MENSURATION OF TIMBER CARTER, LIBRARY FACULTY OF FORESTRY UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO A TREATISE OK TUB MENSURATION OF TIMBER AMD TIMBER CROPS. P. J. CARTER, FOHBST DKPAHTUBXT. from the fiction. CALCUTTA : OFFICE OF THE 8UPEBINTENDENT OF GOVERNMENT PRINTING, INDIA. 1893. Price Eight Annas. INTRODUCTION. treatise appeared originally in the Indian Forester, and it was there explained that it was for the most part a compilation from various German text- books, special use having been made of the article by A. Ritter von Guttenberg in Lorey's "Handbook of Forestry " published in 1887. In the first instance the German originals were closely followed and special regard was paid to diameter measurements, which give more nearly the actual contents of logs and trees, and which are used on the continent of Europe by buyers and sellers of timber ; but, since in England and India the contents of round timber are always calculated on the assumption that the sectional area of a log is deduced from the square of the quarter-girth, it has been thought advisable in the present edition to have regard to the established custom, and thus render this treatise of more practical value to the English and Indian student. P.-J. CARTER. June 18V2. 5O -555 CV7 TABLE OF CONTENTS. The division, and grouping of the subjects, treated of in the following pages, is as follows : — PAGB CHAPTER I. — The measurements of heights, lengths, sectional areas, girths, and diameters of stems and trees . . 1 „ II. — The measurement of felled trees .... 4 y III. — The measurement of standing trees ... 7 „ IV. — The measurement or valuation survey of standing crops 10 ., V. — The determination of the ages of trees and crops . 37 „ VI. — The determination of the rate of increase of individual trees, and of crops of trees .... 43 M VII. — The compilation of tables of yield •'..** 65 2 catch the plummet line and keep it in place until the figure indi- cated has been read. For measuring lengths, graduated rules or tapes may be 'used. Where great accuracy is required, the length of a felled tree or log should be measured along, or parallel to, its axis, and not on its plopping surface. The sectional area of a log or tree can very rarely indeed be obtained directly. In nearly every case the girth or diameter must be measured, and the area of the section determined as if the sec- tion were a circle. Area = " ' - = — (diameter)8 or according 47T 4 /girthV to trade custom = I2- — I \ 4 /• Girths are measured with tapes. It is convenient to have tapes graduated on both sides — one side for reading the girth, and the other for reading the corresponding diameter. The zero end of the tape should be furnished with a sharp metal point that can be easily fixed in the bark of the tree, so that one person may be able to measure any stem, no matter how thick it is. As a circle en- closes a greater area than any other plane figure of equal perime- ter, and as the sectional outline of trees is seldom quite circular* the contents of a log or tree calculated directly from its girth by the formula " - will usually be in excess of the true contents. 4r Unless the contour of the log is circular, it is impossible to obtain by girth measurement the circumference of the circle which encloses the same space as the section whose area is required. Irregularities of outline, due to fluting, bark, etc., cannot be overcome in measure- ments of girth, whereas, as^we shall presently see, they can more or v Jew successfully be allowed for in measuring diameters. Experi- ments made in Baden prove that girth measurement yields a result that is from six to ten percent, greater than that obtained by means of diameter measurement. It is, however, obvious that in cubing log* departing from the cylindrical form, the measurement of the i;irth is more to be relied on than the measurement of a single diameter. When the true contents of a log are to be deduced from diame- ter measurement, that diameter shouFd be sought which, considered nut the diameter of a circle, gives a result as nearly as practicable equal to the area of the section measured. When the section is elliptical, the mean of the longest and shortest diameters should be taken | — ±_) and the area of the section is then assumed to be »r - x 2 2Vd Now as the real area of the ellipse is - * the mode of measurement recommended gives an excess of \ (—4-) , tnat " to say» an excess equal to the area of a circle whose diameter is equal to half the difference of the two measured diameters. Save in very exceptional cases, this difference is small enough to be disregarded. The area of sections of irregular contour can be determined from the mean of three diameters, but the result thus obtained will generally be found to be somewhat too high. Diameters are measured with a calliper resembling, in all its essen- tial parts, a shoemaker's measure. The pattern of calliper invented by Friedrich is one of the best. It consists of a graduated rule A A, to one end of which is fixed the arm BB. CC is a moveable arm capable of sliding backwards and forwards on the rule A A which passes through the hole a b cd in it. To enable the arm to slide freely the hole is made oblique to its inner face, but iu such a> manner that as soon as it comes -in contact with the log to be pmbrnoed, the arm is pushed back and rests perpendicularly on the graduated rule, with which it remains in contact only along the edges b and c. A si In men?uring logs and trees the following general rules are laid down for foresters on the continent of Europe :— (a) Diameters are to be preferred to girths. (l>) In thp ca«e of elliptical or oval stems, take the mean of the largest and smallest diameters. (e) In the case of large stems measure at least two diameters. (d) In the case of stems of irregular contour, measure several diameters, and avoid all protuberances, etc. (e) Measure diameters and girths always in a plane at right angles to the axis of the stem. (/) If the place of measurement falls on an irregular part of the stem, measure the diameter or girth, as the case may be, at an equal distance on either side (above and below) of the irregularity, and take the mean of the two measurements. (y) Moss, etc., thick enough to vitiate the measurement of the stem should be removed. (A) If an accurate measurement of an irregular section is re- quired, transfer its outline to tracing paper and compute its area with a planimeter or acre-comb. (i) Never be without tables showing at a glauce the areas of circles for given diameters and girths. In England and India diameters are rarely measured, as old established custom has prescribed that in the sale of timber the square of the quarter-girth should be regarded as the sectional area of the log or tree. Chapter II. On the measurement of Felted, Trees. The felled trees should be cut up in the usual way, that is to say, into logs and smaller pieces. 1. 3Jfat*rcme>j,f. 'of linuml Timber. Several formula have been devised for the determination of the contents of round tin-ber with more or less near approach to accuracy, but only two are ' of practical utility. These are, (i) — ' x I ......... known' as Smalian's formula; and (ii) omt ............. knctfu as I tuber's formula. 5 In the above / is the length of the log, aby am and at the sec- tional area of the log at the base, middle and top, respectively. Both formulae contain an error, the extent of which is propor- tionate to the amount of difference between the diameters at the top and base, respectively, of the log, that is to say, to its degree of taper; and this error increases as the square of that difference. Huber's formula always gives too small, and Smalian's too great, a result, the error of defect in the one case being one-half the error of excess in the other. Huber's formula has also another advantage, for which it ia to be preferred : the modes of measurement and calculation adopted in France and Germany give, as a rule, too high a figure for the sectional area concerned in each case. This excess is partly com- pensated for by the employment of Huber's formula, whereas the other would only exaggerate it. In order still further to diminish error, long logs should be mea- sured in two or more sections, the number of the sections increas- ing, i.e., their length diminishing, with the taper of each log. The contents of those of regular shape and not exceeding 20 feet in length may, however, be deduced from their sectional area in the middle. Longer logs, even if of regular shape, should be cubed in 'two or three sections. All large round logs should be measured singly. If the logs are stacked so that they cannot be conveniently measured in the middle, the mean of the sectional areas at the base and at the top must be taken. The mean sectional area should never, under any circumstances, be deduced from the mean of the two girths at the two extremities respectively, or an error of from 10 to 15 per cent, may result. Poles are seldom cubed singly; nearly always in stacks, built up of poles of one and the same length, and of approximately one and the same girth. Their solid contents are generally ascertained by inspection from special tables. Straight and regular-shaped branches are measured in the same way as logs. 2. Measurement of Square-cut Tiinber. Such timber must of course be cubed by the formula, length x width x thickness. 6 3. Measurement of Small Wood. The solid contents of toppings and lopping-?, and of irregular- shaped pieces from stumps and roots, are obtained by the water method (being equal to the quantity of water they displace when submerged) or by the water-method and weighment combined. For the water-method special vessels, called xylometert, may be employed. In the combined system samples of each kind or class of wood are successively weighed and measured by the water- method, and the contents of the entire quantity in each class are then worked out by means of a simple proportion sum. Figures expressing specific gravity cannot be employed, since the specific gravity of wood varies not only according to the amount of mois- ture present, but even in one and the same tree according to the part from which it is derived. The most rapid way of measuring small wood on a large scale is to stack it cut up into billets of one and the same length, the width of each stack being equal to the common length of the billets. The contents of a stack will be equal to length x height x common length of the billets. The length of a stack built up on a slope must be measured horizontally. The above formula will give us only stacked contents ; to reduce these to solid contents, we must determine, by the water-method, or by the combined water and weighment method, the exact volume of a sufficiently large number of stacked units, thereby obtaining the ratio between solid contents and stacked contents. To obtain the solid contents of a stack we have then only to multiply the stacked contents by this ratio, which we may hence term a reducing factor. The following figures may be accepted asiaverage reducing factors for converting^ •tacked into solid contents :— For split wood . * . . 0-60 to 0-80 „ round billets . .. .' . 0'50 „ 0'65 „ email stuff . ' . . . O'SO „ 0-45 „ wood from stumps and roots . 0*30 „ 0'40 In connection with the determinaiion of the solid contents of wood it is obvious— (a) That the longer the billets are, or the less carefully built up the stacks are, the less will be the solid contents. lu can-less stacking billets often lie across one another. (6) That the thicker or more regular-shaped the billets are, or the more carefully built up the stacks are, the greater will be the solid contents. (c) That the larger the stacks are, the larger will be the re- ducing factor to be adopted. 4. Measurement <>f Bark. "When bark is sold separately, its quantity may be determined •either by weighment or by ascertainment of volume. The solid contents are calculated by means of reducing factors in the same way as the solid contents of femall wood. Experiments give from 0'3 to 0*4 as the average factors for bark. It has been found that the quantity of bark varies from 6 to 15 per cent, of the total volume of the tree or crop. Chapter III. On the measurement of Standing Trees. In this case, unless ladders are used (a procedure that is hardly practical and is not really necessary) only a siny;le diameter or gi-rth can be measured directly, viz., near the base of the tree. Any diameter above 6 feet from the ground must be measured indirectly by means of special instruments, the best of which are Winkler's and Saulaville's Dendrometers and Breymann's Univer- sal Instrument. Obviously no direct measurement of the branches is practicable, and their cubical contents can, therefore, only he estimated from the results of special experiments, or with the help of long experience. We have five different methods of estimating the contents of standing trees— 1. Ocular estimation, without any measurement at all. £. Estimation with the help of mass-tables, the height and girth at breast-height being accurately measured. 3. Estimation with the help of farm-factors, which serve to -. , reduce, to the true contents of the tree or of any part of the tree, the volume of the cylinder, whose height \B the height of the tree and girth the girth of the tree measured at breast-height. 8 4. Estimation by r»c£/-height, in which, besides the girth at breast-height, the height at which the stem tapers down to half that girth is measured. 5. Estimation with the help of the height of the tree and several girths, the lowest of which is measured at breast- height. 1. Ocular Estimation. Practised wood-cutters are able to estimate more or It ss accur-. ately with the eye alone the contents of trees belonging to species that they are familiar with, and growing in localities with the peculiarities of which they are acquainted. It is needless to say that the most experienced are liable to commit large errors, and that the inexperienced should never employ this method. 2. Estimation with the help of Mass-tables. The mass-tables drawn up with great labour for the forests of the kingdom of Bavaria give the cubical contents of trees of known height, diameter, and age-class. They comprise averages deduced from the measurements of 40,000 trees. On this account, although they give accurate results for a large number of trees taken to- gether, they are not to be relied on for cubing trees singly, as the single tree in any given case may ditfer very widely from the average tree. 3. Estimation by weans of Form- factors. If a = sectional area of the trunk at breast-height, h = height of the tree, c = the true contents of the tree or tree-part consider- ed, and C = volume of an ideal cylinder whose basal area is a and height kt then we have the following formulae : — rf where/ is a constant termed the form-factor, and is deduced as an average from the measurement of a sufficiently large number of type trees. Type trees are selected, felled and measured separately for each age or si/te-class, and for each species or -group of species. Form-factors may be deduced, according to the requirements of the case, for the stem only, or for the whole tree, or for the timber 9 only, or for the branches, or for the roots, or for all and each severally. In the formulae above we have supposed that the girth and sectional measurements have been taken at the height of a man's chest above the ground, assumed, for the sake' of uniformity, to be 4 feet 3 inches. But it is obvious that any other conventional height would serve the purpose, although it is usual and most convenient to employ the one we have adopted. We need refer to only one other convention which is sometimes used. The girth may be measured at a constant fraction (say, for instance, one- twentieth) of the height of the tree, in which case the form-factors obtained are termed normal. Normal form-factors yield perfectly correct results, but they are not practical owing to the difficulty and trouble of measuring at such various heights, many of which cannot be conveniently reached. Form-factors are said to be absolute when the base of the ideal cylinder is assumed to be in the same plane as the girth which is measured. In this case the contents of the portion of the stem below the plane must be calculated separately. Like mass-tables, form-factors give closer results for an entire forest than for individual trees. 'The preparation of a complete set of form-factors requires great care and experience, as their correctness depends entirely on the selection of the type trees, whose dimensions serve as the basis of all the calculations. In some cases the trees of a crop have been classified into various classes according to their height and shape, and a separate form-factor calculated for each class. The most recent investigations prove that form-factors vary chiefly with the height of the trees. 4. Estimation by r\c\\i-height. By the term n'cM-height we mean that height at which the stem of the tree measured has a diameter equal to half the diameter at some point near the ground. If hr = the m-M-height hg =the height at which the diameter near the ground is measured, and a— the sectional area of the stem at this height, then, according to Pressler, the contents of the stem as ij ahr + ahg. This formula is based on the fact that the first term represents 10 correctly the volume both of the cone and of the paraboloid, and is only 1*8 per cent, less than that of a cone with a concave surface. The rtf^-height may be estimated with the eye, or obtained with the help of a special measurer .(the richt-tube). This instru- ment consists of cardboard tubes telescoping one into the other. At the objective end of the outer tube are fixed two wire points at the extremities of one and the same diameter. The end of the innermost tube is closed, except for a small hole to which the eye is applied. To use the instrument, direct it on the trunk at the point where the diameter has been measured, and pull out the tubes until the wire points just embrace it. Then drawing- out the tubes to twice this length, direct the instrument again on the tretj, working it up along the trunk until the wire points just embrace it, and note the point where this occurs. The diameter at that point is, on the principle of similar triangles, half the original measured diameter, and the height of the point is the rze/itf-height sought. 5. Estimation by means of several diameters. The measurement of diameters above the reach of a man of average stature requires the use of special instruments, and hence this method is seldom employed. 6. General. As the fourth and fifth methods can give only the contents of the stem, the contents of the branches and stump and roots must be obtained by means of special tables compiled for the purpose. Chapter iy. ' , On the measurement or Valuation Survey of Standing Crops. 1. The Various Methods of Valuation Survey in General. The most correct method of obtaining the cubical contents of an entire crop would be to cube each component tree separately, and then sum up the results. But such extremely detailed pro- cedure is entirely impracticabie, except in the case of crops of very limited extent. In practice, therefore, it is necessary to devise some much more expeditious methods that will yield results accu- rate enough for the purposes of the forester. 11 Without being guilty of any important error, we may assume that in one and the same crop trees of like girth and height do not differ greatly either as respects cubical contents or form- factor. Hence, we may divide the component trees of a crop into classes based on equality of diameter and height combined, and find the contents of each class by selecting trees fairly representa- tive of that class (sample or type trees) and measuring these sepa- rately. The average contents of the sample trees, multiplied by the number of trees composing the class, will give very approxi- mately the true contents of the whole class. If all the component trees of a crop were of like height, dia- meter, aud form, the measurement of a single sample stem would suffice. In reality, however, the trees of a crop are of unequal development, and must be divided into classes comprising indivi- duals of equal diameter and height. Nevertheless, it may some- times be possible in a more or less irregular crop to find a tree such that its contents are equal to the mean contents of all the trees comprising the crop. Such a tree we may term an average tree, and the method of measurement in which average trees are employed may accordingly be termed Valuation by average treet. Sjuppose c = the contents of the average tree, C, = the contents of the whole crop, and n = the total number of trees, then — It is, however, rare to find a single tree such that its contents are equal to the mean contents of all the trees of the crop; while, on the other hand, the establishment of as many classes as there are different girths and heights present in the forest would involve enormous expenditure of time and labour. Hence the adoption of a middle course is to be recommended. Firstly, more compre- hensive girth-and-height classes should be established, each class comprising trees not precisely of one and the same dimensions, but of different heights and girths varying between a maximum and a minimum that are sufficiently close together to ensure the necessary degree of accuracy-; and, secondly, these girth-and-height classes being established, the average tree for each class should be obtained by calculation. For convenience' sake we may designate this method of measuring crops, Valuation by meant of girth. a*d- height gradations. 12 Just as the contents of a crop or of a class muy be taken as the product of the number of stems and the contents of the average tree, BO we may also express it either as the sum of the basal areas of all the stems (A) x the average -height of the crop (H) X the average form-factor (F) or as A x the average rich ^-height (3r). We have thus three formulae — (i), C = e n ... Valuation by means of the average tree. (ii), C = A HF.,. „ „ average form-factor. (iii), C= \ A HT... „ „ average rtcAl-height. For the first formula the sample stem measured must be such Q that its contents = — n In using the second formula the height and form-factor of the sample stems measured must be identical with the average height and form-factor of the crop or height-and-girth class, a condi- tion that is more easily realized than the equality demanded for the use of the first formula. Of the quantities A, U, and P, the first is obtained at once by direct measurement of the girths of all the stems taken at a fixed height above the ground ; while the other two are ideal, and must be obtained as accurately as possible by computation from the measurements of the sample stems. In those methods of valuation survey which are based on the actually measured contents of sample trees and on the measured basal areas of all the trees, a fourth formula, derived from formula (ii), may be substituted for formula (i). Using the same expres- sions as before, and supposing that (?, a, A, and/, respectively are the mean contents, basal area, height, and form-factor of the type or sample trees, we have — ' , £*= A HF. ................................ '. ........ Formula (ii), Bndf = a x A x/. ............ „; ........ ........ by assumption ; Hence C : c = A HF: ak f and a* HF'ts by assumption = A / ....................... . ....... ....... Formula (iv). reasons Formula (iv) is to be preferred to formula (i), for two . itly, because the important fcnd easily obtained term A enters > >t; and, secondly, because the sample stems have to furnish only the average height and form-factor, not the average contents, of all the trees of the crop or of the diamoter-and-height class, so 13 that they need uot be average trees in the strict sense of the won). After the measurements required to obtain the total basal areas of the trees have been taken, it only remains for the surveyor to select his sample trees properly and in suitable numbers for each girth-height class. My suitable numbers is meant a fixed pro- portion of the total number of trees in the respective classes, or equal numbers in case the several classes include more or less the same number of individuals. The sample stems are usually felled in order to determine their contents ; but their contents may be" obtained without felling by means of volume-tables or of previously prepared tables of form- factors. The methods of valuation hitherto described require that every tree in the forest should be measured. But the contents of the whole crop may also be calculated by means of a sum of simple proportion, from data furnished by sample plots in which alone the trees are measured. But measurement of every kind may even be entirely dispensed, giving place either to ocular estimation, or to estimation by com- parison with tesults obtained in similar crops elsewhere. The following is a synoptical view of the various methods of effecting a valuation survey of a crop : — I. VALUATION BY ACTUAL MEASUREMENT. A. Of every tree in the entire crop (complete survey). B. Of every tree only in sample plots (survey by sam- ple plots), Whether we undertake a complete survey, or only one by sample plots, we may ascertain the contents of the whole crop — a By deducing it from the contents of type or sample trees, representing either — a. The ideal average tree of the crop, or /3. The -average of trees of one and the same girth and height, or •y. The average of trees of comprehen- sive girth and height-classes (girth and height varying between a maxi- mum and a minimum limit), i.e., girtk and height gradations. 14 Now whether we adopt method a, |3 or y, we may obtain the contents of the sample trees either (1) by felling them and measuring them accurately, or (2) by estimating their contents standing. lu either case, we may seek to ascertain one of two things : (i) the total solid contents of the trees, or (ii) sepa- rately the quantity of each class of wood or timber in them. b. By means of the ric^-height. c. With the help of specially prepared tables of volumes (volume-tables) or of form-factors. II. VALUATION WITHOUT ANY MEASUREMENTS (eye survey). A. Ocular estimate, after observation either (a) of the whole crop, or (b) of sample plots. a. Of the number of stems of different size-classes. b. Of volume of material (1) per acre, or (2) standing in the whole forest. B. Estimate based on examination of figures given in existing yield-tables prepared either — a. Specially for the locality, or b. For the forest district or region. 2. Choice between Complete Survey and Survey by Sample Plots. The valuation survey of a crop by means of sample plots obvious- ly requires very much less labour and time than a complete survey, and must therefore be adopted whenever it is likely to fulfil the objects of the survey. Its admissibility depends on three principal considerations : — I. — THK PUKPOSK OF THK SURVEY AND THB DEGREE OF ACCURACY DKUANDKD — The object of a survey is not necessarily always to ascertain the total contents oi the crop : we may desire to know only how much material on an average there is on an acre, or we may seek to obtain figures required for the com- pilation of certain tables, or we may simply wish to determine the quality of the soil br locality, and so on. In all these latter cases the survey of well-s'elected plots, the area of which has been accurately measured, is preferable to the survey of 15 the entire crop, which will rarely be found to be of sufficiently uniform quality and composition throughout. Moreover, the area of a crop is often not exactly known. "When great accur- acy is required, as when the whole of a standing crop is to be put up to sale, it is of course advisable -to measure at least the girth of every tree in the crop. Still it must be un- derstood that, in the most carefully organized and conducted valuation survey, only a limited degree of accuracy is attain- able, for Although the girths or basal sections of the trees may be obtained witli sufficient exactitude, the heights and form-factors of the trees can only be determined approximate- ly. For carefully-framed working plans it is usual to make complete surveys, the procedure by sample areas being adopted only when circumstances render a complete survey difficult and at the same permit of sufficiently correct generalizations from the part to the whole. II. — THE SIZB AND NATURE OP THE CHOP. — Valuation survey by sample plots is obviously admissible only in crops that are so far uniform as to render it practicable to select certain portions presenting the average characteristics of the whole ; but this method of survey is not justifiable if no time is thereby saved. Thus, if a crop is of limited extent, the whole of it can often be surveyed as quickly as a sample plot, which has to be carefully selected and then marked out and measured.. So also in very open crops a complete survey is preferable, as it can be effected rapidly, and the sample plot, to represent the aver- age of such a crop, must be comparatively large. We may lay down the following two rules for general guidance : — 1. In three cases the system of sample plots should be avoid- ed— Firstly, in irregular crops of very variable density, or containing trees of very different girths in their different parts; secondly, in small crops not exceeding five acres in extent; and, thirdly, in very open crops, or in crops in which only certain scattered trees, such as coppice stores, large trees in an area under jardinage, have to be accounted i ' for. 2. On the other hand in young crops or in coppice, where often 2,000 and even more stems may stand on an acre* 16 a complete survey is quite out of the question, aud sample plots should be surveyed, if there are no volume-tables avail- able to furnish the requisite data and dispense with the necessity of any measurements. III. — IN A CERTAIN SENSE, ALSO THE NATURE OP THE GROUND. —On gentle slopes the whole crop can be easily surveyed, but on steep or rough , rocky hill-sides, a complete survey would be difficult as well as expensive, and the adoption of sample plots would be justifiable. 5. Selection and Demarcation of Sample Plots. It is hardly necessary to say that the sample plots should be as nearly as practicable a true average sample of the entire crop. Hence, before selecting it, the surveyor should go over the whole crop, so that its average character may become clearly impressed on his mind. The following rules may be laid down for observance : — I. — No sample plot should ever be selected on the edge of the crop, for a true average will seldom be found there. II. — On slopes presenting a wide range of elevation, or in crops offering a variety of aspects and soils, several sample plots judiciously distributed, should be selected. III. — The form of the sample plot should be a long rectangle. IV. — The boundary of the sample plot should be clearly marked by blazing the trees immediately outside, or by splashing them with whitewash. V. — The aggregate area of the sample plots should be from 3 to 5 per cent, at least of the total area of the crop. VI. — In mature crops, no sample plot should be less than 1 acre in extent, and . G~Z s ? •4* ' K ^ ^ | B Remark*. 30 nu In. Sq. ft. C. ft Ft. Vrn. 1 / 6 2314 \ 33 Hil 8 3-781 III 36 HU Hil 1 I. 11 6-187 39 •6601 27-33 92 •46 135 39 HU HU Illl 14 9-242 brar chea •957 =8J X 42 HU HU HU II 17 13016 • 26 . SAMPLE STEMS. i • <*-« 9 2-0664 95-05 115 •40 134J 66 nu nu 10 18-9 361 ' r2 2-2500 101-79 116 135J 69 nu ' 11 22-7301 \ 72 nu in. 7 1 15-750 4-3164 196-8 u 9 75 nu 7 ^17-090 branches 8-46-4-31 Vo ••M n — i • _ - 78 in 3 7-922 81 HI 3 8-543 Girth Class I. Ill • »t f. HA- 5 10 5 6 34-570 5 124-843 8 120-226 Total . 21 9 279-630 27 Calculation of Quantity of Wood. CL= 27-33 x -M^2= 1)431 c. ft C2=112«88x l^j.= 5,885 „ C3=196-84x -^gj = 5,482 „ 12,798 „ = wood of stems. Add 4% 552 „ = „ „ branches. Total Wood . 13,350 „ Calculation of Average Stems. — 5g— = G'6171 sq. ft. and gi=38 in. 124-843 - .10 rv A a2= -105- =1'1890 „ 120-226 w gs= 7. Survey by Girth-gradations. Methods of Draudt, Uriel, and Ear tig. \Vhenever it is impossible to determine accurately the average tree even for separate girth-classes, it is necessary to adopt as the basis of survey girth-gradations (see page 13, I A ay), which obviously require the measurement of a larger number of sample stems than the method just described, the number for each gradation being proportional to the total number of stems com- prised in that gradation. Several methods of survey by girth-gradations have been devised, but we will descri be here only those of Draudt, I 'rich, and Robert Hartig : — DRAUDT'S METHOD. In this method a certain proportion, say the Mh part, of all the 28 frees in each gradation, and, therefore, also in the whole crop, are measured as sample trees, the number of such sample trees being therefore = — = say 5. z Now as the sample trees represent the 2-th portion of the whole crop, not only in number but also in respect of contents and basal area, we have A => a z and C = c z = c - = c — . * a . As the 2-th part of the number of trees composing1 a girth gradation may not be a whole number, and we cannot measure a fraction of a tree, it is best, in calculating the cubical contents of all the trees in a gradation, to use the last of these equalities, which enables us to measure up whole stems only, and also renders it unnecessary for the sample stems to be exact average stems for the gradation in question. In practice the procedure is as follows : — An enumeration survey is effected in classes having a sufficiently wide range of girth (say 6 inches). v This being done, the figure z is determined, and the number of sample stems to be mea- sured for each gradation is then the nearest integer in the expression * M — . But if — is a very small fraction, as many gradations are t z lumped up together as will give an e sample tree ; and when this if done, the basal area of the sample tree is determined in the same way as when several girth -classes of' the enumeration survey are lumped up together to form a new girth-gradation (fee the figures at the bottom of the example at end of the preceding section). The girths and basal areas of all the sample stems are then carefully registered, vand their'cubical contents accurately mounted nnd expressed, either in otoe lump figure or in separate figures giving the respective quantities of timber, fire-wood, etc. Lastly, the contents of all the trees in each gradation are calculated 29 by the formula (?=*—, If the trees falling under one and the same girth-gradation are of very different heights, this fact must be borne in mind in selecting the sample trees, or the girth- gradation may be divided into sub-classes according to height and each sub-class treated in the way described. The great advantage which Draudt's method offers is, that all the sample stems for the whole crop may be measured up together and their contents determined, not only in one lump figure, but also according to the different classes of produce they yield, thereby enabling us to estimate by means of a few easy multiplications the contents of the entire crop. URICH'S METHOD. We have seen that in Draudt's method fractions in the quotient of ( j \ are got rid of by taking the nearest whole number, but where the quotient is much less than unity, several quotients are added together, and the result worked out for a group of girth-gra- dations. This procedure is obviously not quite logical, and hence Urich has modified it so as to secure greater cousistency. He adopts the latter principle throughout, and his system is according- ly always to carry over all fractions to the next class. The sample trees are hence seldom required to represent a separate girth- gradation, but nearly always a group composed of the whole or portions of two or more such gradations. The girth of the sample trees for each group is accordingly determined by the pro- portion of the respective numbers of the several gradations compos, ing the group. When the formula C = c -- is employed, it is not so necessary that the sample tree should be representative of the group in respect of volume as in respect of height and form- factor. The advantages of Urich's method are the same as those of Draudt's. In its valuation surveys the Commission for Forest Research in Germany adopts five girth groups, and fells from two to three sample stems for each group. This is a combination of CJricVs principle with the method of girth-classes. 30 HARTIO'S METHOD. In this method tbe groups are so formed that the component trees Aggregate equal basal areas. The procedure is as follows : — First decide what number of sample trees (£) or of groups of trees (G) we require, and theu determine the aggregate basal area to be included in each group (this area = TT or -77). Now form the groups, beginning with the smallest class of trees. Next the girths of the several sample trees are either fixed approximately by inspection, or rigorously determined by means of the formula a — ~- . Each sample stem is then measured by itself, and the n contents of the corresponding group ascertained with the help of the formula C = c — . Or the contents of each sample tree may be considered as the contents of an imaginary cylinder of the same base as the tree, and the corresponding height of the cylinder obtained from the formula li — —^ the total contents of the crop OJ being the product of the total basal area oE the crop multiplied by the mean of all the cylindrical heights thus obtained. In this method the larger stems obviously compose, number for number, more groups than the smaller ones, and the sample trees, although of course samples of the corresponding group, are not samples of the crop considered as a whole. The contents or yield in different classes of produce of the sample trees cannot hence be worked up together in one place, and the main advantage afforded by Draudt's method is thereby lost. Comparing the two methods, Hartig's may be employed when as accurate as possible an estimate v of the contents of the crop is required with the help of only a few sample trees, whereas Draudt's should be adopted when it is possi- ble to fell a larger number of sample trees and an estimate of the yield in different classes of produce is required. EXAMPLE OP THE THREE METHODS. To render the preceding explanations clear, we proceed to show below, by means of a comparative .parallel statement, how to use the three methods of valuation just described. We take the case of a 1'7-acre sample plot of beech. 3t Distribution of the Sample RtMM Result of Enumeration survey 82 In the preceding1 example, in applying Brandt's method, the tret-s respectively of the four highest girth-classes heing separately very much less than Z (75), are lumped up together for the purpose of the valuation. To complete illustration of Urich's method, let us suppose that we have selected and felled ten sample trees of the respective average girth, and that they furnish the following figures : — Total basal area of the 10 trees . Yield in timber „ . . „ „ fire-wood „ . . „ ,, faggot-wood ,, . . Then^__. 61 7-228 _ a ~ 11-62 — 53'1, and the contents of the whole crop are- Timber = 98-53 x 53 1 = 5,232 solid c. ft. Fire-wood «= 856-40 x 53-1 = 45,475 stacked c. ft. Faggot-wood = 84-7 x 53-1 = 4,498 „ „ The completion of the valuation by Hartig's method is effected in the following tabular statement:— 11-62 sq. ft. 98-53 solid c. ft. 856-40 stacked c. ft. 84-70 THB SAMPLE STEMS. Contents of each tiro up. Content i. a Eleight of number, - Basal area. wood. Fag- got wood. Total. cylin- der. Large wood. Fag- got wood. Total. A a I - i • I to 111. Cubic feet solid. ft. Cubic fee? solid. 1 3' •3906 17-2 84 20-6 52-7 2,734 540 3,274 62-092 -f- -3906 = 158-96 2 ft •5625 27-5 65 330 ' 58-7 3,025 605 3,630 61-875 -5- -5625 = 110-00 3 42 •7656 40-0 8-0 48-0 62-7 3,226 - 645 '3,871 61-749-*- -7656= 80-65 -} it •7656 40-0 80 48-0 627 3,240 '648 3,888 62-016 -r- '7656= 81-00 f. U •9184 53-2 8-4 616 671 ,3,569 563 4,132 6 1-609 -f- -9184= 67-08 f u 1-0000 54-7 8-5 632 63-2 3,391 627 3,918 62 000 -i- 1-0000= 62-00 7 ."ii 1-128H 628 8-8 716 63-4 3,406 ±77 3,883 61-234-s-l 1289 = 54'24 s :, i 1-2656 71-0 9-4 80-4 63-5 3,449 457 3,906 61-484-5- 1-2656- 4858 9 Si 1-5625 880 10-0 98-0 62-7 3,473 395 3,868 6 1-671 + 1-5625= 39'47 K 7' 2-1267 145-0 144 159-4 74-9 4,288 426 4,714 62-S90 -i-2-1267 = 29'57 Total x 631-6 33,801 5,283 39,084 Or we may use the formula C = A II F ; whence total contents = 617-223 x '= 38,984, cubic feet. 33 8. Number, selection and Measurement of the sample trtt». The number of sample trees to be measured will depend on the method of survey adopted, and on the size and the decree of uni- formity of the crop. The method of survey- which requires the smallest number is that of the average tree, 2 or 3 stems sufficing if the crop is regular. In survey by girth-and-height classes from 6 to 15 trees must be measured. Draudt's method requires from 10 to 15. Since special circumstances, independent of the method of sur- vey, often limit the number of trees that may be felled, the choice of the method of survey must, in such cases, be regulated by the number of trees which it is permissible to fell. It must, however, be borne in mind that the greatest accuracy in measuring the sample trees can never compensate for the smallness of their number. Averages derived from the measurement of a large num- ber of trees will, even if the measurements have been made less care- fully, be more trustworthy than those obtained with the help of a smaller number of trees. There is less error in etlimating the contents of a large number of standing trees with the aid of Volume Tables, or by means of the nc^-height, than in measuring up an in- sufficient number of felled trees in the most accurate manner potable. The care exercised in selecting the sample stems must be in proportion to the smallness of their number. They must be as nearly as possible correct representatives of their class in respect of height, form and branching, and all forked and otherwise abnormal trees should be avoided. Moreover, the boles should be perfectly regular at the places where the girth has to be measured. " "When a diameter calliper is used, at least two diameters should be taken at each place to obtain a correct average. When the number of sample trees to be felled is large, they should be situated at different points of the entire crop. The sample trees should always be chosen immediately after the enumerati&u survey has been com- pleted, and by the same person who has conducted thia survey, and who has therefore a correct and vivid general impression of the character of the crop and the component trees. The cubing of the sample trees should be effected as accurately as possible by the rules already laid down for the measurement of felled trees. c 34 9. Valuation survey by means of the v\c\\t-Iteight. The lower girths of all the trees of the crop being known from the enumeration survey, the total basal area A is calculated therefrom. Next the rzc^-height of a sufficient number of sample stems should be observed, and the average of all these figures assumed as the rtcM-height Ii, of the whole crop. The contents of the crop are then obtained from the formula C=l AHr + Afi0. The contents of the branches must be added as a percentage, which must be taken from tables, or deduced from the results of previous surveys of similar crops. The crop may of course be divided into girth-and-height classes, and the average ric4l-height determined for each class separately. 10. With the aid of tables of form-factors or volumes. The girth of all the trees of the crop are already known from the enumeration survey. The heights of a sufficiently large num- ber of trees must be measured, and the average heights which correspond to different girths determined therefrom. The fol- lowing is an example, exhibiting a convenient mode of arranging and manipulating the various figures : — Girth in inches 24 30 36 4? 48 54 60 66 72 78 Height in feet. 82 98 104 -Ill 111 115 114 115 120 J17 Species— Beech . . ... 96 • 1C7 114 112 112 115 112 117 ... Total height ... 194 102 111 ... 114 ... 116 117 82 313 336 223 341 229 227 353 Average height . Corrected height . 82 82 X97 97 104 104 112 110 112 113 114 114 114 114 114 114 118 116 117 117 35 The calculation is completed thus (in the field-book itself of the enumeration survey) — Comportment 11. 1 CoHtyxTi. o q- g •g ja Species— Beech. o S jj Per tr«». Total. Reuurk*. 5 1 tC 1 5 S E Build cubic fe«t. 24 -Si 50 82 13-9 695 30 T2 i 114 97 258 2,937 36 § ® . 158 104 41-2 6,510 42 £-*->£> 156 110 60-0 9,360 48 -2*5 a 128 113 82-1 10,509 54 ZZ* 00 00 66 114 I 1070 7,062 60 ^ 0 0 42 J14 133-0 5.586 66 i^'is 19 114 163-0 3,097 72 W s g 12 116 198-0 2,376 78 3 a 5 117 237-0 1,185 •. 750 ... ... 49,317 The " contents per tree " are obtained from the tables of form- factors or volumes, as the case may be. 11. Valuation survey by ocular estimate. Two modes of procedure may be adopted — 1. — The contents of each tree of the crop may be estimated, the contents of the entire crop being then obtained by a mere sum of simple addition. Such a procedure, how- ever, takes as much time as a complete enumeration survey based on the actual measurement of the girths of the trees, and once the girths have been measured and recorded, there is very little extra trouble in measur- ing the heights of a few trees and obtaining the contents of the crop by the much ncore trustworthy method of valuation by the richt- height, or with the aid of tables of form-factors or of volumes. 1L The contents of the whole crop may be estimated en bloc. An intelligent forester who has had long local experience in the clean-felling of coupes can often give a fairly accurate estimate of the quantity of produce standing per acre, but the best man is nevertheless liable to make an error of as much as 50 per cent. 36 12. Valuation survey by means of tables of yield. In this method the surveyor must determine three essential points : — (a) The quality of the soil and locality. (6) The density of the crop. (c) The age of the crop. The older tables of yield drawn up in Germany omitted the first point. In the tables recently issued, for each forest or class of forest a certain convenient number of classes of soil and locality are established according to the height attained by the trees in each. Hence, for any particular crop in question, we have only to ascer- tain the average height of the trees, iu order to know at once the quality of the soil and locality. The age of the crop will be known from its past history, if it has one going back far enough ; or it must be ascertained by ring- countings, if some constant relation exists between the number of concentric rings and the number of years in which this number of rings is produced. Otherwise there is no means of obtaining it with any degree of accuracy. The density of a crop is an extremely difficult thing to estimate with sufficient accuracy. It can, of course, be determined by mea- suring the girths of all the trees and thus obtaining their aggregate basal area, but this means almost as much work as far more trustworthy methods of valuation survey with the aid of sample trees. 13, Choice of the method of valuation survey. Prom what has already been said in describing the varfons methods of valuation survey, it Is clear that this choice in any given case depends— (a\ on the required degree of accuracy, (b) on the nature of ^th'e crop, and (c) on the number of individuals that may be felled as sample trees. If the money-value of xa crop is sought, as would be required if the crop is to be sold or the forest expropriated, or if the owner wished to obtain accurate statistical data regarding his property, Urich'g method should be employed. For the purposes of a work- 37 HILT plan a less exact method is admissible, particularly as regards the younger crops, which must he surveyed over again when the plan is revised. Hence for such crops a complete survey is seldom necessary, and in the sample plots the method of rtoi {.height and those based on tables of form-factors or of volumes or of yield may be adopted. But where a certain degree of accuracy is required, the method of survey by the average tree may be employed in regular crops, a higher degree of accuracy being secured by the establishment of girth-classes and the highest by U rich's method, which is moreover the only one to adopt when it is re- quired to estimate the yield in the various marketable classes of converted wood. The establishment of height-classes gives a great deal of trouble and extra woik. It should be avoided whenever possible, that is to say, as often as the heights of the trees composing the crop do not exhibit any marked irregularity. Chapter V. On the determination of the ages of trees and crops. The determination of the age of trees and of crops is a problem which often presents insurmountable difficulties to the Indian forester, since not only are the ring markings indistinct and sometimes indistinguishable, but so many of our species form more than one concentric ring of wood each year, and there is nothing to prove that in their case the number, of rings is one and the same for each year. The following remarks hence apply only to species which invariably form a single distinct concentric ring of wood each year. 1. Determination of the age of standing Ircet. The ages of individuals of most of our conifers can, as long aa they are branched down to the ground, be accurately determined by counting the number of annual shoots. The age of other treei can generally be told to within 10-20 years by a forester pcssessed of large local experience. But the most certain way of ascertain- ing the exact age of a tree is to use Pressler's borer, which should be long enough to reach, or all but reach, th« centre of the trunk. 38 This instrument (see figure) is a gimlet, consisting of a tube (G) with a very sharp-cutting edge (E) . To render the instrument easily portable, the gimlet portion G can be taken off and put into the cylinder CC, which is hollow, and the caps of which unscrew off. As the tube is forced into the trunk of a tree, a cylinder of wood is cut out by the tube. On withdrawing the gimlet, the cylinder of wood can be easily pushed out of the tube and the ring- markings on it counted. When the borer does not quite reach the centre of the tree, the age of the remaining portion of the trunk can be estimated with sufficient accuracy. If the conditions of the forest have not materially altered since the appearance of the trees experimented upon, the ring-countings will give also the age of individuals of "any girth-class smaller than the class to which those trpes belong. 2. Determination of the age of felled trees. , It is scarcely necessary to say that, under the assumption made at the beginning of this chapter, the required age is accurately determined by counting the number of concentric rings on the section of the stool or trunk.- The remark made in the last para- graph of the preceding article holds good here also. 5. Determination of the age of entire crops. If the crop is regular, its. age is practically the age of the mid- dle class of stems composing it, and. it will hence suffice to deter- mine the age of one of those stems, or, to be on the safe side, of a few of them. 39 If the crop is irregular, the problem becomes more or less com- plicated. Several stems of the different girth-classes present must be examined, and when the respective ages of the several classes have been determined, the question to be solved is how to obtain the mean age of the crop from them. To take the mere arithmetical mean of the several ages without reference to the respective areas occupied by them, or to the quantity of material each represents, would evidently be wrong. We now proceed to investigate different methods for obtaining the true mean age which may be defined as that age at which a crop of uniform age would, under the same conditions of soil, locality and species, have produced the same volume of material as the actual crop contains. Let vv v2t t'3 = respectively the volumes of the several classes aged, respectively, yv y2, y$ years, and Y = the re- quired mean age = the age of the imaginary equivalent crop. By hypothesis the mean annual increment of both crops is one and the same ; let this increment = 7. Then — 1 V i II = V} + V2 + t>3 and 1 = — + .- ' + — ; yi yt ys Hence f- + - + -8- I Y = 0, + v9 -f v. . \y\ ya y» ' and r = Vl + r* + *> Forraula(v). ®1 i *"3 i *°J yT ~ ys y3 Expressed in words, the preceding formula would run thus: — To obtain the mean age of a crop composed of trees of diverse ages, divide the total volume of material on the ground by the sum of the mean annual increments of the several age-classes. Since the age of trees is, at least approximately, a function of their girths, the girth-classes may be considered as coincident with age-classes, and the words "girth-classes" may be substituted for V2 ~ 22 .'2 ' 3 "" 40 Substituting these values of v and - in formula (v), we have *1 ;l «S ** «3 '3 ...... If in the above formula, tj = »2 = ?3 = ...... , we have Y = «i*i + *,*, + •» 9, ...... Formula The employment of this formula presupposes a knowledge of the respective areas occupied by the different age-classes. It is, there- fore, not adapted for the calculation of the mean age of a crop composed of trees of various intermixed ages, but its special use is for the determination of the mean age of several crops considered together, or even of an entire working circle, and it is generally employed for this purpose. It gives the same result as Formula (v) when Y is approximately the age at which the highest mean annual increment occurs. Il now remains to investigate a formula for finding out the mean age of the crop when we know only the numbers nv n2, »3 ...... of trees included respectively in the several classes whose ages are 7i> ?2> Js ...... ^y *ne ordinary rule of arithmetic for obtaining averages, we have the mean age of the crop .. . Formu|a vii. If this formula is to yield the same result as Formula (v), it is necessary that the mean annual increment of all the diameter- classes should be one and tha same. For iefc £t, £j, £g ...... = the mean annual increments of,the average trqes of tbe several cla« v then and by formula (v) Xi ni + X* »* + X* «s Hence, in order that formula (vii) should at the same time be true, we must have X\ = X*. = Xs ...... For formula (vii) to give the same result as formula (vi), it 41 is necessary that the number of trees per unit of area should be one and the same for all the age-classes. For let PP r>it u v ...... be res- pectively these numbers for the several classes, then and by formula (vii) ' ai v\ v\ • ai "i "*" aa va + as "3 ...... by formula (vi) T also = *'•*« + "2^2 + g«*s •••••• . «1 + «« + «3 and we must hence have "i = V2 = vs = ......... It has now been shown that formula (vii) holds good only on condition (a) that the mean annual increment is one and tl>e same for all the girth classes, and (b) that the number of trees per acre is one and the same at all ages, assumptions that are incom- patible with actual facts. Hence the employment of this formula should be avoided. If in formula (viij we assume that «L = n2 = n3 ...... = n ; that is to say, that the number of stems in each age-class is the same, we have M =. the arithmetical mean of the ages of the sample trees. Now, in Urich's method of valuation survey each sample tree corresponds to one and the same number of trees in the crop. Hence if, in working according to that method, we deduce the mean age of the crop by taking the menn of the ages of the sample trees, we obtain the same result as if we had adopted formula (vii}, which has just been shown to be incorrect. Nevertheless, as by far the easiest way of determining the mean age of a crop is to take the simple arithmetical mean or' the ages of the sample trees, let us examine under what conditions such a procedure wonld give correct results. Let us then suppose th'jit in this special casj? the mean nge of the crop is equal to the arithmetical mean of the ages of the sam- ple trees. Hence + .y + V ..-.» - ' ri + «>?+'•« + •'•••• TK For. + ^ 4 _!> + ^ y* r* ' /* 42 Multiply both the numerator and denominator of the first side of the equation by such a number z that the numerators of both sides may be equal. Then the denominators will also be equal. Hence 2 yl + zy^ + z y$ zyn = *>i + ** +vs ... + vn, p, fg I ^a PU and z + z + z up to n terms = - . H H — + — These two equalities are possible only on the condition, that the first, second, third ... terms of one side are equal respectively to the first, second, third ... terms of the other side, that is to say, But volume (0) = basal area x height x form-factor = alif, . #j«l/l ^2"o/2 ^8 3 ' 3 Now we may assume that in one and the same crop the mean annual increment of height x form-factor ( viz., J- \ is approx- imately equal, that is that y\ Hence <^ These conditions aue fulfilled by the distribution of the sample trees in Hartig's method of valuation, so that in that method the mean of the ages of the sample treed gives the mean age of the crop. For the employment of formula (v) a survey by girth-classes is necessary in order to be able to determine the volume of material) contained in the several classes. Tb;s is' not possible by Urich's method. It may sometimes occur, when only a few sample trees are felled, that the smaller are found to be'older than others of larger girth. In such a case we nlay still take the arithmetical mean of the ages on the not improbable assumption that there is a wide difference of ageg between the several individuals of each of the girth- classes, and that for bue sample tree that gives too high a figure for the mean age of its class, there is another which gives the sama amount of compensating error on the other side — errors of excess and defect thus cancelling each other. The smaller the 43 difference between the ages of the oldest and youngest trees in one and the same girth-class is, the more approximate to the true mean age of the crop will be the arithmetical mean of the ages of the sample trees. And the result will be all the nearer, when the number of sample trees taken is, is large and the more closely the system of forming the stem-classes approaches that of Hartig's method. Chapter VI. Determination of the rate of increase of individual trees and of canopied masses of trees. Single trees increase in height, girth, basal area and volume. Similarly, crops of trees increase in height, aggregate basal area and volume. The current annual increment of a tree or crop is the amount by which it has increased during the past year. Periodic increment is the amount of increase gained during a period of several years. The total increment of a tree or crop is its actual volume at any given time (the sum of all the annual increments up to the given time). The expression mean increment, when used without any other qualifying word, may refer to merely a period, or to the entire age of the tree or crop, or to the age when the tree or crop becomes exploitable. In determining the increment for a single year, it is customary to assume for it the figure of. the .mean increment for a short period of years, because the increment for a single year is not only composed of factors too small to be accurately measured, but is subject to disproportionably large fluctuations from year to year. For many purposes the increment is conveniently expressed as a percentage. 2. Increment of indiv ees. A. Bate of-increate in height. The rate at which the height has increased can be determined at once in the case of most conifers, since the length of each annual shoot is apparent owing to their peculiar mode of branching. In the case of broad-leaved trees, the stem must be cut acroat at 44 the top. If the section shows n annual rings, the portion cut off is « years old, and the point must be found at which there are exactly » such rings, the number immediately below being n + 1. "When the increment for every stage of the existence of the tree is sought, the stem must be divided into equal sections, say of 5 feet length. The number of annual rings counted on the upper surfikce of each section will give the number of years' growth above it, and the difference between the age of the whole tree and this number will give the number of years which the tree has taken to attain the height at which the rings have been counted. The preceding mode of procedure must be adopted even for conifers when the lower branches Inure fallen off. It is evident that if the number of concentric rings does not correspond in any way with the age of the tree, the determination of the height increment, except for recent years the shoots corre- sponding to which are apparent at the top of the stem, is impos- sible. B. Rate of increase in diameter and basal area. As it is impossible, or at least very difficult, to ascertain the girth-increment by direct measurement, it must be deduced from the diameter increment by multiplication by tr = 3'14. To obtain the diameter increment, measurements are generally made at the usual height of 4J foot, or breast-height, but they may be made instead at the middle of the tree, or, if great accuracy is required, at several places. Jn the case of trees forming one or a regular number of rings each year, the diameter increment of a given year or. period of years is found by measuring the thickness of the layer of wood put on during that interval. The thickness of this layer must be measured on several pair of radii,, each pair belonging to one and the same diameter. Twice the mean of the several measurements will give the increment sought. A single measurement is justifiable only when both the shape of the stem and crown and the branching are extremely regular. If the tree cannot be felled, I'ressler's borer should be used. The increment of the sectional area at any height will be given by the formula ? (/;»-* 100 100 that is to say, luo a and J"a = 2^+ g*. In the case of rather old trees, the diameter increment of which 2 is very small, y-^- may be neglected, and then we have 'D-d 400 (c). Percentage of increase in volume.— In using method II., described under sub-article C. above, it is obvious that, if k it constant, the required percentage A— a 200 D— d 400 ** ™~< 50 According to Pressler this formula gives the percentage of increase in volume not only for the stem alone, but also for the entire tree inclusive of the branches ; and experiment has proved this assumption of Pressler's to be very nearly true. In order to simplify the calculation, Pressler employs the relative diameter A = - , in which D = the actual diameter exclusive 8 of bark, and 8 = the increment of the diameter during n years. Now since D = SA, and d = 8A — 8 = 8 (A — 1), we have and also p = . _J2 x — approximately. For the calculation of the future increment per cent., the pro- bable diameter after n years may be assumed to be D + 8, and . • , ! (A + l)2— A2 200. increment per cent, to be approximately 1— — J- — -—x -- - Pressler has published tables showing the values of this percentage for different values of A from '2 to 300. In the case of standing trees, of which only the increment of diameter at the base can be measured, and rarely, if ever, the height, the percentage of increase in volume cannot be determined with any very jjreat accuracy. For such trees Pressler has drawn up a set of tables for determining, with the aid of the relative diameter, the rate of increase per cent, for five grades of height- growth. In order to determine the percentage with sufficient approximation without the aid of such tables, we must first find 1) and d = D — 8 by measurement, and, then the rate per centi . ,. Tt—li 200 ,„ of increase m diameter = pd — - — ^ x - (f or a single year pd *.JJ -J- d .11 100A\ — - — I, and the minimum increase per cent, or volume pv = 2 pd . In most instances varies from fc£ pA to 3 pd , and in the cape of trees enjoying t ;11 height-increment and forming a canopied crop, pv = 8|[ p* • v In calculating the increment per cent, for a single year, we may employ BREYMANN'S formula. On page 48 it has been shown that tho increment on volume is approximately equal to 51 * 100 . n so that/; = .— = 1UO ( - + \^ hen there has been no increase in height, - _ 200 x diauietar increment « ' Actual diameter = ^ " Another simple formula to use is that of SCHNLIDKK, by which p = T-— , D being the actual diameter in inche, exclusive of the L)n bark, and « the nnmber of annual rings in the last inch of growth. 2 - is obviously equal to one year's increase of diameter, and this ft figure can consequently be used in Breymann's formula above. Both Breymanu's and Schneider's formula give only the rate of increase per cent, of the basal area, and the rate of increase per cent, of volume must be obtained therefrom in different cases as follows :— (a) In the case of trees possessing vigorous upward growth and standing in a leaf-canopy, by multiplying by If. (b) In nearly all other cases of canopied trees, by multiplying by a factor varying from li to 1|. (c) In the case of isolated trees without any multiplication at all in many instances. E. Stem analysis, or the determination of the coorie of the increment of the stem during the whole term o( it* life. If any tree forms annual rings, the observation of these ring* enable us to trace its life-history, to say when it was suffering from suppression, from insect ravages, from the effects of fire, frost and from other retarding causes, when it enjoyed complete im- munity from such injurious influences, and was a dominant stem growing vigorously, and' so on. A longitudinal section passing through every point of the axis of the stem would show all this at a glance, but such a section is practically impos- sible to make; the stem must be cut across into a number of sec- tions, and the required information sought thereon. The sections may be made at every 6 feet, but as a tree growt fastest when young, the lower sections may be longer (up to 10 and even 14 feet in the case of quick-growing trees), while the upper ones may be made shorter. The first cross-cut should be made at 52 the usual height of 4j feet off the ground, but there will always be a lower one than this at the level at which the tree has been felled. The measurement of the diameters and the counting of the rings are operations which take time, and, will generally be best effected in camp or at home. For this purpose a disk about 1 inch thick should be cut off the lower end of each section, and carried away to be studied at leisure. To prevent mistakes, the serial number of the tree and corresponding section and other necessary informa- tion should be noted on the upper surface of each disk as soon as it has been cut. The lowest section serves to determine the age* of the tree, and the other sections the successive ages of the tree at the heights at which they have been cut. On all of them the annual concentric growths should be marked off in groups of 5 or 10, beginning at the circumference. The outer diameter of each such zone (of 5 or 10 years' growth, as the case may be) should then be measured, and recorded in the manner shown in the illustration given lower down. The observer should be careful that the 5 or 10-year groups, marked on the several sections, exactly correspond. Thus, for instance, the first groups of all the several sections should con- tain concentric rings of one and the same age ; the rings of the second groups should be exactly 5 or 10 years younger, and so on. To guard against error in forming the groups, extremely broad or extremely narrow rings should be carefully noted and traced through all the sections. With the help of the figures obtained from the observations just described, a longitudinal section of the stem can be delineated, showing the whole course of growth. The scale for diameters should be from 10 to 20 times larger than that for heights. Acen- v tral line being drawn to represent the axis of the tree, the lengths of the sections should be marked off on it according to the fixed scale. At each point of division parallel lines at right angles to the axis should then be drawn, and the measured outer diameters of the respective concentric group-zones pricked off on them. The required section of the tree IR completed by joining by a con- tinuous line or curve all the points corresponding to the same age. The rapidity of growth in tieight of the tree may be delineated by means of -a curve, as described at page 52 of Part I of Fernandez's Manual of Indian Sylviculture. Distances should be marked off along a horizontal line representing periods of 5 or 10 years, as the case may be. At these divisions perpendiculars 53 should be raised, the lengths of which should correspond with the heights successively attained at the different ages. A continuous line joining the upper extremities of these perpendiculars will be the required curve. The horizontal scale for years should be about twice the vertical scale for feet. The contents of the tree at the successive ages (every fifth or tenth year, as the case may be) are at once ascertained from the sectional areas enclosed by the outer boundaries of the concentric group-zones, each sectional area being the mean sectional area of a truncated cone, situated half in the upper half of one sect ion, and the other half in the lower half of the one immediately above it. Finally, the periodic increments of diameter, height and volume can be arranged in tabular form so as to be noted at a glance. "We will illustrate all the preceding remarks by means of an example. A spruce was felled at 3 inches above the ground, and the stump showed 43 annual rings. We may assume that the tree took two years to attain this height, and it is on record that it was sown 46 years ago. The total length of the tree was 64 feet, the stem was cut up into lengths of 6 feet each, except the lowest portion, which was 4 feet long. On all the sections, beginning from the circum- ference, the annual rings were marked off into groups of five each along three different diameters on the two lowest sections (at J and 4j feet from the ground), and along two diameters crossing each other at right angles on the rest. For each section the mean of the two or three diameters, according to the piece, was taken. The results of the observations are shown in the following statement :— ' Section. Total number of annual rings, j Mean diameter in ineket at Ike agt of— : — s 11 a .il w 5 10 16 20 26 30 33 40 48 h j: Tears. 1 2 3 4 5 ' 6 7 8 9 10 11 4} 10} 16} 22} 28} 34} 40} 46} 52} 58} 43 37 33 30 26 23 19 16 12 9 6 0-51 1-42 0-39 370 255 157 5-82 4-50 3-70 2-07 0-35 753 5'92 5-40 4-20 2-52 1-39 g-ao 6-S4 6-4-1 5-59 4-31 3-33 1-83 0-59 ^•79 7-68 7-36 6-69 574 5-06 391 2-59 1-01 10-17 .8-61 8-30 7-«6 6*98 r, »•_• 5-61 4-53 3-10 1-88 >::• 12-40 940 9-03 - II 7 v 736 6-68 6-87 4-67 364 1-88 12-87 g u 9*43 x-x,» s -J.i 7-74 7-01 I -JJ m :< x,; 2-10 CALCULATION OF VOLUMES ACQUIRED SUCCESSIVELY AT 5, 10, 15 45 YFAUS or AGE. •^Fq qjiM ucal et »« )93j ejcnbs ni vajy -^00:e) § E £ -*OOCO2. US O S 3 ° :" . SOOU? 1MCOCCOO5^«5*O NO-^IQOWIOOCCO : : CQ:N. ion«oo>opH : : : : !M (jq ,_ _ o O • • ' • O CO (M Tf t- Ol «C O . 10 rj< O Oi ^ "^ *^ C> OS J 5<1 o -^ oo i— i t>i IN : : : • :• : : 00 «O «O OO 1 2 S| o 1— 1 "? r-l r+ O O 666 IO 00 «O US 03 1—1 OS IO TO OS -+ ~ «O iM 00 ^i-((N'NpO^^»OW3 Total area in square feet of sections of the same age . Contents in cubic feet of the 6-foot lengths at the succes- sive ages . . . . . ... . Contents in cubic feet of the lowest 1£ foot length at the successive ages ........ Contents in cubic feet of top end at the successive ages Total contents in cubic feet of tree at the successive ages V 1 4 X 56 TABLE SHOWING COURSE OP INCREMENT OF THE STEM. Ape in Diame- ter in inches. JTfiffkt in feet. 1 ftlutfif in cubic feet. Form-factor. I iii-mii i-ii t of vnluin- per oeut. ye» "3 a Z £ -a •8 Ol a £ 1 8 B E J "a A-/f lOp-^v o R 3 8 | o ^ 1 < 5 2 o-ooi 5 0-025 10 04 7 0-026 22 9 032 15 2-6 16 0-35 19 8 1-06 ** 24-0 20 4-5 24 141 0'529 0-472 1-4 9 1-77 1V3 25 5-9 33 3-18 0-490 0-445 0-9 9 2-10 10"0 30 6-8 42 5-28 0-499 0-462 0-9 8 2-98 8-6 35 7-7 5C 8-26 0-513 0-481 09 9 8-92 76 40 8-6 59 12-18 0-513 0-489 0-8 5 399 6-8 45 9-4 61 16-17 0-530 0-504 Inclusive of > burk, j 9-8 64 17-82 0-63P ~ 5. Kate of increase of crop*. lu the case of crops it is obvious that, we require to know only the rate at which the volume of the crop increases, and that a knowledge of the rates at which the height of the crop and the aggregate diameters and basal areas of the component stems in- crease, is of interest only so far a& these element* are so many factors in the growth of the crop. A. Determination of the increment ftt nny lime. There are various methods of determini-ng the rate at which a crop has been augmenting in volume at any time. They are — I. BY MEANS OP INVESTIGATIONS IN THE CROP ITSELF. — In determining- the increment it must never be forgotten that no oue class of stems can be taken as representative of the whole crop, any more than any individual stem 56 can be taken as representative of its class. It must also be borne in mind that so far as the standing timber alone is concerned, thinnings cause the rate of increase to fall. Lastly, we have the fact that what is now an average stem of the crop was at one time an overtopping or domi- nant tree, and may in the future become a dominated or overtopped or even a suppressed one. The simplest way of determining the increment of a crop with the nearest approximation is to determine first the per- centage of increase of several stems of each and every component class. If the crop is at the time under a regular valuation survey, this percentage is calculated for the section passing through the middle of the felled sample trees, and the data thus obtained should also be supplemented by measurements made on standing trees. If there is no valuation survey going on, then measure- ments made on standing trees must supply all the required data. If Flt F2, ............ have been ascertained to be respectively the volumes of the several stem-classes, and plf p^, ...... ...their average increment per cent., then the increment V 01- for one year (i) of the several classes will be, il = • ' V ., trees with a long bole and a small high crown), and least so in unfavourable soils and localities and in overtopping and, especially, isolated trees. It is also most conspicuous in trees that are growing up vigorously, and this particularly in the upper part of the stem, whereas, on the contrary in trees pushing up slowly or which have entirely ceased to grow, the width of the rings diminishes again towards the top. In the case of isolated trees with low-spreading branches the rings are of the same width throughout the entire length of the stem, or may even become narrower from bottom upwards. Young trees have an absolute form-factor of from 0*30 to 0'85. With increasing age these figures rise to 0'44 and even 0'48 ; but they ultimately diminish after an advanced age is reached. This decrease occurs in the European larch at the age of 80 — 100 years, and even earlier in trees grown out in the open. Trees that have developed in isolation always have a low form-factor. In favour- able soils and localities the form-factor is higher than in unfavour- able ones. The rate at which the stem expands at different heights is ob- viously not the same as that at which the girth increases. The increment of sectional area is greatest at the level of the soil, decreases rapidly upwards for a short distance, then much more gradually up to the beginning of the crown (sometimes even in- creasing in the vicinity of the crown), and Instly, diminishes very rapidly upwards to the top of the crown, where it consists merely of the sectional area of the previous season's shoot. In trees growing in the midst of a dense leaf-canopy, and in those already dominated, the largest increment of sectional area occurs in the 02 upper part of the bole ; whereas in isolated trees it is to be found much lower down. In canopied crops growing in favourable soils and localities the increment of sectional area is almost the same throughout the entire length of the stem ; iu unfavourable soils and localities and iu the case of all isolated trees, whatever the nature of the soil and locality, it steadily decreases from below upwards. D. Rate of increase of volume. Increased mass is the result of the co-operation of three factors — increase of height, increase of girth and augmentation of the form-factor. In early youth, in spite of the great width of the concentric rings of woody growth, the increment of volume is small j it reaches an important figure only when the crown has acquired some development, and the stem, by its increased height and girth, presents a sufficiently extended surface for the deposit of new woody growth. After this period the rate at which the volume increases rises rapidly to its maximum. In Europe this maximum is attained at the age of 50 — 70 years in the case of quick-growing species in suitable soils and localities; at the age of 100— 120 years in the case of slow-growing species under unfavourable conditions ; and at a very advanced age by trees standing out in the open, or situated on high exposed ridges or at great elevations. Once at its maximum, the annual rate of increase remains more or less steady for a long time, after which it declines, but at a less rapid rate than that at which it rose. The mean annual increment of the individual tree, as a rule, attains its maximum only at a very advanced age, generally beyond that of ordinary exploitability. Even in canopied crops the maxi- mum is not reached by the dominant and over-topping trees before the age of 120 — 140 years.' Trees growing out in the open, and individuals of species which develop "slowly during their youth, attain it much later; while in high mountainous regions many trees as much as 300 years old may be found which have not yet entered upon that stage. 5. General remarks on the growth of the crop. The course of development and the accretion of volume in timber crops depends not only on the species, soil and locality, but also on the treatment and system of working' adopted. In respect of one and the same species the amount of production is influenced chiefly 63 by the soil and locality, the course of development of the crop bj the treatment and system of working1. Of the course of growth in crops worked by the jurdinage and coppice methods but little it as yet known, bat a flood of light has been thrown on the growth of regular crops treated by the uniform method l«y the lubotiic of the German Department for Forest Research. The remarks which follow refer only to such crops. A. Natural constitution of utem In every crop we can recognise, besides the over-topping dominant individual, two lower classes of dominated and over. topped ones, nnd, if no thinnings have been made, also a tilth class of suppressed stems. The first two classes form what mav be called the main crop, the other three the subordinate crop. It in obvious that in the ordinary course of development of the crop fresh stems are constantly passing into the lower classes from the immediately upper ones, and from the main crop into the subordi- nate one, from which they are ultimately removed by thinnings or natural decay and death. The result is a constant diminution of the number of stems composing the main crop. The original number of individuals in a crop depends on the manner of its constitution, according as it has sprung up from self-sown seedlings or from artificial sowing (generally executed close), or from transplants (generally put out comparatively far apart). The number of stems diminishes rapidly in youth, lo.-s mpidly in middle age, and still more slowly in old age; rapidly in favourable soils and localities ; slowly, but steadily, up to a great age in unfavourable places. At. one and the same age more stems stand in unfavourable soils and localities than in those more suitable. A crop of Scotch pine of the best quality contains 1,200 stems per acre at 30 years of age, but only 140 stems 90 years later at the age of 120 years. This constant and great diminution in the number of component individuals results in a considerable falling off of the increment, the consequence being that both the current and mean annual in- crements reach their culminating point earlier in the caro of the crop th:m in that of the individual belonging to the dominant or representative class. Since thinnings and decay and death remove mostly the iudivi- 64 duals of the lowest class, the average stem of the crop is constantly moving upwards into one of the (up to the present) larger stem- classes" and on the other hand the average stem at any given age is constantly receding into a smaller class and ultimately takes its place in the subordinate crop. So that the exploitable crop eventu- ally consists for the most part of individuals which in their youth belonged to the highest or over- topping class. Hence investiga- tions into the course of growth of a crop, by means of measurements and ring-countings made on existing already exploitable indivi- duals, give the heights, diameters, basal areas, volumes, etc., at various periods, not of the representative or average individuals at those periods, but of the largest class of stems of those periods. B. Basal area. According to the universal convention adopted of measuring the diameter at breast-height (4j feet), the basal area of crop is obviously nil until that height is attained ; it then increases rapidly up to middle age, and thenceforward more slowly but steadily up to a great age. The diminution of the rate of increase is very conspicuous in the case of quick-growing or shade-avoiding species, but is comparatively slight in the case of shade-enduring or slow-growing species. Thus the basal area in good crops of the European spruce or silver fir, at the age of 140 — 150 years aggre- gates as much as 348 square feet per acre, whereas in the best crops of Scotch pine or beech it seldom exceeds 217 square feet per acre. In inferior soils and localities the b^sal area, for one and the same age, is considerably less than in good soils and localities in spite of the number of stems being larger. In Germany, in un- favourable localities, the bas,al area in mature crops is only 130 square feet per acre for pine and larch, and 196-1— 21 7 square feet per acre for spruce and silver fir. In Germany the basal area of a crop is on an average about 0*5 per cent, of the area covered by the crop ; in the best soils and localities the average percentage is 0*8 for spruce and silver fir. C. Volume. The volume of a crop, as well as the rate at wtrich it increases, is very sm:ill in early youth. The volume then increases rapidly up to the end of the middle age of the crop, after which the rate «i increase is much less rapid, but is maintained up to a very advanced C6 period. A complete cessation of increase can occur only wlien the increment of tbe growing stems is just counterbalanced l.y the )OM due to decay and death. The current increment of volume becomes rapidly larger until it attains its maximum in 3<> — 40 years in the case of quick-growing species under favourable conditions, and in 7.0 — 80 years in the CAM of slow-growing species and in unfavourable aoilg and localities. After reaching its culminating point, it sinks rapidly in placet where favourable conditions exist, more slowly where circumstances are not so suitable. The mean annual increment obviously begins by being identical with the increment of the first year. As the current increment now goes on increasing steadily year by year, as long as this in- crease continues, and also for some time afterwards, the mean in- crement obviously keeps below the figure of the current increment. Ultimately it catches up and gets ahead of the latter, and as the current increment goes on steadily declining, the mean increment maintains its superiority to the end. The mean annual increment obviously attains its maximum when it becomes equal to the current annual increment, for the continued diminution of the latter must cause it to decline also from that point. As the current increment diminishes only gradually, especially in unsuitable soils and locali- ties, the mean annual increment, after attaining its culminating point, continues nearly at the same level for a considerable period, particularly so in unfavourable places, where this period may extend over several decades. Chapter VII. On the compilation of tables of yield. In yield tables are collected figures representing the coarse of growth of different classes of crops that have developed under nor- mal conditions of growth and density. These figures give the volume and increment per unit' of area of the crops in question at different ages and under different conditions of growth, and some- times also the corresponding factors which contribute to the pro- Auction of volume, viz.t number of stems, basal area, and height of crop. As shown higher up, the course of development of a crop can- not, like that of the individual tree, be deduced by a single i*rie« B 66 of investigations made at the age of exploitability. The number of stems, the basal area, and the dimensions of the average stem at all previous periods must be known. Hence to trace the course of growth of a given crop it must be surveyed from its earliest youtb annually, or at regularly recurring periods, until it becomes exploitable. This metliod of repeated survey has been adopted in order to measure the influence of different modes of treatment on crops that in all other respects are similar. To follow out this system rigidly on one and the same crop through the whole of its life would be an extremely long and slow process. In order to curtail it and obtain the results sought as quickly as possible, several similar crops, under the same treatment but of different ages, are experimented upon, and the various observations made from time to time in the several crops are com- bined and interpolated together into a connected whole, that is nearly, if not quite, as accurate as if the figures it comprises had been obtained from investigations in one and the same crop from the time of its constitution to its maturity. There is yet another and still shorter way of obtaining the re- quisite figures. A series of crops growing under similar conditions of species, soil, locality and treatment, but of various ages differing from each other by as short intervals as possible, is chosen with great discrimination and care, and each crop is measured once for all, the results being tabulated together. Most of the yield-tables hitherto compiled have been obtained by this method, and the results have been proved to be quite correct enough to justify its adoption as often as there is no time to wait for the outcome of the longer and more elaborate methods. Whichever of the two Idst described methods is adopted, there are always certain ages for which figures are wanting, and the gaps must be filled up by interpolations which are most conveni- ently obtained graphically thus : — The various successive ages are marked on a horizontal line, and at these points perpendiculars are raised, the perpendiculars for the ages for which the volumes or increments are known being made of the lengths corresponding ia these volumes or increments) as the case may be. The ends of these perpendiculars being joined by a continuous curve, the lengths of the other perpendicular up to where they are cut by the curve, give respectively the remaining volumes or increments. 67 rJ he figures obtained for the volumes should be checked by con« structing similar curves with the known numbers of trees, Lasnl areas and heights, and obtaining by interpolation the corresfionding figures for the ages. The complete figures obtained for each series should then be compaied : wherever discrepancies are found corrections can be easily ncade. Such a check for the volumes is best obtained by comparison with the figures obtained for the ba-al areas and heights, the products of which, multiplied by the respec- tive form-factors, will furnish another series of volume figures. The form-factors used may be obtained at the same time as the other information. The accuracy of yield tables is always more or less uncertain, owing to the difficulty of selecting the experimental crops BO that they may be exact counterparts of each other at their own respec- tive ages. The necessary correspondence is best secured by careful and detailed stem analyses in the older crops, in order that the heights of the dominant stems at earlier periods may be more or less exactly a&certained. The experimental crops for these earlier periods should then be so selected that their average heights correspond with the figures thus deduced. Government of lu