EISRARY NEW YORN BOT ANICAU GARDEN Bulletin No. §/ JUNE, 1913. exico College of Agriculture And Mechanic Arts ULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. STATE COLLEGE, N. M. ee AND SHRUBS. OF NEW MEXICO By E. O. WOOTON REPUBLICAN. QK 186 We2" Te Gee Lene /Treesa { a CHA HEE ' 18¢ W622 NEW MEXICO AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION BOARD OF CONTROL. Board of Regents of the College. J. H. PAXTON, President, Las Cruces, N. M. M. 0. LLEWELLYN, Secretary and Treasurer, Las Cruces, N. M FRANCIS E. LESTER, Mesilla’ Park, N. M. R. R. LARKIN, East Las Vegas, N. M. A. H. HUDSPETH, White Oaks, N. M. Advisory Members. HON. W. C. McDONALD, Governor of New Mexico, Santa Fe. HON. A. N. WHITE, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Santa Fe. Station Staff. WINFRED ERNEST GARRISON, Ph. D., President of the College. LUTHER FOSTER, M. S. A., Director. FABIAN GARCIA, M. S. A., Horticulture. R. F. HARE, Ph. D., Chemistry. F. L. BIXBY, B. S., Irrigation Engineer. H. H. SIMPSON, B. S. A., Animal Husbandry. H. S. HAMMOND, A. M., Botany. E. P. HUMBERT, Ph. D., Agronomy. S. R. MITCHELL, M. §S., Assistant in Chemistry. J. B. STONEKING, M. E., Assistant in Irrigation. R. L. STEWART, B. S., Assistant in Agronomy. F. W. CHRISTENSEN, M. S., Associate in Chemistry. J. W. RIGNEY, B. S., Assistant in Horticulture. D. W. A. BLOODGOOD, B. S. in M. E., Assistant in Irrigation. W. S. CUNNINGHAM, B. S., Assistant in Animal Husbandry. D. E. MERRILL, M. S., Entomology. L. R. McNEELY, B. S., in Ag., Assistant in Agronomy. J. R. QUESENBERRY, B. S. A., Assistant in Animal Hunbandry. JOSEPHINE MORTON, A. B., Librarian. JOHN O. MILLER, B. S., Registrar. JOHN A. ANDERSON, B. S., Assistant Registrar. C. P. WILSON, M. S., Stenographer. The bulletins of this Station will be mailed free to citizens of New Mexico and to others as far as the edition printed will allow, on application to the director. = INTRODUCTION Bulletin No. 51 of this Station on Native Ornamental Plants of New Mexico has been out of print for some time, but ¢alls for it still continue to come. The work in this line has been carried on further and it has been thought wise to get out another more extended bulletin on the same subject which is in the nature of a partial reprint of No. 51. Much of the gen- eral discussion of the subject is here reprinted verbatim; some changes have been made in places; the list of plants ex- tended to include all trees and shrubs of our state with notes on those that are of any value; technical descriptions of the families and genera with keys for the determination of species have been included; most of the original cuts are reprinted but many news ones are added. This bulletin thus becomes the most recent information on the subject and the result of many years observation, study and experimentation. Attention has been called to the causes tending to pro- duce instability in our population and hence lack of decorative adornment of the homes in our State. There is not the least doubt that these conditions were in existence in the past and that the resulting bad habits still affect our population. But the necessity for semi-nomadic life no longer exists and, with new and better conditions, our population is becoming more permanently attached to our soil and the instinct of home decoration is beginning to be aroused. While the “money making” period of our development is not past the “home making” period has certainly begun. Little need be said in argument for the increase in beauty which will accrue to our homes if surrounded by well set shrubbery. Much might be said advocating such decoration because of the increased privacy which it affords, when prop- erly arranged, and there can be but little doubt of the value of privacy to the average dweller in town or city. Much additional comfort in the way of shade and protec- 4 TREES AND SHRUBS tion from wind, dust, and heat may be obtained for the home by the judicious use of shrubbery. Nor will anyone contradict the statement that the well shaded house, surrounded by lawns adorned with clumps of shrubs and blossoming plants and its porches festooned by vines, will command a higher price than the same house in the same location without its set- ting of plants. A farm whose fields are protected by windbreaks and shelter-belts (which will also furnish fence posts and wood) is more valuable than one without these adjuncts. A family, living in a home protected and embowered and appreciating its surroundings, is sure to have better taste and better stand- ards of living than one not so blest. All these arguments lead to the conclusion that it is a wise thing to surround any home with protecting and beautify- ing plants and flowers. And then the question arises :—What plants shall we use? TREES AND SHRUBS 5 A PLEA FOR THE USE OF OUR NATIVE PLANTS The condtions necessary for the growth of plants are (1) food upon which they can subsist, both in the soil and in the air; (2) moisture in proper quantity in soil and air; (3) a certain total amount of heat during the growing season, as well as a temperature that is neither too high nor too low; and (4) a favorable amount of light. Different regions upon the earth’s surface differ greatly in respect to the degree in which they supply these conditions, and, as a consequence, different localities have. native floras which resemble each other in about the same degree as the growing conditions of the localities themselves approximate each other. The degree to which the growing conditions may be ar- tificially controlled varies considerably. The chemical con- tent, mechanical condition or texture, and moisture content of the soil in any locality may be controlled with comparative ease, if small areas only are to be considered. But the humid- ity of the atmosphere, the temperature limits, and the light intensity of any region out of doors can be modified but a very small amount. In an area so large as that of our State, almost all kinds of soils may be found, but the best natural soils occur only in the higher mountains where they have been sheltered and enriched by heavy forests. Along the foothills and on the mesas the soil is apt to be more or less coarse and rocky, thus requiring a great deal of water to produce plant growth. Here it is usually free from an excess of the salts of potassium, sodium and calcium which form the dreaded “alkali.” This, however, is not always true, since the presence of these salts is in a degree dependent upon the kind of rocks of which the adjacent mountains are composed, as well as to some extent, upon the general topography of the region. In the river valleys where most of our towns are built, the soil is usually the silt of the river and is apt to be fine grained and poorly aerated, while the underlying stratum is nearly always sand. 6 TREES AND SHRUBS Alkali is also very apt to be present in greater or less quantity is such soils. These generalizations as to the soils of the State only show their variable nature and make necessary a careful con- sideration of the particular soil, in which we wish to grow plants. Our State is all of it relatively high above the sea, its lowest valleys being more than 3500 feet above that level, while some of the mountains rise considerably above timber line, This elevation, when taken in connection with our geo- graphic position, produces climatic conditions in atmospheric humidity, temperature variations and extremes, and a light intensity that are especially severe on all plant life except that which is particularly adapted to such conditions. The lack of moisture in the air is particularly hard upon plants that are accustomed to a humid atmosphere, since it increases the evaporation from their leaf surfaces to such a degree that they are able with great difficulty to get enough water from the ground to replace that lost by evaporation. Temperature changes, both diurnal and annual, are ex- treme with us, because our altitude renders our atmosphere thin and the extreme dryness but accentuates this effect. Ob- jects in direct sunlight are quickly heated to a high temper- ature, while as soon as the sun is down, all temperatures drop suddenly and severely. Our growing season is very long and the total quantity of heat received during a season is very great, a fact tending to produce rapid growth and relatively short life in our trees. Light is a necessity to all self-supporting plants (i. e. not parasitic or saprophytic); they must have light in order to manufacture their food. Very few people seem to appreciate this necessary condition of plant life. But plants must have light in the proper quantity, and this quantity differs fully as much as does the proper quantity of water which they re- quire. Some species will grow only in strong light (i. e. are TREES AND SHRUBS 7 “light demanding” species) while others will endure only a small amount; still others are known as shade enduring species, they take little or much as the case may be. And among trees in particular, the young tree may be-a shade enduring species while the mature tree may be light demanding. The light conditions, any place in New Mexico outside of the dense coniferous forests of the high mountains, are extremely severe, the direct sunlight is most intense and the reflected light is very strong. When one takes all these conditions into consideration and remembers just how little they can be artificially modified in the open, the wonder is, not that so few of the plants coin- monly cultivated in the humid regions will grow here, but that so many of them are able to adapt themselves to such in- hospitable surroundings and thrive. Now our State has a covering of plants which are perfectly adapted to our climate and soil; scanty in places, it is true, but abundant and characteristically beautiful in others. Practically all of these plants are thoroughly adapted to those peculiarities of our climate which we can not control and which are so severe on the commonly cultivated ornamentals, viz: (1) very dry atmosphere; (2) extreme daily variation in temperature; (3) late spring frosts; (4) very high summer temperature; and (5) very intense light. Besides this some of them are inured to extreme dryness of soil and others will tolerate relatively large quantities of alkali. } It seems to me that probably the most important reason for wishing to cultivate the plants of the humid region in this. State lies in the fact that we are almost all of us originally from that humid region and wish to reproduce, in the new home, conditions similar to those in the old. The desire is perfectly laudable; but does it not lead us away from our easiest method of ornamenting our homes and grounds? Does it not appear that our native plants are better adapted to the un- alterable conditions of this region? Would it not be easier 8 TREES AND SHRUBS to supply artificially a good soil and a little extra water to plants from our mountains than to do the same thing for eastern plants and at the same time try to protect them from our sun, our frosts, our wind, and our dry atmosphere? Which procedure is the more likely to result favorably? Would it not be saner to recognize the fact that the con- ditions oi a semi-arid region are fundamentally different from those of a humid one and adapt our stlyes of architec- ture and landscape gardening to the region instead of trying to introduce those of an entirely different one? The funda- mental principle of all such effort is to make the artificial structures fit the lines and demands of the natural surround- ings and arrange all vegetation so as to carry out the general natural scheme of the region whether it be formal gardening or not. Of course the native vegetation lends itself to this method and is most effective. Then there are situations in which it is desirable to have some vegetation where only a limited supply of water is to be had at any time. In such locations some of the typical arid region plants would be thoroughly at home. While they may not be everything that is desirable, they are certainly much better than none, and no others are able to stand such a severe environment. To me there is an appeal to “the eternal fitness of things” in our native vegetation. It seems at home, a part of the coun- try, and as thoroughly appropriate and in place as an adobe house is in this sun-blest land of ours. This adaptation to environment is so marked in some of the trees and shrubs that, though flat-leaved and of deciduous ancestry, they are nevertheless evergreen and are thus rendered all the more val- uable for ornamental purposes. Hence I urge, as emphatically as may be, the use of our native plants; those plants which thrive in alkaline soil, which can stand six months of drouth, which do not sunscald and lose their stems and leaves on one side, which are rigid and TREES AND SHRUBS 9 strong enough to resist our winter and spring winds, and canny enough to keep from getting frost bitten when spring plays fast and loose with us. Give them a fair trial, study their natural adaptations, give them slightly better conditions than they naturally have, and I feel sure they will reward the thoughtful, careful gardener by growing even better than in their native habitats. In order to obtain this end, however, it will be necessary to appreciate the particular beauty of each and study its possible improvements. It will be impossible to make them over according to some preconceived ideas of _ beauty obtained elsewhere. CONDITIONS IN THE VALLEYS In New Mexico there are three or four kinds of places where people make their homes. They build their houses in the open river valleys, either singly on the farms, or in groups, forming towns and cities; or they choose isolated situations near “water,” on the tmesas, or in the mountains, for the stockman’s ranch. The mining camp is usually in some nar- row canon and is apt to be lacking’ in permanence. In the valleys, whether on farms or in the towns, the conditions are more or less similar. Shelter is the thing most desired; shelter from the heat and the light of our summer sun, from the wind and dust, or from the public gaze. To these comforts should be added the pleasure and benefit which come from living in beautiful surroundings and striving to make them even more beautiful. Most of the valley farm houses and not a few of the homes in the towns are more or less protected and beautified by the use of shrubs and trees. The value of fruit trees and grape vines is fully recognized, but I doubt if the simple money value alone of a proper use of shade trees, windbreaks, shelterbelts, shrubbery, and lawns is properly appreciated. Time spent in making the home more comfortable by pro- 10 TREES AND SHRUBS tecting it, is not wasted, but is well invested. The hedge and shrubbery which keeps the dust out of the house more than pays for itself in saving floors and furniture, to say nothing of muscle and nervous energy spent in cleaning out the dirt. Bodily comfort counteracts nervous irritation and makes for general sweetness of disposition; and it should be our task to make the home the most comfortable place possible. For this reason alone, if for no other, properly and tastefully arranged shrubbery is one source of comfort and pleasure for the household. There is no reason why practically any style of horticul- tural decoration may not be used about our irrigated farm and town houses. Formal gardens, informal or natural planting, hedges, windbreaks, orchards and vineyards, vine covered ar- bors, summer houses and porches may all be had where water - for irrigation is available. Windbreaks and shelterbelts should be used much more in our cultivated valleys than is now the custom. There is little doubt that one of the worst enemies to our orchards and vineyards is our dry wind. Any means of protecting cultivated fields, orchards, vineyards, decorative shrubbery, and stock from the effect of these winds will be valuable to the valley farmer, and one of the most available forms of protection is to be found in the windbreak or shelterbelt of native trees. TREES AND SHRUBS 11 THE RANCH HOUSE* __ What is the average ranch house in New Mexico like? Think of those you know and judge whether each does not belong to one of the following types: A “dobe” hut of one or two rooms, set out on a sun-blis- tered flat where bulls paw up clouds of pungent dust, while they bellow challenges at each other. Miles away through quivering air dance the distorted outlines of the cool tim- bered mountains. P A board shanty at the mouth of some canon on the edge of a boulder strewn arroyo, with everything about it as incon- veniently arranged as well can be. A one-roomed log cabin with a “lean-to,” in a beautiful mountain valley, but with every vestige of the native forest cut away from around the house for fifty or.a hundred yards on all sides. These are by no means the only kinds of ranch houses, but they are by far the commonest. Are these conditions necessary? It can hardly be claimed that they are satisfactory or desirable. In the very nature of the case the great bulk of our State must ever be devoted to stock raising. Enough water falls within its limits to properly irrigate only a relatively small proportion of it, even if all that water were caught and hoarded and applied to irrigation. Such a thing being impossible, and the above statement being true of practically all the high arid region in which New Mexico lies, we come back to our first proposition: i. e. the necessity of stock raising. It is the only kind of agricultural work possible on much of the unir- rigated lands. It is also recognized that, under the present system of handling stock, the State is losing a large part of the gain © * As used here the expression ‘‘ranch house” is intended to apply merely to the houses of stockmen which are not usually lotated in the irrigated valleys. The author understands that this is a restricted use of the ex- pression which is not warranted by custom, but is here used for lack of a better term 12 TREES AND SHRUBS which might be ours if our land laws were so constructed as to give a stockman control of enough land to make a living on, But the lawmakers had other conditions in view when these laws were made, and as yet nothing has been suggested which will overcome the evil resulting to arid grazing lands. The author also appreciates how this lack of control, the uncertainty of the returns for labor, the rough character of the work itself, the exposure it entails and irregularity of habits which it engenders, all tend to render the ranch house a mere “‘permanent camp,” where one expects conveniences only a grade better than when on the “round up.” Again comes the question: Are these conditions neces- sary? The author thinks they are not, and fully believes that the day is not very distant when some of them will be materi- ally improved by legislation favorable to the stockmen, which will give them a more assured “grip” on their ranges, and at ‘ the same time render labor less arduous, rough, and irregular, and make the ranch house still more “permanent” in character and less like a camp. Many ranches now possess sufficient permanence to make greater comfort a desideratum, but until the necessity for greater comfort is felt, no attempt to gain it will be made. Some of the comforts which may be added to the ranch house (depending somewhat upon its location) are coolness and shade, protection from wind and dust, increased privacy, and added beauty, thus raising the mental standards and appreciation of its inmates. They may all of them be had at the cost of a little time and labor expended in the judicious transplanting of native plants which grow, in every case, not far from the ranch house. The ranch on the mesa may be protected from dust and have its privacy and beauty materially increased by the use of the Yuccas, sotols, ocotillo, and other shrubs of the mesa;~ while if a little water can be had, cottonwoods, ash, and soap- berry may be induéed to add their shade, and cacti and many low plants will grow and bloom in such surroundings, TREES AND SHRUBS 13 In the foothills, the site of the house can usually be se- lected, so as to take advantage of the shade and beauty of well grown trees. It is much easier to pipe the water some distance to the house in order that the house may be protected and beautified by trees already full grown, than it is to place the house near the water and wait for trees to grow. For the ranch located in the foothills or mountains there is an ever ready source of supply of trees and vines and shrubs to be found in the mountains near by, and the average stockman has abundance of time in which to transplant them. There are, no doubt, good reasons why the tall, shallow- rooted conifers should be removed from close about the ranch house in the mountains, but the reasons which apply to the large trees certainly do not govern the placing of smaller trees like oaks and maples, and the use of vines and shrubs. Shade may not be so desirable, but beauty and privacy both are, and the care necessary to the production of a beautiful. little mountain home has its effect upon the industry, taste and neatness of the inhabitants. . It is hardly possible to say too much on the desirability of permanence in the population of the State. The ranchman who comes to stay is the desirable one. He works for the welfare of his township, his county and his State; he is in- terested in its schools, its churches, its laws, and whenever a man is interested in a thing he does good work for it. He may not do the best thing in every case, but the general result of his energy makes for good in his region. The man who’ has invested muscle and: time and thought and taste in trying to improve the conditions of his hcine will not be ready to abandon his results for a new place, and when once attached to a place, it is doubtful if any othe man would do better in that place. 14 TREES AND SHRUBS METHOD OF HANDLING MATERIAL It is not necessary to repeat here the instructions for transplanting dormant plants. Most people who have reached maturity have had some: experience, and those who have not may find instructions in nearly any book on agriculture or horticulture, or even in some nurserymen’s catalogues. Bul- letins No. 40 and No. 47 of this Station give some details of this character which are particularly applicable to this region. In this bulletin it has frequently been impossible to refer to a plant by anything except its Latin or scientific name be- cause, so far as the author knows, it has no other. In speak- ing of the native plants that have no common names, popular descriptions have been given, so far as possible, and some illustrations have been inserted, but these methods will not always succeed in making the reader think of the plant referred to. Different common names are used for the same plants in different parts of the State, and only a part of the plants here enumerated may be found in any one locality. These condi- tions will, no doubt, cause some confusion in using this bulletin. Many of the plants here described in their summer condition would be recognized in their dormant state only- by a very careful observer. To avoid these difficulties, it is recom- mended that the would-be gardener notice carefully the native plants of his region during the growing season, making par- ticular note of the horticultural possibilities and habits of each, - and at the same time examining each with sufficient care to be able to recognize it without leaves or flowers or fruit. When next they are dormant such plants as are selected may be transplanted. Such treatment is, of course, not necessary with any kind of evergreens, since they may be recognized at any time. It must be remembered that the roots of conifers must never be allowed to dry during the operation of transplanting. A good way to avoid drying, is to “puddle” them at once, as nurserymen do, by dipping the roots into a thin mud or a mix- TREES AND SHRUBS 15 ture containing fresh cow manure and then wrapping them in wet straw or trash which will keep them moist. Plants which grow in shallow rocky soil are rather diffi- cult to dig because, in such soil, the roots spread widely, and in digging it is hard to avoid cutting off the smaller rootlets ’ with the pick or spade. The moral of this is to get all the roots of the plant that you can. Plants just transplanted must be watered immediately and the soil compacted sufficiently to bring the wet soil into close - contact with the roots. Nor must the soil be allowed to cake and sun-crack later on, else the moisture will evaporate and the plants die. Practically nothing but cacti will bear trans- planting into a dry soil without being irrigated at the time of transplanting, and I would irrigate cacti even if it were necessary to carry the water in a bucket. 16 TREES AND SHRUBS The Conifers or So-called Evergreens. The Pines (Pinus spp.). The genus is represented in New Mexico by seven species, three of which are fairly com- mon, the remainder being occasional or restricted to small areas within our limits. The Pinyon (Pinus edulis) is common throughout the State at elevatons of from 5,000 to 7,000 feet, being restricted mainly to the drier and rockier mountain slopes. It is of rela- *INON Pring. (Pinus edulis) tively small valie for any purpose. Attempts to cultivate it have never been very successful, as it grows very slowly, and like all conifers. is hard to transplant. Its seeds germinate readily. The wood is soft and rots easily; hence is of little —— TREES AND SHRUBS 17 value as posts or for fencing and makes very poor firewood. On the areas in which it grows it offers some protection to stock. The Yellow Pine (Pinus brachyptera) (commonly re- ferred to in much of the literature as P. scopulorum or P. pon- derosa, and sometimes called the Bull pine) is the commonest and most valuable conifer of the State. It grows in the larger mountain areas at elevations of from 6,000 to about 9,000 feet, and forms the great bulk of the timbered forests of the State. It is used more extensively for the manufacture of lumber than any other tree within our limits, and makes the best lumber. As a decorative tree it has rarely been used, though it would probably grow at elevations above 6,000 feet. Young seedling trees are common in the forests and where grown singly in the open make very beautiful young trees. If the stand is thick the trees become tall and not so good for. - decorative purposes. For most formal gardening where coni- fers can be used singly, trees of this species would be as valu- able as the European Scotch Pine. The Western White Pine or Limber Pine (Pinus flex- iis) and its nearly related congener Pinus strobiformis, to which both of the foregoing common names are also applied, occur in the higher mountains, generally above 8,000 feet alti- tude, reaching almost to timber line. They are nowhere very abundant and have no great economic importance, though they are used for lumber along with the other conifers of such re- gions. As decorative trees they are of relatively little value, and would be restricted to the higher levels only. The Bristle Cone Pine (Pinus aristata) is a species found only in the high mountains of the northern part of the State at elevations of approximately 10,000 feet or more. Locally in that region it also is called Bull pine, and is also re- ferred to as Foxtail pine or Hickory pine in various places. It is of no economic importance in this State, because of its 18 TREES AND SHRUBS distribution and scarcity, with the possible exception that lo- cally it is used for mining timbers where it is the most con- venient tree. The two remaining species, Pinus arizonica and P. chihua- huana, occur only in the mountains of the extreme southwest- ern corner of the State, coming into our area from northern Mexico. It is possible that these species may prove to be of some value as decorative trees at the lower levels, since they have a more southerly natural distribution. No attempts to use them have yet been made. Spruce (Picea). There are two species which should properly be called spruce growing in New Mexico. They are conical trees with short, stiff, sharp-pointed leaves which grow out in all directions from the stem but turn upwards; they have pendulous cones consisting of thin persistent scales that conceal shorter bracts. They have soft white wood that is valuable for box making. The trees are nowhere very large, rarely reaching the height of 75 feet. Both species are valu- able as decorative trees for the higher levels in the State, and one of them has been introduced rather extensively into culti- vation. Both occur naturally in the high mountains, often forming dense pure forests at elevations of 9,000 feet and over to timber line. Engelmann’s Spruce (Picea engelmanni) is dark green in color and frequently very slender in form, especially near the top of its distribution area. On the faces of cliffs and on high mountain peaks it is frequently dwarfed and straggly as the result of wind action. The cones are small and purplish until maturity, when they become dry and brown; its leaf bases are rough hairy. The Colorado Blue Spruce (Picea parryana) is similar to the preceding, but the young leaves are covered with a whitish “bloom,” which gives rise to the common name. Its - cone is almost twice as large as that of the other species and its leaves are smooth. It makes a very beautiful decorative : TREES AND SHRUBS ol) 19 COLORAD) BLUE SPRUCE. (Picea parryana) tree and has been introduced extensively into cultivation. It does well at Santa Fe, and could, no doubt, be used at other places of similar elevation if properly cared for. The Balsam or Fir (Abies spp.). There are two ‘species of this genus in New Mexico, but neither is very abun- dant at any place. Both grow in the high mountains at eleva- tions of 7,000 feet and over. The leaves are apparently two- ranked, making the branches appear flat. The cones are stout and erect, borne on the uppermost branches only. The bracts 20 TREES AND SHRUBS of the cones project slightly beyond the scales. The cone scales are flat, broadly obovate, reddish within when young, and fall away at maturity. One of the species is used for lumber whenever the trees are large enough. The Balsam (Abies concolor) is a very large tree when mature, and forms an important part of the coniferous forests of the States north and northwest of us. In the mountains of New Mexico it is occasional only. The young trees are very beautiful and would be very decorative if brought into culti- vation. Whether this can be done or not the author is unable to say. The Cork Bark Fir (Abies arizonica) is a small tree re- sembling the spruce somewhat in size and the general conical shape. It may be readily recognized by the thin corky bark, which is very white on the young trunk and branches. As a decorative tree it would be very valuable if it can be introduced into cultivation. . The Spruce or Douglas Spruce (Pseudotsuga mucro- nata), often referred to as the White or Red Fir, is the largest conifer of the mountains of our State, where it grows at ele- vations of from 7,000 feet almost to timber line. Under favor- able conditions the tree reaches a great diameter. Old trees 6 and 7 feet in diameter at the base are not uncommon in New Mexico, while in the far Northwest, where this tree is most at home, it is often very much larger. The bark is thick and very rough. The leaves are short and arranged much like those of the Balsam. It may be most easily recognized by the pendant cones, which are 1%4 or 2 inches long and composed of thin persistent scales with rather slender three-parted bracts protruding % inch or more from beneath each scale. The lumber made from these trees is considered next in value to that of the yellow pine. In cultivation young trees of this species are very graceful and beautiful, being slender and TREES AND SHRUBS 21 Dovucias SPRUCE oR RED Fie. (Pseudotsuga mucronata) narrowly conical. The younger branches are rather light colored and the bark thin. _ The Junipers and Cedars. The Juniper§ and Cedars and their relatives are relatively small widely-branching trees or shrubs, with short scale-like leaves and spheroidal berry-like fruits, the scales of which are thickened and some- what pulpy, at least when young. They grow in New Mexico mostly on the lower and drier mountain slopes, associated with the pinyon and the evergreen oaks. There are representatives of three genera in the State. The Arizona Cypress (Cupressus arizonica) is a tree which reaches rather large size in the mountains of Arizona. 22 TREES AND SHRUBS It has been introduced into cultivation in a few places in south- © ern New Mexico and does well, though a very slow grower. It grows native in the mountains of the southwestern corner. The scales of the mature cone are dry and woody, the cone is approximately spherical and about % inch in diameter. The leaves are so arranged as to make the stems appear flat, some- what after the style of an arborvitae. The tree promises to be of value for decorative purposes at the lower levels. The Siberian Juniper (Juniperus siberica) is a low shrub less than 3 feet high, with dark green leaves and dark bluish-black pulpy one-seeded “berries.” It grows only on the ALIGATOR-BARK JUNIPER. (Sabina pachyphloea) high mountain peaks near timber line in the northern part of the State. It could probably be cultivated at elevations of _ TREES AND SHRUBS 23 7,000 feet or more, if supplied with plenty of water and a small amount of shade, and would be well worth the trouble. The Alligator Bark Juniper (Sabina pachyphioea) is the ommon Juniper of the low mountains of the southern half ous scale-like leaves, and rather large three- or four-seeded fruits distinguish it readily from all other species. Attempts to bring it into cultivation at the Experiment Station garden have been but partially successful, but were sufficiently so to indicate that the tree might be satisfactorily grown. The Cedar or Sabina (Sabina monosperma) is the com- mon low tree of the drier mountain slopes of the northern part of the State. It usually assumes a conical form, is 15 to 18 feet high in favorable conditions, widely branched and strag- gling, and has small one-seeded bluish fleshy berries. Another - species very similar in appearance is Sabina utahensis, which grows mostly in the northwestern part of the State and passes CEDAR. SABINA. (Sabina monosperma) under the same names. It may be recognized by its larger fruit, which is dry and fibrous when mature. Both of these trees and the next species to be mentioned have fibrous or “stringy” bark. All three of them should prove of decorative value at elevations of 7,000 feet or over. The Cedro (Sabina scopulorum) is a beautiful though small tree with dark green foliage and slender branches, 24 TREES AND SHRUBS drooping near the ends. The fruit is small, blue, and succu- lent, usually two seeded. When growing alone it takes a fine conical shape with branches quite to the ground; an ideal shape for use on lawns. Its resemblance to the Eastern red cedar is striking. It should be quite a valuable decorative tree at the higher elevations. Canatillo (Ephedra spp.). The family to which these plants belongs is represented by the single genus of four species, within our limits. They are all low shrubs 6 feet high or less, with slender cylindrical striate green or yellowish- green jointed stems; the leaves are reduced to small scarious bracts occurring in whorls at the nodes. The flowers are of two sexes on different plants, and consist merely of stamens and ovules surrounded by brownish or greenish papery scales. The fruit is a hardened seed, sometimes angular, enveloped in the chaffy dry scales that surrounded the ovule. Our species grow on the sandy mesas and to some extent on the foothills of the drier mountains, associated’ with the mesquite, desert willow, and such plants. They are called by various names besides the Spanish one given. Another common Span- ish one in usage is popotillo, and Mormon tea. A tea made by boiling the branches in water is said to be a specific for venereal diseases and kidney troubles, and is used to a certain extent by the native population. Analyses of the plant have- shown that it contains a relatively large supply of tannin, though attempts to use this have never yet been made. The species are very closely alike and to be recognized by characters of the scale-like leaves and the shape and size of the fruit. TREES AND SHRUBS 25 Class |. GYMNOSPERMAE. Trees (and a few shrubby species) with resin- ous wood and needle-shaped evergreen leaves; fruit a cone consisting of several to many fleshy or woody scales; seeds borne at the base of the scales. Order I. PINALES. Low desert shrubs with terete, yellowish green stems; leaves reduced to 2 or 3 membran- ous scales at the nodes; fruit with 1 to 3 seeds tightly enclosed in several or numer- ous membranous scales, not resembling a cone. Order II GNETALES. Orver I. PINALES. Buds sealy; cones oblong, dry; ovules inverted; leaves in ours about 1 inch long or more. 1. PINACEAE. “Buds not scaly; cones spherical, fleshy at least when young; ovules erect; leaves short and sealelike, mostly only a few millimeters , _ long. 2. JUNIPERACEAE. !. PINACEAE. Pine Famity. Mostly evergreen monoccious resin-yielding shrubs or trees, often conic in outline. Leaves rigid, needle-like or flat, alternate, opposite, whorled or in clusters with sheathed bases, anthers 2- several-celled, in more or less elongated cones. Pollen-grains globose ellipsoidal or lobed. Pistillate cones solitary or clustered, consisting of numerous spirally disposed bracted scales. Ovales inverted usually 2 at the base of each seale. Fruit a dry cone of many scales. Seeds usually 2, winged. Cotyledons 2-16. Leaves fascicled, enclosed by sheaths at base, at least when young; cones maturing the second year. e Leaves solitary, not sheathed; cones maturing the first year. Branches rough with persistent leaf- bases; leaves quadrangular, falling off when dried; cone scales thin and per- sistent; cones pendulous. 2. PICEA. Branches smooth; leaves flat, persistent in dried specimens. Cones erect, scales deciduous; leaves ses- sile leaving circular scars. 3. ABIES. Cones pendulous, scales persistent; bracts of the cone scales conspicuously ex- serted, 3-parted; leaves petioled, leaving 4. PSEUDOTSUGA. ! oval scars. 1, Pinus. 26 . TREES AND SHRUBS !. PINUS L. Pre, Prnyon. Rigid, large sized trees 25 to 100 feet high or more, with leaves in facicles of 2-5 surrounded at the base by scaly sheaths; staminate aments at the ends of branchlets of the preceding year; anthers 2-celled, pollen grains 3-celled the lateral 2 empty; pistil- late cones globose or elongated, just back of the terminal bud or on the young twigs; scales crowded, overlapping; cones maturing ihe second year, scales hard and woody, mostly tipped with a short bristle or spine like appendage just below the apex; seeds winged. Leaves in fascicles of 2, short and curved, 3 to 4 cm. long; cone small, 4 to 5 ecm. long somewhat broader when mature and cx- panded; seeds not winged. 1. P. edulis. Leaves in fascicles of 3 to 5, longer than 4 cm. (except in P. aristata); seeds with at least - rudimentary wings. Leaves in fascicles of 5. Cones 10 to 16 cm. long, the scales with unarmed appendages; seeds with only rudimentary wings; leaves slender, not-rigid, 4 to 8 cm. long. Leaves entire P. flezilis. Leaves serrulate 3. P. strobiformis. Cones 5 to 7 cm. long, th? scales with armed appendages; seeds with con- spicuous wings. Leaves short and stout, 2 to 4 cm. long, curved, crowded on the branches; cone scales with long and weak spines; cones 6 to 7 cm. long. 4. P. aristata. Leaves longer, 6 to 10 cm., not crowd- ed; cone scales with short rigid spines; cones 5 to 6 cm. long. 5. P. arizonica. Leaves in fascicles of $3 (rarely °4); append- ages of cone scales short and stout. Sheaths of the leaves persistent and con- spicuous; leaves 10 to 25 cm. long; cones 7 to 15 cm. long. 6. P. brachyptera. Sheaths of the leaves deciduous; leaves 6 to 9 em. long, rather slender; cones 3 to 5 cm. long. 7. P. chihuahuana. to 2. PICEA Link.- SPRUCE. Evergreen monoecious trees with soft wood, 30—75 feet high, of conical form, leaves not fascicled, ascending or nearly erect, short, quadrangular or nearly terete, with a prominent base which remains after the leaves fall; staminate aments from axils of leaves TREES AND SHRUBS 27 of preceding year, sometimes terminal; pistillate cones terminal; scales closely overlapping; bracts membranous mostly hidden by the scales; cones maturing first year, pendant; scales thinish, persistent. Seeds winged. Young branches and leaf bases pubescent; cones short, 1 to 2 inches long; leav~s dull green, not glaucous. 1. P. engelmanni. Young branches and leaf bases glabrous; cones longer, 2 to 3.5 inches, leaves on the older parts usually darker green, the younger ones very glaucous and lighter colored. 2. P. parryana. 3. ABIES Link. Basa, Fir. Medium sized and large trees 30 to 100 feet high; with very rough thick or thin corky bark, wood soft and somewhat spongy; leaves apparently 2-ranked, narrow and flatish, sometimes strongly - Keeled, leaving no bases when they fall away; staminate aments arising from the axils of the leaves of the preceding year. Large trees, often over 100 feet high, 2 to 4 feet in diameter; bark dark colored, very thick, hard, and rough, on young trees and branches smooth and light colored; leaves 14%4 to 2% inches long, dark green above, glaucous beneath. 1. A. concolor. Medium sized to small trees, 50 feet high or less, slender, with relatively thin, smooth, whitish, corky bark; leaves short 1 to 1% inches long, crowded. 2. A. arizonica. 4. PSEUDOTSUGA L. Spruce. DoucLas SPRUCE.. WHITE Fir.. Rep Fir. A robust tree over 100 feet high and 3 to 6 feet in diameter, occasionally much larger, with rough thick bark; leaves flat and linear, twisted at the base so as to appear 2-ranked, %4 to 1 inch long; cones 114 to 2% inches long, with thin persistent scales and elon- gated exserted 3-lobed bracts, ovate oblong, pendulous, maturing the first year. A single species in the mountains, above 7,000 feet throughout the state. . 1. P. mucronata. 28 TREES AND SHRUBS 2. JUNIPERACEAE. Juniper Famity. Shrubs or low spreading trees with small mostly scale-like leaves often of two forms, and dioecious rarely monoecious flowers; staminate aments small, about 4% of an inch long, the stamens with 2- to 6-celled anthers, the ovulate cones with few scales and no bracts, fleshy at least when young, ovules erect; fruit often pulpy, few-seeded. Mature cones dry, woody, dehiscent, mostly spherical composed of a few peltate scales; leaves small, scale-like, appressed. 1. CUPRESSUS. Cones fleshy, berry-like, indehiscent. Leaves on mature branches not scalelike, 6 to 12 bm. long, smooth and shining above, glaucous beneath; fruit a se dark blue, small “berry.’’ 2. JUNIPERUS. Leaves on mature branches short, scale- like, appressed, generally dull green with little difference in the appear- ance of the two sides; fruit drier though never woody; leaves of young sprouts always larger, more acute, and more glaucous than those of mature trees. 3. SABINA. 1. CUPRESSUS. L. CyprEss. In Arizona a moderately large tree 40 to 50 feet high or even ‘taller and a foot or two in diameter, with small scale-like leaves so arranged as to produce flat frond-like branches; flowers monoe- cious, the staminate cones spheroidal or ovate, about % of an inch long and exceedingly numerous in the late winter or very early spring; the ovulate cones with about 5 or 6 small fleshy scales with 2 erect ovules at the base of each; mature cone %4 to 34 of an inch in diam- eter with seyeral dry peltate scales. A single species rare in the southern part of ; the state. 1. C. arizonica. 2. JUNIPERUS L. JUNIPER. A low widely spreading shrub 2 to 3 feet high, usually wider than it is high, with sharp pointed leaves, % an inch long, dark glossy green above, paler beneath, constricted at the base; fruit a dark blue pulpy berry ovate in outline, more or less glaucous, of a sweetish resinous taste, having a few seeds. A single species on the tops of the high moun- tains in the Hudsonian zone. 1. J. sibirica. ee ed Te TREES AND SHRUBS 29 3. SABINA. Haller. JUNIPER. CEDAR. SABINA. Low but sometimes widely spreading trees with “stringy” or “checked” bark; small scale-like more or less resinous leaves of two forms, those on the older stems short triangular and thickened 2 to 4 mm. long, those on young sprouts twice or three times as long, acute to spinulose tipped; and spheroidal berry-like cones with somewhat woody or fleshy scales closely pressed together and com- pletely enclosing the 1 to 3 or 4 seeds. Trees of the drier mountain slopes, occasionally high up on some barren peak; all over the state. Seeds 3 or usually 4; smaller branches smooth; leaves conspicuously resinous; bark of trunk thick; broken into irregular quadrangular plates; fruit large, 10 to 12 mm. in diameter, brown and fibrous when mature. 1. S. pachyphloea. Seeds 1 or sometimes 2; smaller branches mostly scaly; leaves mostly not resinous; bark of trunk shreddy or stringy. Fruit large, about 15 mm. in diameter; seeds Trvor 25 2. S. megalocarpa. Fruit smaller, 10 mm. or usually less in diameter. Branchlets slender, drooping; mature fruit small, 6 mm. in _ diameter, spherical, blue, 2-seeded; leaves 3- ranked. 3. S. scopulorum. Branchlets rigid, erect, stouter; fruit mostly 1-seeded (sometimes 2-seed- ed in no. 3); leaves 2-ranked. Fruit large, 7 to 10 mm. long, oblong, brown and fibrous.when mature; leaves short and obtuse. 3.. S. utahensis. Fruit smaller, 5 to 7 mm. long, scarce- ly if at all longer than _ thick, bluish and fleshy; leaves about twice as long as in the preceding species. 4. S. monosperma. ; 30 TREES AND SHRUBS Orpver II. GNETALES. EPHEDRA. L. Mormon TEA. Poportitto. CANATILLO. Shrubs 5 feet high or less, much branched, with slender terete green or yellow-green striate stems bearing scale-like reduced leaves a few mm. long at the nodes and the unisexual flowers borne quite profusely on separate plants; scales of the cones brown or greenish, thin, scarious and numerous; stamens numerous in each ament, the ovulate cones with but 1 or 2 ovules in each, the mature seed envel- oped in several thin scales, terete or variously angled, mostly dry. Leaf scales in 2’s; branches opposite, greenish; cone scales few. Scales of fruit acutish; fruit sharply 3- angled. 1. E. viridis. Scales of fruit rounded obtuse; fruit scarce- ly angled. 2. E. antisyphilitica. Leaf scales and branches in 3’s; cone scales numerous. Leaf scales 5 mm. long or less, merely acute, not spiny; fruit scabrous, smaller than in No. 4. 3. EH. torreyana. Leaf scales 8 to 10 mm. long, acerose; branches yellowish green; fruit smooth, 10 to 13 mm. long. 4. E. trifurca. i TREES AND SHRUBS 31 THE LILY FAMILY (Liviaceae). Among all that great group of plants to which the palms and lilies and grasses belong there are only a few species of shrubby plants found growing in New Mexico. These belong to three genera and the plants are all very similar in general form. The ordinary Spanish Dagger or Palma may be taken as a representative of the group. The plant always consists of a rather short thick stem, which may be only a few inches or several feet in length, mostly simple but sometimes branched, and crowned by a tuft of numerous radiating parallel-veined leaves. Mostly the leaves are narrow and flex- ible, but in a few species they are rather stiff and sharp pointed. The yuccas are the commonest of these plants, and the different species occur under a variety of local names. They may be recognized by the fact that the leaves are always spine tipped and margined by a thread-like filament but without teeth along the margin. The flowers are always large and whitish, and contain both pistils and stamens. They vary from an inch to three inches in length, and the petals are thick and wax-like. Most people. see very little of value in these plants, but they, with others of their associates, offer a number of horti- cultural possibilities. The one quality of paramount, im- portance which these plants possess is their perfect adaptation to arid conditions, which must be endured in many places where it is very desirable to have some vegetation. Attention has already been called to the appearance of many of the cattle ranches of the State, and there is no doubt that the owners of many of these ranches excuse themselves from any exertion towards adding vegetation to their surroundings by saying that nothing will grow on our mesas. These two plants (as well as some others) are living refutations of their excuses. Not only will they grow, but they will grow well, and what is better still, plants of these species of any size and age may be 32 TREES AND SHRUBS transplanted with but little danger of loss. When it is re- membered that a “Spanish Bayonet” or “Soapweed” eight or - ten feet high, is probably as old as a cottonwood a foot in diameter, it seems strange that so few of these Yuccas die when transplanted. And they are to be had for the digging, any place in the southern part of our State. Another advantage possessed by these plants, is that they are always in full leaf and green; and their wax-like blossoms, when they come are most beautiful. For massing, for hedges, for formal bedding plants, and for low windbreaks they are most effective. A hedge or windbreak six feet high may be had fully grown for the planting, and such a hedge will give protection to other less vigorous and yet val- uable smaller plants. Without doubt there are many places where the Yuccas may be used effectively for beauty and comfort, but they will not become large shade-casting trees, though they may reach a height of eighteen or twenty feet. However, we should recognize their usefulness within their limits and utilize them in locations where practically nothing else will grow. Spanish Bayonet, Spanish Dagger, La Palma (Yucca macrocarpa). This is the broad and stiff leaved species which is common on the mesas in the southern part of the State. Ordinarily it has a straight stem six to eight inches in diameter and four to eight feet high with a head of stiff spreading leaves about four feet in diameter at the top. Under favor- able conditions this plant will reach a height of eighteen or twenty feet. The stem is usually simple, but sometimes it branches either at the-base or some distance from the ground. When it branches from the ground it not infrequently makes beautiful formal bedding plants, producing a mass of radiat- ing green leaves which is almost geometrically perfect. This plant is particularly easy to transplant, because its under- ground stem is rarely over eighteen inches long, and its roots are small and fibrous, thus rendering the digging relatively easy. A very little water in excess of the rainfall during the — Ss TREES AND SHRUBS : 33 SPANISH BAyonrer, LA PALMA. (Yucca macrocarpa) first season after transplanting will prevent its drying and then it can take care of itself. The loss in transplanting large plants of this species will not average two per cent. The Datil (Yucca baccata) is a species closely resembling the preceding, but almost stemless. Its panicle of flowers is always smaller, the flowers less numerous but considerably larger; the leaves are slightly narrower and longer; and the fruit is characteristic. The latter is often 6 or 7 inches long and 2 inches in diameter, and the numerous seeds are sur- rounded by a soft sweetish pulp when it is mature. These fruits are used by the Indians as food, being preserved by drying. Soapweed, La Palmilla, Amole (Yucca radiosa). This is the tall narrow-leaved species of Yucca. Its leaves are slender (half an inch wide or less), flexible, and very numer- ous; its flower-stalk is much taller, its blooms make a better 34 . TREES AND SHRUBS showing, and its stem is more often branched. For hedges | and windbreaks it is better because it has thicker heads. But its tap root extends below the surface from four to six feet, and it is often necessary to cut it off in digging the plants, thus causing a greater percentage of loss. Of fifty-two plants which I have transplanted, twenty-five per cent. of them died; these plants were put in a soil where there was much more alkali than that in which they naturally grow and were gen- erally subjected to worse treatment than they ordinarily get; hence a part of the loss may be due to these causes. Continued experience after this the first attempt at trans- planting mentioned above have confirmed the judgment then formed. The loss is usually twenty-five per cent or more up to nearly fifty per cent. depending somewhat upon the amount of water supplied at transplanting and during the first season. In the eastern side of the State the Bear Grass of that region (Yucca glauca) is exceedingly common and on much of the land now used as dry land farms it was necessary to grub these plants out. By the residents it is considered as an undesirable weed. It resembles the preceding species very closely, but bears about the same relation to it that Yucca baccata does to Yucca macrocarpa; that is, it is almost stem- less and the panicle of flowers is shorter and much less branched. Reports of the use of the leaves of this plant for making coarse brooms have come to us, but we are unable to give definite information on the subject at this time. Another somewhat closely similar species with yellowish- green and still narrower leaves and much more numerous filaments on the leaves occurs in the extreme northern part of the State, coming in from Utah and Nevada. In the south- western corner is to be found another tall, rather broad-leafed species (Yucca schottii) ; which would be an interesting addi- tion to a garden collection of these plants. Sotol (Dasylirion wheeleri) is a dioecious perennial with =~ 2 TREES AND SHRUBS 35 Pa Soton. (Dasylirion wheeleri) . flat strap-shaped leaves having numerous recurved slender teeth along the margin. The trunk is usually 6 or 8 inches in diameter and from 1 to 4 feet tall, and covered by the dead leaf bases of older leaves. . The leaves are very numerous and flexible, forming a thick crown at the head of the stem. The flowers are very small and numerous, borne in panicles on a tall stalk, often several feet high. Another species (D. texanum) is reported from the southeastern corner of the State. These are near relatives of the Yuccas and are usually found more or less closely associated with them. They usually grow among the rocks and are hard to dig; young plants transplant the more readily. They are valuable for formal masses of bedding plants, or against a hedge row. 36 TREES AND SHRUBS Bear Grass (Nolina microcarpa). This vernacular name is applied in the southwestern part of the State to a plant somewhat closely resembling the last. The leaves, however, are stiffer and thicker (sometimes triangular in cross sec- tions) and without the teeth, though frequently rough. The flowers are small and white, borne in a central panicle vary- ing in height (as does the plant) with the species. , They might be used effectively any place where the Sotol would grow. YUCCA L. Yucca. A genus of thick-stemmed, (in two species the stem is short and mostly subierannean), stiff-leaved perennials the different species of which form a rather conspicuous part of the vegetation on the mesas and plains of the State, extending into the drier and rockier foothills and mcuntains. They are commonly referred to by such names as Spanish Bayonet, Soap-weed, or Bear-grass. Leaves narrow, 10 mm. broad or less, Imear lanceolate, tipped with a sharp spine; fila- ments slender and white; fruit dry. Stems conspicuous (except in young plants), reaching a height of 10 to 15 feet in old plants, often several together in a cluster, simple or branched; leaves in a cluster at the top, the lower ones reflexed; old dead ones sheathing the stem almost to the base; inflorencence a tall widely spreading panicle 6 to 10 feet high; flow- ers numerous, usually ivory white. 3. Y. radiosa, Stem short and mostly subterannean, oc- casionally caespitose; upper leaves spread- ing, the lower prostrate upon the ground; inflorencence 3 to 5 feet high usually not much branched; flowers not very numer- ous, greenish white or white. “Leaves bright green, rather rigidly diver- gent, 6 to 10 mm. broad; filaments not very abundant; flowers greenish white with enlarged style; fruit 2 to 4 inches long. 2. Y¥. glauca. Leaves yellowish green, 2 to 5 mm. wide, al- most triangular in cross section, abun- dantly curly filiferous below; flowers white, style not turgid; fruit about 2 inches long. 1. Y. angustissima, TREES AND SHRUBS 37 Leaves broader, 1 to 2 inches wide, narrowly lanceolate, tipped with a very stiff rigid spine; filaments usually coarse and thick (slender or none in Y. schottii), grayish or brownish; fruit indehiscent, more or less Stem short, 6 inches high or less; perianth segments narrowly lanceolate, 2 to 3 inches long, creamy white within, reddish outside; fruit large, 5 to 6 inches long, pulpy. # 4. Y. baccata. Stem taller, 3 to 10 feet or even more, oc- casionally branched; perianth segments elliptic, hardly 2 inches long, cream- colored, usually not although sometimes reddish outside; fruit smaller, 4 inches long or less, not so pulpy. Leaves rigid, rough like shagreen, yellow- ish green, not glaucous; filaments coarse and grayish. ; 5. Y. macrocarpa. Leaves flexible, smooth, blue-green, glauc- ous; filaments when present fine, usual- ly brownish. 6. Y. schottii. DASYLIRION. Sorot. Dioecious perennials with thick, short stems, numerous strap- shaped spiny-margined leaves, and numerous small, white flowers borne in a tall, narrow panicle. The bases of the leaves form a round head (when the ends have been cut off) which is used ex- tensively in stock feeding in western Texas. These heads are roasted by the native people and used for food and for the manufacture of a drink, also called sotol, which contains from 40 to 50% of alcohol. A single species or possibly two in New Mexico. 1. D. wheeleri. NOLINA Michx. Berar Grass. A single species mostly in the southwestern part of the state. 1. N. microcarpa. 38 TREES AND SHRUBS THE WILLOW FAMILY (Saticaceae), The trees and shrubs which constitute this family are well known to all, including the cottonwoods, poplars, aspen and willows of all kinds. They are soft wooded and rapid growing trees of medium size or bushes of all sizes, from an inch or so in height to several feet. They are widely distributed at prac- tically all levels in the State, and are more universally used in New Mexico as shade trees and for decorative purposes than any other kinds of plants. The willows are represented in New Mexico by seven- teen recognized species and it is possible that still others will be found in the mountains of the northern end of the State or in the extreme southwestern corner. Of these seventeen, most of them are of very little importance and several of them would not be recognized as willows by any one but a botanist. Of these latter several species occur only on the high moun- tains near or above timber line and form low brush from an inch or two to three.or four feet high. In the timbered regions there are three or four species which form good sized shrubs or small trees along the banks of streams. In the lower valleys there are two important species which develop into trees, and one or two lower forms occur mainly along the ditches or in the river bottoms. The wood of the arborescent forms is used to some extent as firewood, but is so light and spongy as to be of little value. Cottonwoods (Populus spp.). Three distinct species of cottonwoods are native in the State and their use as shade trees is well nigh universal. As trees they have several points in their favor, and number most men among their friends, but occasionally one meets a man who says he would rather have no trees at all than have cottonwoods. His objections are usually matters of personal taste, though he is apt to talk of the dirt due to their “cotton” or the effect of the mistletoe. The first of these objections is easily avoided by planting the oo TREES AND SHRUBS 39- cuttings taken from the staminate* or so called ‘“‘male’’ trees. The second difficulty necessitates the cutting out of the mistle- toe about once a year; if properly watched the parasite never becomes very objectionable. The best feature of the cottonwoods is their very rapid growth. Five years of proper treatment will generally insure a good sized shade tree, and when once established they require very little attention. As an “all around” shade tree for the Streets, roads, and drives there is probably nothing better growing in the State. Their symmetrical rounded tops, their glossy leaves ever whispering to the slightest breeze, their glorious golden heads, when the first frosts come, their almost perfect adaptation to the conditions of the valleys in which we live, make them most excellent trees to have about our homes. The Valley Cottonwood (Populus wislizeni). This is the common tree of the lower irrigable valleys of all the south- western arid region from the Rio Grande to the Pacific, and forms much the greater part of the “bosques” of the Rio Grande, the Gila and the lower Pecos valleys. Wherever the land is under cultivation, this cottonwood is used more or less as a shade tree, or in a few cases, for windbreaks. It is a particularly rapid grower, and in the valley where the water table is but a few feet below the surface, these trees soon get their roots down to the water and do not need to be irrigated. As has already been suggested, it is necessary to protect them, * Possibly it would be wise to explain just’what is meant by the stam- inate trees, for the benefit of those who have not studied botany. The cottonwoods belong to that group of plants in‘ which the two organs necessary to the production of seed (i. e. stamens and pistils) are borne upon separate trees. The stamens furnish the pollen, (or yellow fertilizing dust) and after the very simple flowers which contain the stamens cease blooming, the trees bearing them show no further evidence of being con- cerned in seed production. The troublesome cotton consists of numerous hairs which surround the seeds to assist in their distribution, hence is only produced by the seed bearing or ‘‘female’’ trees. The staminate flowers are reddish or brownish. or sometimes a dull yellow, and hang in pendulous spikes which appear on the trees before the leaves. They show no sign of the green berry like balls which contain the seed. The pistillate catkins, however, are green, and each flower consists of little else than a rudimentary ball with the expanded stigma above it. There are fewer flowers on these catkins and they usually appear with the first leaves or a little later. : 40 TREES AND SHRUBS at least in the southern part of the State, from attacks of the mistletoe. The tree grows fifty or sixty fet high under favor- able conditions, forming a symmetrical rounded head with gracefully arching branches and is effective for street use. When grown alone and frequently pollarded, as is the too. common custom in the Mesilla valley, it is apt to become short and bunchy. The author has seen it used very effectively to produce a high arched open green canopy over a house which was thus rendered most pleasantly cool in the warmest weather. The tree may be recognized by its broadly triangular leaves, which are nearly as broad as they are long. This species is most effectivelly, used at Roswell and Carlsbad. Other cities and towns should follow their example. ACUMINATE-LEAVED CoTTONWooD, Used as a Windbreak Around a Reservoir. Another cottonwood which is fully as effective and offers a slightly denser shade is the acuminate leaved cottonwood, (Populus acuminata), which has narrowly oval, taper-pointed, ~~ ee eee a ee TREES AND SHRUBS hid 7 ’ ie} “ai den, ee Br Po, tee ie 5 a cae ry MOUNTAIN COTT. oNwoop. (Populus angustifolia) 41 42 TREES AND SHRUBS and darker green leaves. This tree is used as much or more than the valley cottonwood on the streets of Deming and Silver City. It would, no doubt, grow well in any of the towns and valleys of the State where it could be given a limited amount of care and water. The Mountain Cottonwood (Populus angustifolia) grows native along the streams in our mountains at elevations of from 5,500 feet to about 7,500 feet above the sea level. It is an exceedingly graceful tree with rough grayish bark and dark green, glossy, willow-like leaves and makes a very de- sirable shade tree, especially at the higher levels in the State. It has been grown quite successfully at Lincoln, where it is preferred to the valley cottonwood, It is certainly worthy of more general adoption. The Quaking Aspen (Populus tremuloides) is really a cottonwood and should be used much niore than it is. As WILLOW. (Salix lasiandra) TREES AND SHRUBS 43 shade trees they are not valuable because the top is small and thin, but used in clusters in connection with conifers, their white stems would be as effective as the birch of the eastern states. They probably would grow at the high levels. Willows (Salix, spp.). Closely related to the cotton- woods and usually associated with them are the willows. There are a number of species native in the State but most of them are but small shrubs bordering the streams and ditch banks. Salix bebbiana and S. scouleriana are two small trees ~ that occur in the timbered mountains at elevations of approxi- mately 7,000 feet. They resemble each other pretty closely in most respects, differing only in the characters of the inflores- cence. They would be of slight value for decorative purposes at middle elevations. Salix irrorata and S. cordata watsonii are two shrubby forms that occur beside streams in the timbered mountains; they would be of use in forming the lower part of a back- ground or windbreak along an irrigating ditch or stream. Their glossy green leaves, Which are much lighter on the lower surface, are very attractive, and add to their value for decorative purposes. The Black Willow (Salix nigra) becomes a tree twenty to thirty feet high in favorable localities and its spreading crown is often broader than it is high. This tree grows readily in sandy soil where the water is near the surface and could be used most effectively for shade and windbreaks about reser- voirs or for shelter belts in the lowest of the valley lands or along ditch banks. It is the common willow tree of the river valleys, being almost as abundant in the Gila valley in New Mexico as is the cottonwood. 44 TREES AND SHRUBS In the southern end of the State, particularly in the Mesilla Valley, is a medium sized tree, Salix wrightiit, which has been used along with the cottonwoods and ash for shade trees. BLACK WILLOW. (Salix nigra) atlas st TREES AND SHRUBS 45 SALICACEAE. WiLLow Famity Trees and shrubs with simple, alternate, deciduous leaves; flowers dioecious, in catkins; bracts of the ament scale-like; perianth none; stamens 1 to several, ovary 1-celled; stigmas 2; fruit a small capsule; seeds very numerous, small comose. Bracts incised; disk cup-shaped; stamens nu- merous; stigmas much expanded; winter buds with several scales. 1. Popuuus. Bracts entire; disk represented by one or two small glands; stamens few, generally less than 5; stigmas much expanded; winter buds with a single scale. 2. SALIX. 1. PQPULUS L. Corronwoop, ASPEN Trees with rough, light-colored bark and scaly, resinous buds; leaves usually long petioled, ours somewhat coriaceous, with promi- nent veins; flowers in pendulous aments, appearing before the leaves; seeds with a conspicuous white coma (the “eotton”). Petioles flattened laterally; leaves broad, del- toid to rotund. Leaves broadly ovate to rotund, abruptly short acuminate, 1 to 2 inches long and broad, paler beneath; trees of the high ' mountains. 1. P. tremuloides. Leaves broadly deltoid, acuminate, 2 to 3 inches long and 2% to 4 inches broad, of the same color on both surfaces; trees of the lower valleys. 2. P. wislizent. } Petioles terete or channeled on the upper sur- face; leaves narrower, ovate to narrowly lanceolate. Leaves ovate to ovate lanceolate, 2% to 4 inches long, 1 to 2 inches broad, rather coarsely crenate, both surfaces of the same color. 3. P. acuminata. Leaves broadly to narrowly lanceolate, 3 to 6 inches long and 1% inches wide or less, finely serrate with blunt teeth, much paler beneath. 4. P. angustifolia. 46 TREES AND SHRUBS 2. SALIX L. WiLLow Shrubs or smal] trees, from a few inches to several feet high; leaves from narrowly linear to short elliptic or obovate; flowers in aments appearing before or with the leaves; perianth a single scale; stamens few; pistils single, with a gland at the base of the ovary, the stigmas short; fruit a capsule containing numerous very small hairy seeds. Leaves usually only about 3 times as long as broad, elliptic oval to obovate, never nar- rowly lanceolate or linear; capsule hairy (except in S. Monticola). Styles obsolete or less than .5 mm. long. Alpine plants less than 4 inches high. 1. S. saximontana. Small trees or shrubs, at middle elevations in the mountains; much more than 4 inches high. Aments slender, lax; scales pale; stigmas very short; leaves elliptic lanceolate, acute. 2. SS. bebbiana. Aments stout, dense; scales dark: stig- mas long, slender; leaves obovate, obtuse or abruptly acute. 3. 8S. scouleriana, Styles elongated, 1 mm. long or more. Leaves glabrous on both surfaces, bright green aments closely sessile. 4. S. chlorophylla. Leaves pubescent. sometimes sparingly so, at least on the upper surface; aments on leafy stem. Capsules glabrous. 7. 8S. monticola, Capsules tomentose. * Plants 1 to 5 feet high. 6. S. glaucops. Plants tess than 4 inches high. 5. S. petrophila, Leaves several times as long as broad, linear to long-lanceolate; capsule glabrous (or weakly Villous in Nos. 10, 11, 12). Scales not pale yellow, mostly brownish and persistent. Leaves broadly lanceolate; young branches not glaucous; capsules distinetly pedi- cellate; stipules conspicuous on young branches. 8. S. cordata watsonit. Leaves narrowly oblong-lanceolate; young branches very glaucous; capsule sub- j sessile. 9. 8S. irrorata. Beales pale yellow, deciduous. Stamens 2, hairy below; leaves more or less canescent, linear, remotely denticulate or sometimes entire; capsules more or less hairy. Capsule 3 or 4 mm. long; leaves % to 1% inches long, finely pubescert. 12. S&S. tazifolia. i Capsule 5 to 7 mm. long, glabrate; leaves 2 to 4 inches long. TREES AND SHRUBS Leaves bright green and glabrate, at least above, denticulate; capsules 7 mm long, on longer pedicels. Leaves canescent, entire or sometimes denticulate; capsule smaller, 5 mm. long, on a short pedicel. Stamens 3 or more, hairy below; leaves bright green above, lanceolate, finely serrulate. Petioles and leaf blades glandular; (leaves paler beneath). Leaves long acuminate, only slightly paler beneath, thin. Leaves short-acuminate, glaucous be- neath, somewhat coriaceous. Petioles and the leaf blad2s not glandular. Leaves paler beneath. Leaves of the same color on both sur- faces. i Leaves long-lanceolate; a compact spreading tree. Leaves shorter; a straggling tree or bush. 10. ah 13. 14, ur 16. 15. 47 . fluviatilis. - exigua. S. fendleriana. S. lasiandra. bonplandiana. nigra. S. wrightii. 48 TREES AND SHRUBS WALNUT. Nocan, (Juglans major) The Walnut Trees (Jugians spp.). This family contains the well known walnut or nogal, the English walnut of com- merce, the hickory nut, and the pecan. Only a single genus occurs within our range, but the pecan is cultivated in a few localities. There are at least two species of walnut in New Mexico, and possibly a third. The two here recognized do not occur together, so far as any records show. Juglans rupestris is a shrub which branches from the ground and attains a height of about 10 or 15 feet. It rarely shows any trunk, has narrow entire leaflets, and is to be found along the Pecos and its tributaries from southeastern New Mexico southward into Western Texas. In the latter region it is more common and generally somewhat larger, but still retains its shrubby habit. The nuts of both Species are small for the genus, and the ridges are rounded and smooth. The hull is thick and the kernel small. Juglans major has been confused with this species, though in the original descriptions Dr. Torrey separated them very clearly and assigned this TREES AND SHRUBS 49 species to subspecific rank only temporarily, for lack of suf- ficient data. The plant is a rather large tree when grown under the best conditions, is found only in the mountains or their foothills at an elevation of 1500 to 2,000 feet higher than the habitat of the other species. The trunk of this tree is not infrequently 18 inches or more in diameter and from 6 to 10 feet high, though it sometimes branches nearer the ground. The leaflets are considerably larger and broader and have a serrate margin. ‘This species has also been confused with a Californian one, but we are informed by those who have seen both gowing that they are amply distinct. Nuts of what is probably another species have been brought to us from the Mogollon region, but we are unable to determine the species from the material received, and have not seen the plant growing. The nuts in question were almost twice as large as those of either of the other species. The plant is a good sized tree. Further observation and collection will be necessary to determine this species. The Black Walnut (/uglans nigra) of the Eastern States has been cultivated successfully in a few places in the State. Experience at the Experiment Station has shown that walnuts grow rather readily from seed and make good shade trees in the irrigated valleys of the southern part of the State. It is altogether probable that they will grow at almost any level, if supplied with sufficient water. JUGLANS L. WALNUT Strong-scented trees or shrubs; buds few scaled or naked; flowers in simple pendulous catkins from the wood of the previous year; calyx 3 to 6-cleft: stamens 12 to 40 on short filaments; styles 2. short; fruit drupaceous, the exocarp fibrous-fleshy, indehiscent ; the endocarp an irregularly roughened “nut”? with an edible embryo. Large shrub 12 to 18 feet high; branching 7 from the ground, rarely if ever with a no- ticeable trunk. 1. J. rupestris. Tree 25 feet tall or more, with a trunk often 10 feet high and 12 to 18 inches in diameter. 2. J. major. 50 TREES AND SHRUBS The Birch Family (Betulaceac) is represented in New Mexico by three species of trees. A species of the Hop Horn Beam (Ostrya baileyi) occurs sparingly in the Guadalupe Mountains (the type locality) just north of our southern boundary line. Nothing is known of its value for cultivation as yet. Two species of Alder (Alnus tenuifolia and A. oblongi- folia) occur in the mountains along streams almost through- out the State. One of them is found at the lower levels, reaching sometimes into the flats beside streams, and the other occurs at higher levels, associated with the pine and spruce. Both are smooth barked, graceful trees from 30 to 50 fect high, and would doubtless grow well in cultivation. They suggest the elm in several respects, and would make very beautiful ornamental trees. So far we have not seen them in use, and have been unable to get specimens for trial. A single species of Birch (Betula fontinalis) is reported from New Mexico by various writers, and we have seen two specimens. It occurs, doubtless, in the extreme northwestern part of the State near the Colorado line at Aztec. BETULACEAE. Bircn FamiIty Monoecious or rarely dioecious trees or shrubs with alternate, simple leaves and deciduous stipules; sterile flowers in catkins ; fertile flowers clustered, spicate, or in scaly catkins; fruit 1-celled and 1- seeded nut with or without a foliaceous involuere. Ovary enclosed by a bladdery bag. 1. OSTRYA. Ovary subtended by thick, woody scales. 2. ALNUS. TREES AND SHRUBS 51 !. OSTRYA. Scop. Hop HornBEAM A small tree; sterile flowers consisting of several stamens in the axil or each bract; fertile f owers a pair to each deciduous bract, enclosed in a bractlet which in fruit becomes a closed, bladdery bag, ‘the involueres forming a kind of strobile resembling that of the hop. 1. O. bailey. 2. ALNUS Hill. ALDER Shrubs or smal) trees with thin, toothed leaves; sterile cat- - kins with 4 or 5 bractlets and 3 flowers upon each scale; fertile ‘catkins ovoid or ellipsoid. the sca'es each subtending 2 flowers and a group of 4 small seales, the latter being woody in fruit, wedge- obovate. Leaves rounded to truncate at the base, some- what lobed, ovate to broadly oblong; sta- mens 4. 1. A. tenwifolia. ‘Leaves usually cuneate or at least narrowed at the base, seldom lobed, the younger ones laneeolate, the older elliptic or oblong; sta- mens 1 to 3, usually 2. 2. A. oblongifolia. 52 TREES AND SHRUBS THE OAKS The Beech Family (/-agaceae) is represented in New Mexico by a single genus, t..c oaks, of which there are 24 species or subspecies recogiiiz.u. Many of these are of wide distribution in the State, and several of them are beautiful trees. There are two well marked groups of the genus, which may be recognized easily. One of them, the white oak, has large, deciduous, chrome-green leaves and the species grow in the mountains at elevations of 6,000 feet and more, reach- ing well into the Canadian Zone. The other group occurs mostly in the drier and rockier canyons and foothills of the mountains of the southern part of the State. They are ever- Sttver LEAVED OAK. (Quercus hypoleuca) a TREES AND SHRUBS 53 green, since the gray-green or bluish-green leaves remain at- tached to the stems until the leaves of the next year are well developed. Besides the tree-like forms many shrubby species occur in the mountains throughout the State and form a very important part of the forage crop, since they are browsed ex- tensively by cattle, sheep, and goats. For decorative purposes perhaps the most important oak is Silver-Leaved Oak (Quercus hypoleuca) of the southwest- ern corner of the State. It gets to be a tree 30 feet high or more, but is frequently found as a small shrub forming clusters. The leaves are characteristic, being very thick and leathery, oblong lanceolate, mostly without teeth though occasionally with a few coarse ones near the apex; yellowish green and smooth above, densely white woolly beneath. i Sal al ae vad zoel - BuLackK. OAK. (Quercus emoryi) 54 TREES AND SHRUBS The Black Oak (Quercus emoryi) of the same region is also a very beautiful tree. It deservies its name, since the bark is black and thick. The leaves are leathery and tough, pale yel- lowish-green, about the same color on both surfaces, more or less hairy, with yellowish-brown hairs along the veins, oblong, flat, not crispate, coarsely spiny toothed. The acorns are small and acute, with a shallow cup having pale yellowish- brown scales not thickened on the back. They are produced early in the season and are much appreciated by the animals of the region. LIVE OAK. (Quercus arizonica) The Live Oak (Quercus arizonica, Q. grisea, and Q. oblongifolia,) (the last of which is known only from the ex- treme southwestern corner of the State) are low spreading trees, with comparatively small leaves of extremely variable TREES AND SHRUBS 55 Live OAK. (Quercus grisea) scanty and uncertain. . Like many of the desert shrubs and trees, if once established they will probably endure extremes of drought for long periods without dying. Two trees closely outline, that occur in the mouths of canyons and along arroyos in the foothills of the drier and hotter mountains. They are extremely slow growers and ordinarily quite scraggy in form. Occasionally under favorable conditions of water supply these trees become 30 or 40 feet high. Ordinarily they are from 10 to 20 feet, and the trunk is short, often branched from near the ground. Cattle appreciate their shade, and they generally show the effects of such use. Attempts to transplant and grow these trees at the Experiment Station have not been successful, but the author believes they can be used effectively in certain situations where shrubbery is desired and the water supply is related to this last mentioned, but which occur quite sparingly and only in the southwestern corner of the State, are Quercus wilcoxii and OQ. reticulata. : Si TREES AND SHRUBS WHITE Oak. (Quercus utahensis,; Among the White Oaks Quercus utahensis, QO. novomex- icana, Q. leptophylla, and Q. gunnisonii are the commonest, and the first two named are most important. They both of them form medium sized trees in the timbered areas of the mountains. Attempts to transplant them to lower levels have not been successful, so far, with us; but we still believe that it can be done and that it is thoroughly desirable. Quercus utahensis and QO. novomexicana should make very good shade trees at elevations of 7,000 feet or more, and would doubtless well reward all the efforts made to grow them. Like all oaks, they would probably grow slowly, but once established, they would be very resistent and would live for a long time. These fobes. They differ among themselves in the exact outline, Tong and half as broad. vellowish-oreen and with their rounded TREES AND SHRUBS 51 the depth of the lobing, the amount and character of hairiness of the leaves, and in the characters of the acorns, these char- acters being used to separate the species. ScrRuB OAK. (Quercus pungens) There are several species of Scrub Oaks, a few of which are quite characteristic and tolerably easily recognized. All of them are important as foiage plants, since they are browsed extensively wherever they grow. The Shin-Oak or Shinry (Quercus havardii) is a low deciduous-leaved shrub, rarely over 3 feet high and with a very large acorn, that covers relatively large areas of sand hills in the southeastern corner of the State. As an economic plant for sandy land that is otherwise almost valueless this little oak, with its large acorn, will probably prove of considerable value. Quercus undulata is another shrubby species with small bluish- green leaves and small acorn, that occurs in the foothills of the higher mountains and to some extent along water courses in the higher plains. A near relative of this species, Quercus fendleri, is a somewhat larger shrub, often 8 to 10 feet high, that reaches slightly farther up into the mountains. Other shrubby species are Quercus rydbergiana, QO. pungens, and probably QO. turbinella. 58 TREES AND SHRUBS GAMBEL’S OAK. (Quercus gambelii) A single species of Chestnut Oak (Quercus muhlen- bergii) has been collected at two different stations in the east- ern part of the State. In general it may be said that the oaks of the State are probably of economic importance as decorative plants, and several are certainly very important forage plants, while the wood produced is used for firewood by those people who are conveniently located to the supply. TREES AND SHRUBS 59 See | QUERCUS L. Oax Low shrubs or large trees with rough bark on the older stems and hard tough wood; leaves chlorophyll green and deciduous or bluish or grayish green and persistent almost or quite until the leaves of the following season appear, of various shapes, size, and texture, generally short-petioled, mostly more or less stellate pubescent at sometime; flowers monoecious, the staminate usually in slender, pendulous aments, the pistillate solitary or in few-flowered spike- like aments, appearing with the leaves; fruit (acorn) a nut varying in shape and size with the species, the cup also being of varying size and shape. Acorns sericeous-tomentose inside, maturing the second year. 1. Q. hypoleuca, Acorns not sericeous-tomentose inside, matur- ing the first year. Leaves bluish, grayish or yellowish green (never bright chlorophyll green) more or less coriaceous in texture and mostly per- sisting until the new leaves come, hence the plant leafy all the time. Leaves not persisting (medium sized shrub). Leaves persisting until after the appear- ance of the young ones. Mature plants shrubs, never trees. Plant about 3 feet high, with very small acorns and leaves. 4, Q. rydbergiana, Plants taller, leaves and acorns larger. Leaves fulvous beneath; cup turbin- ate. 6. Q. turbinella. i Leaves not fulvous beneath; cup hemi- | spheric. ; Leaves only moderately coriaceous, ’ neither spinulose-toothed nor bo 2) . fendleri. a ‘ erisped. 3. Q. undulata, Leaves strongly coriaceous, much crisped and spinulose-toothed.. 5. Q. pungens. ‘ Mature plants trees, shrubby forms im- mature, usually not fruiting. Scales of the cup thin, only slightly corky-thickened on the back; ma- ture leaves yellowish green. Leaves of the same color on both sur- faces. 7. Q. emoryi. Leaves fulvous beneath, especially i when young. 8. Q. wilcowii. 60 TREES AND SHRUBS Scales of the cup corky-thickened on the back; leaves fulvous beneath, gla- brate above. Acorn large; mature leaves all more or less conspicuously toothed, re- sembling those of Q. fendleri. Acorn of medium size; only the younger leaves conspicuously toothed. Leaves large obovate, strongly re- ticulate; teeth small and nu- merous; fruit in a long pedun- culate spike. Leaves of medium size, oblong, only slightly reticulate, entire or with few coarse teeth. Leaves and twigs of the year glabrous in age; leaves rarely with any teeth. Leaves permanently densely stel- late-pubescent beneath, also the twigs of the year. Cup shallow, acorn acute. Cup deep, covering one-third the acorn; acorn truncate or ob- tuse. Leaves chlorophyll green, not coriaceous (ex- cept slightly so in No. 16) deciduous in the fall, hence the plant leafless in winter. Leaves coarsely serrate toothed with nu- merous teeth from base to apex, not truly lobed. Leaves more or less sinuately lobed. Low shrubs, never forming trees; leaves small, 3 inches long or less. Lobes few and shallow, appearing as a few large teeth; some of the leaves obovate in outline. ' Lobes deeper and more numerous; leaves oblong in outline. Acorns very large, about 1 inch long; S a plant of the southeastern sand- hills. Acorns small, % an inch long or less, racemose; plant of the mountains of the northern part of the state. Taller shrubs or trees with larger, deeply lobed leaves mostly 4 inches long or more. Mature leaves soft pubescent and al- most velvety beneath. Scales of the cup thin, little thickened on the back; leaves distinctly obovate in outline. Seales of the cup thickened on the back; leaves mostly oblong only + slightly broadened upwards. 9. 13. 10. 12. ah 14. 15. 16. a7. 18. 19. Q. confusa. Q. reticulata. Q. oblongifolia. Q. arizonica. Q. grisea. Q. muhienbergit. Q. media. Q. havardii. Q. venustula. Q. submoliis. Q. utahensis. TREES AND SHRUBS Mature leaves not velvety benezth, usu- ally glabrate, sometimes slightly pubescent, especially on the. veins. Cup saucer shaped, covering less than one-fourth of the acorn. Cup hemispheric, covering one-third to half the acorn. Acorns ovoid, acute; cup covering about half the acorn. Acorns barrel shaped, obtuse. Mature leaves thin, large, obovate to cuneate, dark green above; acorn very short, frequently more than half in the cup. Mature leaves firm, deeply lobed; acorn about one-third in the cup. Leaves oblong, lobed half way - to the midrib, dull-colored; lobes usually simple. Leaves obovate in outline, lobed more than half way to the midrib, dark green above; lobes frequently again lobed. 20. 24, i} bo 61 vreelandit, gambelii. leptophylla. gunnisonit. novomexicana. 62 TREES AND SHRUBS The Elm Family (Ulmaceae) is represented in New Mexico by a single species of Hackberry or Cumaro (Celtis reticulata) which grows in the dry foothills of the mountains. It is a low stunted tree 10 to 15 feet high, with whitish bark, generally scrubby appearance, and very rough harsh leaves. Under favorable conditions it gets much larger and very much more symmetrical, becoming a rather pretty tree, offering a dense shade. The American Elm (Ulmus americana) is grown quite extensively throughout the State as a shade tree, and is a very satisfactory tree indeed. The Wild Hop (Humulus lupulus neomexicanus) is a native vine that is of considerable decorative value, since it grows very rapidly and the root is perennial. In cultivation the vines grow 30 or 40 fect in a season and branch profusely, covering trellises readily and very effectively. For such pur- poses the plant, is to be highly recommended. It grows wild in the mountains at elevations of from 6,000 to 8,000 feet. The Mulberries (Moraccae) are represented in New Mexico by a single species of the genus Morus (M. microphylla), which is a low branched tree 10 to 15 feet high in the drier foothills of the mountains, coming into southern New Mexico from western Texas. This shrub we have never seen in cultivation, but doubt not that it would readily respond to a little care. The White Mulberry (Morus alba) is cultivated ex- tensively as a shade tree, and very satisfactorily, throughout the lower part of the State. It is most resistant to drought, and grows well when supplied with plenty of water. TREES AND SHRUBS 63 CELTIS L. HAcKBERRY A small tree; leaves ovate or ovate-lanceolate, taper-pointed, thick, reticulated, cordate and very unequal at the base; flowers greenish, axillary, the fertile solitary or in pairs, appearing with the leaves; calyx 5- to 6-parted, persistent; stamens 5 or 6; ovary l-eelled with a single ovule. A single species. 1. C. reticulate. HUMULUS. L. Hop VINE A climbing perennial; flowers dioecious, the staminate in loose axillary panicles, the pistillate in short axillary spikes; bracts folia- ccous, imbricated; !eaves palmately 3- to 5-lobed; fruiting calyx and other parts of the plant covered with yellow resinous dots. A single species in the timbered mountains. 1. H.lupulusneomexicanus MORUS. Ut. MuLBERRY Ours a small, scragey tvee with alternate, ovate, small about 1 to 2 inches long, serrate leavec, these usually 3- to 5-lobed, acute; flowers dioecious, smal], green and inconspicuous; the fruit techni- cally a multiple fruit, consisting of a cylindrical or oblong cluster of separate l-seeded berries, the whole appearing to be a single fruit. A single native species found in the drier mountains at from 5000 to 6000 feet altitude. 1. M. microphylla. 64 TREES AND SHRUBS THE GOOSEFOOT FAMILY (Chenopodiaceae) is represented in our range only by several very well known shrubs, a few of which are of considerable importance as forage plants on the ranges. The Greasewood (Sarcobatus vermiculatus) is a much branched succulent-leaved shrub of rather yellowish-green color, commonly only 3 or 4 feet high, but sometimes as much as 8 or 9 feet, that grows almost exclusively in tolerably wet alkaline soils. The name Greasewood is often mistakenly ap- plied to a very different evergreen shrub, the Creosot: Bush (Covillea glutinosa) that grows on the mesas of the southern part of the State, never occurring in alkaline soil and prefer- ring a dry gravelly one. The proper Greasewood is not ever- green, has small, almost cylindrical leaves, and very inconspicu- ous flowers. The leaves are succulent’'and watery when crushed, never resinous, and perfectly smooth. The plant is used extensively as a forage plant, especially by sheep; though there is said to be some danger of bloat if the animals are allowed to eat it when it is growing vigorously. The fruit is dry, winged, and ore seeded. The flowers are unisexual. It is often called CHICO bush in the northwestern part of the State. Burro Weed (Allenrolfea occidentalis) is a very peculiar, almost leafless alkali-loving shrub with cylindrical jointed green succulent branches. It reaches a height of 5 or 6 feet, and is easily recognized by its smooth and _ bluish-green branches among the cther gray and brown plants with which it is commonly associated. Its presence is certain indication of a large amount of alkali in the soil. It is sparingly eaten by burros; hence the common name. ‘ Winter Fat (Eurotia lanata) is a well known small shrub, generally less than 3 feet high, that grows in the foot- hills of the mountains and to some extent on the high plains almost throughout the State. It will not live in the driest sit- uations, but will endure moderate desiccation. It may be TREES AND SHRUBS 65 (Sarcobatus vetmiculatus) GREASEWOOD. 66 TREES AND SHRUBS recognized by its numerous erect stems and slender leaves, all of which are white woolly, and its profuse terminal panicle, the tlowers and fruit of which are covered with white spread- ing hairs. The plant is considered as valuable forage by stock- men of all kinds, but sheepmen prize it especially, because it furnishes good feed at a time when other feed is scarce; hence its name. In the Northwestern states this plant is known as WHITE SAGE. the walt bushes (Atriplex spp.). This genus is repre- sented in New Mexico by five more or less shrubby species. Two of :hem (A. greggii and A. sabulosa) are woody at the base only, the stems and branches being herbaceous and dying down almost to the ground every year. These two plants are rarely over 2 feet high, and are of no decorative importance although of some value as forage. The other three species are shrubs of some considerable size, generally 4 to 6 feet high, or under favorable conditions even larger. The Shad Scale (Atriplex canescens) is one of the com- monest of the shrubs found upon the drier mesas and plains and in their arroyos practically throughout the State. It is a gray much branched shrub with.narrow small leaves and dense panicles of winged one-seeded fruits. The staminate flowers appear in congested panicles on the ends of the stemis about the middle of the summer and by the middle of August the plants are loaded with the conspicuous fruits, which are at first green and later turn yellowish-brown, remaining on until well into the winter. In many localities where there is no true sage brush this plant is incorrectly referred to under’ that name, though it is in no way related to the sage brushes. Its grayish scaly leaves and habit of growth are no doubt responsible for this misapplication of the name. Economically it is a mod- erately valuable forage plant, being eaten freely by stock wherever it grows. The other two shrubby species (Atriplex acanthocarpa and A. confertifolia) may be recognized, the first by its TREES AND SHRUBS 67 peculiar bluntly spiny fruit, and the second by its spinescent branches with their crowded elliptical leaves. Neither is very abundant within our limits, and both are of some slight value as forage plants. CHENOPODIACEAE. GoosEFrootT FAMILY The family is a very important one in the arid regions where representatives are numerous both as to species and individuals. ‘They seem particu arly adapted to bright sunshine and dry soil and very tolerant of alkali. The bulk of the species are herbaceous annuals or perennials but there are several low shrubby perennials ‘that are of importance in one way or another that are included here. Embryo spirally coiled; leaves fleshy, linear; flowers monoecious; staminate flowers spi- eate without perianth, pistillate solitary, axillary; fruiting calyx winged. 1. SACROBATUS. “#mbryo annular; leaves flat or scale like. Stems of branches jointed, younger parts terete and very succulent; leaves scale- like. 2. ALLENROLFEA. Stems and branches not jointed; leaves never seale-like, mostly flat and broad. Pericarp and plant densely hairy. 3. EUROTIA. Pericarp and plant not densely hairy. 4. ATRIPLEX. 1. SACROBATUS Nees. GREASEWOOD A divaricately branched shrub with linear leaves; staminate flowers naked in aments; pistillate flowers with a saccate calyx adherent at the 2-lipped apex to the base of the stigmas; calyx laterally margined with an erect 2-lobed border which finally be- comes a broad, membranous wing. A single species in the state. 1. S. vermiculatus. 2. ALLENROLFEA Kuntze. Burro WEED An erect, much branched perennial, somewhat woody at the base; leaves scale-like, broadly triangular; flowers in dense spikes in threes in the axils of the spirally ranked bracts; whole plant succulent. A single species in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 1. A. occidentalis. 68 TREES AND SHRUBS 3. EUROTIA Adans. WINTER Fat A low, stellately tomentose shrub; leaves alternate, entire, linear to narrowly linear lanceolate; flowers small, clustered, axil- lary and subspicate; calyx 4-parted; stamens 4. Widely scattered throughout the state on plains and in the foothills in the Sonoran Zones. \ single species. 1. EZ. lanata. 4. ATRIPLEX L. Sarit BusHEs Monoecious or dioecious, mealy or scurfy annuals or peren- nials; staminate flowers bractless, variously clustered; pistillate flowers subtended by two persistent bracts which become variously enlarged, thickened and united forming wings, tubercles or spine-like points on the fruit; leaves flat, alternate or opposite. Fruiting bracts united and completely sur- rounding the seed; fruits large, 10 mm. in diameter or more. Bracts winged on the back and margin form- ing a 4-winged fruit; the margins of the wings with small teeth-or none. 1. A. canescens. Bracts becoming thick and spongy, with nu- merous rigid blunt spine-like projections, never truly winged. Fruiting bracts united only at the base; fruit smaller, 5 to 7 mm. in diameter. Stems woody, 3 to 6 ft. tall, widely branched and spinescent; leaves much crowded. 3. 6 mm. in diameter. Young stems densely velvety pubescent; leaves ‘permanently pubescent. 1. S. emoryi. Young stems finely pubescent with’ short, aften appressed-- hairs, ~never vel¥ety; Teaves glabrate-in age. 5 2. SS. trilobata. 114 TREES AND SHRUBS 2. RHOEIDIUM — Greene. Stuff, woody, widely branching desert shrub, often 6 feet high and of equal diameter with stems intricately interlaced, the short ones sometimes spinescent; leaves small, generally about 34 inch long, with about 7 elliptic leaflets borne on a winged rachis; leaf- lets acute, mostly entire, the terminal slightly larger and occasional- ly having a few coarse teeth near the apex; flowers small, in crowded clusters on the naked branches of the previous season in the axils above the leaf sears; calyx lobes orbicular, coneave, entire; peta's white, finely sciliate; fruit globose, about 6 mm. in diameter; hispisdulous, viscid. A-single species common in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 1. R. microphyllum. 3. TOXICODENDRON Miller. Porson Oak Low shrub, usually about 1 foot high, with 3-foliolate poison- ous ‘eaves having large, broadly ovate to rhomboid, acuminate, coarsely few-tdothed or entire leaflets; flower inconspicuous, green- ish yellow, in small, several-flowered axillary panicles; fruit de- pressed globose, gabrous, white and shining when mature. 1. T. rydbergii. 4. RHUS L. Sumac Erect spreading shrubs 3 to 5 feet high or more, with pin- nately 5-to many-foliolate leaves and axillary or terminal panicles of small, dull whitish or ye'lowish flowers; leaves persistent or de- ciduous, the leaflets large, 1 to 3 inches long, flowers and fruit de- scribed under the family. Leaves evergreen, thick: flowers axillary in small clusters; stems very hard and woody. 1. R. virens. Leaves deciduous, thin: flowers in dense ter- minal panicles; wood of stem soft, with ; : large pith. Rachis winged; leaflets densely pubescent be- neath, of the same color on both surfaces. 2. R, lanceolata. Rachis not winged: leaflets glabrous and paler beneath. oo R. glabra. TREES AND SHRUBS 115 The Maple Family (Aceraccac) is represented by two genera of trees: the Maple proper (Acer) and the Box Elder (Rulac). The Maples are not common in the State, and the cultivated species do not grow well at the lower levels, and only fairly well at the higher ones, where they are somewhat ‘sparingly used. ‘There are 4 native species, 2 of which are relatively common. The first (Acer neomexicanum) is a low spreading tree with red stems and usually 3-foliolate leaves. It grows only in the higher mountains at elevations of about 7,000 feet. The other common species (A. grandidentatum) is usually found in the hotter mountains at lower levels and in drier situations. The bark of. this tree is usually gray, with ‘darker blotches. The leaves are simple and with 5 blunt Icbes, each having a few large teeth. An undescribed species grows in the extreme southwestern corner, coming into this ‘State from Arizona and probably from northern Mexico. The Box Elder (Rulac negundo) is a good sized tree, 25 to 40 feet high, with dense spreading top and smooth greenish ‘stems. The leaves are pinnatly 3 or 5-foliolate, and the flow- ers dioecious. The tree is fairly common in the mountains ‘along small streams, and is cultivated considerably in the ir- ‘rigated valleys, where it makes an excellent shade tree. ACERACEAE. Map e Famity Small or large trees with smooth exfoliating bark; leaves ‘opposite, simple, palmately lobed or pinnately compound; flowers polygamous or dioecious in axillary racemes or corymbs; sepals 4 or 5; peta’s as many or mostly wanting; stamens as many as the ‘sepals, rarely 8, inserted on a disk or disk wanting; pistil of 2 or | more united carpels becoming 2 laterally winged samaras. ‘Leaves simple or palmately 3-foliolate; young branches reddish or gray; flowers polyga- mous. 1. ACER. lLeaves pinnately 3 or 5-foliolate; young branches green; flowers dioecious. Oe VRE AG! 116 TREES AND SHRUBS 1. ACER L. Mapre Trees with reddish, brownish, or grayish twigs, rather smooth bark, and palamately 5-lobed or 3-foliolate leaves; flowers polyg- amous, Just preceding the leaves, inconspicuous, on slender pendant pedicels; petals sometimes present; fruit as described for the family. — Corymbs long-peduncled; teeth of the leaves acute. Leaves, at least most of them 3-parted. 1. A. neomexicanum. Leaves merely 3. or 5-lobed, never parted. 2. A. glabrum,. Corymbs nearly sessile; teeth of the leaves obtuse. Lobes of the leaves broadly oblong, with sev- eral teeth, broadest near the apex; wing of the fruit 1 inch long or more. A. grandidentatum. 2. RULAC Adans. Box Exper Good sized tree with pinnate leaves; young twigs smooth and glaucous, green; leaflets 3, sometimes 5, ovate with a few coarse teeth near the apex or sometimes somewhat lobed. 1. R. negundo. TREES AND SHRUBS IL The Tree of Heaven (Ailanthus glandulosus), belonging in the family Simarubaceae, is a Chinese plant that has been somewhat extensively introduced into the southern part of the State, where it is a valuable shade tree. It is frequently 30 feet high or more. It grows very rapidly, has smooth bark and large compound leaves resembling those of the walnut. The small, dull white, very malodorous flowers are borne in large terminal panicles. They are succeeded by the clusters of winged one-seeded reddish pods, which persist for some time upon the tree. It will endure extremes of drought, heat, and light, and will grow very rapidly when supplied with favorable conditions. _It probably reproduces most readily by seed. The Chinaberry Tree or Umbrella Tree Pidcua (Melia azederach) is also an introduced tree that is in very common use in the southern part of the ‘State in the irrigated valleys. Its widely branching top with dense leaf covering and abundant pale lavender sweet scented flowers make it a very desirable plant for decorative purposes. It reproduces from seed, but the seeds germinate rather poorly without special _ treatment. THE STAFF-TREE FAMILY (Cerasrracear) is represented by three unimportant species listed below: Janusia gracilis is a low, twining, vine-like shrub (in the family MALPHIGIACEAE) with inconspicuous leaves and small yellowish flowers that grows on the dry mountains in the southern part of the State. It is of no particular importance. 118 - TREES AND SHRUBS CELASTRACEAE. STAFF-TREE FAMILY Low shrubs, sometimes spiny; leaves simple, small, alternate or opposite; flowers normally cymose, smal] and inconspicuous, perfect; calyx and corolla 4 or 5-merous; stamens 4 to 10, inserted. on a disk lining the hypanthium; fruit a capsule, drupe, or berry, the seeds often arrillate. Stamens 10; plant spiny, stem green. : 1. FORSELLESIA. Stamens 4 or 5; stems yellow or brown. Flowers 4-merous; fruit a 2-ovaled capsule leaves opposite, smooth. 2. PACHYSTIMA. Flowers 5-merous; fruit indehiscent; leaves alternate, scurfy. 3. MORTONIA. 1. FORSELLESIA Greene. . A low, spiny, green stemmed shrub 12 to 20 inches high or less, with small, obovate, acute leaves 1 em. long or less, nearly smooth, short petioled, entire; flowers small, pentamerous, white. * 1, F. spinescens. 2. PACHJSTIMA Rat. A prostrate woody evergreen plant with stems a foot or less long and small opposite short petioled leaves on small inconspieu- ous flowers. Of no importance. 1 P. myrsinites. 3. MORTONIA A rare plant from the extreme southwestern corner of the state; leaves elliptic, thick, entire, acute, contracted into a very short petiole, crowded, 1 em. long or less; stems yellowish like the leaves; flowers in short terminal braeceate racemes; whole plant densely seurfy. 1. M. scabrella. JANUSIA — Juss. Low twining perennial vine, with woody stems; leaves op- posite, narrowly lanceolate, 4% to about 1 ineh long, pubescent on both surfaces; sepals 5; petals 5, yellow turning reddish brown: stamens 5; styles united; fruit a samara, 9 to 12 mm. long. A single species in the Lower Sonoran Zone. 1. J. gracilis. TREES AND SHRUBS Jilly, THE BUCKTHORN FAMILY (RuAmNaAcEAE) con- tains 4 genera of shrubs, all of which are of more or less im- portance for decorative purposes. Two of them (Zizyphus lycioides and Condalia spathulata)are inhabitants of the most barren of the mesas in the southern part of the State. They are each spiny branching shrubs 4 to 6 feet high, sometimes assuming the form of a stunted tree with widely branching top. The leaves are small and simple; the flowers are in- conspicuous; the fruits are small black berries. These plants will prove of value for cultivation in situations where the water supply is very meager and the soil poor and rocky. They may be difficult to transplant, but once established in even the driest situations, they will probably persist. Three species of Buck Thorn (Rhamnus spp.) occur in the higher timbered mountains of this State. They are un- armed: shrubs 3 feet high or more, with rather large alternate leaves and inconspicuous small flowers, followed by small 2 to 4-seeded rather dry berries. For massing they would be useful at levels above 7,000 feet. Three species of the genus Ceanothus occur in the moun- tains between 5,000 and 8,000 feet. One of these, Ceanothus greggu, produces numerous small white flowers on its stiff woody stems, and is a low shrub 3 to 4 feet high, which might be used in plantations of other arid land plants. The other two species are smaller and more leafy shrubs of the higher levels. RHAMNACEAE. BucxtTuorn FaAmity. More or less: spiny shrubs 6 feet high or Jess, with simple leaves having small stipules; flowers perfect or polygamo-dioeceious, mostly small and inconspicuous; calyx 4 or 5 sepals, valvate, with a disk lining the hypanthium; petals 4 or 5 or wanting; stamens 4 or 5, opposite the petals on the throat of the hypanthium or the disk; 120 TREES AND SHRUBS pistil of 2 or 3 united carpels; ovaries united with the disk and hypanthium, to form the berrylike fruit. Fruit fleshy, black, with 1 to 3-celled stone. Petals present; young stems glaucous. . 1. ZIzyPHus. Petals wanting; young stems not glacous. 2. CONDALIA. Fruit dry or somewhat berrylike, 2 or 3-seeded. Plants low; petals hooded or long clawed; stigmas 3. 3. CEANOTHUS. Tall shrubs 3 feet high or more; petals not clawed or hooded; stigmas 2. 4. RHAMNUS. 1. ZIZYPHUS Juss. Rigid spiny shrub 3 to 6 feet high, with glaucous green young branches and small glaucous leaves; leaves %4 inch long or less ovate to oblong elliptic, acute or obtuse, flower small, in axillary corymbs; sepals 5, triangu’ar; keeled within; petals and stamens 5, opposite each other and on the disk; ovary 2 to 3-celled; fruit a pulpy black berry green within. 1. Z. lycoides. 2. CONDALIA Cay. Very similar to the preceding but the leaves spatulate and finely pubescent, and petals wanting. 1. C. spathulata. 3. CEANOTHUS L. Low shrubs more or less spinescent, mostly less than 3 feet high; leaves simple, alternate, with minute caducous stipules; flow- ers small, in crowded terminal racemes or corymbs; sepals 5, white, petaloid; disk fil‘ing the hypanthium; petals 5, white, long-clawed, strongly hooded; stamens 5, exserted; ovary immersed in the disk; fruit at last dry. 3-celled, berrylike. Leaf blades thin, bright green, nearly or quite glabrous 1 to 1% inches long; inflorescence much exceeding the leaves. 1. C. mogollonicus. Leaf blades thick, grayish green, densely pubes- cent, at least beneath, % inch long or less; inflorenscence usually not exceeding the leaves. Plants spinescent; leaves sericeous beneath, : elliptic to lanceolate, acutish. 2. C. fendleri. Plants not spinescent; leaves never sericeous, hortellous to puberulent, mostly obovate, PS rounded or retuse at the apex. 3. C. greggii. TREES AND SHRUBS 121 4. RHAMNUS L. BucKktTuorn Unarmed shrubs with rather large, alternate leaves, over 3 feet high; flowers perfect or polygamo-dioecious, in small axilary clusters; sepal 4 or 5: disks lining the hypanthium; petals 4 or 5, sométimes wanting, clawless, on the margin of the hypanthium; stamens 4 or 5, inserted on the edge of the disk; ovary 2 to 4-celled; fruit a 2 to 4-seeded rather dry berry. Flowers faccicled. 2 cr 3 in each axil; leaves small, 14% inches long or less, yellowish be- neath; seeds 2. Flowers in peduncled cymes, numerous; leaves usually more than 1% inches long, not yel- lowish beneath. Seeds 2; leaves pale beneath with a dense tomentulous pubescence. Seeds 3; leaves green on both surfaces, spar- ingly pubescent beneath. ile 2. R. fasciculata. R. ursina. R. betulaefolia. 122 TREES AND SHRUBS WILD GRAPE. (Vitis arizonica) The Grape Family (Vitaceae) is represented in New Mexico by a single wild grape and the Virginia creeper; both of which are of great importance for decorative purposes. The Wild Grape (Jitis arizonica) would grow with ordinary care under cultivation and it is a particularly beauti- ful vine for ornamental purposes. The glossy green leaves furnish a very dense shade, and the perfume of the blossoms is of that peculiar pleasant kind which seems to be a kind of evanescent nasal beverage that does not cloy. For use over arbors or trellises, over dead stumps of trees, or on unsightly buildings there is hardly a native vine which would make a more beautiful covering. Transplanting the roots would be the sure way to get them into cultivation, though it is probable that cuttings would grow readily, The Virginia Creeper (Psedera vitacea ) is recognized as one of our most valuable vines and used extensively ° throughout the State. The fact that it is such a satisfactory plant in cultivation here is rather a strong argument in sup- TREES AND SHRUBS 123 port of the use of our native flora, since this species is native in our mountains. It may be simply because of the general adaptability of this widely distributed species, but at any rate, it would suggest the wisdom of trying others of our native vines and shrubs. It may be used practically any place where a vine will grow and it is especially rapid and vigorous. The more water it receives the more rapidly it grows, but absolute lack of water in the middle of the summer does not kill it; it merely stops growing vigorously and seems to wait for the water. VITACEAE. Grape FAMILy Woody vines, trailing or climbing by means of tendrils; leaves large, simpJe or compound, petiolate, the blade flat and mostly thin; inflorescence axillary, cymose or paniculate; flowers small and in- conspicuous, greenish or yellowish, sometimes delicately perfumed, perfect, polygamous, or dioecious, regular; calyx and corolla 4 or 5- ‘merous, a disk present or wanting; stamens of the same number as the petals and opposite them; pistil compound; fruit a berry. Leaves simple. ee NEIS: Leaves compound; 5-foliolate, thin. 2. PSEpRA. 1—VITIS L. GRAPE Trailing or climbing vines with shreddy bark and _ forking tendrils; leaves simple, more or less palmately lobed or angled, with small caducous stipules; flowers in axillary panicles, dioecious, polygamo-dioecious, or rare'y perfect; calyx minute; corolla caduc- ous, the petals coherent; stamens exserted, alternate with the lobes of the disk; fruit a few-seeded globose berry, edible; seeds hard and bony, pear-shaped, relatively large. A single species common in the moauniains at levels of from 5000 to 7500 feet. 1. V. arizonica. 2. PSEDERA Necker: VIRGINIA CREEPER Trailing or climbing woody vines with forking tendrils and alternate palmately 5-foliolate leaves; leaflets 2 to 4 inches long, coarsely toothed; flowers small, greenish, in axillary cymes; calyx and corolla 5-merous, disk wanting; stamens 5; fruit a depreuaia globose berry, blackish, not edible. 1. P. vitacea: 124 TREES AND SHRUBS On the mesas at the southern end of the State occurs a low shrub (Koeberlinia epinosa) usually 2 to 4 feet high, composed entirely of branching green thorns. It is entirely leafless, the function of the leaves being performed by the bark of the stems. The flowers are small and greenish-white, borne in umbel-like clusters on short peduncles. They are fol- lowed by small berries the size of currants, which are black when mature. As a bizarre bedding plant to be associated with cacti or other arid land plants in a formal garden this plant offers much; but notwithstanding its habit of living in most unfavorable surroundings, we have so far been’ unable to transplant it. Growing in alkaline soils in the southern part of the State occurs a small gray shrub 3 or 4 feet high, with minute- flowers and small crowded leaves. This is Frankenia jamesti and the only representative of a family named after it. sa.t Cedar (Tamarix gallica), One of the most satisfac- tory introduced plants in cultivation in this State is this shrub, which is also known by the name of tamarisk. It is a much branched shrub with minute leaves that, with its habit, give rise to the first common name. It will endure large quanti- ties of alkali in the soil, and is exceedingly drought resistant. When supplied with plenty of water it grows rapidly and is bright green. If it receives too little water it grows slowly and is a grayish or bluish green. In the early summer it produces an abundance of small light pink flowers in terminal racemes. It is most easily propagated from cuttings, and when once established it is almost impossible to kill it. As a plant to be used upon alkaline soils where other plants do poorly or in situations where too little water is available, there is no other plant which is quite so satisfactory. Ocotillo (Fouquieria splendens) is a spiny branching shrub consisting of spiny wand-like stems 6 to 10 feet long branching from the base. The stems are beset with long TREES AND SHRUBS op 125 spines, radiating in all directions, the hardened midribs of the leaves of the previous season. In the spring these spiny stems produce clusters of brilliant scarlet flowers at their tips. Later on in the season the smooth spatulate leaves cover the stems from one end to the other. They endure for a very short time, during which the stems grow very rapidly at the end. The plant is sometimes called Coach Wuip Cactus, but this is a very decided misnomer, because the plant-is in no way related to the cacti. It is also called CANDLEWoop. For use as a bedding plant with cacti and other spiny shrubs it has a value all its own. TREE Cactus. (Opuntia arborescens) The Cactaceae are a number of them shrubby and most of them are of value in several different ways. They are discussed at length in Bulletin No. 78 of this station. 126 TREES AND SHRUBS The Oleaster Family ( Elacagnaceae) has two native representatives; while the Russtan WiLp Otive (Elagnus angustifolia) is cultivated in a number of places in the State. This tree is a very satisfactory decorative tree, with is silvery foliage, smooth brown bark, and abundant clove-scented small yellow flowers. It transplants readily and grows rapidly at the lower levels in our State. The Buffalo Berry (Lepargyraca argentea) is a spiny tree-like shrub that comes into New Mexico only in the extreme northw GHORG) see 88, 89 CHICO) < 21, 28 CYPRESS |... eee 21, 22, 28 Dasiophora ......... 80, 83, 85 Dasylition: ...i<15 6 see 137 Elaeagnaceae ........ 126, 127 Blagnus >. \:'..'3224 se 126 ELDER, Mexican ..... 136, 142 ELM... 32222... soe 62 Ephedra 05%. .5.5 5055 24, 30 Ericaceae ..2.....e+5 130; “132 Riryohivinis + — ise 97, 100, 101 ESTAPIATA, ...<. 20. eee 145 Eupatoriae «,.......-.@eeeee 147 Bupatorium .<,..... .20.eee 146 Burotia <..'..sseeee 97, 100 Pallucia: .5...>-si-ee8 80, 83, 85 Nendlera .2.00. - seme eee 75, 78 Fendlerella .....°...si.08 76, 78 Ws. & «hls Since eee 19, 27 Cork Bark .<-k see 20 Red. ~ oo... <% < ws 5 27 White «......3s.¢:aee 27 Plourensia | << ac. ss ee 148, 151 Forsellesia <......:s5 sean 118 Bouquieza << =<.¢s5 shee 124, 127 Frankenia ~...)5....6.08m 124, 126 PrESIMNIG! ca alten 128, 130, 131 FRESNO 2S hae 128, 131 TREES AND SHRUBS GABRAMBULLO ....:..... 134 MA ea ich rae e)'a)c =. 00016 «= 129, 132 (GosVIN US 0S ae ee 94, 96 (Gini 2) Cee 25) 30 GOOSEBERRY .........- 73, 74 GOOSHHOOT (2. .....~% 64, 67 (SIR AVP BG Spe ee eee 122, 123 MN OMEC OM, were. lee 4 a) =e 71 GREASEWOOD ....64, 65, 67 SVicthith 73, 74 Grossulariaceae@’.). ui. 2.3 73 Gymmolomia. «1.2.2... 148, 152 EHIACKGB HRY ©. 5.20.02 62, 63 EUAWEREORINE, ..% .fsc%% 43 90, 91 (EMG OMMe eee ey ,c-6 ag Mets + < 147, 148 EVEMAMUDACAIC! Gare «dee e'c's wets + © 147 ONEVSUCKER: 2... .2.225- cals ee 136, 137, 142, 143 HOR TIORNBHAM ©. .0...5..% 50 iB O25 \ S16 eee eee eae 62 HUCKLEBERRY ..... bi) ee sy) AAMT Spee ee ne fos cs, oe wade le 62 Elydrangaceae .........-. US el iymenoclea...:......:. 147, 151 limesileeiG! a, aad ee a 147 JAIN). & 5 OS ee ene 135 JUSTE) SO eee een ae ee 117, 118 MUSES ge ete eveve ena Sieh Ae = 48, 49 PHO Ore! she cons. AS ays Wate BM 3 126 JNO PT ee 21, 22, 28, 29 PUMP AT ACHE 2. noe. cals lm eels 28 iy Gat ofc) ee ee eee er 28 Koeberimiay +........: 124, 126 NASTENOIMC TNA 5s spose 's ope elle tht 103 AION At Vico sie evs! clet'avars, Shavatate 83, 87 babiataie cen ae chocsneeo ee 138 atte Gin P.tere tare e's t's,s siete eel 106 LEATHER FLOWER ....69, 70 DEVIN ED Awa gee ares oy tas Renee ae ial, hepareyraea Js... e-- 126, 127 TGTITAG EAC Stsaater eres eeere meen 31 TEU Boney oteehalossielis, oot tayete 134, 138 HOMIG eras eee we «one 137, 142, 143 LOCUSI-E BACKS ss. -ece 98 Gy CUI Hei Sys afer sors oye e ois 134, 139 MEATTOGANY. 5 3.5. .7ehsro 27 81, 86 MIRC AGL sw cys.'e esc sales, het mers 905 On WAIN ZAINUITVAS ic soe, ot TSO 1533} WLP DID SS eee eeiores Bee ae Tals, Woe IMATE NOTANS. sue senc che ste Way AGL WIGITG Sisco. SRNR erence ERE ala br¢ WASPS; OURAN DY Sei iorene atomic 94, 96 EVAIGH err ele oe a theirs «2~ 93, 95, 96 IMIMOSACEAO. «)..5:6.00 0 eeval eres 94 VESTN aah oe, pod < sta @s 134, 138 WiOMmaAGenle Rapterctererrs choise sa suc ore 62 i RUIMIEASN INVA sais, ale ws 24, 30 Mio mimi tect 2 sienna oes nseet 118 GIRO 5 OA 6 bie ene 62, 63 LUTE EID RR Ce er 62, 63 INIOXG AG A di cee Ee eee 48 ISIC. erete oh eheae nt aoe eae By are (QUAISE: Seco 1e Grae VCS Rea Pan mela eit lamees sone tel eS ts, be 53 Chestnuts acts cee eS Gee CHATTING LS tts ode by as ee tock 58 Th TT, ee ee eR ee ap PSI SONU OD Erie Curler crete RIALS Saeee SINT MIN se eeee eis Cicer sO ee Suhver=leavediesen. waa, tO: Ze E\ AGT ea teen CaS ac eee 56 158 OCOTILDO scam a. 124, 127 OdostemOn®.. uve eoeees 71, 72 Oleacene: se i eee ae 130 OLEASTER: \\ccbec dene ean 126 OLIVE, RUSSIAN WILD ...126 Opulaster.c.. ie eanen ers 82, 84 ORANGE, MOOK. 357..wee 76 Oreobatns iissaston ce 83, 85 Ostrya a. ne eee) t pee 50 Pachistima,.s¢2ntken. cn a ok 118 Padtsc inc ghee see ee ae 88, 89 PANERA |= it een een 31, 32 PATIMUT TA: “ear eee 33 PALO BLANCO: ~~ oe. 128, 130 Parosela: ud este 99, 100, 102 Parry ella, peti sae 97, 100, 101 Parthenium ...... 145, 146, 151 DRYAS Bee bee ee eee eee thie Petrophyton ........ 79, 82, 84 Phi adelphus ........ 76, 77, 78 Phylaes cc teee eee Seis Uh ie Th PGC ARE ch ae tees ie 18, 25, 26 Picrothamnus -..,..... 148, 153 PiINGCGHE cies wei toe ee 25 Panales s,s cc e.erteyes ake eee ae 25 PINE, sBristle-Gone-..2...0 <2 tf, SV Lam ber sot, meee here ay *" Western Witter «2.2 ee aN SE WV Ome, eis ete ent ieee a7 Pinus. sake eee eee 16, 26 PIOCHAY er lee eee ene 117 PIN YON: sagen 16, 26 ELAS Me ct terete 104, 105 PUTIN cccta gents a veterees 88, 89 POMEL» citrate ere ne 94 Poliominthay 2oes,. ene ee 134, 138 POISON. OAK se ce 112, 114 POPRAR. +s acse ohare 38 TREES AND SHRUBS POPOTILLO . ...0->usenn eee Popalus-+'2 ¢ ss +s ean epee 38, 45 POTATO os <. oda 134, 139 Prosopis...) sseukes 94, 95, 96 Prunus |. ss .s2 een eee 88, 89 Psedera |... »s0e0neae 122, 123 Pseudotsuga «2 ..enn>ee ee 20, 27 Ptelea”.: 0% +e eee 107, 108 Qnercus .,: 5«10° ste eee 53, 59 RABBIT BRUSH .......... 149 Ranunculaceae .......... 68, 70 RASPBERRY ...<2).,0eeeee 80 Rhamnaceae ... «sss 119 BP aNinWS. --\ ne eee 119, 120, 121 Rhoecidium ........ 112, 113, 114 ROS at aoe 112, 113, 114 Bibes 2. ..sh check 73, 74 Rohima, 300.) eke 98, 100, 101 Rosaceae ..%2 .a46eeee 79, 82 Rosas & ec sa a bioereee 79, 82, 83 ROSE tw. +o clean Oe 78 Rubiaeede ~ 5. <:./ wey 141 30) eee 107 Rulae’s = chiews} earns 115, 116 Rutacese| 2. 32.55.05 5 eee 107 Sh ee RE 23, 28, 29 SAGE eco eee 134, 138 (White .<2:.. 05: aoe 66 SAGH BRUSH). oes csae 145, 153 Salicaceae” 4.5: seein 38, 45 SSB rn 5 os mn ae ost 43, 46 SAG? BUSSE: ..... 50 eee 66, 8 SALT CEDAR... 2555s 124 Salvia 4... cere wilson eae 134, 138 Sambucus: Hae yor 136, 142 Sapindaceae .......... 109, 110 TREES AND SHRUBS SP APUEAGIIS: 2) 5-0/0 30,0. 2,0. 0,0 109; 141 DANCODALNISE se.5 vcrejs%s, 6: + 64, 65, 67 DBenmMaltzia, . 6. ae « Pole 13 SCREW DEAN .......... 93, 95 Senecioideae .......... 147, 148 Sericotheca ......... 81, 83, 86 SERVICE BERRY ...... 90, 91 Beat) SCALE So... 22.605. 66 pemUNK BUSH ........ 107, 108 BOAPBERRY ......... 109, 111 SOAPWHED: .....-.2..: Fa emer Solanacene a. ts Laces ss 139 OL ae ere 100 BSMOMR oo cos eee 91, 92, 129 SMM orm. ncaa 8 vuthe ores 34, 37 SNOWBERRY ........ 136, 143 SPANISH BAYONET ....... 32 SPANISH DAGGER ....31, 32 L310) 0 18, 26 Gd Colorado Blue ..... 18 Douglas ..:.20, 21, 27 NY Engelmann’s ....... 18 Pooee TREN ........ ale y Gigp S) EMEEOLODININ res see st 135 Sirombocarpa ....:..... 93, 95 CU (a ra 112, 114 SOMNIRMGOW IRS 5 2 ouclee s che 145 Uy rr 129, 132 PCORMORD oo aka ees 104 Symphoricarpus ...136, 142, 143 SEMPRE... 2) xis o8ee das 6 hs 124 AREER oy 5d as ath woh ares 136 Metradymia, s....0s 0+ ss 148, 154 159 THIMBLE BERRY ...... 80, 85 TONRIBEOS 0% S4\.lerths wees 93, 95 Toxicodendron ....112, 113, 114 TREE OF HEAVEN ....... nie Wilmaceae™. 205 c:5