ru ru o m o 0 A TKEATISE ON ZOOLOGY A TREATISE ON ZOOLOGY Demy 8vo, Cloth, price 15s. net each ; or, in Paper Covers, price 12s. 6d. net each NOW READY Part II. THE ECHINODERMA BY F. A. BATHER, M.A. Assistant in the Geological Department of the British Museum ASSISTED BY J. W. GREGORY, D.Sc. Late Assistant in the Geological Department of the British Museum, Professor of Geology in the University of Melbourne AND E. S. GOODRICH, M.A. Aldrichian Demonstrator of Anatomy in the University of Oxford Part III. THE PORIFERA & COELENTERA BY E. A. MINCHIN, M.A. Professor of Zoology at University College, London G. HERBERT FOWLER, B.A., Ph.D. Late Assistant Professor of Zoology at University College, London AND GILBERT C. BOURNE, M.A. Fellow and Tutor of New College, Oxford AGENTS IN AMERICA THE MACMILLAN COMPANY 66 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK A TEEATISE ON ZOOLOGY EDITED BY E. EAY LANKESTER M.A., LL.D., F.R.S. HONORARY FELLOW OF EXETER COLLEGE, OXFORD ; CORRESPONDENT OF THE INSTITUTE OF FRANCE ; DIRECTOR OF THE NATURAL HISTORY DEPARTMENTS OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM PART IV THE PLATYHELMIA, MESOZOA, AND NEMERTINI BY W. BLAXLAND BENHAM, D.Sc.(Lond.), M.A.(Oxon.) PROFESSOR OF BIOLOGY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF OTAGO, NEW ZEALAND ; FORMERLY ALDRICHIAN DEMONSTRATOR OF ANATOMY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD LONDON ADAM & CHAELES BLACK 1901 V EDITOR'S PEEFACE THE present volume is the " Fourth Part " in order of a com- prehensive treatise on Zoology, which has been for some time in preparation under my editorship. In this treatise each of the larger groups of the Animal Kingdom is to be described by a separate author ; whilst, as far as possible, uniformity in method and scope of treatment is aimed at. The authors are, for the most part, graduates of the University of Oxford, though it may not be possible to maintain this limitation in future sections of the work. The general aim of the treatise is to give a systematic exposition of the characters of the classes and orders of the Animal Kingdom, with a citation in due place of the families and chief genera included in the groups discussed. The work is addressed to the serious student of Zoology. To a large extent the illustrations are original. A main purpose of the Editor has been that the work shall be an independent and trustworthy presentation, by means of the systematic survey, or taxonomic method, of the main facts and conclusions of Zoology, or, to speak more precisely, of Animal Morphography. The treatise will be completed in ten parts of about the same size as the present one. It will at once be apparent that this limitation necessitates brevity in treatment which, however, will not, it is believed, be found inconsistent with the fulfil- ment of the scope proposed or with the utility of the work vi PREFACE to students. The immediate publication of the following parts may be expected : — Part I. Introduction and the Protozoa. Part II. Enteroccela and the Ccelomocoela — The Pori- fera — The Hydromedusae — The Scypho- medusae — The Anthozoa — The Ctenophora (published in September 1900). Part III. The Echinoderma (published in March 1900). Part IV. The Mesozoa — The Platyhelmia — The Nemer- tini (the present volume). These parts will be issued, without reference to logical sequence, as soon as they are ready for the press. This pro- cedure to some extent evades the injustice of making an author, whose work is finished, wait for publication until other more tardy writers have completed their tasks. The following authors have undertaken portions of the work : — Professor Weldon, F.E.S., M.A.Oxon. ; Professor Ben- ham, D.Sc., M.A. Oxon. ; Mr. G. C. Bourne, M.A. Oxon. ; Mr. G. H. Fowler, M.A. Oxon. ; Professor Minchin, M.A. Oxon. ; Mr. F. A. Bather, M.A.Oxon. ; Professor J. W. Gregory, D.Sc. ; Mr. E. S. Goodrich, M.A.Oxon.; Professor Hickson, F.RS. of Manchester ; Mr. J. J. Lister, F.E.S., M.A. Cantab. ; Mr. Arthur Willey, D.Sc. ; Professor Farmer, F.E.S., M.A. Oxon. ; Mr. E. I. Pocock ; and Mr. Martin Woodward. E. EAY LANKESTEE. July 1901. NOTE IT is but just to the author to put on record the fact that the MS. of the chapters on the Platyhelmia were written during the years 1895-97; much of it was printed, and the proofs corrected in 1897; and the whole of the Part was in proof, and most of the figures were already prepared, early in 1898, when the author left England for New Zealand. At the same time the editor is satisfied that no important omissions due to this fact occur in the hook, the proofs of which have been revised and some additions made during the present year. E. E. L. CONTENTS CHAPTER XVI PAGE THE PLATYHELMIA — TURBELLARIA ... 1 CHAPTER XVII THE PLATYHELMIA — TEMNOCEPHALOIDEA . . .43 CHAPTER XVIII THE PLATYHELMIA — TREMATODA . . . . .47 CHAPTER XIX THE PLATYHELMIA — CESTOIDEA . . ._ .93 CHAPTER XX APPENDICES TO THE PLATYHELMIA . . .148 CHAPTER XXI THE NEMERTINI . . . . . .159 INDEX 197 CHAPTER XVI. PLATYHELMIA — TURBELLARIA. PHYLUM PLATYHELMIA.1 CLASS I. TURBELLARIA. Order 1. Rhabdocoelida. „ 2. Tricladida. „ 3. Polycladida. CLASS II. TEMNOCEPHALOIDEA. Order Dactylifera. CLASS III. TREMATODA. Order 1. Heterocotylea. „ 2. Aspidocotylea. „ 3. Malacocotylea. CLASS IV. CESTOIDEA. GRADE A. CESTOIDEA MONOZOA. Order 1. Amphilinacea. ,, 2. Gyrocotylacea. ,, 3. Caryophyllacea. GRADE B. CESTOIDEA MEROZOA. Branch a. DIBOTHRIDIATA. Order 1. Pseudophyllidea. Branch 1). TETRABOTHRIDIATA. Order 1. Tetraphyllidea. „ 2. Diphyllidea. „ 3. Tetrarhyncha. „ 4. Tetracotylea. APPENDICES TO PHYLUM. Rhombozoa, Orthonectida, Triclioplax, etc. 1 Phylum Platylielmia, Lankester, 1890 (Platydmia, Vogt, 1851 ; Platodes, Leuckart, 1854 ; Platydmintlies, Gegenbaur, 1859 ; Plat/ielminthes, Minot, 1877). THE PLATYHELMIA THE group of " Flat worms " constitutes one of the phyla of the Metazoa. Linnaeus associated Lumbricus with the various worms which are now known as Flukes, Tapeworms, Nemertines, Nematodes, and Leeches in the order " Intestina," which he placed close to his heterogeneous group " Mollusca," in a class " Vermes." Lamarck separated the parasitic worms, for which he retained the term " Vermes," as a class distinct from the Chaetopodous worms, to which he gave the name " Annelides." Lamarck's "Vermes" is thus essentially synonymous with the "Entozoa'r of various subsequent writers. And in spite of the fact that as long ago as 1850 Grube1 pointed out the affinities of the Annelids with the Arthropoda, and insisted upon the unnatural character of " Vermes " as a group, and although Lankester 2 was one of the earliest of the more recent zoologists to give up the term " Vermes," and the truth of this view has become more and more evident in recent years, yet many writers still retain this name almost in the sense of Linnaeus. Leuckart3 in 1848 broke up the " entozoic worms," and associated the Cestodes with the Acanthocephala as " anenterous worms," which he separated from the " apodous worms " (Turbellarians, Trematodes, and Leeches) ; while the other parasitic forms (Nematodes) were recognised a& distinct from these and placed with the Annelids. Later on, however, he4 put the Cestodes in a more natural position, in a group " Platodes," which included the Trematodes, Turbellaria, Nemertines, and Leeches. But Vogt5 had already recognised in 1851 the affinity of these various worms and invented the term Platydmia for the group, in the sense in which it is usually understood at the present time. The name was modified by Gegenbaur6 to Platyelminthes, and adopted by Carus, Schneider, Haeckel, and others ; Haeckel in 1877 removed the Xemertines from the Platyelminthes (to which group, however, he gave the name " Acoelomi ") and placed them with the rest of the " Vermes " as " Coelomati." Lankester 7 modified Vogt's terminology and still retained in his " Platyhelmia " the Nemertina and Hirudinea. But recent researches on the anatomy and development of the latter class, and amongst others, Biirger's work on the Nemertines, have shown conclusively the necessity of removing them from the neighbourhood of the Flukes, 1 Grube, Die Fam. d. Anneliden, Arch. f. Naturgesch. 16. 1850, p. 249. 2 Lankester, Notes on Embryology and Classification, 1877. 3 Leuckart, Ub. Morphol. u. Verwandsch. d. Wirbellose Thiere, 1848. 4 Leuckart, Arch.f. Naturgesch. Jahrg. 20. 1854. 6 Vogt, Zoolog. Briefe, 1851, vol. i. p. 185. 0 Gegeubaur, Die Grundzuge d. Zoologie, 1859. 7 Lankester, The Advancement of Science, 1890 ; and Encyd. Brit. ix. edit., art, "Zoology." THE PLATYHELMIA Tapeworms, and Turbellarians, which alone are now included amongst the Platyhelmia, together with the probably degenerate forms known as " Mesozoa." The Characters of the Platyhelmia. — The animals belonging to the three classes — Turbellaria, Trematoda, and Cestoidea — -while exhibiting many differences in form, habits, and life-history yet present certain fundamental points of agreement, so that it is possible to picture a common ancestor from which the three groups have been descended. Such an ideal Platyhelmirith would have had a somewhat oval body, flattened from above downwards, and with a distinct prostomium or region in front of the mouth and con- taining the brain (Fig. II.). The surface of the body was probably clothed with a ciliated epidermis similar to that of the Turbellaria but of a simpler character, so that the animal was able to move freely in the sea ; in this movement it was aided by the muscular system which had developed below the epidermis with which it had lost its connection and become arranged to form circular and longitudinal sheets. No doubt the ancestral form was more or less closely connected with the Coelentera by means of animals of which we know nothing. (There are some features of resemblance to the Ctenophora, as Lang has pointed out.1) But in the Platyhelminth the endoderm had become separated from the ectoderm by a great development of mesodermal tissue filling up the blastocoele, and consisting of vertically arranged muscle cells and of a packing of peculiar connective tissue cells ; in this compact mass of cells or parenchyma distinct generative and excretory organs had become differentiated, having each its own independent communication with the exterior. Nevertheless, no definite space, or coelom, existed in the substance of this inter- mediate mass of cells. The archenteron of the coelenterate ancestor had, however, become separated into a metenteron and a coelom, which is represented by the cavity of the genital organs. The excretory system consisted of a pair of laterally placed canals, consisting of a series of perforated cells, some of which carry cilia ; from each canal small lateral branches are given off which branch and anastomose to form a network from which arise still liner twigs, each of which terminates in a "flame cell" (Fig. I). This flame cell (or pronephridiostome of Vejdovsky) is a comparatively large, hollow cell from whose base, in which the nucleus is situated, a bunch of long cilia projects into the cavity ; the flickering appear- ance of a flame results from the synchronised movement of the cilia. The cavity of this terminal cell communicates only with the excre- tory tubule. It is possible that in the earliest ancestors a number of isolated cells became hollowed out, and ciliated like this flame cell, 1 This is discussed by Mr. Bourne in Part II. " The Ctenophora," pp. 16 et seq. THE PLATYHELMIA and that each became elongated and effected a communication with the exterior, and it has even been suggested that such cells are derived from unicellular epidermal glands which have gradu- ally sunk into the parenchyma, retaining their communication with the exterior (on the other hand, similar flame cells have been noted amongst the intestinal epithelium). As these isolated cells became more numerous, with the increase in the size of the animal there would be, as in other analogous instances, a tendency to form a common collecting canal which would then replace the numerous FIG. I.— Diagram of the Structure of the Platyhelminth Excretory System. 1.— A portion of the system of canals, a, the main canal or duct, receiving numerous secondary canals (b) ; c, flame cells or terminal cells of the capillary vessels ; d, nucleus in the wall of the canals ; e, tuft of cilia or "flame," arising from the side of the canal, in the neigh- bourhood of a nucleus. 2.— A flame cell (somewhat diagrammatic), a, nucleus ; b, excretory globules in the cyto- plasm; c, the "flame"; d, protoplasmic processes of the cell which extend amongst the parenchymal cells, and are possibly in connection therewith ; e, the canaliculated portion of the cell which communicates with the neighbouring excretory tubules. isolated apertures. Nevertheless, in many existing forms, such scattered or regularly arranged, isolated apertures exist either in the absence of, or in addition to, the collecting canal and its pore. The metenteron was a simple sac, having a single opening to the exterior, which served both for inception of food and ejection of faeces. This mouth was probably somewhere between the centre and the anterior end of the oval body, as it is in many of the Turbellaria. The surface in which the mouth is situated is the ventral surface (Fig. II.). The nervous system, like the muscular, had separated from the epidermis and had taken on a much more definite form than in the THE PLATYHELMIA 5 Coelentera, for the greater number of nerve cells became aggre- gated near that end of the body which is directed forwards during movement to form a bilobed cerebral ganglion, lying near the dorsal surface, anterior to the mouth, i.e. in the prostomium. From it a network of nerve fibres spread in all directions ; but certain of these strands of fibres became more important than others ; a pair of ventral, a pair of lateral, a pair of dorsal, as well as anteriorly directed nerves were thus distinguishable (Fig. II. 2, 4). But FIG. II. — The Anatomy of an Ideal Platyhelminth. 1. — The alimentary and excretory systems, a, mouth ; 5, pharynx ; c, intestine ; d, main excretory canals ; e, excretory pore ; /, flame cells. 2. — The nervous system, ventral view, b, cerebral ganglion ; c, ventral nerve tract ; d, marginal or lateral nerve tract ; e, dorso-lateral tract ; /, medio-dorsal tract ; g, male genital pore ; h, female pore. 3. — The reproductive system. 6, testis ; c, sperm duct ; d, penis ; e, prostate glands opening into the lower part of the sperm duct ; /, antrum masculinum, in which the penis lies ; g, male pore ; h, female pore ; i, ovary ; j, oviduct ; k, spermatheca or dilatation at the junction of the two oviducts ; I, shell gland opening into this dilatation ; m, antrum femininum. 4. — A transverse section through the body, a, epidermis, below which is seen the layer of circular muscles, represented by the continuous line ; below this, the layer of longitudinal muscles, by a series of dots ; b, vertical, dorso-ventral muscles ; c, ventral nerve tract ; d, marginal tract ; e, latevo-dorsal nerve tract ; /, medio-dorsal tract ; g, intestine ; h, parenchyma (mesenchyme) ; i, testis ; j, ovary ; k, main excretory canal or duct. the nerve cells still retain a scattered arrangement, remaining at various points of the general plexus, and do not give rise to ganglia other than the brain. Sense organs were probably represented by patches of pigment in the near neighbourhood of the brain, and of widely distributed sensory cells. THE TURBELLARIA All existing Platyhelmia, with a very few exceptions, are hermaphrodite, and we are justified in attributing to the ancestor a similar character. The male organs consisted of a pair of tubular testes and of ducts, which unite posteriorly to form a muscular copulatory organ capable of being protruded from a median pore behind the mouth. Probably this penis was used for perforating the soft body of another animal at any point, so that special female receptive ducts were not at first necessary.1 The female system consisted of masses of germ cells, derived from the wall of the archenteron ; but very early in the history of this group definite tubular ovaries, the walls of which are pro- duced into special oviducts, were developed, for the liberation of the fertilised ova ; these ducts then united to form, a special sac for the reception 'of the penis (bursa copulatrix), while other parts of the duct became dilated to form a spermatheca (Fig. II. 3). Of the descendants of this ideal ancestral Platyhelminth, some have retained the ciliated epidermis and the free mode of life ; while others have taken to a parasitic habit, and lose this ciliated covering in the course of their developmental history, and are covered by a " cuticle " in the adult stage ; in connection with their parasitism special organs of fixation, suckers and booklets, are developed in various parts of the body. The line of descent of the free-living forms includes the Turbellaria and the Temnocepha- loidea. The parasitic forms embrace two classes — the Trematoda and Cestoidea ; in the former the alimentary tract of the ancestor is retained, while in the latter it has been entirely lost, and no trace of it is presented at any period of the developmental history. CLASS I. TURBELLARIA (EHRB.). Order 1. Rhabcbcoelida. Sub-Order 1. Rhabdocoela. Fam. ]. Macrostomidae. „ 2. Microstomidae. ., 3. Prorhynchidae. ,, 4. Mesostomidae. ,, 5. Proboscidae. „ 6. Vorticidae. „ 7. Solenopharyngidae. Sub-Order 2. Alloiocoela. Fam. 1. Plagiostomidae. • ,, 2. Monotidae. ,, 3. Bothrioplanidae. 1 Cf. Whitman, Journ. Morph. iv. 1891, p. 386. THE TURBELLARIA Sub-Order 3. Acoela. Fam. 1. Proporidae. „ 2. Aphanostomidae. Order 2. Tricladida. Fam. 1. Otoplanidae. „ 2. Procerotidae. ,, 3. Bdelluridae. , 4. Planariidae. „ 5. Leimacopsidae. ,, 6. Geoplanidae. ,, 7. Bipaliidae. ,, 8. Cotyloplanidae. „ 9. Rhynchodemidae. Order 3. Polycladida. Fam. 1. Planoceridae. „ 2. Leptoplanidae. „ 3. Polypostiidae. „ 4. Cestoplanidae. „ 5. Anonymidae. „ 6. Pseudoceridae. ,, 7. Euryleptidae. „ 8. Enantiidae. „ 9. Prosthiostomidae. „ 10. Diplopharyngeatidae. The Turbellaria are Platyhelmia, with a ciliated epidermis, in which the body is nearly always flattened, oval, or leaf- shaped. In the epidermis special cells occur, which may give rise either to mucus, or to granular rod-like bodies, or to definite "rhabdites," which are discharged from the body on irritation. Historical. — The name " Planaria " was given by 0. F. Miiller in 1776 to certain worms living in fresh and salt water, and characterised by a leaf-like form, which had previously been confused with a Fluke and a Tapeworm under Linnaeus's name " Fasciola " ; later, Miiller's genus Planaria (which included some Nemertines) was split up into numerous genera, and the genus Planaria restricted to certain fresh-water forms ; but it has also been employed by several authorities as the name of the class. The name "Turbellaria" was invented by Ehrenberg in 1831 to include not only " Planarians," but also the elongated Nemertine worms, which, by means of cilia borne by the epidermis, produce the well-known movement of small particles coming within their reach, giving rise to the appearance of a whirlpool. Cuvier (1817) was the first to separate his genus Nemertes (representing the Nemertines) from Planaria, and formed the 8 THE TURBELLARIA orders " Yers cavitaires " and " Yers parenchymateux " for the two groups. To Ehrenberg, too, we owe the first definite attempt to classify the Turbellaria in the restricted sense; and, indeed, he laid the foundation for all the later systems of the class. He formed two orders — the " Dendrocoela " and " Rhabdocoela " in reference to the character of the intestine. The next step in classification was made in 1844 by Oersted, who divided the Dendrocoela into two families — (1) marine forms, with short, folded pharynx and very much branched intestine ; for them he used the term " Cryptocoela " ; and (2) fresh-water forms, with long, tubular pharynx and feebly branched caeca; for which he retained Ehrenberg's term " Dendrocoela." A fourth group was erected by Uljanin (1870) for gutless forms like Convoluta, for which he suggested the term " Acoela," as opposed to the remainder of the Turbellaria, for which he pro- posed the name "Coelata" (58). Our present classification is due partly to v. Graff (22), who made a third group in the Rhabdocoela, viz. the Alloiocoela ; and partly to Lang (42), who suggested the terms Polyclada for marine, and Triclada for fresh-water and terrestrial Dendrocoeles. Dreparnaud (1803) may be referred to for his peculiar views on the relationship of the Turbellaria ; he regarded them as inter- mediate between the Mollusca and Annelida ; and Oersted held a similar view, that the " Cryptocoela " (Polyclads) or " Planaria molluscina " form a passage to the opisthobranch mollusca. Girard and v. Jhering held somewhat similar views. Amongst the more important additions to our knowledge of fauna, as well as of general anatomy, the following authors deserve mention: — 0. F. Miiller (1773-83), who gives recognisable figures and diagnoses of the many new forms discovered by him ; 0. Fabricius (1820-26), Duge's (1828-32), Ehrenberg (1831-36), Oersted (1844), 0. Schmidt (54), and in more recent times, Jensen (35). Moseley's (1874) valuable account of terrestrial Triclads, v. Graffs extensive series of papers and his great mono- graph on Rhabdocoelida, and Lang's valuable monograph on the Polyclads, form together the best general account of the group. For an account of British marine forms, see Gamble (18). The anatomy of these worms was first seriously studied by v. Baer in 1827, who dealt with fresh-water Triclads; he was followed by Duges (15) for Rhabdocoels ; by Mertens (1833) for Polyclads; while Quatrefages (1845) gives an excellent account, with very good figures, of the anatomy of various Polyclads. These zoologists may be said to have laid the foundation of our knowledge of the anatomy of the Turbellaria, more especially of the generative organs, which are of so much importance in THE TURBELLARIA classification. Coming to nearer times, the works of Moseley (47), Bohmig (5), Ijima (34), and Yejdovsky (59) will always be con- spicuous for the elaborate and detailed account of the structure of various members of the group. As is frequently the case, the study of the habits — the Bionomics — of the group was begun early, and the observations of some of the older authors still retain considerable value, especially those of 0. F. Miiller, Bosc (1801), Dalyell (1814-53), J. K." Johnson (36), M. Faraday (16), on the subject of regeneration and asexual reproduction of Ehabdocoels ; while F. Schulze (53) and C. Darwin (11) give accounts of general physiology and habits respectively. Classification of the TurMlaria. — The class is divided into three orders, primarily distinguished by the form of the intestine, viz.— Ehabdocoelida, Tricladida, and Polycladida. ORDER 1. Rhabdocoelida, v. Graff. Turbellaria, in which the intestine is a simple, unbranched sac, which may have ill -denned lobes, or the cells of the intestinal wall may, in degenerate forms, give rise to a syncytium which blocks up the cavity. The female gonads are compact, and generally a pair of germaria and vitellaria. (For an account of this order, see especially 22 and 59.) SUB-ORDER 1. KHABDOCOELA, Ehrb. Ehabdocoelida, in which the intestine is a simple, straight sac ; variable pharynx ; testes compact ; female gonads variable ; usually without otolith. A. Without accessory female copulatory organs. FAMILY 1. MAC- ROSTOMIDAE. Ed. v. Ben. The female gonad is an ovary ; the female pore in front of the male pore. Macrostoma, E. v. B. (Fig. III. 2) ; M. Lemanus, Dupl., is lacustrine ; Omalostoma, E. v. B. ; Mecynostoma, E. v. B. FAMILY 2. MICROSTOMIDAE, 0. Schm. A pair of ovaries present ; asexual reproduction as well as sexual. Microstoma, 0. Schm. (sexes said to be distinct) ; Stenostoma, 0. Schmidt ; both have ciliated pits (see 49) ; Alaurina, Busch. FAMILY 3. PRORHYNCHIDAE, Diesing. The male pore opens in common with the pharynx ; female pore ventral. The female gonad is a single germ-vitellarium. Prorhynchus, M. Schm. (see v. Kennel, 39), (Fig. III. 4, 5). B. With accessory female copulatory organs. FAMILY 4. MESOSTOMIDAE, Duges. Germarium usually distinct from the vitellarium ; pharynx rosulate. a. Monogonoporous. Promeso- stoma, v. Gr., M.1; Proxenetes, Jensen (Fig. III. 3), M. ; Mesostoma, Dug. (Fig. III. 6), F. ; M. JEhrenbergii is the subject of a monographic account by Leuckart (44) ; Castmda, 0. Schm., F. ; Otomesostoma, v. Gr., F. /3. Digonoporous. Byrsophlebs, Jensen, male pore anterior to female ; germarium single, M. FAMILY 5. PROBOSCIDAE, Cams. The anterior end of the body is modified to form a retractile, tactile organ or proboscis. Germaria usually paired, and vitellaria distinct; pharynx rosulate; very complicated penis; usually monogonoporous. Pseudo- 1 The letter " M " indicates that the genus is Marine and " F " Fluviatile, io THE TURBELLARIA rhynchus, v. Gr., M. ; Acrorhynchus,. v. Gr.; Macrorhynchus, v. Gr., M. ; Gyrator, Ehrb. ( = Prostomum, Oerst.), two genital pores, the female being anterior to the male ; G. linearis, Oerst., F. ; Hyporhynchus, v. Gr., M. ; Schizorhynchus, Hallez (30). FAMILY 6. VORTICIDAE, v. Gr., mono- gonoporous ; mouth usually near the anterior end ; accessory female copulatory organ present; pharynx barrel-shaped. SUB-FAMILY 1. EUVORTICINAE, v. Gr., with brain and pharynx well developed ; germarium small ; free living. SchuUzia, v. Gr. ; Provortex, v. Gr. ; Vortex, Ehrb. ; V. viridis, with chlorophyll, F. ; Opistoma, O. Schm. (see 59) ; Jensenia, v. Gr. ; Derostoma, Oerst., vitellarium reticulate. SUB - FAMILY 2. PARASITICA, v. Gr., pharynx and brain feebly developed ; germarium large. Graffilla, v. Jher. (see 4), Fig. III. 1 ; and Anoplodium, Schneider ; occur parasitic in Gastropoda, and the latter genus in Holothurians ; Syndemii*, Silliman, parasitic in Echinids, is stated to contain haemoglobin in its parenchyma ; Fecampia, Giard (20), parasitic in decapod Crustacea, which it leaves when mature. FAMILY 7. SOLEXOPHARYNGIDAE, v. Gr. Monogonoporous ; single germarium ; mouth posterior ; pharynx long and tubular ; Solenopharynx, v. Gr. SUB-ORDER 2. ALLOIOCOELA, v. Gr. Rhabdocoelida, in which the intestine may have irregular caeca ; testes numerous (follicular) ; no conspicuous chitinous copulatory organ. (For an account of this sub- order see 5 and 59.) FAMILY 1. PLAGIOSTOMIDAE. Without an otolith ; usually a single genital pore ; pharynx variabilis. SUB-FAMILY 1. PLAGIOSTOMIXAE, v. Gr. Mouth anterior ; pharynx directed forwards ; genital pore posterior ; germaria and vitellaria. Plagiostoma, 0. Schm. ; Vorticeros, 0. Schm. (Fig. III. 7). SUB-FAMILY 2. ALLOSTOMIXAE, Bohrn. Pharynx directed back- wards ; mouth posterior. Allostoma, P. J. van Ben (Fig. III. 9) ; Entero- stoma, Clap. SUB-FAMILY 3. CYLIXDROSTOMIXAE, v. Gr. A ciliated circular groove; a common enteric and genital pore; a germ-vitellarium. Cylindro- stoma, Oerst. (Fig. III. 8); Monoophorum, Bohmig. SUB-FAMILY 4. ACMOSTOMINAE, v. Gr. Genital pore posterior. Acmostoma ; commensal in Cyprina islandica. FAMILY 2. MONOTIDAE. With a single otolith ; pharynx plicatus directed backwards ; paired germaria and vitellaria ; digonoporous, M. Monotus, Dies. ; M. hirudo is parasitic ; Automolos, v. Gr. FAMILY 3. BOTHRIOPLANIDAE, Vejd. Mouth post-central ; mono- gonoporous ; pair of ciliated pits, F. Bothrioplana, Vejd. (59). SUB-ORDER 3. ACOELA, Uljanin. Rhabdocoelida, in which the cavity of the enteron is obliterated by the concrescence of its walls ; the mouth leads through a simple pharynx directly into the digestive syncytiuni ; otocyst present ; a pair of ovaries (see 6, 24, and 50). FAMILY 1. PROPORIDAE. Monogonoporous. Proporus, v. Gr. ( = Schizoprora, Schm.); HaploJiscus, Weldon (62, for recent account see 52) ; Monoporus, v. Gr. ( = Proporus, Schm.) FAMILY 2. APHAXOSTOMIDAE, with female pore separate from and in front of male pore, with sperma- theca. Aphanostoma, Oerst. ; Convoluta, Oerst. ; Amphichoerus, v. Gr. ; PolychoeniSi Mark. THE TURBELLARIA FIG. III.— Rhabdocoelida. l.—Graffilla muricola, \. Jher., parasitic in certain marine molluscs, ventral view, a, mouth ; b, three of the four lobes around the body — the ventral lobe overlaps the genital pore (un- lettered) ; the penis, which opens through the same pore as the female ducts, is indicated by the shaded circle ; c, the left uterus ; d, the intestine. 2. — Mcicrostoma hystrix, Oerst. (modified after v. Graff), as an example of a " digonoporous " Rhabdocoel. Sensory hairs are scattered over the body ; and the peculiar fish-like tail carries a number of adhesive papillae, a, streaks of rhabdite cells ; b, mouth, leading into the pharynx, immediately in front of which is the brain, on which lies a pair of eye-spots ; c, the intestine ; d, the female genital pore ; e, the male pore ; /, the penis, which consists of a glandular mass and a curved chitinous spine (black in the figure). 3. — Proxenetes roscweus, v. Gr. (modified from v. Graff), as an example of the " mpnogono- porous " condition, a, streaks of rhabdite cells ; l>, brain ; c, eye ; e, ovary, which is here a "germ-vitellarium," in which the upper part of the organ gives rise to yolk cells, and the lower part to egg cells, /; g, the genital atrium ; h, genital pore ; i, bursa seminalis or spermatheca, here an evagination of the atrium, but functionally is part of the female system ; j, seminal vesicle, containing spermatozoa ; it is a dilatation of the conjoined sperm ducts ; k, chitinous tube around the penis ; the glandular part of which is indicated by the dotted area ; I, sperm duct ; ?)i, testis ; n, mouth, leading into the rosulate pharynx. 4. — Prorhynchus fontinalis, Vejd. (after Ve.jdovsky). «, terminal mou£h ; 5, lateral, ciliated pit ; c, the pharyngeal sac ; d, the long tubular pharynx in a condition of rest ; e, its aperture the functional mouth ; /, intestine. 5. — The anterior end of the same Turbellarian, showing the pharynx in the course of eversion {letters as before). The pharyngeal introvert is acrecbolic. 6. — Mesostoma lingua, O. Schin. -(after v. Gr.), external view, a, mouth, leading into the pharynx ; &, the common genital pore. The two black dots in front of the mouth are the eyes. 7. — Outline of Vorticeros (after v. Gr.). a, tentacular prolongations of the body. 8. — Cyllndrostoma quadriocidatum, Jens. A median -longitudinal section (after Bohmig) •exhibiting a common oro-genital pore ; and the independent, dorsally situated spermatheca. a, cephalic glands ; 5, brain ; c, testis ; d, yolk-producing region of the germ-vitellarium ; e, intestine ; /, pore of spermatheca ; g, spermatheca filled with spermatozoa ; li, penis ; 7t', its .opening into the atrium ; i, opening of the female duct into the atrium ; j, genital atrium ; }:, tubular pharynx, lying in its pharyngeal sac, dorsal to the genital atrium ; m, common pharyngo-genital chamber; n, oro-genital pore. Specialised epidermal unicellular glands are shown opening near this pore, and others into the base of the pharynx. 9. — Allostoma. a, ciliated band behind the head (cf. the ciliated pits of Prorhynchus), which carries four eyes ; fc, the intestine ; c, germarium ; d, pharynx, in its pharyngeal sac ; e, penis, which opens into a genital atrium, communicating with a common " pharyngo-genital chamber"; /, the "oro-genital pore." 12 ' THE TURBELLARIA Further Remarks on the PJiabdocoelida. — The Rhabdocoelid Tur- bellaria contain forms which approach more nearly than do any other of the orders to the ancestral Platyhelminth. The anteriorly placed mouth, the comparatively simple " sucking pharynx," lead- ing into a simple, straight intestine ; the symmetrical condition of the excretory organs ; the " compact gonads," and the frequent occurrence of " ovaries " — without differentiation into germ-pro- ducing and yolk-producing regions — all agree with a generalised flatworm. Nevertheless, the nervous system in the Rhabdocoela is much more highly differentiated than in the Polycladida. Of the three sub-orders included in the Rhabdocoelida it is amongst the Ehabdocoela that we find these simple conditions, e.g. amongst the Macrostomidae ; for the Acoela, which von Graff places at the base of the Turbellarian tree, present every evidence, anatomically as well as embryologically, of degeneration. The Alloiocoela, through Bothrwplana, lead onwards to the Tricladida. Whilst the Polycladida are descended from the Rhabdocoela along another line. The Rhabdocoela are represented abundantly in fresh water, and in the sea ; some few genera even are ectoparasitic ; the Acoela are marine, as also are the Alloiocoela, with the exception of Plagiostoma lemani in the deep water of Swiss lakes (Duplessis), and fiothrioplana, which occurs in springs. In form they are flat or cylindrical, but with flat ventral surface ; ovoid, with frequently the posterior end pointed. The epidermis in Rhabdocoelida as in the rest of the Turbellaria consists of a single layer of ciliated cells (discovered by Fabricius), which are usually columnar or cubical in shape (Fig. IV.). Belong- ing to this layer, though in Rhabdocoelida usually sinking below it, are gland cells of two chief kinds : (a) cells producing unformed secretion or " mucus " ; these are specially developed, though not exclusively, on the ventral surface ; and (b) cells producing " formed secretion " ; the products of these cells are either — (A) Finely granular, block-like masses, with uneven surface, pseudorhabdites, v. Gr. (schleimstabchen, Lang), (IV. 2, c), especially in the Alloiocoela ; (B) spindle-shaped, homogeneous, refringent rods, with smooth surface, " rhabdites " (discovered in Rhabdo- coeles by 0. Schmidt ; and in Polyclads by Qua tref ages), (IV. 7) ; (C) or each cell may produce a capsule or cyst (sagittocyst), (IV. 8, 9), in which is contained a single spindle-shaped needle (these are rare in Rhabdocoela) ; or finally (D), in rare instances nemato- cysts (Leuckart, 1848), (IV. 10), (Microstoma and Stenostoma). The occurrence of nematocysts, quite similar to those of Hydra, in several Turbellaria, and in certain Nudibranch Molluscs seems to indicate the very close relationship of these two groups with the Coelenterata. THE TURBELLARIA It is by no means certain that the " rod cells " of the Turbellaria are the direct descendants of cnidoblasts of the ordinary Coelen- terate ; more likely is it that they have a close affinity with the ._.-- - *" ~° ' FIG. IV.— The Microscopic Structure of the Body Wall in Turbellaria. 1. — A Triclad (after Woodworth). a, epidermal cell; b, rhabdites or rods, formed in sub- epidermal cells, and passing upwards between the ciliated cells ; c, a sub-epidermal bacilliparous or rod cell. In many Triclads these cells do not sink below the epidermis ; d, basement mem- brane ; e, circular muscles ; /, longitudinal muscles ; g, vertical muscles ; h, nucleus of parenchymal syncytium ; i, lacunae in the parenchyma. 2. — A Polyclad (combined from Lang's h'gares). a, epidermis ; b, rhabdite cell ; c, "pseudo- rhabdites " in an epidermal cell ; j, parenchymal syncytium ; I; the nucleus of a muscle cell {or myoblast) ; I, gland cell ; o, oblique or diagonal umsclefe ; d, e, /, g, i, as before. 3. — The Polyclad Anonymus (after Lang), o, b, rhabdite cells ; another in the middle is in the act of discharging a rhabdite ; c, "needles" (striated rods) in their parent cell ; n, nemato- cyst in its parent cell ; this is the uppermost of a tract of cells containing other nematocysts, needle cells, and a sagittocyst ; such a tract constituting a u-a/cnstrasse is rare amongst Polyclads, but common enough amongst Rhabdocoels, where it is formed, however, usually, of rhabdites only ; S, a sagittocyst ; /, outer, and /', inner layers of longitudinal muscles ; other letters as before. 4. — A Rhabdocoel (combined from Vejdovsky, etc.). b, rhabdite cell, in its primitive position, as occurs in some forms; c, sub-epidermal rhabdite cell, such as occurs in other forms ; c', an epidermal cell, in which rhabdites are commencing to be formed ; j, branched, •central parenchymal cell ; /, peripheral parenchymal cells ; i, intercellular lacunae ; other letters as before. 5, 6, 7.— Three stages in the development of rhabdites in epidermal cells of the Polyclad Thysanozoon (from Lang), n, nucleus of cell ; x, refringent globules of secretion which develop into the rhabdites (r). 8. — A sagittocyst from the acoelous genus Convoluta (from v. Gr.). s, the sagitta. 9. — The same, discharging its sagitta. 10. — A nematocyst from the Rhabdocoelid Microstoma lineare (after v. Gr.). The thread is everted, but the cyst itself remains embedded in its parent cell or " cnidoblast. " adhesive cells of Ctenophora. But the existence of true nematocysts in several species does not forbid us deriving the group from a more generalised Coelenterate. 14 THE TURBELLARIA It appears that when discharged, the first two structures swell up, or contribute to form the slimy material with which the animal invests itself on irritation. It is still uncertain what is the chief function of the rhabdites ; whereas Max Schultze regarded them as serving to increase the sensitiveness of the skin, others believe they give a firmness to the body. It should be mentioned that a considerable number of Rhabdocoela have no rhabdites ; and that these are frequently commensal or parasitic, viz. species of Proxenetest Grqffilla, Fecampia, Acmostoma ; and amongst non-parasitic forms, Cylindrostoma, Plagiostoma, Prorhynchus. Below the epidermis is a distinct basement membrane, into- which the muscles are attached (IV. d in all figs.). In the Khab- docoelida the musculature consists of an outer layer of circular fibres and a deeper layer of longitudinal ones, between which in larger forms is a layer of diagonal fibres. In addition, dorso- ventral muscle cells traverse the parenchyma in a more or less definite way ; they are only feebly developed in the Acoela. The muscle cells are all smooth, and those running dorso-ventrally are branched at each end. The characteristic connective tissue of the Platyhelmia occu- pying the space between the dermal muscles and the viscera is termed "parenchyma" (or mesenchyma, Bohmig). This meso- blastic tissue gradually fills the blastocoele of the embryo. In the adult Rhabdocoelida it appears to consist of branched cells,, which may be vacuolated, and so give rise to intracellular spaces (Fig. IV. 4) ; the .processes of the cells unite with their neighbours and enclose intercellular spaces or lacunae, which may communicate with one another and so form a sort of rudimentary lymphatic or vascular system ; this seems to be a fairer comparison than to regard these spaces as coelomic ; the true nature of this tissue is, however, by no means agreed upon by the various authorities ; and, indeed, it appears to differ in the different orders of Turbellaria. In this connection reference may be made to the peculiar con- nective tissue of the Mollusca, in the interpretation of which precisely similar antagonistic views have been held by various authorities. In the lacunae is a fluid which is frequently coloured ;: and in Syndesmis (Cuenot) and Derostoma it is said to contain haemo- globin. The parenchymal cells themselves are frequently loaded with pigment granules, giving colour to the animal. In some Alloiocoela this parenchyma is almost entirely confined to the marginal region of the body, -and may even form a definite layer immediately within the longitudinal muscles (59). In many of the Acoela this peripheral parenchyma differs from that occupying the greater part of the body (central parenchyma) which is of much looser character, but it again gradually becomes more com- pact as the axis of the body is approached (see Bohmig, 6); and in THE TURBELLARIA 15 such forms as Convoluta and Haplodiscus there is occupying the central region a compact mass of nucleated protoplasm, in which cell out- lines are not distinguishable (Fig. V. 7, 8). In this axial syncytium the remnants of prey are found ; it is the " digesting parenchyma," or more properly, the syncytial hypoblast ; in Proporus and others this digesting parenchyma is represented by separate amoeboid cells, which extend throughout the central parenchyma • in this latter case, the hypoblast cells which in the embryo surround a true enteron, have wandered in all directions ; in the former case, the cells have fused to form a more concentrated syncytium. In Convoluta Schultzii, Cortex viridis, and a few other species, chlorophyll bodies or (in G. paradoxa) yellow cells occur in the peri- pheral parenchyma ; it has been shown experimentally that these bodies behave like the chlorophyll bodies of green plants, and they appear to be of considerable importance to the animal, which then presents the " holophytic " mode of nutrition. How far these bodies, which are similar to those occurring in Anthozoa, to which Brandt has given the name Zoochlorella, are part and parcel of the animal, or whether they are symbiotic algae is still a matter of dispute. Haberlandt (28) finds that they are nucleated, but with- out a cell wall (Fig. V. 3, 4, 5) ; that when isolated they cannot form a cell wall, and soon die, and in fact are unable to lead an independent existence. They appear to be algae, or flagellata (similar to Chlamydomonas), but so adapted are they to a symbiotic existence, that they now form a definite and inseparable part of the tissues of the worm and function as assimilating organs, at the same time providing, by their disintegration, food for the Planarian (Geddes, 19). The nervous system in the primitive Turbellarian was no doubt similar to that which occurs in the Polycladida, viz. a net- work of nerve fibres and cells which had already sunk below the dermal muscles, arising from or converging to a definite group of ganglion cells forming a "brain" near the anterior end of the body. The nervous system as presented by the majority of Rhabdocoela has lost its ancestral character of a network ; there is a pair of well-developed cerebral ganglia near the anterior end of the body, whence four pairs of nerves arise, of which one pair lying along the ventral surface is especially stout : other nerves go forwards. In tmTAlloiocoela a few transverse commissures may occur between these nerves ; whilst in Acoela, in which a network occurs (Fig. V. 1), the nervous system, apart from the brain, presents a comparatively primitive condition. There may also be a nerve plexus in the wall of the pharynx. The brain was first correctly interpreted as such by Ehrenberg, 1836. It had previously been regarded as the "heart," while Duges held the nerves for " blood-vessels." i6 THE TURBELLARIA As sense organs, the Turbellaria present eyes which are simple, epidermic, pigment spots in Acoela, and in a few other cases, but they usually sink below the epidermis and lie in the parenchyma ; 8 i' FIG. V.— Anatomy of the Acoela. 1. — The nervous system (modified after Bohmig). a, brain ; b, marginal (lateral) nerve ; c, dorso-lateral nerve ; d, dorsal nerve ; e, ventral nerve. The nervous network of the dorsal surface is represented on the left ; that of the ventral surface on the right, where the dorso- lateral nerve (c') is cut short. /, otocyst ; g, ventral nerve commissure connecting the two ganglionic masses («) of the brain. 2. — Longitudinal section through the anterior end of the body, a, brain ; g, ventral com- missure ; /, otocyst ; h, frontal gland. 3 and 4. — Chlorophyll bodies of Convolute (after Haberlandt). a, protoplasm of the cell ; iloropl mgh a of the cell are starch granules ; b, the nucleus. 6, its nucleus ; c, chloroplast or envelope of chlorophyll ; d, pyrenoid. 5.— Section through a chlorophyll body (after Haberlaudt). The black dots in the centre 6.— Otocyst. a, the wall formed of two cells ; Z>, one of the two nuclei ; c, the otolith cell with its nucleus. 7. — Half a transverse section across Convoluta in the region of the mouth (after v. Graff). a, epidermis ; b, muscular coat, consisting of outer circular, and inner longitudinal fibres ; c, gland cells opening on to the surface ; d, peripheral parenchymal cells ; e, nucleus of deeper parenchyma cells ; /, lacunae in the parenchyma ; g, dorso- ventral muscles with their nuclei ; h, ovum, in the ovary, which is not marked off in any way from the surrounding parenchyma ; . i, mouth opening directly into the central mass of parenchyma ; fc, ventral nerve tract ; I, marginal nerve ; m, dorso-lateral nerve ; n, dorsal nerve. The chlorophyll bodies are omitted. 8.— Half of a transverse section of Haplodiseus (after Bohmig), to show the differentiation of the parenchymal tissue into (d) peripheral syncytium, with round nuclei forming a layer underlying the muscular coat ; e, intermediate or general mass of amoeboid and star-shaped cells ; and fc, a digesting, central syncytium ; other letters as in 7. they then have a definite and peculiar structure. An otocyst, discovered in Monocelis by Erey and Leuckart, occurs in the Acoela (Fig. V. 6), the Monotidae, and Mecynostoma. Ciliated pits THE TURBELLARIA 17 {originally observed by 0. Schmidt), sense organs of peculiar char- acter similar to those which exist in many Annelida, also occur in Microstomidae, Plagiostomidae, and a few others (III. 4 ; VII. 5) ; the pit rests upon a group of ganglion cells, which is directly or indirectly connected with the brain; these may, perhaps, be the precursors of the elaborate " cerebral organs " of the Nemertines. Another character of the Nemertines, the " proboscis " (as Leuckart first pointed out), is foreshadowed in the family Probos- •cidae (VI. 1-7). In all Turbellaria the anterior end of the body is specially provided with tactile hairs ; and in several genera this region is capable of a slight invagination. In this family the simplest stage is represented by Pseudorhynehus, in which the anterior end of the body is deprived of cilia, somewhat prolonged .and capable of freer movement than usual by the action of numer- ous short muscles. In the remainder of the family this "snout" is permanently withdrawn into a pouch, which usually lies at the tip of the body, but may be subterminal and ventral (Hyporhynchus, Fig. VI. 5); the snout or proboscis now consists of a mass of muscles, .and is capable of protrusion, while withdrawal is performed by four long retractor muscles. The " frontal organ " of Acoela was at one time thought to be a similar sense organ; but v. Graff (24) has shown that it is entirely glandular (Fig. V. 2), containing neither muscle nor sense cells. The sub-order Ehabdocoela possess an intestine which retains much of the ancestral character; it is a straight and simple •elongated sac (Fig. III. 2, 4). The intestine may be constricted by the ripe gonads, and by the development of dorso-ventral muscles to form incomplete " septa " ; this leads to a lobing such a,s occurs in Alloiocoela (Fig. VIII.), which reaches its highest phase in Bothrioplana, where the lobes become long and regularly placed ; the large pharynx of this genus, placed posteriorly, indents, as it were, the gut, which now passes on each side of it, and has quite the appearance of that of a Triclad. The mouth retains its primitive position near the anterior end in a considerable number of forms, though it may occupy any position on the ventral surface ; this mouth leads directly into the digestive parenchyma (hypoblastic syncytium) in Acoela, though frequently the epidermis is slightly invaginated, and the muscular coats are here thicker (Fig. V. 7, 8). This is ontogenetically what happens in the other groups in which a distinct pharynx is formed. This pharynx has various shapes within the group of Turbellaria, which have received various names (Fig. VI. 8-13); the two chief varieties distinguished are : (a) Ph. bulbosus, in which the muscles of the pharyngeal wall are surrounded by a distinct sheath, separat- ing them off from the parenchyma. This type of pharynx, which is used for sucking and cannot be protruded far, occurs in the 1 8 THE TURDELLARIA majority of the Rhabdocoelida under some form or another, (b} Ph. plicatus, in which the sheath is absent, is characteristically developed in the other two orders ; it is really an acrecbolic intro- vert and occurs under two forms, which perhaps represent two stages in development. In the Polycladida the pharyngeal sac is of considerable diameter, with its axis at right angles to that of the intestine ; the pharynx has the form of a freely projecting muscular fold arising from the circumference of the sac, than which it is frequently larger, and is, therefore, much folded when at rest ; when brought into use this muscular organ is protruded through the mouth, and is then spread out so as to envelop the prey (Fig. VI. 9, 12). In a few of the Polyclads the axis of the pharyngeal sac shifts so as to lie nearly parallel to that of the intestine instead of at right angles to it ; and the entrance to the intestine is no longer directly over the oral aperture ; the muscular fold now loses its irregular shape, and its base becoming smaller it forms a muscular cylindrical tube ; this is the form of pharynx characteristic of the Tricladida (Fig. VI. 10, 13). Glands, more or less abundant, exist in or around the pharynx, pouring their THE TURBELLARIA 19 secretion into its lumen. As to the structure of the intestine, it is chiefly interesting from the fact that some of the epithelial cells can thrust out pseudopodia and directly take in food particles. We have thus a starting-point for that syncytial condition of the hypoblast which occurs in the Acoela. The excretory system or " water- vascular system" was first identified by Ehrenberg ; while 0. Schmidt added greatly to our FIG. VI. — Figs. 1 to 7 illustrate the Structure of the " Proboscis" of the Proboscidae. 1. — The anterior end of Pseudorhynchus bifidiis, v. Gr. a, the introversible non-ciliatt vagina.^ XVIII.) ; lower down the duct enters the " antrum femininum " ; but in its course it, in many cases, becomes surrounded by a thick muscular sheath and then forms a bursa copulatrix (Leptoplanidae, Planocera, and others), and in these forms the penis is " armed." THE TURBELLARIA In a number of Acotylea the egg duct is continued backwards as a blind sac beyond the point of entrance of the uterus (Fig. XVIII.); and in Trigonoporus this "accessory sac" effects a com- munication with the exterior behind the female pore (compare " Laurer's canal " in the Trematoda). It is worthy of note that both Lang (in Gunda) and von Graff (in Planocera simrothi) have described the development of ova from the lining of the intestinal epithelium ; this would go a long way in support of the very close relations between the Turbellaria and Coelentera, and of the view that there is no definite coelom in the former group, it being represented by the intestinal caeca. Reproduction. — The eggs of the Polycladida are not laid in groups in capsules as in freshwater forms, but numbers are de- posited in a jelly-like case, somewhat like the spawn of Nudibranch FIG. XVIII. 1. — Diagrammatic longitudinal sec- tion of the terminal parts of the genital ducts of Leptoplana. a, male pore leading into the antrum masculinum, into which the penis (b) projects ; c, vesicula granulorum ; rf, ductus ejacu- latorius ; e, the seminal vesicle ; /, sperm duct; g, female pore leading into the antrum femininum ; h, ootype surrounded by shell glands ; j, acces- sory sac ; k, oviduct. 2. — Similar diagram of Trigono- porus. Letters as before. Here the accessory sac (j) has effected a com- munication with the exterior (I), so that there are three genital pores. The region of the body wall between g and I is folded, and acts as an organ of fixation. (Both after Lang.) Molluscs ; there is no yolk, but each egg has its own shell, which may be operculated (Fig. XIX.). Some Polyclads undergo direct development ; others pass through a free-swimming larval stage, which was first noted by Joh. Miiller (48). The development of Discocoelis and others has been carefully worked out by Lang. Segmentation is holoblastic, but unequal, giving rise to microineres and macromeres ; the mesoblast is very early marked out as cells intermediate in size between the micro- meres and the macromeres ; the latter do not directly become the hypoblast, but cells free from yolk are budded off from them, which gradually surround the centrally placed yolk masses. Meanwhile, epibolic invagination has led to the formation of a definite embryo writh ciliated epiblast ; the central yolk masses are now devoured by the hypoblast cells, to which they stand in relation of parent to children, and the enteron gradually acquires a lumen, and effects a communication with the exterior by means of an anteriorly placed THE TURBELLARIA 39 stomodaeum, which will give rise to the pharyngeal sac and pharynx. .a > 5 FIG. XIX. 1. — Eggs of Yungia laid in a single sheet, embedded in jelly ; each egg is provided with an operculum (a), which is represented in various positions, and entirely removed. 2. — An egg of Tkysanozoon. s, the egg membrane ; «, coarsely granular vitellus ; 6, fine granular vitellus, containing the nucleus. 3, 4, 5. — Three stages in segmentation of Discocoelis. The result of the first two cleavages is to produce four large cells, each of which then divides into a micromere (A;) and a macromere (y). These first formed cells divide and the macromeres also divide, forming mesoblast 5 represents a later stage from the opposite (ventral) pole, anc" derm (hypoblast) cells (e) derived from the four large yolk cells. (ventral) pole, and shows the four primary endo- (5, 7. — Diagrammatic transverse sections of later stages. 6 represents the same stage as 5. The epiblast (k) is extending over the mesoblast, in. There is a small blastocoel, represented black ; e, the primary hypoblast cells. 7 is a much later stage, after the epiblast has grown right round the embryo, so as to enclose the cells, leaving however a small blastopore, &. In addition to the primary, ventral, hypoblast cells, others (/) have been formed from the yolk cells dorsally. By the subdivision of these hypoblast cells (e and /), the great yolk cells will become enclosed ; the nucleus is no longer distinguishable, and the yolk spherules run together to form a great homogeneous mass occupying the cavity of the gut, and serving as food. The mesoblast in this stage has already extended downward for some distance. 8, 9 represent two stages in the development of the larva of Thysanozoon. a is the brain with eye-spots ; 1 to 8 are the eight characteristic ciliated lobes which are so well marked in Miiller's larva ; 1 is the median, supraoral, anterior lobe ; 2, 3, the paroral lobes ; 4, 5, great lateral lobes ; 6, 7, pair of posterior lobes ; 8, median posterior lobe. 8 is a side view of a young larva. 9 is ventral view of an older layer, m, mouth, the light area around which is the pharynx. (All after Lang.) The embryo is now somewhat ovate ; as the yolk is absorbed and the animal grows it becomes flattened, assumes the form of a young Polyclad, and leaves the shell. THE TURBELLARIA In the case of metamorphic forms, the embryo, however, instead of assuming the flattened character of a Polyclad before leaving the shell, acquires eight processes of the body, arranged in a definite way round the mouth (Lang has compared these lobes and the bands of cilia upon them with the eight rows of swimming plates of Ctenophora). They constitute a preoral band, or more correctly, a circumoral band (Fig. XIX. 8, 9). This cephalotroch larva, or "Miiller's larva," as it is termed (Fig. XX.), after a free swimming life, is transformed into a young Polyclad by the gradual diminution of the ciliated lobes. The larva of Styloclius pilidium, owing to the great development of the dorsal surface, the unequal development of the various ciliated lobes, comes to resemble the typi- cal Nemertine larva, "Pilidium"; and it is possible that this is more nearly like the common ancestor of Turbellaria and Nemertina, while Miiller's larva has gone along a special line in the former group. Balfour showed that the trocho- sphere and other larval forms were readily derivable from these, which can be easily derived from a coelen- terate ; on this account he placed these larvae near to the ancestor of the whole group of Coelomata. FIG. XX. Miiller's larva of Yiingia, seen from the oral surface. (After Lang, from v. Graft.) LITERATURE OF THE TURBELLARIA. 1. Baer, v. Beit. z. Kemitn. d. nieder. Thier. Nova Acta, xiii. pt. 2, 1827, p. 527. 2. Bergendal. (Uterus of Triclads.) Leuckart's Festschrift, 1892, p. 310. 3. Ibid. (Polypostiidae.) Rev. Biol. d. Nord. d. 1. France, v. 1893, pp. 237 and 366. 4. Bohmig. (Graffilla.) Zeit. f. Wiss. Zool. xliii. 1886, p. 290. 5. Ibid. (Alloiocoela.) Zeit. f. Wiss. Zool. li. 1891, p. 167. 6. Ibid. Die Tiirbell. Acoela d. Plankton Exped. 1895. 7. Ckichkoff. (Freshwater Triclads.) Arch. d. Biol. xii. 1892, p. 435. 8. Collingwood. (Acanthozoon.) Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. (2), Zool. i. 1875, 9. Dalyell. Observ. on some interesting Phenomena in Animal Physiology, exhibited by several sp. Planarians, 1814. 10. Ibid. The Powers of the Creator, etc., ii. 1853, p. 95. LITERATURE OF THE TURBELLARIA 41 11. Darwin, Ch. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. xiv. 1844, p. 241. 12. Delage, Yves. (Convoluta.) Arch. Zool. Exp.etGen. (2), iv. 1886, p. 109. 13. Dendy. (Land Planarians.) Trans. Hoy. Soc. Victoria, I. pt. 2, 1889, p. 50 ; 1890, II. pt. 1, p. 65 ; and 1891, II. pt. 2, p. 25 ; also Tr. N.Z. Inst. 1894, 1895, and 1896. 14. Ibid. (Ciliated Pits in Land Planarians.) Proc. Roy. Soc. Victoria, IV. (N.S.), 1892, p. 39. 15. Duges. Ann. Sci. Nat. xv. 1828, p. 139 ; xxi. 1830, p. 72. 16. Faraday, M. (On the Planariae.) Medical Gazette, ix. p. 723, 1832 ; and Edinb. New Philosoph. Journ. xiv. 1833, p. 183. 17. Francotte. (Excretory System.) Arch. Biol. ii. 1881, p. 636. 18. Gamble. (British Marine Turbellaria. ) Quart. Journ. Mic. Sci. xxxiv. p. 433, 1893. 19. Geddes. (Convoluta.) Proc. Roy. Soc. xxviii. 1879, p. 449. 20. Giard. (Fecampia.) Comptes Rendus, cm. 1886, p. 499. 21. Goette. Untersuch. Entwick. der Wiirmer, 1882. 22. Graff, v. Monographic d. Turbellarien, i., Rhabdocoelida, 1882. 23. Ibid. (Enantia.) Mith. Natur. ver. f. Steinmark, 1889. 24. Ibid. Die Organisation d. Turbellarien (Acoela), 1892. 25. Ibid. (Pelagic Polyclads.) Zeit. f. Wiss. Zool. Iv. 1893, p. 189. 26. Ibid. (Land Planarians.) Verh. Deutsch. Zool. Gesell. 1896, p. 61 ; and Boll. Mus. Torino, xii. 1897. 2Qa. Ibid. Monog. d. Turbellarien, ii., Tricladida Terricola, 1899. 27. Grube. (Dicotylus and other Planarians from the Baikal Lake.) Arch. f. Naturgesch. 38, i. 1872, p. 273. 28. Haberlandt. (On Chlorophyll Bodies), in v. Graff, No. 24, p. 75. 29. Hdllez. (Development of Planaria.) Travaux. Instit. Lille, ii. 1879. 30. Ibid. (Schizorhynchus.) Rev. Biol. Nord. d. 1. France, vi. 1893, p. 315. 31. Ibid. (Classification of Triclads.) Bull. Soc. Zool. France, xvii. 1892, p. 106. 32. Haswell. (Prorhynchus in Underground Waters.) Quart. Journ. Mic. Sc. xl. 1898, p. 631. 33. Hesse. (Eyes.) Zeit. f. Wiss. Zool. Ixii. 1897, p. 527. 34. Ijinia. (Freshwater Triclads.) Zeit. f. Wiss. Zool. xl. 1884, p. 359. 35. Jensen. Turbell. ad lit. norveg. Occident, Bergen, 1878. 36. Johnson, J. R. (Observ. on Planaria.) Phil. Trans. 1822, p. 437 ; and 1825, p. 247. 37. Keferstcin. (Leptoplana. ) Abh. k. Gesell. Wiss. Gottingen, xiv. 1868, p. 1. 38. Keller. (Asexual Reproduction in Rhabdocoela and Tricladida.) Jen. Zeit. xxviii. 1894, p. 370. 39. Kennel, v. (Prorhynchus.) Arb. Zool. Instit. Wurzburg, vi. 1883, p. 69. 40. Lang, A. (Nervous System of Triclads.) Mith. Zool. St. Neapel, iii. 1882, p. 58. 41. Ibid. (Gunda segmentata. ) Mith. Zool. St. Neapel, iii. 1882, p. 187. 42. Ibid. Die Polycladen. Naples Monograph, xi. 1884. 43. Lehnert. (Bionomics of Bipalium.) Arch. f. Naturgesch. 57. 1891, p. 306. 44. Leuckart, R. (Mesostomum Ehrenbergii. ) Arch. f. Naturgesch. 18 Jahrg. Bd. i. 1852, p. 234. 45. Mertens. Mem. Imper. Sci. Petersburg (ser. 6). Sci. Math. Phys. et Nat. ii. 1833, p. 1. 46. Moseley. (Stylochus pelagicus.) Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci. xvii. 1887, p. 23. 42 LITERATURE OF THE TURBELLARIA 47. Moseley. (Land Planarians.) Phil. Trans, clxiv. 1874, p. 105. 48. Miiller, Joh. Arch. f. Anat. Physiol. 1850, p. 485 ; and 1854, p. 75. 49. Ott. (Stenostoma.) Journ. Morph. vii. 1892, p. 263. 50. Pereyaslawzewa. Monogr. Turbellar. mer noire, Odessa, 1892. 51. Quatrefages. Ann. Sci. Nat. iv. 1845, p. 129. 52. Sabussow. (Haplodiscus.) Mith. Zool. St. Neapel, xii. 1896, p. 353. 53. Schulze, Fr. (Inaug. Dissert.) De Planariarum vivendi ratione et structura penitiori nommlla, 1836. 54. Schmidt, Osc. Die Rhabdocoelen Turbellarien des Siisswassers, 1848. 55. Ibid. Zeit. f. Wiss. Zool. xi. 1861, pp. 1 and 89. 56. SelenTca. Zool. Stud. (Entwick. d. Seeplan.), 1881. 57. Spencer. (Cotyloplana. ) Trans. Roy. Soc. Victoria, ii. pt. 2, p. 42. 58. Uljanin. (Die Turbell. d. Bucht v. Sebastopol. ) Ber. d. Vereins d. Freunde d. Naturwiss. Moskau, 1870. 59. Vejdovsky. (Bothrioplana and other Rhabdocoelida.) Zeit. f. Wiss. Zool. Ix. 1895, pp. 90, 163. 60. Voigt. (Asexual Reproduction summarised.) Biol. Centralbl. xiv. 1894, pp. 745, 771. 61. Wagner. (Reproduction in Microstoma. ) Zool. Jahrbuch. (Anat.), iv. 1891, p. 349. 62. Weldon. (Haplodiscus.) Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci. xxix. 1888, p. 1. 63. Wheeler. (Bdelluridae.) Journ. Morph. ix. 1894, p. 167. 64. Ibid. (Planocera inquilina.) Journ. Morph. ix. 1894, p. 195. 65. Woodworth. (Phagocata.) Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard, xxi. 1891, p. 1. CHAPTER XVII. PLATYHELMIA — TEMNOCEPHALOIDEA. CLASS II. TEMNOCEPHALOIDEA. PLATYHELMIA, in which the flattened body is provided posteriorly with a large ventral sucker. The epidermis is retained through- out life as a nucleated syncytium, which secretes a thick cuticle, but which may also carry cilia, and contain rhabdites. ORDER Dactylifera. The body is produced into finger-shaped tentacular processes along the anterior margin or along the lateral margins as well ; the mouth is situated anteriorly, and leads through a pharynx into a wide, nearly rectangular intestine, which is without diverticula. A single genital pore situated posteriorly is common both to the male and female apparatus. FAMILY 1. TEMNOCEPHALIDAE. With four to twelve preoral tentacles. The excretory system opens to the exterior by means of a pair of anteriorly and dorsally situated contractile sacs ; the vitellarium is reticulate. Temnocephala, Blanch. (Fig. I. 1, 6, 7) ; Craspedella, Hasw. ; C. Spenceri, Hasw., sole species, in the branchial chamber of Astacopsis bicarinatus. FAMILY 2. ACTINODACTYLELLIDAE. Tentacular processes along each side of the body ; a second sucker is developed in front of the mouth ; no contractile sacs at the excretory pore. Actinodactylella, Hasw. (orig. Actinodactylus) ; A. Blanchardi, Hasw., on Engaeus fossor (Fig. I. 3). Further Remarks on the Temnocephaloidea. — The members of this class, so far as they are known at the present day, live on the outer surface of fresh-water animals, to which they attach them- selves by means of the sucker ; they do not, however, feed upon the "host" but on small animals, such as Entomostraca, Rotifera, Infusoria, etc. ; they can therefore scarcely be termed " ecto- parasites " in the usual sense of the word. Most of the species occur on the surface of fresh -water Crustacea; the Brazilian T. Jlieringii, Hasw., in the pulmonary chamber of the mollusc Ampullaria, and T. brevicornis, Montic., on the surface of Chel- onians (Hydropsis and Hydro-medusa). The genus Temnocephala was discovered in Chili by Blanchard, who regarded it as an 44 THE TEMNOCEPHALOIDEA Annelid ; and later, Philippi placed it amongst the Leeches. Thanks to the investigation of Max Weber and Haswell, we FIG. I.— Temnocephaloidea. (After Haswell, and Figs. 6, 7 after Weber.) 1. — Temnocephala minor, Hasw., from the surface of Astaeopsis; ventral view, a, mouth ; b, genital pore ; c, sucker ; d, tentacular prolongations of the body. 2. — Craspedella spenceri, Hasw., from the branchial chamber of Astaeopsis. e, eyes, resting upon the brain ; /, excretory pore and contractile sac ; g, the three fringed lamellae on the dorsal surface, behind which are four conical papillae ; c, dorsal edge of the sucker. 3. — Actinodactylella blanchardi, Hasw., from the surface of Engaeus fossor. a, mouth; 5, pharynx ; c, intestine ; d, follicular vitellaria, arranged along the sides of the intestine ; e, the left testis, deeply bilobed ; /, lateral, tentacular prolongations of the body ; g, dorsal edge of the sucker. 4. — Actinodactylella, ventral view of the anterior end. or, most anterior tentacular pro- longations of the body ; b, peculiar proboscis everted through the mouth and which exists in addition to the pharynx, in which it lies when withdrawn into the body ; c, preoral sucker. 5. — A small portion of a section through the body Avail of Temnocephala. a, nucleus of epidermal syncytium, which is vertically striated like the epidermal cells of Turbcllaria, and here and there traversed by the necks of subepidermal gland cells. The artist has made these too regular, so as to look like cell boundaries ; b, cuticle raised up into low papillae, some of which bear tufts of sensory hairs (e), to which is seen going what appears to be a nerve fibre (on the left of the figure) ; c, basement membrane ; d, circular muscles. 6. — Plan of the alimentary and excretory systems in T. semperi, M. Weber, as seen from the dorsal surface, a, mouth leading into a small pharyngeal sac ; b, pharynx ; c, intestine ; d, excretory pore ; e, contractile bladder, formed of a single perforated cell ; /, chief excretory vessels ; g, the vessels entering the tentacle. The outline of the sucker is indicated by dotted lines. 7.— Plan of the genital organs of T. semperi, M. Weber, as seen from below, a, mouth ; c, genital pore leading into the genital atrium ; d, oviduct ; e, germarium ; /, receptaculum seminis ; g, vitellarium in the form of a network covering the dorsal surface of the intestine ; Ti, the testes ; j, sperm duct, which, after uniting with its fellow, gives rise to a seminal reside ; fr, penis, with chitinous sheath. 8. — One of the excretory cells of T. fasciata, Hasw., which exists in addition to the ordinary flame cells, a, tubule, branching in the substance of the cell to form a system of minute capillaries ; b, large nucleus. THE TEMNOCEPHALO1DEA 45 know that its true position is among the Platyhelmia. It occurs in the Australian region, in New Zealand, in Celebes, Madagascar, Chili, and Brazil. The other two genera are known only from Australia. The most interesting anatomical feature, and one which differen- tiates the class from the Trematoda, is presented by the external covering of the body, for the epidermis retains to a great degree its original character of a cellular layer, but the cells are not dis- tinct ; they form a syncytium, in which the round nuclei are disposed regularly (Fig. I. 5). This epidermis has, however, so far lost its original character as to be deprived of cilia in most species, and gives rise to a cuticle, varying in thickness, traversed by " pore canals " for the passage of the necks of subepidermal gland cells, which may contain rhabdites similar to those of Turbellaria. In this latter respect, then, the class resembles the Rhabdocoelida, and this resemblance is increased by the fact that in at least two species, T. minor, Hasw., and T. dendyi, Hasw., vibratile cilia have been recognised over the general body surface. The subdermal rhabdite glands form rod tracts (Stabchenstrasse), as in many Ehabdocoels, and are arranged in definite groups. The tentacular prolongations of the body are peculiar to the group, though the Rhabdocoel Vorticeros presents two such pro- cesses. The muscular system is specially developed and modified at the posterior end to form a "sucker"; there are (a) fibres which pass dorso-ventrally from the body wall to the centre of the sucking disc ; (b) dorso- ventral fibres traversing the substance of the sucker itself ; (c) circular fibres ; (d) radial fibres ; and (e) certain longitudinal fibres from the ventral wall of the body into the lateral part of the sucker peduncle. By the varying con- traction and extension of the muscle fibres, this sucker is enabled to attach itself firmly to any underlying surface. The possession of the sucker naturally allies the forms with the Trematoda. The pharynx retains a somewhat primitive character in being a Ph. bulbosus, whose chief function is " sucking." The excretory system of Adinodactylella is known only from its flame cells ; but in the Temnocephalidae it presents certain peculiarities, in that the number of component cells is very few, and the nuclei of considerable size, recalling in both features the Nematode excretory system ; for instance, each terminal contractile sac is formed of a single cell. In addition to flame cells of a normal structure, some of the branches of the system of capillaries terminate in large cells, one to each such branch, riddled with a number of very fine canalicules, giving rise to a structure recalling very strongly the cells of the nephridium of Hirudo (Fig. I. 8). The anterior position of the excretory pore, its contractile sac, and the main course of the canal are features of resemblance with 46 THE TEMNOCEPHALO1DEA the monogenetic (Heterocotylean) Trematodes, rather than with the Turbellaria. But in the nervous system the Temnocephaloidea retain a much more primitive condition than that presented by the existing Rhabdocoelida. The extensive network arising from the brain presents three main tracts on each side of larger dimensions. The genital organs (Fig. I. 7) are formed on the ordinary Platyhelminth plan ; in their position posteriorly to the intestine, and in the lateral position of the testes, the Temnocephaloidea re- semble the Turbellaria. The testes retain the primitive, bilateral symmetry ; but the testis of each side is so deeply constricted as to form two oval, or it may be lobulated organs, connected together by a narrow duct, so that there is here a commencement of that process which results in the " follicular " arrangement of Tricladida, and Polycladida. The penis presents a Rhabdocoelidan character in being enveloped in a chitinous sheath, resembling that of many tubificid Oligochaetes (such as Limnodrilus) ; while the terminal region of the sperm duct is eversible, and provided with chitinous spines. The female gonad has undergone that same differentiation into germarium and vitellarium which occurs in many Turbellaria. The former is compact ; the latter presents a peculiar and characteristic arrangement in its reticulate structure, covering the dorsal surface of the sac-like intestine. The vagina is armed. The whole anatomy, therefore, of the Temnocephaloidea exhibits a remarkable intermediate condition between the Rhabdocoelida and the Trematoda, while presenting certain peculiarities of its own, which entitle the animals to a position independent of these two classes. Nothing is known of the development beyond the fact that the eggs are laid in capsules (sometimes operculated), which are pyriform and stalked, except in T. fasciata, where several oval eggs are embedded in a mass of secretion. 1. Haswdl. Quart. Journ. Mic. Sci. xxviii. 1888, p. 279. 2. Ibid. (For all previous literature.) Macleay Memorial Volume 1893, p. 93. 3. Ibid. (Actinodactylella.) Macleay Memorial Volume, p. 153. 4. Max Weber. Zool. Ergebnisse einer Reise in Niederl. Ost-Ind. 1890, vol. i. p. 1. 5. Plate. SB. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1894, p. 527. CHAPTER XVIII. PLATYHELMIA — TREMATODA. CLASS III. TREMATODA (RUDOLPHI). Order 1. Heterocotylea. Fam. 1. Monocotylidae. ,, 2. Tristomidae. ,, 3. Polystomidae. „ 4. Microcotylidae. „ 5. Gyrodactylidae. Order 2. Aspidocotylea. Fam. Aspidobothridae. Order 3. Malacocotylea. Fam. 1. Amphistomidae. ,, 2. Distomidae. „ 3. Holostomidae. „ 4. Monostomidae. „ 5. Gasterostomidae. „ 6. Didymozoonidae. PARASITIC Platyhelmia which retain the mouth and alimentary tract of the ancestor, but in which the epidermis not only loses its cilia during embryogeny, but is apparently absent in the adult as a distinct, continuous, cellular layer, having sunk into the mesoblastic tissue, after secreting a thick, stratified, chitinous cuticle. Further, in relation to their parasitic habits, suckers are developed at or near the posterior end on the ventral surface, and also in the region of the mouth. Historical. — Our knowledge of Trematodes begins with Gabu- cinus (1 547), who described the occurrence of the liver fluke in sheep, which was, however, referred to by Jehan de Brie as early as 1379 ; Leeuwenhoek (1695) added a form found in the herring; Swam- merdam (1752) mentions a distome in the frog's lung; Roesel v. Rosenhof (1758) gave a description and figure of a fluke (Poly- stomum) which he discovered in the frog's bladder. Then came that 48 THE TREMATODA wonderfully accurate observer, 0. F. Miiller (1777), who, in a series of memoirs, described a number of species, and gave good pictures of them. These earlier writers, naturally, were weak in the inter- pretation of anatomical features, and it has taken nearly a century since Miiller's time to obtain a proper knowledge of the anatomy, while even at the present day one or two matters are open to dispute. After Miiller, the number of observers rapidly increased, and it is impossible even to mention a hundredth part of those who have aided in building up our knowledge of the anatomy and variety of forms in Trematodes and Cestodes. Max Braun (11) gives a complete list of works thereon, with a brief epitome of the contents of each memoir. The most important amongst those who have added to the number of genera and species are Rudolphi (1808), v. Baer (1827), v. Nordmann (1832), Diesing, Wagener (1858), P. J. van Beneden, Cobbold, v. Linstow, Willemoes-Suhm, Taschenberg, and in more recent times Monticelli, Sonsino, Parona, Perugia, and Stossich, as will be seen in the systematic account. Many of the above-named zoologists naturally added to our knowledge of the anatomy and life-history of the members of the group, and the various important advances are mentioned in the text below. The following are conspicuous for the amount of new knowledge which they contributed: — Bojanus (1818), Mehlis (1825), Laurer (1830), v. Siebold (1835), Leuckart, Stieda (1867), and Zeller. Carlisle (1794) deserves mention, as he appears to have been the first to demonstrate, by means of injection, the course of the canals of the excretory system which, however, he regarded as the alimentary tract. Certain stages in the life-history of the endoparasitic forms were known in the last century, e.g. to Swammerdam, and some of the more important contributions are due to Nitzsch (1807), Carus (1835), Moulinie (1856), La Vallete St. George (1855), who con- ducted experiments in feeding probable hosts with cercariae, Pagenstecher (1857), Zeller, Schauinsland, and Thomas. The limits of the class are very well defined, and consequently we find but few animals wrongly included therein ; nevertheless, some curious mistakes have been made ; for instance, Lacaze Duthiers described " Phoenicurus " as a fluke, parasitic on Tethys ; Spengel and Bergh have, however, pointed out that it is merely a normal, readily detachable, appendage of that mollusc. " Thysanosoma," from the caecum of Cervus dichotomus, was at first described by Diesing as a fluke ; it is really a detached proglottid of a Cestode ; van Beneden included Cydatdla, but later recognised that it is a species of Loxosoma parasitic on Clymene. Myzosloma was for a long time placed here, till Leuckart THE TREMATODA 49 showed that it is an Annelid. While Kolliker pointed out that Cuvier's " Hectocotyle " is not a fluke, but at the same time fell into error in regarding it as a " pygmy male " of Argonauta and Tremoctopus. Pentastoma was included, till P, J. van Benederi (1849) discovered its embryo, and allocated it to the Arthropoda. The first definite attempt to classify the parasitic worms or " Helminths," as they were then called, was made by Zeder (1800), who divided them into five families, to which he gave German equivalents of (a) round worms, (b) hooked worms, (c) sucking worms, (d) tape-worms, and (e) bladder-worms. Of the " sucking worms " he recognised three genera, of which he gave diagnoses, and divided the various species into groups. Eudolphi (1808), in an epoch-making work on intestinal worms, invented the term " Trematoda " : for Zeder's "sucking worms," which he raised to the rank of an " Order." Both these authors laid great and deserved stress on the arrangement of the suckers, a character which, together with the absence of " segmentation," is still a sufficient mark of distinction of the Trematodes from the Cestodes. The earlier authors were acquainted with endoparasitic forms only, and the discovery of ectoparasitic Trematodes, and the gradual increase in the number of genera and species, as well as a more correct knowledge of anatomy, due to the researches of v. Baer, Nordmann, Nitzsch, Diesing, and many others, led Leuckart (1856) to propose a division of the Trematodes into the two "families": (1) Distomea, for endoparasitic forms with a meta- morphosis ; and (2) Polystomea, for ectoparasitic forms which have no metamorphosis. In the same year, Burmeister separated Aspidogaster from the rest, and suggested a threefold division into (a) Malacobothrii (for Distomids), (b) Pectobothrii (for Polystomids), and (c) Aspidobothrii (for Aspidogaster). This system has been generally overlooked and obscured by P. J. van Beneden's great work (1858) on the group, embracing as it did not only an account of several new species, but also an experimental investigation into the life-history of the endoparasitic and ectoparasitic forms respectively; these researches led to the recognition of the importance of these two modes of reproduction : the direct or " monogenetic," and the indirect or " digenetic." And until quite recently this twofold division held the field, till Monti- celli (1892) proposed the threefold division, which is essentially the same as Burmeister's. The class Trematoda is divided into the three orders, primarily distinguished by the character of the suckers, viz. — Heterocotylea, Aspidocotylea, and Malacocotylea. 5T]$ = pierced Avith holes. 5o THE TREMATODA ORDER 1. Heterocotylea, Monticelli ( = Polystomea, Leuck. = Pecto- bothrii, Burm. = Monogenea, v. Ben.). Trematoda, in which there is a large posterior, ventral, terminal adhesive organ in addition to a pair of anterior suckers in relation to the mouth ; the latter may be absent. The posterior apparatus consists either of a single sucker, usually of large size, which is generally divided by radial ridges into a number of compartments ; or these ridges may be so extensively developed as to give rise to a number of separate suckers set upon a caudal disc or " cotylophore." This posterior apparatus is very usually provided with chitinous booklets. Eye-spots are not unfrequently present. The excretory system com- municates with the exterior by a pair of pores laterally placed on the dorsal surface, near the anterior end. The male and female ducts nearly always open by a common pore. A third genital duct, known as the vagina, is usually present, with an external aperture independent of the uterine pore. The members of the group are nearly all ectoparasitic, and development takes place without the intervention of an intermediate host, and without any intercalated asexual reproduction (hence "mono- genetic "), so that from each egg laid only one new fluke is produced. For accounts of the anatomy of various genera, see van Beneden, 5 ; Goto, 19 ; Cerfontaine, 14. FAMILY 1. MOXOCOTYLIDAE. Posterior sucker usually small ; anterior suckers absent ; the common genital pore median. Pseudocotyle, v. Ben. and Hesse, on skin of Selachians. Calicotyle, Dies. ; G. kroyeri, Dies., in cloaca of male Raia. Monocotyle, Tasch. (Fig. III. 2) ; M. mylio- batis, Tasch., on Myliobatis aquila. FAMILY 2. TRISTOMIDAE, with one large posterior sucker, with or without compartments ; with or without booklets; a pair of anterior "lateral" suckers; male and female ducts usually open by a common pore situated anteriorly, usually on the left side ; vagina and its aperture single on the left side. Parasitic on gills and skin of marine fish. Nitzschia, v. Baer ; N. elongata, Nitzsch, gill cavity of Sturgeon. Epibdella, Blv. ; Phyllonella, v. Ben. and H. ; P. soleae, v. Ben. and H. ; Tristomum, Cuv. (Fig. II. 1) ; Acanthocotyk, Montic. ; A. lobianchii, Montic., on skin of Raia clavata. Encotyllabe, Dies. ; E. nordmanni, Dies., on nostril of Bream. Udonella, Johnston (Fig. II. 5), on parasitic Crustacea. Echinella, v. Ben. and H. ; Ptefonella, v. Ben. and H. FAMILY 3. POLYSTOMIDAE. The posterior adhesive organ is formed by six or eight suckers on a caudal disc or " cotylophore " which is usually armed ; two anterior " buccal " suckers communicating with the oral cavity are usually present ; vagina single or paired ; common genital pore median. On gills of fishes, skin and bladder of Amphibia and Reptiles (see Goto, 19). SUB-FAMILY 1. OCTOCOTYLIXAE, with four to eight posterior suckers ; a pair of " buccal " suckers ; genital booklets. A. Suckers, four on each side. Octobothrium, Lkt. ; 0. alosae, v. Ben. and H., on gill of Shad. Diplozoon, v. Nordmann. The genital ducts are so arranged that the male duct of each animal becomes continuous with the vagina of the other (Zeller, 50), or with vitelline duct (Goto, 1 8). D. paradoxum, v. Nordm., on the Minnow ; THE TREMATODA Europe (Fig. IV.). Diclidophora, Goto (non Diesing), (Fig. II. 4) ; Dactylocotyk, v. Ben. and H. ; Cyclobothrium, Cerf. ; C. sessilis, Goto, oral FIG. I. — Anatomy of a Schematic Heterocotylean. 1. — Dorsal view, showing the alimentary and nervous systems, a, mouth, on the ventral surface, the outline being therefore dotted ; i>, pharynx ; c, bifurcate intestine ; d, branching, intestinal caeca ; .c2/Kttdraceim>asatype laria are in a degenerate condi- of that of the Malacocotylea (from Looss). The fion Thp ran of rnVrnpnt i<* animal is viewed from above, o, brain ; b, uon< [ P1^111' dorsal longitudinal nerve stem ; c, lateral directed externally, and embraces nerve ; d, ventral nerve. These three stems 1-1 * • ,11 are connected by the circular commissural a Spherical rciringent body Or ouS.1"5' e'anterior^'ventralsuckersin "lens," which in its turn abuts- upon a ganglion cell, a branch of which runs to the brain. There is nothing which can be THE TREMATODA regarded as a retina, and Goto has suggested that they serve in the Heterocotylea as " organs of temperature." The generative system presents a somewhat greater com- plication than in the most elaborate Turbellaria, but is built up essentially on the same plan ; the female gonad being, except in GfyrodactyluS) composed of germarium and vitellarium. The male and female ducts, with rare exceptions, open together into an " atrium genitale," and the penis is frequently armed with spines. In the Malacocotylea the original pair of testes persists, and with very few exceptions, such as D. hepaticum, each testis is a com- pact, rounded body. In the Aspidocotylea and Heterocotylea one of the original pair has disappeared, the remaining gland which is provided with only one duct, may remain compact (Fig. IY. 2), or FIG. XXI. Nervous system of Tristomum molae (after Lang), as type of that of Heterocotylea, viewed from the ventral surface, a, brain (on which rest the four eyes indicated by •white dots) ; b, dorsal nerve stem ; c, lateral ; d, ventral. The ventral steins are united by a series of com- missures, which are continued on to the lateral nerve, 13-15 in num- ber (g). From the brain, on each side, a nerve goes to " prostom- ium," a second to the sucker. These are joined by a ring-like com- missure, arising from the stem common to the posterior nerves. The lateral and ventral nerves unite in the posterior sucker and are connected by a couple of semicir- cular commissures, and give rise to network in wall of sucker. Ji, marginal network of body ; e, lateral anterior sucker ; /, posterior sucker ; /', radii. become subdivided by ingrowths of connective tissue into a few large lobes (Epibdella), or more generally into many small ones (Fig. II. 2; V. 2), so as to assume the "follicular" condition present in many Turbellaria. The male copulatory apparatus varies considerably in details of its structure, but these may all be reduced to two types : (1) The word " cirrus " is used for the terminal, eversible part of the sperm duct of Distomum and others which projects from the bottom of the male antrum, and is enveloped in the " cirrus sac," containing glands ; booklets are borne along the wall of the duct, and on eversion come to project outwards. A cirrus is rare amongst the Heterocotylea, being met with in Tristomum and Epibdella. (2) A "penis," such as occurs in the Holostomidae, and in the majority of the Heterocotylea, and in Aspidocotylea, is a specialisation of the terminal region of the sperm duct which 86 THE TREMATODA traverses a papilla arising from the floor of the atrium. When in use, this papilla is merely protruded through the genital pore. The penis is formed of two parts : (a) a muscular, connective tissue sheath, enveloped in a membrane ; and (b) distally a chitinous armature, either in the form of a crown of booklets, lying on the outer surface of the papilla, and projecting therefore into the atrium and not into the sperm duct, or a tube. In a few instances ( Udonella, Diplozoon, and some species of Distomum) there is no penis or cirrus, and there is every reason to believe that self-fertilisation occurs. The germarium is single, the germ duct or oviduct is short, extending as far as the special dilated region known as " ootype," into which the shell glands open ; into the oviduct there open the vitelline ducts from the vitellarium, which is follicular or distinctly lobed, except in Udonella and Cakeostoma, where it is compact. In Diplozoon it is unpaired, in the rest paired ; it always lies dorsal to intestine, against which it is closely placed. Beyond this point the " oviduct " is known as " uterus," 1 and passes forwards, usually in a more or less undulating course, to the atrium genitale, or in rare instances to its own separate aperture. But in addition to these organs there are certain ducts, the homologies of which have been much discussed (Fig. XXIL). (1) In the Heterocotylea there is typically a paired, or in other cases a single vagina, the opening of which varies in position in different genera (cf. Figs. I, II., III., V.). It is usually ventral, but in Hexacotyle dorsal ; the single vagina appears, in some cases at least, to be derived from the fusion of two, for in Axine heterocerca the single (dorsal) pore leads into two ducts (Goto). In Poly- stomum each vagina opens through twenty or thirty small pores situated on the " lateral swelling." At its internal end the vagina (XXIL 3, k) communicates with the transverse vitelline ducts, and in its course is sometimes dilated to form a " spermatheca " ; the vagina is the female copulatory organ for the reception of the penis ; its pore is the " copulatory pore." The uterine pore may, therefore, in opposition thereto, be termed the " birth opening." (2) In the Heterocotylea there is also a narrow duct passing from the oviduct, opposite the entrance of the vitello-duct, to the right limb of the intestine. This " genito-intestinal canal" (/) whose true relations were discovered by Ijima, and since con- firmed by Goto and all who have examined the matter, was originally called the "internal vas def erens " by v. Siebold, and believed to be connected with the testis, close to which it passes ; it was then looked upon as a means for direct, internal self-fertilisa- 1 Goto finds cilia on the uterine epithelium of several genera of Heterocotylea and in the vagina of Calicotyle. THE TREMATODA tion. It appears to serve for the conveyance of superfluous yolk to the intestine, where it will serve as food. (3) In the Malacocotylea and Aspidocotylea there is no vagina, a fact that is associated with the much greater size of the uterus, FIG. XXII. — Diagrammatic Transverse Sections to show the Relations of Various Parts of the Female Ducts in the Three Orders of Trematoda. 1. — A Malacocotylean, showing Lanrer's canal (/). 2.— An Aspidocotylean. The "yolk receptacle" (/) arises from the oviduct in the same position as does Laurer's canal. 3. — A Heterocotylean (the lowest figure). The canal (/) is here called "genito- intestinal canal." The right and left vagina (fcfc) are represented as entering the median vitelline duct (g). In some cases they join the transverse viteliine duct ; one or both may be absent. In all the figures : — a, germarium, showing the distal syncytium and proximal germ cells ; bb, germ duct or duct between the germarium and ootype ; c, shell glands set round (d) the ootype, whence the duct is continued as uterus (c) ; g, median vitello-duct ; h, right and left transverse vitello-ducts ; i, intestine, which in Fig. 2 is represented dotted; "Laurer's canal " passes upwards behind it (see Fig. VIII. ./). These organs do not lie in one plane, the figures represent "projections" in a vertical plane. which contains a very much larger number of eggs than in the Heterocotylea, and often comes to lie behind the testes. Nor is there a connecting canal between the vitelline duct and the intestine, but in place of it there is a narrow canal, first dis- 88 THE TREMATODA covered by Laurer (1830), and- since known as "Laurer's canal" (Stieda. 1867), which passes up from the oviduct, in the neigh- bourhood of the ootype, to the dorsal surface, upon which it opens by a minute pore (Fig. XXII. 1, /). It has been till recently regarded as the homologue of the vagina of Heterocotylea ; but it does not function as such ; it is much too small for the insertion of the penis, and although spermatozoa have been observed in it (Looss, 31), they are passing outwards, in which they are aided by the current produced by the cilia lining the canal; yolk granules also occur. Recently both Looss and Goto independently have brought forward various arguments from comparative anatomy tending to show that Laurer's canal of the Malacocotylea is the homologue of the " genito-intestinal canal " of the Heterocotylea, which has lost its connection with the intestine and come to open to the exterior ; for it would be manifestly less important for an endoparasite to make use of its yolk as food than for an ectoparasite. (4) In Aspidocotylea the duct leading to the " receptaculum vitelli" agrees closely with Laurer's canal and the genito-intestinal canal, except that it ends blindly below the dorsal integument (Fig. XXII. 2) ; and there is little doubt that these three canals are homologous. The eggs of the Trematoda which are operculate, are of various shapes and have a certain systematic value ; in the Malacocotylea they are very numerous, much smaller than in Heterocotylea, and rarely have the filament which is so usually present in the latter order, since in the endoparasitic forms they are generally dis- charged to the exterior and not attached to the host, as in ecto- parasitic forms. In a few instances, however, one filament exists, as in Bilharzia and species of Distomum, or less frequently two in D. constrictum, Monostomum verrucosum, Opisthotrema cochleare. Historical. — The earlier writers, who concerned themselves chiefly with the liver-fluke, frequently confused the excretory canals with the intestine ; thus Carlisle, having injected the former, described it as the latter, the excretory pore being termed "poms ani." Even after the true mouth and intestine had been correctly recognised by Ramdohr (1814), and by Bojanus (1817), there was a general belief that the excre- tory pore served as an anus, and that the excretory canals were in connec- tion with the intestinal caeca, and acted as a kind of vascular system ; indeed, Blanchard (1847) described the contractile bladder as a "heart," and went so far as to deny the existence of a posterior pore. Bojanus (1821) was the first to establish the absence of an anus, though even v. Baer (1827) mistook the excretory pore of Aspidogaster for the mouth. The excretory system, even after it had been differentiated from the enteric system by Bojanus, and by v. Siebold, who pointed out its true func- tion, was variously regarded as (a) respiratory by Meckel (1846), who sug- THE TREMATODA 89 gested that the canals absorbed water through the skin and passed it out through the pore ; or (6) as lymphatic, or vascular, in part at least ; even Villot, 1882, takes the view that it serves for excretion, absorption, respira- tion, and circulation. The main course of the canals was known to Laurer and to Mehlis (1831). The fact that the bladder and canals form part of one system was first pointed out definitely by P. J. van Beneden (1852). The movement of the contained fluid was caused, according to Ehrenberg (1835), by valve-like folds, endowed with the power of oscillation ; but in the next year v. Siebold rightly showed that it is due to the action of cilia. The finer structure was investigated by Fraipont (16), who described the " flame cells," but believed them to be in communication, not only with the tubules, but also with the spaces in the parenchyma ; this has, however, been shown to be erroneous. The brain and the main nerves were first accurately localised by Eamdolir ; but Otto, 1816, contended that the vitelline ducts, longitudinal and transverse, were the true nervous system, and described ganglia at their junction. Our knowledge of this system is due primarily to Lang (24) and Gaffron (17). The hermaphrodite nature of the Trematodes appears to have been recognised by Miiller ; but for a long time the ventral sucker was inter- preted as the "birth pore," till Nitzsch (1819) discovered that the sucker is imperforate. The penis was known to Eudolphi, and the common genital pore was held to belong only to the male ducts. V. Siebold was the discoverer of the fact that the egg-producing organ is distinct from the yolk-forming gland. Relations of the Group — Parasitism. — It is almost an axiom that parasitism leads to degeneration of the parasite, and this usually in an extreme degree ; but in the Trematodes this degeneration is scarcely recognisable ; for beyond the absence of the ancestral locomotor organs, viz. the cilia of the outer surface, it is scarcely possible to point to any sign of degeneration common to the group. Degeneration of the sense organs is another characteristic of para- sites, and although eyes are frequently present in the Heterocotylea, they are less elaborate than in the majority of Turbellaria ; and in Malacocotylea they are absent, except in the free-living miracidium and cercaria. The nervous system shows no essential difference from that of Turbellaria ; though in the Malacocotylea the peri- pheral stems and commissures are more definitely arranged. The generative organs, too, agree with those of many Rhab- docoele Turbellarians, and the alimentary canal is well developed in all members of the group. The cuticle, as has been suggested, has been developed in relation to the parasitic habit, and Temnocephala forms an interesting link between the Turbellaria and Trematoda in this respect. The suckers so frequently associated with parasitism, and so eminently characteristic of the group, seem to be the cause rather than the result of parasitism, for such relatively small animals as 90 THE TREMATODA Dactylocotyle and other ectoparasitic forms would soon be carried away by the current of water passing over the gills of the fish ; and Amphistomwn, or other internal parasites, would be driven down the alimentary tract of its host, by the passage of food, unless they were able to adhere in some way to the host ; the modifica- tion of the musculature of the body wall is the simplest method of adhesion. But suckers occur, though of a very simple kind, in many Poly clad and several Triclad Turbellaria, and large ones in Temno- cephala, so that even these characteristic organs are not in reality novelties or peculiar to the class. It does not appear possible to regard the suckers of Trematodes and Turbellaria as truly homo- logous ; they are rather homoplastic, for they vary in position and relation in both groups. Indeed, but for the absence of cilia, there is no essential difference between a Trematode and a Turbellarian, and there is little difficulty in deriving the former from some Rhabdocoelous form of the Turbellaria, which had taken to the habit of temporarily associating itself with a definite animal, as the Triclad Bdelluridae do at the present day. As this habit became fixed, the means of attachment became improved, resulting in a single posteriorly placed sucker. The animal was thus able to live permanently on its host, and having a ready supply of food at hand, in the host's blood and mucus, took to sucking it, for which purpose a second sucker in the neighbourhood of the mouth would aid the parasite during the use of the "pharynx bulbosus," which acts as an aspirator. The two characteristic suckers having been developed, each became modified in different directions. The anterior sucker became double in the ectoparasitic forms ; the pos- terior sucker became more elaborate, or hooklets were developed to aid in adhesion. It is customary to look on the Malacocotylea (Digenea) as more highly developed than the Heterocotylea, and as probably derived from them. This view, no doubt, depends on the endoparasitic habit of the former order, and on the fact that the host is a vertebrate, and that the life-history is a complicated one. But Looss is of opinion that, on the contrary, the Heterocotylea are the higher order. But if the anatomy of each order and of Rhabdocoelida be compared, organ for organ, with one another, we shall have to take a middle position and look upon the two orders as diverging at a very early stage in phylogeny. Very possibly some Temnocephala-like form was the ancestor of the Trematoda — a form, as said above, with a posterior sucker, but without the anterior ones ; the intestine was sac-like, and no doubt the genital organs posterior to it. The assumption of ectoparasitic and endoparasitic habits, with the anterior suckers or sucker differently arranged, led to a diver- LITERATURE OF THE TREMATODA 91 gence along two lines, in one of which a complicated life-history gradually took place ; from this line the Aspidocotylea branched off, and possibly the apparently primitive characters of the alimentary canal is one of atavism. The following " tree " represents the history of the group : — Heterocotylea. Malacocotylea. spidocotylea. TREMATODA. Temnocephala. RHABDOCOELA. LITERATURE OF THE TREMATODA. 1. Boer, v. Nova Acta, xiii. (pt. 2), 1827, 2, p. 527. 2. Beneden, E. v. (Rech. s. 1. composition et la signification de 1'ceuf.) Mem. Cour. Acad. Roy. Brux. (4to), xxxiv. 1870. 3. Bcneden, P. J. van. (Excretory System.) Bull. Acad. Roy. Belg. xix. (pt. 1), 1852, p. 573. 4. Ibid. Mem. sur les vers intestinaux, 1858. 5. Beneden, P. J. v., and Hesse. (Recherches s. 1. Bdellodes et les Trematodes marines.) Mem. Acad. Roy. Belgique, xxxiv. 1864. 6. Benham. Quart. Journ. Mic. Sci. xxvii. 1886, p. 561. 7. Biehringer. (Cuticle : Germ-balls.) Arb. Zool. Inst. Wurzburg, vii. 1885, p. 1. 8. Bloclimann. (Musculature, etc.). Biol. Centralbl. xv. 1895, p. 216. 9. Ibid. (Die Epithelfrage bei Cestod. u. Treinatod.) Vortrag. gehalt auf. d. vi. Jahrs. d. Deutsch. Zool. Gesell. z. Bonn, 1896 ; also, Zool. Anz. xx. 1897, p. 460. 10. Brandes. (Holostomidae.) Zool. Jahrbuch (System.), v. 1891, p. 549. 11. Braun. Bronn's Thierreichs (Wiirmer), 1889, et seq. 12. Ibid. (Holostomidae.) Zool. Anzeig. xvii. 1894, p. 165. 13. Cerfontaine. (Striated Muscle.) Bull. Acad. Roy. Beige (ser. 3), xxvii. 1894, p. 949. 14. Ibid. (Polystomidae). Arch. Biol. xiv. 1895, p. 497. 15. Diesing. Systema Helmintlmm, 1850. 16. Fraipont. (Excretory System.) Arch. Biol. i. 1880, p. 415 ; ii. 1881, p. 1. 17. Gaffron. (Nervous System.) Zoolog. Beit. hrsg. v. Ant. Schneider, i. 1884 p. 109. 92 LITERATURE OF THE TREMATODA 18. Goto. (Diplozoon nipponicum.) Journ. Coll. Sci. Imp. Univ. Japan, iv. 1891, p. 151. 19. Hid. (Ectoparasitic Forms. ) Ibid. viii. 1894. 20. HecTcert. (Leucochloridium.) Biblioth. Zool. (hrsg. v. Leuck. and Chun's), Heft iv. 1889. 21. Ijima. Zool. Anzeig. vii. 1884, p. 635. 22. Katharina. (Gyrodactylus. ) Arb. Zool. Inst. Wurzburg, x. 1895, p. 127. 23. KowalevsM, M. (Epidermis.) Anzeig. Akad. Krakau, 1895, p. 78. 24. Lang. (Nervous System.) Mith. Zool. Stat. Neapel. ii. 1881, p. 28. 25. Larikester. (Epidermis of Leech.) Quart. Journ. Mic. Sci. xx. 1880, p. 303 ; Zool. Anzeiger, iii. 1880, p. 85. 26. Leuckart. Die Parasiten des Menschen, 1886-94, I. parts 3, 4, 5. 27. Ibid. (Development of Fluke.) Arch. f. Naturges. 48. 1882, i. p. 80. 28. Linstow, v. Compendium d. Helminthologie, 1878 ; and Appendix, 1889. 29. Looss. (Anatomy.) Z. W. Z. xli. 1885, p. 390. 30. Ibid. (Amphistomum.) Leuckart's Festschrift, 1892, p. 147. 31. Ibid. (Laurer's Canal.) Centralbl. f. Bakter. u. Parasiten -kunde, xiii. 1893, p. 808. 32. Ibid. (Distomum of Frogs, etc. ). Bibliotheca Zoologica (hrsgb. v. Leuck. and Chun's), Heft xvi. 1894. 33. Ibid. (Bilharzia.) Arch. f. mikr. Anat. xlvi. 1895, p. 1. 34. Metschnikoff. (Gyrodactylus.) Bull, de 1'Acad. Imp. St. Petersbourg, xiv. 1870, p. 62. 35. Monticelli. (Cotylogaster, etc.). Leuckart's Festschrift, 1892, p. 168. 36. Nickerson. (Stichocotyle. ) Zool. Jahrbuch (Anat.), viii. 1895, p. 447. 37. Parana and Perugia. (Microcotyle. ) Ann. Mus. Civ. Storia Nat. Genova, xxx. 1890-92, p. 173. 38. Poirier. (Anatomy of Distomids.) Arch. Zool. Expr. (2), iii. 1885, p. 465. 39. Schauinsland. (Dev. of D. tereticolle. ) Jen. Zeit. xvi. 1883, p. 465. 40. Sommer. (Dist. hepaticum.) Z. W. Z. xxxiv. 1880, p. 539. 41. Stafford. (Aspidogaster. ) Zool. Jahrbuch (Anat.), ix. 1896, p. 477. 42. Thomas. (L. truncatulus. ) J. Roy. Agricult. Soc. xvii. 1881, p. 1. 43. Ibid. (Dev. of Fluke.) Quart. Journ. Mic. Sci. xxiii. 1883, p. 99. 44. Voeltzkow. (Aspidogaster.) Arb. Zool. Inst. Wurzb. viii. 1888, p. 249. 45. Wagener. (Dev. of D. Cygnoides.) Beit. z. Entwick. d. Emgeweidewiirmer, Haarlem, 1857 ; and Z. W. Z. ix. 1858, p. 73. 46. Ibid. (Gyrodactylus.) Arch. f. Anat. Physiol. 1860, p. 768. 47. Walters. (Monostomum.) Z. W. Z. Ivi. 1893, p. 189. 48. Wright and Macallum. (Sphyranura.) Journ. Morph. i. 1887, p. 1. 49. Zeller. (Polystomum.) Z. W. Z. xxii. 1872, p. 1 ; and xxvii. 1876, p. 238. 50. Ibid. (Diplozoon.) Z. W. Z. xxii. 1872, p. 168 ; and xlvi. 1888, p. 233. 51. Ziegler. (Cuticle, Bucephalus, etc.). Z. W. Z. xxxix. 1883, p. 537. CHAPTEE XIX. PLATYHELMIA — CESTOIDEA. CLASS IV. CESTOIDEA. GRADE A. CESTOIDEA MONOZOA. Order 1. Amphilinacea. „ 2. Gyrocotylacea. „ 3. Caryophyllacea. GRADE B. CESTOIDEA MEROZOA. BRANCH A. DIBOTHRIDIATA. Order 1. Pseudophyllidea. Fam. 1. Bothriocephalidae. ,, 2. Solenophoridae. „ 3. Bothriomonidae. „ 4. Leuckartiidae. ,, 5. Triaenophoridae. BRANCH B. TETRABOTHRIDIATA. Order 1. Tetraphyllidea. Fam. 1. Tetrabothridae. „ 2. Gamobothridae. Order 2. Diphyllidea. Fam. Echinobothridae. Order 3. Tetrarhyncha. Fam. Tetrarhynchidae. Order 4. Tetracotylea. Fam. 1. Ichthyotaeniidae. ,, 2. Echinocotylidae. ,, 3. Taeniidae. „ 4. Mesocestoididae. THE class Cestoidea, as known at the present day, may be denned as follows : — Platyhelminths in which an internal parasitic habit has led to the disappearance of the alimentary canal from every stage in the life-history. The ciliated covering, as well as 94 THE CESTOIDEA definite organs of sense, are likewise absent in the adult. The epidermis, which has sunk into the parenchyma, secretes a thick cuticle, as in the Trematoda. In the parenchyma certain lime- secreting cells are developed in greater or less number. Organs of fixation are developed in a characteristic but varied form at one extremity of the worm. The egg gives rise to a six-hooked embryo or "onchosphere," which gains an intermediate host ; from it some form of " bladder- worm " is usually developed, which has to reach a vertebrate as a final host, in order to attain maturity. Historical Account. — There can be little doubt but that tapeworms have been known to mankind from very early times, for those infesting domestic animals are sufficiently large to catch the least observant eye; and even such "bladder- worms" as Cysticercus cellulosae, C. tenuicollis, and Ecliinococcus must have been met with, and recognised as foreign bodies, in the carcases of animals slain for food or sacrifices. Moses probably was acquainted with them, when the pig, rabbit, and hare were forbidden to the Jews. The Greeks gave the expressive name x«'Wat ( = hailstones) to these " hydatids," and some authors refer to the method, still employed, of examining the tongue of the living pig in order to ascertain their presence. The tapeworms were termed eA/ui/des -Xardai : and Aristotle was aware that they were attached to the wall of the intestine, whereas the nematodes or crr/ooyyvAcu were free therein. At an early period (1592) at least two different cestodes were distinguished as inhabiting man (Taenia and Bothriocephaltts), and in the latter half of the seventeenth century the tapeworms and bladder- worms of domestic animals, and later of wild animals killed for food, etc., began to receive attention. But for a long time, even after a considerable number of naturalists had been working on the subject, the relation of these two stages was unknown, or only vaguely guessed at, till Pallas and Goeze recognised that the head contained in the bladder- worm is capable of evagination on compression, and resembles the head of certain tapeworms. The earlier systematists (Zeder, Rudolph!) separated the bladder- worms, or " Cystica," from the tapeworms, or " Cestoidea," as dis- tinct orders ; but Blainville and Dujardin united the two groups, as being related to one another. P. J. van Beneden rightly regarded the " Cystica " as some normally occurring stage in the life-history of the " Cestoidea." Von Siebold, on the other hand, had put forward the theory that the bladder-worm is some stage in the history of a tapeworm which has gone astray in the wrong animal, and, undergoing hydropic degeneration, is destined to die, unless this animal is eaten by the proper host, when the bladder- worm will not only live in the intestine of the host, but will give rise to a tape- worm. This idea of von Siebold's received considerable support THE CESTOIDEA 95 from Dujardin, Leuckart, and others ; but the matter remained one of mere speculation till 1851, when Kiichenmeister, a medical man of Zittau, commenced a series of experiments in feeding suitable animals with bladder-worms. Thus, he mixed a known number of Cyst, pisiformis from the rabbit's omentum with the food of dogs, and he obtained after a time a number of specimens of Taenia serrata from their intestines. Similarly, he demonstrated that C. cellulosae from the muscles of the pig gives rise to Taenia solium when swallowed by man ; and that the small heads removed from Coenurus cerebralis, which lives in the brain of sheep, develop, when fed to a dog, into Taenia coenurus. He then caused the ripe pro- glottids of this worm to be swallowed by a sheep, which a month later had an attack of " staggers." It was killed, and fifteen small coenuri were found in its brain. These and other experiments placed the relations of the " cystic worm " to the " tapeworm " on a firm basis, and were soon followed by others, undertaken by von Siebold (43), Leuckart, van Beneden, whereby it was proved beyond doubt that the bladder-worm or hyda- tid is an essential stage in the development of those tapeworms, from the eggs of which they arise. Further, it became evident that two different animals, or " hosts," are necessary for the com- pletion of the life -cycle ; the bladder- worm occurring in some definite intermediate host, which forms the prey or food of the final host, in which the bladder-worm develops into the tapeworm.1 It was recognised that " cystic worms " occur in the muscle, connective tissue, and various viscera, other than the alimentary canal (of herbivorous animals as a rule) ; and that the adult tapeworms always live in the alimentary canal (of carnivorous animals as a rule). But still other problems remained for solution, especially that which Steenstrup's famous theory of " alternation of generations " had suggested, and this and other matters are dealt with at the end of this chapter, as some of these details are still matters of controversy. Among the more important writers on the classification and descrip- tion of new genera and species, the following may be mentioned : 2 — Redi (1687-1705), Pallas (1781), Goeze (1782), Kudolphi, Zeder, Dujardin (1845), E. Blanchard (1847), P. J. van Beneden (1849), Diesing, Krabbe, Linton, Stiles, Raillet. The anatomy of various forms has received par- ticular attention at the hands of Blanchard, Wagener, von Siebold, and 1 In a few instances there is, however, no change of hosts, but merely a change of organs in one and the same host. The best known case is that, H. murina, elucidated by Grassi, where the cysticercoid occurs in the villi of the intestinal wall, the strobila in the cavity of the same intestine. Von Linstow has found the larvae of Tetra- rhynchus longicollis in the same fish as the adult, and so for Triaenophorus nodulosus. 2 For a complete historical account and bibliography, see Bronn's Thierreichs, Warmer, by Max Braun. 96 THE CESTOIDEA especially van Beneden, whose work on Fish Tapeworms (2), like Leuckart's great work on the Parasites of Man (22), is a storehouse rich in facts. Among more recent writers mention may be made of Somnier and Landois (44, 45), Zschokke (52), Pintner (32-34), Monticelli (30), and others, to whom reference is made below. The life-history of various genera has been gradually elucidated by the researches and discoveries of von Siebold, Wagener (49), E. and P. J. van Beneden, Leuckart (21), Kiichenmeister, Moniez (28), Schauinsland (40), Grassi and Kovelli (1 3), Villot (48), and others. Among the more important steps in anatomical discovery, which have led to our knowledge at the present day, are the following : — The head or scolex of a dog tapeworm was discovered for the first time by Tyson (1683), of T. saginata by Audry (1700), of Bothriocephalus by Bonnet (1777), and of Cyst, cellulosae by Malpighi. The suckers, at first regarded as "eyes and nose," were correctly interpreted by Redi. The isolation and independent movement of the proglottids or vermes cucurbitini were known to von Siebold. The fact that eggs were laid by the proglottids was observed by Leeuwenhoek (1722). Hermaphroditism of the joints appears to have been known to Werner (1782), but the accurate determination of the constituent parts has been very slow and gradual. On an isolated proglottid of Taenia, the uterus, full of eggs, and the more or less prominent genital pore on its margin, were the first to receive attention, and were, by many zoologists, mistaken for intestine and mouth respectively (Linnaeus, Dubois). But Goeze and Pallas, recognising the contents as eggs, concluded that the uterus was an " ovary." This was set right by the discovery by von Siebold of a "germarium" and a "vitellarium" in certain forms ; but to Leuckart belongs the merit of tracing out the ducts connecting the various parts both of the male and of the female system, though even some of his interpretations were shown by Somnier to be erroneous (thus he mistook the vitellarium for a germarium, and vice versa), and it was Somnier who has given us the best descriptions and drawings of the structure of a proglottid in Taenia and in Bothriocephalus, while Zschokke has extended this knowledge in other forms. The testes were discovered by F. E. Schulze in 1820, and the copulatory organs by Platner in 1859. The genitals of the Tetraphyllidea were accurately described by van Beneden. The excretory system, origin- ally identified by von Siebold (1838), was regarded by Blanchard as a part of the alimentary system. It was followed out in its main course by van Beneden in a number of fish tapeworms. Its histological structure has been investigated by Fraipont, Pintner, Poirier (35), and Kohler (18) amongst others. The nervous system, which was first noted by J. Miiller (1836), has been studied by Lang (20), Niemec (31), and recently by Tower and Liihe ; the " brain " having been already recognised by WagenerT The structure of the parenchyma, skin, etc., has received considerable attention in recent years, the most modern writers on this subject being Zernecke (51) and Blochmann. In the majority of the Cestoidea the body is metamerically segmented, the reproductive organs sharing in this segmentation ; THE CESTOIDEA 97 but there are certain genera which consist of a single segment and have only one set of genital organs. This group of forms only differs materially from certain Trematodes in the absence of the enteric cavity, and constitutes a lower grade, from which the segmented Cestodes are derived. This grade is the Monozoa, and the second grade may be termed the Merowa. GRADE A. CESTOIDEA MONOZOA, Lang ( = Cestodaria, Montic. ; = Cestodes monogeneses, v. Ben.; = Atomiosoma, Montic.). Cestoidea, in which the animal consists of a single segment, con- taining a single set of reproductive organs. In addition to the male pore and female (vaginal) pore, there is a third aperture, that of the uterus (birth-pore). The apparatus by which fixation is effected consists, usually, of a single sucker, but presents considerable variation in form, as well as in disposition, with regard to the genital pores. ORDER 1. Amphilinacea. FAMILY 1. AMPHILINIDAE. Oval or leaf-shaped, without a distinct " head " ; with a single small acetabulate sucker at one end. Amphilina, "Wagener ; A. foliacea, Rucl., in the sturgeon (see 39), (Fig. II. 1) ; A. liguloidea, Dies., in fresh-water fish, Brazil ; Wagneria, Montic. ; W. pro- glottis, Wagn., in the intestine of Scijmnus nicceensis. ORDER 2. Gyrocotylacea.! FAMILY 2. GYROCOTYLIDAE. Leaf-shaped, with crenate margins. At the pointed extremity is a small but deep sucker ; at the opposite end is a " rosette organ " carried by a cylindrical peduncle, traversed by a canal opening at each end, from which a peculiar proboscis-like organ can be everted. Gyrocotyle, Dies. ( = Amphiptyches, Wagn.), (see 46); in the intestine of Chimaera and Callorhynchus (Fig. II. 4). ORDER 3. Caryophyllacea. FAMILY 3. CARYOPHYLLAEIDAE. Elongated, cylindrical worms, either with a single sucker or without one, and then with one end capable of considerable mobility. Monobothrium, Dies., with a single terminal sucker ; M. tuba, Wagn., in the intestine of Tinea chrysitis ; Caryophyllaeus, Mull., without a sucker, but with a characteristic mobile organ, capable of being thrown into undulatory folds, giving the appearance of a " clove-pink " ; G. mutabilis, End. (Fig. I.), in the intestine of Cyprinoid fishes, and (young) in the coelom of Tubifex, in segments 8 to 20 (see 50). The worm described by Leuckart as Archigetes sieboldii, from the genital seg- ments of Tubifex rivulorum (see 23), is in all probability only the immature phase of Caryophyllaeus. The cylindrical body carries a tail provided with three pairs of booklets, thus resembling the " caudal vesicle " of such a Cestode as Taenia solium ; it has been suggested that it is a permanent " cysticercus form " with the head everted. The head 98 THE CESTOIDEA is known only from Leuckart's observations on preserved material. This worm is stated to become sexually mature in the Oligochaete, and would be remarkable, firstly, for being the only Cestode inhabiting a single host, and secondly, in that host being an Invertebrate. The genital organs (see 1 5) appear to be identical with those of Caryopliyllaeus, and it is desirable to have further information about the character of the " head," FIG. I. — Caryophyllaeus mutabilis, Rud. 1. — Mature worm from the intestine of the roach, Leuciscus rutilus. (x7£, orig.). The general disposition of the genital organs is shown, a, mobile organ ; c, cirrus ; g, germarium ; t, testes ; v, vitellaria ; u, uterus, the coiling of which has been simplified ; v, vagina ; x, ex- cretory pore. The male duct opens into the atrium (the outline of which is unfortunately indistinct) opposite to the vagina, and the uterus opens also into the atrium, close to the latter. The atrial pore is not lettered, but is seen in line with the letter u. 2. — Immature worm removed from the coelom of the genital segments of Tubifex rivul- orum. (x!5, orig.). It still retains its "caudal vesicle," which is armed with six hooklets. This specimen is a small one ; others occur in the Oligochaete of the same size as, or even larger than some specimens found in the fish, and frequently have the genital organs fully formed, but without eggs. 3, 4, 5. — Outline of the mobile organ in three stages of forward movement — 3, at the begin- ning, and 5, at the terminal stage of the process. During this movement of the mobile organ r a wave of contraction passes forwards along the body, so as to bring the whole animal forwards. for in preserved specimens of the latter genus, an appearance, not unlike that figured by Leuckart, is presented. It is, moreover, to be noted that the genital organs of Caryophyllaeus are fully developed while it is still provided with a " caudal vesicle " and inhabiting the body of Tubifex. Remarks upon the Monozoa. — These unisegmental Cestodes exhibit undoubted affinities with the Trematodes, and especially with the Heterocotylea. A resume of the anatomy of the genera THE CESTOIDEA 99 included will be found in (30). Of the various genera included in the grade, it is Amphilina that appears to be the most primitive in its anatomy, though Leuckart sees in " Archigetes " an archaic form ; but in its general anatomy there is here a greater divergence from the Trematodes than is seen in Amphilina. It is usual to regard the single sucker of all these genera as homologous throughout, and to place it anteriorly ; but if we have regard to its position in relation to the genital pores, it is possible to deny this homology. Spencer (46) and Lonnberg, though with- out definitely expressing any general dissent from the usual view, place the sucker of Gyrocotyle at the posterior end, whereas Wagener and others place it anteriorly. If we examine the genital organs and ducts in Amphttijia, on the one hand, and any Heterocotylean Trematode on the other, we shall see that the comparison is very much more easily appreci- ated if the sucker of the former be placed posteriorly instead of anteriorly as is customary. In Amph. foliacea the sucker is at the pointed end (Fig. II. 1) ; the male pore is at the opposite extremity ; the penis is armed with ten booklets ; the vas deferens soon bifurcates, and its branches are distributed to the marginal, follicular testes. The germarium is single ; the short germ-duct opens into the ootype, which com- municates with three canals : (a) the short, common vitello-duct ; (/?) the egg-containing duct or " uterus," which is a long undulating canal opening externally close to the sucker ; and (y) a short " vagina " or copulatory canal, which opens near the male pore. In A. liguloidea there is a fourth canal (8), which runs in the opposite direction and ends blindly ; it is known usually as the " anterior vagina." Now in the Heterocotylean (see Fig. I. p. 51) the germ- arium lies anteriorly to the testes ; the sperm -duct and the uterus (or egg -containing duct) run forwards side by side to open near the anterior end of the body, either close together or into a common atrium. The vitellarium is identical in Cestodes and Trematodes, the vitelline duct opening into the oviduct opposite to the junction of the latter with the uterus. Arising close to this point there is in the Heterocotylea the vagina or copulatory duct, whose external pore is independent of the uterine or birth-pore, and generally posterior to it. More- over, the genito- intestinal canal (Laurer's canal) communicates with the oviduct in the same region. Now, turning again to Amphilina, the female copulatory duct or " vagina " has the same topographical relation to the other parts of the apparatus as the " uterus " or egg-containing duct of Trematodes ; and the " uterus " of the Cestode corresponds with the " vagina " (when present) of the Trematode. Further, the " anterior vagina " of A. liguloidea is 100 THE CESTOIDEA comparable with the Laurer's canal of the Trematode, which has lost its opening (cf. the receptaculum vitelli of Aspidog aster). FIG. II. — Monozoa. 1.— Generative system of Amphilina foliacea, Rud. (combined from figures by Salensky and Wagener), out of the sturgeon, a, sucker, with retractile muscles (?) or gland cells (?) ; b, uterine or birth pore ; V, uterus ; c, vitellariuiii and vitellarian duct ; d, germarium ; its duct 'opens into the ootype ; e, the vaginal pore ; e', the vagina, dilated in its upper part ; /, sperma- theca ; g, male pore ; h, cirrus ; i, sperm duct, which is represented as less convoluted than it is in reality, the wide, convoluted region being the seminal vesicle ; .?', testes ; k, shell gland. 2.— The larva of Amphilina foliacea removed from the egg (after Salensky). The upper end is ciliated ; the other end is slightly cupped and carries ten hooklets (5) ; o, gland cells opening anteriorly. 3. — The same from behind, showing the ten hooklets, arranged round the terminal cup. (Orig.) 4.—Gyrocotyle urna, Wagn. Outline of the ventral surface showing external apertures and nervous system (after Spencer), a, peculiar frilled organ ; b, uterine pore ; c, terminal sucker ; d, the left excretory pore ; the right one is not lettered ; e, vaginal pore ; g, male pore on the margin ; n, lateral nerve ; o, anterior commissure ; p, posterior commissure. 5, 6, 7 represent the arrangement of the excretory system in Caryophyllaeus. 5. The mobile organ, dorsal view. (Modified from Fraipont.) 6. A transverse section of the body. (After Will.) 7. Dorsal view of body (orig.). a, b, c, d, e, the five descending canals of one side ; these are connected by a network throughout their course, as is shown well in 5 and 7. At the hinder end of the body the ten canals open into a contractile sac. /, g, the "ascending canals " which, in the greater part of the body, lie superficially to the descending canals (6), but in the neck sink into the "medullary region." [In 7 the canal marked "/" should be ",„,, „„„„ ,' proglottid of BothriocepMlus tne7 °Pen * punctatus, v. Ben (after Frai- pont). a, the largest longi- tudinal ca,nal (= ventral), con- nected to its fellow by several irregularly arranged commis- /' from 'the have ™ systematic importance (Fig. VI.). single dorsal canal' of each In B. latus there are the deep longitudinal side, connected together by , . , , i j i i irregular anastomoses ("island canals, which nave a normal, dorsal, and Central position; and further, the dorsal OCCUr This network communicates and the transverse canals are at irregular with the dorsal canals at e ; d, • , -\ T> .L i AT_- *. i foramina secundaria (Wagener) intervals. But whereas this segmental anas- o?fpraorgiot™ged; /} limits tomosis occurs in these Dibothridiata, and again in the Taeniidae, it is absent in most of the Tetraphyllidea. The two canals of one side, however, always pass into one another in the scolex ; but the transverse cephalic anastomosis may be absent even here, as in most of the Tetraphyllidea (Fig. VII.) ; in others it is represented by a simple transverse canal, as it is also in Tetrarhyncha, whilst in the Taeniidae its place is taken by a circular canal arising, according to Pintner, by the splitting of this, in connection with the formation of a retractile rostellum. 1 Blochmann identifies Sommer's " plasmatic canal " as the dorsal excretory canal of Taenia solium and T. saginta (CentralU. f. Bakt. v. Parasitenkunde, xii. 1892, p. 373). THE CESTOIDEA 109 The posterior contractile bladder naturally persists only in those genera which do not drop their proglottids, e.g. Ichthyotaenia, and various Taenia, spp., which inhabit Teleostei ; in other cases, after the separation of this terminal proglottid, the four collecting canals a FIG. VII. — Plans of excretory system (after Pintner). l.—Acanthobothrium coronatum, Rud. Young. The two canals on each side pass into one another in the scolex, but are not connected right and left. Posteriorly all four open into the contractile bladder (e). •2. — PhyUobnthrium gracile, Wedl. Scolex. The two canals of either side pass into the phyllidia of this side ; i is an " island " formed by the local splitting of a canal and the reunion at once of the two branches. 3. — Tetrarhynehus. Scolex. The frontal, transverse vessel (a) unites the right and left canals at the point of recurrence. 4. — Scolex of Cysticerciis arionis (i.e. of Taenia multiformis). b, rostellum, which causes the vessel (a) to form a circular loop, into which the four canals fall. 5. — Taenia. Scolex. The muscular sucker also causes the formation of a loop in each of the longitudinal canals, a, the circular vessel ; b, position of the rostellum j c, the four acetabular loops or islands. 6. — Tetrarhynchus and Tetracotylea. Proglottids. The ventral canal becomes'wicler than dorsal, and there is a transverse canal (/) in each proglottid. came to open independently ; or, in some cases, a median duct develops from the last transverse connecting canal. But in a con- siderable number of instances the main canals effect new lateral communications in the scolex, neck, and proglottids; these "foramina secundaria " appear in Schistocephalus to be segmentally repeated. no THE CESTOIDEA The nervous system of Bothriocephalus (Fig. VIII.) consists of a right and a left longitudinal cord traversing the strobila throughout its length, lying nearer to the middle line than to the margin. In the scolex they are united by a " cerebral commissure," containing gan- glion cells, whence four nerves pass back along each side of the scolex. The nervous sys- tem in the Merozoa generally agrees with this simple type ; there is always one, sometimes two, marginal nerve cords, which are, in several instances at least amongst the higher forms, united by a transverse or circular commissure near the hinder margin of each FIG. VIIL proglottid (Tower (47), and Bothrioceph. latus, L. Plan of the nervous Others). A Superficial net- system of the scolex (altered, from Niemec). a, -iirrirlr nf nprvp fihrpc ic in r»rm one lateral nerve which extends throughout worf ° the entire strobila ; &, the two lateral accessory nection with these main COl'ds nerves of one side ; c, one dorsal and one ventral /-p, , >. accessory nerve of one side; e, the incomplete (-DlOCnmannj. circular commissure connecting the main nerve T f^ oPnW tliP pnrrlc QT-A and the accessory nerves, c ; /, the anterior nerves ; g, one bothrium- h, the transverse ganglionic always Connected by a tranS- comnnssure (brain), in front of which is a small f additional commissure. verse cerebral commissure, and usually there are one or even two accessory, circular connections, whence more or less numerous nerves are given off (Fig. IX.). The degree of complexity of this apparatus is connected with the development and needs of the organs of the scolex, and appears to have no systematic value (Niemec, 31). The most important of the internal organs from the system- atist's point of view are the genital organs ; these in B. latus are fully developed in about the 600th proglottid, which is therefore said to be " mature." On the ventral surface of such a proglottid two pores lie in the median line ; the anterior pore is the opening of the genital atrium into which open the male copulatory duct or penis, and the female copulatory duct or vagina, the posterior aperture is the " birth-pore " or opening of the uterus (Fig. III. 4). In the youngest proglottids, immediately following the head, no trace of the genital organs occur ; but as the proglottids grow older, and become further removed from their point of origin, the forecasts of the organs make their appearance, the male organs THE CESTOIDEA in first, and further back the female system. As the proglottids become mature they drop off in groups. The follicular testes are scattered over the greater part of the dorsal surface (Fig. X.) ; the numerous efferent canals unite to form a larger sperm-duct, which, after an extremely undulating course, enters and traverses the "cirrus pouch," to the muscular walls of which the duct is con- nected by radiating reticular fibres. By the contraction of the wall of the pouch, the sperm-duct is straightened out and the whole cirrus is everted. The germarium is made up of a pair of groups of acini, lying near the ventral surface, and it is noteworthy that, while in the Trematoda the testis is posterior to the germarium, the reverse FIG. IX. 1, 2. — Plan of the nervous system of the scolex of Taenia (reconstructed from Niemec's figures). 1. — View from the ventral (or dorsal) surface. a, lateral nerve ; b, one of the two accessory lateral nerves ; c, the ventral (or dorsal) nerves ; d, the ganglionic enlargement of the lateral nerve ; e, the transverse commissure ; /, nerve ring round the rostellum giving off nerves for- wards. Posteriorly it receives eight nerves : g, two nerves to the lateral ganglion ; h, a pair of ventral (and dorsal) nerves ; i, polygonal commissure ; j, one of the two ventral (or dorsal) ganglia situated on this polygonal com- missure, and connected to the main transverse commissure by the nerve (I). 2. — Plan of nervous system at the level of the commissure, seen from above, after removal of the "ring." 3. — Diagrammatic transverse section through the hinder margin of a proglottid of Moniezia (somewhat altered from Tower), a, lateral nerve, here dilated to form a ganglion, which is connected with its fellow by a ring-commis- sure, m ; cc', the dorsal and ventral ganglionic swellings at the junction of the dorsal and ventral nerves, with this commissure ; n, a loop round the ventral excretory canal (a;). m' holds in the Cestoidea on the assumption that the scolex is anterior. The vitellarium consists of a vast number of follicles distributed over the ventral, and partially along the dorsal surface at each side. The uterus is a long tube, having a characteristic convoluted course, and opens anteriorly. The vagina starting from the ootype is straight (see 45). The life-history of Botlmocephalus is incompletely known, though the development of the egg as far as the six-hooked embryo 1 has been carefully studied by Schauinsland (40). It is, on the whole, similar to that of a Trematocle, in the character of its segmentation, at the end of which a "yolk envelope" of flat cells is formed, which is left behind in the egg-shell (Fig. XL). Within this envelope 1 The six-hooked embryo is also known as proscolex, onchosphere, and hexacanth embryo. 112 THE CESTOIDEA FIG. X. Bothriocephalus latm, L. The genital organs (after Sommer and Landois). The upper figure shows the female organs seen from below ; the lower figure, the male organs from aoove. In each case only the central part of the proglottid is represented, so that only a small part of the testes and vitellaria is shown (see Fig. III. 4) ; the anterior and posterior boundaries, however, are shown, a, the prominent "cirrus sac"; b, the cirrus, partly everted, carrying the aperture of the sperm duct at its end ; c, the genital atrium and pore ; d, the vaginal pore opening into the atrium ; e, the large coiling uterus ; /, the uterine pore ; g, the vagina in the middle line ; h, germarium ; i, shell gland ; j, vitello duct ; fc, lateral nerve ; I, vitellarium ; n, cirrus canal traversing the muscular tissue of the cirrus sac in order to reach the male pore (see upper figure) ; p, sperm duct ; q, seminal vesicle ; r and x, vasa eflerentia ; s, lateral ex- cretory canal ; t, testicular follicles. THE CESTOIDEA there is developed from the superficial blastomeres of the embryo a ciliated mantle or " embryophore " enclosing the solid six-hooked embryo, which is developed from the central mass of blastomeres. -\--S FJG. XI. — Development of BothriocepJialus latus, L. (after Schauinsland). "I. — Segmentation is completed ; some cells of the blastosphere have migrated through the yolk, and have flattened out to form (c) a " yolk envelope." A second set of superficial cells of the embryo have grown over the remainder, and have formed a layer (e) of flattened cells, the embryophore (Schauinsland's " ectoblast "). The remainder (d) of the blastosphere will develop into the six-hooked embryo. 2. — A later stage in which the embryophore (e) is becoming thicker. 3. — The larva has been artificially pressed out of the shell, the operculum (s') being pushed off. The embryophore has developed cilia. The yolk envelope remains in the egg shell, and HOAV the yolk (y) is seen to consist of separate cells. 4. — A free-swimming larva. The embryophore (e) is much swollen by the water. The six hooks are developed. This embryo leaves the thick operculated shell, still enclosed in the embryophore in B. latus, though in other species it is not ciliated and is left behind ; by means of it the onchosphere is enabled to swim freely in the water for at least a week, rotating about an axis that 8 n4 THE CESTOIDEA passes through one pair of booklets, which is always carried hind- most. The fate of this onchosphere is unknown, as feeding ex- periments with appropriate hosts have been unsuccessful. But if we may judge from other histories, this embryo is swallowed by some invertebrate or perhaps a small fish on which the pike preys, for the tissues of this fish sometimes contain numerous encysted young forms of Bothriocephalus — wormlike, with an invaginable "scolex" or head at one end (Fig. XIL). Such a sexless, encysted stage is known as a " metacestode " or " plerocestoid " (Braun). It is by eating such infested fish that man becomes the final host, in the Baltic pro- vinces and elsewhere, where the pike is a favourite diet, and is eaten in an im- perfectly cooked condition. We have, however, more definite in- formation about the history of Ligula and Schistocephalus ; the ciliated larva of FIG. xn. these worms is swallowed by a fish, and Metacestode of Bothriocephalus the six-hooked embryo makes its way LneSaerdt).in * through the intestinal wall, by the action of its booklets, and thus reaches the body cavity. Here it develops directly, by growth and loss of booklets, into the strobila, and in the case of Schistocephalus, the body even becomes segmented ; indeed, the parasite only differs from the adult condition in the imperfect development of the genital organs. The great increase in size of the worm causes con- siderable inconvenience to the fish. When the latter is devoured by a bird, the tapeworm soon becomes mature in the intestine, the warmth of the bird's body hastening the development of the genitals. According to Leuckart, the strobila, after two and a half days' sojourn in the final host, may leave it through the anus, partially digested, it is true, and the eggs are thus scattered in the water. The meaning of the ciliated embryophore is variously inter- preted as either (a) a primitive ectoderm, or (b) the remains of a miracidium-like larva. The latter view commends itself at the pre- sent day, and the free-swimming larva may be compared to that of a Trematode, in which the " six-hooked embryo " may be regarded as having developed simultaneously with its envelope (cf. Gyro- dactylus, p. 53). CLASSIFICATION OF THE CESTOIDEA MEROZOA. In% the Merozoa the generative organs, more especially the uterus, exhibit two well-marked types of structure. In the one type, as in the Monozoa and Bothriocephalus, the uterus retains its THE CESTOIDEA communication with the exterior by a " birth-pore." In the second type, this pore has been lost, so that the uterus is a closed sac (Fig. XIII. ). In the former case, the eggs when ripe can pass out from time to time without a necessary separation of the proglottids ; whereas, in the second case, the ripe proglottids drop off from the strobila, either singly or in groups, and the eggs are discharged only by local dehiscence or decay of its walls. Associated with the possession of a birth-pore is the existence of only two adhesive organs of the scolex, whereas those Cestodes without a birth -pore possess four such organs, except in a few individual instances, where there is then evidence of fusion. These characters serve to differentiate the grade Merozoa into two branches — the Dibothridiata and the Tetrabothridiata. These " organs of the scolex," comprehensively grouped as " suckers," occur in the Merozoa under three well-marked forms : FIG. XIII. — Diagrammatic longi- tudinal median sections (or rather projections) of a pro- glottid. 1. Dibothridiata. 2. Tetraboth- ridiata, showing the uterine pore in the former; its absence in- the latter, a, common genital (copu- latory) pore ; b, cirrus ; c, vas de- ferens and testes ; d, vitellaria ; e, vitello - duct ; /, gerinariuin ; g, ootype, surrounded by shell glands ; h, vagina (with dilatation or sper- matheca) opening into the genital atrium ; i, the uterus, opening ex- ternally at j, in the Dibothridiata, but a blind sac in the Tetraboth- ridiata. A ff (a) as sucking grooves or "bothria," which are narrow fissures or widely open cuppings on the dorsal and ventral surfaces of the head; their muscles are only slightly developed, and are not de- limited internally from the parenchyma; they are characteristic of the Dibothridiata ; (b) as " phyllidia " (or " bothridia," M. Braun1), which are essentially outgrowths from the side of the scolex, to the number of four. Each is more or less distinctly concave distally ; this muscular cup is the " bothridium," the margins of which, and indeed the entire structures, are extremely mobile ; and Pintner has suggested that these are rather organs of locomotion than of attachment. They present certain modifications (see below), and are characteristic of the Tetraphyllidea, Diphyllidea, and Tetrarhyncha. Finally, (c) as "acetabula," or suckers in the 1 Van Beneden used the term "bothridium " for all kinds of sucking organs in the Cestoidea. Earlier writers used "bothrium." Braun uses "bothridia" for those which are here termed " phyllidia," and I restrict the use of the term to the cup or sucker carried by the phyllidimn. ii6 THE CESTOIDEA ordinary sense of the word. These are deep hemispherical cups or excavations at the side of the scolex, without projecting lips. They are not mobile, and their muscles are delimited internally. They are characteristic of the Tetracotylea (Taeniidae). BRANCH A. DIBOTHRIDIATA. Cestoidea Merozoa, in which the scolex is provided with only two of these organs or "bothria," situated respectively on the dorsal and ventral aspect. The uterus retains its communication with the exterior. ORDER 1. Pseudophyllidea, v. Ben. (Dibothridae, Dies. ; Dicestoda, Perr.). The scolex is usually unarmed, though hooklets occur in some genera. The common copulatory pore is usually on the ventral surface, though in a few forms it may move to the margin of the proglottid. The uterine pore is ventral. FAMILY 1. BOTHRIOCEPHALIDAE. Bothria more or less definite slit- like furrows ; proglottids generally distinct, and drop off in groups. Bothriocephalus, Hud. ; B. latus, Bremser, in the intestine of man, in Russia, Switzerland, Southern France, North America. The embryos, enclosed in a ciliated embryophore, swim freely in water. Pike and other fresh-water fish are the intermediate hosts, but possibly they become infected by devouring invertebrates containing the larvae. B. cordatus, Lkt., in dog, Greenland. B. tetrapterus, v. Sieb., in Phoca. B. (Diplogono- porus, Lonnb.) balaenopterae, Lonnb., with two copulatory pores in each proglottid. B. (Krabbea, R. BL) grandis, Bl., Japan. B. (Anchistro- cephalus, Montic.) microcephalus, Rud., in Orthagoriscus mola. Amphi- tretus, R. Bl. B. (Diphyllobothrium, Cobb.) stemmacephalum, Cobb., in Porpoise. Amphicotyle, Dies., with an accessory sucker to each bothrium. Bothriotaenia, Raillet ; they occur mostly in fish. B. infundibuliformis, Rud., in the salmon (Fig. III. 2), (see 38). B. rugdsa, Rud., lives in Gadus, spp. ( = "Abothrium gadi" of van Beneden). Disymphytobothrium, Dies., with peculiarly modified head, in North American sturgeon. Schisto- cephalus, Crepl. (see 17). S. solidus, Crepl., in aquatic birds; the young form lives in the body cavity of Gasterosteus, in which it develops so far as to become segmented ; the genital organs have already appeared. Ligula, Block, body unsegmented externally ; final host is some aquatic bird ; the intermediate host a Cyprinoid or other fish, in the coelom of which the worm attains considerable development (see 8). L. mono- gramma, Crepl., a single series of genitals. L. digramma, Crepl., two alternating series. FAMILY 2. SOLENOPHORIDAE. The lips of each bothrium meet to form a sucking tube, usually retaining a pore at each end ; genital pores ventral. Solenophorus, Crepl. (Bothridium, Blv.), (see 7) ; S. megalocephalus, Crepl., intestine of boa and python (Fig. III. 3). Duthiersia, Perr. ; D. expansa, Perr., intestine of Varanus (Fig. III. 6) ; Diplocotyle, Kr. ; D. obrikii, Kr., in Salmo carpio ; Ptychobothrium, Lonn- berg ; P. belones, Lonnb. FAMILY 3. BOTHRIOMONIDAE. The two bothria are replaced by a terminal, unpaired cup, which has arisen either by THE CESTOIDEA 117 fusion and modification of the bothria, or it may be a rostellar sucker. Cyathocephalus, Kessl. ; C. truncatus, Pall., in fresh -water fish (Fig. XIV.), (see 19). FAMILY 4. LEUCKARTIIDAE. Without apparent bothria. Leuckartia, Moniez, in fish ; Blanchardella, Moniez. FAMILY 5. TRI- AENOPHORIDAE. Body indistinctly segmented, copulatory pore marginal. The bothria are very shallow, but wide ; each is armed distally with two three-pronged hooklets. Triaenophorus, End. ; T. nodulosus, Rud., in pike, and encysted in the tissues of Cyprinoid fishes (Fig. XV.). FIG. XV. Triaenophorus nodulosiis, Rud., from the intestine of the pike. The left-hand figure re- presents the entire strobila. ( x 2, orig.). a, the scolex ; ft, the series of uterine pores which alone mark the repeti- tion of parts, for there are no distinct proglottids. The right-hand upper figure is the scolex. (x 17, orig.). It is viewed rather obliquely, so that a part of one of the hooks of the dorsal surface is shown in addition to the both- rium (a) and the two character- istic hooks of the ventral sur- face. Lower figure. The hinder end of the strobila rendered transparent, (x circa 20, orig.). ft, uterine pores ; c, uteri filled with eggs ; d, copulatory pores, irregularly arranged right and left ; e, cirrus ; /, excretory bladder. The rest of the geni- tal organs not presenting any peculiarities are omitted. FIG. XIV. Cyathocephalus truncatus, Pall., from the intes- tine of Perca fluviatilis. ( x circa 20, after Zschpkke.) a, terminal "suck- er " (see text) ; ft, uterine pore ; d, copulatory pore ; both are alternately dor- sal and ventral. FIG. XV. Further Remarks on the Dibothridiata. — This branch of the Merozoa is more nearly allied to the Monozoa than are the Tetra- bothridiata. The majority of them are parasitic in fresh-water fishes, though the genus Bothriotaenia occurs in birds, and Bothrio- cephalus latus in man. The size of the strobila and the number of proglottids varies considerably, as it does too in the other orders ; the great Bothriocephalus latus, with its hundreds of proglottids, and measuring some 20 feet or more, contrasts with Cyathocephalus, with only some twenty segments, and a length of 20 mm. The scolex, though always retaining the two bothria — one dorsal, the other ventral — exhibits some interesting modifications of the typical structure. The deep, narrow cleft of Bothriocephalus is repre- H8 THE CESTOIDEA sented by a slight pit in Ligula, and in Triaenophorus by a wide, shallow depression. An accessory sucker, such as frequently occurs in the Tetraphyllidea, is met with in Amphicotyle, above the limits of the bothria. An extension of the bothria round the scolex, and their fusion, may lead to the condition in Cyathocephalus, where a circular disc is formed, capping or surrounding the scolex. Modification in another direction, viz. by the union and coalescence of the lateral lips of the bothrium, leads to the formation of a dorsal and a ventral tube, as in the Solenophoridae ; by the closure of the lower aperture in Diplocotyle, two " suckers " are simulated ; and in Dutliiersia the upper opening is expanded, and the whole sides much folded to form a very mobile organ recalling the "phyllidium" of the Tetraphyllidea. Further, in a few cases, booklets are carried by the scolex ; these aid very materially in fixing the parasite to the wall of its host intestine. The scolex may be prolonged beyond the bothria, to form a " rostellum," which in Ptychobothrium is long and mobile ; and in Schistocephalus is provided with a small pit, recalling the terminal sucker of other orders. Indeed, as will be seen below, modifications and differences of the same character as these occur again and again in different orders of the Merozoa, The typical " proglottidisation " is not expressed externally in Ligula and Triaenophorus, though the genital pores indicate tl\e repetition of the genital organs (Fig. XV.) ; in other cases, also, the demarcation of the proglottids is but feebly expressed (Cyatho- cephalus and Diplocotyle}. The copulatory pore, though typically ventral, may move out- wards so as to become marginal (Fig. III. 5), and may even come to lie on the dorsal surface in Ptychobothrium. But these differences in position seem scarcely sufficient, by themselves, to justify new genera, and far less new families; and it is a matter of speculation as to which is the more primitive position. Throughout this order the penis opens into the genital atrium in front of the vagina ; and as a rule the birth-pore is behind the copulatory pore, but the reverse holds in Bothriotaenia. BRANCH B. TETRABOTHRIDIATA. Cestoidea Merozoa, in which the scolex is provided with four organs of adhesion (? or locomotion), and in which the uterus is a closed sac, so that the eggs can escape only after the decomposition or rupture of the proglottid. The branch includes four orders (families of van Beneden) founded chiefly on the character of the organs of the scolex : Tetraphyllidea, Diphyllidea, Tetrarhyncha, Tetracotylea. ORDER 1. Tetraphyllidea, v. Ben. ( = Tetrabothridae, Dies.). Tetrabothridiate Cestoidea in -which, tlie organs of the scolex are outgrowths from it; these "phyllidia" are more or less, but always THE CESTOIDEA 119 slightly, cupped, their margins being extremely mobile and active. The phyllidia may be pedimculated, their depressions (" bothridia ") may be subdivided by ridges into loculi, and in a few cases carry booklets. The copulatory pore is usually marginal; the vagina is anterior to the penis. The proglottids are detached singly, even before the genital organs are fully developed. The members of this order are found almost exclusively in the spiral intestine of Selachians (see v. Beneden, 2). FAMILY 1. TETRABOTHRIDAE (Tetraphyllidea, v. Ben.) The phyllidia are distinctly constricted at the base. SUB-FAMILY 1. TETRABOTHRINAE. Phyllidia simple and attached by a broad base. Phyllobothrium, v. Ben. (Fig. XVI. 3) ; Tetrabothrium, Olss. ; Calyptrobothrium, Montic. ; Memory gma, Dies. ; Ceratobothrium, Montic. ; Orygmatobothrium, Dies. ; Marsipocephalus, "Wedl. ; M. rectangulus, WedL, in Heterobranchus anguillaris of the Nile ; Prosthecocotyle, Montic. ; P. forsteri, in dolphin ; Dinobothrium, v. Ben. ; Diplobothrium, v. Ben. ; Zygobothrium, Dies. ; Pelichnibothrium, Montic. ; Peltidocotyle, Dies., scolex globular, dilated, with four " scutella " (? phyllidia), each with two accessory suckers. P. rugosa, Dies., in Platystoma tigrinum from Brazil ; Ephedrocephalus, Dies. Small tetragonal scolex, with phyllidia at the angles. The short neck is dilated to form a flat, octagonal platform, with reflexed edges, from which the scolex arises ; Brazil. Amphoteromorphus, Dies. ; Amphotero- cotyle, Dies. SUB-FAMILY 2. PHYLLOBOTHRINAE, v. Ben. Phyllidia un- armed, more or less complicated by subdivision into " loculi," each phyllidium attached by a narrow base, which is frequently produced to form a peduncle. Echeneibothrium, v. Ben. (Fig. XVI. 4) ; Rhinebothrium, Lint. (Fig. XVI. 2) ; Spongiobothrium, Lint. ; Anthobothrium, v. Ben. (Fig. XVI. 1) ; Crossobothrium, Lint., Anthocephalum, Lint. SUB-FAMILY 3. PHYLLACANTHINAE, v. Ben. Phyllidia armed with booklets. Callio- bothrium, v. Ben. (Fig. XVII. 1) ; C. (AcanthobotJirium^ v. Ben.) coronatum, Rud. ; G. (Onchobothrium, Blv.) uncinatum, Rud. ; C. (Prosthecoboihrium, Dies.) dujardini, Dies. ; Phoreiobothrium, Lint. ; Cylindrophorus, Dies. ; TJiysanocephalum, Lint. (Fig. XVII. 2) ; Platybothrium, Lint. ; Pelyoncho- bothrium, Dies. ; P. septicolle, Dies., in Polypterus bichir. FAMILY 2. GAMOBOTHRIDAE, Lint. The four phyllidia united by their lateral margins to form a single discoid or globular mass. Lecanicephalum, Lint. (Fig. XVII. 3, 4). Tylocephalum, Lint., head formed of a globular organ (? united phyllidia) with four accessory suckers, and beyond a large rostellum. T. pingue, Lint., in Ehinopterus ; Discocephalum, Lint. (Fig. XVII. 5). fiemarks on the Tetraphyllidea. — The anatomy, as well as much of what is known of the life-history of these forms, was investigated by van Beneden, to whose valuable researches we owe so much of our knowledge of parasitic Platyhelminths. These Tetraphyllidea are almost exclusively found in the spiral intestine of Selachians, and it appears that here they move about and are not permanently attached as the more highly developed Taeniae are ; this locomotion is effected partly, at least, by the movement of the " phyllidia." 120 THE CESTOIDEA These " phyllidia " are outgrowths of the scolex, and contain a part of the excretory network (Fig. VII. 2) ; they occur under three chief varieties : (a) They retain their simple character with a more or less marked, spoon-shaped depression or " bothridium " FIG. XVI.— Scolex of various Tetraphyllkfea 1. — Anthobothrium cornucopia, v. Ben., out of Galeus canis (after v. Ben.). The four phyllidia are typically developed, with long stalks, and a simple unarmed and undivided bothridium. 2. — Rhinebothrium flexile, Lint., out of Trygon centrum (after Linton). Each bothridium is divided into numerous loculi by a median, longitudinal, and a series of transverse ridges. 3. — Phyllobothrium thridax, v. Ben., out of Squatina vulgaris (after Zschokke). Each both- . ridium is provided with an accessory sucker (a). 4. — Echeiieibothrium variabile, v. Ben., in various species of Raia (after Linton). In addi- tion to the usual four bothridia— here well developed— carried by the phyllidia, there is an apical, rostellar sucker (x). at the free end ; the point of attachment to the scolex is con- stricted, and this narrow base may be prolonged to form a distinct peduncle, or this simple depression in the Pliyllobothrinae (Fig. XVI. 2) may be subdivided by transverse ridges into a small number of " loculi," as in the posterior sucker of such a Trematode THE CESTOIDEA 121 as Tristomum or Aspidogaster. This loculation no doubt aids in attachment, (b) In the sub-family Phyllacanthime, (Fig. XVII. 1) booklets may be added which convert the originally locomotor organ into a more useful adhesive organ, (c) But both in the simple and in the armed phyllidia an " accessory sucker " may be present, either somewhere within the area of the cup (Tetrabothrium), or frequently above it (Phyllobothrium) on the scolex; this accessory FIG. XVII.— Scolex of various Tetraphyllidea. l.—Calliobothriiimfilicolle, Zsch., out of Torpedo ocellata (after Zschokke). The phyllidia are here short ; each bothridium is trilocular, and is armed, distally, with two bifurcate hooks. Above each bothridium (e) is an accessory sucker (d). 2.—Thysanoeephalum crispum, Lint., out of Galeocerdo tigrinus (after Linton). The small scolex (/) is, during life, partially concealed by the " pseudoscolex ' (g), which is formed by the development of much-folded ridges from the neck. Each bothridium (/) is bilocular, and armed with two simple spines. 3. — Lecanicephcdum peltatum, Lint. , out of Trygon centrum (after Linton). Viewed from above. 4. —The same from the side. The scolex is here flattened so as to form two horizontal plates, the margins of which (a, 5) are membranous and folded, and separated by a slight furrow. The lower plate carries four accessory suckers (c), two of which are indicated by the dark spots in 3, and one in 4, in which, however, the index line stops short. 5. — Discocephcdum pileatum, Lint., out of Carcharius obscuriis (after Linton). The scolex is a flattened, mushroom-shaped disc ; below it is a swollen neck (g), the surface of which is irregular ; it is separated by a groove from the scolex. sucker differs in structure from the " bothridium " ; it is a pit in the surface, with strong muscular walls, which are delimited from the parenchyma ; in fact, these " suckers " have the structure of the "acetabula" of the Tetracotylea, with which Pintner (1896) homologises them, regarding the " bothridium " as something not represented in the majority of the Tetracotylea. But in addition to forms, in which the four organs are distinctly separate, there are other forms in which the structure of the head 122 THE CESTOIDEA is more or less modified by fusion of the phyllidia. In Dinobothrium the phyllidia are arranged in two pairs, the members of a pair being close together. In Diplobothrium, Zygdbothrium, and Platybothrium the paired members are actually united, so that the head appears to possess only two instead of four phyllidia ; but evidence of fusion is provided by the existence of a slight ridge traversing each apparent phyllidium. A step further, and the four phyllidia may fuse to form a single structure, as in Gamobothridae, giving rise to a plate-like or globular termination to the head (Fig. XVII. 3, 4). In Thysanocephalum (see 25) the scolex is hidden by a great swelling of the neck, which becomes folded and fringed so as to give rise to a structure recalling the mobile organ of Gyrocotyle, much exaggerated (Fig. XVII. 2). Here the " neck " is replacing, functionally, the scolex, which is greatly reduced, and suggests that possibly in " Phyllobothrium laduca" v. Ben., something of the same sort has occurred. The " rostellum " or apical region beyond the attachment of the phyllidia may or may not be present ; it undergoes great modifica- tions in some cases, and possibly in the Gamobothridae this organ shares in the formation of the very peculiar "head" (see 25). It may carry a terminal sucker (Echeneibothrium, Fig. XVI. 4), as in some of the Tetracotylea. The four phyllidia or other organs of the scolex in the Tetra- bothridiata are normally arranged at equal distances around the apex of the scolex, in such a way that, as the nervous and excretory systems show, two correspond to the dorsal and two to the ventral surfaces of the proglottids ; in other words, each bothrium of Bothriocephalus is represented, topographically at least, by a pair of organs in the Tetrabothridiata. It is not, however, probable that the latter organs are descended from such a Dibothridiate form by a process of duplication. We have no evidence from embryology that this process takes place ; on the contrary, we have evidence that the reverse process obtains in some of the Tetrabothridiata. Nevertheless, the fact that, in the Dibothridiata, the generative organs resemble those of the Cestoidea Monozoa and Heterocotylea, forbids us taking the view that each of the two "bothria" in this branch has arisen by fusion of a pair of ancestral organs. We have, therefore, to fall back on the assumption that both groups have been derived, along divergent lines, from a common ancestor in which the organs of adhesion were not yet developed, or possibly were in some such condition as that of Caryopliyllaeus. The generative organs retain in some respects the arrange- ment found in the Dibothridiata, viz. the vitellarium is marginal and follicular, extending round the entire proglottid ; the vagina is usually anterior to the penis ; the uterus is more or less tubular and undulating, but has lost its pore. The genital pore is THE CESTOIDEA 123 marginal ; but in Ephedrocepkalus the male organ opens here, the vagina on the ventral surface. The eggs undergo little change so long as they remain in the uterus ; but, as in the Dibothridiata, develop outside the parent, from which they are discharged by the decay of the joint. The proglottids are detached singly, and the fringe of processes or lobes which frequently ornament the hinder margin are used as locomotor organs ; after separation the pro- glottid may grow, and the genital organs undergo further changes, so that there is a close resemblance to an " individual " organism leading its own independent life. Very little is known about the life-history of the members of the order. Van Beneden discovered isolated heads attached to " sacs," or even enclosed in them, in various Selachians and other fishes ; he noted the resemblance of these " scolices " to the heads of various Tetraphyllidea, and rightly concluded that they represent a stage in the life-history of the tapeworm. Such " metacestodes " (which resemble Cysticercoids with everted head) occur free in the intestine of various fish, and no doubt attain their adult state when these are devoured as food by Selachians. One of the commonest forms is Scolex polymorphus, which has been observed in a variety of Teleosteans, in Sepia, and even in crabs. Monticelli (29) has shown, by careful comparison with the head of adult Calliobothrium, that it is the larva of C. filicolle, Zsch. In these metacestode stages the organism consists of a sac and a head, invaginable in some cases into the sac, the Avails of which are thin, mus- cular, and provided with nerves and excretory canals, on the same plan as in the adult ; the latter open by a contractile bladder posteriorly, and are continued into the scolex anteriorly. By a process of budding just behind the suckers, a series of segments are formed, and it appears that the orginal sac or bladder — upon which six hooks have in many cases been recognised — becomes the most posterior, sterile proglottid. ORDER 2. Diphyllidea, v. Ben. The scolex is provided with a long " head stalk," which is armed with several longitudinal rows of hooklets-; the "head" consists of a retractile armed rostellum and four (apparently only two) phyllidia, with projecting, slightly mobile margins. The strobila consists of few proglottids. The generative organs are of the Tetraphyllidian type, but the genital pore is on the ventral face. SOLE FAMILY. ECHINOBOTHRIDAE. Echinobothrium, v. Ben., sole genus ; in spiral gut of Selachians (Fig. XVIII.) ; E. musteli, Pintner, the meta- cestode in the liver of Nassa reticulata. The rostellum has an elaborate structure, consisting of a muscular mass lying dorsal ly and ventrally, supporting two groups of " frontal hooks." Tins rostellum appears to be homologous with that of the Taeniidae rather than with the proboscis 124 THE CESTOIDEA of Tetrarhynchus (33). Each of the two phyllidia, which are dorsal and ventral, consists really of two alae or flaps separated by the projecting edge of the scolex. These four flaps are indeed the four phyllidia, united FIG. XVIII. 1. — Echinobothrium affine, Dies., out of Raia, spp. (altered, after Pintner). View of scolex from the side, with the commencement of the body, a, rostellum ; ft, rostellar or frontal hooklets, situated in a dorsal and ventral group of eleven ; in each group there are two kinds — six like &J,and five like 62 in this species ; at the sides of each group are three small accessory hooklets; 6], fe2, the two kinds of frontal hooks of E. musteli, Pintner. The central muscular mass of the rostellum is indicated by dotted lines, but in addition there is a group of retractor muscles of the hooks on each side ; c, one of the ventral phyllidia ; d, e, the right and left dorsal phyllidia, united below ; e, points to the inner face of the phyllidium, the dotted outline indi- cates the lower limit of these organs ; c, d, are in reality separate from one another above, but are represented as overlapping ; /, the long "head stalk" provided with eight rows of spines, characteristic of the genus. In this species there are twenty to twenty-five spines in each row ; /!, one of these spines ; it is quadriradiate, with its fourth spine directed inwards and slightly curved ; g, the uppermost proglottid, which exhibits a notch at each side, indicating, probably, a division into two ; h, the second proglottid. 2. — Transverse section of the scolex, a little above the level of c, in 1 (altered, after Pintner). The parenchyma of the four phyllidia is not indicated ; the longitudinal muscles (as a row of dots) below the cuticle, c, one of the ventral phyllidia ; d, e, the two dorsal phyllidia correspond- ing to those in 1. It is now seen that d and e are in reality separate structures, the body wall intervening between them, where the letter k is placed. The figure '"2" lies in the lateral depressions between c and d • k, the retractor muscles of the dorsal frontal hooks ; I, the central muscular mass of the rostellum, formed of transversely arranged fibrillae ; m, the four excretory canals ; n, the great lateral ganglia of the nervous system ; below the rostellar mass they are connected by a transverse commissure. 3. — Plan of the genital organs from below (composed from Pintner's description and figure of E. musteli). In reality the testes would have undergone degeneration before the uterus had attained the size represented, a, Vitellarium ; &, testes ; c, cirrus ; d, genital atrium, which opens on the ventral surface of the proglottid ; e, germarium ; /, vagina dilated in its course to form a receptaculum seminis ; g, uterus. dorsally and ventrally (Fig. XVIII. 2). It is a noteworthy 'fact that Pintner could find no calcareous corpuscles anywhere in the tissues of this tapeworm. THE CESTOIDEA 125 The systematic position of this isolated genus presents considerable difficulty; it is evident that it is Tetrabothridiate both from the structure of its suckers and from the absence of a distinct birth-pore. The fact that the margins of the bothridia project freely and are slightly mobile points to its affinity with the Tetraphyllidea rather than with the Taeniidae or Tetrarhyncha, as also do the genital organs. Its long " head stalk " is a point of resemblance to the latter group. This region is not one of budding as is a " neck " in the rest of the Merozoa, for there is a sharp demarcation between the region of budding and the armed region both in Echinobotfvrium and the region which contains the proboscis sacs in Tetrarhynchus. The fact that in both families there is a tendency for the bothridia to fuse in couples must not be held to have great weight, since in the Tetraphyllidea we find the same tendency in various genera. The ventral genital pore too is not unknown amongst the Tetrarhyncha nor the Tetracotylea, but at first recalls the Bothriocephalid arrangement. Probably Echinobothrium came off from the Tetrabothridiate stem at a very early period, and has remained thus isolated. The genus Tetracampos, "Wedl., may possibly be allied to Echinobothrium. The scolex possesses four round, flat, feebly expressed phyllidia ; the rostellum carries four groups of booklets, but nothing is said as to its retractility. The genital pores are on the ventral surface. The hexacanth embryo is ciliated. T. ciliotheca, Wedl., in Heterobranchus anguillaris of the Nile (Stzber. Akad. Wien. Math. Nat. Cl. I. xliv. 1861, p. 473). ORDER 3. Tetrarhyncha, v. Ben. ( = Phyllorhyncha, v. Ben. ; = Trypanorhyncha, Dies.). The four phyllidia (bothridia) may be united in pairs, as in the Diphyllidea. Each phyllidium is accompanied by a long spiniferous proboscis (or " trypaiiorhynchus," Dies.) capable of retraction into a sac occupying the " head stalk." The adults occur in Selachians. The metacestode is encysted in various parts of Teleosteans. FAMILY — TETRARHYXCHIDAE ( = Dibothriorhyncha + Tetrabothriorhyncha, Dies., etc.), with characters of the order. Syndesmobothrium, Dies. ; Tetrarhynchus, Rud. ( = Rhynchobothrium, v. Ben., Lkt., etc.). The genus contains a large number of species. T. ruficollis, Eysenh., in Mustelus, Acanthias, etc. ; its metacestode is Coenomorphus joyeuxii, Lonnb., which occurs in crabs (Vaul- legeard, 1895). Rhynchobothrium, Rud. (incl. var. spp. of Tetrarhynchus, auct.) ; Otobothrium, Lint. ; 0. crenaticolle, Lint., from Zygaena malleus. Remarks on the Tetrarhyncha. — The numerous species occurring in sharks have been, by various authors, referred to a variety of genera distributed over two families founded on the character of the bothridia, — whether they are two or four, independent or united. Pintner in a recent work (34) would refer all species to one genus Tetrarhynchus, for, as he points out, there is every gradation between the various conditions of the phyllidia. The scolex in this group is extremely elongated, and, as in the Diphyllidea, is provided with a very long " head stalk," which is 126 THE CESTOIDEA distinctly and markedly constricted from the "neck" (Fig. XIX.). The head stalk carries the " head," which is nearly square ; the 1 FIG. XIX. l.—Tetrarhynchus (RhynchobotJiriuiri) hispidus, Lint., out of Trygon centrum. Entire strobila (X circa 45, after Linton). A, the long scolex; B, the "body" consisting of five proglottids, the last of which is nearly mature, a, one of the two phyllidia, formed by the fusion of a pair ; it bears a single bothridium ; b, one of the four spiniferous proboscides ; c, the membranous proboscis sheath ; d, the muscular bulb ; e, the "head stalk" ; /, genital pore. 2. — T. (Syndesmobothriurii) gracilis, Wagn., out of a cyst in Orthagoriseus mola (x 4J, orig., from a specimen in the Oxford University Museum). The scolex had not separated from the "bladder," a small portion of which is represented, a, one of the four independent and dis- tinct bothridia ; b, one of the four proboscides. 3. — A portion of a proboscis of Tetrarhynchus, sp., out of the intestine of Carcharias(x 90, orig.). The two kinds of hooks and their spiral arrangement are shown. 4. — Diagrammatic longitudinal section of a quadrant of a scolex, showing one bothridium, and one proboscis which is partially everted, a, Bothridium ; b, proboscis ; c, proboscis sheath, its cavity is shaded ; d, muscular bulb, with its cavity shaded ; g, retractor muscle ; /*, the aperture in the scolex, through which the proboscis is everted, and to the margin of which the membranous sheath is attached ; i, retractor muscles of the bothridium, inserted in the pro- boscis sheath. THE CESTOIDEA 127 four phyllidia — set in dorsal and ventral pairs — may be distinct, terminal, and almost cup-shaped (Synde&mobothrwm), but more gener- ally the pair of organs are adnate (Tetrarhynchus), or even more or less closely united (Otobothrium), but there is frequently a ridge, or other sign of fusion. However, in some cases this fusion is so complete externally that there appears to be only two phyllidia, as in Diphyllidea, but even then, the four structures are distinctly recognisable in section by the distribution of the nerves and excretory organs (lihyncJwbothnum). The characteristic structures of the order, however, are the four " proboscides " or trypanorhynchi (Fig. XIX. 4). Each proboscis consists of three parts : (1) a longer or shorter hollow tentacle, capable of eversion and introversion, and armed with numerous booklets arranged in a definite way. This tentacle can be withdrawn into (2) the tubular " membranous sheath," which starts from the apex of 'the head where it opens and passes back- wards iuto the head stalk, taking a straight or undulating course ; it terminates in (3) the "muscular bulk" or cylinder, the walls of which are formed of ten or more concentric sheaths of muscle fibres, which are transversely striated. The wThole apparatus is filled with a fluid, by the compression of which in the " bulb " the tentacle is evaginated. Introversion is effected by a "retractor muscle " attached at one end to the wall of the bulb, at the other to the tip of the tentacle. The apparatus presents certain interest- ing histological features, for instance, the sheath is lined by a distinct epithelium. Each individual proboscis resembles in some degree the single proboscis of Acanthocephala, in a less degree that of Nemertines. It has been usual to homologise these " proboscides " of Tetmrhynclius with the retractile rostellum of certain Taeniidae, but apart from the difference in number, there are differences in structure which militate against this view. It appears more probable (Pintner) that each proboscis has been developed by the deepening and modification of an " accessory sucker " of some Tetraphyllidean, as its relation to the bothridia, and its mode of development, closely agree with these structures. Functionally, too, it is a perfection of the armature plus the accessory sucker of three forms; whilst there is no doubt that the " phyllidia'' of the two orders are identical. As will be shown below, the " acetabula " of Tetracotylea are derived also from the "accessory sucker," so that the proboscis of Tetmrhynchus is homologous with the sucker of Taenia. The excretory (Fig. VII. 3) and nervous systems, which present nothing of any systematic value, have been worked out by Lang, Pintner, etc. As to the generative organs, they are constructed on the plan of the Tetraphyllidea, with marginal vitel- laria, etc. 128 THE CESTOIDEA The metacestode phase is a cysticercoid, the head Avith its apparatus being enclosed in a bladder similar to that of Tetra- phyllidea ; this occurs encysted in various tissues, especially the wall of the gut, of Teleosteans, or with everted head, free in the alimentary canal of sharks. The bladder may be a foot or more in length, as T. elongatus, T. macrurus. The adults of some species were observed by v. Beneden with this " bladder " attached at the end of the strobila. The scolex may after e version separate from the bladder, and in this condition has been found in Sepia (as T. sepiae). The cysticercoid, with the enclosed scolex, was known as Flori- ceps (Cuv.), and as Anthocephalus (Rud.), and the term Tetrarliynclms was applied to the stage with everted scolex ; van Beneden showed that these are merely stages in the life-history of the strobila known as Rhyncliobotlirium. It is still undecided amongst systematists which of these two last names should be used. ORDER 4. Tetracotylea, Dies. ( = Taeniidae, auct). Tetrabothridiate Merozoa, in which the organs of the scolex have the form of cup-shaped or hemispherical " acetabula " hollowed out in the sides of the scolex, and without projecting or mobile margins.1 Booklets are rarely present in these acetabula. There is usually a rostellum, which may be armed with a crown of hooklets. Members of the order are mostly parasitic in warm-blooded vertebrates. FAMILY 1. ICHTHYOTAENIIDAE, Lonnberg. The sucking organs are acetabulate, but the generative organs resemble those of the Tetraphyllidea.2 Ichthyotaenia, Lonnb. ( = Tetracotylus, Montic.) ; several species in fresh-water fish (see 10 and 37). Corallobothrium, Fritsch (Fig. XXII. 1). FAMILY 2. ECHINOCOTYLIDAE. The acetabula are armed ; rostellum with one or two circlets of hooklets ; parasitic in birds. Echinocotyle, Blanch., a single crown of hooklets, which are falciform. E. rosseterij Blanch., in the duck ; " metacestode " in Cypris cinereus. Davainea, Blanch, and Raillet (Fig. XXII. 7) ; D. proglottina, Dav., with four proglottids ; fowl and slugs. D. contorta, Zscli., from Manis pentadactyla. Cotugnia, Diam., with two sets of genital organs in each proglottid. Idiogenes, Kr. ; Ophryocotyle, Friis. FAMILY 3. TAENIIDAE. Scolex globular or pyriform ; suckers unarmed ; rostellum may or may not be armed ; vagina elongated, posterior to the cirrus ; mostly parasitic in mammals ; larval stage a "cysticerctis " or "cysticercoid." SUB-FAMILY 1. HYMENOLEPINAE (= Cystoidea, Lkt). Strobila of moderate or small size ; scolex with one, two, or several circles of hooklets ; eggs with transparent, multiple envelopes ; larva, a cysticercoid in Arthropods and Mollusca. Dipylidium, Lkt., rostellum armed with peculiar hooklets, like 1 In some avian tapeworms living in Apteryx the lower margin projects slightly and may he mobile (Benham, Q. J. M. Sc. xliii. 1900, p. 83). 2 The gemis Sciadocephalus, Dies. (Fig. XXII.), is doubtfully placed here. It is by some authorities put in the family Gamobothridae, among the Tetraphyllidea. The family Ichthyotaeniidae, in fact is possibly a member of the latter order. THE CESTOID E A 129 rose-thorns (Fig. XXIV.) ; genital organs and apertures double in each proglottid (Fig. XXVI.). D. caninum, L. ( = T. cucumerina, Bloch. ; = T. elliptica, Batsch), in the ileum of dog ; cysticereoid in Trichodectes canis and in Pulex serraticeps. The strobila is 100 to 250 mm. long ; the scolex has . four rows of hooklets ; the worm occasionally occurs in man. The larva of D. echinorhynchoides, Sons., occurs in lizards. Hymenolepis, Weinl., the proglottids much broader than long, with the posterior angles projecting like saw-teeth ; genital pores all on the left side ; uterus transverse ; eggs with three envelopes, far apart, the innermost having "horns" (Fig. XXVIII.). H. nana, v. Sieb., in the intestine of man, was originally discovered in an Abyssinian ; it is now known also from Italy, England, United States, and the Argentine. It is about an inch in length ; the rostellum bears a single row of hooklets ; the larva is unknown. H. murina, Duj., in rat and mouse ; the larvae occur in the villi of the intestine, and the adult in the lumen ; there is here, therefore, no change of host ; there is merely a migration from one organ or part of an organ to another. Grassi has suggested that these species are synonymous, but v. Linstow (1895) has pointed out the various differences between them. Drepanidotaenia, Raillet, in the gut of birds, especially aquatic birds ; cysticercoids in small Crustacea. D. infundibuliformis, Goeze, in pigeon and house-fly; Dicranotaenia, Kaill., D. coronula, Duj., duck and Cypris ; Chapmania, Montic. SUB-FAMILY 2. TAENIINAE (= Cystotaenia, Lkt.). Strobila usually of large size ; scolex with two or three circles of hooklets ; uterus median, with lateral caeca ; genital pores, irregularly alternate ; eggs with two envelopes ; the outer thin and deciduous, the inner one thick, brownish, and immediately enveloping the six-hooked embryo. The genus Taenia lias been subdivided into a number of sub-genera by Weinland : Taenia, L. (s. str.), rostellum armed ; larva a cysticercus. T. solium, Kud., intestine of man ; Cijsticercus cellulosae in muscle and viscera of pig, rarely in man, rat, dog, etc. (Fig. XX. 3). Cosmopolitan wherever the pig is a common article of diet, and eaten in an imperfectly cooked condition. Scolex with two circles of hooklets ; strobila 2 to 3 metres long, with 850 proglottids, the 450th having fully-formed genital organs. The uterus consists of a median sac, with eight to ten broad caeca, which bear irregular wide lobes. T. serrata, Goeze, in small intestine of dog, wolf, etc., with C. pisiformis in the rabbit and hare ; T. marginata, Batsch, in wolf, butcher's clog, etc., is the largest dog tapeworm, measuring 1*5 to 3 metres. Its C. tenuicollis infests the peritoneum, liver, etc., of pig and ruminants. Taeniarhynchus, Weinl., has neither rostellum nor hooklets ; the larva is a cysticercus. T. saginata, Goeze (T. mediocan- ellata, Kiich.), in the intestine of man ; its Cystic, bovis in the muscles of ox (Fig. XX.). Originally from the East, now cosmopolitan, where im- perfectly cooked beef is eaten freely. It measures 7 to 8 metres, and is the largest tapeworm in man; there are about 1200 proglottids, relatively broad, the genital organs being fully formed in the 600th ; the worm appears to be the raiviai of the Greeks. Cystotaenia, Leuck., scolex with two circlets of hooklets ; the larva is a " coenurus." C. coenurus, Kiich., in the ileum of the dog and wolf; Coenurus cerebralis, in the brain of sheep (or other domestic and wild herbivora), swells up to a great size, 130 THE CESTOIDEA destroying more or less of the brain, causing the disease known as " gid " or " staggers." G. serialis, RailL, of dog, with Coenurus in the connective FIG. XX. \.-Taeniarhynchus saginata, Goeze ( x £) ; entire strobila. 2. — Anterior part of the same ( x 8) as an example of unarmed tapeworms. 3.— The scolex of Taenia solium, Rud. ( x 22), showing the rostellum with double crown of hooks. 4 — A genitally mature proglottid of T. saginata ( x 7). a, lateral nerve ; &, lateral excretory canal ; c, testes ; d, genital papilla ; e, genital pore ; /, cirrus ; g, sperm duct ; h, testes ; i, vagina ; j, germarium. The ootype and shell gland are unlettered. The vitellarium is the small organ behind the germarium. n, uterus. 5. — The ootype and female ducts related to it (x 30). i, vagina ; Tc, ootype, the shell glands not shown ; I, vitello-duct ; m, spermatheca ; n, uterus ; oo, germ ducts ; p, fertilising canal, i.e. the lower end of the vagina. 6.— A detached ripe proglottid of T. saginata ( x 2), with fully formed uterus filled with eggs. 7. — Six-hooked embryo. (All after Leuckart.) tissue of the wild rabbit and various rodents. Echinococcifer, WeinL, scolex with two circles of hooklets. The metacestode is known as THE CESTOIDEA " echinococcus." E. echinococcus, v. Sieb., measure 5 mm., consists of only four proglottids, the last of which, is ripe (Fig. XXI.). The strobila lives in the intestine of dog, wolf, jackal, in immense numbers. The " echinococcus " occurs in various tissue of ungulates, carnivora, rodents, monkeys, and may even find its way into man in countries such as Iceland and Victoria, where he and the dog are very closely associated, and where cleanliness is neglected ; in the former country as many as two to three per cent of the inhabitants are affected. SUB -FAMILY 3. ANOPLOCEPHALINAE. Body lanceolate anteriorly; scolex unarmed and without a rostellum ; proglottids being much broader than long, the uterus is trans- verse (Fig. XXV.) ; the eggs contain a " pyriform apparatus" (see below). The adults occur in the intestine of ungulates. Moniezia, R. Blanch., two complete sets of generative organs and two genital pores in each proglottid. M. expansa, End., in sheep (Fig. XXV. 1). Thysanosoma, Dies., T. fimbriata, Dies., in the small intestine and bile ducts of sheep, etc. Stilesia, Raill., suckers of the scolex directed forwards ; in sheep. Ctenotaenia, Raill., broad tape- worm of rodents. Anoplocephala, E. Blanch., scolex usually large (Fig. XXII. 6) ; proglottids much im- bricated ; the proglottids are stated not to drop oif ; pyriform apparatus very well developed ; in the Equidae. Andnja, Raill., in rodents. Bertia, R. Blanch. ; B. studieri, BL, in chimpanzee. Plagio- taenia. Peters ; P. qiqantea in Rhinoceros africanus. E- echinococcus, v. _;.. T,. ~, , ,.. .~. . Sieb.. out of the dog Amabilia, Diam. ; A. lamelhgera, Diam., in flamingo, (after Perroncito). The FAMILY 4. MESOCESTOIDIDAE, Raillet. Head un- strobila, and one of the . -• i -i lostciiar nooKJ.6uS. armed, with four terminal suckers ; genital pores separate, on the ventral surface. Mesocestoides, Vaill. (Ptychophysa, Hamann) ; M. lineatus, Goeze ( = T. lineata, Goeze ; = T. litterata, Batsch) ; in dog, cat, especially in Iceland. The genital organs present some re- semblance to those of the Tetraphyllidea \ the uterus presents a single " ovarian capsule " (ovisac) ; the vaginal pore is anterior to the male pore, near the anterior end of the proglottid. Ripe segments drop off separately. According to Neumann, the worm develops from " Dithridium " of dog, without an intermediate host. Remarks on the Tetracotylea. — This order contains those Cestodes which are parasitic in warm-blooded animals, as well as some few parasitic in Teleostean fish, and in Amphibia. Since all the human tapeworms, except Bothriocephalus, belong to it, the order has received more attention than the others, and it is customary to take one or other of the common species of Taenia (s. 1.) as a type of the whole class. For an account of the anatomy and mode of life of any human parasite reference should be made to Leuckart's Fio. XXI. 132 THE CESTOIDEA admirable text-book, while those infesting domestic animals are described in Raillet's TraiU de Zoologie, medicale et agricole. Certain fresh-water fish are inhabited by certain species of Taenia (s. 1.), as well as by the genus Ichthyotaenia, and various species of anurous Amphibia by T. dispar. Birds are attacked by members of a special family, the Ecliinocotylidae, as well as by species of Dr&panidotaenia, provided with a powerful armed rostellum, but the majority of species occur in Mammalia. Although in higher forms the parasite is confined to a single host, or to closely allied hosts, in FIG. XXII. — Peculiar scolices of Tetracotylea. a, acetabulum ; b, rostellum, or its representative ; c, expanded region. 1, 2. — Corallobothrium lobosum, Rigg., out of Pimelodus pati (after Riggenbach) ; side view ; and viewed from above (compiled from Riggenbach's descriptions and figures). c, the notched lobes rising up from below the scolex and hiding it ; d, groove between them. 3, 4. — Sciadocephalus megalodiscus, Dies., out of Cichla monoculus (after Diesing); side view and top view ; c, disc-like expansion of the scolex. 5. — Parataenia medusia, Lint., out of Trygon centrum (probably synonymous with Polypo- cephalus, Braun). b, the sixteen rostellar tentacles, capable of retraction, into a cavity in the scolex. 6. — Anoplocephala perfoliata, Goeze, out of the caecum of horse (after Raillet). e, peculiar ear-like flap, regarded as homologous with the phyllidium of Tetraphyllidea. 7. — Davainea echinobothrida, Megn., out of Gallus domesticus (after Megnin). The armed rostellum is indicated in a retracted condition. A, rostellar hooklet ; B, acetabular hooklet. those inhabiting fish, birds, the same parasite occurs in numerous hosts, and vice versa, one host contains numerous species of Cestodes. In this order of Cestodes the organs of the scolex are true suckers (acetabula), the structure of which closely agrees with those of Distomid Trematodes. Each is a deep, hemispherical, or sub- spherical cup, hollowed out in the side of the scolex, with circular (Taenia), oval, or even slit-like openings (Moniezia). No fusion of these suckers occurs, and it is quite exceptional that they are armed with booklets (Echinocotylidae). A new light has recently been shed upon the homologies of these organs by Pintner (34, b), who adduces evidence to show THE CESTOIDEA 133 that it is with the " accessory suckers," and not with the bothridia of the Tetraphyllidea, that they must be compared. They are, therefore, homologous with the " proboscides " of Tetrarhyncha. In a few cases, as Anopl. perfoliata (Fig. XXII. 6), vestiges of the phyllidia are believed to be represented by the ear-like flaps at the sides of the scolex, below the suckers.1 In the Anoplocephalinae the four suckers are at the apex of the scolex, the apertures being directed forwards ; but more usually they are laterally placed, and a rostellum is present, which may be unarmed (as T. saginata) or armed, the armature consisting of from one to four circles of hooks, which are generally of two sizes, ..C FIG. XXIII. Longitudinal section of the rostellum of T. crassicollis. a, the muscular mass of the rostellum, below which are seen concentric coats of muscle ; b, hooklet , c, ganglion and transverse commissure ; d, longitudinal (retractor) muscles of the hooklets ; e, lateral nerve ; /, excretory canal. (After Leuckart.) FIG. XXIV. The rostellum of Dipylidium caninum, L., out of the cat (orig.); in the upper figure, retracted ; in the lower, everted. a, one of the suckers ; &, the spiniferous region of the rostellum ; B, one of the spines ; c, the apical aperture on the scolex, through which the rostellum is everted ; d, the region of longitudinal muscles ; e, the region of circular muscles. arranged alternately (as in T. solium\ the shape, size, and number of which afford valuable specific characters. In its simple form it consists of a mass of muscles, acting on a cushion of connective tissue, bearing hooklets (Fig. XXIII.) ; this muscular mass becomes a hollow muscular sac, retractile into a pit (Fig. XXIV.). This armed rostellum reaches its highest development in those species of Taenia that inhabit birds, in which it consists of a muscular sac, 1 The peculiar form Polypocephalus, Braun ( ? = Parataenia, Lint.), resembles the Tetracotylea in the arrangement of the acetabula ; but is quite unique in possessing sixteen "tentacles," capable of being withdrawn into a sac in the centre of the scolex (Fig. XXII. 5). They appear to represent a rostellum. The habitat, in Trygon and Rhinobatus, is exceptional for a Tetracotyleau, and but little is known of the anatomy (Braun, 1878, and Linton (25), 1887). 134 THE CESTOIDEA bearing the booklets at its apex ; this rostellum is retractile into a second muscular sac, or " receptaculum rostelli." In other cases the rostellum carries a sucker. In any case the rostellum is retractile, and the arrangement of its musculature presents certain differences which appear to be characteristic of each sub-family (Liihe, 26). In a few peculiar instances the scolex has been described as being absent, as in T. malleus and Idiogenes otidis (both rare forms), where the anterior proglottids become modified to form a " pseudo- scolex" (cf. Thysanoceplialum). The size of the strobila, and the number of proglottids, exhibit that same range of variation referred to in the other groups ; for instance, in T. echinococcus there are but FIG. XXV. 1. A proglottid of Moniezia expansa, Rud. (after Stiles and Hassall). 2. Mature proglottid of Hymenolepis diminuta, Rud. (after Zschokke), out of the rat. 3. Ditto of Thysanosoma, ovilla, Riv., out of sheep, a, uterus ; b, genital pore ; c, cirrus ; d, vagina e, germarium ; /, vitellarium ; h, testis ; g, proglottidean glands ; x, excretory canal. four proglottids; in T. saginata 1200 or more. The shape of the proglottids, both before and after separation, is also a valuable specific character ; but here the development of the free proglottids, which, as a rule, drop off in groups,1 is but slight, since the eggs in the uterus have already developed into hexacanth embryos before the separation. The shape too of the uterus, filled with ripe eggs, is employed as a specific character, while the egg coverings vary in each of the sub-families of Taeniidae. The genital pore is marginal, but Mesocestoides forms an excep- tion, the male and female pores being separate, and on the ventral surface. The genital pores, as in Tetraphyllidea, are either in the 1 In Anoplocephala and Drepanidotaenia spp. no proglottids drop off. The strobila retains its entirety throughout life. THE CESTO1DEA 135 same margin throughout the strobila, when they are " unilateral " (on the left side in Hymenolepis), or in some proglottids they are on the right margin, in others on the left margin, when they are said to be " alternate " ; but it is only rarely that there is any approach to a regular alternation. In opposition to what obtains in the Tetraphyllidea, the penis generally lies anteriorly to the vagina, except in Ichthyotaenia and Mesocestoides. The female generative organs themselves present certain differ- ences in structure and arrangement, as will be gathered from a comparison of the typical proglottids figured ; but the most im- portant difference is presented by the vitellarium, which, instead of being an extensive follicular organ, is — except in Mesocestoides and Ichthyotaenia, and some species of Taenia — a small acinous gland situated behind the germarium. The uterus, as in all the Tetraboth- ridiata, is a median sac, formed as an outgrowth of the germ duct ; it is here more or less deeply notched, or even prolonged laterally into branching " egg sacs," the shape of the whole organ forming a specific character. In these forms, like Moniezia, with very short but wide proglottids, the uterus becomes transverse (Fig. XXV.). In some cases the wall of the uterus disappears as the eggs ripen, and these, either singly or in groups, come to lie freely in the parenchyma, the cells of which form capsules around each group (T. dispar, Davainea, etc.). In a few instances it is stated that the germarium actually be- comes the uterus (D. struthionis). A very interesting pheno- menon is the duplication of the genital organs (as in some species of Bothriocephalus) ; thus in Moniezia there are two complete sets of organs in each proglottid (Fig. XXV. 1); in Dipylidium the uterus is single, but the other organs are duplicated (Fig. XXVI.) ; whilst in Ama- bilia there is a single set of FIG. xxvi. female Organs, but tWO penes in A mature proglottid of Dipylidium caninum, Y ,,. -, L., out of the cat. (Orig. x35.) a, the uterus, proglottid. here broken up on to a number of independent TV/,* 7^'o^/v. TV. 4- sacs : b, one of the pair of genital pores; c, the Life-history. Ihe Segmenta- cirT^s-' d> vagina; e, the ventral excretory Of the egg and the develop- can^ J /» the transverse canal ; g, the lateral ment of the hexacanth embryo has been traced out by Leuckart, E. van Beneden, and Moniez, 136 THE CESTOIDEA but their interpretations of certain phenomena do not agree with one another, nor with those of Schauinsland for Bothrio- cephalus. The best general account is that of van Beneden for T. serrata. The egg, when it passes into the uterus, consists of the thin egg-shell, deposited in the ootype, surrounding a transparent non-cellular yolk, in which is embedded the egg-cell (Fig. XXVII. ). The first segmentation gives rise to two blastomeres, one filled with refringent spherules (b), and the other faintly granular ; the latter continues to segment, and ultimately three large cells (c) and numer- ous smaller ones are produced. The large cells increase in size and give rise to a "yolk envelope " enclosing the "granular cell " (b) and what remains of the original yolk (Fig. XXVII. 2). The whole egg has greatly increased in size. The micromeres form a spherical FIG. XXVII.— The early development of T. serrata (after v. Beneden). 1. The unsegmented egg. 2. Segmentation completed; the " chitinogenous layer" is growing over the embryo. 3. The embryo exhibits an outer layer and central mass. 4. The completed egg, with the six-hooked embryo within, c, egg cell, at first containing yolk masses ; b, one of the two first blastomeres, loaded with refringent spherules (which are not fat) ; c, the three macromeres, derived from the other blastomere, uniting to form the " albuminous coat" or yolk envelope; c', their nuclei; d, embryonic mass, derived from the mieromeres ; e, chitinogenous layer, derived from some of these, which overgrow the embryo, giving rise to the striated coat in 4 ; /, outer layer (ectoderm) of the embryo, destined t^ give rise to the six hooks ; gr, the central (mesodermal) mass ; s, shell, formed in the ootype ; y, yolk, formed by vitellaria. 1, 3, 4 are equally magnified. 2 rather less. mass, and two cells at one end flatten out to form a cap ; these cells divide further, and gradually enclose the remainder ; the superficial layer of cells thus produced gives rise to a chitinoid coat ; the central mass becomes the hexacanth embryo (Fig. XXVII. 4). This chitinoid coat, the homologue of the ciliated mantle of Bothrioc. latus, takes on a characteristic structure in each of the sub-families of the Taeniidae (Fig. XXVIII.). In the Taeniinae it is striated ; in the Hymenolepinae it is homogeneous and refringent (1, 2); while in the Anoploceplialinae it undergoes remarkable changes, becoming drawn out into two horns on one side, which may even cross, scissor- wise, forming the peculiar " pyriform apparatus " referred to above (Fig. XXVIII. 3, 4). The development as far as this stage takes place in the uterus, while the proglottid still forms part of the strobila ; and in the Taeniidae, and probably in all the Tetracotylea, the eggs of different THE CESTOIDEA 137 proglottids are in different stages of development, so that by examining the proglottids from behind forwards, earlier and earlier stages are met with independent of the time of the year, whereas in the Dibothridiata all the eggs in a strobila, at the same time of the year, are in the same stage of development. The general later history of the onchosphere, or proscolex, is as follows : — Kipe proglottids drop off from the strobila, and pass out of the host with its faeces ; the proglottid either decays and sets free the eggs, which are then swallowed by browsing animals, or the proglottids themselves are devoured. But in order to attain maturity the egg of a given tapeworm must be devoured by a definite intermediate host (only in FIG. XXVIII.— Eggs of Tacniidae (modified from Moniez). 1. Dipylidium caninum, L. 2. Drepanidotaenia anatina, Kr., from duck. 3. Pyriform apparatus of Andrya wimerosa, Moniez, out of rabbit. 4. Moniezia expansa, Rud., out of ruminants, a, egg shell (vitelline membrane of Moniez) ; ft, albuminous coat, formed probably in all cases from some of the earliest formed blastomeres ; two nuclei are represented in 4 ; the cells undergo histolysis, and become nlled with refringent globules ; c, internal shell, formed, according to Moniez, from modification of an outer layer of blastomeres, but possibly secreted by this layer (-striated coat of Fig. XXVII.) ; c, is the pyriform apparatus in 3, 4 ; d, the hexa- canth embryo ; c', a " delaminated " layer of cells formed before the internal shell (c), according to Moniez ; /, peculiar modification of this mass. a few cases do several different animals serve as hosts for one and the same worm) which is, as a rule, an herbivorous vertebrate, and in the majority a mammal, where the final host is a mammal ; but in the case of bird and fish and amphibian tapeworms, the inter- mediate host may be some invertebrate. Arrived in the intestine of the intermediate host, the egg- envelopes are softened and dissolved ; the proscolex is thus set free, and by means of peristaltic movements, and by the movements of the six hooks it bores its way into the intestinal wall, and arrives in a blood-vessel (some constituent of the portal vein), in which it is carried along till it reaches a capillary of less diameter than itself. In this way it may be conveyed to the liver, peritoneum, mesentery, 138 THE CESTOIDEA or even the brain and eye ; arrived here it may even burrow through the tissues on its own account. In any case it causes inflammation, and the tissues of the host give rise to a " cyst " around it. In this position it will undergo further development, resulting in a " metacestode " of one kind or another. This, when FIG. XXIX. — Development of Dipylidium caninum (altered from Grassi and Rovelli). 1.— Proscolex, onchosphere or six-hooked embryo, at present solid. 2. — The embryo has elongated, and the " primitive lacuna " has arisen (a). 3.— The hinder part, bearing the hooks, narrows and elongates, so that a "head" and "tail" are distinguishable; at the anterior end the foundations of the four suckers and the rostellum are indicated — in reality at this stage they are mere solid heaps of cells. 4. — The organism is longer ; the body and tail are more distinct ; the rostellum, now armed with spines, is cupped, as also are the suckers. The excretory system is developed (6, c). 5. — The fore body is being invaginated into the hind body ; the excretory bladder is provided with a pore at the base of the tail, the surface of which is shown with the scattered hooklets. 6. — The tail has dropped off, a spherical " cysticercoid " remains, in which the " scolex" is commencing to grow upwards into the sac formed by the fbre body, the outer wall consisting of the hind body. swallowed by the final host, will develop into a tapeworm in the intestine of its new host. One of the simplest metacestode conditions occurs in the case of D. caninum (T. elliptica), whose history has been worked out by Grassi and Eovelli (13). The eggs discharged with the faeces THE CESTOIDEA 139 become scattered amongst the hair of the dog, and are swallowed by its parasites, the flea (Pulex serraticeps) or the louse (Trichodedes canis), in the tissues of which the proscolex elongates ; an excentric cavity (" primitive lacuna ") arises by the liquefaction and de- generation of the internal cells, and the proscolex becomes pear- shaped, the hooks being at the narrow end (Fig. XXIX.). It is possible now to distinguish a " body " and " tail " (the " cystozooid " and " acanthozooid " of Villot). In the former a pair of excretory tubules make their appearance, which open by a median bladder and pore at the base of the tail. At the anterior end of the " body " the forecasts of the rostellum and the four suckers suc- cessively appear as cellular thickenings, followed by muscular differ- entiation, in the wall of the body ; they mark out a " fore body " from a " hind body " ; the tail, meanwhile, becomes constricted from the latter. The rostellum becomes pitted,1 as also does each FIG. XXX. The cysticercoid of Hymenolepis murina from the villi of the mouse's intestine (after Grassi and Rovelli). The tail is greatly reduced. FIG. XXXI. Cysticercoid of Dicranotaenia cu- neata which occurs in the earthworm Allolobophora faetida. The tail and hind body have coalesced, the hook- lets now appear on the wall of the small bladder. sucker rudiment, and the whole fore body now becomes invaginated into the hind body. Meanwhile, the tail becomes larger and bladder-like, and in this way the hooks become separated, one pair remaining subterminal The organism, before the invagination, resembles an immature Caryophyllaeus, or even a Trematode cercaria, in which as here the tail is a temporary larval organ. The tail drops off when the intermediate host is swallowed by the dog ; the " cystozooid," which is set free in the intestine of the latter, is a more or less spherical sac containing the invaginated head or " scolex," which nearly fills the cavity of the sac (Fig. XXIX. 6). Such a metacestode is known as a " cysticercoid " or parenchymatous bladder-worm. The head now evaginates, and its base commences to elongate and to become segmented to give rise to the strobila. The wall of the cysticercoid and of the following metacestodes is muscular, and contains lime cells and ramifications of the excretory - Grass! homologises this pit with the buccal cavity and pharynx of Trematoda. 1 40 THE CESTOIDEA and nervous systems, which are absolutely continuous with the systems in the scolex. In this instance it is evident that there is a gradual metamorphosis of the proscolex into the scolex and neck of the strobila. In H. murina the tail of the onchosphere is so reduced as to form part of the hind body, which envelopes the fore body or scolex, and the aperture by which the latter has been invaginated closes (Fig. XXX.). A large number of other cases are known in which the in- vaginated scolex occupies almost the entire cavity (Fig. XX XL). In some other tapeworms this cavity is larger, but filled with a loose tissue, as in the case of Tetrarhynchus, Calliobothrium, etc. But in the tapeworms of most mammals, e.g. T. solium, this cavity becomes very much more extensive, since the six-hooked embryo PIG. XXXII.— The life-history of a Cysticercus (Bladder- worm, or hydatid). a, scolex ; ft, fore body ; c, hind body-f tail, caudal vesicle, or bladder. 1.— The solid proscolex. 2.— The primitive lacuna has fonned as before, but the organism is greatly distended by the accumulation of fluid in this cavity. The body and tail are no longer distinguished (cf. Fig. XXIX.), and the booklets have become cattered. Excretory tubules have made their appear- ance in the wall of the " bladder." 3.— A further stage of this hydropic distention. An imagination of the wall of the bladder has arisen in the " fore body." 4. — The invagination proceeds ; the suckers and rostellum arise by evaginations at the bottom of the tubular fore body, which hangs freely in the cavity of the cysticercus. 5. — The scolex is commencing to evaginate ; it rises up from the bottom of the " receptacu- lum scolecis " (or fore body), and at the same time the sides of the latter commence to evaginate. 6. — E version is complete — the sides of the fore body folded together, fuse to form the neck. 7 to 10 refer to Taenia serrata (after Leuckart). 7. — The entire bladder-worm, Cysticercus pisiformis, from the rabbit, with scolex everted ; the excretory network in the wall of the bladder or caudal vesicle is shown. 8.— The "bladder" (hind body+tail) has undergone digestion on reaching the stomach of the dog. 9. — A further stage, in which the fore body is also destroyed, leaving only the " scolex." 10.--The scolex by elongation and "segmentation" of its neck has given rise to a young strobila. swells up by absorption of fluid l while encysted in the intermediate host (Fig. XXXII. ). The hooks become scattered, and no " tail " is differentiated. Here, as in H. murina, the acanthozooid is not dis- tinguishable from the cystozooid. Then there arises at one end a small tubular invagination ( = the " fore body "), at the bottom of which the forecasts of the rostellum and suckers are formed. The " fore body " is here known as the "receptacle of the head," which in some cases, as C. pisiformis, may be very long. When this " bladder-worm " or cysticercus is swallowed by the final host the head (scolex) evaginates, and the original bladder ( = " hind body + tail ") which is now known as the " caudal vesicle," is digested, and the scolex gives rise to the strobila as before (Fig. XXXII.). This cysticercus leads on to another form of metacestode, with a still larger bladder, from the wall of which a great number of 1 The fluid contained in a cysticercus is a weak saline solution containing '2 to '3 per cent of albuminoids, possibly nutritive. THE CESTOIDEA 141 9. FIG. XXXII. heads are produced. This is the " coenurus " which occurs in the sheep's brain. 142 THE CESTOIDEA Just as the development of the head is delayed in these last forms, so apparently there is a delay in the differentiation of the fore body, for in Monocercus we have a bladder which " buds " off a secondary cyst within, from which the head is developed as before (Fig. XXXIII. 1, 2, 3) ; while in Polycercus — occurring in Lumbricids, and which is the metacestode of T. nilotica, etc. — several such secondary cysts are formed, each with a head within it. But this formation of secondary cysts reaches a maximum in " Echinococcus," where the primary bladder attains an enormous size, and from its walls numerous secondary bladders are formed, which drop off into the primary cavity (XXXIII. 5) ; from each of these secondary (and even tertiary) bladders a great number of heads are formed, each of which, when the bladders are swallowed, will develop into a strobila. FIG. XXXIII. —Asexual reproduction by the Bladder-worm. 1 to 3. — Polycercus, from the coelom of an earthworm ; it is the bladder stage of Taenia nilotica, out of Cursorius europaeus. (Altered from Metschnikoff). 1. — A cysticercus-like form, with five (or more) areas of proliferation on the wall of the bladder. 2.— Bach of these becomes hollowed out to form a small sac, destined to drop into the central cavity. Various stages of formation are shown (a, b, c). 3.— After becoming free in the central cavity, each sac gives rise to head, and so becomes a cysticercoid as in previous cases. 4.— A Coenurus, from the brain of the sheep ; the numerous scolices, of various ages, arise by invaginations of the wall of the bladder. 5. — Echinococcus , the secondary bladders arise at a, &, c, *n the same way as the scolices in Fig. 2. Each then develops numerous heads by eversion of the wall of the bladder, into which they may be secondarily withdrawn. At m is shown the ideal mode of origin, so as to indicate the relation of head to daughter bladder, which is thus comparable to the "fore body" of cysticercus. 6. — A Staphylocystis (S. glomeridis) as an example of external budding by a cysticercoid. Each daughter cysticercoid develops a single scolex, the aperture of invagination of which is shown. In these latter cases — Coenurus, Polycercus, and Echinococcus — there is a process of gemmation, so that from each egg, not one only, but several tapeworms will arise. Another kind of asexual repro- duction is met with in the case of a cysticercoid occurring in Glomeris, where by successive branching, and by the external gemmation of secondary cysticercoids, a complex organism, known as a " Staphy- locystis," arises (comparable to the sporocyst of D. macrostomum), (Fig. XJXXIII. 6). In £nbse metacestodes called "Urocystis," the tail of the original cystozooid drops off and becomes transformed into a second cysto- zooid, which proceeds to form a second scolex. But even now that the life-cycle of these tapeworms is understood, and the relation of the "cystic" form, occurring in parenchymatous tissues, to the " segmented worm " living in the alimentary canal, is perfectly satis- factorily established, owing to the investigations of van Beneden, Kiichen- meister, Leuckart, and others, there still remains a matter which is even yet one of controversy, viz. to what degree does this history illustrate Steenstrup's Theory of the Alternation of Generations. Up till recent times the general opinion on the matter, founded as it was on an acquaintance THE CESTOIDEA 143 with the life-cycle of T. solium and similar forms, was that there are at least three different generations involved, viz. (1) the fertilised egg, which 5. 6. FIG. XXXIII. gives rise by the ordinary process of development to a six-hooked embryo, or " proscolex," which becomes by modification the bladder-worm, Cysti- 144 THE CESTOIDEA cercus or " hydatid." (2) From the wall of this hydatid, or " nurse " (Steenstrup), the scolex is formed by internal gemmation. After being swallowed by the final host the bladder is destroyed, and (3) the scolex proceeds to produce by gemmation a series of sexual individuals — the proglottids — which produce eggs. Recent investigations, both anatomical and embryological, however, tend to overthrow the view that the hydatid is a nurse, and that the scolex is produced from it by gemmation. Belief in this view was, to a great extent, fostered by the general custom of taking the life-history of T. solium as typical, whereas there is little doubt but that the course of events exhibited by various cysticercoid forms is to be regarded as more archaic ; where, that is, the scolex is merely a part of the proscolex, and becomes invaginated into the latter for the purpose of protection, in the same kind of way that the Ainnion of the higher Vertebrates and of certain Arthropods has been brought about by the sinking of the embryo (Fig. XXIX.) ; and possibly, lower than the cysticercoids, will be found some in which this invagination does not occur, as in Caryophyllaeus. It is, moreover, to be noted that the greatly developed "bladder" occurs in those tapeworms which inhabit the highest vertebrata, whereas in fish tapeworms the cysticercoid, under one form or another, occurs. Granted that the scolex does not arise by any asexual mode of repro- duction from the proscolex, it remains to be decided whether this asexual method can be allowed in the production of proglottids from the scolex — in other words, is the strobila to be regarded as a metamerically segmented individual comparable to an Annelid, or is it a linear colony, of which the proglottids are the sexual individuals produced by budding from an asexual scolex ? The former view is held by Burmeister, Gotte, Glaus, Perrier ; the latter by von Siebold, van Beneden, Leuckart, and some of the older authors. Up till P. J. van Beneden's time the strobila was almost universally regarded as an individual, but his researches and his careful comparison of a proglottid with a Trematode, followed as it was by the observations of others, impressed naturalists with the idea that the strobila is a colony — a view which has been adopted generally up till about ten years ago, as it seemed to illustrate Steenstrup's theory so excellently. If we regard the tapeworm as a colony, it is comparable to the " strobila " of Aurelia and other Scyphomedusae, each ephyra, budded off from the original hydro-polyp or scyphistoma, being comparable to a proglottid, and the Scyphistoma itself, developed from the egg cell, being equivalent to the scolex. If this be the case, the strobilation of Cestodes must be a secondarily acquired phase in their life-history, which must have been originally a metamorphosis ; but owing to the individualisation of certain products of growth, it has given rise to alternation of generation (Glaus, 6). But many anatomical facts appear to be against the " colony " theory ; the continuity of the muscular, nervous, and excretory system, not only throughout the entire adult worm and the scolex, but even in the cysti- cercoid phase, where they are absolutely continuous in the bladder and scolex. The excretory pore is at the posterior end of the proscolex, and in many adults it is at the posterior end of the chain throughout life, viz. in those forms which never drop proglottids, and though the development THE CESTOIDEA 145 of these forms is not known in all its details, there can be no doubt but that the pore and contractile excretory bladder are identical at both stages of development. The permanency of the strobila in some worms, taken in connection with the absence of external segmentation in Ligula and Triaenophorus,1 and the easy transition from the latter to the uusegmented Monozoa — these and sundry other facts seem to point most strongly to the individuality of the adult tapeworm. It is not difficult to see the advantage to the species gained by this segmentation of the body as the genital organs ripen, for the continued peristalsis of the intestine, and the passage of food, must tend to rupture the attached worm. The scolex therefore regenerates this broken portion, as in various Chaetopods ; and this power has been increased and per- petuated, so that the process of regeneration has become premature and resolved into one of " strobilation," or early production of segments, each of which ripens in turn and ultimately separates (Lang). This process is even more precocious in Ligula, where the repetition of the genital organs occurs in the intermediate host. If the tapeworm be regarded as a metamerically segmented animal, the neck, as the point of formation of new segments, should be, in order to be comparable with the corresponding point in Annelids, posterior, i.e. antepenultimate, and the scolex or head must be the last segment or telson. This, indeed, is the view taken by Perrier and Moniez, who regard the " caudal vesicle " of T. solium and " tail " of Caryophyllaeus as the anterior end of the worm ; though it is frequently assumed that the "tail" was originally an organ of locomotion, which function it has entirely lost, and has become in many cases part of the " bladder," and aids in protecting the enclosed scolex. A curious theory was in early times held by several naturalists (Linnaeus, Dubois, Blumenbach) that the strobila is built up by the mutual attach- ment in series of numerous free-living proglottids, or Vermes cucurbitini. The probable phylogeny of the class may be indicated by the following tree : — Tetracotylea. Tetrarhyncha. Merozoa. Tetrai J> hyllidea. . Dibothridiata. Tetrabothridiafa. Trematoda. 1 In the young Triaenophorus the proglottids are distinct ; obliteration of them occurs as the worm matures. 10 146 LITERATURE OF THE CESTOIDEA LITERATURE OF CESTOIDEA. 1. vanBeneden, E. Arch. Biol. ii. 1881, p. 183. 2. van Beneden, P. J. (Les vers Cestoides.) Nouv. Mem. Acad. Roy. Belgique, xxv. 1850 ; and Mem. sur les vers Intestinaux, 1858. 3. Blanchard, E. Ann. Sci. Nat. 1847-49. 4. Blanchard, R. (Echinocotylidae.) Mem. Soc. Zool. France, iv. 1891, p. 420. 5. Braun, Max. In Bronn's Thierreichs, "Wiirmer," 1893 (in progress), p. 927, for complete literature. 6. Glaus. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 6), v. 1890, p. 417. 7. Crety. (Solenophorus. ) Atti (Mem.) R. Accad. Lincei (ser. 4), vi. 1889, p. 384. 8. Donnadieu. (Ligula.) Journ. de 1'Anat. et Physiol. xiii. 1877, pp. 321, 451. 9. Dujardin. Ann. Sci. Nat. (2), xx. 1843, p. 341. 10. Fuhrmann. (Ichthyotaenia, etc.) Zool. Jahrbuch. (Anat.), ix. 1895, p. 207. 11 Ibid. (Taeniae of Birds.) Rev. Suisse. Zool. iii. 1895-96, p. 433 ; and iv. 1896, p. 111. 12. Gerinanos. (Bothriocephalidae.) Jen. Zeit. xxx. 1895, p. 1. 13. Grassi and Rovelli. Instit. Zool. Univ. Catania, 1892. 14. Griesbach. (Lime Corpuscles.) Arch. f. Mikr. Anat. xxii. 1883, p. 563. 15. Gruber. ( Archigetes. ) Zool. Anzeig. iv. 1881, p. 89. 16. Eamann. (Cysticercoids.) Jen. Zeit. xxv. 1891, p. 553. 17. Kiessling. (Schistocephalus. ) Arch. f. Naturg. (48), 1882, p. 241. 18. Kohler. Zeit. f. Wiss. Zool. Ivii. 1894, p. 385. 19. Kraemer. (Cyathocephalus. ) Zeit. f. Wiss. Zool. liii. 1892, p. 647. 20. Lang. Mitth. Zool. Sta. Neapel. ii. 1881, p. 372. 21. Leuckart. Die Blasenwiirmer u. ihre Entwickelung, 1856. 22. Ibid. Die Parasiten der Menschen, 1886-94; and English translation of 1st edition by W. E. Hoyle. 23. Ibid. (Archigetes.) Zeit. f. Wiss. Zool. xxx. (Suppl.), 1878, p. 593. 24. v. Linstow. (Tetr. longicollis. ) Jen. Zeit. xxv. 1891, p. 565. 25. Linton. Rept. U.S. Fish Commission, 1886, p. 453 ; 1887, p. 718 ; 1888, p. 543. 26. Luhe. (Rostellum.) Zool. Anzeig. xvii. 1894, p. 279. 27. Ibid. (Nervous System.) Zool. Anzeig. xix. 1896, p. 383. 28. Moniez. Travaux Inst. Lille, iii. 1880-81. 29. Monticelli. (Scolex polymorphus.) Mitth. Zool. Sta. Neapel. viii. 1888, p. 85. 30.' Ibid. (Cestodaria.) Atti Accad. Sci. fis. Napoli, v. (2), 1893, art. 6, and various articles in Boll. Mus. Zool. Torino ; Boll. Soc. Nat. Napoli ; Mem. Accad. Torino, 1890-92. 81. Niemec. Arb. Inst. Zool. Wien. vii. 1886, p. 1. 32. Pintner. (a) (Excretory System ; Tetrarhynchus Head.) Art. Inst. Zool, Wien. iii. 1881, p. 163. (6) (Copulation, etc.) Art. Inst. Zool. Wien, ix. 1891, p. 57. 33. Ibid. (Echinobothrium.) Art. Inst. Zool. Wien. viii. 1889, p. 371. 34. Ibid, (a) (Tetrarhynchus.) Stzb. Akad. Wiss. Wien. (Bot. Zool.), cii. 1893, p. 605. (b) (The Proboscis of T.) Biol. Centralbl. xvi. 1896r p. 258. LITERATURE OF THE CESTOIDEA 147 35. Poirier. (Excretory System.) C. R. Acad. Sci. cii. 1886, p. 700. 36. Raillet. Traite de Zool. Medicale et Agricole, 1895. 37. Riggenbach. (Ichthyotaenia.) Centralbl. f. Bakter. u. Parasitenkunde, xviii. 1895, p. 609 ; and Rev. Suisse Zool. iv. 1896, p. 165. 38. Ibid. (Bothriotaenia.) Ibid. xx. 1896, p. 222. 39. Salensky. (Amphilina.) Zeit. f. Wiss. Zool. xxiv. 1874, p. 291. 40. Schauinsland. Jen. Zeit. xix. 1886, p. 520. 41. Schmidt. (Anatomy of T. anatina.) Arch. f. Naturges. (60), 1894, p. 65. 42. v. Siebold. Zeit. f. Wiss. Zool. ii. 1850, p. 198. 43. Ibid. (Ub. d. Band — und Blasenwiirmer, etc., 1854, Abstract in.) Ann. Sci. Nat. (4), iv. 1855, pp. 48, 172. 44. Sommer. (Genitals.) Zeit. f. Wiss. Zool. xxiv. 1874, p. 499. 45. Sommer and Landois. (Genitals.) Zeit. f. Wiss. Zool. xxii. 1872, p. 40. 46. Spencer. (Gyrocotyle. ) Trans. Roy. Soc. Victoria, vol. i. pt. 2, 1889, p. 136. 47. Tower. Zool. Anzeiger, xix. 1896, p. 324. 48. Villot. Ann. Sci. Nat. (6), xv. 1883. 49. Wagener. Nova Acta Acad. Leopold, xxiv. Suppl. 1851. 50. Will. (Caryophyllaeus.) Zeit. f. Wiss. Zool. Ivi. 1893, p. 1. 51. Zernecke. Zool. Jahrbuch (Anat.), ix. 1895, p. 92. 52. Zschokke. (Recherches sur la structure anat. et histol. des Cestodes. Mem.- Instit. nation. Genevois, xvii. 1886-89. (See also Nos. 9, 15, 16, 28 of Trematode bibliography.) CHAPTER XX. APPENDICES TO THE PLATYHELMIA. APPENDIX I. CLASS RHOMBOZOA, v. Ben. THE forms included in this group are elongated, symmetrical organ- isms parasitic in the renal sacs of Cephalopoda. The body consists of a single layer of flat cells, which are usually ciliated, enclosing a central or " axial cell," within which the genital cells or " germs " are produced. The ectoderm cells are specialised at one end, to form either a " polar cap " or terminal warts. The individuals are of two kinds, producing different embryos — one, known as the " nematogen," produces " vermiform embryos " ; the other, the " rhombogen," produces " infusoriform embryos." The class Rhombozoa contains two orders. ORDER 1. Dicyemida, v. Ben.1 Adult forms worm-like and ciliated, with a polar cap formed of eight or of nine cells arranged in two circles. Dicyema, KolL, with eight polar cells, contains seven European species (Fig. II.). Dicyemennea, Whitm.,2 with nine polar cells ; this genus includes three species. ORDER 2. Heterocyemida, v. Ben.3 The ectoderm of the adult is not ciliated ; there is no polar cap, but at the anterior end the ectoderm cells contain refringent bodies and may give rise to four large terminal wart-like papillae (Fig. I.). Conocyema, v. Ben., in Octopus vulgaris. Microcyema, v. Ben., without warts, in Sepia ojficinalis. Remarks. — All the members of the Rhombozoa are parasitic in the renal organs of various species of Cephalopods ; normally, the Dicyemids are attached, as was first observed by Wagener, by means of the polar cap to the renal cells which constitute the so-called "venous appendages." 1 Ed. v. Beneden, Bull. Acad. Roy. Beige; (2), xli. 1876, pp. 85, 116 ; and xlii. p. 35 ; also in Q. J. Mic. Sci. (N.S.), xvii. 1877, p. 132. 2 Whitman, Mitth. Zool. Sta. Neapel. iv. 1883, p. 1. 3 E. v. Beneden, Arch. Biol. iii. 1882, p. 197. THE RHOMBOZOA 149 They then have the appearance of small white threads ; but on the death of the host the cells, with the parasite, drop off into the renal sac, where they are to be found swimming freely, but they never enter the various other cavities with which this renal sac communicates. The Hetero- cyemids do not appear to be thus fixed. FIG. I. Heterocyemida (after van Beneden). A, Nematogen of Conocyema polymorpha (van Ben.); «, the anterior "verruciform cells" representing (?) the "polar cap" of Dicyemida ; ft, their refringent contents; i, "cili- ated " processes .(N.B. — The " cilia " are motionless and retractile) ; b, ectoderm cells of body ; c, nucleus of axial cell ; d, protoplasm of axial cell ; g, germs, in outline, the largest being a fnlly formed vermiform em- bryo. B, Nematogen of Microcyema vespa ; a, anterior cells with refringent contents ; &, ectoderm of body ; d, axial cell ; c, its nucleus ; g, germs. C, " Wagener's embryo" of Microcyema; a, cell (or cells) containing refringent bodies ; b body ectoderm (of which there are only four cells in all) ; c, nucleus of axial cell (d). (The embryo of Conocyema resembles this in general structure, but is without refringent bodies ; the cell (or cells) containing them being represented by four cells ; there are also more ectoderm cells.) Fio. II. Dicyema typus, E. v. Ben. (after Whitman). Surface view of a young nematogen, from the left side ; although cilia are indicated only round the edges, it is to be understood that the whole surface is ciliated, a, polar cells in two circlets of four ; c, parapolar cells, followed by two dorsal and one ven- tral cell ; t, terminal cells, which in some species may contain refrin- gent bodies, which are here con- fined to the verruciform cells (v). Leaving aside these aberrant and rare Heterocyemida, it is only necessary to describe the structure of the Dicyemida. The elongated cylindrical body is pointed at one end, which ia regarded as the posterior, while the anterior end is thicker, owing to the specialisation of certain of the ectoderm cells to form the " polar cap " (" calotte " of Whitman). The ectoderm is everywhere one cell thick, the THE RHOMBOZOA cells are flat, lozenge-shaped, or rhomboidal, and all carry cilia, which, on the " head," are shorter and denser than on the " trunk." The " polar cap " consists of two circlets of cells. The apical circlet always consists of four equal " propolar " cells (Whitman) ; the second circlet consists of either four " metapolar " cells (Dicyema\ or of five cells (Dicyemennea).1 The polar cells are symmetrically arranged in the young when the head is " orthotropous," but by the unequal growth of one, the dorsal, surface the polar cap becomes pushed forwards on this side, so as to lie more or less obliquely ; it is then " plagiotropous " (Fig. III.). The polar cells, when eight, correspond in position, two of each circlet being dorsal and two ven- tral. In Dicyemennea the extra metapolar cell is dorsal (Fig. IV.). The whole organism recalls to some degree a Trematode "miracidium," and these cap cells remind one of similarly placed cells in such species as Dist. tereticolle. FIG. III. Dicyema macrocephalum, E. van Ben. (altered from Whitman). A portion of a rhombogen seen from the right side ; the plagiotropous cap is represented in optical section, ad, av, dorsal and ventral propolar cells ; bd, bv, dorsal and ventral metapolar cells ; c, right parapolar cell ; dd, the two dorsal ; e, the ven- tral body cell. FIG. IV. Dicyemennea eledones, Wagen. (after Whitman). The cap seen from in front, showing the five metapolars (b), of which three are dorsal and two ventral ; a, propolar cell ; D, dorsal, V, ventral surfaces. The first trunk cells lie one on each side, and as they differ somewhat from the rest, have been termed " parapolar " cells. The next two are dorsal and ventral, the next couple are lateral, and so on throughout the body, though they are arranged somewhat spirally. The two terminal cells differ slightly from the rest. There are only some twelve to twenty trunk cells, exclusive of the parapolars. The contents of the cells, at first finely granular, soon exhibit in some cells coarser granules, and even crystalloid grains that may coalesce to form balls, which collect in these cells, and as they accumulate they form more or less pronounced swellings, or finally stalked sacs (Fig. II. v) ; these " verruciform " cells never exceed six. The nature of their contents is uncertain ; they are neither fat nor lime, and do not take stains. Within the ectoderm is a single "axial cell," from which, at an early stage in the life-history, germ cells are produced in such a way that they lie within the axial cell. The latter is derived from the larger of the first two blastomeres, but remains inactive till it has been sur- THE RHOMBOZOA rounded by the products of the micromeres (Fig. V.) ; then the macromere divides into two unequal cells ; the larger again divides in the same way ; so that the central mass at this stage consists of an axial cell with two small " primary germ cells," embedded in its cytoplasm one at each end. These primary germ cells are comparable to the "intermediate cells" of Ortho- nectida, but have a different fate. Here, in the Dicyemida, there is an early setting aside of cells for reproduction, just as there is in Ascaris and other higher forms. The axial cell remains apparently quiescent throughout life, but is possibly engaged in elaborating nutritious juices absorbed from the host by the ectoderm cells ; it may be considered as an endo- derm cell — the last representative of a degenerate enteron. But the primary germ cells soon divide, each into two, and then into four ; so that there are eight germ cells lying within the axial cell. In some individuals (known as " ne- matogens") each germ cell proceeds to undergo segmentation, and develops into a " vermiform embryo " of a comparatively simple form — a miniature of the parent (Fig. V.). But in other individuals, known as " rhombogens " — differing, ac- cording to Whitman, in no definite way from the former — the germ cells pass through a very peculiar series of stages, and each produces a number of " infusori- Four stages in the development of fnrm pmVirvns " Tlipt (after E van Beneden). In j the re_ embryo were noted by Erdl, who regarded suit of segmentation^ is a solid biasto- them as two different stages in the life- FIG. V. historv. Kolliker was the first to recog- ectoderm cells (a) ; from the macromere J. ' a primary genii cell (g) has been given nise that they are dimorphic torms ; off. In 2, 3, the embryo has elongated, v "RpTiprlpTi and latpr Whitman the ectoderm is ciliated and already v. ±>eneden, ana later, wmtman, more accurately traced out their develop- meat The vermiform embryos escape from the nematogen and swim about with ° differentiated into cap cells (d) and body cells. The germ cell has divided substance of the axial cell. In 4 the vermiform embryo has put on all the characteristics of a Dicyema; each of their parents 111 the renal sac OI the host, the two germ cells has already sub- wViiMi tliPV nPVPr Ipflirp • tliPv nrp inrlpprl divided to form four, of which one which they never leave , they are, indeed, above and two below are proceeding to killed by sea- water. They grow into develop into a second generation, c, -i ,-, i • , f nucleus of axial cell, nematogens, and repeat the history of their parent. But the infusoriform embryo is a more complicated organism (Fig. VI.). It is nearly spherical, and built up of the following parts : — (1) Of an hemispherical cup of ten ciliated cells ; (2) of two large cells containing refringent bodies, and occupying the "anterior" part of the surface of the 1 52 THE RHOMBOZOA embryo ; (3) of an " urn," which is partially enclosed in the preceding, but conies to the surface antero-ventrally. This urn, in its turn, is made up of (a) a " lid " or cover of four non-ciliated cells, which completes the outer wall of the embryo ; (J3) an " urn- wall " formed of two curved cells, laterally placed, underlying the ciliated cells ; and of (y) the " urn-contents " — namely, four granular cells, arranged crosswise ; each has at first a single nucleus, but later many nuclei. According to van Beneden, these nuclei belong to minute cells provided with cilia, and he suggests that they are spermatozoa. This elaborate organism, or individual, arises in a very peculiar manner. Each germ cell divides, first of all, unequally, the smaller cell taking no further share in the process, but its nucleus enlarges, and lies freely in the axial cell ; it is the " paranucleus " (Whitman), and is very suggestive of a polar body of metazoa in general. The remaining cell proceeds to divide, very much as in the case of the vermiform embryo — one large cell becomes surrounded by a layer of smaller ones. This gastrula-like phase is termed an " infusorigen " by Whitman, and the central cell is the FIG. VI. Infusoriform embryo (or the male) of Dicyema (after van Beneden). A, from the right side ; B, from the ventral surface ; r, the refringent body ; u, the capsule or wall of the urn ; c, the contents of the urn (granular bodies); I, the lid ; b, ciliated cells of the body wall (ecto- derm). " germogen." But this germogen proceeds to divide, endogeuously, much as the axial cell of a vermiform embryo does, so that its nucleus becomes surrounded by a second generation of nuclei, each of which becomes invested by protoplasm to form a cell. The " ectoderm " cells of the infusorigen separate, and each develops into an infusoriform embryo, which ultimately escapes from the rhombogen. The remaining cells also separate, but develop into vermiform embryos, the central nucleus (germogen) remaining behind — free in the axial cell of the parent as a " residual nucleus " (Whitman). The rhombogen, after the birth of the infusoriform embryos, becomes a "secondary nematogen," containing vermiform embryos. Thus there are monogenetic individuals (primary nematogens) and diphygenetic in- dividuals which produce, firstly, infusoriform, and later, vermiform embryos. The infusorigen is an embryo which gives origin to other embryos, much as has been shown to occur in Gyrodactylus. The in- fusoriform embryos escape from the parent, and, unlike the vermiform embryos, can live in sea-water (Erdl, van Beneden) ; but no changes of any kind have been observed in them, and their later fate is doubtful. But van Beneden, influenced by Metschnikoff s discovery of sexual dimor- phism in the Orthonectida, and by Julin's observation of the two forms of females, suggested that the " infusoriform embryos " of Dicyemids are males.1 Moreover, Whitman has occasionally observed in large specimens 1 This appears to be confirmed by Wheeler (Zool. Anzeig. xxii. p. 169, 1899), who states that male dicyemids, i.e. infusoriform embryos are produced from THE ORTHONECTIDA 153 of D. moschatum, one or even two somewhat deformed infusoriform embryos, which he believes had penetrated into the nematogen. He is therefore inclined towards van Beneden's view. In that case, the nematogens will be females, and the germ cells true ova, which will be fertilised by the infusoriform embryos. It is, further, probably of some importance that in young Cephalopods nematogens predominate, while rhombogens are in excess in older hosts. But this is entirely conjectural. Nothing is accurately known about the fate of the infusoriform embryo, nor as to how new hosts become infected. The view held by van Beneden that each species of Cephalopod has its own peculiar species of Dicyemid is not true. Whitman has noted both that two or more species of the parasite may occur in one Cephalopod, and that the same parasite may occur in different hosts ; for example — Dicyema tiipus, \. Ben. 1 • /-> . i • ^ , , . • > in Octopus vulqams. D. schulzwnum, v. Ben. J D. moschatum, Whitm. } . „. ' ,„ \\nEledonemoschata. Dicyemennea eledones, Wagen.J D, truncatum. Whitm. ^ . a . /,, . 7 . ., __ ' V in sepia omcmalis. D. gracile, Wagen. / ( in Rossia macrosoma, Sepia elegans. D. truncatum. Whitm. ~ „. . 7. ( 8. officinahs. D. schulzianum, v. Ben., in S. biserialis, Oct. vulgaris. CLASS ORTHONECTIDA, Giard.1 This group includes certain small ciliated organisms parasitic in some low invertebrates. These parasites are built up of an outer layer of flat ciliated cells, arranged in rings round the animal, and thus giving the appearance of segmentation, and of a central mass of polyhedral cells, which become ova or spermatozoa. Between the ectoderm and the central mass are muscular fibrillae, having an obliquely longitudinal course. The sexes are separate and dimorphic, the males being very much smaller than the females, from which they differ structurally. The females may themselves be dimorphic— one being cylindrical, the other flattened. The group contains a single genus, Rhopalura, Giard, of which only three species are accurately known ; R. giardii, Metschn. ( = R. ophiocomae, Giard ; + Intoshia gigas, Giard), occurs in the peritoneal cavity of Amphiura squamata. R. intoshii, Metschn. ( = Intoshia linei, Giard), in the body cavity of Nemertes lacteus. R. pterocirri, St. J.,2 occurs in the Polychaete, Pterocirrus macroceros. Further, a parasite was described by Keferstein in Leptoplana tremellaris, which no doubt belongs to the group.3 fertilised eggs ; while females, i.e. vermiform embryos arise parthenogenetically. Further, the same individual dicyemid may be at first a nematogen, and later a rhombogen. 1 Giard, Journ. anat. et physiol. 1879, xv. p. 449; and Q. J. Mic. Sci. xx. 1880, p. 225. 2 St. Joseph, Bull. Soc. Zool. France, xxi. 1896, p. 58. 3 Caullery and Mesnil have described a genus Staechartrum, from the Annelid Scoloplos (O. R. Ac. So. Paris, cxxviii. pp. 457 and 516, 1899). 154 THE ORTHONECTIDA R. giardii has been the subject of Julin's 1 researches, and is of more frequent occurrence than R. intoshii. The present account chiefly refers to the former species. The male is minute and spindle-shaped (Fig. VII.). The ectodermal rings are six in number, including the anterior and posterior terminal cones. The whole body, with the exception of the second ring, is ciliated. The cilia borne by the anterior cone are throughout the Orthonectida directed forwards, but elsewhere they point backwards. The third ring is larger than the others, but the second ring is noticeable for the refringent granular knobs borne by the cells. This ciliated ectoderm encloses the " testis," a mass of cells enveloped in a distinct membrane. In both sexes this central mass of cells, which give FIG. VII. Rhopalura, male (after Julin). FIG. VIII. The cylindrical female of Rho- palura (after Julin). FIG. IX. The flattened female of Rhopalura (after Julin). x, the peculiar subepidermic cell. rise either to spermatozoa or to ova, can be traced back, in the embryo, to a single axial cell, which, as in the Dicyemida, is the larger of the first two blastomeres into which the egg cell segments (Fig. X.). But whereas in Dicyemida the genital cells are derived from a " primary germ cell " at each end of the axial cell, here the axial cell itself subdivides to pro- duce germ cells, which represent, in all probability, mesoblast, whilst the last trace of " endoderm " has gone. Between the " testis " and the ecto- derm a number of fine, obliquely directed streaks can be detected, forming a continuous sheath (Julin), or limited to four bundles (Metschnikoff). The ends of these fibrillae, which are regarded by Julin as muscular, appear to be continuous with ectoderm cells at each end of the body. Julin figures nuclei on them, superficial to the testis. Possibly they are 1 Julin, Arch. BioL iii. 1882, p. 1. THE ORTHONECT1DA 155 derived from the " intermediate cells," which have been sometimes noted in these positions. It has, however, been suggested that the " fibrillae " are merely the expressions of a folding of the testis-membrane. The female is not only larger than the male, but differs so greatly from it that Giard referred it to a different genus, and described it under the name Intoshia gigas. Further, Julin discovered that there are two kinds of females — one flat, the other cylindrical. The cylindrical female presents eight rings (or, according to Metschnikoff, nine), (Fig. VIII.). Of these the second, as in the male, is not ciliated. The number of rows of cells differs in the various rings. The flattened female (Fig. IX.) is broader than the cylindrical form, and presents no ectodermal rings. The ectoderm is formed of very flat cells, and is ciliated over its entire surface. There is at one point a sub- epidermal cell of considerable size, the meaning of which is obscure. It has been suggested that it represents a degenerated, obliterated enteron — in FIG. X. Four stages in the development of the male of Rhopalura (after Julin). In A the maeromere has become partially invested by the micromeres (a), and has already divided, giving rise to the primary germ cell (6), and to an intermediate cell (c). In B the maeromere has again divided, giving off an anterior intermediate cell (c'). In C the central cells have become entirely sur- rounded by the ectoderm («), which is ciliated. The primary germ cell has subdivided and now constitutes the testis. In D the ectoderm cells have become differentiated, in that the cilia of the anterior cone are directed forwards, the rest backwards ; the testis is assuming the condition of the adult, though the intermediate cells have not yet given rise to muscle fibres. other words, it is hypoblast ; but there appears to be no evidence in support of this view. In both females the central mass consists of egg cells ; these are free in the cylindrical form, and are discharged by dehiscence of the ectoderm at the level of the non-ciliated ring. They are fertilised by spermatozoa, and develop into males. The eggs of the flattened form are embedded in a granular mass, and develop parthenogenetically into females of either form. The females occur in a peculiar vacuolated mass of granular material in which no cellular structure is to be detected. This " plasmodial tube " (Metschnikoff, or " sporocyst " of Giard) fills up the body cavity of the host, but is enveloped in a nucleated layer, which appears to be part of the tissues of the host. Metschnikoff believed that both sexes passed their entire life in these " plasmodial tubes," but Julin has never detected males or embryos of males in them. These only occur free in the fluid of the body cavity. 156 THE ORTHONECT1DA These plasmodial tubes appear to be formed in this way : — The flattened females fragment ; each piece, containing a number of eggs, rotates for a time in the cavity of the host, but later becomes attached to the wall of this cavity; the ectoderm cells now drop off, swell up, and undergo various changes resulting in the formation of the plasmodium. On the other hand, it is suggested by Max Braun that the latter arises by degeneration of the gonads of Amphiura, owing to the attacks of the parasite. The development of the fertilised egg leads to a blastosphere consist- ing of a central macromere surrounded by ectoderm cells (Fig. X.) ; the former divides, twice, unequally producing a small cell at each end, whence the " intermediate cells " arise (cf. the primary germ cells of Dicyemida), the macromere now divides up into numerous germ cells. There thus appears to be no remains of an endoderm in this history ; the macromere is mesoblastic, giving rise to muscular cells, and genital cells. In the history of the parthenogenetic eggs, the homologue of the terminal "intermediate cells" appears to be a continuous layer between the ectoderm and the axial cell, so that the two forms of females can be recognised at a very early stage. [Caullery and Mesnil in the last three years (1898-1900) have described four new species of Orthonectids : (1) Ehopalura metschnikovi, parasitic both in a Chaetopod (Spio martinensis, Mes.), and a Nemertine (Tetra- stemma flavidum). (2) Eh. julini, parasitic in a Chaetopod (Scotelepis fuliginosa, Clpde.). (3) Eh. pelseneeri, parasitic in Tetrastemma flavidum. (4) Staechar thrum giardi, parasitic in a Chaetopod (Scotoplos muelleri, Rathke). The two first-named species present distinct males and females as do the previously known species of Ehopalura. On the other hand, Eh. pelseneeri is hermaphrodite, as is also Staecharthrum giardi, which differs from all other Orthonectids by the great length of its filiform body. According to the observations of these authors (Comptes rendus Acad. Sciences, 20 fevrier 1899, and later results privately communicated), which have extended to Eh. ophiocomae, Giard, as well as the species above named, the plasmodium is a true protoplasmic nucleated structure, capable of amoeboid movement. It is under this form that the Ortho- nectid makes its first appearance in the infected host. By segregation of certain of the nuclei and portions of surrounding protoplasm of the plasmodium, germ-cells are produced, and from these develop ciliated embryos which finally become adult males and females. The same plasmodium can give rise to both males and females. The sexual products of these ciliated offspring of the plasmodium are not discharged within the host, but only after the escape of the males and females into the sea-water. The sexually fertilised egg-cell and the resultant embryo are unknown, but it is this embryo which effects an entry into a new host and becomes a nucleated plasmodium which in turn again produces ciliated males and females. Thus there is an alternation of genera- tions, sexual and asexual. The comparison of the plasmodium to the sporocysts of Malacotylous Trematoda by Giard appears to be justified, in so far that both are the first forms assumed by the sexually produced individual on entering upon parasitic life ; and both give rise asexually THE ORTHONECTIDA 157 to numerous individuals which in some Malacotyla as in Orthonectida are destined to become sexually mature. Caullery and Mesnil consider that the plasmodium of the Orthonectida corresponds to the axial cell of the Dicyemida; the one as the other giving origin by endogenous germ-formation to sexual ciliated forms. According to Wheeler, the same axial cell of a Dicyemid produces successively females and males. There is therefore close agreement with the facts observed as to the "plasmodium" of the Orthonectida. Wheeler, however, suggests, but has not actually observed, that the males (so-called infusoriform embryos) of Dicyemids proceed from fertilised germ-cells only (see note, p. 152). — E. R. L.] The Orthonectida and Dicyemida have been grouped together to form a grade Mesozoa by v. Beneden — a grade intermediate between the Protozoa and Metazoa, and characterised as containing multicellular organisms consisting of ectoderm and endoderm, the latter not being in the form of a layer surrounding an enteric cavity. But Giard, Whitman, and others have shown that the groups do not require the formation of this new grade to contain them ; they are in reality Metazoa, for there can be no doubt but that the " intermediate cells " of Orthonectida and, at any rate, the " primary germ cells " of Dicyemida are mesodermic ; possibly the axial cell of the latter represents an endoderm, reduced by parasitism to its last remnant — a single cell. In the Orthonectida, since the central cell of the embryo gives rise to genital cells, it may be regarded as mesoderm, so that in this group all trace of endoderm has disappeared. Nor is this fact unique amongst parasites, for both in Cestoidea and in some Nematoidea the gut is entirely absent. The simplicity of these organisms is not primitive, but secondary ; they are degenerate Platyhelminths, but whether descended from Turbellaria or from Trematoda is uncertain ; the resemblance to the ciliated embryos of the latter class is more apparent than real, for they are really much simpler than these. Owing to the gap between these two groups and the rest of the Platyhelminths, Pagenstecher suggested the term " Mionelminthes " in place of " Mesozoa." * APPENDIX II. Trichoplax adhaerens, F. E. Schulze,2 occurs in the marine aquarium at Graz, and is known nowhere else. It is a small, circular disc, moving partly by means of cilia, partly by thrusting out simple pseudopodia-like processes. The organism consists of an outer layer of ciliated cells, but those on the lower surface, by which the animal creeps over the glass, etc., are columnar ; those of the upper surface are flat. The central mass of the body is composed of spindle-shaped and slightly branched cells, leaving spaces filled with fluid between them. Nothing is known of the process of reproduction beyond the fact that in autumn Schulze observed (1) that the individuals were drawn out into long threads, and 1 Bronn's Thierreichs, Wiirmer. 2 Zool. Anzeig. vi. 1883, p. 92. 158 SALINELLA (2) there were numerous small circular discs in the water ; he concludes that multiplication is effected by fission or fragmentation. The homologies of the cell layers is uncertain ; whereas some authors regard the columnar cells as endoderm, and look on the organism as a flattened-out gastrula, Butschli regards it as a " placula." There appears to be no reason to believe that the whole external layer is not ectoderm, but whether the internal tissue is mesoderm or endoderm, there is no evidence to show. Possibly Trichoplax is a degenerate, acoelous Turbel- larian, deprived of rod cells. Treptoplax, Korotneff, is somewhat similar, and has been seen in the Naples Aquarium.1 APPENDIX III. Pemmatodiscus socialis, Montic.,2 is essentially a gastrula, with cili- ated ectoderm, containing rhabdites. One surface is flat, with a small central mouth leading into a distinct enteron. It occurs in cysts in the tissues of Rhizostoma pulmo, and appears to multiply by fission within the cyst ; nothing is known of any " organs." APPENDIX IV. What was termed Salinella salve by Frenzel, was stated by him to occur in a 2 per cent solution of salt at Cordova, in the Argentine. He describes it as an oval sac, with a wall formed of a single layer of cells, and containing a cavity communicating with the exterior at each end. The " ventral " cells are ciliated ; the dorsal are not ciliated but carry " setae," and all the cells are ciliated at their internal ends. Reproduction is said to take place by fission, and also by multiple fission after encyst- ment and conjugation. The "larvae" are declared to be unicellular likenesses of the "adult" and closely resemble hypotrichous ciliated Protozoa.3 If Salinella has a real existence, it forms, as Apathy 4 has argued, an intermediate form between Protozoa and Metazoa, and the term Mesozoa has been resuscitated in this new sense. But there is not sufficient ground for accepting Frenzel's interpretation of his observations. So little is known about the anatomy or life-history of Trichoplax, Pemmatodiscus, and Salinella that it is impossible to make any definite statement as to their affinities. Moreover, with the exception of Pem- matodiscus, they have only been met with in a " domesticated " condition in aquaria, and it has been suggested that they are in reality imperfectly developed animals — embryos which cannot attain full development owing to these conditions. 1 See Monticelli, Mitth. Zool. Sta. Neapel. xii. 1896, p. 432. 2 Monticelli, loc. cit. 3 Arch.f. Naturges. Iviii. 1892, p. 71 ; and Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6), ix. 1892, p. 79. 4 Annals Mag. Nat. Hist. (6), ix. 1892, p. '465. CHAPTEK XXL NEMERTINI. PHYLUM EHYNCHOCOELA, MAX SCHULTZE. CLASS. NEMERTINI (von Siebold and Stannius). BRANCH A. DIMYARIA. Order 1. Protonemertini. Fam. 1. Carinellidae. „ 2. Hubrechtiidae. Order 2. Mesonemertini. Fam. Cephalothricidae. Order 3. Metanemertini. Fam. 1. Eunemertidae. „ 2. Ototyphlonemertidae. „ 3. Prosorhocmidae. - ,,4. Amphiporidae. „ 5. Tetrastemmatidae. „ 6. Nectonemertidae. „ 7. Pelagonemertidae. „ 8. Malacobdellidae. BRANCH B. TRIMYARIA. Order 4. Heteronemertini. Fam. 1. Eupoliidae. ,, 2. Lineidae. THE Nemertine worms constitute a compact group of animals distinguished alike from the lower Platyhelmia and from the more highly organised class of Chaetopoda by certain definite structural peculiarities. Historical Survey. — The first account and figure of a Nemertine worm is given by Borlase in 1758. The early zoologists, such as 0. F. Muller, Johnston, Bosc, considered them as Turbellarians, and included them in 160 THE NEMERTINI the genera Planaria, or Fasciola, or Gordius. And even when the anatomy of the group was better understood, they were retained as members of that class, though various positions were assigned to them within it. Thus, Ehrenberg placed them in his order Rhabdocoela ; Quatrefages created an order Miocoela, which he placed side by side with the Rhabdo- coela and Dendrocoela ; Max Schultze divided the Turbellaria into («) Proctucha, to include the Nemertines, which he termed Rhynchocoela ; and (6) Aprocta, for the Turbellaria, s.s. And even in recent times this position has not been entirely given up, for Hatschek, in his Text- book, places the Nemertines in his group Autoscolecida, with the Platy- helmia, Rotifera, Nematoda, etc., all agreeing in the structure of the excretory organs. On the other hand, some zoologists have exaggerated the resemblances to the Annelids which the Nemertines undoubtedly bear, and place them in this class (v. Siebold, Leuckart, M'Intosh). Lang includes them in his "Vermes," by which he understands the Annelids, Gephyrea, Polyzoa, Brachiopoda, Nematoda. The more recent authorities who have worked upon the group (Hubrecht, Burger) raise the Nemertines to an independent position between the Platyhelmia and the Annelida : a view that was first taken by Cuvier, who formed the groups "Vers cavitaires" for the Nemertines, in opposition to the "Vers parenchy- inateux " (Platyhelmia) ; later, Blanchard invented the term Aplocoela, and Oersted followed in the same line. The interesting speculations of Hubrecht may here be referred to, viz. the suggestion that in the Nemertine various organs of the Chordata are represented, or are even anticipated in a humble fashion. Amongst those who have added materially to our knowledge of genera and species reference may be made to the following : — 0. F. Miiller, Oersted (34), Johnston, Keferstein (23), Stimpson, M'Intosh, Hubrecht, Joubin, and Burger; while Duplessis (13) and Guerne worked upon fluviatile species ; Semper and Dendy (10) on terrestrial forms. As contributors to our knowledge of the general anatomy of the class, the following deserve mention : — Quatrefages (36), Frey and Leuckart (14), Max Schultze (39), Keferstein. But all earlier writers are eclipsed by the brilliant monograph by M'Intosh (27), wherein he gives a critical account of all the earlier work on the subject. Since that time Hubrecht and Burger have, by more modern methods of research, built up on this foundation a magnificent superstructure, culminating in the elaborate memoir by Burger, published in the series of monographs of the Fauna and Flora of the Bay of Naples. With regard to special points of anatomy, it is interesting to note that the eversibility of the proboscis was first noted by Da vies (1815) on the addition of alcohol to water in which a Nemertine was living. Johnston was the first to recognise that in some Nemertines the proboscis is provided with a stylet, which is absent in others. But it was a long time before this proboscis and its sheath were properly understood ; for by most of the earlier writers it was regarded as the intestine (Duges, Ehrenberg, Quatrefages), while Oersted described it as a male copulatory THE NEMERTINI 161 or excitant organ. Its true nature, and the fact that it is quite distinct from the gut, was first recognised by Frey and Leuckart in their account of Linens gesserensis (1847), where, too, the real character of the mouth, hitherto regarded as the genital pore, was established. The vascular system was recognised as a closed system of canals by Quatrefages (36) ; and our present knowledge of the comparative anatomy of the system is due to Oudemans (35), who in the same memoir gave an account of the excretory system in a variety of genera. This excretory system was originally described by Max Schultze in 1851 as a branched, ciliated canal ; but it remained for Burger (7) to make the valuable dis- covery that these canals terminate blindly in a multicellular swelling, containing a flame, which had, however, already been seen by Silliman in 1885 in Tetrastemma aquarum dulcium, and was figured by Dendy in 1890 for Geon. australiensis (10). The genital sacs were already known to Oersted, and the fact that the worms are dioecious was recognised by Quatrefages, and was a reason for separating the Nemertines from the Turbellaria. The nervous system was correctly described by Duges (1828), who fell into the curious error of regarding the brain as a " heart," and the lateral nerves as " blood-vessels," owing to the fact that the system is tinged with red in the larger forms. Our present knowledge of this system is due to M'Intosh and to Hubrecht (17), while the finer histology of the system has been studied by Haller (16), and by Burger (6). The cephalic fissures of the larger genera, such as Linens and Cere- bratulus, early attracted notice, but the function of the peculiar cerebral organs associated with them has been variously interpreted. Both Delle Chiaje and Hubrecht maintained that they were respiratory, while van Beneden took them to be excretory. The detailed account of these organs which we are now able to give rests upon the work of Dewoletzky (11) and of Burger (5). But although the study of anatomy and histology has made much progress in these recent years, the embryology of the class still presents a wide field for future investigation. The Pilidium larva, originally described in 1847 by Joh. Muller (33), has been studied by several zoologists of note, especially by Metschnikoff (28), and by Butschli/ and by Burger. The larva of Desor has been the subject of research by Barrois (1), and by Hubrecht (19), while the direct development of Cephalothrix has been studied by Dieck (12), and that of various other genera, quite recently, by Lebedinsky (26). With regard to the taxonomy of the Xemertines, reference need only be made to three zoologists : Max Schultze (1853) divided them into two orders — the Anopla and Enopla. This classification was generally adopted, till Hubrecht put forward his threefold division into Palaeonemertini, Schizonemertini, and Hoplonemertini, depending on the superficial position and diffuse condition of the nervous system in the first, on the cephalic slits in the second, and the armed proboscis in the third order. More recently Biirger (8), laying stress on the relative depth of the nervous system, and on the structure of the body wall, proposed the four-fold division adopted in the present article. ii 162 THE NEMERTIN1 -4U' e- The General Characters of the Nemertines. — These worms are, with a few exceptions, elongated, and sub- cylindrical in form, and marine in habitat. As in the Turbellaria, the epidermis is ciliated and the body is devoid of external segmentation. But unlike the Platyhelmia, the gut is provided with an anus, situated at the posterior end of the body (Figs. L, II., III.). The mouth, always anterior and subterminal, leads into stomodaeum, which is, in the majority, a short, simple, cylindrical tube, leading to the enteron. The latter is a straight canal, usually provided with regularly arranged, paired, lateral diverticula. The most characteristic organ of the Phylum is the proboscis, which is a muscular pleurecbolic introvert, capable of eversion through an anterior terminal pore — the rhynchostome. This tubu- lar proboscis is invested in an epi- thelium similar to the epidermis, containing rhabdites and nemato- cysts • and in one group calcareous stylets are carried on its wall in such a position that they lie at the apex when the proboscis is everted. In a state of introversion, the proboscis is contained in a closed tubular cavity, with a muscular wall — the rhynchocoel — lying above the enteron, extending for a vari- FlG. I. Diagrammatic view of Cerebratulus, as seen from above when the dorsal wall of the body has been re- moved, to show the proboscis and its sheath, the enteric and nervous systems ; in the middle region the gut has been omitted, a, rhynchostome ; ft, rhynchodaeum ; c, proboscis, the tubular, eversible region ; c', the posterior, solid, non-eversible region, which serves as the retractor muscle ; d, rhyncho- coel ; e, dorsal ganglion, or lobe of the brain ; the dorsal commissure has been removed, to show the continuity of proboscis and rhynchodaeum ; /, ventral ganglion, or lobe of the brain ; g, horizontal cephalic cleft, the depth of which is indicated ; h, cerebral organ ; the canal of which opens externally into the hinder end of g ; i, lateral nerve trunk ; j, stomo- daeum ; k', intestinal caeca ; z, anus. THE NEMERTIN2 163 able distance along the body, and containing a corpusculated fluid. The nervous system consists of a pair of lateral nerve cords run- ning the entire length of the animal, and connected with one another at the hinder end, above the intestine (Fig. I.). At the anterior end each cord is enlarged to form a more or less complex cerebral ganglion, which is connected to its fellow by a dorsal and a ventral commissure embracing the proboscis. There is usually in addition a median dorsal nerve. The peripheral system is formed of a diffuse plexus, or of a more regular series of commissural connecting the longitudinal nerves. On each side of the head there is, with few exceptions, a ciliated pit of simple or complex character — the cerebral organ — in close relation to the hinder part of the brain. The excretory system (Fig. II.) consists of a longitudinal canal on each side of the stomodaeum, opening to the exterior by one or more short ducts, and at "its inner end gives rise to a greater or less number of short, simple, or slightly branched tubules, each of which terminates in a multicellular swelling containing a bunch of cilia similar to the " flame " of the terminal cell of the Platy helminth system (Fig. XXVIII.). There is in the Nemertines another system of tubes entirely shut off from every other cavity, and containing a corpusculated fluid, sometimes red in colour. This " vascular system " (Fig. III.) which is not present in the Platyhelmia, consists fundamentally of a pair of contractile lateral vessels extending the whole length of the animal, and connected with each other by a preoral and a supra- anal anastomosis. To this system there is usually added a median dorsal vessel, lying between the intestine and the wall of the rhynchocoel. In the majority of Nemertines these three longi- tudinal vessels are connected by transverse vessels more or less regularly arranged. Between the muscular coat of the body wall and the wall of the gut is a loose connective tissue or " parenchyma," in which the excretory canals and the lateral blood-vessels are embedded. In it too the genital organs are developed. The sexes of the Nemertines are, as a rule, separate, and each genital organ is a simple sac, surrounded by a thin cellular membrane, which, at the breeding season, is prolonged outwards as a duct, to open externally above the lateral nerve. These genital sacs appear to be the only representatives of a coelom ; and are repeated, more or less regularly, usually alternating with the intestinal pouches, throughout the body (Fig. II. m). The development of the Nemertine is either direct or in- direct ; the larva is of a characteristic form, known as a Pilidium (or in a modified condition, as Desor's larva). In this larva THE NEMERTINI s-t- FIG. II. Deeper dissection of the anterior end of Cerebratulus, after removal of the proboscis, and of the greater part of the dorsal blood-vessel. The lateral nerve trunks are omitted, a, rhyncho- stome ; &, rhynchodaeum ; e, dorsal ganglion, or superior lobe of the brain, with dorsal com- missure intact ; h, cerebral organ ; j, stomo- daeum ; k, intestine ; k', caeca ; I, excretory pore, leading into the excretory duct, and thence to the. branching canal, alongside the lateral blood- vessel ; m, gonad (perigonadial coelom) ; m', genital pore ; n, dorsal blood - vessel ; o, trans- verse vessel ; p, lateral blood-vessel ; r, s, an- terior anastomoses. t- -\- FIG. III. Plan of the vascular system of Cerebra- tulus, from above, n, dorsal blood-vessel ; o, transverse vessels ; p, lateral vessels ; p (above), anterior, apical anastomosis ; q, parastomodaeal sinus and network ; q', the median vessel giving origin to these ; s, preoral anastomosis in region of brain ; t, supra-anal anastomosis ; m, mouth. THE NEMERTINI 165 the body of the Nemertine is formed, and the larval skin is cast off. The result of the total and nearly equal segmentation of the egg is a blastula with a capacious blastocoel ; the cells on one side are rather larger than the rest, and by their invagination the larva becomes a gastrula, which is at first uniformly ciliated. A special tuft of long sensory hairs is developed in a pit at the aboral pole (Fig. IV.), and by the downgrowth of the sides of the body two or four great lappets are formed ; the organism gradually becomes helmet-shaped (Fig. IV. (7). The margins of these lappets FIG. IV. Development of the Pilidium larva (after Metschnikoff), from Joubin. A, blastula, already ciliated and moving within the vitelline membrane ; a few mesoblast cells have been given off by the blastoderm ; B, the young gastrula ; C, the larva. The blastocoel is filled with jelly, in which mesoblast cells are embedded ; the side walls have grown down into the right and left lappets ; s, the anterior ; s', the posterior invaginations of the ventral surface which give rise to the "imaginal discs." bear long cilia, which are continued round the whole of the ventral edge of the Pilidium, so as to form a circumoral band. Balfour has pointed out the phylogenetic significance of this larva, from which the Trochosphere of Annelids may have been derived. The Pilidium consists of epiblast, of hypoblast, and of mesoblast which gives rise to a jelly-like connective tissue between them. The greater part of the body wall of the future Nemertine is formed out of four invaginations of the ventral surface of the Pilidium — a pair of anterior or cephalic, and a pair of posterior or somatic pits (first recognised by Krohn and by Miiller), (Fig. VI.). The wall of each pit soon becomes divisible into two regions — the 1 66 THE NEMERTINI bottom is formed of columnar cells, and constitutes the "germ disc " or imaginal disc (cf. those of some insects). The outer walls consist of a flat epithelium. The aperture of invagination closes, and the pit becomes a sac, the thin wall of which is the "amnion" (cf. vertebrates and insects). These four flattened sacs sink in- wards and extend laterally in all directions till they finally meet, FIG. V. The fully developed Pilidium, bearing the young Nemertine within its amniotic sac (after Korschelt and Heider). Am, amnion ; D, enteron of Pilidium and Nemertine ; EC, ectoderm of Nemertine ; M, mouth of Pilidium ; JV, nervous system of Nemertine ; E, proboscis ; So, excretory organ. thus embracing the larval enteron and a certain amount of meso- blast, and giving rise to the body wall of the young Nemertine (Figs. V, VI.). From the inner surface of the imaginal discs new mesoblast arises, thus a new body wall is formed within the larval skin. A fifth pit has meanwhile made its appearance at the anterior end of the larva, above the ciliated band ; instead of flattening out as the others do, it elongates backwards to form a tube ; it is the forecast of the proboscis (Ret). The THE NEMERTINi 167 FIG. VI. Three figures to illustrate the formation of the young Nemertine within the Pilidium (from Burger). They are diagrammatic sections (or projections) across the larva, just above the origin of the lappets. 1 shows the origin of the two pairs of imaginal discs, the pair of excretory pits (from the stomodaeum), and the median proboscis pit. In each of the imaginal discs the bottom becomes thickened and the sides thin. In 2 the imaginal discs are closed sacs (amniotic sacs) ; ' each is flattening and extending round the enteron of the larva, the cerebral organ is making its appearance. 3, the imaginal discs have reached their fullest development ; the new mesoblast has been given off, and the body wall of the Nemertine established. The dorsal and ventral ganglia are denned (the cephalic "plates" are left unshaded to show these), and the excretory organ is branched. Am, arnnion ; Amh, amniotic cavity ; C, cerebral organ ; D, enteron ; Dg, dorsal ganglion ; Ep, definitive epidermis of young Nemertine ; Kp, cephalic plate, the thickened floor of the cephalic pit ; Ks, cephalic pit, or imaginal disc ; N, nephridium, or its foundation ; Oe, larval stomodaeum ; R, proboscis ; Ro,, invagination to form proboscis ; Re, the foundation of the rhynchocoel, its muscular wall, and the muscular coat of the proboscis ; Rp, somatic plate, the thickened floor of the somatic pit ; Rs, somatic pit or imaginal disc ; S, lateral nerve stem of Nemertine ; Vg, ventral ganglion. 1 68 THE NEMERTINI mesoblast formed from its wall splits, giving rise to the rhynchocoel ; tlie inner layer becoming the musculature of the proboscis ; the outer layer the wall of the rhynchocoel or proboscis sheath. The nervous system originates in two independent thickenings of the epiblast on each side ; the dorsal lobe of the brain arises from the hinder part of the cephalic disc ; the ventral lobe and the lateral nerve from the somatic disc. The cerebral organ arises as a secondary pitting at the anterior end of this latter disc (C). The excretory system is epiblastic in origin, arising as a pit on the ventral surface of the larva, on either side of the stomodaeum (Figs. V., VI.). This undoubted epiblastic origin of the excretory system is of considerable general interest, since it confirms the view of Lang and others that the system in Platyhelmia is epiblastic, and provides some confirmation of Goodrich's distinction between a "nephridium" and a " coelomoduct." The blood-vessels arise as a liquefaction of the mesoblastic jelly. The Classification of the Nemertines. — Although the presence or absence of an armature on the proboscis is no longer regarded as of taxonomic value, yet the terms Anopla and Enopla may be used as descriptive, and contrasting epithets, in the same kind of way as " Invertebrata " and " Vertebrata," are used. Since Burger's classification is founded on the relation of the nervous system to certain tissues in the body wall, it is necessary^ to describe a transverse section of a ^Nemertine in this place, and Carinella is chosen as an example. The epidermis consists of a single layer of cells, of four kinds — ciliated cells, goblet cells, club-shaped gland cells, and - -i^r ••-^b'T^sr grouped gland cells (Fig. VII.) ; below it iiiPil^^^ is a basement tissue or cutis, then an dm f) outer layer of circularly disposed muscle FIG. vn. fibres, followed by a deeper layer of longi- Epidermis of Carimiia poly- tudinal muscles (Fig. VIII.). The paren- morpha, Ren. (from Perrier, after . . \ f> Burger), b, basement tissue ; d, cnyma is thin in this genus, and below it ducts of eland cells (p) ; dm, • u ,-> -\ _c • i ~\ / diagonal muscles (present only in is another layer of circular muscles (con- ttg£$USJ8S£&3> sidered by Hubrecht as somatic, but by filaments; m, circular coat of Burger as splanchnic), closely investing muscles ; n, nerve layer IP,,-, •, -, , , -, T grouped gland cells ; r, radiating the enteroii and the rhynchocoel. In the middle line, dorsally and ventrally, & S0me muscle fibres Pass from tnis Ia7er to the cutis. The wall of the rhyncho- coel consists of deeper circular muscles, to which longitudinal muscles are added. In this transverse section the lateral and dorsal nerves (e, j) will be seen lying outside the circular somatic muscles, immediately THE NEMERTIN1 169 below the cutis. These nerves are connected by a nerve tunic, or plexus in this position, extending all round the animal. The brain likewise occupies the same relative position. The characters upon which Biirger chiefly founds his classifica- tion are (a) the somatic musculature, and (b) the relative position of the lateral cords. The dermal musculature consists either of two layers, as in Carinella, or of three layers, in which case a second coat of longitudinal muscles is developed in the cutis, external to the circular coat (Fig. X.). In these "trimyaric" Nemertines the lateral nerves lie between this secondary coat of longitudinal muscles and the circular muscles — that is, in the same FIG. VIII. Transverse section of Carinella, (somewhat schematised, after Burger), a, epidermis ; 6, basement tissue (cutis) ; c, circular muscles ; c', inner (splanchnic) coat of circular muscles ; d, longitudinal muscles ; e, lateral nerve stem ; /, portion of nerve network ; i, enteron ; j (super- ficial) dorsal nerve ; k, proboscidial sheath nerve ; o, portion of excretory canal ; p, lateral blood- vessel ; r1, longitudinal muscular coat of the proboscis ; r", circular coat ; r'", epithelium of proboscis ; between these two last coats lies a, nerve, above and below ; s, the proboscis sheath, or muscular wall of the rhynchocoel (w) ; v, parenchyma.* position, with regard to the latter, as in Carinella. But in. the " dimyaric " forms the nervous system may either (a) lie outside the circular coat, or (b) in the substance of the somatic muscula- ture, or (c) below it, in the parenchyma. There can be no doubt but that the first of these three condi- tions is the most primitive, and the last the most recent ; and the trimyaric arrangement has been derived from the dimyaric in another direction. Using, then, the terms Anopla and Enopla as descriptive rather than as taxonomic terms, the Nemertines may be divided into two branches — the Dimyaria and the Trimyaria ; and the former may be anoplous or enoplous, as follows : — i;o THE NEMERTIN1 CLASS NEMERTINI, SIEBOLD AND STANNIUS, 1848 ( = Nemertina, Ehrenb. ; =Nemertea, Quatref. ; =Nemertinea) Dies. ; = Aplocoela, E. Blan chard ; = Rhynchocoela, Max Schultze). BRANCH A. DIMYARIA. Nemertines in which the dermal muscula- ture consists of an external coat of circular muscles and an internal coat of longitudinal muscles. SECTION 1. ANOPLA, Max Schultze ( = Palaeonemertini minus Eupo- liidae, Hubr.). Dimyaric Nemertines in which the proboscis is not pro- vided with a calcareous stylet ; the mouth is behind the brain, and there is no anterior caecum to the intestine. ORDER l. Protonemertini, Burger. Dimyaric anoplous Nemertines in which the brain and lateral nerve cords lie outside the musculature. FAMILY 1. CARINELLIDAE, M'Intosh. The cerebral organ is in the form of a shallow vertical furrow, without any relation to the lateral blood-vessel ; there is no dorsal blood-vessel. The intestinal pouches are short and ill-defined. Carinina, Hubr. ; CarmeUa, Johnst. FAMILY 2, HUBRECHTIIDAE, Burg. The cerebral organs are spherical and impinge upon the lateral blood-vessel. A dorsal vessel is present ; the intestinal pouches are deep. Hubrechtia, Burg. ORDER 2. Mesonemertini, Burger. Dimyaric anoplous Nemertines in which the lateral nerves have sunk into the somatic musculature. FAMILY — CEPHALOTHRICIDAE, M'Intosh. There is no cerebral organ nor cephalic furrow. Carinoma, Oudem. ; Cephalothrix, Oersted. SECTION 2. ENOPLA, Max Schultze. Dimyaric Nemertines in which the proboscis is armed with calcareous stylets, except in certain modified genera. The mouth is in front of the brain, and may be coincident with the rhynchostoine. The stomodaeum is complex, and there is usually an anterior, median, and ventral caecum to the midgut. ORDER 3. Metanemertini, Burger ( = Hoplonemertini, Hubr.). The brain and lateral nerves have sunk through the somatic muscu- lature and lie in the parenchyma. The mouth is in front of the brain. TRIBE A. PRORYNCHOCOELA. Metanemertines with a long, thin body which can coil into a ball ; they creep with eel-like undulations and never swim. The rhynchocoel never extends into the hinder half of the body, and the proboscis is much shorter than the worm. FAMILY 1. EUNEMERTIDAE, M'Intosh. Eyes present. Eunemertes, Vaill. ( = Nemertes, M'Intosh nee Guv.) ; Nemertopsis, Burger. FAMILY 2. OTOTYPHLONEMERTIDAE, Burger. No eyes, a pair of otocysts. Oto~ typhlonemertes, Dies. TRIBE B. HOLORHYNCHOCOELA. Metanemertines with usually a short body, which does not coil into a ball ; they creep without undulations. THE NEMERTINI 171 The proboscis is as long as the body. The rhynchocoel extending into the hinder third, and even to the end of the body. FAMILY 3. PROSORHOCMIDAE, Biirger. With four eyes, cerebral organs are rudimentary. Cephalic gland large. Mouth and rhynchocoel coincident. Usually hermaphrodite. Prosorhocmus, Keferst. ; head notched anteriorly (Fig. IX.). Prosadenoporus, Burg. ; Geonemertes, Semper, is terrestrial (10). FAMILY 4. AMPHIPORIDAE, M'Intosh. Eyes numerous. Cerebral organ large ; the intestinal pouches are branched, and the gonads do not alter- nate regularly with them. The anterior caecum has long lateral diverticula. Amphi- porus, Ehrenb. ; Drepanophorus, Hubr. ; with unique armature to proboscis ; the rhyncho- coel is provided with inetameric diverticula. Zygonemertes, Hontg. ; Proneurotes, Montg. FAMILY 5. TETRASTEMMATIDAE, Hubr. Small, flattish worms, with four eyes in a rectangle. Tetrastemma, Ehr. ; several fluvi- atile as well as marine species. SticJio- stemma, Montgomery ; fresh water. Oerstedia, Quatref. FAMILY 6. NECTONEMERTIDAE, Verrill. Short, broad body, with " cirri " ; tail with horizontal fin ; apparently without stylets on the proboscis (see 41). Necto- nemertes, Verr., 636 to 1735 fms. Hyalo- nemertes, Verr., 826 to 1641 fms. Atlantic. FAMILY 7. PELAGONEMERTIDAE, Moseley. Pelagic, deep sea, transparent, leaf-like body ; proboscis unarmed ; no dorsal blood-vessel. Pelagonemertes, Moseley ; P. rollestoni, M. ; South Sea, 1800 fms. (Fig. XL). P. moseleyi, Biirg.; S.E.Japan, 755 fms. Pterosoma, Lesson (see 20). FAMILY 8. MALACOBDELLIDAE, v. Kennel. Parasitic ; short, compact body, with a posterior, ventral, glandular "sucker." The intestine is undulating, without pouches or anterior caecum, the proboscis is unarmed. Malacobdella, Blv. ; without eyes or cerebral organs. The proboscis opens into the fore- gut. M. grossa, 0. F. M. (Fig. XIII.) ; in the mantle chamber of various lamellibranch molluscs (see 24). BRANCH B. TRIMYARIA. Anoplous Nemertines in which a secondary coat of longitudinal muscles is developed outside the circular coat (Fig. X.). ORDER 4. Heteronemertini, Biirger ( = Schizonemertini, Hubr. + Eu2wliidae, Hubr.). The lateral nerve stems lie between this secondary coat and the circular coat. The mouth is behind the brain ; there is no anterior enteric caecum. FIG. IX. Prosorhocmus claparedii, Kefer- stein. A viviparous Nemertine, (After M'Intosh, from 172 THE NEMERTINI FAMILY 1. EUPOLIIDAE, Hubrecht. There are no lateral, horizontal, cephalic fissures. Eupolia, Hubr. ; the head is sharply marked off from the trunk, into which it can be retracted. Poliopsis, Joubin ; with a dorsal and a ventral median cephalic furrow, and a circular furrow between head and trunk. Valencinia, Quatref. ; head awl- shaped ; rhynchostome ventral. FAMILY 2. LINEIDAE, M'Intosh. A deep, horizontal fissure on each side of the head, into the hinder end of which the cerebral organ opens. GROUP A. Amicrurae. Without a small, filamentous tail. Linens, Sowerby ; unusually long, thread-like body; Transverse section of Cerebratulus marginatus, Renier (modified, after Burger) b, connective tissue or cutis, into which the epidermal glands dip, and which is occupied by the outer coat of longitudinal muscles, characteristic of the Heteronemertines ; c, circular coat ; d, longitudinal coat of muscle ; e, lateral nerve stem ; /, outer ring of nerve fibres ; g, blood- vessel passing from lateral trunk to the parastomodaeal plexus (h) ; i, stomodaeum ; j, dorsal nerve; k, proboscidial sheath nerve; I, deep nerve ring; m, vessel of proboscis sheath; n,' aperture of excretory organ ; o, excretory tube, receiving below one of the finer canals ; p, lateral blood-vessel ; q, parastomodseal vessel ; r, proboscis ; s, proboscis sheath ; the rhyncho- coel is unlettered ; t, dorsal blood-vessel ; v, parenchyma. head broad and spathulate. The animals cannot swim, but creep at the bottom or on the surface of the water, and can coil into clumps and balls. Euborlasia, Vaill. ; body short, thick ; contracts like a snail. GROUP B. Micrurae. With a small filamentous tail. Micrura, Ehrenb. ; small, thin worms, unable to swim, but creep, coil into balls, and are contractile. Mouth small and circular. Cerebratulus, Renier ; broad, strong worms, roll- ing up spirally and not coiling ; they swim well, with eel-like undulations. The lateral margin of the body projects as a distinct ridge. Mouth long and slit-like. Langia, Hubr. ; lateral margins curved upwards pro- duce a deep dorsal groove ; the margins are folded and lobed. THE NEMERTIN1 173 Remarks upon the Class. — The Nemertine worms usually live under stones, or amongst sea-weed, or in empty mollusc shells and similar places ; some even burrow in the mud or sand, and a few secrete a tube of mucous material to which foreign substances adhere (e.g. Carinella linearis, C. rubicunda, Valencinia longirostris). The majority occur in shallow water, down to about 100 fathoms ; only a few have been obtained from a greater depth, viz. Pela- gonemertes, Nectonemertes, Hyalonemertes, and Carinina grata, at 1340 fathoms. These pelagic species, as well as Cerebi'atulus, spp., and Drepanophorus, are characteristically Arctic. Eupolia is tropical. The non-marine forms are exclusively Metanemertines, some occur in fresh water, viz. Tetrastemma, sp. (13, 40), and Sticho- stemma (31); others live on land, viz. Geonemertes, of which five species have been described from various islands. A few live in association with other animals, arid these again are Metanemertines, with the exception of Cephalothrix galatheae, which is endoparasitic in the ovaries of Galathea strigosa (12) ; others are ectoparasitic (3), or perhaps only commensals, viz. Eunemertes carcinophila, Tetra- stemma, spp., on Ascidians ; Malacobdella, in lamellibranchs (24). The Nemertines are generally cylindrical worms of consider- able length, but of small diameter, exhibiting a great degree of contractibility ; some indeed attain an enormous length, e.g. Linens longissima reaches a length of 8 or even 27 metres. On the other hand, a few species of Tetrastemma, Oerstedia, and Ototyphlonemertes are quite small. Euborlasia is an exception to the designation "long," as it is short and sausage-shape, like a Holothurian or Echiurid. Drepanophorus is relatively broad and flat as is Malacobdella. Pelagonemertes (Fig. XL) is quite leaf -like (32). The colouring is often bright and of various tints; patterns are rare, either in the form of longitudinal stripes (Micrura), or combined with circular rings of lighter tone or different colour (Carinella). As a rule, the body presents no definite external regions, nor is it segmented ; the hinder end is, however, generally narrower than the rest of the body, and more pointed than the anterior end which is truncated. In some of the Heteronemer- tines (Cerebratulus, Micrura) there is a distinct " tail," having the same structure as the body wall, but without gonads, and carrying the anus at its apex. Only in a few cases (Carinella, Eupolia) is the head definitely marked off from the trunk by a furrow (Fig. XXV.). The mouth in the anoplous forms is some little distance from the anterior end of the body, and is situated behind the brain ; but in the Metanemertines it shifts forwards so as to lie in front of this organ, and comes to lie close to the rhynchostome — in fact, in some species of Amphiporus, Malacobdella, and the Proso- rhochmidae the two pores are coincident. The mouth leads into a " foregut " or stomodaeum, which in the Anopla is a tube of 174 THE NEMERTINI relatively short extent ; it has only a feebly developed muscular coat, and differs histologically from the enteron, which is directly continuous with it. In the Metanemertini, however, this foregut is much longer and divisible into the following regions : — (1) A narrow, buccal tube passing from the mouth as far as, or beyond the brain ; (2) a dilated " stomach" ; and (3) a narrow " pylorus N Pelagonemertes rollestoni, Moseley, dorsal view (from Perrier, after Moseley). A, anus; C, cerebral ganglion ; D, intestinal caecum ; G, rhynchocoel ; I, intestine ; m, longitudinal muscles ; N, lateral nerve trunk ; 0, ovaries ; P, proboscis, partially everted ; t, circular muscles ; V, lateral blood-vessel. tube " ; both lined by gland cells (Fig. XII.). This last region opens into the enteron on its dorsal surface, so that there is a longer or shorter ventral " caecum " (m) differing in no way from the midgut itself. This caecum may, like the latter, be produced on each side into a series of diverticula. This caecum originally communicates with the exterior by means of the blastopore ; when this closes, the stomodaeum, having arisen some little way in front of it (Lebe- dinsky), joins the enteron on its dorsal surface; whereas, in other THE NEMERTINI 175 cases, the stomodaeum is formed in the blastoporal region. The enteron is in Carinella a simple cylindrical tube, which be- comes slightly constricted, at intervals, by the developing gonads ; 71 -- a--- FIG. XII. Diagrammatic sagittal section of Amphiporus, to show the median, anterior, intestinal diverticulum (m) of the Metanemertines. a, rhynchostome ; b, rhynchodaeum ; c, cavity of the proboscis ; d, muscular wall of proboscis ; e, rhyuchocoel ; /, dorsal cerebral commissure ; g, ventral cerebral commissure; h, mouth; i, buccal tube ; j, "stomach"; k, pylorus tube; I, intestine ; m, anterior caecum ; s, muscular wall of rhynchocoel. in Carinina and Cephalothrix these constrictions are more definite ; while in the rest of the class longer or shorter pouches or diverticula are formed, which in some cases may even branch; they are separated from one another by dorso-ventral muscles forming more or less complete septa. There thus comes about a kind of metameric segmentation not only of the enteron itself but also of other organs, such as the gonads, which alternate with FIG. XIII. MalctcoMella grossa O. F. Mullet (after von Kennel, Oudemans, and Burger), a, the mouth (dorsally situated), which is common also to the proboscis ; b, the great "foregut" or "stomach" ; c, the pylorus tube ; d, the intestine ; e, rhynchostome, opening into the roof of the stomodaeum ; /, proboscis ; g, gonads ; h, sucker ; i, excretory pore ; j, dorsal blood- vessel ; k, lateral blood-vessel. The figure on the left is seen from the ventral surface ; the middle one from the dorsal ; it illustrates the vascular and the excretory systems — the latter is indicated on the right side only, — and here a part of the lateral blood-vessel has been omitted ; the left excretory duct and pore are shown. these pouches. Only in Malacobdella is the intestine a simple tube, unconstricted by the gonads, and taking an undulating course from mouth to anus (Fig. XIII.). The anus is always small and terminal. 1 76 THE NEMERTIN1 The integument of Nemertines consists of an epidermis resting upon a basement connective tissue, which is usually thin, but in Heteronemertini acquires a great thickness, and is then usually invaded by the outer longitudinal muscles. The epidermis con- sists of filamentous ciliated cells and gland cells of different kinds, of these the most peculiar are " grouped gland cells " (see Figs. VII. and XIV.), which are absent in Metanemertini. That characteristic Nemertine organ, the proboscis, occurs in one of two conditions, as Johnston was the first to note ; it may be unarmed, or it may be provided with calcareous stylets. In the anoplous forms (viz. the Proto-, the Meso-, and Hetero- nemertini) it is a cylindrical, muscular tube, closed at its hinder 1 FIG. XIV. 2 1, Epidermis of Drepanophorus crassus Quatrefages (from Perrier, after Burger). 6, basement tissue ; e, epidermal filament cells ; si, goblet cells with mucous contents ; st, cells with refringent, rod -like contents. 2, the integument of Eupolia delineata, D.Ch. (from Perrier, after Burger). J), basement membrane ; c, cilia ; e, epidermal (filamentous) cells ; /, goblet cell ; g, connective tissue forming the cutis (in most Heteronemertines this cutis is invaded by the outer longitudinal muscles) ; j, interstitial nuclei ; fc, partitions between the groups of gland cells ; I, subepidermal layer of longitudinal muscles ; m, subepidermal layer of circular muscles ; p, packets of gland cells, sunk in the cutis ; r, radial muscle fibrils. end but open anteriorly ; its wall becomes continuous with the body wall at about the level of the brain. This precerebral region is termed the " rhynchodaeum," and opens at the apex of the head by a small round pore, the " rhynchostome." Behind the brain the invaginated proboscis lies in a closed tubular cavity, the " rhynchocoel," with muscular walls, to which it is attached, some- where near the hinder end, by the retractor muscle (Fig. I. c, c'). A transverse section of the proboscis shows the 'following layers of tissue : — internally (at rest) it is lined by tall columnar and gland- ular cells, similar to those of the epidermis, from which, indeed, this epithelium is derived during embryogeny ; these columnar cells are arranged in groups and clusters, forming wart-like papillae of various shapes and character, diagnostic of species. In most genera these cells contain " rods " similar to the " rhabdites " of THE NEMERTINI 177 Turbellaria ; to these are added, in Cerebr. urticans, nematocysts like those of Coelenterates, except that several are contained in each cell. Below this is a basement membrane, then follows the musculature, which in general repeats that of the body wall, only reversed, being " dimyaric " in the Proto- and Meso-nemertini, and " trimyaric " in the Heteronemertini. Outside, again, comes the flat rhynchocoel epithelium. Behind this tubular, eversible region the circular muscles cease ; but the longitudinal muscles are con- tinued backwards to form a " retractor muscle." In Eupolia this FIG. XV. Proboscis of Metanemertine. Longitudinal section in the "middle" region in a state of retraction (from Joubin). A, the cavity of the anterior region, capable of eversion ; U, cavity of posterior, retractor region. The cavity of the middle region is un- lettered ; it consists of a dilated "•reservoir" communicating by a "duct" with the anterior region. J The plane in which the nerve rings lie is the " diaphragm." Ep, epi- thelium of rhynchocoel ; gl, gland cells, whose ducts pass to the "acanthophore," which they prob- ably secrete ; Mce, layer of circu- lar muscles, which are external on evagination ; Mel, layer of internal circular muscles ; Mle, layer of . longitudinal muscles, wttefHal on j/YvV-^ evagination ; Mli, internal longi- tudinal muscles ; N, nerve layer in proboscis ; it is continued down to the diaphragm, when it forms two rings round the "duct." P, the epidermal papillae ; S, the median (functional, or chief) stylet, sup- ported on its acanthophore, which is unlettered ; Sa, right and left "acanthocysts" containing lateral, reserve or accessory stylets. .Ml? retractor muscle is hollow, the narrow tubular cavity being con- tinuous with the wider cavity of the proboscis proper ; there are thus in this genus two tubular regions to be distinguished in the proboscis — an anterior eversible region, and a posterior non- eversible region. This leads on to the more complicated apparatus of the Metanemertines (Fig. XV.). Here the two regions are quite definite, and are separated by a third, middle region in which the calcareous stylets are developed. The wall of this middle region is much thickened, owing to the development of special muscles and of gland cells ; the canal which puts the anterior and posterior cavities into communication is differentiated into three parts : (1) 12 i;8 THE NEMERTINI the posterior part is termed the " canal " ; this dilates to form (2) a "reservoir" or bladder, which communicates with the anterior chamber by means of (3) the "ductus ejaculatorius," which traverses the " diaphragm " or anterior part of the middle region. On the anterior face of this diaphragm are set the " stylets " ; these are solid, calcareous spines (containing organic matter), generally shaped like a tin-tack ; of these, one is median and fixed at the bottom of a funnel-shaped depression, by a somewhat conical, granular mass, formed by the secretion of gland cells in the diaphragm ; this is the " basis " or " acanthophore." On each side of this median stylet (Begriffstilet, of Burger) is a small sac contain- ing two or more lateral stylets, differing from the median one in the absence of the acanthophore, and somewhat also in size (Fig. XVI.). In AmpliiporuSy alone, are there more than two sacs of lateral or accessory stylets ; in this genus five, or seven, or even twenty-two sacs may be present. Each sac of lateral stylets opens into the anterior proboscis cavity by a short duct. According to Burger, each of these sacs is an enormous cell, in which one or more calcareous stylets arise in vacuoles — each commencing as a small spicule and soon attaining its full size. These cells (or sacs) may be termed "acantho- cysts," and each is comparable to a "rhabdite cell " or " sagittocyst," from which they may pos- . sibly be descended. It is supposed that these Stylets oi Amphi- » •• • poms (from Joubin, lateral or reserve stylets are destined to take the ^ iateraim6sly- place of the median one when (and if) this be let; B, a median stylet. This arrangement of stylets obtains in all the armed Metanemertines with the solitary exception of Drepano- phorus (Fig. XVIL). Here the " acanthophore " is a long, narrow, curved plate bearing as many as twenty short, conical stylets arranged in a row, so that the apparatus appears to be used rather as a rasp than as a dart or spearhead. On each side is a number of acanthocysts, each with several accessory stylets. The length of the proboscis is of no systematic importance, for in some of the longer forms, such as Carinella, Lineus, Eupolia, Eunemertes, it is very short ; whereas, in other cases, either longer or shorter worms like Cerebmtulus and Amphiporus, it may be actually longer than the body. The exact use of this pro- 1 According to Montgomery (30), who follows Keferstein, they are complemental ; he argues against the possibility of their transference and fixation in the funnel ; his account of the structure of the sacs differs considerably from Burger's, for he describes an epithelium round each sac, which is a pouching of the wall of the pro- boscis cavity. THE NEMERTINI 179 boscis of the Nemertines is uncertain. It appears probable that a poisonous fluid is discharged into the wound made by > the armed proboscis — a fluid secreted by the epithelium of the hinder region of the proboscis. While in the Anopla the rods and nematocysts possibly have some stinging or numbing function.1 Eversion of the proboscis is effected by the contraction of the wall of the rhynchocoel, acting upon the contained fluid. The rhynchocoel, which is de- veloped as a cleft in the meso- blast that forms around the in- vaginating proboscis, is a closed,2 cylindrical tube lying above the intestine ; in Drepanopliorus, alone, FlG- XVIL it o-ivpcj ri«P tn a «PriA« nf Inner The armature of the proboscis of u g1 V 68 Ong, phorug crassus (after Burger). 1, the curved naiTOW, non-muscular diverticula, »iedian aeanthopfcore, with several stylets ' ' fixed upon it. 2, a transverse section of it ; right and lett, Which Correspond a, basis or acanthophore ; b, stylet. 3, one in position with the intestinal ° diverticula (Fig. XXI. w). The wall of the rhynchocoel (or pro- boscis sheath) consists usually of an internal coat of longitudinal muscle, and an outer coat of circular muscles, some of which in Carinella are continued round the intestine. It is lined by a flat epithelium, which is replaced by goblet cells over the dorsal vessel, where this passes along its floor. The rhynchocoelic fluid contains flat, ellipsoid, amoeboid corpuscles, frequently coloured by red or yellow granules, possibly haemoglobin ; as a rule, the cells are larger than the blood corpuscles, but vary in shape and size in different genera. It is noteworthy that even in a "resting con- dition," an attraction sphere is readily visible in them. This characteristic apparatus has no exact counterpart in the Platyhelmia, although it resembles in its general anatomy and mode of action each one of the four " proboscides " of Tetrarhynchus, and still more, the complex rostellum of Drepanidotaenia. But with these it can have no genetic relation ; the Nemertines have probably been descended from some Turbellarian-like ancestor, and among these the family Proboscidae appear to furnish a starting- 1 It is worth noting that M'Intosh doubts both the fact that poison is secreted, and the fact that the organ is one of aggression. There are curiously few actual observations on the eversion of the proboscis. The matter requires investigation, as also does the mode of action of the muscles of the organ. C. B. Wilson gives an account of the employment of the proboscis in burrowing and locomotion ; see "Habits, etc., of Cerebratulus lactens " (in Q. J. M. Sci. xliii. 1900, p. 97), for many interesting facts concerning the habits of this species. 2 Biirger speaks, with considerable hesitation, of communications with the vascular system in Cerebratulus. i8o THE NEMERTINI point for this proboscis (see p. 17). Nevertheless, it is a very long step from the one to the other, and no intermediate stages are known ; for in the Proboscidae there is nothing comparable to a rhynchocoel, which must have been developed pari passu with the elongation of the eversible organ — as the only means of everting the proboscis — probably in the same way in which it is developed ontogenetically. Burger has suggested that it represents the pharynx of the Turbellaria, and sees in those genera in which the rhynchostome is coincident with the mouth the original condition. But apart from the difficulty of comparing structurally the pro- boscis with the tubular pharynx, it is extremely improbable that the Metanemertini — in which alone this condition is realised — should have retained a primitive condition in this respect, whilst in the remainder of their anatomy they are so evidently much less primitive than the Proto- or Meso-nemertini, in which there is no sort of connection between the two organs. The nervous system of the Nemertines (see 6, 16, 17) is primi- tively in the form of a network, as in Turbellaria; but in the lower orders this network retains a more superficial, and phylo- genetically, more archaic position than in that Class ; for in the Protonemertini it lies among the bases of the epidermal cells (Carinina), as in the Coelentera (Fig. XVIII. 1, e) ; in Carinella and Hubrechtia it sinks through the basement membrane so as to lie immediately below it ; in the Mesonemertini this process continues, so that in Carinoma the nerves lie outside the circular muscles, in the region of the foregut, but come to occupy a deeper position, viz. in the longitudinal coat, in the posterior region of the body — a position which they occupy throughout the body in Cephalothrix (Fig. XVIII. 2). Finally, in the Metanemertini the nervous system has sunk into the parenchyma, and occupies the same position as in the Turbellaria (Fig. XVIII. 3). The case of the Heteronemertini must be considered apart, for although the nerve cords lie between the muscular coats, this position is not so much the result of sinking inwards, as of being thrust downwards by the development of a new muscular layer outside the circular coat (Fig. X.) ; indeed, with regard to the latter, the nerves occupy the same position as in Carinella. The nervous network, even in the lowest Nemertines, presents ^i differentiation into a central and peripheral system, though it is impossible to draw a hard-and-fast line between them ; for certain tracts have, as in the Turbellaria, become larger and more definite than others, giving rise to longitudinal nerve stems ; but of these only three are recognisable, namely, a pair of stout lateral stems, and a smaller median dorsal nerve. These traverse the whole length of the body, and are connected at each end by a trans- verse, supra-enteric commissure or anastomosis. The elongated THE NEMERTINI 181 ring, thus formed, consists of nerve fibres wrapped round by gang- lion cells. As in the case of all the Coelomocoela, except Echino- FIG. XVIII. Portions of transverse sections to illustrate the position of the lateral nerve stem in relation to the muscular coats (after Biirger, more or less altered). 1, Carinina, a Protonemertine; 2, Cephalothrix, a Mesonemertine ; 3, Amphiporus, a Metanemertine. a, epidermis ; b, basement tissue ; c, circular muscles ; d, longitudinal muscles ; e, lateral nerve stem ; /, peripheral nerve sheet ; i, enteron ; j, dorsal nerve ; p, lateral blood-vessel ; s, proboscis sheath or wall of the rhynchocoel ; the proboscis is omitted ; t, dorsal blood-vessel ; v, parenchyma ; w, rhynchocoel ; y, gonad ; y1, position of genital pore. derms, the anterior end of the system has come to be of greater importance than the rest ; here each lateral stem thickens to form a ganglion, to which is added a dorsal ganglion, closely connected 182 THE NEMERTINI with it (Fig. XIX.). The two ganglia are developed from different "rudiments," — the dorsal possibly represents the prostomial "cere- bral ganglia " of the Annelids ; the ventral probably represents the suboesophageal ganglion of an Annelid. But here in the Nemer- tines there is no repetition of ganglia ; these two ganglia constitute the " brain," and are so closely united in the lower forms that in Hubrechtia there is no ex- ternal demarcation between them. But usually they are distinct as a dorsal and ventral lobe of the brain. The dorsal lobe is usually the larger, and is connected with its fellow by a delicate, supra - proboscidial commissure; the ventral lobes are connected by a broader commissure below the proboscis tube. The "cerebral organ" Brain of Eupolia giardii, Hubr. (from Perrier, frequently becomes Very closely associated with the hinder part of the dorsal ganglion (Fig. XIX. P), or a special ganglion may separate from it, to be- come connected with the organ (Fig. XX. L). The dorsal lobe is essentially sensory ; the ventral motor. The third longitudinal cord is thin, and arises from the supra- proboscidial commissure; it always retains its superficial sub- epidermic position, even when the rest of the system has sunk into the parenchyma (Metanemertines). In all but these it gives off a branch which passes below the circular muscles, and runs back as a second dorsal nerve (see Figs. VIII., X. Ic). Hubrecht, its discoverer, called it the " proboscidial-sheath nerve." l These three longitudinal nerves — specialisations as they are of a primitive net- work of cells and fibres — are connected by this network, or tunic, in the Protonemertini and Heteronemertini, in some of which, especially Hubrechtia, it attains a considerable thickness. Even in Carinella this primitive nerve plexus exhibits a tendency to form circular, commissural nerves, for the circular strands are more pro- nounced than the rest. In the Metanemertines this nerve tunic has become specialised, in connection no doubt with the sinking of the whole system, for it is represented by a ladder-like series of ventral commissures connecting the lateral stems (Fig. XX.), and by a series 1 For a suggestion as to the importance of the dorsal nerve, as well as of the proboscis and its sheath of Nemertines, in the evolution of Vertebrata, see Hubrecht (18). FIG. XIX. after Hubrecht). c, aperture of cerebral organ cd, dorsal commissure ; cv, ventral commissure ; L, lateral nerve trunk ; M, middle lobe of the dorsal ganglion ; P, posterior lobe (cerebral organ) ; S, dorsal ganglion. THE NEMERTINI 183 of nerves, passing dorsally from the latter, which subdivide and enter the muscular body wall. In the Mesonemertini nothing is known of a nerve tunic or its representative. In Drepatwphorus the lateral stems appear to lie nearer the ventral mid-line than usual (Fig. XXI.) ; this is due rather to the great development of the lateral margins of the body than to a real movement of the Nervous system of Drepanophorus lankesteri, Hubr. (from Perrier, after Hubrecht). C, dorsal ganglionic lobe ; fc, transverse commissures between the lateral stems ; L, hinder lobe of brain or cerebral organ ; n, peripheral nerves ; o, aperture of cerebral organ ; ce, nerves to stomodaeum ; s, sensory nerves to snout ; 2', lateral nerve trunk ; t, nerves to proboscis ; v, transverse_commissures. nerves, for they occupy the same position, relatively to the rhynchocoel and midgut, as in other forms. On the other hand, in Langia (Fig. XXII.), the upward growth of the lateral margins has evidently carried the lateral nerves upward, for they lie on the same horizontal plane as the rhynchocoel. The nervous system of Heteronemertines is tinged by haemo- globin ; the muscular tissue of Euborlasia is reddish, but whether this is due to the same pigment is unknown. 1 84 THE NEMERTINI The most interesting and characteristic sense organ is the ciliated, neuro -glandular pit at the side of the head (see 5, 11). FIG. XXI. Transverse section of Drepanophorus albolineatiis, Biirg. (after Burger), to show the apparent ventral shifting of the lateral nerve cord (e) due to the great development of the intestinal caeca (i') and of the diverticula of the rhynchocoel (ir') ; i, intestine ; p, lateral blood-vessel ; t, dorsal vessel ; w, rhynchocoel; y, gonad ; y" genital pore. It presents various stages of elaboration, and is only absent in the Mesonemertini, and in such exceptional genera as Malacobdella and FIG. XXII. Transverse (slightly oblique) section of Lanqiaformosa, Hu- brecht (after Burger), a, epi- dermis ; b, longitudinal muscle of cutis ; c, circular muscles ; d, longitudinal muscles (inner coat) ; e, lateral nerve cord ap- parently shifted dorsal wards ; i, intestine with caecum on left side ; p, lateral blood - vessel, here shifted ventrally ; w, rhynchocoel ; x, dorso-ventral muscles forming a septum be- tween successive intestinal caeca. Pelagonemertes. This organ, which is no doubt phylogenetically derived from the simple pit of some Turbellaria, becomes closely FIG. XXIII. Cerebral organ of Cerebratulus in schematic, longitudinal sec- tion (from Perrier, after Burger). AI, ^2> nerve fibres in upper and lower part of dorsal gang- lion ; C, cerebral canal ; E, epi- dermis ; Gl, Gl, glands open- ing into the lateral canal (the posterior bunch is probably re- presented in Drepanophorus by the " glandular canal ") ; N, ner- vous tissue of the cerebral organ ; OE, aperture of canal into the posterior end of the horizontal cephalic cleft. O.E connected with a special ganglion, or in Heteronemertines penetrates the hinder part of the dorsal ganglion, of which it forms a definite THE NEMERTINI 185 O.E Gl lobe ; hence the organ receives the name " cerebral organ." In its simplest form, in the Protonemertini, it is a mere groove in the epi- dermis not extending deeper than the basement membrane ; it is lined by ciliated cells, and at the bottom are large gland cells ; the organ is supplied by nerves from the brain. In Carinella rabicunda and others the groove becomes an oblique canal, the blind end of which is surrounded by a mass of ganglion cells, lying outside the cutis. In the higher forms the canal penetrates deeper into the body as far as the brain (Fig. XXIII. ). The gland cells and the nerve tissue associate with it, increase in amount, and the canal becomes differentiated into two regions — an extra - ganglionic " lateral canal," and an intra-ganglionic " cerebral canal " (C), which frequently terminates in an en- larged sac. In Drepanopliorus the cerebral canal is quite exceptional, in that it bifurcates — one branch terminating in a sac with sensory epithelium (Fig. XXIV. (7), the other being glandular (GT) ; this, in D. crassus, extends back- c wards beyond the brain as a free tube. In several genera of this order the cerebral organ lies in front of the brain, e.g. Tetra- stemma, sp. of Eunemertes and of Ampliiporus ; in others it lies at the side ; and in still others, be- hind the brain — in which case it attains a great size. In all cases the organ is separate from the^ brain, from which it receives nerves. The lateral canal of the cere- bral organ opens to the exterior in relation to a furrow or groove FIG. XXIV. Cerebral organ of Drepanophoruscrassus (from place Perrier, after Burger). Schematic horizontal class. ' section ; A, hinder end of dorsal ganglion ; B, ProtO- nerve to cerebral organ ; C, cerebral sac— the dilated outer limb of the original canal — embedded in a mass of nerve tissue ; E, on the head, which is somewhat variously disposed in tl It is simplest in the nemertini, being a shallow, vertical furrow — the " cephalic furrow," — marking the head .__ <~7 . Utl'VUUa \J\JL U1U1I Ul UllU Ul^ctll , L/JJ/J oj-n--* U^AV, VM. from the trunk (Fig. XXV.), and lateral canal of the organ; P, pigment; R, in most of these the cerebral L organ is little else than a deeper part of the furrowT, but in C. ruU- cunda opens independently of the latter. In Metanemertini and in the genus Eupolia this furrow becomes crescentic with its con- 1 86 THE NEMERTINI vexity backwards, and the dorsal and ventral horns nearly meeting their fellows of the other side (XXV. C) ; the bottom of this furrow is subdivided into pits by tranverse ridges ; the " lateral canal " opens at the hindmost part of the curve. But in the Heteronemertini (Fig. XXV. C, D, E) this vertical FIG. XXV. Heads of Nemertines (after Burger). A, ventral, and B, lateral views of Carinella; C, ventral view of Drepanophorus ; D, ventral view of Valencinla,; E, lateral view of Cerebratulus ; a, mouth ; 5, rhynchostome ; c, groove in side of head, vertical or horizontal, in connection with the cerebral organ. furrow is replaced by a horizontal " cleft " — deeper or shallower, longer or shorter — especially well developed in Cerebratulus (Fig. I. g), where it starts at the apex of the snout on each side, and is so deep as to touch the brain ; at its hindmost point the " lateral canal " opens. The haemoglobin ous nerve tissue is thus brought close to the surrounding medium, and on this account Hubrecht suggested that the cere- J organ is respiratory in function. Probably both the " cephalic fur- row " (or cleft) and the cerebral organ together are derived from the " ciliated pit " of Turbel- laria. Eyes are present in many Nemertines, and have the structure of Polyclad eyes. An oto- Brain of OtotypMorwiMrte* (from Joubin, after Biirger). . npmira nnlv ;„ dc, dorsal commissure ; vc, ventral commissure ; dg, dorsal LJ bl OOOUI S only |obe or ganglion ; vg, ventral ; ot, otocyst ; sst, lateral nerve Qtotyphlonemertes, resting against the ventral gan- glion, and resembles the molluscan otocyst (Fig. XXVI.). At the anterior extremity of the snout, above the rhynchostome, FIG. XXVI. THE NEMERTINI 187 is a " frontal organ " — a single retractile papilla in Metanemertini and in Eupolia ; or a group of three papillae in Cerebratulus and Micrura. In all cases the papilla consists of ciliated cells, between which there open the ducts of the "frontal gland" (cf. Acoela). Finally, in Carinella, there is present a " lateral organ " in the form of a retractile papilla, close to the excretory pore on each side, and recalling that of Capitellids. The vascular system (35) consists primarily of a pair of lateral vessels (in Proto- and Meso-nemertini) extending along the entire length of the worm, lying in the parenchyma, just above the level of the lateral nerve. Anteriorly these vessels pass through the nerve ring (Figs. II. p., XXVII. c) and unite at the tip of the snout — and in Carinella are also joined at the level of the brain — at the posterior end they are united by a supra-enteric commissure. The anterior part of the lateral vessel in Carinella is dilated (b), and a series of short vessels are given off to a longitudinal, lateral, proboscis-sheath vessel. In the Metanemertini (Fig. XXVII. 2, m) a median dorsal vessel arises from this intra-neural commissure and passes backwards above the gut, to fall into the supra-anal commissure. For a part of its course the dorsal vessel runs just within the rhynchocoel, the epithelial lining of which is here modified. Moreover, a series of transverse vessels unite these three longitudinal ones, but no branches are given off by the system — no blindly ending vessels — except in Malacobdella (Fig. XIII.). The Heteronemertini (and Hubrechtia) combine the three longitudinal and transverse vessels of the Metanemertini with the anterior dilated regions of the Protonemertini, from which several pharyngeal vessels arise (Figs. III., XXVII. 3, 4). This system of vessels is entirely closed, and contains a colourless fluid in which there float nucleated cells of fixed outline, usually oval and flattened. In the majority these corpuscles are colourless, but in a few (Amphiporus) they are red or yellow ; in others yellowish with a green tinge ; and in Eiiborlasia they are yellow, spotted with red, so that the blood appears red. The yellow tint is due to haemoglobin. Details are wanting as to the way in which this "blood" or " haemal fluid " (?) circulates in those forms in which only the lateral vessels are present. According to Burger, the blood, in Metanemertines, flows out of the dorsal, through the circular vessels, into the lateral ones, returning to the dorsal vessel at each end of the worm. But this is very unsatisfactory and uncertain. As to the morphological nature of this vascular system, it seems certain that it is not "coelom" as we understand the term in the case of Annelids, etc.; it has none of the characters which we associate with this cavity. It arises in the young worm during the formation of the " imaginal discs," as a space or spaces i88 THE NEMERTINI in the mesoblastic jelly ("mesenchyme"). Although Salensky terms this space " coelom," it is more probable that, if there is a coelom at this stage, it is represented by the narrow cleft between the somatic and splanchnic mesoblast, such as exists in some cases FIG. XXVII. Plan of the vascular and excretory systems (from Perrier, after Oudemans). 1, Carinella ; 2, Drepanophorus ; 3, 4, Eupolia; 5, Valenti.nia, (mid body), c, preoral anastomosis of lateral vessel (the intraneural anastomosis is not represented in 1) ; d (in 4), supra-anal anastomosis, (in 5) dorsal vessel ; b, parastomodseal sinus ; g, vessel of proboscis sheath ; fc, lateral vessel of proboscis sheath ; I, lateral blood-vessel (in Fig. 3 the index line is carried to the dorsal vessel, and in 5 to the proboscidial- vessel) ; TO, dorsal vessel ; n, nephridium ; p, p', p", ne- phridial pore or pores ; s, preoral dilatation ; s', parastomodaeal sinus ; t, transverse vessels, from dorsal to lateral vessels ; v, lateral vessel. according to Lebedinsky (26). The spaces run together to form a large sinus, which becomes divided into a right and left channel by the developing proboscis ; these channels become the lateral vessels, and decrease in relative size. Probably this vascular THE NEMERTINI 189 system is represented in the Turbellaria by the intercellular lacunae of the parenchyma. It is by no means certain what function the system performs in Nemertines. It is so far removed from the surface of the body and the surrounding medium, except in those cases in which the cerebral organ impinges upon the lateral vessel, that respira- tion seems out of the question. Even in the head, where the vessels are dilated into capacious sinuses, these are below the musculature of the body wall, except in the region of the mouth (Cerebratulus, etc.), where they come up to the basement tissue; but in this case it has no respiratory pigment as far as we know. Even if there is a certain amount of gaseous interchange in this region it seems more probable that the " vascular system " in the Nemertines serves rather as a " nutritive " (lymphatic) system, for the vessels are placed close to the wall of the enteron, and dissolved food material can readily diffuse into them. Further, the excretory system is always in contact with the lateral vessel, from which the excretory products are, no doubt, removed. It is probable that the distension of the dilated vessels at the anterior end serve also to give firmness to the head during burrowing. The excretory system, which was originally observed by Max Schultze and figured by him,1 is always paired, and usually of limited extent, being confined to the region of the foregut (Fig. XXVII. n)t extending backwards in short species at the side of the enteron ; and, in Linens lacteus, forwards beyond the mouth.2 The system (see 35) consists essentially of a longitudinal, horizontal canal, which opens ex- ternally below the lateral nerve, through a short, transverse duct (p). This is usually single, but in Amphiporus, Valendnia longirostris, and Eupolia curta (Fig. XXVII. 3) there is a number of ducts, one behind the other, each opening by a pore. The canal which is lined by a ciliated epithelium runs alongside the lateral vessel, and gives origin to a number of branches, generally of the same diameter as itself. These are short in Proto- nemertini, or longer in other cases, and may even be branched in Metanemertini, where they are wrapped round the blood-vessel. Each branch FlG- xxvin. terminates in a multicellular dilatation, contain- A " flaaf™er «el1 " Ot ing a "flame" (Fig. XXVIIL). These "end bulbs " push the wall of the blood-vessel inwards ; but there is no 1 Max Schultze, Beit. z. Naturgesch. d. Turbellarien, 1851. 2 Montgomery has recently described a series of nephridia extending throughout the length of the body in Stichostemma, each with from one to five ducts, — Zool. Jahrb. (Anat.\ x. 1897, p. 265. 190 THE NEMERTINI communication between the two systems, as Oudemann believed. There is never any anastomosis between the branches, nor any communication between the right and left organ. The restriction of the system to a limited region of the body, and the absence of a network, such as occurs in Platyhelmia, is no doubt connected with the existence in the Nemertines of a " vascular or lymphatic system," which brings to the excretory system the material for its activity. There can be no doubt but that the system, though differing in details and in plan from that of Platyhelmia, is descended from it, and belongs to the same category as the " head kidney " of Annelids, which it resembles in its limitation to the stomodseal region of the gut. The reproductive organs contrast as much as is possible with those of the Platyhelmia, for in the Nemertines there is nothing resembling the copulatory organs of the former phylum; there are no glands set aside for the formation of egg-cases, no differentia- tion of the ovary into " germarium " and " vitellarium." We have to do with mere sacs (Fig. XVIII. y) containing the products of the proliferation and modification of the epithelial cells which line these sacs, and in due time, when these products are ripe, these sacs push their way outwards through the body wall to form genital ducts, which will ultimately open to the exterior. In a few Metanemertini ovaries and testes occur together and ripen simul- taneously (Prosadenoporus, two sp., Tetrastemma, two sp., Geonemertes spp., and Prosorochmus), while " Borlasia " Kefersteini, Stichostemma Eilhardi are protandric hermaphrodites. The genital sacs are coextensive with the midgut, and as a rule are repeated in a regular series, one sac between every two suc- cessive enteric pouches. This regularity is, however, concealed in Amphiporus, in that only some of them ripen at a time, so that in A. pulcher there are only five, at irregular distances. In Carinella and Malacobdella, in which the intestinal pouches are not found, the genital sacs are closely packed together. The pores, as a rule, form a simple linear series above the lateral nerve, but in the two genera just named, and in G. australiensis they form a broad band extending nearly to the mid-dorsal line. In Drepanophorus, owing probably to the great development of the dorsal organs of the body, e.g. the rhynchocoel, the genital organs, like the lateral vessels, seem to be ventral (Fig. XXI.). The genital sacs arise either (a) simultaneously with the de- veloping genital cells (as Carinella, Malacobdella, Prosadenoporus, and others) from a group of parenchymal cells which gradually become differentiated into a central mass of " germ cells " and a peripheral membrane of flat wall cells ; or (b) the sacs develop first, and then from some of the epithelial cells the germ cells arise (as in Cere- bratulus, Drepanophorus) by the accumulation of yolk spherules THE NEMERTINI 191 around the nucleus, etc. ; in these cases the sac seems empty when the worm is mature, for the ripe egg cells push the wall outwards, and come to lie in independent follicles in the parenchyma (Fig. XXL). It has been pointed out by Hatschek and by Mayer that each genital sac presents all the usual relations and characters of a coelom, and these sacs are the only organs which can be regarded as such. The excretory system, at one time identified as coelom, is now known to be epiblastic in origin (as in other worms) and to appear after the mesoblast has formed, nor has the vascular system any claim, from developmental con- siderations, to the title. The fact that the genital sacs appear late, and in the simplest forms arise contemporaneously with the genital cells (as they do also in Platyhelmia), cannot be regarded as a solid argument against the view. It is, indeed, rather remarkable that in both these groups, the lowest of the Coelomocoela, the coelom is an inconspicuous cavity. We are so generally led to think that the coelom is a constant accompani- ment of the mesoblast, that we forget that possibly the chamber is later, phylogenetically, than its wall. Here, in Nemertines, when the gonads are mature, there is a remarkable resemblance, in their repetition, in their relations to other structures, to the coelomic segments of Annelids. The matter of " metamerism " is closely bound up with that of the coelom. In the Annelids it is the mesoblast and its cavity that first present repetition during embryogeny ; the internal segmentation which exists in the Nemertines — the repetition of the gonads, of the in- testinal pouches, of the blood-vessels and nerves, and in Drepanopliorus of the rhynchocoelic diverticula — is essentially the same as in Annelids. But in the Nemertines it is never accompanied by external marks of metamerism, with the interesting and important exception of the genital pores. There is no constriction of the body, no interruption in the musculature of the body wall. It is a remarkable fact that the nephridia are not metamerically re- peated ; it is true that in Ampliiporus and in Valencinia the nephridial ducts and pores are numerous, but this repetition is quite irregular, asym- metrical, and not coincident with that of other organs. This may perhaps be explained by regarding the nephridia of Nemertines as homologous with the "head kidneys" of Annelids, which appear early in ontogeny and differ in structure from the metameric nephridia. We must believe that these have not yet made their appearance, phylogenetically, in the Nemertines. This fact is strongly opposed to Perrier's view that this group is a degenerate descendant from Annelids, for we should then expect to find traces of nephridia in the " trunk," where the gonads, etc., are situated. The more usual view, that they are descended from the Turbellarian stock, and have in some respects, and in some degree, followed the Annelid line of evolution, is the more plausible view. The condition of the nervous system fits in with this view — specialisation of two lateral tracts, which in the higher Annelids are destined to come together and even to fuse on the ventral surface. The statement of Lebedinsky, too, that the mesoblast arises from two 1 92 THE NEMERTINI pairs of cells, each of which gives rise to a " mesoblastic streak," destined to split into a somatic and splanchnic coat, with a small coelom between, is a further support for this view. Reproduction and Regeneration. — The best known ontogeny is that of the Pilidium (see above) of the Heteronemertines, and of the larva of Desor, which occurs in the life-history of Linens gesserensis (1, 19). Internal fertilisation has been definitely observed by Dendy in Geon. australiensis (10). It occurs also in the viviparous forms, such as Prosorhocmus daparedii, etc. The Metanemertini have been most studied ; they undergo no metamorphosis, their development is direct, and has recently been studied in several genera by Lebedinsky (26). Nothing is known about the history in Protonemertini, nor Eupolia, and very little in Mesonemertines, but so far as we know it is direct (9). But in addition to this sexual generation, a kind of asexual reproduction exists in the larger species, which, as is well known, break in pieces when attacked, or possibly automatically. Dalyell was the first to recognise that Linens was able to regenerate a new posterior end. M'Intosh found that the hinder pieces could reproduce a new "head" and proboscis as well as a new tail. Brown (4) has recently made a study of the same species. Biirger has investigated the regeneration of the proboscis in Drepanophorus, and Benham (2) has traced some of the histological conditions of a " fragmenting " Carinella, and has suggested that fragmentation may take place, apparently, without any stimulus other than the ripening of the gonads, which are present in this case, only in the " segmented " hinder region of the worm. Hubrecht saw in this power of fragmentation a precursor of metamerism, and there can be little doubt but that this power of separating into pieces, even automatically, is of considerable value to the worm, for the part, overburdened with genital products, must be less able to help in the movement of the worm, and thus hinder its escape from enemies, or search for food. If each piece had the power of repro- ducing a head, after expulsion of the genital cells, there would be a close analogy with the asexual reproduction of Syllids and other Annelids. LITERATURE OF THE NEMERTINI. 1. Barrois. (Embryology of Lineus.) Ann. Sci. Nat. (6), vi. 1877. 2. Beriham. (Fission.) Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci. xxxix. 1896, p. 19. 3. Braun. (Parasitic Forms.) Centralbl. Bakt. Parasitenk. iii. 1888, pp. 16, 56. 4. Brown. (Fragmentation.) Proc. Roy. Soc. Ixi. 1897, p. 28. 5. Burger. (Anatomy and Histology.) Zeit. f. Wiss. Zool. 1. 1890, p. 1. LITERATURE OF THE NEMERTINI 193 6. Burger. (Histology of Nervous System.) Mitth. Zool. St. Neapel, x. 1891, p. 206. 7. Ibid. (Excretory System.) Zeit. f. Wiss. Zool. liii. 1892, p. 322. 8. Ibid. (Systematic.) Verh. Deutsch. Zool. Gesellsch. 1893. 9. Ibid. Monograph, 22. Fauna v. Flora d. Golfe d. Neapel, 1895. 10. Dendy. (Geonemertes.) Proc. Roy. Soc. Victoria, iv. p. 85 ; v. p. 127, 1891-92. 11. Dewoletzky. (Cerebral Organ.) Arb. Zool. Inst. Wien. vii. 1886, p. 233. 12. Dieck. (Cephalothrix galatheae.) Jen. Zeit. (2), viii. 1874, p. 500. 13. Duplessis. (Fluviatile forms.) Rev. Suisse Zool. i. 1893, p. 329. 14. Frey and Leuckart. (Anatomy of Linens.) Beit. z. Kenntniss wirbelloser Thiere, 1847, pp. 71. 15. Graff, v. (Geon. chalicophora.) Morph. Jahrb. v. 1879, p. 430. 16. Holler. (Nervous System. ) Arb. Zool. Inst. Wien. viii. 1889, p. 276. 17. Hubrecht. (Nervous System.) Quart. Journ. Mic. Sci. xx. 1880, pp. 274, 431. 18. Ibid. (On the Ancestral Form of the Chordata.) Quart. Journ. Mic. Sci. xxiii. 1883, p. 349. 19. Ibid. (Embryology.) Zool. Anzeig. viii. 1885, p. 470. 20. Ibid. Challenger Reports, xix. 1887. 21. Joubin. Arch. Zool. Exper. (2), viii. 1890, p. 461. 22. Ibid. "Nemertines" in Blanchard's Traite de Zoologie, 1894. 23. Keferstein. Zeit. f. Wiss. Zool. xii. 1862, p. 51. 24. Kennel, v. (Malacobdella.) Arb. Zool. Inst. Wurzb. iv. 1878, p. 305. 25. Krolm. (Pilidium.) Miiller's Arch. Anat. Physiol. 1858, p. 289. 26. LebedinsJcy. (Embryology.) Arch. Mikr. Anat. xlix. 1897, p. 503. 27. M'Intosh. Monog. Brit. Annelids, Part I. Nemerteans. Ray Society, 1873. 28. Mctschniko/. (Development.) Mem. Acad. Sci. Petersbourg (7), xiv. 1869. 29. Ibid. Zeit. f. Wiss. Zool. xxxvii. 1882, p. 286. 30. Montgomery. (Stylet Apparatus.) Zool. Anzeig. xvii. 1894, pp. 298, 301. 31. Ibid. (Stichostemma.) Zeit. f. Wiss. Zool. lix. 1895, p. 83. 31«. Ibid. (Connective Tissue.) Zool. Jahrb. (Anat.), x. 1897, p. 1. 32. Moselcy. (Pelagonemertes.) Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (4), xv. 1875, p. 165 ; and xvi. p. 377. 33. MUller, Joh. (Pilidium.) Arch. Anat. Physiol. 1847, p. 157. 34. Oersted. Entwtirf e. system. Eintheil. u. spec. Beschreib. d. Platt- wiirmer, etc., 1844, p. 76. 35. Oudemans. (Excretory and Circulatory Systems.) Quart. Journ. Mic. Sci. xxv. (Supplement), 1885, p. 1. 36. Quatrefages. Ann. Sci. Nat. (3), vi. 1846, p. 173. 37. Salensky. (Development.) Arch. Biol. v. 1884, p. 517. 38. Ibid. Zeit. f. Wiss. Zool. xliii. 1886, p. 481. 39. Schultze. Zeit. f. Wiss. Zool. iv. 1853, p. 178. 40. Silliman. (Fluviatile forms.) Zeit. f. Wiss. Zool. xli. 1885, p. 70. 41. Verrill. Trans. Connecticut Acad. New Haven, viii. 1892, p. 382. 42. Willemoes-Suhm, v. (Tetra. agricola.) Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (4), xiii. 1874, p. 409. ADDENDA AND COERIGENDA TO THE NEMEETINI THE following notes have kindly been furnished by Mr. E. C. Punnett of St. Andrews. In a rapidly growing study like that of important groups of marine organisms, it is impossible for an author who has removed to so distant a colony as New Zealand, where Dr.* Benham now is, to give the final touches to his work, if it is to be up to date. The editor has gladly availed himself of Mr. Punnett's knowledge of the to complete this chapter. E. E. L. 9th July 1901. Within the last few years considerable attention has been paid to this group of worms, resulting in the discovery of certain points in the anatomy of the group, and also in the addition of a number of new forms to those already known. This has led to the establishment of the following new genera : — CARINELLIDAE, Callinera, Bergendal ; Carinesta, Punnett ; (FAM. ?) Gononemertes, Bergendal. EUNEMERTIDAE, Paranemertes, Coe ; EUPOLIIDAE, Parapolia, Coe ; Zygeupolia, Thompson ; Oxypolia, Punnett ; LIXEIDAE, Micrella, Punnett ; Lineopsis, Staub. Of these the two genera Zygeupolia and Micrella are of especial interest on account of certain primitive features which they exhibit, and which render them of importance in the question of the derivation of the two great Heteronemertean families. Among the more interesting points which have been recently noted in the anatomy of the group may be mentioned the following : — Montgomery (vi) has carefully described and classified the various connective tissues in the group. In the same paper he has come to the conclusion that a body cavity is sometimes represented by spaces between the alimentary canal and inner longitudinal muscle layer of the Heteronemerteans. Montgomery has also pointed out that whilst the posterior nerve commissure is almost always above the anus in the Metanemerteans, in. the genus Proneurotcs it is sub-anal. It has also been shown (vii) that this commissure in the genus Eupolia may be either above or below the anus, or may be altogether absent. The excretory system has been worked out in numerous forms ((iii), (iv), (vii), (viii), (ix), (xi)), and in one species of Eupolia it has been shown to possess both ducts opening to the exterior, and also ducts opening into the alimentary canal (vii). It may be further noted that the caudal appendage of the Lineidae, upon which much stress is laid in classification, shows differences of structure which may ultimately necessitate a NEMERTINI— ADDENDA AND CORRIGENDA 195 revision of the family in which it is found (ix). Contributions to the develop- ment have been made by Coe (ii) and Wilson (xii). (i) Bergendal. (Callinera and Gononemertes.) Zool. Anz. 1900. (ii) Coe. Early Development. Zool. Jahr. 12 Bd. 1899. (iii) Coe. (Anatomy and Parapolia.) Trans. Connect. Acad. 1895 (iv) Coe. (Paranemertes.} Proc. Wash. Acad. 1901. (v) Montgomery. (Nervous System.) Journ. Morph. vol. xiii. 1897. (vi) Ibid. (Connect. Tiss.) Zool. Jahr. Abh. Anat. 10 Bd. 1897. (vii) Punnett. (Anatomy.) Quart. Journ. Mic. Sc. vol. xliv. 1900. (viii) Ibid. (Carinesta.) Willey's Zool. Results, pt. v. 1900. (ix) Ibid. (Micrella and Oxypolia.) Quart. Journ. Mic. Sc. vol. xliv. 1901. (x) Staub. (Lineopsis.) Semon's Forschungsreisen, 5 Bd. 1900. (xi) Thompson. (Zygeupolia.) Zool. Anz. 1900. (xii) Wilson. (Habits and Development.) Quart. Journ. Mic. Sc. vol. xliii. 1900. P. 163 (a). Mention should be made of the oesophageal (or buccal) nerves which occur throughout the group. (j3). In spite of what has been often written to the contrary it is exceed- ingly probable that in most cases, if not all, the blood-vessels are destitute of muscle fibrils ; and that the blood is kept in circulation by the waves of contraction passing over the body wall. (7). The transverse connections are always dorsal to the gut. (r5). The gonads may open on the ventral surface within the area between the lateral nerve cords. P. 168 (a). Hubrecht states that in Linens gesserensis the excretory system arises as an out-pouching from the endodermal portion of the alimentary canal. P. 173 (a). Drepanophorus is characteristically tropical and sub-tropical. Cere- bratulus is just as much tropical and temperate as arctic. P. 173 (a). The "tail" differs in structure. The alimentary canal does not necessarily extend into it. P. 176 (a). The "retractor" end of the proboscis is not always attached. P. 178 (a). The largest number of stylet sacs yet met with in an Amphiporus is twelve. P. 182 (a). The median dorsal nerve cord in the Heteronemerteans is situated below the cutis and outer longitudinal muscle layer. P. 187 (a). "Head gland" is the term more frequently used here ( = Germ. Kopf druse], P. 189. The great majority of the species of Ampliiporus possess only one pair of excretory ducts. INDEX To names of Classes, Orders, Sub-Orders, Families, and Genera ; to technical terms ; and to the names of Authors discussed in the text. Abothrium, 116 Acanthobothrium, 119 Acanthocotyle, 50 acanthocyst, 178 acanthophore, 178 acauthozooid, 139 Acanthozoon, 33 accessory sucker, 121, 127, 133 — female organs, 23, 38 Acelis, 31 Aceros, 31 acetabulate sucker, 80 acetabulum, 115, 121, 127, 132 Acmostoma, 10, 14 Acmostominae, diagnosis, 10 Acoela, 7, 8, 12, 14 — diagnosis and classifica- tion, 10 Acoelomi, 2 Acotylea, diagnosis, 31 Acrorhynchus, 10 Actinodactyletta, 43, 45 A ctinodactylellidae, diagno- sis, 43 Actinodactylus, 43 adenocheiri, 29 adenodactyli, 29 Alaurina, 9 albuminiparous glands, 28 Alloiocoela, 6, 8, 12, 14 — diagnosis and classifica- tion, 10 alloiogenesis, 76 Alloioplana, 31 Allostoma, 10 Allostominae, diagnosis, 10 alterations of generations in Trematodes, 76 — in Cestodes, 142 Amabilia, 131, 135 Amblyceraeus, 31 Amblyplana, 25 Amicrurae, 172 amnion, 166 Amphibdella, 53 Amphichoerus, 10 Amphicotyle, 116, 118 Amphilina, 97, 99, 102 Amphilinacea, 1, 93 — - diagnosis and classifica- tion, 97 Amphilinidae, diagnosis, 97 Amphiporidae, 159 — diagnosis, 171 Amphiporus, 171, 173, 178, 185, 187, 189, 190, 195 Amphiptyches, 97 Amphistomidae, 47 — diagnosis, 64 Amphistomum, 65, 77, 82, 90 Amphitretus, 116 AmpJwterocotyle, 119 Amphoteromorphus, 119 A nchistrocephcdus, 116 Andrya, 131 anenterous Avorms, 2 Anocelis, 24 Anonymidae, 7 — diagnosis, 31 Anonymus, 31, 33, 36 Anopla, 161, 168, 169, 173 — diagnosis and classifica- tion, 170 Anoplocephala, 131, 134 (footnote) A noplocephalinae, diagno - sis, 131 Anoplodium, 10 Anthobothrium, 119 Anthocephalum, 119 Anthocephalus, 128 Anthocotyle, 51 aatrum, 21 Apathy, 158 Aphanostoma, 10 Aphanostomidae, 7 — diagnosis, 10 Aplocoela, 160, 170 Apoblema, 67 apodous worms, 2 Aprocta, 160 Archigetes, 97, 99, 102 Archiplanoidea, 33 (foot- note) Aristotle, 94 Artiocotylus, 25 Artioposthia, 25, 28 asexual reproduction, 23, 30 Aspidobothridae, 47 — diagnosis, 59 Aspidobothrii, 49, 57 Aspidocotyle, 60 (footnote), 65 Aspidocotylea, 1, 47, 49, 78, 83, 85, 87, 91 — anatomy, 60-62 — diagnosis and classifica- tion, 57 Aspidogaster, 49, 60, 75, 84 Atomiosoma, 97 atrium genitale, 21 Audry, 96 Automolos, 10 Autoscolecida, 160 axial cell (Dicyemid) 150 — syncytium, 15 Axine, 52, 86 Baer, v., 8, 48, 69, 88 Balfour, 40, 76 Barrois, 161 batteries, 33 198 INDEX Bdellura, 24 caecum, ventral, 174 Cestoidea monozoa, 1, 93, Bdelluridae, 7, 26, 28 calcareous corpuscle, 107 145 — diagnosis, 24 Calceostoma, 53, 86 — anatomy, 98-103 Beneden, E. v., 96, 136, Calicotyle, 50, 80, 83, 86 — diagnosis and classifica- 151 (footnote) tion, 97 — P. J., 48, 49, 89, 94, 95, Callinera, 194 Cestoplana, 31 96, 119, 144 Calliobothrium, 119, 123 Cestoplanidae, 7 Beneden, v., 161 calotte (Dicyemid), 149 — diagnosis, 31 Benham, 128 (footnote), Calyptrobothrium, 119 Chapmannia, 129 192- Carinella, 168, 170, 173, Cherry, 74 (footnote) Bergendal, 29, 36, 194 175, 178, 180, 182, 185, Chichkoff, 28 Bertia, 131 187, 190, 192 chlorophyll (Turbellaria) Biehringer, 74, 82 Carindlidae, 159, 194 Choeradoplana, 25 Bilharzia, 67, 78, 88 — diagnosis, 170 ciliated embryo, 72 Bipaliidae, 7 Carinesta, 194 - pit, 16 — diagnosis, 25 Carinina, 170, 173, 175, cirrus, 85 Bipalium, 25, 26 180 — pouch, 111 birth-pore, 74, 86, 110, Carinoma, 170, 180 Cladocoelium, 65 115 Carlisle, 48, 88 Claparede, 36 bladder- worm, 94, 95, 140 Carus, 2, 48, 76 Claus, 76, 144 Blanchard, 43, 88, 95, 96, Caryophyllacea, 1, 93 Cobbold, 48 101, 160 — diagnosis, 97 Coe, 194, 195 Blanchardella, 117 Oaryophyllaeidae, 97 Coelata, 8 Blochmann, 82, 83, 96, 105, Caryophyllaeus, 97, 101, coelom, 191 107 102, 145 Coelomati, 2 Blumenbach, 145 Castrada, 9 Goeloplana, 33 (footnote) Bohmig, 9, 14 caudal disc, 79 coelum in Platyhelmia, 3 Bojanus, 48, 74, 88 — vesicle, 97, 101, 140, Coenomorphus, 125 Bonnet, 96 145 coenurus, 95, 129, 141, 142 Borlase, 159 cephajic fissure or cleft, colony, Cestode, 144 Borlasia, 190 186 Conoceros, 31 Bosc, 9, 159 — furrow, 185 Conocyema, 148 Bothridium, 116 Cephalogonimus, 67 contractile sac (Temno- bothridiura, 115, 120 Cephalothricidae, 159 cephala), 45 Bothriocephalidae, 93 — diagnosis, 170 Convoluta, 10, 15 — diagnosis, 116 Cephalothrix, 170, 173, 175, copulatory pore, 86, 118 Bothriocephalus, 94, 96, 116, 180 Corallobothrium, 128 117, 122 cephalotroch larva, 40 Cotugnia, 128 — anatomy of, 103-111 Ce ratobothrium, 119 Cotylea, diagnosis, 31 — life-history of, 111 cercaria, 48, 74 Cotylogaster, 60 Bothriomonidae, 93 cercariaea, 75, 76 cotylophore, 79 — diagnosis, 116 Cercyra, 24 Cotyloplana, 25, 26 Bothrioplana, 10, 12, 17, cerebral organ, 163, 182, Cotyloplanidae, 7 20, 26 184 — diagnosis, 25 Bothrioplanidae, 6 Cerebratulus, 172, 173, 179 Craspedella, 43 — diagnosis, 10 (footnote), 178, 186, 187, Crossobothrium, 119 Bothriotaenia, 11 6, 11 7, 118 195 Crossodera, 67 bothrium, 105, 115, 122 — anatomy of, 162 Cryptocoela, 8, 31 Brachycoelium, 67 Cerfoutaine, 80 Cryptocoelides, 31, 36 Brachylaimus, 67 Cestoda polyzoa, 103 Cryptocoelis, 31 Braun, Max, 48, 82, 156 Cestodaria, 97 - Ctenophora, 3, 33, 35, 40 Brie, Jehan de, 47 Cestodes digeneses, 103 Ctenoplana, 33 (footnote) Brown, 69 (footnote), 192 — monogeneses, 97 Ctenotaenia, 131 buccal nerves, 195 Cestoidea, 1, 6 Cuenot, 70 — sucker, 79 — diagnosis and classifica- cuticle (Cestode), 105 Bucephalus, 69 tion, 93 — (Trematode), 80 Biirger, 160, 161, 168, 178, Cestoidea merozoa, 1, 93, Cuvier, 7, 160 180, 187, 192 145 Gyathoceplialus, 117, 118 Burmeister, 49, 144 — anatomy, 103-111 Cydatella, 48 bursa copulatrix, 23 — classification, 116 Cyclobothrium, 51 Byrsophlebs, 9 — diagnosis, 115 Cydoporus, 31, 35 INDEX 199 Cylindrophorus, 119 dimyaric, 169 Ehrenberg, 7, 8, 15, 89, Cylindrostama, 10, 14 Dinobothrium, 119, 122 160 Cylin drostominae, 1 0 Diphyllidea, 1, 93, 115, embryophore, 113, 114 cystic worms, 95 145 Knantia, 31, 33 Cystica, 94 — diagnosis and classifica- Enantiidae, 7 cysticercoid, 139 tion, 123 — diagnosis, 31 cysticercus, 94, 95, 140 Diphyllobothrium, 116 Encotyllabe, 50 Cystoidea, 128 Diplectamim, 53 endoparasite, 78 Cystotaenia, 129 Diplobothrium (Trematode), Enopla, 161, 168, 169 Cystotaenia, 129 52 — diagnosis and classifica- cystozooid, 139 - (Cestode), 119, 122 tion, 170 Diplocotyle, 116, 118 Enterostoma, 10 Dactylifera, 1, 43 Diplodiscus, 65 Entozoa, 2 Dactylocotyle, 51, 90 Diplogonoporus, 116 Ephedrocephalus, 119, 123 Dactylogyrus, 53 Diplopharyngeatidae, 7 Epibdella, 50, 83, 85 Daly ell, 9, 192 — diagnosis, 31 epidermis, of Cestoidea, Darwin, 9, 25 Diplopharynx, 31 107 Davainea, 128, 135 Diplostomum, 69 — of Temnocephala, 45 Davies, 160 Diplozoon, 50, 55, 86 — of Trematoda, 82 Delage, Yves, 21 diporpa, 55 — of Turbellaria, 12 Delle Chiaje, 161 Dipylidium, 128, 135, 138 Erdl, 151 Dendrocoela, 8, 160 Discocephalum, 119 Erpocotyle, 52 Dendrocoehtm, 24, 65 Discocoelis, 31, 36 Euborlasia, 172, 173, 183, Dendy, 25, 26, 160, 161, — development of, 38 187 192 Distoma, 66 Eunemertes, 170, 173, 178, Derostoma, 10, 14 Distomea, 49, 62 185 Desor's larva, 161, 192 Distomidae, 47 Eunemertidae, 159, 194 development, Distomum, 72 — diagnosis, 65 — diagnosis, 170 — Bothriocephalus, 111 Distomum, 65, 78, 84, 85, Euplanaria, 24 — Polyclads, 38 86, 88 Eupolia, 172, 177, 185, — Taenia, 135 — life-history of, 72 187, 189, 192, 194 — Trematodes, 76 Disymphytobothrium, 116 Eupoliidae, 159, 194 — Triclads, 29 dithridium, 131 — diagnosis, 172 Dewoletzky, 161 Dolichoplana, 25 Eurylepta, 31, 34 diaphragm, 178 Drepanidotaenia, 129, 132, Euryleptidae, 7, 33 Dibothridae, 116 134 (footnote) — diagnosis, 31 Dibothridiata, 1, 93, 115, Drepanophorns, 171, 173, Euvorticinae, 10 117, 137, 145 178, 179, 183, 185, 190, excretory system, in Ces- — diagnosis and classifica- 195 toidea, 108 tion, 116 Dreparnaud, 8, 23 — in Eupolia, 194 Dibotliriorhyncha, 125 Dubois, 96, 145 — in Platyhelmia, 3 Dicestoda, 116 ,^^J^ Duges, 8, 15, 161 — in Polycladida, 35 Diclidophora, Sl/wP*^- Dujardin, 55, 95 — in Rhabdocoelida, 19 Dicotyhis, 24, 1§// Duplessis, 12, 160 — in Temnocephaloidea, Dicranotaenia, 129 Duthiersia, 116, 118 45 Dicrocoelium, 67 — in Trematoda, 84 Dicyema, 148 Echeneibothrium, 119, 122 — in Tricladida, 26 Dicyemennea, 148 Echinella, 50 — of Caryophyllaeus, 102 Dicyemida, diagnosis and Echinobothridae, 93 eyes, in Polyclads, 35 classification, 148 — diagnosis, 123 — in Triclads, 26 Didymozoon, 70 Echinobothrium, 123 Didymozoonidae, 47 Echinococcifer, 130 Faber, 65 — diagnosis, 70 echinococcus, 2, 94, 131, Fabricius, 8, 12 Dieck, 161 142 Faraday, 9, 23 Diesing, 48, 95 Echinocotyle, 128 Fasciola, 7, 65, 66, 160 Digenea, 62, 75 Echinocotylidae, 93 Fecampia, 10, 14 digenetic Trematodes, 49 — diagnosis, 128, 132 Ferussac, 25 digonoporous, 21 Echinostoma, 67, 82 Filippi, 74 Dimyaria, 159, 169 ectoparasite, 78 flame - cell, 3, 89, 1 63, — diagnosis and classifica- egg- balls, 74 189 tion, 170 — duct, 37 Flat -worms, 2 2OO INDEX Floriceps, 128 Gunda, 24, 26, 28, 38 host, intermediate, 73 foramina secundaria, 109 ^ynaecophoral canal, 67 Hubrecht, 160, 161, 168, Fovia, 24 Gynaecophorus, 67 192 fragmentation, 192 Gyrator, 10 Hubrechtia, 170, 180, 182, Fraipont, 89, 96 Gyrocotylacea, 1, 93 187 Francotte, 28 — diagnosis and classifica- Hubrechtiidae, 159 Frey, 160 tion, 97 — diagnosis, 170 frontal organ, 187 Gyrocotyle, 97, 99, 100, 101, Hycdonemertes, 171, 173 — (Acoela), 17 102 hydatid, 94, 144 — hooks, 123 Gyrocotylidae, 97 Hymenolepinae, 128 Gyrodactylidae, 52 Hymenolepis, 129, 135 Gabucinus, 47 Gyrodactylus, 53, 85, 152 hypoblastic syncytium, 17 Gaffron, 89 hypodermic impregnation, Gamble, 8 Haberlandt, 15 36 (footnote) Gamobothridae, 93, 122 Haeckel, 2, 160 ffyporhynchus, 10, 17 — diagnosis, 119 Haller, 161 Gasterostomidae, 47 Hallez, 25, 29 Ichthyotaenia, 109, 128, — diagnosis, 69 Haplodiscus, 10, 15 132, 135 Gasterostomum, 69, 82, 83 Haswell, 21 (footnote), 44 Ichthyotaeniidae, 93 Qastrocotyle, 52 Hatschek, 160 — diagnosis, 128 Gastrodiscus, 65, 79 "head gland," 195 ideal Platyhelminth an- Gastrothylax, 65 head-stalk, 125 cestor, 3 Geddes, 15, 21 Heckert, 74 Idiogenes, 128, 134 Gegenbaur, 2 Hectocotyle, 49 Ijima, 9, 29, 86 Gemma, 65 Helminths, 49 imaginal discs, 166, 187 generative organs, in Ces- Jfemistomum, 69 individuality of Cestode, toidea, 110, 122, 134 hermaphrodite Nemertiues, 144 — in Polycladida, 35 190 infusoriform embryo, 151 — in Khabdocoela, 21 Heterobothrium, 51 iiifusorigen, 152 — in Trematoda, 85 Heterocotylea, 1, 47, 91, 99 internal vas deferens, 86 — in Tricladida, 28 — diagnosis and classifica- Intestina, 2 genito-intestinal canal, 86, tion, 50 intestine of Polyclads, 33 88 — reproduction in, 55 — of Rhabdocoels, 17 Geobia, 25 Heterocyemida, diagnosis ; — of Trematodes, 83 Geonemertes, 161, 171, 173, and classification, 148 ' — of Triclads, 26 190, 192 heterogamy, 76 | Intoshia, 153, 155 Geoplana, 25, 26 Heteronemerteans, 194 investing membrane, 80, 82 Geoplanidae, 7 Heteronemertiui, 159 — diagnosis, 25 — diagnosis and classifica- Jensen, 8 germarium, 22 tion, 171 Jensenia, 10 germ-balls, 74 Heteroplana, 33 (footnote) Johnson, J. K, 9, 21, 23 — cells (Dicyeinid), 151 hexacanth embryo, 111 Johnston, 159, 160 — disc, 166 (footnote), 136 Joubin, 160 germogeu (Dicyemid), 152 ffexacotyle, 52, 86 Julin, 154 germ-vitellarium, 22, 28 historical account of Ces- Gesner, 65 toidea, 94 Keferstein, 160 Giard, 157 — of Distomum, 88 Kerbert, 82 gid (in sheep), 130 — of Trematoda, 47 King, 72 Goeze, 94, 96 — of Turbellaria, 7 King's yellow-worm, 74 Gononemertes, 194 historical survey of Nemer- Koellikeria, 69 Gcrrdius, 66, 160 tines, 159 Kohler, 96 Goto, 62, 80, 85, 86, 88 Holorhynchocoela, 170 Kolliker, 49, 151 Gotte, 144 Holostomidae, 47, 75, 79, Kowalevski, 82 Graff, v., 8, 12, 17, 33 83, 85 Krabbe, 95 Graffito, 10, 14 — diagnosis, 69 Krabbea, 116 Grassi, 95 (footnote), 96, Holostomum, 69 Krohn, 165 101, 139 (footnote) Homalogaster, 65, 79 Kiichenmeister, 95, 96 Griesbach, 107 booklets on sucker, 80 Grobben, 76 Hoplonemertini, 161, 170 Lamarck, 2 Grube, 2 host, 78, 95 Landois, 96 Guerne, 160 — final, 74 land-planarians, 25 INDEX 201 Lang, 3, 8, 12, 26, 32, 33, Macrostomidae, diagnosis, 9 Mionelmiutlies, 157 36, 40, 89, 96, 102, 145, Malacobdella, 171, 173, miracidium, 72 160 175, 184, 187, 190 Moniez, 96, 145 Langia, 172, 183 Malacobdellidae, 175 Moniezia, 131, 132, 135 Laiikester, 2 — diagnosis, 171 Monobothrium, 97 lateral organ, 187 Malacobothrii, 49, 62 monocercus, 142 — sucker, 79 Malacocotylea, 1, 47, 70, Monocotyle, 50, 79, 80 — swelling (Polystomum, 87, 89, 91 Monocotylidae, 47 86 — development in, 72-77 — diagnosis, 50 Latocestus, 31 — diagnosis and classifica- Monogenea, 50 Laurer, 48, 89 tion, 62 monogeiietic Trematodes, 49 Laurer's canal, 38, 62, 88 Malpighi, 96 monogonoporous, 21 La Valette St. George, 48 Maricola, 26 Monoophorum, 10 Lebedinsky, 161, 188, 192 — diagnosis and classifica- Monoporus, 10 Lecanicephalum, 119 tion, 24 Monorygma,' 119 Leeuwenhoek, 47, 65 Marsipocephalus, 119 Monostomidae, 47, 79 Leimacopsidae, 7 Meckel, 88 — diagnosis, 69 — diagnosis, 25 Mecynostoma, 9, 16 Monostomum, 54, 69, 82, Leimacopsis, 25 Mehlis, 48, 89 88 Leptoplana, 31 Merozoa (Cestoidea), 1, 93, Monotidae, 6, 16 Leptoplanidae, 7, 37 97 — diagnosis, 10 — diagnosis, 31 — diagnosis and classifica- Monotus, 10 Leuckart, F. S., 2, 12, 48, tion, 114 Mouozoa, Cestoidea, 1, 93, 66, 72, 76, 95, 96, 107, Mertens, 8, 36 97 114, 144, 160 mesenchyma, 14 Montgomery, 178 (foot- Leuckartia, 117 Mesocestoides, 131,134, 135 note), 189 (footnote), 194 Leuckartiidae, 93 Mesocestoididae, 93 Monticelli, 48, 49, 60 (foot- — diagnosis, 117 — diagnosis, 131 note), 96, 101 (footnote), Leucochloridium, 76 Mesogonimus, 67 123 life - history of Bothrio- Mesonemertini, 159 Moseley, 8, 9, 25 cephalus, 111 — diagnosis and classifica- Moses, 94 — Carophyllaeiis, 102 tion, 170 Moulinie, 48 — Dipylidium, 138 Mesostoma, 9, 19, 23 Muller, Job., 96, 161, 165 — Taenia, 135 Mesostomidae, 6 — 0. F., 7, 8, 9, 48, 66, — Tetraphyllidea, 123 — diagnosis, 9 74, 89, 159, 160 — Trematodes, 72, 76 Mesozoa, 3, 157, 158 Muller's larva, 40 Ligula, 82, 107, 114, 116, metacestode, 114, 138 multiloculate sucker, 79 118, 145 metagenesis, 76 Myzostoma, 48 lime -corpuscles, 107 metamerism, 191, 192 Lineidae, 159, 194 Metanemertcans, 194 neck of tapeworm, 104 — diagnosis, 172 Metauemertini, 159 Nectonemertes, 171, 173 Lineopsis, 194 — diagnosis and classifica- Nectonemertidae, 159 Linens, 161, 172, 173, 178, tion, 170 — diagnosis, 171 189, 192 metapolar cells, 150 Nematobothrium, 70 Linnaeus, 2, 65, 96, 145 metastatic, 76 nematocyst, 12, 33, 162, Linstow, v., 48, 55, 95 Metschnikoff, 29, 54, 152, 177 (footnote) 154, 161 Nematodemus, 25 Liuton, 95 Micrella, 194 nematogen, 151 liver-fluke, 47, 65 Microcotyle, 52 Nemertea, 170 loculi in sucker, 79, 120 Microcotylidae, 47, 79 Nemertes, 7, 170 Lonnberg, 99 — diagnosis, 52 Nemertina, 170 Looss, 55, 62, 76, 88, 101 Microcyema, 148 Nemertinea, 170 (footnote) Micropharynx, 24 Nemertini, classification, Liihe, 96 Microplana, 25 159, 168, 170 Microstoma, 9, 12 — anatomy, 162 M'Intosh, 160, 161, 179 Microstomidae, 6, 17, 23 Nemertopsis, 170 (footnote), 192 — diagnosis, 9 nervous system of Caryo- Macraspis, 60 Micrura, 172, 173, 187 pliyllaeus, 102 Macrorhynchus, 10, 21 Micrurae, 172 — Cestodes, 110 Macrostoma, 9 Minot, 1 (footnote) — Polyclads, 35 Macrostomidae, 6, 12 Miocoela, 160 — Rliabdocoels, 15 202 INDEX nervous system of Trema- todes, 84 — Triclads, 26 Neumann, 131 neuro-glandular pit, 184 Niemec, 96, 110 Nitzsch, 48, 74, 89 Nitzschia, 50, 83 Nordmann, v., 48 Notocotyle, 69 Octobothrium, 50 Octocotylinae, 50 Oersted, 8, 160, 161 Oerstedia, 171, 173 cesophageal nerves, 195 Ogmogaster, 69 Oligocdis, 24 Oligodadus, 31, 35 Omalostoma, 9 Onchobothrium, 119 Onchocotyle, 52, 79 onchosphere, 111 (footnote), 113, 137 ootype, 37, 55, 86, 99 Ophryocotyle, 128 Opisthotrema, 69, 88 Opistoma, 10 oral sucker, 79 Orthonectida, 153 Orthotropous calotte, 150 Orygmatobothrium, 119 Othelosoma, 25 Otobothrium, 125 otocyst, 16 Otomesostoma, 9 Otoplana, 24 Otoplanidae, 7 — diagnosis, 24 Ototyphlonemertes, 170, 186 Ototyphlonemertidae, 159, 173 — diagnosis, 170 Otto, 89 Oudemans, 161 ovary in Gyrodactylus, 53 — in Turbellaria, 21 Oxypolia, 194 paedogenesis, 76 Pagenstecher, 48, 157 Palaeonemertini, 161, 170 Pallas, 65, 94, 96 Paludicola, 24 papillae, adhesive, 79 Paranemertes, 194 paranucleus (Dicyemid), 152 parapolar cells (Dicyemid), 150 Parapolia, 194 Parasitica, 10 parasitic Nemertines, 173 — Turbellarians, 14 — worms, 49 parasitism, 77, 89 Parataenia, 133 (footnote) parenchyma in Cestodes, 107 — in Polyclads, 33 — in Khabdocoels, 14 — in Trematodes, 83 — in Triclads, 26 — digestive, in Acoela, 15 Parona, 48 parthenogenesis, 76 Pectobothrii, 49, 50 Pelagonemertes, 171, 173, 184 Pelagonemertidae, 159 — diagnosis, 171 Pelichnibothrium, 119 Pelmatoplana, 25 Pdtidocotyle, 119 Pelyonchobothrium, 119 Peminatodiscus, 158 penis, 36, 85 Perocephalus, 25 Perrier, 101, 144, 145 Perugia, 48 Phagocata, 24 pharynx bulbosus, 17 — plicatus, 18 pharynx, in Polyclads, 33 — in Khabdocoels, 17 — in Trematodes, 83 - in Triclads, 18, 26 Philippi, 44 Phoeuicurus, 48 Phoreiobothrium, 119 Phyllacanthinae, 119 phyllidium, 115, 120, 127 Phyllobothrinae, 119 Phyllobothrium, 119, 121, 122 Phyllonella, 50 Phyllorhyncha, 125 pilidium, 161, 163 Pintner, 96, 101 (footnote), 108, 115, 121, 127, 132 Placocephalus, 25, 26 Plagioplana, 31 Plagiostoma, 10, 12, 14 Plagiostomidae, 6, 17 — diagnosis, 10 Plagiostominae, 10 Plagiotaenia, 131 plagiotropous calotte, 150 Planaria, 7, 21, 24, 25, 28, 30, 66, 160 Planariidae, 7 Planariidae, diagnosis, 24 Planknoplana, 3.1 Planocera, 31, 37, 38 Planoceridae, 7 — diagnosis, 31 plasmatic canal, Sommer's, 108 (footnote) plasinodial tubes, 155 Platyelmia, 2 Platyelminthes, 2 Platyhelmia, 2 — characters of, 3 Plathelminthes, 1 (footnote) Platner, 96 Platodes, 2 Platyaspis, 60 Platybothrium, 119, 122 Platydemus, 25 Platyhelmiuth, ideal ances- tral, 3 Plectanocotyle, 52 plerocestoid, 114 Podocotyle, 67 Poirier, 96 polar cap, 149 Poliopsis, 172 Polycelis, 24, 28 polycercus, 142 Polychaerus, 10, 23 (foot- note) Polyclada, 8 Polycladida, 1, 7, 12, 90 — anatomy, 31-38 — development, 38 — diagnosis and classifica- tion, 31 Polycladus, 25 Polycotyle, 69 Polypocephalus, 133 (foot- note) Polyporus, 31 Polypostia, 31, 36 Polypostiidae, 7 — diagnosis, 31 Polystomea, 49, 50 Polystomidae, 47, 80 — diagnosis, 50 Polystominae, 52 Polystomum, 47, 52, 55, 78, 83, 86 Proboscidae, 6, 17 — diagnosis, 9 proboscis, 162, 176, 178, 195 — sheath, 179 — Turbellariurn, 17 — Tetrarhynchus, 127, 133 — use of, 179 Procerotidae, 7 — diagnosis, 24 INDEX 20' Proctucha, 160 Redi, 65, 95, 96 Schizonemertini, 161, 171 proglottid, 103 redia, 74 Schizoprora, 10 proglottidisation, 1 1 8 regeneration, 192 Schizorhynchus, 10 Promesostoma, 9 reproduction of Caryophyl- Schmidt, 0., 8, 12, 17, 22 pronephridiostome, 3 laeus, 102 Schneider, 2, 82 Proneurotes, 171, 194 — Cestodes, 111, 135 Schnltze, Max, 14,160, 161, propolar cells, 150 — Heterocotylea, 55 189 Proporidae, 7 — Malacocotylea, 72, 76 Schulze, F. E., 9, 96 — diagnosis, 10 — Polyclads, 38 Schultzia, 10 Proporus, 10, 15 — Rhabdocoels, 23 Schwarze, 76 Prorhynckidae, 6, 19 — Triclads, 29 Sciadocephalus, 128 (foot- — diagnosis, 9 reservoir (in proboscis), 178 note) Prorhynchocoela, diagnosis residual nucleus (Dicy- scolex, 103 and classification, 170 emid), 152 Scolex polymorphus, 108, Prorhynchus, 9, 14, 21 retractor, 195 123 Prosadenoporus, 171, 190 — muscle, 177 self- fertilisation, 55, 62, 86 proscolex, 111 (footnote), Retzins, 66 Semonia, 31 137 rliabdites, 7, 12, 14, 26, 33, Semper, 160 Prosorhocmidae, 159 45, 162, 176 sheep-rot, 65, 78 — diagnosis, 171 Rhabdocoela, 6, 8, 12, 17, shell -gland, 37 Prosorhocmus, 171, 190, 19, 91 Siebold, v., 29, 48, 86, 88, 192 — diagnosis and classifica- 89, 94, 95, 96, 144, 160 Prostheceraeus, 31 tion, 9 Silliman, 161 Prosthecobothrium, 119 Rhabdocoelida, 1, 6, 46 six-hooked embryo, 111 Prosthecocotyle, 119 — anatomy of, 12-23 skeleton of sucker, 80 Prosthiostomidae, 7, 33 — diagnosis and classifica- Solenopharyngidae, 6 — diagnosis, 31 tion, 9 — diagnosis, 10 Prosthiostamum, 31, 34 — reproduction of, 23 Solenopharynx, 10* Prostomum, 10 Rhin ebothrium, 119 Solenophoridae, 93 Protonemertini, 159 rhombogen, 151 — diagnosis, 116 — diagnosis and classifica- Rhombozoa, 148 Solenophorus, 116 tion, 170 RhopalophoruSi 67, 82 Sommer, 67, 96 Provortex, 10 Rhopalura, 153 Sonsino, 48, 67 Proxenetes, 9, 14 Rhyn chobothriitm, 125 Spencer, 99, 101 Pseudoceridae, 7 rhynchocoel, 162, 176, 179 Sphyranura, 52 — diagnosis, 31 Rhynchocoela, 160, 170 spines, chitinous, 32, 33, Pseudoceros, 31 — classification, 159 80 Pseudocotyle, 50 rhynchodaeum, 176 Spongiobothriuin, 119 Pseudophyllidea, 1, 93, Rhynchodemidae, 7 sporocyst (Distomum), 74 145 — diagnosis and classifica- — (Orthonectid), 155 — diagnosis and classifica- tion, 25 staggers in sheep, 95, 130 tion, 116 Rhynchodemus, 25, 28 staphylocYstis, 142 psendorhabdite, 12 rhynchostome, 162, 176 Staub, 194 pseudoscolex, 134 rod cells, 13, 26, 33, 176 Steenstrup, 142 Pseudorhynchus, 9, 17 — tracts, 26, 45 Stenostoma, 9, 12, 19 Pteronella, 50 Romberg, 65 Stichocotyle, 60 (footnote) Pterosoma, 171 Rosenhof, 47 Stichostemma, 171, 173, 189 Ptychobothrium, 116, 118 rosette organ, 101 (footnote), 190 Ptychophysa, 131 rostellum, 118, 122, 133 Stieda, 48, 88 pulsatellae, 21 Rovelli, 96 Stiles, 95 pylorus tube, 174 Rudolphi, 48, 49, 66, 89, Stilesia, 131 pyriform apparatus, 136 95 Stimpson, 160 Ruysch, 65 stomach, 34, 174 stomodaeum 173 Qnatrefages, 8, 12, 160, sa.dttocyst, 12, 33 Stossich, 48 . Salensky, 188 strobila, 103 Salinella, 158 strobilation, 145 Raillet, 67, 95 Schauinsland, 48, 74, 96, stylets, 176, 178, 195 Ramdohr, 84, 88, 89 111, 136 Stylochoplana, 31, 33, 36 receptaculum seminis, 62 Schistocephalus, 65, 109, Stylochus, 31, 36, 40 — vitelli, 62, 88 114, 116, 118 Stylostmmim, 31, 36 204 INDEX subcuticula of Trematoda, Tetraphyllidea, diagnosis Udonella, 50, 86 82 and classification, 118 Uljanin, 8 — of Cestoidea, 105 Tetrarhyncha, 1, 93, 108, urn (Dicyemid), 152 sucker, accessory, 118, 121 115, 133, 145 urocystis, 142 — of Cest. merozoa, 105, — anatomy, 125-128 Urogonimus, 67 115, 121, 122, 127, 132 — diagnosis and classifica- Uteriporus, 24, 28 — of Cest. monozoa, 99 tion, 125 uterus in Cestoidea, 99 — of Temnocephaloidea, 45 Tetrarhynchidae, 93 — in Trematoda, 86 — of Trematoda, 79, 89 — diagnosis and classifica- — in Triclads, 28 Swammerdam, 47, 48, 74 tiou, 125 symbiotic algae, 15 Tetrarhynchus, 95 (foot- vagina in Heterocotylea, 86 Syncoelidium, 24 note), 125 — in Cestoidea, 89 syncytial hypoblast, 15, 17 Tetrastemma, 161, 171, 173, Valencinia, 172, 173, 189, syncytium, axial, 15 185, 190 191 Syndesmis, 10, 14 Tetrastemmatidae, 159 Vallisia, 51 Syndesmobothrium, 125 — - diagnosis, 171 valvate sucker, 80 Thomas, 48, 73 Vejdovsky, 3, 9, 20 Taenia, 94, 96, 107, 108, Thompson, 194 Vermes, 2 129, 132, 135 Thysanoceijhalum, 119, 122, vermes cucurbitini, 65 — life-history of, 136, 140 134 vermiform embryo, 151 Taeniarhynchus, 129 Thysanoplana, 31, 34 verruciform cells, 150 Taeniidae, 93, 108 Thysanosoma, 48, 131 vers cavitaires, 8 — diagnosis and classifica- Thysanozoon, 31, 34, 36 — parenchymateux, 8 tion, 128 Tomiosoma, 103 Villot, 89, 96, 139 Taeniinae, 129 Tower, 96, 110 vitellarium, 22 tape-worm, 94, 103 Trematoda, 1, 6, 49, 145 viviparous Nemertines, 192 Taschenberg, 48, 78 — anatomy, 77-81 Voeltzkow, 62 Temnocepkala, 43, 89, 90 — diagnosis and classifica- Vogt, 2 TemnocepJialidae, 43 tion, 47 Vortex, 10, 15 Temuocephaloidea, 1, 6 Treptoplax, 158 Vorticeros, 10 — anatomy, 43-46 Triaenophoridae, 93 Vorticidae, 6 — diagnosis and classifica- ! — diagnosis and classifica- — diagnosis, 10 tion, 43 Terricola, 26 tion, 117 Triaenophorus, 95 (foot- Wagener, 48, 53, 69, 73. A r r\£* QQ im 1 A Q. — diagnosis and classifica- tion, 24 Tetrabothridae, 93, 118 note), 107, 117, 118, 145 Trichoplax, 157 Triclada, 8 yo, yo, yy. lui, i*±o Wagneria, 97 Weber, Max, 44 — diagnosis and classifica- tion, 119 Tetrabothridiata, 1, 93, Tricladida, 1, 7, 12, 18, 90 — anatomy, 25-29 — development, 29 Warner, 96 Wheeler, 26, 152 (footnote) Whitman, 36 (footnote), 115, 122 — diagnosis and classifica- tion, 118 Tetrabothrinae, 119 — diagnosis and classifica- tion, 24 Trigonoporus, 31, 38 Trimyaria, 159, 169 Willemoes-Suhm, 48 Willey, 33 (footnote) Wilson, 179 (footnote), 195 ITT • VJ. Q(\ Tetrabothriorhynchus, 1 25 — diagnosis and classifica- vvrignt, ou Tetrabothrium, 119, 121 Tetracampos, 125 tion, 171 trimyaric, 169 yolk envelope, 72, 111, 136 Yunnict 31 35 Tetracotyle, 69 Tristomidae, 47 Tetracotylea, 1, 93, 116, 145 — diagnosis, 50 Zeder, 49, 66, 95 — anatomy, 131-135 Tristomum, 50, 83 Zeller, 48, 55, 82 — development, 135-142 Trypanorhyncha, 125 Zernecke, 96, 105 — diagnosis and classifica- trypauorhynchus, 127 Ziegler, 82 tion, 128 Turbellaria, 1, 3 zooids, 23 Tetracotylus, 1 28 — classification, 6 Zschokke, 96 Tetraonchus, 53 — diagnosis, 7 Zygeupolia, 194 Tetraphyllidea, 1, 93, 108, Tylocephalum, 119 Zijgobothrium, 119, 122 119-123, 133, 145 Tyson, 96 Zygonemertes, 171 Printed by R. & R. CLARK-, LIMITED, Edinburgh