AINI3649 -S> WCMC Biodiversity Bulletin No. 2 Tropical Montane Cloud Forests: An Urgent Priority for Conservation By World Conservation Monitoring Centre Mark Aldrich, Clare Billington, Mary Edwards and Ruth Laidlaw SUMMARY Tropical montane cloud forests (TMCFs) are high on the list of the world’s most threatened ecosystems. In order to achieve the conservation of remaining areas there is an urgent need for information on the location, extent, protection status, biological importance, socio-economic conditions and current threats on a site by site basis. This report describes a first phase of work on the development of a globai database and draft directory of Tropical Montane Cloud Forests. Interim results and conclusions are provided from a global overview of the information gathered to date. It concludes by recommending a series of activities to be undertaken in a further phase of work. INTRODUCTION Tropical montane cloud forests (TMCFs) are high on the list of the world’s most threatened ecosystems, and it is widely believed that the majority of those which remain are small areas or remnant fragments of their original extent. The situation is critical - James Luteyn, a botanist with the New York Botanic Garden states that “some 90% of mountain forests have disappeared from the northern Andes’, whilst attention has been focused on the plight of tropical rain forests of the Amazonian basin (Wuetrich, 1993). Immediate action is required to achieve the conservation of remaining TMCFs before any more of these rare and valuable habitats are lost for good. Much of their value is related to their unique characteristics of biodiversity and endemism and the functions that they provide. In addition to having a wealth of biological diversity which has been previously undervalued, TMCFs possess a very high proportion of endemic species, and probably many more as yet unknown to science. Many TMCF areas serve as refugia for endangered species which are being marginalised by the transformation and/or destruction of ecosystems at lower elevations. Furthermore, the hydrological role of TMCFs through their water stripping function WORLD CONSERVATION gives them a value in terms of water resources that is quite distinct MONITORING CENTRE from other forests or types of land use (Stadtmuller, 1987, quoted in Hamilton ez al. 1993). Leaves and branches of tree crowns intercept wind-driven cloud moisture, which drips to the ground, resulting in the addition of water to the hydrological system. As a result TMCFs play an important role in watershed protection by maintaining ground cover, thus minimising soil erosion and providing a regular and controlled supply of water to communities living downstream. If managed sustainably, TMCFs can provide a valuable range of other services to local populations living in or adjacent to the forest. As well as being a source of fuelwood and small dimension timber, they may provide a range of non-wood forest products including honey, medicinal plants and bushmeat. However, despite their considerable value, these fragile habitats are under increasing threat from a wide range of sources. In particular, human population pressures have forced the conversion of more marginal and previously less accessible areas for both subsistence and cash crops. Many areas are under pressure from encroachment by live- stock or have already been cleared to provide new grazing land. In many areas the exploitation of fuelwood and non-wood forest products has reached unsustainable levels resulting in irreversible damage to the forest habitat. The same is true for hunting or capture of fauna (for sport, subsistence or commercial trade), tourism and recreation. Plans for new road building projects threaten many remaining TMCFs along with mining and geothermal development schemes, many of which are well established. DEFINITION Hamilton et al. (1993) acknowledge that “clear definition of tropical montane cloud forest is fraught with difficulty’. Despite having a number of key recognisable features, these vary greatly from one area to another, and this, combined with an enormous range in the terminology used to identify TMCFs leads to considerable confusion. At a Tropical Montane Cloud Forests Inter- national State-of-knowledge Symposium and Workshop held in Puerto Rico in June 1993, a synthesis working definition was developed which Box 1. Synthesis Working Definition Hamilton, Juvik, and Scatena (from Hamilton et al, (1993)); “The tropical montane cloud forest is composed of forest ecosystems of distinctive floristic and structured form. It typically occurs as a relatively narrow altitudinal zone where the atmospheric environment is characterised by persistent, frequent or seasonal cloud cover at the vegetation level. Enveloping cloud or wind-driven clouds influence the atmospheric interaction through reduced solar radiation and vapour deficit, canopy wetting, and general suppression of evapotranspiration. The net precipitation (throughfall) is significantly enhanced (beyond rainfall contribution) through direct canopy interception of cloud water (horizontal precipitation or cloud stripping) and low water use by the vegetation. In comparison with lower latitude tropical moist forest, the stand characteristics generally include reduced tree stature and increased stem density. Canopy trees usually exhibit gnarled trunks and branches; dense compact crowns; and small, thick and hard (sclerophyll) leaves. TMCF is also characterised by having a high proportion of biomass as epiphytes (bryophytes, lichens and filmy ferns) and a corresponding reduction in woody climbers. Soils are wet and frequently waterlogged and highly organic in the form of humus and peat (histosol). Biodiversity in terms of tree species of herbs, shrubs and epiphytes can be relatively high (considering the small areal extent) when compared with tree species-rich lowland rain forest. Endemism is often very high. TMCF occurs on a global scale within a wide range of annual and seasonal rainfall regimes i.e. 500-10,000mm.year). There is also significant variation in the altitudinal position of this mountain vegetation belt. For large, inland mountain systems, TMCF may typically be found between 2000-3500m (Andes, Rwenzoris), whereas in coastal and insular mountains this zone may descend to 100m (Hawai'i). Under exceptionally humid marine, equatorial conditions, a TMCF zone may develop on steep, small island mountains at elevaitons as low as 500m or even lower (Kosrae in Micronesia and Gau in Fiji).” has been used as a guide for the purposes of the current project (Box 1). DEVELOPMENT OF A GLOBAL DATABASE The need for information To date, at the global level, relatively little is known about the whereabouts, extent and condition of the remaining areas of TMCF. In particular, detail is required on the protection status, biological importance, socio-economic conditions and current threats on a site by site basis. Although in some cases detailed information exists for specific sites, it is widely scattered and often not generally available. In response to these issues, the TMCF Symposium in Puerto Rico was organised with the aim of drawing together information on the global extent of TMCFs. In addition to producing regional maps showing general concentrations of TMCF, and a list of sites by region and country, the participants made a series of recommendations concerning general and specific research needs. As a priority, they recommended that relevant information should be collected and analysed in a co-ordinated way in order to improve under- standing of these ecosystems, and to ensure that reliable information is made available to a range of users for effective decision making. They also proposed the development of a standardised methodology and format for collecting informa- tion, through a world-wide inventory of TMCFs, with textual, numerical and spatial data stored ona centralised database at the World Conservation Monitoring Centre (WCMC). METHODS Database Design Following a review of the types of information available which contained descriptions of TMCF sites, a draft framework for recording data in a database was developed. A set of draft materials were then sent to a core group of contacts with experience and/or knowledge of cloud forest issues, for comment. These materials included a proposed structure for recording both summary and more detailed information, along with a detailed national map designed to facilitate the addition of cloud forest sites. Having reviewed the range of responses from the core group, the database layout was designed. A new recording facility to store data on TMCFs was added to the existing Protected Areas database at WCMC. This includes the ability to link cloud forest sites to protected area records. Based on the database layout, blank summary site data sheets were designed for collecting information. The Geographic Information System (GIS) database was also prepared to receive site locations where available. Information Gathering A pilot information gathering exercise began with sets of materials being sent to more than 40 contacts in South and Central America. Each set included a country map, copies of the blank summary site sheets, and a photocopy of the synthesis working definition developed at the Puerto Rico Symposium, accompanied by a letter of explanation. In practice the results from this exercise were poor, although in a minority of cases, sets of completed site sheets were returned along with maps on which the location of cloud forest sites had been marked. At this point it was decided to complement the information received with material gathered from a comprehensive review of information available through research at WCMC. Data were recorded on a site by site basis where available. However the amount of detail was very variable between sites, so it was decided to group sites into sub-national regions (often mountain ranges or islands, but in some cases single, isolated mountain peaks). Descriptive information from the sites in a particular region was compiled into a summary paragraph for the region, which was entered into the database in a memo field. Compilation of a draft directory Following an intensive period of research and compilation, a draft directory of TMCFs has been produced. It is intended to distribute it to all contributors and a number of other contacts in hard copy form. In addition the material will be made available on the WCMC Internet Web Site. A global directory has been compiled, consisting of sections on each of the major tropical regions, Africa, Latin America and south-east Asia, which contain a chapter on each country included. Each chapter begins with a national overview, map and summary table showing the main sub-national cloud forest regions and sites identified with latitude and longitude co-ordinates where available, along with an indication of which sites have an element of formal protection (this refers to sites classified as meeting IUCN Management Category I-VI criteria). This is followed by summary paragraphs describing each of the sub-national regions in terms of location, biodiversity, conservation status, and giving details of the values of the TMCF sites in the area and the pressures currently faced. An example chapter is shown in the Annex along with map 4. RESULTS Global Overview A total of 605 TMCF sites in 41 countries have been identified to date (see Tables 1 to 4). These are marked on maps 1-3 which show the distribution of montane cloud forest sites in the three tropical regions. The highest concentration is found in Latin America, where 280 sites (46%) are found in only 12 countries, the majority in Venezuela, Mexico, Ecuador and Colombia. In south-east Asia, 228 sites have been identified in 14 countries principally in Indonesia and Malaysia and to a lesser extent in Sri Lanka, Philippines and Papua New Guinea. In Africa, 97 sites have been recorded in 21 countries, with many cloud forests found on relatively isolated mountains which are scattered across the continent. Details of the size of particular cloud forest sites have been difficult to obtain, except where the information has been supplied by local experts. In any case, the actual extent of cloud forest itself as distinct from the surrounding or adjoining forest type is very difficult to determine, even on the ground. An initial assessment of the values of cloud forests shows that the majority of areas are exceptionally important habitats for endemic and _ other threatened species of flora and fauna, including many important tree species and plant such as tree ferns Cyatheaceae and orchids Orchidaceae. Large numbers of bird species and mammals such as the spectacled bear Tremarctos ornatus and howler monkeys Alouatta spp. are dependent on cloud forest habitat for their survival. In addition these forests have a high socio-economic value to local populations principally as a source of fuelwood, building materials and food amongst others, but also on a larger scale for watershed protection and climate regulation. At the same time, overcutting for fuelwood, clearance for agriculture, encroachment by grazing animals and the spread of fire from grass-burning of adjoining areas were identified as amongst the major localised threats to these fragile ecosystems and their inhabitants. In addition many areas are under pressure from mining companies and large-scale road building projects, often against the wishes of local people. Globally from the information gathered, just under half the sites identified have an element of protection by being within protected areas classified as meeting IUCN Management Category I-VI criteria. Others may be under less formal protection as private reserves or in collaborative forest management agreements, although this information is not available at this stage. In south-east Asia, 50% of sites identified are within IUCN protected areas, while Latin America has 44% (Central America has only 30%, while South America has 47%), and Africa has 39%. However, despite the fact that cloud forests in these areas are legally designated as “protected”, in practice many are under pressure from the threats described above and are continuing to become more fragmented, and in some areas completely lost, at an alarming rate. TABLE 1: SOUTH-EAST ASIA Total number of regions and sites per Country, with the number of sites protected. Country Total No. of CF regions* Total No of CF sites Total No of sites with protection | Australia 1 2 | Brunei Darussalam 1 5 | Cambodia I 1 | China 1 1 1 3 | Indonesia 12 66 Lao PDR 0 0 | Malaysia 24 54 | Myanmar 1 1 Papua New Guinea 3 28 | Philippines 14 32 | Sri Lanka 2 33 | Thailand 1 1 | Viet Nam 1 1 | 63 228 TABLE 2: AFRICA Total number of regions and sites per Country, with the number of sites protected. Country Total No. of CF regions* Total No of CF sites mae ate wes | Angola 2 10 0 | Burundi 2 | Cote d'Ivoire 1 Cameroon 5 Equatorial Guinea 1 2 4 fet 0 | Guinea 1 0 | Kenya 4 15 12 | Liberia 1 1 0 | Madagascar 3 4 2 | Malawi 3 3 3 | Mozambique 5 [ 5 0 | Nigeria 3 3 2 Reunion 1 2 0 Rwanda 3 4 2 |_ Sao Tome and Principe 1 1 0 Sierra Leone 2 2 1 | Tanzania 3 ul 2 | Uganda 4 4 3 6 10 5 57 97 38 TABLE 3a: CENTRAL AMERICA Total number of regions and sites per Country, with the number of sites protected. Country Total No of CF regions* Total No of CF sites Toe ee vals Belize 1 1 1 Costa Rica 4 14 10 El Salvador 1 13 3 Guatemala 5 12 6 Mexico 6 64 7 Panama 8 16 9 Total 25 120 36 TABLE 3b: SOUTH AMERICA Total number of regions and sites per Country, with the number of sites protected. Country Total No of CF regions* Total No of CF sites eee ian an Bolivia 3 7 6 Brazil [ 2 6 7 Colombia 8 28 14 Ecuador 10 35 10 Peru 5 18 8 Venezuela g) 64 Le 31 Total 37 160 76 TABLE 4: GLOBAL TOTALS Total number of countries, and sites per country, with the number of sites protected. Total No of sites with I Region Total No of Countries Total No of CF sites protection Asia 14 228 114 Africa 21 97 Central America 6 120 South America 6 160 Global Total 41 605 264 *The term CF region refers to a sub-national grouping of cloud forest sites (see the section on Information Gathering for more details). CONCLUSIONS The production of this draft directory as the first output from the TMCF database at WCMC represents an important initial stage in the development of a standardised methodology and format for collecting information on TMCFs on a site by site basis. It is hoped that WCMC can continue to provide a focal point for information exchange, through further data gathering and dissemination in a subsequent phase of work. Whilst the database provides the best available information on the location and status of TMCFs, considerable work is required to develop the level of detail on a site by site basis. As indicated in the global overview the current level of detail varies considerably depending on the types of information available, but more importantly on the level of input from those with a detailed knowledge of a particular area. In order to produce a more comprehensive information base, the collaboration of regional and national cloud forest contacts should be encouraged. Such a relationship must be mutually beneficial, and should be developed by expanding the existing number of contacts by activating a contact network and the facilitation of regional workshops attended by local experts from all sectors. In addition collaboration with related conservation initiatives such as the Mountains Programme of the IUCN-WCPA (World Commission on Protected Areas) must be sought. It is also important that the information available should be disseminated as widely as possible. In particular it should be made available to a range of users at the policy and decision making levels. This should be done by distribution of this directory in hard copy form and on the World Wide Web. In addition to making the information available and increasing awareness of the issues, it will also be possible to encourage readers to review the existing material, and provide feedback and more detailed information where possible. As the detail of the information improves it will be possible to develop more detailed analyses to determine the gaps in protection and priority areas for conservation using criteria developed at regional and national levels. This would also be assisted by the development of a number of selected local case studies looking at particular issues in more detail, perhaps in collaboration with existing field projects. In addition priority sites where further research or development work is urgently needed should be identified. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FURTHER WORK A detailed funding proposal is currently being developed at WCMC for a subsequent phase of work, based on the conclusions above and the recommendations of a number of cloud forest experts from whom advice has been sought. The main activities are listed below. I. Workshops: Following an initial management advisory workshop, to determine data, technology and information needs and set work priorities, a series of similar regional meetings will be held with regional and local experts. ii. Expand the information base: Expand on the information compiled under Phase I, to produce a more comprehensive coverage of site des- criptions, to fill information gaps and to _ consolidate information on bound- aries of cloud forests and protected cloud forests. iii. Function as a global focal point for cloud forest work: Function as a focal point to facilitate information and expertise exchange, by activating a cloud forest network initially from those contacts already identified, and an e-mail discussion group. Also act as a repository for information collected under detailed local cloud forest case studies, passing on knowledge to others. Enhance local scale projects by providing a global context for cloud forest conservation. iv. Establish Conservation Priorities: Undertake analyses, in collaboration with the Mountains Programme of IUCN-WCPA and others, to determine gaps in cloud forest protection and to identify priorities for conservation planning. V. Distribute Data Effectively: Improve the distribution of data via a number of different media such as CD-ROM, over the Internet and with the production of a Cloud Forest Handbook. Vi. Assist in an awareness campaign on the threatened status of cloud forests: Promote the importance of cloud forests to a wider audience by assisting in a campaign proposed by Dr. Larry Hamilton and IUCN-WCPA with support from Netherlands Committee for IUCN and WWF, by producing information papers, a colour posters and other material suitable for media coverage. 009 i" o0€ 00 o08 a NounerasNos arco WwW» OOSI 0 i SOUS }S8JOJPNOID , }S9JO} Ule1 SUBJUOW| aNa931 ® g ueerQ SHED | ueaIz0 dIJUeIIV VOldsAV NI Sails isauod anos 20 _ 008 206 2024 2091 == notnoutasNos arian Wy OOSI = oO Ses JSeJO}pNo|IQ . 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