UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA LIBRARY ft 8.1 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. FIFTH REPORT OF THE UNITED STATES, ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION, being a revised and enlarged edition of Bulletin No. 7, ON INSECTS INJURIOUS TO FOREST AND SHADE TREES. BY ALPH^US ft. PACKARD, M. D., Ph. D. WITH WOOD-GUTS AND 38 PLATES. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT printing office, 1890. J ?9s~.7 Joint resolution authorizing the printing of two thousand copies of the fifth report of the united states entomo- LOGICAL Commission. The following resolution, originating in the House of Representa- tives, was concurred in by the Senate, July 6, 1882 : Resolved by the Rouse of Representatives (the Senate concurring), That there be printed, for the use of the Department of Agriculture, with necessary illustrations, 2,000 copies of the fifth report of the United States Entomological Commission, being a special report on the insects affecting forest trees. — (-See Congressional Record, July 7, 1882.) II TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page. Letter of Submittal .~ vn Preface 1 Introduction 5 Literature of forest entomology, 5 — Insects in general, 6 — The beetles and borers, 7— Moths and butterflies, 7 — Gall-flies, 10 — Saw-flies, 12 — Plant- lice, 13— Bark-lice, 14— Dipterous or two-winged gall-flies, 14 — Insec- tivorous or parasitic insects, 14 — Artificial breeding of parasitic and predaceous insects, 16 — Coleopterous enemies of borers, 18 — Influence of temperature on insect life, 19 — Generations or broods, 19 — Hiberna- tion stage, 23 — Diseases of trees produced by the attacks of insects, 24 — The appearance of unusual new growths, 24 — The origin of repaired parts from representative indefinite growths is very general, 25— Pre- vention and remedies against forest insects, 27 — Borers in shade and ornamental trees, 27 — Prevention and remedies against timber-beetles and bark-borers, 28 — Insecticides and means of applying them to shade and forest trees, 31 — Paris green and London purple, 31— Insecticides which act by contact, 34— Wood ashes and lime, 34 — Coal ashes and coal dust, 35 — Pyrethrum, hellebore, sulphur, 35— Alkaline washes, potash lye and soda lye, 35 — Alkaline washes, soaps, 35 — Petroleum pro- ducts, kerosene, naphtha, 36 — Kerosene emulsions, 36 — Resin washes, 37 — Fumigants, gases, 37 — Hydrocyanic acid gas, 38— Insecticide ap- paratus, 38— Devices for applying powders, powder blowers, 38— The Woodason bellows, 39 — The Leggett Brothers orchard gun, 39— De- vices for applying liquids, 39— The pump, 39 — Hose and bamboo ex- tension rod, 42— Nozzles ; the Riley or Cyclone nozzle, 44 — The Nixon or Climax nozzle, 46. Chapter I. Imect8 injurious to the oak 48 Affecting the roots, 49 — Affecting the trunk, 53 — Affecting the limbs and twigs, 83— Feeding on the buds, 116— Injuring the leaves, 117 — Injuring the seeds (acorns), 215 — Insects either habitually or occasionally oc- curring on the oak, 217. Chapter II. Instcts injurious to the elm 224 Affecting the trunk, 224 — Affecting the leaves, 230 — Insects occasionally preying upon the elm, 282. - Chapter III. Insects injurious to the hickory 285 Injuring the trunk and branches, 285— Affecting the bark, 298 — Affecting the leaves, 299— Affecting the fruit, 326 —Other species occurring on the hickory, 328. Insects injurious to the black walnut 329 Affecting the trunk, 329— Othet species occurring on the black walnut, 336. 129354 IV ■ TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page. Insects injurious to tht butternut 337 Affecting the trunk and limbs, 337 — Affecting the leaves, 336 — Other species living on tin* butternut, :i42. fflfeefj injur ion* to the chtttnut 343 Affecting the trunk and limbs, 343 — Affecting the leaves, 344 — Affecting the fruit, 350 — Other species preying on the chestnut, 353. Chapter IV. Instils injurious to tht lo4 — Other insects of the spruce, 856 — Insects injurious to the Rocky Mountaiu spruce and Douglass spruce. 857. Chapter XVII. Insects injurious to the fir tree 861 Affecting the trunk, 361 — Affecting the leaves, 862— Other insects of the fir, 869. Chapter XVIII. Insects injurious to the hemlock and larch -71 Injuring the trunk, 871 — Affecting the leaves, 873. Insects injurious to the larch or tamarack : Affecting the leaves, 879— Other insects, 903. Chapter XIX. Insects injurious to the juniper 904 Affecting the trunk. 904— Affecting the leaves, 907. Insects injurious to the common juniper, 910. Chapter XX. Insects injurious to the cedar and cypress 917 Insects injurious to the cedar, 917. Insects injurious to the cypress, 921. Insects injurious to the Sequoia gigantea,9£l. Explanations to plates 923 Indices of insects, plants, and authors quoted 929,947,953 LETTER OF SUBMITTAL. Department of Agriculture, Division of Entomology, . Washington, D. (7., December 26, 1887. Sir : In accordance with the act of Congress approved March 3, 1881, which provided that the reports of the United States Entomolog- ical Commission be made to the Commissioner of Agriculture, I have the honor to submit for publication this the fifth and final report of said Commission. This report is on the insects affecting forest trees, by Dr. A. S. Packard, and has been in part written and completed since the termination of the work of the Commission, and while he has been connected with the Division as a special agent. Respectfully, C. V. Riley, Chief U. 8. & C. Hon. Norman J. Colman, Commissioner of Agriculture. VII VIII MEMBERS OF THE COMMISSION. C. V. RILEY, Chief. A. S. PACKARD, Secretary. CYRUS THOMAS, Disbursing Agent. I INSECTS INJURIOUS TO FOREST AND SHADE TREES. PREFACE. The following report is an enlarged and revised edition of Bulletin 7 of the U. S. Entomological Commission on insects injurious to forest and shade trees, which was published in 1881. The design of this report is to give to the public, especially those persons interested in forestry and the planting and cultivation of shade trees, a brief summary of wbat is up to this time known of the habits and appearance of such insects as are injurious to the more useful kinds of trees. It is hoped that such a compendium will be found useful, and lead the reader not ouly to refer to the works of Harris, Fitch, Walsh, Riley, Le Conte, Horn, LeBaron, Saunders, Lintner, Forbes, and others of our entomologists who have contributed to this neglected branch, but induce him to make careful observations on the habits of destruc- tive forest insects and to carry on experiments as to the best remedies against their insidious attacks. The writer has added notes of obser- vations made during the past twenty-five years in the forests of Maine, New Hampshire, New York, and the woods of Massachusetts, as well as in Colorado, Utah, Montana, Florida, and on the Pacific coast; also a number of original engravings. The aim has been both to present original matter and to bring together from numerous entomological works, reports, and journals all that is of most importance to the prac- tical man. It is hoped that the work in its present form may serve as a convenient synopsis, a starting-point for future more detailed work, as well as a handy book of reference for the use of future observers, and that it will call the attention of the public to a neglected subject, stimulating entomologists, practical foresters, and gardeners to do what they can to add to our knowledge of this department of applied or economic entomology. A volume could be written on the insects living on any single kind of tree, and hereafter it may be expected that the insect population of 'the oak, elm, poplar, pine, and other trees will be treated of mono- graphically. Certainly there could be no more interesting and profit- able work for the young entomologist. 5 ENT 1 1 2 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. The preservation of our forests and of old and valued shade trees in our cities and towns is a subject of pressing importance, and it is to be hoped that the Government will foster private work and research in this direction. Next to the wanton destruction of forests by unthinking settlers and shiftless land owners, as well as by tires caused by the sparks of locomotives, the attacks of injurious insects are most widespread and tar reaching. Our forest and shade trees are yearly growing more valuable and indispensable, and at the same time the ravages of in- sects are becoming more widespread and noticeable. The diffusion of a moderate amount of information upon the subject at the present time will attract the notice ot the public and lead owners of land to pay a little attention to the subject and do something towards checking the ravages of noxious insects. In France and Germany private persons, entomologists such as Per- ris in France, and especially Katzeburg in Germany, have published beautifully illustrated general works of very great interest and value upon forest inserts, and their books have done immense service in those countries, where an enlightened government and an intelligent people have felt the importance of building up schools cf forestry and of making laws compelling due efforts towards repressing the more injuri- ous forest insects. Kalteubach, in his work entitled " Die Pflanzenfeinde aus der Klasse der Iusekten," or the Insect-enemies of Plants, has enumerated, in a closely-printed volume of 848 pages, the species of insects preying upon the different trees and plants, of all sorts, of central Europe. The num- ber of insects found upon some kinds of forest trees is astonishing, though it is to be remembered that all kinds are not equally destructive, the most injurious and deadly forms being comparatively few. Kalteubach enumerates 537 species of insects iujurious to the oak, and 107 obnoxious to the elm. The poplars afford a livelihood to 264 kinds of insects; the willows yield food to 396 species; the birches har- bor 270 species; the alder, 119; the beech, 154; the hazelnut, 97, and the hornbeam, 88. Coming to the coniferous trees, as the pine, spruce, larch, firs, etc., the junipers supply 33 species, while upon the pines, larch, spruce, and firs, collectively, prey 299 species of insects. In France Perris has observed over one hundred species either injurious to, or living upon without being especially injurious to, the maritime pine. These are described in an octavo volume of 532 pages, with numerous plates. The number as yet known to attack the different kinds of trees in the United States may be seen by reference to the following pages. It is sufficiently large to excite great fears for the future prosperity of our diminished forests, uuless the Government interposes, and through the proper channels fosters entomological research in this direction. Our forests, moreover, are much richer in species of trees than those of Eu- rope. We have, without doubt, ou the trees corresponding to those of PREFACE. 3 Europe as many destructive species as in Europe. But we have many more shade and forest trees of importance in the eastern United States alone, and when we add to these the forest trees of the western Rocky Mountain plateau and of the Pacific coast, and when we look forward to the attention which must be given in the immediate future to the planting of shade and forest trees on the great plains and in California, the subject of forest entomology assumes still more importance. The author has here arranged the forest trees in the order of their importance, beginning with the hard-wood or deciduous trees, the oak heading the list, and ending with the coniferous trees ; and under each tree he has first described the habits of the insect on the whole most injurious, sometimes merely giving a list of those insects found to be regular parasites of the tree but not specially injurious, though it should be borne in mind that any species of insect may at certain sea- sons so abound as to prove destructive. In preparing the original bulletin, the author was, for valuable infor- mation regarding the food-trees of a number of beetles hitherto unpub- lished, indebted to Mr. George Hunt, of Providence, R. I., and for aid in collecting specimens he acknowledged the assistance received from Mr. Edwin C. Calder, formerly assistant instructor in chemistry, Brown University, and from Prof. H. C. Bumpus, then a member of the sopho- more class of Brown University. While preparing the work in its present form the author has been for the last four years connected with the Division of Entomology as a special agent, and matter contained in his reports have been incorpo- rated in this general work. And he takes pleasure in acknowledging the constant aid and sympathy in the work shown by Professor Riley r the United States Entomologist, not only in allowing free and unre- stricted use of specimens, both in his private collection and that which he has generously presented to the Agricultural Department at Wash- ington and to the National Museum, but for the privilege of describing the transformations of a number of species, represented by blown or, alcoholic larvae. Professor Riley has also freely made over to the author many hitherto unpublished notes of habits and transformations, which have been accumulating for the past twenty years — notes and observa- tions which most persons would naturally prefer to keep or publish in- dependently under their own names. These especially relate to oak and elm insects, besides others, and are acknowledged in the places where they appear. Be also contributes an account of the insects of the Celtis. Professor Riley has also allowed the use of some uupublished draw- ings and a few cuts prepared as Entomologist of the Department of Agriculture for future use. Thanks are also due to the late S. Lowell Elliott, esq., of Brooklyn, , Henry Edwards, esq., of New. York, and Professor Riley, as well as to Dr. G. H. Born, of Philadelphia; Dr. P. R. Uhler, of Baltimore; *Dr. J. A. Lintner, State entomologist of New York, Mr. L. O. Howard and 4 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. Mr. E. A. Schwaiz, assistant entomologists in the National Department of Agriculture, and Mr. 1>. W, CoquUlett, of California, one of Professor Riley's field agents, for numerous favors in identifying insects, and other aid, and information. For some of the colored drawings the author is indebted to Mr. Joseph Bridgham, Mr. II. H. Wilder, Prof. II. C. Bumpus, Miss Julia E. Sand- ers, Miss Emily A. Morton, and to the late Dr. J. L. Le Coute for a few colored drawings bequeathed by his father. These are specifically acknowledged in the explanations of the plates. Professor Riley has also had a number of original drawings made by Dr. George Marx, Mr. J. B. Smith, Miss Lillie Sullivan, all of AYashingtou, and others have been made by Mr. Joseph Bridgham, of Providence, R. 1. The artists1 names are mentioned under the cuts in the text. For aid in collecting specimens in Maine he is indebted to Mr. H. H. Wilder and Master Allen Howe, of Lcwistou. The author is well aware of the short-comings and imperfections in this report. A good deal of time has been expended in unsuccessful at- tempts at raising insects, which has not produced visible results. Up- wards of two hundred descriptions of unidentified larvae have been made; those of the oak appear in the appendix, and others are scat- tered through the report. It is hoped that future observations will en- able us to complete these life-histories. It would have been desirable to have had more and, in some cases, better illustrations. This report will be sent to all known to be specially interested in en- tomology, and they are respectfully asked to send the author corrections and additions, as undoubtedly a number of species have been omitted from the list of those peculiar to different trees. Such changes could be made in a second, revised edition, should it be called for by the public. Brown University, Providence, R. J., January 2, 1888. INTRODUCTION. The subject of Forest Insects is almost a distinct branch of economic entomology, and little special attention has been given to it as yet in this country, owing to the fact that our entomological students have been obliged to concentrate their efforts upon the more destructive garden and field insects. The special works on this topic are, though few, notable for the extensive research and care with which they have been prepared; hence their permanent value. By far the most important are the voluminous works of Dr. J. T. C. Eatzeburg and those of Perris, Eichhoff, and Kaltenbach, while an excellent general work on forest insects is that of Judeich and Nitsche. The following list of works bearing directly on this topic, and indispensable, should be supplemented by the reports and articles of 0. V. Kiley, J. A. Lintner, J. H. Comstock, S. A. Forbes, and others : T. W. Harris Treatise on some of the Insects injurious to Vegetation. Third edition; illustrated. Boston, 1862. Asa Fitch. Reports (1 to 14) on the noxious, beneficial, and other Insects of the State of Keiv York. Albany, 1856-'70. V. Kollar. A Treatise on Insects injurious to Gardeners, Foresters, and Farmers. Trans- lated from the German by J. and M. Loudon. London, 1840. J. T. C. Ratzeburg. Die Forstinsekten, etc. (Forest Insects). Berlin, 1839, 1840, and 1844. 4 vols. 4to, with many plates. Die Ichneumonen der Forstinsekten, etc. (Ichneumons of Forest Insects). 3 parts. Berlin, 1844, 1848, and 1852. 4to. Plates. Die Waldverderber undihre Feinde (Forest Destroyers and their Enemies). Ber- lin, 1841. 8vo. Sixth edition ; 1869. Die Waldverderbniss oder dauernder Schade, welcher durch Insektenfrass, Schalen, Schlagen, und Verheissen an lebenden Waldbaumen entsteht (Forest injury or losses inflicted by insect attacks, etc.). 4to. 2 parts. Berlin, 1866-'68, with many colored plates. (A magnificent and most useful work.) A.S.Packard. Guide to the Study of Insects., Ninth edition ; 1888. 8vo. New York, H. Holt & Co. Judeich und Nitsche. Lehrbuch der Mittel-Europaischen Forstinsektenkunde. Wien, Part I, 1885. Part II, 1889. 8vo. (Compare also the works of Perris, Taschenberg, Eichhoff, Kaltenbach, Altum, Nordlinger, Henschel, and others.) While the reader is referred to the ordinary text books for the ele- ments of entomology, the following facts may prove serviceable in connection with the subject of forest entomology : 5 6 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. Insects in general. — The term insect is applied to that class of jointed animals (Arthropoda) whose bodies are divided into three regions or sections, called the head, thorax, and hind-body or abdomen. They usually have three pairs of legs attached to the mid-body or thorax, and two pairs of wings. Most insects pass through a series of changes. In the butterfly, for example, after hatching from the egg as a cater- pillar (larva), it transforms to a chrysalis (pupa),'fLnMy changing to the imago or winged insect. The insects form a class comprising about 200,000 known species. They are divided into sixteen orders (not including those which are. extinct), as may be seen by the following tabular view copied from the author's u Zoology," which briefly represents the more apparent, super- ficial differences between the groups. The list begins with the lowest, ending with the highest. Orders of insects now living. 1. Wingless, often with a spring. Thysanura : Spring-tails, eto. 2. Fore wings minute, elytra-like Dermaptera: Earwig. 3. Wings net-veined; fore wings narrow; hind wings folded Orthoptera : Locusts, Grassnoppers. 4. Four net-veined wings; mouth -parts adapted for biting Platyptera : White Ants, Bird-lice. 5. Wings net-veined, equal Odonata: Dragon-flies. 6. Wings net- veined, unequal Plectoptera : May flies. 7. Mouth-parts beak-like, but with palpi Thysanoptera : Thrips. 8. Mouth-parts forming a beak for sucking; no palpi Hemiptera : Bugs. 9. Wings net-veined; metamorphosis complete. Neuroptera : Lace-winged Fly, eto. 10. Wings long and narrow ; body with a forceps. Mecaptera : Panorpa. 11. Wings not net-veined Trichoptera : Caddis-fly. 12. Fore wings sheathing the hinder ones Co hoptera : Beetles. 13. Wingless, parasitic Siphonaptera : Fleas. 14. One pair of wings Diptera : Flies. 15. Four wings and body scaled Lepidoptera: Butterflies. 10. Four clear wings; hinder pair small; a tongue. Hymenoptera : Bees, Wasps, eto. Allied to the insects are the myriopods, or centipedes and galley- worms, none of which are injurious to forest or shade-trees, although the smaller kinds of centipedes (Lithobius, etc.), occur under the bark of decayed trees. No spiders or allied forms, comprising the class Arach- nida, are injurious to vegetation, except certain mites (Acarina) whose forms and gall making habits are peculiar. Many spiders take up their abode in the leaves of shade and forest trees, but none are known to be injurious. The false-scorpions (Chelifer, etc.) often occur under the bark of decayed trees, but they are more useful than otherwise, as they probably devour the smaller wood-boring larvae. The bulk of our destructive forest insects belong to the orders com- prising the beetles, the caterpillars, gall-flies, saw-fly larvae, and the bugs. We will mention them in the order of their importance as destructive to shade and forest trees. INTRODUCTION. 7 The beetles and borers. — The order Coleoptera comprises about 100,000 species of beetles, divided into a large number of families. The beetles are easily recognized by the hard, sheath-like fore wings which pro- tect the hind wings ; their jaws are stout and thick, more or less toothed, and adapted for biting. The larvae of beetles are called " grubs." They have been thus characterized in the author's " Guide to the Study of Insects : " The larvae, when active and not permanently inclosed (like the Cnrculio) in the substances which form their food, are elongated, flattened, worm-like, with a large head, well developed mouth parts, and with three pairs of thoracic feet, either horny or fleshy and retractile, while there is often a single terminal prop-leg on the terminal segment and a lateral horny spine. The larvae of the Cerambycidce are white, soft, and more or less cylindrical, while those of the Curculionidce are footless, or nearly so, and resemble those of the gall-flies, both hymenopterous and dipterous. The pupae have free limbs, and are either inclosed in cocoons of earth or, if wood-borers, in rude cocoons of fine chips and dust, united by threads or a viscid matter supplied by the insect. * * * Generally, however, the antennae are folded on each side of the clypeus, aud the mandibles, maxillae, and labial palpi appear as elongated papillae. The wing-pads being small, are shaped like those of the adult Meloe. and are laid upon the posterior femora, thus exposing the meso- and meta- thorax to view. The tarsal joints lie parallel on each side of the middle line of the body, the hinder pair not reaching to the tips of the abdomen, which ends in a pair of acute, prolonged, forked, incurved, horny hooks, which must aid the pupa in working its way to the surface when about to transform into the beetle. Most of the destructive kinds belong to the following families : Body of beetle, broad, flat, hard ; antennae short, serrated. Larva with head and first succeeding segment very broad aud flat Buprestidce. Body of beetle more or less cylindrical, with very long, slender antennae ; larva? called "borers," their bodies cylindrical, usually footless Cerambycidce. Small cylindrical beetles, with no snout, called bark-borers ; larvae footless, thick, cylindrical, pointed at each end Scolytidce. Hard-bodied beetles, called "weevils," with a long beak or snout, with jaws at tne end ; larvae grub like, footless, thick and fleshy Curculiotiidce. Moths and butterflies. — While a few caterpillars (mostly of the family ^geriadse and the Cossidse) bore into the trunk and branches of trees, the great bulk devour the leaves. Caterpillars are provided with stout, toothed jaws (mandibles) for cutting leaves. They are voracious feeders, as will be seen by the following extract from Mr. L. Trouvelot in Packard's " Guide to the Study of Insects : n Caterpillars gi ow very rapidly and consume a great quantity of food. Mr. Trouve- lot gives us the following account of the gastronomical powers of the Polyphemus caterpillar: " It is astonishing how rapidly the larva grows, and one who has no experience in the matter could hardly believe what an amount of food is devoured by these little creatures. One experiment which I made can give some idea of it. When the young silk-worm hatches out it weighs one-twentieth of a grain ; when ten days old it weighs half a grain, or ten times its original weight; twenty days old it weighs 3 grains, or sixty times its original weight; thirty days old it weighs 31 grains, or 620 times its original weight; forty days old it weighs 90 grains, or 1,800 times its original weight ; fifty-six days old it weighs 207 grains, or 4,140 times its original weight. When a worm is thirty days old it will have consumed about 90 grains of fpod ; but when fifty-six days old it is fully grown and has consumed not less than one hundred 8 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. and thirty oak leaves weighing three-fourths <>f a pound; besides this it has drunk not leu than one-half en ounce of water. So the food taken by a single silk-worm in fifty-ail days squall in weight eighty-six thousand times the primitive weight of the worm. Of this, about one-fourth of a pound becomes excrementitious matter j 207 grains ere assimilated and over .6 onnoea have evaporated. What a destruction of leaves this sin^lr species of insect could make if only a oue-hundredth part of the eggs laid came to maturity. A few years would be sufficient for the propaga- tion of a uuinber large enough to devour all the leaves of our forests." The Lepidoptera are almost without exception injurious to vegetation, and are among the chief enemies of the agriculturist. In our descriptions of the larvae of Lepidoptera the following points are noticed: Behind the head are twelve segments; the first or pro- thoracic is, in the small leaf- rolling and mining kinds, protected by a "cervical" or prothoracic shield; there are three thoracic segments, called the prothoracic, mesothoracic or metathoracic, or sometimes the first, second, and third thoracic segments; these correspond to the thorax of the imago or adult butterfly or moth. Behind these are nine distinct abdominal segments; on the eighth is often situated a dorsal hump. Many caterpillars are striped with a dorsal, subdorsal, and lateral lines or bands, moreover, the body in many is provided with warts or tuber- cles beating a hair or spine; the "lateral ridge" is a broken swelling extending along the sides of the body. The abdominal feet are in cer- tain leaf miners wanting; or in the span or geometrid worms there are but two pairs; and the last or "anal legs" are often broad and large, the better adapted for seizing firm hold of a leaf or twig. While a few butterflies live in the caterpillar state on trees, the fol- lowing brief synopsis gives the most salient characteristics of the families of moths which especially abound on the leaves of shade and forest trees : Moths of large size; larvae with a horn on the eighth abdominal segment.. Sphingidce. Moths with stout hairy bodies and small heads and broad wings; larvae more or less hairy or with spines; usually spinning silken cocoons Bombycidce. Moths of moderate size: stout bodies; shining hind wings; larvae with five pairs of abdominal legs; sometimes semi-loopers Xoctuidce. Moths with slender bodies, broad wings, both pairs colored alike ; larvaB with only two pairs of abdominal legs; span-worms or geometrids PhaJwrnda. Small moths with narrow, straight fore-wings, the hind wings plain ; larvae glossy green or pale, the head spotted, and the body more or less striped Pyralidcp. Still smaller moths, the fore-wings more or less oblong; the larvae green, with dark heads aud cervical shields ; not striped ; rolling leaves or eating buds. . Tortricidce. Minute moths with narrow, pointed wings; larvae small, pale greenish, etc., with a darker head and cervical shield ; often mining leaves, buds, etc Tineidas. Forest trees, and especially evergreen trees, support each year hordes of caterpillars, comprising species of diflereut families. In beating the branches of any spruce, fir, larch, poplar, or mapl^, and especially the oak, a great number and variety of caterpillars are shaken down, and the question arises whether the innumerable host constantly aud ordi- narily at work from spring-time to the fall of the leaf m our forest trees are really injurious to the tree. It is not improbable that good INTRODUCTION. V is done to the tree by these voracious beings. The process up to a certain limit may be one of natural and healthy pruning, but there is no certainty that the limit may not at auy time be overstepped and destruction ensue. The tree is attacked in a multitude of ways by cater- pillars alone. The buds are eaten by various leaf-rollers (Tortrices), the leaves are mined on the upper and under sides by various Tineids, while the leaves are rolled over in various ways and in various degrees to make shelter for the caterpillars, or they are folded ou the edges, or gathered and sewed together by Tineid, Tortricid, and Pyralid larvae. The entire leaves are devoured by multitudes of species of larger cater- pillars, belonging especially to the Pyralid, Geometrid, Bombycid, and Sphingid moths ; while certain species prey on the fruit, acorns, nuts, and seeds. It is a singular fact that of the great family of Owlet or Noctuid moths, of which there are known to be 1,200 species in this country, very few feed on trees, the bulk of them occurring on herbaceous plants and grasses. While the smaller caterpillars (Microlepidoptera) feed concealed between the leaves or in the rolls or folds in the leaf, or in the buds, the caterpillars of the larger species feed exposed on or among the leaves. Here they are subject to the attacks of birds aud of Ichneumon and Tachina flies, which are constantly on the watch for them. And it is curious to see how nature has protected the caterpillars from observa- tion. While the young of the smaller moths are usually green and of the same hue as the leaves among which they hide, or reddish and brownish if in spruce and fir buds, where they hide at the base of the needles next to the reddish or brownish shoots, the larger kinds are variously colored and assimilated to those of the leaves and twigs among which they feed. Were it not for this they would be snapped up by birds. Of course, the birds devour a good many, and the pry- ing Ichneumons and Tachinae lay their eggs in a large proportion, but those which do survive owe their safety to their protective coloration. Of some twenty or more different species of Geometrid caterpillars' which occur on the evergreen trees, some are green and so striped with white that when at rest stretched along a pine needle, they could with difficulty be detected; others resemble in various ways (being brown and warted) the small twigs of these trees ; and one is like a dead red leaf of the fir or hemlock. There are several span-worms on the oak, which in color and markings, as well as in the tubercles and warts on the body, resemble the lighter or darker, larger or smaller knotty twigs; this resemblance, of course, is in keeping with the characteristic habit of these worms of holding themselves out stiff and motionless when not feeding. In an entirely different way the various kinds of Notodontian cater- pillars, which feed exposed on oak leaves, are protected from observa- tion. They feed on the edges of the leaves, and their bodies are green? 10 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. with reddish brown patches, so that these irregular spots, when the caterpillar is at rest, are closely similar to the dead and sere blotches so frequent on oak Leaves. The same may be said of other kinds feed- ing on the leaves of other lorest trees. While the bodies of those Moctuid caterpillars which feed on herba- ceous plants are smooth, those of the tree-inhabiting Catocala, Homop- fora, and Pheooyma are mottled with brown and ash like the bark of the tree, and provided with dorsal humps and warts assimilated in form and color to the knots and leaf scales on the twigs and smaller branches. There is thus a close harmony in color, style of markings, shape, and size of the humps and other excrescences of tree-inhabiting caterpil- lars, and it is due to this cause that they are protected from the attacks of their enemies. Mr. Poulton has recently called attention to the fact that caterpillars are extremely liable to die from slight injuries, owing to their soft bodies and thiu skins. They can not defend themselves when once discovered. The means of protection are of passive kinds, i. e., such as render the delicately organized animal practically invisible on the part of its enemies, and these means vary with each kind of cater- pillar. In this way different kinds of larvae can live on different parts of the leaf, the upper or under side, or the edge ; on different colored twigs, on those of different sizes, with different kinds of leaf scars, scales, or projections ; and thus the tree is divided, so to speak, into so many provinces or sections, within whose limits a particular kind of worm may live with impunity, but beyond which it goes at the peril of its life. To the Hymenoptera belong the gall-flies and saw-flies, besides bees and ants, and ichneumons. Gallflies. — These little creatures produce tumors or galls both in the trunk, branches, but more usually the smaller twigs and leaves of the oak, and rarely other trees. They belong to the family Cynipidce, and are described as follows in the writer's u Guide to the Study of Insects:" The gall-flies are closely allied to the parasitic Chalcids, but in their habits are plant-parasites, as they live in a gall or tumor formed by the abnormal growth of the vegetable cells, due to the irritation first excited when the egg is laid in the bark or substance of the leaf, as the case may be. The generation of the summer broods is also anomalous, but the parthenogenesis that occurs in these forms, by which im- mense numbers of females are produced, is necessary for the work they perform in the economy of nature. When we see a single oak hung with countless galls, the work of a single species, and learn how numerous are its natural enemies, it becomes evident that the demand for a great numerical increase must be met by extraordinary means, like the generation of the summer broods of the plant-lice. The gall-flies are readily recognized by their resemblance to certain Chalcids, but the abdomen is much compressed and usually very short, while the second, or the second and third segments, are greatly developed, the remaining ones being imbri- cated, or covered one by the other, leaving the lined edges exposed. Concealed within these is the long, partially coiled, very slender ovipositor, which arises near the base of the abdomen. [See Plate xv, ovipositor of the gall-fly.] Among other distinguishing characters, are the straight (not being elbowed) thirteen to sixteen jointed antennas, the labial palpi being from two to four jointed and the maxillary INTRODUCTION. 11 palpi from four to six jointed. The maxillary lobes are broad and membranous, while the ligula is fleshy, and either rounded or square at the end. There is a com- plete costal cell, while the subcostal cells are incomplete. The egg is of large size, and increases in size as the embryo becomes more developed. The larva is a short, thick, fleshy, footless grub, with the segments of the body rather convex. When hatched they immediately attack the interior of the gall, which has already formed around them. Many species transform within the gall, while others enter the earth and there become pupae. Like the Aphides and certain other insects, the females often repro- duce parthenogeuetically, viz, they lay eggs without having paired with males, the latter not being at the time in existence. Thus the late B. D. Walsh * discovered that the autumn brood of a gall-fly (Cynips quer- cus-aciculata) consisted entirely of females which laid eggs, producing the following spring both males and females which were originally re- ferred to a supposed distinct species (Cynips quercusspongifica). Hence, after several experiments Mr. Walsh declared that uthe agamous autumnal female form of this Cynips (G. q.-aciculata) sooner or later reproduces the bisexual vernal form," and is thus ua mere dimorphous female form" of C. q.-spongifica. It was reserved for two other Ameri- can students of the gall-flies to establish the fact that an alternation of generations takes place in these insects. The case is thus stated by Mr. L. O. Howard, in Psyche (in, 329, June 24, 1882). America may justly claim the credit for the discovery of this most interesting fact of alternation of generations among Cynipids. Kiley, in the interjected remarks in his article on "Controlling Sex in Butterflies" (American Nat., Sept., 1873, v. 7, p. 519), was the first actually to establish the fact beyond all perad venture, asM. Lichten- stein points out; yet Bassett, four months previously (Can. Entomologist, May, 1873, vol. 5, p. 93) had stated, in the following words, the theory which Adler has so fully verified : "From all the above facts I infer that all our species that are found only in the female sex are represented in another generation by both sexes, and that the two broods are, owing to seasonable differences, produced from galls that are entirely •distinct from each other." In this article Bassett has just missed the actual proof in two instances. With Cynips q. -operator he had observed the females of the vernal brood ovipositing in acorn cups and producing the gall q.-operatola of Riley's MS.; but he failed to rear the flies from these galls and so missed the complete proof. In the case of C. q.-batatus Bass., he had bred the sexual forms from leaf galls, and the agamic females from twig galls, but had not actually observed the females of the former in the act of ovipositing in the twigs ; thus again missing the proof. Riley, however, as he tells us in his published note, succeeded in breeding the agamic females of q. -operator from the acorn galls ; thus, in connection with Bassett's observation of the oviposi- tion, completely establishing the fact of alternation. So the credit should be joint. It is, in fact, much like the well known case of Siredon and Amblystoma, in which the credit should be divided between Baird and Dumeril. Dr. Adler very excusably overlooked this note of Riley's. Walsh, in his earlier articles, came no nearer the actual state of the case than to prove that two females, formerly described as dis- tinct species, may belong to the same male. Independently of and subsequently to the work done in the United States, Dr. Adler, of Germany, also discovered and satisfactorily * American Entomologist, ii, 330, October, 1870. 12 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. proved in an extensive and beautifully illustrated memoir* the fact of alternation of generations in a number of European species. In a notice of Adler's work in the American Naturalist for July, 1881, Professor Riley added that Mr. H. F. Bassett "has, following Adler's interestiug experiments in Europe, suggested the probable di- morphic, connection of several of our vernal galls which produce bisexual individuals, with autumnal forms which produce larger asexual flies. Dr. Adler gives a list of nineteen species of Cynipidre in which the oc- currence of dimorphic forms has been proved, giving the names of the agamic forms and the corresponding bisexual forms the latter of which, in all cases, were referred to distinct genera by previous ob- servers. In this connection should be mentioned the remarkable fact that in certain closely allied species (Aphilotrix seminationis, marginalis, quad- rilineatus and albopunctatus) no alternation of generations seems to occur. Saiv-flies. — These often seriously injure evergreen trees, while they occur on all other trees. There are a large number of species. Their larva3 resemble caterpillars in appearance and in voracity. The flies dif- fer from wasps, etc., in the abdomen being broad at the base j the body is somewhat flattened, and the head is wide, while the antennas are not elbowed, and as in Lophyrus are pectinated in the males, serrated in the females. In the end of the hind body of the female is situated the u saw" or ovipositor. This consists of two blades, the lower edge of the lower one of which is toothed like a saw, and fits in a groove in the under side of the upper blade; both blades being protected by sheath- 6s Fig. 1.— Saw of a saw-fly (Hylotoma): a, lateral scale; i, saw; /, gorget. After Lacaze-Duthiers. like stylets. On pressing the end of the abdomen the saw is depressed ; by this movement the saw, which both cuts and pierces, makes a gash in the soft part of the leaf, where it deposits its eggs. (Fig. 1.) The Lophyrns of the pine makes a series of punctures on each side of a pine needle ; the Nematus of the alder makes from twenty to forty pairs of semicircular punctures in the under side of the midrib of the leaf, while the larch saw-fly inserts her eggs in two alternating rows at the *Zeitschrift fur Wissenschaftliche Zoologie, xxxv, Feb. 1, 1881, pp. i:>l-'24b\ Pis. x— xii. Dr. Adler's researches were commenced in 1875, and his first paper appeared in 1877. (Deutsche Entomolog. Zeitschrift, 1877, Heft 1.) INTRODUCTION. 13 base of the fresb leaves of the Dew shoots. The punctures made in the willow by saw-flies of the genus Euura result in the formation of galls or tumors within which the larvae live. The larvae strongly resemble caterpillars, hence they are sometimes called u false caterpillars;" but they have from six to eight pairs of ab- dominal legs, whereas caterpillars have only five pairs. Many kinds {Nematus, etc.) curl the hind body spirally when feeding or at rest. They are usually green, of the color of the leaves upon which they feed, with lines and markings of various colors. They usually molt four times, the last change being the most marked. Most of the larvae se- crete silk and spin a tough oval, cylindrical cocoon, in which they hybernate in the larva and often in the pupa state. Ants and bees. — Ants have not been noticed in the United States to injure trees, but in the tropics species of (Ecodoma, or leaf-bearing ants, are very destructive to trees; it is possible that there are species in the Gulf States which may in part defoliate trees. Bees are of great use in setting the fruit of trees ; little has been ob- served on this point in this country, but without doubt the visits of in- numerable bees to linden trees are of service in " setting " the seed of that tree. Mr. Lugger* mentions the fact that the seeds of the rock maple, so numerous in the grounds of the Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C, were in 1886 uniformly sterile. He attributed this phenomenon to the inclement weather prevailing during the flowering season, which prevented bees from visiting the flowers. Plant lice. — While many Hemiptera, such as the bugs, destroy many caterpillars, particularly span-worms and leaf-rollers, some of the most annoying and destructive of our forest insects belong to this order. They all take their food by piercing the succulent leaves and stems, or twigs of trees, shrubs, or herbs, often causing them, as in the elm aphis, to crumple up. The species of Psyllidce are very common on the leaves of hard-wood trees, either hopping over the surface or living in leaf- galls which are the results of their punctures. The following account of Aphides or plant-lice is adapted from the writer's "Guide to the Study of Insects:" The plant-lice have greenish, flask-shaped bodies, covered with a soft, powdery, bloom ; their antennae are five to seven-jointed, with a three-jointed beak, and legs with two-jointed tarsi. The males and females are winged, and also the last brood of asexual individuals, while the early summer brood are wingless. The abdomen is thick and rounded, and in Aphis and Lachnus provided with two "honey tubes" for the passage of a sweet fluid secreted from the stomach. In the early autumn the colonies of plant-lice are composed of both male and female individuals; these pair, the males then die, and the females begin to tieposit their eggs, after which they also die. Early in the spring, as soon as the leaves begin to unfold, the eggs are hatched, and the young lice begin to suck the sap, and soon be- gin to bring forth young, which develop by a budding process within the body of the * Entomolormes which produce cone-like swellings on the new-grown twigs of spruce; alsc of Pemphigus, which pro- duce gall-like swellings on poplars, etc. Bark-lice. — In the species of Coccidce, the males alone are winged, having but a single pair, while the females are wingless, scale-like and do great damage by puncturing the bark of trees. Dipterous or tic<> winged gallflies. — Maples, wild plums, poplars, and other trees have numerous leaf-galls of varied form made by little gnat- like flies belonging to the dipterous family Cecidomyidce. These flies are minute, most of them smaller than a mosquito. The females lay their i^g^s in the stems, leaves, and buds of various plants and trees, thus producing galls, a common example being the willow dipterous gall-fly ( Cecidomyia strobiloides). There are thirteen other species found by Mr. Walsh to raise galls on eight different kiuds of willow, the dif- ferent kinds of galls being readily distinguished, while the flies them- selves and their maggots are closely similar. The maggots of the Cecidomyiaus are usually minute orange, pinkish, or yellowish worms without feet, and with the body pointed at each end. Insectivorous or parasitic insects. — While the undue increase of forest insects is largely prevented by iusectivorous birds, their numbers are especially reduced by the attacks of parasitic or carnivorous insects. Of these the most efficient are the ichueumou flies, which are wasp- like insects forming a large group of the order Hymenoptera, belonging to the families Ichneumonidce, Proctotrupithc, and Ghalcididw. Of the ichneumons there are probably from 4,000 to 5,000 species. Many of the species of Proctotrupidce oviposit in the eggs of Lepidoptera and of dragon flies, etc. The largest species belong to the first named family. They are recognized by their long, slender body and long, external ovipositor. The larva is like the maggot of a bee or wasp, being foot- less, soft, and white, and with a smaller head. "When about to enter the pupa state the larva spins a cocoon, consisting in the larger species of an inner deuse case and a looser, thinner outer covering, and escapes as a fly through the skin of the caterpillar. The cocoons of the smaller genera, such as Cryptus and Microgaster, may be found packed closely in considerable numbers, side by side, or sometimes placed upright within the body of cater- pillars."* * Packard's "Guide to the Study of Insects," p. 193. PARASITIC INSECTS. 15 Fig. 2.— Head of a Noctuid cater- pillar on the hickory, containing a freshly-hatched ichneumon larva. A, d, egg-shell of the ichueumon on the caterpillar's head, the larva (e) having bored into the piotho- racic segment of its host. B as the host appears ten minutes later, the egg-shell bavins dropped off. The prothoracic segment has contracted and the bead has be- come swollen, while the posterior part of the caterpillar's bead has concealed the opening of the lar- val parasite seen at A, e. Gissler, del. Fig. 2 represents the mode of oviposition by au unknown ichneumon observed by us in Providence. The egg (d) was laid on the head, and the larva soou hatching, bored under the skin, entering the body so as finally to disappear out of sight. The eggs are laid either within or on the outside of the body of the host, usually some caterpillar. A special account of the mode of egg-lay - iug of au European ichneumon (Paniscus cephalotes) is given by Mr. E. B. Poulton in the Transactions of the Entomological So- ciety of London, 1886, page 162. It laid 14 eggs on the caterpillar it selected as its host, firmly attaching them to its skin, most of them in the sutures between the segments on the sides of the body. "It is probable that an excess of ova is generally laid, for a small proportion do not develop, and the way in which they are attached in small groups insures that of those that do develop a large proportion of the larvae are so crowded by the others that they die at an early stage, as has been also previously observed. If too large a number were laid and all developed, it is obvious that none could arrive at ma- turity; but this is obviated iu the manner described above, and it is partly brought about by the limited space on the circumference of the larva attacked. This space, of course, varies with the size of the lat- ter, and it is more quickly filled in the rapid development of the para- sites upon small than upon large larvae; so that, if they are too numer- ous, crowdiug ensues earlier, and with more fatal results in the former than in the latter case. Thus the smaller surface may compensate for the less amount of food, and may itself insure that the parasites reach maturity." The ichneumon lays a smaller number of eggs on small caterpillars than on large ones, and yet lays more than can develop in all cases, "the eggs beiug laid in such a way that crowding results if all or nearly all develop; so that the chance of the eggs being sterile is obviated on the one hand and of the parasitic larvae dying immature on the other." The larva of the ichneumon does not attack the solid or vital parts of its host, but absorbs the blood and other fluids of the body. Mr. Poulton thinks that the motive force which drives the blood from the body of the host into the digestive tract of the parasite is entirely supplied by the contracted body- walls of the former. Many ichneumons are polyphagous, i. e., live in insects of widely differ- ent species, and those of different orders.* Others confine their attacks * This and the following remarks on ichneumons are taken mainly from Judeich and Nitsche's Lehrhuch der Mittel-Enropiiischen Forstiusektenkunde. 16 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. to a single species. Most ichneumons have bat a single generation; a few are double-brooded. In Germany, Katzeburg observed a brood Of Mierogaiter globatUS early in .May, and another early in August. Though there may be two broods of the hosts, there is, as a rule, but a single brood of iehneumons. Katzeburg, indeed, found that certain ichneumons of saw-fly larva* imitated the habit of the latter of living more than a year, I. 0., they did not develop until the greater number of saw-flies bad issued from the belated cocoons. On the other hand Pteromalu* pupanim undergoes an extraordinarily rapid growth; it stings early in June the chrysalids of Vanessa poli/chloros, and by the middle of July the adults appear. Teleas orulorum requires only four to six weeks to develop; it however flies somewhat later, so as to tind the suitable objects on which to lay its eggs. Ichneumons rarely develop in adult insects, but certain Braconids infest Coccinella beetles. The small Chalcids, i. e., Pteromali, mostly inhabit the tender pupse of bark-boring beetles and leaf-rollers. Among the smaller ichneumons several females usually inhabit a single host, while from 000 to 700 individuals of Pteromalus puparum may inhabit a single chrysalid, and 1,200 Apanteles a Sphinx larva. Most ichneumons develop within their hosts, but many species of Chalcids live on the outside and suck the blood of their host. The ichneumon Larvae living within their hosts often undergo the most remarkable transformation of their mouth-parts. In Microgaster globatus there are, at first, only the wart-like rudimentary sucking month-parts; but after the last molt the larva? acquire ordinary biting mandibles, with which they can gnaw through the skin of their host. However, the food of the ichneumon larvae is wholly fluid, their mouth-parts not allowing them to eat the fat-body of their host. Other parasitic insects are the larvae of the Tachina flies, a group closely allied to the common house-fly. The larvae are true maggots, footless, and take their food by suction through the mouth, the mouth- parts being very rudimentary. The Tachina (Senometopia) militaris has been observed by Riley to lay from one to six eggs on the skin of the army-worm, " fastening them by au insoluble cement on the upper surface of the two or three first rings of the body." The young mag- gots in hatching penetrate within the body of the caterpillar, and lying among the internal orgaus absorb the blood of their unwilling host, causing it to weaken and die. Other insectivorous insects are the Aphis-lions, the young of the lace- winged flies Ghrysopa and Hemerobius, which are frequently found in trees among plant-lice; also Carabid beetles. Artificial breedingof parasitic and predaceous insects. — Among the most important preventive measure against the wholesale ravages of insects is the artificial breeding of parasitic insects. We early advocated this in dealing with the Hessian-fly and wheat midge, suggesting the im- portation of the European parasites of the latter species in straw. Dr. Le Baron has experimented with the parasites of the apple bark-louse. ARTIFICIAL BREEDING OF PARASITES. 17 Professor tiiley in his third and subsequent Missouri reports has shown how easily and practically certain parasites of the Plum Cur- culio and of various scale-insects may be artificially disseminated, and has successfully introduced the most common European parasite (Apan- teles glomeratus) of the imported cabbage worm.* * The most strikiug illustration of the good that may be accomplished by this means has, however, been furnished by Professor Riley since these pages were prepared for the printer, and as it refers to an insect very destructive to forest as well as fruit trees, we reproduce here the paper read by him at the Toronto (1889) meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science on " the artificial importation and colonization of parasites and predac eous enemies of injurious insects" : "The eucouragemeut of the natural checks to the increase of insects injurious to vegetation may be of a two-fold nature. It frequently happens that an indigenous species is found to have certain parasites in only a portion of the country which it inhabits. In such cases, where it is practicable to transport the parasites, a great deal of good may be accomplished. Cases in point are not uncommon. * * * " But this intentional distribution of the parasites or natural enemies of an injurious insect from one part to another of its native couutry is by no means to be compared in importance with the introduction of such parasites or enemies from one country to another, in which the injurious species has obtained a foothold, without the corres- ponding natural enemies which serve to keep it in check in its original home. " The object of the present note is to cite an illustration of artificial introduction on a large scale, which has already been productive of great good. A successful attempt of this kind had been made by me in the case of Microgaster glomeratus, which, after several futile efforts, was introduced from Europe and established in the United States in 1885, and which has now become so widely distributed as to raise the question of its previous existence there. This Microgaster is one of the commonest parasites of the European Cabbage Worm, Pieris rapce, which got a foothold in America, without its European enemies, about the year 1859, and which rapidly spread over the States and parts of Canada, with disastrous results to the cabbage crop. " The case to which I would particularly allude is, however, far more important and satisfactory. Orange culture has become a very important industry in southern Cali- fornia. The orange groves there have suffered for some years from the attacks of several insects, but particularly of a very pernicious scale insect (Icerya purchasi Maskell). ThiB is one of our largest coccids and, from its habits and characteristics, very difficult to overcome. It does a great deal of damage — not only to the orange and other citrous fruit-trees but to many other cultivated plants and to forest trees. The damage has become so serious during the past few years that many orange- growers have abandoned their groves, while the cost and trouble of protecting these by the use of insecticides have always been great, even where successful. After careful researches I ascertained that the insect was without much question a native of Australia and had been artificially introduced not only into southern California, but also into Cape Colony, in South Africa, and probably into New Zealand ; also that in its native home it rarely did serious damage, being kept in check there by various' natural enemies and parasites. Some attempt was made, through correspondence with Mr. Frazer S. Crawford, of Adelaide, to introduce one of the parasites by mail in 1887. Specimens were received alive and liberated at Los Angeles under confine- ment, but no positive evidence was obtained of multiplication or colonization. Spe- cial effort and introduction on a larger scale seemed necessary. "Last autumn and winter in connection with the commission appointed to visit the Melbourne International Exposition and through the State Department I was able to send one of my field agents, Mr. Albert Koebele, to Australia with instructions to study these natural enemies and to send living specimens to California. The principal facts have been recorded in my last annual report as entomologist of the United States Department of Agriculture and in late numbers of "Insect Life," a monthly bulletin published under the auspices of the entomologist and his assistants. Without going into detail I may say that Mr. Koebele's mission has been eminently successful and that we have succeeded in introducing alive not only the most important of the parasites, an interesting Dipteron (Lestoplionus iceryce Williston), but also several predaceous species, and particularly certain ladybirds (Coccinellidse.) These were brought over last winter and spring, have become well acclimated, and are now spreading and multiplying at a rapid rate. The latest reports which I have received from California are to the effect that one of the commoner ladybirds but recently described, namely, the Vedalia cardinalis, and another lately described by Dr. D. Sharp as Scymnus res- titutor&re multiplying and spreading in a most satisfactory manner. The consign- 5 ENT 2 18 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. Coleopterous enemies of borers. — Besides woodpeckers and other birds which pick insects out of bark, and thus do great benefit to forestry, and besides ichneumon and Ohalcid parasites of borers, there are many carnivorous grabs which prey upon the borers. Among the external though less known enemies belongiug to the order of beetles, which Penis enumerates from his extended observa- tions on their habits, are a Large Dumber which live under the bark of 9. I quote his accounts of them, premising that we have similar insects with like habits in this country; and though the list of scientific names seems formidable, yet there an* no common names for them. I nse nearly his own words, with occasional interpolations of English names. When one of the Scolytids injurious to pines (the Bostrichus stenographus) lays its index the bark, the Platysoma oblon§mm introduces itself by the hole which has given, entrance to the first named uiM-ct ; it lays its eggs in the gallery of the Bostri- chus, and from those eggs are boro the carnivorous larva which devour those of the wood-eating beetles. Other beetles conduct themselves in the same manner in war- ring against other Beolyti. The larva1 or grubs of Plegaderus disci*us destroy the yonngof Crypturgus pusillus ; another wood-earing beetle, the Aulonium sulcatum, is the deadly enemy of Scolytus destructor, so formidable a foe to shade trees : Julonium bicolor attacks Bostrichus laricis ; Colydium bicolor preys upon the Bostrichus of the larch: Colydium elongatum on Platypus cylindrus ; Rhizophagus depressus on Blastopha- gus piniperda and B. minor; Lirmophla?us hypobori on Hypoborus ficus ; Hypophlatus pinion Bostrichus stenographus ; and finally Hypojyhlwus linearis on Bostrichus bidens. Who will not be struck by these antagonisms ? Who will not admire this infallibility o( instinct which causes these insects to discover the tret- attacked, and perceive among the species wk ich the tree conceals the victim which has been assigned to them ? Other beetles exhibit the same sagacity. The larva? of several Elaterids (wire- worms) aud those of Clerus mutillarius and C. formicarius make war on those of some lougicoru beetles of the oak, the elm, alder bush, aud the pine. The Opilus mollis and 0. domesticus are the enemies of the borers which miue our floors and ceilings ; the Cylidrus albofasciatus aud the Tillus unifasciatus prey on Sinoxylon sexdtntatum aud on Xylopertha sinuata, which seek the diseased branches of the vine aud those of several trees; the Tarsostenus univittatus attaeks the Lyctus canaliculatus, injuring our timber works; while the Trogosita mauritanica destroys the grain moth In an article in the American Naturalist (xvi, 823) on iuquiline wood- borers, or those which usually* take up their residence in mines or gal- leries made by true wood-borers, Mr. E. A. Scuwarz finds that the com- mon Platypus compositus may itself bore in the thick bark of pine ments from Australia were received at Los Angeles by Dr. D. W. Coquillet, another of the agents of the division." * * * The people of California are enthusiastic over the grand success of this effort, and the Vedalia is spreading with remarkable rapidity and clearing the trees in its wake. Prof. W. A. Henry, director of the Wisconsin Experiment Station, m a recent report to the Department of Agriculture writes: •A word in relation to the grand work of the Department in the introduction of this one predaceons insect Without doubt it is the best stroke ever made by the iltural Department at Washington. Doubtless other offorts have been pro- ductive of greater good, but they were of such character that the people could uot clearly see and Appreciate the benefits, so that the Department did not receive The credit it deserved. Here is the finest illustration possible of the value of the Depart- ment to give people aid in time of distress. Aud the distress was very great indeed." INFLUENCE OF TEMPERATURE ON INSECTS. 19 stumps, but iu hard wood, as oak, etc., associates with Colydium lineola and Sosylus costatus, living in their mines. Professor Kiley has dis- covered that the larva of Hemirhipus fa scicularis is parasitic on Cyllene picta, living in its mines. Strongylium tenuicolle is not a true borer, but Mr. Schwarz has found it in the mines of longicoru borers, wherein it perhaps lays its eggs. Influence of temperature on insect life. — The following statements are taken from Judeich and Mtsche's Lehrbuch.and will apply to insects in this country: "The influence of temperature may either work injuriously on insect life from extremes of heat or cold, or from sudden and, at given times of the year, abnormal changes. High temperature does not directly in our climate, in the natural course of nature, affect insects. On the other hand, it is not unfrequently the case that insects, suddenly overcome by the frost, freeze to death in great numbers, since with the lowering of the temperature, benumbed by the cold, they can not reach crevices or holes out of the reach of the frost. As an example, we may refer to the winter of 1864-'65, in which, in the district of Mark and the prov- ince of Saxony, the caterpillars of pine silk worms and measuring worms lemained unusually long on the trees, and the former froze in the mid- dle of December,— 12.5° C, and the latter during the considerably greater cold in January. Hence the influence of even very great cold on the normal hybernating stages of our insects is not very great. In the summer of 1854 the 'nun' moth had very generally laid its eggs in eastern Prussia uncovered on the bark, and these did not freeze in the hard winter of 1854-'55, notwithstanding the expectation that they would, based on a temperature of 30 to 35° G. "According to the observations of Eegener, openly exposed caterpil- lars of the pine silk worm endured —12.5° G. The other stages froze earlier, the pupa at —6° 0., the moth at —7.5° G., the eggs at —10° G. According to Duclaux (Comptes Eendus, 83, p. 1079) the eggs of the silk worm endure well remaining two months in a temperature of —8° C. "Great fluctuations of temperature during the winter produce an abnormal interruption of the winter's rest or hibernation, and thus cause the death of many insects." Generations or broods. — The length of time which any insect needs in order to complete a single developmental cycle from the time the egg is laid until the insect is mature and fit for reproduction is a genera- tion ; a generation then is the time from an egg to an egg. The length of time of a generation varies, of course, in different insects. Gener- ally an insect requires twelve months for its development. In such a case we speak of an annual generation. On the other hand an insect which requires for its developmental cycle twenty-four, thirty six, or forty-eight months has a biennial, triennial, or quadrennial generation. The European May beetle has, in northern Germany, a quadrennial -gen- eration ; the seventeen -year locust has a generation of seventeen years. On the other hand, there are insects which repeat their developmental 20 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. cycle two, three, or more times in a year; such insects are said to be doable or treble-brooded. Lopkyrui abietti and other species are double- brooded, while many butterflies are doable or treble brooded, and the Aphides have from nine to fourteen generations in a season, i. e., from Spring to autumn. In all cases of seasonal dimorphism or of partheno- genesis there are several generations. Jadeich and Nitsche graphically represent as follows the generations of the European Lopkyrty pint, with its double generations, which will also apply to our L. (thirds: The egg is denoted by a point ( • ), the larva by a dash ( — ), the larva lying in a semi-papa condition in the cocoon, thus ( O ) ; the papa by the following mark ( m ), and the imago by a cross ( -\- ) ; the time during which the larva is eating, by a heavy dash HI i; lastly, the period of injury by the larva is placed under, the time of imaginal injury above, the mark for the stage under consid- eration. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. Jane. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. + + • • ••+ + 1860. -6esosea3 BflHBHBH ■OTMH • t- + • • 1881. In the United States a butterfly or moth which is siugle-btooded in the New England or northern Central States may be three-brooded in the Southern or Gulf States. A generation or brood which appears and ends in the summer is shorter than that which hibernates. Thus the summer generation of the species of pine saw-flies (Lophyrus) is about four mouths, the winter generation about eight months. Hence the leugth of the generation depends on the temperature and climate, as does also the number of broods or generatious. "This influ- ence of climate is, as is well known, so considerable that a species of insect which has a double generation in a certain locality, in another place with a colder climate is only single-brooded, while in a warmer climate it is three-brooded. An example is Rylesinus piniperda. Thus also a species of insect whose generations in a certain middle location is, for example, four-yearly, in a more southern situation is three-yearly. A proof of this is afforded by the May beetle, which north of the ' main line' is four, but south of it needs only three years to complete its development. A certain species of insect may moreover in the same locality in a warmer and more favorable year be double-brooded, while in the next harsher unfavorable year it is single-brooded. But if the checking influence of the harsh weather is less, then even in an un- favorable year a second generation may begin to develop, but does not complete its cycle by the end of twelve months. Hence there are in twenty-four months three generations, and then arises what Ratzeburg calls a 'one-and-a-half generation.' Of this Tomicus bidentatus not rarely affords an example. GENERATIONS OR BROODS OF INSECTS. 21 "We have observed that certain species of insects and often individ- ual insects may without any assignable reason remain a considerably longer time than usual in the pupa state. Lyda stellata usually has a single brood (one year generation) while it frequently happens that from the pupa beginning the first of May, the imago does not fly at the end of May or in June, as is the rule, but that the pupa state lasts over to the next May, when the adult flies! The pupal rest in this case lasts, instead of three weeks, more than a year. A similar case is that of Cnethocampa pinivora. This relation is connected with the fact that insects are cold-blooded, or better, poikilothermic, i. e., changeably warm animals. We understand thereby such animals as those whose peculiar body heat, although constantly a little higher than that of the surround- ing medium, the air, water or earth, i. e., their habitat, yet varies with the changing temperature of this medium. In contrast with these are the warm-blooded, or, more exactly, the homceothermal. i. e., animals with an even temperature which as long as they live steadily maintain their own normal temperature up to a height ranging at most 1° O. The blood-heat of a healthy man, although he may be exposed to a degree of cold of — 30o C. or a warmth of + 30° C, remains steadily at 38° 0. ( Judeich and Nitsche.)* The duration of development of a warm-blooded animal is definite. The development of an insect's eggs, however, is analogous to that of a fish. We best see this when at the beginning of spring the leafing out of the foliage is late and the caterpillars of Clisiocampa hatch cor- respondingly late. Exact series of observations of indubitable cer- tainty are scarcely at hand, but, add our authors,t we will cite the posi- tive statements of Regener| on the influence of temperature on the duration of development and of life of the pine Bombyx at different temperatures, though, indeed, they are somewhat inexact and incom- plete. Provisional tabular view of the life-history of the Pine spinner (Gaslropacha pini) at dif- ferent temperatures, after Begener. Temperature, °C. Duration (in days) of— Egg-stage, from laying to hatching. Caterpillar, from hatch- ing to spin- ning of cocoon. Spinning of cocoon. Prepara- tions for pupa. Pupal rest. + 4° to 5° -t- 6° + 9° to 11° + 11° to 14° + 15° to 19° + 18° to 21° + 20° to 24° + 24° to 28° 36 26 20 18 17 16 500 196 152 119 84 67 56 15 9 24 2 3 2* 2 k 49 36 26 21 * Each degree of the Centigrade thermometer is equal to lg-° of Fahrenheit; and 0° is at the freezing point of water. tJudeich and Nitsche, I, 116. X E. Regener. Erfahrungen iiher den Nahrungsverbrauch und liber die Lebens- weise, Lebensdauer und Vertilgung der grossen Kiefernraupe. Leipzig : Emil Baensch's Verlag. 1865. 22 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. What combination of different climatic influences in reality causes that one and the same insect either in different years in tin- same locality, or in different localities in the same year, needs a time different in length for the completion of a generation, conld not be determined in advance. Ratzebnrg was inclined in this matter to follow the similar relations established by Bonssinganlt as regards the duration of vege- tation of plants. According to the views of this French observer each plant needs a definite amonnt of heat; i. e., the sum of the mean daily temperature of its time of vegetation should be a constant one, while the duration of the time of vegetation may itself vary. It is als > theo- retically assumed that a plant needs heat amounting to 2000° 0,, SO that it can develop in one hundred days, with an average mean tempera- ture of 20° C; also as well in oue hundred and eleven with 18° C, aud in ninety-one days with an average mean temperature of 22° C. Katzeburg* applies this to the case of the May beetle. He says : Interesting and important is, moreover, the behavior of the May beetle. Iu mid- dle and northern Germany its generation is a quadrennial one, iu southern Germany a triennial one. The reason of this plainly lies in the climatic features of those regions. In the south the season opens much earlier and closes later, which mnst exert some influence ou animals of a pliable nature, such as the May beetle, ;i- as on plants. The grub there has, in three years, a start of at least three months, iu comparison with those in the north : also, even iu the third summer, its develop- ment may be ready, though we should consider that with us in the fourth summer, it is usually in July ; it eats uo more, and in August pupates. Eriehsou found that the pupation sometimes occurs even in May : it fails only a little of a three-years' genera- tion. Finally, everything depends, as in plants, on the amount of heat iu the soil and air which a genus or species needs for its development. If the May beetle does not find this in the third summer, it requires it in the fourth, aud can shorten the time in an especially favorable year, but with us can never complete it in three years. Should we, for example, add together the mean temperature of Berlin for twelve mouths it would amount to 106° C, aud for four years 4 x 10ii3— 4*24-; on the other hand Carlsruhe would in three years give 375°, and beyond the Alps there is fully 424°. Should we also take into account the temperature of the soil, the amount in the south would be still better for the May beetle. In north Germany in humous sandy soil (in the Waldsohutten), the thermometer in the hybernation stage of the May beetle in one month, from the end of March to the end of April and beginning of May, rises from -p-b0 to -J-9° C. How is it now iu the south? All other insects which inhabit both the north and south must have a "heat surplus;" but since this lasts only one, but at the most two years, it follows that such results as in the case of the May beetle, which requires so loug a time to develop, can not occur there. Accurate researches ou this problem are still very rare. Herr Uhlig iu Tharaud found by observations on the temperature made three times daily during a generation of Tomicus typographus, from May 30 to July 21, a heat-amount of 145° O., or divided, a daily amount of 22.02°; dur- ing the second generation, from August 4 to October 3, an amount of 1228.5°, or divided, a daily amount of 20.48° (Thar. Tagebuch, 25 Bd., s. 25G). Katzeburg's statement should also be noticed. A double brood of Tomicus typographic appears if, as is usual in central Germany, the ^Die Waldverderber uud lhre Feinde; tt°, p. oGO. HIBERNATION STAGE. 23 mean temperature of the months reaches 13° G. iu May, 17° C. in June, 19° C. in July, 17° 0. in August, and 14° C. in September. But it has now long been proved that plant physiology does not accept the simple heat-amount of Boussingauit^ and we have besides to consider the period of suulight (duration of light) during which alone the chlorophyll-containing parts are assimilated, as well as the mean temperature reached in the sun — at best measured by an actinometer. However, in animals the transformation of tissue depends much less on the amount of light than in plants, hence simply the total heat- amount can scarcely be sufficient to explain the differences in the ani- mal developmental processes, especially if we only take into account the temperature of the air. It would be much better to take into con- sideration the temperature of the soil throughout their larval life of insects living in the earth, and in insects living in wood the temperature of the tree, L e., the portion of the tree concerned. Compare the exact researches of Krutzsch.* Such researches should determine what is the minimum temperature at which generally an advance in development would be possible. Also the optimum temperature, i. e., the tempera- ture which is most favorable to any process should be noted. For example, these optima would require to be different for the dif- ferent developmental stages in the insects, as would the temperature- minima supportable to the same. We also know, through the re- searches of Semper, t that as in the germination, growth, and flowering of plants, so also in animals; i. e., in our common fresh water snails, the temperature- optima for the different function, i. e., for the ripening of the sexual products and for growth, are different, a thesis which by Semper has been applied to a striking attempt at an explanation of the occurrence of wingless, larval-like, but still sexually developed Ortho- ptera in southern lands, i. e., the so-called "stick insect n (Judeich and Nitsche). Hibernation stage. — The developmental cycle of two species of insects with similar generations may, under similar climatic relations, produce a very different shape, namely, in the cases where they pass the winter in different stages of development, since the hibernation-stage is always the longest, and hibernation is possible in the egg, as in the larva, pupa, or imago, stage. But under normal relations a given species of insect always hibernates in the same stage, i. e., many moths as pupa?, some butterflies as imagines. It is not possible, then, to predicate in general for a single order of in- sects as to what stage they may hibernate in, since species of the same family differ in this respect. Thus, for example, according to an estimate *Untersuchungen iiber die Temperatur der Baume im Vergleiche zur Luft und Boden-Teinperatur. Forstwirthscbaftlickes Jahrbuch der Akadeinie Tbarand, x, 1854, 214-270. tAnimal life as affected by tbe natural conditions of existence. Tbe Internationa] Scientific Series. New York, 1881. 24 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. of Werneburg's* of the German Maerolepidoptera 3.4 per cent, hiber- nated as egtf> 00.9 per cent, as larva*, 28.2 per cent, as pap®, and 1.5 percent, as imagines, while in considering a single family the result stood entirely different. Thus all the Zyga*nidie hibernated as larvie, most SphingidflB as pupae, and of the butterflies 9 per cent, in the egg, 54 per cent, in the larval, 28 per cent, in the pupal, and 9 per cent, in the imaginal state. Thus it appears that insects which, not to take too narrow a limitation of genera, belong to one and the same genus, may hibernate in wholly different stages. Of many species of insects only the females hibernate after impreg- nation in autumn, /. e., many gnats and our common paper wasp (Vespa), while the honey bees tolerate no droues in their hives, so that only the queen with the workers lives through the winter. But abnormal meteorological phenomena may so effect such chauges that a species of insect may hibernate in a different stage of develop- ment from what is customary. Indeed there are cases where au insect may, though rarely, live through the winter in another of the four stages of metamorphosis than the usual one, for it has been observed that the pine Gastropacha lives through the second winter as pupa. (Ratzeburg : Die Forstinsekten, ii., 147, Anm.) On the other hand, it is very common for caterpillars, which seek winter quarters when half grown. This they have to do as very young animals. Thus the pine Gastropacha hibernates after the first molt, instead of, as usual, after the second. Insects which have generations requiring several years must natur- ally hibernate several times. This may occur in the same or in different stages of metamorphosis; thus, for example, the one, two to three years' generation of the May fly remains as a larva in the water, while the May beetle passes three winters as a larva, but the fourth as au imago.t For the following interesting remarks we are indebted to Judeich and Nitsche's work on Forest Entomology : Diseases of trees produced by the attacks of insects. — Various deformi- ties and alterations of the wood, branches, and leaves result from the attacks of borers and bud and leaf devourers. Before the tree com- pletely heals there is a more or less long period during which the tree assumes an abnormal, morbid appearance. Such appearances in which the disease affects the growth of the wood are : 1. The appearance of unusual new structures, such as leaves, etc., both in form and dimensions. 2. The origin of repaired parts from representative growths or sleeping buds. 3. The diminution of growth. The appearance of unusual new growths. — In general the changed sickly new growths are smaller and more sparse than the normal. A thinner foliage in the year after the damage is generally the result of *A. Werneburg. Der Schuietterliug und seiu Leben. 8°. Berlin : 1SV1. tThe foregoing remarks on insect-generations and hibernation have been trans- lated from Jndeicb and Nitsche's valuable work on Central European Entomology. DISEASES OF TREES PRODUCED BY INSECTS. 25 stripping the trees bare. After injury by the nun caterpillar the trees seem to suffer most in the secoud year following the damage. The new growth of the fir generally sends out only very short needles, which remain as brush shoots (Fig. 3.) In the pine there arises after defoliation from lateral buds u rosette shoots," i. e., very short, persist- ing growths bearing dense, short, broad, and serrate (gesagte) single needles (Fig. 4). But on the other hand cases occur, when many buds are destroyed, where the remaining remnant of the entire sap-stream is used and the organs formed out of it, i. e., needles or leaves become unusually large, as for example in the ordinary pine, in which case the leaves bear three needles. Fig. 3. Lateral twig of a fir eaten by nun cater- pillars in 1856. which in 1858 only produced "brush needles." After Ratzeburg. Fig. 4. Rosette shoot on the pine. After Ratzeburg. Similar relations are observed in the helve oak attacked by Orchestes, Generally the first growth seems to grow straight on and resist the in- jury arising from the laying of the eggs by the female of this leaping weevil, and the injured leaves are crumpled, but such leaves on the Johaunis growth (Johannistriebe) become unusually large and abnor- mally formed, while those situated on the summit entirely assume their normal shape. The origin of repaired parts from representative indefinite growths is very general. — The clearest example is afforded by pines deprived by Eetinia buoliana of their terminal shoots. In this case there grows out after a certain time a shoot of the uppermost branch (Quirles), which now becomes the terminal shoot, though in growing up there is acrum- bliug of the stem in the place under consideration. For the formation of mostly abnormally shaped organs which have been replaced from sleeping bud^, the pine affords the best example. From the usually dormant sheathing- buds on the point of origin of the short shoot pccurrjiig' between every two pine needles, are developed 26 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. I (ill the course of the appearance of needles, and dwarfing the leading shoot) iheatking shoots, which, however, usually reach do great age, but arc provisionally of much importance to the life of the tree. The loss of increase in size resulting from disease is twofold. Some- times the shoots suffer in decrease in length, at others in shrinking in size. The diminution of length is shown after the year succeeding that in which the injury took place ; that in the terminal shoot of the branch, and especially the topmost shoot, the needles remain shorter. Not until later do they again assume their normal length. The fir also, whose topmost shoot is here repre- sented (Fig. 5), after injury received in the year 1857 formed only short leading shoots, but in 1861 again formed a strong shoot. The diminution of the growth in diameter is especially noticeable in the loss of the foliage or needles, which sometimes occurs in the year of injury, but more decidedly the following year. After a greater loss of leaves the annnal rings •lfcP>* •••••*'• "«>»l»« •■«'••• '••«••-. ••••■■.«»' ■" _■■■■•■»■ ••■•■•■•■■■•a Fig. 6. Fig. 5. Terminal shoot of a fir defoliated by the nun-cat- erpillar in 1857, showing the different lengths of the year's growth. After Ratze- buvg. The last seven rings of pine stem almost wholly defoliated in. 1858, but not killed outright. After Ratzeburg. are smaller and feebler, and this may sometimes last over for many years. (Fig. 6.) Nordlinger has repeatedly found signs of de- foliation by the May beetle for three years on oaks, also on Carya alba, in southern Germany, indicated by very small annual rings. The counting of the aunual rings to ascertain the age of the tree in the practically so important matter of discovering its rate of growth is rendered unsafe by the formation of double riugs, which may result from the sudden leaving-out in summer on young shoots, or by the co- alescence of two annual rings in one, aud sometimes even by the total omission of a ring. The sharply-defined difference between the spring and autumn growth of wood as denoted by the color, " white aud brown wood " of an annual ring, especially in the coniferous woods, enable them to be very easily counted, pr6vided there :s no interruption in the growth. In the deciduous trees the two layers of the aunual rings are REMEDIES AGAINST FOREST INSECTS. 27 less sharply distinguished ; and it is only in the oaks, ashes, and elms, where the pores are arranged in rings ("ringporeu") that the richly vascular spring wood sharply defines each new annual ring from the denser and more compact autumnal layer of the preceding ring. Injuries in the production of the resin also arise from molds, which effect a transformation of the starch and of the cellulose into turpen- tine, and thus cause a morbid increase as well as outflow of the resin or pitch ; e. #., Agaricus melleus, Aecidiumpini, Peziza Willkommii. All in- sects which externally gua w the bark or the wood of coniferous trees, e. g„ bark borers, wood wasps, Grapholitha pactolana and G.coniferana, Bioryc- tria abietella; different weevils (Hylobius and Pissodes), produce a more or less strong flow of pitch or resin. But also in the interior of the wood arise abnormal formations, as, for example, the so-called pitch-chains. We understand by these a morbid increase of the pitch canals of coni- fers into concentric chains which often coalesce ; also the pitch canals in the last year's ring are completely omitted. Prevention and remedies against forest insects. — Besides the insecticides for such insects as feed upon the leaves, and the means of applying them to single trees, to groves, or to more or less extensive forest areas, and which will be described farther on by Professor Riley, there are some suggestions which may be made as to the remedies against borers. In the first place it should be borne in mind that dead stumps and decaying trees or logs left standing near groves or road-side trees, are a continual menace to healthy trees, since they afford an asylum or breeding-place to timber and bark borers. Such objects, large and small, should be cut down or pulled up and burnt. Forests should be kept free from standing dead trees and stumps, or if left standing should have the bark removed. It is well known that lumberers remove the bark of logs to prevent injury to the lumber of " sawyers," or the grubs of timber-beetles. While in the virgin spruce forest on the eastern shores of Lake Ken- nebago, Maine, which had never been lumbered, my attention was forcibly called to the necessity of cutting down the dead and dying spruces so as to save the healthy trees. It is of course out of the question to burn such dead timber, but we question whether it would not in the long run pay the owners of lumber lands to send parties in to cut down the trees, remove the bark, and thus prevent the breeding of bark- borers, and hasten the decay of trees infested by timber and bark-borers. Plantations and forests of limited extent can with comparative ease and slight expense be kept in neat, trim order by judicious thinning and removal of injured or infected branches, the latter being burnt. Borers in shade and ornamental trees. — Our experience in detecting the gashes in the bark of the spruce and fir made by the female Monoham- mus, the parent-beetle of the "sawyer" or borer, aud those made in rock -maples by the female beetle of the maple-tree borer, so destructive in parks aud streets, has taught us that it is quite practicable during 28 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION'. August to liud these gashes and to cut out the small grubs in the bark underneath, at a time when they have not descended deep into the tree. An observant and intelligent gardeuer could easily prevent further damage from such a cause. One of the, most formidable and deadly borers of the oak, from Maine to California and Texas, is the caterpillar of the Carpenter moth. In Europe a similar borer is dealt with m the following ways, according to different writers quoted by Miss Ormerod in her '-Manual of Injurious Insects/' A wire thrust into the "mine" or hole may destroy them. Paraffine injected by a sharp-uozzled syringe with as much force as pos- sible into the holes where the caterpillars are working is a good remedy, also any oily or soapy mixture (kerosene injections might injure the tree more than the borer). The flames of sulphur blown into the hole might be of use. u Where a tree is much infested, it is the best plan to cut it down, split it, and destroy the caterpillars within. As many as sixty or more caterpillars maybe taken from one tree, aud when in this state it will never thoroughly recover, aud it becomes a center to attract further attack, as well as one to spread infection.'1 As preventive measures, to preveut ovipositiou, the lower part of the trunk should b^ washed with whale oil soap of the consistency of thick paint. This should be done at or about the time the moth lays her eggs, viz, as early as April aud May in Texas, aud in June and July in the Northern States. These suggestions will also apply to the Sesiau borers of the maple, ash, etc. Prevention, and remedies against Timber-beetles and Bark-borers. — The family of bark-borers (Scolytidai) include those which live in the bark and those which descend into the wood, the latter often being called timber-beetles. We have given in this work some of the known facts regarding their habits, which are very curious. EichhofFs excellent work in German on European bark-beetles is replete with fresh obser- vations on these beetles. We may here draw attentiou to what Eich- hoff says concerning some causes of the undue increase of these insects, and their sudden appearance iu places not before frequented by them. The chief factors iu the growth of bark-beetles are good weather and sufficient nourishment. An uninterrupted dry, aud heuce hot, summer checks the growth of the larva, and retards the speedy development aud more often prevents a repetition of auother brood, than au unin- terrupted wet aud cold spring and summer. Hence, on account of great heat aud drought many trees survive which would otherwise be injured by the later brood of bark-beetles. The most favorable conditions for the increase of bark-beetles are doubtless a warm early spring and a warm summer, with frequent rains and a long, mild autumu. Other circumstances, says Eichhoff, favorable to the increase of bark- beetles, are strong wiuds, snow, frosts, forest tires, the devastation wrought by caterpillars, whereby the trees are more or less decorti- REMEDIES AGAINST BARK-BEETJ.ES. 29 cated in places and .otherwise wounded, so that the beetles can gnaw into the wood or inner bark, lay their eggs, and thus finally form brood- galleries. Eichhoff asks the pertinent question: " How do great numbers of bark-beetles pass into regions where perhaps before they were scarcely known by name ? For example, at the end of a period of fifty years, -all at once Tomicus curvidens appeared in the Botanic Garden of the University of Vienna, and were very destructive to different exotic cedars, larches, etc., afterwards attacking white firs, which contained numbers of the beetles. The bark-borers, especially Tomicus typographies, belong to those in- sects which sometimes produce extensive devastations by immigration from without. According to a German writer they doubtless migrate for short distances, since not seldom there result local destruction of groups of firs when previously no bark-borers were to be seen. It is also certain that forests previously entirely free from bark-beetles be- come infested by bark-beecles bred in wood and lumber yards. It is difficult and questionable how far such an immigration may extend. An example of an extensive emigration of Tomicus typographus is afforded by H. Tiedemann in the province of Mshny-Novgorod. In the midst of an imperial forest of about 2,500 ha lying in the district Arsamass, and composed almost exclusively of hard-wood trees, occur two fir-growths of 50, perhaps 60, ha in extent. In both there was no windfalls, no burnt areas, but a good close growth in which no bark-borers had appeared. Suddenly in the year 1883 the bark -borers were so numerous that 2,000 fir trunks at once fell, and had to have the bark stripped off and burnt. The appearance of the bark-beetles is in this case only to be explained by their flying into this area. The nearest fir-growths are from 15 to 20 kilometers distant, and those of sufficient size to afford time for the infection of the fir-growths in question, about 50 kilometers distant. Perhaps the best method o preventing or stopping the work of bark- beetles is that of a Frenchman, M. Robert, given in the Gardener's Chronicle and quoted by Miss Ormerod: The best remedy appears to be that adopted with great success in France by M. Robert, after careful observation of the circumstances which stopped the operations of the female beetle when gnawing her gallery for egg-laying, or which disagreed with or destroyed the maggots, and is based in part on similar observations of the effect of flow of sap to those noticed in England by Dr. Chapman. It appeared on examination that the grubs died if they were not well protected from the drying action of the air; on the other hand, if there was a very large amount of sap in the vegetable tissues that they fed ou, this also killed them ; and it was observed that when the female was boring through the bark, if a flow of sap took place she abandoned the spot and went elsewhere. It was also noticed that the attack (that is, the boring of the galleries which separates much of the bark from the wood) is usually under thick old bark, such as that of old elm trunks rather than under the thinuer bark of the branches. Working on these observations, M. Robert had strips of about two inches wide cut out of the bark from the large boughs down the trunk to the ground, and it was found that where the young bark pressed forward to heal the wound and a vigorous flow of sap took place that-many of the maggots near it were killed, the bark which had not been entirely undermined was consolidated, and the health of the tree was improved. 30 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. Working on from this, M. Robert tried tin* more extended treatment of paring off the outer bark, ■ practice much used in Normandy and sometimes in England for re- storing vigor ol growth to bark-bonnd apple trees, and noted by Andrew Knight as giving a great stimulus t<» vegetation. M. Robert had the whole of the rough outer bark removed from tbe elm (this may be done conveniently by a scraping-knife shaped like a spoke-shave). Thi§ operation caused a great flow of sap in tbe inner lining of the bark (the liber), and the grubs of tbe 8ooljftut beetle were found in almost all cases to perish shortly after. Whether this occurred from the altered sap disagreeing with them, or from the greater amount of moisture around them, or from tbe maggots being more exposed to atmospheric changes, 01 any other cause, was not ascertained, but the trees that were experimented on were cleared of the mag- jmUs. 'flic treatment was applied on a large scale, and the barked trees were found, att.r examination by the Commissioners of the Institute at two different periods, to be in more vigorous health than the neighboring ones of which the bark was un- touched. More than two thousand elms were thus treated. This account is abridged from the leading article in the •' Gardener's Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette," for April "J'J, 1848, and the method is well worth trying in our public and private parks. It is not expensive: the principle on which it acts as re- gards vegetable growth is a well-known one. and as regards insect health it is also well known that a sudden flow of the sap that they feed on, or a sudden incre, moisture around them, is very productive of unhealthiness or of fatal diarrhu-a to vegetable feeding grnbs. A somewhat similar process was tried by the Botanic Society, in 1842, on trees in- fested by the Scolytus destructor in the belt of elms encircling their garden in the Re- gents' Park, London. "It consists in divesting the tree of its rough outer bark, be- ing careful at the infested parts to go deep enough to destroy the young larvae, and dressing with the usual mixture of lime and cow-dung." This operation was found very successful, and details with illustrations were given in a paper read in 1848 be- fore the Botauic Society. Various applications have been recommended, such as brushing the bark of infested trees with coal-tar or with whitewash, in order to keep off the beetle attack. Any- thing of this kind that would make the surface unpleasant to the beetle would cer- tainly be of use so long as it was not of a nature to hurt the tree, and if previously the very rugged bark was partially smoothed it would make the application of what- ever mixture might be chosen easier and more thorough. Anything that would catch the beetles, either going into or out from the bark, like coal-tar, would be particularly useful, and probably strong-smelling and greasy mixt- ures, such as fish-oil soft soap, would do much good. Washing down the trunks of attacked trees has not been suggested, but, looking at the dislike of the female beetle to moisture in her burrow, it would be worth while, in the case of single trees which it was an object to preserve, to drench the bark daily from a garden-engine for a short time when the beetles were seen (or known by the wood-dust thrown out) to be at work forming burrows for egg-laying. The possibility of carrying out the importaut point of clearing away or treating infested standing trees depends, of course, on local circumstances; but, whatever care is exercised in other ways, it is very unlikely that much good will be done in lessening attack so long as the inexcusable practice continues of leaving the felled trunks of infested elms lying, uith their hark still on, when containing myriads of these maggots, which are all getting ready shortly to change to perfect beetles, and to fly to the nearest growing elms. Such neglected trunks may be seen in our parks and rural wood-yards all over the country, where, without difficulty, the hand may be run under the bark so as to detach feet and yards in length from the truuk all swarming with white Scolytus maggots in their narrow galleries. This bark, with its contents, ought never to be permitted to remain. Where it is loose it may be cleared of many of the maggots by stripping it off and letting the REMEDIES AGAINST FOREST INSECTS. 31 poultry have access to it; or, if still partly adhering, it may be ripped from the wood by barking tools and burnt; but it is a tangible and serious cause of injury, and if our landed proprietors were fully aware of the mischief thus caused to their own trees and those of the neighborhood they would quickly get rid of it. INSECTICIDES AND MEANS OF APPLYING THEM TO SHADE AND FOREST TREES.* This subject may be divided into two parts, viz, (1) a discussion of insecticides and (2) a discussion of insecticide apparatus. (1) insecticides. — Remedial measures against forest-tree insects are not different from those employed against the insect enemies of fruit- trees or farm and garden crops. The same species are frequently the culprits in both cases ; and, in general, insects of the same orders and families, having similar habits and requiring similar treatment, attack wild-growing, woody plants aud the cultivated sorts. For convenience of treatment, the first part may be considered under the following heads : Insecticides which act through the food ; insecti- cides which act by contact; fumigants and gases. Insecticides which act through the food. — These insecticides are available against all mandibulate insects that feed externally on the leaves, such as the larvae of Lepidoptera, larvae and adults of leaf- feeding beetles, and saw-fly larvae. Gall-insects, leaf-miners, and in- sects which burrow beneath the bark or in the wood cannot be con- trolled by these means. It would be possible to enumerate under this heading a large number of substances depending for their effects on arsenic, strychnine, or other poisons, but I prefer to limit the discussion to the consideration of two substances which are now commonly used to the exclusion of nearly all others. Paris green and London purple. — The arsenites of copper and cal- cium, Paris green and London purple, are so well known as not to need particular description here. The safety and efficiency with which they can be used and their slight cost fully satisfy all the demands of practical work. As containing records of a general nature, together with full in- structions for the use of these poisons, I can not do better than quote from Bulletin No. 10 of the division of entomology,! the conclusions being based on experiments under my direction, especially by the late Dr. W. S. Barnard. The quotation refers particularly to work against the imported Elm leaf- beetle (Galeruca xanthomelama) and deals with the treatment of elm trees only, but the results obtained may apply to other insects infesting various shade and forest trees. The recommendation given • 'Prepared, at the author's request, by Professor Riley. t Our Shade Trees and Their Insect Defoliators, by C. V. Riley, Entomologist, Washington, 1887. Second revised edition, 1888. 32 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION will Deed to be modified to correspond with the varying conditions in habits and life-history of any particular species, as found detailed in the following pages of Dr. Packard's report : l-jj',i/s >>f Argenioal Poi$om on Insect and l'lant. — Species of elms are somewhat differently affected by the poison. When treated alike there is always manifest some difference in the susceptibility of differed elms t<> the corrosive effects of the poison. Even individuals of the same .species or variety are differently impaired. As a rule, those which snit the insect best are injured most by the poison, and those which resist the insect most withstand the DOISOD best. The latter have coarser foliage with a darker green color and more vigorous general growth ; the former have more delicate foliage, lighter in color and weight, apparently less succulent. Certain elms of the species l'. oampettrU and other species which were over- poisoned, and shed most of their leaves in consequence in the last of June. L883, sent out a profuse new growth of leaves and twigs. The foliage fell gradually for three weeks, and this was somewhat promoted by the succeeding rains. The larva' move from place to place so seldom that, if the leaves are imperfectly poisoned from the mixture being weakly diluted or from its application only in large, scattered drops, which are much avoided by the larva-, they are not killed off thor- oughly for several days, and in all cases it requires considerable time to attain the full effect of the poison. This result appears on the plant and on the insect. After each rain the poison takes a new effect upon the plant and the pest, which indicates that the poison is absorbed more or is more active when wet, and that it acts by de- hydrating thereafter. Where the tree is too strongly poisoned, each rain causes a new lot of leaves to become discolored by the poison or to fall. On some of the trees the discoloration appears in brown, dead blotches on the foliage, chiefly about the gnawed places and margins, while in other instances many of the leaves turn yellow, and others fall without change of color. The latter may not all drop from the effects of poison, but the coloration referred to is without doubt generally from the caustic action. The poison not only produces the local effects from contact action on the parts touched by it, but following this there appears a more general effect, manifest in that all the foliage appears to lose, to some extent, its freshness and vitality. This secondary influence is probably from poisoning of the sap in a moderate degree. When this is once observable, no leaf-eater thrives upon the foliage. Slight over- poisoning seems to have a tonic or invigorating effect on the tree. Preventive Effects of the Poison. — In this grove the elms that were poisoned in 1882 were attacked in the spring of 1883 less severely than were those which were not poisoned the previous year. This would seem to imply that the insects deposit mostly on the trees nearest to where they develop, and are only partially migratory before ovipositing. The attack afterward became increased, probably by immigration and the new generation, so that later in the season the trees were mostly infested to the usual extent. In the region of Washington a preventive application of poison should be made before the last of May or first of June, when the eggs are being deposited and before they hatch. This will prevent the worms from ever getting a start. By the preventive method the tree escapee two kinds of injury: first, that directly from the eating by the in- sect ; second, that which follows indirectly from the deleterious effects of the poison on the plant, for its caustic effect is much greater where the leaves have been so gnawed that the poison comes in contact with tl»e sap. Treatment with London Purple. — Already early in June the insect appears plentiful. On June 7, 1882, it was at work on all the trees, and its clusters of eggs were numer- ous beneath the leaves. Some of the trees had half of the leaves considerably gnawed and perforated by larva' of all sizes, and by the adults. At this date fifteen trees. constituting the south part of the grove, were treated. Preparation of the Poison. — London purple (one-half pound), flour (3 quarts), and water (barrel, 40 gallons) were mixed as follows: A large galvanized iron funnel of REMEDIES AGAINST FOREST INSECTS. 33 thirteen quarts capacity, and having a cross-septum of fine wire gauze, such as is used for sieves, also having vertical sides, and a rim to keep it from rocking on the barrel, was used. About three quarts of cheap flour were placed in the funnel and washed through the wire gauze by water poured in.' The flour in passing through is finely divided, and will diffuse in the water without appearing in lumps. The flour is a suit- able medium to make the poison adhesive. The London purple is then placed upon the gauze and washed in by the remainder of the water until the barrel is filled. In other tests the flour was mixed dry with the poison powder, and both were afterward washed through together with good results. It is thought that by mixing in this way less flour will suffice. Three-eighths of a pound of London purple to one barrel of water maybe taken as a suitable percentage. Three-eighths of an ounce may be used as an equivalent in one bucketful of water. The amount of this poison was reduced to one-fourth of a pound to the barrel with good effect, but this seems to be the min- imum quantity, and to be of value it must be applied in favorable weather and with unusual thoroughness. With one-half or three-fourths of a pound to the barrel, about the maximum strength allowable is attained, and this should be applied only as an extremely fine mist, without drenching the foliage. Effects of the Mixture. — The flour seems to keep the poison from taking effect on the leaf, preventing to some extent the corrosive injury which otherwise obtains when the poison is coarsely sprinkled or too strong. It also renders the poison more per- manent. On the leaves, especially on the under surfaces, the London purple and flour can be seen for several weeks after it has been applied, and the insect is not only destroyed, but is prevented from reappearing, at least for a long period. By poisoning again, a few weeks later, the insect is deterred with greater certainty for the entire season. By being careful to administer the poison before the insect has worked, and, above all, to diffuse the spray finely, but not in large drops, no harm worth mentioning will accrue to the plant from the proportion of poison recom- mended. The new growth, that developed after the first poisoning, was protected by one-fourth of a pound to the barrel in 1882. From midsummer until autumn the uupoisoned half of the grove remained denuded of foliage, while the poisoned half retained its verdure. The little damage then appearing in the protected part was mostly done before the first treatment. Eggs were laid abundantly throughout the season. Many of these seemed unhealthy and failed to develop, probably because they were poisoned. Many hatched, but the young larvae soon died. The eggs were seldom deposited on the young leaves that were appearing after the poison was ap- plied, but were attached to the developed leaves, and here the larvae generally got the poison to prevent their attack upon the aftergrowth. Still the young leaves be- came perforated to some extent. The adults, which fly from tree to tree, appeared plentifully without much interruption throughout the season, and often several could be seen feeding on each tree. Possibly many of these may have become poi- soned before depositing the eggs. The efficiency of London purple being established, it will generally be preferred to other arsenicals, because of its cheapness, better diffusibility, visibility on the foli- age, etc. As the effects of the poisons commonly do not appear decidedly for two or three days after their administration, the importance of the preventive method of poisoning in advance can not be too strongly urged. As the effect is slow in appear- ing, impatient parties will be apt to repoison on the second or third day, and thus put on enough to hurt the plant when the effect does come. Much depends on dry- ness or wetness of the weather ; but good effects may be expected by the third or fourth day. London purple seems to injure the plant less than Paris green. Treatment with Paris green.— In 1883 the Paris green was first applied on the 29th of May, at which date the eggs were extremely abundant and hatching rapidly on the leaves. Paris green, flour, and water were mixed by the means previously employed with London purple and already described. The mixture was applied to the north part of the same grove of elms. Thus far experience shows that the Paris green is 5 ENT 4 34 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. effective against thfl Insect, but that this- poison injures the plant more than does the London pniple. Three-fonrthfl <»t'a ponnd of Paris greeo to ■ ban.] :;r, of 10 gallons) of water, with :> quarts of flour, may be regarded ss ■ poison mixture «>t" medium or average strength fol treating elms against these beetles, and tin- indications thue l'ar are that the amount of Pai is green should not be inereased above one pound or he diminished much below one-hall a pound in this mixture. To a bucketful of water three-fourths ounce of Paris green may be used. The action of this poison is Blow but severe, and varies much with the weather. Thus far the results of fcOSte have been varied no much by the weather and different modes of preparation and application that they will be repeated. When u>ed strong enough to cauterize the leaves the poisonous action upon the plant may be observed to continue for several TTTttdre The species of Limits are quite susceptible to the effects of poison, perhaps as much so as any common species of forest tree. But little can be added to the above quotation, as there are few experiments re- corded concerning work of this kind on other forest trees. With fruit trees and vines there is a large experience, and the results indicate That either of these arsenicals can be safely used on the most tender plants in proportion of 1 pound to 100 gallons of water, if properly atomized. Strong, hardy plants readily stand a strength of 1 pound to 50 gallons of water, if applied with proper care. It is safe to con- clude that between these two limits a strength suitable for all plants may be obtained. A thoroughly atomized weak mixture will, under favorable con- ditions, prove as efficient as the stronger ones ; but in wet, showery- weather weak applications are more liable to be washed off. Properly atomizing the liquid is of the greatest importance, for only by this means can all the foliage be reached. The even distribution thus obtained enables the leaves to retain a greater amount of the poison with less injury than when sprayed in coarse drops. Insecticides which act by contact. — This class of remedies apply principally to non-masticating insects, i. e., those which take their food through a sucking-tube or proboscis, such as the plant- bugs, aphids, and scale insects. They may. however, often be suc- cessfully applied to soft-bodied maudibulate insects, in lieu of the poisonous mixtures. There are a great variety of substances, such as alkaline washes and powders, and preparations of oils, and particularly the products of petroleum, which have been successfully used on insects affecting roots, trunks, branches, and foliage of trees. The experimental data concerning them have been mostly obtained from cultivated fruit trees and vines, but they will prove equally available against the similar enemies of forest trees. Wood Ashes and Lime. — Of alkaline powders, wood ashes aud slaked lime are commonly used either pure or in mixtures around the bases of trees or interred in the earth among the roots of plants to destroy root aphids or other insects affecting the roots. Xo definite instructions concerning their use can be given, as both substances vary as to strength, REMEDIES AGAINST FOREST INSECTS. 35 aud the conditions of application also vary greatly. Unleached wood ashes should not be applied too freely in contact with the body of the tree or the roots, since water leaching through them may contain pot- ash enough to iujure the plant. Lime in any reasonable quantity could hardly cause injury. The application of either of these is generally beneficial and tends to destroy and repel insects from the base and roots of trees. The ashes act beuficially as a fertilizer. Coal Ashes and coal Bust. — Coal ashes and coal dust have been used for this purpose, but their effects could only be mechanical, and, while doubtless of value to the plant as a mulching, could have but little effect on insects. The beneficial effects of either of these used dusted on the plant are doubtful, except in cases of soft-bodied slugs (saw-fly larvae), where their action is generally good. Pyrethrum, Hellebore, Sulphur. — These well known insecticides may be used in powdered form or may be mixed with water and applied in a spray. While they can not be recommended for general forest work, cases will frequently arise warranting their use in a limited way against aphids and other soft-bodied insects. Hellebore is of especial value against saw-fly larvae. Sulphur is a valuable agent against the red spider (Tetranychus telarius) and may be used alone or in connection with emulsion of kerosene. Alkaline lYashes : potash Lye and soda Lye. — Alkaline washes are solutions of crude soda or potash, or soap preparations of these sub- stances. Concentrated soda or potash lye can be purchased at the stores, and are often used as washes for aphids and coccids with con- siderable success. Of these the potash lye is to be preferred, as its action on the tree is not so harmful as the soda lye. The best possible source of a caustic wash is the potash lye leached from wood ashes* Crude lye washes should be used with caution, since when too strong it injures both branches and foliage. Definite statements as to the strength to be used can not be made. The different brands of concen- trated lye vary much in composition, so that it will always be advisable to make test applications before general work is attempted. In the preparation of washes, one can (1 pound) of lye is dissolved in from 3 to 5 gallons of water; the stronger solution is very injurious to tender plants, and even the weaker one is entirely too harsh for a safe wash ; yet, if diluted much more, its effect on the iusect will be impaired. The same quantity of lye used in the preparation of a soap will give better results, and its use will not then be attended with like danger to the plant. Alkali?ie Washes : Soaps. — Soap preparations are made from either of the above lyes with grease or oils of any kind and in my experience are much preferable to the crude lyes. Auy soft or jelly soap makes a good wash for Aphides, and for this purpose need not be strong ; for Coccids the strength should be greater. The preparation known as " whale-oil " soap has a more or less stand- 36 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. aid strength and has long been used as an insecticide wash. It is made from various fish oils and fish-oil residue with caustic soda. Better success attends (he use of jelly soaps made directly from fish oil and concentrated lye. with water, using about three gallons of water, three pints of fish-oil, and one can of lye. Various preparations of this nature can easily be made. Coarse grease does not make so good asoap as oils. The whale-oil soap sold in the stores is used in solutions of one pound in two to five gallons of water, experiment being necessary to deter- mine what strength will be efficient. The jelly-soap made as mentioned above has been successfully used on Aphides, when fresh, in strength of 1 pound to 8 gallons of water. For most work, however, it would need to be stronger. Petroleum Products: Kerosene, Naphtha, etc. — Among the washes of an insecticide nature which kill by contact there is probably nothing equal to the preparations from petroleum. Of these it is only necessary to notice those made from kerosene, as experience has fully demonstrated the value of this product for insecticide work. In most instances either the low or high grade can be used with equally good effect. Kerosene, naphtha and some of the lighter products of petroleum have beeu used pure. Naphtha and the lighter products of petroleum can be used in this man- ner with safety to most plants, but the destructive effect on the insects is by no means satisfactory. The use of kerosene pure is, however, at- tended with danger and should never be undertaken except in a small way and with the utmost care. Finely atomized, I have employed it with some success, especially on oranges and certain conifers in years gone by, before the emulsions were discovered. Kerosene Emulsions. — The ease and practicability of emulsifying and diluting kerosene to any desired strength have been so fully demon- strated in the course of the work of the division of entomology under my direction that there is no longer need of attempting its use pure. The methods of emulsificatiou have been so fully set forth elsewhere that it is unnecessary to undertake their discussion here more than in the nature of general instructions. An emulsion, if properly made, always contains a greater per cent, of kerosene than of the other ingredients. This per cent, may vary from 60 per cent, to 90 per cent., but experiment has shown that 66 per cent kerosene will give the most satisfactory results. The formula for the preparation of kerosene emulsion ordinarily recommended by me is the one originated by my former agent, Mr. H. G. Hubbard, in his work against orange insects. It is as follows: Kerosene - 2 gallons = 67 per cent. Common soap, or whale-oil soap i pound ( _ 33 ,,er cent Water 1 gallon $ ] Dissolve the soap in the water by heating and add the solution, boiling hot, to the keroseue and churn the mixture by means of a REMEDIES AGAINST FOREST INSECTS. 37 force-pump and spray-nozzle for five minutes. The emulsion, if per- fect, forms a cream which thickens on cooling and should adhere with- out oiliness to the surface of glass. Dilute, before using, one part of the emulsion with nine parts of cold water. The above formula makes 3 gallons of emulsion, and when diluted gives 30 gallons of wash. Resin Washes. — Various compounds of resin and emulsions of resin with kerosene are now being extensively used in California against scale- insects and other enemies of the orange tree. Resin compounds were first used as an insecticide by one of my agents, Mr. Albert Koebele, and his experiments with this substance are given in full in my annual reports as United States Entomologist for 1886 and 1887, and addi- tional experiments by Mr. Coquillett are given in the report for 1888. Mr. Koebele had good success with the resin compound prepared as follows : Dissolve 3 pounds of sal-soda and 4 pounds of resin in 3 pints of water above fire ; when properly dissolved, add water slowly, while boiling, to make 36 pints of compound. A very strong solution of this was used on pear tiees without injury to the foliage, the solution con- sisting of 3 pints of the compound to 4 of water. Numerous successful experiments were made with one part of the compound and 8 parts of water, and this strength for most purposes will be sufficient. Mr. Coquillett has found the following to be an excellent formula for the preparation of this compound:* Caustic soda pound . . 1 Resiu pounds.. 8 Water to make gallons . . 32 Dissolve by boiling the caustic soda in a gallon of water ; add the resin to one half the soda solution and dissolve it by boiling ; add the remainder of the soda solution and boil over a hot fire, stirring constantly. When sufficiently cooked it will assim- ilate with water like milk, which it much resembles. Add water and strain through a fiue sieve. An emulsion of kerosene with resin compound was satisfactorily ac- complished by taking equal parts of both substances and working them together for two minutes with a pump. This emulsion is not so stable as the emulsion with soap, but is eminently effective against scale- insects and Aphides. At my suggestion the addition of arsenic in the proportion of 1 pound to from 75 to 300 gallons of the resin, or resiu and kerosene wash, was made, and this addition was found to greatly increase the efficiency of these insecticides. The value of these insecticides for the protection of shade and orna- mental trees, which, where scale-insects abound, are as liable to attack and injury as the various fruit trees, need not here be emphasized. Fumigants — Gases. — The destruction of hot-house pests by fumiga- tion with sulphur, tobacco, or other noxious substances has long been practiced. The application of such methods to trees on a large scale is, however, of recent origin. The experiments of the last few years conducted by my California agent, Mr. D. W. Coquillett, relating to the use of poisonous fumes* or gases against the scale-insects of citrous trees have been attended with *See Rep. of the U. S. Entomologist "for 1838, p. 130. 38 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. such good results that the value of this comparatively new method of combating out-of-door insects is now well established. It is not to be supposed that work of this kind can be carried on in the case of forest trees, except on a very limited scale, to protect cherished trees in lawns or parks. This treatment is also effective against Aphides and leaf- mites — and indeed is calculated to destroy any insects whatever. Hydrocyanic acid (las. — Of the several gases experimented with by Mr. Coquillett, of which full accounts are given in my annual reports as Entomologist for 1S87 and 1>S8, the one named has given much the best results. A number of methods of generating this gas have been devised, of which the most satisfactory is now known as the k- dry-gas process." The necessity of drying the gas was very evident from the first, for it was found that the injury to foliage was very serious when the gases were charged with any considerable amount of aqueous vapor. In the dry-gas process the cyanide is dissolved by boiling in water for a few minutes, using I gallon of water for each 5 pounds of cyanide. To generate the gas, sulphuric acid is caused to flow upon the cyanide solution in a tine stream, causing the gas to be rapidly given off in the form of a whitish fog. The moisture is taken up by passing the gas through sulphuric acid, which by reason of the water taken up becomes diluted, but may still be employed to generate fresh quantities of gas. The gas is confined to the trees under treatment by means of a suit- able canvas tent or fumigator, of which a number of styles have been patented. They are constructed so as to be lowered over the tree from above or to inclose it from the sides. Full details for the construction of these tents, together with figures, are given in the reports cited above, to which the reader is referred, also for a detailed account of the use of various gases. INSECTICIDE apparatus.— The application of insecticides to fruit or forest trees maybe successfully accomplished by the use of the same devices employed in the case of low-growing plants, except that more force will be required as a rule, and hence larger and stronger machinery. The treatment of young trees or application to the lower part of the trunk or to the base or roots of larger ones may easily be effected by hand, but in the case of the branches and foliage of large trees other means must be employed. As has been already indicated, the principal insecticides are now used in the liquid form, and particularly in the case of work against the insect enemies of forest trees will this method prove the only prac- ticable one. The use of insecticides in the form of powders will occasion- ally be desirable, however, and heuce the treatment of the second part of the subject may be discussed under (1) devices for applying pow- ders aud (2) devices for applying liquids. Devices for Applying Powders. — Powder Blowers. — The appli- cation of powders to trees may be successfully accomplished by the use of long-discharge-tube power-bellows. REMEDIES AGAINST FOREST INSECTS. 39 The Woodason Bellows. — With one of the double-cone bellows manu- factured by Thomas Woodason, Philadelphia, Pa., or other bellows of similar pattern, it is possible to reach branches eight or ten feet high quite readily, and by mounting into the tree, or by means of a ladder, quite effective work can be done on trees ot moderate size. The Leggett Brothers' orchard Gun. — Quite recently the Leggett Brothers, of New York City, have invented what they call an "orchard gun, n a machine for the application of powders to foliage beyond the reach of the ordinary hand-bellows. This device has been tested in the work of the Entomological Division and promises for certain kinds of work to be a very useful implement. It is constructed of tin tubing 1J inches in diameter made in sections so as to be easily adjusted to any length desired up to 16 feet. On the second section from the base of the device is arranged a small fan 4£ inches in diameter propelled by a crank and cog-gearing of such rela- tive diameters that one revolution of the crank gives thirty of the fan. This delivers a strong blast into the distal portion of the tube or gur. Just above the fan is arranged on the upper side of the tube a can 8 inches long and 4 inches in diameter, from which the powder fed is into the tube when the crank is turned by the following contrivance: Between the can and tube is a flat perforated surface its entire leugth, and along this surface plays a set of sliding arms attached to a piston-rod which is thrust forward and backward with each revolu- tion of the crank. This sifts into the tube just the amount of powder necessary to supply a constant but extremely diffuse blast. The short- est working length of the gun is 5 feet, and in this length it serves for all ordinary work of applying powder. The weight of the imple- ment when full length is 7 pounds. The length could be easily increased without impairing the efficiency of the implement, except that it would become too heavy and unwieldly. Devices for applying liquids.— For the application of liquids to trees the requisites are a good force-pump and a suitable nozzle, and of both of them there is no scarcity of styles manufactured in this country.' In fact, the abundance of pumps, nozzles, and spraying devices tends to confuse the would-be purchaser and makes it the more necessary that the characteristics of a good apparatus should be carefully pointed out. The Pump.— While secondary in importance to the nozzle, a suitable force-pump is very essential to successful work. As I have previously stated, the nature of the work under discussion precludes the use of any but the more powerful machines, except for comparatively limited operations, where any of the smaller hand pu mps, aquapults, hydro- nettes, or syringes may be used. In the case of tall trees in parks, such as elms, which frequently attain a height of 40 or 50 feet or more, I have recommended the use of fire en- gines, with which the liquid might be thrown to a considerable distance and, by the force of the discharge, caused to break up into an efficient spray. 40 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. The same end maybe more easily attained, perhaps, by using, in con- nection with a good barrel or tank force pump, long hose with suitable supports, so that the spray may be brought to bear on the upper pur tion of the tree. Devices for this purpose will be described later on. Several forms of pumps are be- ing manufactured in this country with which satisfactory work may be done, and in the list of manu- facturers of insecticide apparatus appended to this article are given a number of addresses of reliable firms whose pumps I have used and can recommend. 1 will content myself here with describing somewhat fully a force- pump which, in the work of the United States Entomological Com- mission and of the Division of En- tomology, has proved itself well adapted to the purposes desired. The double Cylinder brass Pump. — The special recommendation of this pump is the more freely given from the fact that at present no one holds a patent on it and various modifi- cations embracing the essential fea- tures are largely manufactured in different parts of the country. At- tention was directed to the advan- tages of this pump in the work of the commission, and it is illustrated in section and also in operation at plate XLVI of the fourth re- port. The pump, fitted in a barrel with stirrer attachment, there illus- trated, was specially constructed by Dr. Barnard, and has been several times mentioned and illustrated in Fig. 7.-Double cylinder brass pump. other official reports. The appended illustration (Fig. 7) is a sectional view of a similar pump now in use by the Division. The essential features of this pump are an outer cylinder a and an inner cylinder a\ which may be called the piston cylinder. This inner cylinder is provided with a valve, />, similar to the valve iut he outer cyl- REMEDIES AGAINST FOREST INSECTS. 41 inder bl and above the valve b the inner cylinder is closed as shown in the cut. Thus it represents a displacement cylinder and its capacity bears such a relation to the outer cylinder that on the downward stroke it displaces a body of water equal to that taken up by the upward stroke of the piston, thus producing a constant pressure in a simple single-barreled pump. The packing >d is held in place by a metal follower and fits snugly to the inner surface of the outer cylinder. The pipe, c, is of rubber hose and made of any length desired to suit the depth of cask or tank and with a fine wire strainer on the bottom. The head of the pump is of cast iron and bulged to allow room for a considerable head of water j iron flanges extend out from its lower part and furnish support by which it is bolted to the tank. All of the working parts are brass. The packing burr and follower around the upper end of the piston cylinder are the same style as ordinarily used with steam machinery so as to withstand any reason- able pressure. The head to which is attached the compensating bar screws into the top of the piston cylinder. The outlet is tapped through the bulged cast-iron head, and the pressure is much better if a good- sized air chamber is attached to the discharge pipe just outside of the pump head. The pump from which Fig. 7 was made has two discharge pipes, and one man easily supplies pressure for two ordinary streams of spray. Fig. 8.— Single-discharge pump. Fig. 8 shows a similar pump entire, fitted with a single discharge pipe. 42 VIVIU REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. This style of pump is especially convenient from the fact that it can readily be bolted on to a tank of almost any shape or dimensions. The fulcrum post is not cast with the flange-plate, but bolts to it. The stirrer Pump. — A barrel-tank, with pump similar to the one just described, attached, as used in the work of the commission in the cot- ton -tields, has already been referred to and is hgured in the fourth report. Host and Bamboo extension Rod. — The hose commonly used on spray apparatus is half-inch in internal diameter, or even larger. This size is entirely unnecessary and entails extra labor upon the operator ; it is, moreover, quite difficult to get a small extension-rod of any length sufficiently strong to carry such a hose. In the work of the Division of Ento- mology I have found that a good quality of quarter- inch cloth insertion rubber tubing is sufficiently strong for all ordinary work. No spray-nozzle used by hand power will require a stronger stream than this will carry. In some work it is convenient and necessary to have as much as 30 feet of discharge-pipe, and where this small tubing is used it can readily be handled. For elevating the nozzle among the branches, a bam- boo rod with the septa burned out so that the rubber tubing may be passed through, and made in sections to be adjusted to the desired length, is the most useful contrivance. If this is large enough to admit the tube to pass up the center, and is provided with a clamp at the top to hold the nozzle vertical or in any direction desired, it is superior to any other device which I have ever used. The smaller southern cane, so commonly used for fishing tackle, makes a very good supporting- rod, but in such case the discharge-pipe must be fast- ened to the outside by means of suitable spring clasps. Fig. 9 shows a section of an extension pole of the sort first mentioned above. A special feature of this pole is the washer j. which prevents the drip from trickling down the pole upon the operator. It is cut out of a heavy piece of sole leather and fitted snugly over the rod a few inches below the nozzle. By means of this supporting pole, trees below 20 feet in height can readily be sprayed. For higher trees, I know of nothing better than a ladder mounted on wheels so as to be easily moved from tree to tree, such as has been used in California in the work against the Fluted scale. This ladder is supported so that it does not rest against the tree, and the operator can move up and down without being hindered by projecting branches. Fu;.9.— Parts of hose pole device for spraying trees: bamboo pole, 6 b ,• drip washr.j; hose h X; side liook. P ; eddy chamber no*- zle, n m,- spray, 2*, REMEDIES AGAINST FOREST INSECTS. 43 44 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. Fig. 10 is taken from my annual report as United States Eutoinolo^ist for 188C. It represents a spraying outfit in operation against the Fluted scale (Icerija purchaM), and indicates sufficiently well the use of tbe lad- der just referred to, and also of tbe extension poles. In Garden and Forest for June 19, 1889, Prof. J. B. Smith, entomol- ogist of the New Jersey experimental station, reports the successful spraying of elm trees in the Rutgers College campus, some of which were over 50 feet high. A Seneca Falls force-pump, provided with some 50 feet of hose, was used. By removing the spraying attachment from the nozzle — a large-size Nixon — the liquid could be thrown in a small stream to a distance of 20 feet. A light ladder gave access to the center of the tree, from which point the extreme tips of the branches could be reached. Nozzles. — In any device for applying liquid insecticides the nozzle is of prime importance, for on its efficiency will depend in large degree the success or failure of the work. The desiderata in a spray nozzle, as I have elsewhere stated, are "ready regulation of the volume to be thrown ; greatest atomizing power with least tendency to clog ; facility of cleansing, or ready separation of its component parts; cheapness ; simplicity and adjustability to any angle." Without attempting a general discussion of the merits of different classes of nozzles, I shall content myself with a brief reference to a few styles, which, to a greater or less degree, answer the conditions just enumerated and which have stood the test of practical work. The Riley or cyclone Nozzle. — This nozzle is now so widely known as hardly to require description. As there have been some erroneous state- ments as to its Invention, I may take occasion here to reiterate what was recorded in the fourth report of the commission, viz: that it was a devel- opment and outgrowth of my work on the Cotton Worm, the first sug- gestion of the principle being my own and its development resulting Fk;. IL— The Riley or cyclone Nozzle. from two years' experimentation under my direction and chiefly through the assistance of the late Dr. W. S. Barnard. u Its principal feature con- sists in the inlet through which the liquid is forced being bored tangeu- tially through its wall, so as to cause a rapid whirling or centrifugal REMEDIES AGAINST FOREST INSECTS. 45 motion of the liquid, which issues in a funnel-shaped spray through a central outlet in the adjustable cap. The breadth or height, fineness or coarseness of the spray depend on certain details in the proportion of the parts, particularly of the central outlet." Fig. 11 shows two styles of this nozzle, which I have adopted from a host of experimental forms as the best for all ordinary work. At A is shown the typical small-stemmed nozzle, with the screw cap removed to show the inlet orifice d. At B is shown a sectional view of the same again with the cap removed, showing the tangential entrance to the chamber a through the orifice e, which when the cap is inserted coincides with the orifice d. At 0 is shown a face view of the cap c, which should be countersunk about the orifice of exit on the exterior surface only ; and also an outline drawing of a chamber placed at an angle of 45° with the stem — a form of advantage especially in overhead spraying. The stem may be inserted into the discharge-pipe and fastened by wrapping tightly with copper wire, or a more convenient form is made with a female screw of a size to fit a three-eighth inch nipple. The nipple is inserted into the discharge-pipe and fastened in the ordinary manner, and allows an easy interchange of nozzles of different sizes or patterns. A discharge orifice of about one-sixty-fourth of an inch may be used for a very fine spray ; for coarser and heavier work a one-six- teenth-inch orifice will be preferable. The value of rotating the liquid to break it up into a suitable spray and to prevent clogging, which are the essential features of the Riley nozzle, has been universally recognized. In this country, owing to the fact that this nozzle has not been pat- ented and is not pushed by interested parties as are patented contriv- ances, it has not come into such general use as its merits warrant or as has accompanied the introduction of patented modifications of it in other countries. It is now, however, being quite extensively manufact- ured and offered by the trade, and a number of modifications of this nozzle have appeared in France, which, while adding certain new feat- ures, have not departed from the valuable principle of the typical form, viz : that of the centrifugal motion of the liquid. These nozzles are employed in France, Germany, and other European countries almost to the exclusion of all other forms, and in this country they are also extensively used. More recently a valuable modification has appeared in this country, the Universal Spray Tip, and in New Zealand a com- pound form is manufactured, known as the New Zealand Triplet, and fashioned after one which I used and described in California in 1887. A full description of the important modifications of the Riley nozzle that have appeared in this and in foreign countries is given by me in Insect Life, Vol. I, Nos. 8 and 9, to which the reader is referred for fuller details. In this country, these nozzles are manufactured under contract, for dealers, by Thomas Somerville & Son, Washington, D. C, and by 46 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. Woodio & Little, 509 and 511, Market street, San Francisco, Cal. The universal spray tip, the only valuable modification of the Riley nozzle that has appeared in this country, is the invention of and is inauu- iaetured by J. Crofton and L. 1). Green, Walnut Grove, Cal. The addresses of the manufacturers of the foreign modifications of the Riley nozzle are as follows: The Noel nozzle, by the firm of Noel, Paris. The Vermont nozzle, by V. Vermorel, Villefranche (Rhone), France. Two modifications of the Vermorel nozzle are : The J up j/ nozzle, by Japy Pre res & Cie, Beaucourt, France, and The Albrand nozzle, by M. C. Albrand, 87 rue dela Republique, Mar- seilles, Frauce. The Marseilles nozzle, by L'Aveuir Viticole, Marseilles, Frajice. In New Zealand the Riley nozzle is manufactured by Kutzuer Bros., of Masterton, who call it the American cyclone nozzle and make it single and in triplets. I will call attention here to but one of the most successful of these modifications, which is shown in figure 12. It is known as the Vermorel nozzle, and was devised by a gentleman of that name in France. The Fig. 12.— The Vermorel Nozzle— natural size (original). important feature of this nozzle is the pin inserted through its base, bearing on its upper end a paint sufficiently small to enter the dis- charge orifice when thrust upward from below. This enables the ope- rator to clean the discharge, when it becomes clogged, and is a great convenience, especially for spraying heavy suspension liquids. The Xixon or Climax Nozzle. — This is the invention of Mr. A. H. Nixon, of Dayton, Ohio. Its work is so satisfactory, especially where considerable force is required, as will be generally the case in forest work, that 1 notice it here. A nipple screws on the distal end of a discharge- pipe, and on its outer end is screwed a brass tube varying in length and diameter according to size of nozzle. The discharge orifice through the nipple regulates the quantity of spray, and nipples with different sized discharge orifices are interchangeable. The stream projected through this nipple strikes a brass screen at the outer end of the tube and is cut into a perfect spray. REMEDIES AGAINST FOREST INSECTS. 47 Cost of a spraying Outfit. — In the foregoing I have presented briefly, yet in sufficient detail, the essential requisites of a good spray apparatus. An entire outfit, embracing the best materials mentioned above, can be gotten together by an ingenious person for a sum not exceeding $20. Outfits may be purchased from manufacturers at prices ranging from #20 to $50, according to sizes or styles. A list of responsible firms with whom the Division of Entomology has had business relations is here appended : W. & B. Douglass, Middletown, Conn.; Kumsey & Co., Seneca Falls, 25". Y.; Field Force-Pump Company, Lockport, N. Y.; Eobert T. Deakin & Co., Philadelphia, Pa.; Nixon Xozzle and Machine Company, Dayton, Ohio ; Woodin & Little, San Francisco, Cal.; The Gould's Manufactur- ing Company, Seneca Falls, N. Y.; Thomas Woodason, 451 East Cam- bria street, Philadelphia, Pa. ; Leggett & Brother, New York. Chapter I. INSECTS INJURIOUS TO THE OAK. Various species of Quercm. The oak perhaps affords our most valuable lumber, whether ship- timber, carriage wood, or when used for carved work, floors, or furniture. As a shade tree it will always be in demand, while groves of oaks are among the chief ornaments of parks. The oak can be easily planted, and it is one of the trees most available in the renewal of our forests. Unfortunately the oak is preyed upon by a larger number of kinds of in- sects than perhaps all the other hard-wood forest trees mentioned in this work put together. From the roots to the extremity of the smallest twigs, including the buds and acorns, there are assemblages of insects which divide the arboreal territory among themselves, not often encroaching on each other's domain. In this way the work of destruction often be- comes thoroughly well done. Yet, considering the number of species of insects which prey upon this devoted tree, particularly when isolated from its fellows, it is a wonder how evenly preserved is the balance of nature. Undoubtedly, as in all other trees and most vegetable growths, a cer- tain amount of natural, healthy pruning is accomplished by insects. But were there not a complicated system of checks, particularly those due to parasitic insects and to unfavorable climatic changes, the tide of insect life would sweep away every tree and shrub from the face of the earth. In his work on " Plant-Enemies of the Class of Insects," Kaltenbach enumerates five hundred and thirty-seven species of insects of all orders which in Germany prey upon the oaks of that empire. It is probable that nearly if not quite as many will be found in a re- gion of the same extent in this country, especially since the species of oaks are more numerous in the eastern United States than in central Europe, the number of species in the latfer region being but two or three to twenty in the United States, east of the Rocky Mountains. The number of determined species of oak insects recorded in the fol- lowing pages is over 400, while the number of undetermined species would carry the number up to over 500, or about as many as Kaltenbach 48 INSECTS AFFECTING OAK-ROOTS. 49 records for Germany. It is not improbable that ultimately the number of species for the United States will be between 600 and 800 or even 1,000. We will now briefly indicate those species of insects which are habit- ually more or less destructive to the oak. The roots of the live and probably the water oak are infested by the great longicorn borer, Mallodon melanopus, the trees being permanently dwarfed and their growth arrested. Of the borers in the trunk, the caterpillar of the Carpenter moth (Prionoxystus robinice) probably does more damage than all other borers combined. Next to this borer, come the flat- head borers, and. the bark- borers, with the oak-pruner (Elaphidion villosum), while the seventeen- year Cicada periodically prunes or destroys many of the twigs. The leaves suffer most from the attacks of the forest tent-caterpillar {Clisiocampa disstria) aud the large black- and-red-striped spiny cater- pillar of the senatorial moth (Anisota senator ia). These two caterpillars in the Atlantic aud Central States as a rule do more harm to oak for- ests than perhaps all the other species combined. Finally, many acorns are worm-eaten, the intruder being the grub of the long-snouted weevil (Balaninus). We have, so far as practicable, described the habits and appearance of the most destructive species first. AFFECTING THE ROOTS. The roots of various species of oak are, without much doubt, more or less injured by the attacks of the seventeen-year Cicada while in its preparatory state, as it is known that this insect, so abundant in the central and southern States of the Union, remains for over sixteen years attached by its beak to the rootlets of the oak and probably other forest trees, where it sucks the sap, thus in a greater or less degree in- juring the health of the tree. Observations as to the subterranean life of the seventeen-year locust are few aud obscure, and it is quite uncertain how much injury is really done to trees by this habit. They have sometimes been found sucking the sap of forest trees, notably the oak, and also of fruit trees, such as the pear and apple. According to Riley (First Keport, p. 24), the larvae are frequently found at great depth, sometimes as much as 10 feet below the surface. It has been claimed by Miss Margaret! a H. Morris, in an account published in 1846, that pear trees have been killed by the larvae sucking the roots. This has been denied by the late Dr. Smith, of Baltimore, who says : The larva obtains its food from the small vegetable radicels that everywhere per- vade the fertile earth. It takes its food from the surface of these roots, consisting of the moist exudatiou (like animal perspiration), for which purpose its rostrum or snout is provided with three exceedingly delicate capillaries or hairs, which project from ,the tube of the snout and sweep over the surface, gathering up the minute drops of - moisture. This is its only food. The mode of taking it can be seen by a good glass. — Prairie Farmer, December, 1851. 5 ENT 4 50 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. Dr. Riley adds that Dr. Hall, of Alton, 111., has often found them firmly attached to different roots by the legs, but never found the beaks inserted. He remarks as follows : Tin- tact that tiny will rise from land which has been cleaned of timber, cultivated, and even built upon for over a dozen years, certainly contravenes Miss Morris's state- ment, while their long subterranean existence precludes the necessity of rapid suc- tion. It is also quite certain that if they thus killed trees we should oftener hear of it, and I have captured a gigantic but unnamed species of Cicada on the plains of Colorado, 50 miles from any tree other than a few scattering willows. We would add that in June, in Idaho Territory, we have seen numer- ous CicadaB which had just appeared above the surface of the earth in a desert region with scattered sage bushes, upon whose roots, which it is kuown descend to a great depth, the young may feed. While, then, the Cicada may seldom do marked injury to the oak, the reader is re- ferred to a subsequent page for a further notice of the injury done by this insect to the twigs and smaller branches of the oak and other trees. In Europe the roots of oaks are affected by a small wingless gall-fly, which punctures the root and inserts an egg into the hole. The irrita- tion set up by the presence of the larva causes the root to swell until a tumor or gall is formed, in the center of which lies the white footless larva or maggot of the fly. Fitch has found similar wingless flies in this country, but they will always remain objects rather of a scientific than economic interest. He has described them under the names of Biorhizanigra, Philonix ful- vicollis and nigricollis. They are wingless, and occur in forests in No- vember and December, often walking on the snow in company with other snow insects, such as Boreus and Chionea. There is also a root gall, of which Professor Riley has detected a species. The known species of root-galls are enumerated in Mr. Ashmead's catalogue of Cynipidae, reprinted further on in this chapter, at the end of the section on insects infesting oak twigs. 1. THE LIVE-OAK ROOT-BORER. Mallodon melanopus Linn. (Larva. PI. xxxv, Fig. 1.) Boring under ground in the roots of the live-oak and dwarfing the young trees in Florida aud the Gulf States; a very large white grub, transforming to a large brown longicorn beetle. While in Florida, at Crescent City, I had an opportunity, owing to the kindness of Mr. H. G. Hubbard, of collecting the grubs (described below) and seeing the injury done by this borer to the live oaks. The following account is taken from Professor Riley's report for 1884: This beetle is one of our largest insects, being about two inches long and very broad aud heavy. Its larva is a cylindrical grub, or " sawyer," about an inch in thickness and over three inches in length. In Texas Mr. Schwarz found the larva of this Mallodon excavating its galleries in the heart-wood of the Hackberry (Celtis), a tree of the largest size. In Florida aud elsewhere it feeds upon the live-oak, and it would seem that so large and powerful a borer was well chosen to be the destroyer of this giant among trees. OAK-ROOT BORERS. 51 In point of fact, however, in its connection with this tree the beetle shows a sur- prising modification of its recorded habits. Its larva is found, not in the stem of the mature tree so justly celebrated for its strength and toughness, but always in the root of infant trees, and usually in degenerate highland varieties of Quercua virem, or of its relatives, Q. aquatica and Q. cateabaei. The mother beetle selects small saplings as a place of deposit for her eggs, which are laid in the foot, or collar, of the tree, just below the surface of the ground. How long a larval existence the insect has is not known, but it must extend over several years, since the roots occupied by these larvae grow to a large size, while at the same time they show an entirely abnormal development and become a tangle of vegetable knots. In fact, the entire root in its growth accommodates itself to the requirements of the borer within. Very few new roots are formed, but the old roots excavated by the larva are constantly receiving additions of woody layers, which are in turn eaten away and huge flattened galleries are formed, which are for the most part tightly packed with sawdust. The beetle thus becomes, not the destroyer, but the parasite of the tree, and lives in a domicile, which may not improperly be termed a gigantic root-gall. The effect on the tree is to kill the original sapling, which becomes replaced by a cluster of in- significant and straggling suckers, forming perhaps a small clump of underbrush. In many cases the branches and leaves are barely sufficient to supply the materials for sluggish growth, and the entire strength of the plant goes toward the formation of a root plexus, out of all proportion to the growth above ground, and plainly de- signed to repair the ravages of the borer. The Mallodon borers are very abundant in South Georgia and Florida, and as a result of their attacks, vast tracks which might otherwise have become forests, en- riching the ground with annual deposits of leaves, are reduced to comparatively bar- ren scrub, in which the scattered oak bushes barely suffice to cover the surface of the sand. Many a new settler, seeing his sandy hill-side covered only by insignificant oak bushes, and anticipating easy work in converting the wilderness into a blooming garden of orange-trees, has been grievously disappointed to find before him no light task in clearing from the soil these gnarled and tangled roots. In fact the great strength and weight of the southern grubbing-hoe appears no longer a mystery when one contemplates the astonishing pile of "grub roots" which in vigorous hands it will extract from a few square rods of apparently unoccupied soil. The results of the work of this beetle are very plainly visible around Savannah, and especially on Tybee Island, where Mr. George Noble first drew our attention to it; while Mr. Hubbard has carefully studied its work, as here recorded, in Florida. {Riley's report, 1884.) The genus Mallodon contains species of large size with the sides of the prothorax armed with numerous small teeth. The head is comparatively large, the eyes strongly granulated, distant, transverse, feebly emarginate. The antennas are slender, not exceeding half the length of the body in the male and shorter in the female. The sexual differences are worthy of note. The prothorax in the male is nearly quadrate, densely punctured, with smooth separate facets, while in the female it is narrowed in front, more coarsely punctured towards the sides, and uneven on the disk. The present species is distinguished by the decidedly serrate prothorax, while the tibiae are densely ciliated on the lower edge. It is dark brown, almost black. Length, 45 to 55mm, (1.75 to 2.25 inches). It inhabits Florida, Arkansas and Texas. — (Horn.) Larva. — Body as large and thick as one's forefinger. It closely resembles the larva of Orthosoma brunneum* in general appearance and proportions, but considerably thicker. Shape of the prothoracic segment and size of the head and shape of the * 1 have no larva of Prionus laticollls with which to compare it, and which it may more closely resemble than Orthosoma. 52 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. mouth- parte much as in Orthosoma. Dorsal prothoracic plate ami the segment be- neath as in Orthosoiua, hut on each side in front of and above the prothoracic feet is a UUg6 hairy t aberole of which Orthosoiua has do traces. The remaining segments of the body abore and beneath are almost identical in form nnd markinga with those of Orthosoiua. The callosities on the upper side of the abdominal segments differ slightly in having the transverse areas not divided by a median impressed line, as they are in Orthosoiua (see PL xxxv, Fig. 1). The thoracic feel as in Orthosoiua, but the spiracles are much larger in proportion. Head as in Orthosoiua, except that the front edge of the epierauiuin next to the clypcus is smooth and straight, not dentate, as in Orthosoiua (PI. xxxv. Fig. \a). Clypeusand lahrum identical iu form with those of Orthosoma. but the stiff bristh-> on the front edge of the labium are considerably longer. Antenna- three-jointed and as in Orthosoiua, as is the shape of the labium with its two-jointed palpi; the latter, how- ever, much stouter, though not reaching beyond the end of the labrum. Maxilla as iu Orthosoiua, but the four-jointed palpi are a little stouter. Length of body, 87mm (3jo inches); breadth of prothoracic segment, 201""1. 2. THE BROAD-NECKED PRIONUS. Prio**s laticoUis (Drury). Fir.. 13.— Broad-necked Prionus. its larva and pupa. After Riley. Though usually living in the roots and trunks of the poplar and balm- of-Gilead, Mr. F. Clarkson states that at Oak Hill, Columbia County, N. Y., this borer infests the black oak, the beetle emerging at twilight during the first two weeks in July. Their presence is quickly realized by the odor of the female, which is very power- ful, and can readily be detected 20 feet distant. I placed a female immediately after emergence in an uncovered jar. and wherever I positioned it, on the piazza or elsewhere, the males were attracted from every directiou. I captured twenty males OAK-BORERS. 53 in a very few minutes. Oak Hill can not boast of a balm-of-Gilead or a Lombardy pop- lar, but it is famous for its oaks, and while it is admitted that the former trees, as mentioned by Harris, serve as food for the larvae, my observations indisputably prove that they feed also upon the roots of the oak. (Can. Eat., xvi, 95.) AFFECTING THE TRUNK. 3. The oak carpenter worm. Prionoxystus robinice (Peck). Order Lepidoptera; Family Cossid^e. Boring large holes and galleries in the trunk ; a large, livid, reddish caterpillar, nearly three inches long, greenish beneath, and the head shining black ; the body somewhat flattened, and with scattered long, fine hairs. The chrysalis also in the burrow, and transforming to a large, thick-bodied moth in June and July. In different parts of New England, from Maine to Rhode Island, and southward to Texas, oak lumber and cord- wood is commonly seen to be often honeycombed by the large black burrows of this common and destructive borer. It is the most directly injurious of all the insects preying on this noble tree, since it sinks its tunnels deep in towards the heart of the tree in the living wood, and is a difficult insect to discover until after the injury is done. It may be found in the autumn and winter months, of different sizes, showing that at least there is an interval of one year between the smaller and larger sizes, and that consequently the moth is two, and probably three years in attaining maturity. Fig. 14.— Larva and pupa of female, and male imago of Oak Carpenter Worm— all natural size. After Riley. The female moth, without doubt, lays her eggs in the cracks and interstices of the bark of the oak or locust, in the latitude of Boston, about the middle of July. I have taken the larva and chrysalis from the red oak in Maine, and the insect occurs westward to the Mississippi Valley and southward to Bosque County, central Texas. At Houston, Tex., I have found a dozen 54 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. or more of the cast chrysalid skins projecting from the stumps of the pin oak ; one papa was alive early in April. It is said by Fitch to be more common in the Southern and Southwestern States than in the Northern. It is also an inhabitant of California, and may be found to occur in nearly all the United States wherever the black, red, and white oak or locust trees grow. The habits and metamorphoses of the moth were first discovered by Peck,* who bred it from caterpillars found in the locust, but Harris afterward discovered that it u perforates the trunks of the red oak." Bailey states that it also feeds on the willow. (Bull. No. 3, Div. Ent., U. S. Dept. Ag., p. 54). Riley states that the male caterpillar is only half as large as the female. He adds that with her extensile ovipositor the moth deposits her eggs in the deep notches and dark bottoms of crevices. uThe young worms which hatch from them are dark brown with large heads ; they are active and commence spinning as soon as they are born n (Amer. Ent., II, 127). He finds it more partial in the West to the locust than to the oak. The following account of its habits and transformations is copied from Fitch : Of all the wood-boring insects in onr land this is by far the most pernicious, wound- ing the trees the most cruelly. The statelies't oaks in our forests are ruined, probably in every instance where one of these borers obtains a lodgment in their trunks. It perforates a hole the size of a half-inch auger, or large enough to admit the little finger, and requiring three or four years for the bark to close together over it. This hole running inward to the heart of the tree, and admitting the water thereto from every shower that passes, causes a decay in the wood to commence, and the tree never regains its previous soundness. t This is also a most prolific iusect. The abdomen of the female is so filled and dis- tended with eggs that it becomes unwieldy and inert, falling from side to side as its position is shifted. A specimen which I once obtained extruded upwards of three hundred eggs within a few hours after its capture, its abdomen becoming diminished hereby to nearly half its previous bulk ; and in the analogous European species more than a thousand eggs have been found on dissection. It hence appears that a single one of these insects is capable of ruining a whole forest of oak trees. This calamity, however, is prevented, probably by most of the eggs being destroyed, either by birds or by other insects, for these borers are by no means so common in our trees as the fecundity of their parents would lead us to expect. Our moth comes abroad, as already stated, in June and the forepart of July. It dies only in the night time, remaining at rest during the day, clinging to the trunks of trees, its gray color being so similar to that of the bark that it usually escapes notice. In repose its wings are held together in the shape of a roof, covering the hind body. From observing her motions in confinement, I think the female does not insert her eggs into the bark, but mepely drops them into the cracks and crevices upon its outer surface. They are coated with a glutinous matter which immediately dries and hardens on exposure to the air, whereby they adhere to the spot where they touch ; and if the short two-jointed ovipositor be not fully exserted as the egg is p * Mass. Agr. Report and Journal, Vol. v, p. 67, with a plate, 1318. t We have observed that the old burrows are lined by a dark layer, consisting of a mealy debris about as thick as pasteboard ; this detritus is probably'composed of the castings of the larva, which form a paste that in drying strongly adheres to the sides of the gallery.— A. S. P. OAK-BORERS. 55 through it, so as to carry the egg beyond the hair-like scales with which the body is clothed, some of these touching adhere to it, their attachment to the body being so slight. The eggs are of a broad oval form, and about half the size of a grain of wheat, be- ing the tenth of an inch in length and three-fourths as thick, of a dirty whitish color with one of the ends black. When highly magnified their surface is seen to be retic- ulated or occupied by numerous slightly impressed dots arranged in rows like the meshes in a net. From the fact that several worms of the same size are sometimes met with in a single tree, indicating them all to be the progeny of one parent, it ap- pears that the female drops a number of eggs upon each tree that she visits, and prob- ably disposes of her whole supply upon a very few trees. The size of the eggs doubt- less renders them a favorite article of food to some of our smaller birds. And a bird in discovering some of these eggs will be incited thereby to search for others in the same vicinity, which search being successful, will be perseveringly continued so long as an egg can be found upon that or any of the adjacent trees. Thus it may be that of the whole stock of eggs which a female deposits, scarcely one escapes being picked up and devoured. This appears the most probable cause of so few of these worms being met with, although the females are so prolific. The worm on hatching from the egg sinks itself inward and feeds at first on the soft inner bark, till its jaws acquiring more strength it penetrates to the harder sap-wood and finally resorts to the solid heart-wood, residing mostly in and around the center of the trunk, boring the wood here usually in a longitudinal direction, and moving backwards and forth in its burrow, enlarging it by gnawing its walls as it increases in size, whereby the excavation comes to present nearly the same diameter through its whole length. In an oak in which I met with two worms fully grown and several others but half grown, the whole of the central part of the trunk had been exten- sively mined by preceding generations of this insect and was in a state of incipient decay ; and I thus had an opportunity to notice the fact that none of the worms were lying in the decaying wood, all being outside of this, where the wood was still sound. Hence it is evident that it is living healthy trees which this insect prefers, and not those which are sickly and decaying, which latter are preferred by the European Cossus, some authors say, though perhaps their observations have not been exact upon this point, for in the instance here alluded to it would have been said on a first glance that these worms preferred decaying wood, since the diseased heart of the tree was •everywhere traversed with their burrows, and the sound wood showed few of them; and thus no doubt in many other cases we mistake the cause for the effect, and on seeing semi-putrid wood filled with worm-holes, we suppose the worms have preferred wood of this character, when in truth it is these holes which have caused the decay of the wood. These worms are probably three years in obtaining their growth. They cast off their skin several times, and after the last of these moltings their color becomes different from what it has previously been. The larva previous to the last change of its skin is of a rose-red or a pale cherry- red color, often with a faint yellowish stripe along the middle of its back, on all except the three anterior rings. It is of a cylindrical form, slightly broadest ante- riorly and a little flattened beneath. It is divided by transverse constrictions resem- bling broad shallow grooves into twelve rings, which are twice as broad as long. On each of these rings are a few pimples of a deep purple color, regularly placed, each giving out a pale-brown bristle. Four of these pimples are on the back, placed at the angles of an imaginary square or a trapezoid having its hind side the longest, the two hinder pimples being larger. Small white dots confluent into broken lines may also be perceived, forming a transverse square in which the two anterior pimples are inclosed, and other dots less regularly placed surrounding the two hind pimples except upon their hind side. Above the breathing pores on each side is also a large pimple, which, upon the four rings bearing the prolegs, has a white dot in its lower edge, which dot does not appear in the corresponding pimples of the other rings. A 56 FIF1H REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION minute pimple is also seen forward of the upper end of each breathing pore, below which all the underside of the worm ia greenish white. The breathing porea are oral and light yellow, with ■ rusty brown oval spot in their center and a dark purple ring around their outer edge. Below them the skin bulges out, forming a longitudinal ridge, or rather two parallel ridges divided by a deep intervening furrow. Upon the upper one of these ridges near the middle of each ring is a round cherry-red spot in which are fcwo small pimples, and on tin? lower ridge is a single one, placed farther back, whilst four others equally minute maybe seen farther down and around the anterior base of tin- prologs. The second and third rings are shorter, each with four- teen pimples of different sizes, the larger ones forming a single transverse row. The tirst ring or neck is polished and of a dark tawny brown color on its upper side, with a white line in its middle disappearing anteriorly in a black t wo-lobed cloud. Th© head is but half as broad as the body, ami is of a shining black color, tinged more or less with chestnut brown in its middle, with scattered punctures from which arise line hairs. The antennte are chestnut brown, conical and three-jointed, the last joint minute, with a bristle beside it given out from the apex of the second joint. The palpi are similar, with two small processes from the summit of their second joint, the outer one of which ends in a minute fourth joint. Of the eight pairs of legs, the three anterior are conical and end in a single chestnut-colored claw. The others are short, thick, and retractile, with their soles surrounded by a blackish fringe-like ring composed of a multitude of minute hooks, the last pair, however, having these hooks only around the anterior and outer half of their soles. Placed in a glass or tin vessel, this worm is perfectly helpless, being unable to cling with these hooks to a hard smooth surface. With the last change of its skin it loses its bright-red color and is then white, tinged with green at the sutures, and with a pale-green stripe along the middle of its back, which disappears at the sutures. The pimples are of a pale tawny yellow color with black centers. The head is light tawny yellow varied in its middle with green- ish white, its anterior edge blackish and the jaws deep black.* As the moth into which this worm changes possesses no jaws or other implements by which it is possible for it to perforate the wood, it is necessary for the worm to pre- pare a way for its future escape from the tree ; and the provisions which it makes for this end are truly interesting, indicating that the worm has a clear perception of what its future condition and requirements will be, both in its pupa and its perfect state. This is the more surprising when we recur to the fact that since its infancy this crea- ture has been lying deeply bedded in the interior of the tree, the only act of its life having been to crawl lazily around in its cell and gnaw the wood there when impelled by hunger. How does it now come to do anything different from what it has been doing for months and years before ? But, having got its growth and the time draw- ing near to have it change into a pupa or chrysalis, we see it engaging in a new work. It now bores a passage from the upper end of its cell outward through the wood and bark till only a thin scale of the brittle dead outer bark remains. It is usually at the bottom of one of the large cracks or furrows in the hark that this passage ends, * Received full grown larvas from F. G. Mygatt, Richmond, 111., February 26, 1868, found boring in a large black-oak tree, formiug their cocoons soon after the receipt. The male larvae have generally broken bands of reddish brown across the middle of each segment. The female larvae) are perfectly fulvous or of the color of ordinary yellow butter; subcylindrical ; thoracic segments broadest, tapering thence to anus. Segment 1 flatter than the rest; head polished brown and fulvous; pilifer- ous spots variable in size, being more distinct when young, and often connected by transverse bands of brown; stigmata brown, large, and distinct; feet and legs same as venter, the former with brown extremities, the latter fringed with brown ; anal segment more glaucous than the rest. Others were received from J. M. Shaffer, January, 1870, found boring in black locust, and were exactly like the oak-feeding specimens. (Riley's unpublished notes.) OAK-BORERS. 57 whereby the hole inside is less liable to be discovered by birds. The worm then dili- gently lines the walls of this hole with silken threads interspersed with its chips and forming a rough surface resembling felt, as it withdraws itself backwards for a dis- tance of about three inches, thus placing itself beyond the reach of any bird or other enemy outside of the tree, should its retreat be discovered ; and it here incloses itself in a cocoon which it spins of silk, of a long oval form, having the end towards the outer opening much thinner and its threads more loosely woven. In this cocoon it throws off its larva skin and then appears in its nymph or pupa form. The pupa is an inch and three-quarters long and half an inch thick, of a dull chest- nut color, the rings of its abdomen paler, and on the back near the anterior edge of each ring is a row of angular teeth, resembling those of a saw, of a dark brown color and all of them inclining backward, these rows of teeth extending downwards upon each side below the breathing pores or about two-thirds of the distance around the body. On the middle of each ring is also a much shorter row of little tubercular points. Finally, upon the under side of the last segment are about four stouter conical teeth, the tips of which are drawn out into sharp points which are curved forward, so that when this last segment, which is tapering and smaller than the others, is bent down- wards these curved points will catch and hold the body from moving forward. The pupa lies perfectly dormant in its cocoon probably a fortnight or longer. It then awakes from its slumbers and begins to writhe and bend itself from side to side. By this motion the rows of little teeth upon the rings of its abdomen, which incline backward as above described, catch in the threads of the cocoon, first upon one side and then upon the other, and thus move the body forward, whereby its head presses upon the loosely woven end of the cocoon, more and more firmly, until it forces its way through it, and the pupa works itself forward out of its cocoon. And the same writhing motion being continued, the teeth now catch in the threads with which the sides of the hole are lined, and thus, though destitute of feet, the pupa moves itself along till it reaches and breaks through the thin scale of bark which hitherto has closed the mouth of its burrow, and pushes itself onward till about three-fourths of its length protrude from the tree, when by curving the tip of its body downward the four little hooks thereon catch in some of the threads and hold it from advancing further and falling to the ground. By so much motion of the pupa the connections of the inclosed insect with its shell become sundered and the sutures of the shell are probably cracked open, so that the moth readily presses them apart and crawls out therefrom, leaving the empty and now lifeless shell projecting out from the mouth of the hole, with a small mass of worm-dust surrounding it. The male moth is of a gray color from white scales intermixed with black ones. The head is furnished upon the crown, or vertex, with longer or hair-like scales. The antennae are tapering and many-jointed, their basal joint thickest and covered with black and gray scales, the remaining joints being naked, shining, coal-black, each joint bearing two branches on its front side, forming two rows of coarse teeth like those of a comb, the teeth being six or more times as long as thick, and all of the same length except at the base and tip, where they become shorter, all of them ciliated with fine hairs. The feelers are appressed to the face and reach as high as to the middle of the eyes, and are cylindric, clothed with short appressed scales, the separation of the terminal joint being slightly perceptible. The thorax has the shoulder-covers black, forming a stripe of this color along each side, which anteriorly curves down- wards and is continued backward upon the upper side of the breast. Its base is clothed with larger scales, forming tufts upon each side. The abdomen is conic and equals the tips of the wings in its length, and is but slightly covered with scales except along each side, where they form a broad stripe, the under side being ertirely de- nuded; it is black and shining, with the sutures dull yellowish. At its tip are three appendages, longer than the last rings of the abdomen. The two lower ones are broad, thick, flattened processes of a dull brownish yellow color, with their tips rounded and slightly bent inwards towards each other. The upper one is a slender, black, shining hook or claw of the same length, its tip sharp-pointed and curved downward. Above 58 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. tiles** appendages and hiding them from view is a brush of black hairs, forming a con- ical tuft at th«- end of tin- abdomen, blunt at its apex. The h-tjs are more or less denuded of stales, blaok ind shining, with the hind shanks thicker toward their tips and with two pairs of spurs, the forward shanks having only a tingle spine, which is placed on t he middle of their inner sides, the same as in ot her mot hs : and the feet are oomprested and five-jointed, with the basal joint longest and the following ones suc- !y shorter. The /wi toimfi are blaok, with groups of whitish scales forming gray -pots of clouds which are netted with black lines, varying greatly in different individuals. Often a transverse gray spot is situated toward- the base and another on the anal angle, the outer and hind margins being gray alternated with black. The hind wiiH/.i are black, with their posterior half of a rich marigold yellow color bordered with a black line upon the hind margin, the yellow color being irregularly notched on its anterior 3ide and narrowed to the inner angle, and not extended to tbe outer angle, the two outer cells being black. Tbe outer or anterior margin, except at its base and tip, is usually gray alternated with transverse black streaks and blotches, and iuside of this is a large ash-gray spot occupying the outer anterior part of the disk. The under sides of both wings are similar to their upper surface. The ft male would not be supposed to pertain to the same species with the male, her size is so much larger, her colors so much paler gray, and her hind wings being wholly destitute of the bright yellow coloring which forms so conspicuous a mark in the other sex. The branches of her antenme are also shorter, being but about four times as long as thick. The ground color of her fore wings is gray, variously netted with black lines dividing the gray in places into small roundish spots and into rings hav- ing black centers. The black color usually forms a broad irregular band across the middle of the wings parallel with the hind margin, and another between thisand the hind edge, chiefly on the outer half of the wing, the hind edge and fringe being whitish alternated with black spots placed on the tips of the veins. The hind wings are dusky gray and towards their bases blackish, their posterior half being freely transparent and faintly netted with darker lines. The body is densely coated with gray scales, its under side hoary white; and the legs are gray, with black bands on the shanks, and black feet, with gray rings at their articulations. Remedies. — We have but a single suggestion to make upon the subject of remedies against this truly formidable though fortunately rare enemy. It is probable that soft soap applied the fore part of June to the bodies of trees will be equally efficacious against this and other borers as it is against that of the apple tree. This remedy may well be resorted to, to protect the locusts and oaks which we value as ornamental trees; and scarce and valuable as timber is becoming in all the older settled sections of our country, I doubt not it will be found to be good economy to bestow similar attention upon the more valuable trees standing in our forests. It should also be observed that whenever a hole made by a borer is discovered in the trunk of a tree, it should be immediately closed by inserting a plug therein, to exclude the wet which will otherwise be admitted hereby to the interior of the tree and produce a decay of the surrounding wood. — (Fitch's Fifth Report, pp. 4-10.) 4. The lesser oak carpenter worm. Prionoxystus qnerciperda (Fitch). Order Lepidoptera ; Family Cossid.e. (PI. ii, Figs. 4, 5.) Auother and rather smaller Cossid, but belonging to a closely allied species, was found by Mr. J. A. Liutuer resting upon the trunk of au oak tree in Schoharie, X. Y. It probably ranges all over tbe Eastern States and Mississippi Valley, since a species, either this or closely allied, is reported to us by Mr. G. W. Belfrage to inhabit central Texas. Dr. OAK-BORERS. 59 Fitch thinks it probable that it bores into the oak. He describes it as a moth smaller in size thau P. robinicc, with thin and slight transparent wings, which are crossed by numerous black lines, the outer margin only of the forward pair being opaque and of a gray color ; the hind wings of the male are colorless, with the inner margin broadly blackish and the hind edge coal-black. Mr. Lintuer has found the lar vTa burrowing in the black oak. The moth appeared April 29th. The male is about half as large as the female. "This species is smaller than rebinice, the female expanding 46mm or 47mm, the male about 10mm less. The male hind wings seem translucent, but on holding them obliquely in certain lights the yellow tint may be seen plainly. This smaller and rarer species occurs also in Texas. It is freer from reticulations and more transparent than any other form." (Bailey, Bull. No. 3, Div. Ent., Dept. Ag., 55.) Larva. — Length an inch and a half. Pale green, with a darker green dorsal stripe, bordered faintly with yellow. Head flat, sub triangular, dark brown clouded with black. First segment with two brown spots extending across it, narrowed laterally, and of nearly the length of the segment medially, where they unite to inclose on the dorsal line an elongate-elliptical green spot. The anterior segments are flattened, and broader than the following, which gradually diminish in breadth toward the posterior end. The segments are marked dorsally with four rose-colored elevated points, the trapezoidal spots of Guenee; on the 10th and 11th segments they form a quare. A similar spot is present above each stigma, a smaller one below, and an- other in front — each of these bearing a short brown hair. The stigmata are oval, orange-colored, centered with dark brown. The legs are tipped with chestnut brown, and the prologs armed with brown plantae. — (Lintner, Ent. Contributions, iv, 135.) 5. Cossula magnlfica Bailey. (PI. ii, figs. 1-3.) An account of this fine moth and its transformations is published in Papilio (ii, 93) by Dr. J. S. Bailey. The larvae were found by Mr. Koebele boring in species of oak and hickory near Tallahassee, Fla. A single live-oak was observed standing in an open field containing many larvae, their debris, resembling saw-dust, being distributed over the ground around the roots of the tree more than six inches in depth. " At the period of pupation the larvae, as is customary with the Cossidae, takes its position near the surface of the bark. The tunneling is usu- ally conducted near the surface, from one-quarter to one inch beneath the bark. After the imagines emerge their pupa cases are left protrud- ing through the bark." Pupa. — The long testaceous pupa-case is provided with an irregular series of five tuberculations on each side of the anus. (Bailey.) Moth. — Size small ; male antennae bipectinate to the tips, the inner series one-third the length of the outer pectinations; hind tibiae pilose ; wings broad, the front pair rounded at the apices, costa with dark dots; fuscous gray, smooth, with indistinct fragmentary reticulations. A light brown patch covers the outer edge ; before the 'patch is a light gray subterminal shade. Hind wings blackish brown ; front yellow- ish; thorax light gray ; abdomen dark gray; expanse of wings, 36mm. (1.44 inches). on the back of the female, the act of copulation not being of long duration. The form of the eggs and their size in our species are unknown, or have not been stated in print. It is most probable that the female lays them in the bottom of cracks in the bark, or under the partly loosened bark at least, where the larva upon hatching may find itself next to or im- mediately in contact with the bast or the sap-wood, which probably forms the greater part of its food, though Ratzeburg has found that the " frass" or excrement is colored by the bark, which indicates that the larvae feed both on the bast and bark. As to the number of eggs laid by the female we have no information. The eggs are deposited in fissures or cracks by means of the extensile end of the body. As Westwood states, "The abdomen appears to be composed of only five segments ; the remainder are, however, internal, and constitute in the female a retractile, corneous, conical plate, employed for depositing the eggs in the chinks of the bark of trees within which the larvae feed." Perris, however, says that "the 62 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. eggs are deposited in the interior of the bark, the outer layers of which the ovipositor of the female penetrates." It has been claimed by Ratzeburg and also by Reifsig* that the European larva? of Buprestis and the numerous allied genera, such as Chrwsobothris, Chalcophora, etc., attain their full size in two years ; but according to Perris the time required for their transformations is but a single year, as may be seen by the extracts from his work further on. As regards the habits of the larvae we have no direct observations on the young of this family in this country, though much needed in con- nection with the use of remedial measures. Mr. E. Perris, in his invaluable work, entitled " Insectesdu Pin mari* time," says of the larva of the European Ancylocheira flavomaculata : The larva of the A. flavomaculata lives in the wood of old pines recently dead, and especially in the larger branches and the large twigs (pieux). It is, indeed, under these two last conditions that they oftenest occur. It does not stop in the bark, because it is in the interior of the bark that the female lays its eggs, by means of its oviduct, and after its birth it plunges into the wood to the depth of about a centimeter [nearly two-fifths of an inch]. It follows the longitudinal fibers of the sap-wood while mak- ing a gallery elliptical in section, which it leaves behind it completely filled and packed with excrement and detritus. When the time of its metamorphosis approaches it goes towards the surface of the sap-wood, perforates it to the bark, sometimes makes a small incision into the latter, stops up the gallery with a plug made entirely of small, compacted chips ; then it retires backward a little into a cell scooped out in the wood, and this is where it transforms into a pupa. The following extract from Perris refers to the habits of Chrysobothru solieri, which also lives in the maritime pine in France. The habits of our G. dentipes of the oak, and G. femorata of the oak and different fruit trees, and G. harrisii of the white pine are probably quite similar. According to my observations the Chrysobothris only lays its eggs on the trunks of pines from five to fifteen centimeters in diameter at the base, and on the branches of old trees. I have never found it on an old trunk, and when a large prostrate pine is deprived of its branches it is on them that it lives, and not on the trunk. I have already said that the larva lives at first under the bark; it there busies itself, some- times attacking very plainly the sap-wood, sometimes boring a sinuous gallery, which it leaves behind it rilled with white chips and excrements of a brownish red; but at the approach of winter it burrows into the wood, where it gouges out a gallery ellip- tical iu section, the dimensions of which increase as its body grows larger. When the moment of transformation has arrived it returns into its gallery, and undergoes its metamorphosis sometimes more than two centimeters from the surface, because I have found some pupa? and perfect insects at this depth. Perris calls attention to the fact that though the Buprestid beetles stand quite high in the Coleopterous series, yet their larva1 have an organization inferior to that of all other Coleopterous larvae known. Thus, they have neither feet nor eyes, and there are no other Coleopte- rous larva? which, as iu the Buprestids, have very rudimentary labial palpi, and which consist of less than two joints. •Ratzeburg's Die Waldverderbuiss, etc., ii, p. 360. OAK-BORERS. 63 The burrows of the Buprestid larvae may nearly always be distin- guished, says Perris, by their tortuous course, aud by the fact that the excrement and detritus, instead of being accumulated in the gallery without order, are there disposed in small layers forming concentric arcs, whose opening is turned away from the larvae, and of a regularity not less remarkable than characteristic. This symmetrical arrangement has as its primary cause the dimensions of the gal- lery, which are out of proportion with the abdomen of the larva. The latter, because of the size of the anterior portion of its body, is obliged to give to its gallery a size sufficient for the posterior part to execute freely movements of advance and retreat, which have as their natural result the disposition en arc of the rejected material be- hind. On the other hand, the larva, in consequence of the dimensions of its gallery, in order to have points of support is obliged to bend the posterior part of the body on itself. It is, indeed, ordinarily found in this attitude, which allows it to press against the walls, so as to push itself ahead ; but in this condition the abdomen forms an arc which, propping itself from the convex side on the detritus, causes the concav- ity of the successive beds. * * * We have seen that some Buprestid larvae undergo their metamorphoses in the inte- rior of the bark, others in the thickness of the wood. It is, moreover, in this that the wisdom of nature is revealed, for it is not capriciously and without motive that things happen as I have described. We know, indeed, that if those larvae which do not at- tack the young trees, as those of Ancylocheira 8-guttata, of Chysobothris solieri, and of Anthaxia morio, and of several species of Agrilus, should live under the bark they would not be sufficiently protected, because the bark is not thick enough and would easily separate from the wood. When, however, on the contrary, they live under the hard and thick bark of old trees, as Melanophila tarda, Chrysobothris affinis, Agrilus biguttatus, and 4-guttatus, and others, they do not hesitate to take refuge in the bark, because they are there well sheltered, and because they save the beetle from making a long and difficult journey in order to make its exit. * * * What is the duration of the life of the larvae of the Buprestidwl Ratzeburg is inclined to believe that it is two years. M. Levaillaut, whose observations are repro- duced by M. Lucas in his notice of Chalcophora, is also disposed to think that those of this insect pass two years in the wood. The reason which he gives, and which is drawn from the size of the larvae found from December to August, does not seem to me conclusive, because the female of Chalcophora is capable of laying eggs during almost the entire year. As to M. Ratzeburg, he has not, apparently, made careful observations in this respect. As to myself, numerous facts authorize me to say that, in general, these larvae only' live one year. For example, some pines, poplars, and willows which I have cut down in the springtime, with the design of obtaining Buprestids, have afforded me often very numerous perfect insects in May and June of the year following. Some logs of oak, cut in January, 1847, and which lay during a whole year in the open air, furnished me in June and July, 1848, more than three hundred Chrysobothris affinis. The trunks of some large, very rigorous pines, cut down at the beginning of one year, contained pupae of Ancylocheira in the following May. Finally, as regards all the species that I have here described, and for a number of others, I have, from my own experience, the certainty that the larvae live only one year. I admit that, without doubt, among these larvae there are some which, not placed in conditions sufficiently favorable to complete during this period all the phases of their existence, from one cause or another, may be retarded some months, for a year even. I moreover accept the more willingly this fact, because I have had good occasions for ^ observing this in larvae which I have raised in my cabinet ; but this is the exception,, and the rule is that a single year suffices, in our country, for the development of the larvae of the Buprestidae. 64 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. The Buprestids in the perfect state love the daylight and sunshine. Before storms, whet] tht; air iscalm ami heavy and thesun is hot, th»-y has.- an extraordinary activity; and when t In* weather gradually becomes cloudy and the wind rises they disappear from our .sight. We know bat little as to the nature of their food. Chalcophora ma- Hana devours the young shoots of pines, Antkaxia morio and ohevrierii eat, the first the petals of buttercups, the second those of Ct88U$ dljl»$oidet. Other Anthaxke Also, M well as Trachys, freipient different llowers. Aphanixtivux emargimitux occurs on rashes (joncs), and I have sometimes taken Acmaodera taniata on the flowers of carrots. All these facts lead me to think that the BuprestidS KM phytophagous; hut it appears thai certain species are, accidentally at least, carnivorous. This ap- pears from a communication made by M.Leon Fairmaire to the Socidtd Entom- ologique, in its session of January 10, 1849, relative to the aabjeot of Chrysobolhrin iolieri. Regarding our oak-borer (C. dentipes), Harris states that it completes its transformations and comes out of the trees between the end of May and the first of July. This applies to Maine and Massachusetts. In New York, according to Dr. Fitch, the beetles are "often found bask- ing in the sunshine on the bark of the trees in June and July." The beetle. — This insect is so named from the little tooth on the under side of the thick forelegs. It is oblong, oval, and flattened, of a bronzed brownish or purplish- black color above, copper- colored beneath, and rough-like shagreen, with numerous punctures; the thorax is not so wide as the hinder part of the body ; its hinder mar- gin is hollowed on both sides to receive the rounded base of each wing-cover, and there are two smooth elevated lines on the middle ; on each wing-cover there are three irregular, smooth, elevated lines, which are divided and interrupted by large, thickly punctured, impressed spots, two of which are oblique: the tips are rounded. Length from £ to ^ of an inch. (Harris.) 7. The flat-headed borer. Chrysobothrisfemorata Fabricius. Order Coleoptera; Family Buprestid^e. Boring under the bark and in the sap-wood of the white oak, and in the Gulf States, the pin oak ; a pale-yellow flat-headed grub, closely resembling the preceding species. This pernicious borer of the apple tree, as stated both by Harris and Fitch, originally infested the white oak, but since the settlement of the country has abounded in the apple and sometimes in the peach, but may still be found to injure the white oak. Riley has also found it in the soft maple and weep- ing willow. Riley has reared this beetle from the oak, apple, mountain ash, box elder, peach, and pear, and has found the larva in the mountain ash, linden, beech, cherry, and peach (7th Rt. Ins. Mo., 72). Fig. 18 will fairly represent the "mine" or gallery made under the bark of a stump of the white oak, as it occurred at Prov- idence, R. I. The worm soon after hatch- ing made the mine as is seen on the right of Fir, 16.— Chryaobothria femorata a. bead ; b, last ventral m pnent'of male; e, last ventral segment of female; '/. tiist leg oi male.— Alter Horn. OAK-BORERS. 65 the figure, where after a sinuous course it opens into a broad, shallow cell, and then after pursuing an irregular direction dilates on the left into a broad, shallow cell two-thirds of an inch wide ; the oval, black spot in the upper corner representing the hole made by the larva for the exit of the beetle. In this hole the beetle was found. The large cell is for the repose of the pupa. At Houston, Tex., I found the larva and pupa in abundance, April 2, 1881, under the bark of large pin oak stumps and of dead trees. The burrows were like those represented in Fig. 18, being irregular winding, shallow burrows, not nearly so definite in outline as those made by longicorn borers. The mine is about | inch wide, and terminates in a broad, irreg- ular, oval cell 1J inches long and J to § inch wide. In this cell the pupa spends the winter and early spring. One end of this cell lies toward the outer side of the bark so that even if there is not a clearly defined oval opening, as in Fig. 18, the beetle on emerging from the pupa state can with little difficulty extricate itself from its cell and make its way out of doors by pushing aside a thin barrier of bark. In the case of one in the pin oak there was a Fl^. n -Transformation of quite irregular, oval cell built up by the larva S^^J.f^J^SS between the wood and the bark, the partition mento^ttii * A&rRiiSy! consisting of a composition of firm bark dust, thus forming a rude cocoon. The insect occurred at Providence in the larva, pupa, and beetle states May 20, though the larvae were the most abundant. Harris says of it from his observations in eastern Massachusetts : Its time of appearance is from the end of May to the middle of July, during which it may often be seen, in the middle of the day, resting upon or flying round the trunks of white-oak trees and recently-cut timber of the same kind of wood. I have re- peatedly taken it upon and under the bark of peach trees also. The grubs or larvae bore into the trunks of these trees. Mr. Ricksecker remarks that on the Pacific coast it " attacks young fruit trees that have been scorched by the sun, but its natural food is the oak, for I have seen dozens of them in the branches of a small live oak that had been cut down less than an hour." (Eut. Amer., i, 97.) The following extracts from Dr. Fitch's first report will further serve •to characterize the habits and appearance of this formidable pest of our most valuable forest, shade, and fruit trees. It will appear that Dr. Fitch has been the first to discover an ichneumon parasite in the larva of this beetle, no European Buprestid beetle being, so far as we know, infested by internal parasites: Another insect, which has not heretofore been noticed in our country as a borer in the apple tree, pertains to the family Buprestidce, or the brilliant snapping beetles. 5 ENT 5 66 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. Mr. P. Barry, of the Mount Hope nurseries, Rochester, has forwarded to us sections of the body of some young apple trees, which were B80t to him from a correspondent in Hillsborough, in southern Ohio, who states that in that vicinity the borer, which ih contained in the specimens sent, is doing great damage to the apple trees, and that he has had peach trees also killed by this same worm. From au examination of these specimens, it appears that this insect is quite similar to the common apple-tree borer in its habits. The parent insect deposits its eggs ou the bark, from which a worm hatches, which passes through the bark and during the first periodsof its life consumes the soft sap-wood immediately under the bark. But when the worm approaches ma- turity and has become stronger and more robust, it gnaws into the more solid heart- wood, forming a flatfish, and not a cylindrical hole such as is formed by most other bonis, the bniTOW which it excavates being twice as: broad as it is high, the height measuring t e tenth of an inch or slightly over. It is the latter part of summer when these worms thus sink themselves into the solid heart- wood of the tree, their burrow extending upwards from the spot under the bark where they had previously dwelt. On laying open one of these burrows I find it is more than an inch in length, and all its lower part is tilled and blocked up with the fine sawdust-like castings of the worm. Thus, when the worm is destined to lay torpid and inactive during the long months of winter, it has the forethought, so to speak, to place itself in a safe and secure re- treat, withiu the solid wood of the tree, with the hole leading to its cell plugged up so as effectually to prevent any enemy from gaining admission to it. Fig. 18.— Mine or burrow made by the apnle flat-headed buret (C. femorata) in the white oak, nat. size. — Packard del. Still, this worm is not able to secure itself entirely from those parasitic insects which are the destroyers of so many other species of its race, and which, as is cur- rently remarked, appear to have been created for the express purpose of preying upon those species, in order to prevent their becoming excessively multiplied. We should expect that this and other borers, lying as they do beneath the bark or within the wood of trees, were so securely shielded that it would be impossible for any insect enemy to discover and gain access to them, to molest or destroy them. But among the specimens sent me by Mr. Barry is one where the worm has been entirely devoured, nothing but its shriveled skin remaining, within and upon OAK-BORERS. 67 which are several minute maggots or footless little grubs, soft, dull white, shining, of a long egg shaped form, pointed at the tip and blunt in front, their bodies divided into segments by very fine transverse impressed lines or sutures. They are about one- tenth of an inch long and 0.035 broad at the widest part. These are evidently the larvae of some small Hymenopterous or bee-like insect, pertaining, there can be little doubt, to the family Chalcididse, the female of which has the instinct to discover these borers, probably in the earlier periods of their life when they are lying directly be- neath the bark, and piercing through the bark with her ovipositor, and puncturing the skin of the borer, drops her eggs therein, which subsequently hatch and subsist upon the borer, eventually destroying it. These minute larvae were forwarded to me under the supposition that they were injurious to the apple tree, whereas, by destroy- ing these pernicious borers, it is evident they must be regarded as our best friends. This fact illustrates how important it is for us to be acquainted with our insects in the different stages of their lives, that we may be able to discriminate friends from foes, and know which to destroy and which to cherish. (Fitch.) Larva.— Protborax very broad, being broader and flatter and the abdominal seg- ments smaller in proportion than any other borer of this family known to us. Head retracted within the prothorax. The disk finely shagreeued with raised dots. A narrow inverted V-shaped smooth impressed line in the middle of the disk, the apex becoming prolonged towards but finally becoming obsolete at the front edge of the disk ; the arms of the V behind not reaching very near the posterior edge of the disk. Beneath, is a similar roughened disk, but more regularly rounded-oval than above, and with a single straight median swollen impressed line, which is a little over one-half as long as the disk, but which reaches a little nearer the front than the hind edge. Second thoracic (mesothoracic) segment very short, considerably shorter and wider than the third, with an oval, slightly rough, area on each side of the median line, the similar area on the third thoracic segment being larger and united over the median line. The ten abdominal segments of uniform width, being a little shorter than broad, except the small tenth segment, which is about two-thirds as wide as the ninth. A pair of irregular, rather long patches on each abdominal segment above, and a pair of curvilinear impressed lines beneath. One pair of mesothoracic and eight pairs of abdominal spiracles. Head a 'little narrower than the thoracic disk. Clypeus corneous, square in front- very short and broad. Labrum square, a little longer than wide, front edge mode* rately rounded, densely hirsute. Antennae 3-jointed; first joint short, membranous, second considerably narrower, third minute, rounded at tip, considerably slenderer than second. Mandibles entirely black. Maxillary lobe short, projecting slightly be- ' yondthe edge of labium. Maxillary palpus 2-jointed, second joint not so long as the first is wide, one-third as thick, and extending a little beyond the maxillary lobe. Labium entire, the front edge not being excavated. Length, 422mm ; breadth of prothoracic segment, 7mm ; length, 4mm; width of sixth abdominal segment, 3mm. Pupa. Body flattened, and of the general shape of the imago. The antennae seen from above extend to a little behind the outer hinder angle of the prothorax. The elytra reach to the middle of the fourth abdominal segment. The wiugs extend as far as the hinder edge of the same segment. The third pair of tarsi reach to near the middle of the sixth abdominal segment. Six pairs of abdominal spiracles. Length, 15m,n ; breadth, 7mm. In transforming, the eyes, the front of the head, the prothorax, the femora, and tibiae and portions of the sternum and under side of the abdominal segments turn dark first. The foregoing descriptions have been drawn up from specimens ob- tained by us in Texas and in Rhode Island. 68 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. The beetle. — Like other species of its family, the thick-legged Buprestis is variahle in rise, measuring from four to five tenths of an inch in length and about two-thirds in width. It is of a black or grei nish-black color, polished and shining, with the ■nrfmoc rongfa and uneven. The bend, and lometimee the thorax, and the depressed portions of the elytra are of a dull coppery color. The head is sunk into the thorax to the eyes, li densely pnnctared, and Is clothed in front with line white hairs, which are directed downwards. Upon the middle of the top of the head is a smooth raised black line with a narrow Impressed line through its middle, a mark which serves to distinguish this from some of the other species which are closely related to it. The thorax is much more broad than long, and is widest forward of the middle. Its sur- face is covered with dense, coarsish punctures, which run into each other in a some- what transverse direction. It is also somewhat uneven, with slight elevations and hollows, but has not two smooth raised lines on its middle and anterior part, which are met with in another species very similar to this, the tooth-legged snapping- beetle (Chryaobotktii dentipes Qermta). The elytra or wing-covers present a much more rough and unequal surface than any other part of the insect. Three smooth and polished raised lines extend lengthwise of each wing-cover, and the intervals between them are in places occupied by smaller raised lines, which form a kind of net-work, and two impressed transverse spots may also be discerned, more or less distinctly, dividing each wing-cover into three nearly equal portions. These spots reach from the iuner one of the three raised lines nearly to the outer margin, crossing the two other raised lines and interrupting them more or less. They are commonly of a cupreous tinge, and densely punctured, but are smoother than the other portions of the surface. A smaller and more deeply impressed spot may commonly be found in the space next to the suture and forward of the anterior spot, of which it is, as it were, a continuation. The wing-covers are rounded at their tips, so as to present a slight notch at the suture when they are closed, and the outer margin towards the tip has several very minute projecting teeth. When the wing-covers are parted the back is discovered to be of a brilliant bluish-green color and thickly punctured, with a row of large impressed spots along the middle, one on each segment, and half way between these and the outer margin is another row of smaller impressed dots, having their centers black. The underside of the body and the legs are brilliant coppery, the feet being deep shining green, their last joint and the hooks at its end black. Here also the surface is everywhere thickly punctured, the punctures on the venter or hind part of the body opening backwards. The last segment has an elevated line in the middle at its base, and its apex is cut off by a straight line, in the middle of which is commonly a small projecting tooth. The anterior thighs are remarkably large, from which circumstance this species has received its name, and they have an angu- lar projection on their inner sides, beyond the middle. The tibia,1, or shanks, of these legs are slightly curved. (Fitch.) Remedies. — Under this bead we extract the following suggestions from Fitch : The remedies for destroying this borer must necessarily be much the same with those already stated for the common borer or striped Saperda. They consist essen- tially of three measures: First, coating or impregnating the bark with some sub- stance repulsive to the insect; second, destroying the beetle by hand-picking; and, third, destroying the larva by cutting into and extracting it from its burrow. As it is during the month of June and forepart of July that the beetle frequents the trees for the purpose of depositing its eggs in the bark, it is probable that white- washing the trunk and large limbs or rubbiug them over with soft soap early in June will secure them from molestation from this enemy. And in districts where this borer is known to infest the apple trees the trees should be repeatedly inspected dur- ing this part of the year, and any of these beetles that are found upon them should be captured and destroyed. It is at midday of warm, sunshiny days that the search OAK-BORERS. 69 for them will be most successful, as they are then most active and show themselves abroad. The larvae, when young, appear to have the same habit with most other borers, of keeping their burrow clean by throwing their castings out of it through a small orifice in the bark. They can, therefore, be discovered probably by the new sawdust-like powder which will be found adhering to the outer surface of the bark. In August or September, while the worms are yet young and before they have pen- etrated the heart- wood, the trees should be carefully examined for these worms. Wherever, from any particles of the sawdust-like powder appearing externally upon the bark, one of these worms is suspected, it will be easy, at least in young trees, where the bark is thin and smooth, to ascertain by puncturing it with a stiff pin whether there is any hollow cavity beneath, and if one is discovered, the bark should be cut away with a knife until the worm is found and destroyed. After it has pen- etrated the solid wood it ceases to eject its castings, and, consequently, we are then left without any clew by which to discover it. Hence the importance of searching for it seasonably. The following ichneumon parasites are said by Riley to keep the numbers of the larvae in check, besides a chalcid fly : Bracon charus Riley and Gryptus or Labena grallator Say. 8. The green-headed chrysobothris. Chry8obothri8 chlorocephala (Gory). Order Coleoptera ; Family Buprestid^e. Probably boring under the bark of the white-oak, with habits similar to those of other fiat-headed borers of the oak ; a Buprestid beetle. 9. The northern brenthian. Eupsalis minuta (Drury). Order Coleoptera ; Family Brenthid,e. Boring into the solid wood of the white oak, forming a cylin- drical passage, a slender grub £ inch long and not quite 0.05 inch thick, changing to a weevil with a large, very thick snout. The habits and transformations of this beetle were first described by Dr. Riley, the original account given ^thi^cM^ by Dr. Harris proving erroneous, his larva being that of a Tenebrionid beetle, as stated by Riley. This interest- ing weevil may be found on the trunk and under the bark of the white oak in June and July in New England, or in May and June in New York and Missouri, having then assumed the imago or beetle con- dition. Riley states that it is equally common on the black, red, and post oaks ; that it bores in all directions through the heart- wood, and is found most commonly in stumps or in felled trees the year after they are cut. The beetle differs from other weevils in that the snout projects straight out in front, not being curved downwards as in weevils in general. * In the male the snout is much broader and flatter than in the female, but cephala.— Smith, del. Pig. 20.— Northern Brenthiiin; a, lai-va; b, pu- pa; c, beetle, female ; d, head of male; e, 4th antfcimal joint; /, leg; gl, parts of larval head. — Alter Riley. 70 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAX COMMISSION. varies considerably, especially in .the males, both in length and breadth. It is of a mahogany brown, the thorax .smooth and highly polished, and the wing-covers strongly furrowed, shaded with deeper brown, and marked with narrow tawny-yellow spots. It is from one-fourth to a little over one-half an inch in length. The males are, contrary to the general rule in insects, almost invariably the larger. The males of the Brenthiaus are known to fight desperately for the female, and, as has been remarked by Mr. A. R. Wallace,* it is interesting, " as bearing on the question of sexual selection, that in this case, as in the stag beetles, when the males fight to- gether, they should be not only better armed, but also much larger than the females." (Riley.) According to Riley, in Missouri the eggs are deposited during the months of May and June. The female bores a cylindrical hole in the bark with her slender snout and pushes an egg to the bottom of the hole. " It requires about a day to make a puncture and deposit the egg. During the time the puncture is being made the male stands guard, occasionally assisting the female in extracting her beak ; this he does by stationing himself at a right angle with her body, and by pressing his heavy prosteruum against the tip of her abdomen ; her stout fore- legs serving as a fulcrum and her long body as a lever. When the beak is extracted, the female uses her antennae for freeing the pincers or jaws of bits of wood or dust, the antennae being furnished with stiff hairs and forming an excellent brush. Should a strange male ap- proach, a heavy contest at once ensues, and continues until one or the other is thrown from the tree. The successful party then takes his sta- tion as guard." (W. R. Howard, in Riley's Sixth Report.) Riley thinks that the larva lives but a single year, although larvae of different sizes occur in midwinter with the beetles. The larva. — Length, 0.55-0.75 inch ; di;«meter in middle of body, 0.05 inch. Body almost straight, cylindrical, 12-jointed, with a few faint hairs only on prothorax and around anus; thoracic joints short, bent a little forward, swollen and broadly and deeply wrinkled, with two especially prominent swellings on top of joints 2 and 3, converging towards head, and having each a granulated rufous spot ; the other joints with about three dorsal transverse wrinkles ; joints 5-9 subequal, as long as 1-3 to- gether, twice as long as 4 ; 10-12 diminishing in length, slightly swollen, the anus "The Malay Archipelago, p. 482. The line by the side of the insect in this and other cuts indicates the length of the insect, most of the sketches being enlarged views. OAK-BORERS. 71 retracted ; 6 very small 3-jointed thoracic legs, the terminal joint being a mere bristle ; stigmata quite distinct and brown, the first pair much the largest, between the fold of joints 2 and 3 ; the others on anterior fifth of joints 4-11, the last pair more dorsal than the rest. Head pale yellow, darker around mouth; rounded, more or less bent over the breast, with sparse, stiff, pale hairs springing from elevated points ; ocelli, none ; antennse not visible, unless a dusky prominence lying close between mandibles and maxillfB be called such ; labium small, with two depressions and other inequali- ties, the margins slightly angular, allowing the jaws to closely fit around it; jaws stout, triangular, the inner margin produced at middle into a larger and smaller tooth, and with a slight excavation near tip ; maxilla? long, with but a short, horny cardinal piece ; the palpi apparently 2-jointed and with difficulty resolved, on account of three or four other prominences around them ; garnished on the inside with a close row of stiff hairs and on the outside with two stouter hairs; labium large, oboval, the palpi placed in front and 2-jointed. Pupa. — Average length 0.40 inch, with the antennae curled back over the thorax, the seven or eight terminal joints each with a more or less distinct, forwardly-directed, brown thorn ; the snout lying on the breast and varying according to sex ; abdominal joints with a more or less distinct row of small thorns on the posterior dorsal edge, the last joint with a more prominent thorn directed backwards in a line with the body. (Riley.) 10. The gray-sided oak weevil. Pandeletius hilaris (Herbst). Order Coleoptera ; Family Curculionid^:. Making a smaller burrow than that of the Northern Brenthian, a worm like that of the plum weevil and changing to a gray weevil, found on the leaves from May to September. Beyond the fact stated by Harris that the larva lives in the trunks of white oaks, on which the beetles occur from late in May to September, we know nothing of this T insect. The beetle. — A little pale-brown beetle, variegated with gray upon the sides. Its snout is short, broad, and slightly furrowed in the middle; there are three blackish stripes on the thorax, between Fig. 21.— Pandele- which are two of a light-gray color ; the wing-covers have a broad Smith, del. stripe of light gray on the outer side, edged within by a slender blackish line, and sending two short oblique branches almost across each wing-cover ; and the fore legs are larger than the others. Length from one-eighth to one-fifth of an inch. (Harris.) 11. The quercitron bark-borer. Graphisurus fasciatus (De Geer). Order Coleoptera ; Family CERAMBYCiDiE. Feeding upon and destroyiug the quercitron bark of newly-felled trees, forming large tracks filled with worm-dust, a white, footless grub about 0.60 inch long, and with a transverse oval tawny-yellow spot on the middle of each wing above and be- low; in June transforming to a long-horned beetle about one-half an inch long, of an ash-gray color sprinkled with blackish spots and punctures, and back of the mid- dle of its wing-covers an irregular oblique black band; the female with a straight awl-like ovipositor nearly one-quarter of an inch in length. (Fitch.) 72 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. Fig. 22 tn*, female Graphiguni8 fascia- Smith, del. Prof. Riley found this insect boring in the wood of a rotten oak- st inn p in May, 1872, at St. Louis, Mo. The bark called quercitron, of the Quercus Hnctoria, is highly valued as a dye, and is much worm-eaten by this insect. The parent of the worm differs remarkably from all the other beetles of this group in that the female is furnished with a straight awl-like ovipositor nearly a quarter of an inch in length, projecting horizontally backwards from the end of her body. The importance of this implement becomes manifest when we observe the thickness of the bark of the black oak, with its outer layers so dry and hard that they form, as it were, a coat of mail, protecting the trunk of the tree against the attacks of its enemies. Equipped as she is, however, the female of this beetle is able to perforate this hard outer bark and sink her eggs through it, placing them where her young will find them- selves surrounded with their appropriate food. The worms from these eggs mine their burrows mostly length- wise of the grain or fibers of the bark, and the channels which they excavate are so numerous and so filled with worm-dust of the same color with the bark that it is diffi- cult to trace them. The eggs are deposited the latter part of June, and the worms grow to their full size by the close of the season, and will be found during the winter and spring, lying in the inner layers of the bark, in a small oval flattened cavity about an inch in length, which is usually at the larger end of the track they have traveled. The larva is divided by transverse constrictions into twelve rings, the last one being double. The head is small and retracted more or less into the neck, its base white and shining, and its anterior part deep tawny yellow, and along each side black. The neck or first ring is much longer as well as thicker than any of the others, the two rings next to it being shortest. From the neck the body of the worm is slightly tapered backwards to the middle, from whence it has nearly the same diameter to the tip, where it is bluntly rounded. Upon the upper side of the neck, occupying the basal half of this ring, is a large transverse tawny-jellowspot, rounded upon its for- ward side ; but no corresponding spot appears on the under side of this ring. On the middle of all the other rings, except the two last, both above and below, is an ele- vated, rough, transverse, oval spot of a tawny-yellow color. The beetle, like other species of the family to which it pertains, varies greatly in its size, specimens before me being of all lengths, from 0.35 to 0.58. It is of an ash- gray color from short incumbent hairs or scales, which have a faint tinge of tawny yellow except along the suture of the wing-covers. It is also bearded with fine erect blackish hairs which arise from coarsish black punctures which are sprinkled over the thorax and wing-covers, several of which punctures are in the centre of small black dots, which in places are confluent into small irregular spots. The head is of the same width as the auterior end of the thorax, and has a deep narrow furrow along its middle its whole length, and on the crown is an oval blackish spot on each side of this furrow. The face is dark gray, and the antennae are black with an ash-gray band occupying the basal half of each of the joints. The thorax is narrower than the wing-covers, more broad than long, and thickest across its middle. Upon each side slightly back of the middle is an angular projection or short broad spine, blunt at its tip. On the middle of the back, between the centre and the base, is a short im- pressed line, and on each side of this, extending the whole length of the thorax, is a wavy blackish stripe, which is suddenly widened towards its hind end, and is some- OAK-BORERS. 73 times interrupted in its middle. Often, also, there is a blackish spot between the anterior ends of these stripes, extending from the centre of the thorax to its forward end. The scutel is ash-gray in its middle and black upon each side. The wing-cov- ers almost always show a large oblique and irregular triangular spot of black on their outer side forward of the middle, and always behind the middle isau irregular black obliqueband, which seldom reaches to the suture, and which has a notch in the mid- dle of its anterior side, and opposite to this on its hind side a large angular projection extending backward. Immediately back of this band is an irregular spot of a paler black color, which is sometimes confluent with the band; and there is also a small blackish spot on the outer side of the tips. The tips are cut off, sometimes transversely in a straight line, but usually concavely, and sometimes presenting a slight tooth-like projection on each side. The legs are ash-gray, the thighs with two black spots on their upper side, and the shanks with a black band at their base and another at their tip, these bands being more broad on the hind pair. On elevating the loose bark of fallen trees the forepart of June, these insects will be found therein, lying in the cavities already mentioned, some of them being still in their pupa state, while others are changed to their perfect form, ready with the stout jaws and sharp teeth with which they are furnished to gnaw their way through the bark and come abroad. This species occurs throughout the United States and Canada. Different specimens of it, however, vary greatly in their aspect. Even when newly born, among the in- dividuals in the bark of the same tree, considerable diversities in size and markings may be noticed. And the beetles found in this situation have their colors so much brighter and their spots and bands so much more distinct and clearly defined that I supposed them to be a different species from fasciatus for several years and until spec- imens came to hand showing a gradual transition from these to the older individuals which we usually capture. abroad, and meet with preserved in cabinets, in which the colors have become faded and dim and the marks obscure and partially obliterated. In the shape of some of its parts, also, different specimens are liable to vary. (Fitch.) 12. The oak liopus. Liopus querci Fitch. Order Coleoptera; Family Cerambycid^;. Probably boring in the red and white oak, the beetle occurring on the leaves early in July. A very small, long-horned beetle, which I am unable to refer to any of the described species, I am assured lives at the expense of the red and white oak, from meeting with it upon those trees standing apart from others in fields. As the larvae of kindred species burrow in the bark of trees, this will probably be found in the same situation in oaks. The beetle is met with upon the leaves of these trees early in July. It is very closely related to the Facetious Liopus. (Fitch.) The beetle. — It isO.20 inch long, and black, with ash-gray wing-covers, which are punc- tured and marked with a large black spot on the base of their suture in the form of a cross, and a broad black band slightly back of their middle, which is angulated, some- what resembling an inverted letter W, this band often having a small ash-gray spot placed in it near its outer ends. Forward of this band are two black dots or short lines on each wing-cover, and sometimes a third dot back of it. There is also a dusky spot, 'usually on the tips of the wing covers, and their deflected outer margin is black. The' wing-covers are rounded at their tips. The thorax sometimes shows three faint gray stripes above. It is narrowed anteriorly, and on each side slightly forward of the 74 FIFTH KEPOKT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. base is a short, broad, sharp-pointed spine, from the tip of which, forward, the sides are straight. The long, thread-like antenna- are dull yellow, with a slight duskiness at tin- end of each joint. The legs are blackish, with the bases of the thighs, and frequently of the shauks also, pale dull yellow, the hind thighs being less thickened towards their tips thau the four forward ones | Fitch.) 13. Thk THUNDERBOLT BEETLE. Arhopaht8 fulminant (Fabr.). Order Coleoptera; Family Cekambycid^. Excavating a burrow in the soft sap-wood, about three inches long and 0.20 iuch in diameter, a worm like the apple-tree borer, which changes to a long-horned beetle. This beetle is said by Fitch to infest the oak, excavating a burrow in the soft sap-wood about three inches long and 0.20 inch in diameter, this burrow having the shape of a much bent bow or a letter U. It changes to a pupa in the same cell, the beetle appearing in July. We have also found that it bores in the chestnut, and for a description and figure of the beetle would refer the reader to the account of insects in- festing the chestnut. 14. The white-oak piiymatodes. Phymatodes variabilis (Lien.). Order Coleoptera ; Family Cerambycid^e. Boring the trunk and branches of the white oak, a narrow longicorn larva, chang- ing to a reddish-yellow thick-bodied longicorn beetle, more or less marked with blue. Several specimens of this beetle were taken by Mr. Alfred Poor from a white-oak stick, Juue 20. It was collected on a pile of oak cord wood, May 30, by Mr. Oalder; and I have a specimen of it from Salt Lake City, Utah, identified by Dr. Horn. It is undoubtedly closely similar in its habits and in the form of the larva to the grape Phymatodes fig- ured in our first report on the injurious insects of Massachusetts, and is one of our more common species of the genus. Beetle.— It is closely allied to P. amevnus, but is larger and less coarsely punctured, while the antennae are more reddish; the scutellum is concolorous with the wing-covers. The body, legs (except the femora, which are blackish in the middle), and antennae are reddish, the tips of the joints of the latter dark, and on the back of the prothorax are two black spots, ofteu con- fluent. The head is black. The wing-covers are Prus- sian blue, smooth, fiuely punctured, with rather thick, fine, black hairs, bent downwards. Specimens recently changed from the pupa state are brown, and the species is exposed to considerable variation, as its name indi- cates. The male is just half an inch long, the female .60 inch. The foregoiug description is taken from our second report on the in- jurious insects of Massachusetts. The pupa of this beetle was also Fig. 23.— Phrmatodes variabilis — Smith, del. OAK-BORERS. 75 found at Providence, May 30, 1862, by Mr. George Hunt, under the bark of the oak (not the white oak); the beetle appeared June 8. We add the following description of the larva of a closely allied species, P. amcenus, Fig. 24, which injures the trunk of the grape: The larva of the Grape Phymatodes. — Several years ago I received from Dr. S'liraer, of Illinois, specimens of the larva, pupa, and adult of this pretty insect (Callidium ameenum of Say), which is not uncommon in our own State. So much alike are all the borers of this family of long-horned beetles that long and prolix descriptions and carefully drawn figures of the mouth parts (wherein most of the differences lie) are absolutely necessary for their identification. The larva (Fig. 24, b, head seen from above; c, seen from beneath) has a small head, which is a little mor>; than half as wide as the prothoracic segment. This latter, be- Fig. 24.— Grape Phymatodes: a, larva, b, upper side; c, under side, of head of larva much enlarged.— From Packard. ing the segment immediately succeeding the head, is half as long as broad, with a distinct median suture and four chitinous patches; the two middle ones transverse and irregularly oblong, being about twice as broad as long, the outer spots being lon- gitudinal to the segment, and oblong in form, or about twice as loug as broad. The three segments succeeding are of nearly equal length and width, being about half as long as the prothoracic segment, and not much narrower. The body decreases in width towards the posterior half, winch is of equal width throughout, the end sud- denly rounding off; the terminal three segments are indicated by very slightly- marked sutures, and together form a straight cylindrical portion nearly as long as the three segments in advance of it taken collectively. The body is slightly hairy, with, a few fine, pale hairs on the top of the segment next behind the head. The basal portion of the head (epicranium) is broad and smooth, with a few hairs on the edge. The eyes are two small black dots, each situated a little behind the base of the an- tennae, and in a line with them. The frontal piece (clypeus) is very small, about three times as broad as loug, while the miuute upper lip (labrum) is two-thirds as long as broad ; they together form a somewhat triangular portion resting on the inner edge of the mandibles, which are broad and short, the ends broad and square, and blackish in color. The antennae are not quite so large or as long as the maxil- lary palpi ; they are four-jointed, the first joint being thick, the second joint a third shorter than the third, while the fourth joint is filiform and about as long as the second joint. The under side of the head is chitinous, with a mesial snbtriangular fleshy area. The chin (mentum) is square, not much longer than broad. The under lip (labium) is one-half as loug as broad. The labial palpi are three-jointed, the basal joint being one-half as long as the second ; the third joint is minute, short, and ' hairy. The maxillary palpi are four-jointed, the first joint being twice as thick as the third, the second and third are of nearly equal length, while the fourth is slender and nearly as long as the second or third. The maxillary lobe is large and broad, 76 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. reaching out to tho labial palpi and as far as the end of third joint of the maxillary palpi : there are a few hairs on the end of it. On the upper aide of the segments behind the prothoracic is a faint, transverse im- pressed line, with two or three short creases radiating from each end. On the eighth ninth, and tenth rings these creases become much longer and are parallel to the median line of the body, while the transverse crease disappears. Then' arc nine pairs of stigmata, one pair on the mesothorax, the remainder on the first right abdominal segments. There are three pairs of rudimentary thoracic feet, represented by very minute two-jointed tubercles, the basal joint consisting of a simple chitinous ring. The under side of the body is more hairy than above. On the underside of the prothoracic segment is a pair of round, smooth, very slightly chitinous spots, which are succeeded ou each of the other rings by a pair of short, impressed oblique lines. It is nearly half an inch (.45) in length. It may be readily recognized by the four chitinous patches on the prothorax and by the very minute clypeus and labrum. The upper side of the prothorax is inclined downward towards the head, but not so much as in Clytus. The pupa.— It is white, with the wing-covers reaching to the end of the second abdominal segment. The antennae are not much curved, reaching to the end of the third abdominal segment, and resting above the legs. The prothorax is swollen just behind the middle and is just as long as broad. The maxillary palpi are long, reach- ing nearly tc theend of the coxae. The labial palpi reach a little beyond the middle of the maxillary palpi. The two anterior pairs of legs are folded at right angles to the body, the third pair obliquely. The first pair of tarsi reach to the base of the second tarsi ; the second pair of tarsi reach to the coxae of the third pair of legs. It is a third of an inch (.33) in length. The beetle.— Ph. amcenut has a reddish body, with Prussian-blue wing-covers. The prothorax is just as long as broad, with the sides moderately convex, and broadest just behind the middle. The antennae and tibiae are blackish brown, the tarsi being dull red, the hind pair being darker than the others, and the femora are reddish. The prothorax is distinctly punctured, while the elytra are very coarsely punctured. The scutellum is pale reddish. It is a quarter of an inch iu length. A single specimen received from Illinois. 15. The white-banded phymatodes. Phymatodes varius (Fabricius). Order Coleoptera; Family Cerambychxe. Several specimens of this beetle were met with a few years since, the last of May, on the trunk of a black oak, in which, it is probable, their younger state had been passed. It is closely re- lated to the black varieties of P. varius Fab., but is a third smaller, with the white bands much more slender, and the surface of the wing-covers is perceptibly more rough than in my specimens of that insect, notwithstanding their smaller size. Its thorax is densely punctured, with a short smooth stripe between the center and the base. One of the specimens varies in having the posterior white band wholly wanting. (Fitch.) fio. 25 —phymatodes varius- I have found near Providence several of these pretty little beetles, of both sexes, running in OAK-BORERS. 77 and out of a pile of oak cord- wood in the forest, May 30, under such circumstances as convinced me they prey upon the white oak. They were identified by Dr. Horn. Beetle. — Black, 0.25 in length or slightly less, and about a third as broad, somewhat flattened, clothed with fine erect gray hairs; its wing-covers with two distinct slender white bands which do not reach the suture, the anterior one more slender than the hind one and curved; the antennae and slender portions of the legs usually chestnut colored. 16. The common oak clytus. Xylotrechus colonus (Fabr.). Order Coleoptera ; Family Cerambycid^e. Larva, with details. Plate XXII, Figs. 2, 2a. Mining between the bark and the wood of the oak, up and down the trunk, and making a broad, shallow, irregular groove about 5mm wide; the larva, pupa, and beetle occurring late in May and early in June. I have found, in company with Mr. Calder, the larvae of this pretty beetle in abundance mining under the bark of a fallen (probably white) Fig. 26.— Xylotrechus colonus ; a, pupa; c, end of body, enlarged; the other figures represent details lab, of the larva, all enlarged; a', antenna; lb, labrum; md, mandible; mx, maxilla with the palpus; labium. — Gissler, del. oak, near Providence, May 26; several pupae were also found, one trans- forming to a beetle May 27. The mine extends up and down the trunk, and is of the usual form of longicorn mines, being a broad, shallow, ir- regularly sinuous burrow, and extending part of the way around the trunk, the diameter near the end of the burrow being 5mm.* * Larvae of this insect were found February 25, 188-2, boring in dry wood of white oak at Washington, D. C. The color of the larvae is pale yellowish or whitish. A yellowish band crosses the posterior part of the cervical shield and is beset* with short, glistening, backward-directed hairs. The beetles commenced issuing July 3, 1882. (Riley's unpublished notes.) 78 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. Mr. George Hunt has found the beetle uuder the bark of au old BQgar maple tree in northern New York, among the Adirondacks. Lana —Body of the usual shape, near that of Phyinatodes. Prothorax less than out -half as long as wide : disk exactly one-half as long as wide ; the disk is smooth on the posterior half, irregular on the frontedge, with a hroad, irregular median lobe in front ; the front edge of this smooth space is often tinged with dark. In frout of this smooth area is a clear, pale, hairy space, and still beyond (anteriorly) are two irregularly oval spaces which are hairy and irregularly spotted, and often tinted dark. The under side of the prothoraeic segment is quite hairy, with minute oval pat (lies among the hairs, and with two conspicuous small, dark, diverging patches on the middle of the segment, but situated rather far apart. Mesothoracic segment a little narrower than the prothoraeic and shorter than the metathoracic segment, the latter a little shorter and but very slightly wider than the mesothoracic segment. Body contracted on the sixth abdominal segment, which is considerably narrower than the succeeding part of the abdomen, the seventh abdominal segment being wider than the sixth and of the same width as the eighth ; the ninth much shorter and two- thirds as wide as the eighth. The tenth segment small, one-half as wide, but nearly as long as the ninth. Abdominal segments two to seven with transversely oval, raised, smooth callosities, those on the sixth and seventh being round instead of oval ; beneath are similar callosities. Head a little over one-half as wide as the prothoraeic segment ; antennae three- jointed ; second joint one-half to two-thirds as long as the first and one-half as thick. Third minute, about one-third as long as the second joint is thick. Maxilla with the lobe as wide as the basal joint of the palpus and reaching to the end of the second palpal joint; the maxilary palpi four-jointed, the second joint one-half as wide as the first; the third just two-thirds as wide as the second ; the fourth as long but one-half as thick as the third. Labium with the ligula small and rounded, not more than one-third wider than the basal joint of the labial palpus, the latter two-jointed, the second joint nearly as long and about two-thirds as thick as the first. Mentum deeply cleft, one-half as long as the submentum. Labruin small, rounded, not so long as round; surface convex, with dense hairs. Mandibles obtuse, rounded, not toothed. Thoracic spiracles in the middle of the mesothoracic segment, with the usual eight pairs of abdominal ones. Length of body, 17mm; width of prothoraeic segment, 4,5mm • length, 2mm ; width of seventh abdominal segment, 3mm. Pupa. — Prothorax well rounded, as in Clytus beetles ; antennae sleuder, curving backward and reaching to tne distal end of the middle femora. Femora much swol- len, but the legs beyond slender, as in the beetle. (It will not be difficult to distin- guish the genus, from the peculiar form of the thorax, the swollen femora, and the slender legs and antennae.) Abdomen short, end of hiud femora extending to the third segment from the end of the abdomen. Length, 12 to 13$",m. The end of the body terminates in a pair of incurved hooks on each side, the inner pair a little smaller than the outer. Six large recurved spines on the penultimate abdominal segment, the other ahdominal segment with about two irregular rows of minute stout spines adapted for progression. Beetle. — Body rather long and narrow, not so broad and thick, nor the prothorax so spherical as in A', undulatus; prothorax with the sides regularly arcuate, two ashen spots on each side in front and behind, and a curvilinear spot jnst behind the middle. Wing-covers with three broad, irregular, waved pale bands, the first a little in front of the middle, the second much behind the middle, and the third situated on the tips. Antenna' and legs dark-brown; reddish-pitchy in immature specimens. A large, round yellow spot on the side between the middle and hind legs, succeeded by vertical linear spots on the hinder edge of the abdominal segments. Length, 8 to 16mm. OAK-BORERS. 79 "The markings are very variable, but the yellow, wavy line running from the suture and forming the included mark seems to be constant and peculiar to the species. (Leng.) 17. Smodicum cucujiforme (Say). Order Coleoptera ; Family Ceram BYCiDiE. This insect bores in the larval stage under the dry bark of the live- oak (Florida), of the beech in Michigan, and of the hackberry in Texas, (E. A. Schwarz.) 18. The horn-tailed borer, or pigeon tremex. Tremex columba Linn. Order Hymenoptera; Family Urocerid.e. This insect is known to infest the oak, but oftener bores into the maple, under which head the insect will be described. 19. Mallodon dasystomus (Say). Order Coleoptera; Family Cerambycidje. This insect bores in the live-oak, hackberry, pecan; attacking trees in healthy condition, and often greatly injuring them, but preferring trees which have already suffered from some cause. The beetle issues from April till August in Florida and Texas. (E. A. Schwarz.) Fig. 27.— Mallodon dasystomus. After Horn. Fig. 28.— Typocerus zebratus. Smith, del. Beetle. — Mandibles nearly horizontal, prolonged in the male; sutural angle of elytra spiniform in both sexes ; the metathoracic episterna, with the inner outline straight; the gense emarginate. Length, 30 to 50mm (1.25 to 2 inches). (Horn.) 80 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. 20. Ti/pocerua zebratu-s Fabr. This pretty beetle mines the white oak. by the accompanying figure. The body- is black- brown, with reddish antenna* and legs, and four yellow cross-bars on each wing cover; that on the base much curved, while the fourth is straight. — Length, 12 to 14mm. 21. The oak-hark weevil. Matjdalis ohjra (Herbst). Order Coleuptera; Family Curculionid^:. Boring under the bark of the oak, probably after it has been loosened by the flat-headed borers, a curved, fat, footless grub, with the head freer from the body than in the larval pine weevil ; occurring in all stages under the bark in May, and possibly producing a radiating track, as in Fig. 30; trans- forming into a black weevil, with the surface of the body punctured, the thorax with a lateral sharp tubercle on the front edge, while the tarsi are reddish brown, with whitish hairs. Fig. 30 represents the mines possibly made by this weevil.* The original speci- men of the bark was taken from the same It may be easily recognized Fig. 29.— a, larva ; b, pupa, ana adult of the oak- bark weevil. After Eraertou. Fig. 30.— Track made by Magdalis ohjra, or a longicorn I After Emerton. tree, as numerous individuals of the beetle occurred in different stages of growth and no other weevils or Scolytidre were present. The beetle which makes the burrow may have been a weevil from the shape of the burrow, which is long, narrow, and deep, being about four inches long. It will be seen by reference to the illustration that the parent beetle laid at least seven eggs in an opening in the bark ; when the larva± hatched Mr. P. H. Chittenden writes that it may be the mine of another beetle. OAK-BORERS. 81 they mined the bark and scored the wood in directions radiating on one side of the place of oviposition ; in one caseamiue went directly across the one next to it. The specimen figured was found at Salem, Mass. Beetle.— Of the form indicated by the figure ; prothorax square, augulated on each side in front, with a short spine on each wing-cover, with eleven well-marked ridges. Color, dark brown, with paler, stiff, short, hirsuties. Base and tips of femora and rest of the legs, including the antennae, pitchy reddish. Length, 6to8mm. 22. The silky timber-beetle. Lymexylon sericeum (Harris). . Order Coleoptera ; Family Lymexylid^e. Boring small long cylindrical burrows in the wood of the oak, probably, and other trees; a slender, odd-looking worm, with six legs placed on its breast, a prominent hump upon its neck, and a leaf-like fleshy appendage at the end of its back ; chang- ing into a long, narrow chestnut-brown beetle, 0.50 long, bearded with short, shining, yellowish hairs, giving it a silky luster ; its eyes large and almost meeting together above and below, and its wing-covers tapering and shorter than the body. See Harris's Treatise, p. 51. (Fitch.) 23. The American timber-beetle. Hyleccetus americanus (Harris). Order Coleoptera ; Family Lymexylid^e. A worm very similar to the preceding, but with a straight, sharp-pointed horn at the end of its back in place of a leaf-like appendage ; changing into a pale brownish red beetle, 0.40 long ; its wing-covers, except at their base and its breast, black, its eyes small, and a glassy dot on the middle of its forehead resembling a small eyelet. (See Harris's Treatise, p. 51.) This and the preceding are very rare insects, and their larvae have never been detected, but are inferred by Dr. Harris to inhabit oaks and to have the singular forms above indicated, from the analogy of the per- fect insects to two European species. Foreign writers, I see, are misled by Dr. Harris's account into supposing that it is authentically ascer- tained that our insects coincide in their larva state with the European species. (Fitch.) Beetle. — Its head, thorax, abdomen, and legs are light brownish red ; the wing- covers, except at the base, where they are also red, and the breast, between the middle and hindmost legs, are black. Head not bowed down under the prothorax ; eyes small and black ; on the middle of the forehead is one small reddish eyelet ; antennae like those of Lymexylon sericeum, but shorter ; thorax nearly square, but wider than long; and in each wing-cover are three slightly elevated ribs. Length, 10mm (7% inch). (Harris.) Microclytus gazelhila (Haldeman). This beetle has been found in the oak in early May at Buffalo, N. Y., by Messrs. Reinecke and Zesch. (Bull. Brooklyn Ent. Soc, vi, 36.) 5 ent 6 82 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. 24. Thb pbeblb oak hokkk. Goet (Ubili8 (Leconte). Order Coi.kmi-tkka; Family Ckra.MBYCIDjE. A cylindrical long-horned beetle, which has recently been described by Dr. Leconte under the above name, is bo uniformly found upon white-oak trees in July and August that I doubt not its larva is a borer in the trunks of these trees, perforating the wood, probably, in a man- ner similar to that of the marked pine borer, and the worm resembling that in its appearance. This beetle is half au inch long and scarcely a third as broad, of a black color, its wing-covers chestnut red, its surface having a marbled appearance, produced by short prostrate hairs of a dull ocher-yellow color, except on the anterior half of the wing-covers, where they are gray, and are here followed by a tawny brown spot des- titute of these paler hairs. (Fitch.) For a figure aud further mention the reader is referred to Hickory Insects. 25. Goes t'ujrinm (De Geer). This species, according to Adams Tolmau (Insect Life, i, 343), kkis commonly taken on the oak in Philadelphia." Mr. Tolman, however, does not specifically state that this borer lives in the oak; but we in- sert it under oak borers, as it may yet be found to infest the oak. It is figured aud noticed under Hickory Insects. 26. The brown prioxi's. Orthosoma brnnneum (Forster). Order Coleoptera ; Family Cerambycid.e. The larvre of this beetle have been found in rotten oak and walnut stumps by Mr. George Hunt, near Providence, but as it is more com- monly met with in piue logs the reader is referred to the account of it given under piue insects. 27. Unknown longicorn borer prom ax oak log. (PI. xxi, Fig. :3.) Larva. — Body of large size, gradually tapering to the penultimate segment, with three pairs of thoracic legs of moderate size. Head small and much rounded. Labium small and unusually narrow, well rounded on the front edge. Antennae conspicuous, unusually long; second joint very long and slender, longer than the basal one is thick ; third joint minute and acute at tip. Labium very small, squarish; subinentum and mentnm both rectangular, broader Than long; the ligula narrow, much rounded in front: labial palpi three-jointed; third joint obtuse, as long as the second. Maxillary lobe very broad and rather short, not reaching beyond the end of the second palpal joint. Maxillary palpi three-jointed : firs! joint very short and broad, second one-half as thick as the first, the third slender and a little longer than the second. Mandibles niuch rounded and entire at tip. THE OAK-PRUNER. 83 The callosities on the segments, as figured in the cut, are prominent, more or less rounded tubercles with the surface divided irregularly by impressed lines. Length, 35mm ; width of prothoracic segment, 8min ; length, 3mm ; length of a leg with terminal claw, 0.4mm ; length from base of labruni to posterior edge of meta- thoracic segment, 5,nm; length of first and second abdominal segment, each, 2mm; length from base of third abdominal segment to end of body, 28mm ; width of each of segments 2 to 6, 6mm ; the seventh and eighth segments are slightly wider. Found in an oak log at Providence, R. I., May 20, 1881. Compare also pi. xvii, Fig. 2; xix, Fig. 2; xx, Fig. 3. AFFECTING THE LIMBS AND TWIGS. 28. The oak pruner. - . Elaphidion villosum (Fabr.). Order Coleoptera; Family Cerambycid^e. Cutting on0 the branches of the white and black oak, which fall late in summer to the ground, containing the larva, which becomes a beetle in the next midsummer and lays its eggs near the axilla of a leaf stalk or small stem. In walking under oak trees in the autumn oue's attention is often di- rected to the large number of oak limbs and twigs lying on the ground. Upon examination they will be found to have been partially gnawed off b Fig. 31.— Oak pruner: a, larva; 6, side view of the same; c, pupa. — From Packard. by worms, the wind having further broken them off. This is the work of the grub of the oak pruner. The insect's purpose in cutting off the limb, whether conscious or not of any design in the matter, is probably, as Peck first suggested, to afford the insect a sufficiently moist retreat to live in during the winter. He supposed that the limb thus wounded wculd become too dry for the maintenance of the soft-bodied larva, hence it must be felled to the ground, where in the wet and under the 84 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. snows of winter it would remain sufficiently moist for the existence of the insect, which completes its transformation within. Mr. 0. A. Walker has brought us the insect in its different stages cut out of oak branches, which occurred in abundance at Chelsea, Mass. Late in August, 1888, this borer was reported to be especially abundant in Warwick, R. I., so that the ground was said to be strewn with the smaller branches of oak and locust trees. We arc indebted to Dr. Fitch for the most detailed information regarding this curious longicorn : The severed limbs are usually but eighteen inches or two feet in length, but Pro- fesfiOT Peek States thai limbs an inch in thickness and live feet in length are sometimes found. I have seen a limb cut off by this insect which was ten feet in length and an inch and a tenth in thickness, and have repeatedly met with them seven and eight feet long and usually an inch, but in one instance an inch and a quarter, in thickness. The parent beetle seems aware that her progeny in their infancy will be too feeble to masticate the hard woody fibers of the limb. She, therefore, selects one of the small twigs which branch off from it, which is not thicker than a goose quill, with its base composed of soft wood, the growth of the last year, all the remainder of the twig being the green succulent growth of the present year. She places her egg near the tip of this twig, in the angle where one of the leaf-stalks branches off from it. The young worm which hatches therefrom sinks himself into the center of the twig and feeds upon the soft pulpy tissue around him until it is all consumed, leaving only the green outer bark, which is so thin and tender that it withers and dries up, and ere long becomes broken. By the time this green tender end of the twig is consumed the worm has acquired sufficient size and strength to attack the more solid woody portion forming its lower end. He accordingly eats his way downward in the center of the twig, consuming the pith, to its base, and onward into the main limb from which this twig grows, extending his burrow obliquely downward to the center of the limb, to a distance of half an inch or an inch below the point where the lateral twig is given off. The worm, being about half grown, is now ready to cut the limb asunder. But this is a most nice and critical operation, requiring much skill and calculation ; for the limb must not break and fall while he is in the act of gnawing it apart, or he will be crushed by being at the point where it bends and tears asunder, or will fall from the cavity there when it breaks open and separates. To avoid such casualties, therefore, he must after severing it have time to withdraw himself back into his hole in the limb and plug the opening behind him before the limb breaks and falls. And this little creature accordingly appears to be so much of a philosopher as to understand the force of the winds and their action upon the limbs of the tree, so that he can bring them into his service. He accordingly severs the limb so far that it will remain in its position until a strong gust of wind strikes it, whereupon it will break off and fall. But the most astonishing part of this feat remains to be noticed. The limb which he cuts off is sometimes only a foot in length aud is consequently quite light; some- times ten feet long, loaded with leaves, aud very heavy. A man by carefully inspect- ing the length of the limb, the size of its branches, aud the amount of foliage growing upon them could judge how far it should be severed to insure its being afterwards broken by the winds. But this worm is imprisoned in a dark cell only an inch or two long in the interior of the limb. How is it possible for this creature, therefore, to know the length and weight of the limb and how far it should be cut asunder ? A man, moreover, on cutting a number of limbs of different leugths so far that they will be brokeu by the winds, will find that he has often miscalculated, and that several of the limbs do not break off as he designed they should. This little worm, however, never makes a mistake of this kind. If the limb be short it severs all the woody fibers, leaving it hanging only by the outer bark. If it be longer a few of the woody fibers on its upper side are left uncut in addition to the bark. If it be very long and heavy THE OAK-PRUNER. 85 not more than thre ^-fourths of the wood will be severed. The annexed figures* repre- seut the several ends of limbs of different sizes, the coarsely dotted parts of the two first indicating the ragged broken ends of the woody fibers, the remainder being the smooth surface cut by the worms, and the large black dot representing the perfora- tion leading up the limb to where the worm lies. The first of these figures was taken from the limb already spoken of as ten feet in length, aud here it will be noticed that a portion of the stouter wood towards the center of the limb was preserved, as though the worm had beeu aware that the weaker sappy fibers outside next to the bark could not be relied upon for sustaining a limb of this size, as they are where the limb is smaller. With such consummate skill and seemingly superterrestrial intelligence does this philosophical little carpenter vary his proceedings to meet the circumstances of his situation in each particular case ! But by tracing the next stage of his life we shall be able to see how it is that he probably performs these feats which appear so much beyond his sphere. Having cut the limb asunder so far that he supposes it will break with the next wind which arises, the worm withdraws himself into his burrow, aud that he may not be stunned and drop therefrom should the limb strike the earth with violence when it falls, he closes the opening behind him by inserting therein a wad formed of elastic fibers of wood. He now feeds at his leisure upon the pith of the main limb, hereby extending his burrow up this limb six or twelve inches or more, until he at- tains his full growth — quietly awaiting the fall of the limb and his descent therein to the ground. It is quite probable that he does not always sever the limb sufficiently, in the first instance, for it to break and fall. Having cut it so much as he deems prudent, he withdraws and commences feeding upon the pith of the limb above the place where it is partially severed, until a high wind occurs. If the limb is not hereby broken, as soon as the weather becomes calm he very probably returns and gnaws off an additional portion of the wood, repeating this act again and again, it may be, until a wind comes which accomplishes the desired result. And this serves to explain to us why it is that the worm severs the limbs at such an early period of his life. For the formidable undertaking of cutting asunder such an extent of hard woody substance, we should expect he would await till he was almost grown and had attained his full strength and vigor. But by entering upon this task when he is but half grown he has ample opportunity to watch the result, and to return and perfect the work if he discovers his first essay fails to accomplish the end he has in view. Thus the first part of the life of this worm is passed in a small twig branching off from the main limb. This is so slender and delicate that on being mined as it is by the worm and all its green outer eud consumed, it dies and becomes so decayed and brittle that it is usually broken off when the limb falls, whereby it has. escaped the notice of writers hitherto. The remainder of his larva life is passed in the main limb, first cutting off this limb sufficiently for it to break, with the force of the winds, and then excavating a burrow upwards in the center of the limb, both before and after it has fallen to the ground, feeding hereon until he has grown to his full size. It is most frequently the limbs of the red and the black oak that I have met with severed by the oak pruner, though it is not rare to fiud those of the scarlet oak ( Q. coccinea) aud of the white oak lopped off in the same manner. Limbs of the beech and chestnut not unfrequently and those of the birch, the apple, and probably of other trees, are sometimes similarly severed. Mr. P. Weter, of Tirade, Walworth County, Wis., informs me that the peach in his vicinity suffers in a similar mau- ner, and to such an extent some years that the severed limbs, varying from a few inches to two feet in length, are seen lyiug under almost every tree. We have in our country several species of beetles very closely related to the oak pruner, but no at- tempts have yet been made to ascertain their mode of life. It is very probable that they all have this same habit of cutting off the limbs of trees, oue perhaps preferring the wood of one kind of tree, another, another. This is the more probable, smce * The figures have not been reproduced. — A. S. P. 86 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. there is considerable diversity in their operations, us shown by ftn examination of the fall, ii limbs. Tims the scarlet oak, instead of having a hole bored in the severed end of its limbs, commonly has half the wood eaten aw.iy on one side of the limb for the length of an inch or more, with the cavity thus formed under the bark packed with worm dust, and a cylindrical borrow from the upper end of this cavity running up- wards in the ceuter of the limb, the same as in other cases. It further appears that tin- female, when ready to drop an egg, is not always able to And a small twig with a green succulent end Adapted to her wants. She then con- signs her progeny to the bark of the main limb, and the young worm subsists on the soft pnlpy matter between the bark and the wood, excavating a shallow irregular cavity which is packed with worm dust, till it has acquired sufficient strength to gnaw the wood, when it cuts off the limb as in other cases. It may, however, be a different species from the common oak primer, which cradles its young thus beneath the bark instead of iu a lateral twig. It is usually in the fallen limbs of the beech, though sometimes in those of the oaks also, that I have met with these worm tracks under the bark. The bark of the beech, it will be recollected, is quite thin and very brittle, so that it will illy serve to hold the limb in its place if the wood underneath is cut off in the usual manner. And accordingly a remarkable modification of this operation will be noticed iu the amputated limbs of this tree. The worm eats its way down the limb beneath the bark until it has acquired sufficient strength to sever the woody fibers. It then passes transversely around the limb beneath the bark, girdling it by cutting off all the softer outer fibers and leaving the harder ones in the middle of the limg uncut, whereby the limb is sustained until the wind strikes it. How surprising that these little creatures have such intelligence given them as enables them to vary their operatious to such an extent, according to the circumstances of their situation in each particular case! I should be iuclined to think the beech primer a different species from that of the oak, as it dwells beneath the bark instead of iu a lateral twig, and cuts off the outer instead of the inner wood of the limb ; but the worm is identical with that of the oak iu its external appearance, and one of these worms which I placed iu a cage, falling from its fractured burrow in the beech limb, forsook this wood and commeuced boring into an oak limb lying beside it. Not only the limbs, but small young trees, at least of the white oak, are sometimes felled by these insects; in which cases the worm, instead of cutting the wood off transversely, severs it in a slanting or oblique direction, as though it were aware the winds would prostrate a perpendicular shoot more readily by its being cut iu this manner. The larva grows to a length of 0.60, and is then 0.15 thick across its ueck, where it is broadest. It tapers slightly from its ueck backwards, the hind part of its body being nearly cylindrical. It is a soft or fleshy grub, somewhat shining and of a white color, often slightly tinged with yellow, its head, which is small and retracted into the neck, beiug black in front. It is divided, into twelve riugs by very deep, wide, transverse grooves. The neck or first ring is much the largest, and shows two very pale tawny yellow bands on its upper side, the auterior one slightly broken asunder in its middle, and on each side beyond the ends of these bands is a spot of the same color. The two or three rings next to the neck are shorter than the others, and less widely separated from each other. A faint stripe of a darker color may be discerned along the middle of the back, widely broken apart at each of the sutures. The last riug is much narrower and more shining thau the others, and is cut across by a fine trans- verse line, dividing it iuto two parts, of which the hinder one or tip is bearded with small blackish hairs, and a few fiue hairs are perceptible upon the other rings. The last two rings are retracted into the ring which precedes them, at the pleasure of the animal, whereby this ring becomes humped and swollen ; and it appears to be chiefly by thus enlarging the end of its body that the worm holds and moves itself about in its cell, its feet being so weak aud minute that they are scarcely perceptible andean THE OAK-PRUNER. 87 be of little service. It has three pairs ot soft, conical-jointed feet, resembling its an- tennie in their size and shape. The first pair is placed on an elevated wrinkle of the akin in the suture between the first and second segments of the thorax, more distant from each other than are those of the second and third pairs, which are situated on the middle of the elevation of the second and third segments. Some of the worms enter their pupa state the last of autumn, and others not till the following spring. Hence in examining the fallen limbs in the winter, a larva may be found in one, a pupa in another. Preparatory to entering its pupa state, the larva places a small wad of woody fibers, sometimes intermingled with worm-dust, below it, in its burrow, and sometimes another wad above it if the burrow runs far up the limb, thus partitioning off a room one or two inches in length in which to lie during its pupa state. The shriveled cast skin of the larva will be found at the upper end of this cell, after it has changed to a pupa. Usually those insects which undergo a complete metamorphosis remain at rest, lying dormant and motionless during their pupa state. The oak primer, however, is a remarkable exception to this. Whenever its cell is opened it will be seen moving from one end of it to the other with quite as much agility as it shows in its larva state. The sutures of its abdomen have the same deep transverse grooves as in the larvae, admitting the same amount of motion to this part of its body that it previously had. And, lying on its back, it uses the tip of its abdomen as though it were furnished with a proleg, the little sharp points with which it is covered being pressed against the rough walls of the cell and the body pushed forward or drawn backward hereby, step after step, at the will of the animal. The pupa is of much the same size with the larva and of a yellowish-white color. Its eyes are sometimes white, sometimes blackish-brown. The antenna-sheaths arise in the notch upon the inner side of the eyes and, passing directly across the surface of these organs, extend down along each side of the back above the sheath of the fore and middle pairs of legs, then curving inward they pass back to the eye along the inner side of the same legs, their ends being placed upon the eye slightly inside of their origin. The knees of the hind legs protrude far out from under the upper sides of the wing-sheaths forward of their tips, whilst the feet of these legs occupy the space between the tips of the wing-sheaths. The back of the abdomen shows a distinct, pale-brown stripe along the middle, on each side of which the surface of the segments is furnished with numerous small, erect, sharp points of a dark brown color, those on the apical segment being double the length of the others. The beetle. — They are usually from 0.50 to 0.55 in length and 0.12 broad, of a slender, cylindrical form, of a dull black color, tinged more or less with brown on the wing- covers, more evidently so towards their tips, whilst the antennae are paler brown, and the under side and legs chestnut colored, sometimes bright, sometimes dark and- blackish. The surface is everywhere clothed with shortish, prostrate gray hairs, and •on the wing-covers these are in places more dense, forming small gray spots, and on each side of the thorax, in the middle, is a whitish dot, formed in the same manner. Sometimes also on the base of the thorax, on each side of its middle, a short gray stripe formed by these hairs is very obvious, whilst in other individuals no traces of these stripes can be discerned. The scutel also is densely covered and gray from these hairs. The surface, above, is occupied by numerous coarse, round punctures, those on the thorax being of the same size with those on the wing-covers, but more crowded, many of them running into each other. Towards the tips of the wing-covers these punctures become per- ceptibly smaller. In at least three-fourths of the fallen limbs no worm is to be found; and an exam- ination of them shows that the insect perished at the time the limb was severed, and before it had excavated any burrow upward in its center, no perforation being present, except that leading into the lateral twig. It is probable that in many of these in- stances the limb broke when the worm was in the act of gnawing it asunder, either from its own weight or from a wind arising whilst the work was in progress. And 88 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. even though tin- worn may have withdrawn into its hole and plugged the opening behind it. it is frequently discovered here, probably, and devoured by birds. After a violent wind in the rammer IMlSSOn, BOOM Of oar ins.-ct-eating birds may always be noticed actively in search of limbs and trees that have thereby heeu broken, their instinct teaching them that this breakage usually occurs from the wood being weak- ened by the mining operation! of worms therein, whose lurking places are now opened to them. And they will be seen industriously occupied in picking around the fract- ured ends of the wood, and feasting upon the grubs which they there find. Num- ben of OUT wood-boring larva- are thus destroyed, and the oak primer, notwith- ing the precautions it takes to secrete itself, doubtless frequently falls a prey to these ions fbragi lUmtdies. — These insects will undoubtedly at times occur in such numbers as to render it important that they be destroyed, at least where they resort to the | or other valuable trees. And this may readily be effected by gathering and burning the fallen limbs in the winter or the early part of spring. (Fitch's Fifth Report, pp. 1T--J4.) We have preferred to quote in full Dr. Fitch's accouut of this infi although somewhat prolix, and though he ascribes too much intelligence to the larva. The following criticisms and observations are also quoted in full from an article by Dr. John Hamilton, published in the Cana- dian Entomologist, August, 1887 : * Divested of all romance and imagination, and descending to facts, the observations of Professors Peck, Fitch, and Harris may be reduced to this : In the month of July the parent lays the eggs on the limbs or in the axil of a leaf near the end of the twigs of that year's growth of various species of oak, and perhaps other trees. After hatch- ing, the young larva (in the latter case) penetrates to the pith and devours it down- wards till the woody base is reached, and so onward to the center of the main limb; here it eats away a considerable portion of the inside of the limb and then, plugging the end of the burrow, which it excavates towards the distal end, eventually falls to the ground with the limb, which, being weakened, is broken off by the high autumnal winds. They exist here either as larva? or pupa? till spring and emerge in June as perfect beetles. Time, one year, though not so stated in words. The account given in detail below is so different from the above that were the iden- tity of the individualsn ot established by actual comparison and by recognized au- thority, it might well be asserted I had giveu an account of some other Elajyhidion. April, lr?83, I procured a barrel of hickory limbs from a tree girdled early in The limbs were from one-half to 1 inch in diameter. Very few things developed from them that season, but the next (1884) quite a number of species came forth — Clytan- thus ruricola and albofasciatus, Xeoclytus luscus, and ertithrocephahts, Siemotpkmn tatii8, etc. Many larva* of some CerambycicUe continued to work on under the bark. Late in the fall I observed that most of these had penetrated the wood, but some re- mained under the bark till April and May of the next year (1-85). The most of the beetles appeared during the first two weeks of June, though individuals occurred occasionally till September. A few Larvae were still found at work, but by October they likewise had bored into the wood and appeared as beetles the next Juue (1886). The normal period of metamorphosis is therefore three years, but in individuals it may be retarded to four or more years. At the present writing (June 5) these beetles are issuiug in great uumbers from a barrel of hickory limbs obtained in April, 1S^>, from a tree deadened in January, 1884, thus verifying the first observation. How the larva- get under the bark could not be ascertained. When lirst examined, 'Also reprinted in the Eighteenth Annual Report of the Entomological Society of Ontario, 1857. pp. :>8-40. THE OAK-PRUNER. 89 in April, they were from 4 to 5mm long. They ate the wood under the bark, follow- ing its grain, and packed their burrows solidly with their dust. The growth and progress were both slow, for by the next April they had scarcely more than doubled in length and had not traveled more than from 4 to 6 inches during the year; but after July they developed an euormous appetite and consumed the wood for at least an inch in length and often entirely around the limb, ejecting their castings through holes made in the bark. When full fed they bore obliquely an oval hole into the wood, penetrating it from 4 to 10 inches. The larva then packs the opening with fin© castings and enlarges a couple of inches of the interior of the burrow by gnaw- ing off its sides a quantity of coarse fiber, in which it lies, after turning its head to the entrance. When about to become pupa (I witnessed the process) the skin rup- tures on the dorsum of three or four segmeuts next the head ; the head of the pupa appears, and after about half an hour's wriggling the whole body is divested of its covering. To the observer the pupa appears to crawl out of the skiu, but in fact the skin with the large mandibles is forced backwards by the alternate extension and con- traction of the segments, assisted materially by the fiber that surrounds it. After its soft body hardens the same movements free it from the fiber, some being shoved in advance of the head, and some posteriorly, the exuviae being often found at the distal end of the hole. The time spent in the pupal state is indefinite and does not seem to concern greatly the time of the appearance of the beetle. Sticks split open at different periods from December till March contained larvae and pupae about equally, but no developed beetles. A larva that I observed go into the wood in April appeared as a beetle among the first of such as had presumably pupated in the fall. The number of these beetles obtained that and the present season was great and afforded a good opportunity to observe individual variations, and they do differ greatly. In length from 8 to 18mm ; in pubescence, some being nearly naked and uni- colored, others having it longer and condensed into spots or almost vittate ; some being quite slender and elongate, while others are short and broad. The surface of the elytra is mostly uniform, but in some, especially such as are narrow and elon- gated, one or two costaB are more or less evident. Now, although this account differs so widely from that given by Mr. Fitch, still the beetles are the same. Unfortunately, I have never been able to find any pruned oak limbs from which to obtain the insects myself, but I have a good set from Mr. Blanchard, of Massachusetts, presumably from the oak, which are identical. Through, the kindness of Mr. F. Clarkson, I have a set of those described by him in the Can. Ent., vol. 17, p. 188, from oak limbs, and which became imagoes in November, and there is no perceptible difference. Dr. George H. Horn says, " They are the same." To identify Elaphidion parallelum had always been a puzzle to me, and I once thought I had a real set ; I obtained it about a dozen times by exchange, but could never be- satisfied that the specimens received were not pauperized or peculiar individuals of E. villosum. On comparing my hickory insects with all the descriptions of E. villosum and parallelum and their several synonyms, as far as I possess them, it was easy to pick out sets that would answer satisfactorily all their requirements, and I became satisfied that E. parallelum could not be separated. 29. Elaphidion parallelum Newman. (Larva, PI. xvn, Fig. 1.) This borer, according to Riley, infests the oak, and Mr. Tyler Town- send, of Washington, D. C, has found it to be the common oak pruner of the vicinity of Constantine, Mich., while it also is common in hickory.* *Dr. Horn has, in a letter to Dr. Hamilton (Can. Ent., Aug., 1887), stated that Elaphidion villosum and parallelum " are inseparable." It is, however, too late, since this note is added in the galley proof, to combine the accounts of the latter so-called species with that of E. villosum. 90 [FTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. It becomes a papa either in the autumn or spring. (Can. Ent., xviii, 13, 188().) In the absence of the larva of any other species of this or an allied genus, for comparison, we have compared the larva with that of Xylotreehut colon us. Beetle. — Brown, punctured, covered with aD ashy woolly pabesoenoe; elongated linear; anteuuie scarcely shorter than the body ; second and third joints with a terminal spine; elytra parallel, trun- cated at the apex and armed with a spine at each angle, the outer spine rather long and incurved. Length .55 inch. (Le Conte.) Larva. — The body very closely resembles A', colon it a t Fig. S2.—Elaphidum parallelum. but is larger and broader, especially on segments? to (Alter Smith.) . .,,.., „, 9, but in general appearance is closely similar. Pro- thoracic segment scarcely wider than the mesothoracic, but not so much swollen as iu Xylotrechus. The disk is regularly transversely oblong, the sides not convex but straight, the edges in front and on the sides brown. The disk is one-half as long as broad ; posterior half free from hairs, not so distinctly marked as in X. colonus, but the longitudinal irregular pale streaks are present. The mesothoracic and metathoracic segments are as wide as the prothoracic, but the mesothoracic is a little shorter than the metathoracic. The mesothoracic segment is divided into two lateral portions by a scutel-like, very short and broad callosity which is narrow, lanceolate-oval. The metathoracic segment has a similar callosity, but a transverse fleshy ridge is present, not fouud on the mesothoracic segment. Beneath is a callous brown spot incised in the middle, longer and narrower than those on the six succeeding segments. That on the prothoracic is much shorter and narrower thau on the mesothoracic, the latter not divided raesially, where those on the metathoracic and three succeeding segments are partly divided by the median line of the body, forming two irregular oval patches touching the median line of the body, and with the outer, hinder edge produced a little posteriorly. On the first abdominal segment is a transverse, short but very wide crescent-shaped callosity with swollen margins; on the succeeding segments these become longer and narrower, until on the fourth segment they become one-half as long as broad; on the hinder segments (5 to 7) they become still longer and trans- versely oblong-oval, with irregular broad thickened patches. Beneath, on the seg- ments behind the fourth, the callosities disappear, but there are raised smooth oval areas. A pair of thoracic feet on each of the three segments; they are three-jointed, basal joint membranous; second joint about three-fourths as long as wide; third joint about two-thirds as wide as the secoud, and slightly longer. The ninth ab- dominal segment but little narrower than the eighth; the tenth about one-third as wide as the ninth. A pair of mesothoracic spiracles and eight abdominal pairs. Head not quite so large in proportion as in X. colonus. Labruru small, not quite so broad as in X. colonus, convex and well rounded in front, and very hairy. Mandibles black. Antennae four-jointed, first joint apparently divided into two subsegments; third a little longer and narrower than the second; the fourth minute, obtuse, one-half as long as the third is wide. Maxilla? with the lobe rather small, reaching to near the end of the third joint of the palpus. Maxillary palpi four-jointed, second joint slightly shorter and narrower than the first; fourth half as thick as the third and pointed at the tip. Labium with the mentum nearly square, narrower than the sub- ineutum. The ligula, which is very small iu X. colonus, is here entirely wanting. OAK-BORERS. 91 30. Elaphidion atomarium (Drury). According to Mr. Schwarz, this species and E mucronatum bore in dry twigs of Quercus virens in Florida. (Riley in American Entomol- ogist, iii, 239.) Beetle.— Head brownish black, covered with snort yellowish-gray pile. Thorax dirty black, covered with yellow-gray pile ; cylindrical, and without any spines or eminences. Antennae dusky brown ; having a spine on each joint, except that next the head, and about the length of the insect. Scutellum very small. Elytra black, mottled with yellow-gray, being margined at the sides and suture and not reaching or covering the anus, each having two spines at the extremity. Abdomen and breast grayish brown, as are the legs, each of which is furnished with a spine at the tip of the tibiae. 31. Elaphidion mucronatum (Say). This species was found in company with the preceding by Mr. Schwarz. Beetle. — Brown, with ashy hairs ; antennae three or four spined ; thighs mucronate ; «lytra bidentate ; body reddish brown, partially covered with short, prostrate cine- reous hairs, unequally distributed. Antennae longer than the body ; joints 3 to 6, ending in a spine ; scutellum white, with dense hair divided into two lobes ; elytra punctured ; the hairs so disposed as to give the surface an irregularly spotted appear- ance; tip bispinose; intermediate and posterior thighs bimucronate, the inner spine longest. Length seven- twentieths of an inch. (Say.) 32. Acanthoderes 4-gibbus Say. In this longicorn, which according to Mr. Schwarz bores in the twigs, the scape ot the antennae becomes thicker towards the tip, and is shorter than the third joint; the prothorax is armed with dorsal tubercles, with a large lateral spine. The eyes are less coarsely granulated than in the other species. " Body dark brownish ; an- tennae hardly longer than the body, blackish ; head before sparingly punctured ; labrum dull honey-yellow ; thorax with distant punctures ; four tubercles nearly in a transverse line, and a longitudinal, elevated line; elytra quadrigibbous at base; inner gibbosity extended with a longitudinal elevated line ; numerous distant deep punctures; a dilated, waved ashen spot before the middle; a sutural series of alter- nate square small brown and cinereous spots nearly opposite ; tip emarginate ; thighs •clavate. Length less than three-fifths of an inch." (Say.) 33. Leptura zebra Olivier. The larva and pupa inhabit the black oak. (Dr. Horn.) 34. Tragidion fulvipenne Say. According to Riley, this longicorn bores in the oak. (Am. Ent.,iii, 239.) Beetle. — Body deep black, covered with dense black hair; antennae rather longer than the body, somewhat hairy ; palpi glabrous, deep reddish brown; thorax above, with four obsolete tubercles and an intermediate, abbreviated, glabrous, longitudinal line; a slightly prominent lateral spine; scutel hairy, black; elytra yellowish- ful- vous, covered with dense, very short prostrate hair ; four longitudinal slightly ele- vated lines. Length three-fifths inch. (Say.) 92 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. Fig. 33.— Tragidion ml vipenne.— Smith and Marx del. 35. Bo8trichu8 bicornw Weber. Order Coleoptera ; Family Ptinid^e. Mr. A. S. McBride records finding this beetle under the dead bark of white oak posts in August, and he thinks the larva bores in the wood. (Can. Ent., xii, 107, June, 1880.) Beetle. — Body blackish-brown varied with cine- reous; with robust, scale-like hairs; head equal; eyes prominent, reddish brown ; antenna? and palpi ferruginous; labrum fulvous; thorax declivous before and behind ; anterior half and lateral mar- gin armed with numerous short spines ; anterior angles projected over the head in the form of par- allel horns ; posterior angles elongated backward in the form of tubercles ; two hardly elevated tuber- cles on the middle of the base ; scutel rounded, cinereous ; elytra, each with two elevated lines, of which the inner one is the more prominent and acute, with the blackish-brown and cinereous colors somewhat alternate ; tip near the sutural termination mucronate or only angulated ; beneath dark reddish-brown. Length, two-fifths of an inch. (Say.) Fig. 34. — Bostrichus bicomis. Smith del. 36. Xyleborw cehus Eichhoff. Order Coleoptera; Family Scolytid.e. This species belongs to that section of the genus, according to Le Conte, in which the body is elongate, cylindrical; the declivity of the elytra oblique, frequently retuse or excavated ; the funicle of the antennae with five distinct joints; tibiae rounded at tip and usually finely serrate. Beetle. — Two lines long. Ferruginous, clothed with yellow hair; elytra obliquely sloping behind, perfectly flat, smooth, with two larger acute, pointed, tubercles each side near the suture, .and near the edge of the declivity, with many smaller acute ele- vations. It differs from X.pyri by its much more elongate form, the prothorax being about one-half longer than wide, with the sides parallel behind the middle and the elytra much more than one-half longer than the thorax. (Le Conte.) OAK BARK-BEETLES. 93 37. Xyleborus fuscatus Eichhorn. Beetle. — Length, 1 to 1£ lines. Ferruginous brown, or yellow, thinly clothed with gray hair, with the same form and sculpture as X. monographus, but somewhat smaller, and distinguished by the oblique declivity of the elytra being marked by only a single, large, acute tubercle, while the suture itself is also distinctly elevated. (Le Conte.) 38. Xyleborus reiusicollis Zimmermann. Beetle. — Length, 1 line. Rust-yellow ; front smooth, with a deep longitudinal impression ; prothorax longer than wide, a little broader than the elytra, punctured in front ; thinly pubescent and very deeply excavated ; the front margin rising into an acute point ; behind nearly glabrous and smooth. Elytra short, punctured with- out order, thinly pubescent, obliquely declivous behind, and somewhat impressed along the suture. Maryland, found under oak-bark. (Le Conte.) 39. Pityophthorus pubipennis Lee. Order Coleoptera ; Family Scolytid^e. Mr. Ricksecker remarks concerning the habits of this bark borer on the Pacific coast: I have seen great swarms of Pityophthorus pubipennis Lee. in the branches of newly felled live oaks, and have taken the same or an allied species from sticks of oak that had previously been peeled for tan-bark. (Ent. Amer., i, 97.) Beetle. — Club of antennae distinctly annulated and pubescent on both sides, not fringed with long hair. Fore tibiae moderately serrate; fore tarsi with joints 1 to 3 stout, fifth longer than the others united. Male bead deeply concave; edge of the concavity fringed with long silky hairs. Female head shining, sparsely hairy, punctured with an interocular tubercle; the longer hairs of the elytra ( which are finely punctulate) are arranged in rows. (Le Conte and Horn.) 40. Pityophthorus querciperda Schwarz. Mr. Schwarz has observed the habits of this Scolytid beetle, and also described the beetle in the Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington (i, 56), stating that it occurs from New York to Florida. On page 162 of the same Proceedings Mr. John D. Sherman records finding some sixty or seventy specimens under the bark of a felled oak tree at Peekskill, N. Y. The galleries, which are partly in the bark and partly in the outermost layer of the wood, are the primary galleries — i. e., those made by the parent beetle — and ex- hibited a feature hitherto not observed in any other Scolytid. The female beetle bores straight through the bark; then follows a very short gallery vertically down- ward, and this is crossed immediately below the entrance hole by an extremely long transverse gallery. The novelty consists in the short vertical gallery, which, evi- dently, is constructed only for the purpose of enabling the beetle to turn around without getting on the outside of the tree. The larval galleries, if there be any, are not yet known. (Schwarz.) Beetle. — This new species belongs to Le Conte's group B, and may be called Pityoph- thorus querciperda. It is closely allied to P. minulissimus, with which it agrees in size, f'jrm, and coloration, but from which it differs in the sculpture and pubescence of the elytra. In minutissimus the elytra are finely and rather indistinctly punctu- late ; the pubescence is fine, very sparse or nearly absent on the basal portion of the elytra and denser on the declivity, but always hair-like. In querciperda the elytra are quite distinctly rugosely punctulate, and, therefore, less shining. The pubescence 94 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. i> stont, moderately dense on the anterior part of the elytra and still denser and scale- like on tin* declivity. In the two California D speciesof the same group the pubescence consists of long and short hair intermixed. P. querciperda occurs from New York to Florida. (Schwarz.) 41. Monavthrum mali (Fitch). Mr. Sohwarg has observed this Scolytid while at work in pieces of the red oak at Washington, D. C. It was tirst observed by Fitch at- tacking the apple tree in New York. It ranges from Lake Superior to Florida. (Le (Jonte.) The parent beetle bores through the bark straight into the wood to a distance of from 5 to 7mm. Then follows a transverse gallery and, in most cases, a second trans- verse gallery immediately behind the first; in several instances there is still a third gallery. The secondary burrows, in which the larva; undergo their transformations, and which, in all probability, are made by the larva', start rectangularly upward or downward from the transverse galleries and are but little longer than the beetle. Oviposition in this species has not yet been observed, and it remains, also, uncertain whether ouly one or several beetles have been at work when there are two or three transverse galleries present. (Schwarz, Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., i, 44, 48.) Beetle. — In this genus the body is long and cylindrical; the scape cf the antennas long and slender; the fuuicle of but one short joint, the others being absorbed in the club, which is rounded and very much compressed ; elytra elongate, nearly perpen- dicularly declivous behind, and pubescent on the declivity; feebly punctured in rows. M. mali is small brown, elytra not hairy at tip. Male: Club of antenna? with a long apical spine and a few hairs; declivity of elytra oblique, not refuse at the sides, acutely margined only at the apex and for a short distance behind; face of declivity with a slight reniform elevation rising into two cusps near the suture, which is deeply impressed and excavated at that place; head flat, opaque, not fringed with hair. Female: Club of antennae without apical spine ; declivity of elytra as in male, but with the reniform elevation and its two cusps much stronger ; head slightly convex, subopaque, feebly punctured. Lake Superior to Florida; depredates on apple trees. Length, 2mm (.08 inch). (Le Conte.) 42. Ithycerus noveboraceiws (Forster). According to Riley this weevil in- fests the oak, having been seen bor- ing into the twigs of the burr-oak; the larva is of the usual eurcnlioni- form appearance. The female first makes a small longitudinal excava- tion with her jaws, eating upward toward the end of the branch, then turns round and thrusts her egg into it. She was observed in the act by- Mr. Charles Peabody. (Riley's un- published notes.) Beetle.- This is our largest species of weevil, and may be recognized by its great size, by its broad, large snont, its ash color, and by the, eight pale lines on the wing-covers, inter- rupted by four or five distinct black squarish spots. Length. IS"* Fig. 35. Ithycerus noveboracen»is. Smith del. THE SEVENTEEN-YEAR CICADA. 95 43. The seventeen- year Cicada. Cicada septendecira luinu. Order Hemiptera ; Family Cicadarle. Stinging the terminal twigs of the oak and other forest trees and of various fruit trees, the seventeen-year locust, which deposits its long slender eggs in a hrokeu line along the twig. Without attempting to recapitulate the history of this famous insect, we would only say that the eggs are deposited from the end of May through June (Fig. 36, d, e) in pairs in the terminal twigs of the oak, etc. The larva3 (Fig. 36,/) hatch out in about six weeks after they are depos- ited, and drop to the ground, in which they live, sucking the roots of trees, etc., for nearly seventeen years, the pupa state (Fig. 36, a, b) last- ing but a few days. The following remarks on the habits of this insect are taken from our Third Report on the Injurious Insects of Massachusetts: As regards the kinds of trees stung by the Cicada, I may quote from a communication from William Kite, in the American Naturalist, vol. ii, p. 442, as confirming and add- ing somewhat to Dr. Harris's statements: " Seeing in the July number of the Naturalist a request for twigs of oak which had been stung by the so-called seventeen-year locust, I take the liberty of sending you twigs from eleven different varieties of trees in which the females have deposited their eggs. I do this to show that the insect seems indifferent to the kind of wood made use of as a depository for her eggs. These were gathered July 1, in about an hour's time, on the south hills of the ' Great Chester Valley,' Chester County, Pa. No doubt the number of trees and bushes might be much increased. The female, in depositing her eggs, seems to prefer well-matured wood, rejecting the growing branch of this year, and using the last year's wood and frequently that of the year before, as some of the twigs inclosed will show. An or- chard which I visited was so badly ' stung' that the apple trees will be seriously in- jured and the peach trees will hardly survive their treatment. Instinct did not seem to cantiou the animal against using improper depositories, as I found many cherry trees had been used by them, thegnm exuding from the wounds, in that case sealing the eggs in beyond escape. "The males have begun to die, and are found in numbers under the trees; the females are yet busy with their peculiar office. The length of wood perforated on each branch varied from one to two and a half feet, averaging probably eighteen inches ; these seemed to be the work of one insect on each twig, showing a wonderful fecundity. "The recurrence of three 'locust years' is well remembered in this locality — 1834> 1851, and 1868. There has been no variation from the usual time, establishing the regularity of their periodical appearance." A 6 regards the time and mode of hatching, Mr. S. S. Rath von, of Lancaster, Pa., con- tributes to the same journal some new and valuable facts, which we quote: " With reference to the eggs aud youug of the seventeen-year Cicada, your correspondent from Haverford College, Philadelphia, is uot the only one who has failed to produce the young by keeping branches containing eggs in their studios. I so failed in 1834 and 1851, and indeed I have never heard that any oue has succeeded in that way who has kept them for any great length of time. In the brood of 1868 the first Cicadas appeared here in a body, on the evening of the second day of June. The first pair in coitu I ob- served on the 2lst, and the first female depositing on the 26th of the same month. The first young were excluded on the 5th of August. All these dates are some ten days later than corresponding observations made by myself and others in former years. 9G FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. On the 15th of July, 1 cutoff some apple, pear, and chestnut twigs containing eggs, and stuck the cuds into a buttle containing water, and set it in a broad, shallow dish also filled with water, the whole remaining out of doors exposed to the weather, what- ever it might be. The young continued to drop out on the water in the dish for a full week, after the date above mentioned. I could breed no Cicadas from branches that were dead and on which the leaves were withered, nor from those that from any oanse had fallen to the ground, and this was also the case with Mr. Vincent Bernard, of Kennet Square, Chester County, Pa. After the precise time was known, fresh branches were obtained, and then the young Cicadas were seen coming forth in great numbers by half a dozen observers in this county. As the fruitful eggs were at least a third larger that) they were when first deposited, I infer that they require the moisture con- tained in living wood to preserve their vitality. When the proper time arrives and the proper conditions are preserved, they are easily bred, and indeed I have seen them evolve on the palm of my hand. The eyes of the young Cicadas are seen through the egg-skin before it is broken." Mr. Riley, in an interesting account of this Cicada in his First Annual Report on Noxious, Beneficial, and Other Insects of Missouri for 1869, has shown that in the Southern States thirteen-year broods of this insect are found. He remarks : " It was my good fortune to observe that besides the seventeen-year broods, the appearance of one of which was recorded as long ago as 1633, there are also thirteen-year broods, and that, though both sometimes occur in the same States, yet, in general terms, the seventeen-year broods may be said to belong to the Northern and the thirteen year broods to the Southern States, the dividiug line beiug about latitude 38°, though in some places the seventeen-year brood extends below this line, while in Illinois the thirteen-year brood runs up considerably beyond it. It was also exceedingly grati- fying to find, four months after I had published this fact, that the same discovery had been made years before by Dr. Smith, though it had never been given to the world." Mr. Riley predicts that in southern New England a brood will appear in 1877 and 1885. Probably the Plymouth brood, which appeared in 1872, will not appear again for seventeen years, namely, in 1889, the two broods noticed by Riley appearing west of this town. As regards its appearance in Plymouth, Mass., Harris states that it appeared there in 1633. The next date given is 1804, " but, if the exact period of seventeen years had been observed, they should have returned in 1803." Mr. B. M. Watson informs me, from his personal observation, that it also appeared in 1838, 1855, and 1872. In Sandwich it appeared in 1787, 1804, and 1821. In Fall River it appeared in 1834, in Hadley in 1818, in Bristol County in 1784, so that, as re- marked by Harris and others, it appears at different years in places not far from each other. Thus, while in Plymouth and Sandwich we may look for its re-appearance in 1839, in Fall River it will come in 1885, or four years earlier. There are three species of Cicada in the Northern States, and, in order that they may not be confounded in studying the times of appearance of the different broods of the seventeen-year species, I add a short description of each form, so that they may be readily recognized in the winged and immature states. The two larger species are the seventeen-year locust (Cicada septendecim) and the dog-day cicada (C. pruinosa). Fig. 36, copied from Riley's report, gives a good idea of the former species: a represents the pupa, b the same after the adult has escaped through the rent in the back, c the winged fly, d the holes in which the eggs, e, are in- serted. Fig. 36, / represents the larva as soon as hatched. The adult may be known by its rather narrow head, the black body, and bright red veins of the wings. The wings expand from two and a half to three and a quarter inches. The pupa is long aud narrow, and compared with that of C. pruinosa the head is longer and narrower, the antennie considerably longer, the separate joints being longer than those of the dog-day locust. The auterior thighs (femora) are very large and swolleu, smaller than in C. pruinosa, though not quite so thick, with the basal THE SEVENTEEN-YEAR CICADA. 97 spine shorter than in that species, while the snag or supplementary tooth is larger and nearer the end; the next spine, the basal one of the series of five, is three times as large as the next one, while in C. pruinosa it is of the same size, or, if anything, smaller. The toe joint (tarsus) projects over two thirds of the length beyond the end of the shank (tibia), while in the other species it only projects half its length. The terminal segment of the body is rather larger than in C. pruinosa. The body is shin- ing gum-color or honey-yellow, with the hinder edge of the abdominal segments thickened, but no darker than the rest of the body. Length, one inch (.90 to 1.00); width, about a third of an inch (.35), being rather smaller than that of C. pruinosa and much larger than that of C. rimosa. Fig. 36.— The seventeen-year Cicada (c) and pupa (a. b): d, position of eggs (e) ; /, larva. (After Riley.) For a farther account of this Cicada the reader is referred to Prof. Kiley's report of the U. S. Entomologist for 1885, and to Bulletin No. 8, of the Division of Entomolosry, which contain fall information regard- ing the differeut broods which appear in different years. From his observations it appears that the development of the larva is extremely slow, and when six years old it hardly attains one-fourth its full size. Moulting also takes place more than once a year, so that there are prob- ably twenty-five or thirty changes of skin in all. Riley, also, has rarely found it more thau two feet below the surface during the first six or seven years of its life, and almost invariably iu an oval cell, and more often away from roots than near them. Yet it can descend to great depths, one writer stating that he had found it 20 feet below the sur- face. "As the time approaches for the issuing of the pupa it gradually rises nearer and nearer to the surface, and, for a year or two before the appearance of any given brood, this pupa may be dug up within one or two feet of the surface." 5 ent 7 98 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. 44. The WHITE-LINED TREE hopper. Thelia univittata Harris. Order Hemip i Hi ; family Mkmhracid.E. Common upon oak limbs ami twigs, puncturing them and Booking their juices. This tree hopper is found on the oak in July. It is about four-tenths of an inch in length : the thorax is brown, has a short, obtuse horn ex- tending obliquely upwards from in front, and there is a white line on the back extending from the top of the horn to the hinder extremity* | Harris.) 4.">. '1 BE OAK BLIGHT. Erio8oma querd Fitch. Order Hemipteha ; family Aphidid^e. A species of blight, or a woolly aphis upon oak limbs, puncturing them and exhaust- ing them of their sap. This blight is very like a similar insect upon the basswood. The winged individuals are black throughout, and slightly dusted over with an ash-gray powder resembling mold. The fore wings are clear and glassy, with their stigma-spot dusky and feebly transparent, their rib- vein black, and their third oblique vein abortive nearly or quite to the fork. It is .16 long to the tips of its wings. (Fitch.) 46. The white oak scale-insect. Lecanium quercifex Fitch. Order Hemiptera ; family Coccid.e. Adhering to the smooth bark of the limbs of the white oak, in June, an oval, con- vex, brownish-black scale, about .30 inch long and .18 wide, its margin paler and dull yellowish. (Fitch.) 47. The quercitron scale-insect. Lecanium quercitronis Fitch. Order Hemiptera ; family Coccid^e. On the small limbs of the black oak; a scale like the preceding but smaller, and of a nearly hemispherical form; its color varying from brownish-black to dull reddish and pale, dull yellow, with a more or less distinct stripe of paler yellow along the middle of its back, aud the paler individuals usually mottled with black spots or stripes. Length, .20; width. .16 inch. (Fitch.) These scales are parasitized by Platygaster lecanii (Fitch) 48. The black scale of California. Lecanium olew Bernard. The black scale is stated by Signoret to be properly in France an olive scale, sometimes, however, becomiug so common as to occur on all neighboring plants also. In California we find it infesting the greatest variety of plants and becoming a very serious enemy to orange and other citrus trees. I have found it at Los Angeles on orange and all OAK SCALE-INSECTS. 99 other citrus plants, ou olive, pear, apricot, plum, pomegranate, Oregon asb, bitter-sweet, apple, eucalyptus, sabal palm, California coffee, rose, cape jessamine, Habrothmus elegans / and elsewhere upon an Australian plant known as Brachceton, and also upon a heath. It preferably attacks the smaller twigs of these plants, and the young usually settle upon the leaves. The development of this species is very slow, and it seems probable that there is only one brood in a year. Specimens observed by Mr. Alexander Craw at Los Angeles, which hatched in June or July, began to show the characteristic ridges only in November. Mr. Craw has seen the lice, even when quite well grown, move from twigs which had become dry and take up their quarters on fresh ones. Although carefully looked for, the males, like those of so many other Lecanides, have never been found. A dark-brown bark-louse has been sent me from Florida, on live oak, holly, oleander, orange, and one or two unknown plants, by Dr. R. S. Turner, of Fort George, which appears to be identical with Lecanium olece. It is, however, by no means as abundant or injurious in that State as in California. Enormous quantities of the eggs of the black scales are destroyed by the chalcid parasite Tomocera californica* described on p. 368 of this report. Particulars as to the work of this parasite are given at the same place. Upon oue occasion (August 25, 1880), I found within the body of a full-grown female a lepidopterous larva, which was very similar in appearance to the larvaB of the species of Ddkruma described in ray last report as destroying bark-lice. The specimen, however, was lost, and no more have been found since. A number of beetles of the genus Latridius were found under scales which had been punctured by the Tomocera, but probably would not destroy the live insect. Many mites were found feeding upon the eggs and young. The infested trees were also swarming with the different species of lady bugs (Coccinellidce). (Comstock.) Adult female. — Dark brown, nearly black in color; nearly hemispherical in formr often, however, quite a little longer than bread; average leugth from 4mm to 5imn- average height, 3mm. Dorsum with a median longitudinal carina and two transverse cariuse, the latter dividing the body into three subequal portions; frequently the longitudinal ridge is more prominent between the transverse ridges than elsewhere, thus forming with them a raised surface of the form of a capital H- The body is slightly margined ; outer part of the disk wiih many (18 to 30) small ridges which extend from the margin half-way up to center of dorsum. Viewed with the micro- scope, the skin is seen to be filled with oval or round cells, each with a clear nucleus, the average size of the cells being from .05mm to .06mm in length, while the nuclei average .02mm in diameter. The antenna are long and 8-jointed, the two basal joints short ; joint 3 longest, joints 4 and 5 equal and shorter, joints 6 and 7 equal and still shorter, joint 8 with a notched margin and almost as long as joint 3. Legs rather "This parasite is now known as Dilophogaster californica Howard, Mr. Howard Sav- ing changed the name Tomocera on account of its similarity to Tomocerus in Thysanura. 100 1 I II II REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. long and stout, the tibia- being about one-fifth Longer than the tarsi. The anal ring Beema to bear six Long hairs. The egg. — Long oval in shape, .4""" in Length, yellowish in color. Xctclij hatched larva. — Then- is nothing very characteristic about the young larva-; they are tlat and their antennae are only b-jointed. (Comstock'a Report for 1880, p. 336.) vj. The oak cukkmes. Chermes ap. (Plate XXVIII, Pig. 1.) The following characterization of this genus is taken from Signoivt : Body perfectly globular or with a slight incision for insertion on thetwigor branch. On an external examination no trace of antenna-, legs, or even mouth parts is to be observed, and the insect presents precisely the appearance of a gall. . In the larva', however, the true characters of the Cocciuaj are seen — ruultiarticu- late lower lip and the absence of the anal plates. The larval characters an- the one-, which have been principally used in the description of species, as they are ea find. They (the larva») are long, oval, the abdomen plainly segmented and deeply cleft at the extremity, except in C. vermilio and C. ballotce. Upon each segment there are several spines at the lateral edge and several hairs upon each disk. The lateral lobes have each a bundle of spines and a very long hair. Antennas 6-jointed, joint 3 longest. With all the legs the tibia} are shorter than the tarsi. With the adult the antennae and legs appear natural ; but in very old individuals, which have secreted the horny covering, the autenme are still present, but deformed; so also with the legs, but the latter are sometimes entirely wanting. The males resemble those of other Coccime, and are inclosed in a little white felt- like sac. Head globular, with four eyes and six ocelli in C. bauhinii i the only species observed by Signoret). The antenna' are very long, joint 3 longest, joint 10 shortest, and carrying several hairs with buttoned tips. Wings long. Abdomeu long, with a short genital armature and two long bristles each side. Legs long, the tibiae longer than the tarsi, the latter with a long claw and the four ordinary digitules. There are in the collection of the Department several specie? belong- ing to this genus, which we have collected in Florida, Alabama, Lou- isiana, California, New York, and District of Columbia. For want of time I am unable to characterize these now. The species represented on Plate xxvni, fig. 1, occurs on Quercus in California. The only North American species which has been described is Kermes ga Uifo rmis Riley, described in the Americau Naturalist, vol. xv. p. 482 (June, 1881). (Couistock, U. S. Agricultural Report, 1880, 337.) 50. Chermes galliformis Riley. " Received from H. H. Rusby, Silver City, N. Mex., the almost glob- ular scales of a coccid from the same oak as the preceding [Quercus emoryi). They are shining, very indirectly sculptured, white, beauti- fully variegated with yellowish-gray and black. The white ground color is especially noticeable in longitudinal stripes. These scales occur either singly or in clusters — the largest containing about eight — around the twig. They contained nothing but eggshells when received. These scales were infested with the larva of a Lepidopteron appar- ently belonging to Dakruma, which issued in April, 1881." (Riley's unpublished notes.) OAK SCALE-INSECTS. 101 51. The obscure scale insect. Aspidiotus obscurus Comstock. This scale insect was found by Professor Comstock on the leaves of the willow oak. The following account is copied from his report in the U. S. Agricultural Report for 1880: Scale of female.— The scale of the female is very dark gray, agreeing in color with the bark to which it is attached ; and as it is only slightly convex, its presence is difficult to detect. It is somewhat irregular in outline, but nearly circular. The exuviae are between the center and one side ; their position is indicated by a nipple- like prominence, which is marked, as in many other species, with a white dot and concentric ring of the same color. The ventral scale consists of a delicate film of white excretion, and the lower half of the exuviae attached to the bark. Diameter of scale, 3mir (.12 inch). Female. — The body of the full-grown female is reniform, being only four-fifths as long as wide and having the lobes of the penultimate segment extending back nearly as far as the end of the body. The segmentation of the body is very indistinct ; the color is a yellowish brown. The last segment presents the following characters (Plate xii, Fig. 4) : There are five groups of spinnerets ; the median consists of about six, the superior lateral of about twelve, and the inferior lateral of about eight. The oval pores opening on the dorsal side of the body are to be seen very distinctly from below. There are three pairs of well developed lobes. The first lobe of each side is conical, tapering anteriorly, and with the distal margin rounded ; there is often a small notch on the lateral side. The distal margins of the second and third lobes are ser- rate. The thickened part of the lateral margin of the segmeut becomes narrower ante- riorly until near the penultimate segment it is a mere line. It is irregularly notched and is terminated posteriorly by a prominent lobe. There are seven short club-shaped thickenings of the body wall upon each side of the meson. Each thickening is rounded anteriorly and tapers posteriorly. They are situated as follows : one terminating near the lateral margin of the first lobe, one at each side of second lobe, one midway between second and third lobes, one at each side of third lobe, and one near the posterior end of the thickened lateral margin. This one is often obsolete. Those terminating at the median sides of the second and third lobes are narrower and shorter, and have their anterior ends directed laterad more than the others. The remaining thickenings are of about the same length as the ■ median lobes. The plates are inconspicuous, and in no case extend as far as the lobes. There is one between the median lobes, one between the first and second lobe of each side, two between the second and third lobes, and two between the third lobe and the poste- rior end of the thickened lateral margin. The last two are unequally bifid, the other four are simple and* truncate. On the ventral side the first pair of spines is obsolete, the second and third pores are situated at the base of the lateral margins of their respective lobes, the fourth pair is just laterad of the lobe of the lateral margin, and a fifth pair is situated about one- third the distance from this lobe to the penultimate segment. On the dorsal side the first pair is also obsolete ; each member of the other four pairs is situated in little mesad of the corresponding spine on the ventral surface. Egg. — The eggs have not been observed, and several specimens of females in the collection indicate that the species is viviparous. Scale of male. — The scale of the male is oval in outline with the protuberance cov- 102 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. ering the larval skin near the anterior end. This scale is of the same color as that of the female. Length, a little more than lmm (.04 inch) ; breadth nearly £mm (.02 inch). Habitat.— Oil the bark of the limbs of willow oak (Quercus phellos) at Washington, D. C. Described from forty females and very many scales of each sex. The scale of this species resembles very much that of Aspidiotus tenehricosus which occurs on red maple. That scale, however, is much more convex than this one, and its diameter is only one-half as -real. 52. A8terodia8pi8 quercicola (Boucbe'). (Plate xx vin, Fig. 4.) The females of this genus resemble those of Asterolecanium Targ.- Tozz. Around the lateral edge and upon the dorsum are spinnerets, which secrete a fringe which persists upon the sides but which upon the back melts down and forms a continuous whole, which constitutes in the old individuals a hard and consistent shield, slightly iridescent, which covers the whole insect. When the females have deposited their eggs the body shrinks up into the cephalic end of the covering so that there appears to be only a sac inclosing the eggs, which one would nat- urally take to be the body of the female. The male scale is of a long oval, with a weak median carina, and showing under the microscope an elegant fringe around the edge similar to that of the female scale. (Comstock, 1880.) Adult female. — Of a dark brown or a clear yellow color, nearly round in outline, fur- nished at the anal extremity with a rounded lobule and above with transverse strke, which represent the abdominal segmentation. Diameter from lmm to 2mm. The skin is covered with quite a large number of tubular spinnerets. The circum- ference of the body is ciliated witbja fine radiating fringe secreted by openings upon the edge of the body. This fringe is double, formed of a row of large tubes joined together two by two, secreted by double openings, and another row, smaller, secreted by smaller openings placed below the others. These insects are very closely applied to the bark, forming for themselves, in fact slight depressions, so that it is very difficult to lift them. Occasionally, however, one of the yellow scales (in which the body of the insect has shrunken up to the end) is slightly elevated a$ one side, perhaps to allow for the exit of the young. On lift- ing one of the scales there remain upon the bark floury marks corresponding to the stigmata. Male— The male scale is of a long oval, lninl in length by .6mm in width ; of a clear brilliant yellow with a weak median carina, and with a fringe similar to that of the female. The male is brownish yellow upon the head and thorax, and of a clearer yellow upon the abdomen, the base of which is a little darker ; the antenme and legs almost black, the prothorax and mesothorax darker than the rest, the transverse band of the metathorax perfectly black, as well as the eyes. The wings are large and of a trans- parent whitish gray. The abdomen is large and rounded; the stylet is dark yellow and .35°"" long. Habitat. — Upou the imported oaks on the Department of Agriculture grounds at Washington. Only the females were found and the male description is taken from Signoret. The species is not a common one in Europe, but is occasionally quite de- structive to au individual tree. (Comstock, 1880.) , OAK SCALE-INSECTS. 103 53. Rhizococcus quercus Comst. (Plate xxix, Fig. 2.) The following account of this scale insect is by Professor Comstock (Agricultural Report, 1880) : Female. — The tubular spiuueret9 are more numerous thau iu R. araucaria, and are not confined to the margin of the body, but are distributed irregularly over the dor- sum. They vary much in size and are curved and acuminate (Fig. 2a). Tarsi less than one-half as long as tibiae. Hair on. trochanter nearly as long as femur. Male. — I have only one specimen, which is much shriveled; this resembles R. araucarice, except that the ocelli are placed farther caudad of the eyes than in that species. Described from 17 females, 1 male, and very many larvae, all mounted in balsam. Habitat. — On scrub oak at Rock Ledge, Fla. ; upon gall-berry, oak, and grass at Fort George, Fla. (Dr. R. S. Turner). The sacs (Fig. 2) of this species, ofVhich I have very many specimens, very closely resemble those of R. araucarice. The sacs of the female are all large, indicating that the species is naked till full grown. The following observations are from Prof. Riley's MS. notes: Specimens of this coccid were received March 29, 1882, from A. Koebele, Archer, Fla., infesting both the trunk and twigs of live oak. Males were just issuing in con- siderable numbers when received. Their color is reddish, eyes black, antennae and legs paler red, thoracic band black. Wings faintly yellowish, somewhat iridescent, with the veins slightly darker. The whole insect is covered with a delicate whitish layer of a mealy excretion. The white anal filaments are louger than the whole insect, including the antennae. The young females are dull greenish yellow. The old females are purplish, and the eggs pale purplish. Some of the scales were in- fested by Dakruma coccidivora, and others by the larvae of a Scymnus which were feeding on the eggs. The following observations, which relate to this or an allied species, are also copied from Prof. Riley's MS. notes : March 1, 1830, received from Dr. J. H. Mellichamp, of Bluffton, S. C, some twigs of Quercus myrtifolia infested by a coccid. The scales are white and have a silky ap- pearance ; they are mostly oblong-oval in form, but sometimes shorter. . The eggs under these scales are regularly oval, whitish pink in color, opaque, semi-transparent, without visible sculpture, and held together by short, interwoven threads that some- what resemble cottou batting. The scales are found in clusters at the base of the more slender twigs, others single, while a few stray to the leaves. One cluster of these scales was infested by a lepidopterous larva about two-thirds of an inch in length and of a dirty greenish-gray color. This larva kept concealed under the scales and wherever it pierced them it closed up the holes with a delicate web. It spun for itself a silken cocoon, March 3, at the bottom of the jar and issued on April 19. The eggs of the coccid hatched from the 6th to 20th of March. All died. 54. Chionaspis quercus Comstock. (Plate xxvm, Fig. 3.) This scale insect, according to Professor Comstock (Ag. Rep. 18.80),- lives on white oak (Quercus lobata) in San Fernando Valley, California. 104 FIFTH REPORT OP THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. The females occur on the bark of the small limbs; the males upon the leaven, 8oale of female.— The scale of the female is long, narrow at the anterior end, much widened posteriorly, and 7. 109. batatoides, Ashin. (Cynips) Proc. Ent. Soc. 1881, p. xi. 11<>. foliatus, Ashm. (Cynips) 1. c. p. xiii. 111. lanigera, Ashm. (Cynip») 1. c. p. xiii. 112. catesbaei, Ashin. (Cynips) 1. o. p. xv. 113. turnerii, Ashin. (Cynips) 1. o. p. xvi. 114. rugosus, Ashin. (Cynips) 1. o. p. xviii. 11."). medullae, Ashui. (Cynips) I.e. 1885, p. viii. 116. geramarius, Ashm. (Cynips) 1. c. 188f>, p. ix. 117. capsualus, Aslnn. (Cynips) 1. c. 1885, p. ix. 118. virens, Ashm. (Cynips) 1. c. 1881, p. x. 119. succinipes, Ashm. (Cynips)\. c. p. xi. 120. clavigerus, Ashm. (Cynips) 1. c. p. xxvii. 121. omnivorus, Aslnn. (Cynips) 1. c. 1885, p. vi. 122. gibbosus, Prov. Le Nat. Can. vol. xii, p. 232. 123. quinqueseptum, n. sp. CYNIPS, Linn. 124. strobilana, O. S. Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil, ii, p. 254; Bassett, I.e. vi, p. 690. 125. echinus, O. S. Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. 1870, p. 56. ACRASPIS, Mayr. 126. pezomachoides, O. S. (Teras)\. c. ii, p. 250. 127. erinacei, Walsh (Teras) 1. c. ii, p. 483. BIORHIZA, Westw. 128. forticornis, Walsh (Cynips) 1. c. iii, p. 190 [ (Teras) O. S. 1. c. iv, p. 379. 129. hirta, Bass. (Cynips) 1. c. iii, p. 688; (Teras) O. S. 1. c. iv, p. 379. 130. fulvicollis, Fitch (Philonix) Rep. No. 291; (Teras) O. S. 1. c. p. 379. 131. nigricollis, Fitch (Philonix) 1. c. No. 292 ; (Teras) O. S. 1. c. iv, p. 379. 132. nigra, Fitch, Fifth Rep. No. 290. 133. loxaulis, Mayr, mammilla, Bass. (Cynij)s) Can. Ent. xiii, p. 76. HOLCASPIS, Mayr. 134. globulus, Fitch (CaUaspidia) Fifth Rep. No. 313; (Cynips) O. S. 1. c. ante vol. i, p. 67 ; Bassett, 1. c. vol. ii, p. 328. 135. centricola, O. S. (Cynips) 1. c. vol. i, p. 58. 136. tenuicornis, Bass. (Cynips) Can. Ent. vol. xiii, p. 92. 137. ficula, Bass. (Cynips) 1. c. xii, p. 75. 138. ficigera, Ashm. (Cnnips) Proc. Ent. Soc. 1885, p. vi. DRYOPHANTA, Forster. 139. gemmula, Bass. (Cynips) Can. Ent. vol. xiii, p. 104. 140. nubila, Bass. (Cynips) 1. c. p. 56. 141. bella, Bass. (Cynips) 1. c. p. 56. 142. polita, Bass. (Cynips) 1. c. p. 56. 143. aquaticae, Ashm. (Cynips) Proc. Ent. Soc. 1881, p. xvi. 144. laurifoliae, Ashm. (Cynips) 1. c. p. xvii. OAK GALL-FLIES. 107 NEUROTERUS, Hartig. 14f>. batata, Bass. (Cynips) Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil, iii, p. 684; Fitch, Fifth Rep. No. 311. 146. noxiosus, Bass. (Cynips) Can. Ent. xiii, p. 108. 147. vesiculus, Bass. (Cynips) Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil, iii, p. 683. 148. irregularis, O. S. (Cynips) 1. c. i, p. 65. 149. verrucarum, O. S. (Cynips) 1. c. p. 62. 150. minutus, Bass. (Cynips) Can. Ent. vol. xiii, p. 96. 151. floccosus, Bass. (Cynips) 1. c. p. 111. 152. affinis, Bass. (Cynips) 1. c. p. 103. 153. piger, Bass. (Cynips) 1. c. p. 105. 154. corrugis, Bass. (Cynijys)!. c. p. 109. 155. majalis, Bass. (Cynips) Proc. Ent. Soc. Phila. iii, p. 683. 156. rileyi, Bass. (Cynips) Am. Nat. 1881, p. 149; Am. Ent. vol. iii, p. 153 (figure of gall). 157. crassitelus, Prov. Le Nat. Can. vol. xii, p. 232. 158. minutissimus, Ashm. (Cynips) Proc. Ent. Soc. 1885, p. vii. 159. confusus, Ashm. (Cynips) 1. c. 1881, p. xviii. 160. coniferus, Ashm. (Cynips) 1. c. p. xxvii. The following species were characterized from the galls alone and their ge- neric position is uncertain : 161. Cynips pilulae, Walsh Proc. Ent. Soc. Phila. vol. iii, p. 481. 162. Cynips juglans, Osten Sacken 1. c. vol. ii, p. 256. 163. Cynips cicatricula, Bassett, Can. Ent. vol. xii, p. 105. Division II.— Inquilin\e, or Guest Gall-flies.* PERICLISTIS, Forster. sylvestris, O. S. (Aulax) Proc. Ent. Soc. Phila. vol. iii, p. 37. pirata, O. S (Aulax) 1. c. vol. i, p. 64. futilis, O. S. (Aulax) 1. c. vol. i, p. 64. semipiceus, Harris (Cynips) Ins. Inj. Veg. p. 549. CEROPTRES, Hartig. ficus, Fitch (Cynips) Fifth Rep. No. 314. petiolicola, O. S. (Amblynotus) 1. c. vol. i, p. 67 ; vol. v, p. 380. Amblynotus ensiger Walsh, 1. c. vol. ii, p. 496. inermis, Walsh (Amblynotus) 1. c. vol. ii, p. 598; (Ceroptres) 1. c. vol. v, p. 380. arbos, Fitch (Cynips) Fifth Rep. No. 310. tuber, Fitch (Cynips) 1. c. No. 309. obtusilobse, Ashm. Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. xii, p. 301. citriformis, Ashm. 1. c. p. 300. pomiformis, Ashm. 1. c. p. 300. virentis, Ashm. 1. c. p. 300. succinipedis, Ashm. 1. c. p. 300. lanigerae, Ashm. 1. c. p. 301. minutissimi, Ashm. 1. c. p. 301. catesbaei, Ashm. 1. c. 301. SYNERGUS, Hartig. lignicola, O. S. Proc. Ent. Soc. vol. ii, p. 252; rhoditiformis Walsh 1. c. p. 499. oneratus, Harris (Cynips) Ins. Inj. Veg. 3d ed. p. 548; Fitch Second Rep. No. 313; (Synergus) Osten Sacken 1. c. ante vol. v, p. 380. *As these are parasites on the other gall-flies, they are not numbered as injurious to the oak. 108 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. SYNERGUS, Bartig— Continued. laeviventris, O. S. (8ynopkru$) 1. 0. vol. i, p. 54; Walsh vol. ii, p. 494 ; (Synergus) <>. s. I. c. vol. v, p. 380. campanula, O. 8. 1.0. vol. v, }>. 376. dimorphus, O. S. I. c. vol. v, p. 3?(l. aloipes, Walsh (Synophrus) 1. o. vol. ii, p. 496. medax, Walsh 1. c. vol. iv, p. 498. ficigerae, Aahm. Trans. Am. Ent. BOO. x ii, p. 301. coniferae, Ashin. 1. c. p. 301. batatoides, Ashin. 1. o. p. 301. bicolor, Aahm. 1. c i>. 302. medullae, Ashin. 1. c. p. 302. SAPHOLYTUS, Foreter. gemmariae, Ashin. 1. c. p. 302. Division III.— Figitinjs, or the Parasites. ANACHARIS, Dahnan. subcompressa, Prov. (Eucoila) 1. c. (ante) vol. xii, p. 237. ONYCHIA, Dalman. quinquelineata, Say ( DipJo iepsi s ) Le Con te's Ed. Say's Works vol. ii, p. 716; (Figites) Prov. Le Nat. Can. xii. p. 237. armata, Say (Diplolepsis) 1. c. ii, p. 716; (Figites) Prov. 1. c. xii, 238. EUCOILA. Westwood. stigmata, Say (Figites) 1. c. ii, p. 718. Kleiilotoma maculipenuis, Prov. 1. c. xii, 237. impatiens, Say (Diplolepsis) 1. c. ii, p. 716. Kleidotoma cupulifera, Prov. 1. c. xii, 238. pedata, Say (Diplolepsis) 1. c. ii, p. 717. mellipes, Say (Figites) 1. c. ii, p. 718. Kleidotoma minima, Prov. 1. c. xii, p. 238. KLEIDOTOMA, Westwood. vagabunda, Ashm. Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. xii, p. 302. FIGITES, Latreille. impatiens, Say 1. c. ii, p. 718. ? chinquapin, Fitch Fifth Rep. No. 320. -5JGILIPS, Halliday. ? aciculatus, Prov. 1. c. (ante) vol. xii, p. 239. ? obtusilobae, O. S. Proc. Ent. Soc. Phila. vol. i, p. 68. IBALIA, Latreille. ensiger, Norton 1. c. vol. i, p. 200. anceps, Say, Le Conte's Ed. Say's Works, vol. i, p. 218. maculipennis, Hald. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. vol. iii, p. 127. rufipes, Cress. Proc. Ent. Sec. A. N. S. 1879, p. xvii. montana, Cress. 1. c. 1879, p. xvii. Mr. W. H. Ashmead has published in the Transactions of the Ameri- can Entomological Society for 1886, pp. 303-304, the following list of the species of oak on which the North American Cynipid^: are found, with a list of the described species (129 in number) inhabiting each kind of oak. Mr. Ashmead has kindly revised and added to the list, bring- ing it down to 1888. OAK GALL-FLIES. 109 The Oaks (Cupulifera). ENCENO OAK. (Quercus agrifolia.) Andricus pomiformis, Bassett. Callirhytis agrifolia, B. Cynips echinus, O. S. WHITE OAK. (Quercus alba.) Acraspis pezomachoides,0. S. forticornis, Walsh. Andricus fusiformis, O. S. lana, Fitch. ulriculus, B. flocci, W. Callirhytis clavula, B. tuber, F. futilis, O. S. seminator, Harris. •Cynips juglans, O. S. cicatricula, B. pisum, F. Dryophanta Carolina. Holcaspis globulus, F. Loxaulis mammula, B. Neuroterus batatus, B. majalis, B. minutus, B. vesiculus, B. WATER OAK. (Quercus aquatica.) Dryophanta aquatica, Ashui. Andricus turnerii, A. Amphibolips melanocera, A. Callirhytis aquatica?, A. SWAMP WHITE OAK. (Quercus bicolor.) Andricus ignotus, B. Acraspis lanw-globuli, A. echini, A. Callirhytis capsulus, B. Cynips strobilana, O. S. Xeiwoterus noxiosus, B. fluccosus, B. BLACK JACK, OR SCRUB OAK. (Quercus Catesban.) Andricus catesbosi, A. omnirorus, A. capsualus, A. infuscatus, A. cry pi us, A. UPLAND WrLLOW, OR BLUE JACK OAK. (Quercus cinerea.) Amphibolips cinerea, A. Andricus omnivorus, A. medulla, A. gemmarius, A. capsualus, A. saltatus, A. difficilis, A. blaslophagus, A. Dryophanta cinerea, A. SCARLET OAK. (Quercus coccinea.) Amphibolips coccinea, O. S. nanus, O. S. Andricus osten-sackenii, B. SWAMP CHESTNUT OAK. (QMercMsprinws.) Andricus papillatus, B. Callirhytis seminator, H. Holcaspis rugosa, B. Neuroterus majalis, B. LAUREL OAK. (Quercus laurifolia.) Amphibolips racemaria, A. cilriformis, A. spinosa, A. Andricus rugosus, A. clavigerus, A. calycicola, A. femoratus, A. Callirhytis calla, A. Eumayria floridana, A. Holcaspis fuliginosa, A. Neuroterus confusns, A. coniferus, A. longipennis, A. laurifolia, A. BURR OAK, OVERCUP OAK. Holcaspis jicula, B. LIVE OAK. (Quercus virens Andricus foliatus, A. lanigerus, A. virens, A. Belonocnema treata Mayr. Holcaspis omnivora, A. ficigera, A. Neuroterus minutissimus, A. 110 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. BLACK-JACK OAK, BARREN OAK. I Qut reus nigra.) Callirhytis nigra , ( ). S. operator, O. S. podagra', W. PIN oak; SWAMP SPANISH OAK. | (Jm reus palustris.) Callirhytis oomigera, 0. S. palustritf O. S. notha, O. S. WILLOW OAK. (Quercus phellos.) Amphibolips phellos, O. S. CHESTNUT OAK. (Quercus casta nea.) Xcuroterus rileyi, B. HINDS'S OAK. (Quercus hindsii.) Andricus californicus, B. MOUNTAIN CHESTNUT OAK. (Quercus montana.) Andricus petiolicola, B. Biorhiza fulvicollis, F. hirta, B. OAK. (Quercus prinoides f) Dryophanta gem mid a, B. Holcaspis rugosa, B. Xeuroterus affinis, B. corrugis, B. RED OAK. (Quercus rubra.) Amphibolips nubilipennis, H. ccelebs, O. S. formosa, B. sculpta, B. Andricus singularis, B. confiuens, B. papains. B. Callirhytis modesta, O. S. punctata, B. Cynipspiluhv, Jr. I'd-! MAK. "-// roiM ohtusiloba.) Andricus tubioola, O. S. pattoui, B. omnivorous. A. Jloridunus Ashm. topiarius, A. strop it.", A. ciunamona us, A. Aeraspis VOCCinti, A. Iliorliiza mi Ilea, A. Callimgtis parvifolia, A. Dryophanta polita. B. Holca8j>is eentricola, O. S. Jicula. B. Loxaulis ma in in a I a. I',. Xeuro terns verruca rum, O. S. irregularis, O. S. pattoni, B. BLACK OAK, YELLOW-BARKED OAK. ( (Jutrcus tinctoria.) Amphibolips spongifca, O. S. Andricus papul us, B. Callirhytis tumifica, O. S. podagra3, \Y. scitula, B. Xeuroterus piger, B. OAK. (Quercus ilicifolia.) Amphibolips ilicifolia, B. Andricus osten-sackenii, B. ventricosus, B. eoniger us, O. S. Callirhytis similis, B. palustri8, O. S. ON UNKNOWN OAKS. Andricus cinerosus, B. coxjj, B. Callirhytis suttonii, B. Dryophanta nubila, B. ftetfa, B. tcxana. A. Holcaspis tenuicornis, B. OAK GALL-FLIES. Ill The following species of Cynipidae are not arranged systematically or by their modern genera, but so far as practicable by the species of oak on which they live. The oak-fig gall-fly. Cynips quercus-ficus Fitch. Order Hymenoptera; family Cynipid^e. Surrounding the twigs of white oaks in a dense cluster, resembling preserved figs packed in boxes, each molded to the shape of those pressing against its sides, hollow bladder-like galls of the pale dull yellow color of a faded oak leaf, each gall produc- ing a small black fly with the lower half of its head, its antennae, and legs pale dull yellow, its hind shanks dusky, and its abdomen beneath reddish-brown, its antennas with fifteen and in the female thirteen joints. Length .06, females .10, and to the end of their wings .14. (Fitch.) Galls which apparently belong to the above species were received June 10, 1882, from Miss Kath. Parsons, South Lancashire, Mass., who found them on the oak at Breakheart Hill, Saugus, Mass., and several of the gall-flies were bred from them between July 1 and July 13. Apparently the same kind of galls were found July 20, 1883, in Vir- ginia on Q. alba. From these issued, from August 16, 1883, to April 21, 1884, numerous parasites, belonging to the genera Torymus, Ormy- rus, Decatoma, and a Oecidomyid. The Cynips, which are wingless, differ from those from Miss Parsons in that they were winged. They commenced to issue January 30, 18S4, and kept on issuing through the whole of February. From a few galls, received March 19, 1883, two specimens, also wing- less, issued February 9, 1884, and large numbers of wingless insects issued from a lot of galls collected by Mr. Koebele at Meredith Village, N. EL, in September, 1883, in the same month. Among these last was also one winged specimen of probably a differeut species. (Riley's un- published notes.) The oak-potato gall-fly. Cynips quercus-batatus Fitch. Order Hymenoptera; family Cynipid,e. A large, hard, uneven swelling, three-fourths of an inch thick and twice or thrice as loug, resembling a potato iu its shape, growing on white-oak twigs more distant from their ends than the oak-tumor; producing a small black gall-fly with the basal joints of its antennae and its legs dull pale yellow, its thighs and hind shanks black, and its middle shanks often dusky, the autennae in the female with thirteen joints, and the length of this sex .09. (Fitch.) The oak-bullet gall-fly. Callaspidia quercus- globulus Fitch aud Cynips oneratus Harris. Order Hymenoptera; family Cynipid.e. Smooth, globular galls the size of a bullet, growing singly, or two, three, or mere in a cluster, upon white-oak twigs, internally of a corky texture, each containing in its center a single worm, lying in an oval whitish shell resembling a little egg .15 in 112 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION length; producing sometimes ■ black gall-fly with tawny-red legs and the second reinlef of its wings elbowed or angularly ben I backwards, it> length .15; sometimes ■ smaller tly | C. oneratu*) of a clear pale yellow color, almost white, with a broad black stripe the whole length of its back, which color in the males is more extended, reaching down upon the sides, its length .12. (Fitch.) These species arc parasitized by two chalcid flies, Maeroglenes querci- globtUi Pitch and Pteromalu* onerati Fitch. TlIK WOOL-SOWEB GALL-PLY. Cynipa *t initiator Harris. Order Hy.menupteka: family Cyxipid.e. A round mass resembling wool, from the size of a walnut to that of a goose egg, growing on the side of or surrounding white-oak twigs in June, of a pure white color, or tinged or speckled with »*ose-red, and in autumn the color of sponge; producing small shining black gall-flies with bright tawny yellow Legs and antenna-, and in the female the head and thorax cinuamou-red; their antennae of fifteen aud fourteen joints; length .08, aud females .11 inch. (Fitch.) The oak-tumok gall-fly. Cynips guercus-tuber Fitch. Order Hymenoptera; Family Cyxipid.e. On or uear the euds of the small limbs and twigs of the white oak, hard irregular swellings thrice as thick as the twig below them, the bark upon them of a brighter cherry -red color than elsewhere, and their substance internally corky and woody; produced by the stiugs of a small black gall-fly, with dull pale yellow antenme, mouth, and legs, its hind shanks and its antenme towards their tips being dusky, its length .08 and to the tips of its wings .13. (Fitch.) The oak-tree gall fly. Cynips qnercus-arhos Fitch. Order Hymenoptera: family Cyxipid.e. Swellings similar to those above described, growing on the tips of the limbs of aged and large white-oak trees ; producing a small black gall-fly having all its legs and antennae of a bright pale yellow color, and one more joint in the latter organs than in the preceding species iu the males, which sex is .06 in length, aud to the tips of its wings .JO. (Fitch.) The followiug observations are from Professor Riley's unpublished notes: ('ij)iips quercua-seminator Harris. Galls of this species were found on twigs of Q. alba in May and June in Virginia, aud the flies and several species of Chalcidians issued from them. The Cynipids are the true sexes, and were issuing June 13, and the parasites, among which was also a Cecidomyid, issuing from June till November 12. Many of the galls were placed with a small tree of Q. alba and covered withgauze, for observation, but notwithstanding the great number of flies, not a single gall was produced on leaves or twigs. OAK GALL-FLIES. 113 C. q.-batatua Bassett. Found in Virginia June 13, 1883, numerous galls on a small shrub of Q. alba, which apparently belong to the above species. On some of the large branches all the young twigs were deformed. Most of the Cynipids seem to have issued, as only a single specimen was bred June 14. Betweeu June 14 and July 3 four different species of Chalcidians were bred. Cynips q.-strobilana Osten Sacken. Dr. Engelmann found this gall on Q. bicolor February 10, 1872, containing at this date fully formed larvae. The same gall on Q. alba was also received from G. W. Letterraann, Allenton, Mo., November 10, lb73. Nothing was bred from any of them, but when opened in 1881 they were found to contain the perfect fly and pupae. C. q.-pezomachoides Osten Sacken. On Q. alba. Received November 10, 1873, from G. W. Lettermann, Allenton, Mo. Cynips quercus-clavula Bassett. Collected in the middle of April, 1870, at St. Louis, Mo., a lot of these galls on Q. alba. Received also some of the same galls from E. Michener, New Garden, Pa. At this date the galls are almost all empty; some of them contain, however, different parasites, among which are Antigaster and a trogositidous beetle and also the dead Cynips. Galls collected in July contain the larva of parasites. The gall-flies are issuing by the 20th of July. Cynips q.-glandulus Riley. Gall formed on cups of acorns on Q. bicolor, in Chester County, Pa., producing a very curious swelling of the cupule terminating in a bunch of curly woolly fibers, the swelling being hard and woody like the acorn and containing in a cavity a ker- nel. It is a gall something after the fashion of C. q.-frondosa, and the kernel has the same crinkled appearance, but is more elongate. It is greenish with a distinct bright yellowish-brown crown with a point sunken in the middle. In the more perfect galls the acorn is entirely absorbed. Cynips q.-duricaria Bass. Forming small woolly galls on the laurel-leaved oak in Missouri. Galls on both upper and under surface on the midrib. Cynips q.-duricaria ? Received from G. W. Lettermann, Allenton, Mo., November 10, 1873, galls on Q. alba which probably belong to the above species. Flies are just issuing at this date. C. q.-globulus Fitch. Found at St. Louis, Mo., on burr oak and swamp oak. PupaB are found in Septem- ber, the flies issuing in November. Cynips quercus-palustris O. S. May 19, 1869. A globular gall, .45 of an inch in diameter, on the leaves of the pin oak. Usually situated on the midrib and penetrating the leaf both above and be- low; sometimes on a side vein ; tolerably smooth ; partly translucent; containing a 5 ENT 8 114 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. •ma]] kernel, usually of an oval form and 08 of an inch long; this kernel perfectly free and containing the larva. Color of outer gall pale-green, with usually a pale rosy check, and having pale yellowish blotches. Color of inner gall fulvous. The galls had completed their growth, though the leaves had not been out more than a week. Flavor subacid. Flies issued during middle of May. Cynipr(Xeuroteru8) rileyii Bassett. Received April 25, 1880, from John A. Warder, North Bend, Ohio, some twigs of Querent castanea thickly covered with the galls of this insect. Others were received March 5, 1883, from J. G. Barlow, Cadet, Mo. Cynipids issue during April and early May. They are preyed upon by a species of Chalcid. C. q. -sculp ta Bass. A translucent gall on Q. imbricarid. This is Bassett's C. q. 8culpta, which hi from Q. rubra. The fly has cloudy wings and is probably nubilipennis Harr. Harris probably described the gall, but not correctly. Cynips q.-cornigera O. S. Found on Q. t'm&rican'a, St. Louis, Mo. Galls of the same species were also obtained at Kidgewood, N. J., on Q. palustris, and the Hies were issuing for two weeks after September 8, 1871. They are the true sexes and were very active. Cynips q.pedunculata. Received May 22, 1883, from J. G Barlow, Cadet, Mo., one of these galls, found growing on the margin of Q. obtusiloba. Several were also found May 23 at Wash- ington, D. C, on leaves of Q. prinos ; a large number of them were, however, de- stroyed by birds which had eaten them, leaving only the petiole. The flies were issuing from May 26 to June f>. Some were confined to some leaves and twigs on the same oak, covered with gauze, but no galls were formed. On the 6th of May, 1884, the galls were found to be already fully formed. C. q.-vcntrico8a Bass. ? In May, 1870, it was observed that a week before the 8th of that month there was no trace yet of any galls, while on the 8th they were almost fully grown. Large clusters of these galls up to fourteen and more aggregate around a twig, each ftp- pressed to one another and terminating in a prominent nipple. Color, green with a roseate tint and thickly covered with bluish-white hairy pubescence. Inside dense and spongy, becoming harder towards the cell. Flavor pleasantly subacid or rather insipid. Larval cell at base close to twig. Larva quite small at this date. By July 31 a very different growth has formed around the twigs of the same trees, caused by several spherical growths around the axis, which, as they enlarge, become closely coutlueut. Their outside is green aud roughened with a number of fulvous blotches, very much like the green bark. Flesh tough, yellowish, insipid and leathery, becoming whiter and more leathery towards the twig. It does not look like a fungus, and yet has no trace of insects, though in the more woody center there are pellucid spots which would indicate it to be a gall. Similar galls were found by Mr. Bassett in October, 1871, on red oak and on Q. ilici- folia. It was found also on Q. imbricaria. May 20, 1873. at St. Louis. Mo. Some old galls which were opened contained the dead gall-flies and three different parasites. OAK GALL-FLIES. 115 Cynips suttonii Bass. Received September 25, 1882, from William Sutton, San Francisco, three very large galls belonging to above species, found on twigs of Q. lobata. Several of the gall- flies issued November 8, 1882, and another one January 2, 1883. Chalcidians issued from January 2 to 13, 1883. Cynips q.-floccicola Riley. Producing a fuzzy gall on underside of leaves of swamp oak. C. q.-decidna Bass. Received November 10, 1873, from G. W. Lettermann, Allenton, Mo., apparently the same or a very similar gall to C. q.flocci, on twig of white oak. The insects were, however, in the larva state July 8, 1874. Nothing was bred. A lot of galls, which also resemble those of flocci, were received February 14, 1879, from E. A. Schwarz, Jackson, Miss., but a fly which had issued on the way appears to be identical with C. q. decidua. Some of the galls contained Chalcidian larvae. C. q.-flocci W. Found galls on white oak September 27, 1870, at St. Louis, Mo. Found apparently the same galls also on black oak, burr oak and red oak. C. lance Fitch is perhaps synonymous. Bassett has another gall with totally different kernel. I have insects and the gall of his flocci. Flies from galls on post oak issued January 20, 1^72. Cynips q.-prunus Walsh. One gall of the above species was received June 11, 1882, from D. S. Sheldon, Griswold College, Davenport, Iowa, and some dry galls from J. G. Barlow, Cadet, Mo., March 18, 1883. Cynips q.-tubicola O. S. Galls of this insect were received December 31, 1878, from W. B. Flippier, of Tell- ville, Ark. They were found on the leaves of post oak. Others galls were also received from Dr. J. W. Sparkman, Plantersville, S. C. The flies issued during the mouths of January and February, 1879. There also issued quite a number of a greenish-black chalcid fly. Prof. W. S. Barnard also collected the gall at Atlanta, Ga., in November, 1880, from which the cynipids and a chalcid which is very likely identical with those referred to above, issued during January and February, 1881. Cynips cadncus W. (?) Round galls in clusters on the midrib on underside of leaf of Quercus undulafa, of the size of a very small pea. Collected October 10, 1874, and examined December 16, 1876, when one cynipid was found. This gall looks much like 159*. October 1, 1880, received the same gall from J. Schenck, of Mt. Carmel, Ills., found on Q. muhlembergii. The larvte were only just hatching; gall tasteless, a pale circle around the larva. It is evidently caducus W. Cynips q.-spongifica O. S. May 19, 1870. Galls are found to contain pupae at this date. Flies issued May 31. 116 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. FEKDING ON THE BUDS. 160. Mamestra detracta Walk. The following observations have been recorded by Professor Riley:* Larva* of this species were noticed, April 90, 1884, n<-ar Rock Creek, Washington, D. C, feeding at night on the huds of oak, and others were seen resting on the twigs of different kinds of trees and shrubs. They transformed to papa bj the 2d of May, and the moths commenced issuing by the 83d of the same month. The pupa is quite aetive, and if placed ou a table is ab]»« to crawl readily, on account of the spines along its sides. Moth.— Dark gray. Hind wings black. Expanse of wings, l."20 inches. 161. Agrotis alternata Grt. The larv;e of the above species were observed, during April, 1884, to climb all kinds of trees and shrubs and to feed on the buds, especially those of the oak and hickory. They seemed to prefer, however, the hickory, as on some of the smaller bushes almost every bud had a hole, sometimes even two or three, and the worms may often be observed when feeding to have penetrated so far that only about one- half of their body projects from the bud. On one small oak shrub six of these larva) were found at work. Numbers of these larvae were also noticed at night to feed on the liquid which was placed on the trunk of oak trees for the purpose of capturing moths. They would feed in confinement on almost any kind of leaves from trees and shrubs and also on grass. By the 1st of May numbers of them were noticed every evening, as soon as it became dark, to ascend the trunks of the trees and shrubs. Some begin at this date to enter the ground for transformation, and the moths issue from the 6th to about the end of June. (Riley.) Moth. — Color reddish brown, sprinkled with dark brown atoms. Lines obliterated. No white along the costa. Subterminal space darker than the rest. The wings tinged with grayish ; no ante-apical spot. Expanse of wings, 1.50 inches. (French.) 162. Scopelo8oma sidus Guen. This (writes Prof. Riley) is one of the earliest noctuids of the season. Specimens which were captured March 24, 1884, at sugar, commenced to deposit their eggs the following day, the larvae hatching therefrom in about fifteen days. Not fiuding any leaves they commenced at once to attack the leaf-buds of oak, wild cherry, apple, peach, and perhaps other trees and shrubs, into which they bore. The larvae commence entering the ground by about the 10th of May, and the moths emerge from the last of September to the early part of November, many, however, remaining as pupae till the next spring. Larvae of the species were found in May at St. Louis, Mo., feeding on blackberry, the moth issuing in October. Eggs. — Globular, with numerous fine ridges, of a yellowish-white, which gradually changes into a light brownish color. The newly hatched larva are whitish with black head and dusky thoracic plate and legs. The first molt takes place about seven days after hatching, and with it there is quite a change in coloration. The thoracic segments, a broad lateral stripe, and the anal segment are reddish. The warts are prominent, black, bearing a short, fine hair. * For this habit of low-plant feeders eating the buds of trees in early spring, see Weismann's Studies in the Theory of Descent, i, *271. INSECTS INJURING OAK LEAVES. 117 After four to six days the second skin is cast and the color has become still darker. Head honey yellow. Cervical shield polished black. Thoracic and first abdoinina1 segment brownish. Dorsal space light green or whitish, with the medial line and subdorsal stripe white, a brown line above stigmata and broad white lateral line. Venter light green. Piliferous warts white, furnished with a fine, short, pale hair. Four or five days later the fourth and fifth molts take place. (Riley's unpublished notes.) INJURING THE LEAVES. 163. The forest tent- caterpillar. Clisiocampa disstria Hubner; {Clisiocampa sylvatica Harris). Order Lepidoptera; family BOMBYCID.E. A caterpillar like the apple-tree tent-caterpillar, but differing from it in having a row of oval white spots instead of a white stripe along its back ; the colony spinning a cobweb-like nest against the side of the tree; spinning a whitish cocoon, the moth appearing early in July. The nests of this caterpillar, unlike the prominent tents of C. americana, so abundant in wild-cherry trees and neglected orchards, are seldom seen, as they are of so slight a texture and are so much less conspicuous objects than the tent-like whitish nests of C. americana ; but the cater- pillars are not infrequently met with. After spinning, about the middle of June in the Northern States, a dense, oblong cocoon, the caterpillar lies in it about twenty days, the moth appearing the early part of July, It occurs in the Atlantic and Southern States. Fitch states that it also occurs on the apple and cherry, the walnut, and other trees. Dr. Kiley informs me that this is as destructive as any caterpillar to the foliage of the oak in the Southern States, being far more injurious than stated by Fitch, who quotes with disapproval Abbot's statement (Insects of Geor, gia, p. 117) that they are " sometimes so plentiful in Virginia as to strip the oak trees bare.'7 Boisduval states that this species occurs rarely in California, but Mr. Stretch states that " the occurrence of this species in California, or even on the Pacific coast of North America, is unknown" to him. (Papilio,!, 68.) Mr. James Fletcher* reports that this tent-caterpillar was very injurious in 1884 in parts of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, "entirely defoliating large tracts of hard-wood bush." " It feeds on leaves of different kinds of trees, such as the different kinds of oak, but seems to do best on the black oak (Quercus tinctoria) and laurel oak (Q. imbricaria), though it will feed also on post oak (Q. obtusiloba) and other species. Found also feeding on hickory, locust, plum, cherry, apple, and peach." (Kiley's unpublished notes.) The caterpillar. — Pale blue, sprinkled over with black points and dots. Along the middle of the back is a row of ten or eleven oval or diamond-shaped white spots ; be- hind each of these spots is a much smaller white spot, occupying the middle of each * Report of the Entomologist, 1885. Ottawa. 118 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. Fig. 37. -Forest tent-caterpillar; 6, female moth ; c, d, eggs of the forest tout-caterpillar. (After Riley.) segment On the hinder p«rt of enofa wing are three crinkled and more or less pale, orange-yellow lines, which are edged with black. On ea.h tide also is a continuous andsonie what broader stripe of the same yellow color, similarly edged on each side with black. Lower down on each side of the body is a paler yellow or cream- colored stripe, the edges of which are more jagged and irregular than those of the one above it. Length 1.50 inches. (Fitch.) The male moth usually measures 1.20 across its spread wings. Its thorax is densely coated with soft hairs of a nankin-yellow color. Its abdomen is covered with shorter hairs, which are light um- ber or cinnamon brown on the back and tip and paler or nankin- yellow on the sides. Theantenine are gray, freckled with brown scales, and their branches are very dark brown. The face is brown with the tips of the feelers pale gray. The fore ■wings are gray, varied more or less with nankin yellow, and they are divided into three nearly equal portions by two straight, dark-brown lines, which cross them obliquely, parallel with each other and with the hind margin. The space between these lines is usually brownish and darker than the rest of the wing, being quite often of the same dark-brown color as the lines, whereby they become wholly lost. Some- times the hind stripe is perceptibly margined on its hind side by a pale-yellowish line. The fringe is of the same dark-brown color with the oblique lines, with two whitish alternations toward its outer end. But sometimes it is of the same color with the wings and edged along its tips with whitish. The hind wings are of a uniform pale umber or cinnamon brown, sometimes broadly grayish on the outer margin, and across their middle a faint darker brown band is usually perceptible, its edges on each side indefinite. The fringe is of the same color with the wings or slightly darker and is tipped with whitish. The under side is paler umber brown, the hind wings often gray, and both pairs are sometimes crossed by a narrow dark-brown baud, which on the hind wings are curved outside of the middle. All back of this band on both wings is often paler, aud more so near the baud. The female is 1.75 in width, and, in addition to the shortness of the branches of her antennae, differs from the male in her fore wings, which are proportionally narrower and longer, with their hind margin cut off more obliquely and slightly wavy along its edge. Hence, also, the dark-brown lines cross the wings more obliquely, the hind one in particular forming a much more acute augle with the outer margin. And all the wing back of this line is sometimes paler or of a brownish-ashy color. And the fringe of these wings has not the two whitish alternations which are often so conspicuous in the male. The head aud forepart of the thorax is cinnamon brown. The abdomen is black, clothed with brown hairs, though very thinly so on the anterior part of each segment, where these hairs are intermingled with silvery gray scales. (Fitch.)* *Tbe following references are copied from Mrs. A. K. Dimmock's Insects of Betula, in Psyche, iv, 275: Clisiocampa sylvatica Harris (Rept. Ins. Injur. Veg., 1841, pp. 271-272) [= C. disstria Hiibn.]. Harris (op. cit., p. 272) describes the larva of this species, giving as food- plants Quercus, Juglans, and apple; later (Treatise on Ius. Injur. Veg., 1362, pp. 375-376., pi. 7, tigs. 18, 19) he repeats the description and adds a colored figure of the larva and imago, adding wild cherry to the food-plants; again he describes (Entom. TENT-CATERPILLARS. 119 164. The California^ tent-caterpillar. Clisiocampa calif omica Packard. Feeding on the scrubby oak, in abundance near San Francisco, a tent-caterpillar ■with a black head and a double rusty reddish dorsal line, often inclosing a long pale blue mediau dash, one to each segment ; and with two lateral pale blue irregular spots ; appearing from the middle of March till the middle of April. I extract the following notice of its habits by Mr. Henry Edwards : The moth lays its eggs in Jane, and they must remain unhatched until the follow- ing spring. Just when the young shoots of the oaks (Quercus agrifolia Nee) begin to appear, the larvte make their appearance also, spinning thin and irregular webs over the branches of the trees. In these webs they house mostly during the heat of the day, but sally forth in the evening and at night for food. In this way they will soon strip a tree of its leaves, though it is well to say that the oaks do not seem to be per- manently affected, as they soon send forth fresh shoots, and toward the time that the caterpillars undergo their change to the chrysalis they are green aud gay again. The larvae retain the shelter of their web until after the third molt, when they wander away singly, are found everywhere, becoming sometimes a complete nuisance in gar- dens and fields. They feed in their more mature stages upon many plants besides the oak, eating with avidity willows, ash, JZsculus californica, Phatinia arbutifolia, Arbutus menziesii, as well as apple and pear trees. Toward the end of May they spin their cocoons, seeming to have no choice of locality, but fixing themselves wherever they may chance to be, either on walls, palings, trunks or branches of trees, stems of grapes, or among the leaves of herbaceous plants. The time in the chrysalis state is about eighteen to twenty-one days, so that the moths emerge and are in the great- est abundance about the middle of June. " This species," says Mr. Stretch (in Papilio, vol. i, No. 5), " is exceed- ingly abundant in the neighborhood of San Francisco, and is probably widely distributed." Near Sau Francisco its favorite food-plant is a species of scrubby oak, Q. agrifolia, but it is sometimes found on the blackberry (Bubus) and other shrubby plants. Its depredations have lately, Professor Rivers writes me, extended to the orchards. The nests, according to Mr. Stretch, may be seen in warm localities as early as the middle of March, while in those more exposed they are not seen till the middle of April ; but both these dates are sufficiently early to protect the orchards. The larvae pupate in about six weeks from the egg, and the imago appears in about a fortnight. The following notes have been received from Professor Riley : Received April 20, 1877, from Mr. E. W. Hilgard, Berkeley County, Cal., several larvae and pupae of above insect. Corresp., 1869. p. 292) the larva. Morris (Synop. Lepid. N. A., 1862, p. 326) quotes Harris's descriptions (1841) of the larva aud imago. Riley (Amer. Entom., July-Aug., 1870, v. 2, pp. 261-265, and 3d Rept. State Entom. Mo., 1871, pp. 121-127) describes eggs and egg-mass, larva and imago, giving, in addition to the food-plants men- tioned above, Fraxinus, Tilia, Rosa, Carya, plum, and peach. Saunders (Can. Entom., July, 1872, v. 4, p. 134) repeats Riley's figures and (op. cit., Aug., 1877, v. 9, p. 159), gives another figure of the larva, adding Acer, Crataegus, and Fag us to the food- plants; later Saunders (op. cit, Feb., 1878, v. 10, pp. 21-23) gives notes on the eggs of this species and of C. americana, and on the destruction of these eggs by mites. The larva of this species eats leaves of Beiula alba. 120 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. The larva' ;irc about 2 inches lonir, of a velvety, blackish-brown color, and are cov- ered with quite long yellowish-brown hairs. They are feeding on oak. The larva- changed to pupae April 21, and the moths issued May lb. Larva), papa aud eggs were also received in July, 1884, from H. Bliss, Salt Lake City, Utah, who reports them to be extremely injurious to all kinds of fruit-trees and other vegetation. (Riley's unpublished notes.) Larva. — Head black, legs black; abdominal feet pale testaceous. Body black, faintly dusted with rusty, which forms an exceedingly broken and indistinct lateral Line and a more complete double dorsal line. Each segment carries a lateral, trans- verse, very faint linear dot above the lateral line, a dorsal pale blue median stripe, and on the -hie two irregular pale blue patches separated by a deep black space. The dorsal ami lateral hairs are all tawny. The general appearance of the larva is tawny brown. Length about 1.40 inches. Cocoon. — Constructed in the crevices of bark or in the angles of masonry, where accessible, and consisting of a loose, white web, in which is suspended the long ovate cocoon of dense papery consistency, thickened with a yellowish powdery gum. (Stretch.) Moth. — Cinnamon brown, with two transverse pale lines curved outward just be- fore ending on the costa. Base of the fore wings within the inner line lighter than without. Hind wings darker than the fore pair. Fringe of both pairs of wings broadly interrupted with pale brown. The female is lighter colored than the male, with two dark -brown lines, the other one continuing straight on to the costa. Be- neath, in both sexes, uniformly darker than above. Expanse of wings, male, 1 inch; female, 1.20 inch. The caterpillar of a species of Clisiocampa, which I have now little doubt is that of C. californica, which I have bred from eggs received from Miss Emily L. Morton, to whom they were sent from Colorado by Mr. Nash, was abundant at Virginia City and Helena, Mont., on the leaves of the wild rose so common near those towns, its con- spicuous tents readily attracting the eye. A half-grown larva, found June 16 at Virginia City, measuring .75 inch in length, had a blue-black head. The body was blue on the sides, with dark spots ; a black subdorsal spot rudely resembling a St. George's cross occurred on each side of each ring. The median dorsal line was pale blue, interrupted by the sutures between the segments. On each side of the line was a brown ocherous patch. The hairs are ocherous brown ; the long ones paler. When fully grown it is about the size of the eastern tent-caterpillar (C. americana), i. e., an inch aud a half. The mature larva found at Helena, June 21, was described from life in my notes as follows: "Head grayish brown; body pale, grayish-blue on the sides, speckled with black, with a large black squarish patch extending above into the subdorsal broad longi- tudinal band, which is mottled with bright ocherous brown, short wavy lines. A pale bluish distinct longitudinal broad median dorsal stripe interrupted by the Butures between the segments. Hairs long, pale brown. Body blackish beneath." At this date the caterpillars had begun to be full-fed, and one caterpillar had spun a cocoon under a stone. This caterpillar differs from that of C. americana in having a broad blue dorsal stripe instead of a white one, and there is no broad lougitudiual black stripe, as in the eastern caterpillar. It also differs decidedly from the caterpillar of C. constricta Stretch, the dorsal stripe being blue instead of forming a series of black and ocher- ous red spots. The blue dorsal interrupted stripe varies in distinctness and may be nearly or quite absent. In fact, this caterpillar is exposed to much variation, aud it would be easy to make several species out of this widely diffused one, which in Colorado feeds on the aspen. A blown specimen received from Prof. J. J. Rivers " from the mountains of Nevada that may be C. fragilis" is unquestionably a very distinctly marked larva of C. californica. My Montana specimens closely resemble it. In Mr. Rivers' Nevada examples the row of long dorsal pale-blue, almost whitish TENT-CATERPILLARS. 121 blue, spots are very distinct. This dorsal row is flanked on each side by two large distinct irregular spots of the same pale blue color, the space between them being conspicuously deep black. In this specimen also the numerous close, broken, fine dorsal alternating black and ocherous lines so characteristic of C. calif ornica are present. Whether the larva received from Professor Rivers, and referred by him with doubt to C. fragilis Stretch, is that species is quite another question. I have not seen either the larva or imago of Stretch's fragilis. 165. The Pacific oak tent-caterpillar. Clisiocampa constricta Stretch. Feeding on the leaves of the Sonoma oak of California, a tent-caterpillar, with a broken dorsal row of large rust-red spots, and transforming at the end of May, the moth appearing late in June. Prof. J. J. Rivers writes me regarding this species: "I have never found G. constricta but upon oak. This species can not be confused with any of the others that I am acquainted with, because the male is always pale and the female always dark, the male being a cream color and the female a little like red cedar color with a warm tone." From an excellent blown larva kindly loaned me by Professor Eivers 1 find that it differs from all the other Oalifornian species in the large, conspicuous ocherous-red dorsal patches which give rise to peculiar wedge-shaped ocherous tufts of short hairs ; also by the lateral row of short white tufts, while the body in general is much more hairy than in the other species. No eastern species has such a characteristic and peculiar arrangement of spots and hairs. The following descriptions of larva, chrysalis, and cocoon of this moth are copied from Mr. Henry Edwards's account in the Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences, vol. v, 1874, p. 368: Larva. — Head slate-gray, with black spots; mouth parts black, tipped with dull yellow. Body slate-gray, covered laterally with fine black speckles. Along the middle of the dorsal region is an irregular black strip e, marked on its sides with waved orange lines, and surmounted at the union of the segments by a double tuft of chestnutr brown hairs. On the second and third segments, in the middle of the notched black line, is a stripe of dull white. From the base of the orange-brown tufts spring a few scattered black hairs, longest anteriorly, and from the forepart of each segment arise lateral tufts of white hairs. The stigmata are orange, with black central points. Above the base of the feet is a black interrupted line, out of which spring other white hairs, irregularly disposed. Under side dull velvety black, with the anterior portion of each segment whitish. Feet and prolegs black, yellow at their tips. Length 1.85 inches. Food-plant, Quercus sonomensis Benth. The larva is frequently attacked by a species of ichneumon, the eggs of which are visible on the head and anterior segments. Chrysalis. — Chestnut brown, with few hairs along the base of each segment. Cocoon. — Ovo-lanceolate, very silky, yellowish white, with some portions glued in compact mass and whiter than the remainder. Chrysalis only imperfectly seen through the web. Larva May 22, changed to chrysalis May 29. Imago, June 16. Moth. — Of the size and general appearance of C. americana, but the outer line, in- stead of being directed outward on the costa, is more sinuous than in the eastern species, and decidedly curved inwards upon the costa. 122 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. 166. Tin: A.mkkicax'I'kt-moth. Qaatropacha amerieana Harris. Order Lepidoptkra ; family Bombycidjt:. The interesting larva of this moth rarely occurs on the oak. Larva.— Body broad, somewhat flattened; the lateral ridge produced on eaeh seg- ment into a pail of hairy lappets, white, edged with gray, and Cringed with lung radi- ating hairs. On the eighth abdominal segment is a round Mack hamp ringed with white. The body is white and gray, mottled so as to resemble the pale bark of the ash or poplar. When creeping two transverse bright scarlet bands are disclosed in the siit in. s just behind the second and third thoracic segments. On each segment are two dorsal, curved spindle-shaped dark gray spots: the sides are clouded with dark gray. Length :>:>-<;()""". 167. The Califobnian phkyganidia. Phryganidia califomica Pack. Order Lepidoptbra ; family Zyqmmdm. Very destructive to young oaks, a naked, yellowish-white caterpillar, striped with black and white, with a large head, wandering incessantly over the bnshesaad feed- ing very rapidly ; spinning no cocoon, but the chrysalis, yellowish and black, attached by the tail to fences, &c. This is, by its numbers and familiar habits, one of the best known and most destructive insects of California. The following accouut has been furnished me for Hayden's Report by Mr. Henry Edwards:* "This insect is also very destructive to our young oaks, the caterpillars, which are naked perfectly and with the head almost monstrous in size, making their appearance about the same time as those of Clisiocampa. They are restless little creatures, wandering incessantly over the trees and feeding very rapidly. They spin no cocoon, but hang by the tail, like the larva of Vanessa, etc. The change to the chrysalis is undergone in April and May, and the moths appear in about fifteen or sixteen days. There is a second brood of these insects, the imagos of Fig. 38.-Caliibrnian Phrygani- the laUer appearing in September and October. Indeed, triiki> oak-worm." An 'mot a ainatonu Hiibner. Order Lepidoptera: family Bombycid.k. In August, sometimes stripping the trees, a spiny black caterpillar, with four orange- yt'llow vtoipef «>n the book and two along each side, with two black prickles above and two on each side, changing the following June to a large ocher-yellow moth, with a large white dot on the fore wings. These prickly caterpillars, during certain years, as I have noticed at Amherst, Mass., and at Providence, as well as in Maine, so abound as to nearly strip large oak branches of their leaves, and is perhaps the most destructive of all our caterpillars to the foliage of the oak. The spines, if they happen to penetrate the skin, as Fitch and others have observed, sting like nettles. This species, Mr. Riley informs me, is the more injurious in the Northern States, while A, stigma is most destruct- ive in the Southern. According to Riley, Mr. Bassett has bred a small ichneumon fly (Limner ia [Bancnus] fugitiva Say) from this caterpillar. Riley has also bred it from the larva of Anisota stigma, Clisiocampa sylvatica, as well as other caterpillars. Mr. Lintner states that "the larvaB occur so abundantly at Center as wholly to defoliate numbers of the smaller oaks. On the 7th of July the female moths were seen to have commenced the deposition of their eggs on the under side of oak leaves in patches often nearly covering the entire surface. On the 11th of July some newly hatched larvae were observed." (Eut. Contr., i, 5S, foot-note 1.) In 1882 this caterpillar was very destructive to oak forests in Penn- sylvania. Professor Claypole writes to the Canadian Entomologist (xv, 38): I have seen hillsides that looked as if fire had passed over them in consequence of the destruction of the foliage by millions of this species. Iu the woods they could be found crawling over almost every square foot of ground and lying dead by dozens in every pool of water. The sound of their falling ''frass," too, was like a slight shower of rain. Farmers tell me they have never known them to be so abundant before within their recollection. Harris says this species lives on the white and red oaks in * Anisota senatoria Abb. & Smith (Nat. Hist. Lepid. Ins. Ga., 1797, v. 2, p. 113, pi. 57). Harris (Rept. Ins. Injur. Veg., 1841, p. 291-29*2) describes the larva, pupa, and imago of this species; the larva, he states, feeds upon white and red oaks [Quercw sp.]. Morris (Synop. Lepid. X. A., 1862, p. 231) describes the larva and imago. Har- ris (Treatise on Ins. Injur. Veg., 1662, p. 405-406) figures and describes larva, pupa, aud imago, and (Entom. Corresp., 1869. p. 896, pL 2, fig. 9, and pi. 4, fig. 12) gives a col- ored figure of the larva and a black one of the pupa. Riley [?] (Amer. Entom., Sept.- Oct., 1669, v. 2, p. 26) states that the larra eats raspberry [Rubus sp.]. Lintner (Entom. Contrib., No. 2. 1672, p. 51-52) describes the early stages of the larva, which, he writes, has four molts (five stages), and feeds on Qucrcu* prinoides. Packard ( Bull. 7, U. S. Entom. Comm., 1881, p. 45) briefly describes the larva, and gives a few notes upon its habits. The larva feeds on Betula alia. (Mrs. Dimmock, Psyche, iv. 275.) THE SPINY OAK-WORM. 125 Massachusetts. Here the white oaks were untouched and the red oak is not abun- dant. The food of the caterpillars was almost exclusively the foliage of the black oak (Q. tinctoria), the scarlet oak (Q. coccinea), and the bear or scrub oak (Q. ilicifolia). (See also American Naturalist, xvi, 914.) It was also abundant in September of the same year in Sagadahock and Cumberland Counties, Maine, and in Rhode Island. The following notes on the egg and freshly-hatched larva are con- tributed by Professor Riley : August 1, 1869, received of F. A. Gates, Massillon, Cedar County, Iowa, a ribbed female of Dryocampa senatoria with a batch of over 300 eggs on the underside of a raspberry leaf. These eggs are almost round in outline, depressed, being about half as high as. wide, the width across being .04 of an inch. The shell is so very trans- parent that it makes a very good object for watching the development of the em- bryo. The egg is when first laid yellow, with a darker brownish ring above. The larva when first hatched is pale yellow, with a large black head, black thoracic legs and two stiff black horns springing with an anterior slant from the top of seg- ment 2, each of which horns terminate in two finer bristles. The rest of the body is covered with pale bristles. (Riley's unpublished notes.) Larva. — Head large, fully as wide as the body ; jet black. Body uniformly thick, cylindrical. On meso thoracic segment a pair of long and slender, stiff, black spines, blunt at the end, nearly as long as the body is thick. They stand erect, diverging a little, and arise from swollen bases, connected by a slight transverse ridge. On each succeeding segment there is a transverse series of four small, sharp, simple spines, one or two sometimes ending in two spines ; and low down on each side, below the spiracles, are three large and a fourth minute short acute spine. There are on the hinder part of the back of most of the segments two small black spines. The spines become larger on the last three, especially the penultimate seg- ment. Supra anal plate large and flat, rather rough, ending in two acute spines, with four smaller spines on each side. Abdominal legs larger and broad, with stiff short hairs on the hinder and lower edge. Prothorax unarmed, but with a thickened conical plate. Body jet-black, with a double dorsal ocher-yellow-brown line, a narrow subdorsal line, and two wavy lateral lines of the same color. A median ventral ochre-brown band. Length, 42mm. Moth. — Male antennae broadly pectinated on basal two-thirds ; yellowish-brown ; base, costa, and outer edges bathed in faint purplish ; the hind wings of the male well rounded ; fore wings slightly spotted with dark brown ; a clear large round white discal spot ; an outer oblique distinct brownish line extending from a little beyond the middle of the inner edge to the costa just before the apex. Expanse of wings of male, 42mra ; female, 57mm. 169. The spiny oak- worm. Anisota stigma Htibner. Eating the leaves in September, in the Southern States especially, a worm like the preceding, but of a bright tawny or orange color, with a dusky stripe along the back and dusky bands along the sides, and with its prickles lengthened into thorn-like points. This worm is said by Dr. Riley to be nearly as destructive in the Southern States as A. senatoria is in the Northern. According to Abbot and Smith, in Georgia the caterpillar goes into the ground to pupate September 20 and comes forth by the middle of June 126 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. following. The young at first keep together and as they grow larger disperse. The following quotations are from Riley's unpublished notes: "Found feeding on oak and hazel at St. Louis, Mo., by Professor Riley, OD hazel in Illinois, by Mr. Muhlemann, and on both oak and hazel by Mr. Saunders, London, Out. Moths issue from middle of May to mid- dle of June. Eggs were noticed to hatch July 10. Went through the first two molts till July 20, and through third molt July 27. The first larva entered the ground August 4, aud the last one August 22, 1870. These are specimens from Canada, but around Kirk wood, Mo., there are some found which are not yet full grown at this date. " Mr. Saunders says, November 21, 1870, that he has noticed a sec- ond brood. M According to Abbot and Smith this is the more spotted moth, and their larva agrees with mine, but is colored too yellow. Their larva of pellucida seems to differ principally in having two pink longitudinal vittae, each side. The male and female of A. stigma are almost alike, whilst in A. pellucida they are unlike. Both are sometimes found on the same tree. 11 Dr. Asa Fitch states that his little daughter was stung badly by a larva which he had feeding uuder a glass; but, notwithstanding that a slight stinging sensation is discernible, it can not be likened to that of the true stinging larvae and is not more irritating than the prickly spines of Vanessa interrogationis. 11 Young larva. — August 24, 1876, found a lot of caterpillars feeding on Quercus bicolor? They are .63 of an inch in length, and of a dark greenish-gray color, with a broad dorsal line a shade darker; on each segment there are six black thorns tipped with white ; two on the dorsal line, one on each side, and one on the margin of each side ; those on the sides are very small and more like tubercles ; thorns on the back and sides nearly equal in length, getting a little longer on the last segmeuts ; on the second segment are two very long horns, resembling very much antennae, the point of which is divided into two; they are directed forwards and curved a little back- wards. Head, brick-red, not very glossy ; feet black. Destroyed by parasites. 11 Full grown larva. — Average length, 50mm. General color pale tawny-red, inclining to orauge. The whole surface covered with bright yellow, almost white papillae of different sizes, giving a speckled appearauce ; the usual medio-dorsal narrow line ; a broad subdorsal longitudinal stripe of a paler color and having a dingy carueoushue ; a narrower substigmatal stripe of the same hue. Horns and spines black and marked with white papilhe, and with a tendeucy to brauch, especially towards the tips; the longer horns on joint 2 being blunt-pointed, aud also with white papilhe at the base. Head uniformly gamboge-yellow ; cervical shield, anal plate, and plates on anal prolegs of the same yellowish color as head. A pale medio- ventral line ; the thoracic legs pale, the prolegs with pale papilhe outside ou a dark ground. " The species is at once distinguished from the other species of the genus by the longer spines, their tendency to furcation and being speckled with white papilhe, and by the less distinct striping." (Riley's unpublished notes.) Moth. — This is closely allied to A. senatoria, but in both sexes the wings are rather darker and more spotted with blackish; the cross-line on the hind wings is heavier and more distinct, and the white discal spot is apt to be less perfectly round than in senatoria. Expanse of wings, malt-, 45mm; female, 53 to 55mra. INSECTS INJURING OAK-LEAVES. 127 170. The rosy-striped oak-worm. Anisota peUucida Hiibner. Order Lepidoptera; family Bombycid^e. Eating the leaves in July, in New York, a two-horned prickly worm of an obscure gray or greenish color, with dull brownish-yellow or rosy stripes, and its skin rough from white granules. This species has been said by Fitch to have been common for many years in Salem, N. Y., where A. stigma has seldom been seen The worms mostly enter the ground to transform into the pupa early in August, though some remain on the trees as late as the middle of September. The following description is copied from Prof. G. H. French's Report of the Curator of the Museum of the Southern Illinois Normal Uni- versity, 1880. They occurred on different species of oak' during the middle and last of September, most of them pupating by October 2 in the soil. Larva. — Length about 1.25 inches. General color pale dull green, striped with fine red substigmatal, subdorsal, and dorsal stripes, the last very pale, so as to be almost obsolete. Head with a slightly yellowish tinge. On each segment there are six short black thorns or sharp points, the two on the back of the second segment behind the head being about one-fourth inch long, but the rest much shorter. We add also the following description furnished by Dr. Riley, who has compared it with the caterpillar of Anisota stigma : A. peUucida comes nearest to A. stigma in general appearance, but the spines are shorter, more pointed, uniformly black; the color is darker, being almost black, so that the papillae, which are ratber denser, give the dark portion a bluish cast ; the subdorsal and stigmatal lines are of a more intense red, inclining to pink, and the stigmatal line is rather broader than the subdorsal. The average length is somewhat less and the larva more slender than in stigma; the shorter, blacker spines, deeper colors, and stronger contrast between the lines at once separating it from stigma.* Specimens, without much doubt belonging to this species, though we have not found the moth in Maine, occurred on the red oak at Bruns- wick, Me., August 28. The body was greenish, with dark dorsal and lateral, not ** reddish," bands. Moth. — Besides being smaller, the male differs from those of A. stigma and senatoria in the hind wings being distinctly triangular, the outer edge being straight and the hind angle somewhat produced; the fore wings are also decidedly narrower, while the white discal spot is considerably larger, and the wings are throughout consider- ably darker and free from dark spots. Expanse of wings of male, 40,mn. * Found ou differeut kinds of oak, October 2, 1873, many larvae looking like A. stigma. The form is the same, but they differ considerably from them in color and markings. It is to be distinguished from A. stigma in its smaller size, in the ground color of the dark parts being blacker, the papillae being yellow instead of white, and in the paler vittae being of a deep pink or lake-red. The head and anal shield are more olivaceous and the spines are shorter and stouter. The whole larva is more brightly .and distinctly marked. Moths issued April 22, 1874. Some of the dried larva skins were brought from Loudoun County, Va., in July, 1881. (Riley's unpublished notes). 128 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. The caterpillars of the following species of Lepidoptera are not known to be especially injurious, but occur more or less frequently on the leaves : 171. Basilarchia astyanax (Fain. Limenitis Ursula Fabr.). In New England a caterpillar occurred on leaves of the scrub oak as early as June 1; by June 7 it pupated, the chrysalis suspended verti- cally by the tail, while the butterfly emerged June 18. Harris also observed a pupa July 8, the butterfly appearing July 20. It also feeds on the willow, wild cherry, Carpinus americana, and various shrubs. It ranges from the Atlantic coast to Kansas. Larva. — Larva found feeding on leaves of scrub oak, June 1 ; head tinged with pale purple, two white stripes down the center of the face, lip brownish; vertex bifid, tuberculated, tubercles pale green. Body elongated, cylindrical, a pair of tubercles on each segment, those on the second beiug much elongated, linear, with short, blunt spines; first and second segments pale reddish-yellow, tubercles dirty green; third segment whitish or reddish white, veined with pale green above, tubercles pale ; fourth segment green above, tinged with ocherous, especially at sides ; fifth segment pale olive green above, darker at sides; tubercles whitish, transverse elevated liue at sides whitish, as it is in all the following segments; sixth segment olive green, with two longitudinal white lines above ; seventh segment olive green at sides, red- dish white or clay colored behind, and on the top two white lines with a clay-colored patch between, a small blackish spot near the stigma; eighth segment clay colored, slightly green at sides behind ; ninth segment greenish at sides, with a small black spot, clay colored above, before with two white lines ; tenth and eleventh segments dark olive green, tubercles paler; twelfth segment dark green above, tubercles four, ocherous. Feet ocherous; prolegs greenish bordered with ocherous. Body beneath whitish varied with green. Length, 1.3 inches. (Lintner.) Pupa. — Like that of B. archippus in form and color. Butterfly. — Expanse of wings, 3 inches. Upper surface black, tinged with bluish or greenish, and a little with fulvous at the apex of the fore wings. Along the outer margin are two rows of blue or green spots, the outer in the form of crescents, the inner, lunules. Under side brownish-black, the outer border repeated, preceded by a row of black and a row of fulvous spots, some of the latter obsolete near the posterior angle. There are two fulvous spots in the cell of the fore wings, three near the base of the hind wings, and some on the costae of both wings near the base. (French.) 172. Basilarchia archippus (Cram. Limenitis disijypus Godt.). According to Scudder, French, and others, this butterfly occasionally feeds on the oak, and the accompanying figure was drawn from a cater- pillar found on the oak. (See Poplar Insects.) INSECTS INJURING OAK-LEAVES. 129 Fig. 40.— Larva of Basilarchia archippus (Limenitis disippus). Emerton del. 173. The live oak thecla. Thecla favonius Abbot and Smith. The green, slug-like caterpillars of this beautiful butterfly were ob served on the live oak at Enterprise, Fla., April 7 and 8, also a few days afterwards at Crescent City, and again on the scrub live oaks on Anastasia Island, St. Augustine. They pupated April 13, 14; the chrysalis in general appearance closely resembling that of Thecla cala- nus, found about Providence. They breed easily in confinement, my specimens haviug been placed in a small pocket tin box. After my re- turn to Providence the butterflies emerged from April 30 to May 2. It, is the most common species iu the Southern States, and is said by Abbot and Smith to feed on Quercus rubra and other oaks. Larva. — Closely resembling in general appearance that of Thecla calanus. Body straw-yellowish green, with fine yellowish papillas and dense, short hairs. Head pale horn color, small and narrow. Length, 17™m. Pupa. — Of the same size and shape as that of Thecla calanus, thehirsutiesthe same, though not quite so coarse. In color rather pale horn, not so much mottled with black. It differs from T. calanus in the distinct lateral row of black dots. Length, 10mm. Imago. — Wings of the usu al form and color in the genus. Fore wings of male with a blackish sex-mark below the costa; a tawny patch in the first and a larger, more distinct oue in the second median cell. Hiud wings with a large deep orange patch near the inner angle, with a minute one on each side; orange spots on the inner ' angle. "The points of the W formed by the inner line on the under side of the bind- wings touching the outer line." (French.) Expanse of wings, 23mm. 5 ENT 9 130 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. 174. Liu da (iiitoh/ciiH Edwards. This butterfly ranges from Missouri to Texas. The following ac- count is given us by Professor Riley ! Found May B, 1872, under an oak tree, beneath stone and bricks, a rather eurious conchiliform larva. Larva, — Head and first joint retractile. Color dull straw-yellow, variegated with pair fulvous and olive green. Minutely granulated with black spots, each giving rise to a short stiff hair. Dorsum narrow, flattened ; sides sloping roof-fashion. Ven- ter glaucous, with full complement of legs well developed. Stigmata large, but so COnoolorons with body that they are seen with difficulty. Before transforming to pnpa the distinctive characters are lost and it becomes pinkish, more rounded, and the black dots are all pale. Papa.— Of the normal rounded form; of a dull dirty yellowish-brown, speckled with black, and pubescent with short pale blunt bristles. The head is produced into a hood with flattened frontal edge, and the characteristic feature is a white narrow transverse egg-like elevated spot in place of the first spiracle on suture between head and thorax — looking as though they might be eyes. Head parts not distinguishable. Imago Issued May 25. (Unpublished notes.) Butterfly. — Differs from Thecla favonius in the points of the W not touching the outer line. Expanse of wings, 1.05 to 1.1 inches. (French.) 175. Thecla edwardsii Saunders. The following note on this butterfly, which ranges from Maine to Nebraska and Colorado, has been contributed by Professor Riley: July 2, 1875, found two larvae of a Thecla on oak. They are dark velvety green ; changed to pupa July 4, and the imago issued on the 13th. (Unpublished notes.) Butterfly. — Upper surface pale wood-brown ; the male with the usual subcostal sex- mark, hind wings with one short tail and an angle in place of the second tail ; two faint blackish spots on the hind wings, one between the tail and the angle and the other towards the anal angle, with faint orange crescents before each. Under side paler than the upper, two rows of spots across each wing, as in the lines of Thecla acadica Edwards; they are shorter, with spaces between. The spots of the inner row, except the last two on the hiud wings, are oblong and oval, each sur- rounded with white, the last two longer than the others. The outer row is a series of blackish crescents, edged on the inner side with white, on the outside with orange, fading out towards the apex of the fore wings, more prominent at the anal portion of the hind wings: the usual blue patch between the next to the last and the mar- gin, and the two black spots of the other species. At the end of the discal cell a spot similar to the spots of the inner row. Maine to Nebraska, Colorado. Expanse of wings, 1.1 inches. (French.) 176. Thecla calauus (Huebner). According to Scudder (Butterflies of the Eastern United States) this butterfly feeds on Quercus rubra and Q.falcata, but prefers the walnut and hickory. (See Walnut Insects.) INSECTS INJURING OAK-LEAVES. 131 177. Juvenal's skipper. Thanaos juvenalis West wood. The larva of this butterfly is not uncommon on the white oak from early in September uutil towards the middle of October iu Providence. We observed one caterpillar which (October 8) fig. u.— Larva (a) and pupa curled a leaf over its body and spun a thin floss ^^Za^LT^ of silk in which to transform. Thanaos ennius was originally regarded as the uortheru representa- tive of Thanaos juvenalis Westwood, but Mr. Scudder now writes me that he regards ennius as a synonym of T. juvenalis. In New England this skipper is seen in meadows iu May and again in August. Larva. — Body somewhat flattened, tapering towards both ends ; dull pea-green, the skin granulated with distinct white pimples. A lateral white line. Head wider than the prothoracic segment, bilobed, somewhat flattened in front, dark dull reddish- brown, with each lobe of the vertex touched slightly with red-brown, and an orange- red spot on the inside of each set of eyes. A dark median dorsal stripe and a lateral yellow line; the lateral ridge whitish. Length, 26mm. Butterfly. — Smoky brown on both sides; fore wings variegated above with gray, with transverse rows of dusky spots, and six or seven small semi-transparent white spots near the tips; six of these spots are disposed in a transverse row, but the two Uindmost are separated from the others by a considerable interval, and the seventh spot, which is sometimes wanting, is placed nearer the middle of the wing. Hind wings with a row of blackish spots near the hind margin. Expanse of wings, 1.6 inches. (Harris.) 178. Thanaos brizo Bois. and Le C. Besides feeding on a leguminous plant (Galactia glabella) the larva of this skipper occurs on Quercus ilicifolia. (Scudder.) 179. Smerinthus exccecatus (Abbot and Smith). The larva of this sphiugid moth has been found on Quercus imbricarius and Q. obtusiloba by Professor Riley, who has communicated the follow- ing description : Larva. — Normal form. Uniform pea-green. The papilla? cream-colored and regu- larly arranged in about eight annulets. A bluish vesicular medio-dorsal mark. Yellowish-green oblique lines extending length of two joints, the last brighter yel- low and extending up the caudal horn, which is also papillated. The thoracic joints have a longitudinal yellow subdorsal line. The head is triangular, but bluntly so; the front flattened, more polishad, and deeper green, with less distinct papiloe and separated from the hinder part, which is like the body, by a pale A relieved behind by darker shade. Abdominal and thoracic legs rosy outside. Stigmata white with heavy black anunlations. — (Unpublished notes). 180. Daremma undulosa Walker. This sphingid feeds occasionally on the white and red oak. ( W. J. Holland, Can. Ent, June, 1886. See Ash Insects.) 132 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. 181. Nola ovilla Grote. (Larva. Plate xxxv. Fig. 2.) One of the most interesting tonus whose life-history we have made out is that of a species of Nola. The position of the genus Nola has long been an uncertain one. By some of the older authors, notably Hiibner, the species were placed among the Pyralidaj, and Stainton in his Manual of British Butterflies and Moths regards the genus as form- ing " Family IX, Nolidai " under the Pyralites, though he says : " One little group, the Nolidre, is by many recent authors, and perhaps with reason, referred to the Bombycina, being placed with family Litbosidae." The genus is now generally placed among the Lithosiaus. In our Synopsis of Bombycidae we omitted to mention it, partly on account of want of specimens and partly perhaps from supposing it not to be a true Bombycid. Mr. Grote was the first American author to enumerate it in his New Check List of North American Moths, 1884, and to in- clude it among the Litbosise. Having reared Nola ovilla, my attention has again been drawn to its systematic position, which seems without much doubt to be properly among the Lithosiae and near Clemensia. I have fouud the larva frequently on the oak in September both in Maine and Rhode Island. Its habit is unmistakably Lithosian; it dif- fers, however, from Arctian and Lithosian lame in having one less pair of abdominal legs, having but four pairs, whereas the caterpillars of the Lithosiae and Arctians have, like most caterpillars, an additional pair, i. e., ten abdominal legs in all. When I first discovered the larva of Nola ovilla I supposed it to be near Orocota. It was fouud to be common on the leaves of the oak in Maine, September 6. September 14 to 16 the caterpillars made singular boat-shaped, flat- tened, oval-cylindrical cocoons closely attached to the surface of the leaves; they were spun with silk, but covered closely on the inside with bits of oak leaves. The pupa appeared as soon as the cocoon was completed, September 15. The moths appeared May 31 and June 1 of the following year. Larva. — The body is broad and much flattened, rather short, with four pairs of well developed abdominal feet, the first pair being situated on the fourth abdomiual seg- ment. The head is not very large, three-fourths as wide as the body : black, with a few paler irregular Hues. The body is dirty-whitish, with a dark linear dorsal line, a dark dorsal discoloration behiud the head, auother in the middle of the body, and a third near the end. The body is hairy, though not densely so ; ou each segment are four dorsal tubercles from which radiate short dusky hairs; on the side is a larger and longer tubercle from which arise lateral very long hairs, being as long as the body is broad ; some black hairs are mixed with the dirty-whitish ones. The larger and most of the shorter hairs are simple, not barbed, but theshortest, smallest hairs are finely though INSECTS INJURING OAK LEAVES. 133 slightly barbed, the barbules short. The tubercles are dirty-white, concolorous with the rest of the body. Length, 13mm. Moth.— A small frail form, withciliate antennae, no ocelli, and long dependent palpi, their second joint thickly scaled. Fore wings grayish- white, with the inner line black, fine, angulated. Outer line denticulate, followed by a pure white shade. A pure white shade in the place of the subterminal. Hind wings dusty white. Beneath, the fore wings are pale fuscous, immaculate ; hind wings whitish, with a discal dot. Expanse of wings, 16mm. (Grote, Can. Ent., vn, 221.) 182. Seirarctia echo (Abbot and Smith). This is a southern moth, whose caterpillar lives on the ground oak, persimmon, and several other kinds of trees. uIt formed its web May 31; one came out the 23d of August, but the rest remained in chrysalis till the 14th of April. It is a rare species." (Abbot.) The moth is white, the veins edged with black, while the abdomen is spotted with yellowish and black. 183. The oak tussock caterpillar. Halesidota maculata Harris. Order Lepidoptera ; family Bombycid^e. It may be found feeding in September, being a black, very hairy caterpillar, with yellow and black tufts and yellow on the sides of the body. The worm spins late in September a yellowish-gray oval cocoon, constructed of silk, with the hairs of the caterpillar interwoven. The moth appears the first week in June. Found feeding on oak, London, Ont., July, 1870. Body black, thickly covered with bright yellow and black hairs. There is a dorsal row of black tufts from the fifth to the twelfth segment. Those on the fifth, eleventh, and twelfth are largest. Seg- ments 5 and 12 have an extra substigmatal one each side. The same insect was found August 19, 1875, feeding on willow, at Detroit, Mich. (Riley's unpublished notes.) The larva. — Cylindrical ; 1.30 inch long. Head large, slightly bilobed; black, with a faint white streak down the front as far as the middle, where it becomes forked. Body above black, thickly covered with tufts of bright yellow and black hairs. On the second, third, and fourth segments the hairs are mixed, yellow and black, those of the second and third segments overhanging the head. From the. fourth to the eleventh segments, inclusive, is a dorsal row of black tufts, the largest of which are on the tenth and eleventh segments ; the fourth and eleventh segments have also a black tuft on each side near the base. The hairs on the sides of the body, from the fifth to the tenth segments, inclusive, are all bright yellow, while those on the sides of the twelfth and thirteenth are mixed with black. On the third, fourth, eleventh, and twelfth segments are a few long, spreading yellow hairs, much longer than those elsewhere. (Saunders.) The moth. — Light ocher-yellow, with large irregular light-brown spots on the fore wings, arranged almost in transverse bands. It expands nearly an inch and three- quarters. (Harris.) 184. Halisidota edtvardsii Packard. A Californian species ; the caterpillar is abundant on various species of oaks, in the neighborhood of San Francisco. The larva, says Mr. 134 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. Stretch, is nocturnal in its habits, and in the day-time may be found crowded into holes ami cavities (generally in families), and often in places where it seems scarcely possible for them to penetrate. It is full-fed abont the end of June, and the imago is disclosed during the latter part of July. The cocoon is composed chiefly of the hairs of the larva, and, although of considerable density, is but slightly bound to- gether with silk. Larva. — Head dark brown, very large ; thoracic legs reddish brown, abdominal legs tawny. Body stout, depressed, densely clothed with moderately long rich-brown hairs of uniform Length, gi\ ing the larva a brush-like appearance. The sides of the body, as well as the head and anal segment, have long silky scattered hairs of a tawny yellow. Length, 1.50 inches. (Stretch.) Moth. — Bicolorous, bad-yellow and vermilion. Fore wiugs with rive subhyaline smoky, transverse bands, margined with black, less oblique than usual. The basal band eonsists of a small costal spot and an outer median large round spot. Second band regularly curved, third hardly oblique, waved. The outer ones nearly parallel with the outer margin. Hind wings transparent except on the pilose inner margin, which is tinged with vermilion. Abdomen above, iucludiug the base of the anal tuft, ver- milion. Beneath, pale buff, the costal spot re-appearing. On the costa of the hind wiugsnear the apes are two dusky square spots, which do not appear on the upper side. Legs ringed on the femora and tibiae. One ring on the end of the tibiae, and each tarsus aunulated on the basal half with smoky pale brown. Femora vermilion beneath. Expanse of wings, 2 20 inches. 185. Halesidota tessellata (Abbot and Smith). Found August 29, 1872, on laurel oak, a yellow, white tufted Hal- esidota larva. Others that were found on hickory are probably of Uw same species. Both, when full grown, are mouse gray, with a darker dor- sal ridge. Two long black pencils near posterior end and four near the head, on joints one and two, and six shorter and thinner white ones. (Riley's unpublished notes.) 1»6. Org yia gulosa Hy. Edwards. The moth closely resembles the Californian 0. vetusta. 0. gulosa is always much smaller than O. vetusta; the white spot near the inner angle is less distinct and the lines on the fore wings are invariably more clouded and confused. Expanse of wings, .7/3 inch. The cater- pillar feeds on the oak in California, while 0. vetusta feeds on the lupine. (H. Edwards.) The larva. — Ground color, as in 0. vetusta, velvety black; head jet black, without the yellow frontal line, and with the mouth-parts dull yellow; secoud segment with the usual complex series of black hairs. Between them are two dark, brick-red tubercles: third has two orange central tubercles and two brick-red ones on the sides; fourth has a black central tuft, with two brick-red ones on the sidesof it : the fifth, sixth, and seventh have each a white central tuft, with two brick-red tubercles on each side; the eighth, ninth, and tenth each with six brick-red tubercles: the eleventh has a central tuft of black hairs, directed posteriorly, with two brick-red tubercles. Anal segment black. From the base of all the red tubercles arise bundles of black and white hairs, almost wholly white on the sides. Bet ween the seventh and eighth segments are some bright orange dashes, which marks are also indistinctly seen on the anterior segments. Food plant. Qaercas, of various species. (H. Edwards.) INSECTS INJURING OAK-LEAVES. 135 187. Orgyia definita Packard. Mr. R. Thaxter informs me that this species feeds on the oak. Mr. Otto Seifert has also bred the insect in all its stages, but as far as I am aware has not published his description. Moth. — Female. Umber-brown. Head, thorax, base, and inner margin of prima- ries more testaceous. A faint, basal, dark, straight, transverse line. Beyond and near the linear lunate discal spot, which is surrounded by the testaceous brown, is an indistinct nearly straight line. An outer very distinct curved line, being straight from the costa to where it is angulated on the fifth subcostal nervule, and again half way between the discal spot and internal margin. Beyond this line on the costa is an oblong, dark, well-defined spot, succeeded by a submarginal row of dots, ending in a white spot near the internal margin. Beneath, lighter. Lines faintly seen be- neath, the outer one extending faintly onto the secondaries, which have a discal dot. The markings are much more distinct in this species than in 0. leucosligma, while the outer line is angulated nearer the middle. Length of body, 9 > 0.60 ; exp. wings, 1.20 inches. 188. Parorgyia achatina (Abbot and Smith). In their great work on the Lepidoptera of Georgia, Abbot and Smith state that this caterpillar feeds on various species of oak as well as on the hickory. " It spun on the 3d of May and the moth came out on the 20th." The moths of both this and the next species are very rare in our collections, though the caterpillars may be more commonly met with. 18). Parorgyia parallela Grote and Rob. (Larva in hibernation stage. Plate xxxv, Fig. 3.) Although I am strongly inclined to consider this species as a syno- nym of P. achatina Abbot and Smith, yet until we have more specimens in all stages from the Southern States, the present specific name may be retained. I have a single small female from Florida, which differs somewhat from Abbot's figure of P. achatina, aud yet seems to belong to that species and to agree in many respects with a series of females of P. parallela in my collection. Our northern specimens have been bred by Mr. Otto Seifert,* of New York, and I have received some from Rev. G. D. Hulst, the latter of which have been pronounced to be P. parallela by him, by Mr. Graef, and also by Mr. Eoland Thaxter. I have also raised the larva from eggs received both from Miss Morton, of Newburgh, K Y., and from a lot of eggs received from Mr. Thaxter and kindly sent by him from Aiken, S. C. The males of what I take to be P. parallela (%=P. achatina) and P. clintonii (=P. leucophcea), are difficult to separate, while the females are readily separable. In the male of P. parallela the outer or extradiscal line curves out- ward before reaching the costa, and then bends inward on the costa; * See Entomologica Americana, iii, 93. 136 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. also the dark blotch between this line and the apex is narrower and much less distinct than in the male of P. vlintonii (leucophoea). The females are readily separated from those of P. leucophoea, as they lack the large brown patch near the apex of the fore wings. I have received the eggs of this moth from Miss Emily L. Morton, of Newburgh, N. Y., which hatched July 28th. After- ward, the same season, I received a batch of eggs from Mr. Koland Thaxter, then in Aiken, 8. C, where they were laid August Fig. 42.--Parorgyia parallela, male (from photographs). Fig. 43.— Parorgyia parallela, female (from a photograph). 2d. They hatched in Maine, August 9th to 11th and molted for the second time August 26th. It appears that the larva? before the last molt contract in length and hibernate; spin a cocoon the following July, the moths appearing in the end of July in New York, and sometimes not until late in August. Larva— Ut stage. July 2bth. Length 2.5mm. Head rounded, not very large, black, retracted within the very wide prothoracic segment, which has on each side a large black tubercle, larger than those on the abdominal segments; between the two tubercles is a median dark patch. On the two succeeding thoracic segments the tubercles are small. On each abdominal segment are two dorsal and two lateral black tubercles on each side. From the tubercles arise loose tufts of tawny brown and pale hairs, of unequal length, some twice as long as the body, so that the larva looks somewhat like an arctian or a young Clisiocampa or Gastropaeba, and quite different from a young Orgyia. On the 5th abdominal segment is a clear pale dorsal space, the tubercles being absent. The thoracic legs are dark, while the abdominal legs are long, pale, like the body. August 3d and 4th, shortly before the first molt, the body became rather wider and flatter, and the hairs not so dense. Length, 3-4mm. 2d stage. — Aug. 6th first molt. Length 4-5nim. The generic characters, i. e., those peculiar to the final stage of the caterpillar, now begin to reveal themselves. The hairs arising from the prothoracic segment extend out horizontally over the head and are very long and finely parted, so as to be feathery, some of them being nearly as long as the body ; those arising from the end of the body are as long as those in front. The lateral outstretched hairs have fine long barbs so as to be beautifully feathery, as on the upright dorsal ones. There is a large, dark, irregular dorsal tuft on the second and third abdominal segments, and a smaller, but still large and dense, one on the eighth segment. On the 6th and 7th abdominal segments is a single median white tubercle, situ- ated on a dark ground. These two tubercles are highly retractile, and appear to be homologous with the coral-red retractile tubercles of Orgyia. They are each situated slightly in advance of the two dorsal tubercles of the same segments. The prothoracic INSECTS INJURING OAK-LEAVES. 137 segment is still wide in front, as before. Each of the two black conspicuous tubercles gives rise to a small, black, slender pencil of hairs. 3d stage.— After 2d molt, Aug. 10-12. Length ?mm. The distinctive characters of the fully grown larva are now apparent. The head is entirely concealed by the overarching hairs arising from the prothoracic segment. All the hairs are now ash- gray in hue, except those on a large dark area forming the thoracic tuft and a naked area on the posterior third of the body, which bears the two whitish retractile papil- la. There is a large, black, low, dense tuft on the 8th abdominal segment. It is now a wonderfully beautiful larva, the hairs are so long, soft, and feathery. 4th stage. — After the 3d molt, Aug. 25. Length 12-14mm. not including the protho- racic pencils, which are now one-half as long as the body. It differs in this stage chiefly in the longer and larger, more distinct black pencils arising from just behind the head. In this stage, represented by Fig. 3 of Plate xxxv, the body contracted in length and the larva ceased feeding in Maine (the eggs having been mostly laid in Aiken, S. C), and most of them died. It evidently hibernates in this stage, not probably completing its transformations until the following midsummer in the Northern States. In the Southern States it is probably double-brooded.* bth and last stage.— Length of body, without the pencils, 35mm. From a colored sketch by Mr. Bridgham of a larva found wandering at Providence July 29, a pair of long, blackish pencils, but little shorter than those in front, arises from the 9th ab- dominal segment. Professor Riley, in some notes on the eversible glands in larvae of Orgyia and Parorgyia, and on the synonymy of the species (Proc. Ent. Soc., Washington, vol. I, p. 88). remarks : " I also exhibit blown larvae of a Parorgyia, which, from the bred specimens, I be- lieve to be P. leucophcea Smith & Abbott. I have bred one male of this from the larva feeding on Persimmon. In an endeavor to determine my bred material in this genus, I have concluded that there are fewer species than have been made by Lepidopterists. The imagos vary considerably in details of coloration and markings, and it is quite probable that obliquata will prove to be synonymous with leucophcea. The larva, as figured by Smith and Abbott, is probably misleading, in having the dorsal tufts too conspicuously shown on joints 8, 9, and 10, for in my specimens they have been, as in other species of this genus, large and conspicuous on joints 4, 5, 6, and 7, inclusive, but far less so on the other joints. "I also exhibit various blown larvae of Parorgyia clinionii Gr. These vary in the color of the tufts according to state of growth, and there is also individual variation. My original specimens were found feeding on honey locust, but I have also found it on various other plants, as wild plum, elm, etc. Both these Parorgyia larvae show the same eversible glands, though they are less conspicuous than in Orgyia, on ac- count of the greater density of the hairs surrounding them. As to the synonymy of this species, my experience with the adolescent states leaves little doubt that clinionii is a synonym of achatina Sm. & Abb., and I question whether, with more complete knowledge, parallela and basiflava and even cinnamomea will not prove synonymous with- the same species." 190. Parorgyia leucoplma (Abbot and Smith). According to Abbot and Smith, the caterpillar feeds on the live oak and other species of oaks. "It spun a thin pale brown web April 20, in Georgia, and came forth on the wing the 9th of May." In the male of this species, of which I now regard P. clintonii G. and * Compare Dr. Lintner's statements in Entomological Contributions, in, 129. 138 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. Rob. as undoubtedly a synonym, the extradiscal line is nearly straight near and on the costa; and there can be Been the same dark brown streaks in the brown BUbapical patch, which are so marked and dis- tinctive in the female. I can recognize this patch, with the points sent outward from it, in Grote and Robinson's excellent colored figure, as well as in oue of my specimens. The females of /'. leucoplHva (and clintonii), of which I have a small one from Florida, are at once dis- tinguished Irom those of P. achatina by the outer line endiug more obliquely ou the costa. Just beyond this line and extending towards the apex are three dark brown longitudinal patches, with the spaces between filled up with brown, the whole forming a large, conspicuous dark brown patch, with ragged edges or points extending towards the outer margin of the wing. 1 have a male of 1\ clintonii which has been compared with one in Mr. Thaxter's collection, named for him by Mr. Grote; also one so labeled given me by Mrs. C. H. Fernald; also one so named raised by Mrs. A. T. Slosson from a larva found at Fran- conia, N. EL, feediug on Hamamelis the second week in June. It re- mained, she kindly informs me, nineteen days in the cocoon, the moth appearing from June 27 to 30. It seems probable to me that P. ban- flava Pack., P. obliquata G. and R., and P. cinnamomea G. and R. are synonyms of P. clintonii. and that the latter is the same as P. lencophaa of Abbot and Smith. Unfortunately we do not know the appearance of the larva of this species except from Abbot's drawings, as it has not since his time been described and figured. 191. The European gipsy moth. Ocneria dispar (Linn.). Plate xxxvu. This insect, originally introduced from Europe through an accident by Mr. L. Trouvelot while living in Medford, Mass., about the year 1868 or 1869, has become acclimated, and during the summer of 1889 caused u very great alarm," being " very destructive" to fruit and shade trees, including the " linden, elm, birch, beech, oak, poplar, willow, hornbeam, ash, hazel-nut, larch, fir," etc. It is a destructive insect in Europe. The information here given is taken from an illustrated pamphlet pub- lished in 1889 by Prof. C. H. Fernald, entomologist of the Hatch Ex- periment Station at Amherst, Mass., who recommends showering the trees with Paris green in water (1 lb. to 150 gallons) soon alter the hatching of the eggs in spring. Eggs.- -Globular, about ^Vincli in diameter, salmon colored, smooth, and laid often to the number of 400 or 500, early in July, on the under side of the branches or on the trunks, or on fences and on the sides of buildings. They do not hatch until the following spring. Larva, — Length, 1.75 inches. Body very dark brown, or black, finely reticulated with pale yellow. There is a pale yellow line along the middle of tLe back, and a Similar one along each side. On the first six segments behind the head there is a bluish tubercle armed with several black spines on each side of the dorsal line, and on the remaining segments these tubercles are dark crimson red. Ou the middle of INSECTS INJURING OAK-LEAVES. 139 the 10th and 11th segments there is a smaller red tubercle notched at the top. The whole surface of the body is somewhat hairy, but along each side the hairs are long and form quite dense clusters. Pupa. — From £ to 1 inch long, varying in color from chocolate to reddish brown. Moths. — The male is very much smaller than the female and with broadly pectinated antennae. It is of a yellowish-brown color, with two dark brown lines crossing the fore-wings, one at the basal third, the other on the outer third, somewhat curved, and with teeth pointing outwards on the veins. The outer end of all the wings is dark brown. A curved dark brown spot (reniform) rests a little above the middle of the wing, and a small round spot of the same co?or (orbicular) is situated between this and the base of the wing, just outside of the inner cross line. A similar spot rests near the middle of the base of the wing. The fringes on the fore-wings are dull yellow sh, and broken by eight brown spots. The antennae are strongly bipec- tinated, or feather-like. The fore- wings expand about an inch and a half. The female is pale yellowish white, with dark brown cross-lines and spots similar to those of the males. The cross-lines in both sexes are much darker and more prom- inent on the forward edge of the wings (costa) than elsewhere. In some specimens there is a faint stripe of brown across the middle of the wing (median shade), and a toothed line across the wing near the outer edge (subterminal line). The fringes of the fore-wings have eight dark spots between the ends of the veins, as in the males, and similar but fainter spots often occur in the fringes of the hind wings. The body is much stouter than in the males, and the antennas are not so heavily feathered. The expanse of the wings is from If to 2f inches. 192. Lagoa crispata Pack. Although this caterpillar has been raised from the raspberry by the late Mr. G. A. Shurtleff, near Boston, we have found it common on the scrub oak in Providence as late as October 1, some specimens before the last molt occurring September 20 to 27. This curious woolly caterpillar will attract attention from its peculiar appearance. As we have elsewhere stated, the cocoon is rather long, cylindrical ; its texture is dense, being formed of the hairs of the larva, closely woven with silk. When the pupa, which is very thin, is about to transform it escapes from the cocoon, as the cast skin is found with the tip of the abdomen remaining in the cocoon. In this respect the moth is a connecting link between the groups represented by Orgyia and Limacodes. Full-grown larva. — Body short, broad, and flat, head deep honey-yellow; jaws darker; the head very retractile within the large prothoracic segment, whichis large and fleshy, produced down around the face like a hood, so as to entirely envelop the head, so that it is not seen while eating, with a large V-shaped incision in front. The body densely covered with hairs, so that the caterpillar appears about one-half as broad as long, rounded at each end, the hairs very long and curly ; those on the thoracic segments mouse-gray; all the rest behind a uniform pale fawn-brown, some- times above a dark, rich ; a slight dorsal broad crest, a subdorsal broad ridge, and the hairs spread out on the side, but everywhere so long and dense as to entirely conceal the head and body. The sides are mouse-gray as above, but the lateral hairs are not to be seen from above. The body is pale whitis'i yellow, the thoracic and abdominal legs also pale dull yellowish white. The first pair of thoracic legs are smaller and nearer together than the others, while there is a pair of rudi- mentary abdominal legs on the second and seventh abdominal segments. Length, 20-32mm; breadth, 10-15,nm ; height, 7mm. 140 FIFTH REPORT OP THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. I. ana before laxt molt. — Body as in the adult, but smaller, and the hairs are thinner and looser and about twice as LoDg and very much finer. The body can be seen through them and the fine cottony hairs can be Keen to arise in dense verticils from small mammilla), which ace Borland white like the rest of the body, or pale tawny Oeherona, a bile all the thoracic segments bear slate-colored hairs above. Behind each Spiracle is an erect long conical acute tlcshy projection, concealed by the hairs; the eighth Segment has no such projection; the prothoracic spiracles are on the suture very near the inesothoracic segment, which have a similar but rounded and slightly chitinous projection in front of them. Length, 'JO1'""; breadth, lO""" ; height, 10mm. (Compare also the full account of the transformations of this moth by Dr. Lintner, Ent. Coutr., ii, 138.) 193. Lagoa opercularis (Abbot and Smith.) FlG. ii.- Lagoa opercularis, larva.— After Kiley. " Fig. 45. — Lagoa opercularis, cocoon.— After Hubbard. Fig. 46.— Lagoa opercularis, moth, natural size. — After Hubbard. The following account of this interesting insect is taken from Mr. Hubbard's Keport on Orange Insects: The caterpillars of this moth are covered with long, siljey hairs, underneath which are concealed shorter, stiff hairs, exceedingly sharp at the points and powerfully nettling when they penetrate the flesh. Upon some persons the invisible wounds made by these hairs produce swellings and an amount of irritation equivalent to a sting; the larvae are, in consequence, popularly supposed to be very poisonous. When young the caterpillars are white and resemble a flock of cotton wool. They undergo six molts, at one of the last of which they become darker, the color varying in indi- viduals from red-brown to light-clay color. Tht' cocoon is placed in a crotch of the tree or upon a branch of considerable size; it is 20m,n (eight-tenths inch) long, oval, convex, flattened on the side next the tree, and fastened very firmly to the bark. The upper end is abruptly truncate, and fitted with a hinged trap-door, which is readily pushed open from within by the escaping moth, but does not yield to pressure from without, and is so accurately fitted that no tell-tale crack can be discerned. Upon the back of the cocoon is an elevation formed by the meeting of several folds and ridges, forming a marvelously exact imitation of a winter bud. The ends of a lock of hair from the body of the caterpillar counterfeit the down which in nature protects the dormant bud. The substance of which the cocoon is made is a tough parchment, composed of agglutinated silk, in which is felted the loug, hairy covering of the larva. Its color is a neutral brown, closely ap- proximating to that of the bark upon which it is placed. The entire arrangement is a most successful representation of the stump of a small branch broken off near its junction with the main stem, and upon which is plainly shown the swelling of a bud. Life-history. — The larva is a very general feeder, and although the oak appears to be its principal food plant, it is occasionally injurious to the orange. It never injures the bark or tender shoots, but subsists only on the mature leaves. There are two broods, one in early summer and the other in the fall. The larvae of the second brood form their cocoons in November or December, and in them pass the INSECTS INJURING OAK-LEAVES. 141 winter, not changing to pupa until the following March or April, or about two weeks before the moths appear. The same parasites have been bred from Lagoa as from the Orange Dog. Tachina flies have issued in June from a cocoon found on the orange in March. The hymenop- terons parasite Chalcis robusta issued September 15 from a cocoon collected August 27. Larva. — The larva presents the singular appearance of a lock of hair possessing sluggish life and a gliding, snail-like motion. It is 1£ inches long, bluutly rounded in front and diminishing rapidly to a point behind. The hair rises in a sharp ridge upon the back, and forms several tufts of rust-red color. Moth. — Body very woolly, pale yellow, tinged with brown. The fore-wings are um- ber-brown at the base, fadiug to pale yellow outwardly ; the surface is marked with fine wavy lines of silver gray, and the fore margins are nearly black. The legs are yellow, with dusky feet. The wings of the male moth spread about one inch ; those of the female an inch and a half. 194. Lacosoma chirodota Grote. The following account of this insect is copied from Professor Riley's notes. It is very rare and of curious habits, and like the succeeding species never likely to abound sufficiently to be injurious. Larvae of this insect were found in Virginia in September, feeding on the oak. It is a true case-bearer, resembling very much Perophora melsheimerii, differing, however, principally in the absence of the long antennae-like horns. Its general color is yellow- ish-green; the head is brown, with yellow markings, and is coarsely rugose and punctured. Each side of the thoracic segments are two more or less confluent, brown, subdorsal lines, and on the last segment are some rather indistinct pale-brownish markings. Thoracic legs reddish-yellow. Stigmata black, with pale center. The case is constructed of a single leaf, which is bent longitudinally, the edges turned upward and held in place by a strong white web. This case is suspended by some threads and fastened to the surrounding leaves, and the larva issues partly when feeding, but retreata suddenly when disturbed. The case is open at both ends, so that the larva can turn and feed from which end it pleases. Since the last of November they have ceased feeding, but did not transform to the pupa till the 28th of the following January, when they were noticed to change the position of their case and to suspend it in another place. The moth issued the 10th of February. The same insect was also received from Miss M. Murtfeldt, Kirk wood, Mo. It is interesting to compare this larva with that of Perophora, and the following description, in addition to that given above, I have drawn up from Professor Riley's alcoholic specimen : Larva. — Head large, about as wide as the prothoracic segment, but not so wide as the body, which is thickest in the middle. Head brown, slightly marbled with a paler hue. Prothoracic segment with a lateral reddish-brown stripe, which is continued upon the succeeding segment, but becomes more diffuse ; below are two short unequal reddish lines; there are no markings on the rest of the body. Body moderately long and obtuse at the end ; the supra-anal plate unusually large, broad and rounded, with six long marginal hairs. All the abdominal legs short and thick. Spiracles very distinct and visible from above. Antennae minute, of the usual size, not elon- gated as in Perophora; otherwise the larvae of the two insects are very similar. Length, 23mm. Moth. — This moth seems to connect the true Psychidae with Perophora. It resembles this last named genus in its broad head, the broadly pectinated antennae, the general form of the subfalcate wings, aud in its coloration. As in Perophora, it has but a 142 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. single outer line common to both wings, and a disc*] dot upon each wing. Wings and body dark yellowish-brown; fore wings with two undulating blackish median bands. theoater the broader ami more distinct, both extending across the hind wings; a round black disosJ dot. Expanse Of wings, -J.") to ^U'1"". 195. MBLSHEIMER'e SACK-BEABKB. Perophora meteheimerii Harris. This rather singular insect ranges from Massachusetts to Missouri and southward to Georgia, as I possess a colored drawing of it made in that State by the elder Le Conte. 1 have observed it in Providence early in October. It has been figured in its larval and adult state by Harris, who has given an extended and interesting account of it. The following additional notes are copied from Riley : August 28, a larva of this moth was found feeding on oak in Missouri ; others were taken iu southern Illinois. The larva is very active and savage, when disturbed] turning with great ease in its case and attacking the intruder. Moth from larva received iu fall of 18/4 issued February 25, 1875, and laid eggs. The eggs are bright yellow, quite large for the insect, and very slightly glued to the sides and cover of the cage in which the moth was confined. At first the eggs are very soft, but in a few days become very tough. They were unfertilized. (Riley's unpublished notes.) Larva. — Head with long, slender clavate appendages, bulbous at the end; the head is large, full, rounded, as wide as the prothoracic segment. Body thicker than usual, somewhat sack-like, thickest a little behind the middle, and truncated at the end ; the unusually large supra-anal plate is rounded and convex on the dorsal surface. Spiracles so situated as to be visible from above, large and distinct ■; five pairs of short, almost rudimentary, abdominal feet ; much shorter than in Lacosoma. Head dark brown, as is the prothoracic segment, the two hinder segments paler; a diffuse lateral stripe along the thoracic segments; rest of the body pale brown. Pupa. — Very stout and thick, of the usual shape, but with no cremaster, this being represented by two short, flattened projections; across the abdominal segment a double dorsal row of spines. Length, 21mm. Moth. — Rather large, in shape and size like the Chinese*silk-worm ; male with broadly feathered antenna1 : reddish-gray, finely sprinkled with black dots; hinder edge of hind wings and the under side of the fore wings tinged with tawny red. A small black dot near the middle of the fore wings, and both the tore and hind wings crossed by a narrow blackish band, beginning with an angle on the front edge of the former and passing obliquely backward, ending a little beyond the middle of the inner edge of the hind wings. It expands about 2 inches. 196. The cylindrical baskkt worm. Psyche confederate Grote and Robinson ? The following notes on this insect have been given us by Professor Riley. We append the original description of the moth. A rather curious bag worm, carrying its case almost perpendicular, was found on the oak, June 14. Fastened to cover of breediug-case preparatory to transforming June 24, and emerged as moth July 16. The case differs from that of Platoeceticus (jlovcrii Pack, of Florida, in being cylindrical, not oval. (See Glover's figures, in Packard's Guide INSECTS INJURING OAK-LEAVES. 143 to the Study of Insects, on which our description was based.) From specimens of P. gloverii it seems to differ in the hind wings being less rounded, more produced towards the apex. They ap- pear to be of nearly the same size. Moth. — Male entirely deep smoky black. Antennae plumose. Wiugs ample, closely scaled, rounded and full. Neuration of pri- maries : costal nervure simple ; slight, joining the costa before the apex : S. c. nervure throwing off first and second s. c. nervules from its upper side ou to the costal margin ; third s. c. nervule at the up- per extremity of the discal cell furcate, throwing off the fourth s. c. nervule from its lower side on to the apex; fifth simple, thrown off from a short tr insverse stem on to the external margin ; discal cell equilateral, longitudinally cordate, not closed by a true vein, but by a vein-like fold depressedly medially augulated; a slight crease in the membrane divides the cell into two equal parts, running from the point of angu- lation of the fold, closing the cell to the base of the wing; median nervure four branched, first median thrown off upon external margin from a point opposite the fifth s. c. nervule; internal nervure sending off an augulated nervule from its upper side, at about its center, to iuternal angle ; the nervure itself joins the margin before the angle, and is straight. The male cocoonet with agglutinated fragments of con- iferous plauts, and with the extruded skin of the chrysalis after the escape of the male moth, accompanied a number of specimens of this species received from the South. Expanse of wings, male 19mm. Length of body, 7mm. (Grote and Rob.) Fig. 47.— Case of Psyche confederate (after Grote). 197. The eight- flapped slug-worm. Phobetrum pithecium (Abbot and Smith). Order Lepidoptera ; Family Bombycid^e. A singular dark-brown short, broad, ovate, flattened caterpillar, with eight long tongue-like, slender, fleshy lateral appendages, sometimes feeding ,pn the oak. This siugular caterpillar, usually found ou the plum, cherry, and apple, changes to a brown moth with very narrow wiugs. In the male the antenna) are very broadly pectin- ated, and the remarkably long nar- row fore wiugs are partly transparent. Mr. Lintner has bred it from the oak, and Mr. S. Lowell Elliott tells me that it is almost exclusively an oak-feeder? though occurriug on the wild cherry and chestnut. The following ac- count is copied from Mr. Hubbard's " Orange Tnse ts." This insect receives its name from the curious hairy appeudages which cover the back and project from the sides of the larva, and have a backward twist, like locks of disheveled hair. These are, in fact, fleshy hooks, covered with feathery, brown hairs, among which are longer, black, stinging hairs. The cocoon is almost spherical, like that of the Saddle-back caterpillar, and is defended by the hairy appendages which the larva in some way contrives to leave upon the outside. These tufts give to the bullet-shaped cocoon a very nondescript appearance, and the stinging hairs afford a very perfect protection against birds and other insectivorous animals. Fig. 48— P. pithecium (after Riley); A. co- coon— natural size (after Hubbard). 144 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. Unlike the preceding species, the Hag-moth larva} do not seek to hide away their cocoons, but Attach themto leaves and twigs fully exposed to view, with, however, such artful management as to surroundings and harmonizing colors that they are of all the group the most difficult to discover. A device to which this iosect frequently resorts exhibits the extreme of instinctive sagacity. If the caterpillar can not find at hand a suitable place in whic h to weave its cocoon it frequently makes for itself more satisfactory surroundings by killing the leaves, upon which, after they have become dry and brown in color, it places its cocoon. Several of these caterpillars unite together, and selecting a long and vigorous im- mature shoot or leader of the orange tree they kill it by cutting into its base until it wilts and bends over. The leaves of a young shoot, in drying, turn a light tan-color, which harmonizes most perfectly with the hairy locks of the caterpillar covering the cocoon. The lat- ter is, consequently, not easily detected, even when placed upon the exposed and upturned surface of the leaf. Larva.— The larva is 15mm (six-tenths inch) long and has an oval body, over which, however, the flattened and closely applied appendages form a nearly square shield. Moth. — The moth has body and legs of purple-brown, with ocherous patches on the back and a light yellow tuft on the middle pair of legs. The abdomen is sable, end- ing in a tuft of ocherous scales. The fore wings have the colors of the thorax finely mingled, as in graining. The hind wings are sable, bordered with ochreous in the female. The fore wings of the male are long and narrow, the hind wings short and very triangular. Both pairs are, in this sex, partly transparent. The spread of wings varies in this moth from 20 to 24mm (eight-tenths inch to ninety-six hundredths inch. Hubbard). 198. Euclea querceti (Herrich-Schaeffer). (Limacodes cippus Harris). This is said by Abbot to feed on the oak, the dog- wood, and other trees. It makes its cocoon in September, the moth appearing the next July. Larva. — Body oblong-oval, with a broad dorsal flat ridge, bearing on the edge in front four large, and near the end of the body the same number of large, spinulated, fleshy, loug conical green tubercles, and between them four pairs of short ones. Be- tween them are four black square spots, giving a checkered appearance to the ridge. The sides of the ridge, the surface of which is not hollowed, fall away rapidly to the lateral row of eleven fleshy tubercles. At the end of the bmly are four stout black subcorneal dense tufts of dark brown spinulated hairs. Body of a peculiar pale glaucous green ; between the two rows of tubercles is a rowr of nine roundish polygo- nal contiguous spots of the same hue as the rest of the body, but edged with blackish. Length, 15mm. Moth. — Cinnamon brown ; upon and beneath the median vein are two confluent green spots margined with a row of white and brown scales; between them is a large notch filled in with rust-red. These two spots are contiguous to three subapical spots, the middle one of which is triangular and largest, and beyond it is a rather narrow rust-red blotch. Discal dot very distinct, ovate, brown. 199. Parana chloris (Herrich-Schaeffer). The larva of this fine moth was first found by Beakirt on the chest- nut in September. According to Andrews (Psyche, ii, 271), it feeds on the oak (Quercus), on the pear tree, on wild cherry (Prunus), and on the wax myrtle (Myrica cerifera) in September. Mr. Elliott has reared it from the elm, and Mr. Wetherby mentions the following as its food plants: Oak, pear, cherry, and tartarean honeysuckle. The moth ap- pears in May and June, according to latitude. INSECTS INJURING OAK-LEAVES. 145 Larva.— Onisciforni, 19mm long. Head purplish-brown. Four purple and three white lines drawn very close together form a dorsal band running the length of the body. Subdorsal line bright red, from which arise six red spines (longest on central segments) studded with yellowish-red spinelets; betweeu the spines and on the fifth, sixth, eighth, and ninth segments are reddish spiny warts. The spines and warts are on elevated ridges. Beueath the subdorsal line are two pairs of purple longi- tudinal lines on a yellowish ground ; the pairs divided by a red line. The breathers [spiracles] are on a similar red line, and are guarded or ornamented by spiuy warts, like those meutioned above. Legs of a sort of yellowish-olive color, prolegs, or rather tubercles, and under side of body of a reddish tinge. Varies considerably; one very beau- T' ^J tiful variety has all the red of the typical larva replaced by Fig. 49.— Parasa chloris. brimstone yellow. (W. V. Andrews.) Cocoon. — About half an inch long, spun on the midrib of a leaf, oval, shining brown- ish-black. Moth. — In general shape like Euclea, but yet quite distinct from it. The species may be known by its grass-green thorax and the broad grass-green band which separates the brown margin of the wing from its base. Ground color pale cinnamon- brown. A broad, short, vertical tuft between the bases of the antennae. Thorax above, grass-green. Middle green band on the fore wings straight on the outer edge; within it is slightly excavated and follows the inner edge to the base of the wing. The hind wings are concolorous with the body, and above are a little paler within the outer edge. Expanse of wings, .94 inch. 200. Parasa f rater na Grote. This interesting species, according to MS. notes by the elder Le Conte, feeds in Georgia on the oak, chestnut, aud wild cherry. Larva. — Length, 16mm ; September 3 aud 4. The body is oblong-square, and seen in section subtrapezoidal, the dorsal surface being in general flattened, though still somewhat convex; the dorsal area being from one-half to two-thirds as wide as the creeping disk or uuderside of the body. The body ends in a long, slender, fleshy projection or tail, which is somewhat spinose and slightly forked at the end. Along each side of the dorsal surface is a row of short, thick, retractile tubercles, bearing peculiar stout spines, which are whitish tipped with brown at the end. The third pair- from the head is situated apparently on the second abdominal segment, and is twice as large as the others ; those on the eighth abdominal segment are much larger than the other abdominal tubercles, which are minute; the short spines on this pair are whiter than those on the other tubercles. A brown line externally washed with a paler hue bounds the sides of the back. There is a lateral row of small spine-bear- ing tubercles arouud the edge, the middle of each tubercle being raised or convex. The spiracles are minute, white, somewhat elevated, and situated on a darker round area. Low down between the two rows of tubercles is a row of smooth kidney- shaped depressed spots. The head is of a chestnut color, the labrum paler. The under side, or disk, is pale flesh color, edged above with a reddish stripe, which becomes reddish-brown above. The body still higher up is of a rich velvety, dark flesh-red brown, some individuals being much darker than others. The under side of the "tail" is carneous, becoming reddish above, and dorsally of a rich brown, with the spinules blackish, or pale at the base and brown-black at the tips. Moth. — P. f rate ma differs from P. chloris in being smaller, while the prolongation of the broad green band in the fore wings along the inner margin to the base of the wing is very much, at least two-thirds, narrower. The larva, judging by several 5 ENT 10 146 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. specimens belonging to the two last stages, differs remarkably from that of chlori8y baring almost nothing in common ; as regards the larvie alone, the two species would wen to be genexfenlly separated. The preceding description was drawn up from specimens kindly sent by Miss Morton. THE SADDLE-BACK CATERPILLAR. 201. E/mpretia 8timulea Clemens. While the singular caterpillar of this moth feeds on a variety of . it has been found by Mr. S. L. Elliott to occur on the oak, though it is nowhere a particularly common insect. According to Clemeus, it feeds on a great variety of plants; i. e., fruit-trees, the rose, Iudiau corn, etc. The caterpillar is of strange form, being short and thick, with two large spiny tubercles iu front and two behind. On the back is a large square greeu patch like a saddle-cloth, while the saddle is represented by au oval purplish-brown spot. The hairs fringing the sides of the body sting severely. Clemens, who describes this insect (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila.), says that the caterpillars " produce an exceedingly painful sensation when they come in contact with the back of the hand, or any portion of the body ou which the skin is thin." The larva' do not seem to seek cover, and are probably distasteful to birds ou account of their nettling hairs. Fig. 50.— Empretia stimulea : a. moth (after Hubbard): b. larva (after Riley) (all hauual size). "The cocoons are short, oval, almost globular, flattened against the branch to which they are attached, and are of the same tough, parch- ment-like material and brown color as in Lagoa. They are usually placed in concealment, often against the main trunk of the tree, at or near the surface of the ground. The larva before pupating cuts a cir- cular flap at the end, making an opening nearly equal to the entire diameter of the cocoon, through which the moth makes its escape by pushing open the door from within." (Hubbard's Orange Insects.) Larva. — Very short and broad, about an inch long and one-third as broad ; with a pair of short tubercles on two of the thoracic segments, and four short ones at the end of the body; a pair of very large, fleshy tubercles like horns on the first and eighth abdominal segments, which are longer before the last molt than after- wards. Body brown, but green above between the two pairs of lar«:e tubercles, in- closing a central purplish or reddish-brown spot, bordered with white, the latter edged with a black line. JC X LLC OCgUACLlLO dl INSECTS INJURING OAK-LEAVES. 147 J/of/j. — The shape of body aud wings are well represented by Fig. 50. The general color is a rich, dark, velvety reddish-brown. The only markings on the fore wings are two twin golden dots, nearly united to form a short line near the apex of the female, while in the male there are two more near the base of the wing beneath the median vein. Hind wings pale reddish-brown : expanse of wings, 36mm. 202. The skiff caterpillar. Limacodes scapha Harris. This is a singular boat-shaped triangular caterpillar, green, spotted above with browD,pale beneath, the sides raised and the dorsal surface flattened ; forming in the autumn a tough rounded oval cocoon, covered by an outer thin envelope ; the moth appears in June. It also occurs on tbe hickory and wild cherry. Larva. — Gronnd-color pale apple green. The segments extended laterally in the middle of the body, and raised into an elevated ridge, sharp and angular at the edges. The flattened portion, which includes the dorsal region, is chestnut browu^ darker on the margins. There is also a darker dorsal stripe. The segments are arranged like the plates of a tortoise. The latter region is of a pale yellowish-green, with an oval white spot on seg- ments 9 and 10. Spiracles pale brown, mouth-parts also brown. In some specimens the brown color of the back *s reduced to small patches, and occasionally a yellow dor- sal line is present, the grouDd color (.pale green) then pre. vailing. Length, 0.85 ; width, 0.25 inch. Food-plant, wild _. r.*" ° ° ' ' r Fig. 51.— Limacodes gcapha. cherry. (H. Edwards and Elliott.) ^at 8ize Moth. — It is light cinnamon brown ; on the fore wings the costo-median region is filled in wirh a large tan-brown triangular spot, ending on the tip of the wing, and is lined externally with silver. Expanse of wings, 26 to 28mm. 203. Limacodes biguttata Packard. We have bred this species from a larva found upon the oak, October 7, at Providence, E. I. The caterpillar agreed with Harris' description and figure of L. scapha in his Correspondence, and I referred it to that species, but the moth, which appeared June 1, proved to be the present species. There also occurred on the oak at Brunswick, Me., a larva like that of L. scapha, but the elevated ridges were white ; the body was green, with no other color. It spun a cocoon August 27, but afterwards died. Moth.— A little smaller than L. scapha; of a soft velvety buff-brown ; a whitish line reaches from the middle of the internal margin across and outward to the mid- dle line. A short corresponding one from near the costa goes to the middle of the outer margin, thus making an inverted broad A, inclosing at the internal angle a roundish red spot ; apex red. Hind wings and under side of the hind body uniform obscure buff brown. It is a soft, woolly species with thick scales concealing the veins. Expanse of wings, 25mm. 204. Sisyrosea inornata Grote. This singular and beautiful slug- worm was first described and figured in Harris' Correspondence (PI. II, fig. 7 ; III, fig. 6). It also occurred at Providence on Quercus alba, October 7-9; October 10 it spun a round, 148 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. deuse cocoon, but afterwards died. Another was bred, the moth ap- pearing June IS. It was a female, and when at rest sat with its tail in the air, as if standing on its head. Mr. S. Lowell Elliott assures me that he has bred the moth, which he has kindly shown me. from this larva.* He tells me that it feeds not only on the oak, but also on the v>ild plum and cherry, and that it low feeder. The following notes on this species have been given by Proft Riley, who has bred it: October *24. 1868: Found to-day in Maryland three conchiiopod larva1 feeding on oak and agreeing with figure in Harris' Correspondence n. T . November '2, i- Found several of thaw larva-, while sugaring at night, feeding on various plant>. June 30, 1883: One of the moths issued to-day. July 16, 1683: One more issued. October 4. l«83: Found two larva.- in Virginia feeding on Q. alba. October 5. 188 Several more were found on Q. alba, Q. rubra, and Alnus incana. October 10, 18G Two of the larva- have spun up. Found a few more on oak. There is but little variation in the color of this larva, only in the red spots on the dorsal space ; some of them are very pale and sometimes the posterior one is absent. From one of the larva- a Gordius issued. September 29, 1885 : Found one of the larva? on oak : it was parasitized by a tachiuid, which pupated October 11, 1885, the fly issuing October 16, 1886. Tupublished notes.) Larva. — Body broad and flat, the prothoracic overhung by the mesothoraeic seg- ment; the V-shaped iucision so broad as to be almost obsolete, the body bring very broad: head pale green, a rather narrow median dorsal ridge, contracting in the middle and widening a little towards each end : it is hollow in the middle, and along the sides are ten small, narrow, flattened acute conical flaps, edged with green 'sharp spinules. The first pair are short, blunt and red : of the other nine pairs the anterior ones are the larger. The front edge of the body is thickened, somewhat revolute, and tinged with red. Along the side of the body, on the thin projecting edge, is a row often flat, fleshy, triangular flaps, the edges with white, uneven fa From in front of the base of each flap an oblique sinuous trausverse ridge passes to the submediau dorsal ridge. There are two rows of scar-like round spots in the depressions between the lateral ridges, two scars in each depression. The spir are not visible seen sideways : the larva has to be turned over to discover them: they are slightly marked and situated under the projecting ridges of the side of the body. Behind the middle of the dorsal ridge are two red conical tubercles, whose 6harp points nearly touch each other in the median line of the body. Another but smaller pair of red warts is situated half way between the first pair and the end of the body. The body is pea-green — a little brighter green than the glaucous under side of the oak leaf on which it feeds— and a little paler beneath than above. Length, 15mm: width, Tmm, not including the projections; height, 3..">mm. Described from a larva found in Providence, R. I. Moth. — Body rather stout : fore wings with transverse waves or creases due to the arrangement of the scales, but with no markings ; dull. pale, cinnamon-brown, the hind wings slightly darker; the fore wings are not so wide as in Limaeodes. aud they are very slightly subfalcate. Expanse, .90 to 1.20 inches. ■ This and other Limaeodea Lure, most of them colored conspicuously, sutler little from the attacks of birds, since they are protected by their nettling hairs, rendering them distasteful. Others, like Lithacodes Jasciola, which feed on the under side of leaves and are entirely grei -n. escape the observation of their enemies. Phobetron pithtcimn, on the other hand, mimics a brown, irregular dead patch of a leaf. Another aid to or means of safety in the smooth-bodies species is their slow gliding motion, which renders them less liable to be observed by passing birds. INSECTS INJURING OAK-LEAVES. 149 205. Adoneta spinuloides (Herrich-Schaeffer). (Larva, Plate in, Fig. 7.) This insect in its larval state is a general feeder, as Mr. Elliott in- forms me, occurring on the oak, wild plum, cherry, and birch, while Dr. Clemens reared it from a larva found in September on the apricot. Miss Morton has found it feeding on the oak, chestnut, English, and probably, wild cherry. I am indebted to Miss Emily L. Morton, of Newburgh, N. Y., for the use of the colored figure of the larva. Larva. — Body semi-cylindrical, tapering posteriorly, and rounded obtusely in frout. Nearly smooth, but with a subvascular row of small, fleshy, minutely spined papulae on each side of the vascular lines, three of which placed anteriorly are separated and distinct, and three approximated on the last rings ; the intermediate ones are minute. The outline of the body above the ventral surface is furnished with a row of minutely spined papulae. Bright green, with a broad dorsal yellow band, containing a reddish purple one, which is constricted opposite the second and third pairs of anterior papulae and di- lated into an elliptical patch in the middle of the body. This is almost separated from a smaller elliptical patch which is constricted opposite the third pair of posterior papulae and ends in a small round patch. The anterior and posterior papulae are crimson and the intermediate ones green. The superventral row of spined papulae are green. (Clemens.) Moth. — Reddish-brown, somewhat paler in the female than in the male. Fore wings with a dingy yellow streak along the base of the inner margin, extending toward the disk above the middle of the wing, and on this portion are two or three blackish dots On the hind portion of the disk is a short black streak. In the male there is another short black streak along the median nervure and its last branch, with a curved, row of three black, submarginal spots. The lower streak and the spots are as distinct in the female as in the male. In both sexes there is a subapical dingy yellow patch, lightly bordered behind with whitish. Hind margin spotted with black. Hind wing pale reddish brown. (Clemens.) 206. Packardia nigripunctata Goodell. The caterpillar of this moth was found on the oak by Mr. L. W. Goodell, of Amherst, Mass. According to his recollection it was oval or boat- shaped in form, green, with several longitudinal rows of minute white papillae or spots. The cocoon was round and hard, and the moth emerged June 20. (Can. Ent. XIII, 30.) The moth. — Female: Fore wings light bronzy brown; a narrow, oblique, nearly straight, dark brown band runs from near the inner margin outward to a little be- yond the middle of the costa, where it is joined at a right angle by another band, which is short and curved, terminating at about one-third of the distance from the costa to the inner angle. Between the end of the short band, and a little outward and above the internal angle, is a curved row of three roundish black dots, of which the marginal one is three times larger than the inner, and twice as large as the inter- mediate one. The bands aud spots form a distinct inverted V. Within the area thus formed and parallel with the inner is a brown line, which extends from the inner mar- gin to the discal end of the short curved band. This line is a shade lighter in color than the bands, and is edged outwardly with very pale or whitish brown. There is a band of the same pale brown or whitish color, which included the black dots and 150 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. extends outside of the short curved band to the costa. It is constricted near the inner dot, widening rapidly towards the costa, along which it extends towards the base to a little beyond the middle. Hind wings paler, the apex and outer margin concol- orous with the fore wings, fringe of all the wings pale silky brown, interlined near the base with darker brown, and with a black spot on the apex of the fore wings. Fore wings beneath uniformly a little darker than above. Hind wings beneath innch as above, but the darker shade of the exterior margin and apex is not so distinct. The wings above and beneath have the peculiar silken luster common to the genus. Head, thorax, and abdomen ocherous brown. Legs grayinh brown, the tarsi a little paler. Length of body, ?""" ; expanse of wings, 20mm. The wings are not so broad as iu P. geminata and albipunctuta. (Goodell.) 207. Kronwa minuta Reakirt. According to Reakirt the caterpillar feeds on the oak and chestnut in August and September, the moth appearing iti June at Philadel- phia. The caterpillar is closely related to the European slug-worm Limacodes asellus. Egg. — Length, £ line, pale green, a black ring near one end, oblong. Larva. — Length, 2 to 2£ lines ; basal outline elliptical ; a flattened ridge, widened in the center, extends from head to tail, curving over vertical elevations at the sides, which gradually diminish before and behind, and terminate at both ends iu a rounded margin. Around the base a row of small, densely spined papula?, two of which, on the head, are the most prominent, and colored yellow. The body is smooth, but the ridge is thrown into thick, fleshy folds ; it is thickest in the middle, whence it dimin- ishes anteriorly and posteriorly. Greeu ; two bright red lines, of equal length, cross each other at right angles on the central portion of the upper ridge. Moth. — Male and female are alike in color, the last being the largest. Fore wings lustrous, brownish-yellow ; hind wings blackish-brown. Below, testaceous, with a black shade, and roseate along the costa of primaries. Antennas, thorax, abdomen, and legs ocherous-yellow. Expanse: Male, 5 lines; female, 5£ lines. (Reakirt .) 208. Datana integerrima Grote and Robinson. This insect, says Riley in his unpublished notes, like several other species of Datana, is not confined in its attacks to any one food-plant, but is injurious to a variety of trees, i. e.. the willow, honey-locust, thorn, and apple. The larva. — Length 1.8 to 2 inches and very similar in appearance to D. angusii. The general color is dull black, of the appearance of India rubber. Sparsely covered with soft dirty white hair. Four thin sulphur-yellow lines along each side, the lower one, which is just under the stigmata, being somewhat indistinct on the latter half of the body, and all being more or less so on the last segment. Venter same color as above, with three yellow lines, the middle one uninterrupted, except by the prolegs; the outer ones interrupted in the middle of each segment by a rust-yellow spot, largest on the feet-bearing segments. Head rather larger than first segment, polished coal-black, with a suture down the middle and a V-shaped indentation in the center of the front. The first segment (which is the most striking feature) is of a gamboge or wax-yellow color, the cervical shield being darker and more shiny. The black be- tween the second and third yellow lines extends about half way on this segment : that between third and fourth more than half, aud under the fourth is a black line. Candal plate almost rouqd and shiny black like the head. Thoracic legs black, with gamboge or wax-yellow base ; abdominal prolegs same color, with a shiny black spot INSECTS INJURING OAK-LEAVES. 151 on the outside; anal inferior and of little use to the worm, small, thin, and shiny black. When young the larvse are brown or tawny yellow, with white stripes and more hair. The larvae go into the ground the latter part of August, and in less than thirty hou.-s change to a chrysalis. Pupa. — Eight-tenths of an inch and upwards in length, of the same form and appearance as that of D. angusii, but neither so dark nor so thickly punctured, and the four spines at the end are smaller in proportion. (Riley's unpublished notes.) ^foth. — Dark reddish-brown. Anterior wings entire along external margin, thickly and evenly covered with fine scattered irrorations, with a bright shade extending along costa centrally and above apical streak. Five transverse dark-brown lines. The first moderately arcuate, margined within by a paler shade. A central discal dot. The space between the first and second transverse lines darker. The second line covers the outer discal dot and is margined outwardly by paler scales, as are the third, fourth, and fifth lines. The position of all these lines is subject to variation. The fourth is, as usual, faiuter than the rest and very contiguous to the fifth. Pos- terior wings very pale, crossed by a rather broad, pale, median shade. Under sur- face paler than upper, deepening in color towards external margin; fringes dark. The scales which clothe the head and form the thoracic patch are dark tawny- brown, deepening in color towards the edges of the thorax. The metathoracic and lateral hairs are very pale. Abdomen pale, testaceous; and segment concolorous with the rest. Expanse, male and female, 1.80 to 2.30 inches. Length of body, 0.78 to 1.10 inches. (Grote and Robinson.) 209. Datana contracta Walker. Mr. James Angus has bred this species, which is confined to various species of oak, not feeding on other kinds of trees. Larva.— Head black, shining. Body black, with four lateral broad yellowish-white stripes ; a fifth is interrupted centrally by the legs, as in D. ministra, but in this latter species the stripes are darker and slightly narrow, while the larva is larger than that of D. contracta. The body is clothed with longer hair and is of a deeper black than in D. ministra. The dorsal swelled portion of the prothoracie ring is similarly colored, but less prominent and exserted than in its congener. (Angus.*) Moth. — Luteous tawny. Anterior wings entire, with a brighter shade extending along the costa centrally and above the apical streak. Profusely and distinctly irrorate with dark brown scales. Five transverse brown lines. The first oblique, very slightly arcuate, and margined inwardly with lighter scales. A central discal dot. The second line curved outwardly at costa, thence running inversely obliquely to internal margin. This line, which is margined outwardly with paler scales, joins the first at internal margin in a single specim en before us. A second discal spot. The third line slightly arcuate at costa, thence running parallel with fourth and fifth lines to internal margin. The third and fifth distinctly margined outwardly with paler scales. The fourth, which is quite contiguous to the fifth, is indistinct, and, in some instances, almost obsolete. Apical streak obsolete superiorly, indistinct. Fringes bright reddish-brown, the same with the thoracic patch. Posterior wings very pale, with a paler median shade. Under surface paler than upper, shading to reddisn-brown towards external margin on anterior wings. The scales which clothe * The exact references to the place of publication of descriptions (published before 1889) of this and nearly all the other caterpillars noticed in this report may be found by the reader in Mr. Henry Edwards' useful Bibliographical Catalogue of the described Transformations of North American Lepidoptera, forming Bulletin No. 35 of the U. S. National Museum, Washington, 18-9. 152 I'll ill BEPOBT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. the head and form the thoracic patch are bright tiiwiiv-hniwn, becoming darker towards the edges on the thorax. Ifetathoraeio and lateral hairs concolorous with posterior wings. Abdomen pale tawny, anal segment darker. Expanse, male and female, 1.85 Inches. (Grota and Robinson.) '210. Edtina ulbifron8 (Abbot and Smith). This is perhaps the most common iiotodontian caterpillar to be found on the oak. At first the caterpillars are gregarious, but after the tirst or second molt they begin to scatter over the tree. In Georgia, ac- cording to Smith and Abbot, the caterpillar "spun itself up in a thin white web between the leaves October 28, and came out on the wing the 18th of February. Others spun on the 29th of March, and came out on the 2d of May. The whole brood feeds together, especially when small." Mr. James Fletcher reports that in 1884 the caterpillars appeared in great numbers and were most injurious to both oaks and maples at Ottawa, Canada. (Rep., 32.) It is common on white oaks in Rhode Island and Maine late in August and through September ; those observed at Providence spinning a thin cocoon between the leaves early in October and until October 20-28. October 5 I found some small larva? (probably next to the last molt) with the stripes straw-yellow instead of orange. The moth appears in June in the Northern States. Larva. — Head large, orange-red, swollen, raised towards the apex ; wider than the thoracic segments, the body increasing in width towards the end, which has a large swollen orange-red hump on the eighth segment. The body smooth and shining, with no hairs ; a pair of broad subdorsal yellow lines inclosing five median black lines on a pale lilac ground. Below the yellow line are three black lines, with a second yellowish spiracular line. Anal legs pale or- ange-red ; all the legs pale orange. Pupa. — Of the usual form ; the cremaster is very characteristic ; it is flattened from above, deeply cleft, \J with tubercles from which arise three or four curved Fig. 52.— Edema albi/rons (from seta on each side. Length, 0.73 inch. Packard). Moth. — It is easily recognized by its whitish ash color, the square apex of the fore wings aud the broad white costal margin on the outer two-thirds of the wings; this white band sends a tooth backwards, bounding the upper and outer side of the discal brown ring, and there is an obtuse tooth between that and the apex : the inner brown line is curved and sinuous; there is a faint deeply-toothed outer line and a distinct narrow deeply-scalloped, rich, deep-brown marginal line, the scallop rilled in with whitish ash scales. Base of the wing inside of the middle line whitish ash ; hind wing and abdomen uniform ash-slate color; wings beneath of the same color; costal edge slightly bathed with whitish, with traces of a curved submargiual band, broadest on the costa and broken up behind. Expanse of the wings, 47mm. While in Florida in April I collected at Crescent City on the live or water oak a fully grown caterpillar which I supposed to be Edema albi/rons. Bringing it to Provi- dence in a tin box, it spun a slight cocoon between the leaves late in April. Dot the moth did notemerge until September 30. Although the summer was a warm one. and- the room iu which it was kept had a warm exposure, the moth was evidently re- INSECTS INJURING OAK-LEAVES. 153 tarded in its appearaDce by a change to a cooler climate. Unfortunately I did not make a description of the larva. The moth seems to represent a southern or local variety of this species. It differs from several specimens of E. albifrons slightly but distinctly; it is smaller and the white costal band is a Little shorter and broader; inside of the discal spot it is not oblique, but straight, and the tooth bounding the outer, costal side of the discal spot is larger, rounder, and fuller, less conical than in E. albifrons. The submarginal scallops are less curved, and the space in front of the discal spot is filled in more densely with reddish brown. Expanse of wings. 35mm. The pupa differs in the cremaster being consolidated, not forked, and the setse are well developed. Length, 18mm. In a Providence pupa, however, the cremaster is partly consolidated, only forked at the end, and the six setse are well developed. The following notes on the early stages of the caterpillar are from Professor Riley's notes : When young the larvae feed in a phalanx, as it were, lying parallel on the leaf and as close together as they can. Found at Woodstock, September 19, 1867, on the burr oak (Q. macrocarpa) some full grown and others just undergoing the third molt. When full grown, 1.45 inch in length, the body being larger on the abdominal than thoracic segments. Ground color white with a very slight corneous tint, which with the highly polished surface gives it the appearance of delicate porcelain. A subdorsal and stigmatal chrome- yellow band on each about .03 diameter. The subdorsal lines are not only thicker but wider apart on the abdominal than the thoracic segments, and between them, i. e.f along dorsum, are five polished black longitudinal lines, interrupted, however, at the sutures and merging into but three on the anterior five segments. Between the two yellow bands laterally are three other finer polished black lines and below the stig- matal yellow band several other longitudinal black marks, and one each side of venter. Stigmata in the yellow band, but being concolorous with it are scarcely noticed. Venter of the same dull shiny white as the ground color, but a little more glaucous. Legs and prologs immaculate and also of the same color, the abdominals being large and swollen above, while the anal legs are small. Head larger than segment one, free, perpendicular, immaculate, glassy, and of a mixture of coral and yellow. Distinguishing feature. — Segment eleven with a transverse ridge above, of the ground color with a band of the same color as the head, with a slight corneous mixt- ure running transversely along its middle. Before the last moult it has lost the polished appearance ; the abdominal segments are not noticeably larger than the thoracic ; the ground color is pure white, while dorsal and stigmatal bands are sulphur-yellow, and the ridge on segment eleven is more elevated dorsally and entirely corneous. Entered the ground during the latter part of September and transformed to chrys- alids, appearing as moths the following April. 211. Nadata gibbosa Walker. (Larva, Plate xi, Fig. 6.) The caterpillar is not uncommonly found on the oak. By the mid- dle or last of September, in New England (Maine and Rhode Island), it begins to pupate, not spinning a cocoon, and probably entering the ground before assuming the chrysalis state. In Providence it occurred on the white, in Maine on the red oak. In Georgia, according to Smith and Abbot, it " feeds on the chestnut oak, and other oaks. It went into the ground October 10 and came out March 15. Another went in June 154 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. 1 and came out the 19th of the same month." It is therefore double brooded in the Gulf States and single brooded in the North. The fol- lowing notes on its habits have been given by Professor Riley: A pair of this moth were taken May 2. 1882, from the eggs of which larvae hatched oil the 9th. They went through their first moult May 15; second, May 22; third, M;iv 26, and fourth, May 31. Pupated June 12 to 14. The moths issued from June 26 to July 10. Several larvai of this moth were found by heating on oak June 26, July 10, 1882. This larva is now very plentiful and of all sizes, on several oaks. (Ri- ley's unpublished notes.) Dr. Lintner has bred the moth from a larva found feeding on the maple in New York. The figure on Plate XI was kindly loaned by him, and is probably the original of the wood-cut in his Eut. Coutr., iii, 150. Larva. — Body green, large, head very large, full, rounded, high towards the ver- tex, as wide as the body, deep pea-green; the labruin whitish green; mandibles bright yellow, tipped with black, making them very conspicuous. Body glaucous pea-green, thick, full, soft, tapering towards the end, and the surface with minute raised, flattened, more or less confluent granulations. A lateral yellow line formed of coarse yellow, raised, flattened areas. Spiracles deep red. Supra-anal plate con- ical, flattened, apex much rounded, the edge colored bright yellow. Thoracic and abdominal feet pale pea-green ; all concolorous. Length, 33mm, thickness, 6mm. Moth. — Fore wings broad, apex pointed; male antenna? pectinated to the end. Body and wings reddish, reddish yellow-brown ; thorax with a high, large, loose crest. Fore wings with two white twin discal dots, rather widely separated. An inner and outer narrow, oblique reddish-brown line ; the outer parallel with the outer margin of the wing, which is slightly scalloped. Fringe dark, the scallops filled in with white. Hind wings whitish, with a faint outer line. Beneath, uniformly whitish ; a faint outer line common to both wings ; the costal edge dusted with red- dish-brown. Abdomen yellowish-brown. Expanse of wings, 48mra. 212. Lophodonta angulosa (Abbot and Smith.) It occurred on Quercus alba October 7, at Providence, when it began to pupate, the moth appearing the following June. Abbot and Smith re- mark that in Georgia it u feeds on the over cup oak and other kinds of the same genus. Some went into the ground May 30, and came out the loth of June. Others that went iu the 16th of October remained till the 20th of April." From this it appears that in the Southern States this species is double brooded. Larvae . — Somewhat like Nadata gibbosa, but the head is smaller, and it has no such supra-anal plate, while the body is smooth, not granulated. Head nearly as wide as the prothoracic segment, but not so wide as the body; full and rounded; though a little flattened above, deep pea-green, but concolorous with the body. On the side a pink line edged above with white extending to base of the antennae. Mandibles green at base with an orange-red line along upper edge; tips black. A short black line above at base of antennas. Body noctuiform, tapering towards the anal legs, which are short and small, no larger than the other abdominal legs, supra-anal plate small, rounded at the end, not large and conspicuous as iu Xadata gibbosa. Segments not convex, but the sutures distinct. A faint double median, whitish, somewhat broken line, the two lines converging and forming oue on the middle of the supra-anal plate and tinged slightly with pink. A distinct lateral pink line begins on the side of the head and extends to the eud of the body along the edge of the supra-anal plate. The line is somewhat finely bordered with brown, and is edged below with white. INSECTS INJURING OAK-LEAVES. 155 The whole body and legs pea-green, slightly darker below than along the back. Thoracic feet greenish-amber, spotted externally with black. Length, .40mm. Pupa. — Body full and plump.; of the usual form and color; the end of the abdomen very much rounded and obtuse, with no rudiment of a cremaster (as it goes into the ground, not spinning a web), only a rounded knob. Length, 18mm. Moth. — Thorax and body dark grayish-brown ; thorax with a round black spot on the hinder edge, encircled by a yellowish-brown line ; abdomen yellowish brown. Fore wings rounded at the apex, of a quite uniform umber brown ; basal line with a sharp distinct angle in the median space, the line reddish-brown, broadly shaded ex- ternally with much paler tawny brown ; on the costa the line is straight, with a broad external whitish gray shade. Middle line sharply scalloped, -becoming straight on the costa, with a sharp tooth on the discal fold and a sharp tooth occu- pying the entire submedian space; the last scallop short, indistinct, ending in a dark-brown tuft on the middle of the hinder edge of the wing. Outer line wavy but indistinct. A marginal wavy line. A broad whitish patch exterior to the middla line extending from the costa to the median vein. Hind wings sable brown, with a marginal shade and a dark broken band at the base of the fringe. Expanse of wings 213. Schizura ipomece Doubleday (Coelodasys biguttatus Pack.). The following notes and descriptions are based on an examination of the material in Professor Riley's collection. The larva occurred on the oak September 24. In Virginia one was found by Mr. Koebele, on the birch, September 14, and it has also been bred from the blackberry. The larva makes an earthen cocoon, regularly oval in shape, covering it with sand on the outside, so that it closely resembles that of Janassa lignicola. G. unicornis spins a silken cocoon, with debris collected and adhering to the exterior. It is evident that C. cinereofrons Pack, is only a variety of biguttata, there being a series of connecting forms in Riley's collection. The moth occurred at Cambridge, Mass., June 16, and in July and August. (Harris.) Larvae of this species are found from May to October at St. Louis, Mo., feeding on the different kinds of oak and on maple. The moths issued in April and August. The coloration of the larvae is quite variable, though the most uniform marking is as follows: Color, green speckled with purple. A faint substigmatal sulphur yel- low line, most distinct on thoracic joints. A broad pale subdorsal line, between which the dorsum is pale lilaceous, but thickly mottled with rich purple brown and ferruginous, leaving a narrow dorsal line distinctly marked. Two elevated ferrugi- nous warts on top of joints 4 and 11. Head large, pale green, with a distinct lateral black and white stripe. (Unpublished notes.) Larva. — Differs from C. unicornis in the head being purple and having four dark narrow lines extending from the base of the jaws to the vertex ; the dorsal spine on the first abdominal segment is nearly three times as large and high as in C. unicornis, and ends in a deep fork, each tine of which bears a stiff truncated spine. A pair of dor- sal, rounded, small tubercles on each abdominal segment 1-8, those on the 5th and 8th segments being much larger than the others and coral red in color. Coloration much as in C. unicornis, but the branches of the V iQ front of the tubercle on the 8th seg- ment are wider and inclose a broken red line. Meso- and meta-thoracic segments green ; body brick-reddish, slashed with pale lines, with a broad dorsal band forked on the prothoracic segment and extending upon the horn on the 1st abdominal seg- ment; behind the horn are four dorsal oval light patches, each inclosing three red lines. Leugth 33mm. 156 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. Pupii. — Moderately itoul ; end of abdomen obtuse. The cremaster deeply cleft, each spine well developed, rather Long, DOt mneb flattened, ending in a point and throw tag off near the end a short branch which nearly meets its fellow with opposite •pine. Length 21""". Mnth. — llviid gray, vertical tuft above black. Thorax reddish-brown, patagia blackish above. No distinct line on the prothoimx. Primaries reddish-brown, ner- vulcs black. Base of the costa dark, beyond cinereous with brown scales along the edge, which become indistinct waved lines continued across the wing and are more obliqne beyond the dieoal dot. The linear reddish discal dot is surrounded by gray, and below and beyond is a dark rather broad discoloration curved around it. Beyond this the black uervuhs are interrupted by gray scales. There are two obscure series of reddish dots near the margin in the interspaces. Opposite theouter series of these spots the fringe, otherwise ferruginous, is of a dirty-white. Secondaries white, dis- colored with smoky at inner angle. The large tuft beneath the head is lilac-ashen. Beneath, the fore-wingl are white, smoky in the middle. Costo-apical dots distinct. Fringe white, black at the ends of the nervules, at the base are white dots in the interspace. Secondaries entirely white, except the dusky spot on the inner angle. Legs ashen, ends of the scales dark, tarsi broadly anunlated with dark. Abdomen slender, whitish, a narrow mesial line beneath. In the female the markings are more distinct. The two series of ferruginous waved lines on each side of the median region are more distinct. The submarginal ferruginous region is more broken up by ashen »cales. The secondaries and abdomen above smoky. There are faint traces of a slight mesial fascia across the wing. Beneath, both wings are dark smoky. Alight ferruginous line on the abdomen, which is itself larger than" in the other species. Length of body, male, 90; female, 95; expanse of wings, male, 1.60; female, 1.80 inch. Coelodasys cinereofrons Pack., as stated by Grote, is undoubtedly a variety of this species now to be referred to the genus Schizura. The following notes on the larva of this variety have been received from Professor Kiley : June 20, found on oak two very small larvae which entered the ground July 8 and emerged as moths July 30. Color of larva as follows : Second and third segments grass green : the horn of the fourth segment is two-forked and the tips blood red, also the tips of the two smaller horns on joints 8 and 11. The rest of the body and head, red- dish brown. (Unpublished notes.) 214. Hyparpax aurora (Abbot and Smith). Larva, Plate III, fig. 6, 6a. "The caterpillar was taken on the timber white oak, but feeds also on other species of oak. It went into the ground and inclosed itself in a thin case of dirt July 15, appearing on the wing August 7. Some- times this species also buries itself in autumn, and remains till the spring, at which season the moth may now and then be observed sit- ting on the oak branches." (Abbot and Smith.) In New England it is single brooded. The caterpillar, according to Abbot and Smith's figure, has a double red hump on the first abdominal segment, with a very broad dorsal green baud between this and the tubercle on the eighth segment; the anal legs are elevated much as in Schizura unicornis. The moth has broad yellow fore- wings, in the female pink at base and on the outer margin. I am indebted to Miss E. L. Morton for the colored sketches of this rather rare larva. INSECTS INJURING OAK-LEAVES. 157 215. Janassa Hgnicolor Walk. (Larva, PI. Ill, fig. 5.) The caterpillar of this moth occurred on the oak at Providence from the middle to the last of September. It has been bred by Professor Kiley. This species is Xylinodes virgata of Packard. The larva is very characteristic and allied to those of Schizura. In Professor Kiley's collection are the regularly oval thick earthen cocoons lined with silk, and about three fourths of an inch in length, the caterpillar transform- ing on the surface or within the earth. Larva. — Head not very large, not so wide as the prothoracic segment ; pale, almost whitish ash-gray; an irregular dark ash band on each aide in front passing up from the mandibles and meeting on the vertex, where a branch is sent out at right angles, uniting with its fellow in the median line of the head ; no median line above the apex of the vertex, but two spurs are sent out above the vertex from each side, which nearly reach the median line of the head, and inclose a clear round space. Prothoracic segment pea-green on each side above the spiracle. Meso- and meta-thoracic segments bright deep pea-green, bordered with reddish below; a long narrow triangular dorsal light-brown band, slightly forked on the prothoracic segment, extends from the head to near the base of the large dorsal tubercle on first abdominal segment ; this tubercle is sensitive and retractile as in the other species of this genus; it is large but not forked, the end being very slightly cleft, blackish in the middle and each small ter- minal wart has a dark hair which is bent downward and forward. First to third ab- dominal segments pale gray and reddish-brown, the first less marbled and watered with gray than the second and third ; the back of the fourth to ninth segments clear deep pea-green, with a round sinus in front on the fourth segment, and on the sixth and front edge of seventh inclosing a watered gray elongated irregular patch. On the eighth segment a small dorsal tubercle tinted with brown ; the eighth spiracle much larger and more conspicuous than the others ; around the seventh pair of spira- cles are clear white patches. The abdominal legs 1 to 4 are thick and fleshy, with a reddish- brown circular line incomplete above; anal legs small and slender, about one-third as large as the others. Length 33mm. Pupa. — Body short and thick; tip of abdomen unusually blunt; cremaster partly rudimentary, not projecting beyond the tip, and consisting of two widely separate flattened squarish spines, terminating in two small spines. Length 18mm. Moth. — Pale cinereous. Pronotal pieces discolored with ligneous brown. Abroad, median thoracic dusky line, succeeded on the abdomen by a dark spot. Primaries light ashen with brown scales arranged in streaks, which on the costa proceed ob- liquely towards the outer margin, ending upon the subcostal nervure. Towards the apex are two distinct brown streaks, which are parallel to the costa; between and below the second streak are two whitish streaks. A dark-brown discal dot is placed upon the lower discal nervule, and beyond it is a brown streak. In the middle of the discal space is a light line which passes over the discal dot and continues along the lowest subcostal interspace to near the outer margin. Below the median vein the wing is slightly tinged with ocherous. Just below the basal portion of the median nervure is a brown streak, and the internal border is mottled and streaked with dark cine- reous. The tuft is dark-brown, and the outer edge of the wings is also darker than the discal portion. There are no transverse streaks. Secondaries white, the costa dis- closed slightly with cinereous. Abdomen nearly concolorous, being a shade darker than the hind wings. Beneath cinereous, with a distinct median black line. -Tarsi broadly annulated with dark. Length of body, .85 ; expanse of wings. 1.75 inch. Cambridge, female, Lansing, Mich. ; Seekonk, R. I. 158 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. 'Jl<>. Loekwunu manteo Doubleday {Utterocampa subalbicans Grotej. This species ranges from Maine to Texas. During 1880a threat amount of damage was done to the foliage of oak forests in at least two counties of Arkansas by this worm, which appeared in immense numbers in Jan- uary. The following account is taken from Professor Comstock's re- port (Agricultural Report, 1880) : There are probably two broods of the variable caterpillar in the course of the sea- son, although but one, the fall brood, seems to have been noticed. The moths Appear in the latter part of April or in early May, and between that time and late Septem- ber, when the principal damage is done by the worms, there is abundant time for two broods of caterpillars. In the District of Columbia for the last two years these larvae have been noticed very abundantly upon oak, hawthorn, and basswood, and doubtless feed upon other plants. In late September they had reached their full size and entered the ground, where, as we gather from Mrs. Thomas's letter, they lie most of the winter before transforming. The most obvious remedy for the injuries of this insect is the destruction of the larvae by burning the leaves upon the ground in the latter part of September, just as thf larva' are dropping from the trees. This could probably be done in most places without danger to the forest and without injury to the mast. Should the damage done by the worms be sufficiently great to warrant the expense of trap lanterns to be used in May to destroy the moths, undoubtedly their numbers could be greatly lessened. For description of trap lanterns, with remarks upon their use, see page 330 of the report for 1879 (Comstock). Professor Riley sends us the following notes on its habits and food plants : Two larvae of a Notodonta were found feeding on oak and persimmon in Virginia, June 18, 1882. Another one was found June 20, also in Virginia, feeding on walnut ; and two more July 19, feeding on oak. (It also feeds on the white, post, aid laurel oak, and linden). One of the first found larva spun up between leaves July 19, and another one pupated on the surface of the ground July 21. The first moth issued August 5 and the other one August 12. Larvae of a second brood were again fouud August 30 feeding on apple and black birch, and another full grown one September 3, feeding on persimmon. October 14, 1870: S. S. Rathvon describes it as injurious to the linden trees, stripping them and going from one tree to another in the village of Lititz, near Lan- caster, Pa. They went into the ground about the 1st of September. The specimen he sent had fifteen large Tachina-tly eggs attached transversely across the end and third joints. The white margin to the black stripe was missing, and the dark pur- ple dorsal band extends to stigmata on joints 6 and 9 and to subdorsum on 4 and 11 (box 3, No. 29), also a variety in box 3, No. 53. October 17, 1870: Bolter found 2 under oak leaves, both of them like that I found on oak October 2, 1870. April 30, 1871, one has issued from an exotic oak in Shaw's gardens. The markings are much more diffused, with a large whitish discal spot ou primaries. That marked 4.->x from burr oak — Muhleman, issued May 2."). 1-71. It is a variety and perfectly de- ceptive like X unicornis, taking the same tubular position. Very abundant in 1873. October 12. leaves falling, obtained many from post oak. Three most persistent forms blown a (4 in cage 12) b (11 iu cage 11) c (1 in cage 10). July 6, 1-7 1: The imagines have been issuing very irregularly. To-day I sieved the cages and especially 17. in wnich there were a number of all three forms. They now are all alike, and the head is the only characteristic part. All the color is gone from the body, which is now of a uniform Paris green more or leas mottled INSECTS INJURING OAK-LEAVES. 15& with a pale and dark shade, the vascular line dark and broken. Many of these are now crawling about quite actively, while others are in the pupa state and others issuing. They were all in a very slight elastic silken cocoon. September 20, 1874 : A number of all sizes on oak, separated into three lots — a in cage 12 ; & in cage 10 ; c in cage 5. They are very variable and there are specimens inter- mediate between these three forms. Some have the colors very bright and distinct, and others less so. A lot found on linden, but afterw ards feeding well on oak, are all of the light form a in cage 13. November 21, 1874: In sieving the cages containing forms a, b, and c, they were found still in the larval state, some having made a tough silken cocoon, others one made only of a few threads, while some had no cocoons at all but had made a smooth cavity in the earth. In cage 5 were found two large Tachina larvae, certainly from form c, one of which is preserved in box 7-40. April 10, 1875, one Tachina fly is- sued marked 359°. One moth issued April 16, 1875, the larva of which was found on linden, but fed also on oak in cage 13, where there are many more in the ground. Braconid parasite bred October, 1874. October 26, 1875: Nine from oak all near form b. (Unpublished notes.) Full-grown larva — Variety a. — Length, 40mm(l. 50 inches), rather slender, subcylindri- cal. Head pale green with a deep purplish lateral line bordered below with a pure white line; dorsum of abdomen bluish-green with a narrow white dorsal line; the green dorsum is bordered each side by a narrow, scarcely noticeable yellow line run- ning from the head to the fourth segment, from which point it is purple to the end of the body ; this line is bordered below by a very distinct pure white subdorsal band ; the sides are bluish with dark purplish spots ; stigmata orange ; below the stigmata a faint interrupted yellow band ; the dorsal aud lateral piliferous warts are yellowish ; subdorsal whitish. The first thoracic segment has two jellow dorsal tubercular spots; segments 2 and 3 have each a yellow dorsal double wart, and the first abdominal segment has two quite conspicuous red piliferous tubercles; the penultimate segment is somewhat gibbous above and bears two small reddish piliferous tubercles. Variety b. — Head dark yellow; dorsum of body purplish with paler mottlings; dorsal line white; the subdorsal white line interrupted on abdominal segments 3 and 6; the sides rather browner than the dorsum; lateral line yellow and more distinct than in variety a. Stigmata orange ; the first thoracic segment has the yellow tuber- cle, but segments 2 and 3 have only the lower one of the double tubercles yellow. In other points it resembles variety a. Variety c. — Head very pale yellow; dorsum pale grayish; dorsal white line bor- dered each side by a narrow purplish line. The subdorsal band consists of a narrow, purple line, an indistinct yellow line, aud a broad white band; the subdorsal lines approximate on the thoracic segments as in other varieties; the lateral line is yellow, distinct, and uninterrupted; sides slightly darker than the dorsum aud specked with purplish spots. (Comstock, U. S. Ag. Report for 1880.) 217. Heterocampa pulverea Grote and Robinson. Order Lepidoptkra ; family Bombycuxe. Professor French has reared this caterpillar, which occurred in Union County, 111., June 30 ; July 6 it went into the dirt of the breeding-cage to pupate, the moth appearing August 6. The caterpillar.— Leu gth, 1.25 inches [in shape tapering slightly from the middle forward, but more rapidly from that point backward, the body deeper than broad.] .General color bright green, head gray, first segment behind the head with two dark purplish-black dorsal warts; from these a purplish-brown line extends backw'ard. This purplish-brown color extends over the back part of the sixth segment, the whole of the seventh, and most of the eighth. On the third segment begins a dorsal orange- patch, which reaches back to the sixth segment, filling the space between the purple lines. On the ninth segment is another orange-patch. The tenth segment has no 16U FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. purple and only a lit tit- orange below the stigmata. There is also a faint yellowish donal line. The eleventh legmen! has purple-brown subdorsal lines with orange on the back. These lines unite on the twelfth segment and form a broad dorsal line. Peel and legs purple. (French.) M<> ft. — Fore wings olive-ash, a distinct, dark (dive subdorsal spaee ; median space paler, olivaceous ; transverse anterior line black, geminate, dentate; the space in- cluded is stained in the middle with brown. A narrow, distinct, discal lunate streak, preceded by b blackish zigzag median shade line most distinct in the costa. Be- yond the discal streak the wing is clear and whitish, forming an oblique pyriform space, limited out wardly by the subtenninal line and below by a dark shade below the third median vein, somewhat as n: //. oliliqua. It is closely related to //. einerea Pack. The following notes by Professor Riley throw more light ou the habits of this insect : Found July 9, 1884, at Hyattsville, M<1., quite a number of larvas of a Notodouta feeding on oak, hickory, walnut, birch, aud Carpinns americana. Larv;e entered the ground July 11) aud 20, and the moths issued from July 27 to August 7. (Unpublished notes.) 218. The oak forked tail. Seterocampa marthesia (Cram.) (Lochmceus tessella Pack.). The caterpillar of this moth is one of the most iuterestiug among the Notodontiaus since it connects Cerura with the other genera, by reason of its two long caudal filaments, so much like those of Cerura. These appendages are simply modified anal legs, and seem to be tactile aud repellant organs. This caterpillar is also interesting from its power when touched of forcing out a dense cloud of fiue spray from a gland in the under side of the prothoracic segment, near the head. It is very common ou the oak, both red and white, from Maine southward, in August and through September, aud occurs as far south as Georgia. The young before the last molt have much higher prothoracic dorsal tubercles and much longer anal filaments than in the adult, and they are tinged with reddish. The cocoon is of silk, not very thick, spun between the leaves, and in confinement the moths issued iu November, though ordinarily not due until June. Professor Riley has observed it on the oak at St. Louis, Mo., June 22, and iu July. He sends the following notes : The larva, if disturbed, thrusts from the anal appendages a fiue red thread. The moths issued March 11 and Id. Many of the larva are iufected by parasites, among which were a Tachinid and a Cryptus. (Unpublished notes.) Larva. — It is a large-bodied, pale green caterpillar, thickest iu the middle, being somewhat spindle-shaped. The head is moderately large, tiat in front, subcorneal, with the vertex high aud conical, pale green, edged very irregularly with roseate on the sides. A small double reddish tubercle on the top of the prothoracic segment, from which a median white or yellow dorsal stripe, here and there marked with ro- seate spots, runs to the supra-anal plate. The aual legs are represented by two slender filaments held outstretched, which are nearly as long as the body is thick. There are seven pairs of oblique lateral faint yellowish slender stripes, the last pair extending to the sides of the anal filaments. All the legs are pale green and concol- orons with the body. Length 40mm, including the filaments. Moth. — This species is rather above the medium size, and may be known by being nearer in form of antenna), body, and wings to Cerura than any other species of Loch- INSECTS INJURING OAK-LEAVES 161 mceus or Heterocampa ; by the pale ashen bleached fore wings, the basal third of which is very dark cinereous ; also by the linear obscure discal line, succeeded on the costa by a white zigzag spot, and more especially by the square black spot near the in- ternal angle, which is isolated from the submargino-apical dusky line, of which it forms a part. Length of body, female, .90; expanse of wings, 2.15 inches. 219. The American silk-worm. Telea polyphemus Hiibner. Feeding on the leaves in August and September, a large, fat, pale-green worm, as large as one's finger, with pearly red warts, with an oblique white line between the two lowermost warts ; the head and feet brown, and a brown V-shaped line on the tail. The American silk-worm, not uncommonly met with on the oak, may be artificially reared in great abundance on the leaves of this tree, and the silk, reeled from the cocoons, can make a durable and useful cloth. The large, thick, oval cocoons are attached to the leaves and fall with them to the ground in autumn. The eggs are laid in June, when the moths may be seen flying at night. It is one of our largest moths, ex- panding from five to six inches, and is dull ocberous-yellow, with a large Fig. 53.— American silk worm, natural size. — From Packard, after Trouvelot. transparent eye-like spot in the middle of each wing. It is not common enough to be destructive. Fig 54.— Cocoon.— After Trouvelot. Fig. 55. -Pupa.— After Trouvelot. According to Abbot and Smith, iu Georgia the caterpillar feeds on the black-jack and other oaks. "It buried itself July 12, and the moth appeared the 26th. Another went into the ground August 9, and came out the 24th. It likewise comes forth early in the spring, for I 5 ent 11 16*2 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. have taken this species of moth on the LOth of May." It thus appears to be double- brooded iu the Gulf States. Larva.— Body very thick and fleshy, skin thin, segments short and convex, some- what swollen and augulatrd. The head large, rounded, full above and retractile in the prothoraeio segment, which is considerably wider than the head, but much nar- rower than tin* one succeeding. The head is pale rust-ivd, and rather hairy in front. The body is of a soft rich pea-green, much paler than the upper side of an oak leaf and even than the under side. The front edge, of the prothoracic segment is straw- yellow and on its anterior edge are four widely separated yellow warts, each bearing a black hair. Two dorsal rows on second (meso) to tenth segment behind the head of prominent spherical mammilla, bearing two to three pale yellowish hairs: those on the first four segments rich yellow, those behind tinged with orange-red and glis- tening with silver. Two lateral rows of similar tubercles in color and form, reddish behind the fourth segment. The two rows are very wide apart, the lower row next to bases of abdominal and thoracic feet. The spiracles are slightly nearer the lower than npper lateral row of .mammilla. They are bright brick-red. A faint straight oblique pale yellow baud connects the upper and lower tubercles on each segment, there being six such bands. Supra-anal plate forming almost an equilateral triangle, subacute, the edge thick- ened and broadly marked with a bright varnish brown, forming a distinct brown V» the hind edge of the broad anal legs also of the same hue of brown. Thoracic feet rust-red. Abdominal feet concolorous with the body. Along the lateral ridge are numerous short hairs. Length 65 mm ; thickness 13 mm. 2*20. The buck moth or maia moth. Hemihuca maia (Drury). This fine insect feeds on the oak, as Harris says, in company when small, but dispersing when becoming larger; the caterpillar eats the leaves of various kinds of oaks and stiugs very sharply when handled. In the Xew England States the moth flies in July and early in August, but is usually rarely seen so far to the northeast. In Illinois and Mis- souri, according to Riley (fifth Missouri report), it is more abundant, and in Illinois is called the buck moth or deer moth, because seen flying late in autumn when the deer ruu. The species under its ordinary form ranges from Maine to Georgia and westward to Kansas : it has also.been rarely found west of the Rocky Mountains at Dayton, Xev., flying about willows in August (var. nevadensis Stretch). I possess a male from Colorado which has still wider white bands on both wings than figured by Stretch. It also inhabits California [califomioa Stretch). The Californian moth apparently agrees, as Riley states, with Dr. Lim- ner's variety bred in Xew York ; the fore wings having no pale mark- ings. It thus appears to range from Maine to California : southward through- out the Gulf State and to Nevada. Riley states that the leaves of our dif- Fio. 56. — II. mam. eggs natural size.— After mil y. erent oaks afford the usual food, and that "the black masses of the prickly larva1 are sometimes quite abundant on the young post, black, and red oaks along the Iron Mountain region." He has also found them abundantly INSECTS INJURING OAK-LEAVES. 163 on the scrub willow (Salix humilis) in northern Illinois, aud on a rose bush, and states that they also occur on the common hazel, while Glover records them as living on the wild black cherry. Fig. 57. — H. maia; a, larva fully grown; b, pupa — natural size; c, abdominal, d, thoracic spine, of newly-hatched larva: e, spine of larva after first molt; /, g, spine of larva after third and fourth molts— enlarged.— After Riley. In the Oeutral and Eastern States the moths begin to issue from the ground late in September and early in October, " the males almost al- ways appearing first " (Riley). Both Lintuer and Riley record cases where the moths were retarded a whole year. " From a batch of larvae, which had all entered the ground before July 1, 1871, one moth did not issue till October 8, 1872." (Riley.) Hemilevca maia. male buck moth. — After Rilev. The eggs are deposited to the number of from one hundred to two Jiundred in naked belts, the smallest number of eggs in a mass being seventy. Riley thus describes the process of egg-laying: Holdiug firmly by nil ber feet, the female stations herself upon a twig, with her head usually toward its end. She then stretches her abdomen to its fullest extent and fastens the first egg; another is theu attached by its side, and so on, the body reaching round the twig without letting go the feet. In this manner, governed by 164 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. the thickness of the twig, an Irregular, somewhat spiral ring is formed and others added, until toward the last the abdomen ii raised and the ovipositor brought up between lbs Legs. The lower or first deposited ones incline so as to almost lie on their (5tfa Ifo. Kt., p. i . Mr, Joseph A. Stuart has communicated to me the following notes on this moth observed by him at Dracat, Ifasfl : September 85, 1876: Marked olnsterof eggs laid by wis around the stems of Spi- rcta salicifolia in a cranberry swamp. May 25, 1-7? : Waded into my meadow to the marked olnsterof eggs, and found the larv;e hatched and one-(juarter of au inch long, feeding upon the plant on whieh the empty egg-shells still remained. Juue3: Plenty of broods to be found in the meadow. June 10 : Those in the meadow began to scat- ter: at this tune commencing to show the two rows of dull-yellow warts upon the back, otherwise black in color with red head and legs. June 17: In the meadow they were from three-quarters of an inch to one and one-quarter inches long, and the branching spines showed plainly. Rarely more than one to be found on a plant. June 24 : Show the yellow dots between the warts and spines and the yellow u crescents " above the prop-legs. They are getting more scarce. Have found two specimens on the rough-leaved hardback, but not a single specimen on the dog rose, though in one case found a dog rose growing intertwined with an infested hardback, neither have I found them near a cranberry vine. In former years while picking cranberries from September 15 to 25 have found freshly-emerged moths on a spear of grass and an empty naked chrysalis in the peat moss three to four inches deep. Have never seen them on upland in either State. The spines are poisonous, as in most spinose silk-worms, especially those on the back. Notwithstanding its armature, it is preyed upon by two parasites Limneria fugitiva (Say) and a species of Microgaster. Dr. J. A. Lintner states that the freshly-hatched caterpillars are at- tacked by a bug, Anna modesta, which destroys whole broods at a time. Dr. Lintner has given the most detailed account of the trans- formations of this fine moth, but for convenience we copy the more con- densed account of the larval changes as given by Riley : Egg. — Length, .05 to .06 inch : obovate ; compressed on the sides and at the apex ; reddish-brown above, below yellowish-white. Larva before first molt. — Length, .15 inch. It is black and granulated above, red- dish-brown and smooth below, with a row of spots along the middle joints. The prolegs are brown ; head with a few scattering hairs: spines placed in the normal position, namely. 6 (in longitudinal rows) on all joints except 11, where two dorsal ones are replaced by a single medio-dorsal one. an additional snbveutral one each side on joints 1. 2, 3, 4. 5. and 10, and an additional medio-dorsal one on joint 12. They consist of a thickened, sub-cylindrical, polished black stem, nearly as long as the diameter of the body, truncated at tip, which is coronated with three or four short points, and emits a long black bristle, which, under high magnifying power appears barbed. Ou the thoracic joints the stem of the six superior rows is forked near its tip. After first molt.— The body remains the same, but the spines, whieh are now longest on thoracic joints, are more branched, with more hairs from the main stem, and the bristles from blunt ends comparatively short. After second molt.— The dorsal spines are still more branched, and often less trun- cated, so that the bristle is less distinctly separated and forms more nearly part of the tapering spine. The bristles also, especially on the lateral spines, are longer and paler. During the latter part of this stage the characteristics of the mature larva are indicated. INSECTS INJURING OAK-LEAVES. 165 After third molt. — The two dorsal rows of spines on joints 3 to 10, and the mesial one on joint 11, are reduced to subcorneal tubercles or warts, fascicled with short, stout, simple spines of a pale fulvous color, tipped with black ; those on joints 1 and 2 re- main much as before, but there is generally a fascicle of similarly fulvous spines at the base of the latter. The other spines are somewhat stouter, with the blunt tips from which the bristles spring more or less white. Characters of mature larva more patent. After fourth molt. — The granulations assume the form of whitish transverse-oval papillae, each emitting from the center a minute dark bristle. These papillae are mostly confluent around the stigmata, and, together with some irregular, pale yel- low markings, produce a broad and pale stigmatal stripe. They are most sparse along the subdorsal region, just above stigmata, where, in consequence, the body appears darkest. Mature larva.— Average length, nearly 2 inches ; color, brown-black ; head, cervical shield, anal plate, and legs polished chestnut-brown, the prolegs lighter, and inclin- ing to Venetian-red, with hooks more dusky and the true legs darker, inclining to black at tips. The dorsal fascicled spines, with the exception of a few short black ones in the center of each bunch, are pale rust-yellow, translucent, the tips mucronate and black ; the other compound spines are black, with the blunt ends more or less distinctly white and translucent (but frequently crowned with minute black points, as in the first stage), and the sharp-pointed spinules arising from them dusky. They are generally enlarged and reddish at base, and an approach to the dorsal fascicles is made in the increased number and yellow color of the basal branches, especially in the subdorsal rows. Stigmata sunken, pale, elongate-oval; venter yellowish along the middle, the legs connected with red, and a reddish spot on the legless joints. Pupa.— The larva, to transform, almost always enters the ground, and there, in a simple, ovoid cell, the prickly skin is shed, and the pupa state assumed. It is now of a deep brown-black color, heavy and rounded anteriorly, minutely shagreened or roughened, except at the sutures of legs and wing-sheaths, where it is smooth and polished. The margins of the three abdominal sutures next the thorax, and of that between the last two stigmata-bearing joints, are more or less crimped or plaited, while the three which intervene, and which are the only ones movable, are deep and transversely aciculate (as if scratched with the point of a needle) on the hind, and longitudinally and minutely striated on the front side. The body ends in a trian- gular, flattened, ventrally concave tubercle, tipped with a few curled, blunt, rufous bristles. Moth. — The wings are so lightly covered with scales that they are semi-transparent and look like delicate black crape. The bands across them are cream-white, and broadest on the hind wings. The female antennae below, the hair on the thighs, and two small tufts behind the thorax, are brick-red, and the male differs from the female in having broader, black antennae and a smaller abdomen, tipped with a large tuft of brick-red hair. The color is cream- white, and the black hairs of the body more or less sprinkled with hairs of the same pale color. 221. Tolype velleda (Stal). The caterpillar of this remarkable moth was found by Abbot in Georgia to feed on the willow oak (Quercus phellos) and the persimmon, spinning its cocoon August 10, the moth appearing September 22. In the northern States, where it has only been observed on the apple and would be mistaken for a swelling of the bark, it spins its cocoon also early in August, appearing as a moth forty days later. Larva. — Body 2| inches long ; much like that of G. americana, the color, however, pale sea-green, marked with ash, blended into white, and beneath of a brilliant 166 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. orange, spotted with vivid black. When in motion a rich, velvet-black stripe appears two-thirds of an Inch from the head. (Harris.) Cocoon. — Like soft, brown-gray paper in texture; one and one-half inches long and half an inch wide; bordered on all sides by B loose web; oval : convex above and perfectly flat and very thin beneath. Moth. — A large stout-bodied moth, white with a large, high tuft of long, metallic, brown scales along the thorax : wings short and broad, rounded at the apex with two basal bands and a broad, slightly curved submarginal dusky band, interrupted by the white veins; hind wings gray with a white border on which are two interrupted gray lines. Males with broadly feathered antenna-, and expanding ty to If inches, while the females are much larger, the wings expanding 2} to 2f inches. The following species of Noctuidae are found on oaks of different species: 222. Charadra deridens (Guen.). This white hairy caterpillar occurred on the oak August 28. It was first reared by Dr. Lintner (Coutr. iii, 157), in New York, and Septem- ber 16 made a thin cocoon between the leaves. The caterpillar also inhabits the elm and birch and spins a cocoon late in August in a case between two leaves; the eggs were, as ob- served by Mr. Thaxter, laid July 4, singly or in rows on the under side of a leaf, the caterpillar hatching July 11, molting six times, the last time August 6. Egg. — Flattened, ribbed, whitish. Larva. — When hatched, light green, on segm ents 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, respectively, a large, roundish, red sub-dorsal spot. Head large, tinged with brown ; body tapering con- siderably posteriorly, and sparingly clothed with long colorless hairs. Length 2. 5mm. (Thaxter, Papilio iii, 11.) Larva before last molt. — Head white, rounded, a broad jet-black transverse patch on the front above the apex of the clypeus ; the latter edged with black, forming a black triangle connecting below with a black stripe on each side of base of labrum; the latter black-brown, body cylindrical, rather short and thick; sutures deep; head uot so wide as the prothorax, the latter rather full and large, longer but not so wide as the meso-segment, and with a yellowish-white tinge like the head. Rest of the body white, with a very slight greenish tinge, with small tubercles concolorous with the body, from which radiate fascicles of long white fine hairs of unequal length half as long as the body. Length 21mm; thickness 5 to 6mm. Full-fed larva. — After the last molt the head is jet black in front, except along back of vertex, which is white, and sends a median line betweeu the two large black patches. In front are three triangular whitish patches, one on the clypeus, and a longer one on each side. In front black, face black, labrum white. Body dull white, tinged with pale glaucous-green, with very long white hairs arising from small wThite warts. Length 38mm. Moth. — Fore wings broad, subtriangular, a little prolonged at the apex, of an ashy white washed with yellow, with several waved blackish lines; those of the middle of the wing more marked, one from the costa passing backward, forming a great JJ aud containing in its middle a round dot pupilled with brown; the other contiguous and opposed to that of the internal border, containing in the middle the base of the me- dian shade, aud having the external side formed at the expense of the augulated line. This last lunulated, followed by a similar line near the submarginal. At the end of the discoidal cell is a blackish spot, and under the costa, before the upper [J a mark of the same color. Hind wings rounded, white on the edges, with margiual lunules; antennae short, well feathered. Palpi short, externally brown, with the last joint white. Expanse of wings 40mm. (Gueue'e.) INSECTS INJURING OAK-LEAVES. 167 223. Charadra propinqiiilinea Grote. The larva is said by Mr. Thaxter to feed in Maine on the birch, wal- nut, and maple, as well as the oak. Larva. — Black, with a dorsal white baud, and a lateral white band edged below with black beneath white. The loDg tufts in segment 2 were clear black instead of red as normally. Specimens on walnut were mottled and black. (Thaxter.) Moth. — Differs from C. deridens by the median lines being much nearer together and not joined at the center of the wings. Orbicular spot round, distinct, whitish, with a central dark dot. Reniform spot contiguous to the outer line; median line apparent in front and behind the orbicular spot. Submarginal line distinct on the postal point behind, scalloped. An interrupted marginal line. Hind wings smoky, dark along the external margin. Head and thorax whitish. Tegulae with black marks. Ex- panse of wings 40mm. (Grote.) 224. Psteudothyatira cymatophoroides (Guene'e). Mr. R. Tliaxter has collected on the red oak the caterpillar, which lives in cases between leaves, such as are made by Charadra. When at rest the body is bent, the head approaching the posterior segments. One spun a slight cocoon in moss September 20 to 25, the moth emerg- ing on June 9 following. Larva. — Rich yellow-brown, varying in shade, mottled by fine dark lines. A con- trasting white spot just above the stigmata of segment 4, roundish and varying in size, sometimes altogether wanting. A fine, continuous, black dorsal line. Head protruded and darker brown than the body. Stigmata black-brown, slender. Length 42 mm (1.68 inches). (Thaxter.) Moth. — Fore wings straight and at the internal angle with a tooth, the fringe of which is reddish, and next to a large black spot. At the base of the wing is a gray- ish-black spot, then succeeds a wavy band composed of two or three black lines, the first of which is the extrabasilar, and which goes from the costa to the inner edge of the wing. The other lines are indistinct ; the submarginal is very much toothed, oblique, not bent. The whole wing is of a silky gray, tinted with rose, with the median space dusted with black scales. Hind wings ashy with a small central line and yellowish fringe; beneath clear yellow. On each side of the abdomen is a tuft of dark-gray scales. The female differs much from the male in having no black spots at the base of the fore wings nor at the internal angle, and the broad band of the male is reduced to the extrabasilar alone, which is fine and edged with white. Ab- domen not tufted on the sides. (Guen6e.) 225. The Western Dagger-Moth. Apatela occidentalis Grote and Robinson. The caterpillar of this moth has been reared from the oak in Massa- chusetts by Mr. Roland Thaxter (Psyche ii, 35). The moth is of com- mon occurrence from June to July in the New England and Middle States. The caterpillar also feeds on the elm and apple and is seen in September. It began to spin a cocoon September 23, the moth appear- ing early in the following summer. It was identified for us by Mr. Grote. Larva. — Body cylindrical, hairy, with a black hump on the eighth segment, and a broad black longitudinal band. The general color of the body is a livid leaden hue. Pupa. — Of the usual shape ; tip of the abcloiueu obtuse, with eight long, even, stiff 168 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. chitiiimis Beta which are incurved at the end. The basal abdominal suture is well marked, being very deep. Length 20""". Moth.— This species is the American analogue of* tin} European A.psi. It constantly differs from its ally by the paler color of the fore wings, which are more sparsely covered with scales, and by their somewhat squarer shape. The reniform spot on the disc shows a bright testaceous tinge, and the ordinary spots are less approximate than in A. p*i. The secondaries are dark gray, nearly unicolorous, a little paler in the male, and darker iti either sex than its Europcau analogue. Expanse of wings 1.40 inches. (G. and R.) 226. Apatela lobelia: (Gueuee.) This caterpillar was found by Mr. Coquillett oil the burr oak in Illi- nois, June C ; it spun a cocoon June 22, the moth appearing July 14. Larva. — Body bluish-gray, the dorsal space tinged with yellow ; a dorsal and subdor- sal pale yellowish line extending only to segment 11, which is humped, the top bluish, and on it are four quite large piliferous spots; the top of segment 4 bluish, inter- rupting the dorsal line; piliferous spots whitish, prominent, each bearing a black hair; sides of the body quite thickly covered with whitish hairs; spiracles white, encircled with black ; body beneath greenish white. Head gray, dotted with black, and marked on the top with two blood-red spots. Length 1.50 inches. (Coquillett, Papilio, i, 6.) Moth. — Fore wings oblong, somewhat square, of a clear ash, finely speckled, with a thick basal line, the transverse inferior line thick, and the superior one more feeble and black, ordinary lines quite well marked. The spots not distinct, joined together by a thick black spot; the orbicular spot relatively small. Fringe plainly spotted with black. Hind wings dirty white, a little irised, with the veins and the edge broadly washed with blackish ; beneath white, with a basal dash, a large triangular spot, an interrupted transverse line and distinct terminal black dashes. Female with the fore wings relatively rather large, the hind wings more obscure, with the line on the under side more entire. Expanse of wings 55 mra (2.20 inches). (Guenee.) 227. Apatela affiicta Grote. Several caterpillars were observed feeding on the red oak by Mr. Thaxter. They spun stout, elongated cocoons September 17 to 25, and the moths appeared in June and July of the following year. Larva. — Light yellow-brown, tinged with green, darker above. A few lateral whit- ish hairs. Stigmata white, ringed with black. A whitish stigmatal line; a distinct, continuous black dorsal line. A subdorsal row of stiff club-shaped hairs, such as are found in the larva of A. funeralis, but much smaller and not noticeable. These are easily broken and in the specimens before me are present only on segments 4, 5, 6, and 11, though in more perfect specimens they may occur on all the segments. One specimen found was rich yellow-green, and all vary considerably in shade. Head stout, flattened behind, yellow-brown, lighter externally, sparsely clothed with whit- ish hairs. It rests with the head touching the posterior segments, selecting a withered or discolored leaf on which it is well coucealed. (R. Thaxter in Papilio, iii, 17.) Moth. — Fore wings dark gray, shaded with black. The basal and transverse anterior lines are black, geminate, uudulate. The mediau space dark gray, lighter on the costa and along internal margin, and traversed by the median shade-line, which is black, dentate, crosses the reniform spot, and is composed of three distinct black bands, which are obscured in the center of the wing, and only apparent on the costa and internal margin. Discal space occupied by a deep, blackish shade, showing a some- what greenish reflection, and which occupies all the subterminal space. The ordinary spots are of the normal shape ; the orbicular spot distinct, whitish with black center; INSECTS INJURING OAK-LEAVES. 169 the reniform spot broad, but slightly excavated externally, obscured by the greenish discal shade, ringed with black and with a central streak. Transverse posterior line intensely black, geminate, minutely dentate. Subterminal and terminal lines white, interrupted, dentate between the veins ; fringes whitish, broadly interrupted with black at the extremities of the veins; costa with some whitish marks. Hind wings gray ; darker along the veins. Disc of thorax whitish gray, with two central blackish spots. Tegula) and collar blackish, the latter with a black line and grayish above. Expanse of wings, 1.60 inches. (Grote.) 228. Jpatela brumosa (Guene'e). According to Coquillett, the caterpillar of this moth feeds on the plum and hazel ; it spins a thin tough cocoon. In Illinois two caterpillars assumed the chrysalis state in September, the moths appearing in the last week in April and first week in May of the following year. Larva.— Body black, marked with a broad yellowish-brown stigmatal stripe; hairs in spreading clusters from warts, those upon each end of the body being yellow, the rest white ; sixteen legs ; head black ; length 38 mm. Guene'e says it lives on the oak and is entirely clear yellow,- with a fine continuous blackish dorsal line, and the head of a pale red. The piliferous points in a trapezoid, somewhat warty, very small, pale red, and emitting but a single hair. The stigmata is circled with blackish. Moth. — A little larger than the European A. rumicis, which it somewhat resembles. Wings of a little less fuliginous gray, with all the lines and the visible spots black ; the orbicular spot quite large, clear, and marked with a central point ; the reniform spot very large, and stained in the middle with black. A broad blackish shade, more marked even than in A. rumicis, starts from the base of the wing and ends almost on the terminal border, being interrupted behind the reniform spot. The fringe is dis- tinctly checkered. The small white lunule which we see on the inner margin in rumicis, does not here exist. Hind wings of a very clear yellowish-gray, somewhat transparent, with the veins more distinct. A feeble cellular lunule, and the fringe checkered, outer edge brownish, in the female. (Guene'e.) 229. Apatela ovata Grote. This is a very common caterpillar, feeding on the red and white oak, and ranges from Maine to Georgia. It is a peculiar caterpillar, eating patches while clinging to the under side of the leaf. It varies much in color, some being reddish orange, and pinkish in tint; others dirty whitish yellow. In the pinkish specimens the dorsal line of dark dia- mond-shaped spots is obsolete. One was yellowish with dorsal brown spots; another caterpillar was brown, with ten pairs of bright straw- yellow dorsal spots. This singular larva, which differs from most of its congeners in being nearly naked, is probably protected from its ene- mies, as it lies curled up on the leaf, by its resemblance to a withered patch or blotch on an oak-leaf. Et pupated September 19 to 25, not spinning a cocoon, and undoubtedly entering the ground. We have also found it on Betula populifolia ; and two specimens oc- curred on the chestnut ; one of a straw-yellow, the other of a reddish tint. The moth was identified for us by Mr. John B. Smith. The flattened body, very large head, the dorsal row of short diamond- 170 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. shaped spots on a straw yellow ground, and the reddish-orange mam- milla} giving rise to pale hairs will distinguish this singular larva. Larva. — Head very large, full, btlobed, the Lobe lull and rounded, much wider than the body, pale, marbled with lilac. Five pairs of abdominal feet. Body short and thick, somewhat flattened, tapering somewhat toward the tail; straw-yellowish, with a row of dark broad, diamond shaped, brown spots along the hack, the spots connected and centered with yellowish. Four setiferous dorsal reddish rounded warts arranged in a trapezoid, with another wart on the side above each stigma. Body beneath paler. Length, 'JO'"1". Moth.— Of the general shape of A. hamamelis, but very different in color and with distinct sagittate marks. Gray with a bright tinge, shaded with testaceous. A blaok basal dash extends to the twice strongly angulated t. a. line, which is gemi- nate, the inner more distinct line composed of raised scales. Above the basal dash the humeral space is pale beyond the geminate basal half-line. Median space wide superiorly, owing to the superior wide projection of the distinct and regularly den- ticulated t. p. line Orbicular rather large, pale, and vagu e, with clouded center. Costal black marks evident. Median shade apparent by raised darker scales. Reni- form vague, bisaunulate, stained with deep testaceous. A very narrow black dis- tinct dash at internal angle, broken at the pale continued s. t. line. A third black dash, indicated within s. t. line, opposite the disk. Secondaries fuscous, with the distinct black discal spot and dentate line of the paler under surface reflected. Ex- panse of wings, 1.45 inch. (Grote.) 230. Scopelosoma morrisoni Grote. Order Lepidoptera; family NocTUiDiE The larvae of five species of this genus have, according to Mr. R. Thaxter, the same form and habit ; are omnivorous, and live in a case between two leaves, or within the folds of a single leaf; when young making a silk-covered burrow between two ribs or eating out a cavity in a bud somewhat after the manner of a Torticid. When fully matured aud somewhat soiled, it is hardly possible to separate the species. 8, morrisoni and walkeri are the most difficult to separate, but the more even and richer color of the subdorsal and dorsal regions, together with the obliteration of the dorsal and subdorsal lines, aud the clear white lateral line, render the latter species sufficiently recognizable when fresh. The lateral lines are substigmatal, the stigmata black, the body sparsely covered with minute tubercles bearing short colorless hairs in all the species. Form cylindrical, tapering very slightly, head moder- ate. The eggs of the present species were laid ou oak twigs April 22. It molts five times. Egg. — Stone color changing to reddish ; flattened inferiorly, a central superior de- pression from which radiate beaded ridges. Transverse diameter about 6ram. First laival stage. — When just hatched, color livid yellowish green with blackish superior and anterior blotches. Head large, jet black. Thoracic aud abdominal legs black. A frontal semi-circular black plate ou segment 1. After feeding and when nearly grown indications of a dorsal, subdorsal, aud lateral streak. Color light green. Length 2 to \\nim. Second stage. — A dorsal, two subdorsal, aud a substigmatal whitish line, the two subdorsal ones less clearly marked, especially the inferior. Setiferous tubercles, which bear short colorless minute hairs, blackish, indistinctly ringed. INSECTS INJURING OAK- LEAVES. 171 In third stage. — Much as before, but tbe markings more distinct. In fourth stage.— Color above and below on segments, one-third dull purple, tinged with green dorsally. Below light greenish ; a patch of purplish in the substigmatal region of each segment. Dorsal line with a bluish tinge. Head light brown. Length 16mm. Fifth stage. —Marked as before but less distinctly. Colors duller and darker. Length 2^ mm Sixth stage, mature larva. — Dull blackish with a slight bluish-green tinge and late- ral dull purplish shades, obscurely mottled. Dorsal streak indistinct, bluish white, somewhat irregular. Subdorsal lines broken, but tolerably distinct, the superior edged with blackish. Lateral streak white with a bluish tinge. Stigmata black. Setiferous tubercles minute, black, ringed with bluish white; those below the lateral line more distinct. The superior subdorsal line cuts the frontal plate of segment 1 very clearly, and is there tinged with yellowish. Rather stout, slightly tapering. Length 35mm. (Thaxter. ) Moth. — This species is of the color of S. walkeri, but differs at once by the even, pale shaded distinct median lines on the fore wings, which latter are of a rusty olivaceous ocherous. The reniform appears merely as a pale luniform mark, looking of a piece with the t. p. line. This latter in S. tcalkeri is dark, single, narrow, irregular or wavy, or a little interspaceally notched over the median nervules. Hind wings blackish, with fringes like the fore wings and thorax in color. Beneath like the fore wings above, irrorate with black scales, with distinct blackish discal spot and median baud, the latter centrally more deeply indented than usual. Costal edge of primaries straight. Expanse of wings, 3dmm. (Grote.) 231. Amphipyra pyramidoides Guen. Professor Riley fouud, May 28, L873, the larva of this common moth almost full-grown on the oak. It entered the ground June 5, and issued as an imago June 25. He states that it feeds on oak, poplar, grape, Cercis canadensis, persimmon, and hazel. Saunders states that it also occurs on the thorn, and that when full- grown the caterpillar descends to the ground, and, drawing together some loose fallen leaves or other rubbish, spins a slight cocoon within which it changes to a dark-brown chrysalis, from which the perfect insect escapes in the latter part of July. Larva. — Nearly an inch and a half long, the body tapering towards the front, and thick- ened behind. The head is rather small, of a whitish-green color, with the mandibles tipped with black; the body whitish-green, a little darker on the sides, with a white stripe down the back, a little broken between the segments or rings, and widening behind. There is a bright-yellow stripe on each side close to the under surface, which is most dis- Fig. 59.— Imago of Amphipyra pyramidoi- tinct on the hinder segments, aud a second des.— After Riley, one of the same color, but fainter, half-way between this and the dorsal line; this latter is more distinct on the posterior portion of the body, and follows the peculiar prominence on the twelfth segment. The under side of the body is pale green. (Saunders.) Moth. — The fore wings are dark brown shaded with paler brown and with dots and wavy lines of dull white; the hind wings are reddish with a coppery luster, 172 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. becoming brown on tin- outer angle of the frout edge of the wing and paler toward the hinder and inner angle. The uuder surface of the wiugs is much paler than the upper. The body is dark brown; its hinder portion banded with lines of a paler hue. Expanse of wingH, 1J inches. (Saunders.) 'j:W. Tiriiiocampa incerta Hufn. (Orthosia itutaHUi Fitch)- Professor Riley has found, feeding on the oak, small whitish larvae, with a .yellow-brown head and a row of red spots on each side of the body. One folded a leaf within which it spun a loose, white silken web, open at both ends. It transformed within this, but deserted it and entered the ground August 14. It also feeds on the hickory and sassafras. (Unpublished notes.) 233. Jodia rufago Hiibu. Professor Riley states that this is one of the early Noctuids, speci- mens of which were collected on sugar at Washington April 15, 1884, and commenced to deposit their eggs the following day. The eggs are yellowish-white, globular, and finely ribbed. They hatch in about seven days, and the young larvae commence to feed at once on the leaves of cherry and oak. They are yellowish- white, with a pale yellow head and black piliferous warts. They molt at intervals of three to four days, the last stage lasting about ten days, when, by the end of May, all enter the ground for transformation, apparently not appearing as moths before the following spring. (Unpublished notes.) 234. Panopoda carneicesta Guen. Larvae of this species were found August 25, 1884, in Virginia, feed- ing on the oak, and a moth issued September 23. The same species was also found at Atlanta, Ga. Larva. — The full-grown larva is about 42mm in length, rather slender, of a dark green color, with orange-yellow subdorsal line, and an oblique, fine, yellow line each side of each segment. (Riley's unpublished notes.) Moth. — Wings rounded, entire ; of a violet-ash color, with the outer margin washed with brown, and an indistinct submargiual series of white points, shaded with black- ish or reddish. Fore wings with three distinct brown lines; the extrabasilar straight; the extradiscal sinuous, curved, and the median diffuse line straight, passing beyond the reuiform dot, which is black, very distinct, L-shaped, the lower branch of which is prolonged to a point under the orbicular, which is reduced to a black dot. Hind wings with a scarcely visible extradiscal line. Wings beneath gray, powdered with reddish, not spotted or banded. Prothorax reddish brown. Expanse of wings 46mm. (Guene"e.) 235. Panopoda rufimargo Hiibn. This moth has been bred from the oak by Mr. R. Thaxter (Psyche ii, 35). Moth. — Wings gray powdered with dark brown; the fore wings with two median lines very rambling (ccartees), almost parallel, very wavy, but not toothed, fine and continuous, rust-red, lined with a yellow thread. Thehind wings with a single sim- ilar line, starting from the anal angle, but disappearing two-thirds across the wings. Fore wings with the costa rust-red and the orbicular spot reduced to a dot, the ren- iform being larger and tear-like. Expanse of wings 45mm. INSECTS INJURING OAK-LEAVES. 173 Var. roseicosta Gueu., with the wings of a clear yellow ocher, with the red lines more widely edged with yellow. The reniform is divided into two dots, and the orbicular is divided into two spots. Both pairs of wings bear a subterminal line of yellow spots. The female differs in having the costa tinted with clear rose, and there are no subterminal dots. (Guene'e.) 236. Cosmia orina Guen. Order Lepidoptera j family Noctuid^e. Mr. W. Saunders, of London, Canada, has bred this moth from the oak. One specimen, which entered the chrysalis state on the 24th of June, produced the imago on the 18th of July. (Saunders.) Larva. — A smooth yellowish green larva nine tenths of an inch long, body cylin- drical, above pale yellowish-green, with a dorsal line of yellow, less distinct on the anterior segments, and covered with fine dots and short streaks of yellow, less nu- merous on the second and terminal segments. Head rather smooth, flattened in front, slightly bilobed, pale whitish-green. Moth. — Fore wings somewhat oblong, and rather rectangular than triangular ; of a fleshy gray mixed with blackish scales, and powdered on the veins with black scales ; with two fine median white lines disposed in a trapezium more open at the base than in trapezina ; median spots encircled with white ; the orbicular spot punctured with blackish ; the reniform spot straight, constricted in the middle ; punctured with black at each end. Hind wings whitish, grayish on their outer half, with a discal dot, plainer beneath. Male abdomen very slender and ended by a very large tuft of hairs. (Guene'e.) 237. Climbing cut-worms. Agrotis saucia, etc. Order Lepidoptera ; family Noctdidje. Climbing cut-worms were a prominent feature of the entomological developments of the spring of 1886. These attacked the oaks, elms, and other shade trees, as well as apple, pear, and cherry trees aud a variety of vines and shrubs. Among the species detected in their work of de- struction were Agrotis saucia, A. scandens, A. alternata, and Homohadena badistriga. The grass under shade and fruit trees would often in the morning be thickly strewn with leaves and buds that had been severed during the night. This was especially noticeable under the various oaks and sweet cherries. On a large, isolated specimen of the latter, up which a trumpet vine had climbed, I took early in May a great num- ber of the larvse of Agrotis altemata. These mottled gray worms were found during the day extended longitudinally on the trunk, closely appressed to the stems of the trumpet vine, where, protected by their imitative coloring, it would be impossible for an unpracticed eye to de- tect them and where even birds failed to find them. When ready to transform they descended to the earth and inclosed themselves in an ample, tough, dingy-white cocoon, under any slight protection that might be convenient. I also took this species from crevices of oak- bark and occasionally found one feeding in a rose. (Miss Murtfeldt, Bull. Div. Ent, xiii, p. 60.) 174 FIFTH REPORT OP THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. 3, Catocala arnica (Hiibner). Mr. Ooquillett found two caterpillars of this moth (C. androphila Guen.j id Illinois on a burr oak tree June 5. They spun cocoons about disclosing the moths July 24. Abbot also figured in manuscript the July .'3, caterpillar, which he found on the oak. Larva, — Body slender, doll greenish yellow, s light dorsal stripe, <>n each side of which is a darker stripe, on which is a row of black piliferous spots; a stigmatal row of black piliferous spots J on top <>""". Habitat, Nebraska to Illinois, and southward, west to Arizona. Var. desdeiitoita lly. Edw. Wood brown with lighter shades; reni- forui spot brown; subreniform lighter. Hind wings rich orange. Var. calphurnia lly. Edw. Fore wings with a greenish tint, lines faint. Bind wings wholly black, with the exception of a central cloud, a broad marginal band, and a central narrow hand, which are orange. Unlet adds that the species is a very variable one, the median hand showing a tendency common to all the Catocalro, as it narrows, to become rectangular at the bend near the anal margin. 244. Caiocala verrUliana Grotc. This species extends from California to Texas, its food-plant being tbe scrub oak. (Hulst.) Moth. — Fore wings gray, shaded with blackish; a diffuse black basal dash; trans- verse anterior line densely shaded with black; reuiform dot small, yellowish, more or less distinctly double-ringed; transverse posterior line much as in C. blandula. Hind wings bright red, median black band narrow, quite even, not reaching the aual margin; marginal baud narrow. Expands 50 to GO111111. C. ophelia Hy. Edw. differs only in having somewhat heavier lines on the fore wings. C. verrUliana is always described with bright red hind wings. C. violeata Hy. Edw. is somewhat larger and has more black. Var. votria Hulst has clear yellow hind wings, and in- habits Arizona. 245. Caiocala ultronia (Hiibuer). The caterpillar, first described in Packard's "Guide to the study of Insects" (p. 317, pi. 8, fig. 4), is said to feed on the wild cherry, plum, dogwood, and live oak. Mr. Saunders has bred it in Canada from the plum, finding it usually less than half grown in June. One caterpillar pupated June 21; it remained in this state for twenty-four days, the moth appearing July 15. The larva we reared in Maine pupated July 15 in an earthen cocoon, the moth appearing August 2. As Mr. Saun- ders's description of the caterpillar is more detailed than ours, we quote it below: Larva. — Head medium sized, flattened in front, slightly bilobed, dull bluish gray, with the front flattened portion margined with a purplish-black stripe. Under a lens the surface appears thickly dotted with pale and dark-colored dots and streaks, with a few short, pale, scattered hairs. Body above dark, dull, grayish brown, ap- pearing under a magnifying power thickly studded with brownish dots on a paler ground. Second segment a little paler than the others. A subdorsal row of dull reddish tubercles, one on each segment from second to fourth inclusive, but behind this there are two on each ring to the twelfth segment iuclusive, the anterior one being the smallest, while the posterior and largest tubercle is more decidedly red, all encircled with a slight riug of black at their base. On the ninth segment above there is a prominent, nearly upright, stout, fleshy horn, about one-twelfth inch long, pointed, and similar in color to the body, but with an irregular grayish patch at each side. On the twelfth segment the two hinder tubercles are somewhat increased in size and united by a low ridge, tinted behind with deep reddish brown; there is also an oblique stripe of the same color extending forward from the base of the tubercles to near the spiracle on this segment. The terminal segment is flattened and has- a number of small, pale reddish and blackish tubercles scattered over its surface. Iu front of each of the smaller subdorsal tubercles, from fifth to twelfth INSECTS INJURING OAK-LEAVES. 177 segments inclusive, there is a dull white dot, and one also of a similar character in front of each of the spiracles along the middle segments of the body ; from each of the tubercles throughout there arises a single dark short hair. Spiracles large, oval, dull grayish, faintly encircled with black. Along the sides of the body, close to the under surface, is a thick friuge of short, fleshy-looking hairs, of a delicate pink color. Under surface of a delicate pink, of a deeper shade along the middle, becom- ing bluish towards the margins, with a central row of nearly round, velvety black spots, which are largest from the seventh to eleventh segments inclusive. Anterior segments greenish white, tinted with rosy pink along the middle, with a dull reddish spot at the base and behind each pair of feet. .Thoracic feet pale greenish, spotted outside and tipped with black ; abdominal legs dull grayish brown, margined with black. Length 1.60 inches. (Saunders, Can. Ent., vi, 148.) Moth. — Fore wings light-gra}r fawn, dark, almost black, along the inner margin ; a basal dash and one at sinus present; a subapical dark shading; outer line fine, strongly dentated to sinus. Hind wings bright red, median band broad, rather even, reaching the anal margin. Expands 60 to 70mm. Habitat, east of the great plains and Texas. Var. celia Hy. Edw. median baud of hind wings linear. Florida. Var. mopsa Hy. Edw. Fore wings nearly uniform brown. Var. adriana Hy. Edw. Fore wings nearly uniform fawn drab. Var. herodias Streck. Fore wings uniform dark smoky gray ; denticulations of outer line very strong, and thus continued to inner margin. (Hulst.) 246. Catocala ilia (Cramer). The caterpillar of this inoth has been reared by Messrs. Koebele, Caulfleld, French, and by Thaxter, in Massachusetts, from various spe- cies of oak. The moth is said by Grote to be an exceedingly common aud very variable species. It is found from Canada, Maryland, and Virginia southward to the West Indies. Mr. Caulfleld states that the caterpillar was fully grown by June 15 at Montreal ; it spun up in a leaf June 18 and the moth emerged the latter end of July. Prof. G. H. French gives a detailed account of its early stages in the Canadian Entomologist for January, 1884. Larva. — Head heart-shaped, strongly bilobed, pale green, with white blotches, twelve short, black hairs in front, and near the top of the head there are four small tubercles of a white color, each of which is tipped with a black hair; head sur- rounded with a broken border of dark streaks. Body with the upper surface greenish gray, with an interrupted dorsal band of delicate blue-gray spots, the whole minutely spotted with black. On the secoud segment are twelve small, white hairs, four on fourth, fifth and sixth segments, six on the seventh, four on the eighth to twelfth, six on the thirteenth. The sides delicate blue-gray, marbled with spots of green aud black, with a broken lateral band of a green color; spiracles yellowish white, with a black ring; behind each is a large wart, tipped with a black hair. A fringe of short, white, fleshy filaments close to the under surface. Body beneath pink, with a row of transverse black spots, larger and darker on the middle segments. Feet and prolegs grayish white, spotted with green aud black. Length 2\ to 3|mm (Caulfleld in part). Koebele states that there is a subdorsal line of slight protuberances, one on each segment from the third segment back. There is also a dark lunule with the' horns formed on the eleventh segment. Moth.—- Fore wings dark cinereous, powdered with glaucous scales and shaded with black. A basal ray. Trausverse anterior line geminate. Reniform spot whitish, with a small, black internal ring. Subreniform pale, subquadrate. connected usually 5 ENT 12 178 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. with the transverse posterior line. Beyond the spots the median space is shaded with black. Sometimes the whole wing is shaded with blackish to the trausveree posterior line, leaving the reniform as a large white blotch without the anuulus. Again, the wing wants the glaucous scales and the reniform is concolorous or merely shows a few white scales. Hind wings orange-red, with an irregular black median hand tapering to the margin. Basal hairs fuscous. Average expanse of wings 75mm. Maryland and Virginia. (Grote.) Mr. Hulst remarks that in var. uxor Guen£e the fore wings are brown- gray, the reuifonu spot white; in the Californian var. zoe Behr, the hind wings are lighter orange; in the YSiT.osculata Hulst, from Arizona, the hind wings are clear yellow. C. ilia, he adds, is the most variable of all our species. In some cases the fore wings are strongly mixed with blue. '247. Catocala epione (Drnry). The caterpillar is said by Gueuee, on the authority of Abbot's manu- script drawings, to feed on the oak. Larva. — Body reddish gray, marbled with bluish gray ; a subdorsal black line interrupted at the middle of each segment ; a paler lateral band ; no protuberances ; head gray, with two red points. Moth. — Fore wings very dark gray ; lines heavy ; transverse posterior line not strougly augulated. and almost without a sinus; the reniform spot reddish; a red- dish band beyond the transverse posterior line, then lighter, often almost white, serrated outwardly. Hind wings black; fringes pure white. 248. Catocala vidua (Abbot and Smith). According to Abbot this species feeds on the willow, locust, and other species of oaks ; Mr. Angus has bred it from the hickory and Mr. Koebele from the walnut. Larva. — Greenish gray, with many black lines ; whiter laterally ; slight protuber- ances on each segment ; head gray, edged behind with black. Moth. — Fore wings with the color of C. retecta and markings of luctuosa. though these are in the present species heavier and more decided; transverse anterior line heavily geminate, connecting half way with the heavy black basal dash ; apical and sinus shading heavy ; trausverse posterior line with |V| very much produced. Hind wings black, sligbtly gray at base; deep white fringe; in some specimens there is near the auterior margin a faint indication of a white median baud. Expand- 90mm. Middle, Western, and Southern States. (Hulst.) 249. Catocala lachrymosa Gnene*e. Said by Mr. Hulst to probably teed ou the oak and walnut. Moth. — Fore wiugs light cinereous, heavily and quite uniformly powdered with black atoms; slight basal dash present: lines fairly strong, but often lost in the black powdering; transverse anterior line often confused and broken: trat tt anterior line with teeth medium : reniform spot brownish ; a brownish band beyond the transverse posterior line. Hind wings black, fringe white, black at end of veins. Expands ?;> to 85mm. Lower Middle and Western States aud southward. Var. Clulume differs in being less strongly powdered with black, and in having [both J the lines more distinct. Var. zelica French has a transverse anterior line inwardly and transverse anterior line outwardly, baring a black baud across the wing. Var. paalina Hy. Edw., fore wings black to the transverse posterior line. INSECTS INJURING OAK-LEAVES. 179 250. Catocala polygama Guene"e. This species has been bred from the oak by Professor Kiley, and the following description has been drawn from the blown specimen in his collection. The caterpillar pupates in a loose cocoon among leaves. " May 7, 1872. About full-grown ; found under shelter at foot of blackjack oak. Color preserves well. Some paler than others. They lie very flat on the twigs. " It prepared for pupation May 10, and changed to pupa May 16, the moth issuing June 6.'' (Riley's unpublished notes.) Larva. — Body of the usual shape, with no spines or large tubercles. Head as usual, black on the sides of the front and vertex. Body ash brown, lineated, with two broad dark dorsal stripes, succeeded below by a narrower but similar stripe. Sides of the body above the base of the legs dark ash. On each abdominal segment are four light, distinct, small tubercles, and four on each side arranged in a rhom- boid. A row of large black ventral patches edged with orange on each segment, becoming largest between the first and second pair of abdominal legs. Length 65min. Pupa. — Of the usual form, the body frosted over with a whitish powder. Length 25mm. Moth.— The four wings slightly greenish gray, powdered with dark ferruginous scales, especially beyond the outer line, where this shade forms a dentate submar- ginal line. The outer or extradiscal line is more finely waved, and above the sub- median vein it passes into a black spot bordered with rust-red. The edge of the hind wings are indented with yellow at the outer angle. 251. Catocala coccinata Grote. The caterpillar of this moth has been bred from the oak by Mr. D. W. Coquillett, of Illinois. His specimen spun its cocoon June 6, pro- ducing the imago the 30th of the same month. Larva. — Body dark gray, a curved fleshy proiection on top of segment 8 ; segment 11 slightly raised, with two tubercles on the top ; a row of small prickles on the dorsal space, sixteen legs, a black spot beneath each of the segments which bear the four pairs of abdominal legs ; head gray, bordered with black. Length 62mm. (Coquillett.) Moth. — A little smaller than C.parta ; clear cinereous ; before the reniform, which is smaller and paler than in C. parta, the wing is whitish and occasionally allows the crimson underface to be reflected. Subreniform spot whitish and large. Hind wings bright crimsou. (Grote.) The following species are geometrids, or species of the lepidopterous family Phalcenidce : 252. Eutrapala clemataria Hiibner. The caterpillar of this moth occurred on the live oak at Crescent City, Fla., in April. My specimens were left to be bred in the office of the IT. S. Entomologist, at Washington, but died. The following notes were copied for me by Mr. Pergande. 1 The larva had not eaten anything for some days when received, and drank' greedily some water when placed near some drops, and soon after commenced feed- ing on leaves of white and other oaks. It cast a skin two or three days after and became quite dark brownish. It died April 27 of diarrhea. 180 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. June '27 one larva of the same species was found on oak Dear the fair ground, Dis- trict of Colombia. It measures 2\ inchee in Length and is of a dark grayish-brown color, the dorsum being more brown whilst its sides and renter are dark gray. Wartfl and stigmata are of the sain.- color as in the Smaller larva from Florida. The minute oval spots are replaced by a rather indistinct marmoration. which on the dorsum is somewhat orange and on the sides and venter more olive. The moth issued .Inly •::', l--i'.. One larva of the same species was found by Koebele in Virginia, June 12, 1882, feeding on hickory. The larva is long and slender, of nearly even width throughout; the head flattened in front; mesothoracic segments with lateral and dorsal tubercles which are very rough; on the fourth abdominal segment are two conical dark dorsal tubercles; there are two minute dark tubercles on the fifth, and two slightly larger ones nearer together on the eighth. Abbot states that it feeds on Clematis rosea, and in his manuscript drawings that it feeds on Pyrrhopappus carolinianus. Larva.— Its length is If inches. Color gray with a slight yellowish tinge, and the -whole surface closely marked with minute, transversely oval, blackish or pale dusky spots. Head small, quite flat, and closely spotted with darker gray. Protho- rax small, scarcely broader than the head, with a broad, somewhat paler median and narrow subdorsal line. Its posterior margin is provided with a transverse row of four small black tubercles. The mesothorax is much larger aud very abrupt in frout; the small anterior wrinkles are somewhat yellowish, whilst the large poste- rior swelling is of the color of the body, being ornamented anteriorly by four trans- versely oval, conspicuous black spots, aunulated with a brownish-yellow ring. The four black warts on the metathorax are only externally bordered with brownish yellow. The two dorsal rows of warts on abdominal segments 1 to 7, are arranged as usual, are small, black, and also with brownish-yellow border externally. The posterior pair of dorsal spots on the fourth abdominal segmeut is replaced by two prominent, somewhat transversely oval, black tubercles with rouuded tip, and orauge-yellow external margin at base. The eighth segment is also somewhat swolleu above, is marked with two large black median spots, au orange annular with black center each side, and a transverse orange spot with black center behind the swelling. Stigmata orange with black anuulus. The three warts which surround the first abdomiual stigma differ somewhat from those of the other segments. The lower anterior wart is placed farther in front of the stigma than that of the other segments, whilst the upper wart is placed just above the stigma and largest. The two ante- rior warts of the other stigmata, however, are both placed in front, the upper one farthest apart. The anterior wart of the first stigma is black, with orange tips, and all other warts orange with black tip. There is a somewhat lunate, deep black superior margin at base of the wart above the first stigma and a short blackish dash above all other warts. The veuter is of a paler gray with three large blackish spots on the fourth aud fifth segments. (Riley.) Pupa. — Body unusually thick, rather short; surface rough aud corrugated, spotted with black; spiracles large and black. Pale dull reddish ash, dark towards and at the tip of the abdomen; legs somewhat streaked with black. The tip very peculiar, being short and blunt; the last segment corrugated wirh longitudinal ridges which are swollen at the anterior edge at the suture. Cremaster broad and couical, some- what flattened, the surface rough, coarsely pitted; a large smooth terminal curved spine, with three pairs of lateral rather large setse, all arising near together at the base of the single terminal one. Length, *20,nm. Moth.— Wings very falcate, especially in the female, where they are produced into a long point. Body and wings fawn color, with scattered black dots; front of head INSECTS INJURING OAK-LEAVES. 181 reddish brown ; vertex white. Fore wings, with two inner reddish-brown diffuse lines, the inner situated half-way between the base of the wing and discal dot, curved and more or less scalloped, the outer curved, situated just be\ond the discal dot, and joining the third outer line on the second median venule ; it is broader and still more diffuse than the basal line. Outer line straight, bent back at a very acute angle on to the costa, the line above the bend being more or less angularly curved and dilated on the costa ; an oblique white line extends from the bend to the costa just below the apex, which is white above and blackish below, with a large reddish- brown patch extending irorn below the apex to the second median venule. Discal dots in both wings black ; scales flattened as usual. Hind wings with a single slightly curved line just beyond the middle of the wing. Expanse of wings, 2. 2D inches. 253. Eutrapela transversata (Drury). This rather common caterpillar was first found by Abbot feeding on Clethra alnifolia. In the Northern States it feeds on the maple (Good ell) and currant (Emerton), and we have found the moth just emerged •resting on the leaves of the red maple. In Florida, however, we have found it at Crescent City in April feeding on the live oak. It was reared by the U. S. Entomologist at Washington, where on May 6 it spun a rather dense cocoon between the leaves, the moth emerging May 31. The larva occurred in Virginia June 26, where it feeds on the oak (Koebele) ; in Massachusetts the caterpillar occurs in June; thus it is apparently double-brooded in Florida and the cotton States, but single-brooded in the Northern States. Larva. — It is about 1 inch in length and quite uniformly dark gray, with a paler gray, elongated spot each side of the first abdominal segment. The lateral margin forms a flattened carina, on which the stigmata are situated. Both edges of this carina are purplish, and the small stigmata white with black annulus. Piliferous warts small and black. There is a large, prominent, transverse, bilobed projection of a blackisb color on the fourth abdominal segment, which is bordered in front by a whitish triangle. Behind thiu projection, and parallel with its lateral angles, run two whitish dorsal lines to the anal plate. There are also two small black conical tubercles on the last segment. Head concolorous with the body, the face marked with a dull black semicircular spot, the angles of which end near the base of the mandibles. The smaller larva, which measured about three-fourths of an inch in length, is dark purple, with the head entirely dull black. The projection on the fourth abdom- inal segment is in this specimen still divided into two oval and rather prominent tubercles which are orange externally. (Eiley.) Pvia.— Large and long, not very stout and short compared with that of E. clem- ataria; acutely pointed at the end of the abdomen. In color slightly pale ash-mahog- any. The last segment much corrugated longitudinally at the base of the cremaster, but the ridges are not swollen anteriorly as in E. clemataria. Cremaster flattened, conical, not discolored with black, with two terminal excurved thick setae, and only one pair of minute subdorsal-lateral setae. Length, 21mm. The moth. — It may be recognized by its large size, the very falcate wings, the obtusely bent outer line on the fore wings, and by the submarginal shade or row of • spots on both wings; the hind wings extend farther than usual behind the tip of the abdomen. Fawn color, varying to ocherous ; head chocolate brown in front, the vertex white. Fore wings with the inner line usually present, curved, consisting of two large scallops meeting on the median vein and pointing inward. Outer line straight, more or less distinctly bent near the apex, turning at right angles into the 182 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. ooetft. From tin- angle extends a more or less distinct slightly curved series of irreg- ular diffuse dark spots to the inoei angle ; this is usually represented by a faint shade. l>i-Mal dots alike in each wing, being small and blaek. Hind wings with the single Line in the middle of the wing straight, with the outer series of diffuse spots as on the fore wings. Expanse of wings, 2 to 2.10 inches. '254. MetanewM quercivoraria Gueu6e. (Larva, PI. Ill, fig. 8.) Feeding on the oak, a pale green span worm, marked with red, changing to a brownish-gray chrysalis, from which a beautiful sickle-winged moth comes. In Georgia it was observed by Abbot on the oak and poplar in April ; it pupates at the beginning of May, and the moth appears at the end of the same month. We have raised this from the oak, the moth issuing on May 3. i Larva. — Pale green, with the sutures and sides reddish, a double angle bordered with reddish on the second segment behind the head ; another more salient on the sixth, and finally another on the tenth ; the fifth segment has on each side a small pointed tubercle. Head and feet concolorous. Pupa. — Reddish horn-brown, with the abdominal sutures reddish; caudal spine acute, large and flat. Length 13mm. Moth. —Body and wings pale whitish ash. Wings thickly covered with fine speckles. Fore wings with three lines, the usual inner and outer lines, and a third wavy sub- marginal hair-line. The two inner lines distinct, of even width, a little oblique, not waved ; the innermost line situated exactly on the inner third, the outer line on the outer third of the wing. Costal edge stained with reddish on the end of the outer line. Submarginal hair-line wavy, sinuate, reddish, situated half-way between the outer line and the edge of the wing, and disappearing below the second median venule, scalloped between each venule, much more distinct below than above. On the hind wings a single brown line, and traces of a submarginal wavy line. Beneath paler than above, with the lines reproduced beneath and dull colored; the third submar- ginal line on both wings partially obsolete, but clearer than above ; fringe reddish. Expanse of wings 1.50 inches. It ranges from Maine southward. 255. Nematocampa filamentaria (Guene"e). The singular caterpillar of this species is found on the oak, maple, as well as the currant and strawberry, in June, becoming a chrysalis in New England by the 20th of the month, the moth appearing early in July and flying about through the summer. Its habits in Missouri have been thus described by Professor Riley : June 1, 1870. — Larvae were found at St. Louis, Mo., on thorn and laurel oak. One changed to pupa June 4, hauging between a few threads on a twig. The moth issued June 12. One larva was also received June 26, 1883, from J. H. Clark, of New York, which he found feeding on a rose-bush. It changed to pupa in a slight web of thread June 27, and the moth issued July 5, 1883. Some larvae of this insect are infested by Tachinids, the eggs of which were de- posited at the side between the fourth and fifth segments. (Unpublished notes.) Larva. — Body cylindrical; head large, with two unequal pairs of long, slender, fleshy filaments situated on the third and fifth abdominal segments, the posterior pair shorter than the others, curled at the end and finely tuberculated. Head pale rust-red, full, slightly bilobed, flattened in front ; marbled with a still paler hue. INSECTS INJURING OAK-LEAVES. 183 Half-way between the metathoracic legs and the first pair of filaments are two sub- acute tubercles, which are rust-red; when the four filaments are uncurled they are as long as from the head to the tubercles. The anterior pair of filaments are pale rust- red beneath at base, brown above, but tipped with white. A distinct dorsal line from the prothorax to the second pair of filaments ; a pair of small tubercles next to the last segment, tipped with pale rust-red. Body wood-colored above and beneath ; thoracic segments greenish above, succeeded by pale rust-red between the Fig. 60. — Nematocampa filamentaria ; a larva, b pupa. Nat. size. — Emerton, del. tubercles and first pair of filaments ; behind these variously marked with light and dark brown. An oval dark spot behind the last pair of tubercles and extending into the anal plate. Anal legs rusty, lined above with a whitish line. Length 18mm. Pupa. — Body rather thick, conical, pale horn-brown, slashed and speckled with dark -brown. Moth.— Fore wings unusually short and broad; apex rectangular, outer edge bent in the middle, deeply excavated in the female on each side of the angles ; hind wings rounded at the apex, with a distinct angle in the middle, reaching as far as the end of the "abdomen. Pale ocherous, with brown veins and transverse dots ; a brown inner line, much curved. An outer sinuate line, with a supplementary line just inside, touching the outer line on the submedian vein and in the extradiscal space, and forming a large circle, one side of which touches the outer line. Beyond the line the border of the wing is dull brown, with the apical region clear. Hind wings streaked transversely, as on the fore wing, with the outer third brown, the apex included. Expanse of wings 25mm (1 inch). '256. Endropia bilinearia Packard. The geometric caterpillar of this species was found by Mr. W. Saun- ders, of London, Canada, feeding on the oak; unfortunately it was not described ; it became a chrysalis early in July, emerging as a moth two weeks later. The moth. — Clear fawn-brown; wings much darker and less spotted than in the other species of Endropia. Body and wings concolorous; front edge of the fore wings paler than the rest of the wing and spotted finely, especially on the edge, with brown specks. Two brown hair-lines, the inner situated on the basal, and the outer on the outer third of the wing ; the inner line bent on the front edge of the wing. Outer line a little curved outward in the middle of the wing. Half-way between this line and the outer edge of the wing is a diffuse, interrupted, faint grayish band with a few dark scales, often wanting, and connecting with an oblique apical patch, also concolorous with the front edge of the wing. Outer edge of the wing deeply notched, the eight acute points (including the apex, which is very acute) tipped with a few black scales, the fringe being whitish between. Beneath, body and wings ocher-yellow, especially in the middle of the wings. Both wings-marked alike with 184 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION a basal, diffuse, l>r 1.65 inches. This fine moth occurs all over the Uuited States and on the Pacific coast from California to Oregon. •J.")7. Bndropia peetinaria Guene'e. Living on the oak and other trees, a large gray measuring worm, transforming to a lar^e Emlrojt'ui, with three sharp teeth in the hind wiugs. The transformations of this moth have been observed by Abbot in Georgia, who found it living on the oak and poplar in April. It changes to a chrysalis at the beginning of May, and the moth appears at the end o^ the same month. Larva. — Pale green, with the sutures and sides reddish, a double angle bordered with reddish on the second segment, another more salient on the sixth, and finally another on the tenth ; the fifth has on each side a small pointed tubercle. Head and feet concolorous. Moth. — The hind wings with a large tail and toothed; the fore wings angular, sickle-shaped. Body and wings pale whitish-ash. Wings thickly covered with line speckles. Fore wings with three lines, the usual inner and outer line, and a third wavy submarginal hair-line. The two inner lines distinct, of even width, a little oblique, not waved; the innermost line situated exactly on the inner third, the outer line on the outer third of the wing. Front edge of the fore wings stained with red- dish on the end of the outer line. Submarginal hair-line wavy, sinuate, reddish, situated half-way between the outer line and the edge of the wing and disappearing below the second median venule, scalloped between each venule, much more distinct below than above. On the hind wings a single brown line, and traces of a submar- ginal wavy line. Beneath, paler than above, with the lines reproduced beneath, and dull colored; the third submarginal Hue on both wings partly obsolete, but clearer than above; friuge reddish. Expanse of wings, 1.50 inches. Ranges from Maiue to Missouri and Kansas. The parent of this caterpillar, which is found in the United States, north and south, and west as far as Kausas, may be known by the three well-marked teeth on the apical half of the hind wings, by the clear border of the wings, and by the dark clear lines ou the under side. The caterpillar lives in Georgia on the oak and other trees, according to notes left after his death by Abbot, and is of a pale yellowish gray, with a dorsal lozenge like mark. The fourth segmeut is darker, and on the back of the eighth, ninth, and tenth are also two obscure marks bifid anteriorly on the first, and carrying a blackish angle on each ex- tremity of the second. The head and feet are concolorous. It is found in Georgia in May and June, and the moth is disclosed towards the end of this last month. A second generation enters the chrysalis state towards the middle of July to appear as moths in the beginning of August. In the Northern States the species is undoubtedly only single- brooded. Besides these geometric caterpillars, that of Metrocampa perlaria Guenee should be looked for on the oak, as its closely allied Europeau cougener (.1/. margaritata) feeds on the elm, hornbeam, birch, aud oak. INSECTS INJURING OAK-LEAVES. 185 258. Endropia textrinaria Grote aud Rob. The caterpillar was found on the white oak at Providence, October 7. October 10 it began to spin a thin slight web at the bottom of the breed- ing box, and the pupa appeared October 12. The moth appeared in the breeding box in May. I have captured the moths in the Adiron- dacks at the end of June, where no oak trees were perceived. Larva. — The body is rather slender, the head wider than the segment behind, rounded, rather deeply bilobed, swollen on each side of the apex of the clypeus; the latter edged with dark brown, forming a V"snaPefl line on the front of the head. The prothoracic segment is normal, while the mesothoracic segmebt is much swollen on each side, the rounded swellings connected by a dorsal curved ridge. On the metathoracic segment is a small transverse ridge, next to that on the meso-segment. On the hinder part of the third abdominal segment is a large double dors-al dark knob- like hump. On the sixth is a conspicuous dark transverse rounded ridge, enlarged and higher at each end. The eighth segment has large warts, and there are also large warts on the sides of segments 7 to 10. The supra-anal plate is triangular but short, with four hair-bearing warts above and four at the end. Anal legs large and broad. The short penultimate segment has a transverse row of eight large warts; these warts are obsolete on the front half of the body. The body is of exactly the color of an oak twig, being dark gray shaded with light, and of the same color beneath as above ; while the knotted appearance of the segments behind the head and in the middle of the body assist in the deception, the caterpillar being remarkably like a bit of oak twig. The anal conical dorsal tuber- cles are large and distinct. Moth. — In this species the hind wings are distinctly "tailed," not merely sinuated, as in E. madusaria, while the fore wings are distinctly excavated, but not dentate below the apex, and they are shorter and broader than usual. Fore wings densely mottled and strigated with ocherous- brown ; an inner, curved, pale-brown line, bent outward on the submedian vein, and meeting the outer line, which either runs very near, or if remote, throws out a connecting streak, in the former case forming an oval, with the end resting on the inner margin of the wing. Outer line dusky fawn-brown, oblique, curved outward above and below inward to meet the inner. Beyond, the wing is shaded with ocherous-brown ; this shade sometimes extends to the border of the wing, interrupted by a submarginal row of irregular pale patches proceeding from the broad, apical, diffuse, pale patch. Discal dots black, distinct in both wings. Hind wings like the front pair, the outer line situated in the middle of the wing and nearer the discal dot than usual. Expanse of wings, 1.50 inches. 259. Paraphia unipunctaria (Haworth). Order Lepidoptera ; family Phaljenid2E. Eating the leaves early in June, a gray span worm 1.40 inch long, sprinkled with blackish dots and short lines, its head and neck a little thicker than the body, each ring with a small squarish white spot above on its hind edge and with two blackish parallel lines on each side of this spot. This moth ranges from New England to Texas ; it is said by Fitch to feed on the oak, and by Abbot (in Guenee) to live on the uelm, oak, cournouiller," etc. The Amilapis triplipunctata of Fitch is undoubtedly synonymous with Haworth's species, originally described as an English species. 186 FIFTH REPORT OP THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. The moth. — Of a uniform oloai fawn-color, without the usual spots aud speckles t in other tpeoiet of the gonna; ■ banal, brown hair-Una beut outward acutely on the modi an vein ; a broad, diffnaa, dark median band oommon to both wings. The extradiaoaJ line is dark, finely scalloped, curved outward below tin- co-,ta,and sweep- ing inward below the tirxt median venule: beyond this line both wings are deeper lawn-color. At a little distanee below the costa, and nearer the extradiseal line than the outer edge of the wing, is a conspicuous angular, clear, white spot. Fringe dark, the scallops tilled with whitish scales. Hind wings like the anterior pair, though the extradiacal line is not sinuous, but curved regularly outward. Beneath, paler than above; the median band is distinct, and the extradiseal line more or less so ; the tints are much u above. The wings expand 1.40 inches. 360. Thtrina fervidaria Hiibner. This moth was bred by Abbot in Georgia from the silver bell tree {Halesia diptera), but Dr. Riley has reared it from the live oak in Florida. This is our most common species of the genus in the Eastern United States. It is at once known by the much-speckled wings and the ocherous-bordered, blackish liues. It varies greatly in the distance apart of the two liues, which in the fore wing are in some twice as wide apart as in others. The species is exceedingly variable. At Esquimau, Vaucouver Is., "all the oaks were stripped by the larvre of Therina fervidaria, and their trunks and branches were paved with the handsome Geometrid moths in September." (James J. Walker, Ent. Month. Mag., Aug., 1888, p. 65.) Larva. — Head scarcely as wide as the prothoracic segment, the latter not so wide as the body behind. Body of uu'fortn thickness, with no tubercles. Head smooth, slightly divided above, rounded and smooth : pale, with seven black dots on each side. Body aud head pale yellowish ash ; with two dorso lateral blackish longitudi- nal stripes, and another stripe below on each side : the body elsewhere with fine, more or less interrupted, black lines, and some deep ocherous ones. Between the two dorso-lareral lines are four more or less interrupted fiue lines. Length 38 to 40mm. Pupa. — Rather slender, whitish, slashed and spotted with brown. (Described from Abbot's manuscript drawing.) Moth. — Pale ocherous : head and front of the thorax with the antenna? deep ocher- ous. Wings densely speckled with smoky spots ; well angulated, the angle on the tore wings often acute, on the hind wings forming a slight tail. Outer line dark brown, bordered externally with ocherous. Inner line a little curved, and situated either on or a little withiu the inner third of the wing. Discal dot dark, distiuct, sometimes wanting on the hind wings. Outer line sinuate or zigzag, varying greatly, the angle on the first median venule being slight or very marked on both wings. Od the hind wings a single line only. Beneath, much paler ; the lines re-appear, but are diffuse and smoky. Expause of wings 1.50 inches. 261. Therina endropiaria (Grote and Rob.). This moth has been raised from caterpillars found feeding on the oak at Amherst, Mass., by Mr. L. W. Goodell. It pupated September 4, just beneath the surface, and the moth emerged May 19 following (Can. Ent., xi, 194). It has also been bred by the U. S. Entomologist from specimens which I collected in April at Crescent City. Fla., from the live oak. The larva spun a slight cocoon between leaves at Wash- ington April 27, and the moth emerged May 19. INSECTS INJURING OAK-LEAVES. 187 Larva. — Its length is If inches. Ground color whitish. Head white, marked with large, round spots, similar to those of Aletia, and numerous minute spots and faintly brown mottlings. Cervical plate white with four small black spots along the anterior margin and two behind them. Median line slightly reddish, bordered by a fine black zigzag line. Abdomen with three pale brown, somewhat interrupted, rather broad dorsal stripes, each of which is also bordered with a very fine black zigzag line. There is also a subdorsal row of narrow, elongated, orange spots, one to each segment. Suprastigmatal band broad and purplish, divided along its whole length by an interrupted white line. Substigmatal baud orange, bordered below by a broader, pale purplish stripe. Venter whitish or yellowish, divided longitudinally by four very narrow black lines. Stigmata black. Thoracic legs white, their claws blackish. (Riley's unpublished notes.) Papa. — Body moderately stout, whitish, very pale, spotted distinctly with black; ■about sixteen black dots on the prothoracic segment. A curved black line on each side of the head. Cremaster flattened, conical, ending in two long, twin, decurved bristles, the outer bristles either minute or wanting. Length 15mm. Moth. — Male and female. Head and thorax, including the antennae and legs, pale ocherous, extending to the costae of the fore wings, especially the under side. Wings pale whitish, with a slight ocherous tint, with indistinct cinereous speckles, espe- cially marked toward the outer edge ; two parallel lines, the inner a perfectly straight, pale-brown hair-line, situated just before the forking of the median vein, and the outer narrow, cinereous, slightly oblique, but not curved; on the hind wings, which are concolorous with the fore wings, is a single line, very slightly curved in the mid- dle; no discal dot on either wing; outer edge distinctly bent; the tail on the hind wings well developed, but a little less so than in E.flagitiana, and the wings are broader and shorter, while the anterior pair are not produced so much at the apex. Beneath, the costal edge is ocherous, but the rest of the wing is whitish-ocherous. The wings are very transparent, so that the lines distinctly appear through. The ocherous head and thorax, including the antennae, in distinction from the pale transparent wings, the pale brown, parallel lines, the inner perfectly straight and the outer one slightly curved, will separate this species from its allies. Expanse of wings, 1.50 inches. 262. The large scalloped-winged geometer moth. Stenotrachelys approximaria Guen6e. In the Southern States feeding on the oak a large geometer whose body is ash gray, washed with brown, with a dorsal series of white lozenges, lined with black and trav- ersed in their middle by a twin, interrupted black vascular line. Found in March and April, the moth remaining in the chrysalis. This caterpillar, according to Abbot (in Guen6e), lives in Georgia on Smilax rotundifolia and laurifolia, and, according to Abbot (MS.), on Quercus. This species is known to inhabit North Carolina as well as Georgia. In April I found the larvse on the live oak at Crescent City, Fla., leaving it at the office of the U. S. Entomologist to be reared. The larvae then in confinement entered the ground to pupate, and of two bred moths one emerged November 2 and the other November 11. One proved to be a fine male, the first one I have met with, the female alone having been described in my monograph of this family. It has plumose antenna? and is smaller than the female, but has the same shape of the wings and similar markings. Larva.— April 22, 1886.— Three larvae of this species were brought to-day by Dr. A. S. Packard, from Florida; found feeding on above oak. The smallest one of the. three is about 1 inch in length, uniformly dark purplish-brown, with the exception 188 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. of ;i broad, lighter brown shading along each side of the median line of the me8o- and meta-thoras and drat abdominal segment. Piliferous warts small, black and project- ing. Stigmata yellow, with narrow black annulus. Behind the two first abdominal Stigmata there is B dull black patch, that behind the second being largest. The ver- tei oi tlif head is bilobed and the lobes rounded at tip. Color of the head dark oherry-brown, the tip of the lobes lighter. The lower margin of the head and of the elypens somewhat whitish. Its surface is quite smooth, though there are some very delicate transverse wrinkles. The second larva measures l£ inches in length, and is quite pale gray, with more or less distinct, irregular blackish lines and spots. A very line black line borders each side of the two posterior thoracic and first abdominal segments, whilst on the other segments this line borders a more or less elongated, lozenge-shaped, paler gray, medio-dorsal space. The piliferous warts are of the color of the body, with black tips. Stigmata whitish, with black annulus. The dull black patch is only present behind the second stigma. Head concolorous with body; the two lobes are marked in front with a transverse, dark cherry-brown band. The third larva is about If inches in length, and very similar to the second one in coloration, though the color of the middle of the body is somewhat more purplish. On each of the two posterior thoracic and first abdominal segments is a paler gray triangular spot, a somewhat squarish, gray spot on the fifth and sixth abdominal segments, and on each side of the median line on the eighth segments is an oblique blackish line, both of which meet posteriorly on the median line. The purplish stripes of the lobes of the head are present. (Riley's unpublished notes.) Pupa. — Pale mahogany-brown ; cremaster very long and sharp, straight, with no lateral setae. (Described from a broken specimen). Moth. — It may be recognized by the deeply scalloped wings, and the large head, which is rather swollen in front. It is whitish gray, the wings clear, not bordered with brown. The fore wings with two distinct, heavy, black lines, the inuer very near the base of the wing, regularly curved, a little pointed on the costa. Outer line bent at right augles on the basal third of the first median vein, the line thence going straight to the costa, though zigzag in its course; from the rectangular bend, the line follows a course subparallel to the median line, where it again turns rectangularly, ending ou the middle of the inner edge of the wing. An inner reddish-brown line is parallel and near it below the median vein, and above passes just within the faint discal dot. Beyond this line the wing is speckled with transverse short, linear spots. A scalloped marginal, distinct black line. Expanse of wings, 1.80 to 1.90 inches. 203. Eubi/ja quernaria (Abbot and Smith). Gueuee states ou the authority of Abbot's drawing that the cater- pillar of this moth lives in April and May, iu Georgia, on a species of Quercus. In the manuscript drawing of Abbot's iu the library of the Boston Society of Natural History the food-plant drawn is Cratayus austral is T. and G. Larva. — Body stouter and shorter than in the larva of Amphidasis cognataria. Head angular; prothoracic segments swollen ; a tubercle on the back of the third, the lower part of the side of the first, and ou the back of the penultimate segment. The body is, in the paiuting, colored slate-gray, with irregular dark spots and longi- tudinal slashes. Moth. — Female. Body stout, abdomen thick, with a dorsal row of four large tufts, the fourth white, the others dark. Antennae black. Head in front and palpi black- brown ; vertex white, rounded behind by a black thread-line; thorax white, with two black spots in the center, and spotted with black posteriorly. Abdomen white on the outer third, with a white interrupted line on each segment, spotted thickly INSECTS INJURING OAK-LEAVES. 189 on the under side with white. Fore wings long, outer edge very oblique, snow- white as a ground color ; basal third white, mottled with deep brown, especially on the costa. The middle third of the wing brown, bordered with the black basal and extradiscal lines. The basal line is deeply and regularly curved outward ; the extra- discal line is irregularly and deeply scalloped ; it runs straight from the costa to the great angle on the median line through two deep scallops ; the angle is jagged and sharp, and below the line forms a great curve, sending a point outward on the in- ternal vein. Beyond this line the wing is white, with scattered dark specks, and with a ferruginous patch just below the sixth subruedian, and a larger one extending from the second median venule to the inner edge of the wing near the angle. Hind wings white, more or less densely mottled with brown on the inner two-thirds ; the extradiscal line is zigzag, with a large angle in the middle of the wing. Beyond this the markings repeat those of the fore wings. Expanse of wings 5.5mm. 264. Aplode8 mimosaria Guene"e. This has been bred from the oak by Mr. Walsh in Illinois, while Riley has found it feeding on the oak at St. Louis, Mo., July 31. It is com- mon in the New England and Central States. Larva.- Larva ten-footed, cylindrical, its dorsum with curved lateral appendages covered with short velvety hairs, and similar to those of Limacodes ? hyalinus Walsh, except that they are much shorter and none of them abruptly longer than the others. Of a dingy-brown color, and, including the appendages, about one-fourth of an inch in diameter. (Walsh.) Pupa. — The pupa is of a pale ocherous-brown color, varied with reddish-brown, with many fuscous dots, especially along the nervures of the wing-cases, and with the caudal spine simple. It measures 0.43 inch, including the spine. (Walsh.) Moth.— Four males and females. A rather large species, with the antennae moder- ately well pectinated. Apex of fore wings square, outer edge not very convex. Hind wings well rounded, less angulated than usual; anal angle square. Body and wings of the usual pale-green color ; head and antennae white, front bright rose- colored except on front border. Palpi white ; end of second joint and under side of third joint roseate. Both pairs of wings crossed by linear, slightly waved, white lines. Inner line on fore wing, very near the base of wing, regularly curved; outer line straight, waved, parallel with outer edge. Costa narrowly edged with white. Fringe white on both wings. Hind wings with the inner line nearer the base of wing than on fore wings, curved regularly. Outer line bent outward in the middle, the line not so wavy as on fore wing. Beneath both lines faintly reproduced (not (i avec une seule ligne blanche," asGuen6e says). Hind wings and posterior two- thirds of fore wings whitish-green. Outer side of fore femora green, of tibiae dull red ; two posterior pairs white. Abdomen white, green at base above, with a conspicuous white spot at base. Expanse of wings 1£ inches. Length of body, male 0.45, female 0.40. 265. Petrophora diversilineata Hiibner. Professor Riley found, May 10, at St. Louis, Mo., larvae of this spe- cies feeding on laurel-oak and elm. Others were found on pear, apple, cherry, and rose. They are of a deep, rich brown above, sulphur-yel- low at sides, and pale beneath. All had entered the ground by June 5, The moths issued November 9. (Unpublished notes.) EQO- — Cylindrical, much rounded, and fuller at the posterior than at the anterior end, which is truncated and contracted, with a swollen vein ; white, with the sur- face granulated. 190 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. Larva. — The body above is dark brown, with a slightly reddish tint, and patches of ;i darker Shade along the dorsal region, being the color of the twigs of its food- plant. It remains in the papa state about a week. Pupa.— Body rather stout, wing-covers reaching to the seventh abdominal ring, counting from t he end; the tip is acutely conical; anal spine large, acute, much flattened from above downward: bearing two large, curved .spines, with two much smaller, curved basal spines; abdomen with scattered, acute spiuules arising from minute black tubercles; pale ash, minutely speckled with darker tine points, with a dark dorsal line extending from the head to the end of the anal spine. Length 0.55 inch. Moth. — Thirty males and teu females. Palpi long. Fore wings foliate; outer edge almost angular. Hind wings slightly scalloped. Body and wings of a uniform ocheioiis-yellow ; palpi dark in front of the head, tipped with dark browu. Fore wings uniformly ocherous; a curved, basal, rust-brown line, denticulated on the veins ; beyond, two parallel, more distinct, concolorous Hues, the inner a little wavy, directed obliquely to the inner edge; the outer makes a right angle in the submedian space, crosses the inner line, forming a broad triangular iuclosure on the inner edge of the wing; beyond is a broad space just beyond the middle of the wing, usually tilled in with a purplish-brown tint, disappearing before reachiug the costal space; sometimes there are two central lines in this space, converging a little below the median vein and forming large riuglets; this mesial space is bounded externally by a dark rnst-brown line, which ends at the same distance from the base of the wing, both on the costa and iuuer edge ; in the first median space it forms a large, sharp projection ; beyond is another coucolorous line, which curves inward to where it is usually (not always) interrupted by the projection of the other line, and thence goes straight, though zigzag in its course, to the inner edge of the wing; a similarly colored, more or less zigzag, oblique, apical line extends to the middle of the wiug, opposite the projection ; the edge beyond the lines either clear yellow or filled in with lilac-brown ; a small discal dot. Hind wings clear, a little paler than the fore wings, with a faint discal dot, sometimes absent; in the outer third of the wing au angulated, faint, violet-brown line, edged externally with silver, a heavier, dif- fuse, shorter, submarginal, dark brown, zigzag line, with a slight violet tinge; the space between this and the wiug suffused with violet-brown, extending only toward the middle of the wing, or sometimes passing beyond the apex. Beneath the wings are yellow ocherous, speckled, especially on the hind pair, with coarse, violet-brown specks. Fore wings clear when covering the hind oues, with three costal spots, the third in the middle of the costa; beyond the angulated outer line is reproduced ; apical oblique line distinct, with a violet-brown cloud below. Hind wiugs with three regularly scalloped lines; the margin of the wing broadly clouded with violet- brown. Legs yellow ; joints tipped with violet-brown. Abdomeu yellow, tinged above with rust-brown. Expanse of wings, male 1.30 to 2.10, female 1.35 inches. 266. Eupithecia miserulata Grote. June 3, 1876. — Found two larva? feeding ou oak. Length about 0.63 of an inch, of a yellowish color, with brown markings on the back much like arrow-heads with the points directed towards the head; a brown line over the whole length of the back and a short brown line each side just behind the head, ending where the last pair of thoracic legs commence. The larva chauged to pupa June 12, without constructing a cocoon, suspending itself by the point of the abdomeu; it is also of a yellowish color. The moth issued June 23. (Riley's unpublished notes.) The caterpillars of this widespread geometrid were common on the live oak at Crescent City, Fla., April 9 to 14. The larvae spun a slight cocoon and pupated April 15, the moth emerging at Washington April 20. Another moth emerged in Providence April 30. In shape, the INSECTS INJURING OAK-LEAVES. 191 body resembles E. luteata, being somewhat flattened. These caterpil- lars differed from those bred from the bush juniper at Salem, Mass., in wanting the lateral white line. The specimen bred was compared with those from different States in the National Museum by Mr. John B. Smith and myself. It seems to feed ou evergreens northward and in Florida on oak, and may be a general feeder. Larva. — Pale green; body covered with fine papillae. Prothoracic segment much swollen transversely; no marking except a brownish linear dorsal line. This was the young of the moth which issued April 20. Another larva, whose moth emerged April 30, was more typical. Body somewhat flattened, with a dorsal series of sharply pointed dark-brown patches, the points ex- tending into the narrow linear brown dorsal line. On the thoracic segments a lateral broken heavy dark line, each becoming a pale narrow thread on the abdominal seg- ments. Length, 18mm. Pupa.—O). Moth. — This is our most common pug-moth, and may be distinguished by the pointed fore wings, with the numerous transverse lines bent sharply outward, the extradiscal line forming a sharp angle opposite the discal dot, and notched inward on the subcostal vein ; by the distinct submarginal wavy white line, ending in a large white twin spot at the inner angle; by the fine dark lines on the hind wings, and by the heavy black costal spots and marginal lines on the under side. The fore wings expand 20mm. 267. THE OAK-LEAF ROLLER. Tortrix quercifoliana Fitch. In the early part of June, says Fitch, the sides of particular leaves may be found to be curved upward and drawn slightly together by silken threads, beneath which lies a slender, grass-green leaf-roller, which finally pupates in the end of the leaf, the moth appearing in New York about the 1st of July. While at St. Augustine, Fla., early in April, I noticed a pale green leal-roller on the live oaks ou Auastasia Island. April 14 it spun a slight cocoon, within which the worm changed to a pupa April 16 or 17 ; the moth appeared April 30, after my return to Providence. Larva.— Grass-green throughout, body tapering slightly posteriorly, but less so towards the head. Head round, slightly flattened, and "as thick as the neck into which it is sunken." Length 19mm (0.75 inch). Pupa. — Body pale and slender, the cast skin thin and unusually so for a Tortrix. Cremaster or terminal abdominal spine peculiar in being long and narrow, as wide at the tip as at the base ; the surface above and beneath with fine longitudinal ridges ; a pair of short dorsal set* near the end ; edge of the extreme tip curvilinear, with four curved setae of nearly equal length. Each abdominal segment with two rows of fine teeth. Length, 10mm. Moth. — Pale tawny yellow, with yellowish brown darker scales and dots and darker brown lines. Head pale, tawny brown on the vertex, with a small spot in the middle of the front. Palpi dark, externally pale above and at tip of second joint. Fore wings pale whitish tawny yellow, densely speckled with darker scales ; on the inner third of the wing an oblique, dark brown, narrow line beginning on the inner third of the costa and ending in the middle of the hind margin. An outer parallel line, which is forked on the costa and ends on the internal angle ; from near the middle 192 FIFTH UKPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSI^*. the hut- sendi off ■ spar to the apex. ba1 before reaching the apex ■ spur is sent to rieo a 3-forked line to the outer edge of the wing. Hind fringe, abdomen and leg! almost white. Kxpanse of wings, SO-*. | Identified by Prof. Fernald.) Tort r\x Jim x-uimm Kobinsoii. The habits of another leaf-roller have been observed and related by Miss Emma A. Smith in Thomas' second report on the injurious insectfl of Illinois (p. 114). It injures the black, red, burr, white, and pin oaks. The species has been found io Texas as well as Illinois. Moth. —Palpi, head and thorax pale ocherous. Anterior wings shining pale yellow, almost entirely covered with pale olivaceous scales, n that the yellow ground color is only evident jnel below costa at base, in two small costal spots at and beyond the middle, and in a similar elongate spot on the disk below the two last mentioned. are three brown dots on the costa near the apex, which is also tinged with brown. Posterior wings fuscous above, tinged apically with ferruginous : beneath tinged with fuscous internally, pale testaceous beyond. Fringes whitish. Under surface of anterior wings fuscous except the costa, which is pale testaceous. Ex- panse, male, *20mm. (Robinson.) 969. THK V-MAKKED CACCECIA. Caccecia argyrospila Walker. The moth of this species is not uncommon, entering our houses at night during July in Maine and Massachusetts. My specimens have been kindly determined by Prof. C. H. Fernald. This widespread species was first described in this country by Mr. C. T. Robinson, in 1869, under the name of Tortrix furrana ; at nearly the same time or soon after I described it in the Massachusetts Agricult- ural Report for 1870 under the name of the V marked Tortrix (T. v-sig- natana), and remarked that Mr. F. W. Putnam had raised it in abun- dance from the cherry. In his account of this species Lord Walsingham* remarks that in California it occurred near San Fraucisco, May 19, 1871. u The species also occurred about Mendocino in the middle of June, and as far north as Mount Shasta in August. One specimen emerged on the 21st of June from a pupa found a few days previously between united leaves of JEsculus californica (Nutt.), the Californian horse-chestnut. In his Synonymical Catalogue of the Described Tortrieida\ Prof. C. H. Fernald states : Professor Riley wrote me that he bred it on rose, apple, hickory, oak, soft maple, elm, and wild cherry. It thus appears to be a general feeder on our shade trees, living be- tween the united leaves. It ranges from Maine, where it is common, to Georgia, Texas, and Missouri, while it is not uncommon on the Pacific coast. * Illustrations of Typical Specimens of Lepidoptera Heterocera in the Collection of the British Museum, part iv. London, 1879, p. '.'. INSECTS INJURING OAK-LEAVES. 193 It feeds on the oak early in June, as one caterpillar occurred June 11, when it became a chrysalis, the moth appearing June 23. Hence without much doubt there are two broods, the caterpillar occurring late in summer turning to chrysalides, and hibernating as such, the moth flying about in the spring and laying its eggs on the shoots, so that the larva may hatch when the leaves are unfolding and find its food ready and at hand. The first brood of caterpillars is found early iu June, and the second in August and early in September. The moth is of the size and general shape of the common apple-leaf roller (Caccecia rosana) and the cherry-leaf roller (G. cerasivorana). differing in the particulars stated below ; but the caterpillar is more like that of €. rosayia than C. cerasivo^ana. According to Professor Riley's unpublished notes this was found May 15, 1869, on the I. M. R. R. rolling in perfect tubes the leaves of the common oak. May 26 it pupated, and June 3 three moths issued. Larva. — Color delicate glass green, with a darker dorsal vesicular line. Not pol- ished. Piliferous spots polished. Head brown. Cervical shield polished, glass-like, and scarcely darker than body ; anterior edge lighter. Thoracic legs pale. Pupa. — May 26 one changed to chrysalis with the abdomen yellowish, the dorsum roseate and wing-sheaths green ; with two transverse rows of minute teeth on dor- sum of largest abdominal segments, and also a few long hairs pointing posteriorly. Six, sometimes seven, tolerably long, curved hooks at extremity, four springing from the extreme point and two from the sides. Length scarcely 0.50 of an inch. Legs do not reach as far as the wing sheaths. (Riley's unpublished notes.) Of the usual form and color, but rather stout ; the end of the abdomen has an unusually large, sharp spino, with two lateral and two terminal large, stout, curved sette or stiff hairs. Length, 12mm. Moth. — Head, palpi, and thorax rust-red; fore wings bright rust-red; a broad, median, rust-red, oblique band bent downward in the middle of the wing ; on each side are two yellowish-white costal blotches, the outer one usually triangular and oblique, sending a narrow line to the inner edge of the wing ; a similar line on the inside of the band. Outer margin of the wing yellowish white, with two tine, rust- red lines, the outer one at the base of the fringe, which is whitish yellow. Hind wings pale yellowish slate color, as is the abdomen. 269. Caccecia fervidana (Clemens). The caterpillar was found by Professor Riley September 1, 1867, feeding on the oak, covering and inclosing numbers of the leaves by a white glistening web ; also fastening the brown grains of excrement together with the silk so that it sometimes forms quite* a large mass. They were quite numerous in various portions of Illinois, Iowa, and Missouri. The worm also generally resides in a sort of silken case. It devours all the pulpy portions of the leaf. They are found on the burr oak, though they will eat the leaves of half a dozen varieties that I have "given them. (Riley.) There are probably three broods annually of this insect, as in Illinois it first appears in the middle of May, according to Miss Emma A. Smith, 5 ent 13 1!>4 FIFTH REPORT OP THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. of Peoria.* Professor Riley adds that the eggs, hatched about the 1st of July and last of June, had become moths by the 1st of /Vugust ; and then again those found September 1 must have been of a third brood, which winters over in the chrysalis. The eggs, according to Biley, are placed in clusters on the leaf. Miss Smith's paper gives quite a full account of the habits and rav- ages of this insect in her vicinity. This is the Tortri.r paludana of Rob- inson. It is attacked by Calosomn scrutator Fabr., Podisus spinosm Dall., also by Dlplodus luridus Stal, and by Pimpla conquisitor Hay. I. ami. — When full grown. .80 to .85 of an inch. Color dull brownish buff. Form subeylindrical, being flat below: tapers slightly posteriorly but not anteriorly. Dor- sum light. A subdorsal darker band, edged above and below with a black line, the upper one being thickest. Wrinkled transver«ely, one indenture especially in the middle of each segment. Thoracic segments somewhat largest. Head as wide as No. 1 and carried nearly horizontally. It is dark brown, mottled with white. Venter, feet, and legs of same color as subdorsal band. Covered with fine sparse hairs. This worm is not very active, but when touched wriggles and lets itself down by a thread. It is quite variable in the depth of shading, some being very light, while others are quite dark, and some even have a greenish tinge. (Riley's unpub- lished notes.) Moth.— Palpi reddish brown, short, the third joint extending beyond the head. Head and thorax reddish brown above. Anterior wings reddish brown, much clouded with fuscous beyond the middle. A dark brown patch on the middle of costa and a smaller one on the disk below it indicate the central fascia. A large dark brown subapical patch is continued as a broad fuscous shade to internal angle. Fringes pale. Posterior wings very dark, fuscous above; pale testaceous beneath, tinged with fuscous internally. Fringes pale testaceous. Abdomen fuscous above, pale testaceous beneath. Under surface of anterior wings entirely clouded with fus- cous, giving in some lights a purple reflection. Expanse, male, 20mm ; female, 23mm. (Robinson). 270. Cenopis quercana (Fernald.) The caterpillar has been found by Professor Comstock feeding on the oak, and by Miss Murtfeldt on the cultivated cherry. Moth. — Thorax and fore wings dull rust-red. Basal patch, median and subapical bauds lighter in the males and inclining to yellowish on the costa, with strong green- ish reflections when seen in an oblique light, showing most strongly in the females. Expanse of wings, 14 to 16mrc. (Fernald). 271. Cenopis reticulatana (Clemens). Besides the oak the caterpillar is said by Miss Murtfeldt to feed on the osage orange, maple, persimmon, and pear. Moth. — Fore wings yellow, finely reticulated with orauge; costa at base tinged with purple. Central fascia purple, commencing in a spot on the costa before the middle and ending in the apex of a large triangular spot of the same hue ou the inner edge. The large purple costal spot throws out a line, which is forked just below it, one branch running obliquely inward to the triangular spot on the inner margin, the other outwardly to before the inner angle. Hind wings and fringes very pale yellow. Expanse of wings, 17 to 22mm. (Robiuson). 'Paper read before the Northern Horticultural Society at Franklin Grove, and published in the Prairie Farmer January 9, 1878. INSECTS INJURING OAK-LEAVES. 195 272. Cenopis pettitana (Robinson). The caterpillar of this variable species is said by Miss Murtfeldt to feed on the oak, hickory, and rose. Professor Riley found at the same time (May 15, 1869) as Cacoecia argyrospila, a large grass-green oak roller with a black head and a pale brown cervical shield and bluish dorsal line, with the thoracic legs black. June 3, 1869, five moths issued. Zeller (November 20, 1871) says it is near the European Xanthosetia hamana, but differs. Several of them entered the chrysalis s^ate May 26, 1869. October 9, 1872, received from Manhattan, Kans., a larva feeding on oak, which possesses several of the characteristics of Perophora mel- sheunerii. (Riley's unpublished notes.) Larva. — Length, .625 of an inch; diameter about .10 across the head, which is the broadest part. Pale yellowish green, somewhat flattened, line, medio-dorsal line, piliferous spots on dorsum very minute, sides somewhat tuberculated, with con- spicuous longitudinal row of long, stiff brown hairs arising from brown plates. Head large, dark brown, not polished, horizontal. First segment horny, pale brown, constricted behind, roughened like the head with dense minute punctures. Anal plate orbicular, large, horny, with a glistening whitish punctured surface, with two conspicuous purple-brown spots and a dark longitudinal dorsal line. Larva forms a case of web- work on the leaf or between two leaves. Moths issued in early May. Pupa. — Differs materially from that of Cacoecia argyrospila. It is .55 of an inch in length. The antennae and legs reach exactly as far as wing sheaths. The color is very dark brown, and after the moth has left the posterior third behind last row of teeth is of a lighter reddish brown in contrast. Two rows of teeth on principal abdominal segments, as in Cacoecia argyrospila. The extremity is blunt with scarcely any hooks visible, though occasionally a very fine one may be seen. (Riley's unpub- lished notes.) Moth. —Fore wings very pale yellow. Costa in the male with two patches of brownish ocherous scales at the basal aud apical third. Expanse of wings, 22 to 28mm. (Robinson). 273. THE RED-BANDED LEAF ROLLER. Lophoderus triferanus (Walk.). Order Lepidoptera ; family Tortricid^e. Probably originally feeding on the oak, elm, and maple, as well as the cranberry. The caterpillar occasionally damages clover, corn, straw- berry, bean, etc. The following notes are copied from Forbes' 3d Eep. Ins. Illinois: This species occurs somewhat rarely in Illinois, and has not been reported through- out its wide range to do any injury except to the cranberry in Massachusetts, where its larva is locally known as one of the cranberry worms. We bred it, however, during this past season from pale-green leaf-rollers in young corn, and consequently may regard it as worthy of brief mention, especially as its local abundance in cran- berry plantations in Massachusetts would indicate a capacity for excessive multipli- cation which makes it a possible source of danger in the great corn-fields of the Mississippi Valley. The presence of this larva and of that of the sulphur leaf -roller, just treated, is indicated in corn-fields by the folding lengthwise or rolling of the leaves in May and 196 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. Jane. If these leaves be opened, I green wriggling larva will be found inclosed in a vreb within. The moth hatching from these folded leaves in June, if Lopkederiu triferanui, may be recognized as an insignificant brown speeiee, about ■ half inch across the spread wings. The fore wings ere reddish brown except on tin* terminal fourth, which is gray speokled with black, as is also the basal half of the posterior edge of th wings. The species was first described by Walker in 1863 as Cacwcia triferana, and again by Clemens in lSt'>.">, in the proceeding! of the Entomological Society of Philadelphia, under the name of Tort r is imcrtuiia. A better description of the moth, with figures of male and female, is given by Robinson in Volume II of the Transactions of the American Entomological Society, under the same specific name. Aa an injurious insect it is mentioned by Dr. Packard in the Massachusetts Agri- cultural Report for 1870, and in the Tenth Report of the Geological and Geographical Survey of Colorado and Adjacent Territory, 1870. By Miss Murtfeldt it is reported as injurious to the rose, in the third volume of the American Entomologist (1880), and by Professor Liutner as a clover insect in the Auuual Report of the New York Agricultural Society for the same year. This species has been collected from Maine and New York to Illinois and T and has been fouud feeding on the cranberry, elm, soft maple, oak, apple, rose, beans, Gnaphalium jyoljicephalum, clover, strawberry, and corn. Our specimens, collected ou May 29, emerged June 30. In all the foregoing articles except the first this species is treated under Clemens's specific name, but in Fernald's Catalogue of the Tortricidre of North America this is reduced to a synonym of Walker's triferanus. The larva was not distinguished in our breeding cages from that of the preceding species (Dichelia sulphureana). con- sequently I am unable to give a detailed description of it. Clemens's description of the imago is as follows: Moth. — Palpi ocherous or brownish ocherous except the minute third joint, which is blackish. Head and thorax ocherous or brownish ocherous. Anterior wings pure pale reddish brown within the central fascia, except on internal margin, which is broadly covered at base with blackish brown scales, forming a rather prominent irregular spot followed by an aggregation of intermediate pale ocherous and black- ish scales to the fascia. Central fascia broad, distinctly dark brown, sometimes reddish brown. The subapical costal spot is dark brown and separated from the central fascia by a reddish brown shade. The remaining outer portion of the wing pale ocherous except a testaceous brown spot above the anal angle. Fringes dark ocherous. Posterior wings fuscous above, testaceous beneath. Fringes pah ceous, much clouded centrally with dark fuscous. Expanse, male 15, female 19mui. 274. Lophoderii8 velutinana Walk. This species is said by Miss Murtfeldt to feed on the laurel-oak, bal- sain-tir, and maple. Moth. — Fore wings pale ocherous, darker on costa at base : a large dark-brown basal patch, not quite reaching the costa. Middle band dark brown to the middle of the wing, reddish brown beyond, throwing out a booklet inwardly below the cell, which curving upwardly nearly incloses a pale ocherous spot. Subapical costal spot dark brown, semilunate, connected by a paler streak with internal angle. Expanse of wings, 17mm. 275. Phoxopteris murtfeldtiana Riley. Three specimens were bred from oak, May 10, by Miss Murtfeldt, in Missouri. From Ph. spirecvfoUana, which Dr. Clemens bred from larva? found feeding on the leaves of Spirwa opuUfoUa, this oak-feeding species dif- INSECTS INJURING OAK-LEAVES. 197 fers in the oblique central fascia extending to form a sharp angle towards the apex of wing, in the angulated portion containing two black streaks, and in this fascia extending, as a faint band, to the inner margin and beneath the ocellated patch. Ph. burgessiana Zell., which may not be distinct from pulchellana Clem., and Ph. laciniana Zell., which, also, may not be distinct from dubiana Clem., are closely allied to murtfeldtiana, but the basal patch is darker than in those species, thus resembling sjrirecefoliana. (Riley.) Moth. — Male : Expanse, 10mm. White, the primaries with a dark-brown patch on basal half of inner margin and with an oblique fascia extending from the middle of costa. Head reddish brown ; palpi white, tinged with brown at base. Thorax white, becoming embrowned on the disk ; primaries white, the apical half shaded with ferruginous, with a broad blackish-brown patch on the basal half of the inner margin, the patch rounded on its costal border and having a very indistinct coppery reflection from some of the scales in particular lights ; from the middle of the costa an oblique reddish-brown fascia extending to form a sharp angle just before the apex of wing (these inclosing two black streaks), and retreating suddenly to curve around the ocellated patch, into which it sometimes sends a slight angle, and to attain the inner margin of the wing ; this fascia much paler on its inner half than on its costal half, bounded exteriorly from costa to inner margin by a white line, and shading off on the inner half of its basal border into the white ground color ; costa beyond the fascia to the apex streaked with white and ferruginous, the apex ferruginous; just below the apex two white streaks; ocellated patch white, generally containing a black streak ; posterior margin ferruginous ; fringes tinged with ferruginous, pale at base, darker at apical angle ; secondaries gray ; under surfaces gray ; primaries shaded with fuscous ; legs white, with the usual fuscous shadings on tarsi. Abdo- men gray, silvery beneath. (Riley.) 276. THE OAK-LEAF CRYPTOLECHIA. Cryptolechia schlagenella Zeller. Order Lepidoptera ; family Tineid^e. This is a remarkable insect, both as a caterpillar and moth. It is not uncommon in the larval state on the oak, where we have seen it in Maine and Rhode Island in September. Professor Riley found, October 22, 1882, in Virginia, several larvse of this Tineid feeding on oak. One moth issued June 2, 1883. It feeds between the leaves, drawing them together with silk threads. When about to pupate, it turns over a por- tion of the leaf nearly an inch long, lines the interior of the cell thus made with silk, and the moth appears the following spring. We have compared the moth with a type specimen sent to us several*years ago by the late Prof. P. C. Zeller, and now in the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Mass., and it is undoubtedly that species, though the row of blackish dots so distinct in the fresh specimen reared by us are not to be seen in the type specimen ; otherwise it agrees exactly with the latter. It is a not uncommon insect, but, so far as ktiown, more curious than destructive, though it may at times disfigure the leaves of valuable shade trees. It is the largest Tineid larva we have met with. 198 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. Luna. — Head large, broad, and flat; as broad as the protboracic segment ; pale horn or whitish color, surface rough; in front crossed by two dark reddish-brown broad lint's which form two large shallow scallops; the front line extends along the sides, including the eyes and the front edge of the clypeus ; the other is broader, forming two scallops and crossing the apex of the clypeus. On each side of the head below the front line is a short, nearly straight brown-black line not reaching as far as the eyes. The median sntnre of the head is rather deeply impressed ; the vertex on each side is a little swollen and marked with eight or nine dark reddish-brown more or less coutlueut spots. The posterior edge of the head is edged with black brown. The body is somewhat flattened, pale pea green, a little paler than the under side of the leaf. Protboracic segment without a shield, but broad, flat, and green like the rest of the body. On the sides of the three thoracic segments is a dark tubercle tinged with reddish between, forming a lateral thoracic line. No dor- sal tubercle, but pale hairs as long as the body arise from minute points, which are obscurely indicated. Length, 23BWB. Papa. — Body very thick and stout; the head broad, and the abdomen short and thick, the end of the body very blunt, the tip broad and obtuse, somewhat tubercu- lated, not spined. The wings reach to the end of the fifth abdominal segment ; and on the under side of the sixth and seventh segments are two dark ventral small cal- losities ; the tip is broad, truncated, rough and dark. Length, 10mm ; thickness, 3.5mm. Moth. — A very large species for the family to whicl it belongs. Head with the scales between the antenna? and on the vertex loose and thick, not smooth as in Gelechia. Palpi long and slender, smooth, the third joint very long and slender, over one-half as long as the second. It is so large and the fore wings so broad and oblong, that at first it might be mistaken for a Tortrix. Body and wings snow white. Fore wings snow white, with two smoky trim dots at the base of the wing near the costa; two smoky spots inside of the middle of the wing on the internal edge. Beyond the middle of the wing are five or six indistinct, pearly, smoky spots, the central one apparently forming the discal dot. Two faint, curved, 6moky lines parallel with each other and to the outer edge, neither of them reaching the costal edge of the wing, and the inner less than one-half as wide as the outer. On the outer edge of the wing, on the white fringe, is a row of about five conspicuous dark-brown spots ; the base of the fringe is smoky, forming a faint line. Body, hind wings, abdomen, and legs snow-white ; antennae light brown. On hinder part of the thorax very dis- tinct when the wings are closed, is a large prominent tuft of broad brown scales, which send off different metallic colors, especially steel-hlue. Length of body, 9 to 10mm ; of fore wing, llmm ; expanse of wings, 24r I nun 277. THE BROWN CRYPTOLECHIA. Cryptolechia quercicella Clemens. The leaves of the oak and, as we have found tbe past season, the aspen, are often bound together by a rather large flattened Tineid cat- erpillar, laager in size than most larva? of the family to which it belongs. It is of about the size of the caterpillar of V. schlagenella. The larva of the present species (originally described by Clemens as Psilocorsis quercicella) was said by that author* to bind the leaves of oaks together in August and September (in Pennsylvania) and to pick out the parenchyma between the network of veins; to weave a slight cocoon between two leaves, appearing as a moth in March and April. *Proc. Acad. Nat. Sciences, Phil., June, 1860. See also Clemens's Tineina of North America, edited by H. T. Stainton, p. 149. INSECTS INJURING OAK-LEAVES. 199 Our observations confirm the accuracy of Clemens's statements. In 1884 we reared it from the oak in Providence, the moths in confinement appearing May 3 to 13 of the following spring. During the season of 1886 we found the larvae both on the oak and on the aspen at Brunswick, Me., during the last week in August (the 25th to 31st). It disfigures these trees by binding the leaves together, where it occupies a gallery in the mass of excrement filling the space. It weaves a slight, but quite consistent, oval, flat cocoon between the somewhat crumpled leaves; the moths appeared in the breeding cages from May 15 to 20 ; at first sight the moth resembles a Tortrix, the wings being wide and broad at the end, and the markings plain; it is very different in appearance from the moth of the other species we have mentioned, which is white, with longer, narrower wings. The abdomi- nal spine of the chrysalis is also very peculiar in shape. Larva. — Body flattened. Head wide, slightly narrower than the prothoracic seg- ment; dark brown; prothoracic shield dark brown, slightly paler than the head. Body behind pale livid greenish flesh-colored ; no dorsal setiferous warts, but on each side of each segment are two dark warts of unequal size giving rise to long hairs; below them are two smaller, paler, less conspicuous warts. Supra-anal plate large, broad, rounded, blackish, with five setiferous warts around the edges of the plate. All the legs concolorous with the body. Length, 12mm. Pupa. — Of the shape of the Tortricidae, being unusually stout and of a mahogany brown color. Abdominal segments peculiar in having a single, finely crenulated ridge passing dorsally and laterally around the front edge of the segment; there are no teeth or spines, but a rough surface on the ridge with confluent granulations. The tip is peculiar, the last segment being conical, with a stout spine (cremaster), which is rounded, a little flattened, and ending in two forks, from the sides and ends of which arise in all 6 to 8 loug bristles, which stick into the silken lining of the rather slight cocoon in which it transforms. Length, 7mm. Moth. — Recognized by its large size, broad square wings, and long slender palpi, curving backwards high over the head. Head, thorax, and fore wings tawny gray, with a line of fine dark scales on the base of the antennae and on the upper and under side of the last joint of the palpi. Fore wings uniform tawny gray, mottled with fine blackish scales; no distinct markings except a dark diffuse discal dot. Fringe gray. Hind wings and abdomen as well as the legs shining pale tawny gray, much lighter than the fore wings; beneath of the same color, except that the fore wings are somewhat dusky except on the outer edge and outer half of the costal margin. Expanse of wings, 20r )mm 278. THE WHITE BLOTCH OAK-LEAF MINER. Litkocolletis hamadryadella Clemens. Order Lepidoptera ; family Tineid^e. This miner makes a whitish blotch-like mine upon the upper surface of the leaves of different oaks. It is a minute, flat, horny, footless, active, brownish-yellow larva, which transforms within the mine in a delicate disk-like cocoon. Several species of oak are injured by this leaf-miner, which ranges from New York to Washington. Sometimes each leaf will contain on an average four or five miners, and young shade trees are thus weak- 200 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. ened by their attacks iii .June. There arc in Washington five or six broods of moths. The best remedy is to collect and burn the fallen leaves in the spring, since they contain the worms in their final stage before transforming. (Comstock.) V 0 ^t *c m Fig. 61. — Oak leaf, -with blotch-mine of Lithocolletis hamadryadella. I have noticed the larva and its mines in abundance at Providence in September and October. " The following notes have been furnished by Professor Eiley: Received July 5, 1SS4, from X. H. Bishop (Griswold collection), Daveuport, Iowa, a lot of leaves of different kinds of oak. badly infested with larva of the above insect. On some of the large leaves the entire upper surface was undermined. The same in- sect is also very common on all kinds of oak on the Agricultural grounds at Wash- ington, D. C. The moths commenced to issue July 12 to July IS. and at the same time quite a number of four different species of parasites issued. | Unpublished notes.) The moth has white front wings, with three broad irregular bronze bauds across each one. each band being bordered with black on its inuer side. The hind wings «ry. The wings expand .2S inch. (Comstock.) 219. LithocoUeti8 tubifertlhi Clemens. The mine of this insect is represented at A in Fig. 62, which has been identified by Mr. W. Beutenmuller, who thinks that the other mine (at C) is the work of a Nepticula. INSECTS INJURING OAK-LEAVES. 201 J A B. If M>. / c Fig. 62.— A, mine of Lithocolletis tubiferella.—BTidgh&m, del. 260. Fitch's oak-leaf miner. Lithocolletis fitchella Clemens. Order Lepidoptera ; family Tixeidje. This species forms a tent-like mine on the under surface of the leaves of different species of oaks. It is a minute, nearly cylindrical, white larva. The mine is visible on both sides of the leaf, while that of L. hamadryadella is to be seen only on the upper side. The insect hybernates in the pupa state within the leaves, so that the same general remedy of gathering and burning the leaves will apply to this as to the preceding leaf-miner. (Comstock.) This is a very common species on all kinds of oak at Washington, 202 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. I). C. Specimens were also received from Miss M. Murtfeldt, Kirk- wood. Mo. (Riley's unpublished notes.) ntffl has pale reddish saffron fore wings, with a alight brassy hue. Along the front t I arc live silvery- white OOfltsJ streaks: on the inner margin are two conspicuous silvery ilorsal streaks, while the hind wings are grayish fuscous. (Com- ^toik."! 281, Ypsolophus quercipomonella Chambers. The following account of this Tineid has been furnished us by Pro- fessor Kiley : At Glenwood, Mo., folding up the leaves of the black oak in little tubes. June 2, 1808, one changed to chrysalis. The chrysalis is formed within the leaf, the cater- pillar first lining it with a little white silk. The first moth issued June 15, and others up to the 22nd. Zeller says it is the same as a variable, often lighter brown spotted species, which he has often received from Ohio. (Unpublished notes.) Larva. — Length, .00 inch. A striped white and black worm with a red-brown head and cervical shield. Considering the ground color as white, there is a black dorsal line somewhat restricted at the joints, and on each side of the dorsum another somewhat wavy line, separated from a lateral broader one only by a fine white line. Outer edge along stigmata white, and all underneath it black glaucus. Piliferous spots above quite large and black with a white aunulation, two of them situated in a black wavy line and one on lateral black line just above stigmata. Stigmata small, with a smaller piliferous spot just below it, and others on venter. Segment 1 dark below cervical shield. Segment 2 darker than the others, with a white anterior edge. Last two segments almost entirely black above, being sharply separated from anus and anal prolegs, which are of a very light yellow. Feet black. Abdominal prolegs same as venter. Single white bristle from each spot. (Riley.) Pupa. — The chrysalis averages .38 inch in length, with the abdomen comparatively narrow and small compared with the width of the anterior half, the extremity taper- ing to a single point ; of the normal color, but characterized especially by having about six pairs of little elevations on the dorsum, immediately behind the thorax, and three others each side of them along the upper edge of wing-sheaths. It is quite active, and whirls its body around at a great rate when disturbed. (Unpublished notes.) 232. The oak sack-bearer. a * b Coleophora, species not determined. Order Lepidoptera; family Tixeid.e. We have found this interesting sack bearer on oak leaves at Providence, R. I., June 16. It ap- parently belongs to the genus Coleophora, which inhabits tubular cases, either straight or more or less coiled at the end, which the caterpillar fig. w.-coieophora, or oak drags about with it, suddenly withdrawing in sack-bearer, natural size: it when fijsrUrbed. The little circular masses on i . The following notice of this bug is eopied from Professor Riley's notes : Jane 26, L876, found in Ofallon Park, on 1 1 1 «- under side of leaves of white oak, the eggs, newly hatched larva-, and other- in various development, as well as a few mature insects. Eggs laid in patohes, but n<»t sloes together, being net ularly : they are pointed at both ends and attached by oue end, and are of a dull black color. (See also Liutner, 4th Rep. p. 108, Figs. 42, 43.) 291. The oak-leaf phylloxera. Phylloxera rileyi Lichtenstein. This insect forms a yellow circular spot on the under side of the leaf, but showing plainly above, of the white and post oak ; the species is of small size and unusually slender, and with long tubercles in the pupa. A full account has been published by Riley iu Seventh Mo. Kept., pp. 118-121. 292. Lachnus qaercicolens Ashmead. This plant louse was found by Ashmead early in February in Florida, feeding on the under surface of the leaves of the live oak (Quercus virens) ; winged specimens, however, were not taken until April Wingless female. — Length, .05 inch, ovate; reddish, becoming brown with age. Vertex of head brown; beak reaching to the middle coxre, reddish at the base, yel- lowish in the middle and brown at tip ; antenme 7-jointed, reaching to the honey tubes, whitish, basal joint reddish; joints annulated at tip with black; apical joint short, black; honey tubes almost obsolete, as wide as long, whitish; style hardly visible, whitish, pubescent, legs pubescent, posterior pair dark brown or black, mid- dle and anterior pair reddish-yellow, feet infuscated. Winged individual. — Length, .05 inch. Same as apterous female, excepting that the abdomeu is lighter in color ; the middle femora and coxa? dark brown, and wings hyaline, with the stigma and veins green. (Ashmead, Can. Ent, XIII, 155.) 293. Phylla})his niger Ashmead. This in some respects auomalous Aphis was detected feeding on a tender shoot of the willow oak (Quercus phellos, variety laurifoliee). No winged specimens were found. The broad head, slightly pubescent abdomen, and other characters exclude it from the genus Lachnus. Wingless female. — Length .05 inch, ovate and of a shining black color; head broad, nearly as loug as wide, slightly arcuate in front aud with two longitudinal depres- sions on the vertex;: beak long, reaching beyond hind coxa?, black at base, but be- coming reddish towards tip and slightly pubescent, antenna? 7-joiuted, situated very widely apart and not on tubercles, brownish in color, with the terminal joint very minute ; metathorax a broad, smooth, shiuiug, convex plate; abdomeu wider than long, and sides flattened to honey tubes, slightly pubescent : honey tubes black, almost obsolete, as wide as long; style not visible, anus pubescent; legs dark brown, ap- proaching black, pubescent, posterior pair long. (Ashmead.) PLANT-LICE OF THE OAK. 209 294. Drepanosiphum f quercifolU (Walsh). Larva. — Pale greenish. Incisures of the antennae dusky. Upper surface of the body, except the scutel, dusky ; houey tubes long, robust, dusky at tip ; legs long, with the terminal three-fourths of the femora, the extreme tips of the tibiae, and the tarsi obfuscated. Imago — Blackish ; prothorax and anterior part of the thorax sometimes varied with greenish ; scutellnm pale greenish ; houey tubes two-thirds as long as the femora. Legs very long ; basal half of femora pale greenish. Wings hyaline ; veius brown; third discoidal vein hyaline at its origin ; stigma and subcostal veins pale yellowish brown ; extreme tip of the front wings slightly fumose ; length of the wings scarcely .2 inch. "The anten lae attain the extreme tips of the wings when the wings are ex- panded, and the stigma is four times as long as wide and very acute at each end. On oak leaves." (Thomas.) Although it is impossible to state positively from this description the genus to which this species belongs, yet I think it is almost certain that it should be placed in the genus to which I have assigned it. It is certainly not an Aphis, in the restricted sense, and the plant it infests would indicate that it is not a Siphonophora. (Thomas, Third Keport.) 293. Myzocallis bella (Walsh). "Aphis bella.— Oak leaves? Bright yellow, eyes black; antennae with the tips of joints 3 to 6 black. Prothorax as long as the head, with a lateral black vitta ; thorax with a black vitta extending from its anterior angle to the base of the front wing. Honey tubes scarcely as long as the tarsi, generally immaculate, sometimes tinged with fuscous. Legs long, black except the base of the femora and the coxae. Wings hyaline ; front wings with the entire costa as well as its nervures black to the tip of the stigmas, whence there extends a marginal dusky vitta, as wide as the costa at base and middle but tapering at tip, nearly as far as the middle branch of the third discoidal vein ; this vitta covers the entire length of the fourth or stigmatal vein, which terminates half way between the tip of the stigma and the apex of the wing, is slightly and gradually curved, and incloses a marginal cell not wider thau the costa; hind wings with a costal dusky vitta extending to the tip of the wing, the subcostal vein sometimes black ; remaining veins of both wings slender and pale dusky, narrowly bordered with subhyaline where they traverse the terminal dusky vitta of the front wing. Length to tip of wings .15 inch. "The antennae attain the middle of the stigma when the wings are expanded, and the stigma is rather more than three times as long as wide, not very acute at each end." (Walsh.) " The 22d of May, 1878, I discovered, at Carbondale, Ills., on the leaves of the burr oak (Quercus macrocarpa), plant lice, which I am inclined to believe belong to the species just described. In order that the reader may be in possession of all the facts concerning the species, I add here a description of these specimens : " Winged individuals (the only kind seen). — Rather slender, of medium size; the body and all the parts except the wings a pretty creamy yellow color ; the wings thin but clouded with fuscous, which is very distinct in the living insect, while the wings stand erect above the abdomen ; these fuscous or cloudy spots appear to fall chiefly into two irregular oblique bands, one rather in advance of, and the other behind the stigma, but when a single wing is examined this arrangement will scarcely be observed. Costal and subcostal veins of the front wings close together, and parallel throughout ; second discoidal vein decidedly sinuate and much nearer to the third 5 ENT 14 210 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. than to the first : third obsolete at the immediate base, curving somewhat strongly outward as it approaches the origin of the drat fork; second fork rather nearer to the apt\ of the wing than to the third vein, but difference slight; fourth vein very sharply curved throughout, so that its middle portion approaches much nearer the ftnt fork than its ends. Antenna- longer than the body, slender: third joint longest ; fourth a little shorter than the third; fifth a little shorter than the fourth; sixth about half the length of the fifth or less; seventh, in the only complete antenna* obtained, about as long as the fifth. " Ou most of the specimens I was unable to observe aiiy honey-tubes ; but in one specimen found on the same leaves, and which appears to belong to this species, these were apparent but very short, their length scarcely exceeding their diameter. This specimen was of the same delicate yellowish color, but the wings were perfectly pellucid. It is impossible to decide in reference to the honey-tubes from the mounted specimens, which are imperfect. On one of these specimens I found a species of mite fastened to the metathorax or base of the abdomen, so us not to interfere with the flight of the Aphis. It is probably a species of Trombidium, but as it is evidently in its larval state it is difficult to assign it to its proper position. It is probably the young of Dr. Packard's T. bulbipes, but it differs from that species in not having the tarsi enlarged. It also has the tarsi furnished with two strongly curved claws. It is possible that this is Dr. Fitch's Lachnus quercifolicc, but it is impossible to identify the two from bis very brief description. It approaches very nearly to Aphis quercus Kalt., which Koch has placed in CaUipterus, and I would have identified it with that species but for the clouded wings. It will fall in Myzocallis as I have given the characters of that genus, and is probably a variety of the species under which I place it." (Thomas.) 296. CaUipterus discolor Monell. Prof. Riley found, November 12, 1884, at Washington, D. C, on the lower side of leaves of Q.prinus, numerous specimens of the apterous oviparous females, larva1, and the winged males of the above species. The male is of a more or less dark rose color, though the fourth, fifth and last abdominal segmeuts are yellowish, with a roseate tinge at sides. Head black. Ocelli clear, colorless. Eyes red. Antennal joints 3 and 4 whitish with blackish tips, the others black. Thorax black. There are two roseate stripes on prothorax and the sides of the mesothorax at insertion of the wings are dusky. There are two dorsal rows of black spots on the abdomen, of which the pair in front of the nectaries is con- fluent. A row of large, black, roundish, lateral spots and some smaller ones of differ- ent sizes between these and the dorsal rows. There is also a narrow, transverse baud on the eighth segment. Nectaries short, black. Claspers blackish. Legs colorless, the tarsi pale dusky. Sternum black. Ou the venter are some large, transverse, and some smaller black spots. (Unpublished notes.) 'JD7. CaUipterus puuetatus Monell. Professor Riley found, May 19, 1S83, at Washington, D. C, numerous specimens on the lower side of leaves of Q. prinus of an Aphid which PLANT-LICE OF THE OAK. 211 agrees with the above species. There were many winged specimens which already had deposited numbers of larvae. (Unpublished notes.) 298. Callipterus quercifolii Thomas. Winged specimen. — Antennae Dearly as long as the body, seven jointed; first joint quite large and very prominent, nearly twice the length and twice the diameter of the second joint, which is rather small, and of the usual suborbicular form ; the third joint longest, but it exceeds the fourth very little, fifth very little shorter than the fourth ; sixth not more than one-third the length of the fifth ; seventh a little shorter than the sixth. The wings as usual ; third discoidal vein of the front pair twice- forked ; the hind pair with two discoidal or branch veins ; all the veins and branches are bordered with dark brown, giving them the appearance, when seen through a pocket magni- fier, of broad black veins ; the bordering does not expand at the tops of the veins, but retains its uniform width throughout. Stigma opaque, brown, with a posterior bordering of brown, fusiform in shape^being very acutely pointed at the apex, with no internal angle at the point where the fourth vein arises. Costal vein very distinct, and rather prominent, it and the subcostal vein are remarkably parallel, the distance apart scarcely varying in the smallest degree from the base to the stigma. Distance between the insertion of the first and second, and second and third veins about equal; the second fork about equally distant from the apex and first fork. Fourth vein nearly straight at its base, curving regularly but not sharply towards its apex, runs very nearly with the first fork of the third vein. The front of the mesothorax distinctly broader than the prothorax, the offset form- ing a distinct shoulder, the abdomen terminating suddenly and bluntly ; no tail ap- parent. Honey-tubes very short and thick, slightly enlarged at the base, the length greater than but not twice the diameter. When seen through a pocket lens, these (alcoholic) specimens appear dark brown ; the antennae annulated alternately with dark brown, or fuscous and white; the legs brownish or dusky with the base of the femora and tips of the tibiae pale ; the wings transparent with the broad dark brown or fuscous veins previously described. The body dark brown except the tip of the abdomen, which is pale and shows traces of transverse dark bands. (Thomas.) Wingless specimen. — Somewhat regularly ovate, but subtruncate at the posterior extremity, or, at least, rounded very suddenly and bluntly to the tip. Antennas not quite as long as the body, showing the light and dark annulatious very distinctly. Eyes of this as well as the winged specimens reddish-brown. The ground color of thevbody of the alcoholic specimens is a pale, dirty yellow, but the dorsal surface is chiefly occupied by broad transverse brown or fuscous bands which extend to the somewhat broad, depressed portion of the lateral margins; there is one band on each segment; a pale line runs along the middle of the back from the head to the tail. Legs as in the winged specimens. Scattered over the body are stiff, spine like black hairs; it is also more or less covered with small tubercles. Honey-tubes as in the winged specimens — pale yellow. Length of winged specimen to the tip of the abdomen (which is somewhat shrunken), .06 inch; to the tip of the wings, .15 inch. Professor Bundy, of Sauk City, Wis., from whom the specimens were received, makes the following statement in reference to them: Abdomen of the female light green below ; black above, with four greenish spots; honey-tubes and tip of the abdomen white ; head aud thorax black, shining-above. Eyes black: antennae light, banded with black ; wings with widened veins and tinged with purple (reflection). On red oak (Quercus rubra) leaves in June, Sauk City, Wis. On both sides of the leaves, along the veins. Leaves becoming viscid from their secretions. 212 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. This is evidently distinct from the CaUipterus querent of Kaltenbach, which is of a pale ocher color throughout and nearly smooth, and has the veins of the wings unmargined. It approaches somewhat closely to C. juglandii Fisch., which is found on walnut. In that species the markings of the abdomen are almost exacth as in this, but the abdomen is much more drawn out and tapering; it is more than probable, how- ever, that the shrinkage caused by the alcohol has caused this to pre- sent the blunt appearance. (Thomas.) 299. The "oak blight," or wooly Arms or the oak. Schhoneura querei Fitch. This species is found in the northern part of Illinois upon oak limbs. Fitch says it is very similar to another species found on the bass wood. The winged individuals are hlack throughout, slightly dusted over with an ash- gray powder. The tore wings are clear and transparent ; the stigma is dusky, the rib-veins black, and the third discoidal vein with the basal portion abortive nearly or quite to the fork. The length to the tip of the wings is (0.1G) a little over one-eighth of an inch. (Thomas.) 300. CaUipterus (?) quercicola Thomas. Winged form.— Antenna? about half as long as the body; not mounted on frontal tubercles; remote at base: third, fourth, and fifth joints equal in length; transition from the sixth to the seventh joint exceedingly gradual; seventh joint about half as long as the preceding. Rostrum short, not reaching the second coxa? : apical join t very acute. Nectaries reduced to mere openings. Style none. Wings with the veins bor- dered with brown. Stigma rather short, and blunt at apex, the cubital vein arisiug from its base. Stigmatal vein not so much curved as usual in this genus: not hyaline : distance between the base of the cubitus and that of the stigmatal vein equa' to the distance between the furcals, and less than the distance between the base of the cubitus and that of the second discoidal. Second discoidal not sinuous. Body rather elongate. Length, 1.77mm; to tip of wings, 2.79mm. It is with considerable doubt that I place this species in the genus CaUipterus. It is very probable that it should be placed under Asiph um : but the only description of this genus which has been published is that given by Koch, and, like the other generic descriptions which were made from memory, after the loss of his eye-sight, is somewhat unsat- isfactory. The following is a translation of the salient points in his description : A8iphum Koch. — Beak short. Antenua^ rather short: the tlird, fourth, and fifth joints subequal ; the apical joint very small, scarcely perceptible. Of this interesting species I have only seen two winged specimens, mounted on a slide, which were communicated by a correspondent with the information that they occurred at St. Louis, on oak. (Thomas.) 301. Chaitophorus quereicola Thomas. Apterous individuals. — Dorsum greenish, with four rows of short tubercles, all of which, except a few in the side rows, are black: their apical circumference with from three to five bristles: the two middle rows of tubercles stop at the head, THE OAK GALL-MITE. 213 but the two lateral rows are continued by smaller tubercles until near tbe base of the labruni. Rostrum reaching the second coxae. Nectaries yellow, about as long as the tarsi, slightly enlarged at base, the mouth conspicuously flaring. Style not perceptible. Winged individuals. — Antennae very slightly pilose ; fourth joint subequal to the fifth and two-thirds as long as the third joint ; sixth about half as long as the pre- ceding, and very little longer than the seventh wings, with the stigma and veins much as in Ch. populicola, the veins lying in narrow dusky bands. Length of apter- ous individuals 1.52-2.02 mm. ; length of wing 2.54 mm. On the under side of the leaf near the midrib. Quercus prinus May to June, Peoria, 111. Of this interesting species I have seen a number of apterous indi- viduals, but only a single winged specimen, which was mounted on a slide, kindly communicated by Miss E. A. Smith, of Peoria, 111. The dorsum of the winged individual is probably not tubercular, but this cau not be decided with certainty on account of the manner in which the specimen is mounted. Though the antennae of this species are not sufficiently pilose to jus- tify its being placed in Chaitopliorus, its general appearance seems to point to this as its rightful position. (Thomas). 302. Chaitophorus spinosus Oestlund. Mr. Oestlund has found this aphid on the under side of the leaves of the oak, confining itself to the higher parts of the tree. Wingless oviparous female. — Head subquadrate in outline, straight in front, pale red or orange colored, with blackish spines in front and above like those on the abdo- men. Antennae very remote at base, about one half the length of the body ; joints 1 and 2 as usual, 3 longest, 4 a little shorter, 5 a little shorter than 4, 6 hardly one- half of 5, 7 not longer than 6 or shorter, basal joints pale, apical black, with long white hairs as usual in this genus. Eyes large and round, with a distinct tubercle ; the facets are reddish-brown, the space between them whitish, giving the eye the appearance of a ripe raspberry just picked with the bloom still on ; no ocelli in this form. Beak not more than reaching second coxae, stout and hairy, pale except at tip ; second joint widest. Abdomen widest in the middle, tapering into a very long ovi_ positor behind, strongly convex above. Color pale yellow ; last segments sometimes reddish as the head ; above with grass-green markings, generally in the shape of a ring, leaving a large irregular white-like patch in the middle of the same color as theabdomen. Honey-tubes short and thick. Style short and thick. Length2 to 3mn\ (Oestlund's Synopsis of the Aphididae of Minnesota). 303. Burr-oak gall mite. Phytoptus querci Garman. Class Arachnida ; order Acarina. Produces galls on the leaves of the burr-oak, Quercus macrocarpa Michx. The mite is long and slender, and in a specimen seen among washings from a ceci- dium, there appeared to be an abrupt descent in the outline of the back from the abdomen to the cephalothorax. Length .005 inch. 214 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. The gall is large, greenish-yrllow. entirely open In-low and slightly convex above. The hollow is densely tilled with brown pubescence. The form is variable but the out- line usually regular. The surface is smooth, or slightly roughened by the reinlete. Some of these galls grow downward instead of upward and form brown velvety buttons on the under side of the leaves. specimens measured were from .1 inch to .4 inch in diameter. Thirty galls have been counted on one leaf. This is a common gall in northern Illinois and Indiana, and has been found occasionally in central part of Illinois. ^H. Garman in Forbes 1st Sep. Ius. Illinois.) The following uotes have been supplied by Professor Riley: Found August 9, 1878, on the upper side of the leaves of chestnut oak large irregu- lar swellings which on the under side are entirely open and closely covered with fine brownish hairs. Upon examination quite a number of white mites were observed actively running about in these hairy depressions. Some oak leaves were received from H. G. Hubbard. Crescent City, Fla., upon which were the blister like gall of some mite. Some of these galls are round, while others are irregularly oval, swelling on upper side of leaf — deeply depressed or con- cave beneath the concavity filled with long pink-colored hairs. (Unpublished notes.) 304. Thk post oak locust. Dendroteitix quercus. Riley MS. The following account of this locust is taken bodily from Lawrence Bruner's report on locusts in Texas during the spring of 1886, Bull, ^o. 13, Div. of Entomology, Dept. of Agr., 1887, p. 17-19: In addition to the several species of locust that have been mentioned in the pre- ceding pages, last summer for the first time another species of locust was noticed in vast numbers among the post-oak timber lying between the towns of Washington and Brenham, in Washington County. These were so numerous in one locality that they completely defoliated the trees of the forest, even to the very topmost twigs. The region occupied by this insect, although not over a mile and a half in width by 7 or 8 miles in length, is sufficiently large for the propagation of swarms capable of devas- tating a much larger area during the present spring and summer, and by auother year to spread over several of the adjoining counties. Although there is at present no apparent injury to the trees thus defoliated last year, and now in progress again this year, there can be no question as to the final result if these attacks are continued for several years longer. The trees will event- ually die. While up to the present time this locust has shown a decided arboreal habit, it may, and undoubtedly will be, obliged to seek food in the adjoining fields when compelled to do so through lack of its present diet, which is rapidly disappear- ing before the hungry myriads of young locusts. Notwithstanding the great numbers of the foregoing described species which together have combined in injuring the cottou and corn crops throughout thifl and adjoining counties, it is my opinion that the present species is more to be feared in the future than they, on account of its arboreal nature aud the difficulty of getting at it in order to destroy it. To kill these locusts either while feeding among the foliage or " roosting'" upon the topmost boughs of the tall trees would be next to impossible. Ou the other hand, the other species are easily to be gottou at and destroyed, as just shown. The habits of this locust, as nearly as I was able to learn through inquiry from others, and by personal observation, are briedy as follows: The egg-pods are deposited in the ground about the bases of trees or indifferently scattered about the surface among the decaying leaves, etc.. like those of all other ACORN-BORERS. 215 gronnd-laying species. The young commence hatching about the middle of March, and continue to appear until into April. After molting the first time and becoming a little hardened they immediately climb up the trunks of the trees and bushes of all kinds and commence feeding upon the new and tender foliage. They molt at least five or six times, if we may take the variation in size and difference in the develop- ment of the rudiments of wings as a criterion. The imago or mature stage is reached by the last of May or during the first part of June. The species is very active and shy in all its stages of growth after leaving the egg. The larva and pupa run up the trunks and along the limbs of trees with considerable speed, and in this respect differ considerably from all other species of locusts with which lam acquainted. I am informed that the mature insects are also equally wild and fly like birds. They feed both by day and night ; and I am told by those who have passed through the woods after night when all else was quiet, that the noise produced by the grinding of their jaws was not unlike the greedy feeding of swine. Aside from its arboreal nature there is but a single instance mentioned of its prefer- ence for growing crops. This was a small field of either cotton or corn, or perhaps both. If the nature of the crop was told me at the time I have forgotten. At any rate the crop of one or the othei of these two staples grew in a small clearing in the very midst of the most thickly visited area. The mature insects alone were the offenders in this instance. During the day-time they would leave the trees in swarms and alight upon the growing crop and feed until evening, when they would return to the trees. If during the day they were disturbed, they immediately took wing and left for the tops of the surrounding trees, to return shortly afterwards. The exact classification of this locust has not yet been fully ascertained, since no mature specimens were to be obtained, or, to my knowledge, are contained in any of our American collections. The larvae and pupae collected, however, would indicate a relationship to both the genera Melanoplus and Acridium. It appears to be congeneric with an undescribed short- winged form, thus far only taken in Missouri, which lives among and feeds upon the oaks only of that region. The present species is also evidently undescribed, unless the mature insect should differ widely from the prepar- atory stages herewith presented. It is popularly known in that region as the " Red- legged hopper" of the post oaks. The larvae and pupae are of rather bright color, giving them a gaudy appearance. The ground color of the body is dark wood brown deepening into black along the sides of the pronotum and the apex of the posterior femora. The head for the most part is of a bright lemon yellow, while the pronotum is of the same, varied by streaks and blotches of the brown. The antennae and posterior femora are red internally, •dimly banded with yellow and brown on the external face, through which the red color of the inner side can be plainly seen. The feet and tarsi are also dark. The pupae average almost an inch in length and are rather robust in form, with short* broad heads and powerful jaws. INJURING THE SEED (ACORNS). 305. The acorn worm. Balaninus rectus Say. Order Coleoptera; family Curculionid.e. The grub is like the chestnut borer, boring into the acorns and trans- forming into a similar beetle, which is " easily distinguished fro'm B. nasicus by the finer, more rectilinear rostrum, and it always differs from B. nasicus in having no bands or vitta; the elytra being uniformly 216 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. spotted, as in tparsu* Schoen. This is the species I breed from acorns, and I believe it also infests hazel nuts." (Itiley.) Mr. F. Blanchard states that Dr. G. M. Le- vette has bred this weevil from acorns gathered in Bummer, and brought from Arizona. (Bull. Brooklyn Ent. Boo., vii, 107.) I;<( tic— First joint of antenna longer than second; metasternnm of male with a small, rounded, condensed patch of yellow scales each side of the median line. Femoral tooth small, the enteringangle rounded. 906. Halaninus nasicus Sav. Fu;. 69.— Acorn weevil. Balani n«* rectus. — After liiley. Professor Riley received from H. K. Morri- son, Fort Grant, Ariz., July 26, 1882, a lot of acorns of Q. grisea infested by larva? of the above insect, each contain- ing apparently only one larva. The larva? left the acorns as soon as re- ceived and entered the ground. They are yellow, head reddish brown, mandibles dark brown. The beetles issued from April 28 to May 21, 1883. (Unpublished notes.) 307. The acokx moth. Holcocera glandultUa Riley. Order Lepidopteka ; family Tineid^e. The larva occupies the deserted holes of the acorn weevil. The imago is a narrow-winged moth which drops an egg in the hole, from which hatches a slender grayish white or yellowish worm with 16 legs and blue-black dorsal marks, with a light brown conical shield and dusky anal plate. Moth.— With silvery-gray fore wiugs, marked with dull reddish ; two distinct dark discal spots ; a pale transverse stripe across the hasal third of wing, slightly hent inwards at the middle; this stripe is well relieved behind by a dark shade, which Fig. 70. — Acorn m >th (f.); o, b, acorns containing the worm ; c. front end of the worm ; d and e, side and top view of a segment. — After Riley. generally extends from the bend to the costa above the discal spots, forming a more K distinct triangular shade in the anterior middle portion of the wing. Hind wings brownish gray. Expanse of wings, 0.50-0.80 inch. (Riley.) LEPIDOPTERA OCCURRING ON THE OAK. 217 The following species of insects either habitually or occasionally oc- cur on the oak. LEPIDOPIERA. Papilionidce. 308. Basilarchia astyanax (FabrJ. 309. Basilarchia arehippus (Cramer). 310. Papilio turnus Linn. Larva found on the oak in Maine, August 18. See, also, Scudder, Can. Ent., i, 74. 311. Papilio glaucus Linn. (Scudder). 312. Thecla calanus (Hlibner). See hickory insects. 313. Thecla liparops. (Scudder). 314. Thecla strigosa Harris. (Coquillet in litt.), (Scudder). 315. Thanaos brizo Boisd. and Lee. Sphingidce. 316. Smerinthus exececatus (Abb. and Sm.). Feeds on the oak (Riley's unpublished notes). See elm and willow insects. 317. Daremma undulosa Walker. Occasionally feeds on the white and red oak (Holland, Can. Ent., xviii, 102). Sesiidce. 318. Sesia querci (H. Edwards). From galls of live oak, Arizona (H. Edwards, Papilio, ii, 98). 319. Sesia hospes Walsh. Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., vi, 186S, 270. Red by Walsh from a rough, black, woody polythalamous twig-gall oc- curring sparingly on black and red oaks. Hepialidw. 320. Hepialus argenteomaculatus Harris (Smith, Can. Ent. xx, 12, 233). Bombycidm. 321. Callimorpha clymene Esper. (Riley, 3d Rt. Ins. Mo., 134. " Larva found full grown on oak, though whether it fed on oak I did not ascertain"). 322. Spilosoma virginica (Fabr.), (Riley's notes). See butternut insects. 323. Hyphantria textor Harris. Abundant on the red oak. See elm insects. 324. Ralesidota tessellaris (Hiibner.) (Riley's notes.) 325. Halesidota caryw Harris. (Beutenmiiller, Ent. Amer., vi, 16, 1890.) 326. Orgyia leucostigma. On oak runners and other oaks (Abbot and Smith). 327. Orgyia inomata Beutenmiiller. See cypress insects. 328. Lithacodia fasciola (Clem.). Found on the oak by Mr. Elliott. See maple insects. 329. Thyridopteryx ephemerwformis (Haworth). On oaks, willows, etc., Florida (Ashmead, Can. Ent., xviii, 97). See cedar insects. 218 111 HI REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. 330. Datana angusii Ot. and R. Occasionally feeds on the oak (Elliott). Bee hickory insects. 331. Datana ministra (Drury). Feeds on the oak (Riley, notes; also, liciitenniiiller, Can. Ent., xx, 17). See hickory insects. 332. Schizura unicornis (Abbot and Smith), (Riley). See elm insects. 333. (Edematia conrinna (Abbot and Smith), (Riley). See hickory in- sects. 334. Hcterocampa (Cecrita) guttiritta Walk. On white oak, Providence, October 9. (Plate vi, tig. 1, la, lb.) 335. Platjfsamia oeoropia (Linn.). Fwds on the white oak (W.Brodie). See maple insects. 336. Fades imperial is Dubuer. Feeds on white, red, scarlet, burr, and pin oak (Beutenmuller). See pine insects. 337. Hyperchiria io (Fabr.). (L. W. Goodell, Can. Ent. ix, 180.) Noctuidce. 338. Apatela americana Harris (Coquillett, Papilio, i, 6). See maple in- sects. Also, Thaxter, Papilio, iii, 17. 339. Apatela luteicoma (Thaxter, Papilio, iii, 16). 340. Apatela hamamelis (Thaxter, Papilio, iii, 17; nodescr.). 341. Apatela lobelia: Gnen. (Coquillett, in letter.) 342. Scolecocampa liburna Geyer. (Coquillett, in letter.) 343. Catocala grynea Cramer. (Coquillett, in letter.) 344. Ingura sp. indet. Most nearly resembling I. delineata (Riley in letter). Found in April on the live oak at St. Augustine, Fla. Pyralida\ 345. Zanclognatha minivalis Grt. Found July 23, 1882, in Virginia, several larvae of a noctuid feeding on dead leaves of oak and maple. They commenced changing to pupae July 26, and the moths issued from August 4-16, 1882. (Riley's unpublished notes.) 346. Palthis asopialis Guen. Found in Virginia, July 23, 1882, three larvae of this Deltoid, feeding on dead leaves of oak. One larva spun up July 26 and the moth issued August 7, 1882. (Riley's unpublished notes.) 347. Dakruma })allida Comstock. 348. Homoptera lunata (Drury). (Lintner, Rep. iv, 58.) Phahvnid(v. 349. Hibemia tiliaria Harris. (Coquillett in letter.) Tortricida\ 350. Tortrix rosaceana Harr. Feeds on the leaves of apple, pear, and oak ; also on black locust. (Riley's unpublished notes.) 351. Caccecia grisea (Robinson). White oak (Miss Murtfeldt). LEAF-MINERS OF THE OAK. 219 352. Pandemis limitata (Rob.). Oak, sassafras (Miss Murtfeldt). 353. Tortrix albicomana (Clein.). Oak (Miss Murtfeldt). 354. Eccopsis inornatana (Clem.). Leaves of white oak (Fernald). 355. Lophoderus mariana (Fern.). Oak ! (Fernald). 356. Tmetocera ocellana (Scniff.). Laurel oak (Miss Murtfeldt). 357. Melliopus latiferreana (Walsingham). Bred from acorns; either a genuine acorn-borer or inquilinous. (Riley, Trans. St. Louis Acad, iv, 322.) Tineidce. 358. Psilocorsis quercicella Clemen's Tineidae. Binds together the leaves. 359. Blastobasis coccivorella Chambers. 360. Lithocolletis cratcegella. Oak -leaf roller ; issued in April. (Riley's note-book vii, 358.) The following species are said by Clemens and by Chambers to live on the leaves of various species of oak. Leaf-miners of the upper surface. 361. Lithocolletis cincinnatiella Chamb. Yellowish blotch mine. 362. Lithocolletis tubiferella Clem. ) Mines so as to form somewhat like 363. Lithocolletis bifdsciella Chamb. J the track made by a drop of water. 364. Lithocolletis bicolorella Chamb. Yellowish blotch mine like that of L. ulmella in elm. 365. Lithocolletis unifasciella Chamb. ) * ? « ,, *., / „ oon 7- -.7 77 j.- 7 .1 77 ™ i f mines, smaller than that of 366. Lithocolletis bethuneella Chamb. > . . . „ , ,, oar? T-J.I. 77 4.- i 77 ™. r. v cincinnatiella. and usually 367. Lithocolletis castaneceella Chamb- > , , . \ ' J in red or black oaks. 368. Tischeria zelleriella Clem. 369. Tischeria pruinoseella Chamb. 370. Tischeria castanewella Chamb. 371. Tischeria badiiella Chamb. Bred from the oak. (Riley's unpub- lished notes.) 372. Tischeria qaercivorella Chamb. 373. Tischeria quercitella Clem. 374. Tischeria citrinipennella Clem. 375. Tischeria complanoides Frey & Boll. (Doubtful species.) 376. Tischeria concolor Zeller. (Food plant uucertain.) 377. Tischeria tinctoriella Chamb. 378. Nepticula platea Clem. ) Imago unknown. Larvae of both in 379. Nepticula anguinella. y crooked, linear mines. 380. Nepticula quercipulchella Chamb. \ 381. Nepticula quercicastanella Chamb. > Larvae in crooked, linear mines. 382. Nepticula saginella Clem. ) 383. Coriscium sp. Imago unknowu. 220 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. 384. Ooleophora querciella Clem. Imago unknown. Larva lives in a case, which it attaches to the leaves. 385. Ooleophora diecoetriata Walsingham, California. 38G. Catastega timidella Clem. Imago unknown. 387. Gelechia rubensella Chambers. Feeds externally on the leaves. ^Chambers in letter.) Leaf-miners of the under surface. 388. Lithocolletis quercitorum Frey & Boll. ] 389. Lithocolletis fitchella Clem. 390. Lithocolletis basistrigella Clem. 391. Lithocolletis ariferella Clem. 392. Lithocolletis quercipulchella Chamb. 393. Lithocolletis quercialbella Chamb. Tentiform mines. 394. Lithocolletis fuscocostella Chamb. 395. Lithocolletis albanotella Chamb. 390. Lithocolletis obstrictella Clem. 397. Lithocolletis hageni Frey & Boll. 398. Lithocolletis argentifimbriella Clem. 3 399. Lithocolletis intermedia Frey & Boll. Doubtful species. 400. Lithocolletis mirifica Frey & Boll. Doubtful species. 401. Ornix quercifoUella Chamb. Under edge of leaf turned down. 402. Coriscium albanotella Chamb. Large tentiform mine. The following species either roll, fold, or sew the leaves together : 403. Ypsolophus querciella Chamb. 404. Gelechia querciella Chamb. 405. Gelechia quercinigrceella Chamb. 406. Gelechia quercivorella ^hamb. 407. Gelechia quercifoUella Chamb. 408. Cryptolechia quercicella Clem. 409. Machimia tentoriferella Clem. Larva in a web. The following species feed in galls : 410. Gelechia gaUwgenitella Clem. 411. Ypsolophus quercipomonella Chamb. 412. Hamadryas bassettella Clem. COLEOPTERA. V 413. Artipus floridanus Horn. Found commonly at Haulover Canal, Florida, feeding on leaves of oak and juniper. (Schwarz, Proc. Eut, Soc, Wash., i, 169.) 414. Balaninus quercus Horu. For an account, by J. Hamilton, of the habits, with description of the species, see Canadian Entomolo- gist, Jan., 1890, 1-8. 415. Balaninus nasicus Say. (Ibid.) 416. Balaninus uniformis Lee. (Ibid.) BEETLES FEEDING ON THE OAK. 221 417. Hypothenemus dissimilis Zimm. Boring, with the succeeding spe- cies, which may be the other sex, in oak twigs. (J. B. Smith, Ent., Ainer., March, 1890, 54.) 418. Hypothenemus erectus Lee. 419. Dicerca asperata Lap. and Gory. (Chittenden, Ent. Amer., v, 218.) 420. Prionus \1) sp. Received January 20, 1881, from H. H. Rusby, a coleopterous larva found boring in a stick of oak at Silver City, N. Mex. The larva is evidently that of a species of Prionus. (Riley's unpublished notes.) 421. Prionus californicus (?). Received January 14, 1881, from Mrs. A- E. Bush, San Jose, Cal., the larva of some Longicorn found in " white oak," which in all probability is that of the above in- sect. Two others were received from the same person and locality in April. Not bred. (Riley's unpublished notes.) 422. Pityophthorus minutissimus Zimm. February 7, 1882. This insect was found at this date in large numbers, both in the imago and larva state, under the bark of a dry piece of oak wood. Their mines, as a rule, run parallel with the wood ; rarely transversely. (Riley's unpublished notes.) 423. Lachnostema quercina Knoch. Beetle devours the leaves of vari- ous trees at night. This beetle entirely denuded the pin and post oaks on W. C. Flagg's place at Alton, this year. (Riley's unpub- lished notes.) 424. Fidia sp. June 25, found many Fidia beetles on oak and hickory eating large holes in their leaves, (liiley's unpublished notes.) 425. Cryptocephalus notata, Fabr. Feeding on oak, sassafras and elm. (Riley's unpublished notes.) 426. Coscinoptera dominicana Fabr. June 11, 1873, Riley records the beetles as found in copulation on young oak. The larva feeds, however, on dry leaves, and he has published a full account of the species. (6th Rep. Ins., Mo., pp. 127-132.) 427. Centronopus calcaratus Fabr. " Inhabits black oak stumps. It remains in pupa two weeks." (Horn.) 428. Centronopus anthracinus Knoch. May be taken in company with the preceding species. (Horn.) 429. Acanthoderes ±-gibbus Say. Bores in dead twigs of oak. (Si hwarz.) 430. Trag idion fulvipenne Say. Bores in oak. (Riley.) The mode of egg-laying is described by Popenoe in Insect Life, ii, 192. 431. Arhopalus fulminans Fabr. Red oak. (Fitch & Hadge, also Riley.*) See chestnut insects. 432. Ataxia crypta Say. Found by myself under the bark of the oak at Chattanooga, Tenn. (Identified by Dr. Horn.) * Numerous larvae of this insect were found January 10, 1882, Washington,!). C, boring in dry red-oak wood. All the younger larvae were working under the bark, the fully grown specimens, however, gnawed a channel into the solid wood for the purpose of pupation. By the 7th of February pupae were found ; the beetles com- menced issuing the 13th of March. (Unpublished notes.) 222 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. 433. Ayrilus bilintatus Say. At Providence, May 30, I found the pupae under the bark of an oak trunk; the beetles were common on the leaves. Professor Riley found three pupa:1 in the bark of an oak stump. One of them transformed to the beetle May 18, and the second one May "»1. 434. Onriderm cmgutahu Say. Bores in the oak. (Hubbard.) See hickory iusects. Xcoptochus adsper.sus Boh. This weevil feeds on oak. (Riley. Amer. Nat., November, 1882, 916.) 43G. Pachmvus distant Horn. Feeds on oak and pine. (Riley, Amer. Nat.. November, 188% 910.) 437. Systena Manila Melsh. Liutuer's Fourth Report, 155. ORTHOPTERA. 438. Phaneroptera curvicauda. Very common on the oak. (Riley's un- published notes.) 439. Diapkeromera femorata Say. See hickory insects. (Riley, Ann. Rept. Eutom. Dept. Agric, 1879, pp. 241-245.) 440. (Ecanth us sp. Larva on oak at St. Louis, July 1; pupated July 29. (Riley's unpublished notes.) HEMIPTERA. 441. Lachnu.s quercifol'uv Fitch. 44L\ Callipterus hyalinus Monell. On Quercus imbricaria. Note. — Of undetermined species of insects living at the expense of the oaks, I have notes on 40 species of lepidopterous larvae, whose trans- formations have not yet been worked out, and on 3 species of saw-fly larvae, in addition to those mentioned in the previous pages. Professor Riley also has reference to or notes on 40 species, viz : 10 species of Bombycidie, 10 of Noctuidae, 6 of Geoiuetrida.j, 2 Pyralida*. 1 Tortricidie, 7 Tineidae, aud 4 species of undetermined families; also 4 species of saw-fly larva?, 10 species of Hemiptera, with notes of 140 undetermined species of Cynipidae (some of which may already have been enumerated), carryiug the number of species of oak insects known up to the end of 1889 to between 500 and 600 species. BEETLES LIVING IN ROTTEN WOOD, STUMPS, GALLS, ETC., NOT KNOWN TO BE INJURIOUS. Si/nchroa punctata Newman. "They live in rotten oak stumps, thriv- ing best in the white. The pupa requires about one week to perfect itself." (Horn.) The beetle is brown, sparsely covered with gray hairs; regularly punctured over the body, the punctures of medium size, distinct, not coufluent, length, .5 inch ; breadth, .1 inch. (Newman.) Ozognathus oomuhu Lee Lives in oak galls. (Riley, notes.) INSECTS LIVING IN ROTTEN OAK WOOD. 223 Dendroides canadensis Latr. Under bark of stumps and felled trees. (Riley, also Chittenden.) Cucujus clavipes Fabr. Under bark of stumps and felled trees. Strongylium terminatum Say. Larvae of this insect were found Jan- uary 12, 1882, at Washington, D. C, feeding in rotten oak wood. The full grown larva measures about 1 inch in length. They are polished, yellowish white, and cylindrical, the two last segments brownish yellow. Tip of last segment truncate, with two black, upward curved horns. There is also on the dorsum of this segment a blackish transverse ridge divided at the middle, and each half beset with live or six short, sharp teeth. The beetle issued the 12th of June. (Riley's unpublished notes; see also, Schwarz, Amer. Nat, October, 1882, 823.) Mordella ^-punctata Fabr. Larva found in old oak stumps. Color: Head yellowish white with three distinct yellowish lines above. Legs short. Tail pointed, horny and blackish brown. (Riley's unpublished notes.) Hymenorus communis Lee. Found in Maryland, February 22, 1884, numbers of larvae of above beetle boring in a rotten oak stump, the largest of which measured about llmm in length. They are highly polished and pale yellow, the head and posterior margin of the thoracic and first three abdominal segments somewhat darker. A large squarish spot on the eighth and the greater ante rior part of the last segment quite dark yellow ; labrum brown ; tip of body rounded. The first beetle issued May 1. (Riley's unpublished notes.) Pelidnota punctata Linn. Lamellicorn larva in rotten oak stump. Riley has published a full account (3rd Rep. Ins., Mo., p. 319). Dinoderus punctatus (Say). Boring in an oak stump ; abundant; ap- pears to be parasitized. (F. L. Chittenden in letter). Parandra brunnea Fabr. Under bark. (Chittenden.) Ceruchus piceus (Weber). In decaying oak wood. (Chittenden.) Nyctobates pensylvanicus (De Geer). Under bark. (Chittenden.) Hypulus simulator (Newman). In decaying wood. (Chittenden.) Osmoderma scabra Beau v. In decaying oak wood. (Beutenmiiller, Psyche v, 281, 1880.) Osmoderma eremicola Knoch. (Coquillett in letter.) AtJwus cucullatits Say. (Coquillett in letter.) Androchirus fascipes Mels. (Coquillett in letter.) Elater nigricollis Herbst. (Coquillett in letter.) Lyctus striatus Melsh. Trogoxylon paralleopipedum (Melsh.) The two latter species probably bore in dry oak wood, injuring furniture, etc. (Riley, Scientific American, Dec. 21, 1889.) Chapter II, INSECTS INJURIOUS TO THE ELM. No shade tree is held in higher estimation than the elm. It is the pride of New England and New York towns and villages, as well as those of the northern, central, and middle Atlantic States. Kaltenbach enumerates 107 species of insects which in Germany live at the expeuse of the elm, while in this country we have about 80 species, the elm not occurring in the Rocky Mountains or on the Pacific coast. The species which are the most abundant and persistent in their at- tacks are the common elm-tree borer, the canker-worm, and a plant- louse which disfigures the leaves by crumpling and discoloring them. AFFECTING THE TRUNK. 1. The common elm-tkee borek. Saperda tridentata Olivier. Order Coleoptera ; Family Cerambycid-E. Perforating and loosening the bark and furrowing the surface of the wood with their irregular tracks, flat white longicorn borers, changing to beetles in June aud July ; the beetles flat, dark brown, with a longitudinal three-toothed red stripe on the outer edge of each wing-cover. This is the most destructive borer of the elm in the Northern and Eastern States, often killing the trees by the wholesale. Great num- bers of the larvae of different sizes have been found boring in the inner bark and also furrowing with their irregular tracks the surface of the wood, the latter being, as it were, tattoed with sinuous grooves, and the tree completely girdled by them in some places. The elms on Boston Common have in former years been killed by this borer, and valuable trees, we have been informed, have been killed by them in Morristown, N. J. It has been found in all stages in the elm at Detroit, Mich., by Mr. H. G. Hubbard. Fitch remarks that it consumes the inner bark of the slippery elm { Ulmus fulva), especially in dead and decaying trees. According to him, "the beetle deposits its eggs upon the bark in June, and the young larva1 therefrom nearly complete their growth before winter, and soon after warm weather arrives the following spring they pass into their pupa state." We have found the larva1 in abundance in the early spring in Providence in old dead elms. 224 THE COMMON ELM-BORER. 225 More recently the ravages of this borer have been observed by Pro- fessor Forbes, whose notes we copy from his third report on the injuri- ous insects of Illinois. For several years past my attention has been attracted by the gradual decay and death of the rows of white elms ( Ulmus americana) in the towns of Normal, Bloom- ington, and Champaign. The difficulty with the trees commonly commences to de- clare itself from the middle of summer to autumn, when the leaves, tirst upon the terminal twigs and then upon the larger branches, are seen to stop their growth, change their color, and ultimately to fall. This loss is. naturally followed speedily by the death of the branches themselves, as is clearly evident the following spriDg, when these remain black and lifeless while the rest of the tree is putting on its fol- iage. Usually the higher branches of the tree are those first affected, but the whole top soon seems to blight, and in a year or two the tree perishes utterly. This diffi- culty, commencing here and there, extends slowly from tree to tree along the rows, finally inevitably destroying every tree of this species in the immediate vicinity. In autumn of 1883, 1 directed an assistant, Mr. Webster, to dig up a tree which had nearly died in this manner during the summer, and to carefully examine the larger roots, the trunk, and all the branches, with a view to ascertaining, if practicable, the cause of the difficulty. The roots were found unaffected, but on peeling the bark from the trunk, about half-grown larvae of Saperda tridentata appeared in consider- able numbers in the still living parts of the wood, and those of Afagdalis armicollis were abundant where the bark and wood were already dead. The manner in which the bark had been mined and burrowed by the Saperdas gave sufficient evidence of the cause of the death of the tree, the borers having again and again completely girdled the trunk. Both the trunk and branches of this tree were cut up in lengths and boxed for the purpose of determining the details of the life history of the species. The specimens were boxed August 8, the cracks of the boxes being closed by pasting over them strips of paper, and each having left a glass- covered opening in the top, to which it was assumed that the insects emerging would be attracted. Later, this cover was re- moved, and a glass jar was inverted over the opening. Nothing emerged until the following spring, except a single parasite taken Septem- ber 14. On the 9th of April, living larvae of Saperda were found still within the wood, but no images had appeared in the boxes, neither were any pupae discovered. On the 17th of that mouth, both larvae and pupae were detected, and on the 2d of May the first imagos appeared, three in number. On the 3d another imago emerged, on the 5th five more, and on the 7th eighteen, on the 8th eleven, and on the 12th twenty-three, this being the largest number taken from the boxes at once. Beetles continued, however, to emerge at frequent intervals until the 22d of June, at which time the last appeared, one hundred and eighteen in all having been taken alive. On the 15th of September the boxes were opened finally, thoroughly searched, and fifty-three more dead Saperdas were found. The boxes in which these specimens transformed had been kept under cover, but at the natural temperature of the air. Although the elm borer has evidently been for several years both numerous and in- creasing in the neighborhood where this tree was destroyed, the amount of parasitism developed by the experiments was quite insignificant, only eight parasitic insects, belonging to three species, appearing in the boxes as against the one hundred and seventy-one examples of the adult borer ; and indeed, as the same pieces of wood con- tained a great host of the larvae of Afagdalis armicollis, from which multitudes of imagos of this species emerged during this spring, it is impossible to say that some or most of this small number of parasites may not have escaped from the latter species. From the present appearance of the elms throughout the towns of Central Illinois where I have had an opportunity to examine their condition, and from the rapid progress which this pest has made among them during the last two or three years, it extremely likely that it will totally exterminate the trees unless it be promptly 5 ENT 15 226 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION arrested by general action. The ouly remedy available is unquestionably the de- struction of effected trees in autumn and winter before the beetles have a chance to emerge from the trunks. In towns this measure should usually be taken by the au- thorities, since individual action could not be depended on to more than paUiate the difficulty. It every elm which is in the unhealthy condition above described, and which, upon examination, is found to harbor these borers beneath the bark, were cut down in autumn and burned before spring, the multiplication of the borer might be effectually checked ; but if the destruction of the trees be postponed until as late as May. a part of all of the beetles maturing each year would escape to carry the mis- chief elsewhere. (Forbes).* The larva. — White, subcyliudrical, a little flattened, with the lateral fold of the body rather prominent; end of the body flattened, obtuse, and nearly as wide at the end as at the first abdominal ring. The head is one- half as wide as the prothoracic ring, being rather large. The prothoracic segment, or that next to the head, is transversely oblong, being about twice as broad as long; there is a pale dorsal corneous trans- versely oblong shield, being about two-thirds as long as wide, and nearly as long as the four succeeding segments; this plate is smooth, except on the pos- terior half, which is rough, with the front edge irregu- lar, and not extending far down the sides. Fine hairs arise from the front edge and side of the plate, and similar hairs are scattered over the body and especially around the end. On the upper side of each segment is a transversely oblong ovate roughened area, with the front edge slightly convex, and behind slightly arcuate. On the under side of each segment are similar rough horny plates, but arcuate in front, with the hinder edge straight. It differs from the larva of Saperda vestita Say in the shorter body, which is broader, more hairy, with the tip of the abdomen flatter and more hairy. The prothoracic segment is broader and flatter, and the rough portion of the dorsal plates is larger and less transversely ovate. The structure of the head shows that its generic dis- tinctness from Saperda, originally insisted on by Mnlsant, may be well founded, as the head is smaller and flatter, the clypeus being twice as large, and the labrum broad and short, while in Saperda vestita it is longer than broad. The mandibles are much longer and slenderer, aud the antenna; are much smaller than in Saperda vestita. Beetle.— A rather flat-bodied, dark-brown beetle, with a rusty-red curved line be- hind the eyes, two stripes on the thorax, and with a long red stripe on the outer edge of each wing-cover, with three long points projecting inwards; 0.50 inch m length. 2. The red-edged saperda. Fig. 71. Larva (from life) and adult of the elm-tree borer.— Fro m Packard. Saperda lateralis Fabricius. Order Colboptera; family Cerambycid.e. Mining the inner bark of dead trees and logs of the common elm, a grub very sim- ilar to the foregoing, and about the 1st of June producing a similar beetle, but differ- ing in wanting the transverse teeth or points arising from the marginal stripe on the wing-covers. (Fitch.) 3. Saperda vestita. Fouuil oil the elm. This borer is destroyed by the larva of Bracon (■harm Riley, a specimen of which was taken from a larva found on the above-named tree. (Riley's unpublished notes.) See linden insects. ELM BORERS. 227 4. The six-eanded dryobius. Dryobius sex-fasciatus Say. Order Coleoptera; family Cerambycid^e. A similar but larger grub thau that of Saperda tridentata, but found with it, pro- ducing a black beetle of nearly similar form, with the edge of the thorax yellow, and also its scutel, with four yellow equidistant oblique bands on its wing-covers, the last one situated at the tip. Length 0.70 inch. (Fitch.) It also occurs on the beech, according to C. G. Siewers. 5. The dark elm bark-borer. Hylesinus opaculw Leconte. Order Coleoptera ; family Scolytid^e. Making small perforations like pinholes, appearing in the bark, especially of dis- eased elms, from which, in August and September, issues a minute cylindrical bark- beetle of a dark-brown color; its wing-covers with deeply impressed punctured fur- rows and short hairs ; its thorax also punctured. Length 0.10 or less. (Harris.) We have not observed this bark-borer, but Mr. Wm. L. Devereaux, of Clyde, N. Y., writes as follows regarding the true name of the beetle : I think Harris mistaken about the occurrence of P. Hmivaris on elm. It must have been H.opaculus ; at least I never have found Uminaris under or on the bark.* This is a stout pitchy-black timber-beetle, living under the dry bark of the elm and ash trees. (Eiley.) The dark elui bark-boier. — After Eilej-. The beetle. — Stout, opaque, when mature of a uniform piceous-black color. Head punctulate, not narrow in front, without transverse impressions in front of the eyes. Epistoma (Fig. 72b) truncate or very slightly and broadly emarginate. Labrum visible. Antennal club very large, oblong-oval, the first two joints shining and pubescent only at apex. Thorax wider than long, very densely punctate ; pubes- cence moderately thick and short. Elytral striae (Fig 72d) evidently impressed and regularly, coarsely punctate ; "interstices very distinct, each with a regular cow of small tubercles, which become more acute toward the apex and the sides. Pubescence very coarse and short. Tibise (Fig. 72e) hardly dentate. (Riley's Rep. Ent. Dep. Ag. 1879, p. 45. The other figures illustrate H. trifolii.) * See also Mr. Schwarz's note in Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., i, 149. 228 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. <>. TlIK SHOUT-LINKD DULAHllS. DulaHut breriliiitu* Say. Order Colbopteba; family C'kuambycidjs. Fig. 73.— Dularius breviU7ieu$.—From Packard. Boring in partly dead or dry elms, the larva of a pretty longicom, with deep pur- plish-blue wing-covers bearing three short white lines in the middle. This beetle was first bred from the dry wood of the elm by Eiley, the larvae occurring in Ohio; the beetle appearing in May and June. It was also known, by the late Mr. G. D. Smith, to inhabit this tree, probably in the vicinity of Boston; it was noticed in our second Massa- chusetts Report, page 18. Mr. George Hunt has observed this beetle on the bark of an elm at Plymouth, N. H., in the middle of July, insert- ing its eggs in the crevices of the bark. The beetle. — It is a singular-looking beetle, with a round, flattened prothorax, and wing-covers contracted in the middle, and not covering the tip of the abdomen, while the thighs are unusually swollen. The antenna' are about two-thirds the length of the body, flattened towards the end, and somewhat serrate. The body above is velvety black, and brown-black beneath. The head is black and coarsely punctured, and the prothorax is covered with short, dense, black hairs, like velvet. The wing- covers are Prussian blue in color, bent, corrugated, with an interrupted ridge just outside of the middle of each cover. They are covered with tine black hairs, bent over. There is a pair of parallel, short honey-yellow lines in the middle of each wing-cover, with a third one a little in front, making iu all six streaks. The legs aud feet are black. It is a little over eight-tenths of an inch in length. 7. Neoclytus erythrocephahts Fabricius. Order Coleoptera; family Cerambycid.e. This insect was found in company with Magdalis armicollis under the bark of a dead elm at Detroit, Mich., by H. G. Hubbard ; aud also has been raised from hickory- wood by Dr. Horn. ELM-BORERS. 229 8. Neoclytus caprcece Say. This insect was found in all stages in the fall of 1875 in felled trunks of elm and hickory by George Waite, of Emporia, Kans. ( Riley's MS. notes.) 9. Magdalis armicollis Say. Order Coleoptera ; family Curculiontdje. According to LeBaron (Fourth Rep. Ins. Illinois, 139) this weevil, which is allied to the Magdalinus of the oak (Fig. 29), inhabits the elm, living under the bark. Mr. H. G. Hubbard has also found it boring in the elm, and has bred from the larvae four species of parasites. (Psyche ii, 40.) The burrows were about an inch and a half long, running generally with the grain, and in the cambium layer throughout their entire length. From the cell at the end an exit pierced the bark as far as the thin outer layer. The beetles usually attacked the upper branches, but several small elms were found with the bark of the trunk undermined nearly to the ground. Occasional specimens were found associated with Saperda tridentata and Synchroa punctata in the thick bark of full- grown trunks. Of the three parasites the more common one was a Chalcid, probably belonging to the genus Storthygacerus of Ratzburg, which preys upon the larvae of Magdalinus, completing its transforma- tions in advance of the beetle. The beetle. — Body reddish, punctured; head punctured, an obsolete impression be- tween the eyes ; a dilated, impressed, abbreviated line over the insertion of the antennae, sometimes obsolete or wanting ; thorax with much dilated confluent punctures ; a polished longitudinal line near the middle ; anterior angles with small, erect spines, of which the anterior one is largest ; posterior angles slightly excurved, anterior and lateral margins dull rufous ; elytra light rufous, profoundly striated ; striae with approximate punctures ; thighs, with a robust spine beneath, near the tips. Length from the eyes to tip of the wing-covers one-fifth of an inch. Var. a. Thorax and beneath, excepting the feet, black. (Say.) 10. Buprestis (Anthaxia) viridicornis Say. Order Coleoptera; family Bupresteele. This buprestid is reported by Mr. H. G. Hub bard as infesting the elm. (Psyche, ii, 40.) The beetle. — Head and thorax coppery red ; antennae green; eyes rather large; thorax transversely indented _ each side behind the middle ; reddish coppery, surface reticulated ; posterior edge rectilinear ; scutel triangu- lar; wing-covers obscure or slightly brassy, slightly ru- gose, destitute of striae, rounded at tip, entire or obso- letely serrated ; beneath dark, brassy, brilliant ; tail rounded, entire. Length rather more than one-fifth of Fte.74.~- Anthaxia viridicornis an inch. (Say.) Smith and Marx del. 11. Synchroa punctata Newman. Order Coleoptera; family Melaxdryid^e. This insect has been found "exceedingly abundant" by Mr. H. G. Hubbard in the bark of the elm. (Psyche, ii, 40.) 230 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. The beetle.— The form is elongate, like an Elaterid of the genu.s Melanotic, ponotared and pabesoeot; kbe h<-a]>s. go that the rudimentary limbs may be seen, as well as the mouthparts; the insect completes its develop meut in the early part of the following summer, appearin Fig. 76. Female tree-cricket* natural size. — After Hart is. early in August. Fig. 75. Male t r e e - cricket.- Afternoo- ns. AFFECTING THE LEAVES. 13. The spring canker worm. Paleacrita vernata (Peck). Order Lepidoptera; family Phajuenid^e. Very injurious to the elm in the Eastern States, stripping the trees ; a dark-striped measuring worm varying in color to pale green, transformiug from the middle to the last of June in the earth to a pupa, some appearing in the autumn, hut most abun- dantly in March; the female grub-like, the male winged. Originally confined, as an injurious insect, to Xew England, it is now destructive in the Western States (Illinois and Missouri) and must originally have occurred all over the United States east of the Missis- sippi, as I have received it from Texas. * Am Fig. 77. Spring Canker worm; b, Fie. 7& a. female Spring canker-worm moth; b. eggs; e, aide; d, back of a aeg- male; e, antenna) joints of female ;dr one of female merit. — After Riley. abdominal segments; e, ovipositor.— After Riley. About the 1st of May, at the time when the leaves of the apple are unfolding, the young canker worms break through the eggs, which have THE SPRING CANKER-WORM. 231 been laid earlier in the season, in March and April, in patches on the hark of the trunk aud limbs. They may be soon found clustering on the terminal buds aud partly unfolded leaves, and are then about a line in length, and not much thicker than a bit of thick thread. Fortuuarely, owing to the want of wings, the female is exceedingly sedentary, aud year after year the apple and elm trees of particular orchards and towns are defoliated and turned brown, while adjoining orchards and towns scarcely suffer. By the 20th of June, in Essex County, Mass., the orchards or shade elms infested by them look as if a fire had run through them. At that date the worms are fully fed, and they then descend to the ground, letting themselves down by a silken thread. At this time I have destroyed thousands by jarring the tree and collecting those which fall down. I have watched old and young robins busily engaged in eating them, and from the number of toads in my garden, gathered under the trees, I feel confident that they eat multitudes of them. The worms at once enter the ground, change to chrysalids several inches below the surface, near the trunk of the tree, and there remain until the early days of March and April, when the wingless females as- cend the trees, and the winged males may be seen fluttering about. I took pains one spring, in the middle of April, to count the number of these moths on my apple trees, fourteen in number, averaging from six to seven inches in thickness, besides three elms. They were more abundant on the apple trees than on the elms. But on those seventeen trees there were counted, adhering mostly to the tarred paper, one thou- sand males and two hundred females. The spring of 1875 was cold and backward and few moths were seen before this date. From these data we can ascertain approximately the relative numerical proportions be- tween the sexes, which seems to approximate five males to one female. The species I have referred to is the spring moth, the Paleacrita ver- nata of Peck, but not of Harris. A. pometaria is much less abundant in the adult condition, aud only appears in the autumn. The wings are thicker than those of vernata, aud the caterpillar has an additional pair of prop-legs, though so short as to be useless. I find that most of the damage is done by the caterpillars of vernata. On June 15, 1875, I collected five hundred and fifty-seven caterpillars from the apple trees in my garden. Of these, five hundred aud twenty were vernata, and twenty-seven were the young of the autumn species. Peck, in his ac- count published in 1795, states that vernata does the principal damage.* Remedies. — The use of printer's ink laid on tarred paper is the cheap- est, though the ink should be applied every day or two. The use of tin troughs of oil surrounding the tree is almost sure to stop the ascent of the females, while wooden troughs of oil built around the bottom of the *It is probably this species which I have found feeding on the leaves May 30 and June 1, at Providence. It is a reddish-green obscurely striped larva, much like the canker-worm in form and size, but a little stouter. 232 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. trunk are almost equally efficacious. Care and attention, and, above all, 00 operation among those suffering from these worms, will enable us to check their ravages. 14. The rlm span-worm. Eugonia tubsignaria (Htibnei }. Order LbPIDOPTKBA J Family Hatching from the eggs as soon as the leaves unfold and living unobserved for a week or two on young shoots in the tree tops, measuring or span worms, resembling the twigs of the elm in color, with a large red head, and the terminal ring of the body bright red ; pupating towards the end of June, and during July and August trans- forming into a snow-white moth. This insect is widely spread. I have observed it in the forests of northern .Maine in August, and it is common in the Middle States. It is very destruc- tive to the elms in New York City, Brooklyn, and Philadelphia, though not known to be destructive in the country. The moth may at once be recognized by the snow-white body and wings, the an- terior pair being angular and the hinder pair slightly notched. It is, according to Fitch, still more destructive to the linden than to the elm. From a pamphlet by H. A. Graei and Edw. Wiebe, entitled uThe measure- worm, a description of the insect, in all its metamorphoses, etc/' (Brooklyn, 1862), we quote the following facts : The eggs are deposited by the female moth toward the beginning of July, not only on trunks and branches of early-leaving trees, but also on numerous other objects, to the number of from 20 to 250, in irregular clusters. During this period they are about the size of a small pin's head, conical in form, and somewhat compressed at their points; first of a yellowish, then of a light olive green, and later of a dark brown. They are covered with a thick, sticky glutinous matter and adhere strongly to the object on which they are deposited. They are usually found on the under side of branches, and almost always below the connecting points of the same, apparently for their better protection and with the design of opening several avenues for the young brood to find subsistence. The number of eggs generally decreases from the base of the branches towards their extremities. » In this state the eggs remain unaffected by rain or frost, seemingly unchanged, until the time when our shade trees unfold their first leaflets, which (subject to the weather) is usually between the 15th of April and the loth of May. Little caterpillars then creep from these eggs, eagerly enjoying the rays of the sun on warm days, and carefully hiding themselves under the young foliage for pro- tection on cold and stormy days. Here we rind them crowding together in countless numbers; until after a very brief period they engage in their work of destruction. The young caterpillars always creep towards the extremities of the branches, led by Fin. 70. — Elm span-worm niotli. natural size. — After Emerton, from Packard. Flo . — Elm spau-worm. natural size.— After Emerton, from Packard. THE NOVEMBER MOTH. 233 their instinct to find there, first of all, the means for their subsistence, and make a retrograde movement only if they meet with any obstacle. They then devour the young foliage as quickly as it develops, so much so that often a fortnight 8'iffices tc render a tree entirely leafless. For their perfect development the caterpillars need from five to six weeks, during which period they sometimes eat daily more than ten times their own weight. It is then that they are most troublesome to us, partly, and chiefly, by their destruction among our shade trees; partly by the considerable amount of an unpleasant matter g^which they drop; and last, but not least, by the terror which, in their state of sus- pension, or dropping from the trees, they are apt to create among our ladies. After the caterpillar is fully developed, and has, in the mean time, accomplished its work of destruction, it enters its chrysalis state. When ready to be metamor- phosed it selects a safe place of refuge, either in the leaf remnants or on the trunks and branches of the trees, on fences, railings, lamp-posts, or almost anything it hap- pens to reach. Larva. — The caterpillar closely resembles the twigs of the elm trees, on the leaves of which it lives, the body being brown, while the large head and termiual segment of the body are bright red. Remedies. — Messrs. Graef and Wiebe removed from a single small maple tree in Brooklyn 60,000 fertilized eggs, and it is obvious that their suggestion to carefully scrape shade and ornamental elms in the winter months, if thoroughly carried out, would materially diminish the number of this great pest. Besides this, tarring, i.e., rings of tarred paper, smeared over with printer's ink, should be placed around the trunks and larger branches as early as the middle of April. When the leaves are much infested they should be sprayed in the manner indicated in the introduction to this report. 15. The November moth. Epirrita dilwtata (Hubner). Order Lepldoptera ; Family Phal^enid^e. Feeding on the leaves in spring ; a dirty-green measure-worm, beneath paler bluish white, its breathing pores forming a row of orange-red dots along each side, where is sometimes also a yellow line ; entering the ground in summer, the moth appearing in November. (Fitch.) In our monograph of the Phalcenidce we had overlooked the fact that Fitch had observed this moth in New York, flying slowly in forests in November. It appears to be more abundant in sub-arctic regions than in New England, as we have received numerous specimens of it from Newfoundland, and it has also been obtained in Labrador. It is prob- able that it will rarely occur in injurious numbers on elm trees in New England. In Europe, according to Newman, "it feeds on whitethorn, black- thorn, horn-beam, sloe, oak, and almost every forest tree, and is full-fed in June." Our species in British America, probably like E. cam- bricaria, will be found feeding on the mountain ash, a common tree in Labrador and Newfoundland. Moth. — A much larger species than E. cambricaria, which is more common, and which also occurs in Northern Europe. It may always be distinguished from the other species of the genus by the simple not pectinated male antennae. The body and wings are pale ash-gray; fore wings with eight well-defined sinuous or scalloped blackish lines, most distinct on the costa and veins ; the basal line is heavy, and bent rectangularly between the subcostal and median veins ; the next line, rather remote 234 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. from the basal, Barrel inward on the subcostal rein, end outward on the median spaoe; fche fcwo Lines beyond ere approximate, but less sinuous; the fourth line from tin* beee of the wings is broad, diffase, fcwioeas broad on the ooete ee the three others; beyond this Line is a oleai median space, in the middle of which is the distinct discal dot; beyond arc four more or less distinct lines, of which the outer (or Bnbmarginel) is most distinct and regularly scalloped J a marginal row of twin black dots ; fringe whitish. Hind wings with traces of four scalloped lines, the marginal one the heav- iest. Kxpanse of WingS, 1.60 inches. 16. The [mpobtbd klm-lkaf beetle. (iiihruca xanthomehvna Schrank. Order COLEOPTEBAJ Family CBJLY80MELID.B. *4 T0 si- * L m /, HEIDEMANSC V-A Fig. 81. — Galcruca xanthomelcena: a, eggs; b, larva?; c, adults: e, eggs (enlarged); /. sculpture of eggs; g, larva (enlarged); A, side view of greatly enlarged segment of larva: i. dorsal view of same; ;', pupa (enlarged) ; I, portion of elytron of beetle (greatly enlarged).— After Riley. The following account of this pest is taken from Professor Riley's pamphlet forming Bulletin 6 of the U. S. Department of Agriculture. It contains a full account of the imported elm-leaf beetle, and of the best means of attacking it, which will be welcome, as for several years past the elms of many towns and cities in the Middle Atlantic States have been ravaged by this pest. According to Glover this beetle was imported from Europe as early as 1837. It somewhat resembles the striped cucumber beetle (Diabrotica vittata) in size and markings. The grub or larva is long, almost cylindri- THE IMPORTED ELM-LEAF BEETLE. 235 cal, yellowish black, with black spots, and a wide yellow line along the back and sides. The worm is destructive to the foliage from May until August, skele- tonizing the leaves. When fully grown it descends to the ground, and changes to a chrysalis, under leaves, etc., near the base of the tree. While the beetle, of which there are three to four broods, also injures the leaves, it is by no means so destructive as its young : Remedies. — Glover suggested the use of oil and tar gutters, and other barriers, sur- rounding the base or the body of the tree, devices similar to those used agaiust the canker worm and codling moth. He recommended that there be placed around each tree small, tight, square boxes or frames a foot or eighteen inches in height, sunk in the ground, the earth within the inclosure to be covered with cement, and the top . edge of each frame to be covered with broad, projecting pieces of tin, like the eaves of a house or the letter T, or painted with some adhesive or repellent substance, as tar, etc. The worms, descending the tree, being unable to climb over the inclosure, would change into helpless chrysalids within the box, where they could daily be de- stroyed by thousands. Those hiding within the crevices of the bark of the trunk could easily be syringed from their hiding places. " I found that the quickest and most satisfactory way of destroying the insect, which has nearly the same habits as the Colorado potato beetle, except that it does not propagate in the ground, is to syringe the trees with Paris green and water, though London purple may prove just as effectual and cheaper. " The syringing can not be done from the ground except on very young trees, though a good fountain pump will throw a spray nearly 30 feet high. Larger trees will have to be ascended by means of a ladder, and the liquid sprinkled or atomized through one of the portable atomizers, like Peck's, which is fastened to the body, and contains three gallons of the liquid. ''The mode of pupation of the insect under the tree, on the surface of the ground, beneath whatever shelter it can find, or in the crevices between the earth and the trunk, enables us to kill vast numbers of the pupae and transforming larvae by pour- ing hot water over them. We found that even Paris green water poured over them also killed. If the trees stand on the sidewalks of the streets the larvae will go for pupation in the cracks between the bricks or at the base of the tree, where they can also be killed in the same way. This mode of destruction is, take it all in all, the next most satisfactory one we know of, though it must be frequently repeated.. "We have largely experimented with a view of intercepting and destroying the larvae in their descent from the tree. Troughs, such as are used for canker-worms, tarred paper, felt bands saturated with oil, are all good, and the means of destroying large numbers. Care must be taken, however, that the oil does not come in contact with the trees, as it will soon kill them, and when felt bandages are used there should be a strip of tin or zinc beneath them. The trouble with all these intercepting devices, however, is that many larvae let themselves drop down direct from the tree, and thus escape destruction." The London purple (one-half pound), flour (three quarts), and water (a barrel, forty gallons), were mixed as follows : A large galvanized iron funnel, of thirteen quarts capacity, and having a cross septum of fine wire gauze, such as is used for sieves, also having vertical sides and a rim to keep it from rocking on the barrel, was used. About three quarts of cheap flour were placed in the funnel and washed through the wire gauze by water poured in. The flour, in passing through, is finely divided, and will diffuse in the water without appearing in lumps. The flour is a suitable medium to make the poison adhesive. The London purple is then placed upou the gauze and washed in by the remainder of the water, until the barrel is filled. Three-eighths of a pound of Londou purple to one barrel of water may be taken as a suitable percentage. Three-eighths of an ounce may be used as an equivalent in one bucketful of water. 23(j FIFTH KEPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. Paris green injures the tree more than the Loudon purple. Three- fourths of a pound of Paiis green to ■ barrel (thirty-six or forty gallons) of water, with three quarts ef (tour or three-quarters of an ounce of Paris green to a bucket of water, may be regarded as a poison mixture of medium or average strength for treating elms affected by these beetles. When man;, trees are to be sprayed a cart orwagon may be used to haul the poison in a large barrel provided with a stirrer, force pump, skid, etc. The force pump was described and figured in the annual report of the entomologist for 1882. It isdonble- acting and very powerful, giving strong pressure to disperse tin- Liquid far and finely. and about a pailful of poisoned water w;is sprayed upon each tree. Wheu only two or three wore to be treated an aquapult or other bucket pump was used to force tin- poison from a bucket carried by hand. Connected with either pump is a long flexible pipe, with its distal part still', and serving as a long handle whereby to hold its terminal nozzle beneath the branches or very high up at a comfortable distance from the person managing it. To the hose is attached a bamboo pole, the partitions of which may lie burned out with a hot iron rod. With this apparatus a tree can be quickly sprayed, and a large grove or row of trees along a street treated in a short time. It is equally adapted for forestry use in general, and for orchards, when the i re. s are not in fruit. The egn the back. The butterfly purplish hrown ahove, with a broad buff-yellow border in which is a row of pah- blue spots. Plying from March till .June, and again from the middle of August until late autumn. Its food plants are: elm, white birch, poplar, silver poplar, willow. It is two-brooded, and many of the late emerging specimens hibernate and may often be seen ou warm days in January or February flitting about. The larvae are often attacked by Tachinids and many pupae are destroyed by Pteromalus vanessce, which watches her chance during pupatiou. They are also destroyed by Podisus spinosus. (Riley's MS. notes.) 23. The great elm-leaf beetle. Monoeesta corijU (Say). Order Coleopteka ; Family Chrysomelid^e. Occasionally destructive to the red or slippery elm in the Middle States ; a pale yel- lowish heetle more than half an inch long, with the wing-covers twice spotted with blue : laying its yellow eggs in a cluster on the under side of the leaf in June, the grub appearing a week later, being brown or yellowish-brown, and eating the leaves into rags ; towards the eudof July or early in August entering the ground, forming an oval cavity a few inches below the surface ; assuming the pupa state a week before they appear as beetles in June. (Riley.) In his report as U. S. Entomologist for 1878, Professor Riley calls at- tention to a much larger beetle than the imported elm-leaf beetle, but having very similar habits, and which has proved extremely destructive to the red or slippery elm in Missouri during the past few years : The sudden appearance of this iusect in such excessive numbers as to absolutely strip all the elms of this species through the woods for many miles must be looked upon as phenomenal; for while J. F. Melsheimer reported the beetle many years ago as sufficiently numerous in some parts of Virginia to completely defoliate in a short time the hazel (Corylua amrrieanus),* the species is generally considered a rarity in ento- mological cabinets. Nor can I find that anything has been recorded of its adoles- cent stages. The beetle was first described by Say (he. cit.) as (ialeruca coryli, and is the only North American species of the genus Monoeesta to which it is now referred, the genus beiug more fully represented in Central and South America. The color is pale clay-yellow, with two dark, bluish spots on each wing-cover. These spots are variable in size, and sometimes entirely wanting. My attention was first called to the injuries of this larva some three years ago by Mr. George W. Letterman, of Allentown, Mo, and I have since been able to trace the lull natural history of the species as it is given below. The parent beetles (Fig. 83, jj) make their first appearance during the month of June, when they may usually be found pairing on the tree first mentioned. The •AuctoreS&y, Journ. Ac. Nat. Sc, Phil., Ill, 16J4. THE GREAT ELM-LEAK BEETLE. 239 eggs (Fig. 83, a) are laid on the under side of the leaf in a compact, more or less globose, gamboge-yellow cluster, each egg surrounded and the whole mass firmly held together by a glutinous substance. There are. on an average, about 1^5 eggs in each mass, the eggs being laid in layers. In general appearance the Fig. 83.— The great elm leaf beetle, a, b, eggs; d, larva: g, h, head ami mouth parts of the same; i, pupa ; j, beetle.— After Riley. mass bears a resemblance to a yellow raspberry. Each egg (Fig. 83, &), when ex- amined separately, is seen to be subspherical in form and highly polished. The young larvae (Fig. 83, c) hatch in about a week after the eggs are laid, and at first congregate around the empty egg-shells, which they nibble and feed 240 FIFTH BEPOBT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. upon. Foraboifl two days they remain close to their birthplace, eating only the parenchyma ofthe leaf, and showing so little inclination to travel that, should the leaf by aeoident be detached, they perish rather than search for another. They have at this Stage of growth the curious habit, when disturbed, of raising the abdomen to a nearly perpendicular position, holding on to the leaf very firmly with their jaws. I'hey are at this time of a glossy yellow color, and generally shed the first skin two days after birth, the empty skin adhering tightly to the leaf. In the second stage, the color of the worms becomes more brownish, and they are iimre active, but still remain clustered together upon a single leaf or branch, scatter- ing but slightly in proportion as they skeletonize one leaf after another. They yet, for the most part, teed upon the under side of the leaf, not touching the upper skin, and giving to the leaves a brownish, speckled, and seared app earance, as if covered by patches of some brown fungus. The excrement is voided in long, bead-like strings, which cover the ground or hang. down from the branches and leaves of the infested trees. In another week, or when the larva.* are about half grown, a second molt takes place, they preparing for it in the usual manner by firmly attaching the anal joints to the leaf. (Fig. 83, e.) In the beginning of the third stage they feed indiscriminately on either side ofthe leaf, hot still refuse to touch the epidermis ofthe opposite side. The gnawiugs on the upper side at this stage of growth are peculiar, being iu the form of crescent Hues with narrow strips of epidermis between them ; whereas ou the under side there is no such regularity, and all is eaten but the stronger cross veins. I have been unable to trace any further molts. This third stage lasts from two to three weeks, the larva scattering more thoroughly and the general color becoming quite brown or yellowish-brown. As the worms reach full growth (Fig. 83, ddd) the fleshy part of the leaves is entirely eaten so that little remains but the principal ribs, and the leaves thus present a very ragged appearance. Toward the end of July and early in August the worms cease feeding and descend into the ground, burrowing therein and forming a simple oval cavity a few inches below the surface. They lie dormaut therein through the fall, winter, and early spring months, assuming the pupa state (Fig. 83, i) but about a week before the beetles issue. Remedies. — Experiments made upon the larva of the imported elm-leaf beetle shows that Paris-green water is very effective iu destroying it, in both the larva and beetle states : and, while I have had no opportunity of making such experiments with the species in question, I have no doubt that it would here prove equally destructive. The larva are, throughout their existence, quite sluggish and drop to the ground on slight disturbance. A good shaking of an infested tree, therefore, will bring most of them to the ground, and experience shows that they have little or no capacity for mounting the tree again. This remedy will be applicable to cultivated trees, espe- cially before they get too large. 24. The interrogation — mark butterfly. Grapia interrogationis (Fabricius). Injuring the foliage of the elm as well as linden tree and hop-vine, a caterpillar, with reddish black, bilobed head, and black body covered thickly with streaks and dots of yellowish white, transforming into our largest species of Grapta, and marked on the under side of the dull hind wings with a golden semicolon. I am informed by H. L. Clark, esq., that iu 1887 the elms iu Provi- dence were much eaten and disfigured by these caterpillars, and that the chrysalids were everywhere to be seeu attached to fences, walls, etc. Larva. — An inch and a quarter long. The head is reddish black, flat iu front and somewhat bilobed, each lobe tipped with a tubercle emitting five single black pointed spines. It is covered with many small white and several blackish tubercles. The THE COMMA BUTTERFLY. 241 body is cylindrical, black, thickly covered with streaks and dots of yellowish white; the second segment is without spines, but with a row of yellowish tubercles in their place; the third segment has four branching spines, all black, with a spot of dark yellow at their base; and ou the fourth segment are four spines, as there are on all tho others, excepting the terminal, which has two pairs, one posterior to the other. The spines are yellow, with blackish branches, excepting the terminal pair, which is black ; and there is a row of reddish ones on each side. The under surface is yellow- ish gray, darker ou the anterior segments, with a central line of blackish, and many small, black dots. (Saunders.) The chrysalis is ash brown, with the head deeply notched ; and there are eight sil- very spots on the back. The chrysalis state lasts from twelve to fourteen days. 25. The progne grapta. Grapta progne (Cramer). Late in June, eating the leaves, a more common spiny caterpillar than the preced- ing, being white mottled with gray, the butterfly smaller thau the foregoing and marked with a reversed silver C or comma in the middle of the binder wings; but one brood of butterflies appearing iti July. Regarding the number of broods, Mr. D. S. Harris writes us from Cuba, 111. : On page 66 of Bulletin on Forest In- sects, you state that Grapta progne (Cra- mer) is single brooded. I have quite a number of the caterpillars about ready to change into chrysalids. I also have butterflies of this species which emerged FlG' «*-<*™P«» progne,-From Packard. fr<»m the chrysalis during the mouth of September, showing that they are double brooded in this State. They are quite destructive this year. The larva is gray, mottled with whitish ; head white, with two black prickles. The two upper long-branched prickles upon the second ring black; no spines on the pro- thoracic segments ; those on the succeeding rings white, tipped with black ; their branches white, toward the forward end of the body becoming more and more tipped with black. (Fitch.) 26. The comma butterfly. Grapta comma (Harris). Another caterpillar closely resembling that of G. progne, but different in being of a brownish-red color in front and white or pale yellow behind. The half-grown larva is black, with a yellowish stripe along the side from the third segment to the tail, and with yellow stripes across the back, and spots of the same color at the base of the dorsal spiues, which are yellow, tipped with black. The mature caterpillar is white, mottled or striped with gray or ashen, and with red spir- acles (W. H. Edwards). It differs from the larva of G. progne in its brownish-red face, and in being more yellowish on the abdominal segments. The chrysalis is brownish-gray or white, variegated with pale brown and ornamented with gold ou the tubercles. Thehutterfly differs from the Progne in the hind wings having a black spot on.their ceuter, as well as two others toward their base, and on their under side a central sil- very curved mark like the letter C. Expanse of wings about two inches. It appears in May, and a second brood in July, August, and September. This caterpillar is more common on the currant and hop. 5 ENT 10 242 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. 27. LimeniUt arfkemii (Draij). (iosse, in his •• Canadian Naturalist " (220), gives a figure of the larva, pupa, and under side of the butterfly of this species.* The butterfly ap- pears about the 1st of July. Iu the first week in July we have seeu this butterfly in great numbers in the White Mountains. 28. The four-horned bphjhz. Ceratomia amynlor (Hiibner.) (Larva, PI. xi, fig. 1.) The. caterpillar, as observed by Harris (under the name of Ceratomia quartricornis), in one case hatched July 31. A record of its occurrence on the white birch is mentioned iu " Psyche," 368, 1882. Professor Kiley states that Boll found the caterpillar on the osage orange. Mr. Pilate has also observed the caterpillar ou the linden in Ohio. A young larva found August 20, and 35ram in length, was green with 7 paler green lateral oblique stripes, the four thoracic horns being very promi- nent. This worm not unusually occurs from Maine southward on the elm, becoming fully fed early in September, when it descends into the ground and pupates, the moth appearing the following May and June. I have taken it in Maine as early as May 24. The moth is a large broad- winged sphinx, with gray or ashen body and wings, the anterior pair with a large white dot near the front edge. Egg. — Nearly of a compressed spheroidal shape, green, and with very fine reticula- tions. (Harris' Corr., p. 82.) Larva before first molt. — Yellowish green, with a darker dorsal line, a long red caudal horn, and a very large, green head, with the dorsal denticulatious and tu- bercles obsolete. A newly hatched larva is about one-fifth of an inch long, pale green, with a straight caudal horu about half the length of the body, dotted and tipped with brown. There is a pair of minute thoracic horns on the top of the third segment and another pair on the top of the fourth, and there is a row of minute fleshy teeth along the middle of the back, which are scarcely visible. Before the first molt the larva has nearly doubled its size and has a white vascular line, a faint line on each side of the middle of the back and seveu oblique stripes on each side of the body, all of the same color. The head is smooth and the thoracic horns are barely visible. They molt their skins in about five days after they hatch, after which the head and caudal horn are granulated, the thoracic horns prominent, the fleshy teeth along the middle of the back with the stripe ou each side of it; the oblique stripes on the sides and the thoracic lines are plainly visible. The second molt is made in from five to eight days after the first, when the row of teeth along the middle of the back is prominent, the lateral oblique stripes are gran- ulated, and the caudal horn is pale yellow with granulations in frout and behind. The third mult is made in from six to eight days after the second, when the larva is light green with the teeth along the back and the granulations no the side of a whitish color. The caudal horn is now curved, of a yellowish-green color, and cov- • See also Scudder's " Butterflies of the Eastern United States," 18c9. THE ELM SPHINX. 243 ered with brown granulations on the forward side. The thoracic horns are tipped with yellowish. The fourth and last molt is made in from six to eight days, and in six days more they reach maturity, leave their food plant, descend to the ground which they enter for the purpose of spending the winter and reaching their final transformation. The mature larva is from two and three-fourths to three and one-fourth inches long, pale green or reddish brown, head and body strongly granulated, a dorsal row of fleshy teeth, one on each wrinkle, tipped with whitish or pink, extends from the fourth segment to the caudal horn. There is a pair of short, straight, tuberculated horns on the top of the third segment and a similar pair on the fourth. A line of granula- tions connects the thoracic horns. Seven oblique stripes of whitish granulations occur ou each s5de, each of which crosses one segment and a part of the one before and the one following. The last stripe extends to the caudal horn. (Fernald.) Pupa. — Thick, not elongated before ; tail ending with a conical projection, tipped with two little divarcating spines; tongue-case buried and soldered to the breast. (Harris' Corr.) Moth. — The fore wings are broader than in most sphinges, with a large distinct round discal spot. The wings are light brown, variegated with dark brown and white, while along the hind body extend five longitudinal dark-brown lines. It ex- pands 5 inches. 29. Smerinthus exccecatus Abbot and Smith. (Larva, Pi. xi, fig 3, 3 a.) The caterpillar of this moth, which usually feeds on the apple and plum, has been found on the elm by Mr. W. H. Edwards. Mr. Beuten- miiller records it as feeding on American elm, the slippery or red elm, the whahoo or winged elm, and Ulmus suberosa. (Ent. Ainer., i, 196.) Larva. — Head apple-green, granulated, flattened, triangular, the apex rising somewhat above the first segment, with bright yellow, straight, lateral lines, in which are rounded granulations, increasing in size as they approach the apex. Body with thoracic segments tapering, light-green, studded with pointed white granula- tions. Lateral bands yellow, each occupying three-eighths, the whole, and six- eighths of three segments, respectively — on the central segment straight, on the fol- lowing one curved posteriorly, not angulated at the incisure — having within them a granulation on each annulation (eight to the segment) larger than those elsewhere on the body. Subdorsal thoracic line yellow, granulated as in the bands, com- mencing on the anterior of the first segment, diverging from the dorsum as it pro- ceeds and uniting at the sixth annulation of the fourth segment with the first lateral band. Caudal horn nearly straight, .25 inch long, acutely granulated, rose-colored, yellow laterally, and often yellow-tipped. Legs at tips reddish-brown. Stigmata brown bordered. Pupa. — One-twentieth of an inch long; .40 inch broad. Dark brown. Head-case, darker brown, rounded, corrugated, with an impressed transverse line bordering it posteriorly, and a medial line impressed inferiorly and carinated superiorly. Tongue- case buried, short, not separating the leg and wing cases. Antennal cases in male terminating very near to tips of the middle leg-cases — in female, opposite tips of the anterior leg-cases. First stigma quite open. The three anterior segments shagreened with a moderately elevated medial line. Third segment without plates, but with a medial carination. The other segments, each with a subdorsal linear impression and also lateral ones, and with confluent punctulations, except posteriorly, where they are smooth, not shining, and under a lens delicately shagreene n Mm F\r,. 96.—Th>/ridopteryx ephemerceformis . a, larva: b, male chrysalis; c, female moth ; rf, male moth; t, follicle ami pupa cut opeu to show ep<;s; /. full grown larva with bag; tj> is said by Harris to be very common throughout the United States on 266 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. the button wood or sycamore, but as it also occurs ou the elm, oak, and other forest trees, it may as well be described here. I have found it ou the sycamore at Providence, R. I., September 20 to 30. It spun a cocoon the 26th, bur died in confinement. The cocoon is oblong-oval, composed of the hairs interwoven with a very little silk, and usually spun in crevices in fences, and under stones, etc. The moth appears in New England after the middle of June. The moth has an enormous geographical range, extending from Maine ami Canada to Brazil and Paraguay, Mr. Neumogeu having specimens from the latter country in his collection. " Larvae of this species were found at St. Louis, Mo., September 14, 1870, feeding on oak and elm; also on elm at Spriugtield, 111.; on swamp oak at Selina, Ala., early in October. It is also found, accord- ing to Smith and Abbot, feeding on leaves of beech, hornbeam, and plane. 'The general color of some larva? is quite yellow, but they become dark after molting. By the 6th of October they generally commence forming their cocoons, which as a rule are formed on the surface, though occasionally they go into the ground to the depth of an inch. u The moth issues from about the last of April to the latter part of June. " Some of the larva? are infested by Tachinids and numerous speci- mens of a Microgaster. "Two larva? of this moth were found by E. A. Schwarz on swamp oak at Selma, Ala. From one of these larva? a Tachiua emerged early in October." — (Riley's unpublished notes.) Larva. — Body of the shape usual in this genus; the hairs delicate buff-yellow ; four dorsal pencils in frout, of light sienna brown, with two pairs of shorter lateral white tuf;s; a pair of whitish tufts near the end of the body; head yellowish brown; a tow of lateral black spots above the base of the abdominal legs ; length 30ram. Moth. — Pale buff-yellow ; the fore wings more pointed than in most of the other species, translucent and crossed by five broad irregular, slightly darker bands, edged with fine dark lines; the third band is dislocated and ouly reaches from the costal edge of the wing to the median vein, and includes a long sinuous discal line. The large shoulder tippets are edged with bluish green, and the abdomen is oeherous-yel- low. Expause of wings 1£ to 2 inches. 36. Datana contracta Walker. The following notes are contributed by Professor Riley: This insect has been found from the middle of August to October at St. Louis, Mo., feeding on the elm and oak. Those found on the oak appear to have generally paler stripes than the elm-feeding form. The larvie enter the ground by the first of October and commence issuing towards the end of June of the following year. — (Unpublished notes. See also p. 151.) Larva. — The general color is shim- black, with four yellow, longitudinal lines run- ning ou each side the whole length of the body. The ventral region is also black, with three yellow longitudinal lines running its length, interrupted only by the pro- legs; head as large as body and shiny black; cervical shield, feet, and abdominal prologs light brown, the latter having black extremities. The anal prolegs are very ELM CATERPILLARS. 267 small and black. It is sparsely covered with fine white hairs, which are longest near the head and spiracles. When disturbed it throws up the head and tail, resting on the prolegs. They are gregarious when young. Length, 2£ inches. 37. Nerice bidentata Walker. Fig. 105. Packard. Nerice bidentata, from Fig. 106. Nerice bidentata: a, moth; 6, larva; c, pupa; d, folded leaf inclosing the cocoon, all natural size; e, the egs, enlarged, with outline of the surface pattern, much magni- fied. C. L. Marlatt del. I once found the larva on the elm at Providence fully grown Septem- ber 3, but failed to describe it; it pupated September 6, and the moth appeared in May of the following year. The pupa is rather thick, the cremaster very blunt, with a long, slender, acute point bearing very short curled setae, and divided at the end into two minute forks. Length, 18mm.. We are indebted for the following notes and description of the larva to Professor Riley : Found September 16, 1869, at Bellville, on the common elm, a most singular cater- pillar. September 26, 1869, they all descended to the ground and formed their cocoons in the same corner of the breeding cage. The cocoon is formed on the surface of the earth, and consists of loose, yielding silk and earth. It issued the following May 4, 1870. From a larva found feeding on the elm Au- gust 26 the moth issued September 21. (Unpublished notes.) Larva. — Length, 1.25 inches. General color, polished bluish green. Head nar- rower above than below, and larger than segment 1 ; head of the same polished green hue as the body, with four perpendicular silvery-green lines, the two outer ones run- ning parallel to the triangular piece and then taking its V-shaped form. A row — four to six — of minute black eye-spots at base of palpi. Three thoracic segments pale sil- very green above, interrupted, however, by a straight dorsal and wavy subdorsal line of the dark bluish-green general color. Segments 4 to 11, inclusive, each with a large anteriorly directed prominence ending in a bifid ridge, the incision being trans- verse, the anterior portion being curved backwards and larger than the posterior part, the two looking very much like the bill of an eagle and susceptible of being opened and closed. Segments from 1 to 6 gradually increasing ; 6 to 9 about of a size, or showing but a very slight decrease; 10 and 11 somewhat smaller and of a size, though the prominence on 11 is more pointed and higher than that on 10. Steep de- cline from 11 to anus, with but a very slight prominence on 12. The upper half of the body, including prominences, is silvery-green, with the dark lines already men- tioned on thoracic segments, and an oblique dark line running on the other segments from anterior base of prominence to the posterior portion of the following segment. 268 FIFTH KKPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. Summits of prominences yellowish, with extreme edg< b brown, spiracles yellowish with a Ulneeons nnnnlation. Thoracic segments with a lilaeeons line, bordered above with yellow immediately above the legs; segments 4 and 5 with a distinct, and the real of the segments each with an indistinct patch of the same two colors in aline with it, frequently becoming continent and forming another lint! from 10 to anal legs. Since this report was sent to the printer Mr. C. L. Marlatt Las pub- lished in the Transactions of the twentieth and twenty-first annual meetings of the Kansas Academy of Science (1887-'88) an account of the habits and transformations, with the above figures,* of this singu- lar Notodoutian. It appears to be double brooded, as the moths ap- peared in Kansas from May to June, and the females deposited their eggs at that time ; a second brood of moths probably appearing about the first of August, as the caterpillars become fully grown September 14-21. They spin cocoons of stout, brownish silk within folded leaves (Fig. 106 d) or under some slight protection at the surface of the soil, concealed by particles of earth. Egg. — .9x.55mm. Shape hemispherical, with a broad flattened base, irregularly encircled by a whitish cement, fastening it to the leaf. Surface shining, apparently smooth, but when highly magnified is found to be covered with raised lines inclosing minute polygonal, usually six-sided areas. Color, honey-yellow ; after hatchings nearly white. (Marlatt.) 38. Seirodonta bilineata (Packard). This insect was known by Dr. Harris to inhabit the elm as early as 1837, and as his descriptions were from life I reproduce them below. The caterpillar is found from August until October. Professor French has also described the larva found on the elm. (Can. Ent., xviii, 49.) The larva which Harris (Ent. Corr., 302) found under a sycamore and reared on sycamore leaves is evidently the young of Heterocampa uni- color; September 16 it secured itself in a leaf, doubled and fastened with bands of silk. Larva. — Body green like the following, t with a lateral white line approximating on the fourth, third, second, and first segments and distant on the others ; dorsal line and tubercles as in the following. On the sides of the sixth and ninth segments a triangular, claret-red spot. This caterpillar varies in having also a semi-circular red spot on the top of the fourth segment, and sometimes the entire back between the white lateral lines is claret red and augulated downwards on the sixth and ninth seg- ments. A young specimen found September 10, 1841, had the whole back deep claret red, bounded on each side by an irregular, whitish line. The claret color was angularly dilated on the sixth and ninth segments, and the tubercles on the fourth and eleventh segments were also deep claret red. Length, three-fourths of an inch. Moth. — Cinereous. Upper side of the palpi and end of the patagia dark. Fore wings crossed by basal and outer waved and angulated lines, margined on each side with blackish. The basal line is angular inwards on the internal nervure, is rounded outwards across to the subcostal and acutely angulated on that nervure. Outer line angulated outward on the internal, and waved and angulated to the costa. Between * I am indebted to Prof. E. A. Popenoe for the use of this cut. iThe "following" species is Xotodonta (Gluplii*i beetle; 4. larva: 5, papa. — After Riley. ing to Riley the beetle issues the latter part of June and early part of July. " Both sexes bore into the tree — the male for food, and the THE HICKORY BARK-BORER. 295 female mostly for the purpose of laying her eggs. In thus entering the tree they bore slantingly and upward, and do not confine them- selves to the trunk, but penetrate the small branches and even the twigs. The entrance to the twig is usually made at the axil of a bud or leaf, and the channel often causes the leaf to wither and drop, or the twigs die or break off. a The female in depositing, confines herself to the trunk or larger limbs, placing her eggs each side of a vertical chamber, as described by Mr. Bryant.* Here she frequently dies, and her remains may be found long after her progeny have commenced working. The larvae bore their cylindrical channels, at first, transversely and diverging (Fig. 1181), but afterwards lengthwise along the bark (Fig. 1182), always crowding the widening burrows with their powdery excrement, which is of the same color as the bark. The full-grown larva (Fig. 118*), natural size and enlarged) is soft, yellowish and without traces of legs. The head is slightly darker, with brown jaws, and the stigmata so pale that they are with difficulty discerned. It remains torpid in the winter, and transforms to the pupa state about the end of the fol- lowing May. The pupa (Fig. 1185) is smooth and unarmed, and shows no sexual differences. The perfect beetle issues through a hole made direct from the sap-wood, and a badly infested tree looks as though it had been peppered with No. 8 shot. The sexes differ widely from each other, the male having spines on the truncated portion of the abdomen, not possessed by the female. The eggs are deposited during the months of August and September, and the transformations are effected within one year, as no larvae will be found remaining in the tree the latter part of July. Two ichneumon parasites, according to Riley, prey upon this insect, and after killing the grub spin little pale cocoons. They are Spathius trifasciatus Riley, and Bracon scolytivorus Cresson. The beetle. — Male entirely black, or black with brown wing-covers ; the bead above flat, concave towards tip ; thorax very little longer than wide, and narrowing in front but slightly. Elytra with about 10 striae confused at the sides, but regular above, and composed of small, deep, approximate punctures; interstitial spaces with a single row of minute and nearly obsolete punctures ; The female differs in having the head rather shorter, more rounded, less hairy, and the venter unarmed. Length 0.15--0.20 inch. (Riley.) *The mode of operation appears to be as follows: Boring through the bark, the in- sect forms a vertical chamber next to the wood, from half an inch to an inch in length, on each side of which it deposits its eggs, varying in number from twenty to forty or fifty in all. The larvae, when hatched, feed on the inner bark, each one fol- lowing a separate track, which is marked distinctly on the wood. Some trees con- tain them in such numbers that the bark is almost entirely separated from the wood. In many cases the upper part of the tree is killed a year or two before the lower part is attacked. (Riley's Fifth Annual Report Inj. Ins. Missouri, p. 104.) 296 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. 32. Scolytus sp. (probably undescribed). Dr. Hamilton states (Can. Ent. xvii, 1885, p. 48) that Scolytus rugula- tus breeds in hickory twigs, but Mr. Sohwarz (Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash- ington, i, No. 1, 30,) maintains that this species differs from S. rugulo8Usy and is apparently undescribed. (J. B. Smith, Ent. Amer. ii, 127, 1886.) 33. Sinojrylon basilare (Say). Order Coleopteha ; family PTiNiDiE. This beetle in its larval state inhabits hickory wood, in which it bores to a considerable depth, preferring the hard central wood. Its borings are very fine, and firmly compressed. After full development is attained it makes its way out almost at a right angle and emerges through a circular opening in the bark of the hickory. (Horn.) Fig. 119.— Apate ba- tillaris, Smith and Marx del. 34. Red-shouldered apate. Apate ba8illari8 (Say). Order Coleoptera ; family Scolytid^e. Boring deep, small straight holes to the heart of the tree, which is entirely killed by this iasect, and transforming at the bottom of the hole. The beetle. — Deep black, and punctured all over; thorax very convex and rough in front; the wing-covers not excavated at the tip, but sloping downward very suddenly behind, as if obliquely cut off, the outer edge of the cut portion armed with three little teeth on each wing-cover, and on the base or shoulders a large red. spot 0.20 inch in length. (Harris.) 35. The hickory bark-borer. Chrame8U8 icorice Leconte. This bark-borer has beeu bred from the branches and twigs of the hickory by Dr. Le Conte. The genus belongs to a group of Scoly tidae well defined by the club of the antennae being large, strongly compressed, pubescent, and sensitive, the antennae themselves being inserted as usual at the sides of the front. The tibiae are broad, obliquely rounded at the end, and fiuely serrate. Chramesus, says Le Conte, differs from Polygraphus in the eyes not being completely divided ; they are slightly emarginate, the funicle being attached at the side of the club, the outer joints being slender. Two species (one not mentioned in Le Conte and Horn's work on " Coleoptera of North America ") live on the species of Carya. Prof. Johp B. Smith (Eut. Amer. vi, 53) gives an account of the habits of this Scolytid beetle, with a figure of the mine and of the mouth- parts of the larva, which is also described in full. HICKORY BARK BEETLES. 297 It is probable that the young of this and other borers in the hickory are devoured by two species of Cleridse bred by Dr. Le Conte, viz : Chariessa pilota and Phyllobcenus dislocatus. The former has been ob- served by Mr. Harrington in the act of devouring Agrilus egenus and Magdalis olyra. Several other species of Clerid beetles are said by Mr. Harrington to commonly occur on the hickory and are beneficial to the tree. 36. Xyleborus ceUus Eichhoff. Order Coleoptera; family Scot«ytid.£:. This bark-borer has been bred by Dr. Le Conte from the twigs of the hickory. 37. Magdalis olyra (Herbst). Mr. F. C. Bowditch, in the Quarterly Journal of the Boston Zoolog- ical Society (1884), remarks that this weevil, which has heretofore only been known to burrow in the red oak (see p. 80) has been found to infest various species of hickory. The larvae " tunnel the bark in every direc- tion, leaving only just enough tissue to prevent the bark warping away from the tree." He adds : As far as my observations extend the species appears to prefer small trees, from four to six inches in diameter. * * * If the tree is small and very badly infested it dies very quickly, and shortly after the beetles have escaped the bark is apt to flake off or curl up in quite large pieces. 38. Magdalis barbita Say. " The beetles," states Mr. Harrington, " are found during the sum- mer months, puncturing the bark of dead and felled hickories, and the larvae live in great numbers in the bark or between it and the wood. I have found the beetles most abundant from the 15th to the 30th of June." (Report, etc., 50.) The beetle. — Black ; prothorax closely punctured ; the rounded sides projecting in front in a short acute tubercle. The head prolonged into a slightly curved beak, not deflexed, and as long as the prothorax. The elytra have deep punctured striae, and are as long as the head and prothorax together. Scutellum covered with white hairs. Length, 6-7mm. (Harrington.) 39. Acoptus suiuralis Le Conte. As this weevil is said by Mr. Harrington to bore abundantly in dead hickories, in company with Magdalis olyra, it presumably infests living trees. The beetle. — A small black weevil, densely clothed beneath and more sparsely above with short yellowish hairs. The elytra are striated and in unrubbed specimens have a wide band of yellowish pubescence across the base, and a narrow one near the tips, which are black, as is also the space between the bands ; a white line along the suture interrupts the basal band. (Harrington.) 298 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. 40. Tremex col umba {Linn.). From the following letter, which we have received from Mr. James Angus, of West Farms, N. V., it seems probable that Tremex columba injures the hickory by boring into the trunks. So good and exper- ienced an observer as Mr. Augus would not think of referring the writer to the attacks of this borer if there were not some foundation for his suspicions. The hickory trees are all dying around here. I should say that one-half of the have died within two or three years. In woods that are not crowded and of mixed woods it is quite common to find as many M from three to six dead trees within a stone's throw. Great numbers of Rhyssa atrata and lunator are now to be seen on the trunks of partially decayed trees. Earlier in the season the Tremex were also abundant. Can it be the latter insects that are doing all this mischief t Mr. Tyler Townsend confirms Mr. Angus' statement in a note re- ceived while this report was passing through the press. In regard to Tremex columba I have found large numbers of the dead adults in February in a stauding, dead trunk of hickory in Michigan. They were found as they had died in their burrows, being unable to penetrate the hard bark or else having perished from parasites, for numerous remains of Rhyssa were present. In every case the heads of the unfortunate Tremex pointed towards the bark, which they had been unable to pierce. 41. Osmoderma eremicola (Knoch). This beetle has been observed by Mr. \V. H. Harrington to feed u upon the sappy, partly decayed wood, enlarging the wound aud caus- ing further decay, and thus injuriously affecting the tree. He found the insect in the pupa state, inclosed in oval cocoons made from parti- cles of the wood, in a small hollow where decay had commenced from the breaking off of a limb. The cocoon is made in autumn, the beetle appearing the following July. Its larva is said to closely resemble the common white grub, or young of the May beetle. AFFECTING THE BARK. 4J. Thk hickory-bark louse. Lecanium vary a' (Fitch). Order Hemiptera ; family CocciD-E. Fixed to the bark of the small limbs, a large, very convex oval scale of a black color fading to chestnut brown, in May dusted over with a white powder. Length often 0.40 by 0.25 inch in width. (Fitch.) • 43. The hickory blight. Erio8oma caryw (Fitch). Order Hemiptera ; family Aphidj:. Forming a docculentdown coating the under side of the limbs, especially of bushes and young trees in shaded situations, multitudes of wooly plaut lice. Winged individuals.— Black, with the head, scutel. and abdomen covered with a white cotton-like substance, the fore wings with an oval salt-white spot near the tip of their outer margin, the veins being obsolete. Length to the tip of the wings 0.12 inch. On walnut bushes in Illinois. (Fitch.) INJURING HICKORY LEAVES. 299 44. The hickory aphis. Lachnns caryce (Harris). Order Hemiptera ; family Aphid^e. Living in clusters on the under side of limbs of the pig-nut hickory early in July, very large plant-lice one-quarter of an inch long, with no terminal stylet and very short horny tubes ; body covered with a bluish-white bloom or down, with four rows of little transverse black spots on the back ; top of thorax and veins of wings black, as are also the shanks, feet, and antennae, while the thighs are reddish-brown. (Harris.) AFFECTING THE LEAVES. 45. The hickory slug caterpillar. Thecla calanu» (Hiibner.) Order Lepidoptera; family Papilionid4. Acroiiycta lithospila Grote. The caterpillar has been bred from the hickory by the late Mr. S. L. Elliot. Larva. — Very dark bluish green, darkest dprsally ; bead slightly truncate in front, with two slightly raised protuberances on the crown ; pitchy, with brown * Food-plants of Daiana ministra (Drury.) By "Wm. BeutexmI'llek, Ent. Amer. TILIACEiE. Tilia aniericana, L. (Bass wood.) heterophylla, Vent. (White Bass- wood.) europaea, L. (European Linden.) alba, Waldst & Kit. (White Lin- den.) ROSACEA. Prunus cerasus, Juss. (Common Garden Cherry.) Pyrus malus, Tourn. (Common Apple.) Cydonia vulgaris, Pers. (Common Quince.) JUGLANDACE.E. Juglans cinerea, L. (Butternut.) nigra, L. (Black Walnut.) Carya alba, Nutt. (Shell Bark Hickory.) microcarpa, Nutt. (Small Fruited Hickory.) sulcata, Nutt. (Western Shell Bark Hickory.) amara, Nutt. (Bitter Nut Hick- ory.) porcina, Nutt. (Pig-nut Hickory.) CUPULIFEtLB. Quercus alba, L. (White Oak.) obtusiloba, Michx. (Obtuse- leaved Oak.) macrocarpa, Michx. (Mossy-cup Oak.) Quercus cocciuea, Wang. (Scarlet Oak.) rubra, L. (Red Oak.) palustris, Du Roi. (Pin Oak.) pedunculata, Willd. (English Oak.) sessiliflora, Sal. (The Sessil- flowered Oak.) cerris, Linn. (Turkey Oak.; Castanea vesca, Gaert. (European Chest- nut.) Castanea vesca, v. Americana, De Cand. (American Chestnut.) Castanea pumila, Mil. (Chinquapin.) Fagus ferruginea, Ait. (Red Beech.) sylvatica, L. (European Wood Beech.) sylvatica, var. purpurea, Ait. * (Purple Beech.) sylvatica, var. cuprea, Lodd. (Copper Beech.) sylvatica var. laciniata, Lodd. (Cut-leaved Beech.) Corylus americaua, Walt. (American Hazel. ) avellana, L. (European Hazel.) Carpiuus americana, Michx. (Horn- beam.) BETULACE.E. Betula alba, L. (White Birch.) var. populifolia, Spach. (Ameri- can White Birch.) papyracea, Ait. (Paper Birch.) tFood-plants of Lepidoptera, No. 4. INJURING HICKORY LEAVES. 303 marks. The body is covered with rather long hairs ; along the back is a dull pink stripe, triangularly formed on the six anterior segments, then widening very much until the entire back is covered on segments 7, 8, and 9, then narrowing again to the anal extremity. The middle and broad portion of this mark is darker than the anterior and posterior portions ; the hairs spriug from small pinkish tubercles, the spiracles also being of a pinkish cast ; under side all dull green. Length, 35mm (1.40 iuches). (Hy. Edwards & Elliott.) Moth.— Resembling closely in its markings a gray Leucania or Xylina, and in shape of wings and streaky shadings A. xylinoides. Ornamentation obscure, the trans- verse lines marked by even oblique darker shades on the costa. The color is dark steel gray with dull, inconspicuous brownish shadings on the cell. Transverse posterior line dentate. Whitish streaky shadings on the cell accompanying a black discal streak, above the internal angle below a very fine black streak, and again on the submedian interspace before the transverse posterior line, and on a line with the black basal streak. Reniform spot obscure. Fore wings paler gray near the outer margin, the veins marked with dark gray and with dark shade streaks between the ends of the venules, ending in marginal dots. Hind wings whitish, with smoky venules and a faint undefined terminal shade band. Beneath whitish, dusted with smoky scales, and with an obscure discal mark and line on the hind wings. Palpi whitish, with the second joint black on the sides. Expanse of wings 35mm (1.40 inches). (Grote.) 55. Catocala serena Edwards. This species is said by Mr. Angus to feed as a caterpillar on the hickory ; there is no description of it. It has also been observed on the hickory in Ohio by Mr. Pilate. (Papilio, ii, 69.) Moth. — Fore wings close, even, uniform, smoky gray ; lines fine but distinct ; transverse posterior line with but one prominent tooth ; reniform spot brownish ; subreniform spot round, a little lighter. Hind wings light yellow ; median band narrow, angulated ; yellow interspace, often very narrow. Expands 60 to 65mm. It inhabits the Northern and eastern United States. It also occurs in eastern Siberia. (Hulst.) 50. Catocala judith Strecker. The food-plant of this species is said by Mr. Hulst, on the authority of Mr. Angus, to be probably the hickory. Moth. — Fore wings close, even, 4ight gray, with a dusky shade ; lines fine, faint, sometimes partly obsolete, no basal or apical dashes ; reniform spot brownish, annu- late with whitish; M of transverse posterior line with the upper tooth broad, much the larger; a subterminal lighter band toothed strongly at M of transverse posterior line. Hind wings black, fringes dark. Expands 40 to 50mm. It inhabits the Eastern and Middle States. (Hulst.) Var. miranda Hy. Edw., differs in being smaller and with the fringe of the hind wings whitish on outer margin to apex. 57. Catocala robinsonii Grote. According to Mr. Angus the caterpillar of this moth feeds on the hickory. Moth. — Fore wings even, smooth, pale greenish cinereous, generally without shades; lines fine, distinct; M of transverse posterior line moderately strong ; a black shad- ing on the costa at the reniform spot ; the latter lighter ; a subterminal white space. 304 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. beyond the transverse posterior line. Hind wings black; fringe white. Expands 76 bo -()""". Middle and Western States. Curvata is the name given to the form with basal and apical dashes. (Hulst.) 58. Calocala retecta Grote. The caterpillar feeds on the hickory, according to Angus, and Dr. Kellicott has reared it from a caterpillar found on the hickory June 28, which changed to a pupa in July, the moth appearing July 27. This moth has been raised by Dr. Kellicott, who originally by mistake referred it to G.flebilis. (See Ent. Amer., June, 1886, p. 46.) Larva. — Gray, with a greenish tinge; dorsal line rather faint, made up of closely placed lines of black dots; subdorsal line wider and more conspicuous; on each abdom- inal ring is an illy-defined > — or < situated in this line ; the stigmatal line or stripe is still more distinct and continous ; the large, black-ringed, elliptical spiracles are situated, except the first, wholly in this line. The papillae are white, each bearing a fine brown hair; those on the first thoracic ring, however, are dark or black ; on the abdominal riugs the posterior pair are situated in the angle of the > — referred to above. Head flattened, bluish gray, with Hues of confluent whitish spots so arranged that the surface has the appearance of watered silk ; on the top of the head are four brown dots placed at the angles of a square. There is a black line extending from the articulation of the jaws half way up the cranial lobes in front of the cells. Feet ornamented with black slashes. Lateral fringes hoary. Uuder side of the body bluish white, with black and flesh-colored spots. Length 58mm (2.32 inches). (Kellicott.) Moth. — Fore wings pearly cinereous, a dash at the base and at the sinus of the transverse posterior line; lines distinct; M of transverse posterior line strongly produced ; teeth nearly equal. Hind wings black ; fringe white. Expands 70 to 75mm. Middle and Western States. Flebilis has a diffuse black shading, reaching from the base longitudinally across the wing to the apex. (Hulst.) 59. Catocala luctuosa Hulst. The food-plant of this species is probably the hickory, according to TVlr Hulst. Moth. — Fore wings like C. retecta in markings, but with apical shadings ; wings broader and outwardly more rounded, and more or less generally covered with a brownish shading, often with a violet tinge. Hind wings black, with fringes broader and dull white, and marked with black at ends of the veins. Expands 75 to 80mm. Middle and Western States. (Hulst.) 60. Catocala insolabilis Guene*e. This moth has been bred by Mr. Angus from caterpillars found on the hickory, but they have not been described. Moth. — Fore wings light blue gray, heavily powdered with black; clouded with black along the inner margin ; generally on the median space, just auterior to this black margin, a triangular pale or white space ; basal dash always turned downward outwardly. Hind wings black, fringes dark. Expands 75 to 85mra. Middle, Western, and Southern States. (Hulst). HICKORY CATERPILLARS. 305 61. Catocala angusii Grote. With the same habits as (7. insolabilis. Moth. — Fore wings dark greenish gray ; no band on the inner margin, though often a cloud at the sinus of the transverse posterior line and below the apex ; no triangular white spot on the median space ; basal dash turning upward outwardly ; in these respects differing from C. insolabilis. Hind wings black, fringe dark, rarely light. Expands 70 to 80ram. Habitat. — With the same distribution as in G. insolabilis. Lucetta differs in having a longitudinal shading from the base to beneath the apex. 62. Catocala obscura Strecker. Also feeds upon the hickory, according to Mr. Angus. Moth.— Fore wings uniform dull smoky gray ; lines fine but distinct; margin of transverse posterior line with the upper tooth much the larger ; submarginal space whitish, serrated. Hind wings black, fringes white. Expands 70 to 80mm. Dr. D. S. Kellicott says that u the larva of this species feeds on the leaves of the shagbark hickory, C. alba, and in habit agrees very closely with other described species of the genus ; it is, apparently, a night feeder, concealing itself by day at rest under the loosened bark of the tree, upon the leaves of which it feeds at night. July 5, 1883, at Pulaski, N. Y., larvae were taken from beneath the bark of the hickory, and from these, two imagos were obtained. Two sizes were thus obtained on that day ; one, evidently soon after its last larval molt, measured 1.6 inches, width of head .1 7 inch, of eighth and ninth rings .2 inch; the smaller ones were 1.1 inches long ; they molted July 19, when they were 1.5 inches long and precisely similar to the larger size when taken July 5." Larva. — The head is somewhat flattened, reticulated with coarse, uneven lines, and a heavy black stripe extends along the lateral borders from the articulation of the mandibles half way to the apex of head lobes. In this character it closely resem- bles the larva of C. retecta, which likewise feeds on the hickory. The antennae are long, slender, and white. The color of the skin is dark gray, much darker than in C. retecta. The piliferous spots which are arranged nearly at the corners of a rectangle are large and light col- ored ; these are larger than usual on rings 5 and 12, otherwise there are no humps ; there are no lateral fringes as in Vitro nia and Unijuga. The dorsal line is very obscure ; there are on rings 5, 9, and 10, irregular black crosses ; the stigmatal line distinct and black. The stigmata are of the usual shape ; the long axis, how- ever, leans slightly forward, rings black, white within. The ventral surface is pinkish with black spots in the abdominal rings except 8 and 9. The color of smaller specimens yellowish gray. One larva, then 2 inches in length, spun the usual, light, very loose cocoon among the leaves July 20 ; the imago appeared about August 15. The pupa was of the usual form and color, covered with bloom ; it measured t.l inches. The anal hooklets unusually long. (Kellicott.) It inhabits the Middle, Western, and probably Southern States. Var. residua Grote. Fore wings of a brighter, bluer color. Hind wings with the fringes often dark. 5 ENT 20 0 306 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. 63". Catocala habilis Grote. " The larvre of this species were in company with those of obscura, mentioned above. Different sizes were taken ; but slight changes in color or ornamentation were noted at the molts. This larva is quite different from any of the genus heretofore identified by me. It pupated in the usual cocoon ; the first to change July 18 gave a moth August 18." (Kellicott.) Larva. — An average mature caterpillar measured 2 inches in length ; slender, color dark, in some almost black ; skin shining. Along the dorsum there is a broad stripe, lighter than the general hue ; on either side a darker one of equal width ; the stig- matal stripes almost black ; beneath pale whitish, with black spots on the middle segments. Head reddish black, with faint reticulations in white. 64. Catocala sp. Order Lepidopteba ; family Xoctcid2B. This caterpillar occurs in June on the pig-nut hickory at Providence. Larva. — Young 13,mn long. Body very slender, head very small, considerably nar- rower than the prothoracic segment. Body tapering towards each end, tirst abdomi- nal segment about as long as all the thoracic ones, the abdominal segments being very long compared with the thoracic ones; third and fourth abdominal segments with minute legs, those on the fourth a little larger than those on the third segment; those on fifth and sixth segments large and rather slender, blackish in front. Anal legs very long, slender and spreading. Supra-anal plate very short and wide, rounded behind. At base of anal legs next to the hind edge of the supra-anal plate are two large shining dark piliferous tubercles; four conspicuous black dorsal piliferous warts. Body dull pearl colored, with two dorsal parallel wrinkled white lines; three similar lateral lines. Upper side of thoracic legs dark. Head and thoracic segments a little more dusky than the abdominal ones; head streaked longitudinally with white and black. Clypeus with a median black line, and sides lined with black. Thoracic feet a little dusky. Four lateral piliferous conspicuous dots on each abdominal segment, arranged in an oblique rhomb. Length 13mm. Found on Carya porcina May 24, molted about the 26th, becoming 22m,n long, with the four anterior abdominal feet well developed. Full-grown larva. — June 11. Head duil pearl, marbled with longitudinal irregular black lines, somewhat flattened in front. Body dull pearl, mottled with brown and blackish lines and spots. On top of each segment are four white dots arrauged in a square. A pair of rather broad interrupted dark brown dorsal lines, and a similar lateral supra-stigmatal band. Five pairs of abdominal feet, all well developed. Be- neath pale, with a median series of about twelve dark red -brown patches connected together posteriorly. Length, June 4, 40ram. Although the young larva was supposed to be a Pyralid, after the last molt the Catocala-like characters revealed them- selves. 65. Eugonia suWignaria (Hiibner.) Order Lepidoplia; family Phal.eind.e. During the past summer specimeus of this common northern geo- metrid were received from Mr. Adam Davenport, of Morgan ton, Fan- nin County, Ga. In the accompanying letter Mr. Davenport stated that the insects had first been noticed in the county two years before, aud that they had rapidly spread uutil they were now destroying HICKORY CATERPILLARS. 307 forests of hickory and chestnut and were doing much damage to the fruit trees. The principal damage done by these insects at the North has been to the shade trees in the large cities, notably New York and Philadelphia. In these localities there is but one brood in a year, the worms hatching in early spring and feeding upon the leaves until towards the end of June, when they spin up between the leaves. The moths issue in a week, pair, and lay their eggs upon the trunk and twigs of the tree, where they remain until the following spring. The worm is an inch and a half long and nearly black in color. The moth is pure white in color and has a wing expanse of an inch and a half. As was evinced by reports received by Mr. Davenport, and by the fact that many of the eggs received were deposited upon leaves, there is evidently more than one brood each year in Georgia. The eggs were lmm long, half as wide, of a yellowish-brown color, and were placed upon end in small patches. As to remedies, it will prove a very difficult in- sect to fight in forests ; but upon ornamental trees and shrubs and upon fruit trees it will not be difficult to destroy it. The former can easily be syringed with Paris green and water, from a garden syringe or fountain pump. With the latter it will be necessary to jar the trees in mid-day, or in warm sunshine, when the worms are most active. The shock will cause nearly all to drop, suspended by a silken thread; then by using a pole they can be brought to the ground and destroyed by crushing. In forests, however, 1 can see no means of getting rid of them, unless it should prove that the moths are readily attracted by light, in which case much good could be accomplished by building fires at intervals during the time of flight. (Comstock's Report for 1880, p. 271). For descriptions of the moth and its preparatory stages see p. 232. 66. Eagonia alniaria Hiibner. The larva of this species occurred at Providence in June, in its sec- ond stage of growth on Carya porcina and Juglans nigra. I sent it to Miss Sanders, who states that it molted July 9, again on the 16th, and for the last time July 24, spinning August 9 a beautiful loose web of silk like open lace, within the web hanging the inner oval hammock- like cocoon of close texture, thin and fine. The female emerged Au- gust 31. Mr. L. W. Goodell has raised it from the chestnut at Amherst, Mass., August 20. He describes the caterpillar as " bluish-green, with a thick wrinkle on each ring, those on the fifth and eighth thickest and light brown; on the back of the eleventh ring are two little warts tipped with brown." Length, 2.3 inches, the body largest near the tail' and tapering to the head. August 21 it drew a few leaves together and spun a thin pear-shaped cocoon, pupated the 24th, the moth issuing Sep- tember 13. 308 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. Mr. S. H. Scudder has found it on the black birch. u It forms a cocoon by spinning in the midst of a bunch of leaves a close and firm cocoon of a bluntly fusiform shape, having a long neck extending above and below (it hangs perpendicularly) to the end of the many threads; open at both ends by an aperture about one-tenth of an inch in diameter." Larva.— Of the color of the twig (of black birch), dull brownish-red, speckled con- siderably, and especially above, with dirty-white specks, arranged very frequently in lines, either longitudinal on the sides or curved forward above and becoming transverse. Head a little paler than the body; labruin and feet at base whitish. On the posterior portion of the fifth and eighth segments above there is a transverse paler ridge bordered with black. Length, 2 inches. Moth. — Delicate ocher-yellow, with a reddish tinge toward the edge of the wings and on the head and front of the thorax. Fore-wings with two lines, often inter- rupted, or only developed on the costa ; inner line on the inner third of the wing; the curved outer line, beginning near the inner, diverges and follows a sinuate course, ending much nearer the apex than the inner line, the distance varying; both wings speckled, sometimes thickly, with unusually large spots; outer edge of both wings deeply excavated, especially opposite the second median venule. On the hind wings no lines; an obscure discal clot centered, with a short translucent line. Beneath, much as above, but no lines, except in one case a diffuse dark line crosses the hind-wings. (The female differs in the usual characters of the dentated forms.) Fringe dark, whitish in the notches on both wings. Expanse of wings, 2 to 2.20 inches. 67. Geometrid larva. This measuring worm was observed to be common on the hickory in the Arnold Arboretum at Jamaica Plains, June 4. Larva. — Body thick, of uniform diameter throughout its length. Head brick-red, granulated with fine yellow tubercles, about as wide as the body. Prothoracic seg- ment reddish above, spotted with black. Body bright straw-yellow low down on the sides and beneath, including the spiracles. Above, with alternating yellow and brown lines, the black lines inclosing about eight yellow ones. Length, 22 to 25mm. 68. Geometrid larva. This larva is a general feeder on the pig-nut hickory and Ostrya vir- ginica, and resembles a canker worm (A. pometaria). It was common, May 30, at Providence. Larva. — Pale green, color of the leaf it feeds on. Head small, round, two-thirds as wide as the body, which is rather thick. A rudimentary pair of feet on the fifth abdominal segment. Two subdorsal white threads, and a much narrower lateral thread line ; in one specimen a dark dot behind each spiracle ; sutures yellowish white. Length, 22 to 23mm. 69. Geometrid larva. This measuring worm occurred May 30, at Providence, on the pig-nut hickory. Larva. — With large clasping prothoracic legs. Head somewhat square in front, as wide as the body, with reddish-resinous short curved lines. Segments much tuber- culated on the sides, some of the tubercles beariug.the spiracles. A broad, irregular spiracular line ending on the first pair of legs. Body black above, with a broken HICKORY CATERPILLARS. 309 broad greenish-yellow median band, ending before reaching inesothoracic or posteri- orly the eighth abdominal segment. The ninth and tenth segments greenish yellow, including the anal legs. Prothoracic segment yellowish above, interrupted by a median short, broad, black band. Prothoracic and mesothoracic segments with ob- lique yellowish-brown bands extending to the feet. Length, 25mm. 70. Noctuidl caterpillar. (PI. xxv, Fig. 2.) For several years I have noticed a greenish semi-looping caterpillar on the hickory eating large holes in the leaves. In one year they were very abundant. They appear as soon as the leaves begin to unfold, and get their growth by June 15 to 20, when they fall to the ground and pupate. The year in which so many were observed, large numbers were ichneumoned, many caterpillars having an egg affixed to the head. (Fig. 2.) Whether from generally being ichneumoned, or sickly in confinement, after repeated attempts we have failed to rear this common caterpillar. Larva. — Body of moderate thickness ; head smooth, not lobed, not quite so wide as the prothoracic segment. Pea-green, of the hue of the under side of a leaf. Spiracles dark. Two subdorsal white lines and below two narrower ones on each side, six in all, one above and one below the spiracles. Length 19mm. 71. Phycis rubrifasciella (Packard). Family Pyralid^e ; order Lepidoptera. This insect mines the recently expanded leaves and partially expanded large buds of Gary a glabra and another species with seven leaflets, probably amara, making a mass of "frass" under the revolute outer bracts, also boring into and hiding in the base of the leaf stalks. It occurs in abundance on Carya amara ? in Providence May 25, or before the trees are wholly leaved out. It pupated June 1,2. In one case the caterpillar pupated June 8 and the moth appeared early in July. June 14 other larvae were found mining in the stems of the leaves, building out the mouths of the mines with tubes formed of ex- crement, and making a tent of the leaflets. Larva. — A reddish-brown caterpillar, with the body thick and fleshy, tapering sud- denly toward the head and tail ; head and prothoracic shield chestnut-brown. Head narrow, much narrower than the prothoracic shield. Thoracic feet dark brown. In the abdominal segments the posterior half of the back is separated from the rest by a deep distinct suture. Piliferous dots minute, with sparse, rather long hairs. Supra-anal plate small, rounded. Length 12mm. Pupa. — Of the usual brown color, the end of the abdomen much rounded, pro- jecting from a transverse supra-anal projecting ridge, with the usual stiff curved setae unusually small and short, from six to ten placed irregularly ; in one pupa only six large and well marked, in another eight large ones and two small ones, and scattered in position; in size and situation very different from the pupa of P. contatella and that of another species, on Gleditschia. Moth. — Antennae of male with the usual tuft on basal joint; the palpi slender, pointed, ascending vertically. Body and fore-wings slate-ash, glistening; thorax 310 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. tinged with reddish-brown, and with the head giving off faint metallic colors; palpi blaokisb on the outside. Fore wings rather broad; just within the basal third a straight line of raised scales, extending from the iuuer edge and stopping short of the subcostal vein, conspicuously black externally with bright vermilion (some- times wanting), which usually reaches the costal edge. Base of wing slightly paler than middle of tln> wing. A light, triangular, paler shade in the costal region of the middle of the wing, inclosing two small, conspicuous twin black dots. A submar- ginal faint, pale, narrow line curving outward in the middle, and with four or five acute scallops. Fringe coucolorous with the rest of the wing. Hind wings pale, glistening, cinereous. Beneath, fore-wings quite dusky, with no markings; hind wings much paler, growing darker toward the costa. Legs dark ash, paler at the ends of the joints, especially the hind tiba>, which have a whitish band around them ; hind legs whitish within. Length of body, male, .40; female, .40 inch; of fore- wings, male, .38 to .40; female, .40 inch. Orouo, Me., and Providence, R. I. This species is at once recognized by the broad bright-red transverse stripe just within the middle of the wing. This stripe varies much, being sometimes not present, at others not reachiug the costal edge. In one additional specimen from Maine the fore-wing has scattered reddish scales at base and beyoud the middle, while the dark trans- verse stripe is wanting, and the red portion forms a broad transverse bright-red band. The. larva lives in Juue and early in July between the leaves of the alder, where it makes a horn-shaped case of black cylindrical pellets of excrement, arranged regularly in circles, the additions being made around the mouth of the case. The case is about an inch and a half long, its mouth a quarter of an inch in diameter. Within it is densely lined with white silk. The pupa is of the usual color, mahogany brown ; the end of the abdomen rounded, with six hairs projecting from a transverse supra-anal projecting ridge. On each abdominal segment is a dorsal dusky transverse stripe, widest on the basal segment. The pupa state lasts about two weeks, the moth which I reared in Maine appearing July 24, the larva having been found July 6. The Museum of the Peabody Academy of Science also contains {en specimens of this moth, reared by Mr. J. H. Emerton. The larvoe were found feeding on the sweet fern (Comptonia aspenifolia Ait.), July 7, 1866, at Hamilton, Mass., the moth appearing July 20. The case is quite different in form from that previously described, being regularly oval cylindrical, .55 inch long and .35 inch in diameter. It is con- structed in the same manner as those found on the alder. This striking difference in the form of the case may possibly be due to the difference in the form of the leaves of the food plaut, the large, broad leaves of the alder inducing the larva to build a hornlike, much elongated case, while the narrow, smaller leaves of the sweet fern may have led to the formation of a short oval case. These differences are such as we would ordinarily regard as specific, but neither do the pupre nor adults reared from the two plants differ appreciably. From the foregoing descriptions and remarks it will be seen that this is a variable moth both in its coloration as well as in the habits of the HICKORY CATERPILLARS. 311 caterpillar ; hence I am inclined to regard the following species de- scribed by Mr. Grote as synonyms of the species described by myself in the Annals of the Lyceum of Natural History, New York, in 1873. It should also be said that the moths raised from the Carya were shown to Prof. O. H. Fernald, who identified them as Phycis rubrifasciella Pack. Grote's description of A, demotella applies to my specimen ; so also does that of A. angusella. After preparing the foregoing account I found among my notes the following extract from an Illinois paper by an excellent observer, which I reproduce, as it shows that this insect is wide-spread in its distribu- tion, and works in the same manner East and West. In the latter part of May, while visiting a relative who lives in the western part of this county, I saw that many small webs had been spun by some insect around the footstalks of the leaves which grew near the terminal end of the branches of many hickory trees. These webs were always spun on the lower branches, seldom being more than 8 or 10 feet from the ground, and were confined to the second- growth trees. Upon examining these webs more closely there was found a short silken tube, closed at the outer end and opening at the other into a burrow, which in many instances extended through the wood of the present year's growth, but never passing into the old wood. Many of these burrows contained an ashen green sixteen- footed larva, measuring about half an inch in length ; the spiracles were ringed with dark brown, and there was a raised brown dot above each, and a pale brown flea-beetle. Systena marginalis Illiger. Order Coleoptera ; family Chrysomelid.e. This flea-beetle is said by Mr. Harrington to abound upon the elm, oak, etc., in the summer and autumn, while early in September he found it in great numbers feeding on the foliage of the sweet hickory. (Rep. Ent. Soc. Ontario for 1883, p. 49.) The beetle. — A small, long beetle of a lemon-yellow color, and having the prothorax and wing-covers edged with black. The hind femora or thighs are much swollen, adapting it for leaping like a flea. S6. The hickory leaf-weevil. Conotraehehi8 elegans Say. Order Coleoptera : family Curculioxidje. We have observed this weevil at Providence, busily engaged the last of May, and in 1882 from June 8 to 13, laying its eggs in the partly rolled-up leaves of the pig-hickory (Carya glabra), and during the process cutting off the leaves, which hang down, wither, and turn black. 87. The plum weevil. Conotrachelu8 nenuphar (Herbst). This common weevil was noticed on the leaves of the pig hickory, May 25, at Providence. Fig. 123. — Conotrachelus nenuphar. Smith del. THE WALKING STICK. 317 88. The pig-hickory slug worm. Selandria sp. This is a pale green slug worm, representing in form the naked larva of Selandria caryce, with several rows of short, forked white hairs ; quite abundant at Providence May 30, eating roundish holes in the leaves of the pig-nut hickory. 89. The thick-thighed walking-stick. Diapheromera femorata Say. Order Orthoptera ; family Phasmid^e. The following account of this singular insect is taken verbatim from Professor Riley's U. S. Report for 1878 : Certain elongate insects belonging to the Orthoptera, and popularly known as the J 'olio? (Fitch). Forming small conical elevations on the upper surface of the leaf of Carya alba, each having an orifice in its summit; a very small black plant-louse with a pale abdomen and legs and smoky wings laid flat on its back, and having only three veins in addition to the rib. Length, 0.06 inch. (Fitch.) 94. The seed gall hickory phylloxera. Phylloxera carya?- semen (Walsh). Forming fuscous, minute, subglobular, seed-like galls on the leaves of Carya glabra, the galls opening in a small nipple on the under side. (Walsh.) 95. The hickory round-gall. Phylloxera carya?~globuli Walsh. Forming hemispherical galls about 0.25 inch diameter on the upper surface of the leaves of Carya glabra and alba, the galls rather flat below, where they open in a slit. (Walsh.) 96. The hickory spiny gall. Phylloxera spinosa (Shimer). Forming large, irregular galls, covered with spines, on the petiole of the leaf of Carya amara, the galls opening beneath in an irregular, sinuate slit. (Shimer.) 97. Phylloxera earya?-8epta (Shimer). Forming flattened galls with a septum, on the leaves of Carya alba, the galls open- ing both above and below. (Shimer.) Probably, according to Riley, only an abnor- mal form of P. caryo?-globulis. 98. Phylloxera forcata (Shimer). Forming galls much like those of P. caryorsemen. HICKORY APHIDS. 323 99. Phylloxera depressa (Shimer). Forming depressed galls on leaves of Carya alba, the galls opening below with a constricted mouth fringed with filaments. Daktylosphoera coniferum Shimer is, in all probability, Riley claims, the same. (7th Rep. Ins. Mo., p. lib.) 100. Phylloxera conica (Shimer). Forming galls similar to those of P. depressa, but without the fringe. (Probably the same, Riley claims.) 101. Phylloxera caryw-gummosa Riley. Forming pedunculated ovoid or globular galls on the under side of Carya alba; the gall white, pubescent, and gummy or sticky, opening below in a fibrous point. The eggs are almost spherical, pale, and translucent. Larva, mother-louse, and pupa quite pale, the red eyes and eyelets strongly contrasting. (Riley, 7th Rep. Ins. Mo., p. 118.) 102. Phylloxera caryce-ren Riley. Forming numerous more or less confluent mostly reniform galls on the petiole and leaf-stems of Carya glabra ; the galls varying from 0.2 to 0.7 inch in diameter, pale green and densely pubescent, aud opening in a slit the whole of their length, trans- versely with the axis of the petiole. (Riley. ) 103. Phylloxera caryce-fallax Riley. Forming conical galls thickly crowded on the upper surface of the leaves of the Carya alba. Strongly resembling P. caryw-folia, but the height one-third greater than the basal diameter, and opening below, instead of above, in a circular fuzzy mouth. (Riley.) 104. Lachnus caryoj (Harr.) Stylo nullo, corniculis brevissimis, corpore cinereo, dorso nigro-maculato ; femoribus brunneis, tibiis, tarsis antennisque nigris. Larva. — Body with a cinereous pruina, which is somewhat evanescent on the thorax, so as to exhibit the black color, more or less, on this part. Dorsum of the abdomen with four longitudinal rows of transverse black spots (or four on each segment). Style obsolete ; cornicula very short, tuberculiform, rostrum extending only to the middle of the third segment ; wings fuliginous, bases ferruginous brown, dilated, costa and nervures black ; legs black, hairy, the posterior tibiae remarkably so ; femora, except at tips, ferruginous brown. Length of body .25, of upper wings, .35, of body and wings when at rest .43, expansion of wings .72 of an inch. Larvae, pupae, and winged insects found on the limbs of the Carya porcina, July 1, 1831. (Harris' Corr.) 105. TlIE HICKORY GAY-LOUSE. Monella caryella (Fitch). Scattered upon the under side of the leaves, a small pale-yellow plant-louse with white antennae alternated with black rings and pellucid wings laid flat upon its back, its abdomen egg-shaped, somewhat flattened, aud with only minute rudimentary honey-tubes. (Fitch.) 106. The dotted-winged gay-louse. Callipterus? punctatellus Fitch. A plant-louse like the preceding, but with black feet and a black dot on the base and another on the apex of each of the veins of its fore-wings. The stigma is salt- white, with a brown streak at each end ; the second vein is wavy, and at its tip is 324 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION curved towards the tip of the first vein ; the third rein arises from the basal extremity of the stigma, and forward of its furcation curves perceptibly towards the apex of the wing; th»' fourth vein is longer than the second fork. (Fitch.) 107. The bpotted-wingbd gay louse. Callipterua maculellus Fitch. Differs from C. f caryellun in having only a Blender black ring at each articulation of the antenna), the feet and a band near the tips of the hind thighs blackish ; the stigma salt-white, its base black, its apex dusky ; fourth vein with a black dot on its base and a dusky one on its apex ; the first vein, apical third of the second vein, and the lir.^t and second forks broadly margined with smoky brown; second vein wavy and parallel with the third vein till near its tip, where it curves towards the first vein, its base a third nearer the third thau it is to the first vein ; third vein arising from the anterior extremity of the stigma, with a dusky spot on its apex. (Fitch.) 108. The smoky-winged gay-louse. Callipterua fumipennellus Fitch. Similar to the preceding, of a dull yellow color, with blackish feet and the wings smoky with robust brown veins, the rib-vein much more distant from the margin of the first half of its length thau in the other species, and from its middle to the stigma approaching the margin ; the fourth vein equalling the stigma in length, (Fitch.) 109. The black-margined gay-louse. Calliplerus marginellu8 Fitch. Pale yellow ; antenme white, their bases and the four bauds black ; a coal-black baud in front between the eyes and continued along each side of the thorax to its base; fore wings pellucid, stigma with the outer margin aud rib- vein coral black, first vein with a black dot on its base; fourth vein slender, black, the other veins colorless; outer margin of hiud wings black. (Fitch.) 110. The freckled leaf-hopper. Jassus inornatu8 Say. A cylindrical oblong white leaf-hopper closely iuscribed and reticulated with slender black lines and small dots which form irregular spots along the margins of the wiug- covers ; its legs white, dotted with black. Length, .25 inch. 111. Four-striped leaf-hopper. Diedrocephala quadrivitlata (Say). A flattened oblong leaf-hopper of a light-yellow color, varied on the thorax with orange, red or dusky; its fore-wings olive green, each wing with two bright red or orange stripes, the tips margined with black. Length, .35 inch. (Fitch.) 112. The walnut sword-tail. Uroxiph\i8 caryw Fitch. A dull brown tree-hopper with the terminal portion of its fore-wings obscure ash- gray ; its abdomen and a ring on its shanks pale-yellowish, aud its breast mealy white. Length of male, .30 ; female, .37. (Fitch.) HICKORY BUGS. 325 113. The yellow tree-hopper. Telamona unicolor Fitch. A tree-hopper of a uniform dull ocher-yellow, somewhat like a beech-nut in shape and size, with a prominent hump jutting up on the middle of its back, highest ante- riorly and descending with a slight curve to its hind angle, which is very obtusely rounded and but little prominent ; its interior angle also rounded and with only a slight concavity below it at the forward end of the hump, while at its posterior base is a strong one, the whole surface with close coarse punctures and showing a few elevated longitudinal lines low down on each side and towards the tip ; the upper edge of the hump black and also the tip of the abdomen on its under side ; fore-wings glassy, with a black spot on their base and tip, and their veins margined with slender black lines. Length, .45 inch ; height, .25 inch. 114. The banded tree-hopper. Telamona fasciata Fitch. Like the preceding species, but smaller and of a tawny-yellow color, its head and the anterior edge of the thorax and the under side paler cream -yellow or straw-col- ored, with a single small black dot above each eye; its thorax in front and at tip blackish, and also an oblique baud across the hind end of the dorsal lump longer than high, longer at its base than above, highest anteriorly, with a stronger con- cavity at its anterior end than at its posterior, and at its anterior base compressed and forming hereby a shallow indentation upon each side. Length, .38; height, .20 inch. (Fitch.) 115. The short-horned tree-hopper. Ceresa brevicornis Fitch. Very like Ceresa bubalus on the apple and wild thorn, but differing in having the horns much shorter, while the sides of the thorax, when viewed in front, are not gradually curved outwards, but are straight or rectilinear, with the horns abruptly projecting from the corner at the upper end of this line. The acute spine at the tip of the thorax is also longer and slenderer. The thorax between the horns is slightly convex. The dried specimen is of a pale dull yellow color speckled with faint pale green dots and with a paler straw-colored stripe, quite distinct, upon the angular sides of the thorax from each eye upward to the horn and from thence to the summit of the thorax. Length, .36 inch. (Fitch.) 116. The face-banded cixius. Cixiu8 cinctifrons Fitch. A small four-winged hemipter of a white color, varied with blackish brown, and with three elevated lines upon the face and thorax; its face snow-white, crossed by two black bands, the outer raised lines dotted with white in these bands ; the thorax black, tawny yellow on each side beyond the raised lines; neck white with a row of blackish dots upon each side; fore-wings smoky brown, their veins dotted with black in places, their basal edge, an oblique band and a spot in the middle of the outer margin white, their membranous tips white and somewhat hyaliue, with a brown band across the transverse veinlets, and the hind margin blackish, interrupted by the snow-white tips of the veins ; hind wings black and transparent; under side yellowish-white, with two blackish bands on each of the four forward shanks. Length, .18 inch. 326 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. 117. THE CLOUDY-TIPPED CIXIU8. Cixius colapeum Fitch. Rarely found on the leaves, a small four-wiuged homopter of a coal-black color, witli ole*T, transparent wings having a large smoky-brown cloud on their tips; fore- wings transparent, their veins dotted with black, the dots on the outer margin larger; an irregular and somewhat broken band of a smoky-brown color extending across forward of the middle and a broader one beyond the middle, having a black spot or stigma on the anterior corner of its outer eud ; between these bands a smoky- brown spot on the inner and a smaller one nearly opposite it on the outer margin; thorax with three raised lines; face black with the raised lines brown; legs dull whitish. Length, .22 inch. (Fitch.) 118. Amaot's otiocerus Otiocents amyotii Fitch. A light yellow homopter ; the wing-covers pale sulphur-yellow, with a brown stripe from the base to the middle of the inner margin and thence to the outer tip ; a row of blackish dots on the hind edge alternating with the ends of the apical veins, and about six dots forward of the innermost of these, placed on the tips of the sub- apical and on the bases of the apical veins ; three brown stripes on the thorax ; an orange-red stripe on each side of the head from the eye to the forward edge below the apex. Length, .25; expanse of wings, .70 inch. (Fitch.) 119. The large green tree bug. Raphigaster pmsylvanicm (De Geer.) A large flattened grass-green bug (hemipter) edged all around with a light yellow line, interrupted at each joint of the abdomen by a small black spot, its antennae black beyond the middle of their third joint, with a pale yellow band on the first half of the last two joints. Length, .60 and .70 inch. (Fitch.) AFFECTING THE FRUIT. 120. The hickory-shuck worm. Grapholitha caryana (Fitch.) Order Lepidoptera ; family Tortricid^e. Mining the shucks which envelope the nuts, causing them to be abortive and many to fall from the tree prematurely, a slender white sixteen-footed caterpillar about three-eighths of an inch in length. Dr. H. Shimer states that the larvae were found by him in Illinois in August and September, living in the nut of Carya amara (bitternut hickory) ; " they destroy the interior of the nut, causing it to fall to the ground. The imago appeared in the latter part of November ; it there- fore hyberuates in this state, and continues to live in the spring until some time in June, when the nut is sufficiently developed to receive the egg-" (Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc, ii, 394.) We have collected this moth (identified by Prof. Fernald) May 20 in a growth of young hickories at Providence ; the moth was fresh and unrubbed. THE HICKORY-NUT WEEVIL. 327 Moth. — Sooty black, the fore-wings with reflections of tawny yellow, blue and purple ; their outer edge black, with oblique triangular whitish streaks placed at equal distances apart. A very oblique faint silvery blue streak extends inwards from the points of two of these white streaks, namely, the fourth and sixth ones from the tip of the wing ; while the usual white spot on the inner margin of the wings is wanting. Expanse of wings, .60 inch. (Fitch.) 121. The hickory-nut weevil. Balaninus nasicus Say. Order Coleoptera ; family Curculionid^e. This worm, like the chestnut borer, transforms into a long-snouted beetle closely like B. rectus, but with a darker, thicker, more curved rostrum, and with the antennae springing from its middle in the male and from its basal third in the female. Two thoracic paler bands are seen on the thorax, and there is always a pale transverse band behind the middle of the elytra, and a sutural baud. In the male the beak is equal to three-fourths the length of the body, in the female to five- fourths. It breeds entirely on hickory nuts (Riley.) Mr. Harrington states that in the neighborhood of Ottawa, Canada, this species is never found on the hickory, and frequents the hazel almost entirely. Some years it is very numerous on these bushes, and the nuts correspondingly worm-eaten. The beetle. — It is nearly one-third of an inch long (exclusive of the beak), and of an oval shape, being widest across the base of the wing-covers. It is densely clad with very short yellowish hairs, and has a somewhat variegated or mottled appear- ance, especially on the elytra, due to patches of darker hairs. The beak is very long, slender, curved, and almost black. (Harrington.) Mr. Harrington states that B. rectus is much rarer in the neighborhood of Ottawa, and usurps the claim of B. nasicus to be considered the hickory-nut weevil, while a few specimens occurred on the oak. He remarks that B. rectus is of the same size as the preceding species, but much lighter in color, and distinguished by its more slender and less curved beak, which in the female is longer than the whole body. (Rep. Bnt. Soc. Ottawa for 1883, p. 51.) 122. Tortrix sp. ? Family Tortrichxe ? ; order Lepidoptera. Found October 4 to 9, eating a dark mine in the skin of the shell of the walnut itself, making a tunnel, I think a longitudinal one, along one of the quarters of the skin ; of about the size of the body, but of irregular thickness. Larva. — Body short and thick, tapering a little towards the end, and somewhat hairy. Head and prothoracic shield honey-yellow ; the shield paler than the head, which is dark towards the mouth-parts. Body dull white ; each segment with two transverse dorsal ridges, on which are setiferous warts. Length, 7mm. 328 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. The following species also occur on the hickory. Order Coleoptera. 116. Leptostylus macula (Say). See Butternut insects, p. 337. 117. Phymatodes variabilis (Fabr.) (Tyler Townsend, Can. Ent., xviii, p. 13). 118. Monarthrnmfasciatum (Say), breeding in living Carya alba. (Chit- tenden in letter.) 11Q. Xylotrechus colonus (Fabr.). Liutuer, iv, 93. l-O. Lepturges querci Fitch, bred from twigs (Chittenden). 121. Magdalis olyra Herbst., bred from branches (Chittenden). 122. Xanthoma villositla (Melsh.), on leaves (Chittenden). 123. Xanthoma stcrensii Baly, on leaves (Chittenden). 124. Elaphidion villosum (Fabr.), bred from twigs (Chittenden). 125. Oyrtinus pygnuvus (Hald.), beaten from Carya, doubtless breeds in the wood (Chittenden). 126. Attelabus bipunctulatus Fabr. See Oak insects, p. 204. 127. Dicerca asperata Lee. (Chittenden). 128. Dicerca divaricata (Say). (Harrington, I.e.) 129. Bichelonycha elongata (Fabr.) In June feeding on the bitter hick- ory. (Harrington, Rep. Ent. Soc. Ontario for 1883, p. 43). Order Lepidoptera. 130. Papilio glaucus Linn. 131. Ralesidota tessellata A. and S. (Beutenmiiller). 132. Parorgyia achatina (Abbot and Smith). 133. Hyphantria cunea (Drury), textor Harris. 134. Parasa fraterna Grote. (Beutenmiiller). 135. Pyrophila pyramidoides Guen. (Coquillett). 136. Nematocampa Jilamentaria Packard. 137. Hibemia tiliaria Harris. 138. Acrobasis earyce Grote. 139. SisyroseainornataG.&R.. (Dyar, Can. Ent., xxi, p. 77.) Seep. 147. 140. Limacodes scapha Harris. See Oak insects, p. 147. 141. Clisiocampa sylvatica Harris. (Riley). 142. Heterocampa pulverea G. & R. See Oak insects, p. 159. 143. Sesia hospes Walsh. (Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., vi, 1866, 270.) Bred from an excrescence or fungus on pig-hickory (Walsh). 144. Cossula magnifica Bailey. See Oak insects, p. 59. 145. Platysamia cecropia (Linn). I found the cocoon on the pig-hickory at Providence, the moth appearing June 12. See Maple insects. 146. Monoleuca sp. on Carya glabra in Georgia. Abbot's MS. paintings (Library Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist). 1 17. Taiiiocampa incerta Iliibn. See Oak insects, p. 172. 148. Apatela brumosa Guen. See Oak insects, p. 169. INSECTS INJURIOUS TO THE BLACK WALNUT. 329 149. Scopelosoma sidus Guen. See Oak insects, p. II 6. 150. Agrotis alternata Grote. See Oak insects, p. 116. 151. Catocala desperata Guen. (French, Can. Ent., xx, 28.) 152. Catocala palaeogama Guen. (French, Can. Ent., xx, 108.) 153. Prodenia cammelince Abbot and Smith. 154. Catocala vidua (Abbot and Smith). See Oak insects, p. 178. 155. Kematocampa filamentaria Guen. (Forbes, 2d 111. Rep., 79). 156. Paraphia deplanaria Guen. Ohio. (Pilate, Papilio ii.) 157. Eugonia subsignaria Hiibner. 158. Cacaecia argyrospila Walk. See Oak insects, p. 192. 159. Gracilaria sp. (probably G. blandella Clem.) Imago unknown. The larva when young makes a linear whitish mine in the upper surface of the leaves. HEMIPTERA-HOMOPTERA. 160. Phylloxera caryaeglobosa Shimer. 161. Schizoneura carycc (Fitch). 162. Callipterus carycc Monell. DIPTERA. 163. Cecidomyia cossce Shimer, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. ii, 395. 164. Cecidomyia carycc O. Sacken, Monographs, etc. i, 19 L 165. Cecidomyia carycecolor O. Sacken, Monographs, etc. i, 192. 166. Cecidomyia cynipsea O. Sacken, Monographs, etc. i, 193. 177. Cecidomyia glutinosa O. Sacken, Monographs, etc. i, L93. 168. Cecidomyia nototricha O. Sacken, Monographs, etc. i, 193. 169. Cecidomyia persicoides O. Sacken, Monographs, etc. i, 193. 170. Cecidomyia sanguinolenta O. Sacken, Monographs, etc. i, 192. INSECTS INJURIOUS TO THE BLACK WALNUT. (Juglans nigra.) AFFECTING THE TRUNK. 1. CyUene pictus (Drury. ) The chief enemy of this tree is the hickory and locust tree borer {Cyllene pictus). Fitch states that the beetles which are reared in this tree appear to constitute a distinct variety of a larger size than usual aud with their yellow marks changed more or less to a white color. 2. Allorhina nitida (Linn.) Order Coleoptera; family Scarab^id^:. This beetle has been found by Mr. Charles W. Leng to be common in the Caroliuas and Georgia attacking the shade trees. " Near Raleigh an avenue of walnuts was specially infested. They appeared to bite 330 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. through the bark making a hole one-eighth inch wide and Due half to time-quarters inch long. The bark seemed to be softened with some exudation from the mouth. Most of the cuts I examined reached only to the wood, but a few were much deeper. In the deeper holes I found Cryptarcha ampla curled up." (Bulletin Brooklyn Ent. Soc. iv. 76.) AFFECTING THE LEAVES. 3. The black walnut sphinx. Smerinthu8 juylandis Abbot and Smith. (Larva, Plate xi, tig. 2.) Order Lepidoptera; family Sphingid.e. Larva. — A large pale blue-green caterpillar with a long caudal horn; head small, and the body attenuated before and behind, and with seven oblique white bandn. When disturbed it makes a creaking noise by rubbing together the joints of the fore- part of the body. It enters the earth to finish its transformations. (Harris.) Moth. — Very gray, dark or dusfcy brown; wings indented on the outer edges: fore-wings with a dusky outer margin, a short brownish dash near the middle, and four transverse brown lines converging behind and inclosing a square dark brown spot adjacent to the middle of the inner margin ; hind wings with two narrow trans- verse brown lines between two brownish bands; thorax with a central brown line ; abdominal segments plaited and prominent at the sides. The wings expand from 2£ to 3 iuches. The females are much larger and of a lighter brownish gray color than the males, with the square spot on the fore-wings less distinct. Ranges from Massachusetts to Florida and Georgia. (Harris). 4. Datana integerrima G. and R. This species has been found by Mr. Pilate to occur commonly on the walnut in Ohio. See p. 150; also Insect Life, l, 177. 5. Datana ministra (Drnry). From Mr. D. S. Harris, of Cuba, 111., we learn that in 1882 the cater- pillar of this species " has been so abundant on the black walnut that many persons have cut down their walnut trees when they were near their houses." See p. 302 ; also Insect Life, i, 125, 161, 177, 200 ; ii, 256. 6. Schizura leptinoides (Grote). This has also been found by Mr. Pilate to feed on the walnut. 7. Actias huta (Linn). Mr. J. P. R. Carney, of Camden, N. J., writes me as follows regard- ing the habits of this moth, which he has bred from the walnut : In all books of natural history, as far as I have seen, the Luna is accredited with spinning a cocoon in the fall and emerging the following May or June. On July 24 I found on a large walnut, facing the residence of Hon. Thomas Dudley, a fine Luua larva. Carefully placing it in my larva box I conveyed it home, and in two days after it spun its cocoon and on August 12 merged as a moth, a fine male specimen. Not having any female specimen my investigation was brought to a stop, but on looking over my notes I find that on several occasions I have taken the moth during May and INSECTS INJURIOUS TO THE BLACK WALNUT. 331 during August as follows: August 18, 1874, three specimens at Cheyney, Pa.; July 29, 1877,one specimen at Plymouth, Ind.; August 27, one specimeu at Moorestown, N. J., and on August 28, lo82, one specimen at Fairmount Park, Philadelphia. Of larvae, the above mentioned July 24, and from September 19 until my last capture (October 10) from five to ten specimens a day, all spinning from two to three days after cap- ture. Now, from my finding the moth in May and August and the larva in July, Sep- tember, and October, proves to my mind that in this city and county and elsewhere Luna has two broods instead of one. 8. atheroma regalis (Fabr.). As early as July 20, 1832, Dr. Harris found on the black walnut a freshly hatched larva of this regal moth, and a few years later, on the 4th or 5th of August, he discovered two large flattened eggs from which similar larvae were at that time hatched. Larva before the first molt. — Each of the segments has six branching spines, except the eleventh, which has seven, and the twelfth, which has eleven. Body, first seg- ment with four tubercles of a pyramidal shape, the two dorsal ones armed with a barbed spine, terminated by a ball with two lateral obtuse points, the two lateral tubercles with simple barbed spines not half the length of the dorsal spines ; second and third segments each with four barbed ball-terminated spines; lateral simple ones wanting ; remaining segments, except the last, with four barbed or branched spines ; the penultimate segment has, besides, in front of the four, a long dorsal one barbed, and ending in a lunated knob ; last segment with nine in two series, five before and four behind, all branched ; the dorsal one of the anterior series bifurcated at tip, or nearly lunated. Color of body black above and beneath ; an obsolete series of ferru- ginous lateral lines directed obliquely downward towards the tail, most conspicuous on the posterior half of the body; sixth and seventh segments ferruginous above; spines pale ferruginous, black at tip. July 21, a. m., it cast off its skin. July 25, cast its skin again. Pupa. — Male: Smooth, oblong, robust, thick and rounded before, nearly obtuse behind, and terminating in a very small bifid tubercle. A few elevated points at the base of the antennae cases, and over the shoulder covers; likewise one on each half of the prothorax ; metathorax with two large transverse elevations. A deep furrow be- tween the penultimate (eleventh) and antepenultimate segments, and an elevated ridge beset with minute teeth on the anterior part of the eleventh dorsal segment. Near the anterior edges of the other abdominal segments there is a row of very minute and nearly obsolete teeth pointing backwards. Color, dark chestnut brown. Length, 2 inches. Breadth, nearly f inch. (Harris' Corr., 297.) The Moth. — Ono of our largest Bombyces, the fore wings expanding from 13 to 14 centimeters (about 6 inches.) Ground color, a leaden reddish brown, marked with bright brick- red and ocherous yellow. Fore wings with a basal yellow spot, adiscal blotch, and an outer submarginal row of oval spots, there being two large ones near the costa, and one usually about half as large in the first median interspace. The veins shaded with brick-red. Hind wings yellowish along the costa, elsewhere red- dish, with leaden oval spots in the interspaces. Thorax with two broad yellow lon- gitudinal stripes, and between them a linear median stripe. On the first abdominal segment a transverse oblong yellow spot. The sutures of the abdominal segments ocher-yellow. 9. Catocala elonympha (Hiibner). The caterpillar of this moth is said by some to feed on the walnut, by others on a species of Glycine. The larva as described by Guenee from Abbot's drawing is gray white, with a roseate tint; without fringes; 332 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. variously marked with hrowu, and with a substiguiatal brown line; the back of the caterpillar remains hunched in repose. Moth. — Thorax light gray, with a yellowish tin^o ; abdomen with the yellowish more marked ; fore-wings with the lines distinct, basal space dark, beyond the trans- verse anterior line light gray often almost white to the reniform spot, beyond dark gray; reniform spot distinct, the subreniform obsolete M of transverse posterior line hardly suggested; subterminal white line distinct. Hind wings rather dull yel- low, median band wanting, marginal band broad, indistinct, but even on the inner margin, extending to the anal margin. Beneath, wings dull, indistinct, yellowisb, fore-wings with the reniform spot black; beyond, an even, narrow, curved black line, also a broad marginal line; hind wings with discal spot, and three even curved bands, two inner and narrow, one marginal aud broad. Expands 40 to 43""". Habi- tat Eastern and Southern States. (Hulst.) 10. Catocala innubens Guende. The caterpillar is said by Mr. Hulst to feed on the walnut. Moth. — Fore-wings rich brown, powdered, with glaucous scales; lines distinct, black; M of transverse posterior Hue strong; teeth broad, even; reniform spot brown, annulate with pale white ; subreniform spot pale, often nearly white, small ; at the apex resting in the costa is a large triangular whitish spot. Hind wings red- dish orange; median band rather broad, quite even. Expands 65 to 70mm. Habitat Eastern, Middle and Western States. (Hulst.) C. hinda has broad, darker brown shading from base to apex. Var. JiavidaJis Grote has yellow hind wings. Var. scintillans G. & R. has very dark nearly black fore-wings, uniform to the transverse posterior line. 11. Catocala paleogama Guene"e. The caterpillar closely resembles that of C. neogama, according to Mr. Hulst. Moth. — Fore- wings gray, powdered with greenish gray aud black scales, and shaded with blackish, and with bright brown in the subterminal space; lines rather broad, distinct; reniform spot rounded, brown or black, indistiuct; subreniform spot pale, small ; sinus of transverse posterior line broadly marked, acute, not deep ; teeth of M strong. Hind wings dark yellow; median band narrow, much constricted, reaching the internal margin. Expands 70 to 75mm. Habitat, Eastern, Middle, and Western States. Var. phalanga Grote. Fore-wings with the basal space black, a black band beyond the transverse posterior line, the rest light gray. (Hulst.) 12. Catocala neogama (Abbot and Smith). The caterpillar is said by Guenee to feed ou the walnut; it is of a brownish gray color, formed by man}' longitudinal striae on a light ground; the piliferous points separate as is usual. Moth. — Fore-wings light gray, marked within the transverse anterior line, at the reniform spot, and beyond the transverse posterior line with light brown ; all the lines evideut, but not always distinct ; M of transverse posterior line produced, sinus large ; basal and subapical dashes generally present. Hind wings yellow, the median band constricted and angulated. Expands 75 to 90mm. Habitat, east of Rocky Mountains aud Arizona. C. communis has the hind wings a little darker yellow than the type form. Var. snoviana Grote was described from an aberrant aud somewhat aborted speci- men from Kansas, with fore-wings much more heavily marked with black. It is with great hesitancy that I regard this as a variety. (Hulst.) INSECTS INJURIOUS TO THE BLACK WALNUT. 333 13. Catocala subnata Grote. This is said by Mr. Angus to feed ou the walnut. The moth is very much like C. neogama, but generally larger, with the liues and mark- ings more diffuse, and the teeth of the M of the transverse posterior line very strongly produced. It expands from 95 to 105mm, though in one case only 70mm. Mr. Hulst doubts whether this be distinct from C. neogama. 14. Catocala piatrix Grote. Mr. Koebele finds that the caterpillar feeds on the walnut, hickory, and persimmon. Moth. — Fore-wings dark wood-brown, or blackish brown, slightly silky, darker shaded in the sub-basal space on the costa, above the discal cell, and subapically . the transverse anterior line geminate, the outer line sometimes less distinct ; the reniform spot shaded with black; the subreniform pale; transverse posterior line with the M prominent, and sinus heavy; subterminal line geminate with grayish be- tweeu. Hind wings deep yellow, internal margin and base dusky ; median band not much constricted. Expands 85 to 95mm. Eastern United States. (Hulst.) 15. Catocala mcestuosa Hulst. This is said by Mr. Hulst to. feed on the walnut, but there is no de- scription of the caterpillar. Moth. — Fore-wings very nearly the color of C. vidua (p. 178); lines diffuse, not strongly distinct; transverse posterior line with the M strongly marked; sinus com- paratively small; no basal dash; reniform spot reddish; a reddish band beyond the transverse-posterior line ; transverse-anterior line clouded with black at the costa, and a heavy diffuse black shade from the costa above the reniform through the M of the transverse-posterior line to below the apex. Hind wings black, dull gray at base ; fringe white, ends of the veins black. Expands 95 to 105mra. Southern States. (Hulst.) 16. Geometrid caterpillar. This caterpillar was observed on a walnut at Brunswick, Me., August 20. It died in confinement. In this larva ou the abdominal segments (except the eighth where they are transverse) there are four dark glassy bottle-green piliferous dorsal spots, arranged in a short square. On the first abdominal segment they are of equal size, but the two hinder ones are on a slight transverse ridge, the ridge being enlarged under the tubercles. Ou the second abdominal segment the two hinder pilif- erous warts are no larger than the anterior, but are situated on a large conspicuous saddle-shaped transverse hump, which is swollen at the origin of each tubercle. The caterpillar is further adapted for protec- tion from its resemblance to a walnut twig by being deeply notched,, each notch like a leaf-scar on the twig. In Caripeta angustiorata of the piue, the transverse posterior, saddle- shaped ridges bear two posterior piliferous warts. They have a decided resemblance to the leaf-scars on the redder parts of the twig, which in its ground color the caterpillar mimics. I have observed that this and 334 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. the other twig-mimickers do not live among the deuser leaves, but at the end of the twig. Larva. — Head AS wide as the body, deeply cleft and flattened in front. On each side of the mesothoracic segment is a large prominent tubercle ; on second abdominal segment is a double dorsal tubercle ; a transverse series of four sharp piliferous tubercles. Supra-anal plate large, broad, flat, triangular, but rather short and blunt at tli<- tip; six piliferous warts on the edge; surface of the body closely granulated. Color of a uniform mottled gray, like the bark of the twig it inhabits, with a con- spicuous dorsal black line extending from the mesothoracic segment to the base of the supra-anal plate. On the sides low down between the first and anal legs is a fringe of woolly, somewhat fleshy filaments. A pair of dorsal black dots on the back part of each abdominal segment. Length, 40mm. 17. Jcrobasis (Phycita) juglandis Le Baron. Dr. Le Barou in his account of this Phycid states that it lives both upon the hickory and black walnut. (See Hickory inshcts, p. 311.) 18. Lithocolletis juglandiella Clem. The larva makes an elongated, rather wide tract on the upper surface of the leaves of black walnut, without foldiug the leaf, and may be found from the beginning to the middle of the month. It belongs to the second larval group described in the Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, November, 1859, and may not be specifically distinct from L. caryccfoliella^ described on page 315. (Clemens.) Larva. — It is blackish or blackish brown, with a few pale-brownish dots on each side of the thoracic segments, and with the tip of the abdomen and head pale brown. (Clemens.) 19. Nepticula juglandifoliella Clem. The larva mines the leaves of black walnut from the latter part of July to the middle of August. The mine is a very narrow, whitish tract, very often recurved and slightly tortuous, somewhat, although slightly, enlarged at its end, with a very narrow central line of ** frass." u I found a single specimen on the 27th of last August, when the mines appear to be usually untenanted, and, very oddly, it escaped from its mine as I held the leaf, whilst looking unsuccessfully for another speci- men." (Clemens.) Larva.— The larva is pale green, almost whitish, rather thick and resembling a Dipterou. (Clemens.) 20. Gracilaria blandella Clemens. The caterpillar when small lives in a linear whitish mine in the upper surface of the leaves, afterwards feeding and pupating under the turned-down edge. 21. Gracilaria juglandinigrecella Chambers. The larva at first mines the leaves beneath, afterwards feeding and pupating under the turned-up edge. INSECTS INJURIOUS TO THE BLACK WALNUT. 335 22. Aspxdisca juglandiella Chambers. The larva lives in a very small blotch-mine, from which it cuts out a ^ase in which it pupates. 23. The red-tailed attelabus. Attelabu8 analis Weber. Order Coleoptera ; family Curculionid^:. Rolling up the leaves of the oak and black walnut, a weevil a quarter of an inch long, with a long, slender, cylindrical head and short, broad, thick body. The autennae, legs, and middle of the breast deep blue-black; the thorax, wing-covers, and abdomen dull red ; the wing covers, taken together, nearly square and pitted in rows. According to Harris, this pretty weevil is found on the leaves of oak trees in June and July. Mr. George Hunt has observed it on the wal- nut in May before the buds open, at Providence. It is possible that Fig. 65, p. 204, represents the work of this species. 24. Conotrachelus juglandis Le Conte. The larva of this weevil, which is closely allied to that of the plum weevil, was taken from walnuts at Mount Carmel, 111., by Mr. £j£ & Shimer. According to Harris, Mr. Say, in a note on the plum weevil, stated that his ukius- man, the late excellent William Bartram, informed him it also destroys the English walnut in this country." It is possible that ^fflp^ ^£? the insect here referred tO Was FlG. ]25.-Conotrachelus j.glandis,- a, larva; &,head Confounded With the plum Weevil seen in front. Gissler, del and belongs to the present species. THE ENGLISH WALNUT SCALE. 25. Aspidiotus juglans regice Comstock. The following account of this insect is taken from Prof. Comstock's report as Entomologist iu the U. S. Agricultural Report for 1880 : Scale of the female. — The scale of the female is circular, flat, with the exuviae laterad of the center; it is of a pale grayish brown color; the exuviae are covered with secretion ; the position of the first skin is indicated by a prominence which is pink or reddish brown. The veutral scale is a mere film which adheres to the bark. Diameter of scale, 3mm (.13 inch). Female. — The color of the female when fully grown is pale yellow with irregular orange-colored spots; oval setae and last segment dark yellow. This segment pre- sents the following characters: There are either four or five groups of spinnerets; the anterior group is wanting or consists of from one to four spinnerets, the anterior 336 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. lateral! consist of from seven to sixteen, and the posterior laterals of from four to eight. There are two or three pain of lobes. The median lobes are well developed, but vary in outline ; the second lobe of each side it le->- than one-half as large as the median lobes, elongated, and with one or two notches on the lateral margin ; the third lobe is still smaller and pointed, or is obsolete. There are two pairs of incisions of the margin, one between the first and second lODOS of each side, and one between the second and third lobes ; they are small, but are rendered conspicuous by the thickenings of the body wall bounding them. The plates are simple, inconspicuous, and resemble the spines in form. The larger ones are situated one caudad of each incision. The spines are prominent, especially those laterad of the second and third lobes ; the fourth spines are a little nearer the first lobes than the penultimate segment, and the lifthare near the penultimate segment ; there is also a spine at or near the union of the last two segments. Scale of male. — The scale of the male resembles that of the female in color; it is elongated, with the larval skin near the anterior end ; this skin is covered by excre- tion, but its position is marked by a rose-colored prominence, as in the scale of the female ; the anterior part of the scale is much more convex than the posterior pro- longation, which is flatteued. There is a rudimentary ventral scale in the form of two narrow longitudinal plates, one on each side of the lower surface of the scale. Length, l.*25mm (.05 inch). Habitat. — On the bark of the larger limbs of English walnut (Juglans regia), at Los Angeles, Cal. Described from sixty -three females ; aud many scales of each sex. There are in the collection of the department specimens of Aspidiotus from locust, pear and cherry, from New York aud District of Columbia, which apparently belong to this species. (Comstock.) The following insects also occur on the black walnut: 20. Thecla calanus Hiibn. On Juglans cinerea. 27. Halesidota maculata Harris. (Harris's Ins.) 28. Halesidota tesscllata A. and S. (Beuteninuller.) 29. Orgyia leueostigma A. and S. (Beuteninuller.) 30. Parorgyia cinnamomea G. & R. (Beutenrmiller.) 31. Limacodes scapha Harris. (Beuteninuller.) 32. Halesidota caryw Harr. (Beuteninuller.) 33. Datana angusii Grote & Rob. (Grote & Rob.) 34. Telea polyphemus Linn. (D. S. Harris in letter; Riley's notes.) 35. Heterocampa pulverea G. & R. See Oak insects, p. 159. 36. Apatela americana (Thaxter, Papilio, iii, 17.) 37. Apatela luteieoma (Thaxter, Papilio, iii, 17.) 38. Charadra propinquilinea Grote. See p. 167. 39. Catocala vidua Abbott and Smith. •40. Catocala lacrymosa Gueu. probably. See p. 178. 41. Eugonia alniaria Hiibuer. 42. Tortrix H ley ana Grote. Hemiptera. 43. Schizoneura caryw (Fitch.) 44. Callipterus caryev Monell. INSECTS INJURIOUS TO THE BUTTERNUT. 337 INSECTS INJURIOUS TO THE BUTTERNUT. (Juglans cinerea.) AFFECTING THE TRUNK AND LIMBS. 1. The spotted leptostylus Leptostylus macula (Say.) Order Coleoptera ; family Cerambycid^e. Under the bark of old decaying trees, a longicorn larva, changing to a pupa in its cell and early in July giving out a small thick long-horned beetle of a brown or chest- nut color with the sides of its thorax and a band on its wing-covers ash-gray, the latter sprinkled over with coarse punctures and large blackish dots, the thorax on each side of its disk with a black stripe interrupted in its middle. Length, 0.25 inch. Dr. Fitch, in his third report, states that the bark of old trees will sometimes be found everywhere filled with these grubs, which in the month of June may be seen changed to short thick pale-yellow pupae, with a few perfect insects that are newly hatched and have not yet left the tree. Mr. Harrington has taken specimens on the butternut, but not so frequently as on the bitter hickory. 2. Gaurotes cyanipennis Say. This beetle was observed by Mr. F. B. Oaulfield pairing and ovipositing on the butternut. (Can. Nat., xiii, p. 60.) The beetle. — Black; antenna? and feet testaceous; elytra blue. Body black, tinged with cupreous, punctured ; head densely punctured ; a longitudi- nal, obsolete, impressed line; antennas rather shorter than the body, testaceous; trophi piceous- yellow; thorax impunctured; an obtuse tubercle each side; scutel black; elytra violaceous blue; puuctures numerous, small, profound; tip trun- cate; humerus rather prominent; feet testaceous. Length two-fifths of an inch nearly. In form of body, it very much resembles Leptura collaris and L. virginea, to which genus I would have referred it, but for the small thoracic tubercles. (Say). Fig. 126. Gaurotes cyanipennis- Smith and Marx, del. 3. Cryptorhynchus parochus Say. Several larvae and pupae of this weevil have been found by Mr. F. G. Schaupp under the bark of a butternut in Brooklyn, L. I. The 'dura- tion of the pupa state was from fourteen to sixteen days. Beetle.— Brown variegated; tibiae not angulated at base; thighs feebly bidentate; the teeth small and distant. Length 6to6.5mm. Claws simple,divergent. (LeConte.) 5 ENT 22 338 FIFTH_ REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. 4. TilK ML'SCLi: siiAl'KD BUTTERNUT BA&K-LOU8K. dapidiotut (MiftiUupis) juylandis Fitch. Order Hkmii'TKKa j family COOCIDJB. Fixed to the bark of the twigs, miuiite pale brownish scales, like those of the apple bark-louse, but smaller and not curved ; preyed upon by a minute chalcid fly. (Fitch.) 5. THE HKMI8PHBBICAL BUTTERNUT SCALE-INSECT. Ltcanium juglandiftx Fitcb. Adhering to the bark on the under side of the limbs, a hemispherical dull yellow- ish or black scale about 0.'2i inch long aud 0.18 broad, notched at its hind end, fre- quently showing a paler stripe aloug its middle and a paler margin and transverse blackish bands. (Fitch.) The males, according to Fitch, are long and narrow, delicate two- winged flies, measuring 0.05 inch to the tip of the abdomen and a third more to the ends of the wings. They are of a rusty reddish color, the thorax darker aud the scutel and head blackish, this last being sepa- rated from the body by a narrow pale-red neck. The antennae are slender and thread-like, half as long as the body and eight-jointed. Two slender white bristles as loug as the body are appended to the tip of the abdomen. This description will apply to most of the males of other species of Lecanium. AFFECTING THE LEAVES. 6. The butternut woolly worm. Selandria carya' Norton. Order Hymenoptera ; family Tenthredinid.e. On the under side of the leaves companies of saw-fly larva covered with long dense snow-white wool standing up in flattened masses entirely concealing the green worm, eating the leaflets from the outer edge inward, often leaving nothing but the midribs. These remarkable objects occasionally, though rarely, appear on the butternut in July. The worm presents the appearance (as described in our 4i Guide to the Study of In- sects," from which the following description and figures are takeu) of an animated white woolly or cot- tony mass nearly an inch loug and two-thirds as high. The head of the larva is rounded, pale whitish, aud covered with a snow-white pow- dery secretion, with prominent black eyes. The body is cylindrical, F,„. 127. The batternut woolly worm and the . h . fa . f f fle§h ftb. sanu' deprived ol it* coat— From Packard. & f <* dominal legs; the segments are transversely wrinkled, pale pea-green, with a powdery secretion low down on the sides, but above and on the back arise long flattened masses INSECTS INJURIOUS TO THE BUTTERNUT. 339 offlocculent matter (exactly resembling that produced by the woolly plant- lice and other homopterous insects), forming an irregular dense cottony mass, reaching to a height equal to two-thirds the length of the worm, and concealing the head and tail. On the 27th and 28th of July the larvre molted, leaving the cast skins on the leaf. They were then naked, a little thicker than before, of a pale-green color, and their bodies were curled upon the leaf. The worms eat out the edge of the leaf. Some time during August two cocoons were spun between the leaves, but I did not succeed in raising the saw-flies. On describing, the larvae in a letter to Mr. E. Norton, our best authority ou this hymenopterous family, he kindly sent me alcoholic specimens of the larvse (without the woolly substance, which dissolves and disappears in alcohol) found feeding on the hickory, which are, apparently, from the comparison of alcoholic specimens, identical with the butternut Selandria. The adult fly he named Selandria caryce, and his descriptions are given below. Previously to this, and without my knowledge, Dr. Fitch, under the name of Selandria f juglandis, had apparently briefly described in his third report the same insect, but he was uuacquainted with the perfect insect, and was in doubt as to whether the larva was a Selandria or not. Under these circumstances we retain Mr. Norton's name. From his account it would appear that the insect also feeds on the hickory (Carya squamosa). Female. — Color shining black. The pro- and meso-thorax and scutellum rufous, the apex of the latter black; the nasus and legs white, with their tarsi blackish ; the base of coxae and a line down the upper side of the legs black. Antennas short ; the second joint as long as the first; the four final joints together not longer than the two preceding. Nasus slightly incurved. Claws of tarsi apparently bifid. Wings subviolaceous; lanceolate cell petiolate, the first submediau cell above it with a dis- tinct cross-vein. Under wings with one submarginal middle cell (all other species have this cell discoidal), the marginal cell with a cross-nervure, and all the outer cells closed by an outer nervure, which does not touch the margin. The submediau cell extended nearly to the margin. Length, 0.25 of an inch. Expanse of wings, 0.40 of an inch. Male. — Resembles the female, but the under wings are without middle cells. Ibarra. — Feeds upon the leaves of the hickory (Carya squamosa). They are found upon the lower side of the leaf, sometimes fifteen or twenty upon one leaf, which they eat from the outer extremity inward, often leaving nothing but the strong midribs. They cover themselves wholly with white rlocculent tufts, which are rubbed off on being touched, leaving a green twenty-two-legged worm, about 0.75 inch in length when fully grown ; darkest above, and with indistinct blackish spots upon the sides. The head is white, with a small black dot upon each side. Specimens were taken upon the leaves July 4. Went into the ground about the 20th of July. The cocoon is formed near the surface of the ground of a little earth or sand drawn together. Four specimens came forth about August 22, all seemingly very small for so large larvae. (Norton in Packard's Guide to the Study of Insects. ) 7. Smerinthus juglandis (Abbot and Smith.) (Larva, Plate xi, fig. 4.) This caterpillar perhaps more commonly occurs on the walnut, but it also feeds on the hickory ( Carya alba) and the iron- wood ( Ostrya virginica). 340 FIFTH KFPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. As early as 1827 Harris found a larva on the black waluut. He says: uIt is remarkable for the squeaking sound which it emits, apparently by rubbing the rings of the anterior part of the body together." This specimen entered the earth to pupate as early as August 7. Larva. — Two inches long, .22 inch broad at the eighth segment, .14 inch at the fust. Read large; longest diameter, twice that of the first segment; apex quite pointed; color light green, with white lateral granulations. Body elongated, slender, tapering gradually from the seventh segment to the extremities; light apple green, granulated regularly on the anu illations with white. Lateral bauds, seven, lighter green, approaching white, and made the more conspicuous from the increased size of the granulations toward the broadest part of the baud, each anuulation adding to it a single granulation; extending over two segments and nearly reaching to the vas- cular Hue. Caudal horn sleuder ; .'20 inch long, quite rough, with numerous acute granulations, which are more prominent than those of the body. Pupa. — Male: 1.20 inches long, .40 inch broad. Dark brown, almost black, nearly plane veutrally, abruptly rouuded auteriorly, and gradually posteriorly. Head-case with two conical, granulated, divergent projections between the bases of the antennas- cases, and two pairs of smaller ones between the eye-cases, and a pair on the anterior leg-cases. Eye-cases with a tubercnlated ridge. Autenna>cases quite prominent, with a granulatiou on each joint. Tongue-case buried and not visible, the leg and wing cases meeting at their tips. Stigmata, except the first, which is nearly closed, quite oval. The seventh, eighth, and ninth segments with deep incisures, angnlated posteriorly, acutely granulated, and encircled on their posterior margin with a row of spines, sub-obsolete inferiorly and superiorly. The tenth, eleventh, and twelfth segments contracted laterally and flattened inferiorly, the eleventh segment spined on the carination. The terminal segment ending in a broad, flat, rugose, truncate projection. (Lintner.) The moth.— Differs from the other species iu having no eye-like spots on the hind wings. 8. The Virginia tiger moth. Spilo80»ia virginica (Fabricius). Order Lepidoptera; family Bombycid^e.' Occasionally devouring the leaves of the butternut, a very hairy, deep yellow caterpillar, with a black head and body, the latter mottled with black; changing to a thick chrysalis within a cocoon, where it remains until the following June, when, it appears as a white moth. This omnivorous caterpillar, commonly called "the yellow bear," is known to feed on the butternut, grape vine, currant, gooseberry, grasses, and various garden vegetables, and we have found it from the first to the middle of September in Maine feeding on the buckthorn and also the pitch-pine. According to Harris there seems to be two broods of caterpillars and two of the moths. The caterpillars, he states, "are to be found of different ages and sizes from the first of Juue till October. When fully grown they are about 2 inches long, and then creep into some convenient place of shelter, make their cocoons, in which they remain in the chrysalis state during the winter, and are changed to moths in the months of May or Juue following. Some of the first broods of these caterpillars appear to come to their growth early in summer, aud are transformed to moths by the end of July or the begin- INSECTS INJURIOUS TO THE BUTTERNUT. 341 ning of August, at which time I have repeatedly taken them in the wiuged state ; but the greater part pass through their last change in June." I have observed the full-grown caterpillar at Brunswick, Me., Fig. 128. — c, Virginia tiger-moth; a, its caterpillar; b, chrysalis, all nat. size. — After Riley. the first and second weeks in August; they spin from the middle of August till September. The following description of the caterpillar is taken from my notes: The caterpillar.— Head of moderate size ; body cylindrical, rather short and not very convex; each segment with four tubercles above, two smaller median ones being situated in front of and between two latero-dorsal larger ones ; three tubercles on each side of each segment, all giving rise to dense verticils of long, uneven fox- yellow hairs ; most of the hairs as long as the body is thick, while others on the back are twice as long, so that in outline the larva is an elongated ellipse, the head and tail being alike concealed by the spreading hairs. The body and head is black or yellowish mottled with black. The hairs are tawny yellow, while the short hairs on the sides of the thoracic rings are black. The moth. — Snow white, with a black dot in the middle of the fore- wings and two on the hind wings; a row of black spots along the back of the abdomen and a row along the sides ; between the latter dots a longitudinal deep yellow stripe; the basal joints of the fore-legs are yellow. The wings expand about 2 inches. The eggs are said by Harris to be golden yellow, and to be laid in patches on the leaves of plants. • 9. Paria aterrima. (Olivier.) This insect in the imago state, Mr. W. L. Devereaux, of Clyde, K r., writes us, " preys upon the foliage and flower-buds of the butternut." Mr. Chittenden also writes to the same effect. 10. The two-marked tree-hopper. Enchenopa oinotata Say. Order Hemiptera ; family Membracid^e. Puncturing the leaves and extracting their juices from July till the endof the season, a small rusty brown or black tree-hopper, with two bright pale yellow spots upou its back, which part is prolonged forward and upward into a compressed horn rounded at its tip and giving the insect a resemblance to a little bird with an out- stretched neck, and the four forward shanks broad, thin, and leaf-like. Length, .25 to .:*0 inch. (Fitch.) 342 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. 11. Thk butternut tkek-iioppkr. Opkiderma mera Say. Belonging to the same family as the preceding, a greenish-gray tree-hopper, shaped like a half cone, with its apex hright chestnut red, and behind its middle a black band which is sometimes interrupted on the summit of the back, and with a blackish spot on the tips of the hyaline fore- wings. Length, .36 inch. (Fitch.) TJ. The obtuse clastoptkka. Clastoptera obtusa Say. A short thick almost circular leaf-hopper of a gray color, with fine transverse wrinkles and three brown bands anteriorly, its fore-wings clouded with tawny brown, with streaks of white and a coal-black spot near their tips. Length, .22 inch. (Fitch.) 13. TnE BUTTERNUT TINGIS. Corythaca arcuata (Say). {Tingis juglandis Fitch.) Puncturing the leaves and sucking their juices, a small singular bug, resembling a flake of white froth, its whole upper surface composed of a net-work of small cells, an inflated egg-shaped protuberance like a little bladder on the top of the thorax and head, the sides o£the thorax and of the fore-wings, except at their tips, minutely spinulose ; the fore-wings flat and square, with their corners rounded, a large brown or blackish spot on the shoulder, and a broad band of the same color on their tips, with an irregular whitish hyaline spot on the inner hind corner ; the body beneath small and black, the antennae and legs honey- yellow. Length, .14 inch. (Fitch.) Fitch remarks that this insect becomes common on the leaves of the butternut in May, and continues through the summer and autumn. It may sometimes be met with also on birch, on willows, and other trees. The following insects also occasionally live on the butternut : Lepldoptera. 14. RalesidotacaryceB.Q,Tr., Brunswick, Me.; New York. (Beutenmuller.) 15. Orgyia leucostigma Abbot and Smith. 16. Hyphantria cunea Abbot and Smith. (See p. 244.) 17. Actios luna (Linn). (See p. 330.) 18. Platysamia cecropia (Linn). • 19. Telea polyphemus (Linn). (See pp. 161, 300.) (Riley's notes.) 20. Datana ministra (Drury). (See p. 302.) 21. Grapholitha carycv (Shimer). 22. Lithocolletis carycefoliella Clem. COLEOPTERA. 23. Cyllene pictus (Drury). (See p. 287.) 24. stenoscelis brevis (Boh.). Breeding in wood. (Chittenden in letter). 25. Eugnamptus aagustatus (Hbst.) Beaten from trees. (Chittenden). 26. Eugnamptus collaris (Lee). Beaten from trees. (Chittenden). 27. Magdalis salicis. Bred from wood. (Chittenden). 28. Paria canella and vars. Feeding on leaves. (Chittenden). 29. Cryptorhynchus parochus (Herbst). Several example staken on the trunk of a butternut. (Chittenden). INSECTS INJURING CHESTNUT LEAVES. 343 INSECTS INJURIOUS TO THE CHESTNUT. (Castanea vesca.) AFFECTING THE TRUNK AND LIMBS. 1. The chestnut tree borer. Making a zigzag burrow under the bark, and sometimes descending nearly 2 inches towards the heart of the tree where it may spend the winter, a longicorn larva nearly three-fourths of an inch long, dirty white, of much the appearance of the hickory or locust tree borer, and transforming in its chamber into the beetle state. Although the chestnut has been supposed to be remarkably free from borers, we have found that in Rhode Island the trunks are quite liable to the attacks of a borer, which we have not yet traced to the beetle, but which will probably prove to be the species next mentioned (Arhopalus fulminans), since this beetle, which is known to inhabit the chestnut, is closely allied to the locust borer in its form, while the larva is also closely like that of Cyllene picta and the different species of €lytm and its aliies. The burrows in outline are flattened, cylindrical, being adapted to the broad flattened front part of the body of the larva. The burrows begin as small zigzag galleries about a line in width and 4 inches long, making about three turns at nearly right angles in this space ; they are tilled with the castings of the worm ; as the larva grows larger it sinks deep in towards the heart of the tree, when the burrow in the deepest part becomes packed with large, long, curved chips, apparently bitten off by the grub for the purpose of forming a cham- ber, the partition of chips possibly serving to keep out the cold during its winter's sleep. 2. The brown chestnut beetle. Arhopalus fulminans (Fabricius). Order Coleoptera ; family Cerambycid^e. Boring into the trunk, a grub like the foregoing, if not the same insect, which transforms into a dark-brown beetle with dark-blue reflections, and the wing-covers crossed by four zigzag fine gray lines. The following notice of this beetle is taken from my Second Eeport on the Injurious insects of Massachu- setts (1872) : My attention has been called by Mr. R. B. Grover, a student in the State Agricultural College, to the fact that the Arhopalus fulmi- nans Fabr. (Fig. 129, enlarged twice), one of the family of longicorn beetles, bores in the trunk. I know nothing further concerning its habits nor of the appearance of its grub. The beetle itself is blackish brown, with slight dark-blue reflections ; the legs and antennae are of the same color, the latter being scarcely .. , ' _. *, , j Fig. 129.— Chesmut Borer. -From Packard. longer than its body. The top of the head and the sides of the prothorax and under side of the body are covered with a pale- gray pile, while certain silver markings on the wing-covers are composed of similar 344 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. dost-. s«*t fine hairs. The hairs on the sides of the prothorsz inclose a conspicuous black spot, while the top is hlaek, and more coarsely punctate than the wing-covers. The latter air each crossed by four acutely zigzag lines, composed of microscopic hairs, forming W-like bands on the elytra, tin- basal lines being less distinctly marked than the others. The ends of the wing-covers are also tipped with gray, especially on the inner side of the eud. The legs are pitchy brown with light hairs, and with a reddish tinge on the terminal joints (tarsi). It is a little over half an inch long. 3. The noble clytus BORER. CalloidtH nobili8 (Say). A longicorn borer, probably depredating upon the chestnut, and transforming to a large, handsome, black-brown beetle, nearly an inch long, marked with three broken yellow lines and a pair of large round yellow dots on the wing-covers. Mr. George Hunt iuforms us that he has found this noble Clytus under the bark of the chestnut at Providence ; hence it occurs as a borer of this tree. Its food-tree has not heretofore been known. 4. The two-toothed silvan us. Silvanus bidentatus (Fabricius). Order Coleoptera ; family Atomariid.e. Under the bark ot logs and decaying trees, probably loosening the bark from the wood, a minute, narrow, flattened beetle, of a light chestnut brown or rust-color, its thorax longer than wide, slightly narrowed towards its base and with a small tooth projecting outwards at each of its anterior angles. Length, .10 to .12 inch. (Fitch.) Fitch observes that this is an European insect, which, like a kin- dred species, the Surinam Silvanus, has now become perfectly nat- uralized and as common throughout the United States as it is in its native haunts. On stripping the bark from recently cut logs of chestnut and of oak, this minute beetle, which is so flattened and thin that it can creep into the slightest crevices, will be found frequently in considerable numbers. The beetle.— f he head and thorax often of a darker shade than the wing-covers ; the latter with rows of close punctures with a slightly elevated line between each alter- nate row. Its thorax also is densely and confluently punctured, and commonly shows a very faint elevated longitudinal line in its center. The angles at its base on each side are obtuse, and from these angles forward to the projecting tooth the lateral edges are crenate-dentate, having sixteen little elevated tubercles or minute teeth jutting out at equal distances along the margiu. The point of the large anterior tooth forms a right angle. Upon each side of the head behind the eye is also a minute tooth of the same size with those along the sides of the thorax. The surface is- slightly clothed with minute inclined bristles. (Fitch.) AFFECTING THE LEAVES. 5. The notched-winged geometer moth. Eugonia alniaria Hiibner. Order Lepidoptkra ; family Phal.enid.e. Feeding on the chestnut, a bluish-green caterpillar, with wrinkles, and on the eleventh segment two little warts tipped with browu; transforming to a light ocher- yellow moth with wings deeply notched. INSECTS INJURING CHESTNUT LEAVES. 345 This caterpillar was found by Mr. L. W. Goodell on the chestnut at Amherst, Mass., August 20; on the 21st it drew a few leaves together, and spun a thin, silky, pear shaped cocoon; became a chrysalis the 24th, and was transformed to a moth September 13. Larva.— Body 2.3 inches long, the hody largest near the tail, and tapering to the head ; hluish green, with a thick wrinkle on each ring, those on the fifth and eighth thickest and light hrown ; on the back of the eleventh ring two little warts tipped with brown. (L. W. Goodell.) Pupa. — One and two tenths inches in length, bluish white, ending in a flattened tail, tipped with black, and on each edge three small black spines, each ending with a minute hook. (Goodell.) Moth.— Short bodied, quite hairy ; male antennae heavily pectinated, wings deeply scalloped ; delicate ocher-yellow, with a reddish tinge towards the edge of the wings, and on the head and front of the thorax. Fore-wings with two lines, often inter- rupted, or only developed on the costa ; inner line on the inner third of the wing; the curved outer line, beginning near the inner, diverges and follows a sinuate course, ending much nearer the apex than the inner line, the distance varying ; both wings speckled, sometimes thickly, with unusually large spots ; outer edge of both wings deeply excavated, especially opposite the second median venule. Hind wings with no lines, only au obscure discal dot. Expanse of wings, 2.2 inches. This moth ranges from Maine to Missouri. The larva is also described by Mr. S. H. Scudder as living on the black birch. Mrs. Dimmock has published the following account of this insect in Psyche, iv, p. 272. Eugonia alniaria Linn. (Syst. Nat., 1758, ed. 10, p. 19) [=E. magnaria Guene"e]. The eggs of this species are flattened, oblong, l.lmm long, .6mm wide, and .5nim high. They are of a greenish-brown, somewhat polished bronze color, and when laid upon a smooth surface are arranged side by side in a curve having the length of the abdomen of the female moth for its radius. When laid upon bark and rough surfaces the eggs are in broken, short rows. A single female deposits 500 to 600 eggs. Oviposition takes place in September and October, and the eggs hatch in May and June, hibernation taking place in the egg state, as is the case with some other species of Geometridw. Hellins (Entom. Mo. Mag., March, 1870, vol. vi, p. 222) gives similar dates for oviposition and hatching in England. The larva and pupa are described by Herr (Anleitung d. Raupen d. deutschen Schmett., 1833, p. 258) who enumerates the following food-plants : Betula, Alnus, Corylus avellana, Carpinus, Betulus, Ulmus, apple, pear, stone fruit, aud Tilia. Herold (Deutscher Raupenkalender, 1845, p. 135) gives Fagus in addition to the above-mentioned trees. Harris (Entom. Corresp., 1869, p. 320) gives notes on different stages of this species. Kaltenbach (Pflanzen- feinde, 1872, pp. 89, 218, and 552) adds Acer, Bosa, and Populus&s food-plants. Lintner (Entom. Contrib., No. 3, 1874, p. 165), in a note on Eugonia magnaria gives Syringa vulgaris as food-plant. Packard (Mon. Geom. Moths, 1876, p. 530) quotes descriptions of larva and pupa by Goodell and by Scudder; the former entomologist gives Casta- nea vesca, and the latter Beiula lenta as food-plant. Roiiast (Annales Soc. Linn, de Lyon, ann., 1882, [1883], vol. xxix, p. 340) adds Quercus robur to the food-plants. Packard (Bull. No. 7, U. S. Entom. Comm., 1881, p. 92) repeats Goodell's description of the larva and pupa, adds one of the moth, and further remarks that Scudder's description "is so different from Mr. Goodell's that I fear it refers to a different in- sect." This is not, however, the case, but the larva is very variable in coloration. Worthington (Can. Entom., January, 1878, vol. x, p, 16) writes: "This larva* evi- dently changes its color somewhat with different food, as these [larvae] closely resemble the bark of this tree [maple]." The general coloration may vary to match that of the bark of the tree on whjch the larvae feed, but the head, which is the part of the larva that varies most, is slate gray, green, or dull red, in specimens taken 34fi FIFTH KEPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. from maplf. These larva-, having molted at least four (probably live) times, pupate from the latter part of July to the end of September J the pupal state lasts from eighteen to twenty day>, the imegOfl flying from the middle of September until the last of October in New England. The larva- are not rate upon Betula alba and B. lutea. 6. Thk sii.vek SPOTTKD hkpia: Hepialus argenteomaculatus Harris. Mr. S. Lowell Elliott has made the interesting discovery that this tine insect during its larval state probably bores into the trunks of the chestnut, M he took the chrysalis from a chestnut stump, in June, on Long Island. We have in the United States twenty-five described species of Hepi- alus. some of which are undoubtedly synonyms, as pointed out to us by Mr. Henry Edwards. But of the larval habits of these, say twenty species, nothing is known. In Europe the Hepialus hamali bores in the roots of the hop vine. Judging by the frequency with which our Hepi- alus mustelinus occurs as a moth resting on the trunk and branches of the spruce, growing amid ferns, I am inclined to think that we may possibly find the larva boring in the roots of ferns growing in spruce woods. So far as I have been able to ascertain the larva3 of the European species of Hepialus feed on the roots of herbaceous plants ; thus, ac- cording to Staiuton, the larva of Hepialus hectus " feeds on the leaves of the dandelion : " that of H. lupulinus uon the roots of herbaceous plants:" that of H. humuli is found uat the roots of hop, burdock, net- tle, etc. ;" H.velleda feeds ou the roots of the common fern {Pteris aquilina), while the larva of H. sylvinus is unknown. Harris states that the empty pupa skins of this or of an allied species M)inetiines found on our sea-beaches. Fig. 130. Hepialus argrnttomacidatus —Marx del. Moth.— The body is light brown: the fore-wings are of a very pale ashen brown color, variegated with darker clouds and oblique' wavy bands, and are ornamented with two silvery white spots near the base, at the inner angles of the discoidal cells : INSECTS INJURING CHESTNUT LEAVES. 347 the anterior spot being round and the posterior and larger one triangular. The hind wings are light ashen brown at base, passing into dusky ocher-yellow. The large specimen is a female, and was taken by Professor Agassiz on the northern shore of Lake Superior. The body is of a dusky ocher-yellow color, tinged on the sides and •on the legs with red. The fore- wings are light rosy buff, with brownish ocher clouds and bands, two silvery spots near the base and a whitish dot near the tip. The hind wings above and all the wings beneath, are of a deep ocher-yellow color tiuged with red. (Harris.) 7. Tetrads crocallata Guene'e. This moth has been raised from a caterpillar found feeding on the chestnut by Mr. L. W. Goodell, at Amherst, Mass. It became a pupa July 15, within leaves drawn together with a few threads. (Canadian Entomologist, xi, 193, 1879.) Larva. — Mature larva, one specimen. Head brown, much narrower than the body ; two large dark brown spots in front. Body stout and very slightly attenuated ante- riorly, the first and second rings much narrower than the rest and retractile into the third. About a dozen minute black tubercles on each ring. Reddish brown covered with numerous wavy hair lines; paler beneath with a large dirty brown patch in- closing two light brown spots on the sixth and seventh rings. Length when at rest, 23mm . waen crawling, 28mm. Pupa. — Length 17mm ; ashen gray, tinged with reddish and speckled with brown ; a brown dorsal stripe, obsolete on the abdominal segments. Thorax paler with a small dorsal brown spot. Head brown, with a vertical red streak. Abdomen dark brown beneath speckled with reddish, the anal segments with a transverse dark brown dash above. Wings pearly ash with a submarginal row of seven brown spots. Caudal spine round, with two long hooked forks ; four slender bristles at the base, two above and two beneath, very much hooked at the tips. (Goodell.) Moth. — In this species the male antennae are simple, and the wings slightly bent on the outer margin. It may be readily recognized by its uniformly bright ocher-yellow body and wings. A broad oblique coffee-brown band on the fore-wings, extending from just beyond the middle of the outer edge to the apex ; discal dot not large, but distinct on each wing. On the hind wings, a single straight line, not reaching the costa; sometimes this line is wanting. Expanse of wings 1.75 inches. 8. Endropia obtusaria Gue"o. The caterpillar of this fine moth was found June 10 at Providence, and June 19 spun a loose, slight, thin cocoon in a partially rolled-up leaf, transforming June 20 to a pupa. The moth was observed after it had emerged, but flew away, though not till after I had assured myself that it was most probably if not certainly E. obtusaria of the chocolate variety. Abbot's larva of E. obtusaria lived on the touch-me-not (Impatiens noli-metangere). Larva. — Head small, flattened, much narrower than the body ; squarish, the sides being parallel. Dark slate brown, clypeus and adjoining region pale ash, forming a light triangular spot on the front of the head. Body increasing in width from the eighth abdominal segment to the head ; marbled with dark livid slate-colored, wayy, . broken, fine close-set lines. Supra-anal plate large, triangular; surface somewhat rough ; four piliferous tubercles on the hinder edge or apex, and two behind the mid- dle. A row of four to five small dark tubercles on the three thoracic segments, and four dorsal tubercles on each abdominal segment, those near the hinder edge of the first and fifth abdominal segment larger than the others, and connected by a ridge 348 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. vrhioh is Interrupted Id the middle of the body. Aual legs large and broad, with uniisiiiliv Large Bapra-aoal piliferooa tubercles. All the legs ooncolorons with the body; ;i flesh colored patch beneath the inner angle. (Clemens.) 11. The locust skipper. Eudamus tityrus Fabricius. Drawing the leaves together in July, a large pale-green caterpillar about 2 inches long, with a red neck and large red head, with a large yellow spot on each side of the mouth, feeding by night, sometimes pupating between the leaves, and transform- ing into a stout-bodied, brown butterfly with a skipping, rapid, strong, low flight, and antennae flattened and bent over at the end. (Harris.) These voracious worms sometimes strip the leaves of the common locust and especially the viscid locust (Robinia viscosa), which is culti- vated in New England as an ornamental tree. According to Harris, the females lay their eggs singly during June or early in July on the leavea, the caterpillars hatch in July, and when quite small conceal themselves under a fold of the edge of a leaf, which is bent over their bodies and secured by means of silken threads. When they become larger they attach two or more leaves together, so as to form a kind of cocoon or leafy case to shelter them from the weather, and to screen them from the prying eyes of birds. One end of the leafy case is left open, and from this the insect comes forth to feed. They transform to 366 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. chrysalids either amoog the leaves or desert the tree and seek some retired place, where they spin a slight loose cocoon, within which they remain through the winter, appearing in the imago state by the mid- dle of the following June. Tke hutterthj is brown, the fore-wings are browii with a transverse semi-transparent band across the middle, ami a lew spots towards the tip of a honey-yellow color; hind wings with a short rounded tail on the bind angles, and a hroad silvery baud across the middle of the underside. The wings expand from 2 to 2J inches. (Harris.) Remedies. — Nearly all the insects which prey upon the foliage of the locust can be gotten rid of by hand-picking and by collecting the leaves in autumn and burning them ; in this way cherished shade trees can be protected. 12. Dasylophia anguina Abbot and Smith. The eggs of this moth were sent me by Miss Emily L. Morton, of Newbilrgh, ]S. Y., having been laid about the 20th of July. She has never found the larvae on any other tree than the locust, and then only rarely. The larvae hatched July 25, at Brunswick, Me.; the first molt occurred July 28, the second August 6, and the third August 10 to 11 , the fourth August 20 to 22. Egg. — Spherical, whitish, surface seen under a good lens to be very finely granu- lated. Diameter, .8mm. Larva directly after hatching. — Head very large, nearly twice as wide as the body is behind the middle, rounded, yellowish amber with a lateral black stripe. First ab- dominal segment shining red, with two high slender subdorsal tubercles ; two similar but much smaller tubercles on the eighth segment, which is also reddish. Body deep pea-green, shining, with six very narrow dorsal, subdorsal, and lateral black lines. Anal legs long and slender, dark red, and with the two last abdominal segments (9 a,nd 10) uplifted much as in the full-fed larva, at an angle often of 45 degrees. All the legs, both thoracic and abdominal, dull greenish. Hairs stiff and black, mostly thickened at the end ; about as long as the body is thick. Length, 3 to 4mm. Larva after first molt, July 23. — Head amber-colored, no wider than the body. Body pale green, the dark brown stripes, especially the dorsal one, more distiuct ; the dorsal line is continuous; the two lateral ones somewhat broken ; the hairs are still black, but not so much thickened as before. Markings nearly as before, but the first and eighth abdominal segments not so deep red as in stage I. Length, 6 to 7mm. Lamm aftei second molt, August 6. — More like the mature larva?. Head of moderate size, but little wider than the body, rounded, dull pale reddish orange. Body smooth and shining, straw-yellow ; a dorsal black line ending on the polished black knob on the eighth abdominal segment. Three lateral, more or less interrupted black lines in a whitish band, the middle of the three the faintest. This band incloses on the first abdominal segment a polished jet-black tubercle. Low down on the sides of the body are twelve black spots, one at the base of each foot, when they are pres- ent; four black spots on the front part of the supra-aual plate. Anal legs uplifted, exteusile, black on the tips. Length, 15mm. Larva after third molt, August 10 to 11. — Only differs from the preceding stage in its more distinct, deeper hues, especially the pale lilac tint on ninth and adjoining seg- ments, and the larger, thicker body. The four black spots on the base of the short enpra-aual plate are united to form a continuous baud. Length, 22mm. Full-fed larva.— Head rounded, greenish amber; body smooth, of nearly uniform thickness, with a low rounded jet-black kuob ou tip of the eighth abdominal seg- LOCUST BEETLES. 367 ment, in front of which is a narrow black dorsal line. Anal legs uplifted. Three lateral black lines close to each other and forming a broad dark wavy band. Base of all the legs black, but the legs themselves pale ; ground color of body deep pink flesh color. Length, 30 to 35mra. 13. The locust hispa. Odontota scutellaris (Olivier). Hispa suturalis Harris. Order Coleoptera ; family Chrysomelid^e. In July, blister-like spots appearing upon the leaves, within which is a small flat- tened, whitish worm, with three pairs of feet; a quarter of an inch long, tapering from before backwards, with projections along each side like the teeth of a saw ; re- maining a week in the pupa state within the leaf, about the middle of August it issues as a small flattened black beetle with the prothorax and wing-covers, except along their suture, tawny yellow. (Fitch & Harris.) Harris states that in Massachusetts these beetles may be observed the middle of June pairing and laying eggs on the leaves of the locust tree. While this species of leaf-mining beetle is met with in the New England States and New York, by information received from Kentucky it is at times quite injurious to locust trees in that State, but can always be kept under by hand-picking. Fjg. 134— Lo- cust Hispa— From Pack- ard. 14. Agrilus otiosus Say. Order Coleoptera ; family Buprestid^:. Mr. W. L. Devereaux, of Clyde, N. Y., writes us that this beetle " is found in plenty in the beetle stage, feeding on freshly forming foliage, at the tips of new growths of the locust." 15. Say7s weevil. Apion rostrum Say. Order Coleoptera; family Curculionid^e. From June until September, eating numerous small round holes in the leaves, a little black weevil with a slender projecting beak, its thorax with close coarse punctures and an oval or longitudinal inden- tation back of its center, and the furrows of its wing-covers with coarse punctures; its length. 0.09, and to the end of the beak, 0.12 inch. (Fitch.) Dr. Harris states that the grubs of this little weevil live in the pods of the common wild indigo bush (Baptisia tinctoria), devouring the seeds. He adds : A smaller kind, somewhat like it, inhabits the pods and eats the seeds of the locust tree, or Bobinia pseudacacia. Fitch regards the insect as very variable, and as most probably de- structive to the seeds of both the plants here mentioned. FiG.135.-Say's weevil.— From Pack- ard. 368 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. 10. The BLACI LOCU8T MIDGK. Cecidomyia pseudacacio' Fitch. Order Dipteka; family Cecidomyiid k. In July and August, the tender young leaflets near the tip of the stem folded togt-tlier like a little pod, the cavity inside containing from one to three small milk- white maggots, which descend below the surface of the ground, remaining there in the pupa state about ten days, and then appearing as a small blackish midge. (Fitch.) According to Fitch, before the small young leaflets, which put forth along the opposite sides of the main leaf-stalks at their tips, become expanded, they are closed together like two leaves of a book ; and it is probably at this time that the female midge inserts her e^ in the cleft between them, the irritation from which and from the small maggots which hatch from them, keeps the leaflet permaneLtly closed; a slight cavity forming within, iu which the worms reside, the leaflet hereby comes to resemble in its shape a small bivalve shell with a more or less wavy edge. The surface remains unchanged outside, but within it assumes a pale greenish yellow color. The attachments of the leaflets to the stalk becomes so weakened when infested by these worms that probably they are generally broken off by the wind, and the worms are thus carried to the ground, instead of crawling down the stalks by night, as is the habit of the wheat midge. The female. — A small blackish midge, the base of its thorax tawny yellow, its abdomen pale yellowish, with the tip dusky and clothed with fine hairs, as is also the neck ; its legs black, with the thighs pale except at their tips; its wings dusky, feebly hyaline, with the fringe short; its antennae with thirteen short cylindrical joints separated by short pedicels ; its length, 0.065 inch to the tip of the body. 17. The yellow locust midge. Cecidomyia robin ia? Haldemau. Order Diptera; family Cecidomyiid.k. In July and August a portion of the edges of the leaves rolled inwards on their under sides and thickened, inclosing one or two very small white maggots, which are varied more or less with orange-yellow ; producing a pale orange midge with the sides of its thorax and often three oval stripes on the back and the wings dusky; its antenna? blackish and of fourteen joints in the females, twenty-four iu the males; its length, 0.12 inch. (Fitch and Haldemau.) Professor Haldemau, who described this two-winged gall-fly in Em- inon's Journal of Agriculture and Science, October, 1847, says that it in conjunction with the Hispa, already mentioned, had been so numer- ous in southeastern Pennsylvania the two preceding summers as to kill the leaves upon the locusts, the trees in August appearing as though they had been destroyed by dry weather. This insect may be detected by the margin of the leaflets being rolled inwards upon their under sides for a length varying from over a quar- ter to a half inch, the upper side showing a concavity or rounded hollow at this point. "This rolled portion," says Fitch, "is changed in its THE LOCUST SAW-FLY. 369 color to a paler yellowish green, and its textare is thickened and suc- culent." The same leaf sometimes has two or more of these folds along different parts of its margin. The larva is colorless or watery when young, becoming, as it approaches maturity, opaque and milk white, varied more or less with bright yellow. It is long oval, broadest in the middle and tapering thence to a sharp point anteriorly, the opposite end being bluntly rounded, and is divided into thirteen segments by transverse im- pressed lines. (Haldeman.) 18. The locust saw-fly. Nematu8 similaris Norton. Order Hymenoptera ; family Tenthredinid^: Fig. 136.— Locust saw-fly. a, eggs ; b, c, worms ; d, tail of the same; e, cocoon; /, fly.— After Comstock. Eating the leaves of the black locust, a small, soft, green worm two-fifths of an inch long, with twenty legs, and a brownish head; appearing in Washington, D. C, late in August until October; transforming in a dark-brown oval cocoon, and two or three weeks later issuing as a^saw-fly nearly one-quarter of an inch long, of a dirty yellow color, with a squarish black patch on top of the head, the sides and front of the thorax black, and a transverse band on top of each abdominal segment. (Com- stock. ) This saw-fly inserts its irregularly semi-ellipsoid eggs in a crescent- shaped cut made in the under surface of the leaf by the " saw." In a few days the larva hatches. Professor Comstock thinks there are two and possibly three broods in a season, and that the insect may hiber- nate both in the adult and pupa stages. I have found this insect com- mon in the larva state on the leaves of the locust at Brunswick, Me. The head of the worm is amber-colored, rather than "brownish." 5 ent 24 370 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. li». Black LOCUST saw-fly. XrnHituM robinia Forbes. Prom a number of saw-fly larva' found infesting the black locust (Robinia pseudacacia) at Normal, we bred during the latter part of July a small saw-lly related to Nematus birittatus and aureopectus, but apparently undescribed The larva from which this specimen was bred entered the ground July 8, emerging on the 26th. (Forbes' Third Rep. Ins. Illinois.) Adult. — Body stout, pale brownish yellow ; mesothorax with a black vitta upon each side; metathorax with a transverse black band continuous with the posterior extremities of the mesothoracic stripes; tergum blackish, with the sides and pos- terior margins of the segments of the general color; prothorax between the ends of the mesothoracic stripes a little darker brown ; head slightly darker than the body, with a quadrate black spot upon the occiput, extending forward to include the ocelli. This area is slightly shining, but the adjacent surfaces of the head are dull, punctured, and rather densely' pubescent. Antenna} longer than the head and body, third and fourth joints equal ; clypeus emargiuate in front. The under parts and legs are uniform pale yellow brown, except the tibiae and tarsi of the posterior pair, which are dusky, and the genital valves of the female, which are black. Wings hyaline, veins fuscous, costa and stigmata yellowish, second submarginal cell slightly angled at the recurrent nervules, of which there are two about equally removed from the two extremities of the cell. First submarginal quadrate, distinct ; pos- terior margin of wing behind the lanceolate cell slightly tinged with yellowish. Length of body, 4mm ; expanse, 10m,n. Described from a single female. (Forbes.) 20. Partheno8 nubilis Hiibner. Dr. Harris has raised the moth from the caterpillar which in Sep- tember is found hiding itself in holes of the trunk of the locust, going out at night to eat the leaves ; the pupa was found in a loose web on the surface of the ground ; the moth appeared June 18. Larva. — First pair of abdominal legs rather smaller than the others, and rarely used in creeping or resting. Color, brown above, finely dotted and variegated with dark brown ; body beneath pale brown, with a black spot between the prolegs, and a blackish streak beneath the last three segments. Two zigzag brown lines (almost black posteriorly) form a series of lozenges along the back, one lozenge being on each segment, and becoming gradually narrow behind. Each lozenge, especially those of the hinder segments, has a black spot near the hind angle. A pale line on each side below, and contiguous to the spiracles, and in young specimens a dark- brown line above the spiracles. The latter are black. Head round, dark brown, but spotted with pale points in clusters. Top of first segment marked with a semi-circular, darker, but not horny spot. Legs pale brown as the belly. (Harris Corr., 320.) Moth.— Head rather small, thorax dark ashen, a black line in front, strongly tutted behind; abdomen dark gray above, lighter below, strongly keeled dorsally ; fore- wings pointed, deeply scalloped outwardly, much rounded; color dark ashen ; basal and transverse anterior lines distinct, geminate ; transverse posterior line obsolete; beyond, a submarginal line, slender, much angulated ; a blackish, somewhat trian- gular apical dash present; reniform spot large, bounded on each side by a light band, starting from the costa, the outer reaching to the outer third, the inner parallel, reaching to the inner margin ; these are often nearly white, and coalesce behind the reniform spot ; subreniform obsolete; hind wings bright yellow, with two median black bands, irregularly waved, parallel; discal luuule within strongly marked; marginal band toothed on both sides; fringe yellowish. Expands 50 to 70mm. Occurs throughout the Eastern States and in Colorado. (Hulst.) LOCUST SCALE-INSECT. 371 21. Cymatophora crepuscularia Tr. Order Lepidoptera ; family Phal,entd.e. Larvae from which the above was bred were taken on white clover at Normal, June 21, the imagos emerging July 10. Larva. — One inch long, slender, with only four prolegs. The head is widely bilobed and reddish brown above, yellowish varied with reddish brown in front, with two small approximate black spots on the middle of the front. The body is green, thickly covered with white granulations, with some black ones intermixed, and has an ob- scure reddish dorsal stripe. The posterior margins of the middle segments are nar- rowly bordered with yellow. On the penultimate segment is a large transverse blackish spot, with two small kidney-shaped yellow spots near its middle, approach- ing each other posteriorly. The legs are pale brown, blackish at base ; prolegs black without, pale within ; spiracles brown. The same larva occurred in our collections on the rose and the com- mon locust ; taken from the former June 20, and from the latter July 4. We also collected it July 25, from the box elder (Negundo aceroides), the specimen pupating August 4 and emerging August 13. It has been found preying on the clover by Professor Forbes (Third Rept. Ins. Illinois). 22. A Deltoid larva. A pale green caterpillar was observed at Brunswick, August 21, feed- ing on the under side of the leaf, and easily escaping detection since it was of the same hue as the under side of the leaf. September 14 it had made an oval-cylindrical cocoon iu the soil at the bottom of the breed- ing box, the pupa being of the usual mahogany brown color. Larva. — Pale green; body slender cylindrical, of the usual Hypeua-like shape. Head as wide as the body, smooth, pale green ; a dark green dorsal median line ; a narrow thread-like subdorsal white slender line, and a much broader one lower down. All the legs green, thoracic ones a little chitinous at the end. The dorsal tubercles arranged in a trapezoid, but they are minute and give rise to very slender inconspicu- ous hairs. Length 17mm. 23. Macrobasis unicolor (Kirby). Dr. John Hamilton states that a nursery of young locusts was almost defoliated in July .by swarms of this beetle. (Can. Ent., xxi, 103.) 24. The rapacious scale insect, Aspidiotus rapax Comstock. Like the pernicious scale insect (Aspidiotus -perniciosus) this species infests many different plants ; and sometimes it occurs in such great numbers as to be very destructive. This is especially the case on ever- greens in hot-houses in the North or in the open air in the South ; and in California on olive and mountain laurel ( Umbellularia califomica). 1 have also found it on the following-named plants in California: Al- mond, quince, fig, willow, eucalyptus, acacia, and locust. (Comstock). 372 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. Scale of /email -. — The scale of the female is very convex, with the exuvia- between the center and one side, and covered with secretion. The scale is gray, somewhat transparent, bo that it appears yellowish when it covers a living female; the promi- nence which covers the exuvhe is dark brown or black, usually with a central dot and concentric ring which are white. Ventral scale snowy white, usually entire. Diameter l£"'m (.06" inch). Female. — The body of the female is nearly circular in outline, bright yellow in color with more or less translucent blotches. The last segment presents the following characters: The groups of spinnerets are wanting. Only one pair of well-developed lobes, the median, present. These are prouiineut. Each one is furnished with a notch on each side; the notch on the mesal margin is distad of that on the lateral margin. The second and third pairs of lobes are repre- sented by the minute pointed projections of the margin of the body. The margin of the ventral surface of the segment is deeply incised twice on each side of the meson ; once laterad of the first lobe, and again between the rudimentary second and third lobes. The parts of the body wall forming the margin of these in- cisions are conspicuously thickeued. There are two simple tapering plates between the median lobes, two deeply and irregularly toothed or branched plates extending caudad of each incision, one usually simple and tapering plate between the incisions of each side, and two or three of the same character laterad of the second incision. The first, second, and third pairs of spines of each surface are situated near the lateral bases of the first, second, and third lobes, respectively; the fourth pair is situated at a little more than one half the distance from the median lobes to the penultimate segment. In each case the spine on the ventral surface is but little lat- erad of the one on the dorsal surface. Egg. — The eggs and newly hatched larva? are yellow. Male. — Only dead and shriveled males have been observed. Habitat. — On the bark of the trunk and limbs as well as the leaves and fruit of various trees and shrubs in California and Florida. Described from seventy-five females and very many scales. I have named this the greedy scale insect on account of the great number of plants upon which the species subsists. It also occurs in some localities in great numbers, being very destructive. This is especially the case en Euonymm japonicus a; Fort George, Fla. ; and in California on olive near San Buenaventura, and on mountain laurel ( Umbellularia californica) at San Jose. Mr. Elwood Cooper, of Santa Barbara, Cal., who has had some ex- perience with this pest upon his olive trees, says that it is easily kept in check. According to his observations it flourished only upon those trees which are in an unhealthy condition, and as it is chiefly confined to the trunk and limbs it can be removed with a stiff brush and whale- oil soap solution. (Comstock Agr. Rep., 1880). The following insects also feed on the locust: COLEOPTERA. 25. Spermopliagus robimm (Fabricius). Family Bruchichv (see Horn, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc, iv, 311). 26. Agrilus egenus Gory. Mining under the bark of the twigs and smaller branches, the beetles eating the leaves. (Chittenden, Ent. Amer., v, 219). LOCUST CATERPILLARS. 373 27. Neoclytus erythrocephalus (Fabr.) Bred from the twigs (Chittenden in letter). 28. Liopus cinereus Lee. Bred from the twigs (Chittenden in letter). 29c Anomcea laticlavia (Forster.) Devouring the leaves (Chittenden). LEPIDOPTERA. 30. The Io moth, Hyperchiria io (Fabricius). (See p. 111.) 31. The tussock moth, Orgyia leucostigma A. and S. 32. The carpenter moth, Xyleutes robinice, which more commonly affects the oak. (See p. 6.) 33. Glisiocampa disstria Hubn. (See p. 117.) 34. Oedemasia concinna (Abb. and Smith.) (Riley's Notes.) 35. Glisiocampa erosa Stretch. Oregon. (Papilio. i, 67.) 36. Gatocala vidua Abbot and Smith. (See p. 178.) 37. Gelechia pseudacaciella Chamb. Larva feeds externally on the leaves and also in the mines of Lithocolletis robiniella (Chambers.) 38. Xylesthia clemensella Chamb. Larva bores in dead locust-timber posts, etc. (Chambers.) 39. Lithocolletis ornatella Chambers. 40. Accea purpuriella Chambers. The larva makes a small mine and pupates in a small cocoon on the outside of the mine. 41. Tineid sp ? unknown. " There is also a lepidopterous (probably Tineid) larva which bores in twigs, eatiug out the pith. It is striped with the head and next segment piceous." (Chambers in letter.) Chapter V. INSECTS INJURIOUS TO THE DIFFERENT SPECIES OF MAPLE. (Acer saccharinam and Acer rubrum.) The number of species here recorded as infesting the different spe- cies of maple, especially the rock or sugar and the red or swamp maple, is upwards of one hundred. Of these only a few are really injurious. Of European insects preying on species of Acer, Kaltenbach enumerates sixty-eight species. The maple-borer, Glycobius speciosus, is the most deadly foe of these beautiful shade trees, and when once established on a street lined with maples, or in a grove, is difficult to eradicate. No caterpillar strips the leaves as a regular recurrent pest, but they are in the Central States often ruined by the cottony maple scale ; otherwise these trees are remarkably free from insect pests, and from their clean- ness and rapidity of growth, as well as dense foliage and beautiful out- lines, will always prove a favorite shade aud ornamental tree. 1. The sugar-maple borer. Glycobius speciosus (Say). Boriug into the solid trunks of healthy sugar-maple trees, often killing them, a rather large, footless, cylindrical, whitish grub, changing in July to a large, beauti- ful, yellow-striped beetle, marked with a golden W ou the wing-covers. Although the question as to whether lougicorn larvaB will bore into healthy solid wood is by some regarded as undecided, there is no doubt but that the present larva bores for several inches into the trunks of healthy trees, both young maples as well as trees ten or twenty inches in diameter. The following case fell under our own observation. On the grounds of Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Me., for two successive years (1873-'74) a number of fine sugar or rock maples, nearly a foot in diameter, aud which had been set out for thirty or forty years, suddenly died, and on being cut up into fire- wood were found to be deeply per- forated in all directions by larvaB referable to this species by its large size aud resemblance to the locust-borer. More than one larva and one borer were found in the same tree. There seemed little reason to doubt but that the grubs were the cause of the sudden death of the tree. In the summer of 1881 I noticed that one tree in the college campus was partly killed by these borers, and that other trees in different :*74 THE MAPLE BORER. 375 parts of the town had been bored by them. One tree, over one foot in thickness, had about twelve holes in the trunk, from which the beetles had issued a year or two previous. The leaves during the past summer were small and curled up, and the tree was evidently in a sickly condition. The few Aphides and Psoci, observable on the leaves in July and August, were not sufficiently numerous to occasion the trouble, and we attribute it to the effects of the borer. Another somewhat larger sugar maple in the same yard, the age of which was about forty-five years, had but two holes in it, made by the same borer, probably in 1878 or 1879 ; the tree was nearly healthy, with fully developed leaves. A red maple close at hand had not been affected by the borer, and we could not learn that this species (A. rubrum) had ever been attacked by this borer. It seems to us that these are clearly demonstrated cases where healthy trees have been killed by borers. The first observer to notice this borer, and the fact that it destroys living maples, was Rev. L. W. Leon- ard, who gave an account of its habits to Harris. His attention was called, in 1828, to some young maples in Keene, N. H., which were in a dying condition. He discovered the insect in its beetle state under the loosened bark of one of the trees, and traced the recent track of the larva three inches into the solid wood. In the course of a few years these trees, upon FlG- m>—&y*>bius8pe- " -ill cio8u$. Natural gize. the cultivation of which much care had been be- -From Saundera. stowed, were nearly destroyed by the borers. This beetle was said by Mr. E. B. Reed, in 1872, to be gradually destroying the sugar maples at London, Canada, and in the Report of the Entomological Society of Ontario for 1878 Mr. Saunders states that the destruction was spreading rapidly in the streets of the same city. To this society we are indebted for the use of the figure of the beetle. Regarding its ravages in Vermont, Mr. J. A. Lintner thus writes to the Country Gentleman (1884): This borer is destroying a large number of our sugar maples, as its burrows usually are carried around the trunk beneath the bark, and when several occur in the same tree they girdle it by their interlacings and thus kill the tree. Even when they are not fatal to the tree, they occasion unsightly cracking of the bark and serious deform- ities of growth. In the pleasant village of Bennington, Vt., where I am sojourning, I notice that very many of the beautiful sugar maples that ornament its streets and shade its homes are threatened with speedy destruction through the attack of this pernicious borer. The beetle, according to Harris, lays her eggs on the trunk of the maple in July and August. The grubs barrow into the bark as soon as they are hatched, aud are thus protected during the winter. In the spring they penetrate deeper, and form, in the course of the summer, long and winding galleries in the wood, up and down the trunk. 376 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. This destructive borer was, in 1884, still at work in Maine, where we have made such observations on its egg-laying habits and the mode of Fig. 138.— Miiie of Glycobius spcciosus, one-third natural size. life of the freshly-hatched larva, that it now seems possible to prevent its entry into the heart-wood by cutting it out of the bark in the autumn. THE MAPLE BORER. 377 The burrows, or mines, either extend under the bark or descend into the wood towards the heart of the tree. Different trees are variously attacked. Where the worms remain under the bark large pieces are loosened and gradually fall off, leaving sometimes nearly one side of the trunk bare. At the same time the general health of the tree is impaired, as shown by the sparseness of the leaves. The beetles were unusually frequent in Brunswick during late July and especially in August, 1884, at this time laying their eggs. Al- Fig. 139. — Mine of Glycobius speciosus in bark alone. Natural size. though none were found engaged in the operation, there is little doubtr as will be seen below, that the process is nearly identical with that of the pine-borer, or Monohammus. I found two mines of this borer which crossed each other (Fig. 138), though usually each follows an in- dependent course, unless much crowded. On a single tree from one side of which the bark had fallen off in consequence of the attacks of 378 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COM If IS this insect, there were about twelve " mines " or burrows, of which too ran up the trunk. The mines were from 15 to 24 inches long, one measuring 2 feet and 8 inches in length. At the upper end the mines are about three-quarters of an inch wide. The mine either finally sinks deep in Hie wood or extends all the way under the bark until at the extreme end. where it sinks in a little way to form a cell, or chamber, for the chrysalis. The tree dies slowly, and where the trunk has been mined on one side only the tree lives on. though the foliage be much thinner. Trees may. as we have observed, live for at least five or six years with a number of borers in their trunks. Fresh from the observations made on the mode of egg-laying in the common pine-borer, I looked, September 12, for the eggs or freshly- hatched Larvae of Glycobius speciosu*. and found the latter at once. The Bev. Mr. Leonard, of Dublin, HT. H., many years ago. in a letter to Dr. Harris, stated that the maple-tree borer, on hatching, remained in the bark through the winter. Upon examining a sugar maple about two feet in diameter, I found that twenty eggs had been laid in different parts of the bark from near the ground to where the branches origi- nated, a distance of about 10 feet. The site of oviposition was recog- nized by a rusty, irregular discoloration of the bark about the size of a cent, and especially by the "frass," or castings, which to the length of an inch or more were attached like a broken corkscrew to the bark. On cutting into the bark, the recently-hatched larva? (5 to 7mm in length) were found lyiug in their mines, or burrows, at the depth of a tenth to a sixth of an inch. The burrows already made (Fig. 140) were about an inch long, some a little longer; the larva usually mines upward. Xo eggs were found, but they are laid in obscurely marked gashes, about a fitth of an inch long, usually near a crevice in the bark. These gashes and castings are readily discoverable, and it would be easy to save these valuable shade trees by look- ing for them in the autumn and winter or early spring, and cutting out the worms. The beetles were not uncom- mon at Brunswick in July and August in 18S4. Of six grubs which I cut out over half seemed unhealthy, perhaps diseased by the water which had pene- trated their mines. I have recommended protecting val- uable shade trees by wrapping the trunks with narrow bauds of cloth well saturated with kerosene oil in ' (r Fig. 140.— Mines of recently hatched larvae of Glycobius tptciosu*. MAPLE BORERS. 379 August and September, so as to drive off the beetles and to destroy the freshly-hatched grubs, but since discovering how easily the grubs and castings of the freshly-hatched worms can be detected a few days or weeks after the eggs have been laid, it seems obvious that the easiest and surest preventive is to cut out the grubs when lying in their autumn and winter quarters just under the surface of the bark. It is almost impossible to destroy the fully- grown worms in their "mines" or burrows, since the latter extend up the tree either directly under the bark or are sunken in the wood. On one tree nearly destroyed by this borer, out of about fourteen mines twelve extended upward. Hence it is useless to try to find the hole and inject oil into it. There now seems no reason why valuable shade maple trees should not be saved by a few hours' close observation and removal of the young grubs, say in September or October. The beetle is black, with a yellow head, with the antennae and the eyes reddish- black ; the thorax is black, with two transverse yellow spots on each side ; the wing- covers for about two-thirds of their length are black, the remaining third is yellow, and they are ornamented with bands and spots arranged in the following manner : a yellow spot on each shoulder, a broad, yellow, curved band or arch, of which the yel- low scutel forms the keystone on the base of the wing-covers; behind this a zigzag yellow band forming the letter W, across the middle another yellow baud arching backwards, and on the yellow tip a black curved band and spot; legs yellow, while the under side of the body is reddish- yellow, variegated with brown. Nearly an inch in length. (Harris.) 2. The horn-tail borer. Tremex columba (Linnaeus). Order Hymenoptera. ; family Urocerid^e. Boring in the trunk and making large round holes, a large white grub with a promi- nent spine on the end of the body, and transforming in the late summer into a large clear- winged saw-fly, with a long large " saw" on the tail of the female. This interesting insect bores indifferently in various forest and shade trees, attacking the elm, oak, sycamore, and perhaps more commonly the maple. The holes of this borer may be recognized by their large num- bers within a given space, and by their regular, evenly-cut shape, being about the diameter of a lead-pencil. We remember seeing some years ago a tree at Saratoga Springs, in the trunk of which, where the bark had been removed, were a dozen or more of the round even holes made by these insects, which seem to work some vhat in concert. Isolated shade trees along roads and in streets are favorite habitats. Harris says that an old elm tree in his vicinity used to be a favorite place of resort for this saw-fly, numbers of them collecting about it during the months of July, August, and the early part of September. " Six or more females might frequently be seen at once upon it, employed in boring into the trunk and laying their eggs, while swarms of the males 380 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. hovered around them. For fifteen years or more some large button- wood trees in Cambridge have been visited by them in the same way." Prof, J. A. Limner, State Entomologist of New York, has communi- cated the following facts to the Country Gentleman: Something has attacked a large maple tree iu front of my house. The trunk looks M it a large dose of buckshot had been shot into it, having fifty or more clean holes about one-eighth of an inch across. Can you tell me what to do to save the tree? I have seen a large insect like a wasp, with several boring arrangements at least '3 inches long each, inserting these into the tree. Do these cause the mischief? W. S. J. l'ou 1887.) The saw-fly. — Body stoat, black, cylindrical. Length about one-half an inch. Face very coarsely punctured, sometimes with a short white line on each side ; the vertex prominent, and the lower ocellus surrounded with conspicuous tubercles ; eyes moderately large. The antennae are peculiar : In the male they have eleven joints, the third slightly longer and four to eleven subequal : in the female they have, however, only ten joints, of which 4, 5, and 10 are very short ; in both, sexes they are touched with white near the middle. The wings are hyaliue, with a broad, smoky band commencing near the stigma, and extending almost to the tips. The legs have a spot on the tip of the femora, and a line on the tibia without white. In the female the anterior pair is swollen, the tibiae crooked, and the tarsi with only three joints. The abdomen has the basal segment very coarsely punctured, or scabrous; the remaining ones polished, shining, varying in color as previously mentioned. The ovipositor is of special interest, as it differs remarkably from those of the other Uroceridae. Usually it is not visible, as when retracted the tip is concealed in a deep cleft in the terminal segments. It has the appearance, as stated by Norton, of springing from the last segment, but it is evidently attached much nearer the base of the abdomen, and is protruded from beneath a small ventral scale, which is apparently a portion of the fifth segment. It is very slender, hair-like, and nearly twice as long as the insect, aud must consequently be coiled within the abdomen in a manner somewhat similar to that of Ibalia. Norton says it is ordinarily concealed in a channel beneath the abdomen ; Brulle', and other authors, as rolled spirally within it. (Can. Ent. xix, May, 1887, p. 85.)* 5. Oryssus terminalis Newman. Mr. Harrington records having taken specimens, u both in the act of emerging from the trunk of a dead maple, and in the act of ovipositing therein." It appears in June. *Ibalia maculipennis Hald. " This curious species belongs to the family Cynipidae, or gall-forming hymenoptera, and is much larger than any of our other species. It is nearly three-quarters of an inch in length and the wings expand about an inch. The head and thorax are stout, but the abdomen is compressed laterally until it is very thin, and has the shape almost of a knife-blade. The ovipositor is very long and slender, and when not in use is retracted and coiled up in the abdomen. The insects are rare, and have only recently been recorded (by Provancher) as occurring in Can- ada. I find both sexes upon old trees in June, aud have found the female oviposit- ing in the bark. The general color is yellow, with brown spots upon the head and thorax, and with black bands upon the abdomen and the legs. It is possible that ♦the larvae may be parasitic upon those of one or more of the insects mentioned in this paper." (Harrington, ttep. Ent. Soc. Ontario, 1887, p. 24.) 384 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. t;. The sixtkeh-leggko mai'lk-uoker. .]■'.tate no old rotten stumps, but some of the adjacent uninhabited estates contained them, where probably the nest may be found ; nevertheless, the whole estate was so overrun by white ants that they had made along the fence a long track covered with the hard clay-like mud with which they usually fill the eaten parts. As the boards of the fence were thin, it was perhaps judged safer to build the canal outside instead of on the interior of the boards. The house, a frame house, about teu years old, the stables, and the wooden sheds were entirely iutact. The estate near to it seemed to be entirely free of the pest. The foliage of the infested trees looked very remark- able. Mr. Sereno Watson, the curator of the Cambridge Herbarium, was at first at loss to determine the leaves ; the size, the shape, and the venation would not agree with any known species. But when he saw the tree, he was directly sure that it was only the common Acer rubrum. Some fresh shoots near the base of the tree had un- mistakably the leaves of the common red maple. All the other leaves were very small, mostly not more than 2 inches broad, the median lobe often short, sometimes blunt, and not longer than the side lobes; the ribs below were about yellowish, and decidedly less dark than on the red maple. The owner of the estate had for ten years not observed any change in the foliage of the trees. During the last winter the upper part of one tree, some 20 feet, broke down in a gale, and proved to be not in- fested by white ants. Now it was considered safe to fell the whole tree. The bark was, in the place where the gangs went up along the trees, extensively bored and hollowed by the white ants. The wood itself was ouly 2 feet above the ground filled with the common white aut holes and gangs, but no more than 1 inch deep around the stump. The inner part of the tree showed the wood perfectly sound for 31 feet, except a perpendicular hole of 2 inches diameter in the middle of the tree, going down to the root. This hole, perhaps made by squirrels, had black ants as inhabit- ants. The two other trees are still standing. In consequence of those facts. I looked around in Cambridge, and have now the suspicion that perhaps the injury done to living trees may be less rare thau I had supposed. If similar observations are made by entomologists, I would be thankful to have them communicated to me. 13. Ft il in us ruficornis Say. Order Coleoptera ; family Ptinid.e. Mr. Harrington states that be has seen in Canada "great numbers issuing from maple trees, leaving the wood riddled with small holes." The beetles, he says, are very common and attack various trees, both living and dead. u When a tree, say oak, hickory, or maple, has been MAPLE BORERS. 389 injured by blazing or peeling of bark, this little beetle may frequently be seen boring into the exposed wood, or if the injury is an old one, perhaps numbers may be found emerging." This beetle, Mr. Devereaux writes me, is found in New York in great abundance in the larval state in timber, logs, and cord- wood. It deposits its eggs in the summer of the year in which the tree is cut; many generations following each other for a number of years in the same log. The beetle. — Brownish, with the head almost hidden by the prothorax. The male much smaller, with reddish pectinate antennae. Length, 5mm. 14. Eupsalis minuta (Drury). Mr. Harrington records collecting about twenty of these beetles from under the bark of a large fallen sugar maple. " The larva? had appa- rently lived chiefly on the inner layers of the bark and on the sap wood. On another occasion I found specimens emerging from a maple stuinp.'? (See Oak Insects, p. 69.) 15. The sugar-maple timber beetle. Corthylus punctatissimus (Zimm.) Order Coleoptera; family Scolytid^e. The devastations of this beetle have been described by Dr. C. H. Merriam in the American Naturalist for January, 1883 : I noticed that a large percentage of the undergrowth of the sugar maple in Lewis County, northern New York, seemed to be dying. The leaves drooped and withered, a c d Fig. 144. Mines of Corthylus punctatissimus.— Merriam del. and finally shriveled and dried, but still clung to the branches. The majority of the plants affected were bushes a centimeter or two in thickness, and averaging from one to two meters in height, though a few exceeded these dimensions. On attempting to pull them up they uniformly, and almost without exception, broke off at the level of 390 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. Tig. 145. Corthylus jninctatissimvs. Merriaui del. the ground, leaving the root undisturbed. A glance at the broken end sufficed to reveal the mystery, for it was perforated, both vertically and horizontally, by the tubular excavations of a little Scolytid beetle which, in most instances, was found still engaged in his work of destruction. At this time the wood immediately above the part actually invaded by the insect was still sound, but a couple of months later it was generally found to be rotten. During September and October I dug op and examined :i large number of apparently healthy young maples of about the size of those already mentioned, and was somewhat surprised to discover that fully 10 per cent, of them were infested with the same beetles, though the excavations had not as yet been suffi- ciently extensive to affect the outward appearance of the bush. They must all die during the coming win- ter, and uext spring will show that, in Lewis County alone, hundreds of thousands of young sugar maples perished from the ravages of this Scolytid during the summer of 1882. The hole which constitutes the entrance to the excavation is, without exception, at or very near the surface of the ground, and is invariably beneath the layer of dead and de- caying leaves that everywhere covers the soil in our northern deciduous for- ests. Each burrow consists of a primary, more or less horizontal, circular canal, that passes completely around the bush but does not perforate into the entrance hole, for it generally takes a slightly spiral course, so that when back to the starting point it falls either a little above or a little below it — commonly the latter (see figs. 144, a and b). It follows the periphery so closely that the outer layer of growing wood, sep- arating it from the bark, does not average .25mm in thickness, and yet I have never known it to cut entirely through this so as to lie in contact with the bark. From this primary circular excavation issue, at right angles, and generally in both directions, (up and down), a varying number of straight tubes, parallel to the axis of the plant (see figs. 144, a, 6, c). They average five or six millimeters in length and commonly terminate blindly, a mature beetle being usually found to extend farther and, bending at a right angle, to take a turn around the circumference of the bush, thus constituting a second horizontal circular canal, from which, as from the primary one, a varying number of short vertical tubes brauch off, and in very exceptional cases these excavations extend still deeper, and there may be three, or even four, more or less complete circular canals. Such an unusual state of things exists from the specimen from which figure 144, d, is taken. It will be seen that, with few exceptions, the most important of which is shown in figure 144, d, all the excavations (including both the horizonta lcanals and their verti- cal offshoots) are made in the sap-wood, immediately under the bark, and not in the hard and comparatively dry central portion. This is doubtless because the outer layers of the wood are softer and more juicy, and therefore more easily cut, besides con- taining more nutriment and being, doubtless, better relished than the dryer interior. This beetle does not bore, like some insects, but devours bodily all the wood that is removed in making its burrows. The depth of each vertical tube may be taken as an index to the length of time the animal has been at work ; and the number of these tubes generally tells how many inhabit each bush, for as a general rule each indi- vidual makes but one hole, and is commonly found at the bottom of it. All of the excavations are black inside. The beetle is subcylindric in outline and very small, measuring but 3.5mm in length. Its color is a dark chestnut-brown, some specimens being almost black. Its head is bent down under the thorax and can not be seen from above. (See fig. 145.) MAPLE BORERS. 391 16. Xyloterus politus Say. According to Prof. J. A. Lintner this bark-borer lives at the expense of the maple. 17. Stenoscelis brevis Boheman. Order Coleoptera ; family Calandrhxe. This beetle occurred in a partly rotten stump of the red maple in a swamp at Providence, June 1, in company with Dicerca divaricata and Xestobium affine. All these beetles were submitted to Dr. Leconte for identification. The mines are irregular, sinuous, 1.5 to 2mm in diameter, and were quite numerous. 18. Xestobium affine Le Conte. Order Coleoptera ; family Ptinid.e. Several specimens of this beetle occurred June 1 in a rotten stump, with the larvae, which closely resembles those of Ernobius. It makes a sinuous mine 4mm in diameter, opening externally by a round hole 3mm in diameter j the burrows being filled with fine excrement. Larva. — Body cylindrical, white, soft, very full and rounded at the end, a little the thickest at the thoracic portion ; three pairs of thoracic, three-jointed, rather slender feet. Head rather large, more than half as thick as the body. End of abdo- men covered with rather dense yellowish hairs. Length, 10mra ; thickness of body, 3.1 to 4mm. Fig. 441 of Ernobius mollis in my Guide to the Study of Insects well repre- sents tne general appearance of this larva. BORING IN THE TWIGS. 19. The aster stalk-borer. Gortyna nitela Guen. This common borer of the stalks of the dahli a and aster has been observed by Professor Osborn boring in young twigs of the ash, many dead twigs being the proofs of their work. Miss Murtfeldt Fig. 146.— The aster stalk-borer and moth.— After Riley. has also observed it in twigs of the maple {Acer dasycarpum), and Professor Kiley states that it occurs in peach twigs as well as the branches of Ambrosia artemisicefolia. He also states that the young worm in Illinois hatches about the 1st of July, and immediately begins its work of destruction. The plant in which it feeds does not usually 39*2 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. show any signs of decay until the worm is about fully grown, when it wiltfl and is past recovery. About a month alter the worin is hatched it crawls just under the surface of the ground, fastens a little earth together around itself by a Blight web, and changes to a chrysalis of a very light mahogany-brown color three-fourths of an inch long, the moth appearing early in September. Larva. — Dull-colored, with wart-like spots: livid or purplish brown; darker before than behind, though varying much as to depth of shading. The moth. — Fore-wings lilac-gray, speckled with minute yellow dots, with a dis- tinct white band running across them. Expanse of wings, 3o'nm. AFFECTING THE LEAF-BUDS. 20. The maple-bud beetle. Plat ijcer us quercus Weber. Order Coleopteka ; family Luc \nidj:. This beetle was noticed May 6 by Mr. Harrington gnawing holes in the center of the leaf buds, where, hidden within, it feasts on the growing leaves. "In one instance a pair of beetles (male and female) were found in the same cavity. I have since found the beetles upon the leaves of various trees, and the larvae in old logs and stumps of elm, etc." (Rep. Ent. Soc. Ontario, 1887, 31.) The beetle. — In Platycerus the eyes are almost entire, while the sixth ventral seg- ment is visible (it is not so in Dorcus, whose eyes are hollowed out). Body flat, black (reddish beneath in the female), with sometimes a greenish hue ; antenna* with the terminal joints lamellate : while the jaws of the male are long and like pincers, those of the female being shorter. Length, 10lum. (Horn.) AFFECTING THE LEAVES. 21. The spiny maple worm. Dryoeampa rubicunda (Fabricius). Order Lepidoptera : family Bombycid.e. Sometimes nearly stripping soft maples of their leaves, large smooth worms longi- tudinally striped with pale and darker green lines, and recognizable by two anteriorly projecting black horns on the second segment behind the head, and transforming to a pale, oeher-yellowish, thick-bodied moth, tinged, especially ou the fore wings, with a rosy hue, and expanding a little over 2 inches. Although in the Eastern States this insect, especially the moth, is not common, yet we have observed it as far east as Brunswick, Me., where it feeds on the maple, the moth there appearing the middle of June: iu the Western States, Illinois, Missouri, and Kansas, it proves during certain years very destructive, entirely or nearly stripping the soft or swamp and sometimes the silver maple of its leaves, and discouraging people from planting this tree along roadsides. It is known to feed on the oak. MAPLE CATERPILLARS. 393 According to Riley, the eggs are deposited in patches of thirty and upward, on the under side of a leaf. Each is about 0.05 inch long, sub- oval, slightly flattened, translucent, and pale greenish. In Missouri and Kansas the worm is double-brooded, the first brood of larvae appearing mostly during June and giving forth the moths late Fig. 147.— The green-striped spiny maple-worm; b, pupa; c, female.— After Riley. in July, while the second brood of worms appears in August and Sep- tember, wintering in the chrysalis state, and not appearing as moths until the following May. The caterpillar molts four times, becoming fully fed within a month, and then entering the ground to pupate.* Larva. — In the first stage, yellow, with a large black head, the spines forming little black tubercles of nearly uniform size. In the second stage the head is browner, and the spines and stripes of the full-fed larva more apparent. In the third stage like the caterpillar in its fourth or last stage, but smaller. The fully fed caterpillar is an inch and a half long; pale yellowish-green longitudinally, striped above alternately with eight very light yellowish-green lines and seven of a darker green, inclining to black, with two slender black spines on the second segment behind the head, and two lateral rows of sharper, shorter spines. Head copal yellow; segments 10 and 11 a little di- lated and rose-colored at the sides. Chrysalis. — Rough and pitted, nearly black, with curved horns ab out the head and thorax, and the movable joints provided with a ring of sharp conical teeth around the anterior edge. (Riley.) Moth. — Fore-wings rose-colored, crossed by a broad pale-yellow band; the hind wings pale yellow, with a short rosy band behind the middle; the body is yellow, the under side and legs rose colored (Harris). In Western specimens, the yellow pre- dominates, the rose-color being bnt faintly visible, according to Riley, who has also had specimens which were almost white or colorless. The wings expand about two inches. The male antennae are broadly pectinated like feathers. Remedies. — A Tachina parasite, Tachina (Belvosia) bifasciata Fabr., and an ichneumon fly prey upon the caterpillars, and thus reduce their numbers. Riley recommends searching for and destroying the moths and eggs late in May, while the worms, when about to leave the trees, * See also Insect Life, ii, 1890, 276. 394 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION, '•may be entrapped by diggiug a trench either around the individual tree or around a grove or belt. The trench should be at least a foot deep, with the outer wall slanting under. Great numbers of worms will collect in it, or bury themselves in its bottom, aud may easily be killed." 22. Wepimhu argenteomaculaiun Harris. Mr. Harrington is authority for the statement that a moth referred to this species has been bred by Mr. Fletcher from a larva found boring in the base of a spiked maple (Acer spicatum). (See p. 34:6.) 23. The io caterpillar. Hypercliiria io (Fabricius). Order Lepidoptera ; family Bombycid-£. Sometimes feeding late in summer on the maple, a large, greenish, thick caterpillar, with fascicles of irritant, radiating, sharp spines over the body, spinning a thin silken cocoon amoug the leaves, and transforming the following May or June into a large, stout-bodied moth; the males yellow with a very large eye-like spot on the hind wings, and the females purple-brown, the wings of the latter expanding nearly 3 inches. Although this large caterpillar is a general feeder, devouring in the Southern States the leaves of the Indian corn, as well as the sassafras, black locust, the false iudigo, wild black cherry (Primus serotina), and the willow, currant, cotton, clover, elm, hop- vine, balsam-poplar, balm of Gilead, dogwood, and choke cherry, we have found it in Maine, where it is a rare moth, feeding on the rock or sugar maple, and hence refer to it under this head. The eggs are top-shaped, attached by the smaller end, in patches of about thirty, on the under side of leaves. The caterpillars in the Western States begin to hatch about the end of June, getting their growth in two mouths, after molting five times. The spines are poisonous to the fingers, and the caterpillar can not be handled without causing some pain and irritation. Mrs. Dimmock has summarized in Psyche (iv, 275) what is known of the habits of this caterpillar as follows : Hypercliiria io Fabr. (Syst. Entoin., 1775, p. 560). Harris (Kept. Ins. Injur. Veg., 1841, p. 283-385) d< 'scribes the larva and male and female imago*: later (Treatise on Ins. Injur. Veg., 186*2, p. 393-396) he adds to the descriptions figures of the larva, Fig. U8.— Green stinging io caterpillar.— After Ril.-y. MAPLE CATERPILLARS. 395 pupa, cocoon, and male and female iniagos ; and still later (Entom. Corresp., 1869, p. 295-297) he gives a more extended description of the larva. Morris (Synop. Lepid. N. A., 1862, p. 220) briefly describes the larva. Packard (Guide Study Ins., 1869, p. 299) gives brief notes on this species under the name of Hyperchiria varia Walker. Bethune (Can. Entom., Oct., 1869, v, 2, p. 19, 20) briefly describes the larva, and Minot (op. cit., Nov., 1869, v, 2, p. 28, 29) describes egg and larva without recognizing the species. Lintner (Entom. Contrib., No. 2, 1872, p. 146-149) describes the egg, the six larval stages, the pupa, and the cocoon. Riley (Fifth Rept. State Entom. Mo., 1873, p. 133) describes egg, larva in its six stages, cocoon, and imago of this species, figuring larva and male and female imagos; and (Can. Entom., June, 1873, v, 5, p. 109) describes the egg in detail. Reed (Can. Entom., Dec, 1874, v, 6, p. Fig. 149. -Male of io moth.— After Eiley. 227-229, and Ann. Rept. Entom. Soc. Ontario, 1874, p. 11-13) repeats Riley's figures, and describes the different stages very briefly. Grote (Can. Entom., Sept., 1878, v, 10, p. 176) states that this species is double-brooded in the South. The food-plants, as compiled in chronological order from the above and from other notices of this species, are as follows: Populus balsamifera, Ulmus, Trifolium, Zea mays, and accord- ing to Abbot, Cornus and Sassafras [Harris, 1841] ; Quercus and Robinia viscosa [Har- ris, 1869] ; Cornus florida and Liriodendron [Morris] ; Humulus [Freeman (Amer. Entom., Oct., 1868, v. I, p. 39)] ; Gossypium and Acer [Packard] ; Salix [Bethune] ; Populus tremuloides, Robinia pseudacacia, and Cerasus virginiana [Lintner] ; Amorpha fruticosa, Baptisia, Prunus serotina, and currant [Riley]; Corynus avellana [Reed] ; Betula, Comptonia asplenifolia, apple, Lespedeza, Sympjioricarpus, and Fraxinus [Goodell (Can. Entom., Sept., 1877, v, 9, p. 180)]; Prinos verticillatus, Rubus villosus, and R. canadensis [Goodell (op. cii., Apr., 1879, v, ii, p. 78)], and Trifolium pratense [Pilate (Papilio, May, 1882, v, 2, p. 67)]. The larva also eats Betula alba. The larva. — About 2 inches long, of a pea-green color; the spreading, slender spines deeper yellow and often tipped with black. A lateral white line, edged above with lilac. The moth. — Males deep-ocher yellow marked with purple brown, with a large, round blue spot, bordered with black, with a central white dash. The fore-wings of the female are purple brown, the hind wings as in the male. In Massachusetts the moths appear during June or early in July. 39(J FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. 'J4. TlIK IMPERIAL EACLES. Eacles impcrialix (Drury). (Larva, PI. vi, figs. 1, la, 16.) Although this pine larva occurs on the elm as well as the maple and other forest trees, it may be mentioned here. It is more fully referred to under the head of pine insects.* *The following list of the food-plants of Eacles imperialis Dru., by William Beu- teniuiiller, appeared in Entoniologica Americana, ii, p. 53. Jnacardiacta . Rhus glabra, L. (Smooth Sumac.) Sapindacece. ^sculus hippocastauum, L. (Common Horse Chestnut.) Acer saccharinuru, Wang. (Sugar Maple.) dasycarpum, Chr. (White or Silver Maple. ) rubrum, L. (Red or Swamp Maple. ) pseudoplatanus, L. Negundo aceroides, Moench. (Box El- der.) Kolreuteria paniculata, Laxm. (The panicle-flowered Kolreuteria.) Leguminosce. Gleditschia triacanthos, L. (Honey Lo- cust.) Rosacea?. Prunus virginiana, L. (Choke Cherry.) serotina, Ehr. (Wild Black Cherry.) Hamamelacece. Liquidanijt)arstyracitlua,L. (Sweet Gum.) Lauraoem. Sassafras officinale, Nees. (Sassafras.) Lindera benzoin, Meisn. (Spice-bush.) Vrtkacecv. Ulmus fulva, Michx. (Slippery or Red Elm.) amerieana, L. (American or White Elm.) alata, Michx. (Whahoo or Winged Elm.) campestris, L. (English Field Elm.) suberosa, Moench. (Cork-barked Elm.) riatatiace(T. Platanus occideutalis, L. (American Plane or Sycamore.) orientalis, L. (Oriental Plane.) Cupuliferce. Qnercus alba, L. (White Oak.) macrocarpa, Michx. (Burr Oak.) coccinea, Wang. (Scarlet Oak.) rubra, L. (Red Oak.) palustris, Dn Roi. (Swamp or Pin Oak.) cerris vulgaris. (Turkey Oak.) Castanea vesca, L. (Chestnut.) pumila, Michx. (Chinquapin.) Fagus ferruginea, Ait. (American Beech. ) sylvatica, L. (Wood or Common Beech.) Ost ry a virgi nica, Willd. ( Hop Horn beam or Lever wood.) Carpinus amerieana, Michx. (Hornbeam, Blue or Water Beech.) Betulacece. Betula alba, L. (White Birch.) var. populifolia, Spach. Alnus incana, Willd. (Speckled or Hoary Alder.) serrulata, Ait. (Smooth Alder.) Conifer a*. Pinus strobus, L. (White Pine.) excelsa, Wallich. (Bhotan Pine.) Abies excelsa, Dec. (Norway Spruce Fir.) var. pendula. Larix amerieana, Michx. (American or Black Larch.) Cupressus thujoides, L. (White Cedar.) Taxodium distichum, Rich. (American Bald Cypress.) Juniper communis, L. (Common Juni- per. ) Virginiana, L. (Red Cedar.) MAPLE CATERPILLARS. 397 25. The maple dagger-moth. Apatela americana Harris. Order Lepidoptera: family Noctuid^e. In September, a rather large greenish-yellow caterpillar, with long hairs, orna- mented with four pencils of long hairs, and a single pencil on the eleventh ring, spinning a dense cocoon under the bark or elsewhere, and transforming into a whitish moth the next summer. This is not uncommon on maple trees late in the autumn, and its habits are described by Harris, who says that it also feeds on the elm, linden, and chestnut. We have often noticed it in Maine at the end of August and in September. Mr. Coquillett has bred the caterpillar in Illinois from the oak, on which it was found August 13. On the 19th of the same month it spun a large cocoon, interwoven with the hairs with which its body was covered, the moth emerging on the 24th of May of the following year. Larva. — Body greenish white ; a subdorsal and stigmatal black line ; on top of the last two segments is a black stripe which widens posteriorly ; body thickly covered with short pale yellow hairs; on top of segments 4 and 6 are two pencils and on top of segment 11 is a single pencil of very long black hairs ; body beneath black. Head shining black. Length 2.50 inches. (Coquillett.) 26. Lochmceu8 olivatus Packard. The caterpillar of this species has been reared by Professor Riley. Moth. — Female: Pale olive greenish ash, with white scales and patches; head above greenish ash, in front ashen, and the palpi ash-colored, with no black exter- nally. Thorax darker behind, the tegulae with white scales. Fore-wings with the basal line indistinct in my specimens (loaned by Mr. H. L. Clark, of Providence) ; middle line doubly scalloped ; the spaces between the dark scallops filled with whitish scales ; discal dot distinct, brown contained in a large squarish white patch ; on the inner scale of this patch and extending below it is a dark brown patch, form- ing a broad dusky band, extending from the subcostal vein to the third median venule, ending in two scallops. The outer line is sinuous, the scallops shallow, the line curves outward deeply opposite the origin of the. median venules ; the line loses itself toward the costa in a diffuse greenish costal patch. There is a distinct sub- marginal series of about eight subtriangular dusky spots, the largest one situated on the first median interspace ; this line is scarcely dislocated as in L. cinerew. Wings dusky, with whitish scales and dark line at the base. Hind wings ash, whitish in spots; tracesofan outer dusky band, distinct in the center when it is externally shaded with whitish ; the band crosses the wing, but is quite faint. Beneath, the lines and spots do not reappear, and both wings are uniformly ash-brown, the line at base of fringe dusky, the fringe whitish ash, spotted with dusky. Length of body, female, 20mm ^% inch) ; expanse of wings, female, 52mm (2 inches.) 3lJH FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. 87. J.<>(hiit.. 18 297, pi. 6-7) repeats Trouvelot's figures. Riley [?] (Amer. Entom.. March 1669, v. i, p. 121-122) figures the imago and describes the larva and imago. Riley (4th Ann. Rept. State Eutom. Mo. .1672. p. 125-129) describes egg, larva, cocoon, pupa, and imago. and figures larva, pupa, cocoon, aud male and female imagos : contrary to Trouvelot, who stated that there are six larval stages, Riley gives the number of molts as four, making five larval stages. Lintuer (Entom. Contrib. [No. 1], 1872, p. 6) gives a note ou the coloration of the eggs, aud (op. cit., No. 3. 1674, p. 158) describes the egg. Gentry (Can. Eutom., May 1674, v. 6, p. 86) describes the normal form and a variety of the larva. Grote (Can. Entom., Sept. 16?*;, v. 10, p. 176) states that this species is double-brooded iu the South; Trouvelot (/. c.) was unable to raise two broods to ma- turity in Massachusetts, and Brodie (Papilio, April L882, v. 2. p. 60) writes that '-in long and warm seasons about 50 per cent, are double-brooded, but this is against the increase of the species, as cold weather usually sets In before the larva? are fully matured." Packard (Bull. T. U. S. Entom. Comm., 1881, p. 18) figures the larva. Saunders (Can. Entom, March 1882, v. 14. p. 41-45) figures and describes the larva, pupa, cocoon, and male and female imagos: he further figures Ophion macrurum, a parasite of the larva Brodie (Papilio, May 1882, v. 2. p. 63) states that normally this insect conies from its cocoon at about 11 a. m. Wailly (Bull. Soc. Acclim. France, May 1882, 8. 3, v. 'J. p. 265) gives some notes upon the larva and imago. A compila- MAPLE CATERPILLARS. 401 tion of the food-plants results as follows: Quercus, Ulmus, Tilia [Harris, 1841 and 1862]; Tilia americana and Rosa [Harris, 1869]; Acer, Salix, Populus, Corylus, Betula, Vaccinium [Trouvelot] ; Carya, Juglans nigra, J. citurea, Crataegus (Amer. Entom., 1869, v. 1, p. 121) ; Quercus vir ens, [Chambers (Amer. Entom., Marchl870, v. 2, p. 156)]; apple, quince, plum, Prun us virginiana, Platanus, Gleditschia [Riley]; Betula lenta [Young (Can. Entom., Oct. 1880, v. 12, p. 212)] ; Hamamelis virginica [Kyle (op. cit., p. 213)]; Castanea vesca, Fagus [Wailly (Journ. Soc. Arts, 31 March 1882, v. 30, p. 528)]; Tilia europwa, Crataegus coccinea, C. tomentosa, C. crux-galli, Amelanchier canadensis, Ribes cynosbati, Quei-cus alba, Q. macrocarpa, Q. rubra, Corylus americana, C. rostrafa, Fagus ferruginea, Carpinus americana, Ostrya virginica, Carya tomentosa, C. amara, C. alba, Betula lenta, B. excelsa, B. alba, B. papyracea, Alnus incana, A. serrulata, Salix alba, S. humulis, Populus grandidentata, P. tremuloides [Brodie (Papilio, April 1882, v. 2, p. 58-59)]. Chestnut, as a food-plant, is only mentioned by Wailly, who reared the larva? in England, but they are often found in eastern Massachusetts, on Castanea vesca. 31. The cecropia caterpillar. Platysamia cecropia (Linn). This caterpillar, larger than the foregoing, also sometimes occurs on Fig. 152. — Caterpillar of the Cecropia silk moth, nat. size. — After Riley. the maple. It is about four inches long, and pale greeu, ornamented with large tubercles colored green, blue, yellow, and red. Mrs. Dimmock has contributed to Psyche (iv, p. 276) the following his- torical sketch of this insect. Attacus cecropia Linn (Syst. Nat., 1758, ed. 10, p. 809). Harris (Rept. Ins. Injur. Veg., 1841, p. 279-280) describes the larva, imago and cocoon of this species; later (Treatise on Ins. Injur. Veg., 1862, p. 385, 387-389) he adds figures of the larva, pupa, cocoon, and male imago; and still later (Entom. Corresp., 1869, p. 294-295) he again describes the larva. Morris (Synop. Lepid. N. A., 1862, p. 223-224) describes larva, cocoon, and imago. Trouvelot (Amer. Nat., March 1867, v. 1, p. 31) gives a note on the cocoon. Riley (Amer. Entom., Feb. 1870, v. 2, p. 97-102, and 4th Ann. Rept. State Entom. Mo., 187 \ p. 103-107) describes the eggs, and figures and describes the larva, pupa, cocoon, and male imago. Sprague (Can. Entom., April 1870, v. 2, p. 82) de- scribes the eggs. Saunders (Can. Entom., Oct. 1871, v. 3, p. 149-155) figures and de- scribes the larva, cocoon, and male imago. Lintner (Entom. Contrib., No. 3, 1874, p. 125) describes the young larva. Worthington (Can. Entom., Sept. 1876, v. 8, p. 165- 166) notices some color varieties of the imago. Gentry (Can. Entom., March 1877, v. 9, p. 41-49) describes the egg, different stages of the larva, and cocoon. Grote (Can- 5 ENT 26 402 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. En tOIIl., Sept. 1878, V. 1<», p. 17(i) says fchia Bpeoiea is double-brooded in the Southern United States. Packard (Boll. ?. U. 8. Entom. Comm., 1881, p. 113) figures the larva. Neumoegen (Papilio, Jan. 1882, v. 2, p. 18) states that this species usually emerges from the pupal state at about ."> p. in. : Brodie (op, tit.. May 1882, v. 2, p. 83), on the oontrary, states that the emergence normally takes place about lb a.m. Riley and Others state that the larva has !iv<- Stages, but Wailly (Hull. Soc. Accliui. France, May L882, s. 3, v. <>, i». 266-267) writes that it has six stages. Bro.lie (Papilio, Feb. 1882, v. 2, p. 35-33) gives a list of 49 species of plants belonging to 20 gener* on which the larva will feed: The genera are Tilia, Acer, Negundo, Praaat, Spiraa, Oratagm§t Pj- rus, Amclauchicr, Hibes, Savibncus, Ulmus, Quercus, Fagua, Corylus, Carphntu, Betula, Ainu*, Salix, and Populus. From other authors the following genera are compiled : Herberts. Liriodendron, Syringa, Carya, Gleditschia, Rubus, Ceanothus, Ampdopsis, Ceph- alantlttts, Fraxinus, T'accinum, and Rosa. Larva. — Body very thick, cylindrical, enlarged at the two last thoracic and first abdominal segments, the segments moderately and evenly convex, not angular, sutures distinct. The head is almost wholly retractile within the prothoracic ring, the latter also partially retractile in the succeeding ring. Head of moderate size in proportion to the body, rounded, not so wide as the pro. thoracic segment; green with no markings. It is smaller and less rounded above than in T. polyphemus. Head and body green, the color of the upper side of the plum, birch, or oak leaf. Prothoracic segment with a slight transverse ridge in front, on which are four dorsal small light-blue warts and one larger tubercle on the side, in front of and a little lower than the prothoracic spiracle. On each of the three following segments is a pair of short, club-shaped reddish tubercles with black spines; these are succeeded along the abdomen by two rows of six subdorsal, much slenderer but fully as long, bright yellow tubercles, which have two or three black spines on the end. These two rows are terminated by a single bright yellow tubercle on the last spiracle-bearing segment (eighth abdominal), which is nearly twice as thick as the others. Two lateral widely-separated rows of slender, bright-blue, elongated tubercles, ending in two to four black spinules; these are slenderer than the dorsal yellow tubercles, and the two rows are far apart, the row of spiracles being between them ; the spiracles are pale glaucous green, surrounded by a very nar- row black rim. On the ninth segment is a transverse row of six pale bright cerulean blue tubercles. Thoracic and abdominal feet a little paler green than the body. Supra-anal plate triangular, large, but obtuse at the end. Length, 70mm ; thickness, I4mm. Providence, October 2. Described from a specimen found feeding on the cherry. 32. Edema albifrons (Abbot and Smith). This common oak caterpillar has been found by Mr. Reed to fre- quently occur on the maple. (Can. Ent., xv, p. 204.) 33. Forest tent caterpillar. Cli8iocampa sylvatica Harris. A colony of the worms uot fully fed were found June 6, collected iu a mass near the ground on the trunk of the maple at Brunswick, Me. ; at this time they were molting for the last time. (See Oak insects, p. 117.) 34. Homoptera lunata Drury. Order Lepidoptera ; family Noctaid.e. In the Canadian Entomologist (xiv, p. 130), Prof. G. H. French de- scribes the seven stages iu the life of the caterpillar of this fine large moth, which feeds, he states, on the maple and willow. The duration MAPLE CATERPILLARS. 403 of life from the time the egg is laid until the moth appears was found to be fifty- two days. " The eggs were deposited April 30, and the first moth hatched June 21, the last July 10. During former years I have found the larvre of this species on the willow and other bushes, and had them spin up to the last of September and come out as moths the forepart of November. In other instances they passed the winter as chrysalids." There are from two to three broods during a season. Mr. Hill has claimed that H. edusa and lunata are possibly sexes of one species, and Mr. Bean, as well as Mr. Leubner, have concluded that these two species, with Saundersii, were all the same species. From one brood of eggs deposited by lunata the three forms, lunata, saun- dersii, and edusa, were obtained, thus reducing two of the forms to sex- ual varieties, lunata being the female. Mature larva. — Head flat, sloping ; six ocelli, in shape and number resembling larvne of Catocake. Body marked with three dorsal stripes and three on each side, alter- nating light and dark; but these are less distinct, approaching a uniform brownish drab ; the white spots also less distinct. First and second abdominal legs about half the length of The others. A little paler beneath than above, with an elliptical red- dish brown spot in the center of each segment. Length, 1.45 inches. Pupa. — Wing-cases covering five segments in front. Tip of abdomen coarsely fur- rowed and punctured, ending in two long hooks, with several shorter ones arising from the corrugated surface a little way from these. Length, .80 inch. (Freuch.) Moth. — Male: Thorax, abdomen, and wings of a fine red sandy brown color; the first ring of the abdomen with an ash-colored spot. Anterior wings with two whitish oblong spots on the external edges of each ; one near the tips, the other at the lower corners. A small whitish bar crosses the fore- wings about a quarter of an inch from the body, and next the shoulders is a spot of the same whitish color. Posterior wings brown, with an oblong whitish spot placed along the external edges, reaching from the abdominal almost to the upper corners. Under side, wings pale sandy-col- ored, except a few small round dark spots dispersed over them, but scarcely dis- cernable. Margins of all the wings dentated. (Drury.) Female (lunata).— The head, thorax, abdomen, and wings hazel-colored. Anterior wings with a waved line, of a dark brown color, placed near the anterior angle, be- ginning at the posterior and ending at the external edge. At the shoulders and' along the anterior margin are several small dark brown clouds and marks that pro- duce a darker shade. Posterior wings with a series of narrow transverse waved lines, extending from the middle to the external edges. All the wings are dentated. Under side, the breast, abdomen, and wings are all of a paler hazel color. Anterior wings dappled with dark brown on the middle of the anterior edge# and spotted with minute short brown streaks, as well as the posterior. (Drury.) Expanse of wings, 55mm. 35. The maple semi-looper. Ophiusa bi8triaris (Hiibner). Order Lepidoptera ; family Noctuid^e. , Late in July feeding on the silver maple, a brownish gray caterpillar 1.40 inch long, with the first pair of prologs small, the worm having a semi-looping gait. When about to go into chrysalis it cuts through a portion of a leaf of the tree on which it has fed, and turning it over constructs a snug little case, fastening it up closely and carefully with silken threads, and 404 Firm REPORT OP the entomological commission. in this completes its transformations. Alter remaining in the pupa state about two weeks, the moth appears. (Saunders.) We have bred this moth in Maine from the caterpillar. The chrys- alis lay in a slight cocoon in a folded leaf of the red maple, the moth issuing in the second week in May. The larva is 1.40 inch long, somewhat onisciform. Head medium sized, flattened, bilobed; color, pale ashen gray, with Btreaka of pale brown appearing under a mag- nifying lens as a fine network ; a dark brown, nearly black, stripe on each side, and a Bbw short gray hairs scattered over its surface. Body above brownish-gray, with numerous streaks and dots of pale brown. A. double irregular dorsal line; other broken lines composed ohiefly of dots, none of them continuous, A subdorsal row of whitish dots. On the hinder part of the twelfth segment is a raised crescent-shaped line edged behind with black, and on the terminal one two whitish dots, with a small black patch at their base. Spiracles pale oval, edged with black. Under surface paler and greenish, feet greenish, prolegs bluish-green dotted with brown. The moth is rather large, with broad triangular fore-wings, and is uniformly brown, with two oblique darker bands. 36. The lesser maple span-worm. Stegania pustularia Gnenee. Feeding on the leaves early in June, a bluish-green looper striped with whitish and yellowish, producing the moth in July. (Saunders.) This is a common insect and has been raised by Mr. W. Saunders, who says that the caterpillar is full grown about the middle of June, enters the chrysalis state within a few days after, and produces the moth early in July. We have found it in the woods of northern Maine in August, and it is common in August in the Northern and Western States. The larva. — Body cylindrical, about five-eighths of an inch long, head medium sized, rather flat in front, slightly bilobed, pale green. Body above bluish-green, with thickly set longitudinal stripes of whitish and yellowish. A double whitish dorsal line, with bordering lines of yellowish white, neither of which are unbrokeu, but are formed of a succession of short lines and dots. Below these, on each side, are two or three imperfect white lines, made up of short streaks, and much fainter than those bordering the dorsal line; spaces between the segments yellowish. The skin all over the body is much wriukled and folded. (Saunders.) The moth is exceedingly pretty aud may be recognized by its white body and wings and four deep goldeu-ocherous costal spots, with two lines running across the wings, these lines sometimes wanting. It expands an inch. 37. The large maple span-worm. Eutrapela transversaia Packard. Feeding on the red maple in July, a large slender-bodied span-worm, the body thickened behind, carinated on the sides; of a dark purple-brown mixed with red- dish ; a dorsal reddish-gray crescent-shaped spot on the middle of the seventh seg- ment, behind which is a pair of low kidney-shaped tubercles, and a pair of dorsal pointed black ones on the eleventh ; second ring swollen on the sides. Length, when crawling, 46mm. Changes to a pupa the end of July in a rolled leaf, the moth appearing August 10. (Goodell.) MAPLE CATERPILLARS. 405 Pupa. — Pale flesh color, minutely speckled with brown, greenish between the seg- ments; a stigmatal row of large roundish brown spots, one on each abdominal seg- ment, and a dorsal row of obscure triangular spots on the abdomen, which are obso- Fig. 153.— Eutrapela transversata and, a, var. lete on the last three rings; a dorsal brown dot on the thorax, with two smaller ones behind it. Wing-cases darker than the abdomen. Caudal spine compressed later- ally, dark brown. Length, 13mm ; width in the widest part, 5mm. 38. Selenia kentaria Grote. The caterpillar of this moth is said by Mr. Bruce to be not uncom- mon on the maple and birch in the vicinity of Brockport, N. Y. He also writes to Rev. G. D. Hulst (Entom. Ainer., ii, p. 162, 1886) : It is not generally known that this insect is double-brooded. All the European species are also. The spring brood is so much larger and richer colored than the late summer brood that the latter may be thought to be another species, as was the case with the European. Moth. — Bright ocherous, with the costal half of the wing sub violaceous between the brown lines; a much-curved line, terminating at the same distance from the base on both the costa and the hind edge; a mesial line, obtusely angulated below the costa, straight from the hind edge to the median nervure ; a third outer line, straight to the obscure angle just before the costa, and on the edge turned obliquely outward ; this line is margined for nearly the whole of its length externally with a subviolaceou8 hue, throwing off an oblique line toward the hind angle. An apical line, once angulated inward, goes to the indented outer border ; beyond deep ochra- ceous ; fringe darker at base, narrowly lined with silvery. Hiud wings concolorous with the fore-wings ; a mesial, diffuse, brown line, and the outer one subviolaceous. Beneath, base of fore- wings violaceous; costa at base ocherous ; inner line nearly obsolete, middle line dark, outer violaceous line very distinct, the apical line con- nected with it and inclosing an ocherous spot ; hiud wings ocherous ; a mesial, dark, blackish, narrow line on the discal space; an outer, narrow, violaceous line, with spots on the base and hiud edge ; body ocherous ; legs broadly banded with viola- ceous. Expanse of wings, 1.50 to 1.60 inches. 40. The cleft-headed span-worm. Amphydasys cognataria Guen. Larva, before the last stage, PI. v ; fig. 5. This common inch or measuring worm is the largest species we have met with feeding on the maple, poplar, or willow, and may be readily recognized by its deeply cleft head and reddish-brown or green body like a reddish or green willow twig, which it closely mimics. We have noticed it as frequently in Jackson, X. EL, as in Maine. It is first 406 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. noticed early in August, but becomes fatly fed by the first week in September, my specimens transforming September 8, the chrysalis entering the earth. I have also found it fully fed <>n the white birch at Brunswick as early as August 10. It also feeds on the maple. The moth appears in June in Maine late in May in southern New England and New York. I have raised this moth in Maine from the larch (pupating September 15), also from the Missouri currant, an orna- mental shrub; also from the apple, elm, cherry, and the aspen in Rhode Island, though the willow is probably its native food-plant, as it occurs in greatest abundance on that tree. Mr. Lintner states that the larva feeds on the maple ; that the caterpillar entered the ground for pupa- tion August 11, the moth emerging the latter part of May. (Ent. Coutr. iii, 16G.) My specimens emerged in Providence May 13. The larva found on the aspen is greenish and like a fresh aspen twig, with whitish granulations, which are black on the tubercles. It is subject to the attacks of a species of Microgaster, seven larvae of the latter making their exit from a caterpillar two thirds grown. The following historical sketch of our knowledge of this insect is taken from Mrs. Dimmock's article in Psyche, iv, p. 271. Amphidasys cognataria Gueue'e (Hist. Nat. d. Ius., 1857, v. 9, Uran. et PhaL, v, i, p. 208). Cramer (Bull. Brooklyn Entoin. Soc, Aug. 1883, v, 6, p. 48) briefly describes the eggs of tbis species, of wbich about five buudred were deposited June 3. Bowles (Cau. Eutoin., April, 1871, v, 3, p. 11-12) (Ann. Rept. Entom. Soc. Ontario, 1-71, p. 38-39) describes a variety of the larva which fed on "black currant" [Iiibes f nigrum'], aud Goodell (op. cit., April, 1878, v, 10, p. 67) describes another variety which fed on apple and pear. Lintner (Entom. Contrtb., No. 3, 1874, p. 166) briefly describes the larva, giving Acer as food-plant, and Packard (Guide Study Ins., 1869, p. 322) gives a few notes on the larva, which he states feeds upon Iiibes aureum, Ii. fgrossularia, and Sj)iraea ?tomentosa. Pilate (Papilio, May, 1882, v, 2, p. 71) gives " honey-locust '' (Gleditsehia triacanlhos) as food-plant. Lintner (Entom. Contrib. [No. 1], 1869, p. 64) gives plum as food- plant. To the above food-plants may be added Betula alba, B. hnta, Castanea vesca, Salix, and Spiraa sorbifolia. The larva varies from pea-green to brownish gray or even brownish black in general color ; as far as noticed the green form is from Eibes, Salix, and Spira'a, while those from apple exhibit all the color variations ; on Betula and Castanea the larva? are gray. Similar variations have been noticed in the larva? of Amphidasys betularia, a European species. The larva? often rest in a partially twisted position, with their rigid bodies at a considerable angle from the stem to which they cling, thus imitating very closely twigs aud petioles. The larva3 are common in New Euglaud in July and August ; they pupate from the latter part of July to September, the pupa hibernating under leaves and rubbish. Young larva. — Body cylindrical; segments much wrinkled above, but not tuber- culated. Head large aud square in front ; vertex very deeply notched, each tubercle acute above, conical and rough, granulated; clypeal sutures deeply impressed. Prothoracic segment above broad ami flat, transversely oblong, with a slight low tubercle on each side in front, making the cervical shield angular in front. A pair of remote but conspicuous though small round white patches on mesothoracic and the seven following segments. Fifth abdominal segment with a small thick tubercle low down on the side. Aual legs large, broad, and flaring. General color rust-red. Length, 15mm. Larva before the last molt.— With the characters of the adult larva ; salmon red Leugth, 35"n". MAPLE CATERPILLARS. 407 Mature larva.— Twig-like, head very deeply notched, each side above conical ; the face flat in front, the surface granulated. Prothoracic segment raised in front into a large granulated piliferous tubercle. Ou the fifth abdominal segment a pair of large lateral rough tubercles, a little paler than the body ; on the eighth segment a pair of converging pale granulated tubercles. Anal legs very large and broad, with a pair of long dorsal sharp fleshy tubercles ; supra-anal plate very large, conical and acute, with four setae near the apex. Body of even width throughout, reddish- brown, like a reddish willow twig, or sometimes greenish. The surface finely granu- lated with light and black, and with flat rough warts, paler in color than the rest of the body ; four on the front edge of each segment, and two dorsal ones behind. It varies in color from reddish-brown to green, thus mimicking willow trees of differ- ent colors. Length, 55mm. Pupa. — Large, full, stout; dark brown. Cremaster large, stout, a projection on each side in the middle, beyond rounded, sharp, the point ending in a slender fork. Length, 24mm. Moth. — A large stout-bodied moth, with heavily pectinated antennae and rather small wings. Fore- wings narrow, with the outer edge longer than usual ; pepper and salt or ash sprinkled with black brown ; an indistinct, diffuse, inner, curved line, with a second one nearer and diverging a little on the costa, being nearer together at the base. A third diffuse line incloses the discal spot. An outer distinct black hair-line always present. Hind wings with three dark lines. Abdomen with two rows of obscure black spots. Expanse of wings, 60mm. 41. Geometrid larva. This delicate caterpillar was observed both early and (ate in August, beginning to pupate August 30. Larva. -A very slender, long, smooth larva, with no humps or warts; the head nearly as wide as the body, smooth, slightly bilobed, rounded. Body smooth, cylin- drical, glaucous green, the hue of the under side of the red-maple leaf; with only ob- scure whitish subdorsa 1 lines. Lateral ridge thin, distinct, irregular. Length, 15ram 42. Hypena baltimoralis Guen. Order Lepidoptera ; family Pyralid^e. The larva of this species was common on the red maple at Bruns- wick, Me., early in August. The body is very slender, and at first sight it would be regarded as a geometrid. It is cylindrical, slender, tapering considerably toward the long anal legs, which are out- stretched. The segments are moderately convex, the sutures being very distinct. The head is rather small, smooth, somewhat bilobed. All the legs, both thoracic and abdominal, are of the same color as the body, which is pale pea- green, of the color of the upper side of the leaf of the red maple, but slightly paler. The sutures between the seg- ments are often straw-yellowish. The body sometimes has a slight purplish tint, the head remaining green. Length, 22mm. August 5 one began to spin a cocoon, the pupa appearing the 7th. It is dark chestnut-brown in color. The moth issued August 17. 408 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. 43. llyptna sp. This caterpillar occurred ou the rock maple September 10, at Jack- son, N. H. Lana. — Body long and slender, cylindrical : live pairs of abdominal legs, the first pair half as huge as the third and fourth pairs; tin* anal legs long and slender. Head pale-greenish, with a livid tinge and lineated with numerous meandering, brownish, broken, sinuous lines. Body tapering somewhat from the seventh ab- which a lateral doininal seg meut. Two slight tubercles on the eighth abdominal segment, from ridge passes down in front of the spiracles. Length, 30mm. 44. Pandemia lamprosana Robs. Order Lepidoptera ; family Tortkkid.k. Among the leaf rollers upon the maple, collected May 10, was one of which we kept no description, which resulted in an imago of Pandemia lamprosana. (Forbes' Third Rt. Ins. Illinois.) 45. The oblique banded leaf-roller. Caccvcia rosaccana Harris. This nearly omnivorous species (not hitherto reported, however, from the maple) was found by Forbes (Third Rt. Ins. Illinois) rolling the leaves of Acer dasycarpum in May. The pupae and larva* collected on the 20th of that mouth, emerged from July 9 to 13. 46. The maple leaf-cutter. Incurvaria acerifolieUa (Fitch). Order Lepidoptera; family Tixeid.e. Cutting round holes in the leaves and consuming their pulp in rings and semi-cir- cular spots, and using the round pieces to hide the small white worms between them and the leaf, forming a broad round case adhering to the surface of the leaves. This larva with its singular case has been described by Fitch, and we have received specimens of maple leaves and cases from Vermont. Early in August the leaves of forest trees begiu to wither, and holes appear in them, the orbicular pieces being taken by the little worm to form a broad scale concealing it. The worms fall with the leaves to the ground in the autumu, and there remain transforming in their cases, and late in the spring appear as moths. The larva. — Nearly a quarter of an inch long; slender, cylindrical, soft, and con- tractile; dull white; head flattened, and like the three succeeding segments, pale rusty brown. The moth with long narrow-pointed wings; the fore pair brilliant steel-blue, the hind wings smoky brown, with purplish reflections. Between the antennas a dense tuft of erect bright orange-yellow hairs. (Fitch.) MAPLE LEAF-MINERS. 409 The following additional facts are quoted from Mr. James Fletcher's report as entomologist to the Dominion Government for 1885 : The hard maples (A. saccharinum and A. saccharinum v. -nigrum) in many localities about Ottawa have been found to be attacked, to a moderate extent, by the curious case-bearing larvae of this pretty little moth ; but on the 12th September last enormous numbers were found to be destroying the foliage adjoining the Government House grounds. The maple trees, for a space of perhaps 4 acres, had the foliage almost all consumed, and the flat disk-like cases which had fallen from the leaves were carpet- ing the ground, and were also seen in great numbers on the sides of the trees; these larvae probably had boen blown down before mature, and were returning to the foliage to feed. Growing amongst the maples were some beech trees, and these were also eaten after the leaves of the maple had all been devoured. The attack was very severe. The leaves were so perforated and skeletonized, that instead of the woods being green they were cream-colored in hue. The larvae, when full-grown, are about a quarter of an inch in length, with a brown flattened head, and are of a dirty white color. They cut from the leaves small oblong wads, from which they form cases, which they carry about with them as they feed. The case seems to be fastened at one side to the leaf, and the larva then eats the green part of the upper surface, in circles or parts of circles, leaving the fibers and lower surface untouched. When it has consumed all within reach it moves on to another spot. The cases of the mature larvae are formed of four wads, two of which are about one-eighth of an inch in diameter, and the larger pair about three-eighths. When full-fed, which at Ottawa is in September, the larvae fall to the ground inside their cases, where they change to pupae in a few days, and do not emerge as moths^ until late in the fol- lowing spring. » The Rev. T. W. Fyles, of South Quebec, sends me the following account of a visit- ation, similar to the one experienced at Ottawa last year : " This insect was exceed- ingly abundant in Missisquoi County in the year 1881. I noticed it particularly in the maple groves belonging to Hon. G. B. Baker, M. P., and Mr. G. F. Shufelt, near the village of Sweetsburgh, Quebec. The leaves throughout extensive maple woods were so skeletonized that they presented a brown and scorched appearance that was very remarkable. It seemed as if a hot blast had passed over large tracts of the woodland. Myriads of the larvae in their disk- like coatings were to be seen on the leaves and stems of the trees and on the undergrowth. Next season clouds of the perfect insects would rise from the foliage shaken by the passers-by." 47. Catastega aceriella Clemens. The larva forms a moderately long, slender, cylindrical tube at the base of the leaf of maple, A. ruhrum, early in July, and is covered with a thin transparent web closed in advance. The tube increases in diame- ter from the beginning to the end, and is placed between two principal veins of the leaf, and the web is extended from one vein to the other. 48. Lithocolleiis aceriella Clemens. The larva mines the leaf of maple in September. It mines the upper surface of the leaf, making a flat, rather broad track, casting its "frass" along the middle of the course of it. Physical characteristics liketfiose of the second larval group. The cocoon is circular. The larva is like- wise found in the leaf of Hamamelis virginica. (Clemens.) 410 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. Larva. — Head pale brown: body yellowish-green, with oval, dorsal, brown maculae darkest on their margins; thoracic rings on their sides pale yellowish. (Clemens). Moth —Front silvery, tuft reddish-orange and silvery mixed. Thorax reddish- orange. Fore-wings reddish-orange, somewhat metallic, with a white streak black- margined exteriorly, from the inner b the tip before, and below at the tip behind ; scarcely with a hinder-marginal line, cilia of the general hue. Hind wings plumbeous, cilia with a fulvous hue. (Clemens.) 49. LithocollelU lucidicostella Clemens. Tbe larva mines the under side of the maple leaf, Acer saccharin urn, in July, September, and October. The head is pale brown ; body pale green, colored darker by the ingesta. "Frass" collected into a ball within the mine. The pupa is suspended in a web of silk within the mine. (Clemens.) Larva. — Head pale brown; body pale green and colored darker by the ingesta. (Clemens.) Moth. — Antennae white. Head and tuft silvery-white. Fore-wings, basal portion silvery-white to the nTJddle, with a discal pale golden streak from the base, retreating from the costa before reaching the middle of the wing and somewhat suffused with golden beneath the fold. From the middle to the tip pale golden, with four costal silvery streaks, dark-margined internally, aud two dorsal silvery streaks, the first opposite the second costal streak and both dark-margined internally ; the first costal streak not decidedly dark-margined.* Apical spot black. Hinder marginal line in the cilia dark browu ; cilia pale gray. Hind wings shining bluish-gray ; cilia gray. (Clemens.) 50. Brachys sp. Mr. V. T. Chambers once wrote me that a Brachys larva also mines the leaves of the sugar maple. He added that uthe mines and larvae in the beech, oak, and maple are scarcely distinguishable." 51. Megavhile optiva Cressou. Order Hymenoptera; family Apid.e. This (or a very closely allied leaf-cutting bee) sometimes greatly disfigures maples by cutting pieces out of the leaves for the purpose of makiug its cells. u I have seen a small tree nearly defoliated by these bees, of which the habits are most interesting." (Harrington, Rep. Eut. Soc. Ontario, 1887.) * There is some mistake in this sentence. The first costal streak is decidedly dark- margined; the first dorsal streak, it is true, has scarcely a perceptible margin — it should probably be the first costal streak decidedh/ dark-margined or else the first dorsal etreak not decidedly dark-margined. — H. T. Stainton. MAPLE LEAF-MINERS. 411 52. The ocellate leaf gall of the red maple. Sciara ocellaris Osteu Sacken. Order Diptera ; family Mycetophilid^e. (Plate xxxviii.) On the leaves of the red maple (Acer rubrum) circular ocellate spots about three- eighths inch in diameter, with disk yellow, and margin and central dot, during one stage of their growth, cherry-red. The following account of this fly is taken entire from Professor Com- stock's report as U. S. Entomologist for 1881 : The foliage of the red maple (Acer rubrum) is often seriously injured by certain very small larvae, which make large and conspicuous spots or galls upon it. This insect is apparently widely distributed. I have observed it both at Washington and at Ithaca, N. Y. In the last-named place it occurs so abundantly that I have repeatedly seen trees every leaf of which was infested. This insect is so small that of itself it would not readily attract attention, but the result of its work is so conspicuous that it may be seen from a long distance. This appears in the form of a circular spot, three-tenths to three-eighths inch in diameter, which at a certain period of its growth is light yellow in color, with a cherry-red margin and central dot. (See pi. xxxviii, fig. 1.) At other periods the spot is simply light green or yellow. Frequently these spots occur so thickly as to intersect each other and to completely cover the leaf, fifty or more being on a single leaf. At the center of each spot may be seen, on the other side of the leaf, an elevated portion. Corresponding to this, on the lower surface of the leaf, there is a pit, within which the larva lives. Larvae that were partially grown were found to be held in place in the pit in the leaf by what appeared to be a larval skin. This pellicle covers the body entirely, and is with difficulty removed from it ; the edges of the pellicle adhere quite tightly to the leaf. Where the larva is full grown it forces itself from under this skin, which then falls back into the cavity, or is pushed to one side, where fre- quently it may be seen adhering to the leaf. The larva at this time drops to the ground, into which it enters to undergo its transformation. The larvae are translucent, viscid, nearly colorless. Those m the galls are broad oval (see pi. xxxviii, fig. 3) ; but those which have left them are more elongated, taper- ing almost equally towards each end. On the lateral margin of each abdominal seg- ment there are one or more short spines, which are directed towards the caudal end of the body ; and on the dorsal surface of each abdominal segment, near each lateral margin, there is a small tubular spiracle. There is a distinct head (see pi. xxxviii, fig. 3a), which bears short but conspicuous antennae. The caudal end of the body (see pi. xxxviii, fig. 36) bears a pair of fleshy appendages, each of which is furnished with a pair of spines similar to those on the margin of the segment, and a large number of triangular teeth. The larva spins something like a cocoon a short distance below the surface of the ground. To this cocoon the particles of sand firmly adhere so that it can be distin- guished from the soil only with difficulty. The pupa is yellowish white, with large black eyes. When the pupa is about to transform to an adult it emerges for about two-thirds of its length from the cocoon. The pupa skin remains firmly attached in this position. (See pi. xxxviii, fig. 4.) From larvae collected at Washington May 15, the adult emerged from June 14 to June 16. I have not yet sufficient data to determine the number of generations each year; but I believe there are several. Larvae were observed at Ithaca during the latter part of September ; they went into the ground September 26. 412 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. The galls made by this insect have long been known. Osteti Sacken, * from a study Of the gallfl and the larva- which he saw in th.-in, proposed the name d cidomyia (xtihui* for the Bpeeies, believing the insect to i>e a membemf the Cecidomyidtv. But the ilv which I have bred proves to belong to the genus 8ciara of the family Myceto- phiUda.) This result is quite interesting, for the species of Boiara arc usually found "among decaying leaves, in vegetable mold, in cow-dung, under the bark of dead 'etc.! One other species (Sciara tilicolq) is known to produce a gall. This Bpeeies iiifests the leaves of young linden trees in shady, sheltered situations. The hinon-yellow larva, capable of leaping like the cheese-maggot, lives in numbers in the stem, generally near the origin of the last or of the two last leaves. Each of them has a hollow of its own, ami produces a swelling of the size of a pea, which it abandons before the transformation. $ Description of adult male.— Plate xxxviii, fig. 2,26. Head dark, eyes black, kidney- shaped, and meeting in a point on the dorsal surface of the head. Antenna? sixteen- jointed, inserted close together; color dark brown, with the basal segment light yel- lowish brown. Epicranium quite large and convex; dark brown; bearing three ocelli, which are whitish and glistening. Pronotutn light yellowish-brown. Meso- Bcntum arched, yellowish-brown in the center aud darker at the edges. Scutellum dusky-brown. Metathorax dark brown, almost black. Abdomen, with caudal por- tions of segments, blackish, the cephalic portions yellowish-brown. The claspers lighter brown. Poisers, with knob, blackish and base light brown. Tibiae aud tarsi dusky brown: femora lighter; coxa? still lighter. The distal end of each tibia fur- nished with two long brownish hairy brushes. (Plate xxxviii, tig. 2a.) 53. The cottony maple scale. Pulvinaria innutnerabilis (Rathvon). Order Hemiptkra ; family Coccid.e. « (Plate xxxi ; rigs. 1, 2, 3, 4.) The following account of this pest is copied from Riley's report as U. S. Entomologist for 1884: This scale-insect stands prominent among the species which have been especially abundant during the past summer. Circumstances appear to have been particularly favorable to its development, and, although it does not spread rapidly, its general appearance this season has caused considerable alarm in many States. It was sent to us during the spriug aud summer by correspondents in New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, and Missouri. For the past thirty years it has attracted considerable attention as damaging shade trees, partic- ularly the maples, in different parts of the country, occurring m extraordinary abundance from time to time, and then almost lost sight of for several years. It is more particularly a northern insect, and although it is often numerous in Virgiuia and Missouri, we have never received it from, nor heard of its occurrence iu the extreme Southern States. Life-history.— The round of life of this species is not strikingly different from that of other Coccids, aud is briefly as follows: The youug lice (Fig. 1, c) hatch in spring or early summer, walk about actively as soon as born, and settle along the ribs of the leaves (very rarely on the young twigs). They then insert their beaks and begin topnmp up sap and to increase in size, a thin * Monograph of the Diptera of North Am., Part I, 199. tl am iudebted to Baron Osten Sacken for the generic determination of this insect. ; Osten Sacken, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., I, 159. $ Osten Sacken, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., I, 164. THE MAPLE SCALE. 413 layer of a waxy secretion immediately beginning to cover the dorsum. In a little more than three weeks they have increased to double their size at birth, and undergo their first molt, shedding the skin, it is supposed, in small fragmeuts. After this first molt the waxy secretion increases in abundance and a differentiation between the sexes is observable. The males grow more slender and soon cease to increase in size, covering themselves with a thick coating of whitish wax. The pupa then begins to form within the larval skin, the appendages gradually taking shape, the head separating from the thorax, the mouth-parts being replaced by a pair of ven- tral eyes. A pair of long wax filaments is excreted from near the anus and these continue to grow during the life of the insect. It is the protrusion of these filaments from beneath the waxy scale which indicates the approaching exclusion of the male. The posterior end of the scale is in this manner raised up, and the perfect insect backs out with its wings held close to the sides of its body. Meau while the female larva} have been undergoing but slight changes of form. They grow larger and also broader across the posterior portion, but remain flat and with but a slight indication of a dorsal carina. Just before the appearance of the adult males, they undergo another molt and change in color from a uniform pale yellow to a somewhat deeper yellow with deep red markings. (Fig. 3, a, b, c.) The males (Fig. 2, c) make their appearance from August 1 to September 15, issuing most abundantly about the middle of the former month, and their life is short, seldom exceeding two or three days. They copulate with the females and then die. The latter, soon after the disappearance of the males, gradually lose their bright-red markings and change to a deep-brown color. They grow more convex, and the dorsal layer of wax becomes thicker and more cracked. Before the falling of the leaves they migrate to the twigs and there fix themselves, generally on the under side. After feeding as long as the sap flows, they become torpid and remain in this condition until spring. At the opening of spring the eggs develop with great rapidity and distend the body greatly, causing it to become convex instead of flat. The color is now yellow- ish, marked with dark brown, and the insect now absorbs sap with great rapidity and ejects drops of honey-dew. From the middle of May to the first of June the egg- laying commences. The eggs are deposited at the end of the body, in a nest of waxen fibers secreted from pores situated around the anus. This nest is attached to the pos- terior ventral portion of the body, and adheres somewhat to the twig. As the eggs are protruded into the waxy mass the posterior portion of the body is gradually raised up until it often reaches an angle of forty-five degrees with the bark. The egg-laying continues until on into July, and, after one or two thousand eggs have been deposited, the female dies. It is almost always within this period of egg-lay- - ing that the insect is noticed, on account of its large size, but more particularly from the conspicuous white cushion at the end of its body. After the death of the female, her beak breaks off and her body shrivels up, but remains attached to the twig by the cottony mass for a long time, often a year or more. Food-plants. — The ordinary food-plant of this species of bark-louse is the soft or silver maple (Acer dasycarpum), but previous to 1879 we had not only found it upon the other species of maple, but also upon grape-vine, osage orange, oak, linden, elm, hackberry, sycamore, rose, currant, and spindle tree (Euonymus). In addition to these plants Mr. Putnam mentions locust, sumac, wild-grape, box-elder, beech, and willow. With regard to the specific identity of the individuals from all these differ- . ent plants there is still room for doubt, though in 1875 we successfully transferred the species from Madura and Vitis to Quercus. We wrote Mr. Putnam under date of March 25, 1879 : " In all essential external characters they are identical, and, until they are shown to be different by the character and arrangement of the secretory pores in the anal plate of the female, they must be assumed to be identical. It is this critical^ comparative study which would greatly increase the value of your work." This study Mr. Putnam failed to make, and summed up his account simply 414 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. with the words: " I innerets, with which alternate short hairs; in front of the head between the eyes are several longer hairs ; the anal ring with six hairs; the lateral lobes large, each with one very long hair and several shorter ones. The tarsi a third longer than tne tibiae. The male larva is red aud has 7 -jointed antennae. The male. — Color, red; antennae, 10-jointed; joint 1 short and stout; joint 2 twice as long as 1 ; joint 3 three times as long as 1 ; joints 4 to 10 similar in size and form, decreasing slightly in length. Legs hairy; tarsi one-half as long as tibiae. Anal filaments longer than all the rest of the insect. (Comstock Agr. Rept., 1830.) 60. Lygus invitus Say. Order Hemiptera; family Capsid.e. The following account of this bug is copied from Professor Forbes's Third Report on the Injurious Insects of Illinois : Brief mention may properly here be made of a species whose injuries to vegetation have not hitherto been serious, as far as known, but which deserves attention as the near relative of one of the most injurious horticultural species (the tarnished plant bug), and also because, from its own abundance and habits, it may well become the author of serious mischief. Although not agreeing precisely with any descriptions of Capsidae accessible to me, I have little doubt, after careful study of about forty specimens collected in June, that the species is that described by Say as Capsus invitus. It differs materially from Say's original descriptions, but corresponds closely in most particulars with the de- scription of a type specimen of Say's, published by Uhler in his notes on the Heter- optera in the collection of Dr. Harris,* varying from that only in some color charac- ters of little moment in so variable a genus. The following description is condensed from that of Uhler, modified with respect to color to conform to our own specimens. General color pale obscure yellow, varying to yellowish green. Antennae and •Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History, vol. xix, p. 407. 420 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. transverse carina at base of head very slender, the former nearly as long as the heme- lytra. Surface of head polished, impunctured, clothed with short hairs. Tylus slen- der, short. Eyes large, prominent Pronotnm smooth, very convex, sparingly hairy. finely, densely, end mostly continently pnnetnred, the pnnetores forming obsenre transverse rugosities. The head and forepart <>f the thorax are slightly darker yel- low, the antenna- are sometimes pale throughout, sometimes emlirowned at tip and ■ISO at tip of second Joint. A broad band on the pronotnm. a little within the mar- gin, extends backwards along the inner edge of the calvus, is continued as a dusky shade through the middle of the membrane, deepest along the inner ed^e of the inner cell, and extends distally into an indefinite dusky shade. This line is intersected at the tip of the corium by a transverse baud of the same color, extending to the edge of the hemelytra. When the wings are closed, these marks give the appearauce of a median black stripe crossed at the tip of the corium by a black baud, and forking at the scutellum. In the darker colored specimens the prouotal bands are frequently connected by a basal shade. The posterior half of the larger cell of the membrane is usually white. In many yellowish specimens the cuneus alone is green. The pos- terior thighs are commonly iufuscate on the distal half, and the anterior tibia- are often brown at tip. Length to tip of hemelytra 6mm. Humeral breadth 1.6G,,1In. On the 12th May the younger leaves of many of the common soft maples (Acer dasy- carpum) near Normal were observed to be curled and specked with numerous semi- transparent spots, evidently the work of the larvae of this Capsid, found abundantly upou the affected leaves. On the 30th May specimens collected were all of the sec- ond and third stages. On the first of June, the first imagos were seen iu the breed- ing cages and on the trees. By the 5th of that mouth nearly all the specimens col- lected had transformed to the imago, and the experiment was not carried further. 61. Poecilocap8U8 goniphorus (Say). A brilliant scarlet red bug found on different trees, including the maple. 62. Lygus monachus Uhler. The following account by Miss Murtfeldt of this bug appeared iu her report as special agent of the Division of Entomology (Bulletin No. 13) : This bug came under my notice for the first time late in the spring of 1882, infest- ing the growing points of young soft maples (Acer dasycarpum). Most of the insects were at that time mature, but two or three pupa? were found, enough to indicate that the leaves of the maple had been their breeding place. A few specimens were taken, but as the insect was not present in sufficient numbers to give it importance as an injurious species, not much attention was paid to it. During several succeeding springs I occasionally came across a mature specimen — which, from its exceeding agility, both in running and flying, generally evaded capture— but it was not until the present season that the maples were infested to such an extent as to injure and disfigure them. Just as the leaves were beginning to put forth, close observation revealed the fact that they were all more or less stippled with transparent spots, some mere dots, others a tenth of an inch or more in diameter. As the leaves expanded the delicate cuticle of the upper surface would give way and they presented the appearance of being perforated with holes and much torn and tattered along the margin, marring their beauty for the entire season. If, about the 1st of May. the leaves were care- fully examined, there would be found on the under surface of each from two or three to a dozen or more very delicate bugs of a very pale translucent-green color, the embryo wing-pads being almost white. They were further characterized by very long and slender legs, beak, and antenna?, body flat and broad oval in outline ; head small, MAPLE BUGS. 421 ©yes relatively large, oblong, and bright red-brown in color. The larvae varied in size from one-twentieth to one-eighth inch iu length, and so far as I could discover there were but two larval molts. Scattered about over the leaves were small, round, translucent green eggs rather larger than a Portulaca seed. The pupal form was precisely like the larval, except iu point of size and relative development of the wing-pads. When the under side of the leaf was turned up for examination the bugs, large aud small, would dart on their hair-like legs to the reversed surface, moving with the greatest rapidity and sometimes dropping to the ground in their evident desire to escape observation. The final transformation occurred about the middle of May, after which the companies dispersed. The species is a pretty one, although, from the glassy texture of the entire hemelytra and the general delicacy of coloring, it always has a somewhat immature appearance. This bug happily lacks the disagreeable odor so common to the species of this suborder and which pertains even to most of its closest allies. Absence from Kirk wood after the middle of May somewhat interrupted my obser- vations on this insect. Ou my return, early in June, only a few of the mature bugs remained among the curled and torn leaves on which they had developed. Occa- sionally throughout the summer a specimen met with, as often on the foliage of any other tree as on maple, but there was no second brood. This species, unlike Capsus oblineatus, is never to my knowledge found on flowers. It probably secretes itself early in the season, and becomes dormant until the following spring. The only remedial applications experimented with were Pyrethrum powder and air- slacked lime, both of which were measurably effective, judging by the small scale on which they were tried. Mr. P. R. Uhler gives the following description of this insect: Lygus monachus n. sp. — Long-oval, pale green or testaceous, coarsely punctate above, sericeous pubescent. Face convex, highly polished, bald ; base of vertex with a longitudinal impressed line, towards which a similar line runs obliquely each side from the inner corner of the eyes ; antennae sparsely and minutely pubescent, basal joint thickest, a little longer than the head, tapering at base, second joint thrice as long as the basal, infuscated and a little enlarged towards the tip, third and fourth setaceous, together not as long as the second. Pronotum highly polished, convex, coarsely punctate in transverse wavy lines, each side with a dark brown vitta or long spot ; lateral margin smooth, callous at base, the humeral angles subacute, cal- losities prominent, convex, almost confluent on the middle ; lateral flap of pronotum irregularly punctate. Pectoral pieces pale, impunctate. Legs pale green, feebly pubescent ; apex of posterior femur usually with one or two fuscous bands, tip of tarsi and the nails black. Scutellum moderately convex, excavated at base, trans- versely obsolete-punctate, more or less infuscated. Corium coarsely, transversely rostrate-punctate, the clavers more or less infuscated, sometimes with all but the margins covered with dark brown ; corium usually with a transverse, dark-brown arc next the posterior border ; cuneus long and wide, the incised base fuscous, and the inner margin brown ; membrane pale testaceous, with two or more dark clouded spots, the inner submargin of the principal areole, a spot at its tip, and the base next the cuneus all more or less fuscous. Venter pale greenish. Length of body, female, 5mm ; to tip of wing-covers, 7mra ; width of pronotum 2mm. Male.— Length of body, 4mm ; to tip of wing-covers, 5£mm; width of pronotum, This has proved to be a very common insect in various localities. Mr. Cassino collected numerous specimens around Peabody, Mass. Mr. Bolter sent to me a pair from Illinois and Missouri, and I have taken it from alders, maples, and many other kinds of small trees and shrubs on Cape Ann, Massachusetts, also near the base of the White Mountains, and in New Hampshire, and near Quebec, Canada. Mr. Forbes has also forwarded to me specimens from near Normal, 111. 422 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. It reaemblec Lj/gut invtttu Say, and presents .several of the color varieties common to that ipeciee, bat it la a mnefa larger insect, of a longer figure, and has a more rlat- tsoed upper surface. I hes. Order Hkmiptbra; family Alkiimdihi.. The following account of this interesting insect is copied from Pro- fessor Forbes (Third lieport Insects of Illinois): I'iijxi.—l have noticed, tor several years, a peculiar bark louse upon the lea the maple, but have not bred it uutil the present year. The fully developed pupal scale is oval in general outline, somewhat lyrate, bioadest posteriorly, contracted in front of the middle. Margins entire, surface densely granulated. The color is choc- olate, mottled with white, the white varying in amount and tending to form three transverse bands. The central segmented area is usually irregularly mottled with white, and a quadrate patch, including the vent, is almost always brown ; but other- wise the color may vary from nearly uniform brown to almost white. Outline some- times slightly emargiuate posteriorly. Length, .095 of an inch; greatest width, .045; width at anterior fourth, .036. Imago. — Pale yellow throughout; legs and abdomen paler; wings milky white; rostrum black at the extreme tip; veins yellowish; first joint of the antenna? scarcely longer than wide, the remaining joints filiform, the second nearly as long as the four following aud about four times as long as the first, the fourth longer than the third, the third aud fifth about equal, the sixth fusiform. At Tamaroa, in southern Illinois, soft maple trees were found badly infested by this bark louse, but elsewhere it has occurred in only trivial numbers. There are apparently two broods of this species in a year, scales collected in August, 1883, emerging April 10 to 24, 1834, and others, collected during the present summer, emerging August 4. From these larva? several hymenopterous parasites belonging to the genus Elaplus escaped September 6, the species of which is apparently new.* 64. Phytoptus quadripes Shinier. Class Arachxida ; order Acarina. Mr. H. Garman gives the following account of this mite, which is taken from his article in Forbes' First Report on the Injurious Insects of Illinois: This mite produces galls ou the leaves of the soft maple, Acer dasyearpum Ehrh. This is the Phytoptus upon which Dr. Henry Shinier founded his genus Vasates. It is a coarsely striate species, the stria* numbering from 37 to 42*. The length is about .008 inch. The tarsal claw is slightly curved and ends in an evident knob. The feather-like appendage has four pairs of prongs. The color varies from pale yel lowish to light orange. Sexually mature females, the young, and eggs occur in the galls in June. *Elaptu8 aleurodis Forbes.— Female : Length, .03 inch ; that of the head, .005 inch ; front wings, .03*2 inch long and .001 inch wide: posterior wings, .003*2 inch wide at the widest point : antenna' as long as the head and whole body : scape stout, arcuate, rising to the top of the head, about as long as the three following joints, nearly smooth, as is also the second joint : remaining joints densely pilose: the club not jointed, as long as the three joints preceding; tirst joint obconic, second about the same length, but narrower. Color black, surface shining, abdomen alutaceous. head and thorax punctured, antenna' yellow, legs entirely yellow, femora aud tibiae of the middle and posterior legs black, their tarsi yellow. Described from three specimens bred from Aleurodes aceris. (Forbes.) THE MAPLE GALL-MITE. 423 The galls appear with the unfolding of the leaves in spring as slight swellings of the parenchyma, and as the leaf reaches its perfect size they expand usually into top-shaped galls, arising from the upper side of the leaf. The form varies to some extent, some of the galls being discoid or more or less spherical, while occasionally two galls have a common neck and opening. At first the color of the galls is like that of the unfolding leaf, dull purple or green ; later it assumes the light green color of the veins and veinlets; and still later changes, in many cases, to purplish. Towards the end of summer it dries up and becomes black. The outer surface is smooth, but the walls are broadly and irregularly impressed, making a very uneven outline. On the under side of the leaf the position of the galls is usually indicated by an im- pression with a tuft of white hairs in the center, which tuft covers the opening into the gall. Occa- sionally the opening and tuft are borne upon a slight elevation. The height of one of the largest galls, measured from the upper side of the leaf, was .19 inch ; the diameter was .13 inch. The galls are attached at the sides of the veins, and are so numerous on some Fig. 154.— Leaf of the soft maple (Acer dasycarpum) . show- ing the galls produced hy Phytoptus quadripes.—R. Gar- man del. Fig. 155.— Phytoptus quadripes Shimer. Side view showing the eggs within the hody. From a camera lucida sketch.— H. Garman del. leaves as to cover the entire upper surface. I have seen trees on which there were very few ungalled leaves, and most of them had curled up and were of a greenish- yellow hue. Three hundred and ten galls were counted on one leaf. Dr. Shimer says thousands occur on some leaves. Scores of specimens of the Phytoptus which produces galls on the leaves of our soft maple may be secured in June, in which the eggs with nuclei and nucleoli may be seen with perfect distinctness. 424 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. Go. Phytoptus acehcola Garinan. This mite produces galls on the leaves of the sugar maple, Acer sac- char inum Wang. In live examples of this mite the strire were counted, and in three of (hem numbered 30, and in the other two 28 and 29, respectively. The prongs of the feather-like appendage seem to be three. The length is about .0075 inch. This form was found iu June both among knobbed hairs and in galls on the sugar maple, but there appeared to be only one species represented. The gall is very slender, tapers to both extremities, and bears a strong resemblance in general form to the nail galls described by Prof. C. V. Riley from the leaves of Ampelopsis. The walls are uniformly thin, and present no internal roughness. The height is about .19 inch, and the diameter .045 inch. Phytopti were abundant in these galls collected at Bloomington, 111., June 22, 1881. (Forbes' Third Report.) The following insects also occur more or less constantly on the maple : Order Coleoptera.* 66. Dicerca divaricata Say. Observed by Mr. F. B. Caulfield apparently ovipositing on a dead maple, June 12. (Can. Ent., xviii, p. 196.) 67. Chrysobothris femorata Lee. 63, Molorchus binaculatus Say. Bred from a small twig of a young wild maple. (Chittenden in letter.) 69. Xylotrechas colomis Fabr. (See Oak Insects, p. 77.) Found by Mr. G. Hunt under the bark of an old sugar maple in northern New York. 70. Saperda tridentata Oliv. Pupae found in a maple trunk. (W. H. Harrington, Rep. Ent. Soc. Ontario for 1883, p. 35.) Order Lepidoptera. 71. Edema albifrons (Abbot and Smith) Larva common on the maple at London, Canada. 72. Eeterocampa unicolor Pack. 73. Heterocampa guttivitta Walk. Brunswick, Me. 74. Callosomia promethea (Drury). 75. Schizura ipomew Doubld. 76. Xadata gibbosa (Abbot and Smith) Lintner. (Contr., iii, p. 150.) Reed. (Rep. Ent. Soc. Ontario, 1883, 16.) 77. Limacodes scapha Harris. (S. Lowell Elliot, MS. notes.) 78. Emprctia stim idea Clemens. Soft maple, St. Louis. Miss Murtfeldt. (Bull. 13, Div. Ent., p. 62.) * The following occur iu decayed maple wood and stumps: Alaus oculatus Linn., (Devereaux, MS. notes); Qemoderma scabra Beauvois (Devereaux, MS. notes); Pyrochroa JiabeUata Fabr., Pyrochroa femoralis Lee. MAPLE INSECTS. 425 79. Eacles imperialis (Drury). Thomas. (111. Rep.) 80. ffyphantria textor Harris. 81. Thyridopteryx ephemerceformis (Haw.) Riley's MS. notes. 82. Gastropacha americana Harris. Lintner (Ent. Contr., hi, p. 154). 83. Apatela liiteicorna G. & R. 84. Charadra propinquilinea Grote. Sup., p. 167. 85. Agrotis C-nigrum (Linn). Thomas. (111. Rep.) 86. Ennomos alniaria (Linn). Larva abundant on the maple. C. E. Worthington. (Can. Ent., x, p. 16.) See Birch Insects. 87. Endropia armataria H. Sch. Dimmock. (See Birch Insects.) 88. Boarmia crepuscularia Fr. (See under Locust and Birch Insects, p. 371.) 89. Nematocampa filamentaria Guen. Lintner. (Ent. Contr., iii, p. 165 ; Forbes' Second Rep.) 90. Lophodertis velutinana Walk. Miss Murtfeldt in Fernald's Catalogue of Tortricidae, p. 76. 91. Lophoderus triferanus (Walk.). (See p. 195.) 92. Cenopis reticulatana (Clem.). Miss Murtfeldt in Fernald's Catalogue of Tortricidae, p. 20. 93. Platynota flavidana Clem. Miss Murtfeldt in Fernald's Catalogue of Tortricidae, p. 22. 94. Caccecia argyrospila Walk. (See p. 192.) 95. Gracilaria acerifoliella Chambers. The larva curls the edge of the leaf of Acer glabrum, mountain bush maple, downward. Colorado. 96. Gracilaria packar delta Chamb. Larva rolls the leaf downward into a conical figure. 97. Lithocolletis clemensella Chamb. Under surface of leaves. Order Hemiptera. 98. Pceciloptera pruinosa Say. (See p. 281.) 99. Aphis aceris Linn. Occurs on Acer pennsylvanica (Fitch). 100. Lecanium acericola Walsh and Riley. (Amer. Ent., i, p. 14.) Also on box elder (Thomas). 101. Lecanium acericorticis Fitch. On silver maple, Washington, D. C. (Glover, Agr. Rep., p. 1876. See Thomas, vii, p. 120 ; American Naturalist, xii, pp. 655, 808.) Order Diptera. 102. Cecidomyia aceris Shimer. On Acer dasycarpum. (Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc, i, p. 281.) Chapter VI. INSECTS INJURIOUS TO THE COTTONWOOD. Populus monilifera, AFFECTING THE ROOTS. 1. THE COTTONWOOD ROOT borer. Plectrodera seal a tor Fabr. The following correspondence regarding this borer appeared in a newspaper : Herewith is an entomological specimen found at the foot of the cottonwoods about my house, and the larva? are boring the trees. What can I do to prevent their kill- ing my trees?— J. R., Manhattan, Kans. The large and beautiful black and white long-horned beetle which you send is the Pleclrodera scalator Fabr. Its larva has long been kuown to bore in the roots of willows, and as most insects that attack the willow also attack the cottonwood, it is natural that this species should form no exception. I can give no remedy from experience, and can only recommend the same preventive and remedial measures that are used against the round-headed grub. (C. V. Riley.) AFFECTING THE TRUNK AND BRANCHES. 2. The poplar borer. Saperda calcarata Say. Order Coleoptera ; family Cerambycid^:. In the Western States, including Colorado, it causes wide-spread injury and destruction to the cottonwood trees. (Riley. See the pop- lar borer, p. 435.) 3. HyperpJatys aspersus Say. Boring in the dry twigs at Columbus, Tex.; the perfect insect is to be found throughout spring and summer, according to Schwarz. (Riley.) 4. Oberea schaumii Leconte. The larva burrowing in the twigs makes a very smooth cylindrical burrow, the perfect insect appearing in the middle of June at St. Louis, Mo. (Riley.) 5. Oberea mandarina Fabr. The larva bores in the thin twigs at St. Louis, Mo., the imago issuing in the middle of April. (Riley.) THE COTTONWOOD LEAF-BEETLE. 427 6. Dorytomus mucidus Say. This insect is found running on and flying about cotton wood trees early in April and again in August. In October it is found under dead bark of trees in winter quarters. Common. Illinois. (A. S. McBride. Can. Ent., xii, p. 106.) 7. Eros coccinatus Say. Found in April in Illinois in the cottonwood, under logs in the woods. (McBride, loc. eit.) 8. Wallastonia quercicola (Boheman). This was taken by Mr. W. Knaus from " cottonwood logs in a some- what advanced state of decay." The beetle appears in Kansas in June and July. " The present season I took about a dozen specimens from logs that had been used in a stable for the past seventeen years ; a number were taken from the larval burrows, and numbers of small white fleshy larvae were also observed in the same pieces of timber ; these larvae, I feel confident were those of W. quercicola, but as I found no pupae and did not con- tinue my observations on their transformation, I can not speak with absolute certainty." He was strengthened in the conviction that the arvae of this weevil are wood-eating by the fact that it has a close structural relation to the Scolytidae. (Bulletin Brooklyn Ent. Soc, vii, p. 150.) 9. Mecas inornata (Say). 3ffr. Walsh has described the excresence made by this borer in the saplings of the cottonwood and willow in Illinois. A rather sudden swelling on such of the main stems as are .50 to 1.25 inch in diame- ter, cracking open in two or three deep, irregular scabrous, brown, more or less trans- verse, gaping, thick-lipped fissures. This is the appearance presented as early as August and until the following spring; but July 19 nothing is seen but a smooth, elongate swelling of the stem, pithy inside, and without any cracks or roughness outside, and undistinguishable externally from the tenthredinidous gall, S. nodus n. sp., in the form in which it occurs on "the same willow later in the season. Very probably, however, as with many if not all Saperdo?, the larva is at least two seasons in arriving at maturity, and the normal appearance of the pseudo-gall is not assumed until the following season. The insect does not make its way out in spring through the deep cracks of this pseudo-gall, but each bores a hole for himself in the manner usual in this family. The gall on the cottonwood is absolutely identical with the willow-gall, and was recog- nized by myself as such at the first glance. It was found exclusively on young saplings. In both cases it was per- fectly healthy plants that were attacked. Although this pseudo-gall weakens mechanically the stem upon which it grows, and to such an extent that it occasionally causes the stem to break in two with the wind, yet otherwise the stem never perishes, but on the contrary the wound is gradually healed and over grown by fresh woody matter (Walsh). \W Fig. 156.— Hecas inorftata.— Smith del. 428 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. Larva.— July 19, the larva is .10 inch long, or less, and of a pale color. In the spring when it assumes the imago Mat.- it is much larger, and differs but little from other larva- belonging to this genus. Tin bteth.— In Mecas the claws differ from those of Sapcrda (in which they are usually simple) in being feebly toothed OT cleft. Body black, unspotted, cylindrical. OOTeied with short prostrate hair, which conceals the punctures. Palpi black; •ntenna rather shorter than the body, and, excepting the bam] joints, annulate with cinereous and black. Thorax cylindric, diameters subequal. Elytra entire and subacute at the tip, which is equally antennated from the suture and exterior mar- gins. Length a little less than half an inch. (Say.) AFFECTING THE LEAVES. 10. The streaked cottonwood lkaf-beetle. Lina teripta (Fabricius). Order Coleoptera ; family Chrysomelipj:. An abundant beetle, infesting the leaves of the cottonwood and other species of ropuhts and of willows throughout the West to Colorado, and south to Louisiana, V a V I Fig. 157.— Streaked cottonwood beetle; a. beetle, normal form : b. c, d, e, showing variations. — Af- ter Rilev . destroying vast groves ; three annual broods; the larva peculiar from emitting from the tips of its tuberculous spines a pungent milky fluid: transforming on the leaf, the pupa remaining in the partially cast-off larva skin ; the beetle usually black on the prothorax, with the sides yellow and the wing-covers yellowish, with three inter- rupted lines of black or bluish spots. It may be destroyed by syringing the trees with a wet preparation of London purple or Paris green. (Riley, Amer. Ent., iii, p. 159.) Iu 1884 fresh attention was called to the ravages of this beetle in portions of Nebraska and Dakota, which led to the publication by Pro- fessor Riley of an extended account of the insect in his report as U. S. Eutomologist for 1884, which we copy, as follows: During the past season the streaked cottonwood leaf- beetle has done great damage in portions of Nebraska and Dakota. Appearing in enormous numbers, it has entirely defoliated many thousands of trees, and has destroyed many plantations of young saplings. The strip of country over which it has been particularly injurious has been along the banks of the Missouri River in Dakota, as far west as its junction with the Niobrara, and thence down through Nebraska to the Platte, as far west as Dawson County. As a sample of the mauy communications which have been re- ceived during the summer from the infested region, we introduce the following letter, noticing the habits of this beetle, which was forwarded from the General Land Office: THE COTTONWOOD LEAF-BEETLE. 429 " Yankton, Dak., June 2, 1884. "Sir: We forward to you by to-day's mail a small box containing a number of bugs gathered yesterday on the cottonwood groves in this and adjoining counties. These bugs were first noticed during the season of 1883, when they were confined to only a few timber claims in the towns 97 and 98, range 57, Hutchinson Couuty, Dak. In the fall of 1883 they had covered quite an expanse of country, and from all sides reports came of the destruction of planted groves by these bugs. This spring nearly everybody who owns a timber-culture claim and who has called at our office reported destruction of trees, and we therefore yesterday examined into it, going through towns 95, 96, 97, ranges 55, 50, and 57, and found a condition which is really sickening. Claimants who for years and years have planted their trees, and had now succeeded in getting a good growth of trees growing, have to stand by and look on while their labor of years is destroyed in a few days. Wherever they are they are by the millions; they eat the leaves, and it only takes a few hours to finish a tree, and those trees that were attacked last year have failed to grow again this spring. So far they have attacked principally cottonwood and some box-elder. We would respectfully suggest that these bugs be handed to some expert for report and recommendation as to the best methods of destroying them. There ought also to be something done to protect claimants whose trees are now being destroyed. Most of the timber claims in the counties named have been taken from six to ten years ago, and nearly every claimant has apparently complied with laws, at least we counted from the buggy while on a hill yesterday thirty-six different groves, presumably all timber-culture claims, where the law has been complied with, and where parties would now be entitled to make proof only for these bugs. There ought to be a special act of relief, allowing those parties to make proof, as to replant and to commence all this work over again will be necessarily not only a hardship, but will, in a good many cases, be an impossibility, the time within which proof is required to be made being too short. "Very respectfully, "Ellerman & Peemiller. "Hon. Commissioner General Land Office, " Washington, D. C" In 18 — , Mr. Lawrence Bruner reported as follows : "The striped cottonwood beetle (Plagiodera scripta) has also been quite mimerous in several portions of the West during the year, and did much injury to both cotton- woods and willows upon high land. Especially was this true with respect to the young trees upon tree claims in newly settled areas. There has been considerable vexation at the United States land offices on account of the injuries of this insect and of a species of saw-fly, the larvae of which attack the foliage of our various species of ash trees, causing them to die. When the time comes for 'proving up' there are too few trees growing upon the tract of land, and the result is its probable loss to the enterer." Similar letters to this were received from many points in the region indicated. This species has long been known to feed upon the leaves of the different species of willow, but upon those trees it was never remarkably abundant or injurious. Upon several of the species of Populus it was also found, but its great liking for cottonwood seems to be of comparatively recent acquirement. In speaking of this change of habit we remarked as follows, in the New York Weekly Tribune for Octo- ber 9, 1878 : "The interesting feature about this insect to the forester, however, is that it has of late years acquired an especial liking for the cottonwood. It has, indeed, become a most grievous pest in the prairie States, where the cottonwood is largely grdwn as a shade and ornamental tree, as well as for fuel. We have been surprised, in passing through Kansas and Nebraska more particularly, at the utter devastation which this beetle has produced. Vast groves have been destroyed through its incessant defolia- 430 FIFTH KEPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. tion. Now, the cottonwool is placed by botanist* in a genus different from that of tlu- willows, and the strangest thing about it is that the willows are not injured to the same degree, even where growing in the neighborhood of the injured cotton- wood. This is partly due, perhaps, to the fact that the willow does not suffer so much from defoliation as doee the < <>ttonwood, though it is possible that aspecial cottonwood feeding race of the speeiee has been of late yean developed in those sections where the tree is so largely planted. This would be parallel to the well-known case of the apple-maggot (Trypeta pomonella), which, though infesting wild haws and crabs in -,wfg|f ff, - 7 "Fig. 158. — Grub of streaked cot ton wood beetle a eggs, 6, one enlarged; c, newly hatched larva? ; d d d. larva- of different ages: e, pupa. nat. size; f. one of the middle segments of the body of larva seen from above, showing tubercles, en- larged. After Riley. all parts of the country, has only taken to feeding on and injuring cultivated apples in some of the New England States." This last conclusion is rendered all the more plausible from the fact that, so far as known, the species in the Eastern States is confined to willow and does not attack the cottonwood. The perfect beetles wiutered in sheltered localities. In the spring, as soon as the cottonwoods begin to leaf out, the beetles pair, aud the females begin laying their eggs (fig. 158, a, b). These are placed upon the young leaves in dense ma— from ten to a hundred eggs. Each egg is elongate-oval, pale yellowish-white in color, rather soft, and about 0.5mm long. The larva* (fig. 158, c, d) soon hatch and develop very rapidly. At first they are black in color aud gregarious in habit, skel- etonizing the leaf in the immediate vicinity of the egg-shells. With the succeeding molts the color becomes lighter and they separate, feeding upon leaves at some dis- tance from their place of birth. These larva?, like those of other species of the genus, are peculiar for emittiug from the tips of the tuberculous spines, with which they are furnished, a milky liquid, of a pungent, but not altogether disagreeable, odor. On attaining full growth they transform to pupa3 upon the leaf, fastening their hind legs to the leaf, and partially throwing off the last larval skin. The perfect beetles issue soon after. There are at least three annual generations, and probably more, as the development of the insect is very rapid. Professor Snow states* that in the month of August only fifteen days are occupied from the hatching point to the issu- ing of the adult. * Observer of Nature, Lawrence, Kaus., November 23, 1876 . THE COTTONWOOD LEAF-BEETLE. 431 Remedies. — According to all reports, but little is to be expected from the natural enemies of this species, for birds do not seem to touch it, and, with the single excep- tion of the larvae of lady-birds, we have neither found nor heard of any other insect enemies. Inasmuch as it undergoes all of its transformations upon the leaves it is not sus- ceptible to any of the trapping remedies which are used against the quite closely allied elm-leaf beetle (Galeruca xanthome! a>na), which was treated of in our last annual report (pp. 159-170), and the larva of which descends to the ground to enter the pupa state. In that article, however, we gave in detail the results of experi- ments made with the arsenical poisons, London purple and Paris green, and these results may be applied with certainty to the case of the cottonwood leaf-beetle under consideration. Premising with the fact that while equally efficacious in destroying the beetle, Loudon purple seems to injure the tree less than Paris green, we repeat, for the benefit of the Western reader who may not have access to the report of 1883, the two paragraphs relating to the preparation of the poison and the effects of the mixture: "Preparation of the poison. — London purple (one-half pound), flour (3 quarts), and water (barrel, 40 gallons) were mixed, as follows: A large galvanized iron funnel of thirteen quarts capacity, and having a cross-septum of fine wire gauze such as is used for sieves, also having vertical sides, and a rim to keep it from rocking on the barrel, was used. About three quarts of cheap flour were placed in the funnel and washed through the wire gauze by water poured in. The flour in passing through is finely di- vided, and will diffuse in the water without appearing in lumps. The flour is a suitable medium to make the poison adhesive. The London purple is then placed upon the gauze and washed in by the remainder of the water, until the barrel is filled. In other tests, the flour was mixed dry with the poison powder, and both were afterward washed through together with good results. It is thought that by mixing in this way less flour will suffice. Three-eighths of a pound of London purple to one barrel of water may be taken as a suitable percentage. Three-eighths of an ounce may be used as an equiva- lent in one bucketful of water. The amount of this poison was reduced to one-fonrth of a pound to the barrel with good effect, but this seems to be the minimum quantity, and to be of value it must be applied in favorable weather and with unusual thor- oughness. With one-half or three-fourths of a pound to the barrel, about the max- imum strength allowable is attained, and this should be applied only as an extremely fine mist, without drenching the foliage. "Effects of the mixture. — The flour seems to keep the poison from taking effect on the leaf, preventing to some extent the corrosive injury which otherwise obtains when the poison is coarsely sprinkled or too strong. It also renders the poison more permanent. On the leaves, especially on the uuder surfaces, the London purple and flour can be seen for several weeks after it has been applied, and the insect is not only destroyed, but is prevented from re-appearing, at least for a long period. By poisoning again, a few weeks later, the insect is deterred with greater certainty for the entire season. By being careful to administer the poison before the insect has worked, and, above all, to diffuse the spray finely but not in large drops, no harm worth mentioning will accrue to the plant from the proportion of poison recommended. The new growth, that developed after the first poisoning, was protected by one-fourth of a pound to the barrel in 1882. From midsummer until autumn the unpoisoned half of the grove remained denuded of foliage, while the poisoned half retained its verdure. The little damage then appearing in the protected part was mostly done before the first treatment. Eggs were laid abundantly throughout the season. Many of these seemed unhealthy and failed to develop, probably because they were poi- soned. Many hatched, but the youug larvae soon died. The eggs were seldom deposited on the young leaves that were appearing after the poison was applied, but were attached to the developed leaves, and here the larvae generally got the poi- son to prevent their attack upon the aftergrowth. Still the young leaves became 432 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. perforated to some extent. The adults, which tiy from tree to tree, appeared plenti- ful without much interruption throughout the season, and often several could he seen feeding on snob tree. Possibly many of these may have hecome poisoned hefore de- positlng the eggs. •• The efficiency of London purple being established, it will generally he preferred to other ar.M'hicals, hecauseof its cheapness, better diffusibility, visibility on the foli- to. Afl the effeefea of the poisons commonly do not appear decidedly for two or three days after their administration, the importance of the preventive method of poisoning in advance can not he too strongly urged. As the effect is slow in appear- ing, impatient parties will be apt to repoison on the second or third day, and thus put on enough to hurt the plant when the effect does come. Much depends on dry- ness or wetness of the weather; hut good effects may he expected by the third or fourth day." In the same report is figured (Plate VI) a simple apparatus which was used to good effect in spraying the trees and which was explained in detail in the text (pp. 168, 169). It is in brief a barrel pump containing a stirrer-har, attached by a loop to the swinging end of the pump, and which by its oscillations constantly stirs the mixture. The barrel rests upon a skid in the bottom of a light cart in which it is drawn from tree to tree. To the nose of the pump is attached a long, slender rubber hose. To enable the operator to thrust the hose up among the branches of the tree, it is run through a long bamboo pole the septa of which have been burned out by a hot iron rod. At the end of the hose is a short metallic rod to which one of the cyclonic or eddy-chambered nozzles has been attached. By the use of such an apparatus, which is comparatively inexpensive, a great many trees can be thoroughly sprayed in the course of a day. Such a course requires labor and some expense, but the result can be accomplished in no easier way. We have already given the general appearance of the egg, and the larva will be readily recognized from the figure (158). It is practically indistinguishable from the larva of the closely allied Lina lapponica which feeds upon willow at the North, but the larva of the latter species emits the milky fluid more freely aud has perhaps a more pungent odor. We published in the American Entomologist, Vol. Ill, p. 160 (July 1880), a detailed description of the larva, which it will be unnecessary to repeat here. The beetle is extremely variable in its coloration, and it may not be amiss in this place to repeat in connection with fig. 157, for purposes of identification, the descrip- tions which we have given {ibid.) of certain of the more marked varieties. Com- binations, however, in many degrees, of these varieties occur. a. Typical. Black, with a tinge of blue; basal jointsof anteume beneath, thickened thoracic margin with exception of a small round spot at the middle, elytra with exception of suture and three lines of interrupted black markings, base of fe- mora and part of tibia?, aud sides and apex of abdomen, testaceous yellow. (Common at the West.) b. Variations in general coloration : 1. Base of antenna?, head, underside, and legs of the same yellowish color as upper side. (From Texas.) a. Thorax testaceous-yellow, or more reddish, with the two lateral markings and a T shaped mark on the disk blackish. ft. Thorax entirely testaceous-yellow. 2. Principal color above and beneath blue ; legs blue. y. Sides of thorax as in typical form. Elytra with faint yellow marking. (From California.) 6\ Sidesof thorax as in typical form. Elytra unicolorous blue. (From California.) £. Entirely blue, except a narrow lateral yellowish marking each side on the last abdominal joint. COTTONWOOD CATERPILLARS. 433 c. Variations in the markings of the elytra : 1. Marked with black as follows: The suture; two, more or less, oval spots near the base, the iuner of which is nearer to the suture than to the lateral margin, and the outer on the humerus; three longitudinal striae on the middle, the in- termediate of which is the longest; submarginal curved stria and au oval spot between the latter and the suture. (Common at the West. ) 2. Additional marks: A small triangular basal spot in front and between the two subbasal markings. (Illinois.) a. This triangular spot is sometimes connected with the humeral spot. (Cali- fornia. ) fi. Black markings become wider or longer and then often confluent/ y. Markings in general becoming smaller, either all of them, or one or several of them. (C. V. Riley, Ag. Rep. for 1884.) 11. THE COTTONWOOD DAGGER MOTH. Acronycta populi Riley. Devouring the foliage and not unfrequently stripping the tree, a caterpillar which rests curled around on the leaf, and is easily recognized by its body being covered Fig. 159.— The cottonwood dagger-moth and its caterpillar.— After Riley. with long, soft, bright-yellow hairs, and a long pencil of black hairs on top of seg- ments 4, 6, 7, 8, and 11. ( Riley.) This caterpillar is sometimes destructive to the foliage of the cotton- wood in Missouri. There are two broods of these worms each year; the first brood appearing in June and producing moths by the last of July, the second brood appearing the last of August and throughout Sep- tember, and passing the winter in the chrysalis state. It is attacked by several parasites, i. e., a Microgaster, an Ophion, and a Tachina fly. When fully grown the caterpillar spins a pale yellow cocoon of silk in- terwoven with its own hairs, then turning to a chrysalis. It more com- monly occurs on the balm of Gilead and Populus grandidentata. ♦ Pupa. — Is dark shiny brown, and ends in an obtuse point furnished with several forked bristles. It lies within a pale-yellow cocoon of silk interwoven with the hairs of the caterpillar and which is generally spun in some sheltered place, as in a chink in the bark of a tree, etc. 5 ENT 28 434 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. Hit moth.— Fore- wings white-graj near the anal angle between reina 1 and .ml eonspiouoaa spot like a Greek letter psi, planed side wise, and from this spot a somewhat sigsag line rune parallel with the posterior border, forming a Large dart- like spot between veins 5 and 0. (Kil< . 12. Smtrinthus modest us Harris. Larva on Cottonwood in Illinois. (C. E. Worthiugton, Can. Em., x, p. 16.) 13. Centra borealis BoisfL Whether this is the C. boreal is or uot, it is the one mentioned by Abbot and Smith as occurring on this tree as well as the wild cherry and willow. According to them, on the 10th of August, in Georgia, k* it inclosed itself in a case made of chips of the wood, and affixed to a branch. The moth came out April 24. It likewise feeds on the wild cheny and willow, and is found also in Virginia, but it is a very rare species." 14. Ichthyura inclusa Hiibn. Accordiug to Abbot and Smith this species occurs on this tree as well as the willow, in Georgia. "The caterpillars all live in a web, among the leaves spun together. One inclosed itself entirely May 25 and came out June 8. Another, which spun itself up October 25, did not appear till the 8th of March following. The moth is rare in its perfect state, though found in Virginia as well as in Georgia." 15. Pemphigus popuH-trarisrersus Riley. Forming a gall upon the petiole near the base of the leaf of Populus monilifera and P. bahamifera. Missouri, southern Texas, and Colorado. (Riley.) 16. Pemphigus populi-monilis Riley. On the narrow-leaved cottouwood in Colorado forming a series of more or less con- fluent mouiliform swellings on the upper side of the leaf. 17. Pemphigus populi-ramulorum Riley. Forming an irregular globular gall, often somewhat flattened, on the twigs of Populus bahamifera in Colorado. (Riley.) 18. Pemphigus pseudobyrsa Walsh. Occurs on Populus angulata. (Thomas, viii, p. 151.) 19. Pemphigus vagabundus Walsh. Produces a large irregular gall on the tips of the twigs of certain cottonwoods. (Thomas, viii, p 151.) 20. Pemphigus populicauli* ; Fitch. (Le Baron.) Also occurs on the aspen (Populus tremuloides) in Wisconsin. (Thomas, viii, p. 149.) 2L Chaitophorus populicola Thomas. Found in July at Carbondale, 111., and early in September on the under side of young sprouts of Populus angulata (cottouwood). POPLAR BORERS. 435 INSECTS INJURIOUS TO THE POPLAR. AFFECTING THE TRUNK. 1. The poplar borer. Saperda calcarata Say. Order Coleoptera ; family Cerambycid^:. Often destroying the Lorabardy poplar, a yellowish-white grub, nearly 2 inches long, andchaugiug to a gray lougicorn beetle, irregularly striped with yellow ocher, the wing-covers ending in a sharp point, flying in August and September. Harris states that this borer, with the grabs of the broad-necked Prionus, almost destroyed the Lombardy poplars in his vicinity (Cam- bridge, Mass.), and that it also lives in the trunks of the native poplar. The beetles rest on the trunks and branches of various kinds of poplars in August and September, and also fly* by night, sometimes entering the open windows in the evening. According to Kiiey this borer is universally destructive to the cottonwood in the Western States. This borer has been destructive to poplar trees on the shores of Casco Bay, especially at the head of the bay west of Harpswell Neck, where my attention was first called to its work by ex-Governor J. L. Chamber- lain, on whose estate at New Wharf a number of trees had died. The trees in August, 1884, were seen to show unmistakable signs of disease by the leaves curling and withering. The presence of the larva within is easily detected by the masses of castings resembling sawdust, which are thrown out of the holes and fall down the trunk to the ground. Upon cutting down the trees and splitting them open, not only the full grown larva, or grub, but also one or two pupae and several beetles were found, the latter ready to issue from their holes. As many as eight or ten larvae were found mining in a portion of a poplar trunk 10 inches long and 5 inches in diameter. The wood was perforated in all directions, running under the bark part of the way and sinking in various directions into the wood, some of them extending side by side along the heart of the tree. The longer mines are about a foot in length, and about a centimeter or four-tenths of, and at times half, an inch in diameter. Tart of the mine is more or less stuffed with long, slender chips gnawed off by the larva. Mr. Eeed, of Scottsville, N. Y., writes to the American Entomologist (iii, p. 181) that this borer identified by Professor Kiley) " destroyed two fine trees upon my lawn of the native poplar, or, as it is sometimes called, the trembling aspen. They perforate the trunk midway up amongst the branches, when the top dies or is broken off by the wind." Ihe larva. — About 2 inches long ; the body very thick, rather larger before than behind ; the segments full and rounded. The first segment broad, sloping obliquely downward to the head. On the upper side of the broad segment (prothoracic) con- 436 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. taining the bead, La a large square yellowish horny ana, ■aeoeeded by rongh oval areas on the i »> jm of i In- succeeding segments. These rasps serve as legs, which are wanting in I he grub. The beetle is called the spurred 8aperda (caicarata) from the spine-like ends of the wing-COVers. The body is covered all over with a (short and close nap, which gives it Fig — Saperda caicarata. Smith del. Fig. 161.— Popla brorer. Saperda caicarata: a, natural size; 6 upper and c under side of head and first thoracic segment en- larged.— From Packard. a fine blue-gray color; it is finely punctured with brown, with four ocher yellow lines on the head aud three on the top of the thorax ; the scutel is also ocher-yellow, and there are several irregular lines and spots of the same color on the wing-covers; it is 1± inch in length. (Harris.) 2. The lesser poplar borer. Saperda masta Leconte. Boring in the poplar and balm of Gilead, selecting the smaller branches, in many places not more than an inch or two apart, and situated chiefly at the base of the buds, the whole length of the excavation not much exceeding an inch ; pupating early in May and becoming beetles by the end of May. (See a full account of the larva aud its habits in Canadian Entomologist, vi, 1K74, p. 61.; The larva. — Nearly cylindrical, tapering a little posteriorly, aud about half an inch in length. Head very small, dark reddish brown in front, pale behind. Body deep yellow. Secoud segment deeper in color and more horny than the other seg- ments ; terminal segment a little more hairy than the others. (Saunders.) 3. The poplar girdler. Saperda concolor Leconte. Girdling the truuks of sapling poplars, by carrying a mine around the trunk, which causes a swelling often nearly twice the diameter of the tree. Our attention was first directed to this borer aud the marked effects of its work by Mr. George Hunt. In bis company we have fouud numerous saplings of the common poplar in the woods about Provi- POPLAR BORERS. 437 dence, with the unsightly swellings around the trunk. The upper branches of large trees are also occasionally girdled. From a gall collected at Providence a beetle issued May 31. There may be sev- eral mines in the same knot or gall. The beetle. — Uniformly gray, approaching the color of the downy under side of the poplar, with no spots, while the antennae are black, stained with gray at the joints. Length, 10mra. 4. The broad-necked prionus. Prionus laticolli8 Drury. Order Coleoptera; family Cekambycidje. Boring in the wood of the trunks and roots of different poplars, a white soft grub as thick as one's thumb, producing an oval moderately convex black long-horned beetle 0.90 to 1.50 long and less than half as broad, its wing-covers rough from confluent irregular punctures and with two or three raised lines, its thorax with three irregular teeth along each side, and its antennae of twelve joints resembling little conical cups placed one within the other and projecting upon their lower side like the teeth of a saw : appearing abroad in July. (Fitch.) Though of late years injurious to the apple, grape-vine, and pine, this beetle may originally have been confined to the poplars, especially as Harris does not enumerate the above-mentioned trees, but says that it Fig. 162.— Broad-necked Prionus and pnpa.— After Riley. lives in the trunks and roots of the balm of Gilead, Lombardy poplar, " and probably in those of other kinds of poplar also. The beetles may frequently be seen upon, or flying around, the trunks of these trees in the month of July, even in the daytime, though the other kinds of Prionus generally fly only by night," Prof. S. J. Smith, in his report as Entomologist to the State Board of Agriculture of Connecticut, for 1872, remarks : I have noticed it in logs of poplar, bass-wood, and oak, and in the trunks of old, decaying apple trees, and Professor Verrill has collected it in great numbers, at New Haven, in chestnut railroad ties (p. 346). 438 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. It seems to us most probable that this borer also infests the pitch- pine, since we have seen these beetles living at noon in abundance IE the middle of July on the sandy plains of Brunswick, Me., among pitch-pines, 2 or 3 miles away from any poplars; and have captured them among pines at intervals for twenty-live years past. Larva. — Average length when full grown, :; inches. Color pale yellowish-white, partly translucent, with glaucous and hluish shadings, and a distinct dorsal line of tin- last color; 13 distinct segments. Segment 1 rather horny, somewhat longer than 2, 3, ami 4 together, broadening posteriorly, slightly shagreened and whiter than the rest of the body, with a rust-colored mark anteriorly, and a slight groove along the middle. Segments 2 and 3 shortest and broadest, the body tapering thence gradu- alh to extremity, though there is usually a lateral ridge on segment 12 which dilates it rather more than the segments immediately preceding it. This segment 12 is also the longest, the terminal one being quite small and divided into three nearly equal lobes. A swelled hump crossed with two impressed transverse lines on segments 4, 5, 6, 7, d, 9, and 10. Stigmata rust-colored, 9 in number, the first and largest being Fig. 163.— Larva of broad-necked Prionus.— After Riley. placed on a fold in the suture between segments 1 and 2. Head brown, verging to black on anterior edge. Mandibles large, strong, black, with one blunt rounded tooth, giving them a somewhat triangular appearance ; antennae 3-jointed and brown, especially at tip; labrnm fulvous, fuzzy and with a brown base; maxillary palpi 4-jointed, the basal joint much swollen, the terminal joint brown, and a ring of the same color at sutures of the other joints; labial palpi 3-jointed, the basal joint also swollen, and the terminal joints and situres of the others brown. Six rudimeutary 2-jointed fuscous feet as shown at Fig. 163 tubercled as on the back, these tubercles being especially prominent on segments 6, 7, 8, and 9, where they recall prolegs. The young larva differs only in lacking the rust-colored mark on segment 1. (Riley, Amer. Eut., ii, p. 232.) 5. Buprestis fasciata Fabr. Mr. Fletcher reports (Canadian Entomologist, xv. p. 203) fiudiug this beautiful beetle common on poplars, and had fouud a larva in poplar wood which he thought, from its appearance, might belong to that species. 6. The xyleutes borer. Xyleutts popuJi Walker. Nothing is known to us concerning this moth, except that the specific name indicates that it occurs on the poplar. The habitat mentioned by Walker, is St. Martin's Falls, Albany River, Ehulsou's Bay, the original specimen described by Walker being in the British Museum. POPLAR BORERS. 439 7. The poplar goat-moth. Cossu8 centerensis Liutner.* Plate 1, tigs. 1-12. Order Lepidoptera; family Cossidje. Perforating the trunks of Populus tremuloides, a worm similar to, bat smaller than, the oak caterpillar (X robiniw), the moth issuing from the trees during June. (Bailey.) Iii connection with the following account by Dr. Bailey we may say that Mr. Fletcher reports that he has found about Ottawa, this moth common on the balm of Gilead {Populus balsamifera). The pupa is usually extruded from the bark about 4 o'clock in the afternoon, when he has frequently seen them. (Can. Ent., xv, p. 203.) Cossus centerensis (Plate I) was discovered by Dr. Theodore P. Bailey in 1877. For many years previous I had observed that many trees of Populus tremuloides had per- ished from some cause then unknown. The central shoots of other trees of the same species were dead, and it would only require a few years to finish their destruc- tion. Perforations were found in the trunks of these trees, some of recent date and some overgrown with bark, leaving the cicatrices plainly visible. In July, 1876, a brittle pupa-case of the Cossus was found projecting from one of the openings, which gave the first clue to the nature of the borer and destroyer of the timber. On the 10th of June, 1877, a fresh pupa-case was discovered, and on the 14th of the same month the first Cossus was captured, resting upon the same tree trunk. Every season since this capture the Cossus has been taken, but in some years in greater numbers than others. The Cossus usually comes forth between the setting and rising of the sun, and when the trees are visited daily the protruding pupa-cases left behind by the escaped im- agines informs the collector how many of the insects he may expect to find. Their color simulates so closely the color of the bark of the trees that it requires good eves and very close observation to find the moths. One unaccustomed to collect them might view an infested tree for a long time and not fiud a Cossus, when several would be discovered by an expert. An uneven protuberance on the bark, or the short stump left of a decayed broken limb are favorite resting places for the insect. The moth at first is rather sluggish, aud can be easily captured. After it has been abroad for some days it is wild and more or less mutilated. This Cossus is uot attracted by sugar, as might be expected from its aborted tongue. The moth seems to belong to the genus Cossus Fabr., and not to be congeneric with Xystus robinice. The head is short, eyes naked, labial palpi small, appressed, scaled. The thorax is thickly scaled, the scales gathered into a ridge behind, and is squarer in front than in Xystus, not so elongate or so elevated dorsally. The male antennae are bipectinate ; the lamellae rather short and ciliate. The female antennae are serrated. It is allied to the European Cossus terebra F., but is a larger insect. It differs from C. querciperda Fitch by the absence of any yellow on the male hind wing, and by its darker color and closer reticulations. In color this species is black and gray. The edges of the thorax and collar are shaded with gray, more noticeable on some specimens than others. The primaries are covered with black reticulations, which are not always identical in their minor details in different specimens, nor sometimes on both wings in the same specimen. * The following account of this fine moth was published by the late Dr. James S. Bailey, of Albany, N. Y., in Bulletin No. 3 of the Entomological Division of the U. S. Department of Agriculture. 44< » FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. ml the eel] there is a trail let thau the rest, ami out- wardly bent over median nervules. The brown color is blackish over nearly two- thirds of the primaries from the base, and outwardly gray : hiud wings rounded in both sexes, with blackish hairs at base, pale ami subptdlueni, with short gray fringe, before which there U a narrow blackish edging. The abdomen is blackish. The males laller than the females. The smallest male expands about 40mm, the largest Plate I. Pigs. 1". 11. and 1-2.) While thus far the Centre X. V.) locality has proved to be the chief home of this Cossus, it will undoubtedly be found elsewhere wherever the Populu* trtmuloides is found. Several pupa-cases of this species have been found in the corporate limits of Albany. Usually trees of less than 1 foot in diameter are attacked, although iu one instance a pupa-case was found in a trie measuriug 16 inches in diameter. It is a very different matter to observe the changes of insect life from the eggs to the imago when feeding upon the foliage of vegetation thau where the larv* have bored deep into a tree trunk and feed upon the ligneous fiber and its circulating fluids. To obtain this information it has been necessary several times each year to cut down trees bearing indications of its ravages, and to dissect them into fragments the size of kiudling-wood. The months of October, April, and June were selected as suitable times for such investigations. October 14 we visited a tree for the purpo:>e of obtaining caterpillars, and from a limb 4 feet in length six caterpillars were taken, two of which were occupying cells as seen in the engraving. April '2 we cut from a tree a limb 3 feet in length, and in it we found seventeeu caterpillars of three distinct sizes, indicating a growth for each year. The larger ones were not fully grown. All of them were actively passing through their tunnels in the wet wood, through which the sap was freely flowing. Not any of the cater- pillars were occupying pupa-cells at this time. June 12, 1881, we again visited a tree when the insects were emerging. The tree selected was far advanced in decay, from the effects of the tunneling of the larva? ; only about 4 feet of the trunk was alive, with a few lateral brauches iu foliage, scarcely enough to support its respiration. In the trunk were found fresh pupa-cases, pupa?, and caterpillars. Again three crops of larva? were found: the larger ones were inactive and lying in the sap-wood, with their heads close to the bark, which was gnawed nearly through to the outer surface. These caterpillars had evidently takeu their last position preparatory to their final transformation into pupa?. Pupa? were also found occupying the same position, sad when the bark was removed were visible. The larva taken October 14 from its burrows is 45mm in length, of a pale flesh color. It is a little broader anteriorly. The prothoracic segment is blackish brown above, the dark color edged with dirty orange shading. The head is mahogany brown, shining, slightly roughened. The mandibles are black, with strong teeth. The surface of the head gives rise here and there to single scattered hairs. The antenna? are three-jointed : the second joint gives rise to a single long hair. The seventh, eighth, ninth, and tenth abdominal segments are provided with false feet. The segments are marked with a lateral row of brown dots above the reddish stig- mata, and there is a row of similar dots, two to a segment, on each side of the dorsal line. These dots give rise to single pale hairs. The larva inovts with freedom either backward or forward. The burrows which it excavates are about lomm in width and terminate in the pupating cell, which is about 10mm in length, smooth; the extremity towards the opening is closed by a wad of finer and then coarser tilings of the wood. The coarser splinters are not detached entirely from the wood, but are split up by the larva? all around the top of the cell, and project like bristles, appearing somewhat as those wooden toy trees which are made for children, and which are formed by shaving down the wood and leaving the shavings adhering by one end. These splinters make a firm wad. Against them are piled a quantity of finer chips or thin filings, which are loose but pressed together. The cell (Plate 1. F _ - about 40mtn from the outer bark of the tree, aod the chrysalis (,Figs. 5 aud 9) makes its way to the air though the burrow, by means of POPLAR BORERS. 441 its teeth on the segments and the spinose process on the front, by which it forces itself, by stretching and contracting the abdomen, through the wood scrapings which close the cell, until it comes to the end. We have noticed a fine thread of silk pro- ceeding from the spinneret of the larva, although in the cocoon we have found no silk whatever. The cocoon or pupa-cell seems to have been formed by wedging first coarser and then finer strips of the wood together, and seems to be merely a more carefully and smoothly finished enlargement of the original burrow. The pupa. — A specimen of the pupa which I have examined is about 30mm in length, narrow, brownish black, shining rugose. The clypeus presents a strong, broad, spinous process, supported at base by lateral projections. On the under side it descends into a wide sulcat ion terminating in a broad projection. The capital appendages are visible, aud here and there arise isolated hairs as in the previous stage. The abdominal segments are provided with teeth over the dorsum, decreasing in size to- the stigmatal line. The anal segment is provided with two unequal-sized terminal teeth on each side of the vent. (Plate I, Figs. 8 and 9.) The chrysalides vary much in size, and some of them are infested with an ichneu- mon fly, which preys on the caterpillar. A pupa was observed endeavoring to make its way to the surface of the bark, but seemingly unable to extricate itself, when assistance was rendered by enlarging the orifice. It was laid in a paper box for hatching. A few days afterwards many minute ichneumons were observed resting upon the wall near the box. On examination they were found to be escaping through minute holes in the pupa, which would barely admit a No. 3, entomological pin. Fif- teen of these perforations were counted in this pupa. I presume that the larva of the Cossus is pursued in its burrows by the parent parasite. If so it is curious that the Cossus pupa is not killed by the parasites until it has worked itself up to the mouth of the tunnel, thus allowing the ichneumon flies to escape outside. When ready to emerge, the pupa, by means of stout cusps on its abdominal segments, works itself to the end of the opening, and with its pointed head-case the thin portion of the bark which has been left by the caterpillar's instinct is severed and removed. It pushes itself through the opening as far as the base of the abdo- men, by a sort of rotary motion, which acts in its mode of cutting like a carpenter's center-bit. The thoracic end of the pupa, after exposure a short time to the air, becomes dry and splits, and the moth escapes, climbing up the bark of the tree, shaking out its wings until developed. After the moth has escaped the empty pupa- case may still be seen protruding from the entrance of the tunnel. It is not true that Cossus centerensis prefers dead wood to burrow in. It is a fact that it is most frequently found in partially decayed trees, for after the larva obtains a lodgment, by its perforations in diverse directions through the heart and alburnum, admitting air and water, it causes irreparable decay. There are three species of poplar found in the vicinity of Centre,* viz, grandidentata, dilatola, and tremuloides, but as yet C. centerensis has only been found in Populus tremuloides. It is stated by Harris that C. ligniperda deposits her eggs on the bark near the root of the tree, which I believe is the habit of most of the borers. It would seem from the following that it is not the invariable mode : In splitting open a tree trunk on June 12 a Cossus was observed to fly from the cleft, which, on being captured, proved to be a female. It was supposed she had taken possession of a tunnel for the purpose of deposting her eggs. The loose de'bris from the excavations was gathered together, an examination of which revealed Cossus eggs. (Plate I, Figs. 1 and 2.) The female was confined in a box ; the next morning she had deposited fifty-two eggs ; some of them were attached to the sides and others on the bottom of the box. Some of the eggs were deposited singly and some in confused heaps, and were attached to each other and to the box with a viscid substance. Another female was captured June 20, and in forty-eight hours after being pinned she had deposited sixty eggs, which varied somewhat in color from the former. *Now called Karner. 442 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. The Cossus alter being pinned is rery restive, especially while depositing her ova and by i he constant motion of the ovipositor in endeavoring to extrude the ova. The koOM altdoinmal scales are removed and attached to the eggs by the moist viscid fluid with which they are covered, and which often give* them the appearance of being clothed with .scales. A few of the ova collected this season have this appear- ance, hut a strong lens exposes the true condition. C. centerennis is not so prolific as some of the other species of Co*8uUb. C. robiniw Peck and C. querviperda Fitch have been known to extrude upwards of three hundred ova. In European species over one thousand ova have been found on dissection. The ruia of whole forests of tim- ber in which these insects revel is doubtless prevented by the destruction of the eggs by ants and birds, the size of the eggs being sufficient to form a tempting morsel. Iu a state of nature the female Cossus deposits a small number of her ova upon each tree which she visits until her supply is exhausted. This season the enlarged perforations through the bark show unmistakable evi- dence that the trees had been recently visited by woodpeckers, which could find little difficulty in procuring an abundance of full-grown larva-. C. centtrensis is found throughout the region known as the pine barrens, which cover an area of perhaps 12 square miles between Albany and Schenectady. The soil of this region seems especially well adapted to the growth of the timber which it supports. At the present time no correct observations have been made in reference to the molts of the caterpillars, but information on this subject will soon be obtained from Mr. A. H. Mundt, of Illinois, who has had opportunities of observing, up to the fourth molt, the caterpillars of C. robinice, which are found iu the willows and pop- lars in his vicinity. Cos8ii8 centerensis appears every year, and from observations and from numerous examinations of the trees by actual sections during the three months of the year enumerated, I am convinced that the caterpillars are not fully matured until the end of the third year, when they arrive at their perfect or winged state. The pupa state is comparatively short, lasting less than a mouth before the moth appears. From figures 3, 4, and 5 of Plate I we see representations of caterpillars found Octo- ber 14, which establish the fact beyoud dispute, through observations extending over many years, that it requires three full years for the caterpillar to arrive at ma- turity. 8. Cossus angrezi Bailey. (Plate II, Fig. 6.) As this species will probably be found boring in the poplar, we re- produce Dr. Bailey's account of it. We repeat the original description of this species, given in Papilio for June, 1882 (Vol. II, No. 6, p. 93) : " Cossus angrezi n. s. female. Head somewhat narrow on the vertex. Collar and head yellowish gray, thorax black ; the edges of the teguhv shaded with yellowish gray. Fore-wings with a nearly white ground, shaded with black, and with black reticulations. Hind wings yellowish gray, mottled with blackish outwardly. The fore-wings have the costal edge pale, marked with black; the black shading obtains on costa at apical third, and over the whole wing at terminal third, extending obliquely downwards and inwards; there are a series of iuterspacial longitudinal black streaks before the margin, more or less defined. Fringes whitish, dotted with black opposite the ends of the veins, v. hich latter conversely are whitish. Thorax shaded with yellowish gray behind. Abdomen dark gray. Beneath the wings re- peat the markings very distinctly, owing to the strong contrast of the pale ground color with the black markings. Expanse, 82mm. 1 female. Wells, Elko County, Nev. From the late Mrs. Caroliue Chase. Type, coll. James S. Bailey." 1 POPLAR BORERS. 443 This I believe is a true Cossus, although the male is not known to me. The shape of the w ing is as in centerensis. The structure is that of Cossus, and not of Prionoxj/stus. The thorax is subquadrate, the vestiture short and thick. The interspacial black dashes along the primaries subtermiually distinguish it specifically. The pre-apical transverse black streak or line resembles that of C. centerensis. The hind wiDgs are faintly reticulated. The ground color is a yellowish white. The black blotches on fore-wings of robinice are here wanting, while there is a diffuse discal shade blotch, another above and beyond it on costa, and the wing shows a wide, soft, blackish shading, obliquely edged inwardly and covering the outer portions of the wing. Except the antennae my type is perfect. Beneath it is strongly marked, and reminds one of C. robinice Peck, but the shape of the wing is not like that species. The thorax is black above, not gray with black stripe or tegulse, and the collar is dis- colorous, pale yellowish gray. This species ought to be recognizable. The shape of the thorax is like Cossus, as is the vestiture, so that I am not prepared to find that the male has the peculiarities of C. robinice and querciperda Fitch. I hope Western collectors will solve the question. But I can not regard angrezi as having anything to do with the question of a Western representative of robinice. From Herrich Schaeffer's figure, and what has been published, I believe that robinice is found across the continent. (Dr. Bailey, I, c.) 9. The lombardy poplar borer. Agrilus granulatus Say. Order Coleoptera; family Bupresthxe. The following account of this borer is by Prof. T. J. Burrill, and is taken from Forbes' First Annual Eeport on the Injurious Insects of Illinois. It is known by every one that the Lombardy poplar lives but a short time in the rich soils of the Mississippi Valley, where its growth is exceedingly rapid. Many suppose that this is due to some degeneration, through the processes of propagation or otherwise, of the constitutional vitality of the tree — that it is inherently short- lived. After some studies upon this subject, I am quite sure that the early death of the tree comes from other causes, and is due to agencies outside the tree itself aud not specially connected with the soil or climate. For the present note, one of these, and only one, may be mentioned. About the middle of June a small beetle (Agrilus granulatus Say) lays its eggs in the crevices of the rough bark, depositing them singly here and there, but some- times only an inch or two apart, on the trunk and limbs old enough to become rough- ened by the fissures and cracks of the outer bark. The larvae penetrate the living bark and gnaw tortuous galleries in it and the young layer of wood just beneath. These galleries are at first as fine as the puncture of a cambric needle, and never become larger than one-tenth of an inch in diameter. For the most part th^y run in irregularly horizontal directions, or crosswise of the grain of the wood. When numerous, as they often are, they sometimes cross each other, but this is uncommon. They are closely packed with the excrement of the larvae. The latter are exceedingly slender, slightly flattened, much elongated, footless and white ; the first segment of the thorax is somewhat enlarged, aud the minute but sharp jaws apparently project from its front. In October they bore obliquely into the deeper layers of the wood, often one to two inches from the surface, and then usually follow the grain up or down some inches, and turn obliquely outward until within about an eighth of an inch of the surface wood, though this distance varies much. The last inch or thereabouts of the burrow is greatly widened and ends with an obliquely rounded termination. The long, slender larva, towards the last of this 444 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. month and throughout the autumn and winter following, may be found in the en- larged portions of its borrow with its head and the first third of its body closely bent backward on the remaining two-thirds of the length, and in this folded form tilling tin- cavity gnawed for itself in the wood. Tin; bend of the body is always sideways, and usually to the left. About tin- middle of May the larva- transform, and the pupa' are found with their heads occupying the position of the fold just mentioned and next to the rounded end of the burrow. The ventral side is always outward, that is, toward the ■orrace of the tree. Two weeks or t hereabouts later the pupa- become perfect beetles, and about the first to the middle of Juue escape by gnawing outward, making, in so doing, a very dilh-ient cut from that previously made by the larva'. Seen from with- out the hole is doubly convex, tin; curvatures being quite unequal, and meeting at a sharp or slightly rounded angle on either side. As the insect emerges, its back is pressed against the strongly convex side of the excavation. The beetle. — About half an inch long, slender, and sluggish. It makes little or no effort to avoid capture, which is easily enough done. It appears to pass the night at rest in crevices, etc., and moves about only during sunny weather. Eggs are depos- ited withiu a few days after the mature beetle gains its freedom. It is thus described by Say : " Body cylindrical, olive-green, granulated ; head punctured, with a profound sinus each side for the reception of the antenna-, tip rounded; eyes whitish, with a black, oblong, movable pupil; thorax with an oblique indented Hue each side, and a longitudinal dorsal one; basal edge sinuated ; scutel transversely elongated, with an impressed transverse line behind ; elytra scabrous or grauulated, without stria.' or punctures; an elevated longitudinal line, and an indented large spot at base: tip serro-dentate. Length two-fifths of an inch nearly. This species has three hardly visible fulvous spots on the elytra; one on the depressed base, one near the suture before the middle, and one behind the middle, also near the suture. I have a speci- men in which these spots are not at all visible. The elevated line at the posterior angles of the thorax is short, but very obvious." 10. The toplak .egeria. JEgeria tricincta Harris. The caterpillars bore iii PopuUts candicans iu winter and spring, the moths perhaps placing their eggs iu the deserted burrows of Saperda mcesta. They inhabit the brauches, suckers, and small trunks in Xew York, on the smaller stalks raising galls. The larva is dull white, head light brown, otherwise much as in other ..Egerian caterpillars. The habits of this borer have been described by Dr. D. S. Kellicott in the Canadian Entomologist (vol. xiii, p. 3) as follows : During June and July last I obtained several examples of this moth from larva) secured in April. These larva? were takeu from branches, suckers, aud small trunks of Popuhis candicans growing on low lands along the Niagara below the city [Buffalo]. The smaller ones were sometimes found in the sap wood, or just beneath the bark, but the larger ones were generally in the center or pith of the stems ; ou the smaller suilks they cause considerable galls, quite as prominent as those upon the willow branches made by the larva of the Tortrix, very abundant in the same locality. These poplars are badly iufested by the larva3 of Sapcrda mocsta, and I am of the opinion that the moth places her eggs in the deserted burrows of the beetle, the young cater- pillars thus easily gaining access to the wood, their home for at least a year. The swelliugs on the brauches caused by the beetle become more enlarged by a second occupation. I have takeu them from the stem just above ground, and from limbs of trees many feet high. The larva before transforming prepares a way for final POPLAR CATERPILLARS. 445 escape which it carefully guards by means of a silken membrane re-enforced by frag- ments of wood ; it then lines its burrow with silk and spins a firm cocoon about itself. Kellicott calls attention to the very close mimicry of this moth after certain wasps, seen in the form and color of the moth, its markings, as well as its motions and attitudes. Larva. — The larvae, when taken, April 15, were of two distinct sizes, the larger measuring from .9 to 1.1 inch in length, the smaller .5 inch and less. The former appeared to increase but slightly before pupation. Dull white with a darker line along the back; head quite strongly bilobed, light brown, jaws and clypeus black ; the first ring smooth, slightly clouded with brown, two irregular oblique marks from the posterior border outwards to the front edge. Body somewhat attenuated toward either end ; transverse wrinkles, especially on the thoracic rings, well marked ; in the small ones there is a slight medio-dorsal indenture ; there are also lateral snb- stigmatal wrinkles. Stigmata elliptical, brown, last pair large, placed subdorsally and posteriorly. Above the anal feet, directed backwards, there are two black chitinous teeth; in the younger specimens they are more prominent and upturned. The scanty brown hairs arise from slight papillae. Pupa. — Light brown. The clypeus is armed with a sharp wedge shaped process, strengthened by ridges at its four angles and also by a median dorsal ridge. The abdominal rings are furnished, as usual, with two transverse rows of teeth, except the anal and pre-anal segments, which have but one row each. The terminal ring is obliquely truncated, having several teeth. Length, .6 inch. (Kellicott.) Moth. — Blue-black ; fore-wings opaque ; hind wings transparent, with the border, fringe, and transverse line near the middle black ; palpi at tip, collar, a spot on each shoulder, and three bands on the abdomen yellow ; antennae short, black ; the four posterior tibiae banded with orange; tarsi yellow, tipped with black ; tail flat, with two longitudinal yellow lines. Expands from I to 1£ inches. (Harris.) Kellicott adds that the male is considerably smaller than the female, the antennae strongly pectinated to the apical portion, which is enlarged and hairy. The abdomen has four yellow bands and there are no " longitudinal yellow lines in the tail." Both sexes have a conspicuous white spot bordering the eye in front ; four small yellow spots on the upper part of the thorax ; two below the base of fore- wings, also a yellow line at the outer edges of the collar; the outer edge of the coxae of the first pair of legs, also those of the second and third pairs,are of the same color. The fore- wings are more or less washed with red on the basal third. The second abdominal band alone appears on the ventral side ; in front of it below is a yellow line. AFFECTING THE LEAVES. 11. The stout poplar span worm. Biston ursaria Walker. Order Lepidoitera; family Phal^nid^:. In some seasons, during July, partially defoliating the Lombardy poplars in Mon- treal, Canada, large drab or dingy purple span worms, at the end of July burying themselves in the earth, the moths appearing during the last week in April and the early part of May. According to Mr. G. J. Bowles (Gau. Ent., viii, p. 7) this span worm abounds year after year ou the Lombardy poplars in the city of Mon- treal. " In some seasons the trees are partially defoliated by the larvae, 446 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. and daring the last week of April and the first of May the moths are found in great numbers." On the 6th of May the moths laid glob- ular eggs .04 inch in diameter, depositing them some days before the leaves expand. May 29 the Larvae began to hatch out just as the pop lars were throwing out their leaves. The larva- change but little during growth. At the end of July they descend and bury themselves in the earth, changing in a few days to pupa', without forming any cocoon. llu larva is from M to 2} inches long, of a drab or dingy purple ; head of a lighter shade and spotted with black. First segment behind the head bordered in front with a yellow line, indented behind : fourth to eighth inclusive, each with six very small yellow tubercles, two on the back, one behind, and one below each spiracle. Body striped from head to tail with twelve reddish lines, each bordered on both sides by an irregular narrow black line; six of the reddish lines are on the back and sides, one (interrupted) through the spiracles, and four on the abdomen. Anal segments spotted with black, as also first, second, and third segments. Mouth pinkish, legs pink, spotted with black; spiracles dark. (Bowles.) The moth.— This genus may be known by the large heavy body and rather small wings; the fore-wiugs have the costa straight, the tip subrectangular ; the male autenua' with long pectinations. This species is dark granite-gray, the fore-wings with three transverse, obscure, dusky lines, represented in rubbed specimens by black spots on the costa and veins. First line well curved ; second and third lines near together. Half-way between the third line and the outer edge of the wing is a fainter baud than the others, represented by a costal square spot, and a black spot on the inner angle. Hind wings with three transverse diffuse bands. The fore-wings expand 1.55 to 2 inches. 12. The tussock caterpillar. Orgyia leucostigma (Abbot and Smith). The injury done to the silver-leaf poplar in ^New York City by this caterpillar has been marked; it was especially noticeable in 1883. Mr. F. Clarkson states that many of the trees in that city were entirely denuded of their foliage, particularly the silver-leaf poplar, the ailan- thus alone escaping attack. He suggested to the authorities the pre- vious spring that hand-picking of such cocoons as bore the eggs was the only sure way of exterminating these insects. There is good reason to believe, however, that what the authorities have failed to do a young army of parasites (Pimpla), which have put in an appearance during the last fortnight, are now actively attempting, and we shall probably be rid of this moth another year. The ova commenced to hatch out about the 25th of May, and the larvre began to assume the pupa form about the 21st of June ; ten days thereafter the imago was discovered depositing ova." Out of twelve cocoons four yielded the ichneumons. Mr. Clarkson noticed that this parasite forced its eggs through the cocoon on the pupa and that in every case he observed the pupa selected was a female, doubtless from the fact that "its plump condition provides the necessary food for the development of the para- site, which the male pupa of the moth could not furnish." (Can. Ent., xv, p. 168.) POPLAR CATERPILLARS. 447 Professor Riley thus sums up the leading points in the history of this pest (Bull. 10, Div. Ent.) : The White-marked Tussock moth has a very beautiful hairy larva or caterpillar marked with black and yellow and red. The female cocoons are to be found during the winter on the trees and upon neighboring fences aud tree-boxes, and each cocoon is plastered with a number of eggs, protected by a white, frothy, glutinous covering. The eggs hatch in spring aud the youug worms feed upon the fresh leaves. The males spin their cocoons after three molts and the females after four. The moths issue in July, pair aud lay eggs for a second brood of worms, which in turn transform and bring forth moths in October, the eggs from which hibernate. The male moth is active, with ample wings, which are brown, with a conspicuous white spot, while the female is pale and wingless, and only crawls out of her cocoon to lay her eggs thereon and die. This species is never found on evergreens, and is chiefly injurious to elms and maples, and prefers large and old trees to young ones because of the greater shelter which they oifer for its cocoons. In Washington it is yet chiefly con- fined to our parks, and it has not begun as injurious as in cities like Philadel- phia and Baltimore, where the trees are older and larger. Two probable egg-para- sites and seven parasites of larva and pupa are known to me. Mrs. Diinmock gives a summary of what is known of its history (Psyche, iv, p. 280) as follows : Orgyia leucostigma Abb. and Smith (Nat. Hist. Lepid. Ins. Ga., 1797, v. 2, p. 157, pi. 79). Harris (Rept. Ins. Injur. Veg., 1841, pp. 261-263) describes the eggs, larva, and imago of this species ; apple and Rosa are given as food-plants. The same author (Treatise on Ins. Injur. Veg., 1862, pp. 366-368) figures and describes the eggs, larva, cocoon, and male and female imagos, and adds Aesculus hippoeastaneum to the food- plants; later (Entom. Corresp., 1869, p. 291) he adds further Salix, Celiis, and Carya to the food-plants. Fitch (First and Second Rept. Ins. N. Y., 1856, pp. 202-220) de- scribes the different stages of this species, noting in addition to food-plants mentioned above, Ulmus, Acer, Quercus, and plum. Riley (First Ann. Rept. State Entom. Mo., 1869, pp. 144-147) figures and describes briefly the eggs, larva, pupa, cocoon, and male and female imagos; the figure of the larva is repeated in Amer. Entom., Sept. 1870, v. 2, p. 306. Saunders (Can. Entom., Apr. 1871, v. 3, pp. 14-15) repeats Riley's figure of the larva, and describes the egg and egg-mas. Packard (Bull. 7, U. S. Entom. Conim., 1881, p. 239) repeats Riley's figures of the different stages of this species. Coleman (Papilio, November and December 1882, v. 2, pp. 164-166) describes some variations in the coloration of the larvae. Clarkson (Can. Entom., Sept. 1883, v. 15, p. 168) mentions that this larva particularly attacks the silver-leaf Populus, and calls atten- tion to the fact that ichneumons oviposit in cocoons of this species. The larva feeds upon Betula alba and B. lenta. 13. Orgyia antiqua Linn. The larva of this common European species, which I have found on the aspen and poplar-leaved birch, as well as the thorn tree, differs from that of O. leucostigma in having three pairs of lateral tufts, one in front arising from the segment next to the head, and two others, a small white one, arising from the first abdominal segment, and a larger longer black pencil arising from the second segment; while the body is black. I observed the moth many years ago flying about the house early in September, if I remember correctly. The caterpillar becomes- full- fed about the middle of August and remains in the pupa state a few days, inclosed in a loose cocoon, on the outside of which the eggs are laid by the wingless female. 448 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. Larva.— Four dorsal eream-white or pale brownish tufts. Anterior black tufts pro- jecting forwards from the protboraefa m^, Head round and imooth, nearly Ulack, pale reddish oo the rides. Body often black, a row of lateral bright red warts giving yellow hairs. Only two dorsal coral-red waits, the one next to the la>t cream- colored; short tuft wanting, bat there is on each side I what Orggialeucottigwui wa row of three sobdorsal reddish warts. The black, broad dorsal .stripe so distinct in 0. U uco*iiijma is broken up by these warts and by brown patches. The terminal tuft isafl in O. leueostigma hut blacker. The main distinction is in the large black lateral pencil on the second abdominal segment with a slighter and shorter pencil in front and (sometimes) behind, yellow, with a few black hairs. The other hairs are quite dense ami hutf-yellow. A broken black stigtnatal line. Under side of body pale greenish yellow. Length 2~imm. 14. The a.ntiopa BUTTERFLY. fdiif88a antiopa (Linn.) Although I have more usually observed the gregarious caterpillar of this common butterfly feeding on the willow in clusters in mid-summer, it also occurs ou the poplar, balm of Gilead, birch, and linden. The butterfly hybernates. appearing in New England (including Maine) sometimes as early as March. It is seen until June, then disappears, to be succeeded by a new brood about the middle of August, the insect having been in the chrysalis state eleven or twelve days. The second brood of caterpillars appear in August and transforms before cold weather into butterflies. The caterpillars are sometimes very destruc- tive. Says Harris : I have sometimes seen them in such profusion on the willow and elm that the limbs bent under their weight, and the long leafless branches, which they had stripped and deserted, gave sufficient proof of the voracity of these caterpillars. Mrs. Anna K. Dimmock gives a summary of its history (Psyche, iv, p. 282) as follows: Vanessa antiopa Linn. (Syst. Nat.. 1753 ed., 10, p. 476). Besides numerous refer- ences in European literature, iu which Salix, Populus, Betula, and Tilia are noticed as food-plants, the following citations of American authors may be mentioned. Har- ris (Rept. Ins. Injur. Veg.. 1841, p. 219, and Entom. Corresp., 1869, p. 280 | describee the larva of this species, adding Ulmus as food-plant; later (Treatise on Ins. Iujnr. Veg., 1862, p. 296-293) he figures and describes larva, pupa, and imago. Packard (Guide Study Ins., 1869, p. 258) and Saunders (Can. Entom., April 1869. v. 1, p. 75) describe the larva. (See also Scudder's Butterflies of the Eastern United States.) Larva. — Head black, rough, and tubercnlated : six or seven large, long black branched spines on each segment behind the prothoracic ; body black, minutely speckled with white ; with a row of eight dark brick-red dorsal spots. Length. If inches (40mm). * Pupa. — Dark brown, with large tawny spots around the two rims of sharp tuber- cles on the back. Length 25-90mm. Butterfly. — Borders of the wings much notched : puqilish brown above, with a broad buff-yellow border, in which is a row of pale blue spots. Expanse of wings, 3-3| inches (75mm). 15. Liintniti* arthemis (Drury). (Basilarchia arthemis Scudder). This butterfly is a northern species, occurring in the Adirondacks and White Mountains, where early in July it is sometimes very abundant, gathering by the hundreds in the bright sun around puddles in the POPLAR CATERPILLARS. 449 mountain roads. It is less common on the Maine coast. It is double- brooded, appearing, says Harris, late in June, and again late in August. It feeds on the balsam poplar, as well as thorn and birch. Mrs. Anna K. Dim mock gives a summary of its history (Psyche, iv, p. 282) as follows : Limeniti8 arthemis Drury (Illust. Nat. Hist. — 1773, v. 2, pi. 10, fig. 3-4). Lintner (Proc. Entom. Soc. Phil., May 1864, v. 3, p. 62-63) describes the larva and pupa of this species, giving as the food-plant Populus balsamifera. Scudder (Amer. Nat., Aug. 1869, v. 3, p. 330) gives Crataegus as the food-plant, and again (Psyche, Aug. 1874, v. 1, p. 13) adds Betula lenta and Populus to the food-plants. (See. also Scud- der's Butterflies of the Eastern United States.) 16. Limenitis disippus Godart. (Basilarchia archippus Scudder.) The singular caterpillars of this common butterfly frequently occur at Brunswick, Me., becoming full-fed during the last week in July and the first of August. They afford an admirable instance of protect- ive mimicry, as they resemble a mass of bird's droppings attached to a leaf, owing to their shape, attitude, and especially the dark and pe- culiar pearly limy white patches on the back. The butterflies lay their eggs in midsummer or later and I have found the young larvae at Provi- dence September 20, in its hibernaculum, consisting of a poplar leaf slit and folded, and sewed together to form a tube in which the cater- pillar resides. It left its hibernaculum at Providence as early as May 10, 1890. It remains in the chrysalis state about ten days, my larvae in Maine pupating July 31 to August 1 and the imagos emerging Au- gust 10 to 11. Full-fed larva. — Head resinous brown, rough, coarsely granulated and with sharp tubercles, ending vertically in two acutely knobby tubercles. Mesothoracic segment with two brown dorsal spines, acutely spinulated. Metathoracic second, seventh, and eighth abdominal segments with large, long tubercles, those on the second ab- dominal segment much the largest, smooth and bearing a rough spinulated spine, the Fig. 164. — Limenitis disippus. — After Riley. pair on the eighth segment the largest. Body olive-green shading into brown, a lat- eral white irregular line and an irregular dorsal patch on segments 4 to 6; the fifth segment nearly all pearly white. Length 30mm. (See Fig. 40, p. 129.) Pupa.— Suspended by the tail alone. Head deeply conical ; a dorsal low thoracic ridge; a very high, thin, compressed rounded smooth ridge on the second abdominal 5 ENT 29 450 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. segment; on each sid<- at base is ■ silvery band obeeorelj marked. Body pearly white, spotted Irregularly with brown. Head, wings, and limbs olive-brown. Ab- domen pearl white, brown towards the end. Length 24IMm. The butterfly. — Deep orange red, body black, wings bordered and striped with black; in the black borders a row of white spots besides a row of marginal white spots in the scallops, also a row of three white spots in tin- rriangnlar black spot ex- tending inward from the outer third of the costa of the fore-wing. Eight white spots on the head to be seen from above. Expanse of wings 2* inches. 17. yi$oniades icclus Lintner. This butterfly has been raised by Mr. S. Lowell Elliot from cater- pillars found on different species of poplar and willow at or near New York City. According to Mr. Lintner, the first discoverer of the species, the butterfly is to be seen from May 23 till near the middle of July. The egg. — The egg is of a pale-green color. In shape it is a semi-ellipsoid ; its base is flat, and its apex depressed between the tips of the ribs, which terminate exterior to the depression. It is distinctly fluted even to the naked eye, and with a 1-inch lens the ribs may be seen of the number usually of eleven, but not uniformly, for of nine specimens examined one was observed with ten ribs and one with twelve. Con- necting the ribs are from thirty to thirty-five transverse stri®. The diameter of the egg is .031 of an inch, and its height .028 of an inch. The larva has not been observed by me. (Lintner.) The butterfly.— Head and palpi dark brown, the latter lighter beneath, and inter- spersed with gray or gray-tipped hairs. Antennae brown, annulated with white obscurely above, with the club orange-tipped. Thorax dark brown, with scattered scales of lighter brown. Abdomen dark brown, with some gray scales, especially at the posterior margin of the segments. Anterior wings above dark brown, basally mottled with umber, and sprinkled with yellow-brown and bluish-gray scales. It differs from N. brizo, to which it is closely related, by its uniformly smaller size, its wings expanding from 1.20 to 1.40 inches, while the smallest brizo expands 1.50 inches. A marked characteristic is the costal patch of bluish scales between the bands. (Lintner.) 18. Smerinthu8 exececatus A. and S. The caterpillar of this moth, which heretofore has been supposed to be confined to the wild cherry as well as the apple and plum, has been found by Mr. Fletcher to feed readily on the balm of Gilead and also Populus alba, the latter known as the silver abele tree ; the larvae varied much in coloration. (Can. Ent., xv, 203.) Mr. P. Fischer (Can. Ent., xvi, 17) has bred this species from the poplar and linden. 19. Smerinthu8 modestus Harris. The caterpillar of this rare moth has been found by Dr. Kellicott to feed on the aspen, and by Mr. W. V. Andrews on the poplar (species not mentioned). Mr. E. Bunker, who describes the eggs and early stages (in Can. Ent., ix, 210), does not mention its food-plant. We copy his descriptions. Egg. — One-eighteenth inch in diameter; light green, translucent, smooth, circu- lar, oblate or depressed. Hatched in nine days after being laid. POPLAR CATERPILLARS. 451 Larva. — One- fourth inch long; light green, slender. Head large, round, slightly depressed medially; face pink, with a purplish tinge; extremity of the body dark sea-green, with a large wart or tubercle, pyramidal in form, upon which rests the horn. First molt.— One-half inch long; apple green, with a light yellow longitudinal stripe below the dorsal ridge; diagonal lines yellowish white; horn purple, straight, very short. Second molt. — Seven-eighths inch in length ; rich dark green, finely granulated, giv- ing it a beautiful velvety appearance ; thorax adorned with two transverse crests or collars, studded with fine points tipped with white. Third molt. — One and a quarter inches in length ; thickest mediallyKlight green, otherwise unchanged. Fourth molt. — One and seven-eighths inches long ; light green, coarsely granulated, granules studded with fine white points, giving the skin a frosted appearance ; crests on the thorax much reduced in size. Fifth molt. — Three inches long ; £ inch in diameter ; hind crest lost, anterior one much reduced ; spiracles small, rust-red ; true legs brown ; prolegs brownish yellow ; horn lost, except a mere rudiment ; yellow longitudinal stripes very obscure. Pupa. — Two inches long; f in diameter ; dark chestnut brown ; cylindrical, hold- ing its size well to the sixth segment, thence tapering abruptly and ending in a point or thorn ; head obtuse, thoracic poriion round, not angular. Moth. — The largest species of the genus. Olive drab ; head very small, and with- out a prominent crest; antennae of the males transversely biciliated beneath. Fore- wings scalloped, with a transverse sinuous pale line near the base ; a whitish comma- shaped stigma on a broad undulated dark olive-colored central band, and two trans- verse undulated lines towards the tip ; under side purple in the middle of the disk. Hind wings purple in the middle and at base, with a transverse black spot, and an abbreviated dusky blue band near the anal angle. Body very robust, and with the legs immaculate. Expanse of wings, 5 inches. 20. The io moth. Hyperchiria io Fabr. The gregarious caterpillars of this moth were observed on the aspen at Brunswick, Me., July 27; the young larvae, apparently just hatched, occurred July 16, forming a group on an aspen leaf. Young larva after hatching.— Stout, thick bodied; the body is uniformly pale red- dish brown, while the large branching spines are brown and black. Length, 5 to 6mm. Young larva 15mm in length.— Body moderately thick, of the usual shape of the genus. Body pale reddish horn-colored, with six longitudinal paler lines ; four rows of dorsal and subdorsal black spinulated spines ; and also a similar lateral row (or six rows in all). Head blackish-brown. After molting, July 28.— Length, 17 to 18mm. The spinules on the spines are mostly whitish (those at the ends black), giving a grayish appearance to the larva. Head reddish amber ; body, reddish-yellow. Larva after another molt, August 6.— Length, 30 to 35mm. As soon as the old skin is cast, and while the parts are limp and soft, the spines present a curious appearance; the spinules being short, and placed close together, so that the whole spine forms an elongated conical mass. Soon the spinules stand out and the larva presents the normal appearance. It is now much lighter than before, all the spines being dense and pale, but afterwards they become wholly black or black at the ends, including the hairs, though the general effect of the mass of spines is to give a pale horn- colored yellowish-green hue to the body. Color of the body as before, but there is a L 452 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. distinct broad deep orange Bpiraenlar line, edged slightly above, and broadly below, with whitish. The head is blacktefa iii front, witli a whitish V-shaped mark and a whitish dash in th<- middle of the V or elypeosj labrnm whitish. Full-fed larva, molted Anguti 16 to 20. — Same characters a^ before the last molt, only differing in being much larger, Body cylindrical, with stout spinnlated Bpinee arising in irhorlsrrom small conical fcabereles, arranged in seren rows on the thoracic and five rows on the sbdominal segments; the spinnlee at tip very sharp and none, often ending in a stiff hair; about twelve spinnles on eaofa tubercle; some of the lateral abdominal and thoracic spinules tipped with black. Head of the usual sine, rather large, pea-green; the eyes, except the posterior one, situated on a black spot : labrnm pale amber. Body and spines pea-green. On the abdominal segments is a lateral broad bright reddish spiracnlar band, broadly edged with white below: this line extends to the end of the outer side of the anal legs. Spiracles whitish, narrowly edged with black; ends of the abdominal legs and entire thoracic legs red- dish. Length. 60inm. 21. Gluphisia trilineata Pack Mr. Howard L. Clark has reared this moth from caterpillars found on the balm of Gilead at Warwick, R. I. The moth appeared July SI, having been in the chrysalis state about ten days. 22. Icthyura inclusa Hiibn. (Clostera americana Harr.) The caterpillar of this moth occurred on the poplar (P. grand identata t) at Providence, September 11 to 15. They were living within a tent made by drawing two or three leaves together, several smaller branches of the tree having been defoliated by them. It pupated a few days after, the moth appearing in the breeding cage June 1 of the next year. The following account is copied from Harris, who observed them on the balm of Gilead : August and September, 1835 : Gregarious caterpillars on the balm of Gilead tree; folding up the leaf aud lining it with silk as a common web, the petiole being also fastened to the trunk by silk. Larva. — Color of the larva yellow ; head, geminate tubercles on the fourth and eleventh segments, tip of last segment, and true feet, black ; three narrow dorsal aud three broader lateral vitta?, and spiracles, black. The larva is much like that of Clostera anachoreta (Ernst, 165, fig. 214) and C. reclusa (Ernst, 165, fig, 216) and closely resembled C. anastomosis. Thin cocoon formed in a box October 4, 1835. Another cocoon formed in October, 1837, disclosed the imago June 15, 183-. August 10, 1838: Found the larvie in great abundance on the balm of Gilead tree. These caterpillars are gregarious, and form a common shelter consisting of a leaf folded longitudinally and lined with a thick web of silk, beneath which the insects are sheltered when not feediug. They eat the whole of the leaves except the veins, which remain untouched. The petioles of the small leaves used as habitations are fastened with silk. The larger leaves subsequently used for shelter are not thus secured. They do not eat the leaves which serve for habitations, but sometimes fold one-half of the leaf and eat the corresponding side. When fully grown the cater- pillar measures one inch and a half or more in length. They do not vary in color or markings at different ages. Body slightly hairy, light yellow, the head, true t double wart ou the fourth, another on the eleventh anal valve, three slender dorsal stripes and three broader lateral ones on a dusky ground, aud the spiracles, black. In the oldest caterpillars there is au orange-colored line, at the sides of the body below the spiracles. The upper lateral black stripe is the broadest and becomes POPLAR CATERPILLARS. 453 indistinct towards the second, which gives to the sides the appearance of a broad, dusky stripe marked with three black lines.* The thinly scattered hairs on the body are whitish, and proceed indiscriminately from the surface, and not from regular tubercles. The cocoon spun at Providence about the middle of September, is a loose web with abundant brown strands made in a folded leaf. Larva. — Body as wide on the third thoracic segment as on the eighth abdominal. Head as wide as first and second thoracic segments; flattened in front, uniformly- deep black. First thoracic segment short and small, with two sublunate black shin- ing spots. On the first abdominal segment are two black rounded fleshy conical tubercles, surrounded at the base with short black hairs, and bearing at the end a white hair. A similar double tubercle on the eighth segment, the latter pair (in life) nodding over backwards at regular intervals independently of the surrounding skin (a very singular phenomenon ; the anterior pair does not move), Along the back are four yellow stripes inclosing three black somewhat interrupted lines. On the sides- are three broader black bands and a supra-spiracular yellow line. A broad yellow ocherous lateral band inclosing the black spiracles. Thoracic feet black ; abdominal feet mostly reddish brown, black near the ends. Body with numerous white hairs arising from small warts. Length, 30mm. Pupa. — Large and thick; wings not reaching to the hinder edge of the third abdominal segment ; abdomen full and rounded at the end ; the terminal spine (cre- master) forming a slender rouuded spine scarcely thicker at the end than at the base, and terminating in two forks which are suddenly twisted back or recurved, and ending each in three minute acute spines. Length, 17 to 18mm. 23. Ichthyura strigosa Grote. The caterpillar of this interesting species was found July 30, at Bruns- wick, Me., feeding on the aspen (Populus tremuloides). It molted August 10, and about the 20th began to spin a silken cocoon between two leaves. The moth (a male) appeared in the breeding cage at Prov- idence, May 20. Like J. inclusa, it sits with the wings folded sharply over the back, with the fore-legs held straight out in front, with the tufted tail upcurved. Larva before the last molt. — Head broader than the body, flattened in front, dull black, with long white hairs. Body flattened, with yellow and reddish longitudinal stripes ; three dorsal faint red stripes on a yellowish ground, and three deep lake-red lateral stripes, the lowermost the broadest and deepest in hue. Two bright ^yellow lateral stripes. Five pairs of flesh-colored abdominal legs, the legs pale amber, colored like the under side of the body. Length, 9mm. Larva after the last molt. — Markings much as in the previous stage. Length, 17 to 18mm. The rude cocoon is formed by tying a few leaves together, gathering them by a web at the edges, thus forming a roomy chamber, partly lined with silk, within which the chrysalis rests. Pupa. — Smaller and not so full and rounded at the end as in I. inclusa ; cremaster as in that species, ending in two stout, very short, recurved spines. Length, 12mra. Moth. — One male. Smaller and duller brown than 1. indentata Pack. Palpi whit- ish below, dark brown above, as in /. indentata (which closely resembles Fitch's I. * The middle lateral line is very slender, the lower one broader, more distinct than the upper one ; and below it, between and below the spiracles, are irregular, blackish spots which sometimes run together so as to resemble a fourth line. The tubercles have hairs as well as the body. (Harris Corr.) 454 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. rau)\ front of head slightly broader and squarer; median thoracic brown band as in /. itutttitata. Forewings with tin* costal edge Btraightof and the apex less turned up than in /. indentata, the apex being slightly more round. -d than in th it specie* or in /. inched. Basal line distinct, making a sharp angle on (he median vein, and more incurved in the tnbmedian space than in /. luiemtat* : second line much more .sud- denly incurred than /. indentata, the same line being. straight in /. inclusa ; the .short third Line as in /. indentata, but more sinuous. Fourth and outer line much as in /. indt ntata, but the specie* differ* from all the others known by the large conspicuous irregular whitish ocherous patch which tills in the costal curve of this line and ex- tends half way from the costal end of the line to tin* apex of the wing; uo deep brick- red discoloration on each side of costal half of fourth line, so distinct in /. indentata, but a long discal blackish stripe extends along the first median venule to the sub- marginal row of brown dots which are not so distinct as in /. indentata or /. inchtsa ; though the marginal row of dark brown Innnlea is as distinct as in /. inclusa. Friuge as in /. inehua, but that on the hind wings much darker. Hind wings darker than in /. indentata. Wings beneath much as in /. indentata, but ihere is no reddish tint towards the apex, and the white oblique costal streak is much less distinct. There are traces of a common brown diffuse line. Abdomen a little shorter, the fan or tuft of scales perhaps shorter and expanding wider. Expanse of wings, *25mm ; length of body, l'2mm. 24. The whites ichthyura. Ichthyura albosigma Fitch. Order Lepidoptera; family Bombycid^. Early in July, eating the leaves and reposing in a cavity formed of leaves drawn together like a ball, a large black caterpillar with white and yellow dots and stripes and a hump on the back of its fourth and eleventh rings; its pupa lying in a cocoon attached among the leaves, and in ten days giving out the moth the latter part of July; the moth grayish-brown, its forewings crossed by three faint paler streaks, the two first par- allel, the hind one with its outer half silverv white Fio. 165.— Ichthyura albosigma. and strongly waved in shape of the letter S ; width, 1.50. (Fitch.) 25. V-MARKED ICHTHYURA. Ichthyura van Fitch. This moth, which is very similar to I. inclusa, but darker colored aud smaller, with the bands more slender aud distinct, may be readily dis- tinguished from that species by its having the first band not dislocated but in its middle strongly curved backward, the apex of the curve usually forming an acute point. The last band also is much more strongly undulated near its outer end, curving backwards almost in a semicircle, aud is of a much more vivid white color, aud broadly bor- dered on its hind side witii bright rust-red. Its hind legs also are des- titute of the paler baud across their middle. Its width is about 1.20. I am unacquainted with its larva, but, like the other species of this POPLAR CATERPILLARS. 455 genus, it doubtless feeds on the poplars and willows. Though quite rarein my vicinity, it is oftener met with than the two other species. (Fitch.)* 26. Pheosia rimosa Pack. I first found the singular sphinx-like caterpillar of this moth over twenty-five years ago at Brunswick on the balm of Gilead, September 28. The general color was a purplish lead ; head and first segment greenish ; the horn on the eighth segment is black, the dark shade prolonged into a lateral line ; a kidney-shaped spot on the last segment; spiracles black, encircled with white ; below is a yellow line. Beneath greenish and yellowish straw. October 6 it pupated. This moth, originally described by us as Pheosia rimosa, differs from the European dictwa in its larva, those of the two European species hav- ing no horn, the eighth abdominal segment being simply humped. In 1877 Mr. Meske wrote me as follows : The imago of Notodonta rimosa Packard stands very near to the European Notodonta dictwa Linne\ but the larvae of those two species are entirely different. The larva of the former is very slender, light green, and has a caudal horn like a sphinx larva ; it feeds on Populus tremulant. This is the second case in the North American fauna where the imago stands very near to its allied European form, while the larva is en- tirely different. The first case is Acronycta occidentalis as compared with Acronycta psi Linne\ The larva has been described by Mr. C. F. Goodhue, who has found it on the poplar and willow in New Hampshire late in September. " The transformation takes place in a slight cocoon of dead leaves fastened together with a few silken threads, on the surface of the ground, much in the manner of Darapsa myron." The moth ap- pears in spring as well as in August ; it occurs throughout the Eastern and Middle States. Mr. F. Tepper has raised the caterpillar which occurred on the wil- low in New York, June 22 ; it went under ground a few days after, and the moth emerged August 22. . Larva. — The body increases in size from the head to the anal segment ; it is deeply incised between the segments, much like those of the Sphingidse in appearauce and exceedingly smooth and shiny. Head small and nearly round ; first four segments capable of being retracted nearly one-half their length. Head and entire upper parts of body pale slate color, slightly shaded with brown on the dorsal portion. Yellow beneath between the legs ; also a slight stigmatal line of the same color. •Caudal horn short and black ; the black extends from the base of the horn to below * Walker (Cat. Lep. Het. British Museum, v, 1058) thus refers to a moth which he ■describes as Ichthyura apicalis : Mas. Cinerea ; caput nigro-fuscum ; frons et palpi subtus albida ; antennae canae Tamis cinereis ; thorax vitta dorsali nigro-fusca; ahe anticaB fusco-cinereae, linea undulosa albida macnlaquecostali rufo-fusca ; posticae cinereae ; subtus albidae fascia gracili discali undulosa fuscescente. "Larva brown, thick, with sixteen feet, and with a band on part of the back; feeds on the poplar leaf, which it draws together with silk. Cocoon slight and -white. The motn appears in June."— Barnston MSS. a, b. —St. Martin's Falls, Albany River, Hudson's Bay. Presented by Dr. Barnston 456 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. the stigmata. Anal shield ru>ty and rough : stigmata black, encircled with yellow; abdominal feel blank, tin- rest pale yellowish. Another specimen differs in color, being pah- lawuder, with a slightls darker dorsal liue. Under parts between the Fir,. 166.— Pheosia rimosa. .d a taint suhstigmatal greenish yellow line. Another slightly smaller was of a bright pea-green color, with a bright yellow stigmatal stripe, in other, respects like the former. Length, 1.50 to 1.75 inch. Pupa.— Dark brown. Head-case smooth, deeply incised between the abdominal segments. Anal segment large and smooth, ending in two short points. Moth. — Wings rounded and somewhat produced towards the apex : of a deli- cate frosty white and brown. Along the ends of the subcostal venules of the fore- wings are long streaks of brown : in the apical and subapical spaces are two long, longitudinal, broad streaks, oblique and parallel to the costa, which terminate just before the apex ; middle of the wing white. A long, broad line extends from the base to just above the inner augle on the outer margin, lined below with white, and deflected upwards along the outer edge. Tuft cinereous. Beneath cinereous, costa darker. The female darker than the male. Hind wings white, the region of the internal angle and tuft dark brown. Legs and abdomen cinereous. Thorax and head cinereous : the tuft on the patagia or shoulder tippets tipped with dark brown. Fringe interlined at base with white. Expause of wings, 2 inches. 27. Xotodonta stragula Grote. (Larva, PI. V: fig. 1.) The caterpillar of this moth has been reared by Mr. Tepper in New York. It was found on the poplar July 4; the moth appearing July U7. (Bull. Eut. Soc. Brooklyn, i, 10). Messrs. Edwards and Elliott have found the food-plant to be the willow. (See under Willow Insects ) Larva. — Head slate color, mottled with black, and with a pale stripe on each side. Month parts with a greenish tinge. Body pale lilac, with the exception of the elev- enth and twelfth segments, which are dull golden. The seventh and eighth seg- ments have raised prominences, which are also golden, that of the seventh being the largest. Laterally there are some pale oblique streaks somewhat similar to those of many Sphingidae : these do not meet on the back, where there is a faint slate-colored line. Between the second and sixth segments, aud common to all of these, is a darker dorsal shade which re-appears on the eleventh and twelfth segments. The spiracles are white, with a black ring, aud the lower lateral line is paler than the rest of the body. The twelfth segment bears a hnmp, and the sides of the eleventh, twelfth and thirteenth segments are pale brown, mottled with orange. Abdominal legs dull slate-color, mottled with black ; thoracic legs black. Length 55mm. (H. Ed- wards and Elliott. Papilio, iii, 1*29.) Moth. — Anterior wings slaty-gray, shaded with pale buff along internal margin, with a chestnut-brown basal patch and some brown streaks and spots in the terminal tpaoe; internal margin crested. Extreme base of the wing brownish; basal line dis- tinct; snbbasal space large, grayish at costa. rich chestnut brown below the median vein, pale buff along the internal margin, which lattt-r shade extends from base to in- ternal angle. A very dark brown streak extends from the basal line to the trans- POPLAR CATERPILLARS. 457 verse anterior line below the median vein, and a similar streak at internal margin. Transverse anterior line dark brown, grayish at costa, undulate, bordered anteriorly by a pale buff shade from below subcostal vein to internal margin. Median space widest at costa, narrow at internal margin, grayish, with an elongate pale discal spot with dark brown center. Transverse posterior line cinereous, indistinct, sub- dentate, continued. Terminal space with a series of rich chestnut-brown streaks between the veins , two more, linear, near the apex. Posterior wings pale cinereous with two indistinct median bands; anal angle touched with brownish. Thorax and collar brownish; tegulse grayish; abdomen cinereous, slightly brownish above. Under surface of thorax and inside of legs brownish, outside of legs and sides of tho- rax clothed with cinereous hairs. Expanse of wings 1.60 inches. (Grote.) 28. (Edemasia concinna Abbot and Smith. The moth has been bred by Mr. Elliott from the willow, and I have found it in different stages of growth on the willow at Brunswick, Me., in August and September. It also feeds on the aspen and blackberry in Maine. I have also found the caterpillar feeding on the huckleberry ( Vaccinium). "This curious and well-known caterpillar was received in August from Oregon. Mr. F. S. Matteson, of Aumsville, states that he found it in large numbers on a young apple tree, entirely denuding the branches of leaves, This mention is made as bearing upon the geo- graphical distribution of the species. The gregarious habits of these larvae when first hatched admit of an easy remedy in hand-picking." (Kiley, Rep., 1884.) Mrs. Anna K. Dimmock gives a summary of its history (Psyche, iv, p. 282) as follows : Notodon ta concinna Abb. and Smith (Nat. Hist. Lepid. Ins. Ga., 1797, v. 2, p. 169, pi. 85). Harris (Rept. Ins. Injur. Veg., 1841, pp. 307-309) describes larva and imago of this species, and gives as food-plants apple, cherry, plum, Rosa and Crataegus; this description is quoted by Morris (Synop. Lepid. N. A., 1862, p. 242), and is repeated with figures of larva and imago (Treatise on Ins. Injur. Veg., 1862, pp. 425, 426, pi. 6, fig. 11) and with a colored figure of the larva by Harris (Entom. Corresp., 1869, ,p. 303, pi. 1, fig. 3). Riley (Amer. Entom., September and October, 1869, v. 2, p. 27) figures larva, pupa, and imago, and adds pear to the food-plants; Riley's figures are repeated by Saunders (Can. Entom., July 1881, v. 13, pp. 138-140). The larva also eats Betula alba. Larva after first molt.— Length 7mm, body rather slender; head reddish black, with two long vertical tubercles; body reddish amber, with indistinct broken yellow lines; two long dorsal tubercles on first and fourth segments, much longer than those on the outer segments, the tubercles not so conspicuous as in the next stage. August 14. Larva after second molt. — Body bright yellow; head jet black with two tubercles on the vertex; second segment with a jet-black transverse mark. Each of the other segments has a transverse row of eight or ten small black short tubercles, those of the dorsal region being the longest. Between these are a few whitish hairs. Anal segment, thoracic and abdominal feet pitchy dark. Length 12mra. After the second molt some of the larvae are ichneumoned. September 2 an ichneu- mon larva had issued from the ventral side of the caterpillar and spun a white thin cocoon ; the nearly dead caterpillar was fastened by its back to the cocoon. After 458 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. a day 01 1 wo the caterpillar died and turned whitish, the rows of black warts becoming oonspionoaa. Full-grown larva. — Head coral-red, smooth abo%-e, deeply notched, but not tubercu- Iftfced, M ifl also tin- fourth (first abdouiiual) segment, which is humped, but the head is smooth and shining, the hump dull red. The dorsal aud aual regions dull yellow, with black waved Lines; tour white subdorsal Hues alternating with waved black Lines. Lower Liter*] yellow, with waved black lines. All the segments bear six or eight setiferons black tubercles, looking like black sealing-wax. Aual segment jet- black. Hairs all sordid white. Underside dull yellow, streaked with black waved lines. Abdominal legs yellowish flesh color; thoracic feet black. Length 30mm <1.25mi»). August 29-30. 29. Cerura boreal is Boisd. Tlif caterpillar here described occurred iu August aud September at Brunswick, Me., ou the aspen. It apparently differs from those of €. occidentalis and cinerea iu the longer spines on the prothoracic seg- ment in the young larva, aud in the smooth slight rounded projections which replace them iu the full-grown caterpillar. Larva before last molt.— Length to base of caudal appendages llmm. Head large, full, rounded, dark lilac-brown speckled with yellow, slightly wider than the body except the front part of the prothoracic segment ; the latter very broad, over twice as broad as long, the front edge laterally produced, and at each angle bearing a large long spiny tubercle three-fourths as long as the segment itself; the tubercle bearing about twelve setiferous spines; across the posterior edge of the segment is a row of four setiferous spines. On the back of the other segments are four short tubercles ar- ranged in a short trapezium, and on each side of the segments are two smaller sharp tubercles. The dorsal tubercles on the mesothoracic segment are larger than those behind; those on the metathoracic segment smaller than those on any other segment. The body tapers gradually to the end ; the supra-anal plate longer than broad, rounded, bearing two long large setiferous fleshy tubercles, which lie between the bases of the spiny anal legs or filaments, which are about one-half or two third> as long as the body, and yellow, with two broad brown rings, and brown at the tip. Body greenish yellow, marked as usual with lilac brown, this tint mimicking the dead withered brown of the edge of poplar leaves of late summer; it is a dark lilac brown with reddish brown and lilac brown patches, and in this way the caterpillar mimics the dead stained portion of the leaf on which it feeds aud thus escapes ob- servation. From head to end of mesothoracic segment a brown patch, succeeded by a pointed brown baud which exteuds to the base of caudal appendages but contracted ou the eighth abdomiual segment, the dorsal tubercles of which are yellow. Larva after last molt. — Length, except caudal appendages, 17mm. Differs from foregoing stage in the prothoracic spiny horns beiug replaced by smooth, shining tubercles with faint traces of the spines of the former stage; the sides of the thoracic segments more distinctly spotted ; with faint traces of broken yellow lines in the middle of the body. The caudal appendages are soft and extensible on their outer third, forming the "flagelluni f* and are quickly jerked up when the creature is disturbed ; they are evidently delicate repellant organs. The close resemblance in the lilac-brown patches of this caterpillar and others of the genus to the sere and brown edges of certain of the leaves is remarkable, aud plainly enough serves to protect the cater. pillar from observation. I have observed the same in other Xotodon- tians, especially Schizura unicornis and allied forms. POPLAR CATERPILLARS. 459 30. Notodoniian? larva. This larva was observed on the aspen, at Brunswick, Me., August 10; it molted August 12, and on the 20th began to spin a slight silk cocoon between the leaves on the bottom of the breeding box. Withiu this web it remained for three or four weeks before pupating, the pupa appearing about September 15. Larva. — Head large and broad, flattened in front, vertically; somewhat retractile in the prothoracic segment. Body thick, soft, with numerous yellow conspicuous warts, six on each side of the prothoracic segment. Ou the second segment behind the head are two twin high coral-red tubercles which are yellow at the base. Body with three transverse yellow stripes, the two hinder ones nearer together than the first and second. Thoracic legs pea-green. Supra-anal plate broad and short, much rounded; anal legs with a transverse yellow. and blackish stripe. Length, 20mm. 31. Clisiocampa calif ornica Pack. We have received the following account of a Clisiocampa larva found by Mr. H. W. Nash feeding on the aspen in Colorado. The larva did not wholly agree with the description of that of G. calif ornica nor G. constricta, nor that of a species we have found feeding on the wild rose in Montana, with specimens of which we have compared it, though the latter is undoubtedly G. californica. The following year Mr. Nash reared the moth and kindly sent me a specimen, which does not appear to belong to G. erosa, G. constricta, or G.fragilis, with speci- mens of which I have compared it. But in comparing the moths with specimens of G. californica both in Mr. H. Edwards7 collection and my own, we both agree that it does not differ from G. californica from Cal- ifornia. The following letter dated Pueblo, Colo., February 28, 1883, describes its habits and appearance : I send by mail to-day a Clisiocampa with cocoon, as you request in Bulletin No. 7 of the Entomological Commission, specimens and notes of insects injurious to forest and shade trees. At Rosita, Custer County, on the western slope of the Wet mountains, at an alti- tude of from 8,000 to 9,000 feet, during the month of June, 1881, the larvae almost entirely defoliated large tracts of poplars (P. tremuloides), and there was scarcely a tree to be found that was not attacked. I. saw a few feeding on willows where the leaves were all eaten from the poplars. The moths began appearing about the first of July and were soon fairly swarming about the poplars. The mature larvae were 2 inches long ; color, light blue spotted with dark brown; two brown stripes along the back; under side bluish black ; legs black; tips of prolegs light brown; body sparsely covered with long brown hairs. H. W. Nash. 32. Thanaos sp. The caterpillar of this butterfly was beaten from the aspen at Bruns- wick, Me., August 20. A smaller one in a preceding stage occurred at the same date on the willow. It molted August 24. Larva. — Of the usual shape of the genus ; head broader than the short, small pro- thoracic segment ; angulated above, rather deeply bilobed ; surface rough, granulated ; brown in front ; black near the mouth and on the sides and behind, with a triangular 4(J0 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. Mack point extending in front from the middle of the vertex. Body pale green, exactly of the color of tin- under side of the poplar leaf, with a subdorsal pair of white lines: the sutures finely marked with pale straw yellow; the surface slightly wrinkled, and finely, evenly granulated With white. Length, 9S^""« A smaller larva on the willow in a Stage before the last molt has the head wood-brown in front, the head of the aspen larva being entirely black. 33. Apatt&a noctivaga Grote. The eggs were observed by Mr. Thaxter to be laid on the poplar July II [4th]; they hatched July 9. The caterpillar molted 5 times, made a cocoon between the leaves August 9, and the moth appeared in May and June (Papilio, iii, p. 15). Young larva. — Greenish-white; dorsal portions of segments 1, 4, 7, 8, and 11 red; the rest more or less tinged with red. Sparsely clothed with long blackish hairs. Be- neath greenish-white. Head brown, rather stout, not tapering. Length 3""a. Larva after first molt. — July 12.' Color dirty greenish. Segmentation very dis- tinctly marked. Dorsal patches dull reddish on upper portion, the other segments (except 9 and 10) suffused with red. Head dirty red, greenish in front. Somewhat thickly covered with tufts of stout black hairs. Length b.hmm. Larva after second molt. — July 12. Much darker than before, the red colors having become dark wine-color, somewhat mottled, and being suffused over the dorsal por- tion of all the segments except 9 and 10. Sublateral and ventral portions light green, except on segments 1, 2, and 3, which are tinged with red. A whitish lateral line. Body covered with black setiferous warts, on which are set thick tufts of short stout black hairs, those on segment 10 much shorter than the rest. Legs green, edged with red. Abdomiual legs banded, green and red. Head dark bluish, mottled, tapering gradually posteriorly and suddenly anteriorly from segment 11. Length 6mm. Larva after third molt. — July 20. Dull black above, yellowish beneath. A yel- lowish lateral line, two yellowish dorsal patches on segment 10, on which the hairs are short. Head blackish, with an anterior yellowish V-shaped mark. Legs greenish yellow ; abdominal legs blackish. Segment 11 much humped. Body stout, much hunched in the regiou of segments 2 to 4. Length 10mm. After fourth molt. — July 24. Black above, deeper anteriorly. A distinct yel- low lateral band beginning on segment 4 and running just below the stigmata, which are white, contrasting. Thoracic feet yellow ; abdominal black. Dorsal patches on segment 10 brighter, otherwise as in preceding stage. Length 13mm. After fifth molt. — July 28. Lateral band orange-colored. A broken yellowish stripe at base of legs ; two dorsal orange spots on segment 10, and in some specimens two smaller spots on segment 9. After fifth and last molt.— August 1. Much as before, the setiferous tubercles large and rough, jet black, bearing thick tufts of short, stiff black hairs. Lateral band and dofsal spots dark red. Head and abdominal legs shining black (form of body as in A. brumosa). Length 30mm (1.20 inches). (Thaxter.) Moth. — Forewiugs dark gray varied with black; ordinary lines white. Basal space black, grayish on the costa ; basal half line white, bordered externally by a black line. Transverse anterior line white, widely lunulated, distinct, bordered ex- ternally by a black line which commences from a broader black costal mark. Median space largo dark gray: median shade baud blackish, traversing the reniform spot. Ordinary spots of the normal shape, distinct : reniform spot attenuated, black, with a hardly perceptibly lighter center; orbicular spot round, black, with an ill-defined grayish inner ring. Between the ordinary spots in the lower middle of the ring is a squarish black spot bordered externally by the median shade. Transverse posterior line white, acutely deutated, arcuated in front, preceded near the costa by a whitish POPLAR CATERPILLARS. 461 mark aud bordered on either side by a black line. Subinarginal line broad, white, irregular, interrupted just before the internal augle. Terminal space black, narrow, reduced by the submarginal line which, at about the middle, nearly attains the ex- ternal margin. Fringes white interrupted with black between the veins ; costa with some black and white marks. Hind wings uniformly dark brownish, immaculate; fringes lighter. Under surface of both pair light brownish, with faint discal dots and bands. Thorax gray, varied with blackish on each tegula and the collar. Ex- pause 1.30 inches. (Grote.) 34. Jpatela sp. The caterpillar of this moth was found on the poplar and willow August 10, at Brunswick, Me. September 8 it spun a silk cocoon be- tween a rolled-up leaf, sewing bits of leaves on the outside of the ex- posed part of the cocoon. The moth appeared May 24 following. The larva would be mistaken for a Notodontian. Larva. — Body compressed. Head compressed, high, deeply incised, bilobed, each lobe ending in a rounded tubercle. Head reddish-brown mottled with yellowish- green. Each segment deeply incised, the setiferous tubercles large, bearing long stiff hairs. The eighth abdominal segment is humped. Last pair of abdominal feet not much larger than the others. Body pea-green, with a deep reddish brown dorsal band twice interrupted aud forked on the prothoracic segment; the baud is edged with yellow. Thoracic and abdominal feet greenish. Length 12mm. 35. Apatela vulpina Grote. " The long, curved hairs," says Mr. R. Thaxter, " give thir larva a very curious appearance when at rest on the under side of a leaf, with its body curved about so as to form what appears to be an oval mass of down that is readily mistaken for a nest of spider's eggs. The curved hairs seem to come to a sort of focus in the region of se'gment 9, which is very characteristic. Before entering the ground the body becomes dirty brownish green, the hairs become dirty yellow, the head entirely black, without marks." It feeds on the poplar and willow. (Papilio, iii, p. 15.) Larva before last molt. — Body greenish white, darker below, thickly clothed with long white hairs, slightly tinged with yellow. A jet-black, rather short, thick, black tuft on the median dorsal portion of segments 4, 6, 7, 8, and 11. Head light greenish, with a black dot on the frontal portion, each side of the median line, also two inferior black spots. Legs light green ; prolegs banded with black. Length, 30mm (1.20 inch). Full-fed larva. — Body light bluish green, whitish above, immaculate and without any black dorsal tufts. Thickly covered with tufts of long, curved yellowish white hairs. A few short black hairs on segments 11 and 12. Head large, dirty-whitish, with a few darker mottlings, and two inferior black spots on either side. Stigmata yellow. Length 45mm (1.80 inch). (Thaxter.) Moth. — Allied to A. leporina and lepusculina (populi Riley). Wings creamy yellow- ish white. Hind wings pure immaculate white. The markings are as in A. leporina : a black basal dash ; the transverse anterior line consisting of three black spots ; a small ringed orbicular spot sometimes wanting ; a small lunate black reniform spot. Transverse posterior line fragmentary, but without the dash at the internal angle ilen T" of A. lepusculina, or at most the smallest remnant of it. (Grote.) (Can. Ent., xv, p. 8.) 462 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. 36. Baphia /rater Grote. The caterpillar rests on the midrib on the under side of poplar leaves. It varies considerably in size, the males being much smaller and more slender than the females. It spun a stout, blackish cocoon on bark September 10, the moth appearing June 10 following. " It is this larva or its ally, H abrupta, that is figured in Harris' Correspondence, PI. I, Pig. 0, as Notodonta sp. found under maple. n (K. Thaxter, Papilio, iii, p. 13.) Mr. Graef had previously reared the moth from a larva found feeding on the silver-leaf poplar. (Proc. Eut. Soc. Phil., ii, p. 43o.) Larva.— Color generally dark, somewhat bluish-green, though subject to consider- able variation of tint. Body covered with scattered bright yellow points, about twenty on each segment. A dorsal hump on segment 2 surmounted by two short, blunt, red prominences. On the dorsal surface of segments 4, 8, 11 is a transverse mottled red-purple transverse baud, interrupted centrally and somewhat crescent- shaped, which is bordered posteriorly and externally with more or less clear yelh w. A lateral red point on segments 1 and 2. Legs and prolegs light green, with a minute lateral black point. Length, 40mm (1.60 inch.) (Thaxter.) Moth. — Anterior wings bright steel gray, median lines black, distinct. Transverse anterior line black, slightly bent, ruuniug in an oblique direction from costa toward the base of the wing till near the internal margin, where it forms a deep sinuate abrupt rounded outward reflection. Median space gray, showing a black zigzag median shade-line and black costal mark. Reuiform and orbicular spots distinct, ringed with black, grayish, the former with a dark central streak, the latter con- tiguous to the transverse anterior line, with a clear, grayish center, and beneath it the clariforin spot margined with black. Transverse posterior line black, narrow, augulated, much projected, and arcuated superiorly, followed by a grayish coincident shade. Subtermiual space with a slightly browuish tinge ; subterminal hair dark gray bordered outwardly by a lighter shade; veins marked with blackish ; terminal line black; fringes blackish, narrowly interrupted with gray at the extremities of the veins. Posterior wings whitish, clouded with grayish at anal angles, with a distinct black terminal line, and a very faint median grayish line ; fringes gray, darker shaded between the veins. Under surface of anterior wings gray, showing a black, discal lunule and a macular subterminal band. Costa with some small blackish spots. Under surface of hind wings lighter than in the forewings, showing a blackish discal lunule and a similar macular undulating baud. Thorax grayish ; teguhe narrowly bordered with black ; abdomen crested on all the segments, grayish, exceeding the hind wings. Expanse of wings, 1.20 to 1.50 inches. (Grote.) 37. Catocala meskei Grote. This and the succeeding species of Catocala (No. 33) have been bred by Mr. R. Bunker from the poplar. The caterpillar is more uniform in color than usual. Larva. — Color light drab or cream. Head bilobed, ringed in front by a narrow, dark brown line; extremity of body forked. Between the fifth and sixth segments is a light brown band. An elevated band of obscure brown occurs on the seventh segment. Under side blackish brown. Length^ inches. (Bunker, Can. Ent., xv, p. 100.) Moth. — Forewings dentate, pulverulent, of a rather lighter gray than C. unijuga. Median lines black, single, not very distinct. A whitish space before the large biau- uulate concolorous reniform spot ; subreniform spot likewise whitish, closed, joined to the transverse posterior line, the latter jagged but without very prominent discal POPLAR CATERPILLARS. 463 teeth, making a deeper and narrower sinus above the vein than in C. unijuga. Sub- terminal line upright, dentate, the shade preceding the blackish line distinct. Ter- minal line appearing as black lunulated interspacial marks. Hind wings bright red, somewhat pinkish. The black mediau band is straight, not regularly curved as in C. parta, and straighter than in C. unijuga, rather narrow, uo where greatly exca- vated, rounding and narrower on the interspace between veins 1 and 2 opposite the excavation of the marginal band, arrested at vein 1, but a few blackish scales mark its continuance towards the internal margin. Marginal band narrower than in C. unijuga. Ciliae white, with a few red scales at base, especially at the apices. Beneath, the median band of the hind wings is narrower than above, with the same peculiarities, constricted at veins 2 and 5, and continued by scattered scales beyond vein 1. Expanse of wing 78mm (Grote). 38. Catocala relicta Walker. The caterpillar of this moth is said by Mr. Hulst to feed on the silver poplar and white birch. The moth has white fore wings which are more or less powdered and shaded with black ; it is easily recognized by the even white median band on the otherwise black hind wings. It expands 80 to 85mm. (Hulst.) Moth. — Male. Black, speckled with white, white beneath. Thorax in front white, with black bands. Abdomen above blackish, whitish between the segments, and with a white apical tuft. Forewings with two white bands, which include a black white-speckled band, and the latter is interrupted in the middle by a black ringlet; the exterior band contains a zigzag transverse black line ; exterior border and ad- joining part almost white, with deep black marginal lunules. Hind wings blackish brown, with a regular curved white baud and with white ciliae. Length of body 14 lines ; of the wings 32 lines. (Walker). 39. Catocala unijuga Walker. Two caterpillars of this moth were obtained by Dr. D. S. Kellicott at Buffalo, N. Y., from the trunk of a Populus eandicans. "They had passed their last molt when taken ; although they continued to feed in confinement for five or six days they increased in size but little dur- ing that time ; their habits were strictly nocturnal. When first observed they were clinging to the bark beneath a limb, lying obliquely, and so flattened and leach-like that together with their gray color and lateral fringes blending with the bark, they were difficult objects to discover. June 22 the larvae ceased to feed. On the following day they had fastened together some leaves by means of a silken gauze, brownish in color; by the 26th both had transformed." The moths ap- peared July 15. (Can. Ent., xiii, p. 38.) Larva. — Body attenuated towards each end, especially towards the head. The gen- eral color is gray above, below pink with a subelliptical black spot to each segment, those on the thoracic rings not conspicuous. The head flattened, slightly bilobed, lighter in hue than the body and bordered by a well defined black line. The lighter head lobes under a hand lens appear mottled and reticulated with black lines and blotches. Tbe dorsal line is white, made up of patches, illy defined circles and -spots alternating; on each ring on either side of the line are two white papillae from each of which arises a white hair; above the stigmata there is a white interrupted line, below them a black line also interrupted. The stigmata are rather large, elliptical. 464 FIFTH REPORT OF THE KNTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION whitish, iarronnded with ■ blaok border. Then- Li ■ row of stout, ln-avy filaments just abore the line <>f the legs. No protaberaooea appear <>n the dorsal aspect of any of tin- riogi Length, 2.\J inehea, I'tipa — Prainose, abdominal tip blaok, bearing eight hooked hairs, the four upper ■mailer ones turn toward the median line, the four nnder are larger and turn away from it. | Kellicott.) Moth. — Forewings very light gray, heavily powdered and shaded with black atoms; the base, reuiform spot, and terminal space, especially heavily shaded; fcrans- rerse anterior line geminate, diffuse; transTerse posterior line rather heavy; M not j, the line below dentate ; subreniform white ; a diffuse white spot beyond the reniform spot: subtermiual line white, dentate. Hind wings red, somewhat ghaded at base, with black median band strong, reaching the anal margin ; marginal band broad. Expands eO to 85mm. C. fucilla Worthington does not differ from this. Var. meskei Grote. Forewings somewhat lighter than uuijuga; hind wings with median and marginal bands narrower, the former not reaching the anal margin. Var. beaniana Grote. Forewings darker than in unijuga; hind wings with the median band more even, not reaching the anal margin. (Hulst.) 40. Catocala caret Guene"e. The caterpillar of this fine moth feeds on tbe willow, according to Mr. Koebele. In Papilio (ii, p. 167) Professor French has given a full life- history of the insect. It molts four times. The eggs were deposited October 6, the larvae feeding on the willow ; the young hatched April 6, and became full-fed, spinning their cocoon May 11 to 20, the moths emergiug June 23 to 26, but when not in confinement the moth is not seen until the 1st of August. Egg. — Diameter .04 inch, nearly globular; top a little depressed, containing a little button. (French.) Larva.— Head gray brown; protuberance on the summit of the eyes prominent. Body with ground color gray ; very heavily marked and striated with rust-brown, which towards the head almost completely covers the body. There is a brown lunule on the eleventh segment with horns forwards. Underneath clear red-brown between the third and sixth segments. The sixth and seventh segments between and in front of the legs have each a large nearly round spot. The larva is considerably smaller than that of C. ilia when full-grown, though the moth is one of the largest, if not the largest, of all Catocala). (Koebele, Bull. Brook. Ent. Soc, iv., p. 22.) Pupa. — Of the usual shape. Dark brown, covered as usual with a white bloom. Abdomen finely punctured, the tip of the last joint very coarsely so. This ends in four hooks, two longer than the others, while there are two more hooks arising from the punctured portion at a little distance from the four. Length 1.45 inches. (French.) Moth. — Forewings deep blackish brown; lines narrow, distinct anteriorly: lines and veins shaded with olivaceous. Hind wings intense rose-red, with a broad even black median band reaching the oval margin. Expands 85 to 95mm. Middle and Eastern States and northward. Var. carissima Hulst. Forewings rich velvety brown, spotted and flecked with olivaceous scales, which form a large spot at the apex. Expands 90 to 100mm. Habi- tat, south and east from C. cara. C. sylvia is slightly more spotted with olivaceous. (Hulst.) 41. Catocala parta Men6e. This species has been bred from Populus dilatata by Mr. Thaxter (Psyche, ii, p. 35), but he has given no description of the caterpillar. POPLAR CATERPILLARS. 465 42. Catocala amatrix Htibner. The caterpillar of this moth was found by Dr. Kellicott under a large- toothed aspen (Populus grandidentata), on which it had probably been feeding, as Mr. Fischer, of Buffalo, the following summer bred this moth from caterpillars found on the Lombardy poplar. Prof. G. II. French has also bred it on leaves of the cottonwood and Lombardy pop- lar. In pupating they spun the leaves together, lining them with a very thin cocoon of silk. He thus remarks on the egg-laying habits of this species : October 14, 1882, a female C. amatrix was brought to me, from which I obtained the next day 261 eggs. These began hatching May 3, 1883, and continued hatching to June 21, making the egg-period from 200 to 249 days. Only the few that hatched first were fed, and the greater part of these failed to reach maturity, owing mainly to a form of bacterial disease that has prevailed in most of the species of caterpillars which I have attempted to raise this ytar, and it has not been confined to the breed- ing cages, but has been as destructive in the fields. Two imagines were raised, one pupating June 21 and producing the imago July 25, the other pupating July 8 and hatching August 3. This gives us a minimum period of 277 days from the egg to the imago. I am of the opinion that all our species [of Catocala] are single- brooded. Hulst gives the willow as also its food-plant, but his authority is not given. The following account of the transformations are copied from Pro- fessor French (Papilio, iv, p. 8) : Egg.— Somewhat spheroidal in shape, in longitudinal diameter being .02 inch and the transverse .035 inch. They are ridged longitudinally, 14 of these reaching the punctured area of the apex, these alternating with shorter ones that do not reach so far. The base is scarcely more flattened than the apex. Color very pale dull olive. Duration of this period from 200 to 249 days. Young larva.— Length .12 inch. Color brown, one dorsal and three lateral stripes a little darker than the rest of the body, hairs and head concolorous, the number of feet 12. Toward the close of this period the sides are more of a brownish yellow with four reddish brown stripes, the lower or substigmatal not clearly discernible at first, and on the venter dark brown spots in the center of joints 4 and 8. Duration of this period six days. After first molt.— Length, .35 inch. Color of the dorsum brownish butf, the sides dark purplish brown ; by transmitted light it may be seen divided into four more or less distinct lines, the pale alternate lines narrow and faint. Head brown, not very dark, with faint traces of lines. Scarcely a trace of the center of the dorsum being lighter than the rest of the dorsum. Venter pale, joints four to eight, with each a central black spot. First and second abdominal legs about one-fourth the size of the others. Duration of this period four days. After second molt. — Length, .65 inch. More striped than before, a dorsal stripe somewhat moniliform, the center purplish brown on a yellow field or the outer part of the stripe yellow. Subdorsal line yellow ; between this and the dorsal stripe a stripe the color of the center of the dorsal stripe. Joint 8 a little raised, and all but the center blackish. Subdorsal region with two stripes, the upper like the second dorsal, the lower almost black; the substigmatal line and the one separating the two stripes gray. The head striped with a number of blackish longitudinal liues-. Thoracic feet yellow, the others yellow with a black base. The black is a purplish black and not clear. Venter pale yellow, with the usual black spots. Duration of this period three days. 5 ENT 30 466 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. After third noU.— Length, .7-"> Inch. As before, the dorsal space is composed of three Stripes and eaeh side to the lower part of stigmata 2. The central of the three dorsal stripes somewhat elliptical on each joint, the central part pale dull reddish- yellow, outside of this clear pale yellow. The division between this and the next stripe a more or less distinct black line composed of a series of dots, a similar series of dots marking the division between the reddish yellow aud the yellow por- tions of the dorsal stripe. The second stripe dull pale yellowish red. Subdorsal line another series of black dots, but more nearly a continuous line. Below this Hue of dots a pale yellow line, bordered below with another line of dots, a similar pale yellow line, and bordering lines of dots separating the two lateral stripes, the series of dots next the lower stripe more prominent. The center or body of the lateral stripes the same as the dorsal in color. Substigmatal line pale yellow, bordered with black. These black lines are so line that they make but little of the color of the surface except the lower lat- eral one. Joint 8 elevated in the regiou of the posterior dorsal piliferous spots, back part of the elevation on back and sides mostly black, except the pale yellow lines ; more black also on posterior part of joint 11. Piliferous spots rather prominent, orange, the hairs black. Head paler than the body, a black stripe on each side, and two on each side of the front. Quite a prominent fleshy fringe along the side. Toward the last of this period the general color changes to a grayish red with a. yel- low tinge between the joints. Duration of this period three days. After fourth molt. — Length, 1.05 inches. Pale reddish gray, the stripes as before but faint, indicated principally by the rows of dots. Sides of posterior and anterior parts tinged with black. Duration of this period eight days. After fifth molt. — Length, 1.40 inches. Ground color very pale lilac white, the body still having some of the appearance of stripes between the joints, but the general appearance is of a uniform color with rows of black dots. Joint 8 still elevated, and the posterior pair of piliferous spots on joint 11 more prominent than the others, pointing back with an oblique black mark from behind them forward. Middle of joint 8 yellowish, with black mottlings on the sides running back to abdominal legs on joint 9. Head nearly a clear color, a black line down the sides of the cheeks aud another fine one back, a little brown iu front. Stigmata pale brown, finely ringed with black. A little faint yellowish along the back, head, aud legs with faint brown- ish tinge. Mature larva. — Length, 3 inches; width of head, .17 inch; of joint 8, .35; height of joint 1, .15 inch; of joint 8, .35, tapering gradually each way from joints, the place where the measurements taken being a little elevated. More distinctly striped than at the beginning of the period, there being three dorsal and three lateral on each side ; the central dorsal pale, the parts on each joint somewhat elliptical, the broad part between the joints, the narrow in the center. The whole body dotted with fine black dots that seem to be as during other periods. The second stripe on dorsum darker, more intensified on joint 8. The darker stripes are made darker by the slightly darker ground color. First lateral stripe pale, the dots gathered in its center in slightly elliptical masses, much as in the dorsal, wider than the next. Stigmatal stripe dark, including the dark-brown stigmata. Below this a pale stripe that reaches to the fringe. Color of all the stripes, gray, slightly llesh-colored in the paler ones. Elevation of joint 8 more distinctly black iu the dark stripes, the central fulvous on the elevation without the black dots. Piliferous spots orange, rather inconspicuous except the posterior dorsal pair of joint 11, which are prominent and project backward. Head mottled with pale brownish, otherwise as at beginuing of period. Three of the ocelli black. Legs pale. Venter pale, without the black dots, the centers of joints 4 and 8 with purplish-black spots, traces of same on other joints. Duration of this period twenty-live days. Chrysalis. — Length, 1.25 inches; length of wing and tongue cases, .65 iuch, these reaching to the posterior part of joint 5. Shape to joint 5 cylindrical, the rest of POPLAR INCH-WORMS. 467 the way conical. Depth of thorax, .40 inch ; of joints 2 to 4, .33. Head, thorax, and wing cases shagreeued, rather coarsely, the head end rounded, eye-cases not very prominent. Abdominal joints punctured, tip ending in six hooks in three sets of two each as to length, the two longer turning outward, the two short at the base turning inward. Color, dark chestnut brown, covered with a glaucous powder. Duration of this period from twenty-eight to thirty-four days. October 14, 1882, a female Amatrix was brought to me, from which I obtained the next day 261 eggs. These began hatching May 3, 1883, and continued hatching to June 21, making the egg period from 200 to 249 days. Only the few that hatched first were fed, and the greater part of those failed to reach maturity, owing mainly to a form of bacterian disease that has prevailed in most of the species of caterpil- lars I have attempted to raise this year, and it has not been confined to the breeding cages, but has been as destructive in the fields. Two imagines were raised, one pupating July 8 and hatching August 3. This gives us a minimum period of 277 days from the egg to the imago. Supposing that the difference in hatching of the eggs noticed here is their usual way, this accounts for fresh specimens being found in the woods from August to October, and 1 think very likely with a sufficient number of eggs other species would show a similar trait. I am of the opinion that all our species are single brooded, this being based on observations of different species in the woods and rearing three different species. This species was fed most of the time on cottonwood, though they were fed for a few days on Lombardy poplar. In pupating they spun the leaves together, lining the leaves with a very thin cocoon of silk. Both specimens obtained were males, one with the forewings uniform gray, the other with the dark longitudinal shade through the middle of the wings. (French.) 43. Geometrid sp. The caterpillar here described occurred on the aspen August 10, au Brunswick, Me. Larva. — Head narrower than the body, somewhat bilobed, smooth, anal legs large, spread out, forming two lateral rounded flaps, when the larva is at rest, with two very large, long, fleshy, conical supra-anal tubercles. General color pale green, like that of the under side of the leaf. Two parallel subdorsal pale yellow, narrow, but distinct lines; the sutures white, spiracles yellowish ; thoracic feet green ; lower edge of anal legs and tubercles tinged with yellowish. Length, 18 mm. 44. Geometrid sp. This larva has a flattened body, like that of Hibernia ; it was found feeding on the aspen at Brunswick, August 25 to September 1. Larva. — Body broad and flat, rather short ; head as broad as the body and some- what flattened. Body dark, the segments transversely wrinkled ; dark brown, color of a dark twig; a dark, blackish, broad, dorsal baud, with a pale horn-colored band on each side, composed of dark ones alternat ng with the paler ones; spiracles black; thoracic and abdominal legs pale, spotted with black dots ; body beneath and legs livid ; head and prothoracic shield mahogany-brown, spotted with black. Length, 18 mm. 45. Botis oscitalis Grote. The caterpillar has been found by Mr. Ooquillet in Illinois living in a folded leaf or between two leaves folded together with silken threads on the willow and poplar. Several were found late in July and again 468 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. about the middle of August; oue pupated July 27 and the imago issued about August 8. Larva. — Body green ; piliferous spots concolorous ; spiracles ringed with pale brown ; cervical shield green, edged at the sides and behind with black ; that on the sides sometimes wanting; head mottled black and white, anal plate unmarked. Length, 10 mm (.64-inch). Coquillett (Papilio, iii, p. 101). 4C. Pyralid f larva. (Larva, Plate iv, figs. 10, 10a.) This caterpillar lives within a large roomy case, made by loosely folding over and sewing together a part of an aspen leaf. Larva. — Body stout; head peculiar, large, and broad; a black line extending around the side to the labrum ; on the vertex a double-curved or looped black line, forming a rude double curve on each side, with spots forming a median double black line; a large greenish cervical shield, edged posteriorly with black ; ten abdominal legs ; body broad and square at end ; body and legs pale greeu ; the piliferous warts minute and indistinct. Length, 15mm. 47. Gelechia rhoifructella Clemens. The larva lives on the poplar in a leaf rolled lengthwise and closed at each end. One pupated June 12 and disclosed the moth June 30 (Coquillet). According to Chambers it also lives on the fruit racemes of the sumac. Larva.— Body green ; piliferous spots polished black ; cervical shield blackish ; anal plate unmarked; head yellowish-brown, shaded with blackish. Length, 16m,u (.64-inch). (Papilio, iii, 99.) 48. Lithocolletia populielta Chambers. I have bred a few species from small tentiform mines on the under side of leaves of the silver-leaf poplar, which, though very distinct from argentinotella Clem, and L. fitchella Clem., I place in the same group with them. It is perhaps nearer to L. carpinicolella than to any of the other species figured in the Nat. Hist. Ins. (Chambers). Moth. — Palpi, head, tuft, antennie, under surface of thorax, legs, and abdomen pure snowy white; upper surface of abdomen and fore wings pale golden ; there are three white longitudinal streaks on the thorax (one mediau, and continuous with a dorso- basal white streak on the wings, the other two passing over the tegula3 and continu- ous with a median basal white streak on the wings); there is also a costo-basal white streak on the forewings, and these three basal riug streaks are of about equal length, and less than one-fourth of the length of the wings. Immediately behind the dorso- basal streak, and scarcely distinct from it (probably sometimes confluent with it), is the first dorsal streak, which approaches a square form, and is dark-margined be- fore and above. Almost opposite to this dorsal streak, but a little behind it, is the first costal streak; it is oblique, not pointed, and is dark-margined before. The second costal and second dorsal are opposite each other, the costal one being the larger of the two, triangular and dark-margined before. The third costal and third dorsal are nearly opposite, the costal being, perhaps, a little farther back, and being larger than the dorsal, and larger also than the second costal ; both are dark- margined before. There are only the three dorsal streaks. The fourth costal is just POPLAR LEAF-MINERS. 469 before the apex, points a little obliquely forward, and is margined behind by a small apical patch of brown dusting. Cilia white, with a brownish hinder marginal line at their base. Alar expansion one-fourth of an inch. Ohio and Kentucky. (Cham- bers, Bull. U. S. Geol. Surv. IV, I, 101.) 49. Gracillaria sp. A caterpillar, presumably a Gracillaria, was observed July 31 at Brunswick, Me., turning over the end of an aspen leaf on one side. The moth was not reared. Fig. 167 represents another aspen leaf with the tip folded over, either by this or an allied species. Observed at Brunswick, Me. Fig. 167.— Aspen leaf folded by a Gracillaria.— Bridg- ham del. Pig. 168.— Aspen leaf folded by Gracil- laria.—"Wilder del. 50. Poplar leaf-miner. Poplar leaves are frequently mined by a worm which we have been as yet unable to identify. The mine has a dark Hue in the middle, and is otherwise very characteristic; its form is represented by Fig. 169. 51. Brachys cerosa Melsheimer. Having frequently found this beetle on the leaves of the oak, we supposed that it might be a leaf-miner of that tree, but Mr. 0. P. Gillette, of the Michigan Agricultural College, states in the Canadian Entomologist for July, 1887, that he has reared two fully developed specimens of the larvae from the leaves of the poplar. They finish their mines in October, and early in the following May the beetles appear. The mine is made next to the upper surface of the leaf. Larva. — Whitish; broadest at the head and gradually tapering to the tail; jaws brown and first segment behind the head with brown rectangular plates above and 470 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. below ; tin* anal end with a small black spine extending back, which is used by the larva in poshing Itself forward. Body quite Hot and the segments deeply notched. Length (J""». (Gillette.) .VJ. Chry8omeIa pallida Say. Mr. Coquillet has found the larva* living in communities on the leaves. Several were observed in Illinois to enter the earth to pupate June 1, the beetles issuing about June 19. Zeros.— Body black, elongated, much wrinkled and roughened; the sutures of the tegmenta and the under side of the body sometimes tinged with brown; head and cervical shield polished black. Length 8mm. (French.) Beetle.— Fulv rufous; elytra pale testaceous, immaculate. Body very pale rufous, head obsoletely punctured; an indented, abbreviated line or spot on the vertex; thorax with small punctures which are sometimes obsolete ; elytra pale testaceous, with stria? of punctures which become obsolete before the tip ; beneath pale. Length 15mm. (Say ). Fig. 169.— Mine in a poplar leaf.— Bridghaui del. 53. Crtpidodera helxines (Linn.). This beetle is very plentiful in New York, according to Mr. Dev- ereaux, feeding on the foliage of the poplar. POPLAR-LEAF APHIDS. 471 54. The poplar-leaf aphis. Aphis popidifolice Fitch. Inhabits the underside of the leaves of Populu? grandidentata. Of a chestnut-brown color, mealy; legs hairy, black, pale brown above the knees; veins of the fore wings brown, stigma smoky yellow, margined with black ; back with two rows of impressed, squarish fuscous spots; on each side, two rows of impressed dots; honey-tubes equal- ing a third of the distance to the tip. Leugth to tips of wings .22 inches. (Thomas, 3 Rt. Ins. 111.) Fig. 170.- The Poplar-stem Gall-Louse. Marx del 55. The poplar-stem gall louse. Pemphigus popuUcaulis Fitch. Forming imperfectly globular galls the size of a bullet at the junction of the leaf with its stalk, these galls having a mouth-like orifice on their underside, and a large cavity within, crowded with small dull white lice and their white cast skins, and with winged lice of a blue-black color, their antennae reaching beyond the base of their wings, the rib-vein of their fore wings black, thick, much thicker at its apex along the inner margin of the stigma, and the short veinlet bounding the anterior end of this spot more slender than the rib-vein ; its length 0.10, and to the tips of its wings 0.15. (Fitch.) Observer at Maine and in Rhode Island. 472 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. 56. The poplab gall-louse. Pemphigus popularius Fitch. Late in autumn, wandering up and down the trunk of the balsam poplar, a gall- louse closely like the preceding, but its abdomen green, its antenna? short, reaching l»iit two-thirds the distance to the wing sockets, and the rib-vein of its wings not thicker along the inner margin of the stigma; its length 0.13 to the tip of its wings. The female black, slightly dusted over with a glaucous gray powder; the abdomen dull green with a small coating of white flocculent wool, its opposite sides parallel and its tip abruptly rounded ; the antenna) short, thick, and thread-like; the wings dull hyaline, their rib-vein black and the oblique veins slender and blackish with the basal third of the third vein abortive and the fourth vein perceptibly thicker towards its base; and the small branch of the rib-vein bounding the anterior end of the stigma having nearly the same thickness with the rib-vein. (Fitch.) 57. The poplar-bullet c, all-louse.* Pemphigus populiglobuli Fitch. In July, on the leaves of the balsam poplar slightly above their base, an irregular globular apple green gall the size of a bullet, projecting from the upper surface of the leaf, with a curved month-like orifice on the under side, the cavity within con- taining numerous small pale green and smaller dusky lice with the ends of their bodies covered with short white cottou-like threads, and larger winged ones which are of a black color, with the abdomen dusted over with white meal and with thin white woolly fiber on the back, and their antennae reaching the base of the wings, which are clear hyaline, their veins slender and white or colorless, except the outer mar- ginal vein, which is black to the end of the stigma, and also the rib-vein, which is much thicker at its apex ; their lerigth 0.07 and to the tip of their wings 0.11. (Fitch.) 58. The poplar-vein gall-louse. Pemphigus populi-venoe Fitch. In July an oblong compressed excrescence like a cock's comb, of a light red color varied with pale yellow, growing from the midveiu of balsam poplar leaves on their upper side with an orifice on the opposite under side; a cavity within containing* a multitude of lice and their white cast skins, interspersed with a whitish meal-like powder; those with wings being black, with coarse thread-like antenna? reaching to the base of the wings, which, with their oblique veins, are pellucid and colorless, the coarse rib-vein being blackish and more thick at its tip along the inner margin of the stigma, and the veiu of the outer margin being blackish and somewhat coarse from its base to the stigma; its length 0.05 and to the tip of the wings 0.08. (Fitch.) Other insects occurring on the poplar are the following: Order Lepidoptera. 59. PapiUo tumus Linn. (Miss C. G. Soule, Can. Ent., xviii, p. 129.[ 60. PapiUo glaucus Linn. 61. PapiUo orsphontes Cramer. On P. dilatata (Scudder). 62. Eugonia j album B. and L. 63. Limenitis archippus (Cramer) (Lintner, Ent. Contr., ii, p. 166.) 64. Thanaos persius Bcndd. POPLAR CATERPILLARS. 473 65. Prionoxystus robinioe Harris. On Populus candicans. (Kellicott, Bull. Buffalo Soc. Nat. Sc., iv, p. 30.) 66. Cossus undosus Lintuer (Contr., iv, p. 130.) At Green River, Wyom- ing, probably on P. balsamifera. 67. Hepialus argenteomaculatus Harris. (J. B. Smith in Can. Ent., XX, p. 233.) See Chestnut Insects, p. 346. 68. JEgeria tibiale Harris. Found in New Hampshire in P. candicans Harris. (Amer. Journ. Sc., xxxvi, 1839, p. 305.) 69. (Edemasia concinna Abb. Sm. (Riley's unpublished notes.) 70. Telea polyphemus (Linn.) (W. Brodie, and also Lugger.) 71. Platysamia cecropia (Linn.) (W. Brodie, and also Lugger.) 72. Datana angusii G. and R., Providence, R. I. 73. Hyphantria cunea (Drury.) (H. textor Harris.) 74. Anisota senatoria A. and S., Providence, October 6, one seen feed- ing on a poplar leaf. 75. Amphipyra pyramidoides Guen. See Oak Insects, p. 171. 76. Metanema quercivoraria Guen. See p. 182. 77. Tephrosia cribrataria Guenee. Larva on Populus tremuloides and P. fastigiata (Guenee.) 78. Apatela oblinita (Sm. Abb.) Lombardy poplar. (W. Saunders, 3d Rt. Ontario Ent. Soc.) See Willow Insects. The following Tiueidae occur, according to Chambers, on the poplars, aspens, etc. : 79. Cemiostoma albella Chamb. 80. Batrachedra salicipomonella Clems. 81. Batrachedra proeangusta Haworth. 82. Batrachedra striolata Zeller. 83. Aspidisca sp ? makes a minute mine in aspen leaves in Oregon. Pos- sibly it is A. splendoriferella Clems. 84. Gracilaria populiella Chamb. Larva rolls aspen leaves in the Rocky Mountains. 85. Gracilaria purpuriella Chamb. Larva mines leaves of silver-leafed poplar. (Can. Ent.) 86. Lithocolletis populiella Chamb. Larva in a tentiform mine in under side of leaves of silver poplar. 87. Phyllocnisiis populiella Chamb. Small serpentineminesin the leaves of Lombardy poplar and aspens from sea-level up to 10,000 feet altitude in the mountains of Colorado. (Chambers in letter.) 88. Cryptolechia quercicella Clemens. See p. 182. COLEOPTERA. 89. Hyperplatys aspersus (Say). See p. 292. 90. Saperda vestita Say. On poplar in July, Providence (G. Hunt, p. 474.) 474 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. 91. Dicerea prolongata Lee. Bores in the aspeii (Cockerell, Ent. Mouth. Mag., London, March, 1888, p.232; also for the specific characters see Can. Ent., xx, p. Go). 92. Xanthonia viUosula (Mels.). Common on leaves. (Chittenden in letter). HEMIPTERA. 93. Chaitophorns candicans Koch. Balm of Gilead. 94. Chaitophorus populicola Thos. 95. Pemphigus populiramulorum Riley. 9G. Pemph ig us pop ulitra ns versus Riley. 97. Pemphigus pop ulimonilis Riley. 98. Pemphigus pseudobyrsa (Walsh). 99. Pemphigus vagabundus (Walsh). HYMENOPTERA. 100. Cimbex americana Leach. (Lugger, Bull. No. 9, Ag. Exp. Stat., Xov. 1889, p. 48). INSECTS INJURIOUS TO THE BASS-WOOD 0E LINDEN TREE. Tilia americana Linu. AFFECTING THE TRUNK. 1. The linden borer. Saperda vestita Say. Order Coleoptera ; family Cerambycmxe. Boring in the trunk, undermining the bark for 6 or 8 inches in sinuous galleries, or penetrating the solid wood an equal distance, rather slender grubs, with three pairs of thoracic feet, transforming into a greenish snuff-yellow longicorn beetle, with six black spots near the middle of the back. Fig. 171.— The Linden borer, beetie of nat. size, a, upper, &, under, side of-head and three thoracic segments; c, side view of head of grub ; d, top view of two segments, showing theoval spots ; e, the grub, slightly enlarged.— From Packard. The beetles, according to Dr. Paul Swift, as quoted by Dr. Harris, were found in Philadelphia upon the small branches and leaves May 28, and it is said that they come out as early as the first of the month, THE LIME INCH-WORM. 475 and continue to make their way through the bark of the trunk and large branches during the whole of the summer. They immediately fly into the top of the tree, and there feed upon the epidermis of the tender twigs and the petioles of the leaves, often wholly denuding the latter, and causing the leaves to fall. They deposit their eggs, two or three in a place, upon the trunk or branches, especially about the forks, making slight incisions or punct- ures for their reception with their strong jaws. As many as ninety eggs have been taken from a single beetle. 2. Pogonocherus nubilus Lee. According to Le Conte this longicorn lives in the bass-wood. AFFECTING THE LEAVES. 3. The lime inch- worm. Hibernia tiliaria Harris. Order Lepidoptera ; family PHAL^ENiDiE. In May and June, defoliating the branches, a bright yellow looper or measuring worm with a rust-colored head, and ten crinkled black lines along the back, descend- Fig. 172.— The lime inch , the wingless female, and the male.— From Comstock. ing at the end of June to the ground and pupating three or four inches under th© surface of the soil ; appearing as moths with their buff-brown wings in October and November. 476 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. While this worm is often found on apple and elm trees, the lime or. linden is its proper food-tree. The females are wingless and grub-like, much larger than the female canker-worm moth, white, marked with two dorsal rows of black patches; they lay their eggs in little clusters in orevioea in the trunk or in the branches, and in the spring when the leaves begin to unfold they hatch. Their habits are similar to those of the canker-worm, and the best means of protection against them are those employed against the canker-worm, i. c, the use of tarred paper daubed over with printer's ink or troughs of oil around the truuk of trees to prevent the females from ascending the trees to lay their eggs. The male. — Pale ocherous, with light brown specks and bands. Head, body, front or costal edge of the {brewings and transverse band on the wings concolorous, being pale brown. Forewiugs with a faint, curved, sinuate, diffuse inner line; outer line dark brown, slightly sinuate, with a large obtuse angle in the middle of the wing ; it is shaded externally with a broad pale-brown band, which breaks up into flecks on the outer edge ; a well-marked discal dot. Hind wiugs without any markings, some- what paler than the fore pair. Expanse of wings 2 inches. 4. Eugonia alniaria (Linn.). The caterpillar is called the stick worm from its habit of holding itself out erect like a piece of a twig, to which it bears a close resemblance. It was observed on the linden by Dr. Harris in August and September. When about to pupate it spins an oblong oval, tough but thin, paper- like cocoon, open or loose at each end. The chrysalis is large, covered with bloom. The moth appeared in confinement September 25 to 27. (See Chestnut Insects, p. 344) 5. Datana miniatra (Drury). August 26 I fouud fourteen full-grown larvae on the bass-wood or native linden, not differing from a colony of seventy-seven larvae found on the apple August 22 at Salem, Mass., and described below. The young as well as full-grown cluster thickly together, often raising the head and tail in a ludicrous manner. Mrs. Anna K. Dimmock gives a summary of its history (Psyche iv, 279) as follows : Datana miniatra Drury (Illust. Nat. Hist. 1773, v. 2, p. 2o, pi. 14, fig. 3). Harris Rept. Ins. Injur. Veg., 1841, p. 311-312) describes the larva and imago, and this de- scription is repeated, with the addition of a wood-cut of the larva and a colored figure of the imago, in his Treatise on Ins. Injur. Veg., in 1862; he gives (Entom. Corresp., 1869, p. 308-310, pi. 2. fig. 4) a description with colored figure of the larva. Grote and Robinson (Proc. Entom. Soc. Phil., 1866, v. 6, p. 11-12) describes the imago and the larva with especial reference to distinguishing it from the larva) of other species of Datana. Harris (I.e.) gave as food-plants of the larvae apple and cherry; Riley (Amer. Entom., July-August, 1870, v. 2, p. 263) adds Juglans nigra; and Southwick and Beutenmiiller (Science Record, 15 April, 1884, v. 2, p. 133) in a list of the food- plants of larva» of species of Datana, add. for D. ministra, Quercua, Corylua, Carya, Cratogus, Ilobinia, Betula, Tilia, Castanea. andFagus. The eggs of this species, which are often fouud in groups beneath t lie leaves of Betula alba, are, at least in eastern Massachusetts, very often nearly all destroyed by a minute hymenopterous parasite. THE LINDEN LEAF-ROLLER. 477 Larva .70 inch in length, on bass wood. — Body much less hairy than the full-grown larva; head black, of the usual size; prothoracic segment swollen, reddish amber, with a transverse black thickened spot giving rise to a few long unequal whitish hairs. End of body with two large black spines directed straight out. Body yellow- ish, with pale Japan varnish-brown stripes, the dorso-median one twice as wide as the others. Described from forty specimens. The same larvos after molting, .75 inch long. — Body black, as in the fall- fed larva. Anal spines much stouter, less acute than before ; the body is more hairy, and in gen- eral much as in the full-fed larva. By August 23 all had molted and begun to feed. Full-fed larva on apple.— Body thick, of very uniform width, smooth, cylindrical, with long white hairs, those on the prothoracic segment and eighth and ninth abdominal segments the longest, being twice as long as the body is thick. The segments are thickened a little behind. Head large, considerably broader than the body, and shiniug black. Prothoracic shield yellow, with a short black stripe on the lower edge of each side. Body smooth, black, with four greenish-yellow stripes on each side, the stripes being about one-third as wide as the black interspace. Beneath, is a lateral greenish-yellow somewhat interrupted, stripe, and a median fine uninter- rupted greenish filiform line. Abdominal legs and base of thoracic legs livid yellow ; thoracic legs black. A black blotch on the sides of the abdominal legs. Length 1.40 inches. Described from seventy-seven specimens." 6. Pantographa limata Grote. In September the caterpillar of this Pyralid rolls the leaves of the bass-wood in a peculiar manner, as observed by Professor Fernald in Maine and by Miss Murtfeldt in Minnesota. As stated by Professor Fernald, they pupate about the middle of October, the moth in confine- ment emerging during the first week in November, but probably in nature hibernating as a pupa under the leaves, and appearing as a moth the succeeding spring. The larva cuts the leaf across from near the middle of the side, past the midrib nearly an inch, in the larger leaves. This cut, which is about an eighth of an inch wide, first starts directly across the leaf, then curves gradually towards the apex, then back to the former direction, so that the entire cut is nearly in the form of the letter S, somewhat straightened out. The part beyond the cut is rolled over so as to form a cone with the apex toward the base of the leaf, and when inclosing a larva both ends are turned in, so as to close the openings. In drawing the parts of the leaf together the larva spins the thread from side to side — from the side of the cone to the surface of the leaf beyond, about forty times in a place before moving to another. The second set of threads, which is from a fourth to a half an inch from the last, frequently draws the parts of the leaf together so much that the thread of other bundles hang in a loop. The larva deposits its excrement within the * Datana sp. — This species occurred on the linden at Brunswick, Me., August 26. Its larva is yellowish, the prothoracic segment being entirely yellowish, and the base of all the thoracic and abdominal feet with a large conspicuous yellow area ; four large yellow patches between the four anterior pairs of abdominal and the anal legs. The eight yellow stripes are rather wider than in D. angusii. 478 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. coiu*, toward tbe larger end. When about to pupate, the caterpillar draws a portion of a leaf around it, lining it with silk, thus forming a delicate cocoon. Larva.— Body spindle-shaped, and somewhat stout in proportion to the length. Pea green, ftboat the color of the underside of the leaves of the bass-wood. The usual waits an present, of a dull brownish eolor and emitting pale hairs. The head, tho- fthield, and legs are pitchy black, while the mouth-parts are a little lighter, and th»re is a small black spot on each side of the first segment back of the head, just iu front of the spiracle. The anal plate is dull brownish. Length, 25nuu when at rest, and 30""" when in motion. (Fernald, Can. Ent., xvi, p. 2~>.) 7. Lithocolletia lucetieUa* Clem. The larva mines the under side of the leaf of Tilia americana (bass- wood) in July, September, and October. The mine is most frequently nearly square in form, and when completed both cuticles of the leaf are left nearly transparent, and the leaf is not folded. The " frass n is cast on the edges of the mine. It weaves an oval cocoon, thin enough, how- ever, to permit the pupa to be seen through the cuticle. The imago appears iu August aud May. Larva. — The larva is cylindrical. The head pale brown; the body pale greenish white with a series of dorsal brown spots from the third ring posteriorly. Moth. — Antenna silvery. Head, tuft, and thorax silvery. Anterior wings silvery from the base to the middle, and thence to the tip golden, with a golden costal streak from the base not extended to the middle. About the middle of the wing is a silvery band, broadly margined internally with golden, and with a minute black point on the costa internally ; a costal silvery spot, margined internally by a black spot, nearly op- posite to which is a large dorsal silvery streak margined internally by an obliqueblack Vine; near the tip is a costal, silvery, nnmargined streak curving to the tip; cilia golden at the tip, and on inner margin silvery. No apical spot nor hinder marginal line. Hind wings silver-gray, cilia the same. Abdomen blackish, tipped with silvery gray. (Clemens.) 8. Coleophora tiliafolieUa Clem. The larva feeds on the leaves of the linden from the beginning to the latter part of May, and enters on pupation in the latter days of May or early in June. The case is black, somewhat pistol-formed ; straight along the upper edge, turned abruptly down so as to form a handle-like appendage be- hind, with a toothed, flattened projection about the middle of the under edge, whence to the mouth of the case it is cylindrical. At this date the larva does not mine the leaf, but eats holes in it, de. vouriug its substance. The case is fixed to the under surface of the leaf, and is easily seen, even on the leaves of the higher branches. Larva. — The body of the larva is dull, dark-brown aud the dorsal plates and head black. (Clemens). *I received five specimeus of this from Dr. Clemens; it is very distinct from any European species. The exp. al. (omitted by Dr. Clemens) is 3£ lin.— H. T. Stainton. THE LINDEN LEAF-BEETLE. 479 9. The Linden leaf-beetle. Chry8omela scalaris Leconte. Order Coleoptera ; family Chrysomelid^e. Injuring the leaves, a stout-bodied beetle with silvery wing-covers spotted with green, laying its eggs on the leaves in the spring, from which fat, thick-bodied white grubs develop, with a lateral row of large black dots, and which also prey on the leaves. While this beautiful and abundant beetle is more *s* common on the alder, it also occurs on the lime-tree ftS$\ u and elm. They may be found on these trees in April, J| \A May, and June, and a second brood in September and October. We have taken them in coitu on the alder in Maine the middle of May. The grubs are hatched from eggs laid by the beetles on the leaves V in spring and come to their growth towards the end ^J®^ \ of June in Massachusetts, according to Harris, who no. 173.— chrysomeia believes that they go into the ground to turn to pupae. scaiaris.— smith del. Since the foregoing account was prepared, we have observed this beetle in all its stages. At Brunswick, Me., during July and August, 1881, it was very abundant on the numerous linden trees in the campus of Bowdoin College, eating rounded holes in the leaves and causing them to turn yellow and unsightly, as if to prematurely fall. Nearly every tree and, in some cases, nearly every leaf on a tree was infested by the disgusting pale grubs, while scattered patches of eggs occurred on the under side of the leaves; and during the first to last of August the beetles were found not uncommonly upon the leaves. The trees could be protected by showering the leaves with London purple in water when the grubs first appear late in June. From these specimens the following descriptions were drawn up : Egg. — Rather large, oval cylindrical, yellow, several together attached by one end ; about 1.5mm in length. Larva. — Body very thick, curved up like that of the grub of the Colorado potato- beetle, being much swollen behind the thoracic segments, while the tip of the abdo- men is curved down. Head honey-yellow, darker over the jaws ; antennae bluish, except at base ; eyes black. Prothoracic shield blackish in the young before the last molt ; in full-grown individuals not all black, but pale, with four irregularly square black spots. Body behind dirty white with a row of dorsal and lateral dusky spots. Legs pale, spotted with black at' the joints. A pair of meso-thoracic spiracles, and eight pairs of smaller abdominal ones. Low down, on the sides of the second and third thoracic segments a curvilinear black spot. Length, 8 to 9mm. Papa. — Body pure white ; prothoracic shield with long scattered hairs around the edge and in two groups on the back ; antennas curving around between the eyes and jaws, and with the ends resting on the tips of the elytra. The insect undoubtedly descends into the earth to pupate. The beetle.— Head, prothorax, and under side of body dark coppery green, with seat- tered pits. Antennas, palpi, and legs pale pitchy yellow; elytra coppery green and whitish, the green forming a broad median stripe, sending prolongations outwards toward the middle of the elytra, the first pair of branches nearly parallel to the band, 480 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. the second becoming more Mid more at right angles to the band, the last short and broad near the tip of tin* body. Eleven rounded dark-green spots in the whitish field ; the pair near the shoulders gonrd-shaped : two of tin- spot* behind the middle of the elytra touching MOD other. The pits or punctures near the sutures of the elytra arranged in three lines parallel to the median line of union of the body ; elsewhere they are arrauged irregularly. 10. THE lkaf-minim, hi.-pa. Odontoid rubra Weber. Mr. \Y. L. Devereaux writes us from Clyde, X. Y., that this beetle 11 is a very conspicuous pest here, destroying the eutire foliage of every s-wood iu many forests, excepting trees of great height." 11. The linden gai.l mite. Phytopius abnormis Garman. Produces galls on the leaves of the American linden or bass-wood, Tilia americana Linn. The transverse striae of the abdomen number about 56. This mite differs from all the other Phytopti I have seen iu that the abdomen, just before the terminal sucker, is noticeably enlarged. But few speci- mens have been examined, as they have been very rare. In many of the galls, comparatively large, elongate eggs occur, which probably belong to some larger mite which preys on the gall-mites. The gall is top-shaped, expanding above and contracting towards the upper surface of the leaves into a neck. It measures .155 inch in height, and .100 inch in diameter. The walls are deeply infolded, sometimes giving rise to unequal lobes. The outer surface is smooth, green and devoid of hairs. The cavity of the gall is made unsym- metrical by the deeper impressions of the wall. The iuside of the latter is slightly roughened by small folds, and is clothed with long aciculate, unicellular hairs. These galls occur sparingly on the leaves of large trees in open woods at Bloomiugton, 111. (H. Garman iu Forbes's 1st Illinois fit) The following insects also occur ou the linden: Order Hymenoptera. 12. Selandria tilicv Norton (Trans. Amer. Eut. Soc, i, 250). Order Lepidoptera. 13. Limenitis arthemis (Drury). (Scudder). 14. Orapta interrogationis (Fabricius). 15. Grapta comma Harris. ttOn Linden, October 17." (Riley's MS. uotes.) 10. Papilio glaucus Linn. (Scudder). 17. Papilio turnus Linn. (Eut. Soc. Ontario), 18. Ceratomia amyntor lliibn. (Lintuer i, 18S). LINDEN INSECTS. 481 19. Sciapteron robinicv H. Edwards. Destructive to Popidus alba in Nevada (Edwards, Bull. Buffalo Ent. Soc., iii, p. 72). 20. SmerintJins excwcatus A. and S. (Fischer, Can. Ent., xvi, p. 17). 21. Halesidota caryw Harris. (Beutenriiller). 22. Halesidota tessellaris A. and S. (Walsh). 23. Lochmwus manteo Doubld. 24. Phobetrum hyalinum Walsh. 25. Parasa fraterna Grote. (August 27, Miss E. A. Morton, in letter.) 26. Datana ministra (Drury). (Beutenmiiller). 27. Glisiocampa disstria Hiibn. See p. 119. 28. Eacles imperialis (Beutenmuller). On the bass-wood, European linden, and white linden. 29. Platysamia cecropia L. (W. Brodie). 30. Telea polyphemus Linn. (Riley^s MS. notes.) 31. Apatela hastidifera (Sm. Abb.), Lintner (Contr., iii, p. 158). 32. Apatela americana Harris. 33. Eugonia subsignaria (Hiibner). 34. IAthocolletis lucetiella Clems. Larvae in tentiform mine on under surface of leaves. (Chambers.) 35. Lithocolletis tiliceella (Chamb.). Larvae in tentiform mine on upper surface of leaves. (Chambers.) 36. Coleophora tilicefoliella Clems. Larva only known. It lives in a case and feeds on the under side of leaves. (Chambers.) Order Coleoptera. 37. Hispa quadrata Fabr. Mines the leaves. (Chambers.; 38. Prionus brevicornis Fabr. In logs of bass-wood (Smith, Rep. Ent. Conn., 1872, p. 346). 39. Parandra brunnea Fabricius (in stumps, Schaupp, in letter). 40. Chrysobothris femorata Fabr, (Riley's 7th Rep., p. 72.) 41. Cystophorus verrucosus (Olivier). Taken from bass-wood, October 29, South Woodstock, Conn. (Chittenden in letter). 42. IStenoscelis brevis (Boh.). Taken with the preceding species. (Chit- tenden.) In decaying wood (Townsend, Can. Ent., xviii, p. 68). 43. Cucujus clavipes (Fab.). Under bark (Townsend, 1. c, p. 6Q). 44. Brontes dubius (Fab.). Under bark (Townsend, 1. c, p. 66). 45. Alaus ocidatus (Linn.). In dead wood (Townsend, 1. c, p. 66). 46. Elater maniptdaris (Cand.). Under bark (Townsend, 1. c, p. 6Q). 47. JScotobates ealcaratus (Fab.). In dead wood (Townsend 1. c, p. 67). 48. Hoplocephala bicornis (Oliv.). Under bark and in dead wood (Town- send, 1. c, 67). 49. Tetratoma truncorum (Lee). Same as preceding (Townsend, 1. c, p. 67). 50. Orchesia castanea (Melsh.). Under bark (Townsend, 1. c, p. 67). 5 ent 31 482 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. 51. Uupsali.s minuta (Drury). In dead wood (Towusend, 1. c , p. 68). 63. Oratoparis lunaUu (Fab.). In decaying wood (Towusend, 1. c, p. 68). Order Diptera. 53. The Linden dipterous gall-fly, Cecidomyia {tiliw) verrucicola Osten Sackeu. Massachusetts and New York (Osten Sacken). 54. Cecidomyia citrina O. Sacken. 55. Sciara tilicola Osten Sacken. See p. 411. Order Hemiptera. 56. Lachnus longistiyma Mouell. St. Louis, Mo. Washington, D. C. (Towusend, Insect Life, ii, p. 90). 57. Brepanosifhum til'uv Koch ? (Monell-Thomas). 58. Puluinaria innumerabilis Kathvon. See p. 412. 59. Aspidiotus ancylus Putuam. 00. Tingis tiliiu Walsh (Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., 1864, 408). Chapter VII. INSECTS INJURIOUS TO THE BIRCH. Betula nigra, B. populifolia and B. alba. A considerable degree of interest attaches to the birch insects, not only because the birch is a beautiful shade tree, but because many of the species injurious to the different species of Betula also occur on other shade trees, as the oak, while mauy of them have established themselves in orchards and gardens. In our Bulletin on Forest Insects we enumerated only 19 species of birch insects ; these we increased to 50 ; afterwards Mrs. Dimmock, in her invaluable article on the insects of Betula in North America, published in Psyche, enumerated 107 determined species, besides several undetermined.* Mrs. Dimmock has kindly allowed me to reproduce the article, which I have done, under the head of the different species. I have also added a number, mostly undetermined larvae, so that now the chapter contains references to or descriptions of 105 species. Kaltenbach enumerates 270 European birch-feeding iusects, and judging from the number occurring on other kinds of trees the number in this country will probably ultimately be found not to be less than that of the birch insects of the Old World. INJURING THE TRUNK. 1. The slender xiphidria. Xiphidria attenuatus Norton. Order Hymenoptera ; family Urocerid^e. This "horn -tail" borer is rarely met with. The generic name was given to it from the appearance of the sword-like ovipositor, which, however, is much shorter than in Tremex, a member of the same fam- ily. The body of the imago or fly is a little flattened, somewhat turned up behind, and the tip of the abdomen ends in an obtuse point, while the antennae are short, curved, and tapering at the end. The present species was taken by Mr. W. H. Patton, on June 6, at Waterbury, Conn., from a dead stick of the black birch. "My atten- *As some of the species enumerated in her list feed only on decaying wood and under the bark I have not numbered them as true birch-feeding insects, but referred to them in foot-notes. 483 484 FIFTH KEPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION tion," be Bays, k> was drawn to the spot by finding a Rkyssa kumida (Say) with its ovipositor firmly driven into the wood. Upon catting into the Btick, this specimen, together with a pnpa of the male and several horn- taile larva, were found. The antenna? of the pnpa are bent down upon the sides of the face and up along the back of the head. One of the larv;r changed to papa (female, length 0.32 inch) on the -1st of July. The male agrees well with Norton's description as given in Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. (ii, p. 354), and is very unlike the female." (Can. Ent., xi, p. 14, 1879.) Male. — '' Falf honey yellow, antennae 16 jointed, blackish, two or three basal arti- cles yellowish ; a spot inclosing ocelli, tip of mandibles, Bides of neck, of iueso, and metathorai blackish; tergnm irregularly dark; pectus brown piceons; body beneath and legs whitish ; wings hyaline, nervures and stigma pale; under wings with two middle cells. Pennsylvania." (Norton.) Female. — " Head and thorax black ; tibiae and tarsi pale; wings hyaline ; abdomen red, with six yellow spots. Length 0.40 inch, expanse of wings 0.64 inch. "Antennae 16-jointed, black, piceous beneath, especially toward tip. Face below and bptweeu antennae, palpi, and base of mandibles, fulvous. Eyes, except for a short space above, bordered with yellow, the border covering nearly the whole cheek and the anterior and posterior borders, extending backward to meet on the edge of the occiput, thereby inclosing a spot above the eyes, which is black in the center but shading through piceous into the yellow borders. Space about the ocelli finely rugose, with delicate ridges radiating from each ocellus; vertex behind the ocelli polished. A pit or deep puncture midway between the lower ocellus and the inser- tion of the antennae. Thorax closely and finely rugulose ; scutellum and inclosure on tbe basal plates polished. Tegulae, minute spots before the tegulae, one each side above the anterior wing, and the cenchri, yellow. Trochanters, tips of coxae and of femora dull yellow ; femora piceous, posterior pair black ; basal half of tibia- and basal joints of tarsi, except at tip, yellowT ; the remainder of tibiae and tarsi fulvous, becoming brownish on the posterior tibiae. Wings hyaline, iridescent, nervures and stigma pale piceous. Basal half of the first segment of the abdomen black and roughened with fine confluent punctures; the remainder of this segment and portions of the terminal segment are darker than the other segments of the red polished abdo- men. A yellow spot on each side of segments 3, 4, and 7, those on the seventh seg- ment being the largest. Sheath of the ovipositor black ; abdomen beneath, except at base of ovipositor, red." (Patton.) 2. Tremex columba Linn. Order Hymenoptera ; family Urocerid.e. Mrs. Dimmock gives the following summary of its history (Psyche, iv, p. 285) : Tremex columba Linn. (Syst. Nat., 1758, ed. 10, p. 929). Harris (Rept. Ins. Injur, Veg., 1841, p. 389-391) describes the egg, larva, aud imago of this insect, giving wood of pear, Ulmw, and P/ataHM«asfood of the larva; and(Entom. Corresp., 1869, p. 360) again describes the egg and imago. In Amer. Eutom., Nov., 1868, v. i, p. 59, this species is mentioned as injuring oak and pear trees. Packard (Guide Study Ins., 1869, p. 228) quotes Harris's accounts of the habits of this species. Huggius(Amer. Entom., Feb. 1870, v. 2, p. 128) found this insect ovipositing in an apple tree. Packard (Bull. 7. U. S. Entom. Comm., 1881, p. 105, 106) figures the larva, which he states to attack llmu8, Quercus, Acer, and Platanus ; aud {op. cit., p. 129) says, "In yellow birch at Providence," R. I. Harrington (Can. Entom., Dec, 1882, v. 14, p. 225) gives some notes upon this species and adds Fagus to the food-plants. BIRCH BORERS. 485 3. Croe8U8 latitarsus Norton. Order Hymenoptera ; family Tenthredinid^e. The following note is from Mrs. Dimmock's article on birch insects Psyche, p. 286) : Croesus latitarsus Norton (Proc. Entom. Soc. Phil., 1862, i, p. 199). Norton (/. c.) describes the male of this species, and later (Trans. Amer. Entom. Soc, 1867, v. i, p. 84) describes the female, and adds, "Bred by Mr. Walsh from larvae feeding on birch." 4. Clytus? larva. • Xylotrechus colonus (Fabr.)?. Plate XII, Fig. 3, represents the mouth-parts of a Clytus nearly allied to if not identical with Xylotrechus colonus. 5. C088U8 sp. The following note is from Mrs. Anna K. Dim mock (Psyche, iv. p. 274): Lintner (Entom. Contrib., iv, 1878, p. 244-245) states that the larvae of a Cossus, the pupal cases of which prove to be those of some as yet undescribed species, bore in the wood of Betula populifolia. 6. Chrysobothris 6-signata Say. The beetle and pupa of this Buprestid borer were found in the yellow birch June 1, at Providence. The notes on the three following species are copied from Mrs. Dimmock's Insects of the Birch : * 7. Tylonotus bimaculatus Hald. Tylonotus bimaculatus Hald. (Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc, 1847, v. 10, p. 38) is said by Packard (Bull. 7, U. S. Entom. Comm., FlG m._chrysoboth- 1881, p. 129) on authority of O. Hunt, to be found "under bark ris Q-signata. Smith of white or paper birch, northern New York." * The following species do no injury to the tree, only living in or under the bark, or in the wood of dead and decaying trees : Nyctobates pensylvanica De Geer (Me'm., 1775, v. 5, p. 52; pi. 13, fig. 10). Schaupp (Bull. Brooklyn Entom. Soc, July 1881, v. 4, p. 23) writes of this species, "Pupae in beech July 15); in hemlock July 18; in birch July 21." Campylus denticomis Kirby (Fauna Boramer., 1837, pt. 4, p. 145). G. Dimmock has reared this species from larvae found in partly decayed bark of Betula papyraceat on Mount Washington, New Hampshire. The imagos emerge from the pupae about July 1, and are abundant during July in the White Mountains. Trogosita corticalis Melsh. (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Oct. 1884, v. 2, p. 109), Schaupp (Bull Brooklyn Entom. Soc, July 1881, v. 4, p. 23) writes of this species, "Larvae in birch July 8, in beech August 14, in sugar maple July 19." Ceruchus piceus Weber (Observ. Entom., 1801, p. 84). The pupae are mentioned by Fuchs (Bull. Brooklyn Entom. Soc, Dec. 1882, v. 5, p. 59) as being very common in an old beech stump, and are briefly described. The larvae are mentioned by G. Dimmock (Direct. Collect. Coleopt., 1872, p. 20) as living "in decayed chestnut and willow." The larvae are very abundant in decayed and fallen wood of Betula alba during autumn. Quite a large number of larvae taken in Milton, Massachusetts, No- vember 10, 1883, fed through the winter and produced a single beetle. From these 486 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. 8. Gracilia minuta Fabr. Qraeilia minuta Fabr. (Spec. Ins., 1781, v. 1, p. 235). Lagger (Psyche, Aug. -Sept. 1884, v. 4, p. 204) mentions breeding this species from a baud of wood {Betula lenta) around a gin-barrel. 9, Bellamira scalaris (Say). Bellamira scalaris Say (Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci., 1827, v. 5, p. 278-279). Packard (Hull. 7, U. S. Entom. Coram., 1881, p. 129) writes on authority of G. Huut, "Beetle and pupa found uuder the bark of the yellow birch in July, northern New York." 10. Leptura vagans Olivier. This longicorn beetle has been bred by Mr. Chitten- den, as he writes me, from larv;e found in the yellow birch. AFFECTING THE LEAVES. 11. The tuknus swallow-tail. Papilio turnu8 Linn. I have frequently noticed this caterpillar on fig. iib.-Beiiamira scalane, the leaves of the white and poplar-leaved birch smiths. jate ju September and early in October in Providence. The butterfly appears early in June in Xew England as soon as the lilac blossoms. The eggs are laid soon after the butterfly appears; the larva passing through five stages of growth. Mrs. Anna K. Dimmock gives a summary of its history (Psyche, iv, p. 283) as follows : Papilio turnus Linn. (Mantissa, 1767, v. 1, p. 536). Harris (Treatise on Ins. Injur. Veg., 1862, p. 268, 269) describes and figures the larva and imago of this species, which larva* were reared seven tachiuid Hies (allied to Morinia), which emerged from June 4 to July 6, 1884. The digestive tract of the larva? of C. piceus is often inhabited by a microscopic undescribed nematode worm. Dendroide8 concolor Newm. (Entom. Mag., 1838, v. 5, p. 375). G. Dimmock has a specimen in his collection, which he reared from the bark of Betula papyracea at the White Mountains, New Hampshire, the beetle emerging July 8, 1^74. Dendroides canadensis Latreille (Consid. Gene'r., 1810, p. 212). Schaupp (Bull. Brooklyn Entom. Soc, July 1881, v. 4, p. 23) writes of this species, "Pupa in birch July 19, in beech July 23." G. Dimmock found a pupa of this species, June 30, 1874, under decayed bark of Betula papyracea, on Mount Washington, New Hampshire: the beetle emerged from this pupa July 8, 1874. Meravantha contracta Beauv. (Ins. Afr. et Ainer., 1805, p. 121, pi. 30, fig. 2). Halde- man (Proc. Amer. Assoc. Advanc. Sci., 1850, v. 2, p. 347) briefly notices the larva of this species. Specimens in the collection of G. Dimmock were taken at Surneld, Conn., by Leroy H. Sykes, in decaying bark of Betula lutea. Centronopus calcaratus Fabr. (Entom. Syst., Suppl., 1794, p. 52). Coquillett (Can. Entom., Juue, 1883, v. 15, p. 102) describes this larva very briefly. This larva is often very abundant in decaying birch wood. — (Mrs. Auua K. Dimmock, Psyche, iv, pp. 283-284). Mallota posticata Fabr. The larva has been found by Mr. Lintner in decaying birch wood. (1st Auu. Rep, State Eut. N. Y. 1882, 211-216.) Stenoscelix bra-is Boh. occurs in wood (Chittenden). BIRCH CATERPILLARS. 487 is stated to feed on \%ild cherry. Morris (Synop. Lepid. N. A., 1862, p. 2) describes larva and imago, giving for food-plaut "various species of Prunus." Saunders (Can. Entom., Feb., 1869, v. 1, p. 53,54) describes egg and young larva, and later (op. cit., Apr., 1869, v. i, p. 74) describes adult larva. Scudder (Amer. Nat., Aug., 1869, v. 3, p. 330) gives as food-plants: apple, Crataegus, Prunus virginiana, cultivated cherry, Ahui8, Liriodendron tulipifera, Fraxinus sambucifolia, Betula, Tilia, and Quercus, and later (Can. Entom., May, 1872, v. 4, p. 84), on authority of Abbot, gives Fraxinus trifoliata and F. ^platycarpa. Saunders (Can. Entom., Jan., 1874, v. 6, p. 2-5) describes and figures larva and imago, and (op. cit., Nov., 1883, v. 15, p. 204) adds Magnolia acuminata to the recorded food-plants. Gruber (Papilio, May, 1884, v. 4, p. 86,87) gives notes on the five stages of the larva. Larva. — Body very thick, soft, smooth, cylindrical, thickest on the first abdominal segment, thence tapering rapidiy towards the end. On the metathoracic segment two large subdorsal eye-like spots in the middle of the segment, formed of a yellow ring edged externally with black, with a black center containing a blue streak. Pos- terior edge of the fourth segment yellow, with a narrow black streak behind. Pro- thoracic segment scarcely wider than the head, with the front edge straw-yellow. Head lilac rust-red. All the feet pale green. Body rich velvety pea-green, whitish green on the under side. Length, 38mm. The butterfly. — Yellow, with a broad black edge containing a row of yellow spots; forewings with four short black bands reaching in from the costal edge ; the hind wings with long tails and with an orange-red spot near their hind angle. Expanse of wings, 4£ to 5 inches. 12. Ceratomia amyntor Hiibner. Already described under the head of elm insects, the only tree upon which we have found this insect in the caterpillar stage. I append the following notes by Mrs. Dimmock, who has found it oftener on the white birch than the elm: Ceratomia amyntor Hiibn. (Samrnl. Exot. Schmett., 1806-1824, v. 2, Lepid. 2, Sph. 3, leg. 4, mand. b, pond. 4) [= C. quadricornis Harr. (Amer. Journ. Sci. and Arts, July, 1839, [s. i], v. 36, p. 293)]. Harris (I. c.) describes the larva and imago ; the same author (Rept. Ins. Injur. Veg., 1841, p. 227, 228) briefly describes the larva and imago, and later (Treatise on ins. injur, veg., 1862, p. 323, 324) adds a figure of the larva and imago; still later (Entom. Corresp., 1869, p. 282) he briefly describes the egg, young larva, and pupa. Morris (Synop. Lepid. N. A. 1862, p. 205,206) describes larva, pupa, and imago. Lintner (Proc. Entom. Soc. Phil., Dec, 1862, v. 1, p. 286-293) gives an excellent description of the egg, the five stages of the larva, and the pupa. Minot (Can. Entom., Nov., 1869, v. 2, p. 28) describes the egg and the young larva; he states that the larva molts six times. Andrews (Can. Entom., Feb., 1876, v. 8, p. 40) and Bunker (op. cit., June, 1876, v. 8, p. 120) discuss the brown form of the larva. The before-meutioned authors give only Uhnus as food-plant; Goodell (Psyche, July [Dec], 1832, v. 3, p. 368) gives Uhnus and Betula alba as food-plants. Taken in Cam- bridge, Mass., oftener on Betula alba than on Ulmus. (Psyche, iv, 231,282.) 13. Smerhithus excacatus Abb. and Smith.* Although I have more commonly found this caterpillar on the willow, and sometimes on the poplar and birch, Mrs. Dimmock says it is not * I subjoin the description of a Smeriuthus larva, perhaps of this species, feeding on the leaves late in September and during the first week in October, which began to pupate October 3, at Providence. Larva. — Head rather large, triangular in front, tho vertex ending in two minute rounded tubercles, and with a paler green line on the side of the head. Labrum 488 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. rare on low white birch shrubs. I have found the egg and young larva on the willow at Brunswick in July, but have not reared an individual through all the stages from the first.* The following notes are by Mrs. Anna K. Dinimock in Psyche, iv, p. 282: Smtrinthus cxcwcatus Abb. and Smith (Nat. Hist. Lepid. Ins. Entom. M<>., 1871, p. 66, 89) deaeribei and fignree the larva, pupa, and imago, adding to the above-mentioned food-plants, Juglans cinerea, Syringa, Convolvulus, Cossi/jtiiun, Ihlianthus, Polygonum, Verbena, and (ieranium ; lie also states that the larva has been known "to subsist entirely, from the time it east its last skin till it spun op, on dead bodies of the camel cricket (Mantis Carolina)"', later (op. cit , Oct., 1870, v. 2, p. 336) be adds Petunia and Salix to the food-plants. Lintner (Entom. ('out rib., No. 3, 1874, p. 143) describes two varieties of the larva. Bates (Can. Entom., Jan., 1880, v. 12, p. 20) adds ? llumex to the food-plants. Saunders (op. cit., March, 1880, v. 12, p. 56, 57) reprints Riley's figures of the larva, pupa, aud imago, and de- scribes them. Packard (Bull. 7, U. S. Entom. Cornm., 1881, p. 88-89) describes larva and imago (reprinting Riley's figures of these and the pupa) and adds Rhamnus and Pinits to the food-plants. The larva also eats Ampelopsis quinquefolia, Limits ameri- cana, Jietula alba, Fuchsia fulgens, Tropirolum, Primus serotina, Syringa vulgaris, Vitis labrusca, Ipomoea purpurea, Pelargonium, Martynia proboscidea, Acer sarcharinum, Ricinus communis, Lappa officinalis, and Nicotiana tobacum, but specimens fed on Datura meteloides died soon after. (Anna K. Dirumock, Psyche, iv, p. 281.) 16. Phobetron pithecium Abbot and Smith. As will be seen by tbe following statement by Mrs. Dimmock this singular caterpillar is sometimes found on tbe birch as well as the oak (seep. 143): Phobetron pithecium Abb. aud Smith (Nat. Hist. Lepid. Ins. Ga., 1797, v. 2, p. 147, pi. 74). Harris (Rept. Ins. Injur. Veg., 1841, p. 304,305) describes the larva and imago of this species, stating that the larva feeds on oak, and, according to Melsheimer, on wild cherry; later (Treatise on Ins. Injur. Veg., 1862, p. 421,422) he adds to this de- scription a poor figure of the larva and of the cocoon ; he gives a brief note (Entom. Corresp., 1869, p. 244-245) on the larva. Riley (Amer. Entom. v. 2; September, Oc- tober, 18(39, p. 25 ; October, 1870, p. 340) gives a good figure of the larva, which he states to feed on apple and Siberian crab-apple ; he later (5th Ann. Rept. State Entom. Mo., 1873, p. 126) gives this species in a list of larva) which have urticating power. Lintner (Entom. Coutrib., No. 3, 1874, p. 149) describes the cocoon, and adds plum, pear, and Corylus americana to the food-plants. This larva is rarely found in eastern Massachusetts but is a little more abundant in the western part of the State; a favorite food-plant is Betula alba. (Anna K. Dimmock, Psyche, iv, p. 208.) 17. Limacodes scapha Harris. The following notes are copied from Mrs. Diinmock's paper: Limacodes scapha Harr. (Rept. Ins. Iujur. Veg., 1841, p. 303). Harris (I. c. and Treatise on Ins. Injur. Veg., 1862, p. 420) describes the species as larva, which he (Cau. Entom., July, 1873, p. 137) adds a few notes on the larva. Siewers (Can. Entom., July, 1877, v. 9, p. 127, 128) notes a few habits of the larva. Mann (Psyche, Sept.-Dec, 1879 [9 Apr., 1880], v. 2, p. 270) gives some notes on the larva. Riley (Amer. Entom., June, 1880, v. 3, p. 133, 134) reprints his figures of larva, pupa, and imago, and adds some notes on the larva and its parasites. Coleman (Papilio, Jan., 1882, v. 2, p. 18) gives some notes on the variations of color of the larva. Experi- ments show that the larva feeds readily on leaves of the following plants: Ricinus communis, Acer saccharinum. Viburnum dentatum, Lappa officinalis, Polygonum persicaria, Troptvolum majus, Vitis labrusca, Syringa vulgaris, S. persica, Ampelopsis quinquefolia, PruniiH serotina, Ulmus americana, Clethra alnifolia, Martynia proboscidea, JJelianthus animus, Plantago major, Spinva sorbi folia. Eibes aureum, and Betula alba; the larva refused Solatium nigrum and Apios tuherosa. (Anna K. Dimmock, Psyche, iv, p. 281.) BIRCH CATERPILLARS. 491 states to live on Juglans ; later (Entom. Corresp., 1869, p. 300, pi. 3, fig. 8) he figures the larva, and adds apple to the food-plants. Walsh (Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., February, 1864, v. 9, p. 298,299) first describes the imago and says, "The larva fed on hickory leaves, but I have met with two specimens on the button-wood or syca- more." Packard (Guide, Study Ins., 1869, p. 290, and Bull. 7, U. S. Entom. Comra., 1881, p. 77) briefly describes the larva, cocoon, and imago, figuring the last. A single larva of this species, taken on Betula alba at Belmont, Mass., 12th August, 1882, pu- pated 17th September, and emerged 1st July, 1883. The excrement of the larva has a peculiar form, being cup-shaped, with a deep concavity and comparatively thin walls, which are somewhat shriveled about the margin in drying. The larva, when disturbed, exhales an odor difficult to describe. A short time before pupation it turns whitish. (Psyche, iv, p. 297.) 18. The American Silk-worm. Telea polyphemus (Linn). I have found this caterpillar in different stages of growth at Bruns- wick, Me., through August, on Betula populifolia. 19. The Unicorn Caterpillar. Schizura unicornis (Abbot and Smith). This caterpillar, which is common in orchards, has been detected on the birch by Mrs. Dimmock, whose notes on it are subjoined : Coelodasys unicornis Abb. and Smith (Nat. Hist, Lepid. Ins. Ga., 1797, v. 2, p. 165, pi. ■86). Harris (Rept. Ins. Injur. Veg., 1841, p. 306,307) describes the larva of this spe- cies and gives as food-plants plum and apple, and adds to them, on authority of Ab- bot, Prinos verticillatus. Harris (Entom. Corresp., 1869, pi. 2, fig. 8) gives a colored figure of the larva. Payne (Amer. Entom., October, 1870, v. 2, p. 341) notes that the larva mimics partly dead and partly living margins of leaves. Lintner (Entom. Contrib., No. 3, 1874, p. 131) describes and figures the larva, adding Corylus americana and Prunus virginiana to the previously known food-plants ; his figure is copied in Amer. Nat., November, 1874, v. 8, p. 691, 692. Packard (Bull. 7, U. S. Entom. Comm., 1881, p. 136) adds Crataegus to the food-plants. The larva also feeds on Betula alba. 20. Schizura ipomece Doubleday. According to Mr. Koebele the caterpillar occasionally feeds on the birch. 21. Schizura sp. Another unicorn-like larva occurred on Betula populifera, Brunswick, August 29. Larva. — Head very large, much larger (about twice) than in S. unicornis on elm; full, much enlarged towards the vertex, which is bilobed; a double row of light, almost white, spots down the front, clypeus white; side of head whitish brown, and the head elsewhere is marbled with whitish in a net-work of light brown lines. Hump (dorsal) on the first abdominal segment bilobed and much larger than in uni- cornis ; the two forks of the hump deep reddish. The median brown dorsal line is much broader than in unicornis. Side of thoracic segments not so light green as in 492 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. unicornis. A doable row ofdofM] warts not so wide Apart and much larger than in unicornis. The dorsal bump on the seventh segment is not so high and is larger and thicker than in unicornis, the two terminal warts larger; in front of this hump the dorsal part of the body is dark green as far as the middle of the body, and it incloses a round brown patch in the middle of the dorsal green area. The warts on the back behind the hump arc larger than in unicornis. The general color is reddish brown, and it wants the two V-ehftped silver dorsal patches which characterize unicornis. Length, 10""". 22. llttcrocampa pulverea G. and R. The caterpillar of this moth, according to Dr. Riley, was observed in Maryland feeding on the birch. See p. 160. 23. Lochmccus sp. A caterpillar allied to, but very distinct from, L. manteo occurred on the birch in " Virginia, September 14, 1882." (Riley's MS. notes.) I have seen the two specimens, which are in the Department collection, one of which has two dark red spots on the first abdominal and two much larger distinct oval dark blood-red dorsal spots on the third ab- dominal segment, while the body is of the color of the underside of a birch leaf. 24. Dryopteris irrorata Pack. Mr. Elliot tells me that he has likewise reared this species from the birch in the vicinity of New York City. Moth. — This species is of a bright ferruginous or brick red, dusted above with brown abbreviated lines and dots, but beneath clear reddish. Palpi and front of head of a bright rusty red, thorax and forewiugs slightly shaded with brown. Both pairs of wings are marked nearly alike, being crossed by transverse irrorations which are united into lines near the base of the wing. Within the middle of the wing is a slightly curved irregularly zigzag dark line, which is deeply sinuate in the median space. On the outer fourth of the wing is a line of the same color, which makes an acute angle before reaching the apex of the wing and then suddenly bends back upon the costa. Just beyond this line is a dark transverse streak which only touches the outer edge at the lower part of the apex, which is nearly black. On the secondaries are two parallel black somewhat zigzag lines, the inner being half as long as the outer one. Beneath the outer line only is reproduced, being straight on the forewings, but a little sinuate on the hind wings. Expanse of wings, 1.40 inch. 25. Dryopteris rosea Walker. Mr. S. Lowell Elliott informs me that he has raised this moth from larvae feeding on the birch in New York. He preserved no description of the caterpillar. Moth. — Forewings very falcate, the body and basal two-thirds of both pairs of wings roseate brown, sometimes yellow; outer margin of the forewTings and apex of hind wings rosy brown, or color of a dead leaf. Expanse of wings 27ram. When the body and wings at base are yellow (as in Walker's marginata) three rosy brown lines cross both pairs of wings, the two basal lines being near together, the outer remote, with a deep rounded sinus near the costa, marked beneath nearly as above. BIRCH CATERPILLARS. 493 26. Prionia bilineata (Pack). Order Lepidoptera; family Platyptericid^e. Dr. Dimmock has worked out the history of this interesting moth, as will be seen by the following account by Mrs. Dimmock in Psyche, iv, p. 278 : Platypteryx bilineata Packard (Proc. Entom. Soc. Phil., Nov.. 1864, v. 3, p. 359). Packard {I. c.) writes: "Dr. Harris lias reared this from the larva, which pupated July 25; imago August 15." Harris (Entom. Corresp., 1869, p. 142) gives a crude figure of the larva of some American species of Platypteryx f, and Packard (Guide Study Ins., 1869, p. 293) repeats this figure as that of a species of Dryopteris; no food- plant is mentioned by either author. The European species, Platypteryx lacertula, feeds on birch. The larva of P. bilineata is found upon Betula alba, in eastern Massachusetts, about the first of July and again early in September ; hibernation takes place as pupa in the September brood. Dr. G. Dimmock will later describe the egg, larva, and pupa of this insect in detail, but the following notes will suffice for the recogni- tion of the larva and pupa. The full-grown larva is about 12mm long, tapering from the anterior to the posterior end, which latter terminates in a single point, turned upward, in place of the anal legs. The dorsal surface of each segment bears four tubercles, each supporting a single short hair. The arrangements of these tubercles is peculiar : segment 1 has small tubercles arranged thus . . . . ; segments 2 and 3 each have large tubercles arranged • • 0 • (the head in each case supposed to be upward) ; segments 4-10 each have small tubercles arranged .-•. ; segments 11 and 12 each have two large and two small tubercles arranged • . . • . The slight cocoon is made between leaves of the birch which the larva has drawn together for the pur- pose, and the pupa within it is densely covered with a white bloom. Moth. — Female : A delicate thinly-scaled species of an ocherous-silvery color ; the ocherous scales appearing along the outer border, and lining the transverse lines. These two lines are in the middle of the wing, the outer being a little flexuous ; both are dark, the inner one lined within and the outer one lined externally with ocherous. A distinct black discal spot. The fore wing is thickly covered with long transverse brown strigse or short lines, which become near the outer edge oblique and sinuate, forming an obscure submarginal line. Secondaries paler and dusky perlaceous. Discal dot distinct, and beyond is a transverse dark line, once angulated opposite this spot. Beyond this line the wing is obscurely strigated. Beneath, the forewings are more yellowish towards the outer edge, and on the secondaries, especially so beyond the outer line, which, with the discal dot, is much plainer than on the upper surface. Head and body thoughout concolorous with the forewings. Expanse of wings, 1.30 inch. 27. Drepana arcuata Grote. Mr. S. L. Elliot has bred this moth from the birch in Central Park, New York. It is closely like the European larva, being green, the head Inroad, the body tapering behind, ending in a sharp point with red spots on the thoracic segments. Mr. Elliot tells me that it rolls up a leaf, and eats a little off, then goes to another leaf, cuts it, and bends it over, and in this way becomes quite destructive.* * For a detailed account of the metamorphosis of this moth see my article, The Life-history of Drepana arcuata, etc., in Proc. Brit. Soc. Nat. Hist., xxiv, 1890. 494 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. I) rt puna sp. A papa taken July 5, 1883, at Cambridge, Mass., upon Betula albay upon which the larva had evidently fed, gave as imago, July 16, 1883, a species of Drepana. — (Mrs. Dimmock, Psyche, iv, p. 279.) 29. (iatstrupacha americana Harris. Though I have found the larva of this moth on the walnut, it appears by the following summary of its habits to live at times on the birch. Gastropacha amtricana Harris (Rep. Ins. Injur. Veg., 1841, p. 273-274). Thisauthor (I, o. and Treatise on Ins. Injur. Veg., 1862, pp. 377-378) briefly describes the larva, which he states feeds upon apple, and on authority of Abbot, upon Quercus and Fraxinua. Lintner (Entom. Contrib., No. 1, 1869, p. 193), in a note upon the larva, gives Betula as food-plant and later (Entom. Contrib., No. 3, 1874, p. 154,155) describes the larva, which he states to feed on Betula lenta and Acer. Lyman (Can. Entom., Aug., 1874, v. 6, p. 158) describes the eggs of this species. (Mrs. Anna K. Dimmock, Psyche, iv, p. 274.) The biological notes on the following eight species of Noctuidse or owlet moths are extracted from Mrs. Dimmock's Insects of the Birch, in Psyche, iv, pp. 273-274 : 30. Ortho8ia instabilis Fabr. Orthopia instabilis Fabr. (Entom. Syst., 1793, v. 3, p. 119) [= Tamiocampa incerta Hiibu.]. Kaltenbach (Pflauzenfeinde, 1872, pp. 429-430, 550, 640) gives the folio w- ng food-plants for the larva of this species in Europe: Apple, Ulmus, Tilia, Salix, Quercus, Fraxinus, Betula alba, Populus, and Carpinus; to this list Roiiast (Annales Soc. Linn. Lyon, Ann. 1882, [1883], N. S., v. 29, pp. 315-316) adds Amygdalus com- munis, Crataegus oxyacantha, and Centaurea jacea. 31. Apatela xyliniformis Guen. Apatela xyliniformis Guen. (Hist. Nat. d. Ins., 1852, v. 5, Noct., v. 1, p. 56). Thax- ter (Papilio, Jan. 1883, v. 3, p. 17) states that the larva of this species feeds on Betula and blackberry (Rubus). 32. Apatela brumosa Guen. Apatela brumosa Guen. (Hist. Nat. d. Ins., 1852, v. 5, Noct, v. 1, p. 52). Thaxter (Papilio, Jan. 1883, v. 3, p. 17) states that the larva of this species feeds on Betula. Salix, and Populus. 33. Apatela dactylina Grote. Apatela dactylina Grote (Proc Bost. Soc. Xat. Hist., April 1874, v. 16, p. 239), Thaxter (Psyche, May-June [9 July], 1877, v. 2, p. 35) gives Betula and Salix as food-plants of the larva of this species. 34. Apatela americana Harris. Apatela americana Harr. (Rep. Ins. Injur. Veg., 1841, p. 317). Harris (op. cit., p. 317-318) describes the larva and cocoon of this species ; he writes: " The caterpillar eatfl the leaves of the various kinds of maple and sometimes also those of the elm and chestnut.* The same author (Treatise on Ins. Injur. Veg, L862, p. 436-437) figures larva, papa, and imago of this species, and adds Tilia to the food-plants; and (Entom. Corresp, 1869, p. 311) again describes the larva. In Amer. Entom., April, BIRCH CATERPILLARS. 495 1869, v. 1, p. 166, this species is stated to feed on Populus dilatata and P. monilifera, and Riley (Second Rept. State Entom. Mo., 1870, p. 121) gives Betula and Alnus as food-plants. Coquillett (Papilio, Jan. 1881, v. 1, p. 6) describes the larva and gives red oak (Quercus) as food-plant. Thaxter (Papilio, Jan., 1883, v. 3, p. 17) adds Juglati8, Fraxinus. and Platanus to the recorded food-plants. 35. Apatela vuljpina Grote. Apatela vulpina Grote (Can. Entom., Jan., 1883, v. 15, p. 8-9). Thaxter (Papilio, Jan., 1883, v. 3, p. 14-15). describes the larva of this species, and gives Populus and Betula as food-plants. 36. Apatela spinigera Guen. Apatela spinigera Guen. (Hist. Nat. d. Ins., 1852, v. 5, Noct. v. 1, p. 45). Thaxter (Psyche, March-April [24 Sept.], 1878, v. 2, p. 121-122) describes the larva of this 6pecies and gives as food-plants Bubus and Betula. 37. Apatela occidentalis Grote and Rob. Apatela occidentalis Grote and Rob. (Proc. Entom. Soc. Phil., May, 1866, v. 6, p. 16). The larva of this species is described by Harris (Entom. Corresp, 1869, p. 311-312), who found it feeding on plum, cherry, and Pyrus americana. Lintner (Entom. Contrib., [No. 1], 1869, p. 62) adds apple to the food-plants. Saunders (Can. Entom., March, 1872, v. 4, p. 50) describes the larva. Packard (Papilio, Nov.-Dec, 1882, v. 2, p. 181) briefly describes the larva and pupa. Thaxter (Psyche, May-June [9 July] 1877, v. 2, p. 35) gives Ulmus as food-plant. A specimen taken on Betula lutea, at Wachusett, Mass., 26 August, 1882, pupated 30 August, and the imago appeared 12 June, 1883. This larva, which also ate Betula alba, did not entirely agree in colora- tion with Saunders's description. 38. Apatela betula? Riley. An interesting and easily recognized species of the genus Apatela has been reared from the black birch by Prof. C. V. Riley, who pub lished the following account of its habits and peculiarities in the Bul- letin Brooklyn Entomological Society, vol. vii, May, 1884 : It is a strongly marked species. In some of the paler specimens there is a sugges- tion of olivaceous ; while the darker specimens have more uniformly gray primaries with the strongly relieved transverse anterior pale line, and brown reniform spot and subterminal space as the most prominent features. Fig. 176.— Apatela betulce .- a, larva, dorsal view ; /, imago, nat. size ; b, a middle segment of larva, dorsal view ; c, do., side view; d, portion of larval skin showing spinose covering; e, cremaster of pupa with spines, dorsal view. The larva while young is found on the leaves and corresponds thereto in general color. After the last molt it rests stretched on the thickest branches of the tree and is fond of hiding in dark recesses. For pupation it forms a slight cocoon either among leaves or in old wood on the ground, or on the trunk of the tree. There are two 496 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. annual generations at Washington, the first larva- occurring in July and the second brood in October, while the first moths from hibernated popes appear in April and the second brood in August. The species, both in the characters of Its larva and of the male genitalia, shows affinities with that group of the genus which includes morula, occidc>itali*,/ttrciftr sn. The following notes on this caterpillar by Mrs. Dimmock (Psyche, iv, p. 274) show that it is not uncommon on the birch. (See also p. 166.) Charadra deridens Guen. (Hist. nat. d. ins., 1852, vol. 5, Noct.,vol. 1, p. 35-36.) Saun- ders (Can. entom., Sept. -Oct., 1870, vol. 2, p. 145-146) describes the larva, and Lintner (Entom. contrib., no. 3,1874, p. 157) figures and describes it. Thaxter (Papilio, Jan., 1883, vol. 3, p. 11-12) describes the egg, the seven larval stages, and the cocoon; the larva feeds upon red oak (Quercus), Betula, and Ulmus. 41. Euplexia lucipara (Linn.). The moth has been reared from the birch and Viburnum by Mr. S. Lowell Elliot. Larva. — Emerald green. Head greenish testaceous; mouth parts pale pitchy. There is a very faint broken dorsal line, and a shading with a darker green over the entire back. Sutures between the segments yellowish. Spiracles very small, whitish, with a broad black ring. The lower lateral space is pale bluish green. On the top of the twelfth segment, which is somewhat smaller, are two small spots of 'clear white. The underside is wholly pale bluish-green. Length 35mm (1.40 inches. Hy. Edwards and Elliot). 5 ENT 32 498 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. Moih. — Yove wings violet- bro WD, with lilac reflections, and shaded with reddish yellow, principally on the Babmargina] space, which ia dearer in front, and trav- and streaks. Submarginal line fine, wavy, forming a vague M in its middle, and shaded with hlaek in front. Hind wings yellowish, with the veins or cellular lunnle and the border broadly black, and containing a yellowish sinuous line. (Guen.). The four following species of Apatela occurred on the white birch at Providence duriug the last week of September and beginning of October. 42. Apatela sp. Larva. — Head large and black, rounded as usual. Body cylindrical, of even thick- ness throughout, densely covered above with short, evenly cropped, Scotch snuff- yellow-brown hairs, concealing the segments, and rising into a very slight mediau ridge. The hairs on the prothorax are in front white, especially the long ones, while four loug white hairs arise from the second (meso) segment, and there are six to eight long erect white hairs arising from the back at the end of the body. On the third and sixth segments behind the head is a median short erect black spike of hairs, one- third as long as the body is thick ; and at the end of the body is a double spike. On the sides of the body the hairs are seen to radiate from mammillae, and the row of white spiracles is conspicuous. The skin is livid blue-black. Length, 50 mm. 43. Apatela sp. Larva. — Head much smaller than in some Apatelae, but of the usual shape, not so wide at the prothorax, which is considerable narrower than the mesothoracic seg- ment. The body is cylindrical, thickest a little in front of the middle, and the seg- ments are somewhat convex and easily seen, as the segments are not concealed by the hairs. The hairs are short, stiff, and quite thick, and arise from white, rather large, mammillae which are arranged five on a side on each segment (except the first and two last). Along the middle of the back is a clear space between the mammillae. The hairs are whitish-yellow. The head and body are black. The mammillaB ou the end of the body (8-10 segments) are reddish. There is a broad, lateral, dull, brick- red band below the spiracles, which are white. The under side of the body between the prolegs is dull reddish, but the thoracic feet and uuder side of thoracic segments are dark, and the prolegs are dark livid purple black. The upper surface of the pro- thoracic segment has three granulated swollen areas, two oral ones in front and a median one behind. Length, 35mm. The hairs are irritating to the skin, so that these bright-colored cat- erpillars are not eaten by birds, though often easily found and stung by Ichneumons and Tachinae. 44. Apatela sp. Feeding on the upper branches in full sight a peculiar and rather conspicuous caterpillar. Providence, October 4. Larva. — Head large and full, nearly as wide as the body, jet black. Body long and thick, cylindrical; the three segments behind the head transversely folded dorsally. The lateral line well marked. Body and legs (all) dull black. The posterior half of each segment and the entire prothoracic with their fine white hairs giving a hoary appearance to the upper side of the body. Below the spiracles the hairs are thicker BIRCH CATERPILLARS. 499 than above, bat otherwise the same. The body beneath is free from hairs and is livid black. The body tapers slightly towards the end ; the anal legs are very short and the end of the body in walking is held off the surface. Length, 41mm. 45. Apatela sp. The larva here described occurred on Betula populifolia at Bruns- wick, Maine, September 4. Larva. — Head large, rounded, pale yellowish-brown. Body rather thick, arctian- like, white, with radiating tufts of white hairs, a few at each end longer than the others and spreading, some of which are black. A pair of mesothoracic lateral light orange-brown tufts, as long as head is wide ; a double median, thicker, shorter tuft of the same color on first abdominal segment, and another just like it on the penultimate (8th or 9th) segment. Length, 24mm. The three following species of the family Noctuidce occurred at Bruns- wick, Me. 46. Noctuid larva. Larva. — Body thick, a little humped dorsally near the end. Head small, not so wide as prothoracic segment. Prothoracic not so wide as mesothoracic, and metathoracic wider than mesothoracic segment. Body of a general chestnut brown color, the surface finely granulated. Head slightly darker than the body, and with short hairs, the markings on the body obscure. Two transverse rows of black warts on the prothoracic segment, and one on meso- thoracic and metathoracic ; four dorsal dots arranged in a trapezoid on the abdominal segments. Each abdominal segment with a pair of lateral, short, diffuse streaks, those on the seventh and eighth segments converging towards the little hump on eighth segment. Body and feet (thoracic and abdominal) livid green. Length llmm, September 14 to 20. 47. Noctuid larva. Larva. — A singular larva, the body green, marked with red and yellow, with a short warted supra-anal horn. Body thick, broad, slightly flattened. Head nearly as broad as the prothorax, rather deeply bilobed ; green, with two broad dark velvety red transverse lines across the front ; the hemispheres somewhat produced upward. Six rather large double warts (one large conical rough one), with one on the side at base ; the two protho- racic ones much smaller than the four others. On the abdominal segments a low trans- verse dorsal ridge ending on each side in rounded conical tubercles. In front are the two small hair-bearing warts, and the large warts also bear long hairs. The body is green, color of the leaf. The abdominal segments above mottled with reddish, with a lateral line on posterior two-thirds of abdomen, inclosing the dorsal mottled and tubercled area. The supra-anal plate ends in a large stout acute granulated reddish horn held obliquely outward. On each segment are three or four small yellowish tubercles. Body beneath pea- green. Length, 15mm, August 11, 1882. In larger ones, 17mm long, and some smaller, the body is entirely pale reddish brown color, with no green about it ; no red bands on front of head. Head mottled with yellowish brown, and body beneath in some individuals greenish yellow. 48. Noctuid larva. Larva.— A large green-headed Noctuid ; larva with ten abdominal legs. Head very large, broad, and full, much wider than the body. Four long white strips in front, and an oval lanceolate brick-red patch behind and surrounding the eyes. Thoracic feet, 500 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. green at base, marked with black and reddish. Spiracles very conspicuous; pro- thoracic one large and black, fins abdominal black, the rest orange. The body tapers towards the tail; pale green, wrinkled above. A broad dorsal. longitudinal band, with ■ median line green line which ends in a red streak on supra- anal plate. Lateral line folded and large, interrupted and marked irregularly with purple on the thoracic segments. Length, 22Famt August 15 to 18, 1882] observed at Brunswick, Me. 49. Brepho8 in fans Moschler. In this case I depart from my usual rule not to mention any insect unless positively known to feed on the tree stated, since there is so strong presumptive evidence that the larva of this beautiful moth feeds on the birch in this country as well as in Europe. I observed it flying among birches at Cambridge, Mass., early in the spring ot 1862 or 1863. I quote the following summary of its habits, published by Mrs. Dim- mock in Psyche (iv, p. 273) : Brepho8 infans Moschler (Wieu. entom. monatsschr., Mar. 1862, vol. ("», p. 134-136. pi. 1, iig. 6). Harris (Entonj. corresp., 1869, pi. 1, tig. 4) figures the imago of this species. Lintner (Entom. contrib., No. 4, 1878, p. '2"2T-221>) gives notes upon the habits of the imago which render it almost certain that the larva feeds upon Betula. The larv;e of the European species of this genus feed upon Brtula alba, the larva of Brtphos jMirthenias living between leaves that it spius together upon high twigs. The imagos of B. in fans are not rare about Betula alba, extremely early in the spring, both in eastern and western Massachusetts. 50. Catocala relicta Walk. The subjoined summary of what is known of the habits of this motb is copied directly from Mrs. Dimmock's article on birch insects, in Psyche (IV, p. 273). (atocala relicta Walk. (List. Lep. ins. Brit, inns., 1857, pt. 13, p. 1192, 1193). Bunker (Can. entom., May. 1883, vol. 15, p. 100) states that Populus is the favorite food-plant of the larva of this species. Hulst (Bull. Brooklyn entom. soc, July, 1884, vol. 7, p. 4W) says "Food-plant, white birch and silver poplar; and probably all species of Betula and Populus.v The same author (/. c, June, 1854, vol. 7, p. 15-16) gives struc- tural characters and habits of the larva' of Catocala. The European C. fraxina, re- garded by some authors to be a synonym of C. relicta, feeds, as larva, on Populus, Betula, Acer, Chnus, Quercus, and Fraxinus. C. relicta has been reared by C. Dim- mock, in Springfield, Mass., from a full-grown larva taken under circumstances which made it almost certain that its food-plant was Acer. 51. Xoctuid? or Xotodontid! larva. This caterpillar occurred on the white or paper birch, near the sum- mit of Thorn Mountain, Jackson, X. H. It was mistaken for a folded leaf, and was feeding conspicuously on the tree. Larva. — Body very thick and soft, tapering rapidly towards the small anal legs, which are about half The size of the others, the end of the body being often held straight out. Head large, but not so broad as the prothoracic segment: pale green like the rest of the body, with four longitudinal white bands, the outer ones extend- ing nearly to the base of the antennas ; from and including the eyes a broad reddish white patch, and a similar patch on the side of the prothoracic segment, and a much larger one on the side of the mesothoracic segment. Body pale pea-green, nearly the BIRCH CATERPILLARS. 501 color of the under side of the birch leaf, with two parallel white dorsal stripes ; four whitish yellow dots on the side of each abdominal segment. Spiracles deep orange red. Thoracic legs yellowish, each joint stained black. Length, .37. 52. Endropia armataria H.-Sch. Order Lepidoptera ; family Phal.exid^:. The following account of this insect is copied from Mrs. Diminock's Birch Insects, in Psyche, iv, p. 272 : Endropia armataria Herrich-SchaefYer (Saminl. nener. od. wenig bekannter ausse- reur. Schmett., 1850-'58, pi. 65, fig. 373-374). Saunders (Can. Entom., October, 1871, vol. 3, p. 130-131; (Ann. Rept. Entom. Soc. Ontario, 1871, p. 38) describes the larva of this species which he found on species of Bibes. A female of this species taken June 15, 188 ?, in Cambridge, Mass., was confined over fresh twigs of Acer, Riles rubrum, and B. aureum. On June 18 she laid two rows of elongated, flattened eggs upon a leaf of Acer; their color was light green, but by June 20 they had be- come shining carmine-red, which later became dull red. The eggs were 0.7mm long, 0.5mm Tvide^ and 0.4mm high, and were placed closely side by side in rows and gummed to the leaf. They hatched June 27. The larvae would not readily eat leaves of Bibes, but ate, in order of preference, leaves of Betula alba, of Acer, and of apple. One pu- pated August 2, 1883, and the imago appeared August 19, 1883; the second pupation occurred August 6, 1883, but the imago did not appear until June 3, 1884; two more pupated August 17, 1883, both of which produced imagos about June 7, 1884. In this case, of the four larva? which succeeded in producing imagos, all were subjected as nearly as possible to equal conditions, being reared in the same jar, upon the same plants, which were kept fresh with their stems in water, yet one of the imagos ap- peared the same fall, only seventeen days after pupation, while the three others remained about ten months in the pupal state. Those reared by Mr, Saunders hiber- nated as pupae. 53. Paraphia subatoviaria Guene'e. The caterpillar of this species appears to l>e a general feeder, not only living on the pine but also on the birch, according to Mrs. Dira- mock, whose historical notes we copy : Paraphia subatomaria Guene'e (Hist. Nat. d. Ins., 1857, vol. 9; Uran. et Phal., vol. i, p. 272). A larva taken on Betula alba, at Belmont, Mass., August 12, 1882, pupated September 19, and a male imago emerged October 8, 1882. This larva was mistaken for a young larva of Cymatophora crepuscularia. Another larva, taken on the same species of plant, at Cambridge, Mass., September 10, 1882, pupated September 27, and produced a female imago October 28, 1382. A third larva taken in Cambridge, on the same plant in the fall of 1883, pupated, and would have hibernated as pupa had it not been kept in a warm room ; the moth emerged during the winter. Packard (Mon. Geom. moths U. S. 1876, p. 418) writes: "The moth has been raised by Mr. W. Saunders, of Loudon, Canada, from a 'brown geometric larva on the pine, the imago appearing June 24.' " (Psyche, iv, p. 272.) 54. Ephyra pendulinaria Guen£e. According to the following notes of Mrs. Diinmock this caterpillar appears to occur on the birch as well as the sweet fern. " When about to transform," says Mr. Scudder, " it slings itself in a thread which crosses its body between the sixth and seventh segments, and closes its anal prolegs tightly in a mass of silk spun at this point, 502 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. and on the 17th of July changed to a pupa. On the 12th I found a chrysalis just ready to turn; it was fastened to the midrib of a leaf near the middle, with the threads of the swing well separated and well pOBhed under. " Ephjjra penduUmaria Gnene*e (Hist. Nat. d. Ins.. L857, v. '.», Uran. et PhaL, v. i, p. 414). Packard (Mon. Geom. Moths U. B., 1876, pp. 363-364) gives a description, by S. H. Soadder, of fche larva and pupa of this species; the larva fed on Comptonia a8plenifolia. A larva of this species, taken on lietula alba, at Wachnsett, Mass., August 96, 1883, pupated August 38, and the imago appeared May U. 1883. (Dim- mock). Larva. — Light green, with longitudinal white lines, and dotted with white spots. A dorsal and three subdorsal lines; the dorsal straight, but the others broken and irregular, the stigmatal edge wrinkled, the white spots irregularly scattered. Body beneath with the white lines interrupted. The last segment, with the anal prolegs and tip of the first pair of prolegs, slightly reddish. Thoracic legs pale greenish, black at the tips. A few scattered hairs on the body. Head faint reddish, marbled with whitish, with two white stripes. Length, 0.40; thickness, 0.12 inch. Pupa. — Light green, a black stripe broken twice towards the end on each side, along the hinder margin of the wing. Two protuberances, one at the base of each wing, white brownish at base; tail piece almost colorless, tip red. Abdominal seg- ments of a lighter color than the rest, with dots of a lighter tint ; anterior half of each abdomiual segment punctate ; posterior half minutely striate ; a thread crosses the body, upon which it rests suspended ; the thread splits in two, being fastened by four points. It is slightly roofed on the back. (Sc udder.) Moth. — Antennae of male moderately pectinated. Body and wings white, speckled with dark gray or blackish. It differs from E. myrtaria in being white, with four lines on the fore-wings and by the large discal ringlets, and the mesial shade. Ex- panse of wings, 25mm (1 inch). 55. Boarmia crepuscularia Treitschke. Mrs. Dimmoek, as will be seeu by the following statements, has reared the larva of this species from the white birch. Cymatophora crepuscularia Treitsch. (Schmett. v. Europa, 1827, v. 6, pt. 1, p. 190). Goodell (Cau. Entom., Apr., 1878, v. 10, p. 67) has described the larva of this species from a single specimen taken on plum, May 30 ; pupation took place June 6, and the imago emerged June 19. In Europe this very variable larva has often been reared. Herr (Anleitung d. Schmett. u. Raupen * * * 16'SS, pt. 2, p. 272) gives a good description of the larva, and states that its food-plants are Aquilegia, Salix, Populus, Alnus, Ulmus, Spartium, and Sambucus. Kaltenbach (Pdanze lfeinde, 1872, p. 614- 615) writes: " A very common geometrid, whose larva is very differently marked according to its food-plant. On Salix Borkhausen found it brownish green, on Italian poplar gray green, on Alnus brownish gray, on Ulmus lighter green than on Salix, on Sambucus gray brown, etc. Treitschke's specimens, reared on plum, were yellowish. Pupation takes place uuder the ground ; the moth appears in two generations, in spring from hyberuated pupa? and again in July. The larva appear in June and In September." Kaltenbach (op. cit., pp. 110, 234, 302, and 435) adds the following to previously mentioned food-plants: Betula alba. Genista, Quercus, Rubus, Lonicera, and Ligustrum. The larva of this species is common on Betula alba in eastern Massa- chusetts, where it is found ready for pupation as early as the middle of June. Of three larvae taken August 12, 1882, one pupated August 39 and hibernated as pupa, developing au imago the next spring ; another pupated September 2 and died later, and the third pupated September 2 and the imago appeared September 28 of the same year. Two annual broods of larvae are therefore probable iu New England, as in BIRCH CATERPILLARS. 503 Germany, but part of the second brood apparently emerge and oviposit iu late autumn, while the rest hibernate as pupae. (Psyche, iv, p. 271.) Moth. — This is our most common species, an;", may be known by its large size, the simply pubescent male antennae, its pale color, and the outer dentate line, that on the fore wings being less sinuous than the corresponding line in B. umbrosaria. The wings expand 1.50 to 1.60 inches. 56. Bheumaptera hastata (Linn.). The following notes are by Mrs. Anna K. Dimmock (Psyche, iv) : Bheumaptera hastata, Linn. (Syst. Nat., 1758, ed. 10, p. 527.) Schmiedlein (Naturges. deutsch. Schmett., 1805, pp. 101, 102) describes the larvae of this species, which he states live socially upon birch between the leaves, which they spin together. Packard (Mon. Geoni. Moths, 1876, pp. 165-166) quotes Newman's de- scription of the larva, in which it is stated to feed upon Betula alba and Myrica gale. Kaltenbach (Pflanzeufeiude, 1872, pp. 413 and 599) compiles authorities for the follow- ing additional food-plants of this species : Bhododendron hirsutum, Salix, and Vaccin- ium uliginosum. A larva of this species, taken on Betula alba, at Belmont, Mass., Aug. 4, 1883, pupated August 14, and appeared as imago May 17, 1884. This is one of the species of Lepidoptera seen in swarms in parts of the White Mountains, New Hamp- shire, where specimens were taken from July 8-14, 1874, in the greatest abundance. The description of the American larva has not yet been published.* 57. Geometrid larva. Larva. — Body cylindrical, moderately slender. Head large, as wide as the body, vertex deeply cleft, the tubercles large, conical, pointed. Prothoracic segment broader than the body behind, swollen on each side in front. Segments transversely wrinkled. On metathoracic segment a pair of very large and very rough lateral tubercles, which are swollen, very prominent and minutely spiny, and a little darker than the rest of the body. The penultimate segment, with a low, rough dorsal hump, marked with two white conspicuous spots. Surface of the supra-anal plate rough, with flattened tubercles on the edge, which is thickened. Anal legs large and broad, the two spines large but obtuse. Body covered with fine sharp granules. Color dull brick-red, front part of the segments dull whitish-gray, giving the body a checkered appearance. Head reddish in front, the tubercles washed with grayish- white and blackish. Length, 20mm. Brunswick, August 16. It may be recognized by its checkered, dull, birch-red body, and very large. pro- truding rough lateral tubercles on the hinder third of the body, and by the very large head. 58. Geometrid larva. Larva. — Like the foregoing, but the body smooth, not granulated, and head with a hollow cleft, and body not checkered. Head as wide as prothorax, with a shallow cleft; the conical tubercles low and broad. Prothorax broad, square in front, swollen on each side into a tubercle. Body cylindrical, smooth, slightly wrinkled, but not granulated. On fifth abdominal segment a pair of small lateral smooth tubercles. A low slight rough dorsal hump on penultimate segment, but no other tubercles ; supra-anal plate large and long, moderately smooth, conical edge thick- ened a little. Anal legs short and broad, posterior spines broad, obtuse. Brick-red, *Operophtera boreata Hiibn. Kaltenbach (Prlanzenfeinde, 1872, p. 599) gives Betula and Fagus as food-plants of this species. Packard (Mon. Geom. Moths, 187Q, p. 199) quotes Newman's description of the larva of this species. (Dimmock.) This species has not yet been found in the larva state in America, and hence I do not agree with Mrs. Dimmock in including it in a list of American birch insects. 504 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. not checkered, with a greenish tinge, reddish above and beneath, front edge of prothorax pale. Length, it)""". Brunswick, Me., August. ."»'.*. (ieometrid larva. larva. — Head deeply th-ft: the conical tubercles acute, scarcely as wide as the body, which is cylindrical, slender. On the side of the tilth abdominal segment, low down, is a small greenish-red Bmootfa tubercle. On the penultimate segment a dorsal rust-red irregular Low tu- bercle. Supra-anal plate conical, surface rough with small hair-hearing war Anal legs very large on the sides and with two large spines above. Reddish rust- red above, like the stem of a beech leaf; greenish beneath. Length 15mm. Bruns- wick, Me., August 11-14. 60. Geomitrid larva. Larva. — A Geometrid like a small dead and dry twig. Head broad and somewhat flattened. Antenna1 very large. Head wider than the body, swollen on the sides opposite the middle of the clypeus. Near the end of the second abdominal ring are two transversely oblong smooth tubercles connected by a ridge; these are the most prominent tubercles; on the fourth segment before the last near the hinder edge is a pair of high, slender, sharp, dark, rough points or tubercles; the pair in front of the first pair of abdominal legs is the largest, and there are numerous smaller scattered fine tubercles, giving a rough ap- pearance to the slender body. Supra-anal plate short and rough ou the surface, the anal legs very broad on the sides. The two spines unusually large. General color dark purplish brown, like a dead dry birch twig; head concolorous with the rest of the body. Length, 25mm. Brunswick, Me. 61. Pyralid larva. This caterpillar was observed on the white birch at Providence, Sep- tember 25, making a large loose tent of white silk open at each end. Larva. — Body thick and fleshy. Head not so wide as the prothoracic segmeut, which is much narrower than the second segment. The head is dull amber, the body pale pink, with four very conspicuous subdorsal lunate black spots, the pair on the third thoracic segmeut larger than those on the second. The dorsal hairs are short, those on the side and the end of the holy much longer. Length, 20mm. 6*2. Teras ferrugana (Schiffermiiller.) In Europe this insect feeds on the birch, poplar, and alder, as well as the oak. In this country Walsh has found it to be iuquiliuous in galls of Cynips saUces-strobiloides. We have bred it from the white piue. (See Pine Insects.)* * Teras niveana (Fabr. ) is also found in this country : in Europe lives on the birch, and is to be looked for on that tree. LozoUrnia musculana Hiibn. This species, which in Europe feeds on the birch, willow, and numerous other plants, is reckoned among American birch-insects, though no one in this country has yet reared it. Penthina capreana Hiibn, which in Europe feeds on birch and willow, has not yet been reared in this country. The same may be said of P. dimidiana Sodoffsky, which belongs to the same category as the three foregoing speeies, to which may be added Sericoris urticana Hiibn, and Pivdisca similana Hiibn (Mrs. Dimmock, Psyche, iv, p. 241). BIRCH LEAF-ROLLERS. 505 63. Eccopsis zelleriana Fernald. According to Professor Fernald this insect feeds on the leaves of Betula popuUfolia (Trans. Anier. Ent., Soc, 1882, x, 29). 64. Eccopsis? var. of permundana Clemens. This has been reared by Mrs. Dimmock from two larvae taken in Cambridge, Mass., June 17, on the white birch. It pupated about June 30, the imagines emerging July 10 and 15. Clemens says of E. per- mundana: Larva. — The larva binds together the terminal leaves of Spiraea. It is pale greeu, touched with yellowish at the junction of the segments ; head and shield black. The larva may be taken in the middle of June. 65. Penthina albeolana Zeller. The larva of this Tortricid taken by Mrs. Dimmock September 4, at Cambridge, Mass., on the white birch, pupated September 6, the moth appearing on the 24th of the following May. That it is probably double- brooded is indicated b}T the fact that Mr. Burgess captured a moth (from which Zeller described the species) August 15. 66. Pcedisca solicitana Walk. Fernald states that the food-plant of this species is the poplar-leaved birch. (Trans*. Amer. Ent. Soc, x, p. 40.) 67. Pcedisca transmxssana Walk. Mrs. Dimmock remarks that the larva of this species is common during October, about Cambridge, Mass., ll when it eats out the inside of the sterile catkins of Betula alba. It hybernates as pupa." (Psyche, iv, p. 241). 68. Caccecia rosaceana Harris. This well-known caterpillar was found feeding on the leaves of the poplar-leaved birch in July and August, the moth appearing the first week in September. Coquillett (Papilio, May, June, 1883, iii, pp. 100, 101) describes the larva carefully and gives the names of twenty-four species of food-plants, to which Mrs. Dimmock adds Viburnum dentatum and Philadelphus coronarius. (Psyche, iv, p. 242.) 69. Cacoecia cerasivorana Fitch. Professor Fernald states that this leaf-roller lives on the cherry and Betula popuUfolia. Dr. D. S. Kellicott states that this insect was, during the summer of 1882, too abundant in certain ornamental birches in Buffalo. (Bull. Nat. Field Club, 1883, p. 44.) The four following species of leaf rolling caterpillars (Tortricidse) also occurred on the leaves at Brunswick, Me., in August and September. 50G FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. 70. Tortru sp. Larva. — Body slender, tapering quite regularly towards each end; head jet black; prothorax brown black; body behind a lit tie lighter, with three dorsal whitish lines, the median the narrowest, the outer including the black waits : ■ lateral interrupted pale lin«\ and below a brown whitish raised Line, with a black dot on each segment ; body waited nmeh as usual. Length ll""". Brunswick, August 11-14. 71. Tortrix sp. Larva. — Pale pea-green, dotted with white, larger and stouter than the black Tortrix, of the usual form; head and prothorax clear pea-green of the same color at tin- rest of the body : the warts arranged as usual, but pale green and very distinct, and appearing as whitish green spots; the hairs on tin; end of the body very long. Length 12""". Eats holes irregularly. Pupa in a folded leaf August 28.' Thr moth appeared September 2. Two TaohinflB came out August 29. 72. Tortrix sp. This was found eating the upper surface off a folded and curled leaf, leaving a great blotch. Brunswick, Maine, September 14. Larva. — Head reddish, broad, and much flattened; on each side in front a broad conspicuous white line continuous with the front edge of the clypeus ; below the line on the side is a black line ; antennas white at base. Cervical shield large aud broad, green like the rest of the body, with a lateral black line; body rather flattened, pea-green, a little dusky along the back; the suture quite distinct, paler green than the rest of the body. Length 18mm. 73. Tortrix sp. This insect folds and crumples the leaf, much as does the Aphis on the same tree, forming a thin silken cocoon in the bottom of the fold. It avoids the light when the leaf is unfolded and is very active in its habits. Larva. — Body tapering a little before, and especially pos- teriorly ; head not quite so wide as the body; like the pro- thoracic shield, dusky umber color: body pale amber, with large conspicuous black piliferous warts ; sutures distinct, but the segments are not prominently wrinkled ; only one posterior distinct wrinkle. The warts are situated in a very short broad trapezoid aud one lateral wart is seen from above. Thoracic feet black. Length 5mm. 74. Tortrix sp. (Fig. 177.) Feeding on the leaves, folding over a leaf longi- tudinally in the middle, September 18, at Provi- dence, the following Tortricid caterpillar was found. It appears to hybernate as a larva, and, after repeated attempts, I have been unable to rear it: Larva, Body very narrow, sleuder cylindrical; head narrow and small, honey-yel- low : body tapering to the tail from behind the middle. The segments quite convex, with four dorsal large fleshy tubercles close together on the back of each segment, and two on each side, giving rise to slight hairs. The body is of a very dark olive-green. Length, llmm. Flo. 177.— Leaf of Poplar- Leaved Birch folded by leaf-roller. No. 74. BIRCH LEAF-ROLLERS. 507 Figures 178, 179, and 180 represent the work of three leaf-rollers not yet identified. 75. Argyresihia goedarlella (Linn.). The histories of this and the next Tineid have been sketched as fol- lows by Mrs. Dimmock : Argyresthla gcedartella Linn. (Syst. Nat., 1758, ed. 10, p. 897.) Fabricius (Syst. Entom., 1775, p. 664) writes of this species " Habitat in Alnetis, in betulse geminis,'? and Kaltenbach (Pflanzenfinde, 1872, pp. 604-605) states that the larvae of this species live in the catkins of Betula and Alnus. Chambers (Can. Entom., August 1875, v. 7, pp. 144-145) notes the discovery of this species in North America, and, after describing the imago, adds: "The larva feeds under the bark and in tho young shoots of the birch in March and April." A. Balding (Entom. Monthly Mag., February 1885, v. 21, pp. 203-206) de- scribes the larva, which he found feeding in catkins of Betula and Alnus. (Psyche, iv, 241.) Fig. 179. — White Birch leaf rolled at the end. August 12. Fig. 178.— Leaf of Yellow Birch rolled lengthwise. Fig. 180 — Leaf of "White Birch folded. 76. CryptolecJiia confertella Walker. CryptolecJiia confertella Walk. (List Lep. Ins. Brit. Mus., 1864, pt. 29, p. 563). The larvae of this species are common upon Betula alba during August and the early part of September. The larva feeds in a rolled portion of the margin of the leaf, where pupation takes place, lasting from three weeks to a month. (Psyche, iv, p. 241.) 77. Bucculatrix canadensisella Chambers. Regarding this Tineid, Prof. J. A. Lintner writes me as follows: As you have published on Bucculatrix, it will interest you to hear that I am breed- ing B. canadensisella Chambers (Can. Ent., vii, p. 146) from the yellow birch {Betula lutea). Professor Lintner has kindly sent me the following account of this insect in advance of his report contained in the Report of the Regents of 508 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. the University of the State of New York in 41st report X. Y. State Museum Nat. Hist, for 1887. Mr. Bhelbj Seed, of Scottsville, Monroe County, N. V., sends leaves of the yellow birofa, Betula lutea, Infested with a small caterpillar, which an- very numerous (forty- eight had been OOOnted on a single leaf) and cat t he upper end lower surfaces of the leaves, leaving only the transparent inner tissue. "The trees infested with them have a brown and BOOrohed appearance, and light conies down through the thickest foliage as through a softened skylight." The caterpillar is 0. 18 to 0. 22 long, slender, deeply incised at the joints, tapering at the extremities, and suhcylindrieal ; head pale hrowu, slightly hilohed, ocelli and mandibles black, mouth-parts projecting: body dull, pale green, bearing a few short hairs on the usual spots and longer ones on the first segment; termiual pair of pro- legs projecting. Walks slowly and hangs by a thread when it falls. A few of the larva* had spun cocoons on the surface of the leaf when received. On the following day nearly all had made or were engaged in making their cocoons. The moth. — The ornamentation of this species differs from that of any other yet found in this country, and though allied to B. eidarella of Europe, it is still quite distinct. Head white, tuft tipped with dark reddish brown, and the face faintly tinged with purplish fuscous. Upper surface of the thorax brown, margined all around by white. Base of the fore wings white, followed by an oblique brown fascia, which is nearest the base ou the costal margin, and is followed by an oblique parallel white fascia; all of these are placed before the middle, and are followed by a large brown patch which occupies the entire wing to the ciliae, except that it contains a white spot on the middle of the costal margin. The brown patch is margined before on the dorsal margin of the wing by a small tuft of raised brown scales. At the beginning of the dorsal ciliae is a white spot placed a little before, but becomes almost confluent with a longer white costal streak. Behind these streaks to the apex the wing is pale brown, with a darker velvety-brown apical spot. Ciliae pale yellowish, with a darker brown hinder marginal line before their middle, not extending into the costal ciliae. Hind wings pale fuscous. Expanse of wings, f inch. (Chambers.) 78. Tineid larva. The white silken round cocoons of this Tineid were noticed during the first week in September at Brunswick, Me., on the upper surface of the leaf of the white birch, the larva previously feeding exposed on the upper surface and eating little patches ou the upper side. Larva. — Body cylindrical, pale greeuish; head pointed in front, much narrower than the first thoracic segment ; five pairs of abdominal legs, the last pair long and slender, directed backwards. The hairs sparse, and about two-thirds as long as the body is thick, arising from whitish, distinct, piliferous warts. The segments are quite convex, the sutures well marked. Length, 5-6mm. Cocoon. — Orbicular, 2 to 3mm in diameter, of white silk, inclosing the larva, which is curled up within. 79. Leaf-blotch miner. The blotch mines of this Tineid were observed July 6 to 10 at Bruns- wick, Me., ou the yellow birch. Usually the larva makes one or two mines on the under side of the leaf between the secondary veins, either near the midrib or nearer the edge of the leaf. They are irregularly oval, rounded at each end, forming a brown patch about 10mm long by ■4-5mmwide. On the upper side of the leaf the mine is outlined by a whitish oval line. July 10 most had left the mine, leaving a small mass of black "frass." In some cases the edge of the leaf was turned over or folded over at the apex. BIRCH SAW-FLIES. 509 Larva. — Head small, pointed iii front, half as wide as the body, jet black. Body tapering a little from the prothoracic segment, slightly flattened ; protboracic seg- ment large, nearly as long as wide, with a dark central patch ; the second segment slightly larger than the third. Body white, with spare whitish hairs. Three pairs of dusky legs, short, and extended out laterally. Length, 4mm. 80. Hylotoma dulciaria Say. Order Hymenoptera ; family Tenthredinid^e. Eev. T. W. Fyles found the larvae of tbis species to be injurious to the birches in the vicinitv of Quebec during the autumns of 1885 and 1886. The perfect insects which he bred from the larvae appeared in July, but they probably lay their eggs in August, as it was not until that month that he found the saw-flies in their natural haunts, when they were so numerous as to be u trodden under foot by the passers-by77 (Can. Ent., Feb., 1886, Mar., 1887). Imago. — Pale rufous ; head, wings, and feet violaceous black. Female : antennae black, with a violaceous tinge ; nasus emarginate, short ; head, a spot on pectus and ovipositor-sheaths blue-black ; rest of the body testaceous or yellowish red; legs steel blue; spines of the same color; wings, violaceous, subhyaline, less obscure at apex, a larger darker spot below the stigma covering the marginal and the upper half of all the submarginal cells; hind wings with but one middle cell. Wings expand about one inch. (Say.) 81. Nematus sp. Order Hymenoptera ; family Tenthredinid^e. This feeds upon the leaves late in September at Providence. It is a large saw-fly larva of the following appearance : Larva. — Head black, body pale yellowish green with two subdorsal rows of eleven large black spots. Tip of body also black, two la teral rows of black spots, the lower one the smaller. Length 22mm. 82. Selandria sp. I have found the larva described below feeding on the leaves of the poplar-leafed birch in August and September at Brunswick, Me. Larva. — Body flattened ; lateral ridge very large and prominent, spreading out on the sides, the edges scalloped. Head honey-yellow, with two large patches behind on the vertex : eyes and jaws black. Body pale honey-yellow, with a d< rsal green patch on the thoracic segments. Length 10mm. 83. Nematus ? sp. (Larva, PI. IV, fig. 11.) The gregarious larva of this unknown saw-fly occurs in abundance on the white birch at Brunswick, Me., in August. As yet I have been unable to rear it, though one spun a cocoon September 2. The body is yellowish, with five or six rows of large conspicuous black spots. The following notes on the beetles found living on the leaves of the birch are taken bodily from Mrs. Dimmock's "Insects of Betula in North America," published in Psyche, iv, pp. 283-285. It should be 510 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. mentioned, however, that Qonioctena pallida has not yet been found on the birch in this country, though living at the expense of that tree in Europe; and the fungus-eating species* as well as the Elateridst and the species of Ips, t which may feed on the sap of any deciduous trees, are referred to below as not being, properly speaking, birch insects: • iioliuaUvrus bifurvas Fabr. ^ Knt om. Syst., Suppl., 1794, p. 40). The larv;e, pops, and iinagos of this speeies are round in 1'olyporus betulinus, which grows on dead birch tiers. Larva, pupa, and a male imago are figured by Packard (Guide Study Ins., 16C9, p. 474). Kirby, as quoted by Bethune (Can. Entoin., Nov., 1873, v. 5, p. 211), says that this species is found in a boletus of the birch. Some habits of this beetle are mentioned by Harrington (Can. Entoin., Dec, 186*2, v. 12, p. 260-261). C'an- deze (M6m. Soc. Sci. Li6ge, 1861, v. 16, p. 365-368, pi. 3, fig. 9) gives a detailed de- scription of the larva, with figure ; and Hay ward (Bull. Bost. Zool. Soc, July, 1882, v. 1, ]>. 35-36) briefly describes the larva and pupa. Hoplocephala bicomis Fabr. (Gen. Ins. Mant., 1777, p. 215). This insect feeds upon different kinds of fungi, some of thein parasitic on decaying wood of Jietula. Kirby's description of the imago is quoted by Bethune (Can. Entom., Nov., 1873, v. 5, p. 210, 211). Harrington (I. c, Dec 1880, v. 12, p. 261) mentions its fuugivorous habits. Diaperis hydni Fabr. (Syst. Eleuth., 1801, v. 2, p. 585). This species, both as larva and imago, feeds upon Polyporus betulinus, a fuugus that grows on dead trees of Betula alba, and the beetles, according to G. Dimmock, are often very abundant about the first of July. Harriugton (Can. Entom., Dec, 1880, v. 12, p. 261) briefly describes the imago. Phellopsis jbcordata Kirby (Fauna Bor. Amer., 1837, pt. 4, p. 236). The larva of this species has been found by G. Dimmock, on Mount Washington, New Hampshire, in Polyporu8 betulinus, the large white fungus common on dead trees of Betula alba. The imago frequents the same fungus during June, July, and August. Thymalus fulgidus Erichson (Germar Zeits., 1844, bd. 5, p. 458). G. Dimmock (Di- rect. Collect. Coleopt., 1872, p. 19, 20) writes: "The larvse feed upon a fungus (Poly- porus betulinus) which is parasitic upon the trunks of white birch trees." This beetle is common in New England, and its larva agrees very closely with the description and figure of the larva of T. Umbatu* from Europe, as given by Chapuis and Candeze (Mem. Soc. Sci. Li6ge, 1855, v. 8, p. 417-419, pi. 2, fig. 6). A large number of larvie, taken in Belmont, Mass., produced beetles after a short period of pupation, on or about June 27, 1878. t Melanotic? parumpunctatusM.a]ah. (Proc Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Nov., 1844, v. 2, p. 151, 152). A Melanotti8, probably this species, was taken in the same cavity with its pupal skin, in decaying wood of Betula alba, at Milton, Mass., Oct. 17, 1884. Melanotic? communis Gyllenhal (Schonh., Syn. Ius., v. 1, pt. 3: App. 1817, p. 138, 139). A Melanotus, probably this species, was taken in decaying wood of Betula alba, at Milton, Mass., Oct. 17, 1884. Elater protervus Le Conte (Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc. 1853, s. 2, v. 10. p. 471). Two specimens of this beetle were taken Oct. 17, 1884, at Milton, Mass., in decaying wood of Betula alba, under circumstances that left no doubt that they bred in the wood. Elater « »>ico Ws Herbst (Natur. Syst * * * # ins. ; Kafer, 1806, v. 10, p. 73, pi. 164, fig. 7). Coquillett (Can. Entom., June, 1883, v. 15, p. 101) briefly describes the larva which he obtained from decayed wood of Quercus. Reared from decayed wood of Betula alba, the beetle emerging May 3, 1883, from wood collected the preceding April, in Cambridge, Mass. X Ips sanguinolentus Oliv. (Entom., 1780, v. 2, no. 12, p. 8; pi. 2, fig. 14). G. Dim- mock (Can. Entom., April 1871, v. 3, p. 15) notes that he found this species "about fresh-cut maple and birch stumps where the sap was flowing." Ips fa8ciatus Oliv. (Entom., 1780, v. 2, no. 12, p. 7-8 ; pi. 2, fig. 13). G. Dimmock. (Can. entom., April 1871, v. 3, p. 15) mentions that this species is found about fresh- cut stumps of Betula where the sap is flowing. BIRCH BEETLES. 511 84. Chlamys plicata Fabr. Chlamys plicata Fabr. (Entom. Syst., Suppl., 1794, p. 111). This species is some- times found feeding, as imago, on Betula alba. The larvae feed on Quercus, Platanus, Bubus, and Comptonia asplenifolia. Riley (6th Ann. Rept. State Entom. Mo., 1874, p. 128-129) describes egg, larva, and pupa; and Packard (Guide to the Study of Insects, 1869, p. 510) describes and figures the larva and its case. 85. Telephorus bilineatus Say. Telephorus bilineatus Say (Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., 1823, v. 3, p. 182). Packard (1st Ann. Rept. Inj. and Benefic. Ins. Mass., 1871, p. 26-28, pi. 1, fig. 7-8) describes and figures larva and imago and writes that the pupa of this species " early in May becomes a beetle, when it eats the newly expanded leaves of the birch." Riley (4th Ann. Rept. State Entom. Mo., 1872, p. 29-30) describes and figures the larva and imago, stating that the larva has been found to eat larvte of Carpocapsa pomonella. 86. Aphrastus toeniatus Gyll. Aphra8lU8 toeniatus Gyll. (Schonh., Synon. Insectorum, Gen. et Spec. Curcul., 1834, t. 2, p. 460). Good description in Le Conte and Horn's Rhynchophora of Amer. north of Mex. (Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc, 1876, v. 15), p. 99. This species is not rare in Cambridge, Mass., on Betula alba. 87. The rose chafer. Macrodactylus subspinosus Fabr. (Syst. Entom., 1775, p. 39). This beetle devours the leaves of Betula alba. Its metamorphoses were described by Harris (Mass. Agric. Repos. and Journ., 1827, v. 10, p. 1-12). and many subsequent descriptions and figures have been given, among which may be mentioned Fitch (1st and 2nd Rept. Ins. N. Y., 1856, p. 245-252), Packard (Guide Study Ins., 1869, p. 454), Riley (5th Ann. Rept. State Entom. Mo., 1873, p. 108-110), Thomas (6th Rept. State Entom. 111., 1877, p. 103) and Lintner (1st Ann. Rept. State Entom. N. Y., 1882, p. 227-232). 88. Dichelonycha elongatula Schonh. Dichelonycha elongatula Schonh. (Synon. insectorum, 1817, t. 1, theil 3, p. 210). Packard (Guide Study Ins., 1869, p. 454) says this species "is found in June on-the leaves of the birch." 89. Lonchoda t polita Say. Reared in Cambridge, Mass., from decaying Polyporus betulinus, a fungus parasitic on dead trunks of Betula alba (Mrs. Dimmock, Psyche iv, p. 241). 90. The triple-rowed syneta. Syneta tripla Say. Order Coleoptera; family Chrysomelhxe. In May and the forepart of June, eating the leaves of this and various other trees, an oblong chestnut-brown and closely punctured beetle, with wing-covers usually pale dull yellowish except on their suture, and their punctures forming about three rows between each of the three raised lines ; its length 0.25 and about a third as wide. A common insect in New York. (Fitch.) 512 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. 91. The variable leaf-hoppsb. Athysanus variabilis Fitch. Order Hemiptera ; family Cercopipi . Ponetnriog the leaves and succulent shoots and extracting their juices, froni the middle of .June till the middle of July, an oblong oval leaf-hopper of a sulphur yellow color, its wing-covers commonly with an oblique black stripe, their tips hyaline; its thorax and scutcl often tawny yellow or black ; its leugth 0.20. (Fitch.) This insect may every year be met with in numbers upon birch trees and also upon alders. It was once found literally swarming upon a white birch standing apart from other trees. (Fitch.) 92. The smaller leaf-hopper. Athysanus minor Fitch. From the middle of June till the middle of August, a similar leaf-hopper to the pre- ceding, but of a cinnamon color, including its face, and having a colorless hyaline spot on the middle of its wing-covers and a larger one on their tips; its length U.l* to 0.20. (Fitch.) 93. The windowed leaf-hopper. Athysanus feneslratus Fitch. From the middle of June till the last of July, a leaf-hopper resembling the forego- ing species, but with blackish wing-covers with similar hyaline spots and a small third one placed on the middle of the inner margin, and its forehead black with pale yellow band between its eyes; its length 0.20 inch. (Fitch.) 94. Athysanus abietis Pitch. Order Hemiptera ; family Tettigoxiid^:. Puncturiug their leaves and extracting their juices the latter part of May and during the month of June, an oblong black shining leaf-hopper 0.20 long, tapering posteriorly, and broadest across the base of the thorax, with a light-yellow head, having the mouth black and also two bands upon the crown, the ends of which are often united, and commonly with a white streak on the middle of the iuuer edge of the wing-covers, its legs being pale yellowish varied more or less with black. " I first met with several specimens of this iusect eleven years since, upon the black spruce and fir balsam, on the summit of the Green Mountains, in an excursion hither with that martyr of science, the late Prof. O. B. Adams. Since then I have repeatedly captured this same insect upon birch trees, distant from any spruces, and it is possible it might have been accidentally present on these latter trees in the instance first mentioned, there being numerous birch trees in the same vicinity. ,? (Fitch.) 95. Enchenopa binotata Say. The following note is by Mrs. Dimmock (Psyche, iv, p. 241) : Enchenopa binotata Say (Appendix Long's Exped., 1824, p. 301, 302). Common on twigs of Betula alba. Riley (Amer. Entom . , Aug., 1869, v. 1, p. 248) says its favorite home is Ptelea trifolium, but gives grape (vitis) and red-bud (Cercis) as food-plants. It-- age is described in Amer. Entom., Oct., 1880, v. 3, p. 254. Lintner (1st Ann. Rept. State Entom., N. Y., 1882, p. 281-288) gives an excellent general account of imago and eggs, both of which are figured. As food-plants he adds Celastrus scandens and, upon the authority of others, Juglans and Rohinia. BIRCH APHIDS. 513 96. Bytho8copu8 seminudus Say. Mrs. Dimmock's note on this insect (Psyche, iv, p. 241) is as follows: Bythoscopus seminudus Say (Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phil., 1829 [Mch. 1831], v. 6, p. 307). Fitch (4th Ann. Rept. [N. Y.] State Cat. Nat. Hist., 1851, p. 58) writes, "found on birch trees." 97. Callaphi s betulella Walsh. The notes on the following five insects are by Mrs. K. Dim mock (Psyche, iv, p. 240): Callaphis betulella Walsh (Proc. Entoin. Soc, Phil., Dec. 1862, v. 1, p. 301,302). Walsh (I. c, p. 302) says this species is abundant in llliuois on Betula nigra. 98. Callipteru8 betulcecolens (Fitch). Callipterus betulwcoleus Riley and Monell (Bull. U. S. Geol. and Geog. Surv. Terr. 1879, v. 5, p. 30,31) \1=Aphi8 betulwcoleus Fitch (4th Ann. Rept. [N. Y.] State Cat. Nat. Hist., 1851, p. 66)], said by Fitch and Monell to feed on birch leaves. 99. Eriosoma tessellata Fitch. Eriosoma tessellata Fitch (4th Ann. Rept. [N. Y.] State Cat. Nat. Hist, 1851, p. 68). According to Glover (Rept. U. S. Commiss. Agric, 1876, p. 39) this species has been found in Maryland upon twigs of Betula. 100. Hormaphis papyracew Oestlund. Found on the paper birch, corrugating ttiem between the veins, forming long folds. (Oestlund.) 101. The katydid. Phaneroptera curvicauda De Geer. Phaneroptera curvicauda De Geer (Me"m. Hist. Ins., 1773, v. 3, p. 446, pi. 38, fig. 3). This species has been figured, together with the structure of its ovipositor, by Riley (6th Rept. State Entom. Mo., 1874, p. 164-166), who also gives descriptions of the younger stages and eggs. Miss Murtfeldt (I. c.) describes the mode of oviposition ; the eggs are laid in the margin of leaves — often of oak — between the upper and lower epidermis. Although Riley writes (I. c), "I have had as many as five of these eggs deposited in a single leaf, in one contiguous row, yet they are more often single," yet a single tender leaf of Betula alba, taken at Belmont, Mass., measuring about 8 cen- timeters in length, had the entire margin filled with eggs, presumably of this spe- cies. Only two or three leaves were found thus attacked, and the one of which the size is given above contained 102 eggs. (Mrs. Dimmock.) 102. The red-legged locust. Caloptenus femur-rubrum De Geer. Caloptenu8 femur-rubrum De Geer (Me*m. Hist. Ins. 1773, v. 3, p. 498, pi. 42, fig. 5) often strips the leaves from low bushes of Betula alba about Cambridge, Mass. (Mrs. Dimmock.) 5 ENT 33 514 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. The following insects also occur more or less constantly on different species of birch : LEPIDOPTERA. 103. 0 rapt (i f annus Ed wards. 104. Vanessa antiopa (Linn.). 105. Papilio glaucus Linn. 106. Limcnilis arthemis (Drury). On white birch (Scudder). 107. Lithacodes fasciola H. Sen. (S. L. Elliot.) 108. Adoneta spinul aides Clemens. (S. L. Elliot.) 109. Datana ministra (Drury). (Mrs. Dimmock, Psyche, iy, p Riley's MS. notes.) 110. Platysamia cecropia (Linn). (Pergande in Riley's MS. notes Brodie. 111. Hyperchiria io Fabr. Brunswick, Me. 112. Eaeles imperialis (Drury). On Betula alba and populifoUa. Ben ten m tiller.) 113. Orgyia antiqna (Linn.). See p. 447. 114. CUsiocampa disstria (Hiibner). See p. 119. 115. Selenia kentaria Grote. (G. D. Hulst, Ent. Ainer., n, 162, 1886.) See Maple Insects, p. 405. 116. An unknown caterpillar. (See Can. Ent., xviii, pp. 124-5.) 79: W. (W. HEMIPTERA. 117. Tingis juglandis Fitch. (See p. 342.) Chapter VIII. INSECTS INJURIOUS TO THE BEECH. Fagns ferruginea. The beech tree in this country seems to be remarkably favored ; a fewer number of insects living at its expense than can be said of any other kind of tree so useful as this is for timber, for fire-wood, for furniture, or as a shade tree. In Europe Kaltenbach records one hun- dred and fifty-four species of beech iusects, of which sixty-seven are Ooleoptera (six of these, however, are not vegetable feeders, being species of Tenebrio, Mordella, etc., and should not have been mentioned as peculiar to the tree) ; of Lepidoptera eighty-one species are enumer- ated; of Hymenoptera but a single saw-fly occurs on the tree, while there are two European species of Cecidomyia and two Aphidae. AFFECTING THE TRUNK. 1. Goes pulverulentus Haldeman. "The insect," Dr. Horn says, "is very destructive to living beech trees. It bores into those branches which are about 3 inches in diameter. The length of the channel is about 8 inches." Mr. Har- rington thinks that it probably also bores in hickory, as he has taken several specimens on the bitter hickory in July and August. The beetle. — The chief point of distinction between this species and tigrinus appears to be in the vestiture of the elytra and the length of the antennae. Their size and general color are about the same, but the elytra of pulverulentus are uniformly clad with short hairs, aud have no appearance of dark bauds. The antennae (at least in some specimeus) are slightly longer than the body. (Harriugton.) 2. Tremex columba Linn. Mr. Harrington records finding December 8 a living pupa of this insect in the heart of a green beech log over ten inches in diameter. AFFECTING THE LEAVES. 3. Smerinthus. A species evidently of Smerinthus and thought by Mr. Saunders to be S. exccecatus has been found by Mr. E. B. Reed in September on the beech in Canada. He observed that it produced a singing noise when handled or disturbed. (Can. Eut., i, p. 40.) 515 516 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. l.arra. — lli' large, triangular, Of a deep shining green, with lateral yellow stripes; a reddish spot at the apex, paler green and granulated on the hack of the head behind the stripes. Body apple green, thickly covered with small greenish- yrllow granulations; the anterior segments semi-transparent; on each side seven faint greenish-yellow oblique stripes edged anteriorly with large granulations, the central stripes having a reddish tinge; the last stripe wider than the rest and terminating at the base of the caudal horn; the hit ter recurved hack wards at an an- gle of 20°, purplish red and thickly granulated; the anal plate with a central elon- gated black patoh with a larger granulation on each side. Stigmata small, round, and dull red. Under surface slightly paler than the upper, with a darker central line. Feet pale green, spotted with red; prolegs greenish, semi-trausparent. Length, 1^ inches. 4. Xocfuid larva. Several specimens of this caterpillar were found on the beech at Brunswick, Me., the middle and last of August. Larva. — Body Hadena-like in shape. Head brown, marbled with black, smooth, rounded, rather small, not quite so wide as the prothoracic segment ; each thoracic segment successively larger than the others, the body increasing in width towards the middle, and gradually tapering to the end of the body. Surface of the body rough and granulated ; abdominal segments 1 to 8 with a double dorsal and a lateral row of rough tubercles; a high, narrow double dorsal tubercle on the eighth abdom- inal segment. Color, reddish snuff-brown, with a black dorsal line widest on the pro- thoracic segment, and ending on the mesothoracic, followed by a series of seven V- shaped black dorsal median marks en echelon; the apex directed backwards from the double tubercle on the back. Length, 15mm. 5. The bkrch span-worm. Hyperetis nyssaria (Abbot and Smith). Although the alder is one of the food trees of this not uncommon inch-worm, it is known to live on the beech. The specimen reared from the alder by us is described below. I have reared this moth from a large span-worm found on the alder September 6, at Brunswick, Me., which exactly resembled a small twig of the same shrub. It pupated September 20, in a broad flattened oval cocoon spun between the leaves, and the moth appeared at Providence in the breeding cage May 15 of the following year. Larva.— Head rather small, much narrower thau the body, somewhat flattened in front. First thoracic considerably narrower than the second thoracic segment ; sec- ond and third thoracic segments with lateral slight swellings ; the black spiracles are situated on dusky swellings ; on the fifth abdominal segment is a dusky dorsal hump, edged in front with white, consisting of two rounded conical tubercles. Supra-anal plate rounded with two stiff terminal seta1 ; anal legs rather broad, with a setiferous fleshy conical tubercle on the upper edge. Geueral color of head and body lilac-brown ; head slightly more reddish, and on the back of each segment is a pair of whitish spots, especially distinct on the second thoracic, but wanting on the first segment. Supra- anal plate and anal legs sea-green, mottled with dusky spots. Length, 28mm. Pupa. — Body rather thick; mahogany-brown, ends of wings and legs reaching to the posterior edge of the third abdominal segment. Terminal spine of the abdomen I .remaster) large, flattened beneath, broad, triangular; the upper and uuder surface with fine irregular wavy longitudinal ridges. Four lateral curved bristles and a ter- minal pair about twice as thick and long as the others. On the under side at the base of the spine are two orbicular areas like flattened tubercles. Length, 12mm. • BEECH CATERPILLARS. 517 Moth. — Moths of this genus have loug, rather narrow fore-wings, with the apex acute, the outer edge much bent and sinuous. Fore-wings pale whitish, with fine cross specks as usual; the basal cross line is heavy on the costa and bent sharply outwards on the subcostal, with a smaller angle on the median vein and a larger angle on the submedian vein. The great but obtuse angle made by the outer line extends quite near the outer edge of the wing. Half way between the apex and the outer line two brown costal patches ; two unequal black patches near the internal angle. Beneath, the lines aud cross specks are reddish brown. Expanse of wings, 33mm. The specimen does not agree with either of the four figures in my Monograph of Geometrid Moths, differing especially in the shape and direction of the outer line. According to Mr. W. Saunders, two larvse were found by him on the beech the 10th of September, in London, Canada. Two of them entered the chrysalis state on the 19th of September, having formed a rude case in which to secrete themselves by binding two leaves together with threads of silk. One of them, he says, produced the imago on the 18th, the other on the 21st of May following. 6. Geometrid larva. This caterpillar was found on the beech on an island in Casco Bay, Maine, July 30. Larva. — Body slender, cylindrical, smaller in the middle than at either end. Head broader than the body, full and rounded ; the lateral ridge distinct. Anal legs large and broad. Supra-anal plate broad, with two horizontal bristles arising from two fleshy tubercles. The body is pale yellowish green, with no other markings. Length, 7. Geometrid larva. This caterpillar occurred on the beech at Providence, May 30. Larva. — Head large, broad, smooth, as wide as the body ; pale green, slightly spotted with reddish. Body somewhat flattened, plain ; no tubercles. Anal legs very broad and large ; supra-anal plate large, broad, rounded behind, surface con- vex, full; prothoracic segment broad, flaring on the front edge, slightly wider than the head. Body purplish ; three double blackish lines, forming a broad dorsal stripe. Behind each spiracle is an oblique raised ridge, with a black speck on it behind and below each spiracle. Supra-anal plate aud anal legs greenish. Length, 13mm. - 8. Cryptolechia faginella Chambers. The larva sews together the leaves of the beech in August and early in the autumn. We copy the following description from Mr. Chambers : The close resemblance ot some allied species makes a more detailed description of this species than that heretofore given necessary. Moth. — The palpi are ocherous, with a blackish line along the under surface of the second joint, continued on to the apex of the third, and another on the outer and one on the inner surface of the third joint. Cryptolechia (Psilocor sis) quercicella Clem., according to Dr. Clemens, has the third joint black, with two yellowish- white stripes in front. I, however, have not seen the species, and I know from experience how easy it is to make a mistake as to the number and position of these lines. A species from Texas which I formerly (Can. Ent., vi, p. 231) identified with faginella, but which I now consider distinct (vid. post^, and an undescri bed" species, of which a single specimen is before me, have the palpi exactly as I have described them in faginella— that is, the upper surface of the third joint is ocherous instead of black, as Dr. Clemens' account would make it. C. faginella has the head ocherous- yellow, and the thorax of the same color, only darker, as if tinged with fuscous. In 518 PF1TH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. this tin- Texan species agrees with it. The undescribed species above mentioned, which is from Missouri, ami lms been bred by Professor Riley and Miss Mart- ft Mr from a larva feeding on Ambrosia, has the bead darker than In faginella, and of the same color with the thorax. ft qnercicella, according to Dr. Clemens, has the head ami thorax yellowish-brown (as in the Missouri specimen). /'. rcflexa, as described by Dr. Clemens, has the palpi as in fagimella, as to ornamentation ; but from the fact that Dr. Clemens separates it from qnercicella as a distinct section, characterized by the great length of the palpi, it is not necessary to refer to it further in this connection, ft faginella has the basal joint of the antenna- yellowish ocher- ons, except a wide blackish line, extending along its apper surface; graeroioeZZa has "two black stripes in front :M and the species from Texas land that from Missouri in this respect with qnercicella. ft faginella and also the Texas and Missouri specimens have the stalk of the antenna' ocherous-yellow, with two blackish lines extending along the upper side of the basal half, and the remainder of the stalk has each alternate joint blackish ; qnercicella has simply " a black line above, ter- minating in black spots." In qntrcicella the fore-wiugsare yellowish-brown, varied with blackish irregular stria-, chiefly from the costa, with a black dot on the end of the disk; faginella agrees with this description, except that I should call the ground-color of the wings dull yellowish ocherous, as they are likewise in the Mis- souri specimen, while in the Texas species the ground color is paler, while the trans- verse stripes are more distinct, showing also a tendency, to become more confluent, especially about the end of the disk, where they present to the naked eye some- thing like a faint dark fascia ; faginella has a more silky luster than the other species, though this may be owing to the fact that the specimens are newer. In the Texan specimens and in that from Missouri there is no spot at the end of the disk, and it is not distinct in faginella. In qnercicella u the posterior margin is tipped with blackish, and the cilia are yellowish-brown, containing two dark fuscous hinder marginal lines;" in faginella there is a row of blackish spots around the apex and a single faint brownish hinder marginal line in the cilia (which in the single specimen before me are a little injured). In the Missouri specimen there are five very distinct blackish spots around the apex, and behiud them in the cilia are two distinct brownish hinder marginal lines. Indeed, the cilia may be called brown, with a median, paler, hinder marginal line. Besides the five distinct spots, there are other very faint ones aud the brownish cilia are paler than the spots. The speci- mens from Texas agree in this respect with that from Missouri. One of these I sent to Mr. Cresson for comparison with Dr. Cieuiens's type of qnercicella in the collection of the entomological section of the Philadelphia Academy of Science (formerly American Ent. Soc). After comparing them, Mr. Cresson informs me that it "is not Pxilocorsis qnercicella Clem., which differs by having a rather broad distinct dusky border on the apical margin of the anterior wings ; otherwise they look very much alike/' The species are all of very nearly the same size — about eight to nine lines in expause of wings. Professor Zeller (Bei. z. Kennt., 1873, p. 40) identities specimens received by him from Ohio and Texas with qnercicella Clem. His Texan specimens were collected in the same region of the State from which I have received mine, and as in two collections that I have received from that region there is only one species, I think the probability is that qnercicella Zell. (nee Clem.) is the same species that I have referred to above, aud which I formerly identified with faginella, but which I now incline to consider distinct, and for which I suggest the name of cressonella. I, however do this with some hesitation, for while, with the material before me, I con- sider the species distinct, I recognize the probability that, with fuller collections of bred specimens of all the supposed species, it is not improbable that they will be deemed at most only phytophagic varieties of a single species. 1 am not sure but that the species described by me as Gelechia dnbittlla is properly referable to this genus. (Bull. U. S. Geol. Surv., iv, 1, p. 89.) BEECH LEAF-MINERS. 519 9. The beech leaf-miner. Brachys aeruginosa Gory. Order Coleoptera; family Buprestid^e. Dr. Harris has given in his " Treatise'' an account of the larva of Hispa which mines the leaf of the apple tree, eating the pulpy substance between the upper and under surface of the leaf. The in- sect of which we now treat belongs to the family of Bup- restids, several species of which, as we have seen, do much injury to our fruit and shade trees in the grub state. They are footless grubs and recognized by the broad, rounded, flattened segment just behind and partially inclosing the head. The young of Brachys, etc., depart somewhat from this typical form, owing to their peculiar leaf-mining habits. The first of these is the young of Brachys aeruginosa, which has been found by V. T. Chambers, esq., of Covington, Ky., mining the leaves of the beech tree, and I am indebted to him for a specimen of the larva here figured (Fig. 181). I may remark here that a closely allied beetle ( B. termi- fig. m.-The nans) is often to be seen in Maine resting on the leaves of ' ° miner.much the oak and beech. The beetles of this genus are flattened, enlarged— angular ovate, and less than a quarter of an inch in length, From Pack" and the scutellum is small, as Leconte observes, while the shanks (tibiae) are linear. In the succeeding genus, Metonius, Leconte says that the body is triangular, while the scutellum is large, and the shanks are dilated. Larva. — The body of the larva is rather long, with the segments very deeply cut, being flattened, and produced laterally into a triangular projection, giving a serrate outline to the body, the teeth being obtusely rounded. The segment next behind the head is the widest, the succeeding segments gradually decreasing in width and increasing slightly in length to the end. The terminal segment is about half as wide as the body in its widest portion, and is somewhat triangular, with the sides parallel, and the tip obtusely pointed. The prothoracic segment or the one next the head is broader than long, and has a fleshy projection on each side at the base of the head. On the upper side of this segment is a large, square, slightly horny area. The head is anteriorly pale honey yellow, with two dark longitudinal parallel lines; the horny portion is about as long as broad, much flattened, subtriangular. The antennae are very minute, slender, three-jointed, with the joints nearly equal in length. The jaws and palpi are so minute that a description will be of no practical use here. The body is finely shagreened, with a few fine scattered hairs. It is whitish, with a slight greenish tinge, and a quarter (.25) of an inch long, and less than a tenth (.07) of an inch broad. It was sent to me alive in September. The following insects also occur on the beech : Order Coleoptera. 10. Dicerca divaricata Say. (Fitch ; and Schaupp in letter ; observed by Mr. George Hunt laying its eggs in the bark in July. See also Fitch, Third Report, 48.) 520 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. 11. Chrysobothris ftnwrata Lee. (Riley, Seventh Report, p. 72.) li'. Chrjftobotkrii sex-Hgnata Say. One specimen cut from a beech tree in which it had bred. (Chittenden, Ent. Auier., v, p. 219.) 13. Sroli/tusfaf/i Walsh. (Tract. Ent., ii, p. 58.) 14. Parandra brunnea Fabr. (Schaupp in letter.) 15. Oimoderma scabra Beauv. (Schaupp in letter.) 1G. Smodicum cucujiforme Say. (See p. 28.) 17. Bryobius 6/asciatus Say. (C. G. Siewers Can. Ent. xii, p. 139.) 18. Acanthoderes ^gibbus Say. Bores in dead twigs of beech. (Schwarz.) 19. Hoplosia nubila Leconte. "Larva boring in dry beech twigs. De- troit, Mich., Schwarz." (Riley.) 20. Monarthrum ftuoiatum (Say). Boring in living tree. 21. Xyleborus obesus Lee. Boring in living tree. Order Lepidoptera. 22. Clisiocampa disstria Hiibn. See p. 119. 23. Actias luna (Linn.). (Saunders Can. Ent. vii, p. 33.) 24. TeJea polypltemus (Linn.). Providence, R. L, September 12. 25. Eypcrchivia io Fabr. Jackson, X. H., September 10. 26. (Edemasia concinna Abbot-Smith. Providence, R. I., September 12. 27. Datana integerrima Gr. and Rob. (Beutenmuller, Can. Ent., xx, p. 134.) 28. Datana ministra (Drury). Beutenmiiller. (Can. Ent. xx, p. 17). 29. Eccopsis fagigennnwana Chamb. The larva lives in a case made of the outer envelope of the leaf-buds. (Chambers in letter.) 30. Incur varia acerifoliella (Fitch). See p. 409. Order Hemiptera. 31. Schizoneura imbricator Fitch. Beech-tree blight. 32. Schizoneura fag i (Linn.). 33. Aspidiotus ancylus Putnam. The following notes have been received from Mr. F. H. Chittenden: Cyrtophorus verrucosus (Oliv.). Bred from wood. Acoptus suturalis Lee. Imagos taken from wood. Stenoscelis brevis (Boh.). Breeds in wood. Pidojopliagus minor Horn. Breeds in wood. Phlceophagus apionides Horn. Probably breeds in wood; beetle taken on trunks infested with S. brevis, P. minor, Acoptus suturalis, et at. Leptostylus macula (Say). From the same tree as above; many speci- mens, in copula, on trunk. Pandeletejus hilaris Herbst. Common on trees. Ithycerus noveboracensis (Forst.). Common on trees. Cryptorhynchus bisignatus Say. Taken on the trunk ; probably breeds under bark. , Also Clavicorus, Melandryids, etc. Under bark. Chapter IX. INSECTS INJURIOUS TO THE WILD CHERRY, WILD PLUM, THE THORN, CRAB APPLE, AND MOUNTAIN ASH. Although only comparatively few species of insects have as yet been found to prey upon the wild cherry, on the wild plum, on the thorn and wild apple, so that they are not subject to very considerable injury, yet these trees are the original food-plants of a large proportion of those which ravage our orchards, and particularly infest the apple, cherry, pear, etc. We have paid but little attention to the insects feeding on these trees, since they are of little consequence as shade or ornamental shrubs or trees, and the lists here given will doubtless be at least doubled, and it is possible that a number of well-known spe- cies have by oversight been left out of our enumeration. The European (German) species of thorn (Crataegus) afford food to one hundred and four species of insects, including one species of mite. Of these there are twelve species of beetles, seventy-two of Lepi- doptera, while there are six species of saw-flies, the remainder being Diptera and Hemiptera. INSECTS AFFECTING THE WILD CHERRY. Prunus virginiana, P. serotina, etc. AFFECTING THE TRUNK. 1. Cystophorus verrucosus Oliv. Order Coleopteka: family Cerambycid^e. Mr. Harrington records the discovery of this longicorn in the wood of the wild red cherry, and "he also found a large number of larvse which I think were of the same species, as they occupied similar cavi- ties to that of the beetle." (17th Rep. Ent. Soc. Ontario, 1887, 17). This beetle resembles Euderces, but the elytra are without ivory-like spots, and the eyes are oblique, emarginate. 2. The cherry-tree borer. JEgeria exitiosa Say. Mr. W. L. Devereaux, of Clyde, N. Y., writes me that he has observed this borer in the trunk near the ground and in the bark of the roots of 521 522 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. young wild cherry trees. This was undoubtedly the uative food-plant of this insect before the importation of peach trees. :{. The chbrby slug or peak slug. Selandria a rani Peek. Order Hymexoptera ; family Tknthreuixih e. Fig. 182. —Cherry or pear slug; a, larva, enlarged three times.— From Packard. Saw-fly larvae, exactly like the pear-slug, occurred on the common thorn at Bruuswick, Me., August 1, in company with two other species of Selandria. It also was observed in the same locality on the wild cherry August 25. The following remarks by Professor Forbes in his First Report on the Injurious Insects of Illinois for 1882, p. 98, will prove of interest in this connection : Although this species was carefully studied and fully described by Professor Peck in 1790, and also discussed at length by Dr. Harris in his Insects Injurious to Vege- tation in Massachusetts, I judge from numerous inquiries received this summer that it is not as well known to horticulturists iu Illinois as it should be. As it has not yet been treated in the reports of the State entomologists either of Illinois or Mis- souri, a brief account of it and of the methods of meeting its ravages will not be without value. This insect was quite abundant and destructive to the cherry throughout the northern third of the State during the past summer, although I neither saw nor heard of any especial injury to other fruit trees. At Elgin, on the 18th of July, sev- eral cherry trees were seen with their leaves completely denuded; and smaller num- bers of the larvae were found on the cherry at Rockford, and on the pear and cherry at Waukegan. It was also reported destructive to cherries at Montgomery, in Kane County, and was sent me by a correspondent from Aurora, on the 2'2d of July, where it was said to have completely defoliated the Richmond cherry, and to have some- what injured sweet cherries, pears, and the mountain ash. The effect of this destruc- tion of the leaves in midsummer is to compel the tree to put forth new foliage, thus taxing its vitality in a way to endanger the crop of the following year. As the larvae return again for a second attack upon the trees in autumn, the consequences may easily become serious. Description and life history. — The larvae, or slugs, as they are improperly called, are white at first, but soon become covered with an olive slime, which gives them some- thing of the appearance of the naked snail, to which the name slug properly belongs. They are further easily distinguished from any other larvae feeding upon the leaf by the fact that they are much thicker in front than behind, tapering gradually pos- teriorly. They have twenty very short legs, the first three pairs jointed, the remain- der fleshy prominences, commonly known as prolegs. The head is of a dark chestnut color, small, and usually concealed under the forepart of the body. They live mostly on the upper side of the leaves of the trees, eating away all the parenchyma, leaving only the veins and epidermis of the under side. The slugs shed their skins five times, and after the last molt they lose their slimy covering aud olive color, and are THE PEAR SLUG. 523 then yellow and free froin mucus. From the first of July to the middle of August, having gained their growth, they leave the trees and burrow to the depth of 1 to 4 inches, forming an oval cavity in the earth, where the change to pupa occurs. From these cells they escape in the form of saw-flies from the middle of July to the last of August. The winged insect is about one-fifth of an inch in length, and is of a glossy black color, excepting the first two pairs of legs, which are a dirty yellow or clay color, with blackish thighs, and the hind legs, which are dull black with clay-colored knees. The wings are transparent, iridescent, with brownish veins, and with a smoky cloud or band across the middle of the third pair. These saw-flies may be found on the leaves of the trees in early morning or in the cool of the evening, at which time they are sluggish and not easily disturbed. Their eggs are laid singly within little semi-circular incisions through the skin of the leaf. From these a second brood of the slugs soon hatch, which get their growth and go into the ground again in September and October, remaining there until the following spring, when most of them are changed to flies and leave their winter quarters. Some of them, however, commonly remain unchanged in the ground until the following year, so as to continue the species if any complete destruction should overtake the remainder of the brood. These spring flies lay their eggs as already described, usually in June, the minute worms appearing in about a fortnight afterwards. Remedies. — Various substances have been suggested for the destruction of this pest, but. unfortunately some of those most generally recommended have really little effect. Among these remedies of doubtful efficiency I may mention fine sand, and dust and ashes. Some experiments made with these substances by Mr. William Saunders, of Ontario, Canada, are worth quoting entire : " As soon as the slugs were observed at work in the spring, they were treated to a plentiful supply of dry sand, thrown up into the higher branches with a shovel, and shaken over the lower ones with a sieve, which stuck thickly to their slimy skins, completely covering them up. Thinking we must have mastered them by so free a use of this long trusted remedy, we took no further heed of them for some days, when, to our surprise, they were found as numerous as ever. The next step was to test this sand remedy accurately to see what virtue there was in it. Several small branches of pear trees were selected and marked, on which there were six slugs, and these were well powdered over — entirely covered with dry sand. On examining them the next morning it was found that they had shed the sand-covered skin and crawled out free and slimy again. The sand was applied a second and third time on the same insects with similar results, and now being convinced that this remedy was of little value, they were treated to a dose of hellebore and water, which soon finished them. Ashes were now tried on another lot, the same way as the sand had been, with very similar results. It was also intended to try fresh air-slacked lime, which we believe would be effectual, but having none on hand just then, the experi- ment was postponed and the opportunity of testing it lost for the season." A far more serviceable remedy is powdered hellebore, and an experiment with this by the same entomologist is equally conclusive : "On the 13th of August, at 8 a. m., a branch of a cherry tree was plucked, on which there were sixty-four slugs ; the branch had only niue leaves, so that it may be readily imagined that they were thickly inhabited. A dose of hellebore and water was showered on them about the usual strength, an ounce to the pailful, when they soon manifested symptoms of uneasiness, twisting and jerking about in a curious manner; many died during the day, and only six poor, sickly-looking specimens remained alive the following morning, and these soon after died." Unquestionably, Paris green or other arsenical poisons would be equally effective if applied to either brood of the worms ; but if the trees were bearing, its use would of course be inadmissible except for the second brood. Some have also recommended shaking the flies down from the trees early in the morning, or late in the evening, catching them on cloths and taking care to destroy them before they can escape. 524 FIFTH KEPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. 4. Xematu8 ventralia Say. 44 From my friend, Dr. E. K. Boardman, of Elmira, Stark County, I learned," says Professor Forbes, "on the 9th June that the common willow slag [Nematus ventrali* Say) had almost completely defoliated a fine tree of wild cherry on his grounds. The species has long been known as an enemy of the willow, but has not been heretofore reported as injurious to any fruit tree." ."». Lyda fasciata Norton. Miss Mnrtfeldt reports in Bulletin No. 13 of the Division of Ento- mology, p. 59, the occurrence near St. Louis of the larvae of a Lyda marked in MS. by Professor Riley, who has often taken it around St. Louis, as Lyda cerasi, but which, he informs me, is in all probability L. Jasciata Norton. This is a gregarious web -worm, and its colonies covered quite large brauches with their brown, viscid webs, in which were mingled the castings and exuviae, forming altogether unsightly and dis- gusting masses, which greatly distigure the trees. Whether it is this or another species we do not know, but Mr. Howard L. Clark has presented me with several specimens of a Lyda larva (Fig. 183), which he collected from the wild cherry at Warwick, R. I. The body is short and thick, pale yellowish horn color ; head and prothoracic shield black- ish, as also the last segment of the body, including the slender 3-jointed caudal appendages; thoracic feet blackish. Length llmm. Fig. 183.— Lyda larva 011 wild cherry, a, frontview of head; 6, side, and c, upper side of end of the body. Bridgham del. 6. Smerinthus myops A. and S. (Larva, Plate III, fig. 4.) As observed by G. D. Hulst, the eggs were laid on the wild cherry in New York May 24 ; the larvae hatched May 30; they molted June 1, second molt Juue 6, third molt June 11, fourth molt June 16, the caterpillar leaving its food -plant June 24. The moth emerged July 8, so that probably owing to the great heat of the season the whole life history of the moth was comprised in about six weeks. I have received specimens from Miss Morton of Xewburgh, N. Y., some of which in confinement at Brunswick, molted for the last time July 25, and others began to pupate, while August 3 and 6 two moths emerged after being between two and three weeks in the chrysalis state. From one of them emerged a very large ichneumon CHERRY CATERPILLARS. 525 larva. The figure on PI. Ill is after a colored drawing by Maj. John E. Le Conte, which 1 owe to the kindness of his son, the late Dr. J. L. Le Conte. He also figured the unspotted form ; in Georgia, according to Le Conte's notes, it feeds on Cerasus virginianus, Crataegus, and another plant of doubtful species ( " Quercus I w ). Larva before Hie last molt. — Head produced above ; body pale glaucous green; two minute red subdorsal spots on the mesothoracic segment; two large subdorsal round- ish deep-red spots edged with yellow above and beneath (being situated between the yellow lateral bands) on the second and third and seventh abdominal segments ; seven oblique lateral yellow lines, that one extending to and upon the horn being the most distinct ; thoracic feet red. Length 30'nm. Full-grown larva. — With the same marks when present as in the preceding stages, but they are smaller; in two specimens there are no spots on the mesothoracic and third abdominal segments, and in another there are no red spots at all. Length 45mm. 7. Adoneta spinuloides Herrich-Schaeffer. This has been reared by Hy. Edwards and Elliot from the wild cherry. Larva.— Whole lateral region bright apple green. The dorsal is chestnut brown, narrow on the second segment, widened on third, and still wider on fourth, fifth, and sixth. The seventh is yellowish green, thus breaking the line of the chestnut color. On segment 8 the brown markings again widen out, extending over 9, and nar- rowing on 10 and 11. On the sides of the back is a row of orange-red tubercles, eleven on each side, bearing very short spines, those of the posterior segments being the largest. There is also a series of non-spinous tubercles above the spiracles. Length 0.40 inch. (Papilio, iii, p. 129.) 8. THE PROMETHEA SILK- WORM. Callosamia promethea Drury. This silk-worm is not uncommon on the wild cherry, as well as the cultivated species; its cocoons we have observed late in the autumn, both in Cambridge, Mass., and Providence. The following historical notice is copied from Mrs. Dimmock's article in Psyche, iv, p. 276: Attacus promethea Drury (Illus. Nat. Hist. . - « 1770, v. 2, pi. 11,12). Harris (Rept. Ins. Injur. Veg., 1841, p. 280-281) describes larva, cocoon, and imago of this species, giving Sassafras, wild cherry, Azalea, and Cephalanthus as food-plants; later (Treatise Ins. Injur. Veg., 1862, p. 390,391) he repeats these descriptions, adding fig- ures of the male and female imagos. Morris (Synop. Lepid. N. A., 1862, p. 224,225) describes larva, cocoon, and imago, and adds Laurus benzoin to the food-plants. Tronvelot (Amer. Nat., Mar. 1867, v. 1, p. 31) gives a note on the cocoon, and adds Syringa to the food-plants. Minot (Can. Eutom., May 1870, v. 2, p. 100) compiles a list of the food-plants of the larva, adding to those mentioned above, Berberis, Betular Acer, Quercus, sometimes Thuja, and Pinus, Fagus, apple, peach, plum, silver-bell [Halesia~\. Riley (4th Ann. Rept. State Entom. Mo., 1872, p. 121-123) describes the egg, five larval stages, and the cocoon, and figures larva, cocoon, and male and female imagos; he adds Liriodendron to the food-plants. Lintner (Entom. Contrib., No. 3, 1874, p. 126^describes egg and young larva. W. H. Edwards (Psyche, Jan. [27 June"} 1881, v. 3, p. 161, 171-174) discusses the variability in the number of molts of A. promethea, showing that it molts in West Virginia only three times, thus having 526 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. four stages. Brodie (Papilio, May 1882, v. 2, p. 83) gives a note on times of emergence, copulation, and <>\ iposition of this species. Saunders (Can. Entom., Dec. 1883, v. 15) p. 231-233) uses Riley's figures of larva, cocoon, and male and female imagos, and adds I'opuhis to the food-plants of tin- larva. 9. Apatela lobelia Gnen6e. Two caterpillars of this moth have been found by Prof. G. H. French in southern Illinois feeding on the wild cherry, September 19. They pupated October 1, producing two imagines May 10 and May 19. These are interesting larva1 in both of their last larval stages, as the colors are bright. The cherry upon which they fed is the common wild black cherry, Prunus serotina, the larvae resting, when found, on the upper side of the leaf. Larva, —Nearly cylindrical, the body somewhat elevated in the middle, from which it tapers B little both ways; the dorsum of joint 12 with a slight elevation ; eight low tubercles on each joint, from each of which arise a few spreading white hairs. Color green ; a dorsal stripe that is mostly red on joints 3 and 4, and on the elevated por- tion of joint 12, the rest of the stripe yellow with a reddish blotch to each joint: the anterior part of dorsum of joint 2, red, separated by green in the middle, yellow- ish round the edges. Head slightly bilobed ; the lower part reddish green, the up- per part more red. Length, .80 of an inch. September 24, they molted when they were 1 inch long, the same shape as before. Color, dark blackish brown, with a magenta dorsal line bordered each side with black, and a patch of the same color on the top of each lobe of the head. The dor- sum of joint 2 is pale instead of magenta. Each joint has twelve small orange tubercles, each supporting a spreading tuft of gray hairs. 10. Lithophane laticinerea Grote. The caterpillar of this moth was reared from the wild cherry by Mr. S. Lowell Elliot. Larva. — Pale bluish green, whitish behind. Head bluish green, narrower than the second segment, with a lateral liue of very minute black spots. A faint whitish {>ticiila rratiu/ifoliella Clem. The larva may be found in the leaves of the dwarf thorn, Crataegus parvifolia, from the middle to the latter part of July. The mine is rather a wide tract, not long, most often tortuous, sometimes turned back on itself, and when nearly straight, with irregular edges, having a narrow, contorted line of frass running through the middle of it. The latter half of the mine will average at least a line in width. One larva which I especially observed mined a space of Jive lines in- three days, at the end of which time it was full-grown. Previously it was not more than half-grown, and the distance mined while under observation forms nearly one-half the length of the entire mine. The larva enters the pupa state during the latter part of July. (Clemens.) Larva. — The larva is rather thick, bright green. (Clemens.) 5. Lithocolletis cratajqella Clem. The larva mines the underside of blackthorn* during September and October. The mine is usually limited by two veins of the leaf. The imago appears in April and May. Larva. — The larva is cylindrical with a very pale brown head; the body yellow- ish, colored dark green by the ingesta. Moth. — Antennae, front and tuft dark silvery gray ; forewings rather deep brownish golden, with a broad silvery basal streak, black margined toward the costa, ex- tending to the teguhe in front and pointed behind, with the point black-margined on both sides and with the costa black. Four costal silvery streaks, the first oblique but rounded beneath and black-margined on both sides, the others toward the base alone. Three silvery dorsal streaks, the first rather broad, oblique, nearly touching the first costal, and black-margined on both sides, as also the second ; the third only toward the base. A streak of black scales in the middle of the wing at the apex, ex- tended backwards between the streaks to the second dorsal and costal. Hinder- inarginal line blackish, with a violet metallic hue ; cilia dark fulvous. (Clemens.) 6. Ornix crata'gifolieUa Clem. The larva mines the leaves of Crataegus tomentosa (blackthorn) in September, and becomes a pupa early in October, weaving a reddish- brown cocoon in a turned-down edge of the leaf. The pupa case is thrust from the end of the cocoon at maturity, the iinag;o appearing early in May. There is, doubtless, a summer brood, but I have not sought for it. Larva.— The head of the larva is brown, the body greeuish-white, with the dorsum reddish. brown. Moth— Labial palpi whitish. Head dark brown and gray intermixed. Antenna} dark brown, faintly annulated with whitish. Forewings dark brown, with a pur- plish hue. Along the inner margin, from the base to the anal angle, whitish, dusted with dark brownish. In the fold at the base is a dark- brown streak, and a small blotch of the same hue beyond the middle, nearly reaching to the inner margin. Toward * In Asa Gray's Manual of the Botany of the Northern United States the name of u black or pear thorn w is assigned to Cratagui tomentosa. — H. T. Stainton. INSECTS OF THE THORN. 535 the tip are a few whitish, costal streaks, and at the apex a smail, rouud, dark-brown spot, in a whitish patch, with a circular, dark-brown apical line behind it ; cilia, blackish-gray. Hiudwings blackish-gray ; cilia, rather paler. Abdomen blackish, tipped with dull yellow. 7. Conotrachelus cratwgi Walsh. Order Coleoptera ; family Curculionid^e. The late B. D. Walsh found this weevil abundant near Kock Island, 111., on the hawthorn, also plentifully on the same kind of shrub, near Chicago. (Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., ix, 311.) The beetle. — Of the size, shape, and sculpture of anaglypticus Say, but differs in the elytra being of a uniform color, mottled with ocher-yellow and white, and in the upper surface of the thorax being whitish, except a large and conspicuous triangular spot at its base, and the anterior margin, which, as well as the inferior surface, is brown. The second tooth on the femora is obsolete. 8. The buffalo leaf-hopper. Ceresa bubalus Fabr. This singular but very common leaf-hopper, according to Fitch, fre- quents the wild thorn, and has been found by Mr. John G. Jack to be positively injurious to young apple and pear trees, as they cut the bark when depositing their eggs. u These incisions and the eggs in them were so numerous that in many cases it was impossible to raise the bark for the purpose of budding the t rees. The incisions and eggs are usually most abundant on the south and upper side of the limbs, comparatively few being found on the shady or under sides." They begin depositing their eggs, adds Mr. Jack, at Ohateauguay, Quebec, August 12, the process going on until the close of October. The eggs, in batches of from live or six to a dozen (rarely more), are deposited obliquely in the bark, and often the incision continues into the wood, if the bark is thin. In this way the bark and wood become fastened together, and will not -sepa- rate at any season, and the dark spots in the wood and the rough knotty bark bear evidences of the injuries for many years. The eggs are of a dirty transparent white, about 1.5mm in length, smooth, slightly tapering, and sharply rounded towards the interior end, but tapering much more gradually at the exterior end. Although normally round, the sides are generally found to be more or less flattened by pressure from the tissues of the wood and bark of the tree. So numerous were these eggs on some trees that a careful estimate shows that there must be at least from six to eight hundred eggs in a section of the branches not more than an inch long and half an inch in diameter. They hatch during the first week in June. A small dipterous egg-parasite has been raised from the eggs by Mr. Jack. The following insects also live on the thorn : 9. Basilarchia astyanax (Fabr.). 10. Basilarchia arthemis (Drury). 11. Uranoles melinus, on C. coccinea and G. apifolia (Scudder). FIFTH KKPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. 111. Thecla liparops. 13. Thecla calanus Hiibn. IT PapiHo tunuts Linn. Larva, September 5, at Brunswick, Me. L5. Tkeela falaeer Godart Harris Ins. Mass., -70. 16. Thyreus abbot ii Swains. Said in Abbot's MS. paintings to feed on Oratccgui tomentosa in Georgia. (Library Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist.) 17. Smerinthus myopt A. and S. See p. 525. 18. Schizura unicornis (A. and S.). On thorn-bush at Brunswick, Me., September 5. 19. Schizura sp. On thorn-bush at Brunswick, Me., September 5. 20. QSdemaiia ooncinna A. and S. (Sanders, Can. Ent., xiii, 139.) 21. Cliriocampa disstria (Hiibn.). See p. 119. 22. Datana integer rima (i. & K. 23. Spihsoma virginioa Fabr. On buckthorn, middle of September, Maine. 24. Orgyia ontiqua Linn. Injurious to thorn hedges in Rhode Island, Miss Dix, Amer. Journ. Sc, xix, p. 62 ; also observed at Bruns- wick, Me. 25. Platysamia cecropia (Linn.). W. Brodie. 26. Telea polyphemus (Cram.). (Riley's unpublished notes.) W. Brodie. 27. Am phipyra pyramidoides Gueu. See p. 171. 28. Eubyja quernaria (A. and S.) On Crataegus australxs. Seep. 188. 29. Xematocampa Jilamentaria Gueu. On C. australis. 30. GraphoJitha j)runivora Walsh. Living in the fruit, J. Hamilton (Can. Ent., xxi, 34). 31. Aspidisca splendor if erella Clem. Larva and mine as in P. serotina. (Chambers.) 32. Tischeria maUfoliella Clem. Larva in a flat, trumpet-shaped, yel- lowish mine in upper surface of leaves. (Chambers.) 33. Ornix inusitatumeUa Chamb. Larva in white, flat mine, speckled with u frass" in upper surface ; pupates in the mine. (Chambers.) Order Coleoptera. 34. Saperda bivittata Say. On hawthorn. 35. Anthonomus cratcegi Walsh. (Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., vi, 1866, p. 266.) 36. Saperda fayi Bland. J. Hamilton, (Can. Ent., xx, p. 6, 1888). 37. Xylotrecluis convergens Le Conte. Bred from branch of an unde- termined Crataegus, locally known as Red Haw, Iowa. (Le Conte, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc, viii, p. xxiv.) 38. Gaurotes cyaiiijyennis Say. In spring on thorn blossoms and later in the season pairing and ovipositing on the butternut. (Caul- field, Can. Ent., 1881, p. 60.) 39. Conotrachelus naso Lee. This and the next species bred from the fruit of the haw. J. Hamilton. (Can. Ent., xxi, p. 34, 1889.) 40. Conotrachelus posticatus Say. INSECTS OF THE MOUNTAIN ASH. 537 Order Hymenoptera. 41. Crepidodera helxines (Linn.). Eating leaves of Crataegus coccinea (Townsend, MS. notes). 42. Selandria cerasi Peck. Observed on the thorn late in summer at Brunswick, Me. Order Hemiptera. 43. Aphis cratcegifolii Fitch. On leaves of G. punctata. (Fitch.) 44. Siphonophora cratwgi Monell. July, St. Louis. CMonell.) 45. Schizoneura cratwgi (Estlund. Class Arachnida; order Acarina. 46. Acarus f cratwgi-vermiculus Walsh MS. Occurs abundantly both on Crataegus tomentosa and crus-galli. (Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., vi, p. 227.) INSECTS INJURIOUS TO THE CRAB-APPLE, Pyrus coronaria Linn. AFFECTING THE LEAVES. 1. Catocala grynea (Cramer). The caterpillar of this moth has been found by Mr. Koebele to feed on the crab-apple. Larva. — General color silvery gray with a reddish cast. Eyes marked at summit with a luuule of yellowish white, and this lined behind with rust-red extending nearly to the mouth. Body more reddish towards the head. There is a very promi- nent protuberance of a rust red color at the summit of the twelfth segment. The red is very pronounced at the summit of the legs on the ninth and tenth segments. (Koebele, Bull. Brooklyn Ent. Soc, iv, p. 22.) 2. Basilarchia archippus on wild plum. (Scudder.) 3. Basilarchia astyanax on wild plum. (Scudder.) 4. Aphis mali Fabr. INSECTS INJURIOUS TO THE MOUNTAIN ASH. Pyrus americana. AFFECTING THE LEAVES. 1. The scurfy bark louse. Chionaspis furfurus (Fitch). The following account is copied from Professor Comstock's Keport for 1880, p. 315 : • Harris described it on apple and pear in Massachusetts ; Dr. Fitch found it on pear and choke cherry in New York ; Walsh observed it on 538 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. apple, crab, and the European mountain ash (Sorbus aucuparia) in Illi- nois; and I have found it common in apple and pear in Xew York, Man land, and southern California, and upon black cherry in western New York. Although this insect has been well known for many years, compara- tively little has been written respecting it. This is probably due to the fact that there is another species {Mytilaspis pomorum Bouche) which, like this, infests the apple, and which is more common and much more destructive. The scurfy bark-louse was first described, but not named, by Earns in his " Insects Injurious to Vegetation" (Flint editiou, p. 254). In this description both the scale formed by the male and that formed by the female are well characterized; but the insects themselves were not studied by Dr. Harris. The description of the scales is remarkable as containing an explanation of their uature and probable mode of for- mation as follows : The minute oval dark colored scales on one of the ends of these white cases are the skins of the lice while they were in the young or larva state, and the white shells are probably formed in the same way as the down which exudes from the bodies of other bark lice, but which in these assume a regular shape, varying according to the sex and becoming membranous after it is formed." This statement must have been overlooked by Dr. Fitch, who mauy years afterwards, in his first report as State entomologist of Xew Y^ork, p. 739 (35), in writing of the oyster-shell bark louse of the apple, states that " these scales are the relics of the bodies of the gravid females, covering and protecting their eggs." And in his second report, p. 489 (257), Dr. Fitch, in describ- ing the pine-leaf scale (Mytilaspis pinifolice) states that the three parts of the scale represent seemingly the head, thorax, and abdomen of the living insect. Through the kindness of Mr. Lintner and the officers of the New York State Agricultural Society I have had the opportunity of studying the Coccidse in the collection of that society. The specimens were ail labeled by Dr. Fitch, and by a very careful study of both the scale and the last segment of the female, of the specimen labeled Aspidiotus cerasi, I have been unable to find any character which will separate it from the specimens labeled Aspidiotus furfurus, and all of these specimens belong to the same species as the very common pest of the apple and pear, which has been commonly known as Aspidiotus harrisii. The statement made by Sig noret* that this species is the same as that described by Curtis under the name of Aspidiotus (Diaspis) ostrecrfor- mis is evidently a mistake. M. Signoret has kindly sent me specimens of D. ostrewformis, from which I have prepared the description of that species in this report. Scale of female. — The scale of the female is flat, irregular in outline, many bending abruptly to the right or left immediately posterior to the second larval skin, others straight; in all the scale suddenly widens near the posterior end of the second larval *Annales de la Socie"t6 En torn, de France, 1876, p. 604. INSECTS OF THE MOUNTAIN ASH. 539 skin, thus presenting the form characteristic of the genus ; length, 2ram to 3mm (.08 to 12 inch) ; color grayish white with the first skin light gray and second skin usually brown, sometimes dark gray. Described from many isolated individuals occurring on smooth bark of a small branch. On the rough bark of the trunk the scales are much more irregular in form, and are so massed as to appear like a layer of dandruff. Female.— The body of the female is red, with the last segment light yellow ; this segment presents the following characters : The anterior group of spinnerets consists of from eight to thirteen, usually ten ; the anterior laterals are from twenty to thirty ; and the posterior laterals are from eight- een to thirty-one. There are three pairs of lobes. The median lobes are well developed ; the second lobes are smaller, the third are still smaller, being sometimes obsolete ; the lobes of the second and third pairs are deeply incised. There are conspicuous elongated pores upon the margin ; one laterad of each of the first, second, third, and fourth plates ; one cephalad of the incision of third lobe ; and one midway between the third and fourth plates. The spines upon the ventral surface are inconspicuous ; the first pair obsolete ; the second, third, and fourth pairs at or near the bases of the second, third, and fourth plates. Those upon the dorsal surface are quite long ; the first spine of each side is between the bases of the first lobe and the first plate ; the second and third spines are upon the lateral lobule of the second and third lobes ; and the fourth spine is sit- uated about two thirds distance from the third to the fourth plates. Eggs. — The eggs are purplish red. Scale of male. — The scale of the male is very small, being only .75mm (.03 inch) in length, narrow, usually straight and tricarinated ; larval skin brownish yellow, re- mainder of scale snowy- white. Male. — Yellow marked with irregular reddish-brown spots ; thoracic band reddish brown, sometimes darker than the other markings. Length of body including style, .62mm (.02 inch) ; length of style, .18mm (.006 inch). On each side of the anterior part of the thorax there is a black spot which resembles an eye. 2. Dynastes grantii Horn. A beetle supposed by Dr. Horn to be this species has been found by Mr. J. Doll to occur in September on the mountain ash in Colorado. " They are always found near the tips of branches, where by means of their projecting thoracic horn they scrape through the soft bark to cause a flow of sap which is very sweet, and of this consists their food." (Bull. Brooklyn Ent. Soc, vii, pp. 120, 151.) The following insects also occur on the mountain ash : 3. Apatela occidentals G. and R. 4. Chrysobothri8 femorata Fabr. (Harris Correspondence, 311.) See also Bethune (Can. Ent., V, p. 140). 5. Saperda bivittata Say. Apple-tree borer. 6. An unknown longicorn borer taken from a tree on Lake Kennebago, Maine, September 4, 1887. 7. Mytilaspis pomicorticis Riley. Chapter X. INSECTS INJURIOUS TO THE ASH. Frajcinus amcricana, etc. Although only about forty-six species are as yet knowu to prey upou our native species of ash, the uumber is probably at least as great as that given by Kaltenbach as affecting the ash in Europe, viz, fifty-one. Thus far no species of dipterous gall flies or of Psyllids has been de- tected on our native species. My own opportunities for observing this tree have been limited, but during September, 1887, I was able to dis- cover seven species new to the tree, living on young bushes on the northern shore of Kangeley Lake, Maine. When used as ornamental or shade trees the different species of ash appear to be in general quite free from insect pests. Ash lumber does not seem, so far as we know, to be commonly attacked by borers, the only case known to us being that oiJEburia quadrigeminata, described below by Mr. McNeil. Ash wood is used for carriages, furni- ture, as well as fence rails, and is a most valuable tree, besides being a beautiful, clean, shade tree. AFFECTING THE TRUNK AND BRANCHES. 1. The ash sesian. Fatua denudata (Harris). The following account of the habits of this borer has been communi- cated to me by Mr. W. L. Devereaux, of Clyde, N. Y. : The JEgeria denudatum certainly does great injury; it is more abundant in some swamps than others. It channels its cylindrical burrow from the tap-root di- rectly up the trunk sometimes to a height of 3 or 4 feet, before turning and cut- ting its way out. The perpendicular burrow is never situated in the center of the tree, but is generally nearer the bark than the heart. The upright or vertical part of the channel is as perfectly made as with a brace and bit. Through this initial inva- sion, wood ants, members of the Rhynchophora, Ceratubycidae, Lamellicorns and Ser- ricorus, obtain a foot-hold, and ere many years we have a hollow ash tree. Some of the Capricorn Larva are channeling up the heart while certain Xvlophaga3 are boring into the same decaying sap-wood, and even into living healthy wood, until the merest shell remains to support the still vigorous branches above. The Osmo- dermas, Diaperidii, Tenebriouii, Elaterida?, etc., follow on till the fatal storm-blast gives them the whole remaining trunk and top for larder and shelter, lasting many future broods. 540 ASH-TREE BORERS. 541 I think the alder must be considered the favorite host of the JEgeria (Fatua) denu- data, as ash trees in swamps not containing alder are almost exempt from their at- tacks, while no clump of alder is without evidence of their work. 2. Eburia quadrigeminata Say. Order Coleoptera ; family Cerambycid^e. Under the heading "A remarkable case of longevity in a longicorn beetle, Eburia quadrigeminata (American Naturalist, xx, p. 1055), Mr. J. McNeil writes as follows : On the 11th of July, 1886, I caught at sugar, which had been placed upon apple trees for the purpose of attracting moths, a light brown long-horned beetle, marked with ivory -yellow spots on the elytra. My attention was particularly attracted at this time to the insect on account of a peculiar creaking sound which it began as soon as I picked it up. I had no difficulty in finding that the sound was produced by the rubbing of the posterior margin of the prothorax upon the anterior margin of the mesothorax. The same sound could be made after the insect was dead, by working backward and forward its head and prothorax. Several days after this occurrence I captured a specimen, similar to the first, upon the clothes of a friend, but it disap- peared before I reached home. On the 17th of July I found a third specimen on a tree but a few feet distant from that upon which I discovered the first specimen ; this individual was also evidently attracted by the sugar. Five days later, July 22, 1886, another specimen came into my possession under much more remarkable cir- cumstances. Dr. Boyd, of Dublin, Wayne County, Ind., called my attention as I was walking along the street, and at once proceeded to remove two small corks with which he had closed two openings in the door-sill of his office. He then requested me to explain what had made the tunnels that evidently extended some distance into the sill. In reply to my questions, he stated that his attention had been called to the freshly made openings early in the morning; at that time the holes were much smaller, and were ragged around the edges. These rough edges he had smoothed with a knife so he could stop them tightly with corks. A short time after he made the discovery mentioned, his attention was attracted by a buzzing noise which came from one of the tunnels. This he put an end to by pouring chloroform into the opening, and then plugging it up with a cork. There had been no sound of life from the other tunnel, but he had closed it in the same manner. Upon hearing this I re- moved the cork from the tunnel where the sound had been heard, and in a moment dragged out by its antennae a beetle, similar to those whose capture I have already described. This beetle is Eburia quadrigeminata Say. A closer examination of the tunnels in Dr. Boyd's door-step showed that the exter- nal openings were in the middle of the length and breadth of an ash door-sill and about 4 inches distant from each other. The size of the tunnels increased rapidly within until the diameter was three or more times as great as at the exit. They ex- tended downward and backward, respectively, 3 and 4 inches. The sill was of painted ash and it as well as the whole building rested directly upon a solid brick foundation. After having completed the above observations, I did not hesitate long in coming to the conclusion that the eggs which had produced this beetle and its fellow that had made good its escape were laid in the green wood in the tree. In response to my questions, Dr. Boyd made the statement that the building was erected in the spring of 1867. This would make these insects not less than nineteen, and probably twenty or more, years old, since the timber was dry when put into the house. Professor Thomas states that its larva lives and bores in the honey-locust (Gledit- schia triacanthus Linn.), and from this fact it gets its name of irhe honey-locust borer. The beetle. — Body entirely pale yellowish brown ; antennae hardly more obviously hairy on the basal joints than on the others ; thorax with two black tubercles above, 542 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. rather before tin- middle, placed transversely, and a short spine each side on the middle of the length of the thorax: elytra rather paler than thorax, each with two doable, somewhat elerated, bright-fellow, abbreviated very short lines; the two members of the basal spot equal, the other spot is placed on the middle, the inner member is shorter than the exterior one : tip tW0-8fiined, the exterior spine the long- est : intermediate and posterior thighs two-epined at tip, the inner spine rather the longest. Length .75 to 1 inch. (Thomas, "Sixth report of the Illinois State Entomologist.") 3. Carmenta fraxini II. Edwards. Xo account of the habits of this Sesian borer has been published so far a.s we can learn. It occurred at Washington, D. C. (C. V. Riley.) Moth. — Wholly hronze-black. Fore-wings with a very small vitreous dash near the base and a bright orange discal dot at extremity of cell. Costal margin greenish- black, a purplish tint on the posterior margin. Hind wings vitreous, rather narrowly margined, with a bunch of whitish hairs at their base. Under side of wings a little more golden than the upper. Antenna?, palpi, femora, tibiae, and tarsi brownish- black. Abdomen with no trace of bands, except on posterior margin of fourth seg- ment, beneath which is pale yellow. Caudal tuft small, brownish beneath, black above. Expanse of wings, 16mm. (Edwards.) 4. The syrixga borer. Podosesia syringv (Harris). Order Lepidoptera ; family Sesiad^e. This borer has been found by Mr. Hulst to be a pest to ash trees in Brooklyn, and by Mr. H. Osborn it has been observed boring in the young shoots of a species of ash, in Ames, Iowa. The larva, according to Harris, usually bores into the Syringa. In Buffalo Dr. Kellicott finds that it lives under the bark of the old trees. " He has observed a number of the trees, has seen the pupa cases projecting, and has watched twenty or more [issue] from a single tree in a single day Often one hundred or more were in a single tree." (Ent. Am., i, p. 177.) Larva. — Yellowish-white. Head about two-thirds the width of the prothoracic segment, chestnut-brown, with the mouth-parts pitchy above, whitish beneath, very shiny, and with a deep triangular depression in front. Second segment yellowish, with a waved brownish line posteriorly. Each of the segments bears about eight short brownish hairs. The third segment is slightly broader than the rest, swollen, as it were, at the sides. The spiracles are small, brown, those of the second and twelfth segments being larger than the rest. The anal segment is slightly yellow, with many short brownish hairs. All the feet and legs pale pitchy. Length, .80 inch. (H. Edwards.) Moth. — Brown; fore-wings with a transparent line at base; hind wings trans- parent, with a brown border, fringe, and subcostal spot. Antenna?, palpi, collar, first and second pairs of tarsi, and middle of the intermediate tibia\ rust-red ; middle of the tibke and the tarsi of the hind legs, yellow. Expands 1.20 inches. (Harris.) 5. Gortyna nxtela Guen^e. Order Lepidoptera ; family Noctuid.e. The caterpillar of this moth, which often bores into the stalks of the dahlia and aster, has been observed by Mr. Osborn boring in young twigs of ash, causing the death of many twigs, but he failed to rear ASH-TREE BORERS. 543 the inoth on account of parasites. Miss Murtfeldt has observed the same caterpillar in the twigs of the maple (Acer dasycarpum). It seems to bore indifferently into any plant with a soft stem or twig. (Can. Ent., xv, p. 174.) 6. The ash tree clytus. Neoclytus caprcea Say. Order Coleoptera ; family Cerambycidje. Under the name of ash-tree borer Mr. 0. Thomas, besides stating that the larva of this species bores in the ash, adds that it is " quite common in southern Illinois." Mr. Shelby Keed, of Scottsville, ^. Y., iu 1880, refers briefly, in the American Entomologist, to u the wide-spread destruction of the black ash forests" in his vicinity, and speaks of the web- worm (Hyphantria cunea) and a root-borer as affecting them. Professor Riley, the editor of the journal, in commenting on his letter suggests that the injury was due rather to the root-borer (probably Neoclytus caprcea Say) than to the web- worm. Beetle. — Dark brownish-purple head ; and thorax darkest ; eyes nearly circular, behind them a narrow yellow border; thorax barrel-shaped, deep purple, surrounded by three very narrow yellow lines, one at each end aud one in the middle ; scutel yellow ; wing-cases crossed by three yellow bands ; first, a semi-circular band from the scutel running backwards and round up to each shoulder; then another of similar shape about the middle, with the circle reversed ; then a straight band, and a strong spine at the tip of each ; length, half an inch ; width one-seventh of an inch. 7. Tylonotus bimaculatus (Hald.). Order Coleoptera; family Cerambycidje. This beetle was by its original describer, Haldemann, said to in- habit the ash, and Mr. A. S. Fuller, according to Riley, also reports it as living in the black ash. Mr. Bland (Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., i, p. 59) records it as " found under the bark of the tulip-poplar." * Beetle. — The genus Tylonotus is allied to Elaphidion, but differs according to Le Conte in the femora being strongly club-shaped, and the antennae bisulcate. 8. The ash timber-be e/tle. Ilylesinus aculeatus Say. Order Coleoptera ; family Scolytid^e. Ash posts in Kansas have been found by Mr. W. Knaus to be ten- anted by this borer, though no growing trees were found which had been attacked, those only having been selected which were already in a decaying condition. " The burrows of this insect were almost facsimiles in every particu- lar, consisting of a large central channel from 25 to 100mm in length and lmm in width, made by the female, the young larva eating its way out- f)44 FIFTH REPORT OF Till. KNTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. ward from this channel, the larval channels constantly enlarging dur- ing the larval life, and sinking a little deeper in the wood as the pupa state is reached. These larval channels are from 5 to 45"im in length, and from one-third to 1""" in width. The central channel is usually slightly sinuous, being governed to some extent by the surface of the wood and the number of beetles at work, they never coming in contact. At about midway of the central channel there is in every instance a change of direction— a curve sometimes hardly perceptible, at other times and usually very marked. The lateral larval channels extend outward at right angles from the central channel, and are about one- third the length of the former, that varying from one to three inches in length. " Id November, 1885, live specimens of this insect were taken from ash trees in the western part of Davis County. The bark of these trees had apparently been abraded about a month previous, and had been at once attacked by Hylesinus aculeatus. Large numbers of these had eaten their way from one-fourth to one inch under the bark from the point of entrance and had gone into similar quarters." (Ent. Amer., ii, 1886, p. 7G.) Mr. W. L. Devereaux, of Clyde, X. Y., writes me regard- ing this beetle as follows : Hylesinus aculeatus does not operate on living trees in its larval state, but the beetles do, and of course the more ash trees cut tor rails, etc., the more rapidly will the beetles increase. Beetle. — In Hylesinus the tibiae are serrate ; the antennal club elongate-ovai, pointed, not comprised ; in H. aculeatus the club of the antennae is elongate-fusiform, the bauds of the elytra oblique, while the sides of the prothorax are smooth (not muricate, as in the closely allied H. imptrialis of Dakota and Arizona). Length, 2.2 to 3.4mm (.09 to .13 inch). It ranges from Massachusetts to Texas, Kansas, and Oregon. (Le Conte.) 9. Hylesinus opaculus Le Conte. This timber borer has been found by Mr. E. A. Schwarz, living under the dry bark of elm and ash trees. See fig. 72, p. 227. Beetle.— Body elongate, clothed with short, erect yellow hair without scales. Length, 2 to 2.5mm (.08 to .10 inch). (Le Conte). According to Riley it differs from the clover beetle (H. trifolii) in the shape of the antennae, the visible labrum, and other points shown in Fig. 72. AFFECTING THE LEAVES. 10. The ash saw-fly. Selandria barda (Say.) The larvae of this saw-fly are said by Mr. H. Osborn to at times injure the ash in Iowa. The adults have not been reared, but he feels sure that the larvae were of the above species. The eggs are deposited in rows along the sides of the petioles just beneath the outer bark, and so neatly that it is almost impossible to detect any break in the epi- dermis. Usually there are from six to ten on a leaf. They evidently increase much in size before hatching, pushing the bark up in a blister- ASH SAW-FLIES. 545 like elevation, and if cut out of tbeir covering are found to be very soft, the outer membrane being exceedingly delicate and easily ruptured. The larvae are evidently hatched within two or three days after the eggs are deposited, and are at first slender, whitish worms, with black heads and thoracic legs. They crawl at once to the leaflets and appear to se- lect the more tender Ones for the commencement of their work. They grow quite rapidly and reach the first molt on the third or fourth day. They are mostly found adhering to the under surface of the leaves and forming a coil, though sometimes extended, especially when feeding, and as they eat away the entire leaf, cutting away at the edges or at the holes entirely through the leaf, they eat any poisonous substance sprinkled or dusted on the upper surface. When young they usually keep pretty well clustered together or on the same leaf, but afterwards scatter quite generally, the early clustering being due no doubt to the eggs being laid near together and on the same leaf. The worms molt at least three or four times before reaching maturity. They leave the trees before pupating, which is probably done under ground, pass- ing the winter in the pupa condition. The fly has been observed in abundance from April 15 until June. Tachina and Ichneumon flies prey upon the false caterpillars. Larva. — Head polished jet-black, as are the thoracic legs, otherwise the body is clear green, with a slightly darker dorsal line. Eight pairs of abdominal legs. The skin somewhat wrinkled, but neither hairy nor slimy. (Osboru.) Saiv-fly. — Body black throughout, except the upper part of the thorax, which is honey-yellow or sometimes orange or reddish, the amount, as well as the shade, dif- fering somewhat in different individuals. The males are more slender and shorter than the females. In some specimens the front legs are partially yellowish. (Os- boru, Bull. Iowa Ag. College, 1884, p. 80.) 11. Selandria sp. Miss Murtfelit describes, in a report to the Agricultural Department, a saw-fly larva which seems to differ from the preceding species in having a double row of short black spines on each segment. She re- fers to them as follows : Early in the summer the foliage of the ash trees (Fraxinus americana) was much eaten by a Tenthredinid that I have not yet been able to rear, although I have ob- served it for several successive years. The slug is about the size of, and very similar in appearance to, Selandria vitis, being pale-green, with small, immaculate black head and a double transverse row of short black spines on each segment. It inhabits the under surfaces of the leaves, and in feeding perforates them with round holes, of sizes corresponding with its stage of growth. It enters the ground about the last of May and incloses itself in a frail earthen cell. It seems to be but single-brooded, and in the rearing-cage either dries up or molds, without changing to pupa, in the course of the summer. 12. Selandria ? larva, No. 1. This and the following saw-fly larvae occurred frequently on young ash shrubs at Eangeley Lake. They resemble the larvae of Nematus, but differ in having eight instead of seven pairs of abdominal legs. 5 ent 35 54(J FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. Larva. — Body curled up helix-like ; with Bight pairs of abdominal legs. Head am- Itci oolored ; eyei black. Body livid greeuish ; on each :il)d(uuinal segment a series of straw-yellow spots Lnolosing three sides of a hollow square, with a few orange spots at the cud of the body. A few minute sharp tubercles on each segment. Thoracic as well as abdominal legs pale livid greenish. Length, 15mm. 13, Selandria t larvu. At. '2. Larva. — Larger than the preceding species; with eight pairs of abdominal legs. Head, body, and legs pale amber, with a dark dorsal stripe from which twelve oblique bands pass down and unite with a broad diffuse lateral baud. Length, id1"111. 14. Geometrid caterpillar. This larva, of which a description is subjoined, 1 found September 5, on low ash bushes on the shores of Itaugeley Lake, Maine. Larva. — Head broad and flat, as wide as the body ; a greenish horn-colored triangu- lar area in front, with a pale brownish transverse stripe across the front between the anteume. Body slender, cylindrical, with a few transverse dorsal wrinkles. At the end of the lirst abdominal are two pale, light, small tubercles, situated on a trausverse ridge ; a similar pair, but larger, ou the end of the fifth abdominal segment. On each segment are two minute dark tubercles. Supra-anal plate long, triangular, with large terminal piliferous warts ; those on the upper side of the anal legs large. The third pair of thoracic feet larger than the others. Anal legs short and broad. General color of the body dark brown, resembling that of the bark of a twig of the food-tree. Length, 24mm. 15. Sphinx cinerea Harris. While the caterpillar feeds on the lilac, becoming fully grown early in September, it has been taken by Mr. W. H. Edwards on the white ash. Larva. — Three to 3.25 inches long ; cylindrical, greenish white, shading into white dorsally. Head semi-oval, flat, green, with yellow lateral lines. The thoracic seg- ments transparent, more tinged with green ; a few small granulations ou the annula- tions of the segments, which are yellowish green laterally and white dorsally. The seven lateral bands pale yellow, edged with darker green anteriorly, traversing the entire segment above the stigma and continued over six-eighths of the following, in white, edged with pale green above. Stigmata linear, bordered with white. Caudal horn rose color, long, curved, with a prominent base, sometimes tipped with blue. Caudal shield edged with light green. Legs rose color. (Lintner.) Pupa. — Two inches long, .60 broad. Chestnut brown. Head-case depressed, pro- jecting by nearly the length of the first segment beyond it. Tongue-case— its base anteriorly advanced nearly to the vertex of the head-case, regularly ridged trans- versely, with a medial impressed line having moderately elevated margins — its tiunk raised by one-half its diameter from the breast, the tip applied to the breast and slightly bulbous ; the buried portion of the tongue-case smooth, extending to the tips of the wing-cases, which are also smooth. Anterior leg case with a prominence over the femur. First segment with a smooth dorsal spot, from which wrinkles radiate. Second segment moderately rounded, with interrupted transverse wrinkles dorsally. Third segment with a dark brown central transverse fold, interrupted dorsally. Central segments broader than the thoracic region, moderately punctu- ated, with dorsal wrinkles and depressions. Eleventh segment with a small dorsal protuberance. Terminal segment quite tapering. Spine short, blunt, wrinkled, and bifid. (Lintner.) ASH SPHINGES. 547 16. Sphinx gordi us Cramer. Usually feeding on the apple, the caterpillar of this species has been found on the ash, as well as on Myrica gale and M. cerifera. Larva. — Of a bright apple-green color, with a brownish vertical stripe on each side of the head, and seven oblique stripes on each side of the body, which are white and margined above with violet. The caudal horn is reddish brown. Length, 2£ inches. Pupa. — With a very short, detached tongue case. Moth. — Palpi reddish brown except the apex, which, with, the head, sides, and sometimes central part of the thorax, is gray. The rest of the thorax is blackish brown with black metathoracic tufts. The abdomen is ashy gray with a cen- tral black line and a broad tapering black band on each side, broken by four or five dull whitish cross-stripes. Under side of thorax and abdomen gray. The forewings are gray, clouded with brownish. The discal spot is small, white and triangular, and from it two fine black lines extend in along the cell and finally unite. The median vein and veins 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 are marked with black, and there are black dashes between all the veins below the apex, the last forming the oblique apical streak. A curved ashy-brown shade crosses the wing at the basal fourth; another, from the costa a little beyond the middle, ends at the middle of the hinder margiu, and a third, crossing a little beyond and parallel to the last, is somewhat toothed on the veins. Outside of this a blackish shade line, bordered on each side with gray, is visible only on the hinder half of the wing. Au ashy-brown spot rests on the costa a little before the apex, leaving a gray shade on the upper side of the oblique streak. Fringes brown at the ends of the veins and white between. The hind wings are sordid white, with a central and broad terminal band nearly black. Fringes pure white. The under side of the forewings is brownish gray, and the fringes are as above. The under side of the hind wings is gray, with a narrow cen- tral and broad terminal band of dark brownish gray. (Fernald.) 17. Daremma undulosa Walker. This species feeds on the leaves of the white and black ash, lilac, and privet (Ligustrum vulgare,) and, according to Eev. W. J. Holland, occasionally on the white and red oak. (Can. Ent., June, 1886.) Egg. — Pale green or aqua marine in color, spheroidal in form, the vertical diameter is four- fifths of a millimeter, one lateral diameter is two millimeters, and the other is one and two-fifths millimeters. The surface is very finely granulated and has pearly reflections. The eggs hatch in eight days. Larva. — The young larva is one-fifth of an inch long, of a very pale greenish yel- low color with fine hairs scattered over the surface. The caudal horn is large, straight, and pointed obliquely up and back at an angle of forty-five degrees with the line of the body, and is covered with a fine pubescence. It is smoky brown at the tip only, but before the first molt the brown extends nearly over the whole surface of the horn. The first molt occurs in from four to six days, after which the larva is one-third of an inch long, of a pale green color, the head being a little lighter than the body and having the surface granulated and a pale vertical stripe on each side. There are seven oblique stripes on each side of the body, and a longitudinal stripe of a whitish color but not plainly visible. The second molt is made in from three to five days, after which the larva* is three- fifths of an inch long, of a pale green color and with the stripes as before the molt but plainer, and there is added a series of reddish spots on the forward side of the oblique stripes where they cross the longitudinal stripe. The caudal horn is of a 548 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. palfl watery pink color, and covered with short, blunt spines, from which arise short fine hairs. The surface of the body is somewhat granulated, especially on the for- ward segments and behind the caudal horn. Tht tliird molt is made in from four to six days, after which the larva is about 1 inch ion-, of a light green color, rather lighter than the under side of the lilac leaf 00 which ii feeds. There is some variation of the ground color at this stage; some arc yellowish green while others incline to a bluish green. The longitudinal stripes are now obliterated and the oblique stripes are as in the preoe'ling molt. The legs and caudal horn are pink or pale vinous red, the latter beset with short Stout spine.-, as before. The headland three following segments have whitish granulations above, while the last segment has black granulations on the upper side. The head has I broad vertical stripe of a dull whitish color ou each side. The spiracles are pale pink with a white dot at each extremity. The fourth and last molt is made iu from seven to teu days, after which the larva is about oue iuch aud three-fourths in length and of the same color as in the preced- ing molt. The stripes ou the side of the face, the caudal horn, and the legs are pale pink or flesh color. The last segment is sprinkled with hlack granulations on the upper side, aud the spiracles are bright vennillion with a vertical white slit in the middle. The oblique stripes are greenish white. The larva reaches maturity in from eight to twelve days from the fourth molt, aud is nearly 3 inches loug. It now changes to a dull brownish color which somewhat obscures the markings, wheu it descends to the ground, and working its way down into the soil, transforms into a dark brown pupa one inch and three-fourths long, with the tongue-case sunken to a level with the surface. Moth. — Expanse of wings, 3| inches. Head and palpi brownish gray, the latter being darker on the middle joints, and the head darker above and lighter on the sides. The thorax is gray with two black lines edged with yellowish crossing the prothorax. These lines meet two similar ones on each side, which run backwards, one on each edge of the patagire and meeting behind where the patagia is tipped with white. There is also a curved black line preceded by white and followed by yellow- ish across the hinder part of the thorax. The abdomen is gray with a dark brown line along the middle and two stripes of the same color on each side and the seg- ments are edged with yellowish scales. The whole under side is gray with the breast of a pale coffee-brown color. The forewiugs are gray, mixed with yellowish scales and crossed by four pairs of wavy or augulated dark browu lines more or less distinct, which start from the costa at about equal distauces apart, and divide it into five nearly equal parts. The pair nearest the base of the costa runs obliquely as far as the cell, giving off one tooth, then it takes a somewhat wavy course to the hinder margin nearly at right augles with it. The second pair is distinct on the costa but crosses the wing a little within the discal spot, as a dark brown shade. The third pair starts at right angles with the costa, and curving around the end of the cell, ends near the middle of the hinder margin. The inner of these two lines is slightly augulated while the outer one gives off quite long and sharp teeth, and the space between them is filled in somewhat with ocher-yellow scales. Between this and the outer pair of lines the space is tilled in somewhat with whitish. The outer pair of lines starts at right augles with the costa, curves evenly around to vein 2, and then runs straight to the hinder margin. The outer one of this pair is the darkest and most prominent of all, and is neither undulated nor toothed, while the inner one gives off acute angles on each vein. A black shade line, starting from the apex obliquely, extends into the third pair of cross-lines. A parallel dash crosses the outer pair just below, and there are two parallel black dashes near the middle of the wing extending from the median vein out to the outer pair of lines between the veins. The fringes are white, marked on the veins with dark-brown spots from which brown dashes extend nearly half-way across the terminal space. ASH CATERPILLARS. 549 The hind wings are dark smoky brown, lighter on the hinder margin, and crossed by three parallel darker brown wavy lines. The fringes are white and marked with brown on the veins. The under side of the wings is gray. The forewing is crossed on the outer part by a dentate line and the oblique apical line is partly reproduced. The hind wings, which are somewhat lighter, are crossed by two dentate yellowish brown lines, one a little before the middle, the other a little beyond. (Fernald.) 18. Sphinx larva. A sphinx larva was not uncommon on the ash at Rangeley Lake, Maine, September 5 to 10, 1887. It seems to differ from any of the preceding species, and 1 therefore add the following description from a living specimen which died in confinement : Larva.— Head large, of the usual sphinx shape, green, with a broad black lateral very conspicuous band, bordered in front with whitish green. The seven oblique lateral lines are bright straw-yellow, bordered above with black, the latter stripe edged below (between it and the yellow stripe) with white ; the first six bands are uuited at the lower end by a broad distinct whitish band. The horn is rather large and long, rough, with numerous black stout conical spines. The skin is smooth, the body deep pea-green ; on the anal legs and supra-anal plate are black dots of unequal size. The spiracles are orange, with a broad paler border ; the first seven are embayed in the lower end of the lateral bands. From the last oblique band a pale yellowish- white band connects the upper end of the oblique line with the base of the horn. The thoracic legs black, with two white rings at the joints; abdominal legs green, with a black patch at base. Length, 30mm ; length of horn, 8mm. With the preceding species was associated a young larva, which may possibly be an (^^^^^M)^^a>a\ earlier stage of the same species. The fol- ^f^d^Mjf^Z£% lowing description is from life: Larva.— Head narrowing towards the apex; edge square, with conical spines, on a pale yellowish band. rr^~r— — ^ Head and body pale green, with yellowish spots on §hr '\'>Y^\^Y^'\^f^\ the thickened portions, either arranged in short lines ^Vy^AAA/^ or scattered irregularly. Seven short broad oval, ■ or elongate-oval, pale, oblique purple spots situated -c.T„ ,QA . , a,. . , . 77^. \ _ ' , ., ., , -Fig. 184.— Ash sphinx; natural size; near the lower end of the pale yellowish, rather in- a, youDg ? of 184.-Bridgham del. distinct lateral lines. Horn long and slender, pale reddish, with black spines. All the feet pale, the thoracic ones tipped with roseate. Length,15mm. 19. Apatelodes angelica Grote. According to Mr. Lintner, "eight or ten of the larva? were collected at Bath (near Albany) during the early part of September, feeding on ash (Fraxinus); also by Mr. Meske, at Sharon Springs, on lilac (Syringa vulgaris). When not eating they usually occurred resting on and closely appressed to a twig; The first transformation to a pupa was on Sep- tember 14. The larva has a marked gastropachan aspect. It is now for the first time described. Larva.— Head subrotund, dark brown, the clypens and two lines on the front lighter brown. Body with the thoracic segments tapering ; terminal segments taper- ing and flattened posteriorly; ventral region flattened ; the aual legs projecting be- hind. Color of the body, gray ; numerous fine black linings, among which may be 550 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. kneed two forming ■ vascular stripe, and two similar lateral stripes on each side. On segment 1. anteriorly, are four dorsal white lines, posteriorly black : segment 2 is blaek anteriorly, behind which are irregular black linings: segment 3 as the pre- eeding one; on segments 5 and 10 the dorsal black linings assume s V -.shape, the apex resting on the suture and Inclosing centrally two yellow-green subelliptical vitli B similar spot exterior to each within the superior lateral stripe. From the first segment long whitish-brown hairs project oxer the head, nearly concealing it : from the middle of the second and third segments whitish hairs project forward, of which those on the latter segments are shorter and arranged somewhat in tnfts. be- neath which, when extended, some short stiff red hairs are seen : laterally, below the stigmata are two rows of fascicles of white hairs of unequal length, mingled with a few longer brown ones, extended net angularly with the body until to its middle, whence the remainder are directed backward : from the terminal segment white and brown hairs, of greater length than elsewhere on the body, project horizontally, brush-like, backward; short whitish hairs are scattered sparsely over the body. (The larva escaped before its description could be completed, and the remainder is from memory.) On the vascular line on each segment is a tuft of black hairs about 0.06 inch long, the ends of which converge to a point. The prolegs project laterally, almost hidden by the hairs. Ventrally is a broad fuscous stripe. (Lintner, Ent. Oontr., iii, p. 130.) 20. Gastropacha americana Harris. While the singular lappet caterpillar is found at times on the apple, its native food plant is the oak and ash. It may be found on the trees in September, when it spins its cocoon, the moth appearing in Xew England early in the succeeding summer. In Georgia, according to Abbor, it spins its cocoon in May, the moth appearing the following February. Larva. — Body large, broad, and flat, with hairs on the side spreading out so as nearly to conceal the feet, the hairs arising from large lappets hanging from the side of each segment, the first pair the largest ; upper side of the body gray, variegated with irregular white spots and sprinkled with fine, black dots: iu front are two trans- verse velvet-like bauds of a rich scarlet color, with three black dots on each band : underside of the body orange-colored with a row of diamond-shaped black spots ; length 2| inches. — Harris. Moth. — When at rest it would be mistaken for a dry. brown, crumpled leaf, the edges of the hind wings being much notched as are the outer and inner edges of the fore wings; reddish-brown : beyond the middle of each of the wings is a pale band edged with zigzag, dark-brown lines; there are also two or three short, irregular, brown lines running backward from the front edge of the fore wings, besides a min- ute pale crescent edged with dark-brown, near the middle of the same. In the female the pale bands and dark lines are sometimes wanting, the wings being almost entirely of a red-brown color. The wings expand from H to 2 inches. (Harris.) 21. Tischeria qu>rcivorella Cham. Mr. V. T. Chambers describes this moth [t T. quercitella. Prey, nee T. quercitella, Clem.) as follows: I have not seen the specimens from which Frey described his species, nor the single imperfect one from which Clemens prepared his description. Frey thought his speci- mens belonged to Clemens' species, but F rev's description applies sufficiently well to the four males and two females before me, and which I can not reconcile with Clemens1 account of his species. In quercirorella, the face, palpi, and antenna are very pale lemon yellow, the vertex being darker, as dark as the forewiugs. Clemens DYNASTES TITYUS. 551 says of quercitella, "antennae, head, labial palpi, dark orange-yellow." In quercivo- rella the thorax and forewings are lemon-yellow, with the costal margin more red- dish, and becoming more so toward the apex, which is reddish-orange and somewhat dusted with darker scales. Clemens says of quercitella, "forewings orange-yellow, apical portion reddish-brown, dusted with dark brown,'7 and does not mention the reddish-orange hue of the costal margin. In quercivorella (both sexes) the dorso- apical cilia are paler than those of the apex, which, like those of the hind wings and the entire hind wings themselves, except a fuscous patch at the base, are pale silvery yellow ; this fuscous patch and a similar one on the under side of the fore- wings are peculiar to the male. In quercitella, Clemens says the hind wings are "pale yellowish, becoming reddish-brown toward the apex, and the apical cilia dark brownish." This does not apply to quercivorella at all. I have quoted the whole of Dr. Clemens' brief description. In quercivorella the under side of the wings is paler than the upper, and does not become darker toward the apex, but has the costal margin stained with fuscous on the forewings. The thorax, abdomen, and legs are pale yellow, as also is the anal tuft ; the front surface of the legs and the under side of the abdomen dusted with fuscous. Alar expansion scant three-eighths of an inch. Kentucky and Texas. (Bull. U.S. Geol.Surv.,iv, i, p. 97.) 22. Dynastes tityu \s (Linn.). The following correspondence shows that this gigantic beetle is at times destructive to ash leaves. Its detestable odor and its habits are also described by Mr. Lugger in Entomologica Americana, ii, 163. Editors Country Gentleman: I send by mail to-day a box containing several specimens of a hideous and most offensive beetle which has recently begun its ravages on the ash trees on my lawn, which I ask the favor of you to submit to Professor Lintner, that through him their name and character may be learned, and how to free our trees of their presence. Their odor is so offensive at night that it is disagreeable to sit in the open air. I learn from my son since writing the above that they are on the forest trees also. J. W. M. Perrowville, Va., August 2. [Answer by Prof. J. A. Lintner, State Entomologist.] The above communication is of special interest to me, from its presenting more strongly than has ever before been brought to my notice the offensive odor given off by the beetle above noticed — the Dynastes tityus. It belongs to the family of Sca- rabseidse, which contains many species having quite a disagreeable odor, but very few, if any, have the penetration and pungency of this. Where a large number are congregated, I can well imagine that the atmosphere in their vicinity may become quite unpleasant to the nostrils, for even the dead bodies of half a dozen sent me, although occupying a place, as I am writing upon an open piazza, at a distance of several yards from me, and after having been exposed to the air throughout the night, have rendered their vicinage quite intolerable to some of the unscientific members of my family who had been sitting with me. The beetle, although horrid in the eyes of the gentleman communicating it, is to the entomologist, from its size, form, and ornamentation, a beautiful and attractive specimen of the Coleoptera. The largest male before me (I have seen larger exam- ples) is 2.5 inches long (3.5 with legs extended), 1.1 inches across the wing-covers, and 0.8 of an inch in thickness of body. The shape of the female is nearly that of the common grapevine beetle, the Pelidnota punctata, but the male is armed anteri- orly with two black horns, a half-inch or more in length, the upper one being a liori- 55l_) FIFTH KKPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. /ontal projeotioo of the trout part of the thorax, and the lower curving upward from the crown ot* tin- head. Beneath the color is black, while the thorax and wing-covers are of a pale olive-brown, the latter dotted irregularly with black spot-- ot various sizes, of which some of the largest arc oeellated. The legs are sliining black, and are armed with horns and spines. The grub which produces the beetle fortunately is not to be numbered among our insect pests, as it only at tacks, so far as my knowledge of its habits extends, decaying trees. It is of not infrequent occurrence in the State from which these examples were sent, and in other Southern States. It is rarely met with in Pennsylvania, and has never, I believe, been found ^ in the State of New York. Dr. Fitch includes the species amoug those affect- ing the cherry tree. The beetles feed upon the leaves of various trees, to which from their voraciousness, when Fig. 185. -Dynastes tit yus.— After Riley. , , numerous, they prove very destruc- tive. When they attack our shade and ornamental trees their ravages may be checked by applications of Paris green or London purple to the leaves by a force pump, or by jarring them from the branches and destroying them when they fall. 23. Thi/sanocnemis fraxini Le Conte. Order Coleoptera ; family Curculionid-E. All that we know of the habits of this weevil is Dr. Le Conte's remark : " Several females collected by Mr. Pettit on ash trees in Canada." (Rhyuchophora, 214) He states that Thysanocnemis is u a singular genus somewhat resembling Anthonomus in appearance, but known at once by the front tibia? of the male being broader than usual, sinuate, and densely fringed on the inner side with long hair.'' He describes the species as follows : Btttle. — Ferruginous, clothed with yellow hair. Beak finely punctured, obso- letely striate. Prothorax densely punctured. Elytra with punctured stria?, and slightly convex, nearly smooth interspaces: with a broad trausverse band occupying the middle third, and dilated at the margin, less densely pubescent, and of a darker color. Length, 3.7mm (.15 inch). 24. The ash gali.-louse. Pemphigus fraxini/oUi Thomas. Order Hemiptera: family Ariinu:. Dr. Bundy, from whom the specimens were obtained, says Professor Thomas in his third annual report. 187(J. p. 140, furnishes the following note in reference to them, made at the time they were discovered : On ash, June, Sauk City, Wis. On the under surface of much deformed, crumpled leaves. Female : abdomen dirty green, somewhat darker at the base, sprinkled with ASH SCALE-INSECTS. 553 mealy-white grains at the apex; head, thorax, eyes, antennae, and legs dingy black; wings pale, unmarked. The particular species of ash (Fraxinus) which it inhabits Dr. Bundy has not informed me. Since the above was written Professor Bundy has furnished the following item : " Found on F. quadrangulata, Mx. Leaves much twisted and deformed, especially at the end of infested twigs, but no gall proper." Winged individuals. — Anterior wings with the third discoidal vein simple, arising from the second vein, a short distance from the base of the latter, running almost directly outward toward the apex of the wing ; second vein also very oblique and arising very close to the first vein ; first vein somewhat dim, subobsolete, slightly curving outward as it approaches the margin of the wing ; fourth vein curves very slightly near the base, the remainder being almost straight. Stigma semi-opaque, elongate-rhomboidal, sides nearly parallel, ends with about the same slope; length about three times the width. Subcostal vein quite prominent, somewhat distant from the costa, curving slightly inward or backward where the two branch veins arise. Antennae short, reaching but slightly beyond the end of the thorax ; third joint longest, nearly equal to fourth and fifth; fourth slightly shorter than the sixth ; sixth with a small spur at the tip. Posterior wings with two discoidal veins which arise from the same point. Color of winged specimen after long immersion in alcohol : head dark, prothorax pale, thoracic lobes dark ; abdomen pale dull yellow, with marginal sutures dark in some specimens; wings transparent, with a slight tinge of milky white ; veins very delicate and generally pale. Length of body about .07 inch. Wingless specimen.— Very broadly ovate, length in some scarcely exceeding the widest point ; antennae very short ; eyes quite small ; dark. (Thomas.) 25. Aspidiotus ancylus Putnam. This species is said by Professor Comstock to infest many plants ; he has found it upon the ash, beech, bladder nut, hackberry, liuden, maple, oak, osage orange, peach, and water-locust. The following account is taken from Professor Comstock's report as U. S. Entomol- ogist, for 1880 : Scale of female. — The scale of the female is usually slightly wider than long, al- though nearly circular, with the exuviae laterad of the center, and covered with a thin layer of excretion. This film is white, but it is easily removed, leaving the brick-red exuviae exposed. That part of the scale immediately surrounding the exuviae is dark gray, almost black ; the margin of the scale is light gray ; the whole scale has a reddish tinge. It measures about 1.4mm in length and 1.3ram in width. Ventral scale white and very delicate. Female. — The female is pale yellowish or pale orange in color, marked with trans- lucent spots. The outline of the body before oviposition is ovate, but becomes more or less circular after the insect begins to oviposit. The last segment presents the following characters : There are four or five groups of spinnerets. The anterior group, when present, varies from a single spinneret to six, but it rarely consists of more than three ; the anterior laterals vary from six to fourteen ; the posterior laterals vary from five to eight. Only one pair of lobes present, these are large; each is notched at about the middle of the lateral margin ; occasionally there is a small notch near the end of the lobe on the mesal margin. There are two incisions of the margin of the ventral surface on each side of the meson, one just laterad of the lobe, and one laterad of the second spine. The part of the body wall bounding these incisions is conspicuously thickened. 554 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. There art' two pUUet eaudad of each incision ; these plates are usually simple, hut are sometimes toothed j occasionally then it ■ third plate in one or more of these places. There are three to four irregolsi Blender pistes between the third anil fourth pairs of spines. The lirst, second, and third pairs of spinet arc situated as in allied species; the fourth pair is at two-thirds the distance from the lobes to the penulti- mate segment. Desoribed from five specimens from maple, two from peach, seven from OSage orange, twelve from hackherry, fifteen from ash, and eleven from Staphyllea trifnliata. Variety. — A form of Aspidiotus was found, the scales of which I am unahle to dis- tinguish from those of A. ancylus; hur the last segment of the female presents the following difference from the typical form of this species: There are no plates be- tween the third and fourth pairs of spines ; and the vaginal opening is mesad the anterior spinnerets of the posterior lateral groups, instead of the posterior memhers of the same groups. The variation in the number of the spinnerets is greater in my specimens of the variety than in those of the typical form, there being in some cases seventeen on the anterior laterals, and nine in the posterior laterals. Described from twenty-one specimens from lindeu, eleven from beech, eighteen from oak, and four from water-locust. Scale of male. — The scale of the male resembles that of the female in color, but is smaller and more elongated. Length 1.2mm, width 0.6mm. Male. — The male is easily distinguished from all other species known to us by the small size of its wings. We have bred numerous specimens from seven species of plants : Maple, Staphyllea, hackherry, ash, osage orange, peach, and water-locust. These males show considerable variation, and for a time I believed that I had two species. In each the color of the body is orange yellow ; in the former, which was bred from peach, the thoracic band is dark brown, and the distal joints of the antenna- are not enlarged ; in the latter, which was bred from ash, the thoracic band is of the same color as the remainder of the body, and the distal joints of the anteume are con- spicuously enlarged. These two forms shade into each other, and each was bred from plants which were infested by the typical females only. Habitat. — Davenport, Iowa (Putnam), Washington, and western New York, Dis- trict of Columbia. (Comstock.) 26. The ash gall-mite. Phyioptus fraxini Garmau. Class Arachnida; order Acarixa. In Mr. S. A. Forbes' twelfth report as State Entomologist of Illinois, Mr. H. Garinan describes two gall- mites found on the asb, tbe first of which produces galls on the leaves of the green ash, Fraxinus viridis, Michx. The light-green color of these galls so strongly contrasts with the dark leaves that the latter appear at a little distance to be spotted with light. It is a depressed wart- like gall. The center of its cavity is about iu the plane of the leaf, as the projection above and be- low is nearly equal. The outer surface is vari- ously indented, in some cases as if with the ringer- nail. The outline seen from above is elongate, circular, or quite irregular. The opening beneath is a slit, surrounded by a raised lip clothed with Fig. 186.— Vertical section of a Phy- * „ , , toptus gall from a leaf of the preen ash wbite hairs- 0ne or more folds wlth mau> ' (Fraxinus viridig). AfterGarman. celled hairs at their free edges project into the interior, dividing it into more or less perfect com- partments. The median of these folds is usually largest, and sometimes reaches the ASH GALL-MITES. 555 bottom of the cavity just over the opening. Side folds may be formed from the primary ones. The largest gall measured was .13 inch in diameter and .13 inch in height, measuring the projection on both sides of the leaf. Dr. F. A. W. Thomas describes a still more peculiar gall from a European Fraxinus. This gall was abundant in central Illinois during the summer of 1880 and 1881. The Mite. — This is a very finely striate species, the striae numbering from 78 to 81. In one example 70 striae were counted, but as in others the number was so uniformly above 70, a mistake may have been made in counting. The feather-like appendage has two pairs of widely divergent prongs. An example mounted in glycerine meas- ures .048mm in length. Eggs and young occur in June. 27. Phytoptus sp. This species produces galls on the leaves of the white ash, Fraxinus umericana Linn. The gall resembles very closely that on Fraxinus viridis. Like that it projects equally above and below the leaf. The upper and under surfaces have a slight clothing of white hairs. The walls are thick and are produced into the cavity. The height, measuring that above and below the leaf, is about .085 inch, and the diameter is about the same. A very peculiar cecidium, quite different in character from the above, was also found on the white ash, but no Phytoptus was found in it. It consisted of innumerable small, deformed leaves and twigs which had been prevented from developing by the mites. The whole mass dries up and remains on the trees during the winter, at that time resembling a fungoid growth. Both of these Cecidii occurred at Bloomiugton, 111., in June, 1881. Striae from 53 to 53. Feather-like appendage with two pairs of prongs. Length ,007 inch. The hairs on the underside of the cephalothorax are easily seen in this species. (H. Garman.) The following insects also occur on the ash : Order Lepidoptera. 28. Papilio tumus Linn. (Miss C. G. Soule, Can. Ent. xviii, p. 139.) 29. Papilis glaucus Linn., on Fraxinus of all species. 30. Sphinx kalmiw Abbot and Smith. (Liutner, Ent. Contr. i, p. 188.) 31. Smerinthus geminatus Say. (Psyche, ii, p. 72.) 32. Callimorplia sufusa Smith (Marlatt, Trans. Kans. Acad. Sc, 1837-88, p. 113.) 33. SpUosoma virginica Fabr. (Riley's MS. notes.) 31. Halesidota maculata Harris. (Harris' Correspondence, p. 290.) 35. Halesidota caryce Harris. (Ohio, Pilate.) 36. Platysamia cecropia (Linn.) (Riley's MS. notes.) . 37. Telea polypliemus (Cram.). (W. Brodie, Canada.) 38. Callosamia promethea (Drury). 39. Hyperchiria io (Fabr.). 556 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. 40. GlUioeampa sylvatiea Harris. (Can. Ent., ix, p. 159; Riley, Third Missouri Rt, p. L26.) 41. Apatela americana Harris. (Thaxter, Papilio, iii, p. 17.) 42. Apatela luteieoma GK and R. (Thaxter, Papilio, iii, p. 17.) 43. Paleaerita vernata (Peck). (On black ash, John Sears, in Packard's lionog. of Geoinetrid Moths, p. 404.) Order Diptera. 44. Cecidomyia pelle.r O. Sacken. (Monogr., i, p. 199. Galls on leaves of American ash, F. americana.) Order Hemiptera. 45. Neoforua petitii Uhler. This bug occurred in different stages of development on the leaves of the white ash at Raugeley, Maine, September 5 and 6. The specimens were submitted to Dr. Uhler, who writes that there were three varieties among those sent, and that the species has not yet been described, though it is a com- mon Canadian insect. Order Coleoptera. 46. Cryphalus asperulus Sec. Proc. Brit. Soc. Nat. Hist., xiv, 206. Chapter XL INSECTS INJURIOUS TO THE WILLOW. Salix of different species. The willows harbor a very large insect population, and form the original food-plant of a number of the species at present living at the expense of our fruit trees. The number of species in Europe which live upon the willow is said by Kaltenbach to amount to 396. Of this number 94 are Cole- optera, 214 are Lepidoptera, of Hymenoptera there are 40 species, all of them saw-flies eating the leaves ; of flies (Diptera) there are 21 species, all with three exceptions gall-flies (Cecidomyiae), while the re- mainder consists of Hemiptera, of which 27 kinds are enumerated, nearly all of these being Aphids and bark lice. It is to be observed that in Europe, as in this country, the number of borers is rather small, willows perhaps ordinarily not being exposed to their attacks, though this may be the result of imperfect observa- tion. Out of 94 kinds of beetles Kaltenbach enumerates about 12 Cerambycida? or wood-borers, and only two or three bark-borers, while the greater number of the beetles he enumerates are leaf-beetles. In- deed, the large number of leaf-beetles and saw-flies which prey upon the foliage of willows, both in the old and new World, is a noteworthy fact. The number of species of willow insects we enumerate amounts to 186, and there is little doubt but that the number will be greatly in- creased by future observations. AFFECTING THE TRUNK. 1. Xylotrechus annosus (Say). In the month of April Mr. Ooquillett cut down a willow tree and di- vided it up into " sled-lengths," when no traces of borers could be seen ; but early in March of the following year, while cutting this wood 557 558 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. for the stove, he found it to be infested with the larvae of some species of longicorn beetle, and placing some of the sticks in one of his breed- ing cages, where it remained undisturbed until the 7th of May following, he found that nearly all the grubs had assumed the pupa state ; two weeks later none but perfect beetles were found. From this he inferred that this species requires only one year to complete its transformations. JUTtle. — Black, with short gray hairs: i triangular carina between the eyes. Body black, covered with short, gray, prostrate hairs; head with a grooved prominence between the eyes, terminating in a short carina; antenna- but little longer than the thorax: the latter with a naked dorsal stripe; elytra with the hair more densely arranged in some parts, so as to exhibit the appearance of small spots, which are arranged in two bauds, in each of which are two spots on each side; the second band is ou the middle : near the tip are one or two common spots; tip entire. Leugth nearly half an inch. (Say.) Fig. 187.— Xylotre- chus annosus. — Smith del. 2. Pogonocheni8 mixtus Haldeman. That this longicorn bores in the willow has been ob- served by Mr. F. B. Caulfleld (Can. Ent, xiii, 1881, p. 60), as will be seen by the following extract : In June, 1873, while collecting in a small swamp on Montreal Mountain, I caught a specimen of Pogonocherus mixtus Hald. on my coat-sleeve, and as the insect was new to me, I commenced a search for others. Upon examining a dead branch of a small willow growing close by, I found that it had been extensively bored by some small insect. The part attacked was about three feet from the trunk, and at this place the branch for about 12 inches was full of holes, from which the insects had escaped. Not finding them, I searched further along the branch, and near its extremity, where it was reduced to the thickness of a twig, I found a number of the above-named species. They were lying on the branch with their bodies pressed closely against it, and in this position could with difficulty be distinguished from the withered buds. I observed several pairs in coitu, but none of the females were ovipositing. T iey appeared to be very sluggish, lying almost motionless, although the sun was shining brightly. Having bottled all that were to be seen, I cut off the branch where it had been perforated, and found a number of the beetles in it, but neither larva nor pupa. 3. Saperda on the willow. Plates XXI, Fig. 4; XXII, Fig. 4, represent a larva found by Dr. Wat- son in the willow. It is 16mm in length; prothoracic segment 3mm wide. A pair of prothoracic spiracles and the usual eight pairs of abdominal ones. Antennae 4-jointed ; labrum as long as broad; maxillae with the lobe very large, extending far beyond the palpi, which are small and 3-jointed. Labium broad and short ; palpi short, 3 jointed. Man- dibles rounded at tip. WILLOW CATERPILLARS. 559 4. Buprestis fasciata Fabr. Mr. George Hunt informs us that he has found an elytron of this beautiful beetle under the bark of the willow in Northern New York in July. INJURING THE LEAVES. 5. Theclaf sp. The larva lives in an oval chamber between two leaves, the upper leaf being concave over the site of the caterpillar. A caterpillar of a Thecla f occurred on the willow September 3, at Brunswick, Me. Larva. — Head deeply divided on the vertex, much narrower than the body ; pale horn color, with short hairs ; black around the eyes and mouth-parts, also on the occiput, this black stripe usually concealed by the prothoracic segment. Body broad oval cylindrical, pale pea-green, with a slightly frosted appearance, due to numerous fine close white dots ; two whitish subdorsal lines, fading out on the supra-anal plate. On the under side of the body are white, short, unequal hairs. Thoracic feet greenish, amber at tip. Length 17 to 18mm. 6. Thanaos sp. This Hesperian caterpillar occurred on the willow at Brunswick, Me., August 20. (See p. 459.) Larva. — Like that on the aspen, but the head is not so wide and is rather fuller, and entirely dull black. Otherwise the body, the color, the widely-separated sub- dorsal white lines, and the white granulations are the same. Length, 13mm. Fig. 188. — Buprestis fasciata. Smith del. 7. Sphinx htscitiosa Clemens. Rev. Mr. Hulst states, according to Professor Fernald, that this rare species has been bred from the willow, but the larva has not yet been described, and nothing more is known of its habits. Moth. — Head and sides of thorax gray. Back part of the head above and the upper part of the thorax black, the latter with a f«w blue and gray scales on the back part. A broad brown stripe extends from the middle of the palpi back under the wings. The abdomen is dull ocher-yellow (gray in the females), with a black line along the middle and a black band broken by dull yellowish white on the edges of the seg- ments along each side. The under side of thorax and abdomen is pale gray. The forewings are pale brown, with the margins sooty black. The band on the outer margin is narrower towards the apex, and has the inner edge wavy. More or less of the veins are black, and a black line extends in along the middle of the cell from the whitish discal dot. This line is double at first, but the two parts unite rnwardly. A short black dash rests on the intervenular spaces as far as the apex, the last form- ing the oblique apical streak. Fringes black. The hind wings are bright ocher- yellow (grayish in the females), with a broad black terminal border and a faint 560 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. indication of a central hand. Fringes yellowish. The under side of all the wings is dull ocher-yellow. with broad terminal black hands. In tin- female all the yellow is replaced by dull gray. Expanse of wings, from ^ to :'» inches. -. dmei intku* exectemttu (Abbot and Smith'. This hawk-moth we have found in the egg and different larval stages on the willow at Brunswick through July and August .Some indi- viduals became much belated. A specimen found at Providence. tember 28, pupated October 1, and the moth appeared during the last week of the following June. Larva.— Head conical, granulated, with a yellow (sometime- a white) line meeting at the apes : -even oblique lateral yellowish lines on each ride, from the middle of tin- first one (which is fainter than the others) a line passes forward to the front edge of the prothoracic segment, converging towards its oppo- site line: the last line is broadest and mod tinct, reaching to the base of the caudal horn, which is lilac green ; spiracles deep lilac or black ; thoracic feet lilac and reddish. Length, .; In the stage before the last, length, 25mm. — The body is more closely granulated ; the lateral stripes less distinct ; the thoracic segments not so small iu proportion to the head, and there is a _ . , _ subdorsal double row of reddish spots : the apex Fig. 18S-Smerinthu8 exc&catus — Le . .. , , . ,. . , .^, ,,.,,.,, Come del °' tne uea" u discolored with reddish, while the coarsely granulated caudal horn is yellowish iu the middle and reddish at the end. On the side near the base of the abdominal legs is a y Mr. H. H. Wilder. It has the peculiarity of raising and depressing the two large dorsal horns in the middle of the body ; when at rest they are depressed, appearing simply as humps; when erect they are somewhat larger and evaginated, with their pseudojoints like those of a telescope ; probably they serve to frighten away ichneumons, * My specimens molted for the last time August 31. 5n the Beoond and thud abdominal segments, <»n each of which is a thick fleshy conical soft tuberole, the apei falling over backwards ; they may be elevated andsomewhal enlarged or depressed, the anterior tubercle the larger of the two; the body is much humped dorsally on the eighth segment ; supra-anal plate smooth, much rounded; the anal legs Blender, not nearly BO thick as the other abdominal legs. General color pearly glaucous whitish gray, somewhat marbled with brown ; bead of the same color, marbled with brown; a broad faint lateral band shaded behind with white. A brown dorsal line extends from behind the bead to apex of second tubercle on third abdominal segment; thence a faint vascular line extends to end of supra-anal plate. The hump on eighth segment pale rust yellow- ish-red on sides, deeper above in the middle. A pale pinkish stigmatal line. Length, 20mm. Mature larva. — Does not differ except in size from previous stage. Under side of body dusky ; the pale lilac lateral line sends a branch down the middle of the feet on the sixth abdominal segment. Length, 40mm. For description of the moth see p. 456. 15. Schizura unicornis (Abbot and Smith). This species is common both on the willow and thorn late in August in Maine. August 28 one had spuu a slight cocoon, but up to Septem- ber 4 had not pupated. The dorsal hump is not so soft and retractile or sensitive as in the larva of the following species : Larva. — Has a shorter smaller dorsal retractile than in Ccelodasys. Thoracic seg- ments pea-green ; the dorsal -shaped mark on the seventh segment is prolonged to the front edge of the sixth segment, this part really forming a separate narrow V, in front of the apex, of which on each fourth and fifth segments is a dusky brown patchy between the reddish-brown piliferous warts. Length, 25mm. Before the last molt the larva is the same as mature form. Length, 15 to 18mm. 1(5. Schizura larva. (PL v, fig. 3.) Several caterpillars of this species were found on the willow at Bruns- wick, August 25, by Mr. H. H. Wilder. This caterpillar has a retractile horn (much more slender and retractile than in the one on thorn bush) on the first abdominal segment, which may be partially telescoped in- wards or invaginated, forming three false joints, and the fork at the end is composed of two movable piliferous slender tubercles which slightly diverge more or less. Larva. — Head very largo, high, narrowing and bilobed above; on first abdominal segment an unusually high horn or soft tubercle, forked at the end, the horn itself being extensible; on the eighth abdominal segment a high double conical tu- bercle; aual legs slender, as usual in the genus ; abdominal segments 2 to ? with two dorsal piliferous -varts, those on fourth and fifth segments much larger than the others. Body rust-red, pale green on the side of the three thoracic segments and edged above with white; on the back, between the first and third, there is a broad diffuse whitish lilac baud; a distinct large V-shaped yellowish-white mark on the seventh abdominal segment; and two concolorous dots below the seventh pair of abdominal spiracles. Length, 20mm. willow caterpillars! 565 17. Cerura occidentalis Liutner. (Larva, PI. XI, fig. 7.) The caterpillars of this moth were found feeding on willows (Salix nigra) by Prof. G. H. French, at Carbondale, 111., from September 9 to October 5. The moths began to appear tlie following season from April 30 to June 3. Larva. — Length when fully grown, 1.25 to the fork of the tail. Body slightly en- larged in front and somewhat compressed. In about the middle of the prothoracic segment is a prominent projection on each side, the body sloping from these down to the rather small head; there is but little sloping from the back to segment 9; from this there is a rapid sloping to the anal segment, this ending in the two usual caudal filameuts ; when withdrawn these are a little more than a quarter of an inch long, but may be extended to three-quarters. Clear bright green, sides spotted with clear purple brown, the spots round the stigmata and at the base of the thoracic and abdominal legs the largest. The back is marked with lilac, varying in shade, and arranged as follows: From the two small contiguous tubercles on the back of joint 2 to the head is a somewhat diamond-shaped space, the broadest part at the sub- dorsal tubercles on the prothoracic segment. From the tubercles on this segment to those on the next, the lilac is bordered by bright brownish purple with a white line; outside of this, in the middle of this diamond, is a little green shading. From the tubercles on the second joint from the head to the end of the body is another parti- colored space, lighter than the anterior one. This gradually expands so as to in- clude the stigmata on segment 7, then decreases in width to the anterior part of the anal segment, expanding a little in the middle of this, but contracting again at its posterior part. The lilac of this is like the first, considerably suffused with green on the back, and is bordered with brownish purple and white, though the colors are a little lighter posteriorly. These two dorsal patches are not continuous, but are sep- arated on the second segment by a distinct though small patch of green. The pos- terior projections are mostly brownish purple, though with somewhat greenish an- nulations, and when extended a ring of white near the extremity. Head dark lilac. Previous to the last molt the tubercles on the prothoracic segment ("joint 1") were covered with little spines. (French, Can. Ent., xiii, p. 144.) 18. Cerura cinerea Walker. This species has been found feeding on the willow by Mr. Elliot, of New York. Larva. — Pale apple green ; head brown ; second and third segment also with a brown triangular patch not united to the brown dorsal patch. On the second seg- ment are two raised rough processes, like horns, brown in color. Commencing on the fourth and continuing to the last segment is a brown patch, a mere point on seg- ment 4, spreading out diagonally on 6 and 7, narrowing on 8, a little wider on 9, narrowing again on 10, and wider on 11 and 12. The anal segment is furnished with long filaments alternately brown and green. The lateral green spaces have a number of rather small reddish spots, and on the dorsal brown patch are some small rough- ened tubercles. Length, 1.30 inches. The younger stages are of a paler color in all parts, without any perceptible difference in the markings. (Edwards and Elliot, Papilio, iii, p. 130.) Moth. — Forewings and thorax more ashy and dusky than in any of the other species ; the broad median ashy band not being so distinct as in the other species, since it is but little darker than on both sides of it ; the outer margin, also, instead of being clear white or nearly so, is of the same dull ashy hue as the median baud. B 566 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. Hind wings white, with ■ distinct discal dot, and a series of marginal iutervenular dots. Abdomen asby, not ringed with white as in multbciipta. Expanse of wings, 34mm. 19. ('crura multiscripia Riley. The eggs are said by Professor Riley to be hemispherical and pale yellowish green, while those of C. borealis (litter in being jet-black. The caterpillar is closely similar to that of C. borealis. (Riley.) Mr. F. Tepper found the larva of this fine moth on the willow July 30; a male imago emerged August 30 and a female September 30. (Bull. Brooklyn Eut. Soc, i, p. 4.) No description of the larva was published. Moth. — Without the broad median band of C. borealis, occidentalin, and albicoma. ForewiogB Fig. lm.-Cerura multincripta. After crossed by eight usually well-defined lines: the Riley. third and fourth lines so meet as to form five more or less complete ringlets; all the lines are scalloped, the outer three being nearly parallel. There is a large well-marked discal ringlet. Hind wings of the females dusky, those of the male white ; in both sexes the black spots on the edge of the hind wings are distinct ; in this respect the species differs from Walker's scitiscripta, of which I have two specimens from Florida. It is not improbable, however, that the two species will be eveutually united. Expanse of wings, 27 to 32mm (1-H inches). 20. Cerura-Uke larva. Late in August this caterpillar was found on the willow at Bruns- wick, Me. Larva. — Body somewhat flattened in.front ; head very large and broad, flattened in front and wider than the body ; prothoracic segment very wide, with two fronto- lateral spines, bearing thick short spinules. The body ends in two long filaments, broadly ringed with brown ; they are as long as the body behind the head, and spinulated. Two supra-anal tubercles ending in hairs. A short, broad trapezoid of four rounded tubercles. Body yellowish green ; head, prothoracic segment above, and seven abdominal segments reddish brown. 21. Apatela felina Grote. Prof. G. H. French has bred this moth from the willow, the eggs having been sent him by Mr. McGlashan, of Truckee, Cal. They were deposited July 6, the larvse emerging six days later. From the egg to the moth required two hundred aud ninet} -six days. The cocoon was thin, firm, and tough. Young larva. — Length .10 inch. Body cylindrical ; head broader than the body, oblique. Color of the upper parts and sides of segments 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 12, and 13, reddish purple; tho rest of the upper part, and sides and the venter dull whitish ; six rows of tubercles from which proceed small clusters of brown hairs, the four rows of dorsal clusters longer than the body ; head black; feet purplish. Duration of this period four days. WILLOW CATERPILLARS. 567 After first molt. — Length .22 inch ; shape about as before. The segments that were reddish purple during the first stage are now black ; the others white, the tubercles small, black; head black; hairs from the dorsal tubercles dark gray, the others white. Duration of this period, three days. After second molt. — Length .35 inch. After third molt. — Length .60 inch. Three dorsal stripes, a broad gray one in the middle. Ajter fourth molt.— Length I inch when at rest. Color of body yellowish green, with a gray dorsal stripe ; under parts grayish brown; the whole body covered with fine yellow hairs that spring from the general surface as well as from the tubercles; the tubercles scarcely distinguishable from the general surface save that from these the hairs are more in clusters ; a few black hairs in place of the former black pencils. Head black, the front with the usual pale inverted A ; the sides mottled with black and pale brown. Duration four to five days. Mature larva. — Length when crawling 1.60 inches, when at rest 1.40 inches. (French.) pUpa. — Cylindrical, tapering gradually from segment 5 back, the tongue-case ex- tending only to the anterior part of segment 5 ; the anterior part of the abdominal segments finely punctured; head rounded, mahogany-brown, the wing-cases and outer anterior parts darker. Cremaster a series of short hooks extending out later- ally. Duration of the period two hundred and sixty-nine to two hundred and seventy- five days. Length .80 inch ; to end of wing-cases .40, these extending almost to the posterior part of segment 5. (French.) 22. Apatela oblinita (Abb.-Sm.). Abbot states that the larva feeds in Georgia on the willow and cot- ton, the moth appearing in April. Grote mentions the willow as its food- plant (Papilio, ii, p. 99), while Thaxter states that it feeds on the button bush and various meadow plants. In his third report as State Entomologist of Illinois, Prof. S. A. Forbes states that the leaves of the willow at Nor- mal were generally infested both in 1883 and 1884 by the l&rvsd of Apatela oblinita, those collected July 6 pupating on the 11th and emerging on the 29th. "This insect hibernates in the cocoon, and seems to be either single or double brooded, according to lati- tude. In Missouri there are two broods in a year, by Pro- fessor Riley >s account, the moths of the first brood escaping from the cocoons in May (the larvse resulting appearing chiefly in June) ; and the second brood of moths occurring in July and the larvae late in the fall. In the Northeast, the Fig. 191. -Apatela oblinita,- a. larva; b, cocoon; c, moth. Kiley del. 568 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. moths escape from the hibernating cocoons in June, as reported by observers in Canada* and Massachusetts^ and the larvae are reported only in September and October, during which months thepupse arc found. Previous to the pupation the larva- spin a cocoon of sjlk within a hunch of Leaves, or sometimes attached to a twig." (Forbes.) Ailing c<«]<»r. blaok. Each joint with a transverse, dorsal, crimson-red band across tin- middle bom stigmata to stigmata, and containing six warts, each famishing ten or twelve or mora stiff yellow or fulvous bristles, and the two dorsal <>ne> being farthest apart. A subdorsal, longitudinal, yellow line, interrupted by this transverse hand and at incisures in Buch a manner that the black dorsum ap- somewhat diamond-shaped on each joint. A broad, wavy, bright-yellow matal line, containing a yellow bristle-bearing wart in the middle of each joint. Lateral space occupied with different sized pale yellow spots, largest towards dor- sum. Head chestnut-brown. Venter crimson-black, with bristle-bearing wai the same color. Stigmata oblong-oval aud pale. Thoracic legs black ; prologs with black extremities. Such is the normal appearance of this larva, but it is very vari- able. In some the yellow seems to predominate over the black, and there is a mora or less distinct dorsal line. In some this dorsal line forms a mere speck at the in- cisures of the middle joints. The transverse crimson band is often entirely obsolete, and the warts distinctly separated, while in others, wher • this band is distinct, the warts frequently coalesce. (Riley.) Papa. — Almost black, and shagreened with the exception of a smooth and polished rim, at posterior border of joints, which become reddish, especially ventrally, on the three joints immediately below the wing-sheaths. Terminal joint horizontally com- pressed, squarely cut off, aud furnished with a little brush of short, eveuly-shorn, stiff, rufous bristles. (Forbes' Second Rep. Ins. Illinois). moth. — Front wings oblong; apex more or less prolonged ; posterior margin sometimes rounded, sometimes straight; color ash-gray, caused by numerous dark- brown atoms more or less suffused on a white ground, from which the ordinary lines are barely discernible in the better marked individuals; a row of distinct black dots along the posterior border; the ordinary spots represented by blurred marks or en- tirely obsolete ; the undulate line across posterior fourth of wing distinct, and re- lieved inside by a pale coincident shade, with the teeth quite aciculate and with the psi-spot so characteristic of the genus, but rarely traceable; fringe narrow and gen- erally entire. Hind wings pure white, with a faint row of dark spots around the posterior border. Under side of both wings white, with a faint fulvous tint and faint irrorations; each wing showing the brown discal spot aud the row of points at the posteiior border. Head and thorax speckled gray ; abdomen whitish-gray: antennae short, simple in both sexes, gray above aud brown below : palpi small. Two specimens with the front wiugs very dark, showing the ordinary lines and spots conspicuously, and with the antenna- brown above as well as below. Average length, 0.75; expanse, 1.75 inches. (Riley.) 23. Apatela. Mr. H. H. Wilder kindly presented me with two lame of this species found at Brunswick, Me., August 20. Larva. — Rather large, of the usual shape, regularly tapering towards each end ; head all black except the larval antennal joints. Body dull livid green with abroad * Report of the Entomological Society of Ontario, 1872, p. 23. fThe Canadian Entomologist, vol. x(1878, p. 66). Psyche, vol. ii, p. 34 (May and June, 1877.) WILLOW CATERPILLARS. 569 dorsal black stripe, with fascicles of straw-yellow hairs, which seem to be finely spinulated ; there are ten. warts on a segment in the middle of the body; the stiff yellow hairs are of nearly the same length and radiate quite regularly from the wart; a few of the hairs are black, from one to three in a fascicle; there are also a few slenderer hairs one-fourth to one-third as long as the body. Length, 40mm. Before the last molt the head is green behind, and in front is a pale V-shaped mark, and the hairs are a little longer in proportion to the thickness of the body. 24. The herald. Scoliopteryx libatrix (Linn.). (Larva. Plate v, fig. 4.) This fine moth, common to the New and Old World, is in England called "the Herald." Here, as well as in Europe, it feeds as a general rule upon the willow, but we are told by Mr. H. L. Clark that he has bred it from the wild cherry in Ehode Island. Its habits so far as they have been noticed are nearly the same as observed in Europe. Mr. Lintner, the State entomologist of New York, says that the caterpillar feeds on and pupates among some of the leaves drawn together by silken threads to which the pupa is attached by an anal spine. The fall brood remains in the pupa state from fifteen to twenty days. He bred a moth which emerged August 3, hence he thinks that there are probably two annual broods of this species, since he has taken it in the early part of May. In Illinois Mr. Ooquillett bred a larva which spun its cocoon August 23, while the moth appeared September 7. Professor Riley's notes show that he found the larvae at Kirkwood, Mo., in May, 1872 ; that they began to spin their cocoons May 29 ; and that the moths began to emerge June 11. On June 17 eggs were found. We have found the larva on the willow at Brunswick, Me., August 26, when it was nearly full grown. It is easily recognized, since it is one of the few Noctuid caterpillars to be found on the willow, and may be known by its pale green hue and the yellow lateral line, as well as by the yellowish sutures between the body-segments. A chrysalis beaten out of a willow tree during the last week in August disclosed the moth about the 12th of September. Another chrysalis was found at Jackson, N. H., during the second week in September, the moth appearing Sep- tember 14. The larva had sewed together four or five willow leaves at the end of a terminal shoot, and the cavity thus formed was lined with a thin but dense whitish cocoon in which the pupa was situated with the head upwards, and firmly held in place by the hooks on the abdom- inal spine. The moth hibernates, appearing in May as soon as the leaves are unfolded, and we see no grounds for supposing that there is more than a single brood of caterpillars or of moths. The chrysalis is quite unlike that of most Noctuidas which transform in the earth, and have a simple blunt spine. The cremaster or spine of the present species is much like that of those (ieometrids which spin a cocoon. We have thus an interesting 570 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. departure from the usual structure and habits of a numerous family of moths, the end of the pupa being specially adapted for a residence iu a cocoon to prevent its being shaken out of its exposed pupal abode. Like all tree-feeding Noetnicto, the caterpillar is well protected from observation by its style of coloration, in the present case the pale green assimilating it to the leaves among which it feeds. •J."). CuttK-ula porta Guen. The caterpillar has been reared from the willow by Mr. A. \Y. P. Cramer and described in Papilro (iii, p. U4) by Mr. Henry Edwards. Mr. Hulst states that it feeds on the poplar, but on whose, authority is not stated. Mr. Thaxter, however, has bred it from the willow. Larva. — Dull fawn color. Head, as iu all the genus, flattened ou the top, with a deep frontal sinus. A black line surrounds the head, except at the Junction with the second segment. There is a pale brownish dorsal line, and a subdorsal oue, slightly waved, ou each segment, and inclosing a darker space. These lines are most apparent at the junction of the segments. A rather broad, brownish lateral line, slightly waved, incloses the spiracles, which are brown. Feet and legs cou- colorous with the body. At the extreme lateral edge is a row of short sharp ciliae. Length, 2.80 inch. (H. Edwards.) Moth. — Forewiug8 close smooth even bluish gray, with basal, apical, and sinus shadings; lines tine, but distinct; (VI of transverse posterior line produced, a white baud from within reniforin, extending obliquely outward, including the subreni- form, not reaching the inner margin. Hind wings rather dull red, median band even, curved, not reaching the inner margiu. Expands 80 to 85mm. Eastern United States. Var. perplexa is slightly more shaded with blue and lighter. Var. petulans Hulst has yellow hind wings, with just a shading of reddish along the anal margin. (Hulst.) 26. Catocala concumbens Walker. This has beeu bred by Mr. Saunders from the willow ; Hulst adds the poplar as also forming its food-plant. Larva. — Head flat, dark grayish intermixed with red. Upper surface dirty brown with a lightish chain-like dorsal stripe and a very small fleshy protuberance on each side of this stripe on each segment. On the ninth segment is a small protuberance of a brownish color and on the eleventh a mark resembling an oblique incision. A thick lateral fringe of short hair close to the under surface : the latter pinkish with a central row of round black spots which are larger about the middle of the body and much smaller towards the extremities. (Saunders.) Leugth, 2 to 2.50 inches. Moth. — Forewings pale violaceous brown, mixed with gray, lightest towards the costa; lines fine, but distinct ; reniforin vague, whitish, pale browu within. Hind wings bright pink; median baud very broad, rapidly narrowing towards the anal margin, which it does not reach ; the submarginal pink space even through its whole length. Expands ?•"> to 85lum. Northern States. C. diana has the abdomen partly piuk. C. hillii Grote has yellow hind wings in place of pink. (Hulst.) '27. Catocala babayaga Strecker. The caterpillar of this Arizoniau species, according to Mr. Doll, feeds on the willow. The moth is like C. junctura. except that the fore- wings are of a rich velvety reddish browu. The wings expand 100nmi. WILLOW CATERPILLARS. 571 28. Catocala carissima Hnlst. The larva of this moth has been described by Mr. A. Koebele in the Bulletin of the Brooklyn Entomological Society (iv, 22). The larva is considerably smaller than that of ilia when full grown,, though the imago is one of the largest , if not the largest, of all Cato- calae. It feeds on the willow. Larva. — Head gray brown. Protuberance on summits of eyes prominent. Body, ground color gray, very heavily marked and striated with rust-brown, which towards- the head almost covers the body. There is a brown lunule on the eleventh segment with horns forward. Underneath clear red brown between third and sixth segments. The sixth and seventh segments between and anterior to the legs have each a large nearly round spot. (Koebele.) 29. Noctuid larva. This brightly painted caterpillar occurred on the willow in Maine the first and second weeks in September. Larva. — Head broad and large, wider than the body, which is smooth and of the usual Noctuid shape, the end being smooth and tapering. Head pale carueous, with four longitudinal reddish bands, the two middle ones diverging from each other in front. Body rich dark brown, with a broad subdorsal bright yellow baud ; a nar- rower yellow spiracular line, and between it and the subdorsal band a narrow linear whitish line ; the spiracular line is edged below with pale lilac. Body beneath and legs pale whitish flesh-colored. Length, 12mm. 30. Noctuid larva. This caterpillar occurred on the willow at Brunswick, Me., late in August and through September. Larva. — Body thick and- fleshy, rather short, otherwise of the usual Noctuid shape. Head large and full, nearly as broad as the body, pale reddish brown, mottled and watered with a paler hue. General color of body snuff-yellow ; a dorsal row of eleven dark brown diffuse spots; a subdorsal row of short oblique marks, extending ante- riorly down the sutures. Spiracles ringed with black. Supra-anal plate and anal legs above, brown. All the feet flesh-colored. Length, 22 to 25mm. 31. Cymatophora pampinaria Guene'e. The caterpillar has been found feediug on the willow by Professor French, who observed that in Illinois it pupated September 16 and October 2, the moth appearing April 17. From a specimen raised by Mr. L. W. Goodell, which, after spinning a few threads on itself, pupated, the moth appeared in confinement November 14. It feeds on the pear, willow, and cultivated geraniums. Larva. — Pale yellowish-green (sometimes gray or brown), with a broad reddish- brown stripe, edged with black on the back, and on each side of the fifth segment is a small black spot. Length, 1 inch. Pupa. — Light brown. Length, .50 inch. Moth. — This is now our most common species of the genus, and may be known by the very distinct line at the base of the abdomen, the basal ring beyond being unusu- ally white, and by the under side of the wings having a broad marginal shade, while 572 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. tli*- third line on the fore wing is deeply i>ut qnite regularly sinuate, and near the eosta acutely dentate. It variee a good deal, especially in the tint <»t' the brown shade accompanying the third line. Expanse <>f wings, 1.4U to 1.55 in< J'MK PINK-STRIPED willow STAN-WORM. I)(iliniii oariolaria Guen. (Larva, Plate v, fig. The caterpillar of this pretty moth is one of the commonest inch worms to be found on the willow. The genus to which this caterpillar belongs was founded by Huebuer for a moth referred by G-uenee to Cahera. The species of Deilinia are distinguished from those of Corycia by the pectinated antennae, the two common lines, and the generally ocherons tint, though the females of h. variolaria are with difficulty separated from those of Corycta. From Acidalia the species differ in having pectinated antenme, in the want of a decided band ou the hind wing, and in the larger palpi. The species is figured on PI. 10, fig. 20, of Packard's Monograph of Geometrid Moths. The caterpillar occurred August 10 on the willow at Brunswick, Me. It pupated August 14, and the moth emerged from May 20 till June 6. The moths are seen flying among willows in June and July. We have also found the lame July 21, and from that date till the first week in September. Larva. — Body smooth, cylindrical. Head as wide as the body, flattened from above, especially in front; antenme pinkish. Green with a pinkish tinge; on the side of the head a lateral distinct deep pink line, sutures and upper side of the seg- ments pinkish. There are eight dorsal mediau spots along the abdominal segments. a central dark brown dot flanked on each side by a pale lilac patch. First pair of abdominal feet deep lilac; anal legs with a vertical anterior lilac line. Supra-anal plate large, triangular, with two minute tubercles. Length, 22mm. Pupa. — Thorax moderately stout, at first greenish, finally becoming like the abdo- men, mahogany-brown ; terminal spine (cremaster) rather stout and blunt, ending suddenly in two large curved bristles with three minute slender much curved oneson eaeu side ; the basal pair situated about half-way between the base and the middle of the spine. Length, 10mm. Moth. — Front of head deep reddish-ocherous ; white on the front edge ; palpi deep ocherous; antenme white. Fore wings with the costal edge rather full. Both wings strigated more or less thickly with brown ; sometimes the wings are pure white. In the male, the striga? (or short lines) are arranged in two parallel lines on both wings. Beneath, pure white, sometimes a complete black discal dot ou each wing. Fore and middle legs ocherous. Expanse of wings, 26mm. This species differs from D. eri/tln- maria (Guen.). also common in the Atlantic States, by its white wings, which are often without lines, and by the deep reddish-ocherous front of the head. 33. Hydria undulata (Linn.) (Larva, PL v, fig. 9.) The larvre were found on the willow at Brunswick, August 5, and for the colored figures on PI. v I am indebted to Mr. H. H. Wilder. The moth issued May 19, but as the specimen flew away before I pinned it, WILLOW CATERPILLARS. 573 though recognizing it in the breeding box, I give the following descrip- tion of the larva, which differs somewhat from that on p. 527 (wild cherry insects). Larva. — Head smaller than usual, rounded; not so wide as the prothoracic segment ; body broad, somewhat flattened ; somewhat resembling the figures of Hibernia; in- creasing in thickness to the middle, and thence decreasing to the anal legs, which are small; supra-anal plate small, much bent down; with six piliferous warts at the end. Head amber colored ; body deep flesh, somewhat livid, with a slight broken dorsal median dark line and two broad lateral dark reddish brown supraspiracular lines. No other markings, and the piliferous warts very small ; beneath reddish flesh-colored. Length, 20mm. 34. Geometrid larva. (Larva, PL v, fig. 8, a, b.) Found August 5, on the willow at Brunswick. Larva. — Head broad and flat, square on the sides ; as wide as the prothorax ; the body very slender, long, cylindrical; remarkably like a slender willow twig, stained irregularly with lilac-gray and reddish brown ; a lateral slight swelling on side of mesothoracic segment ; two twin dorsal tubercles on end of sixth segment, and a large pair on the succeeding ring ; supra-anal plate short, rounded, with two dis- tinct piliferous nipple-like warts on the end. Length, 25mm. 35. Geometrid larva. (Young larva, PI. v, fig. 7, a, b.) Several caterpillars of this species occurred in Maine on the willow August 6, becoming mature and pupating from the first week in Sep- tember to the middle of the month. Larva before penultimate molt. — Head large, flattened, as broad as the body, which is rather slender, with a pair of subacute mostly blackish warts on the end of each abdominal segment, aud a much smaller less conspicuous pair on the front edge ; lateral ridge sharp and well marked, especially posteriorly. Head and body curiously marbled and stained with pale gray and black-brown ; head marbled with a dark diffuse stripe on each side, extending back upon the prothoracic segment ; from the sides broad triangular blackish patches extend up, their apices nearly meeting on the back at the dark tubercles ; these patches connect with an irregular blackish lateral line extending from the base of the thoracic feet along the front edge of the anal feet, which are of moderate size and width. Six piliferous warts in a straight line across the front edge of the supra-anal plate, which is broad, rounded triangular, the surface rough, aud the end washed with black-brown. A dorsal dark median line on the front and hinder end of the body, interrupted in the middle. Length, 15mm. Mature larva. — With essentially the same characteristics as in the previous stage, but more like a dried willow twig; the piliferous warts are large and end in a short stiff hair; they are mostly black, pale around the base; the spiracles are ringed with black. Length, 40mm. 36. Eupithecia sp. This caterpillar occurred on the willow at Brunswick, in Augustr and made a slight silken cocoon between the leaves September 3. Larva. — Much like that of the Eupithecia on the spruce, the body being of the same size and shape ; the surface granulated, and with short stiff hairs; reddish carneous ; 574 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION I dorsal row of dusky diamond-shaped spots on the abdominal region ; on the thoracic segments three obscure parallel dusky lines, and on the supra-anal plate a dusky me- dian band extends forward to tin- last diamond-shaped spot. Length, 12mm. Eupitheeia-like (itometrid larva. Occurriug on the willow at Brunswick, lie., late in August and early in September. Larva. — Body small, somewhat flattened as in Eupithecia, the surface granulated : the lateral ridge unusually well developed : body tapering towards each end : the head rather small, not so wide as the prothoracic segment; dull green, with a dull lilac patch near and including the eyes aud occipital region. Lateral ridge deep lilac, extending to both edges of the supra-anal plate : a broad, dorsal dull green longitudinal baud ; the setie are short and stiff, erect. Length, P2mm. 38. Gcomttrid larva. This is a common loopworm on the willow in August and early Sep- tember; it rolls the leaves somewhat, hiding in the rude tent thus formed. It seems to have the habits of the Pyralids, aud reminds one of their larva^ by its well marked prothoracic shield. Larva. — Body rather broad and somewhat flattened ; head smooth, small, not so wide as the body, shining, deep amber-colored ; general color dusky livid lilac and greenish, marbled and banded with these colors, with no definite markings: spira- cles black ; supra-anal plate rounded, smooth : a short, dark, shining prothoracic shield. Length, 20mm. 39. Geometrid larva. This caterpillar began to pupate September 2 at Brunswick, Me. La*-va. — Head small, rounded, not so wide as the body. Supra-anal plate moderate, rounded, no stripes, spots, or humps. Greenish, with a reddish tinge. 40. The green-striped phycid worm. M> roptera pravella Gr. (Larva, PI. v: fig. 10, a, &.*) This is a common insect on the willow, occurring at Brunswick, Me., August 20, and through the month. It spins a web on the uuder side of the leaf, and pupates from the loth to 20th of September, the moth in confinement appearing (in the breeding cage at Providence) the end of May (the 25th-31st). The caterpillar, which is longitudinally striped with light and dark green, with black slashes on each side of the head, varies somewhat : in some there are only four slashes on the head, with no other markings. The moth differs from Phi/cis rubrifasciella on the hickory in having no cross band of raised scales, while the insect is ■ Like all the other figures on the plate, the lithographer's work has been very poorly done, and the printing is also very poor, the red and brown lines are too bright in the plate. WILLOW CATERPILLARS. 575 much darker, and the palpi are twice as broad. The moth was kindly identified by Prof. C. H. Fernald. Larva. — Body of the usual form, tapering from near the head to the end. Head of the usual size, not quite so broad as the prothoracic segment ; green, slashed vertic- ally, and mottled with large and small brown or jet-black spots. Prothoracic segment a little swollen ; the shield not striped like the rest of the body. Body with narrow alternating light and dark green stripes ; brown along the back, and inclosing a large round green spot on each segment ; the brown portion with three interrupted green lines, one median and two lateral. Piliferous dots minute, not con* spicuous. Length, 15mm. Pupa. — Of the usual Phycid shape ; mahogany-brown; end of the terminal abdominal spine smooth, shining, convex, and ending in a stout curved lateral spine on each side. Length, 10mm. Moth. — Body and fore wings dark gray, with brick-red scales and bands. Palpi very broad, especially the second joint ; dark gray ; vertex of head light gray, with dark scales ; antennae blackish. Pro- thoracic scales and shoulder tippets (patagia) dull brick red ; middle (disk) of thorax gray. Fore wings dark dusky gray, with scattered pale-grayscales; base of wings dull brick-red; a broad, diffuse band of the same color crosses the basal fourth of the wing ; on the outer fourth of the wings is a similar broad, diffuse, dull brick-red band, sending a diffuse longitudinal stripe towards the basal band ; an incomplete transverse pale-gray line, curved outward in the middle of the wing, borders the inside of the outer reddish band. Costal edge dusky, the reddish bands not reaching it. Fringe of the same dull slate color as the hind wings. Expanse of wings, 20mm. A / 41. Deltoid larva. This pretty caterpillar occurred on the willow at Jack- son, K H., September 10. Fig. 192 -Wil- low leaves sewed togeth- er by Merop- tera pravella. Wilder del. Larva. — Body slender, tapering toward both ends, with two pairs of abdominal legs besides the anal pair, and situated on the fifth and sixth abdominal segments. Head and body pea-green, with two double, more or less broken, whitish yellow lines, each double line becoming single on the thoracic seg- ments. A concolorous slender spiracular line. Thoracic feet pale amber, almost greenish; abdominal feet green. Length, 16mm. 42. Deltoid larva. This caterpillar occurred on the willow August 15 at Brunswick, Me. Larva. — Body slender; four pairs of abdominal legs, the first pair smaller than the others, grass-green ; a broad dorsal dark band edged with a yellow line. The setif- erous tubercles large, black. Head with twelve conspicuous black dots, one pair of which are larger than the others. Leugth, 15mm. 43. Teras permntana Duponchel. This moth, which is common to both Europe and the United States, has been found by Mr. Coquillett to feed on the willow, living between two or three leaves which are fastened together with silken threads. 576 FIFTH REPORT OF TIIF ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. Two spun their cocoons about .June 13, producing the moths June L'7: others occurred July 2. Larva, — Body green, the sutures yellowish when the caterpillar is in motion; no well marked cervical shield; a dark-colored dorsal line; an indistinct light-colored bI Igmatal line ; head and body beneath pale green ; spiracles riuged with pale brown. gtb, ID""", .?«'. inch. (Coqnillett.) Moth. — Head and palpi choeolate brown. Thorax varying from Bream color to ocherons, and sometimes stained with brownish. Collar and tip- of the not of a brownish color. The fore wings are of the same color as the thorax from the base out to the oblique band across the middle of the wing, except the portion below the fold, which is clouded with dark fuscous and brown, and a tuff of dark brown scales on the basal third of the fold. The oblique band which starts from the middle of the costa and terminates within the anal angle is of a light reddish brown color, and has a row of scale-tufts along its inner edge. The apical portion of the wing is of the same color as the band, though sometimes clouded with brown, while the space between is somewhat paler than the baud, especially on the costa, where it approaches the color of the basal part of the costa. The fringes are of the same color as the outer part of the wing, except at the anal angle, where they are of a dull smoky color. The hiud wiugs are pale yellowish, tinged with fuscous towards the apex. The fringes are lighter than the wiugs, but with a somewhat darker basal line. Abdomen, pale fuscous. The under side of the fore wings is pale ocherous, mottled or clouded with fuscous. Under side of the hind wings colored as above, but with a few fuscous sprinkles towards the apex. Expanse of wings, from 10 to \6mm. (Fernald, manuscript.) 44. The willow teras. Teras vibumana Clemens. The caterpillar of this common species is of the ordinary shape and green in color, occurring on the willow in Maine during August. The specimen we reared changed to a chrysalis August 19 ; remained in that condition a little over two weeks, namely, until September 7. The moth has been determined by Professor Fernald. Larva. — Greenish. Pupa. — Body slender; end of the abdomen flattened aud excavated, with two large lateral hooks before the tip. Length, 8mm. Moth. — Head, thorax and fore wiugs rust-red. Head above aud front of thorax deep rust-red, hinder edge of the thorax bright red. Fore wings rust-red, deeper on the costa; a dusky patch at the base; beyond, on the inner third of the costa. is a broad, paler, square spot, succeeded by a long, dark, deep reddish-brown patch, which extends to neat the apex. The rest of the wing is clearer and paler, ash-col- ored, mixed with brick-red scales. In the middle of the wing on the inner third are two distinct, twin, fine black dots. Beyond are three black dots, forming an obliqne line, extending from the median vein to a little beyond the middle of the hinder edge of the wing ; a few scattered, black, line dots near the outer edge of the wing. Fringe broad, reddish externally, dark on the basal half, and grayish on the inner angle of the wing; hind wiugs uniformly gray slate-colored; abdomen dark brown, paler at the tip. Expanse of wings, I6mm (.70 inch.) 45. Grapholitha galla-Balidana Riley. In the Transactions of the St. Louis Academy of Science for 18S1 (p. 320) Professor Riley described this gall-inhabiting caterpillar from two specimens which emerged June 17, from galls on willow twigs, at WILLOW LEAF-ROLLERS. 577 St. Louis, Mo. The larva was uot described. The moth is at once distinguished from the European campoliliana Tr. by its pure silvery or satiny-white coloration, uutinged with yellow. Its general color is that of the European Boarmia roboraria Schiff, but it is much smaller and is very differently marked. The moth.— Male. Thorax olivaceous ; primaries olivaceous with a pale ochraceous tinge ; an oblique streak from the middle of the costa connecting with a broad some- what wavy stripe which extends through the middle of the wing to just before the apex ; two spots on inner border, one near base, the other (which is larger and more elongate) toward anal angle, and some costal and apical streaks brown-olivaceous; ocellated spot silvery, the center ochraceous, with two black stripes ; a silvery streak extending obliquely from the costa to the posterior margin ; fringes ochraceous* tinged with fuscous at apex ; secondaries gray, fuscous towards tip; fringes white, dusky at base ; under surface of primaries fuscous ; the fringes, except at apex, and some costal spots ochraceous ; secondaries gray. Expanse, 18mm. 46. Tortrix larva. This caterpillar occurred August 11 and 12, at Brunswick, Me. It lives between two leaves, the tent or cavity being lined by a slight web. Larva. — Head jet black with black cervical shield. Body stout, broader than the head and shield, gradually tapering behind. Pea-green, color of the leaves; seg- ments yellowish on the hind edge. Body with alternate light and dark green stripes. Length, 17mm. 47. Tortrix larva. This caterpillar was found feeding on the willow August 15, at Erunswick, Me. Larva. — Body thick in the middle, tapering towards each end. Head small, much narrower than the prothoracic segment. Body and head pale grass-green ; clypeus and mouth parts amber-colored. Setiferous tubercles small, inconspicuous, the hairs minute. Length, 15mm. 48. The purple willow gracilaria. Gracilaria purpuriella Chambers. Late in August (the 20th) we found the caterpillar of this beautiful moth, which had turned over obliquely the tip of the willow leaf and securely fastened it to the under side of the leaf, thus making a trian- gular fold. The worm had eaten the parenchyma from the under (i. e., inner) side, leaving a mass of black castings. The worm soon trans- formed, remaining about two weeks in the pupa state, and the moth appeared September 19. The moth is a very beautiful creature, with a delicate body, wings, and legs. Our example was perfect, and agreed in all respects with Air. Chambers' description, which is copied below. He did not, however, describe the caterpillar. He remarks that it is closely allied to the European G. stigmatella. 5 ent 37 578 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. He states (Canadian Entomologist, iv, p. 28) that " the larva mines the leaves of the willow (Salix longifolia) for a very short time; then, leav- ing the mine it rolls the leaves from the tip upwards into various forma (usually a cone or helix of three spirals). * * * It frequently leaves one roll and makes another, and, when ready to pupate, makes a dense, semi-transparent web over it, upon the ground, not on the leaf, as in many species. The imago emerges in the fall, and most probably hibernates." He again remarks (1. c, v. 4G) : The cone sometimes occupies an entire leaf; the apex of the leaf is bent over, so that the left edge touches the right one, to which it is fastened ; then the leaf is rolled spi- rally to the base, and the tip is used to close one end and the base the other, so that the whole leaf is utilized. Many of the mines, however, are by no means so perfect. Chambers has also bred it from larvae feeding on the silver-leaf poplar, but, though not occurring on the weeping willow, it is common enough on many of our native willows. Larva. — Body of the usual cylindrical shape ; no cervical shield. Head small, considerably narrower than the pro- thoracic segment. Head and body uniformly greenish yel- low. Only four pairs of abdominal legs, and these, with the thoracic feet, are of the same color as the body. Length, 6 to 7mm. Pupa. — Very long and slender, so delicate as to scarcely retain its shape when the moth has left it. Moth. — Violaceous, reddish, or brownish purple, accord- ing to the light. Face pale violaceous, flecked with brown- ish purple. Antennae brown, tinged with purplish, faintly annulate with white at the base of each joint ; palpi pale purplish. The triangular white spot at about the middle of the costa is nearly equilateral : its anterior margin is a little concave, the apex reaching the fold, and it has four small spots of the general hue situated in it upon the costa. Fringe bluish fuscous. Posterior femora white at the tip and with a white band around the mid- dle, and their under surface entirely white. Posterior tibiae and inner surface of intermediate tibiae white. Tarsi pale grayish fuscous, faintly annulate, with white at the joiuts. Abdomen purplish fuscous, on a white ground. Expanse of the wings, half an inch (12.5mm). (Chambers.) Fig. 193. -Willow leaf folded by Gracilaria.— Wilder del 41). Tineid larva. This larva is common on the willow at Brunswick, late in August, fastening the leaves together. Larva.— Body a little thicker than that of Gracilaria purpurieUa, being quite thick, with large flattened setiferous tubercles, four in a line across the thoracic segments, and two large ones on the abdominal segments. Head small, very dark amber-colored; prothoracic shield black-brown. Body dull olive green ; supra-anal plate and anal legs darker. Long pale hairs along the sides of the body. Length, WILLOW LEAF-MINERS 579 50. Gracilaria larva. Associated with the foregoing species and Gracilaria purpuriella, August 20, at Brunswick, Me. It fastens two leaves together, lining the cavity thus formed with white silk. It also turns a whole leaf over, inside out, joining the edges together completely, and making a long irregular pod-like tube. Larva. — Much like that of Gracilaria purpuriella, but the segments are fuller, with distinct piliferous warts which are concolorous with the body, the latter being uni- formly yellowish green. Head small, much narrower than the prothoracic segment, pale yellowish amber, with a small dark dot on each side; prothoracic segment con- colorous with the other segment, but with two brown dots, one on each side. Length, 8mm. 51. Lithocolletis salicifoliella Clem. " During the latter part of June or early in July the leaves of the yellow willow, Salix vitellina var. alba, should be searched for this in- sect. The mine is on the under surface, usually near the base of the leaf and along the edge. I found these mines for the first time on the 23d of July of the present year, but they were untenanted, and the imagos had escaped, so that I am unable to furnish any further par- ticulars respecting the species." (Clemens.) 52. Lithocolletis sp. The larva of this tninute moth is abundant on the willow. It was observed July 10, and probably is to be found by the end of June. The leaf is folded and rolled inward from near the base to the outer third, and the larva eats holes in parts adjacent on the other side of the mid-rib and on the inside of its case. The moth emerges as early as July 20, leaving the pupa case sticking part way out of the folded leaf. July 10 we found the larva of a small Braconid ? larva which had spun a loose silken cocoon, closing the opening of the fold. Larva. — Body pale green ; head rounded, jet-black, as wide as the body. Segments of the body coarsely wrinkled transversely. On the three last segments of the hind body are black spots forming two irregular transverse conspicuous lines, and at the end are four black pointed tubercles or spines. Length, 6mm. 53. Cemiostoma albella Chambers. The larvsc of this Tineid are said by Chambers to live in large black- ish blotch mines. 54. Aspidisca saliciella Clem. " From the beginning to the middle of July the larva may be* taken on the leaves of yellow willow. The mine is very small, the excised portion, with which the disk is formed, taking up the greater portion of it. I noticed in this larva a habit, which may be generic, but if so it 580 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. has escaped my observation. The larva, after cutting out of its disk, lets itself down by a thread, and in the middle of July the disks may be found suspended under willows, as the larva lets itself down to the surface ol* the ground. My specimens were taken on July 23, when the mines were generally deserted." (Clemens.) .".."). Xtpticula fuscotibiella Clem. Though the food-plant and metamorphosis of this Tiueid were not mentioned by Clemens (Tiueiua, p. 182), Mr. Chambers stated that the larva lives in a linear mine bent back on itself. Moth. — Antenna* dark fuscous; basal joint silvery white. Head reddish yellow. Fore wings purplish fuscous, with a rather broad, slightly oblique silvery baud exterior to the middle of the wing. On the costa of the wiDg the band is rather Dearer to the base than on the inner margin ; cilia pale grayish. Hind wings pale gray, with pale-gray cilia. Thorax dark fuscous, with a purplish hue. Legs and abdomen beneath yellowish, with a brassy luster; the hind tibia fuscous. 56. Gelechia fungivorella Clem." The followiug account of this moth is from Clemens' Tineina : My friend Mr. Benj. D. Walsh, of Rock Island, 111., writes to me that "the larva mines a cabbage-like gall, brassicoides peculiar to Salix lovgifolia, and a pine-cone- like gall on Salix cor data named strobiloidts by Osteu Sackeu." The ornamentation of the imago is similar to that of G. roseosuffu sella, the larva of which inhabits the fruit panicles of sumach. Imago occurs August 1 to 15. Bred by Mr. B. D. Walsh, Rock Island, 111. Moth. — Fore wings roseate-white, freely dusted with testaceous-brown along the inner margin from the base to the tip of the wing, the costal half of the wing being banded with alternate roseate-white dusted with brownish, and testaceous-brown bauds; near the base of the wing is an oblique testaceous band extended a little be- yond the middle of the wing, margined externally by a roseate-white band, having a ceutral line of brownish atoms. Another testaceous band, placed about the basal third of the costa, is oblique, and extends a little beyond the middle of the wing ; its dorsal edge is convex and the costal edge concave ; it is broadest in the middle of the wing and termiuates in a point, just beneath which is a black or dark brown dot en- circled with white or roseate-white. Towards the apex of the wing is a semi-circular testaceous, costal patch margined with white or roseate-white. The apical portion of the wing is dusted freely with testaceous, and at the base of the cilia, near the anal angle, are one or two black dots. Cilia testaceous, with a white patch beneath the tip having a central dark-brownish cilial line, and a white or roseate-white patch at the anal angle. Antenna? dark brown, slightly annulated with shining white. Head whitish tinted with fuscous. Labial palpi white ; second joint with three blackish rings, one at the base, one in the middle and one near the tip ; terminal joint with four blackish rings, one at the base, two in the middle, and one at the extreme tip. f>7. Gelechia salicifungiella Clemens. "The larva," says Clemens (Tineina, p. 262), mines the same gall, brassicoides, as G. fungivorella. Mr. Walsh bred six specimens, of which he was kind enough to send me three. Although fungivorella is tinged * Of this I received two specimens from Mr. B. D. Walsh. The exp. al. is 3|x6 lines.— H. T - WILLOW LEAF-MINERS. 581 with roseate in the white markings, I can perceive no tendency in the eight specimens of this imago, that Mr. Walsh has so liberally sent me, to merge into the ornamentation of salicifungiella. Certainly the char- acter of the markings is the same in each, and it is possible that we have here but a single species. The imago occurs August 3-13. Bred by Mr. B. D. Walsh." Moth. — Fore wings red, irregularly marked with whitish. Near the base is a whitish band, powdered with dark fuscous, which curves across the fold, including the inner margin, and reaches the middle of the wing ; the part beneath the fold is tinged with reddish and sometimes with pale brownish. Adjoining this band exteri- orily is a dark brownish-red, curved band, which does not cross the fold. On the costa are three small white spots, one near the tip, one about the middle and one ex- terior to the brownish-red band. The margin of the wing is powdered with dark fuscous cilia red. Hind wiugs dark gray ; cilia grayish-fuscous. Head reddish. Antennae black, annulated with white. Labial palpi pale red ; second joint with two blackish rings ; terminal joint with three black rings and a black dot at the base, extreme tip black. (Clemens.) 58. Gelechia, undescribed species (Chambers). Imago unknown. The larva sews together willow leaves at great elevations in the Kocky Mountains. 59. Marmara salictella Clem.* The following account of this moth is copied from Clemens's posthu- mous work on the Tineina: The larva mines the young branches of the yellow willow tree. I * It leaves its mine at maturity to weave a white semi-transparent cocoon within some crevice of the bark of the tree on which it feeds or upon the ground. The ex- terior of the cocoon is covered with little froth-like globules, which resemble minute pearls. The imago rests with the front part of the body elevated, and, I believe, the -fore- feet applied to the breast, like the members of the genus Tischeria. The antennas are held extended at the side of the head, and have a constant trembling motion. Larva. — The larva is much flattened, and the segments separated by deep incis- ions, particularly on the sides. The head is extremely thin, circular, with a peculiar appendage in front of the mandibles similar to that found in the larva of Lithocolletis of the second group, which it likewise resembles in form. Like these it has three feet and three abdominal prolegs and one terminal pair, all very short. Moth.— Hind wings setiform. The subcostal vein is faint, attenuated, and simple. The discal vein free, central and two-branched. The median vein simple. Fore- wings narrowly lanceolate. The disk long, narrow, and closed. The subcostal vein is well defined from the base to the first marginal branch, which appears to be a con- tinuation of it. But from the origin of the first marginal branch the vein is greatly attenuated, and is deflected towards the middle of the wing and subdivides into two branches opposite the point at which the first marginal branch attains the costa. The two branches into which the subcostal divides are delivered one to the costa just behind the tip and the other midway between this and the costal end of the first marginal branch. The median vein is two-branched, and is well defined from the base to its branches, all of which are attenuated. The posterior branch is'short, 582 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. have always found it in those that spring from the trunk. Its mine is extremely long and very narrow, being only a track beneath the young and delicate cuticle of the branches sufficiently wide to accommodate the body of the miner. At first it is difficult to detect the same, but alter some months it is easily traced by the elevated line of reddish- brown matter that marks the course of it. Thus it is easily found in early spring before the buds have expanded, and the larva may be sought in April, and is easily reared. In the spring the larva is of a dark lemon-yellow color without markings, and at this time the larva can be seen through the cuticle of the branch. About the middle of May, or rather about the 10th of the month, the larva will be found banded alternately with red and yellow, with two black dorsal dashes on the second segment. (I regard the head as the first.) This is the indication that it has reached its maturity, and in a day or two it cuts the cuticle and leaves the mine to weave its cocoon, sometimes in the angle of a bud on the branch of which it has been feeding, and some- times on adjacent substances. In rearing this insect it is simply necessary to thrust the branches of the willow into wet sand contained in some convenient vessel and to protect them so that the larvae can not wander after leaving their mines. The perfect insect appears after a pupation of about a month, or, as is the case of one specimen specially observed, in twenty-six days. It may be found as an imago, therefore, about the middle of June. Moth. — Forewings dark fuscous, with a silvery white baud at the basal third of the wing, and a slightly oblique oue of the same hue in the middle, inclined towards the inner angle. Near the tip of the wing are dorsal and costal silvery white spots opposite each other. Behind the dorsal spot is a narrow, somewhat curved white streak, extending from the apical cilia to the middle of the wing. Cilia silvery grayish at the tips. Hind wings grayish fuscous. Antennae grayish fuscous. Head silvery white. Labial palpi silvery, the hairs of the second joint touched with fus- cous. Maxillary palpi dark fuscous. (From Clemens's Tineiua.) 60. Batrachedra talicipomoneUa Clem. The following account is copied from Clemens : This is a very interesting "micro," not only in consequence of the specific resemblance it bears to the European Batrachedra praangusU^ but of the discovery of its larva by one of our most gifted and promis- ing entomologists, Mr. Benjamin D. Walsh, of Kock Island, 111. In the note which accompanied the perfect insects, Mr. Walsh writes: I inclose herewith several specimens of a moth bred from the Tenthredinidous gall, 8alici8-})omum Walsh manuscript, and a single one from the Cecidomyidous gall. S. and the next is delivered to the tip of the wing, and receives an oblique discal vein from the last branch of the subcostal, which closes the disk. The submediau vein is simple. Head smooth, with appressed scales. Ocelli, ? Antennae one- third less long than the forewings. Labial palpi slender, ascending, not higher than the vertex; the second joint is scaly, the third smooth. Beneath the labial palpi are small, ascending maxillary palpi. Tongue naked, as loug as the fore coxa? and femora. WILLOW-GALL TIXEIDS. 583 rhodoides Walsh. This is the insect that I think I mentioned to yon as being very prettily marked in the larval state, each segment having a broad black band, and the ground color being whitish. I had a single oue come out last summer, but the great bulk of thein hybernated either in the larva or pupa state and came out May 3 to •20. They vary but little. I have beaten larva- of very similar appearance off oak trees. So far as I am informed the larva is unknown to European Lepidop- terists, although it is recorded that the perfect insect, prceangusta, is very common among willows and poplars in July, and may frequently be observed sitting on the trunks of those trees with the anterior feet put back like Bdellia and the head raised a little. Mr. Walsh has the honor of having made an interesting discovery that puts an end to all uncertainty respecting the larva and its food- plant. This larva occurred in abundance August 23, and subsequently in the Tenthredi- nidous gall, S. pomum, Walsh manuscript, which grows on the leaves of Satis cor- data. Each gall contained but a single larva, unaccompanied by the larva of the Sematus which makes the gall, which it must consequently have destroyed or starved out, either in the egg or in the larva state. A single imago came out in the autumn of the same year, but the great bulk of them came out next spring, May 6 to 20, from galls kept through the winter. There can be no doubt of the correlation of larva and imago, because no other Lepidoptei ous larva or imago occurred in the gall S. pomum, though I had three or four hundred of them in my breeding vase. The insect must hibernate normally in the larva state, for I noticed numbers of them in the spring crawling about among the galls. In a state of confinement it generally retires to the inside of the gall to assume the pupa state, though I noticed one or two cocoons spun among the galls. Probably in a state of nature it hybernates in the gall, comes out of it in the spring, and spins its cocoons among dry leaves and rubbish. I also bred a single imago of this same species, May 11, from the Cecidomyidous gall, S. rhodoides, Walsh, from galls kept through the winter, and I found in the spring a denuded imago of what was apparently the same species, dead and dry amongst a lot of Tenthredinidous galls, S. desmodiodes, Walsh manuscript, which is olosely allied to S. pomum, but occurs on the leaves of a very distinct species of willow. Thus we have three different willow galls inhabited by the same moth, two of them made by saw-nies and one by a gall-gnat. I have several times beaten off black-oak trees larva? apparently very similar to this Batraehedra, and with the same harlequin-like markings, but whether the two are specifically identical I can not say. In a subsequent letter Mr. Walsh kindly supplied me with the fol- lowing description of the larva : Larva. — Length, .20 inch. Body tapering at each end, opaque, milky-whitish, with a few short, whitish hairs. The first segment behind the head with an obseini- circular, shining, glabrous, brown dorsal shield; second segment with an interrupted opaque brown dorsal band on its anterior edge, the interruption occupying about one-third of the baud; segments 3 to 12 with an interrupted opaque brown dorsal band on the anterior edge, and segment 11 with a similar band at its tip also. Head yellowish. Legs and venter immaculate whitish. Legs six, prolegs ten, nor- mally arranged. Spins a thread, wriggles much when disturbed, and runs backward with great agility. (Clemens' Tineina. Edited by H. T. Stainton.) Moth. — Forewings fuscous, with a rather broad whitish stripe, freely dusted with fuscous, ruuning through the middle of the wing from the base and along the apical OcS-i FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. margin to the tip. Neat the basal third of the wingon the dorsal edge of the whitish IS an elongate blackish brown spot) and from the middle of the wing towards tin- tip it is edged on its costal Bide by a blackish brown line, which contains soine- timee ■ spot <>f the same hue. The apical portion of the stripe is more freely dotted with fuscous than the other portions. Cilia fuscous. Hind wings fuscous, cilia Antenna' dark foseooa, without white annulation.- except near the tip. Head fus- cous above, (ace white. Labial palpi dark fasoone; second joint with a white ring at the extreme tip, sometime! white at tin- base, with a broad fuscous ring near the tip: terminal joint fuscous, with a more or less distinct whitish central ring, and the extreme tip whitish. (Clemens' Tineiua.) 01. Batravktdra praanywita (Ha worth.) Hatrachedra siholata Zeller. Chambers remarks that M the specific distinctness of these three species seems to me not sufficiently established. B. salicipomeUa was bred from galls made by other insects on willows. The mode of feed- ing of the others is not satisfactorily determined."' 03. The American ombex. Cimbtx anuricana Leach. Order Hymenopteka: family Texthkedinid-E. The following account of this insect is copied from Professor Riley's report as U. S. Entomologist for 1884 : During the latter part of May last, Admiral Amnien, who is noted in Washington for his devotion to horticulture and arboriculture, brought us specimens of this large saw-ily, with an account of its injuries to his imported willows, not as usual by the larva, but by the gnawing of the perfect dy, the plantation being described as look- ing as if a fire had run over it, or as if it had suffered by a severe frost. As this habit was new, so far as we have any records, and as nothing was known of the mode of oviposition in the species, we had the matter investigated. The tips of many of the plants were found to be dark brown and dead; the dried-up portion extended '2 to 4 inche8from the tip. Upon investigation it was plain that the cause of the trouble was a very fine but deep transverse incision just below the dead portion of the willow, the incision often extending more than half way around the twig, or there being a number of smaller incisions, one above the other. (Fig. 194, b. ) All these incisions, were so narrow that they could hardly be supposed to have been made for feeding purposes; but in many instances a number of larger marks, usually of an oblong shape, were visible, and looked as though they had been made for food. According to Admiral Ammen this iujury had been done by the saw-flies in the latter part of May: but on the oth of June the dies had for the most part disap- peared, and Mr. Schwarz, who made examination after our departure for Europe, found at that date but a single female, sitting on a branch of about 5mm in diameter, and just in the act of cutting one of the incisures referred to above. The insect worked its mandibles in a very slow and deliberate manner, and made but little headway in cutting during the three or four minutes he watched its workings. Upon examination the twig was found to contain three such incisures, each reaching more than halfway around. The eggs and mode of oviposition.— Whether or not the cutting of the tips is madefor feeding purposes, it is evident that it has nothing to do with oviposition, as no trace THE WILLOW CIMBEX. 585 of the eggs could be found either on the dead part of the twig or in the living por- tion just beneath. The eggs are deposited between the epidermis and paranchyma of the leaf. When looking over the plants from above, the place of oviposition is hardly perceptible, appearing as a very slight blister-like swelling, accompanied on one side by a faint ferruginous Hue, but otherwise not differing in color from the rest of the leaf. On the under side, however, these blisters were very plainly visible, being much paler than the rest of the leaf, and having, in the more developed con- dition, a reddish tinge. These blisters closely resemble those of other saw-flies, Fig. 194.— Cimbex of the willow : a, leaf containing the eggs ; b, willow twig with incisions ; c, egg ; d, young larva; e, mature larva; /, cocoon; g, the same cut away to show the pupa, Ik; k, saw of the fly, i. After Riley. which insert their eggs in leaves and are usually nearly circular in outline (some- times nearly oval), and distinctly elevated above the general surface of the leaf, though otherwise quite flat. They are always on the face of the leaf, usually-nearer to the outer margin than to the midrib, never on or near the midrib and rarely extending across one of the side ribs. Their number varies from one to nine or more on a single leaf. Where there are several they are generally situated in a longitudi- nal row, the individual blisters being then always separated by the intervening side 586 FIFTH REPORT OP THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. ribs. Bometimea two rows of these blisters arc found on the same leaf. The place of insertion <»f the ovipositor is always plainly visible, as a nearly straight slit (usually closed) of ferruginous or brownish color at or near that edge of the blister which is Dearest to the margin Of the leaf, thus indicating that while ovipositing the female lly grasps the Sdge of the leaf with her fore legs. (Fig. 194, a.) Leaves infested with eggs, although not rare, were by no means BO abundant as should have been expected from the extent of the iujury indicted by the imago-. A great many plants (and among them many with their tops cut off) were DOtinfi while occasionally a plant could lie found with four or five infested leaves, mostly about the middle or near the top of the plant. The egg, when about ready to hatch, is oblong oval, somewhat flattened, and with its shell so thin and pliable that it not only loses its regular shape by the slightest pressure, but even by the position or movements of the embryo larva within. The shell is perfectly hyaline, with no visible sculpture besides some fine, irregular, and variable wrinkles. Its surface is very sticky. At an earlier stage the egg is elon- gate and nearly cylindrical. Through the whitish epidermis of the blister the shape of the egg is always readily perceptible as a transverse (i. e., parallel or nearly parallel to the margin of the leaf) object of a decided green color. (Fig. 194, c.) The young larva, after hatching remains for some time within the blister, but finally leaves it through an irregular slit at the middle of the epidermis. Its color is bluish gray. (Fig. 194, d.) The recently excluded larvae are uniformly curled up on the under side of the leaf. Three varieties of cultivated willows were found to be injured by the perfect saw- fiy, while egg blisters could only be found on two varieties. The willows affected were the American green ozier, the Welsh, and the Golden. Remedies. — It would be quite practicable, considering the small area to be pro- tected and the conspicuous size of the insect and its clumsy movements, to catch the perfect flies by means of a net ; but the application of arsenical poisons would be surer, and would also rid the willows of many other enemies. " For some years" says Mr. Bruner " the large saw-fly (Cimbex americana) has at- tracted my attention at various points in Nebraska, by its habit of frequenting hedges of white willow in preference to the various species of the native willow. During the summer its large, green, slug-like larva? would be met with from time to time, but not until the present summer have I learned that it appeared in such great numbers as to completely defoliate the trees. "About three weeks ago (August 31) I visited Mr. G. M. Dodge, of Glencoe, Dodge County, and while driving across the country observed that nearly every hedge of this willow had been more or less injured by some insect which had stripped the trees of most of their leaves. I at once attributed the work to the striped cotton- wood beetle (Plagiodera scripta), which, as you have shown, has been known to injure various species of willow, as well as the poplars and cottonwood in this and other sections of the country. Upon speaking to Mr. Dodge in reference to the subject, he informed me that the work was that of the above named saw-fly. He also stated that the larva? had been so numerous on many of the hedges in his immediate neigh- borhood as to completely defoliate the trees before they (the larva?) had attained full growth, and that they had therefore proved the cause of their own destruction. '•At other points, however, where the larva? were less numerous, they have matured, and will evidently make their appearance in force next season, provided no unfore- seen providence intervenes. '• Mr. Dodge also informed me that this saw-fly has been steadily on the increase for the past three or four years— always working on the white willow in preference to the native species." A Ciinbex-like saw-fly larva occurred on the willow at Brunswick, Me., August 6, 1886, September 3, 1885. It is represented by the very poor sketch in PL v, fig. 11. WILLOW SAW-FLIES. 587 Larva. — Head large, as wide as the body, rounded, pale yellowish ; eyes black, con- spicuous; legs pale whitish green ; eight pairs of abdominal legs ; abdomen closely rolled up when at rest like a Helix. All the segments finely wrinkled : the riflges bearing small flattened warts. Spiracles black. Body glaucous-green. Length 18mm. 64 Galeruca decora Say. The most numerous and most dangerous of the enemies of the willow referred to by Professor Riley is, beyond question, the willow Galeruca (Galeruca decora Say), of which young larvae and imagos were met with everywhere on the leaves. The character of its injury and its natural history do not appear to differ from those of the imported elm leaf-beetle (G-. xanthomelama). Its eggs are a little larger, brighter colored, and less acuminate, and the young larvae of darker color, but not otherwise different. Full-grown larva? were not found early in June and only a few egg- clusters. 60. Colaspis tristis Olivier. Next in importance, says Riley, comes Colaspis tristis, which in the imago state preferably feeds upon the very young, not yet fully developed, leaves. Its larva, which no doubt has subterranean habits, was not met with, and it probably feeds on the roots of some other plant. 66. The willow dolerus. Dolerus arvensis Say. Order Hymenoptera.; family Tenthredixid.e. The following account of this insect is copied verbatim from Professor Forbes' third report on the injurious insects of Illinois: From one of the most intelligent and observant fruit growers of my acquaintance, I have heard from time to time of a " steel-blue fly" which clustered in spring upon the buds and blossoms of the pear, either eating them or blighting them and causing them to drop. On the 30th March he sent me specimens from his pear trees, and I found them to be the adults of the above two species which are known as willow saw- flies, — so called because their green, many-footed larvae feed on the leaves of willows. The evidence against these saw-flies lay in the fact that they were abundant and busy upon the opening buds and fresh blossoms of the pear and of some other trees, for many days in succession, and that the blossoms afterwards fell without setting fruit. Afterwards a similar but more positive charge against these insects appeared in the correspondence of the Western Rural, of Chicago, for May 17, 1884, as fol- lows: " Inclosed you will find a couple of bugs that are working on fruit trees here. They ruin many blossom buds by sucking the sap out of them, sometimes causing them to fall off just before opening. They make their appearance as soon as the trees begin to grow. You will notice there aro two colors of bugs— red and black. Is there any way to get rid of them ? Poison won't do it, for I have tried London pur- ple. They suck the sap mostly, although I think later in the season they eat the leaves some, but I am not sure of it. They work on pear worse than others." The first of these species, Dolerus arvensis, was originally described by Thomas Say in 1824, and the second, less common but still abundant, by Beauvois in 1805. Although the larvae of the former, at least, have been known for a long time to "feed upon the leaves of willow, they have not otherwise, so far as I am aware, been sus- pected of any injury to vegetation of economic importance, all the references to them in the literature of entomology being of a strictly technical character. From other insects occurring in similar situations, with which they are at all likely to be con- 588 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. founded, they may be distinguished by the following characters in addition to those of the family Tenthredinida* to which these insects belong: Tin* first, Dolerus arvtn>i«. ifl a little more than one-third of an inch in length by about one-third as wide, and measures not far from two-thirds of an inch across the extended wings. The head and body are dark steel blue except the thorax, which is gated with yellow and black. 07. DoUruH bicolor Beany. Referring to the second species of Dolerus, Forbes continues bis account as follows \ The other species, Dolerus bicolor, is a trifle smaller than the lirst, brownish yellow except the wings, the head, the middle of the thorax, and the legs, all of which are black. Both these insects are abundant everywhere in early spring, and the larva' of both, similar in appearance to green caterpillars, but distinguished by the possession of eleven pairs of legs, feed upon the leaves of the willow a little later in the season. Careful watching in the held soon convinced me that these saw-flies were neither biting nor piercing the buds or flowers, but that they were merely licking off the semi-fluid exudation from the surface of the bud scales. Dissecting the specimens and examining the contents of their stomachs with the microscope, I found only a clear fluid, without a trace of solid matter except occasional spheres consisting of clusters of threads of fungous parasites Critically searching the surface of a bud scale which these flies had but just worked over, I saw that no injury whatever had been done to the tissues of the plant, even the slender hairs with which the scales were covered being wholly undisturbed. Watching the flies with a glass, I could see that their biting jaws remained all the time closed, but that their flap-like max- ilhe were continually employed in mopping up the moisture from the viscid surface, and as they have no mouth-parts capable of piercing the substance of a plant, it was clear that no injury was being done. Finally, I confined a lot of the saw-flies in a breeding cage with pear buds not yet open. The insects industriously worked over the surfaces of the unopened buds and even entered the flowers as they expanded, but did neither any visible injury whatever. The buds afterwards all opened out in abundant bloom, and remained fresh for several days, while the poor saw-flies, hav- ing lapped up all the sirup available, starved to death in the midst of the uninjured blossoms. A little experiment showed that they were especially susceptible to the influence of pyrethrum, and that a single thorough application to a tree would kill all upon it at the time. The above brief account of these insects is given merely to set at rest the fears of those who, like my correspondents, may be led to attribute to them serious mischief really due tc quite other causes. (Forbes.) 68. Nematua ventralis Say. The larvae of tbis saw-fly were found by Dr. Harris on leaves of the willow June 22; they spun tbeir cocoons June 24, tbe flies appearing from July 15 onward. A second brood of these occurred on the nar- row-leafed dwarf willow September 5, and on the same shrub a pair of flies apparently recently transformed. The cocoons were made Sep- tember 20. A swarm of larvse was also found October 17. (Harrisr Corr., p. 270.) Larva.— Six-tenths inch long, greenish black, and with ten heart-shaped ocher-yel- low spots on each side, beginning on the second ring. Prolegs fourteen ; viz, twelve ventral and two very short retractile ones to the last ring, all of a whitish color; the first nair on the fifth ring, and the rest (except the anal pair) on the following WILLOW SAW-FLIES. 589 rings. Body transversely wrinkled, but smooth. Head polished, jet black. Anal segment (just above the flap) with two minute black warts, or truncated, slender tubercles. Curls its tail when at rest. (Harris' Corr.. p. 270.) Saw-fly.— Black ; venter and feet pale. Male: Hypostoma, palpi, and mandibles at base whitish ; orbits above and behind piceous ; thorax dilated, triangular line before the wing, and wing-scale whitish ; wiugs slightly dusky, nervures fuscous ; feet honey-yellow, posterior tarsi black-brown ; tergum black, segments each with a yellow band of which the four terminal ones are interrupted in the middle ; venter pale honey-yellow. Length, one-fourth inch. Female : Orbits all round, whitish ; white line or spot before the wings with about three obsolete black spots before ; feet white, thighs black in the middle, posterior tarsi blackish, tergum black, the bands obsolete ; venter white aud segments blackish. Length, .3 inch. (Say.) 69. Selandria? sp. This species was observed August 20, at Brunswick, Me., eating irreg- ular round holes in the edge of the leaves and spinning a cocoon. Larva. — Body slender, cylindrical, slightly compressed. Head small, round, amber colored, as wide as the body. The body pea-green ; the heart very distinct, forming a dark line with a pale yellowish-green line on each side. The thoracic feet rather long. Seven pairs of abdominal legs ; the last (anal) pair modified, being very short, and like the tip of the body, pale lilac ; the first two pairs of abdominal legs larger than those succeeding ; the sixth pair rudimentary. The spiracles connected by a hair line of yellowish green. Length, 8 to 9mm. 70. Selandria sp. The larva of this species folds the leaves of different species of wil- low longitudinally on one side of the midrib. It spins a cocoon of the usual shape August 28 to 31. Larva. — Head large, round, full, amber colored. Body cylindrical, pale, flesh col- ored, tapering towards the end, where are two jet-black acute spines, with a broad base extending anteriorly. Body covered with short hairs, and transversely wrinkled. Length, 6mm. 71. Nematus sp. ? Nematus % congeneric with one occurring on Betula populifolia, Bruns wick, September 6. Larva. — Head small, round, black, body with a lateral ridge ; scalloped ; each seg- ment with three transverse rows of black warts ; the scallops on the lateral ridges black. Thoracie and abdominal false legs, except last pair, blackish. Length, 20mm. 72. Unknown saw-fly larva. This species occurred on the willow at Brunswick, Me., spinning a cocoon July 17. Larva. — Seven pairs of abdominal legs. Head glaucous green ; eyes black. Body pale glaucous green, including the thoracic and abdominal legs ; the body frosted, with a double dorsal whitish line, and one on each side below. 73. Nematus f larva. Observed at Jackson, N. H., on the willow. Larva. — Body long and slender ; anal plate peculiar, being broad and square, with two lateral projections. Seven pairs of abdominal legs, the last pair short and thick. Head pale greenish amber, with a broad black median straight band extend- 590 FIFTH EEPOET OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. Ing from the occiput to the labruin ; also ■ lateral, rather paler, band extending to the black eye& Body speckled irregularly, especially on the sides, with brown. A dark donal vascular line, inclosed by two slender tiue yellowish lines. Length, 17mm. 74. LiARGB HBMATUfl P LARVA. This false caterpillar occurred frequently ou the willow at Bruns- wick, Me., late iu August. Larva.— Eight pairs of abdominal legs. Body rather thick, long, not usually curled up much at the extremity, with no markings, warts, or spines. Head small, round, amber, greenish in front, eyes distinct and black. Body wrinkled, much as in Cim- bex, which it approaches in size, pale green throughout ; with a dorsal pair of lines composed of obscure diffuse irregular faint yellowish patches on each side of the vascular line ; and a similar lateral line, also obscure. Length, 20mm. 75. Chry8omela bigsbyana Kirby. Mr. Coquillett has reared this leaf-beetle from the willow, ou which it feeds. He fouud in Illinois two larvae August 13, which shortly after- wards pupated, the beetles appearing September 5. The species was determined by Dr. Horn. (Can. Ent., xv, p. 22.) It is not uncommon on willows in Maine late in June. Larva.— Body white, tinged with yellow ; spiracles black with a white dot in the center of each ; on each side of segments 2 and 3 is a curved black dash, the curve downwards; cervical shield concolorous, marked with a blackish spot in the middle of each outer edge ; head yellowish browu, ocelli black, in two clusters. Length, 10mm. The beet le. — Body green, palpi, antenna?, and legs rufous ; anterior margin and sides of the prothorax reddish ; elytra pale red withasutural stripe, a humeral broken bilobed spot, and several dots black or dark green. Color and sculpture of the body like those of the preceding species, from which C. bigsbyana differs principally in having the sides and anterior margin of the prothorax reddisu yellow ; the eh tra are of the same color, but the suture itself, especially at the base, a stripe parallel to it, a large humeral bilobed spot, the interior lobe of which is obtusangular or broken, and several irregular dots and spots on the elytra are black-green. Length of the body 4 lines. (Kirby.) 76. Chrysomela spirece Say. I have found this species on willows in Maine late in June. The beetle. — Head dark green, tinged with brassy ; antennsB and palpi rufous ; thorax dark green, tinged with brassy ; elytra pale yellow, sometimes tinged with rufous; each with about seventeen unequal small green spots; a larger lunate one originating on the humerus ; a common green sutural line, which sends off a lateral short branch on each side near the base ; beneath blackish green ; feet rufous. Length, 4; inch. It is very closely allied to the C. philadelphica Fabr., but is smaller, and the sutural Hue is always common, whereas in the philadelphica there is a slender subsutural line ou each elytron always insulated from the suture throughout its whole length. 77. Chrysomela philadelphica Linn. While this species feeds on the pine, according to Fitch, he also has observed it commonly on the willow. The beetle. — A very convex broad-oval beetle about 0.30 long, of a dark bottle- green color, with white wing-covers sometimes tinged with yellow and having on WILLOW LEAF-BEETLES. 591 them numerous spots and dots of dark green with a black line on the suture widened anteriorly and a second line parallel with this on each side, the antennie and legs rusty red. (Fitch.) 78. Crepidodera helxines (Linn). The adult Crepidodera helxines L. was found repeatedly throughout May in central and southeastern Illinois, devouring the leaves of wil- lows, and scarcely less commonly upon the Lombardy poplar and the balm of Gilead, doing decided injury to young trees in the nurseries. (Forbes's Rep. Ins. 111., 1883.) This is also said by Mr. W. L. Devereaux to be very abundaut on the leaves at Clyde, N. Y. 79. Phyllodecta vitellines (Linn). The beetle.— Second and third joints of the antennae of usual length. Body oblong, a little inclining to ovate, glossy ; underneath black-bronzed, scarcely punctured ; above bronzed with a copper tint, minutely punctured. First and second joints of the antennae rufous; scutellum impunctured ; elytra punctured in rows, with the inter- stices indistinctly punctured ; tarsi piceous with the first joint rufous. 80. Galerucella sagittarice Gyll. The beetle. — Body brown, a little downy, not glossy. Mouth dirty yellow ; pro- thorax transverse, impressed, reddish-yellow, with three black nearly confluent spots ; scutellum subquadrangular, truncated at the apex ; elytra grossly but not thickly punctured ; suture and lateral margin paler than the rest of the elytron ; anus and legs reddish yellow ; tarsi darker. Variety B : With the base of the antennae yellow- ish underneath, the black spots on the prothorax distinct, and the elytra entirely of a brownish yellow. 81. Lina ( Plagiodera) lapponica (Linn.). Larvae of Plagiodera lapponica L., taken on the willow at Normal, June 24, commenced to pupate July 1, and to emerge on the 3d, the last of about sixty appearing on the 8th. (Forbes's Eep. Ins. 111.. 1883.) 82. Lina (Plagiodera) scripta Fabr. Mr. D. W. Coquillett writes me that he has observed this beetle on the willow in Illinois. 83. The snowy tree-cricket. (Ecanthus niveus Serville. This common tree-cricket has been quite frequent, congregating in raspberry and blackberry patches, as well as on white willow hedges, where it often causes much injury by filling the stems and twigs of these plants with its eggs. Several species of Helianthus and one Solidago are, however, its chief food-plants in Nebraska. Scarcely a single one of these weeds escapes without the eggs of one or more of the crickets being thrust into its pithy substance. (L. Bruner in Riley's Rep. Inj. Ins., U. S. Ag. Dpt,, 1884, p. 399.) 5(J2 fifth report of the entomological commission. -1 l.m hints salicicolu Uhler (Aphis salicti Harr.). Mr. ftfonell lias described ad aphid under the name of Chaitophorus snlicicola which Professor Thoinas (Eighth Hep. Ins. 111., p. 105) questions whether it may not be Lachnu* tdlioioola Uhler. We copy Harris' description of bis ,si foflOOOS. Length, about 1 line. Expanse of wings, above 4 li: Inhabits the willow, living on the under side of the extremities of the branches. October 1. 1-37. This species can not be identical with A. salicis Linu., which has the body spotted with white. (Harris' Corr.) 85. Chaitophorus riminalis Thomas. This aphid occurs on the young twigs and leaves of Salix lucida and S. babylonica in Illinois. Apterous individuals. — Varying from pale green to light yellow, with two darker vitt;e on the abdomen which are often obsolete. Entire insect covered with long white hair. Winged individuals. — Head and thorax black ; abdomen black, except the margins and style, which are yellow. Nectaries a little longer than thick, yellowish, often slightly fuscous. Antenna? hairy; seventh joint filiform, almost as long as the three preceding taken together. Wings hyaline. Length, 1.52mm ; to tip of wings, 2.54mm. 86. Chaitophorus smithia* Thomas. This aphid lives on the leaves of Salix alba, from May to June, at Peoria, 111. (Miss E. A. Smith.) Winged form. — General color dusky reddish. Wings hyaline; venation very vari- able. Nectaries two-thirds as long as the tarsi, vasiform, contracted at the base, expanding in the middle and again contracted at the apex ; the mouth flaring. Antenna? a little over half as long as the body, the third joint the longest, the fourth and fifth subequal, and the sixth joint two-thirds as long as the preceding. Seventh joint slender, very little longer than the preceding. Rostrum reaching the third pair of copae. Leugtb, 2.28mm ; to tip of wings, 4.5Gaim. 87. Lachnus dentatus Le Barou. Dr. Le Baron describes this species in his second Report on the Insects of Illinois, p. 138. It occurs in great numbers in October and November on the under sides of the branches of the gray willow, and also occurs on small nursery apple trees. Moth. — Black; abdomen dark ash-colored, with six transverse rows of black dots. Antenna; filiform, as long as the head and thorax ; two basal joints, short and stout, the third as long as the three terminal ones united; these three equal. Proboscis greenish yellow at base. Forewings with the usual stout subcostal vein, aud a very elongate stigma; three discoidal veius (exclusive of the stigmatic vein), much WILLOW APHIDES. 593 wider apart at their tips thau at their bases; third vein two-forked ; hind wings with a subcostal and two discoidal veins, the latter very closely approximate at base and divergent at tip. Thighs dark honey-yel- low, broadly tipped with black ; tibia? dusky, red- dish at the base. The honey-tubes are subobsolete. The dots on the abdomen are very distinct, especially on the fully grown, wingless individuals. In the intermediate rows the dots are six in number, the two middle ones being smaller than the others. Just behind the middle of the abdomen, and occupying the place of _ ,„ _ ... . .. ' rJ " ' Fig. 195. — Lacknus dentatus ; en- tile two middle dots in the fourth row, is a somewhat larked. After Forbes, conspicuous black, conical protuberance, varying in size in different individuals, and sometimes considerably more prominent than it is represented in the figure. Length, two-twelfths of an inch ; expanse of the wings, six-tenths. 88. Chaitophorus nigrce Oestlund. Found by Mr. Oestlund on the leaves of Salix nigra as late as Octo- ber 26. Winged form. — Similar to Aphis in general appearance. Entire insect with long white hairs. Head black, rather straight in front. Antennae about as long as the body, black except base of in ; I and II as usual and subequal, in longest, iv a little shorter, V a little shorter than iv, VI about^one-half of V, vn as long as iv, setaceous ; in to v moderately cicatrized. Eyes dark reddish-brown, with a prominent tubercle. Beak rather short, hardly reaching second coxae, pointed. Thorax all black, pro- thorax well developed, pronotuni not narrowed in the middle. Wings as usual. Legs with the femora more or less blackish, and the tibiae pale. Abdomen wholly black or slightly pale, brown along the sides. Honey-tubes tuberculiform, not longer than broad, thickest at base, usually paler than the body, Style tubercle-like, or even knobbed as in Callipterus. Leugth of body .06; to tip of wings .10. Wingless form.— General color a dull blackish-brown. Body flat, obovate or oblong, quite hairy and tubercular in young specimens, becoming smooth in full-grown. Antennas about one-half the body or a little longer, pale at base, dusky towards the apex; relative length of the joints as in winged form; joints with long white hairs, not very numerous. Abdomen usually with the middle and the margins slightly paler. Honey-tubes as in the above form. Length of body .06. (Oestlund.)* - 89. Iihopalosiphum salicis Monell. This aphid occurs on the under side of leaves of Salix lucida, S. nigra, and S. babylonica. Winged individuals. — Head and thorax dusky ; abdomen green, with various irregu- lar, darker green markings. Antenna? about half as long as the body, not mounted on frontal tubercle; the third and fourth joints somewhat dentate; apical joint half as long again as the preceding ; third and fourth joints often subconnate. Nectaries light green, reaching to the tip ; the basal portion slender, expanding at the middle to twice its former diameter, and again suddenly contracted at the mouth, which is furnished with the usual annulus. Tail yellowish, about one-third as long as the nectaries. Length 1.52mm; to tip of wings, 3.04ram. Apterous individuals entirely pale green, with two darker dorsal vitta?. 90. Chianaspis salicis (Linn.). Specimens of Ghionaspis fraxini received from England, states Pro- fessor Oomstock {Ag. Rt., 1880), are identical with G. salicis received * Fourteenth Ann. Rep. Geol. and Nat. Hist. Survey Minnesota, 1886, p. 49. 5 ENT 38 594 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. from M. Signoret. Professor Comstock has also received this species from [thaca, X. Y., and from St. Louis, Mo., in each case occurriug upon willow. 8oale of female.— The scale of the female is of the form characteristic of the genus, being Long, narrow at the anterior eud, and broadly widened posteriorly. Exuria dark yellow, normally covered by a thin layer of white excretion; this, however, is easily removed. Scale, snowy white. Length, 3 to 4,m" (.13 inch); width near pos- terior end, 1.0"im (.0() inch). Female.— The body of the female is reddish. The last segment differs from that of C. ortholobis as follows: The median lobes are joined at the base, and are widely separated at their distal extremities; between the first plate and the second lobe and mesad of the third lobe are prolongations of the body wall, which extend caudad as far as the lobes, and bear elongated pores. Immediately laterad of the third group of plates is a prominent prolongation of the body bearing an elongated pore, while in the case of C. ortholobis this is situated at one-third the distance from the third to the fourth group of plates. In C. salicis the two lateral groups of plates often con- sist of three instead of two, and the peuultimate segment bears at least six plates; the antepenultimate three or four, and the one anterior to this, one or two. Scale of male. — The scale of the male is loug, narrow, with the sides nearly paral- lel. It is tricariuated and snowy white, with the exuvite yellowish. (Comstock.) 91. Chionaspis ortholobis Comstock. According to Professor Comstock (Ag. Rt., 1880), this scale insect occurs on the willow at San Bernardino, Cal. It infests chiefly the bark of the small whip-like limbs which spring from the trunks of the trees. Many of these sprouts were dead and white with the scales of this species. The eggs were observed September 12. Scale of female. — The scale of tho female very closely resembles that of C. salicis ; it is, however, smaller and narrower. Length, 2 to 2.5mm (about .08 inch). Female. — The body of the female is dark purple. The last segment presents the following characters: The anterior groups of spinnerets consist of from ten to sixteen ; the anterior lat- erals of eighteen to thirty, and the posterior laterals of sixteen to twenty. The median lobes are almost contiguous ; their mesal margins are parallel for more than half their length ; the distal margin of each is rounded. Each of the second and third lobes is deeply incised ; the lateral lobule in each case is very small, often obsolete; the mesal lobule is large and rounded ; the distal margins of all the lobes are distinctly crenate. The plates are as follows: One laterad of first lobe; one or two laterad of second lobe; two laterad of third lobe, and two quite large ones quite near the penultimate segment. The penultimate segment usually bears four and the antepenultimate one. The spiues on the dorsal surface are as follows : The first on the base of the lateral part of first lobe; the second and third ou the lateral lobule of the second and third lobes, respectively, and the fourth a short distance mesad of the lateral pair of plates. On the ventrad surface there are also four on each side ; each spine is laterad of the corresponding spine of the dorsal surface, and cephalad of the base of the corre- sponding plate or group of plates. Eggs. — The eggs are dark purple. Scale of male. — The scale of the male differs from all other specimens of this genus known to me in not being carinated. It is au elongated oval in outline, being . slightly broadest at the middle, and tapering towards both euds almost equally. The larval skin is light yellow ; the scale is snowy white. Described from thirteen males and many scales of each sex. (Comstock, Ag. Rt., 1880.) WILLOW MITES. 595 92. Aspidiotus convexus Corastock. THE CONVEX WILLOW SCALE. The following account is copied from Professor CoinstockTs report in U. S. Agricultural Eeport for 1880: This species, which is very common on the bark of the trunk and limbs of the native willows in California, very closely resembles Aspidiotus rapax in the shape and color of its scale. The resemblance of the two species is so great that at first I considered them identical, and concluded that A. rapax had spread to the cultivated trees in California from the native willows of that State. Buta careful study of the structure of the two forms show them to be specifically distinct. The most striking differences are those presented by the last abdominal segment of the female. In this species there are four groups of spinnerets; the superior laterals consisting of about seven, and the inferior laterals of about four. In A. rapax the groups of spinnerets are wanting. In this species the plates are very much shorter than in A. rapax, and very closely resemble the plates in A. ancylus. But A. convexus differs greatly from A. ancylus in the shape and color of the scale and in the wings of the male being long. Described from seven females, two males, and very many scales. 93. Phytoptus salicicola Garman. Order Acarixa. Produces galls on the leaves of the long-leaved willow, Salix longifolia Muhl. Striae of abdomen 46. Feather-like tarsal appendage with three pairs of prongs. Length, .0075 inch. Abundant in the galls in June. This gall is one of the most remarkable deformations I have seen. It consists of a narrow longitudiual upward fold extending sometimes the entire length of the leaf. Usually there are two of these folds on each leaf, one on each side of the midrib. They may be close to the midrib, midway between it and the margin, or at the margin itself. In cases where the fold begins next the midrib at the base of the leaf, it may gradually leave it so as eventually to form a mere fold of the mar- gin. The opening is a narrow slit running along the under side of the leaf. Color, as seen in the latter part of June, brown. My attention was drawn to this gall by the peculiar appearance of the willow leaves due to the lessening of their widths by the fold. A clump of shrubby willows growing iu the margin of a shallow pool of water in the vicinity of formal, 111., was badly infested by the galls. (Garman). 94. Phytoptus sp. Produces galls on the leaves of the heart-leaved willow, Salix cordaia Muhl. The mite has sixty-three transverse abdominal striae. The gall is a wart-like excrescence sometimes projecting above the leaf, sometimes below, and again equally above and below. * In some examples the leaf is folded up around the gall, forming a more or less complete rim. Many of the galls are produced above into nipple- shaped prominences. The color may be purple or pale green. A 596 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. specimen measured was .083 inch in depth, and .065 inch in diameter. (Garman). The following insects also occur on the willow: Order Lepidoptera. 95. Limenitis Ursula (Fabr.) See p. 128. 96. Limenitis arthemis (Drury.) W. H. Edwards. !>7. Limenitis misippus (Fabr.). Lintner Eut. Contr., ii. 98. Vanessa antiopa (Linn.). Maine and Rhode Island. Larva fully grown in Maine September 5. 99. G rapt a /annus Edw. on 8. humilis (Scudder). 100. Eugonia J. album B. and Lee. 101. Aglais milbertii Godt. 102. Thecla liparops. 103. Thccla acadica Edwards. 104. Cyaniris pseudargiolus Bd. and Lee. 105. Thanaos persius Scudder. 106. Nisoniades icelus Lintner. Feeds on different species of willows and poplars. (S. Lowell Elliot.) See p. 450. 107. Papilio tumus Linn. W. H. Edwards, Can. Ent., xviii, p. 139. 108. Papilio glaucus Linn. 109. Smerinthus geminatus var. Jamaicensis (Drury). Ohio (Pilate). 110. Sesia hospes Walsh. Proc. Ent. Soc. Phila,, vi, 1866, p. 270. Bred from coleopterous pseudogall on," S. inornata (Walsh). 111. Hyphantria citnea (Drury). 112. (Edemasia concinna Abbot and Smith. Brunswick, Me., August 14. 113. Iehthyura inclusa Hiibn. Feeds on all kinds of willow (S. Lowell Elliot). Ohio (Pilate). 114. Iehthyura albosigma Fitch. 115. Datana intcgerrima G. and R. See p. 150. 116. Apatelodes torrefacta Abb.-Sm. Eats leaves of willow in confine- ment (Harris's Corr., p. 307). 117. Pheosia rimosa Pack. On willow (Tepper, Bull. Brooklyn Eut. Soc, ii, p. 3; Lintner, Eut. Contr., iv, p. 76). 118. Orgyia antiqua Linn. Brunswick, Me., August 8-15. 119. Schizura sp. (Lintner, Eut. Contr., iii, p. 151). 120. Orgyia leucostigma Abb.-Sm., was rather abundant on the willow in the University grounds at Normal. (Forbes.) (Riley's notes.) 121. Euclea panulata Clem. (French, Papilio, i, p. 144.) 122. Actios luna Linn. 123. Platysamia cccropia (Linn.). (Riley's Note Book, I.) 124. Platysamia glovcrii Strecker. On willows about Salt Lake City. 126. Telea polyphcmus Liuu. (W. Brodie, Canada.) 126. Samia cynthia (Linu.). " Feeding voluntarily in freedom." P. E. Nostrand (Bull. Brooklyn Eut. Soc, ii, p. 77). WILLOW INSECTS. 597 127. Eacles imperialis Httbner. G. D. Hulst (Bull. Brooklyn Ent. Soc, ii, p. 77). 128. HypercHria io (Fabr.). (L. W. Goodell, Can. Ent., ix, p. 180.) 129. Centra borealis (Boisd.). (August and September, New York. Lintner, Oontr., iii, p. 151.) 130. Hemileuca maia (Fabr.). ( Wescott, Can. Ent., 1877, p. 220 j C. E. Worthiugton, Can. Ent., x, p, 16; W. G. Wright, Can. Eut., xx, pp. 30, 32.) 131. Prionoxystus robinke (Harris). (Kellicott, Bull. Buffalo Soc. Sc., iv, p. 30, 1881.) 132. Hepialus argenteomaculatus Harris. (J. B. Smith, Can. Ent., xx, p. 233.) 133. Apatela americana Harris. (Lintner, Ent. Contr., iii, p. 136.) 134. Apatela connecta Grote. Ohio (Pilate). 135. Apatela dactylina Grote. 136. Apatela brumosa Guen. 137. Acronycta salicis Harris. (August, Harris, Corr., p. 315.) 138. Catocala vidua Abbot and Smith. 139. Catocala relicta Walk. All the stages fully described by H. L. Clark (Can. Ent., xx, p. 17). 140. Catocala briseis Edw. 141. Homoptera salicis Behr. (On willows in California. Behr. Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc, iii, p. 28.) 142. Eutrapela clemataria (Abbot and Smith). 143. Metrocampa perlaria Guen6e. (Saunders, Can. Ent., iii, p. 226.) 144. Amphidasys cognataria Guen. Maine, August and September (in larval state). 145. Botis oscitalis Grote. See p. 467. 146. Teras scabrana (Curt.). (Miss Murtfeldt, Fernald's Cat. Tortri- cidre.) 147. Teras ferrugana (Schiff.). Galls of Cecidomyia salicis-strobiloides Walsh. 148. Dichelia sulfureana (Clem.). Inquiline in the willow galls of C. salicis-strobiloides and 8. brass icoides (Walsh). 149. Steganoptycha saliciana Clem. Willow galls. (Galls of C. salicis brassicoides and 8. strobiloides) Walsh. 150. Steganoptycha salicicolana (Clem.). Willow galls. {C. salicis -rho- doides Walsh.) 151. Coleophoracastipennella Chambers. Larva»in a pistol-shaped case* (Chambers.) Order Hymenoptera. 152. Euura s.-gemma Walsh. Proc. Ent. Soc. Phila., vi, 1866.-, p. 250. 153. Euura s.-ovum Walsh. Ibid., p. 252. 154. Euura s. nodus Walsh. Ibid., p. 253. 155. Euura perturbans Walsh. Ibid., p. 254. 598 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. 156. Nematus s.-pomum Walsh. Ibid., p. 265, 157. Nematus s.-desmodioidcs Walsh. L58. Nematus s.pisum Walsh. Proc. Ent. Soc. Phila., vi, 1866, p. 250. 159. Nematus trilineatas Norton. On weeping willow. Packard's Guide to Study of Insects, p. 220; foot note. The following inqnilines or guest-gall saw-flies occur in willow galls: 160. Nematus inquilinus Walsh. Proc, Ent Soc. Phila., vi, 1866., p. 260. 161. Nematus hospes Walsh. Ibid., p. 261. 102. Nematus mendicus Walsh. Ibid., p. 261. 163. Nematus fur Walsh. Ibid, p. 263. 164. Pristiphora sycophanta Walsh. Ibid., p. 263. Order Diptera. 165. Cecidomyia saUcis-brassicoides Walsh. Proc. Ent. Soc. Phila., vi, 1866., p. 577. 166. Cecidomyia s.-strobiloides Walsh. Ibid., p. 582. 167. Cecidomyia s.-strobiliscus Walsh. Ibid., p. 582. (Gall only known). 168. Cecidomyia s.-gnaphalioides Walsh. Ibid., p. 585. 169. Cecidomyia s.-rhodoides Walsh. Ibid., p. 587. 170. Cecidomyia s.-coryloides Walsh. Ibid., p. 588. (Gall only known.) 171. Cecidomyia s.-cornu Walsh. Ibid., p. 590. (Gall only known.) 172. Cecidomyia s.-siliqua Walsh. Ibid., p. 594. 173. Cecidomyia s.-triticoidcs Walsh. Ibid., p. 599. 174. Cecidomyia s.-batatas Walsh. Ibid., 606. 175. Cecidomyia s.-verruca Walsh. 176. Cecidomyia s.-hordeoides Walsh. Ibid., p. 599. (Gall only known.) 177. Cecidomyia albovittata Vf&ish. Ibid., p. 620; vi, p. 227. Iuquiline in willow galls. 178. Cecidomyia cornuta Walsh. Ibid., p. 625. Iuquiline in willow galls. 179. Cecidomyia orbitalis Walsh. 180. Cec ido my ia s. -nod ulus Walsh. 1 bid., p. 601-604. 181. Cecidomyia salicis Fitch (= rigidae O. S.) Maine. Ibid., p. 598. 182. Diplosis atrocularis Walsh. Ibid., p. 626. 183. Diplosis atricomis Walsh. Ibid., p. 628. 184. Diplosis annulipes Walsh. Ibid., p. 629. 185. Diplosis 10-maculata Walsh. Ibid., p. 631. 186. Dijylosis 7-maeulata Walsh. Ibid., p. 630 ; vi, p. 228. 187. LoncJuva ? sp. 1 have observed the larva, pupa-case, aud fly of this species, which was referred with doubt by Baron Osten- Sacken to the genus Lonchoea. The larva was common at Bruns- wick, Me., raising large blisters on the twigs of the willow. It was figured and briefly described iu nay Guide to the Study of Insects, p. 412. WILLOW INSECTS. 599 Order Coleoptera. 188. Saperda ealearata Say. (D. W. Ooquillett in lift.) 189. Saperda concolor Say. Hamilton (Can. Ent. xx, p. 66.) 190. Mecas inornata Say. See Cottonwood Insects, p. 427. 191. Buprestis fasciata Fabr. Mr. George Hunt informs me that he found an elytron of this beetle under the bark of the willow in northern New York. 192. Litargus i-spilotus Lee. A single specimen, bred August 30 from the Acaridous? gall S. (enigma Walsh. Proc. Ent. Soc. Phila., vi, 1866, 265. 193. Anthonomus sycophanta Walsh. Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., vi, 1866, p. 265. Bred by Walsh from the galls made by saw-fly larva?. 194. Anthonomus tessellatus Walsh. Ibid. Lives in saw-fly galls. 195. Prirhinus ephippiatus Say. Bred by Walsh from Cecidomyidous galls (S. brassicoides) J. c, p. 269. 196. Rhynchites ceratus Say. Brunswick, Me., June. 197. Rhyncolus annularis LeC. Under willow bark atXew Kiver, Colo- rado Desert. LeConte (Proc. Acad. Xat. Sc. Phila., March, 1858, p. 81.) 198. Apion lanuginosum Walsh. Proc. Ent. Soc. Phila., vi, 1866, p. 269. Bred from dipterous galls. 199. Apion signipes Say. "Xot rare upon willows, especially when in flower." W. Hague Harrington, Ottawa. (Can. Ent., xvi, p. 117.) Cryptorhynchus lapathi (Linn.) Juelich Ent. Amer., iii, p. 123). 200. Orchestes niger Horn. "A small black hopping beetle, abundant in spring upon the willows." W. Hague Harrington, Ottawa. (Can. Ent., xvi, p. 117.) 201. Orchestes subhistus Horn. This is a pretty species with white bands across the elytra, on willows in bloom. W. Hague. Har- rington, Ottawa. (Can. Ent., xvi, p. 117.) 202. Ghlamys sp. (S. Lowell Elliot.) 203. Haltica altemata Illiger. Bred from dipterous galls. Walsh, (I c. p. 270). 204. Paria 6-notata Say. Bred from dipterous galls. Walsh, (I. c, p. 270.) 205. CotaJpa lanigera (Linn). Maine, June 23. 206. Roplia trifasciata Say. Maine, June 23. 207. Dichelonycha elongatula Schonh. Maine, June 23. 208. Chrysomela spirece Say. Maine, June 23. 209. Phyllodecta vulgatissima (Linn). Maine, June 23. 210. Galerucella sagittaricv G-yllenh. Maine, June 23. 211. Plectrodera scalator Fabr. On small swamp willows in August, in Illinois. (McBride, Can. Ent., xii, p. 107.) 212. Pachybrachys livens LeConte. Colorado River, California. (Lee.) 600 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. Order II emitter a. 213, L.uhiius saUctlis Fitch. 214 MytilaspU sp. (Oomstock's Hep. for 1880, p. 355.) 215. Anthocoris insidiostu (Say). 216. Timjis ciliata Say (T. hi/alina, H.-Scb.). Maine. 217. Capnu sp. Maine. 218. Evacantkus orbitalii Fitch. Maine, July 22. 219. Bythosoopus sp. Maine. 220. 8iphonaphorat salieioola Thomas. (Eighth Rep., 03.) Order PLATYPTERA. 221. Psocus rufus Walsh, (/. c), p. 270. Bred from dipterous gall. ($. brassicoides Walsh.) Class Arachnida ; Order Acarina. 222. Acarus ? s. semen Walsh. Proc. Ent. Soc. Phila., 1866, 226. 223. Acarus? cenigma Walsh. Ibid, 227. Chapter XII. INSECTS INJURIOUS TO THE HACKBERRY. By C. V. Riley. The Haekberry is one of the most characteristic trees in our American silva. What is said of the forms growing in Missouri in my sixth report on the insects of Missouri (1874, p. 137) will apply to other parts of the country in the same latitudes — in fact, throughout its range. Two tolerably constant forms are easily recognizable : 1. (occidentalis Linn.) with broad, ronghish, sharply serrate leaves, purple-black drupes, and rather pale bark, which on the trunk is rough and strongly cleft so as to look as if hacked. 2. (missis- sqypiensis Bosc.) with smaller, narrower, darker leaves, less serrate and often entire yellow drupes, and darker bark, the trunk appearing knotty. A third form (crassi- folia Lamk.), having more the aspect of Ulmus, occurs less frequently. It is much like occidentalis, but with more supple limbs and rougher, thicker leaves, which, when plucked, wilt more rapidly than do those of other forms. Botanists differ as to whether these forms are specific or varietal. Dr. Gray refers them all to Occident alis, and, as intermediate varieties are found and the seedlings from the same tree are exceedingly variable, this seems the proper course. But Professor Planchon, who has monographed the genus, considers 1 and 2 good species, and the third doubtful. In the report already alluded to (pp. 136 et seq.) under the head of " Haekberry butterflies," original accounts, with illustrations, will be found of the life-histories of two of our handsomest North American butterflies, which, so far, have been found to feed in the larval state exclusively on Haekberry. They are there treated of under the names, "Eyed Emperor" (Apatara lycaon), and "Tawny Emperor" (A. herse Fabr.), and the synonymy of the species is fully discussed and the reasons given for preferring the names of Boisduval and Le Conte {Apatura celtis and Apatura clyton). As the reasoning there has since been confirmed by the adoption of the latter names, both by Mr. W. H. Edwards and Mr. S. H. Scudder in their catalogues, these names will be used in the present instance.* * Led by Mr. Scudder's previous writings to adopt the Fabrician names, I never- theless took some pains to get at the real facts, and concluded, after considerable correspondence, that there was no cause to change the conclusions which I had pre- viously expressed, that we have but two species of Apatura in the United States, viz : A. hjcaon Fabr. = celtis Boisd. — alicia Edw.; and A. herse Fabr. = clyton Boisd. =pro- serpina Scudd. But I admitted that there would ever hang a certain doubt about herse, and that had I the paper to write over again I would use the Boisduval names, because I believe that science is better advanced by the use of names based upon descriptions of the living animals rather than by unearthing such as are drawn from pencil (and often faulty) imitations, an." Parasites. — My notes would indicate that there were two parasites affecting the eggs of this butterfly, one of them not preserved, and re- ferred to the Trichogramnmhe in my fifth Missouri report. The other, since bred in numbers, proves to be a Proctotrupid belonging to the HACKBERRY BUTTERFLIES. 605 genus Telenomus and described recently by Mr. Howard, in Mr. Scol- der's Butterflies of New England, uuder the name Telenomus rileyi. Besides this egg-parasite I have reared from the pupa, Chalcis flavi- k a Fig. 199.— Apatura clyton: g, larva, half grown, dorsal view; h, imago, male, underside— natural size; i, j, k, I, m, the five different heads of larva ■ n, o, dorsal and lateral views of larval joint ; p, egg— enlarged ; q, larvae as when hibernating —nat- ural size. After Riley. pes Fabr. and Pimpla annulipes Brulle, while Limneria fugitiva Say was reared from the larva by Mr. A. H. Mundt in Illinois, all recorded in Mr. Scudder's work. 3. The Interrogation Butterfly. Grapta interrogationis Fabr. A spiny, reddish-brown caterpillar, more or less speckled with white, feeding on the leaves in July. The very full life-history and bibliography of this species in Scudder's recent elaborate work, "Butterflies of New England," leaves very little, if anything, to be recorded. The species is by no means rare in Missouri, where it first came under my observation, and while common on the Elm and Hop, is more rarely, yet not infrequently, met with on the Hackberry, as I have frequently observed it on this tree. The following facts are extracted from notes made in 1870 : The egg with its nine vertical ribs is at first dull bluish-green, after- ward becoming grayish-green with silvery reflections. It is laid singly or in chains, one above another, either on the upper or lower portion of a leaf. The duration in the egg state is four days. Two eggs which I saw a female lay on a leaf May 19, hatched May 23, and the spines on the young larva could be distinctly discerned through the delicate egg-shell before hatching. The length of the egg was .95mm; width .7mm. The full-grown caterpillar has the body black, covered with light yellow papilli- form poiuts, which are thickest and of a deeper yellow toward the head. It is also 606 FIFTH KKPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. red with eompoand spines; two on each side of the second segment black, pro- oeediog from ;i red wart: two on each side of the third segment, the main stein being red at base, yellow at extremity, and those proeeeding from it being black. On all the other segments but the last two (oo enoh sideofwbioh there ere two compound black spines then are seren, three on eseh Bide and one on the book. That on the back is yellow and smaller than the reel : those nearest this are also yellow, but with black extremities, particularly toward the head : those below these Inst have a red stalk with black spines proceeding from it, and those along the stigmata] line (which line is v. tv Light yellow) an- of the same ooloi as that line and very small. Two lines run along the back, closes! together near the spines and having the appearance of a ision Of links. There are also other lines running parallel with these, but not so distinct, along th»« sides. Head perpendicular, free, larger than the body, very dark purple-brown, and covered sparsely with small white points from which proceed fine white bristles: on the top it has two black compound spines. Thoracic legs same color as head, the prologs of a lighter brown. Length, lj inches; diameter, one-fifth inch. It hangs by the creruaster and anal prolegs* to a small bunch of flesh colored silk, and changes to a chrysalis similar in form to others of its group, of a fleshy-brown color shaded with bluish-black. It has a crescent-shaped projection on the thorax, with four golden spots just below. The wing-sheaths are faintly green, having a slight resem- blance to a leaf. Some specimens of the larva are much brighter than others, being speckled or mottled all over with white, and the chrysalis, instead of having four goldeu, has often four brilliant, silvery, metallic spots, while the whole body may be tinted with gold and green, particularly along the stigmata. Mr. Scudder says : Judging from the dates given by Harris's correspondence, the chrysalis state lasts from eleven to seventeen days. Grosse (Canada) says eleven days. Edwards (in West Virginia), seven to eleven. Braun, in Bangor, had them hang twenty days at the end of July. My specimens at St. Louis remained nine days, on the average, in the chrsyalis state, which is most frequent in July, while the butter- flies are most numerous in August. The butterfly, therefore, appears in Missouri about the same time as in the New England States, viz, from the last of July to the middle of August, and is probably but two-brooded. Parasites. — Two parasites are found in the eggs, Telenomus grapta? Howard, reared at Washington, and Trichogramma intermedium How- ard, reared by Mr. Scudder at Cambridge. An undescribed Apanteles and Pteromalus vanessce Harris are quite frequently reared, the one from the larva, the other from the chrysalis. Tetrastiehus modestus Howard is a secondary parasite on the Apanteles, while a large Ichueumonid, Roplismenus morulus Say, was once reared from it by Miss Pierce at Cambridge, all recorded in Mr. Scudder's work. •See a paper by the author on the "Philosophy of the pupation of Butterflies, '* Proo. Am. Ass. Adv. Sc, for 1S79, vol. 23, pp. 455-463. HACKBERRY BUTTERFLIES. 607 4. Bachmaxx's Libytiiea. Libythea bachmanni Kirtland. This remarkable looking diurnal, appearing as if snouted, from the very long porrect palpi, so far as we now know, feeds exclusively upon Celtis in its larval state. The butterfly expands about If inches. It is brownish-black above, the apex of front wings quadrate, the margin slightly sinuate. There are three white spots on the apical third of the wing, the basal spot the largest and oblique. At the base of the wing are three large reddish or fulvous blotches, one of which occupies most of the discal cell. Beneath, the wings are brownish, the apex tinted with lilac, the apical white spots repeated as well as the fulvous blotch in the cell. The hind wings have a fulvous band behind the middle, and are lilaceous beneath. Its life history was partially worked up by Mr. W. H, Edwards in Butterflies of North America (Vol. II, Part I, 1874), and subsequently more fully, by the same author, in the Canadian Entomologist \Yo\. xiii, 1881, page 226), and from these the following abstract is largely drawn. It is quite common in the Atlantic States, where its food-plant is abundant, and specimens have been captured in Canada. It is more rare in the Mississippi Valley, but occurs as far west as Arizona. I have found it, as has also Mr. Schwarz, tolerably abundant in Texas, the larva feeding on the leaves of Celtis. The oblate-spheroid, pale-green egg has eighteen or twenty narrow but prominent ribs, terminating before reaching the summit and crossed by many strise. Mr. Edwards says : The eggs seem to be nearly always laid on the tender terminal leaves of the branch. Usually one egg is laid at the end of a branch, in one of the forks on the leaf .stem, but I have seen two eggs on same stem, and occasionally an egg laid on the under side and middle of a leaf. The young larvae on hatching ascend to the extremity of one of the leaves and remain there stripping the sides, leaving the midrib untouched, whence it is easy to find them. They eat their way out of the egg a little below the tip, but do not eat the egg-shell after emerging, and the empty shell has often guided me to the whereabouts of the young caterpillar. It will be unnecessary to repeat here Mr. Edwards's description of the larval changes, but I reproduce his description of the full-grown larva and chrysalis : Mature larva. — Seven-tenths to nine-tenths inch; cylindrical, thickened at seg- ments 3 and 4, the dorsum of last segment abruptly curved down to the end ; color dark green, the lower side and also feet and legs pale green ; each segment four times creased transversely, and on the flat ridges so caused are rows, one to each, of small tubercular flattened points, pale or whitish yellow ; from 2 to 13 a white stripe along base, just over the spiracles, and above this the ground is yellowish for a little way ; a medio-dorsal yellow line and sometimes a fine line on middle of side; yellow tuber- culated points over the legs, in arcs of from 3 to 6; on foremost ridge of third seg- 608 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. iiMiit, high 00 the .side, a dead black tuhercle, a little raised and rounded in yellow i:nur: Bpiraoloa in '"lack ovals ; rarfaoe covered with a fine short down; head obovoid, ■,'i'i'fii, BDlOOtb, sparsely pilose; the ocelli brown. Occasionally the larva- in later ! are differently colored. one had the dorsum dark green, edged on either side 1>> a gray Line, and BUOeessivelj l>y a hand of yellow, a gray line, and a black band; the third segment is wholly and the fifth partly black. Two othersof the same brood were green with a black band along base of body and black patches on 3 and 11. ('Itri/suli.i. — Length, .5 inch; helmet-shaped; compressed laterally, the abdomen gomewhal oarinated; mesonotom high rounded, sloping abruptly to top of hoad oasOj mnoh compressed and sharply oarinated; followed by a deep excavation ; bead' oase not prominent, square or nearly so at top, a little excavated, the corners sub- pyramidal and scarcely at all produced ; along carina of abdomen a yellow line which forks and passes round niesonotum to top of head-CMC ; a slight yellow lateral line on abdomen ; color green, either deep or with a blue or yellow tint ; the abdo- men much sprinkled with pale yellow flat points or small spots, a few of these about the head-case. Duration of this stage five days in July, seven days in August. Mr. Edwards is of the opinion that there are several successive gen- erations, u probably four, that the latter butterflies hibernate, and the survivors are on the wing early in May, and probably in favorable sea- sons in April. The first generation in descent from the hibernating females a*e on the wing in June, the second generation in July, the third in August, and late butterflies emerge from chrysalis in Septem- ber, and these would be of the fourth generation in descent from the hibernating females." 5. The Hackberry Dagger. (Jcronycta rubricoma Guen.) Order Lepidoptera ; family Noctuida:. This is a widely distributed species and doubtless coincident with its food-plant, the different species of Celtis, on which, according to my own observations as well as those of others (French, 6th Kept. 111. State Norm. Univ., p. 45, and J. Marten, Trans. Dept. Agr., 111., Vol. 18, Append., p. 132), it feeds exclusively. It will, in fact, perish rather than partake of any other food that I have so far offered. The species has been represented in the U. S. National Museum from the following States : Texas, Missouri, Illinois, South Carolina, Virginia, and eveu from Canada, in all of which localities it is probably double-brooded. In its southern range the first brood of larva? appear during the early part of May, being full grown by about the end of June. The moths from these appear during July and the early part of August, whilst the larvaB of the second brood are full grown from the middle of September to the middle of October, this last brood being, however, very generally parasitized. The second generation of moths (with the exception of a few premature specimens which issue the same fall) makes its appear- ance the ensuing spring from about the 10th of April till May. Capt- ured specimens in the National collection bear the following dates: By myself, April 20, 1874, July 10, 1874, and September 3, 1874; by Belfrage, Texas, April 11, 21, 29; by S. H. Saunders, Canada, July 10, 1886. The full-grown larva? are rather handsome insects, which, like HACKBERRY MOTHS. 609 so many of the Acronyctas, are in the habit of resting in a curved position. The chief peculiarity of the larva is that it changes the color of its tufts and hairs at the last larval molt. OTHER LEPIDOPTERA. Some other Lepidoptera occur on the Hackberry, but none of them are peculiar to it except, perhaps, the Tortricid and the Tineids. It will suffice therefore, in closing this brief chapter, to indicate some of the species which occur on Celtis, and which also occur on other trees and have been already treated of by Dr. Packard in other chapters of this report. 6. Pcedisca celtisana Riley (Trans. Ac. Sc. St. Louis, 1882.) 7. Lagoa opercular is Abbott and Smith. — Never very common, but widespread and a general feeder. My notes show that it occurs also on Oak, Orange, Apple, Pear, Plum, Viburnum, Poplar, Willow, Sassafras, English Ivy, and one has even been found on Ai Ian thus — a tree affected by so very few insects. 8. Sphinx drupiferarum Abbott and Smith. — This is also a not very common but widely distributed species occurring from Florida to Canada and from the Atlantic States to the Mississippi, while varieties are found in the extreme Western States, in California, and even in Van- couver. While its principal food-plant seems to be Prunus, Abbott and Smith give also Celtis. Miss X. Middleton (10th Ills. Rept.on Noxious and Beneficial Insects, p. 104) also gives Celtis as one of it food-plants, while Professor Fernald, in his "Sphingidse of New England," adds Apple and Lilac. 9. Mamestra sp. % — A larva quite closely resembling that of Mamestra subjuncta has been found on the Hackberry, but unfortunately not reared. The same species has also been found on Polygonum, Plantain, and Clover. 10. An unbred Geometrid larva resembling somewhat that of Aletia xylina Say has also been found on Celtis at St. Catherine's Island, Georgia, by Mr. Schwarz. 11. Proteoteras cesculana Riley. — This species, which commonly feeds on the Buckeye, has been sent to me by Mr. L. Bruner from West Point, Nebr., on the short twigs of Celtis occidentalis. What is, with- out much doubt, the same species, has also been found upon the young shoots of Maple (Acer dasycarpum) as also of Box Elder (Negundo ace- roides). 12. Lithocolletis celtifoliella Chambers. — This is recorded by Cham- bers as making a tentiform mine on the underside of the leaves of Celtis occidentalis. 13. Lithocolletis celtisella Chambers. — This species, first recorded by Chambers in 1871 (Canadian Entomologist, Vol. Ill, p. 129), I have also reared plentifully, from mines on the leaves of Celtis collected in Vir- ginia in 1884. 5 ent 39 610 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. 14. I'm: Ci.i.ns fjRAFHISUBl Oraphitmrui triangultfer | Bald.) L iro borrowing ander the old bark <>f Celtit Immmm, partly in the bark and partly in the wood; issuing, in July. Ma loug-horned beetle. Fig. 200.— The Hackberrv Graphisurus; a, larva; b. pupa, ventral view ; c, female beetle- enlarged; d. month-parts of larva from beneath— still more enlarged. (Original.) This insect is not uncommon in the Southwestern States, but was described by Haldemau in 1847 (Trans. Am. Pliila. Soc, vol. x, p. 45) from specimens obtained iu Alabama. It is a rather pretty beetle, about half au inch long, clothed with fine pubescence and mottled with brown and yellow, the legs and feelers annulate with yellow. Its food- habits and early states have uot, I believe, heretofore been recorded. My notes of the insects obtained duriug the cotton-worm investigation show that it was not uncommon under the bark of the Hackberrv, affect- ing diseased or partly dead trees, so that it injures chiefly in hastening the decay of such timber. Larva? and pupa? were fouud by Mr. Schwarz at Columbus, Tex., uuder the bark of Celtis texana, June 15, 1879. and the adult insects were obtained about the end of July. The larva and also the pupa are very similar to the like states of allied wood-borers, and any description of these states, to be of value, should be based on a comparative study of related forms. Oiir knowledge is too fragmentary at present to allow of such comparison and the follow- ing brief description is based merely on the species under treatment. Larva. — Average length 2'2mm. General color yellowish-white. Mandibles and ring about the bead connecting with the base of the mandibles, reddish-brown : head a little more than one-half the width of the prothoracic joint: mandibles strongly tapering from the base, tip slightly iid.e. Mr. Devereaux writes me that in New York the alder is very badly infested by this borer, giving as an instauce "as many as four holes in a tree 5 inches in diameter." He adds: I thmk the alder must be considered as the favorite host of JEgeria denudatum, as ash trees in swamps not containing alders are almost exempt from their attacks, while no clump of alders is without evidence of their work. 2. Saj)erda obliqua Say. This beetle has been taken from the alder. 3. Hepialus argenteomaculatus Harris. (Cossus alni Kellicott.) Order Lepidoptera : familv Hepialid.e. Fig. 204.— Saperda obliqua. Smith del. Dr. Kellicott* has described the prepara- tory stages of this borer, which he at first sup- posed to be an undetermined Cossus. See Ent. Amer., IY, p. 153, 1888: also p. 346. * On the preparatory stages of an undetermined Cossus, Eutomologica Americana, i, 18d5, p. 173. 623 624 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. The discovery of the borer was accidental. Passing along the border of a brook, came upon some aiders, .1. Inoana, which had been drawn oat root and branch upon iir\ -round; one stria had been broken off near the root, disclosing the cylindrical galh-ry ai' an insect borer very different from those made by a beetle larva common in the same steins. An examination brought to Light numerous exainplesof a Cossus lanra in the roots and Stems of the alders in the vicinity. The- tacts in its history were partially made out. Larva- of two distinct sizes were about equally abundant ; the larger ones at the time, Jnne39, were molting. As the imagos probably had escaped, it seems pretty certain that the preparatory stage lasts three years, i. e., the smaller larvae were one year old, the larger two, and these transform next May or June. Several pupa shells (all broken) were found in the openings in the bark, and one pupa, which was dead but in perfect condition. The larva, it seems, bores principally in the roots until the second year, when it begins to work upward in the trunk, and before pupating in the spring of the third year bores out to the surface a few inches above the ground. The pupa cell, a mere enlargement of the burrow a little below the external opening, is not stopped or plugged with chips as is the case in the cell of C. centerensis ; none were found in the roots and no evidence was obtained that the larva bores in the trunks save towards the end of its period, when it moves upward to prepare a way for the moth to escape where it is out of the way of danger of water, as the alder grows in wet places. This moth escapes as others of its kind do by the pupa worm- ing its way out of the cell so that part of its body protrudes from the tree when the moth emerges, leaving the skin in the opening. I will describe the larger of the larva& and compare the smalter one as it may differ. Length, 1.5 to 1.8 inches. Subcylindrical, tapering very slightly at extremities, slender, width of body .25 inch. Length of smaller ones .8 inch. The head is light yellowish brown above, black about the mouth parts, hemispherical, smooth, or slightly roughened, with a few dark dots from which arise dark hairs, usually worn off the vertex of the larger examples. The second ring is smooth, lighter colored than the head ; above the spiracle on either side there are three black spots situated at the corners of a right-angled triangle; the upper one at the right angle bears a coarse brown hair, the other two have finer, lighter-colored hairs; the top of the third ring is likewise smooth and brownish ; the remaining body surface except the yellow- ish piliferous spots and top of ring 13 is white ; the longer hairs on the posterior rings are black. The body rings are strongly folded transversely ; the yellowish dorsal spots bear brownish hairs; the anterior larger pair are situated rather near together on the broadest transverse fold ; the smaller posterior pair are situated on a narrower fold and much farther from the slight dorsal furrow. The stigmata are broadly elliptical, the rings narrow, black scarcely raised above the surface, the color within the ring light brown. The legs are yellowish, hooks black ; the prop legs with very many booklets. The pupa is slender, length 1.6 inches, width of thorax .33 inch, but slightly curved and of unusually uniform diameter, smooth, under a lens transversely striate, the three anterior rings black, shagreened ; on the prothorax there are two conical pro- tuberances which in profile under a strong lens prove to be double-pointed ; on the clypeus are two gouge-shaped spines, shining black on outer half, and on the upper rooghened base of each of these there is a small conical tooth ; on the under side of the head-case, below the gouge-like spines, is a pointed spine directed forwards ; back of this are two smaller cusps, oue either side of ventral line, and still farther back, apparently over the first tarsal joiut of the forelegs, are two smaller points; the transverse rows of dorso-abdomiual teeth are as usual, but the teeth are exceed- ingly fine, increasing in size but little posteriorly; the black, blunt, anal segment bears several small black conical teeth on either side. ALDER CATERPILLARS. 625 I have mentioned this insect above as an undetermined Cossus ; that it is one of the Cossidse there can be, I think, no doubt, and as I understand the descriptions of the preparatory stages of the genus Cossus, it seems to me that it belongs to that genus ; therefore I will, for brevity of reference, call it provisionally Cossus alni. It certainly is clearly distinct from C. centerensis, whose larva and pupa I have had an opportunity to examine from poplars at Corunna, Mich.; in fact, it appears to be distinct from any species whose history is known. It may prove to be one of the doubtful or partially known species. I am aware that Mr. Lintner has referred to a Cossus which bores in the trunk of white birch ; I am also mindful that insects are as a rule pretty good botanists, and that Betula and Alnus are closely related plants, so this insect may prove to be the one discovered in the birch by Mr. Lintner. It ought not to be a difficult matter to obtain the moth in May or June next. INJURING THE LEAVES. 4. Papilio rutulus Boisduval. An inhabitant of the Pacific coast, this caterpillar has been found by Mr. Henry Edwards to feed upon the alder (Alnus viridis). Three cater- pillars were obtained from eggs observed to be deposited by the female July 8 j the caterpillars hatched July 13, the first molt occurred July 15, the second July 18, and the third July 22 ; the fully grown cater- pillars have not yet been observed. (Papilio, ii, 112.) Mr. W. H. Edwards afterwards reported that the eggs are laid on the willow in northern California (Papilio, iii, 65). The following description of the early larval stages is by H. Edwards. Larva on exclusion from egg. — Head very large, black, shining. Second segment with two tubercles on the sides in front. Body brownish black. Segments 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12 with two tubercles each, arranged subdorsally. Extending from the sev- enth to the ninth segment is a small, but conspicuous, triangular white patch, the vertex of which is directed posteriorly. Feet and legs black. After first molt — The head now becomes pitchy, the body streaked with shades of brown, longitudinally ; the two tubercles on second segment are chestnut-brown, and the whole of the processes brighter and more glossy. The white triangular patch is larger and more distinct, and the posterior segments are delicately mottled with brownish. After second molt — Head chestnut-brown, with pinkish tinge. The tubercles of the second segment are larger than before, and have become yellowish-brown in color. Between them is a yellowish corrugated fold, and on the dorsum, at the base of the longer tubercles, are two smaller ones, also chestnut brown. Body brownish dor- sally, with a green tint throughout; laterally it is pale apple-green. The third seg- ment has six tubercles, the middle and lateral being exceedingly small. Fourth seg- ment swollen, the body here attaining its greatest size, This segment has also six tubercles, the two dorsal being the smallest. The fifth segment has four tubercles, the smaller pair of which are placed anterior to the other. The triangular patch has now become cream-yellow, and encroaches in a point posteriorly on the ninth segment. Segments 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 have each two tubercles, which are directed backward, and increase posteriorly in size, so that those of the thirteenth segment are double the length of those of the ninth. Mouth parts, legs, as well as the whole of the under side, pale bluish green. After third molt — The head is now pale bright chestnut, with a decidedly pinkish tint, and the mouth parts of a deeper and more decided green. The body has assumed a pale apple-green color, the tubercles are brighter and more approaching to brownish orange, and the triangular patch is buff, with some streaks of green run- 5 ENT 40 626 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. niug through it. The tubercles of twelfth and thirteenth segments are now yellow, and at the base of those of 5, 9, 10, and 11 are some bluish dots. Upon being touched, the young larva exhibited the usual retractile horns. These were situated at the base of the head, between it and the second segment. They were pale orange, much darker at the tips. I regret that I could not carry these larva farther than this stage. I was called away from home, and on my return found them dead. Three larro were obtained from eggs observed to be deposited by the female upon Jinn* riridh. The following is the record of changes : Eggs deposted July 8, larva hatched July 13, larva first molt July 15, larva second molt July 18, larva third molt July 22, larva showed retractile horns July 24. (Papilio, ii, p. 114.) 5. Halesidota maculata (Harris). Tbe young larva of Halesidota with yellow and black tufts occurred upon the alder September 1, 8 to 9nun long. They must have just molted, as in a previous younger stage the larva has much longer, more irregular, scraggly hairs along the back. Young larva. — It differs much from the full-grown larva in the body being cylin- drical, the hairs long, uneven, and very sparse compared with the full-grown larva. Head narrow, deeply lobed above, black. Segments 4 to 9 yellow above, elsewhere white, and on the sides marked with black lines. Oil third thoracic and second and seventh abdominal segments the double spike-like black tufts are, though high, not so long as some of the dorsal hairs. 6. Halesidota carya? (Harris). This also occurred on the alder, with the preceding species. 7. Limacodes ? sp. The slug caterpillar described below occurred both on the hazel and alder September 20, at Providence, R. I. Larva. — In outline regularly oval cylindrical, with two subdorsal sharp ridges, dividing the upper surface into a dorsal, and two somewhat wider concave lateral areas. Pale pea-green, the two subdorsal ridges yellow, and with a broken yellow line on each lateral acute ridge. In the median or dorsal area is a median row of round straw-yellow spots, with a small central depression and a lateral row of small rounded alternating dots. Two rows of similar yellow spots on the lateral area. Length, 8mm ; breadth, 5mm. 8. Apatela hastulifera (Abbot-Smith.) This common hairy and tufted caterpillar occurs late in summer and through the early autumn from Maine to Georgia, and is the larva so often found ichneumonized, attached firmly to branches, and perforated on the back and sides with holes out of which the flies have escaped. We have found the larva on Betula populifolia in Maine August 28 to September 4. Young larva 12mm in length. — Differs from full-grown larva in the hairs on the upper side of the body being much paler, contrasting less with the yellow on the sides and ends of the body ; the hairs are also less closely cropped ; head more deeply cleft, the lateral prominences more marked and head less rouuded than in full-fed larva ob- served August 28. ALDER CATERPILLARS. 627 hi \ \^^^y -" " Fig. 205.— Larva of Apatela parasitized by Aleiodes : a, dorsal view; b, lateral, showing holes made by the exit of parasites; c, the cocoons within the host.— Smith del. "Full-grown larva. — Head and body black, head large and full, a little wider than the body. Body with pale yellow radiating hairs along the sides low down, but Fig. 206.— Rhogas Icetus Cress, from Apatela hastulifera on alder. After Riley. above covered densely with umber-brown hairs, forming a slight dorsal crest. The scattered hairs in front and at the end of the body pale yellowish and of unequal 628 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. length. A high stiff spike like black double tuft as long as the body is thick on the .id third abdominal segments, and a double spike on the eighth. Length 26 to j 9. Apatela dactylina Quote, This species is said by Mr. Thaxter (Papilio, iii, p. 17) to feed on the alder and willow. 10. Apatela sp. This Apatela, allied to A. oblinita, occurred on the alder September 4. This is in form closely similar to A. oblinita, but it has no transverse "crimson-red bands." and the lateral line is not "bright yellow.*' u described in A. oblinita by Kiley. The moth emerged May 31. Larva. — Head of moderate size, not so wide as the body, black chestnut brown on rtex. Body blackish brown but the setiferous tubercles and hairs reddish chest- nut brown: the tubercles large and bearing often as many as twenty five setie which are uneven in length, but not much over half as long as the body is thick, and under a lens seem tobespinulate. The raised lateral line is reddish chestnut, concolorous with the setiferous tubercles; thoracic legs dark brown ; under side of the body dark livid brown, including the abdominal legs. Length 26-*27mm. 11. Eupithecia T sp. This span-worm occurred on the alder at Brunswick, Me., late in the season. Larva. — Body slender, tapering towards the hinder end, somewhat flattened. Head small, scarcely as wide as the prothorax ; reddish-brownish-yellow, like the rest t)f the body, which is yellowish, mixed with reddish-brown, with six well marked lozenge-shaped brown patches along the back, the last one succeeded by a brown line ending on the supra-anal plate, the latter moderately large, with two fleshy cylindrical tubercles beneath. The surface of the body is granulated, with a few scattered stiff hairs along the sides and back; the lateral ridge prominent and irreg- ular. 12. Antepione depontanata Grote. (Larva. Plate iv, fig. 9.) A fine large geometrid caterpillar, dark brown, with two silver V- shaped spots behind the middle of the body, was observed July 23, at Brunswick, Me. It molted about July 29 to 30, and began to pupate August 12 in a rolled up leaf of the alder, becoming a pupa August 15. The moth appeared May 18 of the year following. Larva before last molt. — Head small, flattened, scarcely as wide as the succeeding segment, the body gradually enlarging towards the eighth abdominal segment ; sec- ond thoracic segment with a large hump ou each side : four blackish small dorsal tubercles on each segment; towards the end of fifth abdominal segment a large double hump, forming a high transverse ridge : supra-anal plate large, rounded, with six large piliferous tubercles on the hinder edge; below two large piliferous tuber- the base of the anal legs; anal legs large and broad. Body dark brown, color <>t* a twig of the alder, with a distinct V-shaped silver spot, the base situated on the hump on the fifth segment; another similar V-shaped mark on the sixth segment; from its apex a row of silver-white dots extends to the hump on the fifth segment ; along the back of the three first segments are two parallel silver-white lines. Lat- eral ridge prominent, and swollen at each segment with a lateral wart. Length, 30mm. Fully grown larva.— Length, 40nim. Color and appearance the same as in the pre- vious molt, but the markings are rather more distinct. ALDER CATERPILLARS. 629 Moth. — Forewings rather broad and short, apex acute, as is the angle in the middle •of the outer edge of the wing; the corresponding angle in the hind wings well marked. Body and wings ocherous-yellow. Forewings with a broad dark basal broken band, bent at a right angle behind the subcostal vein ; a similar outer or extra-discal band, interrupted on the first and second median interspaces, and bent at right angles on the last subcostal branch. A marginal band, strongly marked on the costa, and succeeded by a row uf about five dark spots, the fifth beings ituated near the internal angle. Hind wings covered by a sin- gle diffuse broad median line, curved or bent outward in the middle of the wing. The wings beneath more heavily banded than above, and more strigated than above. Ex- panse of wings, 32mm (1.10 inches.) Pig. 207.— Antepione deponta- ham'de7tUral 8ize_Bridg- It differs from the specimen figured in my monograph in having the inner and extra discal lines and marginal spots well marked, while the borders of both pairs of wings are without the usual broad, dark shading. 13. Geometrid larva. Found on the alder at Brunswick, Me., July 23. This larva began to pupate August 6. Larva. — Head rounded, slightly bilobed, not quite so wide as prothoracic segment, surface marbled with brown. Body rather thick, without humps, but with rather s"harp prominent piliferous warts, with four dark warts arranged in a transversely oblong square on top of each abdominal segment, those on the thoracic segments arranged in a transverse line. Anal legs rather short and broad ; supra-anal plate rather small, subtriangular, at the end six piliferous warts; general color greenish purple. Length, 17mm. 14. Geometrid larva. This caterpillar was first observed frequently on the alder at Bruns- wick, Me., July 23. Larva. — Head small, no wider than the body, smooth, of the same color as the body ; the body slender, cylindrical, with no warts; pea-green, the color of the alder leaf; two narrow dorsal thread-like yellowish lines; two wider dorsal lin^s outside ■of the median ones: two lateral yellow lines, the lower on the lateral ridge and some- what broken; the segments wrinkled; anal legs rather small. Length, 13mm. 15. Geometrid larva. (PI. iv, fig. 5.) This unusual form of caterpillar occurred on the alder through Au- gust 1 to 18 at Brunswick, Me. Larva. — Body broad and flattened, ringed with brick-red. Head broad and flat, as wide as the body ; amber-colored, speckled with brown, in a wide median band on the sides ; segments brick-red between the yellowish sutures with interrupted dark red lines, so that the surface of each segment is somewhat checkered. The piliferous warts are large and distinct, while the spiracles are black, those" on the prothoracic and eighth abdominal segment being larger than the others. Supra-anal plate and anal legs amber-yellow, spotted with brown ; anal legs short but very broad ; supra-anal plate rather large, surface shining with six marginal piliferous warts. Thoracic legs dark towards the claws ; the abdominal legs amber yellow. Length, 10ram 630 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. 16. The alder leaf-roller. (iihchia oronella Walsingham. Order Lepidopteka ; family Tixeid.l. While the leaves of the alder are variously folded and rolled by caterpillars, perhaps the most striking leaf-roller is the above species, which occurred in Maine late in the summer, in August and the early part of September. The little worm is amber-colored, the body rather thick and cylindri- cal, but with no distinctive markings. One was observed which had sewed a portion of the edge of the leaf for half an inch in extent with four or five large white silk stitches. The moth, which appeared in the breeding cage May 4 of the following year, is described below. ■ In another example, probably of this species, the end of the leaf was rolled up one and a half turns, and sewed with three broad strong silk stitches. On unrolling it the end of the leaf was fouud to be more or less eaten, the roll being gradually drawn in and made more perfect as the caterpillar consumes the tip of the leaf. It pupated September 18. I am indebted to Professor Fernald for the identification of this species. Larva. — Body rather thick, cylindrical; body and head delicate ainber-colored ; end of the body with quite long hairs, longer than the body is wide. Length, 6mm. Pupa. — Rather thick ; mahogany-brown ; length, 7mm. Moth. — Palpi with the second joint moderately broad, scarcely more than twice as wide as the third joint, which is moderately broad and two-thirds as long as the sec- ond joint. Head and palpi whitish-gray ; second joint black externally ; third joint white with two black rings. Fore wings of the usual shape; white-gray; at the base a black streak parallel to the costa ; on the basal fourth of the wing is a pair of converging black spots; beyond is a similar but thicker pair of black spots, and still beyond another pair, one of the spots being situated on the costa ; four black costal spots towards the apex of the wing. Hind wings pale glistening gray. Ex- panse of wings, 18mm. 17. Tineid larva. This larva was observed feeding between the leaves of the alder dur- ing the first two weeks of August (August 1 to 13), at Brunswick, Me. Larva. — Body slender, tapering towards each end ; head pale whitish amber; con- siderably narrower than the prothoracic segment. On the last segment from four to six long dark hairs. Color, pale grass-green. Length, 7m,n. 18. The alder flea-beetle. Haltica alni Harris {H. bimarginata Say). In the correspondence of the late Dr. Harris the following mention is made of this beetle : In traveling from Center Harbor, N. H., to Conway, on the 2d of August, 1854, and from Conway to Upper Bartlett, and subsequently to Jackson, we saw the alders (Alnus serrulata) everywhere ravaged by insects which had destroyed their leaves in ALDER LEAF-INSECTS. 631 the manner of canker worms. Upon examination the spoilers were found not to be all dispersed, and several were seen upon the leaves still continuing their work; at the same time were found in Conway numerous beetles, which proved to be a species of Haltica, eating the leaves off the same alders. The larvae which have ravaged the shrubs were doubtless those of the Haltica before named. We have reared the beetles from the grubs during the past season. At Merepoint, near Brunswick, Me., during the middle of August, 1886, we noticed clumps of alders standing in dry soil partly defoliated, or with skeletonized, brown, or blackish leaves, on which, as well as the still remaining green leaves, were black grubs, sometimes seven or eight on a leaf. All the alders in the region were not molested, the grubs occurring locally. On placing a number of leaves with the grubs in a tin box we found, August 15, a single beetle. We found a white pupa lying loosely on the bottom of the box August 20; soon more pupae appeared, and the beetles began to appear in considerable numbers the last week of August. It is evident that in nature the larva falls to the ground to transform, the pupae entering the earth. Afterwards, September 10, we found whole clumps of alders at the base of Iron Mountain, Jackson, N. H., stripped by the grubs, nearly all the riddled, brown, dead leaves having fallen off and thickly cover- ing the ground under the bushes. Such a wholesale devastation of alders we never witnessed. By this time the beetles had become very abundant, and were apparently feeding on the few leaves still attached to the tree. We again noticed the work of this beetle in September, 1887, at the Glen House, White Mountains, the alders by the river side in front of the hotel having been extensively defoliated. The alder is the source of some of our destructive forest and fruit insects, and should this grub ever spread to other food trees it will be very annoying, though it can be subdued by proper spraying. There seems to be a periodicity in the appearance of this beetle in unusual numbers, Harris having seen the same grubs in great abundance in 1854 in the same region. We have never observed it so common and destructive before in Maine. It is most probable that the beetles hibernate under the leaves and, soon after the leaves expand in May, lay their eggs in masses on them, the grubs scarcely stirring from the leaf on which they are born, until ready to pupate. The grubs are probably distaste- ful to birds, otherwise they would fall an easy prey to them and be kept within due limits. Larva. — Body somewhat flattened ; head scarcely two-thirds as wide as the body in the middle ; black, becoming brown in front near the jaws. Body livid brown above ; the tubercles black ; paler beneath ; with three pairs of black jointed tho- racic legs ; no abdominal legs, but an anal prop-leg. The abdominal segments each with a transverse, oval-rounded, ventral, rough space forming a series of creeping tubercles, and in front on each segment is a transverse, oval, crescentic chitinous area bearing two piliferous tubercles; the back of each segment divided into two ridges, each bearing a row of six sharp tubercles, bearing short hairs ; a single ven- tral row on each side of the ventral plate. Length 7 to 10mm. Pupa. — Body rather thick, white. Antennae passing around the bent knees (femero- 632 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. tibial joints) of the first and second pair of legs, the end scarcely going beyond the middle of the body. Elytra with live or six rather deep longitudinal creases. The ::::\ & Fig. 208.— Haltica alni — Marx del. ; a, larva; b, pupa. — Bridgbam del. salient points of the body armed with piliferous warts. Abdominal tip square at the end, with a stout black spine projecting from each side. Length, 6mm. Beetle. — Uniformly deep prussian blue, with greenish reflections on the head. Anrenual ilagelluui with tine whitish pubescence ; tibia? clothed with tawny hairs. Length, 5 to bmm. 19. Attelabus rhois Boheman. The singular thimble-like rolls of this weevil may be found in June and July on the alder, and also occur on the hazel, according to Le Conte. When about to lay her eggs, the female begins to eat a slit near the base of the leaf on each side of the midrib, and at right angles to it, so that the leaf may be folded together. Before beginning to roll up the leaf she gnaws the stem nearly off, so that after the roll is made, and has dried for perhaps a day, it is easily detached by the wind and falls to the ground. When folding the leaf, she tightly rolls it up, neatly tucking in the ends, until a compact, cylindrical solid mass of vegeta- tion is formed. Before the leaf is entirely rolled she deposits a single egg, rarely two, in the mid- dle next to the midrib, where it lies loosely in a little cavity. While all this is going on her consort stands near by, and she occasionally runs to him to receive his caresses, to again resume her work. These rolls remain on the bushes sometimes for several days, but probably drop by the time the larva escapes from the egg, and it seems probable that the grub uses the roll for a shelter until it matures and is ready to enter on its transformation to a beetle. From the time of egg laying to the hatchiugof the larva requires about a week. Egg. — Nearly spherical, though a little longer than thick, .04 inch long and .03 in diameter; the chorion is thin, smooth, and very transparent. The beetle. — In this species the body is pubescent, the front femora are not toothed. Body and limbs dull reddish, with short yellow down. Length about one-fifth inch. Fig. 209. -Alder leaf rolled by Attelabus rhois x 2 times.— Marx del. ALDER SAW-FLIES. 633 20. Cimbex americana Leach. This Cimbex occurred on the alder at Brunswick, September 3. Larva. — Head not so wide as the body, somewhat excavated in front ; pale amber with a whitish bloom ; eyes large, black ; body moderately thick ; eight pairs of abdominal legs ; the segments with coarse wrinkles, about five to each segment. A black conspicuous narrow dorsal line, fading out before reaching the end of the body. Across each segment two rows of prominent raised white warts, which become more numerous down on the side. Tail curved up to one side. Length, 19 to 20mm. 21. Selandria-like larva. (Plate iv ; fig. 13, 13a.) This false caterpillar occurred on the alder September 3. Larva. — Body flat ; thoracic legs spreading out ; body bottle-green above, with obscure, paler warts; much paler low down on the sides and beneath ; body serrated ; it differs from the species common on the oak and poplar, in the head being rust- thrown above, paler in front, not red on each side. Supra-anal plate small, clouded -above. Length, 13mm. 22. Nematus ? sp. This is the most common saw-fly larva observed on the alder. It first appears early in July and remains on the bushes until early in September. The eggs are laid in pairs, twenty to forty pairs on the under side of the midrib of the leaf. In one example there were about forty pairs of gashes, which are slightly semicircular, opposite to each other, and sometimes so near as to run together. I have found two broods on two leaves, July 23 ; the leaf had been two-thirds skeleton- ized. The larvae apparently, on hatching, walking to the end of the leaf, and beginning at the end, gradually eat out the parenchym between the secondary and smaller veins. At first the larvae have yellow heads, and two faint lateral double rows of black spots ; the adults have' black heads, and a distinct lateral black line, the abdomen being curled up snail-like. (Figs. 210, 211.) Larva after first molt.— Length, 4mm. Head wider than the body, deep gamboge yel- low, with black eyes ; bristly ; body greenish ; papillated, with a double lateral row of dark elongated flattened tubercles. Larva fully groivn. — Head jet-black, with short scattered hairs, not quite so wide as the body, which is long and narrow, the end curled up or raised over the back ; sur- face wrinkled and rough, with small piliferous warts, the hairs short ; a distinct lateral black line, below which is a double row of black elongated tubercles. Length, 10mm. 23. Nematus sp. This saw-fly larva was observed on the alder in September, i-n Maine. Larva. — Head full and rounded, red, black in the middle above. Two large and one small fleshy prothoracic granulated acute tubercles ; four black very sharp fleshy (J34 FIFTH KEPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. tubercles on the end of the body, and two paler less prominent ones 011 the segments in front. Body dull dark olive-green, with a blackish broad lateral stripe. Length, gnat Fig. 210.— Alder leaves skeletonized by saw-fly.— Bridgham. del. Fig. 211.— Larva of alder saw-fly. 24. Xematus sp. A second, little larger, larva also occurred with the preceding species in September. Larva. — Like the preceding, but larger, without the tubercles; color olive-brown above, paler on the sides. Head brown, with a large vertical black patch and a smaller oval lateral black one. Length, 13",m. ALDER INSECTS. 635 25. Calligrapha scalaris Le Conte. This beetle is a common frequenter of alders, feeding on the leaves, in Maine, through the summer in both the larval and beetle states. Whether the subjoined description applies to this species or not we do not feel sure. It occurred on the alder September 3. Larva. — Body long, flattened, the prothoracic segment nearly as broad as the mid- dle segments of the body. Head reddish, about one-half as wide as the prothoracic segment. Body whitish-green, along the back a row of transverse black spots, two to each segment, and oval-lanceolate in shape ; those on the prothoracic segment much larger than the others, together forming a patch longer thau broad. On the meso and meta segments is a lateral narrow sublunate black mark. Spiracles black. Length 6mm to 8mm. 26. Chlamy8 plicata Oliv. This singular little beetle was observed on the leaves of the alder, in Maine, September 19. The larva and its case have been figured in my Guide to the study of Insects, p. 510. The beetle. — Body obscure, bronzed. Head impressed posteriorly between the eyes, rhinarium, antennae, and an elevated space adjoining the eyes anteriorly, rufous; nose distinctly punctured; prothorax very finely and concentrically scored, with some scattered indistinct punctures ; posteriori \ considerably elevated ; elevation bifid ; behind this elevation the prothorax is producted and emarginate ; scutellum obtriangular ; elytra tuberculated with several acute, compressed tubercles, the an- terior ones carinated; interstices with some scattered deep punctures ; space between the four posterior legs punctured with large shallow punctures. Length of body 2 lines. (Kirby.) 27. Gelechia coryliella Chambers. Whether the larva which we describe below is the same or congene- ric with that of Pcedisca transmissana, said by Mrs. Dimmock to be common about Cambridge, Mass., eating the inside of the sterile catkins of the white birch, and hibernating as a pupa — we do not know. The worm in question occurs at Providence through Oc- tober (and we have found belated individ- uals as late as November 10) eating the in- terior of the catkins of both the alder and the hazel. It devours the interior some- times at the base and sometimes at the apex; it sews together two or three cat- kins, throwing out a mass of castings which remain in the web. November 10 a larva left the catkin and spun a cocoon lined with silk, and covered on the outside ™™ withbitsofcatkiDS. The larva appeared to me to be, from its shape and general ap- Fig. 212.— Mine in catkins of the hazel * The hole made for the exit of the insect is not clearly shown in the cut. It is in the middle of the central catkin. €36 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. pearance, a Tineid rather than a Tortricid, aud we refer it with doubt to Chamber's Qeleohia oorylieUa. Larva.— -The body tapirs a little towards each end. Head small aud narrow ; the cervical shield nut-brown. Dull livid whitish; with dark conspicuous piliferous dots arranged on the abdominal segments in a broad trapezoid area. Length 6mm. The following insects also live on the alder: Order Lepidoptera. 28. Papilio turnus Linn. In Maine the young larva, 20mm long, was ob- served on the alder. 29. Telea polyphemus (Cram.) Providence, R. L, July 23. 30. Lacks imperialis Hiibner. (Hulst, Bull. Brooklyn Ent. Soc.,ii, p. 77.) 31. Orgyia leucostigma ( Abbot and Smith.). July 23 in Maine before and after the last molt. 32. Apatela acericola Gue'nee. Feeds on birch and alder. (Riley. Rt. ii, p. 121.) 33. Eyperetis nyssaria A. and S. See p. 516. 34. Phycis rubrifasciella (Pack.). See p. 309. 35. Lithocolletis alnivorella Chamb. 36. Lithocolletis alnicolella (Walsiugham, Insect Life, ii, p. 80, 1889.) Mining the upper side of leaves of Alnus incana. Siskiyou County, Cal„ August. 37. Lithocolletis auronitens Frey and Boll. The larva? of these three species live in tentiform mines in the under side of the leaves. (Chambers, /. c.) SS. Lithocolletis incanella (Walsiugham, Ins. Life, ii, p. 81, 1889). Mines the under side of alder leaves. Colusia County and Shasta County, Cal. 39. Gracilaria alnicolella Chamb. 40. Gracilaria alnivorella Chamb. When very young the larva? of these two species mine the leaves ; when older, they roll them downward ; alnicolella from the tip, alnivorella from the side. (Chambers /. c.) 41. Lyonetia alniella Chamb. The larva makes a large, brownish blotch mine in the leaves. (Chambers /. c.) Order Diptera. 42. Cecidomyia serrulatce O. Sacken. District of Columbia, on Alnus serrulata : (O. Sacken, monogr., i, p. 198.) Order Coleoptera. 43. Dichelonycha elongatula (Schonh.) Coupling on the leaves June 10, Maine. 44. Saperda lateralis Fabr. Mr. George Hunt has found this borer in the alder at Providence, R. I. 45. Macrodactylus subspinosus (Fabr.). Riley (Insect Life, April, 1890, p. 299). HAZEL CATERPILLARS. 637 Order Hemiptera. 46. Clastoptera sp. 47. Lachnus alnifolice Fitch. 48. Schizoneura tessellata Fitch. Alder blight ; common from Maine southwards. 49. Lygus monachus (Uhler.) See. p. 420. INSECTS INJURIOUS TO THE HAZEL. Corylus americana. Little attention has been given to hazel insects in this country, as the shrub is not of economic importance. Kaltenbach enumerates ninety- eight species of insects (including one mite) which occur on the Euro- pean hazel ; of these twenty-four are beetles ; fifty-nine are Lepidopterar and the remainder Diptera and Hemiptera, with the exception of a single saw-fly. 1. Apatela falcula Grote. The caterpillar has been found on the hazel by Mr. Coquillett Septem- ber 25 j it entered the earth and spun a thin cocoon September 29, the moth appearing May 25 of the same year. Larva. — Body dark brown, mottled with pale greenish; a dark dorsal line, on each side of which are two rows of prickles, most distinct on the anterior part of the body ; the four prickles on top of segment 11 are larger and placed closer together than those on the segments anterior to it ; from each of these prickles proceeds one or two short black hairs. Body beneath greenish white. Side of the head pale greenish, the face brownish; length, 1.25 inches. (Coquellett, Papilio, i, p. 6.) Moth. — Allied to A. tritona and grisea. The external margin is sinuate, not straight^ sweeping inwardly below the apices and bulging opposite the median nervules. Forewings dark purple gray, very like tritona. A black basal dash, lined above with pale, furcate. Internal margin at base, with a patch of light brown scales. Ordi- nary spots concolorous, faintly outlined; orbicular spot larger than in tritona. Me- dian shade obsolete; median space very wide. Transverse anterior line evident above the basal dash (which slightly exceeds the line) and here blackish ; beneath the dash, obsolete. Transverse posterior line shaped as in tritona, but without the discal incision; blackish, subdentate, edged outwardly with brown, inwardly with whitish. Black dash on submedian fold not extending within the line. Hind wings whitish at base, outwardly vague and largely blackish. Forewings beneath, fus- cous; hind wings whitish, with a faint discal spot and external sinuate macular band. Thorax like the forewings, edged on the sides and behind with light brown. Body beneath, whitish ; abdomen above, light gray. Expanse of wings, 35mm. Il- linois. (Grote, Can. Ent., ix, p. 86.) 2. var. conspersa Riley. The following account, copied from his note-book, has been given me by Professor Eiley : Found the forepart of July, 1867, by Bolter, on hazel-nut. Length, 1.3 to 1.5 inches. Color, beautiful emerald green, the palpitations visible, but no particular markings either on head, body or foot other than the stigmata formed by a black 638 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. ring and pale center. Spun op July 4 ; in a leaf, July 31. The moth emerged and proved to be Amphipyra pyramidoides, August 31, 186S. It seems to be different from the trnupyramoidovdes. January 31, 1871. I have described it as A. consperna. (Third Rep., p. 75, Riley, note-book III, p. 67; No. 168 = 49=380 L.) 3. Anagoga pulveraria (Linn.). Mr. L. W. Goodell writes me that he found the larva on the hazel- nut October 4. It became a pupa October 6, after spinning a thin cocoon within a folded leaf. The pupa is 0.40 inch long, is light brown, tinged with greenish on the thorax. Full grown larva.— Light gray, variegated obscurely with darker gray and a few black points. On the back of the eighth ring was a small hump. The moth. — Body and wings uniform rust-ash, with the broad darker mesial band sending the three attenuated teeth along the venules and by the irregular lilac band on the uuder side of the wing. The following note is from Mrs. Dimmock's Birch Insects : Anagoga pulveraria Linn. (Syst. Nat., 1758, ed. 10, p. 521.) Herr (Anleitung d. Raupen d. deutsch. Schmett., 1833, p. 284) describes larva and pupa, and gives Salix caprea as food-plant of this species. Kalteubach (Pflanzenfeinde, 1872, pp. 571 and 598) gives Salix and Betula as food-plants. Packard (Mon. Geom. Moths, 1876, pp. 488, 489) quotes Merryfield's description of the larva, and states, on authority of Goodell, that the larva is found on Corylus. 4. Amphida8ys cognataria GuenT Larva. — Head not so wide as the body, deeply cleft, angular, the sides forming large tubercles ; body cylindrical, not humped, except two elevations partly receiv- ing the head tubercles; smooth, finely speckled with black, and with irregular scat- tered paler spots like those on the hazel twigs ; general color like that of hazel twigs. The second and third thoracic segments are a little swollen. When captured it held itself out straight like a stick. Length, 40mm; thickness, 6mm. It began to pupate September 20. 5. Geometrid larva. This and the following measuring worms occurred Septembr 20, at Providence, on the hazel bushes near the city; both mimic the shape and coloration of hazel twigs, though belonging to very different genera: Larva. — Closely resembling a twig of the hazel, even to the pale spots, similar to those on the hazel stem. Body cylindrical, smooth, with a few transverse wrinkles, brown, like that of the branches of the hazel. Head not so wide as the body, smooth and rounded, not notched or angular. On the fifth abdominal segment is a conspic- uous transverse hump, marbled with pale olive green. Two subdorsal rows of small pale olive whitish-green spots like the pale spots on the twigs of the hazel. Length, 20mm ; thickness, 2.5mm. 6. Geometrid larva. Tiiis species occurred June 3 to 25, at Providence, on the hazel ; it molted June 13, again June 16, and again June 24 or 25, but did not live to finish its transformations. Larva.— Length, 17mm. Body rather slender, of uniform thickness. Head not quite so wide as the prothoracic segment ; dark livid, spotted and striped with black; body dull, dark livid, longitudinally striped with black wavy irregular fine lines. HAZEL CATERPILLARS. 639 Supra-anal plate very short and broad, rough on the surface, with four fine terminal hairs. Prothoracic segment edged in front with bright yellow, succeeded by five yellow transverse interrupted lines, consisting of two transverse elongated dorsal spots and two placed obliquely on the side. A broken yellow line on the side of the prothoracic segment. Larva after another molt— Length, 24 to 25mm. Body as before, but deep lilac. After final molt. — With the same markings ; pale lilac, with the head very large, rounded, and much wider than the body. Length, 35mm. 7. Nepticula corylifoliella Clem. The larva makes a long, winding, narrow track in the leaves of hazel in the latter part of July and the beginning of August, and the fall brood may be found early in October. The frass or excrement of the larva is deposited along the middle of the track, forming a minute central black line. The edges of the mine are smooth and but little broader throughout its extent than the width of the miner. The mine is left transparent by the larva from the beginning to the end. There is another miner in this leaf that I suspect to be a Dipteron. It makes a rather broad, tortuous track, much broader than the preced- ing, and the " frass" is scattered in separated grains along the middle of the track. 8. Coleophora corylifoliella Clem. The larva mines the leaves of hazel in September and October. The case is three lines long, dark brown, irregularly cylindrical, compressed or flattened at its hinder end, with two teeth about the middle of the upper edge, separated from each other about one-third of the length of the case, and dilated somewhat or rounded on the lower edge between the teeth. Mouth of case not deflected. The mine of the larva is nearly circular. Larva. — It is pale brown with dark brown thoracic, dorsal spots. 9. Depre88aria grotella Robinson. The caterpillar lives on the hazel in Illinois, " in a leaf rolled from the apex toward the base, or in a nest formed by fastening several leaves together with silken threads." Of two found May 27, one pupated June 7, and the moth issued June 28 ; another pupated June 20 and the moth issued July 9. Larva. — Body green, darkest dorsally; cervical shield green, unmarked, head green, with a black dot on each side above the jaws, and sometimes with one or two • black spots on each side near the top. Length, 17mm. (Coquillett, Papilio, iii, p. 98.) 10. Gelechia tristrigella Walsingham. The caterpillar of this moth lives on the hazel in a tube formed by Tolling a leaf from the apex toward the base, the tube being closed at each end, as if done by pinching the upper and lower part of the tube together with the thumb and finger. The excrements of the larva are retained in the tube, and when about to pupate the larva crawls into this excrementitious mass and forms an oblong cavity, which it lines 640 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. with a very thin layer of silk. Two pupated June 21, and the moths issued July ."j. (Thaxter, Papilio, iii, p. 99.) Larva.— Like that of G. agrimoniella Clem, (which is pale greenish-white, the setif- erous spots polished black; cervical shield yellowish green, with two dorsal black gpota neat the posterior edge), but the thoracic legs are black, with whitish joints; the spiracles situated on the lower edge of third setiferous spots on the abdominal segments. Length, 15mm (.60 inch). (Thaxt 11. Xothris trinotella Coquillett. The caterpillar lives in a folded leaf on the hazel ; one found June 28 pupated July 4, and the moth issued July 21, in Illinois. (Coquillet.) Larva. — Body dark purplish brown, that below the spiracles pale greeuish brown; two broken indistinct white dorsal lines, and two similar stigmatal ones, the one below the spiracles the most distinct; piliferous spots black, usually situated on white spots; spiracles black ; head and cervical shield yellowish brown; anal plate unmarked. Length, l^111 (.72 inch). (Coquillet.) \ # Fig. 213.— Blotch mines of the hazel Lithocolletis. Marx del. Moth. — Reddish brown, with three white dots near the center of each forewing, the outermost dot crossed by a black dash; hind wiugs dull leaden, unmarked. Under side of forewings deep brown, the costal and apical margins marked with pale yellow. Abdomen brown, marked with pale yellow, which on the ventral surface forms two lines; legs brown, the points marked with pale yellow. (Coquillett.) HAZEL INSECTS. 641 12. Lithocolletis coryliella (Chambers.) According to the Chambers, the larva makes a nearly circular blotch mine in the upper surface of the leaf. Our figure represents what we suppose to be the blotch mines of this worm, frequently observed at Providence, K. I., in September and October. (Fig. 213.) 13. Chrysomela multigutiis Stol. Mr. D. W. Coquillett, has bred this beetle, which feeds on the hazel, in Illinois. The beetles appeared the middle of June, when they were seen pairing on the leaves. The beetle. — Body dull white ; a dark colored dorsal line on which is a row of brown spots ; on each side of the body are two rows of brown spots ; head yellowish brown, marked with a black spot on each side. Length, 10mm. AFFECTING THE NUTS. 14. Balaninus obtusus Blanchard. Beaten from hazel-nut. New Hamp- shire to Texas. (Blanchard, Bull. Brooklyn Ent. Soc, vii, p. 107, 1884.) 15. Balaninus nasicus Say. Eating the nuts. (Harris, p. 74.) The following insects also occur on the hazel : Order Lepidoptera. 16. Apatela oblinita (Abb.-Sm.). (Coquillett, Thomas's Tenth Rep. Illi- nois.) 17. Nematocampa filamentaria Guen. (Forbes's Second Illinois Eep.) 18. Thanaos icelus Lintner. 19. Platysamia cecropia (Linn.) (Riley's notes.) 20. Telea polyphemiis (Cram.) Providence, September. 21. Anisota senatoria (Abb. and Sin.). Found at Providence feeding on the hazel, wanderers from the oaks near by; also on wild rose. 22. Lithacodes flexuosa Grote. Raised from the hazel by S. Lowell Elliot, esq. 23. Schizura unicornis (A. & S.) Lintner (Ent. Contr. in, p. 131). 24. Datana ministra (Drury.) BeutenmuUer. (Can. Ent, xx, p. 17.) 25. Amphipyra pyramidoides Guen. See p. 171. 26. Apatela brumosa Guenee. (August, 111. Coquillett, Papilio, i, p. 56.) 27. Zerene catenaria (Drury).* July, Aug., 111., Coquillett (Papilio, i, P- 56.) * Remarkable flight of Zerene catenaria Guenee. — An Associated Press dis- patch, readiug as follows, appeared in the papers of October — , 1880, Lackawaren, Pa. : " Immense numbers of large white butterflies have made their appearance, to the alarm of the farmers. The mass is so dense in some places that it appears like a snow-storm. Their destruction would probably avert the ravages of the army worm.'' Through the kindness of Mr. C. W. Shannon, postmaster at Lackawaxen, specimens of this so-called butterfly were received at the Department. They proved to be the quite common geometrid moth known scientifially as Zerene catenaria Guene*e. The. 5 ENT 41 642 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. 28. EooopHs permundana Olem. Fernald's Cat. Tortricidae, p. 29. iMJ. EooopHs oorylana Fern. Cat. Tortricidae, p. 30. 30. Neptieula oaryli/olieUa Clem, Imago unknown. Larva in a linear, crooked mine in the upper surface. 31. Qeleckia coryliella Chamb. Imago unknown. Larva in the male catkins in autumn. See p. G34 and Fi£. 212. 32. Hyale coryliella Chamb. Larva in a web on the under surface of the leaves. (Chambers, /. c.) Order Coleoptera. 3o. Attelabus rhois Bohemann. 34. Monocesta coryli (Say). See p. 238, geographical range of the species is extensive, being found from Maine to Colorado. The larva is one of the " measuring worms/' is yellow in color, and when full-grown measures 1 \ inches in length. The alarm caused by the unusual swarming of the moths was entirely uncalled for, since the larva has never been known to attack a cultivated crop. The only food-plants known so far are the wild indigo (Baptisia tinctoriaf), wood wax (?), wild blackberry, and several of the sedges, notably Carex pennsylvanica. (Report of U. S. Entomologist for 1880, p. 274.) See also Plate xxxn, rig. 3, 3a, 36, 3c. Chapter XIV. INSECTS INJURIOUS TO THE SYCAMORE, Platanus occidentalis. Of the insects that we have noticed by far the most injurious is the rather large Pyralid caterpillar mentioned on p. 644, and which we have been unable to raise. With these exceptions the sycamore is rather free from attack. The European Platanus has but a few enemies, only five species being enumerated by Kaltenbach. 1. Chalcophora campestris Say. While as a rule the species of Chalcophora feed on evergreens, the present species, thus far the only one known to live at the expense of deciduous trees, has been found by Messrs. Schwarz and J.B. Smith on the sycamore, which it attacks wheu dead and dry. Mr. Smith states : It is likely that C. fulleri, which resembles C. campestris very strongly in form, will bo found to have similar habits. (Ent. Amer., ii, 1836, 71.) The beetle. — Head rugous, with large confluent punctures ; front concave, antennae purple-black, the first and secoud joints greenish cupreous ; thorax unequal, with large confluent punctures each side, and canaliculate along the middle ; posterior angles acute ; scutel very small, transverse-suborbicular, indented on the middle ; eiytra with four distant somewhat elevated lines, and one or two near the suture ; in the interstitial spaces are irregular, slightly elevated, transverse lines, hardly vis- ible to the unassisted eye; before the middle of each elytrum is a large, very slightly impressed spot, and another similar one is rather behind the middle ; there is also a very small common indented spot on the suture, opposite to the former spot ; exterior edge serrated from near the middle to the tip ; tip simple, somewhat acute ; beneath cup- reous polished ; a brilliaut dilated coppery line extends from the mouth to the pectus; a large groove originates on the anterior part of the pectus, and terminates on the second segment of the venter; tarsi dusky bluish. (Say.) 2. Unknown longicorn larva in the sycamore. (PI. xx, fig. 2; xxiv, fig. 8.) Larva.— Body rather flattened, broader behind than usual, the penultimate seg- ment being much wider than usual. Head large and prominent, square and flat, somewhat as in Monohammus, being one-half as wide as the prothoracic segment. Mandibles acute, unequally two-toothed, the terminal tooth much the larger. Antennae very short and thick ; two-jointed ; second joint extremely small, with two outer spines on the first joint. Near the antennae on the head are five long bristles. Labrum much rounded in front, as long as broad. Labium broad, with two-jointed palpi ; second joint acute, as long as the first is thick. Maxillary lobe narrow, reach- 643 644 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. tag to the end of second joint: third joint about as long as second, rather blunt. No thoracic feet. 1'rothoracic segment about one-third as long as broad, with a roughened spur on the posterior half, the front edge quite hirsute. The markings or callosities on tin- back are difficult to describe, bat are as figured by Dr. Gissler. Length, 15""11 : width of prothoraoio segment, 4"mj Length, 1.6mm; a\ width of the body, 3.8mm ; length from tips of mandibles to base of head, 1.6mm. Larva found under bark of sycamore tree in Brooklyn, N. Y. Received from Dr. C. V. Gissler. I'ujhi. — Plate XXIV, tig. 8, represents a Lougicorn chrysalis, taken from under tin- bark of the same sycamore tree as the larva above described, and which may possibly belong to the same species. A. Halesidota tessellaris Abbot-Smith. Order Lepidoptkka ; family Bombycid.e. Found on the sycamore at Providence, K. L, September 20 to 30. It spun a cocoon the 26th, but died in confinement. Harris states that the cocoon is oblong-oval, composed of the hairs interwoven with a very little silk. The moth appears after the middle of Juue. Larva. — Body of the shape usual in Halesidota, hairs of the body delicate buff- yellow ; four dorsal pencils in front light sienna brown, with two pairs of shorter lateral white tufts ; a pair of whitish tufts near the end of the body. Head yellow- ish brown. A row of lateral black spots above the base of the abdominal legs. Length, 30mm. 4. Hettrocampa unicolor (Pack.). Mr. Pilot has bred this moth from the sycamore m Ohio. He says the larva? are common on the sycamore, but hard to rear. (Papilio, ii, p. 67.) Professor Riley has also raised it from the sycamore. 5. Xepticula platanella Clem. From the beginning to the middle of July the blotches produced by these larvae may be found on the leaves of the button- wood tree or sycamore. The blotch is often extended over the early portion of the mine, so as to obliterate it, and again the early portion is present, being a slender line from which the blotch is formed. Imago during the lat- ter part of July. Larva. — The larva is pale green and the head pale brown, and it weaves a cocoon of a reddish-brown color during the latter days of July. Moth. — Antenme dark fuscous, eye-caps large, silvery. Head reddish-ocherous. Forewings dark brown, with a small white, slightly silvery spot on the middle of the inner margin and a very short costal streak of the same hue opposite to it. The cilia very pale yellowish, and the scales behind the cilia of the same hue, tipped with dark brown. Hind wings yellowish-fuscous; cilia fuscous. The following account is taken from Clemens' Tiueina : I ascertained, during the fall of 1861, that there is more than one species of Nepticula that mines the leaves of the sycamore tree, and that all of them are double-brooded. The first brood may be taken early in Juue and July, and the second during the latter part of September and early in October. The mine and larva of one species are described in the November and December number of the present work for 1861, page 83, and the imago in the January and SYCAMORE TNSBCTS. 645 February number fjr 1862, page 133 ; but it may be well to repeat here, for the pur- pose of comparison, a more circumstantial description of the mine of the species to which allusion is made. The mine of Nepticula plaianella begins as a very slender track, the entire length of which is filled with frass. This is very soon expanded into a round, conspicuous, blis- ter-like blotch, on the upp^.r surface of the leaves, which sometimes obliterates the early portion of the mine; but in this event it is still perceptible on the separated epidermis as a slender, dark-brown line. After the blotch has been formed, the " frass ;; is diffused over the floor of the mine, discoloring its surface. 6. Sycamore miner, no. 2. Mines in quite a straight line, when its course is along a vein of the leaf, other- wise it is slightly winding. The mine begins as an extremely minute tract, and is gradually enlarged towards the extremity. A day or two before leaving its mine the larva enlarges the end into a small blotch which has attached to it a long linear track, with a central line of blackish frass. In the enlarged portion of the mine the frass-line changes into one of scattered and separated grains. The imago of this species is undescribed, and although I secured cocoonets last fall, which may produce imagos in the spring, I shall be glad if some new observer rears imagos in the coming summer and records a description of them. Larva. — The larva is of a lively or bright green color, with a dark green central line of intestinal matters. Head pale brownish. The body tapers somewhat from the thoracic rings. The larva was not taken from the mine for description. (Clemens. ) 7. Sycamore miner, No. 3. Mines at first in a very narrow, transparent track, having a blackish central line of frass, the track being usually much contorted. At this stage of its larval life, which is its earliest period, the miner can scarcely be detected by the naked eye. Three or four days before pupation the larva begins to enlarge the linear mine into a blotch. This enlargement takes place most often over the course of the old linear mine, the latter half of which furnishes the basis of the blotch, and hence leaves within it a blackish frass-line. The edges of the blotch are irregular ; in the mine of Platanella the blotch is circular or nearly so, and the early portion of the mine is filled with frass, while the blotch is formed by dilating the linear track after it becomes five or six lines long. Larva. — The larva, when young, is transparent ; color white, tinged with greenish, with the thoracic segments swollen, giving it a fusiform appearance. Subsequently it becomes of a pale-green color, retaining, however, the swollen thoracic rings. (Clemens.) 8. The sycamore leaf-folder. Order Lepidoptera; family Pyralid^e ? A caterpillar, very active in its movements when disturbed, was observed folding a leaf of the sycamore (September 15 to 30, at Provi- dence) and spinning a large whitish web in the crease. It eats the inside of the leaf. In the autumn of 1885 this caterpillar was very abundant, often three tentiform webs on the under side of a leaf, and at least every other leaf contained a worm. September 25 to October 1 it made an oval, broad, thick, somewhat reddish silk cocoon between the leaves and attached the mass to the bottom of the box, the cocoon being rather tough and dense, with bits of leaves fastened to the out- side. 646 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. Larva.— Body of the usual form, tapering towards the bead and tail. Head not so wide as tin- prothoracio segment, pale whitish green. Body pale whitish green : two dusky subdorsal longitudinal lines, with faint lateral dusky lines beginning on the side of the prothoracio segment. Spiracles large, conspicuous and dark. Each seg. ment with one large transverse dorsal wrinkle a little behind the middle. Ten ab- dominal legs. Length, 20mm. 9. Titieid larva. The sycamore trees in and about Providence have for several years been much infested by this caterpillar, one or two of which are to be found in nearly every leaf. It makes one or two large folds in the Leaf, living within a web in the crease. At the end of September (the 25th) it forms an irregular oval cocoon amoug the leaves preparatory to pupating. The cocoon is broad and flat, formed of reddish silk. Larva. — Of the usual cylindrical shape, tapering a little towards each end. Head not so wide as the first segment behind, somewhat pointed ; amber-colored, with two distinct black spots on each side. Body pale straw yellow, with sparse pale hairs, one-third as long as the body is thick. Thoracic feet dark, abdominal ones concolorous with the body. Length, 10mm. A larger larva. — Straw-yellow, with two subdorsal dark-brown lines, and behind the head a supra -spiracular line extending as far as the third pair of spiracles. Spira- cles black. Length, 20mm. 10. The sycamore blotch-miner. This miner forms on the upper side of the leaf in October a broad mine doubled on itself and meeting so as to form a long, irregular round blotch one-half inch in diameter. The following species also occur on the sycamore : Order Lepidoptera. 11. Eacles imperialis Hiibuer. Raised by Abbot in Georgia. (Manu- script plate in library Bost. Soc. Nat Hist.) Illinois (Walsh). 12. Halesidota caryce (Horr.). Beutenmiiller. 13. Nepticula maximella Chamb. 14. Nepticula clemenseUa Chamb. The larva of these two species and N. platea live in the upper surfaces of the leaves. (Can. Eut., v, p. 125. Chambers.) 15. Cirrha platanella Chamb. The larva feeds on the under side of the leaves, and pupates in a tube composed of silk and the down from the leaves. (Chambers.) Order Coleoptera. 16. Cyllene crinicornh Chevr. On Platanus in Texas. Dr. Brous. (Le Conte in Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc, viii, p. xxiv.) 17. Chlamys plicata (Fabr.) Kansas, Marlatt (Industrialist, Mar. 3, 1888). Order Hemiptera. 18. Corythuca ciliata (Say). 19. Pulvinaria innumcrabilis Kathvou. 20. Lachnus platankola Riley. D. C. INSECTS OF THE HOP HORNBEAM. 647 INSECTS INJURIOUS TO THE HOP-HORNBEAM OR IRON- WOOD. Ostrya virginica. This tree doubtless affords food and shelter to a much greater assem- blage of insects than that whose names are here recorded, for little attention has as yet been given to finding them. 1. Apatelodes torrefacta (Abb. and Sm.). According to Abbot and Smith the interesting caterpillar of this fine moth in Georgia " feeds on the iron-wood [or hop-hornbeam], gall- berry, sassafras, etc. It went into the ground June 20; came out the 14th of July. Another went in the 17th of October and came out on the 25th of April." Dr. Harris describes the larva, and his description, which we copy, agrees almost exactly with Abbot's figure. Harris refers to the moth under the name "Astasia torrefacta f Sin. -Abb.," but apparently there is little doubt that his larva was of the same species as the one figured by Abbot. He found it on the burdock July 23, 1828, and says it " eats leaves of willow well." Another larva was found on a leaf of Primus virginiana. Larva. — Body cylindrical, above pale yellow, beneath greenish black. Segments very distinct, almost annulose, sides and incisures greenish-yellow, head of same color, tips of mandibles black; no tubercles, but the body is covered with lanugi- nous hairs, flexuous backwards, of a pale sulphur color; second segment above, with a long plume of ferruginous hairs, directed a little forwards ; the same segment has a conspicuous, transverse, oval spot each side; third segment with a black spot on each side ; fourth to ninth, inclusive, with an interrupted black line or on each a linear, dorsal, black spot, furnishing a short fascicle of a few erect black hairs ; legs blackish; pro-legs thick at base, pyriform or tapering at tip, and furnished with a semicircular, unguiferous, red plate. The hairs are all simple or unbearded. July 24, A. M. — Cast its skin. The wool which now covers it is of a beautiful white color, the hairs being all directed backwards except those of the first segment, which curve forwards; second and third segments each side, with a dorsal plume of erect hairs, noddiug backwards, blackish at tip ; penultimate segment with a tuft separat- ing into two depressed plumes ; dorsal segments each with a short tuft of erect black hairs; sides with an arrow-shaped, blackish spot, not furnishing hairs. August 3. — Divested itself of its long hairs, and appeared only thinly covered with short ones ; length, nearly 1 £ inches. August 6.— Became a pupa without a cocoon. It would probably have entered the earth if permitted. August 4, 1838. — Fouud on a leaf of Primus virginiana, a caterpillar with the body pale yellow, covered with flexuous yellow hairs, and an orange colored pencil, tipped with black, on the anterior part of the eleventh segment. August 7. — Changed its skin ; the hairs became white, a pencil on the second, third, aud eleventh segments black, and very short black tufts on each of the intervening segments. Body beneath ash-colored ; prolegs with deep orange-colored cushions. 648 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. 2. Xoctuid larva. The larva here described occurred June 10 at Providence. Larva. — Bead large, m wide ;i> the body, deep shining amber-red. Body smooth, rather thick, of a rich velvety reddish brown above, bounded low down on the sides by a white line, below which the sides are reddish llesh-colored. The three anterior pairs of abdominal leg! are livid, while the anal aud thoracic legs are reddish. jth, IT11"". 3. Aridalia f sp. This caterpillar occurred at Providence June 10, both on the pig- hickory and liop-liornbean. Though they were abundant, they did not live in confinement. Larva. — Body very slender; head large, flattened in front, otherwise full, rounded, aud wider than the body, which is very slender, of uniform thickness, with no tuber- cles; smooth, with a prominent lateral ridge. Anal legs large and broad ; supra-anal plate large, equilaterally triangular. Head, body, aud legs yellowish greeu, with no spots. Length, I2mm. 4. Coleophora oitrija1 Clem. The larva, according to Clemens, mines the leaves of iron- wood (Ostrya virginica) in October and during spring. The case is flat, rather wide, and the edges nearly parallel except near its mouth. The upper edge is slightly curved, and almost at the hinder end is a slight notch, which is sometimes wanting, and the hinder end is squarely excised. Color of the case pale reddish-brown. 5. Aspidisca 08tryoefolieUa Clem. The larvaB may be found on the leaves of iron-wood during the latter part of September and early in October. About the 10th of October all the mines are untenanted. There may be a spring brood in the leaves of the Ostrya, but I have not observed any. The mine is large when compared with those found in the leaves of other plants, and the hole left by cutting out the disk is out of propor- tion to the size of the mined portion. (Clemens.) 6. Xepticula 08trya?foliella Clem. The larva in July and August makes a rather wide, most frequently much contorted, transparent mine, with a narrow, central, black line of •• frass; n sometimes the early portiou of the mine is filled up with " frass," and in others the line of " frass" is distinct from the beginning. From the middle to the end of the mine whence the larva escapes it will average nearly a line in width. (Clemens.) T. X'jiticula virginiella Clem. In the leaf of iron-wood, Ostrya, it makes a very narrow long track, not broader than the width of the larva, the interior of which is filled INSECTS OF THE HOP HORNBEAM. 649 op with dispersed grains of frass, and which is dark brown whilst the larva is mining. Larva. — Very slender, of nearly uniform diameter, terminal segments pointed, pale greeu, with a darker green central line; bead pale brown, It should be sought early in September. On the 14th of the month it is nearly full-fed. (Clemens.) 8. Lithocolletis ostrycpfoliella Clem. The larva mines the under side of the leaves of Ostrya, and may be found early in July and October. The mine is usually near the margin of the leaf, is flat at first, but is gradually thrown into a fold, the sep- arated epidermis corrugated. When completed the epidermis has changed to a pale brown color. The larva undergoes its transforma- tion in a cocoon composed of " frass" and silk, in the form of a small ovoid ball suspended within the mine. The imago appears in August and May. (Clemens.) Larva. — Tbe larva is cylindrical, with the body pale yellow, colored on the dorsum beyond the third segment dark green by the ingesta. Moth. — Antennae silvery. Front silvery, tuft fuscous and silvery mixed. Thorax silvery, with the basal part of teguhe pale golden. Forewings pale golden, with an unmargined, median, silvery basal stripe, and a silvery streak along the basal portion of the inner margin. Forewings pale golden, with four silvery costal streaks, all except the last black-margined internally ; with two dorsal streaks of the same hue, black-margined internally. The first costal and first dorsal streaks opposite, quite oblique and broad at their bases, the second dorsal opposite the second costal streak. The basal streak is moderately broad, and extends quite to the middle of the wing. Apical spot black ; hinder marginal line blackish; cilia fulvous gray. Hind wings gray, cilia fulvous gray. Abdomen pale fulvous. (Clemens.) The following insects also occur on this tree : Order Lepidoptera. 9. Smerinthus juglandis Abb.-Sm. Sept. 5, N. Y. Lintner. 10. Telea polyphemus (Cram.) W. Brodie (Can. Ent.). 11. Anisopteryx pometaria (Harris.) Providence, R. I., May and June. 12. Lithocolletis coryliella Chambers. 13. Lithocolletis tritceniceella Chamb. Larva in a roundish blotch mine in the upper surface of the leaves. 14. Mcea ostryceella Chamb. Larva in a flat mine between two ribs, with a row of li frass" on each side. 15. Gracilaria ostryceella Chamb. Imago unknown. The larva when very small makes a linear, whitish mine in the upper surface of the leaves. (Chambers.) Order Coleoptera. 16. Weevil. The late Mr. Chambers once wrote me that a Cucculionkt larva makes a tentiform or bladder-like mine in the tips of the leaves of the iron -wood. Order Hemiptera. 17. Psylla carpini Fitch. 650 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. INSECTS INFESTING THE WATER BEECH, HORNBEAM. Carpinus americona. Order Lepidoptera. 1. Basilarchia astyanax Scudder. 2. Heterocampa pulverea G. and R. 3. Halesidota caryw (Harris.) Beuteumiiller. 4. Lithocolletis coryliella Chamb. Order Diptera. 5. Cecidomyia pudibunda O. Sacken. On the leaves, District of Coluin. bia. (Osteo Sacken.) INSECTS INJURIOUS TO THE SASSAFRAS. Sassafras officinale. 1. PapUio iroilus Linn. The caterpillars feed during June and July on the leaves of sassa- fras and prickly ash, partially folding them into a slight web. Harris has figured and described the early stages of this butterfly, which appears from the middle of June to the early part of July ; the cater- pillars occur in August and September, pupating in the latter mouth. Pilate reports it as feeding on sassafras in Ohio. Young larva. — When small the caterpillars are blackish, with a white Hue on the side. After first molt olive or green on the back ; two black ocelli on the third seg- ment, four small orange-colored spots placed two and two, with a. central blue dot in each, the two anterior between the black ocelli and adjoining them, and the others behind them. Back with about eight blue dots, two and two; sides aud tail whit- ish; head pea-green; a more dilated white spot behind each side of the enlargement of the anterior part of the body. Full-grown larva. — Back pea-green, sides yellowish, head aud under side pink; a cross black line on the first segment; two orange-colored spots on the third aud fourth segments, those on the third with black centers. Length about 2 inches. 2. Lagoa opercidaris (Abbot and Smith). Order Lepidoptera; family Bombycid^e. This moth inhabits the Southern States. The caterpillar is thus re- ferred to by Abbot aud Smith (Lepidopterous Iusects of Georgia, p. 105): The caterpillar feeds on the black haws, sassafras, plum, etc. It spuu on the 21st of September, aud the moth appeared July 18. This species always shapes ii- or cocoon as in the figure, fastening it to a twig. The flat end opens aud shuts like a door, aud is fitted with the greatest exactness. The insect continues in this web all winter in the worm state, not chaugiug to a chrysalis till within a short time of its final transformation into a fly. The caterpillar is shaped like the roof of a house, the hairs rising on each side gradually to a ridge down the middle of its back. INSECTS OF THE SASSAFRAS. 651 The moth. — Tawny yellow, thorax with darker patches. Basal two-thirds of costa dark, below deeper tawny, with wrinkled white and blackish hairs in lines. Tibi» provided externally with long white hairs, while the denser tarsal hairs are mostly X Fig. 214.— Lagoa opercularis, after Riley. Larva and cocoon, after Hubbard. black. Abdomen with rather long, dense, evenly cut coarse hairs, forming a short, broad anal tuft. Length of body, .65; expanse of wings, 1.90 inches. North Caro- lina to Texas. 3. Lagoa pyxidif era (Abbot and Smith). The caterpillar of this species, according to Abbot and Smith, feeds on the winter whortleberry, sassafras, red root, oak, etc. M When taken the caterpillar was entirely clothed with long white hairs. On the 26th of July it shed its skin, and then appeared as in the figure. It has fourteen holders, and the head is retractile. The web was formed on the 7th of August, and the moth came out May 18, following. Like the former, it does not change to a chrysalis till the spring, but it has not, like that, a door to its web. Many individuals of this- species do not spin till late in autumn. The moth is closely similar to the fore- going, but we have never seen it. The following species also occur on the sassafras : Order Lepidoptera. 4. Papilio glaucus (Linn.). 5. Apatelodes tor ref acta (Abb.-Sm.) 6. Callosamia promethea (Drury.) 7. Samia cynthia Hiibner. S. D. Hulst (Bull. Brooklyn Ent. Soc, i, p. 91.) 8. Hyperchiria io (Fabr.) 9. Twniocampa incerta (Hiibn.). See p. 172. 10. Eutrapela clemetaria (Sin.- Abb.) 11. Platynota flavedana Clem. Miss Murtfeldt in Fernald's Oat. Tor- tricidae, p. 22. 12. Eudemis botrana (Schiff.) Clemens (see Fernald's Cat. Tortricidae, p. 28.) _ . 13. Sericoris niveiguttana (Grote.) Miss Murtfeldt (Fernald's Cat. Tor- tricidae, p. 36.) 14. Oracilaria sassafrasella Chamb. The larva, when very young, mines the leaves; when older, rolls them downwards. (Chambers.) - 652 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. INSECTS INJURING THE HONEY-LOCUST. QlediUekia triacanthos. AFFECTING THE LEAVES. 1. 8phingioampa bicolor (Harris). The habits and transformations of this fine moth have been studied by Dr. H. S. Jewett at Dayton, Ohio. (Papilio, ii, 38.) He says the Larvse change only in size during the last molt, and are from 2 to 2£ inches long when fully grown. They began to quit feeding on the 20th of June, entering the ground within a few hours after ceasing to eat. There they pupated within an oval cell lined with a thin cocoon of silk, the first castiug its skin on the 24th. The moths began to appear July 3 and had nearly all emerged by July 10. The insect is three- brooded in Ohio, hibernating in the pupa state. Besides feeding on the Gleditschia, they also devour the leaves of the Kentucky coffee tree (Oymnocladus canadensis). Mr. Pilate has also bred it from the honey-locust. Egg.— Smooth, pale green. 2. Pempelxa gleditachiella Fernald. Order Lepidoptera; family PYRALiDiE. The following account of this insect is taken from Professor Corn- stock's Report for 1879. A large number of larvae, in different stages of growth, were found August 12, drawing together and feeding on the leaves of the honey-locust (Gleditschia triacan- tho8) on the department grounds. The general color was greenish yellow, though there was considerable variation among them. These larvae transformed to pupa? from the 3d to the 15th of September. When full-grown they descend to the surface of the ground, where they spin a loose cocoon of coarse gray silk, which is com- pletely covered with fragments of dried grass, leaves, or other substances, which so conceals them that they are difficult to be found. Two of these moths emerged in the latter part of September, but the most of them during the last half of the fol- lowing May and early part of June, so that it is more than probable they pass the winter in the pupa state on the ground under the trees. We give below a description of the species by Prof. C. H. Fernald : Head, palpi, antennae, thorax above and beneath, legs and forewings light ashy gray. Most of the examples have a purplish tint on all these parts, deepest on the thorax above and basal portion of the forewings. A black dash broken in the middle crosses the thorax behind the middle, starting from under the patague on either side. Forewing with a broad black baud crossing it at the basal third, which con- sists of three or more liues of raised black scales, the outer one curving obliquely across from the costa to the median vein, sometimes a little beyond, then inward to vein 1, where it forms an obtuse angle, the apex pointing towards the base of the wing ; then outwardly, taking the same general course as the first part of the line, to the inner border; within this, and separated by a very narrow line of the general color of the wing, are two diffuse black lines of raised scales; the inner one seems to fuse with the one bevond before reaohins the costa. This baud is followed bv a INSECTS OF THE HONEY-LOCUST. 653 lighter shade, which extends as far as the discal dots, of which there are two of jet- black raised scales ou each angle of the cell, the lower one being a little more remote from the base of the wing. Outer line scarcely visible in most of the examples, of the general color of the wing, dentate throughout its course, and bordered on each side with a very pale shade of brown, which is darker, and broadens on the costa# A row of terminal black dots. The middle of the wing sparingly sprinkled with black scales. Fringes concolorous with the wing. All the wings beneath, hind wings above, and abdomen light brown. All the tibiae and joints of the tarsi with whitish. Expanse, 19 to 22mm. Habitat. — District of Columbia. Described from fifteen males and eleven females. (C. H. Fernald.) Larva. — When full-grown, 16mm in length, greenish yellow, with three longitudinal brown stripes on each side of the dorsal line, extending from the thoracic to the anal plates, and alternating with narrow lemon-yellow stripes, the last one being on the line of the spiracles. Head, thoracic and anal plates with more or less brown marks and blotches. There is a great variation in these larvae in the intensity of the brown markings, but they can readily be recognized by a black lunate spot on the under side of the subdorsal tubercle of the third segment, behind the thoracic plate. Pupa. — Length, 10mm ; dark brown, rounded anteriorly ; posterior end with a small spine on each side, extending obliquely out and backward, the end curving back, ward. In a line between these stand four fiue hooks, much longer than the lateral spines. Abdominal segments, except the last, covered with coarse punctures, except on the posterior edge. Wing-covers reaching to the fourth abdominal segment. 3. The ash-gray blister beetle. Lytia cinerea. Tliis beetle, Mr. L. Bruner says, in Bulletin 13, Division of Entomol- ogy, p. 34, "has been observed several localities in northern Nebraska to entirely defoliate young hedges of honey-locust. Until the present summer I have not observed this insect attacking the honey-locust since the summer of 1876 or 1877. At that time a nursery of small trees of this kind was entirely stripped of leaves by them, as were also several larger ones standing alone." The following species also occur at times on this tree, which, so far as I have observed it, is rather free from insect pests : Order Lepldoptera. 4. Eudamus tityrus Fabr. 5. Enclea quercicola H. Sch. Ohio, Pilate, Pap. ii, p. 67. 6. Adoneta spinuloides Clemens. Ohio. Ibid. 7. Schizura unicornis (Abb.-Sm.). Ibid. 8. Schizura biguttata (Abb.-Sm.). Ibid. 9. Heteropacha rileyana Harvey. Ibid. 10. Anisota bisecta Lintner-Harvey. Ibid. 11. Datana integerrima G. & R. • 12. Amphidasys cognataria Guen. Ibid. 13. Spilosoma lunilinea Harvey. Ibid. 14. Catocala innubens Guen. French, Can. Ent., XX, 1888, p. 170. 654 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. 15. Boarmia pampinaria Gueu. Ibid. 16. Heterogenea shurtleffii Pack. Ibid. 17. Anisopteryx vernata Peck. Providence, May and June. 18. Lanrna1. ylt'ditschiivella Chamb. Larva burrows iu the thorns. (Chambers.) 19. Helice pallidovhrdla Chamb. 20. Agnippe biscolorella Chamb. Order Coleoptera. 21. Eburia i-geminata (Say). 22. Spermophagus robinuB Sch. In seeds. INSECTS INJURING THE HORSE CHESTNUT, OR BUCKEYE. JEsculiu glabra. BORING IN THE TERMINAL TWIGS. 1. Buckeye stem-borer. Steganoptycha cla\poleana Fernald. Order Lepidoptera ; family Tortricid.e. The following account is by Prof. E. W. Clay pole in Psyche (iii, p. 463) : Several years ago I noticed, in the early part of May, that many of the leaves of the Ohio buckeye, JEsculus glabra, drooped and withered very soon after they had unfolded from the bud. For two or three years these drooping leaves caught my attention. On gathering them I uniformly found a small hole in the leaf-stalk, from which a tunnel, sometimes 12mra iu length, ran aloug the stalk. Above this hole the leaf was dying, below it the stalk was still alive. In some few instances I found in the tunnel a small yellowish caterpillar, evidently the author of the mischief. Wherever the hole in the stalk was closed with droppings the caterpillar was present, but whenever the hole was open the caterpillar was gone, leading to the inference that it had escaped through the opening. In the early part of May, usually about the 2d or 3d, I found the drooping leaves of the buckeye in great numbers. I gathered, May 8, a quantity of the leaves, and among them, a single specimen iu which the caterpillar was in the main stem of the young shoot and not in the leaf-stalk — the only instance of the kind that I have met with. Taking the specimens home, I placed them under a bell glass in order to determine the first point in doubt, the destination of the caterpillars after leaving the leaf-stalk. Two days afterwards, on May 10, I found that the leaf stalks were all empty, and the caterpillars hidden in the faded leaf at the top of the stem, in which they had previously burrowed. On May 15, five days later, the caterpillars were still in the dead leaves, and I went to the trees to try and find some more specimens, but was unsuccessful. However, on May 21, I found a few rolled-up leaves contain- ing caterpillars, brought them home, and placed them with the others. On May 23, the surviving caterpillars were still feeding, but there were many dead ones. On May 25 I found the first chrysalis among the leaves. It was light red in color, with eight rings on the abdomen. The rolled-up leaf was lined inside with silk. These facts show nothing in any way peculiar, and the same description would apply to thousands of other chrysalids. INSECTS OF THE HORSE CHESTNUT. 655 A caterpillar examined on May 13. 1881, was 1 centimeter long, semi-transparent, yellowish in color, with a yellow head, and this appearance was retained, except that the caterpillar became a little darker, until it went into the pupal state, about May 20. It was difficult to see what the caterpillars lived upon, as the fresh leaves that I put with them were not attacked. I have noted this point for several years and have come to the conclusion that the food of the larva is the dead dry leaf in which it is rolled up. I have looked carefully on the trees and can find no eaten or nibbled leaves near those containing the caterpillars, so, apparently, its habit is the same, in this respect, both in captivity and in its native habitat. On June 9, fifteen days after entering the pupal state, the first moth emerged. It was small, with a peculiar hopping flight, the forewing mottled black and white, and the hind wing more uniform in color, dusky, and slightly spotted with black near the tip. It appears as if the second stage in the life of this insect is that in which it most frequently falls a prey to its foes. During its earliest existence it is sheltered in the tunnel it has bored in the stalk, and there seems no cause but the want of room to prevent its remaining there and burrowing down the whole length of the stem. But these quarters soon become too small for it, it leaves the tunnel by the hole at which it entered, and betakes itself to the dead and curled leaf. Here it is easily found by other insects, and, from the difficulty of obtaining specimens in this stage, I infer that a very large number are destroyed by their enemies. Specimens of the perfect insect were sent to Dr. C. V. Riley and were referred by him to Prof. C. H. Fernald. Though the specimens were somewhat rubbed and the peculiar markings consequently faint, both these entomologists inclined to refer them to Proteoteras cesculanum, a new genus and species described by Dr. Riley in 1881,* though at first there was a suspicion that the insect was Sericoris instrutana Clem.,t the larval state of which was not then fully known. Specimens, however, raised during the present season from larvae obtaiued in Ohio $ have thrown doubt on this identification, but no specimen has been obtained sufficiently perfect to decide the question. Dr. Riley, however, informs me that the study of a specimen bred in 1873 from the blossom of the buckeye, which specimen he finds specifically identical with miue, renders it certain that the insect is not Proteoteras cesculanum. Dr. Riley has very kindly allowed me to see his notes on and figures of P. cesculanum, which show several points in which that species markedly differs from the species which I reared. These points are as follows : (1) The larva here described bores the leaf-stalk of the buckeye and only once have I found a specimen in the terminal twig. P. cesculanum bores the terminal twig as well as the leaf -stalk. (2) P. cesculanum bores the terminal twigs of maple (Acer dasycarpum). I have never seen a specimen of this insect here described on a maple, nor have I seen a ma- ple twig or leaf showing indications of its presence. (3) P. cesculanum often forms a swelling or pseudogall on the stem. The species here alluded to never forms a gall. (4) P. cesculanum lives in the gall apparently through almost its whole larval stage. The insect here described, however, quits the leaf-stalk at the end of two or three days and lives in a rolled-up leaf. (5) P. cesculanum bores the stem to a depth of from 13mm to 50mm. The insect here alluded to seldom or never exceeds 13mm in its boring. *See Trans. Acad. Science St. Louis, v. 4. tSee Proc. Amer. Assoc. Advanc. Sci., 1881. t It is perhaps worthy of notice that among these few specimens (in 1882), a single Loxotcenia rosaceana Harris, made its appearance. Also that although the buckeye is commonly planted at my present residence, in Perry County, Pa., yet I have never seen a sign of the presence of this insect upon it. 656 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. In the mean while Professor Fernald has referred the insect provisionally to the genua Steganopiyoha Stephens (lb34), under the name of S. claypoleana. In J'ajiilio (iii, 191) Professor Riley remarks: "Through the courtesy of Prof. E. W. Claypole we received this Bpring from Mrs. L. H. Lewis some larva- of the buckeye Bteni-borei noticed in November, L882, issue of the American XaturalLit (p. 914). and have obtained therefrom a Dumber of perfect moths." The reference by Professor Fernald, he adds, to Steyanoptycha is evidetly correct. He then states: "None of the larva- we received were boring in the leaf-stem, but rolled themselves up in the unci) leaves upon which they fed. It is doubtless more of a blossom and leaf feeder than a stem-borer. The larvte were feeding during the first half of May, and the moths issued during the first week in June." Moth.— The general resemblance of some of the specimens to others of Proteoteras aswulana is great, but with the perfect specimens the differences upon close inspec- tion become quite marked. S. claypoleana lacks the notch in the posterior borders of the fore wings, the tufts of raised scales on the disk of the same, aud the peculiar tufts or pencils of hairs on the upper surface of the hind wings in the male, between the margin and the costal vein. It is a shorter, broader-winged species ; the ocellate spot is less distinctly relieved, the median oblique band more brokeu, the basal-costal portion paler and contrasted along the median vein with a darker shade, which may be almost black, and which broadeus posteriorly till near the middle of the wiug, where it is abruptly relieved by a pale space obliquing basally. By these characters the species is easily distinguished from cesculana, and it is withal a grayer species with the pale and dark shades more highly and abruptly contrasted. (Riley /. c.) 2. Proteoteras cesculana Riley. Professor Riley's account of tbis worm is to be found in the Transac- tions of the St. Louis Academy of Sciences, iv, p. 321. He bred it from larvae boring in the tender terminal twigs of the buckeye and maple in Missouri. AFFECTING THE LEAVES. 3. Apatela hamamelis. According to Mr. R. Thaxter (Psyche, ii, p. 35) this species lives upon the horse-chestnut, but he gives no description of the caterpillar. 4. Tortricid larva. Several tortricid larvae occurred on the leaves of the horse-chestnut at Salem, Mass., August 20 to 27, of which the following is a brief description : Larva. — Pale reddish brown, curiously mottled with pale green, forming much in- terrupted, very irregularly edged brown lines. Beneath grass-green. Head greenish, irregularly speckled with brown. A dark green dorsal line. It spun a cocoon of silk, with very fine bits of leaves woven in. The following also prey on the buckeye: Order Lepidoptera. 5. Orgyia leucostigma (Abb. and Sm.) Riley (MS. notes). 6. Caccecia argyrospila Walker. California on JEsculus californica. (See p. 192.) 7. Sericoris inscrutana Clem. Claypole. (Fernald's Cat. Tortricidae, p. 35.) 8. Lithocolletis guttifinitclla Clem. Var. (vseuliseUa Chamb. Larva in a flat, blotch mine in the upper surface of the leaves. (Chambers.) INSECTS OF THE SOUR GUM. 657 INSECTS OF THE SWEET GUM. Liquidambar styraeiflua. 1. Ingura prcepilata Grote. The moth has been reared ou sweet gum leaves by Mr. S. Lowell Elliot. Larva. — Yellowish apple-green. Second segment with yellow line in front. All the segments have about fifteen to eighteen yellow spots irregularly disposed. Most of these spots are lozenge-shaped, those of the subdorsal region being somewhat linear. Spiracles dull orange, with bright lemon-yellow stigmatal line. Length, 16ram (.64 inch). (Hy. Edwards and Elliot.) 2. Hyphantria cunea (Abbot and Smith). A large brood of the caterpillars was observed, April 7 and 8, on the sweet gum trees at Enterprise, Fla., in the stage of growth preceding the last molt. The caterpillars were very much lighter than I had ever before seen in the Northern States, and I supposed they might be a different species, but the moths on emerging at Providence were of the textor, or unspotted form. Larva before the last molt.— Body pale greenish yellow, with black dots, which con- trast more with the very light colored body than usual. After the last molt the body is much darker, especially above. The following insects also occur on the sweet gum : Order Lepidopiera. 3. Gluphisia trilineata Pack. (S. Lowell Elliot.) 4. Telea polyphemus (Gram). Kiley (MS. notes). 5. Platysamia cecropia (Linn.). Riley (MS. notes). 6. Actias luna (Linn.). 7. Callosamia promethea (Drury). 8. JEacles imperiatis (Drury). 9. Phyllocnistis liquidambarisella Chambers. Larva in a long winding linear mine in the upper surface of the leaf. (Chambers.) INSECTS INJURIOUS TO THE SOUR GUM TREE. (Nyssa multiflora.) AFFECTING THE LEAVES. 1. Everxjx chcerilus Cramer. This sphinx, besides feeding on the leaves of the sour gum (Nyssa multiflora), feeds on those of the grape, Virginian creeper (Ampelopsis quinquefolia), sheep-berry (Viburnum lentago), arrow-wood (Viburnum dentatum), cranberry tree ( Viburnum opulus), clammy azalea (Azalea viscosa), and purple azalea (Azalea midiflora). Larva. — Head very small, as iu all the genus, pale yellow green, with a darker median line ; second segment yellow green with numerous irrorations. The spiracles in this segment are orange in the center, pale yellow above and below. In the other 5 ENT 42 658 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. tegmenta (hey are orange, white above Mid below. Segments :*, 4, and 5 are also pale yellow green, the two latter swollen into ■ hump. The remaining segments are all bluish green, covered with white dote, and with a darker dorsal line. On segments ;"). 6, 7, and - are oblique whitish hands, hut on the posterior segments these are lost in a continuous line to the base of the caudal horn, which is bluish at the base, pale green at the tip, and white in the center. The anal segment is yellow green, as also are the abdominal legs. The thoracic feet are green, with the sides orange red. Previous t<> ohange the caterpillar assumes a purplish leaden hue, the dorsal and lateral lines becoming blackish. One specimen is pinkish, with the four anterior and the anal segment of a brownish cast, and with a dark dorsal stripe. The lateral Jiue is also brown. Pupa.— The pupa is purplish brown, with the pink tint over the whole surface slightly mottled. Wing-cases also mottled with black, spaces between the segments pitchy brown. (H. Edwards and Elliot.) Moth. — Expanse of wings from 2$ to 3 inches. The upper side of the head and thorax is of a rust-red color, varying to a brownish red, with the tips of the patague and a spot on the side of the thorax at the base of the forewings pale gray. The abdomen is fawn-colored, aud the segments are narrowly edged with pale yellowish. The forewings are reddish brown with purplish reflections. The basal half is sprinkled with grayish scales and crossed by four curved brownish lines, and there is a discal dot of the same color. The outer part of the wing is of a darker reddish-brown color and crossed by several indistinct paler lines, the inner edge being oblique and straight, The terminal space is colored like the base of the wing. The hind wings are rusty brown. The entire under side is pale rusty brown with indistinct terminal bands on the wings and two faint cross lines on each. (Fernald.) 2. Antispila nysscefoliella Clem. The larva mines the leaves of Nyssa multiflora in September. When full fed the larva weaves an oval cocoon within the mine, and cutting the two skins of the leaf into a corresponding form, permits it to fall to the ground. There is thus left an oval hole in the deserted mine. The imagos appear during the following May. Larva. — The head is dark brown ; first segment dark brownish ; body very pale green, with dark atoms aloug the dorsum ; ventral surface with a line of two black spots. After the last molting the first segment is black, and the dorsal spots become a black vascular line. Moth.— Head above dark brown. Face, labial palpi and forefeet shining yellowish ocherous. Antenna) dark brown ; basal joint yellowish ocherous. Forewings dark brown with a greenish reflection, and the base with a bright coppery hue. Near the base is a rather broad, bright golden band, broadest on the inner margin, where it is nearest the base, and constricted at the fold of the wing ; a spot of the same hue on the costa, at the apical third of the wing, aud one on the inner margin, midway between this and the baud ; cilia somewhat c ippery, and rather grayish at the inner angle. Hind wings purple brown ; cilia grayish ocherous. (Clemens). The habits of this larva are like those of A. cornifolieUa. (Chambers.) 3. Nepticula nyssaella Clem. The larva makes a narrow tortuous mine in the leaves. Imago un- known. (Chambers.) 4. The sour gum scale. Chiona8pi8 nyssa' Comstock. The following description is taken from Professor Comstock's Report for 1880, p. 316. It is figured on his pi. xvii, f. 4. INSECTS OF THE PRICKLY ASH. 659 Scale of the female. — The scale of the female is snowy white, with the exuvise yel- lowish. It is flat, quite delicate in texture, and varies greatly in shape ; it wideus suddenly near the posterior end of the second skin, often becoming as wide as long ; some specimens are straight, others are bent to the right or left. Length, 1.5mm (.05 inch). INSECTS INJURIOUS TO THE PRICKLY ASH. Zanthoxylum americanum. AFFECTING THE TRUNKS AND LIMBS. 1. The Prickly Ash Borer. Liopus xanthoxyli Shimer. Order Coleoptera; family Cerambycid^e. This borer was discovered May 25, in Illinois, by Dr. Shimer, in trunks of the prickly ash, which had been barked during the previous July. In the burrows were several pink-orange pupae, invariably lying with their heads outward ; from these he bred an undescribed species related to L. alpha. The beetle appeared on the tree about the middle of June. He sent one specimen from which the following descriptions have been drawn up : Larva.— (For figs, see my first Rep. Inj. Ins. Mass.) Is very much like that of Lio- pus facetus. The head is a little more than half as wide as the prothoracic ring. The basal (occipito-epicranial) region is transversely oblong, the basal piece (occi- put) being very short, and transversely almost linear, and separated by a well-marked Fig. 215.— 1. Liopus xanthoxyli. Fig. 216.— 2. Liopus facetus. suture from the middle portion (epicranium) ol the head, the latter being nearly four times as broad as long, with the front edge straight ; it is white, with the front edge pitchy black. The clypeus is smooth, trapezoidal in form, and three times as wide as long. The upper lip (labrum) is thin, hairy, transversely elliptical, a little less than one-half as long as broad. The basal chin piece (submentum) is a large transversely oblong area, with the front edge piceous, and very slightly hollowed, while the posterior edge is very deeply hollowed out. The chin (mentum) is.nearly square, widening at the base, which is continuous with the base of the maxillae, the whole posterior edge being well rounded. The labial palpi are three-jointed, the basal joints of each palpus being large, and no longer than broad, and touching each other; the second joint is much slenderer, and about half as thick as the basal joint; 660 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. the third joint is not quite so long, and is scarcely half as thick as the second ; its tip is acute, and reaches out as far M the end of the second joint of the maxillary palpi. The maxillary palpi are four-jointed, very broad at the base; the first joint is scarcely half as long afl broad; the third is a little longer than the second, while the fourth is much slenderer than the others and about the length of the 3econd joint. The man- dibles are large and powerful, when closed not reaching as far as the end of the max- illary palpi : the ends are truncated, gouge-like. On the prothorax is a large, ob- Benrely marked, squarish, very slightly horny (chitinous) area, scattered over with hairs, especially on the anterior edge. On the upper side of each segment of the body is a broad oval area, with a series of oval gatherings or folds on each side of the transverse mesial main fold; those ou the three rings succeeding the head (thoracic) are the same, but broader. There are no rudimentary thoracic legs. The end of the abdomen is blunt, well rounded, with the extreme tip forming a rounded portion. It is .35 of an inch in length. Papa.— White, and in the single specimen observed was quite far advanced, the body being covered with hairs. The wings were quite free from the body, and the autenu® curved around outside the wing-covers, their tips meeting at the base of the head. The first and second pairs of legs are folded at right angles to the body, the third pair being oblique to the body. The tips of the first pair of tarsi reach to the base of the second pair of tarsi ; the tips of the secoud pair of tarsi do not i to the base of the third pair of tarsi, the third tarsi not reaching to the tip of the abdomen by a distance equal to nearly their length. The prothorax is full and convex, the hinder portion being larger in proportion to the rest of the body than in the adult beetle. It is a quarter of an inch in length. The beetle.— The beetle is characterized by four raised lines on each wing-cover, with five or six black dots on each line or rib. Au oblique black line diverges from each side of the scutellum. Just in front of the middle is a triangular pale space, bounded behind by an oblique dark line. In color it resembles the bark of the ash : it is a quarter of au inch in length. Gray, with bauds and spots of blackish pubescence. Antenme about one and one-half the length of the body, joints blackish at the articu- lations ; hoary, mottled with cinereous aud light brown between. Elytra hoary-cin- ereous, or slightly shaded with light brown, marked with an imperfect broad trans- verse baud before the middle and with two oblique bands and many smaller spots of blackish behind the middle; in some specimens the gray predominates, in others black, in a few the bands are almost obsolete, being merely spotted with black. Thorax with two broad longitudinal liues converging to a point in form of the letter V ; each sido behind the middle with an angular spine-like projection. Head depressed between the antenna', gray, with some small black spots; ou the occiput a posterior .median half-liue and many small black spots, not equally well defined in all specimens. Beneath cinereous, incisures blackish ; legs gray, somewhat spotted with black. Length, about .25 inch. (Shimer.) 2. AIicraci8 suturalis Le Conte. Order Coleoptera : family Scolytid.e. Observing a small round hole, like a pin hole, in a dead prickly ash bush, Dr. Shimer cut out two specimens of this timber beetle, and afterwards obtained more by cutting iu the dead wood, " where the bark was adherent and where the Liopus larvae had not worked. They are only found in imago now, and iu this state appear to have entered; their holes are entirely free from chips and I usually found them with their heads inward : their holes frequently intersect and wind in various directions; sometimes they have several e vternal openings, aud when INSECTS OF THE PRICKLY ASH. 661 approached they usually go deeper in, if possible. I uever took one by beating on the bushes. I saw one on the trunk of a prickly ash, but it escaped by falling to the ground. The beetle. — In the genus Micracis the funicle is six-jointed; club pubescent and annulated on both sides, outer joints of funicle slighter broader, not fringed ; elytra aculeate at tip. Iu this species the club of the antennae is more than one-half longer than wide ; the gular space between the eyes is wide ; the punctures of the elytra are fine and arranged in numerous distinct rows ; there are a few short hairs near the tip in some specimens, but iu others even these are wanting. Length, 2.5mm (.10 inch). 3. The hog caterpillar of the orange. Papiho cresphontes Fabr. Order Lepidoptera ; family Papilionid^e The following account of this caterpillar, which is said by Mr. Barnes (Psyche, iii, p. 162) to feed on the hop tree, is taken from Professor Coinstock's report for 1880, also Mr. Hubbard's report on Orange Insects, who states that it " is found commonly in the swamps of Florida, feeding upon the tupelo (Nyssa aquatica L.) and upon the red bay* (Persea carolinensis Nees.) It seems, however, to prefer the orange and its relatives to all other plants." Besides the prickly ash, according to Mr. Saunders, it lives on Dictammus fraxinella in Canada West (Eept. Ent. Soc. Ontario, 1880). In Texas it feeds on Zan- thoxylum carolinianum (Boll, Psyche, ii, p. 289). In southern Illinois the prickly ash is its usual food (French). There are two broods in south- ern Illinois. "In speaking of the caterpillar of this butterfly in his report on orange insects (Patent Office Report, Agriculture, 1858, p. 265), Mr. Glover stated that it was very injurious to the foliage of the orange. Boisduval and Le Conte (Histoire des Lepidop teres et des Chenilles de FAmerique Septentrionale 1833) say concerning this caterpillar that it lives upon all the trees of the genus Citrus, and is in some parts of America in a measure a scourge to the orange growers. I, myself, found several of the chrysalides upon orange trees in my recent visit to Florida, and since my return specimens of the caterpillars have been sent to the department by Mr. G. W. Means, of Micopany, Fla. ; Mr. H. S. Will- iams, Rock Ledge, Fla. ; and Mrs. Rebecca A. Minor, of Houma, La., all reporting them as doing more or less damage to orange foliage. Mr. A. T. Harvey, of Lake Griffin P. O., Sumter County, Fla., informs me that he has had many orange seedlings completely defoliated by these larvae — ' orange dogs/ as they call them in that part of the country." The eggs. — Deposited singly upon the leaves; are subglobular in form, some- what flattened on the side of attachment, and yellowish white in color after hatch- ing. What their color is before hatching we are unable to say, as the only specimen received at the Department hatched on the journey. They were sent by Dr. Turner 662 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. from Fort George, Fla. In confinement the Lara* occupied thirty days in attaining fcheit full growth, and remained two weeks in the chrysalis state before giving forth the butterfly. The young caterpillars are almost precisely like the full grown ones in form a^nd color, except that tin- gray markings are darker and the white blotches not so exten- sive as at a later Itage Of growth. Larva.— The full-grown larva is something over 2$ inches in length, and is very peculiarly marked. The belly and legs are brownish; the first four segments have upon each side a longitudinal white band ; between these two bauds above, the body is brownish, with large spots of a darker color; upon the middle segments, beginning with the fourth and ending with the eighth, there is a large white space shaped like a lozenge, one of its corners reaching to the first pair of prolegs on each side ; several brownish dots are to be seen upon this baud ; another similar white or ( ream colored blotch covers the posterior part of the body ; this blotch also contains some brownish dots; the sides of the body between these white spots are of a uni- form dull brown. One of the most striking points connected with these larvae is one which they hold in common with other members of the geuus, namely the possession of two long red fleshy filaments or " tentacles'' upon the first thoracic segment, and the power to withdraw or extrude them at will. Upon being disturbed the larva always protrudes these organs, which, by the way, have a very disagreeable odor, and directs them towards the place of disturbance. It is considered that these organs are a protection to the caterpillars against the attacks of ichneumon flies and other parasitic and predaceous insects. Pupa. — The chrysalis of this insect affords one of the most marked instances of pro- tective resemblance which it has ever been our good fortune to see. It is nearly an inch and a half in length, is irregularly forked at its upper end, has a prominent point upon its breast, and is suspended by a loop of silk around its middle, its tail being also fastened to the supporting twig or leaf. Its color (I have only examined the hibernating chrysalides) is of varying shades of gray and brownish, so exactly of the color of the orange bark that it is extremely difficult to see it. The irregular projections of the head and breast, and sundry markiugs resembling cracks in the bark, and even minute lichens growing upon it, bear out the striking likeness to a bit of a knotty orange branch most perfectly. It is worthy of remark that Mr. Glover states that the chrysalis is greenish in color, but this discrepancy may be explained by the probability that he was describing the chrysalis of one of the sum- mer broods, or one which had just transformed. Butterfly. — The adult insect is one of the handsomest of the southern butterflies. Its spread of wing is from 4 to 5 inches. The ground color above is black, and an irreg- ular triangle of broad yellow spots includes a large part of the wings. The under side of the wings is yellowish with black nervures and a row of crescent-shaped blue spots on the secondaries. There are usually four broods of the butterflies in the course of a season, the last brood wintering in the chrysalis state, and the adults making their appearance the ensuing April. From what we have been able to learn these caterpillars have not been abundant enough of late years to do much damage, yet from the statements of Boisduval and Le Conte, and of Glover, referred to before, they have undoubtedly been so in years past. This being the case, the obstacle to free development which has kept them in check is liable at any time to be removed, and we may have them abundantly any year. That the scent organs have not succeeded in making them free from the attacks of parasitic insects is shown by the fact that from chrysalides collected at Jacksonville, Fla., in January, were bred several specimens INSECTS OF THE TULIP TREE. 663 of a Tachina fly. It is possible, however, that the eggs of the parasite were deposited after the caterpillar had transformed to the chrysalis. As to remedies, it will not be difficult to keep these insects in check by hand-picking, as they are easily seen on account of their size. The butterflies being so conspicuous can without much trouble be caught in hand-nets.* (Comstock.) Mr. Hubbard states that it has a single parasite {Ghalcis robusta Cresson) which preys upon it, though rare. The following Lepidoptera also feed on this tree : 4. Papilio troilus Linn. 5. Chrysophanus thee Bd. and Lee. INSECTS OF THE TULIP TREE. Liriodendron tulipifera. 1. Phytlocnistis liriodendronella Clem. The larva mines the small terminal leaves of the branches of the tulip tree. It is without feet. The body tapers from the head, the terminal portion being slender and pointed, deeply incised, almost moniliform. Head thin and flat. It makes a broader linear mine on the under side of the leaves, leaving a brownish "frass" line. The mine is much con- torted and very long, so as often, if not always, to take up the entire under surface of the leaf, winding over it so as to detach nearly all the under epidermis. This is extremely delicate, of bluish-white color, and often the greater portion of it is detached by abrasions. The larva may be taken from the beginning to the latter part of July. My own specimens were found on the 22d of July, at which time they were nearly full-fed. Taken in the latter part of the month, it is very easy to rear the larva and obtain the most perfect imagos. Moth. — Fore wings silvery white, the posterior portion of the wing pale golden, with abroad pale golden streak along the middle of the wing above the fold,- arising at its base. About the middle of the costa is a pale golden, oblique costal streak black-margined on both sides, which coalesces with the posterior end of the median streak. The costal cilia silvery, containing three diverging black streaks. The apical spot black with a silvery scale or two before and behind it, and at the extreme apex two black lines on the cilia, diverging from the apical spot. In the cilia of the hinder margin is a black curved line, and at the beginning of the cilia of the hinder margin is a dorsal silvery spot. Hind wings silvery gray; cilia the same. Antenna, head, labial palpi, silvery white. (Clemens). The following insects also occur on the tulip tree: Order Lepidoptera. 2. Papilio glaucus Linn. 3. Gallosamia promethea, var. anguafera Walker. (Akhurst in Eiley, Bull., vi, p. 55.) *Of other insects belonging to this genus which feed upon orange, Boisd. and Le C. mention P. epius in the East Indies, P. demoleus in western Africa, P. lysithous in Brazil, and state that there are several others which they could cite. 664 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. 4. sblong spots or irregularly interrupted ribs ; the thorax with coarser confluent punct- ures and with four elevated smooth stripes, the outer ones narrower and interrupted by a slight depression in the surface back of their middle ; and finally, a smooth transverse elevation upon its front, extending from one eye to the other, is a mark whereby this species may be readily distinguished from most of those related to it. (Fitch.) I have found a dead beetle under the bark of the pitch pine in the same stump with Buprestis lineata in May, 1881, at Providence, R. I. 18. The tuberculated buprestis. Dicerca tubereulata Laporte. This is another beetle which is met with upon the pitch pine, and resembles an individual of the preceeding species of a more brassy tint and having all its marks more coarse, rough, and irregular; but the rows of coarse punctures on its wing-covers are at equal distances from each other instead of being in pairs, the intervening spaces hav- ing many irregular elevated black polished spots,and the elevated trans- verse line upon the front is interrupted and less prominent, and its size is rather larger, being about 0.60 inch long. (Fitch.) 19. The pine dicerca. Dicerca tenebrosa Kirby. Mining under the bark of the white pine, the beetle occurring in October. (G. Hunt.) Le Conte describes this beetle as follows : Ashy bronze or obscurely bronze, the prothorax dilated on the sides, which are rounded in front, sinuous behind, coarsely punctured ; behind broadly excavated on each side, with apical and basal shining smooth rugosities ; a definite dorsal deep FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. furrow irith smooth sides, somewhat interrupted iu the middle; elytra densely punct- urrd, with alternate oblong, raised, shining interstitial spaces, prolonged entire to tli. Apex; length, .5? to .75 inch. Male with the pectus broadly sulcate, villose; the intermediate tibia armed with an internal acute tooth j the last ventral segment traneate-emarginate. Female wijh the pectus smoother, less sulcate; the last ven- tral segment tridentate; the intermediate tooth obtuse, defined by minute incisions. Abundant at Lake Superior; according to Kirby found in latitude 66° and in the Rocky Mountains. Iu addition to the characters given above, Le Coute adds : The under surface is oopper-oolored, coarsely and densely punctured on the sides, abdomen and presternum, less densely on the metasternum and middle of the first segment of the abdomen : the divided portions of the mesosternnm are coarsely and tolerably densely punctured. The outer costa' of the thorax are interrupted so as to form on each side au apical and basal callosity. A female from Newfoundland differs by the epipleune being green, the under surface of the prolonged extremity of the elytra blue, and by the incisures between the anal teeth being more widely separated. Mr. George Hunt has found this beetle under the bark of the white pine in the Adirondack Mountains, New York, in October. 20. The common longicorn pine-borer. Monohammus confusor Kirby. Order Coleoptera ; family Cerambycidj:. Boring a hole, in outline round and regular, deep in the wood of sound, though usually in decaying trees, and doing much injury to pine timber ; a large, soft, white, fleshy, nearly cylindrical grub, the segment next the head larger than the others, ilattened, horny, and inclined obliquely downward and forward, the succeeding rings very short, with a transverse oval rough space on the middle above and below ; pupat- ing inside in the wood, the beetle emerging from a round hole half an inch in diameter ; the beetle one of our largest longicorns, with very long antenna? : the body brownish- gray, the wing-covers spotted with black and white ; length, 1.20 inch. Nothing was known of the habits of this borer by Harris, in the third editiou of whose treatise the beetle is well figured. In 1860 Dr. Fitch gave an excellent account of the habits, and a brief description of the larva and pupa and adult, in his Fourth Report on the Noxious Insects of New York. The following description of the larva and pupa is based on specimens obtained at Brunswick, Me., and compared with some received from Mr. F. C. Bowditch, who published in the American Nat- uralist, August, 1873 (p. 498), an account of the habits and transforma- tions. He sent me a block of pine wood split off, containing the ter- minal portion of the cell, stuffed with large chips arranged quite regu- larly. In the museum of the Peabody Academy of Science, at Salem, is a piece of planed plank, which had beeu sawed so as to uncover part of the hole, with the beetle within, as seen in Fig. 227. Fitch states that this and Monohammus scutellatus and marmoratus are the most common and pernicious borers which occur in the pine timber of New York. On a still summer's night as well as in the day-time the peculiar grating or crunching noise which the larvae make in gnawing the wood may be THE PINE BORER OR " SAWYER. 687 distinctly heard at a distance of eight or ten rods. " That the insect does not open a passage out of the wood, whereby to make its exit, until it attains its perfect state, I infer from the fact that several of these beetles gnawed their way out of one of the pillars of the portico of a newly-built house in my neighborhood some years since, the noise being heard several days before they emerged, and while they were still some distance in the interior of the wood." (Fitch.) Mr. Bowditch found, June 9, at Brookline, Mass., this species in Pinus mitis, the yellow pine, in which were several holes about the size of a pencil. He makes the following statement in regard to its habits : On removing the bark I found an adult insect already free— the heads of several others appearing through the wood. On further investigation during the next few weeks I obtained from the tree no less than eighty of these beetles in all stages of development, which, considering the size of the tree, was a large number. I observed that the largest beetles were near the foot of the tree. * * * After remaining in the pupa state during a space of time, which varies according to circumstances, it is transformed to a beetle, and after a short time gnaws its way out, appearing from the first of June to the middle of July. I have found numbers, at least twenty, of these larvae under the bark of the white pine (Pinus strobus), at Brunswick, Me.,* in the early part of June, but no pupae or beetles, though most of the larvae were fully grown. Some were one-half an inch long and had, without much doubt, hatched from eggs laid in the preceding June or July, so that the larvae must live nearly two years before transforming. My attention was called to their presence in the tree by the creaking sound made by the larvae, the noise being heard a rod from the tree. Some of the larvae were molting. In this process the entire head of the tegument about to be cast is pushed off anteriorly, while the thin skin of the rest of the body peels off from the prothorax backwards. Mr. A. C. G-oodell, of Salem, Mass., presented the museum of the Peabody Academy with an adult of this species which came from a pine bureau about the year 1875. The bureau had. been in his house for about fifteen years previous, being newly made when purchased. The family had heard the creaking noise for some time before the insect appeared ; and, after inquiring into the circumstances, I have no doubt but that the insect had lived in the bureau for fully fifteen years. This longevity is probably due to the fact that the insect had not coupled, it being well known that continence in insects leads to the prolongation of life far beyond their natural term of existence. Fur- ther observations and experiments on this point are greatly needed. Apropos of this interesting subject I quote the following observa- tions of Dr. Fitch : The wood of the apple tree was formerly highly valued for cabinet work in this country. In 1786 a son of General Israel Putnam, residing in Williamstown, Mass., had a table made from one of his apple trees. Many years afterward the gnawing * I have also found the cells under the bark of the white pine at Providence, R. I. 688 FIFTH REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION. of an insect was heard in one of the leaves of this table, which noise continued for a r two, wh long-horned beetle made its exit therefrom. Subsequently the same noise was heard again, and another insect, and afterwards a third, all of the same kind, 8imd from thif tah!e-leaf, the first one coming out twenty and the Fig. 2*26. —Larva of* Ifonohammus conf>(- tor ; a top. b side view, nat. size; d tipper, c under side of the head.enlareed. e aide, and/ under side of papa. — From Packard in Harden '■ Survey. Fig. 227. — Monohammu* con/u- sor. the bet tie in its o-ll in a piece of planed plank. — Packard. venty-eigbt years after the trunk was cut down. These facta are stated more fully in the History of the County of Berkshire, published at Pittstield iu 1- 39. This, I believe, is the lougest period of an insect remainiug alive in timber of which we have any record, and it is desirable to ascertain, if possible, what insect this was. John J. Putnam, esq., of White Creek, N. Y.. was a young mau residing at his fathers when these remarkable incidents occurred. On showing to him - meus of all the larger long-horned beetles of this vicinity, he points to Cera9phoru$ balteatus M being the same insect, according to the best of his recollection, but is not certain but it might have been the CaUidium agreste. - This testimony, iu connection with what President Fitch, of Will- iams College, says of the insect in the notice above referred to — • its color dark glistening brown, with tints of yellow ' — releases us from all doubts upon this subject, as the agreste is of a uniform brown, whilst the balteatus commonly presents traces, more or less distinct, oblique yellowish spot or band near the middle of the wing-covers." Mr. Sereno Watson adds the following case in a letter dated Her- THE PINE BORER OR " SAWYER. 689 barium of Harvard University, Botanic Garden, Cambridge, Mass., April 3, 1882 : I have been looking over the copy of your insect "Bulletin No. 7," sent to Dr. Gray, and have been much interested in it. I think that I can add an instance of the longevity of insects to those given on page 154, though there may be more of doubt attached to it. My grandfather in 17S0 built a house at East Windsor Hill, Conn., the back porch of which was supported by large turned pillars upon bases some 15 inches square and 2 feet high, the whole, I presume, from a single piece of timber, and resting upon the hewn-stone under- pinning, and well painted. Now, in my boyhood, some forty-five years afterward at least, our attention was for a longtime attracted to a gnawing sound in the base of one of these pillars, and at length there escaped a large brown beetle, if I remember rightly. The hole, as large as my little finger, is probably to be seen there yet. The pillars I suppose to be of our cwmmon " yellow pine," Pinus rigida. Although this borer is destructive to the white pine, I have not yet met with an instance where a living pine tree has been killed outright by it. In Maine, however, wherever the fir abounds, this insect is very destructive. While the fir is the least valuable of our timber trees, it is a beautiful shade and ornamental tree, though short-lived. It is especially liable to attack from this borer. In passing along any road in Cumberland County, particularly near the sea-coast, and also on the islands in Casco Bay, great numbers of dead firs are to be seen perfo- rated with the round holes, large enough to admit a lead-pencil, made by this borer for the exit of the beetle. I have already given instances in Bulletin 7, United States Entomo- logical Commission, pp. 220, 236, of living fir trees killed by this borer. During the past summer I have observed several, at least four or five, living firs in which these borers were at work. The trees were either wholly fresh and alive or some of the branches were dead, as well as a part of the bark on one side. A large number of fully grown worms were taken out of a fir on Frenchman's Island, which was dead on one side, the other half of the tree being alive, and the leaves all fresh and green. There seems no reasonable doubt but that this tree, then, is attacked while in a perfectly healthy state by this borer, and killed after one or two years. How thoroughly one or two females of this beetle may stock a single tree with young borers may be seen by reading the following account of observations made by us in the summer of 1884. It should be stated in this connection that we have been told by an intelligent lumberman near Rangely Lake, Maine, that large masses of living firs in that region have been killed outright by the borer, which is undoubtedly this species of beetle. This beetle is a member of the family of long-horned beetles j its anten- nae or feelers being about twice as long as the body. Its body is* nearly as thick as one's little finger, and it is of a mottled gray color, marbled with white and dark-brown irregular patches. Thus marked it is, while resting on the bark of a moss-grown and lichen-covered fir, spruce, or 5 ent 44 690 FIFTH EtEPOBT OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMI88ION. pine tree, protected from the observation of birds, its colors being so assimilated to those of the bark of either of those trees that it readily escapes observation. The beetle appears early in June, and is to be found throngh the summer until early in September; and at any time in July and August, as well as the first we* k in September, it lays its eggs in the manner t<> be described. The exact mode of the deposition of their eggs by the Longicorn bee- tles is imperfectly known so far as we are aware. Professor Riley has described in detail in the New York Weekly Tribune, February 20* 1878, the mode of oviposition of the Round-headed Apple-tree borer (Saperda bivittuta), and his account has since been confirmed in the Rural New Yorker for January 12, 1884, by Mr. C. G. Atkins. The beetle makes a straight slit in the bark. Perris,in his Insects