LE. ^ 230,824 10,397,273 (NA) (NA) 135,701 7,009,164 37 273,455 32,818,560 59.9 19,660,828 71.9 1,347 18.73 266,430 7,238,606 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 76,348 1,363,326 (NA) 1,117,579 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 106,179 2,968,218 111,924 5,279,013 33,606 710,519 219,895 983,567 (NA) 9,719,511 (NA) 5,042,063 (NA) 8,247,231 (NA) (NA) 257,395 32,818,560 53.5 17,554,635 68.2 1,952 28.62 248,389 7,113,937 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 68,088 1,203,622 (NA) 1,085,102 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 89,671 2,290,928 89,315 4,195,053 29,142 610,616 167,085 1,055,377 (NA) 9,402,661 (NA) 4,105,166 (NA) 6,485,981 (NA) (NA) 237,631 32,818,560 51.0 16,739,139 70.4 1,746 24.78 (NA) 6,641,355 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 62,347 1,129,151 (NA) 1,050,358 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 74,134 1,928,087 79,328 3,855,958 21,833 487,116 (NA) 1,647,114 (NA) 8,820,864 (NA) 3,544,354 (NA) 5,784,045 (NA) (NA) **Available data not comparable, NA Not available. lFor the Census of 1954, In the calendar year; all other censuses, in the calendar year preceding the census. 2Total acreage of crops for which figures are available, except that corn cut for forage was excluded as most vested for grain. 3Total cropland, cropland used only for pasture, and other pasture not fully comparable for the various only for pasture. See text. of this acreage e of d bly duplicated inferences in in the acreage of corn har- definltion of cropland used 4 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 2.-FAKMS AND FARM ACREAGE ACCORDING TO USE, BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1954 reports for only i of farms. See text] 1954 1950 1945 1940 1935 1930 (November) (April 1) (January 1) (April 1) (January 1) (April 1) (January 1) 176,956 211,361 223,369 231,746 273,455 257,395 237,631 18,192 17,318 23,034 12,502 19,110 10,730 9,909 1,532 1,370 6,480 167 305 404 102 16,660 15,948 16,554 12,335 18,805 10,326 9,807 38,257 47,375 45,453 53,197 78,549 \ 143,148 130,292 33,191 46,728 52,938 57,735 63,870 J 18,185 23,632 25,153 26,544 28,555 21,844 26,705 28,628 31,229 32,097 l 59,817 53,667 15,238 17,868 18,934 20,186 20,957 . 9,248 10,178 10,337 11,501 11,621 5,427 3,352 3,069 2,978 3,182 3,250 ) 7,998 7,422 6,579 6,594 6,471 5,259 5,356 3,593 3,326 2,513 2,148 2,067 1,527 1,616 2,365 1,862 1,395 1,041 914 640 651 20,810,492 20,931,188 19,067,844 19,143,391 19,660,828 17,554,635 16,739,139 117.6 99.0 85.4 82.6 71.9 68.2 70.4 94,840 91,577 96,051 71,269 110,121 63,526 58,581 700,440 897,898 858,902 1,036,799 1,484,858 { 4,043,561 3,621,211 1,263,513 1,777,886 2,011,527 2,188,855 2,407,971 } 1,055,258 1,364,035 1,444,082 1,525,863 1,639,293 \ 4,115,761 3,713,314 1,799,308 2,169,378 2,317,465 2,527,188 2,599,071 ) 1,759,400 2,058,086 2,152,278 2,310,224 2,395,696 ) 1,451,319 1,598,235 1,622,289 1,799,271 1,818,129 ( 5,319,045 5,305,166 1,082,015 1,153,997 1,066,076 1,157,017 1,178,884 795,364 728,499 705,293 753,169 769,250 ) 2,778,641 2,564,386 2,254,562 2,244,506 2,201,623 1,777,836 1,816,339 2,440,459 2,248,932 1,702,844 1,439,888 1,365,940 1,007,378 1,061,970 5, 589,935 4,278,279 2,836,475 2,089,342 1,689,992 1,227,528 1,162,558 151,742 189,869 210,612 226,154 266,430 248,389 (NA) 4,812,086 5,766,095 6,163,110 7,111,717 7,238,606 7,113,937 6,641,355 12,102 11,443 17,954 11,110 (NA) (NA) 49,465 45,813 53, 558 49,063 86,944 50,471 50,797 32,786 42,644 43.224 51,336 (NA) (NA) 415,015 588,818 618,888 784,690 1,186,214 32,957,896 32,799,492 29,360 43,433 51,198 56,764 (NA) (NA) (NA) 600,965 996,251 1,234,525 1,376,137 1,530,194 (NA) (NA) 16,275 22,214 24,429 26,229 (NA) (NA) 457,308 669,862 777,420 846,469 892,015 42,086,920 '1,862,470 19,616 25,057 27,729 30,887 (NA) (NA) 625,179 830,924 943,370 1,105,191 1,084,519 (NA) 13,659 16,615 18,256 19,958 (NA) (NA) (NA) 536,045 649,711 690,258 830,356 799,509 '1,474,075 '1,404,970 8,187 9,387 9,987 11,370 (NA) (NA) (NA) 369,404 401,225 426,124 534,225 475,555 (NA) (NA) 4,874 5,389 5,193 5,797 (NA) (NA) (NA) 257,834 269,862 245,524 311,516 268,094 (NA) (NA) 2,928 2,815 2,847 3,144 (NA) (NA) (NA) 174,965 158,519 154,588 190,033 160, 632 (NA) (NA) 6,931 6,513 6,209 6,475 (NA) (NA) (NA) 506,340 456,094 404,077 506,646 384,915 293,613 279,695 3,026 2,783 2,300 2,072 (NA) (NA) (NA) 356,469 305,013 261,629 285,400 185,656 128,247 133,737 1,998 1,576 1,286 1,012 (NA) (NA) (NA) 463,097 394,003 353,149 291,991 184, 359 122,715 110,194 46,044 57,500 37,371 98,076 76,348 68,088 62,347 1,653,472 1,595,450 853,725 2,173,731 1,363,326 1,203,622 1,129,151 1,797 1,985 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 5,176 5,130 2,606 3,899 3,367 1,329 (NA) 5,437 6,608 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 35,585 36,668 16,661 40,921 36,466 3134,900 (NA) 7,119 10,642 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 70, 581 78,815 48,615 137,411 97,641 (NA) 4,857 6,650 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 63,651 64,543 43,217 119,137 84, 736 4223,133 (NA) 7,036 9,686 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 114,141 120,991 78,104 206,159 133,912 (NA) (NA) 5,583 7,187 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 123,895 125,350 81,509 209,684 138,932 '346,297 (NA) 3,652 4,450 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 107,142 108,876 64,109 160,739 108, 669 (NA) (NA) 2,276 2,550 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 83,413 84,467 45,182 109,712 76,693 (NA) (NA) 1,485 1,408 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 64,629 53,310 29,731 79,227 50,881 (NA) (NA) 3,793 3,596 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 253,530 208,924 120,232 297,360 191,794 159,317 (NA) 1,804 1,712 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 246, 505 228,535 116,371 287,443 166,374 139,197 (NA) 1,205 1,026 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 485,224 479,841 207, 388 522,039 273,861 199,449 (NA) All farns number. Under 10 acres number . Under 3 acres number. 3 to 9 acres number. 10 to 29 acres number . 30 to 49 acres number . 50 to 69 acres number . 70 to 99 acres number . 100 to 139 acres number . 140 to 179 acres number . 180 to 219 acres number. 220 to 259 acres number . 260 to 499 acres number . 500 to 999 acres number. 1,000 acres and over number. Average size of farms acres . Under 10 acres acres. 10 to 29 acres acres . 30 to 49 acres acres . 50 to 69 acres acres . 70 to 99 acres acres . 100 to 139 acres acres. 140 to 179 acres acres . 180 to 219 acres acres . 220 to 259 acres acres . 260 to 499 acres acres . 500 to 999 acres acres. 1,000 acres and over acres. Ijiml in farws according to use:1 Cropland harvested farms reporting . Under 10 acres farms reporting . 10 to 29 acres farms reporting . 30 to 49 acres farms reporting . 50 to 69 acres farms reporting . 70 to 99 acres farms reporting . . 100 to 139 acres farms reporting. . 140 to 179 acres farms reporting . . 180 to 219 acres farms reporting . , 220 to 259 acres farms reporting - . 260 to 499 acres farms reporting. . 500 to 999 acres farms reporting . . 1,000 acres and over farms reporting. . Cropland used only for pasture6 farms reporting.. Under 10 acres farms reporting . . 10 to 29 acres farms reporting . . 30 to 49 acres farms reporting . . 50 to 69 acres farms reporting . . 70 to 99 acres farms reporting . . 100 to 139 acres farms reporting . . 140 to 179 acres farms reporting . . 180 to 219 acres farms reporting . . 220 to 259 acres farms reporting . . 260 to 499 acres farms reporting. . 500 to 999 acres farms reporting . . 1,000 acres and over farms reporting.. See footnotes at end of table . ALABAMA 5 State Table 2.-FARMS AND FARM ACREAGE ACCORDING TO USE, BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1954-Continued [Data for 1950 are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] (For definitions and explanatio text) Land in farno according to nae1 — Continued Cropland not harveated nnd not pastured farms reporting.. Under 10 acres farms reporting.. 10 to 29 acres farms reporting.. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting.. 50 to 69 acres farms reporting.. 70 to 99 acres farms reporting.. 100 to 139 acres farms reporting.. 140 to 179 acres farms reporting.. 180 to 219 acres farms reporting.. 220 to 259 acres farms reporting.. 260 to 499 acres farms reporting.. 500 to 999 acres farms reporting.. 1,000 acres and over farms reporting.. Cropland uacd only for cropa not harvested and not pastured. .. farms reporting.. Under 10 acres farms reporting.. 10 to 29 acres farms reporting.. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting.. 50 to 69 acres farms reporting.. 70 to 99 acres farms reporting.. 100 to 139 acres farms reporting.. 140 to 179 acres farms reporting.. 180 to 219 acres farms reporting.. 220 to 259 acres farms reporting.. 260 to 499 acres farms reporting.. 500 to 999 acres farms reporting.. 1,000 acrea and over farms reporting.. Cropland lying idle farms reporting.. Under 10 acres farms reporting.. 10 to 29 acres farms reporting.. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting.. 50 to 69 acres farms reporting.. 70 to 99 acres farms reporting.. 100 to 139 acres farms reporting.. 140 to 179 acres farms reporting., 180 to 219 acres farms reporting.. 220 to 259 acres farms reporting.. 260 to 499 acres farms reporting.. 500 to 999 acres farms reporting., 1,000 acres and over farms reporting,. 15,648 283 28,871 1,222 34,217 2,823 104,750 2,622 6,956 10,383 66,223 12,322 174,970 8,666 164,785 (HA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1,249,270 (NA) 3,940 (NA) 43,047 (NA) 115,228 (NA) 91,261 (NA) 178,544 (NA) 175,026 (NA) 129,283 (NA) 85,946 (NA) 52,833 (NA) 154,588 (NA) 93,457 (NA) 126,117 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1,111,825 (NA) 6,120 (NA) 75,120 (NA) 128,148 (NA) 91,263 (NA) 150,031 (NA) 141,462 (NA) 104,286 (NA) 68,034 (NA) 40,922 (NA) 121,855 (NA) 72,973 (NA) 111,611 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1,117,579 (NA) 3,729 (NA) 68,333 (NA) 121,0 (NA) 87,468 (NA) 157,756 (NA) 148,159 (NA) 111,8 (NA) 72,657 (NA) 45,119 (NA) 123,250 (NA) 81,091 (NA) 97,066 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1,085,102 (NA) (NA) See footnotes at end of table. 6 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 2.-FARMS AND FARM ACREAGE ACCORDING TO USE, BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1954-Continued [Data for 1950 are based on report8 for only a sample of farms. See text] (For definitions and explanatio Census of — Under 10 ac 10 to 29 ac 30 to 49 ac 50 to 69 ao 70 to 99 ac 100 to 139 140 to 179 ISO to 219 220 to 259 260 to 499 500 to 999 1,000 acres Woodland not past Under 10 acres 10 to 29 acres 30 to 49 acres 50 to 69 acres 70 to 99 acres 100 to 139 acr 140 to 179 acr ISO to 219 acr 220 to 259 acr 260 to 499 acr 500 to 999 acr 1,000 .farms .farms reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting. Othei ot woodland ) Under 10 acr 10 to 29 acr 30 to 49 acr 50 to 69 acr 70 to 99 acr 100 to 139 a 140 to 179 a 180 to 219 a 220 to 259 a 260 to 499 a 500 to 999 a 1,000 acres .farms reporting, .farms reporting, .farms reporting, .farms reporting, .farms reporting, •farms reporting, .farms reporting, .farms reporting, .farms reporting, .farms reporting, .farms reporting, .farms reporting. .farms reporting. 3,249 56,545 14,178 166,735 9,375 158,073 13,479 322,722 5,736,374 1,058 2,667 7,478 8,252 47,648 11,850 96,737 11,590 164,323 7,041 296,433 1,167 3,364 8,470 50,640 4,329 374,605 2,384 259,782 5,621 932,951 2,433 812,824 1,285 1,515,146 76,335 2,916,878 (NA) 2,350 (NA) 32,012 (NA) 140,421 (NA) 130,788 (NA) 281,609 (NA) 303,872 (NA) 250,136 (NA) 170,026 (NA) 123,611 (NA) 408,421 (NA) 345,940 (NA) 727,692 98,373 4,659,104 (NA) 2,331 (NA) 40,684 (NA) 219,705 (NA) 217,337 (NA) 539,116 (NA) 531,400 (NA) 367,005 (NA) 240,938 (NA) 803,198 (NA) 507,414 (NA) 577,827 88,876 2,440,341 (NA) 8,609 (NA) 49,776 (NA) 152,334 (NA) 118,040 (NA) 195,965 (NA) 197,821 (NA) 152,094 (NA) 111,2 (NA) 75,564 (NA) 287,' (NA) 324,815 (NA) 766,075 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 106, 179 2,968,218 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 111,924 5,279,013 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 89,315 ,195,053 (NA) (NA) (MA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 29,142 610,616 (NA) 384 (NA) 356, 557 (NA) (NA) (NA) '197,861 (NA) (NA) (NA) 86,759 (NA) 64,064 (NA) 95,444 74,134 1,928,087 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) See footnotes at end of table. ALABAMA State Table 2.-FARMS AND FARM ACREAGE ACCORDING TO USE, BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1954 -Continued [Data for 1950 are baaed on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] (For definitions and explanations, see text) Land in fares accordion to one1 — Continued Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) — Con. Iaproved pasture (see text) farms reporting. Under 10 acreB farms reporting. 10 to 29 acres farms reporting. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting. 50 to 69 acres farms reporting. 70 to 99 acres farms reporting. 100 to 139 acres farms reporting. 140 to 179 acres farms reporting. 180 to 219 acres farms reporting. 220 to 259 acres farms reporting. 260 to 499 acres farms reporting. 500 to 999 acres farms reporting. 1,000 acres and over farms reporting. Cropland, total6 farms reporting. Under 10 acres farms reporting. 10 to 29 acres farms reporting. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting. 50 to 69 acres farms reporting. 70 to 99 acres farms reporting. 100 to 139 acres farms reporting. 140 to 179 acres farms reporting. 160 to 219 acres farms reporting. 220 to 259 acres farms reporting. 260 to 499 acres farms reporting. 500 to 999 acres farms reporting. 1,000 acres and over farms reporting. Land pastured, total farms reporting. Under 10 acres farms reporting. 10 to 29 acres farms reporting. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting. 50 to 69 acres farms reporting. 70 to 99 acres farms reporting. 100 to 139 acres farms reporting. 140 to 179 acres farms reporting. 180 to 219 acres farms reporting. 220 to 259 acres farms reporting. 260 to 499 acres farms reporting. 500 to 999 acres farms reporting. 1,000 acres and over farms reporting. See footnotes at end of table. Census of— (November) 2,015 17,922 3,139 36,434 402,341 3,212 280,245 3,341 688,380 2,185 1,109,972 3,171 331,897 7,586 1,239,212 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 202,176 8,732,668 13,634 57,899 9,930 630,587 5,706 440,309 2,976 268,819 5,464 384, 511 2,826 228,243 1945 (January l) 147,397 6,210,944 5,905 13,565 17,103 98,449 1940 (April 1) 230,824 10,397,273 (NA) 59,082 (NA) 900,731 (NA) 1,641,696 (NA) 1,056,869 (NA) 1,461,381 (NA) 1,181,502 (NA) 799,250 (NA) 489,262 (NA) 310,182 (NA) 925,661 (NA) 645,816 (NA) 925,641 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1935 (January 1) (NA) 9,719,511 (NA) 94,040 (NA) 1,291,013 (NA) 1,748,903 (NA) 1,064,219 (NA) 1,376,187 (NA) 1,086,600 (NA) 696, 107 (NA) 417,444 (NA) 256,632 (NA) 699,959 (NA) 433,121 (NA) 555,286 (NA) 5,042,063 (NA) (NA) 1930 (April l) (NA) 9,402,661 1925 1920 (January l) (January l) (NA) 8,820,864 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 3,544,354 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 2.-FARMS AND FARM ACREAGE ACCORDING TO USE, BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1954 -Continued [Data for 1950 are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] (For definitions and explanations, see text) und in faras according to ase^— Continued Woodland, total farms reporting. Under 10 acres farms reporting. 10 to 29 acres farms reporting. 30 to 49 acres fame reporting. 50 to 69 acres farms reporting. 70 to 99 acres farms reporting. 100 to 139 acres fsrms reporting. 140 to 179 acres farms reporting. 180 to 219 acres farms reporting. 220 to 259 acres farms reporting. 260 to 499 acres farms reporting. 500 to 999 acres farms reporting. 1,000 acres and over .farms reporting. Irrigated land in fnraa farms reporting. Under 10 acres farms reporting. 10 to 29 acres farms reporting. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting. 50 to 69 acres farms reporting. 70 to 99 acres farms reporting. 100 to 139 acres farms reporting. 140 to 179 acres farms reporting. 180 to 219 acres farms reporting. 220 to 259 acres farms reporting. 260 to 499 acres farms reporting. 500 to 999 acres farms reporting. 1,000 acres and over. ........... ..farms reporting. See footnotes at end of table. 115,522 10,333,232 2,257 6,389 13,650 107,005 22,155 344,380 13,933 338,347 19,239 725,954 13,887 779,548 8,675 721,612 5,194 556,033 3,178 412,112 7,630 1,518,101 3,433 1,335,973 2,291 3,487,778 452 133,492 9,738,242 2,372 7,559 14,756 102,469 28,709 390,229 17,545 389,338 23,642 836,477 16,447 924,330 9,573 819,061 5,564 599,719 2,901 391,902 7,091 1,469,707 3,124 1,297,472 1,768 2,509,979 38 129,040 7,575,982 (NA) 4,681 (NA) 72,696 (NA) 360,126 (NA) 348,125 (NA) 820,725 (NA) 916,021 (NA) 781,536 (NA) 537,031 (NA) 364,549 (NA) 1,211,619 (NA) 853,354 (NA) 135,701 7,009,164 (NA) 2,366 (NA) 58,404 (NA) 373,741 (NA) 343,250 (NA) 849,630 (NA) 925,857 (NA) 836,706 (NA) 563,765 (NA) 368,849 (NA) 1,111,105 (NA) 648,913 (NA) (NA) ,247,231 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (HA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1930 (April 1) (NA) i,485,981 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1925 1920 (January l) (January l) (NA) 5,784,045 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) ALABAMA State Table 2.-FARMS AND FARM ACREAGE ACCORDING TO USE. BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1954-Continued fData for 1950 are based on reports for only s sample of farms. Sep text] text) Land in farns according; to uae l— Continued Cover crops turned under and land planted to another crop farms reporting Under 10 acres farms reporting 10 to 29 acres farms reporting 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 69 acres farms reporting 70 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 to 139 acres farms reporting 140 to 179 acres farms reporting 180 to 219 acres farms reporting 220 to 259 acres farms reporting 260 to 499 acres farms reporting 500 to 999 acres farms reporting 1,000 acres and over farms reporting Cropland used for rov or grain crops faraed on contour farms reporting Under 10 acres farms reporting 10 to 29 acres farms reporting 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 69 acres farms reporting 70 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 to 139 acres farms reporting 140 to 179 acres ..farms reporting 180 to 219 acres farms reporting 220 to 259 acres farms reporting 260 to 499 acres farms reporting 500 to 999 acres farms reporting 1,000 acres and over farms reporting 22,169 831 17,347 29,249 494 41,593 7,041 93,608 9,580 199,731 7,345 225,867 4,778 179,707 2,963 124,511 88,587 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) iFo/the'censu^or 1954, in the calendar year; all other censuses, in the calendar year preceding the that corn cut for forage was excluded as most of this acreage was probably duplicated in the acreage of to 259 acres. 6Total cropland, cropland used only for pasture, and other pasture land used only for pasture. See text. us. 2Total acreage of crops for which 1 igurea are available, except harvested for grain. 310 to 49 acres. '50 to 99 acres. 5100 fully comparable for the various census years because of differences in definition of crop- 10 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 3.-FARMS AND LAND IN FARMS, BY COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1954 ["Data In italics are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] (For definitions and explanations, Census of— ALL FARM OPERATORS All tmrm •■eratom number., Full owners number. , Part owners number. . Managers number., an tenants number.. Proportion of tenancy percent. . Cash tenants number. , Share-cash tenants. . ...*..........-.. ........ .number. , Share tenants . ......................*........ .number. . Croppers. ...... ....*...........•••..*••••..•• .number. ■ Other and unspecified tenants. .............. ..number., All lni i» farM acres., Full owners acres. , Part owners acres. , Managers acres.. All tenants acres., Cash tenants acres. , Share-cash tenants acres., Share tenants acres. , Other and unspecified tenants acres., All cropland kar.o.ted acres., Full owners acres. . Part ownerB acres. , Managers acres., Cash tenants acres., Share-cash tenants acres. , Share tenants acres., Croppers acres. , Other and unspecified tenants acres., Cars barvooled for grain acres., Full owners acres. , Part owners acres., All tenants acres. Cash tenants acres. Share-cash tenants acres. Share tenants acres. Croppers acres.. Other and unspecified tenants acres. Cotton harvested acres. Full owners acres. Part owners acres. All tenants acres. Share-cash tenants acres. Share tenants acres. Croppers acres. Other and unspecified tenants acres. ALL WHITE FARM OPERATORS All white fan eacratere number. Full owners number. Part owners number. Managers number. All tenants. ...*.................... ..number. Proportion of tenancy percent. Cash tenants .number. Share-cash tenants. .......................... .number. Share tenants ......................*...*...... number . Croppers number . Other and unspecified tenants number. All lead ia fana acres. Full owners acres. Part owners acres. Managers acres . All tenants acres. Cash tenants acres. Share— cash tenants. .........*•.......... .acres. Share tenants. ...■••••.•■..■•.■■••...........• .acres. Croppers acres. Other and unspecified tenants. acres. All cropleaa- birruuj acres. Full owners acres. Part owners acres. All tenants acres. Cash tenants acres. Snare-cash tenants. . .......................... .acres. Share tenants. ................................ .acres. Other and unspecified tenants acres. See footnotes at end of table. 176. 949 SS,i32 27,427 15,813 1,010 18.291 16, 771 5.610.912 674,948 3.776.536 1.075,763 112.999 1.347.439 664.299 576.036 4,755,308 1,594,922 1.385,470 86,006 1.688,910 309.420 50.034 689.851 470.205 169.400 2,051, 754 690. 400 559,513 19.982 781.859 143.338 20.581 335,270 202. 545 80.125 301.547 9.700 566.338 91,171 13.378 216.190 192.598 53,001 130.747 76.092 21 . 359 18,378.756 9.979.729 5.137.627 618.681 2.642.719 6 44.038 88.209 1.100.689 416. 720 393,063 3,879.547 1,430.645 1.232,529 81.458 1.134,915 150,923 40.924 562, 188 276. 524 104,356 211,512 97,747 25,716 436 87,613 41.4 21,841 899 31,526 24,811 8,536 20,888,784 10,639,188 4,418,051 683,103 5,148,442 1,369,241 85,143 1,993,503 1,091,453 609,102 5,729,421 2,019,408 1,156,406 98,917 2,454,690 493,907 39,534 1,038,273 682,288 200,688 2.306,920 838.001 418,057 24,576 1.026,286 218.012 14.058 i35.828 270.461 87.927 1.845.075 540,154 360. 315 13,992 930.614 157.943 15,390 406.488 273, 731 154,218 84,480 19,738 22,599 12,911 4.921 17,974,232 9,743,986 3,989,164 663,050 3,578,032 801,328 70,520 1,590,340 688,728 427,116 4,437,100 1,781,157 995,677 96,326 1,563,940 220,975 31,303 799, 555 389,754 122,353 223,369 100,072 13,218 389 109,690 49.1 37,465 821 29,604 31,118 10,682 19,067,844 10,044,470 2,094,434 501,327 6,427,613 2,210,000 57,336 1,995,173 1,505,354 659,750 6,163,110 2,414,612 607,591 101,433 3,039,474 880,936 25,726 944,871 907,299 280,642 2.768.979 1.128.590 242,262 34.426 1.363.701 401,270 21.292 406.704 385. 980 148,455 1,350.157 426.272 110.855 14.403 798.627 225. 751 10.073 225.787 258.217 78.799 156,139 85,644 9,264 21,828 15,171 6,824 15,599,975 9,054,024 1,842,227 478, 588 4,225,136 1,207,061 42,158 1,619,035 888, 897 467, 985 4,546,917 2,122,516 509,686 97,707 1,817,008 394,732 17,860 732,197 482,118 190, 101 231,746 80,303 14,804 39,577 1,107 36,054 41,370 18,116 19,143,391 8,506,063 2,112,154 375,900 8,149,274 2,528,352 85,259 2,402,173 1,928,081 1,205,409 7,111,717 2,513,195 674,034 97,367 3,827,121 1,021,258 39,873 1,120,156 1,126,179 519,653 (HA) (NA) (HA) (NA) (MA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1,930,560 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 158,382 68,527 10,888 29,592 22,036 6,955 15,585,993 7,656,249 1,864,870 363,076 5,701,798 1,692,969 63,588 2,094,807 1,220,507 629,927 5,364,397 2,236,884 568,561 94,008 2,464,944 597,529 27,037 955,452 657,997 226,929 273,455 81,624 15,068 (NA) (NA) (NA) 67,974 (~) 19,660,828 8,627,787 1,557,625 345,026 9,130,390 (NA) (NA) (NA) 2,732,137 („) 7,238,606 2,295,475 520,235 4,342,250 (NA) (NA) (NA) 1,629,471 («.) 3,629,604 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 2,130,062 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 182,180 69,967 11,016 492 100, 705 55.3 (Ha) (NA) (NA) 15,757,169 7,800,749 1,330,953 330,382 6,295,085 (NA) (NA) (NA) 1,626,565 («) 5,247,083 2,044,645 421,386 76,282 2,704 770 257,395 75,144 15,228 48,707 (NA) (NA) 65,134 (»») 17,554,635 7,946,444 1,457,460 331,913 7,818,818 483,929 (NA) (NA) 2,513,277 (-) 7,113,937 2,133,952 504,588 74,995 4,400,402 1,236,989 (NA) (NA)' 1,675,843 (-) 2, 591, 322 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 3,566,498 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 163,566 63,727 10,714 r'(^> («': 13,396,026 7,029,564 1,184,467 317,701 4,864,294 1,286,033 (NA) (NA) 1,575,170 («) 4,696,372 1,839,828 378, 587 71,486 2,406,471 469.454 tNA) (NA) 971.942 t«) 237,631 79,282 13,666 42,303 (NA) (NA) 50,423 («) 16,739,139 8,918,679 1,167,216 245,483 6,407,761 2,020,553 (NA) (NA) 1,831,293 («*) 6,641,355 2,191,337 439,304 55,340 3,955,374 1,143,859 (NA) (NA) 1,374,290 («) 2,754,448 1,220,215 16,031 1,518,202 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 2,948,072 13,336 2,007,053 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 152,310 68,329 9,895 (NA) *#$ 13,033,845 8,036,711 937,057 219,787 3,840,290 983,701 (NA) (NA) 991,881 (NA) 4,385,828 1,923,726 335,810 49,994 2,076,298 424,127 (NA) '(na'> ALABAMA 11 State Table 3.-FARMS AND LAND IN FARMS, BY COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR. CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1954 -Continued [Data in italics are based on report3 for only a sample of farms. See text] (For definitions and explanations, ALL WHITE FARM OPERATORS— Continued Corn harvest**1 for grmim Full owners Part owners Managers All tenants Cash tenants Share-cash tenants Share tenants Croppers Other and unspecified tenants. Col Full owners Part owners Managers All tenants Cash tenants Share-cash tenants Share tenants Croppers Other and unspecified tenants. ALL NONWHTTE FARM OPERATORS All ■oavbile fara operators. Full owners Part owners number. . number. . number.. Managers .number. All tenants number. Proportion of tenancy percent. Cesh tenants number. Share-cash tenants number. Share tenants number. Croppers • • number . Other and unspecified tenants number. All l«d U fa Full owners Part owners Managers All tenants Cash tenants Share-cash tenants Share tenants Croppers Other and unspecified tenants. 411 cropland harvested. Full owners Part owners... Managers All tenants. . . Cash tenant Share-cash Share tenants Croppers Other and unspecified tenants. >ra harvested for grain Full owners Part owners Managers All tenants Cash tenants. Share-cash tenants..., Share tenants Croppers Other and unspecified Managers All tenants Cash tenants Share-cash tenants Share tenants Croppers Other and unspecified tenants. ,652.127 607.495 488,389 18.985 537,258 63. 628 16.631 810.949 217.547 249.057 164,858 101.095 26.953 46.202 12.340 6.068 789, 298 473,285 56.267 1.133.817 431 . 725 24.790 246, 750 247.579 182,973 875. 761 164,277 152.941 4.548 553. 995 158.497 9.110 127.663 193.681 65.044 399.627 82.905 71.124 997 244.601 79. 710 3,950 55.209 75.299 30.433 ' 331,531 47,348 364 231 , 329 59.216 3.230 51,332 91.503 26.048 1.767.899 735.619 353.097 24,139 655,044 96,017 10.713 338,486 157,178 52,650 1.351.140 459.801 300,051 13.424 577.864 56,263 11,845 57,294 13,267 5,9-5 8,927 11,900 3,615 895,202 428,887 20,053 1,570,410 567,913 14,623 403,163 402,725 181,986 1,292,321 238,251 160,729 2,591 890,750 272,932 8,231 238,718 292,534 78,335 539.021 102,382 64,960 437 371,242 121,995 3,345 97,342 113,283 35,277 493. 935 2.072.601 993.299 198.896 33.064 847,342 192.439 15.623 323. 420 214.694 101 . 166 889.651 360.365 90.583 14.098 166.195 122.063 51.363 67,230 14,428 3,954 7,776 15,947 3,858 990,446 252,207 22,739 2,202,477 1,002,939 15,178 376,138 616,457 191,765 1,616,193 292,096 97,905 3,726 1,222,466 486,204 7,866 212,674 425,181 90,541 696. 378 135.291 43.366 460.506 65.907 20,272 305 374,022 146,681 4,159 59,592 136.154 27.436 [Ml) (HA) (NA) (HA) (HA) (NA) HA (NA) (NA) (NA) (HA) (HA) (NA) (MA) (NA) (NA) (MA) (NA) (NA) 73,364 11,776 3,916 6,462 19,334 11,161 849,814 247,284 12,824 2,447,476 835,383 21,671 307, 366 707, 574 575,482 1,747,320 276,311 105,473 3,359 1,362,177 423,729 12,836 164,706 468,182 292,724 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (HA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 91,275 11,657 (NA) (NA) (NA) 33,257 <«•) 3,903,659 827,038 226,672 14,644 2,835,305 (NA) (MA) (NA) 1,105,572 („) 1,991,523 250,830 98,849 4,364 1,637,480 (NA) (NA) (NA) 733, 941 («•) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (HA) (HA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (HA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 93,829 11,417 32,055 (NA) (NA) 27,572 (•») 4,158,609 916,880 272,993 14,212 2,954,524 1,197,896 (NA) (NA) 938,107 («.) 2,417,565 294,124 126,001 3,509 1,993,931 767, 535 (NA) (NA) 703,901 («*) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (MA) (MA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (MA) (MA) (NA) 85,321 10,953 3,771 28,403 (NA) (NA) 25,296 («*) 3,705,294 881,968 230,159 25,696 (NA) (MA) 839,412 (NA) 2,255,527 267,611 103,494 5,346 1,879,076 719,732 (NA) (NA) 680,218 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (MA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (MA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (MA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) ■"♦Available data not comparable. NA Not available. ^otal acreage of crops for which figures are available, except that acreage wae probably duplicated in the acreage of corn harvested for grain. most of this 12 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 4.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, [Data are based on reports for only (For definitions and explanations, see text) All farm operators Tenure of operator1 FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Fans number Land owned by farm operators farms reporting Land rented from others by farm operators. .. .farms reporting Land managed by farm operators farms reporting Land rented to others by farm operators farms reporting Lund in fana acres Average size of farm acres Value of land and buildings: Average per farm dollars Average per acre dollars Proportion of farms reporting value percent Proportion of land in farms for which value was reported percent Land in faros according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 500 acres and over farms reporting Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting Cropland not harvested and not pastured... farms reporting Cropland used only for crops not harvested and not pastured farms reporting Cropland lying idle farms reporting Woodland pastured farms reporting Woodland not pastured farms reporting Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) farms reporting. Cropland, total farms reporting Land pastured, total farms reporting Woodland, total farms reporting FARM OPERATORS Residing on farm operated operators reporting, Not residing on farm operated operators reporting, With other Income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. Off- fan work: Working off their farms, total operators reporting 1 to 99 days. operators reporting 100 days or more operators reporting Not working off their farms operators reporting By age: Under 25 years operators reporting 25 to 34 years operators reporting 35 to 44 years operators reporting 45 to 54 years operators reporting 55 to 64 years operators reporting 65 years and over operators reporting By year began operation of present fan: 1954 operators reporting 1953 operators reporting 1952 operators reporting 1951 operators reporting 1946-1950 operators reporting 1941-1945 operators reporting 1940 or earlier operators reporting Fans by class of wort power: No traotor, horae6, or mules farms reporting No tractor and only 1 horse or mule farms reporting No tractor and 2 or more horses and/or mules .farms reporting Tractor and horses and/or mules farms reporting Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting 788,217 35,129 2,727,762 152,065 ,755,308 39,470 36,544 26, 511 25,158 17,704 4,878 1,526 274 12,165 1A9,950 46,410 875,115 80,230 4,592,166 74,076 5,786,241 165,746 7,450,740 124,891 8,711,984 115,566 10,378,407 86,488 32,080 54,408 90,413 3,395 20,375 41,057 44,472 32,372 30,542 11,579 10,663 10,561 10,262 42,989 25,063 60,204 31,968 1,223,808 3,320 7,470 7,581 7,318 4,567 1,183 455 74 3,087 47,404 10,275 233,004 21,800 1,664,021 19,818 1,967,790 33,296 2,127,078 31,893 3,226,034 29,940 3,631,811 226 2,461 6,363 8,763 8,593 7,767 1,172 7,574 5,518 17,378 19,395 3,405,253 19,395 2,026,697 103,921 12,115 1,158,192 19,231 1,862,983 17,684 2,329,956 16,358 2,259,026 7,180 4,556 2,624 12,210 129 2,111 5,791 6,116 3,374 1,660 5,573 3,525 7,319 124,918 183 175,084 24,517 40,623 3,140,828 35,014 23,916 28,066 40,323 1,481,740 2,624 9,548 9,420 10,150 6,872 1,432 259 18 2,419 21,216 6,262 99,944 11,909 434,810 9,630 566,676 40,435 1,751,564 19,470 793, 889 16,447 1,001,486 13,654 11,243 2,411 26,964 1,715 6,164 10,755 10,619 5,707 3,697 5,475 4,533 4,359 3,581 9,917 4,069 6,593 12,195 4,078 6,110 See footnotes of table. ALABAMA 13 BY COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1954 a sample of farms. See text] (For definitions and explanations, FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE pBPB8 number. Land owned by farm operators farms reporting. Land rented from others by farm operators. .. .farms reporting Land managed by farm operators farms reporting Land rented to others by farm operators farms reporting of farm. foe of land and buildings: Average per farm Average per acre Proportion of farms reporting value... Proportion of land in farms for which value was reported .dollars, .dollars. .percent. 20 to 29 i 30 to 49 i 50 to 99 ; .farms reporting, reporting, reporting. reporting, reporting, reporting. reporting, reporting, reporting. Cropland used only for pasture farms Cropland not harvested and not pastured. . .farms reporting.. Cropland used only for crops not harvested and not pastured farms reporting.. Cropland lying idle farms reporting.. Woodland pastured farms reporting. . Woodland not pastured farms reporting. . Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting. . Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) farms reporting.. Cropland, total farms reporting.. Land pastured, total farms reporting.. Woodland, total farms reporting.. FARM OPERATORS Residing on farm operated operators reporting.. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting.. With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting.. Off- farm «orL: Working off their farms, total operators reporting.. 1 to 99 days operators reporting.. 100 days or more operators reporting.. Not working off their farms operators reporting.. By age: Under 25 years operators reporting.. 25 to 34 years operators reporting.. 35 to 44 years operators reporting.. 45 to 54 years operators reporting., 55 to 64 years operators reporting.. 65 years and over operators reporting.. Uy year began operation of present farm: 1954 operators reporting.. 1953 operators reporting. , 1952 operators reporting. , 1951 operators reporting., 1946-1950 operators reporting.. 1941-1945 operators reporting. 1940 or earlier operators reporting. Farns by class of *ort power: No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting. No tractor and only 1 horse or mule farms reporting. No tractor and 2 or more horses and/or mules farms reporting. Tractor and horses and/or mules farms reporting. Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting. All farm operators — Continued Tenure of operator1 — Continued Tenants — Continued 22,972 420 41,961 7,415 13,819 1,115,907 2,292 2,978 3,949 3,157 8,847 2,417 30,453 4,562 115,557 4,391 213,777 13,804 666,086 8,058 225,601 6,586 329,334 610 2,136 3,736 3,722 1,919 1,161 1,815 1,747 1,602 1,377 3,389 1,360 2,004 4,494 2,074 3,196 1,405 13,360 605,289 3,221 3,442 3,633 1,947 15,769 1,029 2,170 3,927 3,313 2,414 1,820 1,661 1,164 3,050 1,053 1,338 1,892 4S1 1,270 7,437 4,323 409,788 1,605 1,720 46,211 70,717 1,349 1,289 53,673 86,356 1,542 1,184 26,401 32,736 7,598 3,164 15,701 11,211 13,340 4,242 460,018 179,565 2,956 2,581 88,381 125,925 2,415 2,321 99,884 157,073 14 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 4 -FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, [Data are based on reports for only (For definitions and explanations, see text) All farm operators Tenure of operator1 Faras number. , SPECIFIED FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT Telephone farms reporting. , Electricity farms reporting. , Television set farms reporting., Piped running water farms reporting.. Home freezer farms reporting., Electric pig brooder farms reporting., Power feed grinder farms reporting. , Milking machine farms reporting., Grain combines farms reporting., number. Corn pickers farms reporting., number. . Pick-up hay balers farms reporting., number., Field forage harvesters farms reporting., Motortrucks farms reporting., Tractors farms reporting., Wheel and/or crawler tractors other than garden farms reporting. , Wheel tractors other than garden farms reporting., number. . Garden tractors farms reporting., number. , Crawler tractors farms reporting., number. , Autoaobiles farms reporting., number. , FARM LABOR WEEK OF OCTOBER 24-30 Faaily and/or hired workers farms reporting. persons. Faaily workers, including operator farms reporting. persons. Operators working 1 or more hours persons. Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 hours or more farms reporting. persons. Hired workers larms reporting. persons. Regular workers (to be employed 150 days or more) farms reporting. persons. Seasonal workers ( to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting. Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers farms reporting. Faras by kiod of workers: Both family workers and hired workers farms reporting. Family workers only.... farms reporting. Operators only farms reporting. Unpaid members of operator ' s family only farms reporting. Hired workers only farms reporting. SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES IN 1954 Specified fara expenditures2 farms reporting. Machine hire and/or hired labor farms reporting. dollars. Machine hire farms reporting. dollars. Hired labor farms reporting. dollars . Feed for livestock and poultry farms reporting. dollars. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil ■ farms reporting. dollars. Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing material farms reporting. dollars. acres on which used. Lime and liming material.... farms reporting. dollars. tons. acres an which used. See footnotes at end of table. 28,138 155,114 32,261 68,056 2,942 2,974 2,962 3,016 53,875 65,175 139,865 232,949 135,815 16,010 123,855 76,560 170,047 110,750 37,992,450 78,870 8,453,232 72,530 29,539,218 144,296 40,319,911 962,434 4,780,271 6,793 1,163,425 203,221 229,006 6,683 32,614 7,232 18,307 30,304 50,655 29,633 4,981 25,323 14,710 34,593 26,392 12,035,414 18,668 2,363,461 18,518 9,671,953 31,382 11,596,269 276,660 1,336,222 2,338 428,549 76,189 85,200 3,864 18,342 4,307 10,292 2,032 1,251 1,268 1,051 1,066 259 271 12,707 12,648 16,714 17,481 32,506 17,145 7,900 15,361 1,815 5,033 4,553 12,928 6,959 19,380 16,403 13,231,930 11,107 2,192,111 13,616 11,039,819 18,817 11,804,438 281,470 1,318,409 1,855 360,406 63,262 71,323 424 366 1,264,779 178 115,014 355 1,149,765 374 1,098,948 790,486 20,692 87,556 105 61,045 13,064 12,109 1,683 32,386 3,127 6,811 34,815 69,417 34,284 3,744 18,652 3,605 31,210 16,465 40,198 33,046 8,273,920 23,542 2,572,042 22,074 5,701,878 38,795 10,845,185 258,577 1,357,402 911 151,520 24,231 27,004 ALABAMA BY COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1954-Continued 15 sample of farms- See (For definitions and explanations, All farm operators — Continued Tenure of operator1 — Continued Tenants — Continued Other farms Far-s number. SPECIFIED FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT Telephone farms reporting. Electricity farms reporting. Television set farms reporting. Piped running water farms reporting. Home freezer farms reporting. Electric pig brooder farms reporting. Power feed grinder farms reporting. Milking machine farms reporting. Grain combines farms reporting. number. Corn pickers farms reporting. number. Pick-up hay balers farms reporting. number. Field forage harvesters farms reporting. number. Motortrucks farms reporting. number. Tractors farms reporting. number. Wheel and/or crawler tractors other than garden farms reporting. Wheel tractors other than garden farms reporting. Garden tractors farms reporting. number . Crawler tractors farms repDrting. number. Autosobiles farms reporting. FARM LABOR WEEK OF OCTOBER 24-30 Faaily workers, Including operator farms reporting. persons. Operators working 1 or more hours persons. Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 hours or more farms reporting. persons. Hired workers farms reporting. persons . Regular workers ( to be employed 150 days or more) farms reporting. persons. Seasonal workers ( to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting. persons. Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers farms reporting.. Faru by kiod of workers: Both family workers and hired workers farms reporting.. Family workers only farms reporting. . Operators only farms reporting. . Unpaid members of operator's family only. farms reporting. . Hired workers only farms reporting.. SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES IN 1954 Specified fare expeodi tares' farms reporting.. Machine hire and/or hired labor farms reporting.. dollars.. Machine hire farms reporting.. Hired labor farms reporting.. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil farms reporting.. dollars. . Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing material farms reporting. . dollars. . dollare. , which used. 8,050 1,295 1,515 12,003 1,387 2,543 5,270 5,250 5,801 12,202 24,894 12 ,012 1,478 10,724 5,335 13,794 11,360 3,044,551 8,423 966,824 7,772 2,077,727 13,274 4,188,452 98,685 524,301 309 51,122 8,592 8,574 379,053 9,139 49,580 96 10,226 2,406 2,687 13,025 11,295 2,186,573 7,609 814,646 7,324 1,371,927 12,764 3,183,979 78,004 400,590 213 22,380 3,315 3,770 1,037 1,026 1,195 11,094 3,620 26,653 8,932 11,047 3,618 22,314 6,873 10,896 3,546 5,133 1,769 11,418 3,327 4,278 3,364 862,905 2,370 217,054 2,211 645,851 4,007 999,886 23,502 119,651 92 24,743 2,678 3,824 16 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 4v-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, [Data are based on reports for only (For definitions and explanations, see text) LIVESTOCK Livestock on band: All cattle and calves. .....farms reporting.. number.. Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting. . number.. Milk cows farms reporting.. number. . All farm operators Total all Chickens 4 months old and Livestock and livestock products sold in 1954: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting., number. , Specified crops harvested .farms reporting Corn harvested for grain farms reporting Oats threshed or combined farms reporting Peanuts harvested for picking or threshing farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops pounds harvested Cotton harvested farms reporting bales harvested Hay cut acres 132,288 984,628 111,101 318,110 129,688 2,051,754 25,548,896 5,426,849 8,661 171,372 5,169,596 1,374,004 106,332 1,142,480 698,019 30,678 374,856 26,047 104,801 27,600 490,350 6,776,453 966,012 3,316 61,272 1,856,557 382,817 24,070 218,383 141,214 Tenure of operator1 17,632 284,842 15,213 72,363 14,770 233,396 17,614 497,335 6,674,993 1,433,046 2,466 69,102 2,136,235 680,745 16,105 283,945 181,524 39,783 253 3,914 6,773 61 149,228 14,979 265,706 28,630 8,901 285,862 29,312 26,910 104,091 23,140 53,111 36,455 664,950 7,657,012 2,495,766 1,081 18,605 550,220 233,969 6,031 35,722 4,602 7,031 101,420 1,043,212 150,775 5,390 150,040 58,620 7,331 71,991 41,024 of operator for commercial farms only. Excludes farms reporting ALABAMA BY COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR. CENSUS OF 1954-Continued 17 sample of farms. See (For definitlonsi and explanations. All farm operators — Continued Tenure of operator1 — Continued Tenants — Continued Livestock-share LIVESTOCK Livestock on hand: All cattle and calves farms reporting.. number. . Cows, Including heifers that have calved farms reporting. . number.. Milk cows farms reporting. . All hogs and pigs farms reporting. Chickens 4 months old and i Livestock and livestock products sold in 1954: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting.. number. . Corn harvested for grain farms reporting Oats threshed or combined farms reporting Peanuts harvested for picking or threshing farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops pounds harvested Cotton harvested farms reporting bales harvested 2,399 520 1,399 1,713 351 5,730 18,366 209,550 58,155 5,919 3,237,820 10, 428 29,209 9,546 18,397 6,760 204,752 96,995 13,434 189,860 119,097 5,255 524 2,375 16,302 340 3,867 477 13,703 60 312,270 94 24,265 18,548 228,720 52,600 1,645 54,938 24,750 5,607 3,535,790 6,303 15,807 5,561 10,139 11,506 180,850 2,132,582 1,418 43,760 25,495 34,458 17,285,825 13,029 177,213 109,187 3,019 15,699 2,387 5,901 2,818 5,586 708,132 553 197,430 3,876 64,574 3,775 61 ,314 656,003 172 ,686 2,702 73,480 19,484 4,590 1,989,540 3,893 44,921 25,571 56,673 181 ,056 46,446 83,921 47,768 384,140 4,174,732 503,395 27,027 124,319 60 ,072 18 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 4-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, [Data are based on reports for only (For definitions and explanations, FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Fans number. Land owned by farm operators farms reporting. Land rented from others by farm operators. .. .farms reporting. Land managed by farm operators farms reporting. Land rented to others by farm operators farms reporting. I. and in fans acres. Average size of farm acres. Value of laod and buildings: Average per farm dollars. Average per acre dollars. Proportion of farms reporting value percent. Proportion of land in farms for which value was reported percent. Cropland harvested farms reporting. 1 to 9 acres farms reporting. 10 to 19 acres farms reporting. 20 to 29 acres farms reporting. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting. 200 to 499 acres farms reporting. 500 acres and over ..............farms reporting. Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting. Cropland not harvested and not pastured... farms reporting. Cropland used only for crops not harvested and not pastured farms reporting. Cropland lying idle farms reporting. Woodland pastured farms reporting. Woodland not pastured farms reporting. Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting.. Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) farms reporting., Cropland, total........ farms reporting., Land pastured, total.. ....farms reporting., Woodland, total farms reporting.. FARM OPERATORS Residing on farm operated operators reporting., Not residing on farm operated operators reporting., With other Income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting.. Off- fan «ork: Working off their farms, total operators reporting., 1 to 99 days operators reporting.. 100 days or more.... operators reporting.. Not working off their farms operators reporting.. By age: Under 25 years operators reporting.. 25 to 34 years operators reporting.. 35 to 44 years operators reporting.. 45 to 54 years operators reporting.. 55 to 64 years operators reporting.. 65 years and over operators reporting.. By year began operation of present fan: 1954 operators reporting.. 1953. operators reporting. . 1952 .operators reporting. . 1951 operators reporting. . 1946-1950 operators reporting. . 1941-1945. . operators reporting. . 1940 or earlier operators reporting.. Farna by class of wort pover: No traotor, horses, or mules.. farms reporting.. No tractor and only 1 horse or mule farms reporting.. No tractor and 2 or more horses and/or mules ...............farms reporting.. Tractor and horses and/or mules. farms reporting.. Tractor and no horses or mulea farms reporting.. 97,777 15,372,001 54,565 4,887,586 483 729,599 31,724 2,610,430 107,775 3,879,547 25,702 22,250 18,669 19,551 15,292 4,557 1.4B3 8,252 123,330 36,675 740,966 64,887 4,103,915 62,523 5,260,977 120,322 6,286,560 101,454 7,907,054 94,104 9,364,892 Tenure of operator1 65,579 20,742 44,837 65,130 2,505 15,780 31,315 32,735 23,953 20,663 9,003 8,189 7,473 7,383 31,445 18, 563 44,233 19,070 21,854 26,784 27,366 1,114,156 2,715 5,705 6,581 6,415 4,264 1,160 2,491 42,184 8,758 209,244 18,834 1,558,161 17,721 1,871,814 27,994 143,630 28,659 1,955,990 27,790 3,040,324 26,118 3,429,975 201 2,299 5,766 7,652 7,315 6,328 6,568 7,600 7,418 16,144 3,197,949 16,144 1,846,665 383 1,396 2,211 4,107 4,945 1,958 695 140 6,541 426,451 4,745 121,550 1,706 31,278 3,621 90,272 10,344 1,078,931 9,267 1,022,515 15,985 1,701,581 15,169 2,192,839 13,963 2,101,446 15,230 712 1,999 6,017 3,600 2,417 10,127 1,959 5,206 4,874 4,734 3,000 5,939 62,958 65 10,185 10,804 365 138,970 353 281, 570 294 272,269 20,392 22,771 2,244,284 3,388 4,826 6,653 5,369 1,282 253 18 1,075 13,235 3,635 63,309 22,593 1,219,678 12,425 575,342 10,604 720,325 7,650 5,921 1,729 15,116 1,250 3,871 6,293 4,122 3,338 2,759 2,115 5,148 1,756 2,008 See footnotes end of table. ALABAMA 19 BY COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1954-Continued a sample of farms. See text] (For definitions and explanatio White operators— Continued Tenure of operator1 — Continued Tenants — Continued Livestock-share FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number Land owned by farm operators farms reporting Land rented from others by farm operators. .. .farms reporting Land managed by farm operators farms reporting Land rented to others by farm operators farms reporting Land in farms • • . acrns Average size of farm acres Value of land and buildings: Average per farm dollars Average per acre dol i ars Proportion of farms reporting value percent Proportion of land in farms for which value was reported percent Ijni'l in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 500 acres and over farms reporting Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting Cropland not harvested and ...farms reporting Cropland used only for crops not harvested and not pastured farms reporting Cropland lying idle farms reporting Woodland pastured farms reporting Woodland not pastured farms reporting Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) farms reporting Cropland, total farms reporting Land pastured, total farms reporting Woodland, total farms reporting FARM OPERATORS Residing on farm operated operators reporting Not residing on farm operated operators reporting With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting Off- farm work: Working off their farms, total operators reporting 1 to 99 days operators reporting 100 days or more operators reporting Not working off their farms operators reporting Under 25 years operators reporting 25 to 34 years operators reporting 35 to 44 years operators reporting 45 to 54 years operators reporting 55 to 64 years operators reporting 65 years and over operators reporting Uy year began operation of present farm: 1954 operators reporting 1953 operators reporting 1952 operators reporting 1951 operators reporting 1946-1950 operators reporting 1941-1945 operators reporting 1940 or earlier operators reporting Farms by class of work power: No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting No tractor and only 1 horse or mule farms reporting No tractor and 2 or more horses and/or mules farms reporting Tractor and horses and/or mules farms reporting Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting 5,615 9,960 918,212 2,042 3,103 2,767 6,702 1,877 22,973 3,550 90,337 3,714 185,300 9,945 539,055 6,339 179,417 5,203 275,637 1,711 2,760 2,666 1,212 1,519 1,467 1,212 1,001 2,449 855 1,022 2,561 1,869 3,015 1,300 7,012 * ■'..', ■■.'■ 1,290 1,797 2,157 1,296 1,155 2,052 1,758 6,042 2,159 278,571 1,099 797 31,568 45,752 988 752 41,488 59,031 1,201 688 20,817 23,786 4,116 1,541 9,685 6,490 6,992 2,083 276,867 117,588 2,100 1,277 63,844 87,992 1,669 1,168 73,056 104,783 20 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 4.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, [Data are based on reports for only (For definitions and explanations, see text) Faras number. . SPECIFIED FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT Telephone farms reporting. . Electricity farms reporting. . Television set farms reporting. . Piped running water farms reporting. . Home freezer farms reporting. . Electric pig brooder farms reporting. . Power feed grinder farms reporting.. Milking machine farms reporting. . Grain combines farms reporting. . number. . Corn pickers farms reporting. . Pick-up hay balers farms reporting. . Field forage harvesters farms reporting.. number.. Motortrucks farms reporting., number.. Tractors .farms reporting. , Wheel and/or crawler tractors other than garden farms reporting.. Wheel tractors other than garden farms reporting.. number.. Garden tractors farms reporting.. number.. Crawler tractors farms reporting.. number. , Automobiles farms reporting.. number.. FABM LABOR WEEK OF OCTOBER 24-30 Family aod/or hired workers farms reporting.. persons. , Family workers, including operator farms reporting., persons. . Operators working 1 or more hours persons., unpaid members of operator's family working 15 hours or more farms reporting., persons. , Hired workers farms reporting. , persons., Regular workers (to be employed 150 days or more) farms reporting., persons., Seasonal workers ( to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting., persons., Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers farms reporting., Farms by kind of workers: Both family workers and hired workera farms reporting. Family workers only farms reporting. Operators only farms reporting. , Unpaid members of operator's family only farms reporting. Hired workers only farms reporting. , SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES IN 1954 Specified term expenditures farms reporting. Machine hire and/or hired labor farms reporting. dollars . Machine hire .farms reporting. dollars . Hired labor farms reporting. dollars., Feed for livestock and poultry farms reporting. dollars. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil farms reporting. dollars. Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing material. .farms reporting. dollars. acres on which used. Lime and liming material.... farms reporting. dollars. acres on which used. See footnotes at end of table. White operators farms of operators 26,822 125,701 30,550 64,466 2,882 2,914 2,855 2,908 48,638 48,324 57,835 102,874 164,290 99,815 13,786 89,088 56,410 125,768 80,722 34,569,754 57,087 7,082,197 55,650 27,487,557 103,282 34,694,634 829,223 4,011,521 6,408 196,345 1,120,521 220,812 Tenure of operator1 6,543 29,116 7,049 17,828 15,018 14,969 18,236 26,207 42,980 25,661 4,570 21,637 12,711 29,945 22,805 11,580,762 15,946 2,212,425 16,468 9,368,337 26,935 10,926,529 261,020 1,240,312 2,254 74,973 421,188 83,308 798 1,766 1,987 1,219 1,236 1,003 1,017 257 11,868 11,809 15,717 14, 576 26,055 14,290 4,092 10,484 5,756 16,139 13,831 12,543,347 9,396 2,008,263 11,754 10,535,084 15,620 10,975,292 262,785 1,209,937 1,769 61,652 351,221 69,848 756,199 19,823 81,995 103 13,010 60,693 12,050 1,500 21,671 2,777 5,881 8,973 8,917 10,271 19,865 38,811 19,580 2,750 17, 115 8,910 22,636 19,031 6,443,687 13,362 1,734,084 13,8 4,714,603 21,814 7,805,096 185,053 950,399 764 21,270 132,654 23,596 ALABAMA BY COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1954-Continued 21 sample of farms. See t] (For definitions and explanations, White operators — Continued Tenure of operator1 — Continued Tenants — Continued Livestock- share Other farms Paras number. SPECIFIED FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT Telephone farms reporting. Electricity farms reporting. Television set farms reporting. Piped running water. farms reporting. Home freezer farms reporting. Electric pig brooder farms reporting. Power feed grinder farms reporting. Milking machine farms reporting. Grain combines farms reporting. Corn pickers farms reporting. number . Pick-up hay balers farms reporting. number. Field forage harvesters farms reporting. number. Motortrucks farms reporting. number. Tractors farms reporting. Wheel and/or crawler tractors other than garden farms reporting. Wheel tractors other than garden farms reporting. Garden tractors farms reporting. number. Crawler tractors farms reporting. number . Automobiles farms reporting. FARM LABOR WEEK OF OCTOBER 24-30 Faaily and/or hired workers farms reporting. persons. Fuily worker*, Including operator farms reporting. persons. Operators working 1 or more hours persons. Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 hours or more farms reporting. persons . Hired workers farms reporting. persons . Regular workers ( to be employed 150 days or more) farms reporting. persons . Seasonal workers ( to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting. persons. Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers farms reporting. Paras by kind of workers: Both family workers and hired workers farms reporting. Family workers only farms reporting. Operators only farms reporting. Unpaid members of operator's family only farms reporting. Hired workers only .farms reporting. SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES IN 1954 Specified far* expenditures2 farms reporting. Machine hire and/or hired labor farms reporting. dollars. Machine hire farms reporting. Hired labor farms reporting. Feed for livestock and poultry farms reporting. dollars. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil farms reporting. dollars. Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing material farms reporting. acres on which used. Lime and liming material farms reporting. dollars. acres on which used. 9,555 1,302 2,338 4,884 4,864 5,399 8,934 18,306 8,774 1,243 7,691 3,682 9,950 8,297 2,600,661 6,151 769,739 5,931 1,830,922 9,615 3,515,391 82,199 429,471 284 6,867 40,767 6,864 342,933 8,171 45,075 96 2,406 10,226 2,687 1,355 1,350 1,594 5,860 11,831 5,794 430,889 4,067 939,512 6,806 1,942,059 46,998 241,394 143 2,715 17,435 2,830 1,794 3,217 1,758 2,12-; 1,700 678,471 1,072 141,300 1,298 537,171 1,929 681,046 16,305 77,920 76 2,427 23,092 3,566 22 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 4-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, [Data are based on reports for only (For definitions and explanations, see text) LIVESTOCK Livestock on hand: All cattle and calves farms reporting.. number. . Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting. . number. . Milk cows farms reporting.. number. . Horses and mules farms reporting,. Chickens 4 months old and i Livestock sod livestock products sold in 1954: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting.. number. . Corn harvested for grain farms reporting Oats threshed or combined farms reporting Peanuts harvested for picking or threshing farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops pounds harvested Cotton harvested farms reporting bales harvested Hay cut acres White operators farms of operators 102,014 892,061 87,285 266,824 90,844 1,652,127 21,815,542 4,850,059 166,102 5,048,996 1,360,199 67,545 810,949 521,585 Tenure of operator1 26,540 357,060 22,600 94,783 23,372 438,250 6,278,673 941,967 3,043 59,972 1,824,187 382,817 19,660 185,170 123,479 14,923 270,025 12,860 65,421 14,551 443,126 6,118,508 1,340,781 2,327 67,827 2,104,520 676,445 12,899 240,215 156,894 36,812 234 3,873 64,857 338 28,615 138 6,662 58 149,086 55 448,102 14,215 257,555 28,630 8,667 277,762 28,312 15,989 73,581 14,515 35,172 20,651 470,923 5,760,869 2,079,621 17,025 518,220 227,489 21,330 313,194 201,951 1,960 23,318 1,568 8,173 2,212 46,995 583,287 122,185 5,050 144,185 58,140 8,189 ,192,731 2,173 28,380 19,099 by tenure of operator for al farms only. Excludes farms reporting cial fertilizer and lime. ALABAMA BY COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR. CENSUS OF 1954-Continued 23 ssjnple of farms. See (For definitions and explanations, see text) Faras number. . LIVESTOCK Livestock oa band: All cattle and calves farms reporting.. number. . Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting.. number. . Milk cows farms reporting.. number. . Chickens 4 months old and i ▼estock and livestock products sold io 19S4: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting.. number. . chops Specified cropa harvested in 1954: Corn for all purposes farms reporting. .farms reporting. Corn harvested for gra Oats threshed or combined. Peanuts harvested for picking or threshing farms reporting. acres grown alone. acres grown with other crops. pounds harvested. Cotton harvested farms reporting. bales harvested . 1,618 291 5,270 15,046 180,755 56,725 White operators— Continued Tenure of operator1 — Continued Tenants — Continued Livestock-share 7,794 22,906 7,340 13,901 9,479 238,392 2,909,855 1,122,830 6,120 194,372 96,995 9,600 146,212 94,086 14,792 305 3,552 412 12,498 60 312,270 94 24,265 17,048 209,915 50,025 1,510 48,438 19,750 3,901 10,391 3,570 6,458 22,087 779 229,934 6,173 114,901 1,411,962 582,320 6,776 94,835 60,545 1,450 10,232 1,213 3,401 645,647 423 180,365 1,792 38,541 465,095 145,536 2,487 70,705 19,484 2,870 1,360,760 1,770 23,988 15,095 Other farms 44,209 154,583 37,076 67,575 32,046 285,613 3,399,937 459,060 1,447 12,611 324,307 45,136 13,532 64,657 34,624 24 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Tao.o 4-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, [Data are based on reports for only (For definitions and explanations, see text) Nonuhite operators farms of nonwhite operators Tenure of operator1 FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Faraa number Land owned by farm operators farms reporting Land rented from others by farm operators.... farms reporting Land managed by farm operators farms reporting Land rented to others by farm operators farms reporting Loud in far.. acres Average size of farm acres Value of land and buildings: Average per farm dollars Average per acre dollars Proportion of farms reporting value.. percent Proportion of land in farms for which value was reported percent Land in fnras according to use: Cropland harvested..... farms reporting 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 to 199 acres.... farms reporting 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 500 acres and over farms reporting Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting Cropland not harvested and not pastured. ..farms reporting Cropland lying idle farms reporting Woodland pastured farms reporting Woodland not pastured farms reporting Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) farms reporting Cropland, total farms reporting Land pastured, total farms reporting Woodland, total farms reporting FARM OPERATORS Residing on farm operated operators reporting. . Not residing on farm operated operators reporting.. With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting., (Iff- fan work: Working off their farms, total operatora reporting.. 1 to 99 days operators reporting., 100 days or more. .............. ....operators reporting., Not working off their farms operators reporting., By a«e: Under 25 years operators reporting. 25 to 34 yeara operators reporting., 35 to 44 years operators reporting. 45 to 54 years operators reporting. 55 to 64 years operators reporting., 65 years and over operators reporting. By year began operation of preoent fata: 1954 operators reporting. 1953.. operators reporting. 1952 operators reporting. 1951 operators reporting. 1946-1950 operators reporting. 1941-1945 operators reporting. 1940 or earlier operators reporting. Faraa ay class af aarfc aeaer: r, horses, or mules farms reporting. and only 1 horse or mule farms reporting. No tractor and 2 or more horaes and/or mules farms reporting.. Tractor and horses and/or mules. farms reporting. Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting. 18,508 1,130,685 33,872 1,380,696 54 58,618 3,405 117,332 44,290 875,761 L3,768 14,294 7,842 5,607 2,412 321 43 3,913 26,620 9,735 134,149 15,343 488,251 11,553 525,264 45,424 1,164,180 23,437 804,930 21,462 1,013,515 20,909 11,338 9,571 25,283 9,742 11,737 8,419 9,879 2,879 11,544 6,500 15,971 15,944 2,062 1,282 5,220 1,517 23,760 2,966 105,860 2,097 95,976 4,286 13,833 4,637 171,088 4,103 185,710 3,822 201,836 1,111 1,278 1,439 1,355 2,301 3,251 207,304 3,251 180,032 5,215 967 13,649 3,246 161,402 2,515 137,117 2,395 157,580 48,015 7 1,020 7,623 9 20,110 1,344 7,981 2,627 36,635 4,515 140,057 2,622 141,104 17,842 531,886 7,045 218,547 5,843 281,161 4,819 2,960 2,383 1,353 1,195 1,600 1,466 4,769 2,313 4,585 See footnotes at end of table. ALABAMA BY COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR. CENSUS OF 1954-Continued a sample of farms. See text] 25 (For definitions and explanations, Nonvhlte operators — Continued Tenure of operator1 — Continued Tenants — Continued Livestock-share FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Faras number Land owned by farm operators farms reporting Land rented from others by farm operators. .. .farms reporting Land managed by farm operators farms reporting Land rented to others by farm operators farms reporting Land in farms acres Average size of farm acre9 Value of land and building-. Average per farm dollars Average per acre dollars. Proportion of farms reporting value percent Proportion of land in farms for which value was reported percent Land in faras according- to oae: Cropland harvested farms reporting 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 500 acres and over farms reporting Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting Cropland not harvested and not pastured. . .farms reporting Cropland used only for crops not harvested and not pastured farms reporting Cropland lying idle farms reporting Woodland pastured farms reporting Woodland not pastured farms reporting Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) farms reporting Cropland, total farms reporting Land pastured, total farms reporting Woodland, total farms reporting FARM OPERATORS Residing on farm operated operators reporting Not residing on farm operated operators reporting With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting Off-farn *ork: Working off their farms, total operators reporting 1 to 99 days operators reporting 100 days or more operators reporting Not working off their farms operators reporting By age: Under 25 years .....operators reporting 25 to 34 years operators reporting 35 to 44 years operators reporting 45 to 54 years operators reporting 55 to 64 years operators reporting 65 years and over operators reporting By year h^gan operation of present fara: 1954 .operators reporting 1953 operators reporting 1952 operators reporting 1951 operators reporting 1946-1950 operators reporting 1941-1945 operators reporting 1940 or earlier operators reporting Faras by clasa of work paw: No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting No tractor and only 1 horse or mule farms reporting No tractor and 2 or more horses and/or mules farms reporting Tractor and horses and/or mules farms reporting. Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting. l64.' 60 1,012 2,375 25,220 60 677 7,270 28,477 3,859 127,031 1,719 46,184 1,383 53 ,697 1,931 1,645 1,476 14,643 361 12,185 1,015 1,875 1,555 1,822 686 1,045 1,395 2,164 131,217 3,482 1,623 6,016 4,721 6,348 2,159 183,151 61,977 856 1,304 24,537 37,933 746 1,153 26,828 52,290 26 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 4 -FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, [Date are based on reports for only (For definitions and explanations, see text) Far «s number.. SPECIFIED FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT Telephone farms reporting. . Electricity farms reporting. . Television set farms reporting. . Piped running water • ...farms reporting.. Home freezer farms reporting. . Electric pig brooder farms reporting.. Power feed grinder farms reporting.. Milking machine farms reporting.. Grain combines farms reporting.. Corn pickers farms reporting.. Pick-up hay balers farms reporting.. Field forage harvesters farms reporting. . Motortrucks farms reporting., number . , Tractors .farms reporting. , Wheel and/or crawler tractors other than garden farms reporting.. Wheel tractors other than garden farms reporting.. number.. Garden tractors farms reporting.. Crawler tractors farms reporting.. number.. Automobiles farms reporting., number . , FARM LABOR WEEK OF OCTOBER 24-30 Faaily and/or hired workers farms reporting.. persons. . Faaily workers, including operator farms reporting., persons.. Operators working 1 or more hours persons., Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 hours or more farms reporting., persons. , Hired vorkers farms reporting.. Regular workers ( to be employed 150 days or more) farms reporting., persons. , Seasonal workers ( to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting., persons., Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired vorkers farms reporting., Faras by kiad of workers: Both family workers and hired workers farms reporting. Family workers only farms reporting. Operators only farms reporting. Unpaid members of operator ' s family only farms reporting. Hired workers only farms reporting. SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES IN 1954 Specified fara expeaditures2 farms reporting. Machine hire and/or hired labor farms reporting. dollars . Machine hire farms reporting. dollars. Hired labor farms reporting. dollars. Feed for livestock and poultry farms reporting. dollars. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil farms reporting. dollars. Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing material farms reporting. do Hare. acres on which used. Lime and liming material...... farms reporting. dollars. tons. acres on which used. See footnotes at end of table. Nonwhite operators farms of nonwhite operators 3,344 3,319 3,713 2,224 3 i25 $35 $50 $85 $nc $1.3...' $170 $24 per week farms $25 to $29 per week farms $30 to $39 per week farms $40 to $49 per week farms $50 to $59 per week farms $60 to $69 per week farms $70 to $79 per week farms $80 and over per week farms d on a daily basis farms reporting. 00 per day farms reporting. 00 per day farms reporting. 00 per day farms reporting. 00 per day farms reporting. 00 per day farms reporting. 00 per day farms reporting. 00 per day farms reporting. 00 per day farms reporting. 00 per day farms reporting. i.OO and over per day farms reporting. ■ly basis farms reporting. per hour farms reporting. 34 per hour farms reporting. 44 per hour farms reporting . 54 per hour farms reporting. 64 per hour farms reporting. 74 per hour farms reporting. 84 per hour farms reporting. 99 per hour farms reporting. 14 per hour farms reporting. .29 per hour farms reporting. .44 per hour farms reporting. rer per hour farms reporting. Paid ..., • n houi Under $0.25 $0.25 to $0 $0.35 to $0 $0.45 to $0 $0.55 to $0 $0.65 to $0 $0.75 to $0 $0.85 to $0 $1.00 to $1 $1.15 to $1 $1.30 to $1 $1.45 and o\ reporting. Expenditures for hi r in 1954 farms reporting. dollars. $1 to $99 farms reporting. $100 to $199 farms reporting. $200 to $499 farms reporting. $500 to $999 farms reporting. $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting. $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting. $5,000 and over.... farms reporting. rns with expenditures for hired labor but no hired workers reported. . .farms reporting. $1 to $99 farms reporting. $100 to $199 farms reporting. $200 to $499 farms reporting. $500 to $999 farms reporting. $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting. $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting. • farms reporting. $5,000 and i Type of farm — Continued reporting. . 1,032 persons. . 2,969 reporting. . 378 reporting. . reporting. . 204 reporting. . 157 reporting. . 24 reporting. , 720 persons. . 1,861 reporting.. 326 reporting. . 150 reporting. . 157 reporting. . reporting. . 12 reporting. . 517 persons . . 1,108 reporting. . 263 reporting. . 121 reporting. . reporting. . 32 reporting.. 7 reporting. . 515 reporting. . 205 reporting. . 312 reporting.. 293 reporting. . reporting. . reporting. . reporting. . reporting. . reporting. . reporting. . reporting. . reporting. . reporting. . reporting. . reporting.. 505 reporting. . reporting. . reporting. . reporting. . 100 reporting. . 108 reporting. . 110 reporting. . 105 reporting. . 40 reporting. . 22 reporting. . reporting. . reporting. . 1 Livestock other than dairy and poultry 2,735 7,988 1,050 5,648 4,845,923 1,462 42 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table ll.-DATE OF ENUMERATION: CENSUSES OF 1954, 1950, AND 1945 [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] October 10 to 16.. October 17 to 23.. October 2A to 31. . November 1 to 6. . . November 7 to 13. . November 14 to 20. November 21 to 27. November 28 "to 30. December 1 to 4... December 5 to 11.. December 12 to 18. December 19 to 25. December 26 to 31. Z Less than 0.5. Nov. 21-Nov. 27 Apr. 15-Apr. 28 April 15 to 28 April 29 to May 12. May 13 to June 2... June 3 and later... average date of i Percent January 1 to 15. January 16 to 31 ALABAMA 43 a aa 3 s a u « si . is g^s""s g 33a3a 3s 31 II I lui8!!!31! 3 s.-. a h 3 s } ai s3s Sfo 9 9 9d 3s 3 3 3s 9 d 3 a 5 a 3a a a a a a a 3a a a as s "a a j a j a rt« . a a 8 I £ £ R p S\i p R u +* es es E 3* 1 |gg Slas las ill s llas slfs* S2,8XS"J of. q a C S? S? S S I 9S9S9S 9S9 S 9 S 9 S |S9S! il II 1 1 i llllll II! 111! 1 I i * ll 9 s 9 s 5 5 5 2 I I t § 1 I 9 S9 S9! 1 l! |!| £ £ £ S s3 111 fa 44 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 13.— LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1954 [Data for number of livestock not fully comparable for the several censuses. See State Table 12 and text] 1925 1920 (January l) (January l) Total value of specified classes of livestock dollars.. Cattle and dairy products: Cattle and calves farms reporting.. number., value .. dollars . . Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting.. value. .dollars. . Milk cows farms reporting.. Dairy products sold farms reporting.. dollars.. Whole milk sold farms reporting.. gallons. . dollars. . Cream sold farms reporting.. pounds of butterf at. . dollars.. Butter, buttermilk, skim milk, and cheese sold farms reporting.. dollars.. Cows milked, day preceding enumeration. .. .farms reporting.. number of cows. . Milk produced, day preceding enumeration gallons.. Cows and heifers milked during any part of preceding year farms reporting.. number . . Horses and mules: Horses and/or mules farms reporting. . number. . value . . dollars . . Horses and colts, including ponies farms reporting.. number. . value.. dollars.. Mules and mule colts farms reporting.. number. . value. .dollars. . Hogs: Hogs and pigs farms reporting.. number . . value. .dollars.. 4 months old and over farms reporting.. number. . Less than 4 months old farms reporting. . Sows and gilts farrowing farms reporting.. number. . Between December 1 and June 1 farms reporting.. number. . Between June 1 and December 1 farms reporting.. Sheep and lambs farms reporting. . value .. dollars . . Sheep 1 year old and over farms reporting. . number. . Ewes farms reporting.. number.. Rams and wethers farms reporting.. Lambs under 1 year old farms reporting . . number. . Sheep and lambs shorn farms reporting . . number shorn. . Wool shorn pounds. . value. .dollars. . 135,756 1,795,777 82,478,132 131, 617 994,950 55,717,200 110,283 320,072 (NA) 122,323,647 10,313 52,570,892 21,985,942 3,410 635,955 337,705 (NA) (NA) 98,785 207,042 338,955 (NA) (NA) 90,407 165,375 7,405,433 30,336 45,899 1,790,061 71,204 119,476 5,615,372 103,971 889,338 20,487,257 87,269 422,975 54,243 466,363 37,996 138,419 26,136 70,741 26,885 67,678 1,121 55,402 756,670 1,035 41,510 943 38,277 229,755 121,770 160,763 1,269,389 107,552,820 155,586 688,049 82,984,696 145,359 354,517 28,242 19,439,293 13,131 39,262,901 18,114,309 5,589 953,913 533,037 13,518 791,947 133,979 246,308 449,296 (NA) (NA) 143,527 287,928 25,354,301 43,266 67,765 4,314,669 119,925 220,163 21,039,632 147,629 1,061,498 15,596,690 123,417 571, 819 73,326 489,679 (NA) (NA) 60,293 133,225 (NA) (NA) 25,082 245,107 647 14,756 621 11,572 483 3,184 543 10,326 437 13,035 68,156 28,795 119,594,746 189,863 1,282,378 54,154,199 184,685 710,653 40,156,097 (NA) (NA) 44,041 15,433,985 17,384 35,955,385 2 13, 839,788 2,564 714,125 2385,372 328,513 21, 208, 825 (NA) (NA) (NA) 182,641 341,666 (NA) 323,901 46,026,265 41,378 65,585 6,348,308 140,744 258,316 39,677,957 157,384 979,723 11,619,754 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 65,143 119,485 (NA) (NA) 862 26,416 142,914 (NA) (NA) 688 18,548 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 189,388 889,983 22,712,732 183,855 494,809 16,608,742 182,729 367,241 37,330 6,304,256 7,924 19,804,560 25,2S5,795 3,335 1,060,987 2231,496 329,570 2786,965 (NA) (NA) (NA) 181,579 326,881 186,655 354,115 43,569,417 40,342 61,770 5,551,467 166,955 292,345 38,017,950 172,152 752,303 4,651,490 172,152 752,303 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 55,427 98,449 (NA) (NA) 31,634 118,625 25,602 (NA) 6,032 (NA) (NA) 720 28,312 112,432 24,745 223,968 1,125,208 14,177,685 215,147 585,543 10,539,774 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 207,657 371,206 39,914,106 37,494 49,593 3,648,919 189,394 321,613 36,265,187 192,766 888, 602 4,798,451 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 72,653 111,365 (NA) (NA) 1,409 48,128 137,165 (NA) (NA) 1,133 29,342 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1,108 44,675 164,661 31,286 187,987 799, 523 27,690,488 (NA) 400,984 20,453,897 177,402 332,045 43,231 8,378,760 8,628 16,759,875 5,974,773 (NA) (NA) 1,008,235 336,078 '1,395,752 149,230 240,519 382,863 179,623 315,300 210,871 396,973 36,712,017 (NA) 64,840 4,343,262 (NA) 332,133 32,368,755 160,601 831,171 6,293,171 (NA) 536,653 51,821 294,518 (NA) (NA) 42,229 69,486 (NA) (NA) 1,665 69,156 287,371 (NA) 50,574 (NA) 43,115 (NA) 7,459 (NA) 18,582 998 52,256 183,834 55,301 61,536,299 (NA) 822,093 14,468,330 (NA) 469,725 10,969,927 151,110 304,660 (NA) (NA) (NA) 7,128,429 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 196,597 390,172 34,302,277 (NA) 87,464 5,607,054 (NA) 302,708 28,695,223 150,216 826,833 7,914,603 (NA) (*.) (NA) («) (NA) (NA) (NA) 109,522 (NA) (NA) 1,693 55,554 199,777 (NA) 45,740 (NA) 34,980 (NA) 10,760 (NA) 9,814 (NA) 49,153 168,114 55,211 See footnot end of table. ALABAMA State Table 13.-LIVEST0CK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1954-Continued 45 [Data for number of livestock not fully omparable for he several cent uses. See Sta e Table 12 and text] see text) Census of — (For definitions and explanations 1954 (November) 1950 (April 1) 1945 (January l) 1940 (April 1) 1935 (January l) 1930 (April 1) 1925 (January l) 1920 ( JajYuary l) Goats and nobair: farms reporting.. number. . value. .dollars.. .farms reporting.. number. . .farms reporting.. number. . .farms reporting.. number. . (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 37,946 35,455,482 137,120 5,681,967 5,397,869 14,424 41,142,154 25,371,128 30, 129 22,039,827 9,207,476 6,601 26,075 9,318 246,561 2,670 16,450 737 7,396 1,252 9,913 2,750 876,878 82,849 53,704,157 81,318 62,382 653,941 34,744,618 36,918 238,354 17,472,940 51,515 415,587 17,271,678 42,614 618,556 18,248,177 664 27,035 413,192 4,682 7,017 298,170 8,075 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (•») 80,533 11,701,941 183,633 5,774,621 5,387,961 37,863 6,118,948 5,013,972 69,179 14,062,500 5,957,470 7,204 39,001 6,771 143,255 4,285 25,093 1,182 7,887 1,467 10,644 3,413 730,499 114,545 53,074,649 112,899 80,602 439,272 33,985,850 34,886 170,292 18,745,534 63,955 268,980 15,240,316 70,127 784,365 17,980,321 399 8,860 131,521 7,875 12,793 976,957 6,307 39,934 80,016 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 102,846 10,658,838 200,931 7,358,241 7,571,598 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 5,543 89,667 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 70,961 415,145 18,217,773 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 52,975 582,796 10,927,299 533 8,899 63,643 (NA) (NA) (NA) 5,158 36,362 41,025 13 237 5,146 36,125 14 (NA) 606 208 107,502 4,208,694 211,126 5,951,099 2,765,176 74,126 3,078,028 1,348,513 (NA) (NA) (NA) 8,018 33,656 5,594 74,204 1,417 12,730 465 2,669 2,763 19,935 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 66,547 44,430 254,756 4,940,710 26,167 150,673 3,856,206 25,642 104,083 1,084,504 34,559 336,522 2,812,588 444 15,241 48,397 (NA) (NA) (NA) 6,685 50,264 47,751 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 13 (NA) 853 154 (NA) (NA) 243,240 6,778,210 2,846,848 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 16,837 75,876 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 5,176 44,780 91,252 514 2,060 (NA) 42,720 (NA) 160 491 174 (NA) (NA) 221,604 5,428,068 4,024,476 95,830 3,11J,015 2,432,972 136,249 16,881,049 4,940,422 (NA) (NA) 15,538 142,894 3,306 20,442 3,872 23,364 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 6,017 72,469 90,751 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 314 926 278 (NA) (NA) 207,795 6,284,460 4,560,561 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 8,195 104,148 255,468 45 1,146 8,194 103,002 45 855 Poultry and poultry products: Poultry and/or poultry products sold.... Chickens, 4 months old and over, on hand value. .dollars. . .farms reporting.. .farms reporting.. number. . value. .dollars. . .farms reporting.. number. . dollars. . .farms reporting.. dozens. . dollars.. .farms reporting., number. . 1,317 (NA) (NA) 234,173 5,918,429 4,663,423 69,472 1,847,273 1,153,163 139,927 Turkey hens, to be kept for 9,399,141 3,448,961 21,995 92,733 (NA) number. . (NA) (NA) number. . (NA) (NA) number . . (NA) (NA) number. . Turkeys, ducks, geese, and other miscellaneous (NA) (NA) Ani.als sold ■lire; Cattle, hogs, sheep, horses, or Cattle, hogs, or sheep sold alive Cattle sold alive, excluding dollars.. .farms reporting. . dollars . . .farms reporting.. .farms reporting. . number. . dollars . . (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (HA) (NA) number. . dollars.. (NA) (NA) (NA) number. . dollars . . (NA) (NA) (NA) number. . dollars. . (NA) (NA) (NA) dollars. . (NA) (NA) (NA) dollars.. (NA) (NA) 1For 1954, whole mill: and cream only. Published values for 1945 and 1940 1 equal the enumerated value of all dairy products sold. 3Butter sold. the basis of average 46 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 14—FARMS REPORTING SPECIFIED NUMBER OF CATTLE ON HAND: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950; FARMS REPORTING SPECIFIED NUMBER OF LIVESTOCK ON HAND OR SOLD ALIVE: CENSUS OF 1954 [Data for 1954 are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] (For definitions and explanations, see text) ittle and calves of all ages on band farms reporting 1954. 1950. . number 1954.. 1950.. 1 farms reporting 1954.. 1950. . 2 to 4 farms reporting 1954.. 1950.. 5 to 9 farms reporting 1954. . 1950.. 10 to 24 farms reporting 1954.. 1950. . 25 to 49 farms reporting 1954.. 1950. . 50 to 99 farms reporting 1954.. 1950.. 100 and over farms reporting 1954.. 1950.. (For defi; text) Cow number . . 1 farms reporting.. 2 farms reporting. . 3 or 4 farms reporting. . 5 to 9 farms reporting. 10 to 14 farms reporting.. 15 to 19 farms reporting.. 20 to 29 farms reporting.. 30 to 49 farms reporting.. 50 to 74 farms reporting.. 75 to 99 farms reporting. . 100 to 199 farms reporting.. 200 to 499 farms reporting. . 500 to 999 farms reporting.. 1,000 and over farms reporting.. Milk co»s on hand, 1954 farms reporting.. number . . 1 farms reporting.. 2 farms reporting. . 3 farms reporting. . 4 farms reporting.. 5 to 9 farms reporting. , 10 to 14 farms reporting. 15 to 19 farms reporting . . 20 to 29 farms reporting.. 30 to 49 farms reporting.. 50 to 74 farms reporting.. 75 to 99 farms reporting.. 100 and over farms reporting.. Cattle sold alive, excluding calves, 1954 farms reporting.. number. . 1 to 4 farms reporting. . 5 to 9 farms reporting. . 10 to 19 farms reporting.. 20 to 29 farms reporting.. 30 to 39 farms reporting.. 40 to 49 farms reporting.. 50 to 99 farms reporting. 100 to 199 farms reporting.. 200 and over farms reporting.. Oilves sold alive, 1954 farms reporting.. number . . 1 to 4 farms reporting.. 5 to 9 farms reporting. 10 to 14 farms reporting.. 15 to 19 farms reporting.. 20 to 29 farms reporting.. 30 to 39.. farms reporting.. 40 to 49 farms reporting.. 50 to 99 farms reporting. 100 and over farms reporting.. 136,377 160,763 1,777, 1,269,389 24,911 38,390 55,161 76,283 24,355 25,253 17,979 12,793 7,245 4,057 3,698 2,124 3,028 1,863 132,288 984,628 53,172 27,803 19,215 13,904 5,404 2,890 3,433 2,815 1,414 716 1,044 11 111,101 318,110 55,346 28,391 10,688 5,855 7,613 1,120 514 152 37,244 241,532 27,490 5,092 2,511 801 351 95 51,041 414,048 32,926 8,966 3,191 1,502 1,695 851 488 Sows and gilts farrowing after Dec. 1, 1953 and before Dec. 1, 1954 farms reporting. 1 farms reporting.. 2 farms reporting. . 3 farms reporting.. 4 farms reporting.. 5 farms reporting. . 6 farms reporting. . 7 farms reporting. . 8 farms reporting. . 9 farms reporting.. 10 or more farms reporting. . Hogs and pigs sold alive, 1954 farms reporting.. 1 to 4 farms reporting. . 5 to 9 farms reporting.. 10 to 14 farms reporting.. 15 to 19 farms reporting. . 20 to 29 farms reporting. . 30 39. farms reporting. . 40 to 49 farms reporting.. 50- to 99 farms reporting.. 100 to 199 farms reporting. 200 and over farms reporting. sed, light breeds 1°54. farms reporting. number. . Under 25 '. farms reporting.. 25 to 49 farms reporting. . 50 to 99 farms reporting. . 100 to 199 farms reporting.. 200 to 399 farms reporting.. 400 to 799 farms reporting.. 800 to 1,599 farms reporting.. Turkeys raised, heavy breeds, 1954 farms reporting.. number . . Under 25 farms reporting.. 25 to 49.. farms reporting. . 50 to 99 farms reporting.. 100 to 199 farms reporting.. 200 to 399 farms reporting.. 400 to 799 farms reporting.. 800 to 1,599 farms reporting.. 1,600 and over.... farms reporting.. Uroilers (chickens) sold, 1954 farms reporting.. number. . Under 2,000 farms reporting. . 2,000 to 3,999 farms reporting.. 4,000 to 7,999 farms reporting.. 8,000 to 15,999 farms reporting.. 16,000 to 31,999 farms reporting.. 32,000 to 39,999 farms reporting.. 40,000 to 49,999 farms reporting.. 50,000 to 59,999 , farms reporting.. 60,000 to 69,999 farms reporting.. 70,000 to 79,999 farms reporting.. 80,000 to 89,999 farms reporting.. 90,000 and over farms reporting.. ALABAMA State Table 15.-NURSERY, GREENHOUSE, AND FOREST PRODUCTS. CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1954 47 Nursery and greenhouse products, flower and vegetable seeds and plants, and bulba: Nursery and greenhouse products, flower and vegetable seeds and plants, flowers, and bulbs sold dollars. Nursery products (trees, shrubs, vines, ornamentals, etc.) farms reporting. Sold dollars . Cut flowers, potted plants, florist greens, and bedding plants grown for sale: Grown under glass farms reporting. square feet. Grown in open farms reporting. Sold farms reporting. dollars. Vegetables grown under glass, flower seeds, vegetable seeds, vegetable plants, bulbs, and aushroons produced for sale: Grown under glass or in house farms reporting. square feet. Grown in open farms reporting. Sold farms reporting. dollars. Forest products: All forest products sold dollars. Firewood and fuelwood cut farms reporting. cords (4'x 4'x 8'). Fence posts cut farms reporting. Saw logs and veneer logs cut (including standing timber sold) farms reporting. thousands of bd. ft. Pulpwood cut farms reporting. Value of firewood, fence posts, logs, lumber, pulpwood, piling and poles, bark, bolts, Christmas trees, hewn ties, mine tijnber, and other miscellaneous forest products sold farms reporting.. dollars. . NA Not available. ^ees, plants, vines, etc., in nurserj glass (flowers, plants, and vegetables) and propagated mushrooms, under glass. 6Flower and vegetable seeds, bulbs, and flowers standing timber. 198,984 8,503,161 ■43,161 354,769 15,732 3,619,437 7,078 256,669 6,560 391,504 9,966,670 72,054 646,114 "6,540 a79,J15 2,464 97,477 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 4,079,153 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 373 '389,426 (NA) (NA) (NA) '196,239 (NA) '148,865 ,425,541 (na) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1,281,620 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) '152 (NA) (NA) (NA) , (NA) '181,998 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 3,291,359 152,937 1,561,519 18,852 2,626,481 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 140,768 1,442,538 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) '79 '485,952 (NA) (NA) (NA) '185,868 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 778,757 12,665,474 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) ( [NAJJ ( es; flower and vegetable seeds; and bulbs. 2Flowers and flowering plants grown for sale. 3Crops grown under 'Flowers, plants, and vegetables grown under glass, and flowers grown in the open. 'Total square feet and plants grown in the open. 'Value of vegetables and vegetable plants. flDoes not include amount sold as 48 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 16.-SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED:1 CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1954 All tmrwrn number Cropland harvested farms reporting Total value of specified crops harvested (see text)3 dollars Value of all crops sold (see text)3 dollars Corn for all purposes farms reporting value, dollars Harvested for grain farms reporting bushels Cut for silage farms reporting tons, green weight Hogged or grazed, or cut for green or dry fodder farms reporting Corn sold farms reporting bushels dollars Sorghuas : Sorghum for all purposes except for sirup farms reporting value, dollars Harvested for grain or for seed farms reporting bushels Cut for silage farms reporting tons, green weight Hogged or grazed, or cut for dry forage or hay farms reporting Sorghum for grain or seed sold farms reporting bushels dollars Sorghum hay or forage sold farms reporting Sasll grains: Oats threshed or combined farms reporting. bushels . value, dollars. Sold farms reporting. bushels, dollars. Oats cut for feeding unthreshed farms reporting. value, dollars. Other grain threshed or combined farms reporting. bushels, value, dollars. Sold farms reporting. bushels, dollars. Annual leguaes: Soybeans grown for all purposes8 farms reporting. acres grown alone, acres grown with other crops. Harvested for beans Hogged or grazed, Plowed under for green i See footnotes at end of table. farms reporting. acres grown alone. grown with other crops. bushels. value, dollars. sold, dollars. farms reporting. acres grown alone, grown with other crops. value, dollars, sold, dollars. ilage. . .farms reporting. acres grown alone. grown with other crops. value, dollars. farms reporting. acres grown alone, i grown with other crops. 250,700,921 183,548,637 134,024 2,314,468 47,137,945 129,701 2,076,074 26,033,362 24,513 5,641,636 9,026,617 6,164 47,679 1,644,049 1,391 17,542 271,237 173,037 5,107,862 4,801,390 1,970 1,292,499 1,214,949 (7) (') (') 1,956 28,288 571,260 1,022,555 11,289 139,680 2,497 1,074,920 2,526,062 2,425,020 30,804 1,047,336 104,730 274,968,217 179,324,804 171,579 2,471,589 58,656,101 169,251 2,299,479 40,972,309 528,474 4,382,322 !5, 157,202 6,510 38,197 1,262,694 2,355 20,379 369,014 4,102 13,886 12,218 (6) (NA) (6) 3,376 57,922 1,306,543 1,260,151 11,910 54,666 1,409,317 (NA) 12,320 195,178 394,022 (NA) 107,607 (NA) 20,552 116,370 9,950 1,579 45,922 4,701 921,320 1,952,851 (NA) 17,944 64,470 2,124 63,441 1,956,264 (NA) 296,589,155 156,981,873 189,336 2,752,026 41,875,549 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 10,807 29,978 1,266,091 (NA) (NA) (NA) 8,369 18,820 26,118 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 5,621 108,570 2,744,930 3,134,378 (NA) (NA) (NA) 25,132 120,175 2,822,581 (NA) 30,070 509,240 771,881 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 203,093 20,070 2,156 (NA) (NA) 276,415 911,611 (NA) '46,621 '224,908 '184,417 '5,529,129 (NA) 110,936,853 56,472,442 216,188 3,449,824 26,579,929 214,889 3,391,886 31,028,109 (NA) (NA) (NA) 12,337 25,201 482,633 11,973 19,956 26,640 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 3,384 41,446 934,428 450,687 (NA) (NA) (NA) 16,755 67,695 693,182 (NA) 6,735 80,461 66,140 (NA) (NA) (NA) 60,879 253,879 45,938 2,118 6,910 6,211 61,884 148,622 (NA) (10) (10) (10, (10) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 256,409 3,648,657 (NA) 256,084 3,629,604 44,343,543 (NA) 47,698 722,506 1,301 15,084 353,569 243,963 (NA) (NA) (NA) 24,072 90,128 (NA) (NA) 10,705 89,182 93,107 (NA) (NA) (NA) 40,329 158,635 15,149 (NA (NA' 57,330 96,888 (*») 135,805,563 232,755 2,635,382 (NA) 231,669 2,591,322 35,683,874 (NA) (NA) (NA) 10,072 20,767 394,044 (KA) (NA) (NA) («*) (**) (*») (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1,267 12,299 245,616 180,923 (NA) (NA) (NA) 23,354 86,111 (NA) (NA) 2,926 35,307 40,472 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 41,312 94,850 (**) (NA) 220,818 2,754,448 32,999,894 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 24,717 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (*•) (**) («•) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1,542 11,167 162,201 136,425 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 6,847 69,106 115,875 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (10) (10) (10) (10, (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) ALABAMA State Table 16.-SP ECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED:1 CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1954-Continued 49 Annual leRunea— Continued Cowpeas grown for all purposes, except for fresh market, or for canning, freezing, or other processing8 farms reporting. acres grown alone, acres grown with other crops. Harvested for dry peas farms reporting. acres grown alone. acres grown with other crops. bushels. value, dollars. sold, dollars. Cut for hay. Hogged or grazed, Plowed under for gree farms reporting. acres grown alone, s grown with other crops. value, dollars. sold, dollars. silage. . .farms reporting. acres grown alone. s grown with other crops. value, dollars. farms reporting. acres grown alone. acres grown with other crops. Peanuts grown for all purposes farms reporting. acres grown alone. acres grown with other crops. value, dollars. Harvested for picking or threshing. .. .farms reporting. acres grown alone. acres grown with other crops. It., 1954, 1950, 1945, and 1940; bu., other years. value, dollars. sold, dollars.. Vines or tops saved for hay or forage1 farms reporting. . acres grown alone.: acres grown with other crops.. Velvetbeans grown for all purposes farms reporting.. acres grown alone.. acres grown with other crops.. bushels. . value, dollars.. sold, dollars.. Hay crops (see text): Land from which hay was cut15 acres. Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay (and for dehydrating) farms reporting. value, dollars. Sold farms reporting. dollars. Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay farms reporting. value, dollars. Sold farms reporting. dollars. Lespedeza cut for hay farms reporting. value, dollars.. Sold farms reporting. . dollars. . Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting.. value, dollars.. Sold farms reporting. . Other hay cut (see text) farms reporting.. value, dollars.. Sold farms reporting . . dollars.. Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting.. 11,706 29,066 5,131 8,584 15,188 2,696 86,126 383,261 30,658 4,487 152,558 15,256 1,331 5,302 1,754 154,475 26,167 241,840 1,383 315,817,877 101,154,369 11,126,981 10,459,363 112,826 2,820,650 282,071 2,616 5,483 12,987 16,252 19,502 17,639 143,305 109,817 3,623,961 '13,330 '119,291 '111,941 '3,694,053 12,622 187,161 148,380 3,709,500 16,488 15,437 18,790 8,356 133,313 484,118 (NA) 3,705 12,371 1,063 10,436 309,945 (NA) 3,267 9,959 5,070 249,880 1,999 41,142 415,115 4,695 (NA) 37,302 341,589 417 279,809,580 28,060,293 (NA) 131,386 1,492,091 (NA) 9,192 12,404 50,203 175,257 208,005 (NA) 1,972 5,846 13,779 25,151 18,807 44,430 724,070 1,537,212 85 (NA) 1,658 (NA) 63,829 (NA) 2,145 2,977 42,624 22,126 36,442 20,727 ,275,470 601,083 20,410 114,177 114,197 3,259 940 (NA) (NA) (NA) 6,265 31,726 29,222 701,328 (NA) (NA) (NA) 18,676 214,197 207,532 4,264,030 (NA) (NA) (NA) 79,755 35,454 (NA) (NA) 449,443 1,554,874 (NA) (12) (12) (12) (12) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 676,293 51,152 (NA) 48,401 515,452 328,470,099 24,627,328 (NA) 36,595 (NA) 181,534 2,513,344 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 4,844 7,975 237,049 (NA) (NA) (NA.) 5,422 5,595 151,055 (NA) (NA) (NA) (ka) (NA) (NA) 1,242 6,482 5,117 113,138 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 213,278 204,347 ,055,351 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 93,531 179 ,481 360,860 51,153 81,524 123,070 591,418 938,903 (NA) (10) (10, (10) (10) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 104,525 479,020 146,817 (NA) 78,621 297,317 7,994 144,317,923 4,491,131 (NA) 88,530 519,241 332,617 4,182,674 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 14,663 117,669 101,700 1,232 337 (NA) (NA) (NA) 2,779 12,567 10,055 110,118 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 159,333 149,753 1,532,392 (NA) (NA) (NA) 98,985 184,397 192,839 72,043 (NA) (NA) 879,466 1,204,868 (NA) (10) (10) (10) (10) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 126,076 350,585 248,978 (NA) 119,227 (NA) (NA) 8,183,892 6,383,436 (NA) 103,320 605,827 368,340 4,972,590 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 3,354 4,608 78,797 (NA) (NA) (NA) 4,856 4,080 56,712 (NA] (NA] (NA) (NA) 4,112 16,133 10,743 139,659 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 231,098 207,603 2,304,196 (NA) (NA) (NA) (-) («*) (*•) 31,018 45,765 57,574 (NA) (NA) (NA) 312,597 668,730 (NA) (10) (10) (10) (10) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 67,117 248,775 175,140 (NA) (NA) 4,813,352 3,596,704 (NA) 266,322 164,063 3,525,162 (NA) 27,683 14,036 282,442 716,238 1,325,191 (NA) 3,771 6,050 136,609 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 5,712 4,912 102,357 (NA) (NA) (NA) (*») («•) (*») (**) (NA) (NA) (NA) 3,558 13,725 11,148 205,862 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 155,066 147,484 2,381,433 (NA) (NA) (NA) «*) (*») (**) («) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (10, (10) (10) (10) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (♦*) («) (*.) (**) (NA) (na) (NA) (NA) 30,177 310,872 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 8,154 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (**) («) (-) (*">) (NA) (NA) (NA) 2,167 8,896 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 195,595 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) («) (•*) (NA) (NA) end of table 50 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 16^-SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED:1 CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1954-Continued Lespedeza seed, grmam, mnA other field Clover seed harvested: Alyce clover seed harvested Crimson clover seed harvested. Ladino clover seed harvested. Red clover seed harvested. Sweetclover seed harvested. White clover seed harvested. •farms reporting... pounds . value, dollars. sold j dollars. .farms reporting. bushels. value, dollars. sold, dollars. .farms reporting. pounds. value, dollars. sold, dollars. .farms reporting. pounds. value, dollars. sold, dollars. •farms reporting. pounds . value, dollars. sold, dollars. • farms reporting. pounds . value, dollars, sold, dollars. •farms reporting. pounds. value, dollars, sold, dollars. Dallis grass seed harvested farms reporting. pounds. value, dollars, sold, dollars. Fescue seed harvested farms reporting. pounds . value, dollars, sold, dollars. Foxtail millet seed harvested farms reporting... pounds, value, dollars. sold, dollars. Johnson grass seed harvested farms reporting... pounds, value, dollars. sold, dollars. Lespedeza seed harvested farms reporting... pounds, value, dollars. sold, dollars. Lupine seed harvested farms reporting. . . pounds, value, dollars. sold, dollars. Orchard grass seed harvested farms reporting. pounds . value, dollars, sold, dollars. Rescue grass seed harvested farms reporting. pounds . value, dollars, sold, dollars. Rough winter peas harvested farms reporting. pounds, value, dollars. sold, dollars. Ryegrass seed harvested farms reporting. pounds . value, dollars. sold, dollars. Timothy seed harvested farms reporting. pounds, value, dollars. sold, dollars. See footnotes at end of table. 21,680 2,168 1,301 933 21,778 51,906 591,728 355,038 3,074 1,844 1,107 3,106 194,632 114,833 85,832 41,199 24,720 92,120 36,848 27,636 5,378 1,164,055 162,967 122,227 541,372 151,584 98,530 1,774 846,860 33,874 22,018 9,700 2,910 2,184 1,281 267,022 29,372 22,033 3,081,773 246,542 184,906 26,993 78,299 080,527 (MA) 7,577 11,366 (NA) 6,870 2,954 (NA) 1,519 83,593 62,694 (NA) 61,311 24,525 (NA) 2,340 217,954 58,848 (NA) 105,041 52,521 (NA) 39,550 2,373 (NA) (NA) 1,407 15,904 3,007,654 666,488 (NA) 726 14,664 9,074,275 538,923 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 21,455 5,002,572 448,625 (NA) 22,680 3,402 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 7,704 1,538,486 204,897 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) "401 l72,050 "6,202 "40,312 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 30 343 25,500 1,595 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 8,355 1,515,063 69,514 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) "1,795 185,008 816,747 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (.NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 12,000 2,160 1,728 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) ALABAMA State Table 16.-SPEC1FIED CROPS HARVESTED:1 CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1954-Continued 51 pounds., value, dollars., sold, dollars.. Other field seed crops harvested. value, dollars., sold, dollars.. Irish potatoes harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting. . bushels., value, dollars., sold, dollars.. Melons harvested for feed farms reporting.. Popcorn harvested farms reporting.. pounds.. value, dollars.. sold, dollars.. Root and grain crops hogged or grazed, other than corn, sorghum, and annual legumes farms reporting.. value, dollars.. Sugarcane or sorghum harvested for sirup farms reporting. . gallons. . value, dollars.. sold, dollars.. Sweetpotatoes harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting. . bushels. . value, dollars.. sold, dollars.. Tobacco harvested farms reporting.. pounds.. value, dollars., sold, dollars.. All other field crops harvested. Value of specified crops harvested except fruit*, nots, horticultural specialties, and vegetables dollars... Value of crops sold, except frnita, nuts, horticultural specialties, and vegetables dollars... Vegetables for bone use and for sale (other than Iriah nod aveet potatoes): Vegetables harvested for home use28 farms reporting... value, dollars... Vegetables harvested for sale29 farms reporting... Sold dollars. . . Beans, green lima farms reporting. . . Beans, snap (bush and pole types) farms reporting... Blackeyes and other green cowpeas farms reporting... Broccoli farms reporting. . . Cabbage farms reporting. . . Cantaloups and muskmelons farms reporting... Carrots farms reporting... Collards farms reporting. . . Corn, sweet farms reporting... Cucumbers and pickles farms reporting. . . Mustard greens farms reporting... Okra farms reporting . . . See footnotes at end of table. 2,018 326,129 52,181 39,136 2,145 64,600 48,448 106,592 1,153,514 707,152 139,308,944 139,308,944 61,471 J120,598 3,557,090 5,122,210 4,509,282 32 1,289 557,827 27,891 26,497 110,736 8,867 9,029 493,682 908,375 490,526 47,903 2 '9,913 923,308 2,705,292 350,242 203 580 484,314 237,314 237,314 237,898,399 170,746,115 11,894 64,942 3,729,519 2,683 3,606 3,137 568,655 85,671 (HA) 1,358 37,677 (NA) 145,484 1,850,846 824,290 137,344,441 (HA) 81,977 2122,023 2,522,321 4,763,520 (HA) 51,200 2,834 (HA) 1,319 9,748 (HA) 15,513 1,428,891 1,548,710 (NA) 81,090 2 '28,651 2,544,620 5,997,858 (NA) 135 395 355,574 124,451 (NA) 6261,854,652 6167,958,406 30 11, 046 71,715 '3,406,000 144,396 1,373,194 966,158 125,330,946 (NA) 86,340 49,922 2,896,264 3,939,063 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 2236,061 2221,143 222,433,955 222,756,405 (NA) 116,787 66,194 5,900,148 11,471,988 (NA) 186 327 267,139 86,277 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 259,923,843 147,404,410 21,252 56,173 4,413,728 6,580 5,603 (NA) (NA) (KA) (NA) (HA (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 30,134 (NA) 200,649 1,930,560 772,711 43,933,746 (NA) 86,605 47,888 4,285,334 2,481,897 (NA) 163,300 5,212 (NA) 2396,037 2361,485 "4, 472,110 232,056,865 (NA) 144,319 79,488 5,810,320 4,594,594 (NA) 641 525 295,776 34,937 (NA) 95,563,654 52,450,394 11,634 38,198 1,335,476 281 1,267 4,706 1,251 1,657 20 21 231,176 2,130,062 934,396 0 58, 932, 356 (NA) 81,675 33,583 3,118,391 2,557,081 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 203,027 110,749 9,332,537 8,119,307 (NA) 1,998 443 179,148 32,247 (NA) (NA) (**) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) («) (NA) 231,824 3,566,498 1,312,963 129,186,873 (NA) 66,431 21,256 1,609,525 2,331,052 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 2378,522 2339,408 33,432,872 32, 862, 315 (NA) 126,125 68,105 6,601,508 6,447,166 (NA) 357,093 60,235 (NA) 18,587 36,782 2,540,329 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (*») (NA) 206,596 2,948,072 983,673 '113,478,208 (NA) 25,132 16,695 1,438,529 2,160,917 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 2'25,034 (NA) (NA) (NA) 83,413 48,443 3,573,118 4,814,717 (NA) 145 56 31,182 6,462 (NA) (NA) (") (NA) (*») (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 52 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 16.-SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED:1 CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1954-Continued Vegetables fop home use and fop sale (other than Ieish and aveet potatoea) — Continued Vegetables harvested for sale29 — Continued' Onions, dry farms reporting. Peas, green farms reporting. Peppers, sweet and pimientos farms reporting. Squash farms reporting. Tomatoes farms reporting. Turnip j farms reporting. Turnip greens farms reporting. Watermelons farms reporting. Mixed vegetables farms reporting. Other vegetables acres . Berries and othep aaall fruits harvested fop sale:34 Blackberries and dewberries farms reporting. quarts. . value, dollars.. Boysenberries farms reporting. , quarts. , value, dollars., Strawberries farms reporting. , value, dollars., Other berries and small fruits acres.. value, dollars.. 130 161 4,639 12,688 (NA) (NA) 332 1,905 1,600 1,624,494 401,542 3,056 3,189 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA.) (NA) (NA) 2,239 1,636 1,833,359 465,727 4,290 3,771 6,924,933 669,593 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 6,951 5,491 7,450,664 447,040 1,074 1,249 (NA) (NA) (1JA) (NA) 4,978 5,524 9,321,222 930,727 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 4,004 2,250 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1,951 3,125 (NA) (NA) Tpee fruits, nuts, and gpapea: Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees farms reporting.. Apples farms reporting. . Trees of all ages number.. Trees not of bearing age farms reporting.. number. . Trees of bearing age farms reporting. . number. . Quantity harvested farms reporting. . bushels., value, dollars.. Cherries farms reporting.. Trees of all ages number.. Trees not of bearing age farms reporting.. number. . Trees of bearing age farms reporting.. Quantity harvested farms reporting.. pounds., value, dollars.. Figs farms reporting.. Trees of all ages number.. Trees not of bearing age farms reporting.. number. . Trees of bearing age farms reporting.. number. . Quantity harvested farms reporting. . pounds . . value, dollars.. Grapes farms reporting.. Vines of all ages number. . Vines not of bearing age farms reporting.. number. . Vines of bearing age farms reporting.. number. . Quantity harvested farms reporting.. pounds . . value, dollars.. Peaches farms reporting. . Trees of all ages number. . Trees not of bearing age farms reporting.. Trees of bearing age farms reporting.. Quantity harvested farms reporting.. bushels. . value, dollars.. 364,991 3657,927 3611,443 6167,794 368,654 l6166,448 "382,835 361,999 364,930 36745 361,817 361,360 363,113 36676 3617,751 362,305 365,898 3618,712 361,624 364,816 364,709 3613,896 363,006 6142,958 3614,295 366,984 3672,376 361,596 3613,752 364,163 36445,352 3635,626 -"4,560 36229,001 3612,316 36580,363 369,038 36562,323 1,349,571 68,599 802,764 32,194 320,369 49,571 482,395 26,956 374,226 712,347 10,943 24,214 5,932 13,017 5,258 11,197 1,288 28,999 4,348 36,380 113,555 10,763 35,596 27,619 77,959 17,415 1,547,494 158,405 35,867 242,538 12,780 81,591 24,811 160,947 13,473 1,276,598 121,482 72,056 1,603,726 32,233 669,859 50,519 933,867 17,579 297,937 BIS, 419 91,804 980,967 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 498,039 1,146,341 11,432 31,636 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 138,905 11,108 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 38,973 277,512 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 2,813,568 189,158 120,088 2,102,900 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 955,001 2,849,013 80,630 1,028,200 36,613 377,912 65,537 650,288 52,365 746,330 669,419 12,299 41,043 5,244 17,397 7,729 23,646 5,225 216,443 13,185 17,231 1,709,207 71,604 30,349 259,982 8,045 64,617 23,966 195,365 18,677 2,169,; 70,922 106,777 2,240,727 39,703 728,041 93,512 1,512,686 76,772 1,387,910 1,268,055 74,569 1,009,497 (NA) 337,360 (NA) 672,137 (NA) 683,182 737,837 12,377 54,266 (NA) 23,493 (NA) 30,773 (NA) 828,912 24,423 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 31,948 321,822 (NA) 55,229 (NA) 266,593 (NA) 3,183,780 95,513 96,360 1,933,215 (NA) 456,847 (NA) 1,476,368 (NA) 1,762,841 1,322,131 82,714 65,497 972,738 (NA) 345,390 (NA) 627,348 (NA) 437,478 608,449 8,912 38,094 (NA) 20,944 (NA) 17,150 (NA) 293,328 25,966 22,450 72,888 (NA) 15,329 (NA) 57,559 (NA) 1,189,758 60,985 26,145 260,554 (NA) 77,525 (NA) 183,029 (NA) 1,209,039 62,054 79,589 1,691,089 (NA) 492,958 (NA) 1,198,131 (NA) 505,278 613,249 76,222 1,224,412 (NA) 426,342 (NA) 798,070 (NA) 1,002,683 1,268,499 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 30,611 239,221 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 87,116 1,849,990 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1,116,935 1,483,590 See footnotes at end of table. ALABAMA State Table 16.-SPECIFrED CROPS HARVESTED:1 CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1954-Continued 53 Tree fruits, nots, and grapes — Continued Pears farms reporting. Trees of all ages number. Trees not of bearing age farms reporting. number. Trees of bearing age farms reporting. number. Quantity harvested farms reporting. bushels, value, dollars. Plums and prunes farms reporting. Trees of all ages number. Trees not of bearing age farms reporting. number. Trees of bearing age farms reporting. number. Quantity harvested farms reporting. bushels. value, dollars. Oranges, including tangerines and mandarins farms reporting. Trees of all ages number. Trees not of bearing age farms reporting. number. Trees of bearing age farms reporting. number. Quantity harvested36 farms reporting. field boxes, value, dollars. Chestnuts farms reporting. Trees of all ages number. Trees not of bearing age farms reporting. number. Trees of bearing age farms reporting. number. Quantity harvested farms reporting. pounds, value, dollars. Pecans, improved and seedling farms reporting. Trees of all ages number. Trees not of bearing age farms reporting. number. Trees of bearing age farms reporting. number. Quantity harvested farms reporting. pounds, value, dollars. Pecans, improved farms reporting. Trees of all ages number. Trees not of bearing age farms reporting. Trees of bearing age farms reporting. number. Quantity harvested farms reporting . pounds, value, dollars. Pecans, wild or seedling farms reporting. Trees of all ages number. Trees not of bearing age farms reporting. number. Trees of bearing age farms reporting. number. Quantity harvested farms reporting. pounds, value, dollars. Tung nuts farms reporting. Trees of all ages number. Trees not of bearing age farms reporting. number. Trees of bearing age farms reporting. Quantity harvested farms reporting. pounds, value, dollars. Other tree fruits and nuts value, dollars. Value of fruits, including berries and other small fruits, and nuts harvested dollars. Value of fruits, including berries and other small fruits, and nuts sold dollars. "9,528 "39,103 "2,832 "10,639 "7,496 "28,464 "4,642 "38,411 3659,536 363,851 3625,351 361,092 "4,640 "2,984 3620,711 "1,626 3611,703 "23,406 "93 (NA) "634,279 (NA) 3672,039 (NA) "562,240 (NA) 362,311,070 "760,213 "10,266 "546,657 363,032 3657,205 368,327 "489,452 "5,340 "1,991,687 677,174 "3,788 "87,622 "906 "14,834 "3,218 "72,788 "1,817 "319,383 "83,039 "182 42,752 130,370 17,419 43,022 27,376 82,348 10,647 88,785 126,506 16,666 76,185 7,645 26,915 9,717 49,270 2,774 15,460 30,591 647 692 (NA) 864,474 (NA) 158,770 (NA) 705,704 (NA) 9,531,894 1,862,549 38,274 733,323 15,214 133,911 26,736 599,412 18,097 7,830,395 1,599,655 14,020 131,151 3,698 24,859 11,587 106,292 7,778 1,701,499 262,894 539 "3,425,607 "3, 425,607 4,498,065 2,750,898 51,738 165,559 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 245,624 360,348 14,210 72,755 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 23,186 29,283 401 8,770 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 9,878 27,658 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 53,953 971,480 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 10,934,408 2,787,163 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 634 317,530 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1,137,186 54,575 (NA) 7,943,090 3,704,377 46,332 197,113 13,860 54,755 36,032 142,358 25,991 264,852 204,480 16,978 122,973 5,499 30,915 12,596 92,058 8,716 64,645 50,769 380 37,342 784,873 12,529 110,268 29,616 674,605 25,378 9,264,106 961,863 27,521 669,470 (NA) 81,661 (NA) 587,809 (NA) 7,114,110 797,966 14,110 115,403 (NA) 28,607 (NA) 86,796 (NA) 2,149,996 163,897 207 4,047,945 1,832,453 41,277 (NA) 46,747 (NA) 156,211 (NA) 396,776 238,066 13,035 89,100 (NA) 21,831 (NA) 67,269 (NA) 48,589 43,730 1,210 339,872 (NA) 62,300 0 acres and over farms reporting. By quantity harvested. .farms reporting, bushels . Under 25 bushels farms reporting. 25 to 49 bushels farms reporting. 50 to 99 bushels farms reporting, 100 to 499 bushels farms reporting. 500 bushels and over farms reporting. 17,819 146,559 9,753 17,819 109,552 17,034 COTTON y acres harvested farms reporting., Under 5 Bcres farms reporting., 9 acres farms reporting., o 24 acres farms reporting., 25 to 49 acres farms reporting . . o 99 acres farms reporting.. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting.. 0 to 299 acres farms reporting. 0 acres and over farms reporting. By quantity harvested. . .farms reporting. Under 25 bales farms reporting. 25 to 49 ba lea farms reporting . o 99 bales farms reporting. 100 bales and over farms reporting. 13,254 115,595 7,601 2,563 2,119 596 261 13,254 106,742 12,402 12,723 189,408 6,182 2,604 2,191 817 511 12,723 147,345 11,438 IRISH POTATOES y acres harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting., Under 0.5 acres farms reporting. 0.5 to 0.9 acres farms reporting. 1.0 to 2.4 acres farms reporting. 2.5 to 4.9 acres farms reporting. to 9.9 acres fBrms reporting. 10.0 to 19.9 acres farms reporting. .0 to 29.9 acres farms reporting. 30.0 to 49.9 acres farms reporting. 50.0 to 99.9 seres farms reporting. 100 acres end over farms reporting. By quantity harvested. . .farms reporting, bushels. Under 25 bushels farms reporting. 25 to 49 bushels farms reporting. 50 to 99 bushels farms reporting . 100 to 499 bushels farms reporting. 500 to 999 bushels farms reporting. 1,000 to 1,499 bushels farms reporting. 1,500 to 1,999 bushels farms reporting. 2,000 to 2,999 bushels farms reporting. 3,000 to 4,999 bushels farms reporting. 5,000 to 9,999 bushels farms reporting. 10,000 bushels and over .... farms reporting. SUGARCANE OR SORGHUMS iy acres harvested for sirup farms reporting . Under 0.5 acres farms reporting. 0.5 to 0.9 acres farms reporting. to 2.4 acres farms reporting. to 4.9 acres farms reporting. 5.0 to 9.9 acres farms reporting. acres and over farms reporting. By quantity harvested. . .farms reporting. gallons. Under 25 gallons farms reporting. 25 to 49 gallons farms reporting. ,o 99 gallons farms reporting . 100 to 499 gallons farms reporting. to 999 gallons farms reporting. 1,000 gallons and over farms reporting. SVEETPOTATOES iy acres harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting. Under 0.5 acres farms reporting. to 0.9 acrea farms reporting. 1.0 to 2.4 acres farms reporting. to 4.9 acres farms reporting.. 5.0 to 9.9 acres farms reporting. 10.0 to 19.9 acres farms reporting. 20.0 to 29.9 acres farms reporting. ) acres and over farms reporting. By quantity harvested. . .farms reporting, bushels . Under 25 bushels farms reporting. 25 to 49 bushels farms reporting. to 99 bushels farms reporting. to 499 bushels farms reporting. 500 to 999 bushels farms reporting. 1,000 to 1,499 bushels farms reporting. 1,500 to 1,999 bushels farms reporting. 2,000 bushels and over farms reporting. See footnotes at end of table. 56 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 17.-FARMS REPORTING BY SPECIFIED ACRES, QUANTITY HARVESTED, AND QUANTITY SOLD FOR SPECIFIED CROPS: CENSUS OF 1954-Continued __^ [Data are baaed on reports for only a sample of farms. See tart] VEGETABLES HARVESTED FOR SALE (Other than Irish and sweet potatoes) By value of sales farms reporting. dollars. Under 25 dollars farms reporting. 25 to 49 dollars farms reporting. 50 to 99 dollars farms reporting . 100 to 499 dollars farms reporting. 500 to 999 dollars farms reporting. 1,000 to 1,499 dollars farms reporting. 1,500 to 1,999 dollars farms reporting. 2,000 to 2,999 dollars farms reporting.. 3,000 to 4,999 dollars farms reporting. 5,000 to 9,999 dollars farms reporting.. 10,000 dollars and over farms reporting.. LAND IN BEARING AND N0NBEARING FRUIT ORCHARDS, GROVES, VINEYARDS, AND PLANTED NUT TREES3 By acres in orchard farms reporting, Under 0.5 acres farms reporting. 0.5 to 0.9 acres farms reporting. 1.0 to 2.4 acres farms reporting. 2.5 to 4.9 acres farms reporting. 5.0 to 9.9 acres farms reporting, 10.0 to 19.9 acres farms reporting. 20.0 to 29.9 acres farms reporting. 30.0 to 49.9 acres farms reporting. 50.0 to 99.9 acres farms reporting. 100 acres and over farms reporting. ^■Does not include acreage for farms with 12,276 3,907,536 1,141 1,446 2,337 5,728 944 1,562 7,547 1,745 1,194 APPLES 2 Any apples farms reporting. By trees not of bearing age farms reporting. number of trees. Under 5 trees farms reporting . 5 to 9 trees farms reporting. 10 to 24 trees farms reporting. 25 to 49 trees farms reporting. 50 to 99 trees farms reporting. 100'to 199 trees farms reporting. 200 trees and over farms reporting. trees of bearing Under 25 trees farms reporting . 25 to 49 trees farms reporting. 50 to 99 trees farms reporting. By quantity harvested. .farms reporting, bushels. Under 25 bushels farms reporting. 25 to 49 bushels farms reporting. 50 to 99 bushels farms reporting. 499 bushels farms reporting. ..farms reporting.. 500 bushels and 8,913 180,600 7,007 1,121 less than 20 bushels harvested. See text. PEACHES2 Any peaches farms reporting. By trees not of bearing age farms reporting. number of trees. Under 5 trees farms reporting. . 5 to 9 trees farms reporting.. 10 to 24 trees farms reporting . 25 to 49 trees farms reporting.. 50 to 99 trees farms reporting.. 100 to 199 trees farms reporting., 200 to 299 trees farms reporting.. 300 to 499 trees farms reporting.. 500 to 999 trees farms reporting.. 1,000 trees and over farms reporting.. By trees of bearing age farms reporting. . number of trees. . Under 25 trees farms reporting.. 25 to 49 trees farms reporting . . 50 to 99 trees farms reporting.. 100 to 499 trees farms reporting.. 500 to 999 trees farms reporting.. 1,000 to 1,499 trees farms reporting.. 1,500 to 1,999 trees farms reporting.. 2,000 trees and over farms reporting.. By quantity harvested. . .farms reporting., bushels . . Under 25 bushels farms reporting . . 25 to 49 bushels farms reporting.. 50 to 99 bushels farms reporting.. 100 to 499 bushels farms reporting.. 500 to 999 bushels farms reporting.. 1,000 to 1,499 bushels farms reporting.. 1,500 to 1,999 bushels farms reporting.. 2,000 bushels and over farms reporting.. 12,712 502,408 10,521 1,165 9,235 419,287 7,225 include data for farms ■ ith than 20 ■ ALABAMA 57 Slate Table 18.-SAMPLING RELIABILITY OF ESTIMATED TOTALS FOR COUNTY, ECONOMIC AREA, AND STATE BY NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING, BY LEVELS If the estimated number of farms reporting Is — Then the chances are about 2 In 3 that the estimated total would differ from the results of a complete tabulation of the items for all farms by less than — If the estimated number of farms reporting is — Then the chances are about 2 in 3 that the estimated total would differ from the results of a complete tabulation of the items for all farms by less than — Level l1 Level 3 Level l1 2 3 Level Percent 28 20 13 8.9 6.3 4.0 Percent 53 37 26 17 12 8.4 5.3 Percent 71 50 35 22 16 11 7.1 Percent 96 68 48 30 21 15 9.6 Percent 2.8 2.0 1.3 0.9 0.6 0.4 Percent 3.7 1.7 1.2 0.8 0.5 Percent 5.0 3.5 2.2 1.6 1.1 0.7 Percent 6.8 4.8 3.0 2.1 1.5 250,000 1.0 When the number of farms When the number of farms When the number of farms farms reporting is 75 percent of all farms, multiply the percent farms reporting is 90 percent of all farms, multiply the percent farms reporting is 95 percent of all farms, multiply the percent by 0.50. ■ by 0.30. ■ by 0.20. State Table 19.-INDICATED LEVEL OF SAMPLING RELIABILITY OF ESTIMATED COUNTY, ECONOMIC AREA, AND STATE TOTALS FOR SPECIFIED ITEMS ary to use this table to find out which of the 4 levels of sampling reliability given in State Table 18 to use. Refer county, economic area, or State table in order to obtain the number of farms reporting] Level of sampling reliability for specified items by number of milk cows Milk cows number. Whole milk sold gallons . dollars. Cream sold pounds of butterfat. dollars. All commercial farms 30 to 49 50 and : 10 to 29 30 to 49 Level of sampling reliability for specified items by number of chickens on hand All commercial farms Poultry farms Chickens on hand number. Chickens sold number . . Chicken eggs sold dozens. Chicken eggs sold, value of sales ..dollars. Value of sales of other poultry products dollars. Note whose level is indicated by an X may be approximated by using the level given for the State. 58 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 19.-INDICATED LEVEL OF SAMPLING RELIABILITY OF ESTIMATED COUNTY, ECONOMIC AREA, AND STATE TOTALS FOR SPECIFIED ITEMS-Continued to find out which of the 4 levels of sampling- reliability given in State Table 18 to a, or State table in order to obtain the number of farms reporting-] Tenure groups Economic -class groups Type-of-farm groups Other field- general — primarily Farms and farm characteristics: Land owned or managed by farm operators acres Land rented from others by farm operators acres Land rented to others by farm operators acres Cash rent paid by farm operators dollars Value of land and buildings per farm dollars Land in farms acres Cropland: Total, harvested, pastured, or other.. acres Woodland: Total, pastured or not pastured acres Total pastureland acres Total irrigated land, land in crops for erosion control, or cropland farmed on contour ..acres Commercial fertilizer: Commercial fertilizer purchased tons Acres on which commercial fertilizer applied acres Lime or liming material purchased tons Acres on which lime or liming material applied. ..acres Specified facilities and equipment: Grain combines, corn pickers, pick-up balers, feed forage harvesters number Artificial ponds, reservoirs, and earth tanks. . .number Motortrucks number Tractors: Total, wheel, garden, or crawler number Automobiles number Total hired workers and unpaid family workers. .persons Hired workers: Regular persons Seasonal persons Paid on daily basis persons Specified farm expenditures: Machine hire and/or hired labor dollars Feed for livestock and poultry dollars Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil dollars Commercial fertilizer purchased dollars Livestock and livestock products: Horses and/or mules .number Cattle and calves number Cows including heifers that have calved number Milk cows number Hogs and pigs number Sheep and lambs , .number Chickens, 4 months old and over, on hand number Cattle and calves sold number Hogs and pigs sold number Sheep shorn pounds of wool Whole milk sold gallons Cream sold pounds of butterf at. Chickens sold number Chicken eggs sold dozens Value of products sold by source: Hogs and pigs sold dollars Whole milk sold dollars Cream sold dollars Chicken eggs sold dollars Other poultry and poultry products sold dollars Forest products sold dollars Specified crops harvested: Corn for all purposes acres Corn harvested for grain. Oats threshed or combined. Soybeans for beans Peanuts picked or threshed. Clover hay Lespedeza hay Small grain hay Other hay bushels harvested pounds harvested tons harvested tons harvested tons harvested Cotton. bales harvested Value of vegetables harvested for home Note: Items whose level is indicated by an X may be approximated by using the level given for the State. Chapter B STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES (59) ALABAMA Counties, County Seats, Mountains, and Rivers \auderoale ! 1 \ U FLORENCE J STONEj MAD,SON ) ^JACKSO N JY * \ TUSCUMBIA® ,) ^V>-. ©HUNTSVUXE (.- -ft SCOTTSBOHO ' &J couBERT y Nfe, ! Si « RUSSELLVOLE ® ImoULTON® 'l^CjSiW *~ J'^ l£$ } \ ' MORGAN / ^===^ 7/ ,' ^KKi PAyNt JV yl GUNTERSVILLE ^J /!D E K A L 9iJ'i ? — T l;ti— : <*^ ^ /V A MARlON TON i ctjuj^jj^ ® HAMILTON DOUBLE SPRINGS I C U L L M ®/- GADSDEN N, L . V— . Ll \ja$rf**** oneonta® %• \4^~/r' ~ ^ K" ■(/'"-» ^<— £OUNT / tF*Q ^'* VERNON | ) r J' 'y^~^Sf^ T . C? '^ A , rU A L H O U n'" J^: ® ! FAYETTE WALKER .. ./^ '""fl ft / ?* § jit -»Ji* / J \ " .1-* ®H «T / PELL CITY® ^ l—Cj*"' _ w \_ \ J~ '(/ CLEBURNE LjC BIRMINGHAM ® >>| ^ ,' // JEFFER vq "ly « F~f. — \ .^/ ^ SON ^ ^.R-iJ '/TALLADEGA J-/^"" j / TUSCALOOSA ,» V- _X/ SHELBY J" [//ASHLAND® 1/ ./^-^ /^y J _»/ CLA ( t)(^~ COLUMBIANA® I I ' ' *- '* « I "".'"" ■*' ~ / \_^. f ^^t^l'a^osTi/ [cENTREVILLeS® I CHILTON x f^ y / S ® N EUTAW © I - •* * — V 1 N / ® V ROCKFORD Y^, ^ GREENSBORO ' \ LIVINGSTON „„.. y^-L._| MONTGOMERY >ccoN TGOMERY | V__. — - *\ EUTAW® I -J >--7^ 1 V J ® \ ROCKFORD . » £S~ ' LAIATE CANTON * if*5 ® A U T A u L. a ®>WETUWKA 1 . "> W \ 1 JT vJ — , ; W® >? .i"*SraII,,W- V-^'^ Stusxegee; ) ■ V\ ^ I HAYNEVILLE® I >N UNION SPRINGS I -V r-J r^Y \ % I •" \ BUTLEB ®^/ |\(*> LOWNDES ^| BULLOCK) \ ® OZARK ' *^ ^?"'" J ASHINGTON J ^V y^i -J-^l / * ANDALUSIA | „?(* I Ac'f^-. |— ' ® DOTHAN fF"- 1 HOUSTON^ 62 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 1 . -FARMS, ACREAGE, VALUE, AND FARM [Data for items shown In italics are based on FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number 1954. 1950. Approximate land area acres 1954. Proportion in farms percent 1954. Land owned by farm operators acres 1954. Land rented from others by farm operators.. ..acres 1954., Land managed by farm operators acres 1954. . Land rented to others by farm operators e text) acres 1954. , Land in farms acres 1954. 1950. Average size of farm acres 1954. 1950. \lue of land and buildings: Average per farm doll ars 1954. 1950. Average per acre dollars 1954. 1950. Proportion of farms reporting value percent 1954. Land in faros according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. 1 to 9 acres farms 10 to 19 acres farms 20 to 29 acres farms 30 to 49 acres farms 50 to 99 acres farms 100 to 199 acres farms 200 acres and over farms reporting 1954. 1949. reporting 1954. 1949. reporting 1954. 1949. reporting 1954. 1949. reporting 1954. 1949. reporting 1954. 1949. reporting 1954. 1949. Cropland used only for pasture .. farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. reporting 1954. acres 1954. reporting 1954. acres 1954. reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. reporting 1954. acres 1954. reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Cropland lying idle farms Woodland pastured farms Woodland not pastured farms Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland ) farms Improved (see text) farms Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc . ) farms Cropland , total farms Land pastured, total farms Woodland, total farms Irrigated land In farms farms 63.7 16,545,660 6,258,451 790,002 20,810,492 20,888,784 117.6 151,742 189,554 4,812,086 5,729,421 38,744 36,741 36,426 44,615 26,472 42,951 25,427 39,670 17,710 19,889 5,123 4,249 1,840 1,439 46,044 60,321 1,653,472 1,598,354 53,295 73,492 1,014,612 1,393,726 45,803 866,756 79,947 89,981 4,596,858 3,712,094 73,698 93,829 5,736,374 6,029,600 64,224 64,673 2,454,344 1,706,362 20,190 829,183 150,962 174,246 542,746 719,227 165,555 202,199 7,480,170 8,721,501 124,217 143,873 8,704,674 7,016,810 115,522 133,371 10,333,232 9,741,694 452 34 1,519 2,534 1,869 2,969 383,360 1,032,320 69.4 31.8 200,171 286,245 59,227 63,126 16,583 9,807 22,184 15,995 266,047 328,006 270,956 325,479 175.1 129.4 145.0 109.6 6,763 12,577 4,332 8,270 43.67 96.59 35.72 80.84 83 82 1,284 2,081 1,668 2,424 58,580 110,937 69,575 93,337 2,346 342 8,999 11,572 1,384 1,447 5,691 9,813 1,432 1,812 103,712 120,601 1,102 1,205 138,497 97,480 1,096 1,250 131,704 129,219 16 5,170 1,000 1,107 88,650 1,046 56,740 73,389 9,442 2,366 2,735 12,602 16,710 2,322 2,711 146,326 140,735 1,755 1,814 140,170 123,689 1,578 1,889 145,390 153,839 46 2,494 2,848 575,360 89.9 404,704 189,819 38,211 113,190 517,422 484,545 207.5 170.1 5,766 4,439 31.56 28.15 2,213 2,666 94,502 112,238 1,020 24,201 33,484 2,270 730 21,931 1,267 1,321 112,350 93,704 1,103 1,263 192,271 166,304 857 23,828 2,191 2,190 21,055 14,764 2,366 2,758 141,474 168,124 1,661 1,793 185,393 157,755 1,667 1,836 304,621 1,117 3,682 1,634 1,508 4,746 1,897 400,000 409,600 393,600 34.6 73.7 79.1 113,805 241,291 237,600 26,954 69,021 98,442 2,600 3,362 14,222 6,264 24,775 40,301 138,546 302,053 311,266 151,457 331,190 318,704 124.0 82.0 190.5 100.4 69.8 168.0 4,064 5,300 5,454 3,655 3,882 4,146 41.66 67.21 31.30 36.23 57.31 25.39 B5 77 86 886 3,256 1,442 1,270 4,325 1,736 19,062 89,662 40,465 26,770 110,053 59,123 570 578 821 1,101 785 1,301 724 1,031 300 287 45 6,061 13,332 21,702 8,904 12,863 67,362 321 1,512 487 589 2,091 771 5,790 23,185 12,185 11,861 24,706 32,895 74 284 39 1,115 2,307 899 265 1,379 468 4,678 20,878 11,286 491 1,746 850 476 2,195 674 27,987 40,472 102,551 25,090 35,281 55,393 570 2,228 393 784 2,943 464 64,792 98,311 36,959 67,615 110,323 41,448 364 1,837 759 400 2,505 532 11,759 27,108 92,093 7,486 22,615 52,773 169 511 106 6,558 9,258 17,910 940 3,093 1,351 1,066 4,109 1,420 3,095 9,983 5,311 3,731 15,349 9,710 1,031 3,507 1,517 1,413 4,540 1,847 30,913 126,179 74,352 47,535 147,622 159,380 719 2,901 1,302 815 3,716 1,187 45,807 80,912 216,346 41,480 70,759 175,528 773 2,775 986 955 3,502 867 92,779 138,783 139,510 92,705 145,604 96,841 FARM OPERATORS Residing on farm operated operators : ALABAMA 63 OPERATORS: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 reports for only a sample of farms. See text] Calhoun «— . Cherokee Chilton Choctaw Clarke Clay Cleburne Coffee Colbert l'< In ■ ul Coosa Covington Crenshaw 1,996 2,177 2,141 2,785 2,344 2,525 1,967 1,391 2,773 1,837 2,338 1,380 3,098 1,983 1 2,446 2,477 2,818 3,368 2,633 2,860 2,188 1,682 3,443 2,122 2,804 1,632 3,744 2,677 2 390,400 382,720 384,000 447,360 587,520 794,240 385,920 367,360 433,280 394,240 544,000 414,720 661,760 391,040 3 49.1 80.3 65.8 58.1 53.1 45.5 50.9 39.9 79.3 58.1 51.2 47.0 58.0 68.0 4 165,350 249,092 185,993 243,011 284,830 313,234 178,933 141,982 285,814 176,304 227,950 155,931 336,949 220,293 ! 33,444 85,158 84,290 51,339 50,987 54,918 38,315 30,852 124,956 88,305 63,356 52,756 86,668 78,771 i, 1,907 16,232 4,000 1,799 3,378 2,850 7,180 5,535 600 7 10,046 36,176 30,267 19,778 21,921 14,375 11,438 12,339 65,016 38,151 24,481 11,250 49,279 34,731 e 191,773 307,263 252,758 259,754 312,138 361,568 196,242 144,616 343,739 228,956 278,663 194,867 383,768 265,902 •> 208,839 321,142 283,388 276,831 312,008 321,448 208,366 166,055 355,623 237,822 273,922 203,182 400,299 284,272 in 96.1 141.1 118.1 93.3 133.2 143.2 99.8 105.4 124.0 124.6 119.2 141.2 123.9 134.1 11 85.4 129.6 100.6 82.2 118.5 112.4 95.2 98.7 103.3 112.1 97.7 124.5 106.9 106.2 1,' 7,184 5,377 8,294 4,696 4,392 5,796 3,695 3,919 5,395 9,468 4,043 4,108 5,439 3,841 n 4,849 4,290 5,236 3,707 3,270 3,168 2,930 2,640 4,554 8,645 3,454 3,581 4,357 3,415 i.; 75.27 45.29 76.10 53.08 34.27 46.75 38.25 40.68 45.10 95.77 39.34 30.22 51.37 32.36 13 54.96 34.40 52.50 46.74 28.76 29.51 34.19 32.14 45.76 72.84 37.70 29.89 39.97 32.69 16 81 83 76 69 80 89 85 85 70 79 81 77 64 72 17 1,539 1,833 1,963 2,348 2,093 2,192 1,722 1,164 2,372 1,466 2,047 998 2,543 1,706 18 2,068 2,128 2,586 2,924 2,336 2,482 1,927 1,435 3,145 1,873 2,541 1,314 3,354 2,410 L9 40,406 43,107 77,831 53,577 34,251 35,860 28,842 21,024 127,525 72,474 69,998 12,731 112,755 70,602 20 55,251 53,659 95,354 63,688 40,822 42,564 41,697 30,945 144,146 86,994 83,046 19,256 132,625 90,385 21 489 556 209 688 917 1,061 643 437 180 349 451 531 356 242 22 530 451 245 653 770 896 406 334 186 349 437 557 398 272 23 364 548 315 654 643 640 564 330 172 299 468 285 315 275 24 486 601 388 863 819 852 637 438 216 340 568 393 424 286 25 234 369 405 445 282 236 275 220 257 224 357 102 449 340 26 403 517 607 734 463 412 453 340 507 317 579 235 669 537 27 260 221 522 337 145 144 162 122 685 242 368 52 657 380 2B 388 384 826 507 207 218 324 246 1,096 424 521 104 966 760 29 149 80 421 186 84 69 69 45 827 206 290 23 576 341 30 222 131 427 149 57 80 100 65 969 310 333 22 750 470 31 35 40 81 31 19 33 8 8 226 82 90 5 164 108 3; 30 33 81 16 18 23 4 12 147 79 80 3 127 68 33 8 19 10 7 3 9 1 2 25 64 23 26 20 34 9 11 12 2 2 1 3 24 54 23 20 17 35 357 727 437 986 551 928 618 101 720 817 707 511 1,047 322 36 568 1,000 537 743 482 716 533 514 801 1,000 724 432 1,147 447 37 9,909 36,801 8,320 21,553 16,719 29,667 13,209 2,116 17,229 32,191 17,126 14,370 29,485 10,414 38 9,803 43,836 5,292 9,297 15,689 18,511 7,768 5,522 15,043 35,544 12,785 10,612 20,878 8,707 39 942 608 904 1,007 371 396 1,157 715 651 494 497 535 616 645 40 1,325 1,101 1,085 1,665 625 895 1,077 825 903 394 825 927 965 789 41 15,697 14,246 19,260 20,434 7,955 5,302 16,271 14,268 13,037 13,125 6,692 9,552 13,976 18,010 42 24,285 33,566 18,356 26,349 11,072 15,582 21,498 13,755 16,330 8,757 12,620 17,990 18,459 15,514 43 135 117 298 156 50 95 92 80 89 154 119 41 105 57 44 1,292 1,479 3,904 1,928 561 962 973 870 1,573 4,300 1,082 429 1,974 1,469 45 876 544 766 905 335 312 1,116 684 598 376 412 512 545 614 46 14,405 12,767 15,356 13,506 7,394 4,340 15,298 13,398 11,464 8,825 5,610 9,123 12,002 16,541 47 782 1,192 978 1,516 994 1,198 1,035 750 1,484 686 999 1,000 1,971 1,095 48 903 1,264 1,431 1,827 948 1,012 1,184 860 1,819 757 1,193 970 2,123 1,431 49 31,556 82,409 27,620 69,990 77,437 122,485 27,045 21,162 90,948 39,798 58,880 74,990 113,663 69,867 50 25,700 64,881 29,714 60,611 58,460 101,316 26,702 14,325 78,263 27,949 48,536 53,913 126,437 74,738 51 1,141 785 1,194 925 914 1,086 1,454 952 957 569 1,042 657 856 845 52 1,330 1,095 1,683 1,608 1,313 1,166 1,483 1,185 1,343 774 1,395 1,038 1,478 1,076 53 62,413 76,266 93,030 66,514 146,754 142,148 83,837 70,729 68,250 44,153 92,340 71,256 70,816 63,982 54 65,013 85,221 110,816 94,000 139,101 117,395 85,836 87,777 83,507 59,753 92,681 77,531 82,973 71,688 55 1,121 1,033 977 699 459 364 1,037 843 628 402 918 343 894 700 56 1,204 786 1,172 960 629 587 1,137 780 414 202 605 749 395 574 57 24,669 48,240 19,252 21,112 23,786 21,136 20,432 12,211 18,718 16,217 27,849 8,663 34,625 28,300 58 16,786 31,443 13,053 13,015 38,751 18,974 16,364 7,938 8,800 4,634 15,873 16,102 9,729 15,697 59 332 257 291 221 81 151 260 421 259 126 561 152 406 148 60 9,328 14,620 5,477 5,047 4,670 5,204 6,254 4,262 7,160 5,247 18,952 3,687 9,990 6,486 61 1,843 1,993 1,893 2,414 1,806 2,244 1,872 1,316 1,947 1,666 2,021 1,134 2,678 1,439 62 2,096 1,905 2,546 2,756 2,240 2,540 1,867 1,453 2,552 1,729 2,276 1,518 3,008 1,929 63 7,123 6,194 7,445 6,574 5,236 4,970 6,606 5,106 8,032 10,998 5,778 3,305 8,448 4,727 64 12,001 8,536 10,803 9,871 8,113 7,106 8,501 5,793 9,534 14,191 8,381 7,778 9,198 7,543 65 1,799 2,023 2,066 2,648 2,213 2,387 1,915 1,288 2,550 1,689 2,170 1,230 2,821 1,872 66 2,299 2,365 2,691 3,238 2,474 2,703 2,077 1,597 3,248 2,009 2,688 1,529 3,563 2,526 67 66,012 94,154 105,411 95,564 58,925 70,829 58,322 37,408 157,791 117,790 93,816 36,653 156,216 99,026 68 89,339 131,061 119,002 99,334 67,583 76,657 70,963 50,222 175,519 131,295 108,451 47,858 171,962 114,606 69 1,509 1,583 1,546 2,078 1,421 1,669 1,620 1,130 1,782 1,265 1,628 1,121 2,390 1,418 70 1,847 1,738 2,144 2,524 1,448 1,646 1,799 1,345 2,218 1,343 1,759 1,276 2,604 1,747 71 66,134 167,450 55,192 112,655 117,942 173,288 60,686 35,489 126,895 88,206 103,855 98,023 177,773 108,581 72 52,289 140,160 48,059 82,923 112,900 138,801 50,834 27,785 102,106 68, 127 77,194 80,627 157,044 99,142 73 1,440 1,457 1,499 2,011 1,471 1,819 1,638 1,162 1,781 1,010 1,630 1,197 2,282 1,399 74 1,661 1,612 2,035 2,465 1,741 1,800 1,757 1,326 2,231 1,167 2,011 1,346 2,749 1,740 75 93,969 158,675 120,650 136,504 224,191 264,633 110,882 91,891 159,198 83,951 151,220 146,246 184,479 133,849 76 90,713 3 150,102 3 140,530 154,611 3 1 197,561 218,711 1 112,538 2 102,102 161,770 87,702 6 141,217 2 131,444 8 209,410 3 146,426 77 78 79 350 87 232 ^6 200 11 92 140 101 162 80 248 18 275 159 51 158 16 104 115 93 87 18 119 79 82 4,215 259 4,452 1,578 617 2,031 86 880 2,488 1,512 1,653 149 3,088 1,601 83 122 693 207 970 458 484 425 358 177 103 1,478 26 1,540 613 84 2,244 15,990 6,951 24,580 7,254 8,969 8,254 6,367 9,121 3,583 55,857 594 72,596 21,313 85 1,882 2,048 1,979 2,489 2,193 2,371 1,792 1,284 2,551 1,707 2,160 1,285 2,784 1,806 86 2,293 2,338 2,715 3,242 2,506 2,707 2,039 1,614 3,292 1,885 2,667 1,545 3,523 2,528 87 63 95 97 104 101 128 152 61 145 89 122 81 120 103 88 74 91 61 57 89 122 75 45 95 42 64 73 137 100 89 64 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 1 —FARMS, ACREAGE, VALUE, AND FARM [Data for items shown in italics are based on (Fa text) FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms. number 1954. 1950. Approximate land area acres 1954. Proportion in farms percent 1954. Land owned by farm operators acres 1954. , Land rented front others by farm operators. .. .acres 1954.. Land managed by farm operators acres 1954. . Land rented to others by farm operators ■e text) acres 1954.. Land in farms acres 1954. 1950. Average size of farm acres 1954. 1950. lue of land and butldtnis: Average per farm doll ars 1954. . 1950.. Average per acre dollars 1954.. 1950. . Proportion of farms reporting value, ... .percent 1954.. Land in faras according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. 10 to 19 20 to 29 reporting 1954. 1949. reporting 1954. 1949. reporting 1954. 1949. reporting 1954. 1949. reporting 1954. 1949. reporting 1954. 1949. reporting 1954. 1949. Cropland used only for pasture. .farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. • farms harvested and not Cropland lying idle farms Woodland pastured farms Woodland not pastured farms Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland ) farms Improved (see text) farms Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) farms Cropland, total farms Land pastured, total farms Woodland, total farms Irrigated land in farms farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954., 1949. reporting 1954. acres 1954. reporting 1954. acres 1954. reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. reporting 1954. acres 1954. reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. 6,291 7,742 475,520 374,812 401,968 59.6 51.9 5,716 7,379 138,685 169,547 879 1,543 2,157 1,601 2,609 1,176 1,456 392 262 1,244 1,649 11,687 9,193 2,134 2,506 19,307 18,826 1,972 1,889 17,335 2,976 3,927 40,480 38,401 3,790 4,797 116,927 121,750 4,035 4,805 35,806 29,755 1,001 9,025 5,610 7,099 11,920 14,496 6,013 7,536 169,679 197,566 5,258 6,529 87,973 77,349 4,747 5,820 157,407 160,151 1,611 1,953 358,400 71.0 204,627 95,885 7,150 41,340 254,603 267,871 158.0 137.2 8,313 4,822 53.83 39.53 1,396 1,751 72,485 81,605 1,076 43,979 47,410 6,904 1,297 1,561 4,622 5,731 1,522 1,881 101,100 114,650 1,134 1,393 76,336 67,266 1,186 1,434 130,120 141,831 4,124 4,510 624,640 95.9 411,703 215,975 60,828 90,804 599,302 553,183 L45.3 122.6 6,478 4,078 47.24 37.17 4,253 114,004 127,091 1,067 16,339 26,338 4,982 546 11,357 1,528 1,423 171,710 121,996 651 940 1,007 116,745 93,817 238 54,109 2,953 3,068 12,725 15,519 3,987 4,403 212,501 226,002 2,188 2,362 370,613 288,386 1,8 1,8 6,136 7,055 497,920 79.6 321,841 140,408 3,152 57,610 396,548 395,556 64.6 56.1 5,134 4,460 76.80 79.04 5,361 6,640 162,375 173, 524 897 782 1,089 1,424 1,235 2,184 1,271 1,789 777 433 5,272 10,701 13,180 1,339 1,729 16.2L4 16,223 174 1,450 1,238 14,764 3,059 3,339 40,924 36,511 3,871 4,209 118,349 117,488 4,033 3,222 36,149 24,474 1,192 9,260 5,689 6,292 11,836 14,156 5,634 6,958 189,290 202,927 5,181 6,624 87,774 74,165 4,723 5,184 159,273 153,999 2,728 3,355 401,920 86.6 265,900 111,907 15,642 50,716 348,060 329,610 127.6 6,847 5,497 65.45 52.69 1,249 1,257 46,763 34,655 1,253 16,551 29, 169 1,485 677 15,066 1,525 1,664 97,008 82,975 810 1, 5,005 2,427 2,633 8,165 10,605 2,554 3,183 133,116 149,457 1,992 2,332 169,068 137,751 1,882 2,191 181,482 149,427 1,723 2,141 615,680 31.4 139,144 49,472 22,843 18,066 6,872 4,331 71.23 63.38 1,463 1,774 59,027 64,369 1,563 1,588 4,784 5,578 1,639 1,990 78,089 82,922 1,128 1,138 76, 170 39,680 1,L49 1,371 99,320 76,323 3,169 3,734 355,200 63.3 176,851 53,727 10,458 24,962 224,856 237,135 71.0 63.5 5,516 4,399 85.55 72.38 2,616 3,248 61,663 73,652 1,295 1,657 20,941 30,148 185 1,933 1,184 19,008 1,277 1,426 25,112 24,878 1,526 1,865 67,544 1,331 1,194 19,608 12,173 341 5,049 2,851 3,293 7,496 14,753 2,943 3,552 95,096 115,733 2,386 2,626 67,212 48,893 2,152 2,473 102,656 94,476 2,579 401,280 58.3 209,237 36,759 1,375 18,289 1,815 2,330 47,582 59,958 1,237 701 9,060 1,073 1,100 30, 930 26,865 1,349 1,637 118,985 117,831 1,075 1,026 16,418 12,136 283 4,307 1,656 2,201 4,644 10,325 1,961 2,457 62,790 87,996 1,524 1,975 52,259 50,755 1,571 1,879 149,915 144,696 16 1,783 511 11,360 FARM OPERATORS ALABAMA 65 OPERATORS: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued reports for only a sample of Terms. See text] «— Greene Hale »- Houston Jackson Jefferson Lamar Lauderdale Lawrence Ue Limestone Lowndes Macon 2,199 2,667 1,832 3,008 4,058 3,186 2,107 3,800 3,335 1,940 4,176 2,132 1,947 . 2,'755 2,677 2,920 2,325 3,472 4,959 3,362 2,660 4,558 4,L42 2,059 4,484 2,689 2,504 2 369,920 412,800 424,320 361,600 369,920 719,360 715,520 387,200 440,320 439,040 391,680 348,800 458,240 394,240 1 SO. 2 82.4 79.0 86.7 86.2 56.5 20.6 79.9 80.7 68.5 70.3 94.1 89.4 71.2 228,350 276,677 271,900 211,730 240,152 343,841 98,352 279, 914 277,898 206,052 221,326 201,302 286,165 214,269 5 117,257 116,490 94,628 149,235 144,646 160,088 41,708 70,742 131,936 177,180 60,690 185,745 147,079 99,677 6 2,537 24,557 17,898 11,052 395 7,107 12,565 21,845 15,785 2,752 9,779 46,592 7,923 7 45,512 80,145 46,153 55,124 81,284 95,014 4,762 41,470 70,112 86,977 25,988 69,805 63,458 39,005 S 296,734 339,955 335,409 313,622 318,779 406,609 147,528 309,529 355,389 300,757 275,221 328,142 409,739 280,687 9 295,382 370,087 296,148 307,162 316,152 425,368 154,524 301,528 347,110 302,499 281,086 324,511 371,778 286,371 i'> 129.5 154.6 125.8 171.2 106.0 100.2 46.3 146.9 93.5 90.2 141.9 78.6 192.2 144.2 11 107.2 138.2 101.4 132.1 91.0 85.8 46.0 113.4 76.2 73.0 L36.5 72.4 138.2 114.4 12 7,909 5,407 5,634 6,069 7,425 6,061 10,478 3,861 7,950 7,736 6,015 7,953 5,465 6,388 13 5,428 3,565 4,618 5,873 5,526 5,326 6,161 2,891 5,575 6,285 5,103 6,565 3,937 4,064 14 61.99 38.60 56.51 39.76 75.38 72.79 242.13 34.25 91.16 87.11 48.28 116.91 34.83 46.26 15 50.59 30.14 49.80 43.32 63.08 62.16 144.94 28.75 73.04 90.51 38.72 93.91 32.23 38.31 H, 78 83 86 78 84 68 77 75 75 80 77 81 88 71 17 2,045 2,013 2,380 1,653 2,675 3,455 1,943 1,812 3,060 2,939 1,576 3,682 1,903 1,823 16 2,616 2,524 2,727 2,196 3,237 4,582 2,394 2,534 3,913 3,762 1,706 4,149 2,501 2,251 r- 135,730 45,409 63, 105 99,532 154,422 138,150 25,421 46,678 105,081 122,913 43,029 150,118 50,541 57,229 20 140,461 65,552 76,691 110,105 166,710 148,646 28,775 65,275 125,720 146,776 48,710 165,326 69,482 73,925 a 108 679 781 135 201 543 1,245 345 759 462 471 521 670 443 22 115 530 587 172 160 581 1,482 261 740 430 443 437 590 499 23 127 772 817 151 239 590 366 440 549 586 415 750 646 553 .'4 128 1,017 971 174 242 967 529 649 662 630 360 848 807 523 25 171 281 338 173 289 651 157 455 517 515 282 771 288 340 26 306 582 603 277 375 1,164 194 834 877 794 330 946 562 494 .'7 475 154 223 429 643 724 101 396 626 641 218 885 139 261 28 858 257 323 710 1,079 1,114 122 642 1,004 1,078 321 1,112 338 449 29 788 66 113 539 976 725 50 156 445 534 125 535 81 138 30 996 69 114 706 1,122 610 48 134 491 645 205 586 120 185 31 329 36 62 183 265 181 15 17 129 140 46 139 42 47 32 191 31 88 127 226 125 13 12 119 153 42 152 46 65 33 47 25 46 43 62 41 9 3 35 61 19 81 37 41 34 22 38 41 30 33 21 6 2 20 32 7 66 38 36 35 487 182 573 488 629 916 931 358 1,546 1,249 779 1,375 336 422 36 534 386 599 512 591 1,209 901 637 2,283 1,665 774 2,109 380 389 37 10,397 9,563 56,795 15,358 13,176 18,220 14,908 6,178 42,768 36,346 36,027 36,830 45,724 36,351 36 8,366 18,343 25,530 9,427 10,118 14,581 12,631 6,679 40,302 25,070 40,615 36,283 38,839 15,667 39 293 750 444 535 492 821 1,155 947 1,553 1,010 854 1,107 454 798 40 688 772 574 762 855 1,537 1,551 988 2,242 1,398 871 1,610 407 1,129 41 4,985 12,983 9,202 16,208 9,450 11,451 14,270 24,926 30,455 22,007 23,205 18,258 6,918 22,206 42 13,181 21,929 14,111 17,648 13,396 27,532 16,466 13,811 35,376 21,432 29,897 29,780 9,899 29,696 43 66 507 124 39 152 236 222 172 288 422 141 456 325 106 44 744 6,213 1,632 811 2,318 3,141 1,711 1,244 3,775 6,550 2,627 5,892 3,436 2,782 45 237 417 350 516 364 637 1,011 868 1,399 753 778 837 194 739 46 4,241 6,770 7,570 15,397 7,132 8,310 12,559 23,682 26,680 15,457 20,578 12,366 3,482 19,424 47 1,279 1,055 970 743 1,356 1,436 994 1,234 1,413 1,168 1,014 1,304 884 873 48 1,725 805 818 947 1,696 1,983 1,064 1,736 1,482 1,491 989 1,419 863 1,004 49 58,109 99,021 68,606 51,581 45,356 31,037 29,126 39,999 43,132 30, 986 80,125 41,924 126,103 72,274 50 64,016 49,527 50,452 45,409 47,188 35, 145 30,829 51,343 29,363 28,873 63,261 23,119 94,369 58,906 51 1,019 5% 584 803 1,122 2,064 1,155 1,459 1,503 1,178 670 1,206 252 542 52 1,040 682 750 1,039 1,171 2,540 1,380 1,742 1,989 1,259 780 1,425 380 719 53 64,203 88,723 78,769 108,537 65,572 170,285 42,975 169,621 70,770 54,662 68,886 37,676 52,551 38,020 54 56,338 120,184 64,663 104,444 63,197 168,267 43,565 141,137 68,331 52,542 78,304 40,726 40,429 53,697 55 633 748 595 399 862 1,790 528 1,117 1,707 946 323 1,634 790 426 56 198 799 791 412 512 1,705 750 1,123 1,618 1,031 326 959 723 581 57 16,249 78,707 52,052 16,240 21,850 28,244 14,011 15,892 42,209 22,667 15,562 36,979 120,277 45,875 58 4,656 83,537 55,039 8,934 6,702 16,949 11,671 15,280 23,007 14,575 13,122 15,851 105,801 46,577 59 377 110 177 87 481 639 131 466 328 328 96 476 212 131 60 11,227 26,672 24,656 3,627 12,347 9,646 5,103 5,319 8,101 7,896 5,712 10,282 43,378 11,598 61 1,829 1,560 2,121 1,289 2,172 3,3% 2,766 1,755 3,496 2,775 1,777 3,876 1,784 1,417 62 2,536 1,911 2,211 1,689 2,183 4,222 2,900 2,386 4,243 3,430 1,832 3,651 2,018 2,031 63 7,061 5,549 6,880 6,166 8,953 9,222 6,817 6,235 20,974 11,176 8,387 7,625 16,355 8,732 64 8,364 11,015 9,662 11,195 8,841 14,248 10,587 7,912 25,011 13,231 7,177 13,426 12,959 7,903 • ' 2,114 2,068 2,542 1,739 2,755 3,701 2,733 1,992 3,519 3,176 1,873 3,912 1,996 1,889 U 2,688 2,595 2,812 2,256 3,344 4,749 3,006 2,591 4,320 3,911 1,954 4,341 2,577 2,426 67 151,112 67,955 129, 102 131,098 177,048 167,821 54,599 77,782 178,304 181,266 102,261 205,206 103,183 115,786 68 162,008 105,824 116,332 137,180 190,224 190,759 57,872 85,765 201,398 193,278 119,222 231,389 118,220 119,288 69 x,637 1,398 1,592 1,094 1,943 2,829 1,878 1,653 2,876 2,194 1,309 2,820 1,303 1,201 70 1,985 1,534 1,520 1,324 2,196 3,386 2,106 2,144 3,537 2,700 1,395 2,983 1,412 1,440 71 84,755 187,291 177,453 83,179 80,382 77,501 58,045 62,069 128, 109 89,999 131,714 105,733 292,104 154,500 72 77,038 151,407 131,021 63,770 64,008 66,675 55,131 73,393 92,672 68, 518 116,998 75,253 239,009 121,150 73 1,692 1,356 1,258 1,107 1,923 2,509 1,813 1,746 2,293 1,888 1,342 2,070 1,010 1,170 74 2,040 1,149 1,186 1,360 2,125 3,148 1,961 2,158 2,696 2,105 1,366 2,249 1,054 1,376 75 122,312 187,744 1/47,375 160,118 110,928 201,322 72,101 209,620 113,902 85,648 149,011 69,602 178,654 110,294 76 120,354 169,711 115,115 149,853 110,385 203,412 74,394 192,571 97,694 81,415 141,565 63,845 134,798 112,603 77 1 2 1 ..! 7 24 11 6 11 5 7 41 1 5 78 79 70 60 2 245 95 173 81 74 343 367 70 6 1,729 130 80 81 167 170 184 148 431 1,042 80 362 865 191 30 935 89 37 82 3,285 2,665 4,276 6,031 10,138 16,291 1,119 3,566 14,752 3,148 744 21,215 3,814 1,226 83 990 290 332 845 1,328 1,347 80 938 976 606 794 1,401 73 508 84 65,279 6,898 12,687 46,756 76,961 44,389 1,491 20,013 32,130 15,893 25,079 50,760 3,493 17,401 85 2,169 1,998 2,429 1,661 2,735 3,720 2,851 1,913 3,505 2,969 1,743 3,878 1,942 1,795 86 2,666 2,527 2,710 2,180 3,288 4,699 3,233 2,554 4,366 3,987 1,954 4,313 2,344 2,145 87 93 143 143 97 145 187 272 120 187 187 141 155 145 93 88 67 98 151 73 103 156 91 48 112 77 75 97 142 105 89 66 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 1 —FARMS, ACREAGE, VALUE, AND FARM [Data for Items shown In italics are based on (Fo: text) Monroe Montgomery Morgan FARMS, ACREAGE, AMD VALUE Farms number 1954. 1950. Approximate land area acres 1954. Proportion in farms percent 1954. Land owned by farm operators ocres 1954. . Land rented front others by farm operators. .. .acres 1954.. Land managed by farm operators acres 1954. . land rented to others by farm operators :e text) acres 1954.. Land In farms acres 1954. 1950. Average size of farm acres 1954. 1950. due of land and buildings: Average per farm dollars 1954.. 1950.. Average per acre dol lars 1954. . 1950. Proportion of farms reporting value percent 1954.. Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. 30 to 49 50 to 99 reporting 1954. 1949. reporting 1954. 1949. reporting 1954. 1949. reporting 1954. 1949. reporting 1954. 1949. reporting 1954. 1949. reporting 1954. 1949. Cropland used only for pasture. .farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. harvested and not Cropland lying idle farms Woodland pastured farms Woodland not pastured farms Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland ) farms Improved (see text) farms Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc . ) farms Cropland, total farms Land pastured , total farms Woodland, total farms Irrigated land in farms farms reporting 1954., 1949., acres 1954., 1949. reporting 1954. acres 1954. reporting 1954. acres 1954. reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. reporting 1954. acres 1954. reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. 4,723 5,004 513,920 83.2 287,965 213,670 15,919 89,853 427,665 417,622 90.5 83.4 8,427 7,791 114.40 92.74 1,545 53,432 28,880 1,024 1,826 18,038 39,594 10,516 976 1,092 35,003 38,497 1,272 1,391 84,024 78,639 782 3,768 3,599 17,433 17,399 4,514 4,825 262,686 266,408 2,436 2,556 116,954 84,056 1,857 2,005 119,027 117,136 15 1 3,206 3,839 625,920 81.0 366,097 171,320 38,794 69,739 506,742 492,937 158.1 128.4 5,563 3,781 41.93 31.80 2,851 3,431 67,816 85,070 1,072 44,296 100,411 1,855 440 9,465 1,202 1,180 158,462 155,312 519 743 33,519 2,561 2,289 9,101 7,020 2,956 3,690 123,432 205,651 1,761 1,993 319,922 298,473 1,443 1,566 257,045 237,516 2,721 3,718 475,520 60.7 250,816 71,172 2,130 35,161 340,774 106.1 91.7 3,607 3,085 35.50 1,164 1,972 16,510 28,956 104 733 1,107 15,777 1,510 1,867 33,942 29,969 1,935 2,640 138,574 158,958 1,306 2,034 20,052 21,353 375 5,689 2,571 3,310 6,952 10,088 2,608 3,602 89,146 120,406 2,274 3,030 67,381 61,435 2,237 2,977 172,516 188,927 228,291 115,030 3,000 297,271 305,211 61.2 50.4 5,002 102.59 100.00 4,266 5,580 125,848 141,551 712 901 1,329 1,008 1,785 1,096 1,367 541 366 1,172 1,163 16,254 8,710 1,027 1,398 10,803 12,861 1,658 887 9,145 1,754 2,292 27,163 26,864 2,210 3,070 82,875 82,575 2,550 3,153 24,280 19,531 4,147 5,437 10,048 13,119 4,542 5,756 152,905 163,122 3,805 4,772 67,697 55,105 3,040 2,646 2,527 798,720 30.3 199,045 46,402 11,194 17,310 91.. 82.2 10,962 7,088 146.43 2,002 1,927 57,411 44,007 10,251 2,331 2,303 87,970 85,346 1,465 1,395 117,436 79,950 1,372 1,435 131,308 106,567 31 2,873 3,116 662,400 62.0 342,763 103,656 20,141 50,097 410,595 408,906 142.9 131.2 6,593 4,755 50.46 37.29 2,561 2,864 74,788 85,212 1,027 24,083 24,698 1,131 1,169 123,477 94,465 864 1,012 137,049 170,055 6,582 7,990 2,708 2,993 108,808 L22,443 1,759 1,878 182,239 133,116 1,625 1,779 2,391 2,955 505,600 97.3 382,193 135,559 11,288 47,595 1,862 2,406 69,956 89,514 35,109 1,984 2,494 12,020 17,519 2,123 2,767 198,992 247,958 1,654 2,021 356,839 333,858 1,151 1,278 147,636 127,141 18 1 3,780 4,682 367,360 83.9 239,947 105,302 6,001 56,530 308,137 316,329 81.5 67.6 7,571 5,208 105.38 76.61 1,428 1,750 21,438 24,606 420 4,035 1,202 17,403 1,519 1,779 33,890 29,005 1,791 2,164 77,339 76,182 2,084 2,262 33,011 20,684 589 10,913 3,130 3,871 11,311 12,852 3,571 4,426 152,5 177,606 2,842 3,331 84,274 61,362 2,423 2,822 111,229 105,187 2,291 84 3,320 1,625 527 18,300 FARM OPERATORS Residing ( residing i ALABAMA 67 OPERATORS: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued reports for only a sample of farms. See text] Pickens Pike Randolph Russell St. Clair Shelby Sumter Talladega Taj Lb] .: 79 ■■'" 81 250 131 39 263 188 188 338 425 30 690 31 246 221 247 34 26 228 132 85 161 27 332 186 94 97 93 82 3,840 4,208 205 1,096 2,680 2,521 2,151 4,354 478 5,569 1,963 1,238 1,823 880 83 1,193 1,109 762 187 364 70 147 139 208 665 896 193 87 242 14 27,803 56,361 16,043 5,637 6,827 2,071 5,234 2,817 3,949 14,465 14,539 5,057 1,964 5,015 85 2,421 2,159 2,422 1,511 1,881 1,453 2,366 2,248 2,005 3,206 2,941 1,483 2,586 1,600 86 3,243 2,843 2,863 1,778 2,093 1,884 2,730 2,852 2,419 3,881 4,164 1,541 3,304 2,181 87 135 134 101 75 85 54 136 83 110 229 118 47 112 98 88 83 82 77 60 49 66 155 70 65 166 140 62 62 52 89 68 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 2 —FARMS BY COLOR AND TENURE OF (FO! Bibb Blount Bullock Butl FARMS BY COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR All farms number All land In farms acres Total cropland harvested acres Farms by color of operator: White operators number Nonwhite operators number Farms by tenure of operator: Full owners number Part owners number Managers number All tenants number Proportion of tenancy percent Cash tenants number Share-cash tenants number Share tenants number Crop-share tenants number Livestock-share tenants number Croppers number Other and unspecified tenants number Other tenants number Unspecified tenants number Land io farms by tenure of operator: Full owners acres Part owners acres Managers. . . acres All tenants acres Cash tenants acres Share-cash tenants acres Share tenants acres Crop-share tenants acres Livestock-share tenants acres Croppers acres Other and unspecified tenants acres Cropland harvested by tenure of operator: Full owners farms reporting 1954. 1950. 1954. 1949. .farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Managers farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Croppers farms reporting 1954 . 1949. acres 1954. 1949. 20,810,492 20,888,784 4,812,086 5,729,421 6±,643 87,613 34.8 41.4 10,630,179 10,639,188 5,713,208 4,418,051 660,484 683,103 3,806,621 5,148,442 1,053,236 1,369,241 97,650 85,143 1,339,686 1,993,503 1,222,407 1,906,471 117,279 87,032 709,172 1,091,453 606,877 609,102 26,514 24,683 1,419,908 1,156,406 58,855 84,011 1,727,271 2,454,690 17,167 24,304 486,830 682,288 266,047 270,956 58,58C 69,575 135,490 132,872 85,406 78,550 17,050 10,829 28,101 48,705 16,084 22,698 1,829 8,653 1,779 6,840 4,674 8,994 4,698 7,246 328,006 325,479 110,937 93,337 154,q23 197,424 150,078 105,875 8,616 13,133 15,289 9,047 5,552 3.1A6 1,750 1,691 6,079 3,224 1,305 1,752 42,032 47,921 517,422 484,545 94, 502 112,238 1,196 1,597 48.0 56.1 229,495 197,877 126,353 107,394 38,587 37,502 122,987 141,772 44,505 58,601 3,742 1,693 30,608 26,707 23,201 22,029 7,407 4,678 1,156 1,566 44,230 59,313 138,546 151,457 19,062 26,770 87,235 91, 932 35,237 31,111 2,750 2,155 6,673 142 1,841 3,629 7,040 3,629 7,040 3,240 6,893 2,623 3,812 302,053 331,190 89,662 110,053 1,538 25.3 32.4 177,613 199,689 69,601 53, 111 3,136 3,168 51,703 75,222 8,375 9,239 1,508 502 19,462 37,865 19,322 37,620 13,192 20,633 9,166 6,983 1,739 2,212 39,991 52,912 1,474 23,546 36,914 311,266 318,704 40,465 59,123 1,202 56.7 63.4 167,131 152,950 63,660 72,298 3,610 8,006 2,500 6,988 7,126 25,777 20,879 1,164 19,835 31,026 ALABAMA 69 OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 Calhoun Chambers Cherokee Chilton Choctaw Clarke Clay Cleburne Coffee Colbert Conecuh Coosa Covington Crenshaw 1,996 2,177 2,141 2,785 2,344 2,525 1,967 1,391 2,773 1,837 2,338 1,380 3,098 1,983 3. 2,446 2,477 2,818 3,368 2,633 2,860 2,188 1,682 3,443 2,122 2,804 1,632 3,744 2,677 2 191,773 307,263 252,758 259,754 312,138 361,568 196,242 146,616 343,739 228,956 278,663 194,867 383,768 265,902 3 208,839 321,142 283,388 276,831 312,008 321,448 ,'n8, ii ,i 166,055 355,623 237,822 273,922 203,182 400,299 284,272 4 40,406 43,107 77,831 53,577 34,251 35,860 28,842 21,024 127,525 72,474 69,998 12,731 112,755 70,602 5 55,251 53,659 95,354 63,688 50,822 42,564 41,697 20,945 144,146 86,994 83,046 19,256 132,625 90,385 6 1,891 1,260 2,019 2,531 1,141 1,180 1,837 1,347 2,444 1,602 1,426 1,071 2,883 1,588 7 2,256 1,355 2,643 3,022 1,296 1,374 1,996 1,631 2,935 1,780 1,640 1,219 3,486 1,992 8 105 917 122 254 1,203 1,345 130 44 329 235 912 309 215 395 9 190 1,122 175 346 1,337 1,486 192 51 508 342 1,164 413 258 685 10 1,386 1,136 889 1,784 1,166 1,500 1,419 966 1,244 875 1,209 950 1,749 901 11 1,521 1,168 1,110 1,915 1,359 1,594 1,441 1,014 1,249 849 1,353 1,022 2,037 1,019 12 250 195 290 415 513 549 165 92 363 424 593 138 477 352 13 253 186 269 447 459 566 172 137 339 384 595 155 352 348 14 7 7 5 3 2 1 2 3 3 3 4 2 15 3 10 2 2 2 5 2 4 7 * * 3 2 16 353 839 957 583 663 476 382 333 1,164 535 533 289 868 728 17 669 1,113 1,437 1,004 813 695 573 531 1,851 882 852 451 1,352 1,308 Lfl 17.7 38.5 44.7 20.9 28.3 18.9 19.4 23.9 42.0 29.1 22.8 20.9 28.0 36.7 19 44.9 51.0 29.8 30.9 24.3 26.2 31.6 53.8 41.6 30.4 27.6 36.1 48.9 ,'.■> 83 125 11 228 290 198 72 47 167 99 247 147 201 139 21 116 305 29 385 370 286 120 77 314 150 430 218 352 323 22 12 5 10 18 10 3 9 20 23 18 3 27 18 23 7 7 6 14 21 12 8 19 21 16 5 29 17 24 153 146 445 131 139 113 137 99 286 168 81 42 305 225 25 316 167 806 298 153 163 192 198 521 427 131 95 578 387 26 150 144 435 129 139 113 136 97 262 165 78 41 281 210 27 309 164 803 295 153 159 188 198 489 425 121 94 561 381 28 3 2 10 2 1 2 24 3 3 1 24 15 29 7 3 3 3 4 4 32 2 10 1 17 6 30 57 377 404 98 103 61 106 131 614 177 113 18 227 272 31 121 494 534 204 142 127 152 199 936 210 186 67 324 492 32 54 179 92 116 113 94 64 47 77 68 74 79 108 74 33 109 140 62 103 127 107 101 53 61 74 89 66 69 89 34 22 117 11 30 80 65 26 8 17 33 40 35 32 22 35 42 109 12 40 98 49 38 23 19 29 42 51 23 37 36 32 62 81 86 33 29 38 39 60 35 34 44 76 52 37 67 31 50 63 29 58 63 30 42 45 47 15 46 52 38 123,928 176,659 134,525 164, 522 217,075 256,013 145,331 112,885 163,931 101,000 138,023 125,768 234,710 142,798 39 125,755 170,489 137,299 173,132 229,815 231,120 147,383 116,898 152,437 93,286 151,979 125,282 249,334 136,072 32,864 60,063 43,404 59,703 69,728 90,186 24,068 11,081 80,780 76,729 105,141 35,246 85,676 76,148 32,777 43,859 37,526 51,661 51,634 59,317 23,040 13,958 59,037 74,031 62,382 31,095 46,266 58,896 2,424 12,944 4,526 2,564 2,492 750 1,605 3,260 8,129 6,183 1,130 485 1,190 20,185 1,766 1,714 130 7,i74 371 4,487 9,303 9,668 6,466 6,283 2,103 44 32,557 57,597 70,303 32,965 22,843 15,369 26,093 22,650 97,423 47,967 27,370 27,670 62,252 46,471 ,6 49,117 86,609 106,797 50,324 30,429 23,837 37,572 35,199 139,662 61,202 49,893 40,339 98,416 87,201 8,050 9,667 386 11,920 10,732 7,850 6,245 3,717 19,348 10,866 12,200 12,322 15,255 11,904 48 49 6,971 27,625 1,779 19,879 15,854 11,446 10,275 4,875 35,026 12,789 23,494 19,325 28,207 25,123 201 1,592 434 489 738 469 221 731 4,757 3,978 1,482 274 2,083 1,921 338 692 269 704 427 1,222 397 77 1,513 3,027 1,187 321 3,184 2,021 50 14,577 16,485 42, 175 9,216 2,890 2,850 10,824 7,219 24,295 19,614 4,111 5,917 25,287 14,368 51 52 53 25,414 16,962 71,306 14,594 4,185 4,600 12,219 12,754 36,991 32,594 6.707 10,203 43,171 24,078 14, 177 16,385 41,072 9,156 2,890 2,850 10,818 7,148 21,297 18,916 3,911 5,817 2i,J38 12,484 24,390 16,627 71,119 14,299 4,185 4,407 12,129 12,754 34,275 32,444 5,294 8,403 39,231 23,603 400 100 1,103 60 6 71 2,998 698 200 100 3,949 1,884 1,024 335 187 295 193 90 2,716 150 1,413 1,800 3,940 475 56 6,243 16,397 20,349 3,885 1,987 1,412 4,446 6,986 40,292 7,020 4,813 640 11,915 14,229 57 58 59 60 7,604 20,987 28,081 8,352 4,771 2,686 7,967 12,375 59,776 8,277 13,613 3,460 19,391 27,283 3,486 13,456 6,959 7,455 6,496 2,788 4,357 3,997 8,731 6,489 4,764 8,517 7,712 4,049 8,790 20,343 5,362 6,795 5,192 3,883 6,714 5,118 6,356 4,515 4,892 7,030 4,463 8,696 969 847 736 1,404 954 1,208 1,197 770 876 564 951 634 1,264 660 61 1,205 906 920 1,587 1,103 1,275 1,252 820 1,022 647 1,142 786 1,719 800 62 20,664 16,174 24,844 25,120 13,522 15,884 17,076 11,759 37,618 16,259 23,833 6,761 45,604 20,125 63 26,174 18,907 31,253 30,359 17,888 21,040 26,393 16,257 40,854 18,339 32,741 10,128 57,759 25,181 64 247 179 287 411 499 536 164 86 349 405 578 125 460 338 65 246 172 264 431 447 557 161 132 322 368 580 138 344 337 66 9,667 9,126 14,912 15,595 11,544 13,349 4,975 2,490 27,646 31,869 29,798 2,603 32,321 23,176 67 9,049 5 7,782 7 12,492 4 13,256 3 9,696 2 11,356 4,264 1 3,434 20,203 1 32,098 2 25,385 3 2,778 2 19,223 3 16,960 1 69 1 9 2 1 1 3 7 4 1 3 2 70 301 1,071 430 601 23 42 3 888 407 200 283 29 71 582 1,276 175 93 160 8 524 3,852 650 191 2,630 298 72 318 800 936 530 638 448 360 308 1,146 495 515 237 816 707 73 616 1,041 1,400 905 786 646 513 483 1,798 851 815 389 1,288 1,271 74 9,774 16,736 37,645 12,261 9,162 6,627 6,749 6,775 62,258 23,458 15,960 3,167 34,547 27,272 19,446 25,694 51,434 19,980 13,238 10,008 11,032 11,254 82,565 32,705 24,270 6,159 53,013 47,946 76 56 377 404 97 103 60 106 130 614 177 113 18 227 272 77 78 114 482 525 192 138 123 142 190 920 204 184 64 315 487 2,008 8,149 13,608 2,586 1,680 976 2,309 3,282 32,966 4,993 3,942 321 9,638 10,522 80 3,410 12,221 16,901 4,585 2,333 1,981 3,252 5,232 41,242 6,122 6,311 1,051 12,490 18,999 70 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 2. -FARMS BY COLOR AND TENURE OF FARMS BY COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR All farms number 1954 . . 1950.. All land in farms acres 1954 . . 1950.. Total cropland harvested acres 1954. . 1949.. Farms by color of operator: White operators number 1954.. 1950.. Nonwhite operators number 1954 . . 1950.. irns by tenure of operator: Full owners number 1954.. 1950 . . Part owners number 1954 . . 1950.. Managers number 1954. . 1950.. All tenants number 1954 . . 1950.. Proportion of tenancy percent 1954 . . 1950.. Cash tenants number 1954 . . 1950.. Share-cash tenants number 1954. . 1950.. Share tenants number 1954 . . 1950.. Crop-share tenants number 1954 . . 1950.. Livestock-share tenants number 1954 . . 1950.. Croppers number 1954 . . 1950.. Other and unspecified tenants number 1954.. 1950. . Other tenants number 1954 . . 1950.. Unspecified tenants number 1954.. 1950. . Land in faras by tenure of operator: Full owners acres 1954.. 1950.. Part owners acres 1954.. 1950.. Managers acres 1954. . 1950. . All tenants acres 1954.. 1950. . Cash tenants acres 1954. . 1950.. Share-cash tenants acres 1954.. 1950.. Share tenants acres 1954 . . 1950 . . Crop-share tenants acres 1954. . 1950.. Livestock-share tenants acres 1954 . . 1950.. Croppers acres 1954. . 1950. . Other and unspecified tenants acres 1954.. 1950.. Cropland harvested by tenure of operator: Full owners farms reporting 1954 . . 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949.. Part owners farms reporting 1954 . . 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949.. Managers farms reporting 1954 . . 1949 . . acres 1954., 1949 . . All tenants farms reporting 1954 . . 1949 . , acres 1954.. 1949 . . Croppers farms reporting 1954 . . 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949.. 374,812 401,968 138,685 169,547 26T4 33.1 199,739 235,960 96,044 51,559 3,164 975 75,865 113,474 7,371 8,615 2,078 937 37,619 63,974 36,635 62,560 18,228 25,660 10, 569 14,288 2,863 3,998 55,012 85,243 1,606 2,526 40,760 60,149 254,603 267,871 72,485 81, 605 114,702 121,371 73,894 50,566 2,353 3,505 63,654 92,429 20,606 30,152 4,667 3,822 19,598 25,741 15,093 21,818 4,505 3,923 13,020 24, 749 5,763 7,965 599,302 553,183 114,004 127,091 211,976 200,820 231,033 197,668 53,010 35,839 103,283 118,856 76,846 96,306 4,880 5,354 3,671 3,874 1,209 1,480 10,388 12,128 10,637 4,863 2,689 3,108 47,232 64,560 396,548 395,556 162,375 173,524 29.9 35.5 197,717 214,509 93,540 57,123 2,752 3,071 102,539 120,853 2,645 3,364 1,043 486 13,838 16,165 10,672 8,702 2,468 3,290 53,695 75,011 1,771 2,476 59,215 70,120 348,060 329,610 69,802 85,633 1,253 30.6 37.3 165, 164 158,624 118,112 92,013 12,431 7,605 52,353 71,368 28,519 40,305 2,464 1,068 4,686 8,874 4,396 8,851 7,709 15,138 8,975 5,983 1,220 18,617 26,914 1,174 18,951 30,945 193,584 168.444 59,027 64,369 112,030 96,971 33,691 34,965 18,750 9,816 29,113 26,692 15,473 7,574 1,055 1,065 7,911 6,656 5,284 6,130 2,627 526 2,225 7,445 2,449 3,952 224,856 237,135 61,663 73,652 25:5 31.6 139,063 145,646 38,666 24,971 6,374 1,804 40,753 64,714 6,634 5,805 20,204 37,104 19,512 36,786 7,823 13,161 5,190 8,231 1,123 20,971 30,176 233,767 255,153 47,582 59,958 146,964 167,479 55,102 33,123 1,405 2,171 14,199 31,864 13,909 30,165 7,772 8,461 3,785 6,986 1,225 18,821 28,752 ALABAMA 71 OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued Geneva Greene Hale Hen,. Houston Jackson Jefferson Lamar Lauderdale Lawrence Lee Limestone Lowndes Macon 2,292 2,199 2,667 1,832 3,008 4,058 3,186 2,107 3,800 3,335 1,940 4,176 2,132 1,947 1 2,755 2,677 2,920 2,325 3,472 4,959 3,362 2,660 4,558 4,L42 2,059 4,484 2,689 2,504 i 296,734 339,955 335,409 313,622 318,779 406,609 147,528 309,529 355,389 300,757 275,221 328,142 409,739 280,687 3 295,382 370,087 296,148 307,162 316,152 425,368 154, 524 301,528 347,110 302,499 281,086 324,511 371,778 286,371 4 135,730 45,409 63,105 99,532 154,422 138,150 25,421 46,678 105,081 122,913 43,029 150,118 50,541 57,229 5 140,461 65,552 76,691 110,105 166,710 148,646 28,775 65,275 125,720 146,776 48,710 165,326 69,482 73,925 6 2,137 449 875 1,147 2,442 3,972 2,848 1,925 3,522 2,747 1,089 3,374 540 511 7 2,571 488 867 1,347 2,818 4,831 3,055 2,366 4,146 3,420 1,093 3,612 584 612 a 155 1,750 1,792 685 566 86 338 182 278 588 851 802 1,592 1,436 184 2,189 2,053 978 654 128 307 294 412 722 966 872 2,105 1,892 10 985 493 1,019 579 1,165 1,757 2,121 1,176 1,927 1,127 1,059 1,573 556 797 n 1,064 551 962 591 1,132 1,888 2,315 1,415 2,304 1,236 1,025 1,522 587 923 12 391 237 395 290 470 773 557 263 845 664 161 617 304 281 L3 280 206 352 279 431 767 386 223 770 631 144 621 317 306 14 5 11 17 17 4 11 5 8 5 4 10 10 8 15 11 14 20 5 3 2 11 1 * 3 13 6 9 5 16 911 1,458 1,236 963 1,356 1,524 497 663 1,020 1,539 716 1,976 1,262 861 17 1,400 1,906 1,586 1,450 1,906 2,302 650 1,021 1,481 2,272 877 2,335 1,776 1,270 18 39.7 66.3 46.3 52.6 45.1 37.6 15.6 31.5 26.8 46.1 36.9 47.3 59.2 44.2 19 50.8 71.2 54.3 62.4 54.9 46.4 19.3 38.4 32.5 54.8 42.6 52.1 66.0 50.7 20 180 453 192 189 284 52 261 44 85 91 413 67 760 457 21 237 874 252 313 370 60 390 22 152 170 289 54 1,137 350 22 29 13 8 25 48 18 3 14 17 3 14 12 3 21 22 7 8 22 56 15 11 11 20 23 20 7 7 24 422 514 241 298 542 859 41 375 463 655 87 972 150 36 25 727 384 330 456 868 1,541 67 553 825 1,060 201 1,200 175 362 26 262 511 238 268 481 838 36 370 448 645 85 932 147 35 27 621 382 326 405 798 1,516 65 541 804 1,057 200 1,184 174 359 28 160 3 3 30 61 21 5 5 15 10 2 40 3 1 29 106 2 < 51 70 25 2 12 21 3 1 16 1 3 30 235 158 626 374 421 479 52 160 251 588 89 799 135 147 31 362 323 877 611 539 529 71 292 285 670 190 951 317 342 32 45 320 169 77 61 116 139 81 207 188 124 124 205 218 33 52 318 119 48 73 157 111 143 198 349 193 110 140 209 34 10 277 130 16 20 13 65 21 101 65 75 59 146 180 35 15 240 18 15 21 44 14 122 240 147 16 65 163 36 35 43 39 61 41 103 74 60 106 123 49 65 59 38 37 37 78 55 30 58 136 67 129 76 109 46 94 75 46 38 131,760 136,617 165,687 114,457 119,196 167,678 79,946 205,457 144,483 80,707 169,794 112,256 136,724 128,934 39 126,927 172,848 126,878 104,368 119,309 180,320 86,262 189,502 149,271 79,010 154,580 101,877 123,572 110,510 40 72,156 118,081 113,950 100,071 77,546 135,020 40,643 42,379 127,171 99,236 51,592 88,112 166,925 89,939 41 36,558 83,648 76,326 73,161 57,740 102,255 31,805 27,039 90,713 76,206 44,584 77,279 154,411 101,475 42 3,446 21,890 10,515 11,097 463 6,164 5,633 6,023 4,681 2,615 4,649 46,265 8,276 43 13,576 32,839 34,675 3,679 1,415 315 5,524 400 3,390 9,566 15,521 4,020 20,733 8,062 44 89,372 63,367 45,257 99,094 110,940 103,448 20,775 56,060 77,712 116,133 51,220 123,125 59,825 53,538 45 118 , 321 80,752 58,269 125,954 137,688 142,478 30,933 84,587 103,736 137,717 66,401 141,335 73,062 66,324 46 20,270 25,113 14,973 35,940 26,733 1,621 10,393 3,166 4,258 19,218 31,716 4,260 39,976 26,960 47 22 ,723 36,323 13,019 44,435 30,257 4,178 16,734 1,721 11,394 11,779 24,212 3,305 52,288 23,209 48 5,027 675 1,088 6,197 5,834 1,827 78 322 1,222 2,892 131 1,408 441 566 49 2,402 274 2,880 2,491 5,032 1,478 333 2,618 2,357 1,812 106 3,486 539 1,197 50 44,361 17,412 9,573 27,149 50,037 68 .870 2,382 37,065 39,523 61,527 7,720 88,153 6,051 2,246 51 61,374 16,085 13,207 36,024 61,975 104,242 3,578 48,679 60,418 76,729 15,585 94,264 6,381 18,278 52 24,919 15,974 8,548 23,053 41,905 66,166 1,675 36,565 36,547 59,401 7,535 77,914 3,878 1,889 53 50,667 15,985 12,051 30,618 54,458 101,594 3,522 47,477 59,163 76,474 15,579 92,951 6,375 18,104 54 19,442 1,438 1,025 4,096 8,132 2,704 707 500 2,976 2,126 185 10,239 2,173 357 55 10,707 100 1,156 5,406 7,517 2,648 56 1,202 1,255 255 6 1,313 6 174 56 16,901 3,790 11,881 22,301 22 ,696 18,893 1,331 8,342 11,568 18,861 2,564 23,357 2,001 5,710 57 25,795 9,365 22,748 37,215 33,967 21,080 3,126 16,137 12,934 21,936 8,914 30,412 7,278 12,572 58 2,813 16,377 7,742 7,507 5,640 12,237 6,591 7,165 21,141 13,635 9,089 5,947 11,356 18,056 59 6,027 18,705 6,415 5,789 6,457 11,500 7,162 15,432 16,633 25,461 17,584 9,868 6,576 11,068 60 771 380 795 433 869 1,218 1,092 919 1,297 787 755 1,179 411 699 61 951 456 823 497 933 1,589 1,553 1,300 1,769 958 771 1,244 471 774 62 41,342 9,625 22,189 21,234 41,069 31,383 9,175 17,828 27,073 19,718 18,694 36,713 12,751 18,050 63 45,115 16,112 25,989 21,809 44,081 39,520 14,365 30,549 40,789 28,103 19,574 38,186 14,822 20,493 64 379 221 371 279 461 755 474 253 824 653 150 611 272 274 65 278 194 334 265 417 744 336 221 748 615 134 611 281 282 66 34,975 12,907 18,945 29,203 38,454 43,216 10,744 9,516 42,800 40,735 9,353 40,424 16,738 17,875 67 18,955 11,707 15,450 19,960 30,166 31,536 7,090 7,376 34,266 35,566 6,636 39,570 18,825 20,338 68 4 10 15 14 4 6 3 4 A 4 6 10 8 69 10 13 19 5 3 2 6 1 3 1 12 6 8 5 70 400 1,919 2,083 2,381 141 452 446 136 1,709 343 938 2,098 911 71 2,541 4,022 4,636 1,429 745 85 699 69 536 196 1,799 1,119 1,963 1,067 72 891 1,402 1,199 941 1,331 1,478 371 637 935 1,495 667 1,886 1,210 842 73 1,377 1,861 1,551 1,429 1,884 2,247 499 1,012 1,393 2,188 791 2,288 1,741 1,190 74 59,013 20,958 19,888 49,095 72,518 63,410 5,050 18,888 35,072 60,751 14,639 72,043 18,954 20,393 75 73,850 33,711 30,616 66,907 91,718 77,505 6,621 27 ,281 50,129 82,911 20,701 86,451 33,872 32,027 76 235 156 624 374 420 479 49 160 249 585 89 7% 135 147 77 359 317 869 606 535 518 63 290 271 665 181 938 311 328 78 13,267 2,583 9,818 16,388 18,219 13,968 982 4,976 8,181 14,837 1,912 19,135 1,787 4,064 79 17,669 5,279 16,691 25,076 23,911 13,377 1,532 7,287 8,533 16,597 4,887 22,130 5,720 9,031 80 72 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 2. -FARMS BY COLOR AND TENURE OF FARMS BY COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR All farms number All land in farms acres Total cropland harvested acres Farms by color of operator: White operators number Nonwhite operators number Farms by tenure of operator: Full owners number Part owners number Managers number All tenants number Proportion of tenancy percent Cash tenants number Share-cash tenants number Share tenants number Crop-share tenants number Livestock-share tenants number Croppers number Other and unspecified tenants number Other tenants number Unspecified tenants number Land in farms by teoure of operator: Full owners acres Part owners acres Manai All tenants acres Cash tenants acres Share-cash tenants acres Share tenants acres Crop-share tenants acres Livestock-share tenants acres Croppers acres Other and unspecified tenants acres Cropland harvested by tenure of operator: Full owners farms reporting 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954 . 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950 . 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954 . 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. .farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Managers farms reporting 1954 . 1949. acres 1954. 1949. .farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Croppers farms reporting 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 427,665 417,622 191,216 197,934 2,405 2,759 50.9 55.1 146,058 151,596 147,357 107,337 10,378 11,845 123,872 146,844 3,160 7,837 2.1A1 57,476 69,072 51,643 64,756 5,833 4,316 47,231 57,779 13,864 10,468 1,211 1,285 41,309 47,275 2,358 2,716 82,637 97,348 1,582 1,692 40,611 45,206 506,742 492,937 67,816 85,070 1,628 2,203 50.8 227,602 245,054 178,864 140,186 34,823 26,384 65,453 81,313 32,607 35,801 2,311 1,279 13,925 24,013 10,289 20,790 3,636 3,223 5,649 9,680 10,961 10,540 1,573 2,106 24,618 37,085 340,774 59,249 81,337 1,188 25.4 32.0 172,549 214,510 59,671 42,550 3,549 4,247 52,897 79,467 2,283 3,318 29,421 45,935 29,162 45,675 12,968 17,131 7,860 11,657 1,286 1,874 25,504 41,913 1,124 16,674 27,629 297,271 305,211 125,848 141,551 1,749 2,636 36.0 43.5 92 88,963 126,543 1,600 5,911 2,608 824 56,601 88,360 55,366 87,827 1,235 533 17,728 25,501 10,426 5,947 1,821 2,250 38,244 45,713 1,701 2,591 56,175 71,955 241,746 207,783 57,411 44,007 146,315 135,115 74,348 46,156 12,947 13,618 8,136 12,894 3,634 4,978 2,631 3,444 4,136 1,561 1,451 28,472 22,764 1,091 1,342 38.0 43.1 187,580 207,207 164,605 111,299 19,252 33,791 39,158 56,609 22,017 32,894 5,947 8,743 5,787 3,241 6,784 6,970 7,313 1,004 22,543 29,921 1,056 1,299 23,742 32,569 491,991 496,926 69,956 89,514 234,216 206,561 178,582 179,749 11,446 32,952 67,747 77,664 41,322 52,237 4,008 4,942 3,926 13,486 13,876 8,444 6,297 1,301 18,462 26,525 308,137 316,329 113,775 141,327 1,202 1,843 31.8 39.4 128,371 127,953 96,468 82,973 4,920 3,503 78,378 101,900 3,855 8,463 1,648 2,517 45,864 64,222 45,149 62,788 1,402 1,715 30,333 42,238 1,168 1,804 41,249 58,204 ALABAMA 73 OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued Pickens Pike Randolph Russell St. Clair Shelby Sumter Talladega ThI iQji. ■ .:;u Tuscaloosa Walker Washington Wilcox ■ 2,640 2,368 2,572 1,659 1,986 1,542 2,702 2,414 2,167 3,521 3,122 1,561 2,740 1,785 1 3,440 2,971 3,092 1,870 2,211 1,982 3,055 2,984 2,534 4,127 4,353 1,669 3,417 2,280 2 378,499 395,308 284,021 355, 311 200,136 183,675 448,579 277,534 275,902 380,535 219,215 271,589 460,520 167,062 3 391,140 398,268 268,473 276,827 222,269 195,220 423,727 292,788 324,052 392,759 237,257 212,671 413,531 186,776 4 64,833 101,771 51,494 47,005 34,545 35,205 64,111 64,808 31,799 66,647 42,549 21,276 53,581 32,322 5 85,414 131,047 73,365 59,101 43,441 37,133 81,250 84,304 45,682 83,858 56,502 23,963 71,070 46,549 6 1,494 1,607 2,135 492 1,815 1,403 606 1,643 1,622 2,665 3,070 1,172 647 1,784 7 1,854 1,859 2,501 493 1,998 1,728 649 1,869 1,849 3,027 4,289 1,162 705 2,277 8 1,146 761 437 1,167 171 139 2,096 771 545 856 52 389 2,093 1 9 1,586 1,112 591 1,377 213 254 2,406 1,115 685 1,100 64 507 2,712 3 10 1,303 852 1,675 569 1,259 1,088 653 1,392 1,292 1,885 2,098 1,181 813 1,186 11 1,313 832 1,923 639 1,404 1,391 739 1,538 1,361 2,116 3,039 1,187 915 1,453 12 271 267 261 113 299 168 321 318 241 546 507 193 377 286 ! 357 246 195 108 200 148 330 339 222 509 490 206 390 294 14 8 2 2 12 3 16 20 9 9 13 3 2 10 1 15 15 3 3 11 5 9 13 12 6 4 2 1 6 U 1,058 1,247 634 965 425 270 1,708 695 625 1,077 514 185 1,540 312 17 1,755 1,890 971 1,112 602 434 1,973 1,095 945 1,498 822 275 2,106 533 18 40.1 52.7 24.7 58.2 21.4 17.5 63.2 28.8 28.8 30.6 16.5 11.9 56.2 17.5 19 51.0 63.6 31.4 59.5 27.2 21.9 64.6 36.7 37.3 36.3 18.9 16.5 61.6 23.4 20 201 232 113 323 82 59 358 240 297 360 146 41 1,043 39 21 427 287 161 190 134 119 489 305 399 397 252 79 1,362 66 22 8 19 10 2 7 7 14 7 20 6 6 10 6 23 13 16 7 5 14 2 16 6 10 24 16 6 19 24 319 399 194 124 128 63 469 217 59 209 152 34 91 116 25 609 564 382 504 231 128 761 424 141 379 293 53 292 238 26 318 343 193 123 124 60 463 204 56 209 152 33 90 115 27 605 520 380 504 227 123 751 415 139 374 293 53 287 236 28 1 56 1 1 4 3 6 13 3 1 1 1 29 4 44 2 4 5 10 9 2 5 5 2 30 259 539 211 117 123 64 404 137 166 359 95 52 210 80 31 417 961 290 145 136 60 395 198 307 595 146 69 294 159 32 271 58 106 399 85 77 473 87 96 129 115 52 186 71 33 289 62 131 268 87 125 312 162 88 103 115 68 139 66 34 185 25 19 238 38 20 406 36 42 49 42 44 145 18 3 J 219 22 48 209 32 58 174 43 52 34 44 41 70 28 36 86 33 87 161 47 57 67 51 54 80 73 8 41 53 37 70 40 83 59 55 67 138 119 36 69 71 27 69 38 38 207,822 167,878 205,863 190,754 122,216 107,991 152,820 155,986 167,194 238,048 140,704 208,799 214,599 114,294 39 194,854 170,629 180,260 152,050 140,467 126,312 180,418 140,483 180,667 231,868 173,898 161,912 203,027 128,773 ..0 79,810 105,789 36,646 76,163 42,482 36,934 159,218 58,370 53,516 79,317 42,456 53,505 185,981 34,059 41 69,129 68,391 22,518 31,793 24,080 25,767 126,788 46,570 34,034 69,899 26,698 34,888 141,003 25,625 ~2 22,786 2,369 1,265 21,383 1,539 8,152 66,785 5,341 8,678 15,013 14,260 2,502 16,185 246 43 24,660 1,482 1,929 20,076 3,621 4,340 29,836 10,571 28,344 9,016 59 1,547 12,008 44 68,081 119,272 40,247 67,011 33,899 30,598 69,756 57,837 46,514 48,157 21,795 6,783 43,755 18,463 45 102,497 157,766 63,766 72,908 54,101 38,801 86,685 95,164 81,007 81,976 36,602 14,324 57,493 32,378 46 15,158 25,899 10,601 19,116 7,316 7,046 18,836 23,021 23,729 16,582 5,667 1,491 29,133 2,174 ,7 29,454 30,397 11,304 17,680 12,881 9,105 29,250 27,803 38,636 22,175 11,967 2,729 39,423 4,303 48 1,079 3,295 663 81 562 1,411 323 3,071 566 2,599 273 323 260 389 49 1,553 3,529 241 519 1,183 862 1,315 972 3,064 1,601 726 396 689 569 SO 17,872 48,031 13,712 7,300 11,351 8,173 18,850 20,201 3,167 9,560 8,016 1,002 2,330 7,097 51 38,018 51,950 28,306 26,677 24,168 11,209 32,977 31,716 10,584 24,533 14,237 2,619 6,374 15,035 52 17,847 36,658 13,632 7,180 10,405 7,781 18,682 18,325 2,435 9,560 8,016 982 2,285 7,094 53 37,653 45,634 28,191 26,677 23,568 10,707 31,975 31,161 10,424 21,306 14,237 2,619 6,311 14,890 54 25 11,373 80 120 946 392 168 1,876 732 20 45 3 55 365 6,316 115 600 502 1,002 555 160 3,227 63 145 56 7,807 35,619 8,732 8,771 5,931 3,860 9,681 5,873 11,053 12,430 3,266 1,534 3,367 3,331 57 15,142 66,157 14,090 8,933 9,176 4,490 9,666 9,513 19,270 24,458 4,585 3,780 6,419 7,895 58 26,165 6,428 6,539 31,743 8,739 10,108 22,066 5,671 7,999 6,986 4,573 2,433 8,665 5,472 50 18,330 5,733 9,825 19,099 6,693 13,135 13,477 25,160 9,453 9,209 5,087 4,800 4,588 4,576 60 1,038 591 1,428 453 913 785 515 1,019 939 1,474 1,588 857 646 934 61 1,114 679 1,799 518 1,163 1,005 613 1,220 1,048 1,743 2,573 905 750 1,338 62 24,503 26,818 28,173 17,052 14,078 15,988 14,063 25,613 13,255 25,789 21,311 11,483 17,921 16,636 63 27,137 32,150 43,706 20,713 23,305 19,538 20,724 31,470 18,204 33,548 34,516 13,104 22,425 26,706 (:■'. 264 249 258 108 293 159 293 307 220 524 494 184 343 285 65 346 230 191 102 188 133 302 330 208 480 468 194 367 291 66 13,557 19,741 7,768 5,231 9,867 9,027 18,090 16,431 7,281 17,962 13,209 6,944 14,335 9,216 57 13,526 15,731 6,183 5,804 5,487 5,728 15,135 15,678 6,736 14,687 9,517 5,545 14,406 7,887 68 6 1 2 9 3 15 19 8 7 9 2 1 9 1 59 3 3 8 4 8 8 11 5 4 1 5 70 2,629 150 192 1,386 280 1,618 4,630 1,060 585 3,097 54 34 1,224 40 171 2,138 332 259 1,170 404 733 6,004 3,007 582 3,131 49 2,070 ^72 1,025 1,217 618 945 387 229 1,672 643 562 1,013 467 172 1,498 288 73 1,691 1,856 919 1,056 539 371 1,909 1,008 868 1,430 742 248 2,052 517 74 24,144 55,062 15,361 23,336 10,320 8,572 27,328 21,704 10,678 19,799 7,975 2,815 20,101 6,430 75 42,613 82,834 23,217 31,414 14,245 11,134 39,387 34,149 20,160 32,492 12,420 5,314 32,169 11,956 76 259 535 210 117 123 62 399 137 166 357 94 52 210 80 77 406 955 278 143 131 54 381 181 296 589 138 68 289 156 78 5,994 22,897 5,498 3,843 3,500 2,067 5,867 4,137 4,269 7,540 1,968 986 2,571 2,041 79 9,260 41,082 7,234 4,970 3,517 1,645 6,794 5,839 7,781 14,298 2,484 1,996 4,043 3,347 80 74 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 2a —FARMS BY TENURE, BY COLOR (Fa text) "a, 1954. operated by- White operators number Pull owners .number Part owners number Managers number All tenants number Croppers number NonwhLte operators number Full owners number Part owners number Managers number All tenants number Croppers number Land in faras, 1954. operated by- White operators acres Full owners acres Part owners acres Managers acres All tenants acres Croppers acres Nonwhite operators acres Full owners acres Part owners acres Managers acres All tenants acres Croppers acres Cropland barvested, 1954, ia fans operated by- White operators farms reporting Full owners farms reporting Part owners farms reporting Managers farms reporting All tenants farms reporting Croppers farms reporting Nonwhite operators farms reporting Full owners farms reporting Part owners farms reporting Managers farms reporting All tenants farms reporting Croppers farms reporting 130,924 75,139 21,687 451 33,647 8,826 46,032 12,136 5,854 46 18,384,060 9,822,089 5,256,097 602,949 2,702,925 454,219 2,426,432 808,090 457,111 57,535 1,103,696 254,953 107,535 3,928,817 55,155 1,417,526 20,732 1,273,094 368 79,132 31,280 1,159,065 8,772 287,999 44,207 883,269 10,811 163,711 5,782 146,814 39 4,538 27,575 568,206 8,395 198,831 85 227,438 116,942 78,389 17,050 15,057 2,361 38,609 18,548 7,017 654 47,608 385 18,143 156 19,165 11 5,140 102 5,160 14 845 630 12 319,447 149,090 146,842 8,616 14,899 1,602 8,559 4,933 3,236 390 1,802 107,739 1,132 40,946 385,487 193,861 109,170 20,302 62,154 10,220 131,935 35,634 17,183 18,285 60,833 15,497 101 123,377 79,416 31,882 2,750 9,329 1,343 15,169 7,819 3,355 4,623 1,076 35,375 25,019 308 11,325 299,401 176,287 69,113 3,136 50,865 13,105 2,652 1,326 3,217 89,011 1,724 39,821 114 219,763 143,570 50,025 9,407 16,761 637 91,503 23,561 13,635 158 240,377 132,340 83,602 3,571 20,864 2,253 54,511 15,552 11,325 27,634 1,503 77 2,050 ir»8. 1954, operated by- White operators number Full owners number Part owners number Managers number All tenants number Croppers number Nonwhite operators number Full owners number Part owners number Managers number All tenants number Croppers number Land in faras, 1954. operated by- White operators acres Full owners acres Part owners acres Managers acres All tenants acres Croppers acres Nonwhite operators acres Full owners acres Part owners acres Managers acres All tenants acres Croppers acres Cropland harvested, 1954, in faras operated by — White operators farms reporting Full owners farms reporting Part owners farms reporting Managers farms reporting All tenants farms reporting Croppers farms reporting Nonwhite operators farms reporting Full owners farms reporting Part owners farms reporting Managers farms reporting All tenants farms reporting Croppers farms reporting 562 471,413 181,045 209,645 45,665 35,058 1,112 127,889 30,931 21,388 7,345 68,225 9,276 6,112 3,170 1,119 395,091 197,483 93,206 2,752 101,650 13,625 1,457 234 334 213 5,337 161,827 2,464 53,609 1,114 48,449 6 897 166 303,734 149,829 109,042 11,321 33,542 2,828 44,326 15,335 9,070 1,110 18,811 180,634 105,748 30,838 18,540 25,508 1,317 12,950 6,282 2,853 210 3,605 222,258 137,639 38,420 6,374 39,825 7,462 2,598 1,424 246 2,572 60,786 1,430 25,712 41 222,917 141,099 53,113 1,405 27,300 6,595 10,850 257,649 154,650 52,858 3,396 46,745 5,487 4,249 816 1,841 51,844 1,012 20,344 42 286,028 128,719 69,897 3,446 83,966 15,069 10,706 3,041 2,259 ALABAMA 75 OF OPERATOR : CENSUS OF 1954 Chambers Cherokee Chilton Choctaw Clarke Clay Cleburne Coffee Colbert Conecuh Coosa Covington Cri a ban Cullman Dale 1,260 2,019 2,531 1,141 1,180 1,837 1,347 2,444 1,602 1,426 1,071 2,883 1,588 6,232 1,429 1 932 866 1,659 793 858 1,374 958 1,182 812 841 799 1,660 792 3,343 722 2 160 7 161 270 373 191 195 151 90 329 362 325 98 440 779 296 1,238 9 1,642 270 3 434 3 878 496 156 127 311 299 931 425 257 171 499 5 33 349 84 17 17 78 110 445 124 49 10 185 158 440 107 6 917 122 254 1,203 1,345 130 329 235 912 309 215 395 59 182 7 204 23 125 373 642 45 8 62 63 368 151 89 109 27 38 8 35 20 42 322 354 14 2 34 62 268 40 37 56 11 28 9 678 79 87 507 349 71 34 233 110 276 118 89 229 21 116 :i 344 55 14 86 44 28 21 169 53 64 8 42 114 6 61 l,' 246,771 246,265 242,150 256,512 301,929 187,989 144,560 320,785 216,844 234,180 169,006 370,607 239,633 371,292 240,409 13 155,806 132,901 156,808 192,818 218,162 142,356 112,402 157,617 98,163 118,399 114,366 228,357 134,251 197,900 111,478 :■. 56,751 41,742 56,373 52,784 75,221 22,622 10,886 77,751 72,340 90,944 31,222 83,271 70,684 95,185 71,822 15 12,944 4,526 2,564 9 750 1,605 3,260 8,129 6,183 1,130 365 3,164 2,353 16 21,270 67,096 26,405 10,901 8,546 22,261 21,272 83,812 43,081 16,708 17,235 57,849 34,333 75,043 54,756 17 5,125 18,323 3,474 431 533 3,364 6,139 30,812 5,460 2,393 335 9,989 8,869 18,075 8,741 18 60,492 6,493 17,604 55,626 59,639 8,253 2,056 22,954 12,112 44,483 25,861 13, 161 26,269 3,520 14,194 i l 20,853 1,624 7,714 24,257 37,851 2,975 483 6,314 2,837 19,624 11,402 6,353 8,547 1,839 3,224 . 3,312 1,662 3,330 16,944 2,483 14,965 1,446 195 3,029 4,389 14,197 4,024 2,405 5,464 120 859 2,072 21 22 36,327 3,207 6,560 11,942 6,823 3,832 1,378 13,611 4,886 10,662 10,435 4,403 12,138 822 8,898 23 11,272 2,026 411 1,556 879 1,082 847 9,480 1,560 2,420 305 1,926 5,360 153 4,279 24 936 1,845 2,106 918 911 1,600 1,123 2,055 1,249 1,168 707 2,346 1,323 5,661 1,217 25,098 74,293 49,303 17,557 20, 175 26,466 19,860 112,917 66,353 50,242 9,180 106,971 57,813 137,444 65,257 26 654 715 1,290 598 620 1,158 764 824 517 613 492 1,191 562 2,839 542 27 13,000 24,502 23,413 9,320 9,972 16,610 11,586 36,211 15,562 18,630 5,364 44,116 18,122 54,624 18,637 28 145 267 370 180 185 150 84 315 343 311 86 424 283 1,228 261 8,396 14,088 14,681 5,913 7,932 4,676 2,342 26,228 29,750 22,086 1,996 31,286 20,634 41,892 22,517 30 7 4 3 1 1 1 2 3 2 3 8 3 31 1,071 430 601 3 42 3 888 407 200 283 662 673 32 130 859 443 139 106 291 275 915 387 241 127 728 478 1,586 411 33 2,631 35,273 10,608 2,321 2,271 5,138 5,932 50,475 20,153 9,119 1,620 31,286 19,057 40,266 23,430 34 33 349 83 17 16 78 109 445 124 49 10 185 158 437 107 35 666 11,887 2,215 298 305 1,498 2,689 24,226 3,759 1,876 180 8,097 6,479 11,722 5,182 36 897 118 242 1,175 1,281 122 41 317 217 879 291 197 383 55 179 18,009 3,538 4,274 16,694 15,685 2,376 1,164 14,608 6,121 19,756 3,551 5,784 12,789 1,241 7,228 38 193 21 114 356 588 39 6 52 47 338 142 73 •98 24 36 39 3,174 342 1,707 4,202 5,912 466 173 1,407 697 5,203 1,397 1,488 2,003 388 880 40 34 20 41 319 351 14 2 34 62 267 39 36 55 11 28 41 730 824 914 5,631 1 20 5,417 299 148 1,418 2,119 7,712 607 1,035 2,542 1 29 359 1,038 42 43 44 670 77 87 499 342 69 33 231 108 274 110 88 229 20 115 45 14,105 2,372 1,653 6,841 4,356 1,611 843 11,783 3,305 6,841 1,547 3,261 8,215 494 5,310 46 344 55 14 86 44 28 21 169 53 64 8 42 114 61 47 7,483 1,721 371 1,382 671 811 593 8,740 1,234 2,066 141 1,541 4,043 153 3,242 48 Hale *"* Houston Jackson Jefferson Lamar Lauderdale Lawrence Lee Lijnestone Lowndes Macon Madison Marengo Marion 875 1,147 2,442 3,972 2,848 1,925 3,522 2,747 1,089 3,374 540 511 3,434 1,027 2,656 1 467 493 1,089 1,734 2,049 1,100 1,855 1,019 790 1,419 289 310 1,358 563 1,575 2 186 235 421 750 422 240 776 553 116 524 159 109 561 230 394 3 13 17 4 11 5 8 5 1 10 8 5 15 16 7 209 419 915 1,484 366 580 883 1,170 182 1,421 84 87 1,500 218 680 5 120 95 212 455 51 132 197 359 15 422 2 10 842 29 157 6 1,792 685 566 86 338 182 278 588 851 802 1,592 1,436 1,289 2,179 65 7 552 86 76 23 72 76 72 108 269 154 267 487 244 429 26 8 209 55 49 23 135 23 69 111 45 93 145 172 140 337 27 9 4 3 2 3 3 10 1,027 544 441 40 131 83 137 369 534 555 1,178 774 905 1,410 12 11 506 279 209 24 1 28 54 229 74 377 133 137 744 286 2 12 263,533 251,679 280,527 402,694 141,534 293,665 340,567 276,490 218,500 299,502 345,398 187,732 378,416 423,114 283,180 13 136,736 104,913 113,506 167,243 78,517 197,638 142,049 76,799 146,885 106,184 118,888 93,854 135,499 201,012 170,661 14 101,453 91,509 72,499 133,577 38,476 39,958 121,833 91,308 47,857 82,238 155,539 69,991 135,713 156,297 57,107 15 8,606 11,097 463 6,164 5,633 6,023 4,681 652 4,649 44,335 5,501 10,378 31,923 3,549 16 16,738 55,257 83,425 101,411 18,377 50,436 70,662 103,702 23,106 106,431 26,636 18,386 96,826 33,882 51,863 17 2,717 8,724 13,056 18,318 1,326 7,469 9,718 14,054 475 15,228 39 502 27,702 995 L2,873 18 71,876 61,943 38,252 3,915 5,994 15,864 14,822 24,267 56,721 28,640 64,341 92,955 49,249 83,628 5,486 19 28,951 9,544 5,690 435 1,429 7,819 2,434 3,908 22,909 6,072 17,836 35,080 10,559 26,590 1,888 20 12,497 8,562 5,047 1,443 2,167 2,421 5,338 7,928 3,735 5,874 11,386 19,948 11,644 22,567 2,564 21 1,909 1,963 1,930 2,775 2,900 22 28,519 43,837 27,515 2,037 2,398 5,624 7,050 12,431 28,114 16,694 33,189 35,152 27,046 31,571 1,034 23 9,164 13,577 9,640 575 5 873 1,850 4,807 2,089 8,129 1,962 5,208 19,529 4,654 95 24 679 992 2,121 3,379 1,645 1,639 2,803 2,374 765 2,900 368 421 3,016 733 2,286 25 37,999 70,517 130,071 135,486 22,947 42,752 97,458 108,032 26,865 131,067 27,689 28,117 156,938 37,207 57,781 26 311 367 801 1,205 1,046 849 1,241 699 518 1,039 171 239 991 355 1,262 27 15,795 18,823 38,716 31,267 8,953 16,482 26,449 18,299 14,536 34,204 9,279 11,170 36,533 14,973 25,225 28 165 225 412 732 343 231 755 542 106 519 132 103 557 185 389 29 15,109 26,051 36,111 42,228 9,611 8,930 39,973 36,419 8,202 37,047 13,880 12,879 56,618 13,727 16,058 30 12 14 6 3 1 6 8 5 13 13 5 31 1,831 2,381 141 452 446 136 1,709 169 938 2,019 684 3,758 2,665 173 32 191 400 894 1,438 250 556 803 1,129 140 1,336 57 74 1,455 180 630 33 5,264 25,643 52,863 61,850 3,931 16,894 30,900 51,605 3,958 58,878 2,511 3,384 60,029 5,842 16,325 34 120 95 211 455 48 132 195 357 15 419 2 10 838 29 157 35 2,363 5,308 10,098 13,467 977 4,295 6,724 10,386 321 11,682 37 303 22,878 612 4,566 36 1,701 661 554 76 298 173 257 565 811 782 1,535 1,402 1,263 2,118 63 37 25,106 29,015 24,351 2,664 2,474 3,926 7,623 14,881 16,164 19,051 22,852 29,112 34,278 30,609 1,468 38 484 66 68 13 46 70 56 88 237 140 240 460 220 388 24 39 6,394 2,411 2,353 116 222 1,346 624 1,419 4,158 2,509 3,472 6,880 4,776 5,063 279 40 206 54 49 23 131 22 69 111 92 140 171 140 336 27 41 3,836 3 3,152 2,343 988 1,133 586 2,827 4,316 1,151 3,377 2,858 4,996 3 227 6,894 6,370 840 42 252 174 79 400 44 1,008 541 437 40 121 'si 132 366 527 550 1,153 768 903 1,393 12 45 14,624 23,452 19,655 1,560 1,119 1,994 4,172 9,146 10,681 13,165 16,443 17,009 22,608 18,776 349 46 504 279 209 24 1 28 54 228 74 377 133 137 744 286 2 47 7,455 11,080 8,121 501 5 681 1,457 4,451 1,591 7,453 1,750 3,761 17,733 3,982 93 48 76 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 2a —FARMS BY TENURE, BY COLOR OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1954-Continued Farms, 1954, operated by — Whi te operators number Full owners number Part owners number Managers number All tenants number Croppers number Nonwhite operators number Full owners number Part owners number Managers number All tenants number Croppers number Land in farms, 1954, operated by- White operators acres Full owners acres Part owners acres Managers acres All tenants acres Croppers acres Nonwhite operators acres Full owners acres Part owners acres Managers acres All tenants acres Croppers acres Cropland harvested, 1954, in farms operated by — White operators farms reporting Full owners farms reporting Part owners farms reporting Managers farms reporting All tenants farms reporting Croppers farms reporting Nonwhite operators farms reporting Full owners farms reporting Part owners farms reporting Managers farms reporting All tenants farms reporting Croppers farms reporting 295,909 134,697 69,562 3,447 88,203 17,558 1,362 566 36 4,234 125,141 1,812 38, 153 229,463 137,032 72,673 12,947 6,811 882 12,283 9,283 1,675 1,679 54,287 1,333 26,534 46 348,252 165,777 144,502 18,152 19,821 1,468 62,343 21,803 20,103 1,100 19,337 1,773 17,961 313 21,488 1,133 1,422 22,830 437,956 216,998 168,147 8,322 44,489 7,572 54,035 17,218 10,435 3,124 23,258 5,914 604 1,276 1,258 20,230 90 295,565 125,451 93,306 4,920 71,888 14,902 12,572 2,920 3,162 3,078 106,724 1,343 29,380 238 281,137 157,228 91,275 6,777 25,875 3,445 70,891 26,475 15,556 287 316,332 182,198 72,989 21,077 40,068 2,704 62,167 25,624 6,821 1,709 28,013 5,103 1,234 1,341 22,112 1,582 1,109 23,152 337 335,359 157,862 101,076 2,369 74,052 16,606 59,949 10,016 4,713 250,265 190,415 31,746 1,265 26,839 4,682 33,756 15,448 4,900 1,884 41,052 1,256 24,985 5,879 86 2,560 (For definitions and expla Farms, 1954, operated by- Whi te operators number Full owners number Part owners number Managers number All tenants number Croppers number Nonwhite operators number Full owners number Part owners number Managers number All tenants number Croppers number Land in farms, 1954, operated by- White operators acres Full owners acres Part owners acres Managers acres All tenants acres Croppers acres Nonwhite operators acres Full owners acres Part owners acres Managers acres Croppers acres Cropland harvested, 1954, in farms operated by- White operators farms reporting Full owners farms reporting Part owners farms reporting Managers farms reporting All tenants farms reporting Croppers farms reporting Nonwhite operators farms reporting Full owners , farms reporting Part owners farms reporting Managers farms reporting All tenants farms reporting Croppers farms reporting 29 190,398 116,638 40,849 1,539 31,372 4,398 9,738 5,578 1,633 29 174,942 105,838 34,909 7,682 26,513 2,762 8,733 2,153 2,025 470 4,085 338,232 129,280 135,042 62,625 11,285 1,434 110,347 23,540 24,176 4,160 95 234,125 135,679 51,914 5,341 41,191 2,514 43,409 20,307 6,456 118 239,004 154,901 49,673 8,178 26,252 5,382 36,898 12,293 3,843 500 215 347,225 223,295 72,722 15,013 36,195 7,814 33,310 14,753 6,595 2,20; 53,741 1,27C 23,505 3,097 546 12,094 143 3,663 818 12,906 204 2,284 147 2,917 467 217,858 139,837 42,281 14,260 21,480 3,184 1,357 867 175 2,504 42,14t 1,57! 21,240 24 256,793 198,210 51,251 2,502 4,830 1,104 14,796 10,589 2,254 204 377,717 181,310 172,186 14,334 9,887 406 82,803 33,289 13,795 1,851 33,868 2,961 453 6,742 118 3,172 ALABAMA 77 County Table 3—FARMS BY SIZE OF FARM AND BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 [Data for Items shown In italics are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] FARMS BY SIZE OF FARM r.s by size: All farms number 1954... Under 10 acres number 1954... 1950. . . Under 3 acres number 1954... 1950... 3 to 9 acres number 1954. . . 1950. . . 10 to 29 acres number 1954... 1950. . . 30 to 49 acres number 1954... 1950... 50 to 69 acres number 1954... 1950... 70 to 99 acres number 1954... 1950. . . 100 to 139 acres number 1954... 1950. . . 140 to 179 acres number 1954... 1950. . . 180 to 219 acres number 1954... 1950. . . 220 to 259 acres number 1954... 1950... 260 to 499 acres number 1954... 1950... 500 to 999 acres number 1954... 1950. . . 1,000 acres and over number 1954... 1950... land in faras by aize of fara: All land In farms acres 1954... 1950. . . Under 10 acres acres 1954... 1950... 10 to 29 acres acres 1954... 1950. . . 30 to 49 acres acres 1954... 1950... 50 to 69 acres Bcres 1954... 1950. . . 70 to 99 acres acres 1954... 1950. . . 100 to 139 acres acres 1954... 1950. . . 140 to 179 acres acres 1954... 1950... 180 to 219 acres acres 1954... 1950... 220 to 259 acres acres 1954... 1950. . . 260 to 499 acres acres 1954... 1950. . . 500 to 999 acres acres 1954... 1950. . . 1,000 acres and over acres 1954... 1950. . . FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM Mtmated number of forms 1954... 1950. . . Field-crop farms other than vegetable iad frult-and-nut number 1954... 1950. . . Cash-grain number 1954. . . 1950... Cotton number 1954.. . 1950. . . Other field-crop number 1954... 1950. . . ielable farms number 1954... 1950... frult-and-nut farms number 1954... 1950... Dairy farms number 1954... 1950... Poultry farms number 1954... 1950. . . vestoch farms other than dairy and oultry number 1954. . . 1950... neral farms number 1954. . . 1950... Primarily crop number 1954... 1950... Primarily livestock number 1954... 1950. . . Crop and livestock number 1954... 1950. . . scellaneoU3 and unclassified farms number 1954... 1950... 176,956 18,192 17,366 1,532 1,370 16,660 15,9% 38,257 47,432 33,191 46,631 18,185 23,764 21,844 26,731 15,238 18,005 9,248 10,130 5,493 5,582 3,352 3,240 7,998 7,565 3,593 3,206 2,365 1,860 94,840 91,757 700,440 901,293 1,263,513 1,772,357 1,055,258 1,371,133 1,799,308 2,174,799 1,759,400 2,076,025 1,451,319 1,586,867 1,082,015 1,096,624 795,364 767,576 2,778,641 2,616,934 2,440,459 2,178,894 5,589,935 4,254,525 70,377 87,620 1,296 760 1,167 4,345 5,782 9,428 12,693 7,201 10,171 15,045 20,592 20,048 21,361 17,917 19,724 9,374 14,798 6,071 7,983 38,884 35,715 36,763 38,735 100,191 82,235 2,585 7 2,600 5 3,396 17 2,040 41 9,331 89 9,383 119 6,737 71 13,027 164 3,125 16 5,819 58 220 503 10 3,392 55 6,705 96 83,515 1,022 95,592 1,083 1,853 1,981 10,484 13,611 14,835 20,851 12,339 14,339 17,090 20,472 23,163 28,722 23, 142 23,947 15,504 15,062 16,383 13,568 50,960 43,073 41,954 36,489 100,299 93,364 849 461 5,311 5,391 15,673 24,916 15,090 19,224 22,766 29,066 33,213 38,249 27,417 31,754 24,886 28,003 23,169 20,728 83,475 76,770 86,911 66,880 178,662 143,103 757 4,539 7,025 7,956 11,738 5,545 6,178 10,484 13,204 10,815 16,391 5,968 10,239 7,798 7,203 5,694 8,988 21, 013 23,054 15,266 19,543 42,749 27, 137 958 1,255 13,069 19,120 32,802 48,824 30,183 39,197 50,544 61,598 40,561 45,857 29,927 29,616 20,927 17,884 8,061 11,725 35,678 24,881 20,099 17,913 19,244 13,320 436 553 5,959 5,927 12,791 19,766 5,721 10,630 10,992 12,678 14,993 15,984 14,473 14,116 13,856 11,153 9,233 9,651 52,736 36,066 67,888 50,958 102,188 131,222 15,437 24,097 11,953 16,454 20,426 29,112 28,082 29,733 21,154 20,340 17,168 14,186 13,528 14,804 43,337 42,144 36,893 29,805 78,450 61,661 78 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 3. -FARMS BY SIZE OF FARM AND BY TYPE for items shown in italic: FARMS BY SIZE OF FARM Cherokee Chilton All farms number 1954. Under 10 acres number 1954. 1950. Under 3 acres number 1954. 1950. 3 to 9 acres number 1954. 1950. 10 to 29 acres number 1954. 1950. 30 to 49 acres number 1954. 1950. 50 to 69 acres number 1954. 1950. 70 to 99 acres number 1954. 1950. 100 to 139 acres number 1954. 1950. 140 to 179 acres number 1954. 1950. 180 to 219 acres number 1954. 1950. 220 to 259 acres number 1954. 1950. 260 to 499 acres number 1954. 1950. 500 to 999 acres number 1954. 1950. 1,000 acres and over number 1954. 1950. Land in faraa by size nf farp: All land in farms acres 1954. 1950. Under 10 acres acres 1954. 1950. 10 to 29 acres acres 1954. 1950. 30 to 49 acres acres 1954. 1950. 50 to 69 acres acres 1954. 1950. 70 to 99 acres acres 1954. 1950. 100 to 139 acres acres 1954. 1950.. 140 to 179 acres acres 1954. 1950. 180 to 219 acres acres 1954. 1950.. 220 to 259 acres acres 1954.. 1950.. 260 to 499 acres acres 1954. 1950., 500 to 999 acres acres 1954.. 1950., 1,000 acres and over acres 1954. 1950. FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM Estimated number of farms 195i. 1950. Field-crop farms other than vegetable and frult-and-nut number 195*.. 1950.. Cash-train number 195i. . 1950.. Cotton number 1954. . 1950.. Other field-crop number 195i.. 1950.. Vegetable farms number 1954. . 1950.. frult-and-nut farms number 1954.. 1950.. Dairy farms number 195i.. 1950.. Poultry farms number 1954.. 1950.. livestock farms other than dairy and poultry number 1954. . 1950.. General farms number 1954. . 1950.. Primarily crop number 1954.. 1950.. Primarily livestock number 1954.. 1950.. Crop and livestock number 1954.. 1950.. Hlscellaneous and unclassified farms number 1954.. 1950.. 771 8,987 10,558 10,574 15,318 10,856 14,750 23,586 26,491 26,289 28,181 21,112 29,403 16,053 16,759 9,868 8,730 42,350 44,761 46,518 46,879 89,939 78,541 395 621 5,619 7,213 14,927 21,856 16,025 22,510 29,759 38,384 33,267 40,333 24,240 33,259 17,341 25,055 16,659 12,988 38,279 42,417 22,043 16,658 34,204 22,094 10,699 13,570 24,085 32,857 17,613 24,302 33,933 41,716 28,723 32,025 24,283 24,677 15,193 15,581 10,248 10,969 30,474 25,717 20,773 19,596 42,649 34,807 11,789 14,165 14,620 19,963 11,338 10,793 14,793 20,464 13,693 19,624 11,922 15,679 11,640 12,296 9,196 11,041 40,790 41,107 40,365 46,100 129,729 99,248 1,881 11,138 16,342 17,497 19,519 12,461 14,226 19,532 19,491 18,532 21,463 16,116 15,697 13,041 13,447 8,462 9,677 41,142 40,666 45,065 44,126 156,593 104,913 572 537 4,983 5,287 13,490 16,801 14,761 16,432 29,694 32,471 28,520 33,126 22,822 25,804 17,362 15,400 10,389 12,627 27,761 24,898 17,055 18,706 8,833 6,277 455 548 4,084 5,062 10,132 11,849 9,803 12,464 16,551 21,133 18,684 23,394 16,180 20,666 10,161 11,732 5,015 7,878 24,024 20,180 10,571 14,145 20,956 17,004 570 465 3,961 5,407 17,140 28,069 24,016 33,983 36,933 47,493 45,401 56,515 37,653 38,268 26,636 26,262 20,542 16,553 70,355 59,433 32,720 26,857 27,812 16,318 6,320 8,790 12,192 15,209 11,001 15,281 17,308 20,410 17,331 23,377 16,707 19,859 13,673 10,606 8,589 7,721 40,321 39,113 38,935 29,438 45,530 46,945 ALABAMA 79 OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued reports for only a sampl of farms. See text] Co.sa Covington Crenshaw Cullman Dale Dallas De Kalb — Escambia Etowah Fayette Franklin Geneva G„ene Hale 1,380 3,098 1,983 6,291 1,611 4,124 6,136 2,728 1,723 3,169 2,089 2,418 2,292 2,199 2,667 1 153 189 93 373 82 776 458 260 160 371 129 189 100 227 365 2 130 178 106 400 76 579 383 275 197 380 100 131 56 246 304 3 8 24 8 50 18 59 55 23 12 30 7 10 25 7 12 4 12 14 12 48 14 20 39 30 13 31 1 16 15 11 17 5 145 165 85 323 64 717 403 237 148 341 122 179 75 220 353 6 118 164 94 352 62 559 344 245 184 349 99 115 41 235 287 7 176 356 248 1,428 142 1,588 983 567 416 766 336 346 150 848 959 8 245 396 329 1,885 158 1,881 1,451 773 604 917 410 412 149 1,076 1,130 9 203 543 329 1,887 184 630 1,917 487 336 724 341 366 321 346 410 i' 244 790 603 2,720 244 818 2,480 697 486 947 495 564 537 498 552 11 102 363 218 895 151 266 941 275 174 344 225 264 287 180 159 l, 137 481 364 1,002 245 358 1,026 387 220 430 282 380 425 214 193 13 185 517 297 1,191 228 178 882 355 235 402 321 401 455 150 198 14 244 721 410 1,032 335 210 951 425 258 473 443 497 671 162 187 15 153 432 252 77 230 139 475 257 148 225 243 297 369 135 136 16 207 484 329 369 282 146 406 295 158 275 296 345 414 140 146 1'.' 123 269 146 211 151 74 183 156 83 108 169 187 220 63 85 is 153 279 186 161 165 81 154 177 72 116 202 221 215 70 91 V, 84 132 104 92 114 45 90 85 50 67 111 121 126 45 49 20 71 141 78 74 128 62 74 95 51 69 139 114 108 36 54 21 46 73 66 48 79 48 67 59 32 32 53 76 74 19 40 22 45 68 72 31 82 40 48 53 17 31 53 56 52 28 31 23 95 148 163 68 178 121 106 114 54 90 108 118 134 62 131 24 98 150 140 54 181 113 62 99 46 70 119 140 92 83 117 25 43 54 50 18 56 120 28 69 15 31 40 42 41 52 77 26 47 42 50 13 43 100 17 44 17 20 35 41 26 59 71 27 17 22 17 3 16 139 6 44 20 9 13 11 15 72 58 28 11 14 10 1 14 122 3 35 15 6 5 8 10 65 44 ... 194,867 383,768 265,902 374,812 254,603 599,302 396,548 348,060 193,584 224,856 233,767 261,898 296,734 339,955 335,409 30 203,182 400,299 284,272 401,968 267,871 553,183 395,556 329,610 168,444 237,135 255,153 288,512 295,382 370,087 296,148 31 790 918 491 1,919 375 4,074 2,376 1,422 791 1,937 675 941 422 1,230 2,046 32 637 872 507 2,023 305 3,220 1,988 1,475 1,028 1,984 536 676 243 1,295 1,716 33 3,269 6,902 4,897 28,185 2,566 29,258 19,132 10,1/15 7,279 13,717 6,396 6,288 2,935 15,387 16,935 34 4,517 7,954 7,012 38,135 3,123 35,903 29,598 14,910 11,045 17,405 8,203 7,958 2,971 20,310 20,593 35 7,818 21,091 12,519 73,383 7,275 23,294 69,687 18,718 12,803 27,754 13,099 14,146 12,442 12,617 15,450 ■it. 9,459 30,163 22,468 104,835 9,491 30,117 95,650 26,560 18,512 36,450 18,914 21,636 20,907 18,130 20,641 37 5,897 21,287 12,562 51,953 8,884 14,815 54,655 15,841 10,132 20,063 13,153 15,417 16,963 10,136 9,260 38 7,865 28,055 21,185 57,732 14,181 19,692 58,885 22,118 12,717 24,658 16,321 21,992 24,677 12,076 10,908 39 15,026 41,994 24,530 107,712 18,971 14,548 72,016 28,873 19,359 32,764 26,541 32,668 37,204 12,422 16,213 -0 19,815 58,657 33,715 83,002 27,621 17,002 76,717 34,245 21,006 38,594 36,317 40,500 54,504 13,149 15,131 41 17,641 50,116 29,446 8,701 26,614 15,834 54,745 29,760 17,163 25,725 28,080 34,121 42,748 15,542 15,880 42 24,202 55,891 37,787 42,210 32,583 16,555 46,226 33,766 18,291 31,868 34,214 40,205 47,773 16,122 17,072 43 19,266 42,246 23,264 32,770 23,578 11,648 28,672 24,504 13,052 16,964 26,517 29,458 34,750 9,941 13,472 44 24,006 43,941 29,213 24,978 25,719 12,672 23,931 27,676 11,131 18,576 31,598 34,672 33,900 11,003 14,448 45 16,504 25,885 20,411 18,034 22,581 8,886 17,675 16,894 9,814 13,005 21,944 23,839 24,820 8,768 9,755 46 13,944 27,737 15,437 14,391 25,172 12,273 14,516 18,658 9,892 13,502 27,475 22,187 21,236 7,181 10,773 47 10,923 17,442 15,587 11,305 18,838 11,394 15,756 14,033 7,620 7,483 12,671 18,044 17,456 4,553 9,624 48 10,711 16,182 16,995 7,319 19,462 9,629 11,206 12,520 3,941 7,409 12,491 13,334 12,343 6,636 7,434 49 31,875 49,755 57,532 23,212 60,936 43,540 35,400 38,062 18,429 30,851 35,807 40,736 44,645 22,803 46,185 50 33,804 50,915 48,966 17,745 61,062 42,672 20,273 34,004 15,253 24,499 40,444 47,389 30,843 29,903 41,888 51 29,958 35,288 35,507 11,806 36,748 84,638 18,782 47,724 10,048 20,217 25,273 26,967 27,191 35,232 52,338 5.' 31,094 27,753 34,090 8,298 27,121 69,585 11,663 30,019 11,906 13,124 22,149 26,909 17,662 41,600 49,976 53 35,900 70,844 29,156 5,832 27,237 337,373 7,652 102,084 67,094 14,376 23,611 19,273 35,158 191,324 128,251 54 23,128 52,179 16,897 1,300 22,031 283,863 4,903 73,659 33,722 9,066 6,491 11,054 28,323 192,682 85,568 55 1,392 3,043 1,964 6,423 1,683 4,034 6,249 2,752 1,721 3,113 1,926 2,412 2,291 2,181 2,716 56 1,632 3,744 2,677 7,742 1,953 4,510 7,055 3,355 2,141 3,734 2,579 2,909 2,755 2,677 2,920 57 166 1,010 902 3,575 541 1,801 3,510 962 690 1,003 617 890 1,253 1,039 1,167 58 173 1,056 802 4,132 979 2,134 4,445 934 614 1,410 1,128 1,565 1,104 1,195 1,589 59 10 35 45 10 5 7 80 6 10 15 1 15 1 6C 5 5 5 15 7 92 25 10 29 10 10 61 156 960 792 3,445 381 1,794 3,410 941 677 988 616 890 1,228 1,039 1,166 62 168 432 299 3,979 59 2,117 4,328 909 552 1,381 1,113 1,555 385 1,190 1,589 63 15 65 120 155 20 15 3 10 64 619 498 138 920 10 25 52 5 719 5 65 11 5 15 5 15 5 5 66 5 10 25 15 30 5 20 9 5 10 67 11 10 20 1 16 5 5 5 10 10 5 9 5 1 68 69 16 13 5 36 16 61 73 23 19 24 20 5 10 2 124 70 23 15 15 50 16 44 52 60 10 45 10 25 10 16 167 71 35 30 20 350 15 20 281 20 25 50 40 15 21 16 45 72 22 5 5 192 22 111 45 15 44 24 25 73 76 427 203 115 228 198 151 91 142 102 52 73 338 90 134 74 87 425 308 79 188 286 131 184 127 64 43 57 226 142 91 75 21 231 186 320 310 36 198 65 54 56 36 56 321 15 20 76 34 728 592 632 190 138 459 123 166 47 151 107 949 47 60 77 16 55 107 210 187 7 76 23 12 26 20 15 116 1 78 6 395 351 5 272 72 42 2 172 5 28 16 75 26 5 42 26 5 565 5 10 1 11 1 79 80 16 5 10 5 12 45 20 10 1 14 10 5 11 81 5 176 74 110 123 27 117 26 42 25 16 36 200 14 18 82 12 333 236 350 113 84 242 75 81 20 95 71 379 26 49 83 1,067 1,321 648 2,012 573 1,918 2,016 1,581 781 1,863 1,156 1,368 343 1,019 1,226 84 1,288 1,499 955 2,612 557 1,892 1,837 1,969 1,204 2,099 1,205 1,150 431 1,276 1,013 85 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 3. -FARMS BY SIZE OF FARM AND BY TYPE Jackson Jefferso Lamar Lauderdale Law: FARMS BY SIZE OF FARM All farms number 1954. Under 10 acres . number 1954. 1950. Under 3 acres number 1954. 1950. 3 to 9 acres number 1954. 1950. 10 to 29 acres number 1954. 1950. 30 to 49 acres number 1954. 1950. 50 to 69 acres number 1954. 1950. 70 to 99 acres number 1954. 1950. 100 to 139 acres number 1954. 1950. 140 to 179 acres number 1954. 1950. 180 to 219 acres number 1954. 1950. 220 to 259 acres number 1954. 1950. 260 to 499 acres number 1954. 1950. 500 to 999 acres number 1954. 1950. 1,000 acres and over number 1954. 1950. Land in faras by size of fara: All land in farms acres 1954. 1950. Under 10 acres acres 1954. 1950. 10 to 29 acres acres 1954. 1950. 30 to 49 acres acres 1954. 1950. 50 to 69 acres acres 1954. 1950. 70 to 99 acres acres 1954. 1950. 100 to 139 acres acres 1954. 1950. 140 to 179 acres acres 1954. 1950. . 180 to 219 acres acres 1954. 1950. 220 to 259 acres acres 1954. 1950. 260 to 499 acres acres 1954. 1950. . 500 to 999 acres acres 1954. 1950.. 1,000 acres and over acres 1954. 1950. FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM Estimated number of farms 1954. 1950. field-crop farms other than veietable and frutt-and-nut number 1954.. 1950.. Cash-iratn number 195i. . 1950.. Cotton number 1954. . 1950.. Other field-crop number 1954.. 1950.. Veietable farms number 1954.. 1950.. Fruit-and-nut farms number 1954.. 1950.. Cairn farms number 1954.. 1950.. Poul try farms number 1954. . 1950.. Livestock farms other than dairy and ultry number 1954.. 1950.. General farms number 1954. . 1950.. Primarily crop number 1954.. 1950.. Primarily livestock number 1954.. 1950.. Crop and livestock number 1954.. 1950.. Miscellaneous and unclassified farms number 1954.. 1950.. 10,232 17,207 13,046 21,993 18,670 28,193 22,101 28,232 23,107 28,959 23,081 18,778 14,993 15,848 64,817 53,365 54,168 43,665 65,519 46,440 18,630 29,478 25,413 39,985 43,159 52,823 44,120 48,531 34,664 32,913 23,647 16,669 16,068 14,307 49, 937 37,089 23,668 16,436 31,239 20,812 1,905 1,689 15,250 18,898 31,609 50,728 27,512 36,508 43,709 56,636 41,394 46,293 30,996 34,630 24,675 17,504 18,164 19, 105 65,398 57,913 40,088 42,319 65,909 43,145 5,321 5,227 16,192 17,047 18,249 21,864 10,961 11,800 14,167 16,833 12,590 13,961 10,964 9,489 10,718 9,192 4,286 5,653 21,494 20,041 9,218 14,587 13,368 8,830 436 305 4,493 6,859 12,806 18,072 14,785 21,236 28, 162 35,847 37,029 44,370 29,656 39,274 24,025 25,442 12,882 13,971 45,805 46,234 19,100 14,348 80,350 35,570 2,473 2,469 13,242 15,433 26,643 38,951 24,243 3V 45,078 55,153 43,080 50,420 31,362 31,298 16,622 20,262 15,277 12,955 54,915 40,085 27,657 20,971 54,797 24,133 1,728 1,854 13,617 15,790 23,213 33, 192 23,555 35,541 36,237 48,082 37,432 40,641 27,446 26,849 18,884 17,476 10,643 9,830 39,203 31, 302 30, 566 13,089 38,233 28,353 1,027 1,227 6,865 6,308 11,066 12,945 11,413 10,026 14,968 20,103 21,871 25,275 18,753 22,024 16,964 15,131 8,699 10,882 47,365 55,802 50,748 53,228 65,480 48,135 2,273 1,636 19,749 21,364 29,855 38,890 28, 539 30,944 47,102 50,134 36,742 44,232 28,143 27,148 19,496 18,768 16,542 12,091 37,500 31,468 40,527 25,025 21,674 22,811 ALABAMA 81 OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued reports for only a sample See text] Macon Madison Marengo Marion Marshall Mobile Monroe Montgomery — Perr, Pickens Pike Randolph Elussi 1 J St'. Clair 1,947 4,723 3,206 2,721 4,858 2,646 2,873 2,391 3,780 2,135 2,640 2,368 2,572 1,659 1,986 1 143 484 576 137 404 434 333 374 246 211 117 87 136 189 2 224 337 535 168 517 533 280 383 463 261 217 86 88 138 117 3 6 59 37 8 49 83 12 27 29 8 15 18 4 7 19 4 11 35 23 15 64 49 8 21 48 6 24 9 16 6 8 5 137 425 539 129 355 596 422 306 345 238 196 99 83 129 170 6 213 302 512 153 453 484 272 362 415 255 193 77 72 132 109 7 436 1,469 1,109 364 1,248 750 732 734 833 608 601 198 317 310 335 8 606 1,411 1,514 558 1,637 697 890 879 1,165 743 844 254" 359 348 337 438 887 414 510 1,343 371 515 304 782 326 412 369 506 529 368 10 652 1,127 567 739 2,017 423 671 503 1,095 441 678 635 678 550 470 11 215 432 185 336 664 153 253 122 438 168 225 280 365 121 190 12 264 554 237 503 790 180 318 206 544 216 329 390 433 171 239 13 201 476 202 485 578 199 282 129 492 194 322 329 483 126 283 14 231 584 233 719 556 226 323 195 584 202 426 434 627 168 335 15 137 309 143 337 298 142 219 144 319 144 264 301 360 77 235 16 169 379 157 425 242 136 214 164 358 177 322 393 441 125 264 17 83 199 87 212 110 99 113 104 178 96 162 217 182 87 118 18 74 177 103 256 126 88 121 101 190 102 175 241 209 100 145 19 50 113 73 108 78 50 59 71 98 65 104 154 91 35 73 20 52 108 72 117 60 60 72 67 86 67 109 172 113 41 98 21 27 61 52 67 39 31 43 61 75 49 64 71 51 38 59 22 33 71 32 29 29 50 51 47 76 88 39 33 60 23 102 166 149 120 73 90 109 163 134 119 172 217 98 79 102 24 91 167 172 126 60 94 98 178 108 127 167 186 83 93 110 25 66 85 111 32 15 51 45 123 46 68 51 76 23 59 22 26 61 63 97 33 10 41 51 128 29 68 58 69 20 51 27 27 49 42 105 13 8 31 69 103 11 52 52 39 9 62 12 28 47 26 98 10 6 20 49 101 9 48 39 23 2 52 9 29 280,687 427, 665 506,742 288,666 297,271 241,746 410,595 491, 991 308,137 352,028 378,499 395,308 284,021 355,311 200,136 30 286,371 417,622 492,937 340,774 305,211 207,783 408, 906 496,926 316,329 357,119 391,140 398,268 268,473 276,827 222,269 31 780 2,458 3,272 716 2,119 3,303 2,345 1,721 1,997 1,386 1,077 531 491 684 961 32 1,240 1,866 2,888 1,056 2,575 2,667 1,553 1,926 2,435 1,430 1,122 444 417 679 600 33 8,350 27,472 19,028 7,106 23,881 12,286 13,339 12,697 15,627 10,635 11,220 4,020 5,880 5,344 6,045 34 11,871 27,310 26, 937 10,534 32,369 11,536 17,277 16,469 22,480 13,578 16, 654 5,454 7,169 6,731 6,338 35 16,134 33,745 15,515 19,758 51,639 14,004 19,685 11,295 29,813 11,954 15,404 13,988 19,432 19, 114 14,253 36 23,882 42,175 21, 101 28, 585 77,125 16,076 25,383 18,242 42,088 16,154 25,377 23,684 26,201 20,369 18,119 37 12,237 25,285 10,801 19,554 38,228 8,827 14,623 6,913 25,734 9,565 13,026 16,209 21,395 6,833 11,064 38 15, 110 32,202 13,622 28,917 45,117 10,355 18,104 11,424 31,471 12,183 19,005 22,517 25,268 9,535 13,792 39 16,267 39,268 16,456 39, 938 47,075 16,227 23,046 10,674 40,468 15,857 26,186 27,054 39,468 10, 169 23,226 40 18,691 47,664 19,112 58,445 45,071 18,434 26,307 16,004 47,680 16,404 34,868 35,521 50,970 13,414 27,569 41 15,646 36,000 16,414 38,821 34,279 16,119 25,608 16,481 36,982 16,773 30,743 34,534 41,317 8.873 27,048 42 19,066 45,792 18, 237 48,753 27,666 15,901 24,786 18,758 41,555 20, 553 37,020 45,232 50,623 14,345 30,516 43 13,029 31,480 13,745 33,463 17,406 15,582 17,571 16,295 27,856 15,061 25,600 34,240 28,362 13,555 18,441 11, 571 27, 852 16,168 40,157 19,712 13,799 18, 996 15,853 29,577 16,065 27,550 37, 952 32,274 15,751 22,547 45 9,638 22,189 14,570 21,247 15,242 9,841 11,587 13,919 19,429 12,591 20,451 30,331 17,773 6,941 14,320 46 10,122 21,238 14,359 23,014 11,785 11,633 13,781 13,093 16,817 13,217 21,641 33,716 22,167 8,080 19,183 47 6,352 14,326 12,492 15,801 9,347 7,272 10,249 14,548 17,729 11,558 15,304 16,945 12,067 9,082 14,016 48 7,790 16,906 12,761 15,139 7,529 6,957 6,765 11,882 12,043 11,180 17,876 20,874 9,220 7,854 14,113 49 36,710 57,708 52,566 41,438 24,669 31,196 38,870 58,219 45,751 43,225 60,313 75,678 32,979 27,323 35,141 50 33,128 58,642 60,623 42,326 20,232 33,607 34,184 62,801 37,816 44,183 57,807 63,295 28,780 32,296 37, 185 51 45,168 56,708 80,239 21,763 10,326 35,371 30, 967 87,536 30,459 44,774 35,598 49,796 15,829 38,136 14,543 52 42,227 44,134 67,868 21,321 6,231 28,564 35,058 88,876 19,674 44,662 40,752 46,887 12,335 34,193 17,531 53 100,376 81,026 251,644 29,061 23,060 71,718 202,705 241,693 16,292 158,649 123,577 91,982 49,028 209,257 21,078 54 91,673 51,841 219,261 22,527 9,799 38,254 186,712 221,598 12,693 147,510 91,468 62,692 3,049 113,580 14,776 ',•• 1,344 4,719 3,163 2,719 4,696 2,664 2,866 2,305 3,735 2,130 2,629 2,363 2,540 1,729 1,916 X 2,504 5.004 3,839 3,718 6,053 2,527 3,116 2,955 4,682 2,499 3,440 2,971 3,092 1,870 2,211 5" 1,028 3,280 1,499 1,232 2,653 148 1,260 666 1,738 828 1,003 1,181 956 817 466 58 835 3,566 1,569 2,007 3,789 138 1,429 488 2,493 1,027 1,568 1,727 1,027 678 616 59 2 41 21 21 8 5 10 35 1 30 60 1 22 5 44 27 26 10 15 6 16 61 1,021 3,234 1,499 1,211 2,627 139 1,255 661 1,733 828 998 932 921 816 426 62 824 5 3,529 5 1,564 1,997 3,741 5 97 1 1,409 5 413 5 2,467 1,022 1,558 5 158 239 1,021 592 595 10 63 64 10 15 10 4 10 14 20 75 5 5 5 1,554 10 80 15 5 40 65 66 'l6 5 5 1 10 5 82 50 11 10 5 15 10 5 5 11 10 5 1 49 67 68 69 23 98 43 35 27 131 115 81 89 64 20 57 23 40 7C 2 71 89 29 15 159 5 118 45 90 25 10 59 17 33 71 21 25 1 20 241 85 10 22 95 19 45 30 50 10 36 72 10 20 10 83 59 5 31 110 6 23 10 67 22 73 59 201 196 78 186 194 110 389 129 121 107 253 63 88 68 74 137 104 251 67 76 128 199 449 94 106 95 266 68 67 44 7" 50 60 49 40 86 51 54 32 126 38 64 322 75 30 41 76 78 135 88 55 255 117 85 80 203 118 150 416 123 80 102 77 11 17 24 20 45 23 18 7 35 2 1 174 25 7 36 73 33 36 16 20 78 66 16 26 56 42 56 216 36 38 59 79 6 12 3 5 1 3 10 1 5 5 80 1 5 13 24 8 10 9 11 10 5 81 33 31 22 20 41 23 35 22 81 35 58 143 50 23 5 82 44 94 59 35 153 51 69 46 137 67 83 190 82 42 43 83 763 1,050 1,375 1,304 1,488 1,994 1,432 1,081 1,551 1,035 1,341 557 1,329 746 1,225 84 1,426 1,103 1,836 1,550 1,835 1,794 1,377 1,774 1,717 1,147 1,579 531 1,738 1,022 1,345 85 82 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 3—FARMS BY SIZE OF FARM AND BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued [Data for items shown In italics are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] Tallapoosa Tuscaloosa FARMS BY SIZE OF FARM Faraa t y alze: All f r 10 ac to 9 8 o 29 ac o 49 ac o 69 ac .0 99 ac to 139 to 179 to 219 to 259 to 499 to 999 10 acres All ] r 10 ac xj 29 ac .0 49 ac o 69 ac o 99 ac to 139 to 179 to 219 to 259 to 499 to 999 0 acres 1950 1950 1950 number 1950 1950. number 1950 1950. vn number 1950 number 19 50 1950. number 1950 number 19 50 number 1950 Land in by .Ua of fan: 195:" 1950 1950 1950 1950 19 50 19 50 1950 1950. 1950 1950. 1950 1950 L95C FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM Bsttmated number of farms 1954. 1950. Field-crop farms other than vegetable and frutt-and-nut number 1954.. 1950. . Cash-grain number 1954. . 1950.. Cotton number 1954. . 1950. . Other field-crop number 1954.. 1950. . Vegetable farms number 1954.. 1950.. Prutt-and-nut farms number 1954. . 1950.. Da I ry farms number 1954. . 1950. . Poultry farms number 1954.. 1950. . Livestock farms other than dairy and poultry number 1954.. 1950.. General farms number 1954. 1950. Primarily crop nuaber 1954. 1950. Primarily livestock number 1954. 1950. Crop and I Ivestock number 1954. 1950. Stscellaneous and unclassified farms number 1954. 1950. 757 955 4,722 6,465 11,074 15,704 9,411 13,500 15,415 21,938 17,345 20,416 11,744 17,565 13,934 13,116 9,488 8,399 36,143 32,772 29,101 32,353 24,541 12,037 1,957 1,591 15,830 21,237 17,430 19,522 9,159 13,224 14,610 18,496 17,243 17,557 13,871 16,194 10,387 13,828 9,975 10,525 40,873 44,041 69,520 54,575 227,724 192,937 10,771 17,349 22,389 12,826 18,997 22,406 34,141 27,156 35,978 22,969 28,111 18,708 17,262 11,313 12,882 43,478 42,933 40,991 32,932 50,886 35,112 1,124 901 6,930 9,129 13,578 15,438 11,560 14, 171 25,021 29,443 23,532 35,274 24,493 30,304 18,553 23,259 11,547 10,403 46,799 40,441 27,312 35,636 65,453 79,653 2,459 2,716 16,136 18,457 21,529 29,544 16,450 20,461 30,521 34,925 33,479 41,531 30,090 35,356 20,844 27,352 16,932 13,920 54,420 63,216 48,344 50,159 89,331 55,122 1,255 746 1,162 2,171 3,005 15,154 22,932 28,861 44,558 17,990 23,406 30,076 34,624 24,560 27,265 16,456 19,826 9,528 11,057 7,560 8,832 18,667 20,517 12,746 14,665 35,446 6,570 1,215 1,139 6,003 6,892 9,621 11,356 5,964 7,022 10,860 11,843 13,535 15,415 9,440 12,240 7,127 7,617 33,988 40,025 47,209 42,141 116,043 44,595 2,661 2,901 19,018 27,788 12,467 18,308 6,252 10,296 14,611 16,873 14,334 15,901 11,840 12,117 6,312 8,342 6,750 6,954 30,646 28,096 71,352 61,497 264,277 204,458 ALABAMA County Table 4.-VALUE OF FARM PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 83 Item (For definitions and explanations see text) The State Autauga Baldwin Barbour Bibb Blount Bullock Butler Calhoun All farms umb 1954 176,956 211,512 1,519 1,869 2,534 2,969 2,494 2,848 1,117 1,508 1,682 4,746 1,634 1,897 2,161 2,859 1,996 2 1950. . . 2,446 VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE 3 All farm products sold 303,656,854 274,037,437 3,188,097 3,012,505 10,334,592 8,145,093 4,654,942 5,388,750 955,863 1,148,023 6,897,006 5,389,068 2,186,056 2,145,939 3,003,005 2,456,251 2,482,321 4 1949... 2,003,725 5 All crops sold 183,548,637 179,324,804 1,648,713 1,834,294 6,968,201 5,134,805 3,144,208 4,029,631 489,744 716,684 3,756,803 3,438,505 1,113,341 860,304 1,680,220 1,425,919 1,190,715 6 1949... 1,126,624 7 Field crops, other than vegetables 170,746,115 167,958,406 1,446,266 1,685,143 5,728,619 3,725,044 3,097,654 3,943,415 469,444 699,700 3,108,992 2,971,690 1,072,592 796,395 1,581,546 1,267,151 1,133,404 B 19491 . . 1,073,623 9 Vegetables sold 3,729,519 3,406,000 125,029 76,358 398,105 546,949 8,149 3,637 2,405 9,672 397,462 370,723 1,069 5,455 18,236 28,381 19,854 10 19491 . . 19,040 11 Fruits and nuts sold 3,425,607 2,750,898 43,818 35,423 167,932 240,810 31,305 76,429 7,895 7,312 241,389 92,734 21,180 48,384 62,588 126,287 17,082 12 1949... 11,253 13 5,647,396 5,209,500 33,600 37,370 673,545 622,002 7,100 6,150 10,000 8,960 3,358 18,500 10,070 17,850 4,100 20,375 14 1949. . . 22,708 15 All livestock and livestock products 111,605,056 84,745,963 1,471,111 1,091,413 3,184,795 2,709,679 1,324,396 1,249,239 398,512 367,768 3,057,077 1,738,120 899,889 1,164,969 1,103,522 694,344 1,207,410 16 1949... 814,585 1? 22,323,647 19,439,293 84,044 33,779 937,947 658,258 69,944 89,712 6,488 62,599 213,725 178,878 103,923 44,789 95,459 70,547 468,428 18 1949... 411,432 10 Poultry and poultry products sold. ..dollars 1954... 35,455,482 286,427 811,838 87,973 137,674 1,670,544 65,070 319,168 425,280 20 1949... 11,701,941 184,149 611,394 44,302 65,832 595,583 34,244 74,046 133,255 21 Livestock and livestock products, other 53,825,927 1,100,640 1,435,010 1,166,479 254,350 1,172,808 73,0,896 688,895 313,702 22 1949... 53,604,729 873,485 1,440,027 1,115,225 239,337 963,659 1,085,936 749,751 269,898 23 8,503,161 9,966,670 68,273 86,798 181,596 300,609 186,338 109,880 67,6(7? 63,571 83,126 212,443 172,826 120,666 219,263 135,988 84,196 24 1949... 62,516 (For definitions and explanations see text) Chsjnbers Cherokee Chilton Choctaw Clarke Clay Cleburne Coffee Colbert 1 2,177 2,477 2,141 2,818 2,785 3,368 2,344 2,633 2,525 2,860 1,967 2,188 1,391 1,682 2,773 3,443 1,837 2 1950. . . 2,122 VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE 3 All farm products sold 2,605,725 2,578,873 5,078,664 3,644,566 3,517,930 2,723,507 1,543,699 1,187,941 1,548,562 1,510,261 2,000,941 1,138,584 2,655,427 779,762 5,415,521 6,895,621 4,791,115 A 1949... 6,027,271 5 All crops sold 1,408,805 1,410,079 4,100,399 2,853,637 2,580,254 1,807,837 831,040 603,733 774,691 514,996 715,858 500, 199 504,472 452,901 4,011,488 5,294,385 3,651,947 6 1949... 4,867,040 7 Field crops, other than vegetables 1,357,160 4,055,617 1,438, 199 824,478 763,531 677,266 481,182 3,985,506 3,609,311 8 19491.. 1,390,553 2,839,755 1,089,356 593,238 505,555 470,219 438,375 5,242,227 4,841,732 9 9,311 11,190 17,901 9,679 174,564 255,344 390 525 1,973 2,436 14,493 22,502 11,504 13,753 7,819 10,445 12,213 10 19491 . . 16,780 11 20,184 7,509 26,281 3,653 960,234 451,889 5,172 9,970 8,512 6,255 21,999 5,563 11,786 773 13,838 41,188 24,623 12 1949... 5,928 13 . .dollars 1954... 22,150 600 7,257 1,000 675 2,100 4,325 5,800 14 1949... 827 550 11,248 750 1,915 525 2,600 15 All livestock and livestock products 1,028,798 969,849 905,196 590,079 890,098 739,258 388,026 386,088 501,751 601,830 1,218,610 556,013 2,064,226 266,445 1,287,934 1,402,646 1,109,929 16 1949... 1,111,162 17 359,558 140,494 156,486 1,293 23,543 143,430 76,138 78,820 132,045 IS 1949. . . 354,556 85,633 131,284 13,521 52,896 112,056 28,114 89,478 117,674 19 Poultry and poultry products sold. ..dollars 1954... 99,556 304,733 334,374 104,386 28,700 871,323 1,805,040 66,792 72,773 20 1949... 123,584 139,857 206,752 30,593 42,104 204,247 101,559 79,447 54,613 21 Livestock and livestock products, other 569,684 491,709 459, 969 364,589 399,238 401,222 282,347 341,974 449,508 506,830 203,857 239,710 183,048 136,772 1,142,322 1,233,721 905,111 22 1949. . . 938,375 23 168,122 198,945 73,069 200,850 47,578 176,412 324,633 198, 120 272,120 393,435 66,473 82,372 86,729 60,416 116,099 198,590 29,239 24 1949... 49,069 value of green cowpeas was included with field crops other than vegetables and fruits and ; 84 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 4.-VALUE OF FARM PRODUCTS SOLD BY (For definitions and explanations , see text) Conecuh Coosa Covington Crenshaw Cullman Dale Dallas De Kalb Elmore Escambia 1 2,338 2,804 1,380 1,632 3,098 3,744 1,983 2,677 6,291 7,742 1,611 1,953 4,124 4,510 6,136 7,055 2,728 3,355 1,723 2,141 2 1950. . . VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE 3 3,218,080 2,875,235 1,076,171 859,367 5,103,704 5,060,339 3,487,481 3,527,149 12,927,429 8,362,184 3,632,297 3,862,591 6,589,978 6,569,487 10,791,732 8,073,302 4,949,874 3,620,124 4,816,178 3,269,556 1949. . . 5 All crops sold 2,067,011 1,775,889 248,246 252,106 3,092,726 3,098,902 2,475,310 2,314,916 7,189,342 5,812,628 2,519,580 2,843,575 3,350,052 3,161,134 6,955,708 6,328,069 2,948,551 2,082,194 3,563,757 2,148,494 6 1949. . . 7 Field crops, other than vegetables 1,972,151 217,355 2,990,807 2,446,735 6,581,564 2,468,509 3,313,679 6,727,105 2,807,213 3,429,362 3 1949 }.. 1,682,670 223,634 2,973,697 2,244,648 5,524,665 2,794,043 3,073,498 6,214,123 1,899,399 2,042,457 9 25,941 21,194 18,431 19,767 16,439 18,076 7,799 7,756 414,320 105,216 33,861 22,160 13,760 39,500 74,005 87,617 100,650 129,360 29,795 20,970 10 1949.1. . 11 68,769 72,025 9,305 7,055 85,480 107,129 20,756 60,492 147,186 128,612 17,190 25,122 22,053 41,561 137,390 16,299 32,188 45,751 42,200 56,896 12 1949. . . .jj Horticultural s ecialties sold 150 3,155 1,650 20 2,020 46,272 54,135 20 2,250 560 6,575 17,208 10,030 8,500 7,684 62,400 28,171 14 1949. . . 15 All livestock and livestock products 1,044,666 930,456 709,793 519,167 1,903,821 1,743,368 907,022 1,076,133 5,596,374 2,261,627 1,005,541 949,955 3,010,459 3,295,178 3,722,714 1,607,898 1,702,533 1,375,630 1,188,767 1,020,181 16 1949... 17 ...dollars 1954... 65,399 71,021 176,850 19,129 461,674 46,281 876,194 402,145 347,329 247,198 18 1949... 43,070 133,864 133,326 30,736 310,418 47,112 951,380 299,633 234,063 159,391 19 Poultry and poultry products sold. ...dollars 1954... 105,312 446,754 278,343 124,983 4,253,289 99,577 174,418 2,481,592 366,852 152,052 20 1949... 48,806 152,008 96,832 57,821 1,200,374 75,182 136,180 452,179 199,010 69,571 21 Livestock and livestock products, 873,955 838,580 192,018 233,295 1,448,628 1,513,210 762,910 987,576 881,411 750,835 859,683 827,661 1,959,847 2,207,618 838,977 856,086 988,352 942,557 789,517 791,219 22 1949. . . 23 106,403 168,890 118,132 88,094 107,157 218,069 105,149 136,100 141,713 287,929 107,176 69,061 229,467 113,175 113,310 137,335 298,790 162,300 63,654 100,881 . 4 1949... (For definitions and explanations , see text) Lowndes Macon Madison Marengo Marion Marshall Mobile Monroe Montgomery Morgan l 2,132 2,689 1,947 2,504 4,723 5,004 3,206 3,839 2,721 3,718 4,858 6,053 2,646 2,527 2,873 3,116 2,391 2,955 3,780 4,682 2 1950. . . VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE 3 3,740,692 3,738,686 3,296,910 2,518,180 13,079,062 10,783,541 4,744,964 4,541,586 3,000,790 3,130,822 10,817,700 7,836,829 6,463,747 5,262,656 4,373,367 3,785,739 7,197,240 8,585,509 6,537,096 6,757,605 4 1949. . . 5 ...dollars 1954... 1,441,409 2,336,787 10,207,675 2,212,808 2,197,596 6,266,533 3,795,080 3,204,187 2,087,399 4,457,461 ( 1949. . . : . ■" 1,60 1 1,555,539 9,143,484 2,040,124 2,564,975 6,307,241 2,879,171 2,303,392 2,053,832 5,187,548 7 Field crops, other than vegetables 1,420,716 1,062,238 2,298,953 1,515,331 9,239,092 8,278,646 2,196,497 2,003,958 2,152,591 2,554,580 6,038,678 6,237,363 1,112,640 472,928 3,167,498 2,247,694 1,790,523 1,412,458 4,348,245 5,115,639 S 1949.1. . 9 1,595 11,401 7,713 15,970 24,297 10,033 7,260 19,005 13,931 3,497 65,831 31,732 254,214 306,177 2,683 6,565 29,947 33,532 39,370 26,974 10 1949.1. . 11 19,043 25,644 5,101 18,154 39,971 8,941 9,051 16,246 31,074 5,748 59,454 7,631 169,222 302,836 32,106 44,955 25,648 74,399 46,604 17,371 12 1949... 13 Horticultural specialties sold.... 55 25,020 904,315 102,570 2,259,004 1,900 241,281 23,242 14 1949... 325 6,084 845,864 915 1,150 30,515 1,797,230 4,178 533,443 27,564 15 All livestock and livestock products 2,135,762 2,534,779 859,086 823,210 2,813,758 1,607,684 2,165,169 2,239,240 690,791 460,872 4,459,861 1,403,279 2,603,000 2,289,926 915,220 891,639 5,004,942 6,438,908 1,990,099 1,499,240 16 1949... 17 Dairy products sold 245,403 474,705 116,345 113,226 623,269 318,628 751,868 601,673 155,987 64,275 220,587 192,747 1,427,141 1,381,568 32,679 60,414 2,073,207 2,725,067 385,677 269,116 18 1949. . . 19 Poultry and poultry products sold. ...dollars 1954... 423,956 145,728 328,646 97,069 233,561 3,373,636 307,654 63,590 474,608 818,643 20 1949... 160,747 81,357 160,395 48,412 103,152 463,064 288,466 63,117 262,135 539,975 21 Livestock and livestock products, other ...dollars 1954... 1,466,403 597,013 1,861,843 1,316,232 301,243 865,638 868,205 818,951 2,457,127 785,779 22 1949... 1,899,327 628,627 1,128,661 1,589,155 293,445 747,468 619,892 768,108 3,451,706 690,149 23 , , .dollars 1954... 163,521 101,037 57,629 366,987 112,403 91,306 65,667 253,960 104,899 89,536 24 1949... 104,299 139,431 32,373 262,222 104,975 126,309 93,559 590,708 92,769 70,817 1For 1949, the value of green cowpeas was included with field crops other than vegetables and fruits and nuts. ALABAMA 85 SOURCE: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued Etowah Fayette Franklin Geneva Greene Hale He., Houston Jackson Jefferson Lamar Lauderdale Lawrence Lee Li.esU.ne 3,169 2,089 2,418 2,292 2,199 2,667 1,832 3,008 4,058 3,186 2,107 3,800 3,335 1,940 4,176 1 3,734 2,579 2,909 2,755 2,677 2,920 2,325 3,472 4,959 3,362 2,660 4,558 4,142 2,059 4,484 2 3,935,097 1,784,443 2,504,614 6,720,674 2,451,213 5,500,870 5,549,129 9,653,881 6,779,146 3,893,292 2,083,356 5,722,430 6,091,977 3,105,042 8,873,426 3 2,930,741 1,877,168 3,132,860 6,442,789 2,570,201 4,522,117 6,418,276 8,612,767 5,734,653 2,930,028 2,192,492 5,914,496 7,796,190 2,586,956 10,276,576 * 2,323,800 939,038 1,686,785 4,618,193 1,387,219 2,040,253 4,348,044 7,020,000 4,922,427 1,199,618 1,200,042 4,217,910 4,944,399 1,639,086 6,652,293 5 2,190,435 1,313,048 2,482,089 4,568,021 1,465,818 2,335,166 5,614,626 7,086,926 4,152,232 968,002 1,641,135 4,282,678 6,798,401 1,475,867 8,218,640 6 2,137,735 898,396 1,666,916 4,538,125 1,362,575 2,031,569 4,319,949 6,658,728 4,847,062 492,424 1,176,553 4,119,736 4,918,612 1,320,323 6,521,849 7 2,037,371 1,275,104 2,468,772 4,428,767 1,451,484 2,320,096 5,574,211 6,844,728 4,100,701 434,616 1,628,760 4,239,581 6,792,528 997,151 8,156,441 77,335 29,075 3,942 70,270 4,007 3,234 19,708 331,876 45,126 204,688 6,258 20,056 5,129 33, 118 11,184 • 71,585 29,360 4,276 84,603 3,261 4,910 4,505 181,851 25,235 238,242 5,947 5,264 3,060 27,593 1,268 57,455 9,167 15,927 9,798 20,637 5,450 8,137 11,661 26,279 44,438 17,231 49,286 20,658 24,195 55,795 11 16,284 6,098 9,041 54,391 11,023 8,604 31,982 52,551 16,088 17,160 6,418 12,405 2,813 23,547 12,943 1. 51,275 2,400 250 17,735 3,960 458,068 28,832 261,450 63,465 13 65,195 2,486 260 50 1,556 3,928 7,796 10,208 277,984 10 25,428 427,576 47,988 1,503,269 737,106 801,917 2,028,535 978,393 3,393,711 1,131,137 2,554,613 1,766,417 2,661,477 673,367 1,467,616 1,124,356 1,312,395 2,173,050 15 647,460 426,488 578,423 1,768,649 1,020,698 2,099,981 704,243 1,424,314 1,445,709 1,917,862 422,811 1,585,140 951,097 991,246 2,040,198 16 230,878 119,595 76,808 58,584 68,817 1,388,588 19,566 388,380 150,794 937,605 145,680 425,085 223,433 412,893 823,092 17 158,217 66,705 85,118 37,439 58,675 1,234,792 19,625 193,188 185,480 974,281 33,509 394,200 121,612 397,486 554,097 18 798,255 335,206 328,213 163,730 85,698 995,346 144,952 387,134 415,503 1,255,040 276,493 190,844 130,097 354,619 381,668 19 197,604 127,680 84,949 134,297 27,516 38,911 33,263 88,649 259,980 405,945 117,366 216,784 215,593 170,003 368,269 20 474,136 282,305 396,896 1,806,221 823,878 1,009,777 966,619 1,779,079 1,200,120 468,832 251,194 851,687 770,826 544,883 968,290 21 291,639 232,103 408,356 1,596,913 934,507 826,278 651,355 1,142,477 1,000,249 537,636 271,936 974,156 613,892 423,757 1,117,832 22 108,028 108,299 15,912 73,946 85,601 66,906 69,948 79,268 90,302 32,197 209,947 36,904 23,222 153,561 48,083 23 92,846 137,632 72,348 106,119 83,685 86,970 99,407 101,527 136,712 44,164 128,546 46,678 46,692 119,843 17,738 24 Perry Pickens Pile Randolph Russell St. Clair Shelby Sumter Talladega Tallapoosa Tuscaloosa Walker Washington Wilcox Winston 2,135 2,640 2,368 2,572 1,659 1,986 1,542 2,702 2,414 2,167 3,521 3,122 1,561 2,740 1,785 1 2,499 3,440 2,971 3,092 1,870 2,211 1,982 3,055 2,984 2,534 4,127 4,353 1,669 3,417 2,280 2 4,405,530 3,344,646 5,107,832 2,278,384 2,575,718 2,122,459 3,076,821 3,092,897 3,831,513 1,827,428 4,015,871 2,869,653 1,288,081 2,912,107 3,555,366 3 3,567,117 3,220,014 5,461,891 1,971,692 2,205,859 1,492,436 1,944,588 3,414,586 3,435,539 1,839,841 4,049,832 1,880,574 1,490,428 3,248,894 1,679,609 4 1,735,044 1,630,644 3,502,639 1,478,897 1,438,004 1,017,782 1,281,331 1,675,872 1,991,948 902,551 2,325,305 1,154,819 460,798 1,496,029 1,129,750 5 1,551,484 1,911,940 4,018,818 1,248,037 1,046,084 855,507 690,773 1,642,508 2,056,203 946,624 2,715,970 1,214,177 279,072 1,590,104 1,140,025 6 1,687,856 1,614,324 3,446,025 1,414,036 1,379,870 903,754 1,259,219 1,630,779 1,892,610 811,102 2,077,421 1,058,685 452,533 1,467,385 1,089,284 7 1,513,721 1,891,919 3,950,284 1,228,371 977,926 778,403 666,801 1,532,243 2,005,118 911,615 2,505,340 1,156,947 271,914 1,549,926 1,120,727 8 26,006 6,924 16,090 34,203 21,198 90,375 13,832 41,407 16,399 4,562 110,496 53,303 3,588 16,962 6,849 9 16,441 10,790 7,231 13,183 20,083 70,513 11,197 100,011 14,056 5,113 35,828 38,955 769 26,508 4,991 10 21,082 7,864 38,424 30,398 33,936 23,163 5,255 3,686 57,889 26,997 26,211 25,531 4,677 11,594 27,177 11 20,622 4,731 59,895 4,780 25,250 5,591 4,275 9,854 22,199 7,791 12,328 6,491 6,389 13,070 12,057 12 100 1,532 2,100 260 3,000 490 3,025 25,050 59,890 111,177 17,300 88 6,440 13 700 4,500 1,408 1,703 22,825 1,000 8,500 400 14,830 22,105 162,474 11,784 600 2,250 14 2,399,085 1,509,974 1,448,005 716,198 1,033,595 1,004,581 1,747,938 1,261,627 1,773,256 744,880 1,473,737 1,635,700 537,419 1,162,773 2,378,271 15 1,842,291 1,065,574 1,218,794 599,505 943,191 541,890 1,181,322 1,615,160 1,325,131 770,780 1,154,720 538,046 467,839 1,413,791 421,753 16 945,632 342,191 99,081 199,268 497,385 296,402 874,952 70,382 666,593 254,530 510,350 102,727 20,207 2,294 134,707 17 734,835 157,502 63,286 178,606 426,699 166,501 662,057 45,584 403,125 255,025 468,925 149,323 38,809 29,970 65,004 18 465,465 455,813 137,685 284,605 98,603 411,274 453,611 112,099 535,624 166,879 392,001 1,263,177 137,370 20,855 2,035,689 19 149,598 200,930 57,444 164,983 91,858 114,863 140,388 41,204 290,519 138,581 156,610 123,408 27,986 33,161 99,255 20 987,988 711,970 1,211,239 232,325 437,607 296,905 419,375 1,079,146 571,039 323,471 571,386 269,796 379,842 1,139,624 207,875 21 957,858 707,142 1,098,064 255,916 424,634 260,526 378,877 1,528,372 631,487 377,174 529,185 265,315 401,044 1,350,660 257,494 22 271,401 204,028 157,188 83,289 104,119 100,096 47,552 155,398 66,309 179,997 216,829 79,134 289,864 253,305 47,345 23 173,342 242,500 224,279 124,150 216,584 95,039 72,493 156,918 54,205 122,437 179,142 128,351 743,517 244,999 117,831 24 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 5. -FARMS BY ECONOMIC CLASS, BY CLASS OF WORK POWER , [Data are OFF-FARM WORK based on reports for only The State Autauga 176,949 1,484 211,512 1,869 95,101 482 118,217 819 1,016 21 780 29 3,295 32 2,128 22 6,133 51 4,727 71 17,125 43 15,313 99 32,336 159 38,047 212 35, 196 176 57,222 386 81,848 1,002 93,295 1,050 29,925 326 33,920 320 51,877 676 59,299 730 Estimated number of farms 1954. 1950. FARMS BY ECONOMIC CLASS Commercial farms number 1954. 1950. Class I number 1954. 1950. Class II number 1954. 1950. Class III number 1954. 1950. Class IV number 1954. . 1950., Class V number 1954., 1950. , Class VI number 1954. , 1950.. Other farms number 1954 . , 1950.. Part-time number 1954 . , 1950., Residential number 1954 . , 1950., Abnormal number 1954. , 1950 . . FARMS BY CLASS OF WORK POWER No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting 1954.. No tractor and only 1 horse or mule farms reporting 1954.. No tractor and 2 or more horses nd/or mules farms reporting 1954 . . Tractor and horses and/or mules. .. .farms reporting 1954.. Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting 1954.. SPECIFIED FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT Telephone farms reporting 1954 . . 1950.. Electricity farms reporting 1954.. 1950. . Television set farms reporting 1954.. Piped running water farms reporting 1954 . . Home freezer farms reporting 1954.. 1950.. Electric pig brooder farms reporting 1954.. Power feed grinder farms reporting 1954 . . Milking machine farms reporting 1954 . . 1950.. Grain combines farms reporting 1954. . 1950.. number 1954 . . 1950.. Corn pickers farms reporting 1954.. 1950.. number 1954 . . 1950.. Pick-up hay balers farms reporting number ', Field forage harvesters farms reporting ' number ! Artificial ponds, reservoirs, and earth tanks farms reporting '. number ! Motortrucks farms reporting number '. Tractors farms reporting Wheel tractors other than garden farms reporting number Garden tractors farms reporting number '. Crawler tractors farms reporting number Automobiles farms reporting ! number OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Far* operators — With other income of family exceeding value of farm products sold operators reporting 1954.. 1949.. Working off their farms, total operators reporting 1954.. 1949.. 100 or more days operators reporting 1954.. 1949.. 35, 0W 23,459 23,518 28,138 17,442 155,123 144,589 32,261 68,076 795 5,785 2,538 2,213 4,623 4,078 5,C 1954... 2,962 1950... 2,385 1954... 3,016 1950... 2,446 1954... 769 1954... 803 1954... 14,181 1954... 21,368 1954 . . . 59,346 1950... 47,088 1954 . . . 65,360 1950... 52,801 1954... 53,870 1950... 37,791 1954. . . 65,175 1950... 45,872 1954... 51,636 1950... 35,664 1954... 61,548 1950... 42,890 1954... 2,569 1950... 1,626 1954... 2,649 1950... 1,679 1954 . . . 891 1950 . . . 1,186 1954... 978 1950... 1,303 1954... 75,493 1950... 64,436 1954... 83,374 1950. . . 71,276 86,504 82,789 54,414 49,253 1,392 1,476 1,834 1,866 1,436 1,325 2,161 1,774 1,421 1,274 2,042 1,681 1,362 1,118 1,676 1,258 1,462 1,466 1,098 1,155 3,539 4,298 1,315 1,703 180 255 1,715 1,576 1,826 1,674 1,325 896 1,461 1,270 1,196 1,355 1,476 1,727 1,795 1,100 ALABAMA AND OTHER INCOME, AND FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 87 a sample of farms ■ See te xt] Calhoun Chambers Cherokee Chilton Choctaw Clarke Clay Cleburne Coffee Colbert Conecuh Coosa Covington Crenshaw 1,997 2,209 2,141 2,967 2,357 2,516 2,060 1,435 2,831 1,867 2,342 1,392 3,043 1,964 1 2, 446 2,477 2,818 3,368 2,633 2,860 2,188 1,682 3,443 2,122 2,805 1,632 3,744 2,677 620 1,016 1,593 1,315 691 827 613 521 2,099 946 1,146 355 1,745 1,343 3 925 2 1,211 3 1,841 2 1,494 756 1 783 5 748 20 558 1 2,776 1 1,400 28 1,399 4 350 5 2,300 7 1,746 1 4 5 6 3 1 15 5 7 5 10 26 8 7 5 6 34 31 26 19 12 8 26 91 33 44 11 23 16 22 7 19 24 6 6 13 25 51 76 25 12 35 16 8 63 52 104 99 14 23 21 82 150 134 105 13 111 60 9 22 55 64 25 11 14 15 1 135 146 34 22 100 110 10 154 88 618 220 65 83 48 44 571 246 137 28 342 257 :i 107 145 276 95 68 45 33 29 693 342 173 17 325 240 1/ 172 365 637 475 143 157 176 132 862 274 344 91 734 562 13 268 350 769 367 124 172 154 140 1,338 392 370 86 888 629 14 195 477 206 501 456 551 322 171 482 220 545 195 535 441 15 503 634 725 986 535 520 541 388 549 418 789 213 945 746 16 1,377 1,193 548 1,652 1,666 1,689 1,447 914 732 921 1,196 1,037 1,298 621 17 1,521 1,266 977 1,874 1,877 2,077 1,440 1,124 667 722 1,405 1,282 1,444 931 18 461 498 302 535 580 589 436 272 381 356 545 311 583 230 l.< 523 454 533 685 546 459 472 293 328 259 542 389 749 467 20 916 695 246 1,117 1,086 1,100 1,011 642 351 565 651 726 715 391 .'l 998 812 444 1,189 1,326 5 1,618 968 831 339 463 863 893 694 1 464 22 23 24 685 826 555 1,163 702 718 817 504 677 780 672 506 953 699 ■ -.:■ 266 495 86 701 952 961 505 350 416 175 725 431 675 456 26 165 469 205 378 443 469 361 261 671 250 345 219 395 413 27 353 239 433 291 152 168 209 156 515 326 234 139 375 190 28 528 ISO 862 434 108 200 168 164 449 439 366 97 645 206 29 742 534 290 643 111 194 228 169 173 521 307 502 341 169 30 302 347 130 379 54 147 147 41 100 214 265 274 215 74 31 1,947 1,892 2,121 2,841 1,726 1,988 1,954 1,394 2,628 1,786 1,951 1,247 2,921 1,743 32 2,181 1,462 2,493 2,737 1,311 1,289 1,737 1,497 2,409 1,567 1,419 1,196 2,715 1,756 33 753 433 662 761 194 143 395 545 101 217 161 358 197 92 34 1,229 922 890 1,332 519 558 695 718 1,541 782 825 576 1,576 721 35 530 384 426 358 405 305 473 251 472 476 327 163 584 132 36 186 129 123 175 126 93 108 52 151 150 98 47 175 86 37 1 21 21 5 5 5 40 1 15 11 2 38 116 132 96 47 51 58 53 40 26 103 88 40 69 47 39 58 57 39 31 5 10 11 5 46 18 32 10 15 16 40 50 24 31 10 1 16 30 5 15 25 10 10 10 15 ..1 62 61 66 32 3 12 31 18 26 83 14 4 50 9 42 59 61 76 22 10 3 35 11 26 67 48 16 56 22 43 62 66 66 33 3 13 31 18 26 97 16 4 50 10 44 59 66 83 22 10 3 35 11 31 70 51 16 62 22 45 25 7 119 31 6 10 18 23 58 26 5 64 19 46 1 1 18 2 21 1 12 2 5 47 26 1 7 1 119 18 31 6 9 2 10 21 18 1 23 59 14 26 2 5 64 5 19 48 49 86 42 32 27 18 9 11 29 28 63 8 13 30 13 ' 35 15 19 5 1 13 6 3 56 38 11 10 47 27 51 86 42 32 27 18 9 11 30 28 64 8 13 30 13 52 35 15 20 5 1 13 6 3 61 39 11 10 47 40 53 8 4 8 5 6 5 7 20 6 1 2 54 8 4 8 10 6 5 7 21 6 1 2 55 291 110 227 85 69 35 20 62 73 173 166 76 236 74 56 354 147 326 90 79 39 20 62 76 227 205 89 259 105 57 630 455 710 1,412 799 796 788 519 1,237 763 649 405 1,158 636 58 542 340 575 1,298 483 585 555 346 863 712 537 349 905 629 59 663 506 792 1,516 876 876 843 544 1,334 869 682 519 1,194 710 60 636 375 633 1,358 540 653 623 354 925 853 574 419 975 779 61 961 434 1,305 790 275 395 392 345 981 790 610 257 1,045 401 62 757 284 1,246 372 120 171 230 218 619 725 429 164 745 287 63 1,061 540 1,534 859 299 445 413 372 1,114 1,098 693 274 1,161 499 64 863 317 1,405 391 142 193 259 253 697 956 503 184 851 336 65 866 419 1,295 714 260 348 376 315 964 764 600 231 1,020 396 66 697 274 1,171 362 96 161 210 177 614 710 414 149 724 286 67 936 515 1,491 771 278 389 395 340 1,089 1,045 679 236 1,117 492 68 779 306 1,304 375 113 182 223 202 682 924 481 157 818 328 69 105 21 30 75 20 30 15 26 24 34 10 26 30 5 70 75 15 15 5 20 10 26 10 10 31 1 71 105 21 30 75 20 30 15 26 24 34 10 26 30 5 72 75 15 15 5 20 10 26 10 10 33 2 73 20 10 12 1 21 3 6 1 18 4 12 13 2 74 8 11 84 1 29 6 11 46 5 6 12 12 6 75 20 13 13 1 26 3 6 1 19 4 12 14 2 76 9 11 86 1 29 6 16 51 5 6 12 17 6 77 1,311 1,163 1,275 999 571 604 908 712 1,302 986 818 673 1,363 762 78 1,218 914 1,127 715 496 543 550 500 1,363 747 732 653 1,199 724 79 i,396 1,291 1,431 1,053 623 647 940 750 1,371 1,188 855 721 1,436 809 80 1,365 1,061 1,359 751 523 567 581 523 1,439 793 766 687 1,267 784 81 1,219 987 556 1,263 1,151 1,275 1,055 734 529 663 954 650 1,113 398 82 1,178 1,126 985 1,487 1,340 1,513 1,096 907 780 653 1,067 1,170 1,359 856 S3 1,283 1,236 929 1,561 1,449 1,433 1,252 842 879 1,125 1,222 944 1,297 808 84 1,215 1,100 968 1,605 1,473 1,435 1,026 853 1,133 776 1,133 986 1,396 925 85 1,102 840 591 1,097 945 876 942 601 454 822 735 765 737 370 86 941 802 441 979 998 930 679 507 477 535 628 724 723 441 87 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 5. -FARMS BY ECONOMIC CLASS, BY CLASS OF WORK POWER, OFFFARM WORK [Data are based on reports for only (For definitions and explanations, Estimated number of farms 1954. . 1950. , FARMS BY ECONOMIC CLASS Commercial farms number 1954.. 1950., Class I number 1954 . . 1950., Class II number 1954 . . 1950.. Class III number 1954.. 1950.. Class IV number 1954. , 1950.. Class V number 1954. . 1950.. Class VI number 1954. . 1950.. Other farms number 1954 . . 1950.. Part-time number 1954. . 1950.. Residential number 1954. . 1950.. Abnormal number 1954. . 1950 . . FARMS BY CLASS OF WORK POWER No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting 1954.. No tractor and only 1 horse or mule farms reporting 1954 . . No tractor and 2 or more horses and/or mules farms reporting 1954.. Tractor and horses and/or mules. .. .farms reporting 1954.. Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting 1954.. SPECIFIED FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT Telephone farms reporting 1954 . . 1950.. Electricity farms reporting 1954.. 1950.. Television set farms reporting 1954. . Piped running water farms reporting 1954. . Home freezer farms reporting 1954. . 1950. . Electric pig brooder farms reporting 1954. . Pover feed grinder farms reporting 1954 . . Milking machine farms reporting 1954.. 1950.. Drain combines farms reporting 1954. . 1950., number 1954 . , 1950., Corn pickers farms reporting 1954., 1950., number 1954 . , 1950., Pick-up hay balers farms reporting 1954 . . 1950., number 1954 . . 1950., Field forage harvesters farms reporting 1954., number 1954 . . Artificial ponds, reservoirs, and earth tanks farms reporting 1954 . number 1954 . , Motortrucks farms reporting 1954. 1950., number 1954 . 1950. Tractors farms reporting 1954. 1950. number 1954 . 1950. Wheel tractors other than garden farms reporting 1954 . 1950. number 1954 . 1950. Garden tractors farms reporting 1954. 1950. number 1954 . 1950. Crawler tractors farms reporting 1954. 1950. number 1954. 1950. Automobiles farms reporting 1954 . 1950. number 1954. 1950. OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Farm operators — With other income of family exceeding value of farm products sold operators reporting 1954. 1949. Working off their farms, total operators reporting 1954. 1949. 100 or more days operators reporting 1954. 1949. 2,070 1,755 1,116 2,963 1,373 1,066 1,155 1,411 923 1,437 6,248 6,798 2,583 2,846 628 722 2,880 2,257 3,003 2,405 2,430 1,362 2,549 1,447 2,355 1,322 2,474 1,392 2,351 2,166 2,488 2,256 2,694 2,318 1,357 1,048 515 1,822 331 551 2,253 336 1,252 1,331 461 1,746 2,470 834 1,893 2,006 1,563 1,862 1,786 1,950 775 771 522 551 806 701 1,117 1,235 1,035 1,310 970 1,248 1,535 615 1,628 6,059 5,976 1,131 2,428 270 354 2,118 1,459 2,185 1,565 2,314 1,179 2,416 1,247 2,243 1,119 2,324 1,187 2,930 1,980 3,033 2,416 1,707 1,310 1,401 1,273 1,630 1,446 1,670 1,592 1,126 1,103 1,842 1,148 2,072 1,163 596 333 807 481 1,245 815 1,265 676 3,027 3,294 1,004 1,547 1,849 1,784 1,963 1,975 1,921 1,796 1,520 , 1,408 ALABAMA 89 AND OTHER INCOME, AND FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Coniinued a sample of farms. See te *t] Ge„™ Greene Hale Henry Id u;:t. 'ii Jackson Jefferson Lamar Lauderdale Lawrence Lee Limestone Lowndes Macon 2,291 2,181 2,716 1,803 2,969 4,036 3,138 2,172 3,832 3,280 1,869 4,217 2,180 1,944 1 2,755 2,677 2,920 2,325 3,472 4,959 3,362 2,660 4,558 4,142 2,059 4,484 2,689 2,504 2 1,955 1,171 1,503 1,488 2,451 2,638 505 1,037 1,838 2,154 768 3,031 1,151 1,210 3 2,355 1,411 1,926 1,950 2,950 3,522 562 1,687 2,624 3,262 896 3,626 1,253 1,109 4 13 35 6 15 4 59 3 11 10 8 26 38 21 5 2 10 21 6 8 13 10 12 9 40 23 10 6 54 33 79 81 47 33 7 70 75 27 74 37 43 7 41 33 89 36 41 28 37 1 44 40 29 98 58 22 8 239 32 76 185 390 129 62 24 149 162 47 239 56 61 9 181 31 72 245 234 83 44 7 149 151 63 170 48 14 10 626 64 132 498 847 675 72 90 395 348 101 510 89 139 11 660 80 141 675 971 321 63 95 414 618 92 631 70 117 12 701 153 454 475 827 1,046 112 413 717 754 258 1,277 277 374 13 168 545 702 1,193 1,197 132 482 1,046 1,288 290 1,493 130 252 14 330 876 732 245 291 737 167 500 496 805 327 905 654 572 ]'■ 476 1,089 1,058 286 503 1,880 276 1,102 962 1,153 413 1,194 924 694 16 336 1,010 1,213 315 518 1,398 2,633 1,135 1,994 1,126 1,101 1,186 1,029 734 i" 400 1,266 994 375 522 1,437 2,800 973 1,934 880 1,163 858 1,436 1,395 18 155 333 389 122 185 535 546 517 789 420 375 616 413 303 M 231 397 312 183 240 610 599 500 792 310 390 459 289 417 20 181 672 824 193 333 863 2,082 618 1,205 706 726 570 616 430 21 169 869 681 192 282 825 2,201 473 1,142 570 773 399 1,147 963 .V 23 24 1 2 15 436 508 1,075 513 814 1,481 1,481 724 1,329 1,297 666 1,730 556 481 ■; 251 410 530 150 265 295 855 255 335 155 475 175 367 631 26 463 966 655 476 565 665 187 546 597 531 289 617 961 557 27 375 235 306 237 532 888 259 253 703 579 230 684 235 193 28 766 62 150 427 793 707 356 394 868 718 209 1,011 61 82 29 168 151 287 145 251 295 1,562 167 863 403 487 855 231 256 30 70 125 184 85 183 91 1,021 219 789 396 254 461 79 182 31 2,235 1,137 1,909 1,555 2,762 3,796 3,067 2,060 3,553 3,130 1,481 4,096 1,491 1,188 32 2,313 817 1,230 1,575 2,625 3,483 3,010 2,236 3,366 2,706 1,161 3,317 1,049 930 33 127 120 275 153 145 438 1,822 243 375 371 324 643 184 108 34 1,412 287 632 873 1,719 1,299 2,148 627 1,694 717 870 1,451 448 479 35 360 150 357 494 806 498 992 261 764 415 387 620 234 214 i 104 119 149 148 173 174 299 62 188 186 124 219 89 105 3" 36 3 12 12 30 6 30 43 2 7 6 6 38 39 45 93 36 38 102 68 17 112 92 110 89 104 90 1 1 6 7 113 14 31 70 21 30 38 44 129 25 31 40 26 7 96 20 61 51 43 11 54 36 43 53 12 4 41 61 46 80 103 160 227 17 18 191 55 52 155 82 64 42 50 39 80 71 81 194 20 17 125 69 43 147 71 58 43 64 51 85 144 165 230 18 18 194 58 53 172 104 69 44 55 44 101 87 85 203 20 17 133 70 46 185 87 73 45 97 10 4 34 35 179 5 5 42 30 96 12 5 46 6 3 6 6 10 60 5 11 1 38 9 3 47 97 10 34 35 181 5 5 42 31 99 13 5 48 6 3 6 6 10 64 5 11 1 39 9 3 49 34 47 105 20 45 69 49 26 73 42 25 97 70 37 50 31 58 79 93 73 30 11 95 26 27 101 41 20 51 48 108 20 45 70 49 29 73 42 25 99 70 37 52 53 32 74 79 94 73 30 11 95 26 28 101 41 20 53 12 9 57 11 10 14 25 6 3 9 10 6 54 12 9 58 12 15 14 4 25 6 3 9 11 6 55 80 177 89 18 32 383 181 130 944 622 100 418 455 183 5 b 85 446 114 19 32 530 198 150 1,441 988 130 534 1,004 369 57 1,198 368 600 685 1,294 1,347 1,094 667 1,251 1,171 560 1,499 441 423 53 785 273 456 643 895 1,072 873 464 1,074 1,090 409 1,039 333 279 59 1,240 441 685 815 1,417 1,409 1,222 710 1,345 1,270 653 1,669 531 495 60 331 506 744 935 1,199 939 499 1,136 1,171 476 1,186 418 347 61 1,141 302 456 689 1,350 1,626 805 667 1,631 1,343 479 1,705 302 280 62 187 317 653 910 1,419 561 339 1,127 1,194 321 1,267 226 170 63 1,314 415 692 971 1,698 1,894 929 698 1,843 1,637 544 2,227 513 427 64 748 265 496 870 1,103 1,839 623 357 1,269 1,378 362 1,637 377 243 65 1,141 287 456 648 1,248 1,585 610 647 1,551 1,297 424 1,695 296 275 66 177 312 628 889 1,393 380 314 1,062 1,189 255 1,262 218 159 67 1,312 371 671 925 1,576 1,831 697 677 1,740 1,566 476 2,186 476 401 68 743 243 485 845 1,066 1,775 423 332 1,189 1,367 281 1,623 352 221 69 11 3 30 27 46 222 21 75 58 45 26 8 11 70 1 2 10 16 32 177 15 51 10 52 5 3 5 71 11 3 30 42 46 227 21 75 63 45 31 8 16 72 1 2 10 17 38 180 15 56 10 62 5 3 5 73 2 21 18 16 78 16 5 28 8 22 9 22 10 74 5 15 9 15 20 26 15 10 23 1 19 9 16 15 75 2 33 18 16 80 17 5 28 8 23 10 29 10 76 5 21 9 15 20 26 20 10 24 1 19 9 22 17 77 1,003 500 862 955 1,301 1,522 1,714 868 2,256 1,362 990 2,012 791 699 78 881 508 625 1,011 1,320 972 1,775 662 1,746 1,212 884 1,622 469 661 79 1,082 585 982 1,096 1,452 1,560 1,938 923 2,514 1,452 1,095 2,161 922 748 80 942 570 691 1,107 1,436 1,076 2,038 694 1,965 1,243 1,053 1,824 553 814 81 582 810 268 531 984 2,262 871 1,592 864 724 1,031 746 553 82 532 842 653 348 580 1,024 2,398 739 1,751 744 1,010 835 877 1,154 83 717 771 1,011 465 818 1,533 2,042 1,267 2,241 1,351 1,046 1,930 1,021 844 84 551 820 978 614 878 1,563 2,137 968 1,963 1,014 971 1,334 1,032 1,081 85 244 399 544 186 397 858 1,795 545 1,618 756 839 874 559 523 86 290 422 442 251 361 685 1,927 385 1,268 468 794 575 484 596 87 90 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 5. -FARMS BY ECONOMIC CLASS, BY CLASS OF WORK POWER, OFF-FARM WORK based on reports for only FARMS BY ECONOMIC CLASS Commercial farms number 1954.. 1950.. Class I number 1954.. 1950.. Class II number 1954 . . 1950.. Class III number 1954.. 1950.. Class IV number 1954. . 1950.. Class V number 1954 . . 1950.. Class VI number 1954 . . 1950.. Other farms number 1954 . . 1950.. Part-time number 1954 . . 1950.. Residential number 1954. . 1950.. Abnormal number 1954 . . 1950.. FARMS BY CLASS OF WORK POWER No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting 1954... ractor and only 1 horse or mule farms reporting 1954 — ractor and 2 or more horses /or mules farms reporting 1954 — Tractor and horses and/or mules .... farms reporting 1954... Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting 1954... SPECIFIED FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT Telephone farms reporting 1954 . . . 1950... Electricity farms reporting 1954... 1950... Television set farms reporting 1954. . . Piped running water farms reporting 1954 . . . Home freezer farms reporting 1954... 1950... Electric pig brooder farms reporting 1954... Power feed grinder farms reporting 1954 . . . Milking machine farms reporting 1954 — 1950... Grain combines farms reporting 1954 . . . 1950... number 1954... 1950... Corn pickers farms reporting 1954. . . 1950... number 1954 . . . 1950 .. . Pick-up hay balers farms reporting 1954 . . . 1950... number 1954 . . . 1950... Field forage harvesters farms reporting 1954. . . number 1954 .. . Artificial ponds, reservoirs, and earth tanks farms reporting 1954 . . . number 1954 .. . Motortrucks farms reporting 1954. . . 1950. . . number 1954 .. . 1950... Tractors farms reporting 1954. . . 1950... number 1954 . . . 1950... Wheel tractors other than garden farms reporting 1954. . . 1950... number 1954 . . . 1950... Garden tractors farms reporting 1954 . . . 1950... number 1954 . . . 1950... Crawler tractors farms reporting 1954... 1950... number 1954 . . . 1950... Automobiles farms reporting 1954... 1950... number 1954 . . . 1950... OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME With other income of family exceeding value of farm products sold operators reporting 1954... 1949... Working off their farms, total operators reporting 1954 . . . 1949... 100 or more days operators reporting 1954... 1949... 1,144 1,593 1,359 1,863 1,642 2,232 2,013 3,185 4,961 1,117 2,001 2,601 1,900 1,001 2,030 1,631 1,077 1,226 926 1,656 1,258 1,300 1,154 1,938 1,008 1,276 747 2,067 1,205 1,401 836 1,913 858 1,241 596 2,027 987 1,356 666 1,915 1,519 1,017 1,767 1,209 2,085 1,409 1,772 1,426 1,561 1,233 1,359 1,316 1,422 1,444 1,633 1,531 1,929 1,759 1,784 1,630 1,888 1,748 1,839 1,625 1,125 ALABAMA AND OTHER INCOME, AND FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued a sample of farms. See text] 91 Pickens Pike Randolph Rusaell St. Clair Shelby S»ter Talladega Tallapoosa Tuscaloosa Walker Washington Wilcox Vlnaton 2,629 2,363 2,540 1,729 1,916 1,602 2,877 2,551 2,026 3,499 3,102 1,557 2,743 1,747 1 3,440 2,971 3,092 1,870 2,211 1,982 3,055 2,984 2,534 4,127 4,353 1,669 3,417 2,280 2 1,324 1,826 1,233 999 723 529 1,738 1,076 DO 5 1,475 923 411 1,211 845 3 1,925 2,454 1,400 869 883 612 1,577 1,274 882 1,988 1,074 467 1,633 1,094 4 8 12 29 10 16 1 10 21 4 9 b 5 8 12 6 1 4 20 13 10 1 10 5 6 27 2 28 18 38 30 64 15 50 26 8 30 73 7 33 26 1 26 3 24 33 36 14 15 14 34 3 156 5 43 47 97 48 132 22 40 21 18 39 68 9 28 112 22 36 19 38 55 63 39 48 14 22 34 11 10 121 484 78 139 133 92 105 235 71 190 126 57 90 41 11 101 531 57 79 71 61 92 188 80 140 45 23 70 74 L 643 451 310 279 147 249 304 191 522 233 136 310 312 13 1,006 375 222 180 187 292 377 240 530 265 94 248 321 14 824 508 691 467 246 126 1,296 325 365 663 496 188 733 345 15 1,348 767 945 500 609 298 1,085 597 509 1,245 750 313 1,237 683 16 1,305 537 1,307 730 1,193 1,073 1,139 1,475 1,361 2,024 2,179 1,146 1,532 902 17 1,515 517 1,692 1,001 1,328 1,370 1,478 1,710 1,652 2,139 3,279 1,202 1,784 1,186 16 494 220 486 312 287 317 599 573 344 501 548 390 528 317 19 632 235 768 250 334 335 536 594 478 657 875 368 523 551 20 811 317 821 417 906 751 540 902 1,012 1,520 1,631 756 1,004 585 21 883 282 924 750 994 1,035 942 1,115 1,174 1,481 3 1 2,399 829 1,260 635 22 23 24 1 1 1 5 5 1 811 714 810 449 545 502 769 617 758 1,193 1,067 530 594 645 25 461 346 626 584 395 296 481 445 595 890 941 497 826 410 26 883 572 681 430 306 110 1,282 436 326 598 440 153 1,048 335 27 391 276 183 297 300 281 520 223 399 304 213 207 165 28 218 340 147 83 373 394 64 533 124 419 350 164 68 192 29 139 341 180 241 293 723 312 737 506 484 736 158 130 137 30 186 35 135 81 379 141 427 219 243 381 79 82 110 31 2,095 2,430 1,082 1,846 1,567 1,649 2,341 1,864 3,262 3,026 1,312 1,384 1,677 32 2^013 1,898 2,478 640 1,942 1,615 849 2,037 1,719 2,701 3,681 826 919 1,882 33 281 164 511 217 720 775 234 972 395 1,004 1,240 142 79 520 34 702 912 924 447 795 801 568 947 806 1,351 1,197 541 419 601 35 431 384 267 229 323 467 481 508 381 512 587 403 181 165 36 52 132 150 102 186 157 143 124 102 139 181 126 64 120 37 1 5 5 S 10 11 26 27 20 10 15 1 38 82 52 74 88 118 101 102 178 101 143 30 83 62 20 39 45 15 22 30 41 88 19 95 47 65 20 6 16 10 40 18 21 30 41 54 21 72 39 57 35 11 10 10 -1 43 40 28 34 11 68 54 177 18 62 10 14 44 16 42 62 15 37 17 75 47 112 8 30 6 2 24 21 43 42 28 37 12 72 60 194 19 66 11 16 63 20 44 40 65 15 39 19 75 59 128 8 31 6 2 35 21 45 3 1 8 10 1 21 14 12 5 2 43 20 7 2 19 11 11 37 11 13 2 5 5 46 47 3 8 10 4 21 14 5 43 7 19 11 37 13 5 48 1 1 12 2 20 2 11 11 2 5 49 31 9 30 22 22 76 66 116 31 78 15 12 38 21 50 34 16 1A 25 40 41 49 17 76 5 6 25 25 31 9 35 22 22 81 70 116 31 79 16 12 40 21 29 34 16 14 25 40 45 49 17 76 5 6 30 25 8 5 21 13 4 20 5 8 7 13 10 9 5 26 14 4 20 5 8 7 13 10 9 r'; 149 173 43 126 206 209 462 379 99 166 254 128 146 85 56 197 236 49 212 259 263 1,069 556 116 242 300 209 333 119 57 821 762 407 743 554 577 889 659 1,099 1,018 679 437 711 58 557 637 688 305 497 451 316 641 556 850 938 471 295 682 59 819 898 800 498 808 653 658 973 723 1,180 1,080 737 528 768 60 611 693 835 359 548 511 378 700 593 930 1,053 506 351 708 61 484 736 438 266 695 754 365 1,093 377 884 709 402 281 377 62 334 479 284 228 419 432 239 632 255 638 392 166 174 196 '.3 634 863 487 370 752 927 513 1,347 431 1,119 796 448 415 394 i.:. 412 619 295 295 455 534 336 837 277 728 419 173 254 207 1 5 464 715 423 266 670 694 339 1,041 347 817 648 372 275 357 66 309 462 274 211 353 382 239 596 219 542 361 151 147 166 67 607 835 462 355 713 826 455 1,253 388 1,010 704 397 393 373 ,,; 372 600 274 264 369 477 317 772 245 618 382 157 219 171 .'» 12 5 20 1 31 91 36 74 40 92 75 25 7 21 70 12 6 23 16 55 5 27 15 81 30 10 15 15 71 12 5 20 1 31 91 41 74 40 92 75 25 7 21 72 13 24 16 55 5 34 15 86 30 10 15 15 73 13 23 12 8 10 16 17 3 17 16 25 13 74 34 15 6 65 2 14 26 17 24 6 15 21 77 15 23 5 14 8 10 17 20 3 17 17 26 15 76 35 15 7 70 2 14 31 17 24 7 6 20 21 77 958 1.165 1,023 622 913 797 645 1,249 1,001 1,655 1,397 525 572 577 78 888 1,106 973 506 746 757 419 1,079 791 1,413 1,407 406 500 555 79 1,028 1,255 1,075 772 1,041 896 726 1,352 1,073 1,833 1,484 568 744 601 81 981 1,213 1,020 564 858 884 450 1,158 855 1,666 1,463 427 622 560 Jl 462 883 579 6% 970 936 1,383 1,111 1,734 1,600 1,002 1,071 737 92 1.188 519 1,322 654 933 1,132 1,065 1,401 1,449 1,636 2,802 933 1,182 937 33 1,126 686 1,162 893 1,203 974 1,206 1,426 1,335 1,952 1,883 975 1,328 1,014 ■>.. 1,428 782 1,165 765 996 1,011 918 1,352 1,243 1,858 2,622 959 1,529 1,078 85 309 735 626 842 831 614 1,152 976 1,430 1,266 761 626 647 7 720 327 699 496 714 830 535 1,091 949 1,166 1,678 651 814 650 87 92 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 6.-FARM LABOR AND SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES: CENSUSES OF [Data are based on reports for only 1950. persons 1954 . 1950. Family workers, including operator farms reporting 1954 . 1950. Operators working 1 or more hours persons 1954. 1950. 1 to 14 hours persons 1954 . 15 or more hours persons 1954 . Unpaid members of operator's family farms reporting 1954. 1950. persons 1954 . 1950. Hired workers farms reporting 1954 . 1950. persons 1954. 1950. Regular workers (employed 150 or more days) farms reporting 1954 . persons 1954. Seasonal workers (employed less than 150 days) farms reporting 1954 . persons 1954 . SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Specified farm expenditures farms reporting 1954. 1949. Machine hire and/or hired labor farms reporting 1954 . 1949. Machine hire farms reporting 1^954 . 1949. dollars 1954. 1949. Hired labor farms reporting 1954 . 1949. dollars 1954. 1949. $1 to $99 farms reporting 1954 . $100 to $199 farms reporting 1954 . $200 to $499 farms reporting 1954 . $500 to $999 farms reporting 1954 . $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting 1954. $2,500 and over farms reporting 1954 . Feed for livestock and poultry, .farms eporting 1954. 1949. dollars 1954. 1949. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil farms reporting 1954. 1949. dollars 1954. 1949. Commercial fertiliz farms reporting 1954. dollars 1954. tons 1954. acres on which used 1954. Lime and liming materials farms reporting 1954. tons 1954. dollars 1954. acres limed 1954. USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER Crops on which commercial fertilizer »as used, 1954; Hay and cropland pasture farms reporting acres on which used Other pasture farms reporting acres on which used Corn. farms reporting acres on which used Cotton .farms reporting acres on which used Fruits, vegetables, and potatoes farms reporting acres on which used Other crops farms reporting acres on which used 141,433 174,689 302,459 312,045 135,816 160, 939 39,691 96,125 17,589 17,504 69,454 38,044 110,850 118, 199 78,963 89,275 8,503,284 9,384,069 72,546 77,846 29,553,008 26,928,960 33,574 13,944 13,326 5,288 4,087 2,327 115,428 114,275 52,187,945 26,217,160 76,485 50, 110 15,784,161 12,045,794 144,320 40,333,408 961,765 4,781,262 6,821 204,291 1, 167, 955 229,026 18,785 115,431 576,006 8,278 64,954 350,826 121,357 338,663 2,151,349 103,344 301,897 1,132,673 26,494 89,306 442,633 1,257 1,547 3,104 3,282 1,433 2,449 1,561 2,671 897 1,623 839 1,667 607 1,167 521 1,060 62,288 230,139 95,240 202,489 584 1,067 684 1,292 473,577 1,617,897 503, 283 1,304,988 1,060 1,033 495,825 531,097 1,195 499,658 12,620 57,659 10, 577 56,571 9,104 1,040 3,343 21,294 1,999 2,262 1,239,414 1,138,454 1,516 1,387 789,386 698,813 2,071 1,818,970 46,062 126,340 5,515 39,111 6,766 1,631 9,531 31,823 2,034 2,466 4,182 5,310 1,209 1,192 1,340 1,271 1,705 2,143 444 244 522 372 1,389 909 1,309 808 1,830 2,163 1,423 1,730 223,121 296,505 1,248 1,568 447,506 420,644 1,390 1,485 397,479 287,624 2,070 801,034 18,673 96,724 3,575 27,620 5,451 1,865 5,990 41,739 1,621 4,230 15,871 1,441 1,584 4,843 22,041 1,320 1,382 2,171 153,105 3,858 20,175 2,213 3,265 1,309 2,790 148,390 165,050 1,553 2,346 2,598 2, 865, 807 652,989 1,797 1,531 245,777 177,292 3,114 851,722 18,969 83,973 2,281 8,588 2,049 2,826 8,321 43,025 2,131 5,484 18,580 1,282 2,089 7,679 1,349 1,590 2,780 1,200 375,905 250, 990 1,382 307, 002 8,320 44,346 1,846 13,300 1,835 1,157 1,920 16,021 1,134 2,320 9,689 xFor 1950, "Week preceding enumeration.' Excludes farms reporting ial fertilizer and lime. ALABAMA 1954 AND 1950; AND USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER: CENSUS OF 1954 a sample of farms. See text] 93 Calhoun Chambers Cherokee Chilton Choctaw Clarke Clay Cleburne Coffee Colbert Conecuh Coosa Covington Crenshaw 1,997 2,209 2,141 2,967 2,357 2,516 2,060 1,435 2,831 1,867 2,342 1,392 3,043 1,964 2,446 2,477 2,818 3,368 2,633 2,860 2,188 1,682 3,443 2,122 2,804 1,632 3,744 2,677 . 1,357 1,831 1,829 2,004 1,835 1,966 1,550 1,203 2,389 1,513 1,846 1,114 2,480 1,571 > 1,631 1,963 2,349 2,619 2,147 2,292 1,656 1,304 3,076 1,825 2,383 1,325 3,105 2,334 ■'. 2,228 2,987 4,711 3,370 3,591 2,915 2,384 1,969 5,202 5,269 3,313 1,648 4,015 2,892 5 2,894 3,603 3,875 4,674 3,537 3,962 2,615 2,012 5,615 3,571 4,212 2,248 5,604 4,178 6 1,352 1,811 1,813 1,987 1,790 1,951 1,535 1,196 2,366 1,487 1,836 1,107 2,467 1,550 1 1,630 1,933 2,333 2,557 2,115 2,242 1,640 1,303 3,034 1,795 2,323 1,304 3,008 2,294 a 1,332 1,780 1,752 1,937 1,689 1,876 1,480 1,166 2,326 1,437 1,819 1,107 2,387 1,519 9 1,450 1,843 2,262 2,366 1,897 1,992 1,530 1,222 2,933 1,710 2,137 1,154 2,777 2,181 1',' 590 274 805 711 702 417 257 257 496 658 283 730 233 II 742 1,128 1,478 1,132 978 1,174 1,063 909 2,069 941 1,161 824 1,657 1,286 12 416 399 967 386 715 497 502 548 888 623 402 299 717 552 13 737 749 904 1,081 967 1,256 656 512 1,299 684 993 627 1,509 1,058 14 669 626 2,164 659 1,219 659 708 700 1,746 1,330 672 407 1,037 917 15 1,168 1,328 1,308 1,776 1,354 1,689 931 739 2,035 1,049 1,442 908 2,170 1,502 16 125 213 150 232 216 140 82 50 314 375 217 83 254 182 17 175 204 153 292 168 186 104 28 451 206 382 116 413 308 IS 227 581 795 774 683 380 196 103 1,130 2,502 822 134 591 456 19 276 432 305 532 286 281 154 51 647 812 633 186 657 495 20 65 5 33 33 30 11 8 95 97 41 31 51 34 21 55 145 31 47 57 43 11 28 176 380 115 56 82 84 22 86 162 146 207 187 126 76 44 269 325 182 54 224 156 23 172 436 764 727 626 337 185 75 954 2,122 707 78 509 372 24 1.707 2,114 2,126 2,615 2,321 2,364 1,594 1,263 2,825 1,737 1,961 1,386 3,043 1,919 25 1,928 1,656 2,491 2,732 2,280 2,285 1,652 1,257 3,141 1,892 2,386 1,287 3,298 2,377 26 720 1,358 1,783 1,750 1,253 1,517 1,096 731 2,071 1,179 1,386 526 1,734 1,396 27 1,006 1,831 1,745 1,028 871 941 661 2,784 1,406 1,770 540 2,420 1,943 28 404 884 1,486 1,181 829 670 774 622 1,786 922 931 318 1,328 1,084 29 663 628 1,439 1,189 507 338 814 542 2,521 801 1,213 375 2,062 1,722 30 37,170 72,573 205,794 86,045 36,088 40,999 36,172 26,640 370,187 214,663 80,304 35,222 150,027 147,224 31 45,579 42,096 104,506 51,282 14,533 17,680 33,680 19,595 448,628 237,244 90, 186 27,113 241,007 197,555 32 484 945 1,223 1,124 626 1,274 621 306 1,300 943 990 309 1,218 989 33 753 896 1,156 1,215 797 710 411 271 1,839 1,239 1,294 322 1,502 1,228 34 126,513 258,984 301,705 361,029 117,796 164,282 106,565 48,044 446,610 713,878 319,580 82,235 335,680 310,496 35 199,375 211,064 239,791 257,312 77,158 104,443 39,815 30,079 460, 808 1,184,166 361,375 77,211 394,257 319,250 36 226 563 392 437 423 1,021 350 190 480 285 440 175 626 440 37 129 331 275 88 104 131 76 252 165 207 49 216 211 38 88 136 336 231 70 72 111 31 289 196 167 57 242 219 39 37 53 135 75 26 38 13 1 155 138 102 13 75 52 40 35 40 23 92 15 30 10 7 106 91 61 8 39 50 41 3 24 6 14 4 9 6 1 18 68 13 7 20 17 42 1,150 1,235 1,141 1,690 1,754 1,617 751 861 2,082 1,280 1,212 1,177 2,436 1,122 43 1,239 955 1,351 1,821 1,668 1,648 1,053 729 2,227 1,287 1,661 1,042 2,514 1,679 44 533,801 339,978 330,103 360, 916 249,563 187,931 1,319,327 1,299,900 466,501 328, 578 222,020 661,207 793,042 353, 918 45 304,349 273,111 161, 880 339,650 210,556 171,201 192,540 100,518 437,254 360,126 212,559 254,280 409,977 398,824 46 882 728 1,285 1,050 661 749 661 486 1,271 945 805 422 1,614 684 47 743 582 1,265 797 251 310 351 312 976 775 513 204 1,054 597 48 124,914 123,993 287,255 157,232 58,697 144, 537 56,560 51,282 287,099 338,283 156,929 45,285 246,870 151,210 49 122,360 93,605 279,618 134,840 38,326 55,488 34,470 31,845 200,256 279,117 139,820 41,070 235,881 114,111 50 1,372 1,722 1,884 2,290 2,085 2,162 1,647 1,115 2,441 1,379 2,046 967 2,518 1,603 51 250,305 458,109 702,435 488, 577 211,626 304,028 245,746 145,587 1,023,907 510,513 560,527 101,359 905,379 534,556 52 6,010 10,388 15,672 10,812 4,778 6,868 5,118 3,438 25,594 13,090 13,586 2,464 21,768 12,712 53 30,874 48,290 72,300 54,061 32,305 40,598 28,403 19,372 139,758 66,411 73,287 13,564 111,262 68,449 54 145 111 111 59 10 56 91 47 163 76 67 85 128 30 P5 3,260 4,755 3,298 2,214 519 1,324 2,101 1,086 2,874 3,838 1,746 1,438 3,530 369 56 16,291 42,141 14,781 10, 950 2,981 11,093 13,481 5,395 19,628 10,799 10,259 9,054 25,295 2,557 57 3,375 5,884 2,354 3,135 639 1,518 1,893 759 4,101 3,043 2,008 1,299 5,615 1,517 '.8 225 351 429 593 130 247 428 214 151 126 209 208 279 56 59 1,185 2,585 1,076 1,894 237 1,157 648 269 874 1,085 1,034 369 1,503 458 60 6,171 12,513 5,570 10,691 1,800 5,894 4,171 1,347 4,625 5,857 4,971 2,286 6,974 2,473 61 72 141 75 110 25 144 62 47 138 69 289 62 285 63 62 406 1,439 653 252 194 967 264 105 1,110 710 1,539 346 1,350 650 63 1,972 6,971 2,586 2,920 1,860 4,274 1,675 692 7,167 3,959 7,566 1,532 7,088 3,321 64 1,124 1,469 1,747 1,844 1,940 1,893 1,480 983 2,243 942 1,838 846 2,217 1,529 65 2,460 2,708 6,499 3,779 2,494 2,749 2,453 1,984 9,943 3,146 6,193 1,071 10,488 6,539 66 15,113 16,175 36,962 22,155 20,864 21,994 16,212 12,675 67,778 21,835 43,433 6,808 65,235 41,321 67 569 1,067 1,603 1,339 1,431 1,378 762 486 1,984 1,061 1,566 329 1,747 1,123 68 1,650 3,154 6,803 2,754 1,672 1,539 1,460 898 6,553 6,934 3,615 405 4,983 2,992 69 5,680 10,088 23,748 9,865 7,012 6,765 4,758 3,364 24,343 28,067 13,603 1,588 16,712 12,057 70 135 302 218 958 158 425 327 211 275 112 256 168 284 219 71 82 139 171 2,015 65 148 196 97 164 140 204 168 340 106 72 335 523 592 6,439 209 712 592 317 526 489 699 744 857 383 73 56 115 128 196 115 86 121 81 2,027 159 649 82 1,574 1,169 74 150 294 399 304 100 295 118 102 7,052 896 835 72 3,067 1,925 75 1,197 1,904 2,047 1,589 522 1,154 815 775 33,634 6,936 3,850 451 13,186 10, 105 76 94 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 6.-FARM LABOR AND SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES: CENSUSES OF [Data are based on reports for only Estimated number of farms. FARM LABOR Week of October 24-30: ' Family and/or hired workers farms reporting 1954. 1950. persons 1954 . 1950. Family workers, including operator farms reporting 1954. 1950. Operators working 1 or more hours persons 1954 . 1950. 1 to 14 hours persons 1954 . 15 or more hours persons 1954 . Unpaid members of operator's family farms reporting 1954. 1950. persons 1954. 1950. Hired workers farms reporting 1954 . 1950. persons 1954. 1950. eporting 1954. persons 1954 . Seasonal workers (employed less than 150 days) farms reporting 1954. persons 1954 . SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Specified farm expenditures2 farms reporting 1954. 1949. Machine hire and/or hired labor farms reporting 1954 . 1949. Machine hire farms reporting 1954 . 1949. dollars 1954. 1949. Hired labor farms reporting 1954 . 1949. dollars 1954. 1949. $1 to $99 farms reporting 1954 . $100 to $199 farms reporting 1954. $200 to $499 farms reporting 1954 . $500 to $999 farms reporting 1954 . $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting 1954. $2,500 and over farms reporting 1954. Feed for livestock and poultry. .farms reporting 1954. 1949. dollars 1954. 1949. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil farms reporting 1954 . 1949. dollars 1954. 1949. Commercial fertilizer farms reporting 1954 . dollars 1954. tons 1954. acres on which used 1954. Lime and liming materials farms reporting 1954. tons 1954. dollars 1954. acres limed 1954. USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER Crops on •hich connercial fertilizer 27,138 24,42( 49,888 25,358 15,549 43,245 34,978 35,026 26,505 28,166 27,242 39 48,406 69,748 87,04 62,407 69,27= 51,686 46,509 23,533 49,705 51,731 96,085 34,105 34,782 83,073 40 85 56 15 , 78 12 3 175 119 42 91 41 88 50 92 57 41 43 50 11 J 98 7 S 119 124 57 42 51 42 33 62 58 42 1,398 3,472 2,29 7 1,268 11,56 I 6,906 3,083 3,142 4,999 1,456 2,867 3,531 1,890 3,096 43 562 4,152 2,27 3 1,642 1,78 L 4,336 1,873 376 652 657 427 254 677 818 44 78 156 6 3 90 18 3 193 78 44 112 5 132 171 92 112 45 9 34 2 3 52 7 L 86 53 7 33 28 28 76 43 46 5,855 11,172 1,93 1,948 8,07 7 7,219 5,148 3,196 4,233 62 3,717 13,084 4,946 4,590 47 455 1,877 53 5 1,768 1,45 I 2,761 1,445 348 613 1,859 3,343 3,083 1,101 48 132 214 16 I 133 26 299 181 79 187 41 183 213 175 160 49 84,196 168,122 73,06 3 47,578 324,63 i 272,120 66,473 86,729 116,099 29,239 106,403 118,132 107,157 105, 149 50 62,516 198,945 200,85 3 176,412 198,12 3 393,435 82,372 60,416 198,590 49,069 168,890 88,094 218,069 136,100 51 112 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 8-NURSERY, GREENHOUSE, AND FOREST (For definitions and explanations, see text) Cullman Dale Dallas De Kalb Eljnore Escambia Etowah Fayette Franlilin Nursery and greenhouse products, flower and vegetable seeds and plants, and bulbs: 1 Nursery and greenhouse products, flower and vegetable seeds and plants, flowers, and 46,272 54,135 2 2,25 560 6,575 17,208 10,030 8,500 7,684 62,400 28,171 51,275 65,195 2,400 2,486 2 1949... 3 Nursery products (trees, shrubs, vines. 10 2 3 5 5 8 4 1949... 8 3 1 3 9 8 1 5 acres 1954... 58 (Z) 52 46 78 43 6 1949... 53 (Z) 6 2 31 4 3 7 18,307 48,445 25 10 3,380 14,100 4,000 8,200 825 58,400 25,535 16,950 18„930 600 8 1949... 9 Cut flowers, potted plants, florist greens, and bedding plants grown for sale: 6 4 1 10 1949... 5 3 2 2 6 1 11 square feet 1954 . . . 14,375 26,140 4,400 12 1949... 5,970 3 1,561 3,454 828 19,000 540 13 7 3 3 1 7 2 14 1949... 5 : 2 1 8 2 5 2 15 acres 1954... 3 (z (z) 7 (Z) 7 4 16 1949... 4 (Z) (Z) 6 1 10 8 17 13 3 3 1 7 2 18 1949... 8 4 1 9 3 9 2 19 dollars 1954... 24,119 2 450 1,058 300 32,525 1,300 20, 1949... 3,139 2,00C 2,445 30 6,759 2,596 45,555 1,556 21 Vegetables grown under glass, flower seeds, vegetable seeds, vegetable plants, bulbs, and mushrooms produced for sale: Grown under glass or in 10 2 1 22 1949... 8 1 1 1 1 23 square feet 1954... 9,370 2,000 4,400 24 1949... 4,358 150 360 50 200 25 3 1 2 1 3 1 26 1949... 5 3 2 2 2 27 acres 1954... 3 (Z) 20 3 5 3 28 1949... 3 1 10 1 1 29 13 1 2 1 4 1 30 1949... 12 3 2 1 1 3 2 31 dollars 1954... 3,846 100 2,050 4,000 1,800 1,100 32 1949... 2,551 750 6,000 100 40 710 330 33 Forest products: 714 51 2,071 1,120 519 99 474 575 573 34 1949... 2,292 7* 2,039 2,342 951 345 987 795 1,631 35 cords (4'x 4'x 8') 1954... 4,535 2,31^ 16,053 10,444 3,906 914 4,132 3,341 4,765 36 1949... 16,310 4,923 18,697 29,656 8,732 2,594 8,326 5,131 11,765 37 429 161 568 304 257 10 185 212 231 38 1949. . . 904 2Y 847 873 319 49 333 368 738 39 number 1954 .. . 68,030 43.07S 155,058 44,608 45,568 11,285 39, 578 34,065 47,421 40 1949... 117,857 61,89; 213,983 101,190 82,613 7,929 44,893 67,025 129,186 41 Sawlogs and veneer logs cut (including standing 388 llc 89 283 86 49 124 205 45 42 1949 1.. 550 y. 24 400 38 50 116 140 121 43 thousands of bd. ft. 1954... 4,733 4,90; 7,828 4,221 9,264 981 2,983 2,835 768 44 19491.. 3,278 48r 455 2,736 802 363 843 1,075 714 45 Pulpwood cut farms reporting 1954 98 4r 85 24 143 67 81 175 14 46 1949... 49 27 8 64 43 17 162 4 47 cords 1954... 1,443 1,843 10,152 855 10, 861 4,051 2,022 2,754 209 48 1949 . . . 562 39c 1,705 2,639 2,605 2,125 624 4,990 217 49 Value of firewood, fence posts, logs, lumber, pulp- wood, piling and poles, bark, bolts, Christmas trees, hewn ties, mine timber, and other miscellaneous 332 15f 158 206 215 104 176 283 51 50 dollars 1954... 141,713 107, 17( 229,467 113,310 298,790 63,654 108,028 108,299 15,912 51 1949... 287, 929 69,063 113,175 137,335 162,300 100,881 92,846 137,632 72,348 Z Reported in small fractions. 1Doea not include amount, sold as standing timber. ALABAMA 113 PRODUCTS: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued Geneva Greene Hale Hen,, Houston Jackson Jefferson _ Lauderdale Lawrence Lee Limestone Lowndes Macon 250 17,735 3,960 458,068 28, 832 261,450 63,465 55 25,020 1 260 50 1,556 3,928 7,796 10,208 277,984 1 J 25,428 427, 576 47,988 325 6,084 2 1 3 3 13 8 14 6 2 3 1 3 4 2 20 4 9 3 2 3 4 (z) 11 4 221 16 122 134 (Z) 5 1 1 22 4 376 (z 10 184 9 1 2 6 200 17,700 780 315,300 8,265 59,200 58,925 2,060 7 200 1,100 1 7,495 1 1,150 1 160,393 23 1 3 4,413 3 55,950 3 42,558 275 1 3,100 2 8 9 4 18 3 3 1 2 10 432 100 600 188,081 6,610 71,220 100 10,800 11 964 1 100, 566 16 11,122 9 48,640 3 300 2 1 708 12 13 1 3 6 3 9 12 23 29 7 3 4 4 3 11 (Z) 2 14 15 (Z) 7 2 2 27 73 7 3 2 2 16 1 1 2 28 11 6 2 1 4 17 1 3 6 3 7 35 7 5 4 4 18 50 35 3,180 130,093 17,292 201,250 3,030 50 21,960 19 25 1,556 2,828 113 8,676 111,180 20,615 370,371 820 875 20 1 6 5 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 21 22 15,685 1,000 300 2,016 5 23 420 5,908 5 2,000 4 11,001 2 60 1 24 25 1 1 6 4 11 1 1 4 3 1 1 3 (Z) 26 27 (Z) (z) 3 2 8 (z) 4 2 1 3 3 (Z) 1 5 1 28 29 1 1 1 6 7 12,675 2 3,275 4 1,000 5 1,510 1 5 4 1,000 30 31 35 50 188 382 6,411 400 1,255 4,610 50 2,109 32 542 992 795 121 492 773 72 65 3 1,027 773 401 861 1,018 514 33 569 1,883 788 608 1,170 1,767 246 1,31 5 1,427 1,612 664 1,257 1,001 1,096 X 2,704 9,263 8,378 709 2,473 7,039 390 3,36 L 9,583 7,060 4,187 8,491 11,621 4,643 35 2,528 19,916 7,692 4,188 6,206 21,950 1,501 8,79 L 15,801 17,078 5,990 11,471 10,705 11,937 36 92 271 177 63 157 242 68 34 5 425 331 189 286 315 239 37 100 627 295 255 257 684 142 65 3 770 521 357 511 402 516 38 17,322 52,726 47,596 20,150 39,015 52,313 12,621 47,05 3 88,825 61,134 44,307 51,334 108,616 62,347 39 15,207 124,396 58,316 73,744 43,465 96,861 22,487 84,38 3 126,241 96,713 88,411 79,521 190,146 140,750 40 84 56 36 46 81 156 48 21 L 103 138 34 123 89 61 41 77 11 36 40 73 176 42 10 > 202 182 33 180 38 23 42 2,512 3,745 2,601 2,747 2,293 3,483 711 8.24J 3 1,577 931 4,002 1,065 4,709 4,086 43 834 503 1,154 665 874 1,071 340 1,76. . 793 1,285 877 783 410 757 44 48 33 48 47 41 9 31 9 J 11 140 2 117 77 45 22 10 13 19 8 3 4 81 3 37 49 27 46 2,444 2,425 1,443 2,299 1,708 108 1,272 84 156 13,811 58 14,477 5,658 47 805 962 314 492 399 35 91 87 ) 28 4,241 2,994 2,424 48 111 68 84 81 102 141 67 26 59 64 175 80 182 125 49 73,946 85,601 66,906 69,948 79,268 90,302 32,197 209,94 36,904 23,222 153,561 48,083 163, 521 101,037 50 106,119 83,685 86,970 99,407 101,527 136,712 44,164 128,541 > 46,678 46,692 119,843 17,738 104,299 139,431 51 114 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table R-NURSERY, GREENHOUSE, AND FOREST (For definitions and explanations, see text) Nursery and greenhouse products, flower and vegetable seeds and plants, and bulbs: Nursery and greenhouse products, flower and vegetable seeds and plants, flowers, and bulbs sold dollars 1954. 1949. Nursery products (trees, shrubs, vines, ornamentals, etc.) farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Sold dollars 1954 . 1949. Cut flowers, potted plants, florist greens, and bedding plants grown for sale: Grown under glass farms reporting 1954. 1949. square feet 1954 . 1949. Grown in open farms reporting 1954. 1949.. acres 1954., 1949. . Sold farms reporting 1954., 1949.. dollars 1954.. 1949.. Vegetables grown under glass, flower seeds, vegetable seeds, vegetable plants, bulbs, and mushrooms produced for sale: Grown under glass or in house farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. square feet 1954.. 1949.. Grown in open farms reporting 1954 . . 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949.. Sold farms reporting 1954. . 1949. . dollars 1954.. 1949.. Forest products: Firewood and fuelwood cut farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. cords (4'x 4'x 81 ) 1954.. 1949.. Fence posts cut farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. number 1954 . . 1949.. Sawlogs and veneer logs cut (including standing timber sold) farms reporting 1954. . 19491 . thousands of bd. ft. 1954.. 19491 . Pulpwood cut farms reporting 1954 . . 1949.. cords 1954.. 1949.. Value of firewood, fence posts, logs, lumber, pulp- wood, piling and poles, bark, bolts, Christmas trees, hewn ties, mine timber, and other miscellaneous forest products sold farms reporting 1954.. dollars 1954.. 1949.. 904,315 845,864 1,485 1,098 838,915 771,450 62,000 21,000 65,400 70,928 55,509 88, U5 57,629 32,373 459 1,058 1,170 1,405 5,132 9,321 13,976 12,286 Z Reported in small fractions. elude amount sold 152,785 192,015 10,633 3,933 10,337 3,264 366,987 262,222 standing tijaber. 1,752 6,799 14,018 68,392 119,783 4,448 1,236 112,403 104,975 102,570 30,515 27,570 4,650 40,000 18,006 75,000 25,800 1,518 3,331 14,415 31,597 129,827 2,618 2,425 91,306 126,309 2,259,004 1,797,230 2,210 1,163 1,981,485 1,422,430 208,735 212,410 271,789 372,550 5,730 2,250 4,712 11,324 6,523 3,652 65,667 93,559 1,900 4,178 1,650 4,011 2,571 4,604 21,827 52,429 11,977 1,220 253,960 590,708 241,281 533,443 179,548 193,203 158,386 417,588 42,025 1,995 1,299 6,053 12,213 144,094 210,428 9,280 2,308 104,899 92,769 23,242 27,564 12,042 8,975 11,170 8,170 U-,175 15,464 1,654 5,775 14,458 37,702 78,592 2,777 1,162 89,536 70,817 ALABAMA 115 PRODUCTS: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued Pickens Pike Randolph Russell St. Clair Shelby Sumter Talladega Tallapoosa Tuscaloosa Walker Washington Wilcox Winston 1,532 2,100 26( 3,0CK 490 3,025 25,050 59,890 111,177 17,300 88 6,440 1 4,500 1,408 1,70 22,82 1,000 1 8,500 4 403 14,830 2 22,105 162,474 4 11,784 600 2,250 1 2 3 3 2 1 1 1 13 2 1 2 80 6 161 28 1 6 4 5 6 1 ' 1 23 10 2 52 10 (Z) 6 400 1,800 6C .. 90 2,325 575 37,300 79,000 13,300 4,500 7 190 85 7,37 1,000 ... 5,575 505 3 1,100 129,692 7 4,209 1 500 3 8 9 1 1 2 2 5 3 1 1 10 40 5,00( ... 4,304 20,120 23,177 3,358 7,500 11 1,65 6,50( ... 432 L,600 7,550 40,320 12,959 3,840 240 6,825 12 5 1 .. 1 1 3 2 11 1 13 6 1 ... 3 2 2 7 2 1 1 14 12 (z) (z 1 (Z) 6 1 12 2 15 6 2 1 . 1 10 1 6 2 3 5 13 2 1 (Z) 3 3 16 17 6 2 ... 4 1 3 2 9 4 1 1 18 1,132 100 20( 3,00C 200 400 23,300 22,450 32,160 4,000 1,740 19 2,100 1,208 85< 15,45 ... 2,675 400 14,315 21,000 21,782 7,475 100 2,000 20 1 1 1 21 1 2 1 22 500 1 1 (Z) 1,200 1 1 300 1 1 (Z) 100 1 1 (z) 3,876 2 1 (z) 240 1 3 1 1 1 23 24 25 26 27 (z) 1 1 1 1 1 (z) 2 1 1 1 1 15 2 2 (Z) 2 2 (z) 1 1 28 29 30 200 200 300 1,175 140 17 88 200 31 10 250 10 5 11,000 100 250 32 892 838 1,19 72. 426 187 1,485 414 690 568 268 321 1,298 368 33 1,710 1,399 1,68" 94( ) 835 590 1,412 1,012 983 1,489 1,040 396 1,089 1,061 34 7,174 7,322 10,05 7,77 2,584 1,293 20,341 3,746 4,005 4,788 1,655 2,437 14,509 2,644 3? 28,879 12,122 14,03 7 7,51 5,573 4,973 14,994 9,596 8,232 13,006 7,156 3,811 14,324 7,907 3-: 330 417 63 L 20 241 50 617 192 249 205 237 128 499 201 37 768 669 81 1 32 312 231 488 326 451 554 764 147 367 598 38 64,138 109,928 112,9L 52,44 42,603 6,797 155,969 43,446 52,701 43,349 35,793 35,066 151,872 30,438 39 121,475 185,377 136,18' r 7i,7i ! 47,848 41,385 134,881 63,203 83,478 78,402 108,418 26,245 126,295 87,098 40 163 91 15 i 4 > 123 64 75 80 68 208 119 117 159 136 41 140 54 T ) L > 68 58 25 45 30 108 218 82 62 258 42 6,957 5,738 3,4a > 4,76 3,151 1,376 7,923 2,103 3,385 6,027 2,622 4,371 6,078 1,660 43 2,784 1,808 79 ) 27 > 641 1,146 733 352 683 1,272 2,305 1,526 3,706 1,967 44 167 166 15 S 7 1 138 104 86 58 262 233 179 153 168 33 45 79 43 2 ) 11 > 40 20 31 15 26 123 77 84 36 18 46 6,472 12,387 7,93 J 6,14 7 4,551 5,489 3,861 3,761 26,658 9,356 4,164 20,200 15,869 487 47 2,633 2,773 iZ 7 1,37 ! 963 556 1,317 277 1,450 4,887 934 3,051 2,019 97 48 260 239 24 J lO1 1 210 145 148 113 308 375 263 217 267 147 40 204,028 157,188 83,2s1 ) 104,11 ) 100,096 47,552 155,398 66,309 179,997 216,829 79,134 289,864 253,305 47,345 '0 242,500 224,279 124,15 3 216,58. , 95,039 72,493 156,918 54,205 122,437 179,142 128,351 743,517 244,999 117,831 '■1 116 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9 (Part 1 of 5) .-SPECIFIED CROPS (For definitions and explanations, see text) The State Autauga Baldwin Barbour Bibb Blount Bullock Butler 1 2 1949 . . . 134,024 171,579 1,140 1,528 1.651 1,886 2,008 2,487 831 1,183 2,937 3,894 1,332 1,578 1,692 2,396 3 4 acres 1954... 1949... 2,314,468 2,471,589 23,888 30, 546 31,936 29,856 46,144 49,056 10,787 15,275 47,210 45,073 17,335 24, 178 29,518 40,032 5 6 1949... 129,701 169,251 1,095 1,504 1,616 1,815 1,898 2,420 820 1,179 2,905 3,881 1,321 1,432 1,639 2,356 7 8 acres 1954... 1949... 2,076,074 2,299,479 20, 737 28,695 28,529 26,232 36,864 41,758 10,653 15,133 46,418 44,921 17,123 21,261 26,798 36, 745 9 10 bushels 1954... 1949... 26,033,362 40,972,309 213,977 525, 870 910,020 621,786 461,490 559,577 143,912 297,173 575,737 1,106,476 186,390 208,951 347,461 572,192 11 12 1949... 696 162 11 2 70 30 55 1 6 1 13 14 acres 1954. . . 1949 . . . 14,448 3,167 463 113 1,412 785 1,011 55 151 6 15 16 tons, green weight 1954... 1949... 78,170 18, 876 1,820 678 9,392 3,815 6,338 350 951 60 17 18 Hogged or grazed, or cut for green or dry fodder farms reporting 1954. . . 1949... 13,127 12,336 115 110 130 196 463 508 17 25 65 30 30 169 225 310 19 20 acres 1954... 1949... 223,946 168,943 2,688 1,738 1,995 2,839 8,269 7,298 134 87 641 152 206 2,917 2,720 3,287 21 22 1949... 24, 513 28,474 81 226 391 206 444 327 130 352 866 991 80 70 238 268 23 24 bushels 1954... 1949... 5,641,636 4,382,322 33,272 82,415 202,472 50,244 83,435 30,615 19,242 55,112 152,726 119,358 7,555 8,219 52,184 37,730 25 26 Sorghum for all purposes except for 1949... 6,164 6,510 43 23 53 28 14 37 21 21 105 184 21 14 19 19 27 28 acres 1954... 1949... 47,679 38,197 365 228 581 301 283 160 190 84 291 751 346 109 260 206 29 30 Harvested for grain or for 1949... 1,391 2,355 10 9 20 9 3 2 7 5 16 62 8 1 5 31 32 acres 1954... 1949... 17,542 20,379 142 136 179 77 73 24 119 48 73 410 120 18 1 37 33 34 bushels 1954... 1949... 271,237 369,014 1,787 3,170 3,193 1,690 1,575 414 835 1,195 1,350 9,832 1,775 285 10 439 35 36 Cut for silage farms reporting 1954 .. . 1949... 491 198 3 5 12 9 .!". 37 38 acres 1954... 1949... 8,205 3,932 30 70 152 88 46 39 40 tons, green weight 1954 — 1949. . . 50,017 28,908 131 412 1,099 723 400 41 42 Hogged or grazed, or cut for dry forage or hay farms reporting 1954. . . 1949... 4,405 4,102 31 9 23 12 11 35 14 16 86 132 14 10 18 15 43 44 acres 1954... 1949... 21,932 13,886 193 22 250 136 210 136 71 36 172 341 226 91 259 169 45 46 tons cut 1954. . . 1949... 10,405 12,218 71 6 76 111 38 76 25 17 145 364 78 34 33 42 47 48 1949... 183 326 1 7 1 3 1 2 1 49 bushels 1954... 50,738 1,153 218 450 50 51 Sorghum hay or forage sold farms reporting 1954... tons 1954. . . 142 383 24 52 53 Small grains: 1949... 8,587 3,376 177 65 281 157 68 17 42 28 179 79 56 33 72 25 54 55 acres 1954... 1949 . . . 173,037 57,922 6,309 1,929 6,549 2,719 1,800 290 1,075 350 1,757 565 1,544 1,232 1,066 272 56 57 bushels 1954... 1949... 5,107,862 1,306,543 176,483 46,714 133,378 51,538 43,042 6,956 18,801 9,629 61,144 13,052 50,001 12,045 26,748 4,392 58 59 bushels sold 1954... 1949... 1,292,499 339,615 62,006 11,327 42,165 13,194 6,767 1,703 1,411 17,794 2,636 2,519 780 9,095 796 60 Other grain threshed or 1,956 38 64 2 3 12 4 1 61 62 acres 1954... 1949... 28,288 12,320 681 89 741 645 31 13 10 127 92 94 200 1 63 64 bushels 1954... 1949... 571,260 195,178 15,192 1,518 11,990 8,524 435 138 200 2,830 1,323 3,240 2,875 26 65 66 bushels sold 1954... 1949. . . 351,373 107,607 10,831 43 6,792 3,106 325 776 381 800 ... ALABAMA 117 HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 Calhoun Chambers Cherokee Chilton Choctaw Clarke Clay Cleburne Coffee Colbert Conecuh Coosa Covingti in Ci-enshaw 1,378 1,620 1,809 2,062 1,997 2,003 1,504 1,043 2,277 1,220 1,947 904 2,343 1,594 1 1,860 1,942 2,370 2,657 2,241 2,383 1,838 1,330 2,990 1,566 2,428 1,203 3,073 2,274 2 20,410 17,427 39,903 25,632 21,446 23,321 16,133 12,755 68,359 23,658 46,742 6,915 69,441 43,691 3 23,938 23,429 37,923 30,618 26,359 27,006 22,983 17,563 64,191 28, 521 49,317 10,981 72,532 48,740 * 1,33-1 1,548 1,800 2,033 1,993 1,967 1,496 1,040 2,129 1,167 1,896 883 2,147 1,547 5 1,854 1,941 2,367 2,636 2,237 2,366 1,829 1,326 2,830 1,557 2,357 1,196 2,846 2,211 6 19,156 16,749 39,538 25,298 21,239 21,849 16,057 12,651 46,670 22,314 38,933 6,723 47,720 36,504 7 23,806 23,183 37,863 30,258 26,270 25,240 22,683 17, 534 49,124 28,446 41,258 10,856 50,477 40,739 8 320,774 209,307 539,852 304,186 295,294 310,017 235,117 212,008 484,967 234,476 472,128 90, 774 659,410 581,584 9 431,100 371,738 794, 928 556,419 403,308 367,046 355,259 262,301 671,795 617,630 581,627 207,096 755,690 599,607 10 31 6 6 6 2 1 5 6 2 5 8 2 12 11 6 2 1 3 12 758 94 130 61 26 10 28 87 66 100 338 58 214 13 39 35 27 166 i.; 3,600 712 760 378 220 100 195 508 223 647 2,146 180 1,318 L5 264 290 170 680 L6 42 77 24 42 12 138 8 2 1,215 79 399 34 1,092 412 17 12 32 9 41 17 145 18 6 1,158 14 538 15 1,389 568 16 496 584 235 273 181 1,462 48 17 21,623 1,244 7,471 192 21, 663 6,973 19 93 211 60 360 89 1,766 273 29 15,067 75 7,893 125 22,055 8,001 20 294 184 707 254 187 243 192 187 520 190 320 24 492 462 21 263 435 1,004 463 168 117 197 216 346 176 132 136 657 406 22 99,708 22,813 170,895 51, 015 36,177 35,722 33,112 45,730 93,111 34, 856 77,943 4,580 117,554 146,717 23 48, 362 43,985 161,711 58,959 17,379 10,984 18,088 28,474 39, 761 47,299 13,982 11,109 88,206 52,645 24 124 124 163 38 35 17 75 21 43 158 30 57 14 10 25 183 193 208 36 22 24 104 41 53 91 13 83 35 36 .X. 477 993 897 160 132 128 242 39 490 2,479 760 174 128 132 27 910 778 1,375 97 85 107 439 86 203 937 213 188 131 228 26 30 4 62 6 1 1 2 2 11 40 3 3 2 29 70 16 125 8 1 2 26 5 9 23 1 10 2 7 30 201 75 511 40 2 1 4 5 195 902 100 21 85 31 535 123 1,058 25 2 11 227 5 70 439 18 32 4 56 32 3,369 1,059 8,607 360 10 10 85 80 2,012 12,218 1,635 169 1,750 33 9,180 2,864 19,921 580 50 60 2,650 78 1,011 12,915 90 755 6 1,490 34 1 2 22 1 1 3 1 30 7 2 2 35 36 13 21 i 16 2 781 120 30 37 15 105 10 185 38 91 80 16 43 20 5,239 800 145 39 80 421 75 1,415 40 91 119 109 30 34 16 73 19 36 95 27 56 11 8 41 116 160 89 26 21 22 81 36 46 64 12 75 33 30 42 263 897 382 104 130 127 238 34 293 796 540 144 107 47 43 360 550 307 72 83 96 212 81 133 313 195 156 127 172 44 279 706 316 40 102 29 252 33 7 378 76 126 11 i 45 449 608 225 51 67 51 216 66 63 202 120 237 31 17 46 6 5 23 1 "i 5 ■•; 1 1 14 3 3 1 1 1 47 48 913 312 60 6; 168 24 49 11 24 7 16 1 1 19 36 10 50 51 129 123 136 210 30 50 118 68 47 110 72 37 118 56 52 92 72 52 33 19 17 113 21 8 33 12 18 8 25 53 2,071 1,872 2,404 1,854 361 468 1,065 439 869 3,954 1,299 145 2,310 940 54 1,084 1,208 576 241 54 88 771 152 59 650 89 90 195 289 55 56, 505 46,564 77,041 46,427 10,669 13,007 25,464 13,071 25,349 136,311 32,004 2,831 57,745 25,284 56 29,795 29,630 12,410 6,317 670 2,860 18,024 3,424 1,015 16,564 1,995 2,400 1,869 6,015 57 18,682 6,708 21,304 11,620 775 3,876 4,734 5,660 7,643 63,511 6,175 81 12,432 1,848 58 8,570 8,210 1,790 2,525 530 3,859 895 4,025 1,250 340 200 375 59 53 29 36 7 31 46 11 128 3 4 7 5 50 363 435 438 64 110 229 104 4,320 55 8 51 74 61 393 365 307 IS 7 6 125 97 226 11 5 12 2 62 6,357 7,893 9,032 912 1,494 3,274 1,481 94, 599 750 160 981 917 63 8,030 5,620 3,736 280 160 60 1,800 1,226 3,835 110 95 300 20 64 2,020 4,457 4,409 55 1,013 370 70,684 170 190 457 65 5,318 2,670 2,172 210 394 1,845 300 66 118 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9 (Part 1 of 5) -SPECIFIED CROPS Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) cun^ Dale Dallas De Kalb Eljnore Escambia Etowah Fayette Franfelin 1 2 1949... 5,225 6,769 1,276 1,628 3,290 3,900 4,952 6,233 1,872 2,595 1,388 1,751 2,406 2,938 1,724 2,193 1,688 2,340 3 4 acres 1954... 1949... 70,607 62,708 36,208 34,671 39,727 46,634 104,191 86,515 29,961 39,670 31,440 36,494 36,786 34,402 31,291 34,179 28,116 34,075 5 6 1949... 5,199 6,761 1,167 1,520 3,061 3,851 4,937 6,229 1,828 2,588 1,351 1,671 2,310 2,934 1,712 2,192 1,666 2,340 7 8 acres 1954. . . 1949... 69,975 62,544 23,167 22,092 35,220 45,633 103,350 86,347 28,536 39,135 28,274 29,568 35,032 34,239 30,816 34,141 27,605 34,062 9 10 bushels 1954. . . 1949... 897,745 1,568,505 340,704 313,879 240,043 737,894 1,422,602 2,307,082 367,193 665,744 590,028 571,377 511,955 731,828 224,005 655,321 298,648 615,779 11 12 1949... 22 1 10 3 9 9 10 18 2 1 6 13 L4 acres 1954. . . 1949... 217 21 298 11 231 142 266 237 37 18 68 15 16 tons, green weight 1954... 1949... 807 70 1,045 50 1,195 1,051 950 1,781 250 200 291 17 18 Hogged or grazed, or cut for green 1949 . . . 52 34 688 892 275 107 42 26 32 188 473 116 14 26 5 36 2 19 20 acres 1954... 1949 . . . 415 143 13,041 12,579 4,209 990 610 168 1,283 535 2,900 6,926 1,517 126 457 38 443 13 21 1,429 1,353 199 233 124 237 2,278 2,905 223 258 333 247 682 638 215 589 226 608 .. 1949... 23 .A bushels 1954... 1949... 193,628 137,710 52,472 24,098 14,333 68,782 555,681 544,914 69,172 71,389 136,929 50,580 137,585 94,451 37,390 82,665 56,879 83,616 25 26 Sorghum for all purposes except for 1949... 192 194 45 43 74 52 166 210 48 55 10 7 209' 176 58 146 113 147 27 28 acres 1954. . . 1949... 687 580 482 450 1,454 382 587 605 553 350 71 56 756 639 243 333 569 405 29 30 Harvested for grain or for 1949. . . 46 77 22 10 10 12 35 93 17 3 2 30 57 9 65 33 39 31 32 acres 1954. . . 1949... 346 365 244 111 248 62 218 374 120 170 19 22 300 315 104 174 264 158 33 34 bushels 1954... 1949... 6,131 6,660 4,727 2,585 4,922 804 4,986 9,585 1,975 4,485 280 332 5,093 7,441 993 3,476 3,292 2,334 35 if. 1949... 3 1 14 12 12 2 2 16 1 1 14 1 37 38 acres 1954... 1949 . . . 12 5 484 173 121 13 18 60 10 10 58 20 39 40 tons, green weight 1954... 1949... 61 35 2,975 1,566 940 124 100 369 100 60 408 200 41 42 Hogged or grazed, or cut for dry forage 1949... 141 118 27 35 52 28 131 118 34 38 5 6 164 124 49 82 67 112 43 44 acres 1954. . . 1949... 329 210 238 339 722 147 369 231 312 167 34 34 396 314 129 159 247 227 45 46 tons cut 1954... 1949... 269 204 1 902 219 148 334 234 87 66 11 10 318 273 58 151 131 178 47 48 1949... 4 ..* 2 8 13 2 5 6 49 bushels 1954. .. 955 647 1,625 2,840 789 50 51 Sorghum hay or forage sold farms reporting 1954... tons 1954. . . 5 9 2 12 4 18 8 11 3 6 52 53 Sua 11 grains: Oats threshed or combined farms reporting 1954... 1949... 294 120 81 22 250 93 131 68 239 79 111 22 99 56 107 44 70 34 54 55 acres 1954... 1949... 2,361 725 1,285 302 10,917 3,791 1,146 483 5,224 1,628 2,032 590 1,084 419 1,043 585 1,090 322 56 57 bushels 1954... 1949... 89,154 23,069 36,730 6,716 332,563 64,417 44,438 15,271 165,760 42,860 61,331 7,686 33,000 8,546 29,135 17,051 32,731 9,353 58 59 bushels sold 1954. . . 1949 . . . 28,405 10,542 13,087 902 49,554 8,758 13,938 6,343 61,137 23,943 5,400 7,225 1,356 5,890 8,083 9,265 5,298 60 Other grain threshed or 33 11 6 26 12 47 13 3 24 61 62 acres 1954. . . 1949 . . . 102 146 113 1 151 5 178 94 87 639 127 73 38 32 220 141 63 64 bushels 1954 .. . 1949... 2,061 1,929 1,182 10 1,035 6? 3,499 1,554 2,254 1,364 12,125 1,487 1,058 557 710 4,425 2,833 65 66 bushels sold 1954. . . 1949... 210 693 260 1,412 784 1,592 220 8,056 35 287 300 2,854 2,285 ALABAMA 119 HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued Geneva Greene Hale «- Houston Jackson Jefferson U^ Lauderdale Lawrence Lee Limestone Lowndes Macon 1,960 2,535 1,677 2,384 1,947 2,441 1,491 1,995 2,404 2,993 3,110 4,193 1,559 1,984 1,679 2,437 2,562 3,218 2,424 3,164 1,362 1,502 2,926 3,264 1,531 2,301 1,682 1,950 1 2 84,591 67,734 16,956 25,021 17,865 25,246 41,732 35,623 72,932 59,989 87,154 74,716 10,841 13,215 27,154 32,141 40,275 41,637 52,525 50,694 16,983 21,309 52,041 45,264 15,231 27,470 23,990 32,005 3 4 1,753 2,328 1,423 2,381 1,845 2,435 1,352 1,916 2,107 2,803 3,097 4,177 1,490 1,961 1,659 2,434 2,508 3,206 2,373 3,155 1,313 1,461 2,857 3,229 1,485 2,258 1,666 1,930 5 6 50,339 40,197 14,506 24,945 16,445 25,131 31,042 30,992 42,925 45,229 86,358 73,380 10,292 12,756 26,973 32,070 39,185 41,480 50,703 50,488 16,352 20,771 49,683 44,702 14,271 26,658 23,600 31,449 7 8 642,431 626,035 96,875 380,014 137,586 442,122 359,790 442,760 506,893 612,441 1,420,434 1,523,013 116,976 281,285 197,100 634,364 460,414 737,382 400,231 771,170 183,112 289,357 438,961 886,465 142,254 330,194 232,366 344,867 9 10 12 3 2 32 2 2 14 12 3 12 7 1 24 4 10 1 5 17 5 11 9 8 11 12 106 126 45 13 649 16 25 244 268 31 171 191 12 311 57 319 12 136 498 58 378 166 167 13 14 541 1,165 196 76 3,445 180 190 1,112 1,693 162 861 1,329 50 1,481 522 936 90 1,099 2,129 317 1,420 935 657 15 16 1,428 1,703 272 13 88 8 572 450 1,475 1,224 43 67 66 37 23 21 128 25 57 68 123 55 46 46 34 66 17 18 34,146 27,411 2,405 63 771 99 10,665 4,631 29,763 14,760 528 1,305 378 268 169 71 779 100 1,503 194 495 538 1,860 504 582 646 223 556 19 20 354 204 20 103 178 467 189 456 319 241 1,600 1,168 71 31 348 671 454 961 324 355 91 164 574 466 27 105 99 252 21 22 109,379 27,556 7,861 13,836 13,339 51,518 77,698 58,639 84,006 27,516 569,084 273,604 15,844 27,561 39,946 70,568 91,922 107,360 72,655 46,825 19,931 24,536 93,817 124,555 5,415 15,174 20,216 41,929 23 24 59 13 76 91 83 98 62 158 88 127 123 43 67 118 167 692 399 219 286 82 92 384 313 27 45 34 25 26 715 279 395 316 1,247 676 2,043 784 2,175 1,023 782 669 252 271 344 339 2,253 1,547 1,623 1,839 694 643 2,842 2,571 796 609 518 360 27 28 20 5 16 11 16 70 26 60 54 72 71 9 26 37 50 67 98 59 139 22 12 87 175 6 5 12 10 29 30 344 231 15 119 184 112 1,549 397 971 631 523 524 107 83 153 99 575 625 721 1,171 176 92 1,730 2,221 235 102 389 167 31 32 4,142 2,875 167 2,772 2,621 1,863 28,280 4,789 13,402 7,989 8,051 9,814 2,180 948 2,923 1,529 9,036 12,608 9,510 21,933 2,943 2,117 29,317 34,027 3,643 1,500 4,809 2,081 33 34 5 9 46 20 1 3 5 5 10 1 76 22 5 14 2 11 1 8 9 35 36 113 69 938 374 60 63 34 52 49 1 407 296 118 107 45 95 3 322 405 37 38 1,110 317 3,977 2,616 6O0 410 146 341 228 4 2,048 2,641 507 422 210 682 30 2,290 2,800 39 40 40 9 68 66 25 49 29 37 102 41 55 53 29 36 73 118 549 284 166 157 50 79 295 143 15 34 25 34 41 42 371 48 267 128 125 190 434 387 1,141 392 259 145 111 136 142 239 1,271 626 784 668 411 506 1,017 347 239 102 129 193 43 44 23 2 119 166 14 239 3 86 47 269 222 109 68 267 126 209 1,192 631 254 458 229 576 728 328 259 31 65 184 45 46 2 2 1 5 1 1 6 7 10 3 11 31 10 22 2 1 26 34 1 2 47 48 410 200 2,710 100 2 7 952 1 1,268 2,657 20 51 3,056 3 7 500 11,059 15 38 470 49 50 51 145 7 89 30 114 58 184 26 232 75 130 59 55 36 48 338 82 121 48 142 64 307 102 148 182 26 5: 53 2,594 70 2,276 1,211 3,519 2,637 4,296 364 5,375 1,506 1,464 778 880 316 424 309 5,711 865 2,817 716 2,081 1,009 5,389 1,217 5,916 2,018 3,683 976 54 55 53,740 1,700 70,825 31,125 116,152 52,330 130,057 9,680 143,440 29,147 40,794 17,061 26,804 7,113 11,373 6,505 209,981 29,882 91,111 20,355 47,211 15,901 191,916 35,954 186,748 29,712 82,824 16,680 56 57 8,645 200 1,450 2,290 8,821 3,676 17,827 3,730 41,515 5,690 11,184 7,620 8,166 2,195 4,238 1,802 66,976 10,408 35,877 5,677 8,770 3,987 79,561 15,630 46,441 2,810 20,340 3,579 58 59 68 2 9 51 40 5 6 373 52 13 126 3 8 60 801 3 50 11 2 106 50 652 5 349 225 86 22 41 15 7,835 3,929 923 67 155 76 1,544 872 50 79 36 61 62 11,108 11 770 270 20 1,940 1,000 12,737 50 5,552 2,646 1,794 289 1,090 436 178,219 67,525 17,968 1,020 2,662 1,135 27,093 10,629 1,060 1,430 515 63 ... 2,953 1,154 500 4,781 1,515 568 1,308 100 50 180 129,116 54,058 9,793 791 1,586 60 14,895 7,042 120 968 65 i: I 120 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9 (Part 1 of 5 ) .-SPECIFIED CROPS Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Madison Marengo Marion Marshall Mobile Monroe Montgomery Morgan Perry 1 2 1949... 3,266 3,543 2,475 3,185 2,151 3,149 3,944 5,078 1,287 1,258 2,398 2,734 1,523 1,985 2,828 3,677 1,615 2,097 3 4 acres 1954... 1949 . . . 71,932 56,437 23,977 32,042 32,696 38,516 79,050 62,871 22,349 18,797 44,521 47,015 18,602 28,558 51,720 53,375 17,864 24,696 5 6 1949... 3,206 3,528 2,337 3,178 2,148 3,146 3,928 5,074 969 1,194 2,351 2,705 1,466 1,926 2,793 3,672 1,542 2,092 7 8 acres 1954... 1949 . . . 69,671 55,831 22,738 31,905 32,592 38,415 78,373 62,722 15,892 16,009 41,000 43,741 17,856 27,801 50,777 53,116 16,084 24,635 9 10 bushels 1954. . . 1949... 859,864 1,063,142 239,928 557,964 412,291 713,361 1,114,054 1,655,313 385,149 330,755 585,956 687,277 222,475 449,798 471,406 940,141 176,140 427,650 11 12 1949... 12 8 1 7 1 43 27 1 3 4 3 27 13 14 acres 1954. . . 1949... 351 251 12 148 8 962 689 35 100 84 43 60 709 15 16 tons, green weight 1954... 1949... 1,605 1,248 120 844 80 5,975 3,768 190 385 526 315 632 3,108 17 IB Hogged or grazed, or cut for green 1949... 98 45 161 18 7 7 38 21 363 156 253 262 68 72 88 18 85 16 19 20 acres 1954... 1949... 1,910 606 988 137 104 89 529 141 5,495 2,099 3,486 3,274 646 673 900 199 1,071 61 21 22 1949... 841 667 269 281 831 538 1,871 2,085 162 133 384 234 57 101 617 796 151 174 23 24 bushels 1954... 1949 . . . 257,528 165,906 25,075 30,630 99,398 54,509 443,496 294,823 70,997 29,387 89,609 30,923 11,090 74,673 105,779 136,909 21,394 22 ,735 25 26 Snghw: Sorghum for all purposes except for 1949. . . 231 258 73 52 74 69 93 199 40 ?3 13 18 39 6*8 200 291 91 71 27 28 acres 1954... 1949. . . 2,275 2,597 604 491 187 182 433 776 630 117 353 174 1,057 1,214 1,520 2,557 1,426 642 29 30 Harvested for grain or for 1949... 107 206 3 5 14 24 33 93 1 5 4 86 184 10 10 31 32 acres 1954... 1949... 1,433 2,318 8 22 49 91 238 525 60 203 71 921 2,207 107 344 33 34 bushels 1954. . . 1949... 22,413 46,632 99 342 489 2,279 4,856 11,231 900 1,728 477 10,801 28,089 845 6,883 35 Cut for silage farms reporting 1954 39 1 18 19 1 22 3 16 20 12 4 26 7 36 1949... 37 38 acres 1954... 1949.. 379 40 390 359 9 459 48 523 765 219 58 617 125 39 40 tons, green weight 1954... 1949... 1,861 300 2,926 3,527 120 2,856 447 1,923 5,206 1,246 489 4,553 859 41 42 Hogged or grazed, or cut for dry forage 1949... 91 58 52 29 61 45 64 113 20 11 13 17 19 48 104 105 57 54 43 44 acres 1954... 1949... 463 239 206 110 129 91 195 251 171 69 353 114 331 378 380 292 702 173 45 46 tons cut 1954... 1949... 272 124 49 103 124 79 131 203 47 6 34 17 153 571 263 302 176 43 47 48 Sorghum sold farms reporting 1954 — 1949... 10 24 1 6 1 1 20 62 1 49 bushels 1954... 2,093 5 1,356 400 3,378 50 51 Sorghum hay or forage sold farms reporting 1954... tons 1954... 4 12 1 1 2 2 1 6 2 2 2 6 52 53 Saall graina: 1949... 317 126 67 39 140 58 104 43 99 10 86 14 108 32 303 161 150 47 54 55 acres 1954... 1949... 6,483 1,953 2,637 2,255 2,272 422 787 270 1,583 118 1,299 109 7,029 2,295 5,315 1,948 4,665 1,896 56 57 bushels 1954. . . 1949... 225,964 48,534 71,982 34,640 69,907 11,280 29,981 7,491 40,466 2,200 28,507 1,755 170,389 49,325 194,809 46,245 138,281 43,289 58 59 bushels sold 1954. . . 1949 . . . 74,694 19,639 3,970 2,406 34,754 1,497 8,685 1,380 2,567 1,601 75 22,934 21,143 94,240 21,352 14,244 2,290 60 Other grain threshed or 205 20 11 5 4 6 63 1 61 62 acres 1954... 1949... 3,217 1,902 90 154 47 129 37 39 5 57 106 52 575 498 6 12 63 64 bushels 1954. . . 1949... 67,792 29,987 1,300 3,085 675 2,060 341 751 70 1,107 80 1,414 1,253 10,325 7,624 200 130 65 66 bushels sold 1954... 1949... 43,791 12,699 1,365 15 1,392 9 400 997 300 5,519 3,559 188 100 ALABAMA 121 HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued Pickens Pike Randolph Russell St. Clair Shelby Sumter Talladega Tallapoosa Tuscaloosa Walker Washington Wilcox Winston 2,166 1,899 2,160 1,422 1,356 950 2,195 1,714 1,485 2,645 2,357 1,120 2,278 1,363 1 2,955 2,610 2,765 1,605 1,765 1,342 2,690 2,341 1,974 3,334 3,419 1,275 3,048 1,935 2 30,149 51,415 28,482 22,842 17,845 12,799 25,201 24,867 14,934 31,863 25,842 13,591 23,190 17,489 3 40,412 57,755 38,637 29,752 20,956 16,206 29,506 33,330 22,672 41,981 30,724 15,383 31,571 20,868 4 2,063 1,800 2,154 1,409 1,337 905 2,140 1,667 1,428 2,591 2,315 1,102 2,272 1,345 5 2,953 2,505 2,752 1,590 1,760 1,323 2,690 2,329 1,971 3,326 3,406 1,255 3,043 1,931 6 28,380 38,242 28,291 22,285 17,371 12,104 23,885 23,975 14,286 31,146 25,404 12,561 22,729 17,260 7 40,371 46,697 38,481 28,907 20,857 15,891 29,455 33 ,085 22,543 41,787 30,534 14,087 31,301 20,817 8 185,316 485,382 368,090 205.073 257,883 180,165 179,259 324,866 157,605 357,832 231,943 ' 236,681 242,700 136,077 9 713,677 587,836 601,018 315,605 401 ,976 275,027 453,270 551,614 378,318 797,942 587,585 243,145 487,269 416,179 10 3 6 8 8 4 11 3 41 7 7 13 11 13 3 1 5 1 1 11 12 205 74 78 334 105 210 46 342 112 221 336 65 120 44 6 27 40 20 13 14 1,160 574 288 2,420 715 1,725 275 1,694 898 798 1,645 352 784 230 24 117 400 SO 15 16 123 636 28 23 32 37 62 66 82 79 79 100 25 22 17 5 613 19 57 10 23 6 30 14 25 50 157 21 7 18 1,564 13,099 113 223 264 353 1,095 556 528 673 432 990 441 229 19 41 11,058 156 740 53 203 51 180 129 194 163 1,296 270 51 20 120 306 263 107 305 103 61 267 96 323 228 116 83 109 21 394 421 347 88 250 65 129 282 114 393 556 116 216 226 22 13,783 68,782 60,233 21,434 54,576 31,765 6,556 88,778 10,887 72,920 35,776 24,197 16,506 15,076 23 44,279 45,889 41,721 23,570 31,549 6,704 14,032 57,524 13,543 58,235 53,413 12,409 21,966 22,974 24 129 54 173 15 149 34 45 92 69 93 67 8 30 56 25 141 88 184 34 104 52 19 118 68 49 100 16 65 82 26 1,243 538 451 542 638 433 1,218 781 415 668 218 52 196 173 27 591 553 318 265 355 330 642 1,794 200 198 219 128 329 183 28 22 12 9 3 12 15 8 55 4 19 7 2 2 29 67 36 26 4 26 33 6 90 3 16 25 1 6 14 30 481 145 41 70 76 181 287 590 9 267 36 14 2 31 329 212 36 4 181 258 278 1,542 15 84 67 4 21 30 32 6,566 1,896 403 950 1,315 3,780 3,242 11,727 70 4,166 429 135 15 33 6,664 2,696 453 85 2,599 4,061 6,175 32,503 358 1,276 1,034 150 419 486 34 3 3 2 5 2 4 8 6 3 10 1 6 2 1 2 2 35 36 25 7 393 92 171 327 58 6 146 100 37 57 40 320 35 6 140 38 130 30 2,504 478 1,245 1,995 336 100 871 1,446 39 460 350 1,700 370 40 1,050 40 107 43 162 7 134 11 36 27 64 72 60 8 27 54 41 72 59 161 28 81 19 12 33 65 33 75 16 57 70 42 737 393 403 79 470 81 604 133 400 255 182 52 82 171 43 205 341 282 221 174 72 44 252 185 79 146 124 168 153 44 77 24 387 19 361 37 22 109 98 151 127 8 53 81 45 228 1 1 38 256 53 1 2 191 1 2 111 2 1 3 1 409 10 20 263 26 1 3 126 3 52 92 2 148 46 47 48 800 5 6 200 100 7 340 2,330 2 200 1 1 2 49 50 9 22 15 22 5 1 6 51 166 63 189 62 77 145 100 232 63 97 80 46 66 35 52 66 12 139 33 43 68 38 126 37 22 24 16 34 15 53 4,375 1,235 1,203 1,673 903 2,349 4,003 5,837 1,087 1,868 694 1,080 1,623 279 54 1,163 389 673 794 647 694 1,769 2,656 417 485 121 216 847 45 55 144,404 31,227 28,933 43,185 25,178 63,571 106,576 191,324 25,178 69,226 19,878 32,682 44,116 6,411 56 34,425 12,822 14,140 13,512 16,060 13,979 42,451 79,893 10,677 13,884 2,630 5,395 23,433 1,055 57 20,497 3,037 4,706 6,578 4,410 14,868 4,100 73,779 7,102 14,163 3,536 14,834 1,320 1,070 58 4,370 4,500 4,050 1,950 6,124 2,342 200 29,294 866 3,650 97Z 1,662 12,400 221 59 9 17 96 5 12 21 1 24 5 8 17 5 6 60 89 177 354 54 163 162 20 367 46 64 126 85 72 61 7 518 75 58 277 18 46 11 95 15 62 2,040 2,160 5,049 980 2,754 2,927 400 7,443 1,011 1,729 2,300 1,855 629 63 275 6,112 836 1,045 6,590 161 1,707 86 1,279 146 64 846 525 1,117 632 750 1,916 3,047 36 250 1,039 731 225 65 1,546 80 50 4,245 117 1,000 180 66 122 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9 (Part 2 of 5^ -SPECIFIED CROPS (For definitions and explanations, see text) The State Autauga Baldwin Barbour Bibb Blount Bullock Butler Annual leennes: 1 Soybeans grown for all purposes farms reporting 1954 . . . 11,289 49 897 8 13 182 5 13 2 1949 . . . 20,552 120 858 8 26 664 19 21 3 acres grown alone 1954. . . 139,680 1,001 61,422 83 49 627 65 56 4 1949... 116,370 346 34, 982 64 73 1,873 168 71 5 acres grown with other crops 1954. . . 2,497 20 169 26 2 17 6 1949... 9,950 118 3,949 34 35 17 51 7 Harvested for Deans farms reporting 1954 1,812 7 868 x - _ 3 4 1 2 8 1949... 1,579 4 792 2 9 acres grown alone 1954. . . 90,092 449 60,503 30 2 29 26 4 10 1949... 45,922 31 33,637 35 11 11 acres grown with other crops 1954. . . 193 27 12 1949... 4,701 3 3,798 12 13 bushels 1954. . . 1,074,920 2,992 793,732 500 10 290 311 20 14 1949... 921,320 952 686,458 25 366 160 15 Cut for hay farms reporting 1954. . . 9,054 27 54 2 11 174 1 4 16 1949... 17,944 96 41 1 23 655 9 17 acres grown alone 1954. . . 43,926 342 473 5 44 580 24 26 18 1949... 64,470 235 283 14 72 1,812 27 19 acres grown with other crops 1954. . . 433 24 20 1949... 2,124 9 15 7 23 17 21 tons 1954... 30,804 323 420 5 44 456 50 25 22 1949... 63,441 207 366 14 71 1,795 30 23 Hogged or grazed, or cut for 17 210 22 300 4 13 3 7 5 5 24 acres grown alone 1954 .. . 4,080 15 25 acres grown with other crops 1954... 1,546 20 68 26 2 17 26 Plowed under for green 2 35 1 3 3 11 3 21 27 acres grown alone 1954. . . 1,582 146 28 acres grown with other crops 1954... 325 50 29 Cowpeas grown for all purposes, except for fresh market, or for canning, freezing, or other 11,706 151 54 368 57 176 168 136 30 1949 '.. 31,800 518 146 747 302 507 640 428 31 acres grown alone 1954... 29,066 725 414 996 147 408 367 248 32 1949... 44,670 967 1,118 1,351 274 366 1,191 448 33 acres grown with other crops 1954 .. . 5,131 121 7 209 10 140 161 107 34 1949... 16,488 303 163 431 305 150 222 288 35 8,584 95 13 210 46 120 148 104 36 1949... 15,437 213 26 403 213 174 470 152 37 acres grown alone 1954. . . 15,188 329 67 583 77 245 285 134 38 1949... 18,790 406 65 810 119 218 941 148 39 acres grown with other crops 1954. . . 2,696 73 7 37 6 15 133 86 40 1949... 8,356 154 5 225 231 47 182 97 41 bushels 1954. . . 86,126 1,384 652 2,664 418 1,346 1,527 1,151 42 1949... 133,313 2,762 439 3,634 1,377 2,652 3,709 1,657 43 Cut for hay farms reporting 1954. . . 1,812 24 24 53 16 35 4 9 44 1949... 3,705 54 41 4 36 24 12 40 45 acres grown alone 1954. . . 6,270 193 115 96 54 93 14 39 46 1949... 12,371 268 171 75 71 51 73 139 47 acres grown with other crops 1954. . . 331 4 1 48 1949... 1,063 35 io 1 5 13 49 tons 1954. . . 4,487 69 123 55 56 60 9 20 50 1949... 10,436 314 184 30 78 43 52 103 51 Hogged or grazed, or cut for 1.331 26 11 72 2 9 21 19 52 acres grown alone 1954. . . 5,302 171 75 232 11 19 43 70 53 acres grown with other crops 1954. . . 1,754 48 164 33 28 7 54 Plowed under for green 552 2,306 10 5 55 acres grown alone 1954 .. . 32 157 85 5 51 25 56 acres grown with other crops 1954. . . 350 8 92 13 57 Peanuts grown for all purposes .. farms reporting 1954... 26,167 198 10 1,768 68 189 647 779 58 1949... 41,142 413 104 2,301 216 340 910 1,226 59 acres grown alone 1954 .. . 241,840 613 17 23,873 85 355 3,538 3,576 60 1949... 415,115 1,669 255 39,629 221 751 5,580 6,779 61 acres grown with other crops 1954 .. . 1,383 12 25 13 36 29 36 62 1949 . . . 4,695 81 26 108 8 21 257 63 Harvested for picking or 23,145 158 4 1,722 65 169 572 560 64 1949... 37,302 343 22 2,261 216 340 822 928 65 acres grown alone 1954... 193,175 412 2 21,933 80 319 3,216 2,726 66 1949... 341,589 1,352 16 37,584 135 637 4,992 5,448 67 acres grown with other crops 1954. . . 279 3 1 13 4 68 1949... 417 6 3 6 14 69 pounds 1954 .. . 101,154,369 119,427 900 11,212,377 12,749 136,097 778,540 1,173,782 70 1949... 279,809,580 547,382 8,950 31,197,588 48,993 315,096 2,746,987 3,062,761 71 Vines or tops saved for hay or 15,436 57 3 1,634 4 22 477 662 72 1949... 20,758 139 26 2,054 30 124 477 680 73 acres grown alone 1954 .. . 159,467 325 3 20,689 5 39 2,638 2,919 74 1949. . . 245,250 464 58 33,863 23 382 1,655 4,096 75 acres grown with other corps 1954... 282 10 12 15 10 76 1949... 309 20 2 15 3 17 10 77 tons 1954. . . 112,826 167 2 14,367 2 32 1,886 2,393 78 1949 . . . 131,386 343 35 15,629 27 180 1,228 2,421 79 Velvetbeans grown for all 2,616 9,192 83 351 53 205 80 1949. . . 366 68 13 152 472 :i] acres grown alone 1954... 5,483 165 254 138 5 11 70 88 .».' 1949... 12,404 362 365 606 45 24 302 397 83 acres grown with other crops 1954 — 12,987 831 191 952 4 348 1,071 84 1949. . . 50,203 3,702 1,292 4,431 235 14 242 2,907 35 bushels 1954... 16,252 89 481 461 41 173 404 86 1949... 175,257 7,970 1,676 5,453 596 356 3,263 9,876 ■'■Includes farms reporting cowpeas harvested for green peas only. ALABAMA 123 HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 Calhoun Chambers Cherokee Chilton Choctaw Clarke Clay Cleburne Coffee Colbert Conecuh Cooea Covington Crenshaw 249 55 409 90 26 19 257 321 12 140 31 90 32 6 J 312 61 573 420 101 84 470 415 13 229 68 171 31 7 . 1,523 287 2,311 247 120 240 830 1,191 134 964 304 392 760 70 3 1,445 119 2,484 787 270 264 1,203 1,445 96 1,196 296 510 344 9 4 27 26 29 9 24 14 17 17 2 4 89 5 36 49 5 62 37 52 232 75 7 149 125 183 19 6 9 19 3 2 4 6 4 3 7 4 2 10 1 7 6 4 4 3 2 1 53 13 3 8 3 14 8 6 183 297 7 22 126 11 7 48 191 86 2 269 8 9 12 1 ..! 41 27 16 1 1 2 3 71 53 5 53 74 41 8 195 62 10 11 4 2 1 96 27 16 12 2,115 1,917 81 205 545 89 105 138 1,775 517 14 1,436 50 13 115 35 266 260 20 28 596 336 597 1,480 380 114 2,968 14 239 41 384 78 19 2 250 318 126 17 85 6 2 li 304 47 559 373 77 8 402 394 2 221 20 152 4 Li 1,310 241 1,768 202 84 4 808 1,179 711 92 353 172 6 . 1,425 97 2,401 660 210 16 1,104 1,346 7 1,013 56 476 71 18 21 9 2 5 5 11 2 19 32 42 5 60 35 71 46 7 9 72 150 .1 909 191 1,115 159 59 3 611 1,097 431 56 225 108 6 .1 1,008 98 1,979 570 198 15 1.095 1,412 6 937 48 443 78 22 4 13 6 9 8 13 3 1 9 8 10 2 17 4 23 13 5 44 15 23 10 8 14 17 108 14 8 2 1 86 57 98 4 8 283 17 56 24 25 3 1 4 3 2 4 2 1 2 2 3 26 17 2 2 223 28 2 3 10 4 1 5 28 29 36 10 27 28 180 142 164 125 181 385 192 133 58 93 94 115 92 74 29 386 430 137 670 743 977 397 212 518 116 668 391 603 516 30 491 365 418 252 292 546 286 275 247 357 248 272 387 213 31 1,189 600 345 593 713 1,200 504 586 528 215 942 432 850 364 32 60 168 4 159 32 365 79 51 32 23 24 38 99 33 165 579 8 305 155 557 394 39 524 13 302 444 627 193 34 105 120 93 75 149 335 157 112 14 34 44 74 24 33 35 148 292 30 191 371 528 212 124 158 49 200 250 74 161 36 204 268 206 121 225 438 187 198 39 113 81 87 71 61 37 282 323 68 147 508 533 162 226 120 23 231 177 53 140 3? 49 52 4 101 9 119 62 51 2 2 6 31 44 39 96 364 186 141 302 243 15 36 1 118 281 37 75 40 1,231 879 848 711 2,133 3,623 1,712 1,509 177 816 388 504 602 316 41 1,316 2,919 268 1,705 3,471 5,009 1,303 1,182 740 188 1,523 1,842 440 945 42 84 16 71 40 16 13 22 22 45 24 35 13 43 199 67 74 139 53 66 115 76 2 34 71 92 3 6 44 256 46 175 104 40 25 81 58 162 59 145 59 45 789 145 253 306 100 131 246 277 1 148 201 214 7 15 46 11 1 10 6 2 3 11 47 39 44 5 53 6 14 9 8 12 47 39 3 4 46 159 32 120 78 27 21 57 48 91 43 64 53 49 482 147 190 239 90 96 202 258 6 118 212 272 7 14 50 2 13 8 15 18 56 4 1 40 12 30 5 54 27 51 3 34 33 21 27 83 6 2 186 73 105 27 217 122 52 115 30 16 243 2 30 12 7 49 53 5 4 1 4 1 1 10 3 4 6 5 5 6 15 54 28 17 4 6 18 1 1 12 12 17 22 9 10 3 6 13 40 6 30 55 56 50 89 36 98 143 305 62 27 2,082 51 871 111 1,774 1,336 57 107 323 41 267 351 784 191 40 2,826 64 1,228 173 2,493 1,890 58 40 100 41 103 162 422 66 26 32,607 55 3,467 118 14,104 11,125 59 124 245 30 301 464 1,452 175 28 50,263 30 7,643 213 24,960 17,980 60 7 1 12 3 31 6 55 1 73 2 443 56 61 1 17 1 12 12 216 46 115 1 618 5 845 450 62 50 82 30 80 130 290 61 26 1,914 45 611 109 1,401 1,252 63 101 323 34 267 245 387 191 40 2,774 64 790 161 2,146 1,811 64 40 89 34 61 143 279 60 26 24,598 44 2,552 113 9,027 9,725 65 104 231 25 187 156 293 125 26 44,932 20 5,297 154 17,311 15,472 66 7 1 3 21 18 1 7 67 2 5 3 39 44 1 5 3 7 31 68 15,430 19,987 6,779 26,015 23,947 67,152 21,971 6,358 10,753,932 13,751 1,285,916 22,246 4,011,692 4,555,904 69 30,095 71,373 11,963 81,794 54,058 90,732 50,217 10,917 36,837,953 12,990 3,630,766 42,469 14,714,483 12,169,906 70 10 8 9 13 31 5 4 1,641 7 721 8 1,253 1,086 71 4 8 2 45 74 162 4 2,373 3 545 22 1,746 1,559 72 10 12 12 106 11 4 21,382 9 3,059 7 8,249 7,892 73 7 10 2 77 91 225 5 37,511 2 3,510 23 13,275 13,246 74 2 6 27 1 73 2 37 4 75 15 8 1 33 1 43 19 11 76 12 8 9 80 8 4 14,545 5 2,239 4 6,779 7,083 77 5 23 2 42 101 200 3 23,051 2 1,977 21 7,898 7,646 76 24 1 33 71 217 33 3 49 3 67 23 122 47 79 12 121 656 203 734 208 20 369 1 559 63 525 362 80 43 1 107 110 214 20 2 82 2 191 40 699 46 81 12 125 425 335 1,012 154 36 334 2 864 20 662 489 82 41 185 157 1,617 33 2 505 3 345 877 374 B3 12 350 2,894 386 2,348 281 30 3,961 2,452 201 5,019 3,074 64 248 1 207 714 652 351 33 343 3 1,083 113 515 215 65 231 2,051 20,108 2,091 12,059 4.169 324 10,626 30 11,944 1,091 8,486 4,845 -'. 124 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9 (Part 2 of 5 ) .-SPECIFIED CROPS Item Cullman Dale Dallas De Kalb Elmore Escambia Etowah F ette Franklin (For definitions and explanations, see text) Annual leftUBes: 1 Soybeans grown for all 470 14 1,154 58 248 194 616 2 1949... 1,174 20 17 2,505 169 170 628 215 3 acres grown alone 1954... 1,265 209 345 3,562 700 8,962 1,585 430 1,013. 4 1949... 2,930 309 38 8,479 395 4,180 2,248 565 2,496 5 acres grown with other crops 1954... 18 15 3 86 28 14 6 1949... 74 6 11 228 34 529 31 5 28 7 5 8 3 14 5 212 7 17 8 1949... 7 11 6 18 119 10 7 21 9 acres grown alone 1954. . . 19 116 47 75 231 8,346 43 304 10 1949... 28 214 20 66 3,928 69 !7 309 11 acres grown with other crops 1954 .. . 6 12 1949... 3 3 444 13 bushels 1954. . . 135 458 285 621 3,250 88,928 290 2,239 14 1949. . . 332 4,098 132 857 107,490 608 288 3,805 15 456 1 8 1,137 42 26 368 110 164 16 1949. . . 1,150 1 3 2,505 158 33 613 206 599 17 acres grown alone 1954. . . 1,201 2 285 3,436 269 433 1,419 362 645 IS 1949... 2,882 3 1 8,364 366 111 2,153 509 2,168 19 acres grown with other crops 1954... 11 15 19 20 1949 . . . 67 11 223 24 2 27 5 28 21 tons 1954... 916 2 185 2,257 173 256 1,111 241 578 22 1949... 3,490 3 24 8,287 295 115 1,892 579 2,075 23 Hogged or grazed, or cut for 10 1 2 3 9 18 25 3 9 24 acres grown alone 1954 .. . 35 10 10 9 124 170 69 65 28 25 acres grown with other crops 1954... 7 3 57 3 10 26 Plowed under for green 5 1 10 3 20 2 7 27 acres grown alone 1954 .. . 10 81 3 42 76 13 54 3 36 28 acres grown with other crops 1954... 29 4 29 Cowpeas grown for all purposes, except for fresh market, or for canning, freezing, or other 246 111 559 231 107 37 204 104 44 30 19491 . . 551 547 1,025 179 414 250 181 506 187 31 acres grown alone 1954... 535 491 1,109 547 311 271 568 213 116 32 1949... 556 866 1,480 370 778 1,214 297 377 264 33 acres grown with other crops 1954... 50 51 45 2 173 4 23 14 34 1949... 155 166 200 18 380 188 21 178 87 35 Harvested for dry peas farms reporting 1954... 159 35 465 199 69 18 105 80 15 36 1949... 154 149 993 68 123 66 51 152 97 37 acres grown alone 1954. . . 280 75 677 425 117 128 159 123 29 38 1949... 198 210 1,054 107 240 54 112 260 92 39 acres grown with other crops 1954. . . 31 22 35 2 82 2 14 40 1949... 20 5 146 177 9 89 33 41 bushels 1954... 1,671 1,037 2,559 4,506 796 391 1,184 489 321 42 1949... 1,522 834 7,083 895 1,488 409 823 2,436 665 43 42 17 37 33 14 61 12 25 44 1949... 106 3 15 43 107 22 53 15 52 45 acres grown alone 1954. . . 95 47 91 172 122 204 23 77 46 1949... 236 25 70 120 387 938 153 36 119 47 acres grown with other crops 1954. . . 4 8 19 48 1949... 22 1 3 49 3 7 9 2 49 tons 1954... 90 21 55 97 88 164 17 52 50 1949. . . 226 47 69 105 522 251 121 31 117 51 Hogged or grazed, or cut for 19 73 52 5 14 5 22 5 52 acres grown alone 1954... 75 370 308 10 22 10 139 12 53 acres grown with other crops 1954. . . 7 29 10 73 4 54 Plowed under for green 33 6 34 5 1 4 26 7 5 55 acres grown alone 1954... 85 46 77 21 11 66 55 10 56 acres grown with other crops 1954. . . 8 10 2 57 Peanuts grown for all purposes .. farms reporting 1954... 114 1,140 424 93 81 188 100 92 48 58 1949. . . 128 1,508 1,034 66 129 515 58 219 151 59 acres grown alone 1954 — 133 21,721 508 89 123 1,223 93 126 56 60 1949... 168 33,736 914 65 194 3,087 73 298 166 61 acres grown with other crops 1954 — 7 68 18 65 11 3 23 3 62 1949... 6 81 30 10 3 129 21 3 63 Harvested for picking or 98 1,034 369 92 71 131 89 74 41 64 1949 . . . 106 1,399 1,034 66 109 269 56 147 151 65 acres grown alone 1954 — 101 15,332 385 79 100 847 73 93 44 66 1949... 131 26,022 754 37 117 1,889 63 145 121 67 acres grown with other crops 1954. . . 6 44 8 2 2 68 1949... 1 18 *2 1 3 69 pounds 1954. . . 38,898 10,207,278 55,632 37,825 33,808 464,015 26,494 19,265 16,094 70 1949. . . 53, 291 23,016,008 217,583 22,780 41,090 1,442,737 35,305 54,285 53,531 71 Vines or tops saved for hay or 8 892 56 16 108 7 6 6 72 1949... 17 1,176 58 3 11 206 3 28 37 73 acres grown alone 1954. . . 8 11,828 72 32 727 19 17 8 74 1949. . . 24 19,271 93 5 15 1,366 3 47 44 75 acres grown with other crops 1954 — 37 76 1949. . . 5 9 7 77 tons 1954. . . 8 7,847 23 9 536 8 7 78 1949. . . 23 9,931 60 5 10 757 2 35 40 79 Velvetbeans grown for all 13 60 5 32 47 7 6 3 80 1949... 6 146 75 1 189 245 11 22 5 81 acres grown alone 1954. . . 29 48 9 118 209 10 44 19 82 1949... 7 359 113 141 160 6 55 7 83 acres grown with other crops 1954... 2 823 3 137 74 2 84 194? .. 12 991 58 8 1,184 1,283 18 38 2 85 bushels 195*.. . . 190 72 13 106 582 134 178 5 86 1949 . . . 212 8,644 1,522 1 950 3,340 67 104 25 1Includes farms reporting cowpeas harvested for green peas oilier. ALABAMA 125 HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued Geneva Greene Hale Houston Jackson Jefferson I— Lauderdale Lawrence «- Limestone Lowndes Macon 13 11 5 K 20 1,063 112 49 348 247 21 434 5 16 1 37 19 10 9 28 1,624 227 174 780 575 50 603 13 49 2 246 39 59 224 413 11,151 441 292 1,611 1,561 162 3,144 138 17° 3 397 91 21 32 467 9,165 662 558 3,445 2,231 117 2,894 390 346 4 11 5 11 9 12 6 22 3 20 10 1 18 82 216 12 140 57 36 16 16 103 6 9 2 6 7 254 2 ! 4 7 5 11 3 5 7 20 4 3 2 14 138 5 8 9 3 5 5 6 6 8 9 176 45 158 169 6,152 9 45 31 64 59 250 18 50 305 26 1 9 237 2,257 17 74 33 4 7 38 316 101 10 11 13 3 11 10 1 31 29 1 1 12 13 1,755 800 635 774 59, 564 70 188 300 535 357 1,991 152 275 6,018 430 9 175 3,451 34,023 202 1,865 373 18 104 330 2,879 1,018 14 6 1 3 888 106 47 332 237 9 417 4 8 15 12 3 3 1,488 215 155 755 559 26 588 2 31 li, 9 3 148 4,906 425 243 1,515 1,427 36 2,758 41 80 17 .T. 15 23 6,443 611 7 456 9 3,403 10 2,168 6 58 2,817 17 92 18 19 10 129 3 56 9 16 52 20 8 3 64 3,651 320 118 1,079 742 31 1,380 27 58 21 69 14 10 6,232 770 522 3,702 2,452 54 2,705 14 104 22 4 2 1 7 9 8 4 2 8 6 2 10 2 3 23 40 1 14 3 6 2 63 62 90 2 5 4 2 4 42 2 61 2 2 5 126 2 79 47 1 24 25 30 16 8 34 3 5 2 23 9 65 9 10 2 27 28 22 359 157 17 65 143 120 103 223 96 162 148 81 270 29 643 686 480 633 827 115 227 829 218 137 419 193 390 488 30 129 532 299 89 531 418 300 225 621 376 460 530 246 677 31 427 547 493 406 926 238 187 726 493 311 584 628 923 1,096 3.' 40 20 15 95 1 91 33 19 4 36 36 342 33 319 161 94 129 109 20 137 133 36 2 276 4 147 629 j- 11 330 127 8 7 96 91 69 100 42 137 54 63 248 35 38 490 277 115 69 26 112 306 52 36 230 19 200 349 36 56 486 239 49 53 262 116 113 222 91 265 154 1M 360 506 37 58 474 270 129 103 49 87 291 47 45 380 40 560 38 9 40 1 49 18 2 26 36 234 39 14 135 74 12 4 13 71 45 27 2 116 114 380 40 366 1,739 692 302 309 1,969 547 678 909 438 1,481 622 523 3,069 41 564 3,629 2,112 866 1,627 486 499 2,383 324 310 2,819 157 1,423 2,644 42 3 3 6 3 38 17 13 111 42 17 88 9 19 43 3 53 29 3 52 43 38 140 77 28 156 16 55 44 24 5 9 11 129 71 38 291 231 61 318 90 65 45 4 50 81 26 115 81 6 80 7 389 16 227 67 514 243 355 107 46 47 2 8 3 2 21 9 27 23 47 48 18 7 8 8 91 79 22 230 115 42 144 80 110 49 6 88 80 15 89 81 55 324 185 94 416 208 273 50 10 36 23 10 47 5 8 23 9 8 11 6 11 8 51 41 40 42 40 366 15 27 70 22 25 122 31 41 86 52 40 3 15 50 18 7 1 3 1 1 53 3 2 5 1 10 9 11 3 19 8 3 7 4 54 8 1 8 9 5 101 12 86 18 4 1 86 29 1 12 9 27 20 55 56 1,724 306 217 1,455 2,264 36 252 67 105 26 100 6 154 286 57 2,387 814 586 2,007 2,943 60 284 335 69 21 203 14 341 474 58 20,760 332 287 33,750 33,560 38 169 71 72 21 101 7 158 395 59 39,001 768 587 55,060 59, 522 66 282 390 52 25 251 14 527 743 60 11 20 15 34 14 8 8 3 11 22 61 334 33 117 113 326 1 15 10 1 10 16 3 62 1,455 281 190 1,377 2,060 30 244 45 103 20 91 4 147 254 63 2,222 814 586 1,976 2,832 60 261 321 69 21 195 14 301 406 64 13,776 295 241 29,340 26,539 24 135 66 14 81 5 136 317 65 26,875 659 366 50,486 46,488 54 207 229 48 14 166 12 312 620 66 9 3 15 18 80 10 11 7 3 3 3 12 J 67 68 7,587,007 48,030 35,503 17,297,147 18,021,806 8,172 36,375 9,139 23,288 2,830 16,721 1,194 19,009 69,498 69 24,765,533 189, 720 149,512 46,129,594 43,022,635 30,712 102,823 72,799 27,607 5,468 64,667 5,110 108,473 228,607 70 1,355 11 13 1,068 1,613 3 12 3 2 3 8 16 26 71 2,055 111 29 1,356 1,634 1 53 8 2 24 3 47 83 72 12,492 12 24 21,671 18,811 2 15 3 2 3 29 19 91 73 24,450 136 35 29,271 21, 709 1 62 40 2 33 3 70 203 74 4 1 75 29 3 3 1 2 2 76 10,118 11 19 9,711 12, 192 3 12 2 3 15 12 68 77 15,189 139 36 12,012 11,939 2 49 53 8 2 26 3 43 194 78 43 7 3 15 16 3 4 1 42 70 21 105 79 150 33 38 42 62 5 16 20 179 109 240 80 64 15 10 183 162 4 3 40 295 33 180 81 86 38 59 209 90 6 16 23 360 134 219 82 554 20 66 11 1 8 505 31 657 S3 1,933 64 38 321 378 10 23 11 1,020 194 1,953 84 47 94 61 85 10 2 860 411 129 452 85 4,068 526 623 1,156 733 9 222 207 1,897 2,025 5,230 86 126 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9 (Part 2 of 5) .-SPECIFIED CROPS Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Madison Marengo Marion Marshall Mobile Monroe Montgomery Morgan Perry Annual leftuaes: 1 2 Soybeans grown for all 1949... 678 764 12 24 163 466 364 1,089 125 150 56 97 12 11 270 490 14 30 acres grown alone 1954. . . 6,904 191 584 1,617 7,681 1,117 342 1,620 85 •; 5 1949 . . . 5,430 133 1,562 3,556 2,121 579 50 2,401 173 acres grown with other crops 1954. . . 43 38 16 13 233 13 3 5 6 1949... 278 53 61 43 1,003 48 60 53 10 7 Harvested for beans farms reporting 1954. . . 78 2 3 24 60 5 4 12 5 8 1949. . . 62 7 16 10 35 11 3 11 5 9 acres grown alone 1954. . . 1,633 5 27 421 6,386 138 75 154 7 10 1949. . . 619 23 129 157 1,660 172 10 79 93 11 acres grown with other crops 1954. . . 12 1949. . . 11 1 143 25 bushels 1954... 10,003 38 205 2,637 67,149 1,966 555 1,152 75 1.1 1949... 8,703 220 1,965 2,686 25,873 4,039 140 669 1,121 15 629 6 161 325 36 38 6 246 16 1949... 714 1 410 1,020 40 48 2 470 10 17 acres grown alone 1954 — 5,215 84 557 1,135 836 690 245 1,325 18 1949. . . 4,603 4 1,410 3,354 144 174 23 2,237 50 19 acres grown with other crops 1954... 40 16 1 38 20 1949... 177 59 39 31 53 tons 1954... 3,056 70 381 815 515 355 131 1,692 22 1949... 4,117 6 1,305 3,065 153 156 15 2,042 33 23 Hogged or grazed, or cut for 6 4 10 36 13 5 7 24 acres grown alone 1954. . . 39 102 26 401 281 20 64 75 25 acres gro?m with other crops 1954... 3 38 170 26 Plowed under for green 2 17 10 35 6 58 8 1 2 10 77 2 3 27 acres grown alone 1954 — 28 acres grown with other crops 1954... 25 13 3 5 29 Cowpeas grown for all purposes, except for fresh market, or for canning, freezing, or other 75 436 151 92 42 242 111 144 312 19491.. 142 688 473 146 196 775 535 217 632 31 acres grown alone 1954... 457 869 281 199 310 307 953 352 688 32 33 34 1949. .. 576 735 350 238 296 851 799 478 969 acres grown with other crops 1954. . . 1949... 19 19 210 36 750 11 72 22 265 106 101 124 145 16 42 128 296 35 27 427 122 56 15 203 77 58 306 36 1949 . . . 18 530 227 55 31 302 346 54 494 37 acres grown alone 1954... 89 567 186 102 44 193 251 100 480 38 1949 . . . 89 487 188 79 25 396 483 84 697 39 acres grown with other crops 1954... 19 23 11 13 100 38 2 46 40 1949... 5 146 512 3 10 81 15 13 259 41 bushels 1954... 451 2,851 1,241 703 368 1,208 2,229 648 2,299 42 1949... 935 5,237 1,304 524 310 2,767 3,272 335 6,448 43 41 3 18 18 9 26 9 70 6 44 1949... 115 19 31 38 24 80 18 95 35 45 acres grown alone 1954... 343 6 65 51 78 48 67 188 29 46 1949... 429 131 72 93 52 322 186 273 121 47 acres grown with other crops 1954... 1 1 1 4 48 1949... 14 3 1 44 13 90 17 17 49 tons 1954. . . 328 4 43 35 39 37 51 110 16 50 1949... 367 106 56 73 81 219 214 226 150 51 Hogged or grazed, or cut for 11 16 10 11 15 25 12 34 52 acres grown alone 1954 — 20 223 28 21 42 56 217 30 141 53 acres grown with other crops 1954... 12 5 5 85 6 43 54 Plowed under for green 4 4 1 10 11 7 6 13 15 55 acres grown alone 1954 .. . 5 73 2 25 146 10 418 34 38 56 acres grown with other crops 1954... 4 4 39 57 Peanuts grown for all purposes .. farms reporting 1954... 7 556 63 43 19 307 325 65 514 58 1949... 28 612 247 79 72 779 562 44 746 59 acres grown alone 1954. . . 8 491 68 31 51 728 1,232 31 718 61 ) 1949... 33 660 315 50 472 2,545 2,183 55 1,242 61 acres grown with other crops 1954. . . 12 9 1 4 12 1 4 62 63 63 1949... 70 33 7 44 49 5 22 Harvested for picking or 526 58 35 12 144 272 42 484 64 1949... 26 612 202 68 36 369 562 39 744 65 acres grown alone 1954. . . 5 448 56 21 21 274 969 16 671 66 1949... 20 489 178 34 205 880 2,032 30 958 67 acres grown with other crops 1954... 9 8 5 68 1949... 42 5 1 22 69 pounds 1954... 1,820 69,671 12,075 9,410 9,055 68,584 258,574 8,447 155,134 70 1949 . . . 9,004 129,539 62,441 21,740 151,690 651,733 1,031,118 10,962 453,277 71 Vines or tops saved for hay or 3 46 7 2 9 166 151 3 89 72 1949... 3 122 74 8 26 181 145 18 151 73 acres grown alone 1954 — 3 51 8 3 28 425 816 6 215 74 1949. . . 4 122 100 17 121 568 782 22 310 75 acres grown with other crops 1954... 2 3 2 76 1949. . . 14 1 7 5 77 tons 1954... 3 49 9 2 24 302 492 3 119 78 1949... 3 134 99 5 82 348 338 22 231 79 Velvetbeans grown for all purposes farms reporting 1954. . . 2 41 4 2 48 269 19 33 14 80 1949. ■■ 1 118 42 2 127 317 53 1 81 acres grown alone 1954 .. . 4 75 6 251 468 53 64 67 82 1949... 8 182 71 1 175 587 122 1 83 acres grown with other crops 1954... 6 8 240 99 18 27 84 1949... 237 43 10 700 885 85 7 85 bushels 1954. . . 10 99 11 266 3,065 85 102 80 86 1949... 5 4,330 704 30 1,371 4,106 669 40 40 includes farms reporting cowpeas harvested for green peas only. ALABAMA 127 HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued Pickens Pike Randolph Russell St. Clair Shelby Sumter Talladega Tallapoosa Tuscaloosa Walker Washington Wilcox Winston 44 12 388 7 231 73 14 107 84 78 357 128 9 116 1 145 11 691 21 415 122 20 124 199 108 647 179 22 344 2 267 125 1,024 116 987 594 149 1,925 301 599 1,182 1,034 465 364 3 381 72 1,751 265 1,521 562 186 586 463 359 1,755 752 206 1,005 4 7 20 28 12 10 110 30 75 7 20 1,067 12 5 58 30 154 52 39 6 22 49 110 40 48 789 6 30 6 1 1 5 3 1 2 34 5 2 4 14 1 1 7 2 12 5 7 2 1 6 2 3 18 6 2 8 125 10 24 13 14 15 1,290 18 44 13 770 200 3 10 19 12 15 27 8 9 16 15 33 1 2 1 7 2 1 385 9 84 3 2 10 11 12 1,875 110 180 19 70 295 11,570 219 370 104 3,475 2,400 9 13 40 150 132 163 135 300 525 9 40 9,398 1,345 6 14 32 1 381 2 226 70 4 65 59 61 350 28 5 113 15 139 1 641 9 399 111 9 102 190 93 636 56 9 341 16 106 2 985 75 958 557 24 504 237 477 1,112 133 243 359 17 318 7 1,722 103 1,466 525 46 479 442 340 1,737 149 105 1,003 18 16 4 10 30 59 5 16 30 12 19 18 150 28 6 2 42 95 28 48 53 3 30 20 89 1 835 75 717 501 24 325 169 255 725 107 226 247 21 349 3 1,760 170 1,582 538 51 385 465 407 1,696 208 100 1,057 22 10 9 1 4 3 1 7 4 19 7 7 90 4 1 23 26 68 2 31 16 1 104 25 42 44 57 113 22 1 24 7 20 10 7 2 3 985 25 2 2 3 1 2 2 9 2 9 6 1 26 10 45 13 10 22 6 100 106 4 7 34 18 52 1 27 28 370 133 373 358 82 101 422 163 229 396 174 84 389 80 29 630 784 924 707 139 187 756 435 440 880 508 308 914 207 30 821 435 789 1,068 183 234 559 477 393 951 300 98 651 143 31 753 722 1,504 1,169 245 460 1,109 914 530 1,089 393 322 985 220 32 38 60 203 480 46 6 2 44 212 190 136 226 19 24 33 314 289 1,036 823 104 68 30 193 487 474 569 226 84 135 34 269 69 238 336 46 73 391 121 169 341 128 43 380 56 35 322 182 536 461 56 98 704 238 255 530 275 167 853 92 36 500 114 419 693 102 126 430 288 214 600 188 45 625 73 37 410 224 618 666 70 132 766 350 333 610 200 117 745 101 38 18 12 134 304 40 5 2 17 72 141 95 81 13 18 39 144 21 690 732 43 61 8 111 301 261 370 79 67 98 40 2,560 661 1,919 3,317 436 669 1,511 1,616 1,284 3,173 994 524 3,736 539 41 3,526 1,810 4,811 3,681 383 602 4,027 1,868 2,014 4,675 1,766 1,094 6,010 835 42 11 1 145 12 34 27 7 37 48 45 38 10 5 16 43 39 5 282 34 50 57 40 159 75 58 62 15 30 27 44 106 2 311 182 76 96 13 125 141 203 88 5 18 41 45 87 11 743 51 204 5 139 236 70 469 1 155 24 228 115 9 29 18 136 68 46 47 14 2 124 2 6 2 39 35 9 19 12 11 48 84 2 256 131 67 65 10 77 170 123 63 13 15 25 49 78 22 705 144 126 124 89 388 171 239 107 38 111 62 50 74 65 5 30 4 28 15 29 26 16 33 5 8 11 174 295 18 162 6 101 39 32 142 14 32 8 27 52 20 40 1 167 26 114 33 26 123 2 53 20 10 17 4 3 4 8 8 3 5 4 4 1 3 54 41 24 41 31 5 6 15 25 6 6 10 16 2 55 8 17 4 6 1 2 16 6 4 4 6 56 189 1,791 119 284 180 86 518 170 113 323 137 61 276 49 57 625 2,476 205 550 112 116 806 232 195 572 222 192 847 179 58 209 26,221 110 1,470 162 126 598 206 105 318 128 102 381 60 59 730 44,615 207 3,205 118 115 1,192 282 190 597 247 280 875 126 60 6 35 4 5 3 32 6 15 22 1 9 13 61 10 148 25 2 8 8 17 32 11 1 20 58 22 1 62 155 1,700 113 256 175 84 457 156 105 270 122 46 263 35 63 539 2,410 200 520 97 116 784 192 195 572 211 144 817 166 64 158 23,747 102 1,305 156 119 472 159 95 247 105 78 362 43 65 522 40,667 120 2,714 73 79 648 152 134 453 177 137 462 113 66 1 1 10 2 2 3 1 17 5 9 4 5 2 2 7 5 6 1 67 68 27,262 11,219,187 22,977 540,612 47,960 41,898 69,067 39,466 21,543 48,532 34,698 28,463 67,215 12,739 69 145,095 29,071,207 45,496 1,482,368 34,449 44,557 245,926 53,910 45,073 162,088 61,622 31,203 246,589 41,148 70 13 1,650 5 139 9 7 69 12 9 36 13 20 85 A 71 100 2,167 15 142 5 9 243 6 9 40 49 33 140 6 72 15 23,318 5 872 8 19 99 15 7 58 11 34 182 6 73 116 1 36,362 21 31 9 467 3 8 1 323 5 8 9 5 1 83 2 1 52 1 51 273 6 74 75 76 11 20,701 8 508 12 15 78 15 9 49 12 34 119 6 77 122 17,470 20 426 3 9 289 9 7 73 44 43 210 7 78 16 108 72 64 5 2 4 87 49 18 7 76 15 25 79 11 188 329 247 9 26 15 14 119 44 44 251 132 47 80 36 182 53 162 5 10 5 90 50 41 5 38 21 34 81 15 698 332 792 8 37 34 27 106 47 25 243 189 45 82 968 116 386 18 12 153 90 375 31 6 83 44 1,829 425 924 26 24 5 5 302 126 83 916 107 50 84 110 923 485 495 14 80 17 380 2 336 114 20 85 144 4,913 5,751 3,423 30 199 514 123 2,097 942 823 2,939 2,330 928 86 128 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9 (Part 3 of 5) .-SPECIFIED CROPS (For definitions and explanations, see text) Emy crops, deluding soybean, covpea, peannt, and lorafcna hay (see text): Land from which hay was cut acres 1954. 1949. Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay (and for dehydrating) farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. tons 1954. 1949. Sold farms reporting 1954. tons 1954. Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. tons 1954. 1949. Sold farms reporting 1954. tons 1954. Lespedeza cut for hay fanns reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. tons 1954. 1949. Sold farms reporting 1954 . tons 1954. Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. tons 1954. 1949. Sold farms reporting 1954. tons 1954. Other hay cut farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. tons 1954. 1949. Sold farms reporting 1954. tons 1954. Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. tons, green weight 1954. 1949. Laapedesa seed, araaa, and ather field aeed eeopa Lespedeza seed harvested farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. pounds 1954. 1949. Crimson clover seed harvested. .. farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. hushels 1954. 1949. Other field seed crops harvested acres 1954. ALABAMA HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 129 Calhoun Chambers Cherokee Chilton Choctaw Clarke Clay Cleburne Coffee Colbert Conecuh Coosa Covington Crenshaw 2,720 866 2,119 2,762 864 1,415 130 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9 ( Part 3 of 5 ) -SPECIFIED CROPS (For definitions and explanations, see text) Hay crops, exclading soybean, cowpea, peanut, and ■orghrni hay (see text): Land from which hay was cut acres 1954 . 1949. Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay (and for dehydrating) fanns reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. tons 1954. 1949. Sold farms reporting 1954. tons 1954. Clover^ timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. tons 1954. 1949. Sold farms reporting 1954. tons 1954. Lespedeza cut for hay farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. tons 1954. 1949. Sold farms reporting 1954 . tons 1954. Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting 1954 . 1949. acres 1954. 1949. tons 1954. 1949. Sold farms reporting 1954. tons 1954. Other hay cut farms reporting 1954 . 1949. acres 1954. 1949. tons 1954. 1949. Sold farms reporting 1954. tons 1954. Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. tons, green weight 1954. 1949. Loapedesa aeed, graaa, and other field seed crops: Lespedeza seed harvested farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. pounds 1954. 1949. Crimson clover seed harvested — farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. bushels 1954. 1949. Other field seed crops harvested acres 1954. 1,090 55 1,067 146 6,025 752 3,792 1,327 4,674 665 3,825 1,337 1,648 936 1,763 4,741 506 3,904 8,697 2,860 2,314 ALABAMA 131 HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued Geneva Greene Hale Hen,, Houston Jackson Jefferson U. Lauderdale Lawrence U. Lljneetone LowndeB Macon 590 7,332 20,054 6 1,741 8,101 7,094 4,879 12,284 14,366 8,902 20,828 11,611 6,353 1 74 12,078 17,760 80 192 9,826 3,143 4,155 10,590 11,389 4,084 13,681 11,087 4,231 2 1 16 1 78 32 19 56 55 14 121 1 1 3 1 20 306 73 36 297 307 75 306 8 23 4 4 507 6 402 180 50 490 418 197 1,866 100 10 5 2 477 1,492 353 74 1,226 1,440 676 2,299 121 70 6 2 749 5 521 287 46 776 479 189 2,997 98 6 7 2 1,010 2,218 2 26 697 2 13 129 2,321 7 55 2,124 1 1 1,044 5,106 21 1,014 227 87 8 9 10 4 12 49 2 15 57 61 38 71 84 53 93 19 21 11 2 5 18 18 1 122 39 102 203 240 20 199 3 11 12 34 407 2,064 6 336 527 1,043 267 583 837 1,082 1,044 563 1,052 13 16 18 802 66 10 840 245 351 832 1,414 212 1,386 140 145 14 25 295 1,724 6 266 481 1,111 270 515 467 1,014 840 462 886 15 16 17 1 719 1 126 1 812 3 294 2 395 2 790 3 1,203 2 200 1 1,294 5 179 179 1 16 17 10 70 25 22 32 3 12 3 15 11 12 30 18 35 54 3 623 153 477 585 614 168 1,114 11 46 19 51 87 3 5 765 139 816 883 772 105 1,082 14 55 20 465 900 125 5,694 1,418 2,742 4,913 6,785 3,930 12 ,129 380 736 21 9 756 1,112 9 131 5,530 623 2,959 6,585 5,016 1,268 7,622 450 681 22 352 649 105 4,503 1,282 1,555 3,746 5,331 3,054 8,662 282 466 23 9 975 920 103 5,178 824 3,204 6,359 4,760 1,619 7,178 496 688 24 3 27 2 20 31 21 4 100 1 25 41 87 27 49 196 78 45 648 17 26 16 101 188 33 87 197 296 315 201 283 276 94 130 27 4 17 71 4 99 112 114 157 72 167 80 26 85 28 250 1,922 5,303 685 595 1,954 1,462 2,478 1,831 2,501 2,199 3,163 1,645 29 34 81 1,076 22 337 558 353 671 325 1,051 326 754 681 30 201 1,332 5,750 429 525 2,118 1,413 2,091 1,535 2,163 2,108 4,090 1,391 31 24 94 1 796 2 18 1 283 468 5 409 9 636 11 376 6 855 2 366 11 779 613 3 32 33 50 * 10 158 22 83 54 10 55 31 34 10 168 370 14 89 219 66 403 454 105 291 389 103 35 2 377 414 3 230 234 136 283 374 137 284 664 198 36 306 4,534 11,280 589 883 2,459 358 3,675 4,495 1,192 3,590 7,355 2,910 37 15 11,418 14,252 15 19 1,702 1,364 411 1,406 3,242 896 2,072 9,452 2,617 38 273 2,499 9,791 531 696 1,909 259 2,900 2,926 1,225 2,670 6,359 1,807 39 11 10,607 15,393 8 1,159 1,283 438 1,202 2,571 737 1,794 9,794 2,023 40 1 10 3 2 5 3 31 8 1 29 10 ■4 41 5 119 107 9 3 28 90 49 1 40 120 3 318 3 145 720 43 15 120 482 1 12 50 97 500 421 90 42 43 45 46 47 48 1 1 2 1 20 4 1 31 4 11 28 1 4 49 8 8 5 4 16 34 7 17 53 28 52 69 9 30 5C 4 20 67 40 268 20 1 342 32 115 398 100 54 51 49 89 36 145 427 251 34 85 262 199 938 571 125 795 5. 450 2,200 6,455 6,400 32,475 4,920 25 44,235 7,900 8,625 30,381 11,000 3,400 53 4,727 9,750 3,910 14,630 89,823 84,736 4,150 16,654 61,966 62,686 130,890 104,979 25,000 98,286 54 9 9 10 4 10 25 1 29 5 22 32 36 14 5 5 17 18 8 6 21 94 11 2 86 35 46 125 21 17 56 346 279 447 58 475 196 5 299 63 337 449 1,573 429 57 130 224 133 54 433 936 72 2 717 249 465 1,706 505 156 58 762 476 1,162 90 787 636 6 521 147 545 1,171 2,568 763 59 524 669 92 90 999 2,764 99 9 2,718 578 1,239 5,480 1,090 401 60 496 687 437 82 348 265 83 45 279 117 85 1,063 1,332 1,791 61 132 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9 ( Part 3 of 5) .-SPECIFIED CROPS Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Madison Marengo Marion Marshall Mobile Monroe Montgomery Morgan Perry Bay crops, excluding soybean, cowpen, peanut, and sorrhua hay (see text): 21,527 13,917 17,339 16,030 6,634 5,908 6,179 5,244 4,219 2,044 2,528 2,039 21,735 25, 805 15,577 12,524 17,197 15,769 2 1949... 3 Alfalfa and ilfalfa mixtures cut for hay 182 342 9 7 6 35 126 628 1 6 4 2 6 6 95 369 1 4 4 1949. . . 5 6 acres 1954... 1949... 1,515 1,998 280 223 25 96 418 1,658 7 35 48 8 86 58 622 1,513 12 73 7 8 tons 1954... 1949... 2,359 3,760 306 335 45 179 479 2,898 13 119 19 22 132 81 904 2,855 40 165 9 13 1 3 6 10 tons 1954... 106 5 12 39 11 12 Clover, tijnothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses 1949... 89 81 39 32 66 146 41 50 67 106 14 9 56 16 51 60 14 15 13 14 acres 1954... 1949... 1,102 673 2,391 2,012 407 556 369 217 1,295 683 117 33 3,783 669 606 347 670 832 15 16 tons 1954. . . 1949... 823 598 2,182 1,831 320 496 350 230 1,268 540 58 28 3,137 561 433 371 627 525 17 Sold farms reporting 1954... 3 3 1 2 2 2 3 18 tons 1954... 13 39 20 8 5 185 17 19 20 1949... 882 777 37 48 687 752 676 647 2 8 10 22 22 22 806 922 149 115 21 22 acres 1954... 1949... 10,899 7,197 329 814 4,264 3,141 3,160 2,043 60 39 123 176 649 740 6,389 5,990 2,953 1,980 23 2* tons 1954... 1949... 7,943 6,250 221 645 3,959 3,272 2,710 2,201 37 42 62 133 608 741 5,189 5,855 2,132 1,721 25 Sold farms reporting 1954. . . 53 1 25 14 3 62 6 26 tons 1954. . . 715 5 479 127 100 344 45 27 28 Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains 1949 . . . 153 56 105 34 183 82 281 207 91 18 112 66 151 51 282 104 156 36 29 30 acres 1954... 1949... 1,575 237 2,492 995 1,301 293 984 541 1,364 123 957 376 5,306 1,308 1,737 483 2,545 710 31 32 tons 1954. . . 1949... 1,370 218 3,397 905 1,093 257 994 532 1,585 109 959 230 5,816 945 1,703 491 2,351 687 33 « 8 1 2 2 4 5 3 34 tons 1954... 27 25 2 38 4 119 40 14 35 36 1949... 390 497 382 433 140 448 181 193 97 190 181 310 284 491 646 753 355 453 37 38 acres 1954. . . 1949... 6,436 4,236 11,847 11,962 637 1,840 1,248 796 1,423 1 112 1,283 1,477 11,911 23,044 6,223 4,346 10, 928 12,124 39 40 tons 1954... 1949. . . 5,036 3,796 9,083 13,829 424 1,432 1,035 824 1,437 1,155 1,291 1,069 9,676 24, 543 4,820 3,864 9,636 11,154 41 io 12 1 2 7 15 49 27 42 tons 1954... 66 294 1 41 155 487 442 368 43 44 Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, 1949. . . 1 1 2 1 4 45 46 acres 1954... 1949... 40 70 37 20 89 47 48 tons, green weight 1954. . . 1949... 80 300 225 135 259 49 50 Leapedeu aeed, grass, and sther field seed crops: Lespedeza seed harvested farms reporting 1954. . . 1949... 51 106 3 2 40 3 13 1 3 5 3 14 16 38 2 66 51 52 acres 1954. . . 1949 . . . 765 826 18 5 212 10 52 2 20 73 170 580 194 286 45 1,482 53 54 pounds 1954. . . 1949... 91,060 331,719 1,^95 850 32,635 1,200 12,310 378 3,100 7,560 32,000 56,329 20,000 64,187 3,700 329,910 55 56 Crimson clover seed harvested. . -farms reporting 1954... 1949... 76 177 11 21 3 30 7 25 6 12 12 5 25 28 14 74 14 25 57 58 acres 1954... 1949... 1,031 3,459 223 524 51 196 27 102 104 257 355 145 1,190 1,035 59 644 344 357 59 60 bushels 1954... 1949... 2,616 11,871 376 1,715 108 747 56 270 205 344 834 117 1,476 2,253 204 1,924 721 742 61 Other field seed crops harvested acres 1954 3,849 1,970 53 178 385 115 2,047 291 2,300 HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued ALABAMA Pickens Pike Randolph Russell St. Clair Shelby Sumter Talladega Tallapooaa Tuscaloosa Walker Washington Wile 133 1,461 565 1,267 1,381 354 1,244 2,430 179 2,857 2,562 656 2,011 1,710 228 1,074 2,108 564 1,757 134 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9 (Part 4 of 5J .-SPECIFIED CROPS .farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. bales 1954. 1949. 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949.. gallons 1954.. 1949.. Irish potatoes harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting 1954. . 1949.. acres 19541 . 1949 z. bushels 1954. . 1949.. Sveetpotatoes harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 19541. 1949 '. bushels 1954. . 1949.. Other field crops harvested Vegefbl 1954. for hoae use and for sale (other than Irish Vegetables harvested for home use farms reporting 1954. 1949. Vegetables harvested for sale... farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Sold dollars 1954. 1949. Snap beans (bush and pole types ) farms reporting 1954 . 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Green li bi a .farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. .farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Cucumbers and pickles farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949 . . Tomatoes farms reporting 1954 . 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Watermelons farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Blackeyes and other green cowpeas f anus reporting 1954 . 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Sweet corn farms reporting 1954 . 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Okra farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Sweet peppers snd pijnientos .. farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Other vegetables acres 1954. Other berrie. 106,592 145,484 1,153,514 1,850,646 707,152 824,290 8,867 23,800 9,029 15,513 493,682 1,428,891 61,471 81,977 20,598 22,023 3,557,090 2,522,321 47,903 81,090 9,913 28,651 923,308 2,544,620 6,657 149,804 178,022 11,894 11,046 64,942 71,715 3,729,519 3,460,000 2,094 3,234 2,190 2,544 2,683 2,503 3,606 2,391 1,287 1,135 1,062 1,044 1,267 1,642 1,327 3,741 4,515 6,228 8,096 4,694 4,639 21,925 12,688 16,021 11,145 25,447 442 1,779 2,853 8,812 1,524 1,462 2,499 2,153 reated for aale: fanns reporting 1954... 686 1949... 1,905 acres 1954... 862 1949... 1,600 quarts 1954. . . 1,159,593 1949. . . 1,624,494 845 1,096 10,713 17,728 6,192 7,844 3,490 2,597 125,029 76,358 2,782 2,713 2,570 1,499 2,385 44,811 164,417 6,606 9,139 398,105 546,949 1,675 1,583 16,217 14,208 8,852 5,125 12,149 10 9,450 22 2,119,614 3,487 1,154,238 4,418 1,113 8,149 3,637 4,069 7,113 2,155 2,206 3,731 19,315 42,937 14, 110 17,919 839 3,183 1,220 4,091 12 1,018 67 1,106 25 6,595 431 6,845 2,405 397,462 9,672 370,723 1,137 1,341 9,899 14,043 4,739 2,900 than 20 bushels harvested. See text. For 1949, does not include acreage for ALABAMA 135 HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 Calhoun Chambers Cherokee Chilton Choctaw Clarke Clay Cleburne Coffee Colbert Conecuh Coosa Covington Crenshaw 696 1,135 1,665 1,462 1,433 1,317 798 505 1,976 1,037 1,600 362 1,836 1,252 1 1,405 1,476 2,379 2,031 1,478 1,371 1,194 919 2,443 1,601 1,908 622 2,301 1,812 2 6,854 11,001 24,970 10,756 7,173 6,351 4,890 3,487 23,186 28,123 13,939 1,757 18,169 12,793 3 16,569 17,619 45,023 15,325 8,995 6,394 8,276 8,343 26,556 47,803 18,032 3,479 22,473 19,284 4 4,618 6,525 18,788 6,747 3,784 3,477 3,051 1,927 13,579 16,801 8,430 983 11,719 8,708 5 6,146 8,260 17,626 6,503 3,519 3,138 2,802 2,732 9,279 32,810 7,916 1,212 8,663 5,766 6 128 160 64 66 293 206 57 94 96 61 150 103 72 27 v 102 490 37 271 973 876 71 34 495 33 845 230 451 411 a 144 160 104 83 146 88 55 76 106 117 84 134 67 14 9 77 256 33 160 502 474 50 33 291 40 505 104 287 178 ii- 8,112 10,158 3,083 4,286 9,024 5,452 3,912 4,881 2,883 4,529 5,156 8,665 2,617 774 ii 4,752 17,442 1,781 13,308 70,250 45,779 2,877 1,567 35,258 2,242 61,501 9,232 39,526 18,826 i. 510 703 1,285 1,085 597 921 632 734 818 826 603 362 412 558 13 972 834 1,378 1,171 636 1,207 598 657 1,463 773 524 759 877 764 14 24 10 53 22 10 8- 28 16 13 80 4 12 13 10 15 74 17 117 49 17 34 45 48 36 119 25 18 29 12 K. 6,320 3,738 16,035 7,569 3,015 4,692 5,768 7,348 4,852 13,423 2,653 2,456 2,512 3,198 17 10,382 4,639 16,604 8,346 3,772 7,013 5,527 7,540 9,522 12,633 3,154 4,552 6,033 3,690 18 378 736 681 777 839 1,135 598 588 576 353 740 383 362 441 1" 933 1,025 1,026 1,001 1,269 1,759 681 557 1,146 379 1,116 849 919 788 20 54 80 19 102 127 100 45 12 74 37 70 49 98 82 . 1 165 280 88 338 373 641 185 88 298 67 505 172 350 267 22 6,371 9,087 5,401 9,911 12,369 12,962 7,000 5,270 7,965 3,655 9,194 4,480 8,083 8,355 23 19,873 27,054 2 13,199 8 28,349 34,527 44,369 336 15,638 1 9,716 32,787 33 8,041 3 39,994 95 20,030 31,758 862 27,971 2 24 25 1,720 1,896 1,928 2,186 2,184 2,301 1,655 1,181 2,400 1,506 2,117 1,152 2,705 1,547 26 2,045 2,135 2,481 2,705 2,347 2,570 1,881 1,424 2,896 1,724 2,409 1,413 2,883 2,295 27 140 83 128 613 9 34 91 57 43 58 96 • 34 134 54 28 134 101 77 915 12 29 150 74 80 79 85 115 93 52 29 294 213 368 3,216 10 32 249 163 211 197 561 286 639 191 30 314 353 167 4,350 427 376 494 170 601 245 982 472 753 617 31 19,854 9,311 17,901 174,564 390 1,973 14,493 11,504 7,819 12,213 25,941 18,431 16,439 7,799 :>:■ 19,040 11,190 9,679 255,344 525 2,436 22,502 13,753 10,445 16,780 21,194 19,767 18,076 7,756 33 89 25 22 114 4 29 25 7 24 11 11 10 4 34 67 50 29 312 9 110 62 11 35 11 51 63 8 35 23 13 9 103 1 17 29 1 16 25 9 22 36 28 19 13 245 '• 2 57 90 4 19 27 16 16 3 37 59 36 12 94 2 8 9 15 10 33 67 8 29 21 38 43 49 15 101 12 54 3 27 43 18 70 15 39 10 57 6 97 (Z) 2 8 17 9 20 198 17 40 24 40 15 25 4 81 2 2 13 2 19 22 110 12 28 11 41 72 6 6 14 i. 4 5 i. 9 3 4 5 3 42 23 18 14 46 2 3 38 8 6 11 7 8 2 43 9 1 2 8 1 1 2 1 4 2 (Z) 1 3 44 7 2 3 22 (Z) 1 7 * 3 6 4 1 11 1 45 40 3 4 36 1 2 5 9 10 12 6 41 3 46 8 7 5 53 1 32 2 7 5 11 5 35 2 47 4 1 1 48 (Z) 1 2 6 6 29 67 3 48 1 4 1 38 1 7 (Z) 7 2 16 1 27 2 49 101 26 25 374 1 6 24 10 8 21 11 13 24 6 50 66 51 31 527 1 16 76 8 17 51 14 28 76 5 51 40 17 19 611 (Z) 1 15 4 3 16 6 14 2 52 44 17 10 794 (z) 2 33 5 9 28 5 19 29 2 53 89 63 317 15 66 11 19 45 23 22 46 18 54 61 44 47 438 8 15 88 6 23 48 19 53 73 31 55 88 59 158 1,495 2 14 122 12 71 72 73 150 286 32 56 74 29 83 1,554 4 11 113 6 32 63 23 152 56 52 57 76 27 25 191 7 12 23 14 36 31 57 15 85 35 58 49 71 24 440 323 411 139 20 362 116 397 123 271 464 59 69 20 32 492 8 12 27 11 105 44 169 61 191 109 60 84 216 30 775 415 350 187 31 473 57 738 218 479 517 61 7 14 8 25 1 1 4 6 2 3 1 2 62 26 20 19 166 3 8 21 9 10 6 5 10 46 9 63 5 17 14 56 (Z) (Z) 6 8 (Z) 1 5 (Z) 1 64 14 25 12 424 1 2 13 22 13 7 7 2 48 7 65 28 19 9 33 1 2 10 2 8 15 19 2 9 5 66 24 2 74 8 8 13 6 3 10 12 5 67 17 9 5 167 (Z) (Z) 5 1 4 6 11 3 6 2 68 13 1 1 116 2 3 2 9 7 2 4 6 1 69 17 1 39 1 14 6 1 33 1 1 2 1 1 1 70 71 7 7 (Z) 109 5 5 7 32 (Z) 82 2 1 2 (Z) 1 (Z) 72 73 22 12 13 134 (Z) 1 15 3 3 12 49 30 12 11 74 28 6 10 78 4 2 3 80 1 75 27 13 16 272 3 "s 6 6 4 8 178 5 1 1 76 10 1 16 82 2 (Z) 1 126 1 77 12 3 257 1 1 2 1 1 5 247 2 (Z) 78 11,880 930 10,910 103,596 950 70 324 230,134 400 79 11,267 2,505 2,760 292,601 260 544 967 426 360 2,152 236,991 735 672 100 80 (Z) (Z) (Z) 422 (Z) 1 11 81 136 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9 (Part 4 of 5 ) .-SPECIFIED CROPS (For definitions and explanations, farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. bales 1954. 1949. Sugarcane or sorghum harvested for sirup farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. gallons 1954. 1949. Irish potatoes harvested for home use or for sale fanns reporting 1954. 1949. acres 19541 1949 a bushels 1954. 1949. Sweetpotatoes harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting 1954 . 1949. acres 19541 1949 2 bushels 1954. 1949. Other field crops harvested. acres 1954. (other than Irish Vegetables for ho and aveet potatoes): Vegetables harvested for home use farms reporting 1954. 1949. Vegetables harvested for sale... farms reporting 1954. 1949.. acres 1954. 1949 . Sold dollars 1954. 1949. Snap beans (bush and pole types ) farms reporting 1954 . 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Green lijna beans farms reporting 1954 . 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Cabbage farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Cucumbers and pickles. •farms reporting 1954. 1949.. acres 1954. 1949. Tomatoes farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949 . Watermelons farms reporting 1954 . 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Blackeyes and other green cowpeas fanns reporting 1954 . 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Sweet corn farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Okra farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Sweet peppers and pimientos. -farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Other vegetables acres 1954. Berries and other Bull fruits harvested for sale: Strawberries farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. quarts 1954. 1949. Other berries. 1954. 4,624 6,846 38,366 79,421 29,901 31,468 1,787 75,296 115,581 2,289 2,504 3,232 3,595 284,073 426,781 11 5,790 6,929 1,866 694 5,919 1,685 414,320 105,216 9,518 7,226 6,494 2,934 1,327 33,861 22,160 3,323 3,691 33 ,594 44,367 15,801 16,912 1,570 109,666 134,141 1,368 2,155 18,864 30,597 1,781 2,180 100,650 129,360 1,034 1,107 12,422 14,121 12,230 8,030 1,861 2,229 350,574 247,236 1,481 2,518 12,563 27,776 9,429 11,940 1,236 1,978 9,898 18,032 4,150 7,579 For 1949, does not include acreage for ALABAMA 137 HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued Geneva Greene Hale Hen^ Houston Jackson Jefferson Lamar Lauderdale Lawrence Ue Limestone Lowndes Macon 1,755 1,759 1,953 1,271 2,191 2,556 421 1,366 2,286 2,586 937 3,346 1,490 1,497 1 2,225 2,254 2,335 1,327 2,674 3,956 690 2,328 3,332 3,553 1,049 3,897 1,994 1,910 2 22,424 15,741 16,858 17,356 29,251 25,659 3,364 12,533 33,388 49,011 11,163 62,132 12,727 18,750 3 27,753 22,176 26,350 16,551 34,957 50,051 6,227 24,655 59,876 77,896 14,563 95,158 20,830 29,573 4 17,781 6,719 9,975 11,929 23,087 18,231 2,181 5,555 18,210 23,880 6,376 30,981 6,647 11, DO 5 11,247 8,568 14,076 6,208 15,911 24,743 2,482 10,099 27,166 44,698 5,638 52,306 6,253 8,707 6 70 150 93 38 112 147 49 91 154 86 94 89 78 230 7 354 585 350 545 628 91 45 269 78 47 382 65 641 591 8 68 141 96 22 91 379 102 87 148 106 64 102 42 158 9 252 351 271 304 333 126 32 143 74 80 272 61 395 399 10 8,518 5,056 3,471 1,117 6,789 19,324 4,273 3,696 6,445 3,643 2,814 3,335 1,420 7,460 11 38,230 18,828 17,981 34,069 52,937 8,297 2,129 10,874 4,593 4,638 14,732 2,558 23,546 23,508 12 760 241 117 529 393 2,431 740 1,100 2,090 1,886 246 2,426 217 195 13 1,139 885 936 693 1,477 3,446 753 835 2,694 2,413 589 2,186 340 559 14 5 11 12 4 27 970 54 11 243 124 9 177 4 15 52 16 25 30 44 1,542 112 36 506 170 33 194 5 12 16 4,689 1,509 1,338 3,943 4,456 114,008 8,117 7,628 37,529 27,427 1,803 40,913 1,147 1,002 17 8,712 3,902 5,051 5,922 12,352 121,991 10,016 6,248 52,172 26,430 4,001 33,853 1,426 2,948 18 385 522 363 426 282 1,014 698 676 910 563 531 639 637 691 19 893 1,767 1,637 1,031 1,051 1,666 863 714 1,461 1,077 952 968 1,384 1,231 20 94 51 114 92 215 48 146 16 40 9 170 27 99 132 21 361 584 442 273 419 96 334 122 120 62 424 56 550 370 22 8,058 4,366 5,657 9,154 10,608 9,044 9,683 4,369 6,477 3,109 11,514 4,724 7,434 11,836 23 31,849 45,060 36,136 27,844 39,243 19,749 27,275 12,582 20,607 10,005 29,025 11,657 31,424 26,386 24 94 3 60 1 15 2 34 4 65 25 1,930 1,528 1,681 1,566 2,422 3,685 2,214 1,856 3,323 2,944 1,562 3,713 1,724 1,599 26 2,236 2,337 2,334 2,029 2,765 4,344 2,656 2,367 4,000 3,400 1,698 3,856 2,159 1,956 27 335 7 29 136 1,213 155 231 44 112 45 163 32 35 45 28 304 49 40 37 571 126 305 72 46 24 198 20 161 117 29 1,902 42 76 562 9,284 513 2,170 105 247 88 725 175 34 103 30 2,096 553 386 776 4,385 314 2,300 627 78 79 793 52 392 480 31 70,270 4,007 3,234 19,708 331,876 45,126 204,688 6,258 20,056 5,129 33,118 11,184 1,595 7,713 32 84,603 3,261 4,910 4,505 181,851 25,235 238,242 5,947 5,264 3,060 27,593 1,268 11,401 15,970 33 19 3 4 2 40 72 65 4 57 11 34 14 3 17 34 7 22 15 5 35 101 99 15 22 12 69 17 6 40 35 10 1 1 1 50 87 30 1 23 19 100 (Z) 4 36 3 5 8 1 56 95 87 3 3 2 22 * 2 9 37 37 4 5 15 260 16 73 13 45 12 109 3 8 20 38 27 17 12 10 204 13 64 16 15 9 104 14 14 52 39 29 4 1 18 488 27 191 5 14 7 186 2 6 13 40 20 5 3 5 318 8 127 5 2 3 132 2 12 19 41 12 3 5 2 14 15 38 33 13 2 2 10 42 12 20 10 7 13 10 55 5 12 3 47 11 1 41 43 1 1 5 16 14 43 8 5 1 (Z) 3 IA 8 4 6 1 14 5 31 1 2 (Z) 11 2 (Z) 22 45 76 2 3 25 54 11 20 2 21 4 2 2 1 2 46 89 3 10 87 13 21 1 5 5 12 11 2 8 47 74 (Z) (Z) 34 75 8 12 (Z) 3 1 1 1 2 (Z) 48 89 (z) 7 116 8 9 (Z) 1 1 2 2 1 1 49 92 3 5 72 569 52 94 5 53 14 26 8 4 10 50 27 17 14 10 131 45 169 25 18 7 76 18 8 58 51 185 (Z) 2 136 1,533 50 92 1 19 7 14 5 (Z) 3 52 33 3 3 7 311 48 198 14 6 4 30 5 5 16 53 197 3 5 39 489 64 78 19 58 32 61 20 2 19 54 223 22 24 16 226 32 86 37 12 29 99 19 9 81 55 1,004 21 8 176 3,946 192 115 34 97 40 69 20 1 16 X 1,003 13 18 48 1,245 51 116 25 14 29 79 11 16 83 57 143 5 6 55 707 24 84 28 56 19 121 8 8 12 58 538 344 309 537 574 24 135 505 19 24 170 9 121 172 59 548 14 9 173 2,734 50 203 45 30 17 339 8 8 34 60 883 503 323 686 1,783 42 226 550 29 31 421 8 182 219 61 4 2 3 12 3 13 3 20 2 5 4 1 62 9 14 5 7 36 16 31 20 16 3 52 16 6 51 63 10 2 7 20 6 10 2 22 4 20 2 64 7 13 2 13 86 10 50 12 8 4 41 11 2 49 65 8 2 23 4 33 11 87 4 24 3 26 2 18 5 66 14 1 8 2 22 13 77 2 3 14 1 131 14 • 7 4 1 48 2 31 5 237 1 7 2 20 1 17 12 68 16 (Z) 3 1 1 23 1 8 28 156 9 (Z) 3 1 6 (Z) 3 149 5 69 70 1 (Z) 8 1 11 56 18 4 1 1 (Z) 1 12 2 71 72 (z) 16 6 24 (z) (z) (Z) 10 73 34 4 10 390 18 1,233 16 24 6 68 5 16 74 1 2 1 4 8 2 14 1 4 7 1 75 2 2 1 3 6 23 20 7 2 7 19 31 5 76 (Z) (Z) (Z) 3 4 1 4 (Z) 1 59 (z) 77 1 1 (z) (Z) 2 46 5 3 1 1 4 16 (z) 1 78 75 170 70 2,820 3,760 650 4,997 75 345 50,134 50 79 820 3 52 70 85 1,315 43,182 5,641 7 1,731 212 (Z) 288 2,280 30,319 3 61 (Z) 566 80 81 138 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9 (Part 4 of 5 J .-SPECIFIED CROPS farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. bales 1954. 1949. harvested for farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. gallons 1954. 1949. Irish potatoes harvested for home use or for sale * farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 19541 1949 2 bushels 1954. 1949. Other field crops harvested. Vegetables for borne use and for 'eporting 1954. 1949. acres 19541 1949 2 bushels 1954. 1949. acres 1954. (other than Irish for borne potatoes): Vegetables harvested for home use farms reporting 1954. 1949. Vegetables harvested for sale... farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Sold dollars 1954. 1949. Snap beans (bush and pole types ) farms reporting 1954 . 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Green lima beans farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. -farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. . farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. .farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. .farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Cucumbers and pickle Watermelons . Blackeyes and other green cowpeas farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Sweet corn farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Okra farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. .farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Sweet peppers and pimie Other vegetables. Other berries. harvested for sale: farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. quarts 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 3,804 4,340 72,041 109,351 42,691 50,769 2,321 2,856 18,935 26,861 10,651 12,157 6,095 6,152 2,289 41,601 2,714 1,027 2,918 1,057 210 20 416 34 50,202 5,385 51,784 6,482 723 1,371 1,077 1,815 122 128 632 7,302 14,991 17,289 44,082 1,689 2,951 15,198 31,786 9,759 16,553 3,565 5,200 35,357 70,762 26,671 37,677 3,093 3,490 2 556 1,811 2.560 4,194 1,799 3,178 5,351 1,756 41 225 362 46 201 400 % 727 4,852 459 439 3,382 J, 931 65,831 254,214 3,497 31,732 306,177 2,020 2,378 20,870 27,055 15,166 14,270 2 546 1,771 3,327 2,701 2,315 4,225 20 41 189 54 73 152 29 40* 513 708 1,033 344 2,683 29,947 39,370 6,565 33,532 26,974 1,250 1,491 13,727 21,547 8,301 6,722 2,580 3,891 35,385 65,927 20,176 31,088 For 1949, does not include acreage for ALABAMA 139 HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued Pickens Pike Randolph Russell St. Clair Shelby 1,751 2,720 17,945 32, 147 7,800 11,521 1,607 2,052 18,548 23,241 10,712 5,972 1,362 16,090 7,231 27 59 19 59 216 618 162 296 61 172 23 237 304 1,234 256 935 3 19 3 2 11 18 18 23 3 30 1 2 17 22 13 26 9 13 3 7 10 11 7 11 5 9 1 9 3 4 3 9 2 170 14 2 1 476 19 13 7 67 12 45 7 1 3 2 11 2 (z) (z) 1 1 2 1 75 200 161 101 870 729 (Z) ... 16 1,629 2,278 10,788 20,370 6,529 7,627 1,164 1,296 11,757 18,055 6,425 664 1,327 5,218 13,072 3,885 4,600 1,059 1,150 90,375 70,513 7,658 10,930 5,890 2,107 1,137 2,426 1,901 r.vc. 13,253 22,923 29,144 7,964 7,803 8,126 11,305 794 1,248 7,763 13,499 3,947 5,561 1,739 2,651 18,410 29,882 9,666 15,067 1,026 1,117 110,496 35,828 1,060 53,303 38,955 1,979 2,542 12,958 21,751 6,882 9,153 140 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9 (Part 5 of 5 ) -SPECIFIED CROPS ■ee fruits, nuts, and crapes: Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees farms reporting 1954 x . 1950. . acres 19541 . 19502. Apples farms reporting 1954 * . 1950. . Trees of all ages number 1954 * . 1950. . Trees not of bearing age number 19541. Trees of bearing age number 1954 * . Quantity harvested bushels 1954 * . 1949.. Peaches farms reporting 19541 . 1950.. Trees of all ages number 1954 * . 1950. . Trees not of bearing age number 19541. Trees of bearing age number 19541. Quantity harvested bushels 19541. 1949.. Pears farms reporting 19541. 1950.. Trees of all ages number 19541 . 1950.. Trees not of bearing age number 19541. Trees of bearing age number 1954 * . Quantity harvested bushels 1954 * . 1949.. Cherries farms reporting 19541. 1950. . Trees of all ages number 19541. 1950. , Trees not of bearing age number 19541 . Trees of bearing age number 19541. Quantity harvested pounds 19541 . 1949.. Plums and prunes farms reporting 19541 , 1950. , Trees of all ages number 19541. 1950. . Trees not of bearing age number 19541. Trees of bearing age number 19541 . Quantity harvested bushels 19541. 1949 . . Figs farms reporting 19541 . 1950.. Trees of all ages number 19541. 1950. Trees not of bearing age number 19541 Trees of bearing age number 19541 Quantity harvested pounds 19541. 1949. Grapes farms reporting 19541 1950. Vines of all ages number 19541 1950. Vines not of bearing age number 19541 Vines of bearing age number 19541 Quantity harvested pounds 19541 1949. Pecans (improved and seedling), trees of all ages number 19541 1950. Quantity harvested pounds 19541 1949. Improved pecans (budded, grafted, or top-worked ) farms reporting 19541 1950. Trees of all ages number 19541 1950. Trees not of bearing age number 1954 * Trees of bearing age number 19541 Quantity harvested pounds 19541 1949. Wild or seedling pecans farms reporting 19541 1950. Trees of all ages number 19541 1950. Trees not of bearing age number 19541 Trees of bearing age number 19541 Quantity harvested pounds 19541 1949. Tung nuts farms reporting 19 541 . 1950.. Trees of all ages number 1954 a . 1950.. Trees not of bearing age number 19541 Trees of bearing age number 19541 Quantity harvested pounds 19541 1949. 13,939 99,671 67,497 87,264 13,667 68,599 225,721 802,764 57,927 167,794 166,448 374,226 14,493 72,056 809,364 1,603,726 229,001 580,363 562,323 297,937 39,103 130,370 10,639 28,464 1,999 10,943 4,930 24,214 1,817 3,113 17,751 28,999 25,351 76,185 4,640 20,711 11,703 15,460 36,380 18,712 113,555 4,816 13,896 142,958 1,547,494 6,984 35,867 72 ,376 242,538 13,752 58,624 445,352 1,276,598 634,279 864,474 2,311,070 9,531,894 10,266 38,274 546,657 733,323 57,205 489,452 1,991,687 7,830,395 3,788 14,020 87,622 131,151 14,834 72,788 319,383 1,701,499 182 539 382,445 356,497 21,284 361,161 4,394,155 2,316,330 134 514 13,125 27,486 1,000 12,125 9,615 4,565 1,938 6,268 7,413 1,027 711 3,948 146 3,991 1,242 7,977 12 269 134 3,722 1,053 11,539 1,462 13,892 14,371 70,114 14,673 86,290 54,754 474,469 189,784 1,252,827 148 613 363 1,358 12,983 62,750 13,461 77,230 585 10,213 12,398 52,537 52,183 432,329 163,184 1,127,184 42 226 181 669 1,388 7,364 1,212 9,060 136 1,324 1,252 6,040 2,571 42,140 26,600 125,643 18 ,261 133,257 419,484 1,492 3,717 4,434 56,422 63,261 88,590 396,882 454 1,037 42,508 60,093 3,461 39,047 70,506 359,740 267 13,383 18,084 37,142 1,221 3,383 2,938 42,180 1,057 2,558 41,218 2,678 702 1,693 2,304 2,249 2,794 435 68 2,395 242 18,037 4o; 51,532 1,56! 5,737 13! 12,300 264 2,028 112,412 90,018 54, 203 1,233 4,131 10,369 2,008 2,123 12,837 66,286 2,771 1,490 14,997 25,449 26,585 57,398 263,732 622 22,200 2,594 21,65; 135 865 487 21,335 1,357 50,346 J.452 204,753 2,926 7.052 58,979 xFor 1954, does not include data for farms with less than 20 • 2For 1950, does : eage for farms with less than 1/2 ALABAMA 141 HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 Calhoun Chambers Cherokee Chilton Choctaw Clarke Clay Cleburne Coffee Colbert ( oneoul) Coosa Covington Crenshaw 161 199 148 580 61 153 201 63 127 137 92 71 271 185 1 1,172 963 1,182 1,795 969 1,075 1,144 899 1,789 745 1,270 1,138 2,081 1,510 2 310 440 263 3,769 338 354 397 66 629 241 506 193 4,019 945 3 723 388 480 4,488 457 504 834 283 787 288 450 492 3,918 1,029 * 230 224 278 145 76 118 261 109 76 222 39 96 150 145 5 1,059 754 1,062 901 625 603 1,120 870 428 663 478 1,046 682 725 6 4,899 3,180 5,118 5,768 718 905 7,836 1,936 304 4,043 228 2,695 608 857 7 16,349 7,737 17,489 14,227 3,552 3,811 22,589 11,580 1,528 7,808 2,250 15,406 3,278 4,470 8 1,961 820 978 896 395 418 1,815 436 157 491 89 496 242 271 9 2,938 2,360 4,140 4,872 323 487 6,021 1,500 147 3,552 139 2,199 366 586 10 3,230 2,246 4,386 3,595 124 122 5,250 3,374 52 3,989 56 1,699 90 207 11 5,986 3,047 7,171 2,898 583 548 11,890 3,650 441 3,464 529 10,741 449 1,055 12 205 166 273 585 85 149 203 99 134 229 87 93 262 144 13 902 508 980 1,465 745 741 835 703 1,105 679 677 801 1,086 772 14 3,876 2,296 6,336 329 ,332 3,119 4,727 7,001 1,166 2,059 7,962 1,923 2,488 2,962 1,618 15 12,232 6,539 13,596 419,701 9,763 7,444 15,680 8,239 12,048 11,316 6,731 13,822 12,125 7,894 16 1,776 649 1,646 80,227 1,157 3,418 856 210 685 696 744 711 871 410 17 2,100 1,647 4,690 249,105 1,962 1,309 6,145 956 1,374 7,266 1,179 1,777 2,091 1,208 18 1,325 803 4,516 262,728 931 486 1,555 995 578 5,446 654 1,559 797 458 19 431 576 1,375 108 ,626 684 1,136 1,190 421 3,409 1,182 1,015 1,099 1,987 1,438 20 135 175 183 97 58 117 150 69 110 122 72 83 204 125 21 523 470 595 483 477 534 583 455 624 400 473 656 764 529 22 477 726 510 1,388 188 519 471 263 397 1,049 305 303 693 563 23 1,566 2,100 1,597 1,605 1,196 1,683 1,642 1,093 2,098 1,723 1,157 2,079 2,531 1,458 24 215 130 139 292 67 160 124 52 62 98 97 76 180 59 25 262 596 371 1,096 121 359 347 211 335 951 208 227 513 504 It 428 953 648 1,146 167 381 617 311 778 578 491 213 1,528 457 27 119 946 364 628 1,531 2,397 593 218 3,739 377 2,211 877 7,413 2,462 28 32 15 63 5 2 3 23 12 5 36 10 4 2 29 155 47 191 53 32 43 98 83 16 152 9 74 26 13 3C 67 43 160 33 2 4 56 21 11 129 21 13 6 31 317 102 438 111 54 81 215 150 43 474 11 151 52 36 32 45 31 83 9 1 3 8 9 52 5 11 1 33 22 12 77 24 1 1 52 13 2 77 16 2 5 34 43 32 227 75 233 116 120 211 35 7 20 484 82 32 60 223 70 615 244 14 57 60 2 36 74 37 88 65 12 40 41 21 28 61 18 18 48 22 37 288 69 246 182 107 119 202 131 104 179 83 190 156 45 38 362 185 272 2,714 55 198 124 77 198 249 244 84 260 54 39 1,176 202 708 3,582 688 3,958 922 408 1,308 609 313 655 934 202 40 121 69 77 366 28 37 29 23 81 81 62 17 113 12 41 241 116 195 2,348 27 161 95 54 117 168 182 67 147 42 42 119 70 115 1,210 2 50 235 56 103 101 65 11 35 9 43 83 34 308 336 15 293 223 85 173 202 101 87 520 23 44 81 106 77 73 50 105 110 23 126 16 82 52 189 144 45 438 413 368 798 585 648 694 329 1,081 81 631 573 1,111 709 46 300 336 207 228 3U6 368 359 42 389 39 308 172 593 432 47 1,418 1,266 917 2,801 2,172 2,132 2,137 868 3,394 249 2,125 2,141 3,551 1,966 48 174 54 62 40 107 115 115 14 78 6 81 29 151 40 49 126 282 145 188 199 253 244 28 311 33 227 143 442 392 50 460 2,312 1,371 1,229 1,940 4,712 3,641 311 6,415 190 3,201 907 3,189 8,047 51 8,603 16,666 9,108 51,570 21,669 26,734 29,811 5,161 75,625 1,205 49,846 17,967 90,088 57,414 52 113 94 162 50 19 32 101 52 34 97 29 42 83 47 53 513 222 589 426 219 107 517 518 246 298 157 375 376 124 54 744 462 852 3,838 89 2,264 539 288 72 1,541 92 273 282 85 55 3,109 845 2,822 5,025 563 558 3,364 3,327 612 2,743 387 2,323 1,029 274 56 260 90 125 102 18 34 149 48 36 126 15 65 130 29 57 484 372 727 3,736 71 2,230 390 240 36 1,415 77 208 152 56 58 4,256 3,235 8,202 12,986 300 1,000 2,910 3,167 502 9,588 833 1,028 932 940 59 7,739 1,159 12,942 10,440 1,960 622 14,021 4,648 5,266 13,153 2,563 6,158 13,541 1,915 6t 2,026 4,795 909 2,944 3,130 3,997 1,472 213 7,248 126 9,349 693 27,880 11,930 61 4,218 7,680 2,103 5,953 5,568 7,494 3,579 1,334 17,770 418 10,743 2,574 35,861 17,983 62 6,181 33,938 1,246 13,230 6,460 17 ,959 11,424 2,012 31,001 275 18,878 3,021 22,565 58,632 63 31,426 64,124 15,735 69,324 60,461 59,149 19,395 4,915 254,695 4,026 143,833 13,341 434,953 294,191 64 120 197 119 136 72 134 146 27 189 12 125 62 387 201 65 463 573 403 688 367 458 482 299 1,348 86 502 474 1,364 766 66 1,882 3,726 839 2,751 3,071 3,254 1,408 184 6,476 94 7,349 662 24,019 6,299 67 3,922 6,750 1,981 5,308 4,542 5,625 3,302 1,233 15,340 350 6,074 2,337 29,308 11,225 68 233 341 285 754 276 439 383 32 1,253 21 578 180 2,289 530 69 1,649 3,385 554 1,997 2,795 2,815 1,025 152 5,223 73 6,771 482 21,730 5,769 7C 5,682 23,378 1,226 11,925 6,135 13,983 11,121 1,955 26,443 25 13,106 2,966 18,328 29,019 71 30,861 58,857 15,404 61,664 45,713 38,796 18,120 4,595 206,186 1,736 69,360 12,791 329,550 171 ,821 72 18 95 9 41 10 88 27 10 65 2 83 11 193 229 73 38 174 33 170 202 344 86 38 385 14 594 70 838 909 74 144 1,069 70 193 59 743 64 29 772 32 2,000 31 3,861 5,631 75 296 930 122 645 1,026 1,869 277 101 2,430 68 4,669 237 6,553 6,758 76 19 135 8 29 15 58 15 12 77 7 542 9 634 1,044 77 125 934 62 164 685 49 17 695 25 1,458 22 3,227 4,587 78 499 10,560 20 1,305 325 3,976 303 57 4,558 250 5,772 55 4,237 29,613 79 565 1 5,267 1 1 4 331 2 7,660 2 1 2 14,748 1 2 1 20,353 2 53 1,275 320 1 48,509 1 1 2,290 74,473 1 1 550 2 ... 5 105,403 14 45 205,747 122 ,370 2 9 80 81 82 83 2 1 ..! 2 4 1 21 53 2 308 179 1 164,969 10 54 84 85 4 2 100 1 2 2,905 5 1 205,737 2,409,087 1,024,175 9 110 86 87 88 142 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9 (Part 5 of 5) .-SPECIFIED CROPS Tree fruits, ante, and crapes: Land In bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted" nut trees farms reporting 1954 * . 1950. . acres 19541. 19502. Apples farms reporting 1954 * . 1950. . Trees of all ages number 1954 J . 1950. . Trees not of bearing age number 19541. Trees of bearing age number 19541. Quantity harvested bushels 1954 * . 1949 . . Peaches farms reporting 1954 * . 1950.. Trees of all ages number 1954 * . 1950. . Trees not of bearing age number 1954 * . Trees of bearing age number 19541. Quantity harvested bushels 1954 * . 1949.. Pears f aims reporting 1954 * . 1950. . Trees of all ages number 19541 . 1950. . Trees not of bearing age number 1954 * . Trees of bearing age number 19541. Quantity harvested bushels 1954 * . 1949 . . Cherries farms reporting 19541 . 1950. . Trees of all ages number 19541 . 1950. . Trees not of bearing age number 19541. Trees of bearing age number 19541 . Quantity harvested pounds 19541 . 1949.. Plums and prunes farms reporting 1954 1. 1950.. Trees of all ages number 19541 . 1950. . Trees not of bearing age number 19541. Trees of bearing age number 19541. Quantity harvested bushels 19541. 1949 . . Figs farms reporting 19541 . 1950.. Trees of all ages number 19541 . 1950. . Trees not of bearing age number 19541. Trees of bearing age number 19541. Quantity harvested pounds 19541 . 1949 . . Grapes f anus reporting 19541 . 1950. . Vines of all ages number 19541. 1950. . Vines not of bearing age number 19541. Vines of bearing age number 19541 . Quantity harvested pounds 19541 . 1949. . Pecans (ijnproved and seedling), trees of all ages number 19541. 1950. . Quantity harvested pounds 19541 . 1949. . Improved pecans (budded, grafted, or top-worked ) farms reporting 19541 . 1950. . Trees of all ages number 19541. 1950.. Trees not of bearing age number 19541. Trees of bearing age number 19541. Quantity harvested pounds 19541 . 1949.. Wild or seedling pecans farms reporting 19541. 1950.. Trees of all ages number 19541. 1950. . Trees not of bearing age number 19541. Trees of bearing age number 19541 . Quantity harvested pounds 19541 . 1949.. Tung nuts farms reporting 19541 . 1950. . Trees of all ages number 19541. 1950.. Trees not of bearing age number 19541. Trees of bearing lage number 19541. Quantity harvested pounds 19541 . 1949.. 567 4,371 10,247 49,348 3,154 7,093 8,061 19,694 532 4,057 13,977 56,220 2,001 11,976 14,435 7,386 273 2,840 5,778 26,598 851 4,927 41,122 171,825 4,473 3,362 33,924 7,472 14,225 .43,658 218,464 1,197 1,286 1,428 2,223 1,575 1,544 18,169 29,282 52,002 255,125 5,930 17,476 10,251 26,965 729 1,543 5,201 15,933 32,754 48,702 147,895 223,950 110 31 491 262 1,542 693 3,974 2,317 195 198 1,34.7 495 10,904 3,300 70,569 31,175 1,877 2,703 10,542 595 2,108 41,274 77,261 2,563 3,519 12,724 1,378 1,078 1,350 2,675 927 8,836 685 35,718 7,064 2,445 302 6,391 383 12,730 156 16,057 1,405 520 83 2,464 1,007 8,250 3,182 28,240 23,058 1,949 983 6,301 2,199 12,274 1,196 4,661 2,227 11,992 30,984 84,060 227,350 312 1,597 1,152 60 8,488 5,151 1,725 25,112 16,339 24 1,448 1,614 36 7,040 3,537 2 7,256 2,475 125 11,959 11,259 52 489 265 552 1,437 1,065 5,775 14,498 7,327 14,984 28,945 17,645 2,790 3,771 2,457 2,985 10,727 4,870 1,285 14,788 1,117 798 5,823 3,072 1,229 2,244 30,812 36,500 17 260 257 903 1,779 1,534 2,142 6,347 55 147 1,724 1,387 34,035 11,016 5,787 19,688 724 10,542 5,216 2,336 28,883 6,790 279 1,171 1,043 445 9,371 4,173 3,339 81,175 24,369 12,058 216,010 82,733 34 30 79 96 120 809 95 1,450 1,996 227 2,101 12,017 170 531 48 1,280 1,465 180 2,885 6,480 1For 1954, does not include data for farms with less than 20 ■ grapevines. See text. 2For 1950, does not include acreage for farms with less than 1/2 : ALABAMA 143 HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued Geneva Greene Hale Hen. Houston Jackson Jefferson — Lauderdale Lawrence - Limestone Lowndes Macon 78 94 97 73 84 191 301 277 469 201 232 240 155 95 1 1,377 821 821 1,055 1,501 2,413 1,663 1,447 2,588 1,703 1,211 1,882 760 991 2 443 762 247 385 555 251 728 337 522 219 987 330 1,386 590 3 668 871 304 499 702 656 773 645 826 567 1,372 584 1,251 770 4 11 104 90 20 13 295 374 364 622 321 182 362 47 77 5 133 520 506 234 130 2,198 1,432 1,399 2,412 1,517 704 1,708 296 514 6 48 1,079 872 86 55 5,760 9,465 6,138 11,553 4,252 1,779 4,881 288 418 7 452 3,398 3,423 821 455 26,960 18,295 20,729 30,562 16,539 5,552 18,101 1,444 2,171 8 18 293 441 47 22 760 2,382 2,092 1,243 711 584 964 50 132 9 30 786 431 39 33 5,000 7,083 4,046 10,310 3,541 1,195 3,917 238 286 10 5 611 247 37 5 5,376 4,567 3,479 11,474 2,702 2,001 3,737 139 116 11 32 2,165 1,160 162 61 12,696 6,785 14,757 27,330 5,393 1,914 6,978 924 1,049 12 34 110 97 31 44 280 329 342 605 324 156 379 53 91 13 601 652 586 602 642 2,152 1,285 1,298 2,324 1,584 770 1,816 382 600 U 617 2,344 2,393 561 735 4,167 24,025 12,804 8,798 6,165 2,817 13,009 868 1,539 15 5,303 6,503 7,972 5,385 5,145 27,878 29,806 29,034 31,354 23,028 10,897 33,475 3,565 7,532 16 103 1,307 958 146 273 361 11,299 4,226 863 763 569 2,484 327 283 17 514 1,037 1,435 415 462 3,806 12,726 8,578 7,935 5,402 2,248 10,525 541 1,256 18 373 519 626 187 173 3,889 10,479 3,077 6,447 4,438 1,366 12,979 151 330 19 1,200 1,663 807 1,452 1,181 2,016 4,587 5,357 2,684 2,288 1,288 4,568 756 1,440 20 31 80 76 25 45 188 219 205 424 207 158 227 46 84 21 412 386 414 351 493 1,241 798 699 1,313 840 596 1,014 245 515 22 252 235 304 87 181 544 929 635 1,502 702 742 1,177 139 325 23 1,712 989 1,289 914 1,835 3,148 2,762 1,736 3,121 2,540 2,178 2,671 691 1,371 24 24 65 96 18 44 94 305 244 187 67 137 769 31 51 25 228 170 208 69 137 450 624 391 1,315 635 605 408 108 274 26 533 288 264 111 392 861 525 223 1,333 783 1,212 581 271 395 27 2,207 585 1,230 1,907 2,169 708 565 606 804 699 1,196 587 1,177 2,530 28 1 11 i. 2 83 55 28 119 76 13 86 2 6 ."■:• 14 18 20 11 16 687 224 73 531 368 46 480 5 23 30 5 32 15 195 149 63 275 172 42 192 2 8 31 30 31 32 67 1,524 546 137 1,153 849 102 965 5 32 14 9 1 38 40 23 77 45 22 48 1 3 33 5 18 6 3 157 109 40 198 127 20 144 1 5 34 85 15 100 2,006 34 195 594 725 3 1,211 10 35 525 20 52 3 35 1,652 303 145 1,440 756 61 1,054 95 36 5 25 24 8 13 62 156 93 222 141 28 121 16 16 37 61 51 64 73 70 616 496 248 699 485 98 584 34 116 38 129 173 37 206 137 2,262 312 1,019 482 89 308 39 85 39 658 176 516 245 619 1,553 2,228 814 1,795 1,401 1,045 1,451 156 323 40 4 77 20 123 35 171 135 106 84 39 46 6 19 41 40 52 153 33 83 102 2,091 177 913 398 50 262 33 66 42 14 51 51 11 14 103 297 120 567 323 45 277 1 33 43 37 65 53 9 109 115 264 343 320 257 352 209 23 186 44 24 65 62 17 47 16 156 149 47 65 110 26 43 49 45 659 417 365 467 710 277 702 536 217 311 609 163 257 424 46 88 161 212 51 134 57 461 471 150 160 370 53 130 120 47 1,964 1,009 1,164 1,160 1,923 592 2,458 1,302 540 699 1,967 454 599 1,087 48 10 43 78 39 3 112 164 40 27 103 6 26 14 49 78 118 134 51 95 54 349 307 110 133 267 104 106 50 645 895 1,428 525 1,408 480 3,711 2,115 364 517 2,466 541 1,088 806 51 29,373 12,385 17,484 19,470 28,693 3,503 15,437 23,335 3,890 6,876 28,007 1,877 9,756 19,929 52 18 30 30 6 18 188 188 193 385 200 55 178 17 36 53 208 90 123 130 175 1,390 776 566 1,338 895 240 1,054 44 233 54 59 73 83 65 91 1,506 1,765 1,872 5,388 1,455 739 1,345 32 154 55 476 229 337 279 418 7,913 8,544 3,711 13,396 4,968 1,861 10,069 215 1,207 56 15 23 178 238 677 1,447 83 217 231 25 57 53 58 60 65 87 1,328 1,527 1,195 3,941 1,372 522 1,114 32 129 58 490 270 69 52 281 22,346 7,482 5,163 26,197 15,680 2,153 12,427 609 318 59 5,306 378 979 660 2,393 33,276 15,161 23,061 56,455 32,549 4,862 65,821 1,245 4,527 60 6,760 6,913 2,551 4,752 8,525 177 1,807 753 433 470 12,143 699 13,896 7,669 61 13,371 8,172 3,547 10,897 16,691 1,236 2,355 2,673 701 1,059 16,512 955 18,256 11,111 62 24,195 51,387 8,049 22,441 31, 931 626 12,425 1,229 1,819 1,509 39,919 532 53,541 10,158 63 298,627 64,660 71,982 170,910 254,116 3,070 12,932 15,607 2,633 5,747 124,303 4,273 153,840 138,737 64 102 83 94 81 142 40 135 139 60 68 274 38 144 133 65 895 324 369 617 1,018 400 470 511 184 274 726 217 357 632 66 5,340 5,989 2,242 3,672 7,300 153 1,637 632 400 351 10,496 596 12,997 7,016 67 9,995 6,282 3,159 8,451 13,013 1,171 2,225 2,524 604 1,006 14,247 879 15,368 8,998 68 822 396 501 167 572 66 376 265 100 123 894 35 913 675 69 4,518 5,593 1,741 3,505 6,728 87 1,261 367 300 228 9,602 561 12,084 6,341 70 18,490 49,107 7,258 18,983 26,252 505 11,428 1,169 1,749 1,384 35,827 520 47,669 7,673 71 204,445 55,525 66,511 126,520 197,814 3,018 11,974 13,940 2,142 5,447 107,322 3,788 135,314 120,439 72 68 30 24 37 65 6 20 19 11 18 38 12 85 32 73 496 108 92 332 426 27 40 54 43 22 155 35 198 175 74 1,420 924 309 1,080 1,225 24 170 121 33 119 1,647 103 899 653 75 3,376 1,890 388 2,446 3,678 65 130 149 97 53 2,265 76 2,888 2,113 76 243 92 34 2 186 1 23 38 19 82 658 14 78 123 77 1,177 832 275 1,078 1,039 23 147 83 14 37 989 89 821 530 78 5,705 2,280 791 3,458 5,679 121 997 60 70 125 4,092 12 5,872 2,485 79 94,182 1 5 3 9,135 1 5,471 2 44,390 56,302 1 8 1 52 1 3 958 1,667 3 491 1 2 1 300 16,981 2 485 2 18,526 1 18,298 1 2 5 80 81 82 83 37 2 11 372 5 '• 3 2 3 600 20 84 85 86 3 1 "I 1 5 12 30 75 87 50 32 100 20 10 200 88 144 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9 (Part 5 of 5) .-SPECIFIED CROPS Tree fruits, nuts, and grapes: Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees farms reporting 1954 * 1950. acres 19541 19502 Apples farms reporting 1954 1 1950. Trees of all ages number 1954 l 1950. Trees not of bearing age number 1954 * Trees of bearing age number 19541 Quantity harvested bushels 1954 * 1949. Peaches farms reporting 1954 * 1950. Trees of all ages number 1954 * 1950. Trees not of bearing age number 1954 * Trees of bearing age number 1954 * Quantity harvested bushels 1954 l 1949. Pears farms reporting 1954 * 1950. Trees of all ages number 1954 * 1950. Trees not of bearing age number 1954 * Trees of bearing age number 1954 * Quantity harvested bushels 1954 * 1949. Cherries farms reporting 1954 * 1950. Trees of all ages number 1954 * 1950. Trees not of bearing age number 1954 x Trees of bearing age number 1954 2 Quantity harvested pounds 1954 * 1949. Plums and prunes farms reporting 19541 1950. Trees of all ages number 1954x 1950. Trees not of bearing age number 1954 2 Trees of bearing age number 19541 Quantity harvested busbels 19541 1949. Figs farms reporting 19541 1950. Trees of all ages number 19541 1950. Trees not of bearing age number 19541 Trees of bearing age number 19541 Quantity harvested pounds 19541 1949. Grapes farms reporting 19541 1950. Vines of all ages number 19541 1950. Vines not of bearing age number 19541 Vines of bearing age number 19541 Quantity harvested pounds 19541 1949. Pecans (improved and seedling), trees of all ages number 19541 1950. Quantity harvested pounds 19541 1949. Improved pecans (budded, grafted, or top-worked ) farms reporting 19541 1950. Trees of all ages number 19541 1950. Trees not of bearing age number 19541 Trees of bearing age number 19541 Quantity harvested pounds 19541 1949. Wild or seedling pecans farms reporting 19541 1950. Trees of all ages number 19541 1950. Trees not of bearing age number 1954 1 Trees of bearing age number 19541 Quantity harvested pounds 19541 1949. Tung nuts farms reporting 1954 1 1950. Trees of all ages number 1954 * 1950. Trees not of bearing age number 1954 1 Trees of bearing age number 19541 Quantity harvested pounds 1954 * 1949. 1,676 5,491 18,347 1,707 338 1,757 8,535 24, 178 2,179 6,356 1,041 1,146 .3,077 1,123 2,050 8,170 246 1,804 15,977 51,771 1,294 3,056 5,197 28,877 1,176 5,122 26, 791 590 2,293 3,378 898 7,468 7,462 4,024 31,291 34,678 423 1,606 1,447 475 5,862 6,015 188 6,256 10,311 703 22, 559 16,108 133 462 526 823 2,174 3,269 4,067 10,066 8,033 10, 818 38,384 40,057 1,733 1,686 1,678 2,334 8,380 6,355 853 6,178 11,311 1,505 7,690 7,092 5,197 12,852 16,785 209,265 3,993 13,645 188, 247 1,137 1,309 8,615 112 1,197 9,467 40,218 2,432 1,830 10,729 337 1,493 21,440 99, 266 1,299 5,435 6,851 1,375 1,157 5,012 1,814 10, 536 10,704 2,773 7,639 1,958 2,153 1,745 1,360 121,961 109,655 319, 816 1,405,816 870 996 114,072 96, 128 10,066 104,006 307,416 1,256,701 179 3,200 12,400 149,115 47 91 155,370 135,791 20,508 134, 862 1,847,050 845,548 1,189 1,195 1,643 9,098 1,626 2,743 17,373 20,646 96,485 204,513 1,150 11,120 51,021 95,259 4,734 45,464 109,254 1,185 2,043 2,409 25,046 32,306 70, 968 465,360 199 735 23,348 28, 541 1,655 21,693 63,199 413,821 61 1,533 7,769 51,539 406 2,298 9,358 26,257 1,504 7,854 4,793 8,693 392 2,257 14, 590 44,727 2,167 12, 423 11,428 7,524 246 1,636 3,106 12,414 396 2,710 22,757 94,443 2,867 1,986 16,130 1For 1954, does elude data for farms with less than 20 ■ grapevines. See 2 For 1950, does elude acreage for farms with less than 1/2 i ALABAMA 145 HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued Pickens Pike Randolph Russell St. Clair Shelby Sumter Talladega Tallapoosa Tuscaloosa Walker Washington Wilcox Winston 97 281 162 129 245 119 83 199 292 248 331 109 91 124 1 1,291 1,407 1,891 701 918 1,116 658 1,004 1,058 1,898 2,967 832 733 1,324 2 151 1,993 237 1,347 469 225 290 450 879 467 399 256 654 233 3 537 2,650 823 1,332 418 552 328 588 656 720 1,340 316 662 646 4 183 198 394 47 354 132 90 355 297 350 441 61 57 265 5 1,180 704 1,810 236 869 982 314 860 864 1,613 2,779 305 243 1,255 6 2,191 1,328 6,717 275 6,967 1,737 672 5,262 4,016 4,172 8,661 329 269 5,199 7 12,570 4,231 27,966 1,010 11,317 9,603 1,327 11,916 9,205 15,701 40,099 1,331 1,110 18,804 8 705 273 1,651 91 1,923 685 278 2,103 1,610 1,353 1,925 141 149 1,101 9 1,486 1,055 5,066 184 5,044 1,052 394 3,159 2,406 2,819 6,736 188 120 4,098 10 1,583 345 7,908 104 4,384 545 236 2,713 2,530 2,524 6,611 52 94 4,091 11 5,8*2 722 15,861 339 6,946 3,192 516 4,777 4,378 8,285 13,612 123 292 10,893 l..' 185 186 350 65 312 128 110 344 271 359 401 88 74 252 13 1,168 759 1,525 460 725 909 465 776 714 1,632 2,556 480 404 1,199 L4 4,941 2,287 5,235 1,592 9,176 1,893 3,o44 19,341 6,388 10,210 7,830 1,735 2,256 7,806 13 19,796 7,769 22,375 4,356 10,183 14,953 4,443 28,650 9,363 33,111 38,311 5,133 4,458 22,150 i, 2,U6 523 1,267 588 2,371 474 1,849 3,127 3,830 2,187 1,158 613 1,056 425 17 2,795 1,764 3,968 1,004 6,805 1,419 1,195 16,214 2,558 8,023 6,672 1,122 1,200 7,381 18 1,238 579 2,631 280 3,098 524 351 19,982 1,366 5,846 3,002 328 330 6,282 19 3,418 959 2,416 878 859 637 1,580 6,182 769 7,111 2,888 508 1,330 2,938 20 133 177 233 61 225 105 79 234 215 245 216 89 64 115 a 734 511 966 253 496 625 285 492 557 1,029 1,324 507 271 585 22 453 1,084 622 381 1,149 403 373 876 948 1,000 704 553 222 336 23 1,785 1,404 2,474 801 1,589 2,215 823 1,562 1,483 3,182 4,167 2,326 849 1,536 24 116 138 184 48 453 139 93 376 451 294 118 71 44 59 25 337 946 438 333 696 264 280 500 497 706 586 482 178 277 .' 250 911 938 572 835 207 328 478 939 549 323 406 315 553 27 1,139 2,360 859 736 305 335 891 474 736 1,857 614 3,072 1,246 526 28 14 6 35 4 59 14 5 39 31 16 38 5 2 35 .--< 70 19 150 13 111 96 10 118 93 136 334 20 6 274 30 31 10 80 6 159 28 14 120 85 39 88 8 3 70 31 134 40 319 33 243 207 18 395 170 262 677 29 12 579 32 41 92 17 6 36 49 11 23 3 27 33 25 10 39 2 67 11 8 84 36 28 65 5 3 43 34 3 1 109 10 88 96 160 30 183 255 35 351 1 572 40 202 7 56 237 33 69 340 80 1,162 36 27 63 47 18 123 68 24 107 64 92 153 34 21 50 37 119 77 234 37 263 329 36 251 185 402 1,183 68 39 363 38 198 265 174 132 541 370 101 865 295 748 994 601 140 424 3" 316 388 2,415 208 1,306 1,460 103 1,053 662 1,967 6,717 1,051 411 1,386 40 30 53 38 13 160 126 56 222 129 117 92 15 56 21 41 168 212 136 119 381 244 45 643 166 631 902 586 84 403 42 66 121 114 72 248 83 30 246 184 206 548 68 32 305 43 155 105 409 61 174 130 17 169 84 353 709 29 140 694 44 98 195 166 43 164 59 75 188 201 198 96 86 51 30 45 648 691 991 279 400 520 310 466 616 1,151 695 548 281 294 ■it. 318 579 432 133 559 202 346 575 733 810 200 322 200 54 47 1,855 1,833 2,871 1,273 1,263 1,767 990 1,592 1,792 4,134 2,341 2,319 885 927 48 59 66 98 42 164 50 95 217 259 217 19 57 43 20 49 259 513 334 91 395 152 251 358 474 593 181 265 157 34 50 1,329 7,507 4,445 914 3,137 456 2,410 1,367 4,127 4,174 774 3,896 1,231 549 51 38, 702 20,235 41,159 7,817 8,810 10,862 17,977 13,773 21,871 45,195 10,231 40,419 12,013 6,070 52 72 60 160 20 185 62 28 164 113 148 225 47 24 135 53 450 139 770 74 405 463 71 408 311 718 1,555 125 37 799 54 250 145 760 335 2,016 379 80 1,039 523 861 2,010 148 846 1,209 55 1,276 303 3,078 329 2,285 3,245 20 2,911 1,684 3,184 12,472 369 125 5,812 56 62 25 227 32 405 154 19 267 252 158 142 15 9 127 57 188 120 533 303 1,611 225 61 772 271 703 1,868 133 837 1,082 58 954 1,191 5,966 585 9,542 367 174 3,246 1,844 3,623 10,755 1,072 404 8,699 59 6,050 977 10,848 1,541 7,515 4,454 468 5,237 4,985 6,527 49,756 1,702 360 31,926 i 0 909 31,353 1,110 14,439 1,032 860 4,960 1,811 8,076 3,227 404 2,440 8,226 72 61 2,713 43,603 2,983 16,585 1,478 3,080 10,098 3,215 8,480 3,780 1,567 4,941 7,551 601 62 1,546 102,909 9,627 88,766 4,651 2,971 4,275 4,399 41,566 11,660 1,056 7,471 29,901 552 63 35,044 275, 877 13,065 111,248 14,608 20,745 65,939 32,810 63, 291 37,186 4,811 62, 588 72,356 1,951 64 96 339 166 108 144 75 90 194 262 173 74 87 116 22 65 490 984 657 337 294 398 208 409 629 710 407 375 302 186 66 706 25,619 856 12,730 849 808 3,571 1,540 7,972 2,324 374 1,455 7,136 65 67 2,557 40,376 2,721 12,132 1,390 2,876 9,484 3,012 8,174 3,511 1,408 3,514 5,985 557 68 230 892 391 1,395 278 181 538 582 2,477 537 68 107 1,024 10 69 476 24,727 465 11,335 571 627 3,033 958 5,495 1,787 306 1,348 6,112 55 70 1,466 86,883 7,983 81,306 3,596 2,971 3,550 3,759 40,743 5,843 1,029 4,656 24,949 527 71 32,680 235, 567 11,821 84, 222 13,535 20,595 58,612 31,393 61,449 35,185 4,322 42, 531 47,023 1,816 72 25 198 58 56 32 12 30 41 32 41 11 75 66 3 73 53 412 102 176 33 58 51 28 81 81 61 200 183 18 74 203 5,734 254 1,709 183 52 1,389 271 104 903 30 985 1,090 7 75 156 3,227 262 4,453 88 204 614 203 306 269 159 1,427 1,566 76 109 343 111 321 55 26 45 104 22 38 6 39 64 77 94 5,391 143 1,388 128 24 1,344 167 82 865 24 946 1,026 7 78 80 16,026 1,644 7,460 1,055 725 640 823 5,817 27 2,815 4,952 25 79 2,364 1 40,310 2 1,244 2 27,026 1 1,073 1 150 7,327 1 1,417 1 1,842 1 2,001 489 20,057 20 25,333 1 135 80 81 2 10 2 3 1 4 1 5 2 12 2 24 2 82 2 6 2 8 1 8 1 2,237 83 3 2 70 1 5 2 150 518 1 1 20 16 10 6 25 4 25 10 1 30 2,199 332 1,905 4,410 20 84 85 :■>, 87 20 50 400 10 450 40 50 8,650 200 88 Chapter C STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS (147) ALABAMA State Economic Areas LEGEND 3 METROPOLITAN STATE ECONOMIC AREA 2~i NONMETROPOLITAN STATE ECONOMIC AREA 150 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table l.-FARMS, ACREAGE, VALUE, AND USE OF COMMERCIAL [Data are bBBed on reports for only Economic class Commercial farms Class II Class III Class IV FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE s number 1954. . 1950., Land In farms acres 1954.. 1950. . Average size of farm acres 1954. 1950. lue of land and buildings: Average per farm. ...................... .dollars 1954. , 1950. Average per acre dollars 1954. 1950. Proportion of farms reporting value percent 1954. Land in fams according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 1954. 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 1954. 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 1954. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 1954.. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1954. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 1954. 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 1954. 500 acres and over farms reporting 1954.. Cropland used only for pasture. .farms reporting 1954., 1949., acres 195.4., 1949., Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting 1954. , 1949., acres 1954., 1949., Cropland used only for crops not harvested and not pastured farms reporting 1954. , acres 1954 Cropland lying idle farms reporting 1954., acres 1954. Woodland pastured farms reporting 1954., acres 1954., Woodland not pastured farms reporting 1954. acres 1954., Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting 1954. . acres 1954. Improved (see text) farms reporting 1954., acres 1954., Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) farms reporting 1954. acres 1954 .". Cropland, total farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Land pastured, total farms reporting 1954. 1949., acres 1954. 1949., Woodland, total farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Irrigated land In farms farms reporting 1954. 1949., acres 1954. 1949., Cover crops turned under and land planted to another crop farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. Cropland used for row or grain crops farmed on contour farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER Crops on which commercial fertilizer was used, 1954: Hay and cropland pastured farms reporting. acres on which used. Other pasture farms reporting. acres on which used. Corn .farms reporting. acres on which used. Cotton .farms reporting. acres on which used. Fruits, vegetables, potatoes, etc.... farms reporting. 176,949 211,361 20,831,423 20,931,188 117.7 99.0 6,208 152,065 189,869 4,755,308 5,766,095 39,470 36,544 26,511 25,158 17,704 4,878 1,526 274 46,510 57,500 1,670,367 1,595,450 54,030 72,800 ,1,025,065 1,371,123 12,165 149,950 46,410 875,115 80,230 4,592,166 74,076 5,786,241 64,678 2,449,451 20,748 822,298 151,019 552,825 165,746 202,176 7,450,740 8,732,668 124,891 143,476 8,711,984 7,047,900 115,566 133,492 10,378,407 9,738,242 496 38 18,773 115,468 575,991 8,264 64,939 351,461 121,362 338,623 2,151,309 103,274 301,767 1,132,392 24,250 49,040 111,278 26,495 89,332 441,971 95,107 118,143 15,422,916 15,167,442 162.2 128.4 8,242 91,738 115,775 4,050,800 4,702,780 6,-544 19,219 20,035 22,387 16,956 4,815 1,515 267 26,733 34,751 1,287,944 1,249,069 26,140 36,371 552,289 765,849 7,681 108,069 21,171 444,220 46,085 3,381,941 40,344 3,810,384 38,325 1,984,345 13,417 714,886 79,578 355,213 93,360 117,051 5,891,033 6,717,698 69,444 84,229 6,654,230 5,398,768 63,069 75,867 7,192,325 6,572,438 432 28 13,002 101,031 496,335 5,613 56,216 302,426 77,956 280,940 1,778,244 77,366 270,595 1,009,834 14,707 42,611 89,602 21,582 1,648,255 1,143,656 1,620.7 1,659.9 86,292 82,625 58.44 52.89 3,301 2,073 2,114,736 1,769,877 640.6 853.8 35,265 35,035 62.85 43.04 3,043 1,934 439,844 326,655 1,506 1,140 231,564 233,604 11,915 639 36,798 2,024 515,262 1,665 468,086 1,875 370,323 1,127 156,644 3,067 40,944 3,131 2,000 720,121 1,881 1,117,149 900, 539 2,661 1,703 983,348 771,967 92 1,222 26,316 124,067 681 13,599 71,738 2,351 27,464 138,804 1,840 25,281 87,468 6,132 4,674 2,134,513 1,777,934 348.1 380.4 18,761 17,189 58.85 48.82 5,736 4,453 548,225 454,965 2,559 2,155 210,356 173,253 1,583 1,546 56,233 74,628 15,904 1,227 40,329 3,522 503,827 2,844 450,027 325,093 1,522 142,602 4,567 814,814 702,846 5,185 3,913 1,039,276 713,347 4,690 3,506 953,854 835,771 88 10 4,895 37,486 216,120 4,388 33,674 122,557 1,129 5,613 13,170 2,316 15,462 78,421 17,126 15,248 3,089,038 2,718,701 1,366 5,041 7,703 1,486 5,321 5,723 221,457 209,860 4,200 4,490 92,527 116,205 1,324 20,305 3,332 72,222 8,315 646,619 7,512 708,779 7,297 366,876 3,161 135,195 14,382 69,515 16,851 15,072 1,297,249 1,233,933 12,862 11,807 1,234,952 964,086 11,548 10, 536 1,355,398 1,185,385 57 2,842 15,788 79,414 1,219 9,601 49,407 14,611 72,746 458,173 14,270 67,026 256,372 3,261 7,310 20,049 5,497 21,040 105,501 32,335 37,968 3,748,745 3,850,545 115.9 101.4 6,043 5,083 56.07 51.26 31,420 37,396 1,125,846 1,415,607 11,233 252,250 233,469 8,345 11,623 156,233 211,854 15,182 793,436 13,980 937,205 13,508 391,843 4,431 106,000 31,887 37,757 1,534,329 1,860,930 23,103 27,711 1,437,529 1,131,580 21,003 24,787 1,730,641 1,599,864 83 1,678 10,173 54,495 27,434 82,124 555,945 27,573 80,032 305,419 5,413 7,389 22,180 7,645 17,280 84,940 ALABAMA FERTILIZER, BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 151 a sample of "arms. See text] The S tate — Continued Areal Economi c class — Continued Total all Economic claes Other farms Commercial farms Other farme Resi- dential Part-time deuU.l Abnormal Total Class 1 ClSBB II Class III Claae 17 Claaa V Claas VI Part-time Abnormal 29,919 51,877 21,655 13,866 126 421 1,090 3,037 5,394 3,798 3,380 4,408 l 34,171 58,992 55 25,031 17,855 110 378 1,018 3,187 6,913 6,249 3,136 4,035 ' 2 2,567,223 2,785,608 55,676 1,951,753 1,590,855 132,721 198,640 250,180 368,221 427,161 213,932 187,233 173,048 617 3 2,562,269 3,153,751 47,726 1,963,606 1,641,200 117,469 158,383 212,201 338,313 481,407 333,427 152,358 169,848 200 4 85.8 53.7 1,210.3 90.1 114.7 1,053.3 471.8 229.5 121.2 79.2 56.3 55.4 39.3 617.0 5 75.0 53.5 867.7 78.4 91.9 1,067.9 419.0 208.4 106.2 69.6 53.4 48.6 42.1 40.0 6 4,736 3,337 66,993 8,083 9,974 114,171 53,881 21,208 11,312 6,614 4,239 5,219 4,345 7 3,581 2,666 60,907 6,642 7,709 148,119 34,809 19,250 8,850 5,766 3,768 3,922 3,816 2,400 8 58.55 69.45 89.68 101.89 98.55 120.18 124.85 98.36 98.81 90.^9 84.13 99.76 139.79 9 48.03 54.10 106.56 86.08 86.05 131.35 88.36 95.07 85.12 81.93 72.40 77.68 95.28 60.00 10 79 77 74 75 75 52 68 70 71 77 77 78 73 11 26,317 33,966 44 18,645 13,532 119 418 1,072 3,005 5,301 3,617 2,977 2,135 1 12 31,637 42,406 51 22,640 17,629 109 371 1,005 3,130 6,861 6,153 2,919 2,087 5 13 447,311 241 , 103 16,097 750,055 686,003 58,843 85,290 111,726 170,135 185,022 74,987 49,856 13,930 266 U 636,099 408,043 19,173 874,797 802,322 62,456 67,314 99,174 182,818 245,726 144,834 52,495 19,915 65 15 7,648 25,278 3,280 680 10 10 10 125 525 980 1,620 16 10,219 7,101 5 3,792 2,367 5 5 15 116 761 1,465 990 435 17 5,260 1,216 3,416 2,805 5 15 285 1,485 1,015 571 40 18 2,451 315 5 4,156 3,751 11 133 1,031 2,076 500 370 35 19 682 55 11 2,784 2,718 40 442 1,334 805 97 61 5 20 55 1 7 825 820 9 167 377 214 48 5 5 21 1 10 333 332 59 171 76 15 1 10 1 22 1 6 59 59 46 9 _ 23 8,246 11 , 507 24 7,527 4,833 90 227 532 1,176 1,622 1,186 1,268 1,425 1 24 9,581 13,152 16 9,605 7,159 78 2«3 543 1,490 2,732 2,058 1,263 1,178 5 25 210,579 164,328 7,516 222,742 179,031 26,354 27,427 32,594 37,134 34,182 21,340 23,681 19,780 250 26 162,360 178,343 5,678 179,460 153,983 18,817 22,956 21,336 30,246 37,603 23,025 12,313 13,114 50 27 9,105 18,775 10 6,679 4,102 48 170 363 920 1,529 1,072 1,067 1,510 28 12,897 23,515 17 8,971 6,320 54 151 451 1,127 2,429 2,108 1,204 1,442 5 29 155,309 315,666 1,801 116,002 79,165 5,128 8,899 11,210 16,512 23,697 13,719 13,662 23,175 30 198,805 404,101 2,368 156,741 118,259 7,145 8,640 16,737 21,108 35,897 28,732 15,904 22,533 45 31 1,825 2,656 3 2,272 1,657 18 63 218 386 541 431 315 300 32 19,840 21,515 526 31,976 25,871 1,294 3,311 5,449 5,502 6,246 4,069 3,145 2,960 33 8,037 17,195 7 5,260 3,088 37 136 242 659 1,218 796 852 1,320 34 135,469 294,151 1,275 84,026 53,294 3,834 5,588 5,761 11,010 17,451 9,650 10,517 20,215 35 13,901 20,218 26 7,017 4,767 68 195 422 1,053 1,752 1,277 1,114 1,136 36 650,953 552,390 6,882 219,238 167,537 11,829 17,873 24,650 45,113 41,225 26,847 29,491 22,210 37 12,234 21 , 474 24 7,677 5,045 70 210 470 1,103 1,924 1,268 1,173 1,458 1 38 762,370 1,196,688 16,799 371,429 269,936 13,490 30,825 37,369 56,787 83,364 48,101 39,450 61,993 50 39 11,029 15,306 18 7,537 4,804 67 184 400 1,070 1,936 1,147 1,183 1,550 40 264,828 195,733 4,545 185,354 145,917 12,851 19,528 23,213 29,323 42,207 18,795 20,217 19,220 41 3,961 3,355 15 2,122 1,440 34 88 175 344 563 236 377 305 42 73,061 32,540 1,811 59,756 50,156 5,850 6,788 14,142 10,072 10,294 3,010 5,760 3,840 43 25,369 46,034 38 18,680 11,589 124 377 939 2,626 4,441 3,082 2,949 4,141 1 44 75,873 119,703 2,036 86,933 63,266 4,226 8,798 9,418 13,217 17,464 10,143 10,876 12,740 51 45 28,104 44,237 45 20,334 13,713 119 420 1,083 3,021 5,352 3,718 3,195 3,425 1 46 33,036 52,037 52 23,911 17,780 109 373 1,017 3,162 6,906 6,213 3,050 3,076 5 47 813,199 721,094 25,414 1,088,799 944,199 90,325 121,616 155,530 223,781 242,901 110,046 87,199 56,885 516 48 997,264 990,487 27,219 1,210,998 1,074,564 88,418 98,910 137,247 234,172 319,226 196,591 80,712 55,562 160 49 21,464 33,948 35 14,400 9,049 121 361 814 2,052 3,358 2,343 2,309 3,041 1 50 24,298 34,922 27 16,462 11,875 101 317 813 2,227 4,553 3,864 2,155 2,427 5 51 1,126,360 912,451 18,943 627,334 492,485 51,034 64,828 80,457 111,570 117,614 66,982 73,389 61,210 250 52 810,034 824,105 14,993 449,820 372,919 29,979 49,471 50,920 67,248 102,045 73,256 36,746 40,100 55 53 19,609 32,844 44 11,475 7,591 103 307 690 1,659 2,839 1.993 1,745 2,138 1 54 23,002 34,590 33 13,139 9,506 91 270 634 1,651 3,641 3,219 1,670 1,958 5 55 1,413,323 1,749,078 23,681 590,667 437,473 25,319 48,698 62,019 101,900 124,589 74,948 68,941 84,203 50 56 1,308,073 1,841,711 16,020 553,014 405,995 19,796 48,304 51,047 72,565 114,053 100,230 55,470 91,519 30 57 38 20 100 99 15 15 42 17 5 5 1 58 10 59 350 40 75 175 4,408 4,398 1,212 1,785 731 375 290 5 10 6C 61 2,029 946 17 4,031 3,330 42 122 302 954 1,399 511 545 155 1 62 20,330 5,785 913 73,792 66,842 3,419 8,282 10,653 18,737 19,916 5,835 5,955 955 40 63 7,381 6,580 21 4,759 3,668 36 76 303 827 1,501 925 780 310 1 64 131,002 59,217 4,065 150,823 130,303 7,103 10,276 18,538 32,801 42,325 19,260 16,020 4,400 ioo 65 3,267 2,470 34 2,438 1,946 63 161 241 462 682 337 302 190 66 10,004 3,339 1.094 12,723 11,841 3,183 2,497 1,857 1,954 1,838 512 598 284 67 55,694 18,362 5,600 74,343 68,698 16,771 14,941 10,755 12,322 10,534 3,375 3,985 1,660 68 1,615 1,022 14 784 578 27 64 97 135 185 70 111 95 e 9 6,440 2,030 253 4,602 4,032 736 856 892 498 946 104 462 108 71 36,699 10,925 1,411 30,081 26,701 4,146 5,427 6,287 4,395 5,781 665 2,825 555 73 20,264 23,111 31 13,728 10,717 105 329 915 2,455 4,256 2,657 1,896 1,115 7! 34,736 22,017 930 37,131 33,182 2,584 3,340 5,443 8,258 9,721 3,836 2,837 1,112 73 226, 531 142,565 3,969 268,863 240,488 14,517 23,384 36,883 62,306 72,564 30,834 20,585 7,790 .'.'. 17,751 8,146 11 15,261 12,466 100 387 948 2,810 4,986 3,235 2,360 435 75 24,687 5,807 678 65,782 61,821 5,607 7,809 9,758 15,365 16,705 6,577 3,490 471 97,919 22,800 1,839 280,999 263,534 19,303 30,520 40,388 69,655 75,183 28,485 16,380 1,085 77 3,825 5,694 24 1,393 778 15 18 82 113 330 220 240 375 -,v 2,930 2,597 9Q2 1,069 771 58 28 95 210 242 138 164 134 5 a 10,281 9,538 1,857 2,955 2,055 135 42 358 410 670 440 450 450 3,035 1,857 21 1,433 1,143 56 118 159 273 361 176 210 80 3,965 1,507 442 6,029 5,675 1,152 1,359 1,100 1,122 712 230 308 46 20,800 7,485 1,654 40,594 38,479 8,599 8,542 7,786 7,424 4,660 1,468 1,705 410 152 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table l.-FARMS, ACREAGE, VALUE, AND USE OF COMMERCIAL [[Data are based on reports for only Economic class Commerc ial farms FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number 1954. . 1950. . Land In farms acres 1954. , 1950. . Average size of farm acres 1954., 1950. , Lue of land mi.! buildings: Average per farm dollars 1954 . . 1950., Average per acre dollars 1954. . 1950., Proportion of farms reporting value percent 1954., Land in faros according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting 1954., 1949., acres 1954., 1949., 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 1954., 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 1954., 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 1954., 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 1954., 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1954., 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 1954., 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 1954., 500 acres and over farms reporting 1954., Cropland used only for pasture. .farms reporting 1954., 1949. . acres 195.4., 1949.. Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting 1954. , 1949., acres 1954., 1949. , Cropland used only for crops not harvested and not pastured farms reporting 1954., acres 1954., Cropland lying idle farms reporting 1954., acres 1954., Woodland pastured farms reporting 1954., acres 1954., Woodland not pastured farms reporting 1954., acres 1954., Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting 1954. , acres 1954., Improved (see text) farms reporting 1954., acres 1954., Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) farms reporting 1954., acres 1954., Cropland, total farms reporting 1954., 1949., acres 1954., 1949., Land pastured, total farms reporting 1954., 1949.. acres 1954., 1949., Woodland, total farms reporting 1954. , 1949., acres 1954., 1949., Irrigated land in farms farms reporting 1954., 1949., acres 1954., 1949., Cover crops turned under and land planted to another crop farms reporting 1954., acres 1954.. Cropland used for row or grain crops farmed on contour farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER Oops on which commercial fertilizer was used, 1954: Hay and cropland pastured farms reporting. acres on which used. Other pasture farms reporting. acres on which used. Corn farms reporting. acres on which used. Cotton farms reporting. acres on which used. Fruits, vegetables, potatoes, etc.... farms reporting.. acres on which used. Other crops farms reporting. acres on which used. 25,019 16,703 30,551 21,166 1,784,256 1,374,885 1,874,338 1,444,156 71.3 82.3 61.4 68.2 5,411 6,061 4,547 5,040 79.65 78.20 75.52 75.31 73 74 22,161 16,264 28,612 20,925 657,773 584,978 749,808 632,937 3,803 876 4,685 2,925 5,440 4,619 5,197 7,087 70,090 59,524 6,803 9,225 81,430 100,323 11,273 5,996 70,157 10,924 174,299 14,232 597,511 42,081 21,855 54,639 23,487 29,375 809,293 909,655 20,015 24,393 392,903 339,340 17,801 21,513 771,810 774,091 3,142 7,232 34,932 1,071 3,732 20,647 19,495 67,374 372,602 16,661 47,882 151,785 6,353 8,427 23,689 1,517 2,886 12,882 3,789 5,188 54,899 47,413 7,683 131,034 9,644 406,026 9,847 113,520 2,751 32,893 14,598 38,101 16,477 21,013 686,204 742,927 13,652 17,469 299,453 261,449 12,071 15,195 537,060 562,942 2,489 6,402 30, 879 15,062 58,681 328,924 14,405 44,694 141,821 4,972 7,462 19,878 1,202 2,590 11,792 44,525 13,858 298.8 533.0 19,314 46,005 91.87 86.31 90,195 32,095 156.0 422.3 13,443 24,290 102.25 50.47 716 3,483 6,936 322 1,972 8,013 .18,904 358,280 497,674 76,554 213,232 539,957 166.1 102.9 71.8 237.7 108.1 67.4 12,341 7,927 5,321 15,192 8,058 5,436 75.74 79.58 77.57 68.57 77.89 82.03 67 72 78 648 3,429 6,855 297 1,954 7,960 50,246 181,740 219,448 27,110 93,452 260,103 5 45 145 30 110 855 46 381 2,572 140 1,212 2,516 253 1,505 746 29,524 17,047 1,613 30,823 2,098 84,668 9,827 3,102 8,478 3,462 1,960 205,441 110,357 2,938 1,786 74,431 39,008 2,598 1,531 115,491 87,101 3,196 17,552 100,152 3,149 14,286 46,237 1,156 2,166 5,495 1,512 1,999 13,711 12,545 1,660. 2,151 18,516 20,910 2,410 1,415 16,106 3,132 45,942 4,035 148,945 4,118 36,464 1,134 8,935 6,046 14,648 6,900 7,992 251,675 293,558 5,605 6,807 96,117 92,379 4,901 5,793 194,887 192,119 20 6,253 17,664 56,357 2,172 2,749 7,721 ALABAMA FERTILIZER, BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued 153 ■ SM.pl,, Of farms. See teit] A. « 2-Continued Area, 3 and A Econom ic class — Continued Total all Economic class Other farms Commercial farms Other famiB dent ial Part-time Abnormal Total ClBBS I Class II Class III Class IV Class V ClasB VI Part-time Resi- dential Abnormal 3,430 4,885 1 19,560 7,240 129 275 589 1,674 2,405 2,168 3,630 8,679 11 1 4,818 4,560 7 23,861 8,833 36 134 292 975 2,695 4,701 4,584 10,438 2 199,655 199,938 9,778 1,699,035 1,010,369 61,263 115,149 151,955 242,189 257,613 182,200 285,302 399,714 3,650 3 243,648 181 , 855 4,679 1,821,438 1,029,353 48,261 74,679 80,309 171,061 297,159 357,884 333,384 457,931 770 4 58.2 40.9 9,778.0 86.9 139.6 474.9 418.7 258.0 144.7 107.1 84.0 78.6 46.1 331.8 5 50.6 39.9 668.4 76.3 116.5 1,340.6 557.3 275.0 175.4 110.3 76.1 72.7 43.9 128.3 6 4,646 3,479 6,905 9,466 53,513 26,910 17,423 9,619 7,118 4,556 7,240 4,702 100,000 7 3,710 2,925 113,783 4,659 6,113 52,707 28,579 16,616 10,242 5,967 3,717 4,584 3,493 12,833 8 60.16 90.62 85.89 73.70 144.31 72.28 77.39 73.09 69.27 58.12 94.33 105.38 315.79 • 74.65 75.88 180.75 62.16 53.89 42.49 60.34 62.85 59.78 54.61 48.59 59.18 82.74 100.00 10 75 65 77 73 75 78 75 75 71 72 80 79 55 ! J 3,021 2,876 15,499 6,825 86 225 517 1,603 2,317 2,077 3,213 5,450 11 12 4,602 3,080 5 20,214 8,644 25 96 276 958 2,664 4,625 4,262 7,302 6 13 52,074 20,721 390,066 290,107 14,193 27,481 39,492 85,306 80,242 43,393 60,485 38,714 760 14 89,566 26,025 1,280 479,615 336,751 8,225 14,251 25,988 65,654 107,853 114,780 64,965 57,587 312 15 771 2,156 5,313 462 20 25 10 42 75 290 817 4,034 16 1,215 545 3,523 1,222 5 5 20 76 296 820 1,175 1,126 17 686 135 2,478 1,531 11 12 15 166 696 631 717 230 18 272 30 2,273 1,855 2 16 90 590 885 272 358 60 19 71 10 1,452 1,310 9 57 252 610 326 56 132 10 20 6 373 79 8 359 78 8 7 27 5 80 27 3 123 7 109 10 37 2 3 5 13 1 1 21 22 23 602 806 5,204 2,078 79 139 255 434 666 505 1,163 1,958 5 24 1,066 828 5 2,569 27 98 157 412 715 1,160 1,170 2,266 25 8,021 7,170 141,805 93,267 10, 509 14,703 17,217 14,159 20,974 15, 705 27,302 20,936 300 26 5,921 5,315 875 104,810 64,468 5,460 11,027 7,312 12,514 12,684 15,471 18,289 22,053 27 1,005 1,687 7,820 2,563 33 80 195 525 817 913 1,3*7 3,910 28 1,741 1,597 11,745 3,878 8 43 139 391 1,155 2,142 2,252 5,610 5 29 11,123 23,980 133,568 53,846 1,619 6,701 5,810 10, 562 13,341 15,813 21,338 58,384 30 17,384 20,362 206,242 85,021 2,001 4,492 4,344 10,820 26,124 37,240 36,479 84,732 10 31 71 185 1,379 651 11 24 60 139 242 175 243 485 32 1,000 1,385 13,649 6,606 650 560 1,275 1,211 1,675 1,235 3,326 3,715 33 970 1,602 7,136 2,222 30 63 147 454 705 823 1,239 3,675 34 10,123 22,595 119,919 47,240 969 6,141 4,535 9,351 11,666 14,578 18,010 54,669 35 1,469 1,772 7,941 3,361 52 176 287 690 1,087 1,069 1,545 3,024 11 36 22,919 20,346 275,545 161,097 6,051 22,765 32,772 35,096 38,779 23,634 54,405 57,888 2,155 37 1,852 2,735 10,007 3,990 68 149 357 805 1,345 1,266 1,817 4,199 1 38 80,157 101,550 9,778 564,175 297,119 20,304 32,064 35,052 68,434 77,835 63,430 88,727 178,289 40 39 1J892 2,447 7,228 3,210 50 116 254 769 1,047 974 1,373 2,644 1 40 18,018 16,976 140,663 89,398 5,333 9,239 18,995 22,689 19,712 13,380 24,679 26,436 150 41 589 516 2,275 1,217 18 63 116 401 318 301 516 542 42 5,875 3,313 47,715 34,606 2,225 5,382 6,764 11,515 5,100 3,620 9,174 3,935 43 2,893 4,364 17,665 6,424 124 265 533 1,446 2,123 1,933 3,253 7,982 6 44 7,343 9,195 53,213 25,535 1,204 2,196 2,617 5,943 6,730 6,845 8,366 19,067 245 45 3,178 3,832 18,063 7,029 116 259 539 1,628 2,354 2,133 3,430 7,593 11 46 4,687 3,670 5 22,640 8,769 34 113 281 975 2,685 4,681 4,474 9,391 6 47 71,218 51,871 665,439 437,220 26,321 48,885 62,519 110,027 114,557 74,911 109,125 118,034 1,060 48 112,871 51,702 2,155 790,667 486,240 15,686 29,770 37,644 88,988 146,661 167,491 139,733 164,372 322 49 2,654 3,709 14,113 5,575 114 234 483 1,241 1,805 1,698 2,760 5,767 11 50 3,658 3,260 6 17,245 6,797 35 127 262 798 2,114 3,461 3,523 6,924 1 51 48,958 44,492 558,013 343,762 23,943 46,707 68,984 71,944 79,465 52,719 106,386 105,260 2,605 52 42,948 34,007 936 467,993 270,126 24,788 34,215 26,431 45,254 66,556 72,882 94,050 103,517 300 53 2,379 3,350 1 13,288 5,239 97 226 490 1,099 1,644 1,683 2,469 5,569 11 54 3,338 2,973 7 16,562 6,426 33 113 236 758 1,965 3,321 3,333 6,802 1 55 103,076 121,896 9,778 839,720 458,216 28,355 54,829 67, 824 103,530 116,614 87,064 143,132 236,177 2,195 56 107,123 101,733 2,293 819,610 427,430 21,514 31,703 34,891 63,450 120,960 154,912 158,962 232,905 313 57 68 37 7 5 11 10 21 10 58 15 5 5 10 59 1,278 973 498 110 15 305 45 275 30 60 65 25 25 40 61 321 130 1,484 1,005 21 60 121 298 325 180 289 185 5 62 2,343 1,020 23,575 19,381 1,440 2,613 3,294 5,979 4,520 1,535 3,149 1,035 10 63 1,601 1,215 2,307 1,196 9 49 62 206 425 445 436 675 64 26,471 9,765 45,551 34,116 1,438 1,782 2,800 8,326 11,560 8,210 6,300 5,135 65 383 270 2,754 1,554 55 98 197 367 444 393 614 575 11 66 610 220 10,567 8,047 2,029 1,263 1,506 1,314 1,268 667 1,910 555 55 67 2,968 1,085 53,550 40,132 7,468 6,581 8,370 7,624 6,729 3,360 10,223 2,970 225 68 177 121 780 417 17 44 72 98 115 71 213 150 69 488 296 4,586 3,399 484 915 622 411 717 250 944 243 70 2,463 1,705 24,595 17,916 2,162 4,632 4,120 2,167 3,800 1,035 5,449 1,230 71 2,542 1,891 12,124 5,800 54 163 419 1,409 1,972 1,783 2,501 3,817 6 72 5,913 2,780 28,122 20,315 911 1,304 2,630 6,562 5,728 3,180 4,174 3,595 38 73 30,612 13,066 172,940 121,548 3,155 7,696 14,212 38,583 36,306 21,596 27,543 23,664 185 74 1,966 290 7,390 5,249 25 110 359 1,332 1,922 1,501 1,736 405 75 2,992 196 22,712 20,199 850 1,572 2,549 6,986 6,016 2,224 2,307 206 76 9,364 600 81,245 71,625 2,266 5,104 10,010 24,785 20,925 8,535 8,650 970 77 626 2,728 1,083 3 34 52 277 392 325 535 1,105 5 78 285 2,710 1,913 380 63 184 428 566 292 363 419 15 79 2,605 1,206 7,814 4,964 433 274 471 1,234 1,792 760 1,185 1,505 160 80 195 120 1,096 629 18 55 97 184 174 101 217 245 5 81 194 102 3,306 2,836 307 777 470 589 581 112 309 123 38 82 770 320 17,291 14,076 1,684 3,698 2,812 3,341 2,171 370 2,375 690 150 83 154 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table l.-FARMS, ACREAGE, VALUE, AND USE OF COMMERCIAL [Data are baaed on reports for only Areas 4 and B Economic class Commercial farms Class II Class III Class IT Land in farms Average si Average per i 20 to 29 200 to 499 FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE number 1954.. 1950. . acres 1954. . 1950. . of farm acres 1954.. 1950.. up of land and buildings: Average per farm dollars 1954. . 1950. . dollars 1954. . 1950.. Proportion of farms reporting value percent 1954.. Land in farus according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949.. 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 1954.. farms reporting 1954.. farms reporting 1954.. farms reporting 1954.. farms reporting 1954 . . .....farms reporting 1954.. farms reporting 1954.. 500 acres and over farms reporting 1954.. Cropland used only for pasture., .farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949. . Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting 1954. . 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949.. Cropland used only for crops not harvested and not pastured farms reporting 1954.. 1954.. Woodland pastured farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Woodland not pastured farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Other pasture ( not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Improved (see text) farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Cropland, total farms reporting 1954. . 1949. . acres 1954.. 1949. . Land pastured, total farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949. . Woodland, total farms reporting 1954. . 1949. . acres 1954. . 1949.. Irrigated land in farms farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949. . Cover crops turned under and land planted to another crop farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Cropland used for row or grain crops farmed on contour farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER Crops on which ,-omtnerrvul fertilizer was used, 1954: Hay and cropland pastured farms reporting.. acres on which used.. Other pasture farms reporting. . acres on which used.. Corn farms reporting.. acres on which used.. Cotton farms reporting. , acres on which used. , Fruits, vegetables, potatoes, etc.... farms reporting., acres on which used.. Other crops farms reporting.. acres on which used. 15,260 17,467 2,049,223 2,027,831 134.3 116.1 4,576 3,661 39.97 32.96 381,260 4,435 3,754 4,650 5,934 170,163 184,396 6,640 8,141 157,910 192,828 12,301 6,272 145,609 8,741 559,172 7,544 646,806 6,026 194,781 1,978 57,755 13,455 47,411 14,543 16,724 601,053 758,484 11,581 12,933 924,116 721,618 11,547 12,687 1,205,978 1,060,344 22 2,268 9,430 48,479 10,445 19,296 128,707 6,912 16,938 58,060 1,973 1,426 5,516 6,170 6,901 1,244,441 1,130,235 201.7 163.8 5,918 4,677 36.07 29.26 5,922 6,756 197,757 252,455 1,659 1,596 1,379 1,922 2,564 108,766 122,358 7,841 2,227 69,636 3,780 349,547 3,048 358,750 5,345 23,688 6,063 6,841 384,000 455,360 4,697 5,147 586,769 435,588 4,578 4,917 5,196 12,685 86,597 4,634 13,869 47,294 70,045 29,061 1,250.8 1,453.1 236,353 103,050 972.6 1,030.5 23,040 37,352 39.99 27.76 30,265 118 9,241 131,081 160,833 459.9 638.2 14,069 16,271 38.87 25.39 171,796 170,759 287.8 325.3 9,386 38.40 30.32 319,754 298,444 162.0 165.3 1,897 1,763 64,475 71,974 21,290 23,663 129 301 9,431 8,142 492 1,658 2,666 7,652 585 1,955 509 1,791 51,670 120,655 60,914 122,028 469 1,392 453 1,360 81,855 132,861 70,740 118,480 439 1,342 435 1,300 96,170 167,784 90,954 146,612 1,679 4,153 30,226 1,594 4,780 17,887 ALABAMA FERTILIZER, BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued 155 a Barople of rarma. See text] Areas 4 and B— Cont inued Area 5 Econom c claas— Continued Total all Economic cleaa Other fannB Commercial farms Other farms Part-time dential Abnormal Total Claea I Class II ClaBB III Class IV Class V ClasB VI Pert-tijne Reei- dentisl Abnormal 3,034 6,050 6 27,360 12,472 104 365 552 1,481 4,098 5,872 4,886 9,992 10 1 3,660 6,905 1 34,302 17,511 101 147 325 1,409 4,791 10,738 6,458 10,316 17 2 373,139 427,946 3,697 3,307,915 2,123,407 220,370 244,958 238,733 320,562 577,629 521,155 490,388 679,418 14,702 3 382,578 513,718 1,300 3,506,763 2,252,124 129,493 149,134 172,343 322,242 599,247 879,665 551,053 692,294 11,292 4 123.0 70.7 616.2 120.9 170.3 2,118.9 671.1 432.5 216.4 141.0 88.8 100.4 68.0 1,470.2 5 104.5 74.4 1,300.0 102.2 128.6 1,282.1 1,014.5 530.3 228.7 125.1 81.9 85.3 67.1 664.2 6 4,669 3,218 6,057 4,932 6,625 90,703 26,604 19,057 10,973 5,273 3,125 4,415 3,003 108,844 7 3,483 2,740 U 1,001 3,713 4,613 55,952 35,437 19,582 8,382 4,858 2,679 3,142 2,515 21,886 8 41.66 48.21 9.83 45.75 43.56 54.53 47.75 48.47 49.93 39.59 37.27 47.79 50.17 84.12 9 34.28 40.35 76.92 38.06 37.55 45.21 36.45 41.86 39.55 39.35 33.92 36.30 41.32 62.78 10 83 83 inn 75 74 59 72 69 72 74 76 76 76 80 11 2,715 4,304 6 23,286 12,181 91 509 1,437 4,030 5,775 4,401 6,694 10 12 3,371 5,065 1 30,748 17,209 74 143 315 1,369 4,741 10,567 6,143 7,379 17 13 44,302 30,586 335 616,338 476,895 33,874 51,404 47,400 80,020 142,817 121,380 80,622 53,582 5,239 14 72,502 56,236 67 803,120 597,018 25,534 23,675 34,836 80,648 176,214 256,111 124,083 76,743 5,276 15 752 3,182 6,386 843 5 31 12 20 79 696 1,026 4,517 16 901 6,553 2,999 6 40 16 77 561 2,299 1,777 1,777 17 506 185 4,355 3,032 6 20 66 126 1,081 1,733 1,008 315 18 192 35 3,461 2,939 6 19 54 442 1,531 887 447 75 19 1 1,930 1,787 1 30 198 688 717 153 133 10 20 1 374 359 10 91 118 75 59 6 21 179 178 26 99 42 9 1 1 1 22 48 44 31 9 3 1 1 3 23 966 1,756 6 7,630 3,782 56 166 266 511 1,244 1,539 1,514 2,332 2 24 1,339 2,030 1 9,718 5,622 49 103 159 634 1,667 3,010 1,849 2,247 25 31,727 29,215 455 239,877 158,662 23,114 22,139 28,959 22,447 33,810 28, 193 41,157 38,595 1,463 26 23,943 37,945 150 193,860 140,227 19,570 13,367 13,566 23,182 29,999 40,543 25,455 28,178 27 1,247 2,958 1 10,156 4,148 29 87 162 475 1,214 2,181 1,838 4,164 6 28 1,778 3,553 1 14,295 6,732 40 70 144 497 1,872 4,109 2,824 4,737 2 29 25,627 54, 706 100 203,943 95,160 12,034 5,249 7,842 12,612 25,615 31,808 32,248 75,649 886 30 36,829 75,202 250 243,741 113,738 3,961 6,293 7,457 9,531 34,246 52,250 37,886 91,343 774 31 157 260 1,542 848 17 40 55 112 278 346 303 390 1 32 1,520 2,940 19,964 12,714 1,363 1,516 1,609 2,172 4,273 1,781 3,099 4,140 11 33 1,196 2,848 1 9,298 3,587 18 50 128 402 1,039 1,950 1,697 4,009 5 34 24,107 51,766 100 183,979 82,446 10,671 3,733 6,233 10,440 21,342 30,027 29,149 71,509 875 35 1,782 3,174 5 14,254 6,938 68 234 392 895 2,260 3,089 2,710 4,602 4 36 105,310 102,735 1,580 688,257 449,137 31,769 54,311 49,129 65,917 128,596 119,415 110,484 126,414 2,222 37 1,507 2,988 1 13,405 6,080 67 198 260 708 1,977 2,870 2,376 4,939 10 38 118,528 168,676 852 1,168,729 684,348 86,761 69,464 68,606 105,002 185,221 169,294 163,869 317,505 3,007 39 1,328 2,072 5 9,775 4,912 57 189 277 586 1,781 2,022 1,870 2,990 3 40 37,536 28,539 250 304,002 213,491 30,687 36,680 33,250 26,776 50,521 33,577 48,874 40,762 875 41 551 431 5 3,502 1,952 34 138 154 299 684 643 728 820 2 42 9,495 2,882 150 95,468 72,693 8,889 14,442 11,948 14,076 15,834 7,504 15,854 6,660 261 43 2,602 5,502 6 23,554 10,483 94 333 505 1,269 3,426 4,856 4,176 8,886 9 44 10,109 13,489 125 86,769 45,714 2,131 5,711 3,547 5,788 11,049 17,488 13,134 26,911 1,010 45 2,916 5,558 6 25,768 12,323 93 339 525 1,470 4,059 5,837 4,701 8,734 10 46 3,569 6,313 1 33,032 17,380 85 144 324 1,386 4,780 10,661 6,342 9,293 17 47 101,656 114,507 890 1,060,158 730,717 69,022 78,792 84,201 115,079 202,242 181,381 154,027 167,826 7,588 48 133,274 169,383 467 1,240,721 850,983 49,065 43,335 55,859 113,361 240,459 348,904 187,424 196,264 6,050 49 2,373 4,505 6 19,961 9,408 97 325 496 1,165 3,089 4,236 3,771 6,777 5 50 2,953 4,832 1 24,663 13,255 84 141 293 1,206 3,794 7,737 4,943 6,458 7 51 174,573 160,489 2,285 1,232,136 821,290 85,570 113,130 111,338 117,140 212,927 181,185 200,515 205,771 4,560 52 123,852 161,978 200 1,048,405 719,231 59,394 74,229 62,316 121,234 165,618 236,440 159,476 166,686 3,012 53 2,358 4,605 19,966 9,083 91 304 464 1,141 2,932 4,151 3,658 7,215 10 54 2,909 4,860 1 24,179 12 , 512 88 137 289 1,124 3,536 7,338 4,828 6,827 12 55 223,838 271,411 2,432 1,856,986 1,133,485 118,530 123,775 117,735 170,919 313,817 288,709 274,353 443,919 5,229 56 211,857 292,593 783 1,936,562 1,169,531 62,995 73,375 95,304 173,664 305,610 458,583 320,579 442,960 3,492 57 75 67 7 11 3 6 30 10 5 3 58 6 6 1 5 ;o 2,493 2,328 648 457 83 420 660 60 40 125 60 23 23 18 5 61 90 70 2,106 1,528 36 83 108 230 554 517 389 185 4 62 990 255 34,709 29,195 4,751 6,110 3,292 3,922 6,720 4,400 3,781 1,145 588 63 664 701 8,377 4,720 33 127 191 528 1,495 2,346 1,671 1,978 8 64 12,713 6,306 240 208,033 157,100 9,406 15,738 14,006 23,382 46,483 48,085 29,757 18,831 2,345 65 449 491 6 3,214 1,908 50 127 192 334 650 555 711 587 8 66 1,251 432 95 17,587 14,063 3,898 2,660 2,436 2,118 1,958 993 2,076 1,008 440 67 6,517 2,841 390 81,823 63,193 13,429 11,363 10,657 9,704 12,538 5,502 11,650 5,156 1,824 68 163 45 5 1,164 627 31 57 85 135 203 116 291 245 1 69 869 115 62 8,597 6,866 994 1,393 993 1,747 1,399 340 1,234 491 6 70 4,133 590 150 48,720 37,309 5,963 7,360 6,673 6,945 8,159 2,209 8,395 2,755 261 71 2,207 3,036 6 19,054 10,572 58 269 436 1,268 3,556 4,985 3,560 4,912 10 72 3,643 2,950 18 40,278 29,549 1,750 2,731 2,671 5,095 9,190 8,112 5,646 4,805 278 73 22,620 19,335 155 285,426 208,962 8,394 15,414 15,991 33,635 70,200 65,328 41,238 33,517 1,709 74 1,678 595 5 15,141 10,399 56 218 400 1,169 3,533 5,023 3,119 1,620 3 75 2,542 522 5 40,971 34,984 3,164 3,811 3,092 5,953 10,413 8,551 4,615 1,224 148 76 8,866 1,885 15 154,883 130,947 8,849 12,634 11,086 23,540 41,598 33,240 18,505 4,935 496 77 433 631 5 3,905 1,982 12 59 121 313 702 775 662 1,251 10 78 329 250 12 5,855 4,565 129 1,456 576 708 1,062 634 402 566 322 79 1,038 871 55 17,259 12,914 206 2,554 1,685 2,446 3,663 2,360 1,528 2,011 806 80 184 180 1 1,741 1,119 34 81 115 187 356 346 236 386 81 169 134 3 5,347 4,753 1,090 852 1,039 831 652 289 312 282 62 1,052 805 15 26,060 22,935 3,984 4,838 5,188 4,393 3,200 1,332 1,590 1,535 156 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table l.-FARMS, ACREAGE, VALUE, AND USE OF COMMERCIAL [Data are based on reports for only Areas 6 and C Commerc i al farms Class II Class III FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms • number 1954 . . 1950. . Land in farms acres 1954.. 1950. . Average size of farm acres 1954.. 1950. . Ine of land and buildings: Average per farm dollars 1954.. 1950.. Average per acre dollars 1954.. 1950.. Proportion of farms reporting value percent 1954.. Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949.. 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 1954.. 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 1954.. 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 1954.. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 1954.. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1954.. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 1954.. 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 1954.. 500 acres and over farms reporting 1954.. Cropland used only for pasture. -farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 195,4.. 1949., Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting 1954. . 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949.. Cropland used only for crops not harvested and not pastured farms reporting 1954., acres 1954.. Cropland lying idle farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Woodland pastured farms reporting 1954., acres 1954.. Woodland not pastured farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Improved (see text) farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954., Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Cropland, total farms reporting 1954.. 1949. . acres 1954., 1949., Land pastured, total farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954., 1949. . Woodland, total farms reporting 1954.. 1949. , acres 1954., 1949.. Irrigated land In farms farms reporting 1954., 1949. , acres 1954., 1949. , Cover crops turned under and land planted to another crop farms reporting 1954., acres 1954., Cropland used for row or grain crops farmed on contour farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER Crops on which commercial fertilizer was used, 1954: Hay and cropland pastured farms reporting. acres on which used. Other pasture .- farms reporting. acres on which used. Corn farms reporting. acres on which used. Cotton farms reporting. Fruits, vegetables, potatoes Other crops es on which used. .farms reporting. es on which used. .farms reporting. 25,931 14,116 30,443 16,015 259,650 3,471,847 104,609 3,289,918 164.3 246.0 134.8 205.4 6,584 9,984 4,563 6,759 45.61 45.67 36.27 35.14 81 79 23,221 13,466 27,967 15,501 625,542 521,390 806,844 641,662 7,743 1,952 7,821 4,907 3,533 2,840 2,139 1,871 1,025 951 484,275 426,312 582,853 505,979 5,940 3,171 6,535 2,972 114,149 72,936 186,269 119,819 2,901 1,758 34,279 25,996 3,766 1,902 79,870 46,940 10,665 6,376 1,127,500 895,739 5,091 2,770 779,245 557,753 8,403 5,237 1,045,213 937,034 1,846 1,330 350,268 330,862 20,430 11,041 83,726 60,683 24,421 13,732 29,311 15,795 1,223, 966 1,020,638 1,575,966 1,267,460 16,031 9,367 16,693 9,602 2,656,988 2,259,085 2,201,411 1,909,270 13,121 7,532 12,947 7,327 1,906,745 1,453,492 1,650,951 1,251,579 1,565 31,764 163,874 15,191 26,432 180,114 17,876 41,979 162,772 1,952 11,523 53,956 1,223 29,786 151,925 11,353 34,629 132,410 3,104 1,481 10,879 50,746 146,976 96,275 49.27 41.05 713,187 752,362 1,313.4 1,343.5 65,546 47,119 51.23 34.79 497,646 459,697 870.0 825.3 39,161 25,026 45.76 32.25 151,574 171 54,665 390 155,860 227 66,462 17,745 14,325 44.52 33.97 1,037 1,015 128,559 152,205 3,304 3,152 547,724 437,238 6,275 5,072 42.61 39.22 3,091 2,996 95,318 104,016 2,593 10,392 3,171 3,089 166,236 178 ,211 2,124 1,972 345,191 241,103 1,766 1,611 234,251 166,232 4,382 307 10,678 2,207 4,363 31,856 ALABAMA FERTILIZER, BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued 157 n sample of farms. See text] Areas j and C — Continued At a 7a Economic class — Continued Total all Economic class Other farms Commercial farms Other farms Part-time dent ial Abnormal Total Class I Class II Class III ClasB IV Class V Class VI Part- time Resi- dential Abnormal 4,728 7,077 10 28,830 19,566 66 492 1,858 4,981 6,954 5,215 3,940 5,319 1 4,154 10,268 6 34,913 24,698 63 359 1,460 5,374 9,401 8,041 4,603 5,611 1 2 421,858 355,782 10,163 4,074,977 3,347,372 199,935 322,177 556,357 873,747 895,680 499,476 378 , 530 346,525 2,550 3 329,486 469,844 15,361 4,080,728 3,343,143 117,758 297,044 472,647 820,527 993,946 641,221 365,435 368,955 3,195 4 89.2 50.3 1,016.3 141.3 171.1 3,029.3 654.8 299.4 175.4 128.8 95.8 96.1 65.1 510.0 5 79.3 45.8 2,560.2 116.9 135.4 1,869.2 827.4 323.7 152.7 105.7 79.7 79.4 65.8 3,195.0 6 3,692 1,945 56,866 5,962 7,163 93,382 28,082 13,309 8,130 5,756 3,449 3,695 2,909 51,000 7 3,145 1,520 232,549 4,543 5,219 60,284 25,753 12,713 6,968 4,079 2,608 3,196 2,466 8 43.98 46.10 97.16 47.09 47.19 41.65 49.60 49.99 49.80 48.28 37.43 40.95 53.75 100.00 9 41.10 39.51 93.10 40.13 39.94 33.21 36.00 43.26 46.84 38.67 33.46 41.69 40.42 10 81 84 80 76 78 48 67 78 79 80 75 78 71 100 11 4,231 5,515 9 25,056 18,874 56 479 1,801 4,880 6,762 4,896 3,249 2,928 5 12 3,799 8,663 4 32,213 24,229 61 350 1,426 5,311 9,287 7,794 4,150 3,833 1 13 61,776 37,900 4,476 1,133,959 1,049,517 26,631 87,271 187,647 331,548 295,005 121,415 63,148 20,184 1,110 14 73,911 86,178 5,093 1,352,717 1,211,153 22,203 61,794 151,119 347,074 411,122 217,841 97,466 42,978 1,120 15 1,527 4,264 3,684 720 5 43 46 129 497 757 2,207 1'. 1,803 1,106 5 3,743 2,003 5 12 98 352 1,536 1,165 575 17 593 100 3,708 2,815 2 17 172 1,248 1,376 777 116 If 238 30 5,594 5,152 1 19 137 1,005 2,837 1,153 412 30 19 15 6,224 6,091 60 755 2,906 2,048 322 133 20 11 1,770 1,765 9 216 756 630 1A2 12 5 21 297 292 24 163 78 21 6 5 22 2 36 36 22 9 3 2 23 884 913 3 7,328 5,421 38 223 702 1,374 1,822 1,262 927 975 5 24 1,023 1,984 8,352 6,020 37 200 517 1,556 2,104 1,606 1,202 1,130 25 40,885 14,706 2,372 218,172 177,765 15,352 18,712 30,209 45,075 41,630 26,787 21,842 18,115 450 26 41,863 30,558 4,453 186,232 141,333 4,590 23, 143 22,715 32,576 36,039 22,270 20,422 24,477 27 976 1,790 3 7,486 4,710 17 126 419 951 1,643 1,554 1,082 1,694 28 907 2,654 2 9,706 6,413 21 118 352 1,316 2,387 2,219 1,459 1,834 29 13,448 26,950 815 169,786 104,097 3,605 5,389 10,994 21,597 33,006 29,506 26,117 39,572 30 16,977 48,573 900 211,309 147,118 1,188 10,289 12,513 31,161 50,915 41,052 27,688 36,503 31 460 681 2 1,358 988 4 46 90 237 350 261 170 200 32 4,003 3,765 515 17,996 14,556 824 1,489 2,033 3,477 4,553 2,180 1,910 1,530 33 623 1,240 1 6,613 4,062 14 91 367 771 1,415 1,404 997 1,554 34 9,445 23,185 300 151,790 89,541 2,781 3,900 8,961 18,120 28,453 27,326 24,207 38,042 35 1,896 2,393 15,297 10,734 38 343 1,183 2,624 3,738 2,808 2,177 2,381 5 36 146,227 85,534 991,338 798,535 19,764 81,601 133,789 189,204 229,371 144,806 107,273 85,505 25 37 890 1,423 8 11,298 7,784 47 292 862 1,883 2,687 2,013 1,582 1,932 38 79,091 141,152 1,249 1,133,773 868 , 570 111,192 81,133 136,386 193,523 208,678 137,658 116,414 148,789 39 1,490 1,674 2 8,860 6,238 39 300 823 1,632 2,145 1,299 1,371 1,246 5 40 71,371 35,777 1,031 328,591 274,801 20,882 42,444 46,143 71,861 69,018 24,453 32,862 19,988 940 41 330 185 1 3,850 2,908 31 228 482 802 894 471 602 335 5 42 12,511 6,695 200 129,542 114,796 7,099 26,873 23,912 27,154 22,183 7,575 10,266 3,540 940 43 3,658 5,722 9 23,463 15,583 62 453 1,526 3,850 5,405 4,287 3,267 4,608 5 44 9,060 13,763 220 99,358 74,087 2,509 5,627 11,189 20,939 18,972 14,851 10,874 14,372 25 45 4,453 6,226 10 26 ,788 19,213 63 481 1,821 4,905 6,869 5,074 3,534 4,036 5 46 3,985 9,526 5 33,585 24,468 62 359 1,445 5,351 9,349 7,902 4,353 4,763 1 47 116,109 79,556 7,663 1,521,917 1,331,379 45,588 111,372 228,850 398,220 369,641 177,708 111,107 77,871 1,560 48 132,751 165,309 10,446 1,750,258 1,499,604 27,981 95,226 186,347 410,811 498,076 281,163 145,576 103,958 1,120 49 2,648 3,811 5 20,091 13,801 65 439 1,533 3,463 4,732 3,569 2,873 3,412 5 50 2,435 4,651 5 22,538 16,517 55 332 1,176 3,876 6,180 4,898 3,033 2,988 51 258,483 136,017 3,403 1,538,101 1,251,101 55,998 142,757 210,141 306,140 340,019 196,046 161,977 123,608 1,415 52 157,174 127,087 7,880 1,238,911 1,017,101 52,504 112,944 162,001 231,694 261,830 196,128 123,336 98,474 53 2,309 3,272 8 19,837 13,424 62 414 1,449 3,286 4,659 3,554 2,635 3,573 5 54 2,010 3,606 22,932 16 ,379 57 317 1,111 3,748 6,086 5,060 3,121 3,431 1 55 225,318 226 ,686 1,249 2,125,111 1,667,105 130,956 162,734 270,175 382,727 438,049 282 ,464 223,687 234,294 25 56 142,121 254,233 3,018 2,040,008 1,605,067 83,724 171,472 247,079 358,361 429,317 315,114 191,494 241,377 2,070 57 6 1 16 16 5 6 3 2 58 59 60 61 1 30 772 772 310 220 150 92 182 90 1 2,058 1,882 22 192 426 578 478 186 116 .55 5 62 2,310 475 100 45,397 43,812 4,170 10,393 10,936 9,932 6,421 1,960 1,135 375 75 63 271 275 11,575 9,001 31 221 895 2,301 3,243 2,310 1,583 986 5 64 3,023 2,360 524,771 483,043 12,921 35,423 89,643 148,711 137,056 59,289 31,483 9,135 1,110 65 264 76 2 2,026 1,641 23 164 364 461 448 181 270 110 5 66 1,478 311 189 14,370 12,606 1,311 3,159 2,832 3,023 1,883 398 1,348 216 200 67 9,903 1,600 446 69,654 60,679 7,700 13,218 1A,634 13,455 9,385 2,287 7,135 1,390 450 68 124 70 1 2,026 1,476 27 135 317 363 468 166 345 200 5 69 716 229 10 15,038 13,482 1,570 2,210 3,326 3,130 2,607 639 1,055 341 160 70 3,563 1,475 50 77,735 69,295 6,420 12,068 18,394 1/4,561 14,560 3,292 6,020 1,670 750 71 2,729 3,276 2 22,324 17,334 43 421 1,661 4,531 6,295 4,383 2,774 2,211 5 72 3,130 2,036 71 90,830 82 ,870 2,188 7,204 14,730 26,417 22,669 9,662 5,710 2,200 50 73 22,693 16,100 150 603,079 548,722 9,063 38,486 90,797 172,277 164,949. 73,150 40,122 14,035 200 74 3,451 3,070 2 18,833 16,038 40 379 1,572 4,343 5,845 3,859 2,105 690 75 4,867 2,197 286 55,645 52,615 1,408 4,882 9,872 16,694 13,925 5,834 2,570 460 76 20,467 9,360 535 209,439 197,039 4,425 17,143 35,789 63,978 52,992 22,712 10,530 1,870 77 267 346 2 4,150 3,094 9 102 403 938 1,015 627 481 575 76 176 116 140 5,126 4,554 127 447 1,136 1,114 1,154 576 300 272 79 588 515 401 17,737 15,441 353 1,316 3,648 3,856 4,065 2,203 1,226 1,070 80 196 9 16,056 14,081 36 375 1,465 3,989 5,388 2,828 1,505 465 5 81 372 156 116 46,392 43,796 1,016 3,867 8,557 14,652 11,700 4,004 1,968 528 100 82 1,971 830 409 225,881 213,516 4,51A 18,558 40,998 71,986 57,455 20,005 9,615 2,320 430 S3 158 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table l.-FARMS, ACREAGE, VALUE, AND USE OF COMMERCIAL CData are baaed on reporta for only Conmercial farms FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms ••• number 1954. . . 1950... Land In farms acres 1954... 1950. . . Average size of farm acres 1954... 1950. . . lite of land and buildings: Average per farm dollars 1954. . . 1950. . . Average per acre dollars 1954. . . 1950. . . Proportion of farms reporting value percent 1954... Land in fans according to nse: Cropland harvested farms reporting 1954.., 1943... acres 1954.., 1949... 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 1954... 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 1954.., 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 1954... 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 1954... 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1954.., 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 1954.., 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 1954... 500 acres and over farms reporting 1954... Cropland used only for pasture. .farms reporting 1954... 1949... acres 195A... 1949. . , Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting 1954. . . 1949. . , acres 1954... 1949. . , Cropland used only for crops not harvested and not pastured farms reporting 1954... acres 1954... Cropland lying idle farms reporting 1954... acres 1954.. Woodland pastured farms reporting 1954... acrea 1954... Woodland not pastured farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954... Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting 1954. . acres 1954... Improved (see text) farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Cropland, total farms reporting 1954. . 1949. . acres 1954.. 1949.. Land pastured, total farms reporting 1954 . . 1949. . acres 1954.. 1949.. Woodland, total farms reporting 1954. . 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949.. Irrigated land in farms farms reporting 1954.. 1949. . acres 1954.. 1949.. Cover crops turned under and land planted to another crop farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Cropland used for row or grain crops farmed on contour farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER Crops on which comercial fertilizer was used, 1954: Hay and cropland pastured farms reporting.. acres on which used.. Other pasture farms reporting.. acres on which used.. Corn farms reporting . . acres on which used.. Cotton farms reporting. . acres on which used . . Fruits, vegetables, potatoes, etc.... farms reporting.. acres on which used. . Other crops farms reporting.. acres on which used. . 6,430 7,161 938,720 858,084 146.0 119.8 5,317 3,255 39.48 29.71 5,617 6,188 90,062 111,820 2,698 1,588 690 332 327,727 2,670 370,423 15,079 5,568 13,853 6,128 6,683 172,102 184,656 4,285 4,089 445,1% 338,088 4,525 4,763 698,150 576,323 1,929 1,993 638,612 521,224 331.1 261.5 11,435 5,807 36.30 25.13 1,842 1,875 55,516 61,168 2,011 773 1,532 519 62,854 41,965 43,146 26,844 958 344 1,995 530 19,186 10,895 29,690 12,174 9,153 1,091 228,648 11,948 1,675 6,319 1,905 1,927 108,376 100,186 1,465 1,381 311,552 227,535 1,509 1,495 482,978 359,108 3,366 477 1A.253 2,283 1,917 12,920 11,125 283 139 1,778 1,366 9,119 6,478 4,811 1,707 7,610 4,509 55,605 33,236 3,266 1,464 3,944 2,626 16,350 10,713 396,343 90,890 28.14 15.69 107,875 2,315.3 2,115.2 91,529 49,164 42.74 31.50 72,370 119,875 46,674 105,315 1,315.8 584.8 993.1 780.1 55,914 23,532 23,831 16,172 40.24 38.91 23.89 20.58 134,870 122,203 309.3 320.7 10,263 7,043 37.32 ALABAMA FERTILIZER, BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued 159 a sample of firms. See ext] Area 7b— Continued Areae andD Econom c class— Continued Total all Economic class Other farmB Commercial farmB Other farms Resi- dential Part-time Resi- dential Abnormal Total Class I Class II Class III Class IT Class T Clase TI Part-time Abnormal 1,559 2,942 6,904 3,045 132 356 415 572 834 736 1,332 2,525 . 1 1,377 3,791 7,632 3,171 96 268 401 607 816 983 1,381 3,068 12 2 164, 481 135,627 765,894 621,128 92 ,309 129,279 117,287 125,286 90,640 66,327 66,637 67,610 10,519 3 129,307 207,553 693,793 516,089 85,540 95,255 96,676 105,084 80,944 52,590 75,020 91,753 10,929 4 105.5 46.1 110.9 204.0 699.3 363.1 282.6 219.0 108.7 90.1 50.0 26.8 5,259.5 5 93.9 54.7 90.9 162.8 891.0 355.4 241.1 173.1 99.2 53.5 54.3 29.9 910.8 6 4,015 2,154 10,252 16,659 62,317 33,013 22,265 16,722 10,233 5,293 5,867 4,7% 60,740 7 3,136 1,972 6,757 10,941 59,097 25,760 19,004 10,480 5,716 3,411 4,360 3,302 55,456 8 42.33 50.99 103.08 91.38 90.67 108.13 88.84 90.27 94.03 65.32 119.52 192.89 27.37 9 34.19 37.28 78.47 71.12 86.21 73.15 79.44 62.75 58.12 69.00 87.06 110.27 137.55 10 86 87 81 81 82 79 77 82 83 83 81 81 50 11 1,401 2,374 5,633 2,832 130 328 397 533 772 672 1,109 1,690 2 12 1,196 3,117 6,094 3,007 86 255 378 579 784 925 1,195 1,880 12 13 20,088 14,458 218,533 188,637 33,616 46,220 35,314 30,974 29,658 12,855 L4,%0 11,025 3,911 14 21,501 29,151 206,114 167,3U 20,455 36,453 29,561 33,479 25,9% 21,370 19,610 13,230 5,%0 15 518 1,933 2,128 263 10 10 42 40 51 110 500 1,365 16 530 401 1,085 480 16 15 28 106 315 370 235 17 257 40 604 404 1 30 17 25 185 146 145 55 18 81 630 529 1 12 48 184 219 65 81 20 19 15 666 639 16 76 147 178 191 31 12 15 20 338 337 31 104 104 74 19 5 1 21 167 166 59 79 24 3 1 1 22 15 14 12 1 1 1 23 456 782 2,330 1,302 53 154 214 246 336 299 466 560 2 24 259 754 2,372 1,226 72 106 164 316 306 262 410 735 1 25 9,973 10,916 60,389 47,277 6,346 12,290 7,732 9,046 7,095 4,768 5,991 4,695 2,226 26 5,939 10,363 61,169 46,464 15,100 o,825 9,310 8,114 4,525 2,590 8,215 6,340 150 27 217 397 1,548 557 16 67 71 65 146 192 326 665 28 382 1,083 2,187 830 25 79 116 139 246 225 350 1,005 2 29 3,661 4,630 29,091 12,386 1,225 1,862 1,357 1,544 1,516 4,882 8,085 8,620 30 4,638 12,828 43,980 26,596 3,582 4,387 4,566 5,546 5,840 2,675 4,970 12,025 389 31 36 50 371 196 4 28 33 23 68 40 70 105 32 1,270 490 5,010 3,855 825 900 700 246 564 620 565 590 33 182 357 1,265 394 12 40 49 43 93 157 281 590 34 2,391 4,140 24,081 8,531 400 962 657 1,298 952 4,262 7,520 8,030 35 766 1,171 2,363 1,355 50 182 227 276 335 285 442 565 1 36 60,121 38,958 229,090 200,667 27,623 39,935 38,194 48,483 23,878 22,554 14,723 12,800 900 37 668 1,070 2,152 1,051 65 123 125 205 300 233 369 730 2 38 59,229 56,864 154,150 113,552 10,660 14,663 24,180 27,923 19,923 16,203 16,905 21,670 1,823 39 315 358 1,515 981 57 178 127 187 240 192 207 325 2 40 8,481 5,195 47,718 40,789 9,382 10,677 8,259 4,469 4,672 3,330 2,790 2,840 1,299 41 126 61 907 603 42 111 88 121 139 102 142 160 2 42 2,496 635 24,634 21,704 4,289 5,969 3,143 2,754 3,334 2,215 1,630 1,040 260 43 1,349 2,544 6,349 2,840 131 348 385 526 779 671 1,222 2,285 2 44 2,928 4,606 26,923 17,820 3,457 3,632 2,251 2,847 3,898 1,735 3,183 5,560 360 45 1,490 2,733 6,214 2,905 132 338 403 551 796 685 1,207 2,100 2 46 1,276 3,480 6,915 3,078 96 267 389 590 794 942 1,300 2,525 12 47 33,722 30,004 308,013 248,300 41,187 60,372 44,403 41,564 38,269 22,505 29,036 24,540 6,137 48 32,128 52,342 311,263 240,374 39,137 47,665 43,437 47,139 36,361 26,635 32,795 31,595 6,499 49 1,064 1,756 4,414 2,430 97 312 378 456 644 551 812 1,170 2 50 852 1,856 4,460 2,186 87 220 285 481 595 518 746 1,526 2 51 78,575 55,069 337,197 288,733 43,351 62,902 54,185 61,998 35,645 30,652 23,504 20,535 4,425 52 44,132 66,421 242,314 185,549 41,865 32 ,726 34,2% 37,863 24,284 14,515 28,320 25,835 2,610 53 1,124 1,892 4,006 2,042 100 241 287 400 554 460 732 1,230 2 54 957 2,311 4,770 2,110 74 222 270 416 515 613 836 1,822 2 55 119,350 95,822 383,240 314,219 38,283 54,598 62,374 76,406 43,801 38,757 31,628 34,670 2,723 56 83,522 133,693 327,339 111 12 235,675 100 12 38,059 48 2 37,011 27 5 47,910 12 5 50,466 2 39,914 10 22,315 1 36,945 5 50,698 5 4,021 1 57 58 4,634 4,609 3,636 328 270 155 20 200 10 5 10 60 145 145 100 5 40 61 71 36 388 321 46 63 50 57 70 35 26 40 1 62 543 230 12,535 12,016 4,346 2,827 1,806 1,850 %7 220 124 295 100 63 350 420 412 365 22 44 35 70 128 66 25 20 2 64 4,765 3,150 12,483 11,608 1,221 1,410 1,604 2,210 3,653 1,510 470 135 270 65 121 840 580 47 108 122 143 109 51 153 105 2 66 291 75 9,512 8,717 2,116 2,673 1,895 1,174 650 209 442 238 115 67 1,425 370 36,416 30,973 6,680 10,139 6,403 4,035 2,423 1,293 1,888 1,290 2,265 66 98 665 520 33 110 88 70 137 82 93 50 2 69 313 5,741 5,259 974 1,681 734 658 897 315 359 108 15 70 2,231 410 22,406 20,051 3,829 5,940 3,123 2,583 3,151 1,425 1,620 535 200 71 1,216 1,888 4,190 2,384 78 276 339 430 669 592 839 %5 2 72 1,750 1,351 21,550 17,954 2,257 4,603 3,410 3,165 2,940 1,579 1,933 1,188 475 73 12,376 9,993 83,973 68,596 6,060 15,218 12,673 13,231 13,570 7,844 8,742 5,065 1,570 74 936 866 1,934 1,358 11 97 138 234 478 400 400 175 1 75 876 442 5,914 5,158 327 925 1,056 950 1,245 655 428 89 239 76 3,812 1,825 16,859 14,451 697 2,872 2,889 2,669 3,294 2,030 1,345 270 793 77 151 385 1,687 984 78 169 151 222 239 125 301 400 2 78 85 135 22,832 21,568 10,161 5,086 2,702 2,235 1,132 252 431 420 413 79 256 485 30,331 ' 27,066 9,165 6,078 4,359 4,344 2,410 710 1,405 1,425 435 BC 81 55 1,462 1,190 94 190 189 237 315 165 1A1 130 1 81 110 32 11,739 11,227 2,768 2,943 2,283 1,462 1,407 364 223 104 185 82 392 ioo 53,442 50,987 12,853 11,899 11,295 6,340 7,055 1,545 1,330 475 650 S3 160 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 2.-FARM FACILITIES, OFF-FARM WORK, WORK POWER, FARM LABOR, AND [Data are based on reports for only Commercial farms Class II Class III Class rv SPECIFIED FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT Telephone farms reporting 1954 . Electricity farms reporting 1954. 1950. Television set farms reporting 1954. Piped running water farms reporting 1954. Home freezer farms reporting 1954. Electric pig brooder farms reporting 1954. Power feed grinder farms reporting 1954. Milking machine farms reporting 1954. Grain combines farms reporting 1954. number 1954. Corn pickers farms reporting 1954. number 1954. Pick-up hay balers farms reporting 1954. number 1954. Field forage harvesters farms reporting 1954. number 1954. Motortrucks farms reporting 1954 . number 1954. Tractors, other than garden farms reporting 1954. 1950. number 1954. 1950. Automobiles farms reporting 1954 . number 1954. OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME With other income of family exceeding value of farm products sold operators reporting Working off their farms, total operators reporting 100 or more days operators reporting FARMS BY CLASS OF WORK POWER No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting No tractor but horses and/or mules farms reporting Tractor and horses and/or mules .... farms reporting Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting FARM LABOR Week of October 24-30: Family and/or hired workers farms reporting persons Family workers, including operator farms reporting Operators working 1 or more hours persons Unpaid members of operator's family farms reporting persons Hired workers farms reporting persons Regular workers (to be employed 150 or more days) farms reporting persons Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting persons SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Specified farm expenditures1 farms reporting Machine hire and/or hired labor farms reporting Machine hire farms reporting dollars Hired labor farms reporting $1 to $2,499 farms reporting $2,500 and over farms reporting Feed for livestock and poultry. -farms reporting dollars Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing material farms reporting dollars 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1949. 1954 . 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 28,138 155,114 144,569 32,261 68,056 29,147 795 2,942 2,974 2,962 3,016 769 803 59,347 65,359 51,982 36,487 62,526 44,067 75,503 83,371 83,582 54,408 49,312 67,477 23,916 28,066 54,126 97,134 17,577 69,426 170,047 110,750 78,870 8,453,232 72,530 77,605 29,539,218 26,835,922 70,209 2,321 115,328 114,249 52,248,195 26,208,582 76,471 49,900 15,783,391 12,017,731 144,296 40,319,911 962,434 4,780,271 6,793 203,221 1,163,425 229,006 14,812 35,734 15,912 2,791 2,823 2,695 2,746 650 684 39,289 44,012 38,934 29,158 48,783 36,169 37,944 43,071 31,534 29, 577 9,649 7,005 36,613 19,002 19,932 37,191 71,608 14,372 61,633 94,595 76,207 53,495 7,242,628 54,563 56,903 27,563,415 24,707,384 52,303 2,260 58,906 64,166 45,442,547 20,590,653 50,354 38,764 14,141,126 10,929,631 89,346 35,036,378 837,399 4,099,589 5,209 176,746 1,001,520 195,636 2,816 1,888 888 2,259 322 541 762 7,194 654 4,059 371 3,135 1,016 3,053,896 80,925 313,821 245 33,442 165,952 32,397 1,556 3,246 1,931 1,431 2,903 1,556 75 969 162 2,757 3,904 2,715 1,71* 5,473 3,389 2,314 3,385 1,289 2,247 1,855 11,448 3,301 2,962 1,790 837,402 2,796 1,911 6,316,703 5,045,837 1,744 1,052 2,814 1,698 14,110,480 4,055,274 2,976 4,625,306 114,690 499,793 633 36,552 203,674 36,954 1,820 5,978 4,160 1,838 4,544 2,325 118 1,025 4,542 5,444 4,968 3,347 7,026 4,831 3,722 4,459 5,546 5,461 2,406 5,574 2,316 10,077 6,112 5,500 3,567 1,131,590 5,045 3,952 4,889,430 4,065,498 4,657 388 4,803 3,537 7,069,125 3,104,502 5,256 3,838 2,596,953 1,992,651 5,691 5,059,379 121,705 579,430 1,037 35,345 221,162 42,923 2,755 16,304 12,721 3,233 8,204 3,846 123 1,102 100 9,479 10,220 11,000 7,759 12,713 3,175 5,325 5,675 7,710 17,419 3,740 14,740 17,085 14,840 9,998 1,806,577 12,211 10,950 4,906,537 4,206,381 12,103 108 10,780 9,758 5,080,159 3,061,658 12,427 9,140 3,276,020 2,492,627 16,216 8,247,456 194,297 973,351 1,353 33,444 198,241 39,523 3,564 29,628 28,911 4,818 11,893 4,778 157 931 82 13,255 13,799 13,585 10,225 14,605 11,190 13,366 14,129 13,257 10,917 5,685 4,260 11,362 6,188 7,397 28,299 27,694 13,154 25,274 3,896 13,080 32,230 26,651 18,995 1,977,187 19,465 20,609 3,561,181 3,545,043 19,423 42 18,938 21,411 4,224,930 3,389,808 17,817 13,769 2,873,264 2,254,252 30,695 9,093,396 211,002 1,101,608 1,440 31,060 170,662 35,125 1Excludes farms reporting ALABAMA FARM EXPENDITURES, BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 161 a sample of farms. See text] The State— Continued Areal Economic class — Continued Total all farms Economic class Other farme Commercial farms Other farms Part-time Resi- dential Abnormal Total Class I Class II ClaBS III Class IV Class V Claas VI Part-time Resi- dential Abnormal 5,687 9,967 39 4,299 2,319 93 206 380 576 723 341 727 1,253 1 26,226 45,094 20,701 13,259 125 420 1,057 2,966 5,173 3,518 3,269 4,173 2 25,239 36,426 33 18,577 13,145 104 349 867 2,616 5,286 3,923 2,514 2,918 3 6,383 11,030 36 3,013 1,829 76 134 358 431 560 270 511 673 4 12,317 19,961 44 7,998 4,719 121 323 689 1,139 1,691 756 1,442 1,837 5 5,583 7,622 30 3,874 2,406 90 193 346 595 806 376 676 792 6 112 75 1 133 123 10 17 21 15 30 30 5 5 7 625 291 18 784 702 69 136 162 150 125 60 56 25 1 8 86 125 24 385 374 18 46 114 80 91 25 5 5 1 9 284 73 15 907 830 69 158 203 208 132 60 71 5 1 10 285 78 21 1,005 928 112 178 216 220 142 60 71 5 1 11 91 51 9 626 615 48 116 160 175 76 40 10 1 12 91 51 9 641 630 54 124 161 175 76 40 10 1 13 212 40 15 493 461 62 113 119 69 78 20 21 10 1 14 212 40 18 500 468 66 115 120 69 78 20 21 10 1 15 69 40 10 123 123 29 23 22 34 15 16 69 40 10 125 125 30 24 22 34 15 17 9,834 10,185 39 7,637 5,873 125 373 802 1,562 2,043 968 1,012 751 1 18 10,457 10,812 78 8,438 6,617 306 568 978 1,650 2,102 1,013 1,028 792 1 19 8,195 4,819 34 9,158 7,303 125 389 927 2,050 2,755 1,057 1,278 576 1 20 4,726 2,581 22 7,743 6,891 106 324 791 1,915 2,502 1,253 582 270 21 8,648 4,974 121 11,639 9,681 523 1,004 1,497 2,427 3,057 1,173 1,336 618 22 4,999 2,813 86 9,815 8,908 470 725 1,218 2,213 2,860 1,422 587 320 23 15,011 22,518 30 11,253 6,804 124 303 707 1,675 2,627 1,368 2,008 2,441 24 16,229 23,992 79 12,732 7,946 446 503 895 1,880 2,789 1,433 2,139 2,647 25 23,217 32,158 5 6,245 1,231 11 47 98 282 793 2,41^1 2,600 26 29,942 36,911 18 6,698 1,588 16 49 109 264 1,150 2,759 2,351 27 23,368 31,579 7 10,401 4,801 11 100 3C4 1,029 2,202 1,155 2,754 2,846 28 21,986 32,002 17 8,391 4,156 19 85 220 890 1,822 1,120 2,083 2,152 29 19,068 25,684 7 6,212 1,493 8 54 145 430 856 2,253 2,466 30 17,549 24,741 17 4,433 1,093 18 52 98 270 655 1,668 1,672 31 9,474 28,455 1 8,579 4,115 25 126 771 1,733 1,460 1,487 2,977 32 12,250 18,603 11 3,918 2,448 1 7 37 216 906 1,281 615 855 33 3,211 1,683 20 3,917 3,380 94 207 430 943 1,245 461 367 170 34 4,984 3,136 14 5,241 3,923 31 182 497 1,107 1,510 596 911 406 1 35 23,811 33,599 44 17,432 12,278 126 401 1,016 2,807 4,760 3,168 2,652 2,501 1 36 42,881 44,299 505 46,788 38,269 1,646 3,675 5,817 9,814 11,685 5,632 5,289 3,226 4 37 23,428 33,412 37 17,226 12,137 120 383 969 2,777 4,720 3,168 2,602 2,486 1 38 22,333 31,997 36 16,722 11,868 119 376 938 2,712 4,605 3,118 2,462 2,391 1 39 8,966 7,968 1 7,786 6,096 28 115 547 1,600 2,520 1,286 1,120 570 40 14,691 10,833 2 15,757 13,127 235 1,629 4,002 5,126 2,091 1,870 760 41 2,312 849 2,681 2,329 101 290 499 727 556 156 291 60 1 42 5,857 1,469 467 14,309 13,274 1,483 3,064 3,250 3,100 1,954 423 957 75 3 43 261 51 38 627 586 91 183 120 115 77 35 5 1 44 339 61 260 1,639 1,586 580 430 276 182 118 45 5 3 45 2,088 803 13 2,301 1,990 63 207 424 651 489 156 256 55 46 5,518 1,408 207 12,670 11,688 903 2,634 2,974 2,918 1,836 423 912 70 47 29,549 45,859 44 21,093 13,826 126 421 1,090 3,037 5,379 3,773 3,335 3,931 1 48 19,166 15,333 44 15,710 11,964 125 410 1,014 2,757 4,611 3,047 2,435 1,310 1 49 13,784 11,568 23 12,104 9,027 89 320 722 1,975 3,510 2,411 1,972 1,105 50 812,223 382,005 16,376 1,539,541 1,372,176 107,589 186 ,670 213,474 319,497 351,416 193,530 114,210 53,155 51 11,582 6,341 44 10,916 8,961 125 394 928 2,341 3,406 1,767 1,504 450 1 52 12,428 8,250 24 12,543 10,457 108 350 871 2,350 4,115 2,663 1,310 776 53 1,279,716 354,340 341,747 4,931,060 4,737,070 1,059,285 1,082,936 912,977 932 , 599 594,133 155, 140 157,025 23,965 13,000 54 1,234,780 623,223 270,535 6,250,1 1' 5,993,320 1,603,997 1,112,089 1,033,982 976 ,429 895,988 370,835 127,595 129,700 55 11,559 6,330 17 10,508 8,554 26 179 861 2,320 3,401 1,767 1,504 450 56 23 11 27 408 407 99 215 67 21 5 1 57 20,088 36,300 34 13,139 7,771 102 285 827 1,700 2,875 1,982 2,082 3,285 1 58 20,289 29,775 19 13,558 9,654 91 282 745 1,899 3,645 2,992 1,814 2,090 59 3,279,565 3,225,252 300,831 3,152,666 2,608,606 541,197 419,131 549,525 424, 966 465,472 208,315 288,205 252,855 3,000 60 2,675,764 2,824,218 117,947 2,547,927 2,176,442 297,803 293,871 386 ,482 503,625 445,566 249,095 174,730 196,755 61 12,732 13,347 38 12,024 9,044 120 387 973 2,341 3,480 1,743 1,679 1,301 62 7,176 3,935 25 9,382 8,053 97 346 822 2,051 2,989 1,748 833 496 63 1,088,410 485,505 68,350 2,859,870 2,654,256 308,146 432,891 536,830 612,504 574,840 189,045 148,589 57,025 64 699,667 332,354 56,079 2,627,700 2,470,116 282,452 347,632 425,271 561,440 585,138 268,183 82,166 75,418 65 25,702 29,205 43 17,982 13,284 125 413 1,026 2,944 5,239 3,537 2,863 1,835 66 3,507,004 1,597,056 179,473 5,006,670 4,618,765 522,247 631,401 750,599 1,111,749 1,159,594 443,175 303,845 84,060 67 63,178 37,558 4,299 127,776 117,751 13,352 15 ,877 19,171 27,595 30,240 11, 516 7,849 2,176 68 449,642 214,410 16,630 699,427 641,777 63,314 83,160 100,977 158,062 169,877 66,387 45,480 12,170 69 1,008 565 11 1,040 920 52 119 194 222 237 96 60 60 70 18,458 6,905 1,112 38,625 37,175 8,407 7,446 6,229 6,002 7,221 1,870 890 560 71 112 , 573 41,525 7,807 154,471 146,531 26,593 29,479 26,362 23,917 29,395 10,785 4,470 3,470 72 22,245 8,195 2,930 33,449 31,559 5,977 5,407 5,818 5,300 7,355 1,702 1,100 790 73 162 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 2.-FARM FACILITIES, OFF-FARM WORK, WORK POWER, FARM LABOR, AND [Data are based on reports for only Conmerc ial farms SPECIFIED FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT Telephone farms reporting 1954 . Electricity farms reporting 1954. 1950. Television set farms reporting 1954. Piped running water farms reporting 1954. Home freezer farms reporting 1954. Electric pig brooder farms reporting 1954. Power feed grinder farms reporting 1954 . Milking machine farms reporting 1954. Grain combines farms reporting 1954. number 1954. Corn pickers farms reporting 1954 . number 1954. Pick-up hay balers farms reporting 1954. number 1954. Field forage harvesters farms reporting 1954. number 1954. Motortrucks farms reporting 1954 . number 1954. Tractors, other than garden farms reporting 1954. 1950. number 1954. 1950. Automobiles farms reporting 1954 . number 1954. OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Working off their farms, total operators reporting 1954 . . 1949.. 100 or more days operators reporting 1954., 1949.. FARMS BY CLASS OF W0RX POWER No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting 1954., No tractor but horses and/or mules farms reporting 1954. , Tractor and horses and/or mules. .. .farms reporting 1954.. Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting 1954.. FARM LABOR ■eportlng 1954 . , persons 1954 . , Family workers, including operator farms reporting 1954., Operators working 1 or more hours persons 1954. . Unpaid members of operator's family farms reporting 1954.. persons 1954. . Hired workers farms reporting 1954 . persons 1954 . Regular workers (to be employed 150 or more days) farms reporting 1954. persons 1954 . Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting 1954. . persons 1954. SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Specified farm expenditures1 farms reporting 1954. Machine hire and/or hired labor farms reporting 1954 . Machine hire farms reporting 1954 . dollars 1954. Hired labor farms reporting 1954. 1949. dollars 1954. 1949. $1 to $2,499 farms reporting 1954. $2,500 and over farms reporting 1954. Feed for livestock and poultry. -farms reporting 1954. 1949. dollars 1954. 1949. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil farms reporting 1954 . 1949. dollars 1954. 1949. Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing material farms reporting 1954 . dollars 1954. tons 1954. acres on which used 1954. Lime and liming material farms reporting 1954. tons 1954. dollars 1954. acres limed 1954. 3,177 1,791 24,217 16,238 25,516 17,951 6,584 4,206 10,277 6,458 3,206 2,089 9,691 7,342 10,079 7,640 9,431 7,702 6,006 4,949 10,144 8,362 6,756 5,570 9,905 5,989 10,326 6,230 10,393 8,975 5,593 4,261 7,674 3,589 5,842 20,496 19,874 10,465 18,989 2,541 9,374 24,313 17,082 12,211 1,052,492 10,920 11,516 2,439,626 1,813,869 10,8 102 14,996 16,077 11,988,040 3,367,586 12,747 7,995 1,887,533 1,150,739 21,207 6,453,128 138,315 619,643 690 15,943 73,813 15,982 5,228 4,166 1,467 14,946 14,655 8,639 16,251 2,159 16,678 13,318 9,359 909,842 9,026 9,151 2,285,895 1,553,389 8,924 102 9,657 11,232 11,346,742 2,832,201 9,688 6,396 1,706,588 1,009,617 15,880 5,781,491 123,417 552,614 550 14,113 66,113 14,442 97,824 2,439 10,113 11 1,897 7,212 1,975 498,137 11,259 49,530 46 2,944 13,049 2,735 3,438 6,771 1,833 7,108 1,087 1,676 1,520 2,558 2,042 2,849 2,097 2,939 2,467 3,106 1,040 2,255 2,683 3,201 1,132 2,470 1,199 2,622 1,254 2,708 3,483 2,816 1,758 219,945 2,211 1,252 614,835 318,896 2,210 2,092 1,317 1,059,285 524,866 2,691 1,095 573,125 233,124 3,321 1,757,222 36,803 164,975 2,430 1,160 1,946 5,694 4,209 382,099 3,832 4,082 563,654 505,945 3,830 3,993 4,515 810,451 714,673 3,985 2,773 511,461 371,356 6,665 2,169,462 45,574 207,027 208 3,032 16,271 3,389 Excludes farms reporting . ALABAMA FARM EXPENDITURES, BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued 163 a eample of farms. See text] Ar a 2— Continued Areas 3 and A Economic class— Continued Total all Economic clasB Other fanne Commercial farms Other farms Resi- dential Part-time Abnormal Total Class I Class II Class III ClaBa IV Class V Class VI Part-time Reai- Abnormal 555 831 6,053 1,629 88 153 248 399 458 283 1,335 3,078 11 1 3,304 4,675 18 942 7,014 129 275 574 1,643 2,335 2,058 3,515 8,402 11 2 4,173 3,386 6 20 248 7,533 33 127 279 910 2,378 3,806 3,986 8,728 1 3 1,083 1,295 7 948 2,448 92 169 318 577 813 479 1,681 3,808 11 i 1,607 2,212 9 554 3,186 121 234 365 744 1,066 656 1,929 4,428 11 5 511 606 345 1,520 89 105 196 402 453 275 972 1,847 6 6 20 15 80 54 1 2 21 5 25 20 5 1 7 35 20 791 599 21 83 116 161 165 53 111 75 6 8 5 5 437 391 51 72 130 93 40 5 20 20 6 9 33 16 476 408 31 65 80 113 87 32 62 5 1 10 33 16 500 432 40 72 84 116 88 32 62 5 1 11 20 10 272 249 6 23 62 103 50 5 1 12 20 10 273 250 6 23 62 104 50 5 6 16 1 13 11 5 436 354 39 71 71 81 66 26 76 5 1 14 11 5 442 360 39 76 71 82 66 26 76 1 15 20 5 81 60 16 15 8 14 2 5 11 5 5 16 20 5 81 60 16 15 8 14 2 5 11 5 5 17 1,214 1,135 6,495 3,108 98 21} 342 800 1,005 650 1,402 1,974 11 18 1,259 1,180 7 083 3,466 192 297 404 862 1,039 672 1,520 2,080 17 19 1,139 590 6 888 4,045 72 204 484 1,184 1,414 687 1,464 1,368 11 20 812 239 6 786 3,106 34 112 231 688 1,240 801 1,029 650 1 21 1,182 600 7 850 4,886 232 398 632 1,379 1,522 723 1,539 1,406 19 22 887 262 37 5 481 3,683 99 222 380 811 1,323 848 1,072 724 23 1,841 2,075 10 505 3,513 108 201 328 900 1,169 807 2,106 4,875 11 24 1,951 2,145 11 501 3,931 186 272 394 958 1,276 845 2,330 5,222 18 25 2,627 2,662 10,166 1,120 28 57 109 325 601 2,940 6,106 26 4,333 2,413 1 12,791 921 5 22 47 149 698 4,093 7,772 5 27 2,588 2,577 11,656 2,587 38 59 195 619 1,185 491 3,037 6,031 1 28 2,685 2,124 12,313 2,226 11 38 94 279 939 865 3,268 6,814 5 29 2,095 2,031 9,094 1,132 31 45 108 265 683 2,645 5,316 1 30 2,020 1,528 9,143 632 11 28 58 113 422 2,702 5,804 5 31 1,265 3,209 1 6,613 1,314 51 50 75 297 436 405 895 4,404 32 1,026 1,086 6,059 1,881 6 21 30 193 555 1,076 1,271 2,907 33 342 155 2,899 1,810 47 109 230 521 588 315 634 450 5 34 797 435 3,989 2,235 25 95 254 663 826 372 830 918 6 35 2,711 2,914 15,300 6,540 124 259 554 1,506 2,200 1,897 3,024 5,725 11 36 5,291 3,849 29,389 16,553 599 1,150 1,920 4,307 4,909 3,668 5,486 7,315 35 37 2,671 2,879 15,155 6,467 122 257 525 1,490 2,181 1,892 2,962 5,715 11 38 2,485 2,734 14,658 6,325 122 250 515 1,460 2,116 i,862 2,817 5,505 11 39 1,156 670 5,258 2,941 49 140 234 776 956 786 1,107 1,210 40 1,913 825 9,254 5,776 73 277 555 1,723 1,797 1,351 1,838 1,640 41 262 120 1,627 1,123 73 130 200 291 295 134 388 105 11 42 893 290 5,477 4,452 404 623 850 1,124 996 455 831 170 24 43 17 404 343 70 92 79 57 38 7 50 11 44 18 833 747 282 224 123 67 44 7 62 24 45 245 120 1,328 884 22 62 144 256 273 127 339 105 46 875 290 4,644 3,705 122 399 727 1,057 952 448 769 170 47 3,415 4,220 18,914 7,195 129 275 589 1,664 2,405 2,133 3,630 8,078 11 48 2,357 1,407 10,149 5,591 114 220 542 1,421 1,961 1,333 2,247 2,300 11 49 1,667 1,185 6,903 3,705 29 108 290 902 1,368 1,008 1,538 1,654 50 94,180 48,470 607,614 470,464 23,953 27,773 63,772 157,167 152,664 45,135 87,015 49,085 1,050 51 1,362 532 6,618 4,248 104 205 502 1,150 1,515 772 1,411 948 11 52 1,746 612 7 6,252 3,602 35 117 227 649 1,275 1,299 1,529 1,120 1 53 123,831 29,900 2,545,553 2,292,128 608,557 457,960 402,044 414,560 328,325 80,682 163,750 49,975 39,700 54 139,425 35,505 85,550 1,765,247 1,512,207 394,818 238,929 224,202 295,346 252,037 106,875 157,450 84,590 11,000 55 1,362 532 6,431 4,078 26 149 478 1,142 1,512 771 1,405 948 56 187 170 78 56 24 8 3 1 6 11 57 2,062 3,277 13,672 4,318 114 213 417 907 1,307 1,360 2,548 6,795 11' 58 2,736 2,102 7 13,175 4,322 32 120 222 510 1,342 2,096 2,870 5,977 59 368,173 273,125 6,952,347 5,612,107 2,395,681 1,290,998 855,419 535,293 317,995 216,721 474,115 800,125 66,000 60 330,450 181,110 23,825 3,251,453 2,031,930 515,369 577,398 267,661 256,000 227,607 187,895 469,205 735,118 15,200 61 1,707 1,352 8,986 4,530 92 230 487 1,220 1,574 927 1,785 2,665 6 62 1,191 402 6 5,573 3,555 34 121 272 703 1,345 1,080 1,166 846 6 63 129,210 51,735 1,347,498 1,088,229 126,767 148,569 170,970 281,529 269,354 91,040 162,454 93,715 3,100 64 101,325 25,657 14,140 1,036,936 853,386 75,672 94,022 140,790 212,648 207,924 122,330 107,260 75,540 750 65 2,945 2,382 14,245 6,536 91 224 501 1,544 2,232 1,944 3,061 4,637 11 66 485,528 186,109 3,096,079 2,450,514 174,193 243,215 348,617 723,556 672,533 288,400 426,845 212,220 6,500 67 10,968 3,930 72,387 57,035 4,989 5,952 8,052 16,440 14,837 6,765 10,055 5,152 145 68 48,982 18,047 360,331 271,752 17,279 28,075 40,295 77,865 71,912 36,326 56,210 31,649 720 69 65 850 461 24 73 83 96 160 25 234 150 5 70 1,150 680 23,932 17,233 2,466 4,067 3,575 3,164 3,661 300 5,599 1,040 60 71 4,900 2,800 123,851 83,231 10,667 20,917 16,578 17,007 16,712 1,350 33,465 6,435 720 72 1,040 500 27,185 18,896 3,158 4,096 3,992 3,255 4,170 225 6,699 1,290 300 73 164 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 2.-FARM FACILITIES, OFF-FARM WORK, WORK POWER, FARM LABOR, AND [Data are based on reports for only SPECIFIED FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT Telephone farms reporting 1954 . Electricity farms reporting 1954. 1950. Television set farms reporting 1954. Piped running water farms reporting 1954. Home freezer farms reporting 1954. Electric pig brooder farms reporting 1954. Power feed grinder farms reporting 1954 . Milking machine , farms reporting 1954. Grain combines farms reporting 1954. number 1954. Corn pickers farms reporting 1954. number 1954. Pick-up hay balers farms reporting 1954 . number 1954. Field forage harvesters farms reporting 1954. number 1954. Motortrucks farms reporting 1954. number 1954. Tractors, other than garden farms reporting 1954. 1950. number 1954. 1950. Automobiles farms reporting 1954. number 1954. OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME With other income of family exceeding value of farm products sold operators reporting 1954. 1949. Working off their farms, total .operators reporting 1954 . 1949. 100 or more days operators reporting 1954. 1949. FARMS BY CLASS OF WORK POWER No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting 1954. No tractor but horses and/or mules farms reporting 1954. Tractor and horses and/or mules. .. .farms reporting 1954. Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting 1954. FARM LABOR Week of October 24-30: Family and/or hired workers. ... .farms reporting 1954 persons 1954 Family workers, including operator farms reporting 1954 Operators working 1 or more hours persons 1954 Unpaid members of operator's family farms reporting 1954 persons 1954 Hired workers farms reporting 1954 persons 1954 Regular workers (to be employed 150 or more days) farms reporting 1954 persons 1954 Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting 1954 persons 1954 SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Specified farm expenditures1 farms reporting 1954 Machine hire and/or hired labor farms reporting 1954 Machine hire farms reporting 1954 dollars 1954 Hired labor farms reporting 1954 1949 dollars 1954 1949 $1 to $2,499 farms reporting 1954 $2,500 and over farms reporting 1954 Feed for livestock and poultry. .farms reporting dollars Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing material farms reporting dollars 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 2,647 13,345 11,886 3,178 4,555 2,123 5,086 2,459 2,827 1,555 1,872 1,094 3,237 1,888 2,106 1,291 7,092 2,397 7,717 2,663 7,092 1,689 1,138 4,076 6,755 1,167 3,341 6,209 408,772 4,931 4,325 1,421,029 1,251,977 4,820 111 8,847 8,324 5,076,098 5,153 2,956 682,929 499, 411 11,837 2,341,129 54,137 278,391 713 19,342 135,668 21,682 Economic class 6,080 4,848 3,418 284,483 3,165 2,457 1,209,969 1,067,416 3,065 100 3,457 3,061 4,364,715 1,234,534 2,372 1,726 527, 549 413,025 5,780 1,773,715 40,685 206,555 443 14,311 99,806 16,470 1,079 7,275 1,052 231,473 5,607 24,801 62 3,439 26,959 3,520 731,369 385,183 264,080 319,687 151,797 216,547 181 351 780 204 318 601 94,518 92,388 125,501 106,605 87,204 74,646 251 555 1,830 199,726 271,898 516,328 4,535 6,531 11,711 21,117 32.31A 63,466 53 88 143 1,858 3,962 2,665 15,238 25,976 15,912 2,993 5,153 2,431 502 1,624 354 1,059 62,159 84,817 420 1,200 345 726 177,291 222,547 186,572 145,162 413 1,191 reporting commercial fertilizer and lii ALABAMA FARM EXPENDITURES, BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued 165 a Bample of farma. See text] Areas. and B — Con inued Area 5 Economi c class— Continued Total all farms Economic claes Other farms Commercial farms Other farms Part-time Resi- dential Abnormal Total Class I Class II Class III Class IV ClaBs V Clasa VI Part-time Resi- dential Abnormal 642 1,161 3,573 1,349 74 140 150 258 403 324 788 1,426 10 1 2,694 5,431 6 24,779 11,149 103 351 540 1,389 3,787 4,979 4,420 9,200 10 2 2,763 4,661 1 25,078 13,041 ■ 137 274 1,258 3,900 7,375 5,023 7,002 12 3 -'.< 1,425 5,198 2,016 66 129 193 341 651 636 1,123 2,051 8 1,285 2,484 6 9,243 4,049 94 298 429 670 1,337 1,221 1,890 3,294 10 5 1,004 1 3,721 1,722 71 135 206 290 540 480 839 1,154 6 6 5 74 54 3 5 11 10 20 5 10 10 7 137 25 1 738 599 46 120 117 143 101 72 84 50 5 8 10 6 294 250 19 46 67 52 46 20 10 30 4 9 43 5 558 503 50 89 101 105 133 25 31 20 4 10 43 5 624 56e 77 102 108 116 133 30 31 20 11 6 1 179 162 27 48 27 23 32 5 6 10 1 12 1 181 164 29 48 27 23 32 5 6 10 1 13 40 1 393 347 47 68 73 76 66 17 37 5 14 40 1 404 355 47 68 73 81 69 17 37 5 7 15 5 1 73 54 18 12 6 6 6 7 10 2 16 1 85 19 7 22 <> 6 6 7 10 2 17 1,078 1,348 6 9,096 5,218 95 294 440 903 1,970 1,516 l,65o 2,212 10 IB 1,221 1,399 7 9 877 5,763 208 412 537 979 2,060 1,567 1,758 2,331 25 19 769 497 6 528 4,363 86 278 449 934 1,671 945 1,304 856 5 20 464 313 1 287 3,094 62 122 255 777 1,153 725 698 493 2 21 836 502 11 7 712 5,395 331 575 641 1,084 1,771 993 1,401 893 23 2: 483 331 1 964 3,700 223 238 339 875 1,245 780 761 497 6 23 1,684 3,005 11 243 4,429 93 242 305 733 1,456 1,600 2,564 4,246 4 24 1,858 3,181 15 12 2K 4,968 244 391 365 830 1,492 1,646 2,760 4,462 26 25 2,190 3,779 11,310 1,134 72 72 235 751 4,0:y3 6,158 :-. 3,323 4,788 13,209 1,276 20 32 38 256 930 5,489 6,444 27 2,442 4,003 14,445 4,522 27 120 185 544 1,873 1,773 3,899 6,023 1 26 2,370 3,919 1 14,753 5,091 11 47 107 460 1,688 2,778 4,281 5,381 29 2,121 3,413 9,170 1,246 17 71 103 254 801 3,131 4,792 1 30 1,904 3,249 1 8,496 936 10 29 57 226 614 3,439 4,121 31 811 3,292 9,260 2,512 13 41 62 224 849 1,323 1,397 5,351 32 1,454 2,261 11,572 5,597 5 46 41 323 1,578 3,604 2,185 3,785 5 33 382 236 5 3,314 2,345 63 179 279 492 764 568 596 369 34 387 261 1 3,214 2,018 23 99 170 442 907 377 708 487 1 35 2,458 4,187 6 20,732 10,319 101 353 508 1,237 3,384 4,736 3,846 6,557 10 36 4,135 5,349 19 41,355 26,166 1,112 2,903 1,765 3,833 7,843 8,710 6,486 8,407 2% 37 2,429 4,172 6 20,566 10,244 92 334 493 1,225 3,364 4,736 3,771 6,542 9 38 2,348 4,042 5 20,029 10,093 91 323 488 1,213 3,302 4,676 3,590 6,337 9 39 868 961 1 7,208 4,511 26 159 260 610 1,491 1,965 1,301 1,396 43 1,318 1,171 2 12,537 8,490 40 275 546 1,343 2,905 3,361 2,191 1,856 41 236 96 1,926 1,451 74 194 202 341 408 232 359 106 10 42 469 136 12 8,789 7,583 981 2,305 731 1,277 1,636 653 705 214 287 43 35 1 6 537 476 65 109 115 94 77 16 46 10 5 44 57 1 12 1,357 1,138 389 326 183 123 101 16 67 15 137 45 217 95 1,553 1,126 41 141 121 262 339 222 320 101 6 46 412 135 7,432 6,445 592 1,979 548 1,154 1,535 637 638 199 150 47 2,979 4,911 6 25,865 12,426 103 365 552 1,476 4,088 5,842 4,816 8,613 10 48 1,926 1,808 6 15,313 9,321 98 332 486 1,215 3,114 4,076 3,070 2,912 10 49 1,384 1,402 5 10,624 6,050 66 193 247 645 1,934 2,965 2,230 2,342 2 50 81,659 42,180 450 909,319 687,218 61,761 121,756 57,992 132,876 189,265 123 , 568 139,380 73,345 9,376 51 1,083 677 6 9,251 6,392 98 302 454 1,045 2,293 2,200 1,783 1,066 10 52 1,116 751 1 10,744 6,856 95 145 286 967 2,360 3,003 2,335 1,546 7 53 149,590 47,795 13,675 3,426,810 3,019,608 628,158 782,506 495,395 462,354 464,180 187,015 216,515 57,515 133,172 54 124,159 58,802 1,600 2,733,202 2,258,152 592 ,687 369,273 327,480 397,637 365,721 205,354 243,906 104,379 126,765 55 1,077 672 6 8,960 6,111 38 162 397 1,038 2,281 2,195 1,778 1,066 5 56 & 5 291 281 60 140 57 7 12 5 5 5 57 1,872 3,512 6 17,234 7,455 95 288 444 865 2,269 3,494 3,270 6,504 5 58 2,007 3,255 1 17,888 8,873 81 130 224 809 2,696 4,933 3,748 5,265 2 59 335,023 339,410 36,950 6,429,369 5,241,724 1,200,958 1,561,305 1,085,316 437,480 575,825 380,840 515,863 576,935 94,847 60 2%, 790 346,535 900 3,104,144 2,125,380 763,860 181,597 206,867 228,092 368,220 376,744 453,269 457,464 68,031 61 1,156 1,619 6 11,104 6,163 97 312 467 1,077 2,304 1,906 2,160 2,771 10 62 708 521 1 6,588 4,626 79 141 294 904 1,633 1,575 1,242 718 2 63 105,210 48,660 1,510 1,731,325 1,438,430 206,249 257,237 219,512 261,734 346,210 147,488 181,923 82,090 28,882 64 59,112 27,014 260 1,1%, 519 1,024,943 149,869 129,350 144,706 215,679 230,542 154,797 116,313 45,723 9,540 65 2,589 3,462 6 22,082 11,740 86 317 515 1,393 3,905 5,524 4,328 6,004 10 66 373 ,229 186,510 7,675 5,086,816 4,047,817 413,513 485,602 494,391 712,054 1,108,272 833,985 628,123 362,678 48,198 67 8,825 4,431 196 118,813 94,789 11,021 12,798 10,713 16,552 24,835 18,870 14,327 8,503 1,194 68 44,394 26,662 780 616,320 477,074 40,752 53,321 50,975 81,153 140,130 110,743 83,871 50,279 5,096 69 170 100 772 518 39 52 108 91 157 71 172 80 2 70 3,041 1,990 29,733 24,815 7,148 4,406 4,768 3,365 4,426 702 2,980 1,410 528 71 22,222 13,640 166,235 139,079 39,103 22,427 27,609 22,048 23,675 4,217 16,276 7,045 3,835 72 2,742 2,470 33,952 26,038 6,480 4,299 5,743 3,574 4,643 1,349 4,244 1,585 2,035 73 166 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 2.-FARM FACILITIES, OFF-FARM WORK, WORK POWER, FARM LABOR, AND [Data i o-e based on re ports for only (For definitions and explanations, see text) Areas 6 'and C Total all Ec =nomic class Commercial farms Total Class I Class II ClasB III Class IV Class V Class 71 1 2 3 4 SPECIFIED FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT 2,717 16,278 11,113 2,222 5,276 3,082 80 919 496 742 893 112 114 758 779 164 169 5,446 6,523 3,740 2,606 5,624 3,938 7,680 9,216 8,834 10,072 11,782 11,958 6,223 6,253 7,221 14,970 2,915 825 20,120 44,694 19,775 19, 101 7,878 14,601 2,946 10,992 1,226 3,448 2,151 7,544 24,984 16,041 10,332 983,958 10,683 9,833 5,307,844 5,170,435 10, 145 538 18,090 14,736 9,287,451 5,060,897 7,014 4,275 2,239,549 1,760,846 21,566 5,116,283 128,819 657,862 516 29,368 172,289 32,895 1,715 9,110 6,420 1,293 3,060 1,880 45 825 444 695 839 101 103 735 756 138 143 3,794 4,745 3,031 2,242 4,844 3,501 4,378 5,641 1,064 1,087 4,617 4,491 1,300 1,198 2,699 8,386 2,466 565 11,963 30,746 11,720 11,482 4,899 9,471 2,418 9,793 1,171 3,366 1,665 6,427 14,000 10,536 6,710 853,769 7,543 6,632 5,008,139 4,907,283 7,015 528 9,830 8,027 8,471,968 4,560,922 4,638 3,419 2,066,329 1,663,392 12,889 4,403,855 112,179 566,451 434 27,405 160,980 30,409 183 243 225 148 240 170 5 120 95 140 205 22 24 147 159 50 233 551 218 217 789 627 231 671 36 21 58 68 41 39 11 16 195 23 245 2,521 220 218 56 79 233 2,224 196 1,374 123 850 245 245 135 143,305 245 230 1,746,166 1,898,815 55 190 240 221 3,255,939 1,738,931 243 228 551,728 497,288 208 737,721 20,558 101,859 50 7,535 41,620 8,099 353 525 513 227 508 315 3 234 193 213 265 42 42 247 256 41 43 494 781 501 485 1,137 896 461 770 72 178 183 90 129 14 28 405 96 538 2,839 502 490 L21 174 456 2,175 363 1,059 220 1,116 543 528 276 152,861 521 544 1,388,034 1,398,454 292 229 504 487 2,403,797 1,312,170 512 531 572,951 464,535 510 960,715 25,924 122,686 92 7,016 39,627 6,574 288 547 459 215 485 282 167 95 148 165 20 20 150 150 15 15 420 547 477 354 783 517 461 620 119 149 236 197 172 153 32 63 399 78 547 1,906 506 500 130 202 380 1,204 264 445 207 759 572 535 262 125,084 519 495 673,767 648,124 454 65 507 444 1,016,279 587,984 509 456 361,599 250,993 495 536,346 13,987 65,295 97 4,764 28,487 5,930 335 909 801 234 582 386 11 170 41 99 105 11 11 86 86 8 8 606 730 616 493 780 610 656 836 237. 244 505 441 308 306 221 259 511 105 934 2,866 891 868 250 549 447 1,449 196 273 322 1,176 1,090 919 496 104,353 836 829 535,239 517,564 804 32 871 759 768,876 405,644 741 710 243,397 225,914 950 544,461 13,315 69,462 75 3,327 20,394 4,408 356 2,504 1,657 278 789 448 1 104 8 81 85 6 6 78 78 22 22 1,081 1,159 817 462 940 549 1,223 1,345 608 601 1,451 1,195 689 571 811 1,676 614 203 2,808 7,162 2,742 2,675 1,215 2,715 539 1,772 130 180 443 1,592 3,294 2,635 1,608 165,816 2,054 1,576 432, 193 285,204 2,048 6 2,161 1,539 585,917 273,381 1,245 882 236,444 174,586 2,984 751,465 18,208 93,682 76 4,003 25,386 4,448 200 4,382 2,765 191 456 279 25 30 12 14 14 27 27 5 5 960 977 402 231 415 302 1,346 1,399 2,189 2,407 1,610 6,344 342 60 6,891 13,452 6,859 6,731 3,127 5,752 363 969 22 35 350 934 8,256 5,674 3,933 162,350 3,368 2,958 232,740 159,122 3,362 6 5,547 4,577 441,160 242,812 1,388 612 100,210 50,076 7,742 873,147 20,187 113,467 44 760 5,466 950 1950... 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 number 1954... number 1954 . . . 15 number 1954 . . . 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 number 1954 .. . number 1954 . . . 1950 . . . number 1954 . . . 1950... number 1954 — OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCCME With other income of family exceeding value of farm products sold operators reporting 1954... 1949... Working off their farms, 1949... 1949... FARMS BY CLASS OF WORK POWER No tractor but horses and/or 14 35 36 37 38 Tractor and horses and/or mules farms reporting 1954... Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting 1954... FARM LABOR Week of October 24-30: Family and/or hired workers farms reporting 1954... persons 1954. . . Family workers, Including 39 Operators working 1 or more 41 Unpaid members of operator's persons 1954. . . 43 45 46 47 48 49 persons 1954 .. . Regular workers (to be employed 150 persons 1954 . . . Seasonal workers (to be employed less persons 1954 — SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Machine hire and/or hired 51 dollars 1954... 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 i 1949... dollars 1954... 1 1949... Feed for livestock and poultry, .farms reporting 1954... 1949... dollars 1954... 1949... Gasoline and other petroleum fuel 63 64 65 66 1949... dollars 1954... 1949... Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 dollars 1954... tons 1954... acres on which used 1954 . . . tons 1954... dollars 1954... acres limed 1954... 1Excludes farms reporting commercial fertilizer and lime. ALABAMA FARM EXPENDITURES, BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued 167 s sample of farms. See text] Areas 6 and C— Cor Area 7a Economic class — Continued Total all Economic class Other farms Commercial farms Other farms Part-time Resi- dential Abnormal Total Class I Class 11 Class III Class IV ClBSS V ClaeB VI Part-time Resi- dent-lei Abnormal 453 544 2,880 1,618 46 201 315 390 442 224 591 666 5 1 2,996 4,162 10 25,404 17,361 64 475 1,807 4,669 6,192 4,154 3,468 4,570 5 2 1,811 2,877 5 22,964 16,831 63 337 1,362 4,248 6,411 4,410 3,118 3,014 1 3 413 506 10 1,749 1,105 18 106 205 241 311 224 262 377 5 973 1,233 10 13,300 9,093 63 410 1,405 2,646 2,967 1,602 1,869 2,333 5 5 590 602 10 5,333 3,869 41 271 762 1,212 1,094 489 698 761 5 6 25 10 183 147 3 18 30 35 45 16 16 20 7 51 40 772 679 27 105 184 165 137 61 68 25 a 31 20 1 197 167 10 24 83 20 15 15 5 20 5 9 33 11 3 640 619 37 138 143 240 54 7 10 6 5 10 34 16 711 690 48 159 174 248 54 7 10 6 5 11 5 441 22 106 116 113 58 26 31 5 12 5 483 23 111 116 113 58 26 31 5 13 5 2 291 270 23 75 67 41 47 17 11 5 5 14 16 5 2 291 270 23 75 67 41 17 11 5 5 15 15 10 1 62 47 5 14 5 12 5 10 5 16 15 10 1 68 53 5 14 5 12 12 5 10 5 17 1,004 644 i 11,045 8,858 59 448 1,408 2,672 2,914 1,357 1,325 857 5 18 1,051 718 9 11,992 9 642 144 618 1,603 2,875 3,020 1,382 1,419 921 10 19 503 202 9,460 8 202 53 443 1,461 2,865 2,525 855 951 302 5 20 179 180 5 6,365 5 676 55 282 1,004 2,063 1,730 542 518 170 1 21 549 209 22 11,330 998 217 955 1,935 3,286 2,701 904 995 312 25 22 205 212 20 7,557 6 797 169 540 1,355 2,343 1,809 581 555 201 4 23 1,666 1,628 8 12,383 8 220 53 408 1,097 2,402 2,719 1,541 1,943 2,220 24 1,783 1,775 17 13,383 8 944 171 534 1,232 2,573 2,853 1,581 2,090 2,349 25 3,866 3,899 5 7,703 1,550 10 56 130 411 943 2,920 3,233 26 3, '560 5,424 1 9,334 2,226 10 54 126 568 1,468 4,062 3,045 1 27 3,521 3,639 5 11,105 5,529 14 116 440 1,233 2,404 1,322 2,820 2,756 28 2,797 4,670 11,297 6,111 10 77 293 1,258 2,535 1,938 2,563 2,622 1 29 2,516 2,402 5 5,948 1,413 11 69 156 387 790 2,310 2,225 30 2,130 2,925 5,386 1,435 10 52 126 380 867 2,053 1,897 1 31 1,422 3,100 8,155 3,547 6 31 172 784 1,448 1,106 1,322 3,286 32 2,803 3,775 6 11,215 7,817 7 18 225 1,332 2,981 3,254 1,667 1,731 33 309 136 4,304 3,890 42 242 707 1,353 1,173 373 353 61 34 194 66 5,156 4,312 11 201 754 1,512 1,352 482 598 241 5 35 3,608 4,540 q 24,085 17,709 60 490 1,719 4,673 6,303 4,464 3,115 3,256 5 36 7,182 6,687 79 49,601 40,517 606 2,324 5,678 11,754 12,543 7,612 4,883 4,161 40 37 3,558 4,494 3 23,854 17,545 55 480 1,691 4,640 6,230 4,449 3,073 3,231 5 38 3,417 4,199 3 23,321 17,292 48 465 1,670 4,581 6,140 4,388 2,973 3,051 5 39 1,544 1,435 7,756 6,104 20 176 574 1,731 2,082 1,521 897 755 40 2,845 2,285 13,736 11,429 35 292 1,270 3,711 3,718 2,403 1,342 965 41 383 136 9 3,234 2,937 48 326 586 859 810 308 202 90 5 42 920 203 76 12,544 11,796 523 1,567 2,738 3,462 2,685 821 568 145 35 43 32 15 8 861 839 43 216 248 213 92 27 12 5 5 44 33 20 29 1,801 1,749 316 480 448 370 101 34 22 5 25 45 363 121 2 2,681 2,401 24 208 453 714 721 281 190 85 5 46 887 183 47 10,743 10,047 207 1,087 2,290 3,092 2,584 787 546 140 10 47 4,673 6,302 9 27,931 19,416 66 492 1,848 4,961 6,914 5,135 3,825 4,685 5 48 3,041 2,455 9 20,467 16,697 66 476 1,738 4,526 6,044 3,847 2,429 1,336 5 49 2,000 1,617 5 15,988 13,020 283 1,358 3,514 4,808 3,013 1,918 1,045 5 50 93,144 33,045 4,000 2,440,996 2,251,481 51,894 182,026 505,716 724,277 588,233 199,335 141,780 46,235 1,500 51 1,917 1,214 9 14,195 12,151 66 475 1,591 3,609 4,375 2,035 1,458 581 5 52 1,579 1,620 2 17,485 14,785 57 326 1,237 3,939 5,746 3,480 1,800 899 1 53 172,540 66,565 60,600 5,623,651 5,404,972 514,399 1,088,186 1,462,554 1,377,213 752,460 210,160 152,829 35,850 30,000 54 170,125 73,907 19,120 4,688,686 4,417,691 306,401 747,800 1,015,214 1,124,367 916,129 307,780 187,825 73,170 10,000 55 1,916 1,208 6 13,860 11,821 21 298 1,502 3,598 4,373 2,029 1,458 581 56 1 6 3 335 330 45 177 89 11 2 6 5 57 3,322 4,934 4 19,494 12,842 62 417 1,418 3,419 4,361 3,165 2,793 3,854 5 58 2,336 4,371 2 21,129 15,453 60 285 1,067 3,614 5,985 4,442 2,852 2,823 1 59 493,729 301,970 19,784 5,751,405 5,000,986 493,057 1,003,539 1,208,106 1,045,031 857,246 394,007 408,927 271,742 69,750 60 237,967 254,767 7,241 3,583,123 3,021,261 165,602 352,036 624,429 682,284 834,012 362,898 343,443 215,669 2,750 61 1,374 993 9 13,463 10,593 60 469 1,592 3,330 3,491 1,651 1,617 1,248 5 62 532 321 3 9,591 8,396 55 310 1,165 2,757 2,855 1,254 904 290 1 63 116,307 40,155 16,758 3,388,690 3,195,936 137,919 498,903 764,365 973,079 630,060 191,610 131,969 54,785 6,000 64 64,954 22,350 10,150 2,461,045 2,319,042 87,378 287,904 596,657 723,627 467,526 155,950 102,622 37,142 2,239 65 4,079 4,589 9 24,709 18,541 52 453 1,807 4,785 6,642 4,802 3,337 2,826 5 66 458,905 215,920 37,603 9,356,046 8,634,116 293,713 906,018 1,682,226 2,629,034 2,243,540 879,585 529,535 169,175 23,220 67 10,823 5,005 812 228,022 210,394 7,621 21,802 40,639 64,936 54,211 21,185 13,075 4,043 510 68 58,925 30,495 1,991 1,206,720 1,107,217 32,480 100,447 204,137 341,727 304,291 124,135 74,853 22,520 2,130 69 35 2 1,728 1,513 22 149 346 521 372 103 175 40 70 1,688 115 160 33,991 31,261 2,940 6,147 8,354 7,659 5,191 970 2,025 705 71 9,614 735 960 251,576 232,070 18,192 40,604 72,542 56,784 37,299 6,649 14,926 4,580 72 2,106 150 230 49,974 45,785 3,550 9,139 12,571 10,644 7,814 2,067 3,304 885 73 168 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 2—FARM FACILITIES, OFF-FARM WORK, WORK POWER, FARM LABOR, AND [Data are based on reports for only Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Area 7b Total all Ec nomic class Com nercial farms Total Class I Class II Class III Class IV Class V Class VI 1 .' 3 SPECIFIED FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT 463 5,026 3,426 479 1,618 1,113 15 192 21 29 32 52 52 39 39 6 6 2,274 2,489 1,005 442 1,117 493 1,700 1,838 3,422 3,812 3,852 3,893 2,582 2,592 1,960 3,465 523 482 4,999 8,568 4,926 4,675 1,558 2,440 510 1,453 87 147 449 1,306 6,242 3,502 1,902 110,127 2,401 1,991 437,991 355,928 2,375 26 4,679 4,198 651,771 500,506 2,165 810 289,455 144,557 5,397 728,755 16,663 98,500 108 2,262 16,337 2,639 168 1,507 997 160 647 432 10 141 11 29 32 37 37 34 34 6 6 893 986 589 313 675 359 513 593 204 202 765 745 190 175 311 1,029 347 242 1,735 3,603 1,698 1,633 639 1,030 322 940 82 142 266 798 1,929 1,511 796 72,237 1,094 893 350,851 299,643 1,073 21 1,273 1,186 388,901 207,626 959 520 227,032 119,122 1,872 488,156 11,099 64,485 57 1,507 11,607 1,814 8 10 2 10 8 2 2 9 19 9 2 13 2 10 22 5 8 7 1 5 8 56 8 8 1 6 44 4 10 3 34 10 10 2 220 9 1 71,927 11,000 4 5 7 2 9,284 679 10 1 6,670 190 10 7,163 165 1,082 9 28 42 13 26 25 11 7 10 5 5 6 6 25 33 18 37 30 50 18 32 11 15 13 17 10 12 7 3 13 5 24 77 23 23 13 18 14 36 7 12 11 24 28 20 8 4,278 19 38 46,241 53,370 11 8 23 30 119,678 22,815 20 40 14,996 22,395 25 36,929 946 3,537 5 214 2,169 219 15 50 45 21 48 33 5 24 12 12 14 14 10 10 54 66 55 36 68 52 29 41 14 5 17 5 13 36 19 55 164 47 47 10 10 42 107 28 51 23 56 55 55 24 10,843 54 35 54,888 97,690 49 5 42 39 26,160 27,876 55 44 26,068 23,046 54 52,830 1,224 6,175 5 210 2,514 178 30 189 107 36 123 96 42 1 7 7 7 1 1 152 185 136 74 162 84 98 110 63 39 90 62 53 34 40 29 81 55 175 502 168 158 83 158 64 186 22 30 53 156 205 168 80 15,262 160 106 87,643 45,423 157 3 118 90 21,344 1 90 52, '88 ■ 196 105,018 2,413 14,513 15 674 4,20E 933 46 375 284 34 203 143 45 10 6 6 6 6 3 3 269 287 203 83 227 90 146 161 111 143 210 181 107 124 52 181 136 67 393 911 382 377 145 253 110 281 14 27 97 254 436 342 172 18,264 291 232 48,622 57,402 291 306 234 92,451 ■ 290 126 44 , 386 30,159 423 3,105 19,. -.07 25 291 1,820 309 60 855 517 51 237 127 5 15 5 5 6 5 5 384 396 168 81 175 81 212 227 427 480 211 816 76 92 1,080 1,893 1,070 1,020 387 587 86 286 7 12 79 274 1,195 916 510 23,370 561 481 41,530 34,758 561 777 791 68,747 78,695 414 219 82,124 20,765 1,164 147,474 3,246 19,771 7 118 896 175 1950... 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 number 1954 . . . number 1954 . . . number 1954 . . . number 1954 . . . 19 20 22 23 number 1954 . . . 1950... number 1954 . . . 1950 . . . 25 26 27 28 number 1954 . . . OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME With other income of family exceeding value of farm products sold operators reporting 1954... 1949 . . . Working off their farms, 29 30 31 32 33 1949... 1949... FARMS BY CLASS OF WORK POWER No tractor but horses and/or 34 35 36 37 38 39 Tractor and horses and/or mules. — farms reporting 1954... Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting 1954... FARM LABOR Week of October 24-30: Family and/or hired workers farms reporting 1954... persons 1954. . . Family workers, including Operators working 1 or more 40 41 42 43 45 46 47 48 49 Unpaid members of operator's persons 1954. . . persons 1954 . . . Regular workers (to be employed 150 persons 1954.. . Seasonal workers (to be employed less persons 1954. . . SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Machine hire and/or hired 51 dollars 1954... 53 54 55 56 58 59 60 61 62 1949... dollars 1954... 1949. . . Feed for livestock and poultry. -farms reporting 1954... 1949... dollars 1954... 1949... Gasoline and other petroleum fuel 63 64 65 66 1949 . . . dollars 1954... 1949... Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing 67 J 69 70 71 72 73 dollars 1954... tons 1954 . . . acres on which used 1954... tons 1954... dollars 1954... acres limed 1954... '■Excludes farms reporting commercial fertilizer and lime. ALABAMA FARM EXPENDITURES. BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued 169 a sample of fame. See text] Are a 7b — Continued Area a 8 and D Econom c class — Continued Total all farm3 Economic < laas Other farms Commercial farma Other farma Part-time dential Abnormal Total Claaa I Class II Class III Claas IV Claaa V Clasa VI Part-time Reai- dential Abnormal 152 143 2,329 1,018 104 214 153 198 223 126 865 2 1 1,343 2,176 6,422 2,898 130 356 404 560 789 659 1,217 2,305 2 2 751 1,678 5,761 2,492 91 260 368 529 653 591 1,100 2,162 7 3 169 150 1,890 832 74 189 140 175 209 45 311 745 2 4 511 460 4,832 2,339 129 344 382 475 605 404 811 1,680 2 5 370 311 5 1,938 22 1,031 12 70 190 6 170 213 1 252 5 136 360 10 545 2 6 7 40 11 519 454 54 146 85 81 57 31 43 20 2 8 10 264 248 22 87 85 44 5 5 15 1 9 592 585 74 159 148 106 72 26 1 5 1 10 627 618 94 165 153 108 72 26 1 5 3 11 15 469 468 41 152 117 107 40 11 1 12 15 j 473 85 85 472 84 84 43 27 27 154 27 27 117 10 10 107 18 18 40 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 13 14 15 131 124 25 46 34 12 I 1 16 134 127 25 47 36 12 7 1 5 1 17 687 694 3,108 2,080 130 318 377 436 504 315 456 570 2 18 737 766 3,792 2,694 418 481 443 490 541 321 464 625 9 19 333 83 2,945 2,144 131 349 366 481 579 238 454 345 2 . 0 74 55 2,380 1,793 83 227 329 476 468 210 370 211 6 21 353 89 3,873 3,054 451 613 538 578 621 253 457 345 17 22 79 55 2,957 2,360 218 456 461 530 485 210 370 211 16 23 499 688 3,742 1,701 127 299 275 292 491 217 700 1,340 1 24 529 716 4,442 2,155 321 407 328 349 533 217 789 1,495 3 25 1,277 1,941 3,254 509 3 23 52 109 322 965 1,780 26 1,172 2,438 3,791 394 2 38 39 105 210 1,151 2,236 10 27 1,233 1,854 4,144 1,220 20 85 146 221 533 215 1,074 1,850 2e 894 2,254 3,918 797 9 57 83 173 250 225 1,045 2,066 10 29 1,018 1,374 3,262 618 7 45 63 109 394 979 1,665 30 708 1,709 3,126 355 8 47 47 93 160 925 1,836 10 31 398 1,251 2,447 385 1 7 32 56 142 147 477 1,585 32 828 1,608 1,512 516 17 35 113 351 401 595 33 145 31 766 606 45 105 113 135 156 52 83 75 2 34 188 52 2,179 1,538 86 244 253 346 423 186 371 270 35 1,235 2,029 5,887 2,833 132 345 392 541 783 640 1,162 1,890 2 31 2,195 2,770 11,890 7,389 1,284 1,103 859 1,547 1,616 980 1,934 2,535 32 37 1,215 2,013 5,819 2, "90 128 336 390 521 776 639 1,147 2 38 1,124 1,918 5,678 2,739 127 336 390 511 751 624 1,117 2 39 468 451 2,141 1,116 53 135 141 220 342 225 505 520 40 724 686 3,065 1,770 81 223 232 446 523 265 650 645 41 112 76 945 804 124 207 121 162 143 47 79 60 2 42 347 166 3,147 2,880 1,076 544 237 590 342 91 167 70 30 43 5 473 427 108 179 53 59 27 1 29 15 2 44 5 1,428 1,353 848 301 96 67 39 2 30 15 30 45 107 76 556 460 43 71 78 105 117 46 51 45 46 342 166 1,719 1,527 228 243 141 523 303 89 137 55 47 1,554 2,759 6,729 3,045 132 356 415 572 834 736 1,322 2,360 2 48 921 1,070 3,898 2,421 131 324 361 516 626 463 740 735 2 49 523 583 2,597 1,410 54 191 218 - 327 346 552 635 50 25,690 12,200 400,413 340,958 62,11 79,607 64,172 71,041 44,613 19,415 35,165 24,290 51 669 638 2,615 1,983 131 323 328 439 499 263 395 235 2 52 532 566 2,916 2,070 96 237 335 513 497 392 481 360 5 53 68,940 18,200 3,405,654 3,254,783 1,582,887 767,465 403,130 304,803 155,067 41,431 74,696 24,575 51,600 54 35,615 20,670 2,805,963 2,698,283 1,114,953 737,275 347,512 344,147 121,455 32,941 48,680 42,500 16,500 55 664 638 2,292 1,662 9 194 280 421 496 262 395 235 56 5 323 321 122 129 48 18 3 1 2 57 1,212 2,194 5,177 2,303 101 302 431 584 547 927 1.945 2 58 920 2,092 5,164 2,358 73 226 342 467 618 632 1,006 1,800 59 131,095 131,775 2,959,048 ,' • 316,724 862,040 494,567 351,464 255,493 126,510 264,435 277,315 60 116,570 176,310 2,914,187 2,400,357 640,514 690,868 387,674 288,006 253,585 139,710 253,340 260,490 61 648 558 3,815 2,367 132 319 402 506 668 340 606 840 2 t2 159 131 2,730 2,073 II 243 341 512 565 316 441 210 6 63 44,083 18,340 1,356,542 1,236,777 306,418 334,337 219,638 185,476 135,008 55,900 68,665 39,000 12,100 64 17,485 7,950 1,139,978 1,056,988 227,630 254,494 212,753 210,424 112,375 39,312 48,430 15,560 19,000 65 1,395 2,130 5,271 2,824 131 324 382 528 775 684 1,105 1,340 2 66 147,800 92,799 3,135,005 2,837,949 724,910 746,815 496,507 392,464 333,460 143,793 153,194 87,585 56,277 67 3,418 2,146 77,502 70,050 18,570 17,966 12,125 9,712 8,281 3,396 3,838 2,172 1,442 68 20, 597 13,418 243,077 211,664 38,946 51,916 40,929 33,280 31,816 14,777 16,330 9,170 5,oi3 t" 36 15 376 313 34 56 105 50 62 6 41 20 2 70 410 345 10,025 8,926 1,970 2,625 2,643 1,078 570 40 675 60 364 71 2,360 2,370 69,185 62,103 15,290 16,636 18,783 6,917 4,192 285 4,340 450 2,292 72 410 415 11,248 10,173 2,106 2,638 2,963 1,850 566 50 600 110 365 73 170 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 3.-LIVESTOCK ON HAND, LIVESTOCK SOLD, AND SPECIFIED [Data are based on reports for only (For definitions and explan ations, see text) The State Total all Economic class Commercial farms Total Class I Class 11 Class III Class IV ClasB V Class VI Livestock od band: .farms reporting 1954... 1950... 91,393 143,792 55,615 88,748 606 595 1,792 1,574 3,110 3,416 8,500 10, 518 17,550 27,693 24,057 44,952 2 3 number 1954. .. 166,059 113,999 3,657 6,099 8,326 18,210 35,113 42,594 4 1950... 291,400 204,038 5,579 8,474 12,236 27,451 62,654 87,644 5 .farms reporting 1954... 136,377 77,052 881 2,943 5,452 1/4,324 26,251 27,201 6 1950... 161,494 97,742 644 1,923 4,273 13,334 32,274 45,294 7 number 1954 . . . 1,777,802 1,438,999 207,596 264,837 235,739 265,632 288,235 176,960 8 1950... 1,279,738 1,034,118 144,801 188,594 141,446 170,572 209,158 179,557 9 Cows, including heifers thai .farms reporting 1954... 132,288 75,615 851 2,904 5,354 14,107 25,835 26,564 10 1950... 156,534 95,567 635 1,870 4,164 13,105 31,649 44,144 11 number 1954 . . . 984,628 803,572 113,664 150,389 134,322 147,340 160,146 97,711 12 1950... 689,839 561,153 79,539 104,484 79,107 91,031 109,717 97,275 13 .farms reporting 1954... 111,101 64,653 622 2,220 4,396 12,329 22,448 22,638 14 1950... 146,349 90,274 522 1,629 3,770 12,507 30,329 41,517 15 number 1954 .. . 318,110 234,189 27,863 34,410 30,320 38,717 54,891 47,988 16 1950... 348,321 255,434 23,298 29,536 23,644 36,873 66,241 75,842 17 .farms reporting 1954... 103,595 64,606 492 2,102 4,097 12,190 22,629 23,096 18 1950... 147,339 91,850 448 1,415 3,579 12,428 30,477 43,503 19 number 1954 . . . 871,566 711,063 22,471 60,884 106,494 198,491 202,433 120,290 20 1950... 1,083,695 843,978 24,052 54,090 91,943 189,680 265,690 218,523 21 Chickens 4 months old and over • farms reporting 1954... 137,431 75,209 499 2,072 4,618 13,674 25,945 28,401 22 1950... 183,300 105,184 479 1,610 4,029 13,616 34,254 51,196 23 number 1954 . . . 5,763,965 4,017,557 329,252 491,957 552,846 788,253 1,059,082 796,167 24 Livestock and livestock products 1950... old: 5,696,138 3,715,940 42,321 147,277 263 ,739 626,913 1,229,024 1,406,666 25 Cattle and calves sold alive . . .farms reporting 1954... 61,947 40,867 822 2,471 4,038 8,507 13,792 11,237 26 1949 . . . 81,324 55,205 588 1,751 3,205 8,728 18,480 22,453 27 number 1954 . . . 655,580 557,404 99,330 106,835 95,816 102,889 106,215 46,319 28 1949... 438,894 385,263 77,501 80,782 55,455 60,731 64,697 46,097 29 dollars 1954... 34,660,711 30,526,828 8,073,321 6,408,901 5,049,108 4,804,956 4,458,065 1,732,477 30 1949... 33,927,739 30,664,356 7,831,213 7,016,816 4,402,168 4,467,561 4,285,226 2,661,372 31 -farms reporting 1954... 42,937 32,547 328 1,477 3,189 8,153 11,871 7,529 32 1949... 70,332 50,634 350 1,186 2,904 9,323 18,566 18,305 33 number 1954 .. . 613,233 533,902 27,897 63,294 93,372 148,506 139,507 61,326 34 1949... 790,655 664,096 29,003 60,240 86,481 164,707 200,789 122,876 35 dollars 1954... 17,756,230 15,949,857 1,121,505 2,082,330 3,180,038 4,488,642 3,724,646 1,352,696 36 1949... 18,190,596 15,863,126 854,998 1,776,013 2,361,744 4,070,841 4,344,847 2,454,683 37 Chickens sold .farms reporting 1954... 15,202 39,091 9,907 24,997 385 154 1,198 386 1,088 1,178 1,917 3,875 3,149 9,174 2,170 10,230 38 1949... 39 dollars 1954... 26,305,810 26,093,465 9,890,522 11,785,140 3,068,473 985,186 297,177 66,967 40 1949 . . . 5,791,487 5,267,930 1,641,700 875,709 1,050,029 845,323 554,979 300,190 ..farms reporting 1954... 30,817 19,079 178 671 1,349 3,615 7,047 6,219 42 1949... 69,432 45,221 166 666 1,740 6,191 15,642 20,816 43 dozens 1954 — 23,327,005 20,878,875 3,809,706 4,987,118 4,212,265 3,598,706 3,131,661 1,139,419 44 1949... 1/4,343,650 11,402,325 181,683 831,337 1,652,122 2,360,118 3,767,084 2,609,981 45 dollars 1954... 9,705,578 8,696,578 1,666,960 2,142,950 1,781,585 1,434,674 1,230,636 439,773 46 1949... 6,082,864 4,873,526 106,382 400,806 788,282 1,062,979 1,512,512 1,002,565 53,350,122 21,968,715 51,043,834 21,205,583 15,495,594 7,403,060 15,133,928 6,482,074 9,478,479 3,945,068 5,223,351 1,748,041 4,226,447 1,213,433 1,486,035 413,907 48 dollars 1954... 49 Specified crops harvested: 1949... 18,725,407 18,119,312 6,663,019 5,697,951 2,767,870 1,348,386 1,139,446 502,640 50 ..farms reporting 1954... 134,051 84,233 596 2,460 5,174 15,420 29,384 31,199 51 1949... 171,593 107, 961 463 1,620 3,953 13,841 34,995 53,089 52 acres 1954... 2,282,520 1,875,901 61,328 146,274 225,401 479,906 583,260 379,732 53 1949... 2,481,969 1,908,714 48,489 93,355 154,420 354,213 607,095 651,142 54 Com harvested for grain.. ..farms reporting 1954... 129,688 81,920 538 2,335 4,943 14,937 28,726 30,441 55 1949... 169,179 106,644 438 1,560 3,846 13,593 34,535 52,672 56 acres 1954... 2,051,754 1,667,614 51,239 123,625 187, 596 415,441 529,113 360,600 57 1949... 2,306,920 1,754,095 44,046 78,753 132,072 307,817 561,700 629,707 58 bushels harvested 1954. . . 25,548,896 21,374,164 874,901 1,997,427 2,790,781 5,655,799 6,401,122 3,654,134 59 1949... 41,362,716 32,595,959 1,223,057 1,917,305 2,728,899 5,914,250 10,437,327 10,375,121 60 bushels sold 1954... 5,426,849 4,923,454 225,407 410,085 745,319 1,648,752 1,455,496 438,395 61 1949... 4,657,272 4,069,177 217,584 311,195 392,097 897,395 1,429,376 821,530 62 ..farms reporting 1954... 8,661 7,015 394 951 1,091 1,542 1,813 1,224 63 1949. . . 3,396 2,763 168 377 464 614 592 548 64 acres 1954... 171,372 157,880 35,220 39,448 29,036 27,324 18,819 8,033 65 1949... 59,803 55,158 13,980 14,234 6,740 8,297 5,528 4,379 66 bushels harvested 1954... 5,169,596 4,828,874 1,181,805 1,302,986 849,237 800,911 515,824 178,111 67 1949... 1,337,787 1,254,626 286,890 332,531 220,420 199,780 105,885 109,120 68 bushels sold 1954... 1,374,004 1,326,843 310,993 374,983 247,002 255,369 116,561 21,935 69 1949... 369,851 349,321 74,488 78,872 63,656 85,480 21,475 25,350 70 Peanuts harvested for picking ..farms reporting 1954 — 23,249 18,619 45 404 1,627 4,535 6,594 5,414 71 1949... 37,543 28,438 91 362 1,442 5,399 10,232 10,912 72 acres grown alone 1954... 190,875 180,283 2,539 15,651 34,380 60,106 48,007 19,600 73 1949... 352,810 331,669 4,961 17,944 49,823 111,423 104,798 42,720 74 acres growr with other crops 1954. . . 135 80 15 5 20 40 75 1949... 342 212 2 20 95 95 76 pounds harvested 1954. . . 100,476,130 97,073,080 1,634,313 11,773,420 22,975,312 33,590,511 21,053,734 6,045,790 77 1949... 284,160,776 272,524,766 5,171,330 16,669,425 48,264,351 93,357,678 83,668,437 25,393,545 78 farms reportinE 1954 106,332 145,843 79,305 102,776 413 368 1,875 1,153 4,451 3,307 14,595 12,702 28,144 33,771 29,827 51,475 79 1949... 80 acres 1954... 1,142,480 1,018,161 48, 964 88,124 123,473 258,924 306,913 191,763 81 1949... 1,845,075 1,562,540 61,420 80,888 128,325 294,251 512,018 485,638 82 bales harvested 1954... 698,019 637,947 33,556 61,307 85,982 174,050 188,029 95,023 83 1949... 823 ,683 734,884 38,640 44,650 68,229 157,938 251,046 174,381 84 507,184 416,228 425,123 351,868 58,702 52,240 84,550 61,606 78,732 48,573 71,463 50,665 83,793 72,325 47,883 66,459 85 1949... 86 tons 1954... 418,628 355,926 57,373 75,164 65,226 58,204 64,803 35,156 1For comparability of data on livestock and poultry, see text and State Table 12. 2Includes milk equivalent of i i and butterfat sold. ALABAMA 171 CROPS, BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM. CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 a sample of farms. See text] The State — Continued Area, Econcni c class — Continued Total all Economic class Other fannB Co™ rcial farms Other farms Part-time Resi- Abnormal Total Class I Class II Class III ClasB IV Class V Claso VI Part-time denU.l Abnormal 15,461 20,286 31 7,835 5,828 95 214 467 1,159 2,151 1,742 982 1,025 1 23,268 31,753 23 14,304 11,056 101 278 726 1,775 4,318 3,858 1.71A 1,534 2 25,160 26,542 358 15,593 12,420 445 619 1,313 2,331 4,242 3,470 1,678 1,495 3 41,237 45,677 448 34, 142 28,036 753 1,446 2,107 4,446 10,481 8,803 3,158 2,948 4 22,776 36 , 514 35 15,941 10,445 111 366 882 2,447 4,051 2,588 2,364 3,131 1 5 26,281 37,448 23 18,830 13,995 107 332 878 2,662 5,597 4,419 2,235 2,600 6 211,127 122,492 5,184 160,193 134,729 17,003 21,108 23,746 29,272 30,369 13,231 16,785 6,531 148 7 135,395 107,119 3,106 110,938 96,829 10,057 14,380 13,991 19,903 25,026 13,472 8,388 5,721 8 22,045 34,593 35 15,475 10,229 103 359 871 2,397 3,976 2,523 2,264 2,981 1 9 25,454 35,490 23 18,317 13,652 105 307 867 2,617 5,467 4,289 2,190 2,475 10 113,221 65,028 2,807 84,405 70,697 6,917 10,660 12,954 16 ,203 16,646 7,317 8,675 4,971 62 11 70,050 57, 165 1,471 55,975 48,311 3,970 6,328 6,665 9,674 13,628 8,046 4,288 3,376 12 17,417 29,002 29 14,006 9,320 73 274 742 2,178 3,718 2,335 1,970 2,715 1 13 23,620 32,435 20 17,765 13,265 81 269 805 2,564 5,398 4,148 2,115 2,385 14 37,090 45,140 1,691 40,494 31,987 1,241 2,267 4,640 8,041 10,838 4,960 4,315 4,130 62 15 44,735 47,554 598 39,906 33,142 1,076 2,920 3,792 6,955 11,188 7,211 3,598 3,166 16 16,883 22,078 28 11,713 8,313 90 298 722 1,985 3,271 1,947 1,640 1,760 17 23,890 31,574 25 16,895 13,027 95 284 806 2,533 5,272 4,037 1,964 1,904 18 94,696 62,230 3,577 83,123 71,218 4,772 8,021 11,394 19,846 18,601 8,584 7,230 4,675 19 131,636 103,350 4,731 107,474 91,823 5,326 9,271 11,392 21,307 28,825 15,702 9,499 6,152 20 22,862 39,344 16 17,342 11,213 61 338 876 2,633 4,433 2,872 2,628 3,501 21 29,708 48,373 35 21,511 15,564 91 325 888 2,842 6,100 5,318 2,700 3,242 5 22 759,057 971,443 15,908 624,794 439,496 3,504 26,542 62,509 101,465 157,967 87,509 91,613 93,685 23 923,502 1,043,650 13,046 741,386 567,618 7,029 27,460 46,561 136,828 200,857 148,883 88,670 84,988 110 24 12,360 8,691 29 8,511 6,061 115 309 626 1,477 2,376 1,158 1,424 1,025 1 25 14,448 11,641 30 11,529 9,060 92 275 626 1,852 3,691 2,524 1,349 1,120 26 75,987 19,829 2,360 63,544 54,352 9,724 8,391 9,044 12,139 10,985 3,569 7,072 2,065 55 27 36,970 15,780 881 44,849 40,768 5,544 8,351 5,963 7,348 9,036 4,526 2,686 1,395 28 3,318,913 662 ,402 152,568 3,957,519 3,572,934 1,183,254 654,126 523,333 570,426 489,580 152,215 310,6*0 71,095 2,800 29 2,343,228 830,800 89,355 3,514,981 3,274,456 775,617 708,990 520,037 484,438 547,599 237,775 170,055 70,470 30 6,626 3,737 27 5,262 4,152 79 215 533 1,196 1,503 626 695 415 31 11,776 7,908 14 8,739 7,100 79 241 551 1,597 2,811 1,821 1,064 575 32 58,375 17,096 3,860 65,418 58,078 5,013 7,384 11,994 16,664 12,466 4,557 5,565 1,775 33 88,323 34,612 3,624 80,942 70,797 6,166 8,245 9,658 17,079 19,891 9,758 7,445 2,700 34 1,330,209 303,330 172,834 2,051,219 1,894,844 213,594 289,643 459,950 497,402 336,110 98, 145 120,870 35,505 35 1,727,939 468,293 131,238 1,809,197 1,633,552 202,546 232,448 246,185 387,232 404,776 160,365 136,390 39,255 36 2,295 2,983 17 1,774 1,249 18 46 132 256 517 280 270 255 37 7,409 6,670 15 5,792 4,246 29 83 303 886 1,640 1,305 841 705 38 114,245 66,577 31, 523 1,053,712 1,042,277 297,910 295, 142 319,038 100,240 25,227 4,720 6,900 4,535 39 370,155 146 , 502 6,900 973,971 931,163 114,153 186,438 217,667 309,875 72,790 30,240 28,583 14,225 40 5,296 6,428 14 4,374 2,994 10 94 232 681 1,242 735 685 695 41 11,881 12,318 12 9,693 7,353 26 137 430 1,472 3,001 2,287 1,241 1,099 42 1,588,243 691,184 168,703 1,200,385 975,500 11,883 160,811 344,580 159,620 204,371 94,235 154,960 69,925 43 1,978,742 855,958 106,625 1,669,911 1,400,236 12,755 254,327 134,665 330,200 428,230 240,059 172,040 97,635 44 644,512 284,900 79,588 505,566 417,431 3,767 64,599 164,575 67,720 81,060 35,710 59,640 28,495 45 822,890 342,445 44,003 688,481 585,613 5,690 121,480 65,092 152,320 155,405 85,626 66,368 36,500 46 1,077,444 326,652 902,192 7,731,819 7,301,054 830,096 1,039,417 1,274,056 1,753,843 1,903,789 499,853 309,803 74,450 46,512 47 316,233 94,985 351,914 2,476,274 2,360,269 328,109 391,063 492,960 498,077 516,250 133,810 85,015 18,990 12,000 48 412,424 93,075 100,596 1,796,675 1,725,395 148,338 452,514 465,333 254,850 297,895 106,465 51,565 19,715 49 22,165 27,621 32 15,144 11,697 103 348 994 2,666 4,684 2,902 2,121 1,325 1 50 27,766 35,825 41 18,653 15,250 107 347 892 2,728 6,024 5,152 2,122 1,276 5 51 241,451 159,834 5,334 290,271 260,306 14,569 25,953 39,906 67,738 78, 961 33,179 22,095 7,810 60 52 319,008 245,734 8,513 281,858 253,741 14,353 16,798 27,920 56,863 83,918 53,889 18,903 9,164 50 53 21,332 26,405 31 14,821 11,504 100 339 964 2,625 4,629 2,847 2,046 1,270 1 54 27,354 35, 140 41 18,572 15,199 107 347 881 2,718 6,004 5,142 2,112 1,256 5 55 226 ,409 152,857 4,874 278,812 249,962 13,556 22,933 37,514 66,004 77,451 32,504 21,360 7,450 40 :'• 306,313 238,494 8,018 279,710 251,798 14,303 16,323 27,687 56,413 83,373 53,699 18,813 9,049 50 57 2,589,702 1,487,056 97,974 2,834,443 2,580,008 169,567 269,331 392,595 701,500 758,090 288,925 190,130 63,705 600 58 5,272,081 3,223,560 271,116 5,194,197 4,710,167 373,395 386,282 596 ,849 1,061,975 1,456,735 834,931 340,710 142,570 750 59 420,565 70,430 12,400 646,272 615,772 62,202 87,445 131,720 171,615 138,980 23,810 25,325 5,175 60 436,780 97,700 53,615 705,888 673,498 94,160 85,728 111,555 172,515 159,500 50,040 25,935 6,455 61 1,014 606 26 1,457 1,316 73 153 225 319 385 161 120 20 1 62 429 195 9 552 492 28 56 105 153 105 45 55 5 • 1 8,594 2,523 2,375 31,405 30,555 6,739 6,872 6,752 5,251 3,833 1,108 740 80 30 64 2,505 1,010 1,130 7,361 6,701 996 1,295 1,810 1,730 560 310 585 75 65 219,133 56,220 65,369 1,156,682 1,130,647 279,685 278,565 221,447 201,890 120,415 28,645 22,335 3,000 700 45,605 12,870 24,686 193,285 178,500 25,500 42,450 51,665 38,620 13,315 6,950 12,785 2,000 23,255 3,540 20,366 505,171 503,201 135,516 123,030 100,195 98,425 41,355 4,680 1,900 70 68 14,650 380 5,500 80,115 69,855 3,350 14,640 19,430 24,730 3,355 4,350 10,260 69 2,748 1,876 6 253 183 1 12 30 95 45 45 25 7C 4,800 4,300 5 211 151 5 1 30 55 60 20 40 71 7,699 2,455 438 139 109 1 13 25 40 30 25 5 72 15,912 5,145 84 151 126 5 1 65 35 20 10 15 " 30 25 50 80 75 2,585,367 475,123 342,560 59,665 41,700 500 2,080 15,250 16 ,880 6,990 14,715 3,250 76 9,444,788 2,146,420 44,802 61,250 48,210 3,500 200 12,600 19,680 12,230 3,900 9,140 77 18,444 8,570 13 15,538 12,727 101 389 987 2,856 5,069 3,325 2,375 435 1 78 24,831 18,208 28 20, 593 17,020 104 341 951 2,990 6,749 5,885 2,613 955 5 79 99,399 23,080 1,840 282,464 264,972 19,301 30,808 40,606 69,952 75,545 28,760 16,400 1,090 2 80 198,758 61,127 2,650 454,813 424,109 32,327 38,013 50,097 98,266 132,491 72,915 25,089 5,580 35 -': 50,115 8,440 1,517 153,467 145,606 12,308 18,129 24,316 39,847 38,531 12,475 7,440 420 1 82 70,604 16,453 1,742 236,099 225,363 23,238 22,931 29,954 56,784 66,241 26,215 9,711 990 35 ■'•< 54,380 25,540 2,141 90,088 79,660 8,884 11,638 17,888 15,821 17,874 7,555 6,950 3,365 113 '■■ 38,973 23,360 2,027 68 ,876 61,177 5,024 6,720 8,928 11,785 18,500 10,220 4,984 2,715 85 41,554 18,763 2,385 72,367 65,125 8,813 10,714 14,788 12,080 13,185 5,545 5,030 2,130 82 86 172 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 3.-LIVESTOCK ON HAND, LIVESTOCK SOLD, AND SPECIFIED [Data are based on reports for only Livestock on hand: Horses and mules farms reporting 1954.. 1950.. number 1954 . . 1950.. All cattle and calves farms reporting 1954.. 1950.. number 1954 . . 1950.. Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting 1954 . . 1950.. number 1954.. 1950.. Milk cows farms reporting 1954 . . 1950.. number 1954 . . 1950.. All hogs and pigs farms reporting 1954 . . 1950.. number 1954.. 1950.. Chickens 4 months old and over.. farms reporting 1954.. 1950.. number 1954 . . 1950.. Hogs and pigs sold alive. old: .farms reporting 1954. . 1949 . . number 1954 . . 1949.. dollars 1954.. 1949.. .farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. number 1954 . . 1949.. dollars 1954.. 1949.. Chickens sold farms reporting 1954. . 1949.. dollars 1954.. 1949.. Chicken eggs sold farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. dozens 1954 . . 1949.. dollars 1954.. 1949.. Milk sold2 gallons 1954. . dollars 1954.. 1949.. Specified crops harvested: Corn for all purposes farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Corn harvested for grain farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. bushels harvested 1954. 1949. bushels sold 1954. 1949. Oats threshed or combined. rms reporting 1954, . 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949. . bushels harvested 1954. . 1949.. bushels sold 1954., 1949. Peanuts harvested for picking or threshing farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres grown alone 1954. 1949. acres grown with other crops 1954. 1949. pounds harvested 1954. 1949. Cotton harvested. .farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. bales harvested 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. tons 1954. 11, 263 21,348 19,611 43,465 20,219 25, 249 109,007 85, 116 19,679 24,651 53,544 40,746 18. 623 24,029 34,855 35,750 15,709 21, 452 100,144 105,480 18, 701 26, 615 1,304,885 1, 100, 128 8,077 12, 675 40,259 29, 366 2,505,889 2,201,943 6,982 9,835 86, 245 87,402 2, 438, 805 1,770,381 3,203 8,486 10, 134, 313 1,522,480 5,854 16, 165 7,752,031 3,966,613 3,087,985 1,592,850 3,013,096 1,161,692 798,017 20,229 26,193 390,090 335,594 332,664 5,443,767 6,229,547 1,896,091 1,488,070 780 368 6,087 2,814 213,099 86,600 65,078 42,230 Economic cla Commercial farms 17,035 25, 626 154, 686 300,987 117,268 150,058 49,117 46,290 43,636 8,654 16,191 15, 784 34,504 14, 162 18,545 86,632 68,447 13,917 18, 177 42, 175 32,213 13,291 17,782 27,227 27,796 11,602 15, 992 84,700 83,201 12,854 18,944 1,098,762 838,526 6,019 9,837 33, 744 25,121 2,204,959 1,959,778 5,573 7,679 76, 194 73,482 2,241,305 1,503,441 2,612 6,465 10, 114.14S 1,452,955 4,352 12, 152 7,408,806 3,283,789 2,968,227 1,338,585 2,888,012 1,-129,527 748, 172 15, 575 19,902 344,312 279,062 15,538 19,877 341,407 276,472 4,851,382 6,935,322 1,751,981 1,344,805 640 14, 709 20, 165 144, 717 40,627 37,931 36,441 5,645 1,725 740,012 364.538 549,501 1,138 226, 734 138,182 89,784 43,040 26,820 13,405 21, 134 6,560 6,700 5,000 Class III Class IV 1,293 291,005 152,834 158 43 2,759,218 67,620 1,108,395 42,175 538,233 239,025 139,413 454 60 16,086 3,940 256,790 133, 305 97,135 68,450 73 1 1,266 43,630 75 17,875 2,341 4,086 1,069 2,343 268, 714 203,013 255 203 976,325 337,210 393, 172 162,809 762,775 322, 115 132, 335 608 267 25,663 10, 662 402, 572 255,045 170,085 77,355 52 8,824 9,813 5,739 5,923 3,069 5,841 1,664 1,425 3,050 3,176 3,112 3,072 1,805 10, 175 4,894 2,937 1,774 6,759 3,787 1,534 26,364 14,367 2,775 1,822 224,755 133,757 1,438 1,235 7,155 21,947 15,377 660, 435 335, 575 945 1,310 1, 254, 105 769,339 465,900 348,010 680,900 252,265 138, 510 1,879 107,235 37,549 3,356 1,879 106,480 37,389 1,640,930 1,062,977 730,465 283, 595 189 61,425 29,555 23, 405 13,815 3,237 1,876 47,651 40,722 37,940 26, 576 8,298 6,379 7.476 6,127 6,757 13,206 5,966 7,303 25,880 24,514 5,871 7, 173 12,984 11, 701 5,618 7,046 9,602 10,660 4,980 6,412 28, 667 33,504 5,426 7,290 270,515 317,917 2,395 4,048 8,408 2,343 3,391 22,987 31, 149 646, 724 620,285 850 2,651 107,965 175,830 1,777 4,327 931,223 1,185,295 328, 933 447,958 463,779 127,230 161,560 6,613 7,670 131,164 111,861 2,870,540 584, 451 598,830 36,715 11,800 13, 348 6,428 7,777 57, 378 112,509 43,231 63,204 12,761 13,483 10.903 Z Reported in small fractions. 1For comparability of data on livestock and poultry, and State Table 12. 2Includes milk equivalent of i and butterfat sold. ALABAMA CROPS, BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM. CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued 173 a sample of Farms. See text] Area 2— Continued Areas J and A Economi c class— Continued Total all Economic class Other farms Commercial farms Other farms denti.l Abnon" Part-time Resi- dential Abnormal Total Class I Class II Class III Class IV Class V Clasa VI Part-time »1 1,368 1,241 8,958 3,691 53 130 260 714 1,143 1,391 1,903 3,357 S 1 3,268 1,883 15,268 6,557 28 93 201 671 1,763 601 2,963 5,742 6 2 2,290 1,737 14,064 6,987 154 340 527 1,305 2, 173 2 488 2,969 4,103 5 3 6,016 2,928 17 26,890 14,262 119 349 818 1,640 3,804 7 532 5,036 7,584 8 4 2,578 3,479 14,812 5,887 99 208 517 1,350 2,005 1 708 2,609 6,105 1 1 5 3,678 3,020 6 17,571 7,434 33 116 262 877 2,340 3 806 3,558 6,578 1 6 13, 676 8,699 131,457 88, 605 11, 2X 13, 664 15.905 17,910 19, 166 10 720 24,332 17,720 1 0 7 10,123 6,355 191 85,853 57,155 4,849 6,263 7,758 9,284 14,915 12 086 14,015 14,479 I 4 8 2,453 3,309 14,089 5,760 94 208 502 1,329 1, '" 1 657 2,704 5,614 1 1 9 3,548 2,920 16,705 7,264 31 116 261 861 2,324 671 6,058 1 10 6,711 4,658 70,032 48, 769 7,100 7,793 8,918 8,938 10,080 5 940 12,065 8,648 56 0 11 4,914 3,518 101 42, 434 28,374 2,552 4,717 4,250 4,303 6,444 6 1D8 6,450 7,509 10 1 12 2,229 3, 103 12,309 5,172 84 187 442 1,240 1,716 1 503 2, 198 4,933 6 13 3,428 2,813 6 15, 843 6,984 31 114 240 858 2,227 3 514 3,220 5,638 1 14 3,653 3,975 36,272 24,844 5,348 4,367 4,805 3,809 3,494 3 021 4,279 6,739 41 0 15 4,534 3,334 86 33,028 21,119 2,149 3,550 2,473 2,915 4,621 5 411 5,067 6,779 6 3 16 1,934 2,173 10,410 4,788 60 153 389 1,152 1,621 1 413 2,134 3,482 6 17 3,318 2,136 6 14,378 6,728 26 93 227 793 2,144 3 445 2,833 4,811 6 18 9,602 5,842 61,572 39, 226 1,931 2,343 7,753 9,030 12,033 6 136 11,479 10,447 42 0 19 15, 146 5,432 1,701 60,217 37,718 817 2,957 4,411 7,507 11,066 10 960 10,363 12,071 6 5 20 2,345 3,502 14,932 5,665 78 131 443 1,315 1,904 1 794 2,747 6,519 1 21 4, 167 3,498 6 20, 597 7,946 15 96 260 907 2,438 230 3,962 8,683 6 22 90, 343 115, 780 854,481 558,898 163,822 60,240 69,100 103, 787 94,890 67 059 112, 149 183, 234 "0 0 23 154, 270 102,800 4,532 665, 372 322,211 879 6,569 16,612 56,109 108, 317 133 725 134, 004 208, 182 97 5 24 1,157 901 5,628 3,072 79 155 397 739 959 743 1,414 1,136 6 25 1,882 951 7,323 3,850 32 116 209 549 1,245 1,699 1,775 1,692 6 26 5,093 1,422 46, 159 34, 129 4,170 4,776 6,787 8,428 6,529 3,439 9,208 2,702 12 0 27 3,084 1,136 25 24,917 18,534 2,669 2,577 2,826 3,424 3,686 3,152 4, 171 2,157 5 5 28 249,505 51,425 2,183,873 1,567,158 194,679 199,633 371,584 416,500 333,964 150,798 414,325 94, 940 7, 1! D 29 183,440 54,975 3,750 1,829,140 1,435,568 276,085 203, 392 233,881 252,002 285, 143 185,065 265, 90g 122,740 4, 33 - 30 918 491 3,215 1,892 38 95 213 506 644 396 747 570 5 31 1,656 495 5 4,688 2,691 14 65 170 428 947 1,067 986 1,010 1 32 8,063 1,988 37, 715 27,347 2,180 2,378 5,756 6,529 7,450 3,054 6,993 2,890 e 5 33 10,740 2,130 1,050 42,563 32,647 856 6,077 4,244 6,898 8,034 6,538 5,571 4,255 ; 3 34 201, 120 46,380 1,049,840 846,949 86,803 84,574 211,668 210,080 183,374 70, 450 142,066 44,875 15, 99 3 35 204,130 30,810 32,000 928,023 767,893 24,491 195,340 108, 031 166,280 158.934 114,817 98,480 58,500 3, 13 3 36 261 330 1,982 1,065 72 105 138 229 296 225 295 621 1 37 1,170 846 4,456 2,104 42 33 302 742 928 1,071 1,281 38 12,515 7,650 3,120,549 3,080,689 1,411,627 985,680 416,610 219,202 39,925 7,645 23,405 16,405 3 3 39 49,225 18,800 1,500 466,403 373,023 16,275 118,055 72, 142 75, 670 65, 206 25,675 60,950 32,430 40 63l 871 3,649 1,792 40 46 144 395 647 520 736 1,120 1 41 2,306 1,702 7,253 3,583 2 62 126 468 1,197 1,728 1,563 2,106 1 42 205,670 137,555 4,690,585 4,271,830 2,243,697 642,113 390, 310 459,420 412,535 123,705 286,640 131,915 JO 3 43 430,450 192, 374 60,000 1,449,697 1,007,607 1,260 22, 485 93,546 279, 786 374,620 235,910 306, 735 135,255 0 3 44 71,368 48,390 2,054,630 1,863,745 955, 554 320, 386 162, 116 191,955 180,579 53,155 132, 740 58,085 6 3 45 161,820 68,445 24,000 640,920 439, 536 504 11,558 35,624 128,633 168, 137 95,080 143,034 58,300 51 3 46 94,018 31,066 9,128,302 8,700,643 3, 569, 780 2,109,901 1,878,940 780,760 220,275 140,987 110, 363 71,494 245, » 3 47 24, 575 7,590 3,962,684 3,808,588 1,669,408 931,812 794,480 310, 253 66,595 36,040 38,816 23,935 91, S4 3 48 33,820 7,525 8,500 2,665,959 2,587,972 788,408 850,006 485,413 314,960 121,850 27,335 60,660 16,827 0 3 49 2,588 2,066 13, 740 6,285 64 158 450 1,487 2,161 1,965 2,737 4,712 5 50 3,986 2,300 18,030 8,135 18 86 259 882 2,501 4,389 3,827 6,062 5 51 31,872 13, 906 189,613 131,814 3,472 8,162 14, 961 40, 734 40, 298 24,187 29,740 27,874 8 5 52 41,617 14, 145 770 210,634 134, 496 2,987 3,788 8,196 22, 894 44,423 52, 208 40,431 35,650 5 7 53 2,563 2,036 13,294 6,139 52 142 442 1,465 2,114 1,924 2,622 4,527 5 54 3,986 2,300 c 17,933 8,103 16 76 259 882 2,501 4,369 3,807 6,017 5 55 31,612 13,661 183, 185 127,111 2,887 7,229 13,904 39,961 39,604 23, 526 28,795 27,094 la 5 56 41,502 14,020 670 209,379 133, 706 2,882 3,638 8,066 22, 829 44,338 51,953 40,231 35,385 5 7 57 431,500 160,885 2,456,919 1,798,620 53, 800 133, 540 240,130 553,835 527,960 289, 355 387,090 268,409 2, id 3 58 985,460 277,665 31,100 4,092,870 2,786,210 118,470 127, 550 180,650 474,935 917,240 967,365 730,945 574,465 1, 5 3 59 122, 290 21,820 619, 570 532,765 30,900 64,400 76,570 180,610 136, 180 44, 105 73,665 13, 140 60 127,350 12, 915 3,000 534,500 435, 160 45,000 51,080 9,585 77,370 154, 195 97,930 78,235 21, 1D5 61 75 65 1,081 783 17 76 129 167 226 168 187 100 1 1 62 75 5 491 375 4 32 55 83 91 110 85 30 L 63 550 245 18,542 15,937 1,590 3,657 2,607 3,228 3,345 1,510 1,975 435 19 3 64 260 10 120 7,230 6,570 273 1,134 716 2,077 900 1,470 360 200 ■: 3 65 18,190 8,035 559, 104 503,414 64, 161 145,076 81,915 87,675 92, 157 32,430 51,295 9, 395 5, JO 3 66 5,315 350 6,000 186,655 175,815 3,120 35,225 22,595 45,490 19,510 49,875 6,205 1,635 3, 30 3 67 3,175 205,879 193, 154 26,250 76,156 28,870 34,145 25,283 2,450 11,975 750 68 2,040 2,500 70, 590 67,230 320 17,450 10,250 26,725 4,535 7,950 360 3, 30 3 69 45 35 1,017 412 5 11 10 101 125 160 225 360 70 120 50 1,128 468 16 12 55 110 275 255 405 71 80 15 942 537 1 10 50 236 100 140 185 220 72 150 50 889 25 ID 469 15 5 11 15 125 95 235 5 21D 5 210 5 5 73 75 17,660 4,555 330,505 220,505 5,000 6,500 51,500 86,460 26,945 42, 100 53, 295 56,805 76 64,860 22,225 361,215 215,385 5,650 2,450 79,900 37,350 90,035 70,160 75, 670 7? 2,021 305 7,641 5,406 25 111 356 1,356 1,995 1,561 1,625 410 78 4,166 1,290 5 13,290 7,853 9 54 210 839 2,443 4,296 3,297 2,140 79 9,379 590 82, 536 72,706 2,269 6,409 10,205 24,930 21, 263 8,630 8,860 970 80 34,802 5,750 425 164,882 127,777 1,296 2,680 9,805 27, 152 44,402 42,442 28,465 8,640 81 6,267 320 59,303 53,448 2,061 4,461 7,840 18,916 14,967 5,203 5,405 450 82 13,436 1,250 355 66,349 54,786 476 1,473 4,715 13, 142 20,440 14,540 9,618 1,945 83 5,080 3,410 67,665 47, 399 4,005 8,810 9, 151 ID, 227 9,491 5,718 14,432 5,704 3 1 84 5,854 2,355 150 49,763 35,320 1,956 3,141 4,495 7,023 9,395 9,310 8,633 5,790 2 85 4,430 2, 765 52,799 38, 369 3,789 7,388 7,050 8,540 7,163 4,419 10, 038 4,252 14 J 86 174 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 3.-LIVESTOCK ON HAND, LIVESTOCK SOLD, AND SPECIFIED J^Data are based on reports for only Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Areas 4 and B Total all Economic class Commercial farms Total Class I Class II Class III CIbbs rv c lasB V Class VI Livestock on hand: 4,443 171 158 413 1,294 2,366 2 1950. . . 12,239 5,546 19 89 211 401 1,449 3,377 3 number 1954 . . . 14,718 8,915 135 532 569 1,042 2,649 3,988 4 1950... 22,755 12,303 141 453 917 1,229 3,458 6,105 5 11,751 4,989 46 225 248 482 1,583 2,405 6 1950... 13,110 5,677 18 91 234 463 1,550 3,321 7 number 1954 . . . 134,338 94,897 6,581 17,697 12,699 17,187 22,225 18,508 S 1950... 95,061 65,815 2,625 8,903 12,162 11,098 16,245 14,782 9 Cows, including heifers that 11,306 4,855 46 214 225 477 1,553 2,340 10 1950... 12,706 5,549 18 89 224 458 1,514 3,246 11 number 1954 . . . 73,776 52,928 3,961 9,678 7,457 9,390 12,172 10,270 12 1950... 48,106 34,072 1,700 4,653 6,226 5,532 8,347 7,614 13 9,607 4,087 33 168 178 368 1,297 2,043 14 1950... 12,039 5,286 17 78 201 435 1,399 3,156 15 number 1954 . . . 28,689 17,919 2,255 2,365 2,109 1,959 4,381 4,850 16 1950... 30,894 19,125 1,177 1,664 2,117 2,249 5,295 6,623 17 9,335 4,392 24 162 172 399 1,416 2,219 18 1950... 12,234 5,402 14 77 179 432 1,438 3,262 19 number 1954 . . . 36,192 21,916 336 1,936 1,834 3,431 6,729 7,650 20 1950... 49,461 29,122 223 1,069 2,925 4,978 8,572 11,355 21 Chickens 4 months old and over . . farms reporting 1954 . . . 10,809 4,351 15 138 190 383 1,369 2,256 22 1950... 14,602 5,972 18 67 214 1,548 3,681 23 number 1954 . . . 396,758 210,148 593 6,492 36,181 38,697 64,984 63,201 24 1950... Livestock and livestock prodocts sold: 449,787 226,766 1,092 6,805 27,358 21,751 74,032 95,728 25 Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting 1954... 5,234 2,742 51 185 188 361 848 1,109 26 1949... 6,428 3,241 13 85 208 362 920 1,653 27 number 1954 . . . 47,205 35,642 2,939 7,485 5,410 6,013 8,330 5,465 28 1949... 28,091 21,314 961 3,677 4,712 3,611 4,731 3,622 29 dollars 1954... 2,155,806 1,704,263 149,792 438,461 268,249 287,492 357,612 202,657 30 1949... 1,935,246 1,532,016 76,057 299,622 366,708 257,565 329,748 202,316 31 2,093 1,262 13 80 89 182 426 472 32 1949... 4,273 2,268 13 60 122 263 623 1,187 33 number 1954 . . . 20,451 15,291 396 2,042 1,359 3,077 4,794 3,623 34 1949... 34,903 22,929 462 909 3,865 4,969 5,940 6,784 35 dollars 1954... 453,423 349,428 14,323 58,378 31,584 87,901 100,591 56,651 36 1949... 670,144 483,679 8,965 21,642 106,345 125,392 117,020 104,315 37 1,363 702 27 138 123 121 158 135 38 1949... 2,694 1,289 8 16 82 152 372 659 39 dollars 1954... 3,982,789 3,931,391 1,501,495 1,675,090 571,364 159,505 17,357 6,580 40 1949 . . . 645,775 575,604 250,160 51,395 153,315 45,348 54,635 20,751 41 2,835 1,178 7 27 53 144 399 548 42 1949... 5,760 2,659 2 21 108 210 719 1,599 43 dozens 1954 . . . 1,391,967 1,085,052 1,820 43,172 380,622 248,223 307,880 103,335 44 1949... 1,348,150 985,284 300 50,780 277,503 84,391 355,278 217,032 45 dollars 1954... 574,627 450,112 860 18,176 159,937 104,083 125,591 41,465 46 1949... 606,770 448,955 150 27,285 141,916 40,502 146,439 92,663 47 4,905,181 4,632,096 1,633,252 983,141 874,576 453,732 451,781 235,614 48 dollars 1954... 2,117,401 2,031,306 840,392 453,820 396,490 137,321 136,208 67,075 49 1949... Specified crops harvested: 1,387,091 1,309,340 306,475 380,770 283,519 100,706 157,795 80,075 50 11,440 5,488 29 172 208 501 1,787 2,791 51 1949... 14,144 6,485 15 80 207 471 1,687 4,025 52 acres 1954... 134,566 89,755 1,682 4,914 6,852 12,395 30,975 32,937 53 1949. . . 190,023 114,612 980 4,546 8,399 13,319 33,737 53,631 54 Corn harvested for grain fanns reporting 1954... 11,239 5,443 27 170 206 490 1,771 2,779 55 1949... 14,030 6,451 14 79 207 465 1,671 4,015 56 acres 1954... 131,689 87,959 1,452 4,733 6,572 12,107 30,450 32,645 57 1949... 187,339 112,638 955 4,386 8,234 12,880 32,947 53,236 :;8 bushels harvested 1954 1,635,805 1,111,525 23,460 79,140 88,550 158,380 391,345 370,650 59 1949... 2,783,313 1,700,117 22,000 82,705 129,520 211,917 512,510 741,465 60 bushels sold 1954. . . 205,205 174,405 1,250 5,450 16,575 25,980 86,690 38,460 61 1949. . . 230,537 160,302 700 17,160 16,062 19,730 53,755 52,895 62 870 580 13 60 51 90 168 198 63 1949... 616 433 10 24 59 76 133 131 64 acres 1954... 8,997 7,437 654 1,438 1,603 1,478 1,394 870 65 1949... 6,303 5,198 510 886 976 996 1,000 830 66 bushels harvested 1954. . . 223,341 190,126 10,974 45,232 42,080 37,400 37,720 16,720 67 1949... 136,840 118,625 7,775 22,850 25,950 23,455 20,455 18,140 68 bushels sold 1954... 26,861 24,131 500 6,058 1,820 4,360 10,843 550 69 1949... 28,057 25,847 250 6,297 3,075 8,500 3,750 3,975 70 Peanuts harvested foi picldng 879 519 1 11 55 162 290 71 1949... 1,868 961 7 22 66 310 556 72 acres grown alone 1954... 1,681 1,291 36 101 405 364 385 73 1949... 4,038 3,208 393 152 501 1,105 1,057 74 acres grown with other crops 1954... 10 75 1949... 10 10 10 76 pounds harvested 1954... 650,380 550,365 22,000 61,500 181,850 132,705 152,310 77 1949... 2,133,456 1,860,211 309,000 95,568 410,698 635,515 409,430 78 7,125 9,950 4,742 5,851 16 100 68 140 128 420 381 1,614 1,507 2,452 3,763 79 1949... 80 acres 1954... 58,311 47, 534 911 2,526 3,117 7,573 17,982 15,425 81 1949... 105,071 78, 555 454 3,755 5,950 9,156 24,322 34,918 82 bales harvested 1954 .. . 33,149 27,814 739 1,673 1,968 4,940 10,687 7,807 83 1949... 40,108 32,528 299 2,137 2,458 4,507 11,125 12,002 84 44,803 28,488 34,834 20,170 2,637 576 5,937 1,734 5,737 3,861 4,944 3,367 8,861 5,098 6,718 5,534 85 1949... 86 tons 1954... 36,585 28,293 2,751 5,498 4,304 3,754 6,547 5.439 1For comparability of data on livestock and poultry. i and State Table 12. zIncludes milJc equivalent of i i and butterfat sold. ALABAMA 175 CROPS, BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued s sample of farms. See text] Area s 4 and E— C ontinued A,ea5 Econom c class — Continued Total all Economic class Other fanne Commercial farms Other farms Resi- dential Part-time Abnormal Total Clasa I Clasa II Class III Claas IT Class T Class VI Part-tiine Reei- dentisl Abnormal 1,836 2,497 5 14,886 7,942 68 225 320 815 2,342 4,172 2,781 4,154 g 1 2,656 4,036 1 24,011 13,843 85 128 297 1,025 3,783 8,525 4,613 5,554 2 2,699 3,079 25 25,343 15,406 427 714 769 1,857 4,738 6,901 4,327 5,460 150 3 4,774 5,677 1 45,670 29,671 504 584 1,076 2,733 8,641 16,133 8,124 7,793 82 4 2,408 4,348 6 21,208 10,323 90 330 510 1,261 3,422 4,710 3,906 6,974 5 5 2,855 4,577 1 26,502 14,722 78 142 318 1,297 4,261 8,626 4,952 6,822 6 6 23,898 15,194 349 223,942 164,497 24,843 25,984 25,045 25,530 36,457 26,638 35,072 23,003 1,370 7 16,069 13,165 12 153,782 113,698 14,009 12,489 11,386 18,743 27,009 30,062 21,851 18,161 72 8 2,312 4,133 6 20,639 10,129 87 329 505 1,246 3,397 4,565 3,836 6,669 5 9 2,780 4,376 1 25,642 14,372 78 142 303 1,277 4,191 8,381 4,827 6,437 6 10 12,585 8,001 262 120,555 88,801 12,126 14,189 14,098 14,394 19,765 14,229 18,675 12,447 632 11 7,245 6,782 7 81,048 60,330 7,710 7,371 6,266 9,608 13,412 15,963 11,058 9,625 35 12 1,861 3,653 6 17,702 8,806 62 239 413 1,059 2,990 4,043 3,088 5,804 4 13 2,641 4,112 24,433 13,700 54 128 258 1,148 4,053 8,059 4,570 6,157 6 14 4,557 5,951 262 42,890 27,083 1,576 2,454 2,821 3,988 7,838 8,406 6,207 9,207 393 13 5,515 6,254 47,635 30,755 1,573 916 1,514 4,047 9,239 13,466 8,426 8,419 35 16 1,845 3,092 6 15,504 8,465 41 255 337 976 3,004 3,852 2,726 4,308 5 17 2,796 4,035 1 23,020 13,215 64 127 255 1,069 3,778 7,922 4,339 5,459 7 LS 7,475 6,673 128 80,312 57,065 3,675 6,428 6,125 8,379 18,141 14,317 11,771 10,170 1,306 19 10,354 9,972 13 106,653 74,141 4,698 4,094 6,677 11,190 21,625 25,857 16,149 14,934 1,429 20 2,181 4,276 1 21,291 10,087 54 231 437 1,178 3,287 4,900 3,741 7,459 21 3,142 5,487 1 30,059 15,756 42 127 273 1,215 4,454 9,645 5,718 8,574 11 22 84,050 102,160 400 805,584 496,877 14,283 48,290 86,570 66,545 142,023 139,166 121,926 181,340 5,441 23 103,340 119,381 300 878,326 526,167 2,431 18,336 22,411 60,628 163,943 258,418 166,171 181,937 4,051 24 1,391 1,095 6 9,197 5,319 84 270 422 909 1,849 1,-785 2,241 1,632 5 25 1,697 1,489 1 13,012 8,064 69 126 277 873 2,431 4,288 2,749 2,187 12 26 8,674 2,660 229 83,287 65,434 13,011 9,995 11,452 11,288 12,875 6,813 13,315 3,802 736 27 4,808 1,964 5 52,131 42,664 8,022 5,793 4,603 7,502 8,847 7,897 6,337 2,987 143 26 355,853 89,990 5,700 4,350,680 3,462,625 962,284 571,609 583,631 534,749 558,829 251,523 709,450 129,689 48,916 29 295,948 106,682 600 3,914,870 3,326,600 834,781 505,978 385,540 575,133 568,337 456,831 415,187 157,980 15,103 30 470 355 6 4,840 3,362 24 146 242 565 1,316 1,069 913 560 5 31 1,179 825 1 8,601 5,748 62 98 187 779 1,963 2,659 1,725 1,126 2 32 3,530 1,390 240 52,051 41,563 3,575 6,970 4,916 7,145 11,564 7,393 6,454 2,535 1,499 33 8,298 3,665 11 76,965 59,961 5,108 5,469 5,109 10,581 17,680 16,014 10,994 4,629 1,381 34 74,660 21,060 8,275 1,432,628 1,194,531 167,725 242,667 150,734 223,414 275,392 134,599 136,451 44,805 56,841 35 140,850 45,515 100 1,775,525 1,473,406 159,064 155,146 160,768 241,785 319,813 436,830 183,570 59,620 58,929 36 311 345 5 2,975 1,715 46 175 170 240 514 570 546 710 4 37 779 625 1 7,542 4,358 28 41 108 437 1,534 2,210 1,706 1,472 6 38 23,463 9,935 18,000 3,729,171 3,692,672 1,193,753 1,866,057 516,674 67,364 32,589 16,235 18,186 13,240 5,073 39 56,986 13,085 100 1,174,738 1,063,139 645,342 83,919 61,272 105,021 92,965 74,620 77,792 30,847 2,960 40 691 965 1 5,130 2,929 25 98 196 339 980 1,291 962 1,235 4 41 1,449 1,652 11,833 7,156 16 57 148 700 2,104 4,131 2,297 2,379 1 42 206,250 96,665 4,000 2,761,561 2,299,939 125,997 413,213 802,599 278,193 458,307 221,630 296,079 123,765 41,778 43 250,536 112,330 2,040,844 1,530,216 4,555 78,387 209,542 206,017 542,325 489,390 338,259 153,369 19,000 44 82,420 40,495 1,600 1,164,469 965,970 44,558 189,364 342,924 120,897 182,341 85,886 125,221 51,450 21,828 45 110,395 47,420 852,367 642,447 2,145 35,375 100,638 89,755 223,905 190,629 139,505 62,815 7,600 46 183,868 40,961 48,256 4,953,516 4,371,994 728,261 1,169,936 967,836 641,849 629,861 234,251 256,631 61,630 263,261 47 56,340 12,655 17,100 1,845,566 1,637,875 338,941 441,937 376,397 229,950 185,033 65,617 65,772 18,000 123,919 48 66,196 11,555 1,291,766 1,181,923 578,179 122,830 84,202 191,546 133,291 71,875 88,408 17,545 3,890 49 2,350 3,596 6 20,891 11,409 61 277 462 1,315 3,822 5,472 3,815 5,657 10 50 3,099 4,559 1 27,999 16,234 57 128 288 1,257 4,469 10,035 5,486 6,262 17 51 23,621 21,035 155 305,545 222,155 8,778 16,483 17,439 34,944 74,606 69,905 44,029 37,347 2,014 52 39,127 36,259 25 383,949 272,304 6,265 7,545 15,793 32,900 79,017 130,784 62,544 46,810 2,291 53 2,309 3,481 6 20,550 11,314 56 269 458 1,315 3,785 5,431 3,724 5,502 10 54 3,089 4,489 1 27,883 16,188 52 123 288 1,256 4,454 10,015 5,461 6,217 17 55 23,100 20,520 110 297,287 215,649 7,317 14,622 17,029 34,357 73,131 69,193 43,077 36,572 1,989 56 39,012 35,664 25 378,488 267,703 5,705 6,624 15,168 32,155 77,972 130,079 62,134 46,360 2,291 57 283,830 239,830 620 3,036,215 2,330,643 112,123 210,756 212,794 411,206 784,015 599,749 387,584 291,420 26,568 58 620, 846 461,950 400 6,884,661 5,078,720 164,904 144,811 358,625 702,245 1,532,295 2,175,840 1,087,295 645,775 72,871 59 24,085 6,715 514,512 447,557 32,515 34,575 40, 535 107,597 171 , 545 60,790 45,665 8,890 12,400 i.O 54,635 15,600 702,151 601,486 34,259 9,199 66,655 119,505 198,973 172,895 75,975 18,075 6,615 61 165 125 1,521 1,174 45 137 155 247 320 270 191 151 5 62 98 85 459 373 24 56 49 60 73 111 50 35 1 63 1,175 385 29,978 27,080 5,425 6,116 5,824 4,604 3,486 1,625 1,695 533 670 64 815 290 7,437 6,862 1,826 1,866 956 840 595 779 210 205 160 65 25,405 7,810 867,223 791,504 183,262 188,095 171,962 121,245 93,925 33,015 43,230 13,020 19,469 66 14,200 4,015 182,595 170,333 52,495 39,215 22,288 24,545 16,200 15,590 3,475 2,370 6,417 2,530 200 221,700 210,834 49,572 45,300 57,337 38,730 12,165 7,730 1,750 750 8,366 68 2,200 10 62,454 62,354 20,083 14,040 4,061 11,710 4,985 7,475 10O • ■'"< 180 180 1,415 785 3 9 23 83 235 432 238 391 1 70 386 520 1 3,468 2,137 12 7 22 146 535 1,415 640 690 1 71 235 155 1,733 1,086 26 57 57 219 275 452 264 375 8 72 346 465 10 19 4,209 50 2,774 30 50 80 268 421 590 5 1,365 25 695 15 695 5 45 73 74 72,485 27,530 414,545 292,350 12,600 11,040 29,270 80,000 58,575 100,865 55,037 64,598 2,560 .'6 115,675 143,570 14,000 1,550,040 1,147,113 15,323 48,150 161,600 228,045 228,885 465,110 252,710 127,755 22,462 77 1,773 605 5 15,633 10,702 59 217 400 1,212 3,601 5,213 3,242 1,685 4 78 2,383 1,715 1 24,638 16,004 71 106 240 1,200 4,464 9,923 5,141 3,481 12 79 9,112 1,650 15 157,245 132,854 9,017 12,633 11,086 24,149 41,770 34,199 18,992 4,895 504 80 18,076 8,425 15 280,323 220,099 7,146 6,612 11,615 29,561 69,592 95,573 42,562 16,952 710 81 4,710 620 5 87,550 76,874 6,155 9,024 6,620 14,776 24,118 16,181 8,673 1,710 293 82 6,033 1,545 2 118,598 99 , 782 4,544 3,353 6,128 16,367 34,839 34,551 14,781 3,521 514 83 6,323 3,546 100 76,749 58,353 5,566 9,353 9,676 9,698 13,917 10,143 11,253 6,211 932 84 4,957 3,355 6 51,675 40,914 4,750 3,794 2,675 6,828 12,082 10,785 6,524 3,920 317 85 5,419 2,798 75 62,415 47,728 5,465 7,914 8,399 8,649 10,237 7,064 9,119 4,534 1,034 86 176 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 3.-LIVESTOCK ON HAND, LIVESTOCK SOLD, AND SPECIFIED All cattle and calves farms ivestock on hand: 1 Horses and mules farms reporting 1954. . . 1950... number 1954. . . 1950... eporting 1954... 1950... number 1954 . . . 1950. . . Covs, including heifers that have calved farms reporting 1954. . . 1950... number 1954 . . . 1950... Milk cows farms reporting 1954 1950... number 1954 . . . 1950... All hogs and pigs. Chickens 4 months old and i .farms reporting 1954. 1950. number 1954. 1950. .farms reporting 1954. 1950. number 1954. 1950. Livestock, and livestock products sold: Cattle and calves sold alive. .. .farms reporting 1954... 1949 . . . number 1954 . . . 1949... dollars 1954... 1949... Hogs and pigs sold alive. Chickens sold. Chicken eggs sold. .farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. number 1954 . . 1949.. dollars 1954.. 1949.. .farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. dollars 1954.. 1949.. .farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. dozens 1954 . . 1949.. dollars 1954.. 1949.. gallons 1954 . . dollar. 1954 . . 1949.. based on reports for only Specified crops harvested Corn for all purposes. .farms reporting 1954... 1949. . . acres 1954... 1949... Corn harvested for grain farms reporting 1954... 1949... acres 1954... 1949... bushels harvested 1954... 1949... bushels sold 1954... 1949... Oats threshed or combined farms reporting 1954... 1949..! acres 1954... 1949... . 1954... 1949... 1 1954... 1949... bushels harvested bushels sold Peanuts harvested for picking or threshing farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops pounds harvested 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. Cotton harvested farms reporting 1954. , 1949. , acres 1954.. 1949.. bales harvested 1954. . 1949.. 1 1954. 1949. i 1954. 17,885 22,847 40,238 54,923 19,998 22,883 19,539 22,316 339,611 263,656 13,720 19,065 65,069 77,430 15,693 22,612 64,290 119,807 19,961 26,208 504,540 588,619 9,499 11,901 222,903 171,555 937,095 135,910 3,292 7,694 28,159 55,484 653,110 1,204,363 774 2,221 2,726,835 393,134 2,361 5,928 1,244,031 832,811 506,479 402,775 15,695,720 6,653,121 7,141,755 25,632 212,524 295,087 18,707 25,347 197,730 290,154 1,856,784 4,528,087 140,465 308,676 1,216 470 43,901 21,787 1,298,442 418,236 169, 478 56,820 3,508 7,074 6,869 11,841 18,937 22,951 165,859 242,400 83,557 93,924 143,423 156,010 121,776- 10,852 13,242 28,225 38,221 11,527 13,183 493,596 399,195 11,323 12,952 301,428 232,381 8,166 11,202 53,679 61,622 9,419 12,649- 46,435 82,299 10,927 14,149 332,010 371,992 6,380 8,002 204,804 161,067 11,248,515 13,461,634 2,312 5,078 23,386 44,260 574,383 510 1,337 2,713,566 364,189 1,557 3,674 1,092,702 661,559 446,356 329,301 15,483,810 11,522 14,267 162,644 210,180 10,988 14,132 150,584 206,122 1,485,115 3,422,112 127,330 235,591 971 404 40,990 21,077 1,232,432 406,276 163,783 56,820 2,338 4,348 5,134 9,237 11,908 13,823 134,118 189,797 70,370 80,229 133,258 144,642 114,406 1For comparability of data on livestock and poultry, see text and State Table 12. Commercial farms Class I Class II Class III 2,010 2,335 3,126 3,519 234 513 231 544 108,617 116,866 91,843 106,135 228 512 229 539 63,810 72,150 53,512 61,349 158 356 187 432 13,114 14,814 14,153 13,060 52,015 47,713 3,925,475 4,616,661 2,768 3,413 102,118 107,815 34 63 163,750 131,819 68,166 81,548 6,337,220 2,927,243 3,563,694 94 129 10,775 12,591 153,795 317,666 12,925 31,825 131 72 15,047 9,110 468,849 162,405 64,935 38,710 11,448 14, 474 7,329 7,413 31,636 37,234 30,603 49,151 45,985 2,770,260 4,006,047 3,687 4,821 116, 327 135,019 81 136 234,146 56,107 99,253 27,173 6,643,35i 233 327 14,301 17,396 202,537 412,978 19,200 26,008 192 144 12,005 '7,498 384,337 157,076 54,814 12,790 38,058 43,624 34,273 33,932 22,496 1,751,366 1,727,346 2,669 3,851 82,375 95,740 84 124 146,812 139,127 60,555 70, 527 1,725,227 677,559 753,184 281 328 9,427 13,028 104,226 287,670 5,750 38,910 150 50 5,539 2,231 164,191 47,795 23,795 5,320 22,876 23,712 19,174 28,903 19,094 1,311,97« 1,424,416 3,076 7,871 80,978 193,340 358,100 147,958 137,178 71,248 722 813 18,555 21,603 207,726 424,368 22,505 37,915 154 61 4,156 1,078 118,134 25,625 11,039 15,695 13,447 12,414 2,290 2,334 5,843 7,010 2,728 2,642 67,299 47,391 2,693 2,620 43,159 26,987 1,918 2,286 5,749 7,706 2,258 2,434 11,307 17,755 2,635 2,878 78,595 1,817 1,788 29,306 15,217 1,112,843 1,048,139 708 1,295 6,034 11, 379 108,075 226,942 144 460 852 150,810 84,200 63,518 37,426 282,818 79,027 144,545 2,728 2,724 36,111 41,508 2,651 2,703 35,342 41,073 356,091 672,595 52,210 59,693 175 73,666 4,375 8,050 2,715 2,638 34,844 41,445 19,603 21,0 15,967 11,490 12,395 6,686 8,842 13,573 18,664 6,504 8,264 6,369 8,069 28,995 25,908 4,786 7,085 11,771 16,657 5,991 8,788 19,884 41,179 6,822 9,419 121,123 181,713 2,472 4,094 11,497 10,562 376,592 639,025 1,023 2,789 5,152 12,925 84,510 242,724 2,217 39,084 102,348 17,686 41,379 121,382 35,045 109,100 7,007 9,832 62,184 100, 431 460,740 1,306,835 14,740 41,240 169 23,255 9,000 1,150 1,540 3,236 2,715 4,907 53,786 92,369 23,664 31,263 9,026 15,135 5,547 Includes milk equivalent of - and butterfat sold. ALABAMA CROPS, BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued 177 a sample of farms. See text] Areas 6 and C— Continued Ai ea 7a Econcm ic class — Continued Total all Economic class Other farms Commercial farmB Other farmB Resi- dential Part-time Abnormal Total ClasB 1 Class II Class III Class IV Clasa V ClasB VI Part-time ReBi- dential Abnormal 3,112 3,911 10 15,519 11,707 49 260 932 2,685 4,154 3,627 2,020 1,792 1 3,162 6,437 25,035 19,032 59 261 1,112 3,940 7,233 6,427 3,156 2,846 1 2 6,279 5,634 100 27,215 22,039 208 908 2,120 5,666 7,704 5,433 2,918 2,258 3 6,556 9,968 178 48,844 40,235 646 1,240 3,601 9,617 14,641 10,490 4,765 3,838 6 4 3,483 4,983 5 22,414 15,564 65 445 1,621 4,025 5,464 3,944 3,013 3,832 5 5 3,300 6,394 6 26,566 19,885 63 327 1,353 4,569 7,556 6,017 3,606 3,074 1 6 44,504 19,288 1,067 293,079 248,838 16,933 32,715 46,344 62,007 62,106 28,733 28,336 15,155 750 7 30,82* 22,654 2,006 181,556 153,312 6,682 16,604 25,010 34,731 41,273 29,012 17,639 10,565 40 8 3,408 4,803 5 21,940 15,330 64 439 1,604 3,970 5,359 3,894 2,923 3,682 5 9 3,215 6,143 6 25,781 19,392 62 321 1,328 4,473 7,346 5,862 3,470 2,918 1 10 20,657 10,995 531 154,349 131,675 9,667 17,679 24,725 32,393 32,485 14,726 14,487 7,837 350 11 17,865 12,494 916 97,858 83,202 3,810 9,412 13,834 18,449 22,426 15,271 9,312 5,324 20 12 2,240 3,309 5 17,981 12,749 35 315 1,356 3,442 4,396 3,205 2,315 2,912 5 13 2,703 5,156 24,074 18,289 56 300 1,246 4,320 7,015 5,352 3,183 2', 601 1 1A 5,373 5,794 223 44,443 34,081 1,158 1,740 5,016 8,824 10,445 6,898 5,280 4,942 140 15 6,678 8,897 233 54,182 43,578 629 2,188 4,380 10,441 14,802 11,138 6,366 4,218 20 16 2,821 3,449 4 19,092 14,956 45 400 1,488 4,054 5,330 3,639 2,355 1,776 5 17 3,176 6,785 2 27,626 21,231 53 313 1,325 4,827 8,137 6,576 3,561 2,833 1 ie 9,267 8,134 454 380,138 342,977 6,099 23,121 60,233 115,369 95,812 42,343 27,128 9,433 600 19 15,608 21,508 392 446,625 392,458 6,203 21,144 52,253 110,603 131,885 70,370 37,703 16,059 405 20 3,642 5,388 23,680 16,206 42 368 1,476 4,074 5,810 4,436 3,141 4,328 5 21 3,531 8,524 30,731 22,216 55 281 1,340 4,880 8,469 7,191 4,027 4,487 1 22 81, 567 88,491 2,472 738,071 548,648 11,455 26,441 83,228 138,905 177,013 111,606 85,372 99,051 5,000 23 82,064 133,475 1,088 748,471 567,766 2,626 13,916 44,548 135,726 210,575 160, 375 96,283 84,272 150 24 1,906 1,209 « 10,755 8,251 63 396 1,088 2,244 2,741 1,719 1,553 946 5 25 1,974 1,922 3 12,922 10,213 53 285 846 2,501 3,618 2,912 1,745 963 1 26 14,784 2,803 512 96,481 84,653 6,249 12,340 16,671 20,912 21,388 7,093 9,202 2,426 200 27 7,393 2,742 353 54,725 49,117 5,992 6,625 9,021 10,248 10,261 6,970 4,242 1,331 35 28 566,242 82,458 39,880 4,646,862 4,196,663 494,716 807,564 834,567 954,877 828,975 275,964 356,919 80,780 12,500 29 494,602 142,629 37,045 3,810,359 3,474,568 380,836 513,081 701,032 793,282 666,823 419,514 259,964 70,577 5,250 30 607 370 3 14,377 12,193 40 400 1,412 3,571 4,368 2,402 1,598 581 5 31 1,195 1,419 2 21,334 17,362 52 312 1,288 4,320 6,814 4,576 2,689 1,282 32 2,996 1,415 362 274,362 252,765 6,396 23,603 50,777 80,950 65,718 25,321 17,804 3,193 600 33 6,436 4,484 304 348,642 313,962 8,870 23,003 49,361 92,771 96,257 43,700 27,715 6,777 188 34 51,352 16,695 10,680 8,191,725 7,636,205 242,507 808,667 1,682,319 2,443,242 1,851,205 608,265 455,720 62,300 37,500 35 135,345 58,102 9,336 8,518,071 7,810,002 224,225 667,166 1,379,986 2,379,222 2,257,346 902,057 600,049 101,897 6,123 36 112 151 1 2,016 1,421 15 76 163 335 512 320 235 355 5 37 407 475 2 5,225 3,921 18 63 270 935 1,538 1,097 778 526 38 9,131 2,638 1,500 1,089,802 1,071,892 124,975 566,406 277,692 62,851 34,063 5,905 5,860 7,050 5,000 39 20,015 8,430 500 363,311 325,506 9,440 28,442 162,710 57,368 44,420 23,126 29,340 8,465 40 396 406 2 4,318 3,098 12 74 288 728 1,168 828 605 610 5 41 894 1,357 3 8,852 6,586 16 93 393 1,450 2,405 2,229 1,297 968 1 42 110,134 21,595 19,600 1,733,659 1,499,714 99,590 175,925 489,838 364,551 267,305 102,505 101,750 50,070 82,125 43 105,330 53,397 12,525 1,121,446 914,721 3,024 44,179 137,454 226,752 323,287 180,025 160,892 42,833 3,000 44 42,253 9,830 8,040 767,979 663,214 34,417 92,376 220,987 157,326 114,500 43,608 41,840 21,865 41,060 45 45,422 22,739 5,313 483,846 396,629 1,305 15,574 66,865 98,022 142,956 71,907 67,516 18,411 1,290 46 71,201 25,360 115,349 2,496,666 2,391,064 811,306 329,980 855,872 174,165 162,555 57,186 36,484 17,618 51,500 47 24,745 7,610 44,400 1,179,971 1,140,861 456,010 167,705 385,469 58,247 58,945 14,485 12,470 4,740 21,900 48 39,330 13,053 46,806 730,128 692,553 145,000 178, 168 189,950 101,815 62,475 15,145 29,875 3,700 4,000 49 3,533 4,637 2 23,235 18,022 51 451 1,737 4,724 6,505 4,554 2,832 2,376 5 50 3,531 7,830 30,186 23,216 52 319 1,392 5,176 8,892 7,385 3,675 3,294 1 51 27,449 21,281 1,150 614,580 560,028 9,482 39,844 93,103 175,981 168,309 73,309 40,172 14,180 200 52 35,573 46,174 3,160 625,552 541,161 5,761 21,975 58,344 148,355 192,006 114,720 55 , 492 28,659 240 53 3,380 4,337 2 21,713 16,906 47 428 1,608 4,389 6,112 4,322 2,591 2,211 5 54 3,486 7,725 28,799 22,341 49 298 1,308 4,952 8,531 7,203 3,443 3,014 1 55 26,285 19,711 1,150 446,851 402,844 6,847 28,594 63,009 120,754 122,940 60,700 31,362 12,495 150 56 35,058 45,814 3,160 488,473 417,802 3,782 14,172 39,660 107,727 152,326 100,135 45,782 24,724 165 57 219,837 120,332 31,500 5,642,916 5,165,925 141,501 437,293 953,979 1,596,976 1,430,691 605,485 344,671 128,420 3,900 58 498,875 476,500 130,600 6,993,075 6,111,305 110,297 270,159 682,189 1,627,638 2,113,967 1,307,055 607 , 980 268,790 5,000 59 11,675 1,460 991,468 928,678 12,326 51,383 221,169 354,125 222,960 66,715 56,515 6,275 60 20,140 8,945 44,000 491,483 448,983 6,890 6,010 47,293 148,145 172,805 67,840 36,350 6,150 61 177 65 3 1,220 1,129 36 160 251 300 264 118 51 35 5 62 35 30 1 240 224 16 29 68 38 43 30 11 5 63 1,641 440 830 22,152 21,082 3,220 4,648 4,669 5,469 2,272 804 400 220 450 64 170 190 350 3,909 3,839 468 745 1,097 241 1,158 130 30 40 65 38,905 6,905 20,200 581,114 554,894 94,555 129,423 117,694 141, 370 50,896 20,956 7,675 3,545 15,000 66 2,200 2,260 7,500 76,337 75,272 13,750 18,040 19,362 3,480 18,180 2,460 825 240 67 1,925 1,770 2,000 119,431 109,431 10,670 31,960 24,035 37,425 2,841 2,500 10,000 68 12,580 12,570 2,175 5,810 2,085 2,500 10 69 660 510 15,120 13,680 34 348 1,530 4,048 5,123 2,597 1,220 215 5 70 1,030 1,695 1 21,995 19,350 54 294 1,338 4,830 8,035 4,799 2,109 535 1 71 1,005 730 177,689 170,679 2,491 15,304 33,695 58,507 45,274 15,408 5,705 875 430 72 1,350 1,250 - 328,056 313,060 4,778 16,421 49,118 108,703 99,866 34,174 12,801 2,185 10 73 74 5 25 45 20 20 20 75 232,475 76,180 96,890,124 94,246,009 1,607,613 11,653,115 22,707,024 32,953,331 20,234,041 5,090,885 2,085,135 218,980 340,000 76 524,980 410,560 2,000 272,351,085 262,887,107 5,083,282 15,657,260 47,852,943 91,543,255 80,762,847 21,987,520 8,200,488 1,259,290 4,200 77 3,647 3,380 2 19,163 16,278 45 404 1,589 4,430 5,931 3,879 2,180 705 78 3,274 5,850 23,394 19,307 55 254 1,209 4,367 7,618 5,804 2,711 1,376 79 21,185 10,030 526 208,198 196,068 4,451 17,191 35,875 64,019 52,305 22,227 10,310 1,820 80 25,193 26,645 765 255,456 232,326 4,475 10,123 29,600 64,905 80,718 42,505 17,871 5,259 81 9,522 3,295 370 139,514 133,559 3,496 13,933 27,548 44,945 32,598 11,039 5,230 725 32 8,556 4,770 369 97,808 90,868 1,848 4,329 12,957 27,984 30,383 13,367 5,668 1,272 83 6,910 2,614 641 17,159 15,960 1,453 2,383 4,693 4,050 2,316 1,065 979 220 84 6,693 3,810 865 5,538 4,798 80 678 575 886 1,084 1,495 410 330 85 4,903 1,629 838 12,713 11,929 1,243 2,408 3,034 2,799 1,675 770 639 145 86 178 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 3.-LIVESTOCK ON HAND, LIVESTOCK SOLD, AND SPECIFIED [Data are based on reports for only Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Area 7b Total all Economic class Commercial farms Total Class I Class II Class III Class TV Class V Class VI Livestock on band: 1 3,988 1,376 5 317 311 892 1,172 2 1950... 5,305 1,689 2 46 34 124 3 number 1954 . . . 5,877 2,500 64 47 117 262 620 1,390 4 1950... 9,121 3,779 7 411 111 458 811 1,981 5 5,036 1,666 10 28 55 185 388 1,000 6 1950... 5,427 1,723 2 49 46 129 350 1,147 7 number 1954 . . . 64,644 40,830 1,711 3,141 4,839 8,420 11,206 11,513 8 1950... 46,605 25,770 174 3,408 2,138 4,832 6,936 8,282 9 Cows, Including heifers that 4,895 55 46 185 129 388 350 985 1,132 10 1950... 5,322 1,708 2 49 11 number 1954 . . . 34,559 21,754 858 1,359 2,562 4,867 6,043 6,065 12 1950... 25,088 13,808 90 1,851 1,036 2,948 3,650 4,233 13 3,575 1,209 2 17 37 131 304 718 14 1950... 4,459 1,487 1 39 39 112 312 984 15 number 1954. . . 8,406 3,709 10 46 104 454 1,264 1,831 16 1950... 11,363 4,708 2 187 288 418 1,078 2,735 17 3,294 1,151 3 16 34 117 315 666 18 1950... 5,180 1,661 1 45 40 114 312 1,149 19 number 1954 . . . 20,287 11,234 37 298 1,351 2,196 3,279 4,073 20 1950... 38,801 18,575 17 1,553 1,783 1,698 3,925 9,599 21 Chickens 4 months old and over.. farms reporting 1954... 5,635 1,668 7 21 44 177 380 1,039 22 1950... 6,703 1,915 2 45 46 126 359 1,337 23 number 1954 . . . 169,703 77,357 146 18,123 2,873 11,836 16,663 27,716 24 1950... Livestock and livestock products sold: 170,372 59,357 50 3,168 1,506 4,930 12,560 37,143 25 Cattle and calves sold alive .... farms reporting 1954... 2,389 1,165 10 23 54 170 323 585 26 1949... 2,750 1,217 2 44 44 128 324 675 27 number 1954 . . . 20,381 13,785 542 1,574 1,796 2,872 3,983 3,018 28 1949... 11,960 8,084 62 1,376 554 2,003 2,364 1,725 29 dollars 1954 . . . 851,991 615,785 28,629 98,067 103,239 121,012 158,993 105,845 30 1949... 804,817 582,425 4,230 125,090 39,173 143,342 158,934 111,656 31 1,023 552 2 12 25 91 193 229 32 1949... 2,475 1,057 2 39 40 94 233 649 33 number 1954 . . . 11,760 7,910 22 622 1,339 1,466 2,662 1,799 34 1949... 22,317 13,831 39 2,627 1,877 1,446 3,058 4,784 35 dollars 1954... 284,292 214,797 580 19, 594 52,867 40,090 63 ,661 38,005 36 1949... 471,326 324,087 1,172 81,811 50,937 23,996 73,771 92 ,400 37 334 138 7 3 8 50 70 38 1949 . . . 1,054 397 18 17 22 59 281 39 dollars 1954... 27,321 21,562 11,450 645 5,482 1,670 2,315 40 1949... 31,890 13,441 1,560 905 948 3,153 6,875 41 903 52 45 42 1949... 1,565 682 23 19 121 474 43 dozens 1954 . . . 444,158 389,339 261,925 9,550 44,664 45,355 27,845 44 1949... 168,387 102,132 11,731 3,860 8,775 18,569 59,197 45 dollars 1954... 183,331 160,351 116,410 4,013 13,283 15,515 11,130 46 1949... 64,665 38,705 4,886 1,812 3,526 6,735 21,746 47 Milk sold gallons 1954. . . 66,128 59,354 162 2,032 51,594 5,566 48 dollars 1954... 28,146 26,156 25 2,006 22,110 2,015 49 1949... Specified crops harvested: 71,335 58,645 7,426 28,584 1,455 17,545 3,635 50 5,303 5,920 1,776 1,653 1 26 44 53 35 178 119 387 339 1,128 1,315 51 1949... 52 acres 1954... 59,605 34,718 282 1,122 3,499 7,579 8,966 13,270 53 1949... 71,094 36,220 25 2,424 1,762 5,625 7,645 18,739 54 Corn harvested for grain farms reporting 1954... 5,244 1,768 4 26 53 176 386 1,123 55 1949... 5,875 1,843 1 44 35 119 339 1,305 56 acres 1954... 57,177 32,627 282 1,042 2,980 7,101 8,282 12,940 57 1949... 68,207 33,663 8 1,816 1,687 5,283 7,035 17,834 58 bushels harvested 1954... 845,105 516,630 5,620 22,425 59,070 115,735 137,900 175,880 59 1949... 1,083,036 591,176 200 45,630 43,426 95,825 129,575 276,520 60 bushels sold 1954. . . 99,677 74,857 2,272 18,800 20,845 16,940 16,000 61 1949... 43,660 31,395 1,100 5,550 5,605 12,275 6,865 62 113 77 7 17 16 22 15 63 1949... 21 21 11 10 64 acres 1954... 1,411 1,287 362 200 356 149 220 65 1949... 215 215 180 35 S6 bushels harvested 1954... 46,595 43,165 13,330 9,475 9,665 4,195 6,500 67 1949... 5,950 5,950 5,250 700 68 bushels sold 1954... 17,216 17,216 9,400 1,750 1,940 1,626 2,500 69 1949... 1,785 1,785 1,785 70 Peanuts harvested for picking 486 266 21 65 180 71 1949... 839 359 2 16 50 291 72 acres grown alone 1954... 518 358 103 95 160 73 1949... 658 373 5 21 35 312 74 acres grown with other crops 1954 10 75 1949... 97 '57 2 35 20 76 pounds harvested 1954... 130,855 98,400 50,740 17,525 30,135 77 1949... 184,585 94,200 470 6,625 14,100 73,005 78 3,269 3,351 1,468 1,429 9 26 38 19 150 78 308 962 79 1949. . . 210 1,096 80 acres 1954... 16,216 10,745 75 253 754 2,652 2,535 4,476 81 1949... 19,292 12,241 882 480 2,491 2,324 6,064 82 bales harvested 1954... 8,954 6,326 62 183 560 1,683 1,624 2,214 83 1949... 7,997 5,456 480 274 943 1,211 2,548 84 7,252 4,596 5,637 3,338 305 5 669 437 726 1 237 1 274 1 426 85 1949... 709 '519 716 950 86 tons 1954... 6,098 4,854 193 596 864 1,158 1,107 936 1For comparability of data on livestock and poultry, , and State Table 12. 2 Includes milk equivalent of . and butterfat sold. ALABAMA CROPS, BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued 179 a sample of fannB. See text] Area 7b— Continued Areas 8 and D Econom ic clasa— Continued Total all Economic class Other farms Commercial fannB Other farms Part-time dential Abnormal Total Class I Claas II ClasB III Class IV Claas V Claas VI Part-time Resi- dential Abnormal 973 1,639 2,278 1,122 45 105 130 170 269 403 484 670 2 1,085 2,531 3,435 1,592 61 133 137 273 375 613 651 1,190 2 . 1,391 1,986 3,200 1,723 148 172 178 272 387 566 609 790 78 1,871 3,471 5,590 3,027 204 230 320 634 602 1,037 937 1,470 156 .. 1,298 2,072 4,998 2,489 92 315 365 477 644 5% 917 1,590 2 5 1,136 2,568 5,356 2,578 86 251 355 539 675 672 961 1,815 2 6 15,252 6,562 102,687 86,375 13,886 23,551 14,979 14,030 13,507 6,422 9,272 6,340 700 7 10,561 10,274 66,148 53,897 11,593 15,501 9,019 8,171 5,839 3,774 5,925 5,745 581 8 1,263 1,982 4,726 2,422 87 315 364 462 628 566 882 1,420 2 9 1,121 2,493 5,094 2,501 85 246 340 519 664 647 921 1,670 2 10 8,384 4,421 53,797 45,345 7,382 12,279 8,059 7,541 6,812 3,272 4,982 3,050 420 11 5,733 5,547 34,928 28,462 5,788 8,039 5,126 4,263 3,122 2,124 3,185 2,990 291 !,'. 903 1,463 3,578 1,853 65 220 271 354 491 452 613 1,110 2 i • 924 2,048 4,642 2,279 76 223 308 492 593 587 836 1,525 2 14 2,045 2,652 16,992 13,660 2,340 4,420 2,598 2,094 1,280 928 1,381 1,750 201 15 2,588 4,067 18,133 13,589 2,229 4,498 2,197 1,685 1,652 1,328 1,963 2,420 161 16 865 1,278 2,845 1,520 21 175 196 283 434 411 563 760 2 17 1,098 2,421 3,942 1,945 50 124 204 410 550 607 805 1,190 2 18 5,222 3,831 45,508 36,292 1,380 7,431 5,518 8,542 7,864 5,557 5,522 3,025 669 19 8,9W 11,312 49,177 34,641 1,602 5,738 3,948 8,327 8,533 6,493 7,900 5,910 726 20 1,386 2,581 5,080 2,238 57 211 294 391 701 584 1,051 1,790 1 21 1,295 3,493 6,274 2,722 70 198 326 512 718 898 1,166 2,385 1 22 37,949 54,397 365, 149 255,361 6,390 36,331 72,684 49,719 56,432 33,805 54,088 53,305 2,395 23 38,945 72,070 353,677 235,537 5,981 41,888 41,537 41,702 60,388 44,041 59,755 56,545 1,840 24 782 442 2,657 1,858 87 315 320 371 484 281 492 305 2 25 746 787 2,784 1,721 68 227 253 401 415 357 531 530 2 26 5,302 1,294 35,361 30,861 5,035 8,582 5,8% 5,179 4,411 1,758 3,337 655 508 27 2,578 1,298 21,300 18,594 4,813 5,105 2,937 3,410 1,467 862 1,671 770 265 28 197,136 39,070 2,070,996 1,853,926 394,480 578,176 344,425 252,337 220,011 64,497 158,793 22,955 35,322 29 157,745 64,647 1,780,473 1,617,311 502,408 501,782 225,438 242,148 100,195 45,340 100,385 40,100 22,677 30 301 170 1,853 1,249 20 141 186 261 370 271 377 225 2 31 697 721 2,693 1,651 38 131 175 367 489 451 585 455 2 32 3,060 790 37,072 31,368 1,451 6,705 6,426 7,652 5,832 3,302 3,910 1,120 674 33 4,779 3,707 41,437 32,227 3,147 6,027 3,642 7,715 7,401 4,295 6,345 2,265 600 34 58,605 10,890 1,151,188 997,415 55,990 235,410 219,510 245,100 159,514 81,891 89,365 20,820 43,588 35 102 ,810 44,429 1,043,566 865,486 99,329 189,820 101,663 218,019 165,960 90,695 126,315 30,165 21,600 36 100 96 781 495 9 71 63 144 108 100 165 120 1 37 307 350 1,621 880 13 37 122 173 270 265 350 390 1 38 4,820 939 441,318 425,268 383 267,307 92,504 40,316 16,073 8,685 9,965 4,185 1,900 39 10,524 7,925 219,785 168,910 2,140 14,580 88,610 25,740 23,335 14,505 36,740 12,295 1,840 40 250 236 1,393 762 20 83 91 164 243 161 340 290 1 41 358 525 2,383 1,376 33 94 189 254 416 390 476 530 1 42 43,115 11,704 2,108,628 1,855,993 27,999 2%, 595 671,629 431,830 353,825 74,115 183,645 47,990 21,000 43 37,080 29,175 1,745,791 1,516,781 24,660 245,721 319,215 306,400 457,280 163,505 177,420 39,590 12,000 44 17,615 5,365 860,512 761,172 10,137 133,991 273,306 176,332 138,599 28,807 71,415 20,925 7,000 45 1A,685 11,275 750,190 653,755 13,902 115,300 142,999 130, 963 183,551 67,040 74,145 16,540 5,750 46 3,966 2,808 5,359,694 5,215,807 1,358,945 2,269,965 1,139,035 362,262 59,995 25,605 11,110 1,265 131,512 47 1,470 520 2,543,860 2,494,635 704,775 1,124,123 499,573 135,019 22,035 9,110 7,030 945 41,250 48 11,880 810 2,842,681 2,772,746 1,043,141 1,209,890 345,350 129,435 42,490 2,440 30,690 2,345 36,900 49 1,305 2,222 4,375 2,459 88 287 344 441 692 607 884 1,030 2 50 1,150 2,917 4,836 2,619 61 227 281 516 689 845 890 1,325 2 51 13,621 11,266 85,726 70,169 6,959 15,358 12,722 13,322 13,870 7,938 8,852 5,135 1,570 52 13,771 21,103 88,178 66,938 4,232 13,711 9,210 14,600 12,980 12,205 11,550 7,770 1,920 53 1,300 2,176 3,983 2,320 78 274 323 399 665 581 797 865 1 54 1,145 2,887 4,572 2,510 50 206 273 509 672 800 825 1,235 2 55 13,406 11,144 72,343 59,471 5,351 14,085 11,498 10,122 11,287 7,128 7,412 4,210 1,250 56 13,771 20,773 72,506 54,191 2,950 10,458 7,880 11,538 11,365 10,000 10,010 6,705 1,600 57 181,670 146,805 1,796,942 1,534,316 171,995 385,615 336,865 269, 511 248,345 121,985 163,390 67,250 31,986 58 218,475 273,385 1,573,930 1,260,830 89,305 313,885 194,925 252,370 231,870 178,475 181,495 102,460 29,145 59 19,740 5,080 313,589 270,109 59,884 48,225 64,115 35,010 45,540 17,335 41,605 1,875 60 7,025 5,240 152,307 137,957 500 46,460 19,132 33,015 19,350 19,500 11,135 3,215 61 16 20 403 345 51 93 61 60 45 35 32 25 1 62 179 158 12 35 21 55 20 15 20 1 63 69 55 8,899 8,220 2,086 3,084 1,398 1,007 325 320 349 130 200 64 2,747 2,272 623 770 264 465 90 60 75 400 65 1,790 1,640 213,996 195,818 59,185 75,298 27,093 22,107 6,135 6,000 10,308 2,870 5,000 66 51,289 48,920 15,285 17,600 4,675 9,010 1,350 1,000 600 1,769 67 43,190 43,190 16,850 10,390 9,000 5,900 1,050 68 15,220 15,170 4,600 7,845 2,475 250 50 69 95 125 191 136 1 20 i 10 41 60 40 15 70 165 315 310 184 10 7 27 75 65 75 50 1 "1 100 60 829 709 14 140 114 100 201 140 100 20 72 90 195 2,068 1,722 320 114 278 755 255 260 80 6 73 74 75 25 15 20 5 5 15 13,615 18 ,840 360,868 315,533 8,000 65,200 35,500 75,500 97,428 33,905 40,950 4,385 76 33,740 56,645 1,434,230 1,212,250 270,000 94,600 221,500 466,700 159,450 178,275 41,565 2,140 77 951 850 1,991 1,365 12 97 138 235 483 400 430 195 1 78 806 1,116 2,050 1,324 14 47 74 294 365 530 440 285 1 79 3,746 1,725 16, 965 14,447 697 2,871 2,889 2,669 3,291 2,030 1,415 310 793 8C 4,050 3,001 21,851 17,626 761 1,597 2,108 5,220 4,215 3,725 2,650 875 700 s: 1,928 700 15,257 13,269 805 3,223 2,892 2,249 2,670 1,430 940 200 848 62 1,666 875 12,742 10,855 553 1,224 1,469 3,279 2,595 1,735 1,135 285 467 83 1,320 295 10,928 9,395 1,830 2,533 2,062 1,493 1,332 1A5 1,133 175 225 84 693 565 4,992 3,578 997 721 549 431 475 405 225 520 669 85 989 255 10,239 8,781 2,118 1,836 1,772 1 ,334 1,571 150 187 IVj 216 Si 180 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 4.-FARMS, ACREAGE, VALUE, AND USE OF COMMERCIAL eports for only Livestock other dairy and poultry FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number 1954. . 1950. . Land in farms......................... .......acres 1954.. 1950.. Average size of farm acres 1954.. 1950.. lue of land and buildings: Average per farm dollars 1954. , 1950. . Average per acre dollars 1954.. 1950. . Proportion of farms reporting value percent 1954.. Land in faros according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting 1954.. 1949. . acres 1954.. 1949.. 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 1954.. 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 1954.. 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 1954.. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 1954.. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1954.. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 1954.. 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 1954.. 500 acres and over farms reporting 1954.. Cropland used only for pasture. .farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949. . Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting 1954. , 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949.. Cropland used only for crops not harvested and not pastured... farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Cropland lying idle farms reporting 1954., acres 1954.. Woodland pastured farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Woodland not pastured.. farms reporting 1954., acres 1954., Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Improved (see text) farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Cropland, total farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949. . Land pastured, total farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949.. Woodland, total farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954., 1949.. Irrigated land in farms farms reporting 1954., 1949., acres 1954.. 1949., Cover crops turned under and land planted to another crop farms reporting 1954., acres 1954., Cropland used for row or grain crops farmed on contour farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954., USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER Oops on which roaitrcial fertilizer was used. 1954: Hay and cropland pastured farms reporting. acres on which used. Other pasture farms reporting. acres on which used. Corn farms reporting. acres on which used. Cotton farms reporting. acres on which used. Fruits, vegetables, potatoes, etc.... farms reporting. acres on which used. Other crops farms reporting. 176,949 211,361 20,831,423 20,931,188 117.7 152,065 189,869 4,755,308 5,766,095 39,470 36,544 26,511 25,158 17,704 4,8' 1,526 46,510 57,500 1,670,367 1,595,450 54,030 72,800 1,025,065 1,371,123 12,165 149,950 46,410 875,115 80,230 4,592,166 74,076 5,786,241 64,678 2,449,451 20,748 822,298 151,019 552,825 165,746 202,176 7,450,740 8,732,668 124,891 143,476 8,711,984 7,047,900 115,566 133,492 10,378,407 9,738,242 496 38 18,773 115,468 575,991 8,264 64,939 351,461 121,362 338,623 2,151,309 103,274 301,767 1,132,392 24,250 49,040 111,278 26,495 245,103 122,745 188.1 141.1 1,025 6,455 1,303 1,071 7,562 39,103 67,295 75,245 6,337,253 5,896,264 94.2 78.4 5,403 67,295 75,245 2,580,980 2,648,578 4,061 15,788 16,212 17,183 10,927 2,433 586 105 15,095 19,881 367,417 299,384 18,465 22,431 287,810 326,787 5,601 57,204 14,833 230,606 28,835 1,054,261 26,192 1,359,120 24,046 510,616 6,267 117,282 54,680 177,049 67,295 75,245 3,236,207 3,274,749 44, 967 50,420 1,932,294 1,365,583 40,498 43,954 2,413,381 2,085,719 105 6,094 18,059 95,061 1,643 7,801 44,333 58,523 175,158 1,192,381 65,409 234,432 889,581 9,054 10,247 31,723 11,939 28,527 147,332 1,777 11,766 325,103 1,288,443 183.0 109.5 9,280 4,820 53.28 1,777 11,766 122,848 613,861 2,392 13,235 37,527 3,128 17,010 59,048 5,243 1,375 9,329 1,777 11,766 153,093 710,436 1,201 7,398 92,189 284,179 1,173 7,205 142,362 498,158 17 5,429 802 45,642 1,551 7,983 45,600 1,042 3,016 9,492 513 12,164 13,442 1,394 7,815 39,030 47,539 54,841 94.0 71.5 10,744 9,088 92.63 52.88 2,585 2,554 729,740 642,582 282.3 251.6 21,075 16,009 79.84 65.68 2,207 2,242 147,570 138,282 1,480 1,519 135,611 153,192 1,566 133,133 1,132 126,031 69,577 2,473 15,722 2,399 2,424 2%, 445 316,099 2,523 2,404 427,153 364,172 2,042 1,904 259,164 201,917 64 11,318 611 29,133 1,184 18,106 82,831 1,453 8,291 41,350 3,396 2,042 327,525 152,877 96.4 74.9 9,072 6,126 92.07 2,473 1,629 66,820 36,671 1,706 62,780 1,767 98,223 19,449 3,247 12,783 2,769 1,791 108,310 62,009 2,750 1,551 135,086 44,084 2,510 1,411 161,003 75,842 1,892 5,914 33,029 1,132 2,997 9,132 9,335 9,284 4,394,720 3,886,517 470.8 418.6 20,748 13,499 47.56 34.57 1,214 1,055 1,556 1,731 4,691 4,329 547,832 547,849 2,214 3,004 102,120 165,442 24,386 1,759 77,734 6,631 1,263,552 4,476 961,300 5,265 945,097 2,864 375,091 8,384 80,228 8,575 8,740 1,144,543 1,158,613 9,017 8,325 2,756,481 2,247,231 8,069 7,587 2,224,852 1,957,984 90 2,779 45,336 226,562 5,720 36,964 190,867 2,240 6,932 23,497 1,090 2,038 6,094 2,511 16,944 76,482 FERTILIZER, BY TYPE OF FARM: ALABAMA CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 181 sample of farms. See The State — Continued Area 1 Type of farm — Cont inued Total Type of farm Genera — Con. Miscel- Livestock General Hi seel- Cash- grain Other Primarily Crop and livestock unolasai- farms Cotton field- Vegetable Fruit- and-nut Dairy Poultry dairTand Primarily crop Primarily livestock 0~P-» unclas- fied poultry sified 219 3,397 83,513 21,655 159 11,624 10 10 40 499 180 835 110 32 280 7,876 1 459 6,652 95,449 25,031 74 15,633 10 15 30 371 252 612 195 542 7,252 2 69,31/4 958,370 6,678,669 1,951,753 38,864 1,097,121 415 235 1,765 67,941 10,080 257,267 23,520 8,391 55,226 190, 128 3 90,833 1,228,699 6,691,981 1,963,606 18,802 1,263,850 415 335 3,000 46,942 12,943 153,633 31,309 4,880 88,220 339,277 4 316.5 282.1 80.0 90.1 244.4 94.4 41.5 23.5 44.1 136.2 56.0 308.1 213.8 262.2 197.2 49.6 5 197.9 184.7 70.1 78.4 254.1 80.8 41.5 22.3 100.0 126.5 51.4 251.0 160.6 108.4 162.8 46.8 6 16,089 12,917 4,241 8,083 15,505 8,676 2,400 6,495 18,446 12,391 10,330 24,367 18,641 8,640 17,198 4,892 7 8,970 7,712 3,215 6,642 22,231 6,740 5,302 2,150 6,500 22,718 5,882 17,889 15,554 10,528 9,662 3,929 8 57.10 50.22 58.97 101.89 113.78 98.72 200.00 276.38 394.88 116.56 203.58 86.37 97.10 81.20 101.33 113.06 9 48.48 43.20 48.50 86.08 107.12 84.67 127.77 82.69 65.00 170.35 105.92 79.69 98.00 95.06 63.48 85.03 10 78 76 78 75 55 76 50 100 88 66 86 61 65 78 71 75 11 213 3,397 61,608 18,645 159 11,624 10 10 40 404 125 664 110 32 280 5,187 12 443 6,622 75,956 22,640 74 15,633 10 15 30 335 186 509 195 45 537 5,071 13 12,049 230,672 754,454 750,055 17,287 551,693 140 220 755 20,027 3,835 55,773 9,600 2,172 21,403 67,150 14 19,413 33 . < 1,122,813 874,797 7,240 699,093 290 150 1,350 14,667 4,192 28,661 13,504 1,890 28,461 75,299 15 15 87 33,289 3,280 505 5 55 15 60 5 10 2,625 ie 35 257 17,601 3,792 25 2,111 10 5 25 60 35 81 10 1,430 17 46 554 6,684 3,416 5 2,540 5 5 75 30 75 5 10 45 621 18 41 901 2,957 4,156 40 3,296 5 110 20 144 30 85 426 19 55 1,116 872 2,784 40 2,278 62 25 167 45 15 80 72 20 10 331 140 825 21 645 30 63 25 30 11 21 9 126 54 333 27 214 8 61 1 17 1 22 2 25 11 59 1 35 4 13 1 1 3 1 23 117 1,501 20,451 7,527 56 3,573 10 310 60 530 50 17 168 2,753 24 245 2,581 23,545 9,605 49 5,884 5 10 266 106 405 73 30 286 2,486 25 7,232 72 ,412 437,941 222,742 1,945 98,126 30 12,493 755 52,135 2,543 1,535 7,349 45,831 26 11,417 88,967 393,168 179,460 2,398 94,816 5 20 285 11,963 1,174 29,520 1,660 550 10,1/45 26,924 27 65 1,058 28,542 6,679 27 3,438 5 10 131 75 207 67 7 108 2,604 28 199 2,566 37,406 8,971 28 5,399 5 5 25 110 86 180 90 35 31/4 2,694 29 1,938 26,167 524,055 116,002 850 63,242 135 305 2,596 615 6,685 1,334 435 2,285 37,520 30 4,550 59,474 664,530 156,741 1,343 93,792 75 20 470 3,150 1,989 8,056 1,250 670 5,120 40,806 31 16 335 4,580 2,272 15 1,439 37 10 66 27 1 57 620 32 708 6,626 46,037 31,976 620 20,793 501 15 2,003 529 25 1,365 6,125 33 51 843 25,833 5,260 17 2,572 5 10 110 70 153 55 7 62 2,199 34 1,230 19,541 478,018 84,026 230 42,449 135 305 2,095 600 4,682 805 410 920 31,395 35 148 2,430 35,267 7,017 42 3,703 5 15 271 35 451 32 16 158 2,289 36 20,447 240,819 1,569,032 219,238 2,020 105,990 50 50 6,350 520 43,977 510 865 5,180 53,726 37 102 1,957 34,871 7,677 73 3,848 5 15 260 95 399 105 22 163 2,692 38 13,720 251,374 2,620,450 371,429 11,919 153,304 20 320 13,179 2,665 51,436 6,915 1,485 10,052 120,134 39 121 1,883 27,128 7,537 53 3,677 5 15 265 115 396 72 16 166 2,757 40 12 ,"404 118,152 560,203 185,354 3,270 77,800 40 175 10,874 1,165 39,309 1,925 1,575 7,034 42,187 41 94 1,024 7,693 2,122 18 946 5 123 35 200 36 6 70 683 42 8,180 57,510 139,240 59,756 940 20,782 10 4,881 175 17,331 1,210 700 4,087 9,640 43 206 3,178 72,941 18,680 129 9,477 10 10 40 487 165 774 110 32 275 7,171 44 1,524 18,774 212,534 86,933 1,573 46,966 30 15 130 2,422 525 7,952 693 324 1,923 24,380 45 219 3,397 73,883 20,334 159 11,624 10 10 40 449 145 768 110 32 280 6,707 46 459 6,632 87,209 23, 911 74 15,633 10 15 30 361 226 573 195 45 542 6,207 47 21,219 329,251 1,716,450 1,088,799 20,082 713,061 275 220 1,090 35,116 5,205 114,593 13,477 4,142 31,037 150,501 48 35,380 486,533 2,180,511 1,210,998 10,981 887,701 370 190 2,105 29,780 7,355 66,237 16,414 3,110 43,726 143,029 49 208 3,221 56,808 14,400 114 7,033 5 20 469 135 795 110 32 270 5,417 50 439 5,921 61,065 16,462 59 9,840 5 10 25 336 226 577 170 45 517 4,652 51 40,083 431,383 2,567,176 627,334 7,235 281,916 90 255 29,717 2,440 135,421 4,978 3,975 19,563 141,744 52 41,1/43 438,908 1,987,165 449,820 4,458 240,792 50 100 520 19,261 2,895 65,002 7,357 1,540 26,735 81,110 53 196 3,013 54,015 11,475 98 5,899 5 25 402 110 623 110 27 230 3,946 54 428 5,642 59,585 13,139 54 7,850 5 5 20 216 171 459 169 45 462 3,683 55 34,167 492/193 4,189,482 590,667 13,939 259,294 70 370 19,529 3,185 95,413 7,425 2,350 15,232 173,860 56 40,833 603,143 3,821,405 553, 014 6,197 269,731 45 70 545 11,193 3,922 62,371 9,573 1,430 32,548 155,389 57 7 15 128 27 100 51 5 12 18 5 1 1 ..! 58 59 157 477 2,387 210 4,408 1,560 40 465 2,011 40 75 2 215 60 61 54 805 3,183 4,031 42 2,700 5 141 35 212 63 17 98 718 62 960 21,859 30,942 73,792 2,655 48,926 45 2,808 625 7,220 1,163 365 2,730 7,255 63 102 1,605 1/4,346 4,759 41 3,004 5 5 5 158 60 221 26 22 109 1,103 64 3,881 86 ,786 206,911 150,823 3,560 96,353 55 125 85 6,538 1,995 12,590 1,085 764 6,748 20,925 65 100 876 6,122 2,438 36 1,204 5 5 10 157 5 334 23 22 129 508 66 1,088 5,951 17,566 12,723 294 3,915 2 4 8 1,771 2 4,681 192 267 655 932 67 5,669 29,375 94,599 74,343 1,270 26,172 25 25 35 7,581 20 26,026 950 1,475 4,574 6,190 68 35 520 2,850 784 8 272 55 10 157 28 5 43 206 69 369 4,540 11,352 4,602 32 1,317 598 10 1,099 232 5 739 570 70 1,742 22,700 61,757 30,081 845 8,153 3,140 75 9,218 1,197 100 3,973 3,380 71 171 3,187 44,267 13,728 119 9,261 10 10 15 273 110 496 84 27 260 3,063 72 677 18,339 61,017 37,131 737 25,780 8 18 1,006 268 3,593 397 116 1,122 4,080 73 3,532 108,112 392,270 268 ,863 6,095 196,829 65 40 130 6,093 1,620 17,983 2,749 605 7,449 29,205 74 87 2,900 26,249 15,261 67 11,374 5 10 15 243 85 281 85 17 254 2,825 75 256 9,256 32,111 65,782 223 57,713 5 22 765 212 1,160 403 82 1,162 4,031 76 682 30,136 125,604 280,999 1,221 247,583 20 10 80 2,727 780 4,881 1,637 227 4,143 17,690 77 67 922 9,775 1,393 6 518 5 10 25 35 30 83 20 5 36 620 76 123 2,777 6,764 1,069 4 444 2 90 38 24 26 56 54 5 26 300 79 229 6,580 22,662 2,955 6 1,205 10 1/45 255 50 45 164 90 5 75 905 80 66 1,823 5,328 1,433 74 645 5 59 20 185 57 7 60 321 81 291 8,368 8,252 6,029 982 2,201 10 186 52 1,414 275 48 301 560 82 2,054 41,161 38 ,499 40,594 6,425 16,374 20 1,230 380 7,679 2,624 561 2,391 2,910 83 182 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 4.-FARMS, ACREAGE, VALUE, AND USE OF COMMERCIAL [Data are baaed on reports for only Livestock dairy and poultry FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number 1954. . 1950. . Land in farms acres 1954.. 1950. . Average size of farm acres 1954.. 1950.. lue of land and buildings: Average per farm. ...................... .dollars 1954.. 1950. . Average per acre dollars 1954.. 1950. . Proportion of farms reporting value percent 1954.. Land in faros according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949.. 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 1954.. 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 1954.. 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 1954.. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 1954.. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1954.. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 1954.. 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 1954.. 500 acres and over farms reporting 1954.. Cropland used only for pasture. .farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949. . Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting 1954. . 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949.. Cropland used only for crops not harvested and not pastured... farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Cropland lying idle farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Woodland pastured..... farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Woodland not pastured farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) ...farms reporting 1954., acres 1954.. Improved (see text) farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Other land Chouse lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Cropland, total farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949. . Land pastured, total farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949.. Woodland, total farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949. . Irrigated land in farms farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949.. Cover crops turned under and land planted to another crop farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Cropland used for row or grain crops farmed on contour farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954. USE OF COrMERCIAL FERTILIZER Crops on whicb couercial fertilizer was used, 1954: Hay and cropland pastured farms reporting. acres on which used., Other pasture f sxms reporting. acres on which used. Corn farms reporting. acres on which used. Cotton farms reporting. acres on which used. Fruits, vegetables, potatoes, etc.... farms reporting. l which used. . 25,019 30,551 1,784,256 1,874,338 71.3 61.4 5,411 4,547 79.65 75.52 22,161 28,612 657,773 749,808 3,803 4,685 5,440 4,962 2,778 427 62 5,197 7,087 70,090 59,524 6,803 9,225 81,430 100,323 1,308 11,273 5,996 70,157 10,924 174,299 14,232 597,511 14,186 148,514 3,856 42,081 21,855 54,639 23,487 29,375 809,293 909,655 20,015 24,393 392,903 339,340 17,801 21,513 771,810 774,091 47 3,142 7,232 34,932 1,071 3,732 20,647 19,495 67,374 372,602 151,785 6,353 8,427 23,689 1,517 2,886 12,882 1,275 184 14,450 1,455 96 3,755 12,745 16,799 850,589 978,038 66.7 12,745 16,799 441,961 498,871 490 2,380 3,755 3,775 2,107 2,408 3,747 21,690 25,705 4,774 2,548 21,680 5,631 70,890 7,038 208,512 7,314 56,758 1,638 11,198 11,004 24,324 12,745 16,799 490, 105 564,270 10,080 13,634 149,338 160,714 8,859 11,639 279,402 320,390 25 1,641 1,834 9,205 299 12,045 1,770 44,287 10,844 252,474 111 12,455 254 39,875 877 127,757 40 3,605 28 4,352 45 12,330 21 726 48 1,135 324 5,735 6,607 3,415 76.84 52.59 31,893 25,132 167.0 153.2 79,808 25,440 66.7 48.0 5,194 124.28 105.09 10,615 698 20,058 1,150 4,122 1,016 460 35,814 11,015 1,110 184,328 109,994 227.8 171.6 720 2,549 3,254 12,073 92 126 426 1,059 2,380 6,477 772 550 2,861 2,943 15,082 14,970 520 201 1,309 455 3,720 1,351 FERTILIZER, BY TYPE OF FARM: a sample of farma. See text] ALABAMA CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued 183 Area 2— Continued Areas 3 and A Type of farm — Cont Inued Total Type of farm General -Con. Miscel- Livestock Oeneral Miscel- all Other Pr marily Crop and and farms Cash- grain Cotton field- Vegetable Fruit- and-nut Dairy Poultry dairy and poultry Primarily Primarily Crop and unclaa- lii livestock fled crop crop livestock livestock slfied 16 445 8,432 19,560 169 4,850 15 107 36 428 496 646 178 16 151 12,468 1 91 1,167 9,668 23,861 135 6,566 40 115 10 397 245 502 186 42 426 15,197 2 2,980 62,634 447,575 1,699,035 27,934 486,100 1,200 10,628 12,365 106,515 46,477 200,372 41,361 2,095 40,033 723,955 3 12,097 119,439 470,981 1,821,438 18,520 599,233 3,890 8,110 1,960 89,204 22,310 136,862 25,572 9,815 76,140 829,822 4 186.2 1/40.8 53.1 86.9 165.3 100.2 80.0 99.3 343.5 248.9 93.7 310.2 232.4 130.9 265.1 58.1 5 132.9 102.3 48.7 76.3 137.2 91.3 97.3 70.5 196.0 224.7 91.1 272.6 137.5 233.7 178.7 54.6 6 5,364 6,923 4,094 6,905 10,918 6,223 14,500 8,515 18,462 22,782 10,067 18,888 13,724 19,136 10,832 5,671 7 8,555 6,231 3,474 4,659 6,015 4,916 3,843 3,595 17,100 12,856 5,707 13,339 6,416 11,931 8,111 3,901 8 27.00 74.49 80.32 85.89 69.67 67.51 386.67 76.79 66.12 91.77 109.38 68.25 55.03 142.71 54.32 101.11 9 59.07 61.54 73.49 62.16 41.16 54.26 36.43 47.93 87.24 59.81 64.07 57.46 53.01 58.24 44.24 71.il 10 69 71 69 77 69 72 67 77 72 83 89 67 62 69 72 79 11 10 445 5,992 15,499 169 4,850 15 107 36 349 270 574 178 16 151 8,784 12 86 1,167 7,915 20,214 135 6,566 40 115 10 350 195 427 186 42 421 11,727 13 250 18,113 77,069 390,066 11,541 190,081 420 3,970 2,024 20,394 6,226 30,032 12,573 468 9,205 103, L32 14 2,903 38,491 123,352 479,615 6,016 246,638 805 2,710 300 17,833 4,055 18,239 11,061 2,118 21,900 147,940 15 15 2,947 5,313 200 10 15 36 130 26 5 10 4,881 16 5 55 1,775 3,523 30 920 5 40 50 30 87 15 15 2,331 17 131 837 2,478 30 1,195 5 20' 19 50 122 30 10 25 972 18 5 130 329 2,273 40 1,437 5 15 16 71 27 134 60 45 423 19 95 88 1,452 41 872 20 128 25 134 33 45 154 20 16 3 11 5 373 79 8 21 6 1 194 30 2 1 1 5 35 10 6 2 55 16 33 5 2 1 a i 2 20 3 21 22 23 6 162 1,460 5,204 58 1,124 41 30 250 117 305 59 10 44 3,166 24 55 489 1,977 6,005 35 1,534 20 30 237 95 266 80 22 210 3,476 25 100 2,124 16,041 141,805 2,026 27,217 1,180 2,410 18,319 4,425 28,985 2,910 110 3,622 50,601 26 900 4,370 14,400 104,810 475 21,000 140 285 16,359 1,535 16,313 1,825 334 5,236 41,308 27 5 106 2,748 7,820 71 1,775 5 55 21 84 188 172 69 5 57 5,318 28 26 412 3,440 11,745 57 2,820 25 55 10 166 105 238 96 26 201 7,946 29 10 1,220 38,023 133,568 1,600 29,791 50 400 715 2,918 3,720 8,154 2,445 125 1,260 82,390 30 278 5,350 40,466 206,242 1,050 50,829 375 810 130 6,046 2,535 11,268 2,759 1,035 4,528 124,877 31 50 256 1,379 16 440 20 6 28 25 63 36 11 734 32 175 2,385 13,649 150 3,418 110 65 820 425 1,155 320 125 7,061 33 5 81 2,628 7,136 61 1,535 5 45 21 68 178 142 49 5 52 4,975 34 10 1,045 35,638 119,919 1,450 26,373 50 290 650 2,098 3,295 6,999 2,125 125 1,135 75,329 35 6 245 3,300 7,941 67 2,102 10 41 21 235 174 410 85 11 110 4,675 36 310 8,604 47,815 275,545 2,042 58,751 125 1,185 1,530 20,253 10,482 49,964 2,640 775 5,550 122,248 37 11 309 4,694 10,007 103 2,580 5 62 31 217 249 374 138 10 109 6,129 38 2,234 26,244 213,793 564,175 8,673 137,574 320 3,125 4,746 23,771 14,926 54,691 16,090 255 16,367 283,637 39 5 343 4,412 7,228 82 1,896 10 47 11 281 195 381 84 16 113 4,112 40 5,075 37,412 140,663 1,335 29,803 230 370 600 18,958 5,080 23,764 3,248 280 3,440 53,555 41 188 1,127 2,275 17 587 1 1 161 67 210 47 6 92 1,081 42 45 2,210 10,060 47,715 490 7,140 150 30 11 8,844 1,630 12,526 780 190 1,990 13,934 43 15 420 7,371 17,665 144 4,190 10 107 36 415 481 594 158 16 136 11,378 44 31 1,254 17,422 53,213 717 12,883 55 398 340 1,902 1,618 4,782 1,455 82 589 28,392 45 16 445 7,121 18,063 169 4,850 15 107 36 404 356 614 178 16 151 11,167 46 91 1,167 8,625 22,640 135 6,566 40 115 10 379 225 486 186 42 421 14,035 47 360 21,457 131,133 665,439 15,167 247,089 470 5,550 5,149 41,631 14,371 67,171 17,928 703 14,087 236,123 48 4,081 48,211 178,218 790,667 7,541 318,467 1,320 3,805 430 40,238 8,125 45,820 15,645 3,487 31,664 314,125 49 16 435 6,473 14,113 143 3,504 10 92 36 418 316 639 137 16 146 8,656 50 91 1,102 7,182 17,245 99 4,858 40 65 10 377 150 487 151 42 411 10,555 51 455 15,803 101,268 558,013 5,403 115,771 355 2,735 4,540 57,530 19,987 102,713 8,798 1,165 12,612 226,404 52 3,205 23,183 85,525 467,993 4,187 111,095 825 960 1,405 44,230 4,945 71,072 5,410 2,797 15,596 205,471 53 16 385 5,836 13,288 129 3,328 10 77 36 318 336 563 148 16 145 8,182 54 86 997 6,586 16,562 90 4,614 30 70 10 331 145 419 146 42 401 10,264 55 2,544 34,848 261,608 839,720 10,715 196,325 445 4,310 6,276 44,024 25,408 104,655 18,730 1,030 21,917 405,885 56 6,778 59,001 1 237,158 6 819,610 68 15 9,436 223,410 5 2,035 3,875 10 1,480 ' 36,923 4 11,755 61,438 8 8,112 5 5,205 37,449 418,492 36 15 57 58 59 20 64 1,278 65 30 45 498 380 15 310 65 60 61 5 156 478 1,484 32 657 6 98 35 79 36 40 501 62 75 2,115 3,823 23,575 1,475 10,458 140 2.565 385 2,136 1,025 757 4,634 63 5 295 2,846 2,307 25 841 5 42 1 30 31 103 55 6 36 1,132 64 175 9,265 36,961 45,551 700 21,892 205 2,175 49 1,290 720 3,247 2,025 323 1,115 11,810 65 5 15 45 132 330 1,348 67 180 919 675 891 4,373 308 894 4,893 2,754 10,567 53,550 780 4,586 24,595 16 85 765 16 70 405 827 1,744 10,188 119 339 1,522 10 3 30 21 62 205 35 200 1 1 8 224 2,826 12,668 91 876 4,818 92 268 1,494 22 218 1,520 241 2,412 i 1 1 , 988 115 1,503 7,211 39 326 1,544 1 10 100 6 40 225 1 10 150 45 184 1,075 34 296 1,643 1,228 2,582 14,168 380 1,263 7,218 ... 67 68 69 70 71 10 40 215 420 2,216 11,225 4,508 9,017 45,678 12,124 28,122 172,940 133 860 5,600 4,373 13,385 85,559 15 30 320 37 1,445 21 66 609 233 1,277 6,563 168 442 2,430 416 2,436 10,417 144 595 4,210 15 36 195 125 562 3,018 6,394 7,959 52,574 72 73 74 5 8 20 384 912 2,584 2,302 3,344 10,421 7,390 22,712 81,245 27 157 4,689 18,617 66,425 5 1 10 41 102 325 5 65 490 86 280 895 70 230 615 91 160 580 124 396 1,237 99 270 781 2,153 2,547 9,730 75 76 77 5 2 5 5 8 25 200 244 670 86 191 860 1,401 1,026 3,926 320 306 1,130 2,728 2,710 7,814 1,096 3,306 17,291 15 7 15 46 491 3,085 722 614 1,992 282 789 3,530 5 1 5 5 1 10 92 908 1,795 16 82 245 1 43 21 19 31 82 371 1,865 40 64 165 31 80 685 57 127 341 76 565 2,408 52 104 283 28 178 1,218 6 11 33 ... 50 210 31 229 825 1,667 807 2,901 499 520 3,420 78 79 30 81 82 83 184 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 4.-FARMS, ACREAGE, VALUE, AND USE OF COMMERCIAL [Data eports for only Areas 4 and B Livestock dairy and poultry FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE g numb er 1954 . . 1950. . Land in farms acres 1954.. 1950. . Average size of farm acres 1954.. 1950. . lue of land and buildings: Average per farm dollars 1954. . 1950. . Average per acre..... ...... ............. dollars 1954 . . 1950. . Proportion of farms reporting value percent 1954.. Land in farns according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949.. 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 1954.. 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 1954.. 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 1954.. 30 "to 49 acres farms reporting 1954.. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1954.. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 1954.. 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 1954.. 500 acres and over farms reporting 1954.. Cropland used only for pasture. .farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949. . Cropland not harvested and not pastured, farms reporting 1954. . 1949. . acres 1954.. 1949.. Cropland used only for crops not harvested and not pastured farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Cropland lying idle farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Woodland pastured farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Woodland not pastured farms reporting 1954., acres 1954.. Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting 1954. . acres 1954.. Improved (see text) farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Cropland, total farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949.. Land pastured, total farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949.. Woodland, total farms reporting 1954. . 1949. . acres 1954.. 1949. . Irrigated land in farms farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949.. Cover crops turned undp- and land planted to another crop farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Cropland used for row or grain crops farmed on contour farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER Crops on .l.i, h coamercial fertilizer was used, 1954: Hay and cropland pastured farms reporting. acres on which used. Other pasture farms reporting. acres on which used. Corn farms reporting. acres on which used. Cotton farms reporting. acres on which used. Fruits, vegetables, potatoe Other crops .farms reporting. es on which used, .farms reporting. es on which used. 15,260 17,467 2,049,223 2,027,831 134. 3 116.1 4,576 3,661 39.97 32.96 272,980 381,260 4,435 3,754 2,287 1,611 5,934 170,163 154,396 6,640 8,L41 157,910 192,828 12,301 6,272 145,609 8,741 559,172 7,544 646,806 57,755 13,455 47,411 14,543 16 ,724 601,053 758,484 11,581 12,933 924,116 721,618 11,547 12,687 2,268 9,430 48,479 10,445 19,296 128,707 6,912 16,938 58,060 1,973 1,426 5,516 20,706 11,150 222.6 7,404 4,794 32.28 34.87 444,354 453,468 107.6 95.5 3,528 2,990 36.74 31.86 4,128 4,747 124,534 168,361 130 1,255 1,291 1,052 25 1,412 625 33,037 510 31,080 36 1,637 40 1,774 1,460 36,739 1,875 31,569 10 219 360 3,180 31 1,529 1,100 33,559 52 2,272 2,493 85,972 77 1,796 9,458 113,907 28 1,459 1,547 40,119 17 336 1,312 6,138 82 3,487 520 10,046 93 4,128 67 4,747 6,688 194,310 6,440 231,010 68 2,843 50 3,227 4,665 159,128 1,865 134,155 78 2,747 56 3,057 11,951 199,879 2,850 181,782 3,862 8,315 61,078 4,031 12,474 43,107 15,065 160.0 177.2 4,509 50.00 24.47 5,790 6,351 113.5 244.3 1,350 21 1,616 1,870 2,364 124.7 394.0 15,000 6,083 50.17 98,606 91,939 320.1 12,915 10,001 42.45 48,221 22,445 118.5 99.8 368,051 288,004 594.6 486.5 15,081 11,479 31.97 23.71 FERTILIZER, BY TYPE OF FARM: a sample of farms. See text] ALABAMA CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued 185 Areas i and B— Continued Area 5 Type of farm — Cont inued Total all Type of farm General —Con. Miscel- laneous Cash- grain Cotton Other field- Vegetable Fruit- Dairy Poultry than General Mi seel - It imarily Crop and Primarily Primarily Crop and li vestock livestock fied crop poultry crop livestock livestock sified 17 189 9,338 27,360 76 9,349 35 '• 295 293 491 902 238 62 361 15,173 1 5b 386 10,781 34,302 118 13,429 20 160 158 274 291 1,022 579 87 940 17,224 2 5,586 61,418 972,919 3,307,915 27,839 1,074,409 6,540 7,520 24,315 93,474 63,935 424,347 53,273 15,658 ;.. 1,1 14 1,366,921 3 13,800 98,512 983,026 3,506,763 17,098 1,286,502 3,690 10,000 15,627 57,455 35,094 385,809 93,373 12,690 167,557 1/401,868 4 328.6 325.0 104.2 120.9 366.3 114.9 186.9 88.5 82.4 319.0 130.2 470.5 223.8 252.5 414.6 90.1 5 246. 4 255.2 91.2 102.2 144.9 95.8 184.5 62.5 98.9 209.7 120.6 377.5 161.3 145.9 199.5 81.4 6 13,203 9,107 3,958 4,932 7,139 4,472 13,500 4,750 5,147 15,206 8,032 19,669 9,746 11,946 16,004 3,764 7 8,677 7,470 3,100 3,713 5,445" 3,526 8,788 3,902 7,950 9,239 5,447 12,063 6,921 5,015 6,910 2,898 8 41.54 33.12 43.32 45.75 28.89 41.86 92.68 53.14 62.23 51.24 64.40 44.29 47.80 43.52 44.39 47.92 9 34.98 30.11 35.96 38.06 51.69 37.25 47.63 60.89 82.52 45.13 44.36 36.49 46.40 37.21 37.32 37.50 10 94 71 83 75 54 76 43 76 63 72 78 67 77 84 74 76 11 17 189 7,217 23,286 76 9,349 35 85 295 292 405 755 238 62 361 11,333 12 56 386 8,618 30,748 118 13,429 20 160 158 246 236 866 579 82 940 13,914 13 708 8,869 81,988 616,338 5,228 331,799 2,445 2,555 7,635 14,779 11,746 51,083 15,020 2,216 24,863 146,969 14 2,492 19,191 133,993 803,120 5,295 441,953 285 4,960 4,425 9,547 6,026 42 ,680 24,564 2,237 43,485 217,663 15 20 3,990 6,386 505 65 26 90 89 5 15 5,591 16 5 31 2,156 6,553 10 2,423 5 40 75 41 110 148 25 15 55 3,606 17 35 716 4,355 25 2,462 5 10 70 37 111 107 65 15 70 1,378 IB 10 40 253 3,461 10 2,404 5 15 40 76 51 136 55 15 92 562 19 52 81 1,930 11 1,271 15 20 45 74 30 165 55 10 73 161 20 2 7 15 374 12 174 33 30 29 25 21 ..* 5 1 179 48 8 87 23 5 5 5 1 31 15 6 2 2 24 3 4 22 23 7 123 2,844 7,630 7 2,425 ;j 120 160 166 434 106 36 182 3,969 24 36 1£6 3,447 9,718 45 3,992 35 61 135 91 442 204 35 397 4,281 25 515 6,023 69,889 239,877 950 60,178 875 3,055 11,362 4,497 52,936 4,055 1,065 12,542 88,362 26 2,420 9,878 65,941 193,860 540 58,777 275 685 7,280 2,528 41,128 5,980 585 1A.860 61,222 27 2 116 4,340 10,156 21 3,087 15 20 95 97 149 274 104 15 125 6,154 28 36 191 5,443 14,295 31 4,829 5 75 82 121 135 437 238 32 484 7,826 29 138 2,150 98,384 203,943 485 49,076 285 650 1,345 1,887 2,747 15,452 2,889 125 4,357 124,645 30 855 5,665 118,970 243,741 1,160 64,563 625 605 992 2,041 2,705 12,721 3,845 1,130 10,159 143,195 31 2 42 430 1,542 538 5 40 33 47 91 27 45 716 32 128 445 4,946 19,964 5,562 50 335 517 487 2,116 660 1,298 8,939 33 1 94 4,176 9,298 21 2,740 10 20 60 86 117 210 87 15 88 5,844 34 10 1,705 93,438 183,979 485 43.51A 235 650 1,010 1,370 2,260 13,336 2,229 125 3,059 115,706 35 16 179 5,155 14,254 35 4,771 15 70 180 208 297 635 182 42 307 7,512 36 2,865 23,148 263,716 688,257 2,999 214,893 525 2,565 5,145 19,791 10,524 108,374 15,688 5,460 39,608 262,685 37 2 133 4,668 13,405 50 4,339 10 15 115 187 277 494 119 31 237 7,531 38 770 14,057 359,083 1,168,729 13,956 307,980 3,150 280 3,690 33,096 26,334 115,773 11, 593 3,970 45,381 603,526 39 11 101 3,552 9,775 45 3,302 25 100 187 271 496 103 31 214 5,001 40 525 6,112 73,788 304,002 3,574 84,197 415 2,560 10,851 6,138 71,832 3,173 2,612 20,917 97,733 41 11 60 1,078 3,502 22 1,114 15 25 84 160 268 56 30 111 1,617 42 335 2,637 15,854 95,468 640 17,475 70 1,120 4,885 3,515 29,934 1,705 1,910 9,062 25,152 43 17 183 8,334 23,554 61 7,677 25 75 225 265 464 819 228 56 335 13,324 44 65 1,059 26,071 86,769 647 26,266 135 180 885 1,708 1,949 8,892 860 210 2,016 43,001 45 17 189 8,710 25,768 76 9,349 35 85 295 293 415 840 238 62 361 13,719 46 56 386 10,080 33,032 118 13,429 20 160 158 258 261 955 579 87 940 16,067 47 1,361 17,042 250,261 1,060,158 6,663 441,053 2,730 4,080 12,035 28,028 18,990 119,471 21,964 3,406 41,762 359,976 48 5,767 34,734 318,904 1,240,721 6,995 565,293 910 5,840 6,102 18,868 11,259 96,529 34,389 3,952 68,504 422,080 49 17 189 7,109 19, 961 51 6,578 15 75 255 288 426 861 212 57 356 10,787 50 56 366 7,965 24,663 93 9,615 20 125 121 269 231 937 504 77 880 11,791 51 3,905 35,283 407,393 1,232,136 7,523 359,268 525 3,855 10,760 42,004 21,159 233,142 22,916 9,137 73,067 448,780 52 7,320 39,592 308,668 1,048,405 3,537 319,317 2,255 3,225 3,626 29,971 11,574 194,567 30,374 5,625 70,652 373,682 53 17 169 7,206 19,966 66 6,328 15 75 230 272 385 813 218 57 345 11,162 54 56 351 7,979 24,179 78 8,993 20 115 133 233 231 875 504 82 845 12,070 55 3,635 37,205 622,799 1,856,986 16,955 522,873 3,675 2,845 8,835 52,887 36,858 224,147 27,281 9,430 84,989 866,211 56 7,078 55,044 5 564,538 1 1,936,562 75 6 9,172 618,856 17 2,670 3,205 5 7,966 31,250 7 20,581 221,868 31 53,182 6,725 5 93,541 2 867,546 8 57 58 39 45 15 2,493 23 152 35 153 1,853 23 80 55 165 60 61 6 6 167 2,106 6 966 10 15 34 67 166 81 17 136 608 62 57 100 1,330 34,709 110 15,728 200 185 950 779 5,220 1,076 208 4,299 5,954 63 7 99 1,438 8,377 11 3,589 20 40 90 124 153 244 144 35 193 3,734 64 366 3,602 21,527 208,033 316 111,151 765 880 2,575 4,889 3,981 12,650 6,692 675 9,456 54,003 65 120 1,011 3,214 17 887 15 65 158 102 358 67 32 142 1,371 66 76 495 2,332 17,587 140 3,307 12 90 1,405 730 5,935 278 274 1,222 4,194 67 140 2,930 11,985 81,823 795 13,582 95 490 6,310 3,018 27,176 1,420 1,460 5,721 21,756 68 32 250 1,164 209 15 67 28 192 11 10 78 554 69 16 301 1,257 8,597 964 85 570 158 3,761 598 100 530 1,831 70 95 1,587 5,777 48,720 6,844 1,080 3,841 1,386 19,226 1,390 500 2,347 12,106 71 16 173 5,386 19,054 53 8,380 25 50 215 228 324 546 212 47 335 8,639 72 52 478 7,081 40,278 236 20,872 135 80 556 886 820 3,012 810 136 1,592 11,143 73 170 3,264 44,467 285,426 2,016 156,904 865 460 2,880 5,469 4,996 16,103 6,283 586 9,672 79,192 74 11 155 2,318 15,141 15 9,052 15 40 165 104 187 200 209 21 285 4,848 75 28 445 3,163 40,971 10 30,560 62 78 273 291 635 716 819 60 1,248 6,219 76 58 1,276 11,085 154,883 60 116,366 260 230 950 1,394 1,901 2,431 2,467 123 4,048 24,653 77 7 55 1,103 3,905 1 1,143 20 75 210 45 81 137 111 21 85 1,976 78 22 42 605 5,855 1 1,172 997 374 848 62 120 214 559 16 152 1,340 79 17 240 2,058 17,259 1 4,356 935 1,385 2,415 175 247 591 2,023 57 525 4,549 SO 1 39 390 1,741 20 685 5 15 5 70 62 128 15 10 55 671 81 121 344 5,347 158 1,641 8 10 5 412 160 1,558 146 48 375 826 -V 40 746 2,329 26,060 1,315 8,139 20 15 5 2,800 814 5,855 458 250 2,166 4,223 83 186 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 4.-FARMS, ACREAGE, VALUE, AND USE OF COMMERCIAL [Data are based on reports for only Areas 6 and C Livestock dairy and poultry FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number 1954. , 1950. , Land in farms acres 1954., 1950. , Average size of farm acres 1954.. 1950. . lue of land and buildings: Average per farm. ..................... ..dollars 1954., 1950. , Average per acre dollars 1954., 1950. , Proportion of farms reporting value percent 1954., Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting 1954., 1949. , acres 1954., 1949., 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 1954., 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 1954., 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 1954., 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 1954.. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1954., 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 1954., 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 1954., 500 acres and over farms reporting 1954 . , Cropland used only for pasture, .farms reporting 1954.. 1949., acres 1954., 1949., Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting 1954., 1949., acres 1954., 1949., Cropland used only for crops not harvested and not pastured... farms reporting 1954., acres 1954., Cropland lying idle farms reporting 1954., acres 1954., Woodland pastured farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. Woodland not pastured farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting 1954., acres 1954., Improved (see text)..... farms reporting 1954., acres 1954.. Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954., Cropland, total farms reporting 1954.. 1949., acres 1954., 1949. , Land pastured, total farms reporting 1954., 1949., acres 1954., 1949.. Woodland, total farms reporting 1954., 1949., acres 1954., 1949. , Irrigated land in farms farms reporting 1954., 1949., acres 1954., 1949., Cover crops turned under and land planted to another crop .farms reporting 1954., acres 1954., Cropland used for row or grain crops farmed on contour farms reporting 1954., acres 1954., USE OF C0>MERCIAL FERTILIZER Crops on which commercial fertilizer was used, 1954: Hay and cropland pastured farms reporting. acres on which usi Other pasture farms reporting. acres on which used. Corn .farms reporting. acres on which used. Cotton .farms reporting. acres on which used. 25,931 30,443 4,259,650 4,104,609 164.3 134.3 6,584 4,563 45.61 36.27 23,221 27,967 625,542 806,844 7,743 3,533 2,139 1,025 4,633 6,895 484,275 582,853 5,940 6,535 114,149 186,269 2,901 34,279 3,766 79,870 10,665 1,127,500 5,091 779,245 8,403 1,045,213 1,846 350,268 20,430 83,726 24,421 29,311 1,223,966 1,575,966 16,031 16,693 2,656,988 2,201,411 13,121 12,947 1,906,745 1,650,951 56 Fruits, vegetables, potatoes, Other crops ....farms reporting. acres on which used. ....farms reporting. acres on which used. 1,565 31,764 163,874 15,191 26 ,432 180,114 17,876 41,979 162,772 1,187 1,228 4,608 1,952 11,523 53,956 17,041 4,306 387.3 187.2 13,437 5,558 39.91 29.69 11,027 11,407 941,732 765,379 85.4 67.1 3,032 2,266 40.03 35.49 11,027 11,407 280,303 328,584 1,756 ,559 1,546 1,954 63,401 49,887 2,716 1,894 39,649 29,238 1,575 13,406 1,583 26,243 32,042 8,260 22,968 11,027 11,407 383,353 407,709 6,407 5,544 451,842 269,360 5,007 4,093 376,379 254,709 13,143 960 33,510 7,915 12,592 97,728 10,522 30,608 119,071 452 4,440 27,942 296.0 27,833 2,247 94.03 19.21 2,435 146.8 48.7 12,169 434.6 9,962 33.46 242,557 258 .000 527.3 440.3 37,712 23,402 81.28 56.31 36,786 6,843 193.6 129.1 10,991 24,256 57.37 173.31 2,472 1,674,533 1,739,583 889.3 703.7 38,732 22,317 46.76 32.71 1,439 2,100 137,948 170,217 1,094 251,717 318,829 210,804 1,664 25,031 1,648 2,308 411,920 545,145 1,865 2,258 1,269,611 1,198,970 1,594 1,860 657,947 695,050 11 FERTILIZER, BY TYPE OF FARM: a sample of farms. See text] ALABAMA CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued 187 Areas and C— Co ,ti„ued Area 7a Type of farm — Cont .nued Total Type of farm General —Con. Miscel- Livestock General Miscel- Pr li imarily Crop and livestock unclassi- fied all Cash- grain Cotton Other field- crop Vegetable Fruit- and-nut Dairy Poultry dairy and Primarily Primarily livestock Crop and livestock and unclas- sified 19 206 11,976 28,830 147 11,335 1,351 35 51 132 .:. 2,728 1,717 33 1,532 9,548 1 63 557 14,646 34,913 50 4,967 10,919 85 141 llu 2,634 3,106 35 2,162 10,602 2 19,349 191,278 1,028,380 4,074,977 24,886 1,190,525 244,811 775 11,615 33,442 32,833 901,902 305,820 7,365 340,273 980,730 3 31,886 188,934 994,891 4,080,728 3,220 408,786 1,190,070 7,315 23,724 20,615 8,977 793,816 376,859 2,960 348,501 895,885 1,018.4 928.5 85.9 141.3 169.3 105.0 181.2 22.1 227.7 253.3 148.6 330.6 178.1 223.2 222.1 102.7 5 506.1 339.2 67.9 116.9 64.4 82.3 109.0 86.1 247.1 146.2 77.4 301.4 121.3 84.6 161.2 84.5 6 47,145 43,061 3,107 5,962 6,128 5,745 5,836 2,410 17,164 14,391 8,471 11,987 7,202 9,170 9,303 3,659 7 19,433 10,837 2,340 4,543 3,540 3,877 4,723 2,737 6,121 8,951 5,474 8,216 5,358 3,036 6,556 2,952 8 60.72 42.48 40.39 47.09 35.80 57.01 33.94 114.76 95.06 58.33 52.44 40.73 43.45 47.68 44.82 42.95 9 43.59 32.32 37.95 40.13 54.97 47.54 43.68 31.81 27.48 61.22 66.24 28.76 45.35 35.90 41.54 38.25 10 68 71 82 76 80 81 77 71 69 59 81 68 77 85 78 74 11 19 206 9,867 25,056 147 11,335 1,351 35 51 104 155 2,221 1,717 33 1,532 6,375 12 57 557 12,635 32,213 50 4,967 10,919 85 96 101 75 2,330 3,106 35 2,142 8,307 13 3,331 24,662 111,824 1,133,959 8,175 578,563 82,592 680 3,588 6,983 4,715 127,698 119,443 1,729 106,495 93,298 14 5,883 39,116 173,285 1,352,717 2,055 205,342 576,180 2,020 4,900 5,772 2,420 107,437 177,082 900 117,326 151,283 15 2 5,812 3,684 275 20 5 15 15 61 259 10 15 3,009 16 26 2,943 3,743 25 1,400 95 20 15 35 265 60 45 1,783 17 48 708 3,708 10 1,946 207 11 5 246 180 11 165 927 18 43 275 5,594 70 3,355 367 10 10 10 25 501 380 5 399 462 19 8 26 89 6,224 20 3,297 502 5 53 16 670 805 16 675 165 20 31 24 1,770 15 935 134 5 12 12 2ie 239 1 183 16 21 18 13 297 7 112 24 3 1 53 38 12 22 1 12 3 36 15 2 1 9 5 3 1 23 7 74 1,850 7,328 25 2,289 365 25 83 73 1,282 516 27 625 2,018 24 32 167 3,095 8,352 1,006 2,169 10 22 66 51 1,185 724 20 639 2,460 25 2,567 18,098 71,336 218,172 1,915 48,875 9,225 1,765 5,753 1,685 66,645 13,402 763 17,444 50,700 26 6,308 23,866 93,446 186,232 12,777 33,757 195 2,745 3,335 650 58,481 10,332 240 12,798 50,922 27 4 63 2,797 7,486 31 2,398 440 5 30 43 762 435 22 441 2,879 26 34 153 3,622 9,706 20 896 2,872 15 26 31 40 843 812 685 3,466 29 860 4,501 42,836 169,786 800 37,157 15,565 30 925 767 24,119 10,615 235 9,677 69,896 30 507 8,534 80,507 211,309 180 12,851 53,588 70 765 579 545 39,590 15,968 14,538 72,635 31 2 460 2 400 10 616 55 3,885 1,153 8,983 1,885 33,853 1,358 17,9% 6,613 151,"90 10 135 2o 665 550 5,079 2,043 32,078 55 990 425 14,575 5 30 10 200 25 725 6 8 43 759 155 3,696 639 20,423 72 1,333 380 9,282 6 85 16 150 108 2,372 369 7,305 386 4,098 2,642 65,798 32 33 34 35 13 5,397 2 1,312 154 49,326 76 47,980 4,425 310,106 2,409 320,064 15,297 991,338 11,298 1,133,773 56 5,750 57 6,681 5,231 214,091 3,810 230,888 674 48,545 570 71,064 41 3,202 20 1,765 68 7,012 54 4,816 135 8,100 85 13,528 2,143 287,571 1,352 252,332 1,009 60,248 794 71,590 31 2,795 16 800 1,137 91,510 824 78,962 4,772 262,514 3,716 401,347 36 37 38 39 13 5,411 12 3,405 145 43,731 22,101 3,271 146,890 560 34,356 8,860 328,591 3,850 129,542 41 1,150 20 215 2,653 52,972 1,059 18,153 358 12,242 131 2,640 15 60 5 10 26 1,070 11 965 101 7,301 61 3,961 60 2,935 44 1,194 1,545 124,027 847 59,898 605 22,261 254 6,606 22 850 17 490 708 28,926 389 13,466 2,726 74,797 1,012 21,944 40 41 42 43 19 472 19 63 6,757 12,698 19 63 13,375 18,321 13 52 6,709 10,877 193 2,980 206 557 47,261 71,516 196 477 111,155 93,546 185 370 97,306 86,251 9,537 25,324 10,809 13,704 225,996 347,238 6,810 7,285 528,332 393,354 5,740 5,785 630,170 510,037 23,463 99,358 26,788 33,585 1,521,917 1,750,258 20,091 22,538 1,538,101 1,238,911 19,837 22,932 2,125,111 2,040,003 110 415 147 50 10,890 2,235 81 20 8,815 855 87 15 12,431 440 8,605 27,979 11,335 4,967 664,595 230,970 6,918 2,766 315,938 93,674 6,800 2,757 444,979 155,075 - IC 5,578 1,351 10,919 107,382 663,525 865 6,752 70,012 254,634 866 6,658 119,609 459,122 15 35 35 85 680 2,285 15 35 60 2,235 45 4,465 50 195 51 96 5,383 8,410 46 78 6,037 6,328 46 81 4,967 14 ,203 126 t 52 121 116 13,661 9,686 132 121 20,066 10,064 105 111 11,828 8,714 2C6 1,103 170 91 7,167 3,615 151 76 12,720 2,840 151 76 21,628 4,837 2,425 19,510 2,479 2,487 218,462 205,508 2,615 2,325 478 ,243 394,382 2,462 2,261 539,903 511,065 13 1,366 8,261 1,717 3,106 143,460 203,382 1,291 2,189 95,911 85,042 1,261 2,170 131,838 149,430 27 193 33 35 2,727 1,140 32 35 4,408 1,450 31 35 3,595 1,620 1,414 7,259 1,532 2,147 133,616 144,662 1,417 1,806 137,880 118,574 1,341 1,826 170,472 175,988 8,129 28,178 7,817 9,466 213,894 274,840 6,528 6,325 388, 011 268,833 6,687 6,897 663,861 555,049 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 3 12 16 59 100 41 772 530 2 240 60 61 3 195 2,895 295 3,453 2,058 45,397 17 605 806 16,279 148 3,073 17 505 6 140 378 10,441 224 4,782 5 50 258 7,474 199 2,048 62 63 3 44 4,920 560 6,217 11,575 524,771 87 4,480 5,214 252,476 645 38,602 15 335 31 1,050 53 3,815 74 3,010 1,167 68,406 810 56,039 22 1,020 786 49,866 2,671 45,670 64 65 10 340 1,791 5 161 703 49 850 4,230 24 765 4,283 380 2,587 14,601 225 1,786 9,352 2,026 14,370 69,654 2,026 15,038 77,735 20 360 1,100 15 30 200 536 2,419 11,990 335 1,770 8,524 82 376 1,545 86 388 2,510 67 850 3,918 43 604 3,123 18 84 450 30 79 440 523 5,781 27,770 602 7,318 37,558 144 1,060 6,095 133 994 6,159 12 57 305 189 1,246 5,840 186 1,330 6,325 435 2,137 10,641 596 2,525 12,896 66 67 68 70 71 6 56 268 167 1,166 6,698 6,080 5,593 40,988 22,324 90,830 603,079 142 1,096 5,565 10,575 41,733 295,540 1,208 5,395 36,106 30 58 480 85 502 3,175 95 485 3,216 1,952 14,151 79,463 1,578 8,572 58,358 28 138 1,033 1,491 9,746 60,248 5,140 8,954 59,895 72 73 74 32 81 175 1,020 3,144 6,559 7,521 30,968 18,833 55,645 209,439 55 81 265 11,060 38,432 148,812 897 2,486 8,094 5 6 30 10 12 45 28 144 465 49 128 481 800 2,061 6,613 1,649 5,150 18,339 18 36 138 1,424 3,939 13,279 2,838 3,170 12,878 75 76 77 80 478 14 72 504 70 715 3,582 623 457 1,659 503 828 3,978 4,150 5,126 17,737 16,056 46,392 225,881 5 21 60 91 161 860 1,703 1,913 6,537 8,188 19,768 99,403 158 280 1,369 1,220 5,398 27,016 10 26 305 10 14 65 40 184 720 5 12 105 21 41 70 319 1,302 30 20 45 48 108 722 3% 649 1,931 1,408 5,968 27,342 346 762 2,344 1,562 6,284 30,017 16 10 45 27 61 426 338 626 1,960 1,352 5,329 24,759 1,087 594 2,351 2,081 2,970 13,864 78 '.".i 80 81 32 83 188 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 4.-FARMS, ACREAGE, VALUE, AND USE OF COMMERCIAL [Data are based on reports for only FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number 1954. 1950. Land in farms acres 1954. 1950. Average size of farm acres 1954. 1950. Vol.,,- of land and buildings: Average per farm dollars 1954. 1950. Average per acre dollars 1954. 1950. Proportion of farms reporting value. ... .percent 1954. Laud iu farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 1954. 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 1954. 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 1954. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 1954. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1954. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 1954. 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 1954. 500 acres and over farms reporting 1954. Cropland used only for pasture. .farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Cropland used only for crops not harvested and not pastured farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. Cropland lying idle farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. Woodland pastured farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. Woodland not pastured.. farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reportijlg 1954. acres 1954.. Improved (see text) ...farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Cropland, total farms reporting 1954. 1949., acres 1954.. 1949., Land pastured, total farms reporting 1954.. 1949., acres 1954.. 1949., Woodland, total farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954., 1949., Irrigated land in farms farms reporting 1954., 1949., acres 1954., 1949.. Cover crops turned under and land planted to another crop farms reporting 1954., acres 1954.. Cropland used for row or grain crops farmed on contour farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER Crops on which commercial fertilizer vas used, 1954: Hay and cropland pastured farms reporting. acres on which used. Other pasture farms reporting. acres on which used. Corn farms reporting. acres on which used. Cotton farms reporting. acres on which used. Fruits, vegetables, potatoes, Other crops ....farms reporting. acres on which used. ....farms reporting. 6,430 7,161 938,720 858,034 146.0 119.8 5,317 3,255 39.48 29.71 2,011 1,532 62,854 43,146 3,028 327,727 2,670 370,423 5,568 13,853 6,128 3,266 3,944 16,350 6,483 1,365 209.1 136.5 34,206 5,690 163.57 140,819 85,713 112.3 2,409 42.3.8 28.29 44,453 553 40,887 1,057 2,360 1,254 1,184 2,491 20,462 3,280 65.60 1,335 1,055 211,635 6,250 2,440 147,000 89.0 70.3 564.4 173.6 122.0 325.9 2,631 5,622 17,213 3,267 7,375 7,212 29.56 79.93 34.98 22.03 60.45 23.54 Livestock dairy and poultry 96,393 182 55,505 FERTILIZER, BY TYPE OF FARM: ALABAMA CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued 189 a sample of farms. See text] Area 7b — Continued AreaE 8 and D Type of farm — Cont lnued Total Type of rarm General — Con. Miscel- Livestock General Miscel- Primarily Crop and and farms grain Cotton field- Vegetable Fruit- Dairy Poultry than Primarily Primarily Crop and and livestock livestock fied crop poultry crop livestock liveatock aified 12 50 4,650 6,904 250 983 166 101 20 259 200 538 140 12 183 4,052 1 15 170 5,426 7,632 192 736 206 130 80 271 310 358 369 25 302 4,653 2 5,540 13,678 541,351 765,894 41,313 111,604 51,382 14,190 3,555 53,977 8,330 172,290 36,847 2,350 44,146 225,910 3 250 60,310 537,357 693,791 28,693 55,295 35,796 8,325 10,440 47,045 16,385 131,816 57,581 2,455 61,086 238,874 4 461,7 273.6 116.4 110.9 165.3 113.5 309.5 140.5 177.8 208.4 41.6 320.2 263.2 195.8 241.2 55.8 5 16.7 354.8 99.0 90.9 149.4 75.1 173.8 64.0 130.5 173.6 52.9 368.2 156.0 98.2 202.3 51.3 6 28,125 6,476 4,251 10,252 17,595 6,650 34,946 18,764 31,750 28,165 15,093 18,503 21,226 105,000 20,326 6,021 7 1,717 10,132 2,850 6,757 13,713 4,158 13,666 4,262 17,228 17,659 6,666 12,023 13,093 6,625 13,182 4,489 8 60.92 27.19 37.70 103.08 118.57 68.02 120.17 131.20 178.62 130.24 385.30 61.99 88.78 175.00 87.90 132.09 9 103.00 28.17 31.39 78.47 85.02 54.91 87.00 71.10 128.16 98.34 122.25 40.74 80.12 74.65 67.40 93.68 10 100 86 86 81 75 85 86 90 100 78 72 78 81 17 86 81 11 12 50 3,903 5,633 250 983 166 101 20 237 130 461 140 12 183 2,950 12 15 170 4,506 6,094 192 736 206 130 80 221 245 325 369 25 302 3,263 13 430 2,046 37,484 218,533 21,524 47,905 28,956 6,958 1,975 15,522 2,800 24,808 16,783 746 15,016 35,540 14 90 6,166 55,609 206,114 16,687 30,140 17,316 3,840 3,235 12,854 5,425 19,014 28,358 900 23,956 44,389 15 2,498 2,128 10 55 25 55 47 1,936 16 5 967 1,085 10 255 15 35 30 105 5 5 15 610 17 15 314 604 45 175 5 10 31 25 77 5 20 211 18 15 94 630 35 226 20 30 5 36 10 63 20 52 133 19 12 25 666 61 192 42 31 5 67 5 106 56 6 58 37 20 1 3 338 72 48 43 10 10 27 5 48 36 1 24 14 21 16 31 51 5 15 14 15 12 8 22 15 1 I 5 1 1 3 2 1 23 5 19 1,318 2,330 92 354 66 45 5 155 35 338 61 2 104 1,073 24 5 63 1,117 2,372 86 215 83 6C 20 140 85 161 162 10 144 1,206 25 200 873 30,495 60,389 2,648 5,132 3,250 695 45 10,422 500 16,069 2,208 377 4,337 14,686 26 10 2,779 23,415 61,169 1,595 2,105 2,165 780 1,330 9,830 1,610 18,284 2,775 70 5,035 15,590 27 5 11 653 1,548 31 160 30 46 23 45 107 26 31 1,049 28 38 1,564 2,187 82 145 50 45 45 64 65 87 101 10 88 1,405 29 10 90 12,786 29,091 930 2,745 560 704 667 520 3,393 1,370 627 17,575 30 1,185 21,807 43,980 2,381 2,270 915 465 1,360 1,810 1,045 4,642 3,355 75 4,395 21,267 31 5 95 371 6 35 15 6 11 30 50 16 12 190 32 10 2,255 5,010 435 130 190 31 590 300 1,294 565 230 1,245 33 11 570 1,265 30 125 15 41 12 20 67 10 31 914 34 90 10,531 24,081 495 2,615 370 673 77 220 2,099 805 397 16,330 35 7 33 2,050 2,363 85 377 73 41 15 139 50 318 63 6 107 1,089 36 1,270 5,746 173,654 229,090 5,834 29,812 6,555 1,045 645 15,986 1,865 77,266 4,657 710 12,147 72,568 37 7 34 1,851 2,152 78 332 65 56 5 41 50 202 69 1 72 1,181 38 2,577 3,655 255,180 154,150 6,751 19,098 4,673 3,810 700 2,407 1,115 34,803 8,114 317 8,676 63,686 39 2 33 723 1,515 82 277 77 10 110 70 196 54 5 60 574 40 956 1,220 22,129 47,718 2,155 3,675 4,322 400 7,207 1,010 13,091 2,299 150 1,697 11,712 41 2 12 213 907 41 162 36 10 73 35 121 48 5 54 322 42 955 395 4,829 24,634 1,080 2,455 1,818 400 4,159 490 7,176 1,873 150 1,562 3,471 43 12 49 4,028 6,349 225 923 160 96 15 259 190 488 139 12 173 3,669 44 97 48 9,623 26,923 1,471 3,237 3,066 578 190 1,766 520 2,840 1,416 50 1,646 10,143 45 12 50 4,365 6,214 250 983 166 101 20 243 155 493 140 12 183 3,468 46 15 170 4,992 6,915 192 736 206 130 80 261 260 341 369 25 302 4,013 47 640 3,009 80,765 308,013 25,102 55,782 32,766 8,357 2,020 26,611 3,820 44,290 20,361 1,123 19,980 67,801 48 100 10,130 100,831 311,263 20,663 34,515 20,396 5,085 5,925 24,494 8,080 41,940 34, 488 1,045 33,386 81,246 49 12 45 2,952 4,414 180 757 126 81 15 259 110 516 120 7 167 2,076 50 5 130 2,935 4,460 142 421 145 85 35 246 205 270 279 25 232 2,375 51 2,426 7,839 226,278 337,197 10,637 38,619 14,127 2,140 690 33,615 3,375 106,446 9,164 1,237 18,181 98,966 52 45 27,539 196,222 242,314 5,885 13,746 8,346 2,325 3,370 25,273 4,805 66,840 13,095 840 23,489 74,300 53 12 50 3,160 4,006 137 637 107 71 20 157 90 431 110 7 143 2,096 54 5 154 3,520 4,770 107 386 121 95 50 204 180 286 279 25 236 2,801 55 3,847 9,401 428,834 383,240 12,585 48,910 11,228 4,855 1,345 18,393 2,980 112,069 12,771 1,027 20,823 136,254 56 20 41,087 372,183 327,339 111 12 5,895 1 16,911 12,227 17 2,580 15 3,630 5 16,219 7 6,215 80,186 6 19,129 1 1,100 22 ,234 1 141,013 58 12 57 58 39 4,634 145 150 760 1,035 155 455 475 12 15 1,577 145 60 61 22 133 388 82 40 30 10 21 5 45 27 1 43 84 62 166 1,273 12,535 3,220 445 1,456 165 1,421 200 1,040 2,083 10 1,323 1,172 63 1 23 802 412 18 171 17 5 22 83 15 1 20 60 64 75 711 8,722 12,483 690 4,720 490 350 560 2,869 585 40 1,103 1,076 65 6 7 230 840 46 63 61 30 5 118 20 106 38 6 63 284 66 6 81 777 9,512 536 617 1,750 42 5 1,937 26 2,139 410 28 888 1,134 67 130 285 4,171 36,416 1,925 1,653 4,415 285 30 7,678 130 8,190 1,881 143 3,372 6,714 68 11 169 665 40 126 36 5 72 20 119 38 2 45 162 69 53 596 5,741 298 640 382 68 1,145 65 1,717 388 62 346 630 70 380 3,338 22,406 1,050 2,070 1,815 210 4,147 240 7,166 1,519 149 1,243 2,797 71 11 49 3,205 4,190 195 928 123 86 15 202 95 387 129 11 167 1,852 72 25 176 3,371 21,550 2,340 5,703 1,270 340 93 2,235 288 2,933 1,170 78 1,281 3,819 73 185 1,347 24,061 83,973 5,473 25,807 4,039 1,352 235 7,810 1,115 12,537 3,929 275 5,191 16,210 74 6 48 1,827 1,93*4 27 972 10 31 5 28 25 111 70 76 579 75 10 102 1,340 5,914 50 3,968 166 56 25 158 50 329 178 158 776 7': 35 349 5,715 16,859 167 11,219 343 160 60 318 155 893 548 532 2,464 77 31 567 1,687 95 196 165 81 20 47 25 95 112 7 113 731 78 13 241 22,832 742 906 10,238 3,926 350 760 33 538 2,330 57 1,558 1,394 79 80 81 82 83 71 799 30,331 1,106 2,115 9,648 3,800 1,085 1,454 55 1,472 3,690 67 2,325 3,514 5 146 1,462 176 269 109 35 5 59 45 150 87 6 124 5 16 184 11,739 2,290 1,034 2,050 266 12 480 202 1,659 904 37 1,091 1,714 15 36 693 53,442 11,455 4,404 10,959 615 60 2,300 1,035 5,518 5,089 259 5,796 5,952 190 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 5.-FARM FACILITIES, OFF-FARM WORK, WORK POWER. FARM LABOR, [Data are baaed on reporta for only and explanati Livestock dairy and poultry SPECIFIED FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT Telephone farms reporting 1954. Electricity farms reporting 1954. 1950. Television set farms reporting 1954. Piped running water farms reporting 1954. Home freezer farms reporting 1954 . Electric pig brooder farms reporting 1954. Power feed grinder farms reporting 1954. Milking machine farms reporting 1954 . Grain combines farms reporting 1954 . number 1954. Corn pickers farms reporting 1954. number 1954. Pick-up hay balers farms reporting 1954 . number 1954. Field forage harvesters farms reporting 1954. number 1954. Motortrucks farms reporting 1954 . number 1954. Tractors, other than garden farms reporting 1954. 1950. number 1954. 1950. Automobiles farms reporting 1954 . number 1954. OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Kur With other income of family exceeding value of farm products sold operators reporting Working off their farms, total operators reporting 100 or more days operators reporting FARMS BY CLASS OF WORK POWER No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting No tractor but horses and/or mules farms reporting Tractor and horses and/or mules. .. .farms reporting Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting FARM LABOR Wetli of October 24-30: Family and/or hired workers farms reporting persons Family workers, including operator farms reporting Operators working 1 or more hours persons Unpaid members of operator ' s family farms reporting persons Hired workers farms reporting persons Regular workers (to be employed 150 or more days) farms reporting persons Seasonal workers {to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting persons SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Specified farm expenditures1 farms reporting Machine hire and/or hired labor farms reporting Machine hire farms reporting dollars Hired labor farms reporting dollars $1 to $2,499 farms reporting $2,500 and over farms reporting Feed for livestock and poultry. -farms reporting dollars 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1'3'..'. . 1954. Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing material farms reporting dollars 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1949. 105-4. 1949. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1954. 1954 ■ 1954. 1954 . 1954. 1954. 195-'. . 28,138 155,114 144,569 32,261 4,618 5,086 2,942 2,974 2,962 3,016 769 803 59,347 65,359 51,982 36,487 62,526 44,067 75,503 83 ,371 83,582 54,408 49,312 67,477 23,916 28,066 139,865 135,815 54,126 97,134 17,577 69,426 170,047 110,750 78,870 8,453,232 72,530 77,605 29,539,218 26,835,922 70,209 2,321 115,328 114,249 52,248,195 26,208,582 144,2% 40,319,911 962,434 4,780,271 6,793 203,221 1,163,425 229,006 57,098 1,609 49,757 7,649 7,780 271 16,373 887 6,629 427 1,071 1,141 1,262 1,278 22,418 914 23,784 1,130 22,451 935 15,147 2,723 26,059 1,355 17,996 3,290 23,258 949 24,913 1,097 22,268 18,413 4,923 2,945 226 283 479 29,941 10,230 12,221 1,152 2,168 58,966 152,707 1,131 58,629 1,104 57,591 356 496 241 568 28,290 57,351 7,341 37,765 1,196 661,979 15,756 78,957 104 3,580 20,481 4,540 66,875 55,278 39,785 4,419,247 37,737 31,867 12,314,002 9,348,968 36,933 804 36,396 35,173 4,929,825 3,461,133 31,038 19,695 6,434,807 4,066,285 65,559 20,413,243 475,802 2,409,820 1,932 45,876 241,179 47,449 1,587 1,566 1,752 1,541 1,173 279,387 1,194 6,934 997,329 1,890,472 1,107 87 1,095 6,895 285,033 834,410 1,120 3,784 540,703 1,122,576 1,687 1,370,647 33,989 118,753 144 2,417 19,312 3,556 343,793 8,153 17,481 142 ,618 3,112 13,605 1,183 2,531 2,335 2,402 2,342 1,091 1,768 1,032 2,969 2,585 2,039 1,320 304,882 1,656 1,654 3,000,347 2,967,295 1,297 359 2,408 2,148 7,359,912 5,678,366 2,007 1,662 1,126,845 933,020 2,213 1,589,013 41,093 190,331 451 18,146 99,170 17,861 1,427 2,960 1,057 3,082 8,940 7,318 2,383 6,947 3,797 140 1,524 159 1,244 169 1,428 70 548 70 557 66 1,005 66 1,030 15 141 15 149 1,887 5,738 2,057 6,974 1,513 5,894 474 3,667 1,662 8,607 521 5,159 1,748 5,525 1,894 7,080 3,080 6,586 3,048 2,9% 3,183 2,779 2,036 1,563 2,075 3,466 2,428 8,274 18,599 7,915 7,749 1,918 2,862 2,735 2,016 1,183 102,297 1,536 857 989,644 342,783 1,436 3,340 1,732 22,500,601 ,226,203 2,300 648,0% 14,598 69,564 158 3,021 16,731 3,054 6,720 3,%1 975,028 5,648 5,568 ,845,923 ,374,260 5,168 8,194 6,863 7,156,737 3,667,942 6,613 4,839 2,871,215 2,055,206 7,651 5,437,905 137,520 679,145 1,384 72,145 413,466 81,353 1Excludes farms reporting commercial fertilizer and lime. AND FARM EXPENDITURES, BY TYPE OF FARM a sample of farms. See text] ALABAMA CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 191 The State— Continued Areal Typo o farm— Continued ital all Type of farm General — Con. Mia, Livestock General Miscel- Primarily Crop and Caen grain Cotton Other field- Vegetable Fruit- Dairy Poultry "than" Primarily Primarily Crop and aneoua livestock livestock fied crop ''poultry" crop livestock livestock sified 61 684 16,267 4,299 83 1,214 5 25 194 85 485 33 22 138 2,015 i 219 3,257 72,934 20,701 159 11,057 10 10 40 494 180 810 105 32 280 7,524 2 426 5,586 63,370 18,577 64 11,146 10 25 366 232 543 165 45 495 5,476 3 46 556 17,889 3,013 21 1,262 5 111 55 280 20 2 52 1,205 4 174 2,288 33,402 7,998 88 3,099 25 338 160 662 75 27 185 3,339 ! 121 980 13,791 3,874 72 1,445 15 193 40 450 48 21 86 1,504 - 6 77 195 133 83 1 31 1 1 10 V 45 414 1,104 784 26 285 106 5 186 15 7 61 93 e 37 93 247 385 5 134 188 5 22 1 7 7 16 9 29 440 438 907 48 356 97 15 214 34 12 48 83 10 34 482 455 1,005 56 387 101 15 262 36 14 51 83 11 2 217 180 626 31 359 49 5 131 14 1 24 12 12 2 219 180 641 32 367 49 5 136 15 1 24 12 l.i 28 166 330 493 23 191 56 131 12 11 31 38 14 29 172 334 500 23 192 56 136 12 12 31 38 15 4 38 125 123 10 52 13 29 1 1 17 ii. 4 39 125 125 10 53 13 30 1 1 17 17 141 2,280 20,933 7,637 92 4,473 5 10 30 279 80 547 95 27 190 1,809 18 168 2,599 22,518 8,438 121 4,934 5 10 30 309 95 678 111 33 229 1,883 19 146 2,320 13,817 9,158 109 5,756 5 30 299 105 592 100 27 225 1,910 20 190 2,528 7,857 7,743 44 5,821 10 20 191 36 337 100 30 291 863 21 206 3,004 14,874 11,639 220 7,262 5 30 419 115 1,049 154 53 304 2,028 22 233 3,212 8,576 9,815 88 7,327 15 20 256 43 517 169 35 415 930 23 136 1,547 38,533 11,253 87 5,398 5 30 262 120 586 65 22 164 4,514 24 193 1,843 41,645 12,732 106 6,059 5 30 298 125 892 89 38 204 4,886 25 38 352 55,922 6,245 25 854 5 41 45 188 21 6 15 5,045 26 81 755 67,503 6,698 16 1,194 5 5 26 86 151 17 10 56 5,132 ..''.' 65 1,048 55,647 10,401 56 4,106 5 5 20 112 65 265 47 16 70 5,634 28 93 1,704 54,704 8,391 21 3,536 10 5 67 100 210 33 10 142 4,257 29 13 370 45,174 6,212 35 1,101 5 51 40 200 21 1 10 4,748 30 51 391 42,740 4,433 16 774 5 26 45 143 12 60 3,352 31 31 226 38,387 8,579 40 3,691 10 5 120 60 137 5 30 4,481 32 42 851 31,309 3,918 10 2,177 10 80 15 106 5 5 25 1,485 33 100 1,391 5,395 3,917 63 2,488 15 179 35 336 50 26 154 571 34 46 929 8,422 5,241 46 3,268 5 15 120 70 256 50 1 71 1,339 35 209 3,196 58,780 17,432 129 10,241 10 10 40 459 170 728 105 32 275 5,233 36 501 8,348 91,512 46,788 355 33,463 10 15 55 981 330 1,701 318 105 688 8,767 37 207 3,143 58, U6 17,226 128 10,160 10 10 40 451 170 683 105 31 275 5,163 38 196 3,088 55, 582 16,722 123 9,935 10 10 40 441 170 671 104 26 269 4,923 39 90 1,417 17,356 7,786 71 5,348 5 15 200 80 158 36 20 137 1,716 40 113 2,277 26,141 15,757 101 12,052 5 15 290 135 224 47 20 195 2,673 41 62 727 3,641 2,681 54 1,738 102 25 268 30 12 63 389 42 192 2,963 9,789 1A.309 131 11,476 250 25 806 167 59 224 1,171 43 17 284 605 627 23 293 51 10 159 10 2 17 t>2 44 66 799 1,796 1,639 42 807 115 10 430 24 17 53 141 45 53 550 3,173 2,301 48 1,594 72 15 149 22 11 53. 337 46 126 2,184 7,993 12,670 89 10,669 135 15 376 143 42 171 1,030 47 219 3,392 77,117 21,093 154 11,589 10 10 40 499 180 835 110 32 280 7,354 48 166 2,912 35,709 15,710 119 10,212 10 10 30 384 125 620 105 27 250 3,818 49 141 2,249 26,020 12 , 10- 65 7,756 5 10 20 315 100 409 79 26 211 3,108 50 27,038 418,748 1,347,697 1,539,541 18,215 1,136,126 175 575 1,730 46,012 5,115 95,999 25,071 5,280 32,898 172,345 51 121 2,320 18,950 10,916 99 7,505 10 10 25 274 90 554 90 17 215 2,027 52 292 4,068 21,768 12,543 48 9,046 5 5 25 256 102 434 130 35 340 2,117 53 145,556 1,334,670 3,990,110 4,931,060 61,103 3,368,572 1,750 875 25,750 220,945 23,400 603,532 53,043 41,000 145,570 385,520 54 139,324 1,861,314 3,964,216 6,250,615 48,896 4,676,243 7,500 50 8,425 272,093 22,434 481,379 62,855 13,800 167,670 489,270 55 107 2,202 15,745 10,508 96 7,211 10 10 25 252 90 500 86 15 193 2,020 56 14 118 205 408 3 294 22 54 4 2 22 7 57 194 2,912 57,613 13,139 82 5,855 5 30 468 175 736 85 27 259 5,417 58 369 4,793 51,392 13,558 42 8,036 15 25 291 232 435 107 35 393 3,947 59 378,868 1,475,305 7,308,882 3,152,666 7,340 788,730 875 5,400 378,317 586,645 625,364 22,078 35,775 149,437 552,705 60 266,665 1,427,691 5,885,498 2,547,927 5,715 996,489 1,075 2,880 228,362 579,090 190,455 21,231 22,290 121,350 376,990 61 167 2,653 27,099 12,024 119 7,391 5 5 30 334 130 602 100 32 235 3,041 62 276 3,370 11,973 9,382 43 6,674 5 15 251 117 402 110 35 > ' 1,363 63 76,992 972,449 2,040,315 2,859,870 67,073 1,902,447 75 1,250 1,810 133,195 22,830 331,066 39,105 16,435 106,545 238,039 64 74,542 1,089,306 1,414,915 2,627,700 29,143 1,862,192 1,745 5,490 132,770 23,851 216,035 51,411 9,395 128,284 167,384 65 218 3,333 56,238 17,982 149 11,431 10 10 30 394 125 655 105 32 270 4,771 66 109,839 2,01! ,189 5,828,214 5,006,670 94,926 3,589,430 840 3,975 3,375 154,974 21,740 498,462 63,361 17,750 152,282 405,555 67 2,870 49,203 137,797 127,776 2,271 26 105 85 4,351 574 12,076 1,549 522 4,033 10,487 68 14,143 239,475 740,078 699,427 15,792 498,452 140 220 500 20,842 2,975 65,531 9,267 2,993 22,625 60,090 69 58 478 1,732 1,040 26 498 5 88 5 137 27 16 57 131 70 1,800 16,401 31,829 38,625 1,120 15,062 10 3,170 200 12,123 700 765 3,695 1,780 71 9,345 96,014 190,545 154,471 5,610 58,403 75 13,085 515 48,436 2,545 2,545 13,677 9,580 72 1,461 18,408 40,700 33,449 1,740 11,627 60 2,635 100 10,187 495 485 3,910 2,210 73 192 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 5.-FARM FACILITIES, OFF-FARM WORK, WORK POWER, FARM LABOR, [Data are based on reports for only Type of farm Livestock dairy and poultry SPECIFIED FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT Telephone farms reporting 1954 . Electricity farms reporting 1954. 1950. Television set farms reporting 1954. Piped running water farms reporting 1954. Home freezer farms reporting 1954 . Electric pig brooder farms reporting 1954. Power feed grinder farms reporting 1954. Milking machine farms reporting 1954. Grain combines farms reporting 1954 . number 1954 . Corn pickers farms reporting 1954 . number 1954. Pick-up hay balers farms reporting 1954 . number 1954 . Field forage harvesters farms reporting 1954. number 1954. Motortrucks farms reporting 1954. number 1954. Tractors, other than garden farms reporting 1954. 1950. number 1954 . 1950. Automobiles farms reporting 1954 . number 1954. OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Far With other income of family exceeding value of farm products sold operators reporting 1954.. 1949 . . Working off their farms, total operators reporting 1954 . . 1949.. 100 or more days operators reporting 1954.. 1949.. FARMS BY CLASS OF WORK POWER No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting 1954.. No tractor but horses and/or mules farms reporting 1954 . . Tractor and horses and/or mules. .. .farms reporting 1954.. Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting 1954.. FARM LABOR Week of October 24-30; Family and/or hired workers farms reporting 1954.. persons 1954 . . Family workers, including operator farms reporting 1954 . . Operators working 1 or more hours persons 1954 . . Unpaid members of operator's family farms reporting 1954 . . persons 1954. . Hired workers farms reporting 1954 . . persons 1954. . Regular workers (to be employed 150 or more days) farms reporting 1954. . persons 1954 . . Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting 1954., persons 1954.. . SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Specified farm expenditures1 farms reporting 1954. Machine hire and/or hired labor farms reporting 1954 . Machine hire farms reporting 1954 . dollars 1954. Hired labor farms reporting 1954 . 1949. dollars 1954. 1949. $1 to $2,499 farms reporting 1954. $2,500 and over farms reporting 1954. Feed for livestock and poultry. .farms reporting 1954. 1949. dollars 1954. 1949. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil farms reporting 1954. 1949. dollars 1954. 1949. Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing material farms reporting 1954. dollars 1954. tons 1954. acres on which used 1954. Lime and liming material farms reporting 1954. tons 1954. dollars 1954. acres limed 1954. 25,516 6,584 10,277 3,206 10,393 8,975 5,593 4,261 7,674 3,589 5,842 24,313 17,082 12,211 1,052,492 10,920 11,516 2,439,626 1,813,869 10,818 102 14,996 16,077 11,988,040 3,367,586 21,207 6,453,128 138,315 619,643 690 15,943 73,813 15,982 99, 419 2,166 12,650 840 12,325 14,043 2,710 3,769 1,042 41 83 20 5,094 5,200 5,410 3,432 5,622 3,762 4,438 4,515 6,886 13,296 1,482 5,923 12,745 10,544 7,472 668,627 6,969 6,872 1,295,365 840,345 6,954 15 6,430 8,276 885,350 901,300 12,470 ,382,320 92,619 413,692 110,065 2,442 7,220 95,302 2,136 9,686 34 2,252 9,505 1,895 1,051 1,036 293,975 6,212 26,936 315,325 7,426 36,328 91 5,306 24,089 6,072 Excludes far cial fertilizer and li: AND FARM EXPENDITURES, BY TYPE OF FARM a sample of farms. See text] ALABAMA CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued 193 Area 2— Continued Areas 3 and A Type of farm— Cont inued Total all Type of farm General -Con. Miscel- and Cash- grain Cotton Other field- Vegetable Fruit- and-nut Dairy Poultry dairy and General Miscel- laneous unclaa- Blfii '1 Pr marily Crop and Primarily Primarily Crop and 1 i livestock ried crop crop livestock livestock 62 1,114 6,053 42 626 32 10 224 259 259 73 54 4,473 1 16 440 8,090 18 942 164 4,645 15 107 36 423 491 640 178 16 151 12,076 2 81 1,072 7,788 20 248 110 5,464 40 100 10 390 225 446 140 406 12,876 3 163 2,410 7 948 • 1,322 62 5 252 229 309 68 40 5,572 4 16 310 3,862 9 554 88 1,536 42 11 3S6 361 472 92 11 . 6,455 5 89 1,145 345 52 686 12 10 181 163 295 34 5 55 2,852 6 25 35 80 21 27 5 26 7 10 42 15 61 10 791 437 6 142 46 ]] 5 178 323 33 6 161 2 19 1 1 35 12 46 6 9 37 51 476 33 109 1 5 75 22 100 19 1 35 76 10 37 51 500 34 110 1 5 80 24 109 22 1 38 76 11 ".6 37 272 27 115 29 49 11 17 23 12 47 37 273 27 115 29 1 50 11 17 23 13 17 436 6 91 1 5 99 8 107 14 1 19 85 14 6 17 26 442 81 81 b 91 11 11 1 104 33 33 8 1 1 108 10 10 14 5 5 1 19 85 21 21 15 16 17 10 270 2,399 6.495 78 1,768 72 16 258 241 400 86 6 106 3,464 18 10 277 2,490 7 083 , 1,870 21 335 266 476 92 9 125 3,700 19 10 290 1,770 6 888 103 2,584 42 21 361 181 467 87 1 126 2,915 20 41 ".66 1,129 786 65 2,025 15 20 10 275 70 276 71 27 206 1,726 21 10 317 1,851 7 350 119 2,937 71 27 470 218 653 121 4 173 3,057 23 51 506 1,280 481 95 2,266 15 20 20 364 80 353 103 262 1,859 16*. 3,964 10 505 2,207 27 1 282 300 382 65 11 81 7,050 25 6 169 4,150 11 501 104 2,380 28 1 371 325 453 91 15 98 7,635 30 5,323 10,166 15 550 o 10 78 181 178 39 20 9,089 26 176 6,784 12,791 20 543 5 5 58 70 92 10 16 62 11,910 27 5 132 5,206 11,656 61 1,723 35 20 108 206 228 90 62 9,123 28 11 232 4,851 12,313 31 1,676 15 15 102 60 119 31 10 118 10,136 29 37 4,142 9,094 25 642 10 69 141 152 27 37 7,991 30 10 36 3,564 9,143 16 375 5 5 51 45 72 11 5 23 8,535 31 a 45 4,510 6,613 25 850 5 46 250 48 35 15 5 5,334 32 110 2,152 6,059 41 1,416 15 60 15 21 65 131 56 20 4,219 33 152 534 2,899 48 1,120 32 11 159 65 230 49 1 69 1,115 34 10 138 1,236 3,989 55 1,464 10 10 202 116 237 38 57 1,800 35 11 415 5,724 15,300 154 4,420 15 97 21 413 451 567 148 16 121 8,877 36 37 21 1,159 9,343 29,389 235 11,733 15 374 52 1,197 821 1,126 429 31 293 13,083 11 ,14 5,644 15,155 154 4,398 15 97 21 398 451 542 148 16 110 8,805 38 11 404 5,313 14,658 154 4,302 15 97 21 393 436 522 148 16 110 8,444 39 5 272 1,861 5,258 36 2,057 76 16 199 216 163 71 5 56 2,363 40 41 42 43 5 478 2,798 9,254 47 4,430 142 31 335 267 271 116 5 71 3,539 5 69 404 1,627 22 618 37 170 55 122 43 1 30 529 5 277 1,232 5,477 34 3,001 135 469 118 333 165 10 112 1,100 1 27 404 5 ^9 11 133 30 60 3 1 9 73 45 3 33 833 5 150 17 310 66 95 13 7 46 124 5 68 382 1,328 17 570 37 75 26 81 42 1 22 457 46 5 1,199 29 2,851 118 159 52 238 152 3 66 976 47 16 440 7,751 18,914 164 4,820 15 107 36 428 491 641 178 16 151 11,867 48 5 370 3,853 10,149 94 3,993 15 82 21 347 216 461 148 6 111 4,655 49 5 295 2,908 6,903 63 2,826 15 36 10 206 97 194 111 6 72 3,267 630 31,087 149,270 607,614 9,705 324,949 750 2,075 2,260 44,014 8,710 22,949 13,745 385 14,782 163,290 52 5 255 1,958 6,618 58 2,988 10 72 16 272 176 391 106 1 91 2,437 51 671 2,467 6,252 40 2,565 10 50 5 216 80 234 66 32 226 2,728 - 55 56 57 250 42,360 195,976 2,545,553 22,650 981,413 470 53,900 24,700 558,250 186,520 257,845 51,500 11,000 60,300 337,005 21,095 87,975 450,230 1,765,247 21,410 551,498 1,375 32,155 13,000 357,178 33,380 205,972 22,750 10,487 116,232 399,810 5 255 1,953 6,431 57 2,939 10 70 16 208 157 373 103 84 2,414 5 187 1 49 2 64 19 18 3 1 7 23 16 405 5,432 13,672 78 2,396 10 77 21 403 486 515 99 16 120 9,451 58 76 860 5,021 13,175 73 2,865 20 55 5 361 170 315 60 27 280 8,944 59 8,020 231,116 656,703 6,952,347 12,190 306,673 1,100 8,190 4,999 1,620,642 3,192,890 354,231 11,947 33,750 49,750 1,355,985 59,905 249,315 555,275 3,251,453 29,460 288,174 1,875 11,685 400 982,918 390,610 177,997 7,650 10,862 113,111 1,236,711 61 15 330 3,120 8,986 139 2,848 5 52 21 378 256 501 96 6 141 4,543 1 2 63 ... 6! 56 550 1,722 5,573 50 2,329 20 50 5 315 80 239 81 27 246 2,081 2,000 72,395 198, 115 1,347,498 29,335 546,862 125 26,325 9,300 151,681 57,665 159,372 33,897 1,875 49,055 282,006 232,546 12,850 84,040 179,962 1,036,936 13,320 419,818 4,500 11,075 5,000 130,117 24,955 86,777 22,605 10,636 75,587 15 435 5,408 14,245 148 4,699 15 102 21 361 230 530 157 16 141 7,825 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 3,130 185,800 704,542 3,096,079 70,610 1,557,575 1,950 69,638 6,908 210, 179 58,515 302,028 70,346 4,405 65,070 678,855 72 4,048 15,621 72,387 1,558 35,678 35 1,636 170 5,703 1,312 7,266 1,608 96 1,588 15,737 310 17,536 70,676 360,331 10,032 170,640 375 4,015 1,350 26,741 6,944 32,126 8,572 608 7,517 91,411 5 25 145 850 15 146 113 26 99 8 1 40 760 2,090 23,932 315 3,827 4,684 385 6,419 242 20 1,223 6,817 235 4,480 8,485 123,851 1,635 17,630 23,671 1,940 31,014 915 60 5,471 41,515 45 820 1,715 27,185 230 3,951 5,454 275 7,395 247 40 1,042 8,551 194 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 5.-FARM FACILITIES, OFF-FARM WORK, WORK POWER, FARM LABOR, [Data are based on reports for only and explenati Areas 4 and Livestock dairy and poultry SPECIFIED FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT Telephone farms reporting 1954... Electricity farms reporting 195-4... 1950... Television set farms reporting 1954... Piped running water farms reporting 1954... Home freezer farms reporting 1954. . , Electric pig brooder farms reporting 1954... Pouer feed grinder farms reporting 1954. . . Milking machine farms reporting 1954 . . Grain combines farms reporting 1954 . . number 1954.. Corn pickers farms reporting 1954. . number 1954 . . Pick-up hay balers farms reporting 1954 . . number 1954 . . Field forage harvesters farms reporting 1954.. number 1954 . . Motortrucks farms reporting 1954. . number 1954 . . Tractors, other than garden farms reporting 1954.. 1950.. number 1954 . . 1950.. Automobiles farms reporting 1954 . . number 1954 . . OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Faro operators — With other income of family exceeding value of farm products sold operators reporting 1954.. 1949 . . Working off their farms, total operators reporting 1954.. 1949.. 100 or more days operators reporting 1954. . 1949.. FARMS BY CLASS OF WORK POWER No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting 1954.. No tractor but horses and/or mules farms reporting 1954.. Tractor and horses and/or mules farms reporting 1954.. Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting 1954.. FARM LABOR WEEK OF OCTOBER 24-30: Family and/or hired workers farms reporting 1954.. persons 1954 . . Family workers, including operator farms reporting 1954.. Operators working 1 or more hours persons 1954.. Unpaid members of operator's family farms reporting 1954 . . persons 1954. . Hired workers farms reporting 1954 . . persons 1954. . Regular workers (to be employed 150 or more days ) farms reporting 1954 . . persons 1954.. Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting 1954.. persons 1954.. . SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Specified farm expenditures1 farms reporting 1954.. Machine hire and/or hired labor farms reporting 1954. , Machine hire farms reporting 1954 . , dollars 1954 . , Hired labor farms reporting 1954.. 1949 . . dollars 1954.. 1949.. $1 to $2,499 farms reporting 1954.. $2 ,500 and over farms reporting 1954 . Feed for livestock and poultry .. farms reporting 1954.. 1949. dollars 1954. 1949. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil farms reporting 1954. 1949. dollars 1954. 1949. Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing material farms reporting 1954. dollars 1954. tons 1954. acres on which used 1954. Lime and liming material farms reporting 1954. tons 1954. dollars 1954. acres limed 1954. 12,048 11, 757 4,076 6,755 1,167 3,341 53 3,467 36 2,5U 1,317 162,384 33 2,110 16 1,428 3,614 489, 427 4,425 302,239 33 2,092 18 41 1,830 11 1,683 4,475 254, 545 1,675 128,644 43 1,170 26 726 9,372 153, 405 5.B50 116,877 88 4,048 27,756 1,025,528 609 23,008 4,045 117,430 11 101 730 2,864 3,300 17,597 620 3,264 13,375 286 1,584 2,565 20,045 2,630 46,875 1,169 5,556 5,398 39, 193 7,215 1Excludes farms reporting commercial fertilizer and lime. AND FARM EXPENDITURES, BY TYPE OF FARM a sample of farms. See text] ALABAMA CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued 195 Areas , and B— Continued Areas Type of farm — Cont inued Total Type of farm General — Con. Miscel- Livestock General Miscel- I'r imarily Crop and and farms grain Cotton fiel - Vegetable Fruit- Dairy Poultry than Primarily Primarily Crop and unclas- ' »es oo fied poultry sified 7 55 1,896 3,573 13 583 25 106 64 137 232 23 11 90 2,290 1 1? 183 8,362 24,779 71 8,153 35 85 280 283 491 846 237 62 341 13,895 2 51 342 7,588 25,078 78 9,572 I! 115 157 244 261 858 477 86 862 12, 353 3 6 36 2,320 5,198 12 1,161 , 20 85 94 179 310 27 16 64 3,220 4 12 133 3,932 9,243 40 1,921 45 220 222 446 635 112 42 207 5,333 5 17 1,643 3,721 9 822 16 10 60 123 105 334 50 27 95 2,071 6 13 74 21 5 11 11 5 1 20 7 2 48 180 738 210 10 78 40 17 71 157 8 2 11 16 294 43 145 15 9 5 16 11 50 9 1 24 56 558 13 152 5 46 26 167 10 6 64 69 10 1 25 57 624 15 164 5 4 6 29 195 12 6 79 73 11 10 9 179 88 10 6 30 15 12 18 12 10 9 181 89 10 6 31 15 12 18 13 2 45 393 82 5 48 21 140 3 2 25 60 14 6 1 1 45 7 404 73 85 82 28 34 5 48 8 13 21 5 5 143 9 10 3 30 3 3 63 20 20 15 16 17 11 114 2,525 9,096 35 3,219 15 70 220 186 315 568 146 37 278 4,007 18 11 134 2,742 9 877 3,416 15 70 245 220 355 686 184 38 325 4,270 19 12 129 1,355 6 528 41 2,636 :i 20 150 211 203 564 108 37 246 2,292 20 21 14 9 812 4 287 43 1,909 5 15 51 81 50 397 109 16 334 1,277 21 13 173 1,449 7 712 62 3,090 25 20 165 270 223 835 128 39 350 2,505 22 22 177 858 964 52 2,201 5 20 51 97 60 532 137 16 431 1,362 23 12 103 4,826 11 .A' 35 2,981 15 20 60 143 248 530 63 42 154 6,952 24 17 120 5,211 12 216 51 3,193 35 20 60 191 258 680 68 44 198 7,418 25 41 6,073 11,310 17 572 5 15 23 109 175 42 • 16 69 10,267 26 30 69 8,198 13,209 7 616 16 34 85 194 53 5 119 12,055 27 6 79 6,557 14,445 24 3,361 15 25 75 96 185 355 103 11 139 10,056 28 15 97 6,341 14, 753 32 3,848 5 70 51 63 55 319 158 20 317 9,815 29 47 5,624 9,170 13 678 5 5 15 28 102 228 38 6 62 7,990 30 15 24 5,193 8,496 6 465 20 16 27 25 193 47 10 54 7,633 31 5 4,179 9,260 25 2,042 15 20 40 25 132 102 25 10 15 6,809 32 5 55 3,804 11,572 10 4,671 45 105 57 156 236 105 15 100 6,072 33 98 689 3,314 18 1,339 15 5 60 127 96 345 46 27 188 1,048 34 31 666 3,214 23 1,297 5 15 90 84 107 219 62 10 58 1,244 35 17 174 6,850 20, 732 66 7,668 30 70 175 273 461 783 187 57 341 10,621 36 36 508 10,006 41,355 149 19,074 50 165 425 678 1,116 1,859 588 94 1,117 15,640 37 17 173 6 801 20,566 66 7,643 30 70 170 273 456 751 186 57 339 10, 525 38 17 168 6,589 20, 029 65 7,532 25 70 170 267 445 749 186 57 329 10,134 39 2 97 1,886 7,208 17 3,536 10 35 40 156 251 167 68 21 145 2,762 40 3 144 2,585 12,537 27 6,927 25 60 80 241 405 255 121 21 253 4,122 41 7 42 375 1,926 18 772 10 15 45 69 85 258 62 7 65 520 42 16 196 832 8,789 57 4,616 ' 00 35 175 170 266 855 281 16 535 1,384 43 1 21 59 537 7 138 5 5 10 46 28 152 17 2 45 82 44 3 39 112 1,357 20 408 5 5 10 87 41 322 55 * 122 278 45 6 33 343 1,553 11 671 10 15 35 45 66 145 53 6 37 459 46 13 157 720 7,432 37 4,207 95 30 165 83 225 533 226 12 413 1,106 47 17 189 8,144 25,865 76 9,304 35 85 295 293 491 902 238 62 361 13,723 48 12 153 3,895 15,313 60 7,143 30 65 255 199 315 579 188 47 270 6,162 49 12 119 2,877 10, 624 42 4,744 15 40 115 143 190 293 114 41 200 4,687 50 1,705 12,241 131, 656 909,319 2,810 429,160 16,! 65 1,015 18,355 29,119 13,760 95,194 20,518 5,510 38,472 238,841 51 12 112 1,899 9,251 45 4,635 25 60 225 153 230 486 163 32 220 2,977 52 36 225 1,936 10, 744 52 4,677 10 90 98 154 136 562 318 46 534 4,067 53 6,000 47,565 277, 140 3,426,810 24,300 1,510,385 32,! 25 21,090 160,315 154,318 133,919 555,676 88,568 16,688 208, 200 521,026 54 15,390 82,246 280,200 2, 733, 202 27,250 1P32, 240 5 50 63,780 56,909 139,021 80,710 431,229 140,121 9,595 209,762 542,035 \^ 11 110 1,882 8,960 40 4,511 20 60 215 124 219 430 155 31 198 2,957 56 1 2 17 291 5 124 5 10 29 11 56 8 1 22 20 57 12 157 5,566 17,234 25 5,052 10 45 135 268 481 739 136 57 290 9,996 58 51 236 5,365 17,888 62 6,086 10 80 76 217 226 712 350 82 701 9,286 59 16,500 55, 955 784,978 6,429,369 10,916 709,034 1,7 50 5,350 41,780 482,968 2,886,370 665,594 52,210 116,340 214,247 1,247,810 60 31,430 63, 670 660,237 3,104,144 12,375 484,194 I 75 7,485 9,565 338,418 650,950 331,830 38,545 27,420 181,964 1,021,123 61 12 139 2,896 11,104 60 4,043 25 60 175 237 299 620 172 47 281 5,085 62 36 200 1,282 6,588 48 2,835 5 65 76 98 115 515 237 36 475 2,083 63 4,105 38,560 179,182 1,731,325 10,855 725,584 18,0 00 8,310 36,250 78,485 73,373 271,219 55, 120 16,540 112, 960 324,629 64 6,187 52,601 97,563 1,196,519 22,840 462,488 5 00 16, 705 19,645 41,318 31,930 201,901 70,316 3,100 116, 155 209,621 65 17 184 6,246 22,082 60 9,063 30 75 270 254 370 749 223 62 361 10,565 '66 8,974 80,290 626,469 5,086,816 22,340 2,603,806 43, 20 24,250 91,950 144,989 118,746 566,659 122, 225 25,275 218, 210 1,105,246 67 197 1,907 14,843 118,813 544 58,455 1,1 02 552 1,867 3,667 2,624 15,160 3,213 635 5,170 25,724 68 520 10,038 78, 122 616,320 4,187 307,337 2, 00 2,150 7,965 19, 660 12,342 71,310 14,136 2,936 24,303 147,894 69 47 302 772 6 193 5 5 29 160 24 10 45 257 70 223 1,005 5,849 29,733 160 6,670 10 30 1,271 1,119 11,401 512 135 3,432 4,993 71 2,066 7,545 41,007 166,235 1,100 36,118 100 450 7,113 5,696 61,7o2 3,775 940 21,533 27,658 178 1,242 6,022 33,952 150 8,342 75 40 1,184 895 11,142 480 85 3,587 7,972 1% STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 5.-FARM FACILITIES, OFF-FARM WORK, WORK POWER, FARM LABOR, [Data are based on reports for only Areas 6 and C Livestock dairy and poultry SPECIFIED FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT Telephone farms reporting 1954. Electricity farms reporting 1954. 1950. Television set farms reporting 1954. Piped running water farms reporting 1954. Home freezer farms reporting 1954 . Electric pig brooder farms reporting 1954. Power feed grinder farms reporting 1954 . Milking machine farms reporting 1954 . Grain combines farms reporting 1954 . number 1954. Corn pickers farms reporting 1954 . number 1954. Pick-up hay balers farms reporting 1954 . number 1954 . Field forage harvesters farms reporting 1954 . number 1954 . Motortrucks farms reporting 1954 . number 1954. Tractors, other than garden farms reporting 1954. 1950. number 1954. 1950. Automobiles farms reporting 1954 . number 1954. OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME rur With other income of family exceeding value of farm products sold operators reporting 1954.. 1949 . . Working off their farms, total operators reporting 1954.. 1949 . . 100 or more days operators reporting 1954.. 1949.. FARMS BY CLASS OF WORK POWER No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting 1954.. No tractor but horses and/or mules farms reporting 1954.. Tractor and horses and/or mules. .. .farms reporting 1954.. Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting 1954.. FARM LABOR Week of October 24-30: Family and/or hired workers farms reporting 1954.. persons 1954 . . Family workers, including operator farms reporting 1954 . . Operators working 1 or more hours persons 1954. . Unpaid members of operator's family farms reporting 1954.. persons 1954. . Hired workers farms reporting 1954 . . persons 1954.. Regular workers (to be employed 150 or more days) farms reporting 1954. . persons 1954 . . Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting 1954.. persons 1954.. . SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Specified farm expenditures1 farms reporting 1954.. Machine hire and/or hired labor farms reporting 1954 . . Machine hire farms reporting 1954 . . dollars 1954 . . Hired labor farms reporting 1954 . . 1949.. dollars 1954.. 1949.. $1 to $2,499 farms reporting 1954., $2,500 and over farms reporting 1954.. Feed for livestock and poultry. .farms reporting 1954., 1949., dollars 1954., 1949., Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil farms reporting 1954 . 1949. dollars 1954. 1949. Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing material farms reporting 1954 . dollars 1954. tons 1954. acres on which used 1954. Lime and liming material farms reporting 1954. tons 1954. dollars 1954. acres limed 1954. 2,717 16,278 11,113 2,222 5,276 3,082 80 919 169 5,446 6,523 3,740 2,606 5,624 7,6 14,601 2,946 10,992 24,984 16,041 10,332 983,958 10,683 9,833 5,307,844 5,170,435 10,1A5 538 18,090 14,736 9,287,451 5,060,897 21,566 5,116,283 128,819 657,862 516 29,368 172,289 32,895 1,857 2,026 1,163 2,262 7,602 9,122 21,705 9,082 8,928 7 5,327 660 351,241 9 3 5,246 3,713 9,262 1 359,170 5,050 1 019,188 7 5,130 2,413 1,191 514,806 326,709 10,549 2,097,833 49,895 250,971 72 2,332 13,939 2,545 1,140 1,571 1,136 1,586 1,541 1,330 565 1,516 88,813 9,145 314,744 394 119 1,381 427 43 1,707 ! ,174,646 162,381 1,731,139 1 ,271,574 76,064 1,896,653 253 98 1,197 141 21 184 433 184 1,724 490 48 1,858 . 521,504 2,003,504 2,678,403 1 984,651 363,748 1,572,875 358 144 1,365 405 38 1,281 361,681 64,404 865,677 315,343 17,647 757,646 374 118 1,382 426,037 47,018 1,405,687 11,629 1,133 39,000 57,792 6,757 200,348 44 25 231 3,180 415 17,007 18,413 3,040 102,309 2,867 905 18,509 1Excludes farms reporting ial fertilizer and lime. AND FARM EXPENDITURES, BY TYPE OF FARM a sample of farms. See text] ALABAMA CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued 197 Areas 6 and C— Continued Area 7a Type of farm — Cont inued Total all Type of farm General — Con. Miscel- laneous Cash- grain Other Livestock General Miscel- laneous Ft marily Crop and and farms Cotton fi.-ld- Vegetable and-'nut Dairy Poultry da.ry and Primarily Primarily crop and li estook livestock fied crop crop livestock livestock 10 68 1,068 2,880 26 522 96 1 34 76 533 90 7 153 1,342 1 19 164 7,320 25,404 127 9,595 1,199 25 36 131 2,650 1,612 33 1,480 6,305 2 52 306 4,836 22, 964 20 2,689 7,058 75 75 131 116 2,184 2,376 35 1,753 6,452 3 7 50 976 1,749 10 471 72 25 25 303 81 6 97 659 4 19 120 2,338 13,300 46 3,762 602 20 16 126 185 2,122 927 33 1,062 4,399 5 15 76 1 1,268 35 5,333 183 25 1,403 295 5 52 87 1,068 37 387 16 23 425 39 1,563 41 6 5 44 125 772 5 168 10 51 24 256 43 2 81 132 8 9 5 53 197 22 102 6 6 1 30 30 9 8 50 63 640 21 194 28 6 8 158 93 102 30 10 10 64 71 711 21 209 29 8 8 167 133 104 32 11 11 14 477 11 193 17 6 111 44 52 43 12 11 14 483 11 199 17 111 52 43 13 8 34 39 291 102 11 8 1 79 22 1 34 28 14 8 35 40 291 102 11 8 1 79 22 1 34 28 15 2 3 -/ 10 5 7 1 7 6 1 9 16 16 2 4 27 68 10 5 7 1 8 11 1 9 16 17 14 139 1,739 11,045 51 4,062 638 20 11 124 116 1,662 992 22 995 2,332 18 22 202 1,906 11,992 56 4,267 679 20 12 156 118 1,928 1,097 22 1,078 2,539 19 18 123 777 9,460 47 3,573 614 5 6 102 81 1,704 27 998 1,378 2C 25 169 419 6,365 10 618 2,468 15 24 61 20 958 750 10 669 762 21 40 235 910 11,330 55 4,196 ■:■ 5 11 134 99 2,210 1,118 28 1,210 1,501 22 35 279 512 7,557 15 714 2,902 20 34 30 1,220 869 10 804 860 23 18 104 3,415 12,383 40 4,060 702 5 11 74 126 1,490 335 16 685 4,339 24 38 203 3,735 13,383 40 4,245 782 5 16 94 141 1,748 377 16 735 4,684 25 3 41 7,820 7,703 16 607 76 5 5 73 466 113 11 113 6,218 26 10 30 9,062 9,334 10 322 751 15 11 36 20 372 346 5 215 7,231 27 3 98 7,236 11,105 41 3,317 303 S 51 78 795 459 13 373 5,670 28 12 180 7,560 11,297 25 1,388 2,649 15 25 35 25 652 680 493 5,310 29 3 43 4,979 5,948 16 599 42 35 67 423 103 2 93 4,568 30 6 45 5,119 5,386 5 266 542 5 20 20 281 112 107 4,028 31 1 4,574 8,155 50 2,238 256 30 15 20 75 420 236 120 4,695 32 1 82 6,625 11,215 50 5,524 481 30 10 65 604 556 6 414 3,475 33 15 118 503 4,304 26 1,585 268 1 45 29 850 425 7 562 501 34 3 5 269 5,156 21 1,988 346 : 57 52 854 500 20 436 877 35 19 190 8,296 24,085 137 10,271 1,215 20 51 127 165 2,406 1,616 33 1,452 6,592 36 74 803 14,406 49,601 209 23,700 2,828 40 90 452 267 4,850 4,262 67 3,265 9,571 37 18 165 8,182 23,854 132 10,213 1,212 20 51 126 164 2,332 1,613 33 1,439 6,519 38 17 151 7,735 23,321 127 10,091 1,197 20 51 116 163 2,288 1,583 28 1,434 6,223 39 5 79 3,015 7,756 40 3,903 316 10 16 63 61 574 536 20 512 1,705 40 123 5,186 13,736 40 7,669 609 20 26 96 71 864 1,067 25 839 2,390 41 10 87 609 3,234 21 1,279 229 6 67 23 609 340 7 297 356 42 52 529 1,485 12,544 42 5,940 1,022 13 240 33 1,678 1,612 14 992 958 43 8 42 101 861 1 265 61 6 29 8 238 87 1 112 53 44 25 274 215 1,801 2 591 128 13 77 12 474 180 1 203 120 45 6 64 543 2,681 20 1,115 197 46 16 430 304 7 230 316 46 27 255 1,270 10,743 40 5,349 894 163 21 1,204 1,432 13 789 838 47 19 206 11,140 27,931 147 11,215 1,331 35 51 132 221 2,728 1,707 33 1,532 8,799 48 19 184 ,62* 20,467 92 10,099 1,165 25 31 117 124 1,954 1,507 32 1,361 3,960 49 13 116 3,678 15,988 60 8,117 928 15 10 79 52 1,301 1,198 27 1,105 3,0% 50 5,383 41,433 148,745 2,440,996 5,645 1,249,431 207,595 300 270 11,785 3,910 266,390 257,361 5,385 212,085 220,839 51 19 167 3,252 14,195 57 6,968 869 20 31 107 109 1,590 1,132 22 1,085 2,205 52 57 344 3,335 17,485 25 2,690 6,517 55 51 106 56 1,565 2,072 10 1,417 2,921 53 33 , 563 220,436 489,901 5,623,651 15,160 2,807,794 355,353 4,250 40, 540 143,120 33,339 866,398 534,069 14,625 466,534 342,469 54 63,952 286,537 448,838 4,688,686 4,725 684,060 1, 547 , 557 10,150 28,242 118,355 12,035 676,747 637,072 775 611,675 357,293 55 14 147 3,220 13,860 56 6,827 355 20 25 99 108 1,523 1,089 20 1,050 2,188 56 5 20 32 335 1 Ul 14 6 8 1 67 43 2 35 17 57 14 169 8,380 19,494 76 6,405 820 15 31 132 221 2,458 1,118 33 1,289 6,896 58 43 325 6,862 21,129 25 2,533 6,381 55 69 136 106 2,087 2,169 25 1,652 5,691 59 82,133 187,278 926,952 5,751,405 10,850 994,584 154,035 2,250 9,140 440,325 1,052,292 1,433,316 254,275 65,350 453,304 881,684 60 90,668 112,367 555,274 3,583,123 945 216,818 730,580 6,345 11,802 364,735 191,505 768,472 271,338 6,430 402,000 610,153 61 19 HO 2,462 13,463 82 5,033 759 10 31 112 110 1,913 1,167 27 1,175 3,044 62 46 248 930 9,591 15 1,046 3,453 20 55 95 45 1,298 1,218 15 993 1,338 63 19,972 123,872 227,552 3,388,690 17,596 1,280,922 265,916 675 4,930 61,465 27,259 678,985 402,965 7,465 377,289 263,223 64 23,429 127,390 135,911 2,461,045 7,875 202,266 943,757 5,120 8,967 50,030 10,645 449,868 308,352 3,875 289,658 180,632 65 19 194 8,790 24,709 142 11,062 1,271 10 40 125 131 2,333 1,676 33 1,516 6,370 66 22 ,475 179,760 803,025 9,356,046 77,665 4,360,019 567,217 12,100 10,760 102,095 38,372 1,497,425 935,703 12,145 911,618 830,927 67 668 4,590 18,827 228,022 1,748 106,227 14,361 47 271 2,459 905 36,350 22,794 302 22,043 20,515 66 3,346 22.51A 101,911 1,206,720 7,995 570,532 76,427 400 1,330 12,160 5,354 180,878 122,378 1,942 114,196 113,128 l 9 5 19 107 1,728 517 89 5 24 11 422 173 12 224 245 70 330 1,482 4,255 33,991 205 8,631 1,111 5 484 55 12,115 3,463 81 4,386 3,455 71 1,902 8,541 21,924 251, 576 1,256 61,843 9,928 60 3,375 750 89,414 28,192 551 32,460 23,747 72 295 1,432 5,661 49,974 255 11,446 1,926 25 615 177 18,212 5,606 184 5,959 5,569 73 198 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 5.-FARM FACILITIES, OFF-FARM WORK, WORK POWER, FARM LABOR, [Data are baaed on reports fop only Type of farm SPECIFIED FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT Telephone farms reporting 195-4 . . Electricity farms reporting 1954. . 1950.. Television set farms reporting 1954 . . Piped running water farms reporting 1954.. Home freezer farms reporting 1954. . Electric pig brooder farms reporting 1954.. Power feed grinder farms reporting 1954. . Milking machine farms reporting 1954.. Grain combines farms reporting 1954 . . number 1954 . . Corn pickers farms reporting 1954 . . number 1954 . . Pick-up hay balers farms reporting 1954 . . number 1954 . . Field forage harvesters farms reporting 1954.. number 1954 . . Motortrucks farms reporting 1954 . . number 1954.. Tractors, other than garden farms reporting 1954.. 1950.. number 1954 . . 1950.. Automobiles farms reporting 1954.. number 1954. . OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Far* operators— With other income of family exceeding value of farm products sold operators reporting 1954.. 1949 . . Working off their farms, total operators reporting 1954.. 1949.. 100 or more days operators reporting 1954.. 1949.. FARMS BY CLASS OF WORK POWER No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting 1954.. No tractor but horses and/or mules farms reporting 1954,. Tractor and horses and/or mules. .. .farms reporting 1954.. Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting 1954.. FARM LABOR tteeL of Week of October 24-30: Family and/or hired workers farms reporting 1954.. persons 1954 . . Family workers, including operator farms reporting 1954.. Operators working 1 or more hours persons 1954 . . Unpaid members of operator's family farms reporting 1954. . persons 1954. . Hired workers farms reporting 1954.. persons 1954.. Regular workers (to be employed 150 or more days ) farms reporting 1954 . . persons 1954 . . Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting 1954.. persons 1954., . SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Specified farm expenditures1 farms reporting 1954.. Machine hire and/or hired labor farms reporting 1954.. Machine hire farms reporting 1954 . . dollars 1954., Hired labor farms reporting 1954. . 1949., dollars 1954.. 1949.. $1 to $2,499 farms reporting 1954,. $2,500 and over farms reporting 1954.. Feed for livestock and poultry. .farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. dollars 1954.. 1949.. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil farms reporting 1954 . . 1949.. dollars 1954 . , 1949.. Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing material farms reporting 1954.. dollars 1954.. tons 1954., acres on which used 1954 . , Lime and liming material farms reporting 1954.. tons 1954.. dollars 1954 . , acres limed 1954.. 2,274 2,489 1,005 442 1,117 493 1,700 1,960 3,465 3,502 1,902 110,127 2,401 1,991 437,991 355,928 2,375 26 4,198 651,771 500,506 5,397 728,755 16,663 1,254 245,336 5,293 33,410 20 375 138,150 108,753 31 523 1,750 55,189 15 5 243 10 5 178 250 150 117,017 1 ,950 500 42,764 15 5 352 1 ,525 150 158,912 38 3,746 385 10 19,422 1Excludes farms reporting ■ rcial fertilizer and lime. AND FARM EXPENDITURES, BY TYPE OF FARM a sample of farms. See text] ALABAMA CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued 199 Areas 7b— Continued Type of farm — Conti Areas 8 and D 3,162 3,250 2,446 2,492 3,326 3,130 4,462 2,094 1,154 43,599 1,392 1,216 198,115 196,147 1,380 12 3,500 3,181 306,302 330,759 3,651 277,563 6,528 39,120 68 1,076 6,817 1,170 2,329 6,422 5,761 1,890 4,832 1,938 22 519 ,489 3,108 ,636 3,792 496 2,945 190 2,380 534 3,873 199 2,957 ,277 3,742 ,367 4,442 4,144 3,918 3,262 3,126 1,512 766 2,179 5,887 11,890 5,819 5,678 2,597 400,413 2,615 2,916 3,405,654 2,805,963 2,292 323 5,177 5,164 2,959,048 2,914,187 3,815 2,730 1,356,542 1,139,978 5,271 3,135,005 77,502 243,077 376 10,025 69,185 11,248 244,723 6,263 21,216 551,396 12,930 47,356 86 1,585 10,274 1,230 644,650 15,848 31,851 40 1,126 8,734 1,470 272,530 6,688 22,887 389,715 9,386 35,556 201,180 5,309 16,591 203,569 5,382 18,279 1,439 3,706 3,411 1,154 2,666 987 10 2,124 1,004 163 1,648 115 1,245 32,382 79,112 126 803 212 981 134,750 1,312, 9E8 280,660 800,393 2,895 600,763 538,976 2,612 396,032 9,515 37,726 75 1,514 9,812 1,830 200 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 6.-LIVESTOCK ON HAND, LIVESTOCK SOLD, AND [Data are based on reports for only Item The State Total Type of farm Livestock General (For definitions and explanatior all Cash-grain Cotton Other field-crop Vegetable Fruit- Dairy Poultry dairy and poultry Primarily livestock on hand: farms reporting 1954 . . . 1950... 91, 393 143, 792 509 499 40,171 55,626 913 8,831 275 592 302 335 1,377 1,883 1,386 1,225 5,541 7,357 1,83 4,771 2 3 number 1954 . . . 166,059 959 78,214 1, 560 512 420 2,193 15,664 3,638 1950... 291,400 1,039 121,903 18,327 1,173 671 5,370 2,123 23,944 10,250 5 farms reporting 1954 .. . 136,377 831 52,408 1,351 361 402 2,585 2,624 8,949 2,696 6 1950... 161,494 634 60,534 9,035 517 325 2,548 1,646 8,833 5,088 7 number 1954 . . . 1,777,802 11, 754 389, 824 20,815 3,214 5,270 160,387 33,562 617,228 42,451 8 1950... 1,279,736 5,966 264 , 920 4 2,559 2,211 3,254 119,614 10,093 428,254 36,306 9 Cows, including heifers that .farms reporting 1954... 132,288 796 £1,373 1,331 351 402 2,585 2,572 8,760 2,663 10 1950... 156,534 618 59,164 B, 738 496 320 2,543 1,566 8,646 4,988 11 number 1954 . . . 984,628 6,324 214 , 028 10,481 1,582 2,642 99,888 18,253 343,944 22,434 12 1950... 689,839 2,847 141,858 22,758 1,030 1,922 73,940 4,909 229, 202 19, 107 farms reporting 1954 .. . 111,101 146,349 657 550 45,463 56,376 1,118 8,385 300 461 386 299 2,584 2,533 2,239 1,519 5,704 7,377 2,317 4,743 14 1950. . . 15 number 1954 . . . 318,110 1,420 97,398 2,596 633 811 83,033 6,774 18,657 6,014 16 1950 . . . 348,321 1,121 102,212 16,837 752 620 65,471 3,849 26,716 10,346 17 .farms reporting 1954 — 103,595 549 46,761 1,285 283 291 1,246 1,927 6,053 2,415 18 147,339 526 58,109 9,894 455 235 1,548 1,184 7,316 4,951 19 number 1954 . . . 1950... 871,566 5,434 342,275 24,957 1,932 1,547 11,375 17,042 175,892 44 , 813 20 1,083,695 4,951 304,199 150, 408 2,560 1,455 14,082 7,235 167,406 69, 783 21 Chickens 4 months old and over- .farms reporting 1954... 1950... number 1954 . . . 1950... 137,431 851 54, 305 1,419 303 391 1,861 2,489 6,690 2,593 22 183,300 670 66,886 10,380 621 363 2,254 1,880 8,075 5,349 23 5,763,965 46,145 1,606,704 43,406 11,708 17,997 112,304 1,438,660 303,093 101,488 24 5,696,138 26,585 1,958,261 243,946 18,590 13,242 96,848 449,980 302,630 172,629 Livestock and livestock products s old: 25 Cattle and calves sold alive... .farms reporting 1954... 61,947 405 21,399 671 180 226 2,433 1,538 8,380 1,661 26 1949... 81,334 367 29,890 3,610 231 188 2,283 918 7,910 3,045 27 number 1954... 655, 580 3,213 109,480 6,457 989 1,455 51,443 11,625 302,679 14,053 28 1949... 438, 894 1,424 70, 557 9,168 752 866 31,790 2,709 214,909 9,592 29 dollars 1954... 34,660,711 172,175 4,853,108 344,586 43,105 68,325 2,012,515 566,260 18,930, 633 675,659 30 1949 . . . 33,927,739 107,015 4,603,325 593,254 50,455 56,090 2,067,777 189,663 18,844,577 690,123 31 .farms reporting 1954... 42,937 285 19,084 896 96 106 615 973 5,335 2,015 32 1949... 70,332 286 24,324 7,415 191 139 858 618 6,481 3,944 33 number 1954 .. . 613,233 3,881 193,100 13,990 1,255 743 10,384 15,465 188,658 30,214 34 1949 . . . 790, 655 3,854 178,846 100,176 1,358 1,103 10,994 6,712 197,853 49,901 35 dollars 1954... 17,756,230 134,708 5,049,594 412,445 £8,205 18,664 274,058 434,341 6,378,802 843,471 36 1949... 18,190,596 79, 620 3,689,579 2,358,581 25, 535 23,689 248, 956 158, 386 5,272,769 1,179,276 37 Chickens sold .farms reporting 1954... 15,202 95 3,921 81 20 65 329 3,12.i 879 310 38 1949 . . . dollars 1954... 39,091 170 14,240 1,428 155 66 568 1,751 1,780 1,356 39 26,305,810 10,385 185, 788 5,025 695 3,645 120,605 25,257, 649 122,578 25,165 40 5,791,487 5,700 407,459 39, 355 8,085 2,922 65,411 4, 244, 177 114, 368 44,479 41 •farms reporting 1954... 30,817 306 10,969 244 70 100 677 1,854 2,186 758 42 dozens 1954 . . . 1949... dollars 1954... 1949. . . 69,432 319 27,953 2,406 276 177 1,109 1,658 3,487 2,382 43 23,327,005 166,193 1,976,669 108, 850 10,405 75,910 472,260 15,382, 910 631,059 278,890 44 14,343,650 76,429 3,373,255 258,231 28,145 31, 648 291,228 4,317,670 660,910 397,280 45 46 47 48 49 9, 705, 578 57, 943 752, 598 38,960 4,240 29,705 199,413 6,520,463 365, 176. 102, 750 6,082,864 53,350,122 28,414 44,381 1,265,819 5,015,841 114 , 520 34,530 11,830 13,914 11, 804 118,847 41, m, 5-1? 2, 52,565 847,536 273,644 1,105,410 157,051 197,233 dollars 1954... 1949... 21,968,715 18,254 1,454,284 1C, 928 2,875 18,100,258 295,507 377,967 50,388 18,725,407 12,045 867,228 41,062 5,525 6,365 15,487,518 134,637 356,705 46,870 Specified crops harvested: 50 51 .farms reportilig 1954... 134,051 171,593 1,167 773 63,573 70,877 1,659 11,327 400 642 382 338 1,590 1,792 2,065 1,378 6,053 6,955 3,006 5,540 1949... 52 acres 1954... 2,282,520 44,216 1,264,825 49,083 5,512 5,029 44,128 34,190 195,106 101, o59 53 1949... 2,481,969 22,642 1,072,743 242,945 7,355 4,290 39, 605 17,323 184,087 126,931 54 Corn harvested for grain. . .farms reporting 1954... 129,688 1,162 62, 332 1,566 380 382 1,474 2,006 5,569 2,895 55 1949... 169,179 772 70,587 11,044 632 332 1,730 1,363 6,539 5,448 56 acres 1954... 2,051,754 41,846 1,178,760 38,206 5,197 4,924 36,997 32,690 147,163 79,545 57 1949. . . 2,306,920 22,007 1,052,990 197,847 6,890 3,855 35, 374 16,563 144,080 109,348 58 bushels harvested 1954... 25,548,896 896,725 13,491,881 535,360 92,585 50,710 664,403 466,965 2,360,015 1,236,604 59 1949... 41,362,716 610,030 L9,279,896 2,821,596 139,895 84, 175 888,319 431,995 2,973,319 1,942,585 60 bushels sold 1954. . . 5,426,849 646,515 3,246,007 105, 943 24,160 6,100 23,381 110, B50 102, 947 456,326 61 1949... 4,657,272 379, 935 2,310,710 261, 913 7,090 8,525 19,475 30,320 186,224 415, 100 62 •farms reporting 1954... 8,661 268 2,704 167 41 75 625 326 1,540 438 63 1949... 3,396 86 881 126 20 6 393 101 514 221 64 acres 1954... 171,372 12,510 37,302 3,042 500 460 17,017 5,252 52,105 10,537 65 1949... 69,803 1,885 9,186 1,985 85 45 10,472 1,220 17, 220 5,209 66 bushels harvested 1954. . . 5,169,596 411,826 1,076,815 78,805 14,875 12,865 531,344 149,100 1,615,377 345, 188 67 1949... 1,337,787 58,975 205,325 31,340 1,200 1,000 212,060 26, 270 373,731 147, 735 63 bushels sold 1954... 1,347,004 299, 755 345,870 22,605 4,000 44,842 37,415 237,247 168,989 69 1949... 369,851 39,775 74,233 10,230 500 21,860 3,075 61,14 6 66,162 70 Peanuts harvested for picking fauns reporting 1954... 119 173 112 60 1,721 3,444 71 1949... 37,543 41 9,183 11,286 70 20 72 acres grown alone 1954. . . 190,875 665 91,617 27, 529 195 135 903 663 26,721 73 1949... 352,810 340 29,569 226,263 295 65 583 365 38,953 74 acres grown with other crops 1954... 135 65 15 75 1949... 342 30 155 5 10 76 pounds harvested 1954... 100,476,130 331,450 40,617,260 20,997,666 173,320 58,045 582,379 5,865,446 17, 7a, 251 77 1949... 284,160,776 147,400 18,340,308 .93,873,832 252, 295 44,800 426, 190 8,229,645 33,331,724 78 Cotton harvested farms reporting 1954. . . 106,332 368 67,295 1,050 183 220 707 1,141 2,206 2,775 1949... acres 1954... 1949... 79 145, 843 314 75,245 8,784 366 215 953 883 3,730 5,294 SO 1,142,480 3,109 897,330 9,624 1,033 1,675 6,391 23,596 30,448 31 1,845,075 2,827 1,251,236 93,427 3,055 1,745 11,274 44, 795 68,101 82 bales harvested 1954... 1949... 698,019 1,779 563,314 5,808 682 880 5,086 6,367 13,948 19,358 83 84 823, 683 507,184 924 7, 70e 618, 906 142,232 31,558 867 618 4,764 3,031 16,857 27,632 1949.. tons 1954.. 10, 774 144 , 388 13,600 85 416,228 3,962 125,262 1,345 665 995 53,536 106,476 14,285 86 418, 628 5,313 106,929 1,847 1,001 939 58, 112 9,333 126,259 12,453 2 Reported in small fractions. rFor comparability of data on livestock and poultry* . State Table 12. : equivalent of > and butterfat sold. ALABAMA SPECIFIED CROPS, BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 201 a sample of farms. Set text] The State— Continued Areal Type of farm — Cont inued Total Type of farm General — Con. IliScel- Livestock other General Miscel- Primarily Crop and and farms grain Cotton field- Vegetable Fruit- Dairy Poultry than Primarily Primarily Crop and and livestock livestock fied crop crop livestock livestock sifled 142 2,242 36, 704 7,835 7 3 4,665 25 259 50 442 53 31 179 2,056 1 409 5,566 56,698 14,304 4 ! 9,426 10 15 25 230 151 462 159 35 440 3,308 2 296 4,867 54,459 15,593 15 7 9,919 35 550 100 1,020 115 41 367 3,289 3 936 14,174 91,488 34,142 16 5 23,437 15 35 60 587 297 1,559 406 105 1,138 6,337 4 214 3,286 60,670 15,941 10 3 8,402 5 10 20 499 140 784 105 32 275 5,561 5 453 6,356 65, 525 18, 830 2 S 11,991 10 5 20 371 191 567 185 45 521 4,895 6 9,310 91,334 392, 653 160,193 1,62 3 67,610 15 15 115 12,327 650 40,494 1,775 1,115 7,870 26, 587 7 8 10,412 85,305 270,844 110,938 90 3 57,529 20 5 105 8,812 611 18, 665 2,179 525 6,977 14,608 214 3,269 57,972 15,475 10 3 8,233 5 5 20 499 140 747 100 32 275 5,311 9 453 6,299 62,703 18,317 2 3 11,709 10 5 20 371 191 532 160 45 506 4,725 10 5,499 49,715 209,638 84,405 83 i 37,043 5 5 50 7,476 365 18, 750 968 589 3,999 14,322 11 5,774 44,673 141,819 55,975 29 5 29,469 15 5 60 5,413 361 7,750 1,068 275 3,287 7,956 12 199 2,857 47,337 14,006 9 3 7,693 5 5 15 4 99 130 442 93 32 257 4,743 13 452 5,992 57,662 17,765 1 3 11,425 10 5 20 366 186 476 173 45 494 4,549 14 1,766 12,734 86,272 40,494 18 7 19, 698 5 5 45 7,023 325 1,825 364 286 2,041 8,690 15 2,483 20,851 97,063 39,906 2 7 22,813 10 5 60 5,078 341 1,804 447 270 2,184 6,867 16 160 2,952 39, 673 11,713 7 ! 6,965 5 25 273 85 561 55 27 215 3,428 17 414 5,891 56,916 16,895 3 11,326 10 10 264 161 497 144 45 488 3,908 18 2,325 75,196 168,778 83, 123 1,07 3 44,257 70 255 1,584 570 18,353 494 651 3,729 12,087 19 6,475 102,335 252,806 107,474 60 1 66,386 30 60 3,077 1,185 11,240 1,742 815 6,105 16,031 20 207 3,007 63,315 17,342 11 7 9,434 5 5 35 463 130 572 109 30 259 6,183 21 452 6,390 79,980 21,511 4 5 13,516 10 15 30 369 236 522 178 45 531 6,016 22 54,830 244,911 1,782,719 624,794 6,01 5 296,361 300 150 1,125 28, 210 29, 260 32,069 5,276 14,285 23,675 168,068 23 45,250 319,547 2,048,630 741,386 2,22 3 426, 138 350 120 1,410 14, 643 47,320 25,015 8,520 5,690 31,922 178,033 24 204 2,726 22,124 8,511 6 3 4,262 5 15 439 85 770 85 32 255 2,500 25 404 5,323 27,155 11,529 3 3 7,290 10 351 100 558 145 45 475 2,512 26 4,302 35,039 114,845 63, 544 28 3 22,715 15 4,988 285 21,483 705 344 3,067 9, 648 27 4,269 31,999 60,659 44,849 46 3 19,749 25 55 3,367 255 13,252 519 150 2,729 4,279 26 251,490 1,828,825 4,914,025 3,957,519 19,00 1 1,207,367 130 440 174,756 13, 290 1,886,071 39,805 20,120 187,284 409,255 29 332, 634 2,601,684 3,791,142 3,514,981 38,161 3 1,450,431 1,025 4,425 231,217 16,805 1,240,041 40,870 10,760 229,557 251 , 690 30 119 2,670 10,743 5,262 4 9 3,073 5 15 150 45 522 44 27 204 1,128 31 359 5,144 20,573 8,739 3 7 5,750 5 197 96 453 113 45 385 1,658 32 2,538 68,047 84,956 65,418 67 7 28,178 20 95 1,502 405 21,583 535 787 4,221 7,415 33 6,708 95,572 137,578 80,942 64 1 43, 636 15 2,223 808 14,512 1,380 1,030 6,371 10, 323 34 100,612 2,117,782 1,963,348 2,051,219 28,15 6 767,927 600 2,900 41, 190 12,550 829,267 23,939 32,480 153, 295 158,915 35 162,340 2,464,663 2,527,202 1,609,197 19,51 5 941,156 340 37, 140 15,999 408,015 25, 720 22,720 158,797 179,795 36 136 648 5,397 1,774 1 3 749 5 62 155 132 20 20 91 530 37 260 2,773 14, 544 5,792 5 3,289 5 10 137 222 193 66 25 273 1,567 38 115, 970 242,477 215, 826 1,053,712 1,01 5 20,307 375 18,075 914 , 900 12,675 440 11,710 62,700 11,515 39 69,097 248, 921 541,483 973,971 7 5 88, 995 100 94 5 37,308 766,827 7,640 1,400 1,190 26,322 43, 169 40 193 1,394 12,066 4,374 4 7 2,107 5 15 192 80 289 70 30 14 7 1,392 41 389 4,226 25,050 9,693 2 5 6,006 10 20 204 165 303 122 40 425 2,372 42 481, 625 1,287,686 2,514,548 1,200,385 11,97 D 226,551 10 1,200 157, 310 278, 150 51, 565 8,250 136,400 99,604 227,375 43 329,980 1,516,878 3,061,996 1,669,911 2,30 3 683,187 530 2,275 26,805 405,870 64,389 14 645 33,575 152,285 284,050 44. 194,285 503,153 1,036,892 505,566 4,62 5 90,241 5 405 62,315 131,715 20,777 3 430 55,045 47,643 69, 365 45 165,920 625,887 1,254,453 688,481 79 3 252,304 165 645 8,552 217, 120 27,676 5 066 14,530 54,286 107,143 46 613,192 1,735,613 2,410,040 7,731,819 10,03 3 2,679,948 5,252 3,629,769 56,222 194,366 80 630 116,303 496,626 462,665 47 244,031 625,479 768, 744 2,476,274 2,47 3 750,768 1,670 1,307,837 14,450 50,802 20 400 46,910 156,712 124,255 48 273,900 835,018 656, 334 1,796,675 438,232 5,000 1,029,290 7,935 23,829 12 000 35,395 172, 214 72,780 49 181 3,230 50,745 15, 144 12 3 10,150 10 10 20 300 110 530 89 32 260 3,504 50 415 6,420 65, 136 18,653 51 3 13,616 5 15 264 136 392 169 45 506 3,447 51 3,799 106,908 426, 165 290,271 6,83 3 214,545 65 40 180 7,073 1,620 18,203 2,749 725 7,434 30,805 52 8,130 155,361 600,537 281, 858 3,11 3 217,146 20 350 5,213 1,294 10,432 4,272 615 10, 672 28, 732 53 170 3,084 48, 668 14,821 12 3 10,018 10 10 20 291 105 488 89 32 255 3,374 54 405 6,307 64,020 18,572 5 3 13,581 5 15 254 136 386 169 45 506 3,417 55 3,159 81,498 401,769 278, 812 5,28 3 209,393 65 40 180 5,949 1,560 16,095 2,649 670 7,239 29,690 56 7,690 132,416 577,860 279,710 3,11 3 215,837 20 350 4,976 1,284 10,097 4,262 615 10, 632 28,527 57 54,340 1,258,388 4,440,920 2,834,443 109,09 3 1,994,790 600 475 1,800 54,170 16,470 243,112 43, 766 12,350 91,030 266,785 58 176,390 2,762,119 9,252,397 5,194,197 92,75 3 3,825,697 400 11,250 108,835 33,060 263,350 85,200 14, 925 260,350 498,360 59 1,125 184,200 519,295 646,272 60,55 3 489,192 110 1,825 1,275 16, 675 14,980 350 10,715 30,600 60 11,275 411,115 615,590 705,888 66,961 3 479,526 300 3,000 9,000 2,350 22,192 33,895 1,500 54,775 32,390 61 65 621 1,793 1,457 6 3 709 5 92 20 209 63 17 111 148 62 37 350 661 552 2 3 252 5 57 11 59 18 5 65 60 63 1,414 14,624 16,609 31,405 4,32 3 12,516 30 1,850 400 6,563 1,685 290 2,733 1,013 64 634 6,482 5,360 7,361 54 3 3,012 50 1,105 60 795 134 25 980 660 65 46, 635 463,146 423,620 1,156,662 169,40 3 411,685 750 61,892 14,000 277,795 65,400 12,200 95,075 28,485 6f 16,660 165,780 97,711 193, 285 12,35 ) 66,980 1,750 34,550 1,445 29,150 4,225 675 27,375 14,765 67 2,875 148,855 61, 551 505, 171 140,60 3 161,200 3,400 9,200 84,225 58,550 375 45,091 2,330 68 10,380 56,880 25, 610 80,115 9,45 3 25,745 1,750 1,980 200 16,615 555 13,360 10,260 69 32 1,496 4,750 253 146 5 5 5 7 5 5 75 70 66 2,340 9,391 211 136 5 5 5 71 296 18,959 11,164 139 86 5 '(Z) "(Z) 3 5 !Z) 40 72 202 22,845 12 22,250 55 130 151 121 5 '(Z) (z) 25 73 74 75 96, 305 10, 186, 133 3,595,040 59,665 28,420 500 750 450 1,580 1,000 750 26,215 76 163,140 16,609,739 12,294,280 6i, 250 43,510 3,000 500 1,200 13,040 77 88 2,921 27,378 15,538 3 11,624 5 10 15 243 90 282 85 17 254 2,841 78 303 5,782 43,973 20,593 2 3 15,633 10 5 10 167 156 229 184 45 496 3,612 79 697 30,148 127, 250 282,464 1,22 1 248,983 20 10 80 2,730 805 4,891 1,637 227 4,143 17,717 80 2,867 65,385 292,660 454,813 26 3 400,288 135 25 280 2,866 2,049 7,170 2,790 675 6,817 31,453 81 460 18, 733 61,604 153,467 57 3 136,878 15 10 35 1,439 460 2,677 885 158 2,336 7,996 82 1,021 25,339 92,166 236,099 12 3 214,526 50 10 115 1,418 676 3,636 1,173 275 3,013 11,082 83 3,853 23,530 94,640 90,088 2,19 3 47,718 25 20 6,541 435 16,583 1,556 617 3,600 10,798 84 4,726 29,728 71,251 68,876 72 3 43,088 25 35 280 3,422 372 5,663 2,660 580 4,192 7,834 85 3,280 20, 238 72,924 72,367 1,80 3 35,110 5 20 6,222 375 15, 758 1,653 620 3,232 7,567 8.- 202 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 6.-LIVESTOCK ON HAND, LIVESTOCK SOLD, AND [Data are baaed on reports for only Livestock on hand: Horses and mules farms reporting 1954 . . 1950.. number 1954 . . 1950.. All cattle and calves farms reporting 1954.. 1950. . number 1954 . . 1950.. Covs, Including heifers that have calved farms reporting 1954.. 1950.. number 1954 . . 1950.. Milk cows farms reporting 1954.. 1950.. number 1954 . . 1950.. All hogs and pigs farms reporting 1954. . 1950.. number 1954 . . 1950.. Chickens 4 months old and over.. farms reporting 1954.. 1950. . number 1954 . . 1950 . . Livestock and livestock products sold: .farms reporting 1954., 1949 . . number 1954 . . 1949.. dollars 1954. 1949. and pigs sold alive. . farms reporting 1954 . . 1949.. number 1954 . . 1949.. dollars 1954.. 1949.. Chickens sold farms reporting 1954 . . 1949.. dollars 1954.. 1949.. Chicken egga sold farms reporting 1954 . . 1949.. dozens 1954 . . 1949.. dollars 1954.. 1949.. Milk sold2 gallons 1954.. dollars 1954.. 1949.. Specified crops harvested: Corn for all purposes farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949.. Corn harvested for grain farms reporting 1954.. 1949... acres 1954.. 1949.. bushels harvested 1954. . 1949.. bushels sold 1954.. 1949.. Oats threshed or combined farms reporting 1954.. 1949., acres 1954., 1949., bushels harvested 1954.. 1949., bushels sold 1954. 1949. Peanuts harvested for picking or threshing farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres grown alone 1954. 1949. grown with other crops 1954. 1949. pounds harvested 1954. 1949. 1,593 3,013 1,161 780 368 6,087 2,814 213,099 86,600 65,078 42,230 Cotton harvested. .farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. bales harvested 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. tons 1954. 1,015 29, 760 23,160 25,883 20,719 9,223 7,274 334 201 13, 274 5,150 241,510 164,275 185, 165 108,965 27 13,650 15,000 10,270 8,500 6,710 12, 794 12,167 27,386 10,695 14,629 37,199 38,200 10,545 14, 359 19,518 20,205 10, 224 14', 064 16,370 18,630 8,850 12,673 47,138 50,678 9,979 14,943 407,640 540,855 3,770 7,083 9,364 11,812 400,263 683, 223 3,608 5,457 31, 261 36,192 822, 729 679,135 1,090 4,640 70,975 140,815 2,860 9,166 816,015 1,412,055 289,245 506,697 442,693 124,895 91, 105 12,410 16,063 262, 135 217, 137 12,395 16,048 260,860 216,682 3,497,315 5,240,255 1,240,940 897,555 309 37,840 14, 395 6,055 4,405 10,400 14,415 '2,000 4,875 11,977 2,970 2,615 90 166 1,100 1,605 18, 145 38,965 6,575 1,975 2,404 1,019 97,278 38,249 19,875 20,291 7,690 1,819,793 785, 325 453,547 48,630 65, 945 3,400 1,215 5,806 1,190 161,630 21, 735 593 420 5, 981, 980 965,155 2,463,056 464,410 214,155 71,267 15,595 Livestock dairy and poultry 38,996 2,700 13,875 15,012 6,478 1,331,596 787,602 2,785 3,060 1,220 3,542 775 2,787 244 391 81,964 93,485 31, 147 32,813 119,605 50,650 12,085 15,649 10,729 268, 702 41,114 5,715 9,000 1,364 3,256 1,003 1,290 1,335 1,770 1,244 Z Reported in small fractions. lFor comparability of data on livestock and poultry, see text and State Table 12. 2 Includes milk equivalent of i and butterfat sold. ALABAMA SPECIFIED CROPS, BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Coniinued 203 a sample of farmB. See text] Area 2— Continued Area 9 3 and A Type of farm — Cont inu.d Total all Type of farm General -Con. unclassi- fied Cash- grain Cotton Other field- Vegetable Fruit- Dair Poultry d.3L General Miscel- laneous Primarily Crop and Primarily Primarily Crop and livestock livestock crop crop livestock livestock slfied 262 2,666 8,958 89 2,536 15 92 26 180 130 361 105 1 89 5,334 1 81 961 5,394 15,268 89 4,911 30 105 10 291 135 346 141 324 8,844 2 421 4,224 14,064 124 4,591 25 138 59 371 202 919 244 12 180 7,199 3 162 1,937 9,473 26,890 136 10,522 40 310 25 727 240 874 291 99 745 12,881 4 11 430 6,148 14,812 123 3,903 87 36 428 276 610 136 16 136 9,046 5 91 1,117 6,942 17,571 96 5,473 35 70 10 392 155 476 146 37 401 10,278 6 65 5,048 23,787 131,457 1,083 24,378 55 493 915 24,530 3,496 26,020 1,792 404 3,806 44,483 7 1,069 7,411 17,851 85,853 664 18,986 120 195 SO 16,247 955 13,534 610 466 4,682 29, 375 8 11 430 5,853 14,089 113 3,828 15 87 36 428 256 598 136 16 136 8,440 9 91 1,106 6,712 98 5,348 35 70 10 392 145 461 136 37 396 9,577 10 36 2,459 12,008 70,032 509 12,723 30 314 402 15,519 2,094 13,555 834 207 1,917 21,928 11 363 3, 266 9,079 42,434 267 9,739 50 85 20 9,886 300 5,145 255 225 2,006 14,456 12 11 405 5,413 12,309 88 3,603 10 76 21 428 213 429 132 16 99 7,194 13 91 1,085 6,480 15,843 83 5,176 30 65 10 392 145 394 131 37 391 8,989 14 36 1,593 7,853 36,272 215 6,568 15 174 81 14, 747 706 1,347 327 93 477 11,522 15 346 2,601 8,429 33, 026 158 6,050 45 75 20 9,407 300 1,123 240 160 1,205 12,245 16 15 374 4,187 10,410 98 3,428 10 66. 11 209 235 437 114 6 99 5,697 17 81 951 5,672 14, 378 74 5,137 40 60 10 277 130 365 146 37 335 7,767 18 275 6,428 15,925 61,572 400 18, 563 15 598 117 2,425 2,098 11,885 591 110 1, 9ae 22, 782 19 1,633 8,573 23, 984 60,217 356 21,315 150 260 15 1,597 695 8,316 707 616 3,290 22,900 20 16 402 5,914 14,932 116 3,952 15 80 26- 306 353 449 141 16 125 9,353 21 91 1,111 7,943 20,597 i : 5,989 40 85 355 215 445 141 42 405 12,778 22 2,015 52,005 209,255 954,481 3,905 149,311 255 4,270 1,127 18,282 339,450 22,916 5,220 3,375 8,182 298, 188 23 11,560 79,769 275,279 665, 372 3,270 205,755 1,655 2,860 19, 861 38,005 17,155 5,685 3,535 19,860 347,731 24 11 355 2,112 5,628 53 1,525 5 22 20 407 136 < : 81 16 131 2,631 25 66 926 2,961 7,323 57 2,373 25 20 5 347 90 421 86 37 335 3,527 26 62 2,052 6,878 46,159 307 6,688 15 201 290 7,952 1,311 13,740 862 150 2,090 12,553 27 477 3,157 4,552 24,917 99 4,442 30 30 10 3,540 300 7,295 272 385 1,969 6,545 28 2, 175 102,281 327,065 2,183,873 15,780 288,891 450 8,700 17,750 253,361 71,141 836,894 38,688 12,035 99,075 541, 108 29 41,695 246,283 264, 980 1,829,140 5,155 266,590 1,725 1,925 260 186, 360 22,145 715,405 14,620 31,345 180,860 402,750 30 15 330 1,432 3,215 31 1,097 5 26 6 115 93 346 58 1 84 1,353 31 Be 801 2,271 4,688 25 1,803 10 20 5 114 45 307 56 32 235 2,036 32 320 6,904 10,410 37,715 150 9,428 15 260 23 1,769 2,189 10, 757 663 100 1,410 10,951 33 1,633 10,057 15,550 42,563 220 13,193 40 85 5 1,232 545 11,934 640 692 3,701 10,276 34 15,800 211,321 254,800 1,049,840 5,025 237,049 500 8,325 739 56,072 76,695 384,161 17, 133 4,000 36,625 223, 516 35 44,695 215,895 285,625 928,023 2,525 252, 952 725 1,230 200 25,582 8,735 343, 254 8,010 14,314 103,636 166,860 36 6 161 601 1,982 20 392 10 67 454 64 15 6 37 917 37 51 567 2,121 4,456 20 1,383 10 10 112 205 70 31 22 208 2,385 313 430 42, 525 20,235 3,120,549 665 17,305 385 36,437 2,989,830 5,230 660 9,175 21,002 39,660 39 10,925 66,475 71,855 466,403 455 44,175 195 300 7,240 300,065 3,710 825 1,803 13,055 94,580 40 16 235 1,532 3,649 40 1,061 25 10 105 282 114 45 16 72 1,874 41 81 929 4,199 7,253 36 2,481 10 30 189 195 163 76. 37 293 3,743 42 23,255 317,885 347,475 4,690,585 6,955 194,295 75 3,800 1,310 73,025 3,867,285 42,610 6,370 30,200 44,935 419,725 43 88,440 530,225 707,599 1,449,697 2,515 331,709 1,675 2,025 84, 520 413,580 30,203 13,250 21,920 94,785 453,515 44 9,885 101,920 121,768 2,054,630 3,105 77,080 35 1,620 650 31,059 1,692,535 17,645 2,660 12,400 34,205 191,436 45 49, 408 213,959 263, 154 640, 920 1,230 134,305 840 695 33,885 193,470 13,744 5,795 12,002 39, 892 205,062 46 1,500 204,665 152, 553 9,128,302 3,965 237,357 8,175,889 112,600 29, 857 2,791 42,956 93,458 429,429 47 450 81,215 34,665 3,962,684 1,015 51,763 3,640,756 49,380 10, 710 1,488 18,403 34,740 154,429 48 27,065 112,695 70,365 2, 665, 959 50 52, 103 415 250 2,464,150 5,275 9,035 555 6,449 43,705 83,972 49 10 420 4,734 13,740 148 4,720 15 97 21 255 193 476 150 15 124 7,526 50 1,122 6,499 18,030 124 6,353 35 105 10 318 165 343 156 37 386 9,998 51 215 11,506 47,784 189,613 6,405 92,654 360 1,620 609 6,990 2,575 11,586 4,630 195 3,002 58,987 52 1,150 IB, 029 59,338 210,634 2,816 99,608 430 950 115 6,517 1,955 6,490 4,005 658 8,647 78,443 53 10 419 4,679 13,294 148 4,648 15 92 21 227 178 461 150 10 124 7,220 54 76 1,122 6,499 17, 933 124 6,336 35 100 10 306 165 343 156 37 366 9,933 55 200 11,206 47 , 264 183, 185 6,405 90, 788 360 1,555 609 4,867 2,425 11,204 4,625 160 3,002 57,185 56 1,150 17,854 58,998 209,379 2,816 99,308 430 925 115 6,132 1,955 6,435 4,005 658 8,622 77,978 57 4,000 206,085 616,095 2,456,919 125,505 1,161,605 2,400 32,660 1,660 102,870 35,295 193,755 66,870 875 57,995 675,209 58 35,400 513,737 1,347,695 4,092,870 99,000 1, 863, 925 9,600 25,350 2,050 166,145 42,650 161,035 82,325 17,490 231,350 1,391,950 59 75 65, 710 148,485 619, 570 98,705 353,540 13,700 10,150 6,500 7,300 26,595 11,875 91, 205 60 1,750 100,270 147,465 534,500 69,620 228,240 400 2,625 1,300 1,325 2,125 7,180 35, 975 4,000 71,090 110,620 61 57 151 1,081 49 262 5 11 10 148 53 141 34 1 51 316 5 41 86 491 17 123 5 5 78 5 35 45 11 123 468 892 18, 542 2,455 3,789 25 240 160 2,317 753 3,182 1,146 75 1,475 2,925 .. 60 410 410 7,230 440 1,022 10 25 880 50 609 2,050 258 971 915 65 19,450 29, 035 569, 104 77,300 106, 380 750 9,000 5,675 83,531 22,480 82,602 42,946 2,000 62,025 74,415 66 500 11,280 11,765 186,655 15, 150 25,990 150 75 IB, 745 1,500 12,900 57,600 9,660 31,845 13,040 67 68 5,280 3,175 205,879 57,075 49,550 6,350 4,750 1,678 35,476 2,000 31,975 13,025 5,650 15 4,540 85 70, 590 1,017 12,750 6,835 271 40 15 1,200 10 7,625 30 17,150 15 9,000 12, 170 3,860 621 70 45 190 1,128 322 41 10 15 30 680 71 10 100 942 10 251 80 5 (Z) 10 160 426 72 30 235 889 25 10 288 5 (Z) (Z) 26 50 15 20 30 20 455 10 5 73 6,200 24,715 330,605 1,050 78,425 64, 320 2,100 2,140 5,000 4,620 59,150 113,800 • 2,500 10, 310 96, 185 361,215 113,540 2,200 440 6,205 51,250 4,600 8,000 10,300 164,680 77 5 384 2,377 7,641 27 4,850 5 41 5 66 70 91 120 99 2,247 78 75 1,116 5,616 13, 290 57 6,566 20 50 5 199 105 214 156 31 362 5,525 79 20 2,594 10,456 82,536 157 67,475 10 325 490 895 615 581 1,267 781 9,940 80 580 10,372 42, 517 164,882 612 113,872 90 325 10 1,983 930 2,149 1,645 165 4,643 36,458 81 15 1,894 6,918 59,303 104 49, 964 10 247 200 673 460 365 794 573 5,893 82 160 4,459 15,576 66,349 219 49,956 30 120 5 697 330 895 645 62 1,478 11,912 93 1,850 9,730 67, 665 1,319 14,575 35 270 347 8,799 1,452 12,854 4,430 145 2,146 21,293 84 525 4,445 8,984 49,763 936 17,941 85 110 5,892 430 5,310 1,590 165 2,445 14,859 " 1,963 8,185 52, 799 751 9,652 35 235 184 8,498 1,369 11,418 3,728 149 1,693 15,087 li 204 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 6.-LIVESTOCK ON HAND, LIVESTOCK SOLD, AND £Data are based on reports for only (For definitions and explanations, see text) Areas 4 and B Total all Tyi e of farm Cash-grain Cotton Other field- crop Vegetable Fruit- and-nut Dairy Poultry Llveatock dairy and poultry General Primarily Livestock on hand: 1 1 8,781 56 3,125 31 15 184 235 393 79 2 1950... 12,239 46 3,681 65 26 6 247 185 513 165 3 number 1954. .. 14,718 121 5,967 47 25 445 370 1,073 174 4 1950... 22,755 118 7,672 115 53 25 651 290 1,452 332 5 11,751 63 3,138 5 26 15 308 332 614 84 6 1950. . . 13,110 40 3,714 65 26 6 314 195 561 162 7 number 1954 . . . 134,338 1,124 24,405 60 330 295 15,278 3,777 36,755 1,018 e 1950... 95,061 295 18,438 625 261 12 11,333 1,570 21,342 1,766 9 Cows, Including heifers that 11,306 58 3,047 5 21 15 308 322 591 84 10 1950... 12,706 40 3,614 60 26 6 3U 190 549 157 11 number 1954... 73,776 554 13,845 15 135 180 8,625 1,864 20,548 571 12 1950... 48,106 150 9,545 340 90 6 6,467 600 10,670 830 13 9,607 57 2,666 5 16 10 308 290 337 76 U 1950... 12,039 35 3,486 60 26 6 314 185 441 156 15 number 1954 .. . 28,689 140 6,375 15 30 7,912 790 1,122 266 16 1950... 30,894 105 7,219 160 77 6 5,674 490 2,147 548 17 9,335 47 3,070 5 20 15 194 291 369 85 18 1950... 12,234 45 3,839 70 20 6 224 145 401 154 19 number 1954 .. . 36,192 268 11,448 45 55 45 1,304 1,666 4,300 465 20 1950... 49,461 395 15,097 545 190 12 1,033 660 5,636 828 21 Chickens 4 months old and over.. farms reporting 1954... 10,809 47 2,947 5 16 10 207 296 394 77 22 1950... 14,602 60 4,089 70 16 6 300 210 436 169 23 number 1954 . . . 396,758 987 73,448 150 352 325 10,741 83,155 15,172 2,335 24 1950... Livestock and livestock products sold: 449,787 1,955 100,995 4,175 480 81 12,750 51,550 16,413 6,118 25 Cattle and calves sold alive. . ..farms reporting 1954... 5,234 33 1,161 5 16 15 288 197 609 55 26 1949 . . . 6,428 30 1,712 35 10 5 293 130 497 111 27 number 1954 . . . 47,205 313 6,915 20 105 145 4,806 1,548 16,815 316 28 1949... 28,091 60 4,010 125 50 5 3,113 340 10,202 389 29 dollars 1954... 2,155,806 22,655 291,766 750 4,310 6,990 190,482 63,045 908,440 10,965 30 1949... 1,935,246 5,425 230,325 9,200 4,250 175 196,146 24,280 821,457 31,926 31 2,093 11 655 5 5 66 101 237 46 32 1949... 4,273 30 1,273 45 11 5 73 55 323 80 33 number 1954 . . . 20,451 156 4,313 50 25 958 1,865 5,532 447 34 1949... 34,903 320 7,319 340 158 35 761 520 7,681 449 35 dollars 1954 . . . 453,423 2,650 84,643 1,500 600 22,548 49,795 123,932 5,670 36 1949... 670,144 2,895 115,147 7,720 2,050 175 13,568 7,840 215,179 8,510 37 1,363 145 10 45 382 46 15 38 1949... 2,694 5 623 5 5 63 200 106 46 39 dollars 1954... 3,982,789 6,045 625 31,245 3,881,070 950 925 40 1949... 645,775 50 18,775 250 250 6,490 518,310 9,885 1,541 41 2,835 11 577 5 5 96 161 139 41 42 1949... 5,760 15 1,542 5 6 158 200 206 97 43 dozens 1954 . . . 1,391,967 670 104,930 75 1,300 27,827 817,840 22,898 8,055 44 1949... 1,348,150 1,075 170,293 1,250 975 39,835 565,935 57,291 10,893 45 dollars 1954... 574,627 260 42,725 40 390 9,807 343,890 10,708 3,270 46 1949... 606,770 360 70,242 750 450 18,330 266,405 23,462 5,384 47 4,905,181 302,297 4,041,812 61,695 34,273 13,482 48 dollars 1954... 2,117,401 83,410 1,855,547 21,950 13,629 3,500 49 1949... Specified crops harvested: 1,387,091 53,040 1,106,652 10,740 37,464 8,475 50 11,440 82 4,068 41 15 229 271 358 89 51 1949... 14,144 67 4,631 85 26 6 274 170 459 176 52 acres 1954... 134,566 2,395 63,478 200 520 105 5,390 3,185 6,750 1,812 53 1949. . . 190,023 2,945 76,678 1,930 260 115 5,238 2,030 10,281 3,113 54 Corn harvested for grain farms reporting 1954... 11,239 82 4,048 5 41 15 222 271 342 88 55 1949... 14,030 67 4,611 80 26 6 271 170 453 176 56 acres 1954... 131,689 2,395 62,983 200 520 105 4,832 3,165 6,377 1,582 57 1949... 187,339 2,945 76,188 1,650 260 115 4,929 2,030 9,646 3,073 58 bushels harvested 1954... 1,635,805 55,400 693,880 2,500 5,200 2,000 80,515 56,780 112,290 23,995 59 1949. . . 2,783,313 51,075 1,031,185 19,635 7,235 550 122,195 46,860 162,722 52,000 60 bushels sold 1954... 205,205 35,450 114,810 750 9,750 950 6,995 61 1949... 230,537 36,000 91,095 500 1,300 1,760 750 6,352 12,720 62 870 20 228 5 10 79 25 118 27 63 1949... 616 10 168 10 5 77 20 63 13 64 acres 1954... 8,997 540 1,852 15 30 940 360 2,399 130 65 1949... 6,303 90 1,017 250 15 1,260 385 935 200 66 bushels harvested 1954... 223,341 14,125 42,120 700 750 23,194 12,750 67,137 3,495 67 1949... 136,840 2,750 19,525 1,750 375 33,325 7,375 25,200 5,800 63 bushels sold 1954... 26,861 7,500 5,100 435 500 5,515 300 69 1949... 28,057 1,750 4,000 750 3,250 625 3,000 3,497 70 Peanuts harvested for picking 879 402 5 15 21 20 71 1949... 1,868 5 681 15 61 40 72 acres grown alone 1954. . . 1,681 834 5 75 86 50 73 1949. . . 4,038 20 1,152 1,345 5 208 140 74 acres grown with other crops 1954... 10 75 1949... 10 10 76 pounds harvested 1954... 650,380 319,220 250 70,500 38,900 17,850 77 1949... 2,133,456 20,000 434,000 1,011,750 2,850 74,670 85,390 78 7,125 20 4,128 11 64 140 89 82 79 1949... 9,950 30 4,747 65 20 5 105 75 210 145 80 acres 1954... 58,311 90 43,296 23 425 730 860 427 81 1949... 105,071 285 67,301 885 150 5 812 370 1,983 1,696 82 bales harvested 1954... 33,149 55 25,424 11 199 440 469 251 83 1949... 40,108 130 28,377 330 40 5 345 180 770 560 84 44,803 28,488 1,095 220 8,700 6,821 100 70 40 90 7,867 3,545 766 560 11,171 4,143 377 991 85 1949... 86 tons 1954... 36,585 591 6,793 65 75 6,532 741 9,355 360 1For comparability of data on livestock and poultry, and State Table 12. ^Includes mili equivalent of ■ . and butterfat sold. ALABAMA SPECIFIED CROPS, BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued 205 a sample of farms. See text] Areas , and B— Continued Areas Type of farm — Continued Total Type of farm General — Con. Miscel- Livestock General Miscel- Cash- grain Other Primarily Crop and and farms Cotton field- Vegetable Bxld-mit Dairy Poultry dairy and Primarily Primarily Crop and and livestock livestock fied crop crop livestock liveatock sified 17 153 4,493 14,886 28 6,010 15 50 165 184 252 581 151 42 288 7,120 1 56 380 6,869 24,011 97 10,511 20 140 116 216 215 762 521 77 822 10,514 34 354 6,108 25,343 47 11,166 20 95 200 351 416 1,510 303 67 805 10,363 1 125 1,088 10,834 45,670 213 21,976 35 260 178 467 365 2,143 1,166 146 1,849 16,872 4 17 179 6,970 21,208 29 7,568 20 60 225 293 400 852 221 62 346 11,132 5 56 381 7,590 26,502 92 10,986 20 130 117 274 246 965 529 86 909 12,148 6 847 5,850 44,599 223,942 901 58,555 145 415 2,170 11,990 6,078 60,786 3,961 1,730 12,617 64,594 7 1,310 6,755 31,354 153,782 640 47,105 100 615 563 6,613 1,616 36,851 4,083 1,060 11,636 42,900 8 17 179 6,659 20,639 29 7,400 15 60 225 293 400 847 221 62 345 10,742 9 56 380 7,314 25,642 92 10,715 15 130 117 274 226 940 529 86 904 11,614 10 540 3,094 23,805 120,555 428 32,782 65 190 1,195 6,752 3,286 31,051 2,110 1,025 7,347 34,324 11 715 3,577 15,116 81,048 298 24,758 25 355 287 3,888 749 19,434 2,322 560 6,137 22,235 1.' 17 159 5,666 17,702 21 6,619 15 40 190 293 366 557 203 56 284 9,058 u 56 372 6,902 24,433 87 10,325 15 130 112 274 226 775 493 86 870 11,040 14 104 803 11,086 42,890 90 14,703 55 95 430 5,630 1,112 2,032 646 530 1,401 16,166 15 342 1,689 12,237 47,635 195 18,611 25 220 245 3,435 554 2,550 967 218 3,074 17,541 16 16 168 5,055 15,504 12 6,562 20 70 175 170 262 572 159 47 303 7,152 17 51 332 6,947 23,020 72 10,184 15 120 100 189 210 727 434 77 794 10,098 18 161 1,597 14,838 80,312 26 31,784 470 225 850 1,396 2,648 12,839 1,166 229 4,507 24,172 19 395 3,992 20,678 106,653 623 42,899 20 775 355 1,198 1,465 14,161 2,707 581 7,487 34,382 20 17 149 6,644 21,291 7,726 20 60 230 229 362 622 200 56 322 11,420 21 56 379 8,811 30,059 77 12,035 20 140 137 253 261 885 550 86 930 14,685 22 1,005 17,580 191,508 805,584 1,617 220,464 1,120 1,585 12,585 15,349 148,790 30,862 12,280 10,765 34,686 315,461 as 3,750 21,401 230,119 878,326 2,570 331,968 470 4,520 4,540 9,931 54,630 32,880 19,362 4,965 47,196 365,294 24 17 179 2,659 9,197 19 3,004 10 40 110 273 274 847 156 62 326 4,076 25 46 310 3,249 13,012 5,187 5 60 57 219 131 933 332 82 789 5,170 26 351 2,045 13,826 83,287 236 17,237 15 155 705 3,405 2,420 30,275 1,482 1,380 5,816 20,161 27 378 2,214 7,205 52,131 76 12,126 5 135 121 2,092 329 19,763 1,284 444 5,052 10,704 28 14,235 95,465 546,703 4,350,680 9,310 733,783 380 5,455 29,340 100,492 111,609 1,890,541 71,417 94,955 3U.790 988,608 29 24,902 151,391 435,769 3,914,870 5,315 760,987 140 6,805 7,985 133,376 29,283 1,759,966 114,204 31,395 392,628 672,786 30 6 106 855 4,840 5 2,183 20 5 55 99 125 457 102 25 231 1,533 31 36 283 2,059 8,601 47 3,664 5 55 45 113 135 597 238 62 631 3,009 32 106 1,624 5,375 52,051 60 17,487 430 40 505 1,244 2,098 14,068 816 305 3,921 11,077 33 702 4,156 12,462 76,965 395 28,013 25 450 290 1,136 1,170 16,211 1,778 973 7,901 18,623 34 5,150 45,590 111,345 1,432,628 2,500 404,761 4,465 1,200 11,555 35,230 50,231 515,341 18,488 9,710 128,134 251,013 35 17,541 84,037 195,482 1,775,525 8,800 677,070 125 7,860 5,135 29,710 39,335 444,818 32,914 17,820 179,129 332,809 36 11 36 673 2,975 750 5 5 55 62 461 98 35 36 153 1,315 37 30 170 1,441 7,542 25 2,802 5 35 26 67 246 234 213 62 539 3,288 38 7,410 1,803 52,716 3,729,171 19,481 45 35 3,195 4,530 3,584,011 13,142 4,475 49,995 li,778 37,484 39 6,555 12,513 71,156 1,174,738 560 81,660 50 2,510 1,167 1,700 848,155 38,099 7,420 15,340 60, 584 117,493 40 11 79 1,710 5,130 27 1,774 5 10 55 104 297 209 98 51 214 2,286 41 46 297 3,188 11,833 46 4,858 15 70 81 131 230 459 315 75 697 4,856 42 8,350 85,930 314,092 2,761,561 2,875 258,176 4,500 2,340 70, 500 65,026 1,456,230 66,559 50,025 95,040 212,538 477,752 43 38,415 83,712 378,476 2,040,844 4,135 520,336 1,350 4,790 14,518 25,141 514,660 76,621 59,092 46,265 236,935 537,001 44 3,350 32,433 127,754 1,164,469 1,280 105,716 1,500 960 27,620 26,681 636,047 29,725 18,260 34,665 78,176 203,839 45 19,552 37,402 164,433 852,367 1,530 199,643 530 1,940 6,919 10,110 240,075 31,885 22,971 21,085 95,627 220,052 46 22,024 140,196 289,402 4,953,516 915,708 6,552 2,675,278 153,874 133,044 27,663 177,945 269,697 593,755 47 8,490 39,200 91,675 1,845,566 310, 517 1,205 1,054,533 54,030 35,717 6,775 77,445 93,528 211,816 48 29,270 54,538 86,912 1,291,766 2,550 113 ,898 615 1,200 1,240 929,042 3,882 9,039 3,160 10,220 104,150 112,770 49 16 174 6,092 20,891 64 9,049 30 60 240 237 334 598 231 47 337 9,664 50 46 380 7,824 27,999 113 12,815 20 135 122 224 200 716 542 82 930 12,100 51 170 3,290 47,271 305,545 2,330 167,854 905 ( <: 0 2,990 5,558 5,016 16,675 6,314 586 10,346 86,311 52 857 8,420 78,156 383,949 3,486 201,580 225 1,875 1,269 4,568 2,640 19,044 10,415 1,465 20,044 117,338 53 16 173 5,936 20,550 64 8,998 30 60 240 235 329 571 231 47 332 9,413 54 46 380 7,744 27,883 113 12,795 20 135 122 219 195 700 542 82 930 12,030 55 170 3,170 46,190 297,267 2,330 165,525 905 660 2,990 5,386 4,921 14,466 6,009 586 9,060 84,449 56 857 8,340 77,306 378,488 3,311 200,187 225 1,850 1,269 4,078 2,340 17,369 10,410 1,455 19,859 116,135 57 3,250 45,830 554,165 3,036,215 49,625 1,697, a C 9,050 8,785 33,650 74,690 49,215 194,042 66,830 7,715 108,826 736.787 58 17,250 146,830 1,125,776 6,884,661 94,540 3, f 53, 529 5,000 28,425 25,950 104,310 54,215 353,471 217,120 26,415 416,805 1,904,881 59 3,600 32,900 514, 512 35,315 343,995 4,250 2,100 3,060 11,587 17,875 27,625 68,705 60 150 8,175 71,735 702,151 54,100 396,212 200 315 1,200 2,100 1,000 18,004 55,400 875 66,790 105,955 61 1 42 315 1,521 21 562 5 10 35 104 65 201 30 20 89 379 62 1 60 189 459 12 139 33 20 77 20 6 60 92 63 40 647 2,044 29,978 1,975 8,168 20 20 120 2,283 1,348 9,356 388 180 2,599 3,521 64 35 941 1,155 7,437 255 1,532 430 335 2,087 515 85 1,373 825 65 1,600 16,950 40, 520 867,223 65,800 224,515 825 275 3,690 79,425 21,850 272,192 10,310 5,340 84,202 98,799 66 100 21,375 19,265 182,595 8,650 31,810 9,595 7,200 55,953 12,900 2,300 35,175 19,012 67 4,131 3,380 221,700 43,230 77,840 4,500 4,640 39,437 5,370 28,837 17,846 68 100 8,625 2,460 62,454 6,850 11,823 730 17,396 10,600 1,280 9,675 4,100 69 36 380 1,415 667 10 10 25 15 23 5 15 645 70 5 69 917 3,466 10 1,664 10 5 5 20 10 105 91 15 130 1,403 71 221 410 1,733 767 55 10 20 20 60 5 124 672 72 5 323 840 10 4,209 50 45 1,866 30 15 5 5 15 10 248 153 20 305 1,522 20 73 74 75 76 99,125 104,535 414,545 177,970 37,000 1,120 3,910 5,850 9,750 1,500 44,950 132,495 1,600 226,951 276,245 1,550,040 35,100 751,626 7,200 500 1,800 6,840 600 77,065 63,225 16,000 161,1A5 428,937 77 12 155 2,424 15,633 20 9,349 15 45 165 109 187 202 189 21 291 5,040 78 46 307 4,195 24,638 70 13,429 90 95 130 150 433 511 41 816 8,873 79 73 1,276 11,111 157,245 65 118,052 385 250 950 1,394 1,901 2,436 2,512 123 4,068 25,109 80 420 3,513 27,651 280,323 595 192,851 775 700 952 1,020 5,586 5,251 220 9,080 63,293 81 53 729 5,518 87,550 20 68,358 280 130 550 830 1,144 1,346 1,406 87 2,404 10,995 52 165 1,227 7,979 118,598 160 89,469 220 245 409 380 1,822 2,216 70 3,816 19,791 83 314 1,957 12,3% 76,749 665 22,459 75 200 760 4,869 2,721 16,835 1,820 830 4,709 20,806 84 885 2,499 8,684 51,675 620 19,428 10 105 105 2,292 530 8,958 1,839 364 5,769 11,655 85 265 1,664 10,144 62,415 425 16,997 110 135 515 4,808 2,298 14,583 1,444 675 3,587 16,838 86 206 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 6.-LIVESTOCK ON HAND, LIVESTOCK SOLD, AND [Data are based on reportB for only {For definitions and explanations, eee text) Areas 6 and C Total all Tyi e of farm Cash-grain Cotton Other field- crop Vegetable Pruit- and-nut Oairy Poultry Livestock dairy and poultry General Primarily Livestock on hand: 1 17,885 29 8,562 10 6 334 102 1,408 85 2 1950... 22,847 22 9,176 216 30 13 492 43 2,224 267 3 number 1954. .. 40,238 65 19,235 15 14 1,059 199 6,168 287 4 1950... 54,923 56 21,194 510 60 26 2,070 118 10,344 714 5 All cattle and calves farms reporting 1954. . . 19,998 17 8,537 15 6 460 155 1,871 105 6 1950... 22,883 17 8,814 201 20 17 585 53 2,419 283 7 number 1954 . . . 558,455 731 91,332 340 110 65,365 6,767 283,697 8,283 6 1950... 454,679 490 58,916 1,680 40 255 54,735 1,274 248,247 4,042 9 Cows, Including heifers that 19,539 12 8,376 15 6 460 155 1,834 104 10 1950... 22,316 17 8,632 201 20 17 585 43 2,391 278 11 number 1954 . . . 339,611 451 53,618 165 55 42,334 4,222 173,801 4,955 12 1950. . . 263,656 341 33,995 975 25 161 34,895 835 141,802 2,393 13,720 19,065 11 11 6,398 7,593 10 170 6 10 16 459 580 89 41 877 1,827 62 256 14 1950... 15 numDer 1954... 65,069 17 16,225 20 6 30,347 1,052 3,566 188 16 1950... 77,430 22 18,013 435 15 30 28,938 742 8,282 790 17 15,693 16 8,185 5 6 152 96 680 68 18 1950... 22,612 16 9,509 225 30 16 277 22 1,589 274 19 number 1954 . . . 64,290 29 32,652 5 13 1,072 635 8,641 939 20 1950... 119,807 49 47,671 1,800 95 53 2,682 164 19, 160 2,360 21 Chickens 4 months old and over.. farms reporting 1954... 19,961 22 9,019 10 6 251 124 1,157 59 22 1950... 26,208 17 10,292 201 35 16 452 47 2,055 267 23 number 1954 . . . 504,540 386 176,551 120 105 17,741 55,705 50,140 2,104 24 1950... Livestock and livestock products sold: 588,619 335 201,361 6,595 835 426 14,929 24,875 80,331 7,430 25 Cattle and calves sold alive. .. .farms reporting 1954... 9,499 12 3,473 15 1 445 130 1,868 95 26 1949... 11,901 4,125 71 10 7 536 36 2,317 173 27 number 1954 . . . 222,903 100 25,114 55 20 20,478 1,962 141,944 2,697 28 1949... 171,555 65 13,183 335 35 50 14,309 526 121,782 840 29 dollars 1954... 11,937,095 9,137 1,024,070 1,660 900 919,764 93,386 8.452,776 98,042 30 1949... 14,135,910 5,730 895,851 15,920 1,850 3,330 1,052,040 23,485 JO. 601, 384 56,767 31 3,292 6 1,685 48 28 377 39 32 1949... 7,694 10 3,020 95 10 1 150 11 1,149 167 33 number 1954 .. . 28,159 23 10,840 703 416 8,776 813 34 1949... 55,484 10 16,367 740 10 10 1,660 486 17,756 1,211 35 dollars 1954... 653,110 212 218,105 15,140 12,200 246,978 23,895 36 1949... 1,204,363 450 308,871 13,655 375 144 44,958 11,572 443,276 26,117 37 2,221 163 723 35 26 47 167 52 91 261 6 46 38 1949... 39 dollars 1954 . . . 2,726,835 18,144 22,647 2,547,406 57,425 35 40 1949... 393,134 15,356 1,140 2,363 288,385 24,573 840 41 2,361 942 5 56 91 333 23 42 1949... 5,928 5 2,225 60 15 5 157 42 672 106 43 dozens 1954 . . . 1,244,031 150,032 500 63,209 541,750 153,311 7,710 44 1949... 832,811 100 102,031 4,715 260 60 37,031 244,980 157,041 7,380 45 dollars 1954... 506,479 60,084 250 29,036 214,290 67,180 3,510 46 1949... 402,775 40 41,825 2,360 95 15 14,756 145,885 68,128 3,035 47 15,695,720 346,977 14,016,596 230,580 488,606 48 - dollars 1954... 6,653,121 104,951 6, 052.19C 78,420 184,716 49 1949... Specified crops harvested: 7,141,755 545 110,040 300 6,295,193 90,050 211,812 4,345 50 19,694 42 10,025 15 6 142 93 830 95 51 1949. . . 25,632 23 10,921 241 45 11 297 22 1,688 298 52 acres 1954... 212,524 1,135 116,594 405 120 4,070 1,552 25,591 4,001 53 1949... 295,087 595 132,398 3,835 400 176 6,526 369 41,488 4,301 54 Corn harvested for grain farms reporting 1954... 18,707 42 9,611 15 6 108 75 774 95 55 1949... 25,347 23 10,841 241 45 11 291 22 1,650 293 56 acres 1954... 197,730 1,135 111,736 405 120 2,611 1,278 20,865 3,966 57 1949... 290,154 575 131,251 3,685 400 176 6,316 369 39,661 6,246 58 bushels harvested 1954... 1,856,784 24,925 989,532 6,440 440 28,478 14,460 255,617 51,195 59 1949... 4,528,087 8,050 1,958,675 53,115 8,450 2,900 138,634 6,350 808,478 97,025 60 bushels sold 1954... 140,465 22,300 87,405 1,075 1,150 8,400 61 1949... 308,676 5,050 119,897 250 350 75 42,404 21,065 62 Oats threshed or combined farms reporting 1954... 1,216 7 266 144 30 389 46 63 1949... 470 76 99 179 16 64 acres 1954... 43,901 420 5,126 7,915 915 20,347 1,940 65 1949... 21,787 1,625 6,234 10,943 835 66 bushels harvested 1954... 1,298,442 12,125 135,835 239,267 28,475 606,320 64,990 67 1949. . . 418,236 40,780 100,010 209,386 23,725 68 bushels sold 1954... 169,478 8,125 24,470 28,157 3,200 69,961 8,250 69 1949... 56,820 16,550 6,000 15,320 13,600 70 Peanuts harvested for picking 3,508 15 2,097 10 11 5 87 32 71 1949. . . 7,074 11 3,323 221 25 5 57 5 261 181 72 acres grown alone 1954... 6,869 10 4,049 165 33 10 482 89 73 1949... 11,841 40 3,918 2,220 5 5 62 5 1,017 945 74 acres grown with other crops 1954... 30 25 75 1949... 185 30 85 76 pounds harvested 1954. . . 1,468,413 2,400 866,998 39,510 4,700 2,100 108,520 24,795 77 1949... 5,682,025 31,400 1,422,485 1,581,960 4,100 5,000 19,920 1,700 548,770 561,125 78 18,937 22,951 16 16 11,027 11,407 5 196 5 20 5 102 173 60 12 369 1,072 87 262 79 1949... SO acres 1954... 165,859 70 120,734 20 5 1,510 751 5,367 1,822 81 1949... 242,400 135 156,665 1,680 335 80 2,716 99 14,467 3,601 82 bales harvested 1954. . . 83,557 26 63,441 5 5 781 356 2,664 970 83 1949. . . 93,924 20 69,185 295 110 10 953 15 4,744 1,173 84 143,423 156,010 325 200 23,726 14,790 75 5 40 330 26,297 35,176 1,698 1,210 67,204 74,025 2,621 3,630 85 1949... 86 tons 1954... 121,776 157 17,333 5 25,895 1,583 57,612 2,760 1For comparability of data on livestock and ooultry, see text and State Table 12. 2Includes millt equivalent of < i and butterfat sold. SPECIFIED CROPS, BY TYPE OF FARM. a sample of farms. See text] ALABAMA CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued 207 Areas i and C— Continued Area 7a Type of farm— Con Total all Type of farm Genera] — Con. Miscel- Livestock General Miscel- Primarily Crop and uncUsei Cash- grain Cotton Other field- Vegetable Frult- Dairy Poultry poultry Primarily Primarily Crop and laneous livestock livestock fied crop crop livestock livestock sified 16 200 7,133 15,519 76 7,109 749 5 31 55 94 1,454 981 13 976 3,976 1 58 539 9,767 25,035 30 3,777 8,166 50 79 101 61 1,984 2,665 25 1,806 6,269 2 79 700 12,417 27,215 138 12,884 1,428 10 51 114 134 3,061 1,817 19 1,838 5,721 3 211 2,409 17,211 48,844 40 7,024 17,113 60 185 282 78 4,810 5,580 55 4,339 9,278 4 19 205 8,608 22,414 91 8,314 1,010 20 51 132 170 2,582 1,417 33 1,482 7,112 5 63 535 9,876 26,566 15 3,596 8,338 70 74 141 96 2,494 2,675 35 2,041 6,991 6 3,260 18,084 80,486 293,079 1,085 63,879 11,519 65 1,340 6,715 2,489 100,886 17,814 817 29,200 57,270 7 5,147 17,636 62,217 181,556 25 17,119 36,602 355 1,020 4,665 622 53,199 15,157 285 20, 502 32,005 a 19 205 8,353 21,940 91 8,148 1,000 20 51 132 170 2,567 1,400 33 1,466 6,862 • 63 535 9,534 25,781 15 3,466 8,081 65 74 141 91 2,469 2,625 35 2,021 6,698 10 2,079 11,268 46,663 154,349 620 33,161 5,798 35 610 4,366 1,486 53,699 9,218 442 15,027 29,887 u 3,251 10,184 34,799 97,858 20 9,464 19,710 155 593 2,745 284 28,969 8,113 100 10,892 16,613 1/ 12 160 5,636 17,981 66 6,854 860 15 45 132 132 1,938 1,204 32 1,288 5,415 13 62 493 8,006 24,074 10 3,131 7,779 55 64 141 86 2,279 2,508 35 1,914 6,072 u 536 1,358 11,754 44,443 137 13,891 1,906 15 150 3,875 372 5,770 3,084 112 4,300 10,831 15 890 3,027 16,246 54,182 15 6,002 15,302 145 141 2,615 212 7,544 5,402 150 5,271 11,383 16 11 148 6,326 19,092 56 8,266 1,050 20 40 59 120 2,259 1,426 27 1,484 4,285 17 58 518 10,078 27,626 35 4,031 9,248 35 42 96 56 2,432 2,854 35 2,089 6,673 18 56 1,856 18,392 380,138 895 137,626 20,887 150 195 921 2,920 86,967 36,370 758 50,914 41,535 19 1,140 6,338 38,295 446,625 210 46,689 145,118 500 603 1,950 891 80,850 52,077 660 58,914 58,163 20 15 160 9,138 23,680 85 9,353 1,133 25 45 91 185 2,223 1,440 33 1,376 7,691 21 57 535 12,234 30,731 35 4,396 9,673 75 83 120 106 2,423 2,897 35 2,060 8,828 22 6,290 19,208 176,190 738,071 2,440 230,245 25,670 505 1,135 5,224 74,835 89,235 41,008 11,795 59,820 196,159 23 10,455 18,658 222,389 748,471 360 104,933 207,476 2,020 2,990 3,480 20,940 71,907 72,510 2,820 69,432 189,603 24 19 195 3,246 10,755 41 3,224 445 10 31 121 100 2,214 781 23 1,067 2,698 25 63 516 4,040 12,922 10 1,394 3,269 25 38 116 51 2,007 1,512 30 1,575 2,895 26 1,216 7,075 22,242 96,481 335 15,958 2,860 90 175 2,678 1,060 42,707 4,975 328 10,307 15,008 27 2,175 5,828 12,427 54,725 10 3,294 7,572 40 325 1,235 104 24,262 3,991 85 7,134 6,673 28 63,659 377,737 895,964 4,646,862 11,795 684,085 121,969 1,305 8,105 75,000 39,830 2,361,597 237,415 16,841 488,755 600, 165 29 173,347 489,698 816,508 3,810,359 585 198,088 480,259 1,900 19,520 51,175 8,180 1,873,869 265,572 • 3,200 501,188 406,823 30 10 89 1,010 14,377 21 6,006 745 20 25 43 105 2,252 1,360 33 1,469 2,298 31 58 351 2,672 21,334 15 2,551 7,104 40 32 91 61 2,460 2,666 30 2,085 4,199 32 109 1,414 5,065 274,362 602 80,724 10,358 110 95 571 2,141 88,039 22,451 702 44,399 24,170 33 653 4,991 11,590 348,642 65 26,303 96,946 330 408 2,080 1,113 95,192 37,559 585 49,990 38,071 34 959 51,115 84,506 8,191,725 22,120 2,237,658 297,403 3,890 2,755 16,770 58,450 2,877,854 643,243 28,367 1,368,502 634,713 35 15,965 126,696 212,284 8,518,071 220 550,908 2,279,746 6,915 9,720 47,060 30,080 2,551,857 895,087 17,025 1,355,701 773,752 36 12 43 266 2,016 525 25 12 201 285 98 32 227 611 37 30 97 930 5,225 538 1,278 30 5 35 91 559 603 20 708 1,358 38 27,962 39,856 13,360 1,089,802 29,905 625 1,410 978,675 17,284 7,755 6,070 29,916 18,162 39 23,409 6,389 30,679 363,311 11,613 32,435 1,815 50 1,455 192,145 18,447 12,198 1,155 53,235 38,763 40 12 64 835 4,318 20 1,294 165 5 23 160 661 207 33 457 1,293 41 50 260 2,331 8,852 5 1,201 2,116 25 16 55 96 986 928 20 1,031 2,373 42 52,780 112,110 162,629 1,733,659 1,645 163,950 15,720 50 23,145 773,250 165,778 62,655 99,095 181,964 246,407 43 59,440 39,541 180,232 1,121,446 50 102,899 166,381 1,925 2,275 15,290 172,505 126,281 79,825 13,860 225,991 214,164 44 21,560 45,501 65,068 767,979 680 62,952 7,350 20 9,780 360,065 69,612 23,040 41,526 82,387 110,567 45 30,623 18,633 77,380 483,846 20 42,255 69,120 875 1,010 6,035 76,140 52,090 32,291 7,250 106,353 90,407 46 220,428 176,743 215,790 2,496,666 81,718 16,278 1,949,314 7,160 93,535 24,467 6,808 201,633 115,753 47 78,367 76,329 78,148 1,179,971 23,945 5,385 984,030 3,335 27,676 5,935 2,280 84,850 42,535 46 148,851 180,758 99,861 730,128 1,655 7,995 32,407 1,535 125 533,435 480 29,856 7,235 13,735 61,979 39,691 49 11 184 8,251 23,235 142 10,979 1,301 5 36 82 125 1,954 1,704 28 1,514 5,365 50 546 11,486 30,186 45 4,776 10,537 55 73 81 70 2,157 3,040 35 2,093 7,224 51 370 6,741 51,945 614, 580 5,620 300,346 39,215 75 565 3,201 3,382 79,586 61,346 1,078 60,080 60,086 52 2,210 13,072 87,717 625,552 1,380 94,829 229,880 1,025 1,310 2,085 1,470 64,169 76,382 580 63,000 89,442 53 10 181 7,790 21,713 142 10,477 1,215 5 36 76 120 1,667 1,601 28 1,389 4,957 54 54 540 11,336 28,799 45 4,676 10,264 55 67 81 60 1,876 2,958 25 1,997 6,695 55 345 6,358 48,911 446,851 5,160 233,846 28,985 75 540 2,745 2,577 46,036 41,737 623 35,915 48,612 56 2,155 12,482 86,838 488,473 1,330 82,567 185,837 835 875 1,850 1,220 35,947 60,021 330 43,133 74,528 57 6,000 88,515 391,182 5,642,916 104,030 2,724,524 364,800 1,875 6,600 41,060 27,125 688,756 609,963 10,850 499,362 563,971 58 46,085 246,230 1,154,095 6,993,075 26,950 V-79,935 2,581,921 13,240 10,625 34,730 18,950 619,902 877,860 5,000 689,672 934,290 59 7,000 13,135 991,468 84,605 489,118 79,870 1,000 2,920 19,385 206,705 43,250 64,615 60 3,000 43,300 73,285 491,483 18,250 58,340 240,193 375 275 350 12,705 91,710 25,915 43,370 61 13 50 271 1,220 11 300 86 15 13 2 329 168 7 179 110 62 24 72 240 21 86 5 1 10 50 24 27 16 63 725 2,836 3,677 22,152 515 4,048 1,006 120 597 55 7,193 3,830 71 3,160 1,557 64 131 1,199 820 3,909 353 1,355 15 30 100 1,173 455 358 70 65 22,940 101,060 87,430 581,114 17,951 108,030 25,555 2,000 14,970 1,800 200,824 100,435 1,440 68,609 39,500 66 2,625 27,600 14,110 76,337 5,585 20,940 150 800 1,800 24,177 14, 110 7,710 1,065 67 18,320 8,995 119,431 15,505 17,115 3,805 2,000 20,715 33,370 500 13,671 12,750 68 5,350 12,580 4,875 3,435 2,210 2,050 10 c9 67 1,184 15,120 80 8,154 1,305 15 10 63 37 986 1,623 27 1,341 1,479 70 11 213 2,761 21,995 15 2,522 10,899 25 5 35 20 929 2,997 20 1,775 2,753 71 247 1,784 177,689 605 84,802 27,304 95 55 845 393 11,392 26,280 291 18, 202 7,425 72 12 963 2,649 5 70 328,056 20 235 21,454 15 222,029 5 260 50 425 290 9,329 37,100 140 20,883 15,861 73 74 75 97,460 321,930 96,890,124 313,000 38,869,132 20,920,656 100,000 28,825 570,629 141,235 5,671,021 17,521,956 94, 805 9,879,056 2,779,810 76 3,540 555,750 946,275 272,351,085 60,900 15,300,570 190,743,097 215,000 35,000 355,375 204,750 7,423,188 32,343,734 125,000 15,599,218 10,045,253 77 9 187 7,070 19,163 55 11,335 905 5 10 31 49 764 1,649 18 1,426 2,916 78 40 545 9,203 23,394 20 4,967 8,255 20 40 41 20 934 3,000 15 1,869 4,213 79 81 3,145 32,354 208,198 265 147,931 8,101 30 45 469 482 6,654 18,415 138 13,234 12,434 60 692 8,880 53,050 255,456 115 71,456 88,595 160 290 371 175 8,066 42,521 80 19,551 24,076 81 58 1,791 13,460 139,514 165 103,612 4,557 20 25 305 322 4,259 11,736 71 8,338 6,104 82 254 3,322 13,843 97,808 15 33,853 29,984 45 95 123 60 2,697 17,031 15 6,641 7,249 83 1,714 6,551 13,282 17,159 710 4,257 459 25 1,800 10 5,679 822 45 1,387 1,965 84 2,107 9,140 15,287 5,538 1,251 615 105 80 1,607 580 420 680 85 1,316 5,254 9,861 12,713 260 3,090 242 15 715 5 4,669 634 48 1,599 1,436 86 208 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 6.-LIVESTOCK ON HAND, LIVESTOCK SOLD, AND [Data are based on reporte for only (For definitions and explanations, aee text) Area 7b Total all Type of farm Caah-grain Cotton Other field-crop Vegetable Fruit- Dairy Poultry Livestock dairy and poultry General Primarily Livestock on hand: 1 3,988 10 938 5 5 268 7 2 1950... 5,305 840 5 26 5 380 62 3 number 1954 . . . 5,877 20 1,550 5 15 530 15 4 1950... 9,121 1,767 5 43 5 833 146 5 5,036 21 1,023 5 15 15 365 23 6 1950... 5,427 10 751 5 36 15 436 67 7 number 1954 64,644 205 11,015 75 355 220 18,878 835 8 1950... 46,605 45 5,303 15 740 125 9,922 912 9 Cows, Including heifers that 4,895 21 1,008 5 15 15 364 23 10 1950... 5,322 10 746 5 36 15 426 67 11 number 1954 . . . 34,559 106 5,823 45 250 105 10,213 259 12 1950... 25,088 40 2,908 5 420 85 5,539 472 13 3,575 15 763 5 15 15 254 12 U 1950... 4,459 5 646 5 36 15 367 66 15 number 1954 .. . 8,406 15 2,157 20 240 20 763 39 16 1950... 11,363 35 1,724 5 352 45 1,261 212 17 3,294 10 805 10 15 185 10 18 1950... 5,180 860 5 20 10 370 51 19 number 1954 .. . 20,287 30 5,486 40 30 4,076 50 20 1950... 38,801 6,587 25 125 195 6,887 410 21 Chickens 4 months old and over.. farms reporting 1954... 5,635 25 1,095 5 15 15 320 22 22 1950... 6,703 10 936 5 36 20 427 67 23 number 1954.. . 169,703 1,715 28,064 125 250 25,000 12,019 535 24 1950... Livestock and livestock products sold: 170,372 110 23,546 60 1,860 2,250 14,007 2,350 25 Cattle and calves sold alive. .. .farms reporting 1954... 2,389 6 552 5 15 5 370 23 26 1949 . . . 2,750 5 400 31 5 386 51 27 number 1954... 20,381 85 2,698 15 75 30 7,783 231 28 1949... 11,960 20 1,065 155 10 4,229 201 29 dollars 1954... 851,991 3,035 97,913 375 1,600 1,200 388,035 9,835 30 1949... 804,817 750 69,485 8,930 425 315,745 12,885 31 1,023 293 161 16 32 1949... 2,475 355 10 5 351 46 33 number 1954 .. . 11,760 2,599 3,786 138 34 1949... 22,317 2,223 65 100 7,297 390 35 dollara 1954... 284,292 52,622 131,234 3,055 36 1949... 471,326 46,510 1,900 500 194,600 9,335 37 334 5 61 15 34 38 1949... 1,054 112 15 20 115 16 39 dollara 1954... 27,321 625 1,815 15,775 1,077 40 1949... 31,890 2,225 1,035 1,875 3,122 530 41 903 15 228 15 95 5 42 1949... 1,565 249 21 20 190 41 43 dozens 1954 .. . 444,158 5,140 18,750 307,725 17,060 1,040 44 1949... 168,387 18,070 10,356 14,000 20,329 3,050 45 dollars 1954... 183,331 2,055 7,490 128,300 6,761 260 46 , 1949... 64,665 7,123 3,434 5,060 7,918 1,130 47 66,128 975 47,808 2,450 2,000 48 dollars 1954... 28,146 735 20,570 1,065 2,000 49 1949... Specified crops harvested: 71,335 495 43,550 8,831 100 50 5,303 21 1,234 5 5 10 311 23 51 1949. . . 5,920 10 971 5 26 20 390 62 52 acres 1954... 59,605 615 21,087 25 15 80 7,685 1,980 53 1949. . . 71,094 530 17,075 50 265 380 9,463 1,320 54 Cor harvested for grain farms reporting 1954... 5,244 21 1,234 5 5 10 304 23 55 1949... 5,875 10 971 5 26 20 380 62 56 acres 1954... 57,177 615 20,557 25 15 80 6,847 1,715 57 1949... 68,207 530 16,850 50 265 380 7,670 1,320 58 bushels harvested 1954. . . 845,105 11,200 302,235 625 175 875 125,310 21,700 59 1949... 1,083,036 6,750 254,310 800 4,375 6,625 161,161 28,610 60 bushels sold 1954... .99,677 7,650 51,737 1,770 11,500 61 1949... 43,660 5,500 11,640 4,495 4,510 62 Oats threshed or combined farms reporting 1954... 113 6 31 32 63 1949... 21 5 10 64 acres 1954... 1,411 395 215 567 65 1949... 215 20 50 115 66 bushels harvested 1954... 46,595 12,000 6,310 23,105 67 1949... 5,950 400 750 2,800 68 bushels sold 1954... 17,216 8,500 3,940 4,726 69 1949... 1,785 455 1,000 70 Peanuts harvested for picking 486 236 20 71 1949. . . 839 210 65 15 72 acres grow tu.on' 1954. . . 518 268 50 73 1949. . . 658 175 125 15 74 acres grown with other crops 1954. . . 10 75 1949... 97 35 10 76 pounds harvested 1954. . . 130,855 79,305 7,055 77 1949... 184,585 42,185 23,850 6,600 78 3,269 3,351 10 5 1,254 961 5 11 98 190 23 56 79 1949... 30 acres 1954... 16,216 50 9,270 548 414 81 1949... 19,292 10 9,051 30 34 1,093 395 82 bales harvested 1954... 8,954 15 5,479 338 200 S3 1949... 7,997 5 4,161 15 508 212 84 7,252 4,596 10 1,667 460 50 2,456 960 112 1,075 85 1949... 86 tans 1954... 6,098 10 1,301 50 2,120 168 small fractions. 1For comparability of data on livestock and poultry, and State Table 12. 2Includes miUt equivalent of i i and butterfat sold. ALABAMA SPECIFIED CROPS, BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued a sample of farms. See text] 209 Area 7b — Continued Areas 8 and D Type o farm — Continued Total all Type of farm General — Con. Miscel- laneous unclesei- fied Livestock General Miscel- 1 t li manly Crop and Cash- grain Cotton Other field- Vegetable J™1 at Dairy Poultry dairy and poultry Primarily Primarily livestock Crop and livestock i sneoui unclas- sified 11 40 2,704 2,278 35 516 39 30 5 96 40 220 29 11 55 1,202 1 15 163 3,809 3,435 51 510 87 75 35 141 70 227 164 20 131 1,924 2 32 111 3,599 3,200 47 735 47 45 5 126 45 448 58 12 91 1,539 3 15 398 5,909 5,590 61 925 124 120 50 255 115 659 297 20 271 2,693 4 12 50 3,507 4,998 155 828 141 66 20 259 105 518 125 12 183 2,586 5 15 164 3,928 5,356 157 580 166 75 35 271 220 329 334 25 287 2,877 '■ 545 1,386 31,130 102,687 3,618 11,451 7,711 1,457 (35 16,682 1,640 27,920 3,956 527 7,473 19,717 ) 50 2,664 26,829 66,148 1,955 3,325 2,967 420 1, 105 12,860 1,590 15,834 4,845 500 7,042 13,705 12 50 3,382 4,726 155 788 141 66 20 259 105 502 125 12 183 2,370 9 15 164 3,838 5,094 147 565 156 70 30 266 210 323 324 25 287 2,691 n 335 762 16,661 53,797 2,012 5,515 4,028 641 'Jj 10,639 785 13,673 2,026 246 3,842 10,240 ll 35 1,443 14,141 34,928 1,027 1,775 1,383 200 ■'0 8,032 860 7,065 2,531 250 3,881 Li 11 44 2,441 3,578 99 643 88 61 10 259 75 318 61 12 161 1 , 771 n 15 137 3,167 4,642 147 530 141 60 25 266 195 287 273 25 236 2,457 14 25 226 4,901 16,992 300 1,411 235 131 20 9,706 225 732 182 535 3,469 15 35 390 7,304 18,133 323 1,150 615 100 60 7,903 475 769 647 70 1,210 4,811 16 5 50 2,204 2,845 68 630 65 50 5 90 20 383 78 6 111 1,339 17 5 145 3,714 3,942 101 550 121 60 25 93 115 297 257 25 239 2,059 18 30 876 9,669 45,508 1,003 13,321 2,030 520 50 1,571 390 12,447 1,442 55 3,301 9,378 19 10 1,781 22,781 49,177 1,075 6,875 2,160 330 75 1,620 795 6,447 5,628 625 5,855 15,592 /i, 12 49 4,077 5,080 162 600 101 10 162 190 401 116 12 165 2,895 21 15 164 5,023 6,274 160 690 156 105 40 215 295 313 336 25 275 3,662 22 2,700 2,798 96,497 365,149 18,625 24,620 11,601 2,371 75 7,399 129,315 21,418 8,575 2,600 26,957 111,393 23 625 7,835 117,729 353,677 8,655 22,710 13,655 3,930 1, 35 11,445 109,785 14,383 19,502 1,850 23,474 122,453 24 12 50 1,351 2,657 110 428 121 50 15 259 75 453 115 12 168 851 25 10 155 1,707 2,784 92 326 105 65 30 241 115 275 174 25 242 1,094 26 219 516 8,729 35,361 1,217 2,791 3,192 340 75 4,657 355 12,920 1,691 252 2,071 5,800 27 40 889 5,351 21,300 432 876 946 380 05 2,960 260 7,646 1,310 135 3,027 3,123 28 7,900 26,465 315,633 2,070,996 63,312 124,970 205,832 18,950 4, 4i 199,782 14,250 874,668 119,105 19,570 136,973 289,524 29 4,230 68,373 323,994 1,780,473 32,980 48,345 77,735 27,675 15, 50 164,446 19,115 729,108 96,709 11,760 339,706 215,842 30 1 44 508 1,853 53 484 61 20 5 37 25 366 62 1 113 626 31 5 134 1,569 2,693 71 451 91 45 25 62 55 307 222 25 239 1,100 32 3 860 4,374 37,072 1,127 8,270 2,337 220 25 1,233 545 12,363 1,431 106 3,294 6,121 33 5 1,763 10,474 41,437 1,185 5,600 1,700 255 20 1,051 780 9,284 4,076 435 6,642 10,209 34 106 18,183 79,092 1,151,188 44,285 224,100 84,412 7,000 1 48,413 12,790 414,480 40,288 4,240 105,017 165,448 35 205 41,984 176,292 1,043,566 22,055 117,830 50,645 5,870 5, 15 27,365 22,590 262,732 113,498 12,055 198,788 204,303 36 1 21 197 781 50 46 31 5 23 165 57 26 12 79 287 37 5 68 703 1,621 50 130 50 30 10 51 260 51 80 15 143 751 36 1,000 670 6,359 441,318 6,980 1,811 2,895 35 1,772 365,375 8,978 3,890 2,218 31,227 16,137 39 250 2,040 20,813 219,785 2,055 3,845 3,640 1,010 160 5,410 119,735 3,382 10,795 8,470 8,308 52,975 40 12 32 501 1,393 85 126 15 49 175 102 48 12 94 643 41 15 85 944 2,383 75 225 75 35 30 97 290 117 161 25 209 1,044 42 19,850 10,050 64,543 2,108,628 111,055 41,970 77,645 2,430 24,469 1,298,700 29,314 29,170 16,655 222,670 254,550 43 5,150 24,369 73,063 1,745,791 45,535 32,675 67,915 8,690 8, 32,375 1,020,985 35,270 107,730 22,915 129,035 233,896 44 6,910 4,610 26,945 860,512 36,715 17,065 27,820 985 10,444 550,565 11,621 9,925 8,944 66,278 100,150 45 2,420 9,222 28,338 750,190 17,165 11,425 35,860 3,855 4, 00 16,055 444,000 15,726 44,035 9,050 50,513 98,484 46 1,744 4,345 6,806 5,359,694 30,378 8,168 6,275 4,978,283 11,250 9,674 45 23,484 148,250 143,887 47 500 1,280 1,996 2,543,860 14,769 3,300 2,573 2,399,470 2,675 3,002 35 11,186 57,625 49,225 4-' 2,915 2,474 12,970 2,842,681 3,900 320 4,710 2,150 2,632,659 880 14,754 1,790 102,505 79,013 49 11 50 3,633 4,375 205 938 128 86 15 208 95 416 130 11 167 1,976 50 15 165 4,256 4,836 132 731 184 110 4 180 200 306 334 25 292 2,302 51 185 1,350 26,583 85,726 5,585 26,132 4,113 1,352 35 7,962 1,115 12,748 4,657 275 5,159 16,393 52 55 3,707 38,249 88,178 2,630 16,290 4,985 1,240 15 6,875 3,070 10,361 8,860 540 9,790 23,122 53 11 50 3,581 3,983 200 903 121 71 15 189 85 391 123 6 161 1,718 54 15 165 4,221 4,572 131 726 179 105 40 154 200 257 329 25 281 2,145 55 185 1,300 25,838 72,343 5,250 23,072 3,536 1,102 65 7,174 1,095 9,624 3,207 220 4,248 13,630 56 55 3,432 37,655 72, 506 2,240 14,120 4,360 1,015 15 4,820 2,870 6,526 7,768 415 8,062 19,895 57 2,000 25,880 355,105 1,796,942 175,435 430,800 101,205 24,360 1, 00 233,615 24,900 278,431 102,710 7,300 134,865 281,621 58 2,300 65,500 552,605 1,573,930 66,640 272,385 104,075 18,230 16, 25 143,150 82,800 154,830 169,100 11,525 191,645 342,725 59 1,850 25,170 313,589 96,775 75,270 16,276 3,025 5,906 4,000 19,615 34,965 700 12,575 44,480 60 3,750 13,765 152,307 15,500 28,205 17,170 150 1, reo 4,000 1,300 5,217 24,960 37,050 17,005 61 1 43 403 44 37 61 15 24 30 52 33 6 41 60 62 1 179 15 10 10 8 30 13 35 5 31 22 63 15 219 8,899 1,555 238 1,851 225 763 395 1,447 940 33 691 761 64 30 2,747 210 35 300 153 295 399 570 40 250 495 65 300 4,880 213,996 29,475 4,100 39,925 4,900 19,715 8,750 44,288 25,697 1,115 15,475 20,556 66 2,000 51,289 5,075 260 6,250 2,415 6,050 10,500 13,850 BC 0 3,420 2,669 •' 50 43,190 8,750 600 8,550 1,250 1,990 20,500 1,550 68 330 15,220 475 4,095 600 2,250 7,750 50 69 10 220 191 85 5 10 12 11 7 61 70 53 496 310 55 36 5 18 40 5 20 131 71 40 160 829 305 60 40 45 117 115 147 72 31 312 2,066 355 494 50 118 390 20 290 351 73 74 12 10 40 20 5 15 75 12,040 32,455 360,868 96,030 25, 21,200 24,000 88,500 46,553 59,085 76 10,865 101,085 1,434,230 136,450 439,450 35,000 71,000 281,750 14,000 234,000 222,580 77 6 49 1,829 1,991 27 983 10 31 5 19 25 110 71 76 634 78 142 1,976 2,050 5 736 43 10 5 25 25 110 197 5 129 760 79 35 347 5,552 16,965 169 11,212 343 160 - 311 155 895 523 560 2,577 SO 20 1,031 7,628 21,851 50 11,200 462 30 560 275 1,025 2,192 15 1,496 4,534 81 18 220 2,684 15,257 146 10,264 391 99 35 360 105 827 546 448 2,036 82 10 383 2,696 12,742 30 6,978 244 20 z) 345 170 495 1,412 10 1,000 2,038 83 135 227 2,595 10,928 484 760 1,167 343 30 2,184 100 2,402 527 53 1,103 1,775 84 463 1,590 4,992 5 350 160 195 .' 1,111 120 953 150 100 355 1,478 85 140 179 2,130 10,239 451 593 1,060 376 15 1,896 125 2,449 462 67 1,067 1,676 86 210 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 7.-FARMS, ACREAGE, VALUE, AND USE OF COMMERCIAL [Data are based on reports for only The State Tenure of operator1 Share-cash Crop-share FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number 1954.. 1950. , Land in farms acres 1954., 1950., Average size of farm acres 1954., 1950. , In,- of land and buildings: Average per farm dollars 1954. , 1950. , Average per acre dollars 1954. 1950. , Proportion of farms reporting value percent 1954. Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting 1954. 1949., acres 1954., 1949. 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 1954. 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 1954. 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 1954. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 1954. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1954. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 1954. 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 1954. 500 acres and over farms reporting 1954. Cropland used only for pasture.. farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Cropland used only for crops not harvested and not pastured farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. Cropland lying idle farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. Woodland pastured farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. Woodland not pastured farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. Improved (see text). farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. Cropland total farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Land pastured, total farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Woodland, total farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Irrigated land in farms farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Cover crops turned under and land planted to another crop ..farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. Cropland used for row or grain crops farmed on contour farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER Crops od which commercial fertilizer was used, 1954: Hay and cropland pastured farms reporting. acres on which used. Other pasture .farms reporting. acres on which used. Corn farms reporting. Cotton farms reporting. acres on which used. 176,949 211,361 20,831,423 20,931,188 117.7 99.0 6,208 152,065 189,869 4,755,308 5,766,095 39,470 36,544 26,511 25,158 17,704 4,8 1,526 274 46,510 57,500 1,670,367 1,595,450 54,030 72,800 1,025,065 1,371,123 12,165 L49,950 46,410 875,115 80,230 4,592,166 74,076 5,786,241 64,678 2,449,451 20,748 822,298 151,019 552,825 165,746 202,176 7,450,740 8,732,668 124,891 143,476 8,711,984 7,047,900 115,566 133 ,492 10,378,407 9,738,242 496 38 Fruits, vegetables, potatoes, Other crops ..farms reporting. res on which used. ..farms reporting. res on which used. 18,773 115,468 575,991 8,264 64,939 351,461 121,362 338,623 2,151,309 103,274 301,767 1,132,392 24,250 49,040 111,278 26,495 89,332 441,971 34,660 43,519 6,855,503 6,876,351 197.8 158.0 9,359 6,687 53.51 44.71 31,968 41,821 1,223,808 1,578,606 3,320 7,470 7,581 7,318 4,567 1,183 455 74 13,311 17,155 622,862 615,875 12,179 16,400 280,408 357,531 47,404 10,275 233,004 21,800 1,664,021 19,818 1,967,790 18,198 939,151 7,010 344,510 32,280 157,463 33,296 42,707 2,127,078 2,552,012 31,893 39,676 3,226,034 2,677,206 29,940 37,486 3,631,811 3,485,275 239 22 6,720 46,908 235,236 3,248 30,876 165,275 27,157 90,684 546,834 23,845 63,926 218,618 6,634 15,212 33,487 7,533 27,634 131,722 19,395 17,613 4,949,221 3,869,757 255.2 219.7 13,825 9,973 56.73 46.94 19,080 17,321 1,275,826 1,048,070 573 2,194 3,012 4,885 5,446 2,103 726 141 7,408 7,083 446,743 370,342 5,936 6,510 140,414 183,035 2,138 36 ,493 4,588 103,921 12,115 1,158,192 10,713 1,100,834 10,382 725,021 4,323 264,524 18,187 102,191 19,231 17,479 1,862,983 1,601,447 17,684 15,354 2,329,956 1,623,563 16,358 14,339 2,259,026 1,670,057 109 4,017 38,760 186,550 1,787 19,023 106,385 17,261 93,216 553,275 15,683 79,658 282,622 4,01B 20,228 36,232 5,265 29,978 150,356 570,355 620,539 1,329.5 1,520.9 64,076 56,105 53.93 37.87 6,989 84 9,098 40,623 56,603 3,047,837 3,800,795 75.0 67.1 4,572 3,713 62.62 56.11 40,323 56,271 1,481,740 1,995,055 2,624 9,548 9,420 10,150 6,872 1,432 259 18 5,780 10,265 148,664 176,845 7,957 13,329 121,160 192,780 2,419 21,216 6,262 99,944 11,909 434,810 9,630 566,676 9,523 210,415 1,923 52,707 28,712 84,372 40,435 56,477 1,751,564 2,364,680 19,470 28,804 793,889 810,408 16,447 23,692 1,001,486 1,110,809 51 2,103 6,875 39,401 33,318 93,851 662,920 37,517 124,747 501,286 4,015 6,804 18,625 7,731 10,432 754,825 857,666 97.6 82.2 4,128 3,229 44.42 39.79 7,615 10,267 237,262 343,135 732 2,671 1,743 1,389 1,367 2,293 52,429 63,174 2,428 2,818 35,041 46,380 5,599 1,903 29,442 3,364 169,925 2,119 170,695 17,318 6,154 16,951 7,665 10,372 324,732 452,689 4,910 6,312 294,876 271,965 4,280 5,101 340,620 310,020 6,448 14,055 105,761 7,146 18,340 71,572 853 1,541 4,679 1,719 4,551 22,630 104,274 77,535 141.9 109.8 7,544 6,282 60.74 59.62 13,819 23,080 1,093,282 1,556,476 79.1 67.. 13,789 23,040 580,697 860,739 2,292 2,978 3,949 3,157 3,013 6,077 39,300 84,641 8,847 2,417 30,453 4,562 115,557 4,391 213,777 10,617 33,907 13,804 23,070 666,1 1,002,920 8,058 13,754 225,601 275,346 6,586 11,254 329,334 435,871 21 1,016 1,931 11,833 11,778 39,817 277,614 12,935 46,773 187,940 1,531 1,875 5,741 2,697 7,110 36,493 of operator for Co: al farms only. ALABAMA FERTILIZER, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR. CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 211 a sample of fanns. See text] The State— Continued Area! Tenure of operator1— Con. Other Total all Tenure of operator1 Other Tenant — Con. Full Part Ua^ra Tenants Croppers Other and unspeci- All CSBh cash Crop- LWestock- Croppars Other and un- fied specified 13,360 4,323 81,842 21,655 3,762 3,215 60 6,829 120 76 2,708 112 3,305 503 7,789 1 17,645 4,132 93,218 25,031 5,142 3,141 35 9,537 472 151 4,321 72 3,773 748 7,176 2 602,004 380,585 5,406,507 1,951,753 473,613 580,143 38,381 498,718 28,927 11,300 270,943 26,988 112,226 48,334 360,898 3 860,919 372,150 5,763,746 1,963,606 523,861 471,266 33,607 612,466 46,772 16,152 341,285 9,514 130,854 67,889 322,406 4 45.1 88.0 66.1 90.1 125.9 180.4 639.7 73.0 241.1 148.7 100.1 241.0 34.0 95.1 46.3 5 48.8 90.1 61.8 78.4 101.9 150.0 960.2 64.2 99.1 107.0 79.0 132.1 34.7 90.8 44.9 6 3,164 4,412 3,890 8,083 10,314 15,810 36,123 7,368 18,438 14,577 9,782 29,964 3,878 9,222 4,738 7 2,892 4,684 3,040 6,642 8,460 12,137 70,208 5,731 8,140 10,129 6,607 2,813 3,555 8,468 3,865 8 69.80 51.24 64.18 101.89 91.47 100.99 58.28 104.23 76.71 111.14 103.13 128.33 115.47 85.47 116.61 9 59.65 54.24 51.46 86.08 85.62 82.48 73.95 89.47 87.59 88.10 84.81 97.84 103.13 87.61 86.21 10 81 70 78 75 75 66 47 79 82 86 79 76 80 64 75 11 13,335 4,205 60,327 18,645 3,490 3,202 42 6,798 120 76 2,703 111 3,300 488 5,113 12 17,635 4,035 74,094 22,640 4,955 3,129 34 9,511 462 146 4,316 72 3,773 742 5,011 13 428,380 134,724 704,508 750,055 141,726 239,331 10,458 294,488 10,111 6,356 147,0% 13,635 93,328 23,962 64,052 U> 570,060 147,811 1,063,315 874,797 189, 967 222,202 11,120 379,033 23,405 9,057 201,731 4,316 104,122 36,402 72,475 15 870 347 32,926 3,280 330 55 5 290 5 110 165 10 2,600 16 3,221 1,244 17,325 3,792 705 241 1,421 15 5 240 10 1,080 71 1,425 17 3,442 1,147 6,476 3,416 750 555 1,500 20 10 450 10 905 105 611 18 3,633 883 2,771 4,156 985 900 1,866 30 15 860 20 786 155 405 19 1,947 442 748 2,784 560 880 7 1,271 25 30 755 25 330 106 66 20 192 91 63 825 94 371 7 348 10 15 236 26 32 29 5 21 27 49 11 333 55 164 18 95 12 51 18 2 12 1 22 3 2 7 59 11 36 5 7 3 1 1 2 23 813 714 19,777 7,527 2,014 1,581 39 1,199 33 41 771 59 170 125 2,694 24 1,725 969 22,749 9,605 2,789 1,763 30 2,577 216 66 1,569 52 393 281 2,446 25 15,769 22,472 382,423 222,742 67,764 72,722 6,890 31,655 2,560 1,095 18,470 2,515 2,060 4,955 43,711 26 21,698 22,087 346,381 179,460 61,381 49,454 5,952 37,196 3,555 1,225 20,664 2,007 3,890 5,855 25,477 27 1,029 1,162 27,890 6,679 1,539 1,226 7 1,330 61 25 843 43 170 188 2,577 28 2,733 1,336 36,429 8,971 2,279 1,475 14 2,552 171 45 1,416 21 563 336 2,651 29 15,869 22,369 472,776 116,002 26 ,647 28,144 1,165 23,209 1,410 435 14,198 1,808 1,550 3,808 36 ,837 30 29,895 22,997 605,274 156,741 35,686 38,280 2,233 42,060 3,350 1,725 24,286 330 5,342 7,027 38,482 31 392 321 4,484 2,272 600 598 4 455 16 10 301 18 65 45 615 32 2,323 3,039 41,881 31,976 8,256 10,829 238 6,548 760 200 4,125 423 495 545 6,105 33 708 954 25,239 5,260 1,162 883 5 1,038 45 15 673 32 115 158 2,172 34 13,546 19,330 430,895 84,026 18,391 17,315 927 16,661 650 235 10,073 1,385 1,055 3,263 30,732 35 1,605 1,720 34,145 7,017 1,863 1,600 31 1,273 58 31 811 70 H9 154 2,250 36 46,211 70,717 1,210,225 219,238 62,187 61,579 6,193 37,578 2,090 1,264 22,342 3,127 3,900 4,855 51,701 37 1,349 1,289 33,732 7,677 2,058 1,545 25 1,417 64 30 925 30 223 145 2,632 38 53,673 86,356 1,975,857 371,429 100,349 101,392 6,766 61,429 9,953 1,255 37,049 1,820 4,679 6,673 101,493 39 1,542 1,184 26,353 7,537 1,794 1,601 24 1,385 46 30 900 53 234 122 2,733 40 26,401 32,736 465,106 185,354 55,948 55,679 5,094 29,196 2,010 550 19,077 1,855 3,370 2,334 39,437 41 337 266 7,331 2,122 603 538 15 284 16 10 188 13 37 20 682 42 7,840 8,125 107,412 59,756 20,056 20,746 3,216 6,138 755 70 3,205 1,085 593 430 9,600 43 7,598 3.164 71,441 18,680 3,616 3,081 55 4,837 115 76 2,338 107 1,874 327 7,091 44 15,701 11,211 197,612 86,933 18,992 21,296 1,815 21,163 793 345 12,711 2,228 3,339 1,747 23,667 45 13,340 4,242 72 ,386 20,334 3,637 3,215 53 6,808 120 76 2,703 111 3,300 498 6,621 46 17,645 4,081 85,125 23,911 5,089 3,135 35 9,521 462 151 4,321 72 3,773 742 6,131 4': 460,018 179,565 1,559,707 1,088,799 236,137 340,197 18,513 349,352 14,081 7,886 179,764 17,958 96,938 32,725 144,600 48 621,653 192,895 2,014,970 1,210,998 287,034 309,936 19,305 458,289 30,310 12,007 246,681 6,653 113,354 49,284 136,434 4'.) 2,956 2,581 55,447 14,400 3,425 2,895 55 2,674 90 61 1,728 97 415 283 5,351 50 5,155 2,706 59,247 16,462 4,717 2,668 34 4,456 377 81 2,801 57 648 492 4,587 51 88,381 125,925 2,057,754 627,334 185,899 189,980 18,177 98,429 6,660 2,909 59,889 7,497 9,330 12,144 134,849 52 121,885 102 ,327 1,649,132 449,820 154,174 110,179 10,923 97,643 11,300 3,384 57,470 2,922 10,250 12,317 76,901 53 2,415 2,321 52,497 11,475 2,989 2,403 39 2,160 95 41 1,362 87 324 251 3,884 54 4,149 2,420 57,625 13,139 4,013 2,196 34 3,263 285 56 2,071 37 417 397 3,633 55 99,884 157,073 3,186,082 590,667 162,536 162,971 12,959 99,007 12,043 2,519 59,391 4,947 8,579 11,528 153,194 56 181,618 137,696 3,165,804 553,014 179,940 111,040 11,530 103,485 9,210 2,529 66,560 2,124 10,068 12,994 147,019 57 16 6 10 100 37 14 12 36 6 20 10 1 58 59 448 225 600 40 4,408 1,452 1,061 990 895 410 295 190 10 60 61 1,012 253 2,992 4,031 1,102 1,050 8 1,170 5 30 609 50 395 81 701 62 13,068 3,858 27,028 73,792 20,320 23,472 412 22,638 150 295 12,722 2,336 5,340 1,795 6,950 63 3,810 979 13,982 4,759 1,196 1,015 5 1,452 15 10 737 62 526 102 1,091 64 120,183 29,556 194,284 150,823 41,105 43,554 488 45,156 625 425 26,403 3,315 11,298 3,090 20, 520 65 304 245 5,771 2,438 908 648 20 370 8 16 228 13 39 66 492 66 863 1,049 14,437 12,723 4,025 6,111 588 1,117 213 30 546 98 122 108 882 67 4,793 5,701 79,656 74,343 22,818 33,872 4,231 7,777 875 295 3,964 833 575 1,235 5,645 68 66 69 2,651 784 297 21A 9 58 6 35 1 6 10 206 69 394 388 8,723 4,602 1,944 1,449 193 446 60 256 36 28 66 570 70 1,956 2,052 49,035 30,081 12,254 10,945 845 2,657 350 1,580 117 280 330 3,380 71 10,500 3,323 43,406 13,728 2,878 2,792 37 5,010 90 61 2,186 100 2,199 374 3,011 72 25,336 8,113 57,683 37,131 7,341 11,679 795 13,367 332 343 6,995 704 3,584 1,409 3,949 73 176,312 57,674 373,065 268,863 50,424 83,770 3,627 102,667 2,185 2,410 55,212 5,469 27,041 10,350 28,375 74 12,428 3,739 25,908 15,261 2,920 2,948 30 6,568 119 76 2,593 110 3,198 472 2,795 75 42,574 10,972 31,172 65,782 9,573 19,827 819 31,602 836 618 14,106 938 12,767 2,337 3,961 76 174,821 43,626 122,558 280,999 38,165 79,561 2,500 143,308 3,262 2,481 63,111 4,331 60,374 9,749 17,465 77 1,076 332 9,543 1,393 376 165 1 236 5 1 105 110 15 615 78 1,558 1,503 6,429 1,069 394 156 1 220 10 1 124 64 21 298 79 4,715 2,335 21,676 2,955 989 415 1 650 80 5 325 225 15 900 SO 2,952 626 4,913 1,433 438 439 3 263 21 6 164 12 43 17 290 81 7,246 1,456 5,914 6,029 1,384 3,019 118 1,154 212 18 611 124 67 122 354 82 37,531 8,174 29,939 40,594 9,395 20,267 584 8,233 1,660 335 4,338 702 546 652 2,115 83 212 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 7.-FARMS, ACREAGE, VALUE, AND USE OF COMMERCIAL [Data are based on reports for only and explanati Tenure of operator1 Share-cash Crop-share 1 FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number 1954. 1950. Land in farms acres 1954. 1950. Average size of farm acres 1954. 1950. dollars 1954. 1950. Average per acre dollars 1954. 1950. Proportion of farms reporting value percent 1954. .farms reporting .farms reporting .farms reporting •farms reporting •farms reporting .farms reporting •farms reporting •farms reporting 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. Cropland used only for pasture, .farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. L954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. L954. Cropland lying idle farms reporting Woodland pastured farms reporting Woodland not pastured farms reporting 1954. 1954. Improved (see text) farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. Cropland total farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Land pastured, total farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Woodland, total farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Irrigated land in farms farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER Oops on which connerciel fertilizer was used, 1954: Hay and cropland pastured farms reporting acres on which used Other pasture farms reporting acres on which used Corn farms reporting acres on which used Cotton farms reporting acres on which used Fruits, vegetables, potatoe ....farms reporting 25,019 30,551 1,784,256 1,874,338 71.3 61.4 5,411 4,547 79.65 75.52 22,161 28,612 657,773 749,808 3,803 4,685 5,440 4,962 2,778 5,197 7,087 70,090 59,524 6,803 9,225 81,430 100,323 1,308 11,273 5,996 70,157 10,924 174,299 14,232 597,511 42,081 21,855 54,639 23,487 29,375 809,293 909,655 20,015 24,393 392,903 339,340 17,801 21,513 771,810 774,091 47 3,142 7,232 34,932 1,071 3,732 20,647 19,495 67,374 372,602 16,661 47,882 151,785 6,353 8,427 23,689 1,517 2,886 12,882 6,695 9,316 558,142 685,182 6,161 5,073 76.30 69.50 6,286 9,123 176,548 247,194 1,806 2,813 26,066 24,040 2,155 2,835 23,569 27,444 3,708 68,272 4,745 190,790 4,622 55,957 1,385 15,628 6,396 16,940 6,490 9,193 226,183 298,678 6,355 8,795 150,295 139,719 5,886 8,071 259,062 314,505 4,011 3,031 428,210 279,938 7,418 6,729 76.39 73.15 3,997 3,018 182,164 117,599 2,143 36,391 2,813 130,631 35,901 948 12,522 3,844 11,761 4,001 3,026 213,526 142,815 3,805 2,770 91,667 48,647 3,420 2,465 167,022 112,792 1,293 732 3,489 2,206 16,085 10,679 431 227 1,616 903 9,456 4,475 5,750 3,837 18,700 18,965 97,235 105,338 5,291 3,587 12,448 13,365 37,676 42,316 2,295 1,410 2,957 2,629 7,724 6,665 522 347 1,183 807 5,064 3,339 11,395 6,917 569.8 21,271 19,064 37.25 25.78 3,538 9 1,528 5,977 8,807 377, 138 472, 119 63.1 53.6 5,164 1,676 1,830 1,150 1,436 9,163 11,075 2,116 10,471 21,820 1,826 25,549 2,073 4,340 9,299 5,966 8,787 244,048 300,397 3,472 5,892 52,836 69,023 2,751 4,647 105,667 131,450 5,461 20,909 125,756 5,520 18,823 61,708 1,266 1,846 5,370 15,525 15,670 77.2 7,992 5,956 104.01 77.57 3,525 5,776 242,070 324,029 3,525 5,766 144,855 181,982 1,010 420 3,875 1,180 15,105 1,360 53,210 1,915 2,710 5,590 3,525 5,771 156,105 203,437 2,275 4,161 33,530 47,144 1,805 3,286 68,315 93,004 3,280 11,360 37,155 ALABAMA FERTILIZER, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 19S0-Continued 213 a sample of farms. See te,t] kr ea 2-Ccnti Areas 3 and A Tenure of operator1— Con. Other Total all Tenure of operator1 °Zl Tenants —Con. Full Part Tenants Cropper B Other and unspeci- UanagerB All Cash "ET Crop- Livestock- share Croppers Other and un- fied specified 1,576 499 8,316 19,560 3,127 1,516 65 2,532 243 37 1,068 20 882 282 12,320 1 2,035 615 9,385 23,861 3,883 1,210 Hi 3,700 367 30 1,986 5 961 351 15,028 2 70,450 34,818 409,371 1,699,035 492,741 281,523 33,457 202,648 34,883 5,289 88,155 1,515 42,811 29,995 688,666 3 85,395 36,715 430,182 1,821,438 493,800 193,976 28,693 312,884 41,624 3,720 165,990 465 52,630 48,455 792,085 4 44.7 69.8 49.2 86.9 157.6 185.7 514.7 80.0 143.6 142.9 82.5 75.8 48.5 106.4 55.9 42.0 59.7 45.8 76.3 127.2 160.3 717.3 84.6 113.4 124.0 83.6 93.0 54.8 136.0 52.7 6 3,885 5,606 4,004 6,905 10,121 12,130 46,333 6,498 9,668 14,060 7,141 12,000 4,220 7,685 5,516 7 3,743 5,279 3,423 4,659 6,504 8,159 48,907 4,594 4,877 6,440 4,757 5,000 3,462 6,620 3,830 8 87.72 75.96 84.84 85.89 71.53 70.71 78.13 82.51 78.35 68.37 87.71 134.33 82.09 71.34 101.49 9 92.28 90.22 76.22 62.16 51.76 54.19 66.67 55.81 47.23 74.54 54.62 53.76 63.81 57.02 72.25 10 77 60 69 77 83 42 68 62 59 69 75 71 66 79 11 1,576 494 5,897 15,499 2,823 1,472 48 2,482 230 37 1,063 15 882 255 8,674 12 2,035 600 7,687 20,214 3,757 1,180 33 3,674 361 30 1,981 5 961 336 11,570 13 48,195 16,609 72,795 390 , 06( 105,615 82,720 4,463 97,309 9,859 2,294 44,267 690 29,859 10,340 99,959 1A 55,825 18,045 116,871 479,615 132,541 62,658 5,091 136,461 11,225 1,645 76,831 120 33,130 13,510 142,864 15 65 35 2,927 5,313 332 45 85 10 10 35 30 4,851 16 330 115 1,760 3,523 642 180 5 395 70 5 150 115 55 2,301 17 520 121 821 2,478 629 276 6 620 55 5 235 265 60 947 ie 485 155 302 2,273 621 416 7 811 55 5 371 10 325 45 418 19 175 55 81 1,452 430 395 14 471 25 15 245 5 136 142 20 5 373 139 122 12 86 8 7 50 6 15 14 21 1 79 25 35 14 7 2 5 22 B 5 3 23 151 56 1,408 5,204 1,090 599 29 360 75 6 150 10 72 47 3,126 24 210 100 1,899 6,005 1,391 511 24 643 86 5 336 5 101 110 3,436 25 1,690 443 15,191 141,805 47,975 28,784 6,136 10,372 5,040 145 2,435 30 1,167 1,555 48,538 26 1,945 1,000 12,111 104,810 33,346 13,578 6,842 10,702 2,280 50 3,760 50 1,817 2,745 40,342 27 150 141 2,692 7,820 1,372 576 6 609 87 15 307 5 125 70 5,257 28 395 130 3,338 11,745 1,940 614 12 1,312 185 5 756 220 146 7,867 29 1,955 1,651 35,103 133,568 33,939 10,737 745 8,425 2,345 175 3,795 10 1,090 1,010 79,722 30 3,175 1,810 37,746 206,242 47,650 14,019 507 22,845 4,295 400 12,470 2,o60 3,020 121,221 31 45 10 256 1,379 279 221 3 148 16 57 60 15 728 32 155 140 2,385 13,649 3,649 1,802 80 1,075 340 340 350 45 7,043 33 110 136 2,572 7,136 1,245 454 5 518 81 15 277 5 75 65 4,914 34 1,800 1,511 32,718 119,919 30,290 8,935 665 7,350 2,005 175 3,455 10 740 965 72,679 35 276 194 3,241 7,941 1,686 933 40 702 111 12 343 10 135 91 4,580 36 3,700 5,039 43,265 275,545 77,787 54,670 8,140 20,500 5,231 752 8,930 90 2,535 2,962 114,448 37 325 173 4,588 10,007 2,088 1,015 24 863 144 16 422 5 145 131 6,017 38 10,335 8,098 191,485 564,175 161,739 77,724 8,724 48,932 10,773 910 21,114 480 ... 100 10,755 267,056 39 455 193 4,339 7,228 1,662 795 33 720 74 12 353 5 180 96 4,018 40 2,690 1,796 34,994 140,663 52,264 21,547 4,619 10,968 1,090 823 4,910 175 1,845 2,125 51,265 - 90 27 1,105 2,275 685 356 27 149 22 6 51 5 30 35 1,058 42 615 510 9,188 47,715 20,266 8,483 3,132 2,725 255 65 1,635 175 210 385 13,109 43 980 354 7,257 17,665 2,943 1,461 63 1,957 193 32 838 15 672 207 11,241 44 1,885 1,182 16,538 53,213 13,422 5,341 630 6,142 545 190 2,704 40 1,415 1,248 27,678 45 1,576 494 7,010 18,063 2,979 1,495 50 2,505 241 37 1,068 20 882 257 11,034 .;. 2,035 600 8,362 22,640 3,841 1,203 35 3,690 362 30 1,986 5 961 346 13,871 47 51,840 18,703 123,089 665,439 187,529 122,241 11,344 116,106 17,244 2,614 50,497 730 32,116 12,905 228,219 48 60,945 20,855 166,728 790,667 213,537 90,255 12,440 170,008 17, 800 2,095 93,061 170 37,607 19,275 304,427 49 631 289 6,363 14,113 2,819 1,379 55 1,322 188 22 633 10 307 162 8,538 50 945 480 6,924 17,245 3,391 1,063 33 2,310 217 30 1,361 5 436 261 10,448 51 8,080 7,278 93,450 558,013 178,026 105,001 18,895 41,840 11,361 1,720 16,275 295 5,547 6,642 214,251 52 10,600 6,230 77,891 467,993 127,205 61,886 14,531 66,504 9,453 1,110 29,384 50 8,822 17,685 197,867 53 456 229 5,730 13,288 2,701 1,316 53 1,169 197 17 548 10 220 177 8,049 54 665 435 6,318 16,562 3,330 989 23 2,084 211 25 1,241 5 371 231 10,136 55 14,035 13,137 234,750 839,720 239,526 132,394 16,864 69,432 16,004 1,662 30,044 570 7,435 13,717 381,504 56 17,230 5 12,145 1 211,149 6 819,610 68 15 222,907 23 5 85,366 13 11,403 1 107,754 20,844 845 57,850 290 10,255 17,670 392,180 31 10 57 58 59 175 70 64 1,278 65 330 25 470 173 305 40 60 61 186 67 451 1,484 465 274 7 259 28 5 125 5 76 20 479 62 1,825 948 3,363 23,575 8,307 5,892 507 4,675 880 30 2,025 225 1,295 220 4,194 63 735 175 2,816 2,307 502 362 11 321 35 5 161 100 20 1,111 64 21,525 5,150 36,236 45,551 12,777 12,217 482 8,640 815 10 4,735 2,770 310 11,435 65 81 23 653 2,754 825 422 20 287 43 160 57 25 1,200 66 100 132 830 10,567 4,325 2,806 356 560 144 16 184 94 122 2,520 67 620 570 4,053 53,550 22,891 12,278 1,686 3,277 942 170 1,120 715 330 13,418 68 20 12 298 780 227 148 18 24 2 11 1 10 363 69 56 62 784 4,586 2,103 791 364 141 47 60 22 12 1,187 70 560 410 4,168 24,595 11,356 3,978 1,884 698 135 375 88 100 6,679 71 1 , 381 429 4,433 12,124 2,295 1,332 22 2,151 190 36 983 15 732 195 6,324 72 4,192 1,622 8,693 28,122 7,436 6,075 131 6,673 495 174 3,166 70 1,949 819 7,807 73 24,610 9,271 43,678 172,940 42,705 35,381 628 42,834 3,185 975 21,423 445 12,701 4,105 51,392 74 1,436 453 2,256 7,390 1,882 1,164 5 2,198 198 26 973 10 791 200 2,141 75 5,040 1,258 3,188 22,712 5,993 5,287 46 8,873 687 153 3,782 24 3,479 748 2,513 76 16,545 4,373 9,964 81,245 19,142 18,482 170 33,831 2,782 472 14,836 95 12,841 2,805 9,620 77 365 91 1,381 2,728 454 307 2 320 35 140 5 110 30 1,645 78 79 611 145 965 2,710 618 890 9 396 21 68 1 221 85 797 1,795 445 3,811 7,814 1,743 1,990 66 1,165 165 300 5 520 175 2,850 80 81 5 315 1,096 306 149 12 162 30 6 71 40 15 467 20 296 3,306 1,338 906 138 454 100 49 215 12 78 470 82 49C 375 1,090 17,291 6,185 4,111 650 3,130 995 475 1,050 100 510 3,215 B3 214 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 7.— FARMS, ACREAGE, VALUE, AND USE OF COMMERCIAL [Data are based on reports for only Share- caah Crop FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number 1954. . 1950. . acres 1954. . 1950. . Average size of farm acres 1954.. 1950. . f land and buildings: Average per farm dollars 1954. . 1950. . dollars 1954. . 1950. . of farms reporting value percent 1954.. Land in farms. Va] Average per Proport: 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 500 acres and over farms reporting Cropland used only for pasture, .farms reporting Cropland lying idle farms reporting Woodland pastured farms reporting Woodland not pastured farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. 1954.. 1949.. 1954., 1954.. 1954., 1954., 1954., 1954. 1954., 1954., 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. Improved (see text) farms reporting Other land Chouse lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. Cropland total farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Woodland, total farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. Land pastured, total ....farms reporting Irrigated land in farms fa USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER Oops on >bich coaaercial fertilizer »a» used. 1954: Hay and cropland pastured farms reporting. acres on which used. Other pasture farms reporting. acres on which used. Corn farms reporting. acres on which used. Cotton farms reporting. acres on which used. ...farms reporting. Fruits, vegetables, potatoes, Other crops given by tenure of operator for commercial farms 15,260 17,467 2,049,223 2,027,831 L34.3 116.1 4,576 3,661 39.97 32.96 12,947 15,193 272,980 381,260 4,435 3,754 2,287 1,611 5,934 170,163 184,396 6,640 8,141 157,910 192,828 559,172 7,544 646 ,806 6,026 194,781 1,978 57,755 13,455 47,411 14,543 16,724 601,053 758,484 11,581 12,933 924,116 721,618 11,547 12,687 1,205,978 1,060,344 22 2,268 9,430 48,479 10,445 19,296 128,707 6,912 16,938 58,060 1,973 1,426 5,516 2,834 3,055 724,101 614,444 255.5 201.1 7,290 2,615 2,958 86,463 108,706 1,153 1,484 65,090 71,903 1,408 1,560 51,328 49,635 268 4,057 1,285 47,271 2,132 194,250 1,854 226,899 30,247 2,624 13,856 2,752 3,021 202,881 230,244 2,641 2,893 345,555 246,071 2,606 2,828 421, L49 316,782 13 260,978 179,124 347.5 276.4 10,049 8,703 36.37 32.10 1,135 222 10,284 4,663 1,919 22,299 9,892 329 87 2,785 1,134 14,985 6,170 2,206 651 5,435 2,5L2 36,382 L4,645 1,701 579 4,290 2,848 13,410 7,966 49,376 84,721 1,204.3 2,017.2 49,830 46,156 42.44 19.13 1,055 8 1,331 33 11,749 17 17,931 16 5,283 2,544 3,156 209,986 251,946 82.5 79.8 2,725 2,406 32.88 29.65 2,532 3,126 69,912 102,036 2,724 1,999 4,827 2,532 3,136 100,321 137,332 1,315 1,631 71,759 73,669 1,269 1,456 92,883 92,111 59,782 56,265 97.5 113.7 2,628 3,092 27.59 25.59 3,255 46 1,320 34,761 7,685 2,340 582 6,650 1,468 25,657 5,664 3,535 3,860 1J.7.8 241.2 6,620 10,123 50.84 29.81 53,980 74,589 102.8 77.7 3,754 2,594 34.77 33.02 23,314 1,405 23,446 28,624 2,510 40,560 493 25 304 360 6 540 25,489 1,240 19,066 23,230 1,565 18,266 473 25 270 305 6 500 32,083 2,030 24,907 20,909 1,265 26,613 ALABAMA FERTILIZER, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued 215 a sample of farms. See text] Areas 4 and B— Continued Area 5 Tenure of operator1— Con. Other Total all Tenure of operator1 Other Tenant — Con. Full Part ■-•" TenantB Croppers Other and unspeci- fied All Cash 3^r .Ze Llvestock- Croppers Other Bpecif led 829 527 9,090 27,360 5,255 2,570 32 4,615 911 62 1,532 10 1,508 592 14,888 1 1,226 454 10,566 34,302 7,503 2,634 54 7,320 1,278 117 3,008 46 2,303 568 16,791 2 43,991 47,073 804,782 3,307,915 1,049,605 630,124 63,899 379,779 99,523 10,195 143,571 1,385 67,838 57,267 1,184,508 3 70,402 46,730 897,5% 3,506,763 1,136,280 547,132 59,885 508,827 101,464 13,043 232,005 7,160 99,095 56,060 1,254,639 4 53.1 89.3 88.5 120.9 199.7 245.2 1,996.8 82.3 109.2 164.4 93.7 138.5 45.0 96.7 79.6 5 57.4 102.9 85.0 102.2 151.4 207.7 1,109.0 69.5 79.4 111.5 77.1 155.7 43.0 98.7 74.7 6 2,045 2,605 3,707 4,932 7,259 10,294 101,185 3,676 4,695 10,019 4,162 4,500 2,383 3,307 3,543 7 1,885 2,509 3,013 3,713 5,056 7,666 50,955 2,785 2,857 4,837 3,210 8,065 1,896 3,341 2,781 8 37.27 30.80 44.99 45.75 40.96 46.35 52.21 45.52 47.21 57.50 41.46 19.91 52.49 46.93 49.59 9 32.50 24.45 37.69 38.06 35.16 38.13 53.84 40.83 36.06 49.32 41.74 37.59 45.80 35.76 38.97 10 81 70 83 75 81 59 66 76 79 74 78 50 75 65 76 11 829 515 7,025 23,286 5,014 2,546 28 4,593 901 62 1,532 10 1,508 580 11,105 12 1,226 444 8,437 30,748 7,266 2,603 52 7,288 1,261 117 3,008 46 2,303 553 13,539 13 24,135 13,253 75,223 616,338 163,420 151,993 11,100 150,382 28,816 3,830 54,791 550 43,177 19,218 139,443 14 37,255 16,251 128,805 803,120 233,305 131,615 8,390 223,708 39,374 5,247 96,529 1,990 61,953 18,615 206,102 13 25 25 3,934 6,386 529 73 1 240 75 55 70 40 5,543 16 211 185 2,095 6,553 1,375 382 1;242 271 5 355 410 201 3,554 17 275 146 691 4,355 1,291 463 1 1,277 276 5 386 460 150 1,323 IB 255 126 232 3,461 1,111 738 4 1,086 130 20 406 5 395 130 522 19 55 33 67 1,930 539 607 2 639 117 26 290 5 166 35 143 20 7 1 374 179 48 109 53 7 164 96 23 3 6 11 83 23 3 26 5 1 5 1 35 5 6 1 11 11 2 15 1 4 21 22 23 80 59 2,728 7,630 2,085 972 18 707 189 17 285 91 125 3,848 24 181 124 3,370 9,718 3,092 1,113 34 1,383 252 30 783 16 186 116 4,096 25 2,310 3,107 61,397 239,877 77,548 53,239 8,314 19,561 8,144 810 5,080 1,092 4,435 81,215 26 2,415 3,501 62,038 193,860 71,114 35,820 10,226 23,067 3,921 1,760 10,213 1,550 2,205 3,418 53,633 27 101 182 4,206 10,156 2,290 854 8 996 333 21 376 127 139 6,008 28 226 178 5,332 14,295 3,570 1,054 22 2,086 457 45 971 5 391 217 7,563 29 4,566 3,625 80,433 203,943 53,211 23,556 1,448 16,945 5,401 990 4,370 1,998 4,186 108,783 30 3,140 3,076 112,281 243,741 60,882 26,023 734 26,099 6,535 355 11,670 75 3,620 3,844 130,003 31 20 16 417 1,542 406 264 3 175 51 5 60 22 37 694 32 120 110 4,460 19,964 5,932 5,548 130 1,104 211 10 505 88 290 7,250 33 96 176 4,045 9,298 2,040 657 6 884 302 16 346 106 114 5,711 34 4,446 3,515 75,973 183,979 47,279 18,008 1,318 15,841 5,190 980 3,865 1,910 3,896 101,533 35 126 244 4,961 14,254 3,574 1,766 28 1,570 395 26 672 10 212 255 7,316 36 4,623 11,380 209,625 688,257 222,563 153,144 11,103 62,327 26,209 2,636 17,135 225 7,065 9,057 239,120 37 86 218 4,496 13,405 3,359 1,468 21 1,232 242 16 671 5 143 155 7,325 38 5,994 11,491 288,056 1,168,729 404,938 165,507 14,760 99,143 22,943 1,510 51,227 500 10,326 12,637 484,381 39 82 152 3,405 9,775 2,632 1,237 21 1,022 183 6 552 5 161 115 4,863 40 1,345 2,654 66,325 304,002 103,866 70,520 16,436 22,669 6,314 300 7,377 100 2,570 6,008 90, 511 41 11 21 987 3,502 1,094 586 11 261 55 125 50 31 1,550 42 543 120 12,527 95,468 37,214 27,953 2,037 5,489 2,554 1,365 855 715 22,775 43 537 419 8,110 23,554 4,832 2,358 26 3,267 645 57 1,257 10 827 471 13,071 44 1,018 1,563 23,723 86,769 24,059 12,165 738 8,752 1,696 119 3,591 10 1,610 1,726 41,055 45 829 515 8,480 25,768 5,130 2,564 30 4,599 906 62 1,532 10 1,508 581 13,445 46 1,226 444 9,883 33,032 7,399 2,614 54 7,313 1,276 117 3,008 46 2,303 563 15,652 47 31,011 19,985 217,053 1,060,158 294,179 228,788 20,862 186,888 42,361 5,630 64,241 550 46,267 27,839 329,441 48 42,810 22,828 303,124 1,240,721 365,301 193,458 19,350 272,874 49,830 7,362 118,412 3,615 67,778 25,877 389,738 49 192 281 6,884 19, 961 4,773 2,304 32 2,299 556 37 1,012 10 352 332 10,553 50 431 289 7,786 24,663 7,094 2,387 54 3,720 723 62 1,893 26 638 378 11,408 51 8,278 17,141 337,347 1,232,136 403,977 276,903 35,853 104,557 40,667 3,746 29,592 325 10,727 19,500 410,846 52 16,145 14,413 286,030 1,048,405 377,499 197,172 29,033 115,527 29,116 5,352 47,836 2,080 14,595 16,548 329,174 53 157 329 6,969 19,966 4,751 2,267 31 2,034 501 32 877 10 298 316 10,883 54 351 289 7,770 24,179 6,837 2,399 48 3,228 682 47 1,618 26 508 347 11,667 55 10,617 22,871 497,681 1,856,986 627,501 318,651 25,863 161,470 49,152 4,146 68,362 725 17,391 21,694 723 , 501 56 22,297 1 21,007 505,233 1,936,562 75 6 662,063 48 5 281,525 16 1 29,033 3 196,910 39,883 4,872 98,619 3,245 24,564 25,727 767,031 8 57 58 59 83 2,493 23 1,051 5 975 18 302 165 60 61 7 160 2,106 695 510 9 314 21 11 175 87 20 578 62 125 1,245 34,709 11,079 11,964 1,624 4,528 860 155 2,250 1,118 145 5,514 63 265 150 1,370 8,377 2,071 1,037 7 1,605 356 30 595 477 147 3,657 64 5,780 3,440 19,259 208,033 59,108 48,897 2,610 46,485 12,045 1,125 16,840 12,281 4,194 50,933 65 35 56 946 3,21A 986 600 15 307 99 161 41 6 1,306 66 74 76 1,778 17,587 6,069 5,000 2,375 619 244 204 112 59 3,524 67 555 415 9,748 81,623 29,742 22,096 7,867 3,488 1,328 1,125 710 325 18,630 68 1 1 213 1,164 369 212 5 41 18 10 537 69 32 1,046 8,597 3,633 2,646 379 208 107 48 26 27 1,731 70 73 25 4,873 48,720 18,753 15,404 1,857 1,295 770 110 320 95 11,411 71 739 474 5,249 19,054 4,284 2,307 18 3,963 778 62 1,376 10 1,297 440 8,482 72 1,664 831 6,611 40,278 10,310 9,453 560 9,226 1,752 210 3,446 30 2,886 902 10,729 73 12,164 6,540 42,110 285,426 72,138 62,382 2,864 71,578 13,088 1,795 27,890 290 21,130 7,385 76,464 74 772 463 2,278 15, Ul 3,974 2,159 15 4,251 833 55 1,486 10 1,382 485 4,742 75 2,594 1,170 3,069 40,971 9,874 11,604 469 13,037 2,315 342 4,526 40 4,290 1,524 5,987 76 9,773 4,525 10,766 154,883 34,778 40,179 1,593 54,397 9,489 1,280 19,126 155 17,863 6,484 23,936 77 30 50 1,069 3,905 980 523 3 476 140 10 175 5 115 31 1,923 78 20 34 591 5,855 1,513 1,447 10 1,595 192 26 248 1 122 1,006 1,290 79 130 100 1,964 17,259 4,501 4,844 39 3,530 930 70 890 5 530 1,105 4,345 80 20 65 365 1,741 492 41A 7 206 66 1 90 17 32 622 81 21 82 306 5,347 1,822 2,092 98 741 185 13 324 37 182 594 82 145 295 1,872 26,060 8,174 10,767 477 3,517 962 60 1,195 110 1,190 3,125 83 216 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 7.-FARMS, ACREAGE, VALUE, AND USE OF COMMERCIAL [Data are based on reports for only and explanations, see text) Areas 6 and C Tenure of operato Cash Share-c83h Crop-share FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number 1954. 1950. Land in farms acres 1954. 1950. Average size of farm acres 1954. 1950. Value of land and buildings: Average per farm dollars 1954. 1950. Average per acre dollars 1954. 1950. Proportion of farms reporting value percent 1954. Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 1954. 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 1954. 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 1954. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 1954. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1954. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 1954. 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 1954. 500 acres and over farms reporting 1954. Cropland used only for pasture. .farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Cropland used only for crops not harvested and not pastured farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. Cropland lying idle farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. Woodland pastured farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. Woodland not pastured farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. Improved (see text) farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. Other land {house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. Cropland total ....farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Land pastured, total ....farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Woodland, total farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Irrigated land in farms farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Cover crops turned under and land planted to another crop farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. Cropland used for row or grain crops farmed on contour farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER Crops on which commercial fertilizer «as used, 1954: Hay and cropland pastured farms reporting acres on which used Other pasture farms reporting acres on which used Corn farms reporting acres on which used Cotton farms reporting acres on which used Fruits, vegetables, potatoe: etc. ..farms reporting 25,931 30,443 .,,259,650 4,104,609 164.3 134.8 23,221 27,967 625,542 806,844 7,743 7,821 3,533 2,139 1,025 541 322 97 4,633 6,895 484,275 582,853 5,940 6,535 114,149 186,269 2,901 34,279 3,766 79,870 10,665 1,127,500 5,091 779,245 20,430 83,726 24,421 29,311 1,223,966 1,575,966 16,031 16,693 2,656,988 2,201,411 13,121 12,947 1,906,745 1,650,951 56 1,565 31,764 163,874 15,191 26,432 180,114 17,876 41,979 162,772 1,952 11,523 53,956 3,550 3,652 1,436,953 1,341,527 404.8 367.3 17,412 12,549 48.62 36.25 3,134 3,377 165,686 188,618 1,237 1,645 197,980 237,536 2,599 390,591 1,042 226,098 144,196 3,255 24,797 3,315 3,532 392,385 477,778 3,418 3,368 991,653 822,821 2,981 2,780 616,689 567,478 32 1,948 2,055 1,291,963 1,158,310 663.2 563.7 27,592 18,122 41.09 1,842 1,935 156,527 165,121 15,881 1,365 342,456 136,976 1,762 17,825 1,873 2,000 332,647 380,520 1,788 1,819 890,287 746,575 1,596 1,599 546,466 456,350 13,631 10,538 74,618 53,195 342 229 7,199 6,027 42,511 35,970 1,999 1,364 6,429 7,204 39,254 39,908 2,122 1,397 6,498 9,153 23, 172 31,469 257,272 250,201 2,108.8 1,867.2 58,661 52.59 35.51 1,085 14 1,871 75 57,888 72,995 539,880 57.2 53.1 2,46* 1,755 45.77 8,379 10,072 174,628 254,655 1,438 3,693 1,962 1,430 38,197 48,461 1,456 17,947 18,470 1,035 6,724 1,011 11,223 20,148 5,914 14,530 8,425 10,136 230,772 321,586 4,041 4,283 223,904 192,215 2,866 2,837 159,454 134,302 7,805 18,404 75,788 247,017 296,552 73.3 65.7 3,295 4,430 72,297 118,575 9,677 2,647 6,740 3,319 4,484 105,442 165,336 2,019 2,547 133,913 128,944 1,370 1,605 86,587 82,204 1,251 2,488 2,929 26,201 3,098 6,840 27,591 111 82 1,763 86 2,530 7,616 65,700 9,580 100,693 92.9 37.3 111.4 39.8 1,303 1,931 2,096 1,191 35.92 53.99 24.99 30.47 74 76 82 1,753 86 2,520 2,037 33,306 3,554 60,125 2,060 1,218 2,638 1,758 2,525 39,831 70,480 853 935 1,076 1,349 11,040 1,632 3,819 16,305 by tenure of operator for commercial ALABAMA 217 FERTILIZER, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR. CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued a sample of farms. See text] Areas 6 and C — Continued Tenure of operator1— Con. Tenants — Con. Other and unspeci- fied 1,993 2,257 63,934 80,605 32.1 35.7 2,257 43,197 54,818 1,270 1,475 11,274 1,830 5,094 20,429 89,392 49,560 71.3 64.6 1,153 2,453 10,509 11,815 14,428 787,803 814,691 66.7 56.5 2,676 2,082 45.33 41.10 9,755 12,466 104,152 165,182 5,791 2,914 693 268 3,011 57,963 76,874 2,769 3,563 41,213 66,450 4,289 231,761 2,321 221,492 13,516 203,328 308,506 6,664 7,091 397,903 292,141 5,589 5,620 453,253 399,372 6,007 5,237 38,943 6,523 7,350 30,362 28,830 34,913 4,074,977 4,080,728 141.3 116.9 5,962 4,543 47.09 40.13 25,056 32,213 1,133,959 1,352,717 3,684 3,743 3,708 5,594 6,224 1,770 7,328 8,352 218,172 186,232 7,486 9,706 169,786 211,309 15,297 991,338 11,298 1,133,773 328,591 3,850 129,542 23,463 99,358 26,788 33,585 1,521,917 1,750,258 20,091 22,538 1,538,101 1,238,911 19,837 22,932 2,125,111 2,040,008 16 2,026 14,370 69,654 2,026 15,038 77,735 2^,324 18,833 55,645 209,439 4,150 5,126 17,737 16,056 46,392 225,881 6,694 8,067 1,391,847 1,428,084 7,669 6,114 43.47 36.73 6,103 7,716 289,822 370,823 1,048 1,663 1,615 2,893 88,771 73,797 2,025 2,509 49,759 63,105 413 7,225 1,773 42,534 4,817 393,687 3,446 400,602 2,8 57,9 6,054 32,627 6,389 7,873 428,352 507,725 6,117 7,228 619,037 535,617 5,922 7,282 794,289 809,831 5,591 25,789 164,343 4,568 11,966 42,164 1,102 1,456 5,003 3,944 3,553 1,053,135 746,460 267.0 210.0 12,527 7,619 49.78 35.71 3,506 310,377 224,229 1,578 1,175 64,863 32,478 1,220 1,202 28,343 35,415 307 4,959 1,013 23,384 2,891 265,345 2,174 272,221 1,901 90,611 1,021 38,120 3,639 21,375 3,911 3,529 403,583 292,122 3,598 3,041 420,819 264,652 3,553 3,071 537,566 387,063 3,705 26,544 167,907 3,260 14,920 53,754 798 1,543 4,842 2,957 12,930 62,302 84,101 119,792 1,752.1 1,963. 49,805 67,602 34.67 35.15 1,016 37 21,854 13,017 818,289 1,048,807 92.1 3,787 50.68 47.53 8,850 12,951 443,126 603,154 1,486 2,788 2,797 1,140 1,921 21,580 26,704 264 2,105 1,272 22,607 2,989 117,649 2,139 159,858 13,007 489,418 670,583 4,038 6,190 172,520 184,214 3,905 5,965 277, 507 327,488 170 853 3,697 8,010 30,111 214,339 8,201 25,641 100,764 1,184 1,519 5,519 6,901 18,452 92,152 1,955 2,751 230,716 282,088 118.0 102.5 4,666 3,923 39.99 38.54 1,949 2,726 82,911 118,610 9,349 1,012 42,617 2,002 1,573 5,185 1,954 2,746 99,600 142,726 1,269 1,781 57,966 62,920 1,334 1,741 116,999 124,241 57,174 26,290 166.7 113.8 6,451 6,291 46.42 56.47 2,518 4,274 136,231 204,324 9,349 104 2,158 1,696 5,267 2,523 4,279 146,287 221,029 1,198 2,013 43,023 50,795 1,083 1,8 1,747 1,235 2,976 13,877 2,242 9,658 67,682 2,333 7,507 31,202 1,531 1,996 5,466 27,195 61,122 48,245 167.0 129.3 10,235 6,525 62.35 51.17 3,141 4,855 193,949 326,393 61.7 67.2 3,245 3,197 52.36 47.40 1,646 1,576 3,894 3,131 4,855 152,951 234,991 720 1,600 27,980 42,923 690 1,560 30,453 77,700 2,786 9,307 65,797 2,909 9,041 36,056 1,185 2,656 6,804 34,900 58,135 58,656 105.3 111.1 4,514 4,811 41.06 48.68 9,264 10,215 727,605 737,585 78.5 72.2 3,297 2,808 46.65 41.09 6,182 7,984 84,442 141,564 2,964 1,740 893 442 1,907 2,332 40,407 44,899 2,776 3,293 65,689 64,191 3,440 2,551 62,249 4,563 192,803 3,514 265,203 25,271 7,575 9,117 190,538 250,654 6,290 6,021 287,000 221,810 6,413 6,553 458,006 434,941 2,795 3,030 12,400 2,296 1,975 2,596 12,365 218 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 7.-FARMS, ACREAGE, VALUE, AND USE OF COMMERCIAL [Data are baaed on reports for only Tenure of operato: Share-cash Crop-share FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms . number 1954. 1950. Land in farms acres 1954. 1950. Average size of farm acres 1954. 1950. Value of laud and buildings: Average per farm dollars 1954. 1950. dollars 1954. 1950. of farms reporting value percent 1954. Average per Proport 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 500 acres and over farms reporting Cropland used only for pasture.. farms reporting Cropland lying idle farms reporting Woodland pastured farms reporting Woodland not pastured farms reporting Improved (see text) farms reporting Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) farms reporting Cropland total ....farms reporting Land pastured, total farms reporting Woodland, total .farms reporting Irrigated land in farms farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. 1954.. 1949.. 1954.. 1954.. 1954.. 1954.. 1954.. 1954.. 1954. . 1954. . 1954.. 1949.. 1954., 1949.. 1954., 1949., 1954., 1949.. 1954., 1954., 1954. 1954., 1954. 1954., 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER Crops on »hicb commercial fertilizer »j used, 1-154: Hay and cropland pastured farms reporting. acres on which used. Other pasture farms reporting. acres on which used. Corn farms reporting. acres on which used. Cotton farms reporting. acres on which used. Fruits, vegetables, potatoes Other crops ..farms reporting. res on which used. ..farms reporting. res on which used. 6,430 7,161 938,720 858,034 146.0 119.8 5,317 3,255 39.48 29.71 5,617 6,188 90,062 111,820 2,698 1,5 690 2,011 1,532 62,854 43,146 1,995 19,186 29,690 3,502 804 15,684 3,028 327,727 2,670 370,423 15,079 5,568 13,853 6,128 6,683 172,102 184,656 4,285 4,763 698,150 576,323 4,811 7,610 55,605 3,266 3,944 16,350 941 1,094 432,095 381,700 459.2 348.9 13,834 6,552 31.12 22,264 L44 6,309 1,029 58,290 61,544 1,027 347,285 272,131 1,701 239 5,786 179,643 110,010 333.3 245.0 17,065 66 4,439 1,547 192 7,092 2,545 7,713 424.2 1,928.2 65,867 25.00 29.71 24,329 21,801 54.9 48.9 2,486 1,571 42.18 30.32 10,690 100 4,000 8,681 90 2,630 59.1 20.0 32.0 52.3 18.0 27.7 3,068 1,000 1,215 1,599 450 912 46.24 50.00 43.24 27.23 25.00 32.93 of operator for < ALABAMA FERTILIZER, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR. CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued 219 a sample of farms. Se text] Area 7b~Continued Areas 8 and D Tenureof opera tor1— Con. Other Total all Tenure of operator1 Other Tenants —Con. Full Part TenantB Other and Managers Croppera unspeci- fied All Caen 3e..r share Liveatock- Croppers spumed 85 47 4,501 6,904 1,802 901 35 307 138 15 50 1 41 62 3,859 1 115 65 5,168 7,632 1,807 892 26 446 1/10 10 125 15 120 36 4,461 2 1,825 7,714 300,108 765,894 296,406 243,502 29,929 51,291 27,762 1,945 7,670 1,077 4,980 7,857 144,766 3 5,050 5,350 336,860 693,791 271,473 183,541 29,010 32,065 8,550 395 8,120 1,770 10,495 2,735 177,702 4 21.5 164.1 66.7 110.9 164.5 270.3 855.1 167.1 201.2 129.7 153.4 1,077.0 121.5 126.7 37.5 5 43.9 82.3 65.2 90.9 150.2 205.8 1,115.8 71.9 61.1 39.5 65.0 118.0 87.5 76.0 39.8 6 1,350 5,655 2,793 10,252 14,960 21,577 64,457 9,286 8,939 8,316 10,289 50,000 10,988 7,096 5,183 7 1,573 2,530 2,283 6,757 9,876 14,702 50,060 5,861 6,730 750 4,732 2,040 8,U7 925 3,732 8 53.04 33.36 46.32 103.08 103.18 82.92 135.66 52.85 42.94 84.00 64.57 46.43 111.83 45.99 152.81 9 35.03 29.48 36.08 78.47 69.26 72.46 70.41 79.83 100.31 50.00 72.15 17.29 85.20 28.46 100.48 10 76 89 87 81 85 71 86 88 96 33 90 100 98 76 81 11 85 42 3,775 5,633 1,628 878 31 295 136 15 45 1 41 57 2,801 12 115 65 4,313 6,094 1,686 870 25 426 135 10 120 5 120 36 3,087 13 1,670 879 34,546 218,533 72,154 92,217 6,599 17,667 7,260 1,575 2,915 235 3,725 1,957 29,8% 14 2,495 1,360 50,652 206,114 75,142 69,276 4,598 18,298 5,810 160 5,685 120 5,405 1,118 38,800 15 20 1 2,451 2,128 238 5 "20 10 5 5 1,865 16 30 15 931 1,085 326 94 60 35 5 5 15 605 17 20 25 297 604 306 68 30 15 15 200 18 10 81 630 337 131 1 60 20 10 20 10 101 19 5 1 15 666 338 167 15 269 101 47 4 277 187 109 7 2 23 3 2 91 26 7 1 45 10 1 10 5 25 5 1 5 5 1 l 27 1 1 1 20 21 22 23 16 1,238 2,330 771 439 9 83 35 5 10 1 11 21 1,028 24 5 10 1,013 2,372 671 412 17 126 40 30 10 40 1,146 25 395 20,889 60,389 22,846 20,304 1,639 2,488 1,210 15 280 300 273 410 13,112 26 50 45 16,302 61,169 21,469 20,320 2,745 1,930 120 315 850 560 85 14,705 27 6 614 1,548 342 152 2 61 25 1 10 25 991 24 10 20 1,465 2,187 486 238 15 91 30 5 25 20 11 1,357 29 110 8,291 29,091 6,142 3,885 24 2,335 1,475 230 30 600 16,705 30 60 260 17,516 43,980 13,560 6,891 3,905 2,240 385 135 830 780 110 17,384 31 86 371 107 62 1 26 5 1 10 10 175 32 1,760 5,010 1,774 1,510 1 570 50 230 30 260 1,155 33 6 539 1,265 250 102 2 40 20 20 871 34 110 6,531 24,081 4,368 2,375 23 1,765 1,425 340 15,550 35 5 11 1,937 2,363 762 499 10 84 33 15 15 21 1,008 36 30 605 99,079 229,090 98,841 77,750 6,169 17,907 10,952 2,405 305 4,245 28,423 37 5 11 1,738 2,152 662 283 13 93 56 10 10 1 6 10 1,101 38 20 4,839 116,093 154,150 64,933 28,203 12,166 8,250 5,935 185 1,220 215 420 275 40,598 39 15 11 673 1,515 617 301 15 48 6 10 1 15 16 534 40 55 625 13,676 47,718 22,976 13,670 2,444 1,699 640 590 95 130 244 6,929 41 5 5 187 907 361 180 15 47 5 10 1 15 16 304 42 10 600 3,131 24,634 12,612 5,584 2,444 1,064 40 590 95 130 209 2,930 43 45 37 3,893 6,349 1,689 866 35 250 111 15 40 1 21 62 3,509 44 50 261 7,534 26,923 8,514 7,473 888 945 290 170 260 2 97 126 9,103 45 85 47 4,223 6,214 1,681 896 33 295 136 15 45 1 41 57 3,309 46 115 65 4,756 6,915 1,730 881 26 441 135 10 125 15 120 36 3,837 47 1,670 1,384 63,726 -308,013 101,142 116,406 8,262 22,490 9,945 1,590 3,195 765 4,028 2,967 59,713 48 2,605 1,665 84,470 311,263 110,171 96,487 11,248 22,468 6,315 295 6,830 970 6,745 1,313 70,889 49 15 26 2,820 4,414 1,481 762 25 162 68 5 25 1 21 42 1,984 50 30 45 2,708 4,460 1,268 711 26 181 60 5 40 10 60 6 2,274 51 85 1,625 133,644 337,197 144,663 111,724 10,252 22,094 12,802 15 3,275 395 708 4,899 48,464 52 1,295 2,330 110,553 242,314 98,508 72,570 9,511 4,960 1,085 70 980 1,090 1,650 85 56,765 53 10 16 3,016 4,006 1,204 659 18 161 73 10 25 1 21 31 1,964 54 10 40 3,268 4,770 1,318 666 20 106 45 15 10 30 6 2,660 55 50 5,444 215,172 383,240 163,774 105,953 18,335 26,157 16 ,887 185 3,625 215 725 4,520 69,021 56 2,005 3,360 217,215 327,339 111 12 139,638 55 12 72,346 33 15,385 7 8,306 5 1,975 990 780 3,180 1,381 5 91,664 11 57 58 59 4,634 2,322 1,470 662 155 155 25 60 145 145 61 107 388 171 140 9 1 1 67 62 773 12,535 4,502 6,784 650 80 80 519 i 3 15 10 770 412 195 110 3 57 16 10 10 1 20 47 64 505 240 7,915 12,483 4,802 4,711 120 1,975 835 190 400 200 350 875 65 5 187 840 280 254 8 38 11 5 10 1 1 10 260 66 40 366 9,512 3,740 4,485 208 284 38 152 20 58 12 795 67 200 1,795 36,416 14,631 14,581 938 823 225 15 220 95 203 65 5,443 68 144 665 330 174 14 2 2 145 69 412 5,741 3,325 1,235 654 45 45 482 70 2,641 22,406 12,039 5,418 2,439 155 155 2,355 71 70 37 3,104 4,190 1,326 783 25 250 121 15 40 1 26 47 1,806 72 113 62 3,101 21,550 7,143 9,058 274 1,479 655 159 252 40 166 207 3,596 73 1,025 512 22 ,369 83,973 30,410 30,366 810 7,010 3,260 690 1,320 185 570 985 15,377 74 80 36 1,802 1,934 790 344 12 212 100 15 40 1 30 26 576 75 139 63 1,318 5,914 2,392 1,566 129 1,071 402 131 291 6 130 111 756 76 605 290 5,637 16,859 6,772 4,522 327 2,830 1,180 400 645 15 335 255 2,403 77 20 15 536 1,687 464 434 10 76 36 5 15 10 10 703 78 4 6 220 22,832 7,296 13,142 164 966 661 8 50 130 117 1,264 79 25 15 741 30,331 9,425 15,734 642 1,265 725 5 80 270 185 3,265 80 10 5 136 1,462 617 474 20 79 46 10 1 16 6 272 81 5 142 11,739 3,856 5,735 906 730 466 30 7 142 85 512 82 10 5 492 53,442 16,737 28,550 2,368 3,332 2,085 300 42 685 220 2,455 83 220 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 8.-FARM FACILITIES, OFF-FARM WORK, WORK POWER, FARM LABOR. [Data are based on reports for only and explanati SPECIFIED FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT Telephone farms reporting 1954. Electricity farms reporting 1954. 1950. Television set farms reporting 1954. Piped running water farms reporting 1954 . Home freezer farms reporting 1954 . Electric pig brooder farms reporting 1954. Power feed grinder farms reporting 1954 . Milking machine farms reporting 1954. Grain combines farms reporting 1954 . number 1954 . Corn pickers farms reporting 1954 . number 1954 . Pick-up hay balers farms reporting 1954 . number 1954. Field forage harvesters farms reporting 1954. number 1954 . Motortrucks farms reporting 1954. number 1954. Tractors, other than garden farms reporting 1954. 1950. number 1954. 1950. Automobiles farms reporting 1954 . number 1954. OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME With other income of family exceeding value of farm products sold operators reporting Working off their farms, total operators reporting 100 or more days operators reporting FARMS BY CLASS OF WORK POWER No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting No tractor but horses and/or mules farms reporting Tractor and horses and/or mules. .. .farms reporting Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting FARM LABOR Week of October 24-30: Family and/or hired workers farms reporting persons Family workers, including operator farms reporting Operators working 1 or more hours persons Unpaid members of operator's family farms reporting persons Hired workers farms reporting persons Regular workers (to be employed 150 or more days) farms reporting persons Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days ) farms reporting persons SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Specified farm expenditures2 farms reporting Machine hire and/or hired labor farms reporting Machine hire farms reporting dollars Hired labor farms reporting dollars $1 to $2,499 farms reporting $2,500 and over farms reporting 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1954. ; )54 . Feed for lives : and poultry. .farms reporting dollars mmercial fertilizer and fertilizing aterial farms reporting dollars of operator for 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 28,138 155 , 114 144,569 32,261 68,056 29,147 795 4,618 5,086 2,942 59,347 65,359 51,982 36,487 62,526 . > 83,582 54,408 49,312 67,477 23,916 28,066 54,126 97,134 17,577 69,426 170,047 110,750 78,870 8,453,232 72,530 77,605 29,539,218 26,835,922 70,209 2,321 115,328 114,249 52,248,195 26,208,582 76,471 49,900 15,783,391 12,017,731 144,296 40,319,911 962,434 4,780,271 6,793 203,221 1,163,425 229,006 Tenure of operator1 6,683 3,864 32,614 18,342 35,905 14,310 7,232 4,307 18,307 10,292 8,168 5,041 224 172 2,308 1,903 1,158 811 1,661 1,809 1,816 2,032 803 1,251 814 1,268 1,183 1,051 1,206 1,066 294 259 299 275 16,976 11,888 18,859 14,045 15,690 12,707 L2.062 7,784 19,247 16,982 14,473 10,413 15,059 9,174 17,339 11,132 13,960 8,042 7,648 34,593 26,392 18,668 2,363,461 18,518 21,409 9,671,953 9,301,256 17,707 811 24,780 26,513 27,585,518 10,751,673 20,043 17,020 5,245,012 4,332,682 31,382 11,596,269 276,660 1,336,222 2,338 76,189 428,549 85,200 5,161 2,624 1,690 30,825 17,793 68,632 55,733 30,304 17,481 29,633 17, 145 12,568 7,900 21,022 15,361 5,502 4,865 17,977 23,227 1,937 1,815 4,418 5,033 4,12 3,740 13,559 18,194 19,380 16,403 11, 107 2,192,111 13,616 11,443 11,039,819 ,839,171 12,587 1,029 13,793 11,809 12,352,739 6,002,561 14,214 9,324 5,541,989 3,922,501 18,817 11,804,438 281, 470 1,318,409 1,855 63,262 360,406 71,323 790,486 20,692 87,556 105 13,064 61,045 12,109 1,683 32,386 32,310 3,127 6,811 2,531 201 471 10, 124 10,628 10,188 8,993 11,750 10,533 13,433 13,998 13,654 14,615 2,411 1,976 17,247 4,078 6,110 34,815 34,284 16,661 35,133 3,744 18,652 40,198 33,046 23,542 2,572,042 22,074 23,687 5,701,878 ,926,656 21,789 285 19,959 25,531 ,405,342 3,166,888 15,739 12,074 2,974,460 2,351,059 38,795 10,845,185 258,577 1,357,402 911 24,231 151,520 27,004 25 1,995 2,120 1,404 1,148 1,657 1,279 2,204 2,291 1,075,473 873,329 3,674 5,535 1,224,137 954,505 2,435 1,853 504,832 424,432 7,413 1,773,342 41,570 221,609 140 5,945 34,999 6,634 Share-caah Crop-share 320,473 7,677 41,671 61 1,295 8,050 1,515 621 12,003 15,315 1,387 2,543 1,121 66 150 5,827 5,181 4,794 5,020 12,202 12,012 6,225 12,882 1,539 7,725 966,824 7,772 9,991 2,077,727 2,145,649 7,669 103 11,342 1,153,711 1,024,741 7,108 5,654 1,358,907 1,068,277 13,274 4,188,452 98,685 524,301 309 8,592 51,122 8,574 2,406 10,226 2,687 Excludes farms reporting jio:n ALABAMA AND FARM EXPENDITURES, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 221 sample of faraiB. See Tenure of opera tor1— Con. 2,104 2,182 1,751 2,086 2,141 2,663 4,578 4,748 8,682 2,927 11,047 10,896 13,025 11,295 7,609 814,646 7,324 7,063 1,371,937 1, 103,975 7,296 28 3,700 3,124 452,171 519,535 12,764 3, 183,979 78,004 400,590 300 15,693 3,139 71,364 2,162 61,698 330 17,449 955 32,322 308 13,235 1,165 1,231 1,037 3,618 3,546 4,278 3,364 2,370 217,054 2,211 1,583 645,851 425,180 2,169 42 2,3o8 2,041 969,621 483,947 999,886 23,502 119,651 92 2,678 24,743 3,824 119 20,056 21,347 13,048 7,329 13,743 54,954 54,005 44,759 42,307 37,930 30,864 16,935 25,526 3,205 7,793 75,452 34,543 25,375 1,210,604 17,967 20,702 1,975,603 2,128, 533 17,906 61 56,422 50,083 6,805,648 5,617,939 26,117 11,136 1,642,365 1,088,100 54,950 5,283,533 125,035 680,682 1,584 26,475 161,905 33,370 4,299 20,701 18,577 3,013 125 7,637 8,438 9,158 7,743 11,639 9,815 11,253 12,732 10,401 8,391 6,212 3,918 3,917 5,241 17,226 16,722 15,757 2,681 14,309 21,093 15,710 12,104 1,539,541 10,916 12,543 4,931,060 6,250,615 10,508 408 13,139 13,558 3,152,666 2,547,927 12,024 9,382 2,859,870 2,627,700 17,982 5,006,670 127,776 699,427 1,040 38,625 154,471 33,449 1,042 810 ,., v. 3,128 4,311 2,625 635 612 1,867 1,532 1,051 600 2,078 2,328 2,249 2,367 2,078 1,888 2,814 3,447 2,521 2,678 1,973 1,712 2,310 2,176 3,316 2,933 8,057 10,484 3,275 2,866 3,179 2,794 1,506 1,354 2,596 2,793 3,762 3,152 2,430 326,174 2,420 2,831 1,030,598 1,265,135 2,352 2,691 3,129 1,278,761 991,374 2,581 2,518 652,715 631,334 3,432 967,737 24,955 135,428 382 14,337 58,446 11,498 1,972,791 2,213,104 2,204 2,238 2,099 856,509 631,611 2,542 2,034 1,073,193 924,543 13,077 53,253 12,228 100,233 2,528 11,788 17 3,616 10,145 2,563 3,318 3,565 3,083 3,332 5,947 5,846 5,914 4,383 600,860 4,083 5,202 1,573,446 2,132,011 3,975 2,789 4,397 387,696 491,785 3,877 3,467 873,538 856,269 6,671 1,842,421 48,085 265,057 187 6,145 24,687 5,270 2,468 2,423 37,455 1,015 5,571 1,765 256,278 1,778 2,621 833,146 1/191,874 1,713 65 2,259 202,920 197,446 1,973 1,801 506,820 461,482 2,643 870,620 22,756 128,480 118 4,045 18,455 3,850 71,686 1,900 11,472 2,735 2,695 3,275 2,835 2,079 238,521 1,760 1,693 392,195 413,145 1,750 10 1,019 1,393 69,535 105,780 1,330 1,018 155,965 213,835 3,235 629,440 16,672 88,846 164,590 4,08i. 22,276 1,980 7,442 5,432 1,184 3,279 1,468 10 82 5,600 4,235 4,719 3,340 7,267 3,746 3,077 167,365 1,955 2,086 193,990 257,295 1,954 5,368 3,904 544,060 371,485 1,329 205,614 157,584 387,905 10,025 57,650 222 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 8.-FARM FACILITIES, OFF-FARM WORK, WORK POWER, FARM LABOR, [Data are baBed on reports for only Tenure of operato: Share- ca3h Crop- share SPECIFIED FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT Telephone farms reporting 1954. Electricity farms reporting 1954. 1950. Television set farms reporting 1954. Piped running water farms reporting 1954 . Home freezer farms reporting 1954 . Electric pig brooder farms reporting 1954. Power feed grinder farms reporting 1954. Milking machine farms reporting 1954. Grain combines farms reporting 1954. number 1954. Corn pickers farms reporting 1954 . number 1954. Pick-up hay balers farms reporting 1954 . number 1954. Field forage harvesters farms reporting 1954 . number 1954 . Motortrucks farms reporting 1954 . number 1954. Tractors, other than garden farms reporting 1954. 1950. number 1954. 1950. Automobiles farms reporting 1954. number 1954. OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Farm operators — With other income of family exceeding value of farm products sold operators reporting Working off their farms, total operators reporting 100 or more days operators reporting FARMS BY CLASS OF WORK POWER No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting No tractor but horses and/or mules farms reporting Tractor and horses and/or mules. .. .farms reporting Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting FARM LABOR ek of October 21-30: Family and/or hired workers farms reporting persons Family workers, including operator farms reporting Operators working 1 or more hours persons Unpaid members of operator's family farms reporting persons Hired workers farms reporting persons Regular workers (to be employed 150 or more days) farms reporting persons Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting persons SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Specified farm expenditures2 farms reporting Machine hire and/or hired labor farms reporting Machine hire farms reporting dollars Hired labor farms reporting dollars $1 to $2,499 farms reporting $2,500 and over farms reporting 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. Feed for livestock and poultry. .farms reporting dollars Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing material farms reporting dollars acres on which used Lime and liming material farms reporting dollars 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1054. 3,177 24,217 25,516 6,584 10,277 3,206 167 432 9,691 10,079 9,431 6,006 10,144 6,756 9,905 10,326 10,393 8,975 5,593 4,261 7,674 3,589 5,842 20,496 19,874 10,465 18,989 2,541 9,374 24,313 17,082 12,211 1,052,492 10,920 11,516 2,439,626 1,813,869 10,818 102 14,996 16,077 11,988,040 3,367,586 12,747 7,995 1,887,533 1,150,739 21,207 6,453,128 138,315 619,643 690 15,943 73,813 15,982 946 6,565 8,248 2,007 3,369 1,120 72 183 2,901 1,049 1,647 6,665 5,105 3,803 388,249 3,198 4,179 863,479 764,098 3,153 45 4,472 5,237 7,729,935 1,496,117 3,624 3,077 567,224 433,218 6,205 1,905,373 40,450 173,446 249 5,304 23,584 5,870 3,891 2,699 1,254 1,926 3,080 2,352 3,199 2,487 2,696 2,715 2,108 1,093 2,924 2,953 2,281 1,260 2,422 1,476 2,566 1,544 3,647 3,556 3,293 2,206 225,440 2,578 1,684 819,916 394,746 2,530 2,585 1,929 2,893,837 745,799 3,038 1,296 653,564 287,609 3,929 1,854,634 39,285 174,397 10 1,895 1,935 2,276 1,746 2,458 2,023 2,083 2,106 1,951 1,750 828 1,448 5,290 5,205 3,344 290,253 3,235 3,286 554,950 383,485 3,233 2,586 4,065 635,670 587,885 3,011 2,021 475,500 283,790 5,731 2,005,024 43,271 202,759 105 2,605 16,070 2,225 52,695 1,218 5,110 1,180 1,780 1,340 1,215 1,230 1,085 635 1,045 3,155 3,100 3,525 2,855 2,115 184,015 1,820 2,L41 2%, 295 222,095 1,820 1,550 2,855 362,750 328,800 2,115 1,346 349,685 194,105 3,405 1,276,520 27,104 129,335 by tenure of operator for 1 Excludes farms reporting cial fertiliz ALABAMA 223 AND FARM EXPENDITURES, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 19S4 AND 1950-Continued a sample of farmB. See text] Area 2— Continued Areas 3 and A ±= Tenureof operator1— Con. Other farms Total all farms Tenure of operator1 Other farina Tenants — Con. Full Part Managers TenantB Croppera Other and fled All Caab cash Crop- LiZZT Croppers Other specified 45 42 1,386 6,053 931 459 23 216 40 12 81 32 'a 4,424 1 1,521 494 7,979 18,942 3,061 1,461 65 2,427 213 37 1,048 20 837 272 11,928 2 1,585 485 7,565 20,248 3,431 1,097 33 2,972 237 30 1,645 5 810 245 12,715 3 186 91 2,378 7,94a 1,201 609 30 608 76 17 273 171 71 5,500 4 226 148 3,819 9,554 1,798 742 47 599 51 17 257 15 147 112 6,368 5 51 22 1 1,117 35 4,345 80 847 26 409 16 23 5 241 5 32 6 116 5 5 61 21 2,825 26 6 7 1 7 55 791 325 188 22 64 18 2 17 12 15 192 8 5 5 10 437 215 138 9 29 6 2 5 5 11 46 9 1 11 49 476 209 121 14 64 9 7 17 16 15 68 10 1 11 49 500 224 L27 16 65 10 7 17 16 15 68 11 36 37 30 272 76 94 2 77 1 5 56 10 5 23 12 36 37 30 273 76 95 2 77 1 5 56 10 5 23 13 1 12 16 436 179 121 20 34 7 1 21 5 82 14 1 12 16 25 25 442 81 81 184 32 32 122 17 17 20 3 3 34 8 8 7 2 2 1 1 1 21 5 5 5 82 21 21 15 16 17 346 198 2,349 6,495 1,455 883 36 -734 97 12 j77 10 136 102 3,387 18 352 207 2,439 7,083 1,610 1,027 48 781 108 12 413 10 136 102 3,617 19 276 133 1,729 6,888 1,796 1,064 50 1,135 132 27 593 10 257 116 2,843 20 345 140 1,057 4,786 1,331 678 38 1,059 67 25 680 5 191 91 1,680 21 320 160 1,782 7,850 2,216 1,334 93 1,243 150 33 615 10 293 142 2,964 22 405 145 1,186 5,481 1,608 823 75 1,177 68 25 740 5 237 102 1,798 23 556 161 3,916 10,505 1,571 794 40 1,108 106 20 473 5 407 97 6,992 24 561 164 4,096 11,501 1,823 896 47 1,165 110 20 495 5 438 97 7,570 25 105 32 5,289 10,166 609 223 7 281 36 5 105 5 90 40 9,046 26 130 45 6,747 12,791 441 146 3 331 20 5 195 80 31 11,870 27 565 136 5,165 11,656 1,036 614 8 929 88 10 351 15 365 100 9,069 28 570 115 4,809 12,313 921 375 4 926 50 20 460 5 315 76 10,087 29 85 20 4,126 9,094 562 269 3 298 32 5 111 10 105 35 7,962 30 75 10 3,548 9,143 295 158 3 176 15 80 55 26 8,511 31 910 221 4,475 6,613 463 105 10 736 36 150 5 460 85 5,299 32 390 145 2,112 6,059 868 347 5 661 75 10 325 5 165 81 4,178 33 71 71 497 2,899 850 531 30 399 71 12 183 97 36 1,089 34 205 62 1,232 3,989 946 533 20 736 61 15 410 10 160 80 1,754 35 1,381 418 5,625 15,300 2,812 1,411 55 2,262 213 37 983 20 777 232 8,760 36 3,794 1,260 9,140 29,389 6,061 3,884 164 6,444 671 193 2,809 25 2,168 578 12,836 37 i,371 418 5,550 15,155 2,772 1,395 55 2,245 207 37 977 20 772 232 8,688 38 1,351 413 5,219 14,658 2,705 1,380 55 2,185 207 37 942 20 757 222 8,333 39 816 255 1,826 5,258 1,181 682 14 1,064 81 7 426 445 105 2,317 40 1,715 565 2,738 9,254 1,857 1,437 20 2,462 242 29 991 1,020 180 3,478 41 166 51 382 1,627 502 306 16 299 37 12 132 5 76 37 504 42 728 282 1,183 5,477 1,499 1,067 89 1,797 222 127 876 5 391 176 1,025 43 1 6 17 404 170 128 13 32 11 1 12 5 1 2 61 44 3 11 18 833 361 291 43 52 24 1 15 5 1 6 86 45 165 46 365 1,328 369 231 8 276 28 12 126 75 35 444 46 725 271 1,165 4,644 1,138 776 46 1,745 198 126 861 390 170 939 47 1,571 489 7,635 18,914 3,107 1,516 60 2,512 243 37 1,068 20 877 267 11,719 48 1,341 407 3,764 10,149 2,229 1,238 53 2,071 198 27 908 15 726 197 4,558 49 781 252 2,852 6,903 1,497 831 10 1,367 118 7 636 10 476 120 3,198 50 72,176 18,945 142,650 607,614 204,741 101,781 5,980 157,962 12,270 1,600 73,040 780 55,382 14,890 137,150 5] 886 302 1,894 6,618 1,586 983 53 1,626 143 27 758 10 521 167 2,370 52 745 220 2,365 6,252 1,499 714 35 1,354 121 25 821 5 271 111 2,650 53 160,050 58,735 153,731 2,545,553 901,585 822,467 95,830 472,246 78,906 16,025 190,460 11,400 107,900 67,555 253,425 54 75,635 47,400 260,480 1,765,247 676,783 511,645 131,679 192,100 15,135 7,625 110,070 260 26,755 32,255 253,040 53 885 301 1,894 6,431 1,522 8% 44 1,616 137 26 757 10 521 165 2,353 56 1 1 187 64 87 9 10 6 1 1 2 17 57 621 203 5,339 13,672 2,136 989 51 1,142 138 12 473 15 362 142 9,354 58 780 275 4,845 13,175 2,055 721 23 1,523 156 5 885 5 316 156 8,853 59 59,085 62,980 641,298 6,952,347 3,725,093 1,142,334 147,873 596,807 156,862 18,450 52,650 139,450 29,920 199,475 1,340,240 61 1 52 ,090 155,465 535,385 3,251,453 1,101,740 643,255 96,927 190,008 33,773 250 109,775 750 23,745 21,715 1,219,523 63. 411 263 3,059 8,986 2,055 1,123 51 1,301 148 27 703 15 252 156 4,456 62 405 145 1,599 5,573 1,625 742 29 1,159 96 25 726 206 106 2,018 63 48,290 37,945 180,945 1,347,498 473,300 335,044 31,906 247,979 37,042 10,715 120,977 7,125 35,010 37,110 259,269 64 43,245 21,475 141,122 1,036,936 422,461 219,315 21,485 190,125 12,860 3,235 124,515 30,740 15,775 183,550 65 1,506 459 5,327 14,245 2,699 1,446 42 2,349 222 37 1,028 15 812 235 7,709 66 445,735 150,109 671,637 3,096,079 943,997 709,343 46,667 750,507 63,440 18,164 331,625 3,785 250,825 82,668 645,565 67 10,078 3,249 14,898 72,387 21,887 16,905 1,044 17,199 1,494 392 7,54a 90 5,793 1,882 15,352 68 44,835 15,539 67,029 360,331 103,823 77,144 5,084 85,701 8,194 2,112 39,594 545 27,196 8,060 88,579 69 40 25 140 850 277 148 11 25 1 1 17 1 5 389 70 565 910 1,830 23,932 9,892 5,155 748 1,438 125 260 708 20 325 6,699 71 3,210 5,820 7,700 123,851 50,053 22,946 2,414 7,818 475 1,560 3,583 140 2,060 40,620 72 495 785 1,540 27,185 11,804 5,632 495 965 65 130 540 30 200 8,289 73 224 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 8.-FARM FACILITIES, OFF-FARM WORK, WORK POWER, FARM LABOR. [Data are based on reports for only SPECIFIED FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT Telephone farms reporting 1954. Electricity farms reporting 1954. 1950. Television set farms reporting 1954 . Piped running water farms reporting 1954 . Home freezer farms reporting 1954. Electric pig brooder farms reporting 1954. Power feed grinder farms reporting 1954 . Milking machine farms reporting 1954 . Grain combines farms reporting 1954. number 1954. Corn pickers farms reporting 1954 . number 1954. Pick-up hay balers farms reporting 1954 . numner 1954. Field forage harvesters farms reporting 1954 . number 1954. Motortrucks farms reporting 1954. number 1954. Tractors, other than garden farms reporting 1954. 1950. number 1954. 1950. Automobiles farms reporting 1954.. number 1954. OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCCME Farm operators— With other income of family exceeding value of farm products sold operators reporting 1954. 1949 . ■ Working off their farms, total operators reporting 1954 . . 1949.. 100 or more days operators reporting 1954. 1949 . . FARMS BY CLASS OF WORK POWER No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting 1954.. No tractor but horses and/or mules farms reporting 1954.. Tractor and horses and/or mules. .. .farms reporting 1954.. Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting 1954.. FARM LABOR Week of October 24-30: Family and/or hired workers farms reporting 1954.. persons 1954 . . Family workers, Including operator farms reporting 1954., Operators working 1 or more hours persons 1954 . . Unpaid members of operator's family farms reporting 1954., persons 1954. , Hired workers farms reporting 1954 . . persons 1954. , Regular workers (to be employed 150 or more days) farms reporting 1954. . persons 1954.. Seasonal workers {to be employed less than 150 days ) farms reporting 1954 . . persons 1954 . , SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Specified farm expenditures? farms reporting 1954.. Machine hire and/or hired labor farms reporting 1954 . , Machine hire farms reporting 1954 . , dollars 1954 . . Hired labor farms reporting 1954 . . 1949.. dollars 1954.. 1949.. $1 to $2,499 farms reporting 1954. . $2,500 and over farms reporting 1954 . . Feed for livestock and poultry. .farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. dollars 1954.. 1949.. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil farms reporting 1954 . . 1949.. dollars 1954.. 1949.. Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing material farms reporting 1954 . . dollars 1954.. tons 1954.. acres on which used 1954.. Lime and liming material farms reporting 1954.. tons 1954.. dollars 1954.. acres limed 1954.. Total all 2,647 561 13,345 2,673 11,886 2,508 3,173 618 4,555 1,316 5,086 1,552 2,827 964 1,872 650 3,237 1,159 2,106 745 7,092 1,271 7,717 1,428 8,710 8,084 6,324 5,622 5,341 7,092 1,689 1,138 6,755 1,167 3,341 8,588 6,209 408,772 4,931 4,325 1,421,029 1,251,977 4,820 8,847 8,324 5,076,098 1,878,759 5,153 2,956 682,929 499,411 11,837 2,341,129 54,137 278,391 713 19,342 135,668 21,682 Tenure of operator1 2,542 2,485 2,829 2,052 1,407 127,694 1,352 1,225 610,894 509,648 1,294 58 1,907 1,541 3,245,240 704,543 1,327 1,061 306,513 220,576 2,570 765,732 18,509 93,595 264 8,993 58,174 10,123 3,218 28,325 4,108 55,671 1,179 5,772 2,227 2,207 by tenure of operator for cial farms only. Excludes farms reporting 2,130 1,558 92,644 1,309 785 201,144 155,800 1,303 1,004 1,110 408,054 274,105 2,446 535,621 12,099 65,340 41 1,445 9,495 1,500 al fertiliser and lime. 118,515 2,675 15,344 111,675 2,481 13,582 5 1,000 7,000 1,000 ALABAMA AND FARM EXPENDITURES, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued 225 a sample of farms. See text] A,, and B— Continued Arc-a 5 Tenureof opera tor1— Con. Other Total all farms Tenure of operator1 Other Tenant — Con. Tenants Croppers Other and unspeci- fied Full Part Managers All Cash SIZ' C/Zl Livestock- share Cropper. Other farms 26 17 1,809 3,573 716 433 17 183 58 2 55 15 53 2,224 1 659 377 8,131 24,779 4,929 2,426 30 3,764 585 57 1,392 10 1,308 412 13,630 2 581 143 7,425 25,078 6,246 2,194 50 4,551 602 37 2,246 41 1,253 322 12,037 3 58 12 2,255 5,198 1,112 568 12 324 72 7 105 86 49 3,182 4 78 145 3,775 9,243 2,281 1,181 25 562 133 7 191 140 91 5,194 5 22 5 17 1,572 11 3,721 913 27 556 17 2 236 16 46 5 2 110 10 31 47 1 1,999 20 6 7 8 163 738 270 280 18 31 9 1 15 6 139 8 6 1 16 294 86 135 1 28 17 1 10 44 9 1 48 558 206 227 14 56 14 2 21 11 8 55 10 48 624 229 251 25 61 19 2 21 8 58 11 7 179 43 92 6 21 13 1 5 1 17 12 11 181 43 93 7 21 13 1 5 1 1 17 13 12 1 4l 393 146 144 12 45 19 2 5 11 8 46 14 12 1 -1 404 149 144 12 50 24 2 5 11 8 49 15 5 6 73 15 36 2 1 1 19 1.. 6 10 6 85 15 46 * 1 1 19 17 83 95 2,432 9,096 2,629 1,454 28 1,107 240 22 446 273 126 3,878 13 85 96 2,627 9,877 2,850 1,691 49 1,173 259 28 456 285 145 4,114 19 59 61 1,272 6,528 1,908 1,440 29 "986 179 27 482 5 158 135 2,165 20 56 22 778 4,287 1,337 900 47 760 104 46 322 11 201 76 1,193 21 65 72 1,349 7,712 2,251 1,899 102 1,143 230 37 513 5 187 171 2,317 22 61 23 815 4,964 1,556 1,160 97 887 110 47 333 23 281 93 1,264 2} 228 135 4,695 11,243 1,925 1,106 21 1,377 303 37 506 371 160 6,814 24 230 135 5,054 12,216 2,127 1,316 84 1,441 314 37 511 388 191 7,248 25 60 30 5,969 11,310 573 309 2 250 45 5 95 60 45 10,176 26 31 40 8,111 13,209 660 286 3 327 76 20 145 65 21 11,933 27 356 204 6,445 14,445 1,654 1,074 D 1,788 294 25 657 635 177 9,923 28 356 97 6,290 14,753 1,330 922 2,335 369 30 890 15 855 176 9,662 29 61 41 5,534 9,170 574 372 296 45 5 90 100 56 7,924 30 26 20 5,154 8,496 409 261 3 263 82 15 80 80 6 7,560 31 575 96 4,103 9,260 752 188 1 1,571 105 280 5 1,105 76 6,748 32 195 370 3,715 11,572 2,595 942 2 2,058 627 35 770 245 381 5,975 33 28 623 3,314 1,079 314 22 430 92 17 215 5 52 49 969 34 31 17 649 3,214 829 626 7 556 87 10 267 106 86 1,196 35 728 437 6,651 20,732 4,432 2,286 32 3,569 751 47 1,267 10 1,068 426 10,413 36 1,359 1,027 9,503 41,355 9,072 7,905 288 8,901 1,890 184 3,298 20 2,271 1,238 15,189 37 728 437 6,607 20,566 4,388 2,261 27 3,568 751 47 1,267 10 1,067 426 10,322 38 723 422 6,395 20,029 4,325 2,244 26 3,498 721 47 1,247 10 1,052 421 9,936 39 236 221 1,830 7,208 1,770 1,016 5 1,720 302 20 706 5 472 215 2,697 40 561 496 2,491 12,537 2,998 1,961 5 3,526 681 70 1,446 10 979 340 4,047 41 28 30 338 1,926 575 544 26 306 80 11 120 51 44 475 42 75 109 617 8,789 1,749 3,700 257 1,877 488 67 605 240 477 1,206 43 1 2 -2 537 190 205 21 60 24 ! 5 6 24 61 44 3 2 ■: 1,357 363 551 127 97 38 2 10 10 37 219 45 27 28 312 1,553 447 405 16 258 63 10 115 45 25 427 46 72 107 547 7,432 1,386 3,149 130 1,780 450 65 595 230 440 987 47 74*. 527 7,896 25,865 5,244 2,565 32 4,585 911 62 1,527 10 1,483 592 13,439 48 654 470 3,740 15,313 3,775 2,026 29 3,491 750 52 1,051 5 1,212 421 5,992 49 365 406 2,791 10,624 2,652 1,201 16 2,181 562 36 701 5 646 231 4,574 50 23,210 21,414 124,289 909,319 233,618 239,442 17,035 197,123 47,328 7,225 53,025 250 52,400 36,895 222,101 51 464 245 1,766 9,251 2,418 1,604 23 2,342 474 41 690 811 326 2,859 52 301 153 1,868 10,744 3,123 1,374 51 2,308 415 56 1,043 21 587 186 3,888 53 84,539 39,065 211,060 3,426,810 932,661 1,269,946 193,862 623,139 185,036 29,055 181,865 105,518 121,665 407,202 54 44,865 40,140 184,561 2,733,202 814,064 877,435 163,872 402,781 85,216 15,570 148,395 42,755 64,964 45,881 475,050 55 462 243 1,755 8,960 2,331 1,472 12 2,296 462 36 675 810 313 2,849 56 2 2 11 291 87 132 16 46 12 5 15 1 13 10 57 192 251 5,390 17,234 3,459 1,699 26 2,271 514 27 942 10 463 315 9,779 58 245 252 5,263 17,888 4,206 1,559 45 3,063 730 46 1,393 25 637 232 9.J15 59 24,295 257,040 711,383 6,429,369 3,218,462 1,396,046 173,771 448,445 136,428 3,775 155,526 225 105,356 47,135 1,187,645 60 11,895 90,885 644,225 3,104,144 1,261,534 453,721 130,012 280,113 80,671 6,834 96,480 30,450 46,073 19,605 978,764 61 179 115 2,781 11,104 2,794 1,713 29 1,627 234 37 701 10 443 202 4,941 62 86 33 1,230 6,588 2,325 1,150 47 1,104 205 51 503 11 213 121 1,962 63 19,172 14,970 155,380 1,731,325 533,703 598,592 59,548 246,587 55,492 9,300 100,585 500 28,374 52,336 292,895 64 11,205 5,630 86,386 1,196,519 452,453 370,737 35,065 LI 6,688 34,208 12,302 59,995 13,000 25,500 21,683 171,576 65 789 494 6,057 22,082 4,823 2,489 25 4,403 880 62 1,497 10 1,418 536 10,342 66 194,311 97,405 567,414 5,086,816 1,439,349 1,371,525 137,488 1,099,455 208,586 25,565 389,698 3,315 320,725 151,566 1,038,999 67 68 4,428 2,199 13,452 118,813 33,109 32,293 3,889 25,498 4,813 590 8,832 71 7,486 3,706 24,024 22,900 11,834 71,836 616,320 169,180 155,110 14,697 138,087 26,349 3,220 50,581 450 40,928 16,559 139,246 11 270 772 232 193 10 83 26 16 20 21 254 70 220 5,031 29,733 9,965 7,319 3,711 3,820 3,155 150 155 360 4,918 1,035 35,862 166,235 57,871 41,670 18,620 20,918 15,430 1,608 1,075 2,805 27,156 73 220 5,212 33,952 10,602 7,391 3,281 4,814 3,155 169 205 1,285 7,864 226 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 8— FARM FACILITIES, OFF-FARM WORK, WORK POWER, FARM LABOR. [Data are based on reports for only Areas 6 and C Share-cash Crop SPECIFIED FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT Telephone farms reporting 1954. . Electricity farms reporting 1954 . . 1950. . Television set farms reporting 1954.. Piped running water farms reporting 1954.. Home freezer farms reporting 1954.. Electric pig brooder farms reporting 1954 . . Power feed grinder farms reporting 1954 . . Milking machine farms reporting 1954 . . Grain combines farms reporting 1954 . . number 1954 . . Corn pickers farms reporting 1954 . . number 1954 . . Pick-up hay balers farms reporting 1954 . . number 1954.. Field forage harvesters farms reporting 1954.. number 1954 . . Motortrucks farms reporting 1954.. number 1954 . . Tractors, other than garden farms reporting 1954.. 1950.. number 1954 . . 1950.. Automobiles farms reporting 1954.. number 1954 . . OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME With other income of family exceeding value of farm products sold operators reporting 1954.. 1949.. Working off their farms, total operators reporting 1954.. 1949.. 100 or more days operators reporting 1954.. 1949.. FARMS BY CLASS OF WORK POWER No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting 1954.. No tractor but horses and/or mules farms reporting 1954. . Tractor and horses and/or mules. .. .farms reporting 1954.. Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting 1954.. FARM LABOR Week of October 24-30: Family and/or hired workers farms reporting 1954.. persons 1954. , Family workers, including operator farms reporting 1954 . . Operators working 1 or more hours persons 1954 . . Unpaid members of operator's family farms reporting 1954. . persons 1954 . . Hired workers farms reporting 1954 . persons 1954 . Regular workers (to be employed 150 or more days) farms reporting 1954. persons 1954 . Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting 1954. persons 1954 . SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Specified farm expenditures2, farms reporting 1954. Machine hire and/or hired labor farms reporting 1954 . Machine hire farms reporting 1954 . dollars 1954. Hired labor farms reporting 1954. 1949. dollars 1954. 1949. $1 to $2,499 farms reporting 1954. $2,500 and over farms reporting 1954. Feed for livestock and poultry. -farms reporting 1954. 1949. dollars 1954. 1949. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil farms reporting 1954. 1949. dollars 1954. 1949. Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing material farms reporting 1954. dollars 1954. tons 1954. acres on which used 1954. Lime and liming material farms reporting 1954. tons 1954. dollars 1954. acres limed 1954. 2,717 16,278 11,113 2,222 5,276 3,082 80 919 169 5,446 6,523 3,740 2,606 5,624 3,938 7,6 ',216 11,782 11,958 6,223 14,601 2,946 10,992 24,984 16,041 10,332 983,958 10,683 9,833 5,307,844 5,170,435 10, U5 538 18,090 14,736 9,287,451 5,060,897 7,014 4,275 2,239,549 1,760,846 21,566 5,116,283 128,819 657,862 516 29,368 172,289 32,895 1,556 1,905 1,436 929 2,195 1,411 1,611 2,196 3,539 2,784 1,681 307,589 2,211 2,053 2,013,201 1,913,461 1,991 220 2,867 2,406 4,051,998 1,990,776 1,405 891,927 653,643 3,029 1,504,143 39,592 205,687 200 12,158 68,042 13,349 1,761 1,219 1,042 1,590 3,129 1,790 8,461 6,826 2,989 1,710 2,892 1,677 1,030 623 1,937 1,181 1,099 727 3,632 3,968 573 405 1,429 1,454 1,581 989 290, 503 1,380 1,351 2,102,839 2,171,894 1,156 224 1,628 1,405 3,048,187 1,726,687 1,168 1,025 837,641 730,319 1,814 1,429,678 36,948 179,206 187 11,819 71,479 12,627 252,422 7,158 30,180 17 1,990 11,606 2,505 2,282 5,684 8,391 6,066 3,996 226,857 3,849 3,102 564,976 390,289 3,808 41 7,945 1,217,612 28,481 151,378 30 1,438 9,853 1,928 3,354 2,094 1,362 86,248 1,368 1,482 241,226 204,731 1,341 27 2,440 2,143 519,438 421,280 3,161 509,427 11,979 64,617 18 1,255 7,799 1,567 1,473 1,458 1,208 1,069 116,685 52,603 1,658 232,328 5,398 28,920 of operator for Excludes farms reporting ial fertili ALABAMA AND FARM EXPENDITURES, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued 227 farms. See Areas b and C— Cont Tenure of operator1— Con. Tenure of operator1 129,955 96,171 1,100 32,719 3 1,423 2,213 13,948 1,097 8,055 1,081 7,619 533 2,979 947 5,130 10,984 5,505 3,622 130,189 3,140 3,201 299,705 263,152 3,130 10 8,260 6,709 815,483 499,975 1,183 8,677 69,786 712,428 3,734 16 ,640 21,537 91,411 82 1,963 51 11,309 33 2,486 25,404 22,964 1,749 13,300 5,333 183 772 11,045 11,992 9,460 6,365 11,330 7,557 12,383 13,383 11,215 4,304 5,156 23,854 23,321 7,756 13,736 3,234 12,544 27,931 20,467 15,988 2,440,996 14,195 17,48f 5,623,651 4 ,688 ,686 13,860 19,494 21,129 5,751,405 3,583,123 24,709 9,356,046 228,022 1,206,720 1,728 33,991 251,576 49,974 16 3,458 3,765 3,222 2,404 3,903 2,931 3,046 3,401 2,519 1,545 1,677 1,947 3,190 1,061 3,512 6,684 5,315 4,097 629,965 3,845 4,939 1,690,087 1,774,776 3,734 111 5,196 5,924 2,605,240 1,494,798 3,980 3,521 1,177,771 980,029 6,130 2,706,014 64,915 336,288 572 11,465 83,464 17,269 22 2,670 3,023 2,799 1,479 3,600 1,905 1,910 2,164 1,136 2,106 1,024 3,934 3,493 2,527 634,852 3,048 2,546 2,138,218 1,343,011 2,885 163 3,044 2,702 1,529,316 839,268 3,091 1,868 1,219,532 720,255 3,834 2,700,869 65,421 336,310 511 12,064 84,273 17,592 84,071 2,138 10,455 19 1,181 7,758 1,393 15 2,692 2,797 2,137 1,742 2,397 8,750 7,842 6,370 974,642 5,213 7,249 1,495,910 1,168,230 5,164 49 6,780 804,020 652,729 3,476 2,947 766,080 580,668 8,532 3,143,162 77,920 424,164 411 6,551 56,575 9,531 1,755 1,740 1,955 1,715 1,400 159,603 1,094 1,493 343,385 303,352 1,085 1,143 1,715 211,560 170,086 1,925 628,259 14,819 81,749 169,279 4,043 22,554 2,222 2,202 2,503 2,248 1,864 327,627 1,522 2,466 453,725 364,110 1,501 21 1,437 2,419 192,165 202,260 2,373 927,946 23,466 128,824 107 1,274 11,391 1,935 234,565 5,709 30,595 6,109 2,851 2,816 3,036 2,735 2,182 310,782 1,715 2,644 339,710 350,620 1,708 1,094 1,920 147,445 159,060 3,036 1,027,158 25,973 139,438 101 1,715 12,125 2,005 155,955 3,910 21,004 228 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 8.— FARM FACILITIES, OFF-FARM WORK, WORK POWER, FARM LABOR. [Data are based on reports for only (For definitii Tenure of operato; SPECIFIED FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT Telephone farms reporting 1954.. Electricity farms reporting 1954. . 1950.. Television set farms reporting 1954.. Piped running water farms reporting 1954. . Home freezer farms reporting 1954.. Electric pig brooder farms reporting 1954.. Power feed grinder farms reporting 1954 . . Milking machine farms reporting 1954 . . Grain combines farms reporting 1954 . . number 1954 . . Corn pickers farms reporting 1954 . . number 1954 . . Pick-up hay balers farms reporting 1954 . . number 1954 . . Field forage harvesters farms reporting 1954.. number 1954 . . Motortrucks farms reporting 1954 . . number 1954 . . Tractors, other than garden farms reporting 1954.. 1950- . number 1954 . . 1950.. Automobiles farms reporting 1954 . . number 1954 . . OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME With other income of family exceeding value of farm products sold operators reporting 1954.. 1949 . . Working off their farms, total operators reporting 1954.. 1949.. 100 or more days operators reporting 1954.. 1949 . . FARMS BY CLASS OF WORK POWER No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting 1954.. No tractor but horses and/or mules farms reporting 1954 . . Tractor and horses and/or mules. .. .farms reporting 1954.. Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting 1954.. FARM LABOR tteeL of October 24-30: Family and/or hired workers farms reporting 1954.. persons 1954. . Family workers, including operator farms reporting 1954.. Operators working 1 or more hours persons 1954 . . Unpaid members of operator's family farms reporting 1954.. persons 1954. . Hired workers farms reporting 1954. . persons 1954. . Regular workers (to be employed 150 or more days) farms reporting 1954. . persons 1954 . . Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting 1954 . . persons 1954. . SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Specified farm expenditures2 farms reporting 1954.. Machine hire and/or hired labor farms reporting 1954. . Machine hire farms reporting 1954 . . dollars 1954., Hired labor farms reporting 1954 . . 1949.. dollars 1954., 1949. . $1 to $2,499 farms reporting 1954., $2,500 and over farms reporting 1954.. Feed for livestock and poultry. -farms reporting 1954., 1949., dollars 1954., 1949 . , Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil '....farms reporting 1954.. 1949 . . dollars 1954 . . 1949.. Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing material farms reporting 1954. , dollars 1954. tons 1954.. acres on which used 1954.. Lime and liming material farms reporting 1954.. tons 1954.. dollars 1954.. acres limed 1954.. 3,852 3,893 2,582 2,592 1,960 3,465 6,242 3,502 1,902 110,127 2,401 1,991 437,991 355,928 2,375 26 4,198 651,771 500,506 5,397 728,755 16,663 98,50C 108 2,262 16,337 2,639 231,710 5,366 29,299 Excludes farms reporting > ALABAMA 229 AND FARM EXPENDITURES, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued 8 sample of farroe. See text] Area 7b— Continued Areas 8 an D Tenure of operator1— Con. Other Total all Tenure of operator1 Other Tenant —Con. Full Part Tenants Other and farms ManagerB Croppers fied All Cash cash share Lirestock- Croppers and un- specified 1 295 2,329 634 313 27 32 5 1 1,311 1 4C. 27 3,519 6,422 1,699 884 34 281 128 10 50 1 36 56 3,524 2 2,429 5,761 1,443 785 23 241 60 5 65 15 80 3,269 3 319 1,890 447 305 12 68 46 11 11 1,058 4 971 4,832 1,351 776 32 180 62 10 45 1 21 41 2,493 5 681 5 51 1,938 22 519 569 6 215 396 6 203 8 18 18 15 10 5 20 1 1 11 1 6 91 : 10 65 6 7 a 10 264 154 90 2 2 1 1 16 9 592 202 322 18 43 26 5 6 6 7 10 627 210 344 20 44 27 5 6 6 9 ii 15 469 191 233 7 37 20 10 1 1 \? 15 473 85 85 131 134 192 49 64 64 236 30 30 55 57 7 3 3 2 2 37 2 2 3 20 1 1 1 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 13 14 15 16 17 10 21 1,381 3,108 1,103 763 29 185 86 15 40 1 11 32 1,028 18 10 21 1,503 3,792 1,362 1,076 44 212 106 20 40 1 12 33 1,098 19 11 416 2,945 1,103 802 34 205 86 15 40 1 26 37 801 20 129 2,380 971 663 23 136 30 5 35 10 50 6 587 21 16 442 3,873 1,428 1,316 62 248 105 20 45 2 33 43 819 22 5 134 2,957 1,198 954 52 156 45 5 35 10 55 6 597 23 30 16 1,187 3,742 956 618 22 105 52 5 15 1 16 16 2,041 24 30 16 1,245 4,442 1,143 849 4, 116 60 15 1 19 16 2,287 25 5 10 3,218 3,254 343 137 7 22 11 10 1 2,745 26 10 5 3,610 3,791 231 97 66 2< 10 30 6 3,397 27 35 25 3,087 4,144 749 371 8 92 46 15 15 1 10 5 2,924 28 40 45 3,148 3,918 424 263 5 105 30 20 5 30 20 3,121 29 10 2,392 3,262 401 179 7 31 16 10 5 2,644 30 5 2,417 3,126 202 98 5 50 15 10 20 5 2,771 31 60 10 1,649 2,447 295 27 1 62 22 10 15 15 2,062 32 20 26 2,436 1,512 404 72 40 30 10 996 33 5 11 176 766 343 191 18 54 20 5 10 1 1 17 160 34 240 2,179 760 611 16 151 66 10 30 25 20 641 35 37 3,264 5,887 1,662 851 35 285 131 15 45 1 36 57 3,054 36 200 55 4,965 11,890 3,941 2,382 184 882 311 110 155 3 182 121 4,501 37 eo 37 3,228 5,819 1,640 831 34 285 131 15 45 1 36 57 3,029 38 80 37 3,042 5,678 1,610 811 34 284 130 15 45 1 36 57 2,939 39 50 10 919 2,141 684 313 2 117 51 10 21 35 1,025 40 120 10 1,410 3,065 1,095 492 179 93 10 41 35 1,295 41 188 945 345 347 22 90 51 10 10 1 6 12 141 42 8 513 3,147 1,236 1,079 146 419 88 95 100 2 105 29 267 43 1 5 473 178 211 14 24 16 1 1 6 46 44 1 5 1,428 577 670 59 47 33 2 4 8 75 45 6 183 556 207 174 11 68 35 10 10 6 7 96 46 7 508 1,719 659 409 87 372 55 95 100 101 21 192 47 85 47 4,313 6,729 1,802 901 35 307 138 15 50 1 41 62 3,684 48 75 22 1,991 3,898 1,284 839 33 265 121 15 45 1 41 42 1,477 49 45 15 1,106 2,597 734 517 21 138 56 10 30 1 20 21 1,187 50 2,085 1,230 37,890 400,413 117,337 190,742 15,938 16,941 8,101 340 4,850 120 1,750 1,780 59,455 51 35 12 1,307 2,615 973 762 33 215 101 10 30 1 31 42 632 52 25 25 1,098 2,916 1,062 737 25 246 70 10 65 15 70 16 846 53 3,535 1,685 87,140 3,405,654 1,448,268 1,458,716 162,187 185,612 72,650 7,555 10,500 832 48,525 45,550 150,871 54 2,975 2,525 56,285 2,805,963 1,361,295 940,588 302,200 94,200 21,755 2,325 32,200 6,725 28,845 2,350 107,680 55 35 12 1,302 2,292 824 637 9 192 90 10 30 1 25 36 630 56 5 323 149 125 24 23 11 6 6 2 57 30 26 3,406 5,177 1,372 747 27 157 48 10 35 1 16 47 2,874 58 50 35 3,012 5,164 1,358 735 25 240 90 5 70 15 45 15 2,806 59 875 5,845 262,870 2,959,048 1,566,780 724,326 39,420 76,272 28,650 10,375 5,100 2,000 1,827 28,320 552,250 60 3,125 7,785 292,880 2,914,187 1,588,367 679,798 34,692 97, 500 44,455 450 9,350 31,775 11,020 450 513,830 61 20 26 1,206 3,815 1,292 805 35 235 116 15 35 1 26 42 1,448 62 20 290 2,730 1,138 730 24 181 45 5 50 10 60 11 657 63 1,450 62,423 1,356,542 510,766 604,526 41,145 80,340 39,500 13,250 6,075 900 5,965 14,650 119,765 64 25,435 1,139,978 463,738 514,914 28,201 50,135 17,435 2,500 13,075 3,750 11,785 1,590 82,990 65 85 47 3,525 5,271 1,609 900 35 280 126 15 40 1 41 57 2,447 66 10,020 6,977 240,599 3,135,005 1,132,214 1,421,705 97,084 186,946 92,995 11,370 32,400 3,218 26,133 20,830 297,056 67 260 174 5,564 77,502 27,877 35,274 2,335 4,564 2,230 303 764 73 626 568 7,452 68 1,665 1,017 34,015 243,077 89,476 99,214 7,524 15,450 7,520 1,130 2,575 337 2,063 1,825 31,413 69 70 51 376 133 134 17 29 11 10 1 1 6 63 755 10,025 3,513 3,778 846 769 295 300 32 46 116 1,099 71 4,730 69,185 24,109 26,810 5,080 6,104 2,225 2,100 175 322 1,282 7,082 825 11,248 4,051 4,543 808 771 415 150 35 50 121 1,075 73 230 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 9.-LIVESTOCK ON HAND, LIVESTOCK SOLD, AND SPECIFIED [Data are based on reports for only (For definitioi s and explanations, see text) The State Tenure of operator1 Total all farms Fu! 1 owners Part Managers Tenants All Cash S hare- cash Crop-ahare Livestock- Livestock on hand: 1 91,393 143,792 22,002 35,868 11,987 14,272 301 338 21,325 38,270 6,294 9,521 478 535 7,958 18,240 369 478 2 1950... 3 number 1954 . . . 166,059 43,707 27,469 1,452 41,371 12,336 931 15,446 729 4 1950... 291,400 80,972 39,331 2,313 81,422 19,587 1,249 39,016 1,202 5 136,377 31, 198 17,821 409 27,624 6,177 585 10,664 580 6 1950... 161,494 39,737 16,229 363 41,413 8,589 541 18,523 493 7 number 1954 . . . 1,777,802 670,866 508,258 74,157 185,718 61,265 4,784 53,018 10,699 8 1950... 1,279,738 482,481 313,213 58,515 179,909 59,829 3,044 57,844 5,866 9 Cows, including heifers that 132,288 30,678 17,632 395 26,910 6,031 570 10,428 559 10 1950 . . . 156,534 39,077 15,938 357 40,195 8,322 541 18,023 483 11 number 1954 . . . 984,628 374,856 284,842 39,783 104,091 35,722 2,399 29,209 5,255 12 1950... 689,839 254,507 173,247 32,313 101,086 34,676 1,643 32,944 2,672 13 Milk cows... 111,101 26,047 15,213 253 23,140 4,602 520 9,546 524 -1A 1950... 146,349 37,115 14,890 289 37,980 7,600 501 17,237 461 15 number 1954 — 318,110 104,801 72,363 3,914 53,111 14,900 1,399 18,397 2,375 16 1950... 348,321 117,231 60,894 5,562 71,747 20,511 1,183 27,774 1,484 17 All hogs and pigs. 103,595 23,537 14,770 248 26,051 5,790 573 9,382 569 18 1950... 147,339 33,577 14,694 261 43,318 8,823 576 18,149 526 19 number 1954 .. . 871,566 275,409 233,396 8,159 194,099 42,789 8,736 66,814 16,922 20 1950... 1,083,695 342,609 202,259 12,060 287,050 67,679 7,270 108,274 11,299 21 ChickenB 4 months old and over.. farms reporting 1954... 137,431 28,139 16,078 269 30,723 6,310 604 11,234 563 22 1950... 183,300 39,909 16,092 271 48,912 9,501 600 20,545 541 23 number 1954 . . . 5,763,965 >, 162, 752 925,331 66,080 863,394 169,059 17,922 360,451 16,302 24 Livestock and livesto 1950... k products sold: 5,696,138 L,770,507 670,156 15,346 1,259,931 249,612 16,221 564,432 28,490 25 Cattle and calves sold alive. .. .farms reporting 1954... 61,947 19,270 11,539 379 9,679 2,371 269 3,830 340 26 1949... 81,324 24,121 10,368 353 20,363 4,386 289 9,167 278 27 number 1954 . . . 655,580 270,107 198,335 30,625 58,337 20,575 1,713 15,217 3,867 28 1949... 438,894 172,113 134,068 23,819 55,263 20,148 747 17,081 1,703 29 dollars 1954... 34,660,711 1 .,499,502 11,226,646 2,070,595 2,730,085 949,603 8%, 104 714,785 212,190 30 1949... 33,927,739 L i,565,120 11,069,338 2,289,245 3,740,653 1,533,044 46,333 1,022,010 146,011 31 Hogs and pigs sold 42,937 13,017 9,290 151 10,089 2,034 351 4,056 477 32 1949... 70,332 20,338 9,584 196 20, 516 4,385 393 8,591 397 33 number 1954 . . . 613,233 220,700 187,141 6,773 119,288 24,109 5,730 40,838 13,703 34 1949... 790,655 289,336 175,181 12,983 186,596 41,555 5,478 72,095 8,634 35 dollars 1954... 17,756,230 5,500,718 5,928,863 240,803 3,279,473 630,225 162,063 1,121,848 428,343 36 1949... 18,190,596 =,925,536 4,212,202 415,578 4,309,810 914,392 127,505 1,737,415 218,525 37 15,202 5,562 2,193 61 2,091 259 56 1,018 60 38 1949... 39,091 11,950 4,279 55 8,713 1,222 111 4,320 136 39 dollars 1954... 26,305,810 1 9,592,816 4,901,064 149,228 1,450,357 61,060 1,040 344,658 312,270 40 1949... 5,791,487 J, 467,246 859,233 60,934 880,517 94,176 9,675 172,653 40,880 41 Chicken eggs sold. 30,817 9,695 4,551 57 4,776 866 169 2,135 94 42 1949... 69,432 21,305 7,755 109 16,052 2,626 197 8,092 241 43 dozens 1954 . . . 23,327,005 1 .,211,558 4,635,532 451,572 1,580,213 327,338 18,977 768,819 24,265 44 1949... 14,343,650 1, 112, 395 2,069,414 43,288 2,177,228 484,542 26,450 1,009,937 67,260 45 dollars 1954... 9,705,578 5,036,681 1,824,819 176,348 658,730 132,927 8,346 298,669 9,445 46 1949... 6,082,864 J, 070,211 909,882 18,261 875,172 195,021 10,720 393,298 29,145 47 53,350,122 2 21,968,715 J, 860, 831 ), 966, 907 19,611,221 8,297,969 1,922,416 775,544 5,649,366 2,165,163 2,569,173 1,067,691 121,248 49,108 980,928 285,455 510,422 206,337 48 dollars 1954... 49 Specified crops hsxve 1949... Bead: 18,725,407 !, 807,730 6,465,548 938,687 1,907,347 1,129,779 58,660 340,805 79,939 50 134,051 28,620 18,091 270 37,252 7,237 719 13,165 627 51 1949. . . 171,593 38,593 16,329 288 52,751 9,997 681 21,873 568 52 acres 1954... 2,282,520 563,435 573,385 17,769 721,312 113,520 22,292 302,484 26,675 53 1949. . . 2,481,969 660,317 396,374 19,147 832,876 151,242 16,013 364,153 14,938 54 Corn harvested 129,688 27,600 17,614 251 36,455 7,031 694 12,863 586 55 1949. . . 169,179 37,945 16,164 259 52,276 9,810 671 21,752 552 56 acres 1954... 2,051,754 490,350 497,335 14,979 664,950 101,420 18,366 284,452 18,548 57 1949... 2,306,920 594,226 358,834 16,695 784,340 139,677 14,058 349,752 11,033 58 bushels harvested 1954... 25,548,896 5,776,453 6,674,993 265,706 7,657,012 1,043,212 209,550 3,386,945 228,720 59 1949... 41,362,716 1 1,981,719 7,118,423 381,564 13,114,253 1,924,633 260,540 6,178,960 213,200 60 bushels sold 1954... 5,426,849 966,012 1,433,046 28,630 2,495,766 150,775 58,155 1,245,765 52,600 61 1949. . . 4,657,272 I, 147, 412 929,162 34,887 1,957,716 115,765 42,890 1,014,863 54,625 62 Oats threshed or 8,661 3,316 2,466 152 1,081 260 34 440 92 63 1949... 3,396 1,412 843 108 400 113 6 161 22 64 acres 1954... 171,372 61,272 69,102 8,901 18,605 5,390 690 6,760 1,645 65 1949... 59,803 24,545 1,908 5,529 5,976 1,685 148 1,750 497 66 bushels harvested 1954... 5,169,596 1,856,557 2,136,235 285,862 550,220 150,040 23,250 204,752 54,938 67 1949... 1,337,787 554,221 439,040 135,497 125,868 39,100 4,067 45,261 6,746 68 bushels sold 1954... 1,374,004 382,817 680,745 29,312 233,969 58,620 8,625 96,995 24,750 69 1949... 369,851 157,170 122,347 28,048 41,756 9,817 706 16,564 5,176 70 Peanuts harvested for picking 23,249 5,436 3,802 18 9,363 2,205 328 2,622 341 71 1949... 37,543 8,414 3,941 43 16,040 4,159 261 5,280 344 72 acres grown alone 1954. . . 190,875 40,855 47,922 543 90,963 13,681 5,919 26,708 5,607 73 1949. . . 352,810 83,683 54,055 1,759 192,172 32,769 4,229 70,061 6,634 74 acres grown with other crops 1954. . . 135 20 15 45 10 35 75 1949... 342 72 50 90 20 15 76 pounds harvested 1954... 100,476,130 2 .,208,100 27,113,882 248,801 47,502,297 6,547,571 3 ,237,820 14,905,751 3,535,790 77 1949... 284,160,776 7 5,917,750 46,469,229 1,474,910 153,662,877 25,504,483 3 ,749,709 53,982,240 6,143,955 78 Cotton harvested. 106,332 24,070 16,105 132 38,998 7,331 709 13,434 602 79 1949. . . 145,843 34,315 14,923 165 53,373 9,505 650 22,299 526 80 acres 1954... 1,142,480 218,383 283,945 7,834 507,999 71,991 12,528 189,860 11,486 81 1949... 1,845,075 432,371 327,620 11,427 791,122 115,974 13,935 351,582 6,473 82 bales harvested 1954. . . 698,019 141,214 181,524 4,699 310,510 41,024 8,201 119,097 7,430 83 1949. . . 823,683 198,279 158,235 6,109 372,261 43,894 7,255 173,143 3,845 84 Hay cut acres 1954. . . 507,184 416,228 198,633 162,277 143,981 100,651 22,300 23,440 60,209 65,500 15,159 16,945 1,493 1,886 21,840 29,017 3,979 1,359 85 1949... 86 tons 1954... 418,628 167,874 119,524 22,442 46,086 11,320 1,060 15,458 3,207 For comparability of data stock and poultry, and State Table 12. 3 Includes milk ALABAMA 231 CROPS, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 a sample of farroe. See text]] The State — Continued Areal tenure of operator1 — Con. Other farina Total all Tenure of operator1 farmB Tenants —Con. Full Part Uanagere Tenants Croppers Other and unapeci- fled All Cash cash 2£ Liveatock- Croppera Other and un- 3,40* 2,818 35,778 7,835 2,095 1,857 30 1,846 73 46 1,237 46 269 176 2,007 1 3,333 55,044 14 , 304 3,865 2,406 30 755 356 106 3,056 52 623 562 3 248 2 6,343 5,586 52,060 15,593 4,323 4,179 99 3 819 168 102 2,635 77 494 343 3 ..... 3 12,925 7,443 87,362 34,142 9,324 7,108 187 11 417 837 210 7,119 152 1,619 1,480 6 L06 4 6,533 3,085 59, 325 15,941 3,333 2,849 60 203 85 76 2,133 92 1,510 307 5 496 5 10,019 3,248 63,752 18, 830 4,631 2,826 33 6 S ! 367 126 3,400 52 1,973 567 4 835 6 27,908 28,044 338, 803 160,193 49,224 52,723 5,593 27 189 1,874 1,003 13,655 2,497 5,136 2,824 25 464 7 33,334 19, 992 245,620 110,938 39,840 29,978 3,026 23 985 2,495 630 12,044 666 4,735 3,215 14 109 8 6,303 3,019 56,673 15,475 3,288 2,816 48 4 077 85 71 2,077 87 1,460 297 5 246 9 9,684 3,142 60,967 18,317 4,525 2,744 33 6 350 367 126 3,330 52 1,918 557 4 665 10 15,80? 15,699 181,056 84,405 26,378 26,957 2,077 15 285 970 445 7,937 1,219 3,045 1,669 13 708 11 19,164 9,987 128, 686 55,975 19,465 14 , 235 1,242 13 369 1,373 288 6,841 343 2,852 1,672 7 664 12 5,561 2,387 46,448 14,006 2,965 2,507 25 3 823 78 71 1,950 79 1,365 280 4 686 13 9,222 2,959 56,075 17,765 4,425 2,635 24 6 181 356 116 3,275 41 1,853 540 4 500 V. 10,139 5,901 83,921 40,494 11,687 11,369 242 8 689 163 205 4,962 363 2,229 767 8 507 15 14,946 5,849 92,887 39,906 13,439 8,492 132 11 079 1,038 193 6,117 179 2,492 1,060 6 764 16 6, 954 2,783 38, 989 11,713 2,364 2,361 29 3 559 63 66 1,642 85 1,470 233 3 400 17 12,113 3,131 55,489 16,895 3,772 2,695 28 6 532 335 121 3,155 62 2,303 556 3 868 18 41,052 17,786 160,603 83,123 20,565 28,987 1,509 20 157 535 1,201 10,093 1,520 4,727 2,081 11 305 19 71,475 21,053 239,717 107,474 30,142 27,454 2,044 32 ]'<:' 2,105 1,207 16,247 915 8,395 3,314 15 65] 20 8,897 3,115 62,222 17,342 3,189 2,852 35 5 137 84 71 2,286 106 2,234 356 6 129 21 14,112 3,613 76,116 21,511 4,786 2,859 31 7 888 431 116 3,761 72 2,888 620 5 947 22 209,947 89,713 1,746,408 624,794 156,531 123, 714 1,932 157 319 2,750 2,515 82,608 2,968 55,473 11,005 185 298 23 286,109 115,067 1,980,198 741,386 224, 656 119,509 1,663 221 790 18, 060 3,200 118, 110 2,260 61,710 18,450 173 768 24 1,672 1,197 21,080 8,511 2,238 1,953 45 1,625 54 56 1,077 72 390 176 2,450 25 4,602 1,641 26,119 11,529 3,204 1,862 33 3,941 232 70 2,097 42 1,108 392 469 26 7,169 9,796 98,176 63, 544 19,466 21,142 3,062 10, 682 540 631 5,838 876 1,509 1,288 9 192 27 9,628 5,956 53, 631 44,849 17,253 13,975 1,464 8,076 868 100 4,228 171 1,799 890 4 081 28 318,950 450,453 4,133,883 3,957,519 1,207,742 1,516,923 253,581 594,688 40,537 38,255 296,750 65, 500 84; 74 6 68,900 384 585 29 574,353 418,902 3,263,383 3,514,981 1,378,426 1,195,747 197,006 503,277 83,495 5,910 248,342 12,480 96,245 56,805 240 525 30 2,174 997 10,390 5,262 1,216 1,432 24 1,480 22 41 606 89 399 123 1 110 31 5,281 1,469 19,698 8,739 2,321 1,605 25 3,149 171 71 1,626 37 973 271 1 639 32 22,486 12,422 79,331 65,418 18,821 23,928 1,203 14,126 450 600 6,914 1,455 2,329 2,378 7 340 33 45,841 12,993 126,559 80,942 23,460 25,332 1,905 20,100 1,490 697 11,053 160 4,695 2,005 10 145 34 604,694 332, 300 1,806,373 2,051,219 607,114 805,759 42,045 439,926 23,950 23, 160 197,801 56,940 50,505 87,550 156 375 35 1,024,911 287,062 2,327,470 1,809,197 555,136 621,421 52, 127 404,868 35,650 20, 625 218,775 4,127 84,301 41,390 175 645 36 462 236 5,295 1,774 557 271 5 416 10 235 5 120 46 525 37 2,302 622 14,094 5,792 1,650 856 1,740 110 25 982 16 501 106 1 546 38 23,197 708, 132 212,345 1,053,712 800, 750 168, 995 250 72 262 100 10, 755 115 1,930 59, 382 11 435 39 80,183 482, 950 523,557 973,971 639,512 101, 770 169 881 27,410 455 37,438 610 9,198 114,770 42 808 40 959 553 11, 738 4,374 1,243 863 6 882 16 16 506 245 92 1 360 41 3,669 1,227 24,211 9,693 2,858 1,440 17 3 038 165 45 1,741 26 811 250 2 340 42 243,384 197,430 2,448,130 1,200,385 466,404 314,117 3,010 191 969 585 1,745 155,729 775 21,500 11,635 224 885 43 326,214 262,825 2,941,325 1,669,911 842,449 243, 752 2,495 311 540 27,640 5,640 189,440 3,140 59,020 26, 660 269 675 44 128, 748 80,595 1,009,000 505,566 210,157 129,795 905 76 574 265 668 62, 371 290 8,165 4,615 88 135 45 126, 558 120,430 1,209,338 688,481 376,553 100, 173 807 108 080 10,415 1,995 64,915 1,030 19,870 9,855 102 868 46 908,514 559,081 2,306,288 7,731,819 3,215,604 2,958,547 81,376 1,045 527 7,326 26,279 633,350 90,608 188,381 99,583 430 765 47 324, 217 232,355 763,132 2,476,274 1,002,832 1,020,101 41,080 296 256 2,000 7,750 167,672 35, 702 49,332 33,800 116 005 48 170,494 127,670 606,095 1,796,675 827,283 603,27 7 20,050 274 785 92,595 111,480 13,325 38,160 19, 225 71 280 49 11,628 3,876 49,618 15, 144 3,054 2,965 37 5,621 100 71 2,488 111 2,425 426 3,447 50 15, 798 3,834 63, 632 18, 653 4,289 2,939 33 7,989 416 146 3,976 62 2,737 652 3,403 51 191,767 64,574 406, 619 290,271 53,941 69,098 4,126 113,141 2,265 2,545 61,554 5,714 30,281 10,782 29,965 52 226,570 59,960 573,255 281, 858 63,491 68, 691 3,022 118,537 5,925 3,001 69, 288 978 28, 905 10,440 28,117 53 11,506 3,775 47,768 14,821 2,964 2,954 37 5,549 99 71 2,457 101 2,410 411 3,317 54 15,677 3,814 62,535 18,572 4,274 2,929 33 7,963 410 146 3,971 62 2,727 647 3,373 ! 180,850 61,314 384,140 278,812 51,172 83,697 3,961 111,132 2,165 2,545 60,422 5,599 29,899 10, 502 28,850 56 211, 945 57,875 552, 625 279, 710 62,896 68,098 2,812 117,992 5,890 3,001 69, 103 978 28, 755 10, 265 27,912 57 58 59 60 61 2,132,582 656,003 4, 174,732 2,634,443 587,825 881,298 54,510 1,056,375 18, 675 28,175 554,010 46,125 301,255 108, 135 254,435 3,669,025 867,895 8,766,757 5,194,19? 1,286,676 1,342,186 63,060 2,018,245 87,500 77,560 1,181,375 14,400 525, 780 131,630 484,030 815, 785 172,686 503,395 646,272 67, 995 191,487 8,000 348, 290 2,950 5,340 191,975 12,175 102,420 33,430 30,500 644,578 84,995 588,095 705,868 149,595 213,698 3,000 307,205 3,625 18, 940 187,970 1,000 81,020 14,650 32,390 122 133 1,646 1,45? 481 532 12 291 13 6 184 29 27 32 141 60 ■ 63 64 65 66 ■■■■ 68 38 60 633 552 237 144 6 105 25 69 5 1,418 2,702 13,492 31,405 7,842 16,387 374 5,952 960 175 3,260 690 382 485 850 695 1,201 4,645 7,361 2,826 2,419 200 1,256 430 756 25 45 43, 760 73,480 340, 722 1,156,682 290,465 638,420 18,047 183,715 24,500 8,350 108, 665 17, 650 13,050 11,500 26,035 12, 681 16,013 83,161 193, 285 64,260 70,525 5,200 38,515 14,200 21,065 2,500 750 25,495 19,464 47,161 505,171 104,010 300,251 600 98,340 18,000 5,500 54,490 9,000 10,520 830 3,206 6,287 20,530 80,115 23, 025 30,040 1,400 15,390 4,200 8,390 2,500 300 10,260 2,986 881 4,630 253 70 62 1 50 5 40 5 60 30 25 70 71 72 5,089 907 9,105 211 60 36 55 10 30 10 5 34,458 4,590 10,592 139 25 41 3 40 5 30 ;? ' " ' 73 71,681 6,798 21,141 151 30 21 74 55 75 10 17,285,82 59,596,850 1,989,540 4,685,640 130 3,403,050 11,636,010 59 61 665 10 19 6W 705 13,485 7,115 1,000 16,585 21,390 500 6,800 13,460 10, 990 2 l 625 60T 2,000 17 13 965 040 ■ 77 13,029 3,893 3,761 27,027 43,067 15 20 538 593 2 4 981 616 3,007 3,034 35 31 6,704 9,339 119 441 76 146 2,658 4,243 111 67 3 3 269 710 471 732 2 3 811 573 79 80 44 , 921 124,319 282 464 36 437 79,867 2,517 144,151 3,262 2,546 63,441 4,433 60 597 9,872 239,436 61, 722 282,535 454 813 85 847 113,111 5,205 219,946 11,770 5,565 109,092 2,295 70 831 20 , 393 30 704 81 82 109, 187 25,571 60,072 153 467 21 107 44,161 1,334 79,004 2,040 1,445 33,968 2,282 33 950 5,319 118,050 26,074 88, 799 236 099 43 458 59, 589 2,923 119,393 5,129 3,344 59,891 1,112 40 172 9,745 10 736 8 278 9,460 82,061 90 27 567 30,693 2,971 18,429 1,66? 575 11,239 1,957 1 801 1,190 10 428 84 r.: 8,386 7,907 64,360 68 876 21 161 19,125 749 20,142 3,000 4 92 10,777 574 2 535 2, 764 804 7 699 7,766 7,275 f::,7i . 72 ?•:• 23 ■!'.'■.' 24,935 3,402 13,289 1,385 485 7,390 1,385 1 P4U 7,«« 232 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 9.-LIVESTOCK ON HAND, LIVESTOCK SOLD, AND SPECIFIED [Data are based od reports for only (For definitions and explanations, see text) Area 2 Total all Tenure of operator1 Full owners Part Manager s Tenants All Cash Share- cash Crop-snare Liveatock- Livestock on hand:* 1 11,263 3,950 2,578 5,917 105 216 45 55 1,720 4,481 31 55 2 1950... 21,348 7,838 2,424 12 3 number 1954... 19,811 6,951 3,912 15 4,906 175 115 3,280 47 4 1950... 43,465 16,904 5,335 74 12,191 404 120 9,232 200 5 ..farms reporting 1954... 20,219 5,974 3,746 20 4,422 146 70 2,825 76 6 1950... 25,249 8,620 2,861 12 7,052 211 60 4,836 40 7 number 1954 . . . 109,007 42,914 27,895 1,112 14,711 800 245 8,670 447 s 1950... 85,116 36,891 13,777 652 17,127 571 220 10,516 775 9 Covs, including heifers that 19,679 5,855 3,715 20 10 1950... 24,651 8,503 2,815 6,852 191 60 4,711 40 11 number 1954 . . . 53,544 20,296 13,431 496 7,952 437 140 4,810 202 12 1950... 40,746 16,105 6,193 286 9,629 313 115 6,251 130 13 Milk cows ..farms reporting 1954... 18,623 5,510 3,597 19 4,165 111 70 2,700 71 14 1950... 24,029 8,316 2,743 7 6,716 190 60 4,596 35 15 number 1954 .. . 34,855 11,660 9,084 153 6,330 427 120 3,950 131 16 1950... 35,750 13,791 5,073 151 8,781 225 115 5,871 50 17 ..farms reporting 1954... 15,709 4,795 3,277 15 3,515 110 55 2,235 61 18 1950... 21,452 7,161 2,497 7 6,327 181 50 4,326 50 19 number 1954 . . . 100,144 34,524 31,112 411 18,653 430 315 11,695 1,189 20 1950... 105,480 37,154 21,653 106 24,288 580 185 16,408 955 21 Chickens 4 months old and over ..farms reporting 1954... 18,701 5,326 3,238 9 4,281 145 70 2,675 76 22 1950... 26,615 8,523 2,823 7 7,591 240 50 5,051 65 23 number 1954 . . . 1,304,885 602,157 306,740 14,095 175,770 8,445 2,395 118,935 3,600 24 Livestock and livestock products 1950... sold: 1,100,128 441,203 135,073 835 261,415 6,770 1,795 171,880 2,440 25 Cattle and calves sold alive.. ..farms reporting 1954... 8,077 2,842 1,771 15 1,391 51 30 980 36 26 1949... 12,675 4,658 1,545 12 3,622 81 30 2,511 30 27 number 1954... 40,259 18,724 10,869 404 3,747 241 95 2,000 308 28 1949... 29,366 13,483 4,659 700 6,279 280 60 3,844 465 29 dollars 1954... 2,505,889 1,429,522 574,872 29,220 171,345 6,240 4,825 84,210 13,600 30 1949... 2,201,943 1,129,653 360,631 71,341 398,153 18,220 2,975 216,538 62,335 31 Hogs and pigs sold alive ..farms reporting 1954... 6,982 2,319 1,878 13 1,363 50 15 965 40 32 1949... 9,835 3,403 1,457 7 2,812 96 35 1,931 30 33 number 1954 . . . 86,245 31,457 31,678 226 12,833 490 310 7,770 955 34 1949... 87,402 32,070 21,448 302 19,662 1,270 65 12,922 835 35 dollara 1954... 2,488,805 908,586 990,464 7,915 334,340 12,070 5,625 210,475 24,745 36 1949... 1,770,381 663,104 405,266 7,506 427,565 28,870 1,870 280,455 18,800 37 ..farms reporting 1954... 3,203 1,505 634 11 462 30 10 305 30 38 1949 . . . 8,486 3,091 1,009 2,365 60 10 1,565 25 39 dollars 1954... 10,134,313 7,491,065 2,209,108 26,460 387,495 1,585 105 234,490 101,760 40 1949 . . . 1,522,480 818,030 501,515 133,410 1,710 310 50,065 995 41 . . farms reporting 1954 . . . 5,854 2,175 1,056 7 1,114 40 15 720 45 42 1949... 16,165 5,968 1,898 6 4,280 110 25 3,045 35 43 dozens 1954 . . . 7,752,031 4,637,082 2,276,005 51,100 444,619 19,410 2,500 355,970 18,550 44 1949... 3,966,613 2,028,569 562,575 2,050 690,595 12,390 3,325 450,320 7,375 45 dollars 1954... 3,087,985 1,945,602 861,859 15,635 145,131 7,005 875 113,800 7, M0 46 1949... 1,592,850 823,036 234,504 615 280,430 4,915 1,180 180,585 3,050 47 3,013,096 1,352,381 1,281,439 36,500 217,692 102,852 69,953 300 48 dollars 1954... 1,161,692 542,980 493,897 18,000 74,650 50,850 14,135 120 49 Specified crops harvested: 1949... 798,017 371,790 211,009 24,958 140,415 400 3,000 52,690 225 50 20,229 26,193 5,894 3,930 20 5,731 185 85 3,450 86 51 1949... 8,650 2.91A 6 8,332 241 60 5,526 65 52 acres 1954... 390,090 98,474 110,077 647 135,114 2,825 2,395 91,270 2,630 53 1949... 335,594 104,531 51,611 280 122 ,640 2,320 1,335 85,590 2,440 54 Corn harvested for grain.. ..farms reporting 1954... 20,137 5,878 3,915 20 5,725 185 85 3,445 86 55 1949... 26,168 8,635 2,914 6 8,322 241 60 5,526 65 56 acres 1954... 386,680 97,109 108,891 638 134,769 2,825 2,375 91,185 2,605 57 1949... 332,664 103,856 51,416 280 120,920 2,320 1,335 85,040 1,525 58 bushels harvested 1954. . . 5,443,767 1,425,837 1,550,950 9,170 1,865,425 34,770 31,440 1,256,925 42,550 59 1949... 8,229,547 2,782,590 1,272,987 14,000 2,865,745 59,770 28,475 1,981,560 57,850 60 bushels sold 1954... 1,896,091 334,496 562,575 800 854,110 12,950 14,265 585,535 17,075 61 1949... 1,488,070 455,225 260,460 629,120 6,650 3,500 428,420 40,200 ..farms reporting 1954... 780 365 176 7 92 5 45 11 63 1949... 368 154 82 6 41 26 64 acres 1954... 6,087 3,000 1,680 132 480 10 245 55 65 1949. . . 2.81A 1,604 425 60 335 295 66 bushels harvested 1954... 213,099 106,249 61,665 7,800 11,160 280 5,375 1,150 67 1949. . . 86,600 56,365 10,810 750 7,010 6,300 68 bushels sold 1954 .. . 65,078 31,723 23,850 3,800 2,530 1,500 750 69 1949... 42,230 32,235 2,955 2,500 2,500 70- Peanuts harvested for picking ..farms reporting 1954... 380 155 85 60 5 35 71 1949. . . 650 300 85 95 5 65 72 acres grown alone 1954. . . 475 215 90 75 5 40 73 1949... 900 425 105 170 5 130 74 acres grown with other crops 1954. . . 10 5 5 5 75 1949... 76 pounds harvested 1954... 170,675 92,200 26,310 29,950 2,200 22,750 77 1949... 402,890 199,180 59,925 56,700 2,000 43,050 78 ..farms reporting 1954... 17,035 5,302 3,636 7 5,764 185 35 3,410 86 79 1949... 25,626 8,661 2,887 1 8,616 235 60 5,693 70 80 acres 1954... 154,686 37,846 43,337 126 63,408 1,565 1,085 37,800 1,130 83 1949... 300,987 93,857 46,459 15 119,679 2,630 970 78,639 835 82 bales harvested 1954... 117,268 29,512 33,354 83 47,732 1,070 710 28,655 817 83 1949... 150,058 47,740 23,923 2 63,352 1,295 515 42,382 455 84 49,117 21,648 11,762 643 6,574 135 230 3,675 310 85 1949... 46,290 20,822 8,281 122 8,706 473 145 5,843 330 86 tons 1954... 43,636 19,220 10,657 581 5,983 135 130 3,320 235 For comparability of data on livestock and poultry, ALABAMA 233 CROPS, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: a sample of farms. See text] CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued Area 2— Continued Areas 3 and A Tenureof opera tor1— Con. Other Total all Tenure of operator1 farms Tenant a —Con. Full Part Tenants Other and farms UanagerB Share- Crop- LiTestock- Other Croppers unspeci- fied cash share share Croppers specified 461 216 2,609 8,958 1,718 878 3 1,060 146 22 508 5 262 117 5,267 1 695 415 5,157 15,268 3,122 916 3/ 2,485 337 25 1,481 5 376 261 8,711 2 904 385 4,027 14,064 3,124 1,868 IK 1,881 273 35 902 10 478 ie3 7,077 3 1,415 820 8,961 26,890 6,531 2,277 16' 5,290 662 50 3,229 15 778 556 12,628 4 976 329 6,057 14,812 2,626 1,359 5 1,847 188 32 833 15 582 197 8,925 5 1,400 505 6,704 17,571 3,367 1,084 2( 2,955 287 25 1,686 5 651 301 10,137 6 2,800 1,749 22,375 131,457 45,466 27,396 4,52' 11,216 3,309 526 3,279 210 1,915 1,977 42,852 7 3,540 1,505 16,669 85,853 29,497 13,076 3,04. 11,539 1,679 95 5,414 35 1,736 2,580 28,698 8 966 324 5,762 14,089 2,556 1,333 W 1,817 188 27 828 15 562 197 8,329 9 1,375 475 6,474 16,705 3,304 1,068 2! 2,864 267 25 1,671 5 611 285 9,441 10 1,525 838 11,369 70,032 24,785 14,653 2,52 6,802 2,165 262 1,795 140 1,085 1,355 21,263 11 1,995 825 8,533 42,434 14,234 6,562 1.70C 5,878 987 40 2,848 15 1,093 895 14,060 12 911 302 5,332 12,309 2,233 1,218 it 1,673 147 27 786 15 537 161 7,137 13 1,360 475 6,247 15,843 3,162 1,021 2 2,774 267 25 1,611 5 ■ .1 265 8,859 14 1,226 476 7,628 36,272 11,323 8,543 89 4,079 1,111 169 1,161 135 793 710 11,428 15 1,720 800 7,954 33,028 10,059 5,537 73 4,784 922 40 2,469 15 383 455 11,909 16 771 283 4,107 10,410 1,957 1,131 4 1,652 170 26 767 20 517 152 5,622 17 1,320 400 5,460 14,378 2,851 1,014 2 2,834 267 20 1,616 5 696 230 7,650 18 3,745 1,279 15,444 61,572 18,138 12,020 l,42f 7,642 777 197 3,598 90 2,162 818 22,346 19 4,505 1,655 22 ,279 60,217 17,343 7,871 1,92( 10,578 905 40 5,957 10 2,371 1,295 22,499 20 991 324 5,847 14,932 2,514 1,251 4C 1,860 162 27 887 15 582 187 9,267 21 1,645 540 7,671 20,597 3,540 1,102 2 3,283 306 30 1,811 5 816 315 12,651 22 30,525 11,870 206,123 854,481 399,349 65,067 26,35 68,127 8,770 1,575 26,397 525 18 , 500 12,360 295,583 23 45,905 32,625 261,602 665,372 166,725 51,395 1,07 103,014 12,170 955 57,800 125 22,304 9,660 343,161 24 211 83 2,058 5,628 1,574 864 5. 581 83 17 207 20 162 92 2,556 25 745 225 2,838 7,323 1,806 633 2 1,384 102 10 835 291 141 3,473 26 563 540 6,515 46,159 17,745 10,684 2,08( 3,614 1,002 186 875 115 557 879 12,030 ■'! 1,195 435 4,245 24,917 9,172 5,029 91 3,416 248 10 1,715 10 483 950 6,383 28 26,715 35,755 300,930 2,183,873 907,885 483,199 114,93 161,139 36,089 7,614 44,641 2,795 27,125 42,875 516,715 29 75,210 22,875 242,165 1,829,140 698,195 427,696 89,34 220,330 17,645 135 98,700 500 24,915 78,435 393,572 30 191 102 1,409 3,215 874 505 3. 480 38 15 221 131 70 1,323 31 525 195 2,156 4,688 1,221 484 2 964 107 15 516 5 236 85 1,997 32 2,416 892 10,051 37,715 14,604 7,643 1,32 3,772 425 155 1,577 60 800 755 10,368 33 3,040 1,530 13,920 42,563 14,312 7,704 4,18 6,451 689 125 3,560 35 1,277 765 9,916 34 55,920 25,505 247,500 1,049,840 463,246 261,019 30,97' 91,710 6,630 5,275 41,120 1,200 17,815 19,670 202,891 35 59,210 38,360 266,940 928,023 320,605 188,470 130,4« 128 ,372 13,097 2,100 64,525 375 29,550 18,725 160,130 36 70 17 591 1,982 664 200 1 182 5 90 5 56 26 917 37 530 175 2,021 4,456 1,044 361 691 55 411 190 35 2,352 38 2,380 47,175 20,165 3,120,549 2,516,702 219,880 81,30 262,807 2,500 18,695 210,000 1,462 30,150 39,860 39 17,950 62,380 69,525 466,403 286,951 34,557 29 51,225 1,870 42,045 6,325 985 93,380 40 191 103 1,502 3,649 908 378 498 35 6 256 5 150 46 1,857 41 720 345 4,013 7,253 1,780 541 1 1,252 100 5 756 291 100 3,670 42 25,004 23,185 343,225 4,690,585 3,757,806 188 ,447 130,20 195,375 52,750 4,360 25,620 130 28,295 84,220 418,755 43 82,595 134,590 682,824 1,449,697 671,700 151,420 1,41 183,072 13,375 200 115,875 36,202 17,420 442,090 44 8,366 7,945 119,758 2,054,630 1,656,162 78,072 40,07( 89,435 26,125 2,420 10,745 65 11,640 38,440 190,885 45 29,525 61,175 254,265 640,920 296,233 69,572 66 73,068 5,985 80 45,085 14,468 7,450 201,384 46 28,430 16,157 125,084 9,128,302 3,510,448 3,739,143 644,29 806,759 466,916 56,729 37,118 45,625 10,152 190,219 427,659 47 7*320 2,225 32,165 3,962,684 1,519,106 1,646,989 245,18 397,305 226,152 23,808 20,000 30,480 1,905 94,960 154,096 48 8,020 76,080 49,845 2,665,959 1,221,639 953,928 163,9a 248,505 180,035 70 58,010 6,055 4,335 77,987 49 1,466 459 4,654 13,740 2,475 1,398 3 2,375 220 36 1,067 15 822 215 7,455 50 1,880 560 6,291 18,030 3,465 1,101 3C 3,539 351 30 1,896 5 936 321 9,895 51 26,320 9,674 45,778 189,613 46,025 36,905 1,24< 47,638 3,620 975 23,817 445 14,126 4,655 57,799 52 23,170 7,785 56,532 210,634 55,220 21,334 1,36 56,575 4,575 580 32,030 70 14,355 4,965 76,138 53 1,466 458 4,599 13,294 2,411 1,360 3 2,337 217 36 1,032 15 822 215 7,155 54 1,875 555 6,291 17,933 3,449 1,095 2 3,534 351 30 1,891 5 936 321 9,830 55 26,150 9,629 45,273 183,185 44,541 35,178 82 46,563 3,350 900 23,212 380 1A,L26 4,595 56,074 56 23,070 7,630 56,192 209,379 55,015 21,064 1,26 56,360 4,575 580 31,955 70 14,245 4,935 75,673 57 373,835 125,905 592,385 2,456,919 682,390 491,285 15,48 609,465 35,200 13,700 298,030 4,625 190,185 67,725 658,299 58 568,190 169,900 1,294,225 4,092,870 1,276,995 454,200 44,03 1,010,980 80,010 9,860 576,270 500 270,325 74,015 1,306,660 59 170,050 54,235 144,110 619,570 139,310 169,430 2,00 ) 222,025 6,175 4,750 123,455 1,000 72,035 14,610 86,805 60 124,475 25,875 143,265 534,500 173,580 64,530 8,45( 188,600 4,710 2,250 120,225 57,815 3,600 99,340 61 20 11 140 1,081 415 261 2 83 13 11 27 12 20 298 62 10 5 85 491 178 123 1 59 14 5 20 5 5 10 116 - i 55 115 795 18,542 8,023 4,457 68 2,775 1,087 205 755 288 440 2,605 64 15 25 390 7,230 3,678 1,807 21 ? 868 217 73 289 72 72 145 660 65 2,305 2,050 26,225 569,104 238,925 158,424 17,73 88,330 36,750 7,000 30,475 7,780 6,325 65,690 ■ • 615 95 11,665 186,655 101,153 46,664 5,60 ) 22,398 5,600 1,867 7,466 1,866 1,866 3,733 10,840 67 280 3,175 205,879 83,403 58,356 2,15 ) 49,245 24,500 3,000 14,750 3,995 3,000 12,725 68 4,540 70,590 38,994 17,647 2,11 8,471 2,117 706 2,824 706 706 1,412 3,360 69 10 10 80 1,017 162 125 125 25 50 30 20 605 70 15 10 170 1,128 245 57 166 15 101 45 5 660 71 20 10 95 942 142 285 110 25 40 25 20 405 •2 35 (Z) 200 889 25 10 265 15 48 156 15 106 5 25 10 420 10 5 73 74 75 2,500 2,500 22,215 330,605 57,765 137,520 25,220 5,600 7,450 5,170 7,000 110,100 76 9,900 1,750 87,085 361,215 133,785 24,420 57,180 1,525 41,900 11,005 2,750 145,830 77 1,516 482 2,326 7,641 1,892 1,181 2,328 208 26 1,008 10 871 205 2,235 78 1,988 570 5,461 13,290 3,167 1,073 1 ) 3,603 341 30 1,956 5 945 326 5,437 79 17,130 4,698 9,969 82,536 19,153 18 , 573 17 ) 34,810 2,846 472 15,166 95 13,411 2,820 9,830 80 28,305 8,300 40,977 164,882 41 ,698 23,355 59 ) 62,125 4,825 740 34,895 20 15,895 5,750 37,105 81 12,878 3,602 6,587 59,303 14,177 13,724 13 25,414 1,783 374 11,202 60 9,965 2,030 5,855 82 14,580 4,125 15,041 66,349 17,850 10,495 29 26,147 2,004 300 L4,648 5 6,910 2,280 11,563 83 1,310 914 8,490 67,665 22,506 15,517 2,33 7 7,039 1,810 258 2,036 120 435 2,380 20,266 84 1,170 745 8,359 49,763 17,053 7,317 1,51 ) 9,440 1,145 240 5,185 1,220 1,650 14,443 85 1,385 778 7,195 52,799 19,721 12,072 1,77 4,803 1,293 171 1,435 195 304 1,405 14,430 ■ ' 234 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 9.-LIVESTOCK ON HAND, LIVESTOCK SOLD, AND SPECIFIED reportB for only Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Area s 4 and B " Total all Tenure of operator1 Full owners Part Managers Tenants All Cash Share-cash Crop- share Livestock- Livestock on hand:2 1 ..farms reporting 1954... 8,781 2,163 594 39 1,647 542 20 428 20 2 1950... 12,239 2,749 593 40 2,164 464 15 840 5 3 number 1954 .. . 14,718 4,453 1,345 141 2,976 964 45 762 50 4 1950... 22,755 6,168 1,479 244 4,412 804 25 1,649 5 5 ..farms reporting 1954... 11,751 2,638 701 41 1,609 468 30 385 20 6 1950... 13,110 2,846 627 41 2,163 399 11 739 5 7 number 1954 . . . 134,338 55,220 23,051 4,851 11,775 4,070 115 1,809 160 8 1950... 95,061 37,051 12,757 5,753 10,254 2,723 145 2,600 10 9 Covs, including heifers that ..farms reporting 1954... 11,306 2,570 681 41 1,563 453 30 370 20 10 1950... 12,706 2,795 616 40 2,098 384 11 709 5 11 number 1954 . . . 73,776 30,683 12,846 2,790 6,609 2,440 50 1,007 85 12 1950... 48,106 18,774 6,551 3,022 5,725 1,579 65 1,402 5 13 Milk cove ..farms reporting 1954... 9,607 2,131 581 38 1,337 387 30 319 15 U 1950... 12,039 2,668 582 33 2,003 379 11 669 5 15 number 1954 . . . 28,689 10,650 3,635 487 3,147 1,036 50 604 60 16 1950... 30,894 10,872 3,380 448 4,425 1,061 57 1,207 5 17 ..farms reporting 1954... 9,335 2,027 558 27 1,780 515 20 424 20 IS 1950... 12,234 2,369 539 31 2,463 408 16 795 5 19 number 1954 . . . 36,192 10,916 3,808 566 6,626 2,040 75 1,231 265 20 1950... 49,461 14,411 5,232 433 9,046 1,733 115 2,878 10 21 Chickens 4 months old and ove ..farms reporting 1954... 10,809 2,134 573 33 1,611 460 25 349 15 22 1950... 14,602 2,795 597 33 2,547 439 15 845 5 23 number 1954 . . . 396,758 151,533 22,497 812 35,306 12,300 650 7,601 460 24 Livestock and livestock products 1950... sold: 449,787 139,946 28,527 964 57,329 12,645 475 16,929 2,500 25 Cattle and calves sold alive. ..farms reporting 1954... 5,234 1,793 460 41 448 128 10 94 10 26 1949... 6,428 1,775 455 40 971 225 6 311 27 number 1954 . . . 47,205 21,760 8,883 1,595 3,404 1,140 10 491 30 28 1949... 28,091 11,727 4,797 2,119 2,671 992 20 645. 29 dollars 1954... 2,155,806 1,015,474 457,005 81,354 150,430 51,725 275 21,530 1,075 30 1949... 1,935,246 839,723 356,968 154,682 180,643 76,873 1,740 39,270 31 ..farms reporting 1954... 2,093 658 241 19 344 110 67 15 32 1949... 4,273 1,205 272 25 766 148 1 264 33 number 1954... 20,451 8,296 3,438 386 3,171 975 396 220 34 1949... 34,903 14,056 3,844 417 4,612 959 50 1,197 35 dollars 1954... 453,423 180,506 87,720 6,817 74,385 17,595 8,230 2,635 36 1949... 670,144 313,485 79,673 12,801 77,720 15,575 1,800 22,720 37 ..farms reporting 1954... 1,363 531 75 1 95 20 35 38 1949... 2,694 809 149 2 329 91 5 67 5 39 dollars 1954 . . . 3,982,789 3,250,822 319,755 9 360,805 1,565 53,300 40 1949... 645,775 220,351 20,553 65 334,635 26,875 1,250 1,730 27,000 41 ..farms reporting 1954... 2,835 771 154 6 247 90 10 36 5 42 1949... 5,760 1,610 299 6 744 166 5 247 5 43 dozens 1954 . . . 1,391,967 997,866 52,407 424 34,355 18,110 290 3,010 500 44 1949... 1,348,150 679,504 143,336 1,205 161,239 101,062 1,500 20,292 3,750 45 dollars 1954... 574,627 415,504 21,778 200 12,630 6,340 95 1,180 150 46 1949... 606,770 305,860 74,354 627 68,114 39,401 750 7,743 1,500 47 Milk sold3 4,905,181 2,743,301 1,474,955 150,436 263,404 130,346 13,630 48 dollars 1954... 2,117,401 1,188,622 695,619 63,797 83,268 32,435 5,528 49 Specified crops harvested: 1949... 1,387,091 766,314 405,306 35,460 102,260 66,065 4,500 8,065 50 20 51 1949... 14^144 2*827 596 32 3,030 460 16 930 52 acres 1954... 134,566 36,691 14,723 874 37,467 8,038 680 8,222 485 53 1949... 190,023 49,669 15,108 1,175 48,660 7,730 630 15,428 54 Corn harvested for grain. . ..farms reporting 1954... 11,239 2,275 659 28 2,481 593 30 520 20 55 1949. . . 14,030 2,805 595 31 3,020 455 16 930 56 acres 1954... 131,689 35,776 14,272 836 37,075 7,873 680 8,197 485 57 1949. . . 187,339 48,320 14,928 1,140 48,250 7,555 630 15,343 58 bushels harvested 1954. . . 1,635,805 494,145 184,305 10,820 422,255 74,660 6,800 105,665 7,450 59 1949... 2,783,313 809,085 233,927 23,765 633,340 99,805 13,750 178,625 60 bushels sold 1954... 205,205 59,320 22,395 92,690 4,775 2,125 24,400 1,500 61 1949... 230,537 66,775 28,397 760 64,370 9,710 500 12,940 62 ..farms reporting 1954... 870 373 99 16 92 35 32 63 1949. . . 616 300 75 11 47 8 1 20 64 acres 1954... 8,997 4,840 1,881 313 403 95 173 65 1949... 6,303 3,330 798 404 666 275 75 70 ■ bushels harvested 1954. f . 223,341 126,324 43,675 11,905 8,222 2,300 2,707 67 1949... 136,840 75,745 20,120 10,415 12,345 5,340 2,200 1,580 68 bushels sold 1954... 26,861 15,531 5,970 1,030 1,600 500 69 1949... 28,057 18,225 3,425 4,197 70 Peanuts harvested for picking 70 ..farms reporting 1954... 879 236 77 1 205 65 40 71 1949... 1,868 368 112 1 480 100 5 175 72 acres grown alone 1954... 1,681 456 169 1 665 115 55 73 1949... 4,038 1,284 454 5 1,465 625 5 490 74 acres grown with other crops 1954... 10 75 1949... 10 5 5 76 pounds harvested 1954... 650,380 239,720 56,425 80 254, 140 59,100 26,605 77 1949. . . 2,133,456 854,273 202,858 5,000 798,080 424,600 2,500 248,605 78 ..farms reporting 1954... 7,125 1,713 589 10 2,430 592 30 498 20 79 1949... 9,950 2,313 503 24 3,011 423 15 959 SO acres 1954... 58,311 13,410 8,003 263 25,858 5,893 440 4,795 300 Bl 1949... 105,071 26,223 10,136 791 41,405 5,688 140 12,090 82 bales harvested 1954. . . 33,149 8,003 4,806 151 14,854 3,130 230 2,847 220 83 1949... 40,108 10,871 4,270 424 16,963 2,558 65 4,241 84 44,803 28,488 21,394 11,840 8,880 4,314 1,763 975 2,797 3,041 35 85 1949... 875 145 905 86 tons 1954... 36,585 17,765 7,008 1,224 2,296 785 40 384 65 For comparability of data i stock and poultry, see text and State Table 12. JIncludes milk ALABAMA CROPS, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued 235 a aanple of farms. See text] Areas 4 and B— Co htimied Areas Tenure o f opera tor^ — Con. Other Total all Tenure of operator1 Other farms Tenant —Con. Full Part Managers Tenanta Croppera Other and unBpeci- fled All Casta cash c:zi Liieetock- Croppers Other specified 414 4,338 14,886 3,674 1,756 24 2,488 719 52 985 5 297 430 6,944 1 399 6,693 24,011 6,634 2,257 36 4,916 1,129 77 2,478 41 708 483 10,168 2 453 702 5,803 25,343 6,931 3,724 209 4,542 1,366 98 1,780 10 474 814 9,937 1 1,048 881 10,452 45,670 13,938 5,380 198 10,155 2,224 170 5,139 83 1,492 1,047 15,999 4 359 347 6,762 21,208 4,715 2,337 29 3,242 700 62 1,277 10 737 456 10,885 5 660 349 7,433 26,502 6,937 2,394 49 5,342 977 82 2,483 46 1,298 456 11,780 6 2,910 2,711 39,441 223,942 74,934 58,916 12,134 18,513 6,715 570 5,883 25 2,045 3,275 59,445 7 2,900 1,876 29,246 153,782 53,348 33,339 5,863 21,148 5,631 481 7,358 716 4,126 2,836 40,084 8 349 341 6,451 20,639 4,638 2,320 29 3,142 685 62 1,242 10 692 451 10,510 9 349 7,157 25,642 6,818 2,313 49 5,192 962 82 2,423 46 1,238 441 11,270 in 1,526 1,501 20,848 120,555 40,521 32,958 5,129 10, 193 3,716 321 3,232 15 1,129 1,780 31,754 11 1,650 1,024 14,034 81,048 27,317 18,243 3,222 11,548 3,206 266 4,257 430 2,182 1,207 20,718 12 323 263 5,520 17,702 4,068 2,044 13 2,681 523 52 1,156 10 612 328 8,896 13 620 319 6,753 24,433 6,539 2,162 38 4,961 859 72 2,362 40 1,207 421 10,733 U 767 630 10,770 42,890 12,462 9,062 187 5,372 1,538 178 2,091 15 965 585 15,807 15 1,390 705 11,769 47,635 15,859 6,718 221 7,957 1,850 109 3,527 85 1,622 764 16,880 16 458 343 4,943 15,504 3,568 1,849 17 3,031 672 46 1,157 10 762 384 7,039 17 865 374 6,832 23,020 5,666 2,129 29 5,391 996 72 2,333 40 1,538 412 9,805 18 1,491 1,524 14,276 80,312 23,450 19,497 1,519 12,599 3,710 205 4,411 25 2,331 1,917 23,247 19 2,475 1,835 20,339 106,653 31,526 19,322 1,468 21,825 5,643 391 8,292 985 4,841 1,673 32,512 20 399 363 6,458 21,291 4,374 2,137 19 3,557 758 56 1,367 10 933 433 11,204 . 1 840 403 8,630 30,059 6,964 2,413 34 6,345 1,097 97 2,738 35 1,867 511 14,303 .2 6,935 7,360 186,610 805,584 268,335 122,453 2,163 103,926 16,392 1,315 44,565 300 28,125 13,229 308,707 23 13,960 10,820 223,021 878,326 260,484 103,377 2,460 159,846 29,622 2,601 66,140 10,830 36,790 13,863 352,159 24 79 127 2,492 9,197 2,725 1,512 29 1,053 259 22 451 171 150 3,878 25 270 159 3,187 13,012 4,100 1,459 39 2,466 538 32 1,127 26 547 196 4,948 26 955 778 11,563 83,287 30,365 23,567 5,326 6,176 2,030 129 2,025 610 1,382 17,853 27 540 474 6,777 52,131 19,435 13,817 2,483 6,929 1,933 180 2,136 276 1,285 1,119 9,467 28 43,775 32,050 451,543 4,350,680 1,508,830 1,224,087 473,190 256,518 91,502 4,130 82,805 20,432 57,649 888,055 29 33,205 29,555 403,230 3,914,870 1,429,810 1,142,931 295,501 458,358 123,261 16,138 136,910 22,513 77-, 667 81,869 588,270 30 75 77 831 4,840 1,469 1,011 14 868 189 11 400 171 97 1,478 31 205 148 2,005 8,601 2,734 1,164 22 1,828 414 36 758 11 452 157 2,853 32 655 925 5,160 52,051 16,652 15,519 1,583 7,809 2,244 299 2,860 1,111 1,295 10,488 33 1,480 926 11,974 76,965 27,323 16,607 1,565 14,466 3,115 271 7,091 604 2,492 893 17,004 34 19,525 26,400 103,995 1,432,628 433,895 481,500 86,107 193,029 70,030 8,600 65,935 19,614 28,850 238,097 35 21,090 16,535 186,465 1,775,525 601,893 376,649 53,235 441,629 58,077 6,175 284,075 22,775 55,725 14,802 302,119 36 15 25 661 2,975 965 396 5 349 31 5 212 80 21 1,260 37 85 76 1,405 7,542 2,303 741 20 1,294 222 16 650 10 306 90 3,184 38 340 305,600 51,398 3,729,171 2,959,060 714,794 595 18,223 1,705 70 10,628 3,945 1,875 36,499 39 1,620 276,160 70,171 1,174,738 872,488 82,438 57,713 50,500 11,455 595 16,165 10,060 10,590 1,635 111,599 40 46 60 1,657 5,130 1,682 720 7 520 67 5 276 101 71 2,201 41 225 96 3,101 11,833 3,799 1,293 14 2,050 361 27 996 30 466 170 4,677 42 5,805 6,640 306,915 2,761,561 1,438,576 564,073 6,130 291,160 8,835 260 132,210 109,955 39,900 461,622 43 9,045 25,590 362,866 2,040,844 869,342 311,784 7,505 341,585 109,275 7,765 102,700 37,260 60,780 23,805 510,628 44 2,275 2,590 124,515 1,164,469 576,650 217,520 2,587 169,213 4,105 loo 68,533 81,125 15,350 198,499 45 3,930 14,790 157,815 852,367 352,999 142,745 3,256 143,447 49,045 3,495 40,600 16,885 24,137 9,285 209,920 46 62,151 57,277 273,085 4,953,516 1,892,994 2,006,492 125,729 346,779 256,189 12,430 61,394 12,311 4,455 581,522 47 18,365 26,940 86,095 1,845,566 654,551 791,927 48,035 143,362 115,077 4,400 20, 190 2,870 825 207,691 48 7,745 15,885 77,751 1,291,766 660,613 405,792 41,195 74,323 24,148 50 42,315 900 4,610 2,300 109,843 49 819 509 5,952 20,891 4,561 2,437 21 4,390 879 62 1,466 10 1,423 550 9,482 50 1,190 434 7,659 27,999 6,818 2,482 36 6,898 1,211 107 2,876 46 2,128 528 11,765 51 12,917 7,125 44,811 305,545 76,358 64,923 3,117 77,757 13,952 1,970 29,900 290 22,875 8,770 83,390 52 16,815 8,057 75,411 383,949 106,771 55,445 2,578 107,510 19,607 2,447 46,725 1,225 29, 165 8,341 111,645 53 809 509 5,796 20,550 4,520 2,415 20 4,359 873 62 1,451 10 1,418 545 9,236 54 1,185 434 7,579 27,883 6,812 2,472 31 6,873 1,206 107 2,868 41 2,123 528 11,695 55 12,715 7,125 43,730 297,287 74,972 61,884 2,403 76,390 13,250 1,970 29,510 290 22,655 8,715 81,638 56 16,715 8,007 74,701 378,488 105,816 53,267 2,423 106,197 19,237 2,267 46,387 925 29,040 8,341 110,785 57 157,305 70,375 524,280 3,036,215 802,917 680,591 51,175 795,960 141,910 22,100 305,700 2,650 242,680 80,920 705,572 58 253,435 87,725 1,083,196 6,884,661 2,107,859 1,106,610 63,881 1,800,370 283,475 44,275 787,395 29,250 517,625 138,350 1,805, 9<,1 59 50,480 9,410 30,800 514,512 103,387 100,905 10,500 232,765 16,925 7,800 85,325 1,000 100,710 21,005 66,955 60 36,480 4,740 70,235 702,151 161,155 164,743 11,890 263,698 30,290 7,725 117,243 800 90,445 17,195 100,665 61 10 15 290 1,521 579 425 10 160 50 2 60 12 36 347 62 1 17 183 459 206 93 20 54 16 11 10 1 16 86 63 100 35 1,560 29,978 9,409 12,682 1,946 3,043 798 160 945 110 1,030 2,898 64 30 216 1,105 7,437 2,559 2,533 780 990 40 170 300 100 380 575 65 1,875 1,340 33,215 867,223 268,262 366,352 65,750 91,140 19,505 3,400 28,785 6,550 32,900 75,719 66 700 2,525 18,215 182,595 63,423 61,385 25,825 19,700 450 5,350 4,190 3,000 6,710 12,262 67 1,000 100 2,730 221,700 58,820 101,674 5,700 44,640 6,540 20,400 5,200 12,500 10,866 68 2,210 62,454 23,606 26,500 883 11,365 2,850 3,940 4,575 100 69 50 50 360 1,415 276 172 337 111 5 80 51 90 630 70 115 85 907 3,468 1,003 399 735 235 10 310 115 65 1,331 71 200 295 390 1,733 379 304 403 186 5 55 72 85 647 72 285 60 830 10 4,209 50 1,232 667 875 25 335 5 290 25 185 60 1,435 20 73 75 76 79,710 88,725 100,015 414,545 74,375 99,945 118,030 56,640 750 20,710 30,330 9,600 122,195 95,100 27,275 273,245 1,550,040 559,218 226,605 361,290 118,380 1,025 120,635 84,960 36,290 402,927 77 812 478 2,383 15,633 4,016 2,204 16 4,466 853 60 1,526 10 1,502 515 4,931 "8 1,206 408 4,099 24,638 6,452 2,388 30 7,134 1,188 112 2,978 46 2,292 518 8,634 79 9,825 4,605 10,777 157,245 34,855 40,359 1,746 55,894 9,605 1,385 19,366 255 18,498 6,785 24,391 SO 17,320 6,167 26,516 280,323 76,359 45,549 856 97,335 15,352 2,190 41,104 790 30,405 7,494 60,224 81 5,822 2,605 5,335 87,550 19,877 24,064 1,120 31,813 5,679 1,005 10,698 120 10,495 3,816 10,676 82 7,975 2,124 7,580 118,598 34, 170 20,815 420 44,377 5,883 1,105 19,079 440 14,792 3,078 18,816 83 46, 733 9,969 76,749 29,787 19,375 2,495 6,696 2,108 190 2,560 1,056 782 18,396 84 516 8,318 51,675 20, 175 11,187 1,927 7,625 1,339 85 4,020 310 861 1,010 10,761 85 479 543 8,292 62,415 23,776 16, 192 2,760 5,000 1,566 94 1,614 1,099 627 14,687 86 236 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 9.-LIVESTOCK ON HAND, LIVESTOCK SOLD, AND SPECIFIED [Data are baaed on reports for only {For definitions and explanations, see text) Areas 6 and C Total all Tenure of operator1 Full owners Part Managers Tenant 8 All Cash Share-cash Crop-share Livestock- Livestock on hand: 17,885 2,925 1,716 109 6,102 1,393 2,200 28 22 2 1950... 22,847 3,257 1,860 106 8,019 4,283 76 3 number 1954. .. 40,238 8,317 6,228 650 13,030 6,504 149 2,957 68 4 1950... 54,923 10,611 8,572 967 18,071 9,674 257 5,020 5 19,998 3,400 1,864 121 6,142 2,836 52 1,338 35 6 1950... 22,883 3,459 1,934 122 7,668 3,811 66 1,995 17 7 number 1954 .. . 558,455 216,248 185,699 33,806 57,843 31,968 565 7,408 2,035 8 1950... 454,679 166,326 143,551 32,207 57,111 36,440 661 8,782 720 9 Cows, Including heifers that 19,539 3,367 1,855 120 5,981 2,780 52 1,323 35 10 1950... 22,316 3,438 1,921 122 7,471 3,719 66 1,940 17 11 number 1954 .. . 339,611 132,902 112,831 20,482 35,213 19,715 300 4,385 1,328 12 1950... 263,656 95,202 85,626 18,419 33,134 21,330 411 5,045 465 13 13,720 2,322 1,291 58 4,495 2,067 47 1,017 35 u 1950... 19,065 2,917 1,642 90 6,553 3,337 51 1,650 17 15 number 1954 .. . 65,069 21,165 14,891 1,671 15,952 8,065 142 2,640 929 16 1950... 77,430 23,023 16,853 3,109 18,637 11,228 316 3,637 58 17 15,693 1,984 1,275 74 6,086 2,589 62 1,300 28 16 1950... 22,612 2,603 1,542 63 8,441 3,931 81 2,090 21 19 number 1954 . . . 14,288 10,973 610 20,564 9,374 265 3,935 154 20 1950... 119,807 23,535 15,378 860 42,526 21,889 710 10,213 53 21 Chickens 4 months old and over.. farms reporting 1954... 19,961 2,693 1,471 80 6,683 2,851 67 1,437 31 22 1950... 26,208 3,175 1,792 81 9,101 4,180 76 2,340 22 23 number 1954 .. . 504,540 132,706 69,505 2,962 126,837 59,010 1,325 25,405 679 24 1950... Livestock and livestock products sold: 588,619 130,808 60,736 3,982 176,466 85,832 1,535 46,683 406 25 Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting 1954... 9,499 2,611 1,443 120 2,206 1,130 12 463 25 26 1949... 11,901 2,583 1,522 127 3,770 2,050 40 899 12 27 number 1954 . . . 222,903 95,840 77,900 12,844 18,220 12,085 98 1,481 691 23 1949... 171,555 63,461 66,742 13,262 17,602 12,705 150 1,855 ■ 282 29 dollars 1954... 11,937,095 5,115,588 4,593,479 727,725 811,723 562,211 3,960 59,510 35,154 30 1949... 14,135,910 5,185,691 5,771,290 1,201,908 1,302,745 1,001,827 5,825 124,370 19,385 31 3,292 759 472 19 1,062 523 11 190 8 32 1949... 7,694 1,352 889 28 2,809 1,459 45 667 1 33 number 1954 . . . 28,159 8,570 7,584 272 6,960 4,115 33 775 109 34 1949... 55,484 15,781 10,539 508 17,432 8,627 530 3,725 10 35 dollars 1954... 653,110 218,926 229,855 8,895 116,707 64,935 738 12,825 4,229 36 1949... 1,204,363 363,666 262,097 10,814 365,003 188,118 6,990 72,760 330 37 774 257 110 7 136 68 6 16 38 1949 . . . 2,221 536 178 11 612 262 10 140 5 39 dollars 1954... 2,726,835 1,495,863 982,338 30,040 205,325 2,710 105 13,375 40 1949... 393,134 316,645 12,740 1,376 33, 428 7,208 140 4,625 75 41 2,361 640 269 9 639 357 12 86 2 42 1949... 5,928 1,145 551 25 1,953 1,080 10 406 5 43 dozens 1954 .. . 1,244,031 565,620 349,841 8,276 168,965 80,888 1,142 28,130 250 44 1949... 832,811 394,375 142,438 14,154 110,592 64,210 350 23,360 75 45 dollars 1954... 506,479 237,657 144,731 3,741 60,227 30,957 388 10,555 120 46 1949. . . 402,775 214,524 64,941 6,009 43,827 24,159 165 9,460 30 47 15,695,720 6,678,926 5,154,270 829,685 2,820,929 1,595,702 25,550 138,060 370,163 48 dollars 1954... 6,653,121 2,831,256 2,282,767 335,176 1,127,167 638,702 13,000 51,885 139,340 49 1949... Specified crops harvested: 7,141,755 2,786,344 2,775,951 524,487 955,784 743,031 50,125 64,910 4,999 50 19,694 2,421 1,576 65 7,460 3,042 77 1,536 23 51 1949. . . 25,632 2,880 1,701 75 9,611 4,372 76 2,343 22 52 acres 1954... 212,524 42,896 43,591 4,423 71,734 30,529 885 14,535 269 53 1949. . . 295,087 52,863 45,238 4,593 107,486 50,808 1,215 25,170 340 54 Corn harvested for grain farms reporting 1954. . . 18,707 2,268 1,483 57 7,180 2,932 72 1,436 23 55 1949... 25,347 2,841 1,699 71 9,521 4,292 76 2,338 22 56 acres 1954... 197,730 38,751 38,823 3,664 69,346 29,291 810 13,920 204 57 1949... 290,154 51,094 44,494 4,433 106,101 49,788 1,215 25,095 340 58 bushels harvested 1954... 1,856,784 430, 446 457,116 51,941 545,612 225,017 7,255 106,705 1,950 59 1949... 4,528,087 944,365 889,329 84,220 1,504,198 664,753 15,775 355,775 11,375 60 bushels sold 1954... 140, 465 45,500 20,210 6,200 55,420 11,065 13,590 61 1949... 308,676 40,775 81,561 6,762 106,493 25,415 125 11,350 62 1,216 469 319 54 129 86 27 9 63 1949. . . 470 149 174 35 46 39 1 64 acres 1954... 43,901 16,669 18,022 4,074 2,225 1,525 260 188 65 1949. . . 21,787 8,458 8,604 3,095 920 485 45 66 bushels harvested 1954. . . 1,298,442 530,471 511,556 120,325 70,080 40,775 6,125 9,450 67 1949. . . 418,236 149,315 172,736 71,975 12,250 9,450 600 68 bushels sold 1954... 169,478 47,680 94,737 13,582 7,784 1,230 5,000 69 1949... 56,820 13,505 28,965 13,350 1,000 1,000 70 Peanuts harvested for picking 3,508 618 280 2 1,438 673 15 265 71 1949... 7,074 827 438 5 3,078 1,631 30 765 1 72 acres grown alone 1954... 6,869 1,274 919 7 2,934 1,354 10 390 73 1949. . . 11,841 1,896 1,697 66 5,578 2,380 5 1,290 2 74 acres grown with other crops 1954. . . 30 5 5 15 10 5 75 1949. . . 185 40 75 20 10 76 pounds harvested 1954. . . 1,468,413 289,075 227,553 650 642,480 294,315 1,090 99,415 77 1949... 5,682,025 1,088,315 922,405 46,230 2,687,535 1,151,130 4,620 549,615 140 78 18,937 22,951 2,204 2,452 1,430 1,519 34 31 8,240 9,821 3,224 4,285 81 81 1,746 2,488 21 21 79 1949... 80 acres 1954... 165,859 23,320 31,571 2,302 76,925 27,865 910 16,485 189 81 1949. . . 242,400 36,105 38,922 2,063 112,707 48,531 1,360 28,360 168 82 bales harvested 1954... 83,557 12,395 17,956 1,239 38,780 13,473 413 8,397 99 83 1949. . . 93,924 14,196 17,590 1,113 47,330 16,887 630 12,860 53 84 143,423 156,010 61,503 64,706 45,677 46,467 10,504 17,779 15,574 15,690 8,036 9,742 110 779 1,080 2,052 1,315 145 85 1949. . . 86 tons 1954... 121,776 52,291 38,780 10,880 12,455 5,799 80 875 1,171 cial farms only. 2For comparability of data on livestock and poultry, , and State Table 12. 3 includes milk equivalent ALABAMA 237 CROPS, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: a sample of farms. See text] CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 -Continued Areas a and C— Continued Area 7a Tenure of operator1— Con. Other farma Total all TeDure of operator1 Other Tenants —Con. Full Part Tenanta Croppy Other and fied Managera All Cash 3c1sT XE LWeatock- CropperB Other 1,0-3 7,033 15,519 4,06- 2,401 40 5,202 1,468 J06 1,587 234 1,349 358 3,812 1 732 706 9,605 25,035 6,627 2,906 52 9,447 2,485 171 3,559 288 2,513 431 6,003 2 989 2,363 12,013 27,215 7,297 4,952 183 9,607 2,573 372 3,000 466 2,504 692 5,176 3 1,359 1,717 16,702 48,844 13,610 7,270 389 18,966 4,594 407 7,373 688 5,084 820 8,609 4 918 963 8,471 22,414 6,171 3,662 47 5,684 1,510 258 1,778 331 1,415 392 6,850 5 572 9,700 26,566 7,420 3,277 52 9,136 2,316 166 3,224 318 2,695 417 6,681 6 6,008 9,859 64,859 293,079 119,165 83,489 7,492 38,692 10,130 1,645 10,789 5,240 6,834 4,054 44,241 7 5,440 5,068 55,484 181,556 73,607 39,740 4,672 35,293 9,288 792 10,190 2,269 10,257 2,497 28,244 8 858 933 8,216 21,9-0 6,115 3,625 47 5,543 1,485 253 1,723 315 1,380 387 6,610 9 1,167 562 9,364 25,781 7,304 3,250 52 8,786 2,211 166 3,089 308 2,600 412 6,389 10 3,730 5,755 38,183 154,349 63,817 44,700 3,962 19,196 5,084 831 5,443 2,223 3,620 1,995 22,674 11 3,135 2,748 31,275 97,858 39,054 21,706 2,780 19,662 5,273 448 5,745 939 5,917 1,340 14,656 12 626 703 5,554 17,981 5,069 2,990 29 4,661 1,148 218 1,538 299 1,156 302 5,232 13 997 501 7,863 24,074 6,934 3,028 46 8,281 2,037 161 2,929 308 2,459 387 5,785 14 2,2-5 1,931 11,390 44,443 15,909 9,197 192 8,783 2,304 525 2,834 742 1,780 598 10,362 15 2,3*2 1,056 15,808 54,182 19,673 9,172 168 14,565 3,882 343 4,541 747 4,182 870 10,604 16 1,160 947 6,274 19,092 5,401 3,474 27 6,054 1,495 293 1,767 344 1,776 379 4,136 17 1,652 666 9,963 27,626 7,254 3,268 51 10,658 2,454 211 3,654 338 3,569 432 6,395 18 3,060 3,776 17,855 380,138 130,471 107,707 1,763 103, "036 23,259 6,303 30,806 13,514 23,191 5,963 37,161 19 6,013 3,648 37,508 446,625 162,596 84,639 4,054 141,169 32,608 4,592 46,474 8,321 41,870 7,304 54,167 20 1,365 932 9,034 23,680 5,760 3,398 28 7,020 1,599 273 2,108 309 2,313 418 7,474 21 1,842 6-1 12,059 30,731 7,545 3,265 46 11,360 2,527 201 3,809 322 4,009 492 8,515 22 25,761 l-,657 172,530 738,071 258,077 125,403 1,670 163,498 44,747 7,697 51,015 7,710 42,328 10,001 189,423 23 27,920 14,090 216,627 748,471 226, 588 100,082 2,255 238,841 56,343 5,420 81,135 9,589 72,580 13,774 180,705 24 233 343 3,119 10,755 3,777 2,493 46 1,935 537 112 513 176 420 177 2,504 25 -82 287 3,899 12,922 4,260 1,998 48 3,907 1,027 101 1,322 153 1,089 215 2,709 26 1,377 2,488 18,099 96,481 42,285 28,563 3,182 10,623 2,684 504 2,087 1,825 1,581 1,942 11,828 27 1,383 1,227 10,488 54,725 22,667 15,156 1,633 9,661 2,874 227 2,493 469 2,793 805 5,608 28 51,390 99, 498 688,580 4,646,862 2,057,212 1,444,852 209,214 485,385 112,404 22,995 101,989 92,851 63", 865 91,281 450,199 29 69, -90 81,848 674,276 3,810,359 1,675,735 1,006,408 153,098 639,327 199,838 13,610 147,120 26,533 188,251 63,975 335,791 30 137 193 980 14,377 4,730 3,142 26 4,295 1,012 248 1,372 319 1,045 299 2,184 31 -01 236 2,616 21,334 6,608 2,893 45 7,816 1,849 190 2,729 308 2,399 341 3,972 32 593 1,335 4,773 274,362 102,602 81,334 1,412 67,417 13,945 3,868 19,971 10,764 14,437 4,432 21,597 33 2,210 2,330 11,224 348,642 138,424 72,073 2,801 100,664 24,580 3,740 31,327 6,955 29,712 4,350 34,680 34 11,2-0 22,740 78,727 8,191,725 3,118.465 2,521,571 43,018 1,953,151 394,065 111,395 576,072 332,194 427,325 112,100 555,520 35 -9,210 47 , 595 202,783 8,518,071 3,507,675 1,804,651 109,323 2,388,353 558,765 87,945 756,105 170,718 708,725 106,095 708,069 36 15 31 264 2,016 707 314 4 396 85 25 120 20 106 40 595 37 1-5 50 884 5,225 1,748 654 12 1,507 327 45 480 75 505 75 1,304 38 1,025 188,110 13,269 1,089,802 690,691 251,811 290 129,100 42,405 660 2,665 395 12,115 70,860 17,910 39 20,695 685 28,945 363,311 176,551 75,822 1,270 71,863 5,703 6,925 19,515 2,140 12,655 24,925 37,805 40 91 91 804 4,318 1,545 747 5 801 226 105 245 30 135 60 1,220 41 336 116 2,254 8,852 2,932 1,158 17 2,479 548 75 841 140 740 135 2,266 42 ".5,955 12,600 151,329 1,733,659 993,011 363,243 6,925 136,535 46,775 8,680 66,060 4,060 6,870 4,090 233,945 43 20,-2 2,153 171,252 1,121,446 523,495 155,197 8,744 227,285 30,205 7,520 90,190 15,660 52,085 31,625 206,725 44 14,272 3,935 60,123 767,979 439,282 162,995 2,902 58,035 17,250 3,800 30,650 1,680 2,905 1,750 104,765 45 8,938 1,075 73,474 483,846 230,752 61,810 3,475 100,592 12,182 2,995 39,180 6,650 23, 165 16,420 87,217 46 5-9,279 142,175 211,910 2,496,666 1,571,055 750,395 30,753 38,861 9,797 260 23,373 3,726 810 895 105,602 47 232,2-5 51,995 76,755 1,179,971 790,767 327,931 13,018 9,145 2,440 150 5,295 695 180 385 39,110 48 911-59 1,260 99,189 730,128 366,202 291,851 1,375 33,125 23,505 915 3,335 1,815 2,970 585 37,575 49 1 ODD 1,116 8,172 23,235 5,701 3,775 30 8,516 1,916 338 2,478 361 2,911 512 5,213 50 2*0-2 756 11,365 30,186 7,290 3,344 52 12,530 2,660 231 4,109 363 4,670 497 6,970 51 l-,536 10,980 49,880 614,580 164,555 168,067 2,484 224,922 46,060 11,692 70,336 16,657 69,117 11,060 54,552 52 20,7-3 9,210 84,907 625,552 178,695 99,962 4,836 257,668 55,622 6,710 85,797 9,825 89,572 10,142 84,391 ■ 3 1,6-6 1,071 7,719 21,713 5,165 3,547 28 8,166 1,840 318 2,362 330 2,839 477 4,807 54 2,037 756 11,215 28,799 6,847 3,223 45 12,226 2,569 221 4,018 352 4,579 487 6,458 55 14,471 10,650 47,146 4-6,851 109,431 114,716 1,896 176,801 36,735 8,171 55,156 8,800 59,279 8,660 44,007 56 20,518 9,145 84,032 488,473 126,418 72,541 3,498 215,345 45,827 4,935 72,879 7,135 75,987 8,582 70,671 57 127,172 77,513 371,669 5,642,916 1,470,338 1,541,077 38,755 2,115,755 407,200 88,205 699,300 118,570 709,870 92,610 476,991 58 3-3,835 112,685 1,105,975 6,993,075 1,939,544 1,089,158 58,903 3,023,700 578,095 69,495 1,036,155 98,825 1,104,990 136,140 881,770 59 23,230 7,535 13,135 991,468 117,661 183,872 280 626,865 59,775 23,200 213,135 19,850 280,015 30,840 62,790 1 G 66,068 3,535 73,085 491,483 49,055 33,793 1,625 364,510 32,880 9,850 126,720 12,625 168,435 14,000 42,500 61 3 6 245 1,220 482 423 17 207 48 15 60 42 37 5 91 62 6 66 240 91 83 12 38 11 5 6 16 16 63 197 2,911 22,152 8,356 8,884 952 2,890 490 150 1,017 670 363 200 1,070 64 390 710 3,909 1,085 1,264 699 791 238 20 80 453 70 65 2,140 11,590 66, 010 581,114 222,586 232,648 25,560 74,100 12,180 4,500 20,520 24,840 8,060 4,000 26,220 66 2,200 11,960 76,337 21,950 27,360 15,212 10,750 4,060 600 2,090 4,000 1,065 67 1,554 5,695 119,431 32,110 55,481 2,450 19,390 1,100 125 3,965 10,000 4,200 10,000 68 12,580 450 2,990 6,100 3,030 2,500 530 10 69 175 310 1,170 15,120 3,674 2,874 14 7,118 1,296 308 2,107 341 2,665 401 1,440 70 325 2,726 21,995 5,365 2,632 37 11,316 2,128 216 3,809 343 4,413 407 2,645 71 635 545 1,735 177,689 37,738 45,743 532 86,666 11,961 5,904 26,058 5,607 33,501 3,635 7,010 72 661 1,240 2,604 328,056 77,985 50,039 1,688 183,348 29,344 4,214 67,505 6,632 70,235 5,418 14,996 73 74 40 70 20 15 5 5 75 130,790 116,870 308,655 96,890,124 21,222,212 26,397,259 247,071 46,379,467 6,122,791 3,235,980 14,685,361 3,535,790 17,034, 700 1,764,845 2,644,115 76 -60,5-0 521,490 937,540 272,351,085 67,724,319 44,406,831 1,423,680 149,332,277 23,771,698 3,741,564 52,836, 595 6,143,815 58,744,545 4,094,060 9,463,978 77 1,97- 1,194 7,029 19,163 4,575 3,264 12 8,427 1,874 331 2,423 343 2,975 481 2,885 '8 2,210 ' v 736 9,128 23,394 5,420 2,714 36 11,137 2,331 191 3,797 312 4,101 405 4,087 79 20,681 10,795 31,741 208,198 41,253 53,322 383 101,110 18,497 5,265 31,347 5,069 36,136 4,796 12,130 80 25,820 8,468 52,603 255,456 60,209 39,398 1,863 130,856 25,314 2,825 44,917 4,315 48,875 4,610 23,130 81 11,5-9 4,849 13,187 139,514 28,187 36,973 224 68,175 11,948 3,714 22,075 3,820 23,638 2,980 5,955 82 13,9-0 2,960 13,695 97,808 23,649 15,667 897 50,655 9,226 1,216 18,472 1,760 18,456 1,525 6,940 83 3,002 2,031 10,165 17,159 6,828 5,767 890 2,475 208 80 520 207 65 1,395 1,199 84 1,760 1,212 11,368 5,538 2,277 1,690 105 726 326 185 210 5 2,051 7,370 12,713 4,945 4,2 a 1,051 1,733 172 60 320 126 25 1,030 784 86 238 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 9.-LIVESTOCK ON HAND, LIVESTOCK SOLD, AND SPECIFIED [Data are baaed on reportB for only number All cattle and calves farms reporting number number .farms reporting number All hogs and pigs. Chickens 4 months old and and pigs sold alive. Chickens sold. Chicken eggs sold. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. .farms reporting 1954. 1950. number 1954. 1950. .farms reporting 1954. 1950. number 1954. 1950. old; -farms reporting 1954. 1949. number 1954. 1949. dollars 1954. 1949. • farms reporting 1954. 1949. number 1954. 1949. dollars 1954. 1949. •farms reporting 1954. 1949. dollars 1954. 1949. •farms reporting 1954. 1949. dozens 1954. 1949. dollars 1954. 1949. gallons 1954. dollars 1954. 1949. Specified crops harvested: Corn for all purposes.. .farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Corn harvested for grain farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. . 1954. 1949. Oats threshed or combined farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949.. 1954.. 1949. 1954.. 1949. bushels harvested bushels sold bushels harvested bushels sold : acres grown alone grown with other crops pounds harvested 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. Cotton harvested farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. hales harvested 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 3,988 5,305 5,877 9;121 5,036 5,427 64,644 46,605 3,575 4,459 8,406 11,363 3,294 5,180 20,287 38,801 5,635 6,703 169,703 170,372 2,389 2,750 20,381 11,960 851,991 804,817 1,023 2,475 11,760 22,317 284,292 471,326 334 1,054 27,321 31,890 903 1,565 444,158 168,387 183,331 64,665 66,128 28,146 71,335 5,303 5,920 59,605 71,094 5,244 5,875 57,177 68,207 845,105 1,083,036 99,677 43,660 113 46,595 5,950 17,216 1,785 Tenure of operator1 1,179 827 2,325 902 894 508 999 419 23,992 14,793 18,402 5,325 883 508 989 414 12,387 8,296 9,551 2,988 664 376 894 345 2,161 1,231 3,074 1,018 549 364 885 397 5,012 5,022 10,432 5,913 816 493 1,052 443 34,363 15,508 36,247 14,288 8,161 5,912 348,567 416,044 3,591 8,613 86,601 193,645 87,794 75,800 31,221 27,536 54,804 22,946 39,876 8,730 3,450 2,325 equivalent of 3,269 3,351 16,216 19,292 8,954 7,997 7,252 4,596 6,098 For comparability of data 5,143 1,667 248,482 129,374 125 169 23,095 15,782 9,565 6,695 4,550 3,210 3,335 13,908 14,664 19,449 10,525 839 510 962 443 13,070 13,411 17,243 10,240 225,100 202,245 303,785 186,346 13,885 34,342 13,240 13,375 29,835 2,500 11,251 1,000 45,090 16,885 47,855 28,970 597 444 654 379 3,340 4,392 5,535 4,017 1,951 2,566 2,499 1,730 3,383 2,119 2,137 1,068 2,916 1,843 35,725 9,850 10,315 4,204 413 436 6,104 6,140 88,840 99,395 26,630 176 161 2,971 2,395 41,405 37,325 12,125 500 2,500 1,750 Share-cash Crop-share 120 95 1,530 1,445 23,285 22,250 7,300 1,685 stock and poultry, and State Table 12. 3 Includes milk ALABAMA 239 CROPS, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR. CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued a sample of farms. See text]] Area 7b— .Cont nued Areaa 8 and D Tenure of operator1— Con. Other Total all Tenure of operator1 Tenants — Con. TenantB Croppers Other and unspeci- fied farms Full Part Managers All Cash 8ctr Crop- Liveato t Othe Croppers and ui , I farms 25 37 2,612 2,278 747 263 18 94 50 10 1 27 1,156 I 30 55 3,616 3,435 838 483 25 246 95 5 70 10 45 1,843 2 45 65 3,377 3,200 1,132 434 35 122 65 5 10 2 1 1,477 3 65 90 5,342 5,590 1,561 1,008 66 392 145 5 130 65 2,563 4 20 42 3,370 4,998 1,447 795 217 103 5 40 1 16 2,509 5 60 40 3,704 5,356 1,458 807 . 291 95 90 75 . 2,778 6 60 745 23,814 102,687 43,703 34,296 4,537 3,839 1,599 115 8! 200 16,312 7 230 325 20,835 66,148 27,519 21,670 2,663 2,045 475 ■ 475 370 ' 12,251 8 20 37 3,245 4,726 1,406 779 30 207 93 5 40 ! 16 52 2,304 9 60 40 3,614 5,094 1,401 797 22 281 95 80 75 . 2,593 10 35 386 12,805 53,797 23,087 18,170 2,263 1,825 770 50 430 43 112 .. 8,452 11 140 215 11,280 34,928 14,805 11,143 1,243 1,271 290 375 345 200 61 6,466 12 20 17 2,366 3,578 1,085 609 17 142 60 5 35 11 31 1,725 13 55 35 2,972 4,642 1,260 732 21 266 90 80 10 70 16 2,363 14 35 34 4,697 16,992 7,784 5,351 66 459 95 10 85 99 170 3,332 15 130 115 6,655 18,133 7,441 4,651 553 944 140 250 145 185 24 4,544 16 35 26 2,143 2,845 892 481 5 142 65 5 30 5 36 1,325 17 90 40 3,519 3,942 1,016 613 20 296 90 100 80 . 1 1,997 18 255 88 9,053 45,508 18,045 14,270 337 3,640 2,005 175 865 165 90 141 9,216 19 315 190 20,226 49,177 15,470 14,797 1,145 3,229 1,110 1,240 50 690 L39 14,536 20 55 42 3,967 5,080 1,333 665 19 221 85 10 40 1 25 61 2,842 21 110 65 4,788 6,274 1,529 798 14 381 125 10 110 15 95 21 3,552 22 1,105 651 92,346 365,149 159,701 74,444 1,066 20,150 7,390 375 2,550 60 1,195 8, 581 109,788 23 2,250 920 111,015 353,677 143,850 57,169 1,903 32,615 24,175 210 4,335 340 2,690 118,140 24 5 17 1,224 2,657 1,011 691 29 127 63 10 20 1 1 32 799 25 35 25 1,533 2,784 975 587 23 136 50 40 1 35 1 1,063 26 5 234 6,596 35,361 15,761 11,584 2,117 1,399 700 60 340 .. 12 4,500 27 55 50 3,876 21,300 9,003 8,226 1,009 356 100 125 :•■" 95 6 2,706 28 75 10,305 236,206 2,070,996 908,682 683,747 181,065 80,432 44,200 2,050 20,000 1, ' , 827 12, 140 217,070 29 3,210 3,290 222,392 1,780,473 811,843 678,293 104,245 22,930 5,710 8,545 2, ' 6,160 250 163,162 30 20 10 471 1,853 716 403 3 127 55 10 30 1 5 ::t 604 31 35 20 1,418 2,693 878 532 20 221 75 70 5 55 16 1,042 32 140 90 3,850 37,072 16,107 12,473 363 2,425 960 465 535 .. 5 320 5,704 33 245 70 8,486 41,437 15,297 13,394 1,282 2,254 415 990 35 690 ..'.'. 9,210 34 2,610 1,950 69,495 1,151,188 483,379 439,339 15,032 59,665 29,700 7,250 8,640 6, ,00 140 7, 535 153,773 35 3,125 650 147,239 1,043,566 406,327 360,652 38,902 59,605 10,040 31,280 1, ,00 13,975 2, 910 178,080 36 196 781 281 165 4 45 10 5 30 286 37 25 5 657 1,621 543 247 90 45 20 15 10 741 38 5,759 441,318 383,236 32,888 264 8,880 3,150 750 980 16,050 39 265 1,000 18,449 219,785 127,275 28,485 13,150 10,835 1,020 885 410 50,875 40 486 1,393 469 239 50 15 5 30 631 41 45 10 883 2,383 838 406 12 120 45 5 30 35 5 1,007 42 54,819 2,108,628 1,267,399 504,304 2,780 81,510 64,350 2,000 15. 1 0 252,635 43 3,545 830 66,255 1,745,791 1,027,161 343,130 5,020 141,470 121,525 150 17,145 2,500 L50 229,010 44 22,980 860,512 524,446 198,504 1,052 37,170 30,600 800 5, 770 99,340 45 1,680 335 25,960 750,190 442,718 155,088 2,539 53,410 46,990 60 5,470 845 45 96,435 46 6,774 5,359,694 2,841,318 2,241,430 23,644 109,415 45 4,050 57,000 48, .. 143,887 47 1,990 2,543,860 1,413,847 1,035,528 11,250 34,010 35 750 12,000 21, 225 49,225 48 250 8,000 12,690 2,842,681 1,767,669 815,099 120,078 69,900 58, >75 11,225 69,935 49 70 42 3,527 4,375 1,371 813 25 250 121 15 40 1 26 47 1,916 50 115 60 4,067 4,836 1,402 809 22 386 125 10 120 5 100 26 2,217 51 1,025 543 24,887 85,726 30,587 31,337 810 7,435 3,260 1,115 1,320 L85 570 985 15,557 52 1,650 665 34,874 88,178 29,628 28,460 1,250 7,600 2,260 50 2,680 60 2,195 355 21,240 53 70 42 3,476 3,983 1,280 771 24 245 116 15 40 1 26 47 1,663 54 115 60 4,032 4,572 1,320 794 15 381 125 10 115 5 100 26 2,062 55 1,025 543 24, 550 72,343 25,528 26,463 710 6,770 2,960 880 1,320 L85 530 395 12,872 56 1,590 665 34,544 72,506 23,568 22,786 802 7,035 2,090 50 2,505 60 2,025 305 18,315 57 16,190 7,460 328,475 1,796,942 657,455 686,126 33,410 157,325 64,375 11,375 37,325 4, 300 14,090 25, 36C 262,626 58 30,070 9,550 491,860 1,573,930 530,820 543,180 28,550 158,280 33,900 1,150 59,555 1, 00 54,775 7, 901 313,100 59 7,205 24,820 313,589 84,458 147,830 850 36,971 24,035 675 1,000 9,640 1, 521 43,480 60 2,595 12,265 152,307 38,012 68,605 2,400 28,940 1,985 8,310 17,245 1, 400 14,350 i 36 403 179 132 81 184 12 3 17 10 5 10 1 1 10 58 21 : 63 124 8,899 2,747 2,858 890 4,252 1,158 428 682 150 375 150 42 65 200 679 475 64 65 3,430 213,996 64,545 93,660 18,740 18,873 11,250 1, !48 2,000 3, 775 18,178 ' 51,289 18,560 26,940 520 2,900 2,900 2,369 67 43,190 7,215 29,175 6,800 5,000 300 1, 500 15,220 6,345 8,825 50 ■ 220 191 104 32 55 70 480 310 72 5 10 126 160 829 428 281 120 72 285 10 40 32,455 2,068 20 360,868 418 177,033 5 138,500 380 20 185 175 346 45.335 73 " 76 6,000 25 90,385 1,434,230 291,100 590,100 331,050 20,000 127,850 183,200 221,980 77 80 41 1,801 1,991 790 350 13 212 100 15 40 1 30 26 626 78 100 50 1,922 2,050 580 426 316 105 10 100 5 80 16 726 9 600 295 5,471 16,965 6,769 4,521 327 2,830 1,180 400 645 15 335 55 2,518 80 715 420 7,051 21,851 6,538 6,673 35 4,380 1,015 100 1,825 50 1,270 2C 4,225 3 J 350 148 2,628 15,257 6,005 3,920 415 2,929 1,140 295 720 12 540 22 1,988 82 350 170 2,541 12,742 3,846 4,156 36 2,817 540 70 1,245 20 875 67 1,887 83 5 25 1,615 10,928 4,017 4,191 697 490 105 200 35 140 10 1,533 84 30 5 1,258 4,992 2,106 1,202 255 15 15 1,414 85 5 25 1,244 10,239 3,741 3,837 771 432 140 100 30 150 12 1,458 86 240 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 10.-FARMS REPORTING, NUMBER OF COWS, AND DAIRY PRODUCTS SOLD, BY NUMBER OF MILK COWS, FOR ALL COMMERCIAL FARMS AND DAIRY FARMS: CENSUS OF 1954 reports for only a sample of farms. See (For definitions and explanatii The State 1 commercial farms: Milk cows farms reporting . number . Whole milk sold farms reporting. gallons . Cream sold farms reporting. pounds of butterfat. With less than 10 milk cows on hand: Milk cows farms reporting . number . Whole milk sold farms reporting . gallons. dollars . Cream sold farms reporting. pounds of butterfat. dollars. With 10 to 29 milk cows on hand: Milk cows farms reporting. number. Whole milk sold farms reporting. gallons. dollars . Cream sold farms reporting . pounds of butterfat. dollars . With 30 to 49 Bilk cows on hand: Milk cows farms reporting . number . Whole milk sold farms reporting. gallons. dollars . Cream sold farms reporting . pounds of butterfat. dollars . With 50 or more milk cows on hand: Milk cows farms reporting . , number . . Whole milk sold farms reporting.. gallons.. dollars . . Cream sold farms reporting.. pounds of butterfat.. dollars . . Dairy farms: Milk cows farms reporting.. number . . Whole milk sold farms reporting . gallons., dollars. Cream sold farms reporting . pounds of butterfat. dollars . With less than 10 milk cows on hand: Milk cows farms reporting. number. Whole milk sold farms reporting. gallons., Cream sold farms reporting. pounds of butterfat. With 10 to 29 milk cows on hand: Milk cows farms reporting. number . Whole milk sold farms reporting . gallons. Cream sold farms reporting . pounds of butterfat. dollars . th 30 to 49 milk cows on hand: Milk cows farms reporting . number . Whole milk sold farms reporting. gallons. dollars . Cream sold farms reporting . pounds of butterfat. dollars . With 50 or more milk cowa on hand: Milk cows farms reporting. Whole milk sold farms reporting . gallons. dollars . Cream sold farms reporting . pounds of butterfat. dollars. 7,966 49,702,924 20,943,837 2,149 496, 633 261,746 61, 625 133,974 5,431 5,699,848 1,743,288 2,059 432, 753 227, 27 1 1,915 29,152 1,423 9,751,281 3,917,751 83 2,534 83,033 2,524 41,009,514 18,034,613 122 21,741 2,264 2,892,845 827,131 2,999 166 1,538 5« 688 285 5 15 715 9 000 1,804,053 8,078,473 782,035 3,622,241 ID 35 5,830 36,080 3,290 IB, 515 ALABAMA 241 Economic Area Table 10 -FARMS REPORTING, NUMBER OF COWS, AND DAIRY PRODUCTS SOLD, BY NUMBER OF MILK COWS, FOR ALL COMMERCIAL FARMS AND DAIRY FARMS: CENSUS OF 1954-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] (For definitions and expla 1 commercial faros: Milk cows farms reporting. number . Whole milk sold farms reporting. gallons . dollars . Cream sold farms reporting . pounds of butterfat. dollars . With Us- than 10 milk cows on band: Milk cows farms reporting. number . Whole milk sold farms reporting. gallons ■ dollars . Cream sold f amis reporting . pounds of butterfat. dollars . Will. 10 to 29 milk covs od band: Milk cows farms reporting. Whole milk sold farms reporting. gallons ■ dollars. Cream sold farms reporting . pounds of butterfat. dollars . With 30 to 49 "ilk covs on hand: Milk cows farms reporting. number . Whole milk sold farms reporting- gallons. dollars. Cream sold farms reporting . pounds of butterfat. dollars . With 50 or lore sill cows on hand: Mi Ik cows farms reporting . , number. . Whole milk sold farms reporting.. gallons . . dollars. . Cream sold farms reporting - , pounds of butterfat. dollars . Dairy ferns: Milk cows farms reporting. number . Whole milk sold farms reporting . gallons. . dollars . Cream sold farms reporting . pounds of butterfat. dollars. With less than 10 nilk covs on hand: Milk cows farms reporting . number . whole mi Ik sold farms reporting - gallons, dollars. Cream sold farms reporting . pounds of butterfat. dollars . With 10 to 29 ailk covs on hand: Milk cows farms reporting. number . Whole milk sold farms reporting. gallons. dollars . Cream sold farms reporting . pounds of butterfat. th 30 to 49 -ilk covs on band: Milk cows farms reporting. number . Whole milk sold farms reporting. gallons. dollars. Cream sold farms reporting. pounds of butterfat. dollars. With 50 or lore ailk cova od band: Milk cows farms reporting . number . Whole milk eold farms reporting. gallons . dollars. Cream eold farms reporting . pounds of butterfat. 8,606 .".7,083 1,164 4,349,657 1,613,685 312 8,166 53, 679 1,057 15,439,838 6,567,494 65 5,630 30,347 288 459 2,649,749 14,012,478 1,049,483 6,051,085 15 6 9,455 1,525 5,050 1,105 m STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING, NUMBER OF CHICKENS, AND POULTRY PRODUCTS SOLD, BY NUMBER OF CHICKENS ON HAND, FOR ALL COMMERCIAL FARMS AND POULTRY FARMS: CENSUS OF 1954 reports for only a sample of farms. See text]] (For defini and explanatlo text) All commercial farms: Chickens 4 months old and over... f arras reporting. number . Chickens sold farms reporting, Chicken eggs sold farms reporting. dozens . dollars, Other poultry and poultry products sold. .dollars. ttith less than 400 chickens 4 months old and over: Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting, number. Chickens sold farms reporting, number . Chicken eggs sold farms reporting. dozens . dollars. Other poultry and poultry products sold dollars . ttith 400 to 799 chickens 4 months old and over: Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting. Chickens sold farms reporting . number . Chicken eggs sold farms reporting . dozens . dollars . Other poultry and poultry products sold dollars. With mill to 1,599 chickens 4 months old and over: Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting, number . Chickens sold farms reporting, number . Chicken eggs sold farms reporting. dozens . dollars . Other poultry and poultry products sold dollars, With 1,600 to 3,199 chickens 4 months old and over: Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting. number . Chickens sold farms reporting . number . Chicken eggs sold farms reporting , dozens . dollars , Other poultry and poultry products sold dollars' With 3,200 or more chickens 4 months old and over: Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting, number . Chickens sold farms reporting , number , Chicken eggs sold farms reporting, dozens , dollars, Other poultry and poultry products sold dollars . Poultry farms: Chickens 4 months old and over... farms reporting, number . Chickens sold farms reporting , number , Chicken eggs sold farms reporting , dozens . dollars, Other poultry and poultry products sold, .dollars. ttith less than 400 chickens 4 months old and over: Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting, number , Chickens sold farms reporting , number . Chicken eggs sold farms reporting, dozens . dollars, Other poultry and poultry products sold dollars. With 400 to 799 chickens 4 months old and over: Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting, number . Chickens sold farms reporting , number . Chicken eggs sold farms reporting . dozens , dollars , Other poultry and poultry products sold dollars. ttith 800 to 1,599 chickens 4 months old and over: Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting, number , Chickens sold farms reporting. number , Chicken eggs sold farms reporting. dozens, dollars , Other poultry and poultry products sold dollars, With 1,600 to 3,199 chickens 4 months old and over: Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting . number , Chickens sold farms reporting , number . Chicken eggs sold farms reporting . dozens . dollars , Other poultry and poultry products sold dollars, ttith 3,200 or more chickens 4 months old and over: Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting. number . Chickens sold farms reporting. number , Chicken eggs sold , farms reporting, dozens , dollars , Other poultry and poultry products sold dollars, 75, 209 4,017,557 9,907 42,619,827 19,079 20,878,875 8,696,578 1,236,401 73,810 2,430,969 8,561 40,431,337 17,710 5,164,367 2,095,911 1,076,821 3,472,298 1,440,769 2,900 3,852,370 1,628,115 52,880 2,886,465 1,240,013 10,800 5,503,375 2,291,770 93,000 2,489 1,438,660 3,121 41,481,719 1,854 15,322,910 6,520,463 1,071,768 1,549 158,460 2,216 39, 501, 752 914 1,592,330 688,365 930, 393 232,365 419 713,882 439 2,564,945 1,094,862 1,825 3,242,445 1,391,850 45,800 1,249 2,612 1,697,791 16,521,605 2,994 4,352 975,500 7,408,806 417,431 2,968,227 28, 102 541,640 11,161 12,409 385,846 524,820 1,198 2,172 1,651,541 15, 791, 690 2,947 3,907 47 6,800 1,617,247 190, 969 594,355 28, 102 494, 390 345,000 1,075,440 138,000 476,516 46 213,800 46 412,000 2,329,200 939, 195 130 834 29,260 553,150 155 1,121 1,534,410 16,348,833 80 593 278, 150 5,981,980 131,715 2,463,056 17,500 529,040 110 511 8,410 44,925 135 803 1,514,510 15,664,508 60 270 82,650 544,530 33, 085 216,815 17,500 484,040 8,250 10 7,150 1,291,250 506,100 47,250 1,193,850 470,430 45, 000 5,665 556,898 1,065 ,812,330 1,792 ,271,830 ,863,745 470,061 526, 905 237,542 376,661 17,800 8 23,750 2,675,175 1,158,375 93,000 3,867,285 1,692,535 464,125 36,230 65 273,415 15,800 12, 150 2,675,175 1,158,375 93,000 ALABAMA 243 Economic Area Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING. NUMBER OF CHICKENS, AND POULTRY PRODUCTS SOLD, BY NUMBER OF CHICKENS ON HAND, FOR ALL COMMERCIAL FARMS AND POULTRY FARMS: CENSUS OF 1954-Continued eports for only i All com, .farms reporting. . number . . Chickens sold farms reporting . . number. . Chicken eggs sold farms reporting.. dozens . . dollars.. Other poultry and poultry products sold, .dollars. . With less than 400 chickens 4 months old K LAND: (IDENTIC AND AGE OK PERSON IN CHARGE: 131 Do you live on this place? I. How old were you on your last l.irthday? . . . . splat . CORN for ALL J1 ' eiUd, vu (a) CORN* for GRAIN? . . . (70 lb. ear_corn or 56 lb. (JO CORN for SILAGE? . . . SORGHUMS: (Kafir, M.I. I'l RI'oSl.S ,■«■,.,,( if.. SORGHUM forSIL.4 (c) SORGHUM hoRncd c I18J OATS? DNooe 19. RICE7 QNone 20. OTHER GRAIN hreshed ? Barley, mixed 21. SOYBEANS for ALL PURPOSES this year? Q None // "Stmt," check and jfap to quation £221. (a) SOYBEANS for BEANS? (6) SOYBEANS for HAY? 0) SOYBEANS hogged or graicd, or cut silage ^ W 1 Jploi 1221 COWPEAS for ALL PURPOSES (except for fresh ,r other processing) this year?.' . Q None If "Not,*," check and skip to question £231. (a) COWPEAS for DRY PEAS? . . . XXX 105 [231 PEANUTS for ALL PURPOSES this year? D ]f "None," chtck and skip to question J241. (o) PEAXUTSforpickingorthresh (« Vines or tops which were or wil saved for HAY or FORAGE? Color 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 O Irrigation 1 2 3 X das! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Type 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 O X V REGION 13 AU. [24] \ I I U Till WS lor ALL .■RrilSESiliL. year? Q None *_ (Reduced facsmile) ALABAMA 249 ' MIX II ltl> FOR M.W I I E8PEDEZA POR [JARLEY, KYK. . 29. ANOTHER HAY' . O None \ SEED, GRASS, AND OTHER FIELD SEED CROPS: any lupedcu sc«l. Rra.-.s xeod, |Q No. // "AT*." cbeft and i*jp ... i.-l.l ■.■-■.) - I.nrv.-K-,! ll.i, ftiMdon | II) D Y« i LESPEDEZA SEED LtMSON CLOVER Carpet grass, Dallis k COTTON, I'ol Vinl.S, \\l> OTHER Cllol'S VEGETABLES FOR HOM 38. Were Any tegelabtea, i la; For home use? (6) For sale for fresh n How Many Acres (Report tenths of a ID No Id yo Will Be Haryesi *« A. A, A. I A so This Year For Am * ;_ 122 * — i - 12S 129 13S *— r llue o/ all vegetable* SOLD or TO £ •8 „ , ;oo JERRIES AND OTHER SMALL FRUITS: C48J Were any heme, or other small |Q No // "A rolls h*r«M«l (hi: ve»r for*ale? 7«« ID Yea (Report tenths of mi Aero, such u A, rV, IA,"te. Don r«j \- ,u y fruit or nut twa. or ID No. If" Id y™ ft.»'t«l (0) \r- ti» o •. ,„.„v .. 20 fruit .nd |Q No. U " lav<. '"' ft," etvtk so. Hon mi H(.|M.rt '|..„ ill In. ..I i- in lirmriiiK »„d n„„bpar,„K fruit • , Mii'var.l-. anil jilmnli ■! uul IreenT . . . . ,. „f .„.,•„. „„l, ... ,'., 1 A. • j££ * : Follow i no Kir . PLUMS and PRUNES? . FICiS? . GRAPES? . IMPROVED PECANS?. 59. WILD or SEEDLING PECANS? . 60. TUNG NUTS? .' 61. OTHER PLANTED TREE FRUITS m>« Hit". »'Ti' usiil llus vpat After v a fi.-l.i ,,r i-lnl .I.. i.mI ■ , ..a nt O.l- Ian to .ueifioii |67J. ited pasture? Q ! on V.— IRRIGATION. LAND- , Of the total land iirrhis plare (reported In question 63), many acres were IRRIGATED this year', . How many acre- of cropland used for GRAIN or ROW . (Reduced facsmile) 250 THE QUESTIONNAIRE l<> FUST pRnDl -i TS . year for (Q No. If" MM. WOOD were or will be cut this j How many FENCE POSTS were or will VKNEER'l.OGS v f Pl'I.PWOOD ft MTlSKIiY AND GREENHOUSE I'ltimCCTK. EI.OU E It \ SEEDS AND PLANTS, AND BULBS: nhouee [D No. If "No/ [73] Were any nw PRODI aon utis^lace F N' ' > qvutim [»]. ^ '^ 90. How many CHICKENS, 4 (Hens, pullets, roosters, etc.) 91. How manv CHICKENS we SOLD this year— , . will bo (Report all 1. riders sold from this place (b) Old hens, roosters, pullets or^ll^SOL^th.?sZye«?f ChiCk° . . . WCre □ Non 93a. How many TURKEYS ant , r^. (Include those raised from poulu How many TURKEY HENS on /Q None 5?.' < Light brt 1 2 3 Tenure 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Irrigation 1 2 3 X dm 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9^ Type 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 O X y REGION 13 (Reduced facsmile) ALABAMA 251 Section VIII -FERTILIZER AND LIME I95S, lor u«f on ttil place. «helher purchased by ,011 or by your landlord. (0) Other pasture (not cropland) , . . Q No... (0 Con,?. D Nor.. (d) Cotton? □ Non. W Fruits, vegetable*, and potatoes? . D Now (/) Other crops? , □ Norn [98] How much LIME or LIMIN (InckHta""^^ l.mesto' Ion IX.— SELECTED FARM EXPENDITURES, THIS YEAR. I9S4 99. Ho* much ^ (o) MACHINE (Include cm ginning, plo! (6) HIRED LA 1 It M IM HI US UK YO| [( I U, I.-I..T J|".i" \\ I I I'lMl I IECEIVING CASH ' (Do not include housework.) (ft) How many HIRED PERSONS d \\ I.IK UK <•' lulll'lt : a *»...»* [101]. > PERSONS WORKING ' RE KMI'l.uYI li KUR- (Do r Include 1 OTHER INCOME ryour fl. D None >lnew. 1 Q l to 49 11 juli, liiiNlm'*.-, [irnl.-uiiuri, be/OM Jan I, 1955.) fatally living 1 (ol Did n.mfai mlly? // "Non*" for (0)ond(6),i*,p ;t,m 1103J. j.n.l ,.,„, fa, e following Murcea- irnent compilation d help from member -No'' for both fUMffot: ID No la y» [I03| Doyouh. Telephone? (6) Piped running * (e) Electricity? ■ place- ID No ID Ye. ID No 'ID Y» ID No " ID Yea [ON. ID Yes [fl Electric pl| hrooder? THIS PLACE— ,. aepl on Ibii place Ui Held forage haryeslers mobile* (belonging (a) LAND OWNED BY YOU? . D None (from question 4) (0) LAND RENTED FROM OTHERS? D None (from question S) (e) LAND MANAGED FOR OTHERS' . . . D None ID TO n question 10) Q None any MOKTI.MM I'l.H mount of CASH I < O No land rented urtf (Ckfdfc whtfh) D Hired laborer D Neighbor ENU STATE PRECINCT OR BEAT . (Reduced facsmile) 252 KNUMKRATORS RKCORD BOOK r. 00 S> O N « « 0 =. J.K|UIMU SUP] S »•»»«» " i i\a s *•! 3«E slllflUlilll = B ^ t.£ *X 1-1° ! i ' Is* 1 ] 1 1 * l j us i 1 1 1 •!- §J s„ s i If i : : ! f j ! | j i | S_|< ~I |3| 1 • ! j * j ]_s j _ 1 a i j 2.8 i l \ i ? 1 1 ! (t j .•■■■ ] i > sf g|l.|~- J$iJ«l§J• : >> : >• ; *• ~" :' ; :' ":""q ': [ i"o : 0 Ills z 1 z : z : z ^ n i<» : „ 5" i : >" 7 -=llt„.Cg!Nf § £ ll'llllClslf 1 z : z : * i Z ; jia,->.S 2-2 >" : : i £ ; > i >* ."» 1 < *■= = " i&S Z ; Z : Z : z go's i I -t«i» S *iS * i ! !* ■X _1A_ 3 li il 5lii 2 1 M : Z !» i 8 <•»»* j 1 111 ! slllsl *" i i i ! * Z i | i ! z • > : >* a •? "" >• I : i i >■ : > : 8 X ? *o £ ililfj 5 Z ; Z ! z 1 . i Jl iiil/i 5 > i 1 £ i 3 : Z m S : : ; S i 8 : " SS5E2325S 2 ~ >■ : i : > ; > : * "0 1 1 } fo" "i f 1 ! © ■ 0 a &s Eoji^o «sa Z i Z i z : Z 8 fS j. ■= = H a =i 1-S -g o e- 2° sSg |° 's z * S = s~; SiS -o = §.8 -j<-£ ^>a| a |= Is^ place w.ih an; \ SOMEONI ND IN THI M NO ONE THIS ED Enter name for liveato If no one rer land for li •5e-> g=S s 's s u.< m . aia "puoi jo amajj ^ ^- N M « IA (S r- 00 A O -H N « d, u, « r- 00 A O jaqujna aarq w S m * w m S M S « S « W S S 5 S S 5 8 (Winced facsimile) INDEX TO TABLES 253 Abnormal farms Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay.... Alfalfa seed Almonds Angora goats and kids Animals sold alive, specified Annual legumes, specified Apples Area, approximate land Artificial ponds, reservoirs, and earth tanks Asparagus Automobiles Austrian winter peas, including Dixie Wonder Avocados Barley Beets (table) Berries, specified Blackberries Blackeyes and other green cowpeas Blueberries (tame or wild) Boysenberries Broccol i Broomcorn Buckwheat Butter churned Butter, buttermilk, skim milk, and cheese Cabbage Calves. See Cattle and calves. Cane, sugar Cantaloups and muskmelons, etc Carrots Cash-grain farms Cash tenants Cash wages paid for farm labor Cattle and calves Cattle and calves sold alive Cattle and dairy products Cherries Chicken eggs sold Chickens Chickens sold Citrus fruits, specified Class of work power Clingstone peaches Clover seed Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay Color of operator Commercial farms Commercial fertilizer, expenditures for Commercial fertilizer, uses of Common and perennial (English) ryegrass seed Conservation of land Corn Corn pickers Cotton Cotton 'farms Cover crops turned under and land planted to another crop Cows milked Cream sold Crimson clover seed Crop and livestock farms, general Cropland By acres harvested By color of operator By irrigation By tenure of operator By use Cropland used for row or grain crops farmed Croppers ( for South only) Crop-share tenants and croppers Crops fertilized, specified Crops harvested from irrigated land Crops harvested, specified Crops sold Cucumbers and pickles Cultivated summer fallow Cut flowers, potted plants, florist greens, and bedding plants grown for sale Dairy farms Dairy products Dairy products sold Date of enumeration Days worked off farm Dry field and seed beans Dry field and seed peas Dry onions Ducks raised Durum or macaroni wheat Economic class of farm Eggplant Eggs sold 3,4,9 8,9,10 4,13,14 4,13,14 4,13 4,13 ,13,14 4,9,9a 9,9a 1,1a 3,6,9,11 3,6,9,11 3,6,9,11 1,2,3,10,11 2,5, " 1,4] 1, 3,i 2,5, 4,5, 4,5,6,10 3,6,9,10 Electricity , Electric pig brooder , Emmer and spelt , English or Persian walnuts , Expenditures, farm. See Farm expenditures. Facilities and equipment, specified Fallow land. See Cultivated summer fallow. Farm expenditures, specified Farm labor By color of operator By economic class , By tenure of operator , By type of farm , Farm operators: By age By color , By residence By tenure , By years on farm , By off-farm work and other income Farm products, value of , Farm property, value of , Farms, number By class of work power By color of operator By economic class By kind of workers By land irrigated By size of farm By tenure of operator By type of farm By value of products sold Farms with all harvested crops irrigated.... Feed for livestock and poultry, expenditures for , Fence posts cut Fertilizer, commercial, expenditures for..... Fertilizer, commercial, uses of , Fescue seed Field and seed beans, dry Field and seed peas, dry Field-crop farms other than vegetable and fruit-and-nut Field crops Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold Field seed crops Figs Filberts and hazelnuts Firewood and f uelwood cut Flaxseed Forest products , Forest products sold Freestone peaches , Frui t-and-nut farms , Fruits and nuts, specified Fruits and nuts sold Full owners Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil, expenditures for General farms Gilts. See Sows and gilts. Goats and kids Goats and kids clipped Grain combines Grains grown together and threshed as a mixture Grapefruit Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains Green lima beans Green peas (English) Greenhouse products Guineas raised Hairy vetch seed Harvesters, field forage Hay balers, pick-up Hay crops Hazelnuts (included with Filberts) Heifers and hei f er calves Hired labor, expenditures for Hired labor by basis of payment Hogs and pigs Hogs and pigs sold alive Home freezer Horses and colts, including ponies Horses and mules sold alive Horticultural specialties sold See also Nursery and greenhouse products. Improved pecans Income, farm. See Value of farm products Irish potatoes , Irrigated farms, number , Irrigated land in farms By use Kumquats , 4,7,8,9,10 6 4,9 8 4,9 10 4,5 3,4,5,9 2,2a 5 1 3,4,9 2,2a 4,5 *j5 5 13,16 1,4 1 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 4,6 5 3,4 2,2a 5 4,7 6 1,2 1,1a 2 3 3,4 2,2a 8,9,10 4,13 4,13,14 4,6 254 INDEX TO TABLES Ladino seed Land and buildings, value of Land area, approximate Land from which hay was cut Land in farms By color of operator By size of farm By tenure of operator By use Land in fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees Land in irrigated farms By use Land in row or close-seeded crops grown in strips for wind erosion control Land pastured Legumes, specified annual Lemons Lespedeza cut for hay Lespedeza seed Lettuce and romaine Lima beans Lime and liming material, expenditures for.. Livestock and livestock products sold Livestock farms, other than dairy and poultry Livestock-share tenants Livestock, specified Livestock sold alive Loganberries Lupine seed Machine hire, expenditures for Machinery, farm Managed land Managers Mandarins (included with Tangerines) Mangoes Maple sirup made Maple sugar made Maple trees tapped Mili Milk sold Milk cows Milking machine Miscellaneous and unclassified farms Mixed grains Mohair clipped Motortrucks Mules and mule colts Navel oranges Nectarines Nonwhite farm operators Nursery and greenhouse products, flower and vegetable seeds and plants, and bulbs Nuts, specified Oats Oats cleaned out of vetch and peas Oats, wheat, barley, rye, and other small grains cut for hay Off-farm work and other income Okra Olives Onions, dry Operators, farm. See Farm operators. Oranges Oranges, including tangerines and mandarins. Other field-crop farms Owned land Part owners Part-time farms Pasture Peaches Peanuts Pecans Peppers. See Sweet peppers and pimientos. Pig brooder, electric Pimientos (included with sweet peppers) Piped running water Plums and prunes Popcorn Potatoes Poultry and poultry products Poultry and poultry products sold Poultry farms Power feed grinder Primarily crop farms, general Primarily livestock farms, general Products, farm, value of Proso millet Pulp wood cut Rams and wethers Raspberries Red clover seed Red top seed Rented land 3,6,9,10 3,6,9,10 2,5,8 4,5,6 Residence of operator 1,4,7 I Residential farms Rice 3,6,9 | Root and grain crops hogged or grazed Rye Ryegrass seed, common and perennial (English) Sampling, reliability of Sawlogs and veneer logs cut Seed beans, dry field and Seed peas, dry field and Seeds, field Share-cash tenants Share tenants and croppers Sheep and lambs Sheep and lambs shorn Sheep and lambs sold alive Silage Size of farm Small fruits Small grains Snap beans (bush and pole types ) Sorghums 3,6,9,10,11 | Sows and gilts 4.5.6 I Specified facilities and equipment 7, 8, 9 Specified farm expenditures 3,6,9,10,11 Spinach 3,6,9 | Spring wheat Squash Steers and bulls, including steer and bull Strawberries Sugar beets for sugar Sugarcane for seed Sugarcane for sugar or for sale to mills... Sugarcane or sorghum for sirup Summer fallow, cultivated Sweetclover seed Sweet corn Sweet peppers and pimientos Sweetpotatoes Tangeloes Tangerines and mandarins Telephone Television set Tenants Temple oranges Tenure of farm operator Timber Timothy seed Tobacco Tomatoes Tractors Tree fruits, nuts, and grapes Tung nuts Turkeys Type of farm Unclassified farms Uses of commercial fertilizer Uses of land Valencia oranges Farm products sold Farms (land and buildings) Livestock Vegetables grown under glass, flower and vegetable seeds, vegetable plants, bulbs, 7,8,9 and mushrooms produced for sale 1, 2,3 Vegetable farms 1.4.7 Vegetables for home use Vegetables harvested for sale Velvetbeans Vetch or peas, alone or mixed with oats or other grains, cut for hay Vetch seed Vineyards. See Tree fruits, nuts, and grapes . Wage rates Walnuts (English or Persian) Watermelons Water, piped running Wax beans. See Snap beans. 11 1 Wheat 3,6,9,11 White farm operators 4,5,6,11 Wild hay cut 2.5.8 Winter wheat 4 ,5,6 Woodland in farm, by use T:... 4,5,6 Wool shorn Workers : Hired Regular Seasonal Work off farm Work power, class of Years on farm Youngberries 3,4,9 16 3,4,9 ,7,8,9,10 4,8,9,10 4,8,9,10