1 TURIEY Lake as a UITIT OF iiJI]VIROin£ilITT, Eigenniann. \o\ 203 FIRST REPORT OF THE BIOLOGICAL STATION. Contents. — Directors' First Keport of Biological Station. Introductory. Acknowledgments. Equipment. Plankton net. Sounding apparatus. Additional equipment. Plan of work. Part I.— Turkey Lake as a Unit of En^'ironment. Introductory. Orientation. General features. Size. Relation of water to outflow and evaporation. Constancy of Turkey Lake as a unit of environment. A Preliminary Report on the Physical Features of Turkey Lake — D. C. Ridgley. Hydrographic map of Turkey Lake — C. .Juday. Temperature of Turkey Lake — J. P. Dolan. Part XL — The Inhabitants of Torkey Lake. Note on Plankton — C. H. Eigenmann. General Fauna — C. H. Eigenmann. Leeches — Mrs. B. C. Ridgley. Rotifera— D. S. Kellicott. Cladocera — E. A. Birge. Decapoda — W. P. Hay. Mollusca -R. E. Call. Fishes — C. H. Eigenmann. Batrachia — C. Atkinson. Snakes — G. Reddick. Turtles— C. H. Eigenmann. . Water Birds — F. M. Chamberlain. Part III. — Variation. The study of Variation — C. H. Eigenmann. Variation of Etheostoma caprodes — W. J. Moenkhaus lib o 204 TURKEY LAKE* AS A UNIT OF ENVIRONMENT, AND THE VARIATION OF ITS INHABITANTS. FiKST KKroKT or tiik Indiana University Biological Station. By C. H. EUiKXMANN.t IxTROnucroRY. — At tho J;ist moeting ol the Academy I outlined a plan lor the future work of the zoiilogioal seetion of the l)i()logical survey of Indiana. It was, in brief, to study some lake as a unit of environment and the variation of its inhabitants. This plan has materialized, and I present this as the Biological Sta- tion's first report. To seleet a suitable site I visited, in February, 1895, lakes Maxinkuckee, Eagle anil Turkev. -The lakes were frozen over, and I liad a good long walk over Max- inkuekee and a sleigli ride over Turkey Lake. Turkey Lake seemed well suited for a starting point for the work in hand. In March I again visited this lake to look for a suital)]e laboratory and ipiarters. .\. laboratory was found in a large boat-house belonging to Mr. T. .]. \'awter, tiie owner of X'awtcr Park. The boat- house is directly on the water's edge, in a!)out H6° 18^ east longitude and 41° .3.5^ norili latitude. In March the lake was still frozen over with but a narrow rim of free water near tlie shore. When I again visited the lake, to make the final ar- rangements, on the 30lh of May, and captured snakes, turtles, frogs, and two spe- cies of spawning fishes, all witliin a hundred feet of the laboratory door, I was convinced that no mistake had been made in the selection of a locality. Deep water near the labora.tory, a spring at the laboratory door, the situation of the laboratorv nearly equidistant from either end of the lake, high land all about the laboratorv, the nearness of such large bodies of water as Lake Tippecanoe of an- other river .system, and a large number of smaller lakelets within a mile of Turkey Lake, all contributed to make the location selected as near perfect as could be ex- pected. '■■The only recorded nnnie of this lake seem to be Turkey. It appears so in the govern- ment surveys of 1S38, and on all the maps published since that time. I am told that it re- ceived that name from the fancied resemblance of the general outline of the lake to a Thanksgiving turkey. During the last few years the lake has been known to those person- ally acquainted with it as Lake Wawasec, and there seems to be a laudable ambition that thi.'? latter name should supi)lant the homlier, but more significant, name of Turkey. The lower lake is locally known as Syracuse Lake. The following letter was i-eceived from the Director of the Bureau of American Ethnology : In response to your letter of December 6th last, I beg leave to inform you that the word "' wa-wa-see," " wa-wa-si " or " wa-wii-sing," signifies " at the bend of a river." Yours with respect, J. W. Powei.l. tC'ontributions from the Zoological Laboratory of the Indiana University, No. 14. 205 A twelve- room cottage was rented, in whicli titteen of the members of the Station besides my family were quartered. While a summer cottage, thus peopled, is not a good place for consecutive thinking, this experience will also be remem- bered with pleasure. Most of the students rented a large dining tent and hired a cook. Others tented and boarded themselves. Their expenses ranged from SI. 25 to S3 per week. The laboratory was open from .June 25 to September 1. Acknowledgments. — Mr. T. .T. Vawter, besides placing the boat house at our disposal, gave us camping ground just back of the laboratory, and assisted us in various ways, both in fitting up the Station and during the entire summer. I am under many obligations to the officers of the Baltimore A: Ohio, the Vandalia and the Michigan Division of the Big Four for transportation over their lines leading to Vawter Park, and for other favors. During our stay at Tippecanoe Mr. W. S. Standish assisted us very materially, lie took the whole party on a tour of general inspection about the lake from end to end, and placed himself and his st amer at our di>posal during our entire stay. The Pottawatomie Club granted us tlie use of their reception room, where some of the lectures were delivered. Professors Birge, Kellicott and Call have prepared accounts of material col- lected during the summer. I must especially thank Dr. .J. C. Arthur, Dr. G. Baur and Geologist Willis Blatchley, who visited the Station to deliver lectures before the members. Lastly, J am indebted to Mr. J. P. Dolan, superintendent of the Syracuse schools. He first directly, and through Mr. Eli Lilly, of Indianapolis, called my attention to Turkey Lake, met me at Warsaw, and guided me to the lake and over and around it on my first visit. During the summer he furnished the Station with a splendid row-boat, and by his knowledge of the lake and its surroundings and personal acquaintance with the natives contributed much to the success of the undertaking. Equipment. — The equipment of the Station consisted of a room 18x30 feet, with six windows on a hide. In this space the twenty-two members of the Station were provided with tables. Continuous with this available laboratory space was a space 18x20, opening by very wide doors to the lake front. This space was util- ized for storing|apparatus.^TLe apparatus, nearly all furnished by the Indiana University, was as follows: Compound microscopes (Zeiss), 21 ; dissecting micro- scopes, 3; microtome, 1 ;*dredge, 1; plankton net, 1; Birge net, 1; dipnets; re- agents, about 200 bottles; working library, about 200 volumes; Wilder's protected thermometer, 1 ; bunps, glassware, etc., the usual equipment of a laborat(,iy 206 table.; two l)oats; one sounding machine. The plankton net and sounding appa- ratus and the method of using them may he described here. Plankton Net. — An idea of our plankton apparatus and its modus operandi can be gathered from one of the illustrations. The sounding boat was fitted in the stern with a swinging derrick. Through the end of this was attached a pulley, through which the rope supporting the net passed. The derrick was high enough to allow the net to swing clear of the sides of the boat, so that when a haul had been made, the net could ])e swung forward over a tray of tubes, ready to receive the condensed i)lankton. The depth through which hauls were made could be ascertained either by means of the sounding apparatus or by the direct measurement of the plankton rope. The plankton net was built essentially as devised by Ilensen and Apstein, except that the straining net of No. 20 silk bolt- ing cloth, Dufour's, was permanently attached to the truncated cone of canvas. The l)acket which receives the plankton was from necessity greatly simplified, but as no measurements were made with it, and further improvement, both in effi- ciency and simplicity, have been devised, I will describe this instrument as it will be made for next summer. The diameter of the bucket will be made one and one-half inches. Its bot- tom will be of a sheet of brass or copper, hammered so that it will be slightly concave or cup-shaped. A hole will be punched from the inside and provided with a nipide soldered on the outside. The sides of the bucket will be made of one piece of wire net of the same caliber as the No. 20 bolting cloth of Dufour.* The upper part of the bucket will consist of a fiat I)rass or copper ring soldered to the wire sides, and j)r()vided with openings through which the binding screws, fastening the whole bucket to the net, may pass. Three legs of narrow strips of cop- per passing from the upper ring along the sides of the bucket, being also fastened to the bottom, will give rigidity to the sides and form a support for the bucket when it is being emptied. To the nipple at the bottom of the bucket will be attached a short rubber tube. The opening in the bottom will be closed with a tight-fitting rubber stopper, manipulated from above by a glass rod passing through its mid- dle. The whole cost of the bucket need not exceed S3.o0. The estimate received on one of Hensen's pattern was $25. '■■ Only part of the sides were made of the wire netting during the past summer. A piece of new bolting cloth was found to have 83 per cent, of its surface solid, 17 per cent, being open for the passage of water. The wire cloth used during the past summer had 77 per cent, of its surface solid, "23 per cent, being open for the passage of water. Repeated trials of forcing water thick with plankton through the bolting cloth and through the wire .showed that the wire was under such conditions a more eflfective strainer than the cloth. 207 Sounding Apparatus and Method of Using it. — A flat-bottomed boat capable of running into shore at all points was manned by three persons. One who was an expert and steady oarsman at the oars, one in the stern to take notes and steer, and one in the bow to make the soundings. The sounding apparatus consisted of a wheel two inches wide with a circumference at the bottom of a tlat marginal groove of one foot ten inches. ( It had been ordered with a circumference of two feet.) On the drum was wound 175 feet of tine annealed wire. Tl)is, when wound, formed less than two layers over all parts of the drum. The weight con- sisted of a round pebble as large as a list and was tied in a piece of cheese cloth. This was a very simple and efficient piece of apparatus. The weight, if lost, could easily be replaced by one of several others carried along, and the wire was found sufficient for the whole summer's work. The original cost plus the cost incident to its operation did not exceed $1.50. The wheel was provided with a crank and being of a definite circumference the depth was measured by the number of turns it took to raise the weight from the bottom to the surface. This apparatus would be efficient in any lake of moderate depth. To run a line of soundings the bear- ing to the objective point on the distant shore were taken from the starting point with a compass. The oarsman pulled thirty strokes, backed water and held the boat. A sounding was made in the bow and the depth recorded by the man in the stern. It was found that with the boat always used for the purpose, manned as above in calm weather, when all the sounding was done, 30 strokes moved the boat 300 feet. This method proved entirely satisfactory in short lines a mile and a half in lengtii. In long lines it proved unsatisfactory. Additions to the Equipment. \ new laboratory 18x55 feet, two stories high, will be ready for occupation by June 1 of 1896. A partial description of new apparatus devised for next summer's work may be given. One flat-bottomed boat similar to sounding boat, 12 feet, 2 oars. One flat-bottomed boat 15 feet, four oars. Plankton apparatus. Three glass-bottomed galvanized iron boats about 12 inches in diametei' to explore bottom. One galvanized iron tul)e 2 inches by 20 feet, glass ends and funnels for fill- ing or emptying, to determine color of water. Automatic recording apparatus to observe seiches. Plan op Work. — It must be understood that the undertaking was quite expensive both in lime and in money. The Indiana University endorsed the plans and lent apparatus from the zoological laboratory with the provision that 208 the Station be of no expense to tlie University. At the end of the season the Uni- versity paid for some of the apparatus specially designed for the Station, which thus became the permanent property of the University. In order to defray ex- penses, a series of courses in elementary and advanced instruction were ofTered and given. Each one of the advanced students and the instructors took charge of some particular work of the survey. The preliminary reports of some of these, form part ol this first report. The work was distributed as follows: C. H. Eigenmann, Director. W. .T. Moenkhaus, Variations in Etheostoma. E. SI. Chamberlain, Variations in Lepomis. .J. H. Voris, Variations in Pimephales D. C. Ridgley, Physical Survey and Variations in Micropterus. Bessie C. Kidgley, Variations in Labidesthes. Thorn. Large, Physical Survey and Variations in Eundulus. Chancy .Juday, Physical Survey and Planktonist. Curtis Atkinson, Variations in P>atrachians. II. G. Keddick, Variations in Pieptiles. O. M. Meincko, Botanist. J. P. Dolan. Meteorologist. The work of but few has progressed far enough to justify even "'forlaufige" notices. We have but just begun our work, and the Station will remain at least three years longer at the same place. E.KCursions were made to lakes Tippecanoe, Webster, and Shoe in the Mississippi basins. While much of this report is taken up with the physical features of the lake, and the enumeration of the inhabitants, it must be borne in mind that the phy- sical studies are merely a means to an end. That however interesting in them- selves, to us they are only interesting as far as they form part of the environment of the highest creatures making the lake their permanent home. It may even be that some of the things considered or to be considered, form in reality no part of the environment of the vertebrates, /. e., that they in no way affect them, but this is a matter that must be determined, and for the present we must consider as manv things as mni/ influence them. The things probably most directly influenc- ing the higher forms to be found in a lake are light, temperature and food. The last item is again conditioned as the highest forms are, so that nothing short of a complete understanding of the conditions will be sufllicient. A lake seemed to me the ideal place because here the changes due to light, temperature, change of water or surface are reduced to the minimum to be found in this latitude. A 209 ■small lake is better than a large lake, because the unknown elements can be re- duced to a smaller number. We have attempted to collect specimens of the higher creatures in such numbers and sizes, that had we collected all the specimens in the lake, our results would not be different. How far we have succeeded in this remains to be seen. The main object of the Station is the study of the variation of the non-migra- tory inhabitants. I may be permitted to quote here the plan as stated in the circular if-sued by the Station last spring. The main object of the Station will be the study of variation. For this pur- pose a small lake will present a limited, well circumscribed locality, within which the difTerence of environmental influences will be reducedto a minimum. The study ■will c msist in the determination of the extent of variation in the non-migratory ver- tebrates, the kind of variation, whether continuous or discontinuous, the quantita- tive variation, and the direction of variation. In this way it is hoped to survey a base line which can be utilized in studying the variation of the same species throughout their distribution. This study should be carried on for a series of years, or at least be repeated at definite intervals to determine the annual or periodic variation from the mean. A comparison of this variation in the same animals in other similarly limited and well circumscribed areas, and the correla- tion of the variation of a number of species in these areas will demonstrate the influence of the changed environment, and will be a simple, inexpensive substi- tute for much expensive experimental work. For this work the situation of Lake Wawasee, surrounded as it is by other lakes, some of them belonging to other river basins will be admirably adapted. In connection with this study of the developed forms, the variation in the de- velopment itself will receive attention. For instance the variation in segmenta- tion, the frequency of such variation, and the relation of such variation in the development to the variation in the adult, and the mechanical causes affecting variation. This plan will be modified as our knowledge grows and our cx|)eriences dictate. PART I. THE LAKE AS A UNIT OF EXVIKONMEXT. Introductory. — A lake is a depression in the ground filled with water more ■or less stagnant. A glance at a good map of North America will show the following peculiar- ities in the distribution of lakes: L A large number of lakes are found in Florida. (14) 210 II. A host of them are distributed in northern Ignited States and Canada^ iiulinlincnt il the present preci])itation and evaporation have been constant since the ice leli this region. The lake has been about six or seven feet lower, having been rai>cd to its present height by the building of a dam across its outlet. The changes due to this dam and to the encroachment of plants will be considei'cd in another report. .•^i/.K. - The total area now under water is 5.G59722 sipiare miles. This area, was obtained iiv weighing a sheet of pa[)er of uniform thickness and of the shape of the whole area to be calculated, and comparing this weight with the weight of a su\ without. Tlie column of water in such a jnr would be as near as possible under the same conditions as the surround- ing water, and the fall of the water in the jar, plus the amount of rainfall for the period, would very closely approximate the amount of evaporation. This apjta- ratus would also enable one to get at the amount of water received from springs and other sources aside from rain falling directly into the lake. The amount of reduction due to outflow from the lake can readily be calculated by observing the outlet. Mr. Ridgley has estimated it at .0017 inches per day. If at the end of thirty days there was a diflference between the water in the jar and the water in the lake, less the calculated reduction of the lake due to outflow, the difference would represent the inflow from springs and other tributaries during thirty days. The lake is frozen over about four months in a year. During the remaining eight months evaporation is going on at a maximum rate of one-fourth inch per day and a minimun of 0. Taking one-eighth inch per day as the average, we obtain about thirty inches as the amount of the annual evaporation. At this rate the lake, if without income, would become dry in twenty-eight years. Four y«ars would reduce the lake to half its present size. Outflow and eva2)oration operating together would reduce the level at the fol- lowinif rate : Time in Years. Keduction by Outflow. Reduction by Pwaporation. Total Eeduction, 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 about 1 ft. 9 in. 4 3 2 4 8 () 8 5 2 17 7 7 ft. 6 in. 7 G 5 5 5 2 6 2 6 9 ft. 3 in. 11 6 8 2 9 8 11 8 7 6 10 1 14 33 2 35 68 215 These figures do not claim any great degree of accuracy; they simply help to form an estimate of the length of time it would take both the outflow and evaporation together to empty the lake. But while it would take both the out- flow and the evaporation fourteen years to empty the lake, one-fourteenth does not express the per cent, of the water of the lake changed annually under present conditions. Since the vertical reduction is the same whether the surface is large or small, it is evident that a much larger amount would be evaporated while the surface is large. In reality, if a bulk were to be taken from the lake equal to the outflow, plus the evaporation over the present area, about six years would be suf- ficient to empty the lake, or, to put it in other words, during average years every cubic foot of water entering the lake remains on an average six years. During very wet seasons the amount of loss may reach a much larger proportion of the whole contents. Constancy of Turkey Lake as a Unit of Environment. — From the preceding chapter it must be evident that the conditions in the lake, from month to month and from year to year are but little changed, that the conditions, as far as the water is concerned, are remarkably constant, especially if we compare these conditions to those obtaining in the lower courses of such rivers as the Wabash or the Illinois. In the early part of this century a dam was built across the mouth of the outlet forming an effective barrier to the ingress of fishes from below. The lakes being at the headwaters, nothing has entered it from above. A few forms were planted in recent years by Col. Lilly of Indianapolis. The level of the lake was changed by the building of the dam, and as late as 1840 trees were standing in water six to seven feet deep. Many of the stumps still remain. Their location and the effect of the dam upon the lake will be dis- cussed elsewhere. works consulted. Agasaiz, A. Hydrographic Sketch of Lake Titicaca. Proc. Am. .\cad. Art and Sci , XI, 11, 283-292; 1876. A(/ag.. II'. The investigation of Rivers and Lakes witli Reference to the Fish Environment. Bull. V. S. Fish, (omm., 69-73, 1893. Forbe.<. S. A. Biennial Report Illinois State Laboratory, 1893-94. Forel, I'\ -1. A Igeuieine Biologic eines Sussvvassersees, in Zacharias die Thier und Pllanzenwelt dos Siisswassers. Leipzig, 1891. Forel. F. A. Lo Lcman. Tome premier, 1892; Tome second, 1895. Lau- sanne. Le Vonte, John. Physical studies of Lake Tahoe. Overland Monthly, 1883, 1884. Levettr, G'. M. Observations on the depth and temperature of some of the lakes of Northern Indiana. Geological Survey of Indiana, 1875. Rcif/liard, J. E. A biological examination of Lake St. Claire. Bull. Mich. Fish Comra. 7i(/.<.«t'/, I. f. Lakes of North America. Ginn & Co., Boston, 1895. Sclif/o, A. Hydrobiologische I'ntersuchungen I. Scdirifte der naturf., Ges. Danzic/, y. F. Bd. VII, 1143-89, 1890. T(trr. Balph S. Lake Cayuga a rock basin. Geol. >Soc. Am., Bull., Vol. 5. 1894, pp. 339-356. Whipple, a. C. Some observations of the temperature of surface waters, and the effect of temperature on the growth of micro-organisms. J. New Engl. Water Works Assoc. IX. No. 4. A Prelimi>arv Report ox the Phv-sical Features of Tlrkey Lake. By I). ('. RirxiLEV. ■■ ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. ' Mo-t of the data on which this i)reliminary report is based were collected during the summer of 1895 at the Indiana University Biological Station at Vawter Park, Kosciusko County, Indiana, under the direction of Dr. Carl H. Eigenmann. I wish to acknowledge the aid of his valuable suggestions, both in the collection of the data and the preparation of the report. I wish to acknowledge also the •'Contributions from the Zoological Laboratory of the Indiana University, No. 15a. PLATE I. No. 1. Indiana Uxivkrsity Biolocjhui, Station. No. 2 Interior (if the Laboratory. PLATE II. No 3. Vawtf.r Park Hotel iro.m the Lauokatory. No. 4. niff?'T.'fygi Black Stump Poi.nt from the Laboratory. Plankton Boat. PLATE III. No. 5. Looking Toward Ogdkn Point from thk Laboratory. Plankton Boat i.v Forewater. No. 6. Ogden Point from Near the Pottawatomie Club-House. PLATE IV. No. 7. Studksts' Cami" in V'awteb Park. PLATE V. No. 8. < < ■<5 o o ^ i: M "^ « < •x a CO o .J o ■« ■ 3 tn ■< i'. J 00 a o « w a PLATE VI. No 9. West Beach of Morrison's Island. No 10 Crow's Bay Showing Ick Beaches. PLATE VII. No. 11. ^"fT*. ^T \-<- Ckdar Point. No. 12. Bkach AVe.st of Cedar Poi;;t. PLATE VIII. No. 13. In the Channki, Between Turkey and Syracuse Lakes. No. 14 At the Head of Syracuse Lake. 217 assistance of Mr. Chauncey Jiiday, Mr. Thomas Large and others in taking the soundings of the lake; of Mr. .Juday, in making a survey of the shore and for copies of the accompanying map with which he has furnished me and from which the rei)ort on the topography of the bottom is largely drawn ; of Mr. J. P. Dolan for records of daily observations of lake phenomena and for the history of the lake in years past; of the officials of tiie Baltimore & Ohio Railroad who fur- nished data with reference to elevations and whose generosity has made it possible for me to make frequent visits to the lake during the winter. GENER.\L FEATURES OF THE LAKE. ■ Turkey Lake is made up of two parts, connected by a channel. The channel is three-i|uarters of a mile in length and from one hundred feet to a half mile in width. Its depth varies from one to five feet. The part of the Lake north of the channel is known as Syracuse Lake. It includes an area of three-quarters of a square mile, which is approximately one-eighth of the area of the entire Lake. The larger part of the Lake, to the south and east of the channel, may be known as the main lake. The general direction of the lake is from southeast to northwest. Its greatest length is five and a half miles, and its greatest width at a right angle to its length is one and a half miles. The entire shore line is between twenty and twenty-one miles in length, and the area of the lake is a little more than five and a half square miles. Xo very prominent irregularities occur around Syracuse Lake, while in the maia lake a number of evident indentations are to be found. The east end of the main lake is made up of three bays. Johnson's Bay, extending to the north, is one mile long and three-eighths of a mile wide. Ogden Point lies to the west of the entrance of this bay and Cedar Point to the oa.st. The east end of the main lake is Crow's Bay, with Cedar Point on its north and Morrison's Island on its south. Jarrett's Bay extends to the southeast, with Morrison's Island to the east of its entrance and Clark's Point to the west. In the west end of the main lake is Conkling Bay, circular in form and with the surrounding maish a half mile in diameter. It lies south of Conkling Hill. These are the most })rom- inent indentations. Between the channel and Ogden Point, which are two and a (piarter miles apart, the shore line curves gently northward three-quarters of a mile, forming Sunset Bay. Between Clark's Point and Black Stump Point, one and three-quarters miles to the northwest, the shore line bends southward one- third of a mile. 218 The following places are located for convenience in referring to different parts of the shore line and lake: The town of Syracuse lies on the west side of Syracuse Lake near Turkey Creek, the outlet of the lake. Pickwick Park is on the north shore of the main lake a half mile east of the channel. Eppert's is 1,000 feet east of Pickwick Park, and nearly a half mile further east is Jones' Landing. Three-fourths of a mile east of Jones' Landing is Wawasee. Jarrett's Landing is at the middle of the southern extremity of Jarrett's Bay. Yawter Park is a half mile west of Clark's Point and directly south of Wawasee. The laboratory of the Indiana University Biological Station is located on the shore of the lake near the west end of Vawter Park. TOPOGRAPHY OF THE BOTTOM. The data from which the topography of the bottom has been determined con- sist of numerous soundings taken throughout the lake between June 29 and Au- gust 21, 1895. The water was very low during this period. For our purpose we may consider all soundings taken when the lake had the level of July 6, 1895. This level has been marked and is used for a bench line from which to read the fluctuations in level On August 21 the lake had receded 5 inches from this level. Soundings were taken along 28 lines in the main lake and 4 lines in Syracuse Lake. These soundings were taken about 300 feet apart along all lines. Where Tvater deeper than 60 feet was found, numerous soundings were made to determine the extent of such areas. Below is given the number and location of each line along which soundings were taken, except No. 3 and Xo. 9 in the main lake, neither of which was used in drawing contour lines or in comijuting average •depth. •219 IN MAIN LAKE. No. of Line. Location. 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 From Biological Station to Ogden Point, Xorth 37° East. From Ogden Point to east end of Crow's Bay, South 53° East. From Biological Station to Wawasee, North. From Wawasee to Black Stump Point, South 52° West. From Biological Station to Cedar Point, North 64° East. From Cedar Poiot to Morrison's Island, South. From Morrison's Island to northeast corner of Crow's Bay, Xorth 8° East. From south end of Jarrett's Bay to mouth of Bay, Xorth 7° West. From east margin of Ogden Point to north end of Johnson's Bav, Xorth 1° West. From north end of .lohnson's Bay to mouth of Bay, South 10° East. From east side of Ogden Point across .Johnson's Bay, Xorth 60° East. From middle of east side of .Johnson's Bav, across the Bav, Xorth 79° West. From Clark's Point to Morrison's Island, East. From mouth of Turkey Creek across .Jarrett's Bay, West. From a point i of a mile west of Biological Station across the lake, Xorth.. From Clark's Point to east side of Ogden Point, X'orth 5^° East. From [)oint a half mile east of Biological Station, Xorth. From Ogden Point to Black Stump Point, Xorth 83° West. Fiom west side of .Jarrett's Bay to Mineral Point, East. From Clark's Point to east side of .Johnson's Bay, Xorth 30° East. From north end of Xo. 22 to Ogden Point, South 85° West, From point one-half mile west of Wawasee across lake. South. From Black Stump Point, North. From Eppcrt's South. One-ipiarter of a mile west of Xo. 26 and parallel with it. One-quarter of a mile west of Xo. 27 and parallel with it. IN SYRACUSE LAKE. No. of Line. Location. From middle of east end of Syracuse Lake, South 80° West. From point 700 feet southeast of west extremity of Lake, Xorth 70° East. From a point on nortli shore one-half mile east of west extremity of lake, South 10° West. From west extremity of lake, South 80° East. In the accompanying map, constructed by Mr. Juday, the hypothetical con- tour lines of the bottom of the lake were drawn from the soundings along the above mentioned lines, and numerous other soundings taken to determine the ex- tent of certain depths of water. The contour lines indicate intervals of ten feet 2-_)() in (leptli. From tlie saint' data were constrncted len vertical sections of tiie botttun. In constructing tlie vertical sections a i)ase line was drawn from Pick- wick Park to Mineral Point, and seven of the vertical sections, from "A" to '•h containing a few small pools of very shallow water. To the north of Conkling Kay, Conkling Hill a.scends rapidly to a height of 40 feet or more. This hill is conical in shape and slopes to the water on the south and east, and to marsh and lowland on the north and west. It will be noticed that the perpendicular bluHs of the main lake face to the south at .Jones' Lauding; to the southwest at Wawasee, Ogden Island and Cedar Point; to the west along Crow's Bay and Morrison's Island; and to the north along Vawter Park. The high hills at .Jarrett's and Coukling's are without pre- cii)itous shores. .\1! of these blnfl's are bordered by wide areas of shallow water, and it wiil be noticed that the 10-foot contour line of the bottom does not approach the shore much nearer than 400 feet, and is usually much further from shore. As a rule, the bluffs facing to the south and .southwest have a much wider margin of shallow water than those facing to the west or north. Wherever there is a long stretch of shore, bordered by marsh, there is no beach formed, but the muddy bottom of the lake merges into the mud of the marsh along the shore line, .^long all the dry shores, and along the marshes of small extent lying between bluffs, the beach is composed of gravel and sand. This gives a gravelly or sandy beach arouu0(k Siding 39.5 Willow Creek 58.3 McCools 58.5 Babcock 70.0 Woodville 105.8 Suman 166.6 Cobnrg 204.0 Alida 57 64 71 79 85 206.8 Wellsboro . 178.0 T'nion Centre . . 136.5 Walkerton 134.0 Tee""arden 218.7 La Paz. . . 277.0 La Paz Junction . 88 96 274.0 Bremen 237.0 Berlinton .' 271.0 Na])anee 104 112 116 120 125 298.0 Milford .Junction . . 258.2 Syracuse 287.2 3' 0.2 Cromwell 353.2 Kimmell 341.2 York 319.6 \lbion . . 135 344.2 Riplev . 388.2 Avilla 145 150 153 379.2 Garrett 308.0 Auburn .Junction 289.7 282.2 St. Joe . . 163 230.2 Patton Sidintf 267.7 233 Syracuse is the station having most nearly the elevation of the surface of Turkey Lake. The mean level of the lake is about 5 feet below the station at Syracuse. This gives the lake an elevation of 864 feet above the sea, and 282 feet above the surface of Lake Michigan. CHANGES IX LEVEL. Changes in the level of the lake have been due to three causes : erosion, the dam which is built across Turkey Creek just below the outlet of the lake, and climatic conditions. Old beach formations give evidence that the level of the lake was formerly 5 or 6 feet higher than at present. By erosion the channel at the outlet was cut 10 feet below this ancient level, and the dam has raised the level of the lake 5 feet to its present level. The history of the dam as given by an old settler is as follows : A small dam was built in 1828, to which additions were made in 183L This dam washed out in 1833, and the present dam and mill race were begun in the same year. This raised the level of the lake so that timber stood in water 5 feet deep. Much of this timber remained uncut in 1840, and some was still standing as late as 1865. The vertical distance between the level of the water In the creek below the dam and the top of the waste gate, December 7, 1895, was five feet. This would be the amount the dam, when in working order, would raise the level of the lake. The dam is not in use at present and a small portion has been removed, which allows the water to pass into the creek at a level 16 inches below the top of the waste gate. This present condition of the dam holds the water of the lake 3 feet 8 inches above the level of the water in the creek below. The submerged stumps in many jiarts of the margin of the lake is the best evidence that the dam had the effect of increasing the area of the lake. These stumps stand at present in water from a few inches to two feet or three feet deep. Along the margin of Syracuse Lake the stumps are most abundant at the point of the lake extending furthest west, and on the east shore along the edge of the marsh. Turkey Creek, from the lake to the dam, is sixty feet wide, and only twenty feet along the middle is clear of stumps. This was the channel of the creek before the dam was built, and the stumps now standing in water are the remains of the timber which grew along the banks of the creek. On the north and south sides of Buck Island, at the south end of Syracuse Lake, areas of sub- merged stumps indicate that this island was formerly one hundred feet wider in 234 each direction. On the east side of the entrance of the main lake to the channel are many submerged stumps. Along Johnson's Bay much timber stood in water, especially on the east side of Ogden Point and on the east side of the bay just north of the bluffs. In these localities the stumps are very numerous, and among the largest in the lake. There are a few stumps along the marsh just east of Cedar Point. Others are found in the vicinity of Morrison's Island and go to indicate that this island, before the building of the dam, was a part of the mainland. It is so represented in the government survey of 1838. On the west side of Jarrett's P>ay submerged stumps are jiumerous, especially along the southeast corner, where much small timber is still lying in the marsh at the margin of tlie lake, and at Clark's Point where many large stumps are found in the water. Submerged stumps are also found west of Black Stump Point. The elevation of the lake by the dam, not only increased its area but must have rendered much of the low level land in the vicinity of the lake marshy, wliich would have been tillable. It is claimed by persons living in the vicinity of the lake that the dam rendered four thousand acres of land untillable. The Huctuations in the level of the lake are caused by climatic conditions, and vary with the inflow and outflow, rainfall and evaporation. In Mr. J. P. Dolan's report will be found the record of changes of level as observed during the pa^^t few months. Annual fluctuations are estimated to be about two and one-half feet. The level of the lake is usually highest about May 1, after the heavy spring rains, and lowest in August, although this year it kept lowering until November 2, owing to the very light rains up to that time. It was then ten and one-half inches lower than on .July 6. The lake was lower on November 2, than at anv time since 1871, when the marshes around the lake were drier than in 1895. Since November 2, the lake has been rising until, on December 25, it was fifteen and three-<[uarters inches higher than on November 2. In May, 1891, the lake was higher than at any time during the past twenty years. The difference between well-remembered high water marks of that time and the level of November 2, 1895, is four and one-half feet, which is the maxi- mum fluctuation during recent years. Each si)ring since 1891, has found the level of the lake lower than during the preceding sjjring. This gradual lowering of the level of the lake has decreased its area and has shown marked changes in the marsh land along the margin of the lake. Four years ago the water in Conk- ling Bay covered an area a half-mile in diameter, now it is reduced to three hun- dred feet in diameter; a small shallow lake just west of Conkling Bay contained water throughout the year, now it is dry and growing good crops; fields lying west ot the channel were almost marsh land, the crops being greatly damaged by 235 water, but during the past two years no difficulty has been experienced in tilling them; two or three feet of water flowed over the Gordoniere Marsh, which is now dry with beach lines forming along its margin; and boats were rowed over all parts of the Johnson Marsh, while at present hardly any of its surface is sub- merged. Consult Hydrogbaphic Map Next to Front Cover. Temperature of Turkey Lake. By .J. P. Dolan.* In making these observations a Charles Wilder standard, protected, thermom- eter was employed. They were begun the 13th of July, during which month four soundings were taken in the deepest parts of the lake from the surface to the bottom at every five feet. Then on October 5 two records were made at about the same points, and again on November 2. September 17 a rain guage was set u^j and from that day to the present a regular record of temijerature, precipitation, direction of wind and rise and fall of lake has been kept, but the observations have t)een confined to the northwest part of the lake; properly, Syracuse Lake. I. TKUPKRATCRE3 oK TURKEY LAKE, 1^95. J0LT. Oct. 5. Indiana University Biolog- ical Station. 13th, 10 a.m. 16th, 17th, 8:-li 9:30 a. u. A. M. I.U. Bio. Stat'n. 23d, 8:45 11a.m. A. M Jar- bett's Bay. 1:45 p. M. Nov. 2. I.U. Bio. Stat'n, 11:10 A. M. Dec.14. Dkc.24 Black Stump Point. 10 a.m. Air Surface 5 feet- 10 " . 15 " . 20 " ■ 25 " .. 30 " 35 " . 40 " .. 45 " . 50 " .. 55 " ., 60 " .. 65 " ., 67>^ " .. Dejt. 81^ 74 Deg. 83>^ 10 73 ; 72)^ ' 71 68 6j 60 60 59 59 58 58 58 74 74 71 65 '3 62 60 .57 Deg. 78}^ 75 74^2 73K2 68)^ Deg. 72 76H 71 70 67K 61>l o8K 58 58 58 58 Deg. 65 60^^ 60 60 59 58^ 58 V^ 58^4 5li% 58i| 581/1 5814 58^ 58 Deg. 61^ m% .59 59 b»% 58j| 58)4 58)4 58 58 58 58 57K 56^4 mi Deg. 50 43 43 43 43)4 Deg. 28 34)4 34)4 34>'2 35 35)4 "35)4 ''Contributions from the Zoological Laboratory of the Indiana University, No. 15. 236 VI. SUMMARY OK SOUNDINGS OF TURKEY LAKK. Difference in De- gr< cs First 20 ft. d O 25 to 30 ft. d o 35 to 40 ft. d o %-, o o d in lO o 2 d 8 O d o 8 3 o S g S s a 'S o Ml I. U. Bio. Station- July J3 July 1C> July 23 Oct. 5 Nov. 2, A. M Nov. 2, p. M Dee. 14 Dee. 24 Deg Defc DeR DeK DcK DeK DcK Des Deg DeR DeK DcK Deff Deg 3 3 3 ^ 2 2 ■•■■3 3 2 2 2 2 16 74 58 66 4 4 2 1 2 id'' 75" '57" 69"" 6i 2i 6 3 18i 76A 58 67i 2 4 { 2* 60* 58 59} t> A "() 0 0 i 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 b 0 6 0 43 43 Deg •1.9 66J 65.06 58.84 ' Bottom. 11. TURKKY LAKE TEMPERATURES, 1S95. September ■■.. 09 23 24 26 28 29 ! 30 Air Surface Bottom Precipitation 86 4.5 37 55 73 68 &5 68 68 56 69 69 (18 67 (>7 .=,7 .01 1.40 .03 .09 Tot alin chesl.S3 October- 9 10 I 11 13 I I 14 15 16 Air Surface Bottom Near shore ■•• Precipitation 56 54 55 58 (58 63 58 68 60iS 56 65 60^ 58i 62 57i 56 64 45 56 56i 48 38 55 56 45 53 53J 49 4.5 52 52i 45 40 5U 51 47 54 48 53 53 46 52 52i 50 October 17 18 19 20 I 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 60 60 45 46i 40 48 44 46 28 1 29 i 30 31 Air Surface Bottom Near shore ••• Precipitation 45 51 5U 49 26 28 46 48 40 28 46; 47" 45 40 38 34 34 43 39 44 39 November. 10 11 13 14 I 15 16 Air Surface, 25 ft Bottom, 25 ft Surface near shore Precipitation 30 38 43 22 43 43 36 54 43 43 60 4U 42 61 42 41 42 60 43 45 '".02 60 43 43 50 .78 45 43 43 I'.ib" 32 42 44 38 32 "43" 28 42i 26 "43 .02" "m 237 November 17 18 1 19 20 1 21 22 j 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Air Surface Bottom Surface near shore Precipitation 52 434 43 46 34 22 41 1 39 42 , 39 38 34 20 35 33 39 39 35 <■• =:= * 35 22 •> 36t 16 ■38+ 36t 35 36 32 34 35 December 1 3 4 6 7 - .' 1 10 11 1 l: 1 14 1 15 16 17 18 1 a:. 17:30a.m. -^^^ c5:00p.m. Surface Bottom Near shore ■ Precipitation .50 6 12 -'-1 '^ 12 26 34 35 36 33 33 36 32 28 24 33 35 33 24 18 33 .35 33 28 26 33 36 32 36 34 36 "ii" 18 20 334 35J 2 ' ■.. 24 0,0 35 "67" .4 40 43 -m 35 .13" 45 52 334 35 I'.'is" December 19 20 21 23 .. (7:30 a.m. ^"^ (6:00 p.m. 52 54 33i 35 1.87" 52 52 35J 37i 43 .96 40 39 37 37 .12" "38" 58 Bottom Near shore — Precipitation '•' Broken thermometer. Under ice. t Common thermometer. SUMMARY OF TEMPKBATURES. Septkmber. October. Date. Deg. ; Date. Deg. November. Date. Deg. December. Date Deg. Air Surface, 25 ft Bottom- Air Surface, 25 ft Bottom, 25 ft 22 86 3 , i^ 5 61 22 73 3 63 18 43K 22 69 8 56}^ 26 45 19 21 20 54 37 37^ z > <5 24 37 19 26 27 16 30 56 31 39 30 34 30 57 31 39 26 36 1 13 7, 8, 9, 10 6, 8, 9, 15, 17, 18, 19 Air Surface Bottom 06 662.4 47.8 51.7 51.57 36.7 41.2 41.93 12 2 33 35 311 33|| 355s N. B. — Water general average for three months higher than air. 238 Air. Surface. Bottom. (jrr;in(l ;ivorap:e for four months 42.94 48.37 48.87 From December 3 to noon of tlie 20th the hike was covered with ice. During this period the surface temperature varied from 33° to 34J° aud the bottom from 35° to 36°. At 5:00 p. iM. of the 20th, ten hours after the ice started to move in a body from the hike, the surface showed 35^°, a gain of 2^°; the bottom 37^°, another gain of 22°, and in the shallow water, fifty feet from south shore, where it had been 32°, 33°, 33° on the 7, 8 and 9th respectively, it was now 43°, a gain of 10°. The next day surface and bottom both registered 37° degrees at the twenty- five-foot station. The results of these observations are embodied in the accompanying profile chart, in which it has been attempted to show the absolute and relative move- ments (if till' air, surface, and bottom of lake at a depth of twenty-five feet. Temperatures from September Zi to December 23. Broken line, temperature of air; dotted line, temperature of water 25 feet below surface on the bottom; continuous line, tem- perature of water at the surface at the same place. 239 (a) A few well-known facts are emphasized, the variableness of the atmos- phere and the persistence of the water; that water is a poor (6) radiator and an indifferent conductor of heat, and responds slowly to atmospheric changes. (d) It shows also that the great volume of Syracuse lake at no time has been stagnant, but that a condition of activity has obtained throughout the entire period of observation. (c) For the four months in which a large number of observations were made the general average of the water, both surface and bottom, is higher than that of the air. .\ difference of 10° between the water one foot deep near the shore and the gurface mid-lake during a rain the day the ice left the lake, shows that the surface drainage is no small factor in winter and spring in raising the temperature of the whole body. PART II. THE INHABITANTS OF TURKEY LAKE.* Plankton. By plankton, Hensen, the author of the word, means everything floating in the sea and passively driven about by the waves and currents. Haeckel in- cludes under plankton all organisms swimming in the sea. Haeckel says: "The totality of the swimming and floating population of the fresh water may be called limnoplankton." Limnoplanktonic studies have been made when- ever a collector scooped for protozoa, diatoms or other minute organisms. Planktonic studies of this sort have been carried on for a long time. Recently plankton has been studied in a new way, first in the ocean and more recently in fresh water. This more recent study has been the quantitative and qualitative estimation of the plankton in a given volume of water. There seem to have developed in a remarkably short time two schools of planktonists, the one headed by Hensen asserting that planktonic organisms are uniformly distributed, the other, headed by Haeckel, being equally sure that planktonic creatures are to be found in clouds or schools. We are interested in plankton only in so far as it is part of the environment of the vertebrates inhabiting the lake. That it is not an unimportant element of the environment is due to the fact that it forms the primitive food of most of the fishes and that at the most plastic period in the life of the individual. The amount of plankton, as well as its composition from year '•'Contributions from the Zoological Laboratory of the Indiana University, No. 16. 240 to year, is tlierefore of prime importance in the search for tlie causes of the difiVrences in the same fish in two contiguous lakes or in two successive years in tlie same lake. Our plankton apparatus was completed too late to enable us to make any systematic measurements, especially as our ])lanktonist was actively engaged in the physical survey of the lake. But plankton was collected and some of its different constituents will be reported upon. A good historical account of planktonic studies, as well as exact definitions, are to be found in the Planktonic Studies of Haeckel, translated by-G. W. P'ield, and pulilished in Commissioners' Report, 1889-91, U. S. Com. Fish and P'isheries, pp. 565-641. In the following sketch several groups of animals are not at all considereds and others but briefly. The only groups found in the lake of which we approxi- mate a complete list are the fishes, batrachians and reptiles. Deficiencies will be removed in sul)sequent reports when a classification of the material into littoral, bathybial and prlar/ie will also be attempted. PROTOZOA. Tlie Protozoa were not represented by a large array of species during the summer. No detailed work has been done on them as yet, but I want to mention two characteristic forms. The most striking Protozoan is Ophruliion. It is found in clumps varying from microscopic minuteness to the size of walnuts, and in different parts of the lake the pebbles and exposed parts of clam shells are covered with these colonies to such an extent as to suggest young lettuce beds. Ceratium hirndinella is as striking and abundant in the pelaxjic regions as Ophridiiriii is in the littoral. In this connection two plants may also be noticed. Rivuluria is very abundant during tlie whole summer. It is conspicuous in calm weather, when it rises to the surface. Toward the end of August and in early September it collects in such numbers as to form large patches and streaks, forming a true Wa-iHcrhliitlw. Various forms of Palmella are abundant during tlie whole summer, and in October, when RIvularia has disappeared, it forms large patches on the surface forming the WaaserbUithe of the late fall. 241 PORIFERA. Sponges are not abundant in the lake. They are found in small patches on boards, sticks and other things near the margins of the lake. They grow much more luxuriantly in the outlet of the lake where they sometimes form patches several square feet in extent. CNIDARIA. Hydra viridk L. Specimens of hydra were exceedingly rare. On one occasion a few were taken on a submerged stick near Black Stump Point. . PLATHELMINTHES. Flat worms were not systematically collected and none of these collections have been identified. Of Turbellarians there were several species. Ainia calva is infested by a tape worm and by a I>iKfonr}nii. NEJIATHELMIA. No attempt was made to collect thread worms. Gordiux is exceedingly abundant on the margins during the latter part of summer. I counted as many as twelve in the area of one foot square. ANNELIDA. BY HESSIE C. RIDGl.V. No Chactopoda were collected. No systematic attempt was made to get large numbers of leeches, but speci- mens were preserved whenever found. In the classification 1 have followed Verrill. Nephelin quadristriata Grube. Thirteen specimens from Turkey Lake. Ncphelis fervida Verrill. Fourteen specimens. Clepsine parasitica Diesing. Three sjiecimens. Clepsine ornata stellata Verrill. This species was not found in Turkey Lake. Two specimens were taken in Tippecanoe Lake. Clepsine ornata ruf/osa Verrill. Four specimens. ' Clcpdne ornata variety d Verrill. Ten large specimens corresponding with the second specimen described by Verrill were found, most of them on turtles. Clepsine papillifera Verrill. One specimen. Clepsine papillifera carinia Kellicott. Not rare. This rotiferon was first known in the water supplies of cities along the Great Lakes. Soon after it was described in 1879, it was found in Olton Reservoir, Eng., aud then by Imhof in the Swiss Lakes. More recently it has been found in lakes of America. Mr. Levic reports finding the eye spot double, or so far separated as to be regarded as two eyes. I have seen several in these collections with the same peculiarity. 244 II. 1. Poli/diihra plati^ptera Elirenberg. Few. 2. I'riarthra lonyi.^cta Ehrenberg. Comparatively few in this vial. H. and G.. II, 6. 3. PliH\ooii)a fenticulare Herrick. Very many. It occurs in the lakes of Europe. In this country it has been reported only from Lake St. Clair, both in bottom and surface tows (Jennings). Zocil. Anz., Bd. 10, 577. 4. Brachionii.< niilifans Ehrenberg. Kare. I have found this an abundant species in ponds of western New York; it is a good sailor, preferring small seae, however. Authors have recorded the fact that the posterior spines are not in the same horizontal plane. This seems to be in relation to the habit of always turn- ing on its long axis as it swims ; they appear to bore their way through the water. H. and G., Sup. 82. .5. Anuripa cachlearis Gosse. Many, but far less numerous than in I. G. Xotholra longi-^pinn Kellicott. More abundant than. in I. 111. 1. .hplanchno priodonta Gosse. Quite numerous. Jennings reports this fine species as abundant in Lake St. Clair, both at the surface and in deep water. H. and G., I, 123. 2. Polyurthra plutyptera Ehrenberg. Several found. 3. Triarthra louffiseta Ehrenberg. Numerous. 4. Diai'chisa rah/a Gosse. Only one seen. It appears to agree well with the figure and description. H. and G., II, 77. 5. Aiiiiriin cochlearis Gosse. Not common. 6. yothoica loiifjii^pcia Kellicott. Cladocera. a. Birge. The following letter on the Cladocera of Turkey Lake has been received : I enclose list of Cladocera in your bottles. 1. Holopcdiuiii yibherum Zad., few; Daphnia hyuiiaa and retrocurva Forbes. Much ul(/al material, chiefly Clathrocystis. 2. Holopediura yibb&rum D. relrocurva Sida. crystallina 0. F. M., Diaphanosoma hrachyuruiH Liev. 3. D. retrocurva, extreme form of hemlet, like that of Lake Mendota, Diapjh. brachyurum. Material looks as if it had been dried. 245 4. D. retrocurva Diaph. brachyurum Ceriodapknia lacmtri< Birge. Leptodora kyalina Lillj., Holopedmm gibberum, one specimen. 5. Diaph. brackyururn, Sida crystallina, Cer. lacustris. 6. Holo. gibberum, Diaph. brachyurum, D. retrocurva, Algae like No. 1. 7. Diaph. brachyurum, D. retrocurva, Cer. lacu.vtri.% Leptodora kyalina. Great number of Epiachura lacuMris, far more than I ever saw before. 8. D. retrocurva, Sida cry.fA«/«. I should gladly write more, but have been too busy for a longer report. Will send bottles to Marsh for Copepods and try to get up a full account later. Very truly, E. A. BiBGE. Data of the lots of specimens numbered in the above letter: I. Taken Aug. 28, 1895, between 1 and 2 p. m., from surface of water. Killed in picro-sulphuric acid. Preserved in 70 per cent, alcohol. II. Taken June 27, 1895, at 8 a. m. Skimmed from surface of water, using No. 2 Bolt- ing Cloth. Killed in picro-sulphurieaeid. Preserved in 70 per cent, alcohol. III. Taken Aug. 14, 1895, at 5 p. M. Depth of haul, 60 ft. Killed in picro-sulphuric acid. Preserved in 70 per cent, alcohol. IV. Taken July 27,1895. Skimmed from surface of water, using No. 2 Bolting Cloth. Killed and preserved in 10 per cent, formalin. V. Taken June 27, 1895, at 8 a. m. Skimmed from the surface with a No. 2 Bolting Cloth net. Killed and preserved in 10 per cent, formalin. 246 VI. Taken July 29, 1895. Depth of haul, 25 ft. Killed and prej^erved in formalin. VII. Taken July 12, at night. Surface skiniaiing, using a No. 2 Bolting Cloth net. Killed and preserved in 10 per cent, formalin. VIII. Taken Aug. 1,1895, at 9 A.M. Depth of haul, 10 ft. Killed in Fleraming's fluid. Preserved in TO per eent. aleidiol. IX. Taken Au?. 7,1895, at 4 P.M. Depth of haul, 110 ft. Killed in Flemming's fluid. Preserved in 70 per eent. alcohol. I,II,III,IV, V, VI.VII. VIII are from Turkey J.ake or Lake Wawasee; IX is from Tippecanoe Lake. Decapoda. The following crayfishes from Turkey Lake were identified by Mr. W. P. Hay, of Washington, D. C: Cambarus blandinr/ii acuius Girard. Cauibams propiiiguus Girard. Cambant.'f virilis Hagen. On a Small Collection- of Mollusks from Northern Indiana. By R. Ells- worth Call, M. D., Ph. D. The mollusks herewith reported on were collected by the members of the In- diana University Biological Station during tiie past summer. The region is sufficiently well characterized in the report of Dr. Eigenmann, the Director of the Station, and it is necessary here only to allude to its salient features. The locality is on the divide separating the drainage areas of the Great Lakes and the Wabash River. In certain places the two drain.ages are practically identical and thus aflTord opj)ortunity for the intermingling of the two faunas. The lakes and streams are all well within the limit of glaciation in former ages and their beds and shores are boulder-covered or lined. The bottoms of shallower portions of the lakes are gravelly or muddy, while the deeper portions are either muddy or sandy. Corresponding with these physical factors are certain features of moUuscan distribution and modification, which it is the object of these notes to adduce and emphasize. UNIONID.'K. Anodonia decora I^ea. Two specimens of this form were found, l)oth of which were obtained in Syracuse Lake. The specimens were very much more fragile and far thinner than is usual for this species, even when secured from lakes and ponds. The epidermis is quite pale, the lines of growth crowded, and the nacre- ous deposit very white. Forms from sluggishly flowing streams in southern In- diana and elsewhere in the Ohio basin are very highly colored, both interiorly 247 and without. As in other members of this family from these lakes the optimum habitat does not appear to be here. Many of the shells are coated with heavy deposits of calcareous matter, indicating a chemic condition of the water that is unfavorable to the normal development of the several species. Anodonta fermsaciana Lea. One specimen from Turkey Creek ; three speci- mens from Syracuse Lake. The resemblance of these shells to the Anodonta suhcylindracea is very marked indeed. The lake form is lighter both in texture and color than the one speci~ men from the creek. Anodonta footiana Lea. Three specimens from Syracuse Lake ; one specimen from Turkey Creek. The shells submitted are very characteristic of this form, which may noty ultimately, be separated from Anodonta lacustrifi Lea. Like its congeners from the same locality the lake form is very pale in color and unusually thin and fragile. A very interesting fact is illustrated in the littoral distribution of this species and Sphwrium from the same lake. Those which occur in comparatively deep water are very much thinner and lighter in color than the shore forms. Also, those which are found on the northern shores are thinner and more fragile than those on the southern beach. The reason possibly may lie in the prevail- ing winds, which are from the northeast. The southern beach is also more gravelly than the northern. The conditions of environment then, in this case, favor thicker development of the shell in the forms living on the southern beach; they need greater powers of resistance, are subjected to rougher conditions of habitat and this finds expression in heavier secretion of nacreous material. Tlie shells which live at the lake's bottom are also beyond the disturbing influence of waves and being deeply imbedded in mud develop to greater size, but with thinner shells. Margaritana ccdceola Lea. A single dead specimen, from Turkey Creek. This specimen is a very characteristic one, the deposit of calcareous matter on the inner surfaces of the valves being marked; this is a pathologic feature, well marked in the type specimens which Dr. Lea studied. Tliis form and Jlargar- itana deltoidea Lea are synonyms. Margaritana rugosa Barnes. Represented by eight specimens from Turkey Creek, all of which are characteristic. Unio coccineus Lea, One specimen, dead, from Turkey Creek. The nacre of this shell is quite white, a fact true of the majority of shells which fall under this form, though the type-form was beautifully pink. It is often found in collections labelled Unio rubiginosus Lea, but is easily separated 248 by tlie characters tif tlio cardinal teeth and the rounded, iionangulate cliaracter of the posterior slope. In Fnin rnhujinosm there is a well marked ridge extend- ing ijulte to the posterior margin. The flat and white nacred form also may occasionally he seen in collections as Uiiio f/ouldianiis Lea, now a wtdl recognized synonym. Viii" Jahnlis Lea. Twelve speciiuen.s from Tipjiecanoe Lake. This is one of the smallest of our r«/o.s. The shells submitted do not pre- sent any variant features other tli;in tlie very light coloration so characteristic of all the lake shells which we have seen. Unio lapilius Say is a synonym. Uiiio 7(66o.s».s- Barnes. This form Is represented by three specimens from Turkey Creek. These are all much tliiuiier and lighter than the same species from the Ohio and Waliasli river.s, in both of which it is a common shell. It seems to be very abundant in certain of the lakes of northern Indiana, notably Lake Maxinkuckee. The nacre of the.se three individuals is very dark purple. Similar shells to these probably iiave led to the reference of Unio complanatvs Solander to the western fauna. Vnin irl< Lea. Two characteristic si^ecimens from Turkey Creek. Like its near relative— which Is probably also a synonym — Vnio noiieboraci Lea, this shell occurs most commonly and abundantly in creeks and otiier small streams. It most aflfects soft muddy bottoms in rather still waters. Unio luteolus Lamarck. Ten specimens from Syracuse Lake; seven specitnens from Turkey Creek. This species is the most widely distributed shell of the family. It occurs in every stream, lake and pond In Indiana in which shell life of any sort occurs at all. It is also the most abundant Unio, and, correlated with abundance and wide distribution, is a range of variations that are of the greatest import in evo- lutionary processes. All the shells submitted, particularly those from Syracuse Lake, are well covered, posteriorly, with carbonate of lime in heavy masses. The lake specimens also have beautifully marked green rays widely separated over a polished disk, thus constituting them the form to which Anthony gave the name of Unio diMans. The epidermis usually has the peculiar coloration of forms which live in muddy bottoms, though in the lake specimens the epidermis is, for some hidden chemical reason, quite red posteriorly. This peculiar color- ation has often been noticed in shells submitted to us from the lake region of Northern Indiana. Unio Occident! Lea. Nine characteristic specimens from Turkey Creek. None present features diflferent from shells found elsewhere in the State. Unio prenHVJi Lea. One specimen from Turkey Creek. 249 A great many shells of this species have been seen from time to time from various places in Indiana. Very many of tiiem, as this one well does, pre- sent a peculiar diseased or pathologic condition of the cardinal teeth not alto- gether unlike the condition exhibited by the interior surface of Margaritana cal- ceolu. In this instance the cardinal teeth are nearly destroyed and are represented by distorted and imperfect vestiges. It would be interesting indeed if the Station, during the next season, could investigate this phenomenon as a study in the- physiology of Unio, a field yet uncultiva'ed. Unio rubif/inosus Lea. Two specimens from Turkey Creek, one of which is pathologic These shells are intermediate between T^iiio trifjoiius Lea and typical Unio ruhiginoms Lea. They are somewhat more trigonal than the latter shells are com- monly found, and, on the other hand, are less heavy and trigonal than the ponder- ous river form. The whole group is sadly confused and needs painstaking revision.. CORBICCLAD.E. Sphcerium rhomboideum Prime. A single specimen only was taken, from Turkey Lake, in muddy bottom and in comparatively deep water. The specimen is very much thinner than usual. Sphcrium solidulum Prime. Ten specimens from Turkey Lake. These are all smaller than common and quite heavy; they came from the beach at Vawter Park. FRESH-AVATER UNIVALVES. Amnicola porata Say. Eight specimens of this small univalve were obtained in Tippecanoe Lake. Neither it nor others of the univalves found present any characters different from shells found in streams throughout the State. Campeloma decisum Say. Five dead specimens from Turkey Lake. Campeloma integrum Dekay. One dead specimen from Turkey Creek. Campeloma riifum Haldeman. About twenty specimens from Tippecanoe Lake; thirteen, one of which was reversed or sinistral, from Turkey Creek. There is no difficulty in recognizing these several forms, though tyros an- nually make the discovery that there are no valid species but one. Campeloma ruftim differs from both the others constantly by the outlines of the whorls, the shape and color of the aperture, the pink character of the apical whorls, a feature which is best illustrated in the very young and which is a constant character, and in the polished epidermis, which presents a character seen in no other member of the genus. Reversed forms are not uncommon, but yet may be justly considered 250 rare. The type of the genus is a reversed specimen of Campeloma ponderosum from the Ohio Kiver, taken by Kafine8(iue near Louisville, Ky. riiniorbclla ramp(iniili(tp/n/sa caperatu Miiller. A single specimen of this common form only was secured. It came from Turkey Lake. Physa anril'arid Say. Four specimens taken alive, entirely white, from Turkey Lake. This shell is usually honey yellow in coloration, but these speci- mens were a snow white. Physa 7///(H« Say. Only two specimens of the "tadpole" physa appear in the collections, and these came from Tii)pecanoe Lake. It is one of the most widely distributed and most abundant of the Limna?ida\ Goniobnsi.'t pulchdla Anthony. Nine specimens from Turkey Lake; very abundant in Tippecanoe Lake, from which many dead specimens were submitted. This form is widely distributed throughout Indiana. Sometimes associated with it is Goniolxmii lire-^cens Menke, a form decidedly characteristic of the lake drainage. Pleurocera sHbulare Lea. Very abundant in Lake Tippecanoe, from which many dead examples Avere seen. Ytilvdtd tricarinata Say. A single sj^ecimen from Tippecanoe Lake. LAND MOLU'^CA. Lihiax aimpetilria Binney. Four sj)ecimens of tiiis widely distributed form "were obtained from Vawter Park. Succined ohli'jito Say. This species is represented by ten alcoholic specimens. All taken at Vawter Park. Zonitea arboreits Say. Three alcoholic specimens from Vawter Park. None of the univalves present features worthy of special mention. The whole collection is rather the result of incidental work than of careful collecting, and is to be taken as somewhat indicative of tiic wealth of molluscan life in favored localities in Indiana. It is submitted as a local contribution, in the form of a special report, that may iielp to a general knowledge of Indiana mollusks. Cincinnati, Ohio, Novembers, 1895. 251 The Odonata. By D. S. Kellicott. I received for identification last fall two small collections of Dragonflies from Professor Eigenmann. They have been studied and compared with a determined collection; the following species were included: 1. Caloperyx maculata Beauv. It occurs throughout the Eastern United States and is usually abundant wherever it is found, preferring shady streams or rivulets of spring water. 2. Hekeriiia americana F&hr. Several examples of both sexes. This species extends over a wide eastern range and is represented in the Gulf States by a well marked form known in the lists as H. basalii^, and on the Pacific Slope by another, H. Calif orntca. Flies late, often until the middle of October, in Ohio. The scarlet patches at the base of the wings of the male make it a beautiful and con- spicuous insect. 3. Enallagma kugeni Walsh. This appears to be a rare species, but has now appeared in Illinois, Indiana and Ohio. 4. Enallagma signatum Hagen. Extends from the Gulf to Maine. 5. yEschna clepsydra Say. Two males and one female (?) were sent. All the leschnas fly late in the season. The three species constrida, clepsydra and reriicallis resemble one another so closely that they are often regarded as one species ; the females can not be separated by any one as yet. 6. Anax Junius Drury. 7. Tramea lacerata Hagen. 8. Libellula basalis Say. 9. Libellula jndchella Drury. 10. Plathemis trimacidata DeGeer. 11. Celithemis eponina Ttrwry . 12. Diplax t^icina Hagen. This is doubtless the last odonat on the wing in our latitude. In central Ohio it has been taken pairing and ovipositing as late a& November 8. 13. Mesothemis simplicoUis Say. 1-1. Fachydiplax longipennin Burm. I am surprised at the absence of all Gomphines and that so few Agrionines are present. Collecting in the early summer would doubtless disclose several species of both groups. 252 Fishes. By C. II. Ek.knmann. Fishes were collected in much larger numbers than any of the other verte- brates. They will form the subject of our most extented study of variation. I present here simply a few dates on the spawning time and the distribution of the various species in the localities examined. Half of these localities are on the St. Lawrence side of the divide; the other half on the Mississippi side. To show the relation qf the fauna to that of the State I present a complete list of Indiana fishes. SPAWNING SEASONS. Most of the tishes spawn in the spring before the Station opened. This was true of all tn&>|afger species except a few stragglers of Lepomis jmIUcIus. yotiirm il'ini.-<. This species is common under Ijoards and logs in Turkey Creek, at Syracuse. Eggs were found in all stages of development the latter half of June. They are laid in little depressions in the gravel under boards, and are apparently watched by the adult. The eggs adhere to each other in masses large enough to fill the hollow of the hand. The eggs are very flabby, the membrane being not tense, as usual in fish eggs. After hatching the young remain together in the nest, and if they are uncovered by raising the board they quickly scatter to hide under another object or under the board again if this has been turned over. The blastoderm forms a narrow nodule well separated from the yolk by a deep constriction. Pimeph(de-< notalm. The eggs of this species are laid on the under surface of various objects submerged in the margin of the lake to a depth of one or two feet. The fish is usually found with the nest, and the immediate neighborhood of the nest is kept clean of weeds and mud. The eggs were found during the whole of June and the greater part of July. The young swim near the surface and are very abundant the latter half of June. Fnndubi.< diaphanns menona. On June 24 eggs of this species were dragged up by the seine from the grass of the bottom. They are bound together by fila- ments. Zyyonecte.s notatuH. Many taken on June 27 in Turkey Creek were with ripe eggs. Etheostoma caprodes. This species was spawning on May 30, a single ripe female was taken al)out June 25. 253 ^1 St. Lawrence Basin. Mississippi Basin. 6 eS J be c -^ o C-1 1 >. .a 5 H o c CS •Jl c B 5> O O » Webster Lake. ■ Webster Lake (Below Dam). o a o > o o > a) o S i) o OD Ammoccetes branchialis L. Brook Lamprey Ichthyomi/son concolor Kirkland .■"*. '\ yii ' rolyodiin spatlntla Walbaum. Spoon-bill Cat ^. Scupliirhijnchnu platyrhi/nchus Kaf. Shovel-nosed Sturgeon . . ip 'I- \ t t Acipenser rubicundus Le Sueur. Lake Sturgeon. ^Jbepisosteus oi^seiis L. Common (Jar Pike t t t Lepisostem pl-to)nus Rafinesque. Short-nosed Gar-pike Lejji.-itiKtcKS trUtfPchus Bloch and Schneider. Al- ligator (iar ^,■ t t t AmeiuTits mekii' Rafinesque Leptop.'i olimris Rafinesque. Mud Cat ^otiii'itx fiai'u-i Rafinesque -i t SchUheodes e2;iZis Nelson . SfhUhfiides miurus Jordan Srhilhpodefi eleuther)(!< Jordan . . iSchildeodes gyrinus Mitchill Schilhcodeii uocturnn.f Jordan and Gilbert Ictiobm ci/prinetla Cuv. and Val. Common Buffalo Fish . 'Z t t t t .. 1 ^ Ictiobuii uruti Agassiz. Razor-backed Buffalo.. Ictiohus bubalus Rafinesque. Sucker-moutlied Buffalo ' Cnrpiodes curpio Rafinesque Cui'Dwde!^ difforniix Cone . . . Carpiodes velifer Rafinesque. (juill-back Cychptus elrnu/alus Le Sueur. Black Horse Ccdostotitua catofitomu't Foster. Northern Sucker . . Ca(0'nus commersoni La<^pede. Common Sucker, t 1 . . . . 2.14 St. Lawrexck Basin. Mississippi Basin. c • 0 1 0 0 u 3 H "a C OS 0 1-3 0 CO CO a H a u C/J 0 "a! B 7^ 0 c 0 0 < > 5 c £ B. 5 S 0 0 0 ,CutoMo)nu.^ ntfjricajis Le Sueur. Hog Sucker .... —^Erimi/zoii sncetihl 0111,11^ ^litchill. Ch t t t ^ t t \ - T t t ■Minytrenw .'(ie/«/*o/MKalines(iue. Striped Sucker . MuKistomu (ini.-iuruin Rafines(]ue. White-nose Sucker .:. Morostoina anreolum Le Sueur ^loxoMmiHt hreviceps Cope ,' Placoph(tn/ii.r duquesnii Le Sueur ! Laiidchila lacera Jordan and Brayton. Hare-lip Sucker Compostom(( anomaliim Rahnesqun. Stone Roller . Chrosomus enjthrogaster I\afines(iue. Red-bellied Minnow t 1 1 Hi/hof/nis Forljes . t t t t t t t t 't t 2^otropi-^ hifremtluf, Cope : ^oti'opis heterodon Cope NoUopis microi^tomiis Rafines(jue NotropiK cuyuyo ^[eek j^oti'opi< buopi^ fTilbert ' -Not'oph //Mrerifinu--i Kirtland 255 St. Lawrence Bi.SIN. Mississippi Basin. 9 I-? be a ■.J CO a) P. a. « O S >> 3 H a a aj c m B 0) O >> 9 U 3 H Webster Lake. Webster Lake (Below Dam). S c o a. H > o > o £ s, g a o B 1.. > s o 5 o cS 1) o HybojKls imkiuga Jordan and Evermann Hybopsis ke^luo^ennis Rafinesque.^' Horny Head, River Chub, Jerker. . tt. tt'.'.T'. t tt I %' t Hybopsis hyostom Gilbert ■Semotilus alromnculatus Mitchill. Horned Dace, Creek Chub . . "^rT^ t t .. t. Phoxinua elongafuK Kirtland Opsopreodus emiliir Hay NoteniHjonHS chrysoleucus Mitchill "^ t t X t t Hiodon alosoid'^ Rafinescjue Hiodon lenjiifus Le Sueur. Moon-eve Clupfd chnjsochloris Rafinesque. Skip-jack Dorosoma repedianinn I.e Sueur. Gizzard Shad . . Coregonus (luadrilateralis Richardson Coregonus elnpeiformis Mitchill Coregonus labr^oricus Richardson Coregonus hoyi fiill Coregonus urtedi Le Sueur Coregonus artedi sisco .rordaii t • ScUvelimis namaycush Walbauni. Trout Percopsis guttatus Agassiz. Trout Perch Amblyopsis speUruA De Kav. Blind Fish Typldichthys subterraneu.^ iy\vs.Y(\ Fundulus diaphamis menoiia Jordan and Cope- land t t 1 t' t Zygonedcs notatus Rafinesque. TopMinnow .... Zvaonectex disDur Atrassiz v'. . . t t t Gambusia patruelis Baird and Girard. Top Min- now 1 1 Umbra limi Kirtland. Mud-minnow, Dog-fishv/ Lucius vermicidatiis Le Sueur. - Little Pickerel \/f Lucius lucius L. Pike, Northern Pickerel Luciui< mascjiiinongy Mitchill. Muskallunge .... AnguiUa unguilla rostrata Le Sueur. Eel Pygosteus pungitius L. Nine-spined Stickle- back t t t t t t t' t t- t .-t 1 t t t t t Encalia inconstans Kirtland. Brook Stickleback. . Lnbidesthes siccnlus Cope. Brook Silverside t t t t t t Aphrcdoderus suyonus GWUams. Pirate Percli ... t '.'. '.'}.. i 256 St. [jAWRENCE Basin. s OS , ft o C o ^ M |-^ o u n .a s §'^ IS ^ o,^^ * o O 1 £ 3 o 1 a ■ js; .ii c eg .^ •r i t< 1 !- n1 £ ^ £1 s s X ;; s! O} H H ^ Vj I Mississippi Basin. H H o o 02 Ccntrdrchns macroptcrus Lac^pede Pomoxis itparoides I^acepede. Calico Bass J*omoxis iiii.< cynnellnf Rafincsc^ue. Green Sunfish . . . Lepiimis macrochiri(s Rafinescjue Lepomis humilis Girard , . — Lepomis pallidiis Mitehill. Blue S«4ifl«h .'..;... Lipninis mt'f/alotis Ratinesqne Lepomis garmani Forbes Lepomis euryonis McKay Lepomis heros B. and G. McKay Lepomis notafus Agass. McKay — Lepomis (jibbosiis L. Common Sunfish — Mirropterus dolomieu Lacepede. Small-mouthed Black Bass Mic.ropterus salvioides I^ac^pede. Large-mouthed — Black Bass Etheostoma pelbieidnm Baird. Sand Darter Etheostoma asprellus .Jordan ~~~ Etheostoma niyriim Ratinesqne. " .Tohnny " Etheostoma chlnrosoma I lav Ethostomo hleanioides Rafinesque. ( !reen-sided Darter Etheostoma coplandi .Jordan Etheostoma histrio .Jordan and Gilbert Etheostoma shnmardi (iirard Etheostonui nranidea .Jordan and Gilbert ^Etheostoma caprodes Rafinestjue. Log Perch, Hog-fish Etheostoma maeroeephalum Cope Etheostoma ouaehita' .Jordan and Gilbert — r Etheostoma asjiro Cope and .Jordan Etheostoma phojocephalum Nelson Etheostoma scierum Swain Etheostoma erides .Jordan and Copeland Etheostoma variatirm KirtJand •f- -t 257 St. Lawrknce Basim. Mississippi Basin. - o it a •*^ c. a, p 6 >. a >> © s c a a a >> 02 Q m a> CD o © .is) u tn o "a B _© "5 5 a o C s a > > o a cS 4) a m © o © a. H © o o m 1 V V I 11' 1 ^ EthfoMoiiia tippecanoe Jordan and Evermann .... Kt/iPdxtnmn intrfp Jordan and Meek.', r t t t f t t * t 't IJ(hej>Mi)ma acndeum Storer. Rainbow Darter."!'. Etheostoina arrultum itpertahilc Agassiz Etheostoma jemid' Jordan and Bray ton VlJiPfi^iiitrifi t'tKJffii'iitp (Tirard . ... Eflicostoiiia eo.< Jordan and Copeland EtheoMoma micropercd Jordan and Gilbert. .... Perm ifnve<(reiit Mitfhill Yellow Perch *r t t t t t t t .1. t t t t t t 't Stisostedion vitreum Mitchill. Wall-eye SHzostedion canadense C. H. Smith. Sanger, Sand Pike Rorcu)^ lineatH.'' Bloch. Striped Bass • ■ • • -^ Eoccus chrysops Rafinesque. White Bass Momne interrupta Gill. Yellow Bass Aplodinotm (p-unnien.^ Rafinesque. Fresh Water t Coitus bairdi Girard. Miller's Thumb .. t Lnta lota maeulosa Le Sueur. Burbot (17) 258 Batrachia. By Curtis Atkinson. Siren la^rrliiKi Linnaeus. A single specimen of this species was taken in the seine in the channel. Mr. Dolan secured another late in September, and after- wards, through his students, secured a nest of eleven, which were uncovered while cleaning a lot near Syracuse. These had evidently gone into winter quarters. Five of them are still alive. Turkey Lake is the most northern locality so far recorded for the siren. yecturu>t maciilatus Kafinesque. Three specimens of this species were secured. It is said to be abundant, but no other specimens were noted. On June 28, a number of eggs were found fastened to the bower surface of a board, which was well imbedded in the mud of the bank of Turkey Creek. The young were al- ready quite active in the loose. Habby bags forming their covering. Amblystoma jeffersoniamnti Green? A single specimen under a log near the lake. Bii/o lentigi)Wi/lli(!< crepitani< Baird. Abundant along the shallow margins of the lake among rushes and lillypads. Detailed localities where it was taken are outlet of String Lakes. Turkey Lake, Syracuse Lake, Turkey Creek, Webster and Tippecanoe Lakes and Tijipecanoe River. RaiKi rirescenif Kalm. ^'ery abundant and variable. I am not at all certain that the varieties described by Cope and Hay are to be found among our material, but it seems <|uite certain that there is no correlation in the variations of diflferent parts of the body. If varieties are to be distinguished it must be by separating them on single characters. I have made measurements of a number of characters to determine whether the 120 specimens collected could be grouped according to any of these. The relation of the tibia in the length of the body gave the length of the tibia .55 that of the body as the most common relation between the parts. P'rom this there is a gradual reduction to a length of .49 on the one hand and an increase to .70 on the other. But .20 of the specimens had the tibia with the most common length. This character is then perfectly useless in separating varieties in my specimens. The same may be said of the length of the head in the length of the body, .33 is the relation occurring oftenest and from this there is a variation to .20 on one hand and .27 on the other; .20 of all the specimens have the length of the head .33 of the length of the body. 25!) The relation of the fifth toe to the length of the third toe gave a very jagged curve with the length of the fifth toe .95 of the length of the third as the condi- tion occurring in .20 of the specimens. From this a very irregular curve extends to .89 on one side and to 1.00 on the other. The relation of the diameter of the tympanum to the diameter of the eye gave the most irregular curve. Thirty-five per cent, of all the specimens had a tympanum with a diameter equal to .60 of that of the eye. From this we have a saw-toothed curve to .48 on one side and .70 on the other. A comparatively large per cent. — 15 per cent. — have a relation of .50. Attempts to get system out of this curve by breaking it up into age curves did not succeed entirely. But these separate curves for the different ages show that in the young the tympanum is comparatively small, and that the peak noted at the .50 mark is due to the young included in the general curve. Tlie whole study emphasized the fact that there is little or no coiirdination in the variation in this frog. Xo two characters, in fact, seem to vary together and all the specimens may be referred to but one variety. I have in the following grouping, in the shape of the conventional key, sep- arated the specimens according to their color patterns. All but one or two of the combination of patterns contains individuals which have the vomerine patches of teeth forming a straight line, and others with these patches inclined to each other at a more or less distinct angle. They clearly show that there is no coordi- nation in the different parts of the color pattern. Each region varies apparently independently of the others. KEY TO THE COLOR PATTERNS. a. A spot on the nose. b. Two complete series of spots on the back. c. Two cross bars on the femur. (I. Tibia with a mixture of spots and bars. 5 specimens. bh. Two complete series of spots on the back, with a third broken series between. . e. Two cross bars on the femur. /. Tibia, with a mi.xture of spots and bars. 16 specimens. /. Tibia, with a row of spots on the anterior and another on the posterior edge, upper surface unspotted. 1 specimen. ee. Three cross bars on the femur. (/. Tibia, with a mixture of spots and bars. h. Spots on back, many and small. 21 specimens. hh. Spots on back, few and large. 13 specimens. 260 gi). Tibia, witii a row of spots on the anterior and another on the posterior edge, upper surface unspotted. 9 specimens, fee. Four or five cross bars on femur. /. Tibia, witli a mixture of spots and bars. 16 specimens. ('/. Tibia, witli a row of spots on the anterior and another on the posterior edsj^e, upper surface unspotted. 2 specimens. aa. No spot on tiie nose. ./. Two series of spots on tlie back. k. Two cross bars on femur. Tibia, with a mixture of spots and bars. 4 sj)ecimens. A/-. Tiiree cross bars on tlie femur. Tibia, with a mixture of spots and bars. 4 specimens. f:f:k. Irregular number of cross bars on femur, always more than three. /. Til)ia, with a mixture of spots and bars. 2 specimens. //. Tibia, with a row of spots on the anterior and pos- terior edge, upper surface unspotted. 2 speci- mens. /'/• Two complete series of s})ots on the back, with a third broken series between them. m. Two cross bars on the femur. Tibia, with a mix- ture of spots and bars. 4 specimens. mm. Three cross bars on the femur. ;/. Tibia, witli a mixture of spots and bars. 11 S])ecinieus. nn. Til)ia, with a row of spots on the anterior and another on the posterior edge, upper surface unspotted. 4 specimens. mrnm. Four or five cross bars on the femur. I). Tibia, witii a mixture of spots and bars. 1 specimen. no. Tibia, with a row of spots on the anterigr and another on the posterior edge, upper sur- face unspotted. 4 specimens. String Lakes, Upper and Lower Turkey Creeks, Turkey, Webster and Tippe- canoe Lakes. Rana pabMrk LeConte. One at the String Lakes, one at Turkey Lake, five at Tippecanoe Lake. 261 Rana syhatica LeConte. A single specimen at Turkey Lake. Rana clamata Daudin. Abundant at Upijer and Lower Turkey Creek, Turkey and Tippecanoe Lakes. Rana catenbiana Shaw. Abundant among lily pads, especially in parts of the lake not frequently visited, Turkey and Tippecanoe Lakes. Snakes of Turkey Lake. By G. Reddick. The number of specimens of snakes taken amount to about 225. They belong to five genera and eight species. Baacanixm constrictor Linn, is common around Turkey Lake and is the largest of the snakes found here. This snake is of course no part of the lake fauna. This snake was also taken at Lake Tippecanoe. Evtainia sirfalis Linn, is very abundant along the margin of the lake, feed- ing on frogs and fish. One specimen was secured with a cat-fish spine sticking through the body wall of the snake. Young taken from this snake July 17 averaged a slight fraction over seven inches in length and were almost grown, only a very small amount of the yolk being left. These young as soon as they were liberated would try to crawl away, and upon provocation and some without provocation would open their little mouths and Hatten their heads and strike as viciously as old snakes. As high as seventy-two young were taken from one snake, and often from thirty to forty. The average appearing to be between thirty and forty. This snake was also secured from Tippecanoe Lake. Eutainia saurita Linn, is not nearly so abundant nor is it nearly so prolific. Eggs were taken from only three or four specimens, six being the highest number taken from any one. Specimens of this snake were also taken from the margins of Lake Tippecanoe. Eutainia butlerii Cope. Only one specimen of this was taken. It was four- teen and one-half inches long. This snake is short and chubby and its movement is very characteristic of it. It does not have the gliding movement of E. saurita nor the swift but yet very active movement of N. dpedon, but seems rather to exert a large amount of force to do little crawling. The movement is so charac- teristic that I believe any one, having once seen the peculiar way in which it tries to hurry itself away, would ever after be able to recognize it at a distance. No specimen was taken from Lake Tippecanoe. 262 Natrix Icberia Linn, is rare in Turkey Laice, but common in Lake Tippeca- noe. Twelve is the highest number of embryos taken from any one specimen. Embryos taken August 5 contained a considerable amount of yolk; probably enough to nourish the embryo for a month or more. Xatrir .vpedon Linn, is the most abundant of snakes found in this region, but not the most prolific, E. sirtalii^ standing ahead of it. Thirty-four was the highest number of eggs taken from any one specimen. One snake which was kepf in confinement gave birth to fourteen young the third week of September. Among the bullrushes is a favorite abode for this snake, and also under any- thing whatever that happens to be lying along the margin of the lake, especially if it happens to be lying partly in the water. Sistrurus catinaius Eaf. This snake is very common around Turkey Lake and also around Lake Tippecanoe. Several specimens were secured and others killed. It lives chiefly in the swamps. A specimen taken August 6 contained five eggs and the embryos were seven inches long. Sloicria dekatji Holb. Only one specimen of this was secured. It was taken along a highway running by the side of a swamp. Testudinata. By C. H. Eigenmann. Turtles are at all times and everywhere abundant. They frequent especially the shallower portions of the lake. Many specimens of all ages were preserved. The number of variations in the shields is large. I present here simply a list with notes on their abundance and breeding habits. Chdijdra sa-prntina Linnaeus. This species is abundant in Turkey Lake, and reaches a larger size than any of the others. It is caught for the markets. It is much shyer than the other species of turtles and is not frequently seen. It inhabits the shallower muddy parts of the lake, being abundant in the kettle and about Morrison's Island. No eggs were found. Trionyj: spiniferns L,eSneur. The soft-shelled turtle is very abundant. It is the second in size and is caught for the markets. Its round eggs are laid in the sand and gravel near the water's edge during June and July. On June 26 one was seen digging a nest in the gravel banks at Syracuse, and on the 27th we obtained eggs from five nests about Ogden Point and other places about the kettle. Other fresh nests were found July 9. The time of hatching was not determined. 263 Several empty nests were found in July, but some eggs, examined as late as Sep- tember 1, contained young which would have been ready to hatch about a month later. The number of eggs found in several nests was as follows: 9; 12: 17; 18; 27; 32. Aromochelys odoruta Bosc. This species is abundant, but not conspicuous. Individuals were oftenest seen the latter part of June and first part of July while laying their eggs. The eggs are laid in the rotten wood in the tops of stumps standing in the margin of the lake. The turtles were frequently found in the tops of these stumps, and some of their eggs wedged as far into tiie rotten wood as a finger could bore. Rotten logs removed some distance from the water are also favorable places for egg laying, and in a mucky place of small area at the edge of the lake 362 eggs were taken at one time. The number of eggs laid by one individual varies from 4 to 7, this nnmber being usually in a cluster. At this rate about sixty turtles must have contributed to the nest of 362. AVhile passing along a wheat field some turtles were seen coming from it, and on inspection it was found that they had deposited their eggs in the ground in depressions made by a cow while walking over the ground when it was soft. Still other eggs were found in bundles of rushes drifted together. An interesting change of habit seems to have taken place among these turtles during the last fifty years. Before that time the number of stumps standing in the margin of the lake must have been exceedingly small. The present large number is due to the rising of the lake after the building of the dam and the subsequent cutting down of the trees whose boles had become submerged. The habit of laying eggs in stumps can not be of much more than fifty years' duration. The time of laying must be scattered over considerable time, for many eggs were found hatched in August, while some obtained about then hatched at various times from September 15 to November 1. These were, however, kept in a box in a room and therefore removed from normal conditions. The age of this, as of all other hard-shelled turtles, can be estimated by the lines of growth on the horny^uticle. The originally exposed part of tiie plate occupies the medio- cephalic corner of the plate and additions occur as smooth strips along the outer and posterior margins. The strips are quite distinct in early years, but become more or less obscure with age. Chrynenij/x marc/inata Agassiz. This a])pears to be the most abundant turtle of the lake. How far its apparent abundance may be due to its habits I am unable to say. It is found floating or quietly paddling along, its head out of the water, but on nearer approach it always turns tail and seeks refuge in tlie abundant chara fields or in other hiding places. The chara fields are traversed liy narrow paths 264 ami tunnels made by this turtle. The eggs are laid later in the summer and farther from the water than those of the other species. Many were leaving the water in late August; the eggs were found but once. Malademmys geof/raphica LeSueur. Xext to Chrysemys the most abundant of the turtles. It goes by the appropriate name of Housetop. Etny.-f blandini/ii Ilolbrook. Found in moderate numbers in the lake and along the banks of Turkey Creek. Clemiiiy.-< guttata Schneider. But two specimens were seen. Cistudo Carolina Linnanis. (^ne specimen of this species was taken. It, how- ever, in no sense forms a part of the fauna of the lake. Water Birds of Turkey Lake. By F. ]\I. Chamberlain. The following birds were taken between .July 1 and September 1, on or near Turkey Lake. Only those of more or less aquatic habits are listed : L ILjdrochdidon nigra L. 2. Bolaitrn.t lentiginostts Montaga. 3. Botaurus erilis Gmelin. 4. Ardea virescens L. 5. Italhis etegans Audubon. 6. R(dlus virgini(ini(s L. 7. GaUinida gateata Lichtenstein. 8. Fidica americana Gmelin. y. Acliiis macnlaria L. 10. Aegilites vocifera L. 1 1 . Cerylc al(y(/n L. 12. Agelaiui^ phoenicus \^. 13. Clivicola riparia L. ^ 14. Cisfothfiru.-< palusfris Wilson. 265 PART III— VARIATION. The Study of Variation.* By C. H. Eigenmann. Variation and Its Importance. No two individuals are exactly alike. The differences of whatever sort, whether in structure or habit, between the individ- uals of a species, whether these individuals are related to each other as parent and child, or belong to the same brood, are termed variation. The whole basis of the Darwinian idea of evolution is this individual vari- ation. At present we have two estimates of the importance of individual vari- ation. I. The individual variations are of the utmost importance, and all species are the result of natural selection working on the varying individuals of any species. II. Individual " variation offers us little hope of learning the real facts of evolution," "species are not the result of the selection of a few favorable vari- ations out of a large number of haphazard changes," but to "the orderly ad- vance (of the mean specific form) towards the final goal, deviating very little from the direct line."1 We subscribe to neither of these views, wishing to view the facts as they are presented by the conditions of the environment at Turkey Lake and the lakes in the neighborhood, in a perfectly impartial way. The causes of variation are still unknown, though several explanations have been attempted. This is not surprising since the variations in no species are sufficiently known to formulate any satisfactory explanation, in fact little has been attempted but to determine the extent of variation in comparatively few cases where the variation is great, resulting in the naming ot new varieties and in the recording of abnormalities. The statistical method of studying vari.-ition is of the most recent date, but much promises to be done with this method. DlSTRiBUTiox OF VARIATIONS. Variations are to be found at all times and at all places where organisms exist. They are found under conditions where the environment is in a state of stability. The conditions under which the greatest variability is found tin fishes) are: 1. Wide distribution. .\ large territory is, usually, though not necessarily, inhabited by more or less stable varieties. ■'Contributions from the Zo ilogical Laboratory of the Indiana University, Xo. 17. tThis wording is from Scott, but since the paragraphs are selected from isolated parts of his paper, I do not wish to -convey the idea that they state his views as he would like to have them stated. The paragraphs state an extreme view. 266 2. iTi-eat physical and climatic differences, even in comparatively narrow limits. No more striking illustration can be imagined than is offered by the streams of the Pacific slope of North America, which are inhabited by extraord- inarv variable species, without stable varieties 3. Amphimyxis has been suggested by Ayres as a condition favoring the display of great variation. These are simply statements under whicii variation seems to find its optimum condition and do not approach any explanation of its causes. CLA>iSlFiCATiON? OF VARIATIONS. — Students of variation have found it ad- vantageous to analyze the phenomena, and the result of this analysis has given us the following classifications: Continuous variation, including all gradual modifications and transitions. Discontinuous variation ; any sudden and wide modifications or saltations. Using other features as the basis of classification, we have : Meristic variations dealing with the change in the number of successive parts. Substuntative dealing witli the chemical modifications of parts. Another classification gives us: Indeterminate, or fortuitous and aimless variation. This is largely individual and pertains to series of variations either geographically or geologically. iJi'tcrminate and adaptive, leading to definite end. The most essential and at the same time the most difficult to define is the distinction between — Ontogenetic variation including all those deviations appearing at any time, from any cause, during the life cycle of an individual; Plii/lo(jenetic variations change from the specific characters appearing at some time in the life cycle of an individual, or better still, a large number of indi- viduals, reappearing in the next generation, finally becoming hereditarily fixed. I have in the following directions omitted the use of the terms ontogenetic and phylogenetic. Recently (Osborn, 1894 , the distinction between ontogenetic and phylogenetic variation in the study of evolution has been strenuously insisted upon as the only possible way of determining the value of any given variation in the process of ev. What is the difference in the variation of the youngest brood early in the season and late in the season, and what is the difference in the variation in suc- ceeding years of the same brood? Is this difTerence, if any exists, due to modi- fications with age or to selective destruction, /. e., has a larger percentage of individuals with one characteristic been eliminated than of individuals, with this characteristic slightly different? In what part of the curve of variation have the greatest changes been produced ? 10. If certain individuals with definite characters seem to survive, can it be determined in what way this variation brings about the survival? 11. At what age or stage of growth are variations greatest? 12. Can variations arising with age be referred to habits or environment? lo. What is the relation of sports or saltatory variations to the continuous "variation numerically? By saltatory variations are meant all those variations not connected with the iuean by intermediate steps. 14. Are saltatory characters always bilateral? If not, to what degree are they bilateral? The fact that a saltatory variation is confined to one side or is found on both sides, may enable us to determine whether the deviation began in the germ before the appearance of bilaterality or is of later origin. 15. In how far is the repetition of a character due to the repetition of the environment as shown in the correlation of annual fluctuations in environment with annual variations? See under 8. Whitman Biological Lectures, 181)4, p. 4: ''An epidemic of metaphysical physics seems to be in progress— a sort of neo-epir/eiie.-iis. In i)lace of the ris essendalvf of the old epigenesis. the new epigenesis sets uj) as its letich the m impres.-ia. The new god is preferred because it works from the outside instead of 271 the inside. It represents tlie sum of external conditions and influences at the present moment, and is proclaimed all-sufficient for building up organisms out of isotropic corpuscles. Previous conditions are not, indeed, quite ignored, for they have resulted in special molecular constitutions called germs, and these dis- play molecular activities known as metabolism, growth and division. The long past can bring forth only a molecular basis; a few hours of the present can sup- ply all, or nearly all, the determinations of the most complex organism. Im- potent past; prepotent present. We have no longer any use for the 'Ahnengal- lerie' of phylogeny. Heredity does not explain itself or anything else, and it detracts from the omnipotence and universality of molecular epigenetics. We are no better off for knowing that we have eyes because our ancestors had eyes. If our eyes resemble theirs it is not on account of geneological connection, but because the molecular germinal basis is developed under similar conditions. The reason this basis becomes an eye ratlier than an ear or some other organ is wholly due to its position and surroundings, not to any inherent predetermina- tions. If the material for the eye and the ear could be interchanged in tlie molecular germ, that which in one place would become eye would in the other place become ear, and vice rerxa." L6. In what characters does the same species in the neighboring lakes difler, and in what respects does the variation differ in the difiierent lakes? 17. Are variations in one part of the body correlated with variations in another part of the body? In many cases this can only be determined by converting the variations in part into the terms of the variation of another j)art. The method for doing this has been suggested by Galton, whose method is discussed at the end of this paper. 18. What correlation is there in tiie variation of different species under the same environment? As far as I am aware, no systematic studies of this description have been made. With us this study resolves itself into the determination of whether the fishes in Turkey Lake all differ from those in Tippecanoe along definite, deter- mined ways, so that given the characters of a species for Turkey Lake the charac- ters for the same species in Tippecanoe could be predicted. Similar but exotic instances are the absence of ventral fins in some of the fishes inhabiting even widely separated mountain lakes, and the presence of en- larged scales along the base of the anal in the Cyprinidfe inhabiting mountain streams of India; or, to come nearer home, the peculiar color patterns of the fishes in some regions of upper Georgia. 272 Method of Presenting Results?. Results of statistical inquiries into vari- ation can best be presented by frequency of error curves, and these will be used wherever possible. The abscissa will in all cases be made to represent the size of the organ, the ordinate the percentum of individuals having the particular size. To convert variations in one organ into the terms of another organ the scheme of distribution will he used with the fornuila given by Galton for comparing one such curve with another. The process of comparing any curve "a" with any Q of "a" curve "b," multiply each of "a's" height by -- — . , ,, The (^ of any scheme of distribution is one-half the difierence between any two grades. The same grades in the two curves to be compared being used to determine their (^ fnr this purpose, 25 per cent, and 75 per cent, are suggested as most con- venient by Galton. Ideally the variations occurring in a single organ expressed by a frequency of error curve, when a large number of individuals have been examined, will form a symmetrical curve which is called a "normal." 8uch a curve may always be expected when the material under consideration is of a single origin and has developed under the same environment. Unfortunately for non-mathematical evolutionists, the converse does not seem to be the case, for a symmetric curve may be made n\) of two symmetric curves with axes not far apart, a fact that can only be determined mathematically. Says Pearson, ''There will always be the problem: Is the material homogeneous and a true evolution going on, or is the material a mixture? To throw the solution on the eye in examining the graph- ical results is, I feel certain, (juite futile." It is not hoped that the data can l)e treated with the mathematical refine- ment suggested by Pearson, nor is it probable that such treatment of our material will become absolutely necessary, since there can be but little question of the unity of origin of the material in any given small lake. Wliile usually, as stated above, the curve resulting from the study of a large number of specimens will be symmetric, it will freijuently be asymmetric. Sam- ples of the different sort (>f curves actually observed are given. Asymmetric curves may be the result, 1. Of the selective influence working on one side of a symmetric curve and be then found in more or less mature S{)ecimens. 2. Of the reaction to a change in the environment and indicative of a muta- tion or change in the mean specific form. 3. Of the double origin of the material under consideration, and may then have a great variety of forms, from slightly asymm-etric curve to one with a broad top or with many peaks. 273 RECENT LITERATURE ON HEREDITY AND VARIATION. For the older literature, see Davenport, '95, Keeler, '93, Osborn, '94, and Thomson, of the following list : Allen, J. A., '94. On the seasonal change of color in the varying hare, (Lepu.H americanus.) Bull. Am. Mus. YI, pp. 107-128. '91a. Cranial variations in Neotoma micropus due to growth and individ- ual differentiation. Bull. Am. Mus., VI, pp. 233-246. 1 pi. Andrews, E. A., '94. Some abnormal Annelids. Quart. J. Micros. Sci., XXXVII, pp. 435-460. 3 pis. Bailey, L. H., '94. Neo-Lamarckism and Neo-Darwinism. Am Nat., XXVIII. '96. Variation after birth. Am. Nat. XXX, 17. Bale, W. Platt, '94. Neuter Insects and Lamarckism. Nat. Sci., IV, pp. 91-97. Bateson, W., '94. On two cases of color variation in Hat fishes, illus- trating principles of symmetry. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, pp. 246-249. 1 pi. '95. The origin of cultivated cineria. Nature, vol. 52, 29, 103. Baur, G, '95. The differentiation of species on the Galapagos Islands and the origin of the grouj). Biological Lectures, 1.S94. Boston, 1895. Behla, R., '94. Die Abstammungslehre u. die Errichtung eines Institutes fiir Transformismus. Kiel and Leipzig, 8vo., VII, 60 pp. Below, E., '94. Artenbildung. durch Zonenwechsel, Frankfurt, 24 pp. Brooks, AV. K., '95. An intrinsic error in the theories of Galton and Weismann. Science, I, 38. Cope, E. D., '89. The mechanical causes of the development of the hard parts of the mammalia. Jour. Morjjh., Ill, pp. 137-277. '89. On inheritance in Evolutiijn. Am. Nat., XXIII. '92. A synopsis of the species of the genus Cnemidophorus. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. '93. The color variations of the milk snake. Am. Nat., XXVII, p. 1066. '94. The energy ai evolution. Am. Nat., XXVII, p. 205. '94a. The origin of structural variations. New Occasions, Vol. II, pp. 273-279. '96. Primary factors of organic evolution. Open Court Publishing Co., Chicago. Cunningham, J. T., '93. The problem of variation. Natural Science, Vol. Ill, 282-287. Oct., 1893. (18) 274 '94. Neuter Insects and Darwinism. Nat. Sci., Vol. IV, April. Cunningham. J. T., ancl MacMunn, C. A., '93. On the coloration of the skins of fishes, especially of Pleuronectidte. Phil. Trans. Eoy. Soc. London, Vol. ( LXXXIV. pp. 765-812. Dall, W. H.. '77. A provisional hypothesis of saltatory evolution. Am. Nat., 1877. '90. On dynamic influences in evolution. Biol. Soc. Wash. '94. The mechanical cause of folds in the aperture of the shells of gastero- pods. Am. Nat., XXVII f. Davenport, C. B., and Castle, W. E., '95. On the Acclimatization of or- ganisms to high temperatures. Arch. Entwickelungsm d. Organismen, II, 227- 249. Delage, Yves, '95. La Structure du protoplasma et les theories sur I'he- redite. Paris. Dixey, F. A., '94. On Mr. Mcrrifield's experiments on temperature vari- ation as bearing on theories of heredity. Trans. Ent. Soc. London, pp. 439-446. EiGEXMANN, C. H., '94. The effect of environment on the mass of local species. Proc. Ind. Acad. Sci., 1893, pp. 226-229. '94a. Results of explorations in western Canada and northwestern United States. Bull. U. S. Fish Com., XIV, pp. 101-132, pis. 5-8, .July 7. '95. Leuciscus balteatus (Richardson). A study in variation. Am. Nat., .Jan., 1895, pp. 10-25, pis. 1-5. Eimer, H. T., '90. Organic evolution. London, 1890. '95. Orthofn:ne.2a. Heredity and the germ celN. Am. Nat., XXVI, pp. 642-670. '513. The rise of the mammalia in North America. Am. Jour. Sci., Vol. XI.Vl, pp. 379-448, and Biological Studies of Columbia College, Part I. '9i. Alte und neue Probleme der Phylogenese. Ergebnisse, Anatomic und Entw., III. '94a. From the (Greeks to Darwin. Macmillan & Co. '95. Environment in its influence upon the successive stages of development and as a cause of variation. Science, I, 35. "iloa. The hereditary mechanism and the search for the unknown factors of evolution. Biological Lectures, 1894. Boston, 1895. Packard, A. S., '94. On tiie inheritance of acquired characters in animals, with a complete metamorphosis. Proc. Am. Acad., XXIX, pp. 331-370. ''.•4a. The origin of the subterranean fauna of North America. Am. Nat., XXVIll. p. 727. Pearson, K., '94. Contributions to the mathematical theory of evolution. Phil. Trans., I80A. Pfefker, (t., '94. Ueber die Umwandlung der Arten auf Grund des Ueber- lebens eines verschiedengearteten Durchschnitts je nach dem wechsel der Lebens- bedingungen verb. Deutsche Zofil. Gess., 3 vers., pp. 57-69. Romanes, G. J., '90. Weismann's Theory of Heredity. Contemporary Re- view, May, 1S90. Reprinted in Smithsonian K])!., 1S90. Pt. 1, j). 433. '92. Darwin and after Darwin. Vol. I. '95. Darwin and after Darwin. Vol. II. Open Court Publishing Co., Chicago. Ryder, .J. A., '90. A pliysiologicai liypothesis of heredity and variation. .Am. Nat., XXIV, pp. 85-92. '92. On the meciianical genesis of the scales of fishes. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., PI). 219-224. Proofs of the effect of habitual use in the modification of animal organisms. Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, Phila., Vol. XXVI. '93. The inheritance of modifications due to disturbances of the early stages of development. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., pp. 75-94. '94. Dynamics in evolution. Biological Lectures, 1893, pp. 6.3-83. Boston, 1894. '95. A dynamical hypothesis (A inheritance. Biological Lectures, 1894, pp. '2'i-bb. Boston. Scott, W. B., '91. On some of the factors in the evolution of the mammalia. .Jour. Morph., V, 37S. 277 '94. On variations and mutations. Am. Jour. Sci., XLVIII, pp. 355-374. Sanderson, J. B., '95. The effect of environment on the development of echinodern larvse; an experimental inquiry into the causes of variation. Proc. Koy. Soc, LVII, pp. 382-385. Standfuss, M., '94. Die Beziehungen zwischen Fiirbung und Lebensgewohn- heit bei den palaearetischen Gross-Schmetterlingen. Vierteljahrschrift der Naturf. Gess. Zurich, XXXIX. Thiselton-Dyer, C. M. (t., '95. Variation and specific stability. Nature, Vol. LI, p. 459. '95a. The origin of cultivated cineria. Nature, Vol. LII, pp. 54, 103, 129. Thompson, J. A. The history and theory of heredity. Proc. Roy. Soc, Edinburgh, Vol. XVI. '88. Synthetic summary of the influence of the environment upon the or- ganism. Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc, Edinburgh, Vol. IX, pt. 3. Vries, H. de, '95. Eine zweigipflige variations Kurve. Arch. Entwicke- lungsm., II, pp. 52-65. Ward, L. J., '94. Weismann's concessions. Popular Sci. Monthly, pp. 175-184. Weismann, Aug., '93. The germ plasm. New York. "94. The effect of external inHuences upon development. Romanes' lecture. Weldon, W. F. R., '92. Certain correlated variations in Crangon vulgaris. Proc. Roy. Soc, Vol. LI. '93. On certain correlated variations in Carcinus m(t>nas. Proc. Roy. Soc, Vol. LIV. '95. The origin of cultivated cineria. Nature, Vol. LII, 103; LIV, 129. '95a. An attempt to measure the death rate due to the selective destruction of Carcinus m«enas with respect to a particular dimension. Proc. Roy. Soc, LVII, pp. 360-379. '95b. Remarks on variation in animals and plants. Proc. Roy. Soc, LVII, pp. 379-382. Whitman, C. O., '94. The inadeciuacy of the cell theory of development. Biological Lectures, 1893, pp. 105-125. Boston, 1894. '95. Evolution and epigenesis. Bonnet's theory of evolution ; the palingen- esia and the germ doctrine of Bonnet. Biological Lectures, 1894, pp. 205-241. Boston, 1895. Wil>S0N, E. B., '94. The mosaic theory of development. Biological Lectures, 1893, pp. 1-15. Ginn t*c Co., Boston. 278 '05. The influence of the environment on the early stages of eoibiyonic development. Science, I, 3l>. Wilson, W. P., "!H. The inlluence of external conditions on plant life. Biological Lectures, 1803, pp. 103-185. Boston, 1804. WiXDLE, B. C, '80. Report on a discussion on the transmission of acquired characters. Nature, XL, 609. '80a. A note on the riui.' stentalis. Anat. Anz., IV, pp. 715-719. '00. On some cranial and dental characters of the domestic dog. Proc. Zool. Soc , Jan. 1890. '00a. Terratological evidence as to the heredity of acquired conditions. J. Linn. Soc. Zool., XXIII. pp. 448-502. WoRTMAX, J. L., '03. A new theory of the mechanical evolution of the metapodial keels of Diplarthra. Am. Nat., XXVII, p. 421. Zenkeck, J., '04. Die Anlage der Zeichnung u. deren physiologische Ursachen bei Ringelnatterembryonen. Zeitsch. W. Zool., LVIII, pp. 364-393. VARIATION OF NORTH AMERICAN FISHES. II. The Vari.\tion of Etheostoma Caprode? Rafinesque in Turkey Lake AND Tippecanoe Lake.® By W. .J. Moenkhaus. Introduction.- — In a former paper on the ''Variation of Etheostoma caprodeg Rafinesque" (Am. Nat.. Aug., 1804), I determined the geographical distribution of this fish and the geographical variation of its color-pattern and fins. It was found that this species inhabits practically all the fresh waters of the Atlantic slope east of the 100th meridian and west of the Alleghany Mountains. Its northern and eastern limits are the Great Lakes and Lake Champlain ; its southwestern, the Rio Grande in the extreme southern part of Texas. The following conclusions were reached among others : 1. Each river system from which specimens were examined jjossesses a pe- culiar variety. This peculiarity is most striking in the color-pattern. 2. All the variations are continuous. ■■■Contributions from the Zoological Laboratory of the Indiana University under the direction of C. H. Eigenmann, No. 18. 279 3. The variation in the anal rays and dorsal spines are determinate with the latitude, the southern specimens having a slightly larger number of rays and spines. 4. The color-pattern variations are determinate, varying through definite stages from a simple to more complex pattern. In Table A and B are given the data on the anal rays and dorsal spines. The localities are arranged in the order of their latitude from north to south. From these we see that there is both an increase in the average number of rays and spines and in the number that pi'evails in each case from north to south. In the anal fin 10 is the prevailing number north, and 11 and 12 south, of the Ohio River. Fourteen and fifteen are the prevailing numlier of dorsal spines in the north and 15, 16 and 17 in the south. TABLE A. LOCALITY. X ^ 1 .i 1 S^ M o o aj -2 b 3J O (U ^ a,—" .5 5« X'_- ^.c a- o'S '~ ■T' o 2 ^ " . >H - . iC 5 C/ 00 CO 0) to a, Ji ^< _= C >-. a 3 ■Z '-' a — P -^ Y-< < ^ '^ 1 W CO ';5 ~ Torch Lake, Mich Cedar Rapids, Iowa White River, at Indianapolis Gosport, Ind : Bean Blossom, Ind Rushville, Ind Wild Cat Creek, Ind Pike Creek, Ind Illinois Nipisink Lake, 111 Monongahela River Hartford, Ky Green River, Greensburg, Ky Little Barren River, Osceola, Ky Little South Fork Cumberland River, Wayne County, Ky Eagle Creek, Olympus, Tenn Obeys River, Elizabethtown, Tenn Watauga River, Elizabethtown, Tenn NoBth Fork Holston River, Saltville, Va Eureka Springs, Ark Chocola Creek, Oxford, Ala San Marcos Springs, Tex 7 1 1 5 17 1 1 2 1 2 1 4 3 4 1 2 13 2 1 1 4 2 lOi 12 10 10 10 11 11 10 10^ 10 lOJ lOf 11 11 11 HA 10* 12" 11 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 4 1 2 5 1 3 2 7 i" i :280 TABLE li. LOCALITY. a; C o Oi C S =« .£: 0) 4) .- ^ ■o«^ ;2;x L. *''rt 1> tClr. — s- O S >'-' ;z; -< to I Oi X 1 «* 0) CD X - X ^ X 1:^ -= C I 2"? O CD J3 C 0) X D as 5 a Torch Lake, Midi Cedar Rapids, Iowa Wliite River, at Indianapolis (iosport, Ind Bean Blossom. Ind Rushville, Ind AVild Cat Creek, Ind Pike Creek, Ind Illinois Nijiinsik Lake, 111 Miamngahela River Hartford, Ky Oreen River, Greensbnrt;, Ky Little Barren River, Osceola, Ky Little South Fork Cnmberland River, Wayne County, Ky Ean:le ( reek, < )lyinpus, Tenn Obeys River, Elizabethtown, Tenn "Watauga River, Elizabethtown, Tenn North Fork Holsten River, Saltville, Va . . . . Eureka Springs, Ark Cbocola Creek, Oxford, Ala !^an Marcos Springs. Te.x ( 14i 1 14 1 14 0 14i 17 14/. 1 14 1 15 2 14.1 1 15 2 14.^ 1 15 4 15 3 15 4 15 1 16 2 1()^ 13 ifi/:, 2 15.^ 1 16 1 16 4 ioh 2 rsi The coloi--pattern varies from a probably primitive, simple pattern consisting of alternate whole and half cross-bars distributed along the entire length of the body through the pattern consisting of whole, half and quarter bars, having an incomjdete longitudinal series of lateral spots to a pattern having a very promi- nent longitudinal series of dark lateral blotches with fine reticulations on the back. Between these diflferent patterns all stages exist, so that they can be connected by regular stejis. Those specimens inhabiting the lakes were found to possess a pecu- liar color-pattern. This was derived from the primitive, simple pattern by sup- posing the lower part of the whole bars to have become much broader than the uj)per part, and then to have shifted backwards slightly. 281 This lake variety {manitou, Jordan) is one of the most abundant of the fishes in Turkey and Tippecanoe Lakes, and upon it the results given in the following pages are based. Six hundred specimens, all that were collected from Turkey Lake, and three hundred of those collected from Tippecanoe Lake, have been examined with a view, first, of making a comparison of this species in the two lakes, and second, of determining the range and character of its variation within Turkey Lake itself. The number of species collected from Tippecanoe Lake is much greater than 300, but this number was thought sufficient to give fairly good results. The effect of natural selection will be taken up at a later time. Etheostoma caprodes has two dorsal fins, the first, a spinous one, well separated from the second, which is composed of soft rays. The anal fin is composed of two rather strong spines followed by a number of soft rays. The scales are very reg- ularly arranged, so that they can be definitely counted along the complete lateral lines. The number of spines and rays in these tins, and the number of scales in the lateral line of both sides of the body have been determined. Besides these characters the presence or absence of scales on the nape has been determined. These structures have been taken because, with the exception of the last, they present definite, countable elements, so that in the results the personal factor is entirely eliminated. Curves have been constructed to represent the variation in these structures. In all the curves the horizontal distances represent tiie countable elements, and the vertical distances the per cent, of specimens possessing these varying elements. COMPARISON OF TURKEY LAKE AND TIPPECANOE SPECIMENS. Coloration. — The coloration of these fishes in the two lakes will be taken up in detail later. The color-pattern of Turkey Lake specimens is, on the whole, of a more blotched character than that of Tippecanoe Lake specimens, and shows a slighter affinity to the simple, primitive coloration characteristic of the Wabash River forms. The connection of Tippecanoe Lake with the Wabash River may account for this greater affinity. SquAMATiON OF Nape. — In Turkey Lake the nape is as a rule naked, while in Tippecanoe Lake it is usually scaled. Table I will bring out the difference. 282 TABLE 1. fc. 5 cS o a d U a o,« Per cent, of si)tH'irm'ns liaving no scales on iia])e . . . . Per cent of sijccinieiis liavin^ few scales on nape. . . . Per cent, of specimens having several scales on nape Per cent, of specimens having nape thinly scaled. . . Per cent, of specimens having nape closely scaled . . . 19.32 23.87 28.32 16.67 11.74 Lateral Line. — The specimens of Turkey Lake have ou an average two more scales in the lateral line. The average number for Turkey Lake is 89.46 for the left side, 89.74 for the right side; for Tippecanoe Lake, 87.69 for the left side, 87.45 for the right side. Fig. 1 represents the curves for the scales of the right side. The continuous line represents the conditions in Turkey Lake, and the broken line those of Tippecanoe Lake. It should be noticed that the entire curve for Turkey Lake is two units to the right of that of Tippecanoe Lake, showing that practically all the Turkey Lake specimens have a greater number of scales. Table II contains the summarv of the counts for the scales in the lateral line. 20 15 10 1 -r li ' 1 V > I - ■ ! I \ 1 > ■ 1 ' 1 l\ - , r 1 \ s, — t— "i ■-1 / \ \ — ' • / > \ [~ J~' "^ — 1 1 ■r ■^ — 1 1 ( 1 "^ 1 1 ■ • ' 1- \ k - ^ \ ' 1 \ ^ -~ ■v. i/ / \ , S y t" ■ y — \ ' N \ - / ^ - „ „ 1 vk L±. L .^^ Ll _ 80 85 90 Fig. 1. 95 100 TABLE II. 28a Turkey Lake. Tipp'cAKOE Lake Left Side. Eight Side. Left Side. Eight Side. Per cent, of specimens having Per cent, of specimens having Per cent, of specimens having Per cent, of specimens having Per cent, of specimens having 78 scales. . . . 79 scales .... 0.17 80 scales. . . . 81 scales .... 0.17 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.50 1.00 82 scales.... 0.17 2.00 Per cent, of specimens having 83 scales 1.37 1.55 2.50 3.50 Per cent, of specimens having 84 scales. . . . 3.44 1.89 7.00 4.50 Per cent, of specimens having 8.5 scales. . . . 3.78 5.17 8.50 11.50 Per cent, of specimens having 86 scales. . . . b.88 9.30 11.50 13.00 Per cent, of specimens having 87 scales 11.02 10.»i8 15.00 16.50 Per cent, of specimens having 88 scales 12.56 11.55 15.00 13.50 Per cent, of specimens having 89 scales .... 17.72 14.82 16.0(1 16.00 Per cent, of specimens having 90 scales.... 12.39 12.93 11.50 10.50 Per cent, of specimens having 91 scales. . . . 8.08 11.03 7.50 4.00 Per cent, of specimens having 92 scales. . . . 6.53 5.67 1.50 1.50 Per cent, of specimens having 93 scales. . . . 5.16 3.62 1.00 2.50 Per cent, of specimens having Per cent, of specimens having 94 scales. . . . 95 scales. . . . 3.61 2.58 3.78 3.27 0.50 0.50 0.50 Per cent, of sj)ecimens having 96 scales. . . . 1.37 2.41 0.50 0.50 Percent, of sjjecimens having Per cent, of specimens having Percent, of specimens having Per cent, of specimens having Per cent, of specimens having Per cent, of specimens having Per cent, of specimens having 97 scales. . . . 98 scales .... 99 scales. . . . 100 scales. . . . 1.03 0.17 0.34 0.51 0.34 101 scales. . . . 102 scales.... 103 scales.... 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17 Anal fin. — The number of spines in the anal fin varies from the normal in only nine specimens from Turkey Lake and in six from Tippecanoe Lake. This variation is always toward a lower number, and extends only through one spine. Turkey Lake specimens have on an average fewer rays in the anal than Tippecanoe Lake specimens. The averages are 10.87 for the former, 11.15 for the^ latter. Fig. 2 represents the curves for the anal rays. Here again, and also in the succeeding curves for the comparison of the two lakes, the continuous line represents Turkey Lake and the broken line Tippecanoe Lake. Table III gives- the summary of the anal rays for both lakes. 284 Tlu' prevailing uuinher of rays in botli lakes is II ; 58 per cent, from Turkey lake, and 50 per cent, from Tipi»ecanoe Lake having that number. The number of rays in tlie next highest j)er cent, is 10 for Turkey Lake and 12 for Tippe- canoe Lake, about 27 per cent, in eacii case. The range of variation is two greater in Turkey T^akc. This may be due to the greater number of specimens from this lake. TABLE in. u a ci a a « S a, oj Per cent, of specimens having 7 anal rays Per cent, of specimens liaviiig 8 anal rays Per cent, of 6])ecimens liaving ii anal i-ays Per cent, of specimens having 10 anal rays Per cent, of specimens having 11 anal rays Per cent, of sjiecimens having 12 anal rays Per cent, of specimens having 13 anal rays Dorsal Spines. — Turkey Lake has on an average more dorsal spines, the average being 14.52 for Turkey Lake and 14.23 for Tippecanoe Lakes. Fig. 3 represents the curves for this structure. The range of variation is the same, from 12 to 17. Although the average number of spines differs but slightly in the two 285 lakes, the preferences shown for a given number of spines are quite different. In the Tippecanoe Lake specimens the preference is decidedly for 14. In the Turkey Lake specimens the preference is for 15, although not so decided. From Table IV and the curves, it will be seen that the number of individuals in Tur- key Lake having 14 spines and 15 spines are about the same, 41 per cent, having 14 and 44 per cent., 15, while in Tippecanoe Lake this is not tlie case, 60 per <;ent. having 14, and only 25 per cent, having 15. TABLE IV. From Turkey Lake. From Tippecanoe Per cent, of specimens bavins 12 dorsal si>ines 0.32 5.09 41.26 44.22 6.90 0.65 0.38 Per cent, of specimens having 13 dorsal spines 11.24 Per cent, of specimens having 14 dorsal spines. . . .... 60.85 Per cent, of specimens having 15 dorsal spines 25.96 Per cent, of specimens having 16 dorsal spines Per cent, of specimens having 17 dorsal spines 1.16 0.38 Dorsal Rays. — The average number of dorsal rays for Turkey Lake is 14.87, for Tippecanoe Lake, 16.40, the latter having on an average almost two more. The curves are given in Fig. 4. From this and Table V it will be seen that Tur- key Lake specimens show a decided preference for 15 rays, while the Tippecanoe Lake specimens show just as decided a preference for 16 rays, 52 per cent, of the 286 specimens having these numbers in both lakes. The range of variation is two greater in Turkey Lake, from 1'2 to 18 as compared from 14 to 18 in Tippecanoe Lake. This again may be due to the greater number of specimens. TAI'.LE V. 3§ o a a a 0) ^ o ^ Per cent, of specimens having 12 dorsal rays Per cent, of specimens having 13 dorsal rays Per cent, of specimens having 14 dorsal rays Per cent, of specimens having 15 dorsal rays Per cent, of specimens having Iti dorsal rays Per cent, of specimens having 17 dorsal rays Per cent, of specimens having 18 dorsal rays Table VI presents all the combinations of dorsal spines and dorsal rays from both lakes. The spines are represented by Roman numbers and the rays by Aral)ic numbers. The commonest combination in Turkey Lake is XIV-15 and XV-15; XIV, XV, occurring most frequently in the spinous dorsal, and 15 most frequently in the soft dorsal. The per cent, of specimens having these combina- tions is 22.46 and 24.49 respectively. In Tippecanoe Lake, XIV-16 is the com- monest combination, XIV being the prevailing number in the spinous dorsal and 16 in the soft dorsal. 32.11 per cent, of the specimens have this combination. TABLE VI. 287 9 ^ ""5 Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. Per Per Per Per of specimens of specimens of specimens of specimens of specimens of specimens of sjiecimens of specimens of specimens of specimens of specimens of specimens of specimens of specimens of specimens of specimens of specimens of specimens of specimens of specimens of specimens of specimens of specimens of specimens of specimens of specimens of specimens of specimens of specimens of specimens having the having the having the having the having the having the having the having the having the having the having the having the having tlie having the liaving the having the having the having tlie having the having the having the having the having the having tlie liaving the having the having the having the having the conil having the combination combination combination combination combination combination comltinntion combination combination combination combination combination combination comliination combination combination combination combination combination combination combination combination combination combination combination combination combination combination coml)ination combination XII-14. XII-15. XII-16. XIII-14. XIII-15. XIII-16. XIlI-17. XlV-12. XIV-13. XIV-14. XIV-15. XIV-16. XIV-!7. XIV-18. XV-13. XV-14. XV-15. XV-16. XV-17. XV-18. XVI-12. XVI-13. XVI-14. XVI-15. XVI-16. XVI-17. XVII-14. XVII-15. XVII-16. XVIII-14. O.lti O.K) 0.84 3.71 0.67 0.16 1.01 11.99 22.46 5.74 0.33 0.67 13.51 24.49 5.40 0.84 0.16 0.16 0.16 2.36 3.04 0.84 0.33 0.50 0.16 0.16 0.37 0.37 2.22 5.92 2.59 1.48 20.37 82.11 6.66 1.11 1.85 8.14 14.44 1.48 1.11 0.37 0..37 In Table Vll is given the variation in the two dorsal fins taken together. The average number for the two fins is 29.21 for Turkey Lake and 30 for Tippecanoe Lake. In Turkey Lake 36.82 per cent, have the average number; in Tippecanoe Lake, 41.8 per cent. The range of variation in the fins separately is six for the spinous dorsal and five for the soft dorsal in Tippecanoe Lake, and seven in each dorsal fin in Turkey Lake. With an exception in the spinous dorsal in Tippecanoe Lake the range of variation is, in each case, one greater for the two fins taken together, than for the fins separately. Although the extent of variation is only one greater for the two fins together, the per cent, of specimens having the aver- age number is much smaller than the per cent, of specimens having the average 288 imiuber in the tins separately. In Turkey Lake nearly 37 per cent, have the average number of the fins taken together, while 44 per cent, and 52 per cent, liave the average nninber in the spinous and soft dorsal respectively. In Tippe- canoe Lake 41 per cent. h;ne the average number for l)oth (ins, while 52 per cent, and (U per cent, have the average nninber in the spinous and soft dorsals- respectively. TABLE VIL . 1 V 1 5:-^ ^ OJ S es H S ^ as? a V a s^ 2-^ 2 ^^ fo fe Per cent, of specimens having 2(5 rays in Per cent, of specimens having 27 rays in Per cent, of specimens having 28 rays in Per cent, of specimens having 29 rays in Per cent, of specimens having oO rays in Per cent, of specimens having 31 rays in Per cent, of specimens having 32 rays in Per cent, of specimens having 33 rays in the dorsals the dorsals the dorsals the dorsals the dorsals the dorsals the dorsals the dorsals 0.37 4.07 28.1& 41.80 22.22 3.33 SUMMARY. 1. This species is equally abundant in the two lakes. 2. The color i)attern of Tippecanoe Lake specimens shows a greater affinity for the primitive, simj)le Wabash River pattern than does that of Turkey Lake specimens. 3. In Turkey Lake the nape is usually naked ; in Tippecanoe Lake the nape is usually scaled. 4. Tippecanoe Lake specimens have a smaller number of scales in the lat- eral line. 5. The anal spines vary but little, and show the same variation in the two lakes. . 6. The anal fin is somewhat larger in the Tippecanoe Lake specimens. 7. Turkey Lake specimens have one more dorsal spine. 8. Tippecanoe Lake specimens have one more dorsal ray, 16 rays is the mean in Tippecanoe Lake and 15 in Turkey Lake. 9. The combinations of the dorsal spines and rays are determined by the numbers that prevail in the fins separately. 289 10. The range of variation in the total number of dorsal spines and rays combined is one greater than the variation in the fins separately. 11. The number occurring most frequently is 29 in Turkey Lake and 30 in Tippecanoe Lake. 12. The preference shown for a given number is less decided for the two dorsal fins taken together than for the dorsal tins taken separately. 13. The variation is in all cases continuous. THE VARIATION IN TIRKEY LAKE. Many of the facts on the extent and character of the variation of the 600 specimens from Turkey Lake, taken as a whole, have been given in the pre- ceeding. The lengths of the 600 specimens from Turkey Lake were measured and upon comparison were found to fall into three quite distinct groups. Fig. ;i represents the curve for all. Each of the smaller horizontal distances represents one mm. and each of the larger verticle distances one per cent. The sizes ranged from 27 mm. to 102 mm. The first group ranges from 27 mm. to 60 mm.; the second from 60 mm. to 80 mm., and the third from 79 mm. to 103 mm. The three curves of Fig. 5 represent these three groups. I have watched the growth during the first summer, and know the first curve to represent the first summer's fish. The second curve in all probability represents the second year's fish, and the third curve, those three years old and over. The growth, thus, is most rapid during the first sum- mer, the rate of growth decreasing each year after. The lish reaches practically its full size the third year, though the more gradual slope to the right of the last curve shows that it does not cease growing entirelv. 290 llavini; i^nniped tlieni iiUo throe (Ictiniti' ages, a summary of tlie eharacters f(ir eaeli was made, ami nirves coiistrueted. Fig.s. 6, 7, S ami !• represent the curves for tliese eharacters. In all the curves constructed for these ages, the contin- uous line is for the third year specimens, the Imikcn line for the second year specimens and the dotted line for the first year specimens. Lateral Link.— Behiw is the table of the average numher of scales in the lateral line of the three ages. 1st i/ear. 2d year. 3d i/ear. Right side 87.84 90.80 88.39 I^ef, side 8-S.OO 89.80 88.78 From this it is seen that the lirst and tliinl year specimens are most nearly alike. The second year specimens have about two scales more. By reference to the curves, Fig. (i, and Table VIII below, it will be seen that the great bulk of the specimens of all three ages have from So to 92 scales. The increased average in the second year is due to a larger per cent, having 98, 94, 9") and 96 scales than in the first and second years. 20 15 J L i_ -l +- L _ . 1 1 1 c; j.v^r' • ^1 V y! i '■ /* \ » 1 ' -^ r X^ tt fX-'^^t ! ' ^T - iji^r tz j^ -\tv 1 i_ J . . 7 L. )\ "^i I \ I Ttrt V. \ .. r:K/ • •.> . _- jSd^X ^Il^^ ^s!. . /\A 1 80 85 90 95 iOO Fig. 6. 291 •saiuog xoi SaiAujj suaiutoacfg jo "^uao jaj •saiuog 001 SaiABji snsniioaag jo •^aaf) aaj ^ ; suamioadg jo •la'a,) .laj -yr •saiBDg gfiSniABjj SU8tniD8Clg JO -^UBQ .18£ •saiBog i^SaiABH snauiioadg jo "tiaaQ aaj s 55 ^ •saiBOg ggSaiATjjj snetnioarJg jo '^na.^ i8(j 1— ( s ^ I— 1 oq •sajBOg 56 SniABjj saamioadg jo 'la'aQ aaj •S8XT!Dg ^e^niA'Bjj sngrapailg jo •jnag .i8. « : A : o2 : o ; H 292 .Vn.vi. Fin. Five oul of Ilii tirsl vcai spociiuens liave one anal spine; ti oul of 236 of tlie second year, and 3 onl of 24(5 of the oldest specimens. Tile averajje number nf anai rays are 10.5(5 for the first year, 10.74 for tlie second year and 11.00 for {hv third year siieriinens. The curves in Fig. 7 and Tahle IX, below, show tliat tlie anal fins of the first and second year specimens more nearly resemble each other. All three ages show a preference for 11.00 rays. The percent, of specimens having this number are 51.69, 52.53 and 61.60 for the first, second and third year specimens respectively. The percent, of specimens having 10 rays is reduced from 36.43 in the first year to 2K.57 in the third year, and the per cent, of those having 12 rays is increased from 5.09 in the first year to 20.10 in the third year. There is a very evident in- crease in the number of s])ines with the age. The extent of variation of the second and third year specimens is the same. The first year specimens, altiiough only half as many, exceed the other ages two ravs in the extent of variation. TABLE L\. First Year. Second Year. Third Year. Ppr r*ont (tf sitpcimons hiivinf? 7 anul rtivs . , 0.84 Ppr cpnt of KiiPf'iincns hriviii*>" H a.nRl rjivs . . . 0.42 1.69 32.19 52.53 13.12 Ppr ppiit (if Knpriinp!i*< liMviiip* !) uniil riivs . . 5.09 36.43 51.69 5.09 0.84 0.82 Per cent, of specimens having 10 anal rays Per cent, of specimens having 11 anal rays Per cent, of specimens having 12 anal says Pf>r fpnt of snecimens bavinj? 1.3 anal ravs 20.57 61.60 20.16 0.82 '293 Several important facts brought out by the preceding comparison are worth consideration. 1. No two of the ages here compared are alike in all the characters. 2. In the anal tin and soft dorsal there is a definite increase in the number of rays with the age. 3. Variation of this nature is not present in the other structures. 4. The extent of variation in the different ages is about the same. Dorsal Rays. — The average number of dorsal rays are 14.57, 14.76 and 14.98 for the first, second and third year specimens, respectively. There is a slight in- crease with age. The summaries for this structure are given below in Table XI, and the curves in Fig. 8. The prevailing number of rays is 15 for all three ages, the per cents, being 53.39, 52 53 and 55.69 for the first, second and third year specimens, respectively. The per cent, of specimens having 14 rays decreases from 40.72 in the first year to 22.35 ir. the third year specimens, while the per cent, of specimens having 16 rays increases from 3.3S in the first year specimens to 16.73 in the third year specimens. The extent of variation is from 12 to 16 in the first year, from 12 to 17 in the second year and from 13 to IS in the third year speci- mens. As in the anal fin there is a tendency toward a greater number of rays as the fish grows older. 294 TARI.F XI. First Year. Second Year. Third Year. Per tent, of specimens having 12 dorsal rays Per cent, of specimens having 13 dorsal rays Per cent, of specimens having 14 dorsal ravs 0.84 1.69 40.72 53.39 3.38 0.42 2.96 30.50 52.53 11.48 0.84 ' " 1.21 22.35 Per cent, of specimens having 15 dorsal rays Per cent, of specimens having Ui dorsal rays Per cent, of specimens having 17 dorsal rays 55.69 16.73 3.25 Per cent, of si)cciiiipns liavinL!' IS dorsal ravs . . . 0.40 DoRSAl. Spines. — The averages for this structure are 14.69 for the first year, 14.39 for the second and 14.65 for the third year, the first and third years being almost identical, and the second year having a fewer number. Fig. 9 represents the curves for this structure. The curves of the first and third years are almost identical, both showing a i)reference for 15, with about 35 per cent, for 14. The second year shows as decided a preference for 14, about 35 per cent, for 15. This structure varies from 13 to Hi in the lirst year specimens, from 12 to 17 in the second year specimens and from b'i to 17 in the third year specimens. Table X contains ihv summaries for this structure. TABLE X. 295 First Year. Second Year. Third Year. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. of specimens of specimens of specimens of specimens of specimens of specimens having 12 dorsal spines, having 13 dorsal spines, having 14 dorsal spines, having 15 dorsal spines, having 16 dorsal spines. having 17 dorsal spines. 1.69 38.98 50.00 7.62 0.84 8.47 49.14 35.16 5.50 0.42 3.65 36.17 51.62 8.13 0.40 The first and third year specimens resemble each other very closely in regard to the scales in the lateral line and the dorsal spines. In these characters the second year specimens show a decided difference. These have on an average two more scales in the lateral line, and have 14 as the prevailing number of dorsal spines instead of 15, the number in the first and third year specimens. Several explanations might be suggested to account for a part or all of the.se differences. The explanation suggesting itself most readily is that an additional spine and ray are added during the life of the individual. I have gone over all the specimens carefully with this point in view, but find no evidence either of the splitting of a ray or spine, or of the new growth of these, except at the anterior of the dorsal fins. Here may be found numerous instances of shorter spines and rays from two- thirds to one-fourth the normal length. But among so many specimens it is en- tirely probable that these spines and rays would be found in every possible stage of growth. But this is not the case. The spines and rays, although sometimes only one-fourth the full length, are always strong and suggest aborted rather than immature structures. Besides, if this were the case, we would expect to find the tendency toward a lower number of spines, and rays very decided in the first year specimens. While this condition is true in the dorsal and anal rays, it is decidedly not true in the dorsal spines, where the characters in the first years are almost identical with those of the third year. Natural Selection. — The principle of natural selection, the influence of which upon this species I hoped in the onset of this work to find, can not be applied in explanation of the diflference in the number of scales and dorsal spines without serious objections. If natural selection were the determining factor in producing these differences, we should expect all the variations graduated with the age. We would expect to have a narrower range of variation as the specimens 296 grow older. XeilluT of these eonditions obtain. There are neither 18 dorsal rays nor 13 anal rays represented in the second year specimens; and in the first year specimens 17 dor.-^al rays are not represented. In the dorsal spines where the difference is most pronounced we have in the first year specimens the exact duplicate of that of the third year specimens, while the second year specimens are quite different. The scales in the lateral line present the same difliculty. Annual Variation. — The explanation that seems to meet all the conditions most satisfactory is that the species varies with the varying conditions of successive years. The diflerence in the dorsal spines of the difl'erent ages accounts thus for the abnormality of the curve for the dorsal spines of all the Turkey Lake specimens, Fig. 4. The 600 specimens for which the curve is constructed is a composite lot of three age varieties. This conclusion, however, should be held with some reservation. It will be noticed that nearly all the curves of Figs. 7, 8 and 9 are abnormal curves, which may possibly be due to the presence of local races in the lake. While this may possibly be the case, it is not at all probable, because, in the first place, the curve constructed for the dorsal spines of 100 specimens of three year olds, taken within a distance of 100 yards along the shores where the conditions were undoubtedly uniform, gave a curve identical with that for all the three year olds. In the second place, the second and third year specimens are found in about equal abundance together, and since these were promiscuously preserved it is altogether probable that from any given locality, an equal number of each age was taken. The sex has been determined in all, and a summary shows that the sexes do not differ in the characters entering into the above considerations. INDEX. ACT FOR THE PROTECTION OF BIRDS, 5. Act to provide for publieation, 4. Alternating i-urrent dynamos, 79. Arkansas, relief map of, 56. Arthur, J. C, 100. Atkinson, Curtis, 258. BACTERID AND GRAPE SUGAR, 85. Batrachia of Turkey Lake, 258. Benton, Geo. W., 9 I. Bigney, A. J., 106, 108. Biological Station, first report of, 20."^. Birds of Indiana, 162. Birds of Wi, bash County, 148. Birge, A., 214. Bitting, A. W., 135, 168. Botanical literature in State Lil)rary. 102. Burrage, Severance, 49, 99. Butler, A. W., 31. 162. CALL, R. ELLSWORTH, 109, 136, 246. Camphoric acid, 89. Chamberlain, F.M., 264. Chara fragilis,95. Cladocera of Turkey Lake, 244. Committees of Indiana Academy of Science, 13. Corn smut, fungicides for, 96. Coulter, Stanley, 169, 18:^. Cunningham, Alida M.. 198. DAVIS, B. M., 45. Dennis, D.W., 44, 95. Dolan, J.P.,235. Dubois County, fishes of, 159. DufiF, A. Wilmer, 58, 77, 83, 84. EARTHQUAKE, the Charleston, Mo., 51. Eigenmann, C. H., 204. 2.52, 262, 265. Environment, Turkey Lake a unit of, 209. Eroding agencies, some minor, 54. Evermann, Barton W., 126, 1:>1. (20) FERMENTATION, ratio of alcohol to yeast, 92. First report of Biological Station, 203. Fishes of Dubois County, 159. Fishes of Missouri basin, 126. Fishes of Turkey Lake. 252, Foley, Arthur L., 67. Fungicides for corn smut, 96. GOLDEN, KATHERINE E.,46,92. Golden, M. J., 48. 100. Goldsborough. W.E.,79. Goss,W.F.M..75. (J rape sugar, effect on bacteria, 85. Gravitational attraction, A. W. Duff, 58. H.EMAGLOBIN,106. Heat, effect of on muscle, 108. Hopkins seaside laboratory, 45. INDIANA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE, ac- tive members of, 19. Indiana Academy of Science, by-laws of, 17. Indiana Academy of Science, committee of, 13. Indiana Aeaiiemy of Science, complete list of officers, 14. Indiana Academy of Science, constitution of, 15. Indiana Academy of Science, fellows of, 18. Indiana Academy of Science, non-resident members of, 19. Indiana Academy of Science, present offi- cers of, 12. Indiana Academy of Science, work and purposes of, 7. Indiana, a century of changes, President's address, 31. Indiana birds, 162. Indiana mollusca, 135. Indiana orchidacese, 198. Indiana parasites, 168. •298 Indinn^t phanerogams, 169, 183. Indiana University Biological Station, 204. Infei'tion by bread, 46. KELLICOTT, D. S., 242,251. Kettle holes, ").5. Knipp.Chas.T.,62. LINEAR ASSOCIATIVE ALCEBKA, Peiroe's, 59. Liquids, surfat-e tension of. 67. Loeoniotive furnaees. 05. Lyons, Robert E., 85, 88. MEMBERS OF THE INDIANA ACAD- emy of Science, 18. .Microscope slides, 105. .Milk inspection, 90. Missouri basin, fishes of, 126. Moenkhaus.W. J., 159,278. -Mollusks from Northern Indi;iii;i, 216. NEWLIN, C. E., 42. Newson,T. F.,51. Nciyes, Mary Chilton, 66. Noyes, W. A., 89. UDUNATA OF TURKEY LAKE, 251. Officers of Indiana Academy of Science, 12, 14. Oncorhyncus nerka (red fish), 131. Orchidaceaj in Indiana, 198. PARASITES IN INDIANA, 168. Parvus group of Unionidas 108. Peirce's linear associative alfrebra, 39. Permeability, measurement of, 83. Phanerogams of Indiana, 169, 183. Phcnyl-compounds, 88. Photo-micrography. 48. Physical features of Turkey Lake, 216. Pleodoriiia californica, 99. President's address, 31. Proceedings of the 11th annual meeting, 30. Program of 1895, Christmas meeting, 24. Protoplasm, circulation of, 95. Purdue, A. II., 51. REDDf -"K, a., 261. Redfish in Idaho, 131. Rei>ort (first) of Biological Station, 203. Ridgley, D.C., 216. Rotifera of Turkey Lake, 242. SANITARY SCIENCE, 49. Scovell, J. T., 54, 55, 126, 131. Shaw, James Byrnie, 59. Skew Surfaces, 3d and 4th'degree, 57. Snakes of Turkey Lake, 261. State Library, botanical literatuie in, 102. Stauffer, E.P., 64. Strains in steam machinery, 75. Stuart, Wm., 96. Surface tension of liquids, 67. TESTUDINATA of Turkey Lake, 262. Turkey Lake, as a unit of environment. 20ii. Turkey Lake, il ustrations of, 216, 217. Turkey Lake, inhabitants of, 239. Turkey Lake, variation in, 265. ULREY, ALBERT B., 147,148. Unconscious mental cerebration, 42. Unionid;e, jiarvas group of, 108. VARIATION of a standard thermometer, 63. Variiition of Ethiostoma caprodes, 278. Variation, the study of, 265. Viscosity, em irical formula for, 84. Viscosity of a polarized dielectric, 77. WABASH COUNTY, birds of, 148. Waldo, C. A., 57. Wallace, William 0.,148. Water birds of Turkey Lake, 264. Wood shrinkage, 100. Work and jiurposes of Indiana Academy of Science, 7. AVright, John S., 102, 105. XANTHIUM,1G0. YOUN(J'S modulus, 66. 295 0 i