, in the form of beams 6 ft. 6 in. long, and either 6 in. x 4 in. or 4 in. x 2 in. in section, all cut from recently-felled tress grown under inside plantation conditions. They were of.three species, 1.¢., Canary Island Pine (Pinus canariensis), Remarkable Pine (nus insignis), and Maritime Pine (Pinus maritima), all of which have been extensively planted in this State. The specimens, of Pinus canarrensis were from two trees grown in Plantation A, Bundaleer Forest Reserve, and felled on May 21, 1917. One tree was 68 and the other 71 ft. high, and each was 154 in. in diameter at the base, and showed 39 rings. The Pinus insignis species were from two trees grown on a sandy loam over clay subsoil at Wirrabara Forest Reserve, one being 20 and the other 30 years old at the time of felling, and from a tree 33 years old grown on a loamy flat over a volcanic deposit at Mount Burr Forest Reserve. The species of Pinus maritima come from a tree 30 years old grown at Wirrabara and from another tree 33 years old grown at Mount Burr. All the trees had been freshly felled about a fortnight before the timber reached the Laboratory. When the timber was received each piece was properly branded and weighed, and a remarkable difference was noticed between the weights of timbers of the same species from diff- erent trees. Thus the average weight of the 6 in. x4 in. pieces of Pinus insignis from the 30-year-old tree from Wirrabara was 38°42 lbs., or 35°46 lbs. per cub. ft., those from the 20-year-old tree in the same locality averaged 56'83 lbs., or 52°46 lbs. per cub. ft.; while those from Mount Burr averaged no less than 72°25 lbs., or 66°69 lbs. per cub. ft., being actually heavier than water. This difference, however, turned out to be almost entirely due to the moisture contents of the wood, and after storing for two years in the Laboratory the average weights per cub. ft. for these three trees were 25°94, 28:90, and 29°69 lbs., respectively, or an average of 27°86 lbs. per cub. ft. for the whole. Similarly the maritima 6 in x 4 in. pieces from Wirrabara in June, 1917, averaged 59°33 lbs. or 54°76 Ibs. per cub. ft. ; while those from Mount 406 Burr weighed 65°58 lbs., or 60°53 lbs. per cub. ft. But after seasoning for two years the weights per cub. ft. were 31:29 and 35°69 lbs., respectively, the whole set averaging out at 32°96 lbs. per ‘cub. ft. The 6 in. x 4 in, pieces of Pinus canariensis weighed on the average 65°42 lbs., or 60°4 lbs. per cub. ft. on receipt at the Laboratory, but reduced finally to 41°83 lbs. per beam, or 38°61 lbs. per cub. ft. Some of the mmsignis beams from Mount Burr contained as much as 158 per cent. of moisture, calculated on the dry weight of the timber, but the moisture contents of all the timbers had fallen to about 11 or 12 per cent. by March, 1919. Even when dried to approximately the same percentage of moisture contents there was a considerable difference in the weights per cub. ft. of the timber from the three trees from which the insignis beams were cut, and an analysis of the results of the tests on the seasoned wood shows that this difference in weight was accompanied by a corresponding difference in strength. With the notable exception of the beam tests for the 20-year-old tree from Wirrabara the strengths were very nearly proportional to the densities of the timber, as the following table shows : — Ratios oF DENSITIES AND STRENGTHS OF Pinus insignis. Timber from Different Trees. From From Wirrabara. Mount Burr. 30 years 20 years 33 years old. old. old. Ratio of densities... ue a : At ; 1°14 Ratio of strengths in compres- sion along the grain a a : 1:08 eet Bl Ef | Ratio of shearing strengths .. 1 > 1, \ OQ) 25 Sst sn ianeee Ratio of strengths of beams 1 2. 5 (OE eo Similar results, however, were not found to apply to the maritima tests. Here again the timber from Mount Burr was considerably heavier than that from Wirrabara, both when green and when seasoned ; but the tests showed that the Mount Burr timber was distinctly the weaker. Tested as beams the ratio of the strength of the Mount Burr timber to that from Wirrabara was 13 : 21, and in all tests except shearing the denser timber was inferior to the other. Density is evidently by no means the only factor in determining the strengths of woods, even of the same species. The tests made upon the timbers comprised measurements for shrinkage with seasoning, transverse tests carried out on beams 6 ft.’ between supports and either 6 in.x4 in. or. 4 in. x 2 in. in section, shearing tests, and determinations of the strength of the timber in compression both longitudinally 407 and across the grain. The tests were made in the same manner as those described in the author’s paper on ‘The Strength of South Australian Timbers,” in Trans. Roy. Soc. 8. Austr., vol. xxxii. On the whole over 350 tests were made on the three species, so that fair average determinations could be made. In addition a number of tests were made upon samples of oregon purchased at local timber mills. As this is an imported timber largely used for construction it was thought that the comparison would be useful. With every test a determination was made of the moisture contents of the wood as soon as possible after the test was completed. In the case of beams this was done by boring two large auger holes into the beam near the break. The shavings from these holes were then put into weighing bottles, to protect them from the drying effects of the air, and weighed. The bottles were then put in a drying oven, the tops being removed, and they were kept there at a temperature of about 104° C. for 5 hours. The tops of the bottles were then replaced and, after being allowed to cool the bottles were again weighed. The moisture determination is very essential, because the strength of many species of wood diminishes very greatly as the moisture contents increase, and a test of its strength is practically valueless unless it is accompanied by a measurement of the moisture contained in it. It makes no difference whether this moisture be in the form of the original sap or whether it be due to water that has soaked into the wood after seasoning. In either case the strength of the wood with a given percentage of moisture will be the same. In order to examine the question of the variation of strength with moisture contents more thoroughly than could be done by making tests on the timber as it was seasoning, 48 blocks, each 2 in. x 41n. and 5 in. long, were cut out of a seasoned beam of Pinus insignis. The determinations showed that this beam contained 11 per cent. of moisture, as calculated on the dry wood, and as it had been stored in the Laboratory for two years in a dry place, the moisture contents were fairly uniformly distributed. The blocks were each separately marked and weighed, and three of them were tested in com- pression along the grain, the average strength being 4,462 lbs. per sq. inch. The remainder were then kept immersed in water for four days. They were then removed and allowed to gradually dry out to their original condition. At first they dried rapidly, and two or three blocks were weighed each day, to determine their moisture contents, and then tested. The first block tested had 50 per cent. moisture, and its strength had fallen to 1,710 lbs. per sq. inch. Afterwards the process of drying was slower and the interval of time between the tests 408 was made greater. After 12 weeks the moisture contents were down to 13 or 14 per cent. The relation between the crushing strength of the wood in pounds per sq. inch and the percentage of moisture in the wood, as determined in this way, is shown in ING THOUSANDS OF POONDS CRUSHING STRENGTH PER SQUARE INCH PERCENTAGE OF MOS Tear. K@) 2O BO 4O BO GO JO Vetoes the curve for Pinus insignus in fig. 1. It was found that the average results of tests made in the ordinary way, as the timber was seasoning, fitted well on the curve thus obtained, 409 showing that the strength of the wood was the same whether the moisture was obtained from soakage in water or whether it consisted of the natural sap. It will be seen from the curve that the strength in compression falls off very rapidly as the moisture increases above the 10 per cent. or thereabouts con- tained in well-seasoned wood in this climate, the diminution in strength being practically proportional to the increase in the percentage of moisture until the strength becomes less than half that of well-seasoned wood when the moisture con- tents amount to 25 per cent. of the dry weight. From this point on the diminution in strength will further increase in moisture is much less marked. With 10 per cent. of moisture the average crushing strength is 4,600 lbs. per sq. inch, at 25 per cent. it has fallen to 2,250, and at 50 per cent. of moisture it is 1,940 lbs. per sq. inch. Similar sets of tests were made upon blocks of Pinas maritima, Pinus canariensis, and oregon, with results that are shown upon the curves of fig. 1. The curve for Pinus*maritima is very similar to that of Pinus insignis. At 10 per cent. of moisture it indicates a strength of 5,600 lbs. per sq. inch, and at 25 per cent. a strength of 2,750, a little less than half, while with a further increase of moisture up to 70 per cent. the strength is reduced only to 2,450 Ibs. Wood when placed in water not only increases in weight by absorption but expands in volume. This is a feature that causes much practical difficulty to engineers when using wood blocks for street paving, but the author is not aware of any attempts having been made to measure the force which the wood can exert in this way when prevented from expanding. With this object in view a rectangular block of Pinus insignus, 33n. x 3 in. and 4 in. high was placed in a flat dish on the compression table of the Riehlé testing machine. The grain was horizontal and the rings as shown in fig. 2. A tightening load of 600 pounds was put upon it, and the block was thus held between two cast iron plates, top and bottom, which could not move, but the upward force on the top plate could be measured at any time by balancing the lever of the machine. Water was then placed in the dish, nearly, but not quite up to the top of the block. This was done at 10 a.m. and gradually throughout the day, as the block absorbed more water, 1t exerted a greater and greater upward force on the top block. By noon this force was 1,100 lbs., and at 5 p.m. it was 1,520 lbs. It was left all night and next morning it had dropped to 1,360 lbs., and continued to drop slightly through- out the day. Next morning it was down to 1,280 lbs. On removal from the machine it was found that the block ex- _ hibited a typical compression failure, as though it had actually 410 burst itself in the effort to expand. The character of the failure is shown in the second figure (fig. 2). Another similar block of insignis, 23 in. x 3? in. in area, treated in the same way, gave a maximum load of 1,460 lbs. This also failed in compression. The average maximum pressure exerted by the two blocks was 139 lbs. per sq. in. A block of Pinus canariensis was dealt with in the same way, and for three days it was left in the testing machine, and gave a pressure gradu- ally increasing up to 128 lbs. to the sq. in., when it had to be removed to make way for other tests. This block showed no sign of failure. When the timber was first received small cylinders about 3 in. in diameter and | in. long were accurately turned out of the green wood from blocks whose moisture contents had just been determined. These were then weighed and accurately 1 Fig. 2. measured along marked diameters in directions parallel and perpendicular to the rings. The average measurements in August, 1917, at the end of March, 1918, and in October, 1919, are shown in Table I. It will be seen that by the end of March, 1918, these small pieces had lost all the moisture they were free to lose and at that time of the year showed a percentage of only 7 to 9 per cent. The contraction in the direction parallel to the rings was in all cases greater than that in the perpendicular direction, and was most for Pinus maritima and least for insignis. For Pinus maritima it amounted to 4°8 per cent., which is less than half the contrac- tion that might be expected from a Eucalypt with the same initial quality of moisture. It will be noticed that when meas- ured again in October, this year, the blocks all showed an ~~ ~~» 411 LL-1 ¥0-% E1-Z 60-4 | / L0-€ GE-€ €L-€ 88-F sdury 07 1 ‘sBury 09 | ‘g1/¢/9z uo e88ol100(] “4U90 Jog L | OOT BS) ci Bet as £-6 | 08 "S1/£/9G = “LI/L/€L ‘QINISIOJY “U9 19g L¥6-Z LE6.G 066-2 ZS6-3 CPE6-S 966-2 GLFG-Z LE6-2 100-€ 1¥6- C1E6-Z 6966-2 ‘6L/OI/L = “81/8/96 LI/L/E1 ‘SSUIY 07 T slojoulvIqG OseI0AY €16-G L06-6 706-% TL8-G 61/o1/L ‘SSaTyY 079 || s1sqoureiq eser0AW G68-% 068-6 068-2 9F8-G SL/E/9G L86-6 #66-3 Z00-€ 66-2 “LU/L/€1 (e1BqeiIl AA ) subisur snutq (ang yunop,) siubisur snurg “'S4SUIUTADUDI SNULT "* MUAMOUL SNULT ‘SSULI 044 04 ABjnorpuedsed pue jaljered suorjoemp ur ‘surkap UO poom Jo sagpultAo [Tews Jo aseyuays T ATA "19q WIL], 412 expansion due to the absorption of moisture from the atmo- sphere during damp weather. In order to further investigate the relation between the expansion of the wood and its moisture contents two small cylinders about 3 in. in diameter and 1 in. long were cut from beams of each species. These were measured along marked diameters, parallel and perpendicular to the rings, and weighed. They were then kept immersed in water for two ee Ov WN SALT « INCREASE “PERCENTAGE fo MOISTURE, ON , DRY WOOD. : 'O 20° 40 60°, 80° 100 ) {oma Fig. 3. Showing contraction of wood on drying after immersion in water. P.M. refers to Pinus maritima. P.I. refers to Pinus insignis. P.C. refers to Pinus canariensis, The suffix 1 indicates the curves showing contraction parallel to the rings. The suffix 2 indicates the curves showing contraction perpendicular to the rings. days, after which they were removed and again weighed and measured. It was found that the moisture contents of the imsignis blocks now amounted to over 150 per cent. of the dry . weight of the wood. The maritima blocks did not absorb S aa 413 much more than half as much, their moisture contents being now 78 per cent. The canariensis blocks carried only 55 per cent. The blocks were now allowed to dry gradually over a period of about eight weeks and were weighed and measured at intervals. Finally, when they had dried down to less than their original weights when freshly cut out of the beams, they were put in a drying oven and kept at a temperature of a little over 100° C. for seven hours. They were then taken out one by one and rapidly weighed and measured. From this series of measurements the curves shown in fig. 3 have been plotted, showing the relation between the moisture contents, as expressed in percentage of the dry weights, and the diameters expressed as percentages of the diameter of the dry block. As soon as the blocks were taken out of the water they at once started to dry out and decrease in weight, but, curi- ously enough, continued to still further expand for a day or two, although they were losing moisture. After that the ensigns blocks, which had absorbed the greatest quantity of water, remained practically of the same diameter until the moisture contents were reduced to about 50 per cent., as measured on the dry wood, when contraction began to take place. Contraction then took place at an accelerating rate as the wood further dried, and in ail cases the greatest amount of contraction for 1 per cent. loss of moisture took place as the wood finally dried down to the 10 or 12 per cent. of moisture that is permanently contained in seasoned timber. This ex- plains why the doors of our houses sometimes stick in the winter. The alteration of the moisture contents of seasoned wood with the humidity of the air only ranges over 2 or 3 per cent., but it occurs just at the point where the rate of contraction or expansion is greatest. The somewhat remarkable behaviour of the wood under the conditions of the tests seems to be capable of explanation when the fact is taken into consideration that the water in the wood exists partly as free water within the cells and partly as absorbed water in the cell walls. The contraction or expansion of the wood is due to a change in the moisture contents of the cell walls. An alteration of the amount of free water within the cells will of itself produce no effect on the dimensions of the block. The complete saturation of the cell walls evidently takes time and when the insignis blocks were first removed from the water, although the cells were fuli the walls had not yet absorbed quite as much as they were capable of absorbing. The process of saturation of the walls would then still go on, as long as there was free water within the cells, and the blocks in consequence still expanded. After ee) 2 ) 7 ae | s B OFS a 5} = ANA A ae 4 ) S = S ) & Ly a 2 It PERCENTAGE: OF MOISTURE . ON WOR Yoyo O 20 40 6C 80 100 120 140 160 180 Fig. 4. Showing expansion with moisture of Pinus maritima. A, sapwood parallel to rings. B, sapwood perpendicular to rings. C, heartwood. 414 that the water gradually dried out from within the cells, but, so long as there was any free water at all within the cells, the walls remained saturated and no change consequently took place in the dimensions of the block. The stage shown by the curves of fig. 3 where the insignis blocks show no contraction at all as they dry out from about 140 to about 50 per cent. of moisture represents the phase therefore when the free water is drying out from within the cells, but the cell walls are still saturated. Beyond that, when the cells have lost all their free water, moisture is then given out by the cell walls and contraction begins to take place, this contraction being much more marked in the direction parallel to the rings than in the radial direction. | The blocks from which the curves of fig. 3 were drawn were cut from near the centre of the tree and contained a | | (6) (01) (1) (F) (F) ($1) (eT) Cl | SZFI | HFZT | ST E61 cI = Lov| I8h| LI | Ser‘2os‘t | 2ae'L “" gulg wose1Q (1) (1) | (g) (2) (2) 69 | FEIZ | ZZFI | SO OZFE z9 | OOS‘8FZ‘T | 926L (g) | (g) | (#) (2)) Say 2) (01) (01) FI | OSZE | O9KZ | II | C628 | SI | EFI | SIE | BES) aT 066'GZ6'I | FBL'11941080y Jor Joopepung | s7swayduno SNUic] (¢) | (9) | (1) (ot)| (2) | (8) (23) (22) LI | LOZ | OOLT | IT | en peak! GIg| gsL| 209| IT ee oe = sibs “* @8el0AVy aes I T +F 0662 Fr | 000‘°98S | OOL‘t (1) (1) | (Zz) (1) (1) 0S | GLZI | FHL | O08 | LOSE 08 | 000‘0Z8 | SLP‘F (¢) (%) | (9) (9) (1) (1) (01) (01) (pto sreoX ¢@) Il | €8&% S868T | II OPE II 106| OFS) 499) IT | OFPILE'L| 9896'S |" «810 EM SOW ake a (11) @) a(t Ae (21) (31) (pjo saved 0g) Il | #81Z | P91 | II 0zE¢ Il ggi| o€2| oOlg| TI | se6‘e9s‘T | Szg9| °° qSOIOT CIVQRIIT AA | VUIPWNU SNULT a | (on) | (ot) (Lg) (ez) | (6) | (8) z9) (¢g) ~* gr | sI9t-| Ger) 11 74 at 906| 889} 699) II | I1z‘9Le‘T | 9¢98°9 |" soar], JO oses0AV | j OF | GE8z% OFT | 000'ZzEL | Ott (1) | (1) (9) (9). | =(2) sieetZ) (ov) | (on) (savok gg ‘ady) OFI | 6201 | 62L at $92 Il 6z6| 006) ¢-L89| IL | 029°SIF'T | 60'S | * qsoloy Jang JUNOT, (eg) | (g) (61) Cea. (By (Z) (z1) (1) (savat og ‘od V7) Il | 2881 | 816 Il CPEE at col; 9F9| I2h| IL | L9Z‘ShPT | O18'9 |" {Sao BIVQBIIT AA : (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) OOT SFO 989 OOT | LEZ | - ° OOT | 000'8S9 | 9FZF (4) | (+) (0g) (o1)| (b) | () (11) (ZT) (savok QZ ‘esy) It | 468% | @LL1 | 11 60LP TT 628 | 8891-68.) IL | Z8z‘80%'T | F129 | qsolog erequasit A |''' svubisus snug 0K ie ote: asio *qqSteT4S 7o 7o : “Ef ‘ : “S10 Bg saad ee ‘SION a ri ; ‘aIvIp) oy} ssoIOy | ‘UIBIQH Oy} SUOTY £ | WOdf 921], TOQuILy, : ‘dorssesd 0g) ‘Bulrev9syg ‘sysoy, Weeg Denne een ‘s}807 JO Joquinu oy} MoYs sosoyjuoied Ul sioquinu oy, =a = Sipe ey - 3 , a - a 416 little heartwood. It became evident that there was a marked difference in the behaviour of the heartwood and sapwood with regard to their powers of absorption, and so tests were made in which blocks were cut out of heartwood and sapwood separately. The result of such tests on Pinus maritima are shown in fig. 4. In this case the sapwood blocks absorbed water up to 170 per cent., but under the same conditions the heartwood blocks only absorbed 45 per cent., and the curves indicate that the heartwood cells could hold very little free water. The combined average results of all the strength tests is given in Table II. The outstanding feature of these is the very great superiority, so far as strength is concerned, of Pinus canariensis. In every respect this timber exhibited quite remarkable strength for a soft wood, and although most of the tests upon it were made while it contained 12 per cent. of moisture, as against 11 per cent. for Pinus imsignis and Pinus maritima, it was far stronger in every respect. Both as a beam and in direct compression along the grain its strength is comparable with that of our hardwoods. Thus the average of all the beam tests indicates that a beam 12 in. x 12 in. and 12 ft. long will carry a central load of about 42 tons, if the wood is canariensis, before it breaks down. If the wood is insignis it will carry 24 tons, if maritima 19 tons, and beams of the same size of oregon, of the quality of those tested, would carry 26 tons. The superiority of the caunariensis both in resistance to shear and in compression is equally well marked. A short column of canariensis, 12 in. sq., will carry a load of 533 tons before it actually fails. While a column of the same size of nsignis will carry only 297 tons, and a column of mari- tima 336 tons. The value of Pinus canariensis for all struc- tural purposes is so very great, and so much greater than that of the other pines, that it 1s eminently desirable in the State interests that it should be extensively planted in our forests. The following notes on Pinus canariensis have been kindly supplied to me by Mr. H. H. Corbin, B.Sc., Lecturer on Forestry at the Adelaide University: —‘“This pine has been ~ planted in a very diffuse way since the days of the earliest settlement in Australia. The tree, notwithstanding this, has not been appreciated at its correct value by our foresters. The area of Canary pine woods in the whole of Australia is certainly not more than a hundred or two acres. In South Africa it is very extensively planted. It has an erect habit even when growing in the open. It will grow in 20 years about 50 ft., at 35 years it is, under favourable conditions, a tree about 23 ft. in diameter and 90 ft. high. It will grow in any soil which is not too wet or sandy. It flourishes in the 417 18-20 in. rainfall areas, but does best in the 20-25 in. rainfall areas on the heavier soils. It develops a tap root as a little one-year-old nursery tree, and if transplanted ‘open root’ needs shelter from hot winds till established. In pots the tap root invariably coils round in the bottom of the pot and it is very unsatisfactory to plant; many die when treated in this way. The tree is certainly well adapted to planting in proper woods in the drier areas of this State. At Bundaleer it is seen withstanding the long dry summer on rough quart- zite rock. It is free from disease. It yields an extraordinary amount of resin and turpentine. The younger trees up to 40 years old if felled coppice, but this is of little economic value. The tree has all the virtues of the insignis, but is 15 per cent. slower in its growth. When the drought is killing insignis trees the Canary Island pines are thriving. Further, pests do not attack it and fire will not wipe it out, as it sprouts again and continues its growth.”’ Pinus insignis has been commonly regarded as a rather poor timber, but the results show that its strength compares quite well with that of oregon. It is not quite so good as a beam, though the difference is not very great, but it has a greater resistance to splitting and shearing along the grain, and it is less easily compressed across the grain. It is quite a useful timber for structural purposes. Pimus maritima is not so good as Pinus insignis as a beam, nor has it so great a resistance to shearing, but its strength in compression is greater than that of inszqnis. A large amount of work is involved in carrying out such a series of tests, both in the actual experiments and in the numerical reduction. For very considerable help in all this I wish to acknowledge my indebtedness to Mr. H. H. Cartledge, who was till recently my assistant, and also to Messrs. Altmann, Francis, James, and Robin, students in the Engineering School at the University. 418 MISCELLANEA. Notes on Occurrences during Summer Recess, 1918-19. Fellow Members—I was very pleased when the printers forwarded to me, just before the end of 1918, vol. xlii. of the Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of South Australia (Incorporated). It is not so large a volume as we have been compiling during the past four or five years. That we knew would be the case because the Adelaide Museum, the Curators of the different departments of which have sup- phed us with abundant material in bygone years, now publishes its own Records. This is an event which was bound to arise, which is quite in order, and which we welcome. It is satisfactory to find that, notwithstanding this, our volume appears with 340 pages of letterpress and 32 plates, and its contents embrace quite an interesting variety of subjects and are very well illustrated. If we can maintain a yearly output of this quantity and quality—and it should improve as the years go by—we shall justify our existence, retain our present exchange with other societies, and be contributing our quota to the accumulating scientific knowledge of the world. May I be allowed now to offer a sheaf of congratulations ? First, we have to congratulate ProrEssor HowcuHINn on his very valuable work, “The Geology of South Australia,” published towards the end of last year. It supplies what has been a recognized want in Australia, a text book for Aus- tralian students providing, where possible, local examples and illustrations. His own extensive discoveries in the geology and palaeontology of our State first published in our Transactions, and of world-wide notoriety, have furnished no little part of the material for his text book. We congratulate him further on one result of his effort, namely, the recognition of its merit by the Council of the University of Adelaide, which has conferred on him, in addition to his previous title of Lecturer on Geology and Palaeontology, that of Honorary Professor. We shall have the pleasure for the future of addressing him as Professor Howchin. We have also to congratulate Dr. PULLEINE upon the issue, 1n collaboration with Mr. Rainbow, of their fine Mono- graph, “The Australian Trapdoor Spiders.” As we well know, he has been working at this subject for several years, and their paper in the Records of the Australian Museum, covering more than 80 quarto pages and illustrated by 13 plates of beautifully executed photographs, is a valuable 419 addition to the literature of the group, and a result in which they may feel a proper pride and satisfaction. We are pleased to know we may expect the publication by these authors in the same style of excellence of further contributions to the natural history of other groups of Australian Spiders. | We are also glad to offer our felicitations to Mr. W. B. Pootz, who has completed 50 years of service with the Savings Bank of South Australia, in which he rose to the highest office, and who has been now released to pass his remaining days at leisure. It has been our good fortune for nine or ten years to have had him as our Honorary Treasurer after being, as we may say, specially trained for us as an expert in finance. We trust he will enjoy for many years this responsible, but happily not very onerous post, and so free the Society from all anxiety about its accounts, and we wish him full enjoyment not only of this useful service, but of his freedom from the ties and worries of the large State business concern, the present pro- portions of which must in measure be credited to him. We will also take this opportunity of referring with pleasure to the safe voyage of Mr. Epwin Asupy across some- what perilous seas to and from America, and to the title which has been conferred upon him of C.F.A.O.U. (Corres- ponding Fellow of the American Ornithological Union) in recognition of the work he has done in connection with Australian birds. But we have also the sad duty of referring to the decease of two of our Fellows.) Miss ELLten Mine Bunpvey, the daughter of Sir W. H. Bundey, formerly one of our Judges, was elected a Fellow of our Society in 1906. She had the unique.distinction of being our only lady Fellow. Her tastes were literary and musical rather than scientific, and as Lyell Dunne she occasionally contributed verses to the daily Press, and under the stress of an intense patriotism strove to assist various organizations in the same way. She was a Bachelor of Music of our University since 1900. Through ill-health she has been debarred from attendance at our meetings, but has always taken a keen interest in the work of the Society, and appre- ciated its records in our Transactions. Her interest is practically shown by a gift to our Library of sixteen volumes of Lloyd’s Natural History. . Jos. C. VErco, President. Evening Meeting, April 10, 1919. (1) An obituary notice of the late Sir Edward C. Stirling will be found on page 1 of this volume.—FEp. 02 420 The Amethystine Colouration produced in Glass by Ultra-violet and X=Ray Radiation. The amethystine colouration of bottles from the Far North of South Australha, where they have been exposed to sunlight, has upon several occasions been brought to the notice of the Society. In these cases, the colouration was presumably caused by solar ultra-violet radiation. The tabled exhibit showed a similar colouration produced in glass owing to bombardment by X-rays produced by the “‘Coolidge’’ Electron type of X-ray tube. In the walls of the “Coolidge” tube itself, the colouration is very beautifully shown, unless masked by a deposit of tungsten, caused by volatilization at the focal spot, due to excessive energy imputs. In the old gas tubes, it was similarly masked, where present, owing to the deposit of tiny particles of platinum torn from the target by the bombardment of cathode rays. Reference was made to various work relative to the subject, including that of Dr. M. Luckiesh, of the Nela Research Laboratory, who possessed samples of glass showing a bluish tinge in the case of potash and a yellowish-green tint in the case of sodium glass, produced by exposure to solar radiation. A sample of lead glass exhibited a muddy yellow colour after exposure to X-rays. The purplish colour is assumed to be due to a change in the chemical or physical state of the manganese contained in the glass. The colouration is quite unstable, and disappears upon the application of heat. There appears to be no agree- ment as to whether the manganese is present as in solution, or in the colloidal form. The effect when brought about by solar radiation is supposedly due entirely to the ultra-violet rays. In manganese glass used in connection with electric lighting, the colour has only been observed where the electric source of light is very rich in ultra-violet rays, such as in a powerful arc. The big variation in wave lengths of the ultra-violet and the X-rays, which are roughly of the order of 105 cms, and 108 cms., respectively, is an interesting consideration, in view of the similarity of effects on the manganese constituents of the glass. Why the effect apparently ceases so abruptly when the wave lengths pass from the ultra-violet to the visible radiation is a point also worthy of investigation. A. R. RIDDLE. Evening Meeting, August 14, 1919. 421 meee l OF PROCEEDINGS OF THE Royal Society of South Australia (Incorporated) FoR 1918-19. OrpINARY MEETING, NovemBer 14, 1918. THE -PRESIDENT (J. C. Verco, M.D., F.R.C.S.) in the chair. Nomination.—The Rev. D. T. Whalley as a Fellow. THE PRESIDENT made the following appreciative remarks about the late Dr. W. L. Cleland :— “Tt is only fitting that we should make more than a passing reference to the death during the past month of Dr. W. L. Cleland, who for thirty-seven years was a Fellow of our Society. He was elected a member in 1879, just at the time the Adelaide Philosophical Association was con- verted into the Royal Society of South Australia. In 1882 he accepted the very onerous position of Hon. Secretary, which he retained for fifteen years. When we recall that during six of those years he was also Hon. Secretary to the South Australian Branch of the British Medical Association and also to the Medical Benevolent Association of South Australia, one begins to realize what a mass of work he carried out in his quiet, unostentatious way. He only received his deserts when on transferring the Secretariat of the Royal Society to Mr. G. G. Mayo he was granted the highest honour we could confer and was elected President, in which office he served for two years. He fulfilled it with the same assiduity and reliability as in his more humble post, for the Minutes show that on only two occasions during the Presidency was he absent from his official chair. When he retired from this he was for two years in succession chosen Vice-President, and after that a member of the Council, a sure sign of his reliability and worth. ‘In 1887 he read a short paper describing the geological features of the country about the head of Lake Gilles, where were some polished rock surfaces. “In 1899 his Presidential address dealt with the aboriginals of Australia, while that of 1900 was in extension 422 of the same subject, on ‘Factors producing Uniformity of Type amongst Australian Aboriginals,’ illustrated by photo- graphs of the natives from various districts in our continent. “When we review his association with our Society we cannot but pay very cordial and eulogistic tribute to his memory as one of our most helpful and efficient Fellows.” Exuisits. — Mr. Wa.ter Howcuin exhibited a large cylinder of flint obtained by Mrs. Pascoe of Port MacDonnell from the flint-pebbles deposit, situated on the beach about five miles to the westward of Port MacDonnell. The speci- men measures 26 inches in height and 55 inches in circum- ference. It has a certain superficial resemblance to a fossil tree, but as it was formed by segregation in a marine bed and consists of small marine organisms that have become silicified by infiltration, the idea of a fossil tree cannot be entertained. The flint that occurs in the MacDonnell Bay is interbedded with the lower marine Tertiary beds, and is often of abnormal size and shape, some further examples of which were exhibited by Mr. Howchin at the same time. Mr. Epear R. WarTe exhibited a snake obtained by Messrs. Edgar Savage and F. Angel, at Moolooloo, on the Great Northern railway line. It proved to be an example of Denisoma suta, Peters, and is, perhaps, only the third specimen recorded under this name, the type being in Berlin, and a second example in the British Museum. All are from South Australia. He also drew attention to the general similarity of D. frontalis, Ogilby, and D. forrestc, Boulenger, to the snake exhibited. He also showed photographs of the large blue whale, 87 ft. 10 in. long, stranded at Corvisart Bay, and later towed to Streaky Bay, where the skeleton was obtained for transmission to the South Australian Museum. Samples of the raw oil were likewise exhibited. Capt. 8. A. Wuite exhibited eggs of the wedge-tailed eagle (Uroaetus audax), showing great variations in markings and colour- ation; also eggs of the letter-winged kite (Hlanus scriptus), taken on the Diamantina River, Western Queensland, by Mr. S. W. Jackson, for Mr. H. L. White, of Scone, New South Wales. In Gould’s Handbook of Australian Birds, vol. 1., p. 55, the author stated:—‘‘Capt. Sturt obtained it at the Depét, and Mr. White, of the Reedbeds, South Australia [Capt. White’s father], informs me that he found this species in great numbers on Cooper Creek, between latitudes 27° and 28° in 1863. They were always in companies of ten to twenty or thirty.”’ Mr. A. M. Lea exhibited some gall insects of the genus Brachyscelis; the female insect is wing- less and is enclosed within a gall with three long horns; the male insect on maturity 1s winged, but in its earlier stages 423 is enclosed within a much smaller gall than that of the female. He also exhibited some Canadian wonder beans that had been destroyed by a root-eating mite (Rhizoglyphus echinopus). Beans and peas are often prevented from growing by these mites, which occur in the soil in countless thousands. Mr. 8. Dixon stated that the grass shown by him on September 12 proved to be an importation from South Africa, Hhrharta vilosa, var. maxima. Mr. W. J. Kimper showed several fossils and fossil casts from Port Willunga. Mr. F. R. Zrerz, on behalf of the South Australian Museum, exhibited a specimen of the Wilson or yellow-webbed storm petrel (Oceanites oceanicus exasperatus), picked up dead on the beach at Port Elliot. Although this bird is said to be numerous out at sea, it is rarely seen close inshore. Mr. A. R. Rippie showed electrical apparatus recently imported for the Keswick Military Hospital for enabling radiographs to be taken with very short exposures, thus eliminating any indistinctness from motion due to the action of the heart or lungs. FLINDERS CHaseE.—Capt. S. A. WHITE reported that a strong effort had been made to secure the passage of a Bill for the reservation of Flinders Chase, and that although it could not be carried through this session, he had no doubt of its becoming law in the “next. Parrer.—‘“Vitality of Seeds,” by Aur. G. Epquist. ORDINARY MEETING, Apri 10, 1919. feeeeeewstpenr (J.C. Verco, M.D., F.R.CS.) in the chair. NOMINATIONS. Bena ward Charles Grigson and O. A. Glastonbury as Fellows. ELection.—Rev. D. T. Whalley as Fellow. THE Apvisory Councit of Science and Industry wrote that their publication, ‘‘The Australian Environment,’’ by Dr. Griffith Taylor, could be purchased for 5s., or the set of contour and rainfall maps of Australia separately for ls. 6d. THE PrReEsipEeNT referred to the death of Sir Edward C. Stirling and other events which had occurred during the recess. (Vide page 1 and MISCELLANEA.) FLINDERS Cuase.—Capt. S. A. WHITE reported as follows: —‘‘Years ago the Fauna and Flora Protection Com- mittee of our Field Naturalists’ Section wisely decided that a reserve was necessary to enable the perpetuation of the country’s fast diminishing fauna and flora, especially the former, and steps were taken to have set aside for the pur- pose a portion of Kangaroo Island. The late Hon. T. Price, 424 when Premier, approved of the proposal, and the western end of the island was reserved, but it was never legally constituted. In due course, however, a Bill was prepared with that end in view, but, for one reason or another, it was not developed, although Government after Government promised to carry it through. Last year a committee of three—Messrs. S. Dixon and J. M. Black and myself—was appointed by the Royal Society, and an application was made for the reservation of 1,000 square miles of country, toward the preparation of which two prominent citizens had promised to contribute £4,000. Death, unhappily, removed those two public-spirited gentlemen before their offer could be accepted, but the Hon. John Lewis, M.L.C., said he would fence the area. Owing mainly, it is understood, to the great extent of the area specified, strong opposition was offered to the scheme by some of the residents on the island, and eventually a special meeting of the District Council was held at Kingscote, and was attended by Mr. Laffer, M.P., one of the Parliamentary members for the district, and myself. The subject was thor- oughly discussed in all its aspects, and finally the Council agreed not to offer any further opposition, a fact which was subsequently conveyed to the Premier (Hon. A. H. Peake), together with an intimation favouring the carrying out of the project. All that remains to make the long-desired Flinders Chase a reality is for the Bill already prepared to be brought up to date and to receive the sanction of Parlia- ment, which, no doubt, will provide for the appointment of a Board of Governors to control the property. The area involved is approximately 200 square miles, west of a line from Cape Forbin on the north, to the Rocky River, round the Rocky River freehold, and thence south-west to the sea.” ExHisits.—Prof. Ossorn exhibited specimens of dis- eased cabbages from a market garden at Piccadilly affected by ‘‘black leg.’’ This disease is caused by a fungus, Phoma Lingam (Tode), Desmaz. The symptoms commonly observed are a wilt of the tops of certain plants representing from a few to 50 per cent. or more of the crop. The wilted plants are found to have their tap-roots destroyed and somewhat blackened. The fructifications of the fungus are observed as minute black spots around the diseased portions. The fungus also attacks the leaves and stems, flower stalks, and fruit pods. It has recently been shown by Henderson, working at Wis- consin, U.S.A. (Phytopathology, vill., pp. 379-431, 1918), that seed in the pod below such diseased areas is also in- fected, and will produce infected seedlings. Ample evidence of seed-bed infection was found at Piccadilly. An account of preventive measures was given. He also exhibited shells of 425 the common cockle (Chiones scalarina) on which Cladophora, sp., was growing. The shells were collected near the mouth of the American River, Kangaroo Island, from a large area of clean tide-scoured sand. The alga was only found on living shells or those of recently-dead fish, and only growing healthily in the former case. Live cockles are the only objects to which the Cladophora can fix itself in this area. The alga was always fixed at the posterior end near to the dorsal hinge. This is the portion of the shell nearest the surface of the sand, but it is also near the exhalent syphon. The suggestion was offered that the alga might benefit by such proximity to the current of water leaving the animal, which would be richer in carbon-dioxide from its passage over the gills of the animal and in nitrogenous material voided into the cloacal cavity. Mr. Epwin Asusy showed some Jonathan apples, which were clean when gathered, but had after a time become spotted with ‘‘bitter pit’’; also the fol- lowing birds:—Phaps chalcoptera, Lath. (Bronzewing Pigeon); Cosmopelia elegans neglecta, Mat. (Brush Bronze- wing), from Karoonda; Hypotaenidia philippensis australis, Pel. (Hastern Buff-banded Rail); Porzanoidea plumbea immaculata, Swain. (Hastern Spotless Crake); Porzana fluminea whiter, Mat. (Southern Spotted Crake), from near Paradise, 19/12/18, where the two preceding species and Zaporma pusilla palustris, Gld. (Eastern Little Crake), have this season been very numerous, also from a waterhole in the mallee, near Karoonda; Myzantha melanoiis, Wilson (Black-eared Minah); Gliciphila albifrons incerta, Mat. (Eastern White-fronted Honey-eater) ; C. melanops chandlert, Mat. (Tawny-crowned Honey-eater)—the latter for the last few weeks has been singing or whistling freely at Blackwood. Mr. A. M. Lea exhibited a so-called hermaphrodite butterfly, Delias mysis, from North Queensland, its right side having the typical markings of a male, and its left side those of a female; normal specimens were shown for. comparison. Mr. A. G. Epeutist showed a beetle, the abdomen of which was merely an empty skin. It had refused to feed, and had soon died. Mr. F. R. Zietz exhibited a complete set of Aus- tralian Falcons, wiz., Valco longipennis (Little Falcon), F. hypoleucus (Grey Falcon), Rhynochodon peregrinus (Black- cheeked Falcon), and WNotofalco suwbniger (Black Falcon). Mr. E. R. Warre showed a plate of baleen (whalebone) from the blue whale in the South Australian Museum; also the jaw of a small-toothed whale. Mr. W. J. Kimser showed a fish (Pegasus) from Port Lincoln, and various fossil shell: from Port Willunga and Troubridge for identification. THE PRESIDENT showed a volume of newspaper cuttings (one of a 426 set of 120) containing one referring to the boyhood of John Gould, the ornithologist. Paper. — Prof. Ossorn laid on the table and briefly described a paper, ‘‘Australian Fungi: Notes and Descrip- tions, No. 2,’’ by J. B. Cteranp, M.D., and Epwin CHEEL. ORDINARY MeEeETInG, May 8, 1919. Toe Presipent (J. C. Verco, M.D., F.R.C.S.) in the chair. | Evections.—O. A. Glastonbury and Edward Charles Grigson as Fellows. THE PRESIDENT. referred with congratulations to the distinction which had been conferred upon our Fellow, Dr. Chas. Fenner, F.G.S., namely, the Sachse Gold Medal, as a recognition of the merit of his paper, read last year before the Royal Society of Victoria, on the ‘“‘Geology and Physio- graphy of the Werribee River Basin.’’ He also expressed regret at the decease of Mr. E. H. Wainwright, B.Sc. (Lond.), who had been a Fellow of the Society for thirty-six years. He was in former days a teacher of chemistry at the Col- legiate School of St. Peters. Exuisits.—Prof. Howcuin exhibited a whale barnacle that was picked up by Professor Rennie at Encounter Bay. The barnacles are an abnormal group of the crustacea classed as the Cirripedia. The best-known families in this group’ are the Lepadidae, or ‘‘goose barnacles,’’ and the Balanidae, or ‘‘acorn barnacles.’? The former are attached by a fleshy stalk, and obtained their popular name from the old-world notion that they turned into geese. The Balanidae, or ‘‘acorn barnacles,’’ have a cup-like shell, and are sessile, and the typical genus, Balanus, is the common form that covers ship bottoms and almost all objects in shallow water. The specimen shown belonged to the Balanidae, and could be referred to the genus Coronula, and was probably C. diadema. It differs from Balanus in that while the latter has a simple turreted shell, in the Coronula the inner wall of the shell is deeply infolded, by which the lower part of the shell is divided up into radial chambers. It has the habit of attach- ing itself to whales, and on that account is known as the whale barnacle. Mr. Epwin Asusy exhibited Humming Birds from America, and gave notice of motion for the July meeting as follows:—‘‘That this Society supports the endeavours of the Ornithological Association of’ South Aus- tralia to secure the introduction into Australia of the Hum- ming Birds of America.’’ Capt. WurtTE showed two speci- mens of Sparrow-Hawk ( ond: 1918-19) Royvat MicroscopicaL Society. Jour., 1918, pt. 2-4; 1919, ptr i.) ond: | Roya Society. Proc., ser. A, no. 663-673; B, no. 628-634. Yearbook, 1919. Lond. *SHaRpe, R. B. Handbook to British birds, v. 1-4. 1896. West Henpon House OBSERVATORY, SUNDERLAND. Public- ation, No. 4. SCOTLAND. GEoLocicaL Society oF Giascow. Trans., v. 15, pt. 3; 16, pt. 1-2. RoyaL Society oF EpinspureH. Proc., v. 38, pt. 2-3; 39, pty 1. Trans., v. 52, pt. 1-2.» 19d8- 29: ARGENTINE. AcaDEMIA NACIONAL DE CIENCIAS EN CorpoBa. Boletin, t. 23, entr. 1-2. Buenos Aires. 1918. BELGIUM. Socigt&é RoyvaLeE DE BoTANIQUE DE BELGIQUE. Bull., t. 53, no. 1)’ Bruxelles 1904) . SociETE RoyvaLE DES SCIENCES DE LiktcE. Mém., t. 10. *Miss Bundey bequest. ot i re ae Sees eee ee ee 439 BRAZIL. Brazit. Servico Geologico. Monog., v. 1. 1913. Instituto OswaLpo Cruz. Mem., t. 10, fasc. 1. 1918. Musev Pauuista. Revista, v. 10. S. Paulo. 1918. OBSERVATORIO NACIONAL DO Rio pE JANEIRO. Annuario 35. CANADA. Canapa. Geological Survey. Mem. 82, 95, 96, 103. Museum bull., no. 27-28. Ottawa. 1918. Publications, 1718-21, 1727, 1734, 1738. Mines. Bull. 20, 22-24, 26, 28. Publications, 452, 468, 474, 493, 504. CanaDIAN INsTITUTE. Trans., v. 12, pt. 1. Ottawa. 1919. Nova Scotian InsTiITuTE or Science. Proc., v. 14, pt. 3. Ottawa NATURALIST, v. 32, no. 1, 3-6. 1918. Royau Society oF Canapa. Proc., v. 12. 1918-19. CEYLON. Cotomspo Museum. Spolia Zeylanica, pt. 40. 1918. CHINA. Royat Astatic Society, Norta-Cuina Brancw. Journ., v. 49. Shanghai. 1918. DENMARK. KOBENHAVN UNIVERSITETS ZOOLOGISKE MusEum. Bull. 1-5. K. Danske VIDENSKABERNES SELSKAB. Biologiska med., I, Peet.) Cong. 1917-19. — Math.-fys. med., I, 1-6, 9-12. 1917-19. Oversigt, 1917-19. Cpng. Skriiter: hist. og fil., ser. 7, t. 3, no. 3. 1918. Skriter: nat. og math., ser. 7, t. 7, no. 2; ser. 8, meee >; tb. 3, no. 1-3; t. 5, no. I; * FRANCE. Bonaparte, Prince. Notes ptéridologiques, 5, 7. 1918. SociETE ENTOMOLOGIQUE DE FRANCE. ‘Annales, v. 86, pt- Oe ot A fae 1916, no. 11-14, 17-21; 1919, no-1-10. | Par. HOLLAND. Risk’s Herparium. Med., no. 28-39. Leiden. 1916-18. - 440 INDIA. Inpia. Board of Scientific Advice Report. 1917-18. Dept. of Agriculture. Mem., botanical ser., v. 9% no. 4-55-10, no. 1:! Gales Tonsaas Chemical ser., v. 5, no. 2-4. 1918. Report, 1917-18. Cale. Song: Geological Survey. Bibliography of Indian geology and physical geography, pt. 1-2. Cale. 1917-18. ——_—— Records, v. 49; 50, pt. 1. 1918. —— Pusa Agricultural Institute. Report, 1917-18. Zoological Survey. Report, 1916-17, Calc. Inp1an Museum, Mem., v. 5, no. 4-6; 6, no. 2-4; 7, no. 1. Records, v. 8, pt. 9-12; 12, pt. 4-65.03 21o ip. pt. 1-4. - Report, 1915-16. Cale. Mapras. Fisheries Bureau. Bull., no. 10. 1918. RoyaL Asiatic Society, Bompay Brancw. Jour., v. 29, noel. ITALY. ond Matpienia, anno. 28, fasc. 7-8. Catania. 1918. SocietA EntTromouocica ITauiana. Bull., anno. 49. SocietA ITALIANA DI ScIENZE Naturauti. Atti, v. 56, fasc. 122 357,58 ase lt. “Pawia.” whOdhieiee SocietA ToscaNa Di SCIENZE NatTuRALI. Processi verbali, v. 26, no. 45 27, no. 1=2..~Pisa.. Soe ZooLocia GENERALE E AGRARIA. Boletino del laboratorio, vy. 2s “Portier. (1917-1: JAPAN. Formosa. Bureau of Productive Industries. Icones of the plants of Formosa, v. 8. Taihoku. 1919. IMPERIAL ACADEMY. ,Proc.,; v, 1,.No:5. Tokyot@ foie JAPAN. Imperial LKarthquake Investigation Committee. Bulk, ¥._ %5..nol °3., Tokyo -aalomee Kyoto ImpertaL University. College of Engineering. Mem., v. 2, no. 1-3. 1918. College of Science. Mem., v. 3, no. 5-10. 1918-19. ToH6ku ImpreR1IAL UNIVERSITY. Science reports: Ist ser., v. 7, no. 2-3;°8, no. 1; 2nd ser_,.v. 4, no. ag.o-eaaueee ToHokU MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL, v. 14, no. 3-4; 15; 16, no.1-2. Sendai. 1917-19. Tokyo IMPERIAL University. Calendar, 1917-18. . — College of Science. Jour., v. 39, art..9; 40, art. 7; 42, art.) Le QhoLe-19; 441 JAVA. NEDERLANDSCH Oost INDIé. Hoofd-Bureau Mijynwezen. Jaarboek, 1916, pt. 1, and atlas. Batavia. 1918. MEXICO. Instituto GrEoLocico pE Mexico. Anales, no. 5. 1918. Boletin, no. 35-36. Mexico. 1918. SocIEDAD CIENTIFICA ‘‘ANTONIO ALZATE.’’ Mem. 37, no. 1-2; 38, no. 1-8." Mexico. 1918-19. NEW ZEALAND. AUCKLAND INSTITUTE AND Museum. Report, 1918-19. New Zeauanpd. Board of Science and Art. N.Z. journal of science and technology, v. 1, no. 5-6; 2, no. 1-5. Dept. of Internal Affairs. Report of Dominion laboratory, no. 51. Well. 1918. Dept. of Mines. Palaeontological bull., no. 7. 1918. NORWAY. Brercens Museum. Aarbog, 1916-17, pt. 2; 1917-18, pt, 1, 3. Aarsberetning, 1917-18. K. Norske VIDENSKABERS SELSKABS. Skrifter, 1915. Johann Ernst Gunnerus. Trondhjem. 1918. StavaNcER Museum. Aarshefte, 1917. PERU. CUERPO DE INGENIEROS DE Minas. Bull. 87, 89-95. Lima. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. PHILIPPINE IsLtanpsS. Bureau of Gov’t Laboratories. Pub- lications, no. 29, 35. Manila. 1905. Bureau of Science. Ethnological survey publications, ( weeps oO. Manila. 1917. Journal of science,. sect. A, v. 1-13; B, v. Peete ey. 2-15o; Dv. 5-13; Manila. 1906-18: Mineral resources of the P.I., 1913-16. SPAIN. JUNTA DE CIENCIES NATURALS DE BARCELONA. Ser. zool, 4, 8. Anvari 2, pt. 1-2. Barcelona. 1917. SWEDEN. ENTOMOLOGISKA FORENINGEN I STockHoLM. Entomologisk mockritt, arg. 59, 1918: Upsala. 1919. GEOLOGISKA FORENINGEN I StockHotM. Forhandlingar, 40. K. VittTeRHETS HisToRIE ocH ANTIKVITETS AKADEMIEN. ~Fornvannen, 1916. Stockholm. 442 . SWITZERLAND. GEOGRAPHISCH-ETHNOGRAPHISCHE GESELLSCHAFT IN ZURICH. Jahre) OLF-be: NATURFORSCHENDE GESELLSCHAFT IN ZuRicH, Vierteljahrs- schrift, 1916, pt. 3-4; 1917; 1918, pt. 1-2: ; SocigTE DE PuysrquE ET D’HistorrE NatTuRELLE. Compte rendu des séances, v. 36, no. 1. Geneva. : SociETE NEUCHATELOISE DES Sc1ENCES NaTURELLES. Bull., tom. 43: Neuchatel. 1919. UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA. Durpan Museum. Annals, v. 2, pt. 2-3. 1918. GroLOGIcaL Socrety oF SoutH Arrica. Trans., 1918. Roya Sociery or Sourn Arrica. Trans., v. 7, pt. 1-3. SoutH AFRICAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF ScIENcE. Jour. of Science, v. 15, no. 1-7. SourH Arrican Museum. Annals, v. 12, pt. 6. 1918. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. Jour., ser 42,i6v.) 165), ptt. 4. Philad Soe ees Proc., v..69,-pt. 2-35.70, pt. 1-25 7 ones AMERICAN CHEMICAL SociETy. Journ., v. 40, no. 11-12; 41, nv ‘l-7.. Easton, Pa.-, d 916-19: AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL Society. Geographical review, v. Coiiee iN Veg | LOLS NO: AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF MinING ENGINEERS. Trans., Vv. 51-99 Ne Yo) ALS on 9. AMERICAN MicroscopicaL Society. Trans., v. 36, no. 3-4; 37, no. 1-2, 4; 38, no. 1.. Menasha, Wis.) 2on7-ie: AMERICAN Musreum or Naturat History. Anthropological papers, v. 10, pt. 5-65.16, pt. 3; 18, pt. 40 20ioeees 22, pt: ' 2g) 28) Ppt. Meds Dab ts T- Bally yv.% S6Sn ING ila Guide leaflets, No. 46, 48. N.Y. 1917-18. ’ Handbook. ser:; no:)3;.7i4 NOY: -19Ohiewes Natural history, v. 18, no. 7-8; 19, no. 1-3. Report, \UOb7.1, N.Y i5/1918: AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SociEtTy. -Proc., v. 56, no. 7; 57. ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA. Journal of archaeology, v. 22, no. 3-4; 23, no. 2. 1918. BERNICE Pavan BisHop Museum. Mem., v. 5, pt. 1-2. | Polynesian ethnology, v. 6, no. 5. Honolulu. 1918. Brookityn INSTITUTE OF ARTS AND ScrENcES. Museum quarterly, v. 4, no. 3;.5, ne. 1, 3. 1917-18. HT 443 CaLirorniA ACADEMY OF ScIENCES. Proc., ser. 4, v. 2, pt. 1, eueeeena pt. 2, no. 12; 6, no. 8-9; 7, no. 1-13; 8, no. 1-4. 1917-18. CaLirorNiA. Mining Bureau. Bull. 76, 78, 83. 1918. Preliminary report, no. 4-5. Sacramento. CALIFORNIA UNIVERSITY. Agricultural Laperiment Station. Bull. 292, 301. Berkeley. 1918. Dept. of Geology. Bull., v. 10, no. 11-22, 25; 11, no. 2-4. < Publications in American archaeology and ethnology, Peewee o-1): 13, no. 1. 1917. Publications in botany, v. 6, no. 13-14. Berkeley. Publications in zoology, v. 14, no. 2; 16, no. 20-24; Pewee, Oo, 10-11; 18, no. 17; 19, no. 1-3; 20, no. 1-4; 21, no. 1-2. Berkeley. 1918-19. CINCINNATI SocrETy oF Natura History. Jour., v. 22, no. 2. CorNELL UNIVERSITY... Agricultural Experiment Station. Bull. 391. Meem ott. Ithaca, N.Y. 1917. Fioripa. Geological Survey. Report 12. 1919. oP RAwkEIN INSTITUTE. Jour., v. 186; no. 2-6; 187; 188, Rowe ee hilad: 1918-19. HarvarD CoLLece. Museum of Comparative Zoology. Bull., eee. 5-1t) 14: 63, no. 2-3.. 1918-19. Report, 1917-18. Camb., Mass. Hawaiian Enromonocicat Society. Proc., v. 4, no. l. Inuinois. State Laboratory of Natural History. Bull., v. Peete). io) art. 1-4, 7-8. Urbana. 1918. INDIANA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE. Proc., 1916-17. LELAND STANFORD JR. University. Bull. 95. 1917. Trustees’ ser., No. 31. 1916. University ser., no. 24-29. 1916-17. MINNESOTA. Geological and Natural History Survey. Botanical studies, v. 4, pt. 4. 1916. Bull., no. 13. Minneapolis. 1917. Minnesota UNIVERSITY. Studies in social sciences, no. 9. Agricultural Experiment Station. Bull. 165-168. NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Proc., v. 4, no. 7-12; 5, n. 1-6. Wash. 1918-19. New York AcapemMy oF Sciences. Annals, v. 27, pp. 215-243. . New, Yours euntic Liprary. Bull., v. 22, no. 6-12; 23, Tes) 1-7. New Yor«k State Museum. Report 69. 1915. Albany. N. Carorina. Geological and Economic Survey. Biennial report, 1891-1914. 444 N. Carouina. Geological and Economic Survey. Bull. 2-3, by 4-8, 10-13, ta, ats 25 Economic papers, 1-20, 23-25, 28-42. [Publication] v. 1, 3. 1905-12. OBERLIN CoLLEGE. Laboratory bull., no. 20-21. 1918. Wilson. bull., v. 30, no, 3-4; 31) iaiom tga oro. Onio State University. Bull:, v 23> me. 22a oes Ohio journal of science, v. 18, no. 7-8; 19, no. 1-7. SHEPARD, Cuas. U. Report on the geological survey of Con- necticut. New Haven. 1837. SMITHSONIAN InsTiITUTION. Report, 1916. Wash. 1917. Bureau of American Ethnology. Bull. 61, 63. Unitep States. Dept. of Agriculture. 18 bull. of dept. Farmers’: bull., 915, 921; 9325) Ween journal of agricultural research, v. 10, no. 13; 12,.no. 12; 14, no. 5-12; 15-1632 17 ieee N. American fauna, no. 41-43. 1917-18. Library of Congress. Report, 1917. Wash. — National Museum. Annual report, 1917-18. Bull. 973.99; 100, v.\ 2,5 pty Taya eee: pt. 1, 4-7; 103, pp. 1-188, 525-612; 104; 10d: Contributions from the National Herbarium, Ve 20 pb 4-5 4 ol O18: Proc.;. v. 51-53. «Wash. 19 Riise Vireinia. Geological Survey. Bull. 14-10, 12-15. WaGNER FREE INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE. Trans., v. 8. Annual announcement, 1917-19. Phuilad. Wasuineton University, St. Louis. Studies, v. 4, pt. 1, nov ‘2 5. wor d-2 6;)no- 1a Toi ieree 445 LIST OF FELLOWS, MEMBERS, Erc., AS EXISTING ON SEPTEMBER 30, 1919. Those marked with an asterisk have contributed papers pub- lished in the Society’s Transactions. Any change in address should be notified to the Secretary. Nore.—The publications of the Society will not be sent to those whose subscriptions are in arrears. Date of Election. 1910. 1893. 1897. 1890. 1905. 1905. 1892. 1898. 1894. 1912: Honorary FELiows. *Braae, W. H., C.B.E., M.A., F.R.S., Professor of Physics, University College, London (Fellow 1886). *Cossmann, M., 110, Faubourg Poissonniére, Paris. *Davip, T. W. EneEewortH, C.M.G., B.A., D.Sc., F.R.S., F.G.S., Professor of Geology, University of Sydney. *ETHERIDGE, Rogert, jun., Director and Curator of the Australian Museum of New South Wales, Sydney. Git, THomas, C.M.G., I.S.0., Under-Treasurer, Adelaide. aos, CHAs., Assistant Curator, Australian Museum, ney Qitnan, ea hs. O., F.R.S., F.L.S.. Director Botanic Gardens, Sydney, ‘New South Wales. “Meyrick, E. T., B.A., F.R.S., F.Z.S., Tohrnhanger, Marl- borough, Wilts, England. *Witson, J. T., M.D., Ch.M., Professor of Anatomy, University of Sydney, New South Wales. “Trprer, J. G. O., F.L.S., Elizabeth Street, Norwood (Corresponding Member 1878, Fellow 1886). CorRESPONDING MEMBERS. *Carter, H. J., B.A., Wahroonga, New South Wales. * JoHNcocK, Cc: F.. Clare. *STRETTON, W. Ge Darwin, Northern Territory. Tomson, G. M. “re S. Dunedin, New Zealand. *WoonnovaH, WaALrer Grorce, iD: Se., F.G.S., Professor in Geology, University of Perth (Fellow 1902). YELLOWS. AnprEw, H. W., North Street, Collinswood. “ASHBY, Epwrn, F. L:S., -M-.B.O: c Blackwood. Barney, 2. BP .. ‘Director Botanic Garden, Adelaide. *BAaKER, W. H.. ii. King’s? Park. *Bracx, J. MoConxexy, ip Brougham Place, North Adelaide. *BROUGHTON, A. C., Young Street, Parkside. Brown, Epcar A 'M. Be D.Ph. 3. North Terrace. *Brown, me. ¥: L., ” 986, Ward Street, North Adelaide. Brumuirt, Roserr, M.R.C.S., Northcote Ter., Medindie. *BULL, Loner. B., DV. Se., Laboratory, Adelaide Hospital. 1907. 1904. 1895. 1907. 1912. 1914. 1916. 1887. LOLS: 19IT. 1902. 1918. 1917. 1914. 1919. 1904. 1880. 1910. 1904. 1919. 1916. 1916. 1896. 1883. 1918. 1912. 1893. 1918: 1910. 1918. 1915. 1897. 1884. 1888. 1914. 1905. 1874. 1919. 1907. 1897. 446 *CHapMAN, R. W., M.A., B.C.E., F.R.A.S., Professor of Mathematics and Mechanics, University of Adelaide. CnyristiE, W., 49, Rundle Street, Adelaide. *CLELAND, JOHN B., M.D., Government Bureau of Micro- biology, Sydney, New South Wales. *Cooxrt, W. T., D.Sc., Lecturer, University of Adelaide. Corsin, H. H., B.Sc., University of Adelaide. CornisH, K. M., on Active Service. Daruine, H. G., Franklin Street, Adelaide. *Dixon, SAMUEL, Bath Street, New Glenelg. Dopp, Atan P., Kuranda, Queensland. Dutton, H. H., B.A. (Oxon.), Anlaby, Epauist, A. G., 20, King Street, Mile End. “Euston, A. H., F.E.S., Childers Street, North Adelaide. Fenner, A. E.; D.Sc., F.G.S., Education Department, Adelaide. Frreuson, E. W., M.B., Ch.M., Gordon Road, Roseville, Sydney. GuastonBurY, O. A., Adelaide Cement Co., Brookman Buildings. Gorpon, Davin, c/o D. & W. Murray, Gawler Place, Adelaide. *GoypER, GEor@E, A.M., F.C.S., Gawler Place, Adelaide. *Grant, Kerr, M.Sc., Professor of Physics, University of Adelaide. GrirFitH, H., Brighton. Gricgson, E. C., 99, Grant Avenue, Rose Park. Hackett, W. C., Rundle Street, Adelaide. Hancock, H. Lirson, A.M.I.C.E., M.1.M.M., M.Am.I.M.E., Kennedya, Wallaroo Mines. Hawker, E. W., F.C.S., East Bungaree, Clare. *HowcHin, Watter, F.G.S., Professor of Geology and Palaeontology, University of Adelaide. Isine, Ernest H., Loco. Department, Islington. Jack, R. L., B.E., Assistant Government Geologist, Adelaide. James, THomas, M.R.C.S., Tranmere, Magill. JENISON, Rev. J. C., Mount Barker. ; *Jounson, E. A., M.D., M.R.C.S., 295, Pirie Street, Adelaide. Kimser, W. J., Gaza. *Laurig, D. F., Agricultural Department, Victoria Square. *Lea, A. M., F.E.S., South Australian Museum, Adelaide. Lennon, A. A., M.D. (Lond.), M.R.C.S., Lecturer in Obstetrics, University of Adelaide, and Hon. Physician, Children’s Hospital, North Adelaide. *LoweER, Oswatp B., F.Z.S., F.E.S., 18, Bartley Crescent, Wayville. Matuews, G. M., F.R.S.E., F.L.S., F.Z.S., Foulis Court, Fair Oak, Hants, England. *Mawson, Sir Doveras, D.Sc.,° B.E., Lecturer in Mineralogy and Petrology, University of Adelaide. Mayo, Gro. G., C.E., 90, Hill Street, North Adelaide. Mayo, Herren M., M.B., B.Sc., 47, Melbourne Street, North Adelaide. Metrosez, Rosert THomson, Mount Pleasant. *Morean, A. M., M.B., Ch.B., 46, North Terrace, Adelaide, : 447 *Osporn, T. G. B., M.Sc., Professor of Botany, University of Adelaide. Pootz, W. B., 6, Rose Street, Prospect. Poors, Eis’ Honor Justice T. S., K.C., B.A., LL.B., Register Chambers, Grenfell Street. Pork, Wit1i1aM, Eagle Chambers, Pirie Street. *PULLEINE, Mayor R. H., M.B. 3, North Terrace, Adelaide. Ray, Wiu.1am, M.B., B. Sc., Victoria Square, ‘Adelaide. “RENNIE, Epwarp H., M.A., D.Sc. (Lond.), it .C.S., Pro fessor of Chemistry, University of Adelaide. *“Rippxe, A. R., 127, Park Terrace, Wayville West. Roaon, B. S., Education Department, Flinders Street, Adelaide. *Rogers, Lizut.-Cot. R. S., M.A., M.D., Flinders Street, Adelaide. *Rurt, Water, C.E., College Park, Adelaide. Seuway, W. H., Treasury, Adelaide. Snow, Francis H., National Mutual Buildings, King William Street. *STantEy, E. R., Government Geologist, Port Moresby, Papua. SWEETAPPLE, 4 oa M.D., Park Terrace, Parkside. stoan, WeG., L ey M. as B.C.L. . Brighton, South Aus. tralia. *TurneR, A. JErreRiIs, M.D., F.E.S., Wickham Terrace, Brisbane, Queensland. *Verco, Sir JosepH C., M.D. (Lond.), F.R.C.S. *Warre, Epear R., BL. S., Director Baath Australian Museum. Warp, Leonarp Kerru, B.A., B.E., Government Geologist, Adelaide. Ware, W. L., King William Street. Wess, Nort ae Barrister, Westall Street, Hyde Park. WHALLEY, Rey. D. T. . Prince’s Street, Alberton. WHITBREAD, Howarp, "elo A. M. Bickford & Sons, Currie Street, Adelaide. *Wnuirs, Caprarn S. A., C.M.B.0.U., ‘““Wetunga,’’ Fulham, South Australia. *Zimtz, F. R., South Australian Museum. ASSOCIATE. Rosinson, Mrs. H. R., ‘‘Las Conchas,’’ Largs Bay, South Australia. 448 APPENDICES: FIELD NATURALISTS’ SECTION OF THE Bopal Society of South Australia (Incorporated) THIRTY-SIXTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE. For THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1919. The following Officers were elected at the last Annual Meeting :—Chairman, Mr. W. J. Kimber; Vice-Chairmen, Dr. C. Fenner, F.G.S., and Mr. J. F. Bailey ; Hon Treasurer, Mr. B. B. Beck; Hon. Librarian, Miss I. Roberts; Hon. Secretary, Mr. E. H. Ising; Hon. Assistant Secretary, Miss E. Ireland; Press Correspondent, Mr. D. J. McNamara; Committee, Prof. T. G. B. Osborn, M.Sc., Mr. EB.” Bcek, F.R.H.S., Mr. P. Runge, “Mr. W. H. ‘Selway> ine aa Elston, Mr. W. Ham, Mr. E. 8. Hughes, Mrs. F. J. Mellor, and the Chairman and Secretary of the Fauna and Flora Protection Committee (ex officio); Hon. Auditors, Messrs. Walter D. Reed, F.C.P.A., and W. A. Drummond. The Fauna and Flora Protection Committee was elected as follows:—Capt. 8. A. White, Mr. E. Ashby, Dr. W. Ramsay Smith, Messrs. W. H. Selway, A. M. Lea, S. Angel, J. M. Black, and A. H. Elston, Dr. Fenner, Messrs. J. F. Bailey, P. Runge, H. W. Andrew, and A. R. Riddle, and Chairman and Secretary of the Section (ex officio). The membership of the Section is now 125. The following Evening Meetings were held : — September 17, 1918—Annual Meeting. October 1, 1918—Address: “The Attractions of Port . Willunga to the Nature Study Student.”’ October 15, 1918—Exhibits by Members. November 19, 1918—Description by Members of Excur- sion to Moolooloo, in the Flinders Range. | : 449 April 15, 1919—Lecture: ‘‘Palms and Cycads.”’ Mr. J. F. Bailey. May 20, 1919—Lecture: ‘Climatic Control of Civiliza- tion.’’ Dr. C. Fenner. . June 17, 1919—Lecture: ‘‘Travel Chat.’’ Sir William Sowden. July 15, 1919—Lecture: “The earth as an abode of Life.” Mr. G. F. Dodwell, B.A. August 22, 1919—Lecture: “American Birds at Home.” Mr. E. Ashby., September 22, 1919—Lecture: ‘‘The Old Dutch Houses at the Cape.”’ Capt. S. A. White. The following Excursions were held : — September 21, 1918—Tea Tree Gully: Ornithology. Capt. S. A. White. September 28, 1918—Blackwood to Eden: Physiography. Mr. A. G. Edquist. October 5, 1918—Aldgate to Bridgewater: Native Flora, Mr. W. H.-Selway. October 9, 1918—Cherry Gardens: Botany. Mr. W. Ham. October 19, 1918—Paradise: Introduced Plants. Mr. H. W. Andrew. October 26, 1918—Gilles Plains: Fruit Culture. Mr. W. J. Kimber. November 30, 1918—Marino: Shells and Marine Life. Mr. W. J. Kimber. January 18, 1919—Port River: Dredging Excursion. Mr. W. J. Kimber. February 8, 1919—-Blackwood: Experimental Orchard. Mr. G. Quinn. March 15, 1919—Port River: Dredging Excursion. Mr. E. R. Waite. Easter, April 18-21, 1919—New Era: The Murray River. Mr. E. H. Lock. . April 26, 1919—Bridgewater: Native Flora. Mr. E. H. Lock. May 12, 1919—Sturt River: Geology. Professor W. Howchin, F.G.S. May 24, 1919-—-Morialta Gorge: Physiography, etc. Dr. C. Fenner, F.G.S. June 3, 1919—Port Noarlunga: Fossils and Shell Life. Dr. C. Fenner and Mr. W. J. Kimber. June 13, 1919—Mount Pleasant: Geology, etc. Mr. W. Ham. July 12, 1919—National Museum: Mr. E. R. Waite, F.L.S., Director. P 450 July 26, 1919—Botanic Gardens: Trees and Shrubs. Mr. J. F. Bailey. August 9, 1919—Slape Gully: Plant Life. Mr. W. H. Selway. August 23, 1919--Henley Beach South: Dune Flora. Mr.-G, E-isime: September 6, 1919—Blackwood: Native Flora. Mr. A. G. Edquist. ‘ Detailed accounts of the various Lectures and Excursion are published in The South Australian Naturalist. THIRTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE NATIVE FAUNA AND FLORA PROTECTION COMMITTEE. Four committee meetings were held during the year, and the attendance, on the whole, was good. Many important matters have received the attention of committee during the year. One event took place which is one of the most important occurrences since the committee was formed, viz., the constituting of Flinders Chase. FLINDERS CHas&é (Kancaroo IstanD RESERVE). Early in the year the Chairman, accompanied by Mr. G. R. Laffer, M.P., a representative for the district (the Hon. — A. H. Peake was prevented from going at the last moment), visited Kangaroo Island. The whole question was personally put forward at a meeting of the Kingscote District Council. After a protracted discussion it was agreed that local opposi- tion to the proposal should cease, and that the Council was willing to have the boundaries of the reserve fixed from Cape Forbin, on the North Coast, running south to the Rocky River Freehold, thence following the freehold south, and then west to the coast. On returning to the city this action was followed up by the chairman having repeated interviews with the Hons. the Premier and the Attorney-General to ensure having the reserve properly constituted under Act of Parliament. Sub- sequently a promise was given by members of the Ministry that the Flinders Chase Reservation Bill would be introduced early in the middle session. This promise has been carried out and the Bill has now passed both Houses, practically without alteration. Thus after twelve years’ hard struggle the Chase has been constituted. The area—about 200 square miles -—is not large enough, but the Act provides for extension. 451 THE GAME BILu. The Game Bill, drafted with a view to securing better protection of wild animals and birds, which lapsed in the first session of Parliament, was restored early in the second session, as promised, and after being much mutilated has become law ; although several strong measures were lost, still it is a vast improvement on the old Act, and we must hope for amend- ments in the future. SEALS. As a result of persistent representations made: to the Honorable the Attorney-General, the chairman reported that both Gulfs had been closed against the slaughter of these animals. All waters and islands within a line drawn from Cape Borda to Cape Catastrophe, and from Cape Willoughby to Victor Harbour, including The Pages, now forms a sanctuary for seals. INFRINGEMENTS OF ANIMAL PROTECTION Laws. The wrongful capture of seagulls near Glenelg and slaughter of kangaroos were discussed, and action deemed appropriate by the committee was taken. The Coorong Islands were visited by the Chairman, in company with Mr. G. R. Laffer, M.P., Chairman of Committees, and the Chief _Inspector of Fisheries, and a number of notice boards, re absolute protection of birds, placed thereon. DESTRUCTION OF NATIVE FLORA. The Local Government Department. was communicated with respecting the indiscriminate destruction of native flora on publi nighways in certain districts. CONCLUSION. Personal efforts put forth by the Chairman towards final- izing the reservation of Flinders Chase and the gazetting of both gulfs as sanctuaries for seals were endorsed by the committee, and congratulations unanimously extended to him. A letter of thanks was sent to the Press expressing appreciation for prominence given to Flora and Fauna Protection questions. S. A. Wurtt, Chairman. H. W. Anvrew, Hon Secretary. ‘suogepny { ‘6IGI “GT tequiaydeg ‘CNOWWAU WiéY Vd Ow ‘TITY “C WAIIVA ‘yoo1109 Punoy puv pexyIpny ———— oe LE 6s & GL 9VF 6 GL 9G Ce 71 6 souvleg yipeig ‘‘ ’ &LO espeIq jo odvqirg ‘“ 0 OL O SIOTIVS 0} Sorqingery e: res) 0 i ae mes syuoMIYyserjoyy “ Ge .Giko. nes a a Sny, weeyg jo ory“ Oe sc 6G G0 “0G!” ate Os ane “* S1OJOPT JO ITAA OF, eae bd UZ ps F eae “2UNO0IIP woissnocy LZ € +85 8 VI &os et EES Ree a Re ras aes plVMLOF polio aourleg ot gor Ol = a ns eer Oe ATeIquy Surpurg ‘ 0 8L 0 ; SUISIZIeApy ‘ OmZi6 suljuirg ‘ y OLg UrleyueT pur [Tey jo omy “ IT OL 0 OL 710 eae ATOUOTZLIS Re 9G 26S it p08 : seseysog ‘ 02 Oi oe 9° % 8, coon nee 04 mae So aaamane Sioqueyy OT, ie aa ‘ps = ‘TANLIGNAAXa Pee Sang: eee see eourleg kg | Solve UoIsInoxm ‘ pivMIOf JYSNoIg souvjeg Aq sourleg Ag ysolojuy yurg ‘‘ SuoIzd Josqng - siequioyy ‘ Aqyolo0g [vAoY wor Juerg “ PpivaM..1oy JYSnoIg souLRTeg Ag “SLdIa0gRu “QUN0IDP JDLIWAY “6I6T ‘laquazdag papwa unaX of aungipuadxem pun sqdiavayy {O Juawaznyg ‘ALHIOOG TVAOY WAHL dO NOLLOAg (SLSITVHALVNY ATaIy 453 Seve kAL INDEX. [Generic and specific names printed in italics indicate that the forms described are new to science. | Aboriginal Remains, 77, 81. Acacia brachybotrya, 33; brachy- stachya, 32; microcarpa, 33; Oswaldii, 33; pycnantha, 33; riva- lis, 53; spinescens, 32; stenophylla, 351; sublunata, 32; tarculensis, $2, 351. Acanthochiton gatliffi, 398; mazil- darts, S97; pilsbryi, 594; p. maughaneanus, 395; porcina (Noto- plax), 395. Adenanthos terminalis, 29. Adonis autumnalis, 32. Adoretus, 246; A. melvillensis, 246. Aganippe rainbowi, 74, Agnostus australiensis, 380; elkedra- ensis, 379. Agropyrum scabrum, 25. Alopecurus pratensis, 25. Alphitophagus bifasciatus, 257. Amanita grossa, 264. Amanitopsis punctata, 265. Anacampseros australiana, 351. Anacyclus radiatus, 44. Aneurystypus carinaticeps, 237. Anisoradsia mawlei saundersi, 73. Annual meeting, 431; Report, 432; Balance-sheets, 433. Anodontonyx insularis, 217; niger, 219; opalescens, 218. Anoplognathus multiseriatus, 241; prasinus, 240; smaragdinus, 241. Aotus villosa, 351. Armillaria mellea, 266; mucida exannulata, 266. Arthrocnemum, table of species, 357; arbuscula, 361; halocnemoides, 358 ; oo se pergranulatum, 559 ; leiostachyum, 360; lylei, 359. Arthropterus articularis, 342. Articerus, table of species, 173; constrictiventris, 172; curvicornis, 172; duboulayi, 171; foveicollis, 172; mesosternalis, 170; nitidicollis, 173; pascoeus, 172; subcylindri- cornis, 168; wilsoni, 169. Ashby, E., Review of Genus Lori- cella, 59; Notes on Australian Polyplacophora, 66; Descriptions of Six New Species of Australian Polyplacophora, 394; Exhibits: apples, 425; birds, 425, 426; fungus, 431; plants, 431; pyrites, 429. Asphaltum (bitumen). as Sea drift, 52. Astroloma humifusum, 40. Atriplex rhagodioides, 350. Australian Coleoptera, 342; Fungi, 11, 262; Polyplacophora, 66; Sali- cornieae, 355. Balance-sheets, 434. Barytes, 55. Bassia longicuspis, 351. Battarea phalloides Stevenii, 309. Beyeria opaca linearis, 35. Black, J. M., Additions to the Flora of South Australia, No. 15, 23; No. 16, 349; Revision of the Australian Salicornieae, 355. Boerhaavia repanda, 30. Bolboceras bispinicolle, 182; quadri- foveatum, 181; triunum, 188. Boletus romanus, 294; scarlatinus, 294. Boronia coerulescens, 35. : Brachycome calocarpa, 42; exilis, 42, Bull, Dr. L. B., Contribution to the Study of Habronemiasis, 85. Bupleurum semicompositum, 40. Byeria opaca, 55. Byrrhomorpha basicollis, 224; 223. rudis, Calamagrostis, table of species, 26; densa, 27; minor, 27; quadriseta, 26; q. montana, 206. Callistochiton antiquus mawlei, 400; a. mayi, 401; a. meridionalis, 400. Callitris propinqua, 23; robusta, 23; verrucosa, 23. Calloodes nitidissimus, 242. Calotis scapigera, 42. Calvatia lilacina, 510. Cambrian Trilobites of Australia and Tasmania, 373. Cantharellus corrugatus, 272; folio- lum, 275; imperatae, 271; lilacinus, 271; negripedes, 272. Cape Willoughby, line Nodules in Petrology of, 316. Carex Bichenoviana, 27; 28. Carphurus myrmecophilus, 253. Cassinia laevis, 43. Cassytha melantha, 32. Casuarina distyla, 350; 28; Luehmannii, 28; suberosa, 29. Quartz-tourma- Granite, 156; tereticaulis, lepidophloia, stricta, 350; ~ 454 Central Australia, Nodular Barytes from, Centrolepis Dalvoriet 28. Chapman, R. W., Physical Proper- ties of Some South Australian- Grown Pines, 405. Exhibit: wood, 428. its Cheel, E., Notes on Three Species of Melaleuca, 368. Cheel, E., and Dr. Australian Fungi, Oy 202: Cheiragra, 206; C. atra, 209; pusilla, 207; ruficollis, 208; sericeipennis, 216 ;;" Vartabiis, 2l0 >" vittata, +210. Cheirrhamphica, 203; C. coxalis, 204; insularis, 203; pubescens, 203; tuberculata, 205. J. B. Cleland, Nos 2) 7ils No: Chenopodium microphyllum, 30; Vulvaria, 50. Chlamydopsis agilis, 175; carini- collis, 178; comata, 175 ; com- pressipes, 179; excavata, 175 ; inquilina, 175; lat¢pes, 176; striati- ‘ pennis, 177; tuberculata, 175. Chlamydopus Meyenianus, 308. Chlorobapta frontalis, 240. Choretrum glomeratum, 850. Clalagd)\ Dr... Je Bs cand: He Chee!) Australian Fungi, No. 2, 11; No. 3, 262. Chtocybe cyathiformis cinerascens, 269; dealbata minor, 269; media, 268; paraditopa, 270; pirrophila, 269. . Codonocarpus pyrmidalis, 30. Coleoptera, Australian, 542; laneous, 160. Collybia confluens, 280; ingrata, 280; radicata; 279; stipitaria, 281; velu- tipes, 280, Colymbomorpha splendida, 193. Coronopus didymus, 32; procumbens, 32. Corticeum coeruleum, 308. Corynophyllus -curvicornis, 238. Crassula bonariensis, 52; colorata, $51; Sieberiana, 32. Crepicephalus etheridgei, 389; tas- manicus, 590. Cryptodus, 232; C. angustus, 235; antennalis, 234; creberrimus, 233; foveatus, 234; fraternus, 233; grossipes, 233; incornutus, 233; paradoxus, 233; passaloides, 234; variolosus, 234. Cyperus distachyus, 349; tenellus, 27. Miscel- Dactyloctenium aegyptiacum, 349. Daldinia concentrica, $15. Danthonia penicillata, 25. Diaphonia euclensis, 240. Diethusa insignita, 546. Dikelocephalus florentinensis, 389. Dillwynia uncinata, Dinesus ida, 381. Diphobia longicornis, 256. Diplocotes foveicollis, 257. Dixon, §., Exhibit: grass, 423. Dodonaea attenuata linearis, 36; cuneata, 36; hexandra, 36. Donations to Library, 436. Drosera Menziesii, 32. Kctrephes formicarum, 256. Edquist, A. G., Vitality of Seeds, 5; Exhibit: beetle, 425, Edusa pulchra, 348. Ehrharta longiflora, 25: villosa, 26. Elston, A. H., Australian Coleoptera, 342. Enasiba tristis, 254. Endogone tuberculosa, 310. Engyops flavus, 227. Eragrostis Dielsii, 24; major, 24. Erechthites prenanthoides, 43. Eremophila neglecta, 41. Erigeron canadensis, 354. Eriochloa punctata, 24. Eriostemon difformis, 35, Erodium Botrys, 34. . Etheridge, R., jun., Cambrian Trilo- falcata, 24; bites of Australia and Tasmania, 373. Eucalyptus calycogona, 59; diversi- folia, 358; fasciculosa, $52; in- crassata dumosa, 88, 352; Morrisii, 59; oleosa, 58; viminalis, 39. Euclarkia, 180: #. costata, 180. Euphorbia Wheeleri, 352. EKuphrasia collina, 41. Exocarpus spartea, 29. Fenner, C., and Sachse Gold Medal, 426. Field Naturalists’ Section, 448. Flinders Chase, 423, 427, 431, 433, 450. Flora of South Australia, 23, 3549. Fomes badius, 302; conchatus, 501; densus, 301; pseudosenex, 302; rimosus, 302; roburneus, 502; robustus, 301; yucatensis, $02. Fossil-resin as Sea-drift, 53. Frankenia fruticulosa, 552; folia, 552: Frenchella cribriceps, 226; fimbriata, 226; gagatina, 225. Fungi, Australian, 11, 262. serpylli- Galium Gaudichaudil, 353. Gastridium lendigerum, 25. Geaster Berkieyi, 310; Clelandii, 509; floriformis, 309; ‘minimus, 310: saccatus, 310; simulans, 309. Geoglossum glabrum, 312; Muelleri, oie. Geological Memoranda, 45. 455 Glass, Amethystine Colouration of, 420. Glossocheilifer addendus, 192; biden- tatus, 191. Glycyrrhiza acanthocarpa, 351. Gomphocarpus fruticosus, 40. Goodenia albiflora, 41; humilis, 41; Nicholsonii, 41; pusilliflora, 41; vernicosa, 41, 353. Granitic Mass, Kangaroo Island, Petrology of, 316. Grevillea aspera, 29. Habronema megastoma, 99; micro- stoma, 100; muscae, 96. Habronemiasis, Study of, 85. Hakea Ednieana, 29; ulicina flexilis, 29, 350. Halorrhagis elata, 39; heterophylla glaucifolia, 40. Haplonycha marginipennis, 188; nigra, 190; suavis, 189. Haplopsis serricollis, 228. Helichrysum ambiguum, 353; leucop- sidium, 42; obtusifolium, 42; semipapposum, 42. Helipterum corymbiflorum, 42; di- morpholepis, 42; Jessenii, 42. Hibbertia crispula, 352; stricta canescens, 36; virgata tncana, 36. Howehin, Prof. W., Geological Memoranda, 45; Occurrence of Aboriginal Remains, 81; Exhibits: ‘whale-barnacle, 426; flint, 422; fossils, 430. bo Ge Humea pholidota, 43. Hydnum alutaceum, 305; 504; Muelleri, 304; ochraceum, 504- rufescens, 504; zonatum, 304. Hygrophorus conicus, 281; miniatus, 281; psittacinus, 282. Hymenochaete, 308. Hypomyces aurantius, 313. coralloides, International Research Council, 427, Irpex cingulatum, 505 ; saeplaria, 306. Ixodia achilleoides, 42. consors, 305 ; Juncus holoschoenus, 28; pallidus, 28. Kangaroo Island, Petrolgoy of, 316. Kimber, W. J., Exhibits: fish, 425; fossils, 425, 425. Kochia Cannoniz, planifolia, 30. Kopionella, 71; matthewsi, 71. 29; eriantha, 30 ; Lactarius serifluus, 274; stenophyllus, 273; subtomentosus, 274. Lamarckia aurea, 349. Lasiopetalum Behri, 36. Latheticus oryzae, 257. . Lea, A. M., Notes on Coleoptera, 166; Exhibits: fungus, 428; insects, 422, 425, 427, 428, 430, 431. Leanymus mirus, 167. Lemidia auricoma, 344; a. flavi- ventris, 345: basiflava, 3543; fasciata, 344; flavicollis, .variabilis, 345. Lentinus dealbatus, 290; fasciatus, 290; radicatus, 291; strigosus, 290; tuber-regium, 289; ursinus, 291. Lenzites abietina, 292; Beckleri, 293; bicolor, 294; Muelleri, 293; re- b. 346 ; panda, 293; saepiaria, 293; striata, 293; ungulaformis, 292. Leontodon hispidus, 44. Leotia marcida, 311. Lepidiota froggatti, 187; stradbrok- ensis, 187. Lepidium hyssopifolium, 32. Leucopogon virgatus, 40. Library, Donations to, 436. Linum marginale, 34. List of members, 445. Litargus balteatus, 181. Lloydella, 508. Lopharia, 505. Loranthus miraculosus, 29. Loricella, Review of Genus, 59; L. angasi, 60; torrz, 62. Lychnis alba, 31. Lycoperdon gemmatum, $10. Macrohelodes, 248; M. crassus, 249; lucidus, 248; montanus, 250; prin- ceps, 249. Maechidinus, -231; M. latericollis, 231; marginalis, 232. Maechidius hackeri, 229; hopeanus, 260: stradbrokensis, 230. Marasmius alliatus, 282; calopus, 283; equi-crinis, 283; porreus, 282. Marsilia hirsuta, 23. Medicago minima brachyodon, $51. Melaleuca halmaturorum, 869; pau- periflora, 570; pustulata, 368. Members, List of, 445. Merismus, 299. Metanastes bicornis, 239. ‘Microcybe multiflora, 35, 352; pauci- flora, 34. Microdiscus, 480; M. significaus, 380. Micromyrtus ciliata, 39. Microseris scapigera, 43. Millotia Kempei, 43. Mimadoretus leucothyreus, 245; ntveo- squamosus, 244. Miscellanea, 418. Moenchia erecta, 31. Morchella conica, 311; esculenta, 311. Muehlenbeckia Cunninghamii, 3850; stenophylla, 29. Mycena banksiae, 284; 284; sanguinolenta, 285. Mycenastrum corium, 310. Myriophyllum verrucosum, 40. coccineus, National Research Council, 427. Native Fauna and Flora Protection Committee, Report of, 450. Nodular Barytes from Central Aus- tralia, 55. Notasaphus fergusoni, 390. Notoplax porcina, 395. pe obscurus, 236; rugosicollis, Nummularia Baileyi, 315. Obituary: Bundey, Miss E. M., 419; Cleland, Dr. W. L., 421; Stirling, Wainwright, Sire He@s 1. 423 : He ee 42 26. Odontotonyx ruficeps, 216. Olearia ciliata, 42; decurrens, 353; floribunda, 42; lepidophylla, 42 ; Muelleri, 42 ; pimeleoides minor, 42. Olenellus browni, 381. Osborn, T. G. B., Exhibits: phora on cockle, 425 ; Clado- fungus, 424. Pachycornia, table of species, 363; robusta, 363; tenuis, 363. Panicum ‘leucophaeum, 25. Panus stypticus, 291: viscidulus, 291. Papaver aculeatum, 351. Pappophorum avenaceum, 24. ‘Paralepidiota cavifrons, 186. Parandra frenchi. 260. Petaloides, 299. Petrology of Cape Willoughby, 316. Phaestos Disk, 142. Phalaris paradoxa, 20. Phebalium bullatum, 35. Phillipsia polyporoides, 312, Phyllanthus lacunarius, 352. Phyllotocus antennalis, 202: apicalis, 198; apicifuscus, 197; assimilis, 196; australis, 197; basalis, 195; basicollis, 199; bimaculatus, 195; cribriceps, 201; decipiens, 200; erythroderes, 198; tnsularis, 196; laterofuscus, 198; luridus, 196; macleayi, 196; marginatus, 197; navicularis, 198; nigripennis, 195; occidentalis, 196; pallidus, 196; rufibasis, 198: ruficollis, 195; ustu- latus, 197; variicollis, 195. Pimelea flava diosmifolia, 38; micro- cephala, 38; petrophila, 37; Wzl- liamsonit, , Pines, South Australian, 405. ; Pinus canariensis, 405; insignis, 405; maritima, ‘405. ; Piperites, 273. Platydesmus castaneus, 216. 456 Plaxiphora matthewsi, 70. Pleurotus Cheelii, 289; lampas, 286; ostreatus, 288; striatulus, 289; sub- ostreatus, 289. Polycarpon tetraphyllum, 351. Polyplacophora, 59, 66, 394. Polyplocotes carinaticeps, 254; scab- ricollis, 255. Polyporus Albertini, 299; anthra- cophilus, 299; basilapiloides, 18; Clemensiae, 299; eucalyptorum, 299; fruticum, 500; gilvus, 300; g. scruposus, 500; minor-mylittae, 14; mylittae, 12; Patouillardii, 500; pertusus, 500; rosettus, 299; rufescens, 299; sessilis, 300; sul- phureus, 299; tumulosus, 16. Polystictus badius, 297; cervino- gilvus, 298; cinnabarinus, 298; elongatus, 297; flavus, 298; melea- gris, 297; ochraceo- -stuppeus, 297 ; occidentalis, 297; Persoonii, 297; sanguineus, 298; subfulvus, 298 ; versicolor, 298. Pomaderris racemosa, 36. Poria callosa, 303; vaporaria, 503. Poronia oedipus, 314; punctata, 314. Proceedings, Abstract of, 421. Pseudoheteronyx Obasicollis, 221; puncticollis, 222; seticollis, 220. Pseudohydrobius flavus, 167. Ptychoparia alroiensis, 385; australis, 384; carolinensis, 391 ; howchini, 385; johnston, 392 ; subsagittatus, 383; tasmaniensis, 392; tatei, 382. Pulleine, Dr. Re Bee New Species of Aganippe from Kangaroo Island, 74; Exhibits: plant, 428; spider, 428. Pultenaea tenuifolia, 34. Pumice as Sea-drift, 48. Quartz - tourmaline Nodules in Granite, 156. Radulum Neilgherrense, 505. Ranunculus trachycarpus, 31. Redlichia, 386; R. forresti, 387; minima, 589; thielei, 388. Repsimus manicatus, 243; montanus, 43. Rhopaea, 184; decipiens, 185; nigri- collis, ‘ Rhyssoplax torrianus AKlemi, 72. Riddle, A. R., Amethystine Colour- ation produced in Glass by Ultra- violet and X-Ray Radiation, 420; Exhibits: electrical apparatus, 423; glass-headed pin, 430. Roach, B. S., Exhibits ; 431. Rodwayia intercoralis, 174; minuta, 174; orientalis, 174. photographs, 457 Rottboellia compressa, 24. Rowe, A., The Phaestos Disk, 142. Russula adusta, 274; azurea, 276; emetica, 278; erumpens, 279; Flocktonae, 274; fragilis, 278; granulosa, 277; Mariae, 275; pectinatoides, 277; xerampelina, 276. Russularia, 274. Sachse Gold Medal, . 426. Salicornia australis, 365. ah ia 355; table of genera, 57. Salt, a cause of disintegration in arid regions, 54. Sarcoxylon Le Rati, 314. Sarsen Stones of South Australia, 45. Saulostomus mimicus, 247. Schizognathus burmeisteri, 244; viri- diaeneus, 243. Scirpus littoralis, 349. Scleranthus minusculus, 31; pungens, 31. Sclerocyphon aquaticus, 252; collis, 252; maculatus, 251. Sclerotia-forming Polypores, 11. Scoriaceous Lava as Sea-drift, 52. Seeds, Vitality of, 5. Selway, W. H., Exhibit: erratic, 431. Sericesthis suturalis, 194. Siegesbeckia orientalis, 354. Silene venosa, 31. Solanum simile, 40. South Australia, Flora of, 23, 349; Pines, 405; Sarsen Stones, 45. -Spongiosus, 299. Spyridium phlebophyllum, 36. Stackhousia monogyna, 35. Stereum adustum. 308; caperatum, 3506; cinerascens, 308; elegans, 306; hirsutum, 307; illudens, 507; loba- tum, 307; membranaceum, 308; semilugens, 306; vellereum, 307; zonarium, 807. Stethaspis sqguamosus, 192. Stipa arachnopus, 25; scelerata, 25. Stirling, Sir E. C., Obituary Notice of, Strobilomyces floccopus, 296; palles- cens, 296. Bers Recess, Occurrences during, 18. Systellopus ater, 187. basi- granite Tecticornia cinerea, 366. Telura, 214; clypealis, collis, 215, Templetonia Battii, 33. Tetratheca pilosa, 365. Thelephora myriomera, 306; terres- tris, 306. Thorictosoma, 257; T. 258; ttbiale, 259. Thwaitesiella, 305. Thysanotus Patersonii, 28. 215; vitti- ectatommae, Tilley, C. E., Quartz-tourmaline Nodules in Granite, 156; Petrology of Cape Willoughby, Kangaroo Island, 316. Torbanite (kerosene-shale) as Sea- drift, 54. Trametes, 297; T. lactinea, 303; protea, 503; semitosta, 303. Tremellodon gelatinosum, 305. Tricholoma colossa, 267; muculenta, 267. Trifolium resupinatum, 34. Trilobites, Cambrian, 373. Urnula campylospora, 313. Verco, Sir J. C., Obituary Notice of Sir E. C. Stirling, 1; Notes on Occurrences during Summer Recess, 1918-19, 418; Reference to Knighthood of, 427; Exhibits: newspaper cuttings, 425. Veronica Tournefortii, 41. Vitality of Seeds, 5. Wainwright, E. H., Obituary Notice Notice of, 426. Waite, E. R., Exhibits: parts of whales, 425; photographs, 422, 428; skulls, 428; snake, 422. Westringia Dampieri, 40. White, Capt. S. A., Notes on the Occurrence of Aboriginal Remains, 77; Reports on Flinders Chase, 423, 427; Exhibits: birds, 426, 429; eggs, 422; oranges, 430; stone, 429. Xerotus fuliginosus, 292. Xylaria anisopleura, 313; 314; hypoxylon, 314; 314; phosphorea, 313. faveolis, myosurus, Zietz, F. R., Exhibits: birds, 423, 425, 429. Zostericola, 66; Z. pilsbryanus, 66, ~ ie h : 4 n . ‘ x - ' i * ‘ 1 1 At Lh a ; ee . 4 ' f. 4¢ t - 2 % 1 % i cc Aacreneents 9 Pe ee TI | | m Il 3 0112 009772283