AN UNCONFINED COMPRESSION TESTING MACHINE FOR MARINE SEDIMENTS by Richard Karl Westfahl United States Nava! Postgraduate Schoo rm t AN UNCONFINED COMPRESSION TESTING MACHINE FOR MARINE SEDIMENTS by Richard Karl Westfahl September 1970 TkU document hat been appnjovtd ^ofi public, fit- Iza&e. and 6alz; aM> cLuVUbutcon untirxitzd. T136842 An Unconfined Compression Testing Machine for Marine Sediments by Richard Karl^Westfahl Lieutenant Commander, United States Navy B.S., United States Naval Academy, 1959 Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE IN OCEANOGRAPHY from the NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL September 1970 RARY AL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOE TEREY, CALIF. 93940 . ABSTRACT The two most common laboratory test methods used for measuring the undisturbed or original shear strength of marine sediments are the vane shear test and the unconfined compression test. The application of the load in the unconfined compression test is accomplished either in a strain- controlled or a stress-controlled manner. An unconfined compression testing machine was constructed to allow application of the load by either the strain-controlled or stress-controlled method, and it was specifically designed to accurately test marine sediments having relatively low values of shear strength. A unique feature of the apparatus is that it provides a continuous plot of displacement versus load throughout the test procedure. Tests for shear strength in the two load application modes were conducted on gravity cores taken on the continental slope between San Francisco and Monterey. Results of the tests compared favorable with each other, as well as with values secured from vane shear testing. The tests suggest that these particular sediments have friction angles approximating 30 degrees. TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION 15 GENERAL 15 MARINE SEDLMENT STRUCTURE 15 SHEAR STRENGTH THEORY 17 UNCONFINED COMPRESSION TEST 18 General 18 Apparatus 20 Controlled Strain Procedure 21 Controlled Stress Procedure ... 21 Calculations "...22 II. DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS 23 GENERAL 23 FORCE TRANSDUCER 23 DISPLACEMENT TRANSDUCER ...... 24 VARIABLE SPEED MOTOR, CONTROLLER AND JACTUATOR . . 24 RECORDING OF LOAD AND DISPLACEMENT ........ 25 POWER SUPPLY 25 STRUCTURAL COMPONENTS 26 BALL BUSHING 26 III. NPS UNCONFINED COMPRESSION TESTING MACHINE 27 GENERAL DESCRIPTION 27 FORCE TRANSDUCER 31 DISPLACEMENT TRANSDUCER 34 TRANSDUCER AMPLIFIER- INDICATOR 35 MACHINE SCREW JACTUATOR 38 VARIABLE SPEED MOTOR 39 MOTOR SPEED CONTROLLER 39 X-Y RECORDER . 41 STRUCTURAL COMPONENTS 41 DISPLACEMENT TRANSDUCER SUPPORT BRACKET 42 JACTUATOR SHAFT UPPER PLATEN 47 JACTUATOR SPACER 47 SHAFT EXTENSION ARMS 47 WEIGHTED PISTON ASSEMBLY 51 LEAD DISCS 51 BALL BUSHING AND PILLOW BLOCK i . . 53 IV. TEST PROCEDURES 54 GENERAL 54 INITIAL ADJUSTMENT OF THE TRANSDUCER AMPLIFIER- INDICATORS 54 CALIBRATION OF THE TRANSDUCER AMPLIFIER- INDICATORS o 56 MACHINE CONVERSION TO THE STRAIN-CONTROLLED MODE 58 MACHINE CONVERSION TO THE STRESS -CONTROLLED MODE 59 PREPARATION OF THE UNDISTURBED SAMPLE . 60 TESTING IN THE STRAIN -CONTROLLED MODE 62 TESTING IN THE STRESS -CONTROLLED MODE 63 V. TEST RESULTS 65 VI. CONCLUSIONS 138 VII. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FURTHER RESEARCH 139 BIBLIOGRAPHY . 140 INITIAL DISTRIBUTION LIST 142 DD FORM 1473 143 ' ( LIST OF TABLES I. Core Data Summary 67 II. Core Data Summary Sheet, Core No. 1W 68 III. Core Data Summary Sheet, Core No. 2W 69 IV. Core Data Summary Sheet, Core No. 3W 70 V. Core Data Summary Sheet, Core No. 4W 71 VI. Core Data Summary Sheet, Core No. 5W 72 VII. Core Data Summary Sheet, Core No. 6W 73 VIII. Core Data Summary Sheet, Core No. 7W 74 IX. Core Data Summary Sheet, Core No. 8W 75 X. Core Data Summary Sheet, Core No. 9W , ... 76 XI. Core Data Summary Sheet, Core No. 10W 77 XII. Core Shear Strength Comparison Table, Core Numbers 1W through 5W 122 XIII. Core Shear Strength Comparison Table, Core Numbers 6W through 10W 123 XIV. Core Failure Plane Summary Table 125 ■-■ ) 0 i LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Mohr Circle Diagram of the Unconfined Compression Test 19 2. The NPS Unconfined Compression Testing Machine in the Strain-Controlled Mode 28 3. The NPS Unconfined Compression Testing Machine in the Stress-Controlled Mode 29 4. The Model 300D Amplifier-Indicators and the X-Y Recorder 30 5. The Force Transducer and the Displacement Transducer 32 6. Detail of the Base and the Support Columns 43 7. Detail of the Lower Platform : . . . 44 8. Detail of the Upper Platform 45 9. Detail of the Displacement Transducer Support Bracket 46 10. Detail of the Jactuator Shaft Upper Platen 48 11. Detail of the Jactuator Spacer 49 12. Detail of the Shaft Extension Arms 50 13. Detail of the Weighted Piston Assembly 52 14. The Coping Saw, Soldering Gun and Guide Collar 61 15. Core Locations 66 16. Strain-Controlled Load versus Sample Height Curves for Core 1W 79 17. Stress-Controlled Load versus Sample Height Curves for Core 1W 80 18. Strain-Controlled Load versus Sample Height Curves for Core 2W 81 19. Stress-Controlled Load versus Sample Height Curves for Core 2W .82 Figure 20. Strain-Controlled Load versus Sample Height Curves for Core 3W 83 21. Stress-Controlled Load versus Sample Height Curves for Core 3W 84 22. Strain-Controlled Load versus Sample Height Curves for Core 4W 85 23. Stress-Controlled Load versus Sample Height Curves for Core 4W 86 24. Strain-Controlled Load versus Sample Height Curves for Core 5W 87 25. Stress-Controlled Load versus Sample Height Curves for Core 5W 88 26. Strain-Controlled Load versus Sample Height Curves for Core 6W 89 27. Stress-Controlled Load versus Sample Height Curves for Core 6W 90 28. Strain-Controlled Load versus Sample Height Curves for Core 7W 91 29. Stress-Controlled Load versus Sample Height Curves for Core 7W 92 30. Strain-Controlled Load versus Sample Height Curves for Core 8W 93 31. Stress-Controlled Load versus Sample Height Curves for Core 8W 94 32. Strain-Controlled Load versus Sample Height Curves for Core 9W 95 33. Stress-Controlled Load versus Sample Height Curves for Core 9W 96 34. Strain-Controller Load versus Sample Height Curves for Core 10W 97 35. Stress-Controlled Load versus Sample Height Curves for Core 10W 98 36. Strain-Controlled Stress versus Strain Curves for Core 1W 101 10 Figure 37. Stress-Controlled Stress versus Strain Curves for Core 1W 102 38. Strain-Controlled Stress versus Strain Curves for Core 2W 103 39. Stress-Controlled Stress versus Strain Curves for Core 2W 104 40. Strain-Controlled Stress versus Strain Curves for Core 3W 105 41. Stress-Controlled Stress versus Strain Curves for Core 3W 106 42. Strain-Controlled Stress versus Strain Curves for Core 4W 107 43. Stress-Controlled Stress versus Strain Curves for Core 4W 108 44. Strain-Controlled Stress versus Strain Curves for Core 5W 109 45. Stress-Controlled Stress versus Strain Curves for Core 5W 110 46. Strain-Controlled Stress versus Strain Curves for Core 6W Ill 47. Stress-Controlled Stress versus Strain Curves for Core 6W 112 48. Strain-Controlled Stress versus Strain Curves for Core 7W 113 49. Stress-Controlled Stress versus Strain Curves for Core 7W 114 50. Strain-Controlled Stress versus Strain Curves for Core 8W 115 51. Stress-Controlled Stress versus Strain Curves for Core 8W 116 52. Strain-Controlled Stress versus Strain Curves for Core 9W 117 53. Stress-Controlled Stress versus Strain Curves for Core 9W 118 11 Figure 54. Strain-Controlled Stress versus Strain Curves for Core 10W 119 55. Stress-Controlled Stress versus Strain Curves for Core 10W 120 56. Shear Strength versus Depth Curves for Core 1W 126 57. Shear Strength versus Depth Curves for Core 2W 127 58. Shear Strength versus Depth Curves for Core 3W 128 59. Shear Strength versus Depth Curves for Core 4W 129 60. Shear Strength versus Depth Curves for Core 5W 130 61. Shear Strength versus Depth Curves for Core 6w 131 62. Shear Strength versus Depth Curves for Core 7W 132 63. Shear Strength versus Depth Curves for Core 8W 133 64. Shear Strength versus Depth Curves for Core 9W 134 65. Shear Strength versus Depth Curves for Core 10W 135 66. Typical Failed Samples 136 12 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author wishes to thank Dr. Raymond J. Smith, Professor of Oceano- graphy, Naval Postgraduate School, for his advice and encouragement in the development of this machine. Appreciation is also expressed to the Machine Facility, the Photographic Department, and to Miss Georgia Galloway for secretarial assistance. The author is also grateful for the interest and support provided by the Naval Facilities Engineering Com- mand. Finally, the author is indebted to his wife Dianne for her continued patience and understanding during the period of postgraduate studies. 13 I. INTRODUCTION GENERAL An effort has been made in recent years to determine more about the mass physical properties of the sediments present on the ocean floor. Both private industry and governmental agencies have contributed greatly to these programs. It is necessary that much more be accomplished along these lines, particularly as to the quantity and quality of the data obtained from areas deeper than the continental shelf. One of the chief physical properties of marine sediments that is often measured is its shear strength. The two most commonly used tests to deter- mine this are the vane shear and the unconfined compression tests. A vane shear apparatus was built by Minugh (1970) and modified by Heck (in press) to specifically measure the vane shear strength of these soft marine sedi- ments. An unconfined compression testing machine has also been designed and constructed to accurately measure sediment shear strength by use of either the strain-controlled or stress-controlled mode of loading, and it is described herein. A brief summary of marine sediment structure, shear strength theory and the unconfined compression test are presented in the following sections. MARINE SEDIMENT STRUCTURE Most of the marine sediments found on the ocean floor in water greater than continental shelf depth consist primarily of either (Keller, 1968): 1. Extremely fine-grained inorganic pelagic clays. 2. Calcareous ooze consisting of at least 30 percent calcium carbonate tests. * ^ 15 3. Siliceous ooze consisting of at least 30 percent siliceous material formed from diatom and radiolarian debris. The marine clays vary considerable in coloration. In that they are primarily composed of minerals which tend toward basal cleavage, the clay particles are either terraced platelets or rod-shaped in appearance. Such shapes offer a large amount of surface area which is important in consider- ing the nature of sediment strength. Both calcareous and siliceous plank- tonic skeletons similarly have relatively large surface areas and general- ly have disc or elongated shapes. The fine-grained soil particles tend to flocculate or form loose-knit aggregations in settling to the sea floor. Rod-shaped or elongated parti- cles are visualized as forming a random "match-stick" structure, causing the sediment to have high values of shear strength due to an interlocking of particles in all directions. Flocculated platelet-shaped particles characterized by edge-to-face contact between adjacent particles initially retain their flocculent structure unless disturbed. This is the result of a large osmotic pressure being created between the platelet faces. This osmotic pressure apparently results from the attraction of negative ions to these faces, which in turn repel each other and keep face-to-face con- tacts to a minimum. There is some evidence that a slight positive charge exists on the platelet edges. Such a structure is very weak and unstable, and any disturbance such as a shearing force or sediment compression causes the angle between the platelets to be reduced. Since the repulsive force varies inversely with platelet spacing, the platelets become parallel and separated from each other resulting in a more stable and stronger structure characterized by the solid platelets being dispersed in a continuous liq- uid matrix (Hough, 1969). 16 SHEAR STRENGTH THEORY The shearing strength of a material is its ability to withstand shearing stresses. When a maximum resistance is exceeded, slippage oc- curs resulting in failure. In most natural materials the shearing strength is made up of both an internal friction, a resistance due to physical contact between the particles, and a cohesion. The cohesion represents the strength not due to friction, and its exact nature and source is not well known. The concept of shear strength has its beginning with the classical Coulomb equation: s = c + p tan $ where s = Shearing strength. c = Cohesion. p = Normal stress . 0 = Angle of internal friction. In soils, Terzaghi's statement of the principle of effective stress in which the pore water pressure is subtracted from the normal stress to give an effective normal stress modifies the Coulomb equation to: s = c + (p-u) tan 0 or s = c + p' tan 0 where u = Pore water pressure . p' = Effective normal stress. Solid friction is generally considered to be negligible between particles in saturated marine sediments when they are stressed in an undrained manner with no loss of pore water (Keller, 1968), and therefore the angle 17 of internal friction is taken to be equal to zero. In such a case, the shear strength of the sediment is equal to its cohesion. A simple and rapid laboratory test to measure the shear strength of a cohesive sediment is the unconfined compression test. The simplicity of the test makes it one of the most widely used tests conducted on co- hesive sediments. Furthermore, though it requires removal of the sedi- ment sample from its core liner prior to testing, this mode of testing provides excellent shear strength data for experimental and comparison purposes. UNCONFINED COMPRESSION TEST General The unconfined compression test measures the compressive strength of a cylindrical sediment sample. It does not require any lateral support due to its cohesion. On the Mohr circle diagram shown in Figure 1, shear strength AB is equal to BC cos 0, or ^ or [j = BC cos 0 = -—- cos 0 For a friction angle of 30 degrees, the shear strength would be approxi- mately 0. 433£f^, where « O ~~ ~~~ — o # I *t Y L ■*■ v\ r* vS^*- 1 0 V\ ►> ^T\ «s j*® o i -— — - CO 00 ^ C j C ♦ I W CJ __-. M (\J ' r > ] ' • UjcJ 45 Figure 9. Detail of the Displacement Transducer Support Bracket ^D!A o LJ±t fz — f I' I I ft. ■f ^DIA p-i r-t-r ii< i i < 1_J_! t J — L_ % k-ifc-l i i % T T _J L 46 lower platform and provides the support for the displacement transducer. The two enlarged bolt holes in the bracket allow for lateral movement so that proper alignment of the displacement transducer end probe can be achieved. The displacement transducer is secured to the bracket by means of a lock-nut. The support bracket is constructed from welded strips of aluminum. JACTUATOR SHAFT UPPER PLATEN The jactuator shaft upper platen in Figure 10 is made of lightweight aluminum finely machined so as to provide a mirror-like finish on its lower surface. This smooth surface bears on the top of the sediment sample and is intended to give equal transmission of load throughout the sample. The upper platen screws on the jactuator shaft and serves to secure the mechani- cal extension arm to it. JACTUATOR SPACER The jactuator spacer shown in Figure 11 is made of aluminum, machined such that it conforms to the base of the jactuator, and sits between the jactuator and the upper platform. It allows for proper alignment between the motor output shaft and the jactuator input shaft. SHAFT EXTENSION ARMS The shaft extension arms of both the jactuator shaft and the weighted piston shaft are displayed in Figure 12. The purpose of these arms is to provide mechanical extensions which move up and down with their respective shafts so as to bear on the displacement transducer end probe. Hence, any shaft movement is exactly transmitted via the mechanical arms to the end probe. After proper calibration, the precise position of the upper platen 47 54-n nc -% IT ll ll Li__jJ 3* I ft Figure 10. Detail of the Jactuator Shaft Upper Platen 48 2^8 ■14 ^ — J -5 k 2 b 1 -■ .-. — ' Figure 11. Detail of the Jactuator Spacer 49 50 is continuously known. The extension arm for the jactuator shaft is secured to the shaft by means of the upper platen. The weighted piston shaft ex- tension arm is fastened to the weighted piston shaft by a split-ring clamp tightened by a set screw. Both extension arms are provided with screw ad- justments used to facilitate displacement transducer calibration. WEIGHTED PISTON ASSEMBLY The weighted piston shown in Figure 13 consists of three pieces: the weight holder, the weighted piston shaft and the weighted piston upper platen. These can be conveniently assembled on the unconfined compression testing machine when shifting to the stress-controlled mode of testing. Each piece was made as light in weight as consistent with strength in order to reduce the initial load increment placed on the sediment sample to a minimum. The weight holder was hollowed out both to reduce its weight and to help retain the small lead discs used for the increment loading. The weighted piston shaft screws into the weight holder after positioning through the ball bushing during assembly. The shaft extension arm and the weighted piston upper platen are normally left attached to the shaft. The upper platen screws on to the shaft and is constructed similarly to the jactuator upper platen. The entire weighted piston assembly weighs 1.8 pounds. LEAD DISCS Forty 1/8-pound and twenty 1/4-pound lead discs 1 5/8 inches in dia- meter provide the load increments for the stress-controlled mode of testing. Combinations of these discs allow selection of the proper load increments based on the expected value of sediment shear strength. Ideally the sample should fail somewhere between the application of the tenth and the fif- teenth equal load increment. 51 J-LJ r -~=\ tr CO ._J %Q) -st- lid ill III 1 1 T~ r i I i 1 J H EJ CD 03 CO o -p CO •H Ph T^ C += JC to ■H CD CD += •i-l 3 O •o c (0 c 3 o M C •H J-i 01 r-l O CO CO CO 60 c •l-l a o u j-i 3 oo •H fa 61 5. A coping saw equipped with a piano wire for a blade is used to cut carefully through the core. 6. Steps 3, 4, and 5 are repeated for the n?xt cutting position. 7. The three-inch section is carefully removed, the bottom of its plastic liner capped, and the sediment shear strength is measured with a vane shear apparatus (Heck, in press) without removing the sediment from the plastic liner. 8. Step 6 is repeated for the following five-inch section. 9. The five-inch section is removed and immediately placed on a spatula in a vertical position. This prevents the sediment from coming out of the core plastic liner. 10. The plastic liner is placed in a clamping device and held there while a hand ejection piston is used to carefully extrude the sample with a minimum of disturbance. The sample is maintained on the spatula during this step and very little disturbance occurrs. 11. Using the spatula, the sample is placed in the center of the force transducer weighing platform and the spatula is removed. 12. The X-Y Recorder Operating Switch is placed in the PEN Position. The recorder graph indicates the sample weight and is ready for testing. TESTING IN THE STRAIN-CONTROLLED MODE 1. The Motor Controller Operating Switch is turned to the FWD Position. This causes the upper platen to be driven downward at an axial rate of strain of two percent per minute. Care is taken to insure that good contact is made between the upper platen and the sample. 2. The X-Y Recorder graph is checked to see that a good reading is being made. 62 3. When a distance of at least 20 percent of the initial sample height is traversed by the upper platen, the Motor Controller Operating Switch is turned to the BRAKE Position. 4. This is considered the end of the test and the X-Y Recorder Operating Switch is placed in its OPERATE Position which lifts the pen. 5. The Motor Controller Operating Switch is turned to the REVERSE Position, the SPEED RANGE Switch placed in the HI Position, and the SPEED CONTROL Potentiometer turned to its maximum setting. This raises the upper platen off the sample. 6. When the upper platen is about 5.1 inches above the weighing platform as indicated on the recorder, the Motor Controller Operating Switch is turned to the BRAKE Position. 7. Removal of the sample is accomplished by carefully unscrewing the weighing platform from the force transducer and carrying the platform with the sample on it to a desired location where the sample is removed. 8. The weighing platform and the upper platen are wiped clean and the platform reinstalled on the force transducer. 9. The X-Y Recorder Operating Switch is placed in its load position. This allows removal of the graph paper with its load versus sample height curve. A new piece of graph paper is installed. The recorder is placed in its operational mode with its pen up ready for the next test. TESTING IN THE STRESS -CONTROLLED MODE 1. Based on the expected value of sediment shear strength, the weight increment of loading is chosen. Generally, 1/4-pound or 3/8-pound increments are used. These increments are made up of combinations of the 1/4-pound and 1/8-pound discs. 63 2. The timer is plugged into a 115 volt, 60 Hertz, grounded, power supply and turned on. 3. The pin is removed from the weighted piston shaft and the shaft slowly lowered until the upper platen rests evenly on the top of the sedi- ment sample. This is considered the first load increment. The time at which contact is made with the sample is noted. 4. After the first load increment, the previously chosen increment of weight is placed on top of the weight holder at 30 second intervals. 5. Incremental loading is continued until the upper platen has traveled at least 20 percent of the initial sample height. 6. The X-Y Recorder Operating Switch is placed in its OPERATE Posi- tion which lifts the pen. It is then placed in its LOAD Position. 7. The lead discs are removed from the top of the weight holder. The weighted piston shaft is slowly raised until the upper platen is clear of the sample. The shaft is then pinned in its starting position. 8. Sample removal and the replacing of graph paper in the recorder are accomplished in a manner identically described in the testing pro- cedure for the strain-controlled mode of operation. 64 V. TEST RESULTS On April 23, 1970, a sediment sampling program was carried out from the USNS BARTLETT (T-AGOR-13). The vessel departed from the port of Oakland and proceeded southwesterly along the continental slope between San Francisco and Monterey. At the ten locations along the track shown in Figure 15, the ship was stopped and an Ewing gravity corer with 450 pounds of weight was used to obtain a core. The sediment samples varied in length from 39 to 71.5 inches. The depth of water at the core locations ranged from 340 to 1870 fathoms. In each case the core liner was removed from the core barrel, capped, sealed and placed vertically in a specially constructed storage drum filled with sea water. This storage drum was carefully removed from the ship upon return to port and placed in storage until the test program commenced on the 3rd of August. A summary of the coring data is presented in Table I. All cores were dark green colored clays, with the exception of Core 1W and Core 2W which both contained some sand. Between August 3rd and August 5th the ten cores were analyzed as follows. The top three-inch section was removed from the core and tested on the NPS vane shear apparatus (Heck, in press) to determine a vane shear strength value. This three-inch section was then remolded to determine its sensitivity and a portion was used to obtain the water content. A summary of the values computed for the vane shear strength, sensitivity, and water content for each sample appear on Table II through Table XI. Two five-inch sections were then removed from the core and tested on the NPS unconfined compression testing machine. The first five-inch section was tested using the strain-controlled mode and the second five-inch 65 / \ / y '' o I fO CM / O O / y s * £ CM 0 \ v UJ >- * N ^ /> o / / 2 o ' ' / / x iS O J \ \ ro r * ' \' s 0 •H / / i v / _/ -"7 / c/> i '^ ^ *.^ in CD \ CD — • 0 > O o o o ro 5 00 o X LU . . _l CO = O • • -i. LU Q O: o io3 o o w en 66 o O O CO X to 0) i-( vj a> O Xi 0) 5E x to oo I CM CM 53 o cn O Csl C 3 CO E c x o i en CM 53 en O co o co CM 0» 5C «•# <-c3 -t e CO U ^! ^ Ai P J-i u CO CO d) £ B. X 3 c CO e ^< cu 5E CO O CO CJ> «# *■# < CJ 0) ^ 3 S 53 u CJ 5E o cu 53 X CO IW 4-1 CO o> 3 X CO m m o oc vO ON en CTv en o o o <-3 «-3 X CO r^ <* O oo 3: 3 3: S 5 m m o en en CM I en CM 53 O m -ct- i vO en o en CM 3: S S r-~ co on V-i CO F r-l CO O «6 4J 4J ^ CO CO CJ 0) QJ Ol D£ 3: 53 m m o m co 5 CM CM I cn CM 53 CM cn CO o 60 c •H w c CO 60 3 •H CO 3 O o cn u e D 53 QJ CO 3 CJ H H W h4 H Pi < 4J co x; 53 CO 53 - o (-• z > 00 O CN 0 CO Ul a: £-. on « — 0 0 to z o o IT) CO CO * M 00 X H Z < Z -H < bJ W u) > x cc o. 00 CN 3 0 CO 0 * on H •— on z 2: I-. p oo < f- S CO ^ co O 0 O O O O O prf < w U 8sS t— x b; — - -0 O 0 O O O O O W £K CM CN CN CN CN CN CN a X W 1 j: HKU1Z ^ H OJ X U H WH ^ fe Z < u)<; u: >-> Ui lx* occc c O ^O CN OO O O O 00 00 CN 00 r^ 00 0O O^ r^ O x a: h h ^~- tv, r-v 1— CN V> ">* CO ■< H fc. on on E W C 1 -' -' -' -' >< C£ H S-=c H b.' H to o o x. —• X <-*• Z CN O ft. O -H u-j x 5: •— « en K H H < t! C 00 CSI CN CN CO 0 CO 3 ■* 5 00 CO 0 3 O CN CN < < H < >- w S>- on 3 ' — ' -" "- "- w o: o X cj HH Wi- ai O 3 -J x _ < Z O ft. O ._, z b:h<1u; ? H (- h K "( ^ 00 00 ->* CO 0 on in 00 0 0 CO s -0 0 co CN CN r~~ ^~ J on 3 LU J x ft. H f^ Z S H CO 00 O O >-i < X^ Z IS < Bl U j y P= *- m 3 CO -0 CN 00 m CN 00 on 00 CN CO al H H X w X h < on h r^c; r— r— w— p— on m 3 z a: h 1-1 < z 0 00 r-v CN CO CO CN ^ K < Z O ^ CO ~ CO ' ^t CO on J X « h U H < (J X J — ^ Ul Z f- ft, O ._, h 0; 3 < k " 3 0 3 00 O on O 00 -0 CO 0 O on CO CN ■hlh iflSv- • • • on *— ,~~ w~~ *"" M M ►J on m >o ~-> ~c 0 ~3 0 CN r^ rj l/^ 0 ul H " CN r"i CO w OS o H CO 00 r^ CO r^. -O CN o CO u oo z w 00 ro i\ ■* IO •d -c X H W OS o -—• VAN SHEA TREN (psi o CO CN IT) CN CN CO o tO to CN CN oo ' Z S STRAI AT MAXIMU STRESS (%) o 00 to O O CN o o CN LO o U0 on o d CN lO O d CN o X W 1 J! HKinz^ E- w w oo >-• XIMU REN'G FAI TRES TRAI (psi CO o l-N, CN to CO O tO -O CN CO CO O a O CN lO tO o CN O O o <. H u. OO oo X oo o - r~~ Qi X H E-S H OJ H 00 REN'G T 20 THOU AMPL EIGH psi) CO CN o o CN CN 5 LO CN o CO CN o CN CO CO •O CN LO r^. CO ■* co CN < H < •-< oo 3 *-^ • * < oo 3 o w cd o X o H H OJ E- Di CJ> o _j x CO o I\ o LO CN CO CN LO lO CN to tN. < Z O CL. O .^ w W ^ y -^ z; b: h <1 a " t-i H m oo -< c; CN CO tO to r-N, O 00 •«r co CN J oo 3 UJ J TRENGTH AT 20% STRAIN TH SAMP WEIGHT (psi) o o lO CO 3 -o CO CN CO O LO CN oo >o o o CO CN o OO t-l 3 z oi H i-i < z o to CO o •o o o CO CO CO <. E- W >-i ^ K < Z O N CO M; -d CO to CO o co CO CN OO J X OJ H UJ H CN r^ rg LTl o 1/0 CN CN CN ~T 0 0 Ui a. o H 0 en t\ CO CO 1— 00 en ■*t MD NO CO 0 Z en en en *— W CO X H W OS O ^~ Z< Z -H 0 CN CN 0 0 CO en < w uj ui > 5: 05 O. 00 en 00 en 0 m vO 1/1 H — ' CO z 2: M P eO < h J ifl ^ 05 < ►-! w J-S O 0 CK en r\ O O O O 0 CO < H 5; co co 0 CN CO CM 0 O O CN O CN en 0 CN O X u 1 5". h 0: mz^ MAXIt-tU STRENG OF FAI STRES STRAI (psi H W w X to CN en O CO 0 en en 0 3 en O O en CO O 3 0 en en en MD >* as H P-S H W H CJ> O P P X >-n. CO Z CM O P, U -H y x 2 m w 05 H H < W ft. 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O CM •o • to !-< ^ OO z r (^ < h u ?: CN CM o r^ O o o CO S3 o to CO o o H X K" r~~ CM ■~~ r— CM CM uo < H Q X UJ 1 X h a: to z <— p O hd C/J i-i •-. £ z < uj <- •/. ■- uj u. oc c2 c oo CM o ^ CM O CO o CM CO to E— CO CO CO to UJ UJ 33 to >- X oi hh^ CM CM CM VT) l\ <; (-■ &< wi/i X to O OS H *•! H u: H =3 tO o o :_j _: — ---. Z cm O P-, O — i a: h h 3 uj c- CO CO 00 CM o - f-i H UJ f- Ofl O 3 J =_ < Z O pu O .J UJ UJ X J- — z a: H w to m vO ^_, sT o> CM r^ rl i^ O ir> 00 i~3 X UJ m OO T—t 1 — 1 rg rsl ri rn rn o- iT\ ~o vO sD < H X a, o I 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 I 1 I UJ z H a .-1 o m =0 m vC .— . vD 0>* *3 c^ rg r^ rj ^ O lTi ' J r\l -J -1 lTi in vO vD 73 1 H C6 Z U UJ o •O CM 5 CO 00 (X ix. s o ^ CO CM CO CO S" o z > o o 8 CO CM o >-* co z w CO CO <> co X H w a: o *— Z < Z t-i < u: w w s > ac pi a , 1/1 H ^ CO z 2: < H Xto .— K < H ,J i-' MD CO CO 00 co CM O o O CO o o H ><: oc —■ V. < H -~ "~ CM CM £ 00 o X CU 1 "X. h &: co z /-n E_ 3 O H KH ^ £ Z < W * CO -o < H h. win E W O >- cc H 8"£ f- W H en O O 3 J X /-^ Z CM O Q, O — i U] X X >— V) OS f- (- < u: C o ix CM CO CM CO CM •O o LO cS CO CM CM < H < ■— to ^ <— • < co 3 n w en o o h H tJ h Bi U 3 J X -, < Z O cu rj "J W W X X -i J Z Oi H -l X '< £, J CO 3 o -o CM o CM IX MD ■«*■ CM rx CO O o CO UJ J H ^ Z X H O O M <; X Z CM < CO O J" 4 « "-1 m 2 H H X CO 2. i- < co H 3CT o M3 CO O CO <* CO CO IX o o -M- CO * CO H-l 3 z h:h < huJhQ cc < z o °>, f- —ifx. CO J fx CM CO CM 00 o o 00 V X « H ii h < O X J X ^ IX rx co o o W Z H fj, O -i 5 g 5 3 S g O o 00 o r— •o CO ^ CO ■* CO M • ,-J H en 2^; • ►H CO > ►J CO (—1 •£> — vT rj> 00 X w m CO CM CM rsl CO C**l vD vD *c H X PQ a, u 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i I 1 1 1 1 £ UJ z a i-i o CO ac CO vC _, sC 0> ^ as CM ^ CM i/> q LA "' rsl ^4 CN CN CO ~ >• o H ■z. > CO PS o M CO 3 i\ C_> CO w CO N" ^ xf sc H W OS O ^ o ^ < z -w O CO <; w u] co > = 2 c CN CO s CO H ^ en l-l p en o r^ o O -O o < S- £ co -— o: < h u; f.- o CN 00 CO o CN CO o CN LO < H 5: co c re uj i X H oi w ?. --. US UJ cr. p OH WH ^ £ S'. < w • PS H f^ t- u: H ^ O O S ~ :r ^ p ;- cn o a- c — CO CN r— r\ 00 o < t>J X S i— is OS H !- < -- Ci o- lO CN ^ CO CO CN oo H < >~ V. 'J. -— H < co 3 Q cj os o X u t- t~ Ul °r- OS U P J — _ < ;.-. o ~ U ... IPS OS H < W r i-i H t-i J : : CO OO CN CO CO o CO r-N CO CN o CN • • • • J u;3 US TRENGTH AT 202 STRAIN TH SAM? WEIGHT OS CN CN CO CO o 3 <* CO CO CO l-l r? x. os H — < z r: rv. 00 tv. ** CO CN -c H W M «■ f r2 < x; o w CO ~ 2; CO CN 00 CO J i re OS H W H <; o = -J :r ,-. w z i- a, O ,-, h o: 3 ■< a a CN o co CO CN CO CO N. CN CO CO CN .-. H tn 3^; CO X M Ed ►4 CO r—i ■c — XI s^ -^ 0> CsJ r^ r j UO O in CO :r to m so r_l -* CM r-j :n r*-* r-> sC sD SO « a. u 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 < ^1 7U Q i-l O r~> SO n SO ^_ vD --, ^j s^ -: p^ -J in O LO! rsi r-i ^J r-< in X sD 75 H OS Z uj cu CO CN l-N ' fr-> f-< ^ < Z iN? 3 O ~^ CJ 2 CM CO LO ►< o z > cu OS H 8 o O "vf o >—t o O *— CJ CO z cu to CO co o" LO X o CO CN 430 co Z < Z -H > x os a. o s CO m H1^ CO Z £ M p CO -< cu s-; CO "* CN o O 1 O • Tf o o 00 o f-. x oS -^ CO ■«* CM CM r— CM co <; h S to a X CU 1 X H OS CO Z >~~ p O Hd CO h-l -H JE Z < CU — W U-. OS OS C 00 CO (- CO 5 CO 00 "vt- 8 o rv. CO to cu 33 CO X OS Hfr- ^ - OS X H s^» H UJ (- O O p P X ---. p in < 2i N O fc O •< cu X 5: m in a: H H < w c H < h w 3 '- CN vo o o CO ■or o 3 ■* CN CO CO CO CN CN < co 3 • a cu OS o u H H CU S- os O p -J X _ < z o a* u .„, cu to x £ - JJ Z Bi H -J CO eo vD vC Cf -i 1 o 1 CO CO 1 CO 1 1 1 1 1 1 ON 1 CM 1 I 1 in I O 1 m CNJ rg C*N - o H z > Ed os O O H r- o o -o tO z CN o to o o to UJ to X H W OS O ^-v Z < Z -^ < W Id 0) > X OS CX O CN 00 to i CM M3 WH w to Z £ < H £ V) ^ K < « W Sf O IX 00 CO l\ CN O co' o CO H X OS ^ O »— r~~ ^— 3E t/3 CN a x uj I se e-< os to z /-. p CJ td en i-< -h H uj W to i? Z < U< [/! X OS t-iSr* •" ■< H Uh to to Su co o CO CO CN IT) to 5 to O o s os X H f-S S-i W H CJ O 3 J X '-. to < Z CM O A, CJ —i 00 to CO . — o o o uj x a w oi OS t-> H < UJ C. H < h oi 3 ^/ CO CN CO CO CO 00 < to 3 O UJ os o X o H I- U f- OS CJ O -J X _ < Z O 0- o . . UJ W X x - „ Z OS H -o sO CQ cx, o 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 1 < UJ z H Q i-i o cn 00 cn •S3 ■ — ( ■~D CJN ~J c^ CN r- CN in o in r-j rj rsl r^ vD 77 section the stress-controlled mode. The detailed test procedures described in the previous section were followed. In each case a recording of load versus sample height was made. The load values appearing on the record include the weight of the sample. Arrows were inserted on the curves shown in Figure 16 through Figure 35 to indicate sample height and sample weight. This sequence of testing was repeated throughout the length of each core. In conducting the strain-controlled tests on Core 1W, the rate of strain exceeded the recommended maximum value and hence the data for this parti- cular test sample is considered questionable. Figure 16 through Figure 35 depict the original load - sample height curves produced. Each figure combines those sections for one core which were tested in a similar mode of machine operation. It is believed signi- ficant that in all tests a point on each load - sample height plot is reached where the curve increases in a linear manner. Th o ON in O o ON Cn| NO CO rH ON — i rH rH r-i Z 2 w to os os [tj H H J CO to 3 Oh X H Id UJ T < X in nO o > CO o ,J aS a; CO i-i 30 ON o CT^ o on ON ON ON (NJ in O fv CQ r> 3 On ON o o> o ON ON O ON ON ON o ON o On ON < o u O H 3 r-( r—l r-i rH rH H O i-i z o Q Q LO to -H os 3 UJ to ■H M 3 < < Ck Cu, 3 iJ m S3 - m ^ — o O CM m in r-j o 00 B x x <1 CJ In ON in in o 00 cn rv CO 00 H H CO CO i-l CM O i-I ,_! r~ O o ON m o O O OS CO ON O ON O ON O c 00 ON o o rj ON o J-i .— i rH rH rH r-i co UJ H rH 2 3 CO 3 i-J OS H Oh H o S •• CM X X < o O o o r- ON o in CO h-f rH o en o in o -T H NO 7 ON f^ CM o in CO 00 CO ONI CNJ ( n m UJ Z en 1 NO rH < JN CO o > as k bj l-l as X Id O H 3 ON o nO o o ^ m ON cc o nD r. -c? o on o ON o o ON CTn ON ON o ON on ON o H o o CJ n 3 z o CO a; as W h-1 3 J OS < < Oj H < O cj CM bn 3D 2 X < o n£> o en o ON o CM o nO o . x w u 3 H o OS as H H w z CO 00 J u *2h oS BS f-S to < O bJ CM X) < X CO CJ CM o en c*1 o o o —1 o c~- cn r^ o bl COi-H osi CJ O 03 ,_, _J CM _, r-4 o r^ Cvl ON o CM on iD o ON o ON o On o ON O ON o On ON ON o M CJ -~ 3 l-l X w ►J CO CJ -I 3§H r-4 , U~l r~- en o o- NO ^ NO |NN, •cf r^ CM nO r^ f^. On CO o 00 o o ON <* ON CO o CO l-l OS X w ON ON ON On on o ON o o ON ON ON On o O H3 CJ M H 3 CO x w o -I ON r- JO in CO en ^J < M m m j-i m u vO J5 O O 4-i H 03 4J o C-J —I 0 CO o 03 03 03 e E E O ^ O O O O irt O O sO sO ^D 0 ^J O ^> 0 8^ o H 0 Q 03 H 03 03 a 03 E o E E W *J o. o SZ o < H Z ess ^ O 0 O o *j o u o o 0 v£> H -O o vD *j o o ~D tj sC CJ CO ca ca o 03 03 o 03 3 a: 3 2 o — £ E e " g 8- 0 a. o o O 0 O 00 4J o O o UJ H o •o H ^C 0 m 0 ^D o ^ 0 vD pj 3 X pa 03 03 M 03 J H < 3 w IK ►J 03 < OJ u z ni < u> J x a. OJ a! w 0 e o 0 _,- 3 E o 0 H a; 3 4J o i-> c-t *-i o *-) o ij m *j C O o *c u ^o -J iD O vO O 4-1 ^r> *-j > O a 0 03 03 o o o£ 1 co pa C3 03 CQ U3 < < to fc. E E ^ p. U3 U] o 0 £ z o o < w Id J OrS 3 X. 0 _C o 0 H r. H 5 o A-J o w o 0 03 o 0 03 o o 03 o o 03 o 03 sC 0 03 CO in o 03 CO in 0 H nO 03 >o 3 k: o < z < .J M < GO < 8^ .= o E o o E O 4J o E CO 6 0 vO o in vO 0 o 03 o S H o pq 03 03 03 03 03 03 c2 H H O 03 8 - a. E 0 3 O E E E 0 E o 0 E 0 0 o *J o ^j f- 0 o o r~i CO in 4J 4-J 0 «D u J3 O in •o *-j vD o *J vO in " X) > 03 03 03 0 03 o 03 03 03 03 03 M X E g E E W erf 3 o C o z 0) c a. o O 0 _ a. 0 o 0 o a. o O 0 O CO in SO o z H vD 0 C3 3 H vO 0 03 ^D H ^£> c 03 o ca < H to in X 0J H X ^j \i ? -T ON r^ CNJ O •O a ) r" m ft o* .J CM 3 ec c sj rj r-i O R 72 ^4UCT72 20M'» 2 1 8 U 0 Thesis 123483 W482 Westfahl c.l An unconfined com- pression testing machine for marine sediments. ' 3 2 '68 001 9