^^^ m g^ vf lis. m ^S m ^^^^ 1 j^BSI "VX"%JCXJOOC^ BOSTON UNIVERSITY College of Liberal Arts Library GRADUATE SCHOOL I AFRICAN STUDIES TRAVELS TO DISCOVER THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. In the Years 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771, 1772? and 1773. IN FIVE VOLUMES. BY JAMES BRUCE OF KINNAIRD, ESQ. F. R. S. VOL. IV. Sola pot ejl Lihye turbam prtjlare malorum, Ut deceat fugijfe •vlros, LucAN, lib. ix. EDINBURGH: PRINTED BY J. RUTHVEN, FOR G. G. J. AND J. ROBINSON, PATERNOSTER-ROW, LONDON. M.DCCXC. I' ■ ijiri.»i»i^p im ■■>■{ ^A L-^ii . mH i-'Ttr v»'"T — -^■"•^rr-f >--ijiwt^'-'^^— I I ■r^'H' -fc 1^ » -J i mu ■ !■— ■J^M>it.Twi«g.a'.'^w tr;j'"g3Kv*" CONTENTS OF THE FOURTH VOLUME. BOOK VIL llETURN FROM THE SOURCE OF THE NILE TO GONDAR — ■ TRANSACTIONS THERE BATTLE OF SERBRAXOS, AND ITS CONSEQUENCES THE AUTHOR PREPARES TO LEAVE ABYS- SINIA. CHART. Return from the Source of the Nile by Maltfju — Come to the Houfs of Welled Amlac — Reception there — Pcfs the Nile at Delakus — uirrive at Gondar^ P. I CHAP. II. FifiVs infdious Behaviour — Arrival at Gotidar — Kingpafcs the "ta- eazze — Iteghe and Socinios fy from Gondar^ 30 Vol. IV, a * C H A P* ii CONTENTS. CHAP. III. The Author joins the Army at Mar'cam-Ohha — Reception there — Uni- verfal Terror on the Approach of the Army Several great Men of the Rebels apprehaided and executed — Great Hardnefs of the Kings Heart, P. 54 C H A P. IV. The King promifes Leave to the Author to depart — Receives a Rein- forcetnent from Shoa — Amiable Carriage of Amha Yafous — Stri- king Contnfl between him and a Prince of the Galla — Bad State of the King's Ajairs-^ S7 G H A P. V. R'belArmy approaches Gondar — King marches out ofGondar — Takes. Pojl at Serbraxos — The Author r€tU7-ns to Gondar with Confu, wounded^ 1 1 o . CHAP. CONTENTS. Hi CHAP. vr. Michael attempts to enter Bege^ndcr — F'lrji Battle of Serbraxos — The Rebels offer Battle to the King in the Plain — Armies feparated by ti violent Storm^ P« 13S CHAP, VII. King offers Battle to the Rebels in the Plain — Defer iption ofthefe- cond Battle of Serbraxos — Rafi Condu6l^and narrow Efcape of the King — Both Armies keep the Ground^ 15^ CHAP. VIIL King rewards his Officers — The Author again perfecuted by Guebra Mafcal— Great Dfpleafure of the King — The Author and Gue- bra Mafcal are reconciled and rewarded-^'Third Battle of Ser- braxos^ 1 8 1 a a -CHAP. iv CONTE*NTS» C H A l\ IX. Merviezo 'with GuJIoo in his ^oit—Convcrfation and Inlerejlifig lit" tdWigcncc there — Return to the Gamp — Kings Army returns to Gondar—Greal Confufton in that Night's March^ V. 204 CHAP. X. tiehcl Army invejls Gondar — -Kings 7'roopf deliver up their Arms '—7'be Murderers of Joas put to death — Gujho made Ras — Ras Michael carried aivay Frifoner by Po'WuJ)en-—Iteghe returns to KofeaUi — Fafil arrives at Gondar — King acknowledged by all Par- tics — Bad Conduct of Gufio-^Ohliged to fy^ but is taken and put in Irons y. 229. C H A P. XI. ^he Author obtains Liberty to return Home — 'Takes Leave of the lieghe at Kofcath — Lqft Intervielv .'With. the Monks ^. 249 BOOK CONTENTS, BOOK VIII. THE AUTHOR RETURNS BY SENNAAR THROUGH NUBIA AND THE GREAT DESERT — ARRIVES AT ALEXANDRIA, AND AF- TER AT MARSEILLES. CHAP. I. yourneyfrom Gondarto fcherkin^ P. 27I CHAP. II. Reception at Tcberkin hy Ozoro EJlher, ^C,~~Himlh?g of the Ele- phant^ Rhinoceros, and Biiffah^ 293 CHAP. in. From Tcherk'in to Ihr-CMamrAin Ras el Feel — dcconnt ofit—Tran- fatlions there ^ . 0^"^ CHAP. vi CONTENTS. CHAP. IV. From Hor-Cacamot to Teatva^ Capital of Athara^ "P. 333 CHAP. V. Traiifa£fions at Teawa — Attempts of the Shekb to detain the Author there. Admwiflers Medicines to him arid his Wives — Various Con- verfations with him^ and Inflances of his Treachery ^ ^^^ C H A P. VI. 'TranfdElions at Teawa continued— A Motdlah and Sherriffe arrive from Beyla — News from Ras el Feel and Sennaar — An Eclipfe of the Moon-— Leave Teawa y 384 CHAP. vir. Arrival at Beyla — Friendly reception there^ and after y amongft the Nuba — Arrival at Sennaar ^ 408 CHAP. CONTENTS. xu CHAP. V5II. Cotiverfathn •with the King — With Shekb Addan — Interview with the Kitig's Ladies^ &c.- P- 4-9 CHAP. IX. CoriverfatioTis with Jchmet — Hifiory and Govermnent of Sennaar — Heat — Difeafes — Trade of that Country — Tbt Jrithors diftreffed Situation-^Leaves Sennaary_ acc CHAP, x; jFourneyfrom Semiaar to Chendi^ ^po e H A P. XI. Reception at Chendi by Sittina-^Converfations with her''— Enter the ' Defert — Pillars of moving Sand — The Simociw^Laliiude of Cbiggre^ 529, C H A P. viii CONTENTS, C HA P. XIL D'lJlreJJ'es in the Defert — Meet with Arabs — Camels die — Baggage abandoned — Come lo Sycne^ P. 562 CHAP. XIIL Kind Reception at JJfouan — Arrival at Cairo — TravfaElions ivith the Bey there—'Land at Marfeilles^ 60 '> TRAVELS TRAVELS TO DISCOVER THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. li O O K VII. RETURN FROM THE SOURCE OF THE NILE TO GONDAR TRANS- ACTIONS THERE BATTLE OF SERBRAXOS, AND ITS CONSE- QUENCES THE AUTHOR PREPARES TO LEAVE ABYSSINIA. CHAP. I Return from the Source of the Nik by Ma'itfia — Come to the Houfe of Welled Amlac — Reception there — Pafs the Nile at Delakus — Arrive at Gondar^ T was on the loth of November 1770 we left Geefli in our return to Gondar, and pafTed the Abay, as before, under the church of Saint Michael Sacala. We defcended the hiil through the wood, croffed the river Davola, and that night haUed at a few huts, called Dembea, on the north-eall fide of the entrance of a valley. Vol. IV. A On a TRAVELS TO DISCOVER On the nth we continued our journey in our former road, till we arrived at the church of Abbo ; we then turned to the right, our courfe N. by E. and at three quar- ters pail nine relied under the mountain on the right of the valley ; our road lay Hill through Goutto, but the coun- try here is neither fo well inhabited nor fo pleafant as the weft fide of the Nile. At eleven, going N. N. E. we paffed the church of Tzion, about an eight part of a mile diftant to E. N. E. ; we here hav^ a diftincft view of the valley thro* which runs the Jemma, deep, wide, and full of trees, which continue up the fides of the mountains Amid Amid. At a. quarter pall eleven we paffed a fmall flream coming from the weft, and at twelve another very dangerous river called Utchmi, the ford of which is in the midil of two cataradfs, and the ftream very rapid ; after pailing this river, we en- tered a narrow road in the midft of brushwood, pleafant and agreeable, and full of a kind of foxes * of a bright gold colour. At three quarters paft one we halted at the houfe of Shalaka Welled Amlac, with whom I was well acquainted at Gondar ; his houfe is called Welled Abea. Abbo, from a church of Abbo about an eight part of a mile diftant. I HAVE deferred, till the prefent occafion, the introducing of this remarkable characler to my reader, that I might not trouble him to go back to paft tranfadtions that are not of confequence enough to interrupt the thread of my nar- rative. Soon after I had feen part of the royal family, that had * I fuppofe this to be the animal called Lupus Aureus) it is near as large as a wolf, and: lives u£on moles. THESOURCEOFTHENILE. 3 had been infedled with the fmall-pox, happily recovered, and was fettled at Kofcani in a houfe of my own, for- merly belonging to Baflia Eufebius, my friend Ayto Aylo recommended to my care a man from Maitlha, with two fervants, one of whom, with his mailer, had been taken ill of the intermitting fever. As I was fupplied plentifully with every necefTary by the Iteghe, the only inconvenience that I fuffered by this was, that of bringing a ftranger and a difeafe into my family. But as I was in a ftrange coun- try, and every day flood in need of the affiilance of the people in it, it was necclTary that I fliould do my part, and make myfelf as ufeful as poffible when the oppor- tunity came in my way. I therefore fubmitted, and accord- ing to Ayto Aylo's defire, received my two patients with the bed grace poffible ; and the rather, as I was told that he was one of the mod powerful, refolute, and befl-attend- ed robbers in all Maitfha ; that he lay dire(5tly in my way to the fource of the Nile ; and that, under his protetSlion, I might bid defiance to Woodage Afahel, confidered as the great obflacle to my making that journey. The fervant was a poor, timid wretch, exceedingly afraid of dying. He adhered ftridlly to his regimen, and was very foon recovered, h was not fo Vv^ith Welled Amlac ; he had, as I faid, another fervanr, who never, that I fav/, came with- in the door; but as often as I was out attending my other patients, or with the hcghe, which was great part of the morning, he ftole a vifit to his mafler, and brought him as mnch raw meat, hydromel, and fpirits, as, more than once, threw him into a fever and violent delirium. Luckily I was early informed of this by the fei'vant tliat was reco- vered, and who did not doubt* but this was to end in his A 2 mailer's 4 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER mafter's death, as it very probably might have done ; bur, by the interpofition of Ayto Aylo and the Iteghe, we got the unv^orthy fubjedl baniflied to Maitfha, fo that Welled Amlac remained attended by the fervant who had been lick, with him, and was to be trufted. Not to trouble the reader with uninterefting particulars^ Shalaka Welled Amlac at laft recovered after feveral weeks illnefs. When he firft came to my houfe he was but very in- differently cloathed, which, in a fick man, was a thing not to be remarked. As he had no change of raiment, his cloaths naturally grew worfe during the time he ftaid with me ; and, indeed, he was a very beggarly fight when his difeafe had entirely left him. One evening, when I was remarking that he could not go home without kiiling the ground before the Iteghe, he faid, Surely not, and he was ready to go whenever I fliould think proper to bring him his cloaths. I underftood at firft from this, that he might have brought fome change of cloaths, and delivered them into my fervant's cuftody ; bur, upon farther explanation, I found he had not a rag but thofe upon his back ; and he told me plainly, that he had much rather ftay in my houfe all his life, than be fo difgraced before the world, as to leave it after fo long a ftay, without my firft having cloathed him from l>ead to foot ; afking me, with much confidence, What fignifics your curing me, if you turn me out of your houfe like a beggar ? I STILL thought there was fomcthing of jeft in this ; and' meeting Ayto Aylo that day at Kofcam, I told him, laugh- ing, of the converfation that had pafled, and was anfwcred gravely, " There is no doubt,, you muft cloath him ; to be fure THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 5 fure it is the cuftom." " And his fervant, too ? faid I." Cer- tainly, his fervant too ; and if he had ten fervants that ate and drank in your houfe, you moft cloath them all." " I think, faid I, Ayto Aylo, a phyfician at this rate had much better let his patients die than recover them at his own expence." " Yagoube, fays Aylo, I fee this is not a cuf- tom in your country, but it is invariably one in this : it is not fo among the lower fet of people ; but if you will pafs here as a man of fome degree of.confcquence, you cannot avoid this without making Welled Amlac your enemy : the man is opulent ; it is not for the value of the cloaths, but he thinks his importance among his neighbours is meafur- cd by the refpecfh fliewn him by people afar off; never fear, he will make you fome kind of return, and for the cloaths I fliall pay for them." " By no means, faid I, my good friend ; I think the anecdote and cuftom is fo curious that it is worth the price of the cloaths ; and I beg that you •would believe, that, intending to go through Maitflia, I con- fider it as a piece of friendfliip in you to have brought me under this obligation." " And fo it is, fays he :. I knew you w^ould think fo ; you are a cool difpaflionate man, and walk by advice, and do not break through the cuftoms of the country, and this reconciles even bad men to you every day, and fo much the longer fliall you be in fafety." The reader will not doubt that I immediately fulfilled' my obligation to Welled Amlac, who received his cloaths, a girdle, and a pair of fandals, in all to the amount of about two guineas, withthe fame indifference as if he had been buy- ing them for ready money. He then afked for his fervant's cloaths, which were ready for him. He only faid he thought tkey were too good, and hinted as if he fliould take them for € TRAVELS TO DISCOVER for his own ufe when he went to Maitfha. I then carried him new-drelTed to the Iteghe, who gave him ftri6t injunc- tions to take care of me if ever I fliould come into his hands. He after went home with Ayto Aylo, nor did I ever know what was become of him till now, when we arrived at his houfe at Welled Abea Abbo, unlefs from fome words that fell in difcourfe from Falil at Bamba. Shalaka Welled Amlac was, however, from home, btit his wife, mother, and fillers, received us kindly, knowing us by report ; and, without waiting for our landlord, a cow was inflantly llaughtered* The venerable miflrefs of this worthy family. Welled Amlac 's mother, was a very ftout, chearful woman, and bore no figns of infirmity or old age : his wife was, on the contrary, as arrant a hag as ever adied the part on the ftage; very adtive, however, and civil, and fpeaking very tolerable Amharic. His two fillers, about fixteen or fcventeen, were really hand fome ; but Fafil's wife, who was there, was the mofl beautiful and graceful of them all ; flic fccmed not to be pall eighteen, tall, thin, and of a very agreeable car- riage and manners. The features of her face were very re- gular; flie had fine eyes, mouth, and teeth, and dark-brown complexion ; at firll fight a call of melancholy feemed to hang upon her countenance, but this foon vanifi[icd, and flie became very courteous, chearful, and moll converfible of the whole, or at leall feemed to wifli to be fo ; for, unfor- tunately, flic fpoke not a word of any language but Galla, though flie undcrllood a little Amharic ; our convcrfation did not fail to give great entertainment to the whole family, and for her part, flic laughed beyond all meafure. I The THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 7 The two fifters had been out helping my fervants in dif- pofiig the baggage ; but when they had pitched my tent, and were about to lay the mattrefs for fleeping on, the el- deft of thefe interrupted them, and not being able to make herfelf underftood by the Greeks, Ihe took it up and threw it out of the tent-door, whilft no abufe or opprobrious names were fpared by my fervants ; one of whom came to tell me her impudence, and that if they underftood her, fhe faid I was to fleep with her this night, and they believed we were got into a houfe of thieves and murderers. To this I an- fwered by a fharp reproof, defiring them to conform to every thing the family ordered them. I faw the fair nymph was in a violent paffion ; flie told her tale to the matrons with great energy, and a volubility of tongue paft imagina- tion, and they ail laughed. Fafil's wife called me to fit by her, and began to inftru(5t m-e, drolly enotigh, as they do children, but of what fhe faid I had not the fmalleft guefs^ I endeavoured always to repeat her laft words, and this oc- cafioned anotlier vehement laugh, in which I joined as heartily as any, to keep up the joke, for the benefit of the company, as long as pofiible- Immediately after this Welled Amlac arrived, and brought us the difagreeable news, that it was impoflible ta proceed to the ford of the Abay, as two of the neighbour- ing Shums were at variance about their refpecftive dillriiSls, and in a day or two would decide it by blows. The faces of all our companions fell at thefe news ; but as I knew the man, it gave me little trouble, as 1 fuppofed the meaning to- be, that, if we made it worth while, he would accompany us h^mfelf, and in that cafe we lliould pafs without fear : at ajiy rate, I well knew that, after the obligations I had laid kimi 8 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER him under at Gondar, he could not, confident with the re- ceived ufagcs of the country, if it was but for his own re- putation's fake, fail in receiving me in the very befl man- ner in his power, and entertaining me to the utmoft all the time I was in his houfe. Satisfied that I underftood him, he put on the moll chearful countenance : another cow was killed, great plenty of hydrorael produced, and he prepared to regale us as famp- tuoully as pofTible, after the manner of the country. We were there, as often before, obliged to overcome our repug- nance to eating raw flefh. bhalaka Welled Amlac fet us the example, entertained us with the (lories of his hunting elephants, and feats in the lafl wars, moftly roguifli ones. The room where we were (which was indeed large, and contained himfelf, mother, wife, fillers, his horfes, mules, and fervants, night and day) was all hung round with the trunks of thefe elephants, which he had brought from the neighbouring Kolla, near Guefgue, and killed with his own hands, for he was one of the boldeil and beil horfemen in AbylTinia, and perfecftly mafter of his arms. This Polyphemus's feaft being finifhed, thehornof hydro- mel went brilkly about. Welled Amlac's eldeft filler, whofe name was Mele6lanea, took a particular charge of me, and I began to find the necellity of retiring and going to bed while I was able. Here the former ftory came over again ; the invari- able cuftom of all Maitflia and the country of the Galla, of eflabliiliing a relationfliip by lleeping with a near of kin, was enlarged upon ; and, as the young lady herfelf was prefent, and prefented every horn of drink during this polite difpute concerning her perfon, I do not know whether it will not.be 3 thouglu THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 9 thought a greater breach of deUcacy to have refufed than to have compUed : — But what fuccefs VaneiTa met Is to the world a fecret yet ; Can never to mankind be told, Nor fhall the confcious mufe unfold. Fye upon the confcious mufe, fays lord Orrery; and fye, too, fay I : — a man of honour and gallantry fliould not permit himfelf fuch a hint as this, though the Red Sea was betweeit him and his miflrefs. It was impofTible to fleep ; the whole night was one con- tinued florm of thunder, rain, and lightning; the morn- ing was clearer, and my people very urgent to go away ; but I had Itill to fettle with Zor Woldo, who had been kept by his millrefs, Fafil's wife, notwithflanding his matter's or- ders, till he had told her the whole circumilances of our ex- pedition, and made her laugh heartily at the oddity of our fentiments and cuftoms. This flie repaid to him by plen- tiful horns of mead and bouza, as alfo large collops of raw meat, which made him a very eloquent hiftorian ; whether or no he was a faithful one, I cannot polTibly judge. After having fettled with him to his perfeiH: fatisfadlionj and cancelled entirely the memory of fome difagreeable things pafTed, he configned us very folemnly to Ayto Aylo's fervant, in prefence of Welled Amlac, and had taken his leave, when a very fine white cow was brought to the door of the tent from Fafil's wife, whoinfifled, as a friend of her hulband, that I would Itay that day for her fake 5 and I fliould Vol. IV. B cither 3<5 TRAVELS TO DISCOVERi either learn her my language, or flic would reach me Galla;. The party was accepted as loon as offered; the morning waa frefh and cool, nor had laH night's libation any way difor- dered my flomach. Strates himfelf, though afraid of Wel- led Amlac, and exceedingly exafperated at the impudent be- haviour, as he called it, of Meledanea, was, however, a little pacified at the approach of the white cow. . Brodier, fays he to Michael, we have nothing to do widi people's manners 2t6 long as they are civif to us : as to -this houfe, there is no doubt but the men are robbers and murderers, and their women wh — es ; but if they ufe us well while we are now here, and we are fo lucky as to get to Gondar alive, let the devil take me if ever I feek again to he at Welled Abea Abbo. It was agreed to relax thaf day, and dedicate it to herborizing, as alfo to the fatisfying the curiofity of our fe- male friends, by anfwenng all their queflions ; and thus the forenoon pafFed as agreeable as poffible. . Welled Amlac, a great hunter, had gone with me early to a neighbouring thicket on horfeback, armed with ; lances^ in fearch.of venifon, though we certainly did not want provifions. We in a few minutes raifed two bohur, a large animal of the deer kind, and each purfu€d his beaft; mine had not run 400. yards before I overtook him, and pierced him with my pike ; and the fame would have hap-- pened probably to the other, had not Welled Amlac's horfe put his fore- feet into a fox's hole, which threw him and his rider headlong to the ground; he was nor, however, hurt, but rofe very gravely, and defired me to return ; it being a rule among thefe people, never to perfift when anv thing unfortunate falls out in the beginning of a day. Our T^ESOURCEOFTHENtLE. m Our company was now increafed by our former bnd- lord at Goutto, where we were obliged to Woldo's ftrata- gem for difcovering the cow that was hid. We fat down chearfully to dinner. Welled Amiac's fall had not fpoiled his appetite ; I think he ate equal to four ordinary men. f, for the moft part, ate the venifon, which was made into an excellent dilh, only too much fluffed with all kind of fpices. Fafd's wife alone feemed to have a very poor appetite, not- withflanding her violent fits of laughter, and outward ap- pearance of chearfulnefs. A melancholy gloom return- ed upon her beautiful face, that feemed to indicate a mind not at eafe. She was of a noble family of Galla, which had conquered and fettled in the low country of Na- rea. I wondered that Fafil her hulband had not carried her to Gondar. She faid her hufband had twenty other wives befides her, but took none of them to Gondar; which was a place of war, where it was the cuftom ro mar- ry the wives of their enemies that they had forced ro fly, Fafil will be married therefore to Michael's wife, Qzoro Ef- ther. I could not help being flariiled at this declaration, re- membering that I was here lofing my time, and forgetting my word of returning as foon as poluble ; but we had, for many months, lived in fuch conilant alarms, that it was ab- folutely as needful to feize the moment in which we could repofe our mind, as to give refl to the body. In the afternoon we diftributcd our prefents among the ladies. Fafd's wife was not forgot ; and the beautiful Me- le(fi:aneawas covered with beads, handkerchiefs, and ribbands of all colours. Fafd's wife, on my firft requeft, gave me a lock of her fine hair from the root, which has ever fmce, B 2 and 12 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER and at this day does fufpend a plummet of an ounce and half at the index of my three-feet quadrant. The next morning, the 13th of November, having fettled our account with our hoft, we fet out from the hofpitable houfe of Shalaka Welled Amlac, after having engaged, by promifcs to the ladies, that we fhould pay them foon ano- ther viiit. Our landlord accompanied us in perfon to the ford, and by this, and his readinefs to fliew us what he thought worthy of our curioiity, and by his care in afccr- taining for us the diftances and fituations of places, he gave us a certain proof he was well contented, and therefore that we had nothing to fear. We had both nights heard the noife of cataracfts, and we thought it might be of the Nile, as we were in fadl but five miles from the fecond fmall catara(5l at Kerr, which lay W. S. W. of us. We were informed, however, in the morning, that it was the found of falls in the river Jemma, near whofe banks this houfe is fituated. We fet out at eight o'clock, the hills of Arooffi bearing north ; and at half pail eight we came to the ford of the Jemma, which is Itrong, rugged, and uneven. The Jemma here comes from the eaft ; its banks are moil beautifully fliaded with acacia and other trees, growing as on the weft of the Nile, that is, the trunks or ftems of the trees at a diftance, but the tops touching each other, and fpread- ing broad. Though growing to no height, thefe woods are full of game of different kinds, moftly unknown in Eu- rope. The bohur is here in great nmnbcrs ; alfo the Buffalo, though not fo frequent. Whoever fees Richmond hill has an \ THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 13 an idea of the banks of the Jemma, and the country eaft of it, with all that addition that an eaftern and happier climate can give it ; for the rains had now ceafed, and cveiy hill was in flower ; the fun indeed was hot, but a conilant and frefli breeze prevented its being felt near the river. The heat in this country ceafes, in the warmed day, the mo- ment we pafs from the fun to the fliade : we have none of thefe hot winds or violent refledions which we had fufFered in Egypt, Syria, and Arabia, and both the coafls of the Red Sea. There are two cataradls lower than this ford of the Jem- ma, the firft about 300 yards below the ford, and another larger, fomething about half a mile; it is not, however, more than feven or eight feet high, perhaps about ninety feet broad, and the Iheet of water is not entire, but is interrup- ted in many places. It falls, however, into a magnificent bafon above 400 yards fquare, and very deep, in which are large fifli in great plenty, but no crocodiles ; nor indeed are there any feen, as I have heard above the third catara(5t, nor confiderably below, when, after having made the tour of Gojam, it again turns northward towards its fources. The Gomari, however, often comes to the mouth of the Jemma,, efpecially when the firft rains fall ; the crocodile feems to require a warmer climate. After having fatisfied our curiofity as to the Jemma, I began to reproach thofe that were with me about the pa- nic which they felt the night before ; thefe were, a Greek, of Gondar, Strates, and three others, my fervants, whom I brought from Cairo. " You fee, faid I, what danger there is ; Welled Amlac is with us upon a mule, without a lance 4 OT i4 TRAVELS TO DISCO VE'R or fhield, and only two naked fcrvants with him ; did not I tell you what was the meaning of the news ?" 'I hough this was fpoken in a language of which it was impoffible Am- lac could know a fyllable, yet he prefcntly apprehended in part what I would fay. " 1 fee, fays he, you believe what I told you laft night to be falfe, and invented only to get from you a prefent : but you fhall fee ; and if this day we do not meet Welled Aragawi and his fokliers, you are then in the right; it is as you imagine." — " You do me wrong, faid I, and have not underftood me, for how fliould you. Thofe white people believe too well all you told them, and are only apprehenfive of your not being able to defend us, being without arm_s and followers. All I faid was, that where you were, armed or unarmed, there was nod anger, "-rr-" True, fays he, you are now in Maitlha, and not in my coun- try, vvliich is Goutto ; you are now in the worfl: country in all Abyllinia, where the brother kills his brother for a loaf of. bread, of which he has no need: you are in a country of Pagans, or dogs, Galla, and worfe tlian Galla ; if ever you meet an dd man here, he is a liranger ; all that are natives die by the lance young; and yet, though thefe two chieftains I mentioned fight to-day, unarmed as I am, (as you well faid) you are in no danger while I am with you. Thefe people of Maitllia, fliut up between the Jemma, the N'le, and the lake, have no where but from the Agows to get what they want ; they come to the fame market with lis here in Goutto ; the fords of the Jemma, they know, are in my hands ; and did they offer an injury to a friend of mine, were it but to whiftle as he paffed them, they know 1 am not gentle; though not a Galla, they are.fenfible, one day or other, I fliould call them to account, though i'C ^vere in the bed-chamber of their mafter Fafil." .2 " Yoi^R THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. ly- "Your mafter, Welled Amlac, with your leave, fald I." "Yes, miile too, faid he, by force, but he never fhiU be my mailer by inclination, after murdering Kafmati Eflite. He calls me his brother, and believes me his friend. You faw one of his wives, whom he leaves at my lioufe, lad. nightv but I hope ftill to fee him and his Galla flaugh- tered as the cow in my houfe was yefterday." " I am furprifed, faid I, your houfe was fpared, and that Ras Michael did not burn it in either of his paffages through Maitfha." — " In 1769, replied he, I was not with Fafil at Fa- gitta, and the Ras pafTed the Nile above this far beyond the Kelti; after which I returned with him to Gondar. In Gin- bot *, Falll informed us that Amhara and Begemder were come over to him. When then all Maitlha joined Fafil, I went with my people to meet Michael at Derdera, as I knew he mull pafs the Nile here oppofite to Abbo, and Begemder and Amhara would then be behind him, or elfe try to crofs • at Delakus, which was then fwollen with rain, and unford- able : but apprehenfive left, marching ftill higher up ■ along the Nile to find a ford, he might burn my houfe in his way, I myfelf joined him the night before he knew of. PowuiTcn's revolt, and he had it then in contemplation to burn Samfeen. The next morning was that of his retreat and he chofe me to accompany him acrofs the Nile, dill con- fidering me as his friend, and therefore, perhaps, he would have done no harm to my houfe." — " So it was you, faid I, that led us that day into that curfed clay- hole, which you call a ford, where fo many people and beafts were maimed and loft ?" — ^He replied, " It was Fafil's fpies that firft perfuad- ed * The ift of GInbot is the 26th of our Ajril. i6 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER ed him to pafs there, or at Kerr. I kept him to the place ■where you pafTcd; you would have all periflied at Kerr. This, to be fure, was not a good ford, nor pafTable at all except in fummer, unlefs by fwimming ; but fo many men crolling had made it ftill worfe ; befides, do you remember what a llorm it was ? — what a night of rain ? O Lady Mariam, al- ways a virgin, faid I, while they ftruggled in the mud and clay. O holy Abba Guebra Menfus Kedus, who never ate or drank from his mother's womb till his death,willyou not open the earth, that all this accurfed multitude may defcend alive into hell, like Dathan and Abiram ?" — A kind and charitable prayer ! — " I thank you for it, Welled Amlac, faid I ; firft, for carrying us to that charitable ford, where, with one of the ftrongeft and ableft horfes in the world, I had nearly pe- riflied : — and, fecondly, for your pious wifli, to difpofe of us out of the regions of rain and cold into fo warm quarters in company with Dathan and Abiram !" "I DID not know you was there, fays he ; I heard you had flaid at Gondar in order to bring up the black horfe. I law a white perfon* with the Ras, indeed, who had a good hanjar and gun, but his mule was weak, and he himfelf fecmed fick. As 1 returned I could have carried him off in the night, but I faid, perhaps it is the brother of Yagoube, my friend and phyfician ; he is white like him, and for your fake I left him. 1 was much with you white people in the time of Kafmati Eflite." — " And pray, faid I, what did you after we palled the Abay ?" — " After I faw that devil Ras Mi- chael over, faid Welled Amlac, I returned under pretence of allifting ' This was Francifco, who was Cck. THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 17 afTifling Kefla Yafous there, and, being joined by all my people, we fell upon the ftragglers wherever we found them. You know what a day of rain it was ; we took 1 7 guns, 1 2 horfes, and about 200 mules and afles laden, and fo return- ed home, leaving the reft to Fafil, who, if he had been a man, fliould have cut you all to pieces the day after." — " And what did you, faid I, with thefe flragglers whom you met and robbed ; did you kill them ?" — " We always kill them, anfwered Amlac ; we fpare none ; we never do a man an injury, and leave him alive to revenge it upon us after; but it was really the fame; they were all fick and weak, and the hycena would have finiflied them in the morning, fo it was juft faving them fo much fufFering to kill them outright the night before ; and I affure you, Yagoube, whatever you may think, I did not do it out of malice." — From this con- verfation one may fufficiently guefs what fort of a man Wel- led Amlac was, and what were his ideas of mercy. We paffed the church of Kedus Michael at half after nine, on the road to our right. At nine and three quarters our courfe was N. by W. and, at a quarter after ten, we paf- fed the Coga, a large river. At three quarters paft ten our courfe was north. We palTed the church of Abbo a quar- ter of a mile on our right. The country, after we had croll^ €d the Jemma,was much lefs beautiful than before. At twelve our courfe was N. by W. and at half paft twelve the church of Mariam Net, 200 yards to the left ; and here we forded the fmall river Amlac-Ohha. Every ftep of this ground put us in mind of our difaftrous campaign in May ; and we were nowpaffing dire(5lly in the tradt of the ever- memorable re- treat of Kcfla Yafous and the rear of the army. At a quar- ter after one we halted at a fmall village of low houfes, as it Vol. IV. G were i8 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER were in bent grafs, where, for the firft time, we faw flocks of goats lying on the tops of the houfes for fear of wild hearts. " You fhall fee, fays Welled Amlac, whether I am telling- truth or not ; this is the houfe of Welled Aragawi ; if he is here at home, then I have deceived you." We faw a num- ber of women laden with jars of bouza and hydromel, and aflced where they were going. They faid to their mailer at Delakus, who v/aited there to prevent Welleta Michael of DegwafTa from paffing the river. Our Greeks on this began to relapfe into their panic, and to wifli we were again at Welled Abea Abbo. At three quarters pad one we con- tinued our journey to the north, and pafled a river, called Amlac-Ohha, larger than the former: it comes from the call, and, half a mile further, receives the other flream al- ready mentioned. The fun v/as now burning hot. At three o'clock we halted a quarter of an hour ; and, beginning tq defcend gently, an hour after this we came to the banks of the Abay. Here vy^e faw the two combatants, Welleta Mi- chael and Welled Aragawi, exadly oppofue to each other, tlie firft on tlie weft the other on the eaft fide ; they had fettled all their differences, and each had killed fcveral kine for themfelvcs and friends, which was all the blood filed that day. The Nile is here a confiderable river; its breadth at this time full three quarters of an Englifh mile ; the current is very gentle ; where deep you fcarce can perceive it flow ; it comes from W. by S. and W. S. W. and at the ford runs eaft and weft. The banks on the eaft fide were very high and fteep ; and on the weft, at the firft entrance, the bot- tom THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 19 Com is foft and bad, the water four feet and a half deep, but above another foot, which we fink in clay. I cried to Welled Amlac, while he was leading my mule acrofs, that he flaould not pray to his faint that never eats, as at the palTage of the Jenima in May. He only anfwered lowly to me. Do you think thefe thieves would have let you pafs if I was not with you ? My anfwer was, Welleta Michael would not have feen me wronged ; I faved his life, he and every body knows it. We gained with difficulty the middle of the river, where the. bottom was firm, and there we refled a little. Whilil we were wading near the other fide, we found foul ground, but the water was fhailow, and the banks low and eafy to afcend. The river fide, as far as we could fee, is bare and deftitute of wood of any kind, only bordered with thiftles and high grafs, and th,c water tinged deep with red earth, of which its banks are-.'compofed. This pafi^age is called Delakus, and is paflable from the end of Otftober to the middle of May. Immediately on the top of the hill afcend- ing from the river is the fmall town of Delakus, which gives this ford its name ; it extends from N. E. to N. N. E. and is more confiderable in appearance than is the generality of thefe fmall towns or villages in Abyffinia, becaufe inhabited by Mahometans only, a trading, frugal, intelligent, and in- flufirious people. Our conductor. Welled Amlac, again put us in mind of the fervice he had rendered us, and we were not unmindful of him. He had been received with very great rcfpecft by the eaftern body of combatants, and it is incredible with what expedition he fwallov/cd near a pound of raw flefli C 2 cut 20 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER cut from the buttocks of the animal yet aUve. After fome horns of hydromel, he had paiTed to the other fjde, where he was received with flill more afFedion, if poffible, by Welleta Michael, and there he began again to eat the raw meat with an appetite as keen as if he had fafted for whole days ; he then configned us to Ayto Welleta Michael, his friend and mine, who furnifhed us with a fervant to con- duct us on our way, while he himfelf remained that night at the ford among the combatants. He advifed us to ad- vance as far as poffible, for all that country was deftroy- ed by a. malignant fever which laid all waile beyond Dela- kus. Wb left the ford at a quarter pafl five in the evening, and, purfuing our journey north, we pafTed the fmall town of De- lakus, continuing along the hill among little fpots of brufli- wood and fmall fields of corn intermixed At half pafl; fix pafiTed the river Avola. At half pallfeven crofTed anotherifvvift- running fl;ream, clear and fliallow, but full of flippcry fl:ones. At three quarters after feven we alighted at Googue, a con- fiderable village, and, as it was now night, we could go no farther ; we had already feveral times mifliaken our way, and loft each other in the dai-k, being often alfo mired in a fmall plain before we pafled the laft river ; but our guide had heard the orders of his mailer, and puflied on brifkly. We found the people of Googue the mod favage and un- hofpitable we had yet met with. Upon no account would they fufTer us to enter their houfes, and we were obliged to remain without, the greateft part of the night. At laft they carried us to a houfe of good appearance, but refufed ablolutely THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. - 21. abfolutely to give us meat for ourfelves or horfes ; and, as we had not force, we were obliged to be content. It had rained violently in the evening, and we were all wet. We contented ourfelves with lighting a large fire in the middle of the houfe, which we kept burning all night, as well for guard, as for drying ourielves, though we little knew at the time that it was probably the only means of faving our lives ; for in the morning we found the whole- village fick of the fever, and two families had died out of the houfe where thefe people had put us : for my own part^ upon hearing this I was more affrighted than for Welled Aragawi and all his robbers. Though weary and wet, I had flept on the ground near the fire fix whole hours ; and, tho' really well, I could not during the day perfuade myfelf there was not fome fymptom of fever upon me. My firft precaution was to infufe a dofe of bark into a glafs of aqua- vitse, a large horn of which we had with us ; we then burnt frankincenfe and myrrh in abundance, and fumiga- ted ourfelves, as pradlifed at Mafuah and in Arabia, tarly in the morning we repeated our dofe of bark and fumigation.. Whether the bark prevented the difeafe or not, the aquavitse certainly llrengthened the fpirits, and was a medicine to the imagination. The people, who faw the eagernefs and confidence with which we fwallowed this medicine, flocked about us de- manding affifiance. I confefs I was fo exafperated with their treatment of us, and efpecially that of lodging us in the in- fetfled houfe, that I conUantly refufed them their rcqueft, leaving them a prey to their diftemper, to teach them ano- ther time more hofpitality to ftrangers. iiiss 22 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER This fever prevailed in Abyflinia in all low grounds and plains, in the neighbourhood of all rivers which run in val- leys ; it is really a malignant tertian, which, however, has fo many forms and modes of intermiflion that it is impoffi- ble for one not of the Faculty to defcribe it. It is not in all places equally dangerous, but on the banks and neighbour- hood of the Tacazze it is particularly fatal. The valley where that river runs is very low and fultry, being full of large trees. In Kuara, too, it is very mortal ; in Beleflen and Dembea lefs fo ; in Walkayt it is dangerous ; but not fo much in Tzegade, Kolla, Woggora, and Waldubba. It does not prevail in high grounds or mountains, or in pla- ces much expofed to the air. This fever is called Ne- dad, or burning ; it begins always with a fliivering and headach, a heavy eye, and inclination to vomit ; a violent heat follows, which leaves little intermiilion, and ends ge- nerally in death the third or fifth day. In the lail flage of the diilemper the belly fwells to an enormous fize, or fome- times immediately after death, and the body within an in- flant fmells mofl infupportably; to prevent which they bury the corpfe immediately after the breath is out, and often within the hour. The face has a remarkable yellow ap- pearance, with a blackifli caft, as in the laft ftage of a drop- fy or the atrophy. This fever begins immediately with the fun-fliine, after the firft rains, that is, while there are inter- vals of rain and fun-fliine : it ceafes upon the earth being thoroughly foaked in July and Awguft, and begins again in September; but now, at the' beginning of November, it finally ceafes everywhere. The country about Googue is both fertile and pleafant, all laid out in wheat, and the grain good. They were now I in THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 23 in the midfl: of their harveft, but there were fome places, to which the water could be conducted, where the corn was juft appearing out of the ground. From Googue we have an extenfive view of the lake Tzana, whilfl the mountains of Begemder and Karoota, that is, all the ridge along Fog- gora, appear diftindly enough, but they arc funk low, and near the horizon. * On the 14th, at three quarters paft fevcn in the morning, we left the inhofpitablc village Googue ; our road lay N. by W. up a fmall hill. At half paft eight we croiTed the vil- lage of Azzadari, in which runs a fmall river, then almoft llagnant, of the fame name. At three quarters after eight, the church of Turcon Abbo, being a quarter of a i^ile to our right. At three quarters after nine we palTed the river Avolai, coming fi'om N. W. and which, with all the other llreams above mentioned, fall into the lake : from this be- gins DegwafTa. At half paft ten we reftcd half an hour. At eleven -continued our journey N. by W. and, at half after eleven, entered again into the great road of Bure, by Kelti. All the country from Googue 'is bare, unpleafanr, unwholc- fome, and ill watered. Thofe few ftreams it has are now ftanding in pools, and are probably ftagnant in January and February. The people, too, are more miferable than in any other part of Maitiha and Goutto. As we are now leaving Maitflia, it will be the place to fay fomething concerning it in particular. Maitiha is either proper, or what is called fo by extenfion, Maitflia Proper is bounded on the weft by the Nile, on the fouth by the ri- ver Jemnia, dividing it from Goutto ; and, on the other fide of Amid Amid, by the province of Damot ; on the fouth by S4 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER by Gojam ; on the eaft and north by the Abay or Nile, and the lake : this is Maitfha proper ; but by extenfion it com- prehends a large tradl on the weft fide of the Nile, which begins by Sankraber on the north, and is bounded by the Agows on the weft, comprehending Atcheffer and Aroofli to the banks of the Nile. This is the Maitftia of the books, 'but is not properly fo. Maitsha is governed by ninety-nine Shums, and is an appendage of the oftice of Betwudet, to whom it pays two thoufand ounces of gold. The people are originally of ithofe Galla weft of the Abay. Yaibus the Great, when at war with that people, who, in many preceding reigns, had laid wafte the provinces of Gojam and Damot, and efpecial- ly Agow, when he pafled the Abay found thefe people at variance among thernfelves ; and the king, who was every- where vicftorious, being joined by the weakcft, advanced to Na- xea, and, on bis return, tranfplanted thefe Galla into Maitflia, placing part of them along the Nile to guard the pafles. His fucceiTors at different times followed his example; part they fettled in Maitfha, and part along the banks of the Nile in Damot and Gojam, where being converted to Chriftianity, at leaft to fuch Chriftianity as is profeiTed in Abyffinia, they have increafed exceedingly, and amotinted, at leaft before the war in 1768, to 15,000 men, of whom a- bout 4000 are horfemen. The capital of Maitfha is Ibaba. There is here a houfe ■or fmall caiUe belonging to the king. The town is one of the largeft in Abyffinia, little inferior to Gondar in fizt or riches, and has a market every clay ; this is governed by an officer called Ibaba Azage,whofe employment is worth Coo 3 ounces THE SOURCE OP THE NILE. ^^ ounces of gold, and is generally conferred upon the princi- pal perlbn of Maitiha, to keep him firm in his allegiance, as there is a very confiderable territory depends upon this office. The country round Ibaba is the molt pleafant and fertile, not of Maitiha only, but of all Abyffinia, efpecially that part called ^Kollela, between Ibaba and Gojam, where the principal Ozoros have all houfes and polTeffions, called Goult or Fiefs, which they have received from their refpec- tive anceflors when kings. Though Maitiha be peculiarly the appendage of Betwu- det, and governed by him, yet it has a particular political government of its own. The ninety-nine Shums, who are each a diilin(5l family of Galla, chufe a king, like the Pa- gan Galla, every feventh year, with all the ceremonies an- ciently obferved while they were Pagans ; and thefe gover- nors have much more influence over them than the King or Betwudet ; fo have they (in my time at leaft) been in a conftant rebellion, and that has much leffened their num- bers, which will not now amount to above 10,000 men, ^as Michael having every where dedroyed their houfes, and carried into llavery their v/ives and children, who have been fold to- the Mahometan merchants, and tranf- ported to Mafuah, and from thence to Arabia. At twelve o'clock, Guefgi^ie was to the right, three or ■four, perhaps more miles ; and the very rugged mountain Cafercla, broken and full of precipices, on our right, at a- bout 1 2 miles dillance ; they rife from KoUa. Guefgiie, which, though the language and race be Agow, is not com- prehended in the government of that country, but generally goes with Kuara. At a quarter pall one we arrived at the Vol. IV. D houfe 26 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER houfe of Ayto Welleta Michael, at DegwafTa, after entering into a country fomething more pleafant and cultivated than the former. The village of DegwafTa is but fmall ; it had alfo been burnt in the late war ; it is pleafantly fituated on a hill fouth of the lake, about 3 miles diftance, and is fur- rounded with large wanzey-trees ; we were but ill-received at this village, notwithflanding the promifes of the mafter of it at the pafTage of the Abay, and we found thefe people fcarcely more hofpitable than at Googue. T his village is a little out of the road, to the right. We had travelled this day five hours, and a half, or little more than ten miles. On the 15th of November, from DegwafTa we- entered Gonzala, immediately bordering upon it : heavy rain pre- vented our fetting out till noon. Gonzala is full of villages, and belongs to the queen- mother. At a quarter after one we pafTed a large marfh, in the midfl of which runs a fmall ri- ver which here falls into the lake. We refled here half an hour ; and, at three quarters pafl one, we entered the great road which we had pafTed to the left in going to DegwafTa. At two o'clock we came fliil to a dilHndter view of the lake, as alfo where the river enters and goes out; it appears here to enter at S. W. and go out at N. E, and is dillant about eight or nine miles. At three quarters pafl two, we arrived at Dingleber, having this day travelled only two hours and a half, or five miles. On the i6th we left Dingleber at fcven o'clock in the morning ; it was very hot; and, a little before we came to Mefcalaxos, in a flripe of land, or peninfula, which runs out into the lake, we halted a fhort time under the fliade of . . fome. THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 27 fome acacia-trees. Here we faw plenty of water-fowl, and feveral gomaris. A fmall river croHes the road here, and falls into the lake: and, at one o'clock in the afternoon, we continued our journey, and overtook a troop of Agows, who were going to Gondar, laden with honey, butter, and un- tanncd hides. They had with them alfo about 800 head of cattle. Thefe people accuttomed to the road (though hea- vily laden) go long journies : they had at this time 50 miles to make by nine o'clock in the morning of the i8th, and it was now the 16th, patt one o'clock. A Shower overtook us foon after pafllng Mefcalaxos, and forced us to take refuge in fome fmall huts near the lake, called Goja, where we remained. The inhabitants of this and the neighbouring villages fpeak Falafha, the language anciently of all Dembea, which, as has been already obltrved, in mod of the plain country, has now given place to Am- haric. Here we faw two gomari come out of the lake and enter the corn, but fpeedily, upon the dogs of the villages attacking them, they ran and plunged into the v/ater ; we could not have a dillinft view of them, nor time enough to defign them, but they were very different from any draught we had ever feen of them. The head feemed to me to refemble that of a hog more than of a horfe. We had this day travelled fiX hours and a half, or about thirteen miles. On the 1 7th, at a quarter pail feven, we left Goja. At one o'clock we halted at Sar Ohha, after a journey of five hours and a half, or about eleven miles ; and on the i8th, at half paft fix, left Sar Ohha. At three quartei s paft feven we palTed the river Talti, and at half pad eleven halted at Abba Abram, near the church, under a large falla-tree. At one, con- D 2 tinued 28 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER tinued our joiu'iiey,. and at a quarter pafl two arrived at Ke- mona. On the 19th of November, at feven in the morning, we left Kemona, and going conftantly without flopping by Chergue and Azazo, I fent my fcrvants and baggage on to Abba Samuel at Gondar, v/here they arrived at one o'clock afternoon, and finillied our long-projeded expedition, or journey, to the fountains of the Nile, having, in our re- turn home, made as it were the chord of the arch of our former journey, or about ninety-three miles, with which we found our points, as fettled by obfervation, did very nearly agree. Two things chiefly oc<:upied my mind, and prevented me- from accompanying my. fervants and baggage into Gondar. The fird was my defire of inllantly knowing the flate of - Ozoro Efther's health : the fecond v/as, to avoid Fafil, till I knew a little more about Ras Michael and the king. Ta- king one fervant along with me, I left my people at Azazo, and turning to the left, up a very craggy, ftccp mountain, I made the utmoil diligence I could till I arrived at the gate of Kofcam, near two o'clock, without having met any one from Faiil, who was encamped oppofite to Gondar, on the Kahha, on the fide of the hill,fo that 1 had pafled obliquely behind him. He had, however, feen or heard of the arrival ' of my fervants at Gondar, and had fent for me to wait up- on him in his camp ; and, when he was informed I had gnne forward to Kofcam, it was faid he had uttered fome words of difcontent, I WINT THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 29 I WENT flraighc to thelteghe's apartment, but was not ad- mitted, as ihe was at her devotions. In crollingone of the courts, however, I met a ilave of Ozoro Ellher, who, in- ftead of anfwering the queflion I put to her, gave a loud lliriek, and went to inform her miflrefs. I found that prin- cefs greatly recovered, as her anxiety about Fafd had ceafed. She had admitted him to an audience, and he had commu- nicated to her the engagement he was under to her huf- band, as alfo the condud he intended to purfue in order to keep Gudio and PowufTen from taking any effeduai meafures which might fmflrate, or at Icaft delay, the reilo-- ration of the king and arrival of Ras Michael. GHAE go TRAVELS TO DISCOVER «f.r tgo^-^ == ' ^-^^g^ CHAP. II. FafiPs infidious Behaviour' — Arrival at Gondar — Kingpajfes the ^accav:,' ze — Iteghc and Socinios Jiy from Gofidar. SHALL now refume the hiftory of AbyfTinia itfelf, fo far as I was concerned in it, or had an opportunity of know- ing, and this I fliall follow as clofely as pofTible, till I begin my return home through thofe dreary and hitherto-un- known deferts of Sennaar, though not the moll entertain- ing, yet by far the moll dangerous and moll difficult part of the voyage. It was about the 20th of October that Woodage Afahel came with a llrong body of horfe into the neighbourhood of Gondar, and cut ofl' all communication between the capital and thofe provinces to the fouthward of it. This occafioned a temporary famine, as his troops plundered all thofe they met on the road carrying provifions to the mar- ket. At firll he refuied to tell what his real errand was ; 4 but, THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. ^ But, a few days afrer, having pafTed the low country of Dem- bea he took poft at Dingleber, on the road to Maitflia and the country of the Agows, and then he declared his only in^ tention in coming was to join Fafil, then marching to Gon- dar at the head of a large army ; nor was the caufe of that great army, nor the reafon of Fafil's coming, fo fufficiently known as to free any party entirely from their apprehen-- fions.. Sanuda, who filled the office of Ras, and the reft of that party, endeavoured to determine Afahel to enter Gondar, and pay his homage to Socinios, now king ; not doubting but his example would have the efTe^l of making others do the like, and that fo by degrees they might collect troops e- nough to make Michael refpec^ them, fo far at leaft as to de- fer for a feafon his march from Tigre. They prevailed, in- deed, fo far as to engage Afahel to enter Gondar on the 28th of Odober, the day that we left it ; fo, by a few hours, and his taking a low road that he might plunder the villages in Dembea, we miffed a meeting of the moft dangerous and moft difagreeable kind. After having made his ufual pa- rade, and paffed his cavalry in review before Socinios, he had his public audience, where he faid he came charged by Fa- fd to declare that he was ready to fet out for Gondar, and bring with him that part of the revenue due to the king from the provinces he commanded, provided he had a man of fufficient truil to leave in his Head at home ; that there- fore he prayed the king to appoint him Woodage Afahel to command in the provinces of Damot, Maitflia, and Agow, in his abfence. - After 32 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER After the many promifes and engagements Fafil had made and broken, without ever affigning the fmallefl; rea- ibn, it may be doubted whether Socinios beheved this fair tale imphcitly ; but his preicnt intention being to gain Woodage, it httle fignified whether it was ftridrly true or not ; he therefore received it as true. Fafd's recjueft was granted to the full; and this robber, twenty times a rebel, bred up in woods and deferts, in exercife of every crime was appointed to a command the third in the kingdom for rank, power, and riches ; and, v/hat was never before teen the king went out of his palace to Deppabye, the public market-place, to fee the circle of gold, called the Ras Werk, put upon his head ; this, with the white and blue mantle, invefts him v/ith the dignity of Kafmati, or lieutenant-ge- neral of the king, in the province given him. A LOW man, fuch as Afaliel was, could not refift the ca- relles of his fovereign ; he was entirely gained ; and, in re- turn, made privately to Socinios, and a few contidents, a communication of all he knew, which their natural impru- dence, and private previous engagements, afterwards made public. The fubilance of this confidence was, that peace had been made and fworn to, in the mofl: folemn manner, both by Michael and Fafd ; that they were to reltore the king, Tecla Haimanout ; that they were, by their joint means, to effedl, if pofhble, the ruin of Guflio and PowuiTen, governors of Begcmder and Amhara ; Fafd was to enjoy the pod of Ras and Betwudet, and to difpofe of the government of Begemdcr and Amhara to his friends ; Ras Michael was to content himfelf with the province of Tigre, as he then en- joyed it, and a^dvance no further than the river Tacazzc, where he was to deliver the king to Fafd, and return to his 2 province. TH£ SOURCE OF THE NILE. 33 province. Sanuda was, in the mean time, to appear as Pvas by the connivance of Fafil and Michael ; and, if he faw the people of the Iteghe's party refolved upon eledling a king, he was to take care to choofe fuch a one as would foon prove himfelf incapable of reigning, but fill the va- cancy in the mean time, and prevent the eiedlion from falling upon a worthier candidate from the mountain of Wechne. Fafil, on his part, undertook by promifes and propofals, and occafionally by the approach of his army, to frighten and confufe the Iteghe, and prevent a good un- derflanding taking place between her, Guftio, and Powuf- fen. The laft article of this treaty was, that no more fhould be faid of Joas the late king's murder, but all that tranf- a(5tion was to be buried in eternal oblivion. This peace, Afahel had faid, was made by the mediation of Welleta Se- laflTc, nephew of Ras Michael, whom we have often men- tioned as having been taken prifoner by Fafil at the battle ofLimjour. This difcovcry, dangerous as it might have been in other times and circumllances, from the weaknefs of the prefent government, had no confequences hurtful to any concerned in it. Sanuda, who was not prefent when Afahel revealed the fecret, affedled to laugh at it as an improbable fidlion ; and though this whole fchcme of treachery was confirm- €d part by part, yet it was fo deeply laid, and fo well fup- ported, that, even when difcovcrcd, it could not be prevent- ed, till, fiep by Hep, it was carried into execution. Fasil was encamped at Eaniba, as we have already mentioned ; he had difcharged all thofe favage Galla that he had brought from the other fide of the Nile. Vol, IV. E As j4 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER As foon as he had heard in how favourable a manner Wood- age Afahel had been received, he decamped, taking with him 400 horfe and 5oo foot,all chofen men, from Maitlhaand Damor, and with thefe he advanced, by forcedmarches,toGon- dar, where he arrived the: 2d of November, to the furprife of the whole tov/n and court, for he had already fo often pro- mifed, and fo often broken his word, that nobody pretended to guefs more about him till they aflually faw him arrived. That fame evening he waited on the queen, where he made a fhort vifit ; he paid a ftill fhorter to the king, and no bufinefs paffed at either pf thefe meetings. The king, Socinios,was now more than ever confirmed- in the belief of Afahel's information, becaufe, notvvithftand- ing that f afil knew perfe6lly his neceflities, and that for feven years he had not paid a farthing to the revenue, he ilill had not brought either payment, or prefent of any fort; and, inftead of coming with a large army to give battle to Ras Michael, he arrived as in peace with fcarce a body guard; and, what feemed to put the matter beyond all doubt, the very night of his arrival, upon coming from his audience, he fet Welleta LSelaffe at liberty, and fent him to Tigre to his uncle Ras Michael, loaded with many prefents, and with every mark of refpecft. There were, however, about Soci- nios fome people of wifdom enough to ccunfel him to take no notice of this behaviour of Fafil, which feemed to favour llrongly of defiance ; and he was wife enough for a fhort time to follow their advice. As he had, by fair means, gained Woodage Afahel, he thought he might, by purfuing the fame condud:, fucceed with Faiil alfo. THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 3S In the morning, therefore, of the 3d of November, with- out attempting further difcuffion, proclamation was made that Fafil was Ras and Betwudet, governor of Damot, Mait- flia, and Agow, and had the difpofal of all places under the king throughout the empire ; declaring alfo, that all ap- pointments that had been made by the heghe or himfelf, in Fafd's abfence, were null and void, to be again filled up by Fafil only. Socinios, however, foon found that he had a different fpirit to manage than that of Woodage Afahel. Fafil took him at his word, accepted of the appointment, be- gan immediately toexercife his pow^r, and the very firft day he gave the poft of Cantiba, that is, governor of Dembea, to Ayto Engedan, nephew to the queen-mother, and fon to Kafmati Eflite, whom he himfelf had depofed, murdered, and fuccceded in the government of Damot and Maitfha ; and Selaffe Barea, brother to Ayto Aylo, he made Palamba- ras. Thefe appointments juft planted the king in the diffi- culty that was intended ; for the places had been given to Kafmati Sanuda, as a recompence for refigning the- pofts of Ras and Betwudet, which were now conferred upon Fafil ; and Sanuda,- whom Socinios believed his only friend, and the perfon that raifed him to the throne, was now left def- titute of all employment whatever, by an adlof feeming in- gratitude flowing from the king alone. The next day Fafil, purfuing the fame line of Gonduc51:j appointed Adera Tacca Georgis, a creature of his own. Fit- Auraris to the king. None of thefe preferments Socinios could be brought to comply with ; fo that when thefe no- blemen came to do homage for their refpeftive places, So- cmios abfolutelyrefufed to receive them, or difplace Kafma- ti Sanuda. This involved the king in ftill greater difficult ^6 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER ties, for he thereby broke his word with Fafil, who had done nothing more than Socinios gave him authority to do. On the other hand, Selaffe Barea was brother to Ayto Aylo, the queen's greateft counfellor and confident ; equal to his bro- ther both in wifdom, integrity, and riches, and in the fa- vour of the people, but much more ambitious and defirous of governing, confequently more dangerous when difobli^ ged. Socinios, who did not believe that Sanuda was treacher- oufly urging him to his ruin, continued obllinate in rejed:- ing Fafil's appointment, and all fell immediately into con- fufion. Troops flocked in from every quarter, as upon a fignal given. Ayto Engedan, in difcontent, with a thoufand men fat down near Gondar on the river Mogetch; his bro- ther Aylo, at Emfras, about 15 miles further, with double that number ; Ayto Confu, his coufin-german, with abouc 600 horfe, lay above Kofcam for the prote<5lion of Ozoro- Efther, his mother, and the Iteghe his grandmother — alii were in arms, though upon the defenfive^ In this fituation of things I arrived at Gondar on the igzh of November, but could not fee the queen, who had retired into her apartment under pretence of devotion, but ra- ther from difguft and melancholy, at feeing that every thing, however the contrary might be intended, feemed to con- fpire to bring about the return of Ras Michael, the event in the world flie dreaded moft. I found with Ozoro Eflher the Acab Saat, Abba Salama, v/ho, as we have already ob- ferved, had excommunicated her uncle Kafmati Eflite, and afterwards contrived his murder, and had alfo had a very principal fliare in that of Joas himfelf. It was he that Fafil faid THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 57 faid had fent to him to defire that I might not be allowed to proceed to the head of the Nile, and that from no other reafon but a hatred to me as a Frank. We bowed to each other as two not very great friends, and he immediately began a very dry, ill-natured, admonitory difcourfe, ad- drefled, for the greatell part, to Ozoro Ellher, explaining to her the mifchief of fufFering Franks to remain at liberty in the country and meddle in aiFairs. I interrupted him by a laugh, and by faying, If it is me, father*, you mean by the word Frank, I have, without your advice, gone where I in- tended, and returned in fafety ; and as for your coimtry, I will give you a very handfome prefent to put me fafely out of it, in any direiflion you pleafe, to-morrow — the foon-- er the better. At this inftant Ayto Confu came into his mother's apartment, caught the laft words which I had faid, and afl^ed of me, in a very angry tone of voice. Who is he that wiihcs you out of the country ? — " I do, fmcerely and heartily, faid I, for one ; but what you laft heard was in confequence of a friendly piece of advice that Abba Salama here has been giving me." — " Father, father, fays Confu, turning to him very fternly, do you not think the meafure of your good deeds is yet near full? Do you not fee this place, Kafmati Eflitc's houfe, furrounded by the troops of my father Mi- chael, and do you ftill think yourfelf in fafety, when you have fo lately excommunicated both the King and Ras ? Look you, fays he, turning to his mother, what dogs the people of this country are ; that Pagan there, who calls himfelf a Chriftian, did charitably recommend it to Fafd to rob or murder Yagoube, a ftranger oiFending nobody, whea be got him among his Galla in Damot: this did not fuc- ceed- 3B TRAVELS TO DISCOVER cced. He then perfuadcd Woodage Afahel to fend a party of robbers from Samfeen to intercept him in Madtflia. Coque Abou Barea himfclf told me it was at that infidel's de- iire that he fent Welleta Selafle of Guefgue with a party to cut him off, who miffed him narrowly at Degwaffa ; and all this for what ? I fliall fwear they fhould not have found ten ounces of gold upon him, except Fafil's prefent, and that they dared not touch." — " But God, faid Ozoro Efther, faw the integrity of his heart, and that his hands were clean ; and that is not the cafe with the men in this coun- try."— " And therefore, faid Confu, he made Fafil his friend and protecftor. Woodage Afahel's party fell in with an officer of Welleta Yafous, who cut them all to pieces while robbing fome Agows." Then rifmg up from the place where he was fitting at his mother's feet, with a raif- ed voice, and countenance full of fury, turning to Abba Sa- lama, he faid, " And I, too, am now nobody ; a boy ! a child ! a mockery to three fuch Pagan infidels as you, Fafil, and Abou Barea, becaufe Ras Michael is away !" — Says the Acab Saat, with great compofure, or without any feeming anger, " You are excommunicated, Confu ; you are exct mmuni- cated if you fay I am Infidel or Pagan : L am a Chriliian pried." — " A prieil of the devil, fays Confu, in a great paf- fion — wine and women, gluttony, lying, and diunkennefs — thefe are your gods ! Away i lays he, putting his hand to his knife : by Saint Michael I fwear, ten days Ihall not pafs before I teach both Coque Abou Barea and you your dury. Come, Yagoube, come and fee my horfes ; when I have put a good man upon^each of them we (hall together hunt your enemies to Sennaar." He fwang haftily out of the door, and I after him, and left Abba Salama dying with fear, as Ozoro Either told me afterwards, faying only to 3 her THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. jgi her, as he went out, Remember I did not excommunicate him. I LEFT Confu with his horfes and men ; and, though it was now late, I went to the camp to pay my compUments to Fafd. Having no arms, I was very much molefted both in going and coming, under various pretences ; I was after- wards kept waiting about half an hour in the camp with- out feeing him ; he only fent me a meflcige that he would fee me on the morrow. However, we met feveral friends we had feen at Bamba, and from them we learned at length what we fhortly had heard from Ayto Confu, that Woodage Afahel had fent a party to intercept and rob us ; and it was that party which was called the five Agows, who had pafTed Fafil's army the night after we left Kelti*. They told us that the Lamb faid they were Agows, not to alarm us, but that he knew very well who they were, and what was their errand ; and that, the night after he left us, he got upon their track by information from three country men whonx they had robbed of fome honey, furrounded them, and, in the morning, had attacked them well of Geeih, and, though inferior in number, had llain and wounded the whole par- ty as dexteroufly as he had promifed to us a,t our laft in- terview. I SENT a fmall prefent to our friend the Lamb, in tokerii of gratitude ro him, and delivered it to three people, that I might be fare one of them would not Ileal it, and took Fa- fil's guarantee to fee it delivered ; but this was upon a fol- lowing^ ^-See ray laft joamey to the fountains of the Nile. 49 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER lowing day. I refolved to remain at Kofcam in the houfc the Iteghe had given me, as it was eafy to fee things were drawing to a crifis, which would inevitably end in blood. It was not till the 23d of November I firft faw the Iteghe. She fent for me early in the morning, and had a large break- fafl prepared: Ay to Confu andJAyto Engedan were there ; fhe looked very much worn out and indifpofed. When I came firft into her prefence, I kneeled, with my forehead to the ground. She put on a very ferious countenance, and, with- out defning me to rife, faid gravely to her people about her, " There, fays fhe, fee that madman, who in times like thefe, when we the natives of the country are not fafe in our own houfes, ralhly, againll all advice, runs out into the fields to be hunted like a wild beall by every robber, of which this country is fuU." She then made me a fign to rife, which I did, and kifTed her hand. " Madam, faid I, if I did this, it was in confequence of the good lellbns your majefty deigned to give me."-^" Me! fays flie, with furprife, was it I that advifed you, at fuch a time as this, to put yourfelf in the way of men like Coque Abou Barea, and Woodage Afahel, to be ill-ufed, robbed, and probably murdered ?" — " No, faid I, Madam, you certainly never did give me fuch advice ; but you muft own that every day I have heard you fay, when you was threatened by a multitude of powerful enemies, that you was not afraid, you was in God's hands, and not in theirs. Now, Madam, Providence has hitherto proteded you : I have, in humble imitation of you, had the fame Chriflian confidence, and I have fucceeded. I knew I was in God's hands, and therefore valued not the bad intentions of all the robbers I in THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 41 in Abyflinia." — " Madam, fays Ayto Confu, is not Guefgue yours ? does it pay you any thing ?" *' It was mine, fays the queen, while any thing was mine ; but Michael took it and gave it to Coque Abou Barea, and fince, it has paid me nothing. Fafd has fent for him about the affair of Yagoube, as he fays, and has ordered him to come in the fame manner that he himfelf is come in pri- vate; but forbid him to bring his army with him, in order that no means of relief may be poffible to this devoted country." Large tears flowed down her venerable face at faying thefe words, and iliewed the deep-rooted fear in her heart, that Michael's coming was decreed without poffibility of prevention. " I wonder, fays Ayto Engedan, laughing, to divert her, if Coque Abou Barea is the fame good Chriilian that you and. Yagoube are; i'~^ he is not, nothing elfe will fave him from the hands of Confu and me ; for we both want horfes and mules for our men, and he has good ones, and arms too, that belonged to my father." — " And both of you, fays the queen, are as b^d men as either Woodage A- fahel or Coque Abou Barea." At this moment the arrival of Fafil was announced, and we were all turned out, and went to breakfaft. I faw him afterwards going out of the pa- lace. He faluted me flighily, and feemed much pre-occu- pied in mind. He only defired me to come to Gondar next morning, and he would fpeak to me about Coque Abou Ba- rea ; but this the Iteghe refufed to permit me to do, fo I remained at Kofcam. Fasil, although he did not deny that he had made peace with Ras Michael, yet, to quiet the minds of the people, al- ways folemnly protclled, that, fo far from coming to Gondar, Vol. IV. F he 42 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER he never would confent to his crofling the Tacazze ; and this had, with nioft people, the defired elFe<51: ; for all Gon- dar loved TeclaHaimanoutas much asthe) detefledSocinios;,: but the bloodflied, and cruelty that would certainly attend Michael's coming, inade them wii'h for any government that would free them from the terror of that event. Un the other hand, Socinios, though now perfectly perfuaded of Fafd's motives, had not deferted his own caufe; he had fent Woodage Afahel, fortified with all his authority, in- to Maitllia, in order to raife a commotion there ; ordered it to be proclaimed to the whole body of Galla in that pro- vince, that if they would come to Gondar, and prevent the arrival of Ras Michael, and bring their Bouco (or fceptre) along with themj they fhould have the eledion of their own governor, and not pay any thing to the king for feven years to come ; and, befides, he had ordered Powuflen of Begemder to endeavour, by a forced march, to furprife Fafil,, then at Gondar, attended by a few troops. Mean time, he diflembled the beflhecould; but, as he hadvery fhrewdpeople to deal with, it was more than probable his fecret was early difcovered. Every hand being now armed, and all meafures taken, as far as human forefight could reach, it was impoffible to de- fer any longer the coming to blows in fome part or other. On the aid, at night, advice was received from Adera Tacca Georgis, an officer of Fafd in Maitlha, that he had attack- ed Woodage Afahel, who had collecled a number of troops, and was endeavouring to raife commotions ; and, after an obRinate combat, he had defeated him, and llain or wound- ed moil of his followers i that Afahel himfelf, wounded twice with a lance, had, by the goodnefs- of his horfe, efcap- ed, and joined Powuflen in Begemder. These THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 45 These news occafionedFafil to throw off the mafk : he now publicly avowed it was his intention to reftore Tecla Haim- anout to the throne, and that, rather than fail in it, he would replace Ras IV'Iichaei in all his pofts and dignities. He faid that Socinios was created for mockery only ; and publicly alTerted, that he was not fon of Yafous, but of one Mercurius, a private man at Degwaffa ; and indeed he bore not, in his features or carriage, any refemblance to the royal tamiiy from which he pretended to be defcended. Socinios now faw that he was from henceforward to look upon Fafil as an enemy. Orders were accordingly given to fliut the gates of the palace, and to Hation a num- ber of troops in the different courts and avenues leading to the king's apartment. No perfon v/as to be admitted to the king without examination. The drums were beat, and con- llant guard kept; and three hundred Mahometans taken into hL fervice as mulketeers ; a meafure that gave great oiiencc. Fasil had taken up his refidence in the houfe which he^ longed to the ofEce of Ras, at the other end of the tcwn. ; and, to fliew his contempt for the king, was very ilightly guarded, his army remaining encamped under the palace. One tli:ng at this time feemed particular ly remarkable ; a drum was heard to beat in the houfe where Fanl was ^ whereas it is an invariable rule, that no drum is luffered to beat in the capital any where but in the houfe where the king refides. It was faid that king Yafous, fecond fon to the Iteghe, or queen-mother, and father 10 Joas, h-ad left two fons by a flave of the queen ; indeed he had i'o many hv low people, that very little care was taken of them, not even that of fending them to tlie mountain Wechiie. One of F 2 thefc, 44 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER thefc, after the murder of Joas, had appeared in Gojam, re- folved to try his fortune ; but he was apprehended by the governor of that province, fent to Gondar, and then to Wech- ne. It was faid the other was with Fafil, in Gondar ; that the drum that then beat in Fafil's houfe announced his fpeedy intention of making him king : all was confufion within the palace, but the Ras kept up a ftridt police in the town. It was then towards the end of November, when, by me- diation of the Abuna, the Queen, and the Itchegue, peace was unexpededly made between Socinios and Fafil ; the latter fwearing allegiance to Socinios as to his only fovereign, and the Abuna pronouncing excommunication upon either of them which fliould become the enemy of the other. What was the intention of this farce I never yet could learn ; for the very next ddy Fafil deprived Guflio and Powuffen of their governments of Amhara and Begemder, which was an exprefs proof that his intention ftill was to reftore Tccla Haimanout. The doors of the king's palace were again immediately fhut, and figns of hoftilities commenced as be- fore. I WAS dining with Ozoro Efther, when a meflenger ar- rived from Coque Abou Barea, with a complaint to the que^n that he was on his march to. Gondar, to pay his allegiance to Socinios, and bring him the tribute of his province, when he received a meffage from Fafd to return the greateft part of his troops ; but that, defuing to be as ufeful as pofTible in preventing the coming of Michael, he fo far difobcyed that order as to bring with him a confiderable body of the bed of his foldiers, fending the reft home under tli£ conduft THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. ^5 condudb of Welleta Selafle ; but that on the 26th, early in the morning, he had been furprifed by Confu and Engedan^ who, without any caufe alledged, had killed and difperfed all his troops, and taken from them all the horfes and mules they could lay their hands on: that they after followed Wel- leta Selafl'e, and had come up with him unawares, juft as he entered Guefgue, had defeated him, and that Ayto En- gedan, in the beginning of the fight, had flain him with his own hand, by wounding him in the throat with a lance when flretching out his hand to parley ; after which, they had fet fire to nine villages in Guefgue, and given the plun- der to their foldiers.. In the mean time PowufTen had not dlfregarded the re- queft of Socinios. He had attempted to furprife Fafil, but eould not pafs Aylo, who was at Emfras, without falling upon him firft, which he did, difperfing his troops with little re- finance. Upon the firft intelligence of this, Fafil proclaimw ed Tecla Haimanout king ; and,ftrikinghis tents, fat down at Abba Samuel, a coUcdion of villages about two miles from Gondar, inviting all people, that would efcape the vengeance of Ras Michael, to come and join him, and leave Gondar. From this he retreated near to Dingleber, on the fide of the lake, and intercepted all provifions co- ming to Gondar, which occafioned a very great famine, and many poor people died. Hitherto I had no intercourfe with Socinios, never ha- ving been in his prefence, but when the Galla, the murderer of Joas, was tried ; nor had I any reafon to think he knew me, or cared for me more than any Greek that was in Gondar; but I had a good friend at court, who waked when I llept, and 46 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER and did not fufFer me to pafs unknown.; this was the Acab Saat, ^)aiama, who had ini^igated the king, on the 5th of December, in one of his drunken fits, to fet our from the palace in the night, attended by a number of banditti, moll- ly Mahometans, to plunder feverai houfes; he flew one man, as it was faid, with his own hand : among thefe devoted houfes mine happened to be one, but I was then happily at Kofcam. The next was Mecical Aga's, one of whofe fervants efcaped into a church-yard, the other being flain. The lead- er of this unworthy mob was Confu, brother to Guebra Mchedin. Every thing that could be carried away was flolen or broken ; among which was a refle(5ting telefcope, a barometer, and thermometer; a great many papers and •flcetches of drawings, firft torn, then burnt by Confu's own hand, with niany curfes and threats agaiml me. The next day, about nine o'clock, I had a meiTage to come to the palace, where I went, and was immediately ad- mitted. Sccinios was fitting, his eyes half clofed, red as icar- let with lafl; night's debauch ; he was apparently at that mo- ment much in liquor; his mouth full of tobacco, fquirt- ing his fpitrle out of his mouth to a very great diftance ; with this he hau fo covered the flof^r, that it was with very great difficulty I could chufe a clean place to kneel and n ake my obeifance. Ke was dreiled like the late king, but, in e\ery thing elfe, how unlike ! my mind was filled with horror and deteftation, to fee the throne on which he fat fo unworthily occupied. I regarded him as I advanced with the molt pertcCt contempt : Hamlet's lines defcribed him exactly : — ■ 2 A THE SOURCE QF THE NILE. 47 A murtherer and a villain : A flave, that is not twentieth part the tithe Of your preceding lord ; a vice of kings ; A cutpurfe of the empire, and the rule, That from a Ihelf the precious diadem ftole And put it in his pocket ; A king of fhreds and patches.. Shakespeare.. It requires fomethingof innate royalty to perfonate a king. When I got up and flood before him, he feemed to be rather difconcerted, and not prepared to fay any thing to me. There were few people there belides fervants, moiV men of confideration having left Gondar, and gone with Fafd. After two or three fquirts through his teeth, and a whifper from his brother Chremation, whom I had never before feen—" Wherefore is it, fays he, that you who are z. great man, do not attend the palace ? you were conftantly withTecla Haimanout, the exile, or ufurper, in peace and war i : you ufcd to ride with him, and divert him with your tricks on horfeback, and, I believe, ate and drank with him. Where is all that money you got from Ras el Feel, of. which province, I am told, you are flill governor, though you conceal it ? How dare you keep Yafme in that govern- ment, and not allow Abd eljeileel, wiio is my Have, appoint- ed to enter and govern that province ?" I waited patiently till he had faid all he had to fay, and made a flight in- clination of the head. I anfwered, " I am no great man, even in my own country ; one proof of this is my being here in yours. 1 arrived in the time of the late king, and Ilwas recommended to him by his friends in Arabia. You are 48 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER are perfectly well-informed as to the great kindnefs he did all along flicw me, but this was entirely from his goodnefs, and no merit of mine. I never did eat or drink with him ; it was an honour I could not have been capable of afpiring to. Cuftom has eftabliflied the contrary; and for me, I faw no pleafure or temptation to tranfgrefs this cultom, though it had been in my option, as it was not. I have, for the moft part, feen him eat and drink; an honour I enjoyed in common with his confidential fervants, as being an offi- cer of his houfehold. The gold you mention, which I have feveral times got from the late King and Ras el Feel, I con- ilantly fpent for his fervice, and for my own honour. But at prefent I am neither governor of Ras el Feel, nor have I any port under heaven, nor do I defire it. Yafme, I fup- pofe, holds his from t^yto Confu his fuperior, who holds it from the king by order of Ras Michael, but of this I know nothing. As for tricks on horfeback, I know not what you mean. I have for many years been in conflant practice of horfemanfhip among the Arabs. Mine, too, is a country of horfemen ; and I profefs to have attained to a degree not common, the management both of the lance and of fire- arms; but I am no buffoon, to fliew tricks. The profeiiion of arms is my birth-right derived frorii my anceilors, and with thefe, at his defire, I have often diverted the king, as an amufcmcnt worthy of him, and by no means below me." — " The king ! fays he in a violent paffion, and who then am I ? a Have ! Do you know, with a llamp of my foot I can order you to be hev/n to pieces in an inilant. You are a Frank, a dog, a liar, and a flave ! Why did you tell the Iteghe that your houfe was robbed of 50 ounces of gold ? Any other king but myfelf would order your eyes to be 4 pulled THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 49 pulled out in a moment, and your caixafe to be thrown to the dogs." What he faid was true ; bad kings have mofl execu- tioners. I was not, however, difmayed ; I was in my own mind, flranger and alone, fuperior to fuch a beaft upon a throne. " The Iteghe, faid I, is at prefent at Kofcam, and will inform you if I told her of any gold that was ftolen from me, except a gold-mounted knife which the late king gave me at Dingleber the day after the battle of Limjour, and which was accidentally left in my houfe, as I had not worn it fmce he went to Tigre." He fquirted at this moment an arch of tobacco-fpittle towards me, whether on purpofe or not I do not know. I felt myfelf very much moved; it nar- rowly miffed me. At this inftant an old man, of a noble appearance, who fat in a corner of the room next him, got up, and, in a firm tone of voice, faid, " I can bear this no longer ; we fliall become a proverb, and the hatred of all mankind. What have you to do with Yagoube, or why did you fend for him ? he was favoured by the late king, but not more than 1 have feen Greeks or Armenians in all the late reigns ; and yet thefe very people confefs, in their own country, they are not worthy of being his fervants. He is a friend, not only to the king, but to us all : the whole peo- ple love him. As for myfelf, I never fpoke to him twice before ; when he might have gone to Tigre with Mi- chael his friend, he flaid at Gondar with us : fo you, of all others, have lead reafon to complain of him, fmce he has preferred you to the Ras, tho' you have given him nothing. As for riding, I wifli Yagoube had juft rode with you as much as with Tecia Haimanout, and you fpent as much time with him as your predeceffor did; laft night's difgrace Vol. IV. G would so TRAVELS TO DISCOVER would not then have fallen upon us, at leaft would have been confined to the limits of your own kingdom ; you would have neither difobliged Fafil nor the Iteghe ; and, when the day of trial is at hand, you would have been better able to anfwer it, than, by going on at this rate, there is any appear- ance you will be." This perfon, I underflood afterwards,, was Ras Sanuda, nephew to the Iteghe, and fon of Ras Wel- led de rOul ; he had been baniflied to Kuara in the late- king's time, fo I had no opportunity of knowing him. All the time of this harangue Socinios's eyes were moftly fhut, and his mouth open, and Havering tobacco; he was roll- ing from fide to fide fcarcely preferving his equilibrium. When Sanuda flopt, he began with an air of drollery, " You are very angry to-day, Baba." And turning to me, faid, " To- morrow, fee you. bring me that horfe which Yafine fent you to Kofcam ; and bring me Yafine himfelf, or you will hear of it ; fiave and Frank as you are, enemy to Mary the virgin, bring me the horfe !" Sanuda took me by the hand, faying in a whifper, " Don't fear him, I am here ; but go home ; next time you come here you will have horfes enough along with you." He, too, feemed in liquor; and, making me a fign to withdraw, I left the king and his mi- niller together with great willingnefs, and returned to Kof- cam to the Iteghe, to whom I told what had palled, and who ordered me to flay near Ozoro Either, as in her fervice, and go no more to the palace. At this time certain intelligence wa^ received that Ras Michael was arrived in Lafla with Guigarr, Shum, or chief of the clan called Waag, once a mortal eaemy to Michael, though now at peace with him, and ferving him as his con- dudor». THE SOURCE OF THE N ^L E. 51 du6lor. Through his country is the only pafTage from Tigre to Begemder and Beleffen, and many armies have periflied by endeavouring to force it. Michael and the king now paflt ed under the protection of Guigarr, notwithftanding Povvruf- fen had many parties among the other clans that wiflied to prevent him. On the 15th of December he forded the Ta- cazze, and turned a little to the left, as if he intended to pafs through the middle of Begemder, though he had real- ly no fuch defign, but only to bring Powuffento an engage- ment. Seeing this w^as not likely, and only tended to wafte time, he purfued his journey ilraight tow^ards Gondar, not in hii ufual way, burning and delb-oying, but quietly, cor- recSting abufes, and regulating the police of the country through which he pafled, for he was yet in fear. The news of his having pafTed the Tacazze determined Socinios and the Iteghe to fly ; and they fet out according- ly. Sjcinios dirc6led his flight, firft towards Begemder, but, the next day, turned to the right, through Dembea, and joined the queen at Azazo, where great altercations and difputes followed between them. The queen had engaged the Abuna to attend her, and that prelate had confented, up- on receiving fifteen mules and thirty ounces of gold, which were paid accordingly : But v/hen the queen fent, the morn- ing of her departure, to put the Abuna in mind of his pro- mife, his fervants ftoned the Iteghe's meflcnger, without fuffering him to approach the houfe, but they kept the mules and the gold. The queen continued her flight to Degwafla, near the lake Tzana, and fent all that Avas va- luable that ihe h?.d brought with her, into the ifland of Dek. G 2 Ayto 53 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER Ayto Engedan and Confu were at hand at the head of large parties fcouring'the country, at once proteding the Iteghe, and fecuring as many of thofe of Sociyios's people as were thought worthy of punifhment. Sanuda, too, was in arms ; and, throwing off the mafk, was now adling under the immediate direction of Ras Michael, and had apprehend- ed many of thofe noblemen of Tigre who hadrevolted againft the Ras, particularly Guebra Denghel, married to Ras Mi- chael's grand-daughter, defcended from one of the noblell houfes in the province, and a man particularly diftinguiflied for generofity, opennefs, and affability of manners ; and Sebaat Laab and Keila Mariam, men of great confideration in Michael's province. Confu and Sanuda having joined, en- tered Gondar, and took poffeffion of the king's houfe, and put a flop to thefe exceffes and robberies which had become very frequent fmce the Iteghe's flight. One day, while I was fitting at Kofcam, Yafme enter- ed the court before the houfe, and, coming into the room, fell down and kiffed the ground before me, after the manner they falute their fuperior. He told me he came from Ayto Confu, who ordered him to do homage to me as ufualfor the province of Ras el Feel, and that I was to come to him dire^lly, and go out to meet the king, for feveral of his people were already arrived at Gondar. I fent him back to Ayto Confu with my refpecflful thanks, declined accept- ing of any office till I ffiould fee the king ; and, as he him- felf had named the place to be Mariam Ohha, I thought it was my duty to Hay till he came there. In the mean time the imfortunate Socinios continued his flight, in company with the q^ueen, till they came to the THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. SS the borders of Kuara, her native country. Thofe wha made Socinios a king had never made him a friend. It was here fuggefted, that his prefence would infalhbly oc- callon a purfuit which might endanger the queen, her country, and all her friends. Upon this it was refolved to abandon the unworthy Socinios to the foldiers, who ftript him naked, giving him only a rag to cover him, and a good horfe, and with thefe they difmifTed him to feek his fortune. After a fliort flay in Kuara, the queen turned to the- left towards Bure. All Maitfha alTembled to efcort her to Fafil, while he led her through Damot to the frontiers of Gojam, where fhe was received in triumph by her daughter Ozoro Welleta Ifrael, and Ayto her grandfon, to whom half of that province belonged, and with them flie relied at lall in fafety, after a long and anxious journey. On the 21 ft of December a melTage came to me from Ozoro Efther, defiring I would attend her fon Confu to meet the king, as his Fit-Auraris had marked out the camp at Mariam-Ohha; obferving, that I had a very indilFerent knife or dagger in my girdle, (that which I had received from the king being ftolen, when my houfe was plundered) with her own hands llie made me a prefent of a magnificent one, mounted with gold which fhe had chofen v/ith that intention, and laid upon the feat befide her. She told me fhe had already fcnt to acquaint her hufband, Ras Michael, how much flie had been obliged to me in his abfence, both for my attention to her and her eldeft fon, who had beea- feveral times fick fmce his departure, and that I might ex^ pe(fl to receive a kind reception,. 54 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER =^^^^' CHAP. III. iTbe Author joins the Army at Mariam-Ohha — "Reception there — XJni' V€rfal Terror on the Approach of the Army — Several great Men of ihe Rebels apprehended and executed — Great Hardnefs of the King's Heart. HAVING ftill fome doubt about the propriety of going to Mariam-Ohha, till the king had taken poit there, I appointed with Ayto Confu to meet him next morning, the 2 2d, in the plain below the church of Abbo, where is the pafs called Semma Confu, the dangerous path, from its being always a place where banditti refort to rob paf- fengers in unfettled times. In my way through the town, though the day had fcarce dawned, numbers of the king's fervants, that had come fiom Tigre, flrjcked about me with great demonftra- tions of joy ; and, by the time I got into the plain below Abba, I had already coUeded a ftrong party both of horfe 4 and THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 53 and foot. This was not my intention ; I had fet out un- armed, attended only by two Abyilinian fervants on horfe- back, but without lance or Ihield, and in this manner I in^ tended to prefent myfelf to the king as one of the fuite of Ayto Confu: but all my endeavours were in vain ; and I faw that, making the beft of my way, and profiting of the early time of the morning, was the only method left to a- void increafmg my retinue. I muft own the good difpofition of thefe people to me, and the degree of favour they report- ed me to be in, and, above all, Ozoro Efther's afTurances had given me great comfort ; for feveral people of no au- thority, indeed, had prophefied that Ras Michael would be much offended at my having thrown a carpet over the body of Joas, and at my not having gone to Tigre with him. I PASSED the three heaps of ftones under which lie the' three monks who were Honed to death in the time of Da- vid IV. ; and at the bottom of the hill whereon Hands the church of Abbo, I was met by Yafme, and about 20 horfe^ men, having on their coats of mail, their helmets upon their heads, and their viziers down ; their pikes perpendicular, with their points in the air, fo that by one motion more, placing them horizontally in their refts, they were pre- pared to charge at a word. I afked Yafme what was the meaning of his being in that equipage in fuch hot weather, when there was no enemy ? He replied. It was given him in, orders from Ayto Confu laft night ; and that, with regard to an enemy, there was one that had feized the pafs of Sem- ma Confu, and obllinately refufed to let us through, un- iefs we forced them. Sure, faid I, Ayto Confu knows, that heavy armed- men on horfeback are not fit to force paffes through j6 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER through craggy mountains, where they may be all killed by rolling flones upon them, without their even feeing their enemiy. Strange, ftrange, faid I, (fpeaking to my- felf) that any party fliould be fo audacious as to take pofl in the king's front, at fix miles diftance, and put themfelves between him and the capital : I am fure they heartily de- ferve to be cut in pieces, and fo they certainly will. Where is Ayto Confu ? It was anfwered by Yafme, That he was gone forward to the mouth of the pafs to reconnoitre it, and would meet us there. We marched on accordingly, acrofs the plain, about half a mile ; but I was furprifed to fee all my attendants, that I had picked up by the way, laughing, excepting Yafme's men, and that none of the reft made horfe, mule, or gun ready as if they were in dan- ger ; fo that I began now ftrongly to fufpedl fome trick on the part of Confu, as he was much given to jeft and fport, being a very young man. A LITTLE before we came to the mouth of the pafs, a foldier came to us and aflced who we were ? and was anfwered, it was Yafme, Ayto Confu's fervant at Ras el Feel. To which it v/as replied, he knew no fuch perfon. He was fcarcely gone when another arrived with the fame que- ftion. I began to be impatient, as the fun was then growing very hot ; and anfwered, It was Yagoube, the white man, the king's friend and fervant. I was again anfwered. No fuch perfon could pafs there. The third time, being inter- rogated by one whom I knew to be Ayto Confu's fervant, Yafme anfwered, it is Yagoube, the king's governor of Ras el Feel, with the flave Yafme, the moor, come to do the kin-g horriage, and to die for him, if he commands, in the midfl of his enemies. We were anfwered, He is welcome : upon ^ which THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 57 which the fervant, going back, brought a drum, and beat it upon the rock, crying, as in a proclamation, " Yagoube is Governor of Ras el Feel, Commander of the king's black horfe, Lord of Geefli, andGentleman of the king's bed-cham- ber." Here this farce, the contrivance of Ayto Confu, end- ed. With him were many more of the king's fervants, my old acquaintances, and we all fat down by a fpring-well, under the Ihade of the rock, to a hearty breakfaft prepar- ed for us by Ozoro Efther. After this was finifhed with a great deal of chearful- nefs, and being ready to get on horfeback, we faw a man running towards us in great fpeed, who, upon his arrival, alked us where the king was, and if we were his Fit-Aura- ris ? To this we made him no anfwcr ; but, laying hold of him, obliged him to declare his errand. He faid that he was a fervant of Negade Ras Mahomet, of Dara, who had apprehended Ayto Confu, brother of Guebra Mchedin, of whom I have fpoken at large, (never for any good) and that he had brought him along with him. This mifcreant, whom we had found out to be the principal ador and per- fuader of the robbery of my houfe, while in a drunken frolic with the wretched Socinios, was now in his way before the king, where, if all his delinquency had been known, he would infallibly have loll his eyes, his life, or both. He was nephew to the Iteghe, as has been already mentioned, fon to her brother Balha Eufebius, and confequently coufm- german to Ayto Confu himfelf, who, with great diffidence, alked me if I could pardon his coufin, and allow him to be delivered out of Mahomet's hands, which, ill as he defervedof me, I very readily complied with; for I would not for the world Vol. IV. H have 58 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER. liavc had it thought that I was the occafion of his death, after- it had been fo often faid, though f alfely, that I had been the caufe of that of his brother. Mahomet dehvered him to- Confu and me, without hefitation, and promifed not to com- plain to Ras Michael ; but he threatened, if ever again he fell into his hands, that he would certainly put him to death, which he well faw would not be very difagreeable to any of his relations, provided it happened in the field, or any other way than by the hands of a public executioner. Ay to Confu, however, infifted upon bringing him out, and" corredling him publicly, though he was by ten years the younger of the two ; and the wretch was accordingly fe- verely whipt with wands, and delivered after to a fervant of Ozoro Kfther's to condu6l him to fome fafe place, where he might be out of the reach of Ras Michael, at lead for a. time. We now got on horfeback, and having ordered Yafme and his foldiers to difarm, we all went in the habit of peace, with joyful hearts, to meet the king, who was already ar- rived at Mariam-Ohha, and was encamped there fmce about eleven o'clock that forenoon. My iirll bufmefs was to wait on Ras Michael, who, tho' very bufy, admitted me immediately upon being announ- ced. This was a compliment I was under no neceffity of paying him, as the king's fervant ; but I was refolved to take nothing upon me, but appear in all the humility of a private ilranger. This he quickly perceived, fo that, when he faw me approaching near him to kifs the ground, he made an effort as if to rife, which he never did, being lame, nor could do without help ; flretching out his hand as if to prevent THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 59 prevent me, repeated the words in a hurry, k gzeir^ he gzeir^ or, for God's fake don't, for God's fake don't. However, the compliment was paid. As foon as I arofe, without defiring me to fit down, he afked aloud, Have you feen the king? I faid, Not yet. Have you any complaint to make againft any one, or grace to afk? I anfwered, None, but the continuance of your favour. He anfwered. That I am fure I owe you ; go to the king. I took my leave. I had been joftled and almoft fqueezed to death attempting to enter, but large room was made me for retiring. The reception I had met with was the infallible rule ■according to which the courtiers were to fpeak to me from that time forward. Man is the fame creature every- where, although difFerent in colour : the court of London and that of Abyffinia are, in their principles, one. I then ^ent immediately to the king in the prefence-chamber. His largeft tent was crowded to a degree of fufFocation ; I re- folved, therefore, to wait till this throng was over, and was going to my own tent, which my fervants pitched near that of Kefla Yafous, by that general's own defire, but before I could reach it I was called by a fervant from the king. Though the throng had greatly decreafed, there was Hill a very crowded circle. The king was fitting upon an ivory ftool, fuch as are rc- prefented upon ancient medals ; he had got this as a pre- fcntfrom Arabia fince he went to Tigre; he was plainly, but very neatly drefled, and his hair combed and perfumed. When I kiffed the ground before him, " There, fays he, is an arch rebel, what puni/Iiment fhall we inflid; upon him?" *' Your majefty's juftice, faid I, will not fuffer you to inflift H 2 any Co TRAVELS TO DISCOVER any punifhment upon me that can poffibly equal the plea- fure I feel this day at feeing you fitting there." He fmiled with great good nature, giving me firft the back, and then the palm of his hand to kifs. He then made me a fign to ftand in my place, which I irnmediately did for a moment ; and, feeing he was then upon bufmefs,which I knew nothing of, I took leave of him, and could not help refle(5ling, as I went, that, of all the vaft multitude then in my fight, I was^ perhaps, the only one deftitute either of hope or fear. All Gondar, and the neighbouring towns and villages,, had poured out their inhabitants to meet the king upon his return. The fear of Ras Michael was the caufe of all this j; and every one trembled, left, by being abfent, he fhould be thought a favourer of Socinios.. The fide of the hill, which flopes gently from BelefTen, is. here very beautiful ; it is covered thick with herbage down to near the foot, where it ends in broken rocks. The face of this hill is of great extent, expofed to the W. and S. W. ; a fmall, but clear-running ftream, rifing in Beleflfen, runs through the middle of it, and falls into the Mogetch. It is not confiderable, being but a brook, called Mariam-Ohha^ (/'. e. the water of Mariam) from a church dedicated to the Virgin, near where it rifes in BelelTen ; an infinite number of people fpread thcmfelves all over the hill, covered with cotton garments as white as fnow. The number could not be lefs than 50 or 60,000 men and women, all ftrewed upon the grafs promifcuoufly. Moft of thefe had brought their vi(5luals with them, others trufted to their friends and ac- quaintances in the army ; the foldiers had plenty of meat ; as £oon as the king had crolTed the Tacazze all was lawful prize ;, THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 6i prize ; and though they did not murder or burn, as was Michael's cuftom in his former marches, yet they drove a- way all the cattle they could feize, either in Begemdcr or BelefTen. Befides this, a great quantity of provifions of every fort poured in from the neighbourhood of Gondar, in prefents to the king and great men, though there was really famine in that capital, by the roads being every way obilru^ed ; there was plenty, however, in the camp. It was then the month of December, the faireft time of the year, when the fun was in the fouthcrn tropic, and no danger from rain in the day, nor in the night from dew ;. fo that, if the remembrance of the pail had not hung hea- vy on fome hearts, it was a party of pleafure, of the moil agreeable kind, to convoy the king to his capital. The priefls from all the convents for many miles round, in drefles of yellow and white cotton, came, with their crofTes and drums,. in proceflion, and greatly added to the variety of the fcene. Among thefe were 300 of the monks of Kofcam, with their large crofTes, and kettle-drums of fdver, the gift of the Iteg- he in the days of her fplendour ; at prefent it was very doubtful what their future fate was to be, after their patro- nefs had iled from Kofcam. But what moft drew the at- tention of all ranks of people, was the appearance of the Abuna and Itchegue, whofe chara6ler, rank, and dignity ex- empted them from leaving Gondar to meet the king him- felf ; but they were then in great fear, and in the form of criminals, and were treated with very little refpecft or cere- mony by the foldiers, who confidered them as enemies. It will be remembered, upon a report being fpread juft after theelecStionof Socinios, that Ras Michael's affairs were taking 62 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER taking an adverfe turn while beficging the mountain Ha^ ramat ; that the Abuna, Itcheguc, and Acab Saat, had fo- lemnly excommunicated the king, Ras Michael, and all their adherents, declaring them accurfed, and abfolving all people from their allegiance to Tecla Kaimanout. But as foon as the king began his march from Tigre, application for pardon was made through every channel poliible, and it was not without great difFiculty that Ras Michael could be brought to pardon them, chiefly by the entreaty of Ozo- ro Efther. But this mortification was prefcribed to them as a condition of forgivenefs, that they fliould meet the king at Mariam-Ohha, not with drums and crolTes, or a re- tinue, but in the habit and appearance of fupplicants. Ac- cordingly they both came by the time the king had alight- ed, but they brought no tent with them, nor was any pitched for them, nor any honour Ihewn them. The Abuna had with him a priefl:, or monk, on a mule, and two beggarly-looking fervants on foot ; the Itchegue two monks, that looked like fervants, difl:inguilhed by a cowl only on their heads ; they were both kept waiting till pail: three o'clock, and then were admitted, and fliarply rebuked by the Ras : they after went to the king, who pre- fently difmilTcd them without faying a word to either, or without allowing them to be feated in his prefence, which both of them, by their rank, were intitled to be. I afked the Abuna to make ufe of my tent to avoid the fun : this he willingly accepted of, was crell- fallen a little, fpoke very lowly and familiarly ; faid he had always a regard for me, which I had no reafon to believe ; defircd me to fpeak fa- vourable of him before jhe King and the Ras, which I pro- miled faitlifully to do. I ordered coffee, which he drank v^ith THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. (Tj with great pleafure, during which he gave me feveral Mints, as if he thought his pardon was not compleated ; and at laft aficed me direiftly what were my fentiments, and what I had heard ? I faid, I beUeved eveiy thing was fa- vourable as to him and the hcheguc, but I did not know how much farther the king's forgivenefs wovild extend. I know, fays he, what you mean ; that Abba Salama, (curfe upon him) he is the author of it all : What do I know of thefe black people, who am a flranger, fo lately come into the country ? and, indeed, he feemed to know very little ; for, befides his native Arabic, which he fpoke like a pea- fant, he had not learned one word of any of the various languages ufcd in the country in which he was to live and' die. Having finifhed coffee, I left him fpeaking to fome of his own people ; about half an hour afterwards, he went > away. Ras Michael had brought with him from Tigre about 20,000 men, the beft foldiers of the empire ; about 6000 of thefe were mufqueteers, about 1 2,000 armed with lances and fhields, and about 6000 men had joined them from Gon- dar ; a large proportion of thefe were liorfemen, who were fcouring the country in all dire<5lions, bringing with them- fuch unhappy people as deferved to be, and were there- fore deflined for public example. The iliort way from Tigre to Gondar was by Lamalmon, (that is the mountain of Samen) and by Woggora. Ayto Tesfos had'maintained himfelf in the government of Samen fmce Joas's time, by whom he was appointed ; he had con- tinued conftanrly in enmity with Ras Michael, and had now taken poileiiion of the paiies near the Tacazze, fo as to cut off 3 all 54 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER all communication between Gondar and Tigre. On the fide of Beleffen, between Lalla and Begemder, was Ras Michael and his army. PowufTen and the Begemder troops cut off the road to Gojam by Foggora and Dara. Ayto Engedan, who was to be confidered as an advanced poll of Fafil, was at Tfliemmera, in the way of the Agow and Maitlha, and Coque Abou Barea on the N. W. fide, towards Kuara ; fo that Gon- dar was fo completely invelted, that feveral of the people died with hunger. Ras Michael had ordered his own nephew, Tecla and Welleta Michael, the king's mailer of the houfehold, to en- deavour to force their way from Tigre to Woggora, and open that communication, if poffible, with Gondar ; and for that purpofe had left him 4000 men in the province of Sire, on the other fide of the Tacazze ; and now fcarce was his tent pitched at Mariam-Ohha, when he detached Kefla Yafous with 6000 men to force a jundion with Michael and Tecla from the Woggora fide. Their orders were, if poffible, to draw Tesfos to an engagement, but not to ven- ture to llorm him in the mountain ; for Tesfos's principal poll, the Jews Rock, was inacceffible, where he had plow- ed and fowed plentifully for his fubfiftence, and had a quan- tity of the purell running-water at all feafons of the year : to irritate Tesfos more, Kefla Yafous was then named gover- nor of Samen in his place. This brave and adive officer had fet out immediately for his command, and it was to me the greatell difappointment poffible, that I did not fee him. Although Ras Michael had been in council all night, the fignal was made to Urike the tents at the firft dawn of 4 - day, THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 65 day, and foon after, the whole army was in motion ; the council had been in the Ras's tent, not in prefence of the king, with whom I had ftaid the moft part of the evening, indeed, till late in the night ; he feemed to have loft all his former gaiety, and to be greatly troubled in mind; inquir- ed much about the Iteghe, and Fafil ; told me he had fent his affurance of peace to the Iteghe, and defired her not to leave Kofcam : but fhe had returned for anfwer, that fhe could not truft Michael, after the threatnings he had fent againft her from Tigre. It was obferved alfo, in this day's march, that, contrary to his cuftom before crofling the Ta- cazze, he received all that came out to meet him with a fuUen countenance, and fcarce ever anfwered or fpake to them, Michael alfo, every day fmce the fame date, had put on a behaviour more and more fevere and brutal. He had enough of this at all times. It was the 23d of December when we encamped on the Mogetch, jitft below Gondar. This behaviour was fo con- fpicuous to the whole people, that no fooner were the tents pitched, (it being about eleven o'clock) than they all ftole home to Gondar in fmall parties without their dinner, and prefently a report was fpread that the king and Ras Mi- chael came determined to burn the town, and put the inha- bitants all to the fvvord. This occafioned the utmoft con- ilernation, and caufed many to fly to Fafil. As for me, the king's behaviour Iliewed me plainly all was not right, and an accident in the Vv^ay confirmed it. He had defired me to ride before him, and fliew him the horfe I had got from Fafil, which was then in great beauty and order, and which I had kept purpofely for him. It happen- V.01-. IV. I -ed 66 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER ed that, crofling the deep bed of a brook, a plant of the kantufFa hung acrofs it. I had upon my fliouldcrs a white goat fkin, of which it did not take hold; but the king,, who was drefled in the habit of peace, his long hair floats ing all around his face, wrapt up in his mantle, or thin cot- ton cloak, fo that nothing but his eyes could be feen, was paying more attention to the horfe than to the branch of kantuffa befide him ; it took firfl hold of his hair, and the fold of the cloak that covered his head, then fpread itfelf over his whole fhoulder in fuch a manner, that, notwith- Handing all the help that coulvl be given him, and that I had^ at firft feeing it, cut the principal bough afunder with my knife, no remedy remained but he mull throw off the up- per garment, and appear in the under one, or waiilcoat, with his head and face bare before all the fpedators.. This-is accounted great difgrace to a king, who alwaytJ appears covered in public. However, he did not feem to be ruMed, nor was there any thing particular in his counten- ance more than before, but with great compofure, and in rather a low voice, he called twice, Who is the Shum of this diilrid ? Unhappily he was not far off. A thin old man offixty, and his fon about thirty, came trotting, as tlieir euftom is, naked to their girdle, and flood before the king, who v/as, by this time, quite cloathed again. What had flruck the old man's fancy, I know not, but he palled my horfe laughing, and feemingly wonderfully content with himfelf. I could not help confidering him as a type of mankind in general, never more confident and carelefs than when on the brink of deflruaion; the king aflced if he was SKum of that place ? he anfwered in the aflirmacive, and added,, THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. ^^ added, which was not alked of him, that the other was his fon. There is always near the king, when he marches, an officer called Kanitz Kitzera, the executioner of the camp; he has upon the tore of his faddle a quantity of thongs made of bull hide, rolled up very artificially, this is called the ta- rade. The king made a fign with his head, and another with his hand, without fpeaking, and two loops of the ta- radc were inflantly thrown round the Shum and his fon's neck, and they were both hoifted upon the fame tree, the tarade cut, and the end made faft to a branch. They were both left hanging, but I thought fo aukwardly, that they Ihould not die for fome minutes, and might furely have been faved had any one dared to cut them down ; but fear had fallen upon every perfon who had not attended the king to Tigre. This cruel beginning feemed to me an omen that violent rcfolutions had been taken, the execution of vrhich was immediately to follow; for though the king had certainly a delight in the fliedding of human blood in the field, yet till that time I never faw him order an execution by the hands of the hangman; on the contrary, I have often feen him fliudder and exprefs difgufl, lowly and in half words, at fuch executions ordered every day by Ras Michael. In this inflancc he feemed to have lofl that feeling ; and rode on, fometimes converfing about Fafil's horfc, or other indiffer- ent fubje(5ts, to thofe who were around him, without once reflecting upon the horrid execution he had then fo recent- ly occafioned. I 2 Ijlf 6S TRxWELS TO DISCOVER In the evening of the 23d, when encamped upon the Mogetch, came Sanuda, the perfon who had made Socinios king, and who had been Ras under him ; he was received with great marks of favour, in reward of the treacherous part he had ad:ed. He brought with him prifoners, Guebra Denghel, the Ras's fon-in-law, one of the befl and moft amiable men in Abyffinia, but who had unfortunate- ly embraced the wrong fide of the queftion ; and with him Sebaat Laab and Kefla Mariam, both men of great famihes in Tigre. Thefe were, one after the other, thrown violent- ly on their faces before the king. I was exceedingly dif- trefled for Guebra Denghel ; he prayed the king with the greateil earneflnefs to order him to be put to death before the door of his tent, and not delivered to his cruel father^ in-law. To this the king made no anfwer, nor did he fhew any figns of pity, but waved his hand, as a fign to car- ry them to Ras Michael, where they were put in cuil:od.y and loaded with irons.. About two hours later came Ayto Aylo, fon of Kafmati Efhte, whom the king had named governor of Begemder ; he brought with him Chremation brother to Socinios, and Abba Salama the Acab Saat, who had excommunicated his father, and been inftrumental in his murder by Fafil. I had a great curiofity to fee how they would treat the Acab Saat, for my head was full of what I had read in the Eu- ropean books of exemption that churchmen had in this country from the jurifdi(5lion of the civil power. Aylo had made his legs to be tied under the mule's bel- ly, his hands behind his back, and a rope made fail to them, which a man held in his hand on one fide, while an- 1 other. THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 69. other led the halter of the mule on the other, both of them with lances in their hands. Chremation had his hands bound, but his legs were not tied, nor was there any rope made fail to his hands by which he was held. While they were untying Abba Salama, I went into the prefence-cham^ ber, and flood behind the king's chair. Very foon after Aylo's men brought in their prifoners, and, as is ufual, threw them down violently with their faces to the ground ; their hands being bound behind them, they hada very rude fall upon their faces. The Acab Saat rofe in a violent paffion, he ftruggled to get loofe his hands, that he might be free to ufe the ad of denouncmg excommunication, which is by lifting the right hand, and extending the fore-finger ; finding that impofli- ble, he cried out, Unloofc my hands, or you are all excom- municated. It was with difficulty he could be pre- vailed upon to hear the king, who with great compofure, or rather indifference, faid to him. You are the firft ccclefiaf- tical officer in my houfehold, you are the third in the whole kingdom ; but I have not yet learned you ever had power to curie your fovereign, or exhort his fubjedls to murder him. You are to be tried for this crime by the judges to-morrow, fo prepare to fhew in your defence, up- on what precepts of Chrift, or his apoftles, or upon what part of the general councils, you found your title to do this. Let my hands be unloofed, cries Salama violently ;.I am a prieil, a fervant of God ; and they have power, fays David, to put kings in chains, and nobles in irons. And did not Samuel hew king Agag to pieces before the Lord ? I excom- municate 70 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER municate you, Tecla Haimanout. And he was going on, when Tecla Mariam, fon of the king's feci'etary, a young man, ftruck the Acab Saat fo violently on the face, that it made his mouth gulh out with blood, faying, at fame time, What ! fuffer this in the king's prefence ? Upon which both Chremation and the Acab Saat were hurried out of the tent without being fufFered to fay more ; indeed the blow feemed to have fo much difconcerted Abba Salama, that it deprived him for a time of the power of fpeak- ing. In Abyflinia it is death to ftrike, or lift the hand to ilrike, before the king ; but in this cafe the provocation was fo great, fo fudden, and unexpected, and the youth's worth and the infolence of the offender fo apparent to every body, that a flight reproof was ordered to be given to Tecla Ma- riam (by his father only) but he loft no favour for what he had done, either with the King, Michael, or the people. When the two prifoners were carried before the Ras, he refufed to fee them, but loaded them with irons, and committed them to clofe cuftody. That night a council was held in the king's tent, but it broke early up ; afterwards another before the Ras, which fat much later ; the reafon was, that the firft, where the king was, only arranged the bulinefs of to-morrow, while that before the Ras confidered all that was to be done or likely to happen at any time. On the 24th the drum beat, and the army v/as on their march by dav-'n of day: they halted a little after palling the roiigh ground, and then doubled their ranks, and formed into clofe order of battle, the king leading the center; a few THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. jt few of his black horfe were in two lines immediately before him,their fpears pointed upwards, his officers and nobility on each fide, and behind him the reft of the horfe, diftributed in the wings, excepting prince George and Ayto Confu, who, with two fmall bodies, not exceeding a hundred, fcoured the country, fometimes in the front, and fometimes in the flank. I do not remember who commanded the reft of the army, my mind was otherwife engaged ; they marched clofe and in great order, and every one trembled for the fate of Gondar. We paiTed the Mahometan town, and encamped upon the river Kahha, in front of the market-place. As foon as we had tvirned our faces to the tovvrn, our kettle- drums were brought to the front, and, after beating fome time, two proclamations were made. The firft was, That all thofe who had flour or barley in quantities, fliould bring it that very day to a fair market, on pain of having their houfes plundered ; and that all people, foldiers, or others, who attempted by force to take any provifions without ha- ving firft paid for them in ready money, fhould be hanged upon the fpot. A bench was quickly brought, and fet under a tree in the middle of the market ; a judge appointed to fit there ; a ftrong guard, and feveral officers placed round him ; behind him an executioner, and a large coil of ropes laid at his feet. The fecond proclamation v/as, That everybody fliould remain at home in their houfes, otherwife the per- son flying, or deferting the town, fhould be reputed a rebel, his goods confifcated, his houfe burnt, and his family cha- ftifed at the king's pieafure for feven years ; fo far was well and politic. There was at Gondar a fort of mummers, being a mix- ture of buffoons and ballad-flngers, and pofturc-mafters. ^ Thefe 72 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER Thefc people, upon all public occafions, run about the ftreets, and on private ones, fuch as marriages, come to the court-yards before the houfes, where they dance, and ling fongs of their own compofing in honoiu- of the day, and per- form all forts of antics : man)' a time, on his return from the field with vidory, they had met Ras Michael, and received his bounty for fmging his praifes, and welcoming him up- on his return home. The day the Abuna excommunicated the king, this fet of vagrants made part of the folemnity; they abufed, ridiculed, and traduced Michael in lampoons and fcurrilous rhymes, calling him crooked, lame, old, and impotent, and feveral other opprobrious names, which did not affed him near fo much as the ridicule of his pcrfon : upon many occafions after, they repeated this, and parti- cularly in a fong they ridiculed the horfe of Sire, who had run away at the battle of Limjour, where Michael cried out, Send thefe horfe to the mill. It happened that thefe wretches, men and women, to the number of about thirty and upwards, were then, with very different fongs, celebra- ting Ras Michael's return to Gondar. The King and Ras, after the proclamation, had juft turned to the right to Aylo Meidan, below the palace, a large field where the troops exer- cife. Confu and the king's houfehold troops were before, and about 200 of the Sire horfe were behind ; on a fignal made by the Ras, thefe horfe turned Ihort and fell upon the fingers, and cut them all to pieces. In lefs than two minutes the")' were all laid dead upon the field, excepting one young man, who, mortally wounded, had jufl fl;:ength enough to arrive within twenty yards of the king's horfe, and there fell dead without fpcaking a word. All THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 73 All the people prefent, moft of them veteran foldiers, and confequently inured to blood, appeared fliocked and difgufted at this wanton piece of cruelty. For my part, a kind of faintilhnefs, or feeblenefs, had taken poireUion of my heart, ever fmce the execution of the two men on our march about the kantuffa ; and this fecond act of cruelty occaiioned fuch a horror, joined with an abfence of mind, that I found myfelf unable to give an immediate anfwer, though the king had fpoken twice to me. It was about nine o'clock in the morning when we en<- tered Gondar ; every perfon we met on the itreet wore the countenance of a condemned malcfador; the Ras went immediately to the palace with the king, who retired, as ufual, to a kind of cage or lattice-window, where he always fits unfeen when in counciL We were then in the council- chamber, and four of the judges feated ; none of the go- vernors of provinces were prefent but Ras Michael, and * Kafmati Tcsfos of Sire. Abba Salama was brought to the foot of the table without irons, at perfe(fl: liberty. The accufer for the king (it is a port in this country in no great eflimation) began the charge againft him with great force and eloquence: he ftated, one by one, the crimes com- mitted by him at different periods, the fum of which a- mounted to prove Salama to be the gjreateft monfter upon earth : among thefe were various kinds of murder, efpe- cially by poifon ; inceft, v/ith every degree collateral and ; defcendant. He concluded this black, horrid lift, with t!ie charge of high treafon, or curfing the king, and abfolving iiis fubjec5ts from their allegiance, which he ftated as the ■ greateft crime human nature was capable of, as involving .; in its confequences all forts of other crimes. x'\bba Salama, .. Vol. IV. K - though ^ 74 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER though he feemed under very great impatience, did not often interrupt him, further than, Ton lie, and, // is a lie, which he repeated at every new charge. His accufer had not faid one word of the murder of Joas, but pafTed it over without the fmallefl: alhiiion to it. In this, however, Abba Salama did not follow his exam- ple : being defired to anfwer in his own defence, he enter- ed upon it with great dignity, and an air of fuperiority, very different from his behaviour in the king's tent the day be- fore : he laughed, and made extremely light of the charges on the article of women, which he neither confeffed nor denied ; but faid thefe might be crimes among the Franks, (looking at me) or other Chriftians, but not the Chriflians of that country, who lived under a double difpenfation, the law of Mofes and the law of Chrill : he faid the Abyffinians were Betii Ifrad, as indeed they call themfelves, that is. Chil- dren of Ifrael ; and that in every age the patriarchs had a(?ted as he did, and were not lefs beloved of God. He went roundly into the murder of Joas, and of his two brothers, Adigo and Aylo, on the mountain of Wechne, and char- ged Michael direcflly with it, as alfp with the poifoning the late Hatze Hannes, father of the prefent king. The Ras feemed to avoid hearing, fometimes by fpeak- ing to people flanding behind him, fometimes by reading a paper ; in particular, he alked me, (landing dire(5tly be- hind his chair, in a low voice, What is the punifliment in your country for fuch a crime ? It was his cullom to fpeak to me in his own language of Tigre, and one of his greateft* paftimes to laugh at my faulty expreffion. He fpake this to me in Amharic, fo I knew he wanted my anfwer fliould be THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 75 be underllood : I therefore faid, in the fame low tone of voice he had fpoke to me, High-treafon is punKhed with death in all the countries I have ever known. — This I owed to Abba Salania, and it was not long before 1 had my return. Abba Salama next went into the murder of Kafmati Efhte, which he confelTed he was the promoter of. He fuid the Iteghe, with her brothers and Ayto Aylo, had all turned Franks, fo had Gufho of Amhara ; and that, in order to make the country Catholic, they had fent for priells, who lived with them in confidence, as that frank did, pointing to me : that it was againll the law of the country, that I fliould. be fufFered here ; that I was accurfed, and Ihould be iloned as an enemy to the Virgin Mary, There the Ras interrupt- ed him, by faying, Confine yourfelf to your own de- fence ; clear yourfelf firft, and then accufe any one you pleafe: it is the king's intention to put the law in execution againfl all offenders, and it is only as believing you the greatefl that he has begun with you» This calmnefs of the Ras feemed to difconcert the Acab Saat ; he loll all method ; he warned the Ras that it was ow- ing ta his excommunicating Kafmati Elhte that room was- made for him to come to Gondar ; without that event this king would never have been upon the throne, fo that he had ilill done them as much good by his excommunications as he had done them harm : he told the Ras, and the judges that they were all doubly under a curfe, if they offered either to pull out his eyes, or cut out his tongue ; and pray- ed them,buriUng into tears, not fo much as to think of either, if it was only for old fellowlhip, or friendfliip which had long fubfifted between them. K 2 There 76 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER There is an officer named Kal Hatze who (lands always upon ileps at the fide of the lattice-window, where there is a hole covered in the infide with a curtain of green taffeta ; behind this curtain the king fits, and through this hole he fends what he has to fay to the Board, who rife and receive the meilenger (landing: he had not interfered till now, when the officer faid, addreffing himfelf to Abba Salama, " The king requires of you to anfwer dirc6lly why you perfuaded the Abuna to excommunicate him ? the Abuna is a Have of the Turks, and has no king; you are born under a monarchy, why did you, who are his inferior in office, take upon you to advife him at all ? or why, after having prefumed to ad- vife him, did you advife him wrong, and abufe his ignorance in thefe matters ?" This queflion, which was a home one, made him lofe all his temper ; he curfed the Abuna, called him Mahometan, Pagan, Frank, and Infidel ; and was go- ing on in this wild manner, when Tecla Haimanout *, the eldeft of the judges, got up, and addreffing himfelf to the Ras, It is no part of my duty to hear all this railing, he has not fo much as offered one fadt material to his exculpation. The king's fecretary fent up to the window the fubflance of his defence, the criminal was carried at feme diftance to the other end of the room, and the judges deliberated whilft the king was reading. Very few words were faid among the reil; the Ras was all the time fpeaking to other people : after he had ended this, he called upon the young- ell judge to give his opinion, and he gave it, 'He is guilty, and ffiould die ;' the fame faid all the officers, and after them the judges, and the fame faid Kafmati Tesfos after thenio •*The lame whole foot uashurt hy £tratci's,r:ule in the canpnign of Maitfl.a. THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 7^ tliem. When it came to Ras Michael to give his vote, he afFeaed moderation ; he faid that he was accufed for being his enemy and accomplice ; in either cafe, it is not fair that he fliould judp^e him. No fuperior officer being pre- fent, the laft voice remained with the king, who fent Kal Hatze to the Board with his fentence ; ' He is guilty and /^^//die the death.— rYh.z hangmany^^// hang him upon a tree to-day: The unfortunate Acab Saat was immediately hur- ried away by the guards to the place of execution, which is a large tree before the king's gate ; where uttering, to the very laft moment, curfes againft the king, the Ras, and the Abuna, he fufFered the death he very richly deferved, being hanged in the very veftments in which he ufed to' fit before the king, without one ornament of his civil or facerdotal pre-eminence having been taken from him ^ before the execution. In going to the tree he faid he had 400 cows, which he bequeathed to fome priefls to fay prayers for his foul ; but the Ras ordered them to be brought to Gondar, and diftributed among his foldiers. I HAVE entered into a longer detail of this trial, at the whole of which I affifted, the rather that I might all^ this queftion of thofe that maintain the abfolute independence of •the Abyffinian priefthood, Whether, if -the many inllances already mentioned have not had tlie effccfl, this one does not fully convince them, that all ecclefiaftical perfons arc fubjed to the fecular power in Abyffinia as much as they are in Britain or any European Protellant ftatc whatever ? Chremation, Socinios's brother, was next called he Teemed half dead with fear; he only denied having' any concern in his brother being elected king. He faid he had 78 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER had no port, and in this he fpoke the truth, but confefTed that he had been fent by Abba Salama to bring the Itchegue and the Abuna to meet him the day of excommunication at Dippabye. It was further unluckily proved againft him, that he was prefent with his brother at ^plundering the houfes in the night-time when the man was killed ; and upon this he was fentenced to be immediately hanged ; the court then broke up and went to breakfaft. All this had palTed in lefs than two hours ; it was not quite eleven o'clock when all was over, but Ras Michael had fworn he would not tafte bread till Abba Salama was hanged, and on fuch occafions he never broke his word. Immediately after this laft execution the kettle-drums beat at the palace- gate, and the crier made this proclama- tion, " That all lands and villages, which are now, or have been given to the Abuna by the king, fhall revert to the king's own ufe,and be fubjed to the government, or the Can- tiba of Dembea, or fuch olficers as the king fliall after ap- point in the provinces where they are fituated." I WENT home, and my houfe being but a few yards from the palace, I pafTed the two unfortunate people hanging upon the fame branch ; and, full of the cruelty of the fcene I had wirnefTed, AvhichI knew.was but a preamble to much more, I determined firmly, at all events, to quit this coun- try. The next morning came on the trial of the unfortunate Gucbra Denghel, Sebaat Laab, and Kefla Mariam ; the Ras claimed his right of trying thefe three at his own houfe, as, they were all three fubjeds of his government of Tigre* /^ . Guebra THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 79 Guebra Denghel bore his hard fortune with great uncon- cern, declaring, that his only reafon of taking up arms a- gainfl the king was, that he faw no other way of prevent- ing Michael's tyranny, and monilrous thirft of money and of power : that the Ras was really king, had fubverted the conftitution, annihilated all difference of rank and perfons, and transferred the efficient parts of government into the hands of his own creatures. He wiflied the king might know this was his only motive for rebellion, and that unlefs it had been to make this declaration, he would not have opened his mouth before fo partial and unjuil a judge as he confidered Michael to be. But Welleta Selaffe, his daughter, hearing the danger her father was in, broke fuddenly out of Ozoro Eflher's apart- ment, which was contiguous ; and, coming into the council- room at the inftant her father was condemned to die, threw herfelf at the Ras's feet with every mark and expreffion of the moft extreme forrow. I cannot, indeed, repeat what her expreffions were, as I was not prefent, and I thank God that I was not ; 1 believe they are ineffable by any mouth but her own, but they were perfecftiy unfuccefsful. The old tyrant threatened her with immediate death, fpurned her away with his foot, and in her hearing ordered her father to be immediately hanged. Welleta Selaffe, in a fit, or faint, which refemblcd death, fell fpeechlefs to the ground ; the father, forg' tful of his own fituation, flew to his daughter's affiftance, and they were both dragged out at feparate doors, the one to death, the other to after fufferings, greater than death itfelf. lORTUNB So TRAVELS TO DISCOVER Fortune feemed to have taken delight, from very earl}*'" life, conftantly to traverfe the greatnefs and happinefs of; this young lady. She was firft delUned to be married to-- Joas, and the affair was near concluded, when the fatal dif- covery, made at the battle of Azazo, that the king had fenD his houfehold troops privately to fight for Fafil againft Mi-> chael, prevented her marriage, and occafioned his death. She was then deftined to old Hatze Hannes, Tecla Haima-t nout's father : Michael, who found him incapable of being- a king, judged him as incapabk of being a hufband to a woman of the youth and charms of Welleta Selafle, and, therefore, deprived him at once of his life, crown, and bride. She was now not feventeen, and it was defigned flie fhould be married to the prefent king ; Providence put a flop to a union that was not agreeable to either party : fhe died fome time after this, before the battle of Serbraxos ; being ftrongly prefled to gratify the brutal inclinations of the Ras her grandfather, whom, when fhe could not refill or avoid, flie took poifon ; others faid it was given her by Ozoro Efther from jealoufy, but this was certainly without foundation. I faw her in her laft moments, but too late to give her any affiftance ; and flie had told her women- fervants and ilaves that fhe had taken arfenic, having no other way to avoid com.mitting fo monftrous a crime as inceft with; the murderer of her father. The rage that the intercellion of the daughter for her faiher Guebra Denghel had put the Ras into, was feen in the feverity of the fentcnce he pafl^ed upon the other two criminals ; Kcfla Mariam's eyes were pulled out, Se- baat Laab's eye-lids were cut oiF by the roots, and both of vhem were expofcd in the market-place to the burning fun, 3- without THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 8t without any covering whatever. Sebaat Laab died of a fever in a few days ; Kefla Mariam Uved, if not to fee, at Icaft to hear, that he was revenged, after the battle of Serbraxos^ by the difgrace and captivity of Michael. I WILL fpare myfelf the difagreeable tafk of Ihocking my readers with any further account of thefe horrid cruelties ■; enough has been faid to give an idea of the charader of thefe times and people. Blood continued to be fpilt as wa- ter, day after day, till the Epiphany ; priefts, lay-men, young men and old, noble and vile, daily found their end by the knife or the cord. Fifty-feven people died publicly by the hand of the executioner in the courfe of a very few days ; many difappeared, and were either murdered privately, or fent to prifons, no one knew where. The bodies of thofe killed by the fword were hewn to pieces and fcattered about the ftreets, being denied burial. I was miferable, and almoft driven to defpair, at feeing my hunting-dogs, twice let loofe by the carelellnefs of my fer- vants, bringing into the court-yard the head and arms of flaughtered men, and which I could no way prevent but by the deftruc^ion of the dogs themfelves ; the quantity of carrion, and the llcnch of it, broughc down the hyaenas in hundreds from the neighbouring mountains; and, as few people in Gondar go out after it is dark, they enjoyed the flreets to themfelves, and feemed ready to difpute the pof- feffion of the city with the inhabitants. Often when I went home late from the palace, and it was this time the king chofe chiefly for converfation, though I had but to pafs the corner of the market-place before the palace, had lanthorns with me, and was furrounded with armed men, I heard Vol. IV. L them 82 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER them grunting by two's and three's fo near me as to be a-* fraid they would take Ibme opportunity of feizing me by the leg ; a piflol would have frightened them, and made them fpeedily run, and I conllantly carried two loaded at my gir- dle, but the difcharging a piftol in the night would have a- larmed every one that heard it in the town, and it was not now the time to add any thing to people's fears. I at laft fcarce ever went our, and nothing occupied my thoughts but how to efcape from this bloody country by way of Scnnaar, and how I could bed exert my power and influ- ence over Yafme at Ras el Feel to pave my way, by afliiling me to pafs the defert into Atbara. The king miffing me fome days at the palace, and hear- ing I had not been at Ras Michael's, began to inquire who had been with me. Aytb Confu foon found Yafine, \vho informed him of the whole matter; upon this I was fent for to the palace, where I found the king, without any bo- dy but menial fervants. He immediately remarked that I looked very ill ; which, indeed, T felt to be the cafe, as I had fcarcely at€ or flept fince I faw him la(l,_^ or even for fome days before. He aflccd me, in a condoling tone, What ail- ed me ? that, befides looking fick, I feemed as if fomething; had ruffled me, and put me out of humour. I told him that what he obfcrvcd was true : that, coming acrofs the market-place, I had feen Za Mariam, the Ras's doorkeeper, with three mien bound, one of whom he fell a-hacking to pieces in my prefence. Upon feeing me running acrofs the place, flopping my nofe, he called me to ftay till he Ihould come and difpatch the other two, for he wanted to fpeak to me, as if he had been engaged about ordinary bufinefs : that the foldiers, iji conUdcration of his haflc, immediately fell upon THESOURCEOFTHENILE. 83 mpon the other two, whofe cries were flill remaining in my cars : that the hyxnas at night would fcarcely let me pafs in the ftreets when I returned from the palace ; and the dogs fled into my houfe to eat pieces of human carcafes at leifure. Although his intention was to look grave, I faw it was all he could do to llifle a laugh at grievances he thought very little of. " The men you faw with Za Mariam juil now, fays he, are rebels, fent by Kefla Yafous for examples : he has forced ajun(5tion with Tecla and Welleta Michael in Samen, and a road is now open through Woggora, and plenty eftablilhed in Gondar. The men you faw fuffer were thofe that cut off the provifions from coming into the city; they have occafioned the death of many poor people ; as for the hyaena he never meddles with living people, he feeks carrion, and will foon clear the llreets of thofe incumbran- ces that fo much offend you ; people fay that they are the JFalalha of the mountains, who take that fliape of the hyasna, and come down into the town to eat ChriHian flefh in the night." — " If they depend upon Chrillian flelh, and eat no other, faid I, perhaps the hyxnas of Gondar will be the 'worfl fed of any in the world." — " True, fays he, burfting out into a loud laughter, that may be, few of thofe that die by the knife anywhere arc Chriftians, or have any religion •at all ; why then fhould you mind what they fulFer r" — "*' Sir, faid I, that is not my fentiment ; if you was to order a ■dog to be tortured to death before me every morning, I could not bear it. The carcafes of Abba Salama, Guebra Denghel, and the refl, are flill hanging where they were up- on the tree; you fmell the ftench of them at the palace-gate, and will foon, I apprehend, in the palace itfelf. This cannot L 2 be 84 TRAVELS TO DISCO VER- be pleafant, and I do afllire you it mull be very pernieioiij to your health, if there was nothing eKc in it. At the battle of Fagitta, though you hadho intention to retreat, yet you went half a day backward, to higher ground, and purer air, to avoid the ftench of the field, but here in the city yoii heap up carrion about your houfes, where is your conti- - nual refidence." " The Ras has given orders,' fays he gravely, to remove all the dead bodies before the Epiphany, whea we go down to keep that feftival, and wafli . away all . this pollution iii the clear-running water' of' the Kahha : -but tell me now, Yagoube, is it really poffibk thatyou' can take fuch thing? as thefe fo much to heart ? You are a brave man ; we all know you are, and have feen it: we have all blamed you, ilranger as you are in this country, for the little care you take of yourfelf; and yet about thefe things you are as much alfedled as the- moft cowardly woman, girl, or child could be," — " Sir, faid I, Ido not- know if I am brave or not ; but if to fee men tortured or- murdered, or to live among dead bodies without concern, be courage, I have it not, nor defire to have it : war is the profeiHon of noble minds ; it is a glorious one; itisthe fcicnce and occupation of kings ; and many wife and many humane men liave dedicated their whole life to the ftudy of it in every "* country ; it foftens men's manners, by obliging them to fociety,. to affift, be- friend, and even fave one another, though at their own rifle and danger. A barbarian of that profefTion fliould be point- ed-at. Obferve Ayto Erigedan, (who came at that very in- ftant into the room) there is a young man, faid I, who, with the bravery, has alfo the humanity and gentlenefs of my Gountrymen that are foldiers," Engedan THE SOURCE OF THE NILE.. % Engedan fell on his face before the king, as is ufual, while the king went on feriouily — " War you want ; do you, Yagoube? war you lliall have; it is not far diflant, and Engedan is come to tell us how near." They then went into a confiderable converfation about Guflio, Powuflen,- and the preparations they were making, and where. they were, with which I Ihall not trouble the reader, as I fhall have an occafion to fpeak of the particulars afterwards as they arife. . " I want Confu, fays the king ,-^.1 want him to fend his men of Ras el Feel to Sennaar,. and to the Baharnagaili to get horfes and fome coats of mail. And what do you think of fending Yagoube there? he knows their manners and their language, and has friends there to whom he is intending to efcape, without fo much as alking my leave." — " Pardon me. Sir, faid I ; if I have ever entertained that thought, it is proof fufficient of the extreme neceffity 1 am under to go." *' Sir, fays Engedan, I have rode in the Koccob horfe ; I will do fo again, if Yagoube commands them, and- will ftay with us till we try the horfe of Begemder. I have eight or ten coats of mail, which I will give your majefty ; they belong- ed to my father, Confu, and I took them lately from that thief Abou Barea, with whom they were left at my father's death ; but I will tell your Majefty, 1 had rather figlit naked without a coat of mail, than that you fliouid fend Yagoube to Sennaar to purchafe them from thence, for he will never ' return.". Ras Michael was now announced, and we made hafte to get away. I would have Confu, Engedan, and you, come here to-morrow night, fays the king, as foon as it is dark; and do not you, Yagoube, for your life, fpeak one word of Semiaar, till you know my will upon it. He faid this in the ilerncfl. ■86 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER fternefl manner, and with all the dignity and majefty of a king. We pafTed the Ras in the an ti- chamber, attended by a great many people. We endeavoured to Hide by him in the crowd, but he noticed us, and brought us before him. We both kifled his hands, and he kept hold of one of mine, while he afked Engedan, " Is Fafd at Ibaba?" to which he was anfwered, " Yes." " Who is with him ? fays the Ras." — •*' Damot, Agow, and Maitflia," anfwered Engedan. " Was you there ? fays the Ras." " No, anfwered Engedan, I am at Tfliemera, with few men." He then turned to me, and faid, " My fon is ill ; Ozoro Efther has jull fent to me, and com- plains you vifit her now no more. Go fee the boy, and don't neglea Ozoro Efther, flie is one of your beft friends." I inquired if ftie was at Gondar, and was anfwered, No; fhe is at Kofcam. We parted; Engedan went to Kofcam to Ozoro Efther's, and 1 went home to plan my route to Sennaar, and to prepare letters for Hagi Belal, a merchant there, to whom J was recommended from Arabia Felix. gSs?^— ' sg^ CHAP« THE SOURCE OF THE NILE, V 87 ^i^S^^ C H A P. IV. ItfJe King promifes Leave to the Author to depart — Receives a Rein-' forceinent from Shaa — Amiable Carriage of Amha Yafous — Striking Contrajl between him and a Prince of the Galla — Bad State oj the Kitig's Affairs. T was the 31ft of December that we were at Kofcam. A proclamation had been made fome days before of a ge- neral pardon to all that would return to Gondar ; but no one had ventured but Ayto Engedan, who was with Fafil as the king's friend ; nor were any of thofe who went with Fafil the obje(ft of the proclamation, for it was not thought that the retiring from Socinios with Fafil was daing any- thing againit their allegiance. That night the bodies of Guebra Denghel, Kefla Ma^ riam, and Sebaat I.aab, were taken down from the tree and laid upon the giound ; after having been watched in the J niglit €8 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER night by their friends to keep the beafls fromithem, were at laft fuffered to be taken privately away, at the intercef- fion of the troops of Tigre, whofe countr) men they were. Chremation and Abba Salama were abandoned to their for- tune, and in part putrified ; they were covered with heaps of flones thrown upon them by fuch as were pafling, and had no other burial. The next night, the ift of January 1771, according to or- der, I waited upon the king with Confu and Engedan, and with them Yafine : meafures were then taken for buying their horfes and coats of mail ; the Ras had advanced part of the money, the reft was co be made up by the meery, or king's duty, due by the Mahometan provinces, which had not been paid fmce he went to Tigre ; a Mahometan fer- vant of the king was fent for from the cuftomhoufe ; with him was to go a man from Yafme, and with them I fent my letters by the hand of Soliman, a black of Ras el Feel, a man remarkable for his ftrength, courage, and lize, and very flirewd and difcerning, under the appearance of an idiot : Yafme was fent with them to get a fafe conducft from his friend Fidcle Shekh of Atbara, who \vas to convoy them to Beyla, and thence to Sennaar. It was not without great difpute and altercation the king would allow me the permiiTion to fend letters ; at laft, feeing he could do no better, it was agreed that, as an im- mediate engagement between Powuftcn, Guflio, and Ras Michael, was inevitable, I fhould fwear not to attempt to leave him till tTiat affair was fettled feme way or other; J)ut the king infifted I fliould alio take an oath, that, fhould he be viftoriovis over, or reconciled to the rebels, if the en- 2 gagemenjt THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 89 gagement I was under in my own country was not fulfill- ed, and I recovered my health, I fhould bring as many of my brethren and family as poflible, with their horfes, muf- kets, and bayonets ; that, if I could not pafs by Sennaar, I fliould come by the way of the Eaft Indies from Surat to Mafuah, which, by how much it was more tedious, was by fo much more fecure, than that by Sennaar. . I CANNOT but hope, the impoffibility of performing this oath extinguifhed the fin of breaking it ; at any rate, it was perfonal, and the fubfequent death of the king * muft have freed me from it ; be that as it will, it had this good effedV, that it greatly compofed my mind for the time, as I now no longer confidered myfelf as involved in that ancient and general I'ule of the country, Never to allow a ftranger to re- turn to his home. We that night learned, that the king had been in great flraits ever fince he came from Tigre ; that the Ras, who was polTefTed of all the revenues of the provin- ces that were in their allegiance, had never yet given the king an ounceof gold; and that he furnifhedhis daily fubfifl- ence from his own houfe, a cow for his own and great officers table, and two loaves of bread fo~r each of his fervants ; as fmall an allowance as any private perfon gave. It was be- lieved that the Ras had left moft of his money in Tigre, and had trufted to the contributions' he was to levy upon the great men whenever he fliould crofs the Tacazze; but in this he difappointed himfelf by his cruelty, for no perfon Vol. IV. M came * It was reported, when I was at Sennaar, that the king had been defeated and /lain. I have no other authority, only thiak, all things confidered, it was rnoft probable. 90 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER came before him, on his arrival at Gondar, from whom he could raife a farthing. It was about the 20th of January, that a meflage arrived from PowulTen, to tell the Ras he had taken the ufurperSo- cinios prifoner, and held him in irons at the king's difpo- fal. He upbraided Michael with the cruelties of his execu- tions, and declared his refolution of calUng him to an ac- count for thefe perfonally at Gondar ; he warned him in time, to repafs the Tacazze, and retire while it was in his power to his government of Tigre, where nobody would- molefl; him, and leave the king at liberty to adl for himfelf. Gufho likewife fent amelfenger, but what word he brought did not tranfpire ; after feeing the King and Ras Michael,, both thefe mefTengers proceeded toFafil. Soon after this came- a meflage from Fafii, defu-ing only that the King and the Ras might renew to him the grant of his father's lands and eftates, which he formerly poflefled : what was the mean- ing of this meflage I could never learn ; he was already in full pofleflion of what he afked, and more ; no perfon had attempted to take any thing from him, nor was it indeed in: their power. Proclamation was made accordingly in terms of the requcft, and all the lands that he had poflefled were given; him : before he could have news of this firft grant, a fe- eond meflenger came, dcliring that he might be confirmed; in his government of Maitflia, Damot, and Agow. This too was immediately granted him, but a condition was added, that he fliould bring the troops of thefe provinces, and as many others as he could raife, to join the king with ill poflible fpeed, and take the field with Ras Michael againll Eowuflen, THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. ^t PowufTen and Gufho ; and this was but what he had fpofi, taneoufly promifed when he made his peace at Dingleber* At the fame time Ay to Aylo, brother to Engedan, was pro- claimed governor of Begemder ; and all people holding of the king or of Aylo's friends, (for he had a very large eftate in that province) were ordered to join him ; but a very few came, among whom was the famous Guigarr, chief of the clan, Waag of Lafta, fon to Aylo's filler. Mean time the king ufed all the means in his power td induce the Iteghe to return to Kofcam, for her prefence in Gojam kept alive the fpirit of a number of people that were attached to her, who bore very impatiently to fee hef banifhed, as fhc then was, though refident with her daugh- ter Ozoro Welleta Ifrael, and furrounded by the forces of Aylo her grandfon, who was governor of Gojam, and to whom half of that province belonged in property. But the queen was refolute never to trufl Ras Michael, though it was believed fhe fent the king a fum in gold privately by Engedan. It was in the end of January that another meflage ar- rived from Fafil, excufing his coming to Gondar on account of the badnefs of his health ; he faid, bcfides, he could not truft Michael unlefs he gave him Welleta Selaffe, his grand- daughter, to wife, and fent her to him to Burc. I have al- ready mentioned that the Ras was fond of this young lady himfelf, and nothing but that hindered him from giving her to the king in marriage ; and it was faid, and I believe with truth, that fome delicacy * the king had expreiTed about M 2 this ' Suljncion of fatniiiarity with the Ras her grandfather. 92 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER this fincc his return from Tigre, was the reafon of coldnefs between him and the Ras, and of Michael's putting the king on fo Ihort allowance on his firfl coming to Gondar : but all that was now removed by the neceflities of the times; gold came from Tigre in plenty ; even Powuflen had fenc fome of the revenue of Begemder, all the other provinces, a proportion, with butter,^ cattle, and cotton cloths, for the maintenance of the king's houfehold and troops : for my part, though I enjoyed the name of feveral pofts, I had par- taken fmce this laft revolution of a very fmall part of their revenues ; I had been liberally fupplied in the king's abfence by Ozoro Eflher and the queen. I had few fervants, and lived cheaply in the Iteghe's palace at Kofcam ; but after my arri- val, the king, on purpoie I believe to difconcert my journey, ran me grievoufly into debt with the foldiers, and other expences that were, as I was told, abfolutely neceJTary ; it is true, thefe were paid in part at times but very irregularly. Ras Michael was not a man to be craved, nor was my tem- per fuch as could be brought to crave him ; from this it arofe that often I had been in great llraits, and obliged to live fparingly, which luckily was never a great hardfl:iip up- on me, in order to fulfil my promife to others. And now the campaign was beginning, horfes, and mules, and every thing neceflary were to be purchafed, and I was in debt a- bove one hundred pounds, nor would it have been poilible I ever lliould have cleared myfelf, for my daily expences were enormous, if it had not been for the fituation that a certain Greek, named Petros, was in, from whom I borrowed about three hundred pounds, as I fliall after mention. With regard to Kafmati Fafil, he fent me, twice, two large jars of honey from my lord£hip of Geefli, at two different times : the firft was taken by Coque AbouBarea, the lail tailed fo bit- ter THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 93 ter of lupines, that no vife could be made of it. I was a Sove- reign, it is true, and my revenue was what wife men have faid is the heft, — the love of the people. It went, however, buE little way towards fupporting my dignity. While the king was at Kahha, keeping the feftival of the Epiphany, he received a very extraordinary vifit from: Amha Yafous, fon of the governor of Shoa, offering his per- fonal fervice and afliftance to the king, and brought with him, as a prefent, 500 ounces of gold, and a thoufand ex- cellent horfemen ready equipt at all points. Upon his being prefentedto the king, two young noblemen were inftruc- ted to be ready to lay hold of him by the arms, and prevent his throwing himfelf upon the ground if he intended fo to do. The king was feated upon the throne, very richly drelTed in brocade, a very fine muflin web wrapt loofely a- bout him, fo as to hang in plaits, and in fome parts fhow, and in fome conceal, the flowers of the cloth of gold of which his waiftcoat was compofed. His hair was loofe, combed out at its full length, and falling about his head in every direcftion, and a fork, like a fkewer, mad^ of a rhino- ceros horn, with a gold button or head upon it, lluck thro' his hair near his temples ; he was all perfumed with rofe water, and two people flood on the oppofite fides of the tent, each of them with a filver bottle full of it. Amha Yasous with his thoufand horfe prefented him- felf before the door of the tent, and rode on till he was compleatly in it ; he then defcended as in a great hurry or furprife, and ran forward, flooping, to the foot of the throne, inclining his body lower andloweras he approached-, and, jufl before the adt of proflration, he was feized by Tec la. 3, ' Mariam: 94 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER Mariam and Giiebra Menfus KctUis, and prevented from kiHl ing the ground ; the king held his hand uncovered, but not extended, that is, as if he did nq^ intend or exped that he fhould kifs it. Amha Yafous, after the ftruggle was over about the proftration, fuddenly feized the king's hand and kifled it, with fome refiftance on the part of the king, who, when he had kiffed the back of his hand, turned the palm likewife ; a great mark of familiarity and confidence in this country. There was a fmall ftool, about half a foot from the ground, covered with a Perfian carpet. Amha Yafous attempted to fpeak (landing, but was not fuffered, but conftrained by the two noblemen to fit down on the iittle ftool ; they then deluged him fo with rofe-water, that I do believe he never in his life was fo wet with rain. Af- ter fome general queftions the tent was cleared. All this ce- remonial was premeditated and fludied ; the etiquette could not have been more pundlually and uniformly obferved in any court of Europe, and would have juft fignified what it did here. - Amha Yasous was a man from twenty-fix to twenty-eight years of age, tall, and of a juft degree of corpulence, with arms and legs finely made ; he had a very beautiful face, fmall features, and the moft affable manners. I have thought, when I have feen them together, that the king, Engedan, and himfclf, were three of the handfomcft men I had ever beheld in any country ; befides this, all three had fine under- ftandings, noble fentiments, and courage fuperior to the greateft danger ; charitable too, and humane incHnations, were it not for that accurfed indifference, or rather pro- penfity, one of them had to fhed human blood ; this the A young THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 9^^ young king had imbibe I HAVE before mentioned that this chief had brought with him a quantity of large horns for the king's fervice. Some of this fort having been feen in India filled with ci- vet, have given occafion to thofe travellers who faw them Vol, IV. O there xo6 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER there to fay, that the animal producing thefe large horns was a carnivorous bull of a prodigious fize, ini;abiting the interior parts of Africa. That no illuftration of this kind' may be wanting, a copperplate of this curious bull is, I think, in fome of the firft volumes of the Philofophical Tranfa*5lions» The origin of the tale is believed to be in Bernier or Thevenot. It may, however, with great cer- tainty, be relied upon, that no fuch animal exifts in Africa, nor probably in the whole creation. The animal furnifh- ing thofe monftrous horns is a cow or bull, which would be reckoned of a middling fize in England ; its head and neck are larger and thicker in proportion, but not very remarkably fo. I have been told this animal was firfl brought by the Galla from near the Line, where it rains continually, and the fun is little feen. This extraoidinary fize of its horns proceeds from a difeafe that the cartle have in thofe countries, of which they die, and is probably derived from their paflure and climate. Whenever the animal fhews fymptoms of this diforder, he is fet apart in the very bell and quieteft grazing- place, and never driven nor molefted from that moment. His va- lue lies then in his horns, for his body becomes emaciated and lank in proportion as the horns grow large. At the laft period of his life the weight of his head is fo great that he is unable to lift it up, or at leaft for any fpace of time. The joints of his neck become callous at laft, fo that it is not any longer in his power to lift his head. In this fitua- tion he dies, with fcarcely flefli covering his bones, and it is then the horns are of the greateft fize and value. 1 have feen horns that would contain as much as a common-fized iron-hooped water-pale, fuch as they make ufe of in the houfes THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. toy houfes in England ; but the Galla, who have a ready mar- ket for thefe of all fizes, generally kill the beaft when his horns will contain fomething lefs than fix gallons. Two of thefe horns, filled with wine or fpirits, are carried very com- modioully upon a woman's back, flung over her fhoulders, I had two of the largeft fize Hole from me that night Soci- nios, Confu, and Chremation plundered my houfe, nor could I ever tecover them. I have feen them at Gondar fold for four ounces of gold, equal to ten pounds llerling, the pair. On the i yth of February came meflengers from Fafil, with the old language of propofals of fubmiflion and peace, and a repetition of his demand, that Welleta Selafl!e fhould be given him for a wife, and fent to him, at leaft as far as Din- gleber, where he would advance to meet her; excufing him- felf from coming to Gondar, becaufe the Ras had already broken his proraife to him; for the condition of peace made with the Ras, when he was befieging the mountain, was. That if Michael fliould bring the king to the Tacazze, and furrender him there, and then return and content himfelf with the government of Tigre, without proceeding to Gon- dar, that Fafil fhould receive the king and condudt him to the capital, and be created Ras and governor in place of Michael. Fafil had punctually performed his part, and of this Michael had taken advantage, and had violated every article which he had ftipulated on the other fide ; and this was at leaft the alledged reafon why Fafil had refufed to come to Gondar. The fame evening arrived alfo meflengers from Guflio and Powuflen, declaring to Ras Michael, that, if he did not leave Gondar and return to Tigre, they would come and burn the town. They profeflTed great duty to the king, O 2 but io8 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER but charged the Ras with every fort of enormity, and upon his refufal fent him a. defiance^ The fame evening came an exprefs from Shoa, which moil puntflually brought the book I fo much wiihed for, containing the lives of the firft kings that Hved at Shoa ; a fair and fine copy, wrote upon parchment in a large quarta fize, in the pure ancient language of Geez. The author was nearly contemporary with the annals which he writes* I Ihewed it to the king, who till then had never feen it, and wlio only faid, Ifear, Yagoube, you are carrying home thefe books only to make your kings laugh at ours. The fatisfacftion I received upon the acquifition of this book was greatly diminifhed by the lofs of the donor, Amha Yafousj who fet out the 20th of February, attended with about a hundred men, his own fervants, and followed by the regret and the good wifhes of all that had known him, mine in particular, having been, from the firft time I Ikw him, very much attached to him. Before his departure he had two long conferences with fhe king upon the contents of the difpatches fent by his father from Shoa. The fubftance he frankly told me was, that he did not intend to meddle with the quarrels of Ras Michael, nor thofe of Fafil ; that they fhould fettle thefe in iheir own way ; but if either attempted any thing againll the king, fet up any ufurpers, as they had done in the perfon ©f Socinios, and continued fo far againft their allegiance to Tecla Haimanout as to withhold his whole revenue, and HOt to pay him wherewithal to fupport his ftate, that he would confider himfelf as prote(5tor of the royal family of Solamon, as the governors o£ Shoa had always been. — k THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 109 It was believed very generally, by Amha Yafous coming in perfon, that a treaty between fome of the great men in both fides, begun at his inflance, would bring every man that could mount a horfe from as far fouth as Gingiro, to over-run both the provinces of Begemder and Amhara, and either difplace the two governors, or at leaft force them to their duty; and it was owing to this, in all probability, that Gufho zO:ed with fuch moderation as he did in the camr. paign that foon followed. GHA,P> no TRAVELS TO DISCOVER GR"-* ^ C H A P. V. Rebel Army approaches Gotidar — King marches out of Gondar-^Takes Pdi at Serbraxos — The Author returns to Gondar with Confu wound' ed, GENTLE fhowers of rain began now to fall, and to an- nounce the approach of winter ; nay, fome unufually fevere and copious had already fallen. Gufho and Powuffen of Amhara and Begemder, KafmatiA^'abdar governor of Fog- gora, Aylo fon of Ozoro Welleta Ifrael the queen's daughter, governor of Gojam, Woodage Afahel, with the troops of Maitlha, and Coque Abou Barea from Kuara, were at the head of all the forces they could raife about Emfras and Nabca, and the borders of the lake Tzana. A brother-in-law of Powuflen had brought a confiderable body of troops from Zaat and Dehannah, two clans of Lafta, enemies to Guigarr, who had declared for Michael ; and thefe were the bell horfe in the rebel army, fuperior to any in Begemder. 3 This THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. iir This numerous army of Confederates were all ready, ex- pe(.T:ing rhe ram would make the Tacazze impalTable, and cut off ivlichaers retreat to I'igrc. Fafil alone kept the n in iiifpenfe, who, with about 12,000 men, remained at Ibaba, profeffiiig to be at peace with Michael, in the mean time keeping all Maitlha quiet, and waiting for the coming of Wcileta Yalbus, and 20,000 Galla, whom he had fent for from the other fide of the Nile, intending, as he faid, to march on the arrival of this reinforcement, and join the kidg at Gondar. Alth )Ugh it may well be doubted if ever he intended all or anv part of this, one thmg was very cer- tain, that he was fincere in his hatred to Guflio and I'o- wufTen ; he never could forget their treachery in breaking their appointment and promife at Court-Ohha, and expofing him either to fi^ht Michael fingly, or have his whole coun- try burnt and dellroyed. Although Michael had, for thefe lul months, done every thing in his power to bring back to the king fuch people of confideration that pofTeiled the lands and eilates about Gondar, and were the moil rerpe(5t- able of their nobility for influence and riches, bred up a- bout court, and who did chiefly conftitute it ; yet the cruel- ty of his executions, his infatiable greed of money and power, and the extreme facility with which he broke his moft facred engagements, had terrified them from putting themfelves into his hand ;. though they did not raife men, or join any fide, bur lived privately at a diftance, yet their abfence from about the king had the very worfl: effeS: upon his alTairs. A great defertion had likewife happened fince his coming among his old troops of Tigre, both of officers and Ibldiers. The execution of Guebra Denghel, and other two noblemen, had greatly alienated the minds of many of their countrymen and their connexions ; but, above all, his. Ill YRAVELS TO DISCOVER bis breach of promife made before the mountain of Hara- mat, that he was to levy no taxes upon that province for fcven years, (but which he was now doing with the great- eft rigour before one had expired) difcontented them all. The return of Welleta Michael and Kefla Yafous from Saraen, with about 6000 men, had coniiderably ftrength- ened his army ; added to this, 2000 more, who came volun- tarily, from their love to Kefla Yafous, from Temben, where he was governor ; thefe were picked men, partly mufque- teers ; there was nothing equal to them in the army. GusHo was advanced to Minziro. Powuflen had his head-quarters at Korreva, not above fixteen miles from Gondar. The whole plain to the lake was covered with troops. The weather was unfeafonably cold, and confider- able quantities of rain had fallen from the 23d of February to the 29th of March. The rebels had begun to lay wafte Dembea, and burnt all the villages in the plain from fouth to weft, making it like a defert between Michael and Fafil, as far as they dared venture to advance towards either. This they did to exafperate Michael, and draw him out from Gondar ; for they had moft of them great property i-n the town, and did not wilh to be obliged to fight him there. He bore this fight very impatiently, as well as the conftant complaints of people flying into the town from the depredations of the enemy, and flripped of every thing. The king often afcended to the top of the tower of his palace, the only one to which there remains a flair, and there contemplated, with the greateft difpleafure, the burn- ing of his rich villages in Dembea. One day while he I was THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 113 was here he fliewed an mftance of that quick penetration for which he was remarkable, and which, as a proof of this, I fliall here mention. There is a large wafle fpace on each fide of the palace where the market is kept. It had rained, and it was in the evening almofl deflitute of people ; there were only two men at a conliderable diftance, who feemed to be in clofc converfation together, one of them apparently very much the worfe of liquor, the other had hold of the end of the fafh, or girdle, which was round the body of the drunk man ; it is a narrow web of cotton cloth, which they wind eight or ten times about their waift. The king faid to me, Do you know, Yagoube, what thefe two men are about ? I anfwered. No. I faw the drunkard untwine one turn of his falh, which the other was feeling and looking curio'ully at, as if examining and doubting its goodnefs. That man, fays the king, is robbing the drunkard of his fafh : go down two or three of you who run beft, and apprehend him, but hide yourfelves till he has committed the theft, and feize him as he pafTes. The orders Avere quickly obeyed ; the drunk- ard unwound his fafh, by turning himfelf round and round, while the other feemed to be meafuring it by the length of his arm, from his elbow to his forefinger, and then gathering it up. This was done very deliberately till it was all unwound, and the far end loole ; upon which the fellow, who was meafuring, gathering it in his arms, ran off as fafl as he could, leaving the drunkard Handing motionlefs, apparently in great furprife and amazement. The thief was immediately feized and brought up to the king, who ordered him to be tlirov.'n over the tower. At Vol, IV. P my 114 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER my interceflion, and that of thofe about him, he was par- doned, and the di'unkard's fafh was returned to him. Ever fince the middle of February, Ras Michael had re- folved to march out, and give battle to the rebels encamp- ed about Korreva, committing every fort of violence, and burning all the villages, houfes, and barns in Dembea, with the corn they contained more than what ferved for their prefent ufe; but the great fuperiority of the enemy in horfe had always made him delay his intention^ Yasine had, indeed, fucceeded in his commiflion to Sen- naar, as far as it regarded the horfes. He had found the Arabs encamped immediately upon the frontier at Ras el Feel, and had received from them very near 200 of one kind or other, of which 76 only anfwered the purpofe of mounting the king's black fervants ; the others were dif- tributed among the reft of the army that wanted them. But they had not been equally fuccefsful in purchafing their coats of mail, fourteen only of which had been brought with the horfes. In order to buy the reft, the meflenger con- tinued his journey to Sennaar, and with him my fervant So- liman with my letters, to which, of confequence, I had as yet no return. But what appeared at that time mofl; mate- rial to me, Fidele Shekh of Atbara wrote to Yafme, " That, there was no fear but that I fhould be well received at Sen- naar, where Naffer, a young king, had fucceeded his father, whom he had depofed ; but that the great difficulty was to pafs between Ras el Feel and Teawa, the place of his refi- dence, and from thence to the banks of the river Dender, for that the Ganjar horfe of Kuara, and the Arabs their friends, were at war with the Arabs of Atbara, and had burnt THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 115 burnt all their crops and villages: that he fometimes did not think himfelf fafe in Teawa, and that a load of fait had not been fufFered to pafs for feveral months ; which, indeed, was the reafon why the Arabs of Atbara were come fo near Ras el Feel, and that the king's horfe were procured fo readily at the firft coming." This traitor, however, added, " That if, by any means, f could advance to him at Teawa, I need not take any thought about the reft of the journey; and that it was better I fliould come quietly and quickly, without writing to Sennaar before-hand : and he conckided with great profcffions of refped: and friendlhip for me." It had been very cold, and more than ufual rainy, fmcc the beginning of February ; the 9th was a day of clofe rain ; and this, being earlier than common, very much difcou- raged the foldiers who were naked, and, therefore, very fen- fible of cold, or rain, and, as I have before faid, never can be brought to engage willingly, unlefs under the influence of a warm fun. At laft the cries of the people flying into Gondar, feek- ing protedion from the cruekies of the rebels, determined the Ras to march out, and fet his all upon the fortune of a battle. The rifle was not thought great, as he had been all his life in ufe to conquer ; had a better army at that time than ever he commanded ; the Begemder troops, too, in whom the rebels trufted moft, were but thofe which he and his men had beaten at Nefas Mufa, although led by a very brave and valiant officer, Mariam Barea. All this was true ; but then, fmce that period, thefe troops of Begemder had been conftantly led by himfelf, had been trained, and difciplined with the old troops of Tigre, and taught to conquer wkli P 2 , them. iiG TRAVELS TO DISCOVER them. Above all, they had been ufed to fee the effeA of fire-arms, which they no lonf^er feared as formerly, but boldly rufhed in upon the mufqueteers, fometimes without giving them time to fire, or at leaft before they had time to charge again* At laft, having previoufly called in all his out-pofts, on the 13th of May he marched out of Gondar, taking with him the King and Abuna, as alfo Ozoro Efther, and Ozoro Altafla her fifter, and all the other ladies about court, who were in pofTeffion of the great fiefs of the crown, and whom he obliged to perfonal attendance, as well as to bring the quota of troops they were boundto by their refpe6tive te- nures. The king*s army halted upon the fame ground they had done on their return to Gondar. They were then fuppofed to be near 20,000 foot, belonging to Tigre and its dependen- cies, incomparably the bell troops of the empire, 6000 of which were armed with mufquets, fix times the number that all the reft of Abyfiinia could furnilh, and, confidering they v^ere all match-locks, very expert in the management of them. The reft of the foot which joined them fince he pafi^ed the Tacazze were about 10,000, befides 2000 of the king's houfehold, 500 of which were horfemen ; of thefe, few fliort of 200 were his black fervants, armed with coats of mail, the horfes with plates of brafs on their. cheeks and faces, with a Iharp iron fpike of about five inches in length, which ftuck out in the middle of their forehead, a very trou- blefome, iifelefs piece of their armour ; their bridles were iron chains ; the body of the horfe covered with a kind of thin quilt ftuffcd with cotton, v/iih two openings made above THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 117 above the flaps of the faddle, into which the horfeman put his thighs and legs, and which covered him from his hip (where his fhirt of mail ended) down to a httle above his ancle : his feet were covered with flippers of thin leather, without heels, and his flirrups were of the Turkifli or Moorifli form, into which his whole foot entered, and, be- ing hung very fliort, he could raife himfelf, and ftand as firmly as if he was upon plain ground. The faddles were in the Moorifli form like wife, high before and behind ; a flrong lace made faft to the coat of mail by the one end, the other pafl^ed through a fmall hole in the back of the faddle, kept it clofe down, fo that the back was never expofed by the coat of mail rifmg over the hinder part of the faddle. Each had a fmall ax in the furcingle of his faddle, and a pike about fourteen feet long, the weapon with which he char- ged ; it was made of very light wood, brought from the banks of the Nile, with a fmall four-edged liead, and the butt end balanced by a long fpike of iron"; this entered a lea- ther cafe faftened by a thong to the faddle, and was refled fometimes below the thigh, and fometimes above, and guid- ed by the right hand at the height the point was intended to ftrike at. The horfeman's head was covered with a hel- met of copper, or block tin, much like thofe of our light- horfe, with large crefls of black horfe tail.. The oflicers were diftinguifhed from the foldiers by locks of hair dyed yellow, interfperfed with the black. Upon the front of each helmet was a iilver flar, at leaft a white-metal one, and before the face, down to the top of the nofe, a flap of iron chain, made in the fame manner as the coat of mail, but only lighter, which ferved as a vizier. This was the iaoi[ troublefome part of the whole, it was hot and heavy, and ii8 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER and conftantly fretted the cheek and nofe, when either the man or the horfe were in motion; and therefore I always fubftituted a black filk net, which concealed my colour bet- ter, and for the reft of my face I committed it to the care of Providence. This body of horfe was able to make their way through all the cavalry in AbyfTinia, if they had been drawn up a- gainft them with equal fronts ; for every horfeman fat im- moveable upon his faddle, and ad^ed moft powerfully by his weight alone, and was perfectly matter of his perfon alfo by the breadth and flaortnefs of his ftirrups ; whereas the Abyilinian horfemen were placed moft difadvantageouf- ly, their head and body naked, their faddle fmall, and of no fupport to them, their ftirrup- leathers long, and no ftir- rups to put their foot in ; but being conftantly afraid of their horfe falling upon them, the only hold which they had was the outfide of an iron ring, which they grafped be- tween their great and fecond toe, fo that they had no ftrength from their ftirrups, whilft their foot was always fwellcd, and their toes fore and galled. Of the thoufand Shoa horfe about 60 had deferted ; the reft were all in good order, each armed with their lances about ten teet long, and two light javelins, their Ihafts being of cane, which they threw at a great diftance ; the lance they never loofed out of their hand ; as for their ftirrups and faddle, they were of the fame bad conftrudlion as thofe of the .'-\b', ftuiians in general, and this reduced them nearly to a looting with them. The THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 119 The horfemen of the king's army were about 7000, moft- ly very indifferent troops ; fo that his whole mufter was nearly 7000 mufqiteteers, 25,000 foot, armed with lances and fhields, and about 7500 horfemen ; in round numbers about 40,000 men. It is not poffible, 1 believe, to know, with greater precifion, the number, fuch is the confufion of barbarous armies on thefe occafions, and fuch the inclina- tion of their leaders to magnify and increafe their quotas. Befides thefe, Ayto Confu and Sanuda were left with about 600 men each, to proted Gondar from flying, pillaging parties, and to keep the communication open between the army and the capital, from whence the provilions were to be fupplied.. This army was furnilhed with a number of excellent of- ficers, veterans of noble families, who had fpent their whole life in war, which we may fay, for thefe laft 400- years, has never ceafed to lay defolate this unhappy coun- try ; the principal were Ras Michael, who, arrived at the age of feventy-four, had palTed the laft 50 years of his life in a courfe of continued vidories, Atfliam Georgis, and Gue- bra Chriftos, uncles by the mother's fide to the king ; Kefla Yafous, in the full vigour of life, who, though unhap- pily born in a country plunged in ignorance, and where there is no education, pofiefTed every quality that became a man, whether a foldier, ftatefman, citizen, or friend ; Wel- leta Michael, mafter of the houfehoTd to the king ; Billeta- na Guera Tecla ; Bafha Hezekias, and Guebra Mafcal, two principal officers of his mufquctry, and a great number of others of equal merit, known better in-ihe c?mp than at the court ; Aylo, and Engedan, two fons of Kafmati bfhte ; Ayto Confu, fon of Ozoro Efthei, all young ^len, employed gene- 4 J^ally 120 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER rally in enterprifes, and growing every day more and more into reputation. It is impoflible fo much as to guefs at the number of the enemy, they were always very numerous, but conflantly changing. It was faid, that Begemder and Lafta had at one time 30,000 horfemen ; I fhould believe this number greatly exaggerated, from what I heard afterwards ; and that the whole cavalry in their army did not exceed what it was at the battle of Serbraxos. I fuppofe indeed, that, together with their foot, they did not much exceed that number, tho' they were at times magnified to 50 and 60,000, moft of them very bad troops, continually deferting, excepting about 4000 men be- longing to Gufho, from Amhara, who likewife brought about 100 match-locks, and befides thefe there were fcarce- ly any in the rebel army. I mull not, however, forget 200 horfemen, Edjow Galla, fervants and relations of the late king Joas, who behaved in the mofl gallant and undaunted man- ner, and upon all occafions fet a noble example to the reft of the army. Ras Michael himfelf led the van; the king the center, with Guebra Mafcal,and a confidcrable body of mufquetcers of Tigre ; he had no horfe but thofe of his own houfehold. The rear was commanded by Wclleta Michael, and Tecla: how difpofcd, or of what troops conllituted I know not, for the front, center, and rear were undcrftood to march in order, btit it was often impoffible to difcern any fuch di- vifions ; we were often all in confufion, fometimes we were in the middle of the front, fometimes joined and mixed with the rear ; all c .r oflicers had left their command, and were crowding abou, Ras Michael and the king ; women 2 bearing THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 121 l)earing provifions, horns of liquor, and mills for grinding corn, upon their backs ; idle women of all forts, half dead with fear, crying and roaring, mounted upon mules ; and men driving mules loaded with baggage, mingled with the troops, and palling through in all dire(5lions, prefented fuch a tumultuous appearance that it furpafled all defcription. There were above 10,000 women accompanying the army : the Ras had about 50 loaded with bouza, and the king I fuppofe near, as many. The fight threw me for a moment into low fpirits. I know not if the king faw it. I was perfecStly fdent, when he cried. Well, what do you fay to us now, Yagoube ? I anfwer- ed. Is this the order in which your majefly means to engage ? He laughed, and faid. Aye; why not, you will fee. If that is fo, I replied, I only hope it is the enemy's cuftom as well as your raajefty's to be in no better order. The king was going to anfwer me, when Guebra Mafcal, who was juft befide him, criedout,Thisisa bufmefsyou know nothing about,Yagoube; go to your Felac (quadrant) and your fortune-telling, if you are afraid ; we have no need of you, nor your advice to-day. Refped-for theprefenceof the king, which youfeem to be void of, faid I, hinders me from anfwering you as I otherwife would have done ; but be allured, in which ever army they were to-day, they are not men like Guebra Mafcal whom Ifhould be afraid of. The king looked at him much difpleafed, and, I believe, faid fomething favourable of me ; what it was I did not diflindlly hear. It was now about 10 o'clock, when, marching clofe along the foot of the hills, we arrived at Tedda. The burying- place of Hatzc Hannes I. fon of Facilidas, and father of Ya- VoL. IV. Q^ fous 122 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER fous the Great, was fcarce a quarter of a mile to the S. W. of us, and the church of St George a htile more on the eaft, when orders came from the Ras for us to encamp on the fide of the hill, which we accordingly did, and were prefeni^ly in better order than we were when marching. The Ras, wlio had pafl'ed the river of Tedda, encamped on the fouth fide of it. It happened that our two bodies, the front and cen- ter, were at that time treading upon one another's heels ; but the rear, from fome accident, was confiderably behind, and part of it had fcarce pailed the Mogetch. ' Both the bury ing-pl ace, and church near it, were planted thick round with Cyprus and cedar trees. Juft a little be- fore the Ras ordered us to encamp, a mefTenger arrived from Netcho, (the Fit-Auraris) that he had that morning met the Fit-Auraris of Begemder on this fide of the river Mariam ; that he had killed the Fit-Auraris himfelf, (a man of Lafta) with 37 of his men, and driven them back : he added, that he intended to fall back himfelf upon the Ras's army, unlefs ll:opt by contrary orders ; thefe the Ras did not fend, being deiirous that he fliould join him, as he foon after did, without being purfued : he brought word that the army of the rebels was near at hand, between. Korreva and the lake ; that PowufTen's head-quarters were at Korreva,- and that he had heard Gulho had puflied on advanced ports, as far as the church of Mariam ; but this he did not know for certain, being only the information of a dying man. Ras Michael immediately detached Guebra Mafcal, and another officer, with 400 men to take pollef- fion of the fepulchre and the church at Tedda, and conceal themfelves among the cedar-trees» We THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 123 We had not encamped long, before the rear came in fight, Confu, fon of Ozoro Either, whom the Ras had left to guard Gondar, hearing how near the enemy was, and the probability of a battle that day, had left his poft, and joined Yafme, with the horfe of Ras el Feel, that were in the rear ; foon after this juncftion, Afahel Woodage, with about 400 men, partly Edjow Galla, (the late king Joas's houfehold) partly Maitfha, came up from the Denibea fide of the lake Tzana, and began to harrafs the rear, marching in great confufion. Conlu, though fomething fuperior in number, was thought to be inferior in the goodnefs of troops by much more than the difference ; but the event proved the contrary, for he charged Woodage Afahel fo for- cibly, that he obliged him to quit our rear, and retire acrofs the plain at a pace, which if not a flight, did very much re- femble it. Ayto Confu preffed vigoroufly upon him, till, being now clear of the rell of the army, and in the fair open plain, Woodage wheeled (hortly about, and fiiewed by his countenance that it was not to avoid Ayto Confu, but Ras Michael's mufquetry, that he retreated to a greater diflance ; both fides llopt to breathe their horfes for fome minutes ; but it was plain afterwards, Afa.hel Woodage, an old foldier, trufled much to the known valour of his troops, and willied to Ifrike a blow of confequehce in prefence of his old enemy the Ras, Ras Michael was at the door of his tent then playing at dams, or drafts, as was his cuftom, and Ozoro Either v/as trembling to fee her fon on the point of being furrounded by mercilefs Galla, the nation who moil of all flie detefted, and who had every caufe to hate her. All the young men, (Confu's friends) with their lances in their hands, and rea- 0^2 dy 124 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER dy to mount on horfeback, befeeched the Ras to allow tliem to go down into the plain to the ailiflance of (lonfu ; but the old general, without leaving off his game, faid, " I do ftridtly forbid one of you to ftir ; Confu has broke my orders to-day, and brought himfelf into a fcrape by his own folly; let me fee him get out of it by his courage and conduft, and thereby fet the army a better example than he yet has done." — " Sir, faid I, at leaft ila^tion fome mufquetry on the fmall hill, at the edge of the plain, that, if Confu is beaten, I may not have the mortification of feeing Yafme, and the new troops of Ras el Feel, (who were in their proper poll) and have all my baggage and provifions, maffacred before my eyes by thefe cowardly barbarians." I fpoke this in the Utmoft anguifh, when the Ras lifted up his head with a ghaftly kind of laugh, and faid, " Right, well do fo, Ya- goube." Though this was but an imperfedl permiflion, I ran down to the ftation with fuch hafte that 1 fell twice in my way, and was confiderably hurt, for the ground was rocky, and the grafs llipperyo Although I had only waved my cloak, and cried comc^ on firs, a large number of matchlocks of Ozoro Efl:her's, and the king's, haftened immediately to the ground. Con- fu by this time had charged, and after a flioiu refiflance beat Woodage back into the plain; Woodage, however, again faced about, and after fome refi fiance, Confu in his turn •was driven back in evident diforder, and puflied almoft in upon the poft, where our foldiers had made ready their mufquets, to fire if they came a ftep nearer. At this inflant a body of about 30 or 40 horfe (the commander we after- wards knew to be Ay to Engedan) came up full gallop from the right, and fi;opt the Galla in their purfuit, Confu's men rallied. THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. r^jF rallied upon this alTiftance, and Afahel Woodage retired ina di- re<'T:ion palliug clofe under thefepLilchre,Engedan and Confu keeping at a moderate pace on his left between them and the aniiy, and farcing them down, as it were, to the trap they knew was laid for them. They were yet a long fhoi from the cedars that furroimded the fepulchre, when a volley was discharged at them from among the trees, where Mi- chael had polled his 400 men, wnich, though it did little or no execution, terrified Woodage Afahel's men fo much, that Confu and Engedan, charging in that initant a.-, upon a fignal, they all difperfed through different parts of the field, and their leader after them: Joas's Edjow, indeed, would not fall back a Hep upon the volley, but, after an ob- flinate refirtance, they were broken by fuperior numbers,, and forced to retreat before an enemy, fo overcome with fatigue and wounds, as to be unable to purfue them. The whole of this engagement lafted near an hour by my watch. One hundred and thirteen of Woodage Afahel's men were flain upon the fpot, and their bloody trophies brought and thrown before the king. On Confu's fide about 70 were killed and wounded ; he himfelf received two wounds, one a large flelh wound in the hip, the other more flight upon the head, both of them at the very beginning of the engagement. Notwithstanding the natural hardnefs of his heart, and that the misfortune which had happened was in im- mediate difobedience of orders, R as Michael fliewed great fenfibility at hearing Confu was wounded ; he came imme- diately to fee him, a vifit not according to etiquette, and gave him. a flighter reproof than was expeded for leaving his- 126 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER his port in the town, as well as for his fighting without his orders. Confu, witli great luhmillion and addrefs at the fame time, excufed his leaving his poft, from the repeat- ed information he had received that a decilive battle was to be fought that day, and knowing the Ras's want of horfe, he could not flay at Gondar, and keep his idle, when the fate of fo kmd a father, (as the Ras had been) and that of a another, to whom he owed every thing, was depend- ing. He faid it would be more agreeable to him to die by the hands of the executioner of the camp, as an example for difobedience of orders, than furvive with the refledlion that he had been voluntarily abfent from fiich an occauon. As for engaging with Ai'ahel Woodage that day, he faid he had no intention of that kind ; that he knew not who he was when he attacked him, and only endeavoured to hin- der him from harrafling the rear of the army, and deftroy- ing the provilions : That when he charged him firft, Wood- age was among the women, loaded with bouza, flour, and fpirits, which were coming to the Ras, and great part of which he had intercepted, as the Ras would find. Michael could not help laughing at this lad part of the excufe, but went away, and, in his converfation that evening, gave Con- fr the highefl: praifes for his conduct and bravery, but faid nothing of his fault. Engedan was next arraigned for fighting without orders. He, too, anfwered with great humility, That when he faw the infantry run down the hill, with their matches lighted, he thought it was the Ras's intention to relieve Confu - by the moft effedual means poffible; but at any rate he could never, with arms in his hands. Hand looking on, while his coufin-german and companion was mafiacred by Gall a. 4 Ail THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 127 All ended well. 1 he truth is, Michael never would find fault with a man that fought, however imprudently he ibught the occafion: courage was to him in place of charity ; it co- vered a multitude of fms. OzoRo Esther, in the deepeft concern, had attended her fon from the moment of his arrival, and had feen his ■wound dreffed and fwathed up. A large gaping flefh- wound (fuch as his was)^frighfens ignorant people more than the fmall orifice made by a Ihot, which breaks bones and en- dangers life. Such was Ozoro Efther's apprehenfion ; and every minute (he inquired of me if f. thought it was pofR- ble he could recover, i had not quitted him fince he had got off his horfe. I advifed him by all means to go in a litter to Gondar, either carried by men or mules; but no perfuafion, nor confideration, would induce him to go o- therwsfe than on a mule, with Ins horfe harneffed and led By him. Every thing was accordingly prepared, when I received a meffage from the Ras to wait \ipon him. I immediately went to his tent, and found him v/ith two dwarf boys only, who were fanning the flies fi-om his face. " Ozoro tfther wifhes, fays he, that you would fee Confu fafe to Gondar,, and bring us word to-morrow how he is; and you muft flay with him altogether, if he is in danger." — " If he has no fever, faid I, he is in no danger. If the king and you" — He then interrupted me, — " The king, and I, and every one, wiflies you to attend Confu." 1 bowed, and went away with- out reply. When I was got to the door he cried after me,. " Don't be afraid, you will be in time enough to fee every thing I 12? TRAVELS TO DISCOVER thing ; neither they nor I wifh an engagement but at Ser- braxos." ■ I DID not underftand the meaning of the fpeech, but went away without reply ftraight to the king's tent ; and I was juft going to fpeak when he ftopt me, by crying, " Go, go, for God's fake ! Ozoro Efther has been here almoft out of her fenfes." I went on this to her tent, where I found her fitting by Confu and drowned in tears, which at times were interrupted by fits of feeming diftradtion. He began to feel the lofs of blood, which would have made me wifh not to move him ; but there was no flaying here for fick people ; and fo violent a fpirit had fpread through the army, upon Netcho's fuccefs and Confu's vi<51:ory, that one and all infifl- ed upon fighting the next day ; and feveral of my friends, who knew where I was going, fliook hands with me at my paffing them, faying, " Farewell, Yagoube ; we are forry to lofe you, but all will T^e over before you come back." I NOW infifled more than ever upon Confu's going in a litter, and fetting out immediately, which was according- ly complied with. Ozoro Efther had dinner, or rather fup- per, ready in a moment, and I had great need of it, having fcarcely tafted any thing for two days. While I was eating, Ozoro Efther could not flop the efi'ufions of her gratitude for the care I had again taken of Confu. " I knew, fays fhe, you would have refufed me, if I had endeavoured to perfuade you to go away from the camp, when there are fuch fair expectations, you may be knocked on the head to-morrow ; and therefore I applied to the Ras by force to bend that rafli, proud fpirit of yours, which one day will be the occafion of your death."—" Madam, faid I, you do 3 "^^ THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 129 mc injuftice if you vvill not believe that I had rather obey your commands than thofe of any general upon earth : But, pray, what is the meaning of the Ras's fpeech to me about both armies wilhing to fight at Serbraxos * ? Where is this Serbraxos ?" — " Why, fays (lie, here, on a hill juft by ; the Begemder people have a prophecy, that one of their go- vernors is to fight a king at Serbraxos, to defeat him, and flay him there : in his place is to fucceed another king, whofe name is Theodorus, and in whofe reign all Abyfli- nia is to be free from war, or from any trouble, ficknefs, or famine ; that the Galla, Shangalla, and Mahometans are all to be dcilroyed, and the empire of Abyflinia to be extended as far as Jerufalem." — " All this deftruction and conquell withou.t v/ar ! That will be curious indeed. I think 1 could wifli to fee this Theodorus," faid I, laughing. " See him you will, replied Ozoro Ellher ; peace, happinefs, and plen- ty will lail all his reign, and a thoufand years afterwards. Enoch and Elias will rife again, and will fight and deftroy Gog and Magog, and all this without any war." — " On which I again faid, that muft be cleverly managed. And now, why does Ras Michael choofe to fight at Serbraxos ? I do not think he is defirous to pay his court to the king Theodorus, or any king brought him by Begemder." — *' Y\^hy, fays flie, all tlic hermits and holy men on our fide, that can prophecy, have allured him he is to beat the re- bels this month at Serbraxos ; and a very holy man, a her- mit from Waldubba, came to him at Gondar, and obliged him to march out againft his will, by telling hun this pro- phecy, which he knows to be true, as the man is not like Vol. IV, R common Seibraxos, abbrevution for Serba Chriftos, the Crofs of Chrlfl. ijo TRAVELS TO DISCOVER common prophets, but one who never ate anv thing but roots, or drank other liquor than-«warer, fince the day of his nativity. Such a man as this, you know, Yagoube, can- not lie." "And I, fays Ay to Confu, being a prophet that hath ate beef and drunk bouza ever fince my naiivity, vvlienever I could not get wine or brandy, and who give my fliare of water freely to the faints of Waldubba, as a proper reward for the lies they tell, I do prophecy, that there are now two thoufand men eating their fupper within fight of Ser- braxos, who will never fee it nearer, but will all be flain in a battle fought at this place to-morrow, at which time Ya- goube fhall be feafting with me at Gondar, without caring a fig for king Theodorus and his plenty." — " A bleffcd pro- phet yau !" fays Ozoro Either. At this inftant the fervants at the door informed lis there was fcarce light to fee the way down the hill, and we got cur wounded prophet, without much difficulty or com- plaint, into the litter. A number of men fupportcd him down the hill, and about 50 of his own horfe attended. I defired him to feel often the bandage if his wound bled ; and, finding it did not, I rode on horfeback clofe by his fide. For fome time, not hearing him ftir or fpeak, I thought he was alleep, or had fainted ; on which I ftopt the litter, felt his pulfe, and allied him if he was dofmg ? He faidjNo ; he was thinking of all the lies his mother had been telling me : but there is one thing flie did not care to tell you, Yagoube, fhe fays you laugh at thefe llories ; but there is a fpirit who always appears to Michael and affures him of vicftory. I'he devil, faid I, probably ; for what good arifes from all thcfe vidories ? are they not the ruin of innocent people, and of the country ? No, replied Confu, it is St iVli- chael THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. im J chad the archangel ; he faw him jiill before he furprifed the mountain Ha^-amat, but ncitlier at Gondar, nor fince he paiTed the Tacazze, and this makes him forrowful. The fpirit has been afraid to catch cold, faid I, by wetting his feet in that cold fiver. I doubt fo, anfwered Confu ; but the liar of a monk, who my mother fuppofes never eats nor drinks, told him he was to fee him at Serbraxos. At this time we heard the noife of horfes, and could dif- cern (as we thought) three men that paffed the bridge of Mogetch brifkly before us. As they feemed to avoid us, fix or eight of Confu's men purfued them at full gallop, but lofl them in the darknefs. They, however, were found to be foldiers of Kafmati Sanuda, who hearing Woodage Afahel had been engaged with Ayto Confu, had come out with the unworthy purpofe of colletfting fome filthy trophies, by mangling the dead or wounded, though thefe muft have been their own companions, the foldiers of Ayto Confu, who had been flain ; for the whole of Woodage Afahel's men had already undergone what Strates emphatically called the operation^ by the knives of Confu's foldiers. ' We now arrived at Kofcam without any adventure, and Confu was laid to repofc, after taking a little food : in obedience to the orders of Ozoro Efther, I lay down by him in the fame apart- ment. Early next morning I was fent for by a fervant of Ozoro Efther, to attend Welleta Selafi^e, who I was told was at the point of death. I repaired immediately to the houfe of Ras Michael, where flie then was, but found her without pofil- bility of recovery, having already loft her fpeech. She ex- pired a few minutes afterwards, apparently in violent ago- R 2 nies. 132 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER nies. The caufe was never properly known; fome attri- buted it to the jealoufy of Ozoro Either, others alledged that £he had taken poifon from apprehenfion of faUing into the hands of Ras Michael: whatever was the truth, her fer- vants certainly told me, that fhc had confeffed fhe had taken poifon, and not till the pain became violent, and then flie turned afraid, would flie confent to have an exprefs fent to Ozoro Efther, to bring me from the camp. 1 had unluckily left it before to attend Ayto Confu, neither is it probable I could have been of any fervice, as the poifon fhe had taken was arfenic. This accident detained me that whole day, fo that,inftead of returning to the army, I went to Ayto Confu at Kofcam, where I found another melTenger in fearch of me. • The king's Mahometan was returned fromSennaar, and with him Soliman my fervant, who brought me anfwers to the letters I had written ; they had come by Beyla to Ras el Feel, by Sim Sim, and the wellern deferts, the way to Teawa being much infefted by gangs of Arabs, and Ganjar horfe, who murdered every body they found in their way. They brought with them only twelve horfes, eighteen coats of mail, and about thirty libd*; thefe were moftly returns made by the principal members of government to the prefcnts the king had fent them, for every body at Sennaar no\y fet too great a value upon the armour, and horfes, to part ca- fily with them, on account of the unfettled ftate of the times, the hiflory of which we Ihall give afterv.-ards. My * Thefe are leather coats quUted with cotton, ufed inHead of coats of mail : botli man an* liorfe are covered wiUx them, and they give to both a monfirons apjiearance. » THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 1.13 My letters informed me that the whole kingdom of Sennaar was in arms, that Naffer (wl\o had dcpofed his fa- ther by the help of two great brothers, Mahomet Abou Ca- lec, and Adelan) was upon the point of trufling his life and kingdom to the event of a battle with thefc two oflicers. I was, moreover, conjured, with all the carnellnefs, as I thought, of a truly honeft man, that I would by no means undertake the journey I intended ; that to come from Ra& el Feel to Sennaar, was, for a white man like me, next to an abfolute impoflibiHty, conneding the danger of the way with the great hardlhips from the exceffive heat of the cli- mate, and want of food and water; that even arrived at Sennaar, I lliould be in the utmoft danger from the foldiery^ and the king's flaves, under no fubordination or govern- ment ; and that, even if I was happy enough to efcape thcfe, the worft ftill remained, and no human power could convoy or protetSt me, in my remaining journey to Egypt through the great defert. I was therefore begged to lay all fuch intention afide as impoffible, and either ftay where I was, or return by Tigre, Mafuah, and Arabia, the way by which I firft entered AbyfTmia. This was the fevereft of all blows to me, and threw me for fome time into the low- eft delpondency, but it did not change my refolution, which was already taken, not to turn to the right or the left, but either compleat my journey to Syene, the frontier of Egypt, by Sennaar, and Nubia, or periih in the attempt. I NOW refolved to proceed immediately to the camp, ta- king twenty horfe from Sanuda, and twenty from Coiitu, to efcort the coats of mail and horfes from Sennaar. I fee out that evening with Mahomet the king's fervant, by the load of Sema Confu, and arrived about nine o'clock in the campv, 134- TRAVELS TO DISCOVER camp, without any adventure, bringing the news of Wel- leta Selafle's death, which feemed to caufe neither furprife nor forrow, and was never after fpoken of either by the Ras or Ozoro Ellher ; but very great rejoicings were made at the good accounts of Ayto Confu, with very kind expreffions of me, both from the Ras and Ozoro Efther. Before he went to bed, the king had examined Mahomet, and drawn from him the true Hate of the kingdom of Sen- naar; he then fent for me, and ordered me to deUver him my letters, which I did, interpreting them to him, word for word. He faid, however, but httle at this time, as he thought that that door, being fo effecftually fhut againft me, lefs could be urged againft the fafer, and more known road through Tigre, which, of courfe, it was prefumed 1 fliould more eagerly embrace ; he kept my letters, and ordered me to choofe two of the horfes for myfelf, which I did, one of them near feventeen hands high, I fuppofe one of the moft powerful horfes in the world. The reft he diftributed a- mong the black troops ; the fame he did with the coats of mail. I found the army in great fpirits, but ftill the ftory of fighting only at Serbraxos feemed to be obftinately per- fifted in. I alked Ozoro Efther if St Michael had yet appear- ed to the Ras; Ihe anfwered, " Hulh ! for God's fake, don't make a joke of this, one word of this kind repeated to him would prevent your ever receiving a favour from Michael. It happened that, the day after I had attended Ayto Con. fu to Gondar, Ras Michael fent fome foldiers into Dembea to forage, thefe had been intercepted by a party pofted on purpofe by Kafmati Ayabdar and Gufho, confifting of Ed- joyv Galla, with fome horfe from Foggora and Amhara. An 3 engagement THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 135 engagement happened pretty much in the fame place and manner as that with Woodage Afahel and Ayto Confu, ni full view of the camp, and affiftance was fent on both fides to the refpe6live parties. The troops commanded by Aylo, brother of Engedan, and Guebra Mafcal, were beaten back almoil: clofe to the camp, by the horfe led by the Edjow Gal- la, though brave and veteran foldiers, while Ras Michael oi^ered Yafme and his 200 from Ras el Feel, (all with their libds on) to charge the Galla, now advanced very near. Each horfe had a number of brafs bells at his neck, and they no fooner appeared than the whole cavalry of the ene- my, ftarting at the hideous figure and noife, fell into con- fufion, and, being clofcly prefled with violent blows of their great fwords, no longer difputed the ground, but left the field on the gallop. A beautiful grey horfe of Guflio's, fu- perbly ornamented with gold and filver, and having a very rich broad-fword hanging at his faddle, and a pole-ax on the other fide under the furcingle, was taken by fome fol- diers of Ras el Feel, who fpread the report inilanily that Gufho was flain. Immediately on this, orders were given for the whole army to defcend into the plain, which they did with great alacrity, forming in order of battle, though neither the king nor Ras Michael left the camp, nor did any adverfary appear ; and. the troops, content with this bravado, returned again in great fpirits to the camp. This is the account I heard of that day^s fkirmifli, for I was not prefent there, being at Gondar with Ayto Confu. In the evening of that very day amved a mefienger from Guflio, telling Ras Michael, that a young boy, a nephew of his, had, without his knowledge, gone to fee the engage- ment, and had taken with him his- favourite horfe, who, being 136 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER being frightened at the Arabs with their Hbds, had thrown him, after which he had run off and left the horfe among the enemy. He begged to have his horfe redored at any price, if the man that had taken him was allowed to fell him. He at the fame time fcnt a prefent of a large quan- tity of fruit and frefli filh from the lake. The meffenger was a priefl well known by Ras Michael, and warmly at- tached to the king, and it was thought came with an er- rand of more confequence than either about the horfe or the fifh. The Ras fent him for his anfwer to the King, who told him, the horfe being taken by the troops of Ras el Feel, belonged to me, and with me he mull make his bar- gain : that I was at Gondar, and my return uncertain ; but that the next day he might have my anfwer. This v/as the better to conceal the prieft's real bufinefs, for the King and Ras knew how they were to difpofe of the horfe ; at leaft they certainly knew I was not to return him without their orders. The morning after my arrival this fame priefl: came to me with a melTage from Guflio, defiring I would fend him his horfe, as a proof of the friendihip which he faid had al- ways fubfifted between us, at the fame time offering me any fum of money that I might have promifcd to content the foldiers who took him. As I had before obtained leave from Ras Michael to rcftore the horfe, fo I did it with the very bed grace poffdile, fending Yafine himfelf, chief of the troops of Ras el Feel, with the melFage to Guflio, that I rec- koned myfclf exceedingly happy in having that opportunity of obliging him, and of fhcwing the value I had ever fet upon his fricndflaip"; that he very well knew the little re- gard I had for money, and that the foldier who took the I horfe THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 157 horfe was my fervant, and had already been abundantly fa- tisfied. I defired Yafine to add, that I hoped, in order to a continuation of that friendfliip, he would avoid, in his own particular command, or in that of his relations, attacking where the king was in perfon, becaufe it was my indifpen- fible duty to be there, and that his nephew might not efcapc with the lofs of a horfe, if he again happened to be engaged with the Moorifh troops, who, though under my command, were Mahometans, ftrangers to the language, and to whom it was impoflible for me to convey any diftincStion of perfons, Gufho was exceedingly fenfible of this civil return of the horfe ; he cloathed Yafine magnificently, made him a pre- fent of another horfe, and fent a very flattering meflage by him to me. gi»i.ii I ■ ...Ilia Vol. IV. S CHAP» ijS TRAVELS TO DISCOVER **!^c:^* CHAP. VI. Michael attempts to enter Begemder — Firft Battle of Serbraxos — The Rebels offer Battle to the King in the Plain — Armies Jeparated by a violent Storm. YA S I N E had fcarcely returned to the camp when all the tents were ftruck, and the army on its march. The Ras and Guebra Mafcal led the van, the king and Guebra Chrif- tos the center, Kafmati Kefla Yafous the rear ; Netcho the Fit-Auraris being about half an hour's march before us^ we proceeded along the plain without interruption ; Ayto Engedan, with a fmall body of horfe, was covering the king's right flank at fome diftance. The church of Serbraxos was on our left upon the fide of a hill, and we expeded to fee the Fit-Auraris take up his ground for encamping there, as it was the field of adion determined upon by both parties^ The Fit-Auraris, however, firft, and then Ras Michael with the van, paffed below Serbraxos at fo brifk a pace that we in the center found it difficult to keep up with them. 4, A L0N6, FIRST BATTLE. Explanation. 1. King's palace and high walls furround- ing it. 2. Aflioa, public place where the troops afTemble, and gun-pov\'djr is fold, and ■where public executions are made, 3. Hamar Noh, Noah's Ark, a church. 4. A clofe quarter over a precipice on the Weft, to which the merchants carry their effe-fb upon fiidden revolutions, efpccially thoie that have flour and provilions. J. Abbo, where the Romifhpriefts were ftoned and lye unburicd. 6. Debra Dcrhan, famous church upon* rile highefl part of the hill over tin; Angrab. 7. Riggobce Ber, or Pigeons Pafs, a rocky part of the town, fortified in time of troubles. 8. Abbo, great ftreet, called from the church and faint of that name. 9. INIahometan town on the river Kaha. 10. King's palace on the river Kaha. I r. Brook of St Raphael. 1 2. The river Angrab. A The centre ccmmanded by the king and Guebra Chriftos encamped on the South of the hill Serbraxos. B Ras Michael, who leads the van, en- camped upon the South-Eaft, and high- eft part of the hill. C Kefla Yafous, who commands the rear encamped upon the North-Well. D Ras Michael march'ng from his camp at Serbraxos, is flopt at the mouth of the valley, and engages Powufl'en and the troops of Begemder at E. E The rebel troops of Begemder engag- ing Rss Michael. F Ayto Engcd.;ii with a thoufand men marches from the King's camp to rein- force Michael at the mouth of the val- ley. G PowufTen's camp at Correva. H A -inforcement m..r;hes from Pow- ui; I's camp, and joins the rebels tn- . , :.\ with Michael at E. I Ras Michael beat back into the valley, retires under cover of his mufketry at K and L, which ftop the rebels ad- vancing. M Kefla Yafous^ joins the king, marches to the head of the valley, wheels to- the right, and faces to the weftward. N The king's horfe upon the ford of the ISIariam facing weftward. 00 Two bodies of the king's muflcetry placed to defend the ford of the Ma- riam. P Ayabdar's army encamped. Q_Q^ Ayabdnr's army marches from the camp, and halts a fmall diflance from the king's horfe at NN, but retreats to SS without attacking them. All but the Edjow Galla, who remain at T, and sre all cut to pieces by the king's horfe, and the muikctry on the hiU. THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 13^ A LONG valley, having the mountains of Begcmder on the fouth, or fartheft end, was what the Ras had now entered, and he flattered himfelf, by a forced niaixh, to arrive at thofc mountains. When once in Begemder, he knew that he not on- ly fhould occafion a revolt among the troops of Powuiren, (many of whom had followed him by force rather than in- clination) but likewife he was afllired that he lliould be met by many powerful noblemen and friends to the king, both of Lafta and Begemder, whom Powuflen dared not force to follow him, and who had ftaid at home; by this means, he conceived his army would be fo much increafed that he foon Ihould bring the rebels to reafon. The river Mariam runs along the weft fide of this valley^ fliallow, but brilk and clear, and the water excellent, while a fmall brook, called Deg-Ohha, (that is, the water of ho- nour, or of worth) falling from- the mountains on the eaft, runs clofe by the bottom of the hill of Serbraxos, where it joins the Mariam. The center of the army was juft en- tering from the plain into the valley, and the king's horfe pafling Deg-Ohha, when we heard a firing in the front, which we gueiTed to be from the Fit-Auraris; foon after fol- lowed a repeated firing from the van, engaged about a Ihorc two miles diftance, though a long even hill in the midft of the valley, and its windings, hindered us from feeing them, GuEBRA Christos immediately made his difpofition ; he placed his horfe, and foot in the intervals of the horfe, in the middle of the valley ; his mufquetry on the right and left, the former upon the fkirts of the hill already mentioned, to i-un along the valley ; the latter up the fliirts of the hill of S 2 Serbraxos* 140 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER Scrbraxos. Orders very foon arrived from Ras Michael,, which did not alter the difpofition ; and Kefla Yafous with- the rear arriving at the fame time, jitll joined and doubled; the feveral poils as they had been taken-; oiu- pofition was to the utmofl of our wifli ; but it had not been fo with. Michael, for he no fooaer had got int9 the plain,, where he had the hills no longer either on his right or left, than he was attacked by Powuflen, with the whole force of Begem- der, who cut off the troops of his FitrAuraris to a man, he, and two or three common foldiers, only efcaping. This was owing to Michael's retreating inftead of fupporting him ; for he had fcarcely given time for PowufTen to come up; with his horfe, who fought more defperately than was their ufual cuftbmj than he himfelf again took poflellion of the- entrance of the valley, and lined the hill on both fides with fire-arms. A very general and fliarp fire from Gue- bra Mafcal, and the mufquetry,, (who had occupied the: fouth end of the long hill) foon obliged PowufTen to leave: Michael's cavalry, which he would elfe have inevitably de- llroyed, and Ihelter himfelf in the plain from the violent; efFedl. of the fhot, which rained upon him alternately from, the hills on. each fide of the valley. At this time we were in the greateft anxiety, from the- report of the mufquets always, coming nearer us, though^ by the contrary winds, the fmoke was carried from us. The day was far advanced, and excefilvely hot : the foot foldiers were bufy in giving our horfes drink out of our own hel- mets, which they filled from Deg-Ohha. All the troops; were impatient, however, to come to an aAion upon that' ground. At this time an officer from Michael came to Kefia Yafous, who was on horfehack near, the king, order- ing. T H E S O U R C E O F T H E N I L E. 141 mg him to fend a body of frefh horfe to fupport the caval- ry of his divifion, with an intention, if poffible, to bring on a general engagement. In the mean time he ordered Kef- la Yafous to keep firm, as he then was, in the poll of Ser- braxos, and not to advance till he was fure that Giilho and Ayabdar had left their gromid, joined PowufTen, and were engaged with him at the fouth end of rhe valley. Thefe inftrudtions were perfectly underllood by that faga- cious and veteran general. He detached 500 Shoa, with near the fame number of horfe belonging to Engedan, and commanded by him, and thefe, joined t© the cavalry already in the van, again attempting to pafs the plain, were at- tacked by PowufTen and the troops of Begemder, who had been likewife reinforced, and after an obftinate engage-*, ment they had retired into the mouth of the valley, not from being a(flually beaten, but by dirc(5lion of Ras Mi- chael, in order to bring the enemy purfuing them under the fire of the mufquetry, on each fide of. the entrance of the valley.. I WAS exceedingly curious to have feen this engagement,-, and I begged Kefla Yafous to fpeak to the king to permit me to go fmgly with Engedan. To this, however, I had a flat refufal, not without fome marks of peeviflmefs and difplea- fure, which Kefla Yafous qualified by faying, " Don't be dif* mayed, you fhali fee ;" and in that inflant the word was given to march to the right, whilll the troops left the valley between the long hill and the mountains,, and took poll on the fide of the river Mariam, with their faces fronting the weft. The mufquetry was placed upon the eminences to the north and fouth, as if to defend the ford of the river, thro! which, the entrance was, to the north end of the valley. Mi-. cliaelj,. 142 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER thael, in the mean time, had, by the feigned retreat of his' cavahy, decoyed the Begemder troops within reach of the mufquetry, and they were again put in diforder by the dif- charge on each fide of the hill, without being able to ad- vance a flep further ; after which he ordered fome tents to be pitched upon the hill on his right, as if intending to en- camp there. Kasmati Ayabdar, who commanded the left wing of the- rebels, imagining that the whole army had advanced to the fouth of the valley with Ras Michael, thought this was an opportunity of furrounding the king's troops, and cutting them off from their camp and ftrong poll upon the hill of Serbraxos ; with this intention he advanced rapidly to the ford of the river Mariam, thinking to take poll on the hill which was to our rear, being that of Serbraxos. When he advanced, however, near that river, and faw the king and his cavalry drawn up on the banks of it, his heart failed him, and he halted within a fliort quarter of a mile of our troops. In order to decoy and make him more confident, Kefla Ya- fous ordered the horfe to retreat and crofs the river as fall as they could, with an appearance of confufion, that he might draw their horfe within reach of our mufquetry planted up- on every eminence. The king fliewed great reluctance at this manoeuvre, however wife. He repeated very peeviilily. What is this ! What is this ! Am I retiring before rebels? — Neither did this llratagem fucceed but in part, for Ayabdar, either dillruiling the trap laid for him, or afraid to enter in- to an engagement with the king, advanced but a few paces, and again halted, apparently not decided what he was to do. The THE SOtJRCE OP THE NILE. 145 The Fdjow Galla alone advanced to the very brink of the river, and when the mufquetry began to be fired at them, which would probably quickly have put them into confu- fion, the king, lofing all patience, ordered the black horfe, and all the heavy-armed troops, to charge them, which ■was inflantly executed with the greateft fpeed; the Gal- la were all borne down, with little or no refiilance, by ■the length of our pikes, and the fuperior weight of our horfes, and thofe that were not {lain were fcattered over the plain. But a greater misfortune befel us from our friends than from our enemies, as a volley of lliot was poured up- on us from Serbraxos hill, on the right hand, which killed feven men, notwithllanding their coats of mail. The king himfelf was in great danger, being in the middle of the en- gagement, and unarmed; young prince George, who fought by his fide, was lliot in the thumb of his left hand. Kefla Yafous, who faw the danger the king was in, ridmg about, holdmg out his hand and crying not to fire, was fhot through the hair, the ball juft grazing his head above the ear, and another wounding his horfe juft above his thigh, but fo flightly, that it was afterwards extradled by a fervant's fingers. Ayabdar, after the lo(s of his Ed jo w Galla, retreated to the camp, amidlt the curies and imprecations of the army, who, not informed of the king's ftrength, thought the war might have been ended by a proper exertion and perfeve- rance in his part that day. Gulho his nephew, who had flaid to guard the. camp, but who had reinforced Powufi^en and Ayabdar each of them with a part of his troops, fpoke of his uncle in the bittereft terms of reproach, continually calling him dotard and coward, and declaring him incapa- ble .144 TRAVELS TO DIS GOV EH 'ble of command or fervice. Whether this was really his .opinion, or only faid vv^ith a view of forwarding a fcheme already laid, I will not fay ; but certainly it was the foun- dation of a quarrel which, by its confequences, did greatly •weaken the rebels, and contributed much afterwards to maintain the king upon the throne ; for Gulho, who, upon the defeat of Ras Michael, was deftined by all parties to take the lead, was as lavifli in praifes of Powuilen for his beha- A'iour that xiay, as he was bitter in condemning his uncle, •which created a violent mifunderftanding between thefe two chiefs, infomuch that Afahel Woodage, with his troops •of Maitfha, left Ayabdar, and joined Powuilen. Confu, moreover, fon of Bafha Eufebius, and brother to Guebra Mehedin, who had fruftrated my firft attempt to difcover the fource of the Nile, endeavouring to promote a revolt a- ■mong the troops of Foggora, to which he belonged, was put in irons by Ayabdar, from which he was but too fooQ releafed to meet, a few days afterwards, a fate that put an end to his profligacy and follies. PowussEN in this confli(5l had retreated, if not beaten, with a confiderable lofs ; nine hundred of his bell troops were faid to have been flain that day, and a great many tnore wounded, moft of whom (thofe I mean that had gun- Ihot wounds) died from the want of furgeons, and the igno- rance of thofe who imdertook to cure them. On the part of Michael about 300 men, all of the cavalry, were faid to have perilhed that day, including the troops of Netcho the Fit-Auraris. Of the king's divifion about twenty- three were killed, feven of thefe being his guards, I believe moflly by the unfortunate fire of his troops, arifing from his own im- patience in attacking the Galla unadvifedly,of whom about a fixty THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 145 fixty were left upon the field, all {lain in the attack, for thpy were not purfued, but joined their main body immediate- Ras Michael fell back upon the army, which had en- camped on the hill of Serbraxos ; and it now was believed more than before, that the fate of the empire was to be determined on that fpot. Another thing, however, appear- ed plain, that whatever belief Michael pretended in the prophecy, he would not have preferred fighting at Serbrax- os, if he could by any means have given the rebels the flip, and marched his army into Begemder. The king was exceedingly pleafed at the part he had taken that day ; it was the firft time he was engaged in perfon, nor did any body venture to condemn it ; he fhewed, indeed, very little con- cern at his brother's wound, which was only a flight one in the flefliy part of his thumb, nor did the young prince trouble himfelf much about it ; on the contrary, when I went todrefs and bind it up, he faid to me, I wiili, Yagoube, the fliothad carried the thumb off altogether, it would have made nie incapable of fucceeding to the throne, and they would not then fend me to the hill of Wechne. The king, upon hearing this, faid with a fmile, George forgets that Hatze Hannes, my father and his, was called to the throne many years after his whole hand had been cut off. Every one agreed that Ras Michael had that day ihewn a degree of intrepidity and military ikill fuperior to any thing which had appeared in many former engagements in v/hich he had commanded. No fooner had he refreflied himfelf with a meal, than he called a council of his officers, which larted great part of the evening, notwithftanding the fa- tigue he had undergone throughout the day. Vol. IV, T This t45 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER This was the firfl battle of Serbraxos, which, though i? contained nothing decifivc, had flill two very material con- fequences, as it fo daunted the fpirits of the Begemder horfe, that many chiefs of that country withdrew their troops, and went home, whilft fiich difcord was fown among the lead- ers, that I believe they never lincerely trufted one another afterwards ; Gufho and Ayabdar, in particular, were known. to correfpond with the king daily. On the morrow after the battle, three melTengers arrived from Gulho, Powuffen, and Ayabdar, and each had a fepa- rate audience of the King and Ras» before whom they all three feverallv declared, that their mailers defired to conti- nue in allegiance to him their king, Tecla Haimanout, but ■under this condition only, that Ras Michael fliould be fent to his government of Tigre, never more to return. They endeavoured to perfuade the king alfo to take the fenfe o£ liis army, the majority of which, they aiTerted, were ready to* abandon him. If Michael fliould agree to return to Tigre,. they oifered to carry the king to Gondar, place him in his- palace, and allow him to choofe his own minillers, and go-- vern for the future after his own ideas. This, indeed, was the univerfal wifh, and I did not fee what Ras Michael could; have done, had he adopted it; but fear, or gratitude, or both,, rellrained the young king from fuch a meafure ; and the. melTengers left him after a plain declaration, That they had, endeavoured all in their power to fave him, and he muft. now abide the confequences, for they waflied their hands:; of them. The rains were now become more frequent, and an epi- demical fever had Ibcwa itfelf in the rebel army on the I plain;; THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. t^iy plain ; every confideration, therefore, feemed to perfuade a rpeedy decilion, but the confequences of the laft engagement feemed to have damped the fpirit of the rebels, without ha- ving much raifed that of the king's army. In facfl, the days were dark and wet, and the nights cold, circumftan- ces in which no Abyffinian choofes to fight. The army was thinly cloathed, or not cloathed at all, and encamped on high ground, where fuel, though it had not failed them yet, mull foon have done fo. An accident that happened this night had nearly brought about a revolution which the wifell heads had laboured for many years in vain. Ras Michael had retired to bed at his ordinary time, fomewhat before eleven o'clock, and a lamp was left burning as ufual in his tent, for he was afraid oi fpirits. He was juft fallen afleep, when he felt a man's arm reach into the bed over him, wdiich he immediately feized hold of, crying to his attendants, at the fame time, for help. Thofe that ran firfl: into the tent threw down the lamp and put out the light, fo that the man would have -efcaped, had not the people behind got about him*, and endeavoured to hold him down, while entangled in, and flruggling with the cords of the tent. The iirft perfcm that feized him was a favourite fervant of the Ras, a young man named Laeca Mariam, of a good family in Tigre ; he, not perceiving his danger for want of light, received^a llab with a broad knife, which pierced his heart, fo that he fell with- out fpeaking a word. Numbers immediately fecured the alTaffin, who was found to have dropt one knife within the Ras's tent, wiih which he had attempted at firft to have ilabbed him : but he was found to have another knife, two-edged, and fliarp in the point, fixed along his arm, with T 2 which 148 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER which he had ftabbed Laeca Mariam. This wretch was a native of a very barbarous nation near Shoa, 8. E. of Go- jam. The name of their country is Gurague. They are Troglodytes, and all robbers : their conftant occupation is attending the Abyilinian camps, and Healing horfes, mules^ or whatever they can get, which they do in a very fingular. manner. They all wear their hair very Ihort, ftrip themfelves ftarki- naked, and befmear themfelves from head to foot with but- ter, or fome fort of greafe, whilfl, along the outfide of their arm, they tye a long, llraight, two-edged, fharp-pointed knife, the handle reaching into the palm of their hand, and about four inches of the blade above the knob of their elbow, fo that the whole blade is fafe and inoffenlive when the arm is extended, but when it is bent, about four inches projecHrs, and is bare beyond the elbow joint ; this being all prepared, they take a leafy faggot, fuch as the gatherers of fuel bring to the camp, which they faften to their middle by a ftring or withy, fpreading it over to conceal or cover all their back, and then drawing in their legs, they lie down, in all appearance, as a faggot, and in the part of the camp they intend to rob, crawling llowly in the dark when they think they are unperceived, and lying flill when there is any noife or movement near them: In cafe they find themfelves difcovered, they flip the faggot and run ; and whatever part of them you feize efcapes your fingers by reafon of the greafe. If you endeavour to clafp them, how- ever, which is the only way left, the Gurague bends his elbow and ftrikes you with his knife, and you are mor^ tally wounded, as was the cafe with Laeca Mariam. This THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 149 This afTafTin was no fooner fecured and difarmed, than a noofe, with a running knot, was flipt round his neck, and his hands tied behind his back, in which manner he was carried before Ras Michael, who fat upon a flool at fome diftance from his tent, after every part of it had been fearched. The fellow at firft refufed to fpeak, but, being threatened with torture, anfwered, in his own language, which I did not underftand. He was afked, who had em- ployed him to attempt that affaffination ? He faid. The re- bels ; and named Gufho and Powuflen : he then varied, and faid the Iteghe employed him. Before he was fent a- way he contradided all this, and declared, that Hagos, his brother, had employed him ; and that he was then adual, ly in the camp, with four pthers, who were determined to murder the Ras and Guebra Mafcal, whatever it Ihould coil- them.. A SEARCH was on this ordered through all the camp, but' no ftranger found, excepting one of the fame nation, who bad planted himfelf and his faggot near the tent of the A- buna; and who being feized, examined, and promifcd par- don, declared himfelf abfolutely ignorant of any fcheme but robbing, for which pm-pofe three of them, he faid, had come into the camp together;, one of them had ftolen two mules the night before, and gone off, and that he was that night intending to take away two of the Abuna's mules; and he fuppofed his companion had the fame intention with regard to the Ras; but as to murder, or any other plot, he knew nothing of it. Being put ilightly to the torture, he perfifled in his declaration ; and when interrogated, de- clared, that they all three had come from Gurague with Amha Yafous, to load and unload his baggage, and take care ofe :iSo TRAVELS TO DISCOVER of his beads : that none of them had been at Gondar Ije- ■forc the attempt, except the alTaflinjWho had formerly hved tliere fome years, but whether with Hagos, or any other, he did not know, nor did he ever hear him pronounce the name of Hagos, nor fee any ftranger, whom he did not know, converfe with him : that they all three had lain the laft night at the church of Serbraxos : but he further de- clared, that the perfon apprehended fpoke the Amharic lan- guage as well as his own, x:ontrary to what the villain had ^11 along pretended. This declaration, Vv^hich I heard from the king's fecretary, word for word as it was given, threw all the council into great confufion, the more fo, that, being gently talked to, and food given him after his examination, at night theaflallinhad again repeated what he before faid about Gufho, and that Fafil, too, was accefTory to the attempt. And w hat made this labyrinth of lies Hill more intricate was, that it was certainly known that Hagos, his brother, had conftantly lived v/ith Coque Abou Barea, in Kuara, from the time Ras Michael had put his brother to death at Gondar. It was intended therefore to try the effedl of further torture in the morning, to make him confefs the trutla. His guard, how- ever, having fallen aflecp, or gone out of the tent, he was found ftrangied by the running noofe that was left roimd his neck ; nor was any further light ever tlirown upon this affair at any time after ; but it was generally believed the attempt had been made at the inftigation of fome connec- tion of the 1 tcghe, and there were iome who went fo far as to name Wclictalfrael Early ' THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 151 Early in the moraiag foxne priefts came from Powuf- fen, Ayabdar, aiid Guilio, to take the moR iblemn oaths be- fore the Abun^i, that they never had the fmallefl knowledge ©f what the ajGfairm had laid to their charge; and they took upon themfeU^es fentence of excommunication, which the Abuna then pronounced condiiionally, if they had di- r-ec^ly, or indireclly, been principal or accei1bry,-or known, or been conhdted, in any manner whacevcr, as to the de- figns of that alTaffin. Several principal officers of the rebels,, moreover, who had left Gondar and gone over to Fafd, and who were there in Guflio's camp, came over to congratu- late with Ras Michael upon his efcape, fo that, for a mo- ment, one would have thought the whole country interefted in faving him v/hom all were actually in arms at that in- llant to dellroy. What furpiifed me mofl of all, probable as the thing might feem to be, not one man in the camp,, from the Ras and King downward, feemed to think that this attempt of the Gurague. had been in any ihape the plot of the rebels ; and yet, in old times, murder by treaion muft have been very frequent in his kingdom, as appears by their cuftoms preferved to this day ; no perfon, be their ftation, connexion, or friendlliip what it will, can offer any one meat or drink withkjut tailing it before them. Proposals of peace followed this friendly intcrcourfe,, but the condition being always that Michael Ihould depart, to Tigre, which he thought was but in otiier terms a pro- pofid to deflroy him, thefe friendly overtures ended in de-- fiance and proteftation, Tiiat to him alone was owing the effufion of human blood, and the ruin of his country, which; was immediately to follow,. 5^2 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER It was the 1 7th of May, at night, the attempt had been made on the Ras's Ufe ; and the 18th was fpent in excom- munication before the Abuna ; and, in the evening, Michael received intelligence, that Ayto Tesfos, from the mountains jof Samen, and Heraclius and Samuel Mamhio, from Wal- kayt and Tzegade, were both preparing to join the rebels with a confiderable force. We were now arrived at the fa- tal field of Serbraxos, as we had endeavoured to pafs it, but -in vain ; nothing now remained but to try to which fide the devil (the father of lies) had been forced to tell the truth, or whether he had yet told it to either. Darion, a principal man of BelelFen, and Guigarr of Lafta, joined the Has's army about noon, bringing with them 1 200 men,chief- iy horfemen, good troops, and they were joyfully received, A COUNCIL was held with all the great officers that eve- ning, and the order of battle fixed upon for next day. Kef- la Yafous, with the bell of the foot from Tigre, with the king's houfehold troops, the Shoa horfe, and the Moors of Ras el Feel, with their libds, {in all not amounting to j 0,000 men, but the flower of the army) compofed the left wing, in the center of which was the king in perfon, the heavy- armed black horfe before him, and the officers and nobi- lity furroundinghim; Guebra Chriilos,and Kafmati Tesfos of Sire, commanded the center, in which was Darion and Gviigarr's cavalry, for the Lafta men, though of different fides, could never be prevailed upon to fight againft one another, fo infl;ead of being with the king againft Begemder and Lafta, they were placed in the center againft Gufho and Anihara. The right of the king's army was commanded by WcUeta Michael and Billetana Gueta Tecia, oppofed to the left wijig of the rebels under Kafmati Ayabdar, who A had THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 1^3 the left wing of the rebels, under Kafmati Ayabdar, who had lately received large reinforcements from Gojam, by means of the Iteghe, who well knew him to be an invete- rate enemy to Ras Michael, and one who would never make peace with him. I HAVE often heard it obferved by officers of Ikill and ex- perience, that nothing is more difficult to defcribe than a battle, and that as many defcriptions as are given of it, they generally difagree, and feem as many different battles. To this I fhall add, that I find as great difficulty in giving an idea of the ground on which a battle was fought, which perhaps is not the cafe with profeffional men ; and though I defcribe nothing but what I faw, and what my horfe paft ed over, ftill I very much doubt if I can make myfelf intel- ligible to my readers. The hill of Serbraxos was neither very high nor fteep, unlefs on the north and eaft, where it was almoft a precipice. It was not a mountain joined with others, as the bed of a torrent, that ran very rapidly from Beleffen fouth of Mariam-Ohha, divided it from thefe mountains. The weft fide of it floped gently to a large plain, which extended to the brink of the lake Tzana, and upon this our rear was encamped. The S. W. fide of this hill was like the former, and about half a mile from it came an elbow of the river Mariam, fo called from a church in the plain: on this fide of the hill our center was encamp- ed with the king, Abuna, and the princeffes ; whilft on the fouth face (which looked down a valley) was Ras Michael and the van of the army : the hill here was confiderably fteeper, and I have already faid ended with the precipice on the north. Along the bottom of this fouth face of the hill lay the fmall ft ream called Deg-Ohha, which flood in pools. Vol, IV, u and 154 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER and was the fafefl and readieft fupply for the army, zs being perfecHily under command of our mufquets, where our horfes could water without danger : immediately louth from this ran a valley full half a mile broad, which ended in a large plain about two miles ofF. The valley where Michael and the van ITrfl: enga.ged\ was formed by the hills of BeleflTen on the eaft, and the river Ma- riam on the weft, and near the middle of the valley there was a low and flat-topt hill, not above 30 yards in height, which did not join with the hill of Serbraxos. Between them there was an opening of about 100 yards^ through which ran Deg-Ohha, to the ford of the river ]Vlariam,from which you afcended in a diredion nearly N. W. up into the plain which reached to the lake Tzana. On the fouth end ©f this hill, as I have faid, which might have been about two miles in length, the banks of the Mariam are very high, and the river ftands in large deep pools, with banks of fand between them. Where this hill ends to the right is another ford of the river Mariam, where a deep and nar- row fandy road goes winding up the banks, in a direcflion N. \V. like the former, and leads to the fame plain border- ing on the lake Tzana : fo that the plain of the valley where the Mariam runs, which is bordered by the foot of the mountains of BelefTen, and continues along the plain fouth to Tangoure, is near 200 feet lower than the plain that extends on the lide of the lake Tzana. Nor is there a convenient accefs from the plain to the valley, at leaft that I faw, by reafon of the height and fteepnefs of the banks of the Mariam, excepting thele two already mentioned ; one between the extremity of the long even hill, and Hope cf the mountain on the north, and the other on the fouth, through THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 155 through the winding fandy road up the fteep banks of the river, by the fouth end of that low hill, as I have already faid. At thefe two places are the two fords of the river, which continue paffable even in the rainy feafon, and the water at that time ilands in pools below it, till feveral miles further it joins the Zingetch Gomara, a larger ftream than itfelf, whofe banks are low, and where the flream is fordable alfo ; but the banks of the river Mariam continue fleep, and run in a fouthern diredion. In this valley, at the fouth end of this hill near the ford was the engagement be- tween Michael with the van, and the Begemder troops, on the 1 6th ; at the ford on the north end of this hill, in the fame valley, was the fight between the light troops and Kaf- mati Ayabdar, and the king in perfon, the very fame day ; fo that the valley was perfedlly known by the enemy, and as they had few or no mufquetry, was wifely confidered as not fit ground for their purpofes being narrow and commanded by hills everywhere. On the 19th of May, word was brought that the whole rebel army was in motion, and before eight o'clock (reck- oned in Abyffinia an early hour for fuch bufinefs) a great cloud of dull: was feen rifing on the right of the rebels to- wards Korreva, and this was the moment the Begemder troops got on horfeback in the dufty plain ; foon after we heard their ketde- drums, and abovu nine o'clock we faw the whole troops of Begemder appear, drawn up at fuch a diilance in the plain, above the road up the fl:cep bank of the Mariam, as to leave great room for us to form with the road on our left, and a little on our rear ; Michael eafi- ly divined PowuiTen's intention, which was to beat us back by a fuperior force of horfe, and then making a num- U 2 ber ij6 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER ber of troops glide below unfeen, along the river in the valley, take polTeffion of the round hill, at the north ford of Mariam, and cut off our retreat to our camp at Serbraxos ; the Ras immediately difpatched fome fmgle horfemen to take a view of the enemy more nearly, and report what their numbers were, and where Gufho and Ayabdar were polled, for we could dillinguifh the colour of the horfes, and all the movements of the Begemder troops, not being - much above three miles diftance, yet we did not know whe- ther they were alone, or whether one or more of the other ge- nerals were with them : we faw indeed Powuffen's ftandards, but they were fo weather-beaten and faded, that we could not diftinguifli their real colours, which were blue and yellow. The king's whole army was defcending into the valley, and palling over the ford of the Mariam, to the plain above where Kefla Yafous was riding to and fro with great ear- neftnefs, encouraging his troops. In a very fliort time the left was formed ; the Ras, having given all his orders, and taken to himfelf the charge of the camp and the referve, fat down, as was ufual,to play at drafts with the black fervants. The army was now all in. the plain, when the fcouts arriv- ed, and brought word that Guiho and Ayabdar had both taken their ground, not dire(5lly in a llraight line from Po- wuffen, fquare with the lake, but as it were diagonally de- clining more to the fouthward, fo that the moil advanced, or neareft to us, were the troops of Begemder ; and this was probably done, in order that, our backs being more turned to the lake, we might be eafier cut off from our camp, and furrounded in the plain, between their army and the Tzana , if Powuflen was fo fortunate as to beat the king and the left ; but this difpofition of thefe troops was out of our fight, THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 157 light, being down nearer the lake. Nor is it to be uiider- ftood that I mean here to give any account of their move- ments, or of any other, unlefs thofe of tlie left wing under the king, where I was myfelf engaged. Several fpies came into Ras Michael at this time, and' they, and the horfemen that had been fent on the fervice, all agreed, that in the center of the Begemder horfe a large red rtandard was difplayed, with a number of kettle drums beating before it, which the Ras no fooner heard, than gi- ving his draft board a kick with his foot, he overturned the whole game, and afforded, at lead, a bad omen of the future engagement. He then called for Kefla Yafous, and Guebra Mafcal, and having conferred with them both, he detutched Guebra Mafcal with five hundred mufqueteers to take pofTellion of the hvU in the valley below, and coaft along the left flank, of our left without appearing in fight. The day had been exceeding clofe, feeming to threaten violent thunder, and we were now come fo near as to fee dilbnftly the large red ftandard, which being pointed out to the king, he faid, fmiling with a very chearful coun- tenance, " Aye, aye, now we ftiall foon fee what mira- cle king Theodorus will work." The clouds had been ga- thering ever fince we went down the hill, and fome big drops of rain had fallen. The foldiers were now covering their lighted matches, for fear of more, when firfl a moil violent ftorm of thunder, lightening, and rain began, then a tempeft of rain and wind, and laft a dead calm, with fuch a heavy fhower that I fcarce ever faw the like even in the rainy feafon, Hab- «58 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER Had I been commander of the Begemder troops that da)% this fhower fhould have been the fignal of charging ; for all the king's fire-arms were ufelefs, and the matches wef ; but the Begemder horfe feemed raoll: uneafy under the fall of rain; they began to be unmanageable, and turn tail to the wind, which now arofe and was dire^ly in their faces, and in a few minutes they wheeled about, and retired to their camp. The king halted on the ground where he was, or- dered the kettle-drums to beat, and the trumpets to found ; and having continued half an hour till the heavy fliower began, he fell back as did the whole army, and retired to the camp. When he got up the hill, and pafled the brow where Ras Michael was fitting with fome flaves, who held up a piece of fail-cloth over his head to keep off the rain, the fervants raifed the Ras upon his feet; without any pre- / vious falutation, he then afked the king what he had done with king Theodorus ? and was anfwered, " Begemder brought him, and Begemder took hini away, we faw no- thing but his flag." Lafia carried his flag, fays one of the nobility. He is a peaceable prince, fays the king ; yet he begins with fighting, but he will make amends afterwards, if he governs this country in peace a thoufand years. If he does that, fays the Ras, Powufl;en is to die at the next battle, for the thoufand )'ears peace will never begin, as long as he is alive. CHAP. THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 153 ?gg^ ■ ^ GH A-P. VII.^ King- offers Battle t^ the Rebels in the Plain — Defer ipt'ion of the Second Battle of Serbraxos — Rafo CondnEl;, and narrow Efcape of the King ~—Both Armies keep the Gromidi THE whole evening of the 19th of May was fpent in feftivity and joy ; a prophet from fome part in Dem- bea had foretold the defeat of king Theodoras, and what was much more interefling, two large droves of cattle, the one from BelelTen, near Mariam-Ohha, the other from Dem- bea, were driven that day into the camp. Ras Michael, who knew the value of to-morrow, fpared nothing that might refrefh the -troops this day. The king and he, Ozo- ro Erther, and Ozoro Alrafli, Refla Yafous, and the Abuna himfelf,gave each of them entertainments to the principal oflicers of the army, and all thofe who were likely to bear the burden of the enfuing conflid. The foldiers were in great fpirit, but it was now very generally known that the ^ officers.- if)0 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER officers were moftly difafFecfled, engaged in private treaties, and in daily expedlation of peace. A VERY fliort council was held at the king's tent ; all that could be refolved upon had been already fixed the day before, and little had happened fince to occafion any alteration. All the young nobility were, as ufual, at Ozoro Efther's. It was with infinite pity I heard them thought- lefsly praying for a warm and fair day to-morrow, the eve- ning of which many of them were never to fee. Besides the flores that Ozoro Efther always was provid- ed with, the king had fent her two live cattle, wine, bran- dy, and hydromel ; and what was a very unufual conde- fcenfion, the Ras, immediately after council, came into the tent, and brought with him a frefh fupply. He was very gracious and affable, faid a number of kind things to eve- rybody, and aflced me particularly how we drank in Eng- land? I EXPLAINED to him as well as I could the nature of our toafls, and drinking to the health of our miflrefles by their names in bumpers ; that our foldiers toalls on fuch a night as that, if the general honoured them as he did us now with his company, would be, A fair morning, and fpeedy fight of our enemy. He comprehended it all very eafily, and when I faw he did fo, I afked if I fhould give my toall ? and he and all the company joining in a loud cry of appro- bation, I filled a horn with wine, and fi^anding up, for he had forced us all to be feated, I drank, Long life to the king, health, happincfs, and vii5tory, to you, Sir, and a fpeedy fight of king Theodorus. A violent fliout of appiaufe followed. 3 He THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. x6i He himfelf (the fobereft of men) would drink his horn full, which he did, with many interruptions from immoderate fits of laughter ; the horn went quickly round, and I ven- tured to prophecy, that, in the thoufand years he is to reign, Thcodorus will never again be fo chearfuUy toafted.— The Ras then turning to me faid, I wifli I had 5000 of your countrymen, Yagoube, to-morrow, fuch as you are, or fuch as you have defcribed them. I anfwered. Would you had one thoufand, and I had twenty lives llaked upon the iflue. Ayto Engedan upon this got up, and palling acrofs the tent in a very graceful manner, kifled the Ras's hand, faying. Do not make us think you undervalue, ordiftruft yourchildren, by forming fuch a wifh : Yagoube is one of us, he is our brother, and he Ihall fee and judge to-morrow, if we, your own fons, are not able to fight your battle without the aid of any foreigners. Tears, on this, came into the old man's eyes, who took Engedan in his arms, and kifled him ; then recommending to us not to {n up late, he withdrew. A great .deal of buffoonery followed about toads, and foon after arrived two officers from the king, dcfiring to know what was the reafon of that violent outcry ? by which he meant the fliout when we drank the toall. Ozoro Eflher anfwered, We were all turned traitors, and were drinking the health of king Theodorus. But it was afterwards thought proper to explain the whole matter before the melTengers went back, and make them drink the toaft alfo, Tecla "Mariam had not fpoken much, her father having fent for her at that time to the king. Before flie departed, I begged Ozoro Eilher to apologife for me, that I had ab- fented myfelf, and had not waited upon her in the morn- VoL. IV. X ing^ s6fl TRAVELS TO DISCOVER ing. I intreated her to continue her kind partiaUty to me the next day, and to judge for ever of the efteeni 1 had for her by my then behaviour. She promifed to do fo with the utmofl^ complacency and fweetnefs, and departed. Soon after this, a fervant arrived from Ras Michael, with a magnificent faddle and bridle as a prefent to Engedan, This man told us that a meffenger had come from Waragna Fafil, defiring a place might be marked out for him to en- camp, for he wa,s to join the king early in the morning ; but nobody gave any credit to this, nor did he, as far as I ever heard, advance a foot nearer the camp. The melTenger commanded us all, moreover, to go to bed, which we imme- diately complied with. I only went to the king's tent, where the company was difpcrling, and kifTcd his hand, after which I retired. In my way home to my tent, I favv a faggot lying in the way, when the ftory of the Gurague came prefently into my mind. I ordered fome foldiers to feparate it witlis their lances ; but it had been brought for fuel, at leaft no Gurague was there. I WAS no fooner laid upon my bed, than Ifell into a proi- found deep, which continued uninterrupted till five o'clock in tlie morning of the 20th. I had fpared myfelf induftri- oufly in lad night's caroufal, for fear of contributing to a re- lapfe into defpondency in the morning ; but I found all with- in ferene and compofed as it fliould be, and entirely re- iigned to what was decreed, I was perfecftly fatisfied, thac: the advancing or retarding the day of my death was not in the power of the army of Begemder.. I then vifited all the horfes and the black foldiers, and ordered two or three of ihem, who were not perfedly recovered from their hurts,, to THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 165 to flay in the camp. I afterwards went to the king's tent, who was not yet up ; and the very inflant after, the Ras's iirft drum beat, and the king rofe ; foon after which, rhe fecond drum was heard for the foldiers to go to b; eakfafb, I went into the king's tent to kifs his hand, and receive liis orders. He told me they were fpeedily then going to break- fall within, to which meal I was engaged at Ozoro Efther's. He anfwered, Make hafte then, for 1 am reiolved to be on the field before king Theodorus to-day. I am his fenior, and fhould lliew him the example. He feemed more than ordinary gay and in fpirits. I FINISHED my breakfaft in a few minutes, and took a grateful, but chearful leave of Ozoro Eflher, and received many acknowledgements, and kind expreffions, both from her and Tecla Mariam, who did not fail to be there accord- ing to appointment. The day was clear, the fun warm, and the army defcended into the plain with great alacrity, in the fame order as the day before, Guebra Mafcal, with his mufqueteers, took pofTeflion of the long hill in the valley, and coafted the left flank of our left wing, the river Ma- riam and its high banks being only between us. The king took his poft, with the winding road aforementioned (up the fleep banks of the Mariam) clofe on his left. Guebra Mafcal having come to the fouth end of the hill below, •marched brifkly up the road, and then advanced about 200 yards, making his men lye down at the brink of the hill next the plain, among bent grafs, and thin tall flirubs like Spanifli broom, fo as to be perfedly out of fight ; his line was at right angles with our front, fo that his lire mull eafilade the whole front of our line. X 2 U i64 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER If not very ufeful, yet it may, however, be thought cu- rious, to know the difpofition of a barbarous army ready to engage in a pitched battle as this was. Kefla Yafou5,who cominanded the left-wing under the king, placed his ca- valry in a line to the opening of the road down into the val- ley; between every two mufquets were men armed with lances and fhields ; then, at a particular diftance, clofe be- fore this line of horfe, was a body of lances, and mufquets, or fometimes either of them, in feveral lines, or, as they ap- peared, a round body of foldiers, Handing together without any order at all ; then another line of horfe, with men be- tween, alternately as before ; then another round corps of lances and mufquets, advanced juft before the line of horfe, and fo on to the end of the divifion. I KNOW nothhig of the difpofition of the reft of the ar- my, nor the ground they were engaged on ; that where we Hood was as perfe(5l a plain as that commionly chofen to run races upon, and fo I believe was the reft, only Hoping more to the lake Tzana. The king's infantry was drawn up in one line, having a mufqueteer between every two men, with lances and fliields. Immediately in the center was the black liorfe, and the Moors of Ras el Feel, with their libds, difpofed on each of their flanks. Immediately behind thefe was the king in perfon, with a large body of young nobiUty and great of- ficers of Rate, about him. On the right and left flank of tb-C line, a little in the rear, were all the reft of the king's horfe, divided into two large bodies, Gucbra Mafcal hid in the bank on our left at right angles with the line, enfilading, as 1 have already 3 9 -k' r I I I I I 1 I Ki//(/s Heme III/// II i/dii/i/r fiiir iir/v/f. Jli/ii/s i/i/ii/i/rv riii/x ///III/ si////frr Jx7/it/.y /i/T.tr/iri- ///'//i/taf />v ii .\//iii/i Si/niarde.X^^ Jif/ii/ t/ii/xi- ///i//-^i'// wtf/i 1/ ////(■• i/rri'/s Ri-/)i/ i'/i/ir/i//-v /i//it/i .uriiiirr SECOND BATTLE. Explanation. I-. Gondar, 2, Bang's palace. 3- King's palace on the River Kaha. 4. Mahometan town on the River Kahjt' A Tlie king marches from his camp to F by the road D and E. GG The two bodies of horfe. HH Line of infantry, mufcets, and lan- ces alternately, I Guebra Mafcal in ambufli, in the face of the banks of the Mariam, among the bufhes. KK Pownflcn's march from his camp at Correva. LL PownfTen'sfirfl: appearance in diiorder. MM Powuflen's line formed in the front of the king. NN The army of Begemder galloping to charge the king, receive a clofe iire from Guebra Mafcal hid in the bank at I, and immediately after from the king's line HH. 00 Part of the army of Begemder wheel- ing to the left, and flying over the plain in diforder. PP The king, with his referve following the right of the Begemder horfe. Qg^The right of the Begemder horfe purfued by the king, having rallied. RR The Begemder horfe turn H o furround tlie king at SS, and drive him to the edge of the Bank. T The king efcaping down the bank,. crofles between the pools of the River Mariam, and enters the valley. V Tlie king arrived in the valley, is join* ed by the foot ihat ran fcattercd down by the bank. W Engedan detached from the camp by Ras M:chael, joins the king. X Mufketeers detached by Michael, take poft on the iouth fide of the long hill. Y Part of the king's mulketry ported oa a rocky ground on the fouth liJe of the valley. Z The king's troops under Kefla Yafous filing down the narrow road from the ■ plain above into the valley, with the heavy armed horfe behind him. a Guebra Mafcal drawn up at the foot of the banks, makes way by his fire for the black horfe to take poll in the king': front. THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 165 already faid, the whole line of our infantry ; this will be eafily underftood by confulting the plan w^here K H, G G, F, and I, reprefent the difpofition that I have now def- cribed. It was full half an hour after the king had formed be- fore the army of Begemder made any motion. The Ras firft faw them from the hill, and made a fignal, by beating his drums and blowing his trumpets ; this was immediately anfwered by all the drums and trumpets of the left wing, and for the fpace of a minute, a thick cloud of dufl; (like the fmoke of a large city on fire) appeared on the fide of Korreva, occafioned, as the day before, by the Begemder troops mount- ing on horfeback ; the ground where they were encamped being trodden into powder, by fuch a number of men and horfe palling over it fo often, and now raifed by the mo- tion of the horfes feet, was whirled round by a very moder- ate breeze, that blew fleadily ; it every minute increafed in darknefs, and alTumed various Ihapes and forms, of towers caftles, and battlements, as fancy fuggefted. In the middle, of this great cloud we began to perceive indiilin6lly part of the horfemen, then a much greater number, and the figure of the horfes more accurately defined, which came moving majeJlically upon us, fometimes partially feen, at other times concealed by being wrapt up in clouds and darknef^ ; the vvhole made a moll; extraordinary, but truly picSlurefque ap- pearance. I WAS £0 flruck with this, that I could not help faying to Billetana Gueta Ammonios, who commanded the horfe under me, Is not that a glorious fight Ammonios ! who, that sm TRAVELS TO DISCOVER ■that was a king, would not be fond of war? David, however, curfes thofe that delight in war, fays Ammonios. Therefore, replied I, there muft be pleafure in it, or elle no body would fall into a fui that was difagreeable in itfelf, and at the fame time forbidden by God. Well, well, replied Ammonios, this is not a time for argument, fee what a glorious fpcdacle we Ihall all be before funfet. At this time Powuflfen^s whole army was diftincftly feen; they came riding backwards and forwards with great vio- lence, more as if they were diverting themfelves, than ad- vancing to attack an enemy, of our confequence, that was waiting them. They feemed like two wings, and a main bo- dy, each nearly equal in numbers, as far as I could guefs, and are defcribed in the plan by the letters L L, but they were fom«times all in one croud together, and in fuch perpetual motion, that it was impoliible to afcertain their precife form. Four men, upon unruly, high-mettled, or at leaft ill- broke horfes, rode galloping a fmall fpace before, conver- fing together, as if making their obfervations upon us: they were now arrived at about fix hundred yards difianre, but it was not a time to make accurate calculation ; they then made a Hop, and began extending the left of their line to the weftward, as defcribed by M M. I fuppofe, too, their horfes needed to breathe a little, after they had fo imprudently blown them to no purpcfe. In the middle of their cavalry, or rather a little more towards their right, than oppofue to the place where the king was, a large red flag was feen to rilie, and was faluted I ' - by THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 167 By the drums and trumpets of their whole army. An ac- cident happened at this moment, which endangered the diicovery of the hidden part of our difpofition, and which would thereby have deftroyed the fanguine hopes we had of vi'ftory, and endangered the fafety of the whole army. Upon difplaying the red flag, two mufquets were fired from the poll in the face of the hill where Guebra Mafcal lay in ambulh. Luckily, at that v^ery inllant, all the king's drums beat, and trumpets founded, a kind of mock alarm, (fuch as the pofture - maflers and mountebanks ufe, ) in ridi- cule of king Theodorus, and his red flag then flying before- us. Immediately upon this, as on a flgnal for battle, the whole army of Begemder fet out full gallop, to charge, as at N N, and a long hundred yards -before they joined, they received, through the very depth of their fquadron, a clofe well-diredled fire from the whole mufquetry of Guebra Mafcal, and from the king's line an inftant after, which put them into the utmoU confufion, fo that they in pare came reeling down upon our line, half wheeled about to the left, as men that had loft their way, with their right, that is, their naked fides expofed as they turned, their fliields being in their left. The fire from Guebra Mafcal was the fignal for our line to charge, and the licavy-armed horfe- men, with their pikes, broke thro' them with little refiflance, the line in the mean while, with horfe and foot, clofed with: them, after the mufquets had given them their fire, and: then ftaid behind to recharge. Pare of their left did not engage at all, but wheeled about, and fled fouthward over. the plain. Whilb^ i68 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER While their army was thus feparated into two dlvifions, both in great confiifion, the king, with his referve, fell fu- riouily upon them ; and being followed by all the reft of the horfe, they pulhed the right diviflon (where Powuffen was in perfon) along the plain, but thefe retired, fighting ve- ry obftinately, and often rallying. Kefla Yafous faw the great danger to which the king would quickly be expofed by pur- fuing the troops of Begemder fo far at a diftance from his foot, and that they would foon turn upon and overpower him with numbers, and then furround him. He therefore, with great prefence of mind, provided for his retreat. He drew up the heavy-armed horfe which could not gallop, the Moors of Ras el Feel, and the foot which were left be- hind, and which had now recharged their firelocks before the narrow road, and ordered Guebra Mafcal to refume his ftation. He then twice, with great earneftnefs, cried in a loud voice to the foldiers. The king's fafety depends upon you,--Stand firm, or all is loft. After which, he galloped, with a fmall body of horfe, to join the king, clofely engaged at a confiderable diftance : The foot that had purfued, or were fcattered, now came in by tens and twelves, and joined the heavy-armed horfe, fo that we began again to fhew a very good countenance. Among thefe, a common foldier of the king's houfehold, bufied in the vile practice of mang- ling and fpoiling the dead, found the red colours of king Theodorus lying upon the field, which he delivered me, up- on promife of a reward, and which I gave a fervant of my own to keep till after the engagement. At this inft:nt Guebra Mafcal came up from below the bank, leaping and flourifliing his gun about his head, and crying, juft before my horfe, "Now, Yagoube,ftand firm, if I you THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. i6$ you are a man." " Look at me, you drunken flave, faid I» armed, or unarmed, and fay, it is not a boafl if I count myfelf at all times a better man than you. Away to your hiding - hole again, and for your life appear within my, reach. Away ! you are not now, as the other day, before the king." The man cried out in a tranfport of impatience, " By G--d, you don't know what I mean ; but here they all come, ftand firm, if you are men ;" and faying this, he ran nimbly oflF, and hid himfelf below the bank, with his lighted match in one hand, and all ready. ir is proper, for connexion's fake, though I did not my- felf fee it, to relate what had happened to the king, who had purfued the Bcgemder horfe to a very confiderable diftance, and was then at S S in the plan, when the whole army of the rebels that had not engaged, obferving the refiflance made by PowulTen, and part of the divifion which they had left, turned fuddenly back from their flight, and at R R nearly furrounded the king and his cavalry, whom they had now driven to the very edge of the fteepell part of the bank of the Mariam. Kefla Yafous's arrival, indeed, and his exerting himfelf to the utmoft, fighting with his own. hand like any common foldier, had brought fome relief; yet as frefh horfe came in, there can be little doubt at the end, that the king muft have been either flain or taken prifoner, if Sertza Denghel, a young man of Amhara, a re- lation of Gufho, and who had a fmall poft in the palace, had not difmounted, and offered to lead the king's horfe down the fleepeft of the banks into the river. To this, how- ever, he received an abfolute refufal. " I fliall die here this day, fays the king, but wJiile I have a man left, will never turn my back upon the rebels." Sertza Denghel hearing Vol. IV. Y this 170 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER this vain difcourfe, and feeing no time was to be loft, took hold of the bridle by force, at T, and happily led the horfe along one of the Iheep-paths, ilanting down the declivity of the bank. The king having in vain threatened difpleafure^ and even death, with the butt-end of his lance, in defpair, ftruck Sertza Denghel in the mouth, and beat out all his fore-teeth. A bank of gravel, like a bridge, feparated two deep pools, in the river Mariam, over which the king efca- ped, though with difficulty, the ground being foul with: quick fand. All the foot that had remained about the king ran down the bank, where the Begemder horfe could not pur- fue them, and joined him in the valley, where he made the bed of his way towards the fouth fide of the long low hill, by the winding road, on the fide of which, and juft above him, was placed Guebra Mafcal. Ras Michael, who faw the dangerous fituation and efcape of the king, and who had kept Ayto Engedan near for fome fuch purpoles, difpatchccl him with a confiderable body of horfe, along the low hill, ordering him immediately to join the king, and cover his retreat j he likewife detached a confiderable body of muf- quetcers, and mounted for the greater fpeed upon mules, who were direcfted to take poll upon the fouth end of the round hill, below the winding road, while another party poirefled themfelves of fome rocky ground on the fouth fide of the valley. This command was as foon executed as given. Ayto Engedan joined the king, who had loft all his kettle-drums but one, now beating before him, and upon his arrival at the entrance of the valley, the king, at V, turn- ed his face to the enemy, having the mtifquetry, at X and Y, newly arrived from the camp on his right and left. Kefla THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. lyt Kefla Yasous was immediately acquainted with the king's efcape, and, knowing the confequence of protra(5ling time, renewed the engagement with fomuch vigour, that he pufhed the horfe of Begemder to fome fmall diftance back into the plain. PowufTen, whofe only view was to take the king prifoner, and wreft the poiTeffion of his perfon, and with that his authority from Ras Michael, was much dif- concerted at the unexpecfled way by which the king ef- caped ; he after this halted a little for council, then divid- ed his troops, with one part of which he refolved to go down the winding road, and with i;he other to pafs at the jundlion of the rivers, and enter the valley in that direc- tion, in order to overtake the king, and intercept him in his way to the camp, in cafe any thing obilrufled his palling the winding road. Kefla Yafous took advantage of this movement, and with his horfe made his way to join the heavy-armed troops, and thofe who had joined the line. Handing clofely and firmly where they were llationed. The firft perfon that appeared was Kefla Yafous, and the horfe with him, ftretching out his hand, (his face being all befmeared with blood, for he was wounded in his forehead) he cried as loud as he could, Stand firm, the king is fafe in the valley. He had fcarce faced about, and joined the line, when the enemy approached at a brifk gallop. The Begemder horfe were clofer than ufual, and deeper than the front was broad; they refembled therefore an oblong fquare, if they refembled any thing ; but the truth is, they were all in diforder, and their figure, never regular, changed every moment ; the right of their front (which was not equal to ours ) was finally placed againft the road, being clofe by ■Guebra Mafcal's poft, whofe men were much increafed in Y 2 number ; ty-i TRAVELS TO DISCOVER- niimbei-; they received the difcharge of his whole mufque- try in two vol lies, fo near that I fcarce believe there was one fhot that did not take place on man or horfe. A great cry from the bank at the fame time added to their panic, which was aiifwered by the king's troops, who immediately char- ged them as before, ns they wheeled half round to the left. They were purfued, for a fmail' diltance, by fome of the troops that had not engaged in the morning, and it was eafy to perceive their diforder was real, and thuv r^ey were not likely to rally. By this lall difcharge, PowuiTen war ilightly wounded, and his men were plainly feen hurrying him ofi'the field. In the very inflant the rebels turned their, backs, Kefla Yafous ordered all the troops, horfe and foot, to file off down the narrow road into the valley, behind the heavy, armed horfe, who kept their ground before the road, and there to join the king^ For my part, I thought the affair was over, when, lall of all, we, too, with our heavy horfes, defcended the road, where we found Guebra Mafcal, (whofe adlivity was above all praife) drawn up on our right along the foot of the bank, (with a large pool of water in his front) flanking the valley, the king drawn up in the narroweft part of it, and juft engaged with the troops of Lafla and Begemder, that had gone round by the jundtion of the rivers. Thefe had loft, as we afterwards heard, much time in giving their horfes water. They were, however, the more refrelhed when they did come, and thooigh they had received a fire from the troops on the round hill, and from thofe pofted on the rocky grotmd, on the other fide of the valley, they had beat the king and Engedan back, and wounded him in the thigh. THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 173 At this time the Koccob hoiTe, and Yafine with his Mcor.-. (who had the charge of the road above till all the tronp.-j were gone) arrived, being as it were fhut out from the ar- my, who were engaged at the other fide of the hill. Kefla Yafous, after defcending through the winding road into the valley, ordered Guebra Mafcal to pafs the pool, and \land at the bottom of the winding road, for fear the enemy fliould enter at the valley on the king's right, where the. river ran, and fo cut us off from our camp. This fpace he was then occupying when Yafme, firft, and^ afterwards, our black horfe, arrived. He had, it feems, cried out to me before from the fide of the pool, but I had not then heard him. He now, however, repeated. Where are you going, Yagoube ? To die, faid I, furlily ; it is the bufinefs of the day. He then added, Kefia Yafous has croffed over behind Balha Hezekias, and fallen into the king's rear. You know well, faid I, our poft is in his front. Then follow me, cried Mafcal, for by G--d I fay you fliall not take one Hep to-day, but I will go five before you. So faying, he ad- vanced very haftily, and when he faw the Begem der co- lours retreating before the king, he poured- in a volley, which, though at a conliderable diflance, turned all to a. perfect: flight. We entered upon the fmoke, juft before the Shoa; horfe, with no lofs, and very little refiftance, and came jull: into the place which we occupied in the morning. Though the flight of the rebels was apparently real, Kefla Yafous would not fuffer a purfuit into the plain, but ad- vancing fingly before us, began to form immediately ; the mufc^uetry were planted on each lide of the valley as far 174 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER up the hill as to be out of reach of the horfe, and the reft of the infantry in the plain ; Baflia Hezekias was on the round hill jull behind the center, where the king had placed him- felf, and Guebra Mafcal nearly where he flood before. The army now made an appearance of a large feftion of an amphitheatre. I obferved the king had pulled off the diadem, or white fillet he wears for diftindlion, and was very intent upon renewing the engagement : the Begemder troops were forming, with great alertnefs, about half a mile below, being reinforced from time to time. The king order- ed his. drums to beat, and his trumpets to found, to inform the enemy he was ready ; but they did not anfwer, or advance : foon after (it being near three o'clock) the weather became overcafl, and cold, on which the troops of Begemder beat a re- treat ; the king, very foon after, did the fame, and returned to the camp without further moleftation ; only that coming near a rock which projedled into the valley, (not far diflant from the camp) a multitude of peafants belonging to Ma- riam-Ohha, threw down a fliower of ftcnes from their hands and flings, which him feveral. The king ordered them to be fired at, though they were a great diflance off, and pafTed on : but Guebra Mafcal commanding about fifty men to run brifkly up the hill, on each fide of the rock, gave them two difcharges at a lefs diftance, which killed or wounded many, and made the reft difappear in a moment. I DOUBT that my reader will be more than fufficiently tired with the detail of this fecond battle of Serbraxos ; but, as it was a very remarkable incident in my life, I could not omit it as far as I faw it myfelf, and fuppreffing any one part of it would have involved the reft in a confufion, with which ^ I fear THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 175 T fear it may be dill too juflly charged. I therefore fliali only fay for connexion's fake, that Gufho and Guebra Chri- ftos, in the center, were but partially engaged, and Kafniati Tesfos of Sire, fecond commander for the king, in that di- vifion, wounded, and taken pnfoner. Guebra Chrillos, the king's tmcle, was flain, (as it was believed) by afhotof his own men; few other lives of note were loft on either fide, in that divifion. The king's troops fell back under the hill of Serbraxos, where Michael was, and, though followed by Guflio, were no hirther attacked by him. But on the right, Billetana Gueta 'lecla, and Welleta Michael, after a very ob- ilinate and bloody engagement, were beaten by Kafmati Ayabdar, and forced acrofs the river Mogetch, where, ha- ving rallied and pofted themfelves llrongly, it was not thought proper to attempt to force them, and they all join- ed the camp foon after the king, but with very great lofs. . This battle, though it was rather a vi(51:ory than a defear,. had, however, upon the king's affairs, all the bad confe- quences of the latter, nor was there any thinking man who had confidence in them from that day forward. Near 3000 men perifhed on the king's fide, a great proportion of whom was of the left wing, which he commanded ; near 180 young men, of the greateft hopes and noblcft families in the kingdom, were among that number; Guebra Chriftos was in all refpefts a truly national lofs. Kcfla Ya- fous was twice wounded, but not dangeroufly, befides a multitude of others of the firft rank, among whom was Ayto Engedan, who by proper care foon recovered alfo, but in the mean time was fent to Gondar, to his coulin Ayto Cor- fu. On our fide, too, a fon of Lika Netch©, and a fon of Ne- hritTeclaj were boili {Iain. — Providence feemed now to have begun .176 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER begun to require fatisfacftion for the blood of the late king Joas, in the fliedding of which thefe two were particularly concerned. Among the flain were our friends the Baharna- gafli and his fon, who died valiantly fighting before the king at the time he efcaped down the bank into the val- Jey, But what ferved as comfort to the king, was the flill 'heavier lofs fuftained by the enemy, who, by their own ac- counts that day, loft above 9000 men, feven thoufand of whom were from the troops of Begemder and Lafla, with which the king was engaged. For my own part, I cannot believe, but that both thefe accounts are much exaggerated ; the great proportion that died of thofe that were wounded mull have greatly fwelled the lofs of the rebels, becaufe moll gun-lhot wounds, efpecially if bones are broken, mor- tify, and prove mortal. Among the flain, on the part of Be- gemder, were two chiefs of Laila, and two relations of Po- wufTen, (a brother-in-law and his fon) they were both fliot, bearing the banner of king Theodorus. The unworthy Confu, brother to Guebra Mehedin, and nephew to the Ite- ghe, whom I have often mentioned, had efcaped, indeed, from Kafmati Ayabdar, who had given orders to confine him, to die a rebel this day among the troops of Begemder. The king being wafhed and drelTed, and having dined, received a compliment from Ras Michael, who fent him a prefent of fruit, and a thoufand ounces of gold. There be- gan then the fikhieil of all ceremonies that ever difgraced any nation fliling themfelves Chriflians ; a ceremony that -cannot be put in terms fufficiently decent for modefl ears, ^^yszithout adapting the challe language of fcripture, which, 2 when THE SOURCE OF THE NILE, 177 when neceflity obliges to treat of grofs fubjefts, always makes choice of the leaft offenfive language. All thofe, whether women or men, who have fiefs of the crown, 3.VG obliged to furnifli certain numbers of horfe and foot. The women were feldom obliged to perfonal atten- dance, till Ras Michael made it a rule, in order to compofe a court or company for Ozoro Efhher. At the end of a day of battle each chief is obliged to fit at the door of his tent, and each of his followers, who has flain a man, prefents himfelf in his turn, armed as in fight, with the bloody forefkin of the man whom he has llain hanging upon the wrift of his right hand. In this, too, he holds his lance, brandilhing it over his mailer, or miftrefs, as if he intended to ftrike ; and repeating in a feeming rage, a rant of non- fenfe, which admits of no variation, " I am John the fon of George, the fon of William, the fon of Thomas ; I am the rider upon the brown horfe ; I faved your father's life at fuch a battle ; where would you have been if I had not fought for you to-day ? you give me no encouragement, no cloaths, nor money ; you do not deferve fuch a fervant as I ;" and with that he throws his bloody fpoils upon the ground before his fuperior. Another comes afterwards, in his turn, and does the fame ; and, if he has killed more than one man, fo many more times he returns, always repeating the fame nonfenfe, with the fame geftures. I believe there was a heap of above 400 that day, before Ozoro Lilher ; and it was monftrous to fee the young and beautiful Tecla Mariam fitting upon a flool prefiding at fo filthy a ceremony ; nor was flie without furprife, fuch is the force of cufcom, that no compliment of that kind was paid on my part ; and Hill Vol. IV. Z more 178 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER more fo, that I could not be even prefent at fo horrid and bloody an exhibition. The fuperiors appear at this time with their heads covered as before their valTals ; their mouth, too, is hid, and nothing is feen but their eyes : this does not proceed from modelly, but is a token of fuperiority, of which, covering or uncovering the head is a very fpecial demonflration. After this ceremony is over each man takes his bloody conqueft, and retires to prepare it in the fame manner the Indians do their fcalps. To conclude this beaftly account, the whole army, on their return to Gondar, on a particular day of re- view, throws them before the king, and leaves them at the gate of the palace. It is in fearch of thefe, and the unburi- ed bodies of criminals, that the hyaenas come in fuch num- bers to the llreets, where it is dangerous, even when armed,, to walk after dark. This inhuman ceremony being over, alfo the care of the wounded, which indeed precedes every thing, the king received all thofe of the nobility who had diftinguifhed themfelves that day ; the tent was crowded, and he was in great fpirits at the llaughter that had been made, which unbecoming pleafure he never could difguife. He men- tioned the death of his uncle Guebra Chriflos with a degree of chearfulnefs, prefuming, that when fuch a man died on his fide, many of that rank and merit mud have fallen on the other. Villages, appointments, and promotions, gold, promifcs, and prefents of every kind, had been liberally beftowed upon thofe who had prefented themfelves, and who had merited reward that day by their behaviour. The king had been furnilhed with means from the Ras, and ac- cording THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 17^ cording to his natural inclination (efpecially towards fol- diers) he had beflowed them liberally, and I believe im- partially. Guebra Mafcal had not appeared ; he was wait- ing upon his uncle Ras Michael, looking after his own in- tereft, to which no Abyffinian is blind, and expofmg thofe bloody fpoils, which I have juft mentioned, to the Ras, his uncle and general. I HAD been abfent from another motive, the attendance on my friend Engedan, to whofe tent I had removed my bed, as he complained of great pain in his wound, and I had likewife obtained leave of the Ras to fliift my tent near that of his, and leave the care of the king's horfc to Laeca Mariam, an old Have and confidential fervant of the king. As thefe men were the king's menial fervants in his pa- lace, a number of them (about a foiu'th) {laid at Gondar with the horfes, and few more than 100 to 120 could now be muftered, from about 200 or 204 which they at firft were : the arranging of this, attendance upon Ayto Engedan, and fe*- veral delays in getting accefs to the Ras, who had all his troops of Tigre round him, made it pafl eight o'clock in the evening before I could fee the king after he entered the camp ; he had many times fent in fearch of Sertza Deng- hel, but no fuch perfon could be found ; he had been fcen bravely fighting by Engedan's fide in the entrance of the valley, when that young nobleman was wounded, and he had retired with him from the field, but nobody could give any account of him, and the king, by his repeated inquiries after him, fliewed more anxiety, from the fuppolttion he was loll:, than he had done for Guebra Chrifios his uncle, Z 2 or i8o TRAVELS TO DISCOVER or all the men that had fallen that day ; I had feen him in Ayto Engedan's tent, fitting behind his bed, in the darkcft place of it ; both his lips, nofe, and chin were violently cut, his whole fore teeth beat out, and both his cheeks greatly fwelled. I had given him what relief I could, nor was there any thing dangerous in his wounds ; but the affront of receiving the blow from the king, when he was doing a moil meritorious a(ft of duty, (the faving him from death, or the hands of the rebels), had made fuch an impreffion upon a noble mind, that as foon as he arrived in Engedan's tent, he had ordered his hair to be cut off, put a white cap, or monk's cowl upon his head, and by a vow dedicated himfelf to a monaftic life. In vain the king flattered, re- warded, and threatened him afterwards, and went fo far as to make the Abuna menace him with excommunication if he perfilled in his refolution any longer. After this I carried him, as we fhall fee, by the king's deiire, to Gufho, in his camp, and interelled him alfo to perfuade Sertza Deng- hel to renounce his rafh vow : no confideration could how- ever prevail, for, like a private monk, he lived at home in the village which belonged to him in patrimony, and, tho* he often came to court, never flept or ate in the palace, the excufe being, when deflred to flay dinner, that he had no teeth. He conftantly flept at my houfe, fometimes chear- ful, but very feldom fo. He was a young man of excellent underftanding, and particularly turned to the ftudy of reli- gion ; he was well read in all the books of his own country, and very deflrous of being inflruded in ours ; he had the very worft opinion of his own priefts, and his principal de- fire (if it had been poffible) was to go with me to die, and to be buried in Jerufalem. CHAP. THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. i8i GjK»fift========«^ CHAP. VIII. King rewards his Officers — The Author again perfecuted by Guebra Mafcal — Great Dijpleafure of the King — The Author and Guebra Mj/cal are reconciled and rewarded — 'Third Battle of Serbraxos. AFTER the engagement, as every body had accefs to the king's prefence, I did not choofe to force my way through the crowd, but went round through the more pri- vate entry, by the bed-chamber, when I placed myfelf be- hind the king's chair. As foon as he faw me, he laid, with great benignity, " I have not inquired nor fent for you, be- caufe I knew you would be necelTarily bufied among thofe of your friends, who have been wounded to-day ; you are your- felf, befides, hurt : how are you ?" I anfwered, " that I was not hurt to-day, but, though often in danger, had efcaped without any other harm than exceffive fatigue oceafioned by heat and weight of my coat of mail, and that one of my horfes was killed under Ammonios." I THEK i82 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER I THEN took the red colours from the fervant behind me, and going to the carpet fpread before the king, laid them at his feet, faying, " So may all your majefty's enemies fall, as this arch rebel (the bearer of this) has fallen to-day ;" a great murmur was immediately raifed upon feeing thefe colours, and the king cried out with the utmofl impatience, " Has he fallen into your hands, Yagoube ? who was he, where did you meet him, or where did you flay him?" " Sir, faid I, it was not my fortune to meet him to-day, nor did I flay him. I am no king-killer ; it is a fm, I thank God, from which my anceftors are all free; yet, had Providence thrown in my way a king like this, I believe I might have overcome my fcruples. He was killed, as 1 fuppofe, by a fliot of Guebra Mafcal, on the flank of our line; a foldier picked up the colours on the field, and brought them to me in hopes of reward, while you was engaged with the troops of Begem- der, near the bank ; but the merit of his death is with Gue- bra Mafcal. I do him this juflice, the rather becaufe he is the only man in your majefty's army who bears me ill-will, or has been my conftant enemy, for what reafon I know not; but God forbid, that on this, or any perfonal account, I fhould not bear vvitnefs to the truth : this day, my for- tune has been to be near him .during the whole of it, and I fay it from certain infpe<5tion, that to the bravery and ac- tivity of Guebra Mafcal every man in your left wing owes his life or liberty." — " He is a fliame and difgrace to his family, fays the king's fecretary, who was ftanding by him, if after this he can be your enemy." — "It mull beamiftake, fays the king's prieft (Kiis Hatze), for this fliouid atone for it, though Yagoube had flain his brother." 4 While THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 1S3 While this converfation was going on, an extraordinary buftle was obferved in the crowd, and this unquiet genius pulliing through it with great violence, his goat's ikin upon his flioulders, and covered with dull and fweat, in the fame manner he came from the field ; he had heard 1 was gone to the king's tent with the red flag, and not doubting I was to complain of him,orpraife myfelf at his expence, had di- rectly followed me, without giving himfelf time to make the leaft inquiry. He threw himfelf fuddenly, with his face to the ground, before the throne, and rifmg as quickly, and in violent agitation, he faid to the king, or rather bellowed, very indecently, "It is a lie Yagoube is telling; he does not fay the truth; I meant him no harm but good to day, and he did not underftand my language. I don't fay Yagoube is not as good a man as any of us, but it is a lie he has been^ telling now, and 1 will prove it." A GENERAL filence followed this wild rhapfody; the king •was furprifed, and very gravely faid, I am forry, for your fake, if it is a lie ; for my part, I was rafli enough to believe it was true. Guebra Mafcal was ftill going to make bad worfe, by fome abfurd reply, when the fecretary, and one or two of his friends, hauled him out behind, the throne to one of the apartments within, not without fome refiftance, every one fuppofmg, and many faying, he was drunk ; the king was lilent, but appeared exceedingly difpleafed, when I fell upon the ground before him, (a form of afldng leave to fpeak upon any particular fubjedt) and rifmg faid, Sir, Wivh great fubmiflion, it is not, I apprehend, true, that Gue- bra Mafcal IS drunk, as fome have raflily faid now in your prcfence; we have all ate and drank, and changed our cloathiiig fmce the battle 5 but this man, who has been on foot: i84 TRAVELSTODISCOVER foot fince five in the morning, and engaged all day, has not, I believe, ate or drank as yet ; certainly he has not wafhed himfelf, or changed his habit, but has been taking care of his wounded men, and has prefented himfelf now as he came from the field, under the unjuft fufpicion I was doing him wrong. I then repeated what had hap- pened at the bank when the king was purfuing the troops of Begemdcr. Now 1 underfland him, fays the king, but flill tie is wrong, and this is not the firft inftance I have feen, when there was no fuch miftake. At this time a mef- fenger came to call me from within. The king divined the reafon of fending, and faid, No, he fhall not go to Guebra Mafcal ; I will not fuffer this. Go, fays he to one of his fervants that flood near him, defire the Ras to call Guebra Mafcal, and aflc him what this bru- tality means ? I have feen two inllances of his miftehavi- our already, and wifti not to be provoked by a third. At this inftant came Kefla Yafous, with his left hand bound up, and a broad leaf like that of a plane upon his fore- head. After the ufual falutation, and a kind of joke of the king's on his being wounded, I afked him if he would retire and let me drefs his forehead ? which he fhewing inclination to do, the king faid. Aye, go, and afk Guebra Mafcal why he quarrels with his bell friends, and prevents me from rewarding him as he otherwife would have de- ferved. I went out with Kefla Yafous, being very defi- rous this affair fhould not go to the Ras, and we found Guebra Mafcal in appearance in extreme agony and de- fpair. % Thb THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 1.S5 The whole ftory was told diilindly to Kefla Yafous, who took it up in the moil judicious manner. He faid he had been detained at his tent, but had come to the king's pre- fence exprefsly to give Guebra Mafcal the juft praife he deferved for his behaviour that day : that he was very Jiap- py that [, who was near him all the adion, and was a ftran- ger, and unprejudiced (as he might be thought not to be) had done it fo juftly and fo handfomely. At the fame time he could not help faying, that the quarrel with Yagoube in the palace, the taunting fpeech made without provocation in. the king's prefence on the march, his apoftrophe in the field, and the abrupt manner in which he ignorantly broke in upon the converfation before the king, interrupting and contradicting his own commendations, fliewed a diftem- pered mind, and that he afted from a bad motive, which, if inquired into, would inevitably ruin him, both with King and Ras ; and he had heard indeed it already had done with the former. Guebra Mascal, now crying like a child, condemned iiimfelf for a malicious madman in the two firft inftances : but fwore, that on the field he had no intention but to fave me, if occafion threv/ it in his way ; for which purpofe alone it was he had cried out to me to fiand firm, for the troops of Bcgemder were coming upon us, but that I did not un- deriland his meaning. Guebra Mafcal advances nothing but truth, faid I, to Kefia Yafous ; 1 did not perfeilly under- fland him to-day in the field, as he fpoke in !his own lan- guage of Tigre, and fiammers greatly, nor did I diftinaily comprehend what he faid acrofs the pool, for the fame reafon, and the confudon we were in : I fliall however moil readily confefs my obligation to him, for the opportunity Vol. IV. A a he lS6 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER he gave me to join the king. I am a ftrangcr, and Habie to err, vvhilft, for the fame reafon, I am entitled to all your protections and forgivennefs. I am, moreover, the king's llranger, and as fuch, entitled to fomething more as long as I conducft myfelf with propriety to every one. I have never fpoken a word but in Guebra Mafcal's praife, and in this I have done him no more than juflice ; his impatience per- verted what I had faid ; but the -real truth, as I fpoke it, re- mains in the ears of the king and of thofe that were by- Handers, to whom I appeal. Every thing went after this in the manner that was to be wiflied. Guebra Mafcal and I vowed eternal friendfhip to each other, of which Kefla Yafous profeiTed himfelf the guarantee. All this pafTed while I was binding up his head; he went again to the king. For my own part, tired to deuth, low in fpirits, and curfmg the hour that brought me to fuch a country, I almoil regretted I had not died that day in the field of Serbraxos. I went to bed, in Ay to Engedan's tent, refufingtogo to Ozoro Efther, who had fentfor me. I could not help lamenting how well my apprehenfions had been verified, that fome oJF our companions at laft night's fupper, fo anxious for the appearance of morning, fliould never fee its evening. Four of them, all young men, and of great hopes, were then lying dead and mangled on the field ; two others befides Engcdan had been alfo wounded. I had, how- ever, a found and refrefliing fleep. I think madnefs would have been the confequence, if this neceffary refrefliment had failed me ; fuch was the horror I had conceived of my prefent fitpation. Ok THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. jt8; On the 21ft, Engedan was conveyed in a litter to Gondar; and early in the morning of that day arrived an officer from PowuiTen, together with three or four priefts. He brought with him twenty or thirty kettle-drums belonging to the king, with their mules, and as many of the drummers as were alive. The errand was iham propofals of peace, as ufual, and great profeffions of allegiance to the king. As Powuf- fen's attack, however, that day, had fomething very perfon- al in it, and that the llory of Theodorus was founded upon a fuppofition that the king was to be ilain on the field of Serbraxos, little anfwer was returned, only the red flag was fent back with a melTage, That perhaps, from the good for- tune that had attended it, Powuflen might wifh to keep it for Theodorus his fucceflbr, but it was never after feen or heard of. GusHo likewife, and Ayabdar, fent a kind of embalTy to inquire after the king's health and fafety ; they wifhed him, in terms of the greateil refpedl, not to expofe himfelf in the' field as he had done in the lafl battle, or a^leaft, if hechofe to command his troops in perfon, that he fliould diftinguifli himfelf by fome horfe, or drefs, as his predeceffors ufed to do ; and they concluded vv^ith fevere refledlions on Michael, as not fufficiently attentive to the fafety of his fovercign! Gracious mellages were returned to thefe two, and they all were difmilFed with the ufual prefects of clothes and money. About eleven o'clock in the forenoon I received an or- der from the Ras to attend him, and, as I thought it was about the alFair of Guebra Mafcal, I went very unwillingly. I was confirmed in this by feeing him waiting with manv Aa2 of i§S TRAVELS TO DISCOVER of his friends without the tent, and ftill more fo upon our being called in together: the Ras was converfing low to two priells, who by their drefs feemed to have come lately from Gondar; he paid little regard to either of us, but nodded, and aflced in Tigre how we did ? Three or four fervants, how- ever, brought out new fine cotton clothes, which they put upon us both ; and, upon another nod, feveral officers and priefts, and a number of other people, conduced us to the king, though fi:ill, as the Ras had fcarcely fpoken to us, I \vondered how this fliould end. After flaying a little wc were both introduced; the Likaontes, or judges, Ibme priefts, and my friend the fecretary, flood about the king, who fat in the middle of his tent upon the flool Guangoul had fat down upon ; the fecretary held fomcthing in his lap, and, upon Gucbra Mafcal's firft kneeling, bound a white fillet like a ribband round his forehead, upon which were written in black and red ink. Mo amhajfa am Ni%eld Solomon am Ncgacle Jude, " The lion of the tribe of Judah of the race of Solomon has overcome." The fecretary then declared his inveflitiu-e ; the king had given him in fief, or for military fervice for ever, three large villages in Dembea, which he named, and this was proclaimed afterwards by beat of drum at the door of the tent. The king then likewife prefented him with a gold knife, upon which he kiifed the ground^ and arofe. It was my turn next to kneel before the king. ■ Vv7ie- ther tliere was any thing particular in my countenance, or what fancy came into his head I know not, but when I looked him in the face he could fcai cc refrain from laugh- ing. Pie had a large chain of gold, wiih veiymafTy links, which he doubled twice, and then put it over my neck, while THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 189 while the fecretary faid, " Yagoube, the king does you this great honour, not as payment of pail fervices, but as a pledge that he will reward them if you will put it in his power." Upon this I kifled the ground, and we were both recon- du6lcd to the Ras, with ourinfignia ; and, having kifled the ground before him, and then his hands, we both had leave to retire. He feemed very bufy with people arrived from without ; he only lifted up his head, fmiled, and faid. Well, are you friends now ? We both bowed without anfwer, and left the tent. The chain confifted of 184 links, each of them weighing 3-Vdwts of fine gold. It was with the ucmofl relu6lance that, being in want of every thing, I fold great part of this honourable diftinction at Sennaar in my return home ; the remaining part is ftill in my pofleffion. It is hoped my fucccfTors will never have the fame excufe I had, for fur- ther diminifliing this honourable monument which I have left them» About a few hours after this, a much more intereftin^ fpeclacle appeared before the whole camp. Ay to Tesfos, go- vernor of Samen under Joas, had never lard dcv/n his arms,, nor paid any allegiance to the prefent king or his father, but had conilantly treated them as ufurpers, and the Ras as a rebel and parricide. He had continued in friendfhip with Fafd, but never would co-operate or join with him, not even when he was at Gondar as Ras. He lived in the inacceffible rock, (called the Jev,^s Rock) one of the higliell of the mountains of Samen, where he maintained a large number of troops, with which he overawed tlic whole ncigh- bouiingcountry,andmade perpetual inroads intoTigrc. Ene- my r^o TRAVELS TO DISCOVER my as he was to Ras Michael, he would not venture to take an adlive part againll him, till the king's affairs were plainly going to ruin. I have already mentioned, that the laft thing Michael did was to fend Kefla Yafous, Baflia He- zekias,and Welleta Michael, to difpoffeis him of his llrong- hold if poflible, and in this they had failed. But now that Tesfos faw there was no probability that Michael fliould be able to retreat to Tigre, he came at laft to join Gufho, bringing with him only about a thoufand men, having left all his polls guarded againit furprife, and ftrong enough to cut off all recruits arriving from Tigre. Nothing that had yet happened ever had fo bad effed: upon Michael's men as this appearance of Tesfos. It was a little before mid-day when his army appeared, and from the hills above march- ed down towards the valley below us, not two mufquec- iliot from our camp. Though Samen is really on the weft of the Tacazze, and confequently in the Amharic divifion of this country, yet, on account of its vicinity to Tigre, the language and cuf- toms are moflly the fame with thofe of that province. There is a march peculiar to the troops of Tigre, which, Avhen the drums of Tesfos beat at paffmg, a defpondency feemed to fall on all the Tigran foldiers, greater than if ten thoufand men of Amhara had joined the rebels. It was a fine day, and the troops, fpread abroad upon the face of the hill, not only Ihewed more in number than they really were, but alfo more fecurity than they were, in point of prudence, warranted to do, when at fo I'mall a diftance from fuch an army as ours« Tesfos THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 191 Tesfos took a poft very likely to diflrefs us, as he had more than 300 mufquetry with him. He fat down with horfe and foot in the middle of the valley before us, with part of his mufquetry pofted upon the flcirts of the moun- tain Belefien on one fide, and part on the top of that long, even hill, dividing the valley from the river Mariam. Over his camp, like a citadel, is the rock that proje(5ts into the valley, from which the peafants of Mariam-Ohha had thrown the Hones when we were returning to our camp after the laft battle. Upon this rock Tesfos had placed a multitude of women and fervants, who began to build flraw- huts for themfelves, as if they intended to flay there for fome time, though there was ilill plenty of the female fex be- low with the camp. Indeed, I never remember to have feen fo many women in proportion to any army whatever, no not even in our own. If Tesfos had been long in coming, he was refolved, now lie was come, to make up for his loit time, as he was not a mile and a half from our camp, and could fee our horfes go down to water, either at Deg-Ohha or Mariam ; that fame day at two o'clock, his horfe attacked our men at wa- tering, killed fome fervants, and took feveral horfes. This behaviour of Tesfos was taken as a defiance to Kefla Ya* fous in particular, and to the army in general. There was no perfon in the w^hole army, of any rank whatever, fo generally beloved as Kefla Yafous ; he was looked upon by the foldiers as their father. He was named by the Ras to the government of Samen, but had failed, as we liave already flatcd, in difpofTefTing Ayto Tesfos, ^^'hofe: diford'^rly march at broad mid -day, fo near our army, the 2 oflentatious 192 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER often tatious beating of the Tigran march upon his kettlc- dium as he pafTed, and his taking poft fo near, were all con- fidered as meriting chaiUfement. That general, however, though very fenfible of this bravado, did not venture to fugged any thing in the prefent fuuation of the army, but all his friends propofed it to him, that fome reproof flaould be given to Tesfos, if it was only to raife the drooping fpirits of the troops of Tigre. Accordingly 400 horfe, and about 500 foot, armed with lances and fliields only, without mufquetry for fear of alarm, were ordered to be ready as foon as it was perfedly dark, that is, between feven and eight o'clock, Tesfos having waited the coming of his baggage, and arranged his little camp to his liking, was feen to mount, with about |oo horfe, to go to the campof Gufho or Powuf- fen a little before fun-fet, at which time Kefla Yafous was dillributing plenty of meat to the foldiers. About eight o'clock they defcended the hill unperceived even by part of our camp. Kefla Yafous was governor of Temben (a pro- vince on the S. W. of Tigre) immediately joining to Samen, and the language and dialed was the fame. The foot were ordered to take the lead, fcattcred in a manner not to give alarm, and the horfe were to pafs by the back of the low, even hill, in the other valley, along the banks of the river Mariam, clofe to the water, in order to cut off the retreat to the plain. A great part of the Samen foldiers were afleep, whilll a number of the mules that had been loaded were ftraggling up and down, and fome of them returning to the camp. The Temben troops had now infmuated themfelves among the tents, cfpecially on the fide of the hill. 1 The THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 193 The firft circumftance that gave alarm was the appear- ance of the horfe, but they were not taken for an enemy, but for Ayto Tesfos returning. Kefla Yafous now gave the fignal to charge, by beating a kettle-drum, and every foldier fell upon the enemy neareft him. It is impoffible to defcribe the confufion that followed, nor was it eafy to diftinguifh enemies from friends, efpecially for us on horfe- back ; only thofe that fled were reckoned enemies. The greateft execution done by the horfe was breaking the jars of honey, butter, beer, wine, and flour, and gathering as many mules together as poffible to drive them away. Few of the enemy came our way towards tlie plain, but mofl; fled up the hill : in an inftant the flraw huts upon the rock were fet on fire, and Kefla Yafous had ordered rather to deftroy the provifions than the men, fince there was no refiftance. I pafl:ed a large tent, which I judged to be that of Ayto Tesfos, which our people immediately cut open ; but, inftead of an oflicer of confequence, we faw, by the light of a lamp, three or four naked men and women, to- tally overpowered with drink and fleep, lying helplefs, like fo many hogs, upon the ground, utterly unconfcious of what was palling about them. Upon a large tin platter, on a bench, lay one of the large horns, perfectly drain- ed of the fpirits that it had contained ; it was one of the moll beautiful, for fhape and colour, I ever had feen, though not one of the iargeft. This horn was all my booty that night. Upon my return to Britain, it was afl^- ed of me by Sir Thomas Dundas of Carfe, to ferve for a bugle-horn to the Fauconberg regiment, to which, as being part urn fangulne, it was very properly adapted. That regiment being dilbanded foon after, I know not further what came Vol. IV, B b of 104 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER of it ; it is probably placed in fome public colle(^ion, or at leaft ought to be. The fire increafing on the hill, and feveral mufquets ha- ving been heard, it was plain the enemy, in all the camps, were alarmed, and our t'urcher ftay became every moment more dangerous. Kefla Yafous now beat a retreat, and fent the horfcmen all round to force the foot to make the beft of their way back, ordering alfo all mules taken to be liam-ftringed and left, not to retard our return. Trumpets and drums were heard from our camp, to warn us not to ftay, as it was not doubted but mifchief would follow, and accordingly we were fcarce arrived within the limits of our camp when we heard the found of horfe in the vair ley, Michael, always watchful upon every accident, no fooiier faw the fires lighted on the hill, than he or- dered Guebra Mafcal to place a good body of muf- queteers about half way down the hill, as near as pof- fible to the ford of Mariam, thinking it probable that the enemy would enter at both ends of the long hill, in order to furround thofe who were deftroying their camp, which they accordingly did, whilfi; thofe of our people, who had taken to drinking, fell into the hands of the troops that came by the lower road, and were all put to death. Thofe that reached the upper ford ferved to afford us a fevere re- venge, for Guebra Mafcal, after having feen them pafs ber twcen hiin and the river, though it was a dark and very windy night, guelled very luckily their pofirion, and gave tb,em fo happy a fi.re, that moft of thofe who were not flain. THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. jg^ flain returned back without feeing Ayto Tesfos's camp, being afraid that fome other trap might Hill be in their way. In the morning of the 2 2d, we found that the flain Were men of Begemder and Lafla. Tesfos, it fe^ms, had been in Powufl^en's camp when he faw the fire lighced on the hill, and thence had provided an additional number of troops to attack Kefla Yafous before he had done his bufinefs, but in this he mifcarried. Tesfos's party was thus totally deflroyed and difperfed, his mules flaughtered, and his provilions fpoiled. About thirty of Kefla Yafous's infantry, however, lofl their lives by flaying behind, and intoxicating themfelves with liquor. Of the horfe, not a man was either killed or wounded. I was the only unfortunate perfon ; and Provi- dence had feemed to warn me of my danger the day before^ for pafling then that rock which projc(5led into the valley, ' the fire giving perfect light, the multitude aflfembled above, and prepared for that purpofe, poured down upon us fuch a fliower of arrows, ftones, billets of wood, and broken jars, as ■is not to be imagined. Of thefe a ftone gave me a very violent blow upon my left arm, while a fmall fragment of the bottom of a jar, or pitcher, flruck me on the creft of my helmet, and occafioned fuch a concuffion as to deprive me for a time of all recoilecT:ion, fo that, when lying in my tent at no great diflance, I did not remember to have heard Guebra Mafcal's dilcharge. I certainly had fome prefaging that mifchief was to happen me, for pafling that rock, juft before we entered Tesfos's camp, I defired Tecla, when I re- turned, to allow fifty men to proceed up the hill and cut thofe people in pieces who had flationed themfelves fo inconveniently ; but he would not confent, being defirous B b 2 to 196 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER to return without lofs of time, and before the enemy knew the calamity that had befallen them, Ayto Te«fos now became a little more humble, retreated to the fouth end of the long hill, till being joined, next day the 23d, by his neighbours, Samuel Mammo of Tzegade, and Heraclius of Walkayt, who had a very large force, he again removed nearer us, about half a mile farrher than his firll pofuion, and extended his camp quite acrofs the valley, from the foot of the hill to the river Mariam, keeping his head-quarters on the top of the long, even hill, fo often mentioned. Mammo and Heraclius had pafl'ed by Gondar, and, being much fuperior in number, had taken Sanuda, Ayto Confu, and Ayto Engedan prifoners, and, though the two lafl were wounded, carried them to Guflio's camp. I NEED not trouble the reader with the attention fliewed me upon my accident ; all that was great and noble at court, from the king downwards, feemed to be as fenfible of it as if it had happened to one of their own family ; the Ras very particularly fo; and I mull: own, above all, Guebra Maf- cal fhewed himfelf a fmcere convert, by a concern and friendfhip that had every mark of lincerity. Ozoro Eilher was feveral times the next day at my tent, and with her the beautiful Tecla Mariam, whofe fympathy and kindnefs would more than have compenfated a greater misfortune ; for, laving that it had occalioned an inflammation in my eyes, the hurt was of the flightell kind. Many pec pie came to-day from the feveral camps with propofals of peace, which ended in nothing, though it w as vifible THE SOUPtCE OF THE NILE. 197 vifible enough to every one that a treaty of fome kind was not only on foot, but aheady far advanced, hi the evening a party of 400 foot and 50 horfe, M^hich went to Demhoa to forage for the king, was furprifed by Coque Ab'.u Earea, and cut to pieces ; after which that general encamped wich Gullio, and brought witii him about jooo men. Provisions were now become fcarce in the camp, and there was a profpedt that they would be every day Icarcer ; and, what was ftill worfe, Deg-Ohha, which long had Hood in pools, was now almoit dry, and, from the frequent ufe made of it by the number of beads, began to have both an ofFenfive fmell and talle ; whilll, every time we attempted to water at the Mariam river, a battle was to be fought with Tesfos's horfe in the valley. On the other hand, an epide- mical fever raged in the rebels camp on the plain, elpecial- ly in that of Gufho and Ayabdar. The rain, moreover, was now coming on daily, and fomething deciiive became ne- ceffary for all parties. On the 24th, in the morning, a meiTage arrived from Gu-. llio to the king, deiiring I might have liberty to come and bring medicines with me, for his whole family were ill of the fever. The king anfwered, that I had been wound- ed in the head, and waj. ill ; nor did he believe ,1 could be able to come; but, if 1 was, he Ihouldfend me in the morn- ing. A LITTLE before noon the drums in the plain beat to arms. Heraclius, Mammo, and Tesfos on the fide of the valley, Coque Abou Barea and Afahel Woodage on the fide of the plain, with frelli troops, had obtained leave from Guflio 198 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER Gufho and Powuflcn to try to liorm our camp, without any affiilancc from the main army, in order to bring the whole to a fpeedy conclufion. 1 here had been a time when fuch an undertaking would not have been thought a prudent one to much better men than any of thofe who now were par- ties in it ; but our fpirits were greatly fallen, our number, too, much decreafed ; above all, a relaxation of difcipline (and defertion, the confequence of it) began to prevail a- mong us to an alarming degree. This was generally faid to be owing to the defpondency of the Tigre troops upon the arrival of Tesfos ; but it required little penetration to difcern, that all forts of men were weary of conftant fight- ing and hardlhips, for no other end but unjuftly maintain- ing Michael in a pod in which he governed at dii'cretion, to the terror of the whole kingdom, and ruin of the confli- tution. The hill of Serbraxos, when we firfl: took port on it, was rugged and uneven, full of acacia and sither ill- thriving tree, and various Humps of thefe had been broken by the wind, or underrhined by the torrents. The great need the foldiers had of fuel to roaft the miferable pittance of bar- ley, (which was all their food) had cleared away thefe in- cumbrances from the fide of the hill, and the conflant re- fort of men going up and down, had rendered the furfacc perfedlly fmooth and flippery ; fo that our camp did not appear as placed fo high, nor nearly fo inacceilible as it was at firft. For this reafon, Ras Michael had ordered the foldiers to gather all the ftones on the hill, and range them in fmall walls, at proper places, in a kind of zig-zag, under which the foldiers lay concealed, and with their fire-arms proteded the mules which went down to drink. JVIichael 4 had THIRD BATTLE. Explanation. A The center commanded by the king in perfon. B The Tan encamped under Ras Mi- chael. C The rear encamped, Guebra Cliriftos being flain, commanded by feveral of- ficers. DD Woodage Afahel nfarching np to- wards the hill to attack the king's camp. E Ayto Tesfos of Samen making a lodge- ment in the bank, or fide of the hill, mider the van, to favour the attack of Woodage Afahel. F Coque Abou Barea making a mock at- tack on the rear to create a diverfioa in favour of Woodage Afahel. G Servants of Tesfos, his camp and re- bellious peafants of Mariam Ohlia on a high rock. THE S^OURCK OF THE NILE. 199 had lined all thefe little f n-tifications with mufquetry, from the bottom of tiie hill to the door of his tent and the king^'s. About noon the hill was aflaulted on all fides that were acceilible, an:) die ancient fpirit of the troops feemed to revive upon fcemg the enemy were the aggreflbrs. With- out any aid of muiqustry, the king's foot repulfed Coque Abou Barei, and drove him from the hill into the plain, without any confiderable Hand on his part : the fame fuc- cefs followed agaia'i Mammo and Heraclius ; they were chafed down the hill, and feveral of their men purfued and flain on the plain ; but a large reinforcement coming from the camp, the king's troops were driven up the hill again, and Tesfos, with his mufquetry, had made a lodgment in a pit on the low fide of one of thefe ftone-walls Ras Michael had built for his own defence, from which he fired with great elFedf, and the king's troops were obliged to fall back to the brow of the hill immediately below the tent, and that of the Ras's. In a moment appeared Woodage Afahel, with a large body of horfe, fupported likewife with a con- fiderable number of foot. • This was the raofl acceffible part of the hill, and under the cover of Tesfos's continued fire : they mounted it with great gallantry, the troops above expedling them with their irons fixed at a proper elevation in the ground ; for it muft be here explained, that no A- h\ ifinian foldier in battle rcfts his gun upon his hand, as every one is provided with a ftick about four feet long, which hath hooks, or refts, on alternate intervals on each fide, and which he fiicks in the ground before him, and refts the muzzle of his gun upon it, according to the height of the objedt he is to aim at ; and here is difcovered the fa- tal 200 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER tal and moft unreafonable effecft of fear in thefe troops, who have not the knowledge or prac5tice of fire-arms, and are a- bout to charge, for as foon as they hear this noife of planting the flicks, (which is fomewhat louder than that of our men cocking their mufquets) they halt immediately, and give the fairefl opportunity to their enemies to take aim ; and, after thus fufferingfromawell-direfted fire, they fall into confu- fion, and run, leaving the mufquetry time to re-charge. This is as if they voluntarily devoted themfelves to deftrudtion ; for if, either upon hearing the noife of fetting the flicks in the ground, or before or after they have received the fire, the horfe were to charge thefe mufqueteers, having no bayonets, at the gallop, they mull be cut to pieces every time they were attacked by cavalry ; the contrary of which is always the cafe. WooDAGE AsAHEL had now advanced within about thir- ty yards of the mufquetry that were expeding him, when unluckily the hill became more fteep, and Ayto Tesfos (for fome reafon not then known) ceafed firing. The king was now clofe to the very brow of the hill, nor could any one perfuade him to keep at a greater diftance. I was not far from him, and had no fort of doubt but that I fliould pre- fently fee the whole body of the enemy deflroyed by the fire awaiting them, and blown into the air. Woodage Afa- hel was very confpicuous by a red fillet, or bandage, wrapt about his head, the two ends hanging over his ears, whilft he was waving with his hands for the troops below to fol- low brilkly, and fupport thofe near him, who were impe- ded by the roughncfs and mofly quality of the ground. At tliis inflant the king's troops fired, and I expeded to fee the enemy flrewed dead along the face of the hill. Indeed we 3 ' faw THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. atai faw them fpeedily difappear, but like living men, ri- ding and running down the dedivicy fo as even to ex^ cite laughter. Woodage Afahel, with two men only, bravely gained the top of the mountain, and, as he palled the king's tent, pulled off his red fillet, making a fign as of faluting it, and then galloped through the middle of the camp. He was now defcending unhurt upon the left, where Abou Barea had been engaged and beaten, when Sebaftos, a Greek, the king's cook, feventy-five years of age, of whom I have already fpoken in the campaign of Mait- Iha, lying behind a ftone, with his gun in his hand, fee- ing the troops engage below, fired at him as he palR-d : the ball took place in the left fide of his belly. He was fcen (looping forward upon the tore of his faddle, with fome men fupporting him on each fide, in his way to his tent, where he died in the evening, having, by his behaviour that day, deferved a better fate. Sebailos reported this feat of his to the king, but it was not believed, till a cctnfirmatioa of the facH: came in the evening, when Sebaflos was cloatlied, and received a reward from, the king. Tesfos had been obferved nor to fire fince -Woodage Afa- hel gained the llccp part of the hill, and it was thought it was from fear of gallnig his friends ; but it was foon known to be owing to another caufe. fCefla Yafous had ordered two of his nephews to take a body of troops, with lances and fliields onh , and thefe were to go round the Ras's tent, and down the lide of the hill, till they were even with Tesfos behind the fcreen where he lay. Thefe two young men, proud of the fole coxumand which tliey had then received for the firft time, executed it with great alacrity ; and tho* they were ordered by ilieir uncle to watch the time when. Vol. IV. C c Tesfos 202 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER Tesfos had fired, and then to run in upon him, they difdain- cd that precaution, but coming fpeedily upon him, part of them threw down the ftones under which he was con- cealed, and part attacl-Lcd him in the hollow, and, while much intent upon the fuccefs of Woodage Afahel, he was in a moment overpowered and diflodgcd; and, being twice wounded, with great difficulty he efcaped. Se- venteen of his match-locks were brought into the camp, and with them a man of great family in Samen, a relation or friend of Kefla Yafous. This perfon, after having been regaled with the befl that was in the camp, and cloath- ed anew after their cuftom, was fent back the fame night to Ayto Tesfos, with this fhort mefTage, " Tesfos had " better be upon his rock again, if my boys can beat hira^ " upon the plain at broad noon-day.!' CoQUE Abou Bare a, after having attempted feveral times to afcend the hill, was beaten back as often, and obliged to defift. On the king's fide only eleven men were killed. The lofs of the enemy was varioufly reported.. Sixty-three men only, and feveral horfes of thofe with Woodage Afahel, were left upon the fide of the hill, after the fire of near looo muf- quets — fo contemptible is the mofl dangerous weapon in an ignorant and timid hand. That night the body of mufque- teers called Lafta, part of the king's houfehold, (in number about 300 men) deferted in a body. One of the worfl: con^ fequences of that day's engagement was, that the enemy, when in poiTeffion of the foot of the hill, had thrown a great number of dead bodies, both of men and beafts, into Deg-Ohha, which therefore now was abandoned alto- gether by our troops. To make up for this, Ras Michael, tjiat very evening,. advanced 2000 men upon the end of the longi THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 205 long hill, immediately below him, which poll was never molefted after, lb that our beafts had water in greater plen- ty and fafety than when they were at a lefs confiderablc dillance. Below the north-weft fide of the hill, where it was a fteep precipice, two or three pools of water were found re- taining all their original purity, out of the reach or know- ledge of the enemy, in the bed of the torrent which fur- rounded the north fide of the mountain : the defcent was very difficult for beafts, but thither I went feveral times on foot, and bathed myfelf, efpecially my head, in very cold water, which greatly ftrengthened my eyes, much weaken- ed from the blow I had received. G^-" -' ' ''"'^ Cc£ GHAP. :o4 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER ^^ ,,...., , ..„..,, ,.„..^_.^„.^,^^^ CHAP. IX. interview with GuJJoo in his 'Tent — Convej-fation and inter cjltng IntellU- gence there — Return to the Camp — Kings Army returns to Gondar-'-' Great Confnfion in that Night's March. . ON the 25th of May, early in the morning, I went to > Gufho. When I arrived near his tent I difmounted my mule, and, as the king had commanded me, bared my- felf to below the breafts, the fign of being bearer of the king's orders. Four men were now fent from the tent,, who, two and two, fupported each arm, and introduced me in this ftate immediately to Gufho. He was fitting on a kind . of bed, covered with fcarlet cloth, and edged with a deep gold fringe. As foon as I came near him, I began, " Hear what the king fays to you." In a moment he rofe, and, llripping himfelf bare to the waift, he bowed with his forehead on the fcarlet cloth, but did not, as was his duty, iland on the ground, and touch it with his forehead, tho' there THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. aoj there was a good Periian carper, as pride and newly-ac- quired independence had relealed him from thofe forms, in the obiervance of which he had been brought up from his childhood. On feeing him attentive, I continued, " The king fends you word by me, and I declare to you from my own Ikiil as a phyfician, that the fever now amongil you will foon be- come mortal ; as the rains increafe, you will die ; confe- quently, being out of your allegiance, God only knows what will happen to you afterwards. The king thercrore wifhes you to preferve your health, by going home to Am- hara, taking Powuflen, and all the reft along with you who are ill likevvife, and the fooner the better, as he heartily wifhes to be rid of you all at once, without your leaving any of your friends behind you." It was with diiEculty I kept my gravity in the courfe of my harangue ; it did not feem to be lefs fo on his part, as at the end he broke out in a great fit of laughter. " Aye, Aye^ Yagoube, fays he, I fee you are ftill the old man ; but tell the king from me, that if I were to do what you juft now defireof me, it was then I • Ihould be afraid to die, it was then I Ihould be out of my duty ; alTure the king, continued GuHio, I will do him bet- ter fervice. Were I to go home and leave Michael with him, I, who am no ph^'Tician, declare, the Ras would prove in the end a much more dangerous difeafe to him than all the fe^ vers in Dembea." I THEN introduced his relation, Tecla Mariam, who flood ' with the people beliind ; and, as he had on his monk's drefs, Guflio at firft did not know him. He had been well inform- ed, liowever, of his having faved the king, and of the blow that he liad received from him. He faid every thing in, a commendation ^ zo6 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER . Gommendation of the young man, and his honourable ac- tion, adding, that the prefervation of kings was a gift of Providence particularly referved for the people of Amhara. He then ordered new cloaths to be brought and put upon Tecla Mariam, who fcrupled to take off his cowl ; on which Guflio violently tore it from his head, daftied it on the floor, ftamped twice on it with his foot, and then threw it behind the back of the fofa. At parting, Gufho ordered him five ounces of gold, a large prefent for one that loved money as Guflio did, commanding him llriclly to return to his duty and profeffion, and ordering me to carry him to the king, and fee him reinflated in his office in the palace. I THEN defired his permiffion to vifit the fick, and left ^ ipecacuanha and bark with Antonio, (his Greek fervant,) and dire(5lions how to adminifter them. One of his ne- phews, (Ayto AderclTon) the young man who had loftGufho's horfe, had the fmall-pox, upon which I warned Gufho ferioufly of the danger to which he expofed all his army if that difeafe broke out amongll them, and advifed him to fend his nephew forthwith to the church of Mariam, under the care of the priefts, which he did accordingly. The t^nt being cleared, he alked me if I had feen Welleta Selalle ; if I was with her when fhe died ; and who was faid to have poifoned her, Ras Michael or herfelf, or if I had ever heard that it was Ozoro F.fther? I told him her friends had fent for me from the camp, but miffed me, not know- ing I was at Kofcam with Ayto Confu, who had been wounded ; but that I could have been of little fervice to her if they had found me fooner: That flie had fcarce any figns of life when I entered her room, and died foon after: That ihe conteffed flie had taken arfenic herfelf, and named THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 207 named a black fervant of hers, a Mahometan, from whom Ihe had bought it ; and the reafbn was, licr fears thac her grandfather, Ras Michael, whom die had always looked up- on as the murderer of her father, fliould force her when he retui'ned to Gondar. He fee ncd exceedinglv attentive to- all I faid, and mufed for a couple of minutes after I had done fpeaking. A PLENTIFUL breakfail was then brought us, and many of his officers fat down to it. I obferved like wife forae peo- ple of Gondar, who had formerly fled to Faiil at Michael's firft coming. He faid he wiflied me to bleed him before I went away, which I affured him I would by no means do, for if he was well, as I then faw he was, the unnecefTary bleeding him might occalion licknefs ; and, if he was dan- geroufly ill, he might die, when the blame would be laid upon me, and expofe me to mifchicf afterwards. " No, fays he, I could certainly truft you, nor would any of my people believe any harm of you ; but I am glad to fee you fo pru- dent, and that you have a care of my life, for the reafon I fliall give you afterwards." I bowed, and he made me then tell him all that pafTed in my vifit to Fafd, which I did, without concealing any circumftance. All the company laughed, and he more than any, only faying, " Fafil, Fafd, thou waft born a Galla, and a Galla thou ilialt die." Breakfast being over, the tent was cleared, and w£ were again left alone, when he put on a very ferious coun- tenance. " You know, fays he, you are my old acquain- tance. I faw you with Michael after the battle of Fagitta, as alfo the prefents you brought, and heard the letters read, both thole that came from Meticai Aga, and thofe of ' i> All 'tbS TRAVELS TO DISCOVER Ali Bey from Cairo. All the Greeks here who have confi- derable polls, and are proud and vain enough, have yet de- clared to us feveral times, (as Antonio my fervant did to me lall night) that, in their own country, the beil of them are not higher in rank than your lervants ; and that thofe who hitherto have come into this country were no better. We know then, and the king is fenfible, that in your own country you are equal to the beft of us, and perhaps fu- perior, and as fuch, even in thefe bad times, you have been treated. Now, this being the cafe, you are wrong to ex- pofe yourfelf like a common foldier. We all know, and have feen, that you are a better horfeman, and Ihoot better than we ; your gun carries farther, becauCe you ul'e leaden bullets ; fo far is well ; but then you (hould manage this fo as never to aift alone, or from any thing that can have the appearance of a private motive ♦." " hir, ("aid I, you know that when 1 firfl came recommended, as you fay, into this country, Ayto Aylo, the moll: peaceable, as well as the wifeft man in it, the Ras, and I believe yourfelf, but certainly many able and confiderable men who were fo good as to patrnnize me, did then advife the putting me into the king's fervice and houfehold, as the only means of keeping me from robbery and infult. You faid that I could not be fafe one inilar.t after the king left Gondar, being a fmgle man, who was fuppofed to have brought money with him ; that therefore I muft connect myfclf witli young noblemen, officers of confcquence about court, whofe authority and friendfliip would keep ill-difpoled people in awe. The king obferving in me a facility of managing * He meant, from tlie infiigaiicn of Ozoro Ellher. THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 209 managing my horfe and arms, with which, until that time, he had been unacquainted, placed me about his per- fon, both in the palace and in the field, for his own amufe- ment, and I may fay inftru6tion, and for my fafety ; and this advice has proved fo good, that I have never once de- viated from it but rny life has been in danger. The firft attempt I made to go to the cataradl, Guebra Mehedin way-laid and intended to murder me. When the king was in Tigre, Woodage Afahel defigned to do me the fame fa- vour by the Galla he fent from Samfeen; and fo did Coque Abou Barea at Degwalla, by the hands of Welleta SelafTe. No fafety, therefore, then remained to me but in adhering clofely to the king, as I have ever fince done, and was ad- vifed from the firll to do, which indifpenfibly brought me to Serbraxos, or wherever he was in perfon. You cannot think it is from a motive of choice that a white man like myfelf runs the rifk of lofmg his life, or limbs, fo far from home, and where there is fo little medical ailiflance, in a war where he has no motive that can concern him." " Do not miftake me, Yagoube, fays Guflio, your beha- viour at Sebraxos does you honour, and will never make you an enemy, fo does the like affair with Kefla Yafous ; there is no man you can fo properly connecft yourfelf with as Kefla Yafous ; all 1 wanted to obferve to you is, that it is faid Woodage Afahel v/oukl have efcaped fafely from the mountain if you had not lliot him, and that yours was the only mufquet that was fired at him ; which is thought invidious in you, being a llranger, as lie is the head of the Edjow Galla, the late king's guards ; they may yet return toGondar, and will look npon you as their enemy, becaufe YoL. 1 V. D d a leaden 2IO TRAVELS TO DISCOVER a leaden bullet was found in Woodage Afahel's body fired at him by you." — " Sir,faid I, it is very feldom a man in fuch a cafe as this can have the power of vindicating himfelf to convi(5tion, but that I now happily can do. All the Greeks in the king's army, their fons and families, all Mahometans, who have been in Arabia, India, or Egypt, ufe leaden bul- lets. The man who lliot Woodage Alahel is well known to you. He is the king's old cook, Sebaftos, a man paft fe- venty, who could not be able to kill a fheep till fomebody firft tied its legs. He himfelf informed the king of what he had done, and brought witneffes in the ufual form, claiming a reward for his action, which he obtained. It was faid that I, too, killed the man who carried the red flag of Theodorus at Scrbraxos, though no leaden bullet, I believe, was found in him. A foldier picked up this flag upon the field, and brought it to me. I paid him, indeed, for his pains ; and, when I prefented the flag to the kino-, told him what 1 had feen, that the bearer of it had fallen by a fliot from Guebra Mafcal. I had not a gun in my hand all that day at Serbraxos, nor all that other day when Woodage Afahel was flain. I faw him pafs within lefs than ten yards where I was Handing behind the king, in great health and fpirits, with two other attendants ; but, fo far from firing at him, 1 was very anxious in my own mind that he fhould get as fafely out of the camp as he had gallantly, though imprudently, forced himfelf into it. It is not a cullom known in my country for oflicers to be em- ployed to pick out diilinguiflied men at fuch advantage, nor would it be confidered there as much better than murder: certainly no honour would accrue from it. But when means are neceflfary to keep officers of the enemy at a proper dif- tance, THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 211 tance, for confequences that might other wife follow, there are common foldiers chofen for that purpofe, and for which they are not the more efteemed. This, however, I will con- fefs to you, that when either the king's horfes or mine went down to Deg Ohha to water, and never but then, I fat upon the rock above, and did all in my power to protecl: them, and the men who were with them, and to terrify the enemy who came to moleft them, by Ihewing the extenfive range of our rifle guns ; and that very day when Ayto Tesfos arrived, fome of his troops having driven ofF the mules, among which were two of mine, I did, I confefs, with my own hand flioot four of them from the rock, and at laft obliged the reft to keep at a greater dillance ; but as for Woodage Afahel, I difown having had arms in my hand the day he entered the camp, or having been abfent, till late in the evening, from the king's perfon." Now, all this is very well, continued Guflio ; who killed Theodorus, or the man at Serbraxos ; who killed Ayto Tes- fos's men, is no objecft of inquiry ; Deg-Ohha was within - the line of the king's camp, and they that wanted to deprive him of this poiTcffion, or the ufe of it, did it at their peril. If you had fhot Ayto Tesfos himfelf, attempting to deprive you of water for the camp, no man in all Amhara would have faid you did wrong ; but I am very much pleafed with what you tell me of Woodage Afahel. The lliort, yel- low man, who breakfafted with you, was one of thofe two who accompanied Woodage Afahel when he was fhot^ and is a friend of mine; he brought word that he was killed by a frank, and the leaden bullet fix'd it upon you." ' Dd2 This 212 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER This man was now immediately called for. He went by the nickname of Gou/, or the Giant, from his fmall fize and debility of body. " Is this your man, fays Guflio, who fliot Woodage Afahel on the hill ?" " O, by no means, fays Goul ; he was an old man with a long grey beard, and a white cloth round his head. This man I know well. I faw him with Fafil. This is Yagoube, the king's friend; he would not do fuch a thing." " No, certainly he would nor, fays Gu(ho, and fo mind that you tell Woodage Afahel's friends." Upon this he withdrew. And now, fays Gufho, talk no more upon this affair, I will take the rell upon my- felf. There is a fcrvant of Metical Aga's now in the camp, fent over by defire of your friends and countrymen * at Jid- da, to know if you are alive and well. He has alfo a mef- fage to the king, and perhaps I may fend him to the camp to-morrow, but more probably defer it till we meet at Gon- dar. Meantime, remember my injuncflion to you, to keep clofe by the perfon of the king, and then no accident can befal you in the confufion that will foon happen. I thanked him for his friendly advice, which I promifed to follow. I then allced for Ayto Confu and Engedan, as alfo for Metical Aga's fcrvant, but he anfwered, I could not then, fee them. He had now in his hand, fome filk paper, in which they generally wrap their ingots of gold, and he was preparing to flip this into my hand at parting, in the fame manner we do the fee of a phyfician in Europe. " You forget, faid I, what you mentioned in the morning, that I am no caft- * Cajtain Thomas Price of tlrj Lyon ax Bombay.. THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 213 caft-away, no Greek nor Armenian fervant, but perhaps of equal rank to yourfelves : if I wanted money, Metical Aga's fervant would procure it for me upon demand. It is your wife and two daughters who are ill ; and when you fliall hereafter be great, and governing every thing at Gondar, I will by them put you in mind of any piece of friendfliip I may ftand in need of at your hand ; and you fliall grant it." — " You are a good prophet, Yagoube, fays he ; and fo I ihall ; bat remember my advice ; I know you are a friend of Ozoro Efther, but £he cannot protedt you ; Ozoro Altafli* may: the bell of all is to keep clofc to the king, to defend yourfelf if any body molefts you on your way to Gondar, and leave the reft to me. An officer was now appointed to conduft me acrofs the plain, and feveral fervants laden with fifli and fruit. About a hundred yards from the tent, a man muffled up met me, whom I found to be a fervant of Engedan. " Your army will diihand, fays he to me, in a low tone of voice ; keep by the king, or Aylo my matter's brother, and he will bring you over here." Having left him, we continued a- crofs the plain, and faw feveral fmall parties of horfe pa- troling, but they came not near us. My conducT:or faid they were Galla, waiting for fome opportunity to do mifchief. He told me that Ozoro Welleta Ifrael, and his fon Ayla, had joined their army that day with 10,000 men from Go- jam, to no purpofe at all, continued he, but that of eating up the country. But your friend the Iteghe could not fee Ras Michael fall without giving him- a Ihove, though flie * Her daughter was married to Fowuflvn^ 214 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER flae has flaid till the very laft day before flie ventured, for fear of accidents. Gufho's men fet the liih down at the advanced guard, and returned with the officer who had at- tended me, while I went towards the king's tent, mufmg what all this might mean, what power was to carry us to Gondar, difband the army, depofe Michael, and not hurt the king. I FOUND the king had not been well, and had taken warm water to vomit, a remedy I adviCed him fometimes to make ufe of, not choofmg to venture on all occafions to give him medicines, and he was then quiet. I therefore went to Ras Michael, who was alone, and feemingly much chagrined. He interrogated me flriftly as to what paffcd between me and Gufho. I told him the difcourfe about Woodage Afahel's death, and about Fafil ; then about the fick family I had feen, the offer of money, the fifli, &c. The fame I repeated when I went back to the king, but nothing about our meeting at Gondar. I begged, however, as he flill complained a little of his head, that he would fee nobody that night, but lie down and compofe himfelf, al- lowing me to wait in the fecretary's apartment till he fliould awake. I thought he embraced this propofal willingly, Ozoro Eflher having had a long conference with him the night before. I do not imagine the flate of the realm had much fliare in their converfation. After he was laid down, I went and found Azage Kyrillos, and with him the beau- tiful daughter of Tecla Mariam, who was juft dreffed to go t© Ozoro Eflher's. She faid fhe would either take me along •with her to Ozoro Efther's, or flay, and the king would fend us fupper at her father's. I excufed myfelf from either, on account of the king's indifpofition, and my bufmefs with 3 her THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 215 her father, who, gueTing by my countenance I had fome- thing material to communicate, fentheron her vifit, and fo we were left alone. As he was a man with whom I had always lived in the mofl confidential friendihip, and knew the fame fubfifted between him and the king, I made no fcruple to tell him, word for word, what I had heard from Gufho, and Enge- dan's fervant. He faid, without any feeming furprife, Why, we are all worn out, but Hate all this to the king. Soon after, came in the flave who had the charge of the king's bed-chamber, and told the fecretary that the king found himfelf well, only wanted to know what he fhould drink. I ordered him fome water, with fome ripe tamarinds, a li- quor he ufually took in time of Lent. See him and advife him yourfelf, fays the fecretary. I accordingly went in, and told the king the whole llory. He feemed to be in great agiration, repeating frequently, " O God ! O God ! O Guebra Menfus Kedus*!"— " Who is this Guebra Menfus Kedus ?" faid 1 afterwards to Tecla Mariam, who in his heart believed in him no more than I did. " Why, anfwer- ed he gravely, he is a great faint, who never ate or drank from his mother's womb till his death, faid mafs at Jerufa- lem every day, and came home at night in form of a ftork." —" But a bad regimen his, faid I, for fuch violent exercife." — " That is not all, fays Tecla Mariam, he fought wirh the devil once in Tigre, and threw him over the rock Amba Sa- 1am, and killed him."—" I wifli you joy, faid I, this h good news indeed." All this converfation had pafled in half a whifpcn *■ Servant of the Holy Ghoft. 2i6 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER whifper. The king was quiet ; but, hearing me fay the lail words, he ftarted, and cried, " What joy, what good news, Yagoube ?" — " Why, faid I, Sir, it is only Tecia Ma- riam informing me that the devil is dead, which is good news, at lead to me, who always dreaded falling into his clutches." — " Aye, fays the king, the monks fay fo ; it muft have been long ago ; but the faint was furely a holy man." Though the king was violently agitated, yet he neither faid that he did or did not underfland what was meant br Guflio and Engedan, but only ordered me home imme- diately, faying, " As you value your life, open not your mouth to man or woman, nor feem to take particular care about any thing, more than you did before; trufi: ail in the hands of the Virgin Mary, and Guebra Menfus Kedus." I NEEDED no incitement to go to my tent, where I went immediately to bed. I cannot fay but I had a ray of hope ' that Providence had begun the means which were to extri- cate me out of the difiiculties of my prefent fituarion, bet-^ ter and fooner than I had before imagined; I therefore fell foon into a profound fleep, fatisiied that I fhould be quickly called if any thing ailed the king. The lights were nov/ all put out, and, except the cry of the guards going their rounds, very little noiie in the camp, conlidering the vaft number of people it contained, I was in a profound fleep when Francifco, a Greek fervant of the Ras, a brave and veteran foldier, but given a little to drink, came bawling in- to my tent, " It is madnefs to lleep at this time." — "I am lure, fbrid I, very calmly, I fliould be mad if I was not to fleep. Whv, when would -vou have me to take mvreft? and what I is THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. ei? ss the matter ?"— " Get up, cries he, quickly, for we fhall all be cut to pieces in a minute." — " Then hang me, faid I, if I don't lie ftill, for if I have no longer to live, it is not worth while to drefs." — " Fafil (continued he) has furprifed the camp, and gives no quarter." — " Fafd ! faid I, impollible: but go to the guard commanded by Laeca Mariam, and if he has a horfe ready faddled bring him to me." On this Francifco catchedVp a lance and flileld that were in my tent, for fear of danger in the way, and ran off. In a minute he returned to afk the -word. " Googue, faid 1, is the parole, (it lignifies Owl.) A curfe upon his facher, fays, he, (meaning the owl's father), and a curfe upon thc-ir fathers who gave fuch unlucky words for the parole at night ; no wonder misfortunes happen, fays he, in Greek : he then returned to the guard under Laeca Mariam. In the mean time, furveying the camp around, I could not help doubting the truth of this alarm ; for not a foul was ftirring about ICefla Yafous's tent, and the light fcarcelyburn- ing. Un the other hand, however, there Teemed feveral in t:ie tent of the Ras, and people moving abcut it, though the Tigre guard around v^ere quiet, who, I 'Knew well, would have been alarmed by the motion of a moufe. There was, however, Hill a light, and an unufual noife in the upper end of the camp to the N. h. Francifco now re- turned from the king's tent, and, without my fpeaking to him, faid, in a great palfion, " Thofe black fellows are all become mad ; you don't keep them in any fort of order." *' Has Laeca Mariam got ready a horfe for me, faid I ; where is he ?" — " When I delivered your orders, replied Francifco, to have a horfe ready for you, he faid there were fifty, but did not fuppofe you intended gallopnig to-night." Fran- VoL. IV. Ec cifco 3i8 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER cifco continued, " I told him Fafil was in the camp ; at which he laughed outright, faid I was drunk, and wonder- ed you had given me the parole with a curfe upon its fa- ther ; a great catch this word, to be fure, it will make me rich." " I am afraid, faid I, friend, Laeca Mariam hath fta- ted the truth ; at leafl I never heard of an army cut to pieces fo very quietly as ours is." While I was fpeaking, the flambeaux at the Ras's tent were all fuddenly lighted, which was like wife done by Kefla Yafous, all the general officers, and laftly from the king's tent. This is a kind of torch, or flambeau, ufed by the janizary Aga, at Cairo and Conflan- tinople, when he patroles the ftreets ; in the night-time it is lighted, but the fire does not appear till you whirl it three or four times round your head, and then it burfts out into a bright flame. Michael had fixteen always on the guard, ever fince the attempt upon his life by the Gurague. In a moment all the camp was lighted, and the people awakened, whilft, as nobody knew the reafon, the tumult increafed. Francifco, with great exultation, upon feeing the Ras's torches lighted, cried, " See who is drunk now ; where are your jokes ? this will be a fine night, and no- body is armed." " Sir, faid I, you faw Laeca Mariam and his guard armed ; fo is every other guard in the camp as much as ever ; and you may thank God you have my fer- vant's lance and fhield, fo you are armed. I may drink coffee, though I very much fear there may be fome embroil on foot, of which you may be yourfelf part of the occafion. Go, however, to the Ras's tent, and afk if he has any orders for me." In fhort, we foon after found that the caufe of all this difliirbance v/as, that fome part of Tesfos's men had come to the back of the camp and attempted to recover the mules which THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 21^ which had been taken from them ; and they had fucceeded in part, when they were difcovered, purfued, and fome of the mules retaken. At the fight of armed men running up and down the hill, an alarm fpread that nobody knew the occafion of, till the Ras caufed the mule-keeper to be baf- tinado'd in the morning. That day, the 26th, we received advice, that the Edjow Galla, and fome other horfe of the fame diftrid, had malTacred ail the people they met on their way to and from Gondar, and that a body of troops had marched into the town, which threatened to fet it on fire if any more provilions were fent to the camp. We were now without food or water ; a great council was therefore held, in which it was agreed to decamp the a§th in the night, and return to Gondar on the 29th, in the morning. A prefent of frelh provifions had been fent to Ras Michael, and, in one of the bafkets, a number of torch- es. A melTage was alfo delivered from Gulho, " That as he was informed the Ras intended travelling in the night, that therefore he had fent him flore of torches, left he Ihould miftake his way to Gondar by having burnt all he had by him in the laft night's alarm about Fafil." He de- clared, moreover, in name of all the Confederates, that it was their refolution not to moleft him in his march ; that the whole kingdom was in alliance with them to fave the effufion of blood, now abfolutely unneceflary, and to meet and treat with him at Gondar. Upon receipt of this meflage, with the torches, the Ras flew into a moft furious paflion. He called for Kefla Ya- fous and Guebra Mafcal, and fharply upbraided them with having betrayed him to his enemies. He gave orders to E e 2 the aio TRAVELS TO DISCOVER. the troops to refrefh themfelves, for he was that day refol- ved to try the fortune of another battle. To this, however^ it was replied by all the principal officers, That the army was ftarving, therefore a refrefliment at this time was out of the queftion, and that fighting was as much fo ; for Gu- Iho, having fent to the Abuna and to the King, had folemn- ly excommunicated his whole army if any harm was of- fered to them in perfon or baggage, if they marched direcft- ly back to Gondar that night, as they had of their own accord, before intended ; and that the army was refolved, therefore,- as one man, to return ; and, if tlie Ras did not agree to it, there was great fear they would difband in the night, and leave him in the hands of the enemy, without terms. The Ras was now obliged to make a virtue of neceffity; and it was given in orders, that the army fhould be ready to de- camp at eight in the evening, but nobody fliould ilrike their tent before that hour on pain of death. The old ge- neral was afliamed to be feen for the firll time flying be- fore his enemies. It was plain to be read in everybody's countenance, that this refolution was agreeable to them all. I confefs,. however, that I thought the meafure a very dangerous one, conlidcring how much blood the king's army had fo lately fpilt, and the ordinary prejudices univerfally adopted in that country, allowing to every individual the right of re- taliation. Before 1 llruck my tent, 1 called Yallne to me^ and told him that Ayto Confu, being wounded and a pri- foner, myfelf neceflarily obliged to attend the king, and the event of that night's retreat unknown to any body, I thought he could do neither himfelf nor me any further fervice by ftaying where he was i that therefore, fo long as. the THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. m the road to Azazo was open to him, he fhould march thro^ Dembea, as if going to Faiil, then turn on the right behind the hills of Kofcam, and make the bell of his way to Ras el Feel, in which government he fhould maintain the llric- teft difcipline, and be particularly careful of the intrigues of Abd el Jeleel, the former governor, whofe application I flaould defeat if I had any intereft, or if the king remain- ed, both which I thought very improbable. I annexed, moreover, this condition, that on his part he fhould be ac- tive and unwearied in procuring information concerning the propereit way of my attempting to reach Sennaar ; I en- joined him alfo to be very circumllantial in all the advices which he fent to me at Gondar ; that they fhould be writ- ten in Arabic, and fent dire6lly to me by my black fervant Soliman,who was with him, and told him that I myfelf fliould join him as foon as poflible. Yafme, with tears in his eyes, protefled againfl leaving me in the dangerous fituation of that night ; he faid we fhould be all cut to pieces as foon as we were in the plain, and that there was not a man of the troops under him who would not rather die with me, than abandon me to be murdered by the hands of thefe faithlefs Chriilian dogs, who never were to be bound by oath or pro- mife. He faid, it would be incomparably fafer, as tliey were all under my command, that I fhould put myfelf at their head, and continue my march to Ras el Feel, where, if I was once an-ived, Ayto Confu's troops, being behind me at Tcherkin, (that is, between me and Gondar), I; might, at my own leifure, folicit a fafe CQndu(5t to Sen- naar. I CONFESS this propofal at firfl flruck me as extremely fea- £ible ; but receding on my foiemn promife to the kmg, not to 222 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER to leave him without his dired permiffion, that Gufho had affured me of fafety if I kept clofe to his perfon, that it would be a breach of trull to leave my Greek fervant un- provided at Gondar, and that forfaking my inftruments would have the efFedl of making my return through the de- fert imperfea,— I rejedted this propofal, and difmifled Yafine, with orders to adhere inviolably to the inftrudions 1 had given him. As for the king himfelf, his countenance was not chan- ged, nor did he fay to me one word that day in confidence, whether he did or did not intend to return to Gondar. As no body knew what conditions were made, or whether any were really made at all, fear kept the common foldiers under obedience till it was night. The firfl who began to file off, it being near dark, were the women, who carried the mills, jars, and the heavy burdens ; thefe were in great numbers. Soon after, the foldiers were in motion, and the Ras and the King's tents were ftruck juft as it was night ; darknefs freed the whole army from obedience to orders, and a confufion, never to be forgot or defcribed, prefently followed, every body making the befl of their way to get fafe down the hill. At firft fetting out I kept clofe by the king ; bur, without treading upon, or riding over a number of people, I could not keep my place. I was now, for the firft time, on one of the ftrong black horfies that came laft from Sennaar, given me by the king, and he was fo impa- tient and fretful at beii;g preffed on by the crowd of men and beafts, that there was no keeping him within any fort of bounds. The defcent c^' the hill had become very llip- 4 pery. THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 223 pery, and men, horfes, and mules were rolling promifcuouf- ly over one another. I RESOLVED to try for myfelf fome other way that might be lefs thronged. " I went to the place where Woodage A- fahel defcended when he was (hot by Sebaftos ; but the ground there was more uneven, and fully as much crowd- ed. I then crofled the road to the eaftward, where the Ras's tent ftood, and where Kefla Yafous's two nephews had gone round to diflodge Ayto Tesfos : there was a confideraBle number of people even here, but it was not a croud, and they were moftly women. I determined to attempt it, and got into a fmall flanting road, which I hoped would con- dudt me to the bed of the torrent ; but I found, upon going half way down the hill, that, in place of a road, it had been a hollow made by a torrent, which ended on a precipice, and below, and on each fide of this, the hill was exceedingly fteep, the fmall diftance 1 could fee. Ik Abyflinia, the camp-ovens for making their bread are in form of two tea-faucers joined bottom to bottom, and are fomething lefs than three feet in diameter, being made of a light, beautiful potter's ware, which, although red when firft made, turns to a gloffy black colour after being greaied wuh butter. This being placed upright, a fire of charcoal is put under the bottom-part ; the bread, made like pan- cakes, is pafted all within the fide of the upper cavity, or bowl, over which is laid a cover of the lame form or lliape. It is in form of a broad wheel, and a woman carries one of thele upon her back for baking bread in the camp. It hapn pened that, jufl as I was deliberating whether to pro- ceed or return, a woman had rolled one of thefe down the hill .«44 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER hill on purpofe, or let it fall by chance: whichever was the cafe, it came bounding, and jull pait behind my hwrle. Whe- ther it touched him or not I cannot tell ; but ir determined him, without further deliberation, to fpurn all coiuroul of his rider. On the finl leap that he made it was wiih the ut- moft difficulty I avoided going over his head; I will not pretend to fay what followed. 1 was deprived of all lenfe or refledion, till Humbling often, and Hiding down upon his haunches oftener, 1 found myfelf at the bottom of the hill perfetT:ly Itupified with fear, but f.ife and found in body, though my faddle was lying upon the horfe's neck. Soon after, I faw a fire lighted on the top of the hill above "where Ras Michael's tent flood, and 1 did not doubt but that it was the work of- fome traitor, as a fignal to the re- bels that we were now in the plain in the greateil confu- iion. 1 made all haite therefore to go rouid and join the ting, palled Deg-Ohha incim>bercd with carcafes of men. and hearts, from which, as wt 11 as from the bottom of the hill, a terrible flench arofe, which muft foon have forced us out of the camp if we had not refolved, of our own accord, to remove. A little further in the opening to the river Ma- riam, I found myielf in the middle of about twenty perfons, three or four of whom were upon mules, in long clean white clothes, as if in peace, the refl apparently foldieis; this was Engedan's brother, A)Io, whom I was pafTing with- out rec'Olecting him, v.hen he ciicd. Where do you come from, Yagoube ? this is not a night for white men like you to be alone ; come with me, and I will carry you to your friend Engedan. My horfe, replied I, found a new way for jtfelf down the hill, and I confefs I would rather be alone than with ih much company: our colour by this ligiitfeems 2 to THE SOURCE OF THE NILE, 225 to be pretry much the fame. Remember me to Engedan, I am feeking to join the king. , Immediately after, I got into the crowd : though they were now in the plain, they ftill kept in a line clofe to the foot of the mountain, as in fear of the enemy's horfe. I pafTed on at as brilk a walk as my horfe could go ; nor was I fo tender of thofe who were before me in the plain as I had been on the fide of the hill. Among thofe that were ftill in th€ crowd, that had not got yet down the hill, I heard the Abuna's fervant faying they had loft their mules, and denouncing excommunication and curfes againil thofe who had ftolen his baggage. I could not refrain fr^m'^ fit of laughter at the ftupidity of that pried, to think zuj man of fuch a nation would pay attention to his anathemas in fuch a fcene. Soon after, however, 1 overtook the Abuna himfelf, with Ozoro Altalli. He aflced me in Arabic, and in a very mournful tone of voice, what I thought they were going to do ? I anfwered, in the fame language, " Pray for them, father, for they know not what to do." Ozoro Altalli Tiow told me the king was a great way before them, with Ras Michael, and advifed me to ftay and accompany her. As fhe fpoke this confidently, and it was part of the advice ■Gufho had given me if I mifled the king, I was deliberating what courle i ihould purfue, when a great noile of horle and men was heard on the fide of the plain, and prefently the Abuna and Ozoro Altafli were furrounded by a large •body of horfemen, whofe cries and language I did not un- derftand, and whom therefore I took for Galla, As I found inv horfe ftrong and willing, and being alone, and unincum- l)ered with baggage, I thought it was better to keep free, and not truft to who thcfe flrangers might be. I therefore Vol. IV. F f got 226 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER got out of the line of the troops towards the plain, fpurred my horfe, and arrived at the body of cavalry where the king was. As I had a white turban upon my head, (having {haved the fore part of it after the blow I had received from the ftone) I was employed taking this off before I prefented myfelf to the king, when fomebody faid out loud, Ozoro Eilher is taken prifoner. Ras Michael anfwered. That is im- poflible; Ozoro Efther is here. It is Ozoro Altafh and the Abuna, faid I, from behind ; I came juft now from them» By whom are they taken ? fays the king. By the Galla, I bel'^ve, anfwered I ; at leaft by men whofe language I did not underftand, though indeed I took no time to confider, but they are clofe in our rear, and I fuppofe they will be here prefently. Here ! fays the Ras, what will they do here ? It muft be Powuflen, and the troops of Lafla, to re- cover his mother-in-law, that flie may not go to Gondar ;: and it is the Tcheratz Agow language that Yagoube has taken for Galla. It is fo, fays another horfeman ; the people of Lafta have carried her off, but without hurting any body. Tliis I thought a good fign, and that they were under or- ders, for a bloodier or more cruel race was not in the army, the Galla not excepted ; and they had met with their deferts> and had fuffered confiderably in the courfe of this fliort: campaign.. The whole road was now as fmooth as a carpet ; and we had fcarce done fpeaking when Ras Michael's mule fell flat on the ground, and threw him upon his face in a fmall puddle of water. He was quickly lifted up unhurt, and fet upon his mule again. We paffed the Mogetch, and at about 4 200 THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. Itf aoo yards from the bridge, upon ground equally plain as the former, the mule fell again, and threw the Ras ano- ther time in the dirt, on which a general murmur and groan was heard from all his attendants, for every body interpreted this as an omen that his power and fortune / were gone from him for ever. Another mule was fpeedily brought, but he refufed to mount it, and we pafTed on by the Mahometan town, and up to Confu's houfe, by Aylo Meidan. I could not, however, help refleding how juftly the Ras was now punifhed for the murder of the fmgers in that very fpot, when he returned from Mariam-Ohha and entered Gondar. The king went dire^ftly to the palace, the Ras to his own houfe, and, by the fecretary's advice, I went with him to that of the Abuna, where I left my Greek fer- vants with my gold chain, and fome trifles I wanted to pre- ferve, together with my inilruments. I then drefTed myfelf in the habit of peace, and returned to the palace, where, re- membering the advice of Gullio, I refolved to exped my fate with the king. Upon feeing me with the fore part of my head fhaven, and remembering the caufe, as his firft mark of favour he ordered me to cover my head, a thing other- wife not permitted in the king's prefence to any of his houfehold. The king's fervants brought meabuU's hide for my bed; :and although many a night I have wanted reil upon lefs dangerous occafions, I fcarcely ever flept more foundly, till I heard the cracking of the whips of che Serach MalTery, about five o'clock in the morning of the 29th. He performs this funiftion much louder than a French poililion upon finilhing a poft, it being the fignal for the king to rife. There was, indeed, no occafion for this cuilom, now there was no F f 2 court, 228 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER court, nor judgment of caufes civil or criminal. The palace was quite deferted ; even the king's Haves, of both fexes, (fearing to be carried off to Begemder and Amhara) had hid themfelves among the monks, and in the houfes of private friends, fo that the king was left with very few at- tendants. SRi"" '^i*^ CHAF, THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 229 j:^k- ^^ CHAP. X. ReM Army invep Gondar — Kings Troops deliver up their Arms — fher Murderers of Joas ajfajfinated — Giifio made Ras — Ras Michael car- ried away Rrifoner by Powujfen — Iteghes return to Kojcam — Fafd s confequence, but gave his draft-board and men to a private friend ; at the fame time renouncing his pretended divina- tions, as deceitful and fmful, by the confidence he had pla- ced in them. The king behaved with the greateft firmnefs and compo- fare ; he was indeed graver than ufual, and talked lefs, but was not at all dejeaed. Scarce any body came near him the firft day, or even the fecond, excepting the priefts, fome of the judges, and old inhabitants of the town, who had , taken no part. Some of the priefls and monks, as is their cuftom, ufed certain liberties, and mixed a confiderable de- gree of impertinence in their converfations, hinting it as doubtful, whether he would remain on the throne, and men- tioning it, as on the part of the people, that he had imbibed from Michael a propenfity towards cruelty and bloodflied, what fome months ago no man in Gondar dared to have fur- mifed for his life. Thefe he only anfwered with a very fevere look, but faid nothing. One of thefe fpeeches being report- ed to Gufho, not as a complaint from the king, but through a by- (lander who heard it, that nobleman ordered the offen- der (a prieft of Erba Tenfa, a church in Woggora) to be llript naked to his waift, and whipt with thongs three times round Aylo Mcidan, till his back was bloody, for this vio- lation of the majefty of the fovereign : and this example, which met with the public approbation of all parties, the clergy only excepted, very much lefTened that infolencc which the king's misfortunes had excited. He had ate nothing the firft day but a fmall piece of wheat-loaf, dividing the reft among the few fervants that G g 2 attended :z:^6 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER attended him, who had all fared better than he, among? their friends in town, though they did not own it. The fecond day began in the fame ftile, and lafted till noon^ without any appearance of provifions. After the furren, dry of the arms, however, came great plenty, both from the town and the camp, and fo continued ever after ; but he ate very fparingly, though he had generally a very good appetite^ and ordered the rcfidue to be given, to his fervants, or the poor about the gates of the palace, many of whom, he faid, mull llarve by the long ilay of fo large an army. He feemed to be totally forgotten. About three o'clock of the fecond day came his fecretary from Gufho, ftaid about an hour, and returned immediately ; but what had paffed I did not hear, at leaft at that time. There was no alteration in his looks or behaviour. He went early to bed, and had not yet changed the cloachs in which he came from the camp. The next day the unfortunate troops of Tigre, loaded with curfes and opprobrious language, pelted with ftones and dirt, and a few way-laid and flain for private injuries^ were condu(5led up the hill above Debra Berhan, on th to promote what they thought or law was the object of my purfuits or entertainment. I SHALL only here mention what pafTed at the laft in- terview I had with the Iteghe, two days before my depar- ture. Tenfa Chriftos, who was one of the chief priefts of Gondar, was a native of Gojam, and confequently of the low church, or a follower of Abba Euflathius, in other words, as great an enemy as poffible to the Catholic, or as they will call it, the relig'wti of the Franks. He was, however, re- puted a perfon of great probity and fandlity of manners, and had been on all occafions rather civil and friendly to ms when we met, though evidently not defirous of any inti- mate connections or fricndfliip ; and as I, on my part, expec- ted little advantage from conned;ing myfelf with a man of his principles, I very willingly kept at all poffible diftance; that I might run no riik of difobliging him was my only aim. This prieft came often to the Iteghe's and Ayto Aylo's, with both of whom he was much in favour, and here I now happened to meet him, when I was taking my leava in the evening. I beg of you, fays he, Yagoube, as a favour, to tell me, now you are imniediately going away from this country, and you can anfwer me without fear, Are you really a Frank, or are you not ? Sir, faid I, I do not know what you mean by fear ; I fliould as little decline anfvvcr- ing you any qucftion you have to alii had I ten years ro flay, as now I am to quit this country to-morrow : I came recommended, and was well received by the king and Ras Michael : I neitlicr taught nor preached ; no man ever I heard THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 2S5 lieard me fay a word about my particular mode of worfliip; and as often as my duty has called me, I have never failed to attend divine fervicc as it is eftablifhed in this country. What is the ground of fear that I Ihould have, while under the king's protedlion, and when I conform in every fhapc . to the laws, religion, and cuftoms of AbyfUnia ? True, fays Tenfa Chriftos, I do not fay you fhould be alarmed ; what- ever your faith is I would defend you myfelf ; the Iteghe knows I always fpoke well of you, but will you gratify an old man's curiofity, in telling me whether or not you real- ly are a Frank, Catholic, or Jefuit ? I HAVE too great a regard, replied I, to requefl; oF a man, fo -truly good and virtuous as you, not to have anfwered you the queflion at whatever time you could have afked me; and I do now declare to you, by the word of a Chriftian, that my countrymen and I are more diftant in matters of re- ligion, from thefe you call Catholics, Jefuits, or Franks, than you and your AbylTinians are ; and that a prieft of my reli- gion, preaching in any country fubjed: to thofe Franks, would as certainly be brought to the gallows as if he had committed murder, and jull as fpeedily as you would ftone a Catholic prieft preaching here in the midft of Gondar. They do precifely by us as you do by them, fo they have no reafon to complain. And, fays he, don't you do the fame to them ? No, replied I ; every man in our country is al- lowed to ferve God in his own way ; and as long as their teachers confme themfelves to what the facred books have told them, they can teacli no ill, and therefore deferve no punifhment. No religion, indeed, teaches a man evil, but when forgetting this, they preach againft government, curfe the king, abfolve his fubjeds from allegiance, or in- Vqu IV. L 1 cit<; 266 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER cite them to rebellion, as being lawful, the fword of the civil power cuts them off, without any blame falling up- on their religion, becaufe thefe things were done in con- tradidion to what their priefts, from the fcripture, fliould have taught them were truly the tenets of that very reli- gion. The Iteghe now interpofed : What do you think, Tenfa Chriflos, if Yagoube is not a prieft, fliould he not be one ? Madam, fays he, I have one queftion more to inquire of him, and that fhall be all, nor would I afk it if he was not going away to-morrow. It is an unfair one, then faid I, but out with it ; I cannot fuifer in the opinion of good men, by anfwering direftly a queftion which you put to me out of curiofity. It feems then, fays he, you are not a frank, but you think your own religion a better one than theirs ; you are not of our religion, however, for you fay we are nearer the Catho- lics than you ; now what objediion have you to our religion, and what is your opinion of it ? As far as I am informed, faid I, I think well of it; it is the ancient Greek church, under St Athanafms, fucceflbr to St Mark, in the chair of Alexandria. This being the cafe, you cannot have a better, as you have the religion neareft to that of the apoftles, and, as I have before faid, no religion teaches a man evil, much lefs can your religion give you fuch inftruflion, if you have not corrupted it ; and if you have, it is no longer the religion of St Athanafius, or the Apoftles, therefore liable to error. And now,. Tenfa Chriftos, let me aflv you two queftions ; you are in no fear of anfwer- ing, neither are you in danger, though not about to leave the country, Does your religion permit you to marry one 3 fiftcr. THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 267 Cfter, to divorce her, and marry the other, and then, keep- ing the aunt, to marry the niece likewife ? Does St Athana- fius teach yon to marry one, two, or three wives, and di- vorce them as often as you pleaie ; to mai-ry others, and then go back to the former again ? No, r^phed he. Then as you do this daily, anfwered I, you certainly are not liv- ing in this one inftance according to the religion of St Atha- nafius. Now I afic you. If any prieft, truly a Chriflian, from our parts, (not a Frank, but agreeing in every thing elfe with you), was to preach againll this, and fome fuch like pracftices, frequently ufed in Abyllinia, could this priell live amongft you, or how would you treat him ? Stone him to death, fays Ayto Aylo, who was fitting by ; flone him to death like a frank, or a Jefuit ; he fiiould not live a week* Yagoube is hard upon me, continued Tenfa Chriftos, turn- ing to the Iteghe, but I am forry to fay with truth, I fear they never would abandon the fleih-pots of Egypt, their ancient inheritance ; for the teaching of any prieft, however perfect his religion might be, or pure his life, or however corrupt their manners. Then Tenfa Chriftos, faid I, do not be over fure but that ihedding the blood of thofe Franks as you call thenij may be criminal in the fight of God. As their religion has fo far ferved them, as to prevent the pra(5tice of fome horrid crimes, that are common here, yours hath not yef had that efFecft upon you ; if you do not want precept, perhaps you may want example, thefe Franks are very capable of fliewing you this laft, and your own religion inft:rutT;s you to imitate them. All this time there was not the fmalleft noife in the room, in which above a hundred people were prefent ; but, as I wifhed this converfation to go no further, and . was L 1 2 afraid a<)8 TR A V £ t S T O D T S C O V E R afraid of fomc queilioii about; the Virgin Mary, I got up, and;, nailing to the other lide of the room, I Hood by Ten fa Chrif- tos, faying to him, And now,,holy fatlicr, I have one, laft fa- vour, to alk you, winch. is your forgivenefs, if I have at any time offended you ; your bkffmg, nov/ that I anv immedi- ately to depart, if I have not ; and your prayers while on my. long and dangerous journey, through countries of Infidels and Pagans, Ahum of applaufe founded alb throughout the room,. The Iteghe faid fomething, but what, I did not hear. Ten- fa Chrillos was furprifed apparently at my humility, which, he had not expefted, and cried out, with tears in his eyes,, Is it poffible, Yagoubc, that you believe my prayers can do you any good ? I Ihould not be a Chriftian, as I profefs to be, Father, replied I, if 1 had any doubt of the effeA of good men's prayers. So faying, I Hooped to kifs his hand, when he laid a fmall iron crofs upon my head, and, to my great furprife, inftead of a benediaion, repeated the Lord's pray- er. I was afraid he would have kept me Hooping till he ihould add the ten commandments likewife, when he con- cluded, " Gzier y' Baracuc," May God blefs you. After which,' I made my obeifance to the Iteghd, and immediately withdrew, it not being the cuftom, at public audience, to fa- lute any one in the prefence of the fovereign. Twenty greafy monks, however, had placed themfelves in my way as I went out, that they might have the credit of, giving me the bleffing likewife after Tenfa Chriflos. As I had very little faith in the prayers of thefe drones, fo I had fome reludance to kifs their greafy hands andfleeves; how- ever, in running this difagi^eeable g^auntlet, I gave them my^ bleliing^ THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 26g Bleffing in Englifli, — Lord fend you all a halter, as he did ' Abba Salama, (meaning the Acab Saat.) But they,thinkn>g L was recommending them to the patriarcii Abba Salanvi, pronounced at random, witli great feeming devotion, theu' Amenj-— So be it. t;ravels TRAVEL S TO DI SCOVE R THESOURCEOFTHENILE. BOOK VIII. THE AUTHOR RETURNS BY SENNAAR THROUGH NUBIA AND THE GREAT DESERT ARRIVES AT ALEXANDRIA, AND AFTER AT MARSEILLES. CHAP. I. yotirney from Gondar to Tcherkin. . TH E palace of Kofcam is fituated upon the foutli iide of Debra Tzai ; the name fignifies the Mountain of the Sun. The palace coniifls of a fquare tower of three fto-^ reys, with a flat parapet roof, or terrace, and battlements a- bout it. The court of guard, or head-quarters of the garri- fon of Kofcam, is kept here; immediately below this is the principal gate or entrance towards Gondar. It is furround- ed 272 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER ed by a high outer- wall, which may havo above an Englilh mile of circumference. This outer precinct is ail occupied by foldiers, labourers, and out door I'ervant,- ; within this is another large court inclofed by walls likewife, in this the apartments are but of one Itorey, appropriated to the princi- pal officers, priells, and fervants. In this alio is the thuich, built by the prefent Iteghe herfelf, and reckoned the nch- efl in Abyffinia. They have large crofTes of gold for their proceilions, and kettle-drums of filver. The altar is all co- vered with gold plates, all the gift of their magnificent pa- tronefs. The prieils, too, were all rich, till Ras Michael feized, and applied part of their revenue to his own ufe, and that of the flate, and thereby reduced them to a condition much more agreeable to the vows of poverty, which from pride they had made, than was their former one. The third, or inner court, is referved for the queen's own apartments, and fuch of the noble women as are her attend- ants, are unmarried, and make up her court. Behind the palace, higher up the hill, are houfes of people of quality, chiefly her own relations. Above thefe the mountain rifes very regularly, in form of a cone, covered with herbage to the very top ; on the eaft fide is the road from Walkayt ; on the well: from Kuara, and Ras el Feel ; that is all the low country, or north of Abyfllnia, bordering upon the Shan- galla, through which lies th€ road to Sennaar. It was the 26th of December 1771, at one o'clock in the afternoon, that I left Gondar. I had purpofed to fet out early in the morning, but was detained by the importunity of my friends. The king had delayed my fetting out, by feveral wOrdejs fcnt me in the evening each day ; and I plainly faw 2 there tHfi SOURCE OF THE NILE. 275 there was fome meaning in this, and that he was wifhing to throw difficulties in the way, till fome accident, or fudden emergency (never wanting in that country) lliould make it abfolutely impoffible for mc to leave Abyffinia. When there- fore the laft meflage came to Kofcam on the 27th, at night, I returned my refpecStful duty to his majefty, put him in mind of his promife, and, fomewhat peevillily I believe, intreated him to leave me to my fortune ; that my fer- vants were already gone, and I was refolved to fet out next morning. In the morning early, I was furprifed at the arrival of a young nobleman, lately made one of his bed-chamber, with ilfty light horfe. As I was fatisfied that leaving Abyf- finia, without parade, as privately as polTible, was the only way to pafs through Sennaar, and had therefore infifted upon none of my friends accompanying me, I begged to de- cline this efcort ; affigning for my reafon, that, as the coun- try between this and Ras el Feel belonged firft to the Iteghe, and then to Ayto Confu, none of the inhabitants could pof- fibly injure me in paffing. It took a long time to fettle this, and it was now, as I have faid, one o'clock before wc fet out by the well fide of Debra Tzai, having the moun- tain on our right hand. From the top of that afcent, w€ faw the plain and flat country below, blav:k,'^^and, in its ap- pearance, one thick wood, which fome authors have called lately, the Shumeta *, or Nubian forefl. But of the mean- ing of Shumeta 1 profcfs myfelf entirely ignorant ; no Vol. IV. M m fuch * See* chart of the Arabian Gulf publifhed at London i£ 1781 by L. S.Dela Rochette. 274 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER fuch word occurring, as far as I know, in any language fpoken in thefe countries. All the difafters which I had been threatened with in: the courfe of that journey, which I had thus begun, now prefentcd themfelves to my mind, and made, for a moment, a ftrong impreffion upon my fpirits. But it was too late to draw back, the dye was call, for life or for death ; home was before me, however diftant ; and if, through the prote^flion of Providence, I fhould be fortunate enough to arrive therCj I promifed myfelf both eafe and the applaufe of my country, and of all unprejudiced men of fenfe and learning in Eu- rope, for having, by my own private efforts alone, compleat- ed a difcovery, which had, from early ages, defied the ad?. drefs, induftry, and courage of all the world. Having, by thefe refle(5lions, rather hardened, than com-- forted my heart, I now advanced down the lleepfide of the mountain, our courfe nearly N. N. W. through very ftrong and rugged ground, torn up by the torrents that fall on every fide from above. This is called the Defcent of Moura; and though both we and our beads were in great health and fpirits, we could not, with our utmoil endeavours, advance much more than one mile an hour. Two Greeks, one of whom only was my fervant ; and a third, nearly blind, fly- ing from poverty and want ; an old janiffary, who had come to Abyffinia with the Abuna, and a.Copht who left us at Senhaar; thefe, and fome common men who took charge of the bealls, and were to go no further tlian Tcherkin, were, my only companions in this long and weary journey. At THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 275 At a quarter pall four we came to the river Toom Aredo, which arifing in the country of the Kcmmont, (a people in- habiting the high grounds above to the S. W. ) falls into the river Mahaanah. The Kemmont were a fe(5t once the Jame as the Falaflia, bur were baptized in the reign of Facilidas, and, ever iince, have continued feparate from their ancient brethren. No great pains feem to have been taken with them fmce their admillion to Chriftianity, for they retain moft of their ancient cufloms. They eat the meat of cattle killed by Chriftians, but not of thofe that are flaughtered, either by Mahometans or Falafha. They hold, as a docftrine, that, being once baptized, and having once communicated, no fort of prayer, nor other attention to di- vine worfliip, is further neceflary. They waflithemfelvesfrom head to foot after coming from the market, or any public place, where they may have touched any one of a fedl different from their own, efteeming all fuch unclean. They abllain from all forts of work on Saturday, keeping clofe at home ; but they grind corn, and do many other fuch like works, upon Sunday. Their women pierce their ears, and apply weights to make them hang down, and to enlarge the holes, into which they put ear-rings almoll as big as lliackles, in the fame manner as do the Bedowis in Syria and Paleftine. Their language is the fame as that of the Falaflia, with fome fmall difference of idiom. They have great abhorrence to filh, which they not only refrain from eating, but cannot bear the fight of ; and the reafon they give for this is, that Jonah the prophet (from whom they boafl they ai-e defcended) was fwal- Mm2 lowed ^75 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER lowed by a whale, or fome other fuch great fifh. They are hewers of wood, and carriers of water, to Gondar, and are held in great deteftation by the Abyffinians. We crolTed the river to the miferable village of Door-Mac- ary, which is on the eafi; fide of it ; and there wc took up our quarters, after a fhort but very fatiguing, day's journey. The people Ihewed great figns of uneafinefs upon our firfl appearance, and much relucftance to admit us under their roofs ; and difcovering that we were not any of thofe that had the honour of being defcended from the prophet Jonah, they hid all their pots and drinking-veflcls, left they fliould be prophaned by our ufmg them. From Door-Macary we difcovered a high mountainous ridge, with a very rugged top, ftretching from North to South, and towering up in the middle of the forert, about five miles diftance ; it is call- ed Badjena. On the 28th, a little after mid-day, we pafTed Toom Aredo ; and went, firft Eaft, then turned North, into the great road. We foon after paffed a number of villages ; thofe on the high mountain Badjena on the Eaft, and thofe belonging to the church of Kofcam on the Weft, Continuing ftill North, inclining very little to the Weft, we came to a ftecp and rugged defcent, at the foot of which runs the Mogctch, in a courfe ftraigh.t North ; this defcent is called the And. At a quarter paft two we pafled the Mogetch, our direction N. W. It is here a large, fwift running ft ream, perfecftly clear, and we halted fome time to refrefli ourfclves upon its banks ; remembering how very different it was from what we had once left it, difcolourcd Vv'ith blood, and chok- ed THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 277 ed up with dead bodies, after the defeat of the king's wing at the battle of Serbraxos. At half pad three we refumed our journey. A fharp and pyramidal mountain (lands alone in the middle of the plain, prefenting its high fharp top through the trees, and making here a very pi(5lurefque and uncommon appearance; it is called Gutch, and feemed to be diftant from us about fix miles due North. A few minutes after this we pafTed a fmall ftfeam called Agam-Ohha, or the Brook of JelTamine; from a beautiful fpec es of that fhrub, very frequent here» and on the fides of the fmall ftreams in the province of Sire. A FEW minutes paft four we entered a thick wood, wind- ing round a hill, in a fouth-eall dircdion, to get into the plain below, where we were furrounded by a great mul- titude of men, armed with lances, fhields, flings, and large clubs or fticks, who rained a fliower of flones towards us, as i may fay ; for they were at fuch a dirtance, that all of them fell greatly flaort of us. "Whether this was owing to fear, or not, we did not know ; but fuppofing that it was we thought it our interell to keep it up as much as poffible. I therefore ordered two fliots to be fired over their heads ; not vv^ith any intention to hurt them, but to kt them hear, by the balls whiftling among the leaves of the trees, that our guns carried farther than any of their flings ; and that, diftant as they then were, tley were not in fafety, if we had a difpofition to do them harm. Ihcv Item- ed to underfland our meaning, by gliding through among the bufnes, and appearing at the top ol- a hill larther ofl^, where they continued hooping and crying, and making divers ftjS TRAVELS TO DISCOVER divers figns, which we could not, neither did we endea- vour to underftand. Another fliot, aimed at the trees a- bove them, fliewed they were dill within our reach, upon which they difperfed, or fat down among the bufhes, for we faw them no more, till pitching our tent upon the plain below two of their villages ; it feemed they were un- eafy, for they had difpatched a man naked, and without arms, who, Handing upon the rock, cried out in the lan- guage of Tigre, that he wanted to come to us. This I abfolutely refufed, that he might not fee the fmallnefs of our number, crying out to him to get farther off, or we would inftantly fhoot him. There was no occafion to re- peat the admonition. From the rock where he Hood, he flid down like an eel, and appeared again at a confider- able diftance, ftill making a fign of wanting to fpeak with ■us. While refling on the banks of the river Mogetch, we had been overtaken by two men, and two women, who were driving two loaded alTes, and were going to Tcherkin; they had delired leave to keep company with us, for fear of dan- ger on the road. I had two Abyilinian fervants, but they were not yet come up, attending one of the baggage mules that was lame, as they faid ; but I believe, rather bufied with fome engagements of their own in the villages. We were obliged then to have recourfe to one of thefe llranger women, who underftood the language of Tigre, and un- dertook readily to carry our meflage to the ftranger, who was ftill very bufy making figns from behind a tree, with- ovLt coming one ftep nearer. /L My THE SOnUCE OF THE NILE. 79 My meffage to them was, that if they fhewed the fmall- eft appearance of further infolence, either by approaching the tent, or flinging flones that night, the next morning, "when the horfe I expe not help burfting out into a fit of laughter at the fancied danger that attended us at Dav-Dohha ; and, as I faw this difconcerted our informant, and that he thought he had faid fomething wrong, I told him briefly what had paflfed at meeting with the two men upon the road. He laughed very heartily at this in his turn. " That man did not llop here, fays he, and who he is I know not ; but who- ever he is, he is a liar, and a beafl of the field. All the people of Dav-Dohha are our relations, and Ayto Confu's fervants ; if there had been any body to attack you, there would have been found here people to defend you. What fignifies his ordering us to furnilh you with victuals, if he was to fuffer your throats to be cut before you came to eat them ? 1 will anfv/er for you between this and Tclierkin ; after that, all is wildernefs, and no man knovirs if he is to meet friend or foe." I TOLD him then what had happened to us at Gimbaar^ at which he feemed exceedingly furprifed. *' Thefe villages, fays a^6 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER fays he, do not belong to Ayto Confu, but to his coufins, the fons of Baflia Eufebius. They indeed died in rebellion, but our matter has taken pofleffion of them for the family, left the king fhould give them away to a ftranger. Some bad news muft have arrived from Gondar ; at any rate, if you are afraid, I will accompany you to-morrow paft Dav- Dohha. We thanked him for the kind offer, but excufed ourfelves from accepting it, as we fully relied upon his in- telligence ; and having made him fome trifling prefents, about the value of what he brought, though in his eyes much more confiderable, we took our leave, mutually fatif- fied with each other. From this I no longer doubted that the whole was a project: of the king to terrify me, and make me return. What ftruck me, as moft improbable of all, was the ftory of that lying wretch who faid that Ayto Con- fu had fent a number of mules to carry away his furniture, and trufted the defence of his place to Abba Gimbaro, chief of the Baafa. For,^ firft, I knew well it did not need many mules to carry away the furniture which Ayto Confu left at Tcherkin in time of war, and when he was not there ; next, had he known that any perfon whatever, Shangalla or Chriftians, had intended to attack Tcherkin, he was not a man to fight by proxy or lieutenants ; he would have been himfelf prefent to meet them, as to a feaft, though he had been carried thither in a fick-bed. On the 30th, at half paft fix in the morning we fet out from Waalia ; and, though v;e were perfedlly cured of our apprehenfions, the company all joined in defiring me to go along with them, and not before them. They -wifely added, that, in a country like that, where there was no fear of God, I could not know what it might be in the power of 3 the THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 287 the devil to do. I therefore hung my arms upon my horfe, and, taking a gun in my hand, wandered among the trees by the road-fide, in purfuit of the doves or pigeons. In a few hours I had lliot feveral fcores of them, efpecially on the banks of the Mai Lumi, or the River of Lemons. We came to it in about an hour from WaaUa, and coallcd it for fome minutes, as it ran north-eaft parallel to our courfe. A PRODIGIOUS quantity of fruit loaded the branches of thefe trees even likely to break them ; and thefe were in all ftages of ripenefs. Multitudes of bloflbms covered the op- pofite part of the tree, and fent forth the moft delicious odour poffible. We provided ourfelves amply with this- fruit. The natives make no ufe of it, but we found it a^ great refreflament to us, both mixed with our water, and as- fauce to our meat, of which we had now no great variety fince our onions had failed us, and a fupply of them was no. longer to be procured. At fourteen minutes paft feven, continuing norch-well, we croiTed the river Mai Lumi, which here runs well ; and, continuing Hill north- weft, at eight o'clock we came to the mouth of the formidable pafs, Dav-Dohha, which wc en- tered with good countenance enough, having firft reded five minutes to put ourfelves in order, and we found our appetites failing us through exceflive heat. The pafs of Dav-Dohha is a very narrow defile, full of ftrata of rocks, like fteps of ftairs, but fo high, that, without leaping, or being pulled up, no horfe or mule can afcend. Moreover^ the defcent, though fhort, is very ftcep, and almoft choked up- by huge ftones, which the torrents, after wafhing the earth «88 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER earth from about them, had rolled down from the moun- tain above. Both fides of the defile are covered thick with wood and bufhes, efpecially that deteftable thorn the kan- tuiFa, fojuilly reprobated in Abyffinia. Having extricated ourfelves fuccefsfully from this pafs, our fpirits were fo elated, that we began to think our jour- ney now at an end, not refledting how many pafles, full of real danger, were ftill before us. At three quarters pail eight we came to Werkleva, a village of Mahometans. Above this, too, is Armatchiko, a famous hermitage, and around it huts inhabited by a number of monks. Thefe, and their brethren of Magwena, are capital performers in all difor- ders of the ftate ; all prophets and diviners, keeping up the fpirit of riot, anarchy, and tumult, by their fanatical inven- tions and pretended vifions. Having refted a few minutes at TabaretWunze, a wretch- ed village, compofed of miferable huts, on the banks of a fmall brook, at a quarter after two we palTed the Coy, a large river, which falls into the Mahaanah. From Mai Lumi to this place the country was but indifferent in ap- pearance ; the foil, indeed, exceedingly good, but a wild- nefs and look of defolation covered the whole of it. The grafs was growing high, the country extenfive, and almofl without habitation, whilil the few huts that were to be feen feemed more than ordinarily miferable, and were hid in re- cedes, or in the edge of valleys overgrown with wood. The inhabitants feemed i-o have come there by Health, with a defire to live concealed and unknown. 4 On THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 289 On the ^i{\i of December we left our ftation at the head < of a difficult pafs called Coy Gulgulet, or the Defcent of Coy, at the i^oot of which runs the river Coy, one of the ' largeft we had yet feen, but I did not difcern any fifli in it. Here we refted a little to refrefli ourfelves and our beads, -after the fatigues we had met with in defcending throu^^h this pafs. At half after eight we came to the banks of the Germa, ■which winds along the valley, and falls into the Angrab. ^After having continued fome time by the fide of the Germa, -and crolTed it going N. W. we, at ten, pafTcd he fmall river Idola; and half an hour after came to Deber, a houfc of Ay- to Confu, on the top of a mountain, by the Me of a fmall :river of that n-ame. The country here is partly in wood, and partly in plantations of dora. It is very well watered and feems to produce abundant crops ; but it is not beau- tiful; the foil is red earth, and the bottoms of all the ri- vers foft and earthy, the water heavy, and generally ill-tafted, even in the large rivers, fach as the Coy and the Germa. I imagine there is fome mineral in the red earth, with a proportion of which the water is impregnated. At Deber, I obferved the following bearings from the mountains ; Ras el Feel was weft, Tcherkin N. N. W. Debi a Haria, north. We found nobody at Deber that could give •us the leaft account of Ayto Confu. We left it, therefore, on the morning of the ift of January 1772. At half paft ten o'clock we paffed a fmall village called Dembic, and about mid- day came to the large river Tchema, which falls into the larger river Dwang, below, to the weftward. About an hour after, we came to the Mogetch, a river not fo large Vot, IV, O o as 290 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER as the Tchema, but which, hkc it, joins the Dwang. Here we have a view of the fteep mountain Magwena, where there is a monallery of that name, poffefTed by a multitude of lazy, profligate, ignorant monks. Magwena, excepting one mountain, is a bare, even ridge of rocks, whicli feem- ingly bear nothing, but are black, as if calcined by the fun. In the rainy feafon it is faid every fpecies of verdure is he e in the grcateflluxuriancy ; all the plantations of corn abo ;t Deber are much infefted with a fmall, beautiful, green monkey, with a long tail, called Tota. Between three and four in the afternoon we encamped at Eggir Dembic ; and in the evening we pafled along tiie fide of a fmall river running weft, which falls into the Mo- getch. I TOOK advantage of the pleafanteft and latefl hour for fliooting the waalia, or the yellow-breafted pigeon, as alfo Guinea-fowls, which are here in great abundance among the corn; in plumage nothing di.Terent from ours, and very ex- cellent meat. The fun was jull fetting, and I was return- ing to my tent, not from wearinefs or futiety of fport, but from my attendant being incapable of carrying the load of game I had already killed, when I was met by a man with whom I was perfet!:fly acquainted, and who by his addrefs likevv^ife feemed no Granger to me. I immediately recol- iedled him to be a fervant of Ozoro Either, but this he de- nied, and faid he was a fervant of Ayto Confu; however, as Confu lived in the fame houfe with his mothei' at Kofcam, the miilake feemed not to be of any moment. He faid he came to meet Ayto Confu, who was expeded at Tcherkin I*. that THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. .291 that night, and was fent to fearch for us, as we feemed to have tarried on the road. He had brought two mules, in cafe any of ours had been tired, and propofed that the next morning I fhould fet out with him alone for Tcherkin, where I fliould find Ayto Confu, and my baggage ilioukl follow me. I told him that it was my fixed refolution, made at the beginning of my journey, and which I fliould ad- here to till the. end, never to feparate myfelf on the road from my fervants and company, who were ftrangers, and without any other protedion than that of being with me. The man continued to prefs meallthat evening very much, £0 that we were greatly furprifed at what he could mean, and I ftill more and more refolved not to gratify him. Often I thought he wanted to communicate fomething to me, but he refrained, and I continued obftinate ; and the rather fo, as there was no certainty that Ayto Confu was yet arrived. I aflced him, if Billetana Gueta Ammonios was not at Tcher- kin ? He anfwered, without the fmalleft alteration in his countenance, that he was not. No people on earth dilTemble like the AbyiTmians ; this talent is born with them, and they improve it by continual pradice. As we had there- fore previouily refolved, we paffed the evening at Eggir Dem- bic, and the fervant, finding he could not prevail, left our tent and we all went to bed. He did not feem angry, but at going out of the tent, faid, as half to himfelf, " 1 cannot blame you; in fuch a journey nothing is like firmnefs." On the 2d of January, in the morning, by feven o'clock, having dreiTcd my hair, and perfumed it according to the cuilom of the country, and put on clean clothes, with no other arms but my knife, and a pair of piflolg at my girdle, Q Q 2 1 came 292 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER I came out of the tent to mount my mule for Tcherkin. I now faw Confu's fervant, whofe name was Welleta Yafous, pulling the Guinea-fowls and pigeons out of the pannier, where my fervants had put them, and fcattering them upon the ground, and he was faying to thofe who interrupted him, " Throw away this carrion ; you fhall have a better break- fall and dinner, too, to-day ;" and turning to me more than ordinarily pleafed at feeing me drelTed, and that I continued to ufe the Abyffinian habit, he jumped upon his mule, and appeared in great fpirits, and we all fet out at a brilker pace than ufuaJ, by the affiftance of the two frefli mules. We pafTed through the midil of feveral fmall villages. At half an hour pall eight v/e came to the mountain of Tcher- kin, which we rounded on the weft, and then on the north, keeping the mountain always on our right. At twenty mi- nutes paft ten I pitched my tent in the market-place at Tcherkin, v^^hichfeemed a beautiful lawn laid out for plea- lure, lliaded with fine old trees, of an enoiTnous height and ilze, and watered by a fmall but very limpid brook, riui- ning over beds of pebbles as white as fnQW,_ -2:sv^= CHAP, THE SOURCEOFTHENILE. 293 ^- '^ CHAP. II. Reception at tcherktn by Ozoro Efther^ 'xJe. — Hunting of the Lkpbanty Rhinoceros, and Buffalo. - THE impatient Welleta Yafous would only give me time to fee my quadrant and other inftruments fafely flow- ed, but hurried me through a very narrow and crooked path up the fide of the mountain, at every turn of which was placed a great rock or ftone, the flation for mufqucts to enfilade the different ftages of the road below, where it WIS ftrait for any diftance. We at lail reached the outer court, where we found the chamberlain Ammonios, whom Welleta Yafous had fpoken of as being ftill at Gondar ; but this did not furprife me, as he told me at the tent that Ayto Confu was arrived. I favv here a great many of my old ac- quaintance whom I had known at Ozoro Efther's houfe at Gondar^ 594 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER Gondar, and who all welcomed me with the greateft de- monftrations of joy, as if I had come from a long journey. I WAS then taken to an inner apartment, where, to my great furprife, inftead of Ayto Confu, 1 faw his mother, Ozo- ro Efther, fitting on a couch, and at her feet the fecretary's daughter, the beautiful Tecla Mariam ; and, foon after, the fecretary himfelf, and feveral others belonging to the court. After having made a profound obeifance, " Ozoro Efther, faidi, I cannot fpeak for furprife. What is the meaning of your having left Gondar to come into this wildernefs ? As for Tecla Mariam, I am not furprifed at feeing her ; I know fhe at any time would rather die than leave you ; but tiiat you have both come hither without Ayto Confu, and in fo Ihort a time, is what I cannot comprehend " — " 1 here is no- thing fo ftrange in this, replied Ozoro tllher; the troops of Begemder have taken away my hufband, Ras Michael, God knows where ; and, therefore, being now a lingle woman, I am refolved to go to Jerufalem to pray for my hufband, and to die there, and be buried in the Holy Sepulclire. You would not Hay with us, fo we are going with you. Is there any thing furprifing in all this ?" " But tell me truly, fays Tecla Mariam, you that know every thing, while peeping and poring througli thefe long glafles, did not you learn by the ftars that we were to meet you here ?"---" Madam, anfwered I, if there was one liar in the firmament that had announced to me fuch agreeable news, I fnould have rclapfed into the old idolatry of this country, and worfhipped that ftar for the reft of my life." Brcakfaft now came in ; the conyerfation took a very lively turn, and from the fecretary I learned that the matter flood I thus : THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 295 thus : The king, reftoring the villages to the Iteghe, ac- cording to the llipulacion of his laft treaty with PovvuiTen, thought that he might fo far infringe upon if,_ from grati- tude to Ras Michael, as to give part of the number to Ozoro Efther, the Iteghe's daughter ; and Ayto Confu, going to Tcherkin to hunt, he took his mother along with him to put her in pofTellion ; for the Iteghe's people were not lambs, nor did they pay much regard to the orders of the king, nor to that of the Iteghe their miftrefs, at all times, farther than fuited their own convenience. We now wanted only the prefence of Ayto Confu to make our happinefs complete ; he came about four, and "with him Ayto Engedan, and a great company. There was nothing but rejoicing on ali fides. Seven ladies, relations and companions of Ozoro Efther, came with Ayto Confu ; and I confefs this to have been one of the happieft mo- ments of my life. I quite forgot the difaftrous journey I had before me, and all the dangers that awaited me, I began even to regret being fo far in my way to leave Abylllnia for ever. We learned from Ayto Confu, that it had been reported at Gondar that we had been murdered by the peafants of Gim- baar, but the contrary was foon known. Hov/ever, Knge- dan and he had fet the lelTer village on fire in their paflage, and laid a contribution of eleven ounces of gold upon lac two lareer. o^ Ayto Confu's houfe at Tcherkin is built on the edge of a precipice which takes its name from the mountain Amba Tcherkin. It is built all with cane very artificially, the outer wall being compofed of fafcines of canes, fo neatly joined together as not to be penetrated by rain or wind. The 2^6 TRAVELS TO DISCOVEPv ^ The entry is from tlie foutli fide of ir, very crooked and diiti- cult, half way up the rock. On the caft, is a very plenrifal fpring, which furniihes the houfe with excellent vafer. ^Yet, after all, this houfe, though inacceffible, is not defen- fiblc, and affords very little fafety to its maftcc ; for the Shangalla, with flax, or any thing combuftible, tied to the point of their arrows, would eafily fet it on fire if they once approached it; and the Abyflinians with guns could as ealily deilroy it, as, on fuch occafions, they wrap their balls in cotton wads. The in fide of the ftate-rooms were hung with long ilripcs of carpeting, and the floors covered with the fame. There is great plenty of game of every fort about Tcher- kin ; elephants, rhinocerofes, and a great number of buf- faloes, which differ nothing in form from the buffaloes of Europe or of Egypt, but very much in temper and difpofi- ■ tion. They are fierce, rafh, and fearlefs of danger ; and contrary to the pra(5tice of any other creature not carnivo- rous, they attack the traveller and the hunter equally, and it requires addrefs to efcape from them. They feem to be, of all others, the creature the mod giren to eafe and indul- gence. They lie under the moil fhady trees, near large pools of water, of which they make conftant ufe, and fleep foundly all the day long. The flefli of the female is very good when fat, but that of the male, hard, lean, and dif- agreeable. Their horns are ufed in various manners by the turners, in which craft the Abyflinians are very expert. In the woods there are many civet cats, but they know not .the ufe of them, nor how to extraft the civet. The Maho- metans only are poffelled of this art. 5 Thougk THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 497 Though we were all happy to our wifli in this enchant- ed mountain, the adlive fpirit of Ay to Confu could not reft; he was come to hunt the elephant, and hunt him he would. All thofe that underftood any thing of this exercife had af- fembled from a great diftance to meet Ayto Confu at Tcher- kin. He and Engedan,from the moment they arrived, had been overlooking, from the precipice, their fervants training and managing their horfcs in the market-place below. Great bunches of the fineft canes had been brought from Kuara for javelins; and the whole houfe was employed in fitting heads to them in the moft advantageous manner. For my part, tho' I fhould have been very well contented to have remained where I was, yet the preparations for fport of fo noble a kind roufed my fpirits, and made me defirous to join in it. On the other hand, the ladies all declared, that they thought, by leaving them, we were devoting them to death or flavery, as they did not doubt, if the Shangalla miffed us, they would come forv/ard to the mountain and flay them all. But a fufficient garrifon was left under A- zage Kyrillos, and Billetana Gueta Ammonios ; and we were well affured tliat the Shangalla, being informed we were out, and armed, and knowing our numbers, would take care to keep clofe in their thickets far out of our way. On the 6th, an hour before day, after a heart)' breakfaft, we mounted on horfeback, to the number of about thirty belonging to Ayto Confu. But there was another body, both of horfe and foot, which made hunting the elephant their particular bufmefs. Thefe men dwell conftantly in the v/oods, and know very little the ufe of bread, living en- tirely upon the flefli of the beafts they kill, chitefly that of the elephant or rhinoceros. They are exceedingly thin. Vox. IV. Pp light, 298 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER light, and agile, both on horfeback and foot ; are very fwar- thy, though few of them black; none of them woolly- head- ed, and all of them have European features. They are call- ed Agageer, a name of their profeffion, not of their nation, which comes from the word Agar, and fignifies to hough or ham-ftring with a fliarp weapon. More properly it means, indeed, the cutting the tendon of the heel, and is a charac- teriftic of the manner in which they kill the elephant, which is fliortly as foUov/s : — Two men, abfolutely naked, without any rag or covering at all about them, get on horfeback ; this precaution is from fear of being laid hold of by the trees or buflies, in making their efcape from a very watch- ful enemy. One of thefe riders fits upon the back of the horfe, fometimes with a faddle, and fometimes without one, with only a fwitch or lliort flick in one hand, carefully ma- naging the bridle with the other ; behind him fits his campanion, who has no other arms but a broad-fword, fuch as is ufed by the Sclavonians, and which is brought from Triefte. His left hand is employed grafping the fword by the handle, and about fourteen inches of the blade is covered with whip-cord. This part he takes in his right hand, without any danger of being hurt by it ; and, though the edges of the lower part of the fword are as lliarp as a razor, he carries it without a fcabbard. As foon as the elephant is found feeding, the horfeman rides before him as near his face as pofTible ; or, if he flies, crolTes him in all directions, crying out, " I am fuch a man and fuch a man ; this is my horfe, that has fuch a name ; I killed your father in fuch a place, ajid your grandfather in fuch another place, and 1 am now come to kill you ; you are but an afs in comparifon of them." This THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 299 This nonfenfe he verily believes the elephant imderftands, who, chafed and angry at hearing the noife immediately before him, feeks to feize him with his trunk or probofcis, and, intent upon this, follows the horfe everywhere, turn- ing and turning round with him, negleeTiful of making his efcape by running ftraight forward, in which confifts his only fafety. After having made him turn once or twice in piirfuit of the horfe, the horfeman rides clofe up a- long-fide of him, and drops his companion juft behind on the off fide ; and while he engages the elephant's attention upon the horfe, the footman behind gives him a drawn ftroke juft above the heel, or what in man is called the tendon of Achilles. This is the critical moment; the horfe- man immediately wheels round, and takes his companion up behind him, and rides off full fpeed after the reft of the herd, if they have ftarted more than one ; and fometimes an expert Agageer will kill three out of one herd. If the fword is good, and the man not afraid, the tendon is com- monly entirely feparated; and if it is not cut through, it is generally fo far divided, that the animal, with the ftrefs he puts upon it, breaks the remaining part afunder. In either cafe, he remains incapable of advancing a ftep, till the horfe- man returning, or his companions coming up, pierce him through with javelins and lances; he then falls to the ground, and expires with the lofs of blood. The Agageer neareft me prefently lamed his elephant, and left him ftanding. A) to Engedan, Ayto Confu,Guebra Mariam, and feveral others, fixed their fpears in the other, before the Agageer had cut his tendons. My Agageer, however, having wounded the firft elephant, failed in the purfuit of the fecond, and, being clofe upon him at enter- P p 2 ing 300 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER ing the wood, he received a violent blow from a branch of a tree which the elephant had bent by his weight, and, after palling, allowed it to replace itfelf, when it knocked down both the riders, and very much hurt the horfe. This, indeed, is the great danger in elephant-hunting; for fome of the trees, that are dry and fliort, break, by the violent preflure of ib immenfe a body moving fo rapidly, and fall upon the purfuers, or acrofs the roads. But the greateil number of thefc trees, being of a fucculent quality, they bend without breaking, and return quickly to their former pofition, when they ftnke both horfe and man fo violently, that they often beat them to pieces, and fcatter them upon the plain. Dextrous, too, as the riders are, the elephant fomecimes reaches them with his trunk, with which he dafhes the horfe againft the ground, and then fets his feet upon him, till he tears him limb from limb with his pro- bofcis ; a great many hunters die this way. Befides this, the foil, at this time of the year, is fplit into deep chafms,. or cavities, by the heat of the fun, fo that nothing can be more dangerous than the riding. The elephant once llain, they cut the whole ilclh off his bones into thongs, like the reins of a bridle, and hang thefe, like feftoons, upon the branches of trees, till they become perfedly dry, without fait, and they then lay them by for their provilion in the feafon of the rains. I NEED fay nothing of the figure of the elephant, his form is known, and anecdotes of his life and character are to be found everywhere. But his defcription, at length, is given, with his ufual accuracy and elegance, by that great mailer of natural hiftory the Count de Buflbn, my molt venerable, learned^ THESOURCE OF THE NILE. 301 learned, and amiable friend, the Pliny of Europe, and the true portrait of. what a man of learning and falhion fliould be. I SHALL only take upon me to refolve a difEcuky which he feems to have had, — for what ufe the teeth of the ele- phant, and the horns of the rhinoceros, were intended. He, with reafon, explodes the vulgar prejudice, that thefe arms were given them by Nature to fight with each other. He afl«:s very properly, What can be the ground of that animo- fity ? neither of them are carnivorous ; they do not couple together, therefore are not rivals in love ; and, as for food, the vaft forells they inhabit furnilli them with an abun- dant and everlafting llore. But neither the elephant nor rhinoceros eat grafs. The flieep, goats, horfes, cattle, and all the beafts of the coun- try, live upon branches of trees. There are, in every part of thefe immenfe forefls, trees of a fofr, fucculent fubdance, full of pith. Thefe are the principal food of the elephant and rhinoceros. They firll eat the tops of thefe leaves and branches ; they then, with their horns or teetli, begin as near to the root as they can, and rip, or cut the more woody part, or trunks of thefe, up to where they were eaten be- fore, till they fall in fo many pliable pieces of tlie fize of laths. After this, they take all thefe in their monllrous mouths, and twill them round as we could do the leaves of a lettuce. The velligcs of this procefs, in its diflercnt ftages, \vc faw every day- throughout the forefl: ; and the horns of the rhinoceros, and teeth of the elephant, are often found broken, when their gluttony leads them to attempt too large or firm a tree. TaERSi 303 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER There now remained but two elephants of thofe that had been di (covered, which were a ilie one with a calf. The Agageer would v/illingly have let thefe alone, as the teeth of the female are very fmall, and the young one is of no fort of value, even for food, its llefli Ihrinking much upon drying. But the hunters would not be limited in their fport. The people having obferved the place of her retreat, thither we eagerly followed. She was very foon found, and as foon lamed by the Agageers ; but when they came to wound her with the darts, as every one did in their turn, to our very great furprife, the young one, which had been fuflered to efcape unheeded and unpurfucd, came out from the thicket apparently in great anger, running upon the horfes and men with all the violence it was mailer of. I was amazed ; and as much as ever I was, upon fuch an occafion, afflicT:ed, at feeing the great afTedlion of the little animal defending its wounded mother, heedlefs of its own life or fafety. I therefore cried to them, for God's fake to fpare the mother, tho' it was then too late ; and the calf had made feveral rude attacks upon me, which I avoided with- out difficulty ; but I am happy, to this day, in the reflexion that I did not ftrike it. At laft, making one of its attacks upon Ayto Engedan, it hurt him a little on the leg ; upon which he thruft it through with his lance, as others d^d after, and it then fell dead before its wounded mother, whom it had fo airecT:ionately defended. It was about the fize cf an afs, but round, big-bellied, and heavily made ; and was fo furious, and unruly, that it would eafily have broken the leg either of man or horfe, could it have overtaken them, and jollied againil them properly. Here THESOURCEOFTHENILE. 303 Here is an example of a bead (a young one too) pofTeffing abftraaied fentiments to a very high degree. By its flight on the firft appearance of the hunters, it is plain it apprehended danger to itfelf, it alfo refleded upon that of its mother, which was the caufe of its return to her afliftance. This affecftion or duty, or let us call it any thing we pleafe, ex- cept inftinc% was ftronger than the fear of danger; and it muft have conquered that fear by refleftion before it re- turned, when it refolved to make its beft and laft efforts, for it never attempted to fly afterwards. I freely forgive that part of my readers, who know me and themfelves fo little, as to think I believe it worth my while to play the mountebank, for the great honour of diverting them ; an honour far from being of the firft rate in my efleem. If they fhould fhew, in this place, a degree of doubt, that, for once, I am making ufe of the privilege of travellers, and dealing a little in the marvellous, it would be much more to the credit of their difcernment, than their prodigious fcruples about the reality or pofTibility of eating raw fiefh; a tiling that has been recorded by the united teftimony of all that ever vilited AbyfTmia for thefe two hundred years, has nothing unreafonable in itfelf, though contrary to our pradlice in other cafes ; and can only be called in queftion now, through v/eaknefs, ignorance, or an intemperate de- fire to find fault, by thofe that believed that a man could get into a quart, bottle. What I relate of the young elephant contains difficulties of another kind ; though I am very well perfuaded fome will fwallow it eafily, who cannot digeft the raw flefh. hi both inftances I adhere ftridly to the truth; and I begleava to dTure thofe fcrupulous readers, that if they knew their author,. 3^4 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER author, they would think that his having invented a lie, folely for the pleafure of diverting them, was much more improbable than either of the two foregoing fa6ls. He places his merit in having accomplifhed thefe travels in ge- neral, not in being prefent at any one incident during the courfe of them ; the believing of which can refleft no particular honour upon himfelf, nor the difbelieving it any fort of difgrace in the minds of liberal and impreju- diced men. It is for thefe only he would wifli to write, and thefe are the only perfons who can profit from his nar- rative. The Agageers having procured as much meat as would maintain them a long time, could not beperfuaded to con- tinue the hunting any longer. Part of them remained with the fiie-elephant, which feemed to be the fattefl ; tho' the one they killed firfl was by much the moft valuable, on account of its long teeth. It was ftill alive, nor did it feem an eafy ojieration to kill it, without the afliflance of our Agageers, even though it was totally helplefs, except with its trunk. We fought about for the buffaloes and fhinocerofes ; "but though there was plenty of both in the neighbourhood, we could not find them ; our noife and fliooting in the morning having probably feared them away. One rhino- ceros only was feen by a fervant. We returned in the evening to a great fire, and lay all night under the fliade of trees. Here we faw them feparate the great teeth of the elephant from the head, by roafting the jaw-bones on the fire, till the lower, thin, and hollow part of the teeth 4 were THE SOURCE OF THE NILE, 305 \vere nearly confumed ; and then they come out eafily, the thin part being of no vahie. The next morning we were on horfeback by the dawn of day in fearch of the rhinoceros, many of which we had heard make a very deep groan and cry as the morning ap- proached ; feveral of the Agageers then joined us, and after we had fearched about an hour in the very thickefl part of the v/ood, one of them ruflied out with great violence, crofQng the plain towards a wood of canes that was about two miles diftance. But though he ran, or rather trotted, with furprifing fpecd, confidering his bulk, he was, in a very little time, transfixed with thirty or forty javelins: which fo confounded him, that lie left his purpofe of going to the wood, and ran into a deep hole, ditch, or ravine, a cul defac^ w^ithout outlet, breaking above a dozen of the javelins as he entered. Here we thought he was caught as in a trap, for he had fcarce room to turn ; when a fervant, who had 41 gun, Handing dire6tly over him, fired at his head, and the animal fell immediately, to all appearance dead. All thofe on foot now jumped in v/ith their knives to cut him up, and they had fcarce begun, when the animal recovered fo far as to rife upon l^is knees ; happy then was •the man that efcaped firft ; and had not one of the Aga- geers, VntIio v/as himfelf engaged in the ravine, cut the fmew of the hind-leg as he was retreating, tliere would have been a very forrowfuj account of the foot-hunters that day. Atter having difpatchcd him, I was curious to fee what wound the fhot had given, which had operated fo violently upon fo huge an animal ; and I doubted not it v/as in the' ferain. But it had flruck him nowhere but upon the pc int of Vol, IV. CLq the 3o5 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER the foremofl horn, of which it had carried ofF above an inch ; and this occafioncd a concuffion that had ftunned him for a minute, till the bleeding had recovered him. I preferved the horn from curiofity, and have it now by me *. I faw evidently the ball had touched no other part of the beaft. While we were bufy with the rhinoceros, Ammonios joined us. A mefllige from the king had carried away Azage Kyrillos the fecretary. Two other meffengers had arrived from the queen, one to Ayto Confu, and another to Ozoro Eilher ; and it was Ozoro Efther's commands to her fon, to leave the hunting and return. There was no reme- dy but to obey ; Ammonios, however, wanted to have his part of the hunting ; and the country people told us, that multitudes of buffaloes were to be found a little to the weftward, where there were large trees and {landing pools of water. We agreed then to hunt homeward, without be- ing over-folicitous about returning early. We had not gone far before a wild boar arofc between me and Ayto Engedan, which I immediately killed with my javelin. Before he, on his horfe, came up to it, another of its companions fliared the fame fate about a quarter of an hour after. This was the fport I had been many years ufed to in Barbary, and was infinitely more dextrous at it than any of the prefent company; this put me more upon a par with my companions, who had not failed to laugh at me, upon my horfe's refufal to carry me near cither to the ele- phant * See the ailiclc Rliiiioceros in the Appendix. THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 307 phant or rhinoceros. Nobody would touch the carcafe of the boar after it was dead, being an animal which is con- fid ?red as unclean. Ammonios was a man of approved courage and conduct:, and had been in all the wars of Ras Michael, and was pla- ced about Ayto Confu, to lead the troops, curb the prefump- tlod, and check the impetuofity of that youthful warrior. He xvas'tall, and aukwardly made ; flow in fpeech and motion, fo much as even to excite ridicule; about fixty years of age, and more corpulent than the Abyfllnians generally are ; in a word, as pedantic and grave in his manner as it is pof- fible to exprefs. He fpent his whole leifure time in reading the fcripture, nor did he willingly difcourfe of any thing elfe. He had been bred a foot-foldier ; and, though he rode as well as many of the Abyfllnians, yet, having long flirrup-leathers, with iron rings at the end of them, into which he put his naked toe only, inflead of ftirrups, he had no flrcngth or agility on horfeback, nor was his bridle fuch as could command his horfe to Hop, or wind and turn f]-iarply among trees, though he might make a tolerable ligure on a plain. A Boar, roufed on our right, had wounded a horfc and a footman of Ayto Confu, and tlien efcapcd. Two buifaloes were found by thofe on the right, one of which wounded a • horfe likev.'ife. Ayto Confu, Engedan, Guebra Mariam, and myfelf, killed the other with equal fliare of merit, with- out being in any fort of danger. All this was in little more than an hour, when our fport feemed to be at the bell; our horfcs were confidcrably blown, not tired, and though we were beating home-vards, llill we were looking very Q^q 2 keenly 3o8 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER keenly for more game. Ammonios was on the left among- the buflies, and fome large, beautiful, tall fpreading-trees, clofe on the banks of the river Bedov/i, which ftands there in pools. Whether the buffalo found Ammonios, or Am- monios the buffalo, is what we could never get him to ex- plain to VIS ; but he had wounded the beafl: flightly in the buttock, which, in return, had gored his horfe, and thrown both him and it to the ground. Luckily, however, his cloak had fallen off, which the buffalo tore in pieces, and employed himfelf for a minute with that and with the horfe, but then left them, and followed the man as foon as he faw him rife and run. Ammonios got behind one large tree, and from that to another ftill larger. 7 he buffalo turned very aukvv^ardly, but kept clofe in purfuit; and there was no doubt he would have worn our friend out, who was not ufed to fuch quick motion. Ayto Engedan, who was near him, and might have affiUed him, was laughing, ready to die at the droll figure a man of Ammonios's grave car- riage made, running and fkipping aboiu naked, with at fwiftnefs he had never pradtifed all his life before ; and En- gedan continued calling to Confu to partake of the diver- lion. The moment I heard his repeated cries, I galloped our. of the buflies to the place where he was, and could noG help laughing at the ridiculous figure of our friend, very attentive to the beaiVs motions, which feemed to dodge with great addrefs, and keep to his a by means of a llirub called Wooginoos* growing very common in thofe parts, the manner of ufing which he taught me. The country^ from Tcherkin to Ras el Feel, or Hor-Caca- moot, is all a black earth, calledMazaga, which fome authors have taken for the name of the province. However, the word Mazaga, in the language of the country, fignifies far, loofe, black earth, or mold, fuch as all that flripe of land from 13" to 16" cf latitude is compofed of, at leaft till you reach to the deferts of Atbara, where the rains end. Ras cl Feel is, I fuppofe, one of the hottell countries in the known world. On the ill day of March, at three o'clock in the afternoon, Fahrenheit'^ thermometer, in the fliade, was 1 14% which was at 61" at fun-rife, and 82° at fun-fet. And yet this excelTive heat did not make a proportional impref- fion upon our feelings. The evenings, on the contrary, ra- ther feemed cold, and we could hunt at mid- day. And this I conftantly obferved in this fultry country, that, what was hot by the glafs, never appeared to carry with it any thing proportionate in our fenfations. Ras el Feel formerly paid 400 ounces of gold, which is 4000 crowns ; Sancaho paid 100. But trade having decrea- fed, fmce the expedition of Yafous II. to Sennaar, without the * See the article Wooginoos in the Appendix. THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 'y^^rJ the king's demand being lefTened, many people have left it, and are gone to Tcherkin. I HAVE feveral times, in the courfe of this work, taken notice of a black nation called Shangalla, who furrround all the N. N. W. and N. E. of Abyfhnia, by a belt fcarcely fixty miles broad. This is called by the Abyffinians, Kolla, or the Hot Country, which is likewife one of their names for hell. Two gaps, or fpaces, made for the fake of com- merce, in this belt, the one at Tchelga, the other at Ras el Feel, have been fettled and pofTelTed by ftrangers, to keep thefe Shangalla in awe ; and here the cuflom-houfes were placed, for the mutual intereft of both kingdoms, before all intercourfe was interrupted by the impolitic expedition of Yafous againft Sennaar. Ras el Feel divides this nation of woolly-headed blacks into two, the one welt below Kuara, and bordering on Fazuclo (part of the kingdom of Sen- naar) as alfo on the country of Agows. Thefe are the Shangalla that traffic in gold, which they find in the earth, where torrents have fallen from the mountains ; for there is no fuch thing as mines in any part of their country nor any way of colleifting gold but tliis ; nor is there any gold found in Abyffinia, however confidently this has been ad- vanced ; neither is there gold brought into that kingdom from any other quarter but this whicli we are now ipeak- ing of ; notwithftanding all the mifreprefentations of the miffionaries to make the attempts to fubdue this king- dom appear more lucrative and lefs ridiculous to Euro- pean princes. The other nation, on the frontiers of Kuara, has Ras el Feel on the eaft, about three days journey from the Cacamoot. The natives are called Gan- 3 jar;, 325 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER jar-; a very numerous and formidable nation of hunters, confifling of feveral thoufand horfe. The origin of thcfe is faid to have been, that when the Funge (or black nation now occupying Sennaar) difpofTefled the Arabs from that part of the country, the black-flaves that were in fervice among thefe Arabs, all fled and took pofTeffion of the dif- tric^s they now hold ; where they have greatly increafed in numbers, and continue independent to this day. They are the natural enemies of Ras el Feel, and much blood has been fhed between them, from making inroads one upon the other, murdering the men and carrying their women into flavery. Yafme, however, had become too ftrong for them, by the alTillance of Ayto Confu, and they had offered to afliil the king at the, campaign of Serbraxos. But they were found not fit to be trulled, fo were fent away, under pretence that they fhould attack Coque Abou Barea govern- or ofKuara for the rebels, and hinder him from coming to their alTiflance ; and even this they did not do. The title of their chief is Sheba, which fignifies the Old Man. His refidence is called Cafhumo, by his-own people ; and Dendy Kolla, by the Abyffmians of Kuara. Yafine, however, was now at peace with them, without which our journey would fcarce have been poillble. Sheba fent his fon to fee me at Ras el Feel ; we thought, at that time, he came as a fpy. However, when we departed I gave him a fmall prefent ; and we fwore mutual friendfhip, that he was to be ready always to fight againll my enemies, and that we were to a(5l kindly by each other, though we were to meet, horfe to horfe, alone in the defert. Yasine THESOURCEOFTHENILE. 325 Yasine had done every thing, 011 his part, to fccure mc a good reception from Fidele bhekh of Atbara. Every af- furance pollible had been given, and 1 had before travelled fome thoufand miles upon much llighter promifes, which had, however, been always faithfully kept ; fo that I did not at all fufped that any thing unfair could be intended me at Teawa, where Fidele relided. But as the lofs of life was the confequence of being miftaken, I never did omit any means to double my fecurity. Mahomet Gibberti, as we have before obferved, had al- ready carried a lerrer of mine fromGondar to hh mailer Meti- cal Aga,SelicT:arto the Sherriffe of Mecca in Arabia, requefting that he would write to fome man of confideration in Sennaar, and, taking it for granted that I was then arrived at i'eawa, defire that a fervant of the king might be fent to give me fafe condu(ft from that frontier to the capital. Yallne had written to the fame effed, diredtly to Sennaar, and fent a fervant of his, who, for fecurity fike, had nothing but the letter and an old ragged cloth about his waill ; and he had long ago arrived at Sennaar, the before-named place of his deilination. Among the tribes of Arabs that were protcded by Yafine, and furnilhed with pafture, water, and a market for their carile, and milk and butter, at Ras el Feel, were the Daveina, by much the moft powerful of all tlie Arabs in Atbara; but they ventured no further fouihward than Beyla, for fear -of the troops of Sennaar. The Shekh of Beyla was a man of very great character for courage and probity. His name was Mahomet ; and I Vol. IV. T t had 330 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER had often correfponded with him upon the fubjed of hor- fes for the king while I was at Gondar. He was greatly tormented with the ftone, and by means of Yafine I had fcveral times fent him foap-pills, and lime, with dire(5tions how to make lime-water. I therefore fent a fervant of mine with a letter to the Shekh of Beyla, mentioning my inten- tion of coming to Sennaar by the way of Teawa and Bey- la, and defiring him to forward my fervant to Sennaar, to Hagi Belal my correfpondent there, and, at the fame time, write to fome other friend of his own, to fee that the king's fervant fhould be difpatched to Teawa without delay. This fervant, with the letters, I committed to the care of the Shekh of the Daveina, who promifed that he would himfelf fee him fafe into Beyla ; and, by a particular Providence, all thefb letters and meiTengers arrived fafe, without mifcarriage of one, at the places of their dcllination, though we were long kept in fufpence before they took efied:. I WAS now about to quit Ras el Feel for ever, in a firm perfwafion that I had done every thing man could do to infure a fafe journey and good reception at Sennaar, till one day I received a vifit from Mahomet Shekh of Nile; which does not mean Shekh of the river, but of a tribe of that name, which is but a divifion of the Daveina. To this Shekh I had fliewii a particular attention in feveral trips he had made to Gondar, in confequence of which he was very grateful and anxious for my fafety. He told me, that he faw I was fetting out perfectly content with the meafures I had taken for my fafety at Sennaar, and he owned that they were the beft that human prudence could fugged; "but, fays he, in my opinion, you have not yet been ca\itious enough a- bout Teawa. I know Fidele well, and I apprehend your danger is-, THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 3^^ is there, and not at Sennaar," He then drew a moft unfa- vourable pidlure of that Shekh, whom he affirmed to have been a murderer and a thief all his days, and the fon of a father no better than himfelf ; tlrat he was of no religion, neither Mahometan, Chriftian, nor Pagan, but abfolutely without fear of God ; he faid, however, he believed him to be a great coward ; and therefore the whole of my fafety re- duced itfelf to this. Was he really afraid of Yaline, or not ? If he was, that became the bell handle we could lay hold on ; but if, on the contrary, he was not afraid of Yafine, or was perfuaded, as he very well might be by wicked people about him, that, when once I was out of the country, Ya- line took no further charge of me, he doubted very much I fliould never pals Teawa, or, at lead, without fuiTering fome heavy affront or ill-ufage, the extent of which it was iinpoffible to determine. These fenfible fuggellions made a very ftrong impreffion on Yafine and me ; Yallne's firft podtion was, that Fidele was certainly afraid to difoblige him; but, allowing the poffi- bility he was not, he owned he had not fubftituted any fe- cond meafure to which I could truft. We all regretted that our friends the Daveina had been fuffered to depart without taking me with them by Sim-Sim and Beyla ; but it was now too late, as the Daveina had for fome days arrived at the ftation the neareft Beyla and the fartheil from us. It was then agreed, that Nile fhould fend a relation of his, who was married to one of the tribes of Jehaina Arabs, encamped upon Jibbel IfrifF near to Teawa, with whom Fidele was at that time making peace, left they Ihould burn the crop about the town. This man wa« not to enter the town of Teawa with me, but was to come there the next day, as if from, his T t 2 friends 23^ TRAVELS TO DISCO VER' friends at Jibbel TfrifF; and, if I then informed him tliere-- was danger, fliould return to the Jehaina, mount a hajan or dromedary, and give Yafine information with aU pollible fpeed. All ibis being now fettled, I prepared for my jour- ney, having firfl:, by many obfervations by night and day,;^ fixed the latitude of Hor-Cacamoot to be if i' 33" north.. Ktej—taaM— SMiiuiiiiiiwiiiii III I I ^^ ^ C H A P. THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 333 =«3 CHAP. IV. F^'bnt Hor-Cacamobt to '^eawa^ Capital of Athara. T was on the 17th of March that we fet out fromHor-Caca- moot on our journey to Feawa, capital of the province of Atbara, Our courfe was N. N, W. through tliick brufliwoody with a few high trees ; our companions being eleven naked men, with alFes loaden with fait. We had ieveral interrupt tioas on the road. At three in the afternoon we encamped at Falaty, the eaft village of Ras el Feel, a little to the north- ward, A fmall mountain, immediately north from this viU lage, the one end of which is thought to refemble the head of an elephant, gives the name to the village and the pro» vince*. This mountain ftretches in adiredion nearly north and 'fHR.ws el Feel flgmfiet the head ef' art eleplisis«, S34 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER and fouth, as do the villages, and the fmall river when it has water, but it was now apparently dry. However, by digging pretty deep in the fand, the water filtering through the fides of the holes filled in a certain time with a putrid, ill-tafted, unwholefome beverage, which is all this mifer- able village has for its ufe. The people look fickly and ill- coloured. Falaty is three miles and a half diftant from Hor- Cacamoot, its name interpreted is Poverty. On the i8th, at half after fix in the morning we conti- nued our journey through thick, and almofl; impenetrable woods full of thorns ; and in two hours we came to the bed of a torrent, though in appearance dry, upon digging with our hands in the loofe fand, we found great plenty of frefli water exceedingly well tailed, being fhelter- ed by projecfling rocks from the adlion of the fun. This is called Surf el Shekh. Here we filled our girbas, for there is very little good water to be found between this and Teawa. A GiRBA is an ox's flcin fquared, and the edges fewed to- gether very artificially by a double feam, which does not "let out water, much refembling that upon the beft Englifli cricket-balls. An opening is left in the top of the girba, in the fame manner as the bung-hole of a cafk. Around this the {\dn is gathered to the fize of a large handful, which, when the girba is full of water, is tied round with whip- cord. Thefe girbas generally contain aibout fixty gallons each, and two of them are the load of a camel. They are then all befmeared on the outfide with greafe, as well to hinder the water from oozing through, as to prevent its being evaporat£d by the ad:ion of the fun upon the girba, which THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. :^2S which in faft happened to us twice, fo as to put us in ini- minent danger of pcrifhing with thirft. Yasine had provideti a camel and two girbas, as well as every other provifion neceflary for us, till we Ihould arrive at Teawa. Surf el Shekh is the boundary »f Ras el Feel. Here I took an affedtionate leave of my friend Yafme, who, with all his attendants, fhewed, at parting, that love and at^ tachment they had conftantly preferved to me fince our firft acquaintance» SoLiMAN, my old and faithful fervant, who had carried my firft letter to Sennaar, though provided for in the king's fervice, infilled upon attending m€ to Sennaar, and dying with me if it fhould be my fate ; or elfe gaining the reward which had been promifed him, if he brought back the good news of my fafe arrival and good reception there. At parting, I gave the faithful Yafme one of my horfes and my coat of mail, that is my ordinary one ; for the one that was given me by Ozoro Efther had belonged to king Yafous, and as it would have been an affront to have be- flowed it on a common man like Yafme, who,bcfides, was a Mahometan, fo I gave it (with Ozoro Efther's confent) to Ay to Engedan, king Yafous's grandfon. Before parting, Yafme, like an old traveller, called the whole company to- gether, and obliged them to repeat the Fedtah, the Prayer of Peace. At half paft feven in the evening we came to Engaldi, a large bafon or cavity, feveral hundred yards in length,, and about thirty feet deep, made for the reception of water the Arabs, who encamp by its fide after the rains. The 4^ water; :^.^6 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER water was almoft exhauftecl, and what remainpd bad an in^. tol'.rable ftench. However, flocks of Guinea fowls, partrid- ges, and every fort of bird, had crowded thither to drink, from the fcarciry of water elfewhere. I believe, 1 may cer- tainly fay, the number amounted to many thoufands. My Arabs loaded themfelves in a very httle while, killing thera with flicks and Hones ; but they were perfedly ufelefs, being reduced to fkeletons by hunger and thirft. For this rcafon, as well as that I mightJiot alarm any ftrolling banditti within hearing, I did not fulFer a fliot to be fired at them. At eight we came to Eradeeba, where is neither village nor water, but only a refting-place about half a mile fquare, which has been cleared from wood, that travellers, who pafs to and from Atbara, might have a fecure fpot whence they could fee around them, and guard themfelves from being attacked unav/ares hy the banditti fometimes reforc- ingto thofe deferts. At a quarter paft eleven we arrived at Quaicha, a bed of a torrent where there was now no water; but the wood feemed growing ftill thicker, and to be full of wild bealfs, efpeciaily lions and hycenas. Thefe do not fly froin man, as thofe did that we had -hitherto fecn, but came boldly up, efpeciaily the hyaena, with a refolution to attack us. Upon our firfl lighting a fire they left us for a time ; but towards morning they came in greate'r numbers, than before; a lion carried away one of our afTes from among tlie other beafts of burden, and a hyama attacked one of the men, tore his cloth from lis middle, and wounded him in his back. As we >nowexpe6lcd to be inftantly devoured, the prefent fear over- came the reiolutions we had made, not to ufe our fire arms, .a unlcfs THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 337 unlefs in the utmofl: neceffity. I fired two guns, and order- ed my fervants to fire two large fhip-blunderbiifles, which prefently freed us from our troublefome guefts. Two hy- enas were killed, and a large lion being mortally wounded was difpatched by our men in the morning. They came no more near us ; but we heard numbers of them howling at a diftance till day-light, either from hunger or the fmarts of the wounds they had received, perhaps from both ; for each fliip-blunderbufs had fifty fmall bullets, and the wood towards which they were dire6led, at the diftance of about twenty yards, feemed to be crowded with thefe animals. The reafon why the hycena is more fierce here than in any part of Barbary, will be given in the natural hiftory of that wild beaft in the Appendix. Though this, our firfl: day's journey from Falaty and Ras el Feel, to Quaicha, was of eleven hours, the diftance we had gone in that time was not more than ten miles ; for our beafts were exceedingly loaded, fo that it was with the utmoft dififtculty that either we or they could force ourfelves - through thofe thick woods, which fcarcely admitted the rays of the fun. From this ftation, however, we were entertained with a moft magnificent fight. The mountains at a dif- tance towards the banks of the Tacazze, all Debra Haria, and the mountains towards Kuara, were in a violent bright flame of fire. The Arabs feed all their flocks upon the branches of trees ; no beaft in this country eats grafs. When therefore the water is dried up, and they can no longer ftay, they fet fire to the woods, and to the dry grafs below it. The flame runs under the trees, fcorches the leaves and new wood, Vol. IV. . u u without 33S TRAVELS TO DISCOVER without confuming the body of the tree. After the tropical rains begin, the vegetation immediately returns ; the fprings increafe, the rivers run, and the pools are filled with water^ All forts of verdure being now in the greeted luxuriancy, the Arabs revifit their former ftations. This conflagration is performed at two feafons ; the firft, by the Shangalla and hunters on the fouthern parts of this woody country, begins in the month of OcT:ober, on the return of the fun, the cir- cumftances of which I liave already mentioned ; the latter, which happens in March, and lafts all April, befides provid- ing future fullenance for their flocks, is likewife intended to prevent, at leaft to diminifli, the ravages of the fly ; a plague of the moft extraordinary kind, already defcribed. We left Quaicha a little before four in the morning of the 19th of March, and at half an hour paft five we came to Jibbel Achmar, a fmall moimtain, or rather mount ; for it is of a very regular form, and not above 300 feet high, but covered with green grafs to the top. What has given it the name of Jibbel Achmar, or the Red Mountain, I know not. All the country is of red earth about it ; but as it hath much grafs, it fliould be called * the Green Mountain, in the middle of the red coimtry ; though there is nothing more vague or undetermined than the language of the Arabs, when they fpeak of colours. This hill, fur- rounded with impenetrable woods, is in the beginning of autumn the rendezvous of the Arabs Daveina, when there is water ; at which time the rhinoceros and many forts of beafls, crowd hither ; tlio' few elephants, but they are thofe of * Jibbel Achdat. THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 339 of the largefl kind, moflly males ; fo that the Arabs make this a favourite ftarion, after the grafs is burnt, efpeciully the young part of them, who are hunters. We reached Imferrha at half paft eleven, the water being about half a mile diftant to the S. W. The wells are fituated upon a fmall ridge that runs nearly eafl and weft. At one extremity of this is a fmall-pointed mountain, upon which was formerly a village belonging to the Arabs, called Jehaina, now totally deftroyed by the hunting parties of the Daveina, the great tyrants of this country, who, to- gether with the fcarcity of water, are the principal caufes that this whole territory is defolate. For though the foil is fandy and improper for agriculture, yet it is thickly over- grown with trees ; and were the places where water is^ found fufficiently ftocked with inhabitants, great numbers of cattle might be paftured here, every fpecies of which live upon the leaves and the young branches of trees, evea on fpots where grafs is abundant. On the 20th, at fix o'clock in the morning we fet out from Imferrha, and in two hours arrived at Ralliid, where we were furpriied to fee the branches of the Ihrubs and buflies all covered with a fliell of that fpecies of univalve called Turbines, white and red ; fome of them from three to four inches l ~\ THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 347 and, upon the firft dawn of day, I fet onr route by the com- pafs, and found it north and by eaft, or more eaflcrly. This did not feem the probable road to Sennaar, after having gone fo confiderably to the north- welt. But, before I could make much reflexion upon the obfervation, one of the ca- ravan declared he knew the road, and that we had gone very little out of it, and were now proceeding ftraight to the well. Accordingly, at half paft nine, we reached it ; it is called Imgellalib*. There is great plenty of water, with a leather-bucket, and a Itraw ro^e to draw it up, but it is very ill-tafted. However, the fear of dying with thirft, more than having materially fuffered from it, made every one prefs to drink ; and the effceT; of this hurry was very foon f^en. Two Abyffinian Moors, a man and woman, died after drinking; the man inftantly, and the woman a few minutes after ; for my own part, though thirfty,! was fenfible I could have held out a confiderable time without danger ; and, indeed, I did not drink till I had walhed my head, face, and neck all over. I then waflied my mouth and throat, and, having cooled myfelf, and in great meafure ailuaged my thirft, I then drank till 1 was completely fatisfied, but onl}' by fmall draughts. I would have perl'uaded all my companions to do the fame, but I was not heard; and one would have thought, like the camels, they had been drink- ing once for many days to come. Yet none of them had complained of thirft till they heard the girbas were empty; and it was not fixteen hours fmce they had drank at Im- hanzara, and but twelve fuice the girbas were found to be .dry, when we firft loft our way, and ftopped in the wood. X X 2 The *Tlic word ngnifies the Well of Caravans : I fuppofe.of thofe which, like ours, bring fait into Atbara, for there is no other trade between the two nations. 348 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER The extenfive, and very thick foreft, which had reached without interruption all the way from Tcherkin, ended here at Imgellalib. The country is perfedly flat, and hath very little water. The foreft, however, though thick, af- forded no fort of fliade ; the hunters, for the fake of their fport, and the Arabs, for deftroying the flies, having fet fire to all the dry grafs and flirubs, which, pafling with great rapidity, in the diredion of the wood from eaft to weft, though it had not time enough to deftroy the trees, did yet wither, and occafion every leaf that was upon them to fall, unlcfs in thofe fpaces where villages had been, and where water was. In fuch fpots a number of large fpread- ing trees remained full of foliage, which, from their great height, and being cleared of underwood, con- tinued in full verdure, loaded with large, projecT:ing, and exuberant branches. But, even here, the pleafure that their fliade afforded was very temporary, fo as to allow us no time for enjoyment. The fun, fo near the zenith, changed, his azimuth fo rapidly, that every few minutes I was obli- ged to change the carpet on which I lay round the trunk of the tree, to which I had fled, for fhelter ; and, though I lay down to flcep, perfedly fkreened by the trunk,, or branches, I was prefently awakened by the violent rays, of a fcorching fun, the fhade having paffcd beyond me;; and this was particularly incommodious, when the trees,, under which we placed ourfelvcs, were of the thorny kind,, very common in thofe forefts. The thorns, being all fcat- tered round the trunk upon the ground, made either chan- ging-place, or lying, equally uneafy ; fo that often, how- .ever averfe we v/ere to^ fatigue, with the efFe6ls of the fimoom, we found, that, pitching the head of our tent, and fcmctimes the whole of it, was the only pofTible means of fecuring; THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 349 fecuring a permanent protedlion from the fmi's opprcfIl;'e heat. In ali other places, though we had travelled con- flan dy in forefls, we never met with a tree that could ihade •us for a moment, the fire having deprived them of all their leaves. Late tibi gurgite rtipto Ambitur n'lgr'is Mero'e facunda colonis^ Lata conns hebcjii ; qtiiE qiiamvh arbore miilth Frondeat^ ceftatem nulla ftbi mit'igat iimbra^ Linea tarn reBum mundiferit ilia Iconcm. Luc AN. Having refreflied ourfelves for near two hours by the enjoyment of this water at Imgellalib, and raked a fufficient quantity of fand over the dead bodies of our two compa- nions, from piety and decency rather than for ufe, we aban- doned them to the hysenas, who had already fmelled the mortality, and were coming, two and three together, at the diftance of a long fhot from the well where we were then drinking. We fet out at eleven, our road being thro' a very extenfive plain ; and, at two in the afternoon, we alighted at another well, called Garigana ; the water was bad, and in fmall quantity. In this plain is fituated the principal village of Atbara, called Teawa. The thermometer, flung under the camel, in the fhade of the girba of water, had yet, neverthelefs, varied within thefe three hours from 1 1 1" to ii9i-. At five o'clock we left Garigana, our journey being ft ill to the eaftward of north; and, at a quarter paft fix in the even- ing arrived at the village of that name, whofe inhabitants had all. 550 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER all perillied with hungei- rtie year before; their wretched bones being all unburied and fcattered upon the furface of the ground where the village formerly flood. We encamped among the bones 'of the dead; no fpace could be found free from them ; and on the 23d, at fix in the morning, full of horror at this miferable fpedtacle, we fet outf or Teawa : this was the feventh day from Ras el Feel. After an hour's tra- velling we came to a fmall river, which ftill had water Handing in fome confiderable pools, although its banks were perfedly deftitute of any kind of fliade. At three quarters after feven in the evening we arrived at Teawa, the principal village and refidence of the Shekh of Atbara, between three and four miles from the ruins of Garigang» The whole diftance, then, from Hor-Cacamoot, may be about fixty-five miles to Teawa, as near as I then could compute; that is, from Hor-Cacamoot to Rafliid, thir- ty-two miles, and from Ralliid to Teawa, thirty-three miles; but Rafliid from Hor-Cacamoot bears N. W. and by N. and the latitudes are ,: — Teav/a, lat. 14* 2' 4" N. Hor-Cacamoot, 13° i' 33" Difference, lat. 1° o' 31' The difference of longitude is then but five or fix miles ; fo that Te?twa is very little to the weflward of due north from Hor-Cacamoot, and nearly in the fame meridian with Ras el Feel, which is foiu- miles weft of Hor-Cacamoot. From Imhanzara to Teawa, but efpecially from Im^cUalib, we I went THE SOl/RCE OF THE NILE. 351 went always to the eaftward of north. From Teawa we obferved the following bearings and diftances : Beyla, W. S. W. about 28 miles at fartheft. Hafib, S. and by W« Jibbel Imfiddera, S. about 8 miles, where is good water. Mendera, N. 48 miles ; indifferent water from deep wells. Rafhid, S. nearly 33 miles ; plenty of good water all the year. Jibbel IfrifF, E. N. E. about three miles ; water. Jibbel Attefli and Habharras, W. and by N. between 50 and Co miles. Sennaar, W. and by N. as far as we could guefs about 70 miles. Guangue River, from 14 to 16 miles due eaft. Deakin, E. N. E, about 27 miles. At Garigana, feveral of our caravan, with their afles and loading of fait, left us, either afraid of entering Teawa, or bccaufe their friends dwelt at Jibbel Ifriff, where the clan of Jchaina were then encamped, being afraid of the Arabs Daveina, who, the preceding year, had deilroyed all the crops and villages that belonged to them, or rather reaped them for their own advantage. The whole tribe of Jehaina is greatly their inferiors in all refpecTrs, and as by afTem- bling upon Jibbel IfrifF, a low though very rugged ridge of hills, abounding in water, where the pits in which they hide their grain were, and where, too, they had depofited the principal of their effedis, they had given this pledge of mutual aliiftance to tiie inhabitants of Teawa in cafe of an attack from thole great deilroyers the Daveina. The 552 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER The Daveina being Arabs, who conftantly live in tents, bear a mortal enmity to all who inhabit villages, and, as occafion offered, had dellroyed, flarved, and laid wafte the greatefl part of Atbara. They had been outlawed by the government of Sennaar for having joined Yafous II. upon the expedition againft that kingdom. They had ever fince been well-received by the Abyffinians, lived independent, and in perpetual defiance of the government of Sennaar. They had often threatened Teawa, but had given the Shekh of Beyla an afTurance of friendfliip ever fince Yafine had married a daughter of that Shekh, # The flrength of Teawa was about 25 horfe, of which about ten were armed with coats of mail. They had about a dozenof firelocks, very contemptible from the order in which they were kept, and flill more fo from the hands that bore them. The refl of the inhabitants might amount to twelve hundred men, naked, miferable, and defpicable Arabs, like the reft of thofe that live in villages, who are much infe- rior in courage to the Arabs that dwell in tents : weak as its ftate was, it was the feat of government, and as fuch a certain degree of reverence attended it. Fidele, the Shekh of Atbara, was reputed by his own people a man of courage ; this had been doubted at Sennaar. Welled HafTan, his father, had been employed by Naffer the fon, late king of Sennaar, in the murder of his father and fovereign Baady, which he had perpetrated, as I have already mentioned. Such was the flate of Teawa. Its confequence was only to remain till the Daveina fliould refolve to attack it, when its corn- fields being burnt and deflroyed in a night by a multitude of horfemen, the bones of its inhabitants fcattercd upon 4 the THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 353 the earth, would be all its remains, like thofe of the mi-, ferable village of Garigana. I HAVE already obferved, in the beginning of the jom^ney, that the Shekh of the Arabs Nile, vv^ho refidcd in Abyflinia, near Ras el Feel, fince the expedition of Yafous, had warned me, at Hor- Cacamoot, to diftruft the fair promifes and friendly profeffions of Shekh Fidele, and had, indeed, raifedfuch doubts in my mind, that, had not the Daveina been parted from Sim Sim, (or the confines of AbyfTinia) though there would have been a rifk, that if, coming with that tribe, I fhould have been-ill received atSennaar, I never- thelefs would have travelled with them, rather than by Teawa ; but the Daveina were gone. The Shekh of Atbara, having no apparent intercft. to deceive us, had hitherto been a friend as far as words would go,and had promifed every thing that remained in his power; but, for fear of the worfl-, Nile had given us a confidential man, who was related to the Jehaina and to the principal Shekh of that tribe. This man condUv5tedan afs, loaded with fait, among the other Arabs of the caravan, and was to fet off to Ras el Feel upon the firft: appearance of danger, which he was to learn by coming once in two days, or oftner, either to Teawa, v;here he was no farther known than as being one of the Jehaina, or to the river, where my Soliman was to meet him at the pools of water ; but his fecret was only known to Soliman, myfelf, and a Greek fervant, Michael. From leaving Hor- Cacamoot, he had no perfonal interview with me ; but the night, when we were like to perilh for thiril in the wood, he had fent me, by Soliman, privately, a horn- full of water, which he had in his goat's fkin, and Vol. IV. Y y for 354 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER for which I had rewarded liim handfomely in the inflant,^. glad of tliat opportunity of confirming him in his duty. This man we fet off to Jlbhei ICriff, as a ftrangcr, with orders not to come to us till the third day; for we were weiKperfuadcd, whatever the end v/as to be, that our firft reception would be a. gracious one. Indeed we were all of us inclined to believe, that our fufpicions of Fidelc Shekh of Atbara, and of his intentions towards us, were rather the effe(5ts of the fear that Shekh Nile had infufed into us, than any apprehenfion which we could reafonably form after fo many promifes ; at the fame time, it was agreed on all hands, that, life being at ilake, we could not be too careful in providing means that could, if the worll happened, at. the leall diminifh our rilk. {S3!fi"Ii?^°^'*?''i*i''^-''*8Bi»ta5fi6ata6tswfl^^ CHAP.. THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 555 G^s^— ^ ■ ' ' ''^ CHAP. V. -Tran/aciions at Teawa — Attempts of the Shekh to detain the Author there — Adm'inijler Medicines to him and his Wives — Various Convert fations -with bim^ and Injiances of his 'treachery. AT the pafTage of the fmall river, about a quarter of a mile from Teawa, we were met by a man on horfe- back, rloathed with a large, loofe gown of red camlet, or fome fuch ftuff, with a white mullin turban upon his head, and about ao naked, beggarly fervants on foot, with lances, but no fliields ; two fmall drums were beating, and a pipe playing before them. He flopt upon my coming near them, and alTected a delicacy in advancing to falute me, he be- ing on horfeback, and I upon a mule, for my horfe was led. behind, faddled and bridled, with a loofe blue cloth cover- ing him. Soliman, who firft accoflcd him, told him it was the cuilom of Abyffinia not to mount horfes but in time of Y V 2 ■ war 3j6 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER war, upon which he immediately difmounted, and, upon feeing this, I ahghted Hkewife. We fahited one another very courteoufly. He was a man about feventy, with a very long beard, and of a very graceful appearance. It was with the utmoft difficulty I could prevail upon him to mount his horfe, af& he declared his intention was to walk by the fide of my mule till he entered the town of Teawa. This being over- ruled, by an invincible obflinacy on my part, he- was at laft conftrained to mount on horfeback, which he did with an agility only to be expefted from a young maa of twenty. Being mounted, he fliewed us a variety of paces on horfe* back. All this, too, was counted a humiliation and polite- nefs on his part, as playing tricks, and prancing on horfe- back, is never done but by young men before their elders, or by meaner people before their fuperiors. We palled by a very commodious houfe, where he ordered my fervants to unload my baggage, that being the refidence alTigned for me by the Shekh. He and I, with Soliman on foot by the fide of my mule, crofTed an open fpace of about five hundred yards, where the market is kept ; he protefted a thoufand times by the way, what a fliame it was to him to. appear on horfeback^ when a great man. like me was riding on a mule.. A LITTLE after, having paiTcd this ixjuare, we came to the Shekh's houfe, or rather a colledion of houfes, one llorey high, built with canes j near the ftreer, at entering, there was a large hall of unburnt brick, to which we afcended by four or five flcps. The hall was a very decent one, co- vered with lira w- mats ; and there was in the m.iddle of it,, a cliairi, THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 2S7 a chair*, underftood to be the place of the grand fignior. The Shekh himfelf was fitting en the ground for humiUty's .:ge bluade'bulTes being accidentally laid acrofs the door, tiiis veteran foidier llarted back at the fight of it, and, although the muzzle was pointed far from him, would, not enter till the piece was removed, and placed at a confi- derable diftance from him. As we faw thing^s were growing to a crilis, we became every hour more impatient for the arrival of relief, either from Ras el Feel or Sennaar. On the ift of April came a fer- vant from the Shekh of Beyla, and delivered a meflage to Fidele : What it was I know not ; but about noon he came to inquire after us, and pay us a vifit. All this time Fidele had kept our arrival at Teawa a fe^ cret from the Shekh of Beyla; but the people, who frequent- ed the market of Teawa, having told their governor that they had feen ftrangers there, he all at once fufpefted the truth, and difpatched a confidential fervant to Fidele, under a fhew of bufinefs, to inquire whether we w^rethofe ftran- gers. An explanation immediately followed upon his co- ming to my houfe, and efpecially concerning the meffage the Shekh of Beyla had received from the Shekh. of Atbara^ that we were gone by Kuara down the Dendar. lie faid, that his matter either had Tent, or intended to fend, advice of this to my fervant at Sennaar, who, expecTiingus no long, er by Teawa, would neither come himfelf, nor fcek a king's, fervant to conduft us from hence, but would feek meafures for our fafety the other way, or wait at Sennaar, expecting our arrival daily; for the way from Kuara was through a number of outlawed, or banditti Arabs, fo that it was not in the power of the government of Sennaar, if ever fo well inclined. 376 TRAVELS TO DISCOVE inclined, to conduA us one Hep in fafety on that road till we fliould be within two days journey of Sennaar. The fervant therefore propofed, that he lliould return inftantly to Beyla, (as he did that night) and that his maflsr Ihould fend a meflenger on a dromedary exprefs to Sennaar, to in- form Hagi Belal of our fituation, and procure immediate re- lief. He promifed further, that his mailer fliould fend a MouUah, (or man of extraordinary holinefs and learning) in whofe prefence Shekh Fidele would not dare to proceed to extremities, as this was a man univerfally efteemed, and of great weight and reputation at Sennaar, both with Abou Calec and Adelan, as well as throughout Atbara. I MUST here obviate a very reafonable objection which may be made by my reader: — " Why, when you knew your fafety depended upon the government of Sennaar, when you was arrived at Teawa, did you not take the firft oppor- tunity of notifying it to Fidele, that you had already fent to.acquaint your correfpondent at Sennaar that you had fct out for that place r" I anfwer. That to do this had been many times in agitation among us, but was always rejed;- ed. It was thought a dangerous meafure to leave a man like Fidele, the only perfon who had feen us, to give us any character and defcription he pleafed, who, from the con- neclion and correfpondence he muft have in that capital,, and the confidence necelTarily placed in him, as governor of a frontier province, might fo far prejudice the minds of .that credulous and brutal people, by mifreprefenting us, as either to get orders fo cut us off upon our journey, or pro- cure us a fate fimilar to that of M. du Roule, the French en- voy, after our arriving in that capital. It was by the good- nels of Providence alone that we were reftrained from 2 adopting THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 377 adopting that meafure, often confidcred as the moll advife- able, but which, we fince have certainly known, would have ended in our deftrudtion. Nothing material pafled on the 3d of April, their fefti- val day ; but on the 4th no meat was fent us. However, on Sunday the 5th it was brought rather in larger propor- tion than before, and we fpent the whole day in conjec- turing what was become of our fervants, and of the Moul- lah whom the Shekh of Beyla's lervant had promifed us. On the 6th the Kaiya came, and, without ceremony, told me that the Shekh had heard I wanted to efcape to Beyla, in which journey I fliould certainly perifli, and therefore he had taken my horfe from me, which was in a liable at fome diftance. From this time we got our vicTiuals very fparingly. On the 7th he fent me word, that I lliould bring him a vomit the day after, which I promifed to com- ply with. It was very plainly feen Beyla's fecret was not kept, and to this we attributed the delay of the Moullah ; but nothing could comfort us for the want of an anfwer from Ras el Feel. On the 8th, in the evening, a little before fix o'clock, when I was making ready to go to the Shekh, a melTage came, that he was bufy, and could not fee me ; with which, for a time, I was very well pleafed. About ten, arrived a naked, very ill- looking fellow, more like an execution- er than any other fort of man, with a large broad-fword in his hand, and feemingly very drunk, tie faid he was one of the Shekhs of Jehaina, and in a little time became extremely infolent. He liril demanded coffee, which was given him, then a new coat, then fome civet, and, lall of Vol. IV. 3 B all, 378^ TRAVELS TO DISCOVER all, drawing his fword, that we Ihould inllantly provide him with a new fcabbard, his own being but a piece of common leather, which he threw with a kind of indigna- tion down upon the floor. Till that time I had been wri- ting thefe very memoirs, at leaft the journal of the day. I was not any way afraid of one drunkard, but laid down, my pen, wondering where this infolence was to end. Before I had time to fpeak a word, I heard my old Turk, the flier- rifTe, Hagi Ifmael, fay, " You are of the Jehaina, are you ? then I am of the Daveina ;" and with that he caught the ftranger by the throat, taking his fword from him, which he threw out of the houfe, after calling the owner violently upon the floor. The fellow crept out upon all-four, and, as foon as he had picked up his fword, attempted again to en- ter the houfe, which Soliman perceiving, fnatched his own Ihort, crooked fword, from a pin where it hung, and ran readily to meet him, and would very fpeedily have made an end of him, had I not cried out, " For God's fake. Soli- man, don't hurt him ; remember where you are." Indeed, there was little reafon for the caution ; for when the Arab obferved a drawn fword in the Turk's hand, he prefent- ly ran away towards the town, crying, Ullah ! Ullah I Ullah ! which was, God ! God ! God ! an exclamation of ter- ror, and we faw no more of him ; whilft, inftead of a new fcabbard, he left his old one in the houfe. Seeing at once the cowardice and malice of our enemies, we were now apprehenfive of fire, things were come to fuch an extre- mity ; and as our houfe was compofcd of nothing but dry canes, it feemed the only obvious way of defti'oying us. On the 9th, in the morning I fent Soliman with the fcabbard to Fidele, and a grievous complaint againft the fuppofed THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 379 fappofed Shekh of the Jehaina for his infolence the night before. Shekh Fidele pretended to be utterly ignorant of the wholes made light of what had pafled, and faid the fel- low was a fool. But a violent altercation took place be- tween him and my fervant black Soliman, who then told him all his mind, threatening him with Yafme's immedi- ate vengeance, and afTuring him he was, before this, fully informed of his behaviour. They, however, both cooled be- fore parting. Fidele only recommended to Soliman to perfuade me to give him 2000 piaftres, without which he fwore I never fhould go alive out of Atbara. Soliman, on the other hand, declared, that I was a man that fet no value upon money, and therefore carried it not about with me, other- wife I fhould not refufe what he defired, but warned him to think well before he uttered fuch expreffions as he now liad done. In the courfe of converfation, as Soliman told me, the Shekh gave him feveral hints, that, if he would agree with him, and help to rob and murder me, he fliould fliare the booty with him, and it never would be known. But So- liman pretended not to underftand this, always affuring him that I was not the man he took me for ; and that, except the king's prefent, all I had was brafs, iron, and glafs bot- tles, of no value to any but myfelf, who only knew how to ufe them. They then finiflied their difcourfe ; and he defired Soliman to tell me, that he expedled me at the ufual hour of 6 o'clock to-morrow evening, which was Friday the loth. This fecmed to me to be an extraordinary appointment, '^becaufe Friday is their feflival, when they eat and drink 3B 2 heartily 38o TRAVELSTODISCOVER heartily, nor did I ever remember any of them take medi- cine upon that day. But with Fidele all was feftival, not even their annual folemn fail of Ramadan did he ever keep, but was univerfally known to be an unbeliever, even in what was called his own religion. I had ftill this further objeftion to wait upon him at night, that he had gone fo far as to folicit Soliman to affift him in murdering me. But I confidered at laft, that we could not efcape from his hands ; and that the only way to avoid the danger was to brave it. Providence, indeed, feemed all along to have referved our deliverance for our own exertions, under its diretSlion, as all the ways we had taken to get relief from others had hitherto, in appearance at leaft, mifcarried. However, it was refolved to go armed, for fear of the worft ; but to conceal our v/eapons, fo as to give no umbrage. I had a fmall Bref- cian blunderbufs, about 22 inches in the barrel, which had a joint in the ftock, fo that it folded double. It hung by an iron hook to a thin belt under my left arm, clofe to my fide, quite unperceivcd, like a cutlafs. I likewife took a pair of piftols in my girdle, and my knife as ufual. All thefe were perfecTrly covered by my burnoofe ; fo that, with a little attention, when I fat down, it was impoffible to dif- eover my having any weapons about me.- Hagi Ifmael the Turk, Soliman my fervant, and two other Moorilh fer- vants, took alfo their fire arms, fmall and great, and fwords,. along with them. We all went to the houfe of th6 Shekh a little before feven o'clock in the evening. I entered the back door into the fquare where the women's houfe was ; but declined going fo far as their apartment without leave, turning to the left hand into the fide of the fquare where he ufually fvaid. I was furprifcd to meet but one fervant, a 2 black THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 381 black boy, in the whole houfe, and he carried me to the Shekh, my fervants remaining at the outer-door. FiDELE was fitting in a fpacious room, in an alcove, on a large broad fofa like a bed, with India curtains gathered on each fide into feftoons. Upon feeing the boy, in a very fur- ly tone he called for a pipe ; and, in much the fame voice, faid to me, " What ! alone ?" I faid, " Yes, what were his commands with me ?" I faw he either was, or affecfted to be, drunk, and which ever was the cafe, I knew it would lead to mifchief ; I therefore repented heartily of having come into the houfe alone. After he had taken two whiiFs of his pipe, and the flate had left the room, " Are you prepared ? fays he ; have you brought the needful -Aoxi^ with you ?" I wilhed to have occa- fion to join Soliman, and anfwered, "My fervants are at the outer door, and have the vomit you wanted." " D — n you and the vomit too, fays h^ with great paflion, I want money, and not poifon. Where are your piafi:res ?" " I am a bad perfon, l\iid I, Fidele, to furnifh you v/ith either. I have neither money nor poifon ; but I advife you to drink a little wariH water to clear your ftomach, cool your head, and then lie down and compofe yoiu-felf, I will fee you to- morrow morning." I was going out. " Hakim, fays he, infidel, or devil, or whatever is your name, hearken to what I fay. Confider where you are; this is the room where Mek Baady, a king, was flain by the hand of my father : look at his blood, where it has fiaiaed the floor, which never could be wafhed out. I am informed you have 20,000 piaf- ters in gold with you; either give me 2000 before you go out of this chamber, or you Ihall die; I will put you to death with. 3^2 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER with my own hand." Upon this he took up his fword, that was lying at the head of his fofa, and, drawing it with a bravado, threw the fcabbard into the middle of the room ; and, tucking the flecve of his fhirt above his elbow like a butcher, faid, " I wait your anfwer." I NOW flept one pace backwards, and dropt the burnoofe behind me, holding the little blunderbufs in my hand, with- out taking it off the belt. I faid, in a firm tone of voice, " This is my anfwcr : I am not a man, as I have told you before, to die like a beail by the hand of a drunkard ; on your life, I charge you, ftir not from your fofa." I had no need to give this injundtion ; he heard the noife which the clofing the joint in the ftock of the blunderbufs made, and thought I had cocked it, and was inftantly to fire. He let his fword drop, and threw himfelfonhis back on the fofa, crying, " For God's fake, Hakim, I was but jelling." At the fame time, with all his might, he cried, *' Brahim f Maho- met! Elcoom! El coom*i" — " If one of your fervants ap- proach me, faid I, that inllant I blow you to pieces ; not one of them lliall enter this room till they bring in my fer- vants with them ; I have a number of them armed at your gate, who will break in the inllant they hear me fire. The women had come to the door. My fervants were admitted, «ach having a blunderbufs in his hand and piilols at his girdle. We were now greatly an overmatch for the Shekh, who fat far back on the fofa, and pretended that all he had done was in joke, in which his fervants joined, f £1 cooni, that 'u, all bis fervatits. THE SOURCE OP THE NILE. 3^3 joined, and a very confufed, defultory difcourfe followed, till the Turk, fherriffe Ifmael, happened to obferve the Shekh's fcabbard of his fword thrown upon the floor, on which he fell into a violent fit of laughter. He fpoke very bad Arabic, mixed with Turkifli, as I have often obferved. He endeavoured to make the Shekh underftand, that drunk- ards and cowards had more need of the fcabbard than the fword ; that he, Fidele, and the other drunkard that came to our houfc two or three nights before, who faid he was Shekh of the Jehaina, were juft poflfefled of the fame por- tion of courage and infolence. As no good could be expected from this expoftulation, I flopt it, and took my leave, defiring the Shekh to go to bed and compofe himfelf, and not try any more of thefe expe- riments, which would certainly end in his fhame, if not in his punifhraent. He made no anfwer, only willied us good night. CHAP. 384 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER g^TTii i„ ^ CHAP. VI. Tranfa6lioiis at Teawa continued — A Moiillahand Sherrtffe arrive from Bey la — News from Ras el Feel and Sennaar — A71 Eclipfe of the Moon — Leave 'Teawa. WE went to the door, through the feveral apartments, very much upon our guard, for there was no per- fon to hght us out, and we were afraid of fome treachery or ambufli in the antichamber and dark paffages ; but we met nobody ; and were, even at the outer gate, obhged to open the door ourfelves. Without the gate there were a- bout twenty people gathered together, but none of them with arms ; and, by the half words and expreffions they made ufe of, we could judge they were not the Shekh's friends. They followed us for a little, but difperfed before we arrived at our houfe. Soliman, my fervant, told me by the way, that the Moullah was arrived, and that the Shekh of Bey la's THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 385 Bey'la's fervant, who had come with him, had been at my houfe ever lince I went to Fidele's. Accordingly we found him ftill there, and explained to him what had happened, and the great diftrefs we had been in from the Moullah's not arriving fooner, as alfo from receiving no melTage either from Sennaar or Ras el Feel. He told us, the reafon of our fervants not joining us was the faife information his maf- ter the Shekh of Beyla had received from Fidele ; that wc were coming by the Dender, and not by Teawa, as already mentioned. He now advifed us to come up, and fhew our- felves in the morning to theMoullah, who would be fitting with Shekh Fidele, adminiilering jullice; but to take no parti- cular notice of him, and only obferve to what his difcourfe pointed, and he would bring us word if any thing more was necelTary. I recommended to this fervant of the Shekh of Beyla that he fliould tell tlie Moullah that he was not to ex- pe6l I was to open my baggage here, but that I was a man who undcrftood perfe6tly the value of a favour done me, and fhould not be in his debt longer than arriving at Beyla, which I wifhed to reach as foon as poffible; nothing can be quicker than thefe people are on the fmalleil hint given ; we feparated, fully fatisfied that we were now a fufficient match for the Shekh, even a: his own weapons. Ever fince the adventure of the Sheldi of theJehaina,onc of us had kept guard, the door being open every night for fear of fire, and it was my turn that night, a poll that I never declined, for the fake of good example ; but my fpirits were fo exhaulled this day, that I gave the old Turk plenty of coffee and tobacco, to undertake, as he did with Vol. IV, 3 C grea- 386 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER great willlngnefs, the office of that night for me. I went to bed, and fell prefently into a profound fleep, from which I was awakened, a little before midnight, by a meflage from the ladies, my patients, in the Shekh's houfe, fent by the black flave that had fpoken in the Abyflinian language to me while I was attending her miftre fs. They advifed me to be upon my guard, for the Shekh was abfolutely refolved to take a fevere revenge upon us all : That after we had left him that evening, an exprefs arrived from the lower part of Atbara, giving him an account that Shekh» Ibrahim, a great man at Sennaar, and favourite of Adelaa the prime minifter, while he was employed in gathering the taxes from the Arabs, had fought with the tribe called Shukorea, fomewhere eaft of Sennaar ; that he had beea completely beaten, and many of his people killed ; as alfo^ that Shekh Ibrahim and his two fons were wounded ; that Shekh Fidele had immediately fent back word, that he had: then with him a furgeon and phyfician, meaning me, who could, upon occalion, even bring a dead man to life, but that 1 would never confent to come to him unlefs I was forced ; therefore, if he would difpatch a fufficient number of armed men, to help him to furprife me in the night, he .would con- du<5t the execution of that fcheme, and would fend me to him; in iron^;^ He faid I was an infidel, a white man from Abyf-^ finia, and had feveraL ftout people with me expert in fire^ arms, (of which I had a number,) who would be of great ufe to him in fubduing the Arabs. They aflured mc, however^ of their friendship, and begged me to confider what I had. Uo do in time, for many wild men would be poured in up-- 0J3. mo, who would not fail to kill me if I rcfifled. A I RETURNEZ^ THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 387 1 RETURNED iTiy mofl humblc thanks to my kind infor- mants ; with a fmall gratification of civet to the two elder ladies, and a feparate portion to the beautiful Aifcach, af- furing them I fhould not fail to profit by any advice they fliould give me. After this I again fell into a found fleep^ which continued till morning ; and, though my affairs had not the moft profperous appearance, I felt a calmnefs of mind to which I had been utterly a flranger ever fmce I had left Ras el Feel. My fervants awakened me in the morning of the nth; I drank coffee, and dreffed, and took along with me Soliman and Ifmael, without arms in our hands, but having knives and piflols in our girdles, to fliew that we had lived in fear. The MouUah's name was Welled Meftah, or the fin of hiterpretat'miy or explanation. He was reputed to have at- tained fuch a degree of holinefs as to work miracles, and, more than once in his life, to have been honoured with the converfation of angels and fpirits, and, at times, to have called the devil into his prefence, and reproved him. He was a man below the middle fize, of a very dark com- plexion, and thin beard, feemingly pafl fixty, hollow-eyed^ and very much emaciated. If holy, we could not fay he was the beauty of holinefs. I tmderftood, afterwards, he was much addicfled to the ufe of opium, to the effedrs of which he probably was indebted for his converfation" with fpirits. He had brought with him another faint, much younger and robufler than himfelf, who had been feveral times at Mecca, and had feen Metical Aga, but did not know him. He had feen likewife the Englifli fhips at Jid- da, and knew the name of the nation, but nothing more* He was a flierriffe, (that is, a defcendant of Mahomet) a de^ 3 C 2 gree J> 88 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER gree of nobility much refpcdted among the Arabs, diiTin=- guifhcd by wearing a green turban; The Davcina, when they burnt all the country between Teawa and Bcyla, faved this man's houfe,effecls,and crop, in veneration of his fancfti*^ ty. Thefe two were fitting on each i\de of Shekh Fidelej and before him ftood two black Haves holding each a mon THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 413 rRere had been another, but not fo great, on the day the Daveina burnt Imgededema, with above thirty other villa- ges, and difperfed or deilroyed about two thoufand inhabi- tants of Atbara. It vi^as now the time to give the Shekh a prefent, and I had prepared one for him, fuch as he very well deferved ; but no intreaty, nor any means I could ufe, could prevail upon him to accept of the mereft trifle. On the contrary, he folemnly fwore, that if I importuned liim further he would get upon his horfe and go into the country. All that he defired, and that too as a favour, was, that, when I had reiled at Sennaar, he might come and confult me fur- ther as to his complaints, for which he promifcd he fliould bring a recompence with him. We then fettled to give his prefent to the Moullah, with which he v/as very well plea- fed, and which he took without any of thofe oifficul- ties the Shekh of Beyla had flarted when it was oiFered to him,. All being friends now, and contented, the day was given to repofe and joy. The king's fervant came and told me, by way of fecret, that we could not do lefs to pjeafe the Shekh than ilay with him a week at Beyia, and I believe it would not have difpleafed him ; but after fo much co- ming and going, fo much occafif?n for talk relative to me, r was refolved to follow Hagi Bclal's advice, and prefs on to Sennaar before affairs there were in a defperate fituation, or fome fcheme of mifchief jQioiild be contrived by Fiddle. One thing Shekh Adeian's fervant told us, that he had, by his mailer's orders, taken from Fidele the prefent I had given him, though he had already made it up into a gown,. * 414 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER or robe, for himfelf. " He is a poor wretch, fays the Shekh of Beyla ; he has fpent two years of the king's revenues from Atbara, and nobody has fupported him except Shekh Adelan, whofe daughter he married, but he now has given him up fmce he has fully known him ; and, if our troubles do not follow quickly, I fuppofe one of thefe days I lliall have him here in his way to Sennaar, never to re- turn ; for everybody knows now that it was in hatred to him, and for the many faithlefs and bad adions he was guilty of, that the Arabs have deftroyed all that part of the country, though they have not burnt a flraw about Beyla." We had again a large and plentiful dinner, and a quan- tity of bouza ; venifon of feveral different fpecies of the antelope or deer-kind, and Guinea-fowls, boiled with rice, the beft part of our fare, for the venifon fmelled and tail- ed ftrongly of mufk. This was the provifion made by the Shekh's two fons, boys about fourteen or fifteen years old, who had got each of them a gun with a match-lock and whofe favour I fecured to a very high degree, by giving them fome good gunpowder, and plenty of fmall leaden bullets. In the afternoon we walked out to fee the village, which is a very pleafant pne, fituated upon the bottom of a hill, covered with wood, all the refl flat before it. Through this plain there are many large timber trees, planted in rows, and joined with high hedges, as in Eu- rope, forming inclofures for keeping cattle ; but of thefe we faw none, as they had been moved to the Dender for ifear of the flies. There is no water at Beyla but what is 4 ^at THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 415^ got from deep wells. Large plantations of Indian corn are everywhere about the town. The inhabitants are in con^ tinual apprehenfion from the Arabs Daveina at Sim Sim, about 40 miles fouth-eaft from them ; and from another powerful- race called Wed abd el Gin, /. e. Son of tbeJJaves of the Devil, who live to the fouth-weft of them, between tho Dender and the Nile. Beyla is another frontier town of Sennaar, on the fide of Sim Sim ; and between Teawa and this, on the Sennaar fide, and Ras el Feel, Nara, and Tchelgaj upon the Abyffinian fide, all is defert and wafte, the Arabs only fufFering the water to remain there without villages- near it, that they and their flocks may come at certain feafons while the grafs grows, and the pools or fprings fill elfewhere. . Although Iwent early to bed with full determination to fet out by day-break, yet I found it was impoffible to puc my defign in execution, or get from the hands of our kind landlord. One of our girbas feemed to fail, and needed to be repaired. Nothing good, as he truly faid, could come from the Shekh of Atbara. A violent difpute had arifen in the evening, after I was gone to bed, over their bouza, be- tween the king's fervant and that of Shekh Adelan. It was about dividing their fees which they had received from Shekh Fidele. This was carried a great length, and it was at laft a- greed that it fliould be determined by the Shekh of Beyla in the morning, when both of them, as might be fuppofed^ Ihould have cooler heads. For my part, 1 took no thought or concern about it, as no circumftance of its origin had been notified to me ; but it took up fo much of our time, that it was after dinner before we were. ready. 4i6 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER On the 21ft of April we kftBeyla at three o'clock in the afternoon, our diredion foiuh-weR, through a very plea- fanr,fiat countr}', but without water ; there had been none in our way nearer than the river Rahad. About eleven at night we al ghted in a wood : The place is called Bahene, as near as we could compute, nine miles from Bey la. On the 22d, at half paft -five o'clock in the morning we left Baherie, iiill continuing weftward, and at nine we came to the banks of the Rahad. The ford is called Tchir Chaira. The river itfelf was now Handing in pools, the water foul, {linking, and covered with a green mantle ; the bottom foft and muddy, but there was no choice. The water at Bcyla was fo bad, that we took only as much as was ab- folutely necelTary till we arrived at running water from the Rahad. We continued half an hour travelling along the river at N. W. and W. N. W. till three quarters pail ten. At noon we agaia met the river Rahad, which now had turned to the wellward of north, and by its fides we pitch- ed our tents near the huts of the Arabs, called Cohala, a ilationary tribe, that do not live in tents, but are tributary to the Mek, and regularly pay all the taxes and exadlions the government of Sennaar lays upon them, and from thefe, therefore, we were not under any apprehenfion. On the 23d, at fix o'clock in the morning we left the Co- hala, continuing along the river Rahad, wiuch here rins a very little to the eallward of north. At three o'clock we alighted at Kumar, another ftacion of the fame Arabs of Co- hala, on the river fide. This river, here called Rahad, or Thunder, winds the moll of any ftream in Abyffinia, It begins not far fiom Tchclga, pajQTes between Kuara and 2 Sennaar, THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 417 Sennaar, feparating Abyllinia from Nubia, and making, with the river Atbara, the Allaboras or Tacazze, and the Nile, a perfedl ifland, whereas before it was only a peninfula. It feems to intercept all the fprings that would go down to the middle of the peninfula, frorn the high country of Abyffinia, and is probably the reafon of the great dearth of water there. While it is in Abyffinia it is called Shimfa. It falls into the Nile at Habharras, about thirty-eight miles north of Sennaar. The quarrel between our two conductors was fo little made up, that the king's fervant would not travel with us, but always went half a day before, and we joined him when we encamped in the evening. We did not pay him the compliment of afking him why he did this, but allowed him to take his own way, which he feemed not to be plea- fed with, giving many hints at night, that he had, all his life, been averfe to the having any thing to do with white people. We fet out at five in the afternoon from Kumar, and in the clofe of the evening met feveral men, on horfcback and on foot, coming out from among the bufhes, who en- deavoured to carry off one of our camels. We indeed were foraewhat alarmed, and were going to prepare for refift- ance. The camel they had taken a way had on it the king's and Shekh Adelan's prefents, and fome other things for our fu- ture need. Our clothes too, books, and papers, were upon the fame camel. Adelan's fervant, though he was at firfl furprifed, did not lofe his prefence of mind ; he foon knew thefe Arabs could not be robbers, and gueffed it to be a piece of malice of the king's fervant to frighten us, and ex- tort money from us, in order to obtain reftitution of the camel. He therefore rode up to one of the villages of the Vol. IV. 3 G Arabs 4i8 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER Arabs, to aflc them who thofe were that had ^ taken away ourcamcL In one of the huts he found the king's fervant regaling himfelf ; upon which he faid to him, " I fuppofe, Mahomet; you have taken charge of that camel, and will hring it with you to Sennaar; it has your mafter's prefctits, and mine alfo, upon it:" and faying this, he rode off to join us, and to punilh thofe that had taken the camel, who, we were fure after this notification, muft follow us. We kept on at a verv briflc pace, for it was eleven o'clock before they came up to where we were encamped for the night, bring- ing our camel, which they had taken, along with them, with an Arab on horfebaek, attended with two on foot, and with them the king's fervant. I did not fcem at all to have underftood the affair, only that robbers had taken away our camel. But it did not fit fo eafy upon the Arabs, who did not know there wa& any with us but the king's fervant, and v/ho wanted to frighten us for not making them a pre- fent for eating their grafs and drinking their water. At jEirft, Adelan's fervant refufed to take the camel again upon any terms, infifting that the Cohala ffiould carry it to vSen^ naar ; but, after a great many words, I determined to make peace, upon condition they fliould furnifh us with milk, wherever they had cattle, till we arrived at Sennaar. This was very readily confented to ; and as this affair probably was owing to the malice of the king's fervant, lb it ended: without further trouble. On the 24th, we fet out at half after five in the morfi> ing, and paffed through fevcral fmall villages of Cohala on the right and on the left, till at eleven- we came to the ri- ver THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 419 •verDender, Handing now in pools, but by the vail widenefs of its banks, and the great deepnefs of its bed, all of white fand, it fliould feem that in time of rain it will contain near- ly as much water as the Nile. The banks are everywhere thick overgrown with the rack and jujeb tree, efpecially the latter. The wood, which had continued moftly from Beyla, here failed us entirely, and reached no further towards Sen- naar. Thefe two forts of trees, however, were in very great beauty, and of a prodigious fize. Here we found the main body of Cohala, with all their cattle, living in perfe6t le- curity both from Arabs and from the plague of the fly. They were as good as their word to us in fupplying us plentifully with excellent milk, which we had fcarcelyever tailed fince we left Gondar. At fix o'clock in the evening of the 24th we fet out from a fliady place of repofe on the banks of the Dender, through a large plain, with not a tree before us ; but we prefently found ourfelves encompalTed with a number of villages, nearly of a fize, and placed at equal diftances in form of a femi-circle, the roofs of the houfes in fliape of cones, as are all thofe within the rains. The plain was all of a red, foapy earth, and the corn juft fown. This whole country is in perpetual cultivation, and though at this time it had a bare look, would no doubt have a magnificent one when waving with grain. At nine we halted at a village of Pagan Nuba. 1 hefe are all foldiers of the Mek of Sennaar, cantoned in thefe villages, which, at the dillance of four or five miles, furround the whole capital. They are either purchafed or taken by force from Fazuclo, and the provin- ces to the fouth upon the mountains Dyre and Tegla. Ha- ving fettlcmcnts and provifions given them, as alfo arms 3 G 2 put 420 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER put in their hands, they never wifh to defert, but live a very domeftic and fober life. Many of them that I have converfed with feem a much gentler fort of negro than thofe from Bahar el Aice, that is, than thofe of whom the Funge, or government of Sennaar, are compofed. These have fmall features likewife, but are woolly- headed, and flat-nofed, like other negroes, and fpeak a lan- guage rather pleafant and fonorous, but radically different from many I have heard. Though the Mek, and their mafters at Sennaar, pretend to be Mahometans, yet they have never attempted to convert thefe Nuba ; on the con- trary, they entertain, in every village, a certain number of Pagan prielts, who have foldiers pay, and aflift them in the offices of their religion. Not knowing their language per- feiftly, nor their cufloms, it is impollible to fay any thing about their religion. Very few of the common fort of them fpeak Arabic. A falfe account, in thefe cafes, is al- ways worfe than no account at all. I never found one of their priefts who could fpeak fo much Arabic as to be able to give any information about the obje(5ls of their worfliip in diflinc^ and unequivocal terms ; but this was from my not underftanding them, and their not underflanding me, not from any defire of concealment, or fhynefs on their part ; on the contrary, they feemed always inclined to agree with me, when they did not comprehend my meaning, and there is the danger of being mifmformed. They pay adoration to the moon ; and that their worfhip is performed with pleafure and fatisfadlion, is obvious eve- ry night that flie fliines. Comiiag out from the darknefs of their THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 421 their huts, they fay a few words upon feeing her bright- nefs, and teftify great joy, by motions of tiieir feet and hands, at the fir(l appearance of the new moon. I never faw them pay any attention to the fun, either rifing or fet- ting, advancing to or receding from the meridian ; but, as far as I could learn, they worihip a tree, and likewife a Hone, tho' I never could find out wiiat tree or Hone it was, only that it did not exift in the country of Sennaar, but in that where they were born. Their priells feenied to have great influence over them, but through fear only, and not from affedtion. They are dillinguiihed by thick copper bracelets about their wrifts, as aUb fometimes one, and. fometimes two about their ancles. These villages are called Dahera, which feems to me to be the fame word as Daflirah, the name given to the Kabyles, or people in Barbary, who live in fixed huts on the mountains. But not having made myfelf mailer enough of the Kabyles language when in Barbary, and being totally ignorant of that of the Nuba we are now fpeaking of, I cannot pretend to purfue this refemblance farther. They are immoderately fond of fvyine's flelli, and maintain great herds of them in their polTellion. The hogs are of a fmall kind, generally marked with black and white, exceedingly prolific, and exactly refembling a fpe- cies of that kind common in the north of Scotland. The Nuba are not circumcifed. They very rarely turn Maho- metans, but the generality of their children do. Few of them advance higher than to be foldiers and officers in their own corps. The Mek maintains about twelve thou- fand of rhefe near Sennaar, to keep the Arabs in fubjetftion. They are very quiet, and fcarcely ever known to be guilty of. 422 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER of any robberies or mutinous diforders, declaring always for the mafter, that is, the great one fet over them. There is no running water in all that immenle plain they inha- bit, it is all procured from draw-wells. We faw them cleaning one, which I meafured, and was nearly eight fa- thoms deep. In a climate fo violently hot as this, there is very little need of fuel, neither have they any, there being no turf, or any thing refembling it, in the coun- try, no wood, not even a tree, fmce we had palled the ri- ver Dender. However, they never eat their meat raw as in Abyflinia ; but with the ilalk of the dora, or millet, and the dung of camels, they make ovens under ground, in which thcy^'oaft their hogs whole, in a very cleanly, and not difagreeable manner, keeping the fkins on till they are perfed;ly baked. They had neither flint nor ileel wherewith to light their fire at firft, but do it in a manner flill more expeditious, by taking afmall piece of flick, and making a fliarp point to it, which they hold perpendicular, and then make a fmall hole of nearly the fame fize in an- other piece of flick, which they lay horizontal ; they put the one within the other, and, between their two hands, they tvun the perpendicular flick, (in the fame man- ner that we do a chocolate mill) when both thefe flicks take fire, and flame in a moment upon the fridion ; fo perfectly dry and prepared is everything here upon the furface to take fire, notwirhflanding they are every year fubjc<5t to fix months r^in. On the 25th, at four o'clock in the afternoon we fet out from the villages of the Nuba, intending to arrive at Baf- boch, where is the ferry over the Nile ; but we had fcarcely advanced two miles into the plain, when we were inclofed i by THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 423 ■ \ By a violent wliirlwind, or what is called at fea the water- fpout. The plain was red earth, which had been plentiful^ ly moiilened by a Ihower in the n ght-time. The unfortu- nate camel that had been taken by ihe Cohala feemed to be nearly in the center of its vortex It was lifted and thrown down at a confiderable diftance, and feveral of its ribs bro- ken. Although, as far as I could guefs, I was not- near the center, it whirled me off my feet, and threw me down upoa my face, fo as to make my nofe gufli out with blood. Two of the fervants likewifc had the fame fate. It plaiftered us all over with mud, almoft as fmoothly as could have been done with a. troweL It took away my fenfe and breathing for an inftant, and my motuh and nofe were full of mud when I recovered. I guefs the fphere of its a6lion to be about 200 feet. It demoliihed one half of a fmall hut as if it had been cut through with a knife, and difperfed the ma- terials all over the plain, leaving; the other half Handing, As foon as we recovered ourfelves, we took refuge in a village, from fear only, for we faw no veftige of any other ■whirlwind. It involved a great quantity of rain, which the Nuba of the villages told us was very fortunate, and por- tended good luck to us, and a profperous journey ; for they faid, that had duft and fand arifen with the whirlwind, in the fame proportion it would have done had not the earth been moiftened, we lliould all infallibly have been fu£- focated ; and they cautioned us, by faying, that tem- pefts were very frequent in the beginning and end of the rainy feafon, and whenever we fhould fee one of them co- ming, to fall down upon our faces, keeping our lips clofe to the ground, and lb let it pafs ; and thus it would neither have. 424 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER have power to carry us off our feet, nor fuffocate us, which was the ordinary cafe. Our kind landlords, the Nuba, gave us a hearty welcome, and helped us to wafh our clothes firft, and then to dry them. When I was ftripped naked, they faw the blood ninning from my nofe, and faid, they could not have thought that one fo white as me could have been capable of bleeding. They gave us a piece of roafted hog, which we ate, (except Ifmael and the Mahometans) very much to the fatisfa(5tion of the Nuba. On the other hand, as our camel was lame, we ordered one of our Mahometan fervants to kill it, and take as much of it as would ferve themfelves that night; we alfo provided againft wanting ourfelves the next day. The reft we^ave among our new-acquired acquaintance, the Nu- ba of the village, who did not fail to make a feaft upon it for feveral days after ; and, in recompence for our liberality, they provided us with a large jar of bouza, not very good, indeed, but better than the well-water. This I repaid by tobacco, beads, pepper, and ftibium, which I faw plain- ly was infinitely more than they expedled. Although we had been a good deal furprifed at the fudden and violent effedis of the whirlwind of that day, and feverely felt the bruifes it had occafioned, yet we paffed a very focial and agreeable evening ; thofe only of the Nuba who had been any time at Sennaar fpeak a bad kind of Arabic, as well as their own language. I had feldom, in my life, upon a journey, pafifed a more comfortable night. I had a very neat, clean hut, entirely to myfelf, and a Greek fervant that fat near me. Some of the Nuba watched for us all night, and took care of our beafts and baggage. They fung and 3 replied THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 425 replied to one another alternately, In notes full of pleafant melody, Ei can tare pares Sff refpondere paral't — Virgil. till I fell fall afleep, involuntarily, and with regret, for, tho' bruifed, we were not fatigued, but rather difcouraged, ha- ving gone no further than two miles that day. The landlord of the hut where I was afleep having pre- pared for our fafety and that of our baggage, thought him- felf bound in duty to go and give immediate information to the prime minifter of the unexpedled guells that then oc- cupied his houfe. He found Adelan at fupper, but was im- mediately admitted, and a variety of quellions afked him, which he anfwered fully. He defcribed our colour, our number, the unufual lize and number of our fire-arms, the poornefs of our attire, and, above all, our great chearful- nefs, quietnefs, and affability, our being contented with eat- ing any thing, and in particular mentioned the hogs flefh. One man then prefent, teflifying abhorrence to this, Adelan faid of me to our landlord, " Why, he is a foldier and a Kafr like yourfelf. A foldier and a Kafr, when travelling in a ftrange country, fliould eat every thing, and fo does every other man that is wife ; has he not a fervant of mine with him ?" He anfwered, " Yes, and a fervant of the king too ; but he had left them, and was gone forward to Sennaar." " Go you with them, fays he, and flay with them at Baf- boch till I have time to fend for them to town." He had returned from Aira long before we arofe^ and told us the converfation, which was great comfort to us all, for we Vol. IV. 3 H were 426 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER were not much pleafed with the king's fervant going be- fore, as we had every reafon to think he was difaiFecftcd to- wards us. On the 26th, at fix o'clock in the morning, we fet out from this village of Nuba, keeping fomething to the wcfl- ward of 8. W. our way being ftill acrofs this immenfe plain. All the morning there were terrible llorms of thunder and lightning, fome rain, and one fliower of fo large drops that it wet us to the fkin in an inflant. It was quite calm, and every drop fell perpendicularly upon us. I think I never in my life felt fo cold a rain, yet it was not difa- greeable ; for the day was clofe and hot, and we fliould have wiflied every now and then to have had fo moderate a refrigeration ; this, however, was rather too abundant. The villages of the Nuba were, on all fides, throughout this plain. At nine o'clock we arrived at Baiboch, which is a large collection of huts of thefe people, and has the ap- pearance of a town. The governor, a venerable old man of about feventy, who was fo feeble that he could fcarcely walk, received us with great complacency, only faying, when I took him by the hand, " O Chriftian ! what dofl thou, at fuch a time, in fuch a country ?" I was furprifed at the politcnefs of his fpeech, when he called me Nazarani, the civil term for Chriftian in the eaft ; whereas Infidel is the general term among thefe brutifli people; but it feems he had been fe- veral times at Cairo. I had here a very clean and comfort- able hut to lodge in, though we were fparingly fupplied with provifions all the time we were there, but never were fuiTercd to faft a whole day together. Basboch THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 4^7 Basboch is on the eallern bank of the Nile, not a quarter of a mile-from the ford below. The river here runs north and fouth ; towards the fides ir is fliallow, but deep in the middle of the current, and in this part it is much infefted with crocodiles. Sennaar is two miles and a half S. S. W. of it. We heard the evening drum very diftinctly, and not with- out anxiety, when we refleiSted to what a brutilh people, ac- cording to all accounts, we were about to truft ouifclves. The village of Aira, where the vizir Adelan had then his quarters, was three miles fouth and by well. Next morning, the 27th, Shekh Adelan's fervant left us to the charge of the Nuba, to give his mailer an account of his journey, and our fafe arrival. He found Mahomet, the king's fervant, our other guide, before him there, and Adelan well informed of all that had pafled relating to Fi- dele, though not from Mahomet ; for as loon as he began to mention that he had found us at Teawa, Adelan faid in a very angry lliie, " Will no one fave me the difgrace of hang- ing that wretch ?" Adelan fent back his fervant to inform us, that, two days afterwards, we fliould be admitted. Ma- homet, the king's fervant, too, came back with him, and fiaid till the evening ; then he returned to Sennaar ; but he did not give us the fatisfa(ftion to tell us one word of what the king had faid to him about us, or how we were likely to be received, leaving us altogether in fuf- pence. On the 29th, leave was fcnt us to enter Sennaar. It was not without fome difficjiilty that we got our quadrant and heavy baggage fafely carried down the hill, for the banks are very fteep to the edge of the water. The intention of 3 H 2 our 428 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER our afTiftants was to Hide the quadrant down the hill, in its cafe, which would have utterly deftroyed it ; and as our boat was but a very indifferent embarkation, it was obliged to make feveral turns to and fro before we got all our feveral packages landed on the weftern fide. This aflemblage, and, the paffage of our camels, feemed to have excited the appe- tite, or the curiofity, of the crocodiles. One, in particu- lar, fwam feveral times backwards and forwards along the fide of the boat, without, however, making any attack upon any of us ; but, being exceedingly tired of fuch com- pany, upon his fecond or third venture over, I fired at him with a rifle- gun, and fliot him diredlly under his fore fhoul-. der in the belly. The wound was undoubtedly mortal, and; Very few animals could have lived a moment after recei- ving it. He, however, dived to the bottom, leaving the wai- ter deeply tinged with his blood. Nor did we fee him again at that time ; but the people at the ferry brought him to me the] day after, having found him perfe6lly dead. He was about twelve feet long ; and the boatmen told me that thefe are by much the mofl: dangerous, being more fierce and ac-- tivc than the large ones. The people of Sennaar eat the crocodile, efpecially the Nuba. I never tailed it myfelf, but it looks very much like Congor eel.. =^S^= CHAa THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 429^ ^m, ' ■ „., :i^ GHAP. VIII. Conver/atim ivli/j the King — With Shekh Addan^ — Interview with the Kt?igs Ladies^ &C. &c. WE were condudled by Adelan's fervant to a very fpaci- ous good houfc belonging to the Shekh himfclf, ha- ving two ftoreys, a long quarter of a mile from the king's pa- lace. He left a meffage for us to rcpofe ourfelves, and in a, day or two to wait upon the king, and that he fliould fend to tell us v/hen we were to come to him. This we re- folved to have complied with moll exadlly ; but the very next morning, the 30th of April, there came a fervant from the palace to fummon us to wait upon the king, which we imrr.ediately obeyed. I took with me three fervants, black Soliman, Ifmael the Turk, and my Greek fervant Michael. The palace covers a prodigious deal of ground. It is all of one ftorey, built of clay, and the floors of earth. The cham- bers through which we pafled ^ere all unfurniflied, and. feemed 430 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER feemed as if a great many of them had formerly been def- tined as barracks for foldiers, of whom I did not fee above fifty on guard. The king was in a fmall room, not twenty feet fquare, to which we afcended by two fhort flights of narrow Heps. The floor of the room was covered with broad fquare tiles ; over it was laid aPerflan carpet, and the walls hung with tapeflry of the fame country ; the whole very well kept, and in good order. The king was fitting upon a matrefs, laid on the ground, which was likewife covered with a Perfian carpet, and round him was a number of cufliions of Venetian cloth of gold. His drefs did not correfpond with this magnificence, for it was nothing but a large, loofe ftiirt of Surat blue cotton cloth, which feemed not to differ from the fame worn by his fervants, except that, all round the edges of it, the feams were double-Hitched with white filk, and likewife round the neck. His head was uncovered ; he wore his own fliort black hair, and was as white in colour as an Arab. He feemed to be a man about thirty-four, his feet were bare, but co- vered by his fliirt. He had a very plebeian countenance, on which was ftamped no decided character ; I fliould rather guefs him to be a foft, timid, irrefolute man. At my co- ming forward and kifling his hand, he looked at me for a mmute as if undetermined what to fay. He then aflced for an Abyfiinian interpreter, as there are many of thefe about the palace. I faid to him in Arabic, " That I apprehended I tinderftood as much of that language as would enable me to anfwer any quefl.ion he had to put to me," Upon which he turned to the people that were with him, " Downright Arabic, indeed! You did not learn that language in Habefli?'* faid he to me. I anfwered, " No ; I have been in Egypt, I Turke/j THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 431 Turkey, and Arabia, where I learned it ; but I have Hkewife often fpoken it in Abyffinia, where Greek, Turkilh, and fe- veral other languages, were ufed." He faid, " Impoilible ? he did not think they knew any thing of languages, except- ing their own, in Abyffinia." There were fitting in the fide of the room, oppofite to him, four men drefiTed in white cotton fliirts, with a white fhaul covering their heads and part of their face, by which it was known they were religious men, or men of learning, or of the law. One of thefe anfwered the king's doubt of the Abyffinians knowledge in languages. " They have languages enough; and you know that Habefli is called the paradife of afTes." During this converfation, I took the llierrifFe of Mecca's letter, alfo one from the king of Abyffinia; I gave him the king's firfl, and then the flierriiFe's. He took them both as I gave them, but laid afide the king's upon a cufhion, till he had read the fher- riffe's. After this he read the king's, and called immediate- ly again for an Abyffinian interpreter ; upon which I faid no- thing, fuppofmg, perhaps, he might chufe to make him de- liver feme meflage to me in private, which he woidd not have his people hear. But it was pure confufion and ab- fence of mind, for he never fpoke a word to him when he came. " You are a phyfician and a foldier," fays the king. " Both, in time of need," faid I. " But the flierrifTe's letter tells me alfo, that you are a nobleman in the fcrvice of a great king that they call Englife-man, who is mafter of all the Indies, and who has Mahometan as well as Chriflian fubjccfls, and allows them all to be governed by their own laws."—" Though I never faid fo to the flier- riiTe, replied I, yet it is true ; I am as noble as any inchVi- duai 432 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER dual in my nation, and am alfo fervant to the greatell king now reigning upon earth, of whofe dominions, it is likewife truly faid, thefe Indies are but a fmall part." — *' The greatell king ! fays he that fpofce about the aiTes, you fhould not fay that : You forgot the grand lignior ; there are four, Otman, Ferfee, Bornow, and Habelh." — " I neither forgot the grand lignior, nor do him wrong, re- plied I. What I have faid, I have faid." — " Kafrs and flaves ! all of them, fays Ifmael ; there is the Turk, the king of England, and the king of France ; what kings are Bornow and the reft? — Kafrs." — " How comes it, fays the king, you that are fo noble and learned, that you know all things, all languages, and fo brave that you fear no dan- ger, but pafs, with two or three old men, into fuch coun- tries as this and Habefh, where Baady my father perifhed with an army? how comes it that you do not flay at home and enjoy yourfelf, eat, drink, take pleafure and reft, and not wander like a poor man, a prey to every danger ?" — " You, Sir, I replied, may know fome of this fort of men ; certainly you do know them ; for there are in your religion, as well as mine, men of learning, and thofe too of great rank and nobility, who, on account of fins they have com- mitted, or vows they have made, renounce the world, its riches and pleafures : They lay down their nobility, and become humble and poor, fo as often to be infuked by wicked and low men, not having the fear of God before their eyes." — *' True, thefe are Dervifli," faid the other three men. " I am then one of thefe Dervifli, faid I, content with the bread that is given me, and bound for fome years to travel in hardfliips and danger, doing all the good I can to poor and rich, ferving every man, and hurting none." " Tybe ! that is well," fays the king. " And how long 4 have THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 433 have you been travelling about ?" adds one of the others. *' Near twenty years," faid I. — " You muft be very young, fays the king, to have committed fo many fins, and fo early ; they muft all have been with women ?" — " Part of them, 1 fuppofe, were, replied I ; but I did not fay that I was one of thofe who travelled on account of their fins, but that there were fome Derviflies that did fo on account of their vows, and fome to learn wifdom." He now made a fign, and a flave brought a cufliion, which I v;ould have refufed, but he forced me to fit down upon it. I FOUND afterwards who the three men were who had joined in our converfation ; the firll was Ali Mogrebi, a na- tive of Morocco, who was Cadi, or chief judge at Sennaar, and was then fallen into difgrace with the two brothers, Mahomet Abou Kalec, governor of Kordofan,and ShekhAde- ian, prime minifler at Sennaar, then encamped at Aira at the head of the horfe and Nuba, levying the tax upon the Arabs as they went down, out of the limits of the rains, into the fandy countries below Atbara to protect their cattle from the fly. Another of thefe three was Cadi of Kordofan, in the interell of Mahomet Abou Kalec, and fpy upon the king. The third was a faint in the neighbourhood, confervator of a large extent of ground, where great crops of dora not only grow, but when threflied out are likewife kept in large excavations called Matamores ; the place they call Shaddly. This man was efteemed another Jofeph among the Funge, who accumulated grain in years of plenty, that he might diflribute it at fmall prices among the poor when fcarcity carne. He was held in very great reverence in the neigh- bourhood of Sennaar. Vol. IV. . 3 1 .Th£ 434 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER The cadi then afkcd me, " If I knew when Haguige Ma-i giu;;c was to come ?" Remembering my old learned friend' at Teawa, I fcarce could forbear laughing. " I have no Willi to know any thing about him, faid I ;. I hope thofo- days are far off,, and w-iil not. happen in my time." "Whac do your books fay concerning him ? (fays he, affecting:, a great look of wifdom) Do they agree with ours ?" " I don't' know that, faid I, till I hear what is written in your books." " Hagiuge Magiuge, fays he, are little people,. not fo big, asf bees, or like the zimb, or fly of Sennaar, that come in great fwarms out of the earth, aye, in multitudes that cannot be counted ; two of their chiefs are to ride upon an afs, and eve- ry hair of that afs is to be a pipe, and every pipe is to play a different kind of mufic, and all that hear and follow tliem are carried to hell." " I know them not, faid. I, and, in the name of the Lord, I fear them not, were they twice as little as you fay they are, and twice as numerous. I truft in God I fhall ne\^r be fo fond of mufic as to go to hell after an afs for all the tunes that he or they can play." The king laughed violently.. I rofe to go away, fori was heartily ti- red of the converfation. I whifpered the AbylFmian fervant in Amharic, to alk when I fhould bring a. trifle I had to offer the king. He faid, Not that night, as I fhould be tired, but defired that I fhould now go home, and he would fend me notice when to come. I accordingly went away, and found a number of people in the ftreet,.all having fome taunt or affronting matter to fay. I paffed through the great fquare before the palace, and could not help fliuddering-, upon reflecftion, at what had happened in that fpot to the Unfortunate M. du Roule and his companions, though un«. ■der a protei5lion v/hich fhould have fecured them from all datjgcr, every part of which I was then unprovided with. TiiE THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. ^X5 The drum beat a little after fix o'clock in the evening. "vVe then had a very comfortable dinner fent us, camels flelh ftewed with an herb of a vifcous ilimy fubftance, called Bammia. After having dined, and finiftied the journal of the day, I fell to unpacking my inilruments, the barometer and thermometer firft, and, after having hung them up, was converfmg with Adelan's fervant when I fhould pay my vifit to his mailer. About eight o'clock came a fervant from the palace, telling me now was the time to bring the pre- fent to the king. I forted the feparate articles with all the fpeed I could, and we went diredlly to the palace. The king was then fitting in a large apartment, as far as I could guefs, at fome diftancc from the former. He was na- ked, but had feveral clothes lying upon his knee, and about him, and a fervant was rubbing him over with very ftinking butter or greafe, with which his hair was dropping as if wet with water. Large as the room was, it could be fmell- ed through the whole of it. The king afked me, If ever I greafed myfelf as he did ? I faid, Very feldom, but fancied it would be very expenfive. He then told me. That it was elephants greafe, which made people flrong, and preferved the flcin very fmooth. I faid, 1 thought it very proper, but could not bear the fmell of it, though m.y fkin fhould turn as rough as an elephant's for the want of it. He faid, " If I had ufed it, ray hair would not have turned fo red as it was, and that it would all become white prefently when that rednefs came off. You may fee the Arabs driven in here by the Daveina, and all their cattle taken from them, becaufe they have no longer any greafe for their hair. The fun firil turns it red and then perfectly white ; and you'll know them in the flreet by their hair being the colour 3 I 2 of 436 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER of yours. As for the fmell, you will fee that cured pre- fently." After having rubbed him abundantly with greafe, they brought a pretty large horn, and in it fomething fcent- cd, about as liquid as honey. It was plain that civet was a great part of the compofition. The king went out at the door, I fuppofe into another room, and there two men deluged him over with pitchers of cold water, whilll, as I imagine, he was ftark-naked. He then returned, and a ilave anointed him with this fweet ointment ; after which he fat down, as completely drefled, being jull going to his women's apartment where he was to fup. I told him I won- dered why he did not ufe rofe- water as in Abyllinia, Arabia, and Cairo. He faid, he had it often from Cairo, when the merchants arrived ; but as it was now long fmce any came, his people could not make more, for the rofe would not grow in his country, though the women made fomething like it of lemon- flower. His toilet being finiflied, Ithen produced my prefcnt which I told him the king of Abylfmia had fent to him, hoping that, according to the faith and cuftom of nations, he would not only proteifl me while here, but fend me fafely and fpcedily out of his dominions into Egypt. He anfwered, There was a time when he could have done all this, and more, but thofe times were changed. Sennaar was in ruin, and was not like what it once Avas. He then ordered fome perfumed forbet to be brought for me to drink in his pre- fence, which is a pledge that your perfon is in fafery. I there- upon withdrew, and he went to his ladies. THE SOURCE OFTHENILE. 437 It was not till the eighth of May I had my audience of Shekh Adelan at Aira, which is three miles and a half from Sennaar; we walked out early in the morning, for the greateft part of the way along the fide of the Nile, which had no beauty, being totally divefted of trees, the bottom foul and muddy, and the edges of the water white with fmall concretions of calcarious earth, which, with the bright fun upon them, dazzled and affedled our eyes very much. We then ftruck acrofs a large fandy plain without trees or buflies, and came to Adelan's habitation ; two or three^ very confiderable houfes of one ftorey occupied the middle of a large fquare, each of whofe fides was at leaft half of an Engliih mile, hiftead of a wall to inclofe this fquare, was a high fence or impalement of ftrong reeds, canes, or ilalks of dora, (I do not know which) in fafcines ilrongly joined together by flakes and cords. On the outfidc of the gate, on each hand, were fix houfes of a flighter conflru(5tion than the reft; clofeupon the fence were iheds where the fol- diers lay, the horfes picqueted before them with their heads turned towards the ilieds, and their food laid before them on the ground ; above each loldier's fleeping-place, co- vered only on the top and open in the fides, were hung a lance, a fmall oval fhield, and a large broad-fword. Thefe, I underftood, were chiefly quarters for couriers, who being Arabs, were not taken into the court or fquare, but fliut out, at night. Within the gate was a number of horfes, with the fol- dicrs barracks behind them ; they were all picqueted in ranks, their faces to their mailers barracks. It was one of the finefl: fights 1 ever faw of the kind. They were all above lixteen. 4j8 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER fixteen hands high, of the breed of the old Saracen horfes, all finely made, and as llrong as our coach-horfes, but ex- ceedingly nimble in their motion ; rather thick and fliort in the forehand, but with the moil beautiful eyes, ears, and heads in the world ; they were moflly black, fome of them black and white, fome of them milk- white foaled, fo not white by age, with white eyes and white hoofs, not per- haps a great recommendation. A STEEL fliirt of mail hung upon each man's quarters oppofite to his horfe, and by it an antelope's fkin made foft like Ihamoy, with which it was covered from the dew of the night. A head-piece of copper, without crell or plumage, was fufpended by a lace above the fliirt of mail, and was the moft pidlurefque part of the trophy. To thefe was add- ed an enormous broad-fword in a red leather fcabbard ; and upon the pummel hung two thick gloves, not divided into fingers as ours, but like hcdgers gloves, their finders in one poke. They told me, that, within that inclofure at Aira, there were 400 horfes, which, with the riders, and ar- mour complete for each of them, were all the property of Shekh Adelan, every horfeman being his flave, and bought with his money. There were five or h^ (I know not which) of thefe fquares or inclofures,noneof them.half amile from the othei-, which contained the king's horfes, flaves, and fer- vants. -Whether they were all in as good order as Adelan's 1 cannot fay, for I did not go further ; but no body of horfe could ever be more magnillcently difpofed^under the direc- tion of any Ghriftian power. Adelan was then fitting upon a piece of the trunk of a palm-tree, in the front of one of thefe divifions of liis hor- 2 fcs, THE S OU R G E OE T HE N I'L E. 43<> fes,. which he feemed to be contemplating with pleafure ; a-- number of black people, his own fervants and friends, were- ftanding around him. He had. on a long drab-coloured- camlet gown, lined with yellow fattin, and a camlet cap like a head piece, with two fliort poinis that covered his ears. This, it feems, was his drefs when he rofe early in? the morning to vilit his horfes, which he never negleded; The Shekh was a' man above fix- feet high, and rather cor^ pulent, had a heavy walk, feemingly more from affectation: of grandeur than want of agility. He was about fixty, o^ the colour and features of an Arab< and not of a Negro, but had rather more beard than falls to the lot of people in this country; large piercing eyes, and a determined, tho', at the fame time, a very pleafmg countenance. Upon my coming near him he got up, " You that are a horfeman, (fays he, without any falutation) what would your king of Habefh give for thefe horfes ?"— What king, anfwercd 1, in the fame tone, would not give any price for fuch horfes if he knew their value >"—^' Well, replies he, in a lower- voice, to the people about him, if we are forced to go to Habefh (as Baady was) we will carry our horfes along with lis." I underilood by this he alluded to the ilTue of his approaching quarrel with the king. We then went into a large faloon, hung round with mirrors and fcarlet damailc ; in one of the longed fides, were two large fofa's covered with crimfon and yellow damaflc, and large cufliions of cloth of gold, like to the king's. He now pulled off his camlet gown and cap, and remained in a crimfon fattin coat reaching down below his knees, which lapped over at the breaft, and was girt round his waiO with a fcarf or fafli, in which he had ftuck a fhoPt ' tlagger in an ivory Iheath, mounted with gold ; and one of the- 440 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER the largefl and mod beautiful amethyfls upon his finger that ever I faw, mounted plain, without any diamonds, and a fmall gold ear-ring in one of his ears. " Why have you come hither, fays he to me, without arms, and on foot, and without attendants ?" Tagotibe. " I was told that horfes were not kept at Sennaar, and brought none with me." Adclan. " You fuppofe you have come through great dangers, and fo you have. But what do you think of me, who am day and night out in the fields, furrounded by hundreds and thoufands of Arabs, all of whom would eat me alive if they dared ?" I anfwered, " A brave man, ufed to command as you are, does not look to the number of his enemies, but to their abilities; a wolf does not fear ten thou- fand fheep more than he does one." Ad. " True ; look out at the door ; thefe are their chiefs whom I am now taxing, and I have brought them hither that they may judge from v/hat they fee whether I am ready for them or not." Tag. " You could not do more properly ; but, as to my own af- fairs, I wait upon you from the king of AbyiTmia, defiring fafe conduct through your country into Egypt, with his roy- al promife, that he is ready to do the like for you again, or any other favour you may call upon him for." He took the letter and read it. Ad. " The king of Abyfilnia may be af- fured I am always ready to do more for him than this. It is true, fince the mad attempt upon Sennaar, and the next ilill madder, to replace old Baady upon the throne, we have had no formal peace, but neither are we at war. We un- derftand one another as good neighbours ought to do ; and what eife is peace ?" Yog. " You know I am a ftranger and traveller, feeking my way home. I have nothing to do with peace or war between nations. All I beg is a fafe con- 3 dud THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 44? duifl through your kingdom, and the rights of hofpitality beftowed in fuch cafes on every common flranger ; and one of the favours I beg is, your acceptance of a fmall prefent. I bring it not from home ; I have been long abfent from thence, or it would have been better." Ad, " I'll not re- fufe it, but it is quite unnecefTary. I have faults like other men, but to hurt, or ranfom flrangcrs, was never one of them. Mahomet Abou Kalec, my brother, is however a much better man to ftrangers than I am; you will be lucky if you meet him here ; if not, I will do for you what I can when once the confufion of thefe Arabs is over. I GAVE him the flierrifFe's letter, which he opened, looked at, and laid by without reading, faying only, " Aye, Metical is a good man, he fometimes takes care of our people going to Mecca ; for my part, I never was there, and proba- bly never fliall." I then prefented my letter from Ali Bey to him. He placed it upon his knee, and gave a flap upon it with his open hand. Ad. " What ! do you not know, have you not heard, Mahomet Abou Dahab, hisHafnadar, has rebelled againfl: him, banifhed him out of Cairo, and now fits in his place? But don't be difconcerted at that, I know you to be a man of honour and prudence ; if Maho- met, my brother, does not come, as foon as I can get leifurc I will difpatch you." The fcrvant that had conduded me to Sennaar, and was then with us, went forward clofe to him, and faid, in a kind of whifper, " Should he go often to the king ?" — " When he pleafes ; he may go to fee the town, and take a walk, but never alone, and alfo to the pa- lace, that, when he returns to his own country, he may report he faw a king at Sennaar, that neither knows how to govern, nor will fuiFer others to teach him ; who knows Vol. IV. 3 K not 442 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER not how to make war, and yet will not fit in peace." I then took my leave of him, but there was a plentiful break- fall in the other room, to which he fent us, and which went far to comfort Hagi Ifmael for the misfortune of his patron Ali Bey. At going out, I took my leave by kiffing his hand, which he fubmitted to without reluctance. " Shekh, faid I, when I pafs thefe Arabs in the fquare, I hope it will not difoblige you if I converfe with fome of them out of curiofity ?" Ad. " By no means, as much as you pleafe ; but don't let them know where they can find you at Sennaar, or they will be in your houfe from morn- ing till night, will eat up all your victuals, and then, in return, will cut your throat if they can meet you upon your journey." I RETURNED liomc to Scunaar, very well pleafed with my reception at Aira. I had not fecn, fmce 1 left Gondar, a man fo open and frank in his manners, and who fpoke without difguife what apparently he had in his heart ; but he was exceedingly engaged in bufmefs, and it was of fuch extent that it feemed to me impoilible to be brought to an end in a much longer time than I propofed flaying at Sennaar. l^ie dillance, too, between Aira and that town was a very great difcouragement to me. The whole way was covered with infolent, brutifh people, fo that every man we met between Sennaar and Aira produced fome al- tercation, fome demand of prefents, gold, cloth, tobacco, and a variety of other difagreeable circumflances, which liad always the appearance of ending in fomcthing fe- rious. I HAD THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 44J I HAD a long converfation with the Arabs I met with at Aira, and from them I learned pretty nearly the lituation oir the difT^:rent clans or tribes in Atbara. Thefe were all in their way northward to the refpedive countries in the fands to the eaflward of Mendera and Barbar. Thefe fands, fo barren and defolate the reft of the year, were beginning now to be crowded with multitudes of cattle and inhabi- tants. The fly, in the flat and fertile mold which compofes all' the foil to the fouthward of Sennaar, had forced this number of people to migrate, which they very well knew was to coft them at 1-caft one half of their fubftance ; of fuch confequence is the weakeft inftrument in the hand of Provi- dence. The troops of Sennaar, few in number, but well provided with every thing, flood ready to cut thefe people off from their accefs to the fands, till every chief of a tribe had given in a well-verificd inventory of liis v/hole flock, and made a compofltion, at paffing, wdth Shekh Adelan. All fubtcrfuge was in vain. The fly, in pofTefilon of the fertile country, inexorably purfued every Angle cam.el till he took refuge in the fands, and fhere he was to flay till the rains ceafed ; and if, in the interim, it was difcovered that any concealment of number or quality had been made, they were again to return in the beginning of September to their old paRures ; and in this fccond palTage, any fraud, whether Tcai or alkdgijd, was puniihed with great fevcrit)-. Refin- ance had been often tried, and as often found inelTe^lua], However great their numbers, encumbered with families and baggage as they were, they had always fallen a facri- fi-ce to thofe troops, well mounted and armed, that awaited th^m in their way within fight of their own homes. Ar- 3 K 2 rived " 444 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER rived once in the fands, they were quiet during the rains,, having paid their paiTage northward, and fo they were after- wards, for the fame reafon,when they came again to thein own llation, fouthward, when thofe rains had ceafed.. It may be aiked reafonably, What does the governmenf of Sennaar do with thatirhmenfe number of camels which, they receive from all thofe tribes of Arabs in their pafTage by Sennaar ? To this I anfwer, That all this tribute is not paid in kind. The different tribes poffeffing fo many ca- mels, or fo many other cattle, have a quantum laid upon them at an average value. This is paid in gold, or in., flaves, the reft in kind ; fo many for the maintenance of the king and government ; for there is no flefh commonly ufed, at Sennaar in the markets but that of camels. The refidue is bought by the merchants o£ Dongola, and fent into. ^gypf> where they fupply that great confumption of. thefe animals made every year by the caravans going to- Mecca. One thing had made a very ftrong impreffion on nic, which was the contemptuous manner in which Adelan ex- preffed himfelf as to his fovereign. I was fatisfied that with fomc addrefs, I could keep myfelf in favour with either- of them ; but in the terms they then were, or were very foon to be, I could not but fear I was likely to fall into trou- ble between the two., The next morning, after I came home from Aira, I was agreeably furprifed by a vifit from Hagi Belal, to whom I had been recommended by Metical Aga, and to vv'hom Ibra- kim SerafF, the Englilli broker at Jidda, had addreffedme for any THESOURCE OF THE NILE. 445 any money I fl^.ould need at Sennaar. He welcomed me with great kindnefs, and repeated teftimonics of joy and wonder at my fafe arrival. He had been down in Atbara at Gerri, or Ibme villages near it, with merchandize, and had not yet feen the king fince he came home, but gave me the very worft defcription poiUble of the country, info- much that there feemed to be not a fpot, but the one I then Hood on, in which I was not in imminent danger of deftruc- tion, from a variety of independent caufes, which it feemed not pofllbly in my pow^er to avoid. He fent me in the even- ing fome refrefhments, which I had long been unaccuftom- ed to; fome tea, excellent coffee, fome honey and brown fugar, feveral bottles of rack, likewife nutmegs, cinnamon,, ginger, and fome very good dates of the dry kind which? he had brought from Atbara. Hagi Belal was a native of Morocco. He had been at €airo, and alfo at Jidda and Mocha. He knew the Englifh well, and profeffed himfelf both obliged and attached to them. It was fome days before I ventured to fpeak to him upon money bufmefs, or upon any probability of finding, affiftance here at Sennaar. He gave me little hopes of the latter, repeating to me what I very well knew about the dif- agreement of the king and Adelan. He feemed to place all his expectations, and thofe were but faint ones, in the co- ming of Shekh Abou Kalec from Kordofan. He faid, no- thing could be expected from Shekh Adelan without going to Aira, for that he would never trull: himfelf in Sennaar,, in this king's lifetime, h\n that the miniller was abfolute the. moment he affembled his troops without the town. ©NE 446 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER One morning he came to me, after having been with the king, when I was myfelf preparing ro go to the palace. He faid, he had been fent for upon my account, and had been queflioned very narrowly what fort of a man I was. Having anfwered very favourably, both of me and my na- tion, he was afked for Mctical Aga's letters, or any other letters he had received concerning me from Jidda ; he faid, that he had only fliewn Merical's letter, wrote in the name of the flierrifFe, as alfo one from himfelf ; that there were fe- veral great ofllcers of government prefent ; and the Cadi (whom I had feen the firil time I had been with the king) had read the letters aloud to them all : That one of them had afl:ed. How it came that fuch a man as I ventured to pafs thefe defer ts, with four or five old fervants, and what it was I came to fee ; that he anfwered, he apprehended my chief objetfl at Sennaar was to be forwarded to my own country. It was alfo afked, AVhy I had not fomc Englifli- nien with me, as none of my fervants were of that nation, but poox beggarly Kopts, Arabs, and Turks, who were none of them of my religion ? Eelal anfwered. That travellers through thefe countries muft take up with fuch people as they can find going the fame way ; however, he believed fome Englifli fervants had died in Abylluiia, which coun- try I had left the fiifl opportunity that had oflered, being wearied by the perpetual war which prevailed. Upon which the king faid, " He has chofen well, when lie came in- to this ecuntry for peace. You know, Hagi 3elal, I can do nothing for him ; there is nothing in my hands. I could eafier get him back into Abyffinia than forward liini into Egypt, Who is it now that can pafs into Egypt r" The Cadi then faid, " Hagi Belal can get him to Suakein, and {o to Jidda THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 447 Jidda to his countrymen." To which Belal replied, " The king will find feme way when he thinks farther of it." A FEW days after this I had a melTage from the palace. I found the king fitting alone, apparently much chagrined, and in ill-humour. He afl^ed me, in a very peevilh man- ner, " If I was not yet gone ?" To which I anfwered, " Your Majefty knows that it is impolTible for me to go a ftep from Sennaar without alliftance from you." He again allced me, in the fame tone as before, " How I could think of coming that way ?" I faid, nobody imagined in Abyffinia but that he was able to give a ilranger fafe condu(5l through his own dominions." He made no reply, but nodded a fign for me to depart, which I immediately did, and fo finifhed this fhortr,. but difagreeable interview. About four o'clock that fame afternoon I was again fent for to the palace, when the king told me that feveral of his wives were ill, and defired that I would give them my advice, which I promifed to do without difficulty, as all acquaintance with the fair fex had hitherto been much to my advantage. I muft confefs, however, that calling thefe the fair fex is not preferving a precifion in terms. I was admitted into a large fquare apartment very ill lighted, in which were about fifty women, all perfe^flly black, Avithouc any covering but a very narrow piece of cotton rag about their waifts. While I was mufing whether or not thefe all might be queens, or whether there was any queen among them, one of them took me by the hand and led me rudely enough into another apartment. This was much better lighted than the firft. Upon a large bench, or fvfa, covered I with 44B TRAVELS TO DISCOVER with blue Surat cloth, fat three perfons cloathcd from the neck to the feet with blue cotton ihirts. One of thefe, who I found was the favourite, was a- bout fix feet high, and corpulent beyond all proportion. She feemed to me, next to the elephant and rhinoceros, to be the largeft living creature I had met with. Her fea- tures were perfecftly like thofe of a Negro ; a ring of gold pafled through her under lip, and weighed it down, till, like a flap, it covered her chin, and left her teeth bare, which were very fmall and fine. The infide of her lip fhe had made black with antimony. Her ears reached down to her fhoulders, and had the appearance of wings ; flie had in each of them a large ring of gold, fomewhat fmaller than a man's little finger, and about five inches diameter. The weight of thefe had drawn down the hole where her ear was pierced fo much that three fingers might eafily pafs above the ring. She had a gold necklace, like what we ufed to call Efclavage, of feveral rows, one below an- other, to which were hung rows of fequins pierced. She had on her ancles two manacles of gold, larger than any I had ever feen upon the feet of felons, with which I could not conceive it was pofilble for her to walk, but afterwards I foundthcy werehollow. The otherswere drefit'ed pretty much in the fame manner; only there was one that had chains which came from her ears to the outfide of each noftril, where they v/ere fafiened. There was alfo a ring put thro' the grifiile of her nofe, and which hung down to the open- ing of her mouth. I think flic muft have breathed with great difficulty. It had altogether fomething of the ap- pearance of a horfe's bridle. Upon my coming near them, the eldell put her hand to her mouth and kifitd it, 4 faying, THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 449 faying, at the fame time, in very vulgar Arabic, " Kifhalek howaja?" (how do you do, merchant). I never in my hfe was more pleafed with diftant fakitations than at this time. I anfwered, " Peace be among you ! I am a phyfician, and not a merchant." I SHALL not entertain the reader with the muhitude of their complaints ; being a lady's phyfician, difcretion and filence are my firft duties, h is fufficient to fay, that there was not one part of their whole bodies, infide and outflde, in which fome of them had not ailments. The three queens infilled upon being blooded, which defire I complied with, as it was an operation that required fliort attendance ; but, upon producing the lancets, their hearts failed them. They then all cried out for the Tabange, v>rhich, in Arabic, means a piilol ; but what they meant by this word was, the cupping inflrument, which goes off with a fpring like the fnap of a piftol. I had two of thefe with me, but not at that time in my pocket. I fent my fervant home, however, to bring one, and, that fame evening, performed the ope- ration upon the three queens with great fuccefs. The room was overflowed with an effufion of royal blood, and the whole ended with their infifling upon my giving them the inflrument itfelf, which I was obliged to do, after cup- ping, two of their flaves before them, who had no com- plaints, merely to fliew them how the operation was to be performed. Another night I was obliged to attend them, and gave the queens, and two or three of the great ladies, vomits. I will fpare my reader the recital of fo naufeous a fcene. The ipecacuanha had great effeft, and warm water was Vol. IV. 3 L drunk 450 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER drunk very copioufly. The patients were numerous, and' the floor oF the room received all the evacuations. It was moft prodigiouliy hot, and the horrid, black figures, moan- ing and groaning with fickncfs all around me, gave me, I think, feme flight idea of the punifliment in the world be- low. My mortifications, however, did not flop here. 1 ob- lerved that, in coming into their prelence, d\e queens were all covered with cotton lliirts ; but no fooner did their complaints make part of our con verfation,' than, to my uc- mofl furprife, each of them, in her turn, ftript herfelf entire- ly naked, laying her cotton Ihirt loofcly on her lap as flie fat croi^-legged like a tailor. The cuftom of going na^ ked in thefe warm countries aboliflies all delicacy concern- ing it. I could not but obferve that the breafts of each of them reached the.length of their knees. This exceeding confidence on their parr, they thought merited fome conflderation on mine ; and it was not with- out great aftonifliment that I heard the queen defire to fee me in the like difliabille in which flie had fpontaneoufly put herfelf. The whole court of female attendants flocked to the fpedtacle. Refufal, or refiflance, were in vain. I was furrounded with fifty or fixty women, all equal in fla.- ture and ftrength to myfelf. The whole of my cioathing was, like theirs, a long loofe lliirt of blue Surat cotton cloth, reaching from the neck down to the feet. The on-- ly terms I could polTibly, and that with great diflicultVi make for myfelf were, that they fliould be contented to fl:rip me no farther than the fhoulders and breafl. Upon feenig the whitenefs of my fkin, they gave all a loud cry in token of diflike, and fliuddered, feeming to confider it rather the effefts of difeafe than natural. I think in my life-- THE SOURCE OF THE NIL^. 4>.i "life I never felt fo difagreeably. I have been in more than one battle, but furely I would joyfully have taken my chance again in any of thein to have been freed from that examination. I could not help likewife refledling, that, if the king had come in during this exhibition, the confe- quence would either have been impaling, or ilripping off that fkin whofe colour they were fo curious about ; tho' I can folemnly declare there was not an idea in my breail, fmce ever I had the honour of feeing thefe royal beauties, that could have given his majefty of Sennaar the fmalleft reafon for jealoufy ; and I believethe fame may be faid of the fentiments of the ladies in what regarded mc. Ours was a mu- tual paffion, but dangerous to no one concerned. I returned home with very different fenfations from thofe I had felt after an interview with the beautiful Aifcach of Teawa. Indeed, it was impoflible to be more chagrined at, or more difgufted with, my prefent fituation than I was, and the more fo, that my delivery from it appeared to be very dif- tant, and the circumflances were more and more unfavour- able every day. An event happened which added to my diftrefs. Going one evening to wait upon the king, and being already with- in the palace, palling through a number of rooms that are now totally deferted, where the court o£ guard ufed to be kept, I met Mahomet, the king's fervant, who accompanied us from Teawa. Such people, though in reality often enough drunk, yet if they happen to be fobcr at the time of their committing a crime, counterfeit drunkennefs, in order to avail themfelves of it as an excufe. This fellow, feeing me alone, came ftaggering up to tue, faying, " Damn you, Ya- goube, I have met you now, pay me for the trouble of go- 3 L 2 ing 4J2 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER ing for you to Teawa ;" and with that he put his arm to lay hold of me by the breaft. I fiiid to him, " Off hands, you ruffian ;" and, taking him by the arm, I gave him fuch a pufli that he had very near fallen backward ; on which he cried out, in great fury, " Give me fifty patakas (about twelve guineas) or I'll ham-llring you this inftant." I had always pifiols in my pocket for an extremitv ; but I could not con- fider this drunkard, though armed, to have reduced me to that fituation ; I therefore immediately clofed upon him, and, catching him by the throat, gave him a violent wrench backward, which threw him upon the ground. 1 then took his fword out of his hand ; and in the inftant my black fer- vant Soliman appeared, who had ftaid behind converfing with fome acquaintance in the ftreet. Several other black companions of this rafcal likewife appeared ; part fecmed to defend, and part to intercede for him, but none to con- demn him. Soliman, however, infifted upon carrying him be- fore the king with his drawn fword in his hand. But how were we furprifed, when the king's anfwer to our complaint was, " That the man was drunk, and that the people in that country were not ufed to fee franks, like me, walking in the ftreet." He then gave Soliman a fliarp reproof for having the prefumption, as he called it, to difarm one of his fervants in his palace, and immediately ordered his fword to be reftored him. We were retiring full of thoughts what might be the occafion of this reception, when we were met by Kittou, Adelan's brother, who was left with the care of the town. I told the whole affair. He heard me very attentively, and with apparent concern. " It is all the king's fault ; every Have THE SOURCE OF THENILE. 453 flave does what he pleafes, faid he. If I mention this to Adelan, he will order the drunkard's head to be llriick ofF before the palace-gate. But it is better for you that nothing of this kind happen while you are here. Mahomet Abou Kalec is daily expeded, and all thefe things will be put up- on another footing. In the mean time, keep at home as much as poffible, and never go out without two or three black people along with you, fervants, or others. While you are in my brother's houfe, as you now are, and we alive, there is no body dares moleft you, and you are perfedly at liberty to refufc or admit any perfon you pleafe, whether they come from the king or not, by only faying, Adelan forbids you. I will anfwer for the reft. The lefs you come here the better, and never venture into the llrect at night." At this inftant a meflage from the king called him in.. I went away, better fatisfied than before, becaufe I now had learned there was a place in that town where I could remain in fafety, and I was refolved there to await the arrival of Abou Kalec, to whom I looked up as to the means Providence was to ufe to free me from the defigns the king was apparently meditating againft me. I was more confirmed in the belief of thefe bad intentions, by a convcrfation he had with Hagi Belal, to whom he faid, That he was very credibly informed I had along with me above 2000 ounces of gold, befides a quantity of fdver, and rich embroideries from India, from which laft place, and not from Cairo, I was come as a merchant, ■ and not a phyfician. I refolved, therefore, to keep clofe at home, and to put into feme form the obfervations that L had'. 454 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER I had made upon this extraordinary government ; a mo- narchy that had llarted up, as it were, in our days, and of which no traveller has as yet given the fmallell ac- count. gSr'-'-^ ==>^ CHAE THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 4ss CHAP. ix;. Cdnverfat'iom withAchmet — Hl/lory andGoveniment ofSennaar-'^Heat—^ Difcafes — l^rade of that Coufitry-^The Authors dijlreffcd Situation—' Leaves Sennaar. ■ FROM Salidan's time, till the conqucil of Selim empe* ror of the Turks, who linifhed the reign o'i the Ma- malukes by the murder of Tomum Bey, that is, from the twelfth to the fixteenth century, the Arabs in Nubia and Beja, and the feveral countries above Egypt, had been incorpora- ted with the old indigenous inhabitants of thofe territo- ries, which were the Shepherds^ and, upon converfion of thefe laft to the Mahometan religion, had become one pcopla with thofe Saracens who over-ran this country in the Kha-« lifat of Omar. The only diftindlion that remained was^ that the Arabs continued their old manner of life in tents, while the indigenous inhabitants lived in huts, mollly by the fides of rivers, and among plantations of dace-trees.; i &- It: 45^5 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER It muiI be, however, remembered, that this, though a pretty general obfervation, does not hold without excep- tion ; for the Arabs of Mahomet's own familj-, the Beni Koreiili, moftly lived in towns, fuch as Mecca, Tajef, and Medina, efpecially after the expulfion of the Jews and the eftablilhment of his empire. Many alfo of thefe, who came over to Beja and the eaftern part of Nubia, continued their pra6lice of living in fmall towns or villages, and were diilinguiflied by the name of Jaheleen : This appellation, li- terally interpreted, fignifies Pagans ; but by extention, the ancient races of Arabs converted immediately from Pa- ganifm to the Mahometan faith, by Mahomet himfelf, without having ever embraced Chrillianity, or any other Pa- .gan fuperftition befides pure Sabaifm, and this was the old religion of Arabia, and of the whole peninfula of Africa to the Wellern Ocean. Thefe Jaheleen are generally known by their name, referring to men of conlideration in the time of Mahomet's life, whom they call their father, or to fome circumllance relating to Mahomet himfelf. An example of the firft of the race is, Rabatab, that is, Rabat ivas our father, or, •' we are the children of Rabat." An example of the fecond is the Macabrab, or, the fepulchre is our father^ meaning the fepulchrc of their prophet at Medina. These Jaheleen are, as I have faid, truly noble Arabs of the race of Beni Koreilli. Though they live in villages, they are the mofl dangerous and mofl fanatic wretches a travel- ler can meet. All this country, though nominally fubje(5t to Egypt for the fake of trade, had their own prince of the race of Beni Koreifli, whofc title was Welled Ageeb,5o« of the Gooa', which was his general inauguration name; and, be- fides this, he was called Ali, or Mahomet Welled Ageeb, 3 ' which THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 457 which is part of his title, or, as it were, his Chriftian name addeci to that of his family. This prince was, neverthelefs, but the Shekh of all the Arabs, to whom they paid a tribute to enable him to maintain his dignity, and a fufficient ftrength to keep up order and inforce his decrees in public matters. As for oeconomical ones, each tribe was under the government of its own Shekh, old men, fathers of families in each clan. The refidence of this Arab prince, called for Ihortnefs Wed Ageeb, was at Gerri, a town in the very limits of the tropical rains, immediately upon the ferry which leads a- crofs the Nile to the defert of Bahiouda, and the road to Don- gola and Egypt, joining the great defert of Selima. This was a very well-chofen fituation, it being a toll-gate, as it were, to catch all the Arabs that had flocks, who, living within the rains in the country which was all of fat earth, v/ere every year, about the month of May, obliged by the fly to pafs, as it were, in review, to take up their abode in the fandy defert without the tropical rains. By the time fair weather returned in the fertile part of the country to the fouthward, and freed them from the fly, all forts of ver- dure had grown up in great luxuriancy, while hunger fla- red them now in the face among the lands to the north- ward, where every thing eatable had been confumcd by the multitudes of cattle that had taken refuge there. The Arab chief, with a large army of lighr, unincumbered horfe, flood in the way of their return to their pallures, till they had paid the uttermoil farthing of tribute, including arrears, if any there were. Such was the flate and government of the whole of this vaft country, from the frontiers of Vol. IV. 3 M Egypt 458 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER Egypt to thofe of AbyfUnia, at the beginning of the 1 6th century. In the year 1504, a black nation, hitherto unknown, inha- biting the weftern banks of the Bahar el Abiad, in about lati- tude 13°, made a defcent, in a multitude of canoes, or boats, upon the Arab provinces, and iti a battle near Herbagi, they defeated Wed Ageeb, and forced him to a capitulation, by which the Arabs were to pay to their conquerors, in the beginning, one half of their flock, and every fubfequent year, one-half of the increafe, which was to be levied at the time of their palling into the fands to avoid the lly. Upon this condition, the Arabs were to enjoy their former polTef- fions unmolefted, and Wed Ageeb his place and dignity, that he always might be ready to ufe coercion in favour of the conquerors, in cafe any of the diftant Arabs refufed pay- ment, and he thus became as it were their lieutenant.. This race of negroes is, in their own country, called Shillook. They founded Sennaar, lefs advantageoully fitu- ated than Gerri, and removed the feat of government of Wed Ageeb to Herbagi, that he might be more immediate- ly uncrer their own eye. It was the year 1504 of the Chriflian .-Era that Amru, fon of Adelan, the firft of their fovereigns on the eaftern fide of the Nile, founded this m.onarchy, and built Sennaar, which hath ever fmcc been the capital. From this period, till the time when I was at Sennaar, 266 years had elapfed, in which 20 kings had reigned, that is, from Amru the iirll, to Ifmain the prefent king. He was about 34 years of age, and had reigned three years, fo that, not- withftanding the long reigns of Amba Rabat the firft, and the two Baadys, the duration of the reigns of the kings of Sennaar THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 459 Sennaar will be but 13 years upon an average ; eight of the twenty have been depofed, and Ifmain the prefcnt king {lands the fairell chance poffible of being very foon the 9th of that number. At the cllablifhing of this monarchy, the king, and the whole nation of Shillook, were Pagans. They were foon after converted to Mahometifm, for the fake of trading with Cairo, and took the name of Funge, which they inter- pret fometimes loi'ds, or conquerors, and, at other- times, free citizens. All that can be faid with certainty of this term, as there is no accefs to the fludy of their language, is, that it is applicable to thofe only that have been born eaft of the Bahar el Abiad. It does not feem to me that they Ihould pride themfelves in being free citizens, becaufe the firll title of nobility in this country is that of ilave ; indeed there is no other. Upon any appearance of your undervalu- ing a man at Sennaar, he inflantly alks you if you know who he is ? if you don't know that he is a Have, in the fame idea of ariftocratical arrogance, as would be faid in England upon an altercation, do you know to whom you are fpeaking ? do you know that I am a peer ? All titles and dignities are un- dervalued, and precarious, unlefs they are in the hands of one wdio is a flave. Slavery in Sennaar is the only true nobility. As I do not know that the names of thefe fovereigns are to be found any where elfe, I have fet them down here. The record from which I dre\v them is at leaft as extraordinary as any part of their hiflory ; it was the hangman's roll, or regifler. It is one of the fmgularities Vv'hich obtains among 3 M 2 this 46o TRAVELS TO DISCOVER this brutifh people, that the king afcends his throne under an adniiffion that he may be lawfully put to death by his own fubjedis or flaves, upon a council being held by the great of- ficers, if they decree that it is not for the advantage of the Hate that he be fuffered to reign any longer. There is one officer of his own family, who, alone, can be the inftrument of lliedding his fovereign and kinfman's blood. This of- ficer is called, Sid cl Coom, mafter of the king's houfehold, or fervants, but has no vote in depofing him ; nor is any guilt imputed to him, however many of his fovereigns he thus regularly murders. Achmet Sid el Coom, the prefent liccnfed parricide, and refident in Ifmain's palace, had mur- dered the late king Naffer, and two of his fons that were well grown, befides a child at his mother's breail ; and he was expeding every day to confer the fame favour upon Ifmain ; though at prefent there was no malice on the one part nor jealoufy on the other, and I believe both of them had a guefs of what was likely to happen. It was this Ach- mer, who was very much my friend, that gave me a lift of -the kings that had reigned, how long their reign lafted,. and whether they died a natural death, or were depofed and murdered. This extraordinary officer was one of the very few that fliewed me any attention or civility at Sennaar. He had been violendy tormented with the gravel, but had found much eafe from the ufe of foap-pills that I had given him, and this had produced, on his part, no fmall degree of gra- titude and friendihip ; he was alfo fubjeift to the epilepfy,, but this he was [>erfuaded was witchcraft, from the machi- nations of an enemy who refided far oir. 1 often Haid ac his. THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 46s his houfe all night, when he fufFcred exceffive pains, and I may fay then only I was in fafety. AcHMET feemed, by ftrange accident, to be one of the gentled fpirits of any that it was my misfortune to convcrfe •with at Sennaar. He was very little attached to, or convin- ced of, the truth of the Mahometan religion, and as little zealous or in{lru6ted in his own. He ufed often to qualify his ignorance, or diibelief, by faying, that any, or no reli- gion, was better than that of a Chriftian, His place of birth was in a village of Fazuclo, and it appeared to me that he was flill a Pagan. He was conftantly attended by Nuban priefts, powerful conjurers and forcerers, if you believed him. I often converfed with thefe in great freedom, when it happened they underftood Arabic, and from them I learn- ed many particulars concerning the fituation of the inland part of the country, efpecially that vail ridge of mountains, Dyre and Tegla, which run into the heart of Africa to the wcRward, whence they fay anciently they cajne, after ha- ving been preferved there from a deluge. I a&ed them often, (powerful as they were in charms). Why they did not cure Achmet of the gravel, or epilepfy ? Their anfwer was. That it was a Chriilian devil, and not fubjecl to their power. Ac H MET did not believe that I was a Chriflian, knew I was no Mahometan, but tliought I was like himfelf, fome- thing between the two, nor did I ever undeceive him. I was no miffionary, nor had I any care of fouls, nor defire to en- ter into converfation about religion with a man whofe only office was to be tlie deliberate murderer of his fovcreign. He fpokc good Arabic, was ofiended at no quellion, hut an- fwercd 462 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER fwered freely, and without referve, whether about the coun- try, rehgion, or government, or the pofl which he enjoyed, if we can term it enjoying an office created for fuch horrid crimes. He told me, with great coolnefs, in anfwer to a queftion why he murdered NafTer's fon in his father's pre- fence, that he did not dare to do otherwife from duty to NalTer, whofe right it was to fee his fon flain in a regular and lawful manner, and this was by cutting his throat with a fword, and not by a more ignominious and painful death, which, if it had not been done in the father's fight, the ven- geance of his enemies might have fuggefted and inflicTied. He faid, that Naffer was very little concerned at the fpeftacle of his fon's death, but very loth when it came to his turn to die himfelf ; that he urged him often to fuffer him to efcape, but, finding this in vain, he fubmitted without i^-^ fiftance. He told me, Ifmain, the prefent king, flood upon very precarious ground; that both the brothers, Adelan and Abou Kalec, were at the head of armies in the field ; that Kittou had at his difpofal all the forces that were in Sen- naar ; and that the king was little efteemed, and had nei- ther experience, courage, friends, money, nor troops. I ASKED him if he was not afraid, when he entered into die king's prefence,left he, too, might take it into his head to fliew him, that to die or be flain was not fo flight a mat- ter as he made of ir. He faid, " By no means,; that it was his duty to be with the king the greateft part of the morn- ing, and neceffarily once very late in the evening; that the king knew he had no hand in the wrong that might be done to him, nor any way advanced his death ; but, being come to the point that he muft die, the reft was only a A matter THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 463 matter of decency, and it would undoubtedly be the objedl of his choice' rather to be flain by the hands of his own re- lation in private, than thofe of a hired aflafTin, an Arab, or a Chriftian Have, in public view before the populace." When Baady the king's father was taken prifoner, and fent to Teawa to Welled Haflan governor of Atbara, (Shekh Fi- dele's father) Adelan ordered him to be put to death there, and Welled Haiian carried that order into execution. The king being always armed, was ftout, and feemed to be up- on his guard ; and Welled HafTan found no way of killing him but by thrufting him through the back with a lance while wafliing his hands. The people murmured againft Adelan exceedingly, not on account of the murder itfelf, but the manner of it, and Welled HalTan was afterwards put to death himfelf, though he aded by exprefs orders,- becaufe, not being the officer appointed, he had killed the king, and next, becaufe he had done it with a lance, where- as the only lawful inllrument was a fword, I HAVE already faid, that it was the year of the Hegira,. anfwering to 1504 of the Chriftian cera, that this people, call- ed Shillook, built the town of Sennaar, and eftablifhed their monarchy, which has now fubfifted under a fucceffion of. twenty kings of the fame family.. LIST 464 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER Lift of the Kings of Sennaar. Years Amru, fon of Adelan, began his reign in the year 1504, and reigned Neil, his fon, Abdelcader, fon of Amru, Amru, fon of Neil, depofed, Dekin, fon of Neil, Douro, his fon, depofed, Tiby, fon of Abdelcader, Ounfa, depofed, Abdelcader, fon of Ounfa, depofed, Adelan, fon of Ounfa, depofed, Baady, fon of Abdelcader, Rebat, fon of Baady, Baady, his fon, Ounfa, fon of Naffer fon of Rebat, Baady el Achmer, his fon, Ounfa, his fon, depofed, L'Oul, fon of Baady, Baady, his fon, depofed, Naffer, his fon, depofed, Ifmjiin, REIGNED, A, B. 3<^ 1534 17 ^55^ 8 1559 II 1570 17 ^5^7 3 1590 3 1593 13 1606 4 1610 5 16x5 6 1 62 1 30 1651 38 1689 12 1701 25 1726 3 1729 4 1733 3Z 1766 3 1769 3 1772 Alt HOUGH THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 465 Although thefe kings began with a very remaikablc conqueft, it does not appear they added much to their kingdom afterwards. Ounfa, fon of Nafler, is faid to have firft fubdued the province of Fazuclo. I Ihall but make three obfervations upon this Hil, which is undoubtedly au- thentic. The firft is, that this monarchy having been efta- bhlhed in the 1504, it rauft anfwer to the 9th year of the reign of Naod in the Abylhnian annals, as that prince began to reign in 1495. — The fecond is, that Tecla Haimanout, the fon of Yafous the Great, writing to Baady el Achmer, or the White, who was the fon of Ounfa, about the murder of M. du Roule the French Amballador, in the beginning of this century, fpeaks of the ancient friendihip that had fubfifted between the kings of AbyfTmia and thofe of Sennaar, ever fmce the reign of Kim, whom he mentions as one of Baady's remote predecellbrs on the throne of Sennaar. Now, in the whole lill of kings we have jufl given, we do not find one of the name of Kim ; nor is there one word mentioned of a king of Sennaar, or a treaty with him, in the whole annals of Abyflinia, rill the beginning of Socinios's reign. I therefore imagine that the Kim*, which Tecla Haimanout informs us his predecelTors correfponded with in ancient tim.es, was a prince, who, imder the command of the Caliph of Cairowan, in the kingdom of Tunis in Africa, took Cairo and fortified it, by lurrounding it wich a ftrong wall, and who reigned, by himfelf and fucceffors, 100 years, from 998 to 1101, when Hadcc, the lall prince of that race, was ilain by Sahdan, firft Vol IV. 3 N Soldan * Vid. Matmol, torn. I p. 274. 466 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER Soldan of Egypt, with which country the Abyflinians at that time were in conftant correfpondence, though I never heard they were with Sennaar, which indeed did not exill at that time, nor was there either city or kingdom till the reign of Naod ; fo it was a correfpondence with the fove- reigns of Cairo, Tecla Haimanout miilook for that with Sen- naar, which monarchy was not then founded. — The third obfervation is, that this Baady el Achmer, being the very king who murdered M. du Roule in 1704, did, neverthelefs, live till the year 1726, having reigned 25 years; whereas M. de Mailiet '^ writes to his court, that this prince had been defeated and flain in a battle he had with the Arabs, under their Shekh at Herbagi in 1705. Upon the death of a king of Sennaar, his eldefc fon fuc- cecds by right ; and immediately afterwards as many of the brothers of the reigning prince as can be apprehended are put to death by the Sid el Coom, in the manner already defcribed. Achmet, one of the fons of Baady, brother of Naffer, andlfmain now on the throne, fled, upon his brother's acceflion, to the frontiers of Kuara, and gathering to- gether about a hundred of the Ganjar horfe, he came to Gondar, and was kindly received by the Iteghe, who perfua- ded him to be baptifed. Some time after he returned to Kuara, and joined the king's army a little before the bat- tle of Serbraxos, with about the fame number of horfe, and there he milbehaved, taking flight upon the lirll ap- pearance * Vid. Conful Maillet's letter to the French ambaflador piibliflied by Le Grande, in his Hiftory of Abyflinia, THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 467 pearance of the enemy, before a man was killed or wound- ed on either fide. He was graceful in his perfon and car- riage, but a liar and drunkard beyond all conception. The praAice which obtains at Sennaar of murdering all the collaterals of the royal family, feems to be but ;• part of the fame idea* which prevails in Abyffinia, of confining the princes all their lives upon a mountain. The difference of treatment, in cafes perfectly parallel, feems to offer a juft manner of judging, how much the one people furpaffes the other in barbarity of manners and difpofition. In Abyf- fmia, the princes are confined for life on a mountain, and in 8ennaar they are murdered in their father's fight, in the palace where they were born. As in Abyffmia, fo neither in Sennaar do women fucceed to fovereignty. No hiflorical reafon is given for this exclu- fion. It probably was a rule brought from lil-aice, their own country, before founding their monarchy, for the very contrary prevailed among the Shepherds, whom they fub- dued in Atbara. The princeffes, however, in Abyffmia, are upon a much better footing than thofe of Sennaar. Thefe laft have no ftate nor fettled income, and are regarded very little more than the daughters of private individuals. A- mong that crowd of women which I faw the two nights I was in the palace, there were many princeffes, fifters of the king, as I was after told. At that time they were not di- ftinguiffiable by their manners, nor was any particular mark of refpcd: fliewn them. 3 N 2 The Bear, like the Turk, no brother near the throne. Pops. 468 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER TfiE royal family were originally Nfgrocs, and remain fo ftill, when their mothers have been black like thcoifelvcs j., but when the king has happened w. marry an Arab woman, as he often does, the black colour of the father cedes to the white of the mother, and the child is white. Such was the cafe of Baady, therefore named Achmer ; Ins fatlicr R.ebat was black, but marrying an Arab, his fon who fucceedcd him was white. The lafi Baady who was flain at Teawa was a perfedt Negro ; and by a ilave from his own country he had the late king Naffer, w]\o, like his father, was a perfed black. By an Arab of the tribe of Davema he had Ifmain the prefent king, who is white, and fo it has inva- riably happened in the royal family, as well as in private ones. But what is llill more extraordinary, though equally true, an Arab who is white\ marrying a black woman Have, has infallibly white children. 1 will not fay that this is fo - univerfal as that an example of the contrary may not be found, but all the inftances I happened to fee confirmed this. The Arabs, from choice, cohabit only v/ith Negro women in the hot months of fummer, on account of the remarkable coolnefs of their [\dns, in which they are faid to differ from the Arab women ; but I never faw one black Arab in the kingdom of Sennaar, notwithllanding the ge- nerality of this intercourfe. There is a conllant mortality among the children in and about this metropolis, infomuch that, inall appearance, the people would be extin6l v/ere they not fupplied by a number of Haves brought from all the different countries to the fouthward. The men, however, are ihong and re- markable for fize, but (liort-lived, owing, probably, to their indulging themfelves in every fort of excefs from their THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 4% theirvery infancy. This being the cafe, niis climat^i mull have \indcrgone a flrange revolution, as Sennaar is but a.. fmall diRance from where the ancients phice the Macrobii, a nation fo called froin the remarkable length of their lives. Btit perhaps thefe were moiuitaineers from the fron- tiers of Kuara, being defcribed as having gold in their ter- ritory, and are the race now called Guha. It is very re- markable, that, though they are Mahometans, they are fa brutal, not to fay indelicate, with regard to their women, that they fell their flaves after having lived with, and even bad children by them. The king himfelfjit is faid, is often guilty of this unnatural praflice, utterly unknown in any other Mahometan country. Once in his reign the king is obliged, with his own hand, to plow and fow a piece of land. From this operation he is called Eaady, the countryman or peafant ; it is a name common to the whole race of kings, as Ca^far was among the Romans, though they have generally another name peculi- ar to each perfon, and this not attended to has occalloned confufion in the narrative given by llrangers writing con^ cerning them. . No librfe, mule, afs, or any beafl of burden, will breed, or even live at Sennaar, or many iniles about it. Poultry does not live there. Neither dog nor cat, flreep nor bullock, can be preferved a feafon there. They mull go all, every half year, to the fands. Though all poflible care be taken of them, they die in every place where the fat earth is abour the town during the firft feafon of the rains. Two grey- hounds v/hich I brought from Atbara, and the mules which I brought ; 470 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER ^ I brought from Abyflinia, lived only a few weeks after I ar- rived. They feemed to have fome inward complaint, for nothing appeared outwardly. The dogs had abundance of water, but I killed one of them from apprehenfion of mad- nefs. Several kings have tried to keep lions, but no care could prolong their lives beyond the firft rains, Shekh Adelan had two, which were in great health, being kept with his horfes at grafs in the fands but three miles fromSennaar: neither rofe, nor any fpecies of jeflamin, grow here ; no tree but the lemon flowers near the city, that ever I faw ; the rofe has been often tried, but in vain. Sennaar is in lat. 13° 34' 36" north, and in long. 33" 30' 30" call from the meridian of Greenwich. It is on the well lide of the Nile, and clofe upon the banks of it. The ground whereon it ftands rifes juft enough to prevent the river from entering the town, even in the height of the inunda- tion, when it comes to be even with the Ilreet. Poncet fays, that when he was at this city, his companion, father Bre- vedent, a Jefuit, an able mathematician, on the 2 ill of March 1699, determined the latitude of Sennaar to be 13° 4' N. the difference therefore will be about half a degree. The reader however may implicitly rely upon the fituation 1 have given it, being the mean refult of above fifty obfer- vations, made both night and day, on the mod favourable occalions, by a quadrant of three feet radius, and telefcopes of two, and fome times of three feet focal length, both re- lledlors and refra6tors made by the beil matters. The town of Sennaar is very populous, there being in it many good houfes after the fafliion of the country. Poncet fays, in his time they were all of one ftorey high ; but now 2 the THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 47 1 the great officers have all houfes of two. They have para- pet roofs, which is a fingular conftrudlion ; f^r in other places, within the rains, the roofs are all conical. The honfes are all built of clay, with very little flraw mixed with it, which fufficiently fhews the rains here mufl be lei's violent than to the fouthward, probablv from the dillance of the mountains. However, when I was there, a week of con- ftant rain happened, and on the 30th of July the Nile increa- fed violently, after loud thunder, and a great darknefs to the fouth. The whole ftream was covered with wreck of houfes, canes, wooden bowls, and platters, living camels and cat- tle, and feveral dead ones pafTed Sennaar, hurried along by the current with great velocity. A hyasna, endeavouring to crofs before the town, was furrounded and killed by the in- habitants. The water got into the houfes that ftand upon its banks, and, by rifmg feveral feet high, the walls melt- ed, being clay, which occafioned feveral of them to fall. It feemed, by the floating wreck of houfes that appeared in the ftream, to have deftroyed a great many villages to the. fouthward towards Fazuclo. The foil of Sennaar, as I have already faid, is very unfa- vourable both to man and beaft, and particularly adverfe to their propagation. This feems to me to be owing to fome noxious quality of the fat earth with which it is every way furrounded, and nothing inay be depended upon more fure- ly than the fact already mentioned, that no mare, or flie- beait of burden, ever foaled in the town, or in any village within feveral miles round it. 1 his remarkable quality ceafes upon removing from the fertile country to the fands.. Aira, between three and four miles from Sennaar, with no water near it but the Nile, furrounded v/ith white barren fandjj 47- TRAVELS TO DISCOVER fand, agrees peifeclly with all animals, and here are the quarters where I faw Shekh Adelan the minifter's horle, (as I fuppofe, for their numbers) by tar the fineft in tlte world, where in fafety lie watched the motion of his fovereign, who, lliut up in his capital of Sennaar, could not there niaux- tain one horfe to oppofe him. But however unfavourable this foil may be for the pro- pagation of animals, it contributes very abundantly both to the nouriflimcnt of man and bealL It is pofitively faid to render three himdred for one, which, however confidently advanced,is,Ithink.,bothfrom reafon and appearance, a great exaggeration. It is all fown with dora, or millet, the prin- cipal food of the natives. It produces alfo wheat and rice, but thefe at Sennaar are fold by the pound, even in years of plenty. The fait made ufe of at Sennaar is all extracted from the earth about it, efpecially at Halfaia, fo ilrongly is the foil impregnated with this ufeful folhle. About twelve miles from Sennaar, nearly to the N. W. is a collection of villages called Shaddiy, from a great faint, who in his time dire^ed large pits to be dug, and plaftercd clofely within with clay, into which a quantity of grain was put when it was at the clieapell, and thefe were covered up, and plaflered again at the top, wliich they call fealing, and the hole itfelf matamore. Thefe matamores are in great number all over the plain, and, on any profpec^ of corn growing dearer, they are opened, and corn fo^d at a low price both to the town and country. To the north of Shaddiy, about twenty-four miles, is a- nother foundation of this fort, called Wed Aboud, itill great- .2 er THESOURCEOFTHENILE. 473 er than Shaddly. Upon thefe two charities the chief fub- liftence of the Arabs depends ; for as there is continual war among thefe people, and their violence being always di- redled againfl the crops rather than the perfons of their enemies, the deftrutSlion of each tribe would follow the lofs of its harveil, was it not for the extraordinary fupplies furnifhed at fuch times by thefe granaries. The fmall villages of foldiers are fcattered up and down through this immenfe plain to watch the grain that is fown, which is dora only, and it is faid that here the ground will produce no other grain. Prodigious excavations are made at proper diftanccs, which fill with water in the rainy fea- fon, and are a great relief to the Arabs in their pafTage be- tween the cultivated country and the fands. The fly, that inexorable perfecutor of the Arabs, never purfues them to the north of Shaddly. The knowledge of this circumftance was what, perhaps, determined the lirll builders of Sennaar to place their capital here ; this too, probably, induced the ^wo faints, Shaddly and Wed Aboud, to make here thefe vaft excavations for corn and v/ater. This is the iirft refting- place the Arabs find, where, having all things ncccffary for fubfidence, tliey can at leifure traniadt their allairs with government. To the weflward of Shaddly and Aboud, as far as the ri- ver Abiad, or El-aice, the country is full of trees, which make it a favourite ftation for camels. As Shaddly is not above three hours ride on horfeback from Sennaar, there could not: :be chofen a fituation more convenient for levying the tri- bute ; for though Gerri, from the favourable fituation of the ground, being mountainous and rocky, and jufl on the ex- VoL. IV. 3 O tremity 474 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER tremity of the rains, was a place properly chofen for this purpofe by the Arab prince before the conqueft of the Funge, (for his troops there cut them off, either from the fands, or the fertile country, as he pleafed), yet many of them might have remained behind at Shaddly, and to the weflward, free from the terror of the fly, and confequently without any neceffity of advancing fo far north as Gerri, and there fubjeding themfelves to contribution. In this cxtenfive plain, near Shaddly, arife two mountain- ous diftrias, the one called Jibbel Moia, or the Mountain of Water, which is a ridge of confiderable hills nearly of the fame height, clofely united ; and the other Jibbel Segud, or the Cold Mountain, a broken ridge compofed of parts, fome high and fome low, without any regular form. Both thefe enjoy a fine climate, and are full of inhabitants, but of no confiderable extent. They ferve for a protedion to the Daheera, or farms of Shaddly and Wed Aboud. They are alfo fortreffes in the way of the Arabs, to detain and force them to payment in their flight from the cultivated coun- try and rains to the dry lands of Atbara. Each of thefe dif- trids is governed by the defcendant of their ancient and na- tive princes, who long refiflcd all the power of the Arabs, having bothhorfe and foot. They continued to be Pagans till the conquefl: of the Funge. Bloody and unnatural fa- erifices were faid to have been in ufe in thefe mountainous fl:ates,with horrid circumfliances of cruelty, till Abdelcader, fon of Amru, the third of the kings of Sennaar, about the year 1554,, befieged firfl the one and then the other of thefe princes in their mountain, and forced them to furrender ; and, having faflened a chain of gold to each of their ears, he THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 475 iie expofed them in the public market-place at Sennaar in that lituation, and fold them to the higheil bidder, at the vile price of fomething like a farthing each. After this degradation, being circumcifed, and converted to the Maho- metan religion, they were reftored each to their govern- ment, as flaves of Sennaar, upon very eafy conditions of tri- bute, and have been faithful ever fuice. Nothing is morepleafantthanthecountry aroundSennaar, in the end of Auguil and beginning of September, I mean fo far as the eye is concerned; inilead of that barren, bare wafte, which it appeared on our arrival in May, the corn now fprung up, and covering the ground, made the whole of this immenfe plain appear a level, green land, interfperfed with great lakes of water, and ornamented at certain inter- vals with groups of villages, the conical tops of the houfes prefenting, at a diftance, the appearance of fmall encamp- ments. Through this immenfe, extenfivc plain, winds the Nile, a delightful river there, above a mile broad, full to the very brim, but never overflowing. Every where on thefe banks are feen numerous herds of the moll beauti- ful cattle of various kinds, the tribute recently extorted from the Arabs, who, freed from all their vexations, return home with the remainder of their flocks in peace, at as great a diftance from the town, country, and their oppreflbrs, as they poffibly can. The banks of the Nile about Sennaar refemble the plea- fanteft parts of Holland in the fummer feafon ; but foon after, when the rains ceafe, and the fun exerts his utmoft influence, the dora begins to ripen, the leaves to turn yel- low and to rot, the lakes to putrify, fmcll, and be full of 3 O 2 vermin, 476 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER vermin, all this beauty fuddenly difappears ; bare, fcorched" Nubia returns, and all its terrors of poifonous winds and moving fands, glowing and ventilated with fultry blafts, which are followed by a troop of terrible attendants,, epilepfies, apoplexies, violent fevers, obftinate agues, and lingering, painful dyfenteries, ftill more obilinate and mortal. War and treafon feem to be the only employment of this horrid people, whom Heaven has feparated, by almoft impaflable deferts, from the reft of mankind, confining them to an accurfed fpot, feemingly to give them earneft in time of the only other worfe which he has referved to them, for an eternal hereafter. The drefs of Sennaar is very fimple. It confifts of a long fliirt of blue Surat cloth called Marowty, which covers, them from the lower part of the neck down to their feet, but does not conceal the neck itfelf; and this is^ the only dillerence between the men's and the women's drefs ; that of the women covers their neck altogether, being buttoned like ours. The men have fomctimes a fafli tied about their middle ; and both men and women go bare- footed in the houfe, even thofe of the better fort of people.. Their floors are covered with PerCan carpets, efpecially the women's apartments. In fair weather, they wear fandals ;, and without doors they ufe a kind of wooden patten, very neatly ornamented with fhclls. In tlie greareft heat at noon, they order buckets of water to be thrown upon thera inilead of bathing. Both men and women anoint them- felves, at lead once a-day, with camels greafe mixed with civet,, which they imagine foftens their lldn, and prcferves- tUciIl; THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 477 them from cutaneous eruptions, of which they are fo fear- ful, that the fmalleft pimple in any vifible part of their bo^ dy keeps them in the houfe till it difappears : For the fame reafon, though they have a clean fliirt every day, they life one dipt in greafe to lie in all night, as they have no covering but this, and lie upon a bull's hide, tanned, and very much foftened by this conftant greafnig, and at the fame time very cool, though it occafions a fmell that na wafliing can free them from. The principal diet of the poorer fort is millet, made in-- to bread or flour. The rich make a pudding of this, toaft- ing the flour before the fire, and pouring milk and butter into it ; befides which, they eat beef, partly roafled and partly raw. Their horned cattle are the largefl and fatted in the world, and are exceedingly fine ; but the common meat fold in the market is camels flefli. The liver of the animal, and the fpare rib, are always eaten raw through the whole country. I never faw one inftance where it was drelTed with fire : it is not then true that eating raw flelh is peculiar to Abyllinia ; it is pradifed in this inftance of ca- mels fleili in all the black countries to the weftward. Hogs flefli is not fold in the market ; but all the people of Sennaar eat it publicly : men in ofTice, who pretend to be Mahometans, eat theirs in fecret. Tlie Mahometan religion made a very remarkable progrefs among the Jews and Chriftians on the Arabian, or eaftern fule of the Red Sea, and foon after alfo in Egypt ; but it was cither received coolly, or not at all, by the Pagans on the wefl fide, unlefs when, after a fignal victory, it was flrongly enforced by the fvvord of tjie conqueror^ The 478 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER The Saracens, who over-ran this country, were bigots in their religion, as their pofterity continue to be at this day. They have preferved the language of the Koran in its an- cient purity, and adhere rigidly to the letter of its precepts. They either extirpated the Pagans, or converted them ; but this power and tyranny of the Saracens received a check, both in Egypt and Arabia, about the i6th century, by Selim, who eflabliflied Turkiih garrifons in all their principal places on the frontiers of Beja, or Barbaria, and in the Ber el Ajam, or ancient Azamia, along the well coaft of the Red Sea. These Turks were all truly atheifls in their hearts, who defpifed the zeal of the Arabs, and opprelTed them fo, that Paganifm again ventured to fliew its head. The Shillook, as I have faid before, made an eruption into Beja, and con- quered the whole of that country. They became mailers of the Arabs, and embraced their religion as a form, but never anxioufly followed the law of Mahomet, which did not hold out to them that liberty and relaxation by which it had tempted the Jews and Chriflians. Thcfe the law of Mahomet had freed from many reftraints upon pleafures and purfuits forbidden by the gofpel, and thus made their yoke eaficr. But it was not fo with the Pagan nations. The Mahometan religion diminiflied their natural liberty, by impofmg prayers, ablutions, alms, circumcillon, and fuch- like, to wliich before they were under no obligation. The Pagans therefore of Sennaar, and all the little Hates to the weft- ward, Dar-Fowr, Dar-Sele, Bagirma, Bornou, andTombu6lo, and all that country upon the Niger, called Sudan, trouble themfelvcs very little with the detail of the Mahometan re- ligion, which they embraced merely for the fake of per- 4 . . fonal THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 479 fonal freedom and advantages in trade ; but they are Pa- eans in their hearts and in their practices, Mahometans in their converfation only. As for the fons of thefe, they are Pagans like their fathers, unlefs fome Fakir, or Arab faint, takes pains to inftruft and teach them to read, otherwife the whole of their religion confifts in the confeifion of faith, « La lllah el Ullah, Mahomet Rafoul Ullah," — " There is " but one God, and Mahomet is his prophet." There are three principal governments in the kingdom of Sennaar. The firfl is at El-aice, the capital of that coun- try, from which the Shillook come. The Bahar el Abiad fpreads itfelf all over the territory, and, divided into a quan- tity of fmall channels, (whether by art or nature I know not) furrounds a number of little iflands, upon each of which is a village, and this colledion of villages is called the town, of El-aice. The inhabitants are all fifliermen, and have a number oFboats, like canoes, in which they fail up and down to the catara6ts. With incredible fleets of thefe their invafion was made when they undertook the conqueft of the Arabs, who had not the fmalleft warning of the attempt. They had, at that time, no weapons of iron : their fwords and lances were of a hard wood called Dengui-Sibber. It muft be a relation of the Mek of Sennaar that commands at El-aice ; and he is never fufFered to leave that poft, or come to Sennaar. The fecond government, next to this in importance, is Kordofan. The revenue confifts chiefly in flaves procured from Dyre and Tegla. It feems this lituation is the mofl: convenient for invading thofe mountains, either from its having water in the way, or from fome other circumftance that 4So TRAVELS TO DISCOVER that is not known. Mahomet Abou Kalec had this g;overii- nient, and with him about looo black horfe, armed with coats of mail, with whom he maintained hirafelf at this time independent of the king. It is a frontier neareft to Dar-Fowr, a black flate flill more barbarous, if poffible, than Sennaar, and by them it often has been taken from Sennaar, and again retaken. The third government is Fazuclo, bounded by the river El-aice on the weft, and the Nile on the eaft, and the moun- tains of Fazuclo, where are the great catara<5ls, on the fouth. Thefe are part of the large cha,in of mountains of Dyre and Tegla, which reach fo far weftward into the continent, from whence comes the chief fupply both of gold and flaves which conftitute the riches of this country ; for the greateft part of the revenue of Fazucl6 is gold ; and the pcrfon that commands it is not a Funge, but the fame native prince from whom the array of Sennaar conquered it. This feems to be a very remarkable piece of policy in this barbarous nation, which muft have fucceeded, as they conftantly adhere to it, of making the prince of the ftate they have conquered their lieutenant in the government of his own country after- wards. Such was the cafe with Dongola, whofc Mek they continue ; alfo with Wed Ageeb, prince of the Arabs, whom tliey fubdued ; and fuch was the cafe with Fazuclo, Wed Aboud, Jibbel Moia, and other petty ftates, all of which they conquered, but did not change their prince. The forces at Sennaar, immediately 'around the capital, confift of about 14,000 Nuba, who fight naked, having no other armour but a fliort javelin and a round fliield, very bad troops, as I fuppofe ; about 1800 horfe, all black, mount- I ^d THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 481 ed by black Haves, armed with coats of mail, and without any other weapon but a broad Sclavonian fword. Thefe I fuppofe, by the weight and power of man and horfe, would bear down, or break through double the number of any other troops in the world : nobody, that has not feen this cavalry, can have any idea to what perfedion the horfe rifes here. The Mek has not one mufket in his whole army. Befides thefe horfe, there is a great, but uncertain number of Arabs, who pay their tribute immediately to the Mek and to the great men in government, and live under their pro- tection clofe by the town, and thereby have the advantage of trading with it, of fuppiying it with provifions, and, no doubt, mull contribute in part to its ftrength and defence in time of need. After what I have faid of the latitude of Sennaar, it will fcarcely be necelTary to repeat that the heats are exceflive. The thermometer rifes in the fliade to 1 1 9% but as I have obferved of the heats of Arabia, fo now I do in refpe(5t to thofe of Sennaar. The degree of the thermometer does not convey any idea of the efFe6t the fun has upon the fenfa- tions of the body or the colour of the fkin. Nations of blacks live within lat. 13° and 14°, when lo* fouth of them, nearly tinder the Line, all the people are white, as we had an op- portunity of feeing daily in the Galla, whom we have de- fcribed. Sennaai% which is in lat 13°, is hotter, by the ther- mometer, 50 degrees, when the fun is mod diftant from it, than Gondar is, though a degree farther fouth, when the fun is vertical. Cold and hot are terms merely relative, not determined by the latitude, but elevation of the place ; when, therefore, we Vol. IV. 3 P fay 4S2 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER fay hot, fome other explanation is necefTary concerning the- place where we are, in order to give an adequate idea of the fenfations of that heat upon the body, and the efFedls of it upon the lungs. The degree of the thermometer conveys this very imperfedily ; 90° is excellively hot at Loheia in Arabia Felix, and yet the latitude of Loheia is but 15°, where- as 90° at Sennaar is, as to fenfe, only warm^ although Sen-, naar, as we have faid, is in lat. 1 3°. At Sennaar, then, I call it co/d, when one, fully cloathed and at reft, feels himfelf in want of fire. I call it coo/, when one, fully cloathed and at reft, feels he could bear more co- vering all over, or in part, more than he has then on. I call it temperate, when a man, fo cloathed and at reft, feels.no fuch want, and can take moderate exercife, fuch as walking about a room without fweating. 1 call it warm, when a man, fo cloathed, does not fweat when at reft, but, upon mode^- rate motion, fweats, and again cools. I call it /60/, when a man fweats at reft, and exceftively on moderate motion. T call it very hot, when a man, with thin or little cloathin.q;, fweats much though at reft. I q^SWx excejftve hot, when a man, in his Ihirt, at reft, fweats exceftively, when all motion is painful, and the knees feel feeble as if after a fever; I call it extreme hot, when the ftrength fails, a difpolition to faint comes on, a ftraitnefs is found in the temples, as if a fmall cord was drawn tight around the head, the voice impaired, the fkin dry, and the head feems more than ordinary large and light. This, I apprehend, denotes death at hand, as we have feen in the inftanceof Imhanzara, in our journey to Teawa ; but, this is rarely or never effecfted by the fun alone, without the addition of that poifonous wind which purfued us through Atbara, and will be more particularly defcribed in our journey THE SOURCE GF THE NILE. 4S3 journey down the defert, to which Heaven, in pity to man- kind, has confined it, and where it has, no doubt, contribu- ted to the total extindtion of every thing that hath the breath of hfe. A thermometer graduated upon this fcale would exhibit a figure very different from the common one ; fori am convinced by experiment, that a web of the fineft muf- Jin, wrapt round the body at tiennaai-, will occafion at mid- day a greater fenfation of heat in the body than the rife of 5° in the thermometer of Fahrenheit, At Sennaar, from 70° to 78° in Fahrenheit's thermometer is cool ; from 79° to 92° temperate ; at 92" begins warm. Although the degree of the thermometer marks a greater heat than is felt by the body of us ftrangers, it feems to me that the fenfations of the natives bear Hill a lefs proportion to that degree than ours. On the 2d of Auguft, while I was lying perfeftly enervated on a carpet, in a room delu- ged with water, at twelve o'clock, the thermometer at 116°, I law feveral black labourers pulling down a houfe, work- ing with great vigour, without any fymptoms of being at all incommoded. The difeafes of Sennaar are the dyfentery, or bloody flux, fatal in proportion as it begins with the firft of the rains, or the end of them, and return of the fair weather. Intermit- ting fevers accompany this complaint very frequently, which often ends in them. Bark is a fovereign remedy in this country, and feems to be by fo much the furer, that it purges on taking the firft doze, and this it does almoft with- out exception, hpilepfies and fchirrous livers are like wife very frequent, owing, as is fuppofed, to their defeating or /liminifhing perfpiration, or flopping the pores by conftant .3 P 2 uncTiion^ 484 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER unction, as alfo by the quantity of water they deluge themfelves with at the time they are hotteft. The in- fluence of the moon in epilepfies, and the certainty with which the third day after the conjundlion brings back the paroxyfm in regular intermitting fevers, is what natu- rally furprifes people not deeper read than I am in the ftu- dy of medicine. Thofe who live much in camps, or in the parts of Atbara far from rivers, have certainly, more or lefs, the gravel, occafioned, probably, by the ufe of well-water ; for at Sennaar, where they drink of rhe river, I never faw but one inflance of it, that of the Sid el Coom ; as for Shekh Ibrahim, whom I fhall fpeak of afterwards, he had paired a great part of his life at Kordofan. The venereal difeafe is frequent here, but never inveterate, infomuch that it does not prevent the marriage of either fex. Sweating and abftinence never fail to cure it, although, where it had continued for a time, I have known mercury fail. The elephantiafis, fo common in AbylTmia, is not known, here. The fmall-pox is a difeafe not endemial in the coun- try of Sennaar. It is fometimes twelve or fifteen years without its being known, notwithftanding the conllant in- tercourfe they have with, and merchandizes they bring from Arabia. It is likewife faid this difeafe never broke out in Sennaar, unlefs in the rainy feafon. However, when it comes, it fweeps away a vaft proportion of thofe that are infe6ted : The women, both blacks and Arabs, thofe of the former that live in plains, like the bhillook, or inhabi- tants of El-aice, thofe of the Nuba and Cuba, that live in mountains, all the various fpecics of fiaves that come from Dyre and Tegla, from, time immemorial have known a fpecies of inoculation which they call Tifliteree el Jidderee, or, the buying THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 4S5 Buying of the fmall pox. The women are the condii6lors of this operation in the faireft and dried feafon of the year, but never at other times. Upon the firft hearing of the fmali pox any where, thefe people go to the infeded place, and, wrap- ping a fillet of cotton cloth about the arm of the perfon in- feded, they let it remain there till they bargain v/ith the mo- ther how many flie is to fell them. It is neceflary that the terms be difcufled judaically, and that the bargain be not made collufively or gratuitouily, but that one piece of filver, or more, be paid for the number. This being con- cluded, they go home, and tie the fillet about their own child's' arm ; certain, as they fay, from long experience,, that the child infeded is to do well, and not to have one more than the number of puftules that were agreed and paid for. There is no example, as far as I could learn,, either here or in Abyffinia, of this difeafe returning, that is, attacking any one perfon more than once. The trade of Sennaar is not great ; they have no manu- fadures, but the principal article of confumption is blue cotton cloth from Surat. Formerly, when the ways were open, and merchants went in caravans with fafcty, Indian goods were brought in quantities to Sennaar from Jidda, and then difperfed over the black country. The return was made in gold, in powder called Tibbar, civet, rhinoce- ros's horns, ivory, ollrich feathers, and, above all, in flaves or glafs, more of which was exported from Sennaar than all the eaft of Africa together. But this trade is almoit deflroy- ed, fo is that of the gold and ivory. However, the gold flill keeps up its reputation of being the pureft and beft in Africa, and therefore bought at Mocha to be carried to India, 486 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER India, where it all at lafl centers. If the wakea of Abyffi- Txian gold fells at i6 patakas, the Sennaar gold iells at the fame place for 22 parakas. The ivory fells at i^ oz. * per rotol at Cairo, which is about 25 per cent lighter than the rotol of Mocha. Men-flaves, at a medium, may be about a wakea per head at Sennaar. There are women, however, who fell for 13 or 14 wakeas. What their peculiar excel- lencies may be, which fo far alters the price, 1 cannot tell, on- ly they arc preferred by rich people, both Turks and Moors, to the Arab, Circaflian, and Georgian women, during the warm months in fummer. The Daveina Arabs, who are great hunters, carry the ivory to Abyffinia, where they are not in fear. But no ca- ravan comes now from Sudan f to Sennaar, nor from Abyf- fmia or Cairo. The violence of the Arabs, and the faithlefs- nefs of the government of Sennaar, have ihut them up on every fide but that of Jidda, whether they go once a-yearby Suakem. The wakea of Sennaar, by which they fell gold, civet, fcented oils, &c. confifts of 10 drums; 10 of thefe wakeas jnake a rotol. This wakea at tiennaar is accounted the fame as that of Maliiah and Cairo. It is equal to 7 drams 57 grains troy weight. 1 Rotol 10 Wakeas. fi Wakea 10 Drams. But * Ounce of gold is here meant. • t Nigritia, or the black countries on both fides of the- Niger. THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 487- But there is another wakea ufed by the merchants called - the Atareys. I Rotol 12 Wakeas, 1 Wakea 12 Drams. But this is only ufed for coarfe goods. There is but one long meafure in Sennaar, called the Draa, which is the peek, or cubit, and is meafured from the center of the elbow-joint to the point of the middle finger. This is probably the ancient cubit of Egypt, and of the holy icrip- ture. I HAVE faid, that the 5th and 6th of Auguft it rained, and ' the river brought down great quantities of fragments of houfes which it had fwept away from the country to the fouthward. It was a very unufual fight to obferve a mul- titude of men fwimming in this violent current, and then coming afliore riding upon flicks and pieces of timber. . Many people make a trade of this, as fuel is exceedingly fcarce at Sennaar. But there were other figns in this inunda- tion, that occupied the imagination of this fuperftitious people. Part of the town had fallen, and ahysena, as already obferved^ had come alive acrofs the river, from which the •wife ones drew melancholy prefages, . I HAD not been out of the houfe for two days on account of the rain. On the 7th I intended to have gone to Aira ; but on the morning was told by Hagi Belal, that Mahomet Abou Kalec had advanced to the river El-aice, to crofs it in- ' to Atbara, and that ShekhAdelan had decamped from Aira,, and was gone to meet him ; to this it was added, that Wed 3. Ageeb-i 488 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER Ageeb had been fent to by the king, to colledl all his forces among the Arabs, and join him between Herbagi and Sen- naar. It was forefeen, that if this was true, a revolution of fome kind was near at hand, probably the depofmg and death of the king, and that, in the interim, all fubordina- tion would ceafe in the town, and every man do what feem- ed good in his own eyes. Hagi Belal had, befides, told rac that Shekh Fidele of Teawa had been feveral days in the palace with the king, and had informed him that I was laden with money, befides a quantity of cloth of gold, the richeft he had ever feen, which the king of Abyflinia had deftined as a prefent to him, but which I had perverted to my own ufe : He add- ed, that the king had exprefled himfelf in a very threaten- ing manner, and that he was very much afraid I was not in fafety if Shekh Adelan was gone from Aira. Upon this I delired Hagi Belal to go to the palace, and obtain for me an audience of the king. In vain he reprefented to me the rilli I ran by this meafure ; 1 perfifted in my refolution, I was tied to the flake. To fly was impoffible, and I had often overcome fuch dangers by braving them. He went then unwillingly to the palace. Whether he delivered the meflage I know not, but he returned faying, the king was bufy, and could not be feen. I had, in the in- terim, fent Soliman to the Gindi, or Sid el Coom, telling him my difficulties, and the news I had heard. In place of re- turning an anfwer, he came directly to me himfelf ; and was fitting with me when Hagi Belal returned, who, I thought, appeared fome what difconcerted at the meeting. 4 He THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 489 He told me the ftory of Abou Kalec was falfc, as alfo that of Wed Ageeb ; but it was really true that Shekh Adelan had left Aira, and was then encamped at Shaddly. He chid Ha- gi Belal very fliarply, afldng him, what good all that tittle tattle did either to him or me? and infmuatcd pretty plainly, that he believed Hagi Belal did this in concert with the king, to extort fomc prefent from me. " What is.the difference to Yagoube, fays he, if Shekh Adelan be at Aira, three hours journey from Sennaar, or at Shaddly, five ? Is not Kittou in town ? and fliali not I bring every Have of the king to join him upon the firll requifition ? At a time like this, will you perfuade me, Hagi Belal, the king is not rather think- ing of his ownfafcty than of robbing Yagoufee ? I do nor wifli that Yagoube fhould flay a minute longer at Sennaar ; bur, till fome way be found to get neceflaries for his journey, it is not in the king's power to hurt him in the houfe where lie is ; and he is much fafer in Sennaar than he could be any where out of it. Before the king attempts to hurt Ya- goube, as long as he flays in Adelan's houfe, he will think •twice of it, while any of the three brothers are alive. But I will fpeak to Kittou in the evening, and the king too, if I have an opportunity. In the mean time, do you, Yagoube, pur your mind at reft, defend yourfelf if any body attempts to enter this houfe, and do what you will to thofe that fhall force themfelves into it." I then attended him down flairs, with many profefTions of gratitude ; and at the door he faid, in a very low voice, to me, " Take care of yon Bcial, he is a dog, worfe than a Chriftian." I RESOLVED at all events to leave Sennaar, but I had not yet founded Hagi Belal as to money- affaiis. It \^^s now Vol. IV. 3 0^ ^ \he 490 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER the 2oih ; and, for feveral days iince Adelan's departure, no provilions were fent to my houfe, as before was ufual. Money therefore became abfokuely neceflary, not only for daily fubfiftence, but for camels to carry our baggage, pro- vifions, and water, acrofs the defert. I NOW defpaired abfolutely of affiftance of any kind from the king ; and an accident that happened made me lay all thoughts afide of ever troubling him more upon the fubje6l. There are at Mecca a number of black eunuchs, whofe fervices are dedicated to that temple, and the fepul- chrc at Medina. Part of thefe, from time to time, procure Hberty to return on a vifit to their refpedive homes, or to' the large cities they were fold from, on the Niger, Bornou, Tocrur, and Tombudo, where they beg donations for the holy places, and frequently collect: large fums of gold, which abounds in thefe towns and territories. One of thefe, called Mahomet Towafli, which fignifies Eunuch, had returned from a begging voyage in Sudan, or Nigritia, and was at Sennaar exceedingly ill with an intermitting fe- ver. The king had fent for me to vifit him, and the bark in a few days had perfedlly recovered him. A proportional degree of gratitude had, in return, taken place in the breall of Mahomet, who, going to Cairo, was exceedingly defu-ous of taking me with him, and this defire was increafed when he heard I had letters from the fherrifie of Mecca, and was acquainted with Metical Aga, who was his imme'diate mafter. Nothing could be more fortunate than this rencounter at fuch a time, for he had fpare camels in great plenty, and the Arabs, as he paffed them, continued giving him more THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 491 more, and fupported him with provifions wherever he went, for thefe people, being accounted facred, and regarded with a certain rehgious awe, as being in the immediate fervice of their prophet, till now ufed to pafs inviolate wherever they were going, however unfettled the times, or however flen- derly attended. Every thing was now ready, my inftruments and bag- gage packed up, and the 25th of Auguft fixed when we fliould begin our journey for Atbara. Mahomet, who pafC. ed a great part of his time at my houfe, had not been feen by us for feveral days, which we did not think extraordi- nary, being bufy ourfelves, and knowing that his trade de- manded continual attendance on the great people ; but wc were exceedingly furprifed at hearing from my black Soli- man, that he and all his equipage had fet out the night of the 20th for Atbara. This we found afterwards v/as at the earneft perfuafion of the king, and was at that time a hea- vy difappointment to us, however fortunate it turned out afterwards. The night of the 25th, which was to have been that of our departure, we fat late in my room up Hairs, in the back, or moft private part of the houfe. My little companv was holding with me a melancholy council on what had fo recently happened, and, in general, upon the unpromifmg face of our affairs. Our fmgle lamp was burning very low, and fuggeilcd to us that ii: v/as the hour of ilecp, to which, however, none of us were very much inclined. Georgis, a Greek, who, on account of the forenefs of his eves had (laid below in the dark, and had fallen afleep, came run- ning up flairs in a great fright, and told us he had been 3 Qj2 wakened 492 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER wakened by the noife of men endeavouring to force open the door ; that he hearkened a little, and found there were many of them. Our arms were all ready, and we fnatch- ed them up and ran towards the door ; but I ftopr, and planted them upon the firfl landing-place in the ftair- cafe, as I wiflicd not to fire till the enemy was fairly in the houfe, that no excufc might remain for this their violation of hofpitality. I STATIONED Ifmacl at the outer door of the houfe, intend- ing that he fliould fire firft, as it would be lefs odious in him, being a Turk and a flierrifFe, than for us Chriflians. I then went out to the outer gate, and Soliman with me. The entry into the yard was through a kind of porters lodge, where fervants ufed to fit in the day-time, and fleep at night. It had a door from the fi;rect, and then another into the yard, the latier fmal],but very flrong. They had forced the outer gate, and were then in the lodge, endeavouring to do the fame by the inner, having put a handfpike under it to lift it up from tlie hinges. " Are you not madmen^ faid T, and weary of your Uvc's, to attempt to force Adelan's houfe, when there arc witliin it men abundantly provided with large fire-arms, t]:iat, upon one difcharge through the door, will lay you all dead where you now uand ?" " Stand by from the door, cries Ifmacl, and let mc fire. Thefe black Kafrs don't yet know what my blunderbufs is." They had been filent from the time I had fpokcn, and had with- drawn the handfpike from under the door. " Uilah! UUah! cries one of them foftly, how found you fieep ! we have been endeavouring to waken you this hour. The king is ill; tell Yagoube to co.re to the palace, and open the door inHantly." " Tell the king, faid I, to drink v/arm water, and THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 493 and I will fee him in the morning," Ah ! Mahomet, cries SoHman, is, that you? I thought you had hada narrow enough efcape in the palace the other day, but Hay a little, a fer- vant is gone over the back wall to call the Gindi, and we are here niunerous enough to defend this houfe till morning againft all the fervants the king has, fo do not attempt to break the door, and Yagoube will go to the king with the Gindi. At this time one of my fervants fired a piilol in the air out of an upper window, upon which they ail ran off. They feemed to be about ten or twelve in number, and left three handfpikes behind them. The noife of the piilol brought the guard, or patrols, in aboiu half an hour, who carried intelligence to the Sid el Coom, our friend, by whom 1 was informed in the morning, that lie had found them all out, and put them in irons ; that Mahomet, the king's fervant, who met us at Teawa, was one of them ; and that there was no poffibility now of concealing this from Adclan, who would order him to be impaled. Things were now come to fuch a crifls that I was de- termined to leave my inftruments and papers with Kinou, Adelan's brother, or with the Sid el Cpom, while I went to Shaddly to fee Adelan. But firll I thought it neceilary to apply to Hagi Belal to try what funds we could raife to provide the neceifaries for our journey. I flicwtd him the letter of Ibrahim, the Enghfli broker of Jidda, of v/hich before he had received a copy and repeated advices, and told him I Ihould want 200 fequins at ieail, for my camels avid provifions, as well as for fome prefents that I lliuuld have occaiion for, to make my way to the great men m At- bara. 494 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER bara. Never was furprife better counterfeited than by this man. He held up his hands in the utmofl aftonifliment, repeating, 200 fequins ! over twenty times, and afked me if I thought money grew upon trees at Sennaar, that it was with the utmoft difficuky he could fpare me 20 dollars, part of which he muft borrow from a friend. This was a ftroke that feemed to infure our deftrudion no other refource being now left. We were already indebted to Hagi Belal twenty dollars for provifion ; we had feven mouths to feed daily ; and as we had neither meat, money, nor credit, to continue at Sennaar was impoffible. We had feen, a few nights before, that no houfe could protcd: us there ; and to leave Sennaar was, in our fituation, as impof- fible as to ftay there. We had neither camels to carry our provifions and baggage, nor Ikins for our water, nor, in- deed, any provifions to carry, nor money to fupply us with any ofthefe, nor knew any perfon that could give us alTill- ance nearer than Cairo, from which we were then diftant a- bout 1 7° of the meridian, or above 1 000 miles in allraight line; great part of which was thro' the moft barren, unhofpitablede- ferts in the world, deilitute of all vegetation, andof every ani- mai that had the breath of life. Hagi Belal was inflexible; he began now to be weary of us, to fee us but feldom, and there was great appearance of his foon withdrawing himfelf entirely. My fervants began to murmm-; fome of them had known of my gold chain from the beginning, and thefe, in the common danger, imparted what they knew to the reft. In Ihort, I refolved, though very unwillingly, not to facrifice my own hfe and that of my fervants, and the finilliing my 3 . travels THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 495 travels now fo far advanced, to childifli vanity. I deteripi- ned therefore to abandon my gold chain, the honourable re- compence of a day full of fatigue and danger. Whom to in- trull it to was the next conlideration ; and, upon mature de- liberation, I found it could be to nobody bin Hagi Belal, bad as I had reafon to think, he was. However, to put a check. upon him, I fent for the Sid el Coom, in whofe prefence I repeated my accufation againll; Belal ; I read the SerafF's let- ter in my favour, and the feveral letters that Belal had writ- ten me whilft 1 was at Gondar, declaring his acceptance of the order to furnifli me with money when I Ihould arrive at Sennaar ; and I upbraided him in the flrongeft terms with duplicity and breach of faith. But all that I could fay was very far fliort of the violent expollulation from the Gindi that immediately followed. He gave Hagi Belal many not obfcure hints, " that he looked upon this injury as done to himfelf, and would repay him ;. that though he had done this to pleafe the king, the time might not be far off when that favour would be of very little ufe to him ; on the contrary, might be a reafon for ftripping him of all he had in the world." The force of thefe arguments feemed to ftrike Hagi Belal's imagination very powerfully. He even offered to advance 50 fequins, and to fee if he could raife any more among his friends. The Gindi (a rare inftance in that country) offered to lend him fifty. But the dye was now caft, the chain had been produced and feen, and it was become exceedingly danger- ous to carry fuch a quantity of gold in any fliape along with me. I therefore confented to fell it to Hagi Belal in prefence of the Gindi, and we immediately fet about the purchafc of neceffarics, with this provifo, that if Adelan, upon. 49,6 T R A V E L S T O D I S C O V E R upon my going to Shaddly, did furnifh me with camels and neceiraries, fo much of the chain fliould he returned. It was the 5th of September that we were all prepared to leave this capital of Nubia, an inhofpitable country from the beginning, and which, every day we continued in it, had engaged us in greater difficulties and dangers. We flattered ourfelves, that, once difengaged from this bad ftep, the greareil part of our fufFerings was over ; for we appre- hended nothing hut from men, and, with very great realbn, thought we had feen the worfl of them. In the evening I received a meffage from the king to come dirc(5tly to the palace. I accordingly obeyed, taking two fervants along, with me, and found him fitting in a little, low chamber, very neatly fitted up with chintz, or printed calUco curtains, of a very gay and glaring pattern. He was fmoaking with a very long Perfian pipe through water, was aljne, and feeraed rather grave than in ill-hu- m.our. lie gave me his hand to kifs as ufual, and, after paufing a moment without fpeaking, (during which I was ilanding before him) a fiave brought me a little ftcol and fet it down jufl oppofite to him ; upon which he faid, in a low voice, fo that I could fcarcely hear him, " Fudda, fit down," pointing to the ftool. I fat down accordingly. *' You are going, I hear, fays he, to Adelan." I anfwered, " Yes." " Did he fend tor you ?" 1 faid, " No ; but, as I wanted to return to E,uypf, I expcded letters from him in anfwcr to thofe \ broui^ht from Cairo." He told me, Ali Bey that wrote thefe letters was dead ; and aflced me if I knew Mahomet Abcu Dahab ? Tagotibe. "Pcrfe^*l:ly ; I was well jicquaintcd with him and the other uicmbcrs ofgovcrn- I ment. THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. A97 ment, all of whom treated me well, and refpeded my na- tion." Ki/ig. " You are not fo gay as when you firft ar- rived here." Ta. " I have had no very great reafon." Our converfation was now taking a very laconic and ferious turn, but he did not feera to underiland the meaning of what I faid laft. K. " Adelan has fent for you by my dein^e 5 Wed AbrolF and all the Jehaina Arabs have rebelled, and will pay no tribute. They fay you have a quantiiy of power- ful fire-arms with you that will kill twenty or thirty men at a fliot." Ta. " Say fifty or fixty, if it hits them." K. " He is therefore to employ you with your guns to punifli thofe Arabs, and fpoil them of their camels, part of which he will give to you." I prefcntly underflood what he meant, and only anfvvered, " I ?.m a ftraager here, and defire to hurt no man. My arms are for my own defence againft robbery and violence." At this inftant the Tuik, Hagi Ifmael, cried /rom without the door, in broken Arabic, *' VVliy did not you tell thofe black Kafrs, you fent to rob and murder us ihe other night, to flay a little longer, and you would have been better able to judge what our fire-arm.i can do, with- out fending for us either to AbrolF or Adelan. By the head of the prophet ! let them come in the day tinxe, and I will iighc ten of' the beft you have in Sennaar." K. " The man is mad, but he brings me to ("peak of what was in my head when I dcfired to fee you. Adcliiii has ■been informed that Mahoiiu^t, my fervant, who brought you from T'eawa, has been guilty of a -drunken frolic at the door of his houfe, and has fent foldiers to take him to- day, with two or three others of his companions." Ta. " I \know nothing about Mahomet, nor do i drink with hinij Vol. IV. 3 R or 49^ TRAVELS TO DISCOVER or give him drink. About half a fcore of people broke in- to Adelan's houfe in the night, with a view to rob and mur- der us, but I was not at the pains to fire at fuch wretches as thefe. Two or three fervants with flicks were all that were needful. I underftand, indeed, that Shekh Adelan is exceedingly difpleafed that I did not fire at them, and has fent to the Gindi, ordering him to deliver two of them to him to-morrow to be executed publicly before the door of his houfe on the market-day. But this, you know, is among yourfelves. I am very well pleafed none of them are dead, as they might have been, by my hands or thofe of ray people." K. " True ; but Adelan is not king, and I charge you when you fee him to afk for Mahomet's life, or a confiderable deal of blame will fall upon you. When you return back, I will fend him to conduct: you to the frontiers of Egypt." Upon this I bowed, and took my leave. I went home perfe6lly determined what I was to do. I had now obtained from the king an involuntary fafe-guard till I fliould arrive at Adelan's, that is, I was fure that, in hopes I might procure a reprieve for Mahomet, no trap would be laid for me on the road. I determined there- fore to make tlie beft ufe of my time; and every thing be- ing ready, we loaded the camels, and fent them forward that night to a fmall village called Soliman, three or four miles from Scnnaar ; and having fettled my accounts with Hagi Belal, I received back fix links, the miferablc re- mains of one hundred and eighty-four, of which my noble chain once confiHed. This traitor kept me thefewlaft minutes to write a let*, ter to the Hnglifli at Jidda, to recommend him for the fer- vice THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 499 vice he had done me at Sennaar ; and this I complied wit?i, that I might inform the broker Ibrahim that I had received no money from his correfpondent, and give him a caution never again to truft Hagi Belal in limilav cir- cumflances. CS;. ^ 3R2 CHAP. 50O TRAVELS TO DISCOVER- Bti^WH ' " ' ' 'f'-'T^A^ CHAP. X. yourney from Sennaar to Chendu\ TTFR leaving Sennaar I was overtaken on the road by a black Have, who at firft gave me feme appi^^hen- fion, as I was alone with only one Barbarian, a Nubian !isr- vaii., by the fide of ray camel, and was going flowly^ Up, on mquiry I found him to be fent from Hagi Belal, with a b?.i]cet containing fome green tea and fugar, and four bot- tles of rack, in return for my letter. I fent back the mef- fenger, and gave the care of the bafket to my own fervant; and, about ten o'clock in the evening of the 5th of Septem- ber, we all met together joyfully at Soliman. Bepore my departure from Sennaar I had prevailed on a Fakir, or Mahometan monk, fervant to Adelan, to write a istter THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 501 letter to his mafter, unknown to any oilier perfon what- ever, to let him know my apprehenfions of the king, and that, in the uncertainty how far his occupations might o- blige him to move from Shaddl) , my way was diredly for Herbagi, and requefting that he would give me fuch re- commendations to Wed Ageeb as fhould put me in fafety from the king's perfecution, and infure me protciflion and good reception in Atbara. I begged him, in the mod feri- ous manner, to confider, however llightly he had thought of the king of Abyffinia's recommendatory letters, he would not treat thofe of the regency- of Cairo, and of /"he Iherriffe of Mecca, in the fame manner ; that my nation was highly refpe('iled in both places ; and that it was knov/n, by letters written from Sennaar, that 1 adually was arrived there; that they ftiould take care therefore, and not by ilLufage of me expofe their merchants, eitlier at Mecca or Cairo, to a fevere retaliation that would immediately follow the re- ceiving bad news of me, or no news at all. My faithful Soliman, who was now to leave me, was charged to carry the anfwers they fhould choofe to return to the letters I tirought from Abyffinia, and I fent him that very night, to- gether with the Fakir, to Adelanat Shadclly, fully inftracfted with every particular of ill-ufage I had received from the King, of which he had been an eye-witnefs. Although my fervants, as well as Hagi Belal, and every ©ne atSennaar but the Fakir and Soliman, did imagine I was going to ShatMly, yet their own fears, or rather good feafe, had convinced them that it was better to proceed at once for Atbara than ever again to be entangled between Adelan and the king. Sennaar fat heavy upon all their %irits, fo that I had fcarce difmounted from my cameJj., and* 502 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER and before I tafted food, which that day I had not done, when they all intreated me with one voice that I would •confider the dangers I had efcaped, and, inftead of turning weilward to Shaddly, continue north through Atbara. They prbmifed to bear fatigue and hunger chearfuUy, and to live and die with me, provided I would proceed home- ward, and free them from the horrors of Sennaar and its -king. I did not feem to be convinced by what they faid, but ordered fupper, to which we all fat down in company. As we had lemons enough, and Hagi Belal had furnilhed us with f"gar, we opened a bottle of his rack and in punch (the liquor of our country) drank to a happy return thro' Atbara. I then told them my refolution was perfe<5t- ly conformable to their wifhes ; and informed them of the meafures I had taken to infure fuccefs and remove danger as much as poffible. I recommended diligence, fobriety, and fubordination, as the only means of arriving happily at the end propofed ; and afllired them all we fhould fliare one common fare, and one common fortune, till our jour- ney was terminated by good or bad fuccefs. Never was any difcourfe more gratefully received ; every toil was wel- come in flying from Sennaar, and they already began to think themfelves at the gates of Cairo. As I had recommended great diligence and little fleep, before four in the morning the camels were loaded, and on their way, and it was then only they came to awake me. The camels were abundantly loaded, and we had then but five, four of which carried all the baggage, the other, a fmaller one, was referved for my riding. This I told them I willingly accepted at the beginning of the journey, and we fliould all of us take our turn, while water and provi- 3 fions THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 505 lions were to be procured, and that Ifmael the Turk, an old man, and Georgis the Greek, ahnoft blind, required an ad- ditional confideration, fo long as it pollibly could be done with fafety to us all ; bur, when we fliould advance to the borders of the defert, we mull all refolve to pals that jour- ney on foot, as upon the quantity of water, and the quan- tity of provilions alone, to be carried by us, could depend our hopes of ever feeing home. On the 8th of September we left the village of Soliman, and about three o'clock in the afternoon came to Wed el Tumbel, which is not a river, as the name would feem to lignify, but three villages fuuated upon a pool of water, nearly in a line from north to fouth. The intermediate country between this and Herbagi is covered with great crops of dora. The plain extends as far as the fight reach- es. Though there is not much wood, the country is not entirely deftitute of it, and the farther you go from Sen- naar the finer the trees. At Wed el Tumbel there is preat plenty of ebony-bullies, and a particular fort of thorn which fecms to be a fpecies of dwarf acacia, with very fm-iU leaves, and long pods of a llrong faccharine tafte. This is here in great abundance, and is called Lauts, or Loto, which I fufpecl to be the tree on whofe fruit, we are told, the an- cient Libyans fed. At a quarter pall three we left Wed el Tumbel, and entered into a thick wood, in which we tra- velled all late, when we came to the Nile. We continued along the river for about 500 yards, and alighted at Sit el Bet, a fraail village about a mile's dill^ince from the llream. Here we faw the tomb of a Shekh, or faint, built of brick in a conical form, much after the fame figure as fome we hadfeen in Barbary, which were of Hone. Qn ,504 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER •On the 12th, at ten minutes paft fix we fet out from Sk el Bet, and a few minutes after came to a village called A- geda, and five miles further to another, whofe name is U- Iheta. At half pail nine we palled a third village, and at half after eleven encamped near a pool of water, called Wed Hydar, or the River of the Lion. All the way from Wed el fumbel to this village we were much tormented with the fly, the very noife of which put our camels in fuch a •fright that they ran violently into the thickeft trees and buihes, endeavouring to bruih olf iheir loads. Thefe flies do not bite at night, nor in the cool of the morning. We were freed from this difagreeable companion at Wed Hydar, and were troubled with it no more. At four o'clock we again fet out through an extenfive plain, quite deltuure of wood, and all fown with dora, and about five miles further we encamped at a place named Shwyb, where there is a Shekh called Welled Abou Halilin. While at Abou Hallan, we were iurprifed with a violent ftorm of rain and wind, accompanied with great flalhcs of lightning. This ftorm being blown over, we proceeded to a village called Imfurt. At one mile and a half further we joined the river. 1 he Nile here is in extreuie beauty, and winds confiderably; it is broader than at I'^ennaar, the banks flat, and quite covered with acacia and other trees in tuU bloom. 7he tlvick parts of this wood were ftored with great numbers of ant-flopes, while the open places were co- vered v;ith large Clocks of cattle belonging to the Arabs Refaa, who were returning fiom the lands to their paflures to the fouthward. Large (locks of ftorks, cranes, and a va- riety of other birds, were Icatteied throughout the plaii\, .2 which THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 505 which was overgrown with fine grafs, and which even the mukitude of cattle that thronged upon it feemed not ca- pable of confuming. At three quarters pafl fix in the even- ing we came to a large village called Wed Medinai, clofe upon the fide of the river, which here having made a large turn, comes again from the S. E. This town or village be- longs to a Fakir, who received us very hofpitably. On the 14th, at fix in the morning we fet out from Wed Medinai in a diredlion N. W. and at three quarters pad eight arrived at the village Beroulc. We then entered a thick wood, and thence into a very extenfive and cultivated plain, fown with dora and bammia ; a plant .which makes a prin- cipal article in their food all over the fouthern part of the kingdom of Sennaar, which is defcribed, and the figure of it publilhed, by Profper Alpinus* At a quarter paft eleven we arrived at Azazo, about a mile and a half diftant from the Nile. The corn feemed here much more forward than that at Sennaar, and in feveral places it was in the ear. It Tained copioufly in the night of the 14th, but before this there had been a very dry fcafon, and very great fcarcity the preceding year. At ten minutes pafl: four in the after- jioon we left Azazo, our journey, like that of the day be- fore, partly through thick woods, and partly through plains fown with dora. Our direcflion was nearly north, and the 3-iver about two miles and a half difl:ant, nearly parallel to the road wc went. At fix we came to a fmall village called :Sidi Ail el GenowL Vol. IV. -. S On * Vjd> Pj-ofper Alpin. cap. fj. psge 44.. torn. 2, 5o6 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER On the i6th, at half paft fix in the morning we left Sidi Ali el Genowi, and a few minutes after palled two vil- lages on our left along the river fide, not fifty yards from the water, after which we went through the village of El Menfy. The next to this were two tombs of Fakirs, nothing different from the former ones, x^t a quarter paft ten we arrived at Herbagi, a large and pleafant village, but thinly in- habited, placed on a dry, gravelly foil. The people told us, that the greateft part of the townfmen were at fome diftance looking after their farms. Herbagi is the feat of Wed Ageeb, hereditary prince of the Arabs, now fubjedl to the government of Sennaar, whofe lieutenant he is according to treaty. He raifes the tribute, and pays it to the Mek, or his minifters, from all thofe Arabs that live in the diftanE parts of the kingdom, as far as the Red Sea, who do not pafs by Sennaar to the fands, in the feafon of the fly ; for thefe, as I have mentioned, are taxed by the chief minifter, or the perfon who hath the command of the troops of that capital. The revenue arifing from this is very large, and more than all the reft put together. The Refaa, one tribe of Arabs who had compounded at this time with Shekh Adelan, were faid to polTefs 200,000 flie-camels, every one of which, at a medium, was worth half an ounce of gold, each ounce being about ten crowns. The tribute then which that Arab paid was 100,000 ounces of gold, or i,ooo,ooodollars or 2 50,0001. There were at leaftten of thefe tribes with which Adelan was to account, and at leaft fix times that number that fell to the fliare of Wed Ageeb, whofe compofition is the fame as that paid to Sennaar, befides whatever extraordinary fum he impofes for himfel'f. There is alfo a tax upon the male camels ; but this is fmall in comparifon of the others, and the young ones pay no duty, till they are three years old. Camels. THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 507 Camels flefh is tlie ordinary food of the Arabs ; but there is Hill room to inquire what becomes of the prodigi- ous numbers of this animal annually confumed. The ca- ravan of Mecca requires a large fupply, and vaft num- bers are employed in the fervice of Damafcus, of Sy- ria and Perfia, and efpecially of Sudan, whofe caravans traverfe Africa from eaft to well with Indian commodi- ties, which they carry from the Arabian Gulf to the At- lantic Ocean. Thefe, and this vaft inland trade of which they were maflers, the gold, ivory, pearls, and tortoife fliells, that ferved for returns to India, were the fource of the riches and power of thofe Shepherds, of which fo many things are recorded in ancient hiftory almoft exceed- ing belief. Immediately upon entering Herbagi, I went to wait upon Wed Ageeb. He had a very good houfe, confidered as fuch, though but a very indifferent palace for a prince. He feemed to be a man of very gentle manners ; was about 30 years of age ; had a thick black beard and whifl'8g CHAP. THE SOURCE GF THE KILE. ,s*9 =i^'^- CHAP. XL ■Reception at Chend'i by Sittlna—Converfat'ions witb fjer-^— Enter the De^ "ijtrt — Pillars of movmg Sand — The Simoom — Latitude of Chiggre. CHENDI, or Chandi, is a large village, the capital of its diftridl, the government of which belongs to Sittina, (as (he is called) which fignifies the Millrefs, or the Lady, fhe i)eing fitter to Wed Ageeb, the principal of the Arabs in rthis country. She had been married, but her hufband was dead. She had one fon, Idris Wed el Faal, who was to fuc- ceed to the government of Chendi upon his motlier's death, and who, in effed, governed all the affairs of his kindred al- ready. The governor of Chendi is called in difcourfe Mek • ei Jaheleen, prince of the Arabs of Beni Koreifh, who are all fettled, as I have already faid, about the bottom of At- bara, on both fides of the Magiran. There is a tradition at Chendi, that a woman, whofe name was Hendaque, once governed all that country, whence we might imagine that this was part of the king- dom of Candace ; for writing this name in Greek letters it will come to be no other than Hendaque, the native, or Xi^fu IV. 3 X raiftrefs. 530 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER millrefs, of Chendi, or Chandi. However this may be, Chendi was once a town of great refort. The caravans of Sennaar, Egypt, Suakem, and Kordofan, all were in ufe to rendezvous here, efpecially lince the Arabs have cut off the road by Dongola, and the defert of Bahiouda ; and though it be not now a place of great plenty, yet every thing here is at a cheaper rate, and better than at Sennaar ; we muft except the article fuel, for wood is much dearer here than in any part of Atbara ; the people all burn camels dung. Indeed, were it not for dreffing vidtuals, fire in a place fo hot as this would be a nuifance. It was fo fultry in the end of Auguft and beginning of September, that many people dropt down dead with heat, both in the town and villages round it ; but it is now faid to be much cooler, though the thermometer at noon was once fo high as 119". Chendi has in it about 250 houfes, which are not all built contiguous, fome of the bed of them being feparate, and that of Sittina's is half a mile from the town. There are two or three tolerable houfes, but the reft of them are miferable hovels, built of clay and reeds. Sit- tina gave us one of thefe houfes, which I ufed for keep-- ing my inftruments and baggage from being pilfered or broken ; I flept abroad in the tent, and it was even there hot enough. The women of Chendi are eileemed the moft beautiful in Atbara, and the men the greateft cowards. This is the character they bear among their countrymen,, but we had little opportunity of verifying either^. On our arrival at Chendi we found the people very much alarmed at a phenomenon, which, though it often 3 happens. THE SOURCE OF.THE NILE. 531 happens, by forae ftrange inadvertency had never been obfer- ved, even in this ferene llcy. [he planetVenus appeared Ihi- ning with vmdiminiihed Hght all day, in defiance of the brighteft fun, from which flie was but little diftant. Tho' this phcenomenon be vifible every four years, it filled all the people, both in town and country, with alarm. They flocked to me in crowds from all quarters to be fatisfied what it meant, and, when they faw my telefcopes and quadrant, they could not be perfuaded but that the ftar had become vifible by fome correfpondence and intelli- gence with me, and for my ufe. 1 he bulk of the people in all countries is the fame ; they never foretell any thing but evil. The very regular and natural appearance of this planet was immediately converted, therefore, into a fign that there would be a bad harveft next year, and fcanty rains ; that Abou Kalec with an army would depofe the king, and over-run all Atbara ; whilfl: fome threatened me as a principal operator in bringing about thefe difaflers. On the other hand, without feeming over-folicitous about my vindication, I infinuated among the better fort, that this was a lucky and favourable fign, a harbinger of good fortune, plenty, and peace. The clamour upon this fubfided very much to my advantage, the rather, becaufe Sittina and her fon Idris knew certainly that Mahomet Abou Kalec was not to be in Atbara that year. On the 12th of Ocflober I waited upon Sittina, who received me behind a fcreen, fo that it was impoffible either to fee her figure or face ; 1 obferved, however, that there were a- pertures fo managed in the fcreen that Ihe had a perfedt view of me. She exprefiTed herfelf with great poli'tenefs, talked much upon the terms in which Adelan was with 3X2 the j.3^- TRAVE%S TO DiSCOVEIti the king, and wondered exceedingly how a white maro like me lliould venture fo far in fuchan ill-goverrred coun- try. " Allow me, Madam, faid I, to complain of a breach of hofpitality in you, which no Arab has been yet guilty of ■ towards me."^— " Me ! faid flie, that would be ftrange indeed, to a sian that bears my brothers letter. How can that |je !" " Why, you tell m^e, Madam, that I am a white man, . l>y which I know that you fee me, without giving me the like advantage. The queens of Sennaar did not ufe me fo hardly ; I had a full fight of them without having ufed . any importunity." On this flie broke out into a great fit of laughter ; then fell into a converfation about medicines^ to make her hair grow, or rather to hinder it from falling off. She defired me to come to her the next day- that her fon Idris would be then at home from the Howat *, and ; that he very much wiflied to fee me. She that day fent; us plenty of provifions from her own table. On the t3th it was fo exceffively hot that it was impof- fible to fuffer the burning fun. The poifonous fimoom bkw iiliewife as if it came from an oven. Our eyes were dim, . our lips cracked, our knees tottering, our throats perfeftiy dry, and no relief was found from drinking an immoderate . quantity of water. The people advifed me to dip a fpunge in vinegar and water, and hold it before my mouth and nofe, and this greatly relieved me. In the evening I went to Sittina. Upon entering the houfe, a black ilave laid hold of me by the hand, and placed me in a paffage, at th-e end of which were two oppofite doors. I did not well know the re afon * The farm where he kept the flocks belonging to himlelf. THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 533' reafon of this ; but had ftaid only a few liiinutes when I heard one of the doors at the end of the pafTage open, and Sittina appeared magnificently drclfed, with a kind of round cap of folid gold upon the crown of her head, all beat very thin, and hung round with fcquins ; with a variety of gold chains, folitaire?, and necklaces of the fame metal, about her neck. Her hair was plaited in ten or twelve fmall di- vifions like tails, which hung down below her waiil, and over her was thrown a common cotton white garment. She had a purple fiik Hole, or fcarf, hung very gracefully upon her t\ack, brought again round her waift, without covering her llioulders or arms. Upon her wrifts flie had two brace- lets like handcuffs, about half an inch thick, and two gold ' manacles of the fame at her feet, fully an inch diameter, the moft difagreeable and aukward part of all her drefs. I expedted Hie would have hurried through with fome af- fetftation of furprife. On the contrary, fhe ftoptin the middle of the pafTage, faying, in a verv grave manner, " Kifhalec," — how are you ? I thought this was an opportunity of kif- fmg her hand, which I did, without her fhewing any fort of relucT:ance. " Allow me as a phylician, laid I, Madam, to fay one word." She bowed with her head, and faid, " Go in at that door, and I will hear you." The Have appeared, and carried me through a door at the bottom of the pafTage into a room, while her miftrefs vaniflied in at another door at the top, and there was the faeen I had feen th-e day be- fore, aud the lady fitting behind it. . She was a woman fcarcely forty, taller than the middlfe fize,had a very round, plump face, her mouth rather large, Trery red lips, the fmeft teeth and eyes I have feen, but at the 534 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER top of her nofe, and between her eye-brows, Ihe had a fmall fpeck made of cohol or antimony, fom'-corner'd, and of the fize of the fmallefl patches our women ufed to wear ; ano- ther rather longer upon the top of her nofe, and one on the middle of her chin. Sitt'ina. " Tell me what you would fay to me as a phyfi- cian." — Ta. " It was, Madam, but in confequence of your difcourfe yeflerday. That heavy gold cap with which you prefs your hair will certainly be the caufe of a great part of it falling off." S'ltt. " I believe fo; but I fhould catch cold, I am fo accuftomed to it, if I was to leave it off. Are you a man of name and family in your own country ?" Ta. " Of both, Madam." Sitt. " Are the women handfome there ?" Ta. " The handfomefl: in the world. Madam ; but they are fo good, and fo excellent in all other refpefts, that nobody thinks at all of their beauty, nor do they value themfelves upon it." S'ltt. " And do they allow you to kifs their hands ?" Ta. " I underftand you. Madam, though you have miftaken me. There is no familiarity in killing hands, it is a mark of homage, and diftant refpedl paid in my country to our fovereigns, and to none earthly befides." Sitt. " Oyes! but the kings." Ta. " Yes, and the queens, too, always on the knee, Madam; I faidour fovereigns, meaning both king and queen. On her part it is a mark of gracious condefcenfion, in favour of rank, merit, and honourable behaviour; it is a reward for dangerous and difficult lervices, above all other compenfation." 6'///. " But do you know that no man e , er kifled my hand but you ?" Ta. "It is impoffible 1 fho Jd know that, nor is it material. Of this I am confiden . it was meant reipedfully, cannot hurt you, and ought not to offend THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. S3 j^ offend you." Siu. " It certainly has done neither, but I wifli very much Idris my fon would come and fee you, as it is on his account I drefled myfelf to-day." Ta. " I hope. Ma- dam, when I do fee him he will think of fome way of for- warding me fafely to Barbar, in my way to Egypt." Sitt. " Safely ! God forgive you ! you are throwing yourfelf away wantonly. Idris himfelf, king of this country, dares not un- dertake fuch a journey. But why did not you go along with Mahomet Towalh? He fet out only a few days ago for Cairo, the fame way you are going, and has, I believe, taken all the Hybeers with him. Go call the porter", fays fhe to her flave. When the porter came, " Do you know if Mahomet Towalh is gone to Egypt ?" " I know he is gone to Barbar, fays the porter, the two Mahomets, and Abd el Jelleel, the Bifhareen, are with him." " Why did he take all the Hy- beers?" fays Sittina. " The men were tired and difcoura- ged, anfwered the porter, by their late ill-ufage from the Cubba-beefli, and, being dripped of every thing, they want- ed to be at home." Siu. " Somebody elfe will offer, but you muil not go without a good man with you; 1 will not fuffer you. Thefe Bithareen are people known here, and may be trufted; but while you ilay let me fee you every day, and if you want any thing, fend by a fervant of mine. It is a tax, I know, improperly laid upon a man like you, to afk for every necefTary, but Idris will be here, and he will provide you better." I went away upon this converfation, and foon found, that Mahomet Towafli had fo well follow* ed the direftion of the Mek of Sennaar, as to take all the Hy- beers of note with him on purpofe to difappoint nie. This being the Srft time T have had occafion to mention' this ufeful fet of men, it will be neceffary I Ihould here ex- piaini r.s^6 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER plain their office and occupation. A Hybeer is a guide, 'from the Arabic word Hubbar, to inform, inftru(5t, or diretfl, 'becaufe they are u fed to do this office to the caravans tra- velhng through the defert in all its diredions, whether to Egypt and back again, the coaft of the Ked Sea, or the coun- ,'tries of Sudan, and the weftern extremities of Africa. They are men of great confideration, knowing pcrfeiflly the fitua- tion and properties of all kinds of water to be met on the route, the diftance of wells, whether occupied by enemies or not, and, if fo, the way to avoid them with the leaft in- convenience. It is alfo necelTary to them to know the places occupied by the fanoom, and the feafons of their blow- ing in thofe parts of the defert, likewife thofe occupied by moving fands. He generally belongs to fome powerful tribe of Arabs inhabiting thefe deferts, whofe protedtion he makes ufe of to affill his caravans, or prote(5l them in time of danger, and handfome rewards were always in his power to diilribute on fuch occafions ; but now that the Arabs in thefe deferts are everywhere without government, the trade between Abyffinia and Cairo given over, that be- tween Sudan and that metropohs much diminiflaed, the 'importance of that office of Hybeer, and its confideration, is fallen in proportion, and with thefe the fafe condu(51: ; and we fliall fee prefently a caravan cut off by the treachery of the very Hybeers that conducted them, the firll inflance of .the kind that ever happened. One day, fitting in my tent mufliig upon the very un- promifing afpe^l of my affairs, an Arab of very ordinary ap- pearance, naked, with only a cotton cloth around his mid- ^,.dle, came up to me, and offered to condud: me to Barbar .and thence to Egy2:)t. He faid his houfe was at Daroo on the fide THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. sT7 fide of the Nile, about twenty miles beyond Syene, or AlTou*. an, nearer Cairo. I alked him why he had not gone with Mahomet Towafli? He faid, he did not like the company, and was very much miftaken if their journey ended welh Upon preHlng him further if this was really the only rea- fon ; he then told me, that he had been fick for fome months at Chendi, contraded debt, and had been obUged to pawn his cloaths, and that his camel was detained for what Hill remained unpaid. After much converfation, repeated feveral' days, I found that Idris (for that was his name) was a man of fome fubftancc in his own country, and had a daughter married to the Schourbatchie at AiTouan. He faid that this was his laft journey, for he never would crofs the defert again. A bargain was nowfoon made. I redeemed his camel and cloak ; he was to lliew me the way to Egypt, and he was there to be recompenfed, according to his beha- viour. Chendi, by repeated obfervations of the fun and (lars, made for feveral fucceeding days and nights, I fo.und to be in lat. 16° 38' ^s" north, and at tlie lame place, the 13th of Ocflober, I obferved an immerfion of the firil fateUite of Ju- piter, from which I concluded its longitude to be 33° 24' 45" eaft of the meridian of Greenwich. Tiie higheft degree of the thermometer of Fahrenheit in the fliade was, on the loth of oarober, at one o'clock P. M. 1 19°, wind north ; the loweft was on the nth, at midnight, 87°, wind well, after a fmall Ihower of rain. I PREPARED now to Icave Chendi, but firfl returned my benefaftrefs Sittina thanks for all her favours. She had called for Idris, and given him very pofitive inflrudions, Vol. IY. 3 '^ ^^^^ S3^- TRAVELS TO DISCOVER iTiixt with threats, if he mifbehaved ; and hearing what I' had done for him, flie too gave him an ounce of gold, and faid, at parting, that, for knowledge of the road through the defert, flie believed Idris to be as perfedt as any body ; but in cafe we met with the Bilhareen, they would neither fliew to him nor to me any mercy. She gave me, how- ever, a letter to Mahomet Abou Bertran, Shekh of one of the tribes of Bifliarcen, on the Tacazze, near the Magiran, which flie had made her fon write from the Howat, it not being ufual, flie faid, for her to write herfelf. 1 begged I might be again allowed to teftify my gratitude by kiffing her hand, which flie condefcended to in themoft gracious man- ner, laughing all the time, and faying, " Well, you are an odd man ! if Idris my fon faw me jufl now, he would think. me mad." On the 20th of 06lober, in the evening, we left Chendi,. and relied two miles from the town, and about a mile from the river; and next day, the 2rft, at three quarters pail four in the morning we continued our journey, and pafTed through five or fix villages of the Jahcleen on our Icfr; at nine we alighted to feed our camels under fome trees, having gone about ten miles. At this place begins a large ifiand in the Nile feveral miles long, full of villages, trees, and corn, it is called Kurgos. Oppofite to this is the moun- tain Gibbainy, where is the firft fcene of ruins I have met with fince that of Axum in Abyffinia. We faw here heaps of broken pedefials, like thofe of Axum, all plainly defigned for the fi:atues of the dog ; fome pieces of obeliik, likewife, with hieroglyphics, almoft totally obliterated. The Arabs told us theie ruins were very extci five ; and that many pie- 4 ces THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 539 CCS of flatues, both of men and animals, had been dug up there ; the flatues of the men were moftly of black ftone. It is impoffible to avoid rifquing a guefs that this is the an- cient city of Meroe, whofe latitude fliould be 16° 26' ; and I appi^ehend further, that in this iHand was the obfervatory of that famous cradle of aftronomy. The Ethiopians can- not pronounce P ; there is, indeed, no fuch letter in their alphabet. Curgos, then, the name of the ifland, Ihould probably be Purgos, the tower or obfervatory of that city. There are four remarkable rivers mentioned by the an- cients as contributing to form the ifland of Meroe. The firll is the Aftufafpes, or the river Mareb, fo called from hiding itfelf under ground in the fand, and again im- merging in the time of rain, and running to join the Ta- cazze. The next is the Tacazze, as I have faid, the Siris of the ancients, by the natives called Aftaboras, which forms, as Pliny has faid, the left channel of Atbara, or, as the Greeks have called it, the ifland of Meroe. On the weft, or right hand, is another confiderable river, called by the name of the White River, and by the ancients Aftapus, and which Diodorus Siculus fays comes from large lakes to the fouthward, which we know to be truth. This river throws itfelf into the Nile, and together with it makes the' right-hand channel, inclofing Mcroc or Atbara. The Nile here is called the Blue River; and Nil, in the language of the country, has precifely that fignification. This too was known to the ancients, as the Greeks have called it' the Blue River, and tliefe being ail found to inclofe Meroe, nei- ' 3 Y 2 ther 540 TRAVELS TO DTBCGVER tlier Gojam, nor any place that is not fo limited, can ever- be taken for that illancL I WILL not pretend to fay that any pofitive proof fliouldn be founded upon the aftronomical obfervations of the an- cients, unlefs there are circumftances that go hand in hand with, and corroborate them ; but we fhould be at a very great lofs indeed, notwithftanding all the diligence of mo- dern travellers, were we to throw the celeftial obfervations - of the ancients entirely behind us. We have, from various concurring circumftances, fixed our Meroe at Gerri, or be- tween that town and Wed Baal a Nagga, that is about lat, 16° 10' north ; and Ptolemy, from an obfervation of the Sol- ftice, fixes it at 16" 26', fo that the error here, if any, feems to be of no confequence, as the direction of the city might extend to the northward. The obfervations mentioned by Pliny are not fo accurate, nor do they merit to be put in competition with thofe of Ptolemy, for very obvious reafons; yet ilill, when flridly examined, they do not fail, inaccurate as they are, to throw fome light upon this fubjed. He fays the fun is vertical at Meroe twice a-year, once when he enters the 18° of Taurus, and again when he is in the i4tli . degree of the Lion.^ Here are three impofTibilities, which plainly fliew that ihis error is not that of Pliny, but of an ignorant tranfcri- ber ; for if the zenith of Meroe anfwered to the 1 8th degree ■ of Taurus, it is impoffible that the fame point fhould an- fwer to the i4rh degree of the Lion ; and if Syene was 5000 fl:adia from the one, it is impoflible it could be no more from the other which was fouth of it, if they were all three THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 541 = tKrce under the fame meridian ; let us then confefs, as we muft, that both thefe obfervations are erroneous. But let us fuppofe that the firft will make the latitude of ' Meroe to be 17° io\ and the fecond 16° 40'; taking then a medium of thefe two bad obfervations, as is the prac^lice in all fucli cafes, we fhall find the latitude of Meroe to be 16° 30', only 4' difference from the obfervation of Ptolemy. Vosius*, among a multitude of errors he has commit- ted relating to the Nile, denies that there are any iflands in that river. The reader will be long ago fatisfied from our hillory, that this is without foundation, feeing that from the ifland of Rhoda, where flands the Mikeas, to the ifland of Curgos, which we have jufi now mentioned, we have defcribed feveral. . He would indeed infmuate, that Meroe, or Atbara, is not an ifland, but a pehinfula, though it is well known in hiftory thefe words are conflantly ufed as fynonimous ; but were it not fo, Meroe fcarcely flands in need of this excufe. If the reader will cafl his eye upon the map, he will fee two rivers, the Rahad and Tocoor, that almofc meet in lat. 12" 40' north. Acrofs the peninfula left by thefe rivers, is a fmall ftripe called Falaty, running in a contrary diredion from the general courfe of rivers in this country, that is from eaft to weft, though part of it in dry weather is hid in the fand, and this river makes Atba- ra a complete ifland in time of rain. . SiMONIDES De. oiig. flura. cap, xvi. p. 57. 542 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER SiMONiDES the Lefs flaid five years in Meroe ; after him, Ariftocreon, Bion,and Bafilis -. It is not then probable that men of their character omitted to afcertain the fad; whe- ther or not the place where they lived was an ifland. Dio- dorus Siculus has faid, that Meroe was in the form of a fliield, that is, in the figure of that triangular fliield called Scutum, pointed at the bottom, and growing broader to- wards the top where it is fquare. Nothing can be more exaft than this refemblance of the lowerpartof Atbara, that is, from Gerri to the Magiran, the part we fuppofe Diodorus was acquainted with, and it is fcarcely poffible that he could have fixed upon this refemblance without having feen fome figure of it delineated upon paper. As this muft fuppofe a more than ordinary knowledge in Diodorus, we fliall examine how the meafures he has given lis of the ifland correfpond with the truth. He fays, that the ifland is 3000 iladia long, and icco ftadia broad. Now taking 8 Iladia for a mile, v/e have 375 miles, and meafu- ring with the compafs from the river Falaty, where, as I have faid, Atbara becomes an ifland by the confluence of the ri- vers, I find that diftance to be 345 miles, of 60 miles to a de- gree, fo that without making any allowance for the difad- vantages of the country, it is impofiible at this day to have a more accurate eflimation. As for the breadth, it is fcarce- ly poffible to guefs at what part Diodorus means it was mea- fured, on account of the figure of the fliield, as I have al- ready obferved, as conflantly varying. But fuppofe, as is moit probable, that the breadth of the ifland was referred to the * Piln. lib. vi. c. 3=- THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 543 fhe place where the city Hood, then, in place of 125 miles, the produce of 1000 iladia, I find it meafures 145 miles, a differ- ence as little to be regarded as the other. Let us now examine what information we can leam from the report of the centurions fent on purpofe by Nero to explore this unknown country, whofe report has been looked upon as decifive of the diftances of places through which they palled. These travellers pretend, that between Syene and the en- trance into the ifland of Meroe was- 873 miles, and from thence to the city 70 miles ; the whole diftance then be- tween Syene and the city of Meroe will be 943 miles, or 15° 43'. Now Syene was very certainly in 24°, a few minutes more or lefs ; and from this if we take 15°, there will remain 9" of latitude for the iiland of Meroe, according to th^ re- port of thefe centurions, and this would have carried Meroe far to the fouthward of the fountains of the Nile, and con- founded every idea of the geography of Africa. The paral- lel which marks 11° cuts Gojamveryexadly in the middle, and this peninfula may befaid to refemble the fliield called Pelta ; but very certainly not the Scutum, to which Diodorus has very properly hkened it. Befides, their own obfervation condemns them, for it is about Meroe where they firft faw an appearance of verdure ; thereafon of which is very plain, if the latitude of that city was in 16°, upo*^ the verge of the tropical rains,where, as ane) e-wifnefs, I who have paffed that dreary ditlance on foot can tellify, tliofe green* herbs and Ihrubs, though they begin, as is very properly and cautioufly expreffed, to appear there, feem neither luxuriant nor abun- dant. But.- 544- TRAVELS TO DISCOVER But had the centurions gone to Gojam, they would have pafled a hundred miles of a more verdanc and nioie beauti- ful country before arriving there. The pfittaci aves, or the paroquets, which they very properly obferved were firft feen in Meroe, that is, in Atbara, would have been fought for in vain in Gojam, a cold country ; whereas the paroquet's de- light is in the low, or hot country, where there is always va- riety of fruit ; neither could Ptolemy's obfervation, nor thofe two juft mentioned by Pliny, be admitted, after any fort of jjnodiiication wliatever. Strabo remarks of the fituatlon of Meroe, that it was placed upon the verge of the tropical rains ; and, with his ufual accuracy and good fenfe, he wonders the regularity of thefe tropical rains, as .to their coming and duration, was not known earlier, when fo many occafions had offered to obferve them at Meroe before his time. The fame author fays, that the fun is vertical at Meroe forty-five days before the fummer folftice ; fo that this too will place that ifland in lat. 16" 44', very little different from the latitude that Ptolemy gives it. From all which circumflances we may venture to maintain, that very few places in ancient geo- graphy have their fituations more flric^ly defined, or by a greater variety of circumflances, than the ifland of Atbara or Meroe. But fuppofing the cafe v/ere otherwife, there is not one of thefe circumflances that I know of, that could be ad- duced with any efFccl to prove Gojam to be Meroe, as Le Grande and the Jefuits have» vainly afTerted. At half pail eleven o'clock in the forenoon of the 21ft •of October, having fpcnt the whole day in winding through :vallies, and the bare hills of the Acaba, we alighted in a ji wood THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. ^45 wood about a mile from the river. This fide of the Nile, along which we travelled to-day, is quite bare, the other full of trees and corn, where are feveral large villages. On the 2 2d, in the afternoon, we left this place, which is called Hor-Gibbaity, and paffed through feveral villages of the Macabrab, named Dow-Dowa, and three miles further came to Deniar, a town belonging to Fakir Wed Madge Doub, who is a faint of the firfl confequence among the Jaheleen. They believe that he works miracles, and can ftrike whom he pleafes with lamenefs, blindnefs, or mad- nefs ; for which reafon they ftand very much in awe of him, fo that he pafTes the caravans in fafety through this Reft of robbers, fuch as the Macabrab are, and always have been, though there are caravans who chufe rather to pnfs unfeen under the cloud of night, than truft to the venera- tion thefe Jaheleen may have of Wed Madge Doub's fan(5liry. After thefe are Eli^ib, their habitation four miles on our left at Howiah, On the 25th, at three quarters pafl fix in the morning we left Demar, and at nine came to the Tacazze, five fliort miles diftant from Demar, and two fmall villages built with canes and plaiftered with clay, called Dubba-beah; thefe are allies of the Macabrab, as coming from Demar. They took it in their heads to believe that we were a caravan going to Mecca, in which they were confirmed by a fon of Wed Madge Doub, whom I brought with me, and it was neither my bufinefs nor mclination to undeceive them, but ,juft the contrary. .Vol. IV. 3 Z The 546' TRAVELS TO DISCOVER The Tacazze is here about a quarter of a mile broad, ex- ceedingly deep, and they have chofen the deeped part for the ferry. It is clear as in Abyffinia, where we had often feen it. It rifes in the province of Angot, in about lat. 9°, but has loft all the beauty of its banks, and runs here thro' a dcfert and barren country. I reflcdlcd with much fatif- facflion upon the many circumftances the fight of this river recalled to my mind ; but ftill the greateft was, that the fcenes of thefe were now far diftant, and that I was by fo much the more advanced towards home. The water of the Tacazze is judged by the Arabs to be lighter, clearer, and wholefomer than that of the Nile. About half a mile after this ferry it joins with that river. Though the boats were fmaller, the people more brutilh, and lefs expert than thofe at Halifoon, yet the fuppofed fan(5tity of our charac- ters, and liberal payment, carried us over without any diffi- culty. Thefe fons of Mahomet are very robuft and ftrong, and, in all their operations, feemcd to truft to that rather than to addrefs or flight. Wq left the paflage at a quarter after three, and at half paft four arrived at a gravelly, wafte piece of ground, and all round it planted thick with large trees without fruit. Tlie river is the boundary between At- bara and Barbar, in which province we now are. Its inha- bitants are the Jaheleen of the tribe of Mirifab. On the 26th, at fix o'clock, leaving the Nile on our left about a mile, we continued our journey over gravel and fand, through a wood of acacia-trees, the colour of whofe flowers was no^v changed to white, whereas all the reft we had before feen were yellow. At one o'clock we left the wood, and at 40 minutes paft ^hree we came to Gooz, a fmall village, which neverthelefs is the capital of Barbar. The. THE SOURCE OF THE N ILE. 547 The village of Gooz is a coUetlrion of miferable hovels com- pofed of clay and canes. There are not in it above 30 houfcs, but there are fix or feven different villages. The heat feemed here a little abated, but everybody complained of a difeafe in their eyes they call Tilhafh, which often termi- nates in blindnefs. I apprehend it to be owing to the fimoom and fine fand blowing through the defert. Here a misfortune happened to Idris our Hybeer, who was arrefled for debt, and carried to prifon. As we were now upon the very edge of the defert, and to fee no other inhabited place till we fliould reach Egypt, I was not difpleafed to have it in my power to lay him under one other obligation before we trufted our lives in his hands, which we were immedi- ately to do. I therefore paid his debt, and reconciled him with his creditors, who, on their part, behaved very mode- rately to him. When trade flouriflied here, and the caravans went re- gularly, Gooz was of fome confideration, as being the firfl place where they flopped, and therefore got the firfl offer of the market ; but now no commerce remains, nor is it worth while for flated guides to wait there to condud the caravans through the defert, as they did formerly. Gooz is fituated fifteen miles from the jundion of the two rivers the Nile and Tacazze. By many obfervations of the fun and flars,and by a mean of thefe, I found it to be in lat. if 57' 22"; and by an immerfion of the firfl fatellite of Jupi- ter obferved there the 5th of November, determined its lon- gitude to be 34° 20' 30" eafl of the meridian of Green- wich. The greatefl height of Fahrenheit's thermometer was, at Gooz, the 28th day of Odober, at noon, in". 3 Z 2 Having j,f^ TRAVELS TO DISCOVER' Having received all the affurances pofTible from Idris- that he v/ould live and die with us, after having repeated the prayer of peace, we put on the beft countenance poffible, and committed ourielves to the dcfert. There were Ifmael th-e Turk, two Greek fervants befides Georgia, who was almoll blind and ufelefs. Two Barbarins, who took care of the camels, Idris, and a young man, a relation of his, who joined him at Barbar, to return home ; in all nine perfons, eight only of whom were efFeftive. We were all well-armed with blunderbufTes, fwords, piflolsy and double- barrelled guns, except Idris and his lad, who had lances, the only arms they could ufe. Five or fix naked wretch- es of the Tucorory joined us at the watering place, much againrt my will, for I knew that we fhould probably be re- duced to the difagreeable necelTity of feeing them die with thirrt before our eyes ; or by affiiling them, Ihould any ac- cident happen to our water, we ran a very great rifli of gerilhing with th*;m. . It was on the 9th of November, at noon, we left Gooz, and fet out for the fakia, or watering-place, which is be- low a little village called Hail'a. All the weft fide of tlife Nile is full of villages down to Takaki, but they are all Jaheleen, without government, and perpetually in rebel- lion. At half paft three in the afternoon we came to the Nile to lay in our llore of water. We filled four Ikina, which might contain altogether about a hogfhead and a half. As for our food, it confifted in twenty-two large goat5 fikins fluffed with a powder of bread" made of dora here at Gooz, on purpofe for fuch expeditions. It is about the fize and Ihape of a pancake, but thinner. Being much dried, rather than toafted at the fire, it is afterwards rub- bed THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. s¥) htd between the hands into a ckift or powder, for the fake of package; and the goat's lldn .crammed as Full as pofliblff,. and tied at the mouth with a leather thong. This bread has a fouriih talle, which it imparts to the water when mingled with it, and fwells to fix times the fpace that it occupied when dry. A handful, as much as you could grafp, put into a bowl made of a gourd fawed in two, about twice the contents of a common tea-bafon, was the quan- tity allowed to each man every day, morning and evening.; ; and another fuch, gourd of water divided, one half two hours before noon, the other about an hour after. Suck were the regulations we all of us fubfcribed to ; we had not camels for a greater provifion. The Nik at Hafla runs at the foot of a mountain called Jibbel Atefhan, or the Mountain ofThirJl; the men, emphatically enough, confider- ing that thofe who part from it, entering the defert, take there the firil provifions againft thiril, and there thofe thai come to it from the defert firfl ailuage theirs. On the nth, about eleven o'clock in the forenoon we left Hafla. It required a whole day to fill our ficins, and foak them well in the water, in order to make an experi- ment, which was of the greatell confequence of any one we ever made, whether thefe fkins were water-tight or not. I had taken the greateft care while at Chendi to dawb them well over with grcafe and tar, to fecure their pores on the outfide ; but Idris told us this v/as not enough, and that foaking the infide with water, filling them choak-full, and tying their mouths as hard as poffible, w^as the only way to be certain if they were v/ater-tight without. \Vhil2 55a TRAVELS TO DISCOVER While the camels were loading, I bathed myfelf with in- finite pleafure for a long half hour in the Nile, and thus took leave of my old acquaintance, very doubtful if we fliould ever meet again. We then turned our face to N. E. leaving the Nile, and entering into a bare defert of fixed gravel, without trees, and of a very difagreeable whitilh co- lour, mixed with fmall pieces of white marble, and pebbles like alabafter. At a quarter paft four we alighted in a fpot of high bent grafs, where we let our camels feed till eight o'clock, and at three quarters paft ten we halted for the night in another patch of grafs ; the place is called Ho- weela. Jibbel Ateflian bore b. W. and by W. of us, the dif- tance about feven miles. I inquired of Idris, if he knew, to point out to me, precifely where Sycne lay, and he fhewed me without difficulty. I fet it by the compafs, and found it to be N. and by W. very near the exaft bearing it turned out upon obfervation afterwards. He faid, however, we fliould not keep this tracft, but fliould be obliged to vary oc- cafionally in fearch of water, as we fhould find the wells in the defert empty or full. On the 12th, at feven o'clock in the morning we quitted Howeela, continuing our journey through the defert in the fame dire(5lion, that is to the N. E. ; our reafon was, to avoid as much as poffible the meeting any Arab that could give intelligence of our being on our journey, for nothing was fo eafy for people, fuch as the Bifliareen, to way-lay and cut us off at the well, where they would be fure we muft of neceffity pafs. At twenty minutes paft eight we came to Waadi el Haimcr, where there are a few trees and fome bent grafs, for this is the meaning of the word Waadi in a de- fert. The Arabs, called Sum gar, are here on the weft of us, 3 by THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 551. by the river fide. At half pad: twelve we alighted on a fpot of grafs. Takaki from this diftance will be twenty-four miles, between the points N. W. and N. N. W. and from Ta- kaki to Dongola ten Ihort days jom-neys, I fuppofe i8o miles at moft. We are now in the territory of the Bifliareen, but they were all retired to the mountviins, a high even ridge, that is fomething above two days diftance from us, and runs parallel to our courfe, on the right hand of us, all the way into Egypt» At half paft eight we alighted in a fandy plain without trees or grafs. Our camels, we found, were top heavily loaded, but we comforted ourfelves that this fault would be mended every day by the ufe we made of our provifions ; feowever, it was very much againft them that they were obliged to pafs this whole night without eating. This place is called Umboia. We left Uiuboia, ftill ilretching farther into the defert at N. E. At nine we faw a hill called AfTero-baybe, with two pointed tops N. of us, which may be about twelve or fourteen miles diitant, perhaps more. Tins is the next Hybeer's mark, by which he direds his Gourfe. On the eail is Ebenaat, another fliarp-pointed rock, about ten miles diftant. All this day, and the evening be- fore,our road has been through ftony, gravelly ground, with- out herb or tree. Large pieces of agate and jafper, miKt with many beautiful pieces of marble, appear everywhere: on the ground. At two o'clock in the afternoon we came to Waadi Amour, where we alighted, after we had gone fix hours this day w::U great diligence. Waadi Amour has a few trees and fhrubs, but fcarce enough to aJOford any Ihade, or night's provifion; SS.2 TRAVELS T O D I S C O V E R provifion for our camels. Being now without fear of the Arabs who live upon the Nile, from which we were at a fufficient diftance, we with the fame view to fafety, declined approaching the mountains, but held ourcourfe nearly N. to a fmall fpot of grafs and whitt; fand, called AlTa-Nagga. Here our misfortunes began, from a circumrtance we had not attended to. Our Ihoes, that had needed conftant repair, ■were become at laft abfolutely ufelefs, and the hard ground, from the time we pafled Amour, had worn the llcin off in feveral places, fo that our feet were very much inflamed by the burning Ijand. About a mile north-weft of us is Hambily, a rock not confiderable in fize, but, from the plain country in which it is fituated, has the appearance of a great tower or caftle, and fouth of it two hillocks or little hills. Thefe are all land- marks of the utmoft confcquence to caravans in their journey, becaufe they are too confiderable in fize to be co- vered at any time by the moving fands. At AlTa Nagga, AfTi- ro-baybe is fquare with us, and with the turn which the Nile takes eaftward to Korti and Dongola. TheTakaki arc the people neareft us, weft of Affa Nagga, and Affero-baybe up- on the Nile. After thefe, when the Nile has turned E. and W. are the Chaigie, on both fides of the river, on to Korti, where the territory called the kingdom of Dongola begins. As the Nile no longer remains on our left, but makes a remark- able turn, which has been much mifreprefentcd in the maps, I put my quadrant in order, and by a medium of three ob- fervarions, one of Procyon, one of Rigel, and one of the mid- dle ftar of the belt of Orion, I found the latitude of Aila Nagga to be 19" 30', which being on a parallel with the far- .ihcft point of the Nile northward, gives the latitude of that place THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. S53 place where the river turns weft by Korti towards Dongola, and this was of great fervice to me in fixing fome other mate- rial points in my map. On the 14th, at feven in the morning we left AfTa Nagga, our courfe being due north. At one o'clock we alighted a- mong fome acacia-trees at Waadi el Halboub, having gone twenty-one miles. We were here at once furprifcd and ter- rified by a fight furely one of the moft magnificent in the world. In that vaft expanfe of defert, from W. and to N. W. of us, we faw a number of prbdigious pillars of fand at differ- ent diftances, at times moving with great celerity, at others ftalking on with a majeflic flownefs; at intervals we thought they were coming in a very few minutes to overwhelm us ; and fmall quantities of fand did ad:ually more than once reach us. Agaia they would retreat fo as to be almoft out of fight, their tops reaching to the very clouds. There the tops often feparated from the bodies ; and thefe, once disjoined, difperfed in the air, and did not appear more. Sometimes they were broken near the middle, as if ftruck with a large cannon fliot. About noon they began to advance with confi- derable fwiftnefs upon us, the wind being very ftrong at north. Eleven of them ranged alongfide of us about the dillance of three miles. The greateft diameter of the largeft appeared to me at that difiance as if it would meafure ten feet. They reti- red from us with a wind at S. E. leaving an impreffion upon my mind to which 1 can give no name, though (urely one in- gredient in it was fear, with a confiderabic deal of wonder and aftonifliment. It was in vain to think of flying ; the fwifteft horfe, or fafteft failing fliip, could be of no ufe to carry us out of this danger, and the full perfuafion of this rivetted me as if to the fpot where I flood, and let the Vol. IV. 4 A camels 554 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER camels ;^ain on me fo much in my ft ate of lamenefs, that it was With fome diificuky I couid overtake them. The efFevfh this ftupendoiis fight had upon Idris was to fet hiin to his prayers, indeed rather to his charms ; for, befides the name of God and Mahomet, all the reft of the words were mere gibberiih and nonfenfe. This created a violent altercation between him and Ifmael the Turk, who abufed him for not praying in the words of the Koran, main- taining, with apparent great wifdom at the fame time, that nobody had charms to ftop thefe moving fands but the in-, habitants of Arabia Deferta,. The Arabs to whom this inhofpitable fpot belongs are the Adelaia. They, too, are Jahelcen, or Arabs of Beni Ko- reifh. They are faid to be a harmlefs .race, and to do no hurt to the caravans they meet; yet I very much doubt, had we fallen in with them they would not have deferved' the good name that was given them. We went very flow^ ly to-day, our feet being fore and greatly fwelled. The whole of our company were much diftieartened, (except- Idris) and imagined that they were advancing into whirl- winds of moving fand, from which they fliould never be able to extricate themfelves ; but before four o'clock in the afternoon thefe phantoms of the plain had all of them fallen to the ground and difappeared. In the evening we cam.e to Waadi Dimokea, where we pafTed the night, much, difheartened, and our fear more increafed, when v/e found,, upon wakening in the morning, that one fide was perfedly buried in the £and that the wind had blown above us ij?, the nightv From THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. s^S From this day, fubordination; though not entirely ceafcd, was faft on the decUne ; all was difcontent, murmuring, and fear. Our water was greatly diminifhed, and that terrible death by thirft began to flare us in the face, and this was owing in a great meafure to our own imprudence. Ifmael, who had been left centinel over the fkins of water, had llept fo foundly, that this had given an opportunity to a Tucorory to open one of the fkins that had not been touch- ed, and ferve himfelf out of it at his own difcretion. I fup- pofe that, hearing fomebody ftir, and fearing detecT:ion, he had withdrawn himfelf as fpeedily as pofTible, without ta- king time to tie the mouth of the girba, which we found in the morning with fcarce a quart of water in it. On the 15th, at a quarter paft feven in the morning wc left Waadi Dimokea, keeping a little to the weftvvard of north, as far as I could judge, jufl upon the hne of Syene. The fame ridge of hills being on our right and left as yeflerday, in the center of thefe appeared Del Aned. At twenty minutes pafl two o'clock in the afternoon we came to an opening in the ridge of rocks ; the paffage is about a mile broad, through which we continued till we alight- ed at the foot of the mountain Del Aned. The place is call- ed Waadi Del Aned. The fame appearance of moving pillars of fand prefent- ed themfelves to us this day in form and difpofition like thofe we had feen at Waadi Halboub, only they feemed to be more in number, and lefs in fize. They came feveral times in a direction dole upon us ; that is, I believe, with- in lefs than two miles. They began, immediately after fun-rife, like a thick wood, and alniofl darkened the fun : 4 A 2 His ^S6 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER His rays fliining through them for near an hour, gave them an appearance of pillars of fire. Our people now became defperate : The Greeks flirieked out, and faid it was the day of judgment. Ifmael pronounced it to be hell, and the Tucorories, that the world was on fire. I afked Idris if ever he had before feen fuch a fight ? He faid he had often feen them as terrible, though never worfe ; but what he feared mofl was that extreme rednefs in the air, which was a fure prefage of the coming of the fimoom. I begged and en- treated Idris that he would not fay one word of that in the hearing of the people, for they had already felt it at Im- hanzara in their way from Ras el Feel to Teawa, and again at the Acaba of Gerri, before we came to Chendi, and they were already nearly diftra6ted at the apprehenfion of find- ing it here. At half pad four o'clock in the afternoon we left Waadi Del Aned, our courfe a little more to the weftward than the direflion of Syene. The fands which had difappeared yef- terday fcarcely fliewed themfelves at all this day, and at a great diftance from the horizon. This was, however, a comfort but of fliort duration. I obferved Idris took no part in it, but only warned me and the fervants, that, upon the coming of the fimoom, we fliould fall upon our faces, with our mouths upon the earth, fo as not to partake of the outward air as long as we could hold our breath. We alighted at fix o'clock at a fmall rock in the fandy ground, without trees or herbage, fo that our camels failed all that night. This place is called Ras el Seah, or, by the Bifliareen,. El Mout, which fignifies death, a name of bad omen. On THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. SS7 On the i6th, at half pail ten in the forenoon we left El Mout, {landing in the diredlion clofe uponSyene. Our men, if not gay, were however in better fpirits than I had feen them fince we left Gooz. One of our Barbarins had even attempted a fong ; but Hagi Ifmael very gravely reproved him, by telling him, that fmging in fuch a fituation was a tempting of Providence. There is, indeed, nothing more different than aftive and paflive courage. Hagi Ifmael would fight, but he had not ftrength of mind to fuffer. At eleven o'clock, while we contemplated with great pleafure the rug- ged top of Chiggre, to which we were fail approaching, and where we were to folace ourfelves with plenty of good wa- ter, Idris cried out, with a loud voice, Fall upon your faces, for here is the fnnoom. I faw from the S. E. a haze come, in colour like the purple part of the rainbow, but not fo com- prefled or thick. It did not occupy twenty yards in breadth, and was about twelve feet high trom the ground. It was a kind of bluHa upon the air, and it moved very rapidly, for I fcarce could turn to fall upon the groimd with my head to the northward, when I felt the heat of its current plainly up- on my face. We all lay flat on the ground, as if dead, till Idris told us it was blown over. The meteor, or purple haze, which I fasv, was indeed paffed, but tht light air that Hill blew wa- of heat to threaten fuffocarion. For my part, I found diflind:ly in my bread that I had imbibed a part of it, nor was I free of an ailhmatic fenfation till 1 had been fome months in Italy, at the baths of Poretta, near two years af- terwards.. An univerfp.l defpondency had taken poffeiTion of our people. Ihey cealed to fpeaL to one anothcr,_ and when. they;. 558 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER they did, it was in whifpers, by which I eafdy gueffed their difcourfe was not favourable to me, or elfe that they were increafing each others fears, by vain fuggeftions calculated to fink each others fpirits ftill further, but from which no earthly good could poflibly refult. I called them together, and both reprimanded and exhorted them in the flrongeft manner I could ; I bade them attend to me, who had nearly loft my voice by the fimoom, and defired them to look at my face, fo fwelled as fcarcely to permit me to fee; my neck covered with blifters, my feet fwelled and inflamed, and bleeding with many wounds. In anfwer to the lamen- tation that the water was exhaufted, and that we were upon the point of dying with thirft, I ordered each man a gourd full of water more than he had the preceding day, and fliewed them, at no great diilance, the bare, black, and fliarp point of the rock Chiggre, wherein was the well at which we were again to fill our girbas, and thereby baniih the fear of dying by thirft in the defert. I believe I never was at any time more eloquent, and never had eloquence a more fudden efFedt. They all protefted and declared their con- cern chiefly arofe from the fituation they fav/ me in ; that they feared not death or hardlhip, provided I would fubmit a little to their direftion in the taking a proper care of my- fclf. They intreated me to ufe one of the camels, and throw ofiT the load that it carried, that it would eafe me, of the wounds in my feet, by riding at leaft part of the day. This I pofitively refufed to do, but recommended to them to be ftrong of heart, and to fpare the camels for the laft re- fource, if any fliould be taken ill and unable to walk any longer. This THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 559 This phsenomenon of the fimoom, unexpedled by uSj though forefeen by Idris, caufed us all to relapfe into our former defpondency. It Hill continued to blow, fo as to ex- hauft us entirely, though the blaft was fo weak as fcarcely would have raifed a leaf from the ground. At twenty mi- nutes before five the fimoom ceafed, and a comfortable and cooling breeze came by Harts from the north, blowing five or fix minutes at a time, and then falling calm. We were now come to the Acaba, the afcent before we arrive d at Chiggre, where we intended to have fiopt that night , but we all moved on with tacit confcnt, nor did one perfon pretend to fay how far he guefled we were to go. At thirteen minutes paft eight we alighted in a fandy plain abfolutely without herbage, covered with loofe ftonesi a quarter of a mile due north of the well, which is in the narrow gorge, forming the fouthern outlet of this fmall plain. Though we had travelled thirteen hours and a quar- ther this day, it was but at a flow pace, our camels being famiflied, as well as tired, and lamed likewife by the fliarp Hones with which the ground in all places was covered. The country, for three days paft, had been deftitute of herbage of any kind, entirely defert, and abandoned to moving fands. We faw this day, after pafling Ras el Seah, large blocks and ftrata of pure white marble, equal to any in colour that ever came from Paros, Chiggre is a fmall narrow valley, ciofely covered up and furrounded with barren rocks. The wells are ten in num* ber, and the narrow gorge which opens to them is not ten yards broad. The fprings, however, are very abundant; Wherever a pit is dug five or fix feet deep, it is immediate- ly 500 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER ly filled with water. The principal pool is about forty yards fquare. and five feet deep ; but the beft tafted water was in the cleft of a rock, about 30 yards higher, on the weft fide of this narrow outlet. All the water, however, was very foul, with a number of animals both aquatic and land. It was impoffible to drink without putting a piece of our cotton girdle over our mouths, to keep, by filtration, the filth of dead animals out of it. We faw a great many partridges upon the face of the bare rock ; but what they fed upon I could not guefs, unlefs upon infeifts. We did not dare to fhoot at them, for fear of being heard by the wandering Arabs that might be fomewhere in the neigh- bourhood ; for Chiggre is a hauntof the Billiareen of the tribe of Abou, Bertran, who, though they do not make it a ftation, becaufe there is no paflure in the neighbourhood, nor can any thing grow there, yet it is one of the moll va- luable places of refrelhment, on account of the great quan- tity of water, being nearly half way, when they drive their cattle from the borders of the Red Sea to the banks of the Nile ; as alfo in their expeditions from fouth to north, when they leave their encampments in Barbar, to rob the Ababde Arabs on the frontiers of Egypt. Our firfc attention was to our camels, to whom we gave that day a double feed of dora, that they might drink for the reft of their journey, fliould the wells in the way prove fcant of water. We then walhed in a large pool, the coldeft water, I think, I ever felt, on account of its being in a cave covered with rock, and was inaccellible to the fun in any diredlion. All my people feemed to be greatly recovered by this refrigeration, but from fome caufe or other, it fared otherwife with the Tucorory ; one of whom died about an hour afterour arrival, and another early the next morning. 3 SUjBORDINATION THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 5<5i Subordination^, if now not entirely gone, was expiring, fo that I fcarcely expe(5led to have intereft enough with my ownfervants to help me to fet up my lai-ge quadrant : Yet I was exceedingly curious to know the fituation of this remarkable place, which Idris the Hybecr declared to be halfway to Aflbuan. But it feems their curioiity was not lefs than mine ; above all, they wanted to prove that Idris was miftaken, and that we were confiderably nearer to Egypt than we were to Barbar. While Idris and the men filled the fkins with water, the Greeks and I fet up the quadrant, and, by obfervation of the two bright liars of Orion, I found the latitude of Chiggre to be 20° 58' 30" N.; fo that, allowing even fome fmall error in the pofition of Syene in the French maps^ Idris's guefs was very near the truth, and both the latitude and longitude of Chiggre and Syene feemed to require no further invelligation. During the whole time of the obfervation, an antelope, of a very large kind, went feveral times round and round the quadrant ; and at the time when my eyes were fixed upon the flar, came fo near as to bite a part of my cotton cloth which I had fprcad like a carpet to kneel on. Even when I fiirred, it would leap about two or three yards from me, and then Hand andgaze with fuch attention,thatit would 'have appeared to by-llanders (had there been any) that we had been a long time acquainted. The firil idea was tTie common one, to kill it. I eafily could have done this with a lance ; but it feemed fo interelled in what I was do- ing, that I began to think it might perhaps be my good ge- nius which had come to vifit, protedl, and encourage me in the defperacc fituation in which I then was. ToL. IV. 4 B C H A P, j63 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER Ct^^ll ■—~^^~- ■;,„^_^VBj3 CHAP. XII. Dljlrejfcs in the Defer t — Meet with Arabs — Camels die — Baggage abat^ doned — Come to Syene^ ^N the 17th of November, at half pail ten in the fore^ noon, we left the valley and pool of Chiggre, If- macl, and Georgis the blind Greek, had complained of Ihivering all night, and I began to be very apprehenfive fome violent fever was to follow. Their perfpiration had not returned but in fmall quantity ever fnice their coming out of the water, and the night had been cxceilively cold, the thermometer Handing at 63°. The day, however, was infufferably hot, and their complaints infenfibly v/ore off to my great comfort. A little before eleven we were again terrified by an army (as it feemcd) of fand pillars, whofe march was conftantly fouth, and the favourite field which they occupied was that great circular fpacc which the Nile makes when oppofite to AfTa Nagga, where it turns wefl to Korti and Dongola. At one time a number of thefe pil- lars THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 563 lars faced to the eaftward, and feemed to be coming direct- ly upon us ; but, though they were little nearer us than two miles, a confiderable quantity of fand fell round us. I began now to be fomewhat reconciled to this plijenome- non, feeing it had hitherto done us no harm. The great magnificence it exhibited in its appearance, feemed, in fome aneafure, to indemnify us for the panic it had firfl occafion- cd : But it was otherwife with the fimoom ; we all of us were firmly perfuaded that another pafTage of the purple meteor qvcf us would be attended with our deaths. At half pall four we alighted in a vaft plain, bounded on isdl fides by low fandy hills, which feemed to have been tranf- ported hither lately. Thefe hillocks were from feven to ■thirteen feet high, drawn into perfed cones, with very fliarp •points and well-proportioned bafes. The fand was of an incorxceivable finenefs, having been the fportT)f hot winds for thoufands of years. There could be no doubt that the day before, when it was calm, and we fuflered fo mucli "by the fimoom between El Mout and Chiggre, the wind had beenraifing pillars of fand in this place, called Umdoom; marks of the v/hirling motion of the pillars were dilHndly feen in every heap, fo that here again, while vv^e were re- pining at the fimoom, Providence was bufied keeping us out of the way of another fccne, where, if we had advanced a day, we had all of us been involved in inevitable dcftruc- tion. On the r8th we left Umdoom at fcven in the morning, -our diredion N. a little inclined to \V. ; at nine o'clock we pafTed through a fandy plain, without trees or ver- dure. About 300 yards out of our way, to the left, among 4 13 2 fome 5(54 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER fofne fanrly hillocks, where the gi^ound feems to be more' filevated than the reft, Idris the Hybeer told me, that one of the largeft caravans which ever came out of Egypt, under the condu(5t of the Ababde and the Bilhareen Arabs, was there covered with land, to the number of fome thoufands of camels. There are large rocks of grey granite fcattered through this plain. Ac ten o'clock we alighted at a place called trboygi, where are fome trees, to feed, our camels. The trees I have fo often mentioned in our journey thro' the defert are not timber, or tall- growing trees ; there are none of thefe north of Sennaar, except a few at Chendi. The trees 1 fpeak of, which the camels eat, are a kind of dwarf acacia, growing only to the height of bufhes ; and the wood fpoken of likewife is only of the defert kind, ate almoft bare by the camels- There are fome high trees, in-- deed, on the banks of the Nile. At half paft one o'clock we left Erboygi, and came to a large wood of doom (Palma Guciofera). Here, for the firft time, we faw a flirub which very much refembled Spanifh broom. The whole ground is dead fand, with fome rocks of reddiili granite.. Exactly at five o'clock we alighted in the wood, after having tra- velled a moderate pace,. The place is called El Cowie, and' is a ftation of the Bilhareen in the fummer months ; but thefe people were now eaft of us, three days journey, towards the Red Sea, where the rains had fallen, and there was plen- ty of pafture. At forty minutes pail twelve we left Ei Cowie, and at five o'clock in the evening alighted in a wood, called Terfowey, full of trees and grafs. The trees are the talleft and largeil we had feen fince leaving the Nile. We had this day enjoyed, as it were, a holiday, free from the terrors of the fand, or dreadful influence of the fimoom. Ihis poifonous wind had made feveral attempts to prevail this; THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. jtJj; fliis day, but was always overpowered by a cool breeze ati north. On the 19th we left the weft end of the wood, or rather continued the whole length of it, and at a quarter paft eight; in the evening arrived at the. well. It is about four fa- thoms deep, but the fpring. not very abundant. We drain^- ed it feveral times, and were obliged to wait its. filling again.. Thefe laft two days, fince we were at El Cowie, we had feeii more verdure than we had altogether fince we left Barbar. Here, particularly at Teffowey, the acacia- trees are tall and verdant, but the mountains on each. fide appear black and; barren beyond imagination.. As foon as we alighted at Terfowey, and had chofen 3 proper place where our camels could feed, we unloaded our baggage near them, and fent the men to clean the well, and wait the filling of the fkins. We had lighted a large fire. The nights were exccflively cold, though the thermo- meter was at S3° ; and that cold occafioned me inexprefilble pain in my feet, now fwelled to a monftrous fize, and eve- rywhere inflamed and excoriated. I had taken upon me the charge of the baggage, and Mahomet, Idris's young man, the care of the camels ; but he too was gone to the well, though expeded to return immediately, . A DOUBT had arifen in my mind by the way, which was then giving me great uneafinefs. If Syene is under the fame meridian with Alexandria, (for fo Eratoflhenes con- ceived when he attempted to meafure the. circumference of tha ^66 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER the earth), in this cafe, Alexandria being fuppofed to lye in long. 30°, Syene miifl: be in 30° likevvife ; but Gooz being in 34°, it is impoflible that Syene can be within a trifle north of Gooz ; and therefore we mufl have a much greater quan- tity of welling to travel than Idris the Hybeer imagines, who places Syene a very little weft of the meridian of Gooz, or immediately under the fame meridian, and due north from it Our cajnels were always chained by the feet, and the chain fccured by a padlock, left they fliould wander in the night, or be liable to be ftolen and carried off. Mufmg then upon the geographical difficulties juft mentioned, and gazing before me, without any particular intention or fuf- picion, I heard the chain of the camels clink, as if fome- body was unloofmg them, and then, at the end of the gleam made by the fire, I law diftinctly a; man pafs fwiftly by, Hoop- ing as he went along, his face almoll to the ground. A lit- tle time after this I heard another clink of the chain, as if from a pretty fharp blow, and immediately after a move- ment among the camels. I then rofe, and cried in a threaten- ing tone, in Arabic, *' I charge you on your life, whoever you are, either come up to me dire(5lly, or keep at a diftancc till day, but come that way no more; why fliould you throw your life away?" In a minute after, he repafTed in the fhade among the trees, pretty much in the manner he had done before. As I was on guard between the baggage and the camels, I was confequently armed, and advanced deliberate- ly fomc fteps, as far as the light of the fire fhone, on purpofe to difcovcr how many they were, and was ready to fire up- on the next I faw. " If you are an honeft man, cried I aloud, and want any thing, come up to the fire and fear not, I am I alone ; THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 567 alone ; but if you approach tlie camels or the baggage a- gain, the world will not be able to fave your life, and your blood be upon your own head." Mahomet, Idris's nephew, who heard me cry, came running up from the well to fee what was the matter. We went down together to where the camels were, and, upon examination, found that the links of one of the chains had been broke, but the opening not large enough to let the correfponding whole link through to feparate it. A hard blue Hone was driven through a link of one of the chains of another camel, and left flicking there, the chain not being entirely broken through ; we faw, befides, the print of a .man's feet on the fand. There was no need to tell us affer this that we were not to lleep that night ; we made therefore another fire on the other fule of the camels with branches of the aca- cia-tree, which we gathered. I then fent the man back to Idris at the well, defiring him to fdl his flcins with water before it was light, and tranfport them to the baggage where I was, and to be all ready armed there by the dawn of day ; foon after which, if the Arabs were fufficiently llrong, we were very certain they would attack us. This agreed perfectly with Idris's ideas alfo, fo that, contenting themfelves with a leller quantity of water than they firil intended to have taken, they lifted the fkins upon the camels I fent them, and were at the rendezvous, near the baggage, a. little after four in the morning. The Barbanns, and, in general, all the lower fort of Moors and Turks, adorn their arms and wrills with amulets ; thefe are charms, and are fome favourite verfe of the Koran wrapt in paper, neatly covered with Turkey leather. Tlie two Barbarins that were with me had procured for themfelves- new 558 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER new ones at Sennaar, which were to defend them from tlie fimoom and the fand, and all the dangers of the defert. That they might not foil thefe in filling the water, they had taken them from their arms, and laid them on the brink of the well before they went down. Upon looking for thefe after the girbas were filled, they were not to be found. This double attempt v/as an indication of a number of people being in the neighbourhood, in which cafe our prefcnt fituaiion was one of the moft defperate that could be figured. We were in the middle of the moft barren, inhofpitable defert in the world, and it was with the utmoft difficulty that, from day to day, we could carry wherewithal to afi^uage our thirft. We had with us the only bread it was pofilble to procure for fome hundred miles ; lances and fwords were not ne- ceflary to deftroy us, the burfiing or tearing of a girba, the lamencfs or death of a camel, a thorn or fprain in the foot which might difable us from walking, were as certain death to us as a fliot from a cannon. There was no flaying for one another ; to lofe time was to die, becaufe, with the ut- moft exertion our camels could make, we fcarce could cany along with us a fcanty provifion .of bread and water fuffi- ,cient to keep us alive. That defert, which did not afford inlialiitants for the at fiftance or relief of travellers, had greatly more than fufii- cient for deftroying them. Large tribes of Arabs, two or three thotifand, cncam.ped together, were cantoned, as it were, in different places of this defert, where there was wa- ter enough to fcrve tlieir numerous herds of cattle, and thefe, as their occafion required, traverfed in parties all that wide expanfe of folitude, frcm the mountains near the Red Sea ,eaft, to the ba^ks of the Nile on tlie wtft, according as tlieir ^ feveral THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 569 feveral defigns or neceflities required. Thefe v/cre Jaheleen Arabs, thofe cruel, barbarous fanatics, that deliberately (hed fo much blood during the time they were eftablifliing the Mahometan religion. Their prejudices had never been re- moved by any mixture of ftrangers, or foftened by fociety, even with their own nation after they were poliflied ; but buried, as it were, in thefe wild deferts, if they were not grown more favage, they had at leaft preferved, in their full vigour, thofe murdering principles which they had brought with them into that country, under the brutal and inhuman butcher Kaled Ibn el Waalid, impioufly called n^be Sword of God. If it fliculd be our lot to fall among thefe people, and it was next to a certainty that we were at that very inftant furrounded by them, death was certain, and our only comfort was, that we could die but once, and that to die like men was in our own option. Indeed, without confidering the bloody character which thefe wretches na- turally bear, there could be no reafon for letting us live.: We could be of no fervice to them as flaves ; and to have fent us into Egypt, after having firfl rifled and deftroyed our goods, could not be done by them but at a great expence, to which well-inclined people only could have been induced from charity, and of thatlaft virtue they had not even heard .the name. Our only ciiance then remaining was, that their number might be fo fmall, that, by our great fuperiority in fire-arms and in courage, we might turn the misfortune upon the aggreiTors, deprive them of their camels and means of carrying water, and leave them fcattered in the defert, to that death which either they or we, without al- ternative, mufl: fuifer. ¥0L. IV. 4 G I EXPLAINED 0/ 70 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER I EXPLAINED myfelf to this purpofe, briefly to the people, on which a great cry followed, " God is great ! let them come !" Our arms were perfedlly in order, and our old Turk Ifmael feemed to move about and diredl with the vi- gour of a young man. As we had no doubt they would, be mounted on camels, fo we placed ourfelves a little with- in the edge of the trees. The embers of our two fires were on our front ; our tents, baggage, and boxes, on each fide of us, between the opening of the trees ; our camels and wa- ter behind us, -the camels being chained together behind the water, and ropes at their heads, which were tied to trees. A fkin of water, and two wooden bowls befide it, was left open for thofe that fliould need to drink. We had finifhed" our breakfaft before day-break, and I had given all the men dire<5tions to fire fcparately, not together, at the fame fet of people ; and thofe who had the blunderbufles to fire where they faw a number of camels and men together,, and efpecially at any camels they faw with girbas upon them,, or where there was the greateft confufion.. The day broke; no Arabs appeared; all was ftill. The dan- ger which occurred to our minds then was, left, if they were few, by tarrying we fhould give them time to fend off mef- fengers to bring affiftance. I then took Ifmael and two Barbarins along with me, to fee who thefe neighbours of ours could be. We foon traced in the fand the footfteps of the man who had been at our camels ; and, following them behind the point of a rock, which feemed calculated for concealing thieves, we faw two ragged, old, dirty tents, pitched with grafs cords. The THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 571^ The two Barbarins entered one of them, and found a naked woman there. Ifmael and I ran brilldy into the lar- geil, where we faw a man and a woman both perfedlly na- ked, frightful, emaciated figures, not like the inhabitants of this world. The man was partly fitting on his hams ; a child, feemingly of the age to fuck, was on a rag at the cor- ner, and the woman looked as- if fhe wifhed to hide her- felf. I fprung forward upon the man, and, taking him by the hair of the head, pulled him upon his back on the floor, fetting my foot upon his bfeaft, and pointing my knife to his throat ; I faid to him fternly, " If you mean to pray, pray quickly, for you have but this moment to live." The fellow was fo frightened, he fcarce could beg us to fpare his life ; but the woman, as it afterwards appeared, the mother of the fucking child, did not feem to copy the pairive difpofition of her hufband ; flie ran to the corner of the tent, where was an old lance, with which, I doubt not, fhe would have fufficiently diflinguiftied herfelf, but it happened to be entangled with the cloth of the tent, and Ifmael felled her to the ground with the butt-end of his blunderbufs, and wrefled the lance from her. A violent howl was fet up by the remaining woman like the cries of thofe in torment. " Tie them, faid I, Ifmael ; keep them feparate, and carry them to the baggage till I fettle accounts with this camel-ilealer, and then you fliall ilrike their three heads off, where they intended to leave us miferably to perifli with hunger ; but keep them feparate." While the Barbarins were tying the woman, the one that was the nurfe of the child turned to her hufband, and faid, in a nioft mournful, defpairing tone of voice, " Did I not tell you, you would never thrive if you hurt that good man ? 3 C 2 did 572 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER did not I tell you this would happen for murdering the Aga ?" Our people had come to fee what had paiTed, and I fent the women away, ordering them to be kept feparate, out of the hearing of one another, to judge if in their an- fwers they did not prevaricate. The woman defired to have- her child with her, which I granted. The little creature, inilead of being frightened, crowed, and held out its little hands as it pafled me. We fallened the Arab with the chain of the camels, and fo far was well ; but ftill we did not know how near the Bifliareen might be, nor who thefe were, nor whether they had fent off any intelligence in the night. Until we were informed of this, our cafe was little mended. Upon the man's appearing, all my people decla- red, with one general voice, that no time was tohe loft, but that they fliould all be put to death as foon as the camels- were loaded, before we fet out on our journey ; and, in- deed, at firft view of the thing, felf-prefervation, the firft law of nature, feemed ftrongly to require it. Hagi Ifmael was fo determined on the execution that he was already fecking a knife fharper than his own. " We will ftay, Hagi Ifmael, faid I, till we fee if this thief is a liar alfo. If he pre- varicates in the anfwers he gives to my queftions, you fhali then cut his head off, and we will confign him with the He in his mouth, foul and body to hell, to his mafter whomr he ferves." Ifmael anfwered "The truth is the truth ; if: he lies, he can defervc no better„ The reader will eafdy undcrftand the neceffity of my fpeaking at that moment in terms not only unufual for a Cliriftian,^ but even, in any fociety or converfation ; and if the. fexocit?/. THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 57. ferocity and brutality of the difcourfe fhould fliock any, elpecially my fair readers, they will remeinbcr, that thefe were intended for a good and humane purpofe, to produce fear in thofe upon whom we had no otiier tie, and thereby extort a confeflion of the truth; which might anfwer two purpofes, the faving the effufion of their blood, and provi- ding for our own prefervation. " You fee, faid I, placing the man upon his knees, your time is fhort, the fword is now drawn which is to make an end of you, take time,^ anfwer diilin(5lly and deliberately, for the firft trip or lie that you make, is the laft word that you will utter in this world. Your wife fliall have her fair chance likewife, and your child ; yoix and all fhall go together, unlefs you tell me the naked truth. Here, Ifmael, ftand by him, and take my fword it is, 1 believe,. the fliarpeil in the company," « Now I afk you, at your peril. Who was the good man your wife reproached you with having murdered ? where was it, and when, and who were your accomplices ? He anfwered trembling, and indiftinaily, through fear, "It was a black, an Aga from Chendi." " Mahomet Towafh, fays If- mael ; Ullah Kerim ! God is merciful !" " The fame," fays the Bifliareen. He then related^the particulars of his death in the manner in which I fhall have occafion to ftate after- wards. •' Where are the Bifhareen ? continued I ; where is Abou Bertran ? 1k)w foon will a light camel and meifenger arrive where he now is ?" "In lefs than two days ; perhaps, fays he, in a day and a half, if he is very diligent and the camel good." " Take care, faid I, you are in danger. Where did you and your women come from, and when ?" " From Abou Bertran, fays he; we arrived here at noon on the jth 574 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER day*, but the camels were all flic- camels ; they are favourite camels oi' Sh'ekh t>eide ; we drove them fof tly ; the two you faw at the tents are lame ; befides there were fome others unfound ; there were alfo women and children." " Where did that party, and their camels, go to from this ? and what number of men was there with them ?" " There were about three hundred camels of all forts, and about thirty men, all of them fervants ; fome of them had one lance, and fome of them two ; they had no fhields or other arms." •' What did you intend laft night to do with my camels ?" " 1 intended to have carried them, with the women and child, to join the party at the Nile." " What muft have become of me in that cafe ? we muft have died ?" He did not anfwer. " Take care, faid I, the thing is now over, and you are in my hands; take care what you fay." " Why, certainly, fays he, you muft have died, you could not live, you could not go anywhere elfe." " If another party had found us here, in that cafe would they have flain us ?" He hefitated a little, then, as if he recolled:ed himfelf,faid, "Yes, furely, they murdered the Aga, and would murder any body that had not a Bifliareen with them." A violent cry of condemnation immediately followed. " Now attend and underftand me diftindlly, faid I, for upon thefe two que- ftions hangs your life : Do you know of any party of Bilhareen who are foon to pafs here, or any wells to the north, and in what number? and have you fent any intelligence fmce laft night you faw us here ?" He anfwer- ed, with more readinefs than ufual, "We have fent nobody anywiicre ; * It is not here to be underftood that the Arab defcribed the day by the 5th, but by an interval of time which we knew correfponded to the 5th. THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. siS anywhere; our camels are lame; we were lo follow, as foon as they could be able to travel, to join thofe at the Nile. The parties of the Bifliarecn are always paffing here, fome- times more, fometimes lefs ; they will not come till they hear from the Nile whether the grafs is grown. They have with them two dromedaries, who will carry the news from the Nile in three days, or they will come in fmall parties like the laft, for they have no fear in thefe parts. The wells to the north belong to the Ababde. When they pafs by them with cattle they are always in great numbers, and a Shekh along with them ; but thofe wells are now fo fcan- ty they have not water for any number, and they muft therefore all pafs this way.!' I GOT up, and called on Ifmael. The poor fellow thought he was to die. Life is fweet even to the mod miferable. He was ftill upon his knees, holding his hands clafped round the back of his neck, and already, I fuppofe, thought he felt the edge of Ifmael's knife. He fwore that every word he had fpoken was truth; and if his wife was brought flie could not tell another llory. I THEREUPON left him, and went to his wife, who, when. Ihe faw Hagi Ifmael with a drawn fvvord in his hand, thought all was over with her hufband, and fell into a vio- lent fit of defpair, crying out, " That all the men were liars and murderers, but that fhe would have told the truth if I had afked her firft." " Then go, Hagi Ifmael, faid I, tell them not to put him to death till 1 come, and now you have your chance, which if you do not improve by telling the truth, I will firft flay your child with my own hand before your face, and then order you all to be cruelly put to. ^ deacli ^jS TRAVELS TO DISCOVER death together." She began with great earneftnefs to fay, "She could not tell who killed Mahomet Towafli, for Ihe only heard it in converfation from her hufband, who was there, after he had come home." I then, v/ord for word, put thofe queftions to her that I had done to her hufband, and had precifely the fame anfwers. The only difference was, that flie believed a party of the Ababde would pafs Chig- gre foon; but feeing me rife to go away, (he burft out into a flood of tears, and tore her hair in the mod violent excefs of paffion; Ihrieking out, to have mercy upon her, and prcf- flng the little child to her breaft as if to take leave of it» then laying it down before me, in great agony and bitter- nefs of heart, flie again fhrieked out, " If you are a Turk, make it a flave, but do not kill my child, and fpare my huf- rband." Though I underflood Arabic well, I did not, till that day, know it had fuch powers, or that it contained expref- fions at once fo forcible and fo ftmple. I found myfelf fo much moved, and my tears came fo fail, that it was in vain to endeavour to carry on a farce under fuch tragical appearances, " Woman, faid I, I am not a Turk, nor do I make flaves, or kill children. It is your Arabs that force me to this ; it was you that attacked me laft night, it was you that murdered Mahomet Towafli, one of your ovv^n religion, and bufied in his duty. I am a ilranger, fecking my own fafety, but you are all murderers and tliicves."— " It is true, fays flie, they are all murderers and liars, and my hufband, not knowing, may have lied too. Only let me hear what he told you, and I will tell you whether it is truth or not." Day was now advancing apace, and no refolution taken, whilft our prefent fituation was a very unfafe one. We . carried THE SOURCE OFTHENILE. . 577 carried the three prifoners bound, and fet George, the Greek, ceiitinal over them. I then called the people toge- ther. I STATED fairly, in a council held among ourfelves, the horror of llaughtering the women and child, or even lea- ving them to ftarve with hunger by killing their camels, from whom they got their only fullenance ; for, though we fhould not ftain our hands with their blood, it was the fame thing to leave them to perifli : that we were Grangers, and had fallen upon them by accident, but they were in their own country. On the contrary, fuppofe we only flew the man, any of the women might mount a camel, and, travel- ling v/ith diligence, might inform the Bifliareen, who would fend a party and cut us off at the next well, where we muft pafs, and where it would be impolTible to efcape them. I mull fay, there was a conliderable majority for fparing the V omen and child, and not one but who willingly decreed the death of the man, who had confefTed he was endeavour- ing to Ileal our camels, and that he intended to carry them to his party at the Nile ; in which cafe the lofs of all our lives was certain, as we fliould have been flarvcd to death, or murdered by the Arabs. The very recital of this attempt fo enraged Hagi Ifmael that he defired he might have the preference in cutting off his head. The Barbarins, too, were angry for the lofs of their bracelets. Indeed every one's opinion was, that the Arab fhould die, and efpecially fmce the account of their be- haviour to Mahomet Towath, whofe death I, for my ovv'n part, cannot fay I thought myfelf under any obligation to revenge. " Since you are dilTering in your opinions, and Vol. IV. 4 D there 5yS travels to discover there is no time to lofe, faid I, allow me to give you mine. It has appeared to ine, that often, fmce we began this jour- ney, we have been prefcrved by vifible inftances of God's protedion, when we fliould have loft our lives if we had gone by the rules of our own judgment only. We are, it is true, of diiTerent religions, but all worlhip the fame God. Suppofe the prefent cafe fliould be a trial, whether we truft really in God's protedion, or whether we believe our fafe- ty owing to our own forefight and courage. If the man's life be now taken away, to-morrow we may meet the Biflia- reen, and then we fhall all refled upon the folly of our precau- tion. For my own part, my conftant creed is, that I am in God's hands, whether in the houfe or in the defert ; and not in thofe of the Bilhareen, or of any lawlefs fpoiler. I have a clear confcience, and am engaged in no unlawful purfuit, feeking on foot my way home, feeding on bread and water, and have done, nor defign, wrong to no man. We are well armed, are nine in number, and have twice as many fire- locks, many of thefe with double- barrels, and others of a fize never before feen by Arabs, armies of whom have been de- feated with fewer: we are ragged and tattered in our clothes, and no prize to any one, nor do I think we fhall be found a party of pleafure for any fet of wild young men, to leave their own homes, with javelins and lances to way-lay us at the well for fport and diverfion, fince gain and profit arc cut of the queflion. But this I declare to you, if ever we meet thefe Arabs, if the ground is fuch as has been near all the wells we have come to, I will fight the Biiliareen boldly and chearfully, without a doubt of beating them with eafe. I do not fay my feelings would be the fame if my confcience was loaded with that moft heinous and horrid crime, mur- der THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 5/9 der in cold blood ; and therefore my determination is to fpare the life even of this man, and will oppoie his being- put to death by every means in my power." It was eafy to fee, that fear of their own lives only, and not cruelty, was the reafon they fought that of the Arab. They anfvvered me, two or three of them at once, " That it was all very well; what fhould they do? fhould they give themfelves up to the Bifhareen, and be murdered like Mahomet Towafh ? was there any other way of efcaping ?" " I will tell you, then,.fmce you alk me what you ihouid do: You fliall follow the duty of felf-defence and felf-preferva- tion, as far as you can do it witliout a crime. You fhall leave the women and the child where they are, and with them the camels, to give them and their child m.ilk; you fliall chain the hufband's right hand to the left of fome of yours, and you Ihall each of you take him by turns till we fliall carry him into Egypt. Perhaps he knov/s the defert and the wells better than Idris; and if he fhould not, Hill we have two Hybeers inftead of one ; and who can foretell what may happen to Idris more than to any other of us ? But as he knows the ftations of his people, and their cour- fes at particular feafons, that day we meet one Billiareen, the man that is chained with him, and condu(Ss him, fliali inflantly ftab him to the heart, fo that he ihali not fee, much lefs triumph in, the fuccefs of his treachery. On the con- trary, if he is faithful, and informs Idrij. where the danger is, and where we are to avoid it, keeping us rather by fcanty wells than abundant ones, on the day 1 arrive fafely in Egypc I will cloath him anew, as alfo his women, give him a good camel for himfelf, and a load of dura for them all. As for 4 D 2 the 58o TRAVELS TO DISCOVER the camels we leave here, they are fhc-ones, and neceflkry to give the women food. They are not lame, it is faid, but we Ihall lame them in earneft, fo that they Ihall not be able to carry a meflenger to the Bifliareen before they die with thirfl in the way, both they and their riders, if they fliould attempt it." An univerfal applaufe followed this fpeech ; Idris, above all, declared his warmell approbation. The man and the women were fent for, and had their fentence repeated to them. Tlicy all fubfcribed to the conditions chearfullyj^ and the woman declared flae would as foon fee her child die as be an inllrument of any harm befalling us, and that, if a thoufand Bifharcen fliould pafs, {he knew how to mif- lead them all, and that none of them fhould follow us till .we were far out of danger. IsEKT two Barbarins to lame the camels efTc^lually, bur not fo as to make them pad recovery. After which, for tire nurfe and the child's fake, I took twelve handfuls of the bread which was our only food, and indeed we could fcarcly fpare it, as we faw afterwards, and left it to this^ mi- ferable family, with this agreeable reflecT:ion, however, tha.t we fhould be to them in the end a much greater blefling than in the beginning we had been an affliction, provided cnly they kept their faith, and on their part deferved it. On the 20th, at eleven o'clock wc left the well at Terfowey, after having warned the women, that their chance of feeing their hufband again depended wholly upon his and their faithful condud. We took our prifoncr with us, his right liaaid being chained to the left of one of the Barbarins. We had no THE SOURCE OF THE N ILE. jg^i ho fooner got into the plain than we felt great fymptoms of the fiiiioom, and about a quarter before twelve, our prifoner firft, and then Idris, cried out, The Simoom i the Simoom ! My curiofity would not fufFer mc to fall down without looking behind me. About due fouth, a little to the eaft, I faw the coloured haze as before. It fecmcd now to be ra-- ther lefs comprelled, and to have with it a fliade of blue. The edges of it weie not defined as thofe of the former, but like a very thin fmoke, with about a yard in the mid- dle tinged with thofe colours. We all fell upon our faces, and the fimoom pafled with a gentle rullling wind. It con- .tinucd to blow in this manner till near three o'clock, fo we were all taken ill that night, and fcarcely flrength was left us to load the camels and arrange the baggage. This day- one of our camels died, partly famifhed, partly overcome with extreme fatigue, fo that, incapable as we were of la- bour, we were obliged, for felf-preferv at ion's fiike, to cut offihin flices of the flefliy part of the camel, and hang it in fo many thongs upon the trees all night, and after upoa the baggage, the fun drying it immediately, fo as to prc- Ycnt pturefaiftion, ; At half pad eight in the evening wc alighted at a well called Naibey, in a bare, fandy plain, where there were a few draggling acacia-trees. We had all this day fcen large blocks of folhle fait upon the furface of the earth wliere we trod. This was the caufe, I fuppofe, that both the fpring at Terfowey, and now this of Naibey, were brackiin to the tafte, and efpecially that of Naibey. We found near the well the corpfe of a man and two camels upon the ground. It v/as apparently long ago that this accident happened, for the moiilure of the camel was fo exhaled that it fcemed to weigh ,582 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER- weigh but a very few pound? ; no vermin had touched i% as in this whole dcfert there is neither -woim, fly, nor a\iy thing that has the breath ot life. On th€ 2ift, at fix in the morning, having filled the gir- bas 'viih water, we fet.out from Naibey, our dn-edion due north, and, as we thought, in a courfe almcll llraight upon Syene. The fait hour of our journey was through fliarp- poimed rocks, which it was very eafy to forefee would very ibon finilli our cainels. About eight we had a view of the delcrt to the weitward as before, and faw the fands had al- ready begun to rife ininimcnfe twilled pillars, which dark- ened the heavens. The riling of thefe in the morning fo ear- ly, we began now to obferve, was a fure fign of a hot day, with a bnlk wmd at north ; and that heat, and the early- riling of the fands, was as fure a fign of its falhng calm abouc mid-day, and its being followed by two hours of the poifon- ous wind. That laft conlideration was what made the great- t;!. imprellion, for we had felt its cfFeds ; it had filled us with fear, and abforbed the laft remnant of our llrength; whereas the fand, though a deflruc^ion to us if it had in- volved us in its compafs, had as yet done us no other hai'm than terrifying us rhe firll days we had feen it. It was this day more magnificent than any we had as yet feen. The iun Ihining through the pillars, which Avere thicker, and contained more fand apparently than any of the preceding days, feemed to give thofe neareft us an ap- pearance as if fpoticd with liars of gold. I do not think at any time they feemed to be nearer than two miles. The moft remarkable circumftance was, that the fand feemed to keep in that vail circular fpace furrounded bj the Nile 2 oa THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 583 on our left, in going round by Cliaigie towards Dongola^ and feldom was obierved much to the eaftward of a meri- dian, pailuig along the Nile through the Magiran, before it takes that turn ; whereas the fnuoom was always on the oppofue fide of our courfe, coming upon us from the fouth- eaft. A LITTLE before twelve our wind at north ceafed, and a confiderable quantity of fine fand rained upon us for an- hour afterwards. . At the time it appeared, the defcription of this phsenomenon in Syphax's fpeech to Cato was perpe- tually before my mind : So, where our wide Numidian waftes extend, Sudden th' impetuous hurricanes defcend, Wheel through the air, in circling eddies play. Tear up the fands, and fweep whole plains away. The helplefs traveller, with wild furprife. Sees the dry defert all around him rife, And fmother'd in .the duliy whirlwind dies. Addison. Tliefe lines are capital, and are a fine copy, which can only appear tame by the original having been before our eyes, painted by the great mailer, the Creator and Ruler of the world. The fimoom, with the wind at S. E. immediately follows' the wind atN. and the ufual defpondency that always ac- companied it. The blue meteor, with which it began, pafT- ed over us about twelve, and the ruffling wind that follow- ed it continued till near two. Silence, and a defperate kind-: 584 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER of indifference about life, were the immediate cfTcifls upon us ; and I began now, feeing the condition of my camels, to fear we were all doomed to a fandy grave, and to con- template it with fome degree of refignation. At half paft eight in the evening we alighted in a fandy flat, where there was great Here of bent grafs and trees which had a confi- derable degree of verdure, a circumftance much in favour of our camels. We determined to flop here to give them an opportunity of eating their fill where they could find it. On the 22d, at fix o'clock we fet out from the fandy flat^ and one of the Tucorory was feized with a phrenzy or mad- nefs. At firft I took it for a fit of the epilepfy, by the di- ftortions of his face, but it wasfoon feen to be of a jtrore feri- ous nature. Whether he had been before affli6led with it I know not. I offered to bleed him, which he refufcd ; nei- ther, though Vv'e gave him water, would he drink, but very moderately. He rolled upon the ground, and moaned, oft- en repeating two or three words which I did not underfland. He refufed to continue his journey, or rife from where he lay, fo that we were obliged to leave him to his fortune. We went this day very diligently, not remarkably flow nor fafl; ; but though our camels, as w€ thought, had fared well for thefe two nights, another of them died about four o'clock this afternoon, when we came to Umarack. I HERE began to provide for the word. I faw the fate of our camels approaching, and that oiu' men grew weak in proportion; cur bread, too, began to fail us, altho'we had -plenty of camels flcfli in its flead ; our water, though in all appearance we were to find it mere frequently than in t tlie THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 5S5 the beginning of our journey, was neverthelefs brackifli, and fcarce ferved the purpofe to quench our third ; and, above all, the dreadful fimoom had perfecT;ly exhaufted our ftrength, and brought upon us a degree of cowardice and .languor that we ftruggled with in vain ; I therefore, as the laft effort, began to throw away every thing weighty I could fpare, or that was not abfolutely neceflary, fuch as all {hells, folliles, minerals, and petrefac^ions that I could get at, the counter-cafes of my quadrant, telefcopes, and clock, and fe- veral fuchlike things. Our camels were now reduced to five, and it did not feem that thefe were capable of continuing their journey much longer. In that cafe, no remedy remained, but that each man Ihould carry his own water and proviiions. Now, as no one man could carry the water he fhould ufe between well and w^ell, and it was more than proba- ble that diftance would be doubled by fome of the wells bein^ found dry ; and if that was not the cafe, yet, as it was' impoffible for a man to carry his provifions who could not walk without any burden at all, our fituation feemed to be moft defperate. , The Bifhareen alone feemed to keep up his ftrength, and was in excellent fpirits. He had attached himfelf, in a particular manner, to me, and with a part of that very fcanty rag which he had round his waift he had made a wrapper, very artificially, according to the manner his countrymen the Bifliareen practice on fuch occaGons. This had greatly defended my feet in the day, but the paiu occafioned by the cold in the night w?s really fcarce fuffer- able. I offered to free him from the confinement of his lefc Vol. IV. 4 E hand. SB6 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER hand, which was chained to fome one of the company night and day ; but he very fenfibly refufed it, faying, " Unchain my hands when you load and unload your camels, I can- not then run away from you ; for tho' you did not fhoot me, I ihould itarve with hunger and thirft ; but keep me to the end of the journey as you began with me, then I cannot mifbehave, and lofe the reward which you fay you are to give me." At forty minutes paft three o'clock we faw large ftratas of fofhle fait everywhere upon the furl-ace of the ground. At five we found the body of Mahomet Towafh, on the fpot where he had been murdered, ftript naked, and lying on his face unburied. The wound in the back-fmew of his leg was apparent ; he was, befides, thruft through the back with a lance, and had two wounds in the head with fwords. We followed fome footlleps in the fand to the right, and there faw three other bodies, whom Idris knew to be his principal fervants. Thefe, it feemed, had taken to their arms upon the Aga's being firft wounded, and the cowardly, treacherous Bifliareens had perfuadcd them to capitulate upon promife of givmg them camels and pro- vifion to carry them into Egypt, after which they had murdered them behind thefe rocks. At fix o'clock we alighted at Umarack, fo called from a number of rack- trees that grow there, and which feem to afifecfl a faltifti foil; at Raback and Mafuah I had fcen them growing in the fea. When I ordered a halt at Um- arack, the general cry was, to travel all night, fo that we might be at a diftance from that dangerous, unlucky fpot. The fight of the men murdered, and fear of the like fate, liad THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 587 had got the better of their other fenfations. hi iliort, there was nothing more vifible, than that their apprehenfions were of two forc-^, and produced very different operations. The fimoom, the talking pillars of fand, and probability of dying with thirft or hunger, brought on a torpor, or in- difference, that made them inaftive; but the difcovery of the Arab at Terfowey, the fear of meeting the Bifhareen at the wells, and the dead bodies of the Aga and his unfor- tunate companions, produced a degree of adtivity and irri- tation that refembled very much their fpirits being elevated by good news. I told them, that, of all the places in the defert through which they had pafled, this was by far the fafeft, becaufe fear of being met by troops from AlTouan, feeking the murderers of Mahomet Towafla would keep all the Bifliareen at a diftance. Our Arab faid, that the next well belonged to the Ababde, and not the Bifliareen, and that the Bifliareen had flain the Aga there, to make men believe it had been done by the Ababde. Idris contributed his morfel of comfort, by afTuring us, that the wells now, as far as Egypt, were fo fcanty of water, that no party above ten men would truft their provifion to them, and none of us had the leaft apprehenfion from marauders of twice that number. The night at Umarack was exceflively cold as to fenfation ; Falirenheit's thermometer was however at 49° an hour before day-light. On the 23d we left Umarack at fix o'clock in the morn- ing, our road this day being between mountains of blue ftones of a very fine and perfecfl quality, through the heart of which ran thick veins of jaiper, their llrata perpendicu- lar to the horizon. There were other mountains of marble of the colour called Ifabella. In other places the rock feem- 4 E 2 ed 58S TRAVELS TO DISCOVER ed compofed of peirified wood, fuch as we had fecn in the mountains near CoiTeir. At a quarter pall eleven, going due" N. we entered a narrow valley, in which we palTed two wells on our left, and following the windings through this valley, all of deep fand, we came to a large pool of excellent water,, called Umgwat, flickered from the rays of the fun by a large rock, which projecfled over it, the upper part of which was. fhaped like a wedge, and was compofed all of green mar- ble, without the fmallell variety or fpot of other colour; in it. Through this whole valley, to-day, we had feen the bo- dies of the Tucorory who had followed Mahomet Towafli^ and been fcattered by the Bifliareen, and left to perifli with; thirfl there. None of them, however, as far as we could* obferve, had ever reached this well. In the water we found a bird of the duck kind called Teal, or Widgeon. The Turk Ifmael was preparing to flioot at it with his blunderbufs^ but I defired him to refrain, being willing, by its flight, ta endeavour to judge fomething of the nearnefs of the Nile. We raifed it therefore by fudden repeated cries, which me- thod was likely tomakeitfeek its home flTaight,.and abandon 3. place it mud have been a flranger to. The bird flew ftraight wefl, rifnig as he flew, a fure proof his journey. was a long one, till at laft, being very high and at a diflance, he vaniflicd from oiu' fight, without defcending or feeking to approach the earth ;. from which I drew a.n unpleafant inference that we vv'cre yet far from the Nile, as was really the cafe. HrRE we threw away the brackifli v/ater that remained u\ our girbaS; and filled them with the wholefome elemens clra.wix THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. s^^ drawn from this pool of Utngwat. I could not help re-^ preaching Idr's with the inaccuracy of the information he had pretended to give us the day before, that no party z- bove ten men could meet us at any of thefc wells, as none- of them could lupply water for more ; whereas in this pool th€^FC was certainly enough of excellent water to ferve a wliole tribe of Arabs for a month. He had little to fay, further than that H timer, though near, was a fcanty well, and perhaps we fhould not find water there at all. He trufl- ed, however, if our people would take heart, we were our of all danger from Arabs,, or any thing elfe... At a quarter paft three we left the well, and continued along a fandy valley, which is called Waadi Umgwat. This night it was told me that Georgis, and the Turk Ifmae!,> were both fo ill, and fo defponding, that they had refolved to purfue the journey no farther, but fubmit to their deftiny, as they called it, and ftay behind and die. It was with the utmoft difficulty L could get them to lay afide this refolu^ tion, and the next morning I promifed they fhould ride by turns upon one of the camels, a thing that none of us had yet attempted. They had, indeed, often deHred me to do fo, but I well knew, if I had fet them that example, befides deftroying the camels, it would have- had the very worft efFedt upon their daftardly fpirits ; and, indeed, we very foon faw the bad efl'eCts of this humane confideraticn for the two invalids. On the 24th, at half pall fix in the morning we left Umgwat, following the windings of fandy valleys between ftony hills. At half paft nine we found Mahomet Aga's horfe dead, . The poor creature feemed, without a guide, ta have. 590 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER have followed exa(flly enough the tracft of the wells and way to Egypt, and had furvived all his fellow-travellers. At eleven o'clock we came to fome plains of loofe, moving fand, and faw fome pillars in motion, which had not wind to fnftain them for any time, and which gave us, therefore,' little concern. At one we alighted near the well Mour, which was to the N. E. of us. At four we left the well Mour : At forty minutes after four pafled the well itfelf, which was then dry ; and at a quarter paft fix we found a dead man, whofe corpfe was quite dry, and had been fo a confiderable time. At feven o'clock in the evening we alighted at El Haimer, where are the two wells in a large plain of fand. The water is good. There is another well to the weft of us, but it is bitter and faltifli, though more abundant than either of the other two, which, by filling our Ikins, we had feveral times drained. On the 25th, at half paft feven in the morning we left the well hi Haimer, and at ten o'clock alighted among fome acacia-trees, our camels having ate nothing all night, except the dry bitter roots of that drug, the fenna. While we were attending the camels, and refting ourfelves on the grafs, we were furprifed at the appearance of a troop of Arabs all upon camels, who looked like a caravan, ea h camel having a fmall loading behind him. They had two gentle afcents before they could arrive at the place where we were. 1 he road is between two fandy hills, at the back of which our camels were feeding in a wood ; and near the road was the well El Haimer, where our fkins were lying full of water, it was neceilary then to underftand one an- other before we allowed them to pals between the fandy hills. Upon the firil alarm, my people all repaired to me, 3 bringing THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 591' bringing their arms in their hands, as well thofe that they carried upon them, as the fpare arms, ail of which were primed and charged. The firft queftion was, what to do with the Bifliareen ? None of us had any fufpicion of him. We unchained him from the Barbarin, and faftened his other hand, then gave him to the Tucorory, and made them Hand behind to in- creafe the appearance of our number. I then advanced to the edge of the hill, and cried out with a loud voice, " Stop ! for you cannot pafs here." Whether they underftood it I do not know, but they Hill perfifted in mounting the hill. I again cried, fhewing my firelock, "Advance a ftep farther and I'll fire." After a flaorc paufe they all difmounred from their camels, and one of them, with his lance in his hand, came forward till within twenty yards, upon which Idris immediately knew them, and faid, they were Ababde. " A- babde or not, faid I, they are feventeen men, and Arabs, and I am not of a difpofition, without further furety, to put. myfelf in their hands as Mahomet Aga did. I am fure they are perfedly in our power now, as long as they Hand where they are." Idris then told me that he was married to one of the Ababde of Shekli Ammer, and he would go and get a fure word from them. Tell them from me, faid I, that I, too, am the friend of Nimmer their Shekh^and his tv/o fons,, and of Shekh Hammam of Furfliout ; that I am going into Egypt, have been followed by the Bifhareen, and truft no- body ; have twenty men armed with firelocks, and will do them no harm, provided they confent to pafs, one by onCj, and give a man for a hoflage. iBRIfc 592 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER Idris, without arms, having joined the man who had ad- vanced towards us, went down with him to the body of llrangers, and the treaty was foon agreed to. Two of the principal men among them approaching me without their lances, and the compHment of peace, " Salam Ahcum ! and AUcum Salam !" was given and return-cd by both fides. They feemed, however, llartled at feeing the Bifliareen with both his hands chained ; but I told them, that had no re- gard to them, and defired Idris to order their camels to go on; and one of the Barbarins in the meantime brought them a gourd full of water, and bread, for eating together is like pledging your faith. They had not heard of the fate of Mahomet Aga, and feemed very ill-pleafed at it, faying, that Aboil Bertran was a thief and a murderer. All the camels being paft, I aflced them whither they were going ? They faid to Atbieh, weft of Terfowey, to gather fenna for the government of Cairo. I would very fain have had them to -fell or exchange with me a couple of camels. They faid theirs were not ftrong ; that before they could reach home they would be much in the fame condition with our own ; that they were obliged to load them very heavily, as indeed the bags they had behind them to carry the lenna feem- ed to indicate their profit was but fmall, fb that the death of one camel was a moft ferious lofs, I THOUGHT myfelf obliged in humanity to introduce our prlfoner to the two Ababde that had remained with us. They faid, they intended to take water at Terfowey, and we told them briefly the accident by which we came in com- pany with the Bifliareen. They, on the contrary, though-t that we had been a party of foldiers from Afibuan who ap- prehended the Arab. Immediately after which they con- ^ verfed THESOURCEOFTHENILE. 593 Terfed'in the language of Beja, which is that of the Habab, Suakem, and Mafuah. I told them plainly, that, though I knew that language, I would not fuffer them to fpeak any but Arabic, underftood by us all. They immediately complied, and then inquired about the pofition of Abou Ber- tran and his tribe of Bilhareen. This, too, I would not fuf- fer the Arab to inform them of, but charged them, as he did alfo, to tell his wives that he was well, and ate and drank as we had done, and was within two days of arriving at AlTouan, whence he Ihould be returned to them with the rewards promifed. I then defired him to lay a lance in a manner that the point Ihould be towards Syene, which they accordingly did, and with a long needle of 12 inches in a brafs box, having an arch of a few degrees marked on it, I, with theutmoft attention, took the direction from Maimer to Syene N. N. W. or more northerly. I would very willingly have had it in my power to have made an obfervation of la- titude, but noon was pall ; I contented myfelf, therefore, with keeping my route as diilinaiy as poflible till the even- ing. At 40 minutes paft one o'clock we left Haimer, and our friends, the Ababde, continued their route, after giving us great praife, as well for our civility, as our keeping the watch like men, as they exprefTed it. At half paft eight we alighted at Abou Ferege, a place where there was very little verdure of any kind. Here, for the firft time on our jour- ney, we met with a cloudy fky, which effecftually difap- pointed my obfervation of latitude ; but every noon and night I defcribed, in a rough manner, my courfe through the dav, carrying always a compafs, with a needle about five Vol.' IV, 4 F "^chcs 594 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER inches radius, round my neck, by a lace, and refting in my pocket. I thus found that we had kept the hne diredly upon Syene, which the Ababde Arab had Ihewed us. On the 26th, at half after fix in the morning we fet out from Abou Ferege, continuing nearly in the fame diretftion upon Syene till eleven o'clock, when, for the purpofe of obfervation only, I alighted at a place called Abou Here- gi, without water, grafs, or food for our camels. We were exceedingly averfe to exertions, and became fo weak and fpiritlefs, that it was not poffible to prevail upon our people to take the large quadrant out of its cheil to put it together, and prepare it for obfervation. I therefore took a Hadley's quadrant, with a mixture I had made, which ferved me bet- ter than quick- filver, and made my obfervation by reflection at Abou Heregi, and found it in lat. 23°, from which I infer- red, with fome decree of comfort to myfelf, that the longi- tude of Syene in the French maps is ill laid down, and that we were now in the dire(5lion upon Syene, had no wefting to run down, but the journey mult finifli in a very few days. At two o'clock in the afternoon we left Abou Heregi, and at four had an unexpected entertainment, which filled our hearts with a very fliort-lived joy. The whole plain before us feeraed thick-covered with green grafs and yel- low daifies. We advanced to the place with as much fpeed as our lame condition woul-d fufter us, but how terrible was our difappointment, when we found the whole of that ver- dure to confifl: in fenna and coloquintida, the moll naufeous of plants, and the moit incapable of being fubitituted as food for man or bcaft. At nine o'clock in the evening we alight- ed at Saffieha, which is a ridge of craggy mountains to the S«- £>■ THESOURCEOFTHENILE. 595 S. E. and N. W. The night here was immoderately cold, and the v/md north. We were now very near a crifis, one way or the other. Our bread was confumed, fo that we had not fufficient for one day more; and though. we had camels flefli, yet, by living fo long on bread and water, an invin- cible repugnance arofe either to fmell or tade it. As our camels were at their lail gafp, we had taken fo fparingly of water, that, when we came to divide it, we found it in- fufficient for our neceffities, if Syene was even fo near as we conceived it to be. Georgis had loil one eye, and was nearly blind in the other. Ifmael and he had both become fo ftiff by being carried, that they could not bear to fet their feet to the ground ; and I may fay for myfelf, that, though I had fup- ported the wounds in my feet with a patience very uncom- mon, yet they were arrived at that height as to be perfedl- ly intolerable, and, as I apprehended, on the point of mor- tification. The bandage, which the Bifhareen had tied a- bout the hollow of my foot, was now almoft hidden by the flefh fwelling over it. Three large wounds on the rip-ht foot, and two on the left, continued open, whence a quantity of lymph oozed continually. It was alio with the utmoft difficulty we could get out the rag, by cutting it to flireds with fciffars. The tale is both unpleafant and irkfome. Two foles which remained from our fandals, the upper leathers of which had gone to pieces in the fand near Gooz, were tied with a cotton cloth very adroitly by the Bifhareen. But it feemed impoffible that I could walk further, even with this affiltance, and therefore we deter- mined to throw away the quadrant, telefcopes, and time- keeper, and fave our lives, by riding the camels alternately. /I F 2 But 595 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER But Providence had already decreed that we fliould not ter- minate this dangerous journey by our own ordinary fore^ fight and contrivance, but owe it entirely to his vifible fujy- port and interpofition. On the 27th, at half paft five in the morning we attempr- ed to raife our camels at Saffieha by every method that ■we could devife, but all in vain, only one of them could get upon his legs, and that one did not Hand two minutes till he kneeled down, and could never be raifed afterwards. This the Arabs all declared to be the effccfts of cold ; and yet Fahrenheit's thermometer, an hour before day, flood at 42°. Every way we turned ourfelves death now flared us in the face. We had neither time nor Itrength to waile, nor pro- vifions to fupport us. We then took the fmall fkins that had contained our water, and filled them as far as we thought a man could carry them with eafe ; but after all thefe Ihifts, there was not enough to ferve us three days, at which 1 had eftimated our journey to Syene, which flill however was uncertain. Finding, therefore, the camels ■would not rife, we killed two of them, and took fo much llefh as might ferve for the deficiency of bread, and, from the flomach of each of the camels, got about four gallons of water, which the Bifhareen Arab managed with great dexterity. It is known to people converfant with natural hiftory, that the camel has within him refervoirs in which he can preferve drink for any number of days he is ufed to. In thofe caravans, of long courfe, which come from the Niger acrofs the defert of Selima, it is faid that each camel, by drinking, lays in a flore of water that will fupport him for forty days. I will by no means be a voucher of this ac- count, which carries with it an air of exaggeration ; but fourteen THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 597 fourteen or fixteen days, it is well known, an ordinary ca- mel will live, though he hath no frelh fupply of water. When he chews the cud, or when he eats, you conilantly fee him throw, from this repofitory, mouthtuls of water to di- lute his food ; and nature has contrived this velTel with fuch properties, that the water within it never putrifies,nor turns unwholefome. It was indeed vapid, and of a bluifh caft, but had neither tafle nor fmelL The fmall remains of our miferable ftock of black bread and dirty water, the only fupport we had hitherto lived on amidft the burning fands, and our fpirits likewife, were exhaufted by an uncertainty of our journey's end. We were furrounded among thofe terrible and unufual pha^no- mena of nature which Providence, in mercy to the weak- nefs of his creatures, has concealed far from their light in deferts almoit inacceffible to them. Nothing but death was before our eyes ; and, in thefe terrible moments of pain, fuffering, and defpair,. honour, inftead of relieving me, fug- gelled ftill what was to be an augmentation to my misfor- tune ; the feeling this produced fell diredly upon me alone, and every other individual of the company was unconfcious of it. The drawings made at Palmyra and Baalbec for the king, were, in many parts of them, not advanced farther than the outlines, which I had carried with me, that, if leifure or con- finement fliould happen, I might finilli them during my travels in cafe of failure of other employment, fo far at leall, that, on my return through Italy, they might be in a ftate of receiving further improvement, which might carry them to that perfec^tion I have fince been enabled to con- dudi SgS TRAVELS TO DISCOVER ducTt them. Thefe were all to be thrown away, with other not lefs valuable papers, and, with my quadrant, telefcopes, and time-keeper, abandoned to the rude and ignorant hands of robbers, or to be buried in the fands. Every memoran- dum, every defcription, fketch, or obfervation lince I depart- ed from Badjoura and paffed the defert to CofTeir, till I reached the prefent fpot, were left in an undigefled heap, with our carrion-camels, at Saffieha, while there remained with me, in lieu of all my memoranda, but this mournful confideration, that I was now to maintain the reality of thefe my tedious perils, with thofe who either did, or might af- fe(5l, from malice and envy, to doubt my veracity upon my ip- fc dixit alone, or abandon the reputation of the travels which I had made with fo much courage, labour, danger, and diffi- culty, and which had been confidered as defperate and im- pracflicable to accomplifli for more than 2000 years. I WOULD be underftood not to mean by this, that my thoughts were at fuch a time in the leaft diiturbed with any reflecStion on the paltry lies that might be propagated in malignant circles, which has each its idol, and who, meet- ing, as they fay, for the advancement of learning, employ themfelves in blalling the fame of thofe who mufl be al- lowed to have furpalled them in every circumftance of in- trepidity, forethought, and fair atchievement. The cenfure of thefe lion- faced and chicken-hearted critics never entered as an ingredient in my ibrrows on that occafion in the fad- nefs of my heart ; it I had not poflefled a fliare of Ipirit enough to defpife thefe, the fmallelt trouble that occured in my travels muft have overcome a mind fo feebly arn.ed. My forrows were of another kind, that 1 fliouhi, of courfe, be deprived of a conliderable part of an oiTering I meant 3 ^s THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 599 as a mark of duty to my fovereign, that, with thofe that knew and efteemed me, I (liould be obliged to run in debt for the credit of a whole narrative of circumftanccs, which ought, from their importance to hiftory and geography, to have a better foundation than the mere memory of any man, confidering the time and variety of events which they em- braced ; and, above all, I may be allowed to fay, I felt for my country, that chance alone, in this age of difcovery, had robbed her of the faireft garland of this kind flie ever was to wear, which all her fleets, full of heroes and men of fcience, in all the oceans they might be dellined to explore, were incapable of replacing upon her brow. Thefe fad re- flections were mine, and confined to myfelf. Luckily my companions were no fliarers in them ; they had already, in their own fufferings, much more than their little flock of fortitude, philofophy, or education enabled them to bear. About three o'clock in the afternoon of the 27th we faw two kites, or what are called Haddaya, very numerous in Egypt ; about a quarter of an hour afterwards, another of the fame fort, known to be carrion-birds, probably going in fearch of the dead camels. I could not conceal my joy at what I regarded as a happy omen. We went five hours and a half this day, and at night came to Waadi el Arab, where are the firft trees we had feen fince we left El Hai- mer. On the 28th, at half paft feven in the morning we left Waadi el Arab, and entered into a narrow defile, with rug- ged, but not high mountains on each fide. About twelve o'clock we came to a few trees in the bed of a torrent. Ill Coo TRAVELS TO DISCOVER as I was, after lefrefhing myfelf with my laft bread and water, I fet out in the afternoon to gain a rifing ground, that I might fee, if poffible, what was to the weflward ; for the mountains feemed now rocky and high Hke thofe of the Kennoufs near Syene. I arrived, with great difficulty and pain, on the top of a moderate hill, but was exceeding- ly difappointed at not feeing the river to the weltward ; however, the vicinity of the Nile was very evident, by the high, uniform mountains that confine its torrent when it comes out of Nuhia. The evening was ftill, fo that fitting do vvn and covering my eyes with my hands, not to be di- verred by external objects, I liilened and heard dill:in6lly the noife of waters, which I fuppofed to be the cataradt, but it feemed to the fouthward of us, as if we had pafled it. I was, however, fully fatislied that it was the Nile, Just before I left my ftation the fun was already low, when 1 faw a flock of birds, which, in Syria, where they are plenty, are called the Cow Bird. In Egypt they are alfo numerous upon the Nile, but ! do not know their name. They are a fmall fpecies of the heron, about a third of the fize of the common one, milk-white, having a tnft of flefli- coloured feathers upon their brcaft, of a coarfer, ilronger, and more hairy- like quality than the fliorter feathers. A flock of thefe birds was flying in a ftraighc line, very low, evi- dently feeking food along the banks of the river. It was not an hour for birds to go far from their home, nor does this bird feed at a diflance from its accuftomcd haunt at any time. Satisfied then that, continuing our courfe N. W. we fliould arrive at or below Sycne, I returned to join my dCompanions., but it was aow dark, and I found Idris and ,2 the THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 6ot the Barbarins in fome pain, endeavouring to trace me by my footfteps. I COMMUNICATED to them this joyful news, which was confirmed by Idris, though he did not himfelf know the juft diftance from this place (Abou Seielat) as Iiis ufual way had been to Daroo, not to Aflbuan, which he did not choofe to approach, for fear of the vexations from the Turkifh gar- rifon. A cry of joy followed this annunciation. Chriilians, Moors, and Turks, all burfl into floods of tears, kif- fmg and embracing one another, and thanking God for his mercy in this deliverance, and unanimoufly in token of their gratitude, and acknowledgment of my conftant atten- tion to them in the whole of this long journey ; faluting me with the name of Abou Ferege, Father Forefight, the only re- ward it was in their power to give. On the 29th, at feven o'clock in the morning we left Abou Seielat ; about nine, we faw the palm trees at Aflbuan, and a quarter before ten arrived in a grove of palm-trees on the north of that city. ^= ' ' )^ Vol. IV, 4G CHAR 6o2 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER gl^-"— — — " = v^ CHAP. Xllf. Kind reception at A[fouan — Arrival at Cairo — Tran/a&tons with the Bey there — Land at Marfeilks, '\%T I T H O U T congratulating one another on their ▼ ▼ efcape and fafe arrival, as they had the night before at Abou Seielat, my companions with one accord ran to the Nile to drink ; though they had already feen, in the courfe of the journey^two or three tragical inftanees, the confe- quences of intemperance in drinking water. I fat myfelf down under the fhade of the palm-trees, to recolle<5t my- felf. It was very hot, and I fell into a profound fleep. But Hagi Ifmael, who was neither fleepy nor thirfly, but ex- ceedingly himgry, had gone into the town in fearch of fomebody that would give him food. He was not gone far before his green turban and ragged appearance ftruck fome brethren janizaries, who met him ; one of whom afkcd him the reafon of his being there, and whence he came? Ifmael, in a violent paliion, and broken Arabic, faid, that he was a 1 janizary THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 6oj janizary of Cairo, was laft come from hell, where there was not one devil, but thoufands, from a country of Kafrs that called themfelves Muffulmen ; that he had walked through a defert where the earth was on fire and the wind was flame, and in fear of dying every day with third and hun- ger. The foldier who heard him talk in this disjointed, raving manner, defired him to go with him to the Aga. This was the very thing that Ifmael wanted. He only dcfired time to acquaint his companions. " Have you companions, fays the foldier, from fuch a country ?" — " Companions ? fays Ifmael ; what the devil ! do you imagine I came this journey alone ?" — " If the journey, fays the man, is fuch as you defcribe it, I do not think many would go with you ; well, go along with my companions, and I will feek yours, but how flia.ll I find them ?"— " Go, fays Ifmael, to the palm-trees, and when you find the tailed man you ever faw in your life, more ragged and dirty than I am, call him Yagoube, aad defue him to come along with you to the Aga." The foMier accordingly found me ftill fitting at the root of the palm-tree. The fervants, who had now fatisfied their third, and were uncertain what was next to be done, were fitting together at fome didance from me. They began to feel their own wearinefs, and were inclined to leave me to a little repofe, which they hoped might enable me to overcome mine. For my own part, a dullnefs and infenfibility, an univerfal relaxation of fpirits which I can- not defcribe, a kind of dupor, or palfy of the mind, had o- vertaken me, almod to a deprivation of underdanding. f 4G 2 found 5o4 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER found in myfelf a kind of ftupidity, and want of power to reflefcfli»u;edjConycai)dccrby Captain MofTatj who made the voyage. THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. C45 " Having now finifhed our general inftrudlions, we think it neceffary to be more particular in each branch of ^0ur departments. {CUDBERT ThORNHILL. Robert Holford. David Killican." To Captain Greic '*SIR, WE rely on your knowledge, experience, and good con- duct for the navigating part of the voyage, which is entirely intrulled to you"; and though we have defired that you advife with Mr Shaw on all difficult points, yet we give you a latitude to follow your own opinion, though contrary to Mr Shaw's, but we expedl you both enter a minute, and fet forth your reafons for being of different opinions* Should it be a point of confequence, we advife that you confult with all the officers, and.their opinions are to be re- corded. " We deiire that a fair log-book be kept, figned by the of- ficer who leaves the deck at noon, in which book every re- mark and. tranfadlion during the voyage is to be inferted, and no erafures muft be made, or leaves torn out. Inclofed is a letter from us to Captain Wedderburn of the Cuddalore, dire(5ling him to follow fuch orders as he may from time to tim^ receive from, you,« «t, At. 646 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER ** At Ingerlee you will give him written orders to keep you company, with fuch proper fignals for day and night as may be neceflary ; and fliould he, by flrefs of weather or any other accident, part company, you will inform him of your firft place of rendezvous, Anjango and Cochin ; fhould he arrive firft, he muft remain till you come : Should you arrive and finifh your bufmefs before the arrival of the Cud- dalore, you will wait two or three days, and then proceed to Mocha, leaving orders for his joining you there. If by any accident he fhould not join you there, and you have got pilots for Suez, you mufl not lofe time, but proceed without him, leaving him inftru(5lions to proceed on the furvey : but fliould it fo happen that you meet with no pilots at Mocha, and the Cuddalore fhould not arrive, we flill recommend your waiting at Mocha as long as you think it prudent ; and if you have the Suez pa,cquet with you, you will proceed to Suez if pofTible, and endeavour to make the illand to the S. W. of Cape Ras Mahomet, that you may not make any miftake and get into the falle gulf : but fhould you find it impra(5ticable after making every prudent attempt, you will then have a confultation with Mr Shaw and your officers, and bear away for Jidda, following the diredlions in your general inftruftions. " The concerned has been at an immenfe expence to equip the vefTels with additional ftores, which in any other vovage than the prefent would be fuperfluous, we therefore defu-e (fhould your voyage terminate at Jidda) that you en- deavour to difpofe of fuch articles of ftores as you are not in want of ; but fliould you arrive at Suez, let them remain till )our return to Mocha, and there, if you have an oppor- tunity THESOURCEOF THE NILE. 647 tunity to difpofe of them for the advantage of the concern- ed, we defire it may be done. " Should any of the officers be good draughts-men, we de- fire you will encourage them to make draughts of every thing remarkable in the Red Sea, and we will make them an acknowledgement for their trouble ; but we recommend that every remark, draught, or drawing of the paffage, may be colledled together for the governor's * perufal ; and we hope you will take proper care that, on your return, no- thing tranfpire till the governor's fentiments are knowii. Should Mr Shaw be obliged to flay with the goods at Cairo, you are to let him keep an officer, and any number of lafcars he may require, and that you can fpare them. CUDBERT ThORNHILL. (Signed) ^ Robert Holford. David Killican. >> • Mr Haftings, here alluded to, with tliefe memorandums and informations, difpatched the Swallow ^jacket to the Red Sea. Mahomet (548 YRAVELS XO discover Mahomet Bey being about to depart to give battle to his father-in-law, I thought it was no longer convenient forme to llay at Cairo ; I went therefore the laft time to the Bey, who prefTed me very much to go to the camp with him. I was fufficiently cured, however, of any more Don Quixottc undertakings. I excufed myfelf with every mark of grati- tude and profeflion of attachment ; and I fliall never forget his laft words, as the handfomeft thing ever faid to me, and in the politeft manner. " You won't go, fays he, and be a foldier ; What will you do at home ? You are not an India merchant ?" I faid, " No." " Have you no other trade nor occupation but that. of travelling?" I faid, "that was my occupation." " Ali Bey, my father-in-law, replied he, often obferved there was never fuch a people as the Englifli ; no other nation on earth could be compared to them, and none had fo many great men in all profeflions by fea and land: I never underllood this till now, that I fee it muft be fo, when your king cannot find other employment for fuch a man as you, but fending him to perifh by hunger and thirft in the fands, or to have his throat cut by the lawlefs barba- oans of the defert." I SAW that the march of the Bey was a fignal for all E- gypt's being prefently in diforder, and I did not delay a mo- ment to fet out for Alexandria, where I arrived without any thing remarkable. There I found my fliip ready ; and the day after, walking on the key, I was accofted by a friend of mine, a Turk, a man of fome confequence. He told me it was whifpered that the Beys had met, and that Ali Bey had been totally defeated, wounded, and taken, " We are friends, fays he ; you are a Chriilian ; and this connection of the Bey with tlie Ruffians has exafperated the ' 4 lower THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 649 lower fort of people greatly againft you all. What is a day or two to you, now you are going at any rate ? Be advifed ; go on board your fhip earlv in the afternoon, and make your captain haul out beyond the Diamond *, for mifchief is at hand." My captain was as ready as I ; and we accord- ingly hauled out beyond the Diamond. The weather was fo clear, and the wind fo directly fair, that, contrary to cu- llom, we fet fail that very night, after being witnefles that the mifchief had begun, by the number of lights and re- peated firings of mufkets we heard from the town. Our vefTel fprimg a leak ofTDerha on the coaft, where I was once before (liipwrecked. The wind being contrary, we put about fliip, and flood before it for Cyprus, our velfel filled apace, and we were intending to put a cable round her waifl when the leak was found. A violent florm overtook us the night after. I apprehend our fliip was old, and the- captain was again much alarmed, but the wind calmed next day. I was exceedingly diftreffed v/ith the Guinea-worm in my leg, when the captain came and fat down by my bed- fide. " Now the matter is over, fays he, will you tell me one thing? it is mere curiofity ; I will not let any one know." " Before I tell you, faid I, I dare fay you will not ; what is it ?" " How many of thofe tilings, you know, fays he, winking, have you on board ?" " Upon the word of a man, faid I, I do not know what you mean." " Ces morts! thefe dead men ! how many have you in thefe trunks ? for lail night the crew was going to throw all your boxes over- board." " I can tell you, captain, faid 1> that you and they Vol. IV. .] N 3 had *'The Diamond is a fmall rock, j.jft without the harbour of Alexandria ; vvhen fhips art rive-.there, they are cleared out, and never moiellcd further by ihg cuftomhoufs... 6 so TRAVELS, &c. had better been in bed fick of a fever, than been guiky of that unprovoked violence. ' Brutal comme un Provencal,' is a proverb even in your own country ; I would not wifh to have luch a confirmation of the truth of it. But there are my keys, in cafe another gale fhould come, choofe out of my trunks the one that, according to your idea, and theirs, is likelieft to have a dead man in it, and then take another ; and the firft one you find, throw them all over- board. I forced him to open two of the chefts, and, lucky It was, as I believe, for off the iiland of Malta we had ano- ther violent gale, but which did us no damage. At laft, after a paffage of about three weeks, we landed happily at Marfeilles. Nullum numen aheft fi fit pnideutia ; fed 7 cailier. 0 ' •' 0 9 6'-E. 2 1 5 3 73 ditto Large white clouds flying all through the fky. lO 5 M. 2 I 6 3 60: \V Clear. 6 M.21 6 3 60 W Small white clouds flying to the ibuth. 12 N. 21 I 5 80 w The white clouds are become much larger. 2 E. 2 1 5 I 80 \Y Ditto. 6 E. 21 5 0 75 NW Light clouds throughout the air, but heavy at N. W. 1 1 6 M.,2 1 5 7 68 N Ditto. I l4^M..2I 6 2 62 N Very clear. 12 N. 2 1 6 4 79 ■VT Yy 5 AH the air is covered with very thin clouds, but large C vv'hite clouds in the horizon to the fouth. 2 E. 21 5 0 80 W White clouds flying throughout the fky. 6 E. 2] 5 2 74 WNW Clear fmall clouds at the horizon in the north. 12 6 M. 2] 6 2 65 NE The fky is covered with thin clouds like a veil. 12 N. 2] 5 3 79 NW A few light flying clouds throughout the fky. 2 E. 2] 5 0 80 W Ditto. 6 E. 21 5 4 73 NW Clear and cloudlefs. 13 6 M. 21 6 7 60 W Clear and calm. 12 N. 21 5 ° 81 NW Clear, only a few light clouds to the fouth-eaft. 6 E. 21 5 5 74 ditto Clear, and a few fmall clouds near the horizon. 14 6 M. 2] 6 6 63 NE Clear and cloudlefs. 12 N. 21 t 5 0 79 W Large flying clouds, the fun is covered. The whole fky is covered with heavy clouds, only a 2 E. 21 I 5 0 79 S ■ fmall part of the horizon clear at north, a fmall fhower of rain for a few minutes. 6 E. 21 5 6 72 s Flying clouds throughout the air. 16 6 M. 21 6 5 62 SSE A few clouds at eaft, the reft clear. 1 2 N. T ■ 5 4 80 -^ 5 Flying clouds throughout the air, a fudden violent C. v\'ind from the weft which lafted ? min. ^ . 6 E. 21 5 5 7- NW Clear. 74- E. 21 6 0 70 W Clear and cloudlefs. 17 6 M, 21 6 5 63 SE Clear. 12 N. 21 ' 5 2 80 SW Flying clouds throughout the air. '^AL B. Thermometer expofed to the fun, and in half [ a minute mounted to 106". ( 2 E. 21 [ 4 9 80 WbS- ( 1 Ditto, Thermometer expofed to the fun, in half a ^ minute mounted to 1 10". 6 E. 2 t 5 2 72 w Clear, only a few clouds to the weft. 18 4 M. 2 [ 6 4 60 s Calm and hazy. 6 M. 2 [ 6 8 58 s Calm, all the air covered with thin clouds like a veil. 6s6 Reglder of the Barometer and Thennometer in Abyflinla. Months Hours. March [ l8 2 E. Barometer. Ther. Wnds. Re-marks on the Wea'her. 21 6 E, 19 6 M. 12 N. 2 E, 6 E. 20, 6 M. 12 N. 6 E. 2 1 6 M. 12 N, 2 E 21 ;2i 22 6 E, 6 M. 1 E. 2 E. 6 e! 6 M. 12 N. 2 E. 6 E. 24 12 N. ; 2 E. 21 21 21 2 1 2 1 21 21 21 21 21 21 5 o 5 5 6 8 5 5 5 o 5 6 6 8 5 6 5 o 5 6 6 7 5 3 4 9 5 o 81 6 E. 2 6 7 5 2 4 7 W 72 W 5S 80 81 73 62 79 80 73 62 80 80 74 62 Si 81 74 62 WNW S NW WNW E W ; NW ditto E N \V W N Thermometer expofed to the fun, mounted to 100". A few light clouds in the eaft. Thermometer expofed to the fun, mounted to 107". Clear. Ditto. Ditto, — — Thermometer expofed to the fun, 105". Ditto, Thermometer Do. ii3"« Ditto. Ditto. Large heavy clouds to the fouth and to the eril, the I fun hid. I Thermometer expofed to the fun, 105'^. C Ditto, Ditto, In half C a minute mounted to loi". I Heavy clouds to the eaft and weft, j Clear and cloudlefs. ^Thin clouds like a veil cover the fky. ^Thermo- meter expofed to the fun, 106*^. Clear, only a few thin clouds to the north. In half a minute the thei-mometer expofed to the fun, mounted to 106". All the air is covered with thin clouds like a veil. E QJJ I N O X. £ j Clear. J- A few light clouds flyinj;: in the fouth. Thermo- \\' b JN ^ meter, in halt a minute, rofe to 1 10°. N N E I ^^^^*'> thermometer in half a minute rofe to 1 1 1 °. NN U' ^ ^^^^ ftreaky clouds like a veil to the eaft ward. £ I Clear and cloudlefs. C Large white clouds, the fun covered. Thermo- 5 3I 81 WbN^ meter 88°. 6, 5 3 4 6: 85 5 31 75 S 4 7! 83 W 4 6j 8i|WNW (JO y^J- N W c Q ^yS-^'^ ^^^^ ^y is covered with white heavy clouds. (. Thermometer expofed to the fun, rofe to 106''. Ditto. Heavy clouds throughout the air, the fun covered.: Ditto Ditto. Cioiii'; r» '■.- W. ,-.'1 >\ W towards the horizon. Reglfter of the Barometer aud Thermometer in Ab}^rinla. ^sy Months March 25 Hours. ' Barometer. Ther. Winds. 26 27 28 6 M. 2 1 12 N, 2 I 2 E.;2I 6 E.2I 4 M.J2I 21 6 M. 29 30 31 1 1 E. 31 E. 6 M- 12 N. 2 E. 6 E. 6 M. 12 N. 2-VE. 6 E. 6 M. N, E, M, 12 N, 2 E, 6 6 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 M. 21 6 3.63 4 781 81 2 E. 21 3 4 6 o 6 3 21 5 2 21 5 5 21 6 s 21 61 21 5 5 5 8 6 6 A 6 4 5 6 5 4 6 5 4 5 6 68 63 63 77 72 5^ 76 77 70 58 81 83 71 59 80 80 4|63 380 s'So 2i72 161 12 NJ21 4 6 83 082 6 E. 21 5 o 73 'VOL^ IV.' W WNW \V W w w Remarks on the Weather. 1 s w s WNW NW E W SbE S N W E W W w w \v NW w Clouds to W. and N. W. towards the horizon. White flying clouds throughout all the air. S Short claps of thunder, whh a fmall fhowerof rain C. for a few minutes at different times. Heavy clouds, wilh a violent wind. Clouds and lightning, very pale towards the fouth. All the fky covered with clouds. Violent fhowers of hail, without any mixture of rain, for 15', the hail as big as a meddling cherry. ^ Thunder, but not loud, and of fhort duration. C^Hail and rain, mixed in fhowers, with fhort inter- l vals, that may have lafled an hour. Clear. Flying clouds all throughout the air. Ditto. r Violent wind in blafls, which lafted for 5 or 6' at a time. All the fliy is covered with large heavy clouds, efpecially at north ; thunder, with violent blafts of wind alternately every 8 minutes. Clear till ten o'clock, and the fky obfcured with ^ white clouds. C Large clouds cover the fky, going violently to the I fouth-wefl. I Large clouds, and the fun covered. I Small clouds to the eaflward. ( Clear till nine, when the fliy is covered with white C clouds. I Clouds through all the fky, and the fun covered. All the air is full of fmall white clouds. Clear. Small white clouds flying throughout the air. Wind varying to north. Clouds towards the horizon. A few clouds in the fouth towards the horizon. White flying clouds fcaitered thro' all the air. Thermometer expofed to the fun, in half a mi- nute rofe to 1 01*^. Clouds as above, but thinner and fmaller. Ther- mometer expofed to the fun, in half a minute rofe to 113^' i Clear. i 4O 658 Regifter of rhe Barometer and Thermometer Irr Abyffinla. Remarks on the Weather. Perfe'ftly clear and cloudlefs. All the air covered with white flying clouds. Ditto. Frequent clouds throughout the air, which come from the eaft againft the wind. Clouds throughout the air. Ditto Ditto, the fun is covered. . A few flying clouds. . Clear and cloudlels. A few flying clouds, efpecially at the weft and north. Ditto. Ditto. A few clouds through all the air. . Rain, the drops large and diftant, that lafted a quar- ter, of an hour. Thunder, and very thick clouds at north-weft, fud den blafts of wind which lafted with intervals a bout a quarter of an hour at a time. C The clouds a little lighter, but the wind ftill ftrong (, with intervals- (Thunder at the eaft fouth-eaft, the clouds are very thick at eaft and north-weft. ( The wind blows like a tempeft, with lightning at eaft and north, black clouds at north-weft and north There begins a fiuall fhower, then ccmes thunder, the rain increafes with a ftrong wind for 2 hours. Clouds ail thro' the air, efpecially at N. W. and S. W. Great heavy clouds all over the horizon, efpecially at north-vv'eft. . Ditto. Heavy clouds at north-weft, and thunder for half an hour. Clear- Small clouds in the horizon at north-weft. Clear. Ditto, and cloudlefs. All the air is covered with a light veil. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. ______ Rcglfter of the Barometer and Thermometer iu Abyfiiiua. ^S^ Mnn'hsl Hours. Barometer. Aj,lil 12 13 H 15 16 12 N. 2 E. 6 E. 6 M. 12 N. 2 E. 6 £. 6 M. 12 N. 2 E. ,21 !2I J2I 121 121 J22 !2I 6 ■2 E M. 7t m, 12 N, 2 E. E. E. 7 M. 12 N. I. 3 6 18 2 E. 6 E. 6 M. I^E. 2 E. 21 2 1 22 21 21 21 21 22 4iF.. 19 6 E. 1 M. 12 N. 2 E. 3tE- 6 E. 6 M. 21 22 21 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I O I I 1 I I I I I 3 II 1 1 1 1 1 1 o rher. 21 II I I O I I 21 I I 21 II 21 II 22 O 21 II 21 II 21 II 22 O WinO-;. 75^ 11 71 SIS'^ 476 76 76 69 76t 79 80 76^ N N W. 21 II 8 21 1 1 8 ir-^. 77r 78 73 76t 79 79i- 76 75i 75 77 W w NW N E WNW N W N NNE ditto. N W ditto. W • N NE N W W W N NW ditto. Remarks on the Weather. A few clouds towards the horizon. White clouds all flying over the air. Clouds towards the horizon at weft and fouth-weft. Clear. Clouds towards the horizon at north. Small clouds at eaft. A thin veil has covered the heavens. A light veil over the fky. White clouds in the eaft. Ditto, lighter in the fouth. A veil of white clouds cover the whole air. Clear and cloudleis. White clouds like a veil flying through the air. Clouds as above, but more united. Clouds at Jiorth-weft, clear at fouth-eaft. Ditto. Clear. Ditto, f White light clouds at north-weft north and north- C eaft, Till the reft clear. ^ White flying clouds through all the air, the fun is \ covered. Heavy clouds all over the air, but clear at weft. Clear. Flying clouds throughout the air. Ditto. A fmall part clear towards ! 11 76 64 the zenith at fouth-eaft Flying clouds throughout the air, efpecially at north north-weft and north eaft. Heavy clouds throughout the air. p. , „ (Heavy rain for 10 min. thunder in the north, and ^ \ lightning in the north and fouth. N W Large white clouds fcattered throughout the fky. ditto. Clouds as above, but very heavy to the eaftward. Heavy thick clouds at the north, lighter at eaft and ditto. \ well, the fouth clear towards the zenith, but heavy clouds in the horizon, the wind very violent. N N W Clouds thro' all the air, and great appearance of rain. At feven o'clock ther^e was at the S. S. E. a fmall white N { cloud, from which came a great quantity of light* ning. Thunder thro' the night, but no rain. ditto, ditto. 4O 66o RegUler of the Barometer and Thennometer in Abyflinla. Months: Hours. 1 Barometer. April 19 20 21 22 12 N. 2 E, 6 E. 6 M. 12 N. 3 E. 6 E. 8 E. 6 M. 12 N. I E. 6 E. S^E. 6 M. 12 N. I E. E- E. E. E. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 12 I 2 3 4 5 6 E. E. E. E. E. E, E, M, M, M, M M, M 7 M< 8 M, 9 M, 10 M, I I M, 12 N, 21 I2I '22 21 21 21 21 21 22 21 21 21 22 22 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 2 1 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 21 J22 122 ■22 21 3 1 o 5 9 3 3 3 o 2 6 3 7 7 o 6 3 2 o o o o o o o o o o 11 o o o 1 1 Ther.; Winds. 91 78 77 64t 77t 78 77 77 65 77 79 78 75 ■ 63 77t 79 79 79 80 80 78 76 WN W NW ditto. N NW W N E ENE S E NW W SE E NE W w WNW W w w NW NE Reniirks on the Weather. 75 74 74 73 73 o 66 6 o o o o o 068 166 2 6^ 2170 9 79 2 76 277 078 6I79 N NE SE ENE NE ESE SE E SE EN E ditto ESE ditto. W N W NW ditto W Small flying clouds through the air. Clear. Clear and cloudlefs. The fky covered with a very light veil. Small flying clouds. Clear, at four o'clock, the wind changed to caft. Clear and cloudlefs. Ditto. Ditto. Clear, only three fmall clouds near the zenith. Calm and a few very light clouds. Clear for three nights paft All the air is covered with thin clouds like a veil. Clear. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. S Clouds all over the horizon efpecially at wefl: and C north weft. (Great clouds towards the horizon and black at north I weft. 1 Ditto. Clear and cloudlefs. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Small light clouds in the eaft. Clear. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Clear and cloudlefs. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto, Regifter of the Barometer and Thermometer in Abyffinia. 66i Months April 23 24 25 26 Hours. I Barometer. Ther.i Winds. 2 6 E. 21 II O £.21 II 2 27 6 M.,22 12 N..21 2 E. 6iE. 6 M. 21 21 II 22 2-i- E. 21 O 2 II 7 II 6-: 6 E. M. 12 N. 2 E. 6|-E. I2yM. 6 M. 12 2 21 22 2 I 21 21 O II I I O II II II E, 28 29 30 6iE 12 2 M, N, E, 6i E. 6|m, 12 2 N. E. O 2 O 4 22 22 21 II 10 21 II 3 21 II 22 22 21 O I I 21 II 10 22 22 22 22 6 i-E.}2I 6 M.j22 12 N.i22 E. 21 O I I O o I I o o 1 1 6 9 3 82 77 63 79 81 78 64 82 79 64 79t 79 78 66 63 78 80 77 ^5 78 80 77t 67 69 79 Remarks on the Weather. o!8o 9,! 78 71^5 o|8i 5j8i N E Clear, only a few clouds at the north-weft ditto i Clouds all throughout the horizon except at north- C weft. S E Clear. S W A few clouds to the north and eaft. \V Ditto. ivT S Clouds all over the horizon, and a veil all over the C fky. E S E Clear. W Clouds throughout the air, but clear at fouth-weft. N Flying clouds throughout all the horizon. S E Clear. ■^jsjYY^ Flying clouds all over the (ky efpecially at north- C weft, ditto. I All the air covered, the fun likewife covered. XT ( Flying clouds all over the fky, efpecially at north- l weft. N Clear. N E Small clouds through >he horizon. W N W White clouds In the north and eaft. N \V Ditto. All the fky is covered with heavy clouds, which go ditto. <^ againft the wind, that is to the north-weft, a few drops of rain fall. ■£ r Clouds in the horizon, and a thin veil covering all I the {kj at north-eaft and fouth up to the zenith. N W I White and hoary clouds flying all over the fky N : Large flying clouds. {Flying clouds throughout all the air, they go towards the weft, a violent wind about mid-night from the eaft. ENE I Clear. g cMoftly clear, with fome part of the heavens covered C with a thin veil. E Light clouds flying in the ftcy. N E Strong blafts of wind from time to time, N by W Clouds throughout the horizon. E j Clouds flying to- the north and eaft. pj , y S Large white clouds all over the horizon, efpec*.?J'}' Y at ncrth-eaft. WN W Ditto. 66: Re^lfter of the Barometer and Thermometer m AbyiTmia. Moiuhs Aprir MAY I [lours. Baromettr. Ther. --— - 6Ve. 2 1 II 6 8i V Vl'inds. I M. 2 2 6 M. 12 N. 2 E. 6',-E. 81 E. 6 M. 7-5-M.i22 2 £v 61 E. 12 N. 2 E. 61 E. 6Vm. 12 N. 2 E. 61 E. 21 21 22 21 21 22 2.1 21 jsr.U2 6 12 2 E.i2I 6l E. 2 1 6 12 M, N, 7: 41 E. f J. p J 4 *• 61 E. 6 M- 1 12 N. 2 E. 61 E. 68 12 o 4j65 21 II 5!8ol 2 1 II ij8il 21 II -ihS 21 II 777 22 O 565I 2 2 22 2 2 21 21 31 I I I I O II II o I I 1 1 21 II 867 i 7-77 9.75 M77t 3;8o c --6-!- 9!79 380 4 77i o o 1 1 1 1 o II 4171 80 77t 8 661 8 22 00 8a 7^1 o ei/ii o .771 o 860 ditto. E NE NW ditto. ENE W SE ditto- NNW ditto. NW N V NW NNE NW NbyE NNE ditto. In n w NE NW SE ditto. Remarks on I'ae \Vcither. " 5 77t II 6J72I 7>)4 NW N N Large -white clouds all over the horizon. C Flying, clouds much united all over tht fl^y, the eafl; is the part that is.freeft. Heavy clouds towards the north, the reft clear.,^ Flying clouds at north and north-eail:. Clouds as. above, and alfo at the horizon. ^ Thick clouds all over the horizon, and the Iky al- t rnoft covered as with a veil. Rain, tliunder, and lightning, but in no great quan- tity, all the &y is .covered e:^:ceptlng at fcuth-eaft ("AH the air is coveredwith thickclouds, a fe*-;' dropsof J rain ; at half paft fix a very light raiti began which I lafted for a few minutes, and begins aguin. fit has begun a light fliower, which ceafes and begins ; again at intervals. Large clouds throughout the air, the fun covered. Ditto. Large moving clouds, the fun is covered. Ditto. Clouds every where joined, and cover the whole air. Light hying clouds. Small white flying clouds. Small white clouds m the horizon. Clouds throughout the air, they come from fouth eaft, and go againft the wind. Small light 'clouds throughout the horizon. Clouds at eaft. • Heavy moving clouds throughout the air. United clouds through the air, appearance of rain. threat clouds which cover all the air. Dhto. All the air covered with white clouds, it begins to rain. Ditto — Ditto ; it begins to thunder. A light fhower, which ceafes in a few minutes. Oouds at the horizon efpecially at E. and N. C Great white flying clouds, nothing clear but the I zenith. 1 Clouds cover the whole air. C It has begun to rain a little, all the iir is covered with 2 heivy cicuds. _^__ Regirter of the Barometer and Thermometer in Abyffinia. 66s Months Hours. Barometer. ,_ ; ; MAY 7 6IE.21 II 7 8 6 M. 22 o o iz N.:2i 1 1 6 2 E.I2I II 3 6^E.,21 II 6 74-E.|22 O I 9' 6 M.'22 O 6 1.2. N. 2 E. 6i-E. 10' 6;m. 12 N. . 2. E. 6^E. 6^m. 1 2 N. 2 E. I I 12 14 I— F 6fE. 6Vm. 12 N. 2 E. 6 E. 61 E. 6-^M. 12 N. 2C 00 21 II 5 21 117 22 06 22 00 21 II 3 21 I I 6 2 2 06 22 07 21 II 5 2 2 00 2 2 2 2 2 2 22 2 2 2 2 22 O O O 4 o o ° 3 o J o 8 Thcr 72;- 74 76 74 73 74 73 75 73 T 62;- 75i 75 72- 62 ■73 T 7Si 73i 67^ 21 II 6 21 II I 64^ E. 21 II 2 62^ 73 74 7ii 69^ 64^ 744- 76 74 Winds. N 6 M.'22 O 466^ 12 N.2I II 4:74 2|E. 2 1 II 0,75 NW ditto NE SSE NE NW ditto N N E N W ditta ESE EbS NW W E NE SE SbyE NE E NE ditto. W ,NW NE ditto. NNE NE Remarks on the Weather. The rain has ceafed, clouds throughout the air. Clouds throughout the whole air. Ditto. All the air is covered with clouds. Ditto. Clouds as above, it begins to rain lightly at eight. Ditto. ( White cloudi at the horizon at north and eaft, a C light veil covers the fky. Thunder in fhort claps. Flying clouds throughout the air. Light clouds throughout the whole air. Large clouds flying throughout the air, efpecially at ^ north and eaft, thunder. C Flying clouds throughout the air) the fun is covered, I a fmall fhower which Lifted for a few minutes. ! Thick clouds throughout all the air. White light clouds throughout the air, dark towards the horizon, efpecially in the eaft. I Great malTes of white clouds, with clear intervals. (Thick, clouds in every part, the zenith only C clear. ! Violent rain, with clouds, thunder and hghtnlng. (It rains a little, all the heavens covered, but darkeft I at north-weft and fouth-eaft. j Clear and cloudlefs. C Great maftes of white clouds throughout the horizon; C. zenith clear, j Ditto," C The ftcy covered wnth black clouds, it begins to rain \ fmartly. i Black clouds, and rains violently,but without thunder. CA light veil covers the fun, which does net hinder ^ it from being warm. I Flying ctouds throughout the air. ' Ditto. Ditto- All the air is covered with thick clouds, which threa- ) ten rain. I Ditto. 1 Scattered clouds throughout the air. m P.Pji ■■w—jiUJif II "^"PJ'JiP ^ B iW ' 664 Regifter of the Barometer and Thermometer in Abyflinla. Month? MVY 14 15 16 17 JUNE I Hours. 4tE. 6iE. 4iM. 6 M. 12 N. 2 E. 6|E. 6^M. 12 N. 2 E. 6|E. 6 M. 12 N. 2 E. 6iE. 6 M. 12 N. 2 E- 6iE. 6 M. 12 N. 2 E. 6^E. 6 M 12 N Barometer. ITher. 21 ID 5 21 10 9 22 2 21 2 I 21 22 22 21 21 O O II I I I I 21 I I 21 II 22 O O O O 2 21 116 21117 21 114 211X6 21 6 5 21 3 6 21 3 I 3 8 21 5 8 21 42 21 3 8 21 40 77 73 i 62^: 641 75 76i 74t 63 76 77 73t 62 74 74i 70-; ^^3 69 68 65 63i 671 68^ 671 Winds. Remarks on the Weather. N N \V Flying fhoAvers for ten minutes, the fun clear. ■»^ -p C Thick black clouds, thunder at fouth-eaft and vio- ^ lent lightning. S E A large thick cloud at weft, all the reft clear, ditto Ditto. N W Great clouds flying to north and eaft, zenith clear, ditto, j White clouds towards the horizon, zenith clear. N E I One fingle cloud covers the whole fky equally, ditto I Clear, only a very few white clouds at the horizon, ditto, j Clear, only a few white clouds at weft. SSE vary- (Large clouds at N. N. W. all the heavens covered as inHtoSw^ with a veil, wind changing to N. N. W. N A great cloud covers the zenith. E N E United clouds cover the whole air. ditto. Clear- Thick clouds to the north-weft, and thunder from WNW-i the fame quarter, and the other part of the Iky, [ clouds flying againft the wind. N E j All the fky is covered with clouds, it threatens rain ' All the fky is covered with black clouds, it lightens alfo, and threatens rain. N NW: 5 8;^^ 21 4 468 2 E. 21 40 67^ w N NNW N N N NNE N SW NNE N cThe weft is all full of heavy clouds, which reaches } from the horizon to the zenith. j It begins to rain heavily, and large drops- CAll the air covered with thick clouds, efpecially at (^ the fouth and weft- [ Between this and the laft obfei-vation three or four < fmall iliowers, and the whole fky covered with [ thick clouds. f Flying clouds through the whole air efpecially at i north and north-weft- Flying clouds through the air. Ditto ; all this afternoon have fallen fmall Ihowers, which lafted for live or fix minutes at a time. The fky at prefent is all clouded. ^All the air is covered with thick clouds, at the E, (^ and N. E- the air a little thinner. CAll the air covered as above with thick clouds, and I the fun not leen- jScatfered clouds through all the fky. Regifter of the Barometer cind Thermometer in AbylTmia. 665 "Months junF .3 10 1 1 12 15 Hours 61- E. 6 M. 12 N, 61 E. 6 M. 12 N, 2 E. 7 E. 12 M. 6^ E. 6 M. 2 E. 6-i-E. 6 M. 12 N. I2iE. 6lE. 6 M. 12 N. 2 E. 4 E. 6y E. 6 M. 6iE. 6 M. Baromer-? 5 4 4 4 5 4 5 46 4 0 5 2 5 I 5 2 4 9 5 4 4 4 6 4 4 4 9 66 62 ^7 6y{ (3 1 67T 66 56 1 66 u6 64t 64 "5 641 0^ 66 06 64^ >5 >4V Winds, NNE N Remarks on the Veaiher. Black clouds at N- and W. the S. perfediy clear. CCJouds united all over the heavens, it rained a httle I in the morning. f.The fouth covered with a thick cloud, the reft of the NNE < heavens covered with flying clouds, but pretty hea vy ; at half paft twelve it rained violently. j^ r The fouth covered with very thick clouds, with fome ^ thunder- Thick clouds at north and weft the reft of the hea NNE N NNE N N , NN.E, S NNE ditto SE NW NNE NW NNE SE varying to S W SE NNE vens clear. CI lear. There has fallen a little rain for about 'ten minutes- Thick clouds but the fun appears. C Clouds iti the horizon to north and weft, very fmall ^ clouds in the reft of the air- j Cloudy, all the heavens are perfedly covered. 3 Very heavy clouds cover the whole air, coming firft ( from the fouth, it rains very violently. C Flying clouds thro' the whok air, efpecially at the ^ horizon. V Heavy clouds through the whole air, it has rained I very heavily two or three times. I Ditto. I Scattered cloudsthroughout the air, efpecially totheS. (All the air is covered with heavy thick clouds, and C it begins to rain with great violence. ( It has continued to xain every half minute, to fix o'- C clocl:, with violuit chips of thunder. Cit ftill continues to rahi moderately for three hour€ (^ in the night. Clouds in the horizon at S. and E, All the air is covered with thick clouds. Ditto, but the ^.m appears. The fouth is covered vv ilh thick black clcv.ds, it has rained feveral times between four^and five. Vol. IV. C Small rain for about an hour, clouds flving through I the air Aery heavy In the horiK)n to the S- } Heavy clouds from the fouth-e?ft to the weft. I Black clouds to the fouth and weft. ^Clouds in the fouth and in the eaft, towards the ( horizon- 666 Reglfter of the Barometer and Thermometer in AbyfTmia. Winds. Remarks on the Weather. j Clouds throughout the whole ah-, it thunders with ^ long intervals. \ Ditto; and great appearances of rain, it C lightens at fouth. C Thick clouds to the fouth, thinner through the reft I of the air- C Dark mift on every fide, w^hich lafled only half ^ an hour. I Heavy clouds throughout the air efj ecially to the S 'Clouds throughout ihe air, it has rained for three times violently, but of fliort duration. Black clouds throughout the air, with violent light- ning. ! Flying clouds throughout the air, efpecially in the E, ^ Light clouds, but clofely united all over the fky like C a veil, and fomething blacker to the S. S. W. Black clouds throughout the air, a violent rain has fallen for a quarter of an hour the wind S. S. W. and N. N. E. alternatelv. About hatx paft one, a moft violent rain which ■< laftcd a quarter of an hour violent, and conftant thunder with lightning the whole afternoon. Sky covered with dark clouds, and a violent rain be- gun which lafted tv^o hours. 5 Flying clouds throughout the air but heavieft to- C wards the fouth. Heavy fcattered clouds throughout the air. Clouds as above, only the horizon at S. S. W. is clear. ^ Thick black clouds throughout the air efpecially at I fouth fouth-weft. Clouds icattered every where throughout the air. Thick clouds throughout the air. The higheft cur i rent from the fouth, the low ell comes from the north with great rapidity, rain and thunder. Clouds as above. Rain and \ iolent thunder, Avhich began at five in the i evening and lafted till midnight without intermif- fion. Clear, only a very few clouds in the horizon to the fouth-weft. Regifter of the Barometer and Thermometer in Abyffima, 66f Months JUNE 21 Hours. I Bdromelcr Ther, Winds. Remarks on the Weather. I I^"M. 21 5 O 65 12 N.2I 5 965} 2 E. 21 4 6 64 6j £.'21 4 6 22 23 7 M, 21 4 8 12 N.lai 4 8 E. 2 I 4 5 64 6ji 63 641 j^ £ C Clouds thick and heavy at the eaft and north, vio- ^lent rain. W S ^^^^^ clouds to the north and weft, at eaft fouth- ( eaft clear. NNE j Clouds fcattered throughout the whole air- ditto 24 25 26 6^ E, 7 M. 12 X. 2 E. 6-Ve. 6;-M, 2 E. 7 E. 7 M. 21 4 4 21 63 261 I 2 N. 2 E. 6', IE. 12 N. 21 5 I 64 2 1 4 9 62 I 21 5 06 27 6 21 4 9 2147 2144 21 50 21 46 2143 21 46 21 4 8 21 48 21 4 3 21 46 ^-^3 65 63 6ii 64 64 63I 621 t)4 ^3 7 M.21 5 7,60! 12 N 21 5 463I 2 E.2I 5 r63 C Many thick clouds to the north and eaft, wind chang- C ing from that to S. W. N E i Clear, only a few clouds to the horizon, and a thick I mift to the north, ditto, j Clouds throughout the whole air. N N WS^'' ^'^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ horizon to the S. \V. a current 'I of air is feen coming from the N. W. j^ c Clouds throughout the whole air, with mift and rain, I a violent w^nd in the night. WN W^^'^"^S clouds through the air, efpecially north-weft, l weft and fouth-weft. \V I — — Ditto; to the Weft of north it has rained often. NNE 1"^^^ ^^^^ heavens covered with very thick clouds, it C threatens rain. ("Thick clouds throughout the air, which come from N E <; north-weft, there is a current thinner wiiich comes [ from the fouth-weft-. , (Clouds throiigiiout the v.-hole air, a great quantity ( of mift going foulhward, thunder likevvife. Clouds through all the air, and thunder. Heavy clouds tiiroughout the air. Ditto. — the fun covered, r Clouds as above, the higheft current of clouds come ( from the fourli. I The fky overeail, it rains violently* I Ditto. — It begins to rain fmall rain. S Clouds througliout the whole air, and fo heavy they C fcarcely mo^ e. i Ditto Black clouds at fouth fouth-weft, lighter flying clouds to the eaft. I Heavy clouds throughout the whole air. Light flying clouds. Very cloudy, fonietimes there comes a blaft from the eaft with a little rain. Thick clouds throughout the air, it rains. S NK N N ditto. NE N NE SS E \y N E W N 4P2 668 Regifter oFthe Barometef and Thermometer in Abyffmia. Months JUN2 27 28 29 30 JULY Hours. 6'j E, 12 N. 2 E, 6^e;. G^M, 12 N. 2 E. 6^e. 7 M. 12 N. 2 E. 6^E. 6yM. 12 'N, 2 E. 6 ... 12 N. • 2 E. 6 i- E. 4' cJtM. ;i2 N. j 2 E. • 6^E. BaromcUr. Ther.* Winls. Rfirirks on tlie Weather. 2 1 4 862^ NNE 5 761^: ENE 5 401 5 o 5 7 NE NE C Thick clouds to the north-«aft and north, clear in ( the weil; and fouth, quite clear in the zenith. CLight cl-otids all over the fKiy, but. .in the fouth a little C heavier. Heavy clouds, the higher current X)f wind louth-weft the lower north-eaft, it threatens rain .and vio- lent thunder and lightning. Small rain and thundei". Thick clouds through all the air. There are currents of air vi^hich carry the clouds fome to the W. and and others to N. the lower current N. N..E. C Clear, there are a few ftreaky clouds in the horizon to / the fouth C Light flying clouds, thicker towards the horizon in ^ the fouth-weft The air quite overcaft. Clear only a few clouds at t.he horizon- r Light flying clouds throughout the horizon efpecially ^ to the fouth-eaft and fouth-weft. C Heavy clouds through all the air, it rains ; two cur- (^ rents of wind from the N. W, and N. E. ^ Clear, excepting a few clouds in the horizon towards the fouth-eaft, it thunders. Heavy clouds throughout the air, great appearance of rain. Many clouds flying throughout the air. Ditto. Ditto.— Efpecially at fouth-eaft. Thick heavy clouds throughout the air. Flying clouds throughout the air. White flying clouds throughout the air, they feem- higher towards the horizon, the low clouds cover- ing the north-eaft. . Ditto. '^rhick clouds to the north and north-weft, lighter in all other places. Many fmall clouds throughout the air. . Rain and very thick clouds throughout the air, P'requcnt clouds throughout the air. Ditto- Reglfter of the Barometer and Tiiermmneter In Abyflinla. Months Hours. Baromettr. JULY 5 5i-M.j2I 12 N.'ai 2 E.lll 64- E.I2I Ther. Winds. 6 758 60 62 7 I 6 8 10 5tM. 12 N. 2 E. S'jM. I 2 N. 2 E. 6 E. 12 N. 2 E. 6|E. 12 N. 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 2 1 21 2 1 ■ 6 7 7 2 6 8 6 6 7 I 67 67 65 7 2 6 8 6 6 6 7 59 62 >9 ;7 541 ^9i Remarks oi ;hc vVritN.r. 7 t- 6 6 J /4 55t 59 J / 4 2 E. 21 64^ £. 2t 5^M. 21 12 N. I 64 <5 5 67 21 2 E. 21 I 6t E. 21 Hi 5jM. 21 12 N, 21 6-5 6 I 6 1 6H 6 3 6 v'^i^ 66 66^ 58 57 %■ fi5T 59 ^>*>*— g^iWaiy,- ■ .J-; N W S'^'S^*'- ^y^"g '^louds throughont all the air, and dsrh- I er towards the horizon- N b E j Thick clouds with violent rain. N N \V j The clouds are fcattering, hut remain thick at Vv. N N E S^'-^^y ^^^'^^ clouds to north north-werT and north- ^ eaft, the reft clear ■■ ^ C White flying clouds, throughout all the■ah■;feemin^- C■ to unite in Ibuth. N N WJVeryr thick eiouds, thhnder and lightning in the S N j Clouds uruting throughout the air. N E i ^'^''^'"' <^"'7 a very few fmall clouds in the horizon I towards the eaft. VJ S ^''■^^^^^^ rahi, the wind changed firft from norch I'acn I to weft:. NNW^ ^^'^^ clouds throughout the air, rather clear in C the eaft. j^ (Clouds through the -whole air^ but efpecially m the ^ hon7.on to the north. ^ CDark clouds in the horizon, everywhere but in the I north is clear. N N W j White clouds throughout the whole air. tS' varying ( -^. by 3 I D.IttO. . 1^ SThick clouds in the horizon, every where but in the (. . north, where they are very black. N by eS^Iou'Js united all through the air, the north only C clear. Nvaryings^ Clouds all ovcr the ■•■horizon, they feem to erofs one ^. another in the zenith, which as yet is clear-. Vo'n^w^ 5 ^^^^^^ ^'^"'^s over the horizon, thefe frcn north-eaft . ^ and north crofs one another in the fouth. IN varying I ry.., •11,.. tcNw 1 thick clouds unite m the fouth. W ^'^^^ norrh, the fouth, fouth-eaft and fouth-weft are V covered wdth clouds. . j^ [While clr.uds in great maffes all over the horizon, I the zenith clear. N I Great thick clouds'througbout. N v.,ryinp (White flving clouds throughout the air, only black , '^^ E & w [ at ^eft ^^^^ tj^g horizon. W' I Clouds united through all the air- W I'T^^'yk black clouds throughout the air, thunder at a [ ciiftance, with i'c.me drcps of rain. ^ r — r " ■ I I ' 670 Reglfter of the Barometer and Thermometer in Abyfilnla. Months JULY I 1 Hours. Barometer. Ther, Winds. Rcmarlts on the VVeather. 2 E. 0 ' " 21 6 3 591 ,^ ^Tliick black clouds cover the Iky, there has fallen a (. fmall Ihower. 6- E 21 6 s r-^N 1 N \ Thick black clouds through all the air, they come V-l ■) i-« j9i from the north above the Mountain of Kofcam. 12 5iM- 21 70 57t N Ditto. 12 N. 21 70 59} N Ditto. 2 E. 21 67 59t NNE Ditto. 6^E. 21 67 59t NE 1 Clouds throughout the whole air, excepting the weft which is clear. 13 5iM. 2 1 72 561 ditto. Clear, only a fmall cloud in the weft. 12 N. 21 70 58 \V varying to N Rain, and the whole air covered with clouds. 2 E. 2 1 67 60 N varying to E & VV Moderate rain, the air covered as above. 6-^E. 21 69 58} N Large maffes of clouds cover the whole air- H 5iM. 21 7 3 56 NNE ! Clear, only two very fmall clouds vifiblc in the hori- zon to the eaft. 12 K. 21 7 0 60 W - Very thick clouds through all the air, excepting in the eaft, which is clear. 3 E- 21 67 60 NN \V^ The clouds intercept one another from the fouth- / i tI 1 ^ » ¥ eaft and fouth-weft. 6-^E. 21 67 59t NE Rain. JI5 5|M. 21 7 2 5.7 NNE All the air is covered with very thick clouds. 12 N. 21 69 60} W Ditto. — With rain. Very thick black clouds come from north-eaft, and 6^E. 2 1 6 8 59t N vary! no; to NNE ■ fouth-eaft, a thick mift at north which is very low. 26 5yM. 31 72 57 N Thick clouds at north, and very low. 12 N. 21 6 8 65i N < N ^ .White clouds flying throughout the air, heavy at S. 2 E. 21 67 64 Thick clouds united throughout the air, heavier at / fouth and north-eaft. 6iE. 21 6 8 61 N Very thick mift to the north. 27 6 M. 21 7 0 59 NW All the air is covered with clouds joined together. 2 E. 21 67 64t N Thick flat clouds through all the air. 6{-E. 21 6 6 59^ N DitLo. 28 6 M- 21 7 1 .3 / 4 N - 1 Flying but fcattered clouds through all the air, they L come from eaft and fouth. / 12 N. 21 6 7 63 S W j Thick clouds through all the air, especially at S. W. 2 E. 21 6 a o^i \\r^yj^T^ Clouds throughout all the air, but blackell towards ( north-eaft, and north. 1 •-/ •(■ 6iE. 21 61 61 js^ ( Thick clouds, which come in great quantities from C the north. *, • V- J 29r 6 M. 21 6 7 57i ■YYj^\y^ Clouds throughout all the air, but thickcH towards / w* / *t C welt and north-weit. j Regifter of the Barometer and Thermometer In Abyflln'ia. 6-ji Monthsl Hcurs. , Barometer. JULY 29 30 31 AUG. I 12 N. 2 E. 6|E. 6 M. 12 N. 2 E. 61 E. 6i M. 2 E. 6^ E. 6 M. 12 N. 2 E. 6^E. 6 M. 2 E. 6^E. 6 M. 12 N. 2 E. 6^E, 6 r.". 12 N. 61- E. 6 M. 12 N. 2 E. 6i-E. 12 N. 2 £• 6 6 6 5 5 6 6 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 rher. 6 6 6 6 6 2 6 6 63T 61 63 S9r 58 61 59 Wimls. Rcmarkb on the Wca'.hcr. j^ S Large flying clouds throughout all the air, two cur- C rents of wind, one from S. the other from N. 63 64 60} ■ - ! /4 58 S9 59i 59 58 59 1 601 58-^ 58A 58 59 i 159 NNW N N W N I N N W WNW NNE Clouds clofeiy united throughout all the air. Clouds come from north-eaft are very low and heavy. All the air is covered with clouds clcfely united- Large clouds flying through ail the air, they come from north-weil and north-eaft. All the air is covered with clouds. The clouds come from north-eaft, and are very thick. All the air is covered with clouds. Thick united clouds through all the air- Large flying clouds very black efpecially in the hori- zon at fouth and north, loud thunder and the fun covered- Clouds flying throughout the air. Thick flying clouds from the eaft, likewife fome come to meet them from the weft- Rain for a few minutes. Thick clouds at north they come from north-eaft. Thick flying clouds throughout all the air. Rain. Great mafles of clouds at north-weft- x^U the air is covered with clouds. It rained for fome minutes. Flying clouds throiighout the air. NNE j Rain, with clouds united all over the air. xT-.y CThe cloudy are joined all over the air, and a mift NNE ws w w N varying tnNNE WNW NNE NNW SWbN N N NE N NbyE W NNE comes from fouth Heavy clouds throughout the air, it rains. The whole flcy is covered with clouds, it rains. All the air is covered with clouds. Moderate rain, the clouds crofs from north-weft north and fouth-eaft. Large flying clouds at north v/hich come from eaft. ditto. Large clouds remain in the horizon, ditto. Flying clouds, they come frequent ail over the air. S W I Large clouds ail over the air. MW S^'^^^^''^ clouds through all the air, and are very low. I a ftream of mill goes conftautly to the S. 672 Regiiler of the Barometer and Thermcjineter In AhyrTinla. •>Ioiit:is! Hours. MJC. 6 6^E. Barointtcr. iTher.l Winds. 7; 6 M.'2I 7 Oi54|: 12 N.{ai 6 5i58 2 E.'ai 6 2;6i 8 10 li 64- E. 21 .6 4 6 M.Ui 6 7 i2 N.J2I 2 E, 21 6jE.J2I 6 M. 12 N. 31 21 3 £, 2 1 65 62 6 2 « 3 6 I 21 6 I 21 6 9 2165 21 6 0|E. 6 M. 12 N. 2 E. 6-1 E. 6 M. 21 6 6 I 2 N. 2 I 64 2 E/2I C 3 21 6 3 60 62 57i 57 6o| 611 iSi 56^ 6oi Heiiiarki on tiii" Weather. N SW w SW to y/ s w S varying tQ S S W 0 4 FJ."^ ? i^ M.l?, J 6 0 l.-^^- 5^ H "9 5" All the fky is covered with thick clouds, the low- cft come from louth very quickly. A thick mift covers the whole air. Ditto. i he clouds heavier to the fouth. N 1 W ^ The clouds are all joined throughout the air, there (, is a ftream of mift coming from the north. N N W ! All the air is covered wuh clouds, it rains, u' varying ^ Thick clouds through all the air, they come from fouth-eaft, and north-eaft. Ditto. Thick clouds throughout 'the iiir efpecially at north, they come from foiith-eall, fmall rain. Thick clouds in great mailes through all the horizon. ,Clouds flying throughout all the air, they come ^ from no'th and fouth. vr cw^^'^'^'^^ '^'^°"' ^^^^ north, and very thick clouds through- ^ ^ out the air, they come from north and fomh. Rain and thick clouds throughout the air. Two cur rents of v.'ind, the one from the fouth the other from the north. Thick clouds cover all the air. Clouds mixed with large fpaces of clear. The clouds come fromthe eaft with great violence againft the wind. Thick clouds throughout the air, two currents of wind, one from north-eaft the other from north- wcIL crofs one another. Thunder in the W. All the f^y is covered with thick clouds. The upper current from the cafl, the next from north, and the laft fo low as to touch the earth. They crofs with great velocity and force. Clouds cover the vdiole face of the fsy. Clouds throivghoutihe air, the wind in two currents nonh and fouth. I Moderate rain the whole fky overcafl: with clouds. ^, j Very thick clouds throughout the air. Two currents '3 n''r-^ ] of wind, the higheft from north, the lowcrt from ( north-eaft. N N v.. j Light clouds cover the fky like a veil. N varving to n' vv NE W N'N E N NE SE N by f: Regifter of the Barometer and Thermometer In Abyffinia. ^71 Months. AUG. 13 H 15 i6 17 Hours. 12 N. 2 E, 7tE. 6|M. 12 N. 2 E. 6^E. 6iM, 12 N, 6^E. 12 N. 2 E. 6^E. 6 M. 12 N. 3 E. 18 6 M, 19 20 12 TST, 2 E. 64- E. 6|M. 12 N. 2 E. 6^E. 6 M. Barometer. 6 6 12 N. 2 Vol. IV. rher. 69 64 6 3 6 2 64 6 3 <5 2 6 6 6' 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6ii 60 60 61^ \V inds. Remarlcs on the Weather. 57 60 6i-i- 55t 611 C Large cloiuls near the hoiizon, efpecially at north noith-eafl:. The \k.j is oveixaft with tliick clouds and clofely uruted at fouth. Black clouds, and very low in the horizon. Two cur- rents of v.'ind, the one caft fouth-eafl the other north, which crofs each other. Clouds blowing about the horizon, the zenith clear, '\ A current of clouds from north and fouth, thunder and lightning through all the fky. w varying C Violent rain, it has thunderexl two hours without in- \ terval. Large flying clouds throughout the air. Ditto. . Clouds through all the air, and it begins to rain. Black clouds. Two currents of air come from the N. and S. along the Mountain of the Sun. It has i thundered and lightned all afternoon, and the light ning runs in fheets upon the earth like water. I The fky overcaft with thick clouds, j Ditto. ( The fky overcaft with clouds, excepting in the foutli, \ welt clear. Thick clouds throughout the air. Thin clouds like a veil cover the fky. Thick black clouds cover the fky, and come from N. Clouds as above but thickeft at fouth. Black clouds throughout the air, efpecially at north \ well:. I Thin clouds cover the air like a veil. t Very thick clouds throughout the air, it rains, clouds C come from north and fouth. Ditto. Black clouds all over the air- W NW N NE ditto. \ in to N NNE W N NNE ditto. N NNE ditto- ditto- N N Varying toKNE N by E NE NW 6 5|^4 6 3,60 6 9|^6t 6 5'6i NW NNE ditto. ditto. N by E NNE ditto. Small light clouds fiy throiighout the air* Pvain, thunder, and lightning. Black clouds all over ihc flcy. Ditto. Flying clouds cover the whole air. N N W '^^'^ begins to rain, clouds very heavy, they come from! 1^ norlh and Ibuth, and meet in the zenith 6/4 ftegifter of the Barometer and Thermometer in Abyffinia.' Months AUG 20 Hoursi Barome'er. iTher.l Winds 23 £.2 1 12 N.'2I 2 E. 6^E. 21 21 6 M. 12 N, 21 12 N.|2I 2 E. 2 I 6i E.2I 7 M. 12 N. 2 E. 21 70 67 E. 2 1 2 1 2 1 6^M. 12 N. 6^ E 6iM I 21 21 21 12 N, 2-7 E. 2 1 |Ther.[ 6 3 6 J £.'2 1 6 3 6 M.:2I 6 9 6 5 6 3 6 5 12 N.21 6 4 6i £.'21 6 4 6 S 64 2 E. 21 63 67E.I21 6 -7 7 M-ki 6 7 6 ^ 6 6 62i 59 554 63i 64 59? 63 5H .0 :>^ 59t ^H 6o| 57 ?9t S'9i 58I 6- 6 6 6 5 6 6 6 7 6^ 6 8 65 6 A 62 59i 57 55 T -Q3 J^4 ^'9 56 6ii- kcnjarks un itit W^ N varying to N N ii N N N N N Nby E N N E NE N N N NE J, j^ r Great clouds throughout the air, the S. W. is 1 clear. NN E Clouds throughout the air, they come from the N, ditto. Clear and cloudlefs. Thick clouds come from the fouth, fome fmall ones from the north. M \l wl'^^^'^^ clouds cover the whole airs they come with 1 great violence from the nortli. jThick clouds and very low from the north, thunder [ and rain without ceafmg. ! Clouds with violent rain thunder and lightning. Broken clouds throughout the air, but black ones come from the north, i Flying clouds cover the air. Thick clouds .throughout the air, but thickeft at north. Thick clouds throughout the air, rain in the S. Rain and thick clouds. Clear, except a little hazy at S. S. W, Thick clouds throughout the air, it rains at north It rains at eaft. Rain and thick clouds throughout the air^ efpecially in the weft. Great clouds thi-oughout the air, efpecially at fouth and north, a ftrcam of dark mill comes from the fouth very low. W 9 w/^^*^'^'' ^^^^ thick clouds throughout the fky, efpecially I at fouth and north. ditto. ! INIoderate rain, thick clouds throughout the fky. XT /Dark clouds very low throughout the air, it is very 1 cold. NNE W NW Light clouds, but frequent throughout the air. It rains violently efpecially from the fouth-weft. Very thick clouds throughout the air, a low ftream comes from north. ^ J Light clouds fly throughout the r.ir, they come from j eaft and weft. W h g/-^^'"?^ thick clouds efpecially at north, the loweft ^ \ come from the weft. |., /Thick clouds in the horizon, it rains hard, the air [ is all covered ■ «a ii»« ipii«ji.iiuiii II Reg'ifter of the Barometer and Thermometer in Abyffinia. 675 Months AUG' 27 28 30 Hours. Barometer. Ther.l Winds. 3^ SEPT. 6^E. 6 M. 12 N. 2 E. 6 M. 12 N. 2 E. 6|-E. 6 M. 12 N, 2 E. 6^E. 6 M. 12 N. 2 E. 6iE. 6 M. 12 N. 2 E. 6i- E. 6 M. 12 N. 2 E, 6^E, 6 M. 12 N, 2 E, e'-E, 6 M, 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 2 1 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 6 6 6 7 6 6 6 6 21 64 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Remarks on the Weather. 59t 57 61 58 57 62 62 59 5H 59 63 58i 57 62 64 61 56; 624 63 60 57 64 65t 58 63t 631 60 N NE N N NE W NNW N N N NNE N N N N NNE NE N NNE N NE N N NNE N C Thick clouds, all the air is covered efpecially at fouth ^ and north. All the air is cloudy-' Clouds as above a ftormy rain at north-weft. Thick clouds in the horizon. S Large clouds flying throughout the air, efpecially at ( fouth. Wandering clouds throughout the air. Clouds as above, but thicker. Large mafles of clouds from the N. W- Both eaft and weft are covered with thick clouds. Great clouds throughout the air, violent rain, thun der, and lightning. Large clouds throughout the air, and a moderate rain. Very thick clouds through the whole horizon, thefe go in currents to the fouth-weft and north-eaft, but leave the zenith clear. Light clouds throughout the air. Flying clouds, but dark to the fouth. Large clouds efpecially at fouth and north Very thick black clouds cover the air- Clear and cloudlefs- ( Thick clouds cover the air, they come from north I and fouth. I Thunder at fouth-weft. j Dark clouds in the horizon, efpecially at S. W, i Clear and cloudlefs. ^Thick broken clouds, they ftream from north and fouth. Ditto. Clear fmall clouds in the horizon at N* W. and S. Clear. C Clouds throughout the air efpecially at north, thun (^ der in the eaft. Moderate but conftant rain, coming from the north- weft. N N E j Clouds in the horizon to the north and north-weft. N varying to NE 56^ N by El Clear. 4 0.2 5^6 Reglfter of the Barometer and Thermometer In Abyflinia. Months) Hours. SEPT. 1 4*12 N, 2 E, 6^E. 6 M. 12 N. 2 E. 6|-E. 6 M. 12 N. 2 E. 6 M. 12 N. 2 E. 6^E. 6 M. 12 N. 2 E. 6^E. 64-M. 12 N. 2. E. 6^ £. Barometer. 10 6 M, 12 K. 2 E, ,6^ E. Ill 6 M. '12 N. I ' 2 E. I 6iE, 12; 61.M, !I2 N, 6 7 6 4 67 4 6 7 6 6 6 7 6 6 7 6 6 6 7 6 6 6 2 Ther, 7 7 6 7 7 6 6 6 6 61 60 sH 6 7 5§ 62 63 60, 57 63t 66 61 57 62 60 67 65 (^7 6ji SH 68 i 66 587 68: 69 64, 60, 661- 65 Winds. Remarks on the Weather. ENE NE N NNE N NN W NNE N E ' NNE ditto. N NE W - N E N N E WNW NW N NE S E NE N _N E NW toNE NNE ditto N NNE ■N E N vaty'.iig to .ME N N Clouds throughout the air efpecially at weft, violent C thunder and lightning. SCioud.s throughout the air, and rain which feems to Y be violent to the weftward. ) Very thick clouJr, throughout the air, efpecially at eaft, louth, and louth-weft. x4i.ll the air is covered with light clouds. . Clouds which have overcaft all the air. Ditto. Violent rain and clouds everywhere efpecially at N Small clouds throughout the air, they come from the fouth and north Large clouds throughout the horizon- Ditto. Large dark clouds from the north and eaft. Light clouds Hying throughout the air. A mort violent rain, which began with north-eaft winds> but changed to weft, and ended in a hail fhower.. Rain and thick clouds, the rain comes moft violently from north-weft. The clouds are united through the whole air. Light clouds in the horizoa. Ditto.. Ditto.. Low dark clouds in the nonh-weft and fouthi-weft. Small white clouds fcattered through the horizon. Light fmall clouds through the air. Great clouds through all the horizon. Black clouds in the horizon to the W. N. W. and S W. Clear and cloudlefs. Thick clouds throughout the air. Small flying clouds throughout the air. Large -clouds occupy the air- Ditto. Ditto- violent rain from N. E. and the whole (kj overcaft Thick clouds throughout the air. j Light clouds cover the fl^y like a veil. j Cloud-:; cover the air which come from the north-eaft. Reglfter of the Barometer and Thermometer in Abyflinia. Months Hours. SEPT. 12: 6\- E. Baro;n£ter. Ther.j Winds. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 6 M 12 N, 2 E. 64- E, 6 M, 12 N. 2 N, 6i-E, 12 N, 2 E, 6i^E. 6^M. 12 N. 2 E. 6|E. 6 M. 12 N. G{ E. 6 M- 12 N. -^ '- E. 6 M. 12 N. 2 E. 6|E. 6 M. iI2 N, I i 6iE. 21' 6 M. 12 N, 2 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 6 6 6 Remarks on the XVeather. 9h NbyE^^' ght clouds towards the zenith, heavy ones tc the horizon at north and weft, lightning at W vif L. 72 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 4 6 6 7 o 6 5 5SI 65 65 63 59 66 66 61 59 6M 6 c 61 58. 65, 62 58^ 67 67 02 58 f 66 64-1 63 59 66 6o-'- 57 60 A NNE j Clear. \VS W '/ II 6 3 21 6 7 21 63 21 64 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 '21 21 21 21 Ther- Winds. Remarks on the Weather. 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 66 'I N C Flying couds throughout the air, they come from ^ I the E. N. E. and S. E. 58f N E ; Clear. E S E i While light clouds throughout the air. j^ S Clear except a few fmall clouds in the horizon to 70 66 6g 66 593 69^ 69" 66 60 6c,i 60 64 60 64 ■ » o .*) 6U 5« 68 64 59 68-^ 67- the weft. NE \V •>Iby W NE ditto N ^7 N NNE NE N NE N varvint^ to N W N N N N N E E NbE. ditto. NE N by E N E 6 2'6i| 6 758i 6 2 65 -V 6 I 67 N N NE NW Clear, only a few clouds atfouth-weft. Clouds cover the whole air. Clear. Ditto. Ditto. Clouds throughout the whole air, clear in the E CCIear, excepting a very few fmall clouds at fouth- \ eaft andfouth-weft. Clear. Ditto. Ditto. CCIear till mid-day, it then overcaft and rained an hour C with violent thunder and lightnino-. C Thick clouds near the horizon at north-weft and C fouth-weft. Light clouds throughout the air. Small rain, the whole fky overcaft; it thunders. Clouds throughout the air, a little rain at S.. W. Clouds throughout the air. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Clear, j Clouds flying through the air. [.The fky is overcaft, but the fun appears fometlmes. j Rain and violent large hail, it lafted about half an J hour, and came from the fouth againft the wind,^ fome of the hail nearly half an inch round. It lay upon the Mountain of the Sun near one hour without melting. Many c'ouds through the air. Light clouds flying throughout the aii". Ditto; Ditto. 6'8o Regifter of the Barometer and Thermometer in AbyfTinia. Month? OCT 8 o lO n 12 *0 15 16 Hours, i Barometer. iTher ! I I , ' "'.a 6i-M.|2 12 y ,-2 6^ E.|2 64m. ,2 12 N. 2 64 E. 2 6iM. 12 N. 2 2 E. 6|E. 6yM. 12 N. 2 E. 6^ K 12 N. 6lz. iS ^9 6j 12 2 M. E 6|M. 12 N. 2 E. 6^E. 12 N. 2 E. 6| e. 12 2 6| E.I2 6|M.|2 12 N.;2 2 E.:2 6|E.'2 6-Vm. 2 N. 2 E.'2 N. 2 I E.'2 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 o'6U I 066 i!6o 6i57T 2K>4 3:^1 6''--' 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 •6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 I 601 60 56 63 s^ 66 661 4 69^ 66 o o 9 I I I 3 I i';59t 69 66 59 67 67I WinHs. Remarks on the Weather. N N S N E ditto, ditto, ditto. ditto. SW N N NE ws w N NE NbyW N N E ditto. N N.N E , N W W N NE S AV N W NE NW NbyW N Nby E ditto. 'I 0)69 o'65i I 67 067^. ^W o S N V/ ; N E ,KNE >•! '-.J E Clear, unlefs fomc clouds ia the caft and well near the horizon. Small clouds Scattered thro' the air. Large clouds come from fouth-welV. Dark clouds throughout the air. Clear, Clouds flying throughout the air, the fun covered. Violent rain thunder and lightning. Clear, only fome fmall clouds in the horizon at N.W. fouth and fouth-weft. White 'lying clouds from the S., E- and fouth-weft. The fky is overcaft, and there is appearance of rain. The air overcaft with thick clouds. Thin flying clouds throughout the air. Thin vvhitc clouds to the weft and to the north. Large moving clouds throughout the air. Ditto. Ditto, the fun covered. All the air is covered with clouds. Clear. Light flying clouds throughout the air. Clear. Ditto. Ditta White clouds flying throughout the ah. Ditto. — They come from fouth-eaft Clear. Cloudy- White clouds come from the fouth-eaft. Clear. Ditto. Clouds throughout the air. Ditto. Clear. Thin clouds like a veil cover the whole Iky. White flying clouds throughout the air. Ditto. Ditto- Ditto. Small flying clouds throughout the nir. Ditto- ■ Regifter of the Barometer and Thermbmetei' In Abyffinia. 68 1 Month J OC'i. 20 21 22 23 24 Hours. 61m. 12 N. 2 E, 6iE. Barometer. 2 I 2 2 2 2 6^ 12 NOV. 20 21 2 E. 6y E. 64-M. |P. M, 2 E 64^ E G^M 12 N 2 6^ 12 2 6 6 12 E. E. M- E. E. M. N. 22 23 6 24; 6 12 2 6 6 E. 6 M. 12 N. 2 E. 6^E. 6 M. I 2 N. 2 E. E. M. N.'2 E.!2 p. -7 1' 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 6 6 4 o o I 4 o o o I o 9 o 2 O 8 o Ther. O 59t S9I 61 68i 67 61 69,. 69i 66} 61 66^ 66-1 65 4 9:71 4 517^ 5 569^ 6 660 5 771 5 i'73 5 7%^ 6761 5 571 4 9 74 5 769 6 561 Winds N by E NE NNE NW N NE ssw N N Nby E sw wsw N N E N N W N Rtinarks on the Weather. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto, j Ditto. ! Clear. (White flying clouds throughout the air the fun is C fometimes darkened. Dhto. Clear. Ditto. White clouds flying throughout the air. There has fallen three or four fmall {howers* Tl Clear, f Flying clouds throughout the air, they come from I N. E. arid S. E. The {kj overcaft, fmall fliowers and thunder Clear. nicK cloud'^ throughout the air. 5 4 4 8 5 4 6 2 4 9 4 7 5 3 71 74 69 6x 72 71 NbNW N N W N N E W varying to S W w N NE W w N E ditto. W NbyW N W N by E Vol. IV. Flying clouds throughout the air. Ditto. Black clouds near the hox'izon. Clear. Ditto. (Little clouds flying throughout the air, they come C from north-eafl:. Clear. Ditto. Flying clouds throughout the air. Ditto. Black clouds in the horizon at weft. Clear. ■ Light clouds throughout the air- Ditto. Clear. Ditto. W S W^^^^^''^ clouds flying througliout the air, they come (. from north-eaft. W I Ditto. N N W All the fouth is covered with thick clouds. i -- ....Ul ..I. .■ . ■.!.'. I..MI, — ..- ... . . ■ ■ 4R 682 Rcgiiler of tlie BaVom^feT and Thermometer m AbylFuria. Months! Hours. Barometer. iT.ier. ' V\in-ls. 1 1 _ __ Remarks on the Weather. NOV. 1 0 ' " r. 1 ^ 25 6 M. 21 - 6 3 6oi^ NE Clear, only a thin veil covers the fky fouth. 12 K. 2 1 5 2,70 N N E Ditto. 2 E. 2 1 4 871 N\V I Ditto. 6 E. 21 • 5 8 / Hr ^ All the fky is covered with very thick clouds, which \ come from north-eaH. . - (Small fpotted clouds iic;ir the horizon, all the reft 26 6^M. 21 6 3 59. N \ clear. ' r The air is covered with clouds which come from 12 N. 21 6 5 68 N N W- theTouth. 2 E. 2 1 5 0 70T N E Small white clouds throughout the horizon. 6 E. 21 6y / * N N W Clear, only Imall clouds in the horizon,. at north. 27 6lM. 2:1 6 2 59i N Ditto- 12 N. 2r 5 6 60 ws w| A quantity of clouds thro' the whole air, efpecially at fov^th; , Clouds as above, there have been three blaflis of wind 2 E. 21 5 2 69 NW ' which lafted for about half a minute each, then calmed. 6 E. 21 5 5 67 NNW Clear. , 28 6^M. 21 0 4 60 V N CHear, except a few fmali clouds to the W. S. W. 12 N. 21 5 H 69 NbW Flying clouds thrcughcut the air, the fun is covered. 2 E. 21 5 2 71 ditto. Flying clouds from the fouth. 6 E. 21 5 7 67 NNW Light clouds like a veil. 29 6^M. 21 6 8 59 N N E Clear and cloudlefs. I 2 N. 21 5 8 69 NW ) Clouds flying throughout the air, efpecially at fouth, the fun ii covered. 6 E. 2.1 5 8 65' ditto. Clear and cloudlefs. -50 6iM. 21 6 9 59 69r W N W ,Thin clouds throughout the air. «-/ 12 N. 21 6 0 N varying < to N \V I Thick clouds thioughout the air^ which come from eaft, the fun covered. 2 E. !2I i 5 4 71 NW j Thin clouds throughout the air. j 6 E. Ui 5 7 67 duto. Ditto. DEC. 1 6iM. 21 6 8 597 N Clear. 12 N :2I i 5 9 69 N W White flying clouds throughout the air. 2 E. j'? I 5- 2 72 ditto. Ditto. n 6'^M i2I 6 2 59i NbE Clear. 12 i; 2 1 5 7 ^A N W Thin white clouds throughout the air. 6 E.21 5 f^ 68 NbE Clear. 3 6 M. 2-1 6 3 5^4 1 NE Clear and cloudl : • 12 1■ :? 6, 1 N N E d; to. ... Reglfter of the Barometer and Thennonicter in Abyffinia, 683 Months DEC 4 Hours. I Barometer. iTher. 6 12 2 6 6 M. N E. E M 10 I 1 12 I^ 12 N. 2 E 6 E. 6 M. 12 N. 2 E. 6 E. 12 N. 2 E 61- E. 6i-M. 12 2 E. 6iE. 6i-M. 12 N. 2 E. 6^E. 6^M. (2 N. 2 E. 6i-M. ^ N. 6^E. O^M. 6| E. 1 I 6 4| 59 5 8j69i 5 Oi73v 5 6169^^ 6 4I59 5 4 5 6 5 4 5 6 5 5 6 6 5 2 6 I 6 8 5 7 ^9y 73 59I 70 71^ 68 6y 70T 654 60 Remarks on the Weather. Ditto. Clear, excepting fome fmall ftreaks in the horiz;on to the weft. Ditto. Clear, except fome fmall clouds to the fouth. Clear and cloudlefs. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Small flying clouds throughout the air. Ditto, r Thick heavy clouds throughout the air, they come ^ ^ -^ • from the fouth-eaft. 7IT ^^ 60 70 72 8167'^ '59^ 67 68 67 60-V 6 o'67i 6 4601 5 869 5 867^ 6 460 1J09 ditto. NE SW 'n ditto. NW L N E Clear, W N W Small clouds fcattered like a veil about the air, N W Ditto. J Clear, except fome fmall ftreaks in the horizon, at weft and fouth-weft j Clear. f^Large clouds throughout the air, which come from > noith-eaft, the fun is covered. } Ditto. „ \ Large dai-k clouds throughout the air, they come ^ ^ (^ from the north-eaft. N E I Clear and cloudlefs. Flying clouds come from the north-weft. The clouds are increafed in number. Large clouds throughout the air, they come from north-weft. N E ^ Clear. ditto. Heavy clouds cover the air from the north-eaft. N Ditto. NbvW Clouds in -the fouth-eaft and fouth. N E Clear. N W Clouds throughout the air, the fun covered. N Flying clouds throughout the air, efpecially at S. W, N by E Clear. N N W Small flying clouds throughout the air. N Ditto. N E I Clear. ^ J. R 2 N 684 Regifter of the Barometer and Thermometer In Abyffinia. Months' Hours. : Barometer. Ther. Winds. DEC- j 13112 N. 2 E. 7 E. 7 M. 7 E- 7 M 2 E. 14 16 / 18 19 20 7 E. 7 M. 12 N. 64- E. 6^M. 12 N. I 2 E. 6|E. 6^M, I 2 K . ■2 E. 6-V E. 6|m, 12 N, 2 E. 5tE, 6r E 12 K 2 E. 6^E. 21 6^M. 12 N. 2 E. 6iE. 22 6-Lm. 12 N. 2 E. 6-V r. 5 969 5 5 6 5 6 5 5 ^^ 7 6 o 6 o 2,70t 767 360 5-,67. 7'59 37°! ,591 091 69 59i %H 72 68 60 5 270 2 6 5 6 5 4 7 5 4 6 3 4 6 6 3 5 3 s O 6 6c) 62 70 6 9 1, W N W NNW NbyW w , NN E NbyW N NE W Remarks on the Weather 09 63^ 71 /^ 5 3 5 ^ <;• 4170 6 662 5 8 71 5 3 70 6 Oi;i 7 o 5 8 5 2 6 I 63 72 74 70T w NE- Yv^ W N W NE W v/ N va'ylnp C to N \V j NE N W W N W dkto. N'f^ ditto. W N N E N E ditto. N N E N E ditto. w N E W Ditto. . - .- Small clouds flying through the fouth. Clear. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. (Ditto — Only a finail white ilreak of clouds in the ( horizon, to tlie fouth-weft. Clear and cloudlefs. Small clouds, near the zenith. Clear, only fome fmail llreaks cf clouds in the hori zon, to the S. W. Light ciQuds like a veil covei^ the air. Small clouds throughout the air. Ditto. Dark clouds in t'he horizon to the W. and S. W- Clear- Light clouds throughout the air- Ditto. Large black clouds cover the whole iky, they come from-the.eaft. Clear, only fmall ftieaks of black clouds to the W- White clouds through the air, they come from N. E- Ditto- Great clouds throuehout the air, a fmall rain for feveu minutes', the Iky cloudy to the N. Ditto. Clear, except a few ftreaks of clouds at the horizon. Many clouds throughout the iky, the fun is covered. Ditto. Clear. Ditto- . . Ditto. Clear and cloudlefs. C Clear, but Ibrne fti-eaky clouds in the horizon at fouth ; and ibuth-well- Clear and cloudlefs. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. i Regifter of the Barometer and Thermometer in Abyflinla. 685 (Months DEC. 23 Hours. 24 25 26 27 28 6yM, 12 N, 2 E 64- E, 29 30 6 12 2 6 6|m. 12 N. 2 E. 6^E. 64m. 12 N. 2 E. 6^E. 12 N. 2 E, 6^ E, 6|ivi. 12 N. 2 E. 6^E. 64-M. 12 N. 2 E. 6|E. 6^M. 12 N. 2 E. 6y E. 6iM- 12 N. 2 E. ■6-L E. Barometer. Ther. Winds. 7 2 5 7 5 o 6 6 5 5 5 6 5 4 5 6 5 5 5 6 5 5 5 6 5 4 6lT 71 73 5 2 6 5 4 5 6 5 4 5 7 46 71 60 71 73 71 7H 71 707 62 7°i 73 71T 62 70T 73 71X 63 71 73- 7^ 6i 71 73r 7^ 62i 70 72 70 63-;- 71? 72 69t NE W W w NE W w w N E W w vv NE W w w NE W w w NE \V w w N E wsw w w NE W \v w N E W w WNW Remarks on the Weather. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. t Ditto. — Only a few flreaks in the horizon to the fouth. Clear and cloudlefs. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Clear. , Ditto. j Small flying clouds throughout the air. r Small ftreaky clouds in the horizon ; at weft fouth- weft, about ten at night, there came violent blaft; of wind which lafted only a few minutes. Small thin clouds throughout the air. Small fivinjH; clouds. The clouds increafe, and the fun covered. Streaky clouds to the weft and fouth-weft. Light flying clouds througlioat the air. The clouds are turned heavier. Heavier ftill^and the fun covered. Large clouds in the horizon to the fouth. Thick clouds flying throughout the air. (The clouds are larger and more united, the fun is C covered, and the fouth only clear. Ditto. Many clouds at the fouth fouth-eaft and eaft. me Regifter of the Barometer and Thermotneter m AbyfTmk' - <^ondar, 177 1. Months Hours. Barometer. Ther. winds. Remarks on the Weather. JAN. o ' 0 I 6iM. 2.1 M ^3^ N E Small ftreakes of clouds in the horizon at fouth-wefl. 12 N. 2 1 56 72 W S Wj Great white clouds throughout the air, the fun co- vered. 2 E. 21 5 o 72t ditto. Ditto. . 6iE. 21 ^ ^ 69 W Clouds near the horizon' 2 6|M. 21 63 62t NE Streaky clouds in the horizon at weft. r2 N. 2 1 5 7 69 W Small white flying clouds. 2 E. 21 5 0 721 wsw Clear, only a few ftreaks in the horizon. 6^E. 21 5 5 68 w Many clouds throughout the air. 3 6iM. 21 6 3 61 w Clear, except a little mift at weft. 12 N. 21 5 I 70 w Small flying clouds throughout the air. iP.M. 21 5 0 71 w ] ( A violent ftorm of wind changing to all points of the compafs. 2 E. 2 1 4 8 71 w Great clouds to the fouth. ' 6^E. 2 1 5 6 68 NE • Clear- 4 6iM. 21 64 6i ditto. Ditto. 12 N. 21 5 4 70 WNW Ditto. 2 E. 21 4 9 71 W Small white clouds flying about the air. 6iE. 2 1 5 6 68i yr S Clear, only a fmall ikeak of clouds at fouth and I and fouth-weft. 5 6-^M. 21 6 5 62 N E Ditto. 12 N. 21 5 6 70 \v s w Ditto. 2 E. 2 1 4 9 72 w Clouds flying to the north. 6^E. 21 5 6 69 w Clouds flying to the fouth-eaft. 6 '. 2 E. 21 4 9 72 w Flying clouds in the north. 6^E. 21 5 5 70 w flying clouds to the fouth-eaft. 7 6yM. 21 6 6 62^ wsw C louds throughout the air. 12 N. 21 5 6 73 w Overcaft and the fun is coA'^ered. -ITT- 1 XT ^ Ditto. — A violent ftorm of wind, whicli lafted four IyE.:21 t 1 5 3 72 WbyNj . ' ■^ C mmuies. '2 E. 21 5 I ■73 W Clouds cover the whole air. Regifter of the Barometer and Thermometer in Abyffinia. 687 Months Tlours. B arometer. Thcr. 1 ° Winds. Remarks on the Weather. JAN. 0 ' /' 7 6fE. 2 t 5 7!*59i N Clear, but a black ftreak of clouds to fouth and 8. W. 8 6^M. 2 [ 6 464 W Clean 12 N. 2 f 5 5i7^ w Flying clouds through the air and the fun covered. 2 E. 2 [ 4 8j74v w Ditto. 6'-£. 2 t 5 7;69t w Clear. 9 12. M, 2 [ 6 3]6s^ NE Ditto. 12 N. 2 f 5 3i7^ ssw Small clouds flying through the air. 2 E. 2 I 4 7i72T WNW Ditto. — The fun covered. 6^E. 2 J 1 ' 1 ' 5 4;70 w A very few fmall clouds in the air. ID 6yM. 21 6 060 N E All the air is overcaft.. 12 N. 21 4 9 73i ditto. Ditto. 2 E. 21 4 672^ ditto- Ditto. 61 E. 2] 1 ' 5 0 72t W Small but black flying clouds through the ain- II 6-^M. 21 6 I 64 NNE Clouds flying through the horizon. 29 12 N. 21 f 5 5 75 S W Flying clouds throughout the air.- j 2 E. 21 5 4 74 WSW Ditto. _^ 30 12 N. ^ 1 7 3 [ 6 4 66', A little thicker at the horizon. 21 70 NW Ditto.- — With appearance of rain* 2 E. 21 [ 6 3 70 ditto. Overcaft. 6iE. 21 6 6 69 ditto. A little clearer, the clouds come from fouth-weft. 61m. 65 ( Overcaft, efpecially at eaft and north-eaft, the clouds 31 21 7 4 coming from the north-weft. 12 N. 21 6 8 70 i s s w White clouds come from the north-eaft.. 2 E. 21 6 4 73 NNW Light white clouds from the fouth-weft. ,FEB. I 6i E. 21 ^9 70 N W Clear,, except a few clouds from the north-eaft. 64-M. 21 [ 74 6? SSW All overcaft, and the fun covered. 12 N. 21 : 7 o'69 ditto. Ditto. 2 E. 21 [ 0 5172 N VV Ditto. ^ 6^E. 21 i 7 o;68 N Ditto. 2 6yM. 21 7 2165 Nby E Ditto. 12 N. 21 ■6 8 72 N. ^Vhite clouds in the fouth and eaft- 2 E. 21 64 74 N W Ditto — But a violent wind- 64- E. 21 6 9 68 NNW Clear- 3 6|M. 21 6 8 65 NNE Ditto. 12 N. 21 6 6 73 . W Ditto- ■ 2 E. 21 6 I 74 W White clouds flying; throughout the air; 6^E. 21 64 69 NNW Clear, but a violent ftorm of wind- 4 6lM. 21 7 I 65 N Clouds throughout the alr- I 2 N. 21 7 0 72 S W Ditto- 2 E. 2] 67 72-r N W Ditto- — But the fun covered. 6S8 Regifter of the Barometer and Thermometer hi Abyflinla. Months TTbT 4 5 Hours. Baroiue'cr. lO I I 12 16 17 6^E.2 12 N. 2 E. 6i E. 64m. 12 N. 2 E. 6-Ve 64-M. 12 2 6 6^ 12 2 6 6 2 6 6 12 12 2 6 12 2 6 12 2 6 12 2 6 12 2 6 G 12 E. e. M. N. E. tE- N. E. - E yM. N. N. E. - E N, E. IE. N. E. M. N. E. M. N. E. E. M I n:.'2 7 7 6^ 7 7 I 7 7 4 6 7 6 6 7 7 7 6 7 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 6 6 6 7 7 Ther. Winds. 70 N 64 N 70^ ■ iN 71 N W 08 ditto. 63 V N 71 N 71^ N W 68 ditto. 64^ nJ 73 N\V 74 N 69I N 66 N E 73 N 75 N W 70 N by W 63 N by H 72 •■NW 74 ditto. 694 ditto. C>3l N NE 72 S W 73 NW 7.^- ditto. 70 N 72 S 75 W 70 N W 72- s w 75 NW 70 s w 72 ditto. 75 w 631 N 727 N W 75 ditto. 70 W 631 N 71 N i Remarks on the Weather. Clouds flying throughout the air. Clouds like a veil cover the fky. Flying clouds throughout the air ^fpecially at north. Clouds at fouth fouth-eaft and fouth« Clouds flying through all the horizon. Small white clouds flying from north, the reft clear Scattered clouds. Light clouds. Ditto. White clouds at fauth and fouth-eaft, towards the horizon. White clouds at eaft, north, and north-eaft- Clear. Ditto. Ditto. White clouds from the eaft, north,^and fouth-eaft- Clear. Clear and cloudlefs- Ditto. White clouds flying in the fouth and eaft. Ditto. Clear- Clear and cloudlefs. Light clouds like a veil cover the fky. Clear. Ditto. Ditto. Small clouds in the north-eaft near the horizon. White clouds in the eaft. Clear. Large white clouds throughout the air. Ditto. Clear. Ditto- White broken clouds at eaft, the reft clear. Clear. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. All the horizon is black and covered v;ith clouds. White broken cloud;; throughout the air. RegiHer of the Barometer and Thermometer in Abyflinia. ■6S^ Months FEB. 26 27 28 March I 2 Hours. Barometer. ,Thei. 2 E. 2 6 E. 2 6 M. 2 6 E, 2 6 M. 2 12 N.'2 6 E. 6 M. 12 N. 6 E. 6 M. 12 N. 6 E. M. M. N. E. M. 6 6 12 6 6 12 N. 6 E. 6 M. 6 M, 12 N. 6 E, 6 M. 12 N 6 E 6 M, 12 N 3iE 6 E 8 6 M il2 N. 2 2 2 2 ^ 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 i I 6 4 74 6 2 69 6 470 6 870 7 464 6 873 6 6:70 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 .5 6 6 5 5 /^ 66 7 5 o 5 8 6 3 5 7^ 71 69-^ 70^ 71 75 64 73'. 72 69ir 74 75t 681 65 79^ 72 63 77 63 4 7'8o 4 480 5 480 5 281 Winds. N N N NW N N N NbvE NbyW ditto. N NW N byW N N S S£ ES E S S \V W S by E N E NW W w s s w WbyN W W SE S W Remarks on the Weather. High white clouds. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Clouds at the wefl and eaft. C A violent ilorm of wind from the fouth, which lafl:- ^ ed five minutes. c Clouds and rain for about three quarters of an hour. I Violent thunder, the clouds come from the eaft. It rained in the night for about an hour and a quarter Large thick clouds, but the fun fhines. Clouds throughout the air. cTJie heavens are covered with a light veil ; it rained I half an hour in the night. Ditto. — Clouds come from N. E. and S W. Clouds all over the (ky, but moft at fouth and weft. A thin veil covers the fky, but the fun fhines thro' it. Flying clouds in the fouth. White flying clouds, the fun is covered. Ditto. Clear. Thick heavy clouds cover the whole air^ Ditto. It rained two hours in the night. The fky is covered with a light veil. Ditto. : Ditto. C Thick; clouds cover the air, it has rained about half (^ an hour in the night- i Thick dark clouds, and appearance of rain. C Thick clouds in the fouth, it has rained and hailed (^ about an hour. Clear. Thick clouds in the fouth, but clear in the zenith. Overcaft with thick clouds in the fouth and weft, it ^ rained and -liailed with thunder and lightning. Thick and fiat clouds, with frequent lightning. A Clear, but has rained twice in the night half an hour \ at a time. I \^v'hite clouds throughout the air. 4S 6, 90 Reglfter of the Earome-er and Thermometer in AbyiTinia. Months Hours. Mar(-'i j 8i 6 E 9 6 M, 12 N, 6 E. 6 M. 12 N. 6 E. 6 M. 12 N. 6 M. lO I I 12 H 15 16; 6 Bar ometer. jTh 12 N. & E 13 6 M 1 2 N, 6 E, 6 M. 12 N.I2 6 E, 6 M. 12 N, 6 E. M 112 N j 6 E- 17 6 M- 12 N. 6 E. 18' 6 M- i I 2 N. j 6 E. 19' 6 M . 12 N • ' 6 E. 20 6 M-;2 6 5 5 6 5 5 6 6 6 471 3,64 C|74 2:74 0,82 4176 9 6 6 7 6 7 7 6 7 6 I 7 4 6 9 7 o 6 9 f, 7 o I 7 o 6 o 6 3 7 o 64 6 ^ 671 76^ 69^ 09 T 70 71 67i 70 694- 66^ 70^ 691 75 69i 56 77 7r 65 i 77 73 67-^ 76 7^i winds. w NNE W N W NNE WNW N W N by E N W N N W Remarks on the Weather. N : N N N N W' N N W NbyW N NW N b W NWbN N W NWbN N ■ N \V N b W N N Yv j NW ! ditto. N N W ditto. 7 0 77T1 N Ditto. Clear. White thin clouds very hot in the fiin. Clear. White thin clouds throughout the air. Clear. Ditto. Sky is covered with a thin veil. Clear, only fmall clouds appear in the air* The fliy is covered with a thin veil. [OvercaR with thick clouds, which come from north- < eafl; andibuth-weft, it is likely to rain, cold and I unpleafant. t Cloudy to the north and warm. It rained hard for I three quarters of an hour immediately after noon Cloudy every whei'e. Cloudy and cold. A thick veil covers the iky, clouds in the horizon to the fouth- Overcaft all round. Clouds all round, with fmall drops of rain. Cloudy everywhere except in the zenith. A thin veil covers the fky, faint fun-fbine. Cloudy all round, and a few drops of rain. Cloudy everywhere except in the zenith, (f Small white clouds united all over head, high wind ( all night. Large white clouds in the eaft. Clear. Ditto. "^ Ditto- Cloudy, but the fun fets clear. A thin veil covers the^ Iky. Light flying clouds, but a clear fun-fhine. Clear all above^ and v/ithout clouds,, but hazy in the horizon. Perfeilly clear everywhere. Cloudy, but fun-lhine. Clear and fereiie. C Clear above, but hazy in the horizon at north-eaft, ^ and fouth, _^__^__ Reglder of die Barometer an-i Thermometer in Abyffinia. 69! Montlio^ H-iurs. ■ Trcii ■ 20 12 N. 1 6 E. 21; 6 M. ;i2 N' Barometer. j 6 £.12 22) 6 M. 12 N, 6 E. 6 M, 12 N, 23 24 27 28 6 E, 29 30 31 N, E, M. M, 12 N, 6 E, 6 M, 12 N. 2|N, 4iE. 6 E. 2|m, 6 M, 8 M, 12 N, 6 M 21 21 2 1 21 rier. 6 6:77! 6 3;73t 6 9 6 4 6 6 6 2 6 9 7 o 6 4 o o o 4 II 9 20 II 5 20 II .6 20 II 5 21 II 5 o o o 9 I 70T 76i 69^ 75 71I 7^ 72 681 7t O 5:744 Remarks en the Wc-uther ditto. 21 o o 67I ditto. NE NE E NE ditto. E N S N W Large white flying clouds, but clear fun-fhine. Clear and lereiie. A thin veil covers the fky. Clear, but large white clouds to the fouth-eafl. C Clear above, and hazy in the horizon at north eaft ? and fouth. Overcaft with fmall broken clouds. Cloudy* Cloudy all over and clofe, I Cloudy, efpecially at fouth, clofe. I Large heavy white clouds and clofe. S Cloudy to the fouth, a violent fliower of hail and rain which lafted 18 minutes. Cloudy and warm. Ditto. Cloudy and clofe. Ditto. — Heavy towards the fouth. Sun-fhine, with large white clouds* ("Rains, overcaft with dark heavy clouds. The firft C violent lightning and thunder. C AH overcaft, heavy and dark clouda come from weft, i loud thunder in the night. C Cloudy and clofe, wind varying to fouth, clouds come (^ from north-weft and weft. fA violent blaft which lafted a few minutes- Loud thunder in the zenith and fouth, clouds, with rain, drive from eaft and fouth-vveft. "It has rained till now and cleared, with the wind at north-eaff, thunder and cloudy ftill in the fouth, clouds drive from north-weft. Clear fun-fliiae, clouds Hy fwiftly from vv'eft. Lightning, clouds from weft and north, clqfe. rlt has thundered, lightned, and rained violently all ^ night ; cloudsjfrom- weft and eaft fly moderately, j Conftant heavy rain, clouds fly all roimd. ^ It has ceafed raining with wind at north varying to ^ north-weft. j Heavy white clouds froin north-weft, faint fun-fhine. r Cloudy, the clouds come from north-weft, faint fun- i fliine. 4 S 692 Regifler of the Baro.^let:er and Theraiometer in Abyfliaia. Monthi March . 31 April Hour 12 N. 6 6 [■2 3\ 6 6 12 6 6 12 E. M. N. •N. N. E, M. N. 3tE- 6 E. 6 12 6 6 12 M N E. M N Barometer. ITher. 2 1 21 2 1 2 1 21 21 21 21 21 21 2 1 21 21 21 2 1 21 -E. 2^E, 10 6 6 12 6 3 6 6 12 6 6 M N E E. 21 21 21 21 21 21 E. 2 1 M. 21 E. 21 21 o 4 I o o o 21 O. 3 I o o 9 04 1 o o o I o Winds. Rcrjarks on the Weather. Nb E NN W o 8 o o o o o. o o o I 1 68} 72- 72 T 71 691 67V 72 7244 7oi ^7 7H 69 V 73 73i 69 70 68i 73 73} m 72\ ^ Cloudy all round, clouds come from north, dark in I the eaft. Cloudy, the clouds come from north und fouth-^eaft. E Faint fun-fliine with a light veil over the fky. N E Cloudy and dark, ftormy like to the fouih. ^ C A violent lliower of hail which lafted nine minutes, \ and cleared with wind at north north-eaft. ditto, j Cloudy and clofe, dark and ftormy like to fouth. ' Clear fun-fhine, with large white clouds, lightning N and rain all the night. N W j Cloudy all over. ,., ^., „ C Cloudy in mod parts, which fly fwiftly from eaft and ditto, ditto. SSEvarvlng- to N N E N N E N E NbWvary- ing toNNE N 73 I o;7i 7;68,^ Cloudy to the fouth and dark, clear to the northward Cloudy, they crofs ftom weft and eaft. Raiii and cloudy all over. Cloudy throughout. Clear and lerene everywhere, no rain laft night. Cloudy, the clouds drive from eaft and weft- Cloudy, with a violent high wind, clouds crofs the zenith Iwrftly from weft. N E b E I High wind, but clear. N W I Large white clouds-, bat clear fun-fliine. (Heavy rain,. thunder in the fouth, clouds from eaft C. and weft. . It is all overcaft, and thunders in the zenith ; it has \ rained till now, there has been a ftrong wind l^ which lafted 25 minutes. . S Clear, witli a few clouds in the horizon at north C and fouth' Cloudy, high white clouds cool and frefh. Cloudy, dark and rainy like in the fouth. Large clouds chiefly to the north- and clofe. Clouds with fmall rain. High light white clouds clofe and warm. Dappled fky, and faint fun-ftaine. It has thundered all dav, but no rain. Varying to eaft and north, dark and ftormy like all round. N N E j Cloudy all over, it rained in the night one hour. N NAV N E NEbE E NN E S E varying to S S E E S E NE Regifter of the Barometer and Therinometer la AbyiTiuia. 6gy Months Hours. ! Barome'cr. April I Io'l2 N. . II 26 27 28 29 30 31 MAY I 6 E, 6 M. 12 N. 6 E. 6 M. 12 N. 6 M* 12 N. 6 M. 12 N. 6 E. 6 M. 12 N. 6 £. 6 M. 12 N. 6 E. 6 M. 12 N. 6 M. 12 N. 6 E. 6 M. 6 E. 6. JNI. 12 N. 6 E. 6 M. 12 N 6 E 6 M :2 N 6 E. 6 M. 12 i>r. 21 21 21 !^-. iai * •21 i 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 II 21 21 21 21 ;2i !2 I i O O o o I I 1 Ther.l Winds. Remarks on the Weather. 467^ 3p7T 467^ °,72i 0,7 1 i 467 073 5^7 871^ 467 772 70 68', 67 70 69 73 71 70 75i 21 '2 1 21 O o o o o I I I o 73 r 69t 63 78 75 74y ^3 77 6gi 7^ 757 65 79 I C Faint fim-fhlne, with fome high white clouds, it ^ rained half an hour in the night, and thundered, j Cloud and ftormy-like, dark clouds.fly from E. toW C Faint fun-lhine, with fome high white clouds,it rain- C ed a little. Heavy white clouds.' Clofe clouds flying from eaft and weft, Sun-fhine and cloudy by turns. Sun-fliine, but f^iint large white clouds. Clear and ferene. Fligh wind, and clouds from north-eaft.- Clear, but cold and windy. Cloudy and dark both in the fouth and weft. High wind fince noon. Cloudy, windy, and ftormy like, it begins to rain. Cloudy to the fouth and north. Wind cold bleak, but clear- Cloudy, it rained in the night. Cloudy and windy. High wind, bleak and cool, .cloudy in the fouth. Cloudy and heavy to the fouth. Rain, heavy and dark clouds to the weft. Heavy rain, with intervals. Cloudy in the weft. N E Cloudy all over, it thunders in the fouth. c r- ^ Cloudy, and like to rain, the clouds come from north- ^ ^ I eaft. . N W '.Cloudy and heavy in fouth and weft v.. ^All overcaft, cloudy in north-eaft, it rained hard in NE N NE w s w N ■ NE S E NE N N E S S E N N N E N. N N N W N ditto. N NNE NN E N E ditto- N W ditto. N E N W ditto. NT E N \y the night. Cloudy, but not like rain. Cloudy all over head, but high. Clear and ferene, but hazy in the horizon to the S. Clear, and without clouds- All overcaft, it lightens- violently^ Clear, and ferene, it rained a few drops in the night. Clear a few white clouds come fwiftly from eail. Cloudy and dark in the fouth, clouds come from fouth-eaft and fouth-weft Heavy clouds in the fouth. I All cvercait, douds come from fouth-eaft, and eaft. 6()^ PvegiHer cf the Barometer and Thermometer in Ahv/linla. [Month! may" 6 7 Hours. I Baroine'.er. riicr.' Wir.di 6 £. 6 M. 12 N. 6 E. S 6 M. 1 2 N. 21 21 2 1 P 8 70 ^I I 9:59 121 i 6 £.121 10 6jM. il2 N. i 6 E. 11 6 m. I 2 N. 6 E. 14I 6 M. 12 N. 6 E. 15 6 m- 12 N, 6 E, 6 M. I 2 N. 6 E. 6 M. I 2 N, 6 M. I 2 N . 6 E. 16 19 21 22 6 M 1 2 N, 6 E. 2-1, 6 '\^ il2 K. 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 2 1 21 21 21 21 21 21 (21 I 2 I 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 I '21 2 I ivemarks on [!<.- Wca'her. S E It hae rained violently fincc three, overcafl all round Clear, though there are Hill clouds to the Jbuth, it E rained heavily in the night, y-iad varying ail round from fouth to north. 2 74 71- o\6^i ° 517.3 61721 7162 0I78 77c>T 7|6it 074 o 4 6 o 5 7^-. 63 74 66 66 78 73i 63 _ 4|75t 0174 6^3 o ,1- I o 62 73 73 62 76 I 074 I 9|6i I 2 73 N W ditto. N , N E ditto. ENE N E ditto. N\V N by \y N W ditto, ditto. N E N E NW S W NE S W ESE N W SSE N E N by W NWbW N W W S E N W ditto. ^Cloudy to windward arid to S. F. clouds fly rapid- i ly different ways, but chiefly from fouth-weft. c Cloudy and warm, heavy to the ibuth, lightning and i fmall rain. j Clear and pleafant light, white clouds from call. r Cloudy, clouds fly from north-well, north-eaft, fouth- > weft and louth. /Small m.in, wind varying to fouth-eaft, fouth fouth- ) - eaft, dark in the fouth. Clear fun-fhine, a few thin clouds to the eaft. Light clouds in the fouth-eaft. Thin narrow ftreaks of red clouds to the W. Clear every\siiere, and warm. C A heavy cloud rifes in the feuth, light clouds at N. It has rained fmall rain by intervals, but is very dark, Cloudy everywhere but in the zenith. Overcaft clouds come flo-.vly from fouth and north. Clear, only a few light clouds to th . i( uth. Ditto. Cloudy in the fouth and north, but the zenith clear. Cloudy all round, and likely to rain, clofe and warm. Clear, bright funftiine. Cloudy and davk to the fouth and north-weft. Cloudy, it has rained a few drops. Clear, unlefs in the fouth-eaft a few clouds. H"gh white clouds, but no rain. Clear, with a few white clouds to the north and eaft. Ditto. — They feem ftationary. Cloudy, it lightens ; thunders heavily in the fouth. Clear and fercne, but warm A fmall black cloud afcends from the eaft, turning round like a wheel upon its axis, qu'^ker as it ap proaches the zenith. Heavy and cloudy, it lightens greatly. Large heavy white clouds all round. Cloudy and bleak. Regifter of the Barometer and Tbermomcter in AbyfTinia. ^OS Months may" 23 25 26 29 30 31 Hours. 6 E, 6 M. 12 N. 6 E. 6 M. 12 N. 6 E. 6 M. 12 N. 6 E. 6 M. 12 N. 6 E. 6 M. 12 N, 6 E, Barometer. 21 I 3 21 16 21 O 3 2 1 04 21 08 21 O 5 21 10 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 Ther.i Winds. 67 j ditto. 6;^ I ditto. 21 10 21 14 Remarks ci the Weather. /J) 62 ditto. N Tiryiiig to E & S N I 73 N W 72 75 7o\ 64 75 73 70 N W vary, ing to 3 .f N N W NE ditto, ditto- EN E ne N W N Cloudy and clofe. Some white heavy clouds to the Ibuth-eaft and '^~ft,. they fly fwiftiy, and turn as a wheel as before j. [ at ten o'clock heavy clouds, j Cloudy, the fun covered, dark in the north-weii. fit began to rain, thunder and lightning aboiit three, ^ and fo continues dark every wriere. fit has rained heavily alt night, the fun at times ^ overcaft. i Cloudy, it has rained feveral times this forenoon. It has rained heavily lince two, dark and cloudy; when the wind comes fouth it falls calm, and I then is the heavieft rains. 5 High white large clouds to the weft andeaft, it rain- \ ed all night. Large white clouds all round the horizon. Ditto. Cloudy to the fouth, but the fun clear and pleafant Cloudy. Cloudy in the fouth, but clear everywhere elfe. 5 Clouds veiy high, they come irom the eaft towards t the zenith. C Cloudy all round, clouds crcfTmg from fouth and C eaft, and north-weft, j It has rained a few drops, afid thuncered. £ND OF THE FOURTH FOLJJME, f./ w BOSTON UNIVERSITY 1719 02266 0098 BOSTON UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES Not to be taken from this room