Given By in.S..STTPT dt:- n^^'^^^MTS 3^ Vol. 1 - pt. 22 MISSISSIPPI COUNTIES AND STATE ECONOMIC AREAS 1954 Census Agriculture U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE • BUREAU OF THE CENSUS • WASHINGTON • T956 > v,^ y —^ — . U. S. Department of Commerce Sinclair Weeks, Secretory Bureau of the Census Robert W. Bursess, Director United States Census F Agriculture: 1954 Volume I COUNTIES AND STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Part 22 Mississippi Prepared under the supervision of RAY HURLEY Chief, Agriculture Division FARMS • FARM CHARACTERISTICS • LIVESTOCK and PRODUCTS • CROPS • FRUITS • VALUES • ( P U B L I C j Boston Public Library SiiperintoTTl-'nt of Documents OCT 9 - 1956 1/7 BUREAU OF THE CENSUS ROBERT W. BURGESS, Dmmr A. Ross EcKLER, Deputy Director Howard C. Grieves, Assistant Director Robert Y. Phillips, Sptcial Assistant Conrad Taeuber, Assistant Director Jack B. Robertson, Sptcial Assistant Morris H. Hansen, Assistant Director for Statistical Standards Lowell T. Galt, Assistant Director for Operations Walter L. Kehres, Assistant Director for Administration Calvert L. Dedrick, Coordinator, International Statistics A. W. VON Struve, Acting Public Information Officer Agriculture Division — Ray Hurley, Chief Warder B. Jenkins, Assistant Chief Administrative Service Division — Everett H. Burke, Chief Budget and Management Division — Charles H. Alexander, Chiif Business Division — Harvey Kailin, Chief Census Operations Division — Marion D. Bingham, Chief Field Division — Robert B. Voight, Chief Foreign Trade Division — J. Edward Ely, Chitf Geography Division — Clarence E. Batschelet, Chitf Governments Division — Allen D. Manvel, Chitf Industry Division— Maxwell R, Conklin, Chitf Machine Tabulation Division — C. F. Van Aken, Chitf Personnel Division — Helen D. Almon, Chitf Population and Housing Division — Howard G. Brunsman, Chitf Statistical Reports Division — Edwin D, Goldfield, Chitf Statistical Research Division — William N. Hurwitz, Chitf Transportation Division — Donald E. Church, Chitf Statistics in this report supersede figures shown in Series AC54-1, Preliminary Reports. SUGGESTED IDENTIFICATION U. S. Bureau of the Census. U. S. Census of Agricu.'turt: 1954. Vol. I, Counties and State Economic Areas, Part 22. U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C, 1956. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. or any of the Field Offices of the Department of Commerce, Price $1.50 (paper) PREFACE Volume I, Counties and State Ek;onomic Areas, is one of the three principal reports presenting the results of the 1954 Census of Agriculture. This volume, In 33 parts, pre- sents the compilation of the information given by farm operators to Census enumerators In 1954. The 1954 Census of Agriculture was taken in conformity with the Act of Congress (Title 13, United States Code) approved August 31, 1954, which includes provisions for the mid-decade censuses of agriculture. The collection of the data was carried out by Census enumerators directed by super- visors appointed by the Director of the Census and working under the direction of Jack B. Robertson, then Chief, Field Division. Ernest R. Underwood, then special Assistant to the Director, was responsible for the recruitment of the field staff. The planning of the census and the compilation of the statistics were supervised by Ray Hurley, Chief, Agriculture Division, and Warder B. Jenkins, Assistant Chief. They were assisted by Hilton E. Robison, Orvin L. Wilhite, Hubert L. Collins, Benjamin J. Tepping, Lois Hutchison, Carl R. Nyman, J. Thomas Breen, Robert S. Overton, Merton V. Lindquist, Russell V. Oliver, Charles F. Frazler, Gladys L. Eagle, Orville M. Slye, Gaylord G. Green, Harold N. Cox, and Henry A. Tucker. Acknowledgment is made of the technical assistance and the loan of technical personnel by the United States Department of Agriculture in the planning, the enumera- tion, and the compilation of the 1954 Census of Agriculture. July 1956 III UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1954 REPORTS Volume I. — Coanties and State Economic Areas. Statistics for counties include number of farms, acreage, value, and farm opera- tors; farms by color and tenure of operator; facilities and equipment; use of commercial fertilizer: farm labor; farm expenditures; livestock and livestock products; specified crops harvested; farms classified by type of farm and by economic class; and value of products sold by source. Data for State economic areas include farms and farm characteristics by tenure of operator, by type of farm, and by economic class. Volume I is published in 33 parts as follows : Part State or States Part State or States Part State or States 1 New England States: West North Central: East South Central — Continued Maine. 8 Minnesota. 21 Alabama. New Hampshire. 9 Iowa. 22 Mississippi. Vermont. 10 Missouri. West South Central: Massachusetts. 11 North Dakota and South 23 Arkansas. Rhode Island. Dakota. 24 Louisiana. Connecticut. 12 Nebraska. 25 Oklahoma. 2 Middle Atlantic States: 13 Kansas. 26 Texas. New York. South Atlantic: Mountain: New Jersey. 14 Delaware and Maryland. 27 Montana. Pennsylvania. 15 Virginia and West Virginia. 28 Idaho. East North Central' 16 North Carolina and South 29 Wyoming and Colorado. 3 4 Ohio. Indiana. Carolina. 30 New Mexico and Arizona. 17 18 Georgia. Florida. 31 Utah and Nevada. Pacific: 5 Illinois. East South Central: 32 Washington and Oregon. 6 Michigan. 19 Kentucky. 33 California. 7 Wisconsin. 20 Tennessee. Volume II. — General Report. Statistics by Subjects, United States Census of Agriculture, 1954. Summary data and analyses of the data for States, for Geographic Divisions, and for the United States by subjects as illustrated by the chapter titles listed below : Chapter Title Chapter Title I Farms and Land in Farms. VII Field Crops and Vegetables. II Age, Residence, Years on Farm, Work Off Farm. VIII Fruits and Nuts, Horticultural Specialties, Forest III Farm Facilities, Farm Equipment. Products'. IV Farm Labor. Use of Fertilizer, Farm Expenditures, and IX Value of Farm Products. Cash Rent. X Color, Race, and Tenure of Farm Operator. Economic Class of Farm. V Size of Farm. XI VI Livestock and Livestock Products. XII Type of Farm. Volume III. — Special Reports Part 1. — Uultiple-unit Operations. This report will be similar to Part 2 of Volume V of the reports for the 1950 Census of Agriculture. It will present statistics for approximately 900 counties and State economic areas in 12 Southern States and Missouri for the number and characteristics of multiple-unit operations and farms in multiple units. Part 2. — Ranking Agricultural Counties. This sijecial report will present statistics for selected items of inventory and agricul- tural production for the leading counties in the United States. Part 3. — Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, District of Columbia, and V. S. Possessions. These areas were not included in the 1954 Census of Agriculture. The available current data from vari- ous Government sources will be compiled and published in this report. Part 4. — Agriculture, 1954, a Graphic Summary. This report will present graphically some of the significant facts regarding agriculture and agricultural production as revealed by the 1954 Census of Agriculture. Part 5. — Farm-mortgage Debt. This will be a cooperative study by the Agricultural Research Service of the U. S. Department of Agriculture and the Bureau of the Census. It will present, by States, data based on the 1954 Census of Agriculture and a special mail survey to be conducted in January 1956, on the number of mortgaged farms, the amount of mortgage debt, and the amount of debt held by principal lending agencies. Part 6. — Irrigation In Humid Areas. This cooperative report by the Agricultural Research Service of the U. S. Department of Agriculture and the Bureau of the Census will present data ob- tained by a mail survey of operators of irrigated farms in 28 States on the source of water, method of applying water, num- ber of pumps used, acres of crops irrigated in 1954 and 1955, the number of times each crop was irrigated, and the cost of irrigation equipment and the irrigation system. Part 7. — Popular Report of the 1954 Census of Agriculture. This report is planned to be a general, publication for the general public on the status and broad characteristics of United States agriculture. It will seek to delineate such as- pects of agriculture as the geographic distribution and dif- ferences by size of farm for such items as farm acreage, principal crops, and important kinds of livestock, farm facili- ties, farm equipment, use of fertilizer, soil conservation prac- tices, farm tenure, and farm income. Part 8. — Size of Operation by Type of Farm. This will be a coop- erative special report to be prepared in cooperation with the Agricultural Research Service of the U. S. Department of Agri- culture. This report will contain data for 119 economic sub- regions, (essentially general type-of-farming areas) showing the ^neral characteristics for each type of farm by economic class. It will provide data for a current analysis of the differences that exist among groups of farms of the same type. It will furnish statistical basis for a realistic examination of produc- tion of such commodities as wheat, cotton, and dairy products in connection with actual or proposed governmental policies and programs. IV MISSISSIPPI CONTENTS INTRODUCTION Page History and legal basis IX Plan of presentation of statistics IX Operations for 1954 Census X DEFINITIONS AND EXPLANATIONS Specified farms XII General Farm Information Date of enumeration XII A farm XII Enumeration of land located in more than one county XIII Farm operator XIII Farms reporting or operators reporting XIII Land ovmed, rented, and managed XIII Land area ^IV Land In farms XIV Land in farms according to use XIV Value of land and buildings XV Age of operator XV Residence of farm operator XV Years on present farm (year began operation of present farm) XV Of f -farm uork and other income XV Specified facilities and equipment XV Classification of farms by class of work power XV Farm labor XVI Fertilizer and lime ^^^ Specified farm expenditures XVI Farm- mortgage debt XVII Crops Crops harvested XVII Com XVII Annual legumes XVII Hay crops XVII Clover seed, alfalfa, grass, and other field seed crops XVII Irish potatoes and sveetpotatoes XVII Berries and other small fruits ,■ XVIII Tree fruits, nuts, and grapes XVIII Nursery and greenhouse products XVIII Value of crops harvested and value of crops sold XVIII Forest products XVIII DEFINITIONS AND EXPLANATIONS- Irrigation -Continued Page Irrigated farms XIX Land irrigated ^^ Irrigated land in farms according to use XIX Farms with all harvested crops irrigated XIX Irrigated crops harvested ^^IX Land-Use and Conservation Practices Land in cover crops turned under for green manure XDC Stripcropping ^IX Cropland used for grain or row crops farmed on the contour,. XIX Livestock and Poultry Milk cows; cows milked; milk sold ^^ Sows and gilts farrowing ^^ Sheep and lambs and wool XIX Goats and mohair XX Bees and honey XX Value of livestock on farms XX Livestock products XX Sales of live animals XX Poultry and poultry products XX Sampling Description of the sample for the 1954 Census XX Adjustment of the sample XX Method of estimation ^ Reliability of estimates based on the sample XX Differences in data presented by counties and by State economic areas ^I Classification of Farms Farms by s ize XXI Farms by tenure of operator XXI Farms by color or race of operator XXII Farms by economic class XXII Farms by type........ •.••... • • XXII Value of farm products sold XXIII Chapter A— STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table— P^Se 1 Farms, acreage, and value: Censuses of 1920 to 1954 ^ 2.— Farms and farm acreage according to use, by size of farm: Censuses of 1920 to 1954 ^ 3. — Farms and land in farms by color and tenure of operator: Censuses of 1920 to 1954 ^^ 4.— Farms and farm characteristics, by color and tenure of operator: Census of 1954 5. — Farm operators by color, residence, off-farm work, age, and years on present farm: Censuses of 1920 to 1954 jJJ 6.— Farms by class of work power and specified facilities and equipment: Censuses of 1920 to 1954 ^0 7.— Farm labor and specified farm expenditures: Censuses of 1920 to 1954 8.— Hired farm labor and wage rates by economic class: Census of 1954 9. — Hired farm labor and wage rates by color and tenure of operator : Census of 1954 ^^ 10.— Hired farm labor and wage rates by type of farm: Census of 1954 11.— Date of enumeration: Censuses of 1954, 1950, and 1945 ^-i 12.— Comparability of data on livestock and poultry: Censuses of 1920 to 1954 ^ 13 . —Livestock and livestock products : Censuses of 1920 to 1954 14. —Farms reporting specified number of cattle on hand: Censuses of 1954 and 1950; farms reporting specified number of livestock on hand or sold alive : Census of 1954 15. — Nursery, greenhouse, and forest products: Censuses of 1920 to 1954 ^' 16. — Specified crops harvested: Censuses of 1920 to 1954 "^ 17.— Farms reporting by specified acres, quantity harvested, and quantity sold for specified crops: Census of 1954 54 18. — Sampling reliability of estimated totals for county, economic area, and State by number of farms reporting, by levels 56 19.— Indicated level of sampling reliability of estimated county, economic area, and State totals for specified items 56 (V) VI CONTENTS Chapter B— STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES Map of the State showing counties, county seats, and principal cities 61 County Table — 1,— Farms, acreage, value, and farm operators: Censuses of 1954- and 1950 62 2.— Farms by color and tenure of operator: Censuses of 1954. The tables also include some compara- tive data from earlier censuses. History and legal basis. — The current census extends the num- ber of nationwide agricultural censuses to 16. Initially, an agri- cultural enumeration was taken in conjunction with the Decen- nial Census of Population in 1840. Con(;res.s first provided for a mid-decennial census for the year lOl.T ; however, abnormalities created by World War I prevented the taking of this census. Since 1920, a national agricultural ceusus has been taken each five years. The 1054 Census of Agriculture was authorized by an Act of Clannlng, State Agricultural Colleges, the U. S. Department of Agriculture, and other major u.sers of data from the census of agriculture were asked to .submit suggested inquiries for the census. The number of inquiries recommended greatly exceeded the number that could be included in the census. The Special Advisory Com- mittee and the staff of the Bureau recommended the inclusion or exclusion of these inquiries after giving consideration to the possibilities of obtaining the information in some way other than through the census of agriculture, to the adequacy of the informa- tion that might be secured in the census, to the availability of data from other sources, and to the usefulness of the data, etc. This committee reviewed the plans and questionnaires for the 1953 sample enumeration and the 1954 Census of Agricultvire as they were developed, and submitted recommendations regarding these plans and questionnaires. The content of the 21 regional questiiuinaires (one for each State or group of adjacent States) was similar to that of the questionnaires used for the Utah and Virginia sample surveys conducted in 19.53. There were variations region by region in the questionnaires to provide for differences in crops grown, in live- stock production, and in cultural practices. Also, the positions of inquiries were changed in order to provide for the enumera- tion of some items for a limited number of farms even though other inquiries were made for all farms. An agricultural census that collects vast quantities of reliable information requires that all employees be trained and that they adhere carefully to prescrilied procedures as well as time sched- ules. For the 1954 Census of Agriculture, the Bureau devised a training program so that all employees received instructions for the respective jobs. In most instances, training sessions were held near the areas in which employees worked and immediately prior to the beginning of their assignments. The 19.54 enumeration required approximately 30,000 enumera- tors who were supervised by some 2,200 crew leaders. These persons were supervised by 119 field offices organized under live regional offices. From October 4 to November 8, 1954, depending upon the State and the area, trained enumerators began their work. Their work was to obtain for every farm the required Information about that farm's operations, such as its crops, live- stock, poultry, farm exi)enses, equipment and facilities, and some facts about the farm operator. About two weeks before the census starting date, questionnaires were distributed to all box holders on the rural postal routes in all except a few Southern States. The questionnaire was accom- panied by a letter asking the farm operator to examine it and to answer as many of the questions as possible prior to the visit of the census enumerator. By this procedure, the Bureau expected to expedite the work of the enumerator and to improve the quality of the information given by farmers. By reading the question- naire, farmers knew what was wanted and could check their records in advance of the enumerator's visit. A good census requires a complete as well as an accurate enumeration. Several techniques were used to help obtain a good census in 1954. Instructions covering census procedures were designed In such a manner that objective criteria were supplied, and enumerators were not expected to rely on their own opinions or judgments concerning census entries or classifications. For example, an enumerator was required to complete an agriculture question- naire when specified conditions were met. He was not required to decide first what constituted a farm and then to obtain a questionnaire. Instead, a questionnaire was completed whenever minimum conditions were satisfied. Then, during central office processing operations, a decision was made — on the basis of care- fully defined criteria — as to which questionnaires represented farms. To help in insuring the completeness of the enumeration, enumerators were provided with a specially designed Enumera- tor's Record Book in which to list heads of households for the dwellings in their enumeration districts and names of the tenants or owners for places on which no one lived. The Enumerator's Record Book contained questions about the agricultural opera- tions on the place. The answei's to these questions determined whether an agriculture questionnaire was required for the place and, also, whether this enumerator or an enumerator in another enumeration district was required to fill out the questionnaire. In order to minimize the cost of the enumeration, procedures were developed to limit the listing of heads of households and of other places in urban areas, incorporated places, and built-up residential areas. In accordance with these procedures, enumera- tion districts were classified, prior to the enumeration, into three groups on the basis of the density of dwellings in relation to the number of farms according to the 1950 Censuses of Agriculture and Population. In general, the enumeration districts with no well-defined cluster of dwellings were considered to be open-country areas and were classified as Group I Enumeration Districts. For Group I Enu- meration Districts the enumerator was required to list in his Enumerator's Record Book the name of tlie head of each house- hold within his district. If no one lived on a tract of land, he was reipiired to list the name of the per.son who rented the land, worked it on .shares, used it for livestock, or, if the land was not used for agricultural purposes, the name of the owner. There were approximately 15,.300 Group I Enumeration Districts. These enumeration districts contained 2,778,000 farms and 4,263,000 dwelling units in 1950. The rural enumeration districts in which the number of dwell- ings was large in relation to the number of farms were classified as Group II Enumeration Districts. In these enumeration dis- tricts the enumerator was required to list all dwelling places in his district exceiit those on less than one acre of land in built-up residential areas, such as small incorporated or unincorporated villages or the built-up areas adjacent to towns or cities. He was also required to determine, by asking locally, whether there were any farms or any places of one or more acres within the built-up areas. Outside the built-up areas he was required to list the head of every household. There were approximately 14,800 enumera- tion districts classified as Group II. These enumeration districts had 8,974,000 dwelling units and 2,420,000 farms in 1950. Most incorporated places and unincorporated villages with ap- proximately 150 or more dwellings were classified as Group III Enumeration Districts. There were approximately 11,000 such enumeration districts and these contained 161,000 farms in 1950. For Group III Enumeration Districts, the enumerator was given a list of farm operators enumerated in the 19.50 Census of Agri- culture and was instructed to visit each place listed and find out INTRODUCTION XI wlit'tlier nil iiKricultiui' (jiiostioiinaire was required. Any place used for agriculture was to be listed in his Enumerator's Record Book and an agriculture questionnaire was to be obtained. If the place wa.s no longer used for agriculture, an explanation was to be made on the list furnished the enumerator. The enumera- tor was instructed to ask at each of these places whether there were any other farms or any places of 3 or more acres in the neighborhood. A few enumeration districts that comprised an incorporated place or that were within an Incorporated city were classified as Group I or Group II if the number of farms was large. Also, a few very extensive rural districts requiring considerable travel were classified in Group III when the number of farms was small. The method prescribed for canvassing an enumeration district helped to insure complete coverage. The enumerator was in- structed to proceed in a systematic manner from a logical start- ing point. He listed each place and each dwelling on successive lines in the Enumerator's Record Book. In addition, he was re- quired to identify these on his enumerator's map with a cross reference to the Enumerator's Record Book. This procedure helped him to determine, by looking at his map, the extent of coverage at any given time. It also helped the crew leader in checking to see that coverage was complete. Some farms were given special attention to insure their inclu- sion in the enumeration. Prior to the enumeration, a list known as "specified farms" was prepared from records of the 1950 Cen- sus of Agriculture. Farms having unusually large agricultural operations were included in this list. During the enumeration a careful check was made to see that each place on the specifled- farm list was accounted for. This procedure helped to insure that units which could have a significant effect upon the census data were not omitted from the enumeration. (For a detailed ex- planation of specified farms, see page XII.) Some farm units other than specified farms also received special attention to insure complete coverage. Prior to the field enum- eration, lists were obtained of places known to be specializing in specific types of agriciiltural production, such as garbage-feeding operations, broiler operations, large turkey farms, livestock feed lots, cranberry bogs, and citrus groves. For some of these operations, the list represented a nationwide effort to insure coverage, while for others, only some of the intensive areas of production were given this special attention. These lists were prepared, in part, with the cooperation of the Agricultural Market- ing Ser\'ice of the U. S. Department of Agriculture and State Agricultural Statisticians. During the enumeration, the enumer- ator was required to obtain a questionnaire for each place or otherwise satisfactorily account for each place on the list of specified farms or on other special lists. Some areas of the High Plains required special consideration since the usual enumeration procedure was complicated by the prevalence of nonresident operators and widely scattered tracts operated as one farm. In these areas a sitecial mapping form was used to insure complete coverage. Land was checked off on the mapping form by section, township, and range as it was enumerated. This check map, designed for plotting sections within a township, was subdivided into 16 parts of 40 acres each. Enumerators were required to indicate on this form all land in farms that they enumerated. Cross references were made be- tween the questionnaire and the map. The enumerator identified land for a given questionnaire on his check map by writing the number identifying the questionnaire in each corresponding 40- acre square of the check map. The check map helped the enum- erator and, subsequently, the crew leader and other personnel reviewing the enumerator's work to determine whether the cov- erage of the enumeration district was complete. This procedure was used in all of North Dakota and South Dakota and selected counties in Colorado, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, and Oklahoma. In general, the areas for which such maps were used corresponded with the major wheat-producing sections with low rainfall. A special supplementary questionnaire was used in approxi- mately 900 counties in the South. This questionnaire, designated the Landlord-Tenant Questionnaire, aided in the enumeration of cropper and other tenant farms which were parts of larger landholdings. This additional form was completed when two or more agriculture questionnaires were needed for a landhold- ing. Since it called for the name and agricultural operations of each tenant on the landholding, the procedure enaWed an enum- erator to determine that all operations were reported completely and only once. The Enumerator's Record Book, used in these selected southern counties, differed from that used elsewhere. The southern version helped the enumerator to identify the land- holdings for which this supplementary landlord-tenant form was required. Crew leaders, in supervising enumerators, began reviewing questionnaires, maps, and other forms and checking the enum- erator's work for completeness of coverage and quality almost as soon as the enumeration was .started. The crew leader and his enumerators were required to make the records of their respective areas as accurate and as complete as possible. While assembling records, the field i)rocessing oflices also made certain checks. Although these offices performed no detailed editing of questionnaires, some steps were taken to detect enumeration districts in which the enumerator's work was not fully satisfactory, especially in regard to coverage. The 26 proc- essing offices were given a form, for each county, which contained data from the 1950 Census for the number of farms and land in farms. Where possible, this form gave the 1950 comparative data for the enumeration districts or for the minor civil divisions comprising each county. For most counties, it was possible to furnish, at the county level, an additional check figure. This figure was the acreage of one of the following crops : wheat, corn, cotton, tobacco, or rice. In most instances, these check figures represented measured acreages (before harvest) as determined by the Commodity Stabilization Service of the U. S. Department of Agriculture. By checking totals for the enumeration dis- tricts with these check data, it was possible to determine and remedy obvious underenumeration before records were released from field processing offices. The 1954 totals for the county, together with the check data, were sent to the Washington office for review and approval befote the enumeration was considered acceptable. After the canvass of an enumeration district was completed, the supervising crew leader collected the questionnaires and other records from the enumerator and sent them to the processing office for his area. The processing offices made some checks on the enumeration in each enumeration district. In this checking, emphasis was placed upon preparation of payrolls, completeness of coverage, and the correct application of the sampling pro- cedure. The final operations for the agricultural census were handled in central offices. The Washington office was the focal point of these activities ; but, for the first time, some of the agricultural census operations were decentralized into areas outside of Wash- ington. Census operations offices were established at Detroit, Michigan and Pittsburg, Kansas. Upon their release from field processing offices, records were transferred to the two Census operations offices. Although there were exceptions, in general, records from the Northern and Northeastern States were sent to the Detroit office and those from Southern and Western States were sent to Pittsburg, Kansas. At these offices, questionnaires were edited and coded and the information was entered on punch cards for tabulation. In the operations offices, the checking, editing, and coding were performed for individual agriculture questionnaires. The check- ing consisted of seeing (1) that the questionnaires were com- pletely filled out; (2) that the acreage of individual crops har- vested was in reasonable agreement with the acreage of cropland harvested when 100 or more acres of cropland harvested were XII UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1954 reported; (3) that the acres of land classified according to use accounted for the entire farm acreage for farms having 200 acres or more; (4) that the total of the acreage for the various uses of corn, sorghum, soybeans, cowpeas, and peanuts was in reasonable agreement with the total acreage reported for all purposes for each of these crops ; (5) that the age and sex breakdown for cattle, hogs, and sheep added to approximately the total number of such animals of all ages ; and (6) that all entries for related items were reasonably consistent. Kditing consisted of the identification and withdrawal of questionnaires filled for places not qualifying as farms; the selection of questionnaires with entries of unusually large size for review by the technical staff ; the selection of groups of questionnaires with common reporting errors in an individual enumeration district for referral to technical personnel for review ; and the correction of obvious inconsistencies, such as reporting in an incorrect unit, or reporting in an improper place on the questionnaire. Coding consisted of entering code numbers for crops for which there were no separate inquiries on the ques- tionnaire, for color and tenure of operator, and for irrigation ; and, for a sample of farms, of entering codes for economic class of farm and type of farm. Entries determined by the technical staff to be in error were corrected on the basis of relationships existing on nearby farms or, if the entries were large, on the basis of correspondence with the farm operator. In case of information missing for a group of questions, estimates were prepared on the basis of adjacent questionnaires for farms with similar opera- tions and, in some cases, on the basis of information obtained by mail from farm operators. When estimates were made, letters were mailed to the farm operators to verify the information and, if the estimates were not in reasonable agreement with the infor- mation contained in the replies, the entries were corrected before the tabulations were made. After punch cards were prepared, the punch cards, together with records containing the corresponding basic data, were for- warded to the Washington office for tabulation. Once on punch cards, the data were sorted, listed, or otherwise handled mechani- cally to facilitate making final checks and to obtain totals. One of the initial and primary steps in the machine handling of the punch cards was to separate those cards which lacked necessary information, those on which the punched data were inconsistent or Impossible, and those on which the relationships were possible but the data were of such magnitude that a further review of the individual questionnaires was warranted. These cards contain- ing questionable data or lacking data were examined, checked to the agriculture questionnaires, and corrected, if necessary, before the tabulations were made. Finally, tabulations were examined from the standpoint of over-all reasonableness and consistency. This examination re- quired the Judgment of specialists and was the primary respon- sibility of senior Census staff members. However, qualified State personnel of the Agricultural Marketing Service, V. S. Department of Agriculture, assisted in examining the data, especially those for crops and livestock, evaluating the results, and calling atten- tion to the situations for which further checking was necessary. DEFINITIONS AND EXPLANATIONS Specified farms. — "Specified farms" refers to the larger farms that were selected for special handling during the enumeration and during the processing of the agriculture questionnaires. Although the criteria for their selection have varied since this technique was first used in the 1945 Census of Agriculture, the basic purposes for employing this technique have not changed. One purpose for using a list of specified farms was to help to get a complete enumeration. The criteria for selecting specified farms were kept as simple as possible in order to facilitate the work of enumeration. In most States, only one item was considered in classifying farms as "speci- fied." The following are the criteria used for the 1954 Census : Criteria Area Land in the farm — 1,000 acres or more All States Cropland harvested : 200 acres or more Florida 500 acres or more Michigan, Minnesota, N. W. Missouri, Wisconsin Irrigated cropland harvested : 200 acres or more Arizona, California, Louisiana Cattle and calves : 100 or more Alabama, Mississippi, N. W. Missouri 200 or more Louisiana Milk cows : 100 or more Arizona, California, Florida Chickens sold : 70,000 or more Delaware, Maryland, West Vir- ginia Occasionally, a farm which did not meet any of the criteria chosen, but which bulked large in respect to some other farm characteristics, had to be treated as a specified farm to reduce its effect on the results based on a sample of farms. In terms of total agricultural production, the operators of specified farms account for a significant part of the total produc- tion. For example, in the 1950 Census, 71,328 farms (then desig- nated "large" farms) were handled on a special basis. Although this number was only 1.3 percent of all farms, these "large" farms accounted for 17.3 percent of the value of all farm products sold and 33.1 percent of all land in farms. The criteria used for estab- lishing the group of specified farms for special handling in the 1954 Census resulted in more than twice as many farms ( 147,000 in the 1954 Census as compared with 72,000 in 1950) being given special attention. General Farm Information Date of enumeration. — The enumeration of the 1954 Census of Agriculture was made during the latter part of 1954. In the 1950 Census the starting date for the enumeration was April 1. The 1954 Census beginning dates were varied by areas or States, ranging from October 4 to November 8. In general, the varied starting dates were based upon (1) selecting dates late enough for the enumeration to follow the harvesting of the bulk of im- portant crops, (2) setting the dates early enough to avoid unde- sirable weather and travel conditions during the enumeration, and (3) arranging for the enumeration to be substantially completed prior to customary dates when farm operators move from one farm to another. The average date of enumeration for the 1954 Census for each county is given in County Table 7, and the per- centage of farms enumerated by various dates for the State and the date or dates for the starting of the enumeration are given in State Table 11. Information for inventory items is based on the situation as of the actual day of enumeration. Data on acreage and quantity of crops harvested are for the crop year 19.54. Data on sales of crops relate to crops harvested in the year 1954 regardless of when sold ; data on sales of livestock products relate to the production and sales during the calendar year 1954. Since the period to be included was not yet completed for some items at the time of enumeration, special emphasis was placed upon including accurate estimates for such items for the remainder of the period. For example, the question relating to dairy products stated, "Be sure to include dairy products which you will sell before January 1, 1955." A farm. — For the 1954 and the 1950 Censuses of Agriculture, places of 3 or more acres were counted as farms if the annual value of agricultural products, exclusive of home-garden products, amounted to $150 or more. The agricultural products could have been either for home use or for sale. Places of less than 3 acres were counted as farms only if the annual valU2 of sales of agri- cultural products amounted to $150 or more. Places for which the value of agricultural products for 1954 was less than these minima because of crop failure or other unusual conditions, and INTRODUCTION XIII places operated at the time of the census for the first time were counted as farms if normally they could be expected to produce these minimum quantities of agricultural products. AH the land under the control of one person or partnership was included as one farm. Control may have been through ownership, or through lease, rental, or cropping arrangement. For the 1954 Census, enumerators were Instructed to obtain an agriculture questionnaire for all places that the operator con- sidered a farm and for all places having during 19.''>4 (1) any hogs, cattle, sheep, or goats; (2) any crops such as corn, oats, hay, or tobacco; (3) 20 or more chickens, turkeys, and geese; (4) 20 or more fruit trees, grapevines, and planted nut trees; or (5) any vegetables, berries, or nursery or greenhouse products grown for sale. Thus, agriculture questionnaires were filled tor more places than those qualifying as farms. The determination as to which reports were to be included in the tabulations as farms was made during the central office processing of questionnaires. For the 1945 and earlier censuses of agriculture, the definition of a farm was somewhat more inclusive. Census enumerators were provided with the definition of a farm and were instructed to fill reports only for those places which met the criteria. From 1925 to 1945, farms for census purposes included places of 3 or more acres on which there were agricultural operations, and places of less than 3 acres with agricultural i>roducts for home use or for sale with a value of $250 or more. For places of 3 or more acres, no minimum quantity of agricultural production was re- quired for purposes of enumeration ; for places of under 3 acres all the agricultural products valued at $250 or more may have been for home use and not for sale. The only reports excluded from the tabulations were those taken in error and those with very limited agricultural production, such as only a small home garden, a few fruit trees, a very small flock of chickens, etc. In 1945, reports for places of 3 acres or more with limited agricul- tural operations were retained if there were 3 or more acres of cropland and pasture, or if the value of products in 1944 amounted to $150 or more when there was less than 3 acres of cropland and pasture. Because of changes in price level, the $250 limit for value of products for farms under 3 acres resulted in the Inclusion of varying numbers of farms in the several censuses prior to 1950. The change in the definition of a farm In 1950, and continued In 1954, resulted in a decrease in the number of farms as compared with earlier censuses, especially in the number of farms of 3 or more acres in size. Places of 3 or more acres with a value of agricultural products of less than $150 were not counted as farms In the 1954 and 1950 Censuses. In some cases, these places would have been counted as farms if the criteria used in 1954 and 1950 had been the same as those used in previous censuses. The change in the definition of a farm had no appreciable effect on the totals for livestock or crops, for the places affected by this change ordinarily accounted for less than 1 percent of the total for a county or State. There are two figures published for the number of farms for each county in 1954. One is an actual count of all farms enumer- ated, and the other is an estimate based upon the number of sample farms multiplied by 5, plus the number of specified farms. In almost every county, the actual niunber of farms and the esfl- mated number of farms differ. Because of sampling variability, the selection of the sample of farms seldom resulted in the in- clusion of exactly 20 percent of the non-specified farms. The number of farms in the sample in a county was accepted if this number was within predetermined limits. The counties that were not acceptable were adjusted to bring the number of sample farms within the predetermined limits. Therefore, the actual number of farms in the sample is more or less than 20 percent in most instances. Similarly, the estimated total for information obtained for the sample of farms may be slightly more or slightly less than the totals which would have been obtained if the data had been tabulated for all farms. Therefore, occasionally the estimated number of farms reporting for some items may be greater than the total niuuber of farms enumerated. The estimated number of farms is shown in the tables so that estimates based on tJie farms in the sample can be related to the estimated number of farms rather than to the actual number of farms. Enumeration of land located in more than one county. — Land in an individual farm may be located in two or more counties. In such case, the entire farm was enumerated in only one county. If the farm oiierator lived on the farm, the farm was enumerated in the county in which the farm operator lived. If the farm operator did not live on the farm, the figures for the farm were included in the county in which the farm headquarters was lo- cated. If there was any question as to the location of the head- quarters of the farm, the farm was included in the county in which of the land was located. Farm operator. — A "farm operator" is a person who operates a farm, either performing the labor himself or directly supervising it. He may be an owner, a hired manager, or a tenant, renter, or sharecropper. If he rents land to others or has land cropped for him by others, he is listed as the operator of only that land which he retains. In the case of a partnership, only one partner was included as the operator. The number of farm operators is considered the same as the number of farms. Farms reporting or operators reporting. — Figures for farms re- porting or operators reporting, based on a tabulation of all farms, represent the number of farms, or farm operators, for which the specified item was reported. For example, if there were 1,922 farms in a county and only 1,465 had chickens over 4 months old on hand, the number of farms reporting chickens would be 1,465. The difference between the total number of farms and the number of farms reporting an item represents the number of farms not having that item, provided the inquiry was answered completely for all farms. For some of the items, such as the residence of the operator, for which reports were to have been obtained for all farms, figures are given for the number of farms not reporting. The number of farms, or operators, not reporting indicates the extent of the incompleteness of the reporting for the item. Figures for farms reporting or operators reporting, based on a tabulation for only a sample of farms, represent the total esti- mated from the sample, not the actual number of farms or operators reporting. Land owned, rented, and managed. — The land to be included in each farm was determined by asking the number of acres owned, the acres rented from others or worked on shares for others, and the acres rented to others or worked on shares by others. The acres in the farm were obtained by adding the acres owned and acres rented from others or worked on shares for others, and sub- tracting the acres rented to others or worked on shares by others. In case of a managed farm, the person in charge was asked the total acreage managed for his employer. The acreage that was rented to others or cropped by others was subtracted from the total managed acreage. For 1954 and 1950, the figures for land owned, land rented from others, and land managed for others include land rented to others by farm operators. In earlier censuses, the enumerator was instructed to include all land rented from others and to ex- clude all land rented to others. Thus, he recorded only that portion of the acreage owned and the acreage rented from others which was retained by the farm operator. For prior censuses, the land included in each farm was essentially the same as that Included for the 1954 and 10.50 Censuses. Land owned. — Land owned includes all land that the operator or his wife, or both, hold under title, purchase contract, home- stead law, or as one of the heirs, or as a trustee of an undivided estate. Land rented from others. — Land rented from others includes land worked on shares for others, and land used rent free, XIV UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1954 as well as all land rented or leased under other arrangements. Grazing land used under government permit was not included. land rented to others. — Many farm operators rent land to others. For the most part, the land rented to others represents agricultural land but it also includes tracts rented for resi- dential or other purposes. When land is leased, rented, or cropped on shares, the tenant or cropper is considered the farm operator even though his landlord may exercise supervision over his operations. The landlord is considered as operating only that portion of the land not assigned to tenants or croppers. Land area. — The approximate total land area rejwrted for 1954 for States and counties is, in general, the same as that reported for the 19.50, 1945, and 1940 Censuses. Changes since 1940 rep- resent changes in boundary, actual changes in land area due to the construction of reservoirs, etc. The figures for 1940 repre- sent a complete remeasurem3nt of the United States and, there- fore, may differ from the figures shown for earlier censuses. land in farms. — The acreage designated "land in farms" in- cludes considerable areas of land not actually imder cultivation and some land not used for pasture or grazing. All woodland and wasteland owned by farm operators, or included in tracts rented from others, is included as land in farms unless such land was held for other than agricultural purposes, or unless the acreage of such land held by a farm operator was unusually large. If a place had 1,000 or more acres of land not being used for agricultural purposes and less than 10 percent of the total acreage in the i)laee was used for agricultural purposes, the non- agricultural land in excess of the number of acres used for agri- cultural purposes was excluded from the farm area. In applying this rule, land used for crops, for pasture, or grazing, and land rented to others were considered to be land for agricultural purposes. On the other hand, land was defined as nonagricul- tural when it was woodland not pastured, or in house and barn lots, roads, lanes, ditches, or wasteland. The procedure used in 1950 for excluding unusually large acreages of nonagricultural land differed slightly from the one used for the current census. In 1950, adjustments were made in places of 1,000 acres or more (5,000 acres or more in the 17 Western States) if less than 10 percent of the total acreage was used for agricultural purposes. Except for open range and grazing land used under govern- ment permit, all grazing land was to be included as land in farms. Land used rent free was to be included as land rented from others. Grazing lands operated by grazing associations were to be reported in the name of the manager in charge. All land in Indian reservations used for growing crops or grazing livestock was to be included. Land in Indian reservations not reported by individual Indians or not rented to non-Indians was to be re- ported in the name of the cooperative group using the land. Thus, in some instances the entire Indian reservation was reported as one farm. land in farms according to use. — Land in farms was classified according to the use made of it in 1954. The classes of land are mutually exclusive, i. e., each acre of land was included only once even though it may have had more than one use during the year. The classes are as follows : Cropland harvested. — This includes land from which crops were harvested; land from which hay (including wild hay) was cut ; and land in small fruits, orchards, vineyards, nurser- ies, and greenhouses. Land from which two or more crops were reported as harvested was to be counted only once. The enumerator was instructed to check the figure for crop- land harvested for each farm by adding the acreages of the in- dividual crops reported and subtracting the acres of land from which two crops were harvested. This procedure was repeated during the central office editing process for farms with 100 or more acres of cropland harvested. If the harvested cropland was used for other purposes, either before or after the harvest of a crop, the enumerator was specifically instructed to report the acreage only under crop- land harvested. Cropland used only for pasture. — In the 1954 and 1950 Cen- suses, the enumerator's instructions stated that rotation pasture and all other cropland that was used only for pasture were to be included under this class. No further definition of crop- land pastured was given the farm operator or enumerator. Permanent open pasture may, therefore, have been included under this item or under "other pasture," depending on whether the enumerator or farm operator considered it as cropland. The figures for 1945 and earlier censuses are not entirely comparable with for the last two censuses. For 1945, the figures include only cropland used solely for pasture in 1944 that had been plowed within the preceding seven years. The figures for this item, for the Censuses of 1940. 1935, and 1925, are more nearly comparable with those for the Censuses of 1954 and 1950, as they include land pastured that could have been plowed and used for crops without additional clearing, draining, or irrigating. Cropland not harvested and not pastured. — This item includes idle cropland, land in soil-improvement crops only, land on which all crops failed, land seeded to crops for harvest after 1954, and cultivated summer fallow. In the Western States, this class was subdivided to show separately the acres of cultivated summer fallow. In these States, the acreage not in cultivated summer fallow represents largely crop failure. There are very few counties in the Western States in which there is a large acreage of idle crop- land or in which the growing of soil-improvement crops is an important use of the land. In the States other than the Western States, this general class was subdivided to show separately the acres of idle crop- land (not used for crops or for pasture in 1954). In these States, the incidence of crop failure is usually low. It was expected that the acreage figure that excluded idle land would reflect the acreage in soil-improvement crops. However, the 1954 crop year was one of low rainfall in many Eastern and Southern States and, therefore, in these areas the acreage of cropland not harvested and not pastured includes more land on which all crops failed than would usually be the case. Cultivated summer fallow. — This item includes cropland that was plowed and cultivated but left unseeded for several months to control weeds and conserve moisture. No land from which crops were harvested in 1954 was to be included under this item. Woodland pastured. — This includes all woodland that was used for pasture or grazing. The questionnaire contained the following instruction : "Include as woodland all wood lots and timber tracts and cutover land with young trees which have or will have value as wood or timber." No definition of wood- land was given in 19.50 to either farm operators or Census enumerators except an iVistruction to enumerators not to in- clude brush pasture as woodland. Some of the changes in wood- land acreages from one census to another may merely represent differences in interpretation of the meaning of woodland. Woodland not pastured. — This includes all woodland that was not used for pasture or grazing. Unusually large tracts of timberland reported as woodland not pastured were excluded from the tabulations of land in farms when it was evident that such land was held primarily for nonagricultural purposes. The definition for woodland, as stated above, was used also for enumerating woodland not pastured. Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland). — This in- cludes rough and brush land pastured and any other land pastured that the respondent did not consider as either wood- land or cropland. The figures for 1954 and 1950 are comparable but for 1945 all nonwoodland pasture not plowed within the preceding 7 years was included. For the 1940 Census and earlier years, the figures are more nearly comparable with those for 1954 and 1950, except that the item may be somewhat less inclusive since land that could have been plowed and used for crops without additional clearing, draining, or irrigating was classified as plowable pasture (shown as cropland used only for pasture in the tables) . Improved pasture. — This item includes land in "other pas- ture" on which one or more of the following practices had been used : Liming, fertilizing, seeding to grasses or legumes, irrigating, draining, or controlling weeds and brush. The question on improved pasture was included in 1954 for the first time. Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.). — This item in- cludes house lots, barn lots, lanes, roads, ditches, and waste- land. It includes all land that does not belong under any of the other land-use classes. INTRODUCTION XV In addition to the complete classification of land in farms ac- cording to use, the tables also present data for three summary classifications as follows : Cropland, total.— This includes cropland harvested, cropland used only for pasture, and cropland not harvested and not pastured. Land pastured, total. — This includes cropland used only for pasture, woodland pastured, and other pasture (not cropland and not woodland). Woodland, total. — This includes woodland pastured and wood- land not pastured. Value of land and buildings. — The value to be reported was the approximate amount for which the land and the Imildings on it would sell. This item was obtained for only a sample of the farms ; however, the value was not reported for all the farms comprising the sample. Many problems, not encountered in enumerating most agricul- tural items, are involved in obtaining farm real-estate values. Most enumerated items require the respondent to malje a state- ment based upon fact. It may lie the number and value of farm animals sold alive during the year or the number of lambs under 1 year old on the place. In either case, only information as to activities during a specified period, or the situation as of a stated time, is required. This information is based ui>on actual trans- actions or existing conditions. But the estimation of the value of land and buildings is based largely upon opinion. In the event a farm had been recently purchased, answers could be based upon that experience. But many farms have not changed hands for many years, nor are they currently for sale. In such cases, farm operators may have no clear basis for estimating the value. In making an intelligent estimate, a respondent needs, first, to estimate the prevailing market value in the community. Sec- ondly, he must in some way add to or subtract from this base to allow for his farm's special characteristics. In many cases, a farm operator who would not sell his place under any circum- stances may be inclined to give a "market value " that is un- reasonably high. Some operators who had piuchased their real estate during periods of relatively loir prices may give an esti- mate that is unduly influenced by that experience. Further- more, the extent of variation known to exist in real-estate values makes it difficult to establish checking procedures that will dis- close inaccurate estimates. Only average values of land and buildings i^er farm and per acre are presented in this report. A total value of the land and buildings for States, geographic divisions, and the United States, will be presented in Volume II. Age of operator. — Farm operators were classified by age into six age groups. The average age of farm operators was calculated by dividing the total of ages of all farm oyterators reporting age by the number of farm operators reporting. Residence of farm operator. — Farm operators were classified by residence on the basis of whether or not they lived on the farm operated. Some of those not living on the farm operated lived on other farms. When a farm operator rented land from others or worked land on shares for others and had the use of a dwell- ing as part of the rental arrangement, the enumerator was in- structed to consider the dwelling a part of the farm ojierated. The dwelling assigned may have been on a tract other than that as- signed for crops. Since some farm operators live on their farms only a portion of the year, comparability of the figures for var- ious censuses may be affected to some extent by the date of the enumeration. In a few cases the enumerator failed to indicate the residence of the farm operator. Differences between the total number of farms and the number of farm operators by residence represent underreporting of this item. Tears on present farm (year began operation of present farm). — The data on years on present farm and year began operation of present farm were secured on the basis of the inquiry, "When did you begin to operate this place? " The (Month) (Year) time of year that farmers move is indicated by the month they began to operate their farms, as shown by a breakdown of the data for those farm operators vv-ho began to operate their present farms in the calendar years 1954 and lO.'JS. The tabulation of years on present farm at each census is based on the calendar year the operator began operating his farm. Because of differ- ences in the date for various censuses, the figures are not fully comparable from one census to another. Off-farm work and other income. — Many farm operators receive a part of their income from sources other than the sale of farm products from their farms. The 1954 Agriculture Questionnaire included several inquiries relating to work off the farm and non- farm income. These inquiries called for the number of days worked off the farm by the farm operator ; whether other members of the oi)erator's family worked off the farm ; and whether the farm operator received income from other sources, such as sale of products from land rented out, cash rent, boarders, old age as- sistance, pensions, veterans' allowances, unemployment compen- sation, interest, dividends, profits from nonfarm business, and help from other members of the operator's family. Another in- quiry asked whether the income of the operator and his family from off-farm work and other sources was greater than the total value of all agricultural products sold from the farm in 1954. Off-farm work was to include work at nonfarm jobs, businesses, or professions, whether performed on the farm premises or else- where ; also work on someone else's farm for pay or wages. Ex- change work was not to be included. The purposes of these four inquiries were (1) to obtain in- formation in regard to the extent that farm operators performed off-farm work and the relation of other nonfarm income to the value of farm products sold and (2) to provide a basis for the classification of farms by economic class (see Farms by eco- nomic class, page XXII). The intent of the inquiry in regard to whether or not a member of the family had a nonfarm job, and the inquiry regarding income of the farm operator from other non- farm sources, was to obtain more accurate replies to the inquiry regarding the relation.ship of the income from off-farm work and other sources to the total value of all agricultural products sold. Specified facilities and equipment. — Inquiries were made in 1954 for a sample of farms to determine the presence or absence of selected items on each place such as (1) telephone, (2) piped run- ning water, (3) electricity, (4) television set, (5) home freezer, (6) electric pig brooder, (7) milking machine, and (8) power feed grinder. Such facilities or equipment were to be counted even though temporarily out of order. Piped running water was de- fined as water piped from a pressure system or by gravity flow from a natural or artificial source. The enumerator's instruc- tions stated that pig brooders were to include those heated by an electric heating element, by an infra-red or heat bulb, or by or- dinary electric bulbs. They could be homemade. The number of selected types of other farm equipment was also obtained for a sample of farms. The selected kinds of farm equipment to be reported were (1) grain combines (for harvest- ing and threshing grains or seeds in one operation) ; (2) corn pickers: (3) pick-up balers (stationary ones not to be reported) ; (4) field forage harvesters (for field chopping of silage and forage crops) ; (5) motortrucks; (6) wheel tractors (other than garden) ; (7) garden tractors; (8) crawler tractors (tracklaying, caterpillar); (9) automobiles; and (10) artificial ponds, reser- voirs, and earth tanks. Wheel tractors were to include homemade tractors but were not to include implements having built-in power units such as self-propelled combines, powered buck rakes, etc. "Pick-up" and truck-trailer combinations were to be reported as motor- trucks. School buses were not to be reported, and jeeps and station wagons were to be included as motortrucks or automo- biles, depending on whether used for hauling farm products or supplies, or as passenger vehicles. Classification of farms by class of work power. — Farms were grouped by class of work power on the basis of whether horses, XVI UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1954 mules, or tractors (wheel or crawler, but not garden) were reported. This classification does not present a complete picture of the work power used on all farms. For some farms, all the work power may be furnished by the landlord ; and for some farms, all the work power may be hired. Thus, farms hiring all of the work power from others and those having it furnished are shown as having no work power, unless the work animals or tractors were kept on the tenant-operated tract. Since the number of tractors was obtained for only a sample of farms, the number of farms by class of work power represents an estimate. Farm labor. — The farm-labor inquiries for 1954, made on a sample basis, called for the number of persons doing farm work or chores on the place during a specified calendar week. Since starting dates of the 1954 enumeration varied by areas or States, the calendar week to which the farm-labor inquiries related varied also. The calendar week was September 26-Oetober 2 or October 24-.30. States with the September 26-October 2 calendar week were : Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Idaho, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hamp- shire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, Okla- homa, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Ten- nessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Washington, Wisconsin, and Wyoming. States with the October 24-30 calendar week were : Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Maryland, Mississippi. Missouri, North Carolina, Ohio, South Carolina, Virginia, and West Virginia. Farm work was to include any work, chores, or planning necessary to the operation of the farm or ranch business. Housework, contract construction work, and labor involved when equipment was hired (custom work) were not to be included. The farm labor information was obtained in three parts : (1) Operators working, (2) impaid members of the operator's family working, and (3) hired persons working. Operators were considered as working if they worked 1 or more hours ; unpaid members of the operator's family, if they worked 15 or more hours: and hired persons, if they worked any time during the calendar week specified. Instructions contained no specifications regarding age of the persons working. Data shown for earlier censuses are not fully comparable with those for 1954, primarily because of difTerences in the period to which the data relate. The data for 19.'>4 were purposely related to a i)eriod of peak farm employment. During 1950 the labor in- quiries were related to the calendar week preceding the actual enumeration. Although starting dates were identical in all States (April 1, 19.50), several weeks were required to complete the field work. Therefore, the calendar week preceding the enumeration was not the same for all farms. For the 1945 and 1935 Censuses, the number of farm workers related to the first week in January. The data for 1940 related to the last week in March. In 1945, 1940, and 1935, only persons working the equivalent of two or more days during the specified week were to be included. In 1945 and 1940, only workers 14 years old and over were to be Included. In 1935, as in 19.54 and 1950, there was no specification regarding the age of the farm workers. No instructions were issued to include farm chores as farm work in 1940 and 1935 Censuses. In censuses prior to 19.54, farm-labor data were not always satisfactorily reported when the siiecified week for rejxtrting the niunber of persons employed did not immediately precede the week during which the actual enumeration was made. When the week, for which a report for the number of persons employed was required, was several weeks before the week of enumeration, the farm operator or the enumerator often reported the highest num- ber of persons employed during the year. When it was obvious that the data were not correctly reported, adjustments were made to make the data reflect more nearly the situation during the specified week. Because of demand for the data, the information on number of persons working on farms, for the 19.54 Census, relates to a specified week. In some cases, this specified week was several weeks before the week of actual enumeration. However, few adjustments were made In the data for 19.54 even though there were indications that there was incorrect reporting or that the report may have referred to a week other than the week specified. Regular and seasonal workers. — Hired persons working on the farm during the specified week were classed as "regular" workers if the i>eriod of actual or expected employment was 150 days or more during the year, and as "seasonal" workers if the period of actual or expected employment was less than 150 days. If the period of expected employment was not reported, the period of employment was estimated for the individual farm after taking into account such items as the basis of payment, wage rate, exi>enditures for labor in 1954, and the type and other characteristics of the farm. Hired workers by basis of payment. — Hired persons were also classified according to the basis of payment. The question- naire called for the numbers of hired workers paid on a monthly basis, on a weekly basis, on a daily basis, on an hourly basis, and on a piecework basis. If the basis of payment was not re- ported for any of the hired workers, the missing information was supplied. Wage rate and hours worked. — The rate of pay (except for workers on a piecework basis) and the hours that workers were expected to work to earn this pay (except for workers on hourly basis or on piecework basis) were asked for each class of worker. For 1954, the data include estimates of hours worked and wage rates for questionnaires incomplete for either of these items. Estimates were ba.sed upon relationships existing on nearby farms of similar size and type. Data for 1950 for hours worked and wage rates were restricted to farms reiwrting both wage rates and hours worked. Fertilizer and lime. — The 1954 questionnaires contain inquiries on the tonnage and cost of fertilizer and liming material and the acreage on which they were used during the calendar year 1954. Fertilizer and lime used on the place were to be Included regardless of whether the landowner, tenant, or both paid for them. Fertilizer was to include only commercial fertilizer or fertilizing material. No specific mention was made of basic slag. It was thought that this byproduct of steel production would be considered as a fertilizing material. Barnyard manure, straw, refuse materials, and soil conditioners were to be excluded. Lime or liming material was to include ground limestone, hydrated and burnt lime, marl, oyster shells, etc. No mention was made of gypsum but this product was excluded in the processing when the entries for such were 'detected. Lime used for sprays or sanitation purposes was to be omitted. Acres on which purchased materials were used were to be re- ported for both lime and fertilizer. In case fertilizer was applied to the same crop more than once in 1954, instructions were to report acres of land only once but to report the total tonnage used. The acres fertilized and tons applied were obtained separately for selected crops. The selected crops varied by regions. This ar- rangement made it possible to obtain data for crops most com- monly fertilized in the region. For some counties, the tonnage of lime shown in the table may be less than the tonnage reported for the Agricultural Conserva- tion Program. In some cases, the difference may arise because of sampling error and in other cases, it may be the result of under- reporting by farm operators. Many of the differences disappear when the data are presented for larger areas. In the South, some landlords, who conducted some farming operations themselves, reported for their operations fertilizer and lime paid for wholly or in part by them for use on their tenant- operated land. The tenants may also have reported the fertilizer and lime. During the editing procedure such reports, when detected, were adjusted to prevent duplication In the reports for fertilizer and lime by landlords and their tenants. Specified farm expenditures. — The 1954 Census obtained data for selected farm expense items in addition to those for fertilizer and lime. The exiienditures were to include the total specified expenditures for the place whether made by landlord, tenant, or both. INTRODUCTION xvn Expenditures for machine hire were to include any labor in- cluded in the cost of such machine hire. Machine hire refers to custom macluue worlc such as tractor hire, threshing, combining, silo fiUins, baling, ginning, plowing, and spraying. If part of the farm products was given as pay for machine hire, the value of the products traded for this service was to be includeerator worked off the farm less than 100 days or if the income of the farm operator and members of his family received from nonfarm sources was than the total value of all farm products sold. The remaining farms with gross income of $250-$l,199 and farms with a value of sales of all farm products of less than $250, as well as farms operated by in.stitutions, experiment stations, grazing associa- tions and community projects were classified as "other farms." Commercial farms were divided into six groups on the basis of the total value of all farm products sold, as follows : _, , . Value of farm Class of farm products sold I $25, 000 or more II 10,000 to $24,999 III 5, 000 to 9,999 IV 2,500 to 4,999 y 1,200 to 2,499 VI *250 to 1,199 •Provided the farm operator worked off the farm less than 100 days or provided the Income the farm operator and menihers of his fam'ilv received from nonfarm sources was less than the value of all farm products sold. Other farms have been grouped into three classes as follows : Part-time farms. — Farms with a value of sales of farm products of $250 to $1,199 were classified as part time if the farm operator reported (a) 100 or more days of work off the farm in 1954, or (b) the nonfarm income received by him and members of his family was greater than the value of farm products sold. Residential farms. — Residential farms include all farms ex- cept abnormal farms with a total value of sales of farm prod- ucts of less than $250. Some of these represent farms on which the operator worked off the farm more than 100 days in 1954. Some represent farms on which the income from nonfarm sources was greater than the value of sales of agricultural products. Others represent subsistence and marginal farms of various kinds. Some farms are included here which, if the classification were based on farm production for more than 1 year, might have qualified as commercial farms. Abnormal farms. — Insofar as it was possible to identify them, abnormal farms include public and private institutional farms, community enterprises, experiment-station farms, grazing asso- ciations, etc. Farms by type. — The classification of farms by type was made on the basis of the relationship of the value of sales from a par- ticular source or sources to the total value of all farm products sold from the farm. In some cases, the type of farm was de- termined on the basis of the sale of an individual farm product, such as cotton, or on the basis of closely related products, such as dairy products. In other cases, the type was determined on the basis of sales of a broader group of products such as corn, sorghums, all small grains, field peas, field beans, cowpeas, and soybeans. Part-time, residential, and abnormal farms were not classified by type. In order to be classified as a particular type, sales or anticipated sales of a product or a group of products had to represent 50 percent or more of the total value of products sold. Only the farms in the sample were classified by type. The data given in this report by type of farm relate only to commercial farms. The types of farms for which data are shown, together with the product or group of products on which the classification is based, are : Product or group of products amounting to. 50 percent or more of the value of all Type of farm farm products sold Cotton Cotton. Cash-grain Corn, .sorghum, small grains, field peas, field beans, cowpeas, and so.vbeans. Other field-crop Peanuts, Irish potatoes, sweetpotatoes, tobacco, sugarcane, sugar beets for sugar, and other miscellaneous crops. Vegetable Vegetables. Fruit-and-nut Berries and other small fruits, and tree fruits, grapes, and nuts. Dairy Milk and other dairy products. The cri- terion of 50 percent of the total sales was modified in the case of dairy farms. A farm for which the value of sales of dairy products represented less than 50 percent of the total value of farm products sold was classified as a dairy farm if — (a) Milk and other dairy products accounted for 30 percent or more of the total value of products sold, and (b) Milk cows represented 50 per- cent or more of all cows, and (c) Sales of dairy products, to- gether vrith the sales of cattle and calves, amounted to 50 percent or more of the total value of farm products sold. Poultry Chickens, eggs, turkeys, and other poul- try products. Livestock farms other Cattle, calves, hogs, sheep, goats, wool, than dairy and poul- and mohair, provided the farm did not try. qualify as a dairy farm. INTRODUCTION XXIII Product or group of products amounting to 50 percent or more of the value of all Type of farm farm products sold — Continued General Farms were classifled as general when the value of products from one sonrce or group of sources did not represent as much as 50 percent of the total value of all farm products sold. Separate figures are given for three kinds of general farms : (a) Primarily crop. (b) Primarily livestock. (c) Crop and livestock. Primarily crop farms are those for wliich the sale of one of the following crops or groups of crops — vegetables, fruits and nuts, cotton, cash grains, or other field crops — did not amount to r>0 percent or more of the value of all farm products sold, but for which the value of sales for all these groups of crops represented 70 percent or more of the value of all farm products sold. Primarily livestock farms are those which could not qualify as dairy farms, poultry farms, or livestock farms other than dairy and poultry, but on which the sale of livestock and poultry and livestock and poultry products amounted to 70 percent or more of the value of all farm products sold. General crop and livestock farms are those which could not be classified as either crop farms or livestock farms, but on which the sale of all crops amounted to at least 30 percent but less than 70 percent of the total value of all farm products sold. Miscellaneous This group of farms includes those that had 50 percent or more of the total value of products accounted for by sale of horticultural products, or sale of horses, or sale of forest products. The classification of farms by type of farm for the 1954 Census was made on essentially the same basis as that for the 1950 Census. In 1950, miscellaneous farms included those that had 50 percent or more of the total value of products accounted for by the sale of fur animals, or the sale of bees and honey, in addi- tion to the items included in the 1954 classification. Value of farm products sold. — Data on the value of farm products sold were obtained for 1954 by either of two methods. First, the values of livestock sold alive, poultry, poultry products, vegetables harvested for sale, nursery and greenhouse products, forest products, and all livestock products, except wool and mo- hair, were obtained during the enumeration by asking the farm operator the value of sales. Second, the values of all other agricultural products sold were estimated for each county. During the enumeration, the quantity sold was obtained for each farm, for corn for grain, sorghums for grain or forage, small grains, hays, and for all small fruits and berries. For all other crops, the quantity sold was esti- mated for each county. For the purpose of computing value of farm products sold, it was assumed that the entire quantity har- vested, or reported, was sold for the following crops : Strawberries Blackberries Dewberries Raspberries Blueberries Boysenberries Loganberries Toungberries Cranberries Currants Gooseberries Elderberries Other berries Apples Peaches (except in selected States where the proportion of the crop culled was con- siderable) Clingstone peaches (except in a few States where the pro- portion of the crop culled was considerable) Pears Cherries Plums and prunes Plums (except in selected States where the proportion of the crop culled was con- siderable) Prunes (except in selected States where the proportion of the crop culled was con- siderable) Apricots Avocados (except in selected States where the proportiou of the crop culled was con- siderable) Figs Mangoes Nectarines Olives Graix's Bananas Dates Guavas Japanese i>ersimmons Jujubes Papayas Pineapples Pomegranates Quinces Sapodillas Soursops Sugar apples Loquats Other tree fruits Tung nuts Walnuts (English or Persian) .\lmonds F'ilberts and hazelnuts Black walnuts Chestnuts Coconuts Other nuts Oranges Tangerines, mandarins, .sat- sumas (except in selected States where the proportion The quantity .sold was estima basis of crop-disposition data Marketing Service of the U. S. of the crop culled was con- siderable) Temple oranges Valencia oranges (except in selected States where the proportion of the crop culled was considerable) Navel oranges (except in se- lected States where the pro- portion of the crop culled was considerable) Other oranges (except in se- lected States where the pro- portion of the crop culled was considerable) Grapefruit (except in selected States where the proportion of the crop culled was con- siderable) Lemons Limes Tangeloes Kumquats Citrons Limequats Other citrus fruits Cotton Popcorn Sugar beets for sugar Broomeorn Sugarcane for sugar Tobacco ted for the following crops on the published by the Agricultural Department of Agriculture: Alfalfa seed Red clover seed Lespedeza seed Sweetclover seed Timothy seed Alsike seed Soybeans for beans Cowpeas for dry peas Peanuts for nuts Dry field beans Sugarcane and sorghum for sirup Maple sugar Maple sirup In the case of Irish potatoes and sweetpotatoes, the quantity sold was estimated after making allowance for home use, on the basis of data on the disposition of these crops as published by the Agricultural Marketing Service of the U. S. Department of Agriculture. The quantity sold for the following miscellaneous crops was estimated on the basis of the reported quantity or value of sales for the 1954 Census or on the basis of the quantity sold as shown for the 1950 Census : Soybeans for hay Cowpeas for hay Peanuts for hay Velvetbeans Angelica Anise (except for oil) Arnica Artemisia Basil Belladonna Bloodroot Borage Buhach Burnet Cascara bark Carambola Cassava Castor beans Chicory Chufas Coriander Dikon Dill for oil Fennel seed Fejou Flax for fiber Foxglove Ginseng Gobbe Golden seal Guar Hemp for fiber Hemp for seed Jaboticaba Kudzu crowns Lemon balm Litchi nuts Mint for oil Oiticica nut Ramie for fiber Rape seed Roselle Safflower i^esame for oil Sorrel Sugar beet seed Sunflower seed Sweet corn for seed Teosinte Vetiver Wormseed oil Lentils Other grains Grass silage Other clover seed Hubam clover Mammoth clover Persian clover Sour clover Crotalaria seed XXIV UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1954 Indigo, hairy seed Other seed Meadow foxtail Sesbania Fescue grass Sheep fescue Rhodes grass The estimated value of all crops sold, except vegetables har- vested for sale, nursery and greenhouse products, and forest prod- ucts, was obtained by multiplying the estimated quantity sold by the State average price. The State average prices were obtained by the Agricultural Marlseting Service of the U. S. Department of Agriculture. In the case of miscellaneous crops listed above, the average prices have been determined on the basis of reports of quantity sold and value of sales obtained in the 1954 Census of Agriculture. For the 1950 Census, the value of all farm products sold was obtained by Inquiry of each farm operator during the enumera- tion. In that census, inquiries were made regarding the value of farm products sold for a maximum of 46 individual farm prod- ucts or groups of farm products. In most cases, the quantity sold for the individual farm product was obtained together with the value of sales. The total value of farm products sold for 1950 includes the value of several farm products not included in the figures for 1954 — butter, cheese, skim milk, bees, honey, corn fod- der, corn silage, and grain straw, and receipts from the rental of pasture. Data for the sales of farm products represent total sales for the entire farm, regardless of who shared In the receipts. The landlord's share of crops and livestock sold and also the livestock which the landlord tole of farms. See textj 21 (For definitions and explanations, see text) White operators — Continued Tenure of operator^ — Continued Tenants — Continued Ci^ap -share Livestock-share Croppers Other and unspecified Other farms Faras number. SPECIFIED FJiCILITIES AND EQUIPMENT Telephone farms reporting. Electricity farms reporting. Television set farms reporting. Piped running water farms reporting. Home freezer farms reporting.. Electric pig brooder farms reporting., Power feed grinder farms reporting. Milking machine farms reporting. Grain combines farms reporting. number. . Com pickers farms reporting. number . Pick-up hay balers farms reporting. number. Field forage harvesters farms reporting. number. Motortrucks farms reporting. . number. . Tractors farms reporting. number. Wheel and/or cravler tractors other than garden farms reporting. Wheel tractors other than garden farms reporting. number. Garden tractors farms reporting. number. Crawler tractors farms reporting. number. \utoBobiles farms reporting.. number . , FARM LABOR '^EK OF OCTOBER 24-30 Fasily Bnd/or hired workers ..farms reporting., persons., Faaily •orktrs, including operator farms reporting., persons, , Operators working X or more hours persons.. Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 hours or more farms reporting., persons. , Hired workers farms reporting.. persons.. Regular workers ( to be eii5)loyed 150 days or more) farms reporting,, persons,. Seasonal workers ( to be employed leas than 150 days) farms reporting., persons. , Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers farms reporting., Faras by kind of workers: Both family workers and hired workers farms reporting. Family workers only farms reporting.. Operators only farms reporting. Unpaid members of operator's family only farms reporting.. Hired workers only farms reporting.. SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES IN 1954 Specified farn expenditures^ farms reporting. Machine hire and/or hired labor farms reporting. dollars. Machine hire farms reporting. dollars. Hired labor farms reporting. dollars. Feed for livestock and poultry farms reporting. dollars. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil farms reporting. dollars. Connerclal fertilizer and fertilizing material farms reporting. dollars. tons. acres on which used. Lime and liming material farms reporting. dollars. tons. acres on which used. 93 317 89 135 41 42 2 2 187 268 212 533 207 207 527 6 201 319 106 220 100 347 312 541,477 222 123,877 262 417,600 190 141,030 261 211,400 341 150, 810 2,290 19,038 7 1,670 325 290 511 6,751 970 1,255 883 21 139 118 294 344 107 108 112 112 28 28 2,976 3,236 3,106 4,145 3,086 3,086 4,097 20 25 21 23 2,690 2,939 327 ,740 6,587 18,597 326 61i 321 6,550 12,701 6,455 148 293 3,310 6,246 107 ,126 933 5,896 34 141 102 262 87 985 S82 5,634 896 5,654 2,781 85 37 7,052 5,826 2,314,154 4,416 750,274 4,106 1,563,880 3,919 744,465 4,080 1,053,106 6,982 1,828,554 31,836 188,414 112 23,485 4,490 5,060 23 378 293 112 8,006 1,516 37 939 293 66 1,275 543 40 676 288 5 6 29 102 94 23 57 65 20 156 120 22 212 136 2 41 25 2 42 25 11 73 50 11 73 50 1 25 10 i 26 10 71 2,007 706 86 2,201 794 93 1,075 642 140 1,774 1,027 93 1,065 627 93 1,065 622 137 1,737 978 15 22 15 22 2 22 26 3 22 27 84 3,013 613 109 3,303 813 118 350 117 188 117 46 71 27 162 10 21 26 141 123 101 97,805 69 28,730 75 69,075 85 52,359 112 50,445 112 53,024 1,001 5,721 15 3,332 683 483 7,693 19,963 7,648 15,311 7,462 4,131 7,849 768 4,652 73 203 730 4,449 723 6,925 3,168 165 45 8,223 7,150 1,961,546 4,988 765,961 4,404 1,195,585 2,634 454,660 2,890 431,330 8,086 1,609,911 28,807 171,399 98 9,596 1,799 1,763 1,381 3,620 1,366 2,365 1,335 593 1,030 219 1,255 56 109 196 1,146 204 1,162 1,557 1,219 693,639 852 182,111 853 511,528 935 404,829 320,465 1,386 418,967 7,381 42,005 27 2,273 70S 847 12,948 46,059 11,175 25,836 12,719 176 951 362 310 323 88 88 284 286 130 166 15,611 16,705 10,454 11,679 9,603 9,518 10.452 985 1,010 167 217 26,023 28,159 34,676 48,816 34,216 44,050 32,426 8,801 11,624 2,120 4,766 311 684 1,838 4,082 1,660 32,556 24,202 1,709 460 45,137 20,597 2,803,887 15,435 985,522 11,390 1,818,365 35,198 4,559,764 17,041 1,320,417 28,731 2,983,105 59,072 337,235 1,393 103,828 18,090 23,162 22 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 4-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, [Data are based on reports for only (For definitions and explanations, see text) White operators Total all farms of white operators Tenure of operator^ Full owners Part owners Managers Faras .number. . LIVFSiaCK Livestock on haod: All cattle and calves farms reporting.. number.. Cows, Including heifers that have calved ...■■..■ .farms reporting. . number.. Milk cows farms reporting . . number. . Horses and mules. .farms reporting, . number. . All hogs and pigs farms reporting.. number. . Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting.. number.. Livestock and livestock products sold in 19S4: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting.. number.. Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting.. number.. Chickens sold farms reporting. . dollars . . Chicken eggs sold farms reporting . . dozens. . Specified crops harvested in 1954: Corn for all purposes farms reporting. . acres. . Corn harvested for grain farms reporting.. acres. . bushels harvested.. bushels sold. . Oats threshed or combined farms reporting . . acres. . bushels harvested. . bushels sold.. Soybeans harvested for beans farms reporting. . acres grown alone.. acres grown with other crops.. bushels harvested.. Cotton harvested farms reporting . . acres. . bales harvested.. Hay cut. .acres, tons. 97,876 2,019,823 95,962 1,143,386 78,876 389, 999 60, 665 li2,792 62, U4 434,691 93,468 3,949,512 61,563 711,601 22,044 269,629 10,387 19,555,012 24,144 12,947,980 78,894 1,090,777 76,279 1,011,651 18,390,472 3,122,628 8,529 318,140 12,658,697 6,842,175 5,587 507,572 1,916 5,211,597 62,383 975,889 786,593 561,220 570,579 30,742 899,305 30,451 514,471 25,698 177,541 22,755 57,221 20,624 174,800 28,205 1,761,674 24,540 328,242 8,849 117,450 4,687 15,958,503 ',687 1,767 26,706 403,209 25,810 372,482 7,157,210 898,033 3,991 122,951 4,787,669 2,221,498 2,042 152,056 832 1,845,158 22,304 306,992 250,422 263,683 273,651 12,080 480,033 12,008 275,838 10,274 92,187 8,681 29,037 8,877 99,984 10,957 586,721 9,804 173,193 4,335 72,496 1,410 2,159,610 3,383 2,916,138 11,440 267,433 10,948 239,537 4,458,294 675,655 2,390 108,242 4,308,935 2,347,921 1,480 175,233 739 1,667,487 10,497 264,682 219,446 146,245 152,449 128 923 493 65 182 301 3 572 514 4 099 342 12 409 353 22 ,372 438 53 756 241 12 112 50 670 103 60 66 415 436 32,126 398 28,022 619, 313 246,767 310 41,507 1,724,810 1,075,477 265 63,155 15 657,611 389 63,601 59,754 35,582 39,419 12,631 122,538 12,355 71,099 10,876 37,674 7,419 17,303 10,326 49,379 14,602 431,461 5,606 38,776 2,702 25,031 954 663,568 2,584 730,536 15,769 209,940 15,434 202,148 3,115,581 959,225 1,038 37,330 1,609,787 1,140,620 1,561 112,223 140 1,002,573 18, 666 289, 639 226,841 41,582 39,888 1,750 1,290 28,389 1,257 16,278 952 5,338 1,012 2,809 955 9,097 1,205 39,970 772 10,891 440 6,996 86 16,795 219 105,204 1,364 22,984 1,316 21,402 373,681 113,960 328 19,025 857,642 661,033 524 56,071 20 484,902 1,507 51,150 41,358 9,597 10,235 ata are given by tenure of operator for commercial farms only. ^Excludes farms reporting commercial fertiliser and lime. MISSISSIPPI BY COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1954-Continued a san^ile of farms. See text] 23 Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) White operators — Continued Tenure of operator^ — Continued Tenants — Continued Livestock-share Croppers Other and unspecified Other farms Paras number. . LIVESTOCK Livestock on band: AH cattle and calves farms reporting.. number. . Cows, Including heifers that have calved farms reporting. . number.. MilJt cows farms reporting.. number. . Horses and mules farms reporting. . number. . All hogs and pigs farms reporting.. number.. Chickens ^ months old and over farms reporting.. number.. LiveslocL and livestock products sold io 1954: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting.. number. . Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting.. number. . Chickens sold farms reporting.. dollars.. Chicken eggs sold farms reporting.. dozens.. CHOPS Specified crops harvested io 1954: Corn for all purposes fsrms reportir.g. . acres.. Corn harvested for grain farms reporting.. acres. . bushels harvested.. bushels sold. . Oats threshed or combined farms reporting.. acres. . bushels harvested . . bushels sold. . Soybeans harvested for *^earis farms reporting . . acres grown alone.. acres grown with other crops.. bushels harvested.. Cotton harvested farms reporting . . acres. . bales harvested.. Hay cut .acres. . tons. . 275 6,420 274 3,532 246 1,852 200 687 214 1,227 258 9,155 139 2,598 88 1,441 16 1,010 56 14,730 303 5,627 296 5,108 106,925 49,475 92 3,135 110,625 68,250 108 7,655 55,430 333 9,008 7,450 2,937 2,691 5,673 41,029 5,551 24,235 4,994 16,062 4,044 8,912 4,460 19,719 6,004 180,194 2,690 12,200 1,206 8,666 442 267,281 1,326 195,725 6,498 95,366 6,398 92,555 1,358,685 379,415 352 8,164 365,720 267,775 574 30,641 95 293,950 6,976 100,095 74,802 16,903 15,267 113 5,606 113 3,255 100 1,579 71 282 87 978 107 4,915 93 1,356 27 767 11 250 38 9,245 2,317 98 2,260 40, 865 5,005 17 623 33,455 2 212 87 1,329 1,064 2,013 2,321 8,568 4,080 20,196 3,980 11,832 3,592 7,969 1,250 2,574 3,763 11,945 5,843 139,260 1,224 4,905 619 3,487 277 256,912 658 62,791 6,259 66,342 6,114 64,867 998,000 353,850 137 2,577 97,440 59,462 248 9,351 25 87,206 8,464 109,688 87,498 4,460 4,140 1,587 1,200 20,898 1,180 11,967 992 4,874 842 2,039 847 6,413 1,185 57,967 688 6,826 322 3,674 122 121,320 287 342,841 1,247 17,304 1,212 15,936 237,425 57,520 112 3,e06 144,905 71,060 105 8,293 79,565 1,299 18,369 14,669 5,672 5,234 46,643 41,915 389,024 40,675 216,796 31,727 79,025 21,296 35,132 21,975 98,119 39,351 1,147,264 21,175 117, 634 5,917 42,540 3,286 103,228 8,430 1,365,124 24,543 178,069 23,689 169,462 3,039,574 342,948 800 8,110 227,496 56,659 239 4,905 190 26,768 10,527 50,975 30,130 74,126 65,172 24 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 4-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, [Data are based on reports for only (For definitions and explanations, see text) Nonwhite operators Total all farms of nonwhite operators Tenure of operator Full owners Part owners Managers FJIHMS, ACKEJCE, AND VALUE Faraa number. . Land owned by farm operators.......... ....... farma reporting.. acres.. Land rented from others by farm operators. .. .farms reporting.. acres. . Land managed by farm operators farms reporting.. acres.. Land rented to others by farm operators farms reporting.. acres . . Laod io farBB acres.. Average size of farm acres.. Value of laod and buildiDgs: Average per farm dollars.. Average per acre dollars . . Proportion of farms reporting value percent.. Proportion of land In farms for which value was reported percent. . Land in faros according to use; Cropland harvested farms reporting. . acres. . 1 to 9 acres farms reporting.. 10 to 19 acres farms reporting.. 20 to 29 acres farms reporting.. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting.. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting.. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting.. 200 to i99 acres farms reporting.. 500 acres and over .farms reporting.. Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting.. acres. . Cropland not harvested and not pastured. ..farms reporting.. acres. . Cropland used only for crops not harvested and not pastured farms reporting.. acres, . Cropland lying idle farms reporting,. acres. . Woodland pastured farms reporting. . acres.. Woodland not pastured farms reporting, . acres,. Other pasture {not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting, . acres, , Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc,) farms reporting,. acres, . Cropland, total farms reporting, . acres.. Land pastured, total farms reporting.. acres. . Woodland, total farms reporting.. acres . , FARM OPERATCKS Residing on farm operated operators reporting., Not residing on farm operated operators reporting., With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting., Off-fars work: WnrVing off their farms, total operators reporting. 1 to 99 days operators reporting, 100 days or more.... operators reporting. Not working off their farms operators reporting. By afC; Under 25 years operators reporting. 25 to 34 years operators reporting, 35 to 44 years operators reporting, 45 to 54 years operators reporting, 55 to 64 years operators reporting, 65 years and over operators reporting. By year began operation of preaent fara; 1954 operators reporting, 1953 operators reporting, 1952 operators reporting, 1951 operators reporting, 1946-1950 operators reporting, 1941-1945 operators reporting, 1940 or earlier operators reporting. Faraa bv claas af aorfc power; Ho tractor, horses, or muiea farms reporting. No tractor and only 1 horse or mule farms reporting. No tractor and 2 or more horses and/or mules farms reporting. Tractor and horses and/or raulaa^ farms reporting. Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting. 101, (Xl 27,872 1,931,317 80,025 1,982,682 38 28,890 6,677 202,621 3,740,268 37.0 2,427 68.23 84 98,488 1,687,323 26,436 42,551 17,937 9,114 2,157 226 55 12 9,663 166,612 14,600 162,830 5,187 36,465 10,945 126,365 22,885 703, 514 13,690 429,770 19,732 419,341 56,038 165,878 99,542 2,016,765 35,322 1,294,467 29, 028 1,138,284 94,811 2,777 14,434 35,372 24, 857 10,515 65,659 4,438 14,352 23,359 24,712 16,302 14,068 7,683 7,907 8,846 8,453 26, 396 11,925 26,550 52,428 11,362 29,546 4,532 3,173 11,387 11,887 1,106,384 86 4,426 XXX XXX 2,711 33, 026 1,022,734 86.0 4,438 53.70 87 11,810 266,957 1,608 4,994 2,745 1,834 531 73 19 6 3,587 67,513 4,637 56,829 1,482 11,991 3,770 44,838 7,957 276,768 5,038 149,220 5,867 158,362 11,187 47,130 11,846 391,301 10,779 502,643 10,037 425,983 11,477 234 4,379 4,379 309,777 4,879 179,989 XXX XXX 879 32,471 457,295 93.7 4,802 54.57 71 149,149 330 1,437 1,261 1,167 534 67 19 3 1,152 26,508 1,630 21,220 659 5,309 1,238 15,911 2,945 103,231 1,728 62,031 2,290 63,138 4,634 21,868 4,868 196,877 4,037 202,977 3,624 170,362 4,678 131 3,325 1,930 2,395 1,572 430 353 3,557 2,944 80 35 597 337 1,311 1,175 3,124 1,602 3,103 1,085 3,092 615 126 130 176 192 275 226 369 266 2,113 1,238 2,132 754 6,555 1,962 730 320 1,791 490 7,083 2,392 1,720 903 563 274 XXX XXX XXX XXX 29 23,145 15 2,747 20,398 703.4 35,614 55.29 76 22 2,070 3 1 1 16 3,145 3 649 1 22 3 627 21 6,332 16 3,580 21 3,585 22 987 24 5,854 29 13,112 27 9,962 65,524 96 4,690 65,524 1,614,367 XXX XXX 923 24, 116 1,595,441 24,3 2,050 86,45 85 65,493 1,129,420 13,780 31,483 13,181 5,335 1,071 81 15 2 2,326 33,516 3,924 35,510 2,013 11,943 2,188 23,567 4,809 139,393 2,713 93,402 5,967 106,113 25,535 58,037 65,503 1,198,446 9,723 279, 022 6,127 232,795 61,116 1,724 8 18,361 16,709 8 1,652 21 47,163 3,798 1 11,127 9 16,849 3 16,136 13 9,603 3 5,328 6,207 6 6,733 1 7,139 6,743 4 18,496 3 6,625 15 11,064 5 44,623 3,446 13,919 21 1,423 3 2,113 See footnotes at end of table. MISSISSIPPI BY COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR. CENSUS OF 1954-Continued a aaII^>le of farms. See text] 25 (For definitions and explanations, see text) Nonwhite operators — Continued Tenure of operator^ — Continued Tenants — Continued Crop -share Livestock-share Croppers Other and unspecified Other fanna FARM5, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number. Land owned by farm operat- farms reporting. , acres. , Land rented from others ty farm operatorH. .. .farms reporting., acres.. Land managed by farm operators farms reporting.. acres. , Land rented to others by farm operators farms reporting., acres. . Land in faras acr^s.. Average size of farm acres.. Value of land and buildinfcs: Average per farm dollars.. Average per acre dollars.. Proportion of farms reporting value percent. Proportion of land in farms for which value was reported percent., I^nd in farms according (o use: Cropland harvested farms reporting., acres. 1 to 9 acres farms reporting.. 10 to 19 acres farms reporting. 20 to 29 acres farms reporting.. 30 to «i9 acres farms reporting.. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting . , 100 to 199 acres farms reporting.. 200 to •i99 acres farms reporting.. 500 acres and over farms reporting.. Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting.. acres. , Cropland not harvested and not pastured. . .farms reporting.. acres. Cropland used only for crops not harvested and not pastured farms reporting.. acres. . Cropland lying idle farms reporting,. acres. , Woodland pastured farms reporting. . acres. , Woodland not pastured farms reporting, acres.. Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting.. acres. . Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) farms reporting.. acres, . Cropland, total farms reporting. . acres, . Land pastured, total farms reporting.. acres. . Woodland, total farms reporting. . acres. , FARM OPERATCRS Residing on farm operated operators reporting.. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting.. With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting.. Off- farn work: Working off their farms, total operators reporting.. 1 to 99 days operators reporting. 100 da^'S or more operators reporting. Hot working off their I arms operators reporting. By a^e: Under 25 years operators reporting. . 25 to 34 years operators reporting. 35 to 4i. 1,527,990 14,301. 52,550 11,492 65,277 1,677 225,220 6,106 670,813 71,071 544,544. 68,953 529, 877 7,082,034 1,194,967 1,410 12,220 386,903 171,705 1,722 33,972 290 382,561 93,842 973,304 767,126 58,891 49,970 10,660 98,726 10,545 52,983 9,125 33,105 10,594 25,290 9,996 57,004 10,945 317,211 4,434 20,663 2,856 19,184 501 137,845 1,914 367,395 11,117 105,327 10,729 102, 097 1,384,165 71,875 625 4,793 139,080 52,275 761 15,510 65 208,315 11,562 95,181 66,123 24,405 21,107 4,397 41,945 4,332 23,211 3,739 13,323 4,285 11,656 4,329 23,733 4,588 126,973 1,787 8,653 1,396 8,314 162 71,220 778 87,476 4,672 55,956 4,537 53,702 714, 085 89,130 195 2,528 98, 500 42,825 263 6,592 90 57,233 4,803 63,391 44,571 9,826 8,836 24 2,190 24 1,378 15 142 21 103 11 289 21 1,337 23 917 9 396 2 2,545 3 3,525 16 662 13 509 5,495 1,920 7 317 7,675 2,300 2 117 10 461 316 385 431 65,524 27,883 110,603 27,059 62,471 22,190 43,823 13,788 44,680 33,905 129,481 43,514 785,950 5,080 14,801 5,287 27,554 620 3,070 2,043 123,492 41,737 309,022 40,746 302,697 4,115,564 971,530 541 4,155 124,650 62,305 615 10,743 130 111,233 65,469 764,999 630,475 17,354 14,806 2,718 2,167 14,226 2,130 7,362 1,728 4,646 2,346 6,047 2,174 10,897 2,452 53,447 731 2,914 572 3,279 40 665 215 11,620 2,557 22, 960 2,512 22,300 262,055 29,680 176 1,220 31,140 11,735 218 3,283 2,706 26,337 18,220 3,061 2,576 ata are given by tenure of operator for commercial farms only. ^Excludes farms reporting commercial fertilizer and lijne. MISSISSIPPI 29 BY COLOR AND I'ENURE OF OPERATOR; CENSUS OF 1954-Continued a sasQile of fanoa. See text] (For definitions and explanatlona, see text) Paras number.. LiraSTOCX Livestock od bsDii: All cattle and calves farms reporting.. number.. Cows, Including heifers that have calved farms reporting.. number.. MlUi cows farms reporting.. number. . Horses and mules farms reporting.. number . . All hogs and pigs farms reporting.. number.. Chickens i* months old and over farms reporting.. number.. Livestock sod livestock products sold in 1954: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting.. number. . Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting.. number. . Chickens sold farms reporting.. dollars.. Chicken eggs sold farms reporting.. dozens..' Specified crops harvested in 1954: Com for all purposes farms reporting. . acres. . Corn harvested for grain farms reporting.. acres. . busl.els harvested.. bushels sold.. Oats threshed or combined farms reporting. . acres . . bushels harvested . . bushels sold.. Soybeans harvested "or beans farms reporting.. acres grown alone . . acres grown with other crops . . bushels harvested.. Cotton harvested farms reporting.. acres., bales harvested.. Nonwhlte operators — Continued Tenure of operator^— Continued Tenants — Continued 246 1,602 246 877 225 590 231 504 285 1,255 320 6,305 61 208 75 590 30 740 346 2,880 346 2,810 31,835 3,935 5 20 300 30 1,060 361 4,410 3,524 155 125 14,232 9,730 46,145 9,543 25,543 7,526 17,701 10,102 25, 6U 10,594 42,867 11,273 228,573 2,234 6,264 2,035 10, 570 235 3,480 865 52,610 12,211 108,694 11,876 106,149 1,332,434 220,810 195 1,320 36,245 13,910 222 3,525 10 31,433 14,222 163,020 128,159 8,765 7,030 Livestock-share 75 320 75 175 55 130 85 210 85 445 80 1,835 15 1,105 85 750 85 750 7,235 930 95 ,065 835 165 115 Croppers 46,132 14,275 38,360 13,700 22,922 11,583 17,591 4,545 8,677 24,257 67,562 27,780 458,180 1,559 3,540 2,200 10,980 300 3,160 722 43,827 24,818 156,739 24,182 153,864 2,292,230 679,345 110 760 24,615 10, 590 105 1,765 100 13,645 46,105 549,017 464,461 3,275 2,449 Other and unspecified 1,390 9,950 1,365 5,492 1,073 3,170 1,479 3,631 1,510 6,455 1,609 37,610 480 1,815 375 2,040 30 665 196 13,590 1,770 16,999 1,745 16,824 189,775 36,830 55 835 32,350 26,020 40 1,110 20 12,150 1,980 21,150 15,276 2,433 2,511 Other farms 18,722 12,979 56,315 12,504 30,919 9,427 19,645 11,752 20,020 12,483 37, 967 15,536 296,519 2,980 7,516 1,944 9,329 392 5,540 1,368 88,925 13,479 73, 577 12,928 70,872 862,725 60,512 42 427 17,003 12,000 81 1,010 5 4,830 11,998 49,272 25,641 6,421 4,790 30 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 5.-FARM OPERATORS BY COLOR, RESIDENCE, OFFFARM WORK, AGE, AND YEARS ON PRESENT FARM: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1954 [^Data in italics are based on reports for only a sample of fanDS. See text^ Item (For definitions artd explanations, see text) Census of — 1954 (November) 1950 (April l) 1945 (January l) 1940 (April l) 1935 (Janua27y l) 1930 (April l) 1925 (January 1) 1920 (January l) FAPtN OPEHATCES By color: White Negro Other nonwhlte By resideace: Residing on farm operated operators Not residing on farm operated operators Operators not reporting residence By off-larm work: Working off their farms, total operators 1 to 49 days operators 50 to 99 days operators 100 days or more operators 100 to 199 days operators 200 days and over operators Operators not working off their farms Operators not reporting By age: Under 25 years operators 25 to 34 years operators 35 to 44 yetirs operators 45 to 54 years operators 55 to 64 years operators 65 years and over operators Average age Operators not reporting age Operation of preseDt farm began— 1954: September or later operators July and Augus t operators May and June operators March and April operators January and February operators 1953: November and December operators September and October operators July and August operators May and June operators March and April operators January and February operators 1952 .operators 195 i< operators 1946 to 1950 operators 1941 to 1945 .operators 1940 and earlier operators Operators not reporting Average number of years on present farm .number. , number . . number . , reporting, reporting. . . . number . reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting. , , , number , . . . number . reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting. ....years. . . . number • reporting, , reporting. , reporting. , reporting. , reporting, , reporting, , reporting. . reporting., reporting., reporting. , reporting., reporting. , reporting. , reporting., reporting, , reporting., . . . number . . ... .years,, 114,352 101,249 314 199,902 9,309 6,704 91 . 333 29,719 U . .907 A6,7b7 13.679 33,073 12^,^68 36 S,7i7 28,153 i9,i5a 53.8^2 33, ^87 32.9U7 46.2 8,2m Si 5 399 420 1,733 10.556 7,006 991 i70 238 984 4,222 15.934 14,350 53.513 27,374 69,976 6,376 12 128,294 122,709 380 238,471 7,364 5,548 93,360 35.411 19,541 4 J, 908 14,333 29,575 148,510 3,916 16,136 40,846 56,435 49.866 37.541 32,854 46.2 17.558 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 10 121,215 142,313 248,168 8,017 7,343 49,180 17,572 11,553 20,055 8,255 11,800 214,348 11,620 43,790 64,791 59, 741 44,185 32,894 46.5 6,507 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 10 131.552 159,256 284 261,117 9,656 20,319 63.558 27.931 13,056 22,571 10,773 11,798 199,171 28,363 24,626 62,397 62,194 55,281 40,^76 28,834 43.6 17,284 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 142,677 169,006 (NA) (NA) (NA) 67,369 41,198 10,173 15,998 7,455 8,543 216,643 27,671 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX (NA) 129,775 182,578 310 i (NA) (NA) (NA) 92,213 52,817 17,769 21,627 11,056 10,571 220,450 42,210 68,261 67, 556 62,376 40,616 22,417 (NA) 9,227 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX (NA) 107,086 150,142 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) fNA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX (NA) 110,882 161,001 218 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 28,454 60,171 69, 234 57,265 32,758 21 . 696 (NA) 2,523 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX (NA) NA Not available. State Table 6.-FARMS BY CLASS OF WORK POWER AND SPECIFIED FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1954 [Data in italics are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] (For definitions and explanations, see text) 1954 (Novembe: 1950 (April 1) 1*45 (January 1) 1940 (April 1) 1935 (January 1) 1930 (April 1) 1925 ( January 1) 1920 (January 1) Farns by class of work power; No tractor, horses, or mules farms No tractor and only 1 horse or mule farms No tractor and 2 or more horses and/or mules farms Tractor and horses and/or mules farms Tractor and no horses or mules farms Specified facilities sad equipaent: Telephone farms Electricity farms Television set farms Piped running water farms Home freezer farms Electric pig brooder farms Power feed grinder farms Milking machine f anoe Grain combines farms Com pickers farms Pick-up hay balers farms Field forage harvesters farms Motortrucks farms Tractors, including garden tractors farms 1 tractor , 2 tractors farms 3 tractors farms 4 tractors farms 5 or Here tractors farms Wheel tractors other than garden Garden tractors Crawler tractors Automobiles i'arms Farms reporting automobiles and/or motortrucks. reporting. , reporting. , reporting. , reporting. , reporting. . reporting. , reporting. , reporting. , reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting. number, reporting. number . reporting. number, reporting. number, reporting. number, reporting. number, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting. . . .number. . . .number, ,. .number, reporting. number. , . . .number. 37.579 26.310 50.479 29,2ae 22,203 29,734 183.331 29.5li S3. 150 36.293 716 7,509 6.047 S.2B2 7.536 1.900 1.996 4. SOS 4.794 1.360 l.i72 68,874 77.551 52.778 81.536 'i0.913 25,614 ^1,830 2SS2 'S.250 7a. loa 1.961 J. 467 84 . 482 98.862 129.389 93.070 34.426 90.i58 23.168 W.16i 16.i36 Ii0.i86 (NA) (NA) 11,250 (NA) (NA) 3,454 4.910 5,974 652 748 3.082 3.294 (NA) (NA) 50.166 56.210 33. 332 52, 393 "25.689 ~3.i77 '3.308 49.592 1.204. 1,597 67,486 76.220 67.486 106. 786 45.222 96.936 12.597 2,032 9,797 50,219 (NA) 20,510 (NA) (NA) (NA) 630 2,276 2,953 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 25,793 28,267 14,611 21,077 11,713 1,540 1,358 19,899 583 1,026 54,776i 56,906 54,776 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 8,215 21, bio (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 17,334 18,565 7,905 10,577 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) u (NA) 53,259 55,702 (NA) (.•(A) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 15,858 ^4,792 (NA) (.VA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (na) (NA) 15,762 16,503 4,818 5,542 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (na) (NA) 83,372 85,563 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1,674 1,871 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 28,260 '2,896 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 938 1,005 598 667 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 14,946 15,853 (NA) NA Not available. ^The 1930 Inquiry referred to electricity In "farroer'a dwelling," and the 1920 inquiry referred to gas or electricity in "operator's dwelling. ^Figures for 1954 and 1950 are for tractors other than garden tractors. MISSISSIPPI 31 Stale Table 7.-FARM LABOR AND SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES. CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1954 QData in italics are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See textj (For definitions and explanations, see text) 1954 (November) 1950 (April 1 19i5 ( January 1940 (April : 1935 ) (January 1930 (April 1 1925 (January 1920 l) (January 1) FARM UBOR Fara vorkcrs for specified »eck;i Family and/or hired workers^ .farms reporting., persons . . Average per farm reporting persons.. Family workers, ijicluding operators farms reporting.. persons. . Operators working 1 or more hours persons.. Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 or more hours farms reporting. . persons. . Hired workers farms reporting.. persons. . Workers hired by month persons.. Workers hired by day or week persons. . Workers hired by hour or on piece-work basis persons . . No report as to basis of payment persons.. Faras reportiag fay oiaber of hired worLers; 1 hired worker farms reporting.. 2 hired workers farms reporting.. 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting . . 3 to 9 hired workers farms reporting.. 10 or more workers farms reporting.. Faras by kind of workers during specified «eek; No workers reported farms.. Family workers and hired workers farms . . Operator and hired workers farms. . Operator, members of his family, and hired workers farms . . Members of operator's family and hired workers. ..farms. . Family workers only farms. . Operator only farms . . Operator and members of his family farms. . Members of operator's family only farms.. Hired workers only farms.. SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES^ Macfaioe hire farms reporting.. dollars.. Hired labor^ farms reporting.. dollars. . $1 to $99 farms reporting.. $100 to $199 farms reporting.. $200 to $499 farms reporting.. $500 to $999 farms reporting.. $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting.. $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting.. $5,000 to $9,999 farms reporting.. $10,000 to $19,999 farms reporting.. $20,000 and over farms reporting.. Feed for livestock and pouitry farms reporting.. dollars. . Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil. ...farms reporting.. dollars. . CoDUDercial fertilizer and fertilizing aaterial farms reporting. . dollars. . Lime and lining aaterial ..farms reporting.. dollars. . !36.ia9 i 68. 963 H5.0t7 :ii9,091 38, 40 J 169.071 19.626 119,872 i.eso iS.OSi 70. /US 5. Ml 3,617 i,l!0 3.i57 3. Oil 29.038 17,79i 10,2i9 7.086 i59 167.223 86.366 76,319 4,538 1,332 115,709 19,lti,9i3 86. 75i i5. 913, 072 i0,851 17,361 15,91i 5.398 3,916 1,550 971 533 260 119,970 i6, 172, 12i Si, 551 23.510.809 180. ii9 iO. 773, 991 6,372 1,007,128 205, Oi2 362,821 202, 6ii 307,513 76,116 116, 90i li,5i8 55,308 5,819 i2.6S2 6.110 697 7.072 2. an 2.100 1.39i 1,168 i6,2ii 12,150 3,i9i 3.018 638 190. i9i lla.OSi 61.063 11.397 2.398 113.235 15,966. il3 81,171 ii, 212, 203 i7,881 13.175 10.3i2 3,827 2.975 12i.083 25.866.311 54.573 16,512.123 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 206,752 342, 180 206,076 335,217 199,202 38,044 136,015 3,017 6,963 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1,693 622 385 236 81 56,776 2,341 1,269 999 73 203,735 116,763 80,171 6,801 676 (NA) (NA) 55,153 23,335,076 32,430 8,794 7,307 2,716 2,065 106,137 18,128,553 (NA) (HA) li5,061 li, iS3, 12i 12.61i 1. 528, 390 255,192 462,237 246,509 410,910 (NA) (NA) (na) 20,559 51,327 18,008 30,181 3,138 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 35,900 11,876 (NA) (NA) (NA) 234,633 (NA) (NA) (NA) 8,683 (NA) (NA) 41,968 9,147,929 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (na) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 67,88/. 4,909,097 55,734 3,219,364 178,206 8,883,948 905 33,825 305,552 642,368 300,480 606,826 (NA) (NA) (NA) 35,542 (HA) (HA) (HA) (NA) 11,743 2,976 1,717 975 ibB 6,131 12,707 (NA) (NA) (NA) 287,773 (NA) (NA) (NA) 5,072 (NA) (ha) (ha) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (ha) (NA) (NA) (HA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (HA) (HA) (NA) (NA) (HA) (NA) (NA) (HA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 47,811 6,552,266 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 92, 814 11,496,363 (HA) (NA) '151,063 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (HA) (HA) (NA) (NA) (HA) (HA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) iNA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 29,159 4,535,371 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 95,897 10,655,748 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (na) (NA) (NA) (HA) (HA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 43,151 6,326,842 (HA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 77,718 10,260,642 (NA) (NA) 71,296 4,288,165 (NA) (NA) NA Hot available. ^Census of 1954, week of Oct, 24-3Pj Census of 1950, week preceding enumeration; Censuses of 1945 and 1935, first week of January; Census of 1940, last week of March. See text for differences in definition of farm workers. ^For Census of 1954, expenditures during calendar year 1954; for earlier censuses, expenditures during the preceding calendar year. 'Cash payments for farm labor; housework not included. For 1954, 1950, 1945, and 1940, the data do not include expenditures for contract construction work, machine hire, and labor included in cost of machine hire. For 1920, the value of board furnished was included, 'Farms reporting tons of commercial fertilizer. 32 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE Sute Table 8.-H1RED FARM LABOR AND WAGE RATES ^Figures on number of workers and wage rates are for hired persons working the week of (For definitions and explanations, see text) Hired .orters fi^^s reporting.. persons . . 1 hired worker farms reporting.. 2 hired workers fai'ins reporting.. 3 or A hired workers farms reporting.. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting.. 10 hired workers or more farms reporting.. Regular workers (to be employed 150 days or more) farms reporting.. persons. . 1 hired worker ^^"^ reporting.. 2 hired workers farms reporting.. 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting.. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting.. 10 hired workers or more farms reporting.. Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting., persons. . 1 hired worker farms reporting.. 2 hired workers farms reporting., 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting., 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting., 10 hired workers or more farms reporting. Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers farms reporting. Both regular and seasonal hired workers farms reporting. Seasonal hired workers and no regular hired workers farms reporting. Paid on a .onthly basis f^nis reporting. Undei $25 per month farms reporting. $25 to $34 per month farms reporting. $35 to $49 per month farms reporting. $50 to $84 per month farms reporting. $85 to $109 per month farms reporting. $110 to $129 per month farms reporting. $130 to $169 per month , farms reporting. $170 to $214 per ncnth farms reporting. $215 to $274 per month farms reporting. $275 to $324 per month farms reporting. $325 and over per month farms reporting. Paid on a »eeLly basis farms reporting. Under $5 per week farms reporting, $5 to $7 per week.... farms reporting. $8 to $11 per week farms reporting. $12 to $19 per week farms reporting. $20 to $24 per week farms reporting. $25 to $29 per week farms reporting. $30 to $39 per week farms reporting. $40 to $49 per week farms reporting. $50 to $59 per week farms reporting. $60 to $69 per week farms reporting. $70 to $79 per week farms reporting. $80 and over per week farms reporting. Paid on a daily basis farms reporting. $1 per day farms reporting . $2 per day farms reporting. $3 per day farms reporting. $4 per day farms reporting, $5 per day farms reporting. $6 per day farms reporting . $7 per day farms reporting. $8 per day farms reporting. $9 per day farms reporting. $10 and over per day farms reporting. Paid on an hourlv basis farms reporting. Under $0.25 per hour farms reporting. $0.25 to $0.34 per hour farms reporting. $0.35 to $0.44 per hour farms reporting. $0.45 to $0.54 per hour farms reporting. $0.55 to $0.64 per hour farms reporting. $0.65 to $0.74 per hour farms reporting. $0.75 to $0.84 per hour farms reporting. $0.85 to $0.99 per hour farms reporting. $1.00 to $1.14 per hour farms reporting. $1.15 to $1.29 per hour farms reporting. $1.30 to $1.44 per hour farms reporting. $1.45 and over per hour farms reporting. Paid on a piece-work basis farms reporting. Expenditures for bired labor in 1954 farms reporting. dollars. $1 to $99 farms reporting. $100 to $199 farma reporting. $200 to $499 farms reporting. $500 to $999 farms reporting. $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting. $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting. $5,000 and over farms reporting. Faras «itb expenditures for hired labor but no bired workers reported. . .farms reporting. $1 to $99 farms reporting. $100 to $199 farms reporting. $200 to $499 farms reporting. $500 to $999 farms reporting. $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting. $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting. $5,000 and over farms reporting. Total all farms 19,626 119,872 5,401 3,617 4,110 3,457 3,041 5,046 17, 740 2,290 1,034 798 546 378 16,580 102,132 4,296 3,018 3,496 3,124 2,646 3,046 2,000 14,580 2,529 38 80 73 720 526 263 437 214 99 48 31 1,586 9 88 455 305 232 340 77 57 13 7 3 9,315 36 762 3,285 3,235 1,592 222 53 48 27 55 1,270 2 77 247 415 72 18 266 19 51 11 10 82 7,357 86,754 45,918,072 40,851 17,361 15,914 5,398 3,916 1,550 1,764 67,128 36,714 14,396 11,483 2,825 1,243 336 131 Economic class Commercial farms 17,031 113,935 3,982 3,118 3,695 3,232 3,004 4,729 17,049 2,044 996 781 536 372 14,273 96,886 3,109 2,536 3,103 2,911 2,614 2,758 1,971 12,302 2,322 33 70 62 647 490 256 396 198 99 41 30 1,421 73 410 262 205 311 71 57 13 7 3 7,901 35 646 2,786 2,743 1,353 180 53 43 27 35 986 2 66 226 346 52 18 179 13 36 6,754 71,072 43,865,787 29,351 15,048 14,527 5,129 3,736 1,534 1,747 54,041 26,434 12,620 10,629 2,699 1,197 336 126 1,390 34, 730 87 118 184 299 702 1,101 9,444 124 146 196 310 325 897 25,286 79 88 101 171 458 493 608 289 2 3 53 67 60 105 106 59 28 25 5 46 51 55 104 31 15 374 1,604 19,037,794 37 16 19 56 136 236 1,104 214 20 5 11 13 25 54 86 1,991 18,377 305 311 461 333 581 1,288 3,672 436 332 344 136 40 1,342 14,705 218 169 228 233 494 tA9 639 703 588 5 1 10 170 130 62 132 47 17 10 4 897 1,022 ... 5 13 67 160 319 349 411 311 182 55 13 3 12 4 11 2 2 188 176 1 4 18 57 50 70 70 16 7 6 7 27 13 515 2,717 1,005,694 71 60 172 338 852 697 527 726 58 47 97 141 230 123 30 MISSISSIPPI 33 BY ECONOMIC CLASS: CENSUS OF 1954 Oct. 2-;-30. Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See textj (For definitions and explanations, see text) Hired .orlier. ''"'"^ reporting. . persons. . 1 hired worker farnLS reporting.. 2 hired workers fs^s reporting.. 3 or i hired workers farms reporting.. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. . 10 hired workers or more farms reporting., Regular workers (to be employed 150 days or more) farms reporting.. persons. 1 hired worker fi^ios reporting., 2 hired workers farms reporting. , 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting. , 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting., 10 hired workers or more farms reporting.. Seasonal workers (to be employed less titan 150 days) farms reporting., persons . , 1 hired worker fsrms reporting., 2 hired workers farms reporting., 3 or A hired workers farms reporting., 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting., 10 hired workers or more farms reporting. Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers farms reporting. Both regular and seasonal hired workers farms reporting. Seasonal hired workers and no regular hired workers farms reporting.. Paid OD • aootbly basii farms reporting. Under $25 per month farms reporting. , $25 to $3i per month farms reporting. $35 to $i9 per month Carma reporting. $50 to $84 per month ''"TOS reporting. $85 to $109 per month Carma reporting. $110 to $129 per month farms reporting. $130 to $169 per month farms reporting. $170 to $214 per sonth farms reporting. $215 to $274 per month ^'aiTos reporting. $275 to $324 per month farms reporting. $325 and over per month farms reporting. Paid on • reekly basis farms reporting. Under $5 per week farms reporting. $5 to $7 per week farms reporting. $8 to $11 per week farms reporting. $12 to $19 per week farms reporting. $20 to $24 per week farms reporting. $25 to $29 per week farms reporting. $30 to $39 per week farms reporting. $40 to $49 per week farms reporting. $50 to $59 per week farms reporting. $60 to $69 per week farms reporting. $70 to $79 per week farms reporting. $80 and over per week farms reporting. Paid OD a daily basis farms reporting. $1 per day farms reporting. $2 per day farms reporting. $3 per day farms reporting. $4 per day farms reporting. $5 per day farms reporting. $6 per day farms reporting, $7 per day farms reporting. $8 per day farms reporting. $9 per day farms reporting. $10 and over per day farms reporting. Paid on ao hourly baaia farms reporting. Under $0.25 per hour farms reporting. $0.25 to $0.34 per hour farms reporting. $0.35 to $0.44 per hour farms reporting. $0.45 to $0.54 per hour farms reporting. $0.55 to $0.64 per hour farms reporting. $0.65 to $0.74 per hour farms reporting, $0.75 t£i $0.84 per hour farms reporting. $0.85 to $0.99 per hour farms reporting. $1.00 to $1.14 per hour farms reporting. $1.15 to $1.29 per hour farms reporting, $1.30 to $1.44 per hour farms reporting. $1.45 and over per hour farms reporting. Paid on a piece-work basis farms reporting, Expenditnrea for bired labor in 1954 farms reporting. dollars. $1 to $99 farms reporting. $100 to $199 farms reporting. $200 to $499 farms reporting. $500 to $999 farms reporting. $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting. $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting. $5,000 and over farms reporting. Faras vitb expeaditurea for bired labor bat no hired vorkera reported .. .farms reporting. $1 to $99 farms reporting. $100 to $199 » farms reporting. $200 to $499 farms reporting. $500 to $999 farms reporting. $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting.. $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting., $5,000 and over farms reporting.. Economic class — Continued Commercial farms — Continued 4,403 21,615 1,049 827 906 968 653 769 1,148 560 122 65 21 1 3,866 20,467 766 713 820 919 648 537 232 3,634 365 1 37 10 120 89 46 32 21 6 2 ,811 15 129 704 601 271 36 22 16 6 11 4,795 18,439 1,279 1,010 1,129 931 446 416 562 305 89 19 3 4,497 17,877 1,111 926 1,101 919 440 298 118 4,379 274 20 14 12 115 47 20 38 2,044 15 190 858 636 256 41 15 11 20 2 16,711 28,760 5,620,002 4,614,243 3,760 13,188 3,632 8,012 5,914 6,233 2,343 914 915 338 130 72 17 3 12,308 23,965 3,310 11,823 2,962 6,848 4,407 4,591 1,271 566 331 115 25 22 1,788 5,407 576 372 484 303 53 68 84 54 12 2 1,735 5,323 540 362 477 303 53 53 15 1,720 147 340 257 108 737 15,674 ,278,538 11,826 2,687 973 126 43 14 5 13,886 10,851 2,259 674 70 16 11 Other farms 1,887 4,344 991 385 292 188 31 218 262 179 36 3 1,687 4,082 825 364 279 188 31 200 18 1,669 164 10 11 64 31 6 35 2 1,009 91 347 341 173 37 5 'is 467 10,674 ,148,558 7,206 1,961 1,159 229 111 3 5 8,787 6,408 1,534 718 111 16 Residential 686 1,235 422 111 122 31 78 144 61 613 1,091 361 116 111 25 73 5 608 25 152 147 65 5 135 4,986 371,087 4,293 352 223 40 67 11 4,300 3,872 242 136 15 30 34 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE Sute Table 9.-HIRED FARM LABOR AND WAGE RATES [Figures on number of workers and wage rates are for hired persons working the week of Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Tenure of operator^ Full owners Part owners Hired workers farms reporting. . persons. . 1 hired worker farms reporting,. 2 hired workers farms reporting. . 3 or A hired workers farms reporting . . 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting.. 10 hired workers or more farms reporting. . Regular workers (to be employed 150 days or more) farms reporting.. persons. . 1 hired worker farms reporting.. 2 hired workers farms reporting. . 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting.. 5 to 9 hired workers f ain£ reporting . . 10 hired workers or more farms reporting., Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting.. persons. . 1 hired worker farms reporting. . 2 hired workers farms reporting. , 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting.. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. . 10 hired workers or more farms reporting . . Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers farms reporting., Both regular and seasonal hired workers farms reporting.. Seasonal hired workers and no regular hired workers farms reporting.. Paid on a nonthly basis farms reporting. Under $25 per month farms reporting. $25 to $34 per month farms reijorting. $35 to $49 per month farms reporting, $50 to $84 per month farms reporting. $85 to $109 per month farms reporting. $110 to $129 per month farms reporting. $130 t,o $169 per month farms reporting. $170 to $214 per month farms reporting. $215 to $274 per month farms reporting. $275 to $324 per month farms reporting. $325 and over per month farms reporting. Paid on a »efkly basis farms reporting. Under $5 per week farms reporting. $5 to $7 per week farms reporting. $S to $11 per week farms reporting. $12 to $19 per week farms reporting. $20 to $24 per week farms reporting. $25 to $29 per week farms reporting. $30 to $39 per week farms reporting. $40 to $49 per week farms reporting. $50 to $59 per week farms reporting. $60 to $69 per week farms reporting. $70 to $79 per week farms reporting. $80 and over per week farms reporting. Paid on a daily basis farms reporting. $1 per day farms reporting. $2 per day farms reporting. $3 per day farms reporting. $4 per day farms reporting. $5 per day farms reporting. $6 per day farms reporting. $7 per day farms reporting. $8 per day farms reporting. $9 per day f arnis reporting. $10 and over per day farms reporting. Paid on an hourly basis farms reporting. Under $0.25 per hour farms reporting. $0.25 to $0.34 per hour farms reporting. $0.35 to $0.44 per hour farms reporting. $0.45 to $0.54 per hour farms reporting. $0.55 to $0.64 per hour farms reporting. $0.65 to $0.74 per hour farms reporting. $0.75 to $0.84 per hour farms reporting. $0.85 to $0.99 per hour farms reporting. $1.00 to $1.14 per hour farms reporting. $1.15 to $1,29 per hour farms reporting, $1.30 to $1,44 per hour farms reporting. $1.45 and over per hour farms reporting. Paid on a piece-work basis farms reporting. Expenditures for hired labor in 1454 farms reporting. dollars. $1 to $99 farms reporting. $100 to $199 farms reporting. $200 to $499 farms reporting. $500 to $999 farms reporting. $1,OCO to $2,499 farms reporting. $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting. $5,000 and over farms reporting. Ferns with expenditures for hired labor but no hired workers reported, ..farms reporting. $1 to $99 farms reporting. $100 to $199 farms reporting. $200 to $499 farms reporting. $500 to $999 farms reporting. $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting. $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting. $5,000 and over farms reporting. 19,626 119,872 5,401 3,617 4,110 3,457 3,041 5,046 17,740 2,290 1,034 798 546 378 16,580 102,132 4,296 3,018 3,496 3,124 2,646 3,046 2,000 14,580 2,529 38 80 73 720 526 263 437 214 99 48 31 1,586 455 305 232 340 77 57 13 9,315 36 762 3,285 3,235 1,592 222 53 48 27 55 1,270 2 247 415 72 18 266 19 51 11 10 ,357 86,754 45,918,072 40,851 17,361 15,914 5,398 3,916 1,550 1,764 67, 128 36,714 14,396 11,483 2,825 1,243 336 131 6,564 34,262 2,094 1,278 1,316 1,028 848 2,211 6,519 1,121 429 346 214 101 5,143 27,743 1,535 1,007 1,000 881 720 1,421 790 4,353 1,120 22 50 34 290 253 125 198 80 40 15 13 697 7 34 215 122 110 125 32 43 3 3 3 3,426 30 298 1,260 1,138 533 95 12 17 16 27 43 83 lli 34 7 116 6 1,785 23,811 15,085,593 9,636 4,577 4,788 2,082 1,545 564 619 17,247 8,533 3,711 3,374 1,068 419 108 34 4,522 36,307 941 848 985 876 872 1,572 5,721 642 376 240 189 125 3,639 30,586 703 616 819 753 748 883 689 2,950 828 11 20 24 264 182 75 126 78 26 15 7 62 101 28 11 2 1 2,357 5 146 809 912 398 48 19 18 47 109 11 9 43 1,475 11,652 13,874,846 3,121 2,034 2,728 1,372 1,228 558 611 7,130 2,666 1,544 1,750 609 395 120 46 498 10,533 49 65 83 101 200 362 3,012 48 53 70 84 107 310 7,521 47 43 43 63 114 188 174 136 176 7 62 127 600 5,374,390 31 27 38 37 93 103 271 102 9 21 18 8 21 13 12 5,447 32,833 898 927 1,311 1,227 1,084 584 1,797 233 138 lis 49 39 5,181 31,036 824 870 1,241 1,214 1,032 266 318 4,863 198 1,836 195 655 566 349 26 20 15 10 3,379 35,009 9,530,958 16,563 8,410 6,973 1,638 870 309 246 29,562 15,226 7,344 5,467 1,014 362 95 34 ^Data are given by tenure of operator for commercial farms only. MISSISSIPPI BY COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1954 Oct. ^-.-Jo. DtiLu tti'L- b«i.ctl ail rtportt i'or only a sample of farms. See text] 35 (For definitions and explanations, see text) Tenure of operator^ — Continued Tenants — Continued Share- cash Crop- a hare Livestock- share Croppers Other and unspecified Other farms Hired vorkera farms reporting. . persons.. 1 hired worker farms reporting.. 2 hired workers farms reporting,. 3 or A hired workers farms reporting.. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting.. 10 hired workers or more farms reporting.. Regular workers (to be employed 150 days or more) farms reporting.. persons. , 1 hired worker farms reporting.. 2 hired workers farms reporting.. 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting.. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting.. 10 hired workers or more farms reporting.. Seasonal workers (to be en^iloyed less than 150 days) farms reporting.. persons.. 1 hired worker farms reporting., 2 hired irorkers farms reporting. . 3 or -i hired workers farms reporting.. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting.. 10 hired workers or more farms reporting.. Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers farms reporting.. Both regular and seasonal hired workers farms reporting.. Seasonal hired workers and no regular hired workers farms reporting.. Paid on a MOthly basis farms reporting.. Under $25 per month farms reporting,. $25 to $34 per ncnth farms reporting.. $35 to $49 per month farms reporting.. $50 to $84 per ncnlh farms reporting.. $85 to $109 per n»nth farms reporting, . $110 to $129 per month farms reporting.. $130 to $169 per month farms reporting.. $170 to $214 per month farms reporting.. $215 to $274 per month farms reporting.. $275 to $324 per month fanns reporting., $325 and over per month farms reporting. , Paid on a »eekty basis farms reporting., Under $5 per week farms reporting. $5 to $7 per week 1 arms reporting. $8 to $11 per week farms reporting., $12 to $19 per week farms reporting. $20 to $24 per week farms reportiiig, $25 to $29 per week farms reporting. $30 to $39 per week farms reporting. $40 to $49 per week farms reporting. $50 to $59 per week farms reporting. $60 to $69 per week farms reporting. $70 to $79 per week farms reporting. $30 and over per week farms reporting . Paid on a daily basis €arm£ reporting. $1 per day farms reporting. $2 per day farms reporting . $3 per day farms reporting. $4 per day farms reporting. $5 per day farms reporting. $6 per day farms reporting. $7 per day farms reporting. $8 per day farms reporting. $9 per day farms reporting. $10 and over per day farms reporting . Paid on an hourly basis- farms reporting. Under $0.25 per hour farms reporting. $0.25 to $0.34 per hour farms reporting. $0.35 to $0.44 per hour farms reporting. $0.45 to $0.54 per hour farms reporting. $0.55 to $0.64 per hour farms reporting. $0.65 to $0.74 per hour farms reporting. $0.75 to $0.84 per hour farms reporting. $0.85 to $0.99 per hour farms reporting. $1.00 to $1.14 per hour farms reporting. $1.15 to $1.29 per hour farms reporting. $1.30 to $1.44 per hour farms reporting. $1.45 and over per hour farms reporting. Paid on a pipc«-«ork basis farms reporting. Expeodi tores for hired labor in 1954 farms reporting. dollars. $1 to $99 farms reporting. $100 to $199 farms reporting. $200 to $499 farms reporting. $500 to $999 farms reporting. $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting. $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting. $5,000 and over farms reporting. Faras with expenditures for hired labor but no hired workers reported . ..farms reporting. £1 lo $99 farms reporting, $100 to $199 farms reporting. $200 to $499 farms reporting. $500 to $999 farms reporting. $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting. $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting. $5,000 and over farms reporting. 137 1,286 7 28 32 32 38 34 141 16 2 5 117 1,145 11 21 17 31 37 20 14 103 1,608 9,126 286 198 446 389 287 107 267 46 21 29 8 3 1,552 8,859 260 188 453 366 285 56 51 1,501 32 36 182 149 139 11 412 9,590 443,380 2,243,830 140 4,998 60 2,033 66 1,726 36 441 68 281 17 80 25 31 275 7,982 125 4,583 60 1,731 45 1,261 20 251 25 136 15 37 182 5 6 21 2 3 36 161 6 5 21 1 3 1 9 27 2,522 13,767 412 461 570 615 464 89 219 46 24 7 6 6 2,469 13,543 393 441 563 623 449 53 36 2,433 53 285 178 62 10 5 10 10 105 20,915 73,240 3,622,075 35 9,740 21 5,611 26 4,412 6 847 7 242 3 32 2 31 68 18,393 30 9,060 20 4,940 5 3,672 6 595 1 106 6 15 5 360 2,023 57 88 76 62 77 61 114 23 23 337 1,914 55 73 66 61 77 23 33 299 20 161 1,721 666,688 737 363 357 131 74 34 25 1,361 636 327 262 61 38 26 11 36 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 9.-HIRED FARM LABOR AND WAGE RATES [Figures on number of workers and wage rates are for hired persons working the week of (For definitions and explanations, see text) Hired workers farms reporting. persons. 1 hired worker farms reporting. 2 hired workers farms reporting. 3 or A hired workers farms reporting. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. 10 hired workers or more farms reporting. Regular workers ( to be employed 150 days or more) farms reporting. persons. 1 hired worker farms reporting. 2 hired workers farms reporting . 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. 10 hired workers or more farms reporting. Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting. persons. 1 hired worker farms reporting. 2 hired workers farms reporting. 3 or -i hired workers farms reporting. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting . 10 hired workers or more farms reporting. Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers farms reporting. Both regular and seasonal hired workers farms reporting. Seasonal hired workers and no regiilar hired workers farms reporting. Paid on a monthly basis farms reporting. Under $25 per month farms reporting. $25 to $34 per month farms reporting. $35 to $49 per month farms reporting. $50 to $84 per month farms reporting. $85 to $109 per month farms reporting. $110 to $129 per month farms reporting. $130 to $169 per month farms reporting. $170 to $214 per month farms reporting. $215 to $274 per month farms reporting. $275 to $324 per month farms reporting. $325 and over per month farms reporting. Paid on a weekly basis farms reporting. Under $5 per week farms reporting. $5 to $7 per week farms reporting. $8 to $11 per week farms reporting. $12 to $19 per week farms reporting. $20 to $24 per week farms reporting. $25 to $29 per week farms reporting. $30 to $39 per week farms reporting. $40 to $49 per week farms reporting. $50 to $59 per week farms reporting. $60 to $69 per week farms reporting. $70 to $79 per week farms reporting. $80 and over per week farms reporting.. Paid on a daily basis farms reporting. $1 per day farms reporting. $2 per day farms reporting. $3 per day farms reporting. $4 per day farms reporting. $5 per day farms reporting. $6 per day [„^ reporting. $7 per day farms reporting., $8 per day farms reporting., $9 per day farms reporting., $10 and over per day farms reporting.. Paid on an Iiourly basis farms reporting.. Under $0.25 per hour farms reporting.. $0,25 to $0.34 per hour farms reporting.. $0,35 to $0.44 per hour farms reporting.. $0.45 to $0.54 per hour farms reporting.. $0.55 to $0.64 per hour farms reporting.. $0.65 to $0.74 per hour farms reporting.. $0.75 to $0.84 per hour farms reporting.. $0.85 to $0.99 per hour farms reporting.. $1.00 to $1.14 per hour farms reporting.. $1.15 to $1.29 per hour farms reporting.. $1.30 to $1.44 per hour farms reporting,. $1,45 and over per hour farms reporting,. Paid on a piece-work basis farms reporting,, Expenditures for hired, labor in 1954 farms reporting,, dollars., $1 to $99 farms reporting.. $100 to $199 farms reporting.. $200 to $499 farms reporting.. $500 to $999 farms reporting.. $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting.. $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting.. $5,000 and over farms reporting.. Farms with expenditures for hired labor but no hired workers reported. . .farms reporting.. $1 to $99 farms reporting.. $100 to $199 farms reporting.. $200 to $499 farms reporting.. $500 to $999 farms reporting.. $1,000 to $2,499 fanna reporting.. $2,500 to $4,999 fa^.^ reporting.. $5,000 and oyer farms reporting.. Total all farms of white operators 14,939 97,756 4,332 2,782 2,957 2,495 2,373 4,364 17,315 2,194 996 768 532 374 12,019 80,441 3,275 2,210 2,380 2,163 1,991 2,920 1,944 10,075 2,477 38 80 73 695 515 261 426 213 98 47 31 1,498 83 415 302 221 317 77 52 12 7 3 7,790 36 470 2,579 2,910 1,422 205 38 48 27 55 1,179 2 66 231 379 71 13 259 19 46 11 10 67 Tenure of operator^ Full owners 4,352 50,898 40,734,522 20,394 9,383 10,137 4,208 3,563 1,486 1,727 35,959 18,054 7,477 6,892 2,020 1,076 314 126 5,693 30,692 1,851 1,100 1,131 870 741 2,137 6,3''7 1,071 424 330 212 100 4,329 24,315 1,325 829 836 720 619 1,364 773 3,556 1,103 22 50 34 284 243 124 198 SO 40 15 13 648 7 29 195 121 99 118 32 38 3 3 3 3,034 30 203 1,067 1,076 49S 88 12 17 16 27 441 1 43 78 112 33 7 115 6 19 1 26 1,357 18,656 14,360,393 6,325 3,664 4,114 1,915 1,475 552 611 12,963 5,547 2,954 2,927 1,001 393 107 34 Part owners 3,987 33,304 863 750 847 737 790 1,512 5,535 634 344 228 183 123 3,145 27,769 621 539 698 615 672 842 670 2,475 819 11 20 24 263 181 75 120 78 26 14 21 118 84 62 100 28 11 2,134 5 124 680 868 380 48 9 11 1 8 240 1 18 47 109 11 Managers Data are given by tenure of operator for commercial farms only. 1,169 9,316 13,135,311 2,016 1,519 2,290 1,243 1,129 533 586 5,329 1,711 1,149 1,424 537 353 114 41 487 10,438 48 64 83 99 193 359 3,002 47 53 69 83 107 299 7,436 45 42 42 63 107 188 171 128 173 7 61 126 72 11 2 109 579 5,347,805 30 21 30 36 91 103 268 92 9 15 16 7 20 13 12 2,652 18,556 367 461 588 619 617 545 1,717 201 138 124 44 38 2,408 16,839 308 409 518 607 566 244 301 2,107 186 1,157 85 369 379 263 21 15 15 10 64 68 2 9 5 10 10 5 1,330 10, 956 6,072,648 4,125 2,367 2,482 765 689 283 245 8,304 3,768 2,008 1,786 364 264 598 5,465 90 116 112 96 184 270 981 97 62 62 25 24 487 4,484 58 107 70 101 151 111 159 328 67 22 10 5 18 3 6 1 2 11 19 13 9 28 1 18 110 107 73 5 10 5 1 38 24 1 231 1,256 2,314,980 278 136 256 1A2 181 132 131 658 232 106 157 66 56 28 13 MISSISSIPPI 37 BY COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1954-Continued Oct. 24-30, Data are based or. reports for only le of farms. See text] (For definitions and explanations, see text) Tenure of operator^ — Continued Tenants — Continued Share- cash Crop-share Livestoclt- share Croppers Other and unspecified Other farms Hired vorkera farms reporting . . persons. . 1 hired worker » farms r:portln;:.. 2 hired workers farms reporting.. 3 or 4 hired workers farms r rporting . . 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting.. 10 hired workers or more farms reporting.. Regular workers (to be enployed 150 days or more) farms reporting., persons . , 1 hired worker farms reporting.. 2 hired workers farms reporting.. 3 OT ^ hired workers farms reporting. . 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting.. 10 hired workers or more farms reporting.. Seasonal workers (to be en^ilc^ed less than 150 days) farms reporting.. persons. . 1 hired worker farms reporting.. 2 hired workers farms reporting. . 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting.. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting., 10 hired workers or more farms reporting.. Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers farms reporting.. Both regular and seasonal hired workers farms reporting.. Seasonal hired workers and no regular hired workers farms reporting.. ' Riid on a aoathly basis farms reporting. Under $25 per month farms reporting., $25 to $34 per month farms reporting. , $35 to $49 per month farms reporting., $50 to $84 per month farms reporting., $85 to $109 per month farms reporting., $110 to $129 per month farms reporting., $130 to $169 per montn farms reporting. $170 to $214 per month farms reporting. $215 to $274 per month farms reporting., $275 to $324 per roon'-h farms reporting. $325 and over per farms reporting. Paid on a weekly basis farms reporting. Under $5 per week farms reporting. $5 to $7 per week rarms reporting. $S to $11 per week farms reporting. $12 to $19 per week farms reporting. $20 to $24 per week farms reporting. $25 to $29 per week farms reporting. $30 to $39 per week farms reporting. $40 to $49 per week farms reporting. $50 to $59 per week farms reporting. $60 to $69 per week farms r eporti ng . $70 to $79 per week farms reporting. $80 and over per week farms reporting. Paid on a daily basis farms reporting. $1 oer day farms reporting. $2 per day farms reporting. $3 per day farms reporting. $4 per day farms reporting. $5 per day farms reporting. $6 per day farms reporting. $7 per day farms reporting. $8 per day farms reporting. $9 per day farms reporting. $10 and over per day farms reporting. Paid on an hourly basis. farms reporting. Under $0.25 per hour farms reporting. $0,25 t-o $0,34 per hour farms reporting. $0.35 to $0,44 per hour farms reporting. $0.45 to $0.54 per hour farms reporting. $0.55 to $0.64 per hour farms reporting. $0.65 to $0.74 per hour farms reporting. $0.75 to $0.84 per hour farms reporting. $0.85 to $0.99 per hour farms reporting. $1.00 to $1.14 per hour farms reporting. $1.15 to $1.29 per hour farms reporting. $1.30 to $1.44 per hour farms reporting. $1.45 and over per hour farms reporting. Paid on a piece-woric basis...., farms reporting., Expeodittires for hirtd labor in 1954 farms reporting. dollars. $1 to $99 farms reporting., $100 to $199 farms reporting.. $200 to $499 farms reporting.. $500 to $999 farms reporting.. $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting., $2,500 to $4,999 , farms reporting,, $5,000 and over farms reporting,, Farns with expendicores for faired labor but no bired workers reported . ..farms reporting., $1 to $99 , farms reporting. , $100 to $199 farms reporting . , $200 to $499 farms reporting., $500 to $999 farms reporting.. $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting., $2,500 to $4,999 fajTns reporting.. $5,000 and over farms reporting.. 107 1,126 7 18 22 32 28 34 141 16 2 5 87 985 933 5,896 146 118 228 254 187 102 262 41 21 29 8 3 862 5,634 125 108 233 231 185 51 51 831 32 11 122 109 114 11 262 4,106 417,600 1,563,880 55 1,680 iO 863 36 906 31 306 58 250 17 70 25 31 155 3,173 50 1,540 U) 701 25 641 15 156 25 115 15 27 162 2 3 10 21 6 1 2 1 26 141 1 5 16 1 3 1 9 17 768 4,652 87 160 160 203 158 73 203 30 24 7 6 6 730 4,449 83 140 152 212 143 38 35 695 48 75 4,404 69,075 1,195,585 20 1,820 16 1,110 16 1,071 6 210 7 135 8 27 2 31 48 3,636 15 1,700 15 955 5 831 6 95 1 40 6 10 5 219 1,255 37 43 50 32 57 56 109 23 23 196 1,146 30 38 40 31 57 23 33 163 15 76 853 511,528 272 202 197 70 58 29 25 634 231 191 127 26 27 21 11 38 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE Sute Table 9.-HIRED FARM LABOR AND WAGE RATES [Figures on number of workers and wage rates are for hired persons working the week of (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms of nonwhite operators Tenure of operator-^ Full owners Part owners Managers Hired workers farms reporting. , persons,, 1 hired worker farms reporting.. 2 hired workers farms reporting.. 3 or -i hired workers farms reporting.; 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting.. 10 hired workers or more farms reporting., Regular workers (to be eii?)loyed 150 days or more) farms reporting.. persons . . 1 hired worker farms reporting.. 2 hired workers farms reporting.. 3 or i hired workers farms reporting.. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting., 10 hired workers or more farms reporting. , Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting,, persons. , 1 hired worker farms reporting., 2 hired workers farms reporting., 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting. , 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting., 10 hired workers or more farms reporting., Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired vrcirkers farms reporting., Both regular and seasonal hired workers farms reporting,. Seasonal hired workers and no regular hired workers farms reporting.. Paid on a monthly basi farms reporting. Under $25 per month farms reporting,. $25 to $3-; per month farms reporting., $35 to $49 per month farms reporting., $50 to $84 per month farms reporting . , $85 to $109 per month farms reporting. , $110 to $129 per month farms reporting. $130 to $169 per month farms reporting., $170 to $214 per month farms reporting., $215 to $274 per month farms reporting., $275 to $324 per month farms reporting. $325 and over per month farms reporting. Paid on a weekly basis farms reporting. Under $5 per week farms reporting. $5 to $7 per week farms reporting. $8 to $11 per week farms reporting. $12 to $19 per week farms reporting.. $20 to $24 per week farms reporting. $25 to $29 per week farms reporting. $30 to $39 per week farms reporting. $40 to $49 per week farms reporting. $50 to $59 per week farms reporting. $60 to $69 per week farms reporting. $70 to $79 per week farms reporting. $80 and over per week farms reporting. Paid on a daily basis farms reporting. $1 per day farms reporting , $2 per day farms reporting. $3 per day farms reporting. $4 per day farms reporting. $5 per day farms reporting . $6 per day farms reporting . $7 per day farms reporting. $8 per day farms reporting . $9 per day farms reporting . $10 and over per day farms reporting . Paid on an hourly basis farms reporting. Under $0.25 per hour farms reporting. $0.25 to $0.34 hour farms reporting. $0.35 to $0.44 per hour farms reporting. $0.45 to $0.54 per hour farms reporting. $0.55 to $0.64 per hour farms reporting. $0.65 to $0.74 per hour farms reporting. $0.75 to $0.84 per hour farms reporting. $0.85 to $0.99 per hour farms reporting. $1.00 to $1.14 per hour farms reporting. $1.15 to $1.29 per hour farms reporting. $1,30 to' $1.44 per hour farms reporting. $1.45 and over per hour farms reporting. Paid on a piece-work basis farms reporting. Expenditures for hired labor in 19S4 farms reporting. dollars. $1 to $99 farms rej-orting. $100 to $199 farms reporting. $200 to $499 farms reporting. $500 to $999 farms reporting. $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting. $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting. $5,000 and over farms reporting. FerDS with expenditures for hired labor but no hired workers reported. . .farms reporting. $1 to $99 farms reporting. $100 to $199 farms reporting. $200 to $499 farms reporting. $500 to $999 farms reporting, $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting. $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting. $5,000 and over farms reporting. 4,687 22,116 1,069 835 1,153 962 668 182 425 96 38 30 14 4 4,561 21,691 1,021 808 1,116 961 655 126 56 4,505 292 706 325 170 17 15 3,005 35,856 ,183,550 20,457 7,978 5,777 1,190 353 64 37 31,169 18,660 6,919 4,591 805 167 22 871 3,570 243 178 185 158 107 74 142 50 5 16 2 1 814 3,428 210 178 164 161 101 57 17 797 17 25 6 11 10 2 1 11 1 1 ... 95 193 62 35 7 428 5,155 725,200 3,311 913 674 167 70 12 8 4,284 2,986 757 447 67 26 535 3,003 78 98 138 139 82 60 186 8 32 12 6 2 494 2,817 82 77 121 138 76 41 19 475 22 129 44 18 306 2,336 739,535 1,105 515 438 129 99 25 25 1,801 955 395 326 72 42 6 5 2,795 14,277 531 466 723 608 467 39 80 32 2,773 14,197 516 461 723 607 466 22 17 2,756 12 no 286 187 86 5 5 21 24,053 26,585 3,458,310 1 12,438 6 6,043 8 4,491 1 873 2 181 .. . 26 3 1 10 21,258 ... 11,458 6 5,336 2 3,701 1 650 1 98 ... 15 ^Data are given by tenure of operator for commercial farms only. MISSISSIPPI BY COLOR A^D TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1954-C;oniiinied Ool. S'i-JO. Data are based on reports for only a sample of farma. See text] 39 (For definitions and explanations, see text) Tenure of operator^ — Continued Tenants — Continued Share- cash Crop-share Livestock- share Croppers Other farms Other and unspecified Hired nrkers ''"'"S reporting. . persons. . 1 hired worker * forms reporting.. 2 hired workers farms reporting.. 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting.. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting.. 10 hired workers or more farms reporting.. Regular workers (to be enqjloyed 150 days or more) farms reporting.. persons. . 1 hired worker farms reporting.. 2 hired workers farms reporting.. 3 or A hired workers farms reporting . . 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting.. 10 hired workers or more farms reporting . . Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting.. persons. . 1 hired worker farms reporting.. 2 hired workers farms reporting.. 3 or i hired workers farms reporting. . 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting.. 10 hired workers or more farms reporting.. Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers farms reporting.. Both regular and seasonal hired workers farms reporting.. Seasonal hired workers and no regular hired workers farms reporting.. P»id on a aontlily basis farms reporting. Under $25 per ncnth farms reporting. , $25 to $34 per month farms reporting.. $35 to $49 per month farms reporting.. $50 to $84 per nxinth farms reporting. . $85 to $109 per month farms reporting.. $110 to $l;29 per month farms reporting.. $130 to $169 per month farms reporting. $170 to $2X4 per month farms reporting. $215 to $274 per month farms reporting.. $275 to $324 per month farms reporting. $325 and over per month farms reporting. Paid on a weekly basis farms reporting. Under $5 per week farms reporting. $5 to $7 per week larms reporting. $8 to $11 per week farms reporting. $12 to $19 per week farms reporting. $20 to $24 per week farms reporting. $25 to $29 per week farms reporting. $30 to $39 per week farms reporting. $40 to $49 per week farms reporting. $50 to $59 per week farms reporting. $60 to $69 per week farms reporting. $70 to $79 per week farms reporting. $80 and over per week farms reporting. Paid on a doily basis farms reporting. $1 per day farms reporting. $2 per day farms reporting. $3 per day farms reporting. $4 per day farms reporting. $5 per day farms reporting. $6 per day farms reporting. $7 per day farms reporting. $8 per day farms reporting. $9 per day farms reporting. $10 and over per day farms reporting. Paid on an hourly basis- farms reporting. Under $0.25 per hour farms reporting. $0.25 to $0.34 per hour farms reporting. $0.35 to $0.44 per hour farms reporting. $0.45 to $0.54 per hour farms reporting. $0.55 to $0.64 per hour farms reporting. $0.65 to $0.74 per hour farms reporting. $0.75 to $0.84 per hour farms reporting. $0.85 to $0.99 per hour farms reporting. $1.00 to $1.14 per hour farms reporting. $1.15 to $1.29 per hour farms reporting. $1.30 to $1.44 per hour farms reporting. $1.45 and over per hour farms reporting. Paid on a piece'vork basis farms reporting. Expeoditores for hired labor in 1954 farms reporting. dollars. $1 to $99 farms reporting. $100 to $199 farms reporting. $200 to $499 farms reporting. $500 to $999 farms reporting. $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting. $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting. $5,000 and over farms reporting. Fares with expeoditarea for hired labor but no hired workers reported ., .farms reporting. $1 to $99 farms reporting. $100 to $199 farms reporting. $200 to $499 farms reporting. $500 to $999 farms reporting. $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting. $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting. $5,000 and over. .................................................... .farms reporting. 30 160 30 160 15 150 30,780 85 20 30 5 10 120 75 20 20 5 675 3,230 140 SO 220 135 100 5 5 670 3,225 135 80 220 135 100 520 5,484 679,950 3,318 1,170 820 135 31 10 4,809 3,043 1,030 620 95 a 1,754 9,115 325 301 410 412 306 16 16 16 1,739 9,099 310 301 411 411 306 15 1 1,738 45 201 100 45 5 30 ,165 15 5 10 1,303 16, 511 2,426,490 7,920 4,501 3,341 637 107 5 14,757 7,360 3,985 2,841 500 141 773 20 45 26 30 20 5 5 5 141 768 25 40 26 30 20 5 136 10 15 21 85 868 155,160 465 161 160 61 16 727 405 136 U5 35 40 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table lO.-HIRED FARM LABOR AND WAGE RATES ^Figures on number of workers and wage rates are for hired persons working the week of (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Type of farm Cash-grain Other field-crop Vegetable Hired workers farnis reporting. . persons. . 1 hired worker farms reporting. . 2 hired workers farms reporting. . 3 or "i hired workers farms reporting. . 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting.. 10 hired workers or more farms reporting. . Regular workers (to be employed 150 days or more) farms reporting.. persons. , 1 hired worker farms reporting. . 2 hired workers farms reporting,. 3 or i hired workers farms reporting.. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting.. 10 hired workers or more farms reporting.. Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting., persons.. 1 hired worker farms reporting. , 2 hired workers farms reporting., 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting., 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting., 10 hired workers or more farms reporting.. Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers farms reporting. Both regular and seasonal hired workers farms reporting.. Seasonal hired workers and no regular hired workers farms reporting.. Paid on a monthly bosi farms reporting. Under $25 per month farms reporting. $25 to $34 per month farms reporting., $35 to $49 per month farms reporting. $50 to $84 per month farms reporting., $85 to $109 per month farms reporting. $110 to $129 per month farms reporting. $130 to $169 per month farms reporting. $170 to $214 per month farms reporting. $215 to $274 per month farms reporting. $275 to $324 per month farms reporting. $325 and over per month farms reporting. Paid on a .eelily basis farms reporting. Under $5 per week farms reporting. $5 to $7 per week larms reporting. $8 to $11 per week farms reporting. $12 to $19 per week farms reporting. $20 to $24 per week farms reporting. $25 to $29 per week farms reporting. $30 to $39 per week farms reporting. $40 to $49 per week farms reporting. $50 to $59 per week farms reporting. $60 to $69 per week farms reporting. $70 to $79 per week farms reporting. $80 and over per week farms reporting. Paid on a daily basis farms reporting. $1.00 per day farms reporting. $2.00 per day farms reporting. $3.00 per day farms reporting. $4.00 per day farms reporting. $5.00 per day farms reporting. $6.00 per day farms reporting. $7.00 per day farms reporting. $8.00 per day farms reporting. $9.00 per day farms reporting. $10.00 and over per day farms reporting. Paid on an hourly basis farms reporting. Under $0.25 per hour farms reporting. $0.25 to $0.34 per hour farms reporting. $0.35 to $0.44 per hour farms reporting. $0.45 to $0.54 per hour farms reporting. $0.55 to $0.64 per hour farms reporting. $0.65 to $0.74 per hour farms reporting. $0.75 to $0.84 per hour farms reporting. $0.85 to $0.99 per hour farms reporting. $1.00 to $1.14 per hour farms reporting. $1.15 to $1.29 per hour farms reporting. $1.30 to $1.44 per hour farms reporting. $1.45 and over per hour farms reporting. Paid on s piece-»orL basis farms reporting. Expenlitures for hired labor in 1954 farms reporting. dollars. $1 to $99 farms reporting. $100 to $199 farms reporting. $200 to $499 farms reporting. $500 to $999 farms reporting. $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting. $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting. $5,000 and over farms reporting. Faras with expenditures for hired labor but no hired workers reported, ..farms reporting. $1 to $99 farms reporting. $100 to $199 farms reporting. $200 to $499 farms reporting. $500 to $999 farms reporting. $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting, $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting. $5,000 and over farms reporting. 19,626 119,872 5,401 3,617 4,110 3,457 3,041 5,046 17,740 2,290 1,034 798 546 378 16, 580 102,132 4,296 3,018 3,496 3,124 2,646 3,046 2,000 14,580 2,529 38 80 73 720 526 263 437 214 99 48 31 1,586 455 305 232 340 77 57 13 7 3 ',315 36 762 1,285 1,235 ,592 222 53 iS 27 55 1,270 2 77 247 415 72 18 266 19 51 11 10 82 7,357 86,754 45,918,072 40,851 17,361 15,914 5,398 3,916 1,550 1,764 67,128 36,714 14,396 11,483 2,825 1,243 336 131 585 6,236 110 110 119 96 150 357 1,623 96 85 71 69 36 382 4,613 98 62 57 63 102 203 154 228 151 11 51 181 116 6 2 1 130 1,102 3,191,140 191 113 135 111 210 155 187 517 165 92 72 51 73 54 10 11,093 87,414 1,937 1,835 2,370 2,477 2,474 1,898 9,456 628 372 354 281 263 10,197 77,958 1,709 1,655 2,223 2,372 2,238 896 1,002 9,195 685 11 12 18 207 103 67 115 75 42 23 12 22 156 81 74 119 28 9 1 4,710 20 359 1,726 1,565 869 87 27 32 15 10 479 26 144 191 26 3 57 11 1 10 10 5,981 57,054 29,539,726 25,126 12,766 11, 727 3,525 2,050 729 1,131 45,961 22,898 10,914 8,925 2,103 811 207 103 404 16 17 16 25 13 6 13 2 1 2 1 34 386 16 15 16 25 12 3 3 81 232 55,580 125 40 43 7 13 3 1 145 90 15 27 2 11 217 63,405 35 30 51 36 10 5 185 85 30 35 30 MISSISSIPPI 41 BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1954 Oct. 2.i-30. Dsta are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See textj (For definitions and explanations, see text) Type of farm — Continued Dairy Poultry Livestock other than dairy and poultry Primarily Primarily crop livestock Crop and livestock Miseel- laneouB and un- classified Hired vorkers farms reporting. persons. 1 hired worker farms reporting. 2 hired workers farms reporting . 3 or i hired workers farms reporting . 5 to 9 hired workers forms reporting. 10 hired workers or more farms reporting. Regular workers (to be employed 150 days or more) farms reporting, persons. 1 hired worker farms reporting. 2 hired workers farms reporting. 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. 10 hired workers or more farms reporting. Seaeenal workers (to be ein>loyed less than 150 days) farms reporting. persons . 1 hired worker farms reporting. 2 hired workers farms reporting. 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. 10 hired workers or more farms reporting. Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers farms reporting. Both regular and seasonal hired workers farms reporting. Seasonal hired workers and no regular hired workers farms reporting. Paid on s Bonthly basis farms reporting. Under $25 per month farms reporting. $25 to $3A per month farms reporting. $35 to $i9 per monthi farms reporting. $50 to $8^ per month farms reporting. $35 to $109 per month farms reporting. $110 to $129 per month farms reporting. $130 to $169 per month farms reporting. $170 to $214 per month farms reporting. $215 to $274 per month farms reporting. $275 to $324 per month farms reporting. $325 and over per nonth farms reporting. Paid on a weekly basis farms reporting. Under $5 per week farms reporting. $5 to $7 per week farms reporting. $8 to $11 per week farms reporting. $12 to $19 per week farms reporting. $20 to $24 per week farms reporting. $25 to $29 per week farms reporting . $30 to $39 per week farms reporting. $40 to $49 per week farms reporting. $50 to $59 per week farms reporting. $60 to $69 per week farms reporting. $70 to $79 per week farms reporting. $80 and over per week farms reporting. Paid on B daily basis farms reporting. $1.00 per day farms reporting. $2.00 per day farms reporting. $3.00 per day farms reporting. $4.00 per day farms reporting. $5.00 per day farms reporting. $6.00 per day farms reporting. $7.00 per day farms reporting. $8.00 per day farms reporting. $9.00 per day farms reporting. $10.00 and over per day farms reporting. Paid on en hourly basis farms reporting. Under $0.25 per hour farms reporting. $0.25 to $0.34 per hour farms reporting. $0.35 to $0.44 per hour farms reporting. $0.45 to $0.54 per hour farms reporting. $0.55 to $0.64 per hour farms reporting. $0.65 to $0.74 per hour farms reporting. $0.75 to $0.84 per hour farms reporting. $0.85 to $0.99 per hour farms reporting. $1.00 to $1.14 per hour farms reporting. $1.15 to $1.29 per hour farms reporting. $1.30 to $1.44 per hour farms reporting. $1.45 and over per hour farms reporting. Paid on a piece-«ork basis .farms reporting. Expenditures for hired labor in 19S4 farms reporting. 4t 4QQ dollars., $1 to $99 farms reporting. , $100 to $199 (^^ rejortini., fOO to $499 f„^ reportinj.. $500 to $999 c^rmB reporting.. $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting.. $2,500 to $4,999 j^^ reportlni. . $5,000 and over faj.^ reporting.. Ferns with expenditures for hired labor but no hired workers reported.. .farms reporting.. $1 to $99 faj.,^ reporting.. $100 to $199 fa^ reporting.. $200 to $499 farms reporting.. $500 to $999 farms reportini.. $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting.. $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting.. $5,000 and over farms reporting.. 1,686 4,959 699 356 384 188 59 916 1,826 507 215 1J5 46 13 1,019 3,133 428 193 232 124 42 667 249 770 654 7 41 29 195 189 76 90 20 34 lib 69 657 15 67 182 269 8e 182 3,857 2,817,764 1,154 652 764 519 4S9 181 98 2,171 990 479 478 117 101 342 927 153 93 56 25 13 144 292 95 23 11 1 233 635 95 12 109 35 198 49 837 623,525 3a 150 129 104 98 13 22 495 235 110 90 1,985 6,622 776 436 418 2X7 138 909 2,071 485 200 141 63 20 1,364 4,551 550 157 89 621 238 1,076 493 10 6 6 134 113 61 79 48 23 429 385 161 187 4,681 4,119,498 1,230 749 l,0e8 57S 616 293 147 2,696 1,053 551 628 268 138 333 2,527 41 74 70 87 61 107 513 27 32 19 11 18 284 2,014 37 67 54 78 48 49 58 226 65 858 973,967 309 148 182 67 71 31 50 525 252 lOe 130 15 34 107 21 52,856 56 10 6 9 10 3 3 533 2,865 105 129 181 48 70 170 487 88 23 27 22 10 467 2,378 90 127 149 48 53 66 104 363 31 174 142 21 3 5 5 27 98 1,477 1,123,474 567 275 308 120 75 79 53 944 476 224 174 2,835 6,927 1,516 528 477 262 52 447 1,231 311 55 33 35 13 2,462 5,696 1,249 520 429 224 40 373 74 2,388 251 5 15 12 82 4^ 14 49 19 2 7 48 47 52 51 11 1,537 1 121 553 527 263 45 6 20 11 24 20 10 623 16,187 2,719,066 11, M7 2,408 1,479 322 233 51 47 13,352 10,389 1,845 908 142 62 1 5 42 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table ll.-DATE OF ENUMERATION: CENSUSES OF 1954, 1950, AND 1945 [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] Census of 1954 Census starting date— November 3 Mississippi Census of 1950 Census date — April 1 Mississippi Approxinate average date of eDumeration. Percent of farms enumerated during— October 1 to 9 October 10 to 16... October 17 to 23... October 24- to 31... November 1 to 6..., November 7 to 13 . . , November K to 20. . November 21 to 27.. November 28 to 30*. December 1 to 4..., December 5 to 11... December 12 to 18. December 19 to 25. December 26 to 31. Nov. 7-Nov. 13 (Z) (Z) (Z) 5 24 28 23 11 3 2 (2) (Z) (2) Approximate averaee date of enumeration. Percent of farms enumerated during-^ April 14 and earlier April 15 to 28 April 29 to May 12. May 13 to June 2 . . . June 3 and later.. . Apr. 15-Apr. 28 51 35 Census of 1945 Census date — January 1 Appronimate average date of enumeration Percent of enumeration districts enumerated during— January 1 to 15 January 16 to 31 3 (Z) Feb. 16-Feb. 28 February 1 to 15.. February 16 to 28. 22 26 March 1 to 31. April 1 to 30. May 1 to 31 June 1 and later. Z Less than 0.5. MISSISSIPPI 43 s ss ^ s s s i i 1 1 3a 0) 01 ■q o o rv a (0 a C M -a 7 ot -H 0) q §-° -s V I d B Q o O * Q .H .H ■P rH -P rH +> 33s3s Ss 0) V 01 *J rH +> if sif a3s s s S S i s i if Si s i?l 3 01 -a t3 tt) ja t3 to ^ ■ ■O O O OiJ 01 3 m " 6 m a Q u -a J 41 -rt * St ■" " a T) o 01 lU Q O 01 I s a O Oi Q is a 3^ +a 3S S 3' «5 32 ti C» l< o\ o o V rH « ^ ^4 -H •^ 0» -H 01 >i O a> h 01 ti -H -< J3 O J= o d 3 3 3 ? S, as n U ra u a3 +J :« p 3 o 01 O ^ O ,0 JO 5 g 01 -g -t^ rH g +* S'^S 3 3 ol O 0) 0) d o ■-I -P --I rH r-l -»> as a a as c o 0) t7» O S r- o e u '.SS- o • o El 0^ bo o -i^ ^ 3 eS 3 3 8 I 3° . t I I 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 »s fn .Si ";i,„ s asii >» aaaaas as o> -H -^ O g r-« _^ o E n *"* d d 01 = ^3S; o S 6 as i "5 333 0) ♦J : Q C O 01 +> o \ ■r' M U •>= ■ +* rH a) -P as°-s oSoqSq oq6 a 3 3 O Q O », O (0 Oi 0) g h. Q 5 j > < Q O s-'a ( 3 Q 3 Q 3 O 01 c'm ,, 0) i-i -^ CO--' as u 0) frf ,C' • 3 0) '- • O 01 ^ •>* o +» B -3- tl. += ■rH H nH ^ J, -W 333 3 3 3> I J (D o * w : c » w . g-^'^^a ca m u u n cd ot 01 0) 0) i: ^ bO'bo-ciD- ba>4J-- -t^ dOaJOcdO cdOCUO ■p -p ** +ioaj+J toi 3qj q 3 (4 U B U V ^ 9) Q "-» Q 0) ^ • O ■H a +> 4J o> o p --t -p O -H -H • -H • O CJ t< ■POO) p a > o « aa ^■3 ■3« .Q 0\ 0\ „g g5 ■352 d P O rH cd P O jC P n tH oj • ^^ oj > o 0) 0) rH P 0) +^ 0) +3 a) O ^S ] < Q 1: n "d 01 P 0) ^ T3 P a o -H ■p • • >i'd • cio • C^OOJVOOO O 01 P J4 0) P -P fc S" ^S; S'fe SS -H J3 -H ^ -H ^ c 01 I •S "^ i I I 3? Id S3 ?5 a ^ j 44 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE Slate Table 13.-LIVEST0CK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1954 [Data for number of livestock not fully comparable for the several censuses. See Sta le Table 12 and text] see text) Census of — Item (For definitions and explanations. 1954 (November) 1950 (April 1) 1945 ( January l) 1940 (April 1) 1935 (January 1) 1930 (April 1) 1925 (January l) 1920 (January l) Total value of specified classes of livestock dollars.. 141,989,296 173,813,680 137,660,711 83,143,992 60,212,178 82,711,344 62,651,322 133,970,012 Cattle aod dairy products: Cattle and calves .......••••••••■••••••• ■farms reporting., number. . 153,339 2,319,590 170, 749 1,569,327 199,643 1,655,084 200,983 1,139,660 220,986 1,400,657 181,969 1,008,672 (NA) 922,981 189,758 1,250,479 value.. dollars. . UO, 969, 977 131,461,603 64,645,696 27,186,790 14,585,006 32,855,158 15,543,673 39,950,140 Cows, including heifers that have calved ....•..••■••••••••••••••• .farms reporting.. 150,031 1,309,668 166,225 863, 760 193,371 971,469 193,386 647,336 215,149 751,976 (NA) 498,078 (NA) 523,515 (NA) number.. 632,025 value. .dollars.. 77,270,412 102,383,990 48,176,427 19,693,906 11,279,640 24,016,741 11,993,471 23,299,924 Mi Ik cows .........•.••••••■••••••• ..farms reporting.. 122,867 497,444 153,904 502,068 (NA) (NA) 191,814 522,742 (NA) (NA) 170, 599 413,192 123,933 320,055 159,038 number.. 427,406 Dairy products sold ..farms reporting.. (NA) 30,339 36,499 34,021 (NA) 37,451 (NA) (NA) dollars. . ^30,540,352 25,333,524 17,730,324 7,133,306 (NA) 10,316,522 (.NA) 3,872,653 Whole mili sold . . farms reporting. . 19,723 86,129,197 22,622 64,993,470 23,917 53,995,245 19,792 39,494,249 (NA) (NA) 15,244 28,345,861 (NA) 7,326,147 6,468 gallons . - 4,093,806 dollars. . 30,302,506 24,509,236 ^16,762,887 ^6,228,052 (NA) 7,597,014 (NA) 1,434,457 Cream sold. i..... .*•*•••••••••••••••• ..farms renortine.. 2,205 478,618 4,990 916,252 6,497 1,452,054 6,268 2,391,768 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) dollars. . 237,846 521,911 =644, 056 ^529,804 (NA) 2,073,691 (NA) 1,579,148 Butter, buttermilk, skim milk, and cheese sold •••*•••••••■••••••••• ..farms reporting.. (NA) (NA) 5,145 302,377 =■7,727 ^323,381 =10,649 ^375,450 (NA) (NA) =13,036 '645,817 (NA) (NA) =22,302 dollars.. '814,048 Cows milked, day preceding enumeration.. ..farms reporting., number of cows. . 108,733 298,709 142,464 342,096 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 140, 540 291,782 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) Milk produced, day preceding enuineration gallons,. 416,124 556,489 (NA) (NA) (NA) 440,113 (NA) (NA) Cows and heifers milked during any part of preceding year ..«........••>.•. ..farms reporting.. (NA) (NA) 190,058 191,907 205,082 167,492 164,311 (NA) number.. (NA) (NA) 466,560 456,496 511,009 383,703 358,044 (NA) Ilorses and mules: Horses and/or mules ..farms reporting.. 105,322 147,908 (NA) 186,036 230,958 208,867 213,334 (NA) number.. 242,810 393,494 451,919 445,664 426,989 472,022 458,931 523,068 value. .dollars. . 9,725,308 25,030,254 53,139,265 48,721,261 38,431,732 39,149,729 36,833,293 72,220,249 Horses and colts, including ponies... ..farms reporting.. 50,426 69,303 70,668 c5,10^ 55,059 (NA) (NA) 130,869 number.. 78,702 118,390 123,232 1M,044 76,508 102,677 131,285 214,852 value,. dollars.. 2,833,272 5,574,139 10,360,835 8,619,558 4,951,106 6,224,995 7,926,230 22,921,665 Mules and mule colts ...•......••••«.. ..farms reporting.. 80,049 164,108 118,796 275,104 134,472 328,687 lt.0,634 337,620 207,194 350,481 (NA) 369,345 (NA) 327,646 148,292 number.. 308,216 value. .dollars.. 6,892,536 19,456,115 42,778,430 40,101,703 33,480,626 32,924,734 28,907,068 49,298,584 Hogs: Hogs and pigs ..farms reporting.. 126,909 169,533 181,303 211,710 219,727 172,439 139,240 210,792 number.. 660,108 875,444 924,052 325,909 927,481 732,731 697,742 1,373,311 value, .dollars.. 14,695,913 11,220,867 11,426,325 4,241,018 4,220,039 6,271,100 5,402,632 14,703,650 4 months old and over .........••■••-• . . farms reporting. . 107,189 359,677 143,507 521,100 (NA) (NA) 211,710 825,909 (NA) (NA) (NA) 480,419 (NA) (") («) number.. («.) Less than 4 months old . . farms reporting. . 57,236 68,947 (NA) (NA) (NA) 50,038 (NA) («) number.. 300,431 354,344 (NA) (NA) (NA) 252,362 («) (■«) Sows and gilts farrowing ..farms reporting.. 35,458 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) number.. 94,968 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) Between December 1 and June 1....... ..farms reporting.. 22,106 53,984 68,956 51,456 83,795 42,252 (NA) 124,876 number . . 49,806 96,534 117,326 90,463 121,435 63,892 96,997 a7,818 Between June 1 and December 1 ..farms reporting.. 23,984 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) number . . 45,162 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) Sheep and wool: t^hp^ti nnd 1 amh«; ...................... ..farms reporting.. 1,716 89,874 1,177,318 1,339 66,660 608,909 1,462 90,494 371,093 1,746 60,397 176,124 2,040 71,568 189,655 2,380 110,056 463,862 2,626 113,824 318,797 4,341 Ljl 1CC,J ^lU XCUULJOl •••••••••••••••' ••■•••• number. . value.. dollars.. 164,440 377,705 Sheep i year old and over..., ..farms reporting.. 1,626 63,612 1,284 45,606 (NA) (NA) 1,746 60,397 (NA) (NA) (NA) 84,573 (NA) 94,863 (NA) number.. 132,906 Ewes ..farms reporting.. 1,518 54,656 1,236 35,377 1,152 59,483 1,370 46,946 1,813 47,204 (NA) 66,323 (NA) 63,254 4,036 number. . 99,816 Rams and wethers ..farms reporting.. 1,292 961 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (HA) number. . 8,956 10,229 (NA) 13,451 (NA) 18,250 31,609 33,090 Lambs under 1 year old....... ..farms reporting.. 1,159 26,262 1,028 21,054 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 25,483 (NA) 18,961 2,351 number. . 31,534 Sheep and lambs shorn. ................. ..farms reporting.. 1,261 70, 549 892 36,853 984 (NA) 1,200 51,347 1,843 71,990 1,594 82,848 (NA) 97,346 2,925 number shorn.. 141,838 Wool shorn pounds.. value.. dollars.. 376,383 203,242 166,934 72,744 237,788 107,215 173 ,308 41,954 231,481 50,926 272,638 88,161 322,507 108,996 480,165 254,487 See footnotes at end of table. MISSISSIPPI State Table 13.-LIVEST0CK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1954-Continued [Date for number of livestock not fully comparable for the several censuses. See State Table 12 and text] 45 (For definitions and explanations, see text) Coats and aohair: Qoats and kids farms reporting. . number. . value.. dollars.. Angora goats and kids farms reporting.. number. . Other goats and kids farms reporting.. number. . Goats and kids clipped farms reporting.. number. . Mohair clipped pounds. . value. .dollars. . Poullrv and poultry products: Poultry and/or poultry products sold farms reporting.. dollars.. Chickens, <4 months old and over, on hand. .farms reporting.. number. . value. . dollars. . Chickens sold farms reporting.. nuTiber. . dollars. . Chicken eggs sold farms reporting.. dozens. . dollars. , Turkey hens, to be kept for breeding, on hand farms reporting.. number. . Turkeys raised farms reporting. . number. . Ducks raised farms reporting. . number. . Geese raised farms reporting.. number . . Guineas raised farms reporting.. number. . Turkeys, ducks, geese, and other miscellaneous poultry, and their eggs sold farms reporting.. dollars. . Aniaals sold slive: Cattle, hogs, sheep, horses, or mules sold alive farms reporting . . dollars. . Cattle, hogs, or sheep sold alive farms reporting.. Cattle and/or calves sold alive. ....... .farms reporting.. number . . dollars . . Cattle sold alive, excluding calves farms reporting.. number., dollars. . Calves sold alive farms reporting.. number. . dollars. . Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting.. number . . dollars. . Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting.. number. . dollars. . Horses and mules sold alive farms reporting.. number., dollars. . Census of — 1954 (November) (NA) (NA) (KA) (KA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 36,902 27,367,176 167,126 5,i20,280 5,420,280 11,484 35,319,881 21,317,072 29,874 12,402,243 5,517,223 7,078 27, 187 9,494 142,392 4,591 32,540 1,132 70,357 1,794 10,946 3,552 532,381 88,176 44,806,561 86,670 74,099 750,560 35,886,520 44,388 247,810 17,050,608 63,451 502,750 13,835,912 32,498 321,255 7,933,302 1,027 49,017 664,767 5,819 9,329 321,472 1950 (April 1) 5,488 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (HA) (NA) («,) 76,991 10,740,565 209,582 5,827,851 5,492,047 35,996 7,313,884 6,169,391 65,607 10,474,852 4,229,754 6,953 31,937 6,426 73,950 5,625 40,710 7,612 61,870 2,045 17,224 3,681 341,420 118,206 45,112,398 116,796 90,407 467, 174 32,696,228 41,313 174,184 18,042,976 72,784 292,990 14,653,252 61,252 539,424 11,260,270 764 26,057 234,424 7,410 13,732 871,476 1945 (January 1940 1) (April 1) 3,602 48,657 100,798 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 91,164 8,757,740 225,370 7,389,903 7,977,534 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 4,993 61,760 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 59,453 370,255 13,893,294 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 32,007 331,389 4,602,141 551 22,048 130,809 (NA) (NA) (NA) 3,363 37,585 38,876 7 197 3,357 37,388 7 (NA) 472 141 91,358 3,028,364 251,393 6,055,468 2,779,923 65,297 2,558,021 1,150,587 (NA) (NA) (NA) 7,454 33,920 4,953 67,533 2,053 19,977 2,159 16,433 3,621 33,165 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 60,424 47,861 253,217 4,681,312 30,759 149,116 3,684,578 27,217 104,101 996,734 21,917 196,302 1,646,906 729 23,502 73,352 (NA) (NA) (NA) 1935 (January 4,368 43,228 32,421 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 19 (NA) 626 125 (NA) (NA) 263,775 6,715,426 2,753,325 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 11,434 52,596 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (KA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1930 (April 1) 3,911 41,331 71,921 553 1,937 (NA) 39,444 (NA) 182 670 224 (NA) (NA) 232,455 5,318,195 3,399,574 75,774 2,683,399 2,077,923 105,759 11,914,683 3,351,701 (NA) (NA) 11,322 85,010 4,080 21,336 13,329 93,390 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1925 (January 1) 4,365 64,947 75,466 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 263 908 273 (NA) (NA) 202,522 5,737,879 4,477,456 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1920 (January l) 7,830 113,277 291,225 62 1,128 7,356 112,149 61 791 1,972 864 (NA) (NA) 237,646 6,342,204 5,927,043 56,430 1,501,912 935,620 117,544 9,233,328 3,417,845 19,876 80,236 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) **Available data not comparable. NA Not available. ^For 1954, whole milk and cream only. ^Published values for 1945 and 1940 were computed on the basis of average prices. For this table, these values have been adjusted to equal the enumerated value of all dairy products sold. ^Butter sold. 46 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 14.-FARMS REPORTING SPECIFIED NUMBER OF CATTLE ON HAND: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950; FARMS REPORTING SPECIFIED NUMBER OF LIVESTOCK ON HAND OR SOLD ALIVE: CENSUS OF 1954 [Data for 1954 are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) State total Cattle and calves of all ages od hand farms reporting 1954.. 1950.. number 1954,. 1950. . ]_ farms reporting 1954,. 1950. . 2 to 4 farms reporting 1954.. 1950.. 5 to 9 farms reporting 1954., 1950, . 10 to 24 farms reporting 1954 . . 1950. . 25 to 49 farms reporting 1954.. 1950. . 50 to 99 farms reporting 1954,. 1950. . 100 and over farms reporting 1954. . 1950,. Co«s OD hand 1954, including heifers that have calved farms reporting.. number , . 1 farms reporting, . 2 farms reporting, . 3 or 4 farms reporting, , 5 to 9 farms reporting,, 10 to 14 farms reporting.. 15 to 19 farms reporting. , 20 to 29 fEirms reporting.. 30 to 49 farms reporting, . 50 to 74 farms reporting.. 75 to 99 farms reporting.. 100 to 199 farms reporting.. 200 to 499 farms reporting. . 500 to 999 farms reporting.. 1,000 and over farms reporting,. Milk cows on hand, 1954 farms reporting.. number.. 1 farms reporting.. 2 farms reporting. . 3 farms reporting., 4 farms reporting. . 5 to 9 farms reporting.. 10 to 14 farms reporting.. 15 to 19 farms reporting,. 20 to 29 farms reporting.. 30 to 49 farms reporting.. 50 to 74 farms reporting.. 75 to 99 farms reporting.. 100 and over farms reporting.. Catti* sold alive, excluding calves, 1954 farms reporting.. number . . 1 to 4 farms reporting.. 5 to 9 farms reporting. . 10 to 19.... farms reporting.. 20 to 29 farms reporting.. 30 to 39 farms reporting.. 40 to 49 farms reporting.. 50 to 99 farms reporting., 100 to 199 farms reporting.. 200 and over farms reporting. . Olves sold alive, 1954 farms reporting,. number . . 1 to 4 farms reporting.. 5 to 9 farms reporting.. 10 to 14 farms reporting.. 15 to 19 farms reporting., 20 to 29 farms reporting.. 30 to 39 farms reporting.. 40 to 49 farms reporting.. 50 to 99 farms reporting. . 100 and over farms reporting.. 153,819 170, 749 2,329,602 1,569,327 17,499 26,269 52,805 72,574 32,302 35,355 29, 708 24,205 12,488 7,610 5,706 3,122 3,311 1,614 150,446 1,314,348 41,337 28,750 26,586 23,365 9,698 5,514 6,034 4,842 1,970 881 1,053 379 29 8 123,372 500,042 42, 874 31,191 15,121 9,568 15,467 3,755 1,777 1,593 1,371 367 144 144 45,438 254,928 34,063 6,404 2,903 902 324 207 395 153 67 65,138 509, 223 38, 534 13,492 5,364 2,640 2,282 1,007 529 910 380 (For definitions and explanations, see text) Sowa and gilts farrovinfi; after Dec. 1, 1953 and before Dec. 1, 1954 farms reporting., 1 farms reporting. , 2 farms reporting. , 3 farms reporting.. 4 farms reporting.. 5 farms reporting. . 6 farms reporting. . 7 farms reporting., g farms reporting. . 9 farms reporting.. 10 or ncre farms reporting . . Hogs and pigs sold alive, 19S4 farms reporting,. number,, 1 to 4 farms reporting.. 5 to 9 farms reporting.. 10 to 14 farms reporting. . 15 to 19 farms reporting.. 20 to 29 farms reporting.. 30 to 39 farms reporting.. 40 to 49 farms reporting. , 50- to 99 farms reporting.. 100 to 199 farms reporting.. 200 and ove-^ farms reporting.. Turkeys raised, light breeds, 1954 farms reporting.. number . . Under 25 farms reporting.. 25 to 49.. farms reporting.. 50 to 99 farms reporting., 100 to 199 farms reporting., 200 to 399 farms reporting., 400 to 799 farms reporting., 800 to 1,599 farms reporting,, 1,600 and over farms reporting.. Turkeys raised, heavy breeds, 1954 farms reporting. number, , Under 25 farms reporting. 25 to 49 farms reporting. 50 to 99 farms reporting. 100 to 199 farms reporting. 200 to 399 farms reporting. 400 to 799 farms reporting. 800 to 1,599 farms reporting. 1,600 and over farms reporting. Broilers (chickens) sold. 1954 farms reporting. number. Under 2,000 farms reporting. 2,000 to 3,999 farms reporting. 4,000 to 7,999 farms reporting. 8,000 to 15,999 farms reporting. 16,000 to 31,999 farms reporting. 32,000 to 39,999 farms reporting. 40,000 to 49,999 farms reporting. 50,000 to 59,999 .■ farms reporting. 60,000 to 69,999 farms reporting, 70,000 to 79,999 farms reporting. 80,000 to 89,999 farms reporting. 90,000 and over farms reporting. MISSISSIPPI State Table 15.-NURSERY, GREENHOUSE, AND FOREST PRODUCTS. CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1954 47 (For definitions and explanations, see text] 19M (November) 1960 (April 1) 1945 (January 1] 1940 (April 1) 1936 (January 1) 1930 (April 1) 1926 (January 1) 1920 (January 1) Nursery sad greenhouse productSi flouer uod vegetable seeds and plauls, snd bulbs: Nursery and greenhouse products, flouer and vegetable seeds and plants, flowers, and bulbs sold dollars. Nursery products (trees, shrubs, vines, omajnentals, etc.) fErms i-eporting. acres. Sold dollars. Cat flovers, potted plauts, florist greens, and bedding plants gro*n for sale: Grown under glass farms reporting. square feet. Crown in open farms reporting. acres. Sold farms reporting. dollars. Vegetables grown under glass, flower seeds, vegetable seeds, vegetable plants, bulbs, and ■ushrooBS produced for sale: Grown under glass or in house farms reporting. square feet . Grown in open farms reporting. acres . Sold farms reporting. dollars. Forest products: All forest products sold dollars. Firewood and fuelwood cut farms reporting. cords (4'x 4'x 8'). Fence posts cut farms reporting. number . Sawlogs and veneer logs cut (including standing tijnber sold) farms reporting. thousands of bd. ft. Pulpwood cut farms reporting. cords. Value of firewood, fence posts, logs, lumber, pulpwood, piliiig and poles, bark, bolts, Christmas trees, hewn ties, mine timber, and other miscellaneous forest products sold farms reporting. dollars. 709,946 102 «5,404 85 148 151 473,403 54 46, 147 48 78 94 67,185 5,746,664 63,789 551,544 32,673 7,871,927 7,506 162, 794 12,850 291,021 17,058 5,746,6f4 1,321,228 168 852 461,571 '87 '629 421 hso '448 '165 '782,681 74 49,254 87 267 110 76,976 7,094,493 82,892 833,243 43,980 9, 602, 169 '5,943 '65,341 7,086 145,817 (NA) 7,094,493 598,285 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 3,859,482 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 401, 550 77 743 181,063 JSl '3P4,514 (NA) (NA) (NA) '110,209 (NA) (NA) '122 '1,930 (NA) '110,278 1,272,194 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 626, 370 '246 (NA) '367,681 '113 (NA) (NA) (NA) (HA) ■'258,689 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 3,520,749 141,791 1,400,377 21,848 3,957,535 '6,395 '365,613 1,096 30,396 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 124,455 ,247,097 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 37 147 56,959 = 56 '260,786 (NA) (NA) (NA) '161,809 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) '13,720 ,825,413 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) NA Not available. 'Trees, plants, vines, etc., in nurseries; flower and vegetable seeds; and bulbs. 'Flowers and flowering plants grown for sale, 'Crops grown iinder glass (flowers, plants, and vegetables) and propagated mushrooms. *Flower3, plants, and vegetables grown under glass, and flowers grown in the open. 'Total souare feet under glass. 'Flower and vegetable seeds, bulbs, and flowers and plants grown in the open. 'Value of vegetables and vegetable plants. 'Does not include amount sold as standing timber. 48 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE Sute Table I6.r-SPEC1FIED CROPS HARVESTED:' CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1954 Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Census of— 1954 1950 1945 1940 1935 1930 1925 1920 (November) (April 1) (January 1) (April 1) (January 1) (April 1) ( January 1 ) (January 1) 215,915 251,383 263,528 291,092 311,683 312,663 257,228 272,101 193,617 229,479 251,849 282,577 302,392 299,997 (NA) (NA) 5,529,981 6,136,206 6,472,820 6,952,931 6,735,377 6,597,112 5,661,671 ^6,359,538 A22,877,739 361,685,760 407,947,163 152,381,028 («.) («) («*) («) 351,311,527 251,015,014 235,724,874 97,128,205 (NA) 202,096,341 (NA) (NA) U9,196 185,997 220,025 262,519 285,231 234,822 204,166 (NA) 1,627,719 1,999,807 2,426,416 2,957,498 3,024,492 1,998,796 2,116,248 (NA) 42,390,350 48,724,542 58,713,220 25,049,499 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 144,638 184,713 218,470 261,019 284,664 233,251 197,012 246,018 1,534,023 1,963,820 2,403,762 2,913,792 3,014,507 1,978,884 2,036,226 2,657,009 25,164,783 37,933,711 38,631,281 36,034,812 40,991,582 34,935,657 24,611,961 38,095,228 1,628 292 (NA) 101 (NA) 139 212 (NA) 30,980 4,098 (NA) 2,540 (NA) 1,924 4,195 (NA) 175,432 31,311 (NA) 10,853 (NA) 11,816 13,989 (HA) 6,649 2,520 (NA) 5,329 (NA) (NA) (NA) '4,929 62,716 31,889 (NA) 41,166 (NA) 17,988 75,827 '29,497 23,155 '30,001 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 4,204,526 3,258,505 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 640,672 6,517,019 =3,775,025 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 8,057 4,288 8,610 10,289 (NA) 6,531 (NA) (NA) 60,804 20,854 36,710 31,242 47,742 21,210 18,076 10,865 3,892,550 1,143,411 1,877,819 755,320 805,288 498,516 (HA) 319,968 376 550 126 185 783 405 (HA) (-) 5,244 4,292 656 858 2,364 1,237 528 78 75,623 69,661 10,551 13,295 34,062 16,736 4,723 830 2,941 660 (NA) 549 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 37,644 6,785 (NA) 6,448 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 283,196 56,997 (NA) 48,004 (NA) (HA) (NA) (HA) 4,863 3,190 6,217 9,584 («.) (*♦) (**) 3,871 17,916 9,777 22,261 23,936 («) (*♦) («) 10,787 17,935 11,764 36,539 38,910 (") («) (-) 13,844 42 «68 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (HA) 25,168 (HA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 32,719 '10,606 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 138 (') (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 843 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 19,389 (') (HA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 9,920 3,517 8,398 2,732 610 537 1,360 10,553 328,258 103,296 349,371 102,612 12,620 9,964 15,578 53,088 12,946,142 2,606,871 12,204,297 4,185,456 314,910 265,034 246,734 760,417 11,133,682 2,342,462 11,510,776 1,614,657 210,990 187,082 201,571 836,466 3,316 814 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 7,020,011 658,037 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 40,934 6,037,208 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (') 4,804 14,417 7,034 6,887 6,057 6,986 (NA) (') 32,950 81,719 32,810 31,666 24,298 36,906 (NA) C) 796,862 1,675,472 333,484 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 256 («) (NA) 43 756 36 30 1,217 73,604 (") (NA) 45 500 42 52 1,171 4,311,179 («) (NA) 594 6,826 924 840 18,141 8,622,358 (") (NA) 461 5,461 924 1,344 42,631 251 « (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 4,183,817 {') (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 8,367,634 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1,694 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (HA) (NA) 42,951 '12,324 24,621 2,683 1,038 714 3,260 6,735 1,186,849 '371,892 558,420 85,766 15,187 13,195 36,397 57,705 1,863,353 '654,312 772,360 66,507 14,964 13,784 52,775 127,849 1,048 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 923,942 '298,939 (NA) (NA) (NA) (HA) (NA) (HA) 1,450,587 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 17,537 24,215 (NA) 68,394 38,389 6,778 (NA) (NA) 635,100 302,555 197,949 281,595 169,232 38,357 (NA) (NA) 26,932 69,640 124,619 445,541 156,651 29,582 (NA) (NA) 7,186 4,314 3,476 3,417 8,326 (HA) (NA) 850 504,962 168,630 (NA) 21,564 (HA) (NA) (NA) 1,637 5,001 (NA) 13,082 (NA) (NA) (NA) 3,420 5,039,733 2,825,484 724,388 264,945 208,798 76,719 (NA) ' 24,839 12,599,332 5,767,854 1,775,904 380,667 386,276 190,948 (NA) 95,637 10,961,418 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 8,888 14,800 "31,719 48,358 54,916 13,023 (HA) 17,237 95,899 3,861 102,361 12,242 ) 11248,144 '^284, 174 367,961 365,174 82,318 50.336 68,346 96,914 136,396 401,633 369,749 103,299 (NA) 67,098 2,665,135 3,354,301 "7,494,354 4,093,163 5,102,536 1,940,569 (NA) 1,945,842 159,908 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (HA) 2,706 5,013 (NA) (NA) (NA) (HA) (NA) (NA) 13,034 14,619 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 17,264 41,617 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 563,316 952,611 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 860 1,874 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (HA) 21,205 16,745 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 4,170 10,780 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) All faraa number. Cropland barTcsted farms reporting. acres. Total Taloe of specified crops barrcBted (see xext)' dollars. Value of all crops sold (see text)^ dollars. Com: Com for all purposes farms reporting. acres. value, dollars. Harvested for grain -.farms reporting. acres, bushels. Cut for silage farms reporting. acres, tons, green weight. Hogged or grazed, or cut for green or dry fodder farms reporting. acres. Corn sold farms reporting. bushels. dollars. Sorffaaas: Sorghum for all purposes except for sirup farms reporting., acres. . value, dollars.. Harvested for grain or for seed farms reporting., acres, bushels. , Cut for silage farms reporting. acres. tons, green weight.. Hogged or grazed, or cut for dry forage or hay farms reporting. acres, tons cut. Sorghum for grain or for seed sold farms reporting. bushels, dollars. Sorghum hay or forage sold farms reporting. tons, dollars., Saall grains: Oats threshed or combined farms reporting.. acres. bushels. . value, dollars. Sold farms reporting. bushels. . dollars. Oats cut for feeding unthreshed farms reporting., acres. value, dollars.. Rice threshed or combined farms reporting. acres. bushels. value, dollars. Sold farms reporting. bushels, dollars. Other grain threshed or combined farms reporting. acres. bushels. value, dollars. Sold farms reporting. bushels, dollars. Annaal leitnaes: Soybeans grown for all purposes^ farms reporting. acres grown alone, acres grown with other crops. Harvested for beans farms reporting, acres grown alone. acres grown with other crops. bushels. value, dollars. sold, dollars. Cut for hay^° farms reporting. acres grown alone. acres grown with other crops. tons. value, dollars. sold, dollars. Hogged or grazed, or cut for silage. . .farms reporting. acres grown alone, acres grown with other crops. value, dollars. Plowed under for green manure farms reporting. acres grown alone. acres grown with other crops. See footnotes at end of table. MISSISSIPPI State Table 16.-SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED:' CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1954-Continued 49 Census of— Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) 1954 1950 1946 1940 1935 1930 1925 1920 (November) (April 1) ( Jf— uary 1 ) (April 1) (January 1) (April 1) (January 1) (January 1) Aaniial Uipiaea— Continued Cowpeas grown lor all purposes, except for fresh market, or for canning, freezing, or other processing' .farms reporting. . . 15,629 37,772 '^31,627 43,605 (NA) 166,334 106,445 233,439 96,773 183,260 24,612 27,369 (HA) (NA) (NA) acres grown alone... (NA) acres grown with other crops... 23,991 45,704 88,370 493,010 233,556 53,492 (NA) (NA) Harvested for dry peas farms reporting... 9,937 17,104 15,108 16,610 28,459 (NA) 48,864 80,462 66,887 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) acres grown alone... (NA) acres grown with other crops... 8,003 18,311 (NA) 102,822 (NA) (NA) (NA) (HA) hushels... 116,312 148,294 333,793 550,804 632,055 251,136 (NA) (HA) value, dollars.. . 494,326 570,900 1,269,755 348,531 982,159 578,328 (NA) (NA) sold, dollars... 103,808 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (HA) Cut for hav farms reporting... 2,714 4,445 (") ('') (") (") ('*) (") acres grown alone... 9,646 13,967 } (") (") (") (") C) (14) (14) acres grown with other crops... tons... 868 8,644 1,986 14,607 (») (") (") (") (") value, dollars... 237,710 365,318 (") (") (") (>') ('') (") sold, dollars... 14,262 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (HA) Hogged ^r grazed, or cut for silage. . .farms reporting... 3,228 5,270 (NA) (HA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) acres grown alone... 7,451 7,777 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) acres grown with other crops... 12,828 19,137 (NA) (HA) (NA) (NA) (HA) (NA) value, dollars... 374,355 381,601 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (HA) 372 1,944 (NA) (HA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (HA) acres grown alone... 3,571 5,251 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (HA) acres grown with other crops... 2,292 6,270 (NA) (NA) (HA) (NA) (NA) (HA) Peanuts grown for all purposes farms reporting... 7,502 12,432 (NA) 59,681 88,177 30,097 (NA) (HA) acres grown alone... 5,501 9,757 19,634 35,339 48,872 16,916 (NA) (NA) acres grown with other crops... 483 1,172 1,353 4,064 4,505 3,853 (HA) (NA) value, dollars... "275,740 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (HA) (NA) Harvested for picking or threshing. .. .farms reporting... 7,199 12,219 12,159 47,565 83,634 (NA) («•) 19,126 acres grown alone... 4,734 6,798 \ 14,837 25,294 (NA) (NA) ("•) \ 16,933 acres grown with other crops... 212 288 312 (NA) (NA) (•*) lb., 1954, 1950, 1945, 1940; bu. , other years... 1,406,266 2,510,355 3,710,894 9,942,212 819,147 296,707 («.) •' 241,601 value, dollars... 225,003 376,823 306,884 458,709 1,048,508 383,960 («*) 543,616 sold, dollars... 27,001 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (HA) (NA) Vines or tops saved for ha;/ or forage farms reporting. . . 569 1,052 2,761 ','!' 'J^' (") (") (!') acres grown alone... acres grown with other crops... 670 72 1,217 47 } (NA) ('*) (") (") (") (") (") (") ('*) (") (") tons... 694 1,243 4,774 (") (") fJ!' (»') ';i> value, dollars... 17,350 22,642 37,588 (") (»*) (") (") (1*) 1,044 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (HA) (NA) Velvetbeans grown for all purposes farms reporting... 850 1,279 (NA) (NA) (NA) 5,336 7,400 9,440 acres grown alone... 1,386 2,058 (NA) (NA) (NA) 2,970 \ cA,243 81,691 acres grown with other crops... 2,755 4,099 (NA) (HA) (NA) 35,233 bushels... 12,149 20,619 (NA) (NA) (NA) 79,105 (HA) (NA) value, dollars... 12,392 20,819 (NA) (NA) (NA) 174,033 (HA) (NA) sold, dollars... 2,476 (NA) (NA) (NA) (HA) (NA) (HA) (NA) Hay cropa (see text): I;a"d from which hay was cut^* acres... 606,836 623,564 622,564 454,231 358,031 233,716 261,194 365,408 Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay (and for dehydrating) ................... farms reporting... 784 1,371 2,830 3,658 2,572 1,551 739 2,058 acres... 12,225 19,579 60,560 65,343 41,127 23,314 10.440 30,304 tons... 19,108 33,138 130,438 151,966 92,094 55,726 (NA) 65,354 value, dollars... 659,226 1,024,502 3,768,269 1,940,722 1,657,692 1,242,768 (NA) 2,352,744 Sold farms reporting. . . 63 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (HA) (NA) (HA) tons... 2,568 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (HA) (NA) dollars... 88,597 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay farms reporting. . . 4,302 7,412 1,726 1,088 639 (NA) (NA) (NA) acres... 52,703 53,947 13,694 5,762 5,289 1,973 5,653 102,656 tons... 54,616 61,357 16,726 6,532 7,500 2,536 (NA) 129,388 value, dollars... 1,474,632 1,489,546 409,855 72,751 99,000 45,912 (NA) 3,620,553 Sold farms reporting. . . 139 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (HA) (NA) tons... 1,398 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (HA) (NA) dollars... 37,746 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) Lespedeza cut for hay farms reporting. . . . .155 33,046 32,977 26,733 («) (") (— ) («) acres... ^ =..5C 328,068 312,446 192,780 («,) (-) (-) (♦*) tons.. . :-';,;3i 378,460 346,487 231,911 {«) («.) («) («♦) value, dollars... ?. --.5,584 9,242,369 9,350,273 2,513,029 («) (»♦) («,) («.) Sold farms reporting.. . 717 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (HA) (NA) (HA) tons.. . 7,137 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (HA) (NA) dollars.. . 203,405 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (HA) (NA) (NA) Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting... '11,483 2,356 1,035 1,048 925 336 258 2,483 acres.. . '110,227 16,686 6,324 5,044 4,931 2,589 1,718 14,926 tons... '119,437 17,017 7,293 6,134 4,344 2,624 (HA) 16,064 value, dollars... '3,224,799 340,340 131,052 55,125 49,956 42,778 (NA) 385,536 Sold farms reporting 177 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) tons — 2,103 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (HA) (NA) (NA) dollars. .. 56,781 (NA) (NA) (NA) (HA) (NA) (NA) (HA) Other hay cut (see text) farms reporting. . . 16,075 20,278 (NA) (NA) (HA) (HA) (HA) (NA) acres... 225,935 205,855 229,040 185,033 306,634 205,835 243,383 217,522 tons... 227,427 219,489 258,167 205,273 324,742 245,100 (NA) 243,965 value, dollars... 4,775,967 4,062,472 4,492,025 1,657,225 3,548,800 3,768,798 (HA) 5,473,731 Sold farms reporting. . . 631 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (HA) tons... 16,290 (HA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) dollars... 342,090 (NA) (NA) (NA) (HA) (NA) (HA) (NA) Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover. or small grains. .farms reporting. . . 13 25 (NA) "13 («♦) (♦») (•*) (") acres... 246 136 (NA) 17219 («*) (*•) («.) («) tons, green weight... 1,592 795 (NA) "582 («) («•) (NA) (-) value, dollars... 13,532 6,360 (NA) 1'4,44Q (") («) (NA) (••) See footnotes at end of table. 50 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table I6.-SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED:' CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1954-Continued (For definitions and explanations, see text) Census of— 1954 1950 1945 1940 1935 1930 1925 (November) (April 1) (January 1) (April 1) (January 1) (April 1) (January 1| 1 1 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 60 20 (NA) (NA) (NA) (HA) (NA) 2,000 1,300 (NA) (NA) (NA) (HA) (NA) 400 325 (NA) (NA) (HA) (HA) (NA) 280 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 6 12 (NA) (NA) (NA) (HA) (NA) 325 269 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 21,790 21,625 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 6,537 4,325 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 4,902 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (HA) (NA) 1 (NA) (NA) 3 (NA) (NA) (NA) 50 (NA) (NA) 28 (NA) (HA) (NA) 10,000 (NA) (NA) 3,600 (NA) (NA) (NA) 1,200 (NA) (NA) 240 (NA) (NA) (NA) 720 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 13 20 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 255 698 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 17,482 37,048 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 6,993 10,002 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 5,245 (HA) (NA) (NA) (HA) (NA) (NA) 7 23 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 84 571 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 14,925 95,320 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1,492 15,251 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 895 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 5 15 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 45 218 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 3,175 34,305 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 572 13,722 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 342 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 289 319 (NA) 18149 (NA) "599 (NA) 4,185 3,188 (NA) l"2,691 (NA) "4,723 (NA) 9,269 9,027 (NA) "6,478 (HA) "18,225 (NA) 122,351 124,571 (NA) "38,868 (NA) "63,377 (NA) 73,407 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 4 1 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 110 8 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 4,977 650 (NA) (NA) (NA) (HA) (NA) 2,986 975 (NA) (NA) (NA) (HA) (NA) 1,792 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (HA) (NA) 50 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1,800 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 720 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 432 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 25 20 • • > (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 568 465 ... (NA) (NA) (NA) (HA) 33,449 24,728 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 15,337 10,879 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 9,232 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 2 1 (NA) 13 (NA) (NA) (NA) 58 3 (NA) 95 (NA) (NA) (NA) 5,200 600 (NA) 10,800 (NA) (NA) (HA) 624 90 (NA) 650 (NA) (NA) (NA) 375 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 55 97 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1,514 1,632 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 69,932 114,712 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 44,057 87,181 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (HA) 26,433 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 5 35 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 400 10,580 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 144 4,404 (NA) (NA) (HA) (NA) (NA) 86 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 88 20 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 2,341 151 (NA) (NA) (HA) (NA) (NA) 236;140 17,294 (NA) (NA) (HA) (NA) (NA) 33,060 6,918 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 24,«00 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 328 1,061 1,715 511 (NA) (NA) (NA) 4,925 13,581 21,907 5,621 (NA) (NA) (NA) 478,385 2,028,674 3,243,159 657,998 (NA) (NA) (NA) 124,380 345,961 602,913 43,018 (NA) (NA) (NA) 49,754 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 6 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 114 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 26,000 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 2,860 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 2,144 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 178 219 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 7,392 8,433 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1,901,556 2,976,767 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 152,124 238,141 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 114,095 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (HA) 75 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (HA) 1,647 ... (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 306,950 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 39,904 (NA) (NA) (HA) (NA) (NA) 27,933 (NA) (NA) (HA) (NA) (NA) Licspedesn seed, frasa, aod etber field seed cFops: Bermuda grass seed harvested farms reporting. acres. pounds. value, dollars. sold, dollars. Carpet grass seed harvested. Crotalaria seed harvested. Dallis grass seed harvested. .farms reporting. acres. pound 3 . value, dollars. sold, dollars. .farms reporting. acres.. pounds. . value, dollars., sold, dollars. . .farms reporting., acres. . pounds. . value, dollars., sold, dollars., Clover seed harvested: Alyce clover seed harvested. Burclover seed harvested. Crimson clover seed harvested. Ladino clover seed harvested. Persian clover seed harvested. Red clover seed harvested. Sweetclover seed harvested. White clover seed harvested. Other and unspecified clover seed harvested Fescue seed harvested. Lespedeza seed harvested. Rescue grass seed harvested. Rough winter peas harvested. Ryegrass seed harvested. ..farms reporting. acres. pounds. value, dollars, sold, dollars. .farms reporting. acres. pounds. value, dollars. sold, dollars. .farms reporting. acres. bushels. value, dollars. sold, dollars. .farms reporting.. acres. . pounds. . value, dollars. sold, dollars. , .farms reporting., acres. , pounds., value, dollars., sold, dollars., .farms reporting., acres. , pounds. , value, dollars. , sold, dollars., .farms reporting., acres. , pounds. , value, dollars. , sold, dollars. , .farms reporting., acres. , pounds. , value, dollars. , sold, dollars. , .farms reporting,, acres. . pounds, . value, dollars,. sold, dollars, . .farms reporting., acres. , pounds. . value, dollars. . sold, dollars., .farms reporting., acres. , pounds. , value, dollars., sold, dollars.. .farms reporting., acres. . pounds. . value, dollars.. sold, dollars, . .farms reporting., acres.. pounds. , value, dollars. . sold, dollars.. .farms reporting.. acres. , pounds. . value, dollars. , sold, dollars. , See footnotes at end of table. MISSISSIPPI Slate Table 16.-SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED:' CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1954-Continued 51 Item (For definitions and explanations, aee text) Census of — 1954 (November) 1960 (April 1) 1945 ( January 1 ] 1940 (April 1) 1935 (January 1) 1930 (April 1) 1925 ( January 1 ) 1920 (January 1) L«ape4«Ba aced, fraaa, and olb«r fiald Bead crapa— Continued Vetch seed harvested farms reporting... acres. . . pounds... value^ dollars... sold, dollars... Other field seed crops harvested acres... value, dollars... sold, dollars... Other field cropa: Broomcorn harvested farms reporting. . . acres.. . pounds of brush.. . value, dollars... sold, dollars... Cotton hai*vested farms reporting... acres... bales... value, dollars... sold, dollars... Irish potatoes harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting... acres. . . bushels... value, dollars... sold, dollars... Root and grain crops hogged or grazed, other than com, sorghums , or annual legumes farms reporting. . . acres... value, dollars... Sugarcane or sorghum harvested for sirup farms reporting. . . acres.. . gallons... value, dollars... sold, dollars... Sweetpotatoes harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting. . . acres bushels. . . value, dollars... sold, dollars... All other field crops hanrested acres... value, dollars... sold, dollars... Valae of specified crops barvested, except fruits, Data, horticultoral specialties, and vegetables dollars... Valae of crops sold, except fmits, nuts, horticaltaral specialties, and xeitctebles dollars. . . Ve)cetablea for bone use and for sale (other than Irish aod sveet potatoes): Vegetables harvested for home use^'^ farms reporting... value, dollars... Vegetables harvested for sale^^ farms reporting... acres.. . Sold dollars... Beans, green lima farms reporting. . . acres. . . Beans, snap (bush and pole types) farms reporting... acres. . . Blaclceyes and other green cowpeas farms reporting... acres. . . Cabbage farms reporting. . . acres. . . Cantaloups and muskmelons farms reporting... acres. . . Collards farms reporting. . . acres. . . Corn, sweet farms reporting acres. . . Cucumbers and pickles farms reporting... acres. . . Mustard greens farms reporting. . . acres. . . Okra farms reporting. . . acres.. . Peas , green farms reporting . . . acres. . . Peppers, hot (chili peppers) farms reporting... acres... Peppers, sweet and pimientos farms reporting... acres. . . Spinach farms reporting. . . acres. . . Squash farms reporting... acres... Tomatoes farms reporting. . . acres.. . Turnips farms reporting. . . acres.. . Turnip greens farms reporting. . . acres. . . Watermelons farms reporting. . . acres. . . Other vegetables acres. . . See footnotes at end of table . 82 1,956 303,335 48,534 36,400 1,670 34,885 26,158 98 14,780 2,956 2,956 156,249 1,948,329 1,547,593 307,971,007 307,971,007 76,320 ='3,463 821,045 1,305,462 441,914 198 4,472 141,986 12,367 9,818 682,769 1,140,224 513,102 71,962 2113,171 1,434,057 4,588,982 1,217,987 50 2,118 1,589 416,543,284 344,977,072 183,287 (NA) 10,508 36,025 2,552,040 1,701 1,439 2,460 3,327 3,194 6,131 1,218 2,617 292 421 189 345 258 391 3,525 3,137 282 447 378 322 158 227 185 201 552 471 100 81 1,512 1,113 683 2,045 135 361 3,677 11,914 167 102 2,495 430,380 64,558 (NA) 187 5,230 (NA) 5 12 7,000 850 (NA) 190,732 2,767,507 1,496,902 260,093,061 (NA) 74,445 '15,886 751,594 1,665,350 (NA) 522 4,242 (NA) 22,259 12,898 1,426,542 1,428,167 (NA) 89,416 '127,370 2,668,297 6,207,401 (NA) 95 "624,177 (NA) ''352,592,086 "243,190,900 206,044 (NA) "10,885 54,585 "2,748,120 2,103 1,380 4,336 5,599 13,760 21,664 2,325 6,034 716 603 150 212 1,161 1,300 2,441 1,937 287 425 406 231 1,022 845 235 298 730 883 31 154 101 88 2,962 4,655 839 1,692 57 84 3,008 6,299 202 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 210,737 2,292,749 1,861,727 254,326,064 (HA) 66,391 24,343 1,763,859 2,374,850 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) "35,480 "18,748 "2,711,919 ^'3, 045, 498 (NA) 98,334 49,675 4,548,321 9,206,080 (NA) (NA) 3,874 (NA) 373,194,885 226,699,364 226,718 23,383,369 18,143 49,824 4,623,891 (NA) (NA) 4,940 6,456 (NA) (NA) 4,057 8,984 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 583 617 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1,652 2,033 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 5,150 7,554 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 21,897 (NA) 22 25 8,825 442 (NA) 259,529 2,449,285 1,533,092 90,116,356 (NA) 72,945 21,890 1,384,605 999,111 (NA) 411 1,581 (NA) "80,870 "46,158 "4,241,124 '=1,959,729 (NA) 124,910 60,998 4,849,435 3,858,895 (NA) (NA) 225,231 (NA) 137,108,736 94,096,240 251,722 11,006,412 13,419 38,634 1,674,779 1,028 824 3,793 4,764 34 248 3,289 7,545 414 441 44 41 371 350 837 670 118 123 162 98 2,235 3,424 212 201 365 279 175 215 48 14 4,535 8,195 613 1,050 8 27 5,212 9,433 692 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) («*) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 268,562 2,528,432 1,120,013 '"73,047,248 (NA) 55,622 16,513 1,234,736 938,399 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 200,341 102,545 9,471,345 7,008,795 (NA) (NA) (..) (NA) (~) (NA) 242,896 i,714,011 (NA) 52,537 (NA) (NA) (NA) 6,314 6,176 (NA) (NA) 4,635 8,167 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 545 528 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 8,384 14,005 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 15,275 12,870 (») (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) («) (NA) 22 38 17,993 863 (NA) 282,175 4,009,534 1,875,108 196,368,300 (NA) 39,345 9,045 697,617 1,069,513 (NA) 41 138 (NA) '=69,561 '=33,676 '=4,602,125 '=3,626,298 (NA) 107,143 53,412 6,141,197 6,109,050 (NA) (NA) («,) (NA) (•*) (NA) 215,960 12,472,485 18,639 38,403 5,407,338 408 153 6,962 6,709 (NA) (NA) 3,223 4,040 816 411 22 19 970 741 1,332 904 (NA) (NA) 148 129 3,904 3,725 (32, (=') = ^467 = '570 210 76 23 11 7,511 11,840 610 1,225 (NA) (NA) 5,338 5,531 2,319 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (»*) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 224,228 3,011,441 1,120,146 "133,447,318 (NA) 10,010 4,842 279,853 449,098 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) '•'15,640 (NA) (HA) (NA) 38,533 28,150 1,444,532 2,751,890 (NA) (NA) (•*) (NA) («) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 3,192 4,737 913 607 (NA) (NA) 272 324 (HA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (HA) (HA) (HA) (NA) (NA) (HA) (NA) (NA) 7,066 15,046 (NA) (HA) (HA) (NA) 7,482 7,797 (NA) (HA) (NA) (NA) (HA) (NA) (NA) (•*) (NA) 426 309 88,081 5,286 (NA) 239,353 2,948,387 957,527 212,361,911 (NA) 28,459 8,993 550,970 1,592,523 (HA) (HA) (HA) (HA) '=44,260 "38,752 4,811,324 (NA) (NA) 113,941 69,394 6,550,500 9,170,687 (HA) (HA) (••) (NA) («) (HA) 194,107 12,805,187 8,410 14,012 3,042,613 (=M (=') =12,546 =ll,815 (HA) (HA) 2,421 2,044 381 172 (HA) (NA) 168 64 482 234 (HA) (NA) 32 5 1,052 885 (NA) (HA) 35 39 4 (Z) 16 3 3,570 5,963 112 38 (HA) (NA) 2,403 1,750 999 52 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE Sute Table 16.-SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED:' CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1954-Continued Item [For definitions and explanations, see text) Census of— 1954 (November) 1950 (April 1) 1945 (January 1) 1940 (April 1| 193S (January 1) 1930 (April 1) 1925 ( January 1 ) 1920 (January 1) Berries and other sna Strawberries 1 fruits harrested for sale:^-^ farms reporting. acres. quarts. value, dollars. Other berries and small fruits acres. value , dollars . Tree fmits, nnts, and grapes: Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees farms reporting. acres. Apples farms reporting. Trees of all ages number. Trees not of bearing age farms reporting. number. Trees of bearing age farms reporting, number , Quantity harvested farms reporting, bushels, value, dollars. Cherries farms reporting. Trees of all ages number. Trees not of bearing age farms reporting. number. Trees of bearing age farms reporting. number. Quantity harvested farms reporting. pounds . value, dollars. Figs farms reporting. Trees of all ages number. Trees not of bearing age farms reporting. number. Trees of bearing age farms reporting, number. Quantity harvested farms reporting. pounds, value, dollars. Grapes farms reporting. Vines of all ages number. Vines not of bearing age farms reporting. number. Vines of bearing age farms reporting. number. Quantity harvested farms reporting. pounds. value, dollars. Peaches farms reporting. Trees of all ages number. Trees not of bearing age farms reporting.. number. Trees of bearing age farms reporting. number. Quantity harvested farms reporting. , bushels, value, dollars. Pears farms reporting, . Trees of all ages number, , Trees not of bearing age farms reporting, number, . Trees of bearing age farms reporting, number, , Quantity harvested farms reporting, bushels. value, dollars. Plums and prunes farms reporting.. Trees of all ages number. Trees not of bearing age farms reporting. number . Trees of bearing age farms reporting., number . Quantity harvested farms reporting., bushels. , value, dollars.. Pecans, improved and seedling farms reporting.. Trees of all ages number. , Trees not of bearing age farms reporting., number . , Trees of bearing age farms reporting,, number. , Quantity harvested farms reporting,, pounds,, value, dollars,. Pecans, improved farms reporting.. Trees of all ages number.. Trees not of bearing age farms reporting., number. , Trees of bearing age farms reporting., number . , Quantity harvested farms reporting., pounds, value, dollars.. 118 90 62,820 16,330 31 1,418 ^'11,623 ^'117, 004 ^'9,217 ^•'106,089 5 '3, 917 3'28,257 3*7,405 "77,832 '■'5,743 "93,269 '■'214,519 34795 "2,184 '■'329 "880 '■'509 "1,304 "216 '*5,258 '■'683 "4,965 "19,184 '■'1,457 '■'5,554 '■'3,889 "13,630 '■'2,421 "117,461 '■'11,745 "3,197 "15,082 '■'863 "3,864 '■'2,520 "11,218 "1,497 "74,480 "5,960 '■'10,813 '■'376,426 "4,146 '■'97,600 "8,990 "278,826 "5,619 '■'129,482 "388,446 '■'7,881 "37,527 "2,533 "10,417 '■'6,138 '■'27,110 '■'3,611 '■'31,950 "52,718 '■'3,058 '■'21,265 "979 '*6,365 "2,337 '■'14,900 '■'1,262 '■'6,392 '■'12,784 (NA) "390,233 (NA) "49,597 (NA) "340,636 (NA) "1,744,279 '■'500,786 '"7,563 "317,524 "2,313 '■'36,962 '■'6,105 '■'280,562 "3,549 '"1,422,835 '"426,851 489 168 121,758 35,365 62 6,652 76,053 "130,180 42,614 349,951 24,121 168,789 27,342 181,162 17,222 167,576 334,692 4,126 10,319 2,494 5,891 1,770 4,428 571 10,995 1,317 27,306 100,129 9,384 36,872 19,728 63,257 13,661 1,351,503 83,241 15,099 65,138 6,857 29,183 9,009 35,955 5,485 309,064 35,793 56,342 989,263 28,055 445,340 38,899 543,923 21,268 188,967 543,553 33,557 20.603 14,387 43,371 22,166 77,232 11,400 86,674 153,951 11,937 64,470 6,017 26,575 6,630 37,895 3,093 16,131 30,821 (NA) 575,852 (NA) 103,377 (NA) 472,475 (NA) 6,504,629 1,244,503 26,713 448,364 10,869 78,355 18,081 370,009 14,313 5,042,936 1,029,442 378 134 107,487 25,803 45 2,789 31,857 106,883 42,949 336,856 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 235,049 550,915 1,912 5,798 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 14,797 1,181 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 10,388 50,013 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 422,591 33,949 64,157 1,249,661 (NA) (NA) (HA) (NA) (NA) 688,618 1,776,060 34,016 149,665 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 268,519 425,350 7,861 45,253 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 19,593 31,512 32,278 534,257 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 7,161,888 1,530,954 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 679 421 669,060 85,233 4,985 29,832 154,198 40,374 337,948 21,139 163,113 29,334 174,835 23,667 256,213 244,382 3,506 14,386 1,723 6,331 2,055 8,055 1,414 37,745 15,071 55,515 4,308 17,256 11,551 38,259 9,620 942,472 38,608 9,378 64,374 3,310 24,014 6,559 40,360 5,021 388,330 13,243 70,953 1,433,887 30,600 512,103 60,222 921,784 51,978 1,007,046 953,930 36,270 224,936 12,011 65,497 28,083 159,439 21,142 279,595 179,124 10,961 94,714 4,154 26,398 7,760 68,316 5,820 43,548 35,928 26,562 562,373 9,696 127,602 20,434 434,771 17,474 5,611,854 563,068 19,722 445,476 (NA) 103,405 (NA) 342,071 (NA) 4,087,447 456,391 1,551 1,351 1,319,103 112,124 (NA) (NA) 32,126 76,784 31,629 284,884 (NA) 122,144 (NA) 162,740 (NA) 172,005 235,647 2,530 15,004 (NA) 5,793 (NA) 9,211 (NA) 326,256 11,652 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 9,694 75,947 (NA) 24,090 (NA) 51,857 (NA) 643,288 25,732 51,414 1,272,478 (NA) 358,989 (NA) 913,489 (NA) 1,101,755 826,316 28,352 233,097 (NA) 77,434 (NA) 155,663 (NA) 464,543 232,272 6,810 56,856 (NA) 14,022 (NA) 42,834 (NA) 30,674 29,140 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1,159 1,431 1,491,738 213,845 .106 6,289 30,663 55,065 29,448 267,797 (NA) 129,403 (NA) 136,394 (NA) 139,618 182,349 2,075 7,971 (NA) 4,429 (NA) 3,542 (NA) 53,872 5,041 12,670 52,498 (NA) 15,797 (NA) 36,701 (NA) 946,586 42,595 9,409 87,513 (NA) 33,665 (NA) '53,848 (NA) 436,842 24,327 47,223 1,258,007 (NA) 459,425 (NA) 798,582 (NA) 559,869 800,826 25,027 225,677 (NA) 131,283 (NA) 94,394 (NA) 171,299 172,433 7,398 78,982 (NA) 24,949 (NA) 54,033 (NA) 25,014 27,688 18,438 582,256 (NA) 300,894 (NA) 281,362 (NA) 1,428,428 382,928 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 422 967 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 38,887 345,694 (NA) 156,358 (NA) 189,336 (NA) 250,008 342,591 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 12,525 72,388 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 53,625 1,070,571 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 640,681 968,228 27,093 157,575 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 6,966 91,136 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 21,538 580,402 (NA) 348,940 (NA) 231,462 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) See footnotes at end of table. MISSISSIPPI State Table 16.-SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1954-Coniinued 53 (For definitio Item and explanations, see text) Tree ft«ite, Data, and f[rapea — Continued Pecans, wild or seedling farms reporting. Trees of all ages number. Trees [lOt of bearing age farms reporting, number. Trees of bearing age farms reporting. number. Quantity harvested farms reporting. pounds, value, dollars. Tung nuts farms reporting. Trees of all ages number. Trees not of bearing age farms reporting. number. Trees of bearing age farms reporting. number. Quantity harvested farms reporting., pounds . , value, dollars.. Oranges, Including tangerines and mandarins farms reporting. . Trees of all ages number. . Trees not of bearing age farms reporting.. number . . Trees of bearing age farms reporting.. number. . Quantity harvested^* farms reporting.. field boxes., value, dollars.. Other tree fruits and nuts value, dollars.. Value of fruits, including berries and other small fruits, and nuts harvested dollars.. Value of fruits, including berries and other small fruits, and nuts sold dollars. . 1954 (November) ^'3,040 "72,709 "731 "12,635 "2,600 "60,074 "1,265 "321, iC4 "73,935 "2,340 "7,005,773 "816 "683,358 "1,918 "6,317,415 "1,071 ^■'44,136,373 "1,324,092 "49 "3,288 "17 "618 "34 "2,670 "11 "116 "348 "2,052 "2,531,881 "2,531,881 1950 (April 1) 9,237 127,488 2,523 25,022 7,301 102,466 5,411 1,461,693 215,061 2,811 6,026,850 1,652 1,148,561 1,511 4,878,289 1,214 83,927,918 2,517,836 253 21,954 140 2,725 128 19,229 70 10, 129 25,323 11,279 5,024,326 3,754,766 1945 (January 1) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1,599 4,717,373 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 34,463,077 1,748,673 146 9,423 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 8,654 19,542 (NA) 6,146,733 3,803,334 1940 (April 1) 9,491 116,897 (NA) 24,197 (NA) 92,700 (NA) 1,524,407 106,677 831 9,481,143 494 6,619,502 433 2,361,641 214 843,606 12,684 307 57,495 94 1,612 224 55,883 195 72,793 52,994 3,486 2,189,551 962,649 1935 (January 1) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 192 2,068,119 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 804 257,929 (NA) 21,290 (NA) 236,639 (NA) 113,055 152,624 (•*) (*♦) (NA) 1930 (April 1) 37i (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 20 33,451 (NA) 33,449 (NA) 2 (NA) 150 514 181,684 (NA) 111,981 (NA) 69,703 (NA) 73,708 184,598 (»•) (") (NA) 1925 ( January 1 ) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 983 68,515 (N4) 57,109 (NA) 11,406 (NA) (NA) (NA) («.) (-) (NA) 1920 (January 1) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 65,477 390 37,350 404 28, 127 (NA) "31,419 83,261 (*♦) (*-) (NA) *«Available data not comparable. NA Not available. Z Reported in small fractions. ^Figiires for cropland harvested and specified crops relate to the crop years 1954, 1949, 1944, 1939, 1934, 1929, 1924, and 1919. ^Total acreage of crops for which figures are available except that corn cut for forage was excluded as most of this acreage was probably duplicated in the acreage of corn harvested for grain. ^Includes value of horticultural specialties. See State Table 15. For comparability, see other footnotes and text. *Corn cut for forage. 'Value of corn and other com products sold. ^Value of sorghum sold for hay or forage included In value of sorghum sold for grain or seed. ''Oats cut for feeding unthreshed included with "Oats, wheat, barley, rye, and other small grains cut for hay." ^Rlce threshed or combined included with "Other grains threshed or combined." 'The 1944 and 1939 figures do not include acres plowed under for green manure. ^°For 1944, soybeans and cowpeas harvested for hay. Prior to 1944, annual legumes saved for hay, but excluding vetches in 1924. ^^Soybeans and cowpeas harvested for hay. ^^Includes farms reporting coupeas harvested for green peas only. ^^See soybeans cut for hay. ^*For figures on annual legumes saved for hay, including cowpeas and peanut vines, see soybeans cut for hay. ^'Calculated value of peanuts harvested for nuts, peanuts harvested for hay, and peanuts hogged or grazed. ^*For all censuses except 1950, obtained by adding the Individual hay crops. ^''Silage crops other than corn and sorghum. ^^Clover seed, except sweetclover. ^'Clover seed, including sweetclover. ^^Value of lint cotton only. ^^For 1954, does not include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested; for 1949, does not include acreage for farms with less than 15 bushels harvested. See text. ^^Sugarcane for sirup. ^■'Sorghum and sugarcane sirup reported separately. All data combined. For 1940, farms reporting sorghum for sirup, 30,894; and farms reporting sugarcane for sirup, 49,976. For 1930, farms reporting sorghums for sirup, 26,448; and farms reporting sugarcane for sirup, 43,113, ^*Sorghums for sirup. ^'Farms reporting and acres are for sorghums for sirup. ^^Includes re- ceipts from sale of pasture and grazing privileges and the value of cowpeas harvested for green peas. ^^Excludes Irish potatoes and sueetpotatoes, except for 1920 Census which included potatoes for home use only. ^^Excludes Irish and sweet potatoes. '''Does not include farms reporting green cowpeas only. ^^Does not include the value of green cowpeas sold. See footnote 26. ^^Green lima beans Included with snap beans. ^^Hot peppers Included with sweet peppers and pimlentoQ. ^^For censuses prior to 1950, small fruits harvested for home use or for sale. -"^Does not include data for farms with less than 20 trees or grapevines. See text. ^^Does not include acreage for farms reporting less than 1/2 acre. See text. ^^For 1954, harvested in 1953-54 from the bloom of 1953; for 1949, harvested in 1949-50 from the bloom of 1949; for 1945, harvested in 1943-44 from the bloom of 1943; for 1940, harvested in 1939-40 from the bloom of 1939. ^''Boxes, kind not specified. 54 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE Sute Table 17-FARMS REPORTING BY SPECIFIED ACRES, QUANTITY HARVESTED, AND QUANTITY SOLD FOR SPECIFIED CROPS: CENSUS OF 1954 [Data are based on reports for only a saii5)le of farms. See text] State total State total CORN By acres harvested for all purposes farms reporting . acres . Under 3 acres farms reporting . 3 or "4 acres farms reporting. 5 to 10 acres farms reporting . 11 to 15 acres farms reporting. 16 to 19 acres farms reporting. 20 to 24 acres farms reporting. 25 to -49 acres farms reporting. 50 to 74 acres farms reporting. 75 to 99 acres farms reporting. 100 to 1-49 acres farms reporting. 150 to 199 acres farms reporting. 200 to 2'i9 acres farms reporting. 250 to 299 acres farms reporting. 300 to 399 acres farms reporting. 400 to 499 acres farms reporting. 500 acres and over farms reporting. By acres harvested for grain farms reporting . acres . Under 3 acres farms reporting . 3 or 4 acres faj-ms reporting. 5 to 10 acres farms reporting . 11 to 15 acres farms reporting. 16 to 19 acres farms reporting . 20 to 24 acres farms reporting . 25 to 29 acres farms reporting. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting . 50 to 74 acres farms reporting . 75 to 99 acres farms reporting. 100 to 149 acres farms reporting. 150 to 199 acres farms reporting. 200 to 249 acres farms reporting. 250 to 299 acres farms reporting. 300 to 399 acres farms reporting. 400 to 499 acres farms reporting. 500 acres and over farms reporting. By quantity sold farms reporting. bushels . Under 25 bushels farms reporting. 25 to 49 bushels farms reporting. 50 to 99 bushels farms reporting . 100 to 499 bushels farms reporting. 500 to 999 bushels farms reporting . 1,000 to 1,499 bushels farms reporting. 1,500 to 1,999 bushels farms reporting. 2,000 to 2,999 bushels farms reporting. 3,000 to 4,999 bushels farms reporting. 5,000 to 9,999 bushels farms reporting. 10,000 bushels and over farms reporting. SORGHUMS By acres harvested for all purposes except for sirup fanns reporting. acres . Under 3 acres farms reporting . 3 or 4 acres farms reporting. 5 to 10 acres farms reporting. 11 to 15 acres farms reporting. 16 to 19 acres farms reporting. 20 to 24 acres farms reporting. 25 to 49 acres farms reporting. 50 to 74 acres farms reporting. 75 to 99 acres farms reporting. 100 to 149 acres farms reporting . 150 acres and over farms reporting. By acres harvested for grain or seed farms reporting. acres . Under 3 acres farms reporting. 3 or 4 acres farms reporting. 5 to 10 acres farms reporting. 11 to 15 acres farms reporting. 16 to 19 acres farms reporting. 20 to 24 acres farms reporting. 25 to 29 acres farms reporting. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting. 50 to 74 acres farms reporting . 75 to 99 acres farms reporting. 100 acres and over farms reporting. OATS By acres threshed or combined farms reporting. acres . Under 5 acres farms reporting . 5 to 9 acres farms reporting. 10 to 24 acres farms reporting. 25 to 49 acres farms reporting. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting . 100 to 199 acres farms reporting. 200 to 299 acres farms reporting . 300 to 499 acres farms reporting. 500 acres and over farms reporting. 149,965 1,635,321 18,520 22,524 61,399 22,534 5,S18 7,329 £,862 1,503 406 421 174 72 41 33 19 145,232 1,541,528 17,762 22,351 60,147 21,932 5,510 7,062 3,236 4,991 1,309 319 326 148 55 23,384 4,317,595 3,955 3,435 4,152 10,253 1,078 205 106 93 52 50 5 8,414 63,136 4,1S5 1,188 1,660 485 102 239 368 104 3S 24 21 41 S 6,580 108 84 115 23 8 28 8 13 17 9,939 330,360 2,177 2,109 2,514 1,262 1,006 537 209 97 28 OATS--Continued By quantity harvested. .farms Under 25 bushels farms 25 to 49 bushels farms 50 to 99 bushels farms 100 to 499 bushels farms 500 to 999 bushels farms 1,000 to 1,499 bushels farms 1,500 to 1,999 bushels farms 2,000 to 2,999 bushels farms 3,000 to 4,999 bushels farms 5,000 to 9,999 bushels farms 10,000 bushels and over. . .farms By quantity sold farms Under 25 bushels farms 25 to 49 bushels farms 50 to 99 bushels farms 100 to 499 bushels farms 500 to 999 bushels farms 1,000 to 1,499 bushels farms 1,500 to 1,999 bushels farms 2,000 to 2,999 bushels farms 3,000 to 4,999 bushels farms 5,000 to 9,999 bushels farms 10,000 bushels and over... farms SOYBEANS FOR ALL PURPOSES Any soybeans for all purposes farms reporting . By acres grovm alone. . .farms reporting. acres. Under 5 acres farms reporting. 5 to 9 acres farms reporting. 10 to 24 acres farms reporting. 25 to 49 acres farms reporting. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting. 200 to 299 acres farms reporting. 300 to 499 acres farms reporting. 500 to 999 acres farms reporting. 1,000 acres and over farms reporting. By acres grown with other crops farms reporting. acres . Under 25 acres farms reporting. 25 to 49 acres farms reporting. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting. 100 acres and over farms reporting. SOYBEANS HARVESTED FOR BEANS Any soybeans harvested for beans farms reporting. By acres grown alone. . .farms reporting, acres . Under 5 acres farms reporting. 5 to 9 acres farms reporting . 10 to 24 acres farms reporting. 25 to 49 acres farms reporting. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting. 200 to 299 acres farms reporting. 300 to 499 acres farms reporting. 500 to 999 acres farms reporting. 1,000 acres and over farms reporting. By quantity harvested .. farms reporting. bushels. Under 25 bushels farms reporting. 25 to 49 bushels farms reporting. 50 to 99 bushels farms reporting. 100 to 499 bushels farms reporting. 500 to 999 bushels farms reporting. 1,000 to 1,499 bushels. farms reporting. 1,500 to 1,999 bushels. .. .farms reporting. 2,000 to 2,999 bushels farms reporting. 3,000 to 4,999 bushels ... .farms reporting. 5,000 to 9,999 bushels farms reporting. 10,000 bushels and over... farms reporting. SOYBEANS CUT FOR HAY Any soybeans cut for hay.. farms reporting. By acres grown alone .. .farms reporting. acres . Under 5 acres farms reporting. 5 to 9 acres farms reporting. 10 to 24 acres farms reporting. 25 to 49 acres farms reporting. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting. 100 to 199 acres farms reprting. 200 to 299 acres farms reporting. 300 acres and over farms reporting. By quantity harvested . .farms reporting, tons. Under 25 tons farms reporting . 25 to 49 tons farms reporting . 50 to 99 tons farms reporting . 100 tons and over farms reporting. reporting. .. 9,939 bushels... 13,045,605 reporting. . . 213 reporting. . . 545 reporting. . . 958 reporting. . . 4,083 reporting. . . 1,363 reporting.. . 704 reporting 371 reporting — 480 reporting 567 reporting. . . 412 reporting. . . 243 reporting... 3,494 bushels . . . 7,013,880 reporting . . . 26 reporting.. . 117 reporting. , , 214 reporting. . . 1,133 reporting. .. 536 reporting... 320 reporting. .. 161 reporting... 294 reporting. . . 298 reporting. . . 243 reporting. . . 152 17,985 15,738 677,713 5,423 2,754 2,982 1,513 1,168 913 453 394 115 23 2,655 29,926 2,431 143 57 24 7,309 7,140 541,544 591 915 1,864 1,141 983 802 425 304 98 17 7,309 5,594,158 580 656 1,057 2,691 798 505 248 336 273 120 45 9,118 8,631 101,661 4,512 1,878 1,337 443 274 147 28 12 9,118 100,732 8,297 435 136 200 SOYBEANS HOGGED OR GRAZED, OR CUT FOR SILAGE Any soybeans hogged or grazed, or cut for silage farms reporting. By acres grown alone. .. .farms reporting. acres . Under 5 acres farms reporting . 5 to 9 acres farms reporting. 10 to 24 acres farms reporting. 25 to 49 acres farms reporting. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting. 100 acres and over farms reporting. By acres grown with other crops farms reporting . acres . Under 25 acres farms reporting. 25 to 49 acres farms reporting. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting. 100 acres and over farms reporting.. SOYBEANS PLOWED UNDER FOR GREEN MANURE An^' soybeans plowed under for green manure farms reporting. . By acres grown alone ... .farms reporting, acres . Under 5 acres farms reporting. 5 to 9 acres farms reporting. 10 to 24 acres farms reportint,- . 25 to 49 acres farms reporting. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting. 100 acres and over farms reporting. By acres grown with other crops farms reporting . acres . Under 25 acres farms reporting. 25 to 49 acres farms reporting. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting. 100 acres and over farms reporting. COWPEAS FOR ALL PURPOSES Any cowpeas for all purposes farms reporting. By acres grown alone farms reporting. acres . Under 5 acres farms reporting . 5 to 9 acres farms reporting. 10 to 24 acres farms reporting. 25 to 49 acres farms reporting. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting. 100 acres and over farms reporting. COWPEAS HARVESTED FOR DRY PEAS Any cowpeas harvested for dry peas farms reporting. By acres grown alone. .. .farms reporting, acres. Under 5 acres farms reporting . 5 to 9 acres farms reporting. 10 to 24 acres farms reporting . 25 to 49 acres farms reporting . 50 acres and over farms reporting. By quantity harvested farms reporting. bushels . Under 25 bushels farms reporting. 25 to 49 bushels farms reporting. 50 to 99 bushels farms reporting. 100 bushels and over farms reporting. COWPEAS CUT FOR HAY Any cowpeas cut for hay.... farms reporting. By acres grown alone. .. .farms reporting, acres . Under 5 acres farms reporting. 5 to 9 acres farms reporting. 10 to 24 acres farms reporting. 25 to 49 acres farms reporting. 50 acres and over farms reporting. COWPEAS HOGGED OR GRAZED, OR CUT FOR SILAGE Any covpeas hogged or grazed, or cut for silage farms reporting., By acres grown alone. .. .farms reporting.. acre,r . , Under 5 acres farms reporting.. 5 to 9 acres farms reporting.. 10 to 24 acres farms reporting.. 25 to 49 acres farms reporting.. 50 acres and over farms reporting.. MISSISSIPPI 55 Suie Table 17.-FARMS REPORTING BY SPECIFIED ACRES, QUANTITY HARVESTED, AND QUANTITY SOLD FOR SPECIFIED CROPS: CENSUS OF 1954-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sanjjle of farma. See teirt] State total State total State total ALFALFA AND ALFALFA MIXTURES By acres cut Tor hay (and for dehydrating) farms reporting. acres. Under 5 acres farms reporting. 5 to 9 acres farms reporting. 10 to 24 acres farms reporting. 25 to 49 acres farms reporting. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting . 100 acres and over farms reporting. By quantity harvested. .. .farms reporting. tons. Under 25 tons farms reporting. 25 to 49 tons farms reporting. 50 to 99 tons farms report Ing . 100 tons ancJ over farms reporting. CLOVER, TIMOTHY, AND MIXTURES OF CLOVER AND GRASSES By acres cut for hay farms reporting. acres . Under 5 acres farms reporting . 5 to 9 acres farms reporting. 10 to 24 acres farms reporting . 25 to 49 acres feinns reporting. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting. 200 acres and over farms reporting. By quantity harvested ... .farms reporting. tons. Under 25 tons farms reporting. 25 to 49 tons farms reporting. 50 to 99 tons farms reporting. 100 tons and over farms reporting. LESPEDEZA HAY By acres cut for hay farms reporting.. acres. . Under 5 acres farms reporting. . 5 to 9 acres farms reporting . . 10 to 24 acres farms reporting . . 25 to 49 acres farms reporting.. '50 to 99 acres farms reporting. . 100 to 199 acres farms reporting.. 200 to 299 acres farms reporting . . 300 acres and over farms reporting.. By quantity harvested. .. .farms reporting., tons . . Under 25 tons farms reporting.. 25 to 49 tons farms reporting.. 50 to 99 tons farms reporting . . 100 to 499 tons farms reporting. . 500 tons and over farms reporting. . OATS, BARLEY, RYE, OR OTHER SMALL GRAINS By acres cut for hay farms reporting.. acres . . Under 5 acres farms reporting.. 5 to 9 acres farms reporting . . 10 to 24 acres farms reporting.. 25 to 49 acres farms reporting.. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting.. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting.. 200 acres and over farms reporting.. By quantity harvested. farms reporting.. tons . . Under 25 tons farms reporting. . 25 to 49 tons farms reporting . . 50 to 99 tons farms reporting . . 100 tons and over farms reporting.. OTHER HAY By acres cut for hay farms reporting.. acres . . Under 5 acres farms reporting.. 5 to 9 acres farms reporting . . 10 to 24 acres farms reporting.. 25 to 49 acres farms reporting.. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting. . 100 to 199 acres farms reporting.. 200 to 299 acres farms reporting . . 300 to 499 acres farms reporting . . 500 acres and over farms reporting.. By quantity harvested ... .farms reporting., tons . . Under 25 tons farms reporting.. 25 to 49 tons farms reporting . . 50 to 99 tons farms reporting . . 100 to 499 tons farms reporting.. 500 to 999 tons farms reporting.. 1,000 tons and over farms reporting.. 850 12,896 293 223 200 90 26 16 S50 19,223 673 60 80 37 4,962 51,425 2,172 1,441 1,000 214 62 39 14 4,962 54,615 4,572 226 S9 75 20,413 211,537 8,580 5,743 4,356 1,102 449 137 32 14 20,413 194,986 18, 891 875 458 181 e 11,631 113,214 4,777 3,117 2,826 662 175 40 14 11,631 123,953 10, 527 750 234 120 16,466 231,039 8,251 3,296 3,053 983 455 272 75 52 29 16,466 227,772 14,669 872 505 3S2 30 LESPEDEZA SEED By acres harvested farms reporting.. acres . Under 5 acres farms reporting . , 5 to 9 acres farms reporting., 10 to 24 acres farms reporting.. 25 to 49 acres farms reporting.. 50 acres and over farms reporting.. By quantity harvested .. .farms reporting.. pounds . . Under 500 pounds fanns reporting.. 500 to 999 pounds farms reporting . . 1,000 to 1,499 pounds farms reporting., 1,500 to 1,999 pounds farms reporting., 2,000 to 2,999 pounds farms reporting., 3,000 to 4,999 pounds farms reporting.. 5,000 to 9,999 pounds farms reportlrig., 10,000 pounds and over farms reporting.. COTTON By acres harvested farms reporting., acres . . Under 5 acres farms reporting., 5 to 9 acres farms reporting.. 10 to 24 acres farms reporting., 25 to 49 acres farms reporting.. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting.. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting.. 200 to 299 acres farms reporting., 300 to 499 acres farms reporting.. 500 to 999 acres farms reporting.. 1,000 acres and over farms reporting.. By quantity harvested .. .farms reporting., bales . . Under 25 bales farms reporting.. 25 to 49 bales farms reporting.. 50 to 99 bales farms reporting.. 100 to 499 bales farms reporting.. 50C to 999 bales farms reporting.. 1,000 bales and over farms reporting.. IRISH POTATOES By acres harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting.. acres ^ . Under 0.5 acres farms reporting.. 0.5 to 0.9 acres farms reporting.. 1,0 to 2.4 acres farms reporting.. 2.5 to 4.9 acres farms reporting.. 5 acres and over farms reporting.. By quantity harvested. . .farms reporting., bushels . . Under 25 bushels farms reporting,. 25 to 49 bushels farms reporting.. 50 to 99 bushels farms reporting.. 100 to 499 bushels farms reporting.. 500 bushels and over farms reporting.. SUGARCANE OR SORGHUM By acres harvested for sirup farms reporting. . acres . . Under 0.5 acres farms reporting,. 0.5 to 0.9 acres farms reporting.. 1.0 to 2.4 acres farms reporting.. 2.5 to 4.9 acres farms reporting.. 5.0 to 9.9 acres farms reporting., 10 acres and over farms reporting.. By quantity harvested .. .farms reporting., gallons . . Under 25 gallons farms reporting.. 25 to 49 gallons farms reporting.. 50 to 99 gallons fa^TnE reporting.. 100 to 499 gallons farms reporting.. 500 to 999 gallons farms reporting.. 1,000 gallons and over farms reporting.. SWEET POTATOES By acres harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting.. acres ■•. Under 0.5 acres farms reporting.. 0.5 to 0.9 acres farms reporting.. 1.0 to 2.4 acres farms reporting.. 2.5 to 4.9 acres farms reporting.. 5.0 to 9.9 acres farms reporting.. 10.0 to 19.9 acres farms reporting.. 20 acres and over farms reporting.. By quantity harvested. . .farms reporting., bushels. . Under 25 bushels farms reporting.. 25 to 49 bushels farms reporting., 50 to 99 bushels farms reporting.. 100 to 499 bushels farms reporting.. 500 to 999 bushels farms reporting.. 1,000 to 1,499 bushels farms reporting.. 1,500 bushels and over farms reporting.. 372 5,140 129 65 114 53 372 477,064 153 79 48 31 26 18 11 156,225 1,949,693 27,674 58,759 59,324 7,258 1,401 749 274 193 73 20 156,225 1,553,719 149,693 4,367 1,015 1,057 76 17 77,044 3,544 73,492 2,526 992 25 77,044 827,203 71,084 4,455 1,072 409 24 12,504 9,968 4,120 3,446 4,517 29 ? 97 26 12,504 706, 566 4,429 3,595 2,631 1,726 46 27 72,300 13,463 62,123 4,642 4,712 463 275 68 17 72,300 1,418,868 60,674 6,103 3,256 2,043 184 14 24 VEGETABLES HARVESTED FOR SALE (Other than Irish end sweet potatoes) By value of sales farms reporting.. dollars . . Under 25 dollars farms reporting.. 25 to 49 dollars farms reporting,. 50 to 99 dollars farms reporting.. 100 to 499 dollars farms reporting.. 500 to 999 dollars farms reporting.. 1,000 to 1,499 dollars farms reporting.. 1,500 to 1,999 dollars farms reporting.. 2,000 to 2,999 dollars farms reporting.. 3,000 to 4,999 dollars farms reporting.. 5,000 to 9,999 dollars farms reporting.. 10,000 dollars and over. .. .farms reporting.. LAND IN BEARING AND NONBEARING FRUIT ORCHARDS, GROVES, VINEYARDS, AND PLANTED NUT TREES^ By acres in orchards ... .farms reporting, acres . Under 0 . 5 acres farms report ing . 0.5 to 0.9 acres farms reporting. 1.0 to 2.4 acres farms reporting. 2.5 to 4.9 acres farms reporting. 5.0 to 9.9 acres farms reporting. 10.0 to 19.9 acres farms reporting. 20.0 to 29.9 acres farms reporting. 30.0 to 49.9 acres farms reporting. 50.0 to 99.9 acres farms reporting. 100 acres and over farms reporting. APPLES 2 Any apples farms reporting. By trees not of bearing age farms reporting. number of trees. Under 5 trees farms reporting. 5 to 9 trees faj-ms reporting. 10 to 24 trees farms reporting. 25 to 49 trees farms reporting. 50 to 99 trees farms reporting. 100 trees and over farms reporting. By trees of bearing age farms reporting . number of trees. Under 25 trees farms reporting. 25 to 49 trees farms reporting. 50 to 99 trees farms reporting. 100 trees and over farms reporting. By quantity harvested .. .farms reporting, bushels . Under 25 bushels farms reporting.. 25 to 49 bushels farms reporting.. 50 to 99 bushels farms reporting.. 100 bushels and over farms reporting.. Any peaches farms reporting. By trees not of bearing age farms report ing . number of trees. Under 5 trees farms reporting.. 5 to 9 trees farms reporting.. 10 to 24 trees farms reporting. 25 to 49 trees farms reporting. 50 to 99 trees farms reporting. 100 to 199 trees farms reporting . 200 to 299 trees farms reporting. 300 to 499 trees farms reporting. 500 to 999 trees farms reporting. 1,000 trees and over farms reporting. By trees of bearing age farms report ing . . number of trees.. Under 25 trees farms reporting.. 25 to 49 trees farms reporting.. 50 to 99 trees farms reporting.. 100 to 499 trees farms reporting.. 500 to 999 trees farms reporting.. 1,000 trees and over farms reporting.. By quantity harvested farms reporting.. bushels. . Under 25 bushels farms reporting.. 25 to 49 bushels farms reporting.. 50 to 99 bushels farms reporting.. 100 to 499 bushels farms reporting.. 500 to 999 bushels farms reporting.. 1,000 bushels and over farms reporting.. 10, 586 2,492,324 1,157 1,262 2,358 4,786 613 225 69 62 26 19 12,025 122,487 481 1,502 6,424 1,104 1,105 621 261 200 143 184 9,272 3,904 28,477 1,890 1,157 748 75 22 12 7,529 90,612 7,144 261 59 65 5,862 95,571 4,843 585 288 146 4,148 114,318 555 969 1,837 403 216 104 23 7 28 6 9,092 234, 120 6,955 1,261 421 390 47 IS 5,731 114,761 4,797 505 241 162 18 S *-Does not include acreage for farms with less 'nan 20 bushels harvested. See text. ^Does not include data for farms with less than 20 trees or grapevines. See text. 56 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 18.-SAMPLING RELIABILITY OF ESTIMATED TOTALS FOR COUNTY, ECONOMIC AREA, AND STATE BY NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING, BY LEVELS If the estimated number of farms reporting is — Then the chances are about 2 in 3 that the estimated total would differ from the results of a complete tabulation of the items for all farms by less than — If the estimated number of farms reporting is — Then the chances are about 2 in 3 that the estimated total would differ from the results of a complete tabulation of the items for all farms by less than — Level ll Level 2 Level 3 25 50 100... 250... 500... 1,000. 2,500. 40 23 20 13 S.9 6.3 4.0 Percent 53 37 26 17 12 8.4 5.3 50 35 22 16 11 7.1 68 48 30 21 15 9.6 5,000 10,000.. 25,000... 50,000.. 100,000. 250,000. Percent 2.8 2.0 1.3 0.9 0.6 0.4 Percent 3.7 2.6 1.7 1.2 0.8 0.5 ercent 5.0 3.5 2.2 1.6 1.1 0.7 Percent 6.8 4.8 3.0 2.1 1.5 1.0 ^Level 1 should be used in determining the sampling reliability of estimated number of farms and farms reporting. If the estimated number of farms or farms reporting consti- tutes more than 75 percent of all farms in the universe, a better approximation to the sampling reliability may be obtained by multiplying the percent given in the tables as follows : 1. When the number of farms or farms reporting is 75 percent of all farms, multiply the percent error by 0.50. 2. When the number of farms or farms reporting is 90 percent of all farms, multiply the percent error by 0.30. 3. When the number of farms or farms reporting is 95 percent of all farms, multiply the percent error by 0,20. Sute Table 19.-1NDICATED LEVEL OF SAMPLING RELIABILITY OF ESTIMATED COUNTY, ECONOMIC AREA, AND STATE TOTALS FOR SPECIFIED ITEMS p'o determine sampling reliability for an Item, 11 Is necessary to use this table to find out which of the A levels of sampling' reliability given In State Table 18 to use. Reference is required also to the county, economic area, or State table in order to obtain the number of farms reporting^ Level of sampling reliability for specified Items by number of milk cows All commercial farms 30 to 49 50 and more Dairy farms 10 to 29 30 to 49 50 and more Milk cous number. . Whole milk sold .gallons.. dollars,. Cream sold pounds of butterfat, , dollars.. Level of sampling reliability for specified Items by number of chickens on hand All commercial farms Total Chickens on hand number. . Chickens sold number.. Chicken eggs sold dozens.. Chicken eggs sold, value of sales dollars.. Value of sales of other poultry products dollars.. Under 400 400 to 799 800 to 1,599 1,600 to 3,199 3,200 and over Poultry farms Under 400 400 to 799 800 to 1,599 1,600 to 3,199 3,200 and over Note: Items whose level is indicated by an X may be approximated by using the level given for the State, MISSISSIPPI 57 Slate Table 19.-INDICATED LEVEL OF SAMPLING RELIABILITY OF ESTIMATED COUNTY, ECONOMIC AREA. AND STATE TOTALS FOR SPECIFIED ITEMS-Continued [To determine sampHne reliability for an lt«m, it Is necessary to use this table to find out which of the 4 levels of Eaii5)ling^ reliability given in State Table 18 to use. Reference Is required also to the oounty, economic area, or State table In order to obtain the number of farms reporting] Item (For definitions and explajiatlone, see text) Tenure groups Full owners and managers Part owners All tenants Economlc-claas groups and III IV and VI and VII VIII and IX Type-of-farm groups Vegetable and fruit- and-nut Other field- crop and general — primarily crop Dairy Poultry Livestock, general — primarily livestock, and primarily crop and livestock Faras and fara characteristics: Land owned or managed by farm operators acres., Land rented from others by farm operators acres,, Land rented to others by farm operators acres,. Cash rent paid by farm operators dollars., Value of land and buildings per farm dollars., Land in farms acres., Cropland: Total, harvested, pastured, or other.. acres., Woodland: Total, pastured or not pastured acres., Total pastureland acres. , Total irrigated land, land In crops for erosion control, or cropland farmed on contour acres., CoBBcrcial fertilizer: Commercial fertilizer purchased tons.. Acres on which commercial fertiliser applied acres.. Lime or liming material purchased tons.. Acres on which lime or liming material applied. . .acres. , Specified facilities and equipaent: Grain combines, com pickers, pick-up balers, feed forage harvesters number.. Artificial ponds, reservoirs, and earth tanks.. .number, , Motortrucks number.. Tractors: Total, wheel, garden, or crawler number,, Automobiles number,, Fara labor: Total hired workers and ui^ald family workers.. persons,. Hired workers: Regular persons. , Seasonal persons.. Paid on daily basis persons,. Specified fara expenditures: Machine hire and/or hired labor dollars.. Feed for livestock and poultry dollars,. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil dollars., Come ere ial fertilizer purchased dollars.. Livestock and livestock products: Horses and/or mules number. , Cattle and calves number.. Cows Including heifers that have calved number,. Milk cows number,. Hogs and pigs number,. Sheep and lambs. .number. Chickens, 4 months old and over, on hand number. Cattle and calves sold number. Hogs and pigs sold number. Sheep shorn pounds of wool.. Whole milk sold gallons. Cream sold pounds of butterfat. Chickens sold nuiiA)er, Chicken eggs sold dozens. Value of products sold by source: Hogs and pigu sold aollars. Whole milk sold dollars. Cream sold dollars. Chicken eggs sold dollars. Other poultry and poultry products sold dollars. Forest products sold dollars. SpecifieJ crops barvested: Com for all purposes acres . Com harvested for grain.. acres. . bushels harvested., bushels sold.. Soybeans harvested for beans acres.. bushels harvested.. Lespedeza hay acres. . tons harvested.. Cotton acres. . bales harvested.. 2 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 2 3 2 2 2 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 Note: Items whose level is indicated by an X may be approximated by using the level given for the State, Chapter B STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES (59) MISSISSIPPI Counties, County Seats, and Rivers 62 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 1 —FARMS, ACREAGE, VALUE, AND FARM [Data for itema shown In Italics are based on (For definitions and explanations, see text) FAHMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number Approximate land area acres Proportion in farms percent land owned by farm operators acres Land rented from others by farm operators acres land managed by farm operators acres land rented to others by farm operators (see text) acres Land in farms acres Average size of farm acres Value of land and butldtnis: Average per farm doUars Averaie per acre dollars Proportion of farms reporting ualue percent Land in fans according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 200 acres and over farms reporting 1954. 1950. 1954. 1954. 195i.. 195<. . 195i. . 19&i.. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954.. 1950.. 19Si. . 1950. . 1954. , 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. Cropland used only for pasture. .farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954, 1949. Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms Cropland used only for crops not harvested and not pastured .. farms Cropland lying idle farms Woodland pastured farms Woodland not pastured farms Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland ) farms Improved (see text) farms Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) farms Cropland, total farms Land pastured, total farms Woodland, total farms Irrigated land In farms farms Cover crops turned under and land planted to another crop farms Cropland used for row or grain crops farmed on contour farms FAHM OPERATOHS reporting reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres 1954.. 1949.. 1954.. 1949. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. Residing on farm operated operators reporting 1954. 1950. Not residing on farm operated.. operators reporting 1954. 1950. 215.915 251.383 30,238,720 68.5 16,244.127 5,740,077 1,287,530 2,431,075 20,702,412 20,710,770 95.9 82.4 6,130 4,421 72.50 55.42 81 193,617 229,479 5,529,981 6,136,206 50,347 45,318 68,621 83,651 35.074 51,276 23,610 33,124 9,949 11,008 3,033 2.720 2,933 2.382 4fl,979 50,^59 1,513,428 1,604,183 42,531 60,766 748,942 1,231,338 13,031 187,234 33,390 561,708 87,533 37,880 5,333,577 4,482,716 52 , 527 64,689 3,543,571 4,023.522 76,701 68,174 3,290,530 2,279,944 17,218 719,928 157,697 170,379 742,383 952,861 203,261 241,141 7,792,351 8,971,727 126,386 136,136 10,137,535 8,366,843 109,767 117,608 8,877,148 8,506,238 1,703 44 132,490 5,086 8,986 212.846 37,120 749,505 199,902 238,471 9,309 7,364 1,026 1,071 286,720 64.7 144,807 49,179 21,368 10,079 185,646 129,797 180.9 121.2 11,195 13,347 66.42 117.54 78 796 908 15,461 15,892 365 349 272 347 76 129 34 46 24 94 358 8,378 12,923 106 240 3,189 11,761 32 885 80 2,304 302 399 69,195 35,128 125 161 22,627 34,359 497 216 48,590 14,072 71 9,543 783 759 18,206 5,662 834 1,022 27,028 40,576 629 667 126,163 62,123 378 472 91,822 69,487 5 378 909 1 ,032 2,498 3,050 259,200 77.1 173,670 53,550 199,795 215,464 80.0 70.6 4,705 3,899 62.75 56.01 76 2,116 2,716 54,300 67 , 401 390 425 618 710 491 768 383 610 202 184 32 263 795 4,001 10,942 786 1,091 11,973 17,477 140 1,402 724 10,571 1,074 1,033 37,173 31,847 1,022 1,307 49,151 53,092 1,623 1,233 32,983 22,495 293 4,286 2,352 2,704 10,214 12,210 2,268 2,859 70,274 95,820 1,955 2,295 74,157 55,284 1,451 1,697 86,324 84,939 5 "55 122 1,099 223 2,821 2,340 2,925 107 64 2,737 2,947 466,560 71.8 288,964 64,605 19,765 334,846 311,577 122.3 105.7 5,621 4,048 53.89 39.48 84 2,417 2,562 46,359 49,450 673 625 942 930 438 598 267 305 82 89 11 459 1,230 13.185 50,737 490 610 7,807 11.578 89 1,044 424 6,763 1,589 1.516 125,956 107,552 600 756 43,748 48,204 1.472 654 90,653 34,892 620 40,292 2,356 2,345 7,138 9,164 2,538 2,821 67,351 111,765 2,063 2,135 229,794 193,181 1,865 1,926 169,704 155,756 5 '58 70 719 920 16,743 2,634 2,831 84 58 3,089 3,645 463 , 360 77.4 261,030 103 , 140 35,396 30,785 358,773 349,728 116.1 95.9 4,495 3,341 39.15 34.46 91 2.727 3,266 55.436 74,398 697 568 1,002 1,159 562 853 323 494 116 156 17 27 10 9 471 715 12,298 21,421 990 1,358 13,336 24,079 305 2,052 834 11,234 1,935 2,034 124,888 103,725 1,180 1,329 86,006 72 , 176 1,634 1,557 55,137 40,137 340 10,295 2,761 2,878 10,622 13,792 2,898 3,453 81 , 120 119,898 2,302 2,527 193,323 165,233 2,137 2,345 210,894 175,901 19 391 154 2,070 272 2,801 2,924 3,431 109 150 1,537 1,768 263,580 60.2 110,419 62,557 1,000 28.712 158,609 172,340 103.2 97.5 4,942 3,319 50.83 32.62 1,378 1,638 37,313 44,278 204 213 405 489 364 441 282 348 97 122 16 19 9 6 495 444 13,590 9.819 358 491 5,220 7,539 100 1,085 291 4,135 778 954 47,512 46,796 506 607 23,757 35,676 481 661 18,042 19,277 78 3,476 1,338 1,601 8,175 8,955 1,451 1,690 56,123 61,636 985 1,260 79,144 75,392 896 1,107 76,269 82,472 37 512 49 1,196 1,442 1,692 51 44 6,739 9,436 586,880 77.5 233 , 503 201,914 110,371 88,875 454,562 490,713 57.5 52.0 7,849 5,422 144.26 113.47 81 5,669 9,299 303,444 315,058 1,753 2,011 2,653 4,124 847 1,272 589 1,023 326 429 190 200 301 240 751 723 30,617 22,193 835 1,124 24,717 35,851 593 13,478 366 11,239 284 333 21,974 14,584 541 512 39,655 65,322 225 385 12,903 6,776 80 8,564 3,239 2,700 21,252 30,829 6,689 9,338 358,778 373 , 102 1,029 1,243 55,494 43,553 754 813 51,529 80,005 298 38,482 372 15,074 16 5,179 5.974 8,696 401 539 2,672 3,167 378,380 72.7 261,885 71,354 2,717 38,835 275,554 293,367 103.1 92.6 5,713 3,725 59.78 42.42 79 2,354 2,825 77,552 85,971 301 343 519 608 565 756 591 751 305 314 55 39 13 14 213 480 5,249 9,335 405 837 7,055 13,025 157 2,770 271 4,285 1,267 1,409 67,919 55,395 829 1,164 50,154 75,026 1,537 1,354 48,099 33,831 333 8,183 2,190 2,157 9,436 10,233 2,422 2,973 89,956 108,331 1,313 2,012 121,267 109,112 1,551 1,777 128,073 140,922 16 192 395 5,424 42 784 2,462 3,013 103 95 ^The\excess of farm acreage over approximate land area Is due to the fact that the entire acreage of even though a part of the farm may be situated in an adjoining county. farm is tabulated as in the county in which the headquarters Is located. MISSISSIPPI 63 OPERATORS: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 reports for only a sample of farme . See teit] Chickasaw Cil.iCtQW riail,„.„e I'larke Clay Coahoma Copiah Covington De ::.Qto Forreet. FraniUn George Greene Grenada Hancock Harrison 1 . 5 ' j 1.204 2.255 1,944 5.134 2.785 2,172 3.840 1,333 1.276 1.306 1.124 1,394 711 1,046 1 2 , :',d 1.721 1.310 2,326 2.128 6.411 3.498 2,482 4.396 1,316 1.236 1.212 944 1,634 662 1,122 2 323. 6W 200,830 311.040 445,080 264,960 364.800 499,840 255.240 '2SB,520 300,160 353.520 307,840 465.920 285,080 310.400 374,400 3 75.4 65.4 79.1 58.8 81.2 81.0 70.5 73.4 100.7 39.2 49.0 33.7 34.9 69.8 25.0 23.0 4 333,445 160.008 178,199 237,056 158.799 189,080 280.892 175.815 201.535 JO. 793 155.023 102.050 144.097 128.950 62 .078 81,258 5 VJ.f-iG 28.488 52.011 34,574 70,105 136,112 73.835 30,692 128.043 14.688 28.450 7.853 9,947 52.308 7.980 5.212 6 -.2' - 26,008 1.380 8,101 60.885 15,352 2,240 23.980 10.203 3.900 1.930 11,420 36.416 7,700 1,580 7 36,978 9,363 18,150 8,797 16,951 85,392 14,777 17,729 57,387 1,085 4,557 2,390 1,057 24,636 105 2,456 8 244.091 174.592 245,934 252.251 215.027 295.320 352.761 195.354 1285.594 117.600 178,250 103.841 162,772 199.530 77,750 85,149 9 254.871 178.211 244.461 245.034 200,538 309,359 372.638 196,340 274.942 105.051 158.051 99.717 143,898 195,215 61,163 74,906 10 99. o 109.8 204.3 115.3 110.6 57.5 125.7 89.9 74.4 88.2 139.7 79.5 144.8 143.2 109.4 82.4 U B6.5 103.6 186.6 105.3 94.3 48.3 105.5 79.1 62.5 79.8 135.0 82.3 152.4 119.5 92.4 65.8 12 4.314 4.139 8.758 6.288 5.151 8,194 5.958 5,009 5.310 7.773 5.742 5.288 4.984 5.273 7,562 10,701 13 3 . 20 1 2,832 7.006 3.552 3.215 6,736 3,505 3.468 4.901 5.051 5.098 3.933 4.178 5,287 5.232 6,728 lA ,3.01 36.08 45.57 58.09 58.34 177.82 50.19 60.74 99.77 89.63 50.41 87.52 44.17 46.95 71.59 140.75 15 38.79 26.12 33.49 34.17 37.99 132,21 34.28 44.13 82.14 54.34 37.03 54.43 37.66 43.45 50.05 110.35 16 85 31 94 83 82 85 ■>0 82 81 93 83 89 68 91 95 95 17 2.152 1.409 1.015 1.931 1,632 5.105 2.338 1,989 3.555 1.009 929 1.097 938 1.278 553 793 18 2,712 1,564 1,109 2.130 1.910 5.348 3.048 2,265 4.071 995 985 1.047 846 1,451 486 875 19 63.090 26,749 25,860 31.765 43,464 195.203 40.413 43,995 95.840 17.758 15.580 25,342 17.344 40,003 9.811 13.843 20 78.033 32,694 30,944 39.951 52.510 201.416 50.131 51,092 99.502 17.095 17,457 23,067 17.565 42,527 8.598 12,628 21 383 382 360 827 505 1.633 880 404 923 521 420 402 440 218 348 535 22 351 287 223 674 333 1.457 1,065 356 780 475 309 321 269 181 310 603 23 638 519 355 608 507 2.297 923 706 1.521 259 278 277 271 450 109 131 24 790 609 477 757 539 3,251 1,218 757 1.703 290 352 256 30:1 495 101 154 2S 503 279 124 240 281 522 293 472 573 91 118 163 ,?-, 278 37 51 26 741 388 184 392 416 753 445 533 857 99 188 203 153 384 27 50 27 372 168 81 159 180 253 139 233 319 82 68 130 101 194 32 36 28 540 208 126 231 326 420 233 390 489 82 94 165 86 257 16 30 29 181 53 40 68 104 118 68 105 121 37 31 97 32 84 23 18 30 217 59 53 52 14S 190 55 102 145 32 23 82 27 89 18 10 31 54 6 35 14 36 84 22 15 50 14 10 18 5 36 8 10 32 55 12 28 9 29 90 24 18 48 13 9 8 6 28 8 8 33 21 2 20 5 19 199 13 3 43 5 4 5 4 18 6 12 34 18 1 18 5 19 177 7 39 4 1 2 3 17 11 35 262 252 452 241 217 281 659 885 745 575 348 450 410 125 392 231 36 293 361 533 540 417 325 906 785 1.433 405 516 274 190 225 234 439 37 8.495 3,988 41.343 5.724 12,306 14,182 29,860 21,550 44.120 20.032 12.750 7,715 4.888 7,137 7.349 5,530 38 8.268 7.149 43,909 14.830 26.923 8,133 29,839 15,487 54.411 10.418 20.906 3,483 2.416 10,543 3.732 7,436 39 442 72S 122 610 509 323 493 467 514 247 239 211 381 193 31 305 40 667 864 109 821 364 577 870 908 914 537 358 268 392 438 269 198 41 8.681 9.369 4,285 6.770 9.825 11,928 11,553 5,145 14.270 5.153 5.044 2,903 3.630 4,747 1.995 4,913 42 13.663 12,481 4,654 11.591 9.858 19,434 20,170 13,186 21.805 9.551 5.581 3,834 3.972 13,474 8,388 3,751 43 121 171 58 48 301 203 153 112 148 54 54 22 36 59 20 69 44 1.465 1.284 947 361 4.403 5.577 3,129 1,209 3.286 585 923 201 564 1,075 300 1,250 45 368 o66 77 581 251 179 383 389 402 201 193 192 324 145 63 254 46 7.21b 3.085 3.338 6.409 5.418 6.251 8,524 3,937 10.984 4.568 4,121 2,702 2.966 3.672 1,696 3,663 47 1.102 1.1.,8 513 1.437 851 160 1,585 1,479 571 730 760 394 399 552 379 379 48 1.178 1.033 471 1,321 741 174 1,777 1,605 885 540 548 404 401 571 94 332 49 55.057 55.373 109.787 105.750 36,620 10.525 153.816 75,370 23.923 46,161 69,832 20.432 41.543 61,479 28.583 22,734 50 50,73'' 39.487 91.371 72,978 30,032 11,389 132.412 70,235 19.797 36.865 53,293 19,622 37.945 43,219 13,134 17,513 51 556 971 142 971 458 312 513 504 348 371 343 653 804 314 334 342 52 Ml 1.066 188 1.048 529 316 839 704 587 445 429 703 718 485 381 335 53 28.638 50.605 34.805 56.517 29,208 42.856 35.547 28,800 24.458 19.514 32.191 39,828 36.688 40,519, 25,273 26.955 54 33,376 57.346 34.141 66.733 26,774 44.963 53.037 30,490 31.141 21.944 39,377 45.223 76.939 50,593 22,547 22.964 55 1.242 979 209 1.183 1,265 137 1.285 601 974 214 524 212 190 519 27 215 56 1.407 1.024 346 825 972 133 1.414 487 803 218 499 89 97 577 75 74 57 70,603 24,091 24.383 41 , 310 76.186 9.453 72.251 15,897 63,875 O.077 38,790 4.372 5,957 39,441 2,595 8.155 58 56.982 22,169 33.723 32.001 45.843 3.574 53.009 8,299 24,835 6.073 26,526 1.500 2,107 20,278 3,334 2.450 59 279 190 78 245 287 37 298 290 94 118 99 105 154 90 11 72 60 16,192 3,025 9.615 12.011 18.980 2.979 19,287 8,614 4,432 3.721 6.944 1,902 2,207 3,271 243 2,986 61 2,125 1,479 842 2,014 1.698 873 2,363 1,985 1.777 1.255 1.179 1.253 1.085 1,215 693 877 62 2,131 1,543 1.043 2,045 1,598 1.084 3,034 2,282 2.649 1,001 945 1,127 837 1,504 572 1,009 63 9,527 4,417 5.470 4,415 7,417 11.053 9,211 4,606 19.103 2.905 3.973 3.248 2.707 6,154 2,143 4,008 64 13.310 6,885 5.719 6.940 8.688 20.750 14,040 6,550 23.351 3.115 4.821 2.938 2.353 9,431 1,430 8,154 65 2,224 1.504 1,107 2.070 1,747 5.118 2,481 2,099 3.679 1.207 1.064 1,190 1,040 1,299 650 891 66 2.795 1,653 1.228 2.236 2,011 6.387 3,296 2,425 4,290 1.214 1,149 1,134 898 1,532 611 995 67 30.26b 40,106 71.488 44.259 55,596 221.313 81,926 70,591 154.230 42.943 33.474 35.961 25.852 51,937 19,156 24,285 68 99.964 52,324 79 . 507 66.382 89,301 228.983 100,140 30.755 175,813 37.054 43.944 30,384 24,054 65,544 20,718 23,315 69 1.618 1,344 720 1.772 1,429 433 2,118 1,734 1,540 1.079 995 791 723 787 533 641 70 1.836 1,467 790 1.785 1,348 507 2,488 1,946 2,015 908 948 523 523 985 313 681 71 134.155 83.452 175.513 152.784 125,112 34,270 255,937 112,817 131.923 72.270 121 . 372 32,520 52.403 108,107 38,527 36,419 72 115.989 58.805 159,003 119.809 102,798 22.796 225,250 95.022 99.043 53.355 100,825 24,605 42.468 79,040 20,200 27,399 73 1,268 1,305 562 1.781 1,013 409 1,826 1,712 875 979 888 964 978 644 612 577 74 1.417 1,375 519 1,717 958 423 2,155 1.894 1.216 953 840 993 839 836 452 587 75 83,695 105,978 144,593 172,267 55,828 53,481 189,363 104,170 48.386 65,675 102,023 60,260 128.236 102.098 53,856 49,700 76 84,115 95.833 125.512 139.711 56,806 56,052 195,449 100.726 50,938 58,809 92,570 64,845 114,384 98.912 35,581 40.477 77 3 3 4 2 77 81 7 11 4 2 1 4 2 2 78 1 46 7 92 4 6.428 4 1,347 '51 3 2.281 '33 SO "3 '30 1 40 1 46 79 80 1 71 10 1 20 81 12d 123 130 25 34 350 330 50 42 55 35 18 30 63 5 20 82 1.-:'d3 1.186 2.962 190 446 20.432 5,418 733 2.009 605 655 206 205 2,008 136 345 83 16 217 153 1,738 6 38 475 1,643 89 225 172 35 242 23 8 84 299 2,952 2.985 28,411 152 3.783 5,565 36,588 1.496 4,130 3,199 653 5,157 263 837 85 2.2d2 1.437 1.116 2,137 1,835 4,659 2,600 2,023 3,528 1.264 1,221 1,223 1,082 1,279 652 1,007 36 2.823 1.657 1.120 2,235 1,991 6.097 3,332 2'. 400 4,251 1.295 1,155 1,179 902 1.542 542 1,073 87 111 38 i2 74 92 80 220 145 97 149 46 35 29 31 94 55 30 38 85 40 60 67 237 107 f ,^ 30 12 64 30 31 56 16 40 89 64 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table I -FARMS, ACREAGE, VALUE, AND FARM [Data for items shown in italics are based on (For definitions and explanations, see text) Humphreys Issaquena Jasper Jefferson Davis FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number Approximate land area acres Propftrtion in farms percent Lfirtd Ohined by farm operators acres Land rented from others by farm operators. .•. acres Land managed by farm operators acres Land rented to others by farm operators (see text} acres Land in farms acres Average size of farm acres Value of land and buildings: Average per farm dollars Average per acre dollars Proportion of farms reporting value percent Land in faras accordiog to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting 1954.. 1950.. 1954.. 1954.. 195i.. 1954.. 1954.. I9S4.. 1954.. 1950.. 1954. , 1950. . 195i.. 1950.. 1954.. 1950. , 1954., 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 200 acres and over farms reporting Cropland used only for pasture. .farms reporting acres Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms rep Cropland used only for crops not harvested and not pastured ., farms Cropland lying idle farms Woodland pastured farms Woodland not pastured farms Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland ] farms Improved (see tert) farms Other lend (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) farms Cropland , total farms Land pastured, total farms Woodland, total farms Irrigated land in farms farms Cover crops turned under and land planted to another crop farms Cropland used for row or grain crops farmed on contour farms FARM OPERATORS reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres 1954.. 1949.. 1954.. 1949.. 1954.. 1949. . 1954.. 1949.. 1954.. 1949.. 1954. . 1949.. 1954. . 1949.. 1954.. 1949.. 1954. . 1949. . 1954. . 1949. . 1954.. 1949. . 1954. . 1949.. 1954.. 1949. , 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949 . 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949., 1954. 1954., 1954. 1954. Residing on farm operated operators reporting 1954. 1950. Not residing on farm operated. .operators reporting 1954, 1950. 4,527 5,005 561,280 81.2 307,539 146,258 59,355 57,387 455,892 437,468 98.5 87.4 7,089 4,330 92.91 54.19 75 4,042 4.372 92,568 94,594 1,103 976 1.647 1,635 698 1,022 329 501 160 162 65 58 40 18 989 1,083 65,062 80,450 770 1,564 18,984 32,416 243 3.749 599 15,235 1,492 1,456 90,068 90,408 677 742 30,985 39,327 2,039 1,728 141,564 81,257 336 30,785 3,531 3,341 16,661 19,016 4,291 4,716 176,614 207,460 3,095 2,910 296,694 252,115 1,836 1,830 121,053 129,735 20 540 220 5,592 555 11,985 4,203 4,782 279 175 4,108 4,831 488,950 89.8 303,645 156,057 28,969 46,554 438,959 425,798 106.9 88.1 5,284 3,363 50.58 41.27 81 3,756 4,442 104,649 124,431 972 774 1,555 1,605 547 1,035 333 695 121 222 49 52 79 57 756 1,049 39,621 42,272 824 1,248 18,954 31,012 218 4,455 682 14.499 1,430 1,293 83,833 72,370 1,074 1,117 86,163 91.949 1,268 866 74,055 35,059 115 10,937 3,217 3,253 25,584 27,705 3,929 4.658 163.224 197.715 1.975 2.156 202.509 150,701 1,760 1,852 174,995 154,319 51 1.764 34 1.572 135 1,364 3.752 4.579 2.514 3.238 252,400 81.5 134,010 105,992 17,745 38,550 213,844 211,277 81.8 55.2 7,300 5,384 112.95 90.77 85 2,568 3,152 125,884 117,828 507 530 1,030 1,331 398 585 307 406 133 146 53 65 130 98 477 432 11,407 5,431 360 784 8,145 20,994 253 4,730 155 3.415 220 185 12,043 5,555 539 670 45,073 47,293 185 249 4,619 4,200 21 632 1,203 1,503 5,673 9,976 2.580 3.213 145.436 144.253 685 735 28.069 15.186 565 763 57.116 52,848 33 5,765 605 801 265.600 41,7 62.059 23,788 23,487 3,441 110,883 109.884 183.3 137.2 11.434 6.874 96.79 62.19 58 585 771 37.511 41.572 177 202 142 254 66 95 77 109 60 49 23 15 40 36 202 215 18.830 6,804 91 233 1,889 10 , 368 19 529 75 1,360 99 69 20,744 17,060 161 229 18,597 23,359 38 31 10,559 6,798 10 4.225 358 305 2.553 3.823 594 798 58.330 53.844 247 252 50.133 30.652 242 265 39.341 40.419 3 29 233 152 43 ,315 4 760 2,340 3,070 133 133 13 825 556 772 30 28 2,504 3,217 346,240 58.0 205,959 55,965 1,600 32.132 235,517 265,779 94.1 82.5 4,583 3.480 51.34 44.95 82 2,120 2,904 52,481 58,570 416 470 574 797 512 833 429 641 169 151 16 12 4 238 501 2.849 12,412 673 1,044 7,657 14.815 133 872 583 6.785 1.561 1,944 58,296 56,555 1,278 1,575 75,215 89,161 1.564 1,235 30,181 16,708 463 6,695 2,357 2,709 8.838 7.457 2.242 3,015 52,987 95,898 2.111 2.558 91,325 85,575 1,899 2,338 133,511 145,715 116 1.203 339 4,225 2.331 3.045 1.216 1.031 476,150 20.5 95,355 2.445 1.000 431 98.055 33.430 80.5 80.9 7,475 4.930 98.46 67.46 78 745 824 9,351 8,341 480 556 133 142 50 57 50 37 15 13 4 3 4 353 210 12,057 3,256 402 294 6,117 3,853 77 1,391 348 4,726 438 237 29,524 25,905 480 498 33,421 27,357 109 118 2,865 10,812 40 723 1,149 892 4,720 3,896 1.019 913 27,525 15.460 569 493 44,446 39,973 872 730 52,945 53,262 1 1 10 5 15 129 2 29 1,148 1.015 45 14 2,735 2,931 437,120 64.0 258 ,078 38,713 24,020 279,849 272,630 102,3 93.0 5,112 3,785 55.35 38.93 84 2.414 2,736 40,359 55.382 825 591 849 1,003 441 651 222 359 69 113 5 17 2 2 344 389 5.954 7,659 664 489 11,005 7.000 109 953 583 10.037 1,755 1.805 108 ,005 106,044 744 947 55,704 53.073 1,483 1,215 51,644 37,430 321 8,595 2,458 2,459 5,178 5,542 2,530 2,812 53,318 70,541 2,132 2,254 165,503 151,133 2,051 2,113 163,709 159,117 4 11 72 574 1,855 31,157 2,591 2,365 105 37 1.787 1.371 332,300 75.7 204,061 54,510 8,921 22,839 251,906 224.837 141.0 120.2 5,898 3,299 47.71 34.52 92 1,545 1,672 25,373 28,761 722 580 506 679 155 243 77 96 49 51 252 371 12,591 16,187 179 320 4,723 5,538 52 584 137 4,144 844 1,011 97,221 95,507 269 295 47,697 44,079 793 393 56,540 24.558 181 12.000 1,500 1.509 7.756 9,097 1,605 1.803 42.692 50.536 1.178 1.194 155.352 137.352 947 1.091 144.913 140,586 2 25 69 1,063 1,635 1,800 110 44 2.499 2.723 254.960 82.4 205.001 39,734 25,812 218.307 215.354 87.4 79.5 5,480 3,576 65.34 48.92 87 2.298 2,520 58.195 65.970 381 285 722 723 551 747 443 566 156 177 29 19 550 721 11.436 15.520 820 852 9.053 11,757 121 800 747 8.253 1,545 1,243 58,053 50.546 958 1.087 37,185 50 , 588 922 521 28,205 15.026 365 9,875 2,111 2,092 6,159 6,937 2.395 2.635 78.694 93.257 1.758 1.822 107.705 31.092 1.836 1.826 105.248 101.134 4 123 124 1,317 1,801 45,219 2.333 2.629 120 55 MISSISSIPPI 65 OPERATORS: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued reporte for only a sample of f arma , See text] Kemper Lafayelte Laaur Lauderjale Lovreiice Leake Lee Leflore Lincoln Lowndes Madison Marion Marshall Monroe Monlgomery 2,475 2.532 1.570 2,557 1.791 3.737 3,960 4.938 2.717 2.317 4.059 2,6o7 3.483 3,775 1.042 I 2.808 2.925 1.592 2,895 2.056 4.131 4,962 6.119 2.950 2.928 4.390 2,886 4.108 4.369 1.929 2 ;8<.480 387,840 320.000 461,440 277.120 375.040 291,200 376.320 375.040 325.120 480.640 352,000 443,520 492.160 257.920 3 57.5 76.3 54.6 59.2 66.2 73.5 84.1 91.4 71.4 81.9 81.4 67,5 82,9 77.2 76.4 4 ^41,611 247,712 146.462 260,349 154,414 242.203 207,605 155.197 243.182 218,775 253.995 221 ,048 278,429 320,883 160.475 5 ^5,<27 107,533 19.563 39,281 41.237 71,449 95.630 151.843 51.212 82,312 143.480 a, 450 191,089 106.014 47.149 6 t..4ol 591 3.230 3,636 982 670 52.987 780 3.500 18.908 3,983 5,059 12.606 1.288 7 ^c. .It.^ 56.211 4.304 25,273 12.752 33.565 57.501 58,897 15.547 37.278 48.908 12,520 101,940 50,154 13.505 8 278.583 296.051 174.599 273.180 183,500 275.747 244.809 344,127 257,847 266. a2 391,024 237,720 367.611 380.101 197.150 9 292 .05<) 310.198 159.107 262.095 195,182 262.840 253,819 337,610 277,908 271.117 373,396 242,917 369.592 387,339 214.707 10 112 t 116.9 111.2 106.8 102.5 73.8 61.8 59.7 98.6 115.0 96.3 39.1 105.5 100,7 120.1 11 .',.-■ 106 1 99.9 90.5 94.9 63. 6 51.2 55.2 94.2 92.6 85.1 84.2 90.0 88.7 111.3 12 ., , . .-i" 6'.2 6. 119 6.668 4,793 5,407 6,355 5,957 7,050 7.330 4.843 5,505 4.237 5,758 4.194 13 ■: , .5i ,7 5.296 4.836 3,731 3,428 5,048 5. as 4,111 4.586 4.216 3,853 3.332 4,542 3,822 14 17 1.^ 4'i . ui, 61.89 67.15 51.95 76.74 107.69 131.56 76.12 70.44 63.70 69.77 47.04 69.03 45.99 15 .1.1 J ' .).'.55 51.62 55.82 34.85 55.36 96.17 100.48 46.53 51.57 49.03 43.30 40.09 50.39 37.23 16 .-■ 1 73 90 85 87 86 63 87 86 74 72 72 66 83 74 17 2.263 1.280 2.091 1,619 3,373 3.422 4,883 2,208 2.162 3.843 2,275 3.307 3.329 .1,446 18 ^ ,t.2o 2.621 1.346 2,467 1,880 3,799 4.238 5,990 2,381 2.565 4,109 2,475 3.878 4.102 1,6a 19 ^f.e-i^ 56.471 31.372 35,084 33,126 61, a4 90.987 198,574 36,779 80.593 108,855 49,331 80.553 120.300 32,414 20 05.811 63.876 29.673 46,244 43,884 77,309 104.320 195,876 42,474 93.930 115,536 56,936 97.600 142.817 35,9dO 21 ,^2 44!J 422 872 397 810 614 1,203 853 491 745 624 507 581 332 22 nlii 385 382 796 305 667 595 1,006 643 522 553 480 425 492 327 23 '.''•: 7 .1 353 639 579 1,345 986 2,299 700 653 1.450 723 1.358 915 509 24 ■---„_ 7.,, 5 414 819 651 1,447 1.235 3.053 945 771 1.277 749 1,497 1,066 558 25 .^^ 5 ..4 224 310 319 730 858 661 345 354 8a 465 801 671 308 26 r ,".' -. 7„o 315 529 484 984 1.265 1.056 473 568 1.167 523 1,085 1,064 419 27 .... 51 . 176 184 237 409 629 292 213 356 454 312 409 653 199 28 .-..^ 167 236 322 580 856 477 242 506 733 464 515 922 237 29 ^ ., 79 69 78 72 255 135 74 185 207 121 158 340 71 30 .Vl 50 65 100 111 243 145 61 185 265 144 192 406 88 31 i.l 16 13 6 6 47 lOo 10 64 92 23 51 108 20 32 ..-• 9 15 13 9 36 100 14 50 70 11 47 91 9 33 10 4 3 1 22 187 2 59 54 6 23 61 7 34 - 9 7 5 1 7 153 2 55 33 4 15 61 3 35 :, 454 469 390 543 505 493 298 1,171 377 550 1,127 1,009 553 375 36 ..2 3 - ..<^^ 19,054 16.633 14,544 17,261 25,583 85 119.744 77,648 62 ,778 30,573 16.628 50,004 40.876 15,918 8 ;29.154 332,464 243.916 139,248 273,656 251,305 68,698 1443,977 349.911 229,904 249,210 178,418 218,280 224,078 217,867 9 ^^u.i74 321.452 224,441 133.970 269,558 244,858 66,541 1448,501 346,241 240.391 262,721 192,781 224,435 231, a9 224,836 10 114.8 84.9 97.3 97.7 93.3 110.8 66.5 77.4 77.3 96.2 96.0 59.6 73.6 84.0 11 v.. 0 103.6 72.9 74-4 85.5 81.4 102.8 49.9 65.6 71.7 88.2 81.3 49.0 64.9 78.6 12 t'.^VJ 6.31. 5.159 8.599 5,843 4.980 7.675 6,962 8.662 4,689 4,831 4,502 5,917 5,034 6,488 13 ^, 1 ij 4..I1'- 3.451 6.301 4,03s 4,446 3.996 5,334 4,516 4,303 3,766 3.328 5,308 3,551 3,512 14 i:^'.U 62 . 02 65.32 108 . 51 61.09 52.99 68.21 147.19 128.62 67.97 48.83 49.71 116.49 74.85 81.60 15 i..^, <. .; J , , , "i 48.84 89.43 43.76 52.49 43.41 111.74 69. 59 59.05 42.55 39.06 113.28 59.85 45.26 16 e. ."'t' 84 78 82 77 92 82 78 87 87 84 78 83 73 17 i , ^^ <.'• 2...U-"> 2 423 1.399 2,495 2.322 497 6,627 4,311 2.806 2,343 1,574 3,652 2,594 2,365 18 ,. J.^^ 2 .779 1.700 2.844 2,668 565 8,861 5,065 3.099 2,781 2,132 4,546 3,109 2,658 19 li,.'.- ^. 39 11 17 9 188 77 39 14 8 29 19 14 33 1 ^ :. 74 3 6 283 138 24 4 1 100 6 4 34 55 2 4 6 213 108 14 2 100 2 3 35 40.'^ 7.3-' 222 140 649 879 251 583 o27 358 634 264 225 367 1,159 36 AS,_. .3.j: 548 170 853 708 189 825 545 911 754 417 233 905 1.037 37 n.o^J. ^8.275 4.52" 7.447 12,948 19,512 5.918 28.789 23,889 22,081 9.214 2,504 12,076 5,6a 31,975 38 7 . '.aj 27.112 10,145 4,607 20,566 13.588 3.903 15,931 15,027 52,431 10.399 3.822 6,745 19,411 24,258 39 H," '.12 ^33 106 654 707 154 738 a8 306 940 802 267 560 407 40 1 .J01 800 674 593 694 886 117 1,040 858 484 1,092 896 290 823 745 41 0.918 7.109 0,082 3.208 8,511 8,024 1.805 18,840 11.348 7,066 10,191 8,589 5,933 6,509 7.379 42 21.825 13.7SU 9,384 18,577 11,510 12,008 1.484 31.437 20.242 10,874 15,306 9.451 10,723 11,982 11.089 43 308 95 58 72 157 113 16 582 237 199 355 142 192 202 49 44 4.525 1,643 500 1,271 952 1,265 173 13,423 5.569 3.626 2,426 704 3,525 1,676 421 45 182 431 392 49 552 632 141 231 224 164 745 730 114 ao 373 46 2.393 5.460 5,582 1,937 7,559 6.759 1,632 5,417 5.779 3.440 7,765 7.885 2,408 4,833 6,958 47 288 1.794 1,828 79 1,879 1.915 347 329 680 812 1,516 1,064 198 1,369 1,747 48 261 1,766 1,5d3 68 1,830 1.791 274 297 765 739 1,554 1,386 238 1,341 1,846 49 11,639 138,755 91,811 7,825 108,241 100,922 24,771 14,244 46,147 31,349 59,437 35,028 12,043 49,254 77,766 50 8,530 119,771 o3,970 1,876 103,382 75.075 23,122 9,666 45,739 26,949 52,770 34,447 8,129 37.440 85,953 51 558 078 632 217 735 765 ai 466 550 329 1,249 1,139 303 875 442 52 557 800 773 274 803 1,173 314 571 720 504 1,439 1,449 392 1,015 551 53 42,028 44.326 31,899 25,206 38.788 34.358 17,672 34.958 55,172 11.221 57,334 76,275 43,719 35,931 16,689 54 44.394 54.538 36.300 26.846 39.499 46,571 23,652 46.849 59.178 19.167 63,659 75.594 45,286 36.369 22,816 55 217 1.379 1.747 143 1,527 1,219 134 468 583 1,064 1,834 1,198 100 2,230 550 56 129 1.150 975 143 882 1.156 16 366 587 750 1,718 1,077 81 1,531 331 57 0.234 62,924 56 . 580 7,118 47,903 35.986 5,128 19,694 37,907 78.665 41,944 15,189 4,694 47.372 20,472 58 3.291 43,408 31.403 2,611 22,613 29,112 728 9.346 22,246 42.065 31,707 13,372 3.704 32,293 7,166 59 oi 323 372 68 446 298 103 201 91 97 273 468 46 509 216 60 2,097 15,755 14,129 2,551 10,945 8,518 4.379 7,722 3.037 7,941 4,339 5,421 552 7,122 6,742 61 1.268 2.511 2.610 591 2,245 2,439 602 2.604 1,783 1.851 2,422 1,733 791 2,905 2,303 52 1 ,201 2,591 2.271 783 2,479 2,491 619 3,248 1,931 1.954 2.591 2,186 864 3,187 2,428 63 11,265 7,752 6. 749 4,412 5,203 5.923 1.591 27.752 15.320 14,707 12.822 5,377 6,912 11,426 5,782 64 13,039 3,845 9,996 8.215 4,502 8,661 7,708 1.4a 25,681 28,083 17,795 20,310 8,304 12,817 15,614 6,713 65 2,495 2,522 1,404 2,612 2,499 578 6,642 4.396 2,865 2,444 1,726 3,657 2,709 2,539 66 4,697 2,900 2.919 1,763 3,005 2,831 619 8,934 5,169 3,259 2,868 2,231 4,557 3,318 2,801 67 157,988 78,707 56,877 94,687 73.521 74,116 19.536 347,329 195,365 93,962 77.673 46,549 150,912 80,095 97,158 58 171 .020 93,739 84,553 93,135 95,403 86,392 17,598 356,959 190.995 134.415 94,275 61,064 154,499 108,703 102.188 59 742 2,318 2.180 277 2,225 2,228 497 1,083 1.212 1.375 2,091 1,453 363 2,610 1,934 70 731 2,312 2,092 344 2,366 2,352 361 1,215 1.322 1,552 2,303 1,880 398 2.519 2,077 71 72 28,897 229,954 152.919 22,390 169.092 156,420 35,817 62,727 107,943 132,095 110,595 52,721 28,813 102,247 130, a3 19,411 190,291 111,518 9,094 146,561 117,775 27,753 34,943 83,012 121,445 94,876 51,641 18,578 89,144 117,377 73 709 2,078 2,035 258 2,105 2,086 488 700 1,039 987 1,827 1,432 412 1,717 1,893 74 710 2,095 1,917 305 2,166 2,234 572 768 1.183 981 1,956 1,814 481 1,752 2.033 75 76 53,667 183,081 123,710 33,031 147.029 135,280 42.443 49,202 101,319 42,570 116,771 111,303 55.762 85,185 94,455 52,924 68 174,309 100.270 23,722 142,881 121,646 46,774 56,515 104,917 46,116 116.429 110,0a 53,415 73,809 108,759 77 12 '■ 26 18 1 154 2 11,045 30 6 19 16 29 3 78 4,593 43 37 2,111 214 90 2,858 528 222 177 3 5.292 76 79 80 285 274 105 81 222 133 205 27 189 101 17 216 200 60 185 171 29 213 32 82 0,931 1,962 2.110 1,210 2,196 1,108 362 12,474 10,494 1,517 1,554 1,909 4.547 2,376 530 83 3 5o7 1.320 1 1,517 2,095 67 22 7 25 976 272 1 390 554 84 1j2 11.244 23.022 100 31,801 40.621 1,880 8.447 447 877 14,662 4,548 40 6,814 11,860 85 3,532 2.716 2.704 1,283 2.603 2,594 609 6,051 4,161 2,764 2,424 1,761 3.381 2,919 2,429 85 4,209 2.891 2,819 1.713 2.995 2,722 642 8,445 5,079 3,232 2,849 2,24s 4,444 3,406 2,636 87 234 12s 110 61 129 67 7 284 212 137 105 73 86 72 110 88 178 94 77 51 100 68 4 301 138 77 54 62 113 111 87 89 68 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table l.-FARMS, ACREAGE, VALUE, AND FARM OPERATORS: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued [Data for Items shown in italics are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] (For definitions and explanationfl, see text) Washington Wayne FABMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms ....................................... number Approxljnate land area acres P "oportion in farms percent land oiiined by fant operators acres Land rented from others by farm operators. .. .acres Land nonaged by fam operators acres Land rented to others by fam operators (see text) acres Land in farms. acres Average size of farm acres Value of land and butldtnis: Average per farm dol lars Average per acre dollars Proportion of farms reporting value percent Land in faras according to use; Cropland harvested farms reporting 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 200 acres and over farms reporting Cropland used only for pasture, .farms reporting Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms Cropland used onl^ for crops not harvested and not pastured.. farms Cropland lying idle farms Woodland pastured farms Woodland not pastured farms Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland ] farms Improved (see text) farms Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) farms Cropland, total farms lAnd pastured, total farms Woodland, total farms Irrigated land In farms farms Cover crops turned under and land planted to another crop farms Cropland used for row or grain crops farmed on contour farms FARM OPEHAICHS reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres 1954. 1950. 1954. 1954. 195i. 1954. 195i. 195i. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 195i. 19S0. 195i. 1950.. 195i. 1954., 1949.. 1954., 1949.. 1954., 1949., 1954., 1949.. 1954., 1949., 1954., 1949., 1954., 1949., 1954., 1949., 1954. , 1949., 1954. , 1949. , 1954., 1949. , 1954. . 1949. , 1954., 1949. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949 . 1954. 1949 . 1954. 1949. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1,316 1.574 362,240 67.8 152,694 65,068 38,772 16,426 245,626 237,495 186.6 150.9 9,732 6,034 59.19 45.14 71 990 1,285 29,810 31,717 396 461 293 459 121 160 77 95 48 60 23 24 32 26 216 432 20,068 19.242 143 299 7,359 19.652 77 1.510 76 5,849 599 643 125.129 81.088 142 294 29,318 51.237 403 336 28,391 28,273 85 8,127 873 957 5,551 6,286 1,058 1,416 57,237 70.611 811 972 173,588 128,603 673 785 154,447 132,325 4 402 40 1.333 Residing on farm operated operators reporting 1954. 1950. Not residing on farm operated, .operators reporting 1954. 1950. 10 329 ,191 ,449 107 77 4,34B 5,730 465,920 81.3 261,311 134.711 41,629 53,618 378,791 382 , 102 87.1 66.7 9,340 7,103 134.99 103.32 84 4,257 5,623 231,897 245,116 1,468 1,556 1,621 2,271 384 694 274 503 142 228 82 121 286 250 481 485 33,235 16,723 590 826 17,000 27.079 413 9,785 268 7,215 245 240 20,595 13,142 511 658 44.302 52,076 153 222 14,438 9,969 57 7,333 1,249 2,023 17,324 17,997 4,300 5.700 282,132 288,918 670 784 68,268 39.834 676 799 64,897 65,218 242 15 24,973 4.233 138 10.881 16 3,722 3,868 5,421 238 245 1,913 2,278 529,280 48.9 253,513 28,288 3.100 17.377 258.821 221,150 135.3 97.1 4,998 3,344 48.58 35.24 78 1.645 2.032 34,870 42,214 529 500 525 694 264 445 197 2S2 100 90 22 17 361 516 11,690 437 514 8,703 5.681 60 783 393 7,920 971 1.267 95.605 99.265 779 704 83,991 51,509 389 347 19,924 9,079 151 4,183 1.704 1,919 4,038 5,034 1,758 2,170 55.263 56,263 1,207 1,570 127,219 116,712 1,465 1,669 179,596 150,774 79 816 311 7,132 1,805 2.181 73 42 1,847 2,094 266,240 74.6 169,849 45,738 15,183 198,683 203,261 107.6 97.1 5,510 2,930 54.04 35.08 76 1,595 1,858 36,392 46,135 358 283 526 570 349 510 244 351 96 125 18 14 4 5 229 705 4.922 13.447 500 834 6,859 12,303 152 1,576 390 5,283 1,081 1,207 58,106 53,542 724 916 47,741 55,697 1,163 758 39,190 15.094 199 5,637 1,772 1,684 5,473 7,043 1,683 2,002 48,173 71,885 1,433 1,534 102,218 82,083 1,272 1,410 105,847 109.239 4 102 117 1,769 165 2,635 1.760 2,013 44 48 1,378 1,506 432,000 57.3 196,177 41 ,008 20.514 11,719 247,674 227,531 179.7 151.1 6,129 3,551 46.34 26.82 85 1,202 1,298 23,821 26.857 406 338 518 587 159 270 55 60 32 22 20 9 12 12 353 340 34.051 14.390 50 261 2,274 3.710 10 137 52 2,137 671 485 120,149 102.310 137 275 20,055 59,762 162 135 39,498 17,294 47 12,798 1,240 654 7,815 3,208 1,289 1.394 60,156 44.957 789 710 193,708 133.994 756 518 140,204 162,072 1 50 1.015 87 1.674 ,258 ,428 81 30 2,672 3,104 387,840 51.1 206,220 44,634 18,816 236.913 252.165 88.7 81.2 4,425 2,846 52.30 35.83 83 2,468 2,858 54,993 70,133 474 433 842 827 590 777 418 531 124 172 19 15 1 3 683 534 15,638 7,963 866 1,100 11.716 15,651 192 1,232 757 10,484 1,633 1.749 67.495 60,537 988 1,275 48,439 58.144 1,310 1,558 32,740 32,711 275 6,825 2,315 2,580 5.892 7,026 2,574 2,977 82,347 93,747 2,063 2,274 115,873 101,211 1,951 2,161 115,934 118,581 3 59 340 1,238 25,029 2,549 2,999 72 39 1.902 2.346 322 , 560 68.9 150,879 78.340 10,510 30,964 222,233 280,207 116.8 119.4 4,495 3,596 47.77 34.92 77 1,598 2,068 44,472 51,022 345 300 545 563 360 545 295 453 114 159 28 31 11 17 521 629 20,729 22,903 406 632 9.049 20,512 169 2,694 291 6,355 1,017 1,066 62,772 62,641 516 702 39,330 63,963 813 904 35,338 33,484 149 6.899 1,760 1.934 9.543 15.582 1.796 2.203 74.250 104.537 1,318 1,590 119,839 119,028 1,139 1,231 102,102 126.604 10 148 109 2,048 138 2.134 1,769 2,205 112 HI MISSISSIPPI County Table 2 .-FARMS BY COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 69 (For definitions and explanations, see text) FAHMS BY COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR All farms number 195^... 1950... All land in farms acres 195A . . . 1950... Total cropland harvested acres 1954 . . . 1949.., Faras by color of operator: White operators number 1954.. 1950 . . Nonwhite operators number 1954.. 1950 . . Paras by tenure of operator: Full owners number 1954.. 1950 . . Part owners number 1954 . . 1950.. Managers number 1954. . 1950.. All tenants number 1954 . . 1950.. Proportion of tenancy percent 1954 . . 1950 . . Cash tenants number 1954 . . 1950.. Share-cash tenants number 1954 . . 1950.. Share tenants number 1954 . . 1950.. Crop-share tenants number 1954 . . 1950.. Livestock-share tenants number 1954.. 1950 . . Croppers . .number 1954 . . 1950.. Other and unspecified tenants number 1954.. 1950 . . Other tenants number 1954. . 1950.. Unspecified tenants number 1954.. 1950.. Land in faiwa by teoore of operator: Full owners acres 1954. . 1950.. Part owners acres 1954.. 1950.. Managers acres 1954 . . 1950.. All tenants acres 1954. . 1950.. Cash tenants acres 1954 . . 1950.. Share-cash tenants acres 1954.. 1950.. Share tenants acres 1954. . 1950.. Crop-share tenants acres 1954. . 1950.. Livestock-share tenants acres 1954.. 1950.. Croppers acres 1954. . 1950.. Other and unspecified tenants acres 1954.. 1950. . Cropland harvested by teoore of operator: Full owners farms reporting 1954 . . 1949.. acres 1954 . . 1949.. Part owners farms reporting 1954 . , 1949.. acres 1954 . . 1949 . , Managers farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954 . 1949. All tenants farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Croppers farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. 215,915 251.383 20,702,412 20,710,770 5,529,981 6,136,206 114,352 128,294 101 , 563 123,089 92,929 103,053 22,280 17.676 787 833 99,919 129,821 46.3 51.6 7.533 11,200 794 1.543 24.968 34,868 24,672 34,466 296 402 59,703 74,617 6,916 7,593 3,760 3,425 3,156 4.168 11,292,069 11.755.779 4.626,881 3.192,890 1.163,037 1,071,541 3.620,425 4,690.560 660,123 844,550 78,552 82,093 1,243,409 1,672,044 1,203,453 1,636,642 39,956 35,402 1,202,024 1.606,775 436,317 485,098 74,079 86,070 1,965,592 2,308,369 21,582 16,905 1,266,116 888,522 708 755 327,210 371,353 97,248 125,749 1.971,063 2,567,962 59,574 73,449 968,775 1,237,613 1.026 1,071 185,646 129,797 15,461 15,892 311 253 715 813 378 377 9 3 561 636 54.7 59.4 238 370 3 18 120 124 118 124 2 118,369 98,567 29,951 8,071 20,011 3,521 17,315 19,638 9,093 13,536 91 378 3,419 2,474 1,935 2.474 1,4S4 1,196 713 3,516 2,537 223 267 6,226 6,331 64 48 2,468 1,263 7 2 545 110 497 591 5,222 7,688 62 48 702 470 2,498 3,050 199,795 215,464 54,300 67,401 2,320 2,795 178 255 1,194 1,451 402 346 901 1.253 36.1 41.1 34 36 39 4 409 750 404 699 5 51 365 361 54 102 25 25 29 77 110,021 121.745 44,652 29.533 600 44,522 64,186 1,534 1.842 2,146 143 25,037 43.243 24,655 39,829 382 3,414 12,970 12,822 2,835 6,136 853 1.164 17,990 26,613 394 336 13.057 9,721 1,216 23,097 31.067 365 357 8,152 7,711 2,737 2,947 334,846 311,577 46,359 49,450 1,452 1,488 1,285 1,459 1,513 1,697 342 176 3 2 879 1,072 32.1 36.4 175 229 18 2 213 414 209 414 4 303 321 170 106 132 65 38 224,450 233.194 72,435 29,141 1,625 3.038 36,336 46,204 10,910 13,645 1,239 80 7,380 15.995 6,834 15,995 546 6,742 10,305 10,065 6,179 1.243 1.385 23,021 26,009 322 162 8,818 4,230 2 2 42 109 850 1,013 14,478 19,102 302 312 5.656 5,963 3.089 3.645 353,773 349.723 55,436 74.398 1,847 2,172 1,242 1.473 1,502 1.904 393 190 10 5 1.179 1,546 38.2 42.4 100 164 12 9 351 553 347 545 4 575 734 141 86 11, 47 23 39 187,298 225,683 76,679 39.786 34,688 3,478 60,108 80,731 10,964 15.657 879 511 22,620 34,104 22,029 33,050 591 1,054 15,343 22,927 10,302 7,582 1.212 1,640 21 , 103 35,037 383 181 12.551 7,698 9 5 888 721 1,123 1,440 20,939 30,942 573 697 10,429 14,383 1,537 1,763 153,609 172,340 37,313 44,278 359 1.023 578 745 537 551 161 134 1 2 838 981 54.5 55.5 45 47 245 320 243 317 453 410 87 202 39 168 48 34 82,074 86,703 31,176 25,922 1,000 2,034 44,359 57,581 4,792 4,167 804 369 19,173 23.778 18,889 23,657 284 121 13,132 13,835 6.458 15,482 415 553 12,077 15.889 154 130 5.924 5,721 1 2 357 103 953 18,945 22,565 448 403 9,169 8.183 5,739 9,436 454.552 490,713 303.444 315,058 1,572 2,204 5.167 7,232 847 1,059 363 326 55 53 5.464 7,998 81.1 84.8 247 404 54 299 509 744 505 735 4 9 4,524 6,423 120 128 22 20 122,192 143.704 113.811 106,066 86.768 62,062 131,791 173,381 27,642 40,722 3,995 9,885 22.048 23,902 21,765 23,630 282 272 67,673 97,966 10,433 6,406 804 1,009 73,557 78,035 360 322 74,717 61,657 62 51 42,171 27,315 5.443 7,917 112,999 147,550 4,521 6,359 64.036 91.237 2,672 3,167 275,564 293.367 77,652 85,971 2,117 2,549 555 518 1.260 1,430 345 322 3 2 1.064 1,413 39.8 44.6 17 42 3 4 372 752 359 748 3 4 579 539 93 76 28 30 55 46 167.668 180,231 58,754 40,879 3.083 3,108 46,054 69,149 634 4.740 658 593 22,711 41,538 22,446 41,386 265 152 16,906 17,617 5,145 4.656 971 1.151 32,398 35,531 340 310 15,382 11,156 3 2 804 1,972 1,040 1,352 28,058 37,162 578 532 13,640 13.075 70 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 2. -FARMS BY COLOR AND TENURE OF Item (For definitions and explanations, see text} Claiborne Clay Copiah Covington FARMS BY COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR All fanes number All land in farms acres Total cropland harvested acres Fams fay color of operator; White operators number Nonwhite operators number Farns by tenure of operator; Full owners number Part owners number Managers number All tenants number Proportion of tenancy percent Cash tenants number Share-cash tenants number Share tenants number Crop-share tenants number Livestock-share tenants number Croppers number Other and unspecified tenants number Other tenants number Unspecified tenants number Land in farns by tenure of operator: Full owners acres Part owners acres Managers acres All tenants acres Cash tenants acres Share-cash tenants acres Share tenants acres Crop-share tenants acres Livestock-share tenants acres Croppers acres Other and unspecified tenants acres Cropland harvested by tenure of operator: Full owners farms reporting Part owners farms reporting acres Managers .farms reporting acres All tenants farms reporting acres Croppers farms reporting acres 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949.- 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 2,066 2,798 299,260 322,434 51,B12 63,616 1,026 1,255 1,040 1,543 851 932 150 210 1,054 1,649 51.0 58.9 57 96 2 7 493 737 485 725 385 669 117 140 IB 25 99 115 182,625 171.357 46,325 54,655 14,036 11,289 56,294 65,133 7,046 8,063 136 509 30,536 47,049 30,315 45,627 221 1,422 9,822 19,690 6,754 9,822 695 765 22,279 20,874 145 196 7,840 9,098 9 4 1,633 715 1,030 1,546 20,060 32,929 385 637 6,998 11,357 2,444 2,948 244,091 254,871 63,090 78,033 1,359 1,573 1,065 1,375 949 1,063 340 302 4 3 1,151 1,580 47.1 53.6 94 94 10 6 428 785 424 775 4 10 568 64B 51 47 34 16 17 29 119,434 126,901 69,657 47,074 3,974 6,044 50,826 74,852 6,073 9,105 1,625 483 24,583 43,854 24,309 42,372 274 1,462 13, as 16,118 2,927 3,292 706 872 21,250 26,690 331 296 16,219 13,216 4 2 653 149 1,111 1,542 24,968 37,976 568 639 10,818 13,986 1,590 1,721 174,592 178,211 26,749 32,694 1,214 1,331 376 390 1,005 1,269 249 109 336 342 21.1 19.9 36 45 5 2 116 124 115 123 131 113 38 26 116,216 142,324 34,845 12,702 380 21,531 22,805 5,476 4,561 270 138 7,455 9,611 7,035 9,541 420 70 3,967 4,246 4,363 4,229 846 1,138 15,087 24,017 244 106 6,207 2,771 44 319 317 5,455 5,662 130 106 2,202 2,001 1,204 1,310 245,934 244.461 25,860 30,944 385 418 819 892 473 536 153 59 10 U 568 704 47.2 53.7 54 85 4 18 302 348 299 345 3 3 141 192 67 61 57 21 10 40 119,064 128,904 73,599 40,848 26,270 36,669 27,001 38,040 11,661 10,140 425 979 7,160 16,551 7,147 16,371 33 160 2,696 7,562 5,039 2,768 339 387 10,182 12,377 142 52 6,693 3,260 10 9 1,631 1,956 524 661 7,354 13,349 140 169 1,765 4,837 2,255 2,326 262,251 245,034 31,765 39,961 1,446 1,424 809 902 1,496 1,597 333 229 422 500 16.7 21.5 101 166 4 5 45 86 45 84 134 156 138 85 72 34 66 51 177,131 193,795 66,391 28,524 1,388 17,341 22,715 6,054 9,941 598 349 2,158 2,657 2,156 2,481 175 3,362 5,699 5,169 3,869 1,212 1,430 16,296 26,530 326 218 9,473 5,175 392 482 5,799 8,256 134 156 2,427 3,121 1,944 2,128 215,027 200,638 43,464 52,510 8I4 857 1,130 1,271 916 692 227 256 9 3 792 977 40.7 45.9 97 5 4 226 404 217 384 9 20 384 429 115,346 119,963 52,723 39,421 6,235 1,073 36,723 40,161 5,647 7,732 299 342 14,321 16,902 12,483 16,802 1,636 2,100 10,035 11,151 8,421 2,054 574 717 17,281 21,968 224 250 12,339 10,449 3 883 434 727 940 12,961 19,659 374 421 5,702 7,659 5,134 6,411 295 , 320 309,359 195,203 201,416 697 881 4,437 5,530 338 427 129 138 41 58 4,626 5,768 90.1 90.3 103 184 13 119 433 476 429 473 4 3 4,025 4,971 52 38 80,380 79,921 66,695 55,670 47,803 60,824 98,442 112,944 19,780 20,611 2,646 5,266 19,396 16,148 18,923 15,844 473 304 51,611 69,069 5,009 1,848 325 402 41,404 39,773 127 137 41,784 30,440 39 55 26,543 31,725 4,615 5,754 85,472 99,478 4,022 4,946 50,747 66,420 2,785 3,498 352,761 372,638 40,413 50,131 1,496 1,756 1,289 1,732 1,531 1,778 303 264 16 14 935 1,442 33.5 41.2 253 462 11 4 194 293 191 288 3 5 357 526 110 157 78 108 32 49 213,657 223,903 76,251 59,859 16,019 20,130 42,634 56,736 16,166 32,153 1,403 360 8,434 9,821 5,385 9,721 3,049 100 7,164 11,225 7,665 15,177 1,154 1,419 18,892 23,298 263 237 7,395 6,089 13 7 1,166 656 1,385 12,959 19,886 356 517 5,287 7,384 2,172 2,482 195,364 195,340 43,995 51,092 1,520 1,772 552 710 1,359 1,521 347 240 3 4 463 717 21.3 28.9 53 113 3 4 126 227 125 227 1 242 308 39 65 19 35 20 30 129,855 137,515 41,138 21,334 3,205 3,182 21,155 34,209 2,956 7,277 346 358 5,263 12,160 5,158 12,150 105 8,737 11,341 2,854 3,053 1,189 1,342 22,378 29,055 344 232 11,553 5,849 3 3 804 347 453 569 9,260 14,831 242 304 5,170 6.937 MISSISSIPPI 71 OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued Fori-esl Franilln George Greene Grenada Hancock Harrison Hinds Holmes Humphreys Issaquena Itawamba Jackson Jasper Jefferson 1,333 1.276 1.306 1.124 1.394 711 1,045 4,627 4.108 2.614 605 2.504 1.216 2,735 1.787 1 1.316 1.235 a. 212 944 1.634 662 1.122 5,005 4.831 3.238 801 3.217 1.031 2.931 1,871 2 117,600 105.061 17.758 17.095 178.260 168.061 15.680 17.457 103.841 99.717 25.342 23.067 162.772 143.898 17.344 17,666 199.630 195.215 40.003 42.527 77.750 61.163 9.811 8.598 86.149 74.906 13.843 12,628 455.892 437.458 92.568 94.594 438.959 425.798 104.649 124.431 213.844 211.277 125.884 117.828 110.883 109.884 37.511 41.672 235.517 255.779 52.481 58.670 98.055 83.430 9,351 8.341 279.849 272.530 40,359 55,882 251,906 224,887 25,373 28.761 3 4 5 6 1.115 1.140 959 944 1.209 1.143 933 864 625 669 693 637 1,018 1.059 1.527 1.471 981 1.090 722 873 232 256 2.410 3,079 1.141 988 1,504 1.544 548 509 7 8 218 176 317 292 97 69 191 80 769 955 18 25 28 63 3.100 3.534 3.127 3,741 1.892 2.355 373 545 94 138 75 43 1.131 1.287 1.239 1.362 9 10 1.118 1.127 838 789 1.137 1,017 947 787 471 495 675 515 969 1.022 1.616 1.662 1.312 1,439 565 673 237 308 1.322 1,759 1.107 944 1.790 1.940 678 543 11 12 111 47 142 87 119 117 113 57 111 122 15 11 22 16 416 329 313 283 182 165 63 43 454 392 32 19 318 189 219 134 13 14 7 6 2 1 1 I 1 3 8 10 5 3 7 12 48 25 18 17 11 35 5 7 3 1 2 1 4 3 5 15 16 97 294 49 63 804 16 48 2.547 2.455 1.855 300 725 75 625 887 17 136 7.3 10.3 359 23.0 29.0 77 3.8 6.4 97 5.6 10.3 1.007 57.7 61.6 32 2.3 4.8 72 4.6 6.4 2.989 55.0 59.7 3.092 60.0 64.0 2,354 71.0 73.0 443 49.6 55.3 1,066 29.0 33.1 65 6.2 6.4 798 22.9 27.2 1.089 49.6 58.2 18 19 20 4C 4d 1 1 10 6 75 7*^ 3 2 106 161 9 43 1 1 9 14 24 "5 17 23 65 6 9 285 473 5 2 1 13 16 3 3 3 304 386 13 13 895 1.137 174 232 12 8 779 806 139 228 11 10 186 179 20 35 1 5 25 86 28 36 5 9 389 672 18 20 "i 2 1 114 147 5 4 121 200 173 256 12 41 437 565 21 22 23 24 25 26 8 6 106 IcO 1 1 9 4 16 1 1 284 471 1 2 3 3 888 1.136 7 1 772 805 7 1 181 178 5 1 25 86 386 548 3 24 "i 2 118 197 3 3 434 557 3 8 27 28 29 30 14 25 3b 73 6 16 13 22 445 409 1 5 9 958 1.191 1.345 1.883 1.479 1.921 243 309 232 263 1 4 262 310 156 123 31 32 30 58 48 32 9 31 34 45 51 10 29 27 41 367 262 154 163 41 26 11 8 70 86 55 40 123 137 109 104 33 34 14 15 Id 43 54 25 20 23 5 5 26 4 19 13 12 21 31 17 14 34 2 8 8 21 ■ 17 6 10 35 284 172 83 90 85 108 69 55 6 3 35 23 7 1 4 21 28 49 58 38 29 17 11 98 66 25 71 92 50 17 54 35 36 37 38 85.790 77.663 13,252 4,266 9,529 9,980 136,139 135.347 25.044 12.251 3.607 1.225 84.578 82.365 15.311 12.026 1.700 640 131.128 122,883 16.575 7.066 11.420 6.852 83.652 84.223 42.121 35.871 35.041 21.339 61.511 55.271 7.446 2,440 7,955 950 73.723 61.554 2.866 624 2.419 7.080 200.850 220.904 105.414 85.937 55.074 22.983 217.384 220 . 741 108.822 76 . 573 19.412 18.345 78.677 74.816 65.043 38.042 21.553 43.723 42 . 737 41.467 33.225 34.856 22.729 21.042 135,845 167,371 51,711 41 . 586 1.813 90,244 69,594 3.370 10,177 1,000 582 206.346 209.674 43.773 20.350 140 4.782 142.064 144.152 68.800 35.813 8.862 4,793 39 40 41 42 43 44 9.025 13,152 3,336 3,036 60 140 13.470 19.238 3.973 5.862 161 145 2.252 4.686 463 2.507 77 3.649 7,097 453 2,302 38.816 53.782 4.727 6.608 1.507 937 838 2.502 214 36 100 7.141 5.548 3.295 828 125 94.554 107.644 21.146 23.930 2.272 1.200 93.341 109.639 26.703 24.969 909 993 48.571 54.696 13.747 16.249 689 635 12.192 12.519 3.063 5.341 2.600 78 46.148 56.822 2.078 2.114 278 634 3.441 3,077 670 1,198 "3 29,590 37,824 9.087 11.148 395 539 32,180 39,129 13,199 11,202 680 1,162 45 46 47 48 49 50 2.250 375 1.820 3.952 6.489 3.952 40 288 40 215 850 120 18.770 29.838 18.730 115 267 115 30.827 40,920 30,637 34.309 33.622 30.457 7.276 6.039 7.187 1.401 1.933 1.401 26.800 39.807 26.459 465 26 5.233 9.751 5.182 10 , 566 16,679 10,516 51 52 53 375 430 6.429 60 288 810 95 40 29.803 40 35 267 40,755 190 165 33.362 3.852 260 5.024 89 15 1.933 38.842 341 965 26 455 9,720 51 31 15.450 50 229 54 55 56 1.243 2.1-» 5.648 1,839 2.116 3.545 4,626 931 892 741 999 1.324 1.558 1.657 2.387 11.032 11.543 2.780 2.856 163 451 2.366 2.718 1.090 1.013 3.338 20,094 27,725 20,215 13,869 22.961 41,708 8,459 8,347 22.174 29,633 4.585 2,140 4.981 3.162 147 2.005 11.189 8.206 5.803 6.061 40 102 2,266 1,748 8,279 10.045 5,596 6,341 2.184 2.307 5.551 7.779 57 58 59 60 832 848 12.560 12,970 551 579 8,603 9,eBb 942 865 17.373 16 , 641 778 703 10.940 13.517 372 379 11.607 11.958 540 452 9,073 6.572 732 793 9.963 8.584 1.182 1.242 27.265 28.138 1,039 1,179 35,909 42,367 530 642 38,756 34.163 225 286 16.648 14.564 973 1.486 19.227 32.984 683 748 7,620 7,235 1,513 1,776 23,125 35,317 496 518 9.190 11.518 61 62 63 64 100 41 2,932 1,065 126 80 3,086 1,521 117 112 6.060 4.446 110 57 3.857 1,314 107 113 7.296 5.836 12 10 373 1.127 19 14 859 222 383 300 16.563 11.243 299 267 19,758 14,530 182 159 38.096 18.407 63 43 11.080 13.875 447 384 15.644 11.330 27 15 1.320 428 310 183 7,471 4.755 200 119 6.048 3.232 65 66 67 68 4 825 821 2 1 123 155 1 1 730 243 1 3 1.880 918 8 10 3.168 3.256 3 2 300 444 6 11 1.295 2.921 37 20 8.284 2,133 16 17 3,972 6,067 10 34 10.333 22.969 5 7 3.820 5.014 2 54 1 2 15 182 1 2 120 260 2 5 229 137 69 70 71 72 73 101 1,441 2,23j 250 32b 3,8b8 5,805 37 bo 1.179 1.737 49 83 667 1.917 791 949 17.932 21.477 8 22 55 455 36 58 1.725 901 2.440 2.810 40.456 53.080 2,402 2,979 45,010 61,467 1.846 2.327 38.699 42.289 292 435 6.063 7.219 598 1.034 17.556 24.356 3; 59 396 496 590 775 9.543 15.550 847 1.030 9.906 13.874 73 74 75 76 10 22 233 sii 35 bb 715 1,2m7 6 15 b4a 408 13 22 345 442 445 401 8.013 7.958 1 19 5 9 1,200 327 965 1.147 15.246 19.208 1,345 1,858 19,088 29,501 1.477 1.901 21,049 27.176 241 305 3.366 3.055 232 263 5.678 5.846 1 4 7 42 259 303 4.814 6.489 156 120 1.666 1.559 77 78 79 80 72 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 2. -FARMS BY COLOR AND TENURE OF (For definitions and explanations, see text) Jefferson Davis Kemper Lafayette FARMS BY COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR All fanos number igS*! . . . 1950... All land in farms acres 195A. . , 1950... Total cropland harvested acres 1954 . . 1949.. Farms by color of operator: Whl te operators number 1954 . . 1950 . . Nonwhite operators number 1954 . . 1950.. Farms by tenure of operator: Full owners number 1954 . . 1950.. Part owners number 1954 . . 1950.. Managers number 1954 . . 1950.. All tenants number 1954 . . 1950 . . Proportion of tenancy percent 1954. . 1950.. Cash tenants number 1954 . . 1950.. Share-cash tenants number 1954. . 1950.. Share tenants number 1954.. 1950.. Crop-share tenants number 1954 . . 1950.. Livestock-share tenants number 1954 . . 1950 . . Croppers number 1954 . . 1950 . . Other and unspecified tenants number 1954.. 1950.. Other tenants number 1954.. 1950.. Unspecified tenants number 1954. . 1950 . . Land in farms by tenure of operator: Full owners acres 1954 . . 1950.. Part owners acres 1954 . . 1950.. Managers acres 1954 . . 1950 . . All tenants acres 1954.. . 1950 . . Cash tenants acres 1954 . . 1950 . . Share-cash tenants acres 1954. . 1950.. Share tenants acres 1954 . . 1950 . . Crop-share tenants acres 1954.. 1950.. Livestock-share tenants acres 1954 . . 1950.. Croppers acres 1954 . . 1950 . . Other and unspecified tenants acres 1954.. 1950.. Cropland harvested by tenure of operator: Full owners farms reporting 1954 . . 1949 . . acres 1954 . . 1949 . . Part owners farms reporting 1954 . . 1949 . . acres 1954. . 1949.. Managers farms reporting 1954 . . 1949 . . acres 1954 . . 1949 .■. All tenants farms reporting 1954 . . 1949 . . acres 1954 . . 1949 . . Croppers farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954 . . 1949.. 2,499 2.723 218,307 216,354 58,195 65,970 1,139 1,229 ,360 ,494 1,306 1,464 484 292 1 708 966 28.3 35.5 43 74 3 3 262 416 260 412 2 4 325 395 75 78 37 30 38 48 135.462 148,101 57,404 28,012 600 844 24,841 39,397 2,437 4,358 238 176 10,163 18,466 10,028 18,316 135 150 8,427 13,276 3,576 3.121 1,113 1.290 23,718 33,243 481 286 18,378 9,377 40 10 703 943 16,059 23,340 325 389 7,414 9,425 3,610 3,853 264,837 277,858 50,707 60,541 3,100 3,237 510 616 2,582 2,779 408 253 11 4 609 817 16.9 21.2 167 241 7 3 58 117 58 116 247 337 130 119 63 49 67 70 192,195 215,348 42,238 24,637 6,441 3,818 23,963 34,055 7,771 12,669 446 197 2,100 4,567 2,100 4,647 20 7,908 10,361 5,738 5,161 1,948 2,343 28,421 39,003 394 239 11,363 6,415 10 4 653 322 563 747 10,270 14,801 245 333 5,358 7,285 2,475 2,808 278,583 292,059 47,899 65,811 1,191 1,301 ,284 ,507 1,209 1,310 245 215 1,016 1,280 41.1 45.5 212 252 11 9 329 435 327 431 2 5 353 437 101 146 80 69 21 77 183,064 191,345 45,458 37,100 6,052 2,093 44,009 61,521 11,585 15,927 576 586 15,938 19,280 16,844 19,073 94 207 9,129 14,675 5,681 9,953 979 1,163 20,506 28,713 239 209 7,847 6,882 3 1 205 825 988 1,247 19,341 29,391 352 432 7,098 9,652 2,532 2,925 295,051 310,198 55,471 63,875 1,480 1,744 1,052 1,131 921 1,137 404 323 5 2 1,201 1,463 47.4 50.0 54 54 13 9 480 542 462 641 18 548 627 105 121 34 50 72 71 134,515 157.804 95,180 65,835 2,523 1,940 62,833 84,619 5.519 6,417 1,803 828 31,272 42.495 30,767 42,339 505 155 15.239 25,942 6,900 8,937 707 905 14,343 20,410 391 307 15,527 10,052 6 2 344 40 1,159 1,407 25,257 33,364 547 611 11,465 13,471 1,570 1,592 174.599 159,107 31 , 372 29,673 1,487 1,512 1,170 1,298 220 108 11 5 169 181 10.8 11.4 45 59 4 3 33 34 31 28 2 6 29 45 57 40 43 23 14 17 128,927 132,050 26,269 9,312 10,440 5,472 8,963 11,773 2,975 4,702 378 135 2,170 1,541 2,050 923 120 518 770 2,479 2,570 2,915 913 1,080 19,855 22,895 212 105 7,220 2.532 9 5 1,754 1,132 146 155 2,533 3,054 29 44 551 825 2,557 2,395 273,130 252,095 35,034 46,244 1,682 1.799 875 1.096 1,650 1,717 304 286 5 5 598 837 23.4 30.6 119 233 1 3 120 162 120 161 256 355 102 123 67 36 35 87 194,874 183,829 48,524 31,419 4,001 3,406 25,781 43,441 7,038 14,995 12 127 5,540 8,117 5,640 3,077 '40 7,932 11,425 5,159 8,777 1,227 1,379 17,203 23,699 290 268 7,775 5,854 5 4 329 953 559 816 9,777 14,733 256 354 4,845 6,807 1,791 2,056 133,500 195,182 33.125 43,884 1,142 1,298 649 758 1,049 1,244 260 173 482 639 26.9 31.1 28 50 7 10 114 214 113 208 251 235 120.371 147,760 37,766 20,846 25,363 26 , 576 5,205 4,216 253 363 5,439 9,112 5,381 8,757 108 355 6,321 8,994 7,595 3,886 901 1,097 15,550 25,501 257 170 7,239 5,331 461 513 9,337 12,952 251 274 5,322 6,244 3,737 4,131 275,747 262,840 51,414 77,309 2,358 2,655 1,359 l,-475 1,887 2,269 585 400 3 2 1,252 1,460 33.3 35.3 53 59 2 6 345 478 341 475 4 3 719 739 133 128 109 52 24 75 167,547 179,211 55,860 37,053 1,117 1,008 40,223 45,563 3,762 2,800 158 278 16,092 18,027 15.820 17,924 272 103 15,236 19,325 4,975 5.133 1,588 1,994 26,074 39,909 575 390 13,527 9,693 3 2 89 140 1,207 1,413 21,624 27,557 717 776 12,721 14,344 3.960 4,962 244,309 253,319 90,987 104,320 1,052 1,354 1,503 1,353 584 581 7 12 1,366 2,516 47.1 50.7 40 58 8 8 753 1,027 747 1,015 6 12 950 1,304 105 119 30 30 75 110,522 117,380 58,023 40,640 2,449 3,029 73,710 92,770 1,525 1,457 552 310 38,313 50,655 37,959 49,333 344 822 27,112 35,535 6,197 4,812 1,048 1,271 24,311 28,572 555 552 22,048 15,475 1,172 794 1,804 2,407 43,456 53,479 954 1,287 20,025 27.990 MISSISSIPPI 73 OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued Lincoln Lowndes Madison Marlon Marshall Monroe Montgomery Neshoba Newton Nojojbee Oktibbeha Panola Pearl River Perry Pike .',717 2.317 4,059 2.657 3,483 3.775 1,642 3.569 2,870 2.685 2,103 4,457 1.767 1,065 2,531 1 2,950 2,928 4,390 2.885 4.108 4.369 1,929 4.154 3.263 3.239 2,252 5,154 1.868 1,094 2,568 2 267,847 266.412 391,024 237.720 357.611 380.101 197,150 283.562 265.420 390,585 213.799 375,100 237,850 102,764 207,817 3 277,908 271,117 373.396 242.917 359,592 387.339 214,707 294.053 259.655 379,851 221,592 413.597 198.321 107,414 203,846 4 36,77? 80,593 108,855 49.331 80,653 120.300 32,414 57.159 55.732 57,749 38,278 115.118 72,893 19.404 36.231 5 42.47^ 93,930 115,536 56.936 97.600 142.817 35,960 86.572 66.561 84,539 45,925 123.970 60.731 28,053 41.991 6 2,171 1.052 872 1.805 955 2,309 1.001 2.855 2,150 655 871 1,753 1.631 855 1.404 7 2,313 1.368 937 1.979 1.078 2,627 1.164 3.321 2.304 759 901 2,054 1.764 382 1.404 8 546 1,255 3,187 851 2,518 1,466 641 713 720 2,020 1,232 2,594 85 209 1.127 9 637 1.560 3,453 907 3,030 1,742 755 833 959 2.480 1.351 3,110 104 212 1,254 10 1,911 1.035 1.162 1.884 844 1.719 868 2.264 1.895 855 1,022 1,217 1,556 371 1,801 11 2,178 1.307 1.244 1.954 890 1.687 955 2.545 2,182 973 1,162 1,231 1,626 865 1,857 12 278 284 386 308 303 439 161 395 413 244 335 308 105 97 246 13 115 260 337 295 311 425 139 272 259 212 265 315 86 90 158 U 2 5 10 3 8 12 4 6 7 24 5 23 27 3 4 15 10 5 5 7 8 2 1 1 15 5 22 28 4 6 16 526 993 2,501 472 2,328 1.505 609 903 554 1.562 740 2,909 69 94 480 17 c57 1,351 2.803 622 2,900 2,249 833 1.335 821 2.038 829 3,546 128 135 537 18 79.4 42.9 61.5 17.7 55.8 42.5 37.1 25.3 19.3 58.2 35.2 65.3 3.9 8.8 19.0 19 22.3 46.1 63.8 21.5 70.6 51.5 43.2 32.2 25.2 52.9 36.6 63.7 6.9 12.3 23.9 20 Iti'' 186 231 30 152 97 18 39 87 253 134 103 17 20 138 21 19 3 272 367 86 188 149 45 51 125 489 120 112 34 35 191 22 7 9 10 4 9 9 5 7 14 12 10 19 5 23 3 6 8 10 14 18 7 5 8 7 12 18 2 1 6 24 85 203 1.062 118 702 519 257 253 159 485 122 624 2 13 91 25 117 481 1,196 178 938 813 410 421 219 544 192 795 11 21 155 26 84 202 1,042 115 693 512 253 252 157 482 119 518 1 12 39 27 115 477 1.179 174 934 309 405 419 218 538 179 790 11 21 155 28 1 1 20 2 9 7 4 1 2 4 3 6 1 1 2 29 2 4 17 4 4 4 5 2 1 5 13 5 30 163 526 1.024 240 1.285 900 290 527 222 707 366 2.041 3 33 140 31 258 452 1,025 312 1.389 1.205 327 708 385 865 455 2,411 15 34 201 32 106 d9 174 80 180 80 39 77 62 104 108 122 47 28 105 33 86 Iw 207 36 371 54 44 150 83 133 50 210 56 43 84 34 78 23 86 46 58 37 13 39 29 71 77 52 25 12 55 35 58 51 86 30 321 33 15 42 35 35 25 111 24 8 51 36 28 46 88 34 122 43 26 38 33 33 31 70 22 16 50 37 28 89 121 6 50 31 29 108 48 98 25 99 42 35 23 38 193.847 143.281 176,423 179.760 133.232 211.145 139,492 204.955 181.620 153,721 123,668 172,550 141 ,072 73.104 154,104 39 227.598 144.220 167,177 180.883 119.585 197.594 135.131 221,103 201,602 202,062 132.763 186.653 134,594 71.465 157,559 40 46,280 82,548 100,010 37.338 112,088 88.800 26.471 46,284 55.612 57,077 55,932 77.419 34.547 11.568 31,174 41 15.924 58,662 97,099 24.541 102,294 81.748 26,133 24,779 28.159 56,992 46,013 70.353 7,748 5.918 20,009 42 193 3,375 18,975 4.018 3.358 11.720 2,494 1,289 4,964 119.900 4,101 29.974 57,606 11.323 2,060 43 7,494 5,981 10,115 1.929 7,984 419 261 910 49.563 9,259 28.758 47,108 19.706 2,601 4/i 27,527 37,208 95,616 16,604 118,923 68,436 28,693 31,034 22,224 49,887 30,098 95.157 4,635 5,759 20,479 45 34,286 60.741 103,139 27,378 145.884 100,013 53.024 47,910 38,975 71.134 33,657 127.833 9,371 9,325 28,677 46 10,547 10.333 17,295 1,120 15.237 7,321 1,541 2,022 5,466 14.013 9,663 10.000 592 2,529 6,547 47 13,713 19.104 25,028 5,312 11.697 10,859 4,898 2,974 8,766 28,195 7,490 10.085 2,352 2,149 10,291 48 286 697 1,560 199 3,155 1,617 280 398 1.344 305 791 3.158 354 49 79 339 485 365 846 789 400 269 398 238 1,254 2,059 60 'is 430 50 4.540 9,359 39,763 4,146 48,575 30,040 14,552 12,493 7.494 14,022 5.058 32,370 73 954 3.722 51 5,673 18,566 40,552 8.077 61.788 44,721 30,892 17,453 12.084 21,559 8,530 47,429 565 1,253 6.107 52 4,529 8,759 37.585 4.097 47,956 29,683 13,941 12,467 7,181 13,349 5,949 30,730 35 877 3.022 53 5,628 18,274 39,834 7.701 51.293 43.597 29,894 17,349 12.028 16,317 7,573 47,227 665 1.253 6,107 54 17 6O0 2,078 49 620 357 511 26 313 573 119 1,640 38 77 700 55 45 292 718 375 495 1,124 998 104 56 5,242 957 202 56 5,238 12,728 22,332 6.325 33.211 25.385 9,810 12,816 5.725 17,198 9,154 41 . 222 50 1.843 3,740 57 6,950 14,313 26,316 11.152 40.608 39.747 12,570 20,439 11,566 16,539 13.419 55,161 1,627 1.547 6.563 58 6,910 4,091 14,566 4.813 18.734 4.073 2,410 3,305 2,195 4,349 4.412 8,407 3,820 1.443 6.106 59 7,871 8,419 10,758 2.471 30.945 3.897 4,254 5,775 5,161 4.603 2,964 13,099 4,657 4.351 5,286 60 1,476 909 999 1.520 710 1.341 697 1,908 1,515 709 801 987 1,307 711 1,381 61 1,692 1,126 1,074 1.604 733 1,458 741 2,321 1,977 826 961 1,028 1.306 710 1,376 62 22,023 32,718 33,651 29.543 16,545 48,355 15,342 37,472 32,525 24.829 15,540 34,414 33.373 11,690 21,738 63 29,102 40,103 35,253 33,938 19,727 54,186 15,723 52,202 43,249 35.188 22,429 35,698 28.799 11,050 24.912 64 2d2 276 373 303 290 425 156 395 402 233 319 295 101 97 231 65 105 250 324 282 296 415 127 258 250 201 254 292 81 85 154 66 7,346 26,520 21,703 9.619 15,789 28,154 5.308 11,769 13,027 10,450 11,204 19,324 10,358 3,407 6.608 67 2,889 21,614 19,979 7.253 15,443 28,571 4,067 7,492 7,395 10,350 9.632 15.053 2,006 1,818 4,344 58 2 4 10 3 7 11 3 6 6 22 6 20 26 3 4 69 9 6 5 5 7 1 1 1 14 5 19 27 4 5 70 71 994 4,383 440 756 4,213 74 212 433 8.453 1.103 7,999 28,528 2,509 350 71 1,705 911 1.600 458 1,242 53 70 125 2,229 1.465 4,740 27,457 12,860 946 72 41:8 973 2,461 449 2,300 1,551 590 882 525 1.520 676 2,879 41 87 433 73 584 1,280 2,705 584 2,844 2,222 772 1,283 778 1.987 782 3.382 98 115 585 74 7,339 20,361 49,108 9,729 47,563 39,558 11,590 17,706 9,747 24.007 9,431 54.381 634 1,698 7,035 75 10,483 30,508 59,393 14,145 60.972 58,718 16,117 26,808 15.791 36.772 13,349 57.479 2,459 2,335 11,789 76 163 522 1,021 239 1.282 897 289 527 222 706 351 2,040 2 32 136 77 238 438 992 298 1.375 1,198 302 690 375 853 439 2.326 11 32 196 78 3,044 9,75= 16,718 5,421 24.018 20,142 5,576 10,762 4.193 9.522 4,610 33.288 25 553 2,521 79 4,383 9,551 18.164 7,718 25.705 28,584 5,856 14,470 7.172 12.859 5,918 41.054 433 765 4,390 30 74 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 2. -FARMS BY COLOR AND TENURE OF (For definitions and explanations, see text) Pontotoc Prentiss Quitman Rankin Scott Sharkey Slji?ison Smith Stone Sunflower FARMS BY COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR All farms number All land in farms . ^ acres Total cropland harvested acres Ferns by color of operator: White operators number Nonwhite operators , number Farms by tenure of operator: Full owners number Part owners number Managers number All tenants number Proportion of tenancy percent Cash tenants number Share-cash tenants number Share tenants number Crop-share tenants number Livestock-share tenants number Croppers number Other and unspecified tenants number Other tenants number Unspecified tenants number Land In farns by tenure of operator: Pull owners acres Part owners acres Managers acres All tenants acres Cash tenants acres Share-cash tenants acres Share tenants acres Crop-share tenants acres Livestock-share tenants acres Croppers acres Other and unspecified tenants acres Cropland harvested by tenure of operator: Full owners farms reporting Part owners farms reporting acres Managers farms reporting acres All tenants farms reporting acres Croppers farms reporting acres 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954.. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949 .■ 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 3,402 4,039 278,44.4 289,137 76,740 86,505 2,830 3,367 522 672 1,639 1,901 581 499 5 3 1,177 1,636 34.6 40.5 46 51 7 15 589 970 582 963 7 7 421 512 114 88 24 34 90 54 157,486 162,528 62,699 49,710 815 1,973 57,444 74,926 2,231 2,711 312 1,039 35,297 48,985 34,221 48,511 1,076 474 12,737 17,378 6.867 4,813 1,233 1,508 30,197 35,129 576 484 18,868 14,795 5 3 195 64 1,134 1,585 27,430 36,517 420 504 8,866 10,727 2,758 3,294 225,711 223,397 67,217 74,516 2,517 3,009 241 285 1,338 1.613 370 312 1 3 1,049 1,366 38.0 41.5 40 27 7 6 460 761 453 750 453 479 89 93 10 15 79 78 130,497 135,303 40,109 27,114 2,004 2,945 53,101 63,035 2,072 1,301 372 181 31,265 42,509 30.815 a. 250 450 1,259 14,643 13.587 4,744 5,457 1,037 1,337 26,166 32,426 366 304 13,011 8.920 3 495 622 1,005 1,339 27,545 32,548 451 474 10,420 9.940 3,364 4,724 229,154 240,274 140,046 139,605 1,335 1,634 2,529 3,090 540 567 171 169 19 18 3,134 3,970 31.1 84.0 95 179 59 78 408 436 404 434 4 2 2,515 3,214 57 63 11 4 45 59 55,424 71,623 56,179 a, 314 20.593 32,162 86,953 94,675 9,784 14,314 4,400 3,904 24,730 18.134 24,366 18,083 354 51 43,301 55,706 4,238 2,617 519 523 32,999 31,572 171 167 28 , 577 13,872 18 17 10.459 13 ,081 3,122 3,921 68,011 75,080 2,510 3,178 39,373 49,685 2,895 3,102 332,464 321,452 43,323 52,847 1,617 1.630 1.279 1,472 1,917 1,942 331 204 7 4 5a 952 22.1 30.7 170 6 3 159 281 165 277 3 4 258 391 100 107 67 49 33 58 a4,034 217.459 77,733 45,723 10,326 9,510 30,371 47,760 5,326 14,402 392 52 7,932 13,043 7,537 12,649 395 394 8,425 12,844 3,296 7,409 1,427 1,576 22,859 29,007 309 192 9,327 5.698 5 3 1,144 1,719 578 392 9,993 15.423 266 381 4,774 7,355 2,872 3,077 243,916 224,441 46,267 59,024 1,827 1,946 1,045 1,131 1,796 1,825 335 255 2 4 739 992 25.7 32.2 43 57 3 6 245 401 243 390 3 11 353 443 84 85 180,660 157,505 39,692 19,401 14 2,535 23,550 34,843 1,936 2.843 181 327 9,390 15.307 9,337 14,735 53 572 9.345 12.771 2,598 3,500 1,411 1,567 23,867 33,595 322 244 8,837 6,095 345 595 955 13,563 18,939 362 437 7,552 8,875 1,431 139,248 133,970 84,032 74,951 375 437 1,055 1,363 191 240 105 102 13 19 1,121 1,439 78.3 79.9 43 110 4 15 152 257 152 257 372 1,033 40 24 9 7 31 17 51,254 46,848 39,440 30 .001 18,930 20.215 29,624 35.906 6,493 10,900 697 317 6,338 8.893 6,338 8.893 12,136 13,729 3,955 3,057 168 197 25,413 19,270 106 102 24 ,075 15,584 12 19 10.999 11,439 1,113 1,332 22,545 27.558 872 995 10,150 12,025 2,802 3,151 273,655 269,558 52,062 53,327 1,892 2,157 910 994 1.722 1.975 399 264 4 6 677 906 24.2 23.8 104 129 3 5 121 205 120 202 391 465 58 102 « 44 17 58 132,482 195,857 55,753 27,020 1,896 4,251 32,520 42,430 9,082 8,270 59 265 6,895 10,456 6,614 10,306 281 150 11,940 17,614 4,544 5,825 1,442 1,709 26,134 35,375 390 253 11,537 7,490 3 5 305 357 650 375 14,035 19,094 391 455 8,894 10,427 2,594 3,007 251,305 244,858 46,580 60,796 2,315 2,530 379 477 1,861 2,024 274 227 3 2 555 754 20.5 25.1 41 31 111 197 110 193 321 361 82 113 68 29 14 84 190,425 186,065 35,943 26,013 3,322 1,399 21,614 31,381 3,073 4,756 15 540 4,543 9,176 4,518 9,084 30 92 10,020 12.017 3,958 4,892 1,527 1,738 27,208 38,029 267 213 3,032 7,457 3 2 113 206 525 715 11.227 15.094 319 352 7,180 7,529 520 647 68,698 66,541 11,813 12,211 541 544 79 103 557 515 27 19 4 1 32 12 5.2 1.9 3 1 58,397 62,377 4.887 2.234 3,062 750 2,352 1,130 178 585 400 135 730 810 858 290 451 540 8,123 10.723 26 16 1.865 625 941 58 834 795 3 3 565 735 MISSISSIPPI 75 OPERATOR. CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued Talla- hatchie Tate Tippah Tishomingo Tunica Union Walthall Warren Washington Wayne Webster Wilkinson Winston Yalobusha Yazoo 4.521 5.277 2.975 3.353 2.590 2,980 1.859 2.371 3.664 4.579 3.044 3.564 2.595 2.860 1.315 1.574 4.348 5.730 1.913 2.273 1.847 2.094 1,378 1,505 2.672 3.104 1.902 2.346 3.777 4.453 1 2 349.911 346.2a ieo.128 155.726 229.904 240.391 64.815 71.110 249,210 262.721 58,268 68,570 178,418 192,781 35.456 47.791 218.280 224.435 132,903 137.031 224.078 231.419 67.955 77.310 217.867 224.835 57.804 66.841 245,625 237.495 29.810 31 .717 378.791 332,102 231 .897 245.116 253.821 221.150 34.870 42.214 198,683 203,251 36,392 46.135 247.574 227,531 23,821 26,857 236.913 252.165 54.993 70.133 222.233 280.207 44.472 61.022 471.997 477, 190 146.026 145.487 3 4 5 6 1.466 1.638 1.155 1.313 2,188 2.489 1.790 2.273 450 511 2.570 3.104 1.532 1,711 597 654 949 1.120 1.413 1.610 1.474 1.702 451 465 1.744 2.007 1,006 1.289 1.421 1,479 7 8 3.055 3.639 1.820 2.040 402 491 69 98 3.214 4.058 374 460 1.063 1.149 719 920 3.399 4.510 500 663 373 392 927 1.041 928 1.097 395 1,057 2.355 2.974 9 10 897 994 676 716 1.230 1.452 997 1.422 253 285 1.393 1.579 1.525 1.577 546 571 533 817 1.312 1.517 1,059 1,154 554 613 1.619 1.835 696 374 876 916 11 12 237 192 262 268 437 338 396 243 98 93 455 354 315 201 175 140 218 200 292 254 233 194 137 71 325 312 251 232 319 308 14 23 39 12 21 "3 3 1 8 24 4 2 4 1 10 9 25 56 2 5 7 1 2 9 10 25 26 15 16 3.364 4.052 74.4 76.8 2,025 2,348 68.1 70.0 923 1.187 35.6 39.8 463 705 24.9 29.7 3.295 4.177 89.9 91.2 1.181 1.529 38.8 42.9 751 981 23.9 34.3 585 754 44.5 47.9 3,422 4,557 78.7 81. 3 307 507 16.0 22.3 540 746 29.2 35.6 680 821 49.3 54.5 728 955 27.2 30.3 945 1.230 49.7 52.4 2.557 3.203 67.7 71.9 17 18 19 20 59 74 10 1^ 541 34 65 14 18 450 603 31 26 4 3 531 824 19 28 1 1 296 468 55 119 43 117 347 313 53 55 14 18 598 935 41 106 3 2 248 259 173 223 10 19 222 329 137 318 9 119 201 652 52 103 7 5 59 180 33 33 2 4 209 346 117 109 8 3 393 435 55 57 4 3 233 381 51 140 15 9 335 532 332 570 42 23 729 1.100 21 22 23 24 25 26 533 616 8 5 446 599 4 530 815 1 9 275 465 21 3 346 312 1 1 587 931 11 5 246 257 2 2 2a 324 1 5 200 643 1 9 58 173 1 7 206 341 3 5 393 482 3 228 380 5 1 335 529 1 3 724 1.085 27 28 29 30 2.b47 3.2tO 1.474 1.579 294 253 98 135 2,826 3.602 428 413 358 511 92 128 3.005 3.499 123 145 254 312 89 128 352 434 481 478 1.262 1.301 31 32 107 62 53 33 63 81 49 73 24 26 73 107 101 103 88 55 70 59 66 73 42 51 73 96 83 80 53 71 142 209 33 34 42 17 65 45 30 a 23 42 37 24 25 57 23 4 26 69 10 4 14 22 38 20 35 87 51 44 50 59 72 28 15 27 14 12 56 57 35 34 31 39 19 19 23 32 54 38 19 58 55 37 28 43 32 25 21 45 84 107 58 102 35 36 37 33 158.875 143,833 67 , 896 47,535 29,039 43,468 80.208 33.281 72,115 55,739 6,420 12,104 135.107 149.391 55.224 37.488 1.020 108,981 130,822 41.446 20,858 512 120 68,985 49,705 55.395 56.015 9.504 32.081 115.233 140.586 48,719 27,653 819 260 153,827 160,408 33,584 20,592 3.061 2.618 102,337 121,989 79,203 49,293 37,377 34.526 139.454 133.031 130.458 80.304 30.138 64.135 193.797 150.145 47.112 28.921 3.285 133.653 130.592 38.633 32.941 1.165 142.714 179.219 62.098 29.028 20.199 1.386 168.589 174.800 39.203 33.658 5.500 94.037 124,831 57,236 53.556 8.379 29,533 171.699 193.224 172,967 124.512 25.724 31.110 39 40 41 42 43 4.4 94,051 111,405 10,462 13,246 1,336 3,316 71.161 89.267 4,191 7,939 2,644 1,923 58.879 74.822 2.039 2.816 188 232 27,479 40,971 1.907 1.908 20 45 34.395 85.534 27.832 16.632 3,512 5.125 59,307 62,920 2.445 3.082 867 982 27.295 41,213 2,106 6,103 78 46 26.204 31.637 13.595 13.401 700 933 78,731 104,532 24,370 27,272 1,406 3.842 14.627 32,083 2,564 6,991 373 670 25.232 39.628 2.104 2,791 29 108 22.653 17,393 5,919 3,554 162 71 29.121 38,207 3.377 3,729 207 105 52.085 72.187 7.283 15.179 1.918 1.225 101,607 128,344 28,101 44,720 3.315 3.435 45 46 47 48 49 50 26,490 31.152 25.733 30.926 757 226 29.228 36.220 28,992 35.279 236 941 38.970 58,259 38.758 57,501 a2 758 17.981 28.565 15.832 28.447 2.149 118 10.642 10.821 10,622 10,786 20 35 36,746 42.113 35,872 41.619 874 494 9,475 10,994 9,431 10.263 44 731 4.467 9.539 4.235 9.467 232 72 10.821 20,464 10,795 20,312 26 152 3.591 8.609 3.441 7.205 150 1.404 14.058 23.970 13.227 23.342 331 628 9,934 8,944 9,934 8,336 58 11.783 17,361 11,559 17.7a 224 120 22.447 30,305 22,213 30,194 234 112 32.175 a. 127 29.260 40.562 2.915 565 51 52 53 54 55 56 47.899 59.085 7.864 4.606 28,865 34,700 6,233 8,435 13.031 7.712 4.651 5,803 4.074 4.660 3.497 5.793 40,425 50,131 1,985 3,924 15,817 12,513 3,432 4.230 10.501 18.441 5.135 5.634 1.531 3.456 5.860 4.358 37,391 48,410 4.743 4.644 5.030 11.091 3.019 4.722 6,685 9.060 2.356 3.699 1,595 3,079 5,053 2,250 9,583 12,581 4.166 3.930 15,964 15,246 4,474 10,231 25.566 25.253 11.950 13,809 57 53 59 60 733 853 52,117 a. 705 529 571 12,302 14,800 1.019 1.279 a. 451 30.764 748 1.217 12.432 25,548 258 269 33,915 21.834 1.037 1,307 22.753 30,678 1.317 1.499 30,554 37.744 312 452 9.711 11 .019 616 770 77,315 74,758 1.078 1.314 18.875 24,873 852 963 17.052 22.494 415 445 8,975 12,294 1.435 1,529 29,960 39.550 525 667 11.316 18.290 587 692 29,320 34,153 61 62 63 54 230 186 25.833 15,551 253 245 14.803 9.896 435 333 15.185 10,535 392 237 12,103 6,096 98 92 28.672 29.153 458 343 15,728 10,059 309 196 10.189 5.764 148 118 9.287 6.113 216 196 74,969 45,730 288 243 9.250 6.298 227 188 7.949 7,411 125 66 4,043 1,719 316 305 9,500 3.950 242 222 11.508 12,037 301 291 50,642 27.605 65 66 67 68 23 38 14.759 22,962 11 17 989 2.032 2 89 3 1 131 21 7 23 4.494 12.710 2 1 170 148 4 588 8 8 2,001 2.151 25 56 15,825 38,327 2 236 3 128 7 1 1,127 20 2 680 3 9 1,269 1,151 21 20 3,455 10,752 69 70 71 72 3.325 3.988 67.419 75.508 2,013 2,266 36,721 44,382 889 1,167 21,632 27.182 431 677 10,790 16,126 3.289 4.162 55.821 73.284 1,097 1.458 29.314 36.425 735 953 15.473 23.333 522 707 8,311 12,424 3,400 4.601 63.788 35,251 277 475 6,515 11.043 513 707 11.253 16.230 655 786 9,675 12,824 717 922 15.433 20.953 923 1,170 20,379 29,534 2,486 3,097 57,109 72,975 73 74 75 76 2.640 3.229 42.970 51.040 1,473 1,535 22,732 25,351 290 253 5.795 4.791 98 133 2,218 3,046 2.825 3.592 39.502 49.174 425 411 10.144 9.528 357 508 8.185 12.729 90 127 1,129 2.108 3,001 3,469 35,481 44,996 122 142 3,254 3,828 254 309 5,166 6,583 89 125 1,276 2,193 352 429 7.816 9.423 430 465 9,549 10.259 1,250 1,279 21,877 19,962 77 73 79 80 76 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 2a —FARMS BY TENURE, BY COLOR (For definitions and explanations, see text) Faras, 1954, operated by— White operators number. Full owners number . Pert owners number . Managers number . All tenants. number . Croppers number . Nonwhlte operators number. Full owners number . Part owners number . Managers number . All tenants number . Croppers number . Land in faras, 1954, operated by- White operators acres . Full owners acres . Part owners acres . Managers acres . All tenants acres . Croppers acres . Nonwhlte operators acres . Full owners acres . Part owners acres . Managers acres . All tenants acres . Croppers acres . Cropland barveated, 1954, in fams operated by — White operators farms reporting. acres. Full owners farms reporting . acres . Part owners farms reporting. acres . Managers farms reporting . acres . All tenants farms reporting . acres . , Croppers farms reporting . acres. Nonwhlte operators farms reporting . acres. Full owners farms reporting.. acres. Part owners farms reporting. , acres . , Managers farms reporting. . acres. , All tenants farms reporting . . acres . , Croppers farms reporting. . acres . , The State ll:.59 284 377 347 454 270 272 161 174 86 87 30 30 77 73 19 12 4 2 199.795 215.464 1,131 1,325 10,261 12,352 17,305 25,019 16,521 21,856 28 , 450 36,939 31.282 31,492 25.429 27,324 16,944 17.089 7,150 7,159 26,627 25,033 12,943 7,511 5,752 2,365 2,414 3.050 1.331 1,772 50 25 1,276 1.747 5 90 95 35 30 10 15 45 50 876 1.090 178 140 7 4 171 136 600 737 414 489 228 293 376 363 309 299 208 225 101 107 67 61 167 157 63 55 26 21 334,846 311,577 1,006 851 10,931 13,721 15.841 18,403 13,342 17,270 30,997 29,695 35.670 34.371 32 , 371 34,882 19,689 21,067 15,826 14,427 57,451 54,033 41,734 36,214 59,988 36.643 2,705 2.947 1.049 751 25 19 1,019 727 5 5 286 295 25 10 182 218 76 127 30 39 5 10 41 78 1,087 1.483 208 187 13 12 195 175 667 907 406 532 251 315 483 540 358 444 269 290 130 141 94 84 163 157 39 32 21 16 358,773 349,728 1.170 1,181 12,121 17,266 15,390 19,906 14,650 18,485 39,748 43.820 41,832 50,814 42,177 45.131 25,668 27,565 22,116 19,887 55,685 53,034 25,590 21 , 389 62,626 31.250 3,129 3.645 1.495 884 5 1,495 879 131 220 5 23 124 196 227 17 28 6 9 1,283 2,095 435 448 207 304 129 176 163 200 140 191 133 155 50 62 48 47 87 66 25 30 12 10 158,609 172,340 573 420 8,279 8,739 7,706 10,956 7,398 10,058 13,482 16,254 16,029 22,076 20,945 24.452 9.863 12,133 11.265 11,025 29,363 22,853 17,539 19,177 15,167 14.197 1.467 1,768 1,072 939 10 1,067 929 5 45 128 20 61 5 5 15 56 315 605 6,739 1,637 1,877 42 20 1.595 1,857 3,352 5,207 648 1,085 253 357 217 269 130 150 77 75 47 67 35 42 127 119 125 120 89 67 454,562 490,713 10,913 12,875 52.195 80,260 24.130 40,583 14.824 20.553 17,780 21,787 15,015 17,310 12,040 11,725 9,297 13,114 8,524 10,014 46,812 42,523 89,128 83,345 153.904 136,513 6,833 9,436 6,482 8,110 145 115 5.337 7,995 194 195 17 14 177 182 628 750 425 583 273 323 335 411 254 329 174 184 95 121 82 75 140 134 44 48 15 12 275,564 293,367 978 1,002 12.029 14,758 15,053 21,784 15,608 18,498 27,521 33,616 30,349 37,896 27,353 28.751 18,900 23,851 19.317 17,974 49,202 46,333 28.980 32,006 29,174 16,898 2,698 3,157 1.587 1,479 20 11 1,521 1,418 46 50 291 1,218 210 182 66 280 35 55 159 549 1,175 MISSISSIPPI 81 OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 reporta for only a sample of farma. See text] Chickasaw Choctaw Claiborne Clarke Clay Coahoma Copiali Covington De Soto Forrest Franklin George Greene Grenada Hancock 1,5« 1,204 2.255 1.944 5.134 2,785 2.172 3,840 1.333 1.276 1.306 1,124 1,394 711 1 ." '■•' '->[ 188 247 249 1.593 240 95 701 225 165 133 107 130 96 2 '.r.K ^1 144 179 173 1.399 300 88 509 183 76 70 50 91 73 3 1 ' 3 16 25 22 22 14 5 35 23 34 17 11 19 4 ' 1 29 9 16 3 10 6 21 12 11 8 3 9 4 5 . \- 83 172 222 227 1,576 226 90 655 202 131 116 95 130 77 6 1 ■ ' 50 115 170 157 1.391 290 82 488 171 55 52 57 82 59 7 23J 365 484 551 2.762 728 380 1,599 315 223 269 181 483 177 a J., ■ 2^} 457 484 680 3.973 1,016 472 2,049 322 246 235 141 505 191 9 Iri;-- 20i 87 413 248 237 367 485 457 254 191 308 220 181 143 10 '•fi" 216 120 493- 313 416 562 617 510 284 194 325 204 301 140 u 1 M U< 79 199 81 98 232 273 188 98 97 113 88 78 43 12 .",■ t 160 87 208 130 lU 273 322 331 105 100 141 59 122 13 U-' 286 92 305 208 89 307 354 245 157 143 169 144 94 .-'._■ 14 ^-.■■' 371 92 338 223 124 377 441 325 143 159 163 133 127 MJ 15 J i'"' 2^5 84 202 201 59 251 243 153 100 143 113 109 97 48 16 ^■'■J 301 87 222 215 58 297 228 200 98 144 116 103 138 51 17 ir.l 142 62 114 ISl- 32 173 132 123 57 91 79 81 91 37 18 !'_.■"■ 1-18 60 136 136 39 174 134 125 58 93 77 80 116 20 19 ■r;j 31 86 58 30 91 55 55 26 55 29 43 45 17 20 . 1 41 76 59 24 116 58 46 38 53 20 35 35 14 21 ■,■■' 23 46 34 20 77 38 41 31 22 20 35 35 11 22 ' ■: '^2 19 48 47 19 72 42 45 18 35 18 35 37 7 23 1 1 '■ 8, 88 92 114 62 200 75 97 39 85 30 53 95 31 24 11 -■ .,■> 94 88 99 81 194 57 90 34 90 26 54 101 24 25 -.' 19 51 50 50 87 72 24 44 12 41 11 32 35 13 25 !'-". 10 64 39 41 80 84 16 43 14 31 16 23 41 12 27 1 ' 6 54 17 19 60 42 8 37 9 20 7 16 28 13 28 11 5 45 15 12 54 33 7 23 8 15 4 6 20 6 29 24A.091 17i,592 245,934 262.251 215.027 295.320 352,761 195.364 285.594 117,600 173,250 103.841 152,772 199,630 77,750 30 2?4.871 178,211 244.461 245.034 200.638 309.359 372,538 196.340 274.942 105.051 153,061 99.717 143,898 195,215 51,153 31 1.33A ,'39 1.049 1.287 1.266 10,294 1.417 527 4.222 1.140 745 527 519 757 479 32 ^^21 285 757 1.011 983 9,671 2,101 494 3,094 940 381 343 333 465 409 33 11,711 4,217 5.795 8.645 9.943 40.808 12,743 7,133 23,195 5,295 4.014 5.060 3,320 8,824 3,026 34 ib,':'^>" 4,577 7.728 8.624 12.378 58 . 594 17,582 9.073 34,984 5.599 4.482 4,279 2,565 9,604 3,247 35 !4,7'^'0 7,952 3.303 15.969 9,186 8,684 14,206 13,735 15,977 9.814 7.282 11,908 8,650 6,593 5,580 36 ^'J , 1 -- . 8,315 4,284 19.037 11.700 15.204 21,377 23.345 22,682 10,987 7.470 12,453 7,928 11.003 5,394 37 1 1 . L) 1 '.- 8,657 4,608 11,637 4,650 5.691 13,489 16,041 10,353 5.317 5.638 6,532 5,050 4,408 2.488 38 "-■■--"-' 9,429 4.996 12,056 7.522 8,308 15.600 18,819 18.376 6.207 5.719 8,112 3,979 7.028 3,118 39 :"^,975 23.498 7.666 25,068 17,188 7,283 25,195 29,015 19.392 12.756 11,580 13,581 11.590 7,705 6,532 40 28.3A8 30,280 7.546 27.635 18,404 10 , 175 30,945 35,955 27.043 11.534 13.018 13,325 10,765 10,212 5,597 41 27,286 29.710 9.728 23,784 22,997 6.823 28,933 28,074 17,840 11.525 16,757 13,738 12,591 11,303 5.497 42 29,852 35,171 10 . 122 25.943 24,749 6,693 34,374 26,315 23,344 11.292 15,710 13,297 13,123 16,197 5,923 43 25,551 22,246 9.676 17.903 20.581 5,048 27,743 20,561 19,276 10, 581 14,282 12,209 12,668 14,210 5,916 44 25,985 24,630 9.392 21,116 21.393 6.034 27,283 21,249 19.540 10,792 14,557 11,911 12,381 18,559 3,129 45 U.023 15,251 6.206 17.076 11.369 5.912 17,929 12,839 10,817 5,184 10,747 5,553 9,456 8.932 3,414 46 12,277 16.432 8.207 14.863 11.746 4,693 22.706 11,419 9.079 7,525 10,305 3,985 7,122 6,910 2,740 47 11,686 12.295 5.516 10.852 8.073 4,760 18,238 8.900 9.588 7,299 5,245 4,750 8,339 8,312 2,595 48 12.458 12.301 4.464 11,417 11,212 4,450 17,013 9.909 10,663 4.257 8,233 4,221 8,415 8,688 l,6t,4 49 35.561 29.496 32.633 32,142 39,152 23,435 58,738 25.431 33,040 13.187 28,506 10,103 22,291 33,682 9,943 50 iO.798 23,702 33.342 29,652 34,960 29,591 67,525 19.533 30,255 11.597 31,215 9,435 20,853 35,373 8,314 51 31.97< 12.986 35.«)4 35,018 33.829 62,258 49,047 15,898 30,543 8.346 27,312 7,735 21,633 23.529 7,937 52 27,2i5 6,058 44.159 26,653 28.753 55.980 56,409 10,187 29.264 10.054 21.494 10,890 15,559 28,980 7,527 53 33,223 7,785 124.150 62,870 36.788 114.319 75,083 12,109 84.351 26.655 46.052 11.940 46,405 71,359 24.243 54 21.^98 6,831 109,464 47,027 16.838 99.966 59,623 9.540 46.118 14.157 34.467 7.464 40,672 42,185 14,001 55 :■.■■!;■ 1,633 1.194 2,222 1,993 5.112 2.733 2.152 3.847 1.271 1.278 1,432 1,128 1,421 705 56 2.j,-- 1 .721 1.310 2.326 2.128 6.411 3.498 2,482 4.396 1.316 1.235 1,212 944 1.634 662 57 1.43i 53 J 623 448 841 4.932 993 1,032 2.781 145 244 150 135 1,009 10 58 1 . 3t'i 242 435 431 675 5.845 557 958 2.865 85 135 90 43 961 34 59 1 1 6 11 55 6 20 18 15 15 15 5 5 10 60 2'-i 5 10 20 10 42 14 14 15 4 11 16 28 1 61 1,3:'< 530 620 442 330 4.877 960 1,007 2,753 131 218 120 125 1,004 62 1 . Jfi i 223 420 411 655 5,793 534 939 2,849 72 113 58 14 960 "b 63 4.'' 2 27 5 10 10 15 5 64 ^•',' 14 5 10 10 9 5 9 11 15 1 28 65 5 'io 5 1 141 620 5 5 5 '15 14 6 30 10 15 11 1 7 40 66 67 63 69 IcI 117 5 35 225 1 135 30 192 38 23 35 1 7 83 70 2'JO 10 311 5 123 34 271 59 35 25 5 83 71 25 20 21 25 45 41 8 20 21 22 72 "- 14 10 40 10 '19 24 10 27 0 26 10 11 73 ij; 51 138 150 111 13 260 106 85 74 90 118 135 57 41 74 137 93 253 203 117 27 262 60 92 64 159 155 HI 96 53 75 t'O 130 20 46 37 11 135 102 16 35 54 71 48 20 22 76 15h lu3 8 176 133 6 227 144 57 63 34 115 54 57 12 77 11 2^ 10 3 8 88 45 9 30 7 25 10 10 10 78 iO 34 3 55 1 1 125 63 5 23 16 1 6 1 79 5 1 5 1 10 6 10 1 5 80 n 29 20 29 "5 '13 6 10 9 6 81 4^ 100 19 31 28 3 47 47 7 6 41 35 37 "5 12 82 lOb no 5 101 108 5 97 81 61 27 28 89 44 51 5 33 75 : 780 408 1.513 758 150 1.064 857 728 936 859 992 786 328 516 84 QO^ 1 .113 594 1.476 877 527 1.585 1,257 1,076 998 867 769 731 510 429 85 82 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 3.-FARMS BY SIZE OF FARM AND BY TYPE [Data for items shown in italics are based on Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) HmigjhreyG Issaquena Jasper FAKMS BY SIZE OF FARM Faraa by size: All farms number 1954.. Under 10 acres number 195"^. . 1950.. Under 3 acres number 195^1. . 1950.. 3 to 9 acres numbei 1954. . 1950.. 10 to 29 acres number 1954. . 1950.. 30 to 49 acres nujnber 1954. . 1950.. 50 to 69 acres number 1954.. 1950. . 70 to 99 acres number 1954. . 1950.. 100 to 139 acres number 1954.. 1959.. 140 to 179 acres number 1954.. 1950.. 180 to 219 acres number 1954.. 1950.. 220 to 259 acres number 1954., 1950.. 260 to 499 acres number 1954.. 1950.. 500 to 999 acres number 1954.. 1950.. 1,000 acres and over number 1954.. 1950.. Land in faras by size of fara: All land in farms acres 1954. . 1950. . Under 10 acres acres 1954. . 1950.. 10 to 29 acres acres 1954.. 1950.. 30 to 49 acres acres 1954.. 1950.. 50 to 69 acres acres 1954.. 1950.. 70 to 99 acres acres 1954.. 1950.. lOO to 139 acres acres 1954.. 1950.. 140 to 179 acres acres 1954.. 1950.. 180 to 219 acres acres 1954.. 1950.. 220 to 259 acres acres 1954.. 1950.. 260 to 499 acres acres 1954. . 1950.. 500 to 999 acres 1954.. 1950.. 1,000 acres and over acres 1954., 1950.. FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM Ssttmftted nwiiber of farms 195i. , 1950. . Fteld-crop farms other than ueietable and frult-and-nut number 1954.. 1950.. Cash-iratn number 1954. . 1950.. Cotton number 1954. . 1950.. Other fteld-crop number 1954.. 1950.. Vegetable farms number 1954.. 1950.. fruit~and-nut farms number 1954.. 1950.. Dairy farms number 1954.. 1950.. Poultry farms number 1954. . 1950.. Livestock farms other than dairy and poultry number 1954. . 1950.. General farms number 1954.. 1950.. Primarily crop number 1954.. 1950. . Primarily Itvestocit number 1954.. 1950.. Crop and Itvestoch number 1954.. 1950.. MiscellaneouB and unclassified farms number 1954.. 1950.. 1,046 188 214 9 21 179 193 320 368 198 235 81 69 84 87 57 51 30 34 22 U 23 86 , 149 74,906 1.004 1,111 5.189 6,055 7,573 9,065 4,716 3,910 6,699 6,895 6,686 8,404 4,686 5,410 4,324 2,830 3,572 2,389 7,498 8,402 12,078 9,345 22,124 11,090 979 ,122 793 902 4,627 543 467 29 31 514 436 1,678 1,915 702 942 385 433 374 349 292 267 150 154 64 74 176 175 111 86 54 44 455,892 437,468 3.053 2,513 29,579 35,405 25,800 34,050 22,277 24,866 30,460 28,220 33,385 30,636 23,522 24,080 19,415 19,610 15,199 17,564 60,999 61,383 76.555 59,808 115,648 99.333 4,629 5,005 2,682 1,872 5 11 2,652 1,856 25 5 5 45 5 15 15 45 16 25 352 399 61 149 26 60 549 503 22 39 527 464 1,673 1.908 419 665 253 400 331 428 256 310 164 168 64 82 65 73 159 139 95 100 80 55 438,959 425,798 3,465 3.013 28,205 33,179 15,925 24,539 14,816 22,923 27 , 177 35,111 29,099 35.498 25,616 27,224 12,618 16,109 15,294 17,029 56,595 49,111 66,24a 68,929 143,901 93,133 4,022 4,831 3,008 2,346 21 38 2,987 2,308 1,493 2,455 164 293 38 115 16 26 805 ,057 466 443 11 7 455 436 1,225 1,635 286 439 192 228 139 181 64 84 44 46 26 22 23 19 57 57 49 53 43 31 213,844 211,277 3.033 2,980 19,142 26,126 10,994 16,321 11,506 13,385 11,318 14,684 7,468 9,752 6,844 7,149 5,144 4,294 5,426 4,522 20,307 20,362 33,528 37 , 006 79,134 54,696 2,664 3,238 2,486 2,725 37 27 2.U9 2,698 157 172 7 1 150 171 150 280 74 93 61 99 49 56 33 26 15 14 110,883 109,884 969 1,095 2,256 4,147 2,957 3,771 3,582 5,736 4,088 4,481 3,823 2,891 2,353 2,154 1,332 180 722 970 6.920 4,775 8,918 13,457 72,963 66,227 549 465 23 16 521 449 150 476 50 290 134 157 19 14 115 143 372 575 444 642 348 426 450 585 293 342 205 232 83 88 46 48 100 96 21 24 235,517 265,779 654 787 7,170 11,262 17,157 24,562 20,263 24,943 37,068 47,714 34 . 160 40.412 32,543 36,496 16,224 17,424 11,007 11,320 34.366 31,583 14,173 16,533 10,732 2,743 2,558 3,217 1,156 1,485 5 24 1,151 1,456 110 92 220 68 54 108 55 160 20 19 16 35 131 963 1,299 278 262 19 45 259 217 320 237 214 197 78 67 123 111 57 47 44 37 29 16 16 13 38 24 11 15 98,055 83,430 1,379 1,158 5,306 3,963 8,241 7,547 4,599 3,898 9,904 8,824 6,589 5.497 6,891 5,883 5,752 3,175 3,764 3,071 13,606 9,128 8,140 10,406 23,884 20,880 1,282 1,031 226 145 10 3 216 142 540 671 477 583 292 305 377 409 282 319 177 182 96 56 60 151 122 45 33 16 12 279,849 272,630 1,207 842 10 , 094 12,581 13,359 22,733 17,056 17,785 30,629 33,237 32,834 36,870 27 , 572 28,658 18,933 17,783 13,190 14,105 50,965 41,915 31,403 23,864 27,607 22,257 2,815 2,931 896 692 20 871 692 5 8 1,060 178 262 57 146 21 15 5 15 31 116 1,602 1.770 303 226 20 6 283 220 576 707 169 230 108 108 122 129 129 123 82 74 46 45 36 27 104 85 74 74 38 43 251.906 224,887 1,666 1,367 9.741 12,154 6,209 8,428 6,069 5,994 10,078 10,683 14,789 13,868 12,888 11,489 9,295 8,929 8,497 6,356 38,429 30,911 49,815 47,830 84,430 66,878 1,772 1,871 790 531 5 1 775 530 10 181 267 30 43 U 10 766 1,019 MISSISSIPPI 83 OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued reports for inly a sonpl 3 of farmfl. See text] Jones Kemper Lafayette Lamar Lauderdale Lawrence Leake Lee Leflore Lincolji Lowndes Madison Marlon Marshall Monroe 3,010 ..-^ 2,532 1.570 2,557 1,791 3.737 3.960 4.938 2.717 2.317 4.059 2.667 3.483 3,775 1 398 158 180 116 275 131 306 383 1.133 105 255 403 220 277 335 2 277 141 167 68 238 38 262 543 924 15Q 298 345 137 243 250 3 17 13 21 12 29 21 30 44 24 19 22 11 17 19 24 4 31 6 7 2 19 8 31 116 14 16 14 25 6 14 20 5 381 145 159 104 246 110 276 339 1,159 176 233 397 203 258 311 6 246 135 IKO 66 219 SO 231 427 910 143 284 320 131 229 230 7 857 55* 222 565 367 1.001 1.244 2,838 445 624 1.631 587 1.316 1.042 8 923 620 ."..- 266 691 476 1.213 1.605 4,034 483 895 1.738 596 1.478 1,280 9 841 370 329 3.; 3 468 309 671 823 274 427 417 597 527 489 689 10 997 478 447 ,,00 581 415 870 1.149 498 523 597 854 669 643 950 11 363 184 215 171 227 202 480 uo 93 269 217 305 272 207 369 12 V.6 267 268 186 259 225 529 588 162 317 299 311 334 428 481 13 466 341 285 279 325 233 515 440 102 441 274 365 371 315 404 14 476 414 359 287 407 275 587 489 111 515 286 402 427 397 451 15 283 271 22 3 184 240 192 353 299 51 345 160 198 273 254 308 16 345 313 273 156 271 205 336 283 61 393 179 236 324 287 336 17 135 211 213 107 137 124 158 105 45 236 100 139 148 206 204 18 153 203 244 102 176 133 141 141 38 237 108 122 151 226 195 19 86 98 111 35 86 61 83 67 24 112 57 90 80 92 99 20 80 98 09 40 77 71 73 51 36 108 60 77 84 77 109 21 59 81 77 35 52 43 53 32 33 87 28 54 53 55 63 22 35 62 85 17 38 40 41 U 24 68 38 53 45 66 67 23 89 137 166 47 111 90 78 100 85 123 88 135 89 144 152 24 86 156 181 51 106 93 52 58 87 129 76 147 78 152 156 25 19 56 49 10 49 27 33 21 87 32 57 84 30 38 65 26 26 33 47 14 32 25 24 9 83 11 58 63 33 81 57 27 14 13 2* 12 22 12 6 6 73 5 40 53 12 40 45 28 q 18 15 5 19 10 3 2 61 7 34 42 3 30 37 29 264.837 278,583 296,051 174.599 273.180 183.500 275,747 244,809 344.127 267.847 266,412 391 . 024 237.720 367.611 380,101 30 277.858 292.059 310.198 159.107 262.095 195.132 262.840 253.819 337.610 277,908 271.117 373.396 242.917 369,692 387,339 31 2,100 839 929 617 1.395 649 1.623 1.994 7,706 964 1.490 2.427 1,152 1.577 1,861 32 1,454 780 911 364 1,277 510 1,457 2,513 6.300 854 1.621 2,120 944 1.456 1.458 33 15.860 10,361 12,663 4.136 10.247 7.018 18 , 542 23.445 45.320 7.863 11,096 29.435 10,746 23.670 19,323 34 17.163 11,912 14,268 5,053 12.379 9,202 22,884 30.996 66,060 8,741 16,184 33.027 11,579 27.739 24.002 35 32,444 14,049 12,491 13,340 18.009 11,904 25,817 31.086 10,022 16.407 15,849 22.139 20,254 17.863 25.986 36 38,504 18,135 16,845 15.601 22.412 15.919 33,550 43.030 17,949 20.335 22.415 31.102 25,560 23.401 36.028 37 21.ia8 10,756 12,345 9.928 13.290 11.912 28.279 25.644 5.459 15.844 12,605 17.631 15,894 11.891 21.297 38 2ti,124 l"'.3ol 15.553 10.838 15.010 13.141 31.150 34.081 9.247 18.683 17.170 17.980 19,195 24.529 27.829 39 37,931 27 . b 32 23.235 22,353 26.585 19.331 42.391 36.402 8.313 36,078 22,423 29,622 29,993 25.936 33.188 40 38,408 33,606 29.352 23.136 33.549 22 , 475 48.285 39.994 9,074 41,894 23.182 32,755 34,764 32,810 36.390 41 33,293 31,670 25.842 21.453 27,998 22,148 41.346 34,820 5.982 40.001 18.597 23.147 32,366 29,191 35,594 42 40,055 37,115 31.987 18.041 31.396 23.612 38,831 32.663 7.136 45,281 20.660 27,386 37.392 33,081 38,761 43 21,111 33,053 33.491 16.913 21.562 19.442 24.673 16,537 7.187 37,132 15.680 21.842 23.317 32,284 31,931 44 23,894 31,656 38,312 15,986 27,544 20.535 22,161 22.078 6.016 37,049 16.784 19.304 23.584 35,517 30,439 45 16,744 19.366 21.928 6,893 17,003 12,158 16.331 13.142 4,857 22,155 11,239 17.818 15.796 18,136 19,630 46 15,663 19,336 19,698 7.840 15.164 13,899 14.337 9.923 7,215 21.157 11,757 14,979 16.545 15,116 21.704 47 13,821 18,994 18.256 8.304 12.313 10.123 12,599 7,608 7.954 20.771 6.683 12.826 12,445 13,187 15.039 48 8,195 14.571 20.333 4.042 9.062 9.560 9.612 10,504 5.738 16.092 9.093 12.493 10.564 15,612 15.844 49 29,559 46.835 57.196 16.538 38,372 30.694 26.554 33,763 31,325 41.329 32,252 46,217 30.404 50,461 52,895 50 27,578 52.733 61,908 17,114 35.236 31.741 16.864 20,196 33.064 43.698 26.185 52,254 25,898 51,276 52.624 51 13,629 37.453 33,648 12.821 32,415 17,685 23.179 13.039 59,334 19.285 40,803 57,672 20,436 61,415 44.007 52 17.251 23.058 31.537 9.371 20,516 16.737 17,701 5.646 59.783 7.441 41.128 42,854 20,803 54.990 36.964 53 27,247 27,575 44.027 40.803 53,991 20,436 14,413 7.329 150.668 10.018 77,695 110,248 24.917 82.000 79,350 54 23,479 33,706 20,494 31.721 38,550 17,851 6.008 2.195 110.028 16.683 64.938 87,142 16,089 54,165 65,296 55 3.633 2,456 2,538 1,549 2.549 1,796 3,754 4.006 4.858 2.794 2,306 4,038 2.685 3.444 3.699 56 3.853 2.808 2.025 1,592 2.895 2,056 4,131 4.962 6,119 2.950 2,928 4,390 2,886 4.108 4,369 57 928 1.052 1,629 413 485 1,034 1.987 2.223 4.549 776 1,104 3.053 1,179 2,751 2,090 58 758 761 1.463 358 488 769 1,576 2,451 5,375 502 1,459 2,551 942 2.767 2,403 59 21 5 10 10 15 5 21 80 5 15 31 1 15 60 21 32 10 4 5 10 5 97 14 15 6 21 17 12 61 902 1,047 1,619 393 480 1,014 1,982 2.192 4.469 741 1,104 3,038 1,138 2.744 2,070 62 711 729 1,448 327 478 764 1,556 2,441 5,268 488 1,439 2,540 916 2,729 2.391 63 5 10 5 5 10 30 10 6 5 64 26 "5 27 5 5 10 5 10 5 "5 5 21 65 20 10 15 10 5 10 66 42 10 4 21 "5 10 5 '5 10 67 6 16 5 5 ..: 5 5 5 5 "5 5 7 5 68 69 109 31 36 16 39 27 80 373 7 173 122 62 136 21 127 70 101 41 29 31 18 33 68 414 16 161 172 52 129 54 174 71 60 15 30 45 25 81 50 10 30 16 25 25 17 72 64 5 5 42 9 78 30 10 16 10 5 22 73 115 120 136 81 137 67 127 67 13 208 89 169 93 115 181 74 136 201 212 79 138 117 123 97 10 156 74 265 75 190 102 75 76 82 68 52 42 27 101 97 18 120 57 22 22 30 108 76 205 171 157 99 176 66 215 282 11 116 140 112 145 54 189 77 26 20 11 26 16 11 30 10 5 32 22 9 15 17 19 78 69 64 55 36 90 24 40 31 9 19 20 41 67 io 40 79 5 5 10 5 6 9 5 1 7 80 1 5 5 4 5 15 15 29 16 5 31 81 50 57 57 26 21 16 61 82 13 62 26 8 7 12 82 82 135 102 97 59 81 42 160 236 2 68 104 66 78 44 118 83 2,319 1.146 624 926 1.816 636 1,373 1.196 261 1.472 908 722 1.225 497 1.176 84 2.547 1,629 1,049 1.016 2.012 1,062 2,071 1.678 702 1.995 1,062 1,395 1,583 1,038 1.469 85 84 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 3. -FARMS BY SIZE OF FARM AND BY TYPE [Data for items shown in italics are based Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Pearl River Perry FARMS BY SIZE OF FABM Fbths by size: All farms. Under 10 acres . . . Under 3 acres. 3 to 9 acres . . 10 to 29 acres 30 to 49 acres. . . 50 to 69 acres .. . 70 to 99 acres . . . 100 to 139 acres. 140 to 179 acres. 180 to 219 acres. 220 to 259 acres 260 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over. .number 1954. . . .number 1954. . . 1950... .number 1954.. , 1950... .numbei 1954... 1950... .number 1954. . . 1950... .number 1954. . . 1950... .number 1954. . . 1950... .number 1954. . , 1950... ■number 1954. . . 1950... .number 1954. .. 1950... .number 1954... 1950... .number 1954.. . 1950... .number 1954. . . 1950... ..number 1954... 1950... .number 1954. . . 1950... Land Id faraa hy size of fara All land in farms... Under 10 acres . . . 10 to 29 acres. .. 30 to 49 acres . . . 50 to 69 acres . . . 70 to 99 acres . . . 100 to 139 acres. 140 to 179 acres. 180 to 219 acres. 220 to 259 acres 260 to 499 acres 500 to 999 1,000 acres and over. .acres 1954.. 1950. . .acres 1954.. 1950.. .acres 1954. . 1950. . .acres 1954.. 1950.. .acres 1954.. 1950. . .acres 1954. . 1950.. .acres 1954.. 1950.. .acres 1954.. 1950.. .acres 1954.. 1950.. .acres 1954.. 1950.. , .acres 1954.. 1950.. .acres 1954.. 1950.. ..acres 1954.. 1950. . FABMS BY TYPE OF FARM Estinntnd number of farms 195i. 1950. Field-crop farms other than ueietable and frutt-and-nttt number 195i.. 1950.. Casfi-^raln number 195i. . 1950. . Cotton number 1954. . 1950.. Other field-crop number 195i.. 1950.. Veietable farms number I95i. . 1950.. frult-and-nut farms number 195i.. 1950.. Dairy farms number 1954. 1950. Poul try farms number 1954. 1950. Livestock farms other than dairy and poultry number 1954. 1950.. General farms number 1954. 1950. Primarily crop number 1954. 1950.. Primarily livestock number 1954. 1950. Crop and livestock number 1954. 1950. Miscellaneous and unclassified farms number 1954. 1950. 1,642 151 137 6 10 145 127 399 489 179 203 113 138 169 227 173 246 132 170 76 89 64 62 126 108 43 49 12 11 197,150 214,707 809 715 7,217 9,351 6,551 7,523 6,917 8,065 14,023 18,701 20,274 28,349 20,946 26,708 14.953 17,647 15.E3e 14,612 43,655 36,396 29,041 31,841 17,528 14,799 1,649 1,929 901 521 11 901 500 70 142 30 64 136 558 1,066 3,569 185 181 10 9 175 172 738 952 686 892 451 549 605 703 406 467 220 181 101 95 52 38 101 75 22 20 2 1 283,562 294,053 1,005 927 13,959 18,339 26,764 34,626 26.549 32,262 49,730 57,392 46,957 53,724 34,662 28,054 19,863 18,786 12,455 9,056 33,212 25.834 15,673 13,973 2,733 1,030 3,570 4,154 1,668 1,569 15 116 1,653 1,448 5 5 10 203 156 40 53 124 156 115 324 50 111 '24 65 •189 1.415 1,886 185 169 10 22 175 147 502 625 503 607 343 419 490 577 362 402 205 197 96 102 41 39 104 95 29 26 265,420 269,656 1.049 916 9,532 11,555 19,554 23,442 20,075 24,403 40,437 47,244 42.226 46,497 31.331 30,975 18,811 19,814 9,593 9,123 36,285 31,673 18,719 16,856 17.308 7,153 2.784 3.263 1,026 690 20 24 1,006 666 266 245 21 53 95 172 144 235 35 53 15 14 94 168 1,222 1,868 430 366 19 12 411 354 947 1,316 351 412 154 204 202 258 153 197 110 117 56 71 41 55 128 142 57 55 56 46 390,585 379,851 2,451 2,169 15,879 23,077 13.185 15.415 8.967 11,938 16,445 20,839 17,826 23,108 17,138 13,362 10,832 13,979 9,755 13,068 45,401 49,478 40,113 38,184 192,593 150,234 2,638 3.239 1,431 1,353 1 20 1,430 1,323 10 2,103 283 238 27 14 256 224 491 618 312 314 167 171 252 295 184 196 132 137 64 72 47 56 104 105 53 49 14 11 213.799 221,692 1,538 1,371 8,466 10 , 570 11,913 11.884 9,635 9.910 20,605 24,121 21,652 22.939 20,863 21.530 12,578 14 , 079 11,154 13.194 37,123 36,445 35,675 31,622 22,587 23,977 2.065 2.262 465 250 5 29 460 221 241 460 379 619 12 16 10 136 52 152 76 51 66 173 105 10 20 16 13 10 20 19 28 36 142 86 767 1,006 177 1.202 445 332 10 12 435 320 2,030 2.468 539 684 190 304 355 410 223 277 192 214 100 99 76 189 195 76 68 36 37 375,100 413,597 2,753 2,019 35,524 44.473 19,944 25,157 10,986 18,270 28,924 33,572 26,166 32,275 30,239 33,490 19,765 20.255 19,434 18,142 65,901 67 , 598 52,885 46.467 62 . 579 71 ,874 4,594 5,164 3,658 3,034 51 49 3,606 2,985 1 178 201 22 18 156 183 418 489 346 404 169 178 223 218 118 121 96 71 42 42 237,860 198,821 861 1.040 7,202 8,600 13,433 15,714 9,703 10,196 18,205 17,577 13,804 13,901 15,183 11,110 8,188 8.272 5,932 5,226 31,911 25.104 23,137 18,909 90,296 63,172 1,772 1,868 50 31 15 5 25 5 10 21 5 54 158 135 5 35 36 222 165 512 100 54 44 58 73 13 27 7 5 6 5 5 35 12 51 63 650 1,259 1,490 1,405 101 83 12 1 179 206 288 295 31 102 154 160 102,764 107,414 482 466 3,094 3,838 11,177 11,555 4,660 5,946 12,638 12,972 11,380 10,647 8,904 10,044 5,839 5,115 5,703 5,211 11,054 10,550 8,880 6,663 18,953 24,407 1,020 1,094 154 94 6 9 148 81 100 93 27 108 63 685 776 259 191 29 22 230 169 551 611 '.93 530 260 310 327 359 246 249 133 137 207,817 208,846 1,299 981 9,876 11,619 19.066 22 , 359 15.070 17.964 26,695 29,324 28,637 28,798 20.617 21,530 17,330 15,237 11,299 10,729 32,725 27,129 18,226 15,779 6,977 7,397 2,562 2,668 773 513 6 11 747 437 20 20 274 253 35 SO 127 93 63 71 5; 10 1,290 1.707 MISSISSIPPI 85 OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued reports for only a sample of farms. See text] Quitman Rankin Sharkey Simpson Tippah Tishomingo 182 194 451 f94 330 469 456 613 2:^5,711 226.897 1,035 l,0b2 11,42" 14,343 17,380 26.127 19,149 £7,126 37,206 42,016 36,777 34, 193 30,821 £8,065 16,349 15,793 9,885 10,297 £5,074 18,427 11,869 7,996 8,739 5.4:£ 2,830 3,294 1,597 2,019 11 47 1.576 1,972 10 130 206 15 110 165 90 129 932 846 207 226 151 163 £29. 154 240.274 4, 664 4,4£e 32,146 44,215 16,318 23.721 12,066 12,961 10,459 11,269 10,624 9, 174 5,&4£ 5,15£ 6.440 4,746 26,398 £3,894 45,145 £9,448 45,79£ 58,000 3,530 4,157 104 40 3,426 4,107 161 496 "86 506 243 389 332,464 321.452 1.662 1, 158 11,725 14,280 19.420 23.561 12,9"5 14, 186 34,643 29.472 32,663 20,596 24,255 19,404 19,980 11,751 13,016 58.894 47,724 50,843 40,520 63,980 ,4'^6 2,857 3,102 880 790 16 666 745 174 167 216 191 11 20 206 171 756 856 607 710 261 308 351 386 259 263 133 161 243,916 224.441 1,128 986 14,182 16,332 23,413 £7,260 16,462 17,840 28,745 31,445 30,189 30,511 20,912 23,596 17,450 13,382 9,823 9,559 34,365 24,423 18,439 16,475 28,810 12,632 2,894 3,077 1,201 904 10 1,196 894 1.490 1.767 248 156 102 166 30 137 1,296 1,694 516 577 19 16 497 361 480 846 121 253 75 84 63 62 38 38 19 29 139,248 133,970 3,134 2,407 7,388 13,296 4,490 9,347 4,351 4,872 6,170 5,012 4,430 4,438 3.082 4,511 3,152 3,312 3,010 2,125 9,784 11,283 21,635 18,880 69, 622 54,487 1,358 1,800 1,196 1,249 18 42 1,178 1,207 140 510 161 136 12 10 139 126 662 681 640 706 328 388 367 413 313 352 191 178 101 98 64 lie 112 32 273,656 269,558 864 739 10,383 13,105 20,936 27,171 19,280 22,564 31,666 33,542 36,636 40,786 30,067 28,126 19,896 19,193 17,881 12,781 40,256 38,073 22,005 16,496 23,906 16.982 2,738 3,151 1,368 1,225 1,358 1,216 166 169 46 217 15 119 1,070 1,461 110 105 16 476 678 674 685 344 41£ 462 494 289 319 176 180 48 45 111 101 20 18 14 251,306 244,656 538 568 9,115 11, 137 21,972 26,550 20,071 £3,974 37,217 40,427 33,675 37,112 27,462 28,360 15,797 12.464 11,366 10,673 39,018 33,760 13,634 11,415 21,420 8,408 2,702 3,007 1,246 1,087 5 1,236 1,082 10 123 187 168 160 27 157 1,023 1,264 112 160 174 37 40 92 93 65 59 68, 698 66,641 202 211 1,615 1,878 6,183 6,791 2,145 2,302 7,317 7,513 7,585 6,705 6,567 7,401 4,456 4,500 3,024 1,916 11,732 10,065 6,992 10,470 10,880 6,790 631 647 464 424 6,681 1 , 224 1,287 43 18 1,181 1,269 3,723 6,606 648 1,069 266 328 188 230 116 110 67 60 37 165 161 120 443,977 448, 601 7,888 8,601 69,611 90,046 24,034 39,366 16.506 18,798 16,282 16,466 13,517 12,601 10,666 9,487 12,236 9,313 7.492 8,783 58, 244 67,734 81, 108 65, 545 138,403 109,771 6,890 6.964 6,392 8,068 103 73 6,289 7,990 387 834 782 714 33 21 749 693 2.206 2,782 413 668 215 264 236 276 176 167 112 117 41 136 134 349,911 346.241 4,911 4,647 36,016 46,549 15,366 20,774 12,617 16,396 19,120 22,177 20,342 21,738 17,625 18,363 10,952 13,806 11,195 9,816 46,761 47,120 67,564 55,461 85,523 70,492 4,412 6.277 3,860 4,271 56 34 3,804 4,227 432 779 404 £94 384 283 1,250 1.540 323 394 170 221 266 311 186 203 116 126 58 66 80 100 62 56 229,904 240,391 2,464 1,800 21,136 26,748 11,990 14, 729 9.784 12,766 21,634 25,337 21,637 23,530 18,135 19,817 11,474 10, 762 11,661 9,094 27,929 36,036 37,140 38,374 34,900 22,398 2,960 3,363 2,241 2,059 2,236 2,052 85 137 89 247 19 12 22 60 11 6 11 164 162 18 7 146 165 434 610 382 458 317 382 443 490 321 344 225 252 106 104 249,210 262,721 847 865 8,120 11,792 14,493 17,430 18, 666 22,272 36,770 40,329 37,404 40,216 35,421 39,628 20,740 20,359 13,652 13,650 39,936 31,856 9,922 11,998 13,249 12,326 2,593 2,980 1,607 1,643 10 1,697 1,643 110 61 686 983 138 866 141 954 26 6 6 6 113 860 133 948 307 2,198 411 2,880 316 243 465 348 233 74 342 94 264 81 402 97 222 43 242 40 163 15 190 13 178,418 192, 781 667 763 5,901 7,916 11,982 17,669 13,564 19,606 23,330 33,080 25,789 27,972 £4,038 29,890 11,830 11,653 10,634 10,436 27,546 19,776 8,880 9,720 14,267 4,301 1,842 2,371 892 1,415 10 10 877 1,400 867 889 218,280 224,435 6,873 6,508 34,343 44,899 9,114 12,647 4,383 5,431 6,663 7.876 5,026 4,792 2,318 2,001 2,643 2,784 2.619 2.182 9.616 14.580 27,117 30,879 108, 645 89,856 3,668 4,679 3,586 4,229 21 16 3,666 4,213 262 254 14 36 238 219 613 857 692 670 454 450 457 490 306 306 156 159 77 70 224,076 231,419 1,307 1,249 11,959 16,906 22,620 32,836 26,422 25,930 37,527 40,278 35,623 36,207 24,626 24,752 15,209 13,736 9,636 9,235 28,694 17,218 4,801 7,329 6,852 6,742 3,075 3,564 1,736 1,832 1,731 1,822 160 237 16 12 111 12 133 5. 21 7 6 10 6 10 7 80 118 58 956 26 1.267 86 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 3^FARMS BY SIZE OF FARM AND BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Contiiiued [Data for Items showi^ in italics are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text^ 'For definitions and eiplanations, see text) Washington Wayne FAHMS BY SIZE OF FABM Faraa by size; All farms number. Under 10 acres number Under 3 acres number 3 to 9 acres number 10 to 29 acres number 30 to 49 acres number 50 to 69 acres number 70 to 99 acres number 100 to 139 acres number 140 to 179 acres number ISO to 219 acres number 220 to 259 acres number 260 to 499 acres number 500 to 999 acres number 1,000 acres and over number l^od ia faraa by size of fara: All land in farms acres Under 10 acres acres 10 to 29 acres acres 30 to 49 acres acres 50 to 69 acres acres 70 to 99 acres acres 100 to 139 acres acres 140 to 179 acres acres 180 to 219 acres acres 220 to 259 acres acres 260 to 499 acres acres 500 to 999 acres acres 1,000 acres and over acres 1954. . 1954.. 1950. . 1954.. 1950. . 1954. . 1950.. 1954.. 1950.. 1954.. 1950.. 1954.. 1950.. 1954.. 1950.. 1954. . 1950.. 1954.. 1950.. 1954. . 1950. . 1954.. 1950. 1954. 1950.. 1954.. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950.. 1954. 1950. 1954.. 1950.. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954.. 1950. 1954. 1950.. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. FARMS BY TYPE OF FABM gsttmated number of farms 195i. . 1950.. Field-crop farms other than veietable and frutt-and-nut number 195i... 1950. . . Cash-iratn number 1954. . . 1950... Cotton number 1954. . . 1960. . . Other field-crop number 1954. . , 1950. . . Veietable farms number 1954... 1950... Frult-and-nut farms number 1954... 1950. . Datry farms number 1954... 1950. . Poultry farms number 1954.., 1950. . Livestock farms other than dairy and poultry number 1954. . 1950... General farms number 1954. . 1950.. Primarily crop number 1954.. 1950.. Primarily lluestock number 1954.. 1950.. Crop and I tvestoch number 1954. . 1950.. Miscellaneous and unclassified farms number 1954.. 1950. . 115 84 2 3 113 81 504 570 566 715 305 350 422 481 303 311 U5 139 78 66 55 51 87 76 11 13 4 217,867 224.836 680 470 9,917 11,400 21,956 27,581 17,851 20,520 34.620 39.102 35,175 35,688 22 , 872 21.698 15.406 13.385 13,048 12.065 29.884 25,488 7,488 8,616 8,970 8.823 2,576 2,860 1.432 1,284 20 21 1,402 1,263 10 5 5 5 300 282 5 99 96 40 131 25 42 5 10 10 79 695 1,047 1,316 282 240 28 9 254 231 410 624 122 176 63 65 82 91 55 67 30 36 26 32 67 74 52 52 56 46 245,626 237,495 1.539 1,294 6,899 10,782 4,617 6,461 3.614 3,748 6,744 7,630 8,113 7,865 8,729 10,643 5,971 7,157 6,236 7,657 23.039 26,080 35.683 37,265 134.442 110,913 1,292 1.574 492 420 2 492 418 151 206 4 12 2 619 905 4,348 1,431 1.415 43 13 1,388 1,402 1.844 2.843 315 565 147 223 136 178 63 85 40 59 30 37 30 32 97 106 118 111 97 76 378,791 382,102 9,085 9,452 27,457 43.631 11,844 20,836 8,590 12,704 10,949 14.401 7.382 9,813 6.303 9,170 5,950 7,163 7,216 7,603 35,962 36,918 83,751 77,325 164,302 133,086 4,409 5.730 3.948 4.591 117 76 3.831 4,510 376 .065 1.913 176 22! 28 25 148 196 384 492 376 486 165 187 252 287 157 161 118 162 74 71 42 53 115 105 34 35 20 18 258,821 221,150 857 1,044 6,851 8,997 14 . 509 18,618 9.587 10,760 20,368 23.220 18.234 18,476 18.617 25,315 14,619 13.832 9.856 12.458 39.682 36,471 21.805 23.132 83,836 28.827 1.941 2,278 564 473 10 9 554 464 10 14 25 14 156 180 37 91 4 27 73 1.144 1.506 121 106 9 14 112 92 373 463 233 287 189 219 302 345 217 255 168 162 72 79 42 58 96 96 22 16 12 198.683 203,261 621 566 6,806 8.435 8,962 10,793 11.120 12,949 24.702 28,022 25.122 29.195 26.295 25.219 14.285 15,414 9,914 13.749 33.405 32.944 14,403 10,735 23,048 15,240 1,859 2,094 920 824 5 5 915 814 90 69 72 168 36 36 5 15 31 677 956 182 149 27 17 155 132 558 755 183 143 73 94 75 247,674 227,531 966 831 9,964 13.489 6,734 5,137 4,210 5,519 6,053 6,489 8,046 5,828 6,148 5,613 5,417 5,683 3.576 2,606 21,717 20,310 19,666 29,099 155,177 126,927 1.394 1.506 574 466 1 535 465 39 138 128 11 12 127 116 530 679 498 631 287 350 440 516 330 353 178 197 99 91 50 50 86 87 30 15 6 7 236,913 252.165 753 707 10,077 12,996 19,102 24,143 16,988 20,637 35,743 41,836 38,468 41,133 27,850 30,709 19,459 17,904 11,826 11,919 28,615 28,907 19,114 10,304 8,918 10,970 2,631 3,104 1,388 984 103 81 5 10 123 144 56 200 5 41 5 10 46 149 152 147 151 137 486 582 276 419 146 197 221 231 176 220 142 167 71 77 49 47 120 135 39 50 24 24 222,238 280,207 845 766 9,190 11.472 10,472 15,727 8.356 11,416 13,060 23.167 20,609 25,528 22,431 26,273 13.929 15,094 11,631 11,023 42,272 46,428 26,197 35,365 38.246 57,948 1.794 2.346 994 1.120 5 994 1,115 691 828 103 203 31 99 11 39 5 20 55 613 MISSISSIPPI County Table 4— VALUE OF FARM PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 87 Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) All farms number 1954 . . 1950. . VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE All farm products sold dollars 195A.. 1949.. All crops sold dollars 195A.. 19i9.. Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars 1954.. Vegetables sold dollars 1954. . 1949". Fruits and nuts sold dollars 1954.. 1949.. Horticultural specialties sold dollars 1954.. 1949. . All livestock and livestoclt products sold dollars 1954. . 1949.. Dairy products sold dollars 1954.. 1949.. Poultry and poultry products sold ... .dollars 1954.. 1949 . . Livestock and livestock products, other than dairy and poultry, sold dollars 1954.. Forest products sold dollars 1954. . 1949 . . 215,915 251,383 459,975,522 339.660,853 351,311,527 251,015,014 344,977,072 243,190,900 2,552,040 2.748,120 2,531,881 3.754,766 1,250,534 1,321,228 102,917,331 81,551,346 30,540,352 25,333,524 27,367,176 10,740,565 45,009,803 45,477,257 5,746,664 7,094,493 1,026 1,071 1,208,260 968.971 694,943 379,320 668,997 328,844 11,484 14.217 8,202 29,409 6,260 6,850 420,651 508.173 57,625 170,643 26,385 13.834 336,641 323,696 92.666 81,478 2,498 3,050 3,604, 5U 3.043.562 2,823,375 2,457.364 2,790,442 2,440,026 8,093 6,079 18,390 3,516 6,450 7.743 745.401 536,882 287 , 317 150,330 199,571 76,278 258,513 310,274 35,738 49,316 2,737 2,947 4,028,313 2,968,924 1,810,735 948,379 1,786,175 857,055 21,458 82,446 2,577 8,878 1,979,132 1,801.296 1.309,054 1.083.313 128,993 79,643 541,085 638,340 238,446 219,249 3,089 3,645 3,830,532 2,470,662 2,570,700 1,281,346 2,545,119 1,264,682 11.880 8,461 7,518 4.703 6,183 3,500 1,125,758 982,314 378,343 291.663 223,825 112,779 523,590 577,872 134,074 207,002 1,537 1,768 2,330,390 1,570.672 1,923,997 1,156,042 1,914,157 1.155,355 1,095 137 8,745 550 389,089 380,429 46,072 38,534 30,400 41,383 312,617 300,512 17,304 34,201 6,739 9,436 32.674,998 22,558,578 31,452,041 21,431.742 31,402,700 21,391,252 14.894 6,341 30,647 17,076 3,800 17,073 1,190,635 1,116,820 272,220 183,618 49,965 61,061 868,450 872,141 32 , 322 10.016 2,672 3,167 4,135,496 3,568.121 3,116,915 2,517,992 3,104,603 2,511,113 3.562 2,816 7,700 3,398 1,050 665 945 , 320 927,041 185,235 123,553 58,506 141,106 701,579 662 , 382 73,261 123,088 Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Clay Copiah Covington All farms number 1954 . . . 1950... VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE All farm products sold dollars 1954. . . 1949... All crops sold dollars 1954 . . . 1949... Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars 1954... 194 9' . . Vegetables sold dollars 1954 . . . 1949".. Fruits and nuts sold dollars 1954. . . 1949... Horticiiltural specialties sold dollars 1954... 1949... All livestock and livestock products sold dollars 1954 . . . Dairy products sold dollars 1954. . , 1949... Poultry and poultry products sold. .. .dollars 1954... 1949... Livestock and livestock products, other than dairy and poultry, sold dollars 1954... 1949 . . . Forest products sold dollars 1954... 1949... 2.066 2,798 4,099,033 2,508.754 3,227,930 1,659,960 3.219.660 1,647,222 2,170 6,706 6,100 5,632 326,730 736,185 128.160 100,171 21,047 46.34? 677 , 523 589, 66Q 44,423 112,609 2,444 2,948 3.942.972 2,889,739 2,818.723 1,723,088 2,802,762 1,712,644 5,276 4,552 6,705 3,452 1,108,312 1,113.378 506,990 434,847 26,280 50,590 575,042 627,941 15,937 53.273 1 , 590 1,721 1,372,996 937,758 785,046 408,301 762,437 338,107 7,503 4,817 11,399 3,678 3.707 11,699 506,795 421,277 207,047 118,587 44,429 52,641 255,319 250.049 81,155 108,180 1,204 1,310 2.161.102 1.634,072 1,146,100 539,402 1,137,354 528,370 3.123 1,150 5,423 9,882 881,554 947,335 43,333 28,680 12,856 17,519 825 . 360 901,186 133,448 147,285 2,255 2.326 1,887,186 1,312,195 981,233 582,629 929,739 555,598 9,262 13,517 41.932 13.239 300 275 767,582 597,631 59,597 26,498 187,010 103,528 520,975 467,605 133,371 131,935 1,944 2,128 2,746,707 2,077,065 1,378,808 780,018 1.370,366 768,692 2,190 3,376 4,852 5.742 1.400 2,208 1,322,868 1,277,546 574,825 615,774 123,641 84.948 624.402 576,824 45.031 19,501 5,134 6,411 22,054,566 18,408,914 21,373,800 17,939,348 21,292,107 17,891,241 6,235 8,346 73,003 39,296 2,450 465 679,586 468,926 42,156 50,026 50,210 34.58Q 587,220 384.311 1,180 640 2.785 3,498 3,542.723 3.527,874 2,046,643 1,834,934 1,503,080 879,160 524,023 938.325 16,615 14,249 2,925 3,200 1,405,383 1,514,814 472,306 330,814 74,988 QQ,103 858, 08Q 1,084,897 90,697 178,126 2,172 2,482 2,867,539 1.835,792 2,143.513 1,229,303 2,002,409 1,161,872 129,004 50,558 8,080 8,973 4,020 7,900 665,367 503,050 87,251 82,161 169,395 99,260 408,721 321,629 58,659 103,439 ^For 1949, the value of green cowpeas was included with field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts. 88 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 4— VALUE OF FARM PRODUCTS SOLD BY Item (For definitions and explanations see text) De Soto Forrest Franilin George Greene Grenada Hancock Harrison Hinds 1 All farms ...number 1954... 3.840 4,396 1,333 1.316 1.276 1.236 1 , 30c. 1,212 1.124 944 1.394 1.534 711 662 1.045 1.122 4.627 5,005 2 1950. . . VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE 3 All f sno products sold. •■«•>•••*•••>•>•• ..dollars 1954... 11,852,020 7,818,582 1,766.278 946,742 1.204,173 789,505 1,313,935 1,028,792 755,693 599.742 3,060,036 2,252,660 833.224 718,321 1,077,723 1,005,057 7,391,897 4,725,061 4 1949. . . 5 All crops sold ..dollars 1954... 8,812,763 4,470,225 370,012 344,403 417,137 158,305 592,805 345,206 273,877 190,189 2,502,063 1,600,365 97,136 137,914 244.256 335,997 5,128,429 2,454,212 6 1949. . . 7 Field crops, other than vegetables fruits and nuts sold and ..dollars 1954... 8 , 776 , 468 4,444,861 297,388 188,175 411.563 152.947 343,658 230,999 237,358 126,936 2.483,530 1,589,101 46,049 28,413 37,241 33,672 4,856,687 2,099,732 8 1949' . . 9 Vegetables sold ..dollars 1954... 20,071 20,439 40,596 27, U6 1.693 2,504 95,248 45,331 17.709 9.792 6.440 5.478 5,140 12.136 20,901 23,483 78,697 135,527 10 1949' . . n Fruits and nuts sold. .*■■••.••..•• ..dollars 1954... 15,224 4,347 18,139 85.782 3,271 2.855 46,850 58,144 18.110 52.941 9,093 2.236 38,632 94,715 86,401 200,133 25,370 42,753 12 1949... 13 Horticultural specialties sold.... ..doUars 1954... 1,000 13.880 610 107.050 700 3.000 7,315 99,713 167,675 14 1949... 573 43,330 11,732 520 3.550 2,550 78,709 175,090 15 All livestock and livestock products sold ..dollars 1954... 3,019.802 3,328,699 1.362.490 554,006 728.223 533,783 697,061 592,125 397,599 342,821 517.391 583.446 710,978 563,430 709.442 522,887 2,172,537 2,154,944 16 1949. . . 17 Dairy products sold. ..dollars 1954... 2,124.091 2,376.953 305,192 247,052 109,845 119,395 137,085 132,408 31,998 5.447 47,505 65,723 457,014 319,481 230,615 226,008 239,953 217,342 18 1949... 19 Poultry and poultry products sold. ..dollars 1954... 183,928 671,742 288,147 137,298 88,575 45 , 375 97,025 145,042 390,352 20 1949... 150,215 75,456 55,544 110,957 32,441 26.891 71,312 80,260 124,934 21 Livestock and livestock products, other than dairy and poultry, sold...;. ..dollars 1954... 711.783 385,556 330,231 422,678 277,026 424,510 156,938 332,785 1,542,232 22 1949... 801.531 241,478 358,844 348,750 304,933 489.832 172,637 216,619 1,812,668 23 Forest products sold. .....•>••.•....• ..HnnnT-n iq^Z,-- 19,455 19,658 33.776 38.333 58.813 97.417 24,068 90,461 84,217 55.732 40.582 68.849 25,110 16,977 124,025 145,173 90,931 115,905 24 1949. , . Item (For definitions and explanations see text) Leake Lee Leflore Lincoln Lowndes Madison Marion Marshall Monroe 1 All farms ...number 1954... 3,737 4,131 3.960 4.962 4.938 6,119 2,717 2,950 2.317 2.928 4.059 4.390 2,667 2,886 3,483 4,108 3,775 4,369 2 1950. . . VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE 3 All farm products sold ..dollars 1954... 5,387,753 2,759.969 7.156.604 5,563,568 17.432,912 15.490.530 2,940,654 2,106.115 3.991,438 4.049,423 7,992,073 4,861,350 3,091,357 2,438,897 7,617,122 4,689,041 6,574,540 5,520.569 4 1949. . . 5 All crops sold. ..•.•...•.■.•*......•. ..dollars 1954... 3,396,239 1,688,089 5,227.202 3,543,928 16.740,825 14.993.929 1,274,115 310,898 2.251,190 2.410,536 6,064,041 3,345.867 2,021,864 1,489,809 6,550,355 3,207,665 4.920.184 3,965.399 6 1949... 7 Field crops, other than vegetables fruits and nuts, sold. ...•.•.••.. and ..dollars 1954... 3,380,730 1,678.791 5,137,294 3,451,152 16,682,008 14,948,614 1,206,908 722,207 2,164,017 2,085,138 6,021,169 3,314,627 1,947,185 1,402,635 6,509,810 3,193,775 4,795,328 3,856,977 s 1949" . . 9 Vegetables sold ..dollars 1954... 4,722 2,458 10 . 497 17,067 5,567 5,394 14,112 19,135 21,707 9,309 6,445 9.457 56,549 49,388 20,223 7.044 26,955 15,448 10 1949 1.. 11 ...dollars 1954... 9,017 6.665 18,851 11.011 8,551 14,181 5,559 7,561 10,866 14,363 11.402 14,380 13,230 29,486 19,687 3,596 21,400 11,974 12 1949... 13 Horticultural specialties sold*... ...dollars 1954... 1,770 175 60.550 54,698 44,700 25,740 47,537 61,995 64,500 301,726 25,025 7,403 4,900 8,300 635 3,250 76,500 71.000 14 1949... 15 All livestock and livestock products sold . ..dollars 1954... 1,858,795 888.973 1.894,168 1.982,793 550,072 454,880 1.559,590 1.162,096 1,653,416 1,589,037 1,843,412 1,438,554 1,013,102 865,382 1,046,183 1,427,589 1,622,847 1,409,798 16 1949... 17 Dairy products sold ...dollars 1954... 201.844 109,297 1.129,7^ 1,091,348 85,781 119,433 836.003 490 , 475 819,000 778,883 351,333 232,105 582,395 432,120 542,718 540 , 367 465,359 370,159 18 1949... 19 Poitltry and poultry products sold. ...doUars 1954... 1.233.553 281,077 132,011 109.212 104.953 112,902 75,591 38,167 359,198 20 1949. . . 368.231 277,383 39,192 152.554 109,678 110,377 53,975 56,762 217,799 21 Livestock and livestock products, than dairy and poultry, sold other ...dollars 1954... 423,398 483,331 442,280 614,375 729,453 1,379,177 355,115 465,298 798,290 22 1949. . . 411,445 614.062 296,255 519,067 700,476 1,096,071 379,286 830,460 821,840 23 Forest products sold. .•••.•.••>.••... . . -rinllftT-n iqsi 132,729 182,907 35.234 36.947 32,014 41.721 106.948 133.121 76,832 49,850 84,620 75,929 56,391 83,705 20.584 53,787 31 , 509 145,372 24 1949... ^For 19't9, the value of green cowpeas was included with field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts. MISSISSIPPI 89 CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued Holmes Humphreys Issaquena I tawamba Jackson Jasper Jefferson Jefferson Davis Jones Kemper Lafayette Lamar Lauderdale Lawrence 4,108 2,614 605 2.504 1.216 2.735 1.787 2,499 3,610 2.475 2.532 1,570 2,557 1.791 1 .i.831 3,238 801 3,217 1,031 2.931 1.871 2,723 3,853 2.808 2.925 1,592 2,895 2,056 2 9.0«6.452 10.824.339 4,458,875 3,619.863 769,310 2.765.007 1,857,791 4,496,551 4.071.674 2.076.321 4.000,331 2,458,459 2,180,547 2,191.833 3 6,U8,«69 8.410,487 2,147.892 3.112,040 731,321 1,852,199 1,375,235 2,074.050 2.860.068 1,620.770 2,595,191 1.553.167 1,904.118 1.427,232 4 7.966,776 10.282,172 2.928.395 2,006,704 123,722 1.379.829 1,140,463 3.155,729 2,005.677 1,364,680 3.252.425 1.122.802 895 ,027 1.535,175 5 5,333.251 8.224.664 1.718,956 1,851,434 149,954 905.438 551,374 1.522.793 1.355.394 810,796 1.935.891 880 . 590 901.834 905,957 6 7,933,427 10,277,596 2,925,920 1,971,825 59,366 1.346.117 1,130,192 3,013.312 1.839,268 1,333,651 3,193,373 835.270 312.361 1.617.661 7 5,322,182 8,221,568 1,714,259 1,833,692 32,034 863.965 533.893 1.429,276 1,158,153 798,724 1,901,583 528.018 793.961 897.126 3 24,533 2,410 1,632 6,276 32,002 26,213 1,876 121.931 109,613 24,459 39,725 57.407 37.437 13,537 9 2,493 1,977 7,166 22,349 18,942 911 77.047 135,109 6,654 33.217 52.418 82.743 4,942 10 7,942 2,166 843 26,853 17,413 7,494 3,195 20.486 31,881 6.540 13.328 55,008 29,759 3,877 11 8,346 1,119 4.697 5,356 69,491 17,431 15,558 16,470 41,532 5,156 2.021 191,104 18,115 3,889 12 874 1,750 19,941 200 24,915 30 u.xo 175,117 15,470 13 230 220 26,080 50 1,012 20,600 262 70 109,050 7,010 14 1.021,489 528,658 1.516,244 1,554.222 594,361 1,252,309 579,007 1,201,637 1,915,841 613,648 586.259 1,255,307 1,155.422 510,924 15 1,026,318 175,384 387,228 1,137.392 548,385 782,918 700.457 476,798 1.355.584 633,038 698.252 585,225 352.654 407.111 16 58.981 48,278 61,343 259.946 184,113 133,093 21,163 100,744 666,984 92,630 79.324 144,585 232.522 139.220 17 67.819 15,402 1,297 182.558 131,565 80,304 26,177 40,541 548,237 64.539 92,732 143,535 195.330 40,418 18 150,245 203,818 3,701 982.058 202,042 607,484 18,934 637,480 708,331 71.002 133.843 736,257 385.857 32.437 19 101,101 22,977 9,269 514,445 159,843 144,057 24,057 70,989 225,225 61.400 81.900 122,483 146.971 37.508 20 812,263 276,562 1.451.200 312,218 208,706 506,732 538,860 463,413 540.476 450.016 473,092 374,955 547,943 339.267 21 857,398 137.005 376.662 440,389 256,977 558,557 650,223 365,268 582.122 507.099 523,570 320,107 520,303 329,135 22 58.187 13.509 14,236 53.937 45,727 132.369 138,321 139,185 150,156 97.993 51,696 79,850 119,198 45.734 23 88,900 10,439 41,708 123,214 32,982 163.343 123,404 74,459 149,090 176.936 60,048 86,352 139,630 114.164 24 Montgomery Neshoba Newton Noxubee Oktibbeha Panola Pearl River Perry Pike Pontotoc Prentiss Quitman Rankin Scott 1.642 3.569 2,870 2,685 2,103 4.457 1,767 1,065 2.531 3.402 2,758 3,864 2.396 2.372 1 1,929 4.154 3,263 3,239 2,262 5.164 1,868 1.094 2.668 4.039 3,294 4,724 3.102 3.077 2 2,448,245 3.927,624 3,824,874 4.678.080 3,243,606 9.374,371 2,932,841 1.140.890 3,333,379 5.343,094 4,516,323 13,311.395 4.922.963 10.612.670 3 1,450,583 2,930.831 2,418.001 4,054,699 3,089,513 5,837,350 3.391,911 721 . 463 2,345,602 4,290.510 3,817,325 10.251.345 3.173,754 3.107.457 4 1,765,711 2,332,602 1.546.041 2.581.483 790.165 8,236,634 1,260.208 545,430 1,341.945 3,931.685 3,547,483 12,962,946 1,756,257 2.065,373 5 653,813 1,540.932 926.851 1.629.211 434,514 4,078,208 2.075.822 385,977 793,127 2.888,753 2,815,948 9,956,371 994,125 993,925 6 1,754,596 2.296.166 1.502,698 2.576.868 781,581 8,175,202 173.743 382,822 1,205.512 3.910,132 3,523,452 12,929,660 1,723,613 5,057,940 7 644,513 1.473.095 880,767 1.621.742 410.413 4,040.066 98.715 225,431 615.178 2.372.621 2,307,335 9,949,198 946,885 980,481 8 5,536 11.822 12,649 2.011 2.484 5.116 24.278 110,245 38.556 2.576 9,144 12,355 14,462 2,825 9 4,760 34,751 10,023 1,534 1.545 8.336 24.995 71 , 497 21,483 3,358 3.014 3,001 34,090 5,575 10 5,109 24,314 16,094 2.604 5.760 55.966 1,054,237 51,063 40.477 16.567 14,637 20.930 6,182 4.548 11 3,025 11,646 21,636 5.835 3.391 25.256 1,947,552 69,049 83.016 6.978 3,274 4.172 3.150 6.858 12 420 300 14,600 340 350 7,900 1,300 57.400 2.311 200 12,000 60 13 1,515 21,410 14,425 100 19.160 4,550 4,560 20,000 73.450 5.786 2,325 10,000 14 636,073 1.440,022 2,131.745 1.991.581 2.337,139 1,113,351 1,618,601 567,423 1,942.228 1.351.789 924,351 328.893 2,987,319 8.465.714 15 726,054 1,205.510 1,335,192 2.348.763 2,598.454 1,783.407 1,267,595 302,695 1.466.565 1.339.001 957,629 285.813 2,015.934 1.936.905 16 218,286 751,712 1.118.304 821.464 1,860.272 101.749 860 , 391 22.772 1.233.065 808.551 534,645 6.323 607.545 103,292 17 245,725 465,925 688,934 950.996 1.954,283 194.969 670,657 25.202 884.616 653.629 422,667 19.442 515.125 90,012 13 68,980 238,720 526,827 87,854 61,331 61 . 728 99,758 227.318 257.440 142.322 89,833 51,809 1.502.203 7,896,909 19 70.796 208,503 200,110 53,160 57.653 52.556 73.929 26.345 111.820 120.661 126,400 ai,019 762.941 1,317,038 20 348.807 449 . 590 486,614 1,082,263 465,536 949,374 658,452 316.333 446.723 410,915 299.883 270,251 777,571 460,513 21 409,533 531.082 446.148 1,34*, 607 586,518 1.535.882 523.009 251.148 470.129 554,711 403.562 243,352 737,868 529.355 22 46,461 155.000 147,088 105,016 71.252 24.386 54.032 23,037 49,206 49,519 44.479 19,556 179.392 81.583 23 70.716 184.419 155.958 76.725 56.545 25.735 48,494 32,791 85.910 52,756 43,748 8,152 153.695 176.627 24 90 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 4— VALUE OF FARM PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continuetl (For definitions and explanations, see text) Sharkey Simpson Sunflower Talla- hatchie Tippah Tlahomlngo All farms number 195^ . . 1950.. VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE All farm products sold dollars \9^A.. 1949 . . All crops sold dollars 1954.. 1949.. Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars 1954.. 194 9». Vegetables sold dollars 1954 . . 1949^ . Fruits and nuts sold dollars 1954.. 1949 . . Horticultural specialties sold dollars 1954.. 1949 . . All livestock and livestock products sold dollars 1954.. Dairy products sold dollars 1954.. 1949 . . Poultry and poultry products sold. .. .dollars 1954.. 1949 . . Livestock and livestock products, other than dairy and poultry, sold dollars 1954.. Forest products sold dollars 1954.. 1949 . . 1,431 1,800 7,457,868 3,949,847 7,119,309 3,723.490 7,116,530 3,716,525 1,300 2,779 5,665 322,410 225,109 7,786 15,814 51,047 12.967 263,577 196,328 16,149 1.248 2,802 3,151 4,209,516 2,801,375 2,494,194 1,770,674 2,383,091 1,655,596 100,943 104,850 10,160 9,670 1,639,557 874.064 371,801 206,635 734,448 163,363 533,306 504,066 75,765 156,637 2,694 3,007 5,702,321 3,601,611 2,003,236 1,568,920 1,887,556 1,489,626 100 , 324 73,284 14,706 5.130 3,544.875 1,852,876 38,279 30,289 2,936,540 1,294.862 520,056 527,725 154,210 179,815 620 647 633,099 744,030 124,111 216,334 47,356 44,298 14,000 27,009 57,588 141,702 5,167 3,325 495,058 479.811 233,793 206,432 91,947 56,838 169,318 216,541 13,930 47,935 6,681 8,984 25,473,239 25,687,404 24,035,395 24,710,601 23,306.985 24,563,101 168.490 110,839 48,970 27,162 10,950 9,499 1.428,038 975,128 315,891 220,543 140,088 61,227 972,059 693,353 9,806 1,675 4,521 5,277 14,087,655 10,857,154 13,274.691 10,028,231 13.251,652 10,021,447 4,203 1,837 18,836 4,947 747,253 791,763 50,738 80 , 190 61,195 53,803 635,270 657,770 65,711 37,160 2.975 3,353 7,864,947 4,637,663 5,977,227 2,613,178 5,959,978 2,607,284 3,935 2,962 13,314 7,905 1.859,470 1,999,489 887,004 967,091 104,882 94,152 867,584 938,246 28,250 19,996 2,590 2,930 4,463,163 3,315,751 3,325,727 2.272,947 3,289,781 2,261,029 3,592 2.845 31,854 4,923 500 4,150 1,087,426 925,303 453,462 264,526 107,308 111,321 526,656 549,456 50.010 117.501 1.859 2,371 2,117,667 2,332,108 1,639,725 1,981,088 1,620,199 1,976,231 2,449 2,057 16,717 2,800 360 413,544 298,349 96,671 34,594 75,379 64,420 241.494 199.335 64,398 52,671 (For definitions and explanations, see text) Wayne .number 1954. 1950. VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE All farm products sold dollars 1954... 1949... All crops sold dollars 1954... 1949 . . . Field crops , other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars 1954... 1949".. Vegetables sold dollars 1954 .. . 1949'.. Fruits and nuts sold dollars 1954 . . . 1949 . . . Horticultural specialties sold dollars 1954... 1949 . . . All livestock and livestock products sold - dollars 1954... Dairy products sold dollars 1954... 1949 . . . Poultry and poultry products sold. .. .dollars 1954... 1949... Livestock and livestock products, other than dairy and poultry, sold dollars 1954... Forest products sold dollars 1954. . . 1949 . . . 3,044 3,564 4,911,775 3,873.786 3,455,171 2,664,738 3,364,203 2,653,968 2,973 3,171 12,990 7,217 75,000 382 1,391,256 1,142,250 751,399 564,346 232,143 125,860 407,214 452,044 65,348 66,798 2,595 2,360 817,506 012,256 ,904,570 695,911 ,827,734 ,607,055 70,330 73,645 6,006 15,211 .877,413 ,259,338 ,472,439 788,993 56,717 55,412 348.257 414,978 35,523 56,957 1,316 1.574 2,778,229 1,853,522 1,692,430 698,357 1,664,103 656,149 13,190 20,241 5,237 8,722 9,900 13.245 ,018,117 ,030,217 30,657 170,004 43,761 42.471 893,699 857,742 67,682 74,943 4,348 5,730 21,853,925 17,436,151 20,442,348 16,410,464 20,334,962 16,351,368 37,638 14,110 44,973 41,129 24,775 3,357 1,386,690 1,012,533 223,350 153,842 33.793 41,913 1,079,547 811,773 24,887 13,154 1.913 2,273 ,964,177 ,304,557 ,261,030 749,809 ,229.391 737,821 21,192 3,855 10,462 5,333 35 2,300 582,893 471 , 366 13,767 30,895 154,126 62,090 415,000 378,331 120,204 83,382 1.847 2,094 2,555,047 1,861,964 1,690,120 1,216,016 1,679,784 1,207,135 2,169 4,262 7,367 2,519 800 2.100 773,911 567.739 320,223 98,743 65,474 106,357 383,214 362,639 91,016 73,209 1,378 1,506 1,696.691 1,069,561 952,423 461,025 942,437 430,238 5,307 14,587 4,634 11,617 4.533 607,904 462,603 23.706 22,679 26.803 17,907 557,395 422,017 136,359 145,933 2,672 3,104 2,336.028 2,100,446 1,956,233 1,163,884 1,925,703 1,145,032 6,123 8,554 19,407 9,038 5,000 1,260 773,657 723,627 363,229 183 , 346 34,165 74,402 381 , 263 465,379 101,138 212,935 1,902 2,346 3,053,023 2,441,135 2,386,655 1,650,266 2.353,119 1,613,902 23,729 21,367 9,307 5,214 500 4,783 614,764 746,311 90 , 177 119,127 81,235 67,465 443,352 559,719 51,604 44,558 'For 1949, the value of green cowpeas was included with field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts. MISSISSIPPI 91 County Table 5. -FARMS BY ECONOMIC CLASS, BY CLASS OF WORK POWER, OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME, AND FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 [Data are baaed on reports for only a aample of farms. See text] (For deflations and explanations, see text) Eatlmated number of farms 19W. . 1950.. FAraC BY ECONOMIC CUSS Commercial farms number 1954.. 1950. . Class I mmiber 1954.. 1950. . Class II number 1954.. 1950. . Class III number 1954.. 1950. . Class IV number 1954.. 1950. . Class V number 1954. . 1950. . Class VI number 1954.. 1950. . Other farms number 1954.. 1950. . Part-time number 1954.. 1950.. Residential number 1954.. 1950. . Abnormal number 1954. . 1950. . FARMS BY CLASS OF WORK POWER No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting 1954.. No tractor and only 1 horse or mule farms reporting 1954.. No tractor and 2 or more horses and/or mules farms reporting 1954., Tractor and horaea and/or mules. .. .farms reporting 1954.. Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting 1954.. SPECIFIED FACILITIES AND EOUIPMENT Telephone farms reporting 1954.. 1950. . Electricity farms reporting 1954.. 1950. . Television set farms reporting 1954. . Piped running water farms reporting 1954.. Home freezer farms reporting 1954.. 1950. . Electric pig brooder farms reporting 1954.. Pover feed grinder farms reporting 1954.. Hililng machine farms reporting 1954.. 1950. , Grain ccoiblnes fanns reporting 1954.. 1950. . number 1954. . 1950.. Com pickers farms reporting 1954.. 1950. . number 1954. . 1950. . Pick-up hay balers farms reporting 1954.. 1950.. number 1954,. 1950.. Field forage harvesters farms reporting 1954.. number 1954.. Artificial ponds, reservoirs, and earth tanks farms reporting 1954. . number 1954. . Motortrucks farms reporting 1954. . 1950. . number 1954,. 1950.. Tractors farms reporting 1954.. 1950.. number 1954, . 1950.. Wheel tractors other than garden farms reporting 1954.. 1950. . number 1954.. 1950.. Garden tractors farms reporting 1954.. 1950.. number 1954.. 1950.. Crawler tractors farms reporting 1954.. 1950. . number 1954. . 1950. , Automobiles farms reporting 1954., 1950., number 1954. . 1950.. OFF-FAHH WORK AND OIHER INCOME Fan operators.- With other income of family exceeding value of farm products sold operators reporting 1954. 1949. Working off their farms, total operators reporting 1954. 1949. 100 or more days operators reporting 1954. 1949. 215, Q12 251.333 1«8,515 156,733 1,692 1.125 3.126 2.099 7.851 4.160 30.439 16. U5 62.151 52. UO 43.248 B1.094 67.397 94,650 27.731 37,133 39,638 57,433 28 84 87,684 50.469 28,487 23.012 29.715 16.425 183,346 140.446 29,514 63,150 36,292 11.255 713 7,508 5 , 047 3,463 6,287 660 1 996 773 609 089 794 294 360 472 49 939 32 902 68,784 50 183 77 5hO 5h 249 52 786 33 402 31 541 51 923 51 296 31 763 78 108 49 121 1 880 1 166 1 966 1 204 1 224 1 351 1 467 1 593 84 473 r7 51h 98 852 76 250 481 402 5 16 21 18 20 12 14' 70 233 267 558 669 233 176 325 493 466 151 40 85 670 355 120 226 160 42 10 51 4 15 49 33 60 53 57,291 74.591 91.403 97,122 40,777 44.2bb 394 1,029 294 219 342 259 202 87 291 118 191 77 255 106 25 6 27 6 7 6 9 6 472 232 602 285 522 510 M4 299 2.414 3,050 1,543 1.975 10 2 82 25 325 174 631 686 495 1.088 371 1,075 335 545 536 530 351 170 570 437 336 337 237 2.234 2.014 407 744 347 157 15 36 50 10 60 52 60 52 41 769 906 732 634 774 671 843 674 935 703 813 624 905 640 20 26 20 26 10 31 10 37 1,177 1,125 1.226 1,238 696 897 1.138 1,078 477 483 2,705 2,947 1,635 1,501 2 1 26 13 152 89 249 210 473 260 733 928 1.070 1.446 590 597 480 849 646 676 793 392 198 389 32 2,047 1.546 310 956 584 167 5 121 275 246 32 21 33 21 5 5 5 53 21 54 21 3 3 1,006 1,553 900 670 994 717 595 297 726 342 589 291 690 325 15 15 12 21 17 1,086 1,001 1,183 1,047 945 1.145 1.480 1,195 823 664 3.129 3,645 1.874 1.619 1 4 33 8 70 37 272 109 807 289 691 1,172 1.255 2.026 456 768 799 1,258 1,113 420 922 451 223 439 311 2,574 2,051 284 844 339 137 16 191 53 41 47 41 47 41 1 40 75 40 76 13 17 816 1,008 1,176 773 1,260 821 684 428 811 492 674 403 798 466 11 21 11 21 2 5 2 5 986 1.080 1,067 1,119 1,105 1,562 1,599 1,460 709 682 1.467 1,768 1.157 1,178 2 6 12 5 45 22 179 93 559 352 360 700 310 590 110 262 200 328 505 65 390 262 245 170 115 965 501 328 273 146 58 7 30 11 11 14 26 14 32 26 11 26 11 16 38 16 43 15 15 203 391 465 369 520 380 507 361 669 456 507 356 661 451 6 2 5 596 471 683 538 216 445 418 513 142 215 6.833 9.436 6,542 3.218 215 99 185 192 436 346 2.004 1.203 2,952 3,336 700 3.042 291 1.218 180 832 111 381 5 4,912 90 358 428 1,045 777 496 6.114 3,911 507 1,179 894 280 32 102 34 18 512 415 626 635 93 44 100 48 200 317 210 355 44 53 43 83 1,235 1,456 1,668 1,876 1,488 1,717 4,021 4,154 1,473 1.657 3,908 3.988 34 21 44 21 60 108 69 145 2.438 2,281 3,205 3.078 476 1.325 1,710 3,469 525 797 2.698 3.167 2,072 2,023 3 16 14 83 14 429 235 888 789 656 968 626 1.144 221 543 405 601 945 155 496 720 382 300 127 2.603 2,492 266 668 641 174 11 115 67 30 109 90 115 91 30 1 30 1 77 49 77 49 34 34 740 1,247 1,289 1,006 1,390 1,112 1,112 659 1,406 ,097 643 ,363 839 20 16 20 16 18 6 18 6 739 725 814 785 546 954 1,005 1,230 383 504 92 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 5. -FARMS BY ECONOMIC CLASS, BY CLASS OF WORK POWER, OFF-FARM WORK l^Data are based on reports for only (For definitions and explanations, see text) Clay Estimated number of farms 195^.. 1950.. FABHS BY ECONOMIC CLASS Coinraerclal f amis number 1954 . . 1950.. Class I number 1954 . . 1950 . . Class II number 1954 . . 1950 . . Class III number 1954 . . 1950.. Class IV number 1954.. 1950 . . Class V .number 1954. . 1950.. Class VI number 1954 . . 1950 . . Other farms - number 1954.. 1950 . . Part-time number 1954 . . 1950 . . Residential number ^954. . 1950 . . Abnormal number 1954. . 1950.. FAKMS BY CLASS OF WORK POWER No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting 1954.. No tractor and only 1 horse or mule farms reporting 1954 . . No tractor and 2 or more horses id/or mules farms reporting 1954 . . Tractor and horses and/or mules .... farms reporting 1954.. Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting 1954.. SPECIFIED FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT Telephone farms reporting 1954 . . 1950.. Electricity farms reporting 1954.. 1950 . . Television set farms reporting 1954 . . Piped running water farms reporting 1954.. Home freezer farms reporting 1954.. 1950.. Electric pig brooder farms reporting 1954.. Power feed grinder farms reporting 1954., Milking machine farms reporting 1954.. 1950., Grain combines farms reporting 1954 . , 1950., number 1954 . , 1950. Com pickers farms reporting 1954 . 1950. number 1954., 1950. Pick-up hay balers farms reporting 1954 . 1950. number 1954 . 1950. Field forage harvesters farms reporting 1954. number 1954 . Artificial ponds, reservoirs, and earth tanks farms reporting 1954 . number 1954. Motortrucks farms reporting 1954 . 1950. number 1954. 1950. Tractors farms reporting 1954 . 1950. number 1954 . 1950. Wheel tractors other than garden farms reporting 1954. 1950. number 1954. 1950. harden tractors farms reporting 1954 . 1950. number 1954 . 1950. Crawler tractors farms reporting 1954. 1950. number 1954. 1950. Automobiles farms reporting 1954. 1950. number 1954 . 1950. OFF-FARM WORX AND OTHER INCCME FarH operators— With other income of family exceeding value of farm products sold operators reporting 1954. 1949. Working off their farms, total operators reporting 1954. 1949. 100 or more days operators reporting 1954. 1949. 2,512 2,948 1,762 l.%5 5 3 27 19 72 19 409 91 681 510 568 1,323 750 983 295 396 455 587 865 140 792 487 228 407 292 1,991 1,939 198 538 373 130 10 133 92 102 53 103 54 14 14 867 1,625 864 548 964 591 715 469 94b 572 715 469 925 569 1 724 653 769 555 737 702 1,118 851 492 349 1.633 1,721 863 646 9 23 1 77 49 318 176 445 411 770 1,075 295 365 475 710 235 706 214 113 120 51 1,403 1,096 85 412 287 117 26 15 30 10 31 10 6 10 471 367 493 378 687 827 805 709 437 299 1.194 1,310 802 733 6 10 26 25 36 31 77 60 356 125 301 482 392 577 192 198 200 379 335 152 401 237 69 158 162 707 566 107 255 61 3 16 37 51 43 60 23 5 23 5 36 30 36 31 20 21 373 787 471 270 515 326 306 191 447 308 300 185 408 272 14 25 30 25 35 452 352 517 420 407 414 484 534 271 255 2,222 2,326 734 878 6 5 3 54 32 88 36 207 188 374 619 1,488 1,448 531 365 957 1,083 642 706 423 261 190 295 108 1,752 1,207 397 830 420 58 16 53 36 4 10 411 569 827 424 939 459 472 166 495 180 451 141 472 152 21 20 21 20 2 6 2 8 913 636 955 712 1,203 939 1,417 1,043 984 669 1,993 2,128 1,246 1,251 11 2 24 14 71 28 224 91 374 322 542 794 747 877 272 275 475 602 5,112 6,411 4,962 5,884 123 114 120 75 277 179 1,347 1,026 2,390 3,107 705 1,383 150 527 120 403 30 124 658 4,070 120 90 757 230 303 259 155 463 289 362 185 185 1.407 3,957 1,028 2,048 114 447 535 654 344 413 91 164 2 24 166 82 129 34 63 12 58 194 38 214 65 293 49 255 3 92 7 44 3 108 7 58 81 130 48 118 85 177 49 135 11 20 12 40 756 45 1,302 46 502 776 357 686 567 1,181 386 957 473 732 252 657 657 2.738 318 2,005 458 711 222 514 522 2,551 277 1,921 25 16 25 11 31 16 25 11 13 49 15 54 14 71 15 73 738 1,645 499 1,552 779 2.314 517 2,160 521 530 812 621 450 314 171 795 1,015 3,745 207 743 2,733 3,498 1,670 1,853 1 3 25 20 84 59 233 155 525 515 802 1,090 1,063 1.645 472 524 591 1,021 726 647 707 436 217 581 484 2,078 1,785 487 890 412 164 5 132 128 78 53 29 54 29 3 44 6 45 5 20 20 928 1,543 1,124 1,275 1,291 1,375 558 391 853 469 548 351 818 430 15 20 15 20 18 17 20 19 1,152 919 1,281 981 843 1,235 1,277 1.483 521 727 2,152 2,482 1,315 1,251 5 2 10 44 37 199 70 605 287 460 857 837 1,221 486 505 351 716 461 490 558 240 303 488 261 1,921 1,512 225 1,028 605 812 926 755 951 814 543 245 501 247 543 240 594 242 872 614 922 625 828 983 1,303 1,054 782 541 MISSISSIPPI AND OTHER INCOME, AND FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued a sample of farms. See text] 93 Forrest Franklin George Greene Grenada Hancock Harrison Hinds Holmes Hujnphreys Issaquena I tawamba Jackson Jasper Jefferson 1 .."■■! 1.278 1.432 1,128 1,421 706 979 4,629 4.022 2.664 606 2,553 1.282 2.315 1.772 1 l,:ilt: 1.236 1.212 944 1,634 662 1,122 5.005 4,831 3,238 801 3,217 1.031 2.931 1.871 2 ;i^L. 436 446 355 1.096 201 225 3.139 3,219 2,514 556 1.626 233 1.247 1.015 3 iir 388 454 238 1.144 239 239 2,566 2,807 2,762 511 1,948 209 1.198 885 4 i: 2 9 2 8 41 67 23 10 1 15 2 5 1 "i 6 7 10 24 36 14 5 1 6 6 V'-' 8 '24 9 20 4 16 46 68 86 22 30 11 8 18 7 10 9 11 16 7 15 23 28 70 12 11 3 18 8 u^ 16 46 '13 62 30 20 88 95 146 80 126 '28 35 16 9 33 19 24 1 41 34 19 74 47 119 18 25 15 31 19 10 72 70 74 32 241 82 60 461 591 690 121 288 55 92 113 11 37 31 69 11 108 20 40 178 316 356 74 160 29 94 38 12 125 118 111 111 542 29 72 1.434 1,382 1,160 195 586 92 377 358 13 87 8« 84 59 343 56 72 463 925 1,151 190 621 37 230 207 U 86 222 191 190 222 56 55 1,102 1,042 365 115 586 51 720 508 15 I'-H 245 266 166 630 122 86 1,818 1.467 1,030 203 1.126 77 834 603 16 -125 842 986 773 325 505 754 1,490 803 150 50 932 1.044 1,568 757 17 98 i 848 758 706 490 423 883 2,439 2,024 476 290 1,269 822 1,733 986 18 27^ 337 306 308 185 118 109 700 297 85 20 317 259 713 355 19 2(^5 323 295 363 188 120 151 862 565 273 193 616 311 527 206 20 650 505 680 465 140 387 645 785 506 65 30 615 785 855 402 21 71 a 520 463 343 302 303 732 1.569 5 8 1,459 203 97 653 511 1,187 780 22 19 23 24 ^1^ 371 531 348 530 265 421 1.347 1,869 1,565 285 736 682 779 423 25 .■> 302 260 366 90 147 232 890 360 36 35 225 197 761 301 26 -.- 298 65 58 375 78 42 1.581 1.152 231 65 677 64 841 720 27 132 232 136 149 246 113 112 566 409 357 119 422 107 314 246 28 20! 75 440 207 160 103 172 245 232 475 102 448 232 120 77 29 ■., .. 142 442 66 177 146 376 852 584 244 71 108 479 470 206 30 21 = 7 42 20 143 52 220 681 382 128 20 75 102 96 89 31 : ,2.": 1.076 1.337 1,012 1.253 650 914 3.079 2.861 2,353 446 2.437 1,231 2.349 1,031 32 1 ,•:'"? 845 964 710 842 546 899 1,831 1,555 1.877 475 2,090 896 1.784 580 33 212 234 178 80 165 216 299 870 355 230 95 342 287 390 96 34 8^ 503 904 474 302 539 758 1,185 670 491 191 911 986 1,063 393 35 \r_. 3 324 351 297 242 278 433 716 328 392 188 497 467 425 176 36 132 75 51 60 67 58 177 295 115 139 42 210 106 90 35 37 12 10 1 17 8 33 2 2 5 10 10 1 38 23 34, 37 35 70 U 67 213 106 41 22 61 '41 39 81 39 t8 23 36 2 13 75 35 62 11 21 6 55 30 42 5 40 ..0 25 30 10 11 60 36 42 11 11 35 36 15 20 41 3o 23 18 3 48 7 19 90 113 271 '96 43 5 5 43 42 17 30 10 65 1 10 53 101 133 96 11 17 24 43 <;5 24 IS "4 49 8 19 94 166 345 98 48 "5 5 46 44 18 30 10 66 1 10 59 143 200 126 11 17 27 45 5 11 76 '9 12 12 1 24 26 20 7 1 10 46 12 6 15 6 7 7 'io 5 47 5 "i 77 '16 13 12 1 24 27 22 7 1 10 43 12 6 15 6 10 7 '16 5 49 3.;. 30 8 5 43 10 10 90 63 80 40 6 5 31 41 50 21 16 1 5 10 1 30 32 43 24 5 11 6 51 a 30 8 5 43 10 'io 90 63 83 48 6 5 32 41 52 22 IS 1 5 10 1 31 33 46 27 5 11 6 53 8 51 7 11 18 10 "20 14 32 9 6 5 5 8 54 8 66 7 21 18 10 20 14 33 9 9 5 5 8 55 21O1:. 473 47 163 438 110 121 1.572 1,208 31 18 420 116 849 674 56 236 713 83 203 880 128 235 3,526 2,527 31 30 513 162 1,104 1,345 57 5'iJ 434 654 448 493 284 306 1,359 908 822 216 730 414 931 587 58 ^l'-- 310 435 265 440 153 269 1,031 660 596 215 697 306 600 334 59 .-.^Q 499 699 496 535 313 340 1,496 1,130 1.051 287 779 457 973 d32 60 ■a'' 345 468 276 503 156 303 1;147 778 724 275 723 327 666 368 61 423 312 601 366 441 226 364 834 641 837 221 385 400 435 339 62 2Q1 200 255 99 305 89 203 569 438 607 270 503 178 284 156 63 ^78 384 669 413 695 249 438 1,175 1,285 2,317 525 951 469 486 423 64 313 218 280 106 479 97 243 731 798 1,401 567 520 199 301 200 65 If-J 302 576 356 426 211 284 811 641 822 220 870 339 429 323 66 255 19j 250 84 295 79 128 533 432 607 270 493 123 253 144 67 i22 345 617 384 659 228 317 1,120 1.235 2.243 504 935 362 458 391 68 2.j7 202 267 91 457 82 147 678 766 1,374 550 504 128 265 181 69 52 25 31 20 16 10 102 25 12 11 • . • 15 97 16 22 70 x< 10 11 20 5 85 31 5 6 1 10 60 10 12 71 •'Z 25 35 16 16 10 102 31 12 11 15 97 16 27 72 v_; 10 11 20 5 85 31 5 6 1 10 70 10 12 73 1 11 11 9 13 6 9 22 27 49 13 1 9 12 5 74 5" r 1 15 2 10 11 14 25 21 13 6 1 26 7 75 4 14 16 9 20 11 19 24 38 63 21 1 10 12 5 76 16 b 2 15 2 10 11 22 27 21 16 6 1 26 7 77 735 o42 688 490 613 377 565 1.936 1.252 959 209 1.172 751 1,065 590 78 654 516 440 273 534 144 618 1.425 847 871 179 975 493 706 385 79 831 t.95 713 501 683 414 674 2.219 1.532 1,310 310 1.208 808 1,104 660 SO 601 608 470 294 631 146 672 1,663 1.010 1.012 227 1.006 518 749 411 81 744 656 647 525 370 493 674 1.012 665 202 45 690 1.008 1.350 669 82 743 664 690 602 371 245 761 1,721 1.379 443 273 1.043 762 1.275 607 83 880 740 890 748 604 503 716 2,043 1.235 717 207 1.151 839 1.455 961 34 749 573 690 486 509 379 697 2.090 1,735 1.013 386 1.209 669 1,258 791 35 712 =■40 667 518 239 434 635 1.203 492 189 71 540 790 931 508 86 d20 fcO 480 353 210 264 600 1,044 613 241 152 530 560 800 475 87 94 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 5. -FARMS BY ECONOMIC CLASS, BY CLASS OF WORK POWER, OFF-FARM WORK [Data are based on reports for only (For definitions and explanations, see text) Esti'ninted number of farms 195^ . 1950. FAHMS BY ECONOMIC CUSS Conunercial farms number 195^. 1950. Class I number 1954. 1950. Class II number 1954. 1950. Class III number 195-4. 1950. Class IV number 1954 . 1950. Class V number 1954. 1950. Class VI nlimber 1954. 1950. Other farms number 1954 . 1950. Part-time number 1954. 1950 . Residential number 1954 . 1950 . Abnormal number 1954. 1950. FARMS BY CLASS OF WORX POWER No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting 1954. No tractor and only 1 horse or mule farms reporting 1954., No tractor and 2 or more horses and/or mules farms reporting 1954 . . Tractor and horses and/or mules ... .farms reporting 1954.. Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting 1954.. SPECIFIED FACILITIES AND EIJUIPMENT Telephone farms reporting 1954. . 1950 . . Electricity farms reporting 1954. . 1950 . . Television set farms reporting 1954 . . Piped running water farms reporting 1954.. Home freezer farms reporting 1954 . . 1950.. Electric pig brooder farms reporting 1954. . Power feed grinder farms reporting 1954.. Milling machine farms reporting 1954.. 1950.. Grain combines farms reporting 1954 . . 1950.. number 1954 . . 1950.. Com pickers farms reporting 1954.. 1950.. number 1954 . . 1950.. Pick-up hay balers farms reporting 1954 . . 1950.. number 1954 . . 1950.. Field forage harvesters farms reporting 1954.. mimber 1954 . . Artificial ponds, reservoirs, and ■ earth tanks farms reporting 1954 . . number 1954 . . Motortrucks farms reporting 1954.. 1950.. number 1954 . . 1950.. Tractors farms reporting 1954 . . 1950.. number 1954 . . 1950.. Wheel tractors other than garden farms reporting 1954 . . 1950.. number 1954 . . 1950 . . Garden tractors farms reporting 1954.. 1950.. number 1954 . . 1950 . . Crawler tractors farms reporting 1954.. 1950 . . number 1954 . . 1950 . . Automobiles farms reporting 1954.. 1950.. number 1954 . . 1950 . . OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Farm operators^ With other income of family exceeding value of farm products sold operators reporting Working off their farms, total operators reporting 100 or more days operators reporting 1954 . . 1949.. 1954.. 1949 . . 1954 . . 1949.. 2>'t99 2,723 1,711 1,521 18 1 38 17 312 57 831 3t2 511 1,103 785 1,202 390 55t 395 648 656 ■(1*5 852 297 21*9 175 107 2.091 1,173 315 937 517 196 25 30 16 5 26 16 26 16 7I1 1,225 807 352 811 367 551 286 605 326 516 216 593 281 5 5 5 5 7 10 7 10 1,006 662 1,058 671 725 912 1,292 1,051 557 150 3,633 3,853 1,323 1.319 13 1 50 28 78 18 250 120 510 325 122 827 2,310 2,501 807 881 1,501 1,619 2 1 1,127 976 611 153 166 1,161 381 3.123 3,179 638 2,259 1,210 281 22 81 99 62 72 32 72 31 15 15 51 8 52 8 3 1 1.033 1.327 1,168 1,167 1.527 1,312 1,019 101 1.160 131 911 368 998 389 137 21 137 21 20 21 25 21 2.016 1.550 2,111 1.622 2.335 2,079 1,661 Xeniper 2,156 1,316 1,216 3 13 10 12 55 59 162 183 816 979 1,110 1,562 135 500 675 1,062 551 190 1,105 .215 65 100 27 1,527 866 312 539 308 58 1 66 8 5 8 3 750 1,395 867 505 953 519 325 113 376 121 310 101 319 109 25 756 131 7B5 159 871 1.011 1.291 1,019 656 117 Lafayette 2,538 2,925 1,920 1,881 2 5 13 8 61 38 313 118 822 533 706 1,113 618 1,011 211 192 377 552 781 390 297 353 271 2.302 1,551 I7I 663 132 108 5 112 37 5 52 23 52 23 6 1 6 1 10 55 10 56 17 19 623 1.021 1,022 852 1,100 900 692 172 897 579 686 I62 873 56I 11 10 11 10 13 5 13 5 959 806 1,016 877 381 739 121 mi 1.519 1.592 626 581 2 2 25 5 38 23 119 51 290 195 152 302 923 1,011 393 111 530 597 516 310 262 150 311 110 32 1,163 1,383 282 876 369 198 5 10 31 15 20 17 25 17 887 933 ,020 832 717 598 2,519 2,895 767 918 9 1 31 37 83 12 261 195 372 631 1.782 1.977 521 631 1.257 1,312 1 1 850 706 528 318 1I7 550 281 2.039 1,610 619 1,161 113 155 10 109 10 13 21 18 6 31 21 18 6 39 8 26 8 37 131 136 629 621 8?1 862 582 577 911 928 631 613 181 500 306 229 558 601 360 275 156 160 296 209 519 521 321 235 22 52 6 30 22 58 9 30 10 7 17 8 17 22 27 10 656 1,221 567 1,031 751 1,372 622 1,116 1,583 1,531 1,759 1,511 1,250 978 1,796 2,056 1,165 1,013 1 7 36 11 211 68 110 199 170 715 631 1,013 265 500 366 513 151 135 565 237 108 93 26 1,566 1,257 192 608 296 113 5 11 22 0 6 7 6 7 3 3 620 888 611 366 657 366 315 181 367 209 335 173 357 196 196 118 517 137 197 8I7 831 158 116 3,751 1,131 2.119 2.091 6 51 10 63 21 282 98 1.037 119 980 1.5I6 1,335 2,037 615 883 720 1,119 1,110 515 1,225 620 251 569 333 3.311 2,730 I89 1,366 598 138 5 173 15 31 26 17 28 17 11 1 11 1 28 7 28 7 11 11 1.031 1.376 1.256 779 1.302 796 881 339 980 378 869 321 963 336 10 21 1.362 910 1.129 977 1,101 1,582 2,000 1.751 755 705 1,006 1,962 2.815 3.298 5 6 16 15 111 55 661 311 1.277 1.236 682 I.6I5 1,191 1,661 115 661 7I6 1,003 1,616 200 1,026 607 557 S91 678 3,886 3,909 183 1,125 775 18I 21 218 199 181 83 66 81 67 62 15 62 15 119 51 119 51 10 10 1,317 1,953 1,202 821 1,268 900 1.190 793 1,110 1.159 752 1,370 936 30 20 30 20 10 26 10 33 1,851 1,711 1,971 1,950 936 .399 .239 ,560 695 MISSISSIPPI 95 AND OTHER INCOME. AND FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued a sample of forms. See text] Lincoln Lowndes Madison Marion Marshall Monroe Montgomery Neshoba Newton Noxubee Oktibbeha Panola Pearl River Perry Pike t '^'•V 2 , 30b 4.038 2,685 3,444 3.699 1,649 3.570 2,784 2.638 2,055 4.594 1,772 1.020 2.552 1 ;!aiij 2,928 4,390 2.886 4.108 4,369 1,929 4,154 3,263 3,239 2,252 5.164 1,868 1.094 2.668 2 1.JJ8 1 ,,,14 3.326 1,453 2,953 2,528 1.092 2.180 1,592 1.880 1,069 3,949 523 350 1.282 3 l.JOO ; .8"m 3.010 1,319 3,076 2.952 383 2,332 1.443 2.079 1,079 3,690 475 327 996 4 2 22 22 2 10 18 5 6 9 10 14 13 2 1 5 16 7 5 9 12 1 1 11 5 10 10 1 1 6 Id 62 82 15 62 37 "b 26 21 35 34 52 27 7 25 7 1'' 4'- 35 7 21 32 14 11 38 55 43 26 7 8 :)S 1 1 134 85 137 161 '36 58 81 94 51 221 94 19 99 9 ■)0 be 88 43 63 57 20 39 73 53 59 54 46 5 52 10 217 1-1^, 531 240 732 519 230 175 220 137 158 929 112 54 252 11 '?\ 12^. 142 126 111 352 74 74 136 121 89 283 95 32 159 12 ■,'!■• .',: 3 1,288 655 1,358 1,076 479 753 448 751 326 1,801 128 140 437 13 2t''' ,.84 679 448 598 887 191 490 292 438 273 973 103 108 245 U ?70 '.n 1.269 4B6 554 717 341 1.152 815 794 490 932 149 118 457 15 ■iQQ 1,133 2.059 690 2.174 1.512 593 1,714 930 1.418 598 2,327 195 181 522 16 1 .^'•'-' 892 712 1.202 491 1,171 557 1,390 1,192 758 995 545 1.249 670 1.280 17 l/>'0 1 , J54 1.380 1.567 1.032 1,417 1.045 1,822 1,820 1,150 1,183 1,474 1.393 757 1.572 18 t.J^ 42b 407 477 255 501 235 540 470 432 445 295 404 270 525 19 f.ll 327 418 627 458 633 367 751 560 418 360 549 374 255 437 20 811 305 725 236 570 322 845 721 325 550 350 845 400 750 21 1.31^ 962 939 1 574 784 674 5 1,071 5 1,155 1 5 741 1 1 322 1 1 916 9 1.019 511 1,235 5 22 23 24 9?t:. 718 1.348 901 1,246 1,405 472 1.055 796 755 706 2,205 661 235 551 25 bl6 21 J 405 635 322 195 215 535 445 251 290 395 342 320 815 26 bOD 631 1.642 555 1,232 817 520 1.176 795 1,250 750 353 145 135 507 27 Wfl 3 53 463 275 443 581 310 491 518 257 222 554 350 144 307 28 237 374 180 318 201 701 132 263 229 104 97 480 274 135 182 29 749 486 314 345 314 674 317 353 227 341 239 341 376 87 740 30 IQO 311 279 65 140 412 299 157 228 172 312 300 128 51 389 31 2 . >i8 1,639 2,290 2.480 2,545 3.187 1.537 3.265 2,478 1.443 1,540 4,287 1.670 929 2.192 32 2,2^7 1,663 1.415 2.151 1,237 2,831 1.337 2.354 2,059 1.043 1,195 2,985 1.551 810 1.774 33 532 lb5 424 436 554 395 139 532 538 189 117 1,077 676 114 472 34 l.ibl 775 538 1.393 445 1.138 545 1.353 1,136 466 374 754 1,318 432 1.356 35 70t -82 351 704 352 855 241 525 551 255 214 550 773 183 583 36 220 171 138 160 99 200 52 101 97 114 79 250 232 43 221 37 1^ 10 17 5 10 10 5 10 15 6 12 15 20 6 38 UO 127 224 4* 80 174 112 121 156 106 123 206 44 '19 122 39 15'. b7 55 161 37 98 55 113 246 134 97 25 141 15 247 40 "0 57 51 116 30 89 10 36 131 97 65 17 77 118 41 33 86 154 32 20 115 38 24 41 89 12 180 24 15 15 42 26 85 68 13 37 84 30 12 32 54 14 112 38 10 19 43 U 110 179 35 21 122 38 24 41 100 12 225 26 15 15 44 2f. 119 72 13 39 87 31 12 37 71 17 122 45 15 19 45 49 11 6 35 3 1 20 20 2 122 13 6 46 27 5 5 2 5 5 3 1 33 47 50 11 6 35 3 1 '20 20 2 123 13 6 48 27 5 6 3 5 5 3 1 36 49 •J2 105 88 28 29 152 30 35 52 94 62 177 20 18 21 50 31 7 3 57 8 55 104 4 26 27 52 39 65 11 1 4 51 93 120 90 28 29 155 30 35 52 95 63 178 21 18 21 52 31 84 63 8 56 109 4 26 27 54 41 67 11 1 4 53 >2 22 43 18 47 32 12 12 46 30 14 35 18 1 5 54 32 24 43 18 49 32 12 12 46 32 14 35 18 1 5 55 303 4':* 1,087 548 1.202 811 551 866 578 659 1,199 955 488 215 700 56 1,193 949 2,166 818 2.622 1,398 375 1.091 900 1,297 2,195 2,475 727 274 917 57 7"7 .:<:,3 1,141 808 1.226 1,225 574 1.352 954 684 579 1,505 720 474 798 58 765 47b 563 585 548 854 420 957 384 404 352 1.047 569 380 445 59 026 840 1.278 864 1.325 1,387 612 1,430 999 796 650 1.905 822 484 835 60 ?05 534 657 625 715 951 483 1,032 914 494 419 1.161 555 399 532 61 o5b 747 663 623 559 1,307 457 759 762 371 329 1.144 555 289 529 62 349 511 433 290 352 1,010 248 394 549 268 215 737 332 100 237 63 736 1 . 065 1,000 708 951 1,705 573 810 870 535 430 2.099 355 311 531 64 388 699 606 302 468 1,233 352 430 500 447 284 1,055 441 149 255 65 636 727 643 593 644 1,277 437 744 742 370 309 1,134 523 274 479 66 289 415 418 275 327 974 233 359 529 256 210 729 307 100 207 67 682 1,021 951 661 930 1,549 536 784 829 588 408 2.034 800 295 525 68 307 598 577 286 434 1,183 326 395 570 409 276 1,019 395 149 217 69 3 k 30 28 40 15 39 30 5 30 10 11 15 53 11 50 70 50 81 20 10 5 30 10 10 20 6 6 12 5 40 71 }t 35 28 40 15 44 30 5 30 10 11 15 53 11 50 72 ^5 8b 20 10 5 30 10 15 20 12 6 14 5 40 73 18 8 20 7 4 10 7 15 11 33 11 45 7 "5 5 74 2- 15 9 6 28 20 11 20 5 26 1 21 31 7 75 18 9 21 7 5 12 7 21 11 37 11 50 12 5 5 76 26 15 9 6 29 20 16 20 10 26 2 23 41 9 77 1 , 52c. 1.141 1.282 1,159 892 1,796 689 1,209 1,124 795 695 1,802 1,052 446 1.480 78 1,201 927 980 773 657 1.537 594 829 848 643 551 1,358 558 289 1.152 79 l,oOi 1 , -7b 1,497 1.227 957 1,943 753 1,255 1,191 935 783 2,454 1.200 482 1.541 80 1,277 1,070 1.069 795 738 1,595 607 940 883 733 598 1,558 697 305 1.271 81 1.239 b88 562 1.026 406 1,096 409 978 859 585 886 484 1.057 504 1.238 82 1,727 689 788 1,334 779 1,082 330 1,234 1,272 753 786 1,025 1,065 595 1.377 83 1,626 1,060 1,375 1,182 895 1,483 555 1,425 1,321 1,155 1,240 1,042 1.305 589 1,531 84 1,487 927 1,247 1,207 900 828 849 1,334 1,239 1,200 372 1,509 1,149 575 1,380 85 1,069 627 546 677 388 834 311 769 732 513 685 455 1.062 514 1,043 86 1,042 549 513 757 345 557 422 706 623 423 513 566 913 409 947 87 96 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 5. -FARMS BY ECONOMIC CLASS, BY CLASS OF WORK POWER, OFF-FARM WORK [Data are based on reports for only {For definitions and explanations, see text) Simpson Estimated number of farms 195-i . 1950. FARMS BY ECONOMIC CLASS Commercial farms number 195'4. 1950. Class I number 195 271 145 2,348 2.069 425 1,015 561 204 5 73 60 35 48 28 48 28 4 23 23 23 23 2 2 953 1,271 1.239 1,072 1,319 1,092 725 357 755 383 705 337 740 363 20 6 20 6 20 924 740 978 792 865 1,221 1,359 1,295 666 650 2,702 3,007 1,700 1,804 17 1 21 37 77 62 219 152 559 590 707 962 1,002 1,203 457 503 535 695 5 537 530 849 446 240 321 332 2,521 2,233 280 1,169 524 122 '54 50 5 5 739 906 1,327 900 1,424 977 697 258 740 326 685 238 715 305 17 5 15 7 15 834 464 565 931 1.079 1,114 515 550 631 647 169 229 15 3 28 22 43 45 42 54 41 95 462 418 142 125 320 292 235 90 25 98 183 152 60 596 589 153 418 162 49 29 28 66 24 7 24 7 103 151 405 227 449 253 281 114 313 127 275 104 299 116 1 5 1 6 13 5 13 5 231 242 240 253 452 356 491 379 423 257 MISSISSIPPI AND OTHER INCOME, AND FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued 97 a sample of f arma . See text] Talla- iiatohle Tate Tippah Tishomingo Tunica Union Walthall Warren Washington Wayne Webster Willtlnson Winston Yalobusha Yazoo ■- , -. 1 ^^ 2,960 2.593 1,842 3,558 3,075 2,576 1,292 4.409 1.941 1,859 1,394 2,631 1,794 3,946 1 ■"<. I'-l 2.980 2.371 4,579 3,564 2,350 1,574 5.730 2.278 ■ ■ '■■ 1,506 3.104 2,345 4,453 2 7, "ij 1.W7 1.001 3,610 2,120 1,386 575 4,033 800 1,193 723 1,700 1,197 3,259 3 ,. , • -. ■ ,-■" 2.J09 1,503 4,253 2,341 1,323 680 4,670 786 1.155 695 1.487 1,481 3.267 4 = : _ 1 55 5 1 15 184 3 7 2 75 5 J 45 10 10 157 1 2 2 32 6 nj 9 50 7 '22 45 133 "13 3 13 '13 19 113 7 ^ . ..1 2 58 5 42 92 5 6 9 5 17 62 8 ;'^: 116 '56 237 76 165 15 213 58 40 16 20 46 173 9 -'^ 20 27 68 32 48 20 127 4 15 9 3 29 89 10 ^2'- "1 . 492 139 1,212 525 502 130 583 139 176 55 175 275 640 11 C:S^ U'l 213 155 513 202 189 71 447 48 104 25 49 150 332 12 ! .9Q; 1.11 > 720 36.1 1.701 1,015 723 252 1,595 272 434 279 582 449 1,510 13 1 . JJ8 ■.'t'-- 746 559 2,217 879 463 175 1,857 195 303 75 401 376 980 U o'O 570 400 345 490 533 213 1,120 318 487 353 910 406 733 15 I.dOS !,-3'' 1.028 752 1,352 1,213 1,123 362 1.980 533 726 575 1,023 897 1,772 16 i2a mS-i. 686 841 58 955 590 617 375 1,141 556 671 931 597 687 17 ni. 89'-' 971 868 326 1.223 1,037 394 1,050 1,492 939 310 1,617 855 1,136 18 125 211 305 276 51 355 310 206 240 471 256 250 455 235 261 19 328 ^1 627 390 248 551 521 272 595 539 451 263 513 348 438 20 295 275 381 555 7 590 380 411 135 570 410 421 475 361 426 21 441 495 344 478 78 672 515 622 464 1 1 953 488 547 1,104 516 748 22 5 1 23 24 -\-^. 1,442 740 586 2,392 1,000 711 366 3,085 626 598 288 570 551 1.582 25 1 }' 345 180 231 30 180 471 211 50 560 230 235 405 152 345 26 •I: 71-' 750 420 335 715 345 345 296 355 455 517 1,100 515 1 .050 27 39r. 287 490 293 233 498 315 225 452 134 355 149 459 343 593 28 663 169 427 312 208 582 234 124 516 216 221 55 97 122 375 29 jlS 397 309 219 171 387 333 281 436 137 152 72 347 257 582 30 2-3 201 197 161 30 245 123 146 238 73 92 67 374 198 149 31 ,,00-. 2.712 2,422 1.742 3,119 2,954 2,195 988 3.979 1.745 1,733 301 2,250 1,507 2.728 32 2 , 5C.I:. 1,813 1.154 1.811 1,303 2,643 1.730 313 3.378 1.477 1,723 502 1.945 1,045 1,556 33 650 636 568 162 337 717 358 192 319 178 71 85 268 343 516 34 621 542 685 551 277 913 1.224 403 837 743 356 271 635 471 768 35 64o ya 355 196 203 571 753 237 499 401 342 134 611 301 513 36 255 126 92 115 99 122 132 94 249 211 58 72 109 108 168 37 In 7 6 15 7 2 5 10 5 33 61 80 159 72 51 145 '28 70 111 '59 112 '75 143 44 88 39 13 75 25 35 60 270 25 23 15 44 28 38 25 40 "-; 105 30 5 70 131 9 10 26 31 6 11 22 16 41 29'^ r.8 33 15 155 37 41 35 346 11 59 25 10 25 227 42 175 45 12 31 116 7 5 37 291 1 59 27 29 30 155 43 362 76 38 15 211 37 43 44 423 11 60 23 10 28 288 44 199 48 12 31 185 7 5 41 408 1 59 29 29 31 228 45 91 42 f 11 44 40 5 27 74 5 15 5 18 55 46 i8 5 2 27 5 1 9 64 "5 16 47 nc 43 47 11 45 40 5 30 32 "5 "15 5 '18 56 48 51 2 34 5 1 9 78 "5 16 49 107 47 28 11 83 77 43 45 194 17 33 41 24 38 76 50 67 30 27 20 75 42 5 38 207 5 12 50 24 11 41 51 112 50 28 11 95 77 48 49 204 17 33 42 24 38 81 52 ':9 32 27 20 73 43 5 38 240 5 12 60 24 11 43 53 26 ::? 11 7 23 21 4 10 23 1 11 5 6 10 11 54 28 25 11 7 23 21 4 12 30 1 11 5 5 10 11 55 511 667 696 222 27 1,112 957 427 54 364 722 233 1.065 636 1,159 56 588 1,684 1,052 252 58 1,331 1,552 767 95 425 1.039 663 1.445 970 2.792 57 1.188 960 854 752 510 1,110 922 452 901 593 540 380 1.070 714 1.129 58 811 c.!"" 629 548 399 800 519 387 912 471 557 316 571 621 815 59 1.538 1,075 873 772 747 1,153 970 528 1.232 703 585 455 1,153 775 1.403 60 942 738 560 579 537 357 553 438 1.202 496 605 370 577 670 910 61 1.064 451 932 620 441 1.135 554 405 989 416 531 214 571 434 974 62 785 363 492 452 240 535 213 253 917 183 419 164 305 379 749 63 2.497 1.025 558 1,339 1.310 639 641 3.097 450 688 307 557 639 2,074 64 1,475 ^12 514 432 830 555 227 374 2,598 201 510 203 341 435 1,252 65 1.364 456 917 595 441 1,180 549 350 957 400 576 204 556 465 959 66 780 333 466 397 239 575 213 228 912 153 419 154 300 374 744 67 2.447 633 1,010 533 1.361 1,302 632 548 2,953 435 580 277 526 502 2.018 68 1.435 428 581 422 813 645 217 340 2,487 176 510 191 331 473 1,227 69 1 ■" 15 15 1 5 5 55 26 22 5 11 15 31 20 70 5 20 30 1 11 25 28 5 5 10 15 71 1 8 15 20 1 5 5 66 41 23 '"5 11 15 '31 20 72 5 5 20 30 1 11 25 29 5 5 10 16 73 46 12 1 10 25 1 "2 24 83 1 '3 13 6 '3 31 74 25 43 13 30 14 6 9 68 20 7 7 19 75 49 16 1 15 27 "3 2 27 98 2 "3 19 16 6 36 76 35 r^ 30 16 10 9 32 20 7 7 19 77 1,662 as 5 1,035 771 1,177 1.359 1.220 588 1,735 532 740 499 726 528 1,493 78 1,291 793 861 594 1,050 1,395 914 475 1,335 500 519 544 609 605 1-,185 79 2.448 975 1.117 858 1,704 1,497 1,289 695 2.724 545 769 579 754 698 2,129 30 1.535 845 900 524 1.308 1,499 972 530 1,938 522 698 552 537 562 1,434 31 319 425 666 779 44 951 617 518 424 704 509 592 727 541 638 32 662 714 853 692 301 1,055 889 692 938 1,247 703 504 1,184 590 849 83 1.287 755 1.295 893 539 1,422 1,112 547 1,927 1.085 886 677 1.270 960 891 84 1,491 1,164 1.244 381 2,187 1,165 764 715 2,405 1,220 896 740 1,254 828 1,230 85 344 328 442 468 20 547 565 471 450 763 397 408 546 410 572 36 389 400 432 400 395 494 437 494 524 740 357 294 535 403 438 37 98 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 6.-FARM LABOR AND SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES: CENSUSES OF [Data are based on reports for only (For definitions and explanations, see text) Estimated number of farms 1954 . . . 1950... Keck of October 24-30:^ Family and/or hired workers farms reporting 195*1.. 1950.. persons 1954 . . 1950.. Family workers, including operator farms reporting 1954. . 1950.. Operators working 1 or more hours persons 1954 . . 1950 . . 1 to 14 hours persons 1954 . . 15 or more hours persons 1954 . . Unpaid members of operator's family farms reporting 1954.. 1950 . . persons 1954 . . 1950 . . Hired workers farms reporting 1954 . . 1950 . . persons 1954 . . 1950.. Regular workers (employed 150 or more days) farms reporting 1954 . . persons 1954 . . Seasonal workers (employed less than 150 days) farms reporting 1954. . persons 1954 . . SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Specified farm expenditures^ farms reporting 1954.. 1949 . . Machine hire and/or hired labor farms reporting 1954 . . 1949 . . Machine hire farms reporting 1954 . . 1949.. dollars 1954.. 1949 . . Hired labor farms reporting 1954 . . 1949 . , dollars 1954.. 1949 . , $1 to $99 farms reporting 1954 . , $100 to $199 farms reporting 1954 . . $200 to $499 farms reporting 1954. . $500 to $999 farms reporting 1954. . $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting 1954.. $2,500 and over farms reporting 1954.. Feed for livestock and poultry. .farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. dollars 1954 . . 1949 . , Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil farms reporting 1954.. 1949 . . dollars 1954 . . 1949 . . Commercial fertilizer farms reporting 1954. . dollars 1954 . . tons 1954 . , acres on which used 1954 . . Lime and liming materials farms reporting 1954. tons 1954 . dollars 1954.. acres limed 1954.. USE OF COmERCIAL FERTILIZER Crops OB which coaaercial fertilizer was used, 1954: Hay and cropland pasture farms reporting . tons . acres on which used . Other pasture farms reporting. tons, acres on which used. Com farms reporting. tons, acres on which used . Cotton farms reporting . tons, acres on which used . Fruits, vegetables, and potatoes farms reporting. tons. acres on which used . Other crops farms reporting. tons, acres on which used. 215,912 251.383 186,877 205,096 468,992 362,954 185,047 202.699 180,053 190,649 41 .036 139,017 88,406 76,161 169,041 117,034 19,632 14.553 119.898 55,271 5,065 17,845 16,543 102,053 207.682 205,190 150,897 142,389 115,709 113.108 19,145,943 15,965.745 86,755 81 , 170 46,030,527 44,062,818 40.862 17,366 15.916 5,374 3,914 3,323 120,282 124,092 46,052,314 25,889,511 84,584 54,423 23,543,«)6 15,507,810 180,487 40,781,215 708,729 4.449,643 6,337 136,113 1,009,528 215,325 15 301 56 655 406 391 5 436 29 689 224 793 119 261 203 371 1.385 892 147 773 340 305 1,920 353 21 728 34,831 134 774 10 007 38 545 365 396 1,039 1,071 860 934 2,438 2,001 846 907 796 831 281 515 464 465 873 772 156 136 759 393 125 564 1,032 793 659 417 419 214 32,500 22,593 494 312 225,131 250,073 348 21 43 29 23 30 535 575 142,797 210,501 353 173 89,420 66 , 224 583 76,174 1,557 1.1375 22 1,230 7,525 1.742 29 192 2.084 32 520 2,279 289 175 1.877 453 559 3.757 121 21 189 .303 2.414 3,050 2,094 2,433 3,985 3.293 2,084 2,428 2,031 2.297 746 1.285 875 553 1,426 327 138 91 529 174 132 503 2,414 2.459 1,699 1.829 1,324 1,409 87,910 76,345 1,114 1,059 184,985 126,205 650 210 172 55 21 5 1,453 1.579 256,320 165.935 1,183 739 155,320 97,093 2,018 361.600 7.686 41,912 77 810 2.700 985 106 240 1.415 67 145 1,225 1.732 3,032 21,700 1,707 3,992 16,933 220 92 290 77 51 409 2,705 2,947 2,130 2,257 4,663 4,074 2,111 2,215 1,964 1.947 382 1.532 1,022 1,140 1,790 1,837 243 194 909 290 227 833 2,695 2,364 1,934 1,137 1.339 563 128,575 44,503 1.319 827 258,715 127,228 323 208 181 49 35 13 2,073 1.305 ,075,565 794,269 923 476 125,746 77,351 2,352 474,573 3,833 44,433 164 2,605 18,706 4,085 375 1,709 7,935 120 477 3,328 2,036 3,112 9,354 1,646 2,343 0,935 700 326 923 121 290 1,533 3,129 3,545 2,712 3.131 5,377 5,157 2.574 3,119 2,604 2,844 678 1,925 1,048 1 , 457 1,950 2,102 241 111 823 211 68 142 198 681 3,124 3,073 1,964 1,837 973 1,470 71.467 64,258 1,559 761 383.008 140.330 732 362 287 64 40 24 2.374 2,362 441,591 309,453 1,207 782 175,320 121,433 2,601 472.967 9.672 53,177 124 3.932 11,176 4.361 203 754 5.204 117 589 3,550 2,120 3,421 23,546 2,069 4,600 19.277 211 95 333 143 204 1,122 1.467 1,753 1.292 1.455 3,405 2,502 1,291 1,445 1,271 1,354 115 1,156 692 610 1,493 936 104 642 202 79 590 1,322 1,375 1,047 922 752 533 60.039 34.262 515 592 157,022 34,550 355 85 96 33 23 13 592 900 126,439 95,323 493 394 106,259 81,454 1,322 376,263 6,887 34,585 39 1,030 6.445 1.050 71 750 3.433 35 117 985 2.354 15,231 1,206 3,424 13,919 55 37 95 82 114 622 5,333 9,436 6,128 6,764 23,641 13,148 6,037 5,680 5,942' 6,474 1,295 4,547 3,484 1,195 3,111 1,663 970 591 9,533 5,011 242 ,346 850 8,242 6,831 3,525 6,464 7,989 5.738 7,421 1,623,638 1.648,365 3,574 4,119 4,152.368 4,640,519 900 690 1,036 341 283 324 1.620 3,486 285,014 494,787 2,316 2,785 1,760,836 1,447,656 6.534 1,849,993 22,434 213,488 39 5,085 24,462 5.670 147 1,098 12.999 53 150 2.918 1,568 1,439 13,507 6,383 15,361 134,701 27 40 390 445 3,105 45,771 2,1 3,167 2,359 2,506 5,077 4,335 2,351 2,500 2,316 2,359 385 1,931 1,223 1,223 2,174 1,727 165 113 587 250 136 526 2,673 2,639 1,714 1,963 1,406 1,732 153,299 137,135 739 992 202,525 225,865 335 175 181 54 28 16 1,895 1,946 374,429 253,725 1.427 894 323,574 126,376 2,203 493,025 10,356 55,814 172 3,644 20,459 4,169 180 591 3,705 102 434 3,670 1,488 3,654 25,115 1,926 5,017 20,775 202 716 127 362 1.433 For 1950. "Week preceding enumeration. Excludes fanns reporting commercial fertilizer and lime. MISSISSIPPI 99 1954 AND 1950; AND USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER: CENSUS OF 1954 a sample of f armfl . See tejtt] Chicliasau Choctaw Claiborne Clarke Clay Coahoma Copiah Covington De Soto Forrest Franklin George Greene Grenada Hancock 2. ',12 1,633 1,194 2,222 1.993 5,112 2,733 2,152 3.347 1,271 1,278 1.432 1,128 1,421 705 1 2.943 1,721 1,310 2,326 2.128 6,411 3,498 2,482 4.396 1,316 1,236 1.212 944 1,534 662 2 2,287 1,228 1,034 1,717 1.713 4,902 2,348 1,731 3.523 1,111 773 1.057 933 1,291 571 3 2,593 1,424 1,060 1,911 1.812 3,899 3,016 2,240 3,840 956 988 924 815 1,405 349 4 6,04t 1,973 2,727 2,339 3.147 17,553 4,873 2,955 10,498 1,873 1,392 1.559 1,628 5,498 933 5 3,940 2,383 2,042 3,373 3.190 8,695 5,961 3,387 5,847 1,530 1,615 1.555 1,378 2,674 570 6 2.259 1,228 1,019 1,690 1,693 4,857 2,324 1,759 3.586 1,107 759 1,046 932 1,266 565 7 2,580 1,399 1,072 1.877 1.802 3,817 2,980 2,235 3,761 926 987 904 809 1.405 344 3 2.202 1,173 1.009 1.615 1.623 4,801 2,289 1,597 3,494 1,105 558 1,005 '660 1.240 520 9 2.450 1,318 965 1,757 1,642 3,667 2,734 2,050 3,519 856 942 818 698 1.325 294 10 450 318 432 667 450 474 578 732 538 413 258 482 308 159 159 11 1.752 855 577 948 1,173 4,327 1,711 965 2,956 692 790 523 572 1,081 361 12 982 459 387 355 652 3,326 1,013 560 2,364 295 277 215 358 728 180 13 852 592 515 964 843 791 1,568 1,055 1,351 371 393 434 341 654 162 U 1.776 561 661 439 1,024 6,853 1,715 818 4,302 444 416 309 575 1,677 206 15 1.229 972 834 l,4ii5 1,293 1,019 2,545 1.620 2,074 505 570 615 558 1,059 257 16 359 91 195 122 143 481 248 184 385 146 85 66 114 246 58 17 126 66 87 138 HI 422 275 103 378 94 66 68 73 108 38 16 2,068 239 1.057 285 500 5,909 868 440 2,702 324 316 245 173 2,581 207 19 261 93 243 171 255 4,009 582 207 1,254 169 103 122 122 290 119 20 63 15 51 38 38 127 83 34 172 39 19 17 15 50 30 21 169 23 130 58 73 966 173 42 579 54 32 27 20 145 82 22 325 77 166 85 115 413 190 154 273 118 79 60 100 227 46 23 1.899 216 927 227 427 4,943 595 398 2,123 260 285 218 153 2,436 125 24 2,507 1,633 1.144 2,092 1,767 5.112 2,718 2.046 3,836 1,241 1,263 1,337 1,098 1,251 701 25 2,670 1,321 967 1,873 1,614 6,008 3,079 2.238 3,507 1,043 970 975 855 1,376 426 26 1,881 928 602 1,596 1,265 4,331 1,824 1,519 2,949 776 565 559 612 929 330 27 1.990 630 451 802 313 5,707 1,707 1,572 2,926 463 424 480 409 765 179 23 1.509 599 368 1,382 846 4,493 1,166 1,147 2,271 447 401 475 462 558 274 29 1,793 406 247 467 513 5,265 1,020 1,390 2,331 289 233 351 251 722 147 30 171,453 25,136 54,978 90,358 87,185 1,582,349 112,372 86,835 328,993 34,908 27,083 34,450 51,110 115,825 31.110 31 153,415 24,325 26,212 47,365 48,165 1,229,482 54,100 95,387 261,456 17,175 13,485 19,285 11,225 98,481 e.884 32 1.181 572 464 788 775 2,545 1,321 854 1,804 552 355 323 350 703 123 33 919 445 331 636 603 2,365 1,225 827 1,716 253 314 250 273 624 94 34 325,134 212,670 234,918 176,947 210,347 2,586,375 335,055 175,975 1,159.445 179,591 77,040 102,165 61,308 314,510 85.454 35 183,323 37,237 193,110 105,600 141,872 4,255,973 274,462 92,053 1,202,556 142,996 56,905 45,895 32,590 263,109 45.506 36 600 425 235 471 441 810 825 405 1,132 318 224 155 182 280 55 37 274 56 59 132 117 720 175 222 203 71 63 35 65 115 10 38 196 61 80 109 137 586 183 135 203 112 39 77 83 184 15 39 45 20 38 44 39 122 63 45 84 22 12 36 13 53 12 40 37 2 28 22 31 106 53 34 84 19 12 13 4 41 24 41 29 8 24 10 10 202 22 2 98 10 5 6 3 20 5 42 1,606 1,413 875 1,448 1,236 957 1,699 1,130 2,157 944 1.096 929 853 525 564 43 1,782 1,037 717 1,397 1,192 1.962 2,170 1.442 1,869 869 814 849 589 896 359 44 358,217 226,149 165,384 649,547 445,712 289,747 647,923 355,520 1,464,657 423.057 323.707 265,535 252,541 143,905 348.214 45 246,937 105,330 96,042 193,952 242,788 270,440 459,609 228,565 1,478,001 332,140 135.190 202,430 65,090 150,077 149.210 46 987 647 429 593 500 1,839 1,397 904 1,394 556 509 666 439 645 345 47 674 276 262 344 384 1.406 1,468 722 776 373 345 310 205 319 239 48 211,174 70,387 134,210 90,013 144,934 1,125,943 198,319 123.815 419,901 87,741 62.219 85,655 54,920 159,934 43.347 49 136.986 31.840 97,722 44,085 85,063 1,057,198 174,599 76,785 293,509 54,138 46.513 38,213 20,111 143,825 25.205 50 1 . 896 1.398 774 1,887 1,173 4,714 2,128 1.964 2,918 966 370 1,117 965 1,204 520 51 301.506 199.814 183,391 286,033 208,776 1,393,075 429.016 397.826 564,445 166,591 135.039 256,071 150,561 252,948 111.037 52 6.500 4.074 2,858 5,769 3.984 16,055 9.155 7.615 9,821 3,373 2.840 5,240 3,439 5.072 2.153 53 37,883 23,096 20.717 31,350 22.529 144,707 41.533 47.454 65,690 16,559 19.584 28,396 21,193 30.124 11.914 54 52 43 25 128 44 35 97 176 58 113 19 22 51 75 82 55 1.735 824 1.294 1,995 1,148 3.251 1,594 3.741 3.788 3.741 175 274 1,016 1,350 818 56 6.956 5 . 360 7.701 13,537 4.042 19,525 11.582 17.960 20,178 20,350 1.530 1,394 5,678 9,635 7,207 57 1,917 1.298 2,374 2,925 1,265 3,214 2.051 4,700 3,349 4,693 235 413 1,765 2,059 1,285 58 81 160 81 345 51 50 244 3'3 121 195 57 170 95 51 148 59 231 341 588 804 439 386 796 1,086 831 803 233 619 126 440 770 60 2.089 1.854 5.694 5,556 3,275 5,374 5.731 8,120 5,246 3,953 2.972 3,229 1,378 3,462 4,335 61 39 33 24 61 53 37 137 79 45 88 71 76 37 32 13 62 ,70 114 160 227 302 195 929 344 229 533 650 314 89 300 74 63 3,o36 973 1.311 1,145 1,904 3,975 6.028 3,190 1,632 2,476 5.146 2,041 680 2,510 1,075 64 800 1,281 452 1,585 522 1,341 1.540 1,739 1,159 759 705 1,009 907 619 318 65 1.629 1.'370 717 2.856 892 2,470 2,358 2,732 2.043 1,078 1.206 3,374 2,065 1,018 520 66 11.881 13,410 5,659 15.656 5,993 20,301 12,756 20,023 15,951 5,957 7.911 16,426 11,100 8.088 2,016 67 1,681 1,023 657 1.142 946 4,657 1,531 1,515 2,709 264 420 275 346 1.112 15 63 3,845 1,417 1,058 1,423 1,999 11,535 2,491 2,781 5,094 395 546 542 426 3.123 16 69 18.1b5 5.846 6,325 5,530 9,271 98,338 11,023 12,072 39,119 1,742 2.673 1,579 1,426 15.025 55 70 156 175 16 547 11 10 885 844 22 322 176 495 367 35 377 71 113 137 14 172 6 1 2,353 510 54 203 115 1,224 645 10 681 72 471 400 37 831 11 30 4,9/i6 2,074 165 729 381 4,523 6,182 60 4,230 73 88 152 31 121 73 155 123 101 150 94 15 66 25 27 56 74 200 88 303 226 336 1,259 204 166 544 350 62 105 38 145 105 75 1,754 486 1.733 1.472 1,975 15,903 1 , 209 2.045 3,919 1,647 288 503 179 327 277 76 100 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 6.-FARM LABOR AND SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES: CENSUSES OF ' [Data are based on reports for only Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Issaquena Jasper Estimated number of farms 1954 . 1950. nreli of October 24-30: ' Family and/or hired workers farms reporting 195-;.. 1950., persons 1954. , 1950 . , Family workers, including operator farms reporting 1954 . , 1950.. Operators working 1 or more hours persons 1954 . . 1950., 1 to 14 hours persons 1954 . , 15 or more hours persons 1954 . , Unpaid members of operator's family farms reporting 1954. , 1950 . . persons 1954 . , 1950., Hired workers farms reporting 1954 . , 1950 . , persons 1954 . 1950 . , Regular workers (employed 150 or more days) farms reporting 1954. persons 1954 . , Seasonal workers (employed less than 150 days) farms reporting 1954. , persons 1954 . SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Specified farm expenditures^ fanns reporting 1954. 1949 . Machine hire and/or hired labor farms reporting 1954 . 1949 . Machine hire farms reporting 1954 . 1949 . dollars 1954. 1949 . Hired labor farms reporting 1954 . 1949 . dollars 1954. 1949. $1 to $99 farms reporting 1954. $100 to $199 farms reporting 1954. $200 to $499 farms reporting 1954. $500 to $999 farms reporting 1954 . $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting 1954. $2,500 and over farms reporting 1954. Feed for livestock and poultry. -farms reporting 1954. 1949 . dollars 1954. 1949. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil farms reporting 1954 . 1949 . dollars 1954 . 1949. Commercial fertilizer farms reporting 1954. dollars 1954. tons 1954. acres on which used 1954 . Lime and liming materials farms reporting 1954. tons 1954. dollars 1954. acres limed 1954. USE OF COrtlERCIAl FERTILIZER Crops OB vhich coaacrcial fertilizer «Rs used, 1954: Hay and cropland pasture farms reporting . tons, acres on which used . Other pasture farms reporting . tons, acres on which used . Com farms reporting . tons, acres on which used. Cotton farms reporting . tons . acres on which used. Fruits, vegetables, and potatoes farms reporting. tons, acres on which used. Other crops farms reporting . tons, acres on which used. 979 1.122 789 879 1,242 1,554 769 858 748 778 363 385 275 376 328 561 53 94 166 215 32 123 949 909 302 274 199 177 21,360 28,200 166 194 127,185 175.275 68 21 35 9 10 23 813 738 329,080 302,064 352 224 46,736 39,956 642 120,946 2,975 11,314 69 627 5,565 902 93 928 49 346 299 499 1,943 407 1,116 4.426 40 70 240 4,629 5,005 4,149 4,363 9,807 8,187 4,099 4,263 3,953 4,067 938 3,015 1,747 1.800 3.538 3.026 487 385 2.316 1.094 114 2d3 396 2.053 4,604 3,571 2.345 2,382 1,460 1,652 227,919 166,020 1,638 1.517 660 . 370 465.823 806 299 229 126 128 50 3,373 2.191 609 , 821 442.169 1.060 1.207 359.583 228,663 3.696 893,476 16.191 93,278 116 3.398 23.255 4 , 5':)0 288 2.307 15.791 82 1.166 9.084 2.906 4,076 28.981 3.1D6 7.441 34,601 551 696 1.974 124 407 2,740 4,022 4,831 3,786 3,991 12,804 7,094 3,779 3,922 3,724 3,749 529 3,195 2,229 1,255 5,108 2,192 479 278 3.972 1.153 lis 496 438 3.476 3,886 3,712 3,295 2,599 2.873 2.099 449,005 345,439 1,221 1,367 995.720 718,468 571 209 220 75 64 82 1.779 1,674 316,425 154,409 1,079 736 440,704 291,308 3,378 768,097 11,645 82,623 60 3,262 16,793 4.060 65 516 5,784 52 363 5.431 2.454 2.939 23,804 3,156 7,119 41,665 42 142 623 66 482 5,064 2,664 3.238 2.534 2.461 12.095 5,189 2.490 2.417 2,437 2.347 57 2,380 1,868 522 3.887 667 414 342 5,771 2,175 100 692 373 5.079 2.654 2.766 2.462 2,551 2,244 2,035 723.922 556,322 1,672 1,706 ,692,676 .991.922 575 450 305 141 65 136 962 1.323 163,175 179,716 1,288 1.136 741 . 504 550,789 2.532 753.002 9,744 81,283 4 1,023 5.545 555 546 669 2.115 1.57G 534 663 524 646 90 434 331 203 841 296 750 634 49 290 606 558 556 376 460 272 107,631 157.965 231 296 517.259 565.854 25 40 61 62 10 33 22d 312 330,925 64,366 264 351 259,075 205.557 540 188.381 2,102 23.165 46 27 137 226 1.715 3,028 35 12 88 26 1.156 395 867 177 799 221 6,648 2,109 2,501 525 7,266 1,253 56,045 13.262 5 25 175 228 64 1,128 396 14,022 4,301 2,558 3,217 2,195 2.563 3.573 3.720 2.195 2,553 2,135 2,408 502 1,533 740 755 1.250 1.105 78 145 188 207 2.513 2,935 1,701 1.965 1,383 1,676 106,578 91,450 1,131 1,060 154,455 121,745 506 305 175 27 17 1 1,818 2.078 1,236,905 447,509 1,306 850 151,355 84,315 1,992 319.220 6,807 40.391 76 502 3,835 1,065 154 378 2,029 82 198 1,105 1,709 3,142 22,220 1,612 2,976 14,937 140 68 320 55 25 170 1,282 1.031 1,246 1,528 892 823 882 762 520 362 178 432 243 675 53 71 121 91 982 917 381 315 298 237 23,091 9,505 147 104 79.005 42.445 73 35 22 2 7 815 831 449,094 294,590 355 238 44,300 33,766 704 120,637 2,510 11.870 36 828 4.152 617 2.815 2.931 2,275 2,570 3,207 4.334 2,254 2,545 2,193 2,385 741 1,452 485 1,009 741 1,783 137 111 273 166 107 232 2,815 2.154 1,945 959 1.382 561 73.703 45.485 1.457 694 165.587 109,135 1.035 223 114 64 18 2 2.150 1.510 770,921 239,961 883 401 99,079 64,671 2,451 356.612 7.270 40,053 66 749 4.525 1.236 197 329 798 530 4,273 4,800 58 151 330 550 895 3.408 336 2,239 600 3,385 3,258 21.830 10 1.589 40 2,350 75 8,723 393 493 618 244 2,854 785 32 155 112 118 465 587 For 1950, "Week preceding eniimeratlon." ■^Excludes farms reporting commercial fertilizer and lime. MISSISSIPPI 1954 AND 1950; AND USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER: CENSUS OF 1954-Continued 101 a sample or farms. See text] JefferEOn nnvls Jones Kemper Lafayette Lamar Lauderdale Lawrence Leake Lee Leflore Lincoln Lowndes Madison Marion Marshall 2,456 2,538 1,549 2.549 1.796 3,754 4. 005 4,858 2,794 2.305 4.038 2,685 3,444 1 '' 2,808 2,925 1,592 2.895 2,056 4.131 4.952 5,119 2,950 2.928 4,390 2,885 4,108 2 ;.0b^ 3,052 2.031 2,087 1.354 1.822 1,565 3,324 3.591 4,578 2,329 1.981 3.527 1.970 3,139 3 2.383 3,188 2,424 2.400 1.248 2.144 1.859 3,580 4.038 4,535 2.450 2.446 3.864 2.418 3,596 4 4.145 4,880 2.755 5,704 2.385 3.212 2.900 5.830 8.559 15,085 4.455 5.150 10.328 3.705 9,998 5 3.713 5,900 4. 487 4,017 2,072 3.576 3.204 5,071 6.404 8,476 4.233 4,717 7.093 4.597 5,153 6 2.039 3,014 2.025 2,077 1,343 1.803 1,558 3,293 3,578 4,557 2,294 1,958 3,489 1.916 3,173 7 2.377 3,136 2.401 2,385 1,228 2.102 1.849 3.665 4,013 4,459 2.429 2.434 3.840 2,402 3,558 S 1.923 2,908 1.975 2,025 1.257 1,723 1,540 3.187 3,533 4,497 2,198 1.917 3. '422 1,865 3,113 9 2,192 2.836 2.300 2,238 1,148 1,962 1,738 3.495 3,353 4,349 2,219 2.294 3,550 2,212 3,351 10 ;i01 1,072 1.017 308 411 598 513 861 732 339 719 450 859 399 288 11 I.' 22 1,836 958 1,717 846 1,025 1,027 2.326 2.801 4,158 1.479 1.467 2,553 1,456 2,325 12 SiO 915 33 5 1,071 506 509 369 1.139 1.703 3,061 852 901 1,779 708 2,033 13 852 1 . M4e 1.1 2J 1,044 446 947 777 1.535 1.437 929 1.317 1.053 1,711 1.251 992 U 1.582 1.414 651 2,289 763 908 512 1,805 3.081 5.501 1.475 1.533 4.238 1,129 4.927 15 1,387 2,570 2.0_i5 1,517 711 1.427 1,257 2.356 2.248 1.357 1.807 1.705 2,690 2,116 1.343 16 229 275 51 264 98 224 134 257 493 417 252 289 423 249 284 17 96 218 106 128 93 155 91 153 140 405 138 189 289 152 168 18 540 553 129 1.390 365 58! 748 838 1.945 5.087 782 1,650 2,518 711 1.958 19 134 494 152 262 213 287 199 220 303 2,760 207 717 853 269 449 20 34 61 a 18 37 72 20 9 45 160 92 112 44 47 21 62 103 15 70 142 141 28 23 97 1,053 l..!-| 478 255 72 112 22 204 234 46 252 80 153 117 257 458 354 210 235 349 219 251 23 578 455 114 1,320 223 440 720 815 1,348 4,024 582 1,172 2,353 639 1.845 24 2.449 3.632 2.356 2,458 1,539 2.083 1,791 3,734 3,790 4,838 2,534 2,165 3,927 2.210 3.434 25 2,115 3.271 2.3.» 2,554 1,332 2.099 1.716 3,300 4,339 5,376 2,335 2,201 3,265 2.111 3,306 26 2,028 1,749 1.261 1,740 824 1,154 1.379 2.584 2,804 4,691 1,518 1,784 3,403 1,375 2,530 27 1,535 1,679 1.256 1,904 777 1.179 1.010 2.220 3,257 5,133 1,124 1,228 2,186 1.185 2,803 28 1,760 1.156 947 1,081 557 812 853 2,140 2,275 4,528 1,095 1,162 2,874 906 1,213 29 1,090 1.124 938 1,532 581 784 585 1,753 2,625 4,859 805 863 1,592 758 2,302 30 165,620 92.31,2 46 . 775 101,588 45,452 100,730 61.910 144,242 241,944 1,453,581 93,108 141,906 306,454 72,090 167,103 31 45,650 54.801 68.440 93,405 38.290 37,226 40.567 62,220 214,085 1,011.427 37,145 116,985 139.458 41,868 150,540 32 1,098 1.237 534 1,305 579 713 1.013 1,593 1.653 1,185 987 1,228 1,911 1,020 1,830 33 900 1.054 665 1.114 511 719 660 1,170 2,012 2.323 574 793 1.319 900 1,425 34 332,729 377.650 70.456 299,892 271.350 253.181 199.170 215.510 442,775 1,853,406 229,922 730,002 575.429 255,165 671,223 35 106,911 247.415 46.260 140,816 208.031 194.056 125,904 97,655 324,839 2,052,566 37,136 772,363 415.559 125,465 405,765 36 510 568 346 587 262 371 455 915 685 310 475 431 1.041 405 495 37 201 237 90 306 116 127 255 345 350 250 183 331 316 356 529 38 259 259 48 324 99 101 204 270 416 255 218 272 235 141 575 39 74 65 38 51 68 37 58 41 114 94 55 74 162 55 119 40 42 58 11 28 26 59 22 25 63 101 49 53 107 52 72 41 12 30 1 9 8 23 4 2 25 175 7 57 50 10 40 42 1.470 2,998 1.949 1,500 1,261 1.660 1,143 2.703 2.393 594 1,946 1,311 1.525 1,335 2,003 43 1.082 2,529 1.555 1,808 988 1.537 1.115 2.204 2,960 1,520 1,796 1.611 1.772 1,379 1,955 44 565.880 1.298.481 263.091 344,091 477.343 547.240 180.905 1,245.357 735.101 242,007 697,575 581.032 402 ,009 402,936 475,881 45 112,999 617,652 128.760 268,685 166.228 239.908 132.076 339.220 555 . 570 213.888 419,324 550.487 253,988 285,300 381,783 46 994 1,585 902 951 534 775 650 1.404 1.819 1 . 547 1,038 964 1,240 967 1,255 47 519 798 642 807 452 190 349 735 1.174 1,197 514 762 695 456 587 48 115.927 189.356 81.923 197,722 84.593 151.959 82.457 149.490 304,020 1.010.862 133,879 293,679 324,622 115,414 252,058 49 44,769 111.764 59.837 118.520 70 . 855 49,557 48.222 76.520 222,072 816,051 67.181 243,979 227,342 66,357 160,749 50 2,292 2.889 2,070 2.068 1.217 2,051 1.644 3,334 3,099 4,546 2,261 1,855 3,721 2,124 3,125 51 535,215 561.147 364.209 470,556 280,492 382.720 317,051 550,519 530,755 1,318,014 424,094 362,441 386,233 491 , 455 705,118 52 10.410 11,238 6.895 9.540 5,591 6.951 5.414 11,080 10,627 15,791 8,733 8,006 17,746 9.057 13,752 33 59,430 54,886 42.175 46.868 31,166 37.201 35.598 56,184 60,989 139,015 46.503 55,309 101,692 51.805 54,578 54 156 168 b4 56 85 183 32 107 46 85 177 31 154 176 72 55 3,767 1,924 1.062 1,444 2.625 4,155 588 2,455 520 8,162 2,875 881 5,520 2,215 3.082 56 19.446 ia.ll3 6,717 5,621 15.516 19.285 5,460 13.093 5,010 55,790 20,181 2,989 31 , 569 17.074 12,556 57 4.108 3.360 1,562 2,140 2.690 4.914 740 2,858 890 5,150 4,709 771 8,459 4.001 4.352 58 347 554 191 149 256 310 171 318 199 73 588 129 148 521 77 59 900 1.733 363 472 682 629 517 490 614 428 1,834 714 1,314 1.245 424 60 6,798 10,298 2 , C.34 2.859 5.012 5,145 3,971 3.564 3,833 7,040 9,396 5,511 9.519 9.263 3,473 61 117 207 41 63 72 92 98 119 51 26 148 90 72 143 11 62 537 834 154 278 518 300 434 260 259 280 990 475 946 674 101 63 2,870 5,339 1,960 1,664 2.168 1,952 2.240 1.390 1,824 4.604 5.992 3.025 7.817 4.375 874 64 2.090 2,465 1,913 1.648 1.048 1.776 1,515 2,925 2,097 1.519 1,370 1,238 2.639 1,838 1,883 65 3.680 4,417 3,164 3,294 1.775 3.172 2,522 4,425 3,077 1.925 3,333 2.305 4,490 3,553 3,244 66 27.395 23.C24 23,973 20.596 11.283 18.589 18,950 26,969 22,410 15,998 18,772 19,978 32,745 23,940 20,835 67 1,963 1.514 1,653 1.794 705 1,060 1,288 2,596 2,568 4,505 1,228 1,571 3,499 1.458 2.957 68 4,488 2.982 2,944 5.139 1.193 2,130 2.486 5,466 5,331 10.601 2,008 3,575 9.445 2,807 9,575 69 18.666 10 . 529 12,559 20.279 4,804 8.010 10.545 21,486 29,850 84,524 8,245 19.575 41.408 11,584 38,143 70 1.284 721 160 193 687 658 305 442 135 2 430 211 112 483 135 71 669 1,029 91 235 1,221 344 178 146 89 1 226 244 51 544 114 72 2.877 2,787 435 871 6.657 1,585 460 560 200 2 620 1,315 188 1,960 341 73 58 166 132 74 51 179 79 117 140 191 152 143 178 142 107 74 114 254 154 81 178 365 52 172 304 2.497 352 626 1.426 189 309 75 939 1,621 849 432 1.052 1.838 406 1.118 2,288 26.633 2,294 5,376 10,366 1,360 1,399 76 102 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 6.-FARM LABOR AND SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES: CENSUSES OF £Data are based on reports for only Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Montgomery Pearl River Perry Estimated number of farms 1954 . 1950. FARM LABOR Week of October 24-30: ' Family and/or hired workers farms reporting 1954... 1950... persons 1954 . . . 1950 . . . Family workers, including operator farms reporting Operators working 1 or more hours persons 1 to 14 hours persons 15 or more hours persons Unpaid members of operator's family farms reporting persons Hired workers . .farms reporting persons Regular workers (employed 150 or more days ) farms reporting persons Seasonal workers (employed less than 150 days) farms reporting persons 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. SPECIFIH) FARM EXPENDITDRES Specified farm expenditures^ farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. Machine hire and/or hired labor farms reporting 1954 . . 1949.. Machine hire farms reporting 1954 . . 1949 . . dollars 1954 . . 1949.. Hired labor farms reporting 1954 . . 1949 . . dollars 1954 . . 1949 . . $1 to $99 farms reporting 1954 . . $100 to $199 farms reporting 1954 . . $200 to $499 farms reporting 1954 . . $500 to $999 farms reporting 1954 . . $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting 1954.. $2,500 and over farms reporting 1954.. Feed for livestock and poultry. .farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. dollars 1954 . . 1949 . . Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil farms reporting 1954. . 1949.. dollars 1954.. 1949 . . Commercial fertilizer farms reporting 1954.. dollars 1954 . . tons 1954.. acres on which used 1954 . . Lime and liming materials farms reporting 1954.. tons 1954.. dollars 1954.. acres limed 1954 . . USE OF CCHMERCIAL FERTILIZER Crops OD «hich coBBercial fertilizer was used, 1954: Hay and cropland pasture farms reporting . . tons. . acres on which used . . Other pasture farms reporting . . tons. . acres on which used.. Com farms reporting. . tons. . acres on which used . . Cotton farms reporting . . tons. . acres on which used . ■ Fruits, vegetables, and potatoes farms reporting.. tons. . acres on which used . . Other crops farms reporting . . tons. . acres on which used . . 3,699 4.369 3.069 3.784 7.160 6,044 3,045 3,755 2,950 3.594 512 2,438 1,431 1,144 3,011 1,671 223 208 1,199 779 75 161 160 ,038 3,659 3,633 2,322 2,770 1,573 2,229 194,947 210,205 1,475 1,527 537,275 555,648 627 335 287 111 76 39 2,460 2,082 711,094 414,971 1.882 1,281 419,505 290 . 179 2,778 698,263 13,489 85,179 78 4,129 17,597 4,259 270 1,064 7.025 77 591 6,364 1,690 3,886 30,509 2,486 6,717 33,837 86 72 525 250 1,043 6,384 1,649 1,929 1,452 1,617 2,657 2,564 1.425 1,605 1,405 1,470 346 1,059 559 653 909 1,030 106 50 343 64 102 288 1,402 1.493 1,056 855 901 565 105,320 53,848 531 504 164,603 51,413 245 155 70 15 24 22 962 1.098 238,638 167,343 696 287 112,789 47,784 1,320 212,242 4,657 23,091 1,182 4,717 839 65 355 1.640 31 234 1,389 855 1,406 9,698 1,079 2,508 9,715 46 23 73 24 69 506 3,570 4,154 3,134 3,333 5,479 5,895 3,116 3,317 2.981 3,037 556 2,425 1,422 1,670 2,018 2,710 200 107 480 148 ISO 431 3,360 3,169 2,065 1,693 1.424 1,245 81,777 62.155 1.205 933 149,554 118,279 792 238 133 27 11 2,097 2,288 600,819 352,540 1.472 709 143,081 87,872 3,124 623.276 11.877 55.379 135 2,329 15,088 3,180 665 1,449 8,933 135 301 2.535 2.895 5.057 32.316 2,497 4,743 18,690 447 199 744 119 109 962 2,784 3,263 2,163 2,589 3,933 4,124 2,112 2.579 2.011 2,419 487 1.524 709 1,025 1.078 1,410 301 183 344 295 71 121 251 723 2,779 2.515 1.961 1,335 1.492 307 99,218 50.557 1.275 970 240.210 208.075 890 157 134 32 40 12 2.118 1,764 311,581 555,527 1.282 535 185.569 97,757 2.365 494,533 9.101 52,917 102 1.350 8,872 2,111 604 1.056 8,358 96 300 2,242 2,164 4.123 27,927 1,722 3.128 11,679 229 153 415 112 221 1.400 2.638 3.239 2.198 2.943 4,671 5,783 2,171 2,912 2,126 2.710 530 1,446 839 1,255 1,475 2.059 175 250 1,059 1,014 99 295 102 774 2,038 2.409 1.203 1,349 894 961 122.954 135.651 688 353 529.334 402.638 342 99 74 83 57 33 1.651 1,630 795 , 487 427,627 550 592 201,903 157,081 2.113 428.270 10.087 50.874 64 4,473 13,295 3,879 33 1,943 10,122 52 1.191 5.586 889 1,174 8,176 1,809 4,625 20,132 36 26 51 119 1,031 5,992 2,065 2,262 1.300 1,346 3,570 4,253 1.755 1.818 1.655 1.636 637 1.013 807 1.017 1,292 1,873 210 193 723 744 87 270 149 453 1,835 1,782 1,125 771 786 435 70,246 38,886 579 525 343,031 374,159 338 131 102 54 23 31 1.504 1,550 891.500 590,874 442 340 122,065 133,951 1.114 124,051 2.422 15,315 15 722 2,427 502 83 209 1,948 34 199 1,187 569 330 6,184 833 927 4.589 52 13 58 90 221 1,425 4.594 5.154 4,215 4,444 10.857 7.319 4.175 4.385 4,115 4,156 921 3,194 2,479 1,435 5,184 2,294 320 297 1.558 869 89 231 256 1,327 4,454 3.803 3,498 2.556 2.878 1,955 442.576 240,746 1,470 1.661 559.123 634,582 593 349 323 89 71 45 1,820 2.051 419.874 401.393 2.014 906 535,985 304.680 3,789 759,167 13,673 71.610 92 5,847 33,595 8,702 31 565 4,001 29 121 1,046 1,675 3,193 17,248 3,527 9,192 45,736 58 37 227 95 543 4,095 1,772 1,353 1.482 1.237 2.908 2.047 1.446 1,214 1.411 1,109 595 816 413 433 516 594 153 161 981 344 87 214 96 757 1,543 1,509 758 712 599 190.618 107.710 398 318 311.556 343.981 132 48 58 79 40 41 1,256 1,169 531.309 370,091 635 376 192.304 95.241 1.401 793.257 21,311 83.044 176 3.897 33.680 5,892 333 2,871 13,439 154 1,363 7,326 930 2,190 7,827 100 150 600 569 14,476 51,726 73 250 1,675 1,020 1,094 795 908 1,290 1,930 732 902 757 812 355 401 271 446 415 35 127 113 432 755 985 475 548 306 410 22,008 18.520 234 308 88.625 80,082 145 36 49 32 19 3 520 684 295.135 67.360 323 284 43.109 45,230 859 143,161 3,034 18.075 18 126 681 355 112 259 2,233 33 139 990 748 1,428 7,529 313 447 1.301 331 704 5,118 50 36 190 ^Por 1950. "Week preceding enumeration." Excludes farms reporting commercial fertilizer and lime. MISSISSIPPI 1954 AND 1950; AND USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER: CENSUS OF 1954-Continued 103 a sajnple of ranas . See text] Pontotoc Prentiss Quitman Rankin Scott Sharkey Simpson Smith Stone Sunflower Talla- hatchie Tate Tippah Tishomingo Tunica ^ ^!'- 2.830 3,730 2,857 2,89* 1.358 2,738 2,702 631 5,890 4.412 2,960 2.593 1.842 3.568 1 3.294 4.724 3.102 3,077 1.800 3,151 3,007 647 8,984 5.277 3,353 2.980 2.371 4.579 2 2,940 2. as 3,510 2,517 2,299 1.248 2,233 2,042 571 6,015 4.125 2,785 2.242 1.407 3.565 3 3,«19 2.721 3,681 2,605 2,253 1.333 2,565 2,502 519 7,300 4.426 2,393 2.690 1.911 3.965 4 a.OBi 6.288 11,839 4,573 5,109 4.418 4,288 3,483 863 21,820 11.732 7,274 5.4A7 3.203 9,477 5 5. US 3.891 6.181 4,378 3.851 3,181 4,487 3,942 977 12,969 7.956 4,443 4.455 2.559 7,187 6 2.938 2,440 3.479 2,504 2.252 1,232 2,195 2,024 561 5,904 4.095 2,750 2.232 1.391 3,534 7 3,374 2,706 3.613 2.583 2,236 1,313 2,550 2.472 519 7,215 4.390 2,850 2.675 1.900 3,922 8 2,888 2,370 3,419 2.423 2,236 1,211 2,134 1,979 530 5,777 4,055 2,698 2.155 1.316 3,419 9 :!,209 2,581 3,513 2.421 2,051 1.247 2.433 2.312 429 6,954 4,203 2,768 2.509 1.825 3,810 10 421 607 479 891 726 365 566 478 325 858 436 207 520 270 191 11 2,467 1,763 2,940 1.532 1.510 846 1.568 1,501 204 4,909 3,619 2,491 1.546 1,046 3,228 12 1 . 3c 2 1,493 2,388 915 708 574 790 716 169 3,532 2.357 1,855 1,138 650 2,260 13 1,282 809 764 1,052 937 429 1.093 972 354 1,225 1,337 801 1,224 545 533 U 2,224 2,583 5,005 1.362 1,257 1,171 1,437 1,200 297 7,487 4,930 3,580 2,219 1,040 4,538 15 l,o83 1,075 1,042 1,528 1,611 597 1,824 1.438 496 1,568 2,029 1,185 1,775 785 868 16 21 ^ 287 517 221 318 136 234 156 19 779 376 251 252 192 175 17 132 148 315 192 136 208 155 132 41 707 296 201 117 21 232 18 ^"2 1,335 3,415 788 1,606 2.036 717 304 36 8.555 2,747 996 1,062 847 1,520 19 220 235 1,626 429 189 1.337 230 192 52 4.447 1,724 490 172 49 2,509 20 21 25 99 91 47 55 25 13 16 225 141 53 41 1 124 21 47 40 472 167 HI 439 56 18 21 1.055 749 153 57 1 541 22 204 267 471 167 238 HI 228 147 5 555 290 212 235 191 96 23 925 1,295 2.943 621 1,495 1,597 661 286 15 7,500 1,998 833 1,005 346 979 24 3.299 2,575 3,730 2,657 2,644 1,348 2,723 2,687 626 6,890 4,377 2,950 2,373 1,667 3,668 25 3,597 2,782 4,010 2,595 2.324 1,390 2,545 2.371 261 8,344 4,070 2,743 2,782 1,884 4,370 26 2,065 1,643 3,463 1,518 1,468 1,223 2.023 1,414 232 6,660 3,895 2,339 1,512 1,221 3.211 27 2,722 2,101 3,620 1,182 1,324 1,149 1.688 1,345 120 8,049 3,279 2,266 2,252 1,238 4,190 28 1 ,640 1,262 3,094 995 1,051 1,058 1.379 899 190 6,089 2,031 2,054 1,232 945 3,045 29 2,284 1,425 3,279 698 899 929 1.117 952 97 7,550 2,827 1,790 1,949 907 3.968 30 149, Dl5 130,995 838,961 102,265 116,509 319,701 103,557 65.645 16,735 1,595.072 504,775 281 , 428 119,010 67,762 754,662 31 179.375 121,120 751,309 53,319 70,740 195,135 63,775 54.151 5,560 2.269.064 600,811 140,051 117,155 73,925 894,206 32 1.454 1,083 1,593 994 992 488 1,375 917 106 2.513 2,890 828 955 878 668 33 1,722 1,360 2.000 857 898 494 1,153 875 44 4.058 1.747 1,175 1,256 827 1,504 34 307,028 232,085 1.209,754 358,205 299,045 1,207.729 290,551 151,921 43.977 3.353.227 1,657,553 462,367 221,405 125,066 1,258,392 35 207.085 220,159 1,353,329 209,554 137,993 1.229.289 155.351 112,540 19.195 4.661.608 1,488,199 341,473 143,528 105,290 1,396,437 36 665 421 555 477 492 181 713 497 25 841 1,287 356 435 456 85 37 367 330 305 205 236 55 284 180 52 386 670 143 186 225 145 38 306 205 370 160 154 101 285 178 11 471 539 182 226 135 190 39 67 76 116 60 77 57 55 40 2 259 143 47 77 35 95 40 37 51 109 63 29 37 14 19 12 289 129 52 37 15 45 41 12 138 29 4 57 14 3 4 267 122 48 5 108 42 2,454 1,759 1,032 1,786 2,068 582 1.972 1,945 547 1.432 1,327 1,592 1,722 1,120 1,449 43 2,735 1,766 1,867 1,823 1,668 712 1,484 1,519 204 3.001 1,859 1,506 2,091 1,166 1,069 44 533,445 426,805 173,077 2,553,007 5,837,500 87.400 896,879 1,206,650 284,885 377,463 282,729 747,531 404,260 148.280 206,724 45 405,545 183,558 250,579 802,384 820,635 83.555 279,205 820.721 123.685 420,532 194,011 763,047 279,772 89.645 251,534 46 1,490 1,429 1,764 1,067 982 393 1,124 1.479 384 2,858 1,996 1,092 1,252 865 1,123 47 946 785 1,222 654 478 430 613 541 56 2,474 1,059 552 957 632 515 48 246,101 236.785 745,064 186,946 209,625 438.457 154,999 144.774 37,397 1,659,248 876,163 294,365 190,970 95.975 596,532 49 107,410 182.796 642,586 96.406 70,715 402.442 116,121 95,851 12,335 1,346,449 534,548 145,191 95,283 80.220 497,990 50 2,764 2.273 3,453 2.245 2,385 1.181 2,483 2,245 400 6,474 3,554 2,572 2.255 1.541 3,498 51 539,545 518,566 757,806 446,479 396,981 355,985 516,220 467,470 79,044 1,960,271 1,063.585 545,392 523.825 258,974 916,957 52 10,018 10,387 9,252 9.296 7.944 4,194 10,078 9,120 1,766 25,005 14.234 10 , 505 10,335 5.944 9,925 53 57,612 50,641 85,776 48,927 41.643 45,561 52,461 49,058 8.535 225 , 525 117,618 50,653 49,589 32,484 95,342 54. 143 36 M 130 76 90 46 17 54 24 107 158 50 4 55 1,857 345 4,670 2.902 1,692 1,031 1,040 895 10,512 1.855 2,342 2,242 175 567 56 5,550 1,550 19,791 19.239 9.640 6,259 5,557 5.970 41,589 11.039 14,786 14,190 1,925 2,277 57 1,800 325 3,765 3,433 2.369 1,282 827 910 9,647 2,955 2,353 3,353 450 330 58 109 175 84 308 2oO 10 324 274 51 173 47 84 97 242 53 59 318 238 212 1.119 356 97 589 650 226 1,224 194 580 214 288 344 60 1.875 1,560 3,476 7,730 2,493 2,255 3.314 4,625 1.783 15,975 1,709 3,278 853 1.981 3,988 61 40 45 28 142 35 32 159 71 33 66 29 42 41 67 17 62 ^J 70 104 965 198 92 593 390 247 595 240 333 77 116 18 63 800 675 1,978 5,991 1.330 1,589 4,330 2,956 1,179 7,833 3,629 1,951 1,220 875 170 64 2,136 1.832 1,062 1,912 2.158 401 2.166 2,103 307 1,735 1,936 1,327 1,953 1.365 1.441 65 3,414 3,952 1,447 3,347 3.604 486 3.753 3,676 724 1,974 3,208 2,733 4,268 2.723 1,527 66 2'., 590 25,470 12,395 18.676 21.756 5,196 24.288 23,126 3.249 19,168 28,471 14,657 26,369 17.037 12,729 67 2. '37 2.046 3,392 1,516 1,772 1,159 1.978 1,794 36 6,314 3,424 2,402 1,957 1,168 3,447 68 5 . 8d4 5.869 6,769 2,907 3,411 3,059 4.248 3,565 120 17,423 9,012 6,597 5,550 2,550 5,820 69 25,395 21,158 60,769 11,579 13.890 31,417 16,436 13,533 287 142,349 58,479 29,015 20,142 11.038 63.055 70 66 170 6 534 206 5 894 815 206 24 26 45 211 130 10 71 38 IJO 12 311 107 1 600 656 383 127 25 23 97 94 4 72 143 430 66 894 227 15 2,428 2,559 1,859 1.315 90 71 345 275 20 73 151 146 180 108 91 131 127 16 623 128 67 162 227 169 74 : ^ -. 149 584 645 264 424 258 208 42 3,516 1,336 200 165 158 1.169 75 1.288 6,445 3,382 1.869 5,884 1.581 1,545 226 38,647 17,520 1.259 1.000 1.008 15.414 76 104 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 6.-FARM LABOR AND SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950; AND USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER: CENSUS OF 1954-Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] (For definitions and explanations, see text) Washington Estljnated number of farms WS"* . 1950. FARM LABOR Week of October 24-30:' Family and/or hired workers farms reporting 195"^.. 1950.. persons 195^. . 1950.. Family workers, including operator farms reporting 1954 . . 1950.. Operators working 1 or more hours persons 1954. . 1950.. 1 to 14 hours persons 1954 . . 15 or more hours persons 1954 . . Unpaid members of operator's family farms reporting 1954.. 1950.. persons 1954 . . 1950.. Hired workers farms reporting 1954 . . 1950 . . persons 1954.. 1950.. Regular workers (employed 150 or more days ) farms reporting 1954 . . persons 1954 . . Seasonal workers (employed less than 150 days) farms reporting 1954.. persons 1954 . . SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Specified farm expenditures'' farms reporting 1954.. 1949 . . Machine hire and/or hired labor farms reporting 1954 . . 1949 . . Machine hire farms reporting 1954 . . 1949.. dollars 1954.. 1949.. Hired labor farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. dollars 1954.. 1949.. $1 to $99 farms reporting 1954. . $100 to $199 farms reporting 1954. . $200 to $499 farms reporting 1954.. $500 to $999 farms reporting 1954.. $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting 1954.. $2,500 and over farms reporting 1954.. Feed for livestock and poultry.. farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. dollars 1954.. 1949 . . Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil farms reporting 1954 . . 1949.. dollars 1954.. 1949.. Commercial fertiliser farms reporting 1954.. dollars 1954.. tons 1954.. acres on which used 1954.. Lime and liming materials farms reporting 1954.. tons 1954.. dollars 1954.. acres limed 1954 . . USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER Crops OD vhicb coBBcrciaL fertilizer was us«d, 1954: Hay and cropland pasture farms reporting. . . tons . . . acres on which used... Other pasture farms reporting . . . tons . . . acres on which used . . . Com farms reporting. . . tons — acres on which used . . . Cotton farms reporting. . . tons . . . acres on which used . . . Fruits, vegetables, and potatoes farms reporting... tons. . . acres on which used... Other crops farms reporting . . . tons. . . acres on which used... 3,075 3,564 2,519 3,057 5,971 4,949 2,509 3,037 2,459 2,937 710 1,749 1,116 1.295 2,017 1,800 302 132 1,495 212 30 65 282 1,430 2,750 3,200 1,918 2,269 1,442 1,867 136,325 123,240 1,268 1,434 256,045 168,520 661 310 235 30 27 5 1,959 2,412 691,460 403,345 1.450 795 219,990 108,315 2,520 501 , 870 9,775 51.042 76 965 4,570 1,270 143 229 1,687 60 84 400 2,015 3,718 24,814 2,258 5,609 23.340 60 22 122 731 2,576 2,860 2,281 2,404 5,424 4,502 2,271 2,389 2,185 2,174 227 1,958 1.252 1,237 2,607 2,119 191 122 632 209 37 75 159 557 2,566 2,090 1,976 1,284 1,161 907 125,636 51.250 1,544 834 239,110 127,850 946 335 148 62 48 5 1,535 1.327 729,176 362,700 1,176 490 116,440 57,805 2,305 606,577 11,827 59,665 128 2,890 18,403 2,889 441 2,349 10,656 160 593 3.369 2,038 4,012 26,954 1,776 3,976 16,360 552 380 1,129 152 499 1,607 1,292 1,574 1,237 1,172 3.224 2.025 1.233 1.120 1.202 1,050 338 864 583 396 804 544 182 203 1,218 431 69 178 146 1.040 1,246 1,316 786 679 604 335 129,939 33,123 539 599 491.797 288.276 199 88 100 39 65 48 216,226 169,359 495 357 195,158 112,932 625 144,287 2,230 22.333 2 125 788 100 42 180 3.125 22 116 2.109 372 843 8,468 487 882 6.910 36 9 73 30 188 1.454 4,409 5,730 3.938 4.417 14.252 9.992 3.895 4,307 3.842 4.137 983 2.859 2,053 839 3,913 1,194 498 633 5,497 4,651 243 1,491 400 5,006 4,394 4.527 3,898 3,842 3,181 3.231 921.955 980,529 1,628 1,987 3,910,131 4,279,245 490 300 261 180 109 288 1,103 2,040 353,341 356,791 1,903 1,522 1,567,823 1,227.127 4,098 1.492.820 16.418 157.757 54 3.068 18.715 2.735 118 782 11,262 50 285 4,490 908 1,018 9,419 4,013 11.290 100.303 27 44 224 356 2,825 41,930 1,941 2.278 1,411 1.509 2.346 2,924 1,405 1,496 1,369 1,354 471 898 407 973 726 1,445 83 77 251 124 16 18 1,635 1,402 1,073 570 525 257 26,607 13,285 742 449 109.203 58,465 412 127 145 48 1.023 1.023 210.455 132.470 656 325 92.592 28,955 1,553 290,352 6.024 34.884 18 223 892 208 201 374 2.726 30 70 598 1.450 3.105 22.023 1.085 2.094 7.823 335 192 615 92 102 581 1.859 2.094 1,624 1,793 2,888 2,564 1,620 1.793 1.609 1.708 413 1.195 503 509 833 815 115 59 446 141 lOO 398 1.729 1,559 1,087 1,124 833 903 52.859 47.777 570 634 123.200 69.725 271 141 117 22 16 3 1,173 1,253 253.408 192.895 647 459 124.475 78.800 1,544 271,176 5,595 31.238 121 3.445 14,155 3.780 155 318 2.920 44 256 2.165 1.242 2.022 12.408 1.287 2.730 10.480 105 44 165 95 352 1.532 1,394 1,505 1,209 1.253 3.217 2.727 1.199 1.245 1.105 1.168 120 985 882 759 1,824 1,456 114 50 287 103 38 83 84 204 1,389 1,213 886 230 340 89 38,953 12,729 755 183 164.655 52.789 580 82 58 12 20 13 1,188 921 188 , 435 56,796 335 187 84,824 28,441 1,054 126.988 2,242 18,024 109 4,969 23,455 4,930 55 578 4,024 28 240 2,122 803 672 6.631 775 534 4.804 151 52 296 26 36 280 2.631 3.104 2.371 2,677 4.142 5.172 2.366 2.651 2.270 2.415 517 1.753 1.075 1.519 1.648 2.572 109 122 224 184 42 46 2,531 2.557 1.935 1.521 1.383 1.166 93.574 54.305 1.339 871 163.748 87.265 866 255 155 53 1.774 1.683 299.845 144.345 1.131 705 113.764 81.760 2.391 485.641 9.535 51.755 105 2.018 11.510 2.327 238 548 4,220 41 246 2.082 2.242 4,158 27.015 1.922 4.119 15.374 312 105 417 294 374 2.475 1.794 2.346 1.542 2.053 4.295 3,620 1,533 2,027 1,508 1,895 259 1,239 759 831 1,532 1.368 243 125 1.155 356 223 1,087 1,794 2,017 1,267 1,514 901 1,296 102,813 118,321 775 797 222.712 215.971 415 125 151 39 24 19 1.245 1.335 250,659 221,010 768 599 195.334 105.091 1.388 265.935 5.385 28.538 89 2,305 9,791 2.974 120 374 3.230 19 42 415 1.575 10.138 1,191 2.849 12.812 187 130 485 51 394 1,356 ^For 1950. "Week preceding enumeratlo ^Excludes farms reporting commercial fertilizer and lime. MISSISSIPPI 105 County Table 7 (Part 1 of 2 ) —LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS; CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 |_For comparability of data on Livestock and poultry, see text and State Table 12^ (For definitions and explanations, see text) Cattle Bod dairy products: Cattle and calves ...farms reporting number Cows, Including heifers that have calved farms reporting nuEiber Milk coVB farms reporting number Heifers and heifer calves fanns reporting number Steers and bulls including steer and bull calves farms reporting number Whole milk sold farms reporting gallons dollars Cream sold. farms reporting pounds of butterfbt dollars Cows milked, day preceding enumeration farms reporting number of cows Milk produced, day preceding enumeration gallons Butter churned, week preceding enumeration farms reportlr^ po"a:idL- Horses and aules: Horses and/or mules farms reporting 1954. 1950. 195-4. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1950. number 1954. 1950. Horses and colts, including ponies farms reporting number Mules and mule colts farms reporting number Hogs; Hogs and pigs farms reporting number Bom before June 1 farms reporting number Born since June 1 farms reporting number Sows and gilts farrowing farms reporting number Between Dec. 1 and June 1.... farms reporting number After June 1 farms reporting number Sheep and wool: Sheep and lambs farms reporting 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. Sheep 1 year old and over. .. -farms reporting 1954. nuEOer 1954. Ewes farms reporting 1954 . 1950. number 1954. 1950. Rams and wethers farms reporting 1954. *950. nii-tisr 1954. 1950. Lambs under 1 year old farms reporting 1954. ri;!r-' 1954. Sheep and lambs shorn farms reporting 1954. 1949. number shorn 1954. 1949. Wool shorn pounds 1954. 1949. Average date of enumeration 1954 . 153.339 170.749 2 . 319 . 590 1 . 'X'l ,321 150,031 166,225 1,309,668 863,760 122,867 153,904 497,444 502,068 U2,^94 b37.?83 81,986 372,rj'i 19,723 22,622 86,129,197 64,993,470 30,302,506 24,509,236 2,205 4,990 478,618 916,252 237,846 521.911 108,733 298.709 66,726 176.950 105,322 147,908 242,810 353.494 50,42! 69,303 78,702 118.390 80.049 118,796 164,108 2"5 . 10 126,909 169,533 660,108 375.444 107,1 359,677 ?7,236 300 [431 35,458 94,968 22.106 53.984 49,806 96,534 23,964 45,102 1,716 1,339 89,874 66,660 1,626 53,612 1,518 1,236 54,656 35,377 1,292 10,22:' 1 , 1 '19 26.21,2 1 . 2,: I 892 70 , 549 3e.e53 376,383 166,934 11/7-11/13 813 20,447 11,322 874 798 11,563 6,085 432 658 1,286 2,412 682 5,225 li 146,378 423,440 57,625 167,654 5,054 2,939 357 740 131 24v 792 894 2.145 2,564 637 710 1.423 1,616 464 557 717 948 682 337 3,976 6,585 554 2,150 ?tl 1,62' 230 624 150 419 351 854 144 2' 21 24 2,322 2,023 20 1,91- 20 20 1,758 717 21 15 2,149 559 10,3Q7 2,854 2,086 2,395 13.606 10,037 2,023 2,322 7,274 5,428 1,903 2,261 5,730 4.756 1,368 4,730 666 1,602 449 324 913,838 371,690 281,822 128,098 70 198 11,226 31,204 5,495 16,638 1,771 4,051 1,11 2,964 1,241 2,040 2,774 5,290 473 808 793 1,527 931 1,590 1,981 3,763 1,608 2,097 7,395 7,563 1,399 3,757 604 3.638 355 982 232 456 445 749 261 537 2,315 2.329 49,734 37,017 2,276 2.300 29.594 20.951 1.799 2.034 13,177 11,596 1,974 14,604 1,466 5,436 337 349 3.315,305 2.519,878 1.306.935 1.078.701 37 17 3.395 2.179 2.069 1.239 ll;'21-ll/27 11/7-11/13 1,627 8,061 691 1,805 1,883 2,182 3,876 4,791 1,043 1,150 1,517 1.834 1,367 1,686 2,359 2,957 1,615 1,840 5,645 5,906 1,365 3,486 666 2,159 315 575 202 335 369 437 212 306 3 119 45 109 5 3 62 39 5 1 47 1 4 10 5 3 102 21 551 128 11/14-11/20 2.396 2.865 31,823 22,004 2,359 2,815 17,397 11,322 2,115 2.597 9,189 8.333 1.928 9,652 1,368 4,774 648 634 ,250,206 752,939 353,129 254,524 155 259 32,963 49,223 15,214 25,943 1,949 5,741 1,455 3,470 1,853 2,528 4,339 5,255 922 1,293 1,295 1,945 1,456 2,039 3,044 4,311 2,122 2,645 9,054 9,004 1,840 5,203 1,010 3,861 509 1.210 337 531 633 311 311 577 10 263 240 10 223 9 208 130 9 5 15 9 8 40 9 5 239 65 1,197 244 1,157 1,405 11,431 8,687 1,130 1,350 6,357 4,799 979 1,281 2,902 3,542 834 3,400 468 1,674 54 59 141,197 89,125 44,173 31,828 20 39 3,614 11,140 1,394 6,187 878 1,638 2,120 713 2,128 814 1,226 2,033 3.90' 426 6J9 550 .227 538 ,035 ,333 1,054 1,353 7,013 7,113 934 3,301 5. 3,712 399 1,222 247 543 689 892 289 533 11/7-11/13 6 198 357 6 150 173 7 6 39 5 4 129 212 881 1,421 11/7-11/13 2,189 3,201 30,338 16,794 2,075 3,032 15,737 9.411 1,721 2,854 3,529 4.510 1.198 8,057 822 5,434 59 132 667,055 408,559 269,045 174,015 20 71 6,471 5,967 3.175 3.215 1.472 2,604 900 2.583 908 2,139 2,441 8,145 281 516 472 931 776 1,935 1,959 7,214 2,85! 5,508 10,775 24,545 2,272 6.307 1,203 4,468 471 1,614 328 1,352 908 2,831 335 706 34 38 2,990 2,763 33 1,851 31 33 1,743 1,673 25 30 118 217 22 1,129 24 20 2,075 1,493 12,836 10,422 11/7-11/13 2,215 2,528 24,376 16 , 499 2,193 2,484 14,061 8,747 1,905 2,366 6,200 5,529 1,574 6,840 1,002 3,475 177 240 595,831 335,347 180,753 110,576 46 121 9.203 14,779 4,472 7,493 1,765 3,559 1,281 3,495 1,341 2,102 3,234 5,899 527 904 781 1,501 1,031 1,735 2,453 4,398 1,819 2,275 12,449 14,465 1,570 5,821 928 5,528 719 2,406 516 879 1,273 1,721 532 1,133 llA-11/13 1,596 2,157 31.274 22,526 1,582 2,124 17,539 12.305 1.173 1,920 4,187 6.567 1,205 7,454 1,035 5,281 131 256 352,580 292,815 125.315 93,279 18 68 3,745 9,028 1,845 4,763 1,031 2,411 2,631 813 1,836 1,256 1,839 3,486 5,762 724 1,092 1,199 1,875 1,039 1,654 2,287 3,886 1,404 2,224 8,733 14,923 1,230 4,872 645 3,861 529 1,432 337 1,016 762 1.797 S64 670 10 6 983 175 10 787 9 6 741 92 6 5 46 12 7 196 8 4 705 79 5,852 585 11/21-11/27 106 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 7 (Part 1 of 2 ) .-LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK [^For comparability of data on livestock Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Clay Coahoma Copiah Covington De Soto Cattle and dairy products: Cattle and calves farms reporting Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting number .farms reporting number Heifers and heifer calves. .. .farms reporting number Steers and bulls including steer and bull calves farms reporting number Whole milk sold farms reporting gallons dollars Cream sold farms reporting pounds of butterfat dollars Cows milked, day preceding enumeration farms reporting number of covs Milk produced, day preceding enumeration gallons Butter churned, week preceding enumeration farms reporting pounds Horses and mules: Horses and/or mules farms reporting number Horses and colts, including ponies farms reporting number Mules and mule colts farms reporting number Hogs: Hogs and pigs farms reporting number Born before June 1 farms reporting number Born oince June 1 farms reporting number Sows and gilts farrowing farms reporting number Between Dec. 1 and June 1.... farms reporting number After June 1 farms reporting number Sheep and wool: Sheep and lambs farms reporting 1954. 1950. 195-;. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1950. number 1954 . 1950. Sheep 1 year old and over .... farms reporting 1954. number 1954. Ewes farms reporting 1954 . 1950. number 1954. 1950. Rams and wethers farms reporting 1954. 1950. number 1954. 1950. Lambs under 1 year old farms reporting 1954. number 1954. Sheep and lambs shorn farms reporting 1954. 1949. number shorn 1954 . 1949. Wool shorn pounds 1954 . 1949. Average date of enumeration 1954 . 2,010 2,312 32,943 23,894 1,989 2,275 18,882 13,219 1,680 2,127 9,270 9,745 1,497 8,422 1,036 5,639 730 977 1,696,147 1,551,337 505,132 430,683 7 13 3. •332 6,620 1.858 3,768 1,423 5,496 607 1.785 1,373 2,024 4,019 6,558 810 1,193 1,411 2,218 1.058 1.614 2,608 4,340 1,469 2,027 6,912 9,939 1,234 3,745 653 3,167 430 979 226 751 516 1,225 306 463 7 6 56 162 7 40 7 6 33 92 5 4 7 13 5 16 5 2 129 29 611 116 11/7-11/13 1,405 1,504 14,420 9,613 1,386 1,486 8,112 4,770 1,285 1,450 5,456 4,394 1,059 4,347 800 1,961 351 254 711,552 298,365 198,575 106,248 76 119 17,583 21,125 8,472 11,173 1,166 3,264 780 1,756 1,108 1,361 2.150 3.031 449 588 592 855 862 1,096 1,558 2,176 1,118 1,278 5,343 4,798 967 2,552 536 2,791 308 752 182 329 343 540 226 409 4 3 144 IS 3 114 3 3 106 13 3 4 30 3 2 33 19 115 106 11/7-11/13 946 1,027 33,235 25 , 427 942 1,011 17,974 13,690 607 778 1,815 2,275 803 7,562 674 7,699 12 17 125,877 72,963 43,179 27.017 3 12 296 2,873 159 1,603 527 967 300 699 826 983 2,243 3,318 668 816 1,339 1,981 537 668 904 1,337 738 942 7,863 9,955 582 4,249 446 3,514 278 1,563 207 280 1,004 713 179 559 17 12 807 1,440 17 722 14 11 635 1,025 15 7 87 23 9 85 13 9 747 1,268 5,340 8,435 11/7-11/13 1,876 1,803 25,610 19,084 1,844 1,753 14,208 10,343 1,507 1,657 3,550 4,368 1,434 6,393 1,167 5,009 25 80 147,025 51.437 57,884 19,814 21 73 3,012 6,37b 1,713 3,337 1,276 1,950 2,446 845 2,233 1,390 1,786 2,163 3,073 505 762 827 1,033 949 1,285 1,336 2,040 1.222 1,588 7,403 9.913 980 3,607 629 3,795 448 1,160 296 615 603 1.023 285 557 5 16 166 328 5 119 5 10 105 144 5 13 14 115 3 47 4 5 123 76 737 302 llA-11/13 1,635 1.684 32.013 23.914 1,588 1,634 17,752 12,886 1,305 1,532 9,456 9,755 1,217 9,008 892 5.258 699 896 1,342,902 2,092,158 557,543 604,054 18 33 14,051 18,375 7,182 11,630 1,130 5,534 593 1,139 1,197 1,486 3.323 4.955 596 915 1.221 1.792 941 1,232 2,102 3.173 1,219 1,531 5,843 8,353 999 3,063 584 2,780 334 876 214 537 450 937 233 426 48 20 3,242 310 45 2,035 45 17 1,915 399 41 11 120 54 39 1,207 45 13 2,185 279 14,022 ll/l'4-ll/2C 1.339 2,025 15,288 7,361 1,287 1,918 8,187 4,269 1,110 1,799 1,834 2,583 625 3,590 444 3,511 23 111 109,987 95,329 41,609 41,853 14 61 1,038 2,271 547 1,272 940 1.358 655 1.947 533 1,091 1,802 4,623 146 257 290 677 446 1,005 1,512 3,945 2,137 4,013 11,466 19,887 1,821 6,672 762 4,794 404 1,578 220 1,208 827 2,627 263 751 30 51 2,937 3,299 29 2,257 28 47 2,150 1,854 22 35 107 370 13 580 26 30 2,335 1,392 13,789 8,320 11/7-11/13 2,250 2,401 51,013 35,450 2,221 2.336 29,980 21,029 1,536 1,971 6,483 6,998 1.823 13,516 1,396 7,517 183 269 ,232,719 837,750 470,653 326,315 11 17 3,156 1,125 1,543 555 1,424 4,123 662 1,682 1,852 2,367 3,843 5,536 1,121 1,331 1,825 2,452 1,207 1,707 2,023 3,074 1,4M 2,041 6,233 7,235 1,208 3,757 621 2,456 392 924 208 424 532 505 285 392 9 2 254 151 9 210 9 2 174 217 108 1,037 440 11/7-11/13 1,791 1,955 24,067 13,747 1,765 1,914 12,703 7,093 1,492 1,817 4.857 5,183 1,404 6,998 1.120 4.366 24 52 223.523 167.055 85.742 75.752 29 36 3.015 6,079 1.509 3.270 1.357 2,320 727 1,961 1.462 1.949 2.454 3.568 341 441 406 563 1,250 1,701 2,048 3,000 1,215 1,559 4,354 5,684 1,025 2,345 471 2,013 302 621 210 430 322 554 174 299 30 3 138 9 11/7-11/13 MISSISSIPPI 107 PRODUCTS; CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued and poultry. see text and State Table 12J Forrest Fi-anilln George Greene Grenada Hancock Harrison Hinds HoljneE Humphreys Issaquena I tawamba Jackson Jasper Jefferson 1,104 1,194 1,129 1,011 1,038 595 819 3,318 2.751 1,152 327 2.181 833 2,322 1.420 1 1,050 1.097 952 755 1,221 519 746 3.558 3,208 1.367 417 2,695 558 2.350 1.470 2 19,558 22,338 14,347 15,918 20.205 12,885 12.495 75.877 44,727 11.444 31.860 16,371 14,455 32,156 30,344 3 11.256 15.493 7.741 8,138 12,943 7,845 8,290 53.822 29,884 4,607 5.377 12,827 7,357 23.518 24.323 4 1.063 1.166 1.035 986 1.015 562 758 3.249 2,707 1.110 318 2,137 785 2.290 1.398 5 1.022 1.087 918 739 1.194 484 551 3.504 3.144 1,290 399 2,567 634 2.315 1.434 6 10.752 12.880 6.980 8.500 11,447 7,723 6,873 44.332 25,518 6.230 16.338 8.416 7,644 19,013 17.919 7 fc . 484 8,437 4.006 4.563 7,150 5,217 4,714 30,326 15,796 2,440 3.241 6.115 4,128 12,974 13.970 8 638 914 777 643 847 339 502 2,007 2,045 958 249 1.970 440 1.805 926 9 Ml 1.004 813 625 1.096 335 541 2,968 2,854 1.235 353 2,566 519 2,072 1,027 10 ^.TQci 3.027 2,719 1,482 2,363 2,969 2.557 6,352 5,825 2.023 914 6.459 1,649 5.189 2,106 11 J.*M 3.705 2,355 1,488 3.214 2,264 2.342 8,574 7,182 1.924 679 5.428 1,728 6.640 2.868 12 e-'S 944 864 831 732 529 628 2,632 2,134 755 205 1,597 642 1.773 1.139 13 5.424 6.219 4,439 4,347 5.450 4,170 3.507 18,974 11,227 3.046 10,082 5,022 4,344 7,995 7.395 U ^65 70S 729 597 572 325 416 2,054 1,558 521 202 895 540 1,418 339 15 ■ . '3J 3,239 2.928 3,071 3.298 993 2,015 12,571 7,882 2.158 5,440 1,933 2.468 5,148 5 . 529 16 72 32 45 13 11 101 57 45 34 48 12 378 43 75 9 17 77 61 80 23 40 98 90 102 129 42 6 432 51 64 10 18 753.554 267,466 325.062 79,488 104,217 928,076 512,553 596.337 155,964 119.907 132,852 885,231 385.549 390,963 51.774 19 534,405 225.002 247.570 7.533 198,833 637,194 476,457 505.532 169,945 27,113 227 515.802 310.237 161,745 49,017 20 303.732 107,252 135.858 31,820 42,873 457,014 229.415 235,504 57,329 47.096 56,097 255,340 178.842 132,744 20,490 21 243.054 117,407 130,295 3,421 51,225 319.437 223,191 206,370 61,700 10,103 134 176,386 123,314 62.808 24.690 22 16 37 21 5 20 7 11 18 16 6 47 11 19 15 23 10 35 31 5 22 2 13 26 60 15 4 52 12 45 3 24 2.912 4.884 2.218 321 9,242 1.634 8,095 3.159 2.175 10,953 7.636 8,939 9,948 1,124 25 2.057 1.796 2.401 336 2.490 50 1.801 6.333 4.315 1,107 838 5.019 10,786 29,103 903 26 1,,60 2.593 1.227 178 4,632 1,200 4.449 1.652 1,182 5,246 3,606 5,271 5,349 673 27 1.131 1.384 1.285 220 1.532 '25 1.089 5.264 2.430 615 531 2,495 • 6,002 16,562 525 28 71c. 833 664 517 768 260 419 1.588 1.748 850 228 1,772 357 1,560 704 29 2.10^ 1.663 1.359 839 1.218 1.934 1.474 3.275 3.236 1,430 493 4,091 1,054 2.874 1,132 30 .-.491 2.301 2.100 1,053 1.497 3,067 2,445 4,095 3.509 2,088 959 5,954 1,754 3,572 1,224 31 401 402 202 185 590 42 143 937 1.242 740 189 1,241 118 1,071 31s 32 1.094 1.000 477 437 1.412 97 324 2,316 3.450 2.529 531 4.041 239 2,854 733 33 643 828 454 576 676 364 429 3,028 1.969 €01 212 1.303 384 1,868 1.276 34 330 966 671 678 1.081 447 559 3,617 2.745 1.122 387 2.279 477 2.341 1.504 35 93ij 1.514 563 753 1.685 580 594 7.590 5.343 1.483 602 2.580 607 3,411 3,229 36 1 ,217 1.960 971 1,051 3.138 591 785 9.381 3.474 3.213 1.057 5.183 708 4.939 4.304 37 !,-. 512 240 303 292 322 317 1.814 1.076 141 129 472 298 878 985 38 438 554 349 344 484 370 409 2.206 1.456 187 232 996 357 1.086 1.189 39 502 785 279 364 433 498 440 3.120 1.721 255 322 669 467 1,127 1.893 40 591 653 449 453 772 543 540 3.753 2.488 255 457 1.640 516 1.558 2.568 41 152 485 248 319 545 73 133 2.242 1,669 524 136 969 121 1.377 821 42 ,8'. 663 399 432 950 122 208 2,795 2.387 1,075 286 1,686 174 1,860 995 43 434 729 284 389 1.252 82 154 4,470 3.622 1.228 280 1,911 140 2,284 1.336 44 d2p 1.107 522 598 2.365 148 246 5,628 5.986 2.953 600 3,543 192 3,381 1.736 45 '.25 739 920 862 931 460 405 2,840 2.882 1,553 389 1,712 557 1,652 1 , 166 46 d23 852 870 809 1.237 504 522 3,611 3.723 2,010 572 2,328 540 2.058 1,438 47 3.312 4.064 13.383 9.881 5.682 5,538 4,962 15,758 13,812 6,567 3,079 8,009 6,147 7.050 5.781 48 3.615 5.404 11.997 10.352 8.511 5,956 4,469 20,515 19,925 8,515 5,527 9,413 5,988 9,814 8.916 49 418 619 815 829 841 384 354 2.361 2.642 1,247 338 1,499 470 1,383 927 50 1.723 2.298 6.021 5.075 3.219 3.199 3,590 9.225 8.590 3.647 1.512 4,115 3,204 3.863 2.993 51 ;s. 353 610 469 354 322 191 1.347 1.087 682 213 703 339 763 646 52 1 , '-89 1.765 7.362 4,806 2,453 2.339 1,372 7,533 5.222 2.920 1.557 3,894 2.943 3.187 2,738 53 I, a 203 569 566 236 323 136 786 780 393 129 409 273 563 354 54 ,.32 554 2.555 1,478 925 756 453 2.291 1.613 880 427 1,182 967 1.345 684 55 1:J5 156 453 408 155 230 90 474 464 220 77 279 187 407 205 56 167 302 509 523 510 281 174 1.072 1.437 775 269 483 307 658 506 57 226 306 1.229 769 563 392 241 1,181 837 472 188 615 486 858 333 58 324 472 1.384 1.125 1,218 568 461 1.822 2.296 1.276 813 872 782 964 823 59 117 126 444 357 164 215 90 465 470 263 66 277 205 349 208 60 256 248 1.325 709 362 364 212 1.110 776 408 239 567 481 487 351 61 1 J 28 38 77 6 134 106 55 25 12 15 5 67 4 26 62 IS 5 34 45 5 74 70 45 18 7 13 2 54 1 31 63 r"! 574 2.184 1,704 98 3,023 6,001 2.408 1.314 541 3,494 56 1.467 34 1.152 64 •,2; 205 985 754 139 2,215 3,664 1.239 392 3G6 442 15 2.014 7 757 65 l-a 28 35 75 6 126 104 54 25 9 14 5 66 3 26 66 '33 554 1.495 1,195 84 2.101 5,161 1.515 1,085 436 2,510 38 1.101 28 968 67 I'i 13 34 73 5 123 102 49 23 7 13 4 57 3 26 68 lo 5 31 43 4 74 62 37 16 6 11 1 51 1 30 69 405 449 1.349 994 55 1.678 3,383 1,373 933 394 2,323 29 767 27 927 70 282 87 522 389 68 1.343 1,777 669 211 170 286 9 1,102 3 432 71 15 19 25 63 4 101 34 45 22 9 10 3 57 1 21 72 13 4 30 33 5 36 50 37 14 6 11 1 32 1 24 73 123 105 145 201 28 423 1,778 142 102 42 187 9 334 1 41 74 23 10 163 150 12 285 891 100 47 16 27 1 451 2 37 75 12 3 32 63 3 100 46 33 19 8 12 3 39 2 19 76 138 20 689 509 14 922 840 893 229 105 984 18 366 6 184 77 15 13 29 68 5 121 61 42 19 6 11 1 46 1 25 78 7 3 28 35 3 54 49 32 13 3 8 2 39 1 25 79 .I'l'i 385 1,501 1,165 79 2,296 5,089 1.534 1.024 414 2,619 32 920 14 993 80 54 674 574 83 1,762 2.026 767 195 161 208 14 1.445 2 508 81 1.900 9.302 6.023 636 8,152 20,550 8.859 4.935 2.284 16,969 195 4.679 70 5.313 82 l!o99 335 2,726 2,104 322 5,124 9,241 4,051 1.059 455 942 60 4.450 10 2,225 83 :- --11/13 11/14-11/20 11/14-11/20 llA-11/13 11/14-11/20 11/7-11/13 11/7-11/13 11/7-11/13 11/14-11/20 11/14-11/20 11/14-11/20 11/7-11/13 1/14-11/20 11/7-11/13 11/7-11/13 84 108 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 7 (Part 1 of 2 ) —LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK [For comparability of data on livestock (For definitions and explanations, see text) Jefferson Davis Kemper Lafayette Lamar Lauderdale Lawrence Cattle and dairy prodacta: Cattle and calves farms reporting Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting number Milk cows farms reporting number Heifers and heifer calves. .. .farms reporting number Steers and bulls including steer and bull calves farms reporting number Whole milk sold farms reporting gallons dollars Cream sold farms reporting pounds of butterfat dollars 195<;. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. Cows milked, day preceding enumeration farms reporting 1954. number of cows 1954 . Milk produced, day preceding enumeration gallons 1954. Butter churned, week preceding enumeration farms reporting 1954. pounds 1954. Elorses and mules: Horses and/or mules farms reporting 1954 . 1950. number 1954 . 1950. Horses and colts, including ponies farms reporting 1954 . 1950 . number 1954 . 1950 . Mules and mule colts farms reporting 1954. 1950. number 1954. 1950. Hoga: Hogs and pigs farms reporting 1954 . 195C. number 1954. 1950. Born before June 1 farms reporting 1954. number 1954. Born since June 1 farms reporting 1954. number 1954. Sows and gilts farrowing farms reporting 1954. number 1954. Between Dec. 1 and June 1.... farms reporting 1954. 1950. number 1954 . 1950. After June 1 farms reporting 1954 . number 1954. Sheep and wool: Sheep and lambs farms reporting 1954 . 1950. number 1954. 1950. Sheep 1 year old and over. .. .farms reporting 1954. number 1954. Ewes farms reporting 1954. 1950. number 1954. 1950. Rams and wethers farms reporting 1954. 1950. number 1954. 1950. Lambs under 1 year old farms reporting 1954. number 1954 . Sheep and lambs shorn farms reporting 1954. 1949. number shorn 1954 . 1949. Wool shorn pounds 1954. 1949. 84 Average date of enumeration 1954.. 1,996 2,070 26,396 15.301 1,962 1,939 13,913 8,235 1,705 1,771 5,211 4.714 1.579 6,945 1,419 5.538 35 47 286,221 101,996 98,867 37,185 32 27 3,610 4.173 1,877 1.744 1.414 2,438 3,209 900 2,492 1.604 2,033 3,105 4,268 389 426 492 555 1,431 1,887 2,613 3,713 1,680 1,963 7,289 8,058 1,514 4,571 618 2,718 579 1,042 379 487 622 660 328 420 105 133 6 74 5 7 64 66 4 4 10 21 4 31 3 3 73 51 450 288 11/14-11/20 3,057 2,989 38,075 22,708 2,985 2,940 20,768 12,172 2,571 2,732 9,911 7,990 2,257 11,013 1.764 6,294 117 159 1.543.245 1,211,676 662 , 803 535.055 49 42 8,389 7,765 4,181 4,294 2,242 4,988 900 2,405 1,949 2,686 3,034 4,735 765 998 958 1,315 1,364 2,056 2,076 3,420 1,727 2,136 8,373 9,036 1,264 3,792 918 4,581 446 1,218 296 638 550 886 271 568 15 11 379 198 13 263 12 11 245 103 12 9 18 35 11 115 12 4 302 42 1,900 378 U/7-11/13 2,046 2,235 31,304 20,888 2,008 2,218 18,275 11,157 1,639 2,027 6,048 5,898 1,626 7,609 1,325 5,420 133 80 325.294 156,329 92,266 58,431 59 582 5,333 364 2,991 1,492 3,146 3,421 1,125 2,863 1.845 2,134 4,197 5,484 782 935 1,139 1.435 1,583 1,923 3.058 4,049 1,785 2,273 8,555 11,166 1,500 4,481 913 4,075 560 1,051 300 887 472 1,400 390 579 6 6 481 444 6 465 6 6 450 228 5 4 15 22 5 16 3 3 440 270 2,050 800 11/14-11/20 1,908 2,291 23.590 17,273 1.887 2,244 13,957 9.430 1,531 2,079 4,551 6,195 1,401 6,020 983 3,M3 103 151 220,104 223.064 75,453 79,317 29 253 5,863 19,451 2,871 10,088 1.369 2,574 1,081 2,907 1,381 1,997 3,636 6,085 577 985 857 1,510 1,177 1,597 2,779 4,476 1,544 2,043 7,346 9,940 1.376 4,050 520 3,296 457 1,082 313 795 597 1,317 282 485 3 3 36 24 3 27 3 3 22 13 2 1 5 1 1 9 1 3 16 17 86 93 11/14-11/20 1,417 1,338 24,385 13,910 1,395 1,312 13,292 5,852 1,160 1.237 4,697 3,715 1,189 7,353 927 3,730 45 70 316,145 386,525 141,442 136,905 31 27 6,240 4,065 3,143 2,075 1,885 2,865 510 1,226 784 1,151 1,157 1,895 341 433 443 617 511 852 714 1,278 770 942 4,196 5,692 601 2,045 404 2,151 263 760 153 298 434 540 183 326 13 12 3,415 1.313 13 1.837 12 12 1,200 723 11 10 637 109 8 1,579 9 2,298 723 13,248 2,195 11/14-11/20 1,991 2.143 29,485 17.394 1.933 2,075 16.120 1.442 1,944 4,958 5,597 1.545 8,144 1,241 5.221 81 92 538,439 404,838 230,034 177,863 34 58 5,005 6,559 2,588 3.457 1.270 2,727 3,655 896 2,324 1,543 2,002 2,531 3,638 675 847 878 1,109 1,095 1,486 1,753 2,529 1,214 1,751 5,356 7,873 925 2.740 628 2.525 309 710 156 493 324 815 219 386 243 1,300 11/7-11/13 1,445 1,587 20,053 13,132 1.428 1.551 11 , 185 6,922 1,254 1,350 4,519 3,841 1,112 5.422 878 3.445 53 72 385,677 111,100 138,637 36,983 23 1.133 2,249 583 1,185 1,126 2,236 3,107 733 2,123 1,200 1,478 2,240 2,997 493 584 659 930 910 1,107 1,581 2,067 1.041 1,452 5,303 6,597 833 2,705 521 2,598 325 891 208 435 498 655 221 393 1 11 2 7 32 2 1 22 9 154 56 llA-11/13 3.071 3,259 29,723 19,829 3,026 3,176 16,143 10,137 2,697 3.029 8,915 8,025 2,314 9,039 1.573 4,541 348 246 585,543 299,005 197,391 94,944 70 128 9,280 13,343 4,453 5,652 2,476 5,138 6,182 2,058 6,065 2,321 2,901 4,740 5,599 992 1,338 1,297 1,846 1,851 2,386 3,443 4,753 2,598 2,953 9.573 9.480 2.154 5.245 1.155 4,427 530 1,255 340 598 614 902 432 551 4 '46 222 11/7-11/13 3.127 3,815 29,498 24,805 3,047 3,724 16,537 14,117 2,797 3,545 13,505 13,293 2,189 9,894 957 3,057 1,480 2,035 3,554,603 3,358,384 1,127,066 1,071,422 11 15 5,155 8,211 2,594 6,422 2,531 9,344 12,485 953 2,093 1,705 2,747 4,371 8,348 822 1.415 1,381 2,965 1,217 2,059 2,990 5,383 2,212 3,258 8,749 11,131 1,958 5,073 771 3,676 419 1,374 315 710 837 1,151 283 537 304 287 15 215 13 19 177 136 11 12 38 35 13 13 9 212 90 1,080 607 11/7-11/13 MISSISSIPPI 109 PRODUCTS: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued and poultry, see text and State Table 12] Lincoln Lowndes Madison Marlon Marshall Monroe Montgomery Neshoba Newton Noxubee Oktibbeha Panola Pearl River Perry Pike 2. -.4 1.791 2.753 2.162 2,526 2,934 1.391 3,018 2,438 2.085 1.794 2,835 1,551 935 2.162 1 2.^7\ 2.131 2.990 2,193 3,050 3.327 1.569 3,428 2,704 2,380 1,344 3,473 1,429 845 2.115 2 59.444 36.421 62.582 32,163 34,329 36.506 20.790 33.666 33.410 53.732 37,002 47,154 35,911 15.291 33.435 3 26.603 25.634 38.348 20,156 29,725 24,425 14.952 23.260 23.465 40,813 32,549 41,837 20 . 455 8.451 22.552 4 .'.Ic^S 1.744 2.710 2,102 2,474 2,877 1.374 2.980 2,394 2,063 1,742 2,855 1.474 914 2,079 5 2 . 4-0 2.J37 2.925 2,141 2,929 3.267 1,546 3.351 2.647 2,341 1,794 3,334 1,385 834 2.053 6 22 . 299 19.010 34.736 18,258 20,164 19,472 12,250 18,353 19,322 32,332 22.105 28,459 21,635 7,851 19.168 7 14. Wi 14.461 20.029 11,333 16,972 12,592 7,997 12,091 12,842 23.276 19.277 22,641 11,735 4.982 11.822 8 1,503 1.911 1,582 1,714 2,507 1,171 2.720 2.130 1.746 1,527 2,098 1,086 582 1.701 9 2!ll- 1.081 2.514 1,979 2,568 3,134 1,468 3,222 2,546 2.185 1,756 3,008 1,180 722 1,923 10 11., tv 10.252 6.809 6.962 7,919 8,810 5,291 11.991 12,814 12.073 19,660 5.315 7,593 1.650 11,206 11 '3, '.28 10.250 8.750 6.810 9,657 9.454 5.441 9,547 9,584 13.922 18,219 8,864 5,326 1.830 8,774 12 1 . '362 1.340 2.024 1.603 1,825 1.952 1.083 2,356 1,895 1,583 1,456 1.892 1,270 731 1,699 L3 11. -^7 10,200 14.833 8.744 9.294 10.402 5.925 10.538 10,002 13,314 10,320 11.279 10.388 4.741 10,453 U 1 .,73 973 1.321 1.394 1.231 1.228 741 1.721 1,370 1,097 954 1.387 941 637 1,243 15 ^ . 3,'-^ 6,311 13,013 5.161 4,871 6.632 2,615 4.670 4,085 7,585 4,077 7.426 4.383 2,599 3,864 16 3^, 531 70 147 82 566 248 728 505 910 1,202 22 227 16 369 17 373 575 103 213 160 778 380 537 415 1.318 1.158 91 229 19 339 18 2,305,749 2,518,522 606.382 1,565.744 1,393.049 1.594,155 702,249 2.277,373 3,183,686 2.557,013 5.087.898 245.714 2.229.558 56,578 3,208,254 19 1.258.113 2,157,055 587.843 1.044.458 1,237,236 1.156,500 740.002 1.148,533 1,805,810 3,013,281 5.253.454 447.702 1.510.290 56,955 1,984,135 20 834.932 818.162 349.450 581.268 542,029 463,751 217,648 747,545 1,114,767 820,124 1.858.741 100.050 859.334 22,559 1.235,249 21 486,007 737.425 221.160 427,272 533.068 357,566 240,544 434,535 673,253 942,744 1,893,469 180,505 669.332 23.625 875,357 22 23 11 13 23 7 14 6 44 33 2 4 21 13 5 33 23 20 102 21 11 40 67 29 70 117 13 57 141 4 12 17 24 2.128 1.563 3,510 2,307 1,425 3,529 1,196 8,278 7,012 3.220 3,044 3.423 1.014 350 5,335 25 1.326 53.171 13,901 1,062 10.789 10,237 4.588 11,963 11,573 13.513 95,708 21.880 154 1.171 2,952 26 1.071 838 1.883 1,128 689 1,608 638 4.167 3.537 1.340 1,531 1.689 557 203 2,816 27 709 35.919 7.519 599 6,514 5,482 2.457 6,843 6,029 8.027 60,165 10.515 79 685 1,888 28 1.890 1.389 1,521 1,405 1.537 2,281 1.072 2,534 1,962 1.488 1.513 1,795 971 559 1,512 29 6.413 6.320 3,718 4,243 4,670 5,713 2.874 7,705 7,597 7.075 12.852 3,074 4.926 838 6,942 30 9.851 9.117 4,999 7,241 6.708 7,735 3.405 9,308 12,210 7.791 14,566 3,519 7,557 1,137 12,016 31 86, 777 904 643 1,113 1,512 793 1.953 1,228 659 639 1,121 231 202 534 32 2 , 02^1 1.941 2,331 1,703 2,686 4,072 1.733 5,220 3,195 1.595 1,471 2,740 598 430 1.546 33 1.69.J 1.28c 2,498 1,607 2,051 1,633 976 2,278 1,781 1.735 1,346 1,816 803 630 1,635 34 2,173 1.016 3,068 2,082 2,932 2,619 1.317 3,069 2,469 2,213 1,640 2,812 1,151 815 1.924 35 2,931 3.711 7,037 2,650 6,534 4,340 2,207 4,685 3.301 5,693 3.739 5,341 1,249 938 2.785 36 4,150 5.812 9,256 3.821 10,298 7,777 3,397 6,853 5.207 3,447 5.314 9,842 1,830 1.274 3.598 37 862 642 1,407 634 1,193 304 388 770 723 1,201 803 341 601 321 707 38 1,039 888 1,724 741 1.712 1,259 521 1,037 1.085 1,510 921 1,470 814 375 763 39 1,180 1.286 2,456 832 2.019 1,354 536 953 937 2,352 1.403 1,359 931 408 924 40 1,540 1.940 3,101 1.000 3.228 2,323 745 1,498 1,500 3,443 1.691 2,923 1,227 487 1.034 41 1.137 1.061 2,095 1.160 1.696 1,236 812 1,959 1.399 1,376 1,065 1,490 257 336 1.198 42 1,562 1.628 2,617 1.660 2,534 2.089 1,167 2,684 1.984 1,786 1,382 2,371 472 559 1.523 43 1,721 2.425 4,581 1.813 4,565 2,986 1,671 3,723 2.364 3,335 2,381 3.982 318 530 1.361 44 2,610 3.872 6,155 2.821 7,070 5,454 2,652 5,355 3.707 5.004 3,623 5,919 503 787 2.564 45 1,417 1.315 2,785 1.395 2.375 2,258 1.095 2.306 1.665 1.595 1,235 2,502 836 722 1.298 46 1,70- 1.032 3.234 1.783 3,033 2,952 1.373 2,926 2,220 2.128 1,534 3.477 1,218 799 1.444 47 5.051 t:.142 12.235 5,542 10,757 9,312 5.488 7,540 5,460 7,190 4,594 11.483 8,122 6.942 4.659 48 7,051 0.224 14.847 8,577 15,845 13,877 6.305 9,057 7,028 10,663 7,030 16,472 12,394 8.338 5.350 49 1,119 !.;n2 2,419 1,153 2,100 1,965 933 1,939 1,357 1,310 1,011 2,076 745 649 1.048 50 3.156 3.107 6.981 3.281 6,361 4,957 2,995 4,392 3.175 3,551 2.413 6,115 4,569 3.363 2.704 51 b37 50, 1.268 543 1,024 840 438 1,052 734 305 575 1.194 494 380 552 52 2.795 2.045 5.254 2,261 4,396 4,355 2,493 3.148 3.234 3,539 2,131 5.368 3.553 3.579 1.965 53 311 342 768 358 523 469 254 730 401 527 345 554 415 418 300 54 820 915 1.774 679 1,353 1,340 719 997 824 1,018 573 1.563 1,479 1.314 538 55 200 215 440 209 420 264 141 432 212 244 157 378 295 288 154 56 416 599 860 584 1,059 836 350 461 574 782 485 1,005 635 483 309 57 406 488 909 344 768 688 352 532 339 495 232 776 940 773 244 58 648 1.051 1.443 861 1,641 , 1,524 543 795 893 1,325 770 1.749 1,427 951 427 59 211 222 529 237 332 348 198 339 293 371 221 399 245 293 209 60 414 427 865 335 535 652 367 465 485 523 341 787 539 541 294 61 20 20 29 10 9 14 7 3 7 39 10 25 83 15 4 62 19 13 16 7 12 5 4 1 3 42 12 30 51 13 8 63 140 1.818 2,266 265 318 773 291 102 219 2,766 353 955 6,144 503 134 64 195 1.625 652 106 111 63 32 54 25 2,486 642 1,332 4,471 453 61 65 19 19 24 10 8 14 6 3 6 39 10 24 81 15 3 66 98 1.439 2,024 182 232 494 241 78 125 2,085 301 821 4,450 357 129 67 18 19 24 8 7 13 5 3 6 37 10 23 73 15 3 68 18 13 13 7 7 5 3 1 3 40 11 30 53 13 3 69 75 1.348 1.897 157 214 460 226 73 113 1,952 255 727 3,718 236 123 70 104 1.007 307 58 48 33 17 30 10 1,340 342 759 2,403 225 45 71 15 19 22 9 7 13 5 3 4 36 8 18 57 12 2 72 12 12 14 4 5 5 3 1 3 36 9 28 48 9 3 73 23 91 127 25 18 34 15 5 12 134 46 94 732 121 5 74 29 94 88 10 20 5 3 2 11 99 32 90 926 34 12 75 12 19 22 6 6 10 6 2 5 32 7 12 57 12 2 76 42 379 242 33 86 279 50 24 94 680 52 134 1,594 145 5 77 10 19 23 7 4 14 5 2 4 36 9 20 65 12 3 78 7 11 8 5 5 4 1 2 ... 35 9 19 45 16 5 79 69 1.518 2,068 220 308 575 137 100 149 2,218 317 653 4,794 400 129 80 76 831 339 68 46 37 2 30 1,199 399 500 3.120 730 72 81 261 7.575 12,552 974 1,756 3,119 873 400 715 11,790 1.349 4.444 21.344 1,714 670 82 464 3.816 1.753 254 196 147 21 195 5,773 2.733 2.173 14.736 2.196 397 83 xiy7-ivu 11/7-11/13 11/14-11/20 11/14-11/20 11/14-11/20 11/14-11/20 11/14-11/20 11/7-11/13 11/14-11/20 11/14-11/20 11/14-11/20 11/14-11/20 11/14-11/20 1J./7-11/13 ll/l4-ll/2t 84 110 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 7 (Part 1 of 2 ) —LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK [For comparability of data on livestock (For definitions and explanations, see text) Pontotoc Prentiss Sharkey Simpson Stone Sunflower Cattle and dairy products: Cattle and calves farms reporting 195-i. 1950., number 195'i . 1950. Cows, Including heifers that have calved farms reporting 195^; . 1950 . number 195^^ . . 1950., Milk cows farms reporting 195-4 . , 1950 . number 195^ . , 1950., Heifers and heifer calves. .. .farms reporting 195^^. number 195A . Steers and bulls including steer and bull calves farms reporting 195'i . number 1954 . Whole milk sold farms reporting 1954 . 1949 . gallons 1954 . 1949 . dollars 1954. 1949. Cream sold farms reporting 1954 . 1949 . pounds of butterf at 1954 . 1949 . dollars 1954. 1949. Cows milked, day preceding enumeration farms reporting 1954 . number of cows 1954 . Milk produced, day preceding enumeration gallons 1954 . Butter churned, week preceding enumeration farms reporting 1954 . pounds 1954. Horses and mules: Horses and/or mules farms reporting 1954. 1950. number 1954. 1950. Horses and colts, including ponies farms reporting 1954. 1950. number 1954. 1950. Mules and mule colts farms reporting 1954. 1950. number 1954 . 1950. Hogs: Hogs and pigs farms reporting 1954 . 1950. number 1954 . 1950. Born before June 1 farms reporting 1954. number 1954 . Bom since June 1 farms reporting 1954. number 1954. Sows and gilts farrowing farms reporting 1954. number 1954 . Between Dec. 1 and June 1.... farms reporting 1954. 1950. number 1954. 1950. After June 1 farms reporting 1954 . number 1954. Sheep and wool; Sheep and lambs farms reporting 1954 . 1950. number 1954. 1950. Sheep 1 year old and over. .. .farms reporting 1954. number 1954 . Ewes farms reporting 1954 . 1950. number 1954. 1950. Rams and wethers farms reporting 1954. 1950. number 1954. 1950. Lambs under 1 year old farms reporting 1954. number 1954 . Sheep and lambs shorn farms reporting 1954. 1949. number shorn 1954. 1949. Wool shorn pounds 1954 . 1949. Average date of enumeration 1954 . 3,005 3,420 27,531 22,364 2.951 3,362 15.843 12,761 2,583 3.314 11,658 11,417 2.229 9,206 1,021 2,482 1,311 1,526 2,815,132 2,140,055 807,812 644,669 15 51 1,419 12,211 739 6,792 2,399 8.034 1,226 2,534 1,655 2,843 3.748 7,929 874 1,520 1,358 2,710 1,121 2,116 2,390 5,219 2,161 2,655 8,481 9,693 1.823 4.840 798 3,641 426 1,266 284 612 729 977 303 537 4 200 35 5 140 5 4 133 12 5 4 7 5 4 60 3 3 96 11 560 50 2,358 2,732 17,859 14,504 2,312 2,690 10.455 8,259 2.186 2.656 8,852 7,947 1.589 5,907 728 1,497 907 957 1,919,313 1,514,104 531 ,772 416,548 25 22 6,177 8,172 2,873 4,545 1,989 6.001 1,258 3,283 1,259 2,115 2.597 5,206 447 829 650 1,372 961 1,711 1,947 3.834 1.647 2,380 8,055 9,892 1,423 4.108 750 3,947 412 1,182 259 598 590 1,020 305 592 4 4 75 87 4 46 4 4 43 52 2 3 3 9 3 29 2 3 42 48 275 144 11/14-11/20 1,477 1.892 11,611 6,042 1.431 1,812 6,176 3.608 1,249 1.712 1.916 2,458 711 3,172 543 2.263 21 57 13.094 35.854 4.566 15.541 25 49 4,335 2.502 2.257 1,459 1,075 1,365 887 2,707 703 1,347 1,960 4.636 164 216 242 340 630 1,285 1,718 4,296 1,901 2.365 9.060 11,384 1,613 4,771 810 4.289 488 1,299 296 783 669 1,373 334 630 12 10 319 300 10 250 10 10 216 157 9 9 34 48 225 120 1,336 643 2,386 2,478 45,770 30.357 2.342 2.433 26,354 17,374 1.862 2.143 7,706 7,619 1,911 11,970 1,624 7,446 101 107 1,381.112 1,250,851 606,740 511,678 1,554 1.393 813 1,562 4.343 951 2,397 1,818 2,337 3,804 5,988 1.123 1,366 2,346 1.367 1,891 2,438 3,642 1,685 2,105 8,524 10,906 1,375 4.515 797 4.009 454 1,154 238 722 548 1,202 322 606 519 136 10 378 9 8 357 75 10 4 21 10 5 432 58 2.504 427 11/7-11/13 2.401 2,500 32.515 20,815 2,372 2,428 18,754 11,421 1,945 2,242 5,226 5,962 1.864 8.386 1,580 5.375 71 86 287,723 171,002 105,117 81,136 21 81 6.424 9,783 3,175 5,387 1,771 3,161 1,448 3,885 1,807 2,337 3.629 5.446 873 1,097 1,161 1,771 1,344 1,817 2,468 3,675 1.813 2,217 6,999 8,645 1,484 3,631 869 3,368 440 938 245 571 450 880 319 488 10 174 83 8 126 8 9 119 52 6 5 7 9 3 148 29 860 151 11/7-11/13 615 818 9,691 3,658 590 777 5,096 2,152 512 727 933 1,140 355 2.457 307 2,138 10 34 20,131 33,560 7,490 12,481 5 10 525 877 296 571 423 564 314 933 336 603 833 1,780 100 173 188 339 282 541 645 ,441 875 1,082 5,923 6,035 762 3,543 369 2.385 259 919 142 436 519 859 169 400 1,379 418 13 1,050 13 6 968 221 13 5 82 35 8 329 13 3 1,195 85 7,904 475 2,320 2,462 35,371 22,066 2,296 2.416 19,873 11,760 1,871 2.231 6.499 6,619 1.833 9,514 1,656 5.984 94 1,017,978 503.685 369,989 198 , 490 33 21 3,420 2,764 1,812 1,372 1,714 3.884 1,139 2.965 1.895 2.361 3,616 4,982 681 848 866 1.137 1,530 1,971 2,750 3,845 1,689 2,013 7,409 8,918 1.395 4.118 725 3,291 439 1,064 262 627 570 908 282 494 497 29 361 12 7 1 24 4 6 112 1 365 9 2,708 2,325 2,452 32,124 19,935 2,297 2.377 18,637 10.222 1.888 2.300 5,466 6,262 l-,787 8,023 1,519 5,464 33 66 227,831 65,503 87,137 24.126 22 62 2.260 5.048 1,142 2.723 1,756 2,851 1,179 3.698 1,792 2,304 3,287 4,882 542 700 726 1,004 1,515 2,017 2.561 3,878 1,584 1,957 8,157 11,282 1,318 4.053 759 4,104 515 1.067 312 791 461 1,265 387 606 15 1 369 5 15 327 10 1 224 4 8 1 103 1 4 42 11 306 2,382 550 503 10,812 5,511 531 491 6,005 4,077 369 427 2,142 1,944 398 3,284 326 1.523 53 72 5a. 202 447. M9 233,433 205,826 720 150 360 75 309 1,184 90 167 300 411 421 615 218 294 298 415 102 169 123 200 434 495 5,442 6.610 412 2.922 239 2,520 213 814 157 245 434 589 174 330 52 39 2,648 7,564 47 1,836 46 38 1,097 3,527 36 28 739 2.586 37 812 30 34 1.674 5,901 6,286 18,352 11/14-11/20 MISSISSIPPI 111 PRODUCTS; CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued and poultry, see text and State Table 12J ToUa- hatchle Tate Tippah Tishomingo Tunica Union Walthall Warren Washington Wayne Webster Wluinson Winston ITalobusha Yazoo 2,424 1.861 2,300 1,553 1.212 2.607 2,066 1.002 1,288 1.631 1.610 1,181 2.255 1.504 2,466 1 2.715 2.212 2.569 1,879 1,554 3.004 2,142 1,153 1,957 1,752 1.762 1,126 2,587 1.842 2.835 2 24.535 34.350 18.178 9.054 10.562 21,838 33,201 30,704 31.533 22.033 19.869 29,200 27 ,003 19.449 48,862 3 16,725 30.325 13.690 6.666 5.321 19,201 22.459 19,981 15,097 14.260 12.893 21.852 18.746 16.804 33.652 4 2.332 1.842 2.257 1.524 1.172 2.557 2.028 971 1,243 1.601 1.586 1.153 2.221 1.489 5 2.599 2.165 2.497 1.832 1.486 2.923 2.092 1,126 1.847 1.725 1.724 1.081 2.554 1.806 2,749 6 13.747 21,705 10.275 4.659 5.687 12.504 18.513 16,465 17.133 12.053 11,255 15.758 14.815 11.491 27,756 7 3.979 17.809 7.382 3.435 2,905 10,338 11.662 10,305 8,672 7.499 6,335 12,405 9.428 8.858 19,161 8 1.947 1.424 2.163 1.471 1,043 2,337 1.719 621 1,002 1.247 1,4a 751 2.066 1.239 1,718 9 2.434 2.008 2.453 1.300 1,406 2,872 1.962 912 1,755 1.554 1,630 860 2.505 1,702 2,434 10 4.242 9.122 8,211 3.432 1.594 9,946 12.470 1,749 2,401 3.070 6.050 1.666 9.237 4.283 4.386 11 5.350 10.143 6.752 3.053 2,072 9,583 8.696 3.131 3,244 3.696 4.518 2.389 7.465 5.615 6.768 12 1.519 1.321 1.606 1.009 452 1.880 1,720 795 709 1.288 1.191 968 1.823 1.130 1.951 U 5,9b4 8.637 5.523 3.130 2.273 7,620 11,240 7.635 6,881 6,060 5.956 6.923 8.380 5.045 12.956 U 1.194 83b 875 557 399 777 1,310 662 579 1.056 793 748 1.320 384 1,491 15 4.824 3,958 2.380 1,265 2,597 1.714 3.448 6.KJ4 7,519 3.920 2.653 6.519 3.803 2.913 8,150 16 25 99 715 201 9 1.091 348 30 38 20 357 15 445 31 19 17 66 253 408 110 38 1.217 330 47 82 38 209 24 343 119 43 18 145.712 2,252,516 1.551,195 270.820 23 .012 2.505.183 3.571,328 204.506 481,534 39.016 995.182 55.796 1.139,121 218.456 120,310 19 205.227 2.156,165 610,497 39.516 24,173 1,818.258 1.828,459 400.466 254.030 53,141 270.479 43.924 472,019 263.729 91,600 20 49.039 884.093 430,641 87.325 7,632 751.252 1,467,829 77.801 223.280 13.004 318.862 23,496 354.142 31.315 40.552 21 73.557 957.910 206,979 16.709 9.389 557.840 785,091 165.859 136.159 28.738 84.813 21,604 161.175 97.787 34.501 22 16 12 301 113 3 20 19 13 3 26 9 2 42 63 13 23 53 65 734 114 6 106 25 35 37 14 179 5 123 189 19 24 3,376 5,235 52.166 20.017 3,a6 1.329 9,175 5.554 140 1.541 2.722 415 16,794 17.491 6.7a 25 4.964 11,644 106.447 20.385 580 13,522 1.734 3.124 11,025 1,118 22,410 256 25,377 35.532 2.193 26 1.749 2.911 22,821 9.346 1,708 647 4.610 2,856 70 763 1.361 210 9,087 8,862 3,613 27 2.612 6.545 54.792 11.027 291 6.005 874 1.797 14.810 606 11.972 164 13.848 19,010 1,247 as 1.685 1.20^ 2.023 1.319 918 2.199 1.544 491 874 1.140 1.314 637 1.903 1,075 1.360 29 2.532 5,225 5.626 2,247 1,215 6.870 7.406 1,046 1,662 1,696 3.619 1,166 5.224 2,224 2,254 30 3.565 8.123 7.828 3,542 1,809 9.535 12.771 1,335 3,018 2,236 4,840 1,271 6.485 2,477 2,589 31 1.373 696 1.390 1.026 725 1,193 a9 289 554 632 938 198 1,440 830 879 32 4,025 1,814 3.820 3,740 2,323 2,663 946 739 1.602 1,713 2,381 518 3.887 2,172 2.377 33 1,106 1.372 1.474 901 531 1.344 1,663 822 757 1.129 1.009 1,071 1,918 1,074 1.853 34 1.912 1.703 2.263 l,b4b 1,123 2,378 2.132 1,147 1.721 1.668 1.493 1,196 2,354 1,664 2.627 35 3.302 4.096 3.238 1.573 2,ao 2.870 3,255 1,720 2.034 1.744 2,279 2,998 4,072 2,881 5,126 36 6.396 6.849 6.045 3.258 5,243 6,043 4,443 2,756 5.361 2,883 3,780 3.540 5,812 5,191 8,213 37 428 826 597 322 93 599 549 552 295 471 406 796 343 565 1.049 38 650 1.115 1.072 520 147 1.079 673 781 469 680 621 951 1.134 951 1.451 39 634 1 . 480 874 400 161 901 689 9a 597 599 577 1,575 1,092 888 1.825 40 1,081 2.212 1,302 746 296 1,796 874 1,517 873 882 906 1,999 1.632 1,612 2,797 41 944 1.077 1,161 645 513 947 1.415 485 614 795 796 804 1.556 862 1,459 42 1.717 1.359 1,317 1.303 1,091 1,798 1,881 710 1.538 1.243 1.235 890 1.985 1.377 2,228 43 2,668 3.21b 2.a4 1.173 2,249 1,969 2,566 779 1,437 1,145 1.702 1,423 2.980 1,993 3,301 44 5.315 4,637 4,243 2,512 4,947 4.247 3,569 1.239 4,488 2,001 2.874 1.5a 4.180 3.579 5,a6 45 2,747 1,735 1,761 1.136 1.941 1.976 i.a6 767 1,936 1.064 1.170 1.019 1,876 1.184 2,389 46 3.630 2,249 2,131 1.535 2,995 2.479 1,861 1,119 3,506 1,683 1.475 1,138 2,499 1,725 3,341 47 16,264 7.358 10,204 4.747 7.925 8.527 6,053 10,819 9,020 8,368 5,561 6,533 9.350 6,404 24,313 48 21.014 9,554 9.546 5,317 13.738 8,804 8,556 16,318 17,310 14,100 6,540 9.745 12,203 11. ai 36,190 49 2,282 1.498 1.569 955 1.697 1.734 1,145 663 1,617 927 1,000 908 1,702 985 2,168 50 9.090 4.258 4.946 2,428 4,855 4.587 3,405 5,879 5,205 4,295 2,732 3.778 5,055 3.176 13,693 51 1.254 694 768 431 706 753 731 425 750 543 517 481 823 593 1,072 52 7.174 3.100 5.258 2.319 3,070 3,940 2.648 4,940 3,815 4.073 2,829 2,755 4,295 3,228 10,620 53 774 312 574 302 466 443 372 343 433 490 356 352 563 418 853 54 2,247 958 1,608 704 918 1.132 772 1,522 1,409 1,240 799 655 1,206 1.175 3.377 55 526 248 403 199 196 302 221 211 274 353 227 156 327 260 506 56 1.310 760 bOl 294 924 521 566 553 1,161 791 462 691 907 782 1,533 57 1.260 502 794 357 395 557 378 799 828 638 386 259 577 713 1,846 58 2.612 1,128 961 507 1.667 909 778 1,576 2,489 1,391 838 1,027 l,o31 1,563 3.824 59 516 271 428 214 339 319 248 228 259 336 245 248 334 284 550 60 987 456 814 347 523 575 394 723 581 602 413 396 529 462 1.531 61 10 10 6 2 10 11 6 53 63 23 3 16 5 18 a 62 11 4 6 12 10 6 42 76 15 1 10 3 8 47 63 188 64 26 86 2,235 225 138 1.235 5,987 611 22 257 57 363 1,139 64 1.004 59 97 1.559 72 86 854 3,355 507 2 126 43 301 985 65 9 10 6 2 8 11 5 46 59 21 2 16 5 16 41 66 106 8 57 19 59 So2 186 84 790 2,458 447 19 167 43 191 790 67 9 5 1 5 9 4 44 57 19 1 15 4 16 40 6S 10 4 6 8 6 39 73 14 9 3 8 45 69 84 50 12 56 313 149 79 707 2,066 370 18 138 40 176 705 70 497 33 47 897 39 57 423 2,187 286 64 19 170 sa 71 3 7 5 2 8 8 4 a 45 18 1 10 3 8 24 72 7 2 6 10 6 4 29 56 10 1 6 2 3 36 73 22 7 7 3 44 37 5 83 392 77 1 29 3 15 85 74 98 2 10 554 13 6 62 275 U4 1 24 3 8 115 75 9 2 3 1 8 5 4 40 45 15 1 15 3 15 32 76 82 7 7 27 1,373 39 54 445 3,529 164 3 90 14 172 349 77 6 4 1 1 10 6 2 34 53 17 1 9 3 11 32 78 9 2 5 6 5 2 27 56 10 4 3 6 33 79 105 48 4 58 1.957 168 61 955 5,785 410 13 151 44 210 922 80 384 20 35 647 24 22 492 1,602 325 50 24 207 565 81 590 265 23 600 8.664 934 245 5,636 30,185 2,609 110 800 151 1,192 4,782 32 1,896 95 175 3,040 116 110 2,405 8,680 995 ISO 165 847 3,329 83 11/14-11/20 11/14-11/20 11/7-11/13 11/14-11/20 11/7-11/13 11/14-11/20 11/14-11/20 11/7-11/13 11/7-11/13 11/14-11/20 11/7-11/13 11/14-11/20 11/7-11/13 11/14-11/2C 11/H-1V20 84 112 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 7 (Part 2 of 2). -LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK [For comparability of data on livestock Item (For definitions and explanatlona, see text) The State Adams Alcorn Amite Attala Benton Bolivar Calhoun Carroll Poultry and poultry products: 1 Poultry and/or poultry products sold.......,.........,,.,.,.,., f anna reporting 1954. . . 36,902 76,991 152 750 1.445 730 1,312 896 1,493 233 503 288 760 692 1,824 275 618 2 1949... 250 3 dollars 1954... 27,367,176 26,385 199,571 128,993 223.825 30,400 49.965 58.506 21,047 4 1949... 10,740,565 13,334 76,278 79,643 112,779 41.333 61,061 141.106 46,345 5 Chickens, 4 months old ajid over. on hand farms reporting 1954... 167,126 876 2,242 2,745 2,268 2,599 3,196 1,230 1,544 4.173 6,756 2.204 2.750 1,435 2.337 6 1950... 209 ', 582 939 2!616 7 number 1954... 5.420,280 24,332 81 ,003 76,978 78,181 32,644 88,698 77.209 41,509 8 1950... 5,827.851 23,247 33,293 70,046 87 , 772 39,208 134,238 95,973 66,252 9 Chickens sold , farms reporting 1954. . . 11.484 35,996 25 206 156 456 227 77 92 510 255 860 66 228 10 1949... 97 324 639 256 11 number 1954.. . 35,319,881 1,273 208,275 85,047 234,550 2,734 11,245 8,477 2,831 12 1949... 7.313.834 4,322 26,355 30,401 41,655 16,227 21,316 37,134 11,983 13 dollars 1954... 21,317,072 1,382 136,312 56,042 137,241 2.652 7-, 800 7,613 3.111 14 6,169,391 4,906 26,182 30,531 39.929 14,702 22.912 35,609 12,401 15 Broilers farms reporting 1954. . . 1.225 14 6 13 226.700 2 16 number 1954... 34,390,326 201,750 78,000 7,800 17 dollars 1954... 20,391,226 131,100 48,826 130,205 4,460 18 Other chickens farms reporting 1954... 10,356 929,555 25 194 6,525 150 215 7,350 77 90 3,445 255 8,477 56 2,831 19 number 1954... 1,273 7,047 2.784 20 dollars 1954... 925,846 1,382 5,712 7,216 7,035 2,652 3,340 7,513 3.111 21 Chicken eggs sold farms reporting 1954... 29,374 65,607 111 664 1,179 632 1,185 320 133 430 200 601 1,670 249 511 22 1949... 196 1,344 624 23 dozens 1954... 12.402,243 54,467 137,923 175,663 128,333 51,812 73,879 133.692 39,850 24 1949.., 10,474,352 17,323 120,607 119.405 180,958 58.290 71,652 302,464 80.320 25 5,517,223 23,515 53,311 69.404 51,554 25.324 35,152 49,524 17,389 26 1949... 4,229,754 7.346 45,079 48,160 71,613 24.974 32,443 105,206 32,575 27 Turkeys raised farms reporting 1954... 9,494 121 86 175 104 63 263 64 75 28 1949, . . 6.426 70 60 57 40 36 365 23 54 29 number 1954... 142,392 947 2,003 1,611 7,008 711 2,113 674 465 30 1949... 78,950 540 660 492 320 394 2,924 123 352 31 Light breeds farms reporting 1954... 5,359 93 19 81 48 31 176 26 40 32 number 1954.., 57,731 714 119 813 436 316 1,306 218 229 33 Heavy breeds farms reporting 1954. . . 4,216 84,661 29 233 68 1,884 94 798 56 6,572 34 395 90 807 38 455 35 235 34 35 Turkey hens to be kept for breeding, on hand............... . .. raTmi rpTmy+lncr IQ'iZ. 7,078 95 61 144 426 71 42 145 203 796 54 204 65 a5 36 •^ti jiUHkAU .............. ...•.■••.. J.aa nm a cpui UXll^ J. 7 .^*T ... number 1954.. . 27!l87 286 357 514 37 Light breeds farms reporting 1954... 4.115 79 19 71 43 23 78 137 553 25 90 33 113 38 number 1954... 14,899 235 123 204 154 39 Heavy breeds farms reporting 1954. . . 2,998 16 44 234 74 222 29 19 68 30 114 33 102 40 number 1954... 12,283 51 360 67 243 41 Ducks raised .farms reporting 1954... 4,591 5,625 65 70 32 66 99 91 55 62 43 36 125 258 27 30 70 42 1949... 40 43 32,540 357 207 649 260 250 1,045 179 177 44 1949... 40,710 475 414 434 392 206 1,321 211 388 45 Turkeys, ducks, geese, other miscellaneous poultry, and their eggs sold... farms reporting 1954... 3,552 42 28 77 50 29 68 23 17 46 1949... 3,681 36 38 23 24 18 98 15 34 47 532,381 1,488 9,448 3.547 35,030 2,424 7.013 1,369 547 48 1949. . . Aniaals sold alive; 341.420 1,082 5,017 952 1,237 1,707 5.706 291 1,369 49 Cattle, hogs, sheep, horses, or mules sold alive farms reporting 1954... 88,176 529 1,131 1.519 1.620 714 702 1.388 1,017 50 1949... 118,206 615 1.691 1,603 1,871 1,046 2.127 1.926 1,486 51 dollars 1954... 44,806,561 330,757 258,376 540,787 522,944 312,141 861.517 701,537 674.353 52 45,112,398 321,941 307,830 635,934 571 , 960 295,942 366,222 655.958 588.008 53 Cattle and/or calves sold alive.. farms reporting 1954... 74,099 430 940 1,391 1.400 523 436 1.185 872 54 1949. . . 90,407 406 1,358 1,453 1,503 780 1,285 1.438 1.111 55 number 1954... 750,560 5,612 3,932 14,439 10,137 3,719 10,212 8,471 10,230 56 1949... 467,174 2,933 3.063 9,793 6,712 2,644 6,085 4,810 5.684 57 Cattle sold alive, excluding calves farms reporting 1954. . . 44,383 41.818 237 483 874 937 279 266 724 438 58 1949... 229 537 729 874 327 544 540 576 59 number 1954... 247,810 2,077 1,420 3.618 4.083 1,300 4,030 2.710 4,099 60 1949. . . 174,184 1,064 1,058 2.961 3,390 916 3,496 1,304 2.388 61 dollars 1954... 17,050,608 134,983 90,621 204,473 240.374 93,391 421.711 174,536 317,176 62 1949. . . 18,042,976 107,498 115,042 288,505 331.282 86,489 436,541 122,558 233.652 63 63,451 72,784 364 287 792 1.215 1,149 454 651 333 954 1,060 747 64 1949... 1,098 1,191 1.065 1,304 863 65 number 1954, . . 502,750 3,535 2,512 10.821 6.054 2,419 6,182 5,761 5,131 66 1949... 292,990 1,869 2,005 6,832 3,322 1,728 2.589 3,506 3,296 67 dollars 1954... 18,835.912 143,806 59,524 301,060 193 , 270 89,744 320,190 226,997 248,125 68 1949... 14,653,252 127,939 73,824 293.211 143.358 88,279 138,455 178,574 185,758 69 Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting 1954... 32,498 201 428 320 570 387 346 696 449 70 1949... 61.252 412 756 476 928 657 1,216 1,204 892 71 number 1954. . . 321,255 1,624 3,631 2,015 4,174 4,223 3,816 8,512 4,218 72 1949... 539,424 3,293 5,546 2,344 5,559 5,463 10,529 13,128 8.150 73 dollars 1954... 7,933,802 37,506 98,391 31.819 79,735 122,596 98,595 292,368 97.375 74 11,260,270 69,468 97,547 47,520 86,073 108,532 245.317 329,179 159.354 75 Sheep and lambs sold alive... farms reporting 1954... 1,027 20 4 3 8 3 21 7 76 1949... 764 12 3 2 6 27 3 77 number 1954... 49,017 1,033 36 54 141 66 1.359 551 78 1949. . . 26,057 611 26 38 160 1.035 59 79 dollars 1954... 664,767 13,601 539 792 2,032 933 18,659 3,792 80 1949... 284,424 11,446 356 431 3,039 13,531 967 31 Horses and mules sold alive.. farms reporting 1954... 5,819 9 133 62 154 79 38 115 61 82 1949... 7.410 20 159 68 154 68 112 235 101 83 r™btr 1954... 9,329 14 237 86 213 161 85 190 98 84 13,732 28 262 87 220 204 473 431 156 85 dollars 1954... 321,472 861 9,301 2,643 7,533 5,477 2,362 7.136 2,894 86 1949... 871,476 5,590 21,417 6,342 10,311 9,603 32,378 25.547 3.267 MISSISSIPPI 113 PRODUCTS : CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 and poultry, see text and otate Table 12] Chickasaw Choctaw Claiborne L^larke Clay Cualiuma Copiah Covington De Soto Forrest Franklin George Greene Grenada H'incock 522 393 169 437 478 346 320 328 359 295 237 177 1 ■;'./.■ t^.. 879 664 557 366 901 776 430 653 578 375 378 214 2 tt .. t^ 12.850 187.010 123.641 50.210 74,988 169.395 183.923 671,742 288.147 137.298 38,575 45.370 97.025 3 50 , ^".J ''■'■■• 17.519 1U3.528 84.948 34.589 99.103 99.260 150,215 75.466 55.544 110.957 32,441 26.891 71.312 4 2.073 1.410 957 2.023 1,593 2.738 2.257 1.745 2,691 1,061 1.079 1.138 1.014 1.046 592 5 2.581 1.548 1.143 2.098 1.357 4.686 3.027 2.086 3,239 1.171 1.145 1.031 854 1.408 568 6 55,225 44.697 26.732 66.336 50.284 60.409 69.324 65,847 90,038 73.395 57,841 47.942 39.232 37.874 28.954 7 68.643 44 . 576 31.915 66.472 46.929 85.965 76.955 70,550 80,706 41.259 38 ,077 44.538 24.168 37.556 22.592 8 62 161 26 193 118 66 109 134 102 124 132 115 98 78 46 9 377 406 98 432 272 359 324 444 340 284 267 329 196 175 92 10 2.050 14,362 3.606 198.692 58.606 17.630 23.360 167,694 20,033 821,632 307,076 81.920 61 .893 5.353 26.313 11 11,073 11.598 4.299 26.712 55.211 9.717 50.414 39,152 174,065 21,223 16,453 17,390 15.447 7.066 30.247 12 1,767 10.048 3.147 114.606 45.979 12.539 18,645 107,705 18,773 507,747 199.445 55,903 43.609 5.127 20.354 13 10,752 11.199 4.832 26.537 47,565 10.493 48.010 35,425 102,838 21,314 16.795 17.167 14.309 7.022 27.898 U 1 1 3 3 2 3 5 17 15 44 3 1 15 9.60.3 2.900 191 . 500 50,500 13.500 14.400 158,500 776,000 294 . 581 74.400 56.200 20,000 16 5.760 2.295 107,400 35,920 8.200 9.660 98.466 439,360 138.100 49.000 38.377 14,000 17 62 161 26 191 115 64 107 129 102 107 121 72 95 78 45 18 2,050 4.762 706 7.192 8,106 4,130 8.960 9.194 20.033 45,682 12.495 7.520 5.693 5,353 6,813 19 1.767 4.238 852 7.206 10,059 4,339 8.985 9.239 13,773 68,387 11.345 6.908 5.232 5.127 0.354 20 331 430 ■-7 433 321 115 375 403 294 259 271 233 216 209 147 21 883 813 248 766 564 507 717 767 627 323 585 472 282 307 192 22 43.253 87.725 18.981 140.541 131.155 78,671 133.268 156.541 341,127 365,728 224.448 205.991 94,545 75.235 151.991 23 94.141 107.740 27.825 175.739 61.680 43,380 98,410 167 . 563 100,687 114,606 87.445 205.356 38,124 41,282 88.903 24 17.097 33.581 8.389 56.652 59,298 34,645 55,217 59.214 161.260 159.837 87.336 75.354 a, 051 38.108 66.971 25 34.914 40.148 11.801 71 .878 27,964 20,523 41.942 62.533 44.794 49.205 38.411 37.541 15,257 17.504 41 .751 26 65 55 1J5 166 99 156 154 127 130 102 104 139 142 71 80 27 96 22 30 79 113 258 32 35 91 26 27 77 54 36 31 28 2.092 447 677 4.056 4,258 1.622 1,124 1.082 1.357 1,139 843 1.944 1,653 559 2.341 29 1,440 291 311 1.419 2,206 1,546 2,460 381 750 1.067 203 1.454 584 453 433 30 57 24 53 94 57 136 82 32 75 13 65 74 76 31 27 31 1,936 197 324 1.990 1,590 1,264 592 715 528 124 471 1.133 710 250 1,024 32 9 31 53 75 43 20 72 45 57 34 41 oS 58 40 55 33 150 250 353 2,066 2.663 358 532 367 829 1.015 372 311 943 309 1,317 34 49 39 89 97 oi 121 122 96 93 78 71 114 103 37 57 35 229 121 223 437 727 416 452 320 278 325 232 399 236 166 185 36 42 23 52 49 34 105 71 67 58 11 38 65 64 19 13 37 203 87 138 310 113 298 225 206 170 ol 112 200 175 87 60 38 16 37 48 29 16 51 29 35 68 34 49 39 19 39 39 26 34 90 127 614 118 227 114 108 264 120 199 111 79 125 40 34 16 58 46 35 57 36 17 55 40 61 25 37 45 39 41 34 24 .,1 70 36 185 66 33 79 32 27 23 31 62 29 42 183 142 403 271 224 393 286 114 390 367 339 163 190 383 257 43 2oS 130 255 57o 208 832 311 371 434 171 119 285 ISo 315 315 4i 39 20 34 41 37 29 17 46 33 25 25 55 50 34 33 45 81 Ic 17 47 73 74 37 29 54 16 8 59 31 31 12 46 7.416 800 1 . 320 15.752 13,364 3.026 1.126 2.476 3.890 4.153 1.366 5.036 3.915 2.141 9,701 47 4.924 1.294 836 5.113 9.419 3.563 9.151 1,302 2.583 4.947 338 6.249 2.375 2,355 1,663 48 1.256 940 638 1.203 896 421 1.441 1,119 1,225 567 709 690 674 598 380 49 1,586 1.049 766 1.324 1.191 1,482 1,716 1,314 1,933 511 323 871 637 870 384 50 574.712 255.25- 822.476 520.577 616.830 579.774 857,502 408,646 711,338 333.758 329.205 417.655 273,774 424.167 152,536 51 625.758 248.271 896.860 464.280 573.894 379.953 1,082,481 319.160 800,436 236.472 358.271 345.793 299,902 438,914 169,533 52 1.153 789 539 1.028 763 219 1.333 967 980 476 624 379 452 514 233 53 1.320 831 638 995 990 847 1.510 1.059 1.466 505 704 547 438 638 264 54 11.497 4,902 11.487 8.294 10,240 4,595 17.117 3.003 13,592 5.615 5.6a 3.327 3.515 7.045 2,470 55 7.249 2.607 7.863 4,464 7,187 2.115 12.789 3.943 12.190 2.825 4.297 2.028 2,151 4.945 1,647 56 705 439 313 577 395 121 709 549 575 274 320 194 244 294 161 57 547 431 334 386 480 366 648 473 727 230 334 268 227 293 103 58 4.378 1.831 3,611 2.307 4,355 1,948 4,409 2.391 3,630 2.957 2.OO0 1,327 1,203 2.232 390 59 2.376 1.090 2.444 1.190 2,554 792 4.930 1.493 4,107 914 1.221 700 1,085 2.212 490 60 271.707 89,902 307.000 116,306 312,681 200,061 274,832 123.349 323,570 214.049 123.685 81.422 49,636 129.583 48,340 61 252.637 107,121 309.833 117.827 267,985 31,175 498,027 130,900 426,149 83,427 116.265 60.984 103,899 224.852 48,909 62 1.020 615 491 937 596 162 1,206 859 358 353 543 276 367 432 186 63 1,149 647 560 835 799 642 1.316 857 1,176 428 634 418 330 522 212 64 V.ll'l 3.071 7.876 5.987 5.835 2.647 12,708 5.612 10,062 3,648 4.615 2.000 2,413 4,813 1,530 65 4.873 1,517 5.a9 3,274 4.633 1,323 7,859 2,450 8,033 1.911 3.076 1,323 1,066 2,733 1,157 66 233.825 39.783 342.780 246.330 233,877 164. *31 530,167 246,991 217,166 120.812 160,608 33.376 93,376 231,554 38,535 67 201.728 59.143 380.467 199.131 193.689 67,090 466.525 138,350 192,135 89,107 168.722 62.071 60,779 145,445 33.565 68 373 406 275 468 314 265 312 346 506 154 232 539 483 252 213 69 806 563 479 785 619 885 539 521 1,032 271 424 638 570 562 253 70 3.104 2.939 5,853 5.557 2,556 5.252 2,270 1,941 5,247 1,746 1,840 8.774 5.870 2,971 2.472 71 7.711 4.132 7.777 6.713 5,540 8.278 4,507 2,540 6,837 2,553 3.762 9,166 6.808 5,159 3.975 72 62.933 70.373 165.245 153,326 53,828 189,235 47,266 34,653 160,364 44.159 37 , 586 239,163 122 , 596 59,488 51.134 73 156.943 74.517 189.963 140,118 100,401 213,855 110,853 41 , 194 169,806 55.915 69,612 214.716 128.440 111,228 80.030 74 4 3 12 3 35 23 5 1 4 8 9 19 44 3 87 75 5 2 7 5 16 26 4 2 4 5 2 21 14 5 45 76 107 21 482 65 1,099 l,a4 194 7 85 256 352 814 591 37 1.404 77 84 87 873 61 297 671 85 57 171 72 39 255 232 34 749 78 1.252 3«) 5.622 962 14,753 23,111 2,780 105 1,070 3,691 5.770 12.354 7.355 562 14.402 79 984 920 12.847 510 4,234 9,877 823 570 1,594 624 436 3,215 3,706 358 5.814 SO 84 100 29 73 43 22 38 71 73 24 30 6 20 23 1 81 113 83 25 62 62 54 35 72 93 38 35 61 36 61 6 82 141 139 48 91 62 86 75 36 129 29 41 5 23 108 2 83 303 122 57 118 128 148 150 99 167 44 49 31 51 133 6 84 4,995 4.839 1.829 3,153 1.691 2,466 2,457 3,543 4,213 1,037 1.555 340 310 2,880 75 85 13,466 6.565 3.740 6.694 7.585 7,956 6.253 3.146 10,602 2.399 3.2 ! 4.812 3,078 7,031 215 86 114 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 7 ( Part 2 of 2 ) —LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK CFor comparability of data on livestock Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Harrison Hinds Holmes Humphreys Issaquena Itawamba Jackson Jasper Jeffer~cn Poultry and poultry products: 1 Poultry and/or poultry products sold**............,......,,.... f arnis report inE 1954. . . 240 404 340 169 36 78 709 281 715 1,186 229 533 2 1949... 275 961 1,044 338 2,040 384 3 dollars 1954... 146,042 390,352 150,245 203,813 3,701 982,058 202,042 607,484 18,984 i. 1949... 80,260 124,934 101,101 22,977 9,269 514,445 159,843 144,057 24,057 5 Chickens, 4 months old and over, on hand.. farms reporting 1954... 844 3,455 3,240 1,556 458 2,097 833 858 2,372 2,688 1,504 1,681 6 1950... 868 4.191 4,039 2,316 659 2,880 7 number 1954... 43,137 108,892 76,391 42,167 12,426 75,596 57,444 81,555 39,738 8 1950... 35.055 123,631 94.288 50,410 17,468 109,126 53,814 86,684 40,448 9 Chickens sold farms reporting 1954... 96 98 111 43 7 276 131 201 51 10 1949... 160 370 342 172 43 1,069 227 520 180 11 number 1954. .. 67,721 386,377 202,045 269,281 127 1,601,200 32,587 937,166 1,498 12 1949... 22,645 49.760 66,884 o,724 3,245 486,126 54,446 50,576 6,112 13 dollars 1954... 42,399 216,829 113,758 187,667 127 932,437 26,693 505,550 1,473 14 1949... 21,189 55,494 61.720 6,829 3,261 371,277 53,676 46,624 6,731 15 Broilers... .farms reporting 1954... 3 13 4 3 154 1 17 16 number 1954... 54,000 362,150 196,000 268 ,000 1,591,610 16,000 924,400 17 dollars 1954... 30,440 192,696 108,380 186,520 921,995 11.200 490,230 18 Other chickens farms reporting 1954 .. . 94 87 107 40 7 134 130 185 51 19 number 1954... 13,721 24,227 6.045 1,281 127 9,590 16,587 12,766 1,498 20 dollars 1954... 11,959 24,133 5,378 1,147 127 10,442 15.493 15,320 1,473 21 Chicken eggs sold farms reporting 1954... 183 321 272 125 27 527 190 611 198 22 1949... 196 825 883 247 47 1,7a 311 1.040 449 23 dozens 1954... 226,314 373,317 76 , 399 31,873 6,767 107,573 380,260 229,865 33,876 24 1949... 129,355 145,147 80,378 34,424 15,963 323,512 235,207 239,773 37,166 25 dollars 1954... 100,857 169,677 34,467 14,164 3,019 48,824 168,623 98,458 15,910 26 1949... 55,270 65,108 34,169 15,058 4.822 141,921 104,899 90,190 15,809 27 Turkeys raised farms reporting 1954... 103 122 120 95 23 48 133 143 124 28 1949. . . 51 78 75 81 26 47 43 85 55 29 number 1954. .. 1,026 1,127 987 797 140 317 2,355 1.347 977 30 1949... 686 1,036 1,022 502 272 310 481 l,a2 470 31 Light breeds farms reporting 1954... 63 66 83 73 6 39 75 63 85 32 number 1954.. . 538 580 632 566 22 251 1,617 431 566 33 Heavy breeds farms reporting 1954... 41 57 39 23 17 9 59 85 40 34 488 547 355 231 118 66 738 916 411 35 Turkey hens to be kept for breeding. on hand ........................ farms reporting 1954 61 95 101 81 13 32 76 112 105 36 number 1954.,, 209 27° 376 401 34 120 363 312 327 37 Light breeds farms reporting 1954... 38 58 76 o4 10 28 43 45 71 38 number 1954.. . 137 159 272 323 27 105 236 118 200 39 Heavy breeds farms reporting 1954. . . 23 37 26 17 3 4 33 67 34 40 number 1954... 72 119 104 73 7 15 127 194 127 41 Ducks raised farms reporting 1954. . . 64 115 99 56 8 44 50 52 78 42 1949... 50 98 152 91 29 68 48 51 39 43 642 778 531 307 166 354 439 313 448 44 1949... 629 441 762 379 205 322 462 300 252 45 Turkeys, ducks, geese, other miscellaneous poultry, and their eggs sold. ..farms reporting 1954,*. 36 55 34 31 7 20 50 70 24 46 1949*** 31 48 81 32 14 31 22 60 37 47 dollars 1954**. 2,786 3,846 2,020 1,937 555 797 6,726 3,476 1,601 48 1949... AniBBls sold alive; 3,801 4,332 5,212 1,090 1,186 1,247 1,268 7,243 1,517 49 Cattle, hogs, sheep, horses, or mules sold alive farms reporting 1954... 430 1,798 1.350 443 191 1,353 509 1,415 901 50 1949... 417 2,398 2,103 850 315 1,994 486 1,577 1,089 51 dollars 1954... 321,683 1,537,448 809 , 598 275,329 1,442,037 312,113 206,179 506,694 535,983 52 1949... 211,050 1,805,021 855,514 135,782 376,093 435,202 245,275 556,502 643,715 53 Cattle and/or calves sold alive .farms reporting 1954... 351 310 1,542 1,901 1,055 1,438 271 120 196 1,131 1,562 320 309 1,222 1,236 778 851 54 1949... 520 55 number 1954... 3,485 27.222 14,539 3,083 17,496 5,125 3,105 10 , 527 10,019 56 1949... 2,346 18,567 8,539 1,185 3,067 3,864 1,757 6,551 7,643 57 Cattle sold alive, excluding calves farms reporting 1954. . . 266 925 616 174 74 724 179 551 361 58 1949... 182 869 692 205 80 790 186 504 364 59 number 1954... 1,295 7,843 3,710 1,433 3,571 1,834 947 2.6a 2,174 60 1949... 807 6,705 3,344 418 1,758 1,592 865 1,516 1,993 61 dollars 1954... 93,691 532,911 244,324 127,694 352,415 111.495 47.577 146,935 156,905 62 1949... 77,315 768,623 381,456 40,109 187,547 166,165 79,614 144,981 190,688 63 309 1,401 9a 204 89 914 276 1,083 703 64 1949... 231 1,587 1,097 410 151 1,127 221 1,110 769 65 number 1954. . . 2,190 19,379 10,829 1,650 13,925 3,291 2,158 7,386 7,845 66 1949... 1,539 11,862 4,695 767 1,309 2,272 892 5,035 5,650 67 dollars 1954... 58,039 778,965 449,793 70,709 1,030,183 80,351 80,643 289,550 302,372 68 1949... 72,464 745,445 273.590 35,335 88,165 86,338 36,886 306, a7 340,742 69 Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting 1954... 141 644 563 261 117 519 285 460 341 70 179 1,085 1,279 522 245 995 319 803 624 71 number 1954,,, 4,758 8,230 4,960 2,863 1,326 4,339 3,349 2,989 2,431 72 1949... 2,228 12,311 9,027 3,970 3,942 9,253 4,703 5,036 6,073 73 dollars 1954... 134,046 211,931 105,391 71,635 32,150 112,444 163,359 70,138 65,094 58,563 74 48,146 272,224 192,376 54,100 97,525 118,603 95,189 108,382 75 Sheep end lambs sold alive. . .farms reporting 1954... 45 38 16 6 12 1 22 2 23 76 1949... 30 26 10 3 7 2 25 1 27 77 number 1954. .. 2,600 964 673 220 2,414 10 529 15 1,154 78 1949... 1,322 578 77 77 81 5 974 1 471 79 dollars 1954... 35,377 11,324 7,900 3,269 27,204 120 7,452 167 14,700 80 1949... 12,068 7,476 742 820 865 40 9,385 10 5,337 81 Horses and mules sold alive.. farms reporting 1954.** 4 48 50 31 2 123 9 31 49 82 1949*.. 18 74 88 46 11 195 16 107 40 83 number 1954* . . 7 65 68 60 2 194 12 128 94 84 1949... 20 159 177 94 38 319 19 157 63 85 535 2,267 2,190 2,022 85 7,703 369 4,948 3.448 86 1949... 1,057 11,253 7.350 5,418 1,991 19,300 737 10,105 3,566 MISSISSIPPI 115 PRODUCTS: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued and poultry, see text and State Table l3 Jerferson Davis Jones Kemper Lafayette Lamar Lauderdale Lawrence Leake Ue Leflore Lincoln Lovmdes Madison Marion Marshall 'itt 725 553 475 448 474 234 1,228 899 177 774 329 406 387 249 1 J12 1.398 1.158 1,131 748 946 642 2,318 2.209 613 1,152 353 532 808 672 2 c.yr.iSu 708,381 71,002 133,843 736,267 385,857 32,437 1,233,553 231.077 132,011 109,212 104.963 112,902 75.591 38,167 3 70.939 225,225 61,400 81,900 122,483 146,971 37,503 368,231 277,333 39,192 152,554 109,578 110,377 53.976 56,762 4 2.179 3,017 2,136 1.985 1,265 2.075 1,526 3,048 2,836 2.764 2,415 1,548 3,153 2.229 2,514 5 i.i}0 3.418 2,553 2.472 1,443 2,255 1,852 3,612 4,333 4,306 2,611 2,490 3,515 2.595 3,481 6 30.1D7 111.D71 60, a4 55.153 51,301 71,940 42,493 98,235 95,717 64,190 82,535 51.419 87,223 71.554 61.454 7 o?.156 130.792 69 , 586 64.063 63,333 73.176 51,455 125,775 151,604 82,295 79,294 70,105 86,703 73,254 73.819 8 U3 286 143 133 169 167 58 486 231 59 220 121 144 91 74 9 361 755 544 470 357 469 240 1,092 1,198 340 435 369 314 390 285 10 1-.3.623 1.005.980 03.926 144,329 1.070.052 398,304 32,683 1,334,345 357,335 98,207 59,584 50,047 9,346 53,114 5.134 11 «1.57.i 66,194 18,332 32,327 30,038 69.351 13.542 244,810 200,402 11,305 83,803 46 , 459 20,674 25,157 25.355 12 128.232 533.078 36,762 90,338 655,793 251,188 20,133 1,124,433 213,953 64.332 39,079 31,932 9,157 35,225 4.972 13 36.657 &0,445 17,925 30,848 29,869 63,339 13,738 200,940 162,024 12.261 82,724 40,771 20,953 22,994 28,254 14 7 34 3 11 32 21 2 72 25 4 7 5 3 1 15 70.900 984,200 59,750 140.250 1,058,236 380,394 31,500 1,816,113 347,652 39.300 51,520 42,500 48,800 1,200 16 ■iT.W 513,528 32,800 35,494 645,235 234,907 19,050 1,106,714 205,034 57.133 31,132 24.900 32,000 900 17 137 255 141 122 138 148 56 427 203 55 214 115 144 90 74 18 72.723 21,780 4,176 4,579 11,316 17,910 1,188 13,232 9,733 8,907 8,064 7.547 9,845 4,314 3.934 19 80.778 19,550 3.962 4,344 10,558 16,281 1,083 17,719 8,919 7,199 7,897 7.032 9,167 4,225 4.072 20 ili. 5a 489 a3 341 389 183 895 791 124 631 259 238 316 205 21 d7'J 1,117 1,013 1,027 6a 806 542 2,155 2,189 393 1,000 743 508 670 531 22 743. .i^ 335,028 79,887 102,686 186,300 247,560 27,546 272,127 175,957 131,051 152.238 123.900 200,955 88,355 78.551 23 73.959 365,971 99,038 112,266 200,562 170,158 53.083 430 ,127 315,904 49,154 169.450 109.712 160,573 74,340 51 , 229 24 506, <91 157,724 31,258 43,026 77,171 132,006 10.833 106,923 65,428 55,362 67,232 49.609 87,646 35,648 32,170 25 13,396 156,432 40.195 49,405 91,361 72,737 22,281 163,105 U0,585 22,411 67,096 47,520 86,742 23,050 26,342 26 _-,, 213 100 67 105 67 93 109 103 110 155 60 109 143 134 27 ?:' 3c 90 70 42 46 51 45 107 153 99 94 65 131 126 28 1,507 5.5ib 1.110 437 1,328 889 662 565 330 742 1,348 5.206 1,933 1,273 744 29 528 1.493 670 512 488 2,163 395 502 1,305 1,275 949 3,240 524 1,111 932 30 d8 137 52 39 49 36 29 55 67 91 125 31 53 56 102 31 dSJ 1 .073 657 277 663 265 218 343 468 605 972 424 845 382 516 32 121 7'^ 48 29 58 32 64 55 36 19 40 30 43 92 33 33 -8:- 453 160 665 624 444 317 352 135 376 4,782 1,138 891 228 34 136 77 68 74 57 78 57 73 61 129 46 84 121 93 35 .;88 456 277 226 258 432 230 155 290 205 359 538 379 455 367 36 67 97 38 36 34 25 42 32 45 52 100 25 55 48 71 37 209 295 160 103 118 49 102 74 194 169 270 146 153 151 246 38 102 40 39 32 41 32 36 27 28 9 29 21 28 74 23 39 279 iDl 117 123 140 383 128 81 96 36 99 492 225 304 121 40 7,, 93 35 23 23 55 52 78 56 53 89 40 142 59 47 41 6;^ 3} 112 31 23 41 58 38 105 188 38 67 59 92 80 42 s7f 034 191 105 134 360 255 355 425 494 708 270 1,087 434 266 43 197 424 950 1,220 114 280 450 224 5,579 1,128 261 531 353 556 3a 44 71 63 50 15 44 24 40 71 37 37 75 39 54 35 19 45 30 43 95 48 24 26 21 65 67 65 50 64 33 53 44 46 2,757 17.579 2.982 479 3,303 2,663 1,471 2,197 1,696 2,317 2,901 23,422 16,039 3,713 1.025 47 936 8.343 3.280 1,647 1,253 10,895 1,439 4,186 4.674 4,520 2.734 21,387 2,672 2,932 2,156 48 1,203 1,671 1,273 1.275 966 1,174 785 1,828 1.793 436 1.621 979 1.444 1.044 1,173 49 1.179 1,825 1,629 1,304 931 1,425 1,050 2,077 2,350 1,510 1.454 1,276 1,759 1.347 1,864 50 4D3.170 539,450 448,909 473,046 367,801 547.241 339,184 423,278 482,743 433,071 014,234 725,353 1,372,399 354.589 464,350 51 362.430 577,756 503.287 519,397 317,810 513,103 327,487 408,662 602,211 294,075 515,938 678,707 1,092,398 376.493 825,809 52 985 1.396 1.091 1,053 869 1,025 697 1,561 1.607 274 1,507 845 1,219 923 947 53 931 1.426 1,288 1,400 736 1,111 881 1,573 2.480 915 1,271 957 1,346 1.115 1,396 54 8.021 10.696 9,272 3,014 6,652 10,785 5,807 9,142 10.552 5,873 12,535 13,029 20,345 8.060 9,550 55 3.927 6.320 5.834 5,263 3,442 5,639 3,573 4,656 9.383 2,349 5,901 7,472 11,305 4.579 8,832 56 578 930 546 590 498 624 393 1,022 905 177 1,015 531 805 602 577 57 387 7o4 612 626 363 526 403 863 1.058 377 555 431 711 523 628 58 2 , 402 3.720 2,624 2,543 1,886 4,265 1.530 3,225 3,438 2.332 4,170 4,785 6,535 2,210 2,934 59 1,543 2.613 1,809 1,675 1,239 1,951 1.134 1,388 3,309 738 2,248 3.448 5,210 1,574 3,485 60 174,346 196.817 129,334 161,234 100,606 240,1a 113.608 160,096 252,604 154,803 258,079 334,950 507,653 122,879 193,786 61 139,332 271,114 169,311 174,194 119,270 194,658 124.113 180,439 304,234 82.773 228,812 355,548 549,280 151,671 373,900 62 870 1,148 364 910 733 863 642 1,266 1,357 214 1,305 725 1,042 333 325 63 71: 1.044 1,012 1,173 559 868 742 1,186 2,105 704 1,113 764 1,026 372 1,106 64 5,ol9 D,970 6,648 5,471 4,766 6,520 4.277 5,917 7,054 3,546 8,455 3,244 13,710 5,350 5,715 65 2,384 3,707 4,025 3.588 2,203 3,688 2.439 2,768 5,074 1,611 4,653 4,024 6,095 3,005 5,395 66 236,178 244,922 230,516 205,366 184,626 237,111 175,227 180,743 129,376 130,765 285,083 301,421 534,573 193.592 199,208 67 151,451 188,323 220,996 182.728 128,463 183,699 141,068 136,244 154.290 32,274 214,439 178,848 376,094 151.556 249,170 63 ,-.. 503 490 497 289 305 250 614 457 240 386 351 555 238 473 69 41^ 799 927 1,025 440 718 459 861 1,110 844 480 553 831 555 1,051 70 2,800 5.090 3,333 3,974 3,169 2,463 2.133 4,056 3,750 3,180 2,937 3,132 4,771 1.837 3,075 71 2,786 5,382 5,967 7,502 3,292 5,409 2,956 5,443 7,121 6,401 3,759 5,312 8,114 3.632 7,139 72 48,973 90,936 30,067 98,153 60,434 62, a3 48,962 74,923 80,049 72,205 56,602 71,853 108,818 31.656 63,544 73 56.033 107,873 104,636 146,865 58,360 127,131 53,178 79,586 116,544 112,655 65 , 563 124,654 156,073 66.530 133,654 74 1 11 2 1 e 1 3 1 10 15 9 17 21 9 3 75 5 7 2 2 7 1 10 6 6 13 14 5 3 76 59 198 429 19 1,708 a3 29 18 139 i,a2 60 875 1,186 211 225 77 }1 97 120 16 445 56 91 594 34 733 378 53 38 78 d28 2,385 5.090 342 20,004 4,500 480 275 1,355 24,153 794 13,535 17,539 3.049 2,950 79 296 987 1.098 290 4,421 575 1,024 5,730 347 10,269 3.651 502 380 80 59 105 84 150 43 75 21 161 149 19 eo 56 86 47 104 81 58 133 r. 1 178 65 112 40 160 233 73 53 71 52 70 77 82 75 118 256 56 91 23 242 238 48 87 35 131 55 170 83 141 171 l._,^ 294 87 184 90 232 405 256 71 138 111 92 201 34 3,045 4,390 3,902 7,951 2,131 3,076 907 7,2a 8,353 1,135 3,676 3,503 3,701 3,a3 4,762 85 15,318 9,459 7,196 15,320 7,296 12,565 8,553 12.393 26,119 10,644 6,827 8,278 7.800 6,134 68,705 86 116 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 7 (Part 2 of 2 ) .-LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK [For :omparability of data Dn livestock Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Monroe Montgomery Neshoba Newton Noxubee Oktibbeha Panola Pearl River Perry Pike Poultry and poultry products: 1 Poultry and/or poultry products sold farms reporting 1954... 571 337 961 758 264 382 a3 347 259 474 2 1949... 1,449 718 2,050 1,755 649 640 1,002 574 422 731 3 dollars 1954... 359,198 68,980 238,720 526,827 87,854 61,331 61,728 99,758 227,818 257,440 4 1949... 217,799 70,796 208,503 200,110 53,160 57,553 52,556 73,929 26,345 111,820 5 Chickens, 4 months old and over, on hand farms reporting 1954. . . 3,022 1,456 2,944 2,388 2,125 1,795 3,181 1,356 942 2,125 6 1950. . . 3.795 1,695 3,671 2,831 2,707 1,875 4,222 1,552 986 2,241 7 number 1954,. , 98,286 47,782 98,743 98,206 57,115 48,199 75.919 50,133 35,695 52,722 8 1950... 113,740 46,816 114,127 95,535 58,917 43,792 94,299 51.894 27,883 62,058 9 Chickens sold.................. .farms reporting 1954... 176 77 225 311 78 122 128 109 85 115 277 10 1949... 724 265 882 929 191 240 434 302 197 11 number 1954... 400,949 10,583 247,068 522,697 32,714 36,283 47,493 38,510 236,561 313.544 12 1949... 135,175 25,372 95.605 117,531 10,958 16,517 18,084 20,218 7,737 75,589 U dollars 1954... 224,409 9,656 155,041 329,652 24,136 23,554 29.284 35,695 150,472 202,151 14 106,959 22,608 97,954 99,497 10,916 16,688 16,814 22,235 7,987 70,984 15 Broilers farms reporting 1954. . . 21 1 10 29 2 2 2 6 14 227,200 27 16 number 1954... 388,400 5,000 238,500 495,300 18,210 29,200 42,000 32,400 307,200 17 dollars 1954... 213,356 3,300 149,073 300,020 10,531 16,520 24,800 29,300 151,040 195.405 18 Other chickens farms reporting 1954... 157 77 216 285 77 120 126 104 71 89 19 number 1954... 12,549 5,583 8,558 27 , 397 14,504 7,083 5,493 5,210 9,351 5,444 20 dollars 1954... 11.053 6.356 5,958 29,532 13,605 7,044 4,484 5,395 9,432 5,746 21 Chicken eggs sold farms reporting 1954... 474 301 817 608 182 292 315 280 203 375 22 1949... 1.182 6a 1,839 1,571 529 498 785 443 342 528 23 dozens 1954... 212,281 124,768 213,905 354,572 134.119 56,105 58,523 136,856 129,734 108,581 24 1949... 203.857 112,075 294,533 232,532 73,592 77,991 74.539 121,731 42,102 98,573 25 87,564 58,117 75,542 165,222 49,441 31,015 30,459 59,478 65 ,096 51,739 26 1949... 86 , 477 47,699 105,195 88,013 31,176 34.540 34,197 49,641 15,481 38,392 27 Turkeys raised farms reporting 1954. , . 105 59 87 98 124 148 130 100 100 148 57 28 1949... 117 13 25 25 204 159 140 74 29 29 number 1954. . . 9,978 513 935 5.515 2,982 3,148 893 1,284 899 1,409 30 1949... 4,511 103 238 2,018 2,962 1,603 797 560 422 554 31 Light breeds farms reporting 1954... 50 31 50 37 55 -83 84 41 27 97 32 number 1954... 3,646 301 283 208 504 488 512 454 160 909 33 Heavy breeds farms reporting 1954... 56 28 37 61 59 55 46 59 73 52 34 6,332 212 553 5.308 2,378 2,660 381 820 739 500 35 Turkey hens to be kept for breeding. on hand farms reporting 1954... 62 44 59 70 101 115 110 99 78 107 36 number 1954... 276 182 177 225 334 289 332 497 225 355 37 Light breeds....... ....farms reporting 1954... 25 26 32 35 46 73 74 43 260 23 52 73 253 38 number 1954... 102 121 86 116 177 187 ai 39 Heavy breeds.......... .farms reporting 1954... 39 18 27 35 55 42 102 36 121 56 55 174 34 102 40 number 1954... 174 51 91 109 157 237 41 Ducks raised......... .farms reporting 1954... 48 31 35 50 68 27 73 38 64 111 91 53 45 31 53 74 42 1949... 67 67 61 69 43 number 1954... 379 159 355 354 179 387 494 888 372 547 44 1949... 587 149 616 354 540 199 571 587 172 562 45 Turkeys, ducks, geese, other miscellaneous poultry, and their eggs sold... farms reporting 1954... 49 21 113 48 67 48 35 58 38 45 46 1949... 93 9 122 42 114 98 51 31 20 34 47 dollars 1954... 47,225 1,207 5,137 31,953 14,277 6,751 1,975 4,585 2,250 3.550 48 1949. . . Aniaals sold alive: 24,363 489 5,354 12,600 11,068 5,425 1,545 2,002 1,877 2.444 49 Cattle, hogs, sheep, horses, or mules sold alive farms reporting 1954. . . 1.495 2,090 859 1,096 1,995 2,200 1,593 1,842 1,258 1,592 1,181 1,312 1,421 2.545 1,027 1,075 637 574 1.039 1,223 50 1949... 51 dollars 1954... 796,605 348.336 449,374 486,228 1,075,895 454,858 947,474 646,926 315,907 446,361 52 810, a4 408,335 528.023 439,533 1,321,742 583.515 1,533,275 504,623 247.955 468,956 53 Cattle and/or calves sold alive farms reporting 1954... 1,286 787 1,755 1,445 1,089 1,039 1,222 899 510 942 54 1949. . . 1.567 906 1,843 1,508 1,444 1,097 1,678 794 442 1.038 55 number 1954... 11,380 5,919 9,907 10.472 18,959 11,832 16,172 10,115 4,364 10,348 56 1949... 7,836 4,046 5,803 5,799 14,555 8,458 14,687 5,453 2,165 5,576 57 Cattle sold alive, excluding calves farms reporting 1954... 785 502 1,122 951 510 522 706 631 355 571 58 1949... 670 471 940 772 704 581 897 397 194 523 59 number 1954... 4.391 1,701 3.193 4,054 5,045 4.745 4.873 3,604 2,312 3,158 60 1949... 3.323 1,472 2.555 1,917 6,435 3.788 5,301 2,585 583 2,775 61 dollars 1954... 365,192 100,540 187.558 248,833 424,416 305,712 310,593 291,537 141,222 134,552 62 1949... 371,847 158,869 265,237 196,135 751,197 365,235 517,510 242,168 53,905 274,393 63 1,067 714 1,459 1,337 1,164 975 830 1,084 783 391 809 bl. 1949. . . 1.248 709 1,104 1,187 815 1,578 645 353 802 65 number 1954... 6,989 5,218 6,714 6,418 12,914 7,085 11,299 5,511 2,052 7,580 66 1949... 4,513 2.574 4,138 3,882 3,119 4,670 9,386 2,858 1.48 J 3,801 67 dollars 1954... 285,681 190.380 200,825 161.391 543.033 117,742 536,008 213,737 77,930 229,377 68 1949... 219,501 120,555 155,340 159,404 400,569 126,130 648,507 110.480 74,542 142,154 69 Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting 1954... 495 235 539 439 404 306 523 404 358 182 70 1,087 546 840 794 744 584 1,430 654 496 399 71 number 1954... 4,680 2,098 3,345 3.057 3,420 1,806 4,125 4,884 4.329 1.354 72 1949... 9.567 5,262 5,268 4.394 6,525 4,425 11,108 8,525 5.035 2.623 73 dollars 1954... 131.876 53,915 49,418 54.593 79,338 34,718 90,084 95,184 92,973 29,557 74 201 , 494 121,725 82,956 71,154 142,092 82,087 250,322 125,184 103.525 47,589 75 Sheep and lajnbs sold alive., .farms reporting 1954... 13 3 3 5 32 8 17 50 13 3 76 1949... 4 1 1 3 30 9 15 42 11 4 77 number 1954... 661 127 55 518 1,479 205 377 3,583 167 98 78 1949. . . 2') 9 20 105 768 278 353 2,793 524 47 79 dollars 1954... 8,002 1,740 659 6,050 24,248 2,155 5,795 43.753 1,954 1,460 80 1949. . . 512 90 200 1.550 10,319 3,553 4,781 22,472 3,521 318 81 Horses and mules sold alive.. farms reporting 1954... 99 39 229 131 112 113 76 24 37 20 82 1949... 174 79 145 148 76 70 119 63 35 42 83 number 1954... 181 54 295 182 187 156 140 58 45 29 84 385 129 208 211 156 136 232 34 39 65 85 dollars 1954... 5,855 1,750 10,913 5,251 4,861 4,530 4,994 2,565 1,813 1,415 86 1949. . . 17,060 7,095 13,290 11,290 7,565 5,509 12.055 4.319 2,352 4,492 MISSISSIPPI 117 PRODUCTS: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued and poultry, see text and State Table 1^ Pontotoc Prentiss Quitman Raniin Scott Sharkey Simpson Smith Stone Sunflower Talla- hatchie Tate Tippah Tishomingo Tunica 1 ,..u. ,^,^^ 159 581 713 110 570 731 152 347 314 358 947 631 92 1 :.134 1,820 378 1.033 1,399 239 1,135 1,472 302 912 822 868 1,734 1,275 425 2 142.322 39.833 51,809 1.602.203 7,895,909 51 ,047 734,448 2,936.540 91,947 140,088 61,195 104,882 107,308 75,379 34,450 3 120.661 126.400 24,019 762. 9U 1.317,038 12 .967 163.363 1.294.862 55,838 51,227 53,803 94,152 111,321 54,420 22.115 4 ' ..i,-,,. 2.449 2.543 2.283 2,320 1,079 2.351 2.098 534 3,958 3,140 2.210 2.373 1,682 2,277 5 3.6b2 3.002 3.479 2,648 2,525 1,427 2,777 2.624 574 5,134 4,051 2.701 2,690 2,167 3.a4 g 97.542 83,584 62.874 89.239 197,094 30,234 77,767 84,396 30,437 95,650 78,556 51,687 87,425 52,830 49,044 7 107,483 97.473 71.358 74.938 88,352 31,124 85,525 112,049 22,285 117,965 101.172 52,838 78,051 64 , 569 55,792 8 250 225 63 212 323 27 193 307 37 117 109 116 373 235 39 9 981 1,019 312 462 780 137 519 780 123 473 411 453 998 771 212 10 69.792 46,513 7,528 2.684.532 13.072.882 3.904 1.041.055 4.550.558 46.198 81,125 29.923 38,911 42,231 64,993 3,007 11 33.303 32,423 9,159 959.432 1.514.213 6,751 94,445 1.321.087 12,850 19,075 17,209 81,694 35,173 18,734 15,316 12 41.944 27,716 5,913 1.456,928 7.813.414 3.507 557,577 2.796.113 34,822 57,411 20,066 25,585 28,119 42,626 2,867 13 30.190 33,238 9,943 685.014 1.227.055 5,157 89.974 1.156,737 12,469 20,095 17 , 591 73,133 34,891 18,455 12,712 14 3 1 I 104 204 44 151 1 3 3 5 3 4 15 01 .000 38,600 2.000 2,557,432 12.915,536 1,030,370 4,534,472 40,000 73,500 21,500 30,000 30,100 57,700 16 33.500 21,400 1.000 1.453.303 7,655,599 547,604 2,783,369 29,000 50,175 11,350 17,440 17,330 35,500 17 247 224 62 111 133 27 152 164 36 114 105 112 372 233 39 18 8.792 7.913 5.528 17,100 157,245 3,904 10,585 16,036 5.193 7,525 8,423 8.911 12,131 7,293 3,007 19 8.444 6.316 4.913 13,525 155,715 3,507 10,073 12,744 5,822 7,235 8,715 8,146 10,739 6,125 2,867 20 982 857 114 407 470 85 421 508 118 244 190 294 817 545 53 21 1.989 1.601 340 817 1.095 170 949 1,149 270 596 638 662 1,527 1,016 299 22 127.390 153.915 101,492 253,225 224.054 89,078 194.054 286,904 ia,ioe 147,880 76,190 133.952 189,644 61,488 63,473 23 192.474 238,861 26.089 140,624 211,949 13,204 180.862 332,757 101,585 79,209 85,715 45.814 208,203 122,833 13,340 24 49,117 58,586 44,245 124,201 80.758 46,302 72.453 125,031 54,959 69,564 37.374 71.255 77,255 31,893 26,575 25 70,285 90,098 11,880 61,498 81.243 5,755 71.937 135,447 43,507 34,155 32.476 18.769 75,495 45,023 6,950 26 38 64 158 71 60 95 138 93 81 268 174 108 128 65 151 27 41 37 194 40 35 56 40 43 29 283 150 85 33 23 170 28 ? . 5ij7 693 1,030 1,698 612 649 1.009 5.120 894 3.395 1.607 830 943 607 1,419 29 1 , 370 701 1,195 2.445 1.322 367 249 414 330 2.229 1.304 868 261 155 1.096 30 ^2 23 108 39 19 66 84 65 58 173 131 59 30 34 80 31 I'.-'J 3du 666 489 99 425 550 4.796 600 2,168 1.184 501 293 242 599 32 17 :i'7 52 33 a 32 55 35 23 99 44 49 99 31 72 33 7 , .1,7 32,, 364 1,209 513 223 459 324 294 1,228 423 329 650 365 320 34 13 _,-, 131 56 38 82 101 67 58 213 127 84 99 34 122 35 J7 1 ITS 516 457 131 293 272 255 310 1,018 543 313 293 155 346 36 1. 2 J 99 24 11 53 56 35 47 143 104 48 25 20 56 37 56 95 ai 382 23 196 145 114 199 768 421 155 86 77 147 38 8 26 34 33 27 30 45 35 21 73 23 35 73 14 65 39 217 80 103 85 108 97 127 152 111 250 122 158 207 73 199 40 57 23 58 70 39 43 36 22 24 105 102 54 67 43 61 41 56 47 108 43 80 52 49 23 35 205 193 39 54 42 124 42 435 250 711 586 525 318 171 189 231 1,284 669 273 311 238 404 43 345 355 555 322 947 300 314 105 178 1,334 1.229 218 260 319 482 44 31 68 a 55 36 19 85 53 33 71 63 61 42 23 30 45 3o 33 55 30 50 24 49 44 14 129 58 51 25 29 40 46 51.2bl 3,531 1,651 11 .074 2.737 1.138 4.318 15.396 2,166 13,113 3.755 8,040 1,934 860 5.008 47 70,13d 3,014 2.196 15.429 8.730 1,055 1.452 1.678 862 6,957 3,736 2,250 935 932 2.443 48 1,757 1,553 530 1,502 1.458 288 1,498 1.532 346 873 1,053 1,103 1,591 1,014 318 49 2,482 2,030 1,221 1.641 1,528 513 1,555 1,755 419 2,067 1,751 1,740 2,095 1,167 1.119 50 aO,614 299,735 269,540 776,219 450,049 259,309 531,846 518,770 155,924 958,353 534,951 867,441 526,644 241,170 351.163 51 554,448 405,901 242,349 735.627 525,601 195,827 501,675 525,293 206,215 680.918 656,432 934.791 542,838 196,067 268,862 52 1.58t. 1.393 305 1.335 1,297 149 1,323 1.365 266 572 770 955 1.423 835 144 53 2 , j'->.) 1,727 771 1,345 1,316 385 1,252 1,409 271 1.277 1,211 1,360 1,782 907 622 54 3-''^ < 6,163 3,094 14.532 10,130 3,023 10,964 10,454 2,797 11 , 567 7,902 14,231 7.023 3,210 3,198 55 7 ,'_'27 4,895 1,898 8.715 6,051 1,348 5,628 5,285 1,532 4.694 4,900 11,180 5.542 1,722 1,549 56 1 ,010 772 189 824 717 83 824 711 145 357 471 617 592 481 85 57 913 742 301 626 520 150 550 592 133 512 517 663 726 378 251 58 3.133 1.856 1,255 4,263 2,323 1,381 3,071 2,489 1,307 5,434 3,257 3,935 2,342 1,332 1,687 59 2.113 1.401 643 3,096 1,667 740 1,981 1,712 551 2,090 1,632 3,744 1,898 662 552 60 200 , 567 111,526 87,161 260,394 120,625 84,761 157,919 135.262 75,018 441,327 271,293 450,401 157,391 105.865 153,550 61 227,132 150,103 79,681 293,228 158,698 71,474 202,909 179,723 50,518 235,161 160,579 398,613 207,727 72,074 53.349 62 1,371 1,198 212 1,187 1,173 125 1,197 1,253 180 449 656 849 1,278 654 104 63 1,791 1,415 592 1,117 1,080 299 1,002 1,150 215 996 1,007 1,148 1,570 691 471 64 5,340 4,307 1.839 10,269 7,852 1.642 7,393 7.965 1,490 6,133 4,645 10,295 4,681 1.878 1,511 65 4,914 3,495 1,255 5,520 4,394 508 3.647 3.573 981 2,604 3,258 7,436 3,644 1,060 997 66 112,244 77,419 99,565 381,574 231,819 74,465 273,920 300,416 39,400 312,572 189,574 334,991 105,355 53,734 105,559 67 158,001 97.613 60,789 308,745 262,072 33.162 200,064 209 ,059 30,498 135,011 181,998 419,580 122,953 43,989 48,220 68 452 512 322 459 427 201 10.9 497 202 419 561 437 738 411 226 69 1,069 933 713 707 751 386 652 961 329 1,154 1,136 950 1.075 516 695 70 3,329 4.042 3,247 4.733 2,979 3.103 3,975 3,813 2,298 5.295 6,603 3,035 7.314 3,162 2,330 71 7,723 7.765 4.514 5,299 5.859 3.714 4.672 7,145 4,435 11,387 10,710 5,837 3,811 3,856 5,827 72 85,021 100,009 75 , 546 126,369 53.210 89.073 93.239 76,227 41,443 157,644 168,156 77,917 248,430 74.665 56.028 73 146,547 141,400 92.799 113,610 93.426 82,853 88,894 124,742 95,564 253,537 297,770 104.092 185,491 68,053 148.524 74 1 3 8 8 5 10 6 7 27 37 6 3 1 1 11 75 3 3 2 7 2 4 1 31 30 11 2 5 2 10 76 62 33 151 232 69 652 290 201 1,020 3.257 106 22 4 45 2,518 77 8 46 21 81 12 55 2 3.227 2,054 507 20 54 2 1,045 78 600 527 2,310 2,547 950 10,274 3,452 2,413 9,943 43.889 1,845 340 60 800 37,658 79 85 578 324 1.054 103 814 16 27,390 21,344 5,346 252 530 20 11.495 80 194 162 55 67 58 15 70 83 5 37 63 69 253 122 44 81 281 157 59 78 116 28 93 137 12 123 95 79 243 108 36 82 325 279 181 102 104 26 148 111 5 99 132 120 397 171 123 83 440 257 138 176 193 113 127 192 20 443 222 210 401 159 97 34 12,182 10,254 4.958 4.835 3.445 735 3.315 4,452 120 2,921 4,078 3,792 15,408 5,105 3.238 85 22,633 16,207 8.756 3,990 11.302 7,524 9.792 11 ,769 1,145 20,755 10,739 12,154 26,037 11,931 7,174 86 118 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 7 (Part 2 of 2 ) —LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued [For comparability of data on livestoclc and poultry, see text and State Table 12j Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Union Walthall Warren Washington Wayne Webster Wilkinson Winston Yalobusha Yazoo Poultry and poultry products: 1 Poultry and/or poultry products sold farms reporting 1954. , . 893 597 202 178 397 497 141 632 452 298 2 1949... 1,939 1,285 491 725 905 1,123 557 1,548 954 790 3 dollars 1954... 232.143 56,717 43,751 83,793 154,125 65,474 26,803 34.155 81.235 41,383 i 1949... 125,860 55,412 42.471 41,913 52.090 106.357 17.907 74.402 67.465 54.385 5 Chickens, 4 months old and over, on hand farms reporting 1954. . . 2,662 2,209 1,041 2,587 1,690 1,567 1.231 2,364 1,551 2.862 6 1950. . . 3.171 2.487 1,370 4,192 2,113 1,855 1,380 2,848 2,027 3,612 7 number 1954. . . 98,977 76 257 35,320 72,771 53,661 54 291 42,119 68,191 49,674 79,714 8 1950... 94 , 593 79,547 37.013 85.543 63,167 59,715 37.973 80,670 55,089 95,950 9 Chickens sold farms reporting 1954... 276 157 54 74 115 181 41 124 128 71 10 1949... 863 405 179 371 343 524 125 639 408 285 11 number 1954. . . 119,782 40,253 15,805 15,464 193,873 6,818 3,501 2,577 57,372 4,362 12 1949... 80,432 11,764 15,566 13,384 25,705 32,710 4,266 22,336 31,239 15,790 13 dollars 1954... 91,552 23.836 12,519 10,098 115,779 6,343 3,180 2,623 42,330 4.336 14 66.448 11.220 15.501 13,858 21,804 29,558 4,340 21.055 27,863 16,331 15 Broilers........... ....farms reporting 1954... 7 2 1 1 10 ^ 16 number 1954... 103,500 33,000 10,000 4,400 189,500 53,400 17 dollars 1954... 73 , 400 16,200 8,000 2.640 111,100 38,900 18 Other chickens farms reporting 1954 . . . 270 155 53 5,806 73 11,064 105 181 41 3,501 124 2,577 122 71 19 number 1954. .. 16,282 7,253 4,373 6,818 3,972 4,362 20 dollars 1954... 18,152 7,536 4,519 7,458 4,679 5,343 3,180 2,523 3,430 4.336 21 Chicken eggs sold farms reporting 1954... 765 492 161 122 315 a4 108 534 389 232 22 1949... 1.736 1,204 424 499 818 994 523 1,406 819 571 23 dozens 1954... 289,382 75,207 62,528 172,223 85,940 146.014 54,563 57,366 85,125 32,975 Zi 1949... 180 , 361 126,447 49,801 49,434 107,241 190,522 34,689 134,075 101,658 83,518 25 136.531 29,468 27,566 67,462 34,597 57,394 21,887 25,657 35,237 33,962 26 1949... 59,030 42,521 24,025 22,873 37.845 72.725 11,737 48,015 37,743 36.774 27 Turkeys raised farms reporting 1954... 70 242 111 173 115 49 159 101 134 208 28 1949... 30 64 73 206 54 33 58 46 72 90 29 number 1954... 572 1,930 1,312 2,180 1,430 453 1,153 927 1,098 1,636 30 1949... 243 439 724 1.490 734 854 559 505 589 681 31 Light breeds farms reporting 1954. . . 29 136 1,037 44 570 90 59 31 279 142 991 60 41 283 142 954 32 number 1954... 170 1,039 533 552 33 Heavy breeds farms reporting 1954. . . 41 110 71 88 57 19 18 42 95 57 34 402 893 742 1,141 897 174 162 375 815 572 35 Turkey hens to be kept for breeding. on hand ........................ farms reporting 1954... 57 162 78 146 94 35 37 69 104 151 36 number 1954 214 510 230 512 382 147 377 301 311 550 37 Light breeds ................. farms reporting 1954. . . 35 133 91 296 30 94 68 260 48 137 27 73 296 40 176 39 110 112 412 38 number 1954. .. 127 39 Heavy breeds...... ....farms reporting 1954... 22 72 48 79 46 9 14 29 65 39 40 number 1954... 31 214 136 252 245 20 81 125 201 133 41 Ducks raised farms reporting 1954. . . 64 139 63 62 56 9 83 20 41 121 42 1949... 44 61 68 158 31 21 49 66 82 105 43 317 711 380 544 374 45 470 126 276 881 44 1949... 244 270 580 971 156 39 274 359 448 521 45 Turkeys, ducks, geese, other miscellaneous poultry, and their eggs sold... farms reporting 1954... 45 85 36 35 36 23 27 91 58 49 46 1949. . . 17 35 44 72 19 28 25 109 39 42 47 4,060 3,413 3,676 6.233 3,750 1,237 1,736 5,885 3,668 3,585 48 1949... Aniaals sold alive; 382 1,671 2,945 5,182 2,441 4.073 1,780 5,332 1.859 1,730 49 Cattle, hogs, sheep, horses, or mulea sold alive farms reporting 1954... 1,745 1,381 682 553 951 1,090 661 1,372 991 1,276 50 1949... 2,329 1,504 897 1,495 1,208 1,344 908 1,829 1,401 2,062 51 dollars 1954... 406,710 348,125 890,656 1,063,247 413,591 388,155 556,963 381,181 442,708 1.128,945 52 1949... 447.905 412,843 862,194 806,753 373,112 358,661 421,455 460,409 556,817 1,668,888 53 Cattle and/or calves sold alive. ..................... .farms reporting 1954... 1 ,537 1,244 1,304 526 345 814 976 567 1,186 827 947 54 1949... 1,931 588 863 830 1,073 571 1.383 1.083 1,239 55 number 1954. . . 7,759 9,349 10,370 11,866 7,009 7,024 10,152 7,681 6,913 14.196 56 1949... 5,709 5,438 5,353 5.439 3,334 3,825 5,121 4,929 5,313 10,783 57 Cattle sold alive, excluding calves ................... farms reporting 1954 ... 917 7^8 347 287 245 377 564 403 638 350 248 738 715 453 495 532 546 58 1949... 845 568 493 59 number 1954. . . 2,902 2,944 5.637 4.503 2,395 2,442 4.204 2,370 1,949 4,232 60 1949... 1,650 1,978 2,870 2,745 1,085 1,655 1,554 1,719 1,959 4,004 61 dollars 1954... 184,470 158,537 387.165 442.121 117,571 156.328 294,516 137,489 125, a4 284.434 62 1949... 178,359 190,292 310,302 331.832 95,871 144,385 148,477 154,318 194,607 418,008 63 1,286 1,063 446 279 713 322 495 1,002 734 835 64 1949... 1,613 987 468 653 553 859 492 1,036 905 1,054 65 number 1954... 4.857 6.905 5,233 7,363 4,514 4,582 5,948 5,311 4,964 9,964 66 1949... 4.059 3,460 2,988 2,594 2,249 2,170 3,567 3,210 3,354 6,779 67 dollars 1954... 92,647 147.990 231 ,096 424,633 177,292 140,487 206 ,234 158,310 197.226 383,910 68 1949... 108,436 145.404 188.178 178,302 123,039 94,281 190,232 143,751 176,157 408.201 69 Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting 1954... 542 305 341 306 458 392 237 555 453 737 70 1.024 582 603 907 855 702 526 1.073 345 1,510 71 number 1954... 4.783 2,096 8,044 3,991 5,191 3,199 2.201 3,848 4,062 15.272 72 1949... 7,067 4,322 14.865 10,508 7,903 5,891 4,745 7,516 8,063 30.664 73 dollars 1954... 119,623 38,216 262,948 110.501 112,983 85,933 52.475 80,019 113,372 451 .613 74 137,392 72,134 356,474 264,992 146,399 105,205 81 .070 144,677 172,822 831,375 75 Sheep and lambs sold alive. . .farms reporting 1954... 6 3 27 45 14 1 6 3 8 28 76 1949... 3 1 24 30 6 5 3 6 24 77 number 1954... 64 48 582 5,548 325 14 65 23 97 436 78 1949... 17 9 320 329 359 60 10 148 240 79 dollars 1954... 857 707 7,780 83,196 3,982 195 355 242 1,252 7,054 80 1949... 155 90 4,397 11.022 2,762 605 123 1,610 3,097 81 Horses and mules sold alive.. farms reporting 1954... 151 58 45 47 39 94 22 123 97 37 82 1949... 228 59 30 115 55 152 11 126 124 57 83 number 1954... 237 69 58 108 49 139 54 153 152 73 84 1949... 383 77 52 395 65 239 13 192 203 133 85 dollars 1954... 9,113 2.675 1,565 2.796 1.763 5.212 2,833 5,121 5,644 1,934 86 1949... 23,563 4.923 2,843 20.605 5,041 13.790 1,070 12,540 11,621 8.207 MISSISSIPPI County Table ^-NURSERY, GREENHOUSE, AND FX)REST PRODUCTS: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 119 Item (For definitions and explanations, Bee text) Nnrsvry aod grceabouse prodacta, flower aDil vegetable aeeda and plaata, and bulba: Nursery and greenhouse products, flower and vegetable seeds and plants, flowers, and bulbs sold dollars 195-1.. 1949.. Nursery products (trees, shrubs, vines, ornamentals, etc.) farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954. . 1949.. Sold dollars 1954. . 1949. . Cut flowers, potted plants, florist greens, and bedding plants grown for sale: Grown under glass farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. square feet 1954., 1949.. Grown In open farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949.. Sold farms reporting 1954.. 1949. . dollars 1954.. 1949.. Vegetables grown under glass, flower seeds, vegetable seeds, vegetable plants, bulbs, and mushrooms produced for sale: Grown under glass or In house farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. square feet 1954 . . 1949.. Grown in open farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949.. Sold farms reporting 1954 . . 1949.. dollars 1954., 1949., Forest products; Firewood and fuelwood cut farms reporting 1954., 1949., cords f4'x 4'x 8') 1954., 1949., Fence posts cut farms reporting 1954., 1949. number 1954 . 1949. Sawlogs and veneer logs cut (including standing tijnber sold) farms reporting 1954. , 1949^ thousands of bd. ft. 1954. 1949^ Pulpwood cut farms reporting 1954. 1949. cords 1954. 1949. Value of firewood, fence posts, logs, lumber, pulp- wood, piling and poles, bark, bolts, Christmas trees, hewn ties, mine timber, and other miscellaneous forest products sold farms reporting 1954. dollars 1954. 1949. 1,250,534 1,321,226 141 16S 1,348 852 709,946 461 , 571 102 67 445,404 629,421 85 130 148 448 151 165 473,403 782,681 54 74 48,147 49,254 48 87 76 267 94 110 67,185 '6,976 63,789 82,892 551,544 833,243 32,673 43,980 7,871,927 9,602,169 7,506 5,943 162,794 65,341 12,850 7,066 291,021 145,817 17,058 5,746,664 7,094,493 6,260 6,850 6,200 6,800 (Z) 293 526 2,140 10,747 127 366 21,914 55,423 19 2 2 950 4 5,106 690 06 92,666 81,476 6,450 7,743 3,100 1,850 3 3 2,600 1,235 3 5 2,575 5,483 1,668 1,875 (=) 775 410 967 1,306 7,256 11,719 571 738 83,717 115,451 151 164 1,566 1,194 126 15 1,099 77 lo9 35,736 49,316 995 1,361 6,466 10,649 758 1,123 227,675 314,627 211 107 6,691 1,600 445 133 10,305 3,321 550 236,446 219,249 6,133 3,500 2 (Z) 250 500 6,600 3,225 2 2 5,833 3,000 1,416 1,859 11,638 17,264 868 1,143 169,872 213,029 4,584 1,026 496 396 6,368 7,544 566 134,074 207,002 919 8,037 9,351 333 356 96,119 86,070 30 22 1,130 340 196 12 55 17,304 34,201 3,600 17,073 5 2 6 2,000 15,103 1,540 70 1 3 1 4 2 3 1,050 1,850 1 2 540 25 (Z) (Z) 750 120 375 544 2,551 7,073 46 124 8,062 21,232 18 3 1,691 15 12 1 2,262 300 26 32,322 10,016 1,050 o65 2 ,440 198 (Z) 450 310 2 1 60O 355 200 1,206 826 1,606 1,558 10,621 11,038 15,471 17,366 646 383 917 764 137,635 68,127 165,982 166,689 96 84 94 45 2,939 2,171 627 950 34 85 35 1,202 1,162 483 92 73,261 123,088 144 44,423 112,609 Z Reported in small fractions. ^Does no - include amount sold as standing timber. 120 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table S^NURSERY, GREENHOUSE, AND FOREST Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Nursery and greenhouse products, flover and vegetable seeds and plants, and Lulbs: Nursery and greenhouse products, flower and vegetable seeds and plants, flowers, and bulbs sold dollars 195^.. 1949.. Nursery products (trees, shrubs, vines, ornamentals, etc . ) farms reporting 1954 . . 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949.. Sold dollars 1954 . . 1949.. Cut flowers, potted plants, florist greens, and bedding plants grown for sale: Grown under glass farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. square feet 1954.. 1949.. Grown in open farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949.. Sold farms reporting 1954. . 1949 . . dollars 1954.. 1949.. Vegetables grown under glass, flower seeds, vegetable seeds, vegetable plants, bulbs, and mushrooms produced for sale: Grown under glass or in house farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. sa.uare feet 1954 . . 1949.. Grown in open farms reporting 1954 . . 1949.. acres 1954. , 1949.. Sold farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. dollars 1954.. 1949.. Forest products: Firewood and fuelwood cut farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. cords (4'x 4'x 8') 1954.. 1949.. Fence posts cut farms reporting 1954 . , 1949.. number 1954. . 1949., Sawlogs and veneer logs cut (including standing timber sold) farms reporting 1954. . I949I . thousands of bd . ft. 1954., I949I, Pulpwood cut farms reporting 1954. , 1949. , cords 1954. , 1949 . . Value of firewood, fence posts, logs, lumber, pulp- wood, piling and poles, bark, bolts, Christmas trees, hewn ties, mine timber, and other miscellaneous forest products sold farms reporting 1954. dollars 1954. 1949. Chickasaw Clay Copiah Covington 3,960 2,440 1 4 3 7 600 1,150 (Z) 15 1 11,772 700 3,380 90 871 1,258 8,574 11,551 537 767 132,787 183,698 43 53 416 790 45 30 399 300 77 15,937 53.273 3,707 11,699 (Z) 30 400 8,360 9 36 2 12 11 29 3,027 11,699 812 924 4,772 7,949 406 457 75,730 72,241 1,275 620 353 192 4,312 1,892 394 81,155 108,180 607 676 5,728 5,199 296 484 97,249 142,072 72 24 4,375 716 136 32 5,940 720 177 133,448 147,285 300 275 (Z) 623 1,106 3,922 6,744 268 552 65,475 124,278 129 142 3,367 1,896 360 151 10,339 2,315 403 138.371 131.935 1,400 2,208 (Z) 1 4 1,890 2,106 1 (Z) 1 1 4 1,000 1,850 1 , 176 530 (Z) (Z) 1 3 400 223 725 530 6,593 5,596 397 457 110,821 112,842 54 42 1,003 395 44 13 759 160 102 45,031 19,501 2,450 465 20 (Z) 2.000 155 2 1 1.380 548 2 1 450 200 471 252 3,769 4.951 32 100 5,552 19,401 2,925 4,020 3,200 7,900 2 1 3 1 1 3 2 3 1,625 1,000 2,700 7,400 240 250 1 1 1 1 2 1 1,300 500 4 1,180 540 493 1,353 3,720 10,127 309 831 83,757 213,615 84 143 1,509 2.253 308 276 8,088 8,574 350 90,597 178,125 20 500 925 949 5.354 7,822 585 556 90,835 90,530 108 63 1,054 532 279 146 4,355 2,878 325 58,659 103,439 Z Reported in small fractions. ^Does not include amount sold as standing timber. MISSISSIPPI 121 PRODUCTS: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued Forrest Franklin George Greene Grenada Hancock Harrison Hinds Holmes Hi^jiphreys Issaquena Itawamba Jackson Jasper Jefferson 13.889 610 107.050 700 3.000 7.315 99,713 167.675 874 1.750 19,941 200 1 43.330 11.732 520 3,550 2,650 78,709 175.090 230 220 26,080 % 1.012 2 4 8 1 1 5 14 11 1 8 3 7 9 1 1 3 17 4 1 18 4 11 145 1 4 15 92 67 1 18 5 13 14 4 2 6 94 6 1 36 (z ... 6 11,150 92.950 500 2,000 4,700 47,870 67.525 300 15.4^1 7 7,100 5.132 500 1,000 2,650 39,623 36,350 20 16,395 5( ) 8 i 1 8 11 1 2 3 9 4 } 1 7 8 1 1 1 10 2,576 3.430 6,992 65.932 67,736 2,520 2,200 1,738 375 11 10.265 2.050 400 625 ia.675 138,365 600 400 2,000 12 5 1 i. 6 3 1 3 13 10 3 1 8 9 1 8 14 3 {z) 3 5 4 (z) (2J 15 14 5 1 (Z) 54 49 (Z) 8 16 8 3 4 11 13 1 2 4 17 9 3 1 13 12 1 1 8 18 2.639 14.100 1.000 2,615 51.343 99.550 400 1.100 2.400 200 19 36,230 a.bOO 20 1.000 38,826 138.740 180 100 7.860 1.012 20 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 21 1 1 1 22 60 1.344 227 240 70 132 400 2,000 400 200 23 24 1 2 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 5 25 26 (z) 2 2 (z) (2) (z) (z) (z) 5 3 27 28 1 1 2 4 3 2 2 1 2 1 1 4 29 30 100 610 200 1,550 500 260 500 474 50 350 100 1,100 1.825 31 32 139 384 37 219 571 38 23 1,693 1,356 494 105 960 26 1.20 J 671 33 19 436 93 33 974 5 42 1,754 2,286 551 125 1.720 25 1.59 J 541 34 1,033 2,966 207 1.384 5.426 88 366 13,345 13.567 4,919 1,221 6,441 138 8,53 3 4,716 35 85 2.599 475 258 10.233 27 235 20,639 31,604 9.038 2,197 14,650 492 10.71 7 6,595 36 64 186 14 71 213 10 24 777 671 162 20 499 38 83 ) 285 37 11 261 17 22 UJb 2 33 846 920 283 8 924 15 82 > 308 38 14.701 53.978 -'6.815 8.387 81.451 3,050 13,992 222,766 187.088 28.182 6,700 73,049 7.682 179,99 87,450 39 2.295 76,983 3,215 2.800 118,917 1,300 8,687 242,624 212,460 54.686 7,930 134,359 2,716 193,47 J 104,878 40 45 62 48 80 28 21 20 64 62 30 11 117 30 21 ) 74 41 14 71 74 70 31 11 10 57 63 13 1 102 19 14 55 42 619 864 501 1.596 1,039 395 3,163 2,546 2,608 386 441 2,661 435 2,45 ) 5,107 43 193 916 909 767 337 84 149 617 261 63 9 1,230 211 2.08 1,340 4.4 99 190 53 148 35 66 55 133 163 2 17 131 57 J 205 45 70 86 51 61 45 13 39 61 67 3 3 98 29 7 62 46 2.906 7.720 1,110 3,103 660 2,080 3.112 3,676 4,016 28 136 5,014 13.01 1 3,532 47 2.247 1,661 1,14S 1,265 469 484 1,235 1.937 1,172 36 5,726 3,367 6.11 > 2,108 48 141 218 88 186 71 87 74 186 213 29 13 103 146 65 244 49 33,776 58,813 24.068 84,217 40,582 25,110 124.025 90,931 58,187 13,509 14.236 58,937 45.727 132,86 ) 138,321 50 38.333 97.417 90,461 66,732 68,849 16,977 146,173 115.905 88,900 10,439 41.708 123,214 32.982 153.84 123.404 51 122 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table S^^URSERY, GREENHOUSE, AND FDREST (For definitions and explanations, see text) Jefferson Davis Jones Kemper Lafayette Lamar Lauderdale Lawrence Leaie Lee Leflore seeds and plaots, and bulbs: 1 Nursery and greenhouse products, flower and vegetable seeds and plants, flowers, and bulbs sold dollars 1954... 24,915 20,600 30 262 11,000 70 175,117 109,050 15,470 7,010 1,770 175 60,550 64,698 44,700 25,7«0 2 1949... 3 Nursery products (trees, shrubs, vines. ornamentals, etc.) farms reporting 1954... 9 1 1 8 2 2 4 1949... 2 2 1 1 3 1 7 1 5 acres 1954... 33 (Z) 125 5 36 4 6 1949 . . . 4 (Z) CZ) 155 5 (Z) 18 (Z) 7 Sold dollars 1954 . . . 19,615 950 30 78 10 175,000 108,000 3,135 5,300 85 18,100 31,198 1,200 600 8 1949... Cut flowers, potted plants, florist greens. and bedding plants grown for sale: 9 Grown under glass farms reporting 1954... 2 1 5 2 3 10 1949... 2 2 3 11 square feet 1954... 3,500 13,500 6,711 56,100 21,500 12 1949... 1,025 55,000 6,650 13 Grown in open farms reporting 1954 . . . 1 1 4 3 1 3 W 1949... '• 1 1 1 1 15 acres 1954.. . 1 (z) 1 2 5 2 16 1949 .. . 34 (Z) (z) (Z) 1 17 Sold.... farms reporting 1954... 2 1 6 3 2 3 18 1949... 4 1 1 1 3 3 19 dollars 1954... 5,300 10,000 30 6,965 1,370 33,050 43,500 20 1949... Vegetables grown under glass, flower seeds, vegetable seeds, vegetable plants, bulbs, and mushrooms produced for sale: 18,450 137 25 1,700 90 27,450 22,970 21 Grown under glass or in house farms reporting 1954... 1 2 3 2 2 22 1 2 ... 4 23 square feet 1954 . . . 500 625 4,400 1,680 5,100 24 1949... 4,480 46 ... 6,780 1,550 25 Gro-wn in open farms reporting 1954 . . . 2 26 1949... 1 2 1 1 27 acres 1954... ... 5 28 1949... 1 (z) (Z) (z) (z) (z) 29 Sold farms reporting 1954... 1 4 2 30 1949... 2 2 1 1 31 dollars 1954... 1,000 87 5,370 400 9,400 32 1949... Forest products: 1,200 47 35 1,050 10 6,050 2,170 33 Firewood and fuelwood cut farms reporting 1954... 1,034 630 1,3a 1,463 369 839 634 1,434 521 357 34 1949 .. . 1,150 1,159 1,529 1,577 423 1,178 849 1,973 1,229 559 35 cords (4'x 4'x 8') 1954... 6,301 3,794 8,785 14,127 2,149 5,409 3,884 10,251 5,009 5,161 36 1949... 8,874 8,256 10,405 17,483 2,046 8,265 5,453 15,259 14,222 18,417 37 Fence posts cut farms reporting 1954... 833 324 657 659 98 486 308 795 378 42 38 1949... 541 350 904 842 102 578 453 1,177 785 148 39 number 1954 .. . 199,317 47,744 149,611 151,862 18,192 96,871 67,302 218,710 86,204 11,378 40 1949... 99,900 54,010 233,247 172,779 16,360 103,620 72,687 244,507 124,672 32,362 41 Sawlogs and veneer logs cut (including standing timber sold) farms reporting 1954 . . . 181 112 221 158 98 120 65 182 78 29 42 1949^ . . 70 131 132 88 43 58 101 232 61 22 43 thousands of bd . f t . 1954 . . . 3,073 2,644 3,751 2,049 924 3,126 600 2,982 953 1,414 44 1949' . . 515 1,007 1,661 500 563 957 1,061 2,189 340 1,042 45 Pulpwood cut farms reporting 1954. . . 378 306 281 133 153 321 131 539 16 10 46 1949... 224 174 140 76 145 247 384 47 cords 1954... 6,722 10,447 5,134 1,730 4,220 7,647 2,487 7,961 148 372 48 1949... 3,579 5,006 2,729 1,496 2,524 7,218 6,039 49 Value of firewood, fence posts, logs, lumber, pulp- wood, piling and poles, bark, bolts, Christmas trees, hewn ties, mine timber, and other miscellaneous forest products sold farms reporting 1954... 446 362 399 216 256 385 176 612 48 42 50 dollars 1954... 139,185 150,156 97,993 51,696 79,850 119,198 45,734 132,729 35,234 32,014 51 1949... 74,459 149,090 176,936 60,048 86,352 139,630 114,164 182,907 36,947 41,721 Z Reported in small fractions. ^Does not include amount sold as standing timber. MISSISSIPPI 123 PRODUCTS: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued Lincoln Lowndes Madison Marion Marshall Monroe Montgomery Neshoba Newton Noxubee Olrtlbbeha Panola Pearl River Perry Pike 47.537 64.600 25.025 4.900 635 76,50C ) 420 300 14,600 340 350 7.900 1.300 57.400 1 61.995 301.726 7,403 8.300 3.250 71,00C ) 1.515 21,410 14.425 100 19.160 4.550 4.560 20.000 73,450 2 3 7 1 2 3 2 2 1 5 1 4 3 5 5 1 2 3 2 3 1 1 1 2 1 5 4 28 120 2 2 6 20C 3 60 (z) 34 1 11 5 16 79 3 4 1 27< 11 (Z) (z) 1 1 3 12 9 6 16 . 500 7,200 25.400 48,336 25 3,000 400 2.700 600 2,600 75, oa 66. oa 225 ) 1.275 10.110 6,100 75 25 30 50 200 6,900 3,000 300 500 1.750 7.750 7 8 « 5 2 1 5 2 2 1 ... 1 2 2 2 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 4 1 9 10 34,680 19.938 13,900 9.400 2.60C ... 1.800 4,500 80 480 216 5,500 11 261.468 13.988 8.100 100 2,oa ) 12.440 3.040 3,200 5.700 3.550 600 120 600 12 15 5 1 1 1 2 1 2 U 11 4 2 ... 3 3 2 2 1 1 7 14 42 18 (Z) (Z) 2 2 1 42 15 64 8 (Z) ... 14 38 (z) 1 1 1 (z) 99 16 24 7 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 5 17 11 6 5 3 1 1 3 3 2 3 2 1 7 18 24.837 37,034 25,000 4,500 10 1.50< ) 125 300 8,500 250 1.000 1,000 33.750 19 45.395 253.390 4,403 4.600 150 5.00< ) 240 11,300 14.350 75 18.110 2,200 1.300 500 63.700 20 1 3.060 1 6,900 1 3 900 1,722 1 1 .000 21 22 23 24 3 1 2 1 3 25 3 1 2 1 26 28 24 6 (z) (z) 1 (Z) 3 (2) 200 20 1 27 28 3 3 4 1 1 2 1 1 1 4 4 1 29 30 6.200 2.1b6 25 70 60 350 21.900 31 9.400 1.000 500 1,000 2.150 260 19.000 2.000 32 744 948 1.659 672 1.831 91 3 807 1,604 1.262 969 1,062 1,260 312 286 647 33 1.249 917 1.683 760 2.234 1.28 7 669 2,035 1.510 850 959 1,884 70 199 887 34 3.978 11.992 11.354 19.739 19.016 3,897 3.527 19,325 26,556 7.18 11.14 2 5.748 5.054 10.751 14.268 7.374 10.310 14.754 11,890 9.137 9.064 12,053 26.918 1,962 504 2,085 1.332 2.870 4.761 35 36 517 413 678 238 596 39 J 406 884 690 251 544 534 45 33 501 37 823 110.036 477 109.702 721 181.805 349 37.996 850 167.689 58 71,64 3 371 } 79.010 1,100 216.694 931 163.181 433 87.875 689 156,293 925 141.210 31 21.203 58 6.991 573 109,338 38 39 160.524 116.439 198.276 56.155 230.275 117.09 I 72,790 279,639 184.846 139.027 165,924 209,598 5,665 9.797 107.848 40 139 90 59 77 35 59 60 41 44 7 9 7 42 5 59 362 198 219 190 95 26 69 34 78 79 70 54 56 23 99 64 41 42 2.132 2.657 742 983 663 2.06 2 762 4,215 2.310 4.869 1,464 648 1,698 377 1,091 43 687 380 458 663 372 1,93 2 1.132 1,603 1.278 248 307 319 488 362 354 44 40Q 16 194 162 8 2 3 119 500 568 76 171 29 142 98 202 45 202 7.996 2 315 66 7.887 171 4,583 2 75 35 38 1 3,341 285 6,010 431 10.710 65 4,959 94 2,320 3 227 77 3,082 69 1.781 116 3.356 46 47 5.945 25 1.647 3.621 18 427 3.102 5.448 1,465 2,083 21 2,098 1.520 2.157 48 484 106 239 206 51 8 3 133 662 633 153 233 75 196 127 261 49 106,343 76.832 84.620 56,391 20.584 31.50 5 46.461 155.000 147,088 105.016 71.252 24.386 54.032 28,037 49.206 50 133,121 49.850 76.929 83,706 53.787 145.37 2 70.716 184,419 155.958 76.725 56.545 25.735 48.494 32.791 85.910 51 124 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table S^NURSERY, GREENHOUSE, AND FOREST (For definitions and explanations, see text) Simpson Nursery and greealiousc products, flover and vegetable seeds and plants, and bulbs: Nursery and greenhouse products, flower and vegetable seeds and plants, flowers, and bulbs sold dollars 1954.. 19 ) 4,783 ... 2 50 2 2 3 4 5 12 20 (Z) 75,000 1 7.900 1 1.500 2 2 ; 600 5.00C ) 2 6 4,000 82 300 1 600 4 2.30( ) 2.100 2.10( ) I.26( ) 50 8 9 1 2 1 10 1.440 1,000 1.800 18,533 180 1,50( 3,54 8,370 11 12 2 1 1 13 1 (Z) (Z) 2 (Z) 1 2 (Z > 2 14 15 (Z) 1 500 2 340 18 1 2 2,000 2 4 2 20,475 IC (Z) 2 16 17 18 19 27 100 12.945 2,100 50( 2,48 623 20 3 21 2 1 3 4,493 3 22 23 74 1.000 3,870 3.190 1 24 25 2 1 2 2 1 26 27 (Z) 1 4 3 (Z) 1 28 29 3 1 1 4 2.800 200 5 500 30 31 150 3.000 200 1.157 4.150 32 642 799 1.505 890 533 634 720 590 235 22 770 57 1.33 ! 1,083 1.000 33 1,2U 951 1.888 1.421 515 1.509 1,021 486 673 37, 1.075 45. 1,73 1,394 1.321 34 11,225 9,593 13,505 6,358 8.151 5.155 3,049 6.806 4.485 2.59C 5.451 5,50] 9,97 J 10,539 12.549 35 19,140 12,166 18.826 11.080 18.972 12.356 5,208 4.577 10.978 2.25; 10.117 2.74, 12,52, 15.657 21.538 36 344 520 940 472 74 273 419 228 55 16 427 14. 77' 657 449 37 549 628 1.275 643 101 828 539 213 197 lis 700 15f 1,09 771 812 38 97,805 146,364 162.663 74,621 15.671 45.079 73,723 106.247 18.792 37.04; 97.487 43.89' 178,55' 7 167.143 192,154 39 115,2% 159,413 223.542 89,687 26,153 154.835 98,460 52.461 43,435 15.84; 133.449 37.57C 231.09. 168.349 284,443 40 86 39 188 117 14 106 114 45 27 7C 92 5; 21C 104 47 41 43 22 266 51 6 90 75 23 19 9C 101 2; 25' 59 23 42 2,212 747 1,926 3.910 149 2.044 817 3.518 1,007 2.72 4.264 5.56; 2.59' 1.913 1,975 43 326 338 2.470 354 85 587 518 323 163 1.29 1,306 2.68: 2.451: 454 475 44 26 8 145 137 5 59 161 21 19 21, 192 91 28E 115 33 45 1 5 38 110 3 6 8' 77 i; 31; 7 2 46 424 406 1.145 1.204 2,032 917 2,454 1.824 1,559 8.88 2,082 lO.OOc 3.03' 1.553 1,171 47 300 16 294 1,915 106 2,101 1.48' 692 47^ 3,501 225 3 48 114 48 237 198 29 144 207 84 34 24 232 131 37£ 170 94 49 65,711 28,250 50,010 64.398 19,197 65,348 35.523 67,582 24,887 120, 20^ 91.016 135, 35= 101, 13£ 51.504 44.222 50 37,160 19,996 117,501 52.671 8,976 56,798 56.957 74.948 13.154 83,38. 78.209 145.93; 212,93' 44.558 72,372 51 126 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9 {Part 1 of 5 ) .-SPECIFIED CROPS Item (For definitionfi and erplanfltlonfl, see text) The State Adams Alcorn Amite Attala Benton Bolivar Calhoun Carroll 1 bn: Com for all purposes • fanns reporting 1954... 1949... 149,196 185,997 698 795 1,932 2,393 2,185 2,357 2,497 2,998 1,232 1,440 2,571 4,639 2,117 2,625 1,631 2,279 2 3 acres 1954... 1949... 1,627,719 1,999,807 5,184 6,266 24,925 26,355 21,035 24,854 25,959 33,183 16,775 16,496 19,650 36,129 35,396 40,347 20,426 26,588 5 6 Harvfisted for ffrain. •<••■••• .fanna reporting 1954... 1949... 144,638 184,713 689 763 1,912 2,385 2,175 2,353 2,429 2,974 1,195 1,434 2,365 4,507 2,048 2,620 1,567 2,268 7 S acres 1954... 1949... 1,534,023 1,963,820 4,992 5,770 24,610 26,285 20,739 24,791 24,151 32,665 15,736 16,365 17,197 34,587 32,327 40, 162 18,684 26,369 9 10 bushels 1954... 1949... 25,164,783 37,933,711 104,672 86,669 468,826 632,998 454,096 394,867 339,526 426,602 147,486 292,124 290,749 787,268 302,400 889,453 238,837 424,279 11 Cut for silaKS •••*•■•>•••••> .fanns reporting 1954... 1949... 1,628 292 2 3 4 10 3 118 17 15 1 58 12 51 2 19 12 13 lA acres 1954... 1949... 30,980 4,098 13 90 44 198 35 S3 5 270 409 1,284 149 766 9 487 15 16 tons, green weight 1954-... ig-ig... 175,432 31,311 151 570 113 1,571 200 3,684 2,530 1,518 100 9,690 1,401 3,142 80 3,444 17 Hogged or grazed, or cut for or dry fodder • •• green .fams reporting 1954... 1949... 6,649 2,520 14 62 34 12 23 10 161 26 52 16 185 151 169 25 88 20 18 19 20 acres 1954... 1949... 62,716 31,889 179 406 271 70 98 28 973 248 630 120 1,169 1,393 2,303 176 1,255 219 21 Com sold •••■••••••••*••••••••• .fanns reporting 1954... 1949... 23,155 30,001 22 14 498 825 353 317 870 745 62 350 201 150 226 1,119 53 254 22 23 24 bushels 1954... 1949... 4,204,526 3,258,505 17,161 462 109,945 95,658 57,562 27,705 53,204 37,576 15,923 30,412 103,780 46,496 27, 933 146,762 13,900 20,130 25 Sorghum for all purposes except for ..fanns reporting 1954... 8,057 4,288 3 15 145 30 97 24 239 90 139 44 120 138 243 72 80 63 26 °"""' 1949... 27 28 acres 1954... 1949... 60,804 20,854 62 148 434 56 804 150 1,104 484 624 216 2,502 969 1,786 236 1,346 259 29 Harvested for grain or for .farms reporting 1954... 1949... 376 550 3 11 4 4 15 1 6 14 13 15 3 4 1 30 31 32 acres 1954... 1949... 5,244 4,292 20 68 16 43 132 25 34 295 192 171 3 203 15 33 34 bushels 1954... 1949... 75,628 69,661 473 689 365 383 1,793 700 756 3,029 3,652 3,096 22 3,645 350 35 Cut for silage. .•.•••••••... ..fanns reporting 1954... 2,941 660 2 6 44 24 2 100 19 39 24 55 8 115 23 33 5 36 1949... 37 38 acres 1954... 1949... 37,644 6,785 52 112 163 299 45 732 110 342 148 2,017 394 1,117 124 950 87 39 40 tons, green weight 1954... 1949... 283,196 56,997 285 1,376 1,662 2,553 235 4,168 980 1,950 1,298 14,007 4,080 6,653 784 7,706 803 41 Hogged or grased, or cut for dry forage .farms reporting 1954... 1949... 4,863 3,190 1 6 90 26 75 22 137 59 100 15 50 118 123 47 43 57 42 43 44 acres 1954... 1949... 17,916 9,777 10 16 203 40 505 105 329 242 257 34 190 383 498 109 193 157 45 46 tons cut 1954... 1949... 17,935 11,7&4 20 2 276 52 633 142 511 196 193 102 89 411 358 185 31 63 47 4a 49 Sorghum sold . farms reporting 1954. . . 1949... bushels 1954... 42 68 25,168 1 2 3 58 5 1 1,900 1 3 66 1 1 1,000 50 51 Sorghum hay or forage sold.... . fanns reporting 1954. . . tons 1954... 138 843 1 20 5 18 2 5 2 13 4 15 ... 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 Oats threshed or combined .fanns reporting 1954... 1949... acres 1954... 1949. . . bushels 1954... 1949... bushels sold 1954... 1949... 9,920 3,517 328,258 103,296 12,946,142 2,606,871 7,020,011 658,037 23 21 459 408 12,989 10,638 1,480 272 65 25 672 185 23,334 3,225 3,695 1,220 89 34 1,385 392 42,234 6,060 3,036 677 95 32 1,259 489 43,722 8,531 12,145 782 17 4 267 150 5,640 3,600 224 500 681 254 25,263 10,894 1,045,740 279,296 711,701 48,669 151 50 2,913 589 99,122 16,873 15,610 3,296 36 10 1,335 208 33,890 4,037 4,950 1,450 60 61 62 63 Rice threshed or combined , farms reporting 1954. . . acres 1954... bushels 1954... bushels sold 1954... 256 73,604 4,311,179 4,183,817 92 31,685 1,819,344 1,792,050 ::: 64 Other grain threshed or combined. .................... .fams reporting 1954... acres 1954... 1949'.. bushels 1954... I949I.. bushels sold 1954... I949I.. 1,694 42,951 12,324 1,186,849 371,892 923,942 298,939 6 74 10 1,157 100 ioo 21 144 13 2,876 95 645 1 3 2 10 20 4 128 15 4,095 75 3,800 60 492 14, 6U 1,879 375,066 28,408 306,734 13,010 6 56 8 683 65 20 7 220 37 2,850 1,000 1,916 500 65 66 67 68 59 70 Z Reported in small fractions. ^For 1949, includes rice threshed or canblned. MISSISSIPPI 127 HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 ChlckasBv Chootaw Claiborne Clarke Clay Coahoma Copiah Covington De Soto Forrest Franklin George Greene Grenada Hancock 1,817 2,376 1,324 1,505 858 1,054 1,744 2,038 1,322 1,724 1,939 3,432 2,072 2,850 1,803 2,095 2,611 3,089 820 349 861 904 978 932 863 810 1,113 1,310 350 339 1 2 Sl.Ale 28,969 14,549 16,879 9,650 13,618 17,225 23,516 12,022 18,043 20,696 26,489 15,902 21,558 19,639 23,509 26,027 26,356 6,518 7,461 8,573 10,367 15,750 14,793 10,280 10,757 14,813 16,193 2,302 1,987 3 4 1,765 2,320 1,287 1,502 812 1,047 1,736 2,033 1,271 1,707 1,955 3,394 1,987 2,342 1,300 2,095 2,443 3,060 802 845 855 901 905 896 854 789 1,070 1,303 333 336 5 6 20,«04 28,283 13,684 16,819 7,875 12,642 16,842 23,154 11,110 17,661 19,721 26,075 14,796 21,365 19,531 23,498 21,877 25,868 6,088 7,397 8,282 10,259 13,507 12,561 9,651 10,172 14,134 15,917 2,040 1,923 7 8 306,870 545,510 180,676 276,667 155,792 218,231 296,749 426,620 151,573 322,985 473,712 650, 138 235,468 474,656 401,6U 424,090 390,651 463,056 164,110 163,070 177,553 167,214 346,456 256,279 194,780 173,571 156,994 289,781 65,517 54,471 9 10 19 3 11 27 2 6 4 14 8 12 11 30 1 2 102 16 12 10 15 1 3 2 5 11 12 274 69 142 789 80 80 75 442 83 470 96 325 6 23 3,023 271 251 159 205 8 52 18 84 13 34 1,483 300 413 4,717 520 548 800 1,973 751 3,525 625 1,364 68 105 20,500 1,955 1,321 1,166 1,281 20 272 290 444 15 16 74 61 154 15 87 36 28 30 60 41 37 27 Ul 29 8 3 140 37 17 9 10 12 163 182 104 86 52 9 33 7 17 18 738 617 723 60 986 8% 303 287 470 299 505 318 781 187 30 11 1,127 217 179 64 132 108 2,038 2,232 621 585 627 258 178 64 19 20 816 589 329 174 26 56 148 152 119 113 433 251 71 380 305 235 237 179 31 63 118 145 129 152 63 39 218 591 8 11 21 22 62,952 59,052 20,929 14,959 9,675 17,243 38,411 15,368 15,454 12,137 217,424 39,440 14,545 31,355 59,652 30,319 79,502 28,270 19,074 3,226 23,769 10,604 35,823 26,748 12,192 7,577 15,170 42,434 2,555 948 23 24 117 38 139 34 36 36 24 49 96 34 36 64 72 126 IS 17 208 88 35 17 14 23 14 28 7 15 57 17 4 1 25 26 1,146 223 400 69 768 274 183 189 1,023 257 419 250 701 493 112 44 2,669 1,009 455 62 U8 146 175 121 48 197 656 166 36 3 27 28 5 7 5 11 2 3 3 11 2 11 4 12 2 3 9 11 1 2 2 7 2 2 5 5 1 1 29 30 38 20 19 44 25 10 37 13 13 49 17 35 43 6 56 26 10 8 13 25 3 157 49 1 3 31 32 350 300 241 556 340 195 450 180 370 940 195 1,805 760 175 821 515 80 162 195 397 200 120 3,466 975 25 8 33 34 63 10 52 2 18 6 3 49 18 17 1 40 25 6 139 60 25 5 4 7 4 3 1 13 6 2 35 36 939 114 205 10 691 129 66 323 215 331 9 593 141 51 2,319 926 400 38 51 83 26 13 5 217 98 28 37 38 8,221 1,139 1,135 65 7,592 672 630 6,765 1,734 3,064 50 4,028 829 477 ... 21,551 9,274 2,421 780 239 398 231 124 50 1,755 866 206 39 40 47 21 87 32 13 22 14 46 46 6 17 52 23 90 10 15 67 17 10 15 9 19 5 17 3 12 40 7 1 41 42 169 89 195 59 58 101 97 179 163 24 70 192 91 267 18 33 294 57 45 54 50 95 79 61 10 189 282 19 7 43 44 246 51 202 69 51 63 75 294 102 38 120 216 165 504 17 42 554 39 84 28 37 96 3 6 7 184 131 3 45 46 1 2 50 "2 4 1 1 2 190 1 3,000 47 43 49 2 16 1 3 1 30 3 8 2 5 ... ... 1 1 50 51 89 39 2,136 950 76,547 23,110 11,595 9,010 69 16 620 81 10,901 1,132 2,035 90 39 23 1,539 574 38,432 16,750 1,558 825 33 8 1,061 53 39,547 670 2,612 50 82 42 2,807 900 94,154 26,101 13,569 1,370 241 54 14,520 2,403 595,776 61,865 443,527 lu,916 8 1,337 113,770 100,773 81 55 1,150 853 34,990 14,906 2,710 1,533 177 68 2,643 1,102 76,967 20,971 17,928 10,120 75 44 2,169 1,109 83,379 37,415 15,204 9,870 7 1,875 134,500 133,290 89 17 1,323 393 39,663 6,577 4,406 1,365 53 22 1,001 543 31,151 8,047 1,520 2,022 84 4 920 23 22,494 230 4,254 16 5 172 12 5,685 332 1,671 34 10 977 272 33,425 8,450 2,310 250 8 2 54 15 1,430 210 1 20 355 355 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 11 139 115 3,665 1,768 700 500 1 8 40 13 154 2,150 953 2 16 6 95 17 1 13 95 150 835 184 7,878 634 257,507 9,699 212,813 6,655 5 19 16 382 145 1 8 103 "75 32 776 165 22,533 2,330 18,966 1,370 3 73 1 1,795 25 2 23 169 "s 200 (Z) 2 2 30 164 700 2,740 560 300 1 1 47 20 1,070 700 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 128 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9 (Part 1 of 5 ) —SPECIFIED CROPS Item (Fop deflnitionB and explanations, see text) Harrison Hinds Holmes Humphreys Issaquena Itawamba Jackson Jasper Jefferson ]^ Coro: (Vim for all Dumoses. .......... afanns reporting 1954... 360 335 3,492 3,707 3,055 3,673 1,195 1,429 320 428 1,979 2,684 466 339 2,220 2,638 1,323 1,488 2 1949... 3 4 acres 1954... 1949... 2,204 1,775 32,775 34,885 27,049 41,145 8,013 13,635 3,065 6,103 27,439 32,386 3,792 2,691 21,776 31,578 10,624 12,250 5 Harvested for grain.. ....... ..fanDS reporting 1954. ,, 329 315 3,285 3,665 2,947 3,664 996 1,414 285 422 1,965 2,680 445 326 2,210 2,635 1,301 1,475 6 1949... 7 S acres 1954... 1949... 1,888 1,641 29,142 33,668 25,916 41,035 6,767 13,417 2,349 5,052 26,955 32,328 3,569 2,403 21,672 31,507 10,286 12,125 9 10 bushels 1954... 1949... 38,443 40,696 371,970 505,722 348,724 599,655 88,327 234,720 58,869 83,000 374,738 701,312 94,908 45)503 435,347 611,134 180,973 187,295 11 12 Cut for silage farms reporting 1954... 1949... 5 3 34 5 14 1 2 15 15 1 9 9 13 14 acres 1954... 1949... 74 24 855 152 168 35 23 508 132 22 78 199 15 16 tons, green weight 1954... 1949... 560 160 4,311 844 823 400 100 4,655 479 250 804 2,013 17 Hogged or grazed, or cut for green or dry fodder. ............... farms reporting 1954. • . 45 25 213 74 120 13 209 27 29 12 33 11 32 22 6 5 28 21 18 1949... 19 20 acres 1954... 1949... 242 110 2,778 1,065 965 75 1,223 218 208 1,051 352 58 223 266 26 71 139 125 21 Com sold. ................. t .•• ..faims reporting 1954... 12 4 273 852 922 6 72 92 17 23 714 365 36 10 294 187 169 48 22 1949... 23 24 bushels 1954... 1949... 1,443 267 23,725 42,295 65 ,847 59,932 13,911 12,062 10,374 4,408 75,926 38,174 17,232 616 56,947 17,657 25,057 11,107 25 Sor^hnma : Sorghum for all purposes except for sirup. ......................... .farms reporting 1954. . . 7 2 128 98 78 97 96 118 14 11 131 29 11 2 35 12 14 34 26 1949... 27 28 acres 1954... 1949... 68 2 1,590 595 689 257 514 294 216 40 422 35 116 27 198 47 154 109 29 seed. ....................... .fanns reporting 1954... 2 4 15 9 4 6 10 3 1 4 1 4 4 30 1949. . . 31 32 acres 1954... 1949... 6 50 91 52 36 125 140 9 1 5 1 43 16 33 34 bushels 1954... 1949... 66 784 1,380 586 477 2,199 1,801 112 20 61 60 649 280 35 36 Cut for silage farms reporting 1954... 1949... 6 39 27 22 6 IS 3 54 1 ... 19 1 4 15 37 38 acres 1954... 1949... 62 711 lU 475 56 181 190 265 1 68 150 5 69 73 39 40 tons, green weight 1954... 1949... 540 5,499 9S5 2,818 530 1,317 2,075 2,290 4 367 1,026 50 526 552 41 42 Hogged or grazed, or cut for dry forage 1949... 2 86 76 47 87 73 108 11 8 76 24 6 2 16 11 6 15 43 44 acres 1954... 1949. . . 2 829 393 162 163 208 154 26 31 156 29 47 27 48 42 42 20 45 46 tons cut 1954... 1949... 1 587 476 80 148 70 227 3 23 233 21 17 28 25 31 18 47 SorghuDi sold ••••••••••••••••••••• f aims reporting 1954 • • • 3 1 1 100 1 1 4S 49 1949... bushels 1954... 50 51 Sorghum hay or forage sold fanns reporting 1954... tons 1954... 5 69 4 12 1 3 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 Small grmina: Oats threshed or combined fanns reporting 1954... 1949... acres 1954... 1949... bushels 1954... 1949. . . bushels sold 1954... 1949. . . 13 5 103 22 1,315 420 142 52 5,104 1,428 169,004 26,937 36,914 6,953 92 42 5,595 1,257 216,451 26,116 106,414 2,050 327 65 13,207 2,028 568,030 41,927 381,494 9,976 98 44 5,669 4,055 245,463 83,595 129,159 42,396 75 40 604 206 18,600 4,841 5,233 2,455 23 2 422 8 12,976 55 500 79 31 637 341 19,024 5,162 2,476 840 46 31 1,041 527 17,835 10,139 1,100 1,384 60 61 62 63 Rice threshed or combined farms reporting 1954... acres 1954... bushels sold 1954... 16 4,491 181,550 175 ,708 64 Other grain threshed or combined. ..................... ..fanns reporting 1954... 4 62 840 4 50 1,320 450 9 226 4,400 2,290 27 252 38 7,180 614 4,526 36 705 529 18,528 5,979 12,875 2,657 13 68 4 1,245 10 225 4 3 16 286 35 675 65 66 67 68 69 70 acres 1954... 1949^.. bushels 1954... 1949^.. bushels sold 1954... 1949 1.. '■For 1949, includes rice threshed or combined. MISSISSIPPI 129 HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued Jefferson Davis Jones Kemper Lafayette Lamar Lauderdale Lawrence Leake Lee Leflore Lincoln Lowndes Madison Marion Marshall 2,102 2,364 2,601 3,072 2,073 2,468 1,960 2,264 1,081 1,201 1,857 2,327 1,492 1,738 3,076 3,483 2,961 3,732 2,153 3,926 1,947 2,210 1,757 2,353 3,240 3,643 2,073 2,321 2,850 3,415 1 2 26,104 30,753 23,815 31,180 25,502 32,921 23,833 24,727 11,956 13,696 18,601 24 ,319 17,793 21,725 31,565 33 ,379 34,181, 38,591 17,254 30,336 17,917 22,372 20,853 27,086 37,616 41,529 24,979 29,930 30,243 33,170 3 4 2,098 2,362 2,580 3,066 2,062 2,461 1,858 2,257 1,059 1,194 1,833 2,326 1,490 1,787 3,054 3,4^6 2,873 3,727 2. -154 3. '"'09 1,929 2,205 1,659 2,327 3,159 3,525 2,061 2,316 2,737 3,383 5 6 27,945 30,666 23,513 30,938 25,310 32,842 21,316 24,594 11,507 13,546 18,084 24,277 17,634 21,657 31,224 33,253 32,679 38,491 15,672 30,587 17,724 22,301 19,004 26,802 34,721 41,048 24 ,689 29,859 26,643 32,587 7 8 522 ,180 481,132 554,753 668,159 317,216 541,296 227,416 428,243 272,918 281,198 252,535 465,221 369,782 357,925 514,192 632,115 596,893 992,388 222,761 584,737 427,584 454,303 161,655 534,306 425,884 555,555 528,387 609,279 305,529 461,235 9 10 4 15 6 6 7 27 5 2 17 6 11 3 4 23 11 20 2 79 13 14 6 41 10 11 12 43 126 53 91 67 395 105 14 214 56 77 29 704 28 812 98 570 33 1,721 153 198 65 1,950 169 13 14 457 899 328 995 415 1,693 634 175 1,482 255 271 249 3,368 135 3,537 772 1,956 305 9,779 1,015 1,383 50O 8,835 1,418 15 16 8 7 28 35 14 3 169 18 39 19 38 7 9 52 lo 125 14 91 23 19 15 154 37 83 43 9 11 138 43 17 18 116 87 176 189 101 12 1,622 133 344 136 303 42 53 68 264 97 798 72 770 249 95 71 1,239 251 1,174 328 92 56 1,545 314 19 20 331 247 441 418 536 364 556 480 182 165 208 312 272 160 1,112 393 1,062 1,171 US 590 223 310 94 342 215 427 460 573 204 846 21 22 82,592 19,983 84,343 49,571 33,210 30,961 34,613 43,256 38,792 21,309 28,478 32,610 66,376 15,163 100,011 30,502 140,037 132,480 71,095 54,503 58,955 31,696 14,426 37,508 63,554 37,952 109,710 57,836 28,791 43,915 23 24 44 12 34 41 32 45 268 74 20 6 60 42 17 32 110 39 197 55 49 47 75 68 128 86 149 106 35 27 324 110 25 26 175 17 400 153 153 74 1,478 266 214 29 765 157 144 172 274 105 961 214 1,599 445 351 223 1,469 815 756 271 150 53 1,806 562 27 28 3 2 8 1 7 1 5 2 6 4 6 7 11 2 3 7 30 4 40 1 9 6 29 30 33 3 10 10 26 2 48 20 24 11 55 241 191 10 10 130 181 64 107 2 260 12 31 32 520 21 66 100 339 150 700 130 375 105 1,470 5,114 3,261 57 264 2,279 3,246 738 1,512 25 2,395 360 33 34 14 17 3 8 73 51 11 3 26 1 7 1 15 85 10 29 1 17 67 27 47 14 117 23 35 36 82 255 40 91 539 44 176 22 593 45 98 15 81 684 67 1,185 25 108 1,134 522 425 86 964 412 37 36 616 1,614 119 566 3,252 246 939 129 4,310 280 392 140 541 6,656 571 7,134 100 920 7,501 4,232 2,359 688 7,511 4,932 39 40 28 12 17 33 23 38 203 62 10 2 35 41 10 25 93 33 109 41 18 38 58 65 58 31 98 66 21 27 198 81 41 42 60 17 145 118 59 64 929 196 38 4 173 112 46 109 173 81 266 92 173 229 233 213 205 112 266 164 62 63 582 138 43 44 50 21 227 86 1 55 78 503 232 41 5 128 110 1 19 116 250 S7 265 121 65 335 1 1 1,500 235 305 78 141 1 5 2,000 211 207 1 192 65 88 749 226 3 2 1,500 45 46 47 48 49 2 7 1 3 19 4 11 7 19 2 2 5 83 50 51 24 1,547 350 52,923 7,715 20,335 1,625 149 40 2,261 1,015 64,529 24,395 16,973 14,461 11 1,016 238 31,461 4,040 1,743 490 23 3 212 30 5,339 950 888 90 61 14 998 306 29,975 6,855 4,838 800 26 12 702 210 20,669 3,061 400 38 25 470 420 15,061 9,200 S70 1,100 34 23 697 249 21 ,362 5,390 3,254 1,280 101 40 1,872 598 69,707 14,180 10,675 772 263 103 20,696 5,989 790,229 181,576 509,368 19,703 22 5,666 354,176 349,856 109 53 1,516 989 48,660 21,500 8,678 5,252 224 74 6,013 2,200 222,255 54,877 40,004 5,934 315 111 11,767 3,566 391,656 57,312 90,429 6,239 78 19 1,423 130 45,377 2,460 7,751 20 9 343 164 U,370 3,900 1,000 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 1 1 40 20 800 1 100 2,300 22 201 10 3,704 172 818 1 15 4 400 80 400 1 2 35 1 7 4 210 120 1 15 5 200 130 1 5 3 100 30 6 57 30 2,200 300 49 712 411 17,012 10,558 12,790 4,884 4 30 14 430 12 10,941 210 4,580 11 169 50 1,795 800 955 140 8 114 2,775 1,419 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 130 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9 (Part 1 of 5 ) —SPECIFIED CROPS Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Monroe Montgomery Neshoba Nevrton Noxubee Oktibbeha Panola Pearl River Perry Pike 1 Cora: Com for all purposes,, .,,... ,,,.fanns reporting 1954,,, 2,836 3,659 1,302 1,457 2,925 3,676 2,322 2,869 1,800 2,758 1,552 1,840 3,257 3,724 962 1,084 832 351 1,767 1,891 2 1949,,, 3 acres 1954,., 1949,., 39,423 46,844 14,844 15,499 33,298 42, 778 27,177 35, 540 15,636 25,622 13,497 19,598 34,988 38,621 8,459 8,608 8,551 8,944 16, 394 20,419 5 Harvested for grain,, ,.,,,,,..faiiii5 reporting 1954.,, 2,779 3,653 1,268 1,449 2,909 3,671 2,302 2,866 1,716 2,739 1,417 1,830 3,037 3,690 935 1,072 827 847 1,691 1,883 6 1949,,. 7 8 acres 1954.,. 1949... 38,447 46,693 14,268 15,386 32,955 42,617 26,639 35,423 14, 514 25,363 11,600 19,041 32,121 38,149 7,983 8,311 8,193 8,677 15,707 20,201 9 10 bushels 1954, , , 1949,,, 453,424 784,684 208, 900 229,601 587, 998 926,077 474,498 742,701 146,050 395,871 125,491 343,346 451,747 672,111 241,691 183,316 189,780 170,045 394,309 357,617 11 12 Cut for silage faims reporting 1954.,, 1949... 17 16 16 1 25 6 19 12 45 12 52 15 9 1 2 16 2 13 14 acres 1954... 1949... 288 230 63 5 369 22 525 127 749 395 939 203 106 10 20 218 33 15 16 tons, green weight 1954... 1949... 1,382 978 277 20 2,736 120 1,752 851 4,254 2,399 4,882 1,179 696 60 130 1,251 150 17 Hogged or grazed, or cut for green or dry fodder..... ... ........fanas reporting 1954... 66 19 42 14 56 25 40 12 88 19 178 17 249 39 51 41 44 31 74 19 18 1949... 19 20 acres 1954.,, 1949.,, 688 151 346 113 280 156 169 95 597 132 1,148 162 1,928 269 370 297 348 247 469 185 21 Com sold. ...................... ,f anus reporting 1954. , , 374 1,029 82 122 438 668 296 378 89 681 156 309 623 461 82 69 66 78 275 176 22 1949, , . 23 24 bushels 1954.,, 1949,,, 82,040 134,099 23,596 11,052 71,865 75, 814 54, 506 39, 096 5,963 40,601 11,091 35,800 96,876 55,358 24,468 7,902 16,326 10,996 57,822 19,121 25 Sorghums: Sorghum for all purposes except for sirup ,,,,,,,....,,.,,,,......... farms reporting 1954 .. . 164 88 113 31 216 83 149 111 110 84 124 56 439 209 39 9 17 18 57 31 26 1949... 27 28 acres 1954... 1949... 1,290 496 912 102 813 192 1,267 427 1,653 765 1,356 448 2,897 1,231 516 44 72 54 454 128 29 seed ..famis reporting 1954. ,, 16 13 12 7 8 3 12 21 7 11 12 42 1 2 2 1 30 1949. . . 31 32 acres 1954,,, 1949,,, 141 83 82 46 26 10 159 239 32 46 172 332 1 6 8 4 33 34 bushels 1954,,, 1949.,, 1,645 1,173 871 670 ••■ 369 183 2,298 3,190 360 845 2,050 7,832 7 125 125 7 35 36 Cut for silage fanns reporting 1954,,, 1949.,, 84 10 59 2 55 2 90 42 57 20 77 23 96 58 29 2 3 28 3 37 38 acres 1954.,. 1949. . . 818 134 671 8 326 6 996 216 1,134 284 1,171 354 1,371 397 392 11 26 298 15 39 40 tons, green weight 1954... 1949,,, 6,361 1,121 4,255 34 1,899 33 6,883 1,478 7,829 1,716 9,198 3,635 10,269 2,850 3,771 114 115 2,314 215 41 Hogged or grazed, or cut for dry forage 71 67 46 23 162 82 57 67 43 46 45 22 338 111 9 7 14 16 28 27 42 1949. . . 43 44 acres 1954... 1949... 331 279 159 48 487 186 245 201 360 242 153 48 1,354 502 123 33 46 48 148 109 45 46 tons cut 1954... 1949.,, 222 358 208 66 424 232 169 272 220 305 151 67 1,750 504 'is 24 56 242 56 47 Sorghum sold ..................... farms reporting 1954 ,. . 1 150 1 ... 1 2 2 1 • . . 4 ■•• 48 49 1949... bushels 1954... 50 51 Sorghum hay or forage sold fanns reporting 1954... tons 1954... 14 70 3 7 ... 1 1 10 57 ... . 1 4 52 53 54 55 55 57 58 59 Snail graiu: Oats threshed or combined fanns reporting 1954... 1949... acres 1954,,, 1949,,, bushels 1954,,, 1949,.. bushels sold 1954... 1949... 255 54 6,951 1,563 228,959 30,740 64,320 5,181 43 11 692 86 21,549 1,345 634 40 103 49 997 324 !7,009 6,761 4,478 1,090 161 68 2,091 671 74,170 9,548 8,484 1,485 126 55 4,019 1,935 147,847 38,431 13,178 3,194 46 14 802 324 28,779 7,915 766 720 169 70 5,567 1,504 234,808 44,521 67,430 7,014 32 18 506 337 11,702 7,525 1,690 1,530 70 17 853 233 24, 549 4,430 3,410 1,965 133 46 1,515 652 42,416 16,599 6,939 1,552 60 61 62 63 Rice threshed or combined fanns reporting 1954... acres 1954,,, bushels sold 1954... ::: ... 2 152 10, 830 10,490 ::: ••• ::: 64 Other grain threshed or combined. .,,.,.,,.,.,......... . .fanns reporting 1954. . . 12 123 3 3,615 60 1,520 10 107 10 3,988 100 30 2 12 13 200 145 1 10 5 200 65 5 46 4 788 10 4 31 960 276 9 192 176 4,568 2,664 3,500 1,500 22 164 ::: 3 14 5 310 75 65 66 67 68 69 70 acres 1954... 1949 1.. ' bushels 1954... 1949 1.. bushels sold 1954... ; 1949^,, ^For 194.9, includes rice threshed or combined. MISSISSIPPI 131 HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued Pontotoc Prentiss Quitman Ranicln Scott Sharkey Simpson Smith Stone SunflQuer Talla- hatchie Tate Tippah Tishomingo Tunica 2,669 2,194 2,018 2,051 2,237 695 2,281 2,113 413 2,564 2,841 2,132 2,068 1,429 1,309 1 3,202 2,733 2,126 2,401 2,575 923 2,650 2,522 462 4,632 3,536 2,508 2,489 1,936 2,956 2 32,60i 29,134 18,669 19,355 22,609 6,747 25,335 21, 886 4,455 21,368 32,688 20,553 26,787 17,341 13,396 3 J3,OA5 28,551 13,125 23,746 27,693 9,999 29,734 29,078 4,430 40,662 36,245 21,789 26,802 19,293 23,609 4 2,621 2,152 1,868 1,982 2,226 636 2,267 2,103 408 2,342 2,783 2,041 2,013 1,418 1,752 5 3,199 2,730 2,092 2,337 2,574 906 2,635 2,518 458 4,606 3,531 2,491 2,480 1,935 2,940 6 31,509 28,081 17,164 18,067 22,401 6,376 24,939 21,616 3,802 18,277 30,926 18,598 25,555 17,034 12,687 7 32,945 28,482 17, 559 23,289 27,655 9,720 29,465 23,934 4,257 39,705 35,984 21,431 26, 569 19,236 23,314 3 545, 131 441,671 297,051 266,161 378,603 152,254 418,871 429,972 74,686 253,444 477,759 253,193 407,055 256,517 262,152 9 790,134 858, 144 327,887 427,422 469,556 179,078 549,208 617,141 83,751 909,865 729, 840 402, 164 632,327 526,058 520,879 10 29 42 1 32 4 2 16 4 36 9 35 25 10 15 11 7 16 ... ... 1 1 9 ... 17 11 3 12 385 343 100 602 41 60 156 93 ... 1,260 303 1,025 139 54 309 13 39 215 ... 10 10 193 196 133 ... 23 14 1,576 2,181 1,000 3,209 278 750 702 527 ... 4,928 1,137 6,185 644 179 2,017 15 353 1,425 ... ... 130 90 ... 1,455 1,260 1,079 213 16 79 99 184 97 17 18 35 22 80 218 75 109 166 41 49 17 15 6 49 21 10 24 32 16 18 36 10 27 17 2 18 18 710 710 1,405 686 167 311 290 177 653 1,831 1,459 930 1,093 253 400 19 100 30 566 242 38 279 259 84 173 764 261 162 100 7 272 20 566 541 345 131 283 76 315 243 30 126 453 134 238 229 266 21 852 562 45 293 150 52 354 327 19 1,275 399 926 763 .478 107 22 38,049 78,249 106,467 23,604 50,060 41,472 48,826 46,786 6,335 110,593 162,521 29,921 44,370 53,373 62,803 23 81,570 71,013 30,636 22,016 13,250 32,235 42,136 32,550 2,484 91,353 49,752 59,782 74,971 55,185 31,059 24 322 141 121 83 16 17 50 15 10 124 163 343 353 104 63 25 70 31 32 60 32 53 41 15 7 135 56 94 96 15 73 26 1,406 512 462 1,056 211 37 266 39 68 2,133 2,229 2,142 996 519 595 27 203 66 99 326 69 132 145 57 25 1,289 228 510 243 27 407 28 6 10 18 3 2 18 27 7 2 10 3 29 10 1 4 7 "s 2 4 3 32 5 10 1 8 15 30 9 35 180 39 21 158 1,071 14 7 143 80 31 36 5 42 23 37 7 6 11 607 51 139 7 11 251 32 90 501 3,331 • >• 568 310 4,141 14,364 298 90 1,279 870 33 508 140 305 380 ... 276 150 'so 410 10,468 535 2,092 150 121 3,550 34 111 51 10 42 9 3 14 2 4 57 39 100 104 44 17 35 2 16 ... 3 2 4 1 20 25 19 1 36 713 256 46 391 123 55 146 17 40 1,753 499 1,267 526 224 451 37 30 38 ... 140 9 ... 50 ... 5 415 ... 228 109 30 38 4,743 2,458 442 7,390 1,291 650 1,143 100 229 12,336 3,058 9,920 3,363 1,441 4,430 39 210 331 458 120 ... 594 ... 50 2,831 1,538 1,095 240 40 207 80 93 42 7 14 35 13 6 54 99 244 247 55 44 41 59 14 28 51 30 45 35 11 3 88 52 60 76 8 57 42 679 221 236 165 49 32 99 22 28 217 659 861 463 152 64 43 137 23 57 163 60 95 88 51 9 267 177 143 127 16 126 44 1,644 252 153 284 23 29 123 19 224 272 725 1,333 145 69 45 169 39 65 282 85 122 62 41 193 115 181 289 23 161 46 1 1 3 . . . 1 ... 2 7 1 1 47 1 ... 1 2 1 ... 3 2 1 3 48 20 30 1,286 ... 89 ... 1,480 9,508 250 "70 49 11 3 2 1 1 3 2 2 2 5 5 50 78 7 2 8 2 14 ... 13 113 4 62 10 51 65 33 365 95 111 259 72 185 19 740 260 46 23 48 206 52 32 27 72 51 66 60 34 127 19 315 49 24 11 20 47 53 941 367 7,635 1,956 1,223 12,075 1,018 2,899 219 36,618 9,106 1,507 137 242 11,256 54 305 117 1,438 1,532 582 3,698 440 2,357 212 11,691 2,307 736 68 187 1,867 55 31,031 8,980 320,282 79,119 34,506 541,410 34,293 69,150 4,486 1,604,286 311, 969 65,265 5,539 5,964 473, 991 56 4,628 2,402 42,767 33,260 9,000 98,387 6,827 41,146 2,714 314,556 66,023 19,087 2,527 2,920 57,624 57 5,670 200 172,716 8,650 4,223 393,064 7,825 21,268 995 1,091,384 155,495 5,820 324 1,257 249, 337 58 1,469 640 2,725 9 2,483 165,216 163,220 1,335 1,320 51, 898 7 1,149 77,220 76,500 1,182 19,091 1,310 57,964 28 6,117 380,090 366, 536 12,870 4 852 54,700 54,296 1,820 1 200 10,000 10,000 411 1,330 2,898 15 3,647 286,900 277,160 59 60 61 62 63 5 63 3 25 1 210 59 4 1 23 122 64 636 18 1,001 29 385 60 4,709 1,438 40 10 261 3,211 65 6 189 20 5 173 10 1,582 379 4 18 21 626 66 4,465 313 32,690 490 11,656 100 136,318 36,383 728 260 4,647 91,998 67 80 2,610 300 '30 3,685 »• . 60 34,041 22,845 30 110 390 11,490 68 2,980 26,648 300 4,802 ... 100 ... 103,007 28,760 ... 2,603 74,121 69 750 200 2,550 20,385 20,160 25 6,210 70 132 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9 (Part 1 of 5 ) .-SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued (For definitions and explanations, see text) Com: Com for all purposes farms reporting 195^,,. 1949... acres 1954... 1949... Harvested for grain farms reporting 1954... 1949... acres 1954... 1949... bushels 1954... 1949. . . Cut for silage farms reporting 1954... 1949... acres 1954... 1949. . . tons, green weight 1954... 1949... Hogged or grazed, or cut for green or dry fodder fanns reporting 1954... 1949... acres 1954... 1949... Com sold fanns reporting 1954... 1949... bushels 1954... 1949... Sorghums : Sorghum for all purposes except for sirup fanns reporting 1954... 1949... acres 1954. . , 1949... Harvested for grain or for seed fanns reporting 1954, . . 1949... acres 1954,, . 1949... bushels 1954... 1949... Cut for silage fanns reporting 1954... 1949... acres 1954... 1949... tons, green weight 1954... 1949... Hogged or grazed, or cut for dry forage or hay farms reporting 1954. , . 1949... acres 1954... 1949... tons cut 1954... 1949.. Sorghum sold fanns reporting 1954. . 1949.. bushels 1954.. Sorghum hay or forage sold fanns reporting 1954.. tons 1954.. Small graiam: Oats threshed or combined farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949.. bushels 1954.. 1949.. bushels sold 1954.. 1949.. Rice threshed or combined fanns reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. bushels 1954.. bushels sold 1954.. Other grain threshed or combined .fanns reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. 1949^. bushels 1954.. 1949 1. bushels sold 1954.. 1949 1. 2,319 2,803 30,400 31,501 2,246 2,799 23,599 31,392 394,236 743,149 557 30 2,757 282 173 14 1,244 79 577 925 67,939 92,364 237 37 721 117 150 50 268 16 2,208 147 182 29 441 95 478 101 29 3 238 32 ,119 173 792 5 19 473 2,132 2,510 29 ,293 36,026 2,128 2,504 29,101 35,904 642,523 743 ,449 110 54 812 600 647 461 161,040 58,686 316 308 286 160 2,938 25 31 273 32 336 145 24 1,826 332 63,841 6,407 10,090 615 1,385 1,000 817 1,103 11,233 15,109 751 1,061 7,595 11,651 142,869 212,937 6 13 116 148 462 1,958 3,522 3,310 83 67 14,236 16,221 Washington 426 171 200 510 352 12 1,776 60 29 11 1,426 443 46,884 7,583 5,651 56 35 450 650 1,381 3,327 11,206 28,989 1,306 3,246 9,686 26,909 204,312 599,518 32 3 1,031 102 7,472 1,000 70 124 489 1,978 183 604 56,633 70,149 41 116 834 593 6 12 U7 283 2,240 3,680 27 1 5,428 400 167 245 21 268 2 722 526 216 45,660 12,843 2,200,636 411 ,377 1,805,399 188,572 44 13,430 722,523 673,583 87 2,719 4,532 93,900 222,453 85,080 216,179 1,552 1,967 21,372 27,194 1,544 1,965 20,335 27,022 375,827 438 ,991 462 172 204 245 56,831 32,080 51 14 598 122 17,259 2,505 4,719 250 1,423 1,713 17,134 19,758 1,367 1,713 15,790 19,710 170,730 434 ,183 1,795 107 2 1,000 48 74 381 13,347 40,466 497 83 180 339 45 118 99 25 1,250 259 33,480 7,037 10,242 760 37 392 1,109 1,178 10,663 12,271 1,105 1,176 10,523 12,244 220,675 186,977 109 10 796 100 185 91 2,317 2,683 27,954 34,942 2,295 2,680 27,511 34,799 376,091 638,105 25,037 10 ,674 160 7 32 12 1,122 380 41,697 6,590 8,100 200 337 143 373 651 35,870 66,343 239 212 65 204 279 100 185 191 180 220 165 42 1,787 570 59,613 17,070 15,622 3,440 23 5 520 100 1,460 1,852 18,067 26,505 1,334 1,341 16,559 26,231 184,006 494,350 18 5 293 24 1,590 133 129 26 1,210 250 110 304 14,690 39,131 146 61 854 395 221 64 2,356 960 23 3 1,093 27 106 56 400 324 292 394 30 10 657 190 19,382 3,985 5,768 1 18 700 25 ^For 1949, includes rice threshed or combined. MISSISSIPPI County Table 9 (Part 2 of s) .-SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 133 Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) The State Adams Alcorn Amite Attala Bento n Bolivar Calhoun Carroll Annual leiniB«>: 1 Soybeans grown for all purposes farms reporting 1954... 17,537 24,215 71 142 403 713 53 97 297 312 70 51 1,157 1,135 287 349 175 2 1949... 355 3 acres grown alone 1954... 635,100 244 3,099 128 1,399 343 63,069 2,030 4,573 4 1949... 302,555 129 4,804 87 997 605 33,903 1,497 2,868 5 acres grown with other crops 1954, . . 26,932 320 239 249 430 89 266 662 618 6 1949... 69,640 317 183 482 681 132 339 1,367 1,750 7 Harvested for beans.... farms reporting 1954... 7,186 7 64 3 20 5 929 423 25 37 54 59 8 1949... 4,314 13 100 25 25 11 9 acres gro^vn alone 1954... 504,962 14 1,228 17 366 36 55,754 399 3,965 10 1949... 168,830 7 1,508 15 153 409 20,736 259 1,755 11 acres grown with other crops 1954... 1,637 4 2 2 1 12 132 11 10 12 1949. . . 5,001 14 8 51 36 32 191 100 97 13 bushels 1954... 5,039,733 170 14,526 303 2,639 146 614,983 2,852 45,421 lA 1949... 2,325,484 80 22,513 418 2,554 3 085 339,192 3,439 27,751 15 Cut for hay farms reoortinp IQ"^ 8 888 23 353 652 14 46 217 233 49 32 301 734 209 241 53 102 16 "^ " — *-■* -^".•^ ......... ..........a t:iL JUO i. C^XJL bJ-11^ XSy J^ ... 14|800 52 17 acres grown alone 1954... 95,899 88 1,845 66 918 228 5,297 1,502 385 18 1949. . . 102,361 69 3,226 46 744 155 10,323 998 640 19 acres grown iTlth other crops 1954... 3,361 49 54 28 229 57 126 65 20 1949... 12,242 215 134 197 332 35 26 373 153 21 tons 1954... 96,914 89 1,772 85 872 204 5,357 1,167 362 22 1949. . . 136,396 240 4,752 199 1,061 115 15,309 1,259 2,075 23 Hogged or grazed, or cut for silage............. fnmnc; Y»«iru-iT>-H »!<• lO";/ 2,706 41 16 38 63 18 21 43 ■^■^'^'*&'^« ■••••••....••......... Lunns reporting XV SA'. ■ . 59 24 acres grown alone 1954,, . 13,034 85 23 45 100 52 256 96 205 25 acres grown with other crops 1954... 17,264 266 168 219 176 77 6 381 533 26 Plowed under for green manure................ . fnt-mc; r^innT-t-tnrr IQ"^ 360 5 4 11 3 64 20 "*"'^" 'i*.... .-•....,.... ......1 Unas reporting lyp^ ... 5 27 acres grown alone 1954... 21,205 57 3 15 17 1,752 33 18 28 29 acres grown with other crops 1954... Cowpeas grown for all purposes, except for fresh market, or for canning, freezing, or other 4,170 1 15 24 71 144 10 processing .............. fnTmr; TvnnT'+i nir 1 Q'y 15,629 147 213 176 520 174 97 150 c ^ — .-w.-*..^ •.••.•..■.....•..•.,,i an 11.^ 1 ^^\ix ox 11^ i?,>'» ... 352 30 1949^.. 31,627 420 206 304 577 137 50 225 709 31 acres grovm alone 1954... 37,772 331 424 273 732 452 206 428 702 32 1949. . . 43,605 800 399 188 486 236 522 457 1,482 33 acres grown with other crops 1954... 23,991 226 50 526 780 25 33 363 974 34 1949... 45,704 1,303 64 533 740 317 16 441 1,850 35 Harvested for dry peas farais reporting 1954... 9,937 60 134 33 424 112 83 80 205 36 1949. . . 15,103 212 105 189 385 100 25 81 345 37 acres gromi alone 1954... 17,104 78 171 38 467 206 97 76 304 38 1949. . . 16,610 107 107 97 321 127 311 54 622 39 acres grovm with other crops 1954... S,003 107 24 137 436 19 15 131 234 40 1949... 13,311 549 29 369 283 202 3 147 592 41 116,312 732 931 1,119 4,552 1, 157 991 562 2,273 42 1949... 148,294 2,371 722 1,653 3,367 1, 581 2,442 535 2,650 43 Cut for haV. ............ . fflTmi; ■poni-.T^t-imT IQ^/ 2,714 60 84 17 53 43 15 59 — " " ■. " * '-**i/ *....*>......■.... X QJ. JUO 1 C_^tJJ UXilH l-JJ^ ... 27 44 1949. . . 4,445 227 32 14 38 21 10 57 48 45 acres grown alone 1954 . . . 9,646 171 216 74 127 167 54 238 92 46 1949... 13,957 577 244 43 90 82 97 283 157 47 acres grown with other crops 1954... 863 14 2 6 12 12 8 48 1949... 1,986 206 15 15 7 15 83 49 tons 1954... 8,644 128 193 78 114 123 64 222 86 50 1949... 14,607 635 199 43 113 70 55 307 133 51 Hogged or grazed, or cut for Silape. ...................... rnTTnt; T\3Tinr>+i no 1 Q^iZ 3,228 27 13 84 77 21 8 21 "" — .*t> ••..•■••■".......•.....J. CLXJUO J. ^y\J^ (.fXllg x?..^** ... 121 52 acres grown alone 1954... 7,451 52 19 107 117 64 19 49 246 53 acres grown with other crops 1954... 12,828 71 22 355 226 2 6 143 657 S-i Plowed under for green manure................... -rnTniQ T-emi-ift-fTifT iQ^^y 872 19 8 4 IS 8 ^^ •■••••....•,....«•... .iiuTiiij reporting xyp^t. . . 3 19 19 t>t> acres grown alone 1954... 3,571 30 18 4 21 25 36 15 50 56 2,292 34 2 28 106 4 81 33 57 Peanuts grovm for all purposes. .f aims reporting 1954... 7,502 10 85 215 190 20 48 28 55 58 1949... 12,432 29 106 330 419 28 36 106 200 59 acres grown alone 1954.,. 5,501 5 78 94 ISO 17 10 18 53 60 1949.,. 9,757 12 110 115 280 41 36 42 147 61 acres grown with other croos 1954, . , 483 12 15 1 62 1949... 1,172 1 10 31 25 15 24 1 63 Harvested for picking or threshing. , ,.,.. farms reuortlnp 195i 7,199 10 83 215 184 19 48 21 — -.--.^^.-..^ -..■..■.......,,.,..Ai;4j.jiit:j J. ^^^\jx OXXig X^^/M- ... 50 64 1949... 12,219 29 106 330 419 28 32 106 191 65 acres grown alone 1954... 4,734 4 70 87 166 15 10 10 50 66 1949... 6,798 8 41 103 224 19 12 31 57 67 acres grown with other crops 1954... 212 12 4 68 1949... 288 4 10 24 69 pounds 1954... 1,406,266 3,775 24,295 44,970 37,151 3, 145 2,920 2,996 11 ,425 70 1949... 2,510,355 5,242 21,166 52,634 76,843 5, 374 3,016 21,501 37,791 71 Yines or tops saved for hay or 569 1,052 5 31 2 7 6 20 72 1949... 1 3 9 6 4 17 73 acres grown alone 1954... 670 3 3 9 7 4 74 1949... 1,217 1 45 5 17 11 7 15 75 acres grown with other crops 1954... 72 1 76 1949,.. 47 2 77 tons 1954.., 694 6 3 7 5 2 78 79 1949... Velvetbeans grown for all 1,243 2 31 5 21 4 6 22 ■punDOSes ........... fnTmo t»otii-.t.+ t tmt 1 Q";/ S50 1,279 2 5 4 4 77 124 2 2 80 ^>jj. jjv'.ji.o ....,.,.,.,,,.,,,,.,._. lairas reporxing xyj^, . . 1949... 1 2 6 1 81 acres grown alone 1954... 1,386 1 4 62 2 2 7 82 1949... 2,058 5 20 42 2 45 1 83 acres grown with other crops 1954... 2,755 1 253 84 1949... 4,099 3 2-1. 51S 85 bushels 1954... 12,149 7 43 865 13 10 57 86 1949... 20,819 31 30 2,903 40 196 ■•-Includes farms reporting cowpeas harvested for green peas only. 134 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9 (Part 2 of 5 ) .-SPECIFIED CROPS Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Chickasaw Choctaw Claiborne Clarke Clay Coahoma Copiah Covington De Soto Annaal Ickubcs: 1 Soybeans grown for all purposes .fanas reporting 1954. . . 278 174 49 102 159 486 14 49 102 161 2 1949... 404 299 161 341 248 533 78 86 3 acres grown alone 1954... 2,651 502 519 365 1,856 42,477 195 652 9,406 4 1949... 3,397 701 534 651 2,570 14,804 233 154 3,779 5 acres grown with other crops 1954... 563 265 425 147 182 161 ... 56 156 6 1949... 923 767 1,911 465 484 297 144 250 315 7 Harvested for beans... ........faims reporting 1954... 40 14 41 10 19 2 15 26 38 356 159 3 10 14 1 59 44 3 1949... 45 9 acres grown alone 1954. . . 738 62 362 10 596 35,903 125 294 8,036 10 1949... 984 239 250 73 866 6,603 59 2,208 11 acres grown with other crops 1954... 30 7 8 7 6 10 '22 12 1949... 273 47 130 27 47 125 4 20 '90 13 bushels 1954... 10,623 796 7,062 19 5,922 480,519 1,775 1,316 133,722 14 1949... 12,724 2,791 6,535 667 12,981 121,775 967 50 47,646 15 209 128 3 80 117 187 5 25 52 16 1949... 240 235 39 253 172 384 48 65 85 17 acres grown alone 1954... 1,699 378 12 197 1,065 3,759 23 103 1,030 18 1949... 2,046 378 120 446 1,546 7,160 76 135 1,231 19 acres grown with other crops 1954... 139 178 ... 3 38 18 . .. ... 41 20 1949... 287 508 158 151 133 41 55 16 68 21 tons 1954... 1,635 503 23 176 1,180 4,601 23 79 1,684 22 1949... 2,483 557 334 639 2,247 8,688 131 169 2,060 23 Hogged or grazed, or cut for silage..................... farms reoortlnp 1954 41 30 33 25 22 106 11 32 5 42 12 250 9 42 24 "-^-^'*^^- .......................^ miud 1 CJJUi HI 1 n^ J.?^.* ... acres grovm alone 1954, , . 187 56 145 155 25 acres grown with other crops 1954... 375 53 215 137 138 133 19 52 26 Plowed under for green manure ..farms reporting 1954... 13 27 9 6 6 2 3 9 89 22 2,733 1 5 2 5 6 298 27 acres grown alone 1954. . , 28 acres grown with other crops 1954.,, 19 27 202 ... 15 63 29 Cowpeas grown for all purposes, except for fresh market, or for canning, freezing, or other processing fanns reporting 1954. . . 251 278 176 294 180 258 145 761 156 188 30 34 42 474 109 474 497 692 30 1949^.. 31 acres grown alone 1954... 610 222 275 319 358 210 238 267 1,378 32 1949... 413 406 504 869 348 245 372 494 1,096 33 acres grorni with other crops 1954... 353 432 791 57 77 12 102 35 629 34 1949... 263 577 1,086 416 62 5 1,303 63 951 35 Harvested for dry peas farms reporting 1954... 164 104 92 99 113 20 20 55 354 36 1949... 34 198 128 390 104 11 287 50 271 37 acres grown alone 1954... 244 90 102 131 160 41 66 39 620 38 1949... 47 172 143 437 132 22 138 68 302 39 acres grown with other crops 1954. . . 193 152 258 28 19 1 9 15 366 40 1949... 27 318 395 233 33 5 591 33 373 41 1,778 1,116 968 939 949 583 619 722 4,167 42 1949... 309 1,597 2,776 3,762 972 270 3,284 629 2,140 43 Cut for hay farms reporting 1954,.. 69 24 16 32 27 4 12 45 100 44 1949.., 68 33 70 131 56 7 22 119 103 45 acres grown alone 1954. . , 305 56 49 100 141 18 107 136 512 46 1949... 200 101 292 287 159 16 52 364 478 47 acres grown with other crops 1954... 45 17 4 3 13 44 43 1949.,, 45 6 40 32 5 11 9 13 49 tons 1954... 240 85 65 76 171 '15 98 102 536 50 1949, . , 221 86 237 326 179 12 78 445 405 51 Hogged or grazed, or cut for silage, farms reporting 1954. , , 22 20 36 55 86 110 12 67 17 39 5 78 10 52 6 11 52 185 52 acres grovm alone 1954... 53 acres grown with other crops 1954... 79 113 339 23 57 11 93 3 132 54 Plowed under for green manure ,, ,fanns reporting 1954. ., 10 41 41 21 15 14 8 21 9 18 4 73 2 13 11 31 23 61 55 acres grown alone 1954,.. 56 36 150 190 3 1 4 37 57 Peanuts grown for all purposes. . .farms reporting 1954... 69 82 9 161 55 33 33 141 34 58 1949... 109 232 27 312 260 13 214 46 97 59 acres grovm alone 1954... 74 62 14 136 36 6 43 99 20 60 1949... 122 99 5 303 208 7 87 60 68 61 acres grovm v/ith other crops 1954. . , 15 12 3 8 17 3 62 1949... 96 1 18 1 3 1 63 Harvested for picking or threshing farms reporting 1954... 67 79 9 159 53 30 31 141 32 64 1949... 105 232 27 312 258 13 214 45 97 65 acres grown alone 1954.., 70 53 14 132 30 2 36 96 17 66 67 1949... acres grown with other crops 1954... 74 71 2 220 118 6 3 75 51 10 29 3 68 1949... .• . 1 1 "3 1 69 pounds 1954... 14,713 12,738 1,595 34,535 10,276 1,152 19, 369 48,797 6,579 70 1949... 27,757 42,250 3,095 64,234 54,918 3,000 44,787 14,818 10,980 71 Vines or tops saved for hay or 3 3 5 11 1 2 16 45 5 59 3 5 26 3 72 1949... 7 2 3 73 acres grown alone 1954... 4 7 1 11 7 3 5 30 3 74 1949... 5 11 2 50 66 2 2 3 75 acres grown with other crops 1954... 15 12 17 76 1949... 77 tons 1954,.. '"5 16 "i '28 16 1 6 '26 4 78 1949... 4 11 1 45 71 8 2 3 79 Velvetbeans grown for all nun^OSeS. ............ . .... fflTni*? ■ppnnT't i n n IQ'iZ. 1 6 25 74 1 3 5 63 80 1949... 1 4 2 81 acres grovm alone 1954... 79 2 14 91 82 1949... 8 72 5 2 83 acres grown with other crops 1954... 3 9 9 ... 84 1949... 4 1 138 4 10 85 bushels 1954... 397 250 554 86 1949... 90 1,068 ... 91 66 22 ^Includes fauns reporting cowpeas harvested for green peas only. MISSISSIPPI 135 HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued Forrest Ft anil In George Greene Grenada Hancock Harrison Hinds Holmes Hujnphreys Issaquena Itawamba Jackson Jasper Jefferson 77 73 64 173 119 30 24 175 304 66S 180 397 59 73 56 1 155 221 126 287 243 33 39 219 312 393 105 706 78 226 169 2 441 281 616 382 2,117 199 47 2,875 20,800 42,645 10,690 3,046 431 224 242 3 289 127 311 415 1,405 79 104 1,435 8,731 10,789 5,211 3,046 273 537 250 4 231 477 64 1,293 510 73 •91 -210 214 88 7 ^06 309 44 76 5 711 1,907 91 1,185 1,527 46 85 655 348 283 35 887 196 142 533 6 5 20 18 12 37 7 . .. 28 227 485 150 75 5 3 12 7 42 3 6 32 1 4 20 93 108 55 71 2 12 35 8 215 65 386 71 1,438 82 955 19,233 35,704 9,640 1,540 188 23 90 9 ... 8 7 6 412 1 ... 126 6,730 7,743 2,550 681 46 22 117 10 15 118 16 14 30 ... ... . .. ... 67 39 5 11 98 ... 7 46 ... 11 9 It 225 70 3 65 12 2,290 1,237 3,332 931 12,560 1,290 ... 8,074 208,022 280,627 138,462 16,812 2,017 611 973 13 ... 933 120 67 5,820 35 61 1,852 106,920 116,546 36,785 6,667 812 375 1,211 14 50 14 30 40 28 8 14 74 90 208 29 303 28 64 20 15 94 72 71 113 91 7 18 104 164 271 20 585 25 206 47 16 159 55 125 233 460 48 41 1,209 1,298 3,866 685 1,386 197 177 59 17 235 101 155 163 745 20 40 908 1,166 2,194 148 2,212 82 448 57 18 38 22 12 31 10 22 49 49 14 1 7 58 15 23 24 19 283 289 14 170 231 2 40 158 79 58 . . . 352 27 81 101 20 211 231 106 183 432 89 81 1,215 1,133 3,134 759 1,221 224 145 78 21 298 499 166 338 1,094 19 99 949 1,511 2,535 162 2,572 106 548 113 22 19 40 10 127 60 16 9 64 24 38 7 43 26 12 25 23 5 78 56 78 196 69 6 592 208 441 147 lU 40 24 84 24 118 312 21 1,111 392 51 30 139 25 20 302 197 21 47 25 7 6 11 6 5 ... 2 17 7 58 S 4 5 3 26 62 S3 49 ... 23 ... ... 119 61 2,634 218 6 6 9 27 60 25 15 U7 78 ... 12 22 175 7 97 28 76 98 72 69 388 15 16 414 504 58 3 209 26 88 130 29 106 180 491 327 457 19 34 1,377 1,108 60 4 517 40 538 600 30 259 75 251 77 486 43 55 1,451 1,734 82 7 371 99 192 175 31 165 76 400 251 490 96 88 1,678 2,733 165 11 510 68 682 914 32 195 434 IS 150 2,195 18 6 391 430 14 . . . 88 17 64 292 33 173 631 47 189 1,770 23 29 1,035 3,341 5 ... 422 14 358 1,567 34 26 42 26 18 212 4 5 236 336 46 134 10 47 84 35 11 100 56 94 220 4 6 760 689 17 "4 259 14 390 308 36 30 9 72 19 252 7 21 632 959 66 201 31 65 64 37 7 28 59 34 161 3 6 864 1,187 62 11 271 24 465 223 38 11 167 16 681 2 11 171 6 ... 46 4 2 163 39 8 172 ... 55 459 2 3 533 1,726 ... 218 2 89 873 40 453 278 315 111 2,595 61 195 2,851 3,876 656 1,951 169 448 687 41 130 839 510 620 3,067 10 66 5,736 6,696 249 42 1,792 202 4,527 2,303 42 24 10 35 9 19 5 2 39 44. 4 ... 50 9 19 20 43 50 24 15 19 49 6 9 90 197 29 98 2 50 137 44 79 19 135 25 88 16 5 160 179 4 . . . 131 30 75 74 45 129 27 34 30 157 67 16 349 923 79 192 1 144 471 46 14 8 18 1 U 7 16 2 .. . ... 2 5 47 36 39 5 3 33 "2 44 91 5 29 3 ... lis 48 106 23 146 30 66 13 7 141 105 5 108 23 71 69 49 176 100 28 33 153 25 16 324 698 78 190 1 174 436 50 32 48 4 43 179 7 7 119 146 7 1 25 8 26 43 51 45 27 22 32 121 20 13 532 566 7 2 33 30 49 36 52 151 242 131 1,316 9 6 267 246 3 22 4 42 129 53 8 3 8 2 26 3 59 15 5 2 5 2 3 1 54 105 20 22 1 25 16 127 30 5 5 6 8 3 1 55 19 17 2 185 ... 97 11 5 20 7 15 ... 56 97 39 18 28 70 5 103 170 14 152 6 283 95 57 19 100 58 49 169 "5 8 238 343 29 "i 258 9 448 74 58 26 32 54 82 38 4 86 73 5 172 4 127 28 59 23 55 152 SO 97 "5 28 273 302 6 "1 292 8 265 80 60 3 1 ... 8 ... 4 6 5 ... 16 61 15 56 32 9 ... 14 21 ... ... 5 20 13 2 62 97 39 5 18 69 1 100 170 14 147 6 281 95 63 16 100 12 25 163 "i 8 233 343 29 "i 216 9 448 74 64 24 32 6 61 37 1 64 56 5 . .. 165 2 100 25 65 17 36 13 62 67 1 1 273 237 4 1 149 5 176 28 66 1 1 5 1 1 12 's 3 2 ... 8 1 67 68 17,216 9,479 1,160 19,659 9,123 150 26,116 18,121 2,736 30,743 685 55,963 10, 513 69 7,02C 13,940 2,820 42,139 28,245 300 397 58,580 67,214 5,611 '25 51,645 1,930 88,931 7,650 70 3 2 13 1 4 1 12 8 1 71 5 1 6 11 1 1 6 18 15 1 70 1 49 3 72 2 5 40 1 6 10 ... 15 7 1 73 7 "i 8 13 1 1 20 18 6 1 66 1 57 4 74 1 "io ... ... 1 "'5 75 76 4 5 29 ... 1 5 3 19 6 "i 77 9 2 7 26 1 1 18 18 14 1 79 "i 50 1 78 12 18 45 63 31 33 1 4 39 12 6 79 15 44 89 172 , , 24 3 3 1 1 35 10 12 80 14 7 154 9 .. 51 39 6 117 23 4 81 10 7 817 194 .. 13 "3 12 50 2 37 9 15 82 24 60 393 256 .. 107 118 7 91 6 11 83 82 207 245 667 170 1 45 2 97 15 8 84 50 88 2,145 149 1,400 408 "30 396 60 47 85 1,734 279 3,559 150 12 19 500 40 590 98 260 86 136 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9 ( Part 2 of 5 ) .-SPECIFIED CROPS Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Jefferson Davis Jones Kemper Lafayette La^ Lauderdale Lawrence Leake Lee Leflore Annual lefninea: 1 Soybeans grown for all puiTjoses. ...................... tfai" :"^ reporting 1954... 39 150 SO 161 98 91 28 105 645 561 2 1949... 79 499 266 258 182 179 65 150 882 541 3 acres grown alone 1954, ,. 94 508 201 1,150 220 288 106 255 5,509 67,100 4 1949... 320 1,071 692 1,040 288 472 166 344 4,948 35,927 5 acres grown with other crops 1954. . . 14 286 14 418 359 112 31 86 655 468 6 1949... 47 847 88 965 523 86 44 247 1,238 332 7 Harvested for beans farms reporting 1954... 1 9 14 4 2 1 1 91 455 a 1949... 2 7 4 30 3 5 1 10 93 420 9 acres grown alone 1954... 1 149 347 22 14 14 7 1,537 55,558 10 1949... 1 29 6 410 11 5 12 36 809 29,175 11 acres grown with other crops 1954... 1 13 97 175 12 1949... 20 6 2 5 186 230 13 bushels 1954... 5 1,062 3,875 178 140 105 '76 23,222 413,001 U 1949... 15 320 260 5,579 63 26 120 379 13,863 490,664 15 32 106 79 118 59 71 20 89 527 165 16 1949... 65 385 243 161 141 153 53 121 739 159 17 acres grown alone 1954... 75 233 196 714 179 223 54 231 3,450 9,029 13 1949... 206 869 643 543 225 409 140 271 4,013 5,287 19 acres grown with other crops 1954... 12 96 14 96 96 13 37 131 10 20 1949... 30 298 25 122 184 32 '30 96 369 38 21 tons 1954... 85 289 154 601 209 177 41 282 3,470 9,044 22 1949... 223 1,399 748 675 478 411 231 374 4,458 8,350 23 Hogged or grazed, or cut for silage farms reporting 1954... 6 34 1 34 37 16 6 15 56 19 24 acres grown alone 1954... 18 113 5 68 19 41 37 15 395 1,158 25 acres grown with other crops 1954, , , 2 173 185 232 91 29 49 159 10 26 Plowed under for green manure fanns reporting 1954... 3 8 1 4 1 1 44 28 27 acres grown alone 1954... 13 21 ,., 10 1 2 127 1,355 28 acres grown with other crops 1954... 16 137 18 3 2 218 273 29 Cowpeas grown for all purposes, except for fresh market, or for canning, freezing, or other processing. .................... .fauns reporting 1954, . , 147 130 331 191 66 199 48 467 315 33 30 1949 1.. 591 610 906 547 159 741 274 1,003 251 69 31 acres grown alone 1954... 312 373 734 689 124 508 216 649 667 109 32 1949.,, 517 658 1,046 511 192 1,037 357 759 284 377 33 acres grown with other crops 1954,,, 116 93 188 168 133 83 56 851 165 20 34 1949,,. 127 383 424 1,547 188 310 439 1,719 134 20 35 Harvested for dry peas farms reporting 1954... 71 61 304 83 13 141 30 357 225 15 36 1949. . . 103 86 585 278 27 406 87 797 61 32 37 acres grown alone 1954. . . 116 92 546 240 9 231 67 513 372 18 38 1949... 103 92 736 150 11 573 110 560 66 179 39 acres grown with other crops 1954... 77 14 15 31 13 39 34 324 134 1 40 1949... 9 45 129 367 24 174 13 1,024 24 9 41 bushels 1954... 603 956 2,104 1,120 102 1,506 292 2,992 2,591 169 42 1949... 922 919 6,298 2,043 173 4,392 953 5,610 626 2,007 43 Cut for hay. ................. .farms reporting 1954... 58 63 20 50 29 35 11 21 70 4 44 1949... 96 176 54 64 71 37 29 42 57 8 45 acres grown alone 1954,,, 119 253 62 243 91 73 91 42 199 28 46 1949,,, 200 463 107 175 149 267 62 60 149 31 47 acres grown with other crops 1954,,. 5 33 2 35 10 12 20 4 48 1949... 13 70 44 46 34 9 15 14 19 "3 49 tons 1954... 109 232 43 246 78 57 47 75 137 45 50 1949.,, 248 786 207 145 199 301 66 86 138 34 51 Hogged or grazed, or cut for silage farms reporting 1954,,. 27 17 24 40 26 26 8 107 20 9 52 acres grown alone 1954... 76 20 78 156 23 181 40 82 63 12 53 acres gro\m with other crops 1954... 26 46 145 82 108 31 10 498 19 19 54 Plowed under for green manure farms reporting 1954. . , 2 2 6 24 2 14 7 5 11 5 55 acres grown alone 1954,,, 1 8 48 50 1 23 18 12 33 51 56 8 26 20 2 1 12 9 8 57 Peanuts grown for all purposes,,, fanns reporting 1954,,, 235 82 166 91 33 160 111 333 53 4 58 1949,,, 225 128 367 198 59 314 77 536 101 27 59 acres grovm alone 1954, , , 231 56 155 102 33 136 26 136 63 5 60 1949.,, 155 143 460 118 33 271 86 243 105 19 61 acres grown with other crops 1954,,, 4 15 10 2 22 4 1 62 1949.,, 1 15 32 104 1 13 16 19 11 63 Harvested for picking or threshing, ,,,,.,,,.,,,,,,.,, .farms reporting 1954. . , 233 80 162 86 27 153 111 332 45 4 64 1949... 225 128 367 197 59 314 77 536 100 27 65 acres grown alone 1954,,, 227 47 141 94 26 108 24 133 53 2 66 1949,,. 119 97 263 84 18 184 33 167 67 14 67 acres grown with other crops 1954,,. 2 2 3 1 68 1949.,, 1 2 2 "3 '13 2 8 11 69 pounds 1954,,. 58,676 18,845 29,181 19,247 10,570 25,295 16,652 49,647 8,740 765 70 1949,,. 35,328 38,460 67,894 34,845 12,108 80,257 16,732 110,300 28,976 4,963 71 Vines or tops saved for hay or 12 6 33 34 11 27 7 5 1 72 1949... 4 32 48 17 5 23 6 22 17 4 73 acres grown alone 1954. . . 12 9 34 37 12 27 7 5 3 74 1949... 3 39 72 29 7 32 "5 32 20 5 75 acres grown with other crops 1954... 1 2 9 76 1949... 3 5 "i 3 77 tons 1954... 13 7 36 38 16 39 6 5 1 78 1949.,, 3 55 84 27 9 22 7 34 20 2 79. Velvetbeans grown for all purposes. ..,,,.....,,,,....... ,,faiiiis reporting 1954... 16 10 5 3 28 11 2 8 4 1 80 1949... 10 28 9 13 30 11 11 1 1 81 acres grown alone 1954. . . 43 16 8 10 23 88 10 6 25 1 82 1949... 11 24 37 15 51 13 13 6 7 83 acres grown with other crops 1954, , , 10 94 3 112 22 E 84 1949, , , 8 111 14 67 63 'is 21 8 85 bushels 1954.,, 85 19 '50 140 558 15 30 70 36 1949.,, 109 415 125 505 330 115 U3 3 '60 ^Includes farms reporting aowpeas harvested for green peas only. MISSISSIPPI 137 HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued Lincoln Lowndes Madison Marlon Marshall Monroe Montgomery Neshoba Newton Noxubee Oktibbeha Panola Pearl River Perry Pike 22 49 109 27 44 288 134 132 91 46 129 402 67 169 25 1 38 85 146 84 48 608 313 250 151 149 165 411 88 277 47 2 100 695 1,374 115 507 3,343 1,120 515 280 583 409 14,017 1,514 208 150 3 80 676 1,182 169 351 5,992 613 723 274 924 672 4,116 188 207 123 4 « 81 152 1 230 239 36 74 29 520 544 91 1,329 4 5 67 32 443 110 36 272 1,540 265 374 339 997 2,430 227 1,977 174 6 3 5 8 2 46 26 5 7 10 4 196 20 8 4 7 1 4 19 2 3 67 29 9 15 19 8 94 1 15 6 8 32 196 131 100 838 601 30 9 87 40 11,457 1,294 73 64 9 10 98 179 1 24 1,329 268 21 12 206 45 2,873 13 1 8 10 57 29 10 14 55 5 35 11 17 1 57 44 '16 28 28 51 19 14 12 395 635 2,187 1,150 6,709 3,399 299 201 941 920 116,411 U,810 890 240 13 35 1,950 2,830 25 782 17,582 4,295 330 286 1,891 400 44,861 200 270 120 14 13 32 78 24 29 221 67 117 70 32 68 159 21 23 19 15 19 61 85 55 33 544 79 181 111 93 117 134 22 123 26 16 45 316 1,033 102 294 2,285 342 449 244 274 256 1,784 132 69 85 17 31 426 731 125 295 4,468 242 474 243 568 563 799 63 163 85 18 6 5 58 1 43 46 9 21 20 134 61 14 19 15 30 87 25 '27 65 212 101 U9 61 365 147 25 187 41 20 51 396 1,054 137 227 1,948 316 432 241 284 286 1,798 202 57 93 21 34 467 779 159 447 5,195 408 592 367 690 1,577 1,228 103 278 91 22 9 11 23 3 10 37 47 10 18 6 57 65 28 U7 3 23 23 49 121 13 75 160 174 36 18 19 96 463 72 66 1 24 37 66 88 ... 127 164 27 43 9 352 388 8ij 1,251 4 25 7 6 3 7 1 2 2 8 17 2 3 26 134 89 38 60 3 9 203 17 313 16 27 10 6 3 ... 20 40 29 28 101 272 581 78 611 389 143 387 196 159 320 377 34 95 78 29 167 466 825 362 613 580 355 1,145 636 373 194 668 123 339 348 30 lU 758 1,564 149 1,628 1,214 363 738 375 321 447 1,231 103 196 173 31 101 850 1,576 378 870 1,385 364 1,324 540 662 176 1,232 215 228 206 32 306 137 781 20 146 105 167 350 354 2 579 386 46 160 37 33 495 388 2,058 60 550 54 934 1,156 881 98 274 1,078 120 365 154 34 42 206 425 36 462 257 99 301 106 143 211 197 11 29 50 35 56 294 507 63 375 270 159 490 266 243 114 265 25 91 97 36 73 423 806 45 1,042 465 211 482 145 183 161 589 31 38 86 37 44 432 701 83 576 308 95 723 151 345 82 370 18 38 82 38 78 42 375 66 11 72 193 109 1 171 79 7 9 39 90 170 1,043 387 44 211 640 689 49 134 342 5 35 31 40 1,302 1,737 5,047 455 7,984 2,951 959 2,851 954 1,175 1,892 2,652 250 183 888 41 557 2,728 5,499 509 5,067 2,318 1,470 5,442 2,207 2,413 '726 2,689 252 523 753 42 10 48 69 34 81 104 18 55 57 9 21 73 11 24 17 43 11 33 94 73 73 166 25 114 123 18 20 138 22 34 19 44 23 177 406 90 318 469 56 153 175 91 71 260 41 103 42 45 15 167 561 116 195 687 76 350 326 79 86 485 54 60 46 46 5 30 21 3 9 27 14 1 8 73 3 1 47 23 5 22 21 32 10 'io '42 41 4 10 37 6 25 5 48 20 105 324 102 250 381 56 148 156 51 59 279 33 86 70 49 32 148 504 170 215 709 89 381 360 87 111 445 63 118 57 50 41 25 127 5 53 38 27 33 42 8 90 111 13 42 16 51 39 85 305 6 197 204 81 74 37 14 191 288 30 51 45 52 173 49 372 71 67 92 148 208 369 219 36 140 30 53 13 19 10 5 15 12 3 6 5 6 10 19 1 4 2 54 9 73 47 8 71 76 15 29 18 33 24 94 1 4 55 50 16 U 17 3 9 23 31 15 10 7 56 150 158 293 62 79 90 69 194 241 153 331 49 8 21 188 57 64 222 388 116 95 343 165 239 186 456 214 163 15 58 144 58 76 162 216 78 67 97 53 153 167 168 141 40 12 20 97 59 35 278 391 132 95 281 120 268 152 431 116 96 14 26 106 60 7 22 23 3 1 2 3 42 17 22 2 25 3 22 61 5 3 24 5 4 62 5 115 14 42 34 3 2 62 145 156 288 49 77 74 68 148 240 143 331 35 8 18 188 63 64 222 388 99 95 342 165 238 186 455 214 163 14 58 144 64 67 145 189 63 56 66 50 99 146 147 139 29 10 18 92 65 23 212 368 79 71 161 106 181 71 417 105 63 7 20 63 66 7 17 10 1 1 1 17 18 2 2 22 67 19 2 3 18 12 5 11 3 "2 68 34,294 26,381 32,601 16,236 11 ,754 16,207 12,502 29,208 39,804 19,983 37,045 6,891 7,130 2,699 34,879 69 14,577 48,745 76,016 20,601 10,932 81,190 35,372 72,070 38,287 89,909 30,085 18,233 2,195 10,758 26,109 70 2 10 6 6 4 12 11 10 9 29 18 11 3 8 71 4 20 21 40 7 31 13 28 9 51 25 11 3 6 13 72 1 12 6 9 8 12 4 17 15 32 20 11 2 10 73 4 22 1 1 24 4 43 6 36 1 1 10 3 1 31 4 10 61 28 '2 8 2 'i 7 3 14 74 75 76 2 15 7 "e 7 13 13 13 11 '27 23 12 2 11 77 4 18 23 42 5 33 17 33 7 58 28 10 2 7 13 78 20 5 16 15 2 4 6 4 10 3 30 16 14 79 40 2 32 25 4 1 18 25 46 57 19 80 14 13 24 72 5 13 5 4 10 ' 2 50 31 81 44 4 46 29 6 5 12 19 61 7 16 82 36 6 19 1 5 9 8 140 113 4 83 45 16 49 10 77 45 139 224 50 84 163 17 30 45 6 61 1,175 135 515 85 857 15 545 304 33 15 257 398 1,117 855 126 86 138 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9 ( Part 2 of 5 ) —SPECIFIED CROPS Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Pontotoc Prentiss Quitman Rankin Scott Sharkey Sin^json Smith Stone Sunflower Annual legu'ca: 1 Soybeans grovm for all purposes. ...................... .fauns reporting 1954,,, 272 309 688 895 816 602 72 157 45 119 408 279 55 126 37 126 42 55 1,028 812 2 1949... 3 acres giown alone 195^... 1,965 6,897 36,480 320 225 26,390 132 121 521 76,333 * 1949... 493 6,303 8,997 507 249 10,297 297 189 93 27,645 5 acres grown ulth other crops 1954... 417 377 197 249 48 78 57 105 172 786 6 1949... 1,680 1,441 296 454 297 411 259 292 503 287 7 Hai-vested for beans fanns reporting 1954... 42 156 544 2 331 1 5 2 764 3 1949... 45 160 110 11 'io 142 9 6 3 406 9 acres grown alone 1954... 738 3,565 30,167 22 25,093 8 5 212 57,336 10 1949. . . 65 3,202 3,229 3 33 7,590 24 26 3 19,079 11 acres grown with other crops 1954... 109 24 20 1 4 8 12 1949... 221 779 48 7 27 '2 112 13 bushels 1954... 5,932 54,635 249,696 132 309,729 51 101 1,050 372,092 14 1949... 869 56,891 53,417 198 288 130 ,675 341 452 49 316,559 15 Cut for hay. .................. fanns reporting 1954. . . 190 530 336 51 36 134 43 21 15 397 16 107 736 485 103 69 102 67 79 17 422 17 acres grown alone 1954,., 1,062 3,199 5,323 224 114 1,090 164 61 165 12,753 18 1949.,. 363 3,067 5,430 358 139 871 174 140 51 7,081 19 acres grown with other crops 1954... 27 164 2 22 18 9 7 6 9 20 1949... 175 412 87 132 64 29 48 99 25 55 21 tons 1954.,, 1,165 3,165 5,700 210 92 874 201 51 254 9,711 22 1949... 457 3,791 7,091 440 215 616 353 182 64 8,399 23 Hogged or grazed, or cut for silage farms reporting 1954... 45 29 45 22 9 11 10 8 27 34 24 acres grown alone 1954,. , 106 107 435 70 111 107 9 43 33 911 25 acres grown with other crops 1954.., 237 140 161 125 5 77 43 30 162 61 26 Plowed under for green manure farms reporting 1954... 17 13 46 4 1 7 1 3 3 95 27 acres grown alone 1954... 59 26 555 4 100 1 12 61 5,328 28 acres grown with other crops 1954... 44 49 14 102 '25 14 4 708 29 Cowpeas grown for all purposes, except for fresh market, or for canning, freezing, or other processing fanns reporting 1954... 257 294 70 186 90 12 159 92 15 58 30 1949 1.. 246 202 42 592 305 15 521 656 36 73 31 acres grown alone 1954... 614 677 576 228 141 23 267 197 37 1,022 32 1949.., 361 329 90 364 340 30 303 629 25 554 33 acres grown with other crops 1954... 344 89 314 362 163 97 34 26 1,980 34 1949... 818 447 32 1,405 723 377 827 14 62 35 Harvested for dry peas farms reporting 1954... 132 190 36 110 55 3 76 43 2 33 36 1949.., 80 84 15 471 209 9 99 188 9 14 37 acres grown alone 1954,,, 215 364 298 109 56 21 116 66 6 123 38 1949... 51 101 22 160 197 8 88 142 7 141 39 acres grown with other crops 1954... 112 44 14 110 105 22 27 40 1949... 103 28 13 709 513 31 253 "3 2 41 bushels 1954... 1,668 1,497 1,591 1,059 390 106 906 541 58 730 42 1949... 384 779 203 3,292 1,508 &4 676 1,332 52 1,447 43 Cut for hay farms reporting 1954... 77 63 2 18 26 2 30 24 5 7 44 1949. . . 61 31 8 17 34 3 43 65 3 21 45 acres grown alone 1954... 303 185 12 31 56 3 69 35 6 65 46 1949.,, 179 90 27 46 87 14 99 172 5 166 47 acres grown with other crops 1954... 1 2 2 12 20 48 1949... 55 1 11 28 35 5 '37 2 49 tons 1954... 248 150 21 41 58 5 57 57 15 61 50 1949... 161 109 7 36 93 12 103 169 5 202 51 Hogged or grazed, or cut for silage farms reporting 1954.,, 53 33 19 57 17 2 13 20 7 6 52 acres grown alone 1954,,. 81 71 36 30 19 2 28 24 21 28 53 acres grown with other crops 1954. . . 196 45 216 56 63 47 6 1,970 54 Plowed under for green manure farms reporting 1954... 14 17 14 14 2 1 41 5 1 13 55 acres grown alone 1954... 15 57 230 8 10 2 54 22 4 806 56 35 300 34 10 10 57 Peanuts grown for all purposes... farms reporting 1954... 70 117 5 196 190 4 92 32 3 10 58 1949... 180 87 14 263 192 3 245 151 16 16 59 acres grown alone 1954... 58 74 5 151 93 3 61 88 11 12 60 1949. . . 63 88 17 224 112 4 88 119 21 43 61 acres grown with other crops 1954... 13 8 33 1 1 ... 62 1949... 31 'li "1 U 2 5 3 40 63 Harvested for picking or threshing. ,..,....*....,..... farms reporting 1954.,, 68 105 5 195 187 4 83 74 2 3 64 1949,., 165 87 14 263 192 3 245 150 16 16 65 acres grown alone 1954... 52 52 5 143 39 3 57 79 1 1 66 1949. . . 49 76 14 141 112 3 31 61 20 33 67 acres grown with other crops 1954,.. 7 3 26 1 ... 68 1949... 2 2 2 39 69 pounds 1954... 28,322 21,977 505 52,011 29,599 866 26,491 19,771 152 627 70 1949,,, 23,769 24,687 4,940 53,934 36,968 453 45,935 29,498 3,155 30,267 71 Vines or tops saved for hay or 4 16 19 4 2 72 1949. . . 3 24 3 '15 5 7 1 1 73 acres grown alone 1954... 5 13 18 4 3 74 1949... 3 28 3 19 7 7 1 1 75 acres grown with other crops 1954... ... 76 1949... 1 77 tons 1954... "5 "12 17 4 3 78 1949,,, 4 24 4 '15 ... 5 9 1 1 79 Velvetbeans grown for all purposes, ...................... .farms reporting 1954,.. 3 2 2 2 2 6 10 80 1949,., 2 3 "& 12 73 29 81 acres grown alone 1954. . . 5 1 2 3 2 18 50 82 1949... 3 13 18 74 32 83 acres grown with other crops 1954... 1 1 3 36 84 1949.,, 1 58 31 '39 317 85 bushels 1954... '15 2 74 500 86 1949.., 4 102 20 103 195 956 ^Includes farms reporting cowpeas harvested for green peas onlj^. MISSISSIPPI 139 HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued Talla- hatchie Tate Tippah Ttshoinlngo Tunica Union Walthall Warren Washington Wayne Webster Wilkinson Winston Yalobusha Yazoo 584 72 284 309 370 322 16 154 659 177 115 51 210 201 450 1 647 30 292 671 498 312 29 266 604 500 255 396 369 325 703 2 39,979 1,617 853 1,244 34,712 2,806 98 2,266 49,363 330 1,133 49 494 1,355 30,457 3 15,506 796 612 2,930 17,426 1,347 50 1,540 13,007 923 935 285 306 1,741 13,298 4 704 43 931 35 7 510 ... 2,319 91 1,103 179 271 329 750 2,432 5 2,130 229 1,142 150 37 1,373 65 4,467 1,011 1,901 793 3,953 835 1,837 9,959 6 392 28 12 16 250 64 4 30 519 25 22 12 30 19 279 7 204 20 16 37 92 50 18 210 7 30 16 14 36 241 8 32,724 1,144 168 156 28,567 1,502 '27 1,683 43,634 134 641 8 47 432 26,753 9 9,795 301 81 608 6,493 537 553 9,993 13 320 6 17 453 15,241 10 60 1 2 5 23 54 3 40 41 70 103 11 343 20 46 6 36 '24 146 7 26 41 3 59 432 12 379,670 10,543 2,486 1,245 251,306 13,763 208 21,571 472 ,894 1,046 5,537 145 787 2,305 282,332 13 168,911 6,337 2,032 8,302 115,737 3,360 ... 8,726 177,557 98 5,256 83 112 7,818 285,373 14 236 19 218 287 182 205 12 16 163 70 75 10 129 108 91 15 248 33 182 605 399 177 22 26 323 336 130 66 334 196 75 15 5,838 182 608 1,055 5,263 1,078 71 225 3,026 110 369 9 321 738 2,159 17 4,588 339 466 2,262 3,444 758 42 176 3,951 671 530 29 595 894 947 18 87 438 4 ... lis ... 5 128 30 23 165 164 7 19 202 '20 423 144 6 391 12 64 293 353 153 466 572 455 33 20 5,962 295 979 991 7,679 953 45 188 3,337 191 233 42 396 724 2,493 21 5,277 324 1,185 2,431 11,417 1,097 63 280 4,050 992 758 330 1,104 1,515 324 22 73 25 59 11 6 60 101 30 83 17 41 50 79 126 23 653 251 43 29 134 191 353 651 71 83 30 114 168 1,001 24 464 41 465 26 337 1,949 46 747 78 203 123 465 1,918 25 27 2 10 3 27 9 23 45 7 6 2 3 6 31 26 764 40 34 4 748 35 5 2,002 15 45 2 12 17 544 27 93 1 26 7 27 370 40 179 18 5 51 399 23 259 396 365 248 11 162 16 131 35 238 75 69 384 403 210 29 198 529 360 251 26 129 144 317 78 518 238 132 713 545 416 30 903 1,294 551 519 230 357 30 325 505 397 167 72 480 510 968 31 226 973 388 432 414 105 89 548 446 553 355 55 660 508 1,179 32 825 348 279 77 410 4 231 40 432 127 229 660 1,445 193 33 446 888 255 65 '31 213 36 537 33 611 624 745 914 1,436 565 34 163 235 249 135 7 62 8 53 21 239 37 20 306 265 133 35 50 233 206 145 11 46 7 188 24 231 170 63 481 236 163 36 401 525 296 207 24 80 12 71 146 282 52 13 346 232 601 37 83 394 173 200 17 22 8 213 79 193 142 28 395 136 319 38 204 119 88 53 169 2 74 169 33 57 245 952 30 39 9 601 58 9 '26 67 244 16 98 266 189 430 455 134 40 2,227 3,421 2,107 1,078 66 532 '■76 401 1,684 2,462 535 154 3,521 2,938 3,901 41 542 3,053 1,729 3,343 200 456 83 1,751 475 1,769 1,355 1,145 3,817 2,204 1,690 42 21 46 46 U5 51 5 37 4 46 17 2 23 51 22 43 10 57 47 73 22 27 24 20 75 52 10 60 84 52 44 90 199 101 259 165 16 36 7 79 56 3 72 221 117 45 29 290 108 139 137 49 32 65 Ul 124 137 12 139 209 344 46 30 17 10 35 40 75 7 33 2 47 5 2 13 46 7 4 9 23 '24 40 44 115 'io 48 92 185 111 237 127 10 82 82 128 49 10 107 146 66 49 31 205 130 161 156 61 57 63 56 115 154 36 212 285 308 50 64 109 86 19 2 44 2 33 7 43 18 45 62 110 59 51 251 473 117 30 125 94 2 73 217 26 46 50 60 123 221 52 554 118 163 7 169 81 125 54 150 323 404 153 53 24 31 18 6 2 18 1 20 5 10 7 2 8 21 5 54 161 97 37 23 SO 13 95 135 10 13 6 2 34 29 55 37 111 28 62 2 41 63 35 5 59 88 5 56 26 39 29 207 83 148 12 6 150 34 11 151 52 28 57 30 77 123 174 1 103 73 77 54 164 183 40 638 113 38 53 42 45 30 225 57 37 3 6 54 41 24 122 60 28 59 26 44 145 195 1 46 45 24 22 138 114 40 365 98 37 60 8 1 1 10 2 16 3 61 4 18 11 15 '3 '16 12 "4 21 4 11 62 18 35 27 199 77 144 12 6 150 33 11 150 49 28 63 29 77 121 171 1 103 73 73 54 145 183 40 688 113 38 54 26 39 27 210 42 32 2 6 51 25 8 108 43 22 65 15 41 121 1 124 46 1 35 20 17 109 9 95 30 2 251 10 58 22 66 67 1 14 10 3 1 20 4 ... 68 4,330 6,900 7,905 58,154 7,203 20,537 1,017 1,146 23,201 5,362 3,032 23,020 9,595 5,375 69 3,479 10,302 25,804 48,377 100 15,184 14,422 11,804 6,077 29,383 41,505 7,819 135,900 23 ,731 10,516 70 1 2 2 67 6 2 6 4 3 8 10 71 4 3 14 21 6 2 "3 15 18 1 25 6 72 1 1 1 73 15 3 2 7 3 9 18 73 3 3 21 23 10 2 ... 4 15 1 22 1 29 12 74 75 1 1 2 1 2 75 1 2 2 '72 9 "3 7 6 "5 'io 14 77 5 4 18 28 9 2 2 16 27 1 32 7 78 1 2 5 11 1 1 104 2 6 4 1 2 79 3 3 13 81 3 14 14 80 12 5 13 1 i 77 2 3 4 1 4 31 5 4 8 83 10 11 82 2 ... 6 14 740 7 7 83 7 49 '.'.'. 312 5 45 20 84 35 '84 119 1,200 12 5 10 'io 85 54 242 573 '15 123 337 86 140 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9 ( Part 3 of 5 ) .-SPECIFIED CROPS Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) The State Adams Alcorn Amite Attala Benton Bolivar Calhoun Carroll 1 Bay crops, exclDding soybean, cowpea, peaaat, and norglifia hay (see text) : hszid from which hay was cut......... •••• ••acres 1954^.. 606,836 623,564 4,184 2,329 7,845 7,067 10,244 5,625 7,041 9,337 4,491 7,600 9,148 19,670 13,324 14,894 4,495 6,383 2 1949... 3 Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay {and for dehydrating) faims reporting 1954... 784 1,371 3 2 28 28 2 7 4 5 31 77 249 13 2 7 5 <; 1949... 5 6 acres 1954... 1949... 12,225 19,579 120 15 169 106 40 54 43 40 164 1,185 5,570 132 13 68 22 7 8 tons 1954... 1949... 19,108 33,138 98 11 139 '45 36 28 109 164 1,914 10,044 145 11 79 23 9 Sold fams reporting 1954... 63 1 10 10 tons 1954... 2,568 5 ... 454 11 Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay. ................... f anns reporting 1954. . • 4,802 7,412 22 28 183 438 106 95 152 218 23 134 29 33 68 38 22 47 12 1949... 13 14 acres 1954... 1949... 52,703 53,947 322 825 1,302 2,719 1,097 699 1,296 1,605 227 1,019 471 744 593 298 235 305 15 16 tons 1954... 1949. . . 54,616 61,357 576 1,084 1,169 2,633 1,134 694 1,211 1,509 214 858 534 781 480 306 183 334 17 Sold farms reporting 1954. . . 139 7 2 4 2 4 18 tons 1954... 1,398 30 36 19 ... 17 24 19 20 Lespedeza cut for hay farms reporting 1954... 1949... 20,155 33,046 11 48 629 490 247 421 372 613 344 672 251 678 670 1,324 192 480 21 22 acres 1954... 1949... 205,450 328,068 126 489 4,968 3,044 2,108 3,014 3,203 5,010 3,291 5,936 4,743 12,059 7,559 13,105 2,561 4,670 23 24 tons 1954... 1949... 192,231 378,460 176 600 5,008 3,592 2,091 3,812 3,089 5,888 2,909 5,861 4,363 14,250 5,692 14,117 2,909 5,208 25 Sold farms reporting 1954... 717 57 4 11 3 12 31 5 26 tons 1954... 7,137 360 36 33 68 292 162 47 27 28 Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay faims reporting 1954... 1949... 11,483 2,356 19 31 50 13 241 12 143 17 14 4 73 43 183 3 20 5 29 30 acres 1954... 1949... 110,227 16 ,686 lU 90 251 55 2,826 76 1,122 121 316 66 1,149 649 2,164 22 471 24 31 32 1949... 119,437 17,017 129 88 328 37 2,801 95 1,393 112 238 48 1,633 868 2,147 24 736 15 33 Sold. ....................... .fanns reporting 1954, . . 177 2,103 \ 3 26 3 1 ^ 34 tons 1954... 3 1 20 35 Other hay cut.......... ....... ..farms reporting 1954... 16,075 20,278 174 207 185 220 301 284 287 448 84 59 76 52 173 184 70 164 36 1949... 37 38 acres 1954... 1949... 225 ,985 205,855 3,502 1,476 1,155 1,169 4,213 1,834 1,366 2,552 617 411 1,595 647 2,856 1,297 1,160 1,347 39 40 tons 1954... 1949... 227,427 219,489 4,246 1,520 1,081 1,074 5,325 1,976 1,272 2,480 532 319 1,242 851 1,819 1,199 1,505 1,560 41 Sold fanns reporting 1954. . . 631 6 10 5 5 2 2 4 42 16,290 93 77 39 12 27 50 26 43 44 Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains fanns reporting 1954... 1949... 13 25 ... ... ... 1 45 46 acres 1954... 1949... 246 186 ... ... ... 5 47 48 tons, green weight 1954... 1949... 1,592 795 ... 50 ... 49 50 Leapedexa seed, frass, and other field seed crops: Lespedeza seed harvested fams reporting 1954... 1949... 328 1.061 7 2 10 13 3 6 3 4 5 8 4 19 93 247 2 8 51 52 acres 1954... 1949... 4,925 13,581 258 15 49 69 27 39 6 48 34 143 187 387 783 2,320 10 42 53 54 pounds 1954... 1949... 478,385 2,0281674 17,505 1,700 11,700 11,805 4,450 3,610 900 8,500 4,000 8,402 U,760 86,750 87,085 278,129 620 6,485 55 56 Orljnson clover seed harvested. . .fanns reporting 1954... 1949... 289 319 10 12 1 10 15 2 3 1 3 2 1 6 4 3 1 3 57 58 acres 1954... 4,185 3,188 230 322 2 44 125 8 85 4 46 30 8 36 35 54 20 42 59 60 bushels 1954... 1949... 9,269 9,027 350 780 2 158 278 29 60 5 68 216 16 63 90 190 25 53 61 Other field seed crops harvested. ....... ..acres 1954... 18,244 140 37 138 55 138 1,481 55 120 MISSISSIPPI 141 HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 Chickasaw Choctaw Claiborne Clarke Clay Coahoma Copiah Covington De Soto Forrest Franklin George Greene Grenada Hancock 16,663 16,631 129 V.9 214 283 45 65 424 524 351 489 5 22 447 625 5,558 5,916 4,445 45 261 100 19 1,208 209 1,274 221 513 631 9,544 9,892 7,843 9,645 84 726 39 480 6,700 82,122 3,930 4,522 460 448 463 484 436 521 2,606 2,968 2,232 3,073 115 9 657 69 737 69 57 242 198 979 197 819 2 54 550 10,150 1 2 5 3 4 5 4,750 5,330 31 38 1,007 1,245 1,992 2,094 2 104 77 113 1,054 1,831 1,482 1,832 1 45 333 129 665 159 102 U2 2,296 2,172 3,586 2,664 3 10 10 407 30 1,429 5,529 4,036 91 466 55 210 66 87 710 937 584 1,163 318 170 2,493 1,084 2,498 861 190 226 2,235 1,617 1,926 1,312 U,515 15,271 669 326 648 504 179 223 2,316 2,876 1,980 3,777 5 31 781 115 1,215 182 425 535 10,691 U,870 13,637 12,810 26 423 2,000 7,950 10 104 187 406 5,285 7,454 5,628 6,437 62 4 130 4 1,620 34 2,530 11 3,519 33 5,634 18 12 632 3 25 11 94 101 323 270 709 245 236 153 1,077 86 125 1,799 2,687 1,690 2,640 6 101 353 87 487 82 1,4L2 282 2,476 219 4,450 7,540 20 367 217 390 2,223 2,899 2,433 4,978 131 32 1,134 156 1,528 222 286 4U 3,740 2,564 3,L43 3,319 5,093 2,992 215 245 144 296 722 1,027 447 1,044 305 116 2,842 535 2,521 586 261 350 1,318 1,236 944 1,062 146 437 12,070 60,815 13 11 162 705 9,608 13,433 96 263 177 650 342 123 350 250 5,056 11,720 6,466 12,988 645 82 151 123 3,493 988 3,634 1,317 5 561 106 135 8,295 21,680 4,621 2,180 245 159 1,576 905 1,444 822 3,250 199 59 4U 266 3,157 2,633 71 105 32 101 1,290 757 1,100 916 924 815 1,226 1,332 2 4 6 Ul 26 39 91 126 386 303 1,010 1,246 410 302 1,U7 1,616 3 2 67 28 121 19 45 10 1,281 199 403 100 1,585 207 416 95 637 348 720 347 2,075 1,015 864 250 226 150 266 285 44 175 75 101 U9 452 538 419 488 108 51 1,260 1,640 153 317 182 349 281 9 110 117 765 1,267 552 804 6,051 4,537 187 280 226 323 109 237 1,705 3,092 1,764 3,183 629 82 625 95 131 98 3,528 1,115 3,557 885 3 103 156 173 11,775 11,775 2 2 17 9 142 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9 (Part 3 of 5 j .-SPECIFIED CROPS Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Harrison Hinds Holmes Humphreys Issaquena Itawamba Jackson Jasper Jefferson 1 hT crops, exelodiDS •OTbean, eowp«a, peant, anil aorgtna haj (oec text): Tj>TiH fixjm which hay was cut.... .. . •••(••••acres 1954^.* 2,473 1,092 U,459 9,406 7,549 9,880 2,031 2,866 3,813 4,021 5,806 4,641 1,157 469 7,003 5,137 4,834 4,020 2 1949... 3 4 Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay (and for dehydrating) fanns reporting 1954... 1949... 4 4 6 1 2 8 17 14 18 9 22 3 5 2 2 5 6 acres 1954. •• 1949... 19 23 36 10 12 55 198 107 331 41 52 28 19 6 63 7 8 tons 1954^.. 1949... 20 19 34 4 12 52 226 193 226 51 93 37 34 7 65 9 Sold farms reporting 1954. • • 1 .•• 1 10 tons 1954. •• 4 8 11 Clover, timothy, amd mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay. .•■...•..■........ .fanns reporting 1954. • • 68 92 29 68 25 51 3 9 4 93 194 34 39 58 56 74 22 12 1949 •.. 13 U acres 1954... 1949... 1,155 451 722 559 408 648 '20 935 26 617 849 206 208 510 422 1,170 230 15 16 tons 1954... 1949... 1,309 555 746 652 440 598 "le 1,133 28 690 883 272 263 359 424 1,411 253 17 Sold..^. .•••••••.•.••.• •faims reporting 1954^^^ 5 72 ... 1 40 4 10 1 5 7 85 18 tons 1954. •• 19 20 Lespedeza cut for hay fanns reporting 1954^., 1949... 13 25 275 425 196 586 82 170 19 115 652 603 3 9 323 451 78 184 21 22 acres 1954... 1949... 144 253 4,352 5,715 3,342 6,199 944 1,877 187 3,238 3,664 2,795 25 37 1,914 2,603 976 1,883 23 24 tons 1954... 1949... 160 325 3,985 8,632 3,378 6,818 797 1,683 216 2,916 2,948 3,045 29 37 1,983 2,886 890 2,095 25 Sold ...••••.•••..•..•....•••. fanns reporting 1954. . , 1 7 XI 1 49 5 5 26 tons 1954... 7 74 188 15 192 26 66 27 Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay. ................... fanns reporting 1954 .. . 23 9 157 21 43 16 55 25 26 129 23 13 8 364 69 38 17 23 1949. •• 29 30 acres 1954^.. 1949... 176 40 3,254 262 683 380 744 170 174 697 60 113 62 2,350 268 356 155 31 32 tons 1954... 184 67 3,685 260 669 189 536 95 192 694 58 95 82 2,564 266 365 155 33 Sold .•..•••....•.•... .fanns reporting 1954. . ■ g 1 3 4 1 34 tons 1954... 399 30 11 56 15 35 36 Other hay cut farms reporting 1954... 1949... 55 74 181 306 245 377 35 75 54 39 133 220 67 50 221 266 174 249 37 33 acres 1954... 1949... 979 334 3,088 2,859 3,106 2,667 288 617 2,410 493 787 849 785 172 2,210 1,895 2,269 1,806 39 40 tons 1954... 1949... 987 327 3,723 2,980 2,925 2,804 284 427 3,277 594 811 799 821 231 1,628 1,518 2,943 1,959 41 Sold fanns reporting 1954. . . 6 1 3 10 4 5 9 42 114 20 40 61 46 277 401 43 44 Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains fanns reporting 1954... 1949. . . 1 1 45 46 acres 1954... 1949... "5 20 47 48 tons, green weight 1954... 1949... 30 100 49 50 Laapadesa aaed, ^aaa, and atber field aeed crops: Lespedeza seed harvested fanns reporting 1954... 1949... ... 1 3 1 4 1 21 2 1 1 3 3 4 51 52 acres 1954... 1949... 60 14 3 43 1 92 14 6 5 17 49 23 53 54 pounds 1954... 1949... 5,400 2,500 150 4,300 190 13,512 1,100 480 450 3,400 6,050 1,800 55 56 Crimson clover seed harvested... fanns reporting 1954... 1949... 2 6 3 1 8 2 2 1 2 9 3 57 53 acres 1954... 210 53 36 4 '20 19 8 5 12 91 40 59 60 bushels 1954... 1949... 1,510 160 229 40 50 10 14 20 30 197 86 61 Other field seed crops harvested. ••.......acres 1954... 296 172 118 35 120 4 211 25 178 MISSISSIPPI 143 HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Coniinued Jefferson Davis Jones Kemper Lafayette Lamar Lauderdale Lawrence Lealie Ue Leflore Lincoln Lowndes Madison Marion MarshaU 5,^80 2.703 9,328 4,248 6 264 5,671 6,553 8,116 3,175 1,907 4,921 3,233 3,707 4,301 6,584 7,244 15,456 13,825 3,290 6,570 9,505 5,934 28,323 29,812 12,202 10,149 6,803 3,415 6,042 12,338 1 2 2 1 7 5 1 3 2 3 4 8 1 10 1 15 3 5 111 120 4 8 12 17 31 43 2 6 5 15 5 2 3 4 24 1 95 16 2 20 50 9 19 57 1 24 2 157 36 10 862 861 90 367 67 144 1,244 878 15 41 20 33 27 9 5 6 16 3 147 19 1 2 1 18 40 15 13 72 1 30 3 164 42 14 1,573 1,194 10 314 125 499 1 15 40 280 1,121 953 4 38 28 32 35 20 7 8 9 10 74 44 51 12 74 26 35 141 108 17 42 74 96 261 540 91 209 6 257 172 29 54 34 64 262 310 29 128 11 12 544 567 482 988 207 388 184 213 1,100 764 186 211 390 657 1,614 2,392 711 1,203 92 2,070 893 963 1,509 631 631 2,063 1,296 310 1,031 13 14 457 582 465 918 140 421 140 182 756 872 117 249 361 700 1,439 3,050 624 1,361 50 2,439 1,290 756 1,645 769 593 1,879 1,593 266 1,119 15 16 3 1 6 6 4 4 3 2 17 5 19 ... 31 37 40 10 12 35 18 182 205 157 197 202 219 512 855 44 77 118 111 164 233 466 537 450 645 67 183 232 386 199 248 235 480 47 102 330 855 19 20 1,032 1,113 1,896 1,349 1,532 1,064 5,238 6,720 302 446 905 900 1,478 1,531 2,478 2,851 3,252 5,091 2,103 5,794 1,833 2,870 2,059 2,866 3,370 6,441 494 602 4,074 9,456 21 22 855 1,178 1,595 1,494 1,168 1,436 5,602 8,011 306 552 787 1,112 1,362 1,955 2,534 3,635 2,771 5,993 1,783 6,741 1,6X 3,939 1,976 2,964 3,199 7,762 479 706 3,376 10,142 23 24 4 5 4 39 3 1 2 6 19 9 3 2 12 5 25 25 59 77 243 21 5 26 12 109 156 7 6 146 62 26 56 476 92 281 40 23 2 126 36 329 94 118 57 251 66 182 65 15 4 396 33 322 74 151 13 293 69 16 3 27 28 2 987 224 4,374 589 1,917 142 257 12 983 171 2,772 479 840 337 1.394 439 1,808 710 338 20 3,986 328 3,677 496 3,032 246 2,317 241 332 128 29 30 2,864 203 4,171 718 1,781 242 291 17 967 173 2,642 911 761 257 1,328 397 1,988 650 1,002 17 4,682 349 4,679 485 4,044 210 2,568 277 417 114 31 32 2 9 1 1 1 6 2 3 8 7 7 4 1 33 3 51 1 30 4 34 17 18 51 51 162 53 4 34 215 263 357 351 305 611 117 206 169 134 148 259 165 288 218 376 854 757 8 27 253 365 416 471 291 438 233 321 165 271 35 36 893 830 2,473 1,314 2,606 3,948 824 1,101 771 447 1,057 1,590 997 1,619 1,062 1,556 8,798 5,854 167 416 1,534 1,782 20,362 24,216 5,121 2,928 1,379 1,224 1,249 1,641 37 38 774 672 2,072 1,441 1,716 3,689 696 900 617 476 778 1,413 669 1,472 982 1,586 8,952 5,432 120 223 1,342 1,905 20,177 29,956 4,609 2,603 1,430 1,373 842 1,404 39 40 3 6 3 2 2 3 53 1 3 31 6 1 41 9 22 34 94 12 11 18 54 745 5 23 2,504 126 20 42 1 2 12 1 1 1 1 1 43 44 8 25 59 15 18 33 30 'io 45 46 21 165 86 150 181 400 75 "25 47 48 1 5 5 8 9 11 2 2 1 5 3 13 5 11 2 21 1 12 1 2 5 49 50 8 44 315 145 69 51 41 5 18 1 '14 15 95 199 281 15 918 3 230 "5 3 33 51 52 1,000 6,594 28,556 15,920 18,690 4,350 5,340 4,100 2,100 13,800 200 2,925 750 12,760 37,850 36,150 1,125 71,500 250 41,296 150 1,720 3,569 53 54 4 20 4 7 2 13 3 1 1 1 14 2 1 5 5 7 3 10 9 4 55 56 25 197 55 50 21 22 4 356 21 50 8 5 5 63 8 4 66 49 132 110 55 126 66 25 57 58 59 48^ 183 153 64 85 6 1,194 57 50 8 8 8 189 24 8 126 87 140 343 163 320 220 96 59 60 11 191 50 3 361 3 675 100 910 375 20 44 61 144 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9 ( Part 3 of 5 ) .-SPECIFIED CROPS Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Monroe Montgomery Neshoba Newton Noxubee Oktibbeha Panola Pearl River Perry Pike 1 Hay crops, exclodioB soybean, covpea, peanut, and aorflKm hay (see text): Land from which hav was cut,. .....>#,.•.. acres 1954. . . 30,292 28,102 4,299 5,659 11,735 7,793 12,201 8,226 23,798 23,686 15,475 16,729 10,622 14, 551 5,291 1,871 1,938 959 7,275 4,349 2 1949... 3 i. Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay (and for dehydrating) farms reporting 1954... 1949... 41 32 1 4 4 8 4 7 3 3 4 6 5 2 2 7 4 8 6 5 6 acres 1954... 1949... 1,130 386 10 27 13 44 49 26 87 62 54 69 28 7 10 33 13 51 38 7 8 tons 1954... 1949... 1,503 655 10 33 11 20 76 29 181 86 99 95 35 12 49 33 7 52 43 9 Sold. ........................ .faims reporting 1954... 5 10 tons 1954... 250 ... ... ... ... ... 11 12 Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay faims reporting 1954. . . 1949... 45 118 34 69 62 133 60 106 11 20 14 19 11 12 208 177 63 71 111 111 13 acres 1954... 1949... 1,354 1,417 414 364 360 599 404 749 312 326 577 511 236 103 2,937 1,324 583 265 1,218 708 15 16 tons 1954... 1949... 1,313 1,574 444 530 354 756 367 885 256 399 373 543 223 95 4,391 1,645 428 301 1,595 989 17 Sold. f anus reporting 1954, . ■ 2 15 18 tons 1954... ... 16 223 ... 19 20 Lespedeaa cut for hay famjs reporting 1954... 1949... 266 362 296 413 973 982 609 726 80 94 127 199 424 986 9 21 3 27 107 190 21 22 acres 1954... 1949... 2,643 3,979 2,902 3,957 5,361 4,944 3,671 4,553 2,391 2,089 1,417 2,067 6,650 12,988 139 133 25 168 962 1,365 23 24 tons 1954... 1949... 2,207 4,073 2,932 4,728 5,073 6,554 3,753 5,293 2,891 2,142 1,312 2,620 7,177 16,809 150 169 26 190 948 1,619 25 9 1 6 7 5 3 13 2 26 tons 1954... 37 6 27 42 49 12 105 ... 72 27 28 Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay faims reporting 1954. . . 1949... 311 53 27 16 643 80 631 77 128 23 76 8 83 7 52 6 96 13 269 36 29 30 acres 1954... 1949... 3,985 217 311 138 4,575 338 5,249 273 1,937 556 680 83 1,226 226 631 42 751 56 2,580 255 31 32 1949... 4,376 189 415 116 4,674 337 5,798 284 2,234 648 781 93 1,787 229 921 28 609 55 2,712 215 33 Sold fanns reporting 1954.., g 7 7 1 1 1 4 1 34 36 tons 1954... 87 ... 22 108 1 3 20 33 8 35 Other hay cut fanns reporting 1954. , . 553 693 73 194 291 466 364 502 661 371 584 731 101 125 131 68 139 160 381 453 36 1949... 37 38 acres 1954... 1949... 21,180 22,294 662 1,156 1,426 1,922 2,816 2,563 19,071 20,696 12,747 13,865 2,482 937 1,574 364 561 458 2,464 1,949 39 40 tons 1954... 1949... 18,281 21,855 679 1,243 1,200 1,884 2,719 2,714 20,231 21,355 14,776 21,354 3,629 905 2,063 236 499 500 2,529 1,987 41 Sold fanns reporting 1954. . . 47 1 3 19 42 1 2 1 1 42 tons 1954... 2,865 3 69 1,663 1,037 2 76 30 2 43 Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains .faiTDS reporting 1954... 1 1 "2 44 1949... 45 46 acres 1954... 1949... ... 12 15 20 ... 47 48 tons, green weight 1954... 1949... ..'. 75 '75 ioo ... ... 49 50 Laspedeia seed, grass, sad sther field seed crops: Lespedeza seed harvested fanns reporting 1954... 1949. . . 6 10 ■■7 15 2 35 1 3 11 49 4 3 6 4 51 52 acres 1954... 1949... '89 80 31 81 16 627 7 11 189 1,478 37 44 126 47 53 54 pounds 1954... 1949... 23,975 13,750 6,000 12,850 1,400 159,846 630 3,510 19,190 193,815 2,460 13,320 9,330 2,700 55 56 Crimson clover seed harvested. . .farms reporting 1954... 1949... 1 4 2 6 ■■4 3 6 7 3 2 1 4 10 3 6 3 15 8 57 58 acres 1954... 1949... 5 20 8 89 "7 15 46 144 28 51 16 23 108 72 61 38 186 42 59 60 bushels 1954... 1949... 8 60 7 325 35 32 197 123 23 82 36 51 99 96 89 116 284 60 61 nthpT" ■TipTH cocH n-fn-r-c 1-iq -niria o t oil .......... fif ■pPS 195i.... 589 53 16 9 1,197 543 569 53 85 U Uilir 1 1 X CT-l-U CpCCU 1^1 ops ntir veto IjCy • ••••■s*sst*^-i*itj J.V ^f^ % • MISSISSIPPI 145 HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued Pontotoc Prentiss Quitman Rankin Soott Sharkey Simpson Smith Stone Sunflower Talla- hatchie Tate Tippah Tishomingo Tunica 13,176 15,050 7,609 7,254 3,187 6,328 6,858 7,483 7,692 9,142 3,870 4,700 4,679 3,475 5,872 4,805 1,523 488 8,947 14,058 5,430 8,725 7,710 10,029 8,071 9,738 3,314 2,303 2,837 9,164 1 2 11 6 21 45 9 10 1 4 7 6 14 26 1 10 1 7 18 28 2 6 6 7 4 9 5 35 23 80 3 4 77 21 143 218 104 182 4 15 51 44 819 437 6 49 5 26 231 302 35 222 73 158 24 26 13 78 571 2,078 5 6 83 25 206 383 3 6 168 312 5 16 77 77 1,236 700 4 192 6 56 5 26 263 664 3 86 35 244 125 271 13 48 28 111 1,348 3,630 1 75 7 8 9 10 33 57 119 413 4 4 73 85 125 240 9 2 74 134 68 131 41 46 11 13 7 6 9 9 34 100 97 198 3 6 11 12 266 460 1,039 2,369 174 514 655 754 1,169 1,381 207 29 648 640 483 1,065 794 228 320 226 51 85 143 74 220 596 521 738 180 267 13 14 353 512 714 2,888 349 1,022 468 825 1,062 1,533 159 29 557 697 400 1,192 732 273 291 287 35 79 215 38 222 697 474 814 260 263 15 16 2 7 4 2 1 1 1 1 2 ... 17 i,3 17 ... 28 29 ... 18 ... 25 10 3 7 18 963 1,709 517 607 207 356 191 404 325 609 41 116 149 226 172 288 2 8 210 602 294 527 283 654 969 1,332 377 321 97 317 19 20 9,633 13,169 3,366 3,090 2,477 5,345 2,141 4,176 2,503 4,678 1,542 3,907 963 1,485 1,642 2,156 22 136 4,430 12,947 4,602 7,814 5,586 8,520 7,107 8,479 1,998 1,233 1,284 6,269 21 22 8,529 15,172 3,194 3,774 2,264 6,354 2,190 5,134 2,214 5,694 1,832 4,091 852 1,951 1,085 2,211 18 148 3,915 15,599 4,414 8,352 5,201 9,335 6,840 10,555 1,971 1,560 1,436 6,462 23 24 37 38 10 4 5 6 1 2 1 11 10 3 36 24 2 25 326 166 100 77 50 765 6 15 12 189 279 23 182 203 54 26 62 20 73 22 23 10 176 15 259 46 41 4 287 63 312 56 8 2 56 21 25 7 41 10 26 7 34 12 25 1 27 28 594 108 480 121 237 149 1,936 144 1,884 417 173 71 2,185 237 2,553 204 295 2 1,234 162 340 207 670 127 144 47 400 42 229 4 29 30 737 103 735 137 300 151 2,036 147 2,438 464 152 55 2,214 232 2,248 182 468 3 1,224 199 467 160 702 132 112 62 433 43 362 5 31 32 2 1 ... ... 1 2 3 4 ... 1 1 33 32 16 20 81 13 ... 95 1 2 34 271 215 366 265 20 16 202 377 283 347 29 27 231 287 198 330 35 31 49 31 20 38 72 107 103 118 104 76 13 17 35 36 2,606 1,479 2,581 1,484 195 193 2,122 2,311 2,085 2,600 1,129 320 877 1,093 1,189 1,481 412 122 2,732 674 402 370 1,238 1,131 576 648 332 221 543 460 37 38 2,364 1,453 2,458 1,456 182 286 1,718 2,378 1,868 2,522 1,065 224 744 1,152 839 1,378 362 144 2,042 835 383 362 1,242 1,252 539 685 273 251 700 581 39 40 21 54 2 4 4 3 2 3 4 1 1 6 3 41 398 251 12 31 90 12 6 1 '13 36 116 526 100 20 19 11 1 30 180 42 43 44 45 46 47 43 11 38 1 3 15 9 1 7 3 14 3 4 5 64 1 2 3 12 9 6 15 4 17 5 12 49 50 71 175 5 23 200 147 8 20 20 67 . . . 38 69 156 1,564 15 4 25 200 lis 100 84 20 52 6 28 86 222 51 52 10,280 26,635 500 9,050 14,910 52,500 400 6,965 2,800 11,800 3,800 19,700 11,200 131,931 300 700 2,300 20,950 19,100 10,100 3,120 3,700 12,136 1,500 3,485 4,104 56,915 53 54 5 6 2 1 . * . 2 . . . 1 "3 2 5 4 5 2 1 1 3 6 1 2 55 56 78 57 7 2 ... 45 70 14 23 23 36 26 14 2 4 22 23 11 4 43 57 58 233 269 17 1 ... 47 ... 20 56 52 35 32 41 24 4 5 36 41 41 15 205 59 60 105 81 1,285 74 143 150 ... 106 12 2,267 234 129 3 13 339 61 146 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9 ( Part 3 of 5) -SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Union Walthall Warren Washington Wayne Webster Wilkinson Winston Yalobusha Yazoo 1 2 by crops, excladiDK soybean, cospea, peaaot, and sorgfcim hay (see text): Ifind f Tom whicli hfljv w&s cut., ..».,..... a .. ••seres WS'ia^. 10,029 12,388 7,907 4,409 5,279 3,409 11,029 17,201 3,257 1,473 5,236 7,890 4,566 6,865 6,929 6,963 6,252 9,227 7,657 7,557 1949... 3 4 Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay (and for dehydrating) farms reporting 1954... 1949... 41 4 3 3 6 5 48 167 1 2 2 4 6 1 3 3 1 5 6 acres 1954... 1949... 552 22 59 35 145 32 1,060 2,554 5 6 70 56 25 2 20 20 6 7 8 tons 1954... 1949... 48-' 25 54 44 201 30 2,358 4,217 4 10 70 78 72 1 20 27 9 Sold famrs reporting 1954... 2 203 . . • 1 100 5 198 10 tons 1954... ... H Clover, tijnothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay. ................... .f aims reporting 1954... 169 205 158 172 21 13 20 29 6 1 42 101 73 29 38 121 24 56 11 12 1949... 13 U acres 1954... 1949... 1,303 1,331 1,250 947 804 489 745 914 19 10 398 586 1,265 1,016 309 446 162 698 1,139 254 15 16 tons 1954... 1949... 1,032 1,378 1,218 1,189 1,152 861 1,619 741 13 5 251 651 1,730 843 258 428 115 727 748 266 17 Sold farms reporting 1954... 8 4 1 1 1 18 tons 1954... 17 12 1 7 5 ... 19 20 Lespedeza cut for hay farms reporting 1954... 1949... 836 1,462 78 177 8 27 105 412 22 19 473 740 76 138 411 793 363 663 132 327 21 22 acres 1954... 1949... 6,802 10,299 400 904 86 610 4,195 10,707 250 180 3,671 6,505 1,511 4,472 3,008 4,419 4,823 7,037 3,869 4,541 23 tons 1954... 1949... 6,050 10,373 409 1,114 84 865 3,490 11,736 228 202 2,384 7,354 2,474 4,918 2,516 5,181 3,877 7,612 3,067 5,545 25 Sold farms reporting 1954... 42 186 1 2 6 184 4 120 4 43 1 140 1 3 13 159 6 26 tons 1954... 128 27 Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay. ................... .farms reporting 1954... 56 2 411 105 22 4 61 27 179 77 90 10 16 8 381 24 39 12 30 28 1949... 10 29 30 acres 1954... 1949... 448 5 3,738 620 595 129 1,158 531 1,537 346 765 33 234 282 2,839 125 428 107 711 273 31 32 1949... 518 5 3,830 586 509 103 1,134 494 1,481 291 1,057 39 337 198 2,902 109 595 102 340 323 33 Sold .......................... farms reporting 1954 .. . 4 9 3 24 1 2 6 101 3 12 1 7 3 19 ... 34 tons 1954... ... 35 Other hav cut . ............... .faims reporting 1954... 147 133 505 446 150 148 127 135 184 245 70 148 58 37 151 342 120 220 119 36 U UlCi llajl L^UU..................... fciiU... . >>^U1 "-..'^ ^ ' ^-TW . . 1949... 166 37 38 acres 1954... 1949... 924 699 2,460 1,936 3,649 2,135 3,871 2,710 1,446 926 401 722 1,550 1,105 717 1,963 837 1,397 1,913 2,455 39 40 tons 1954... 1949. . . 624 642 2,241 2,044 4,768 2,722 4,566 2,563 1,144 847 413 729 1,404 704 584 1,946 631 1,217 2,556 3,131 41 Sold faims reporting 1954... 12 3 15 10 6 1 3 2 42 tons 1954... 26 14 763 331 65 ... 25 ■•• 55 40 43 44 Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting 1954... 1949... "3 ... 1 1 1 45 46 acres 1954... 1949... 11 "io ... 8 5 47 48 tons, green weight 1954... 1949... 47 126 ... ;;; 40 15 49 Lespedeu seed, frasa, aad slber fiold seed cropsi Lespedeza seed harvested. ....... .farms reporting 1954... 2 1 2 1 3 59 7 6 2 33 39 2 50 1949... 9 51 52 acres 1954... 1949... 55 3 6 54 181 347 115 653 3 821 220 30 253 53 54 pounds 1954... 1949... 2,800 600 675 8,100 26,200 60,683 9,700 167,072 135 69,790 21,722 3,200 13,900 55 56 CruBson clover seed harvested. ., .farms reporting 1954... 1949. . . 2 3 27 13 3 3 "2 1 6 14 1 6 2 3 57 58 acres 1954... 18 12 347 148 21 76 8 2 31 498 1 13 81 15 25 59 60 bushels 1954... 1949... 40 41 825 206 37 153 19 6 119 480 3 51 150 47 83 61 Other field seed crops harvested. ......... .acres 1954... 38 53 210 790 19 243 15 511 76 MISSISSIPPI County Table 9 (Part 4 of 5 ) .-SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 147 (For definltlonfl and erplasatlons, see text) Other field crops: Cotton harvested. fanns reporting 1954., 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949.. tales 1954.. 1949.. Sugarcane or sorghum harvested for simp farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954,. 1949.. gallons 1954.. 1949.. Irish potatoes harvested for home use or for sale fanas reporting 1954.., 1949... acres 1954^,, 1949^.. bushels 1954... 1949.,. Sweetpotatoes harvested for home use or for sale fanns reporting 1954,,. 1949,.. acres 1954^,. 1949^.. bushels 1954... 1949... Other field crops harvested acres 1954... Vegetable* for boae m»e and for sale (ether than Iriab aiid aveet potatoea): Vegetables harvested for home use farms reporting 1954. . . 1949... Vegetables harvested for sale.. fanns reporting 1954... 1949^.. acres 1954.., 1949,.. Sold dollars 1954. . . 1949'.. Snap beans (bush and pole types) fanns reporting 1954.,, 1949... acres 1954... 1949. . , Green lima beans fanns reporting 1954,,. 1949. . . acres 1954.,, 1949,,, Cabbage farms reporting 1954,,, 1949,.. acres 1954... 1949... Cucumbers and piciaes farms reporting 1954... 1949... acres 1954... 1949... Tomatoes fanns reporting 1954,,, 1949, . . acres 1954,,. 1949,., fetennelons. .fanns reporting 1954,,, 1949,,, acres 1954,,. 1949... Blsckeyes and other green Gowpeas , ,,,, fanns reporting 1954, 1949, acres 1954. 1949. Sweet peppers and pijnientos.,, farms reporting 1954. 1949, acres 1954. 1949. Turnips fanns reporting 1954., 1949., acres 1954., 1949.. Other vegetables acres 1954. Bcrrie* and other saall fraits harvested for sale; Strawberries fanns repoi-ting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. quarts 1954. 1949. Other berries acres 1954. 156,249 190,732 1,948,329 2,767,507 1,547,593 1,496,902 L2,367 22,259 9,818 12,898 682,769 1,426,542 76,320 74,445 3,463 5,836 821,045 751,594 71,962 89,416 U,171 27,370 1,434,057 2,668,297 4,620 183.287 206,044 10,508 10,885 36,025 54,585 2,552,040 2,748,120 2,460 4,336 3,327 5,599 1,701 2,103 1,439 1,380 1,218 2,325 2,617 6,034 3,525 2,441 3,U7 1,937 1,512 2,962 1,113 4,655 3,677 3,008 11,914 6,299 3,194 13,760 6,U1 21,664 552 730 S39 2,045 1,692 118 489 90 168 62,820 121,758 31 582 594 3,655 3,516 3,061 1,955 10 78 6 46 378 3,280 209 187 24 44 3,309 3,714 474 481 158 273 16,042 22,454 798 901 30 63 107 170 11,484 14,217 15 37 5 (Z) 30 1,757 2,453 16,533 27,813 12,792 14,676 111 30 154 29 11,224 1,363 1,247 1,734 42 70 14,929 16 ,348 889 1,366 40 79 8,203 14,668 5 15 2 4 558 3,085 (Z) 1,689 1,736 11,474 14,846 8,082 5,240 361 649 164 319 29,128 51 ,470 1,574 1,443 126 193 25,868 22,585 1,645 1,694 264 583 36,714 55,679 2,260 2,459 2,746 2,554 36 199 37 343 101 233 112 681 8,093 21,458 6,079 82,446 12 58 13 111 4 53 3 108 16 17 15 23 6 5 6 5 5 4 8 10 1 1 1 3 3 5 2 32 (Z) 3 (Z) 24 17 8 19 15 8 1 12 4 22 26 21 16 29 13 16 8 27 20 69 262 39 18 51 224 1 117 (Z) 99 1 5 3 4 4 3 2 1 2,067 2,679 16,842 27,173 12,167 7,505 249 686 175 312 9,200 30,630 1,744 1,140 39 50 13,266 8,131 1,559 1,525 112 356 15 ,929 35 ,708 2,875 3,160 69 59 119 470 11,880 8,461 20 275 35 378 (Z) 1 3 85 1,226 1,232 1,418 13,775 17,209 9,347 7,170 116 41 139 58 6,008 2,121 720 833 41 86 9,870 9,034 437 560 35 85 6,892 8,565 1,406 1.504 3 21 27 1,095 137 (Z) 5 2 1 2 (Z) ,200 200 6,518 9 131 137,203 210,583 126,449 Ul,854 10 5 324 259 491 1,045 15 22 3,492 4,954 557 1,891 20 77 5,235 15,709 4,875 6,828 28 150 148 14,894 6,341 10 2 2,146 1,980 2,299 20,880 25 ,821 14,717 U,892 147 94 201 87 10,591 7,441 1,183 1,125 33 43 12,198 9,053 787 1,003 725 767 62,613 89,030 2,418 2,836 31 35 57 108 2,815 1 (Z) (Z) 2 (Z) Z Reported in small fractions. ^For 1954, does not include acreage for farns with less than 20 bushels harvested. See text. ^For 1949, does not include acreage for farms with less than 15 bushels harvested. See text. ■'Does not include farms reporting green cowpeas only. ^Does not Include the value of green cowpeas sold. 14« STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9 (Part 4 of 5 ) .-SPECIFIED CROPS Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Chickaqaw Clay Copiah Covington Other field crops: Cotton harvested fams reporting 195i... 1949... acres 195A... 19«... bales 19M. .. 1949... Sugarcane or sorghum harvested for sirup farms reporting 1954... 1949... acres 1954... 1949... gallons 1954... 1949... Irish potatoes harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting 1954... 1949... acres 1954^.. 1949^.. bushels 1954... 1949... Sweetpotatoes harvested for home use or for sale faima reporting 1954... 1949... acres 1954^,. 1949^.. bushels 1954... 1949... Other field crops harvested acres 1954... Vegetables for hoae use snd for sale (other than Irish and sveet pototoes): Vegetables harvested for home use ...farms reporting 1954... 1949... Vegetables harvested for sale. .fanns reporting 1954... 1949^.. acres 1954... 1949... Sold dollars 1954... 1949'.. Snap beans (bush and pole types) farms reporting 1954... 1949... acres 1954... 1949... Green lljna beans fanns reporting 1954... 1949... acres 1954... 1949... Cabbage farms reporting 1954... 1949... acres 1954... 1949... Cucumbers and pickles fanns reporting 1954... 1949... acres 1954... 1949. . . Tomatoes fanns reporting 1954... 1949. . . acres 1954... 1949. . . Watennelons fanns reporting 1954... 1949... acres 1954... 1949... Blackeyes and other green cowpeas fanns reporting 1954, . . 1949... acres 1954... 1949... Sweet peppers and plmientos... farms reporting 1954... 1949... acres 1954... 1949... Turnips farms reporting 1954. . . 1949... acres 1954. . . 1949... Other vegetables acres 1954... Berries and other saall fruits harvested for ssle: Strawberries fanns reporting 1954... 1949... acres 1954... 1949... qunrts 1954... 1949... Other berries acres 1954... 1,759 2,258 17,831 25,345 12,944 9,719 177 117 155 113 8,065 4,923 712 472 15 26 5,289 3,8L2 656 724 710 714 44,878 69,475 1 2,117 2,530 29 19 66 99 5,276 4,552 5 13 1 5 13 9 5 2 3 3 1 (Z) 10 12 2 5 11 6 16 5 3 13 2 6 1,486 4,101 1,015 1,233 5,670 8,793 3,502 2,224 160 232 170 101 9,751 9,577 793 506 29 36 7,117 4,797 587 615 218 354 14,074 33,810 11 1,496 1,549 7,503 4,817 (Z) 2 3 1 CZ) (Z) 22 11 (Z) 1 2 5 (Z) 2 1,990 (Z) 829 1,172 868 1,372 6,609 5,987 8,199 8,014 5,319 4,250 2,901 3,334 52 194 73 673 48 91 51 386 3,155 8,130 2,336 42,243 263 798 254 597 8 16 29 70 2,742 7,249 3,913 6,220 456 933 404 1,089 86 112 135 560 14,746 12,398 16,176 38,833 1,032 997 3,123 1,150 1 (Z) 2 (Z) 1 (Z) 100 1,979 2,088 99 221 786 9,262 13,517 6 42 2 22 18 49 21 22 3 13 (Z) 29 418 110 601 2 2,000 Z Reported in small fractions farms with leas than 15 bushels harvested iFor 1954 does not include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. See text. 'For 1949, does not Include acreage for See text. 'Does not Include farms reporting green cowpeas only. 'Does not include the value of green covpeas sold. 1,238 1,496 9,672 13,652 6,506 4,811 102 119 94 98 4,396 4,327 569 509 11 19 4,127 3,098 60? 769 42 213 6,504 17,718 1,717 1,723 17 30 34 106 2,190 3,376 5 10 2 28 (Z) 3 1 1 (Z) 1 200 344 5,047 6,277 100,101 143,111 95,213 124,393 578 964 19 18 3,638 4,338 817 1,655 43 112 6,546 25,178 3,730 4,374 13 47 56 6,235 8,346 5 7 2 6 3 (Z) 1 2 7 (Z) 4 146 (Z) 1,631 1,835 11,328 12,848 7,001 5,297 113 517 59 240 4,187 24,943 1,279 1,576 95 135 17,767 18,811 1,269 1,793 491 768 54,340 72 ,241 397 2,329 2,716 893 1,734 5,103 12,653 524,023 938,325 699 1,427 1,638 3,218 34 18 60 35 597 1,158 2,023 4,733 22 1 22 1 272 1,010 355 3,468 25 24 36 60 183 280 264 271 461 461 626 23 11 73 23 5 5 4 (Z) 4,074 42 1,590 1,875 ia,912 19,766 9,164 6,605 140 515 88 272 8,708 42 ,016 1,151 1,021 52 128 15,214 14,420 1,090 1,023 417 537 40,656 59 ,001 1,913 2,200 730 467 1,822 1,186 129,004 50,558 413 338 318 246 39 20 18 14 310 105 970 339 232 319 263 427 4 1,565 (Z) MISSISSIPPI 149 HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued Forrest Franklin George Greene Grenada Hancock Harrison Hinds HoLles Humphreys Issaquena I tawamba Jackson Jasper Jefferson. 263 263 1,637 1,808 1,115 901 412 420 2,453 2,789 1,662 771 285 239 1,550 1,435 1,273 810 348 221 1,437 1,U0 955 549 1,123 1,292 14,435 17,898 12,059 9,796 9 16 30 55 26 27 4 1 14 9 10 2 3,333 3,560 33,817 40,293 23,474 12,912 3,407 3,960 41,042 58,921 36,426 32 ,783 2,505 3,101 55,566 87,838 44,946 51 ,100 560 713 13,646 22,372 12,427 10 ,810 1,650 2,541 14,014 25,540 8,955 11,511 12 8 61 38 56 18 1,611 2,000 9,163 14,523 6,019 5,429 1,131 1,156 6,780 7,633 5,227 3,236 1 2 3 4 5 6 75 191 52 114 6,151 20,022 62 215 28 102 4,607 14,365 85 234 92 217 12,120 27,229 143 279 60 139 8,035 21,262 111 93 U9 86 6,469 4,939 31 42 19 28 2,484 4,585 40 28 3,839 270 354 167 225 6,547 12,489 326 551 258 389 12,058 19,383 4 34 6 34 391 2,102 2 16 301 109 72 126 62 6,869 5,304 46 81 41 46 3,095 7,852 367 911 120 431 11,109 54,182 81 139 42 60 2,801 5,232 7 8 9 10 11 12 505 242 47 46 7,928 4,558 470 561 92 99 12,745 10,581 250 365 13 31 2,271 4,203 384 514 23 45 4,574 7,486 417 323 29 37 4,099 3,223 309 128 12 24 3,957 2,103 209 293 34 66 3,482 6,774 1,535 1,400 103 86 16,236 12,507 1,253 1,444 36 42 8,123 8,051 489 143 9 17 4,370 1,679 122 55 3 2 846 431 1,381 1,197 44 116 12,813 13,535 221 428 12 39 2,041 4,979 1,427 1,156 28 97 12,640 11,386 744 557 30 60 8,265 6,376 13 lA 15 16 17 18 502 380 168 257 14,217 30,783 494 613 160 216 16,490 21,431 282 427 164 349 8,901 28,351 408 491 121 245 11,452 21,450 571 509 136 167 12,336 12,791 243 209 179 204 18,561 15,802 195 280 115 217 6,165 20,052 2,097 2,228 763 1,192 58,284 103,573 1,705 2,237 154 499 22,641 41,254 685 210 30 60 8,369 5,312 127 78 7 8 1,370 1,092 780 1,033 94 330 11,845 45,746 228 405 102 193 7,974 22,125 1,387 1,593 252 649 34,396 56,787 1,011 1,001 144 294 23,511 23,489 19 20 21 22 23 24 12 10 1 280 3 15 63 3 2 939 25 981 1,118 1,129 1,039 870 1,030 873 784 1,253 1,399 537 513 687 801 3,847 4,227 3,610 4,090 2,077 2,316 515 624 2,366 2,793 830 816 2,491 2,663 1,556 1,670 26 27 189 119 610 424 13 18 34 95 392 176 2,628 1,988 99 58 525 577 25 24 53 391 29 53 52 109 49 75 243 189 311 499 866 2,055 42 53 210 492 16 18 37 30 11 19 39 71 84 378 92 53 874 267 110 93 330 446 16 11 20 184 28 29 30 31 40,596 27,116 1,693 2,504 95.248 45,331 17,709 9,792 6,440 5,478 5,140 12,136 20,901 23,483 78,697 136,627 24,533 2,493 2,410 1,977 1,632 6,276 7,166 32,002 22,349 26,218 18,942 1,876 911 32 33 67 30 19 12 2 13 26 3 28 21 17 22 2 12 2 9 2 12 2 4 3 29 3 54 26 41 14 21 176 251 215 300 12 20 7 4 4 4 1 2 1 (z) 4 16 1 4 15 23 6 17 24 56 14 25 2 5 1 1 34 35 36 37 62 26 14 11 4 14 1 2 129 80 200 100 17 12 24 25 4 13 3 3 1 23 (2) 15 19 22 4 6 38 62 20 36 12 9 9 3 4 11 2 4 2 1 7 16 4 12 11 20 9 15 8 6 2 2 2 4 1 1 38 39 40 41 40 11 20 6 1 8 (z) 4 4 3 3 1 1 5 1 3 2 4 1 (z) 1 6 CZ) 1 14 20 4 9 143 228 259 464 5 8 1 2 1 3 (Z) 3 4 4 (2) 1 5 7 6 8 3 3 (Z) 2 1 4 1 2 42 43 44 45 84 18 96 9 "2 (Z) 45 10 43 7 3 2 3 (2) 1 3 (z) (Z) 3 6 3 1 16 19 19 9 4 9 3 1 3 11 1 1 3 1 3 (2) 1 (Z) 1 3 (Z) (z) 8 6 7 6 10 3 7 2 1 (z) 46 47 48 49 71 27 21 7 2 12 (Z) 2 26 28 10 14 3 11 1 2 5 13 2 17 7 22 3 9 36 36 18 22 80 261 76 354 17 22 18 6 8 6 6 4 3 1 9 21 5 6 19 27 7 13 7 3 1 1 2 6 (Z) 2 50 51 52 53 100 66 244 160 3 8 2 4 203 86 1,744 356 64 25 375 68 15 11 18 9 6 2 14 4 32 30 140 39 25 26 20 18 23 12 29 8 7 3 10 3 5 8 23 57 37 57 75 27 769 128 52 34 136 105 7 2 7 1 54 55 56 57 73 21 52 30 3 68 2 70 175 403 566 1,327 39 242 111 399 8 170 7 347 10 2 17 1 16 6 9 3 101 320 143 681 19 222 63 455 9 7 3 8 3 5 18 215 24 283 21 28 23 26 65 244 121 279 6 64 6 173 58 59 60 61 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 (Z) "i (2) 9 9 29 35 33 53 1 1 64 (Z) 2 1 1 (z) 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 3 62 63 64 65 34 15 65 76 2 3 (Z) (Z) 7 15 9 19 2 29 4 40 2 2 2 2 4 10 5 14 18 15 19 24 34 23 52 44 7 10 8 3 3 4 3 2 1 4 11 8 11 13 10 7 43 20 2 1 1 (Z) 66 67 68 69 76 3 34 4 18 7 16 45 10 8 4 9 34 5 3 70 3 7 1 1 211 1,060 1 2 1,700 8 1 544 1 4 1 1 240 326 "6 3 1,198 7 3 3.245 1 1 1 30 22 4 10 7 9 1,640 1,964 2 (z) 225 2 (zj 2 7 1 2 350 1,820 4 10 2 6 668 281 1 1 (Z) 1 400 500 71 72 73 74 75 76 (Z) 3 1 1 ... (z) (Z) 77 150 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9 (Part 4 of 5 ) .-SPECIFIED CROPS (For definitions and explanations, see text) Jefferson Da^is Kemper Lafayette Other field crops: Cotton harvested farms reporting 195A... 19«... acres 1954... 1949... bales 1954... 1949... Sugarcane or sorghum harvested for sirvg) faims reporting 1954... 1949... acres 1954., , 1949... gallons 1954... 1949... Irish potatoes harvested for home use or for sale fanns reporting 1954... 1949. . . acres 1954^.. 1949^.. bushels 1954... 1949... Sweetpotatoes harvested for home use or for sale f anus reporting 1954, . . 1949... acres 1954^.. 1949^.. bushels 1954... 1949. . . Other field crops harvested acres 1954... Vegetables for boae ase and for sale (other than Irish aad sweet potatoes): Vegetables harvested for home use farms reporting 1954. . . 1949... Vegetables harvested foT- cqle. ..farms reporting 1954... 1949^., acres 1954... 1949... Sold dollars 1954... 1949'.. dnap beans (bush and pole types) fanns reporting 1954... 1949... acres 1954... 1949.,. Green lima beans ,. farms reporting 1954... 1949... acres 1954... 1949... Cabbage farms reporting 1954... 1949... acres 1954. . . 1949. . . Cucumbers and pickles farms reporting 1954... 1949... acres 1954... 1949... Tomatoes farms reporting 1954... 1949... acres 1954... 1949... Watermelons faims repoi*tlng 1954. . . 1949, . . acres 1954... 1949... Blackeyes and otlier green cowpeas farms reporting 1954... 1949... acres 1954... 1949... Sweet peppers and pimientos.. .farms reporting 1954... 1949, . . acres 1954... 1949... Turnips farms reporting 1954... 1949... acres 1954... 1949... Other vegetables acres 1954... Berries aod otbar saall fruits harvested for sale: Strawberries farms reporting 1954... 1949... acres 1954... 1949... quarts 1954. . . 1949,., 1,958 2,264 19,700 27,467 14,161 9,157 471 754 180 356 18,485 46,571 1,526 1,071 60 111 17,032 11,937 1,568 1,319 219 387 28,517 34,919 32 2 1,269 1,599 2,007 10, 788 15,811 8,180 6,817 192 635 109 338 14,247 54,088 1,379 1,361 81 117 17,191 15,676 1,329 1,451 330 747 31,323 76,706 2,305 3 233 2,228 3 454 1,123 279 775 399 1,358 1 754 1,506 2 277 21,931 109 613 77,047 135 109 19 69 55 105 16 187 17 224 10 71 60 66 6 87 11 84 3 15 30 34 1 23 3 50 1,050 9 687 29 844 9 617 18 4 47 53 48 1 23 7 28 79 83 129 88 154 159 248 289 169 152 412 345 254 492 511 659 51 3 28 1 62 9 32 3 2 92 4 196 1 453 6 569 1,076 7,749 1,765 2,116 13,475 21,988 6,360 4,853 261 699 226 383 9,390 37,060 1,232 1,347 9 63 7,168 9,218 1,025 1,595 37 349 8,044 32,287 2,244 2,429 113 84 314 863 24,459 6,654 2 11 (Z) 1 1 10 (z) 1 9 19 3 4 99 50 244 56 18 672 53 758 (Z) 2 9 (Z) 1 2 (Z) 140 1,961 2,283 21,021 27,049 15,536 11,503 208 131 249 126 8,572 6,282 1,132 1,415 145 287 20,614 24,774 773 1,070 95 265 11,085 22,530 2,171 2,522 221 228 812 861 39,725 33,217 5 13 2 4 29 34 12 7 141 132 344 228 89 202 212 350 1 9 (Z) 1 20 298 670 725 4,779 5,325 3,587 2,784 100 242 52 127 7,895 20,222 670 604 50 104 9,070 10,165 568 714 277 818 23,370 84,826 1,305 1,321 342 186 869 658 57,407 52,418 221 62 195 37 25 29 108 82 447 284 43 65 87 107 46 10 55 7 16 13 22 22 4 2 885 Other berries acres 1954, Z Reported in small fractions. farms with less than 15 bushels harvested. See text. ^For 1954, does not include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested 1,121 1,531 7,602 11,425 3,755 222 746 97 442 7,598 58,362 1,096 480 52 89 8,798 8,856 1,029 1,149 174 656 14,044 55,007 2,222 2,384 167 166 502 1,784 37,437 82,748 29 85 25 190 83 96 65 117 14 33 9 68 43 81 21 76 91 85 122 145 83 488 118 772 1 (Z) 1 25 23 30 30 9,090 4,631 1,258 1,559 10,179 15,395 7,429 5,530 183 486 87 254 9,876 33,369 932 813 40 108 11,675 11,776 997 1,111 134 329 20,911 31,538 1,670 1,830 139 65 139 139 13,637 4,942 119 23 97 18 3 10 1 2 6 23 7 38 (Z) 2,742 3,343 22, 530 32,890 16,034 10,759 436 933 217 290 19,075 42,126 2,394 2,118 37 42 18,451 12,431 1,960 2,206 80 301 19,301 42,084 3,435 3,566 52 27 69 788 4,722 2,458 1 (Z) 13 696 11 757 2 1 (Z) 2,883 3,789 32,129 44,913 24, 163 21,724 112 39 147 90 6,034 4,064 924 1,780 12 68 7,542 12,735 612 1,585 47 228 7,923 26,203 3,146 4,349 73 93 159 348 10,497 17,067 2 (Z) 24 120 23 182 2 (Z) 3 21 40 2 (Z) 20 592 325 19,907 (z) See text. ^For 19-49, does not Include acreage for ^Does not Include farms reporting green cowpeas only. *Doe3 not Include the value of green cowpeas sold. MISSISSIPPI 151 HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued Lincoln Lowndes Madison Marion Marshall Monroe Montgomery Neshoba Newton Noxubee Oktibbeha Panola Pearl River Perry Pike 1,167 1,457 7,100 11,219 5,259 4,360 1,805 2,288 19,714 28,805 10,091 12,717 3,538 3,770 41,453 53,310 28,901 21,005 1,557 1,824 11,731 17,501 6,701 8,620 3,095 3,664 38,225 49,026 32,054 19,631 2,832 3,706 36,310 55,991 22,558 23,867 1,150 1,300 9,683 12,635 8,509 4,002 2,544 3,282 18,868 28,364 10,851 9,738 1,785 2,330 11,610 18,083 6,949 5,644 2,094 2,591 20, 394 27,323 12,516 9,687 1,223 1,345 6,255 6,706 3,667 2,191 3,858 4,271 46,176 59,925 36,360 25,744 86 66 444 295 287 150 389 397 2,267 2,458 1,638 1,132 1,230 1,332 7,076 11,046 5,178 3,537 1 2 3 4 5 6 181 344 87 157 11,283 21,962 72 128 78 102 1,720 5,986 559 448 451 342 16,855 16,454 225 454 125 307 12,078 54,079 382 249 443 254 19,323 10,285 109 138 131 127 5,101 5,950 82 143 114 83 5,990 5,957 249 876 118 277 10,895 44,273 303 839 126 345 12,629 45,446 107 193 83 117 2,738 6,914 142 112 94 73 4,657 3,984 216 151 320 211 14,240 10,358 56 171 66 145 10,330 23,050 125 291 84 160 10,402 31,935 392 640 184 422 31,946 60,009 7 8 9 10 11 12 1,230 %2 110 173 19,804 15,315 509 900 35 84 5,670 8,947 1,533 886 113 90 18,434 8,921 654 505 85 202 9,230 13,152 1,328 1,994 130 76 21,083 15,503 1,108 1,538 53 139 10,663 16,367 823 913 16 25 8,352 6,428 1,650 1,396 29 41 13,045 9,931 1,370 761 39 60 10,606 7,901 382 625 5 21 2,473 3,924 644 334 8 16 4,055 2,703 1,275 1,602 64 97 14,417 13,709 543 659 26 92 6,437 10,576 264 447 33 63 3,970 6,170 1,074 926 102 123 16,723 12,342 13 14 15 16 17 13 1,260 1,039 235 384 31,257 35,804 474 1,118 65 402 6,750 32,700 1,889 1,743 375 682 42,067 47, 636 890 989 267 671 20,336 47,231 1,208 1,919 323 468 34,632 40,250 1,095 1,708 101 484 12,835 40,706 592 821 41 122 7,490 14,558 1,117 1,400 56 242 10,011 29,478 1,102 1,061 99 360 13,401 35,631 492 1,341 39 468 4,626 34,739 798 655 84 245 8,189 18,554 1,000 1,648 148 215 15,783 27,629 476 738 217 576 16,721 46,002 408 553 176 342 12,152 28,413 1,179 1,292 262 686 31,859 59,074 19 20 21 22 23 24 28 20 1,131 1 ... 7 12 55 2 13 7 25 2,428 2,536 1,921 2,515 3,215 3,347 2,349 2,426 2,950 3,596 3,258 3,777 1,505 1,681 3,283 3,520 2,558 2,850 2,239 2,577 1,818 1,891 3,550 4,049 1,313 1,403 895 916 2,205 2,214 26 27 85 110 156 361 115 105 462 299 35 59 89 387 373 342 929 941 122 71 344 376 71 73 650 406 19 22 47 162 87 171 182 1,016 132 128 140 603 7 38 12 343 21 19 26 153 55 87 97 305 66 103 271 356 287 237 2,024 1,271 232 164 444 671 28 29 30 31 14,112 19,135 21,707 9,309 6,445 9,457 56,549 49,388 20,223 7,044 26,956 15,448 5,586 4,760 11,822 34,751 12,649 10,023 2,011 1,534 2,484 1,545 5,116 8,336 24,278 24,995 110,245 71,497 38,556 21,483 32 33 44 64 47 57 30 54 7 10 16 26 9 13 122 95 92 90 13 13 6 2 13 20 5 4 8 11 1 7 34 142 20 88 16 48 3 15 2 8 1 1 6 14 1 2 1 31 1 6 19 40 18 26 57 24 207 38 54 52 36 53 34 35 36 37 30 32 11 14 62 58 29 12 23 32 15 8 69 15 37 13 9 16 5 4 17 28 11 12 6 10 3 9 27 42 16 17 35 50 10 15 3 17 1 2 13 12 5 3 33 6 18 27 7 10 36 17 42 15 42 32 48 22 38 39 40 41 12 22 12 26 9 16 1 3 10 8 6 12 25 4 7 1 5 9 2 1 3 6 1 2 4 2 1 1 1 2 (z) (z) 6 10 1 1 1 5 1 1 4 3 (z) (z) 2 16 1 2 7 21 2 8 10 12 23 34 11 14 4 6 42 43 44 45 11 32 6 23 3 12 (Z) 2 11 3 1 1 240 225 244 224 1 3 1 (z) 1 1 (z) (Z) 2 (Z) 3 1 74 51 49 32 1 2 (Z) (Z) 3 1 1 (z) 2 (Z) 24 14 22 6 192 67 238 49 135 83 118 66 46 47 48 49 24 42 8 19 38 31 15 9 19 30 9 16 54 18 IS 12 19 16 7 7 15 32 6 14 7 12 4 15 14 11 5 2 26 27 9 5 4 10 1 1 6 10 1 4 5 37 3 10 15 40 12 23 14 9 12 7 30 26 22 21 50 51 52 53 41 32 34 39 85 49 287 64 19 17 22 11 57 28 99 37 116 53 234 80 46 43 575 73 12 7 10 8 16 19 15 12 29 23 23 15 "s 7 6 10 5 6 49 41 66 41 40 45 123 55 65 51 230 109 37 27 34 16 54 55 56 57 35 60 18 134 72 106 95 153 14 131 11 309 143 236 210 353 38 167 52 267 30 270 37 281 9 63 13 94 53 600 110 855 38 339 34 486 3 256 4 322 9 118 9 133 5 123 8 188 25 49 33 60 101 266 336 381 77 339 86 378 58 59 60 61 1 (Z) 1 (Z) 34 12 46 14 1 (z) 2 (Z) 8 2 6 1 2 (Z) 1 (z) 3 "2 7 ii 2 2 2 2 62 63 64 65 12 10 4 11 14 18 5 3 5 8 10 2 62 30 106 60 1 2 3 4 4 2 2 4 1 3 8 6 1 4 7 2 2 3 1 1 3 5 1 2 4 '12 13 20 19 31 81 109 487 388 9 14 47 46 6b 67 68 69 16 23 6 70 36 11 11 3 9 3 3 18 35 438 47 70 1 3 (Z) 1 8 4 2 13 3 12 2 1 1 1 2 43 2 7 1 11 1 9 1 2 (Z) 1 1 16 (z) 2 1 3 (z) (z) 2 5 1 1 1 15 10 5 1 (z) 2 (z) 6 "2 71 72 73 74 310 150 4,817 6,500 8,420 600 300 800 3,043 40 4,767 200 372 400 1,638 80 55 1,659 i;870 4,800 2,007 12 250 386 75 76 (Z) (Z) 1 ... (z) (Z) 1 77 152 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9 (Part 4 of 5 ) .-SPECIFIED CROPS (For definitions and explanations, see text) Quitman Sharkey Simpson Other field crops: Cotton harvested farms reporting 195A... 1949... acres 1954... 1949... bales 1954... 1949... Sugarcane or sorghum harvested for sirup fanns reporting 1954... 1949... acres 1954. . . 1949... gallons 1954... 1949... Irish potatoes harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting 1954... 1949... acres 1954^,. 1949^.. bushels 1954... 1949... Sweetpotatoes harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting 1954... 1949... acres 1954^.. 1949^.. bushels 1954... 1949... Other field crops harvested acres 1954... Ve^eiBbles for hose use and for sale (other than Irish and sveet potatoes): Vegetables harvested for home use farms reporting 1954... 1949... Vegetables harvested for sale, ..fanns reporting 1954... 1949^.. acres 1954... 1949... Sold dollars 1954. . . 1949'.. Snap beans (bush and pole types) farms reporting 1954... 1949. . . acres 1954... 1949... Green lima beans fanns reporting 1954... 1949... acres 1954. . . 1949... Cabbage fanns reporting 1954... 1949... acres 1954... 1949... Cucumbers and pickles fanns reporting 1954... 1949... acres 1954... 1949... Tomatoes farms reporting 1954. . . 1949... acres 1954... 1949... Watermelons farms reporting 1954. . . 1949... acres 1954,,. 1949. . . Blackeyes and other green cowpeas. ............ ......... fanns reporting Sweet peppers and pimientos. . .fanns reporting acres Turnips fanns reporting acres 1954., 1949., 1954., 1949., 1954., 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. Other vegetables acres 1954.. Berries and other snail fruits harvested for sale: Strawberries faiins reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949.. quarts 1954.. 1949.. Other berries acres 1954.. 2,620 3,233 24,842 35,625 18,574 17,777 149 55 217 49 11,631 2,758 2,039 2,296 37 46 21,715 17,565 1,239 1,651 48 97 12,862 19,970 28 47 45 102 ,676 ,368 (Z) 19 2 4,681 2,110 2,720 21,092 30, 995 16,316 16,527 119 35 147 76 12,054 5,181 1,227 1,158 28 52 12,082 10, 738 712 929 36 102 6,895 12,838 2,505 2,990 31 116 115 9,144 3,014 6 2 2 5 1 2 (Z) 1 (Z) 6 3 2 (Z) 57 24 81 28 3 3 472 3,719 4,541 67,765 103,821 58,644 63,486 46 11 48 28 2,216 2,377 651 437 23 17 5,135 2,814 693 669 31 48 5,863 7,031 3,064 3,458 9 13 173 70 12,356 3,001 2 14 112 38 1 2 (Z) (Z) 40 13 1.532 1,858 12,353 17,172 8,188 5,669 160 511 76 270 4,522 29,219 1,253 523 64 106 14,640 9,572 1,342 1,030 281 561 31,467 49,283 (Z) 2,591 2,660 152 917 14,462 34,090 3 7 (Z) 35 424 39 595 2 1 1 (Z) 1,250 400 1,783 2,124 14,243 20,240 9,835 6,441 128 507 53 178 5,101 22,079 1,295 618 24 51 10, 186 5,544 1,309 953 81 233 13,984 23,927 7 152 5 311 2 1 (Z) (Z) 3 (Z) lis (z) 1,364 1,640 33,976 47,521 29,369 21,195 20 601 303 213 6 3 2,268 1,029 299 308 11 15 2.630 3,559 2,685 1,127 2,486 1,311 15 50 4 20 347 13 1,300 (Z) (Z) 2 (Z) 150 1,975 2,384 16,930 24,852 11,257 10,513 197 514 86 272 7,289 30,257 1,678 1,001 101 235 20,433 20,154 1.643 1,366 313 604 39,646 59,140 2,553 2,630 609 529 1,897 2,204 100, 943 104,850 102 169 93 176 54 48 58 54 29 54 32 70 259 114 230 90 29 51 24 47 209 214 825 233 500 541 789 3 1 (Z) 326 232 1,765 2,111 13,271 20,026 8,317 8,738 133 550 47 218 5,353 34,347 1,455 1,119 37 63 13,005 7,971 1,202 1,224 245 469 27,368 54,732 2,483 2,162 462 447 1,965 2,008 100,324 73,234 83 72 40 79 U3 54 65 16 54 11 25 55 39 64 23 49 71 25 18 364 339 1,348 1,006 125 312 189 524 36 27 143 145 103 59 20 52 14 47 1,753 7,464 175 57 18 17 2,523 1,457 169 236 93 322 7,446 24,281 518 551 60 151 380 361 14,000 27,009 22 98 37 81 3 35 2 7 42 74 232 189 Z Reported in small fractions. "For 1954, does not include acreage for farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. See text. ^For 1949, does not Include acreage for farms with less than 15 bushels harvested. See text. 'Does not include farms reporting green cowpeas only. *Does not include value of green cowpeas sold. MISSISSIPPI 153 HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued Talla- hatchie Tate Tippah Tishomingo Tunica Union Walthall Warren Washington Wayne Webster Wilkinson Winston Yalobusha Yazoo 4,070 2,589 2,008 1,204 3,619 2,216 1,834 670 4,137 1,108 1,272 844 2,018 1,412 3,048 1 4,8U 2,841 2,555 1,945 4,518 2,761 2,195 763 5,442 1,370 1,593 906 2,323 1,731 3,566 2 68,880 28,856 20,033 11,532 62,979 22,387 16,552 8,166 100,838 7,940 10,727 5,089 16,376 14,618 55,125 3 91,385 34,382 29, 569 21,404 83,925 31,424 23,425 8,763 162,166 10,087 15,582 5,219 23,765 20,480 62,904 4 59,467 29,341 15,956 7,538 59,877 16,014 12,598 7,816 81,135 5,577 3,146 3,992 9,238 11,412 45,234 5 61,706 16,324 13,717 12,292 65,230 16,408 10,022 3,917 99,736 4,570 7,194 2,432 6,970 9,901 30,701 6 107 206 161 155 6 114 260 7 199 75 66 257 194 104 7 57 141 110 63 2 25 481 28 5 543 96 107 656 146 253 6 135 248 245 194 16 148 174 4 109 92 73 192 230 58 9 45 120 101 48 3 20 284 12 4 339 51 43 269 159 U2 10 6,771 9,939 16,310 14,258 818 8,373 27,497 201 ... 9,390 3,971 4,583 9,870 11,807 2,410 11 2,611 5,595 8,706 3,479 75 1,041 47,430 796 190 46,831 4,996 6,204 31,562 9,506 8,778 12 1,327 1,182 1,868 1,078 392 1,726 956 351 463 505 939 429 1,545 928 654 13 929 1,151 2,236 1,538 970 1,345 581 401 474 1,153 806 427 1,725 772 1,073 14 29 42 63 31 2 35 62 18 5 20 24 40 31 62 68 15 55 72 90 123 10 17 166 29 49 132 30 27 50 126 40 16 9,920 13,420 24,160 11,493 1,592 16,443 11,822 3,748 1,838 4,324 9,400 8,321 11,542 11,476 10,399 17 7,078 9,420 21,246 17,605 3,836 8,926 15,789 4,144 3,172 11,137 6,475 3,926 12,596 12,336 8,219 18 1,374 767 1,227 715 530 953 1,114 486 535 564 580 749 1,171 708 715 19 1,399 973 1,641 1,102 1,397 1,040 764 724 902 1,215 731 866 1,733 724 1,435 20 75 51 23 24 11 36 196 72 30 115 56 522 61 79 136 21 188 152 80 160 29 36 362 166 134 444 172 321 306 222 436 22 13,312 8,289 8,522 6,459 2,670 5,934 25,081 9,650 4,308 9,942 8,971 61,821 10,100 9,920 15,583 23 20,224 12,976 17,523 22,757 9,607 12,147 32,746 21,733 12,161 35,995 20,437 28,188 34,202 21,512 47,543 24 2 28 ... 2 10 27 70 2 20 25 3,851 2,574 2,254 1,686 3,120 2,830 2,246 1,149 3,042 1,616 1,650 1,256 2,437 1,718 3,271 26 3,590 2,666 2,733 2,L23 3,465 3,194 2,346 1,346 3,717 1,673 1,903 907 2,722 1,995 3,646 27 19 43 38 32 35 569 49 45 62 23 55 47 153 14 28 14 29 40 23 4 49 500 83 63 31 42 79 98 147 37 29 66 92 51 55 42 946 174 667 347 36 70 126 567 35 30 206 660 180 105 44 137 877 275 269 264 171 135 645 688 348 31 4,203 3,935 3,592 2,449 2,978 70,830 13,190 37,638 21,192 2,169 5,307 6,123 23,729 3,057 32 1,837 2,962 2,845 2,057 2,075 3,171 73,645 20,241 14,110 3,655 4,262 14,587 8,554 21,367 10,674 33 5 2 6 7 6 202 25 4 2 2 3 9 22 2 34 6 6 15 31 25 286 62 28 6 9 25 26 22 17 35 2 (Z) 1 2 1 198 13 2 2 3 1 3 12 1 36 7 2 2 6 6 291 21 16 7 2 25 4 7 6 37 7 7 9 10 15 15 28 20 1 5 3 11 33 4 38 8 12 12 29 2 28 15 51 24 5 13 3 40 26 15 39 8 3 6 4 7 7 9 15 (Z) 1 6 4 16 5 40 4 4 4 6 1 8 10 11 12 2 6 1 5 14 4 41 3 2 3 3 1 50 7 1 1 ... 2 3 7 2 42 4 2 9 19 "2 13 129 26 16 2 2 3 15 4 3 43 1 (Z) (Z) (Z) (Z) 61 2 1 (Z) (Z) 1 2 6 44 2 1 2 3 "3 2 212 8 15 1 (Z) 1 2 1 (Z) 45 3 1 2 1 1 380 7 1 2 2 2 46 4 1 4 1 3 197 IS 3 1 "2 4 2 7 47 1 (Z) (Z) (Z) (Z) 390 2 30 ... 1 (Z) 2 48 4 (Z) (Z) 5 1 204 4 2 2 (Z) 1 1 1 49 10 5 12 u 10 20 32 13 4 4 2 8 27 3 50 4 11 20 13 "2 25 6 65 32 7 13 4 35 29 18 51 4 2 3 4 2 10 12 18 2 2 (Z) 2 18 2 52 1 4 4 8 1 8 4 29 21 1 2 1 6 11 10 53 11 35 22 25 11 27 9 17 51 16 4 31 123 5 54 7 29 22 13 21 13 22 11 15 18 4 33 117 13 55 30 55 18 22 18 17 5 39 313 18 7 43 389 6 56 4 18 12 10 10 12 10 13 18 20 3 36 239 14 57 6 16 17 15 13 150 23 12 7 10 5 23 54 5 53 17 193 141 74 3 40 111 71 36 154 71 16 467 166 96 59 9 27 14 13 10 201 27 65 16 12 2 66 72 6 60 157 620 2 (Z) 147 69 1 2 15 78 1 (Z) 101 3 2 101 66 1 (Z) 220 130 45 1 1 580 "2 (Z) 312 2 (Z) 270 2 (Z) 61 62 63 64 65 1 2 2 2 12 21 5 5 2 10 2 66 1 1 1 5 18 5 6 5 3 12 67 (Z) (Z) 1 (Z) 20 45 274 8 (Z) 24 2 68 1 (Z) (Z) 20 10 3 8 (Z) 1 2 16 69 11 5 9 7 4 40 59 423 6 (Z) 54 6 32 5 70 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 4 1 71 4 22 9 14 2 2 3 2 10 9 'io 72 1 CZ) (Z) 2 (Z) 1 1 1 1 73 1 6 1 3 (Z) (Z) (z) (Z) 2 1 5 74 40 520 32 1,444 100 167 2,535 1,016 400 75 112 2,997 316 2,166 1 57 1 50 1 43 400 1,139 2 ... 1,080 1 3,492 76 77 154 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9 (Part 5 of 5) .-SPECIFIED CROPS Item (For definitions and explanations. see text) Tree fmits, duCb, and grapes: Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees farms reporting 1954^, 1950.. acres 195"^^. 1950^. Apples fanns reporting 1954^. 1950.. Trees of all ages number 1954^. 1950.. Trees not of bearing age number 195-^^. Trees of bearing age number 1954^. [^entity harvested bushels 1954^. 1949.. Peaches farms reporting 195'4^. 1950. . Trees of all ages number 1954^. 1950.. Trees not of bearing age number 1954^. Trees of bearing age number 1954^. Quantity harvested bushels 1954^. 1949.. Pears fanns reporting 1954^. 1950.. Trees of all ages... number 1954^. 1950.. Trees not of bearing age number 1954^. Trees of bearing age number 1954^. Quantity harvested bushels 1954^. 1949.. Cherries fanns reporting 1954^. 1950. . Trees of all ages number 1954^. 1950. . Trees not of bearing age number 1954^. Trees of bearing age number 1954^, Quantity harvested pounds 1954^, 1949.. Plums and prunes farms reporting 1954^, 1950. . Trees of all ages number 1954^. 1950.. Trees not of bearing age number 1954^. Trees of bearing age number 1954^. Quantity harvested bushels 1954^. 1949.. Figs farms reporting 1954^. 1950. . Trees of all ages number 1954^. 1950.. Trees not of bearing age number 1954^. Trees of bearing age number 1954^. (ijantity harvested pounds 1954^. 1949.. Grapes fanns reporting 1954^. 1950.. Vines of all ages number 1954^. 1950.. Vines not of bearing age number 1954^. Vines of bearing age number 1954^. Quantity harvested pounds 1954^. 1949.. Pecans {improved and seedling), .trees of all ages number 1954-^. 1950. . ftiantity harvested pounds 1954^. 1949.. Improved pecans (budded, grafted, or top-worked) fanns reporting 1954^. 1950.. Trees of all ages number 1954^. 1950.. Trees not of bearing age number 1954^. Trees of bearing age number 1954^. ttiantity harvested pounds 1954^. 1949.. Wild or seedling pecans fanns reporting 1954^. 1950.. Trees of all ages number 1954^. 1950. . Trees not of bearing age number 1954^. Trees of bearing age number 1954^, Quantity harvested pounds 1954^, 1949.. Tung nuts fanns reporting 1954^. 1950. . Trees of all ages number 1954^. 1950.. Trees not of bearing age number 1954^. Trees of bearing age number 1954^. ftiantity harvested pounds 1954^. 1949. . 11,623 76,053 117,004 130,180 9,217 42,614 106,089 349,951 28,257 77,832 93,269 167,576 10,813 56,342 376 ,426 989,263 97,600 278,826 129,482 188,967 7,881 33,557 37,527 120,603 10,417 27,110 31,950 86,674 795 4,126 2,184 10,319 880 1,304 5,258 10,995 3,058 11,937 21,265 64,470 6,365 14,900 6,392 16,131 4,965 27,306 19,184 100,129 5,554 13,630 117,461 1,351,503 3,197 15,099 15,082 65,138 3,864 11,218 74,480 309,064 390,233 575,852 1,744,279 6,504,629 7,563 26,713 317,524 448,364 36,962 280,562 1,422,835 5,042,936 3,040 9,237 72,709 127,488 12,635 60,074 321,444 1,461,693 2,340 2,811 7,005,773 6,026,850 688,358 6,317,415 44,136,373 83,927,918 55 563 344 e«16 28 135 209 1,070 137 72 46 287 1,679 2,279 1,471 208 33 652 40 176 420 1,552 174 246 226 1,134 1 6 20 13 95 170 3,158 136 34 2 758 20 171 137 695 29 108 450 6,855 7 20 41 1,114 30 11 10 168 5,609 13,121 30,435 184,447 43 162 2,358 3,570 205 2,153 9,3S5 54,348 67 294 3,251 9,551 289 2,962 21,050 130,099 2 1 17 10 15 2 100 75 122 70 175 1,478 759 1,547 121 356 271 508 518 316 260 51 236 1,362 254 1,215 3,943 321 2,005 15,619 1 772 8,592 844 221 826 3,099 100 1,179 4,662 29 997 6,851 251 3,204 258 63 247 1,371 293 1,365 3,976 1 125 5,030 20,967 4 397 22,085 778 803 1,819 3,198 317 3,211 1,663 117 501 3,020 276 4,340 173 57 164 329 296 728 637 254 561 2,276 1 192 2,044 129 94 175 508 160 386 1,030 195 184 1,280 1 150 1,197 41 4 7 260 4 64 145 7 12 725 14 168 48 5 4 97 2 8 269 30 678 237 60 35 60 321 153 173 290 581 215 1,504 1 ,373 761 86 89 64 204 492 151 171 131 49 210 260 182 31 48 103 147 342 558 207 179 304 392 1 ,254 1,898 3 78 88 204 101 216 292 562 771 441 14 ,057 21,905 88 16 92 591 36 308 378 57 310 2,259 334 912 81 37 106 297 20 204 1,728 140 1,376 18,908 291 3,777 183 2 799 1,566 1,097 7 470 3,533 722 5 042 10,418 5,381 63 595 54,840 48 69 103 235 345 492 157 2 ,611 1,184 818 4 ,909 2,710 49 285 78 108 2 ,326 1,106 674 4 ,705 9,563 3,215 51 ,278 51,399 11 18 42 74 7? 103 26 188 382 279 2 ,561 823 9 14 99 17 174 283 48 337 855 2,166 12 ,317 3,441 IS 1 1 39 5 9 ,399 2 1 7 ,004 207 32 9 ,192 500 2 16 ,035 10 72 467 117 409 1,338 3,540 342 996 2,019 2,003 116 447 2,047 6,693 563 1,484 935 1,307 82 294 359 1,212 87 272 304 334 19 93 50 215 18 32 168 183 23 106 114 336 76 38 23 13 30 73 115 193 412 87 33 146 147 601 64 83 882 1,612 113 616 830 ,374 22 119 109 588 51 58 835 4,234 45 140 114 1,313 749 742 85 386 924 2,209 325 599 558 805 93 1,057 2,879 9,107 643 2,236 878 5,644 79 400 294 1,111 60 234 497 979 25 49 316 308 1,770 91 217 211 561 202 135 776 34 101 ,219 ,541 26 97 127 513 33 94 510 7,807 9,483 85,285 86,695 103 348 7,075 8,958 1,981 5,094 30,260 78,963 31 71 732 525 38 694 5,025 7,732 1 100 100 1,500 107 1,271 140 287 131 1,092 2,315 9,796 636 1,679 2,030 5,166 181 1,132 3,835 17,551 890 2,945 349 2,863 116 625 428 1,667 157 271 127 514 10 109 20 232 6 14 418 232 41 325 282 1,630 77 205 83 296 51 400 142 932 47 95 457 353 1,861 70 283 1,745 9,494 609 2,787 4,450 17,762 66 393 545 2,554 224 321 4,425 16,247 10 58 25 1,515 1 1 'For 1954. See text. does not include data for farms with less than 20 trees or grapevines. See text. ^For 1950, does not Include acreage for farms reporting less than 1/2 acre. MISSISSIPPI 155 HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 Chickasaw Choctaw Claiborne Clarke Clay Coahoma Copiah Covington De Soto Forrest Franklin George Greene Grenada Hancock 101 195 76 57 46 94 38 97 107 173 47 299 154 58 265 1 852 827 185 1,116 572 966 804 627 657 536 280 630 503 463 420 2 16i 188 208 270 U5 1,221 196 272 249 1,852 139 2,158 2,717 88 5,212 3 308 266 92 499 U3 1,225 516 349 438 2,830 119 2,497 1,932 210 4,822 4 123 267 40 25 73 46 21 49 116 32 38 32 11 75 27 5 611 719 95 524 301 241 301 154 444 128 153 74 112 307 21 t 1,940 2,718 263 2,225 653 277 183 447 2,626 198 828 342 162 760 108 7 5,529 6,800 495 2,577 1,686 2,102 1,570 935 6,349 635 1,061 519 1,093 2,250 76 3 748 546 128 21 167 89 40 138 346 106 76 78 125 261 57 9 1,192 2,172 135 2,204 486 183 143 309 2,280 92 752 264 37 499 51 10 1,357 2,419 53 4,076 281 413 126 195 2,420 41 646 31 46 772 10 11 2,278 2,030 207 447 462 1,008 276 157 1,995 57 112 19 340 1,367 12 132 274 41 48 77 66 32 120 121 78 52 102 94 81 68 13 669 762 98 744 382 839 529 370 541 297 173 224 297 384 104 14 4,220 6,067 775 16,420 2,047 6,160 3,572 13,136 5,190 3,610 1,545 2,611 5,673 3,204 484 15 11,114 14,004 1,809 33,952 5,430 8,962 24,341 9,201 11,021 10,432 4,287 2,527 4,171 8,551 890 16 1,395 1,878 233 3,176 293 699 303 5,156 556 1,058 300 1,257 3,643 1,433 117 17 2,825 4,189 542 13,244 1,754 5,461 3,269 7,980 4,634 2,552 1,245 1,354 2,030 1,771 367 18 780 900 65 9,472 650 9,236 4,210 1,163 2,504 645 80 346 294 1,503 100 19 1,852 1,874 274 1,257 1,115 8,057 3,785 517 1,822 432 182 447 730 2,597 127 20 89 195 38 19 66 46 25 43 107 66 47 73 52 58 98 21 406 468 84 457 262 219 323 126 369 259 117 188 265 237 158 22 293 622 160 74 500 467 103 152 1,094 571 240 456 1,192 354 461 23 1,111 1,381 382 1,461 1,078 683 1,115 531 2,916 1,893 529 898 2,024 865 1,785 24 77 187 54 27 82 60 28 35 242 175 45 132 754 U8 49 25 216 435 106 47 418 407 75 U7 352 396 195 324 438 236 412 26 192 655 68 50 768 754 31 110 717 543 132 507 529 819 480 27 644 513 253 1,410 661 1,253 977 402 996 1,802 425 1,238 3,421 417 484 28 14 16 2 8 5 1 18 3 3 4 2 2 3 29 70 54 5 24 47 29 "5 5 83 13 ... 5 10 32 2 30 42 55 4 15 7 ... 1 52 21 6 10 3 4 4 31 135 133 14 49 114 64 8 7 199 56 9 17 62 10 32 10 15 6 3 ... 1 21 12 ' 4 2 3 4 . . . 33 32 40 4 ... 9 4 ... 31 9 2 8 4 34 43 63 43 15 9 15 35 151 13 120 54 92 12 ... 6 53 '50 78 10 36 47 79 13 4 39 28 6 7 43 21 22 27 9 17 37 37 127 123 23 109 113 164 87 12 159 47 40 64 56 53 32 38 265 620 54 31 187 158 37 32 153 634 346 179 472 57 253 39 415 846 115 828 552 748 592 89 645 580 423 822 209 210 193 40 66 124 35 16 48 62 23 4 40 353 100 19 406 24 49 41 199 496 19 15 139 96 14 28 113 281 246 160 66 33 204 42 56 128 74 92 10 42 25 50 38 11 3 196 43 134 99 4 235 187 161 '92 86 220 78 100 86 47 2 44 35 121 27 15 40 25 13 52 39 56 27 99 34 19 95 45 206 284 64 611 175 105 315 202 189 326 103 345 290 117 179 46 126 296 102 86 113 86 73 203 137 359 121 454 365 90 417 47 501 794 288 2,397 453 278 1,524 1,002 645 1,849 461 1,770 1,650 388 873 48 28 45 41 29 26 16 33 30 62 134 39 116 252 9 72 49 98 251 61 57 87 70 40 173 75 225 82 338 113 81 345 50 735 1,854 62 780 601 361 145 4,590 348 2,742 270 7,011 1,309 470 2,635 51 4,291 8,126 1,856 29,837 9,287 319 13,815 15,174 1,076 25,378 8,198 32,749 20,420 2,721 1,165 52 41 74 4 7 33 10 2 11 30 25 7 32 6 16 41 53 203 234 9 156 140 61 22 L4 156 71 23 121 82 73 21 54 242 254 31 54 297 39 11 39 173 543 49 262 187 57 136 55 1,018 866 39 599 948 252 76 43 885 279 86 457 360 453 112 56 78 42 25 37 104 15 9 22 45 55 11 86 100 13 32 57 164 212 6 17 193 24 2 17 128 488 38 176 87 44 104 58 1,695 1,227 100 1,110 310 145 256 971 25 1,301 1,720 165 816 59 3,839 3,565 '17 2,568 5,482 636 '92 38 2,761 867 581 4,304 1,082 839 20 60 546 513 3,349 1,395 979 11,553 2,151 1,539 807 8,898 1,345 15,739 3,379 451 12,288 61 1,457 1,146 2,137 5,309 2,524 45,650 4,799 2,542 1,809 10,483 1,162 22,429 4,216 362 29,984 62 465 5,103 19,130 12,464 2,204 143,965 8,680 11,353 2,723 36,702 2,680 71,614 16,033 4,439 18,326 63 11,791 9,620 45,672 109,993 42,567 114,635 73,261 62,207 8,835 88,207 25,448 214 ,457 39,136 10,770 203,351 64 52 93 53 42 42 87 46 65 38 146 49 222 92 40 188 65 250 191 100 503 174 215 320 235 175 267 93 345 178 130 205 66 504 397 1,443 1,038 761 11,216 1,634 1,373 383 7,876 1,568 12,069 2,565 430 8,995 67 1,364 828 1,632 3,958 1,186 45,228 3,700 1,765 1,028 8,361 621 17,410 2,507 729 9,397 68 93 129 390 175 97 374 180 237 168 1,719 298 1,544 438 196 1,238 69 411 268 1,053 863 664 10,842 1,454 1,136 215 6,157 1,270 10,525 2,127 234 7,757 70 465 4,508 8,415 8,373 1,824 139,050 8,115 10,093 2,293 32,587 1,820 47,781 11,783 4,019 14,458 71 10,861 7,730 39,250 81,902 24,707 111,114 50,954 39,520 6,823 63,155 14,292 156,324 22,108 8,648 144,198 72 12 27 53 21 14 11 14 25 19 47 26 145 55 3 170 73 27 81 44 279 69 43 138 81 81 176 75 257 195 48 191 74 42 116 1,906 357 218 337 517 166 424 1,022 277 3,670 814 21 3,293 75 93 318 505 1,351 1,338 422 1,099 777 781 2,122 541 5,019 1,709 133 20,587 76 17 33 672 92 72 38 177 36 215 267 33 376 48 5 132 77 25 83 1,234 265 146 299 340 130 209 755 244 3,294 766 16 3,161 78 595 10,715 4,091 380 4,915 565 1,260 430 4,115 360 23,833 4,245 420 3,868 79 930 1,890 6,422 28,091 17,860 3,521 22,307 22,687 2,012 25,052 11,156 58,133 17,023 2,122 59,153 80 1 12 43 2 135 77 244 81 3 5 1 2 2 10 848 1 129 95,963 2 31 229 71,871 99 142,633 182 446,887 82 83 7 14 "i 2 6,063 1,237 75 773 4,950 '26 98,975 23,575 72,388 133,832 3 11 20 89,827 21,815 50,056 805,910 105,339 1,675 140,958 379,250 ... 254,049 67,805 379,082 1,048,905 84 85 86 87 206 600 '50 16,704 '60 1,602,635 605,501 1,381,684 1,379,420 88 156 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9 (Part 5 of 5} —SPECIFIED CROPS {For definitions and eicplanatlons, see text) Humphreys Issaquena Jasper Tree fmits, nuts, and grapes: Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vlnei'ards, and planted nut trees .....farms reporting 1954^. 1950. . acres 1954^. 1950^. Apples farms reporting 1954^. 1950.. Trees of all ages number 1954^. 1950.. Trees not of bearing age number 1954^. Trees of bearing age number 1954^. (^lantity harvested. .bushels 1954^. 1949.. Peaches farms reporting 1954^. , 1950. . Trees of all ages number 1954^,, 1950.., Trees not of bearing age number 1954^., Trees of bearing age number 1954^., Quantity harvested bushels 1954^., 1949.., Pears farms reporting 1954^., 1950... Trees of all ages number 1954^.. 1950.., Trees not of bearing age number 1954-^.. Trees of bearing age number 1954^., Quantity harvested bushels 1954^., 1949... Cherries farms reporting 1954^.. 1950... Trees of all ages number 1954^.. 1950... Trees not of bearing age number 1954^.. Trees of bearing age number 1954^.. Quantity harvested pounds 1954^.. 1949... Plums and prunes farms reporting 1954-'-.. 1950... Trees of all ages number 1954^.. 1950... Trees not of bearing age number 1954^,. Trees of bearing age number 1954^., (iiantity harvested bushels 1954^,. 1949... Figs farms reporting 1954^.. 1950... Trees of all ages number 1954^., 1950... Trees not of bearing age number 1954^., Trees of bearing age number 1954i.. (irantlty harvested pounds 1954^. . 1949... Grapes farms reporting 1954^.. 1950... Vines of all ages number 1954^,. 1950... Vines not of bearing age number 1954^.. Vines of bearing age number 1954^.. (iiajitity harvested pounds 1954^. . 1949... Pecans (improved and seedling).. trees of all ages number 1954^.. 1950... Quantity harvested pounds 1954^.. 1949... Improved pecans (budded, grafted, or top-worked) farms reporting 1954^.. 1950. . . Trees of all ages number 1954^,. 1950. . . Trees not of bearing age number 1954^.. Trees of bearing age number 1954^.. C^rantity harvested pounds 1954^.. 1949... Wild or seedling pecans farms reporting, 1954^.. 1950... Trees of all ages number 1954^,. 1950... Trees not of bearing age number 1954^.. Trees of bearing age.... number 1954^,. Quantity harvested pounds 1954^,, 1949... Tung nuts farms reporting 1954^,. 1950... Trees of all ages number 1954^., 1950... Trees not of bearing age number 1954^.. Trees of bearing age number 1954^.. (iiantity harvested pounds 1954^. . 1949... 515 865 8,294 9,343 32 35 106 295 58 133 523 1,280 154 369 53 31 174 363 1,456 3,231 413 1,043 835 1,743 1 6 5 35 236 61 175 34 152 127 834 778 383 451 1,834 3,184 66 205 230 935 68 162 651 4,848 44,487 51,840 111,814 626,436 448 599 38,770 38,808 4,128 34,642 102,559 515,5.0 184 329 5,717 13,032 453 5,264 9,255 110,856 132 158 355,100 301, 530 15,127 339,973 ,684,271 150 1,221 1,030 1,274 87 490 1,275 4,041 170 1,105 692 1,053 104 705 10,249 27,475 791 9,458 2,269 5,919 86 528 464 2,665 109 355 336 1,577 2 21 2 44 1 1 11 23 125 270 1,960 20 250 16 32 53 443 232 1,760 61 171 900 14,969 15 81 55 285 20 35 110 530 10,209 15,692 54,986 217,442 127 458 7,377 9,540 596 6,731 48, 557 141,063 81 371 2,832 6,152 331 2,501 6,429 76, 379 2 1,116 2 124 1,167 250 685 153 719 1,103 4,775 232 321 761 2,118 154 1,002 2,925 14,602 720 2,205 834 3,938 117 207 440 563 121 319 291 345 50 172 218 635 76 142 40 144 393 494 1,255 195 299 837 15,585 27 113 107 330 62 45 225 769 2,046 4,301 9,461 63,158 85 316 1,001 3,100 123 878 4,862 38,349 50 180 1,045 1,201 416 629 4,599 ,24,809 23 416 121 133 25 245 192 1,725 31 161 136 532 25 329 570 3,982 137 433 28 1,257 26 223 96 704 31 65 45 818 20 155 185 1,142 90 95 12 150 14 161 41 504 27 14 50 5,614 3 70 6 197 2 4 3 444 1,173 1,546 5,415 19,910 23 115 1,144 1,352 38 1,106 5,415 13,472 29 194 22 7 9 196 19 126 17 111 72 396 29 43 77 197 13 171 166 2,019 25 141 10 632 48 279 9 39 215 5 91 26 385 2 24 5 190 10 78 25 283 10 15 32 3,087 1 45 1 128 1 10 175 341 1,119 1,005 28,451 14 36 244 219 119 125 505 7,301 6 25 97 900 32 65 500 21,150 269 1,969 281 640 352 1,765 4,381 20,412 978 3,403 5,271 14, 526 349 1,816 6,257 27,640 1,339 4,868 3,937 3,041 212 1,002 669 2,833 125 544 590 1,513 32 204 82 397 14 68 58 673 78 357 247 1,324 39 203 239 349 38 387 93 913 14 79 160 9,475 165 733 853 3,078 122 731 6,069 28,223 526 2,259 2,797 12,763 112 545 463 2,036 128 335 2,677 11, 580 20 36 63 223 16 47 120 1,133 366 338 2,853 3,540 33 93 109 462 73 36 18 23 57 124 602 1,616 258 344 107 198 143 322 864 1,694 265 599 329 2,349 75 20 58 17 120 40 36 72 175 462 100 75 1 235 144 413 673 2,154 228 445 1,224 16,463 75 165 364 1,127 132 232 523 3,299 37,154 42,673 51,705 335,427 429 615 34,539 37,948 3,640 30,899 48, 595 286,754 110 236 2,615 4,730 1,431 1,184 3,110 43, 673 72 139 42,246 30,331 879 41,367 21,650 176,050 89 1,003 184 2ll 84 543 690 3,005 241 449 184 639 116 783 4,110 13,971 1,511 2,599 843 4,226 69 432 265 1,355 108 157 153 1,168 3 12 21 63 713 220 572 141 57 113 76 665 325 2,752 121 204 3,761 87, 311 25 113 63 302 14 49 338 698 1,929 3,303 12,554 68,405 73 513 1,540 3,218 315 1,225 10,354 57, 902 31 117 339 585 96 293 1,700 10, 503 5 1,108 ^For 1954, does not include data for farms with less than 20 trees or grapevines. See text. See text. ^For 1950, does not Include acreage for farms reporting less than 1/2 acre. MISSISSIPPI 157 HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued Jeffereon Davis Jones Kemper Lafayette Lamar Lauderdale Lawrence Leaie Lee Leflore Lincoln Lowndes Madison Marion Marshall 218 154 74 186 303 147 34 135 158 56 64 140 137 133 100 1 761 1,640 1,081 1,267 859 1,1X 442 1,718 1,710 893 630 882 908 780 1,168 2 -W9 SSS 94 262 7,479 506 71 184 322 283 226 566 222 2,477 149 3 390 1,197 318 407 5,517 955 196 282 456 851 364 434 525 2,045 483 4 110 48 113 220 43 157 17 184 203 47 35 206 129 24 176 5 260 446 792 1,041 143 716 188 1,344 132 241 182 694 316 106 787 6 466 268 1,287 3,213 197 1,602 146 1,582 2,699 388 253 2,909 727 96 2,941 7 1,242 2,064 5,714 8,942 1,030 5,262 979 7,406 855 1,473 1,091 8,364 1,819 593 10,110 8 319 115 546 1,174 95 542 122 395 797 84 100 775 308 53 638 9 147 153 741 2,039 102 1,060 24 1,187 1,902 304 153 2,134 419 43 2,303 10 73 58 865 3,830 28 820 8 1,510 3,297 345 49 1,572 413 11 3,601 11 103 334 2,401 5,325 158 1,495 59 2,798 699 1,016 196 2,062 670 53 5,318 12 218 125 114 222 130 171 32 187 198 53 56 208 161 90 184 13 497 907 864 1,153 346 759 ■333 ■1,505 1,408 756 311 714 487 341 1,116 U 10,841 7,144 2,538 5,207 7,608 16,617 1,866 3,824 4,440 845 2,099 4,169 4,366 5,163 4,264 15 14,280 25,268 10,827 18,215 15,214 29,862 9,524 20,442 15,475 6,371 4,592 9,102 11,180 7,964 16, 792 16 1,403 1,956 952 1,741 1,860 4,700 1,076 789 1,049 265 432 1,113 2,376 1,648 1,156 17 9,438 5,188 1,586 3,466 5,748 11,917 790 3,035 3,391 580 1,667 3,056 1,990 3,515 3,108 18 4,587 1,912 1,035 967 1,653 6,303 949 570 2,095 180 352 884 843 1,122 3,297 19 907 1,027 2,600 2,360 1,530 1,133 464 3,006 3,347 4,264 558 1,443 1,832 454 4,467 20 U7 46 73 155 78 114 19 133 149 41 43 115 101 36 141 21 254 491 504 661 240 530 174 898 912 237 241 417 319 217 599 22 394 186 217 604 406 579 143 449 691 152 261 468 478 175 793 23 725 1,901 1,170 2,064 1,263 1,947 445 2,190 2,609 692 822 1,881 1,126 785 1,913 24 171 55 101 252 66 171 62 104 191 58 129 159 141 21 282 25 223 131 116 352 340 408 81 345 500 94 132 309 337 154 511 26 308 190 192 498 378 396 53 359 1,056 67 69 296 377 79 465 27 595 1,243 853 918 1,389 760 291 1,515 1,247 623 959 686 814 763 1,563 28 4 1 21 3 7 1 3 23 7 1 14 7 1 27 29 13 23 27 183 14 41 9 56 167 18 16 43 13 21 124 30 4 2 • >• 49 7 U2 1 5 78 25 2 37 33 1 52 31 26 60 36 355 27 111 23 98 352 30 41 80 18 34 507 32 2 2 34 1 5 1 4 32 17 2 26 27 1 25 33 2 ... 15 6 7 1 46 8 ... 11 6 . . . 27 34 40 ... 87 30 10 138 ... ... 8 118 35 5 22 2 94 10 9 44 514 120 55 105 10 278 36 53 19 18 59 13 50 8 50 75 31 26 44 37 u 35 37 52 129 152 280 92 179 37 216 308 153 100 155 103 91 123 38 239 171 120 241 70 413 125 205 1,802 130 295 181 217 145 123 39 489 1,029 560 1,265 388 1,012 150 756 1,192 686 1,015 706 657 807 553 40 52 47 62 100 7 209 90 25 122 47 90 62 83 38 30 41 187 124 58 141 63 204 35 180 1,680 83 205 119 134 107 93 42 112 40 36 50 7 42 6 84 615 14 26 44 20 43 53 43 46 142 175 191 53 185 5 179 504 364 312 142 539 215 120 44 117 63 63 60 74 94 14 33 72 17 29 63 70 25 69 45 391 743 622 290 353 600 238 859 666 159 226 358 236 294 243 46 403 2bO 219 151 314 361 51 213 236 52 138 208 278 91 216 47 1,512 3,061 2,134 954 2,251 2,300 917 2,556 1,776 406 1,063 1,067 912 1,318 652 48 94 95 56 57 133 96 32 40 72 22 64 44 96 27 41 49 309 165 163 94 181 265 19 173 164 30 74 164 182 64 175 50 6,978 3,833 2,635 944 2,940 1,950 150 1,423 1,261 60 2,498 958 839 595 1,559 51 28, 321 59,640 48,959 3,409 18,371 38,053 9,434 54,192 23,856 6,771 10,639 10,273 12,827 18,754 2,291 52 29 13 30 71 41 53 3 40 93 13 13 53 18 6 53 53 60 159 229 408 115 222 42 311 603 63 26 203 72 84 248 54 67 148 85 392 335 269 14 113 610 46 48 298 88 22 253 55 175 705 1,230 2,313 444 927 103 834 2,596 367 94 780 326 560 1,005 56 35 28 31 108 71 52 11 25 197 IS 27 71 30 4 74 57 32 120 54 284 264 217 3 88 413 28 21 227 58 18 179 58 299 100 211 1,211 1,781 1,326 5 432 2,215 202 52 916 15 25 676 59 106 2,330 2,494 8,527 1,968 6,080 26 2,720 14,395 823 652 2,135 736 1,146 3,781 60 1,677 10,837 784 272 49,662 4,807 596 1,108 1,592 2,278 2,715 5,190 3,434 2,429 249 61 2,840 16,658 3,380 1,620 34,314 6,752 1,560 3,700 3,762 13,838 4,498 4,929 4,259 4,122 1,483 62 15,367 88,000 2,648 1,634 115,315 18,415 3,290 9,519 4,107 23,715 12,986 12,960 19,356 11,118 739 63 85,851 274,031 37,973 8,744 498,199 94,207 33,154 70,666 42,947 62,423 75,464 82,310 76,590 63,086 8,018 a 110 168 70 37 175 163 25 82 83 49 63 91 78 49 51 65 281 910 4% 255 410 655 237 689 630 152 343 343 288 308 262 66 1,133 8,477 646 202 44,991 4,564 487 954 1,241 1,992 2,498 4,976 2,039 2,193 132 67 1,979 14, 581 2,553 1,101 31,397 6,011 1,224 3,234 3,548 13,337 3,775 4,376 3,081 3,763 1,305 68 347 1,027 243 48 516 1,197 123 243 249 530 366 509 232 152 95, 69 786 7,450 398 154 44,475 3,367 364 711 992 1,462 2,132 4,467 1,807 2,041 87 70 8,627 55,145 2,363 1,337 71,936 17,387 2,000 9,064 3,574 22,365 12,761 12,305 13,820 9,957 544 71 54, 373 228, 509 29,877 6,017 455,735 85,038 29,029 61,726 40,587 56,528 68,129 74, 569 52,626 54,030 7,021 72 66 53 8 20 83 32 10 31 22 12 11 28 37 26 10 73 178 234 172 98 299 153 62 133 57 39 49 67 110 69 41 74 544 2,360 133 70 4,671 243 109 154 351 286 217 214 1,395 236 67 75 861 2,077 827 519 2,917 741 336 466 214 501 723 553 1,178 359 178 76 61 124 47 41 261 57 5 12 64 101 32 37 259 59 1 77 483 2,236 91 29 4,410 186 104 142 287 185 185 177 1,136 177 66 78 6,740 32,855 285 297 43,379 1,028 1,290 455 533 850 225 655 5,536 1,161 195 79 31,478 45,552 8,096 2,727 42,464 9,169 4,125 8,940 2,360 5,895 7,335 7,741 23,964 9,056 997 80 24 16 1 157 4 3 2 102 t . * 81 23 44 7 2 173 3 11 2 1 14 1 192 82 12,600 9,108 2 513,600 11 13 . . . 1,625 199,146 83 13,218 5,652 463 "3 274,925 5 12, 088 4 5 3,298 150 173,479 84 1,342 3,026 2 86,962 9 10 ... ... 80,309 85 11,258 6,082 ... 426,636 2 3 . . > 1,625 118,837 86 30,230 15,990 ... 577, 380 200 ... 205,025 87 124, 350 16,110 1,375 3,143,480 25 16,300 1,825 638,767 88 158 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9 (Part 5 of 5 ) .-SPECIFIED CROPS (For definitions and explanations, see text) Montgomery Pearl River Tree fruits, nuts, and grapes: Land In bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees fanns reporting 1954^,. 1950... acres 1954^.. 1950^.. Apples fanus reporting 195^^. . 1950... Trees of all ages number 1954^.. 1950... Trees not of bearing age number 195'i^.. Trees of bearing age number 1954^., Quantity harvested bushels 195^^.. 1949... Peaches fanns reporting 1954^.. 1950... Trees of all ages number 1954^.. 1950... Trees not of bearing age number 1954^.. Trees of bearing age number 1954^.. Quantity harvested bushels 1954^.. 1949. . . Pears farms reporting 1954^.. 1950. . . Trees of all ages number 1954^.. 1950... Trees not of bearing age number 1954^.. Trees of bearing age number 1954^., Quantity harvested bushels 1954^.. 1949... Cherries faims reporting 1954^. . 1950... Trees of all ages number 1954^,. 1950... Trees not of bearing age number 1954^.. Trees of bearing age number 1954^.. Quantity harvested pounds 1954^.. 1949... Plujns and prunes farms reporting 1954^.. 1950... Trees of flll ages... number 1954^.. 1950... Trees not of bearing age number 1954-^.. Trees of bearing age number 1954^.. (ijantlty harvested bushels 1954^,. 1949... Figs farms reporting 1954 ^, . 1950... Trees of all ages number 1954^.. 1950... Trees not of bearing age number 1954^.. Trees of bearing age number 1954^.. Quantity harvested pounds 1954^.. 1949... Grapes fanns reporting 1954^.. 1950. . . Vines of all ages number 1954^.. 1950... Vines not of bearing age number 1954^., Vines of bearing age number 1954^.. Quantity harvested pounds 1954^., 1949.., Pecans (improved and seedling), .trees of all ages number 1954^.. 1950... Quantity harvested pounds 1954^. . 1949... Improved pecans (budded, grafted, or top-worked) farms reporting 1954^.. 1950. . , Trees of all ages number 1954^.. 1950.., Trees not of bearing age number 1954^., Trees of bearing age number 1954^., (iiantity harvested pounds 1954^., 1949.., Wild or seedling pecans fanns reporting 1954^,, 1950. . Trees of all ages number 1954^. 1950.. Trees not of bearing age number 1954^. Trees of bearing age number 1954^. Quantity harvested pounds 1954. . 1949.. Tung nuts fanns reporting 1954^. 1950. . Trees of all ages number 1954^. 1950.. Trees not of bearing age number 1954^. Trees of bearing age number 1954^. Quantity harvested pounds 1954^. 1949.. 264 1,439 390 536 275 1,207 4,494 12,217 1,377 3,117 3,957 8,589 275 1,179 8,734 19,905 3,236 5,498 3,142 4,541 179 700 731 1,837 272 459 580 986 31 112 64 266 38 26 110 425 79 331 372 1,103 112 260 149 525 105 440 242 1,111 49 193 961 18,180 129 483 570 1,938 137 433 5,434 10,275 2,459 4,356 3,536 57,072 134 535 1,725 3,372 578 1,147 3,093 49,925 24 66 734 484 521 213 443 7,147 115 729 150 156 166 555 1,307 4,219 222 1,035 808 951 167 622 3,272 9,953 673 2,599 417 1,233 122 349 419 395 54 365 260 237 14 44 30 91 8 22 50 85 43 126 171 427 29 142 19 72 54 276 161 755 20 141 664 5,544 40 194 152 933 34 113 441 3,841 1,054 1,934 4,664 20,319 87 293 968 1,824 111 357 4,314 20,343 14 30 86 110 19 67 350 476 154 1,646 299 453 263 1,398 7,146 13,256 1,528 5,613 3,443 4,509 269 1,454 4,877 22,106 1,200 3,677 2,951 4,310 164 814 655 2,103 100 555 876 1,841 56 25 141 17 8 100 345 85 244 362 1,152 69 293 357 515 170 1,027 519 3,481 35 434 4,913 87,202 83 393 265 1,146 52 213 1,356 5,374 2,373 4,813 15,197 63,634 166 307 2,220 4,471 1,130 1,090 14,511 59,923 39 66 153 342 20 138 636 3,706 1 2 23 226 1,489 466 368 246 1,170 1,763 6,898 686 1,077 832 2,282 259 1,133 4,962 15,933 1,534 3,378 1,696 1,984 169 721 471 1,879 171 300 554 1,124 13 44 29 62 8 21 395 7 84 199 327 757 126 201 56 92 164 919 599 3,621 165 434 2,219 46,594 64 263 215 389 103 112 582 1,355 3,128 7,062 26,498 145,991 177 742 2,577 5,835 208 2,369 21,904 122,932 34 279 551 1,227 146 405 4,594 23,059 1 35 699 131 259 47 384 343 1,880 153 190 94 1,250 56 496 1,474 5,594 575 899 236 2,015 39 305 161 360 36 125 53 337 11 13 24 13 100 20 11 82 54 243 21 33 22 163 17 250 59 829 11 48 235 14,827 13 32 73 233 14 59 215 1,842 1,808 3,056 3,514 48,555 38 277 1,333 2,238 206 1,127 3,453 39,057 13 66 475 818 80 395 61 9,498 33 604 141 305 62 411 537 3,333 190 347 322 1,063 483 1,815 7,630 645 1,170 523 1,455 43 283 157 949 42 115 194 732 209 491 47 162 76 230 28 201 114 637 35 79 647 5,245 22 143 150 1,680 51 99 108 4,004 1,883 4,971 11,177 25,090 35 178 555 916 76 479 4,467 11,943 23 49 1,333 4,055 5 1,328 6,710 13,142 23 300 103 166 1,084 516 747' 138 723 2,102 8,849 478 1,524 2,349 5,241 190 822 17,798 21,854 1,859 15,939 13,183 6,180 143 496 555 1,545 144 411 625 782 16 71 42 156 22 20 46 135 153 677 51 102 52 37 62 260 197 835 37 160 1.429 5,530 34 185 143 770 43 105 117 1,152 2,713 3,793 28,178 54,063 87 317 2,159 3,066 299 1,860 27,683 50,228 24 89 554 727 35 519 495 3,835 1 2 2 1,039 1,303 54,734 46,325 175 173 879 76 97 33 45 202 418 1,325 9,879 303 1,022 393 722 258 510 1,994 5,692 153 1,841 1,575 6,702 3 25 29 43 17 12 79 10 64 132 455 1,037 50 395 35 139 274 594 1,061 3,593 259 802 7,041 35,490 64 199 206 1,010 44 152 509 2,352 18,379 25,753 20,096 297,695 426 544 14,776 21,237 822 13,954 13,629 220,710 163 353 3,503 4,466 215 3,388 6,467 76,955 1,017 903 4,420,728 3,408,275 355,750 4,064,978 34,791,079 64,305,399 91 658 1,630 13,219 60 135 227 831 75 152 24 73 114 440 1,757 5,318 244 1,523 412 354 79 352 272 1,625 28 244 199 1,858 5 17 20 43 20 10 31 89 304 477 36 268 38 33 31 419 322 1,861 85 237 3,252 21,896 23 108 127 749 9 113 720 906 3,031 4,716 16,563 56,082 93 225 2,082 2,415 115 1,957 11,704 25,076 83 243 949 2,301 104 345 4,854 30,006 94 76 244,809 675,304 7,558 237,251 1,474,270 2,208,075 'For 1954, See text. does not include data for farms with less than 20 trees or grapevines . See text . ^For 1950, does not include acreage for farms reporting less than 1/2 acre . MISSISSIPPI 159 HARVESTED : CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued Pontotoc Prentlaa Quitman Ranki n Scott Sharkey Simpson Smith Stone Sunflower Talla- hatchie Tate Tippah Tishomingo Tunica 138 128 75 99 45 17 94 131 149 155 153 155 377 203 1« 1 1,661 1,388 609 i ,47 795 291 837 1,030 294 1,398 821 945 1,806 1,445 62' 2 166 220 235 : 62 115 52 253 174 4,426 653 255 215 445 213 22S 3 299 446 309 ; 34 175 87 356 214 5,747 663 285 369 719 420 11] 4 239 191 60 97 71 16 68 107 12 104 177 172 393 282 1] 5 1,291 1,244 281 : J6 500 121 413 545 26 497 428 592 1,604 1,316 17] 6 2,603 3,614 538 : 36 642 196 529 341 44 1,391 1,584 2,470 4,284 4,055 a- ' 7 10,596 12,337 1,958 1,; JO 3,194 597 2,507 3,331 124 3,322 3,344 6,317 16,172 14,793 83 8 499 526 126 ; 01 355 6 153 403 27 429 404 571 729 1,008 4= 9 2,104 3,088 462 : 35 287 190 376 433 17 962 1,280 1,899 3,555 3,047 16i 10 2,523 3,683 936 1 50 327 163 139 292 6 943 2,281 2,725 4,938 4,024 13 r 11 6,109 9,648 1,030 : 67 770 423 260 701 25 1,595 1,478 3,130 11,183 15,890 50< > 12 237 178 56 1 18 92 18 113 185 51 119 183 177 402 278 i 13 1,344 1,236 475 : 11 543 240 585 313 73 1,089 747 735 1,665 1,286 51 . 14 4,558 2,987 1,489 4,1 02 2,134 313 6,228 11,539 511 23,175 4,185 8,757 9,213 5,025 11 15 18,604 15,160 6,015 S,i 25 8,031 1,794 18,172 18,922 1,121 15,153 11,828 15,524 27,143 19,514 3,09 16 890 524 448 1,1 53 648 81 1,173 4,653 156 1,663 1,133 3,570 2,578 1,081 7 17 3,668 2,463 1,041 2,= 49 1,486 232 5,055 6,931 355 21,512 3,052 5,087 6,640 3,945 3 18 2,471 1,529 787 91 520 60 1,966 3,374 354 2,553 1,039 1,856 5,574 1,858 19 3,718 3,453 2,477 1,4 01 379 1,197 842 1,216 236 6,372 4,537 3,400 4,542 5,706 1,48 20 166 123 48 86 63 20 54 88 66 108 136 134 292 175 U ] a 779 779 m : 14 359 110 341 398 79 503 348 461 1,114 540 16 22 730 438 180 ; 55 204 60 193 371 479 583 905 638 959 552 5^ . 23 2,326 1,913 708 a4 900 309 1,011 1,149 1,227 1,930 1,347 1,541 3,345 1,534 53 ! 24 134 154 53 1 41 60 9 73 112 70 147 107 255 274 156 3( ) 25 596 284 127 ; 14 144 51 120 259 409 441 799 383 685 396 3/ . 26 905 448 284 1 22 129 74 193 40o 146 629 1,241 578 787 373 2 ! 27 1,320 1,299 391 0 89 732 444 374 725 1,460 1,578 578 718 1,337 643 47 i 23 36 18 2 3 2 4 5 2 2 9 11 21 71 41 29 219 178 28 10 20 2 19 23 3 27 36 97 395 94 30 107 54 4 3 5 4 74 3 5 16 22 48 191 94 31 474 361 54 24 55 2 50 .49 4 53 54 323 975 238 1 ) 32 24 22 4 8 5 2 2 5 6 7 25 52 28 33 83 32 2 72 3 10 15 22 129 66 X 359 245 270 13 71 204 397 248 35 393 534 120 80 1 45 80 147 2,076 234 36 71 43 24 44 35 10 16 15 7 57 63 38 124 67 > 37 338 291 120 92 110 97 106 119 7 326 178 156 504 135 r ' 38 394 300 127 2 71 227 77 156 104 40 331 260 160 449 654 IC 39 1,394 1,064 420 4 62 593 588 693 611 25 1,482 694 651 2,218 833 23 S 40 73 53 46 68 74 27 65 33 10 84 58 60 77 177 i 41 321 247 31 ; ■03 153 50 91 71 30 297 202 100 372 487 ' 42 200 132 32 36 99 31 43 36 134 117 41 222 233 i 43 348 437 114 J 25 148 261 147 70 15 369 235 93 581 175 8 i iA 113 35 16 36 55 17 48 67 56 50 46 49 120 17 • 45 484 261 69 1 63 314 91 409 496 83 236 165 222 500 49 4 L 46 458 108 41 1 14 262 65 238 266 205 209 171 185 310 65 1 = 47 1,314 596 168 ; 54 1,105 295 1,670 1,885 383 596 515 997 1,288 170 10- • 48 72 31 10 13 76 17 80 94 72 54 50 56 37 7 ' 49 386 77 31 1 01 186 49 153 172 133 145 121 129 273 58 * 50 2,846 620 144 ; 56 492 211 1,643 3,694 455 867 1,130 817 2,598 541 5 ] 51 21,424 3,145 230 4,- 17 12,359 4,128 32,845 20,979 4,569 4,160 3,496 4,131 6,853 1,088 9' • 52 102 80 14 17 19 8 21 14 20 16 29 24 174 159 > 53 494 568 85 51 133 16 116 152 27 129 136 160 797 515 1 J 54 387 439 97 68 61 30 54 32 75 103 124 90 578 918 ) 55 2,110 2,630 390 ; 54 389 93 409 445 89 507 442 827 2,530 2,357 3 ) 56 66 82 27 48 26 5 17 15 39 59 67 51 52 111 > 57 321 357 70 20 35 25 37 17 36 44 57 39 526 307 J 58 2,046 3,870 367 65 170 221 78 95 21 225 339 5,725 7,325 ! 59 10,696 14,069 1,329 ; 58 1,531 299 685 620 950 1,389 1,563 3,171 15,355 24,756 7 60 498 256 2,460 2,E 67 1,671 726 2,236 321 8,834 7,091 1,841 438 706 387 1,76 61 2,035 1,550 2,971 2,; 76 2,916 1,016 3,258 2,088 7,844 6,942 2,454 1,433 2,780 906 99 ! 62 3,289 586 54,471 17,1 87 5,914 7,100 10,843 3,595 10,555 120,535 26,773 1,014 3,843 368 2,36 63 18,857 9,011 28,286 21,' 43 43,114 38,518 42,911 37,802 99,899 85,453 14,952 15,137 19,153 3,896 5,94^ . 64 75 41 48 66 54 15 74 62 122 143 87 46 134 52 1 . 65 416 342 140 1 68 378 59 365 318 130 398 208 234 626 194 5 . 66 404 as 1,925 1,- 90 1,549 626 2,170 608 7,067 6,203 1,657 280 580 175 1,76 67 1,822 1,269 2,796 2,C W. 2,522 850 2,920 1,629 5,469 5,173 1,357 1,138 2,415 862 92 ! 68 101 88 117 ; 49 55 133 175 347 301 973 493 115 162 114 65 ! 69 303 130 1,808 1,. 41 1,494 438 1,995 261 6,766 5,230 1,154 155 418 61 1,10( i 70 2,574 410 47,122 13,,! 05 5,737 5,200 10,387 2,656 6,665 107,175 24,906 713 3,207 333 2,36 71 16,454 7,791 26,374 15,= 09 42,726 30,063 37,858 30,327 65,716 77,380 11,157 8,501 17,800 3,346 4,85 72 19 17 21 52 24 12 17 31 77 28 24 19 45 7 73 72 62 20 74 87 31 67 109 108 93 39 49 106 7 1 74 94 38 535 1,( 77 122 100 66 213 1,767 388 184 158 125 212 75 213 281 175 32 394 166 338 459 2,375 769 597 295 355 44 6 ) 76 8 6 61 ] 42 43 1 25 45 231 224 46 23 47 200 77 86 32 474 ' 35 74 99 41 167 1,535 664 138 135 79 12 78 715 176 7,349 3,' 82 177 1,900 456 939 3,890 13,360 1,867 301 541 35 79 ^,403 1,220 1,912 6,C 34 5,388 8,455 5,053 2 7,475 1 34,183 96 8,073 3,735 6,636 1,353 550 1,09. 80 81 2 1 2 1 3 1,080 2 114 321,486 2 1 32 33 9 1 8 '.. 150 1 1,175 1,080 300 95 2 20 60 419,898 5,174 315,312 1,777,450 3,661,110 3 1 84 85 86 87 88 160 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9 (Part 5 of S) .-SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued (For definitions and explanations, see text) Tree fraits, nuts, aod grapes: I^nd in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and plajited nut trees fanns reporting 1954^. 1950.. acres 1954^. 1950^. Apples fanns reporting 1954^, 1950.. Trees of all ages number 1954^. 1950.. Trees not of bearing age number 1954^. Trees of bearing age number 1954^. ftiantity harvested bushels 1954^, 1949.. Peaches fanas reporting 1954^. 1950.. Trees of ail ages number 1954^. 1950.. Trees not of • bearing age number 1954 J, Trees of beaTing age number 1954 . ftiantity harvested bushels 1954^. 1949.. Pears .....farms reporting 1954^. 1950. . Trees of all- ages number 1954^. 1950.. Trees nQt of bearing age number 1954^. Trees of bearing age number 1954^, Quantity harvested bushels 1954^, 1949.. Cherries faims reporting 1954^. 1950.. Trees of all ages number 1954^, 1950.. Trees not of bearing age number 1954^. Trees of bearing age number 1954^. Quantity harvested pounds 1954^. 1949.. Plums and prunes... ..farms reporting 1954^. 1950... Trees of all ages number 1954^. 1950... Trees not of bearing age number 1954^. Trees of bearing age number 1954^ . , Quantity harvested bushels 1954^ . , 1949 . . Figs farms reporting 1954^. 1950.., Trees of all ages number 1954^., 1950.., Trees not of bearing age number 1954^., Trees of bearing age number 1954^. Quantity harvested pounds 1954^. , 1949.., Grapes farms reporting 1954^., 1950.., Vines of all ages number 1954^., 1950.., Vines not of bearing age number 1954^. Vines of bearing age number 1954^. Quantity harvested pounds 1954^. 1949.., Pecans (improved and seedling), .trees of all ages number 1954^., 1950.., Quantity harvested pounds 1954^ . 1949.. Improved pecans (budded, grafted, or top-worked) ....faims reporting 1954^. 1950.., Trees of all ages number 1954^., 1950.., Trees not of bearing age number 1954^. Trees of bearing age number 1954^., Qjantity harvested pounds 1954^., 1949.., Wild or seedling pecans faims reporting 1954^. 1950. . , Trees of all ages number 1954^., 1950.. Trees not of bearing age number 1954^., Trees of bearing age number 1954^. Quantity harvested pounds 1954^. 1949. . , Tung nuts farms reporting 1954^. 1950.. Trees of all ages •. number 1954^, 1950. . Trees not of bearing age number 1954^. Trees of bearing age number 1954^, Quantity harvested pounds 1954^. 1949. . 157 1,269 218 364 185 1,000 2,036 7,986 538 1,498 2,505 4,065 180 1,111 3,367 14,169 865 2,502 1,418 2,487 137 638 656 2,282 133 523 707 971 34 136 99 312 36 63 509 313 75 249 355 928 110 245 196 193 70 423 291 1,067 65 226 1,912 8,016 70 389 294 1,736 53 241 3,054 8,743 331 1,711 1,738 12,030 67 355 304 1,487 147 157 1,690 11,494 27 224 14 13 48 536 51 762 420 465 17 212 102 965 63 34 11 221 32 339 836 3,961 373 463 296 563 24 253 171 866 49 122 50 797 1 4 1 68 24 445 6 18 2 141 24 408 115 1,789 33 82 840 28,861 4 26 27 51 26 1 6 73 1,073 3,117 5,665 89,235 37 343 807 2,596 197 610 3,540 72,010 14 112 266 521 97 169 2,125 17,225 42 83 22,144 27,021 3,262 18,882 110,856 158,530 525 274 228 50 212 269 1,095 79 190 148 379 64 347 1,441 4,556 350 1,091 128 753 63 280 420 1,152 132 288 183 1,093 3 23 6 57 3 3 29 80 131 550 47 84 13 37 42 224 218 996 33 185 428 5,140 12 32 65 119 7 58 618 480 1,735 3,230 14,178 56,787 56 185 1,461 2,113 95 1,366 11,138 41,987 11 112 274 1,U7 105 169 3,040 14,800 1 2 95 787 740 1,099 46 237 338 1,182 112 226 345 873 46 532 2,214 6,309 450 1,764 1,126 2,512 57 247 353 1,138 69 284 729 1,659 4 15 U 49 2 9 17 203 125 1,153 41 84 38 365 35 183 151 613 35 116 2,238 5,552 35 68 122 9,006 9,747 134,548 212,510 102 198 7,108 8,069 631 6,477 119,298 178,023 34 117 1,898 1,678 186 1,712 15,250 34,487 128 685 248 261 57 251 212 1,113 93 119 55 57 120 493 5,072 10,671 1,412 3,660 2,190 370 79 329 556 1,180 198 358 152 744 9 10 17 15 10 42 51 598 245 188 410 69 31 72 389 279 1,728 91 188 2,368 19,427 35 146 155 534 27 128 784 1,350 2,054 2,632 10,879 44,349 74 251 1,375 1,638 271 1,104 7,581 23,326 56 190 679 994 156 523 3,298 21,023 361 1,917 181 1,356 276 314 237 1,165 2,474 10,365 789 1,685 1,836 3,896 238 1,227 10,247 18,529 1,788 8,459 536 2,619 132 721 416 1,911 126 290 115 739 9 87 32 223 3 29 54 259 267 994 58 209 35 139 88 637 278 1,614 77 201 640 19,014. o9 504 277 1,909 59 218 1,117 12,576 1,239 1,982 1,372 15,231 69 372 1,127 1,769 749 378 1,372 14,406 71 112 213 31 272 592 463 20 72 152 442 83 69 40 60 39 123 960 3,775 472 488 U 128 30 98 160 448 96 64 20 838 1 1 5 2 5 13 36 104 299 73 31 2 49 14 101 61 589 43 18 6,113 8,811 18,969 15,277 81,937 48 149 8,019 18,108 250 7,769 14,277 53,847 20 46 792 861 478 314 1,000 28,090 183 1,594 212 409 285 1,344 2,860 10,955 824 2,036 2,504 3,806 295 1,444 5,728 22,432 1,258 4,470 2,910 5,065 188 765 471 1,869 106 365 745 944 16 109 47 228 29 18 66 942 93 302 470 1,512 56 414 477 631 188 974 697 3,490 129 568 4,0b8 96,395 147 597 538 2,492 70 468 4,007 17,323 855 3,091 5,224 42,645 138 622 711 2,635 222 489 4,613 34,994 42 128 144 456 10 134 611 7,051 208 987 320 332 227 727 2,174 6,030 455 1,719 2,586 2,705 231 880 6,356 18,380 1,332 5,024 599 3,517 173 537 615 1,698 188 427 287 1,059 22 71 42 177 15 27 103 21 63 154 474 769 101 373 69 187 71 210 200 572 64 136 399 3,416 65 194 237 799 56 181 577 2,451 1,140 1,997 2,680 14,117 91 262 977 1,550 436 541 2,020 12,905 24 89 163 447 68 95 660 1,212 12 600 ^For 1954, does not include data for farms with less than 20 trees or grapevines. See text. ^For 1950, does not include acreage for farms reporting leas than 1/2 acre. Chapter C STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS (161) MISSISSIPPI State Economic Areas LEGEND rv-A I METROPOLITAN STATE ECONOMIC AREA I 2 I NONMETROPOLITAN STATE ECONOMIC AREA 10 O 10 20 MILES 164 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table l.-FARMS, ACREAGE, VALUE, AND USE OF COMMERCIAL £D8t8 are based on reports for only (For definitions and explanations, see text] Total all farms Economic class Conanercial farms FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number 195"i . . 1950.. Land In farms acres 195A.. 1950.. Average size of farm acres 1954.. 1950.. Value of land and buildiaf^s: Average per farm dollars 1954.. 1950.. Average per acre dollars 1954.. 1950., Proportion of farms reporting value percent 1954.. Land in farna according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949.. 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 1954.. 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 1954.. 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 1954 . . 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 1954.. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1954.. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 1954.. 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 1954.. 500 acres and over farms reporting 1954.. Cropland used only for pasture. .farms reporting 1954.. 1949. . acres 195.4. . 1949. . Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting 1954. . 1949. . acres 1954.. 1949.. Cropland used only for crops not harvested and not pastured farms reporting 1954 . . acres 1954.. Cropland lying Idle farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954. . Woodland pastured farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Woodland not pastured farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting 1954,. acres 1954.. Improved (see text) farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954. . Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954. . Cropland, total farms reporting 1954. . 1949.. acres 1954. . 1949.. Land pastured, total farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954. . 1949.. Woodland, total farms reporting 1954.. 1949. . acres 1954. . 1949. . Irrigated land in farms farms reporting 1954.. 1949. . acres 1954. . 1949. . Cover crops turned under and land planted to another crop farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Cropland used for row or grain crops farmed on contour farms reporting 1954, acres 1954. USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER Crops on which connercial fertilizer was used, 1954; Hay and cropland pastured farms reporting. tons, acres on which used. Other pasture farms reporting. tons, acres on which used. Com farms reporting. tons. acres on which used. Cotton farms reporting. tons, acres on which used. Fruits, vegetables, potatoes, etc. ...farms reporting. tons. acres on which used. Other crops farms reporting. tons. acres on which used. 215,887 251,286 20,777,721 20,818,632 96.2 82.8 6,126 4,448 72.53 55.91 81 194,382 229,480 5,611,393 6,130,336 50,615 68,875 34,919 23,623 10,156 3,063 2,108 1,023 41,587 51,183 1,506,951 1,598,351 43,244 61,437 754,907 1,261,921 13,449 178,925 33,868 575,982 88,218 5,310,629 52,767 3,551,507 76,867 3,232,773 17,492 735,960 158,040 759,561 203,671 241,224 7,873,251 8,990,608 127,101 136,230 10,100,353 8,396,684 110,445 118,012 8,852,136 8,593,935 1,754 44 136,805 8,410 9,163 224,477 37,176 760,871 15,325 56,886 407,027 5,415 29,472 224,228 119,222 204,032 1,386,071 147,552 340,720 1,922,549 21,741 34,841 135,078 10,007 38,558 366,634 148, 522 156,696 16,349,940 14,954,085 110.1 95.4 6,879 5,228 72.32 57.25 81 145,860 153,777 5,099,653 5,041,549 21,255 55,134 31,312 22,296 9,810 2,966 2,063 1,019 2o,506 29,794 1,196,992 1,167,457 26,066 32,689 501,060 733,589 10,154 148,000 18,823 353,060 53,353 3,868,894 32,953 2,504,006 49,038 2,607,703 12,305 637,375 98,844 571,642 145,954 155,434 6,797,705 6,992,595 75,898 75,568 7,673,579 5,872,797 66,196 63,553 6,372,390 5,641,057 1,717 39 135,258 8,400 7,970 213,715 24,839 625,448 11,042 49,559 355,937 3,751 25,353 198,055 87,851 168,527 1,161,341 126,954 319,222 1,325,733 12,823 28,785 102,659 8,223 35,532 354,376 1,692 1,037 2,310,210 1,514,980 1,365.4 1,557.4 154,390 134,533 114.09 89.10 60 1,617 1,012 1,014,950 691,619 50 43 23 24 26 66 544 841 862 511 207,508 112,018 535 463 60,228 85,841 305 24,830 324 35,348 736 295,598 926 385,553 623 255,549 291 92,494 1,555 33,509 1,532 1,030 1,232,795 889,473 1,379 802 759,355 410,612 1,345 788 582,156 501,521 421 19 104,222 7,720 394 213 46,635 404 9,243 78,932 218 5,322 47,750 953 10,458 80,881 1,315 36,500 284,638 74 9,885 31,904 826 14,935 174,040 3,126 2,029 1,940,218 1,326,954 620.7 554.0 42,148 40,114 79.52 63.83 57 2,951 1,929 557,117 405,694 105 153 87 189 475 828 980 143 1,420 935 190,992 139,590 794 730 52,326 76,557 444 19,931 459 32,395 1,540 386,239 1,443 369,371 1,487 313,672 714 105,905 2,845 65,001 3,017 1,999 800,435 621,841 2,591 1,679 395,903 535,569 2,433 1,548 756,110 473,015 181 10 U,902 100 583 37,138 453 33,451 752 3,489 64,630 313 4,232 33,238 1,913 12,871 31,142 2,143 19,710 115,233 241 2,923 12,775 930 8,303 77,231 7,349 4,096 1,961,989 1,412,715 250.0 344.9 15,727 21,768 77.21 55.49 76 7,607 3,805 535,249 344,569 180 479 959 2,204 2,343 1,083 316 23 2,523 1,308 169,612 164,525 1,522 1,215 54,328 31,952 721 18,426 939 35,402 3,439 459,274 2,435 301,125 3,366 379,393 1,638 124,857 6,043 62,502 7,690 3,990 759,589 591,146 5,253 3,182 1,008,234 673,403 4,573 2,752 760,400 582,586 253 5 7,275 545 752 26,157 1,075 43,580 1,561 9,867 62,591 738 5,133 40,591 4,797 17,574 109,319 5,963 28,381 151,470 557 3,417 9,437 1,362 5,335 46,021 30,437 15,355 3,1L4,150 2,173,334 102.3 137.1 6,669 7,595 71.99 58.14 81 30,092 15,405 1,045,500 568,602 545 7,195 8,503 3,738 4,295 607 154 4 5,683 3,395 212,515 190,226 4,430 3,355 88,452 110,533 2,182 23,490 2,800 59,972 9,324 751,947 6,099 405,037 9,180 513,402 2,838 129,348 18,736 97,187 30,230 15,677 1,346,577 969,461 14,413 3,155 1,477,9&4 926,858 11,350 6,749 1,156,984 853,229 343 5,953 1,865 32,415 3,977 135,765 2,627 10,050 65,94.4 974 4,985 35,771 17,835 38,425 256,927 26,937 82,295 465,444 2,444 3,833 13,901 1,914 4,066 30,254 52,168 51,991 4,197,383 3,685,030 67.5 70.9 4,019 3,755 53.77 54.57 61,503 51,201 1,326,690 1,326,676 7,224 27,431 15,204 9,011 2,284 234 67 3 8,908 3,417 243,791 264,051 9,651 8,730 131,163 169,345 3,741 35,347 6,930 95,316 19,157 1,100,535 11,298 577,945 13,080 671,047 4,187 127,113 37,879 146,212 51,790 51,638 1,701,544 1,750,082 27,507 21,165 2,015,373 1,470,688 23,325 17,500 1,578,480 1,357,534 394 3,345 2,827 33,492 9,825 222,343 3,465 3,613 57,418 992 4,502 30,345 35,334 55,863 390,121 55,555 109,154 588,595 5,253 5,757 24,342 1,953 2,654 19,374 MISSISSIPPI FERTIIIZER, BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 165 m sample of farms. See teit] The State— Continued Area 1 Ecoooniio clSBB— Continued Total all farms EeoDooic class Other famiB Coimercial farms Other farms Part-time Resi- dential Abnorroel Totsl Class I Class II Class III Class IV Class V Class VI Part- 1 iiue Resi- dential Abnormal 27,729 39,608 26 44,540 42,101 1,068 1,147 2,731 11,326 19,316 6,513 1,516 919 4 1 37,026 57,498 66 57,102 49,894 757 800 1,487 7,424 22,876 16,550 4,353 2,842 8 2 2,257,484 2,084,912 85,385 3,208,252 3,101,106 1,331,791 520,143 332,008 449,827 375,643 91,694 31,273 51,913 23,960 3 2,692,588 3,095,294 76,665 3,267,921 3,003,331 952,115 442,988 287,683 406,559 566,552 347,434 119,402 121,035 24,103 4 81.4 52.6 3,049.5 72.0 73.7 1,247.0 453.5 121.6 39.7 19.4 14.1 20.6 56.5 5,990.0 5 72.7 53.8 1,161.6 57.2 60.2 1,257.7 553.7 193.5 54.8 24.8 21.0 27.4 42.6 3,012.9 6 5,320 3,831 81,654 7,494 7,689 191,973 50,179 13,935 4,794 2,458 1,532 2,729 4,648 442,083 7 3,597 2,768 80,364 5,659 6,025 1A4,171 51,494 18,938 5,792 2,578 1,884 2,346 3,311 278,583 8 67.10 80.23 100.42 135.81 136.46 1/47.88 121.56 135.38 131.78 133.34 115.77 125.21 105.11 11A.95 9 49.60 54.52 94.32 102.98 104.85 117.10 91.29 102.95 106.55 105.74 39.34 33.09 79.37 92.47 10 82 81 68 82 83 54 59 76 84 85 84 73 74 25 11 24,465 24,029 28 44,027 42,037 1,065 1,1A0 2,729 U,321 19,280 6,502 1,436 550 12 34,369 41,300 34 55,956 49,753 751 800 1,485 7,393 22.346 16,478 4,288 1,912 13 338,937 154,624 18,179 1,930,728 1,893,529 773,423 274,058 195,435 313,362 281,410 55,841 15,155 7,500 14,544 14 627,314 439,799 21,674 1,932,425 1,832,832 533,249 234,000 154,429 268,867 413,007 224,280 60,303 23,487 15,803 15 9,882 19,473 5 11,298 9,838 1 1 151 4,750 4,935 1,040 420 16 9,952 3,789 18,215 17,875 6 75 4,606 11,913 1,275 255 85 17 3,137 465 "5 6,032 5,957 1 506 3,660 1,645 U5 70 5 18 1,136 191 3,726 3,681 '25 955 1,975 636 90 30 15 19 263 81 2 1,873 1,837 135 676 729 255 42 25 10 20 o5 25 7 1,004 978 14 371 367 140 71 15 16 10 21 30 5 5 1,119 1,114 374 533 138 59 10 5 22 4 760 757 676 69 11 1 23 6,507 8,559 15 4,561 4,228 592 534 674 1,214 918 296 135 195 24 8,729 12,624 36 4,862 4,214 356 364 4S4 888 1,153 969 327 3U 25 170,378 136,277 3,304 213,344 208,168 106,383 42,028 20,999 22,569 11,525 4,664 1,580 2,130 1,366 26 197,532 230,195 3,167 119,502 111,437 46,487 19,674 11,417 12,318 13,884 7,657 4,044 3,532 489 27 6,428 10,740 10 4,576 4,295 397 348 474 1,196 1,330 550 140 140 1 28 10,388 18,328 32 8,321 6,508 380 399 484 1,028 2,024 2,193 707 1,100 6 29 91,071 162,296 480 110,733 105,223 39,792 20,135 13,178 U,417 13,121 4,580 1,395 3,990 125 30 160,016 311,165 7,151 257,186 218,560 61,014 40,730 27,149 30,572 31,612 27,483 15,102 22,989 535 31 1,616 1,675 4 3,163 3,023 232 222 348 898 938 385 35 55 32 14,965 15,785 175 58,261 55,686 18,106 10,319 8,382 8,858 7,576 2,435 630 1,945 33 5,396 9,640 9 1,964 1,798 241 176 175 444 522 240 75 90 1 X 76,106 146,511 305 52,472 49,537 21,686 9,816 4,796 5,549 5,545 2,145 765 2,045 125 35 15,548 19,311 6 2,877 2,631 329 300 391 686 689 236 85 160 1 36 769,547 670,861 1,337 201,699 190,063 80,448 36,025 28,282 20,234 16,283 8,791 3,435 8,130 21 37 7,958 11,823 23 4,684 4,257 631 617 627 1,061 949 372 171 254 2 38 421,100 578,344 48,057 463,324 435,579 206,092 98,450 41,959 51,814 29,545 7,719 4,593 19,133 4,014 39 12,381 15,436 12 2,454 2,182 271 261 363 610 506 171 65 205 2 40 390,362 277,376 7,332 141,996 130,384 65,394 23,792 14,674 9,529 11,250 5,745 2,355 6,920 1,837 41 3,131 2,049 7 702 667 100 72 166 178 120 31 20 15 42 73,024 22,470 3,091 44,604 44,404 27,184 6,228 5,835 2,072 2,560 525 100 100 43 23,528 35,640 28 14,917 13,715 976 997 1,553 3,743 4,794 1,652 561 637 4 44 76,089 105,134 6,696 146,428 138,160 60,259 25,655 17,481 17,902 12,509 4,354 2,105 4,110 2,053 45 25,842 30,947 28 44,181 42,061 1,066 1,146 2,730 11,326 19,286 6,507 1,456 660 4 46 35,834 49,847 59 56,669 49,821 752 800 1,486 7,413 22,856 16,514 4,318 2,522 3 47 600,386 453,197 21,963 2,254,805 2,206,920 919,598 336,221 229,612 350,348 306,056 65,085 13,230 13,620 15,035 48 984,862 981,159 31,992 2,309,113 2,162,829 640,750 294,404 192,995 311,757 463,503 259,420 79,449 50,008 16,327 49 20,684 29,500 22 7,385 6,712 810 789 1,057 1,949 1,610 497 230 440 3 50 24,547 35,964 51 8,509 7,087 552 516 742 1,489 1,963 1,825 647 767 8 51 1,330,287 1,084,514 11,973 557,039 528,615 252,225 101,345 63,955 52,332 39,053 19,200 8,020 17,180 3,224 52 1,243,965 1,261,161 18,761 356,981 313,029 115,734 46,485 33,815 37,537 41,636 37,822 21,284 21,994 574 53 18,737 25,486 26 6,521 5,913 804 745 860 1,541 1,416 547 231 374 3 54 21,894 32,441 24 7,239 5,841 541 502 614 973 1,593 1,618 558 833 7 55 l,190,e<;7 1,249,205 49,394 665,023 625,o42 286,540 134,475 70,241 72,048 45,323 16,510 8,083 27,253 4,035 56 1,278,751 1,639,476 34,651 680,687 592,738 216,724 108,360 56,661 70,536 70,884 59,573 28,513 53,356 6,030 57 26 5 5 6 1,209 29 1,190 29 350 19 129 5 144 5 267 250 50 15 ... 4 53 59 135 60 10 1,302 118,413 8,290 117,047 8,290 93,538 7,720 11,380 25 4,709 545 4,840 2,325 255 85 1,281 60 61 875 310 8 1,989 1,917 305 249 232 411 570 150 65 5 2 62 7,413 2,485 864 112,824 111,658 61,269 22,392 11,021 8,146 7,940 890 785 55 326 63 6,753 5,526 8 269 264 76 21 11 76 60 20 5 64 96,752 37,188 1,483 36,448 36,433 28,514 3,994 1,470 1,530 785 140 L5 65 2,619 1,650 U 823 796 218 135 127 155 121 30 15 10 2 66 5,176 1,814 337 5,134 5,065 2,693 1,287 493 379 190 24 3 15 45 67 35,494 12,080 2,516 68,621 67,531 39,820 14, 972 5,166 4,703 2,240 630 95 475 520 68 1,023 636 5 385 365 91 54 89 81 45 5 5 15 69 3,064 821 224 2,077 2,060 1,266 394 296 80 20 4 6 11 70 18,820 6,030 1,313 32,738 32,583 19,683 5,885 5,350 1,320 290 55 55 100 71 16,697 14,654 20 13,050 12,672 560 641 1,235 4,193 5,138 905 220 155 3 72 22,456 12,247 702 16,548 16,019 5,692 2,766 1,976 2,708 2,467 410 124 60 345 73 142,872 76,938 4,920 U6,377 140, 597 50,655 24,879 16,622 23,286 21,130 4,025 1,250 735 3,795 74 15,981 4,607 10 40,345 39,017 976 1,018 2,537 10,633 17,983 5,870 1,165 160 3 75 18,174 2,857 467 101,592 100,122 27,112 8,860 10,279 23,883 25,154 4,324 927 82 461 76 78,167 12,692 5,952 853,973 840,243 234,487 68,969 83,015 203 , 828 209,329 40,115 7,195 615 5,925 77 3,900 5,001 17 143 119 9 10 25 25 35 15 10 10 4 73 3,241 2,658 157 282 189 61 1 40 34 50 3 4 3 86 79 17,878 13,188 1,353 2,327 1,101 396 15 220 75 360 35 15 25 1,185 80 1,060 716 8 2,605 2,508 631 472 488 535 327 55 65 30 2 31 1,182 503 241 18,250 18,102 11,294 4,175 1,476 720 356 81 50 44 54 82 7,765 3,435 1,058 234,515 232,784 149,819 49,103 19,292 9,420 4,345 305 720 495 516 83 166 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table l.-FARMS, ACREAGE, VALUE, AND USE OF COMMERCIAL [Data are based on reports for oaly Area 2 Item (For definitions and explanatione, 9ee text) Total all fanra Economic class Coninercial farms Total Class I Class II Class III Class 17 Class V Class VI FARMS, ACRFACE, AND VALUE Fapjus number 1954... 33,594 39,210 3,445,3M 3,565,164 102.6 90.9 5,339 4,019 61.12 47.12 78 31,119 36,14b 920,688 987,103 6,179 12,081 6,421 3,791 1,567 501 432 147 13,540 10,027 354,638 435,054 5,769 8,840 144,483 249,160 1,954 35,907 4,388 108,576 10,415 678,522 6, 534 480,243 10,619 685,489 1,198 84,097 23,254 181,301 32,204 37,804 1,419,809 1,671,317 16,844 19,564 l,718,&i9 1,509,921 12,928 14,833 1,158,765 1,205,020 141 15 10,718 120 85t) 21,871 1,244 38,848 922 6,559 50,497 418 3,449 29,617 17,198 29,968 212,428 26,128 69,985 351,911 736 641 2,419 1,095 6,108 44 , 539 27,365 27,200 2,990,430 2,773,447 109.3 102.0 5,684 4,595 62.22 47.72 79 27,007 26,707 879,866 841,135 3,622 10,969 6,161 3,£A6 1,540 490 432 147 5,047 6,838 306,823 353,730 4,304 5,358 115,221 169,276 1,608 32,592 3,158 82,629 7,754 563,499 5,056 389,318 7,826 584,335 972 77,767 18,152 151,368 27,230 27,032 1,301,910 1,364,141 12,511 12,805 1,454,657 1,187,658 9,678 9,633 952,817 871,539 141 10 10,718 110 771 21,126 1,174 38,258 755 6,123 47,287 322 3,099 27,642 15,367 23,114 198,416 24,174 67,967 342,265 536 556 2,089 1,009 5,899 43,014 245 144 381,515 223,315 1,557.2 1,550.8 U0,167 84,101 85.49 57.38 58 240 131 136,525 67,092 1 1 2 20 101 115 132 86 42,013 24,259 66 53 6,925 17,192 46 4,145 28 2,780 124 48,286 141 64,427 117 68,050 51 15,761 232 15,289 240 144 185,463 108,543 215 125 158,349 74,762 204 124 112,713 71,883 46 8,865 37 5,100 27 9,035 59 1,611 12,519 43 1,084 11,475 188 2,684 18,310 226 6,788 39,865 9 147 574 121 1,985 15,483 624 406 453,286 297,621 726.4 733.5 43,220 39,847 67.33 59.68 67 603 370 112,381 62, 153 20 21 57 117 157 208 23 322 276 52,869 55,452 162 143 16,441 14,674 92 5,030 101 11,411 391 78,753 299 75,826 369 99, 198 158 21,370 568 17,818 618 400 181,691 132,279 561 392 230,820 159,737 520 347 154,579 109,335 21 5 999 75 116 5,728 63 8,030 134 1,450 11,560 66 619 4,968 447 4,133 21,610 495 5,151 24,640 24 41 155 190 1,713 11,342 1,388 596 399,972 299,306 288.2 502.2 16,917 22,841 65.47 49.72 72 1,351 541 102,752 53,658 12 42 168 448 435 163 76 7 406 356 49,388 46,979 275 185 15,322 17,734 63 3,198 227 12,124 507 70,367 395 53,052 614 92,483 165 14,767 1,015 16,608 1,366 575 157,462 123,371 905 514 212,238 152,476 697 409 123,419 110,735 11 334 82 3,061 62 5,030 139 1,184 9,535 79 460 4,042 919 3,937 25,926 1,179 6,299 30,144 43 61 184 199 1,017 3,584 5,930 2,052 573,417 398,299 96.7 194.1 5,133 9,089 64.22 51.11 78 5,900 1,990 190,616 102,574 78 1,357 2,004 1,723 624 91 21 2 1,127 722 55,074 50,918 809 527 23,439 23,937 354 7,297 538 16,142 1,514 108,873 961 61,434 1,543 107,460 191 12,874 3,714 26,521 5,925 2,020 269,129 177,429 2,537 1,261 271,407 137,490 1,912 1,023 170,307 136,318 17 260 167 3,535 230 6,902 169 871 5,860 68 6U 5,477 3,463 6,386 46,984 5,464 13,932 92,642 148 123 419 211 528 3,782 12,186 7,527 743,629 651,955 61.0 36.6 3,016 3,944 55.53 46.46 81 12,155 7,415 244,161 215,761 1,296 6,186 3,086 1,218 308 36 25 1,776 1,768 65,145 87,429 1,636 1,243 29,767 45,209 606 9,022 1,164 20,745 2,786 144,062 1,737 76,934 2,966 138,737 279 9,255 7,702 44,773 12,176 7,495 339,073 348,399 4,640 3,159 347,994 271,942 3,439 2,427 220,996 184,706 36 230 242 3,027 492 6,676 153 765 3,815 45 302 1,490 6,604 7,655 57,439 10,994 23,282 118,349 237 149 622 194 410 2,448 6,992 16,475 438,611 902,751 62.7 54.8 2,621 2,183 46.82 40.88 79 6,758 16,260 93,431 334,397 2,236 3,363 882 199 54 23 1 1,234 3,630 42,334 83, 693 1,356 3,207 23,327 50,530 442 3,900 1,100 19,427 2,432 113,158 1,523 57,645 2,217 73,357 128 3,740 4,921 30,359 6,905 16,398 159,092 474, 120 3,653 7,-354 233,849 XI, 251 2,906 5,303 170,803 258,512 10 5 30 35 127 675 300 2,585 101 242 3,998 21 21 190 3,746 3,264 28, W7 5,816 7,515 36,625 75 30 135 94 246 1,375 2 3 It 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1950... 1950... 1950... Value of land aod buildings: 1950... 1950... Proportion of farms reporting value percent 1954... Land ia fans according to use: 1949.., acres 1954... 1949... Cronland used only for pasture. .farms reporting 1954... acres 195,4... 1949... Cropland not harvested and not 29 30 31 32 1949. . . acres 1954... 1949... Cropland used only for crops not harvested 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 acres 1954... acres 1954... acres 1954... Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting 1954... acres 1954... Improved (see text) farms reporting 1954... acres 1954... Other land (house lots, roads. 45 46 47 48 49 acres 1954... 1949... acres 1954... 1949. . . 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 1949... 1949. . . ' 1949... acres 1954... 1949. . . 1949... acres 1954... 1949... Cover crops turned under and land planted 63 64 acres 1954... Cropland used for row or grain crops 65 66 67 68 acres 1954... USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER Crops on which conacrcial fertilizer was used, 1954; tons. .. acres on which used... 70 71 72 tons... acres on which used... Com farms reporting. .. 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 acres on which used... tons . . . acres on which used... Fruits, vegetables, potatoes, etc. — farms reporting... tons. .. acres on which used... tons.. . acres on which used... MISSISSIPPI FERTILIZER. BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued 167 n Bamplo of farms. See text] Area 2— Continued Areas 3 and A BconoB c class— Continued Economic class Other famiB Total Conmercial farms Other farms farms Part-timo Resi, dential Abnorma I Total Class I Class II Class III Class n Class V Class VI Part-time Resi- dential Abnormal ::,':.:'' 3 . 5IJ4 23,392 13,196 51 273 638 1,914 4,812 5,508 4,485 5,701 10 1 >, Wr ",d13 U 25,620 11,684 40 185 414 1,064 2,489 7,492 4,641 9,237 3 2 236,092 218,842 2,992,538 2,263,910 186,589 312,187 333,620 467,650 549,492 414,372 416,748 304,615 7,265 3 321,552 449,829 20,3 36 2,861,368 1,930,743 111,073 210,402 296,085 360,031 400,583 552,569 424,719 502,137 3,769 4 86.6 62.5 127.9 171.6 3,658.6 1,U3.5 522.9 244.3 114.2 75.2 92.9 53.4 726.5 5 "3 . 59.1 1,848 .7 111.7 165.2 2,776.8 1,137.3 715.2 338.4 160.9 73.8 91.5 54.1 471.1 6 • ,^ • • 3,350 6, 888 8,288 171,871 51,680 25,632 13,120 6,U6 3,576 6,227 4,150 79,833 7 ^l■ ■■ 2,457 25 4,944 6,802 89,977 35,926 53,828 12,534 5,287 2,725 4,256 2,945 123,000 3 - T- . -■ '■.2. ,3 61.69 55.99 51.03 53.68 61.17 58.68 57.35 50.67 69.66 88.32 114.68 9 ~^. ,5. ■■2 50. 30 47.48 44.22 33.28 37.19 77.76 38.59 36.32 39.03 46.61 60.91 116.09 10 76 84 83 71 72 81 79 82 35 86 86 90 11 2,350 1,762 19,750 12,675 49 257 607 1,325 4,637 5,300 3,787 3,278 10 12 4,055 5,383 1 21,671 11,025 37 168 334 925 2,253 7,308 4,032 6,606 3 13 29,e69 11,153 398,710 335,218 19,066 38,485 36,908 68,679 100,434 71,646 45,750 16,526 1,216 14 "8,555 67,104 3 39 428,363 298,076 8,170 23,880 22,511 42,549 63,708 U7,258 65,585 64,025 677 15 1,13b 1,421 6,807 2,093 21 42 83 271 1,671 1,833 2,881 16 347 265 7,270 5,413 7 73 282 2,167 2,884 1,501 355 17 .'l-- 45 2,922 2,579 8 88 483 1,467 533 303 35 5 13 ^..■ 25 1,607 1,507 13 151 614 563 161 94 6 19 .:■! 6 750 705 "2 76 162 283 143 39 45 20 11 254 240 12 66 69 63 18 12 11 "3 21 la 119 25 59 20 12 3 2 22 19 19 10 7 2 ... 23 i 1.3 325 6,218 3,190 28 132 308 614 1,019 1,089 1,333 1,637 8 24 1 , 3.,^ 1,842 5 6,954 3,942 27 119 276 663 910 1,947 1,734 3,221 7 25 .3,01X1 24,815 321,482 236,861 16,693 45,117 34,004 50,114 52,262 38,671 47,509 35,345 1,267 26 3i,53A 41,735 )5 387,732 260,947 14,697 30,115 49,730 55,883 49,014 61, 508 55,932 70,363 490 27 554 911 3,678 2,U6 9 56 117 284 775 905 706 825 1 28 1,099 2,372 Q 6,221 2,580 3 48 97 268 537 1,627 1,173 2,465 3 29 12,860 16,402 82,495 57,070 6,769 5,692 4,792 U,301 W,277 14,239 11,675 13,695 55 30 ;;,30o 51,905 5,6 '0 144,769 86,520 565 12,o57 17,078 12,646 13,841 29,733 20,552 37,494 203 31 Ir.l 185 1,021 o75 4 28 53 99 203 288 205 140 1 32 1.-30 1,535 1 5 . 2'- 2 11,097 1,155 2,044 1,307 2,131 2,603 1,807 2,o60 1,500 5 33 .5" 771 ._ , '.2 1,646 7 40 66 214 622 697 571 705 1 34 11.130 14,817 o'; , Zii 45,973 5,614 3,648 3,485 9,120 U,674 12,432 9,015 12,195 50 35 1.190 1,465 11,347 6,573 44 201 512 1,177 2,071 2,568 2,626 2,645 3 36 53,452 56,571 1,113,636 335,620 71,759 113,634 121,105 180,316 193,590 149,716 162,540 114,792 684 37 C7o 802 4,339 2,555 22 100 205 439 320 969 844 932 8 33 40,05" 50,368 369,018 252,333 29,070 37,463 37,650 33,383 64,197 45,065 48,447 65,097 3,141 39 1.21- 1,574 9,125 5,277 29 148 392 924 1,727 2,057 1,882 1,963 3 40 53 . 7C4 42,450 615,478 482,601 36,198 56,746 89,730 106,101 112,235 81,591 89,482 42,691 704 41 121 105 2,385 1,642 19 91 269 419 523 321 510 232 1 42 4.455 1,375 179,052 158,114 17,110 22,551 35,186 35,517 36,525 11,225 17,158 3,480 300 43 2,052 3,050 19,427 10,729 42 253 593 1,671 3,634 4,486 3,761 4,927 10 44 13.350 16,583 91,719 64,207 7,034 10,050 9,431 11,751 12,497 13,444 11,345 15,969 198 45 2,503 2,466 21,274 12,906 50 264 624 1,870 4,707 5,391 4,103 4,255 10 46 ,,260 6,501 11 24,131 11,446 39 180 396 1,015 2,390 7,426 4,429 8,248 8 47 L.5,529 52,370 802,687 629,149 42,528 89,294 75,704 130,094 166,973 124,556 104,934 66,066 2,533 48 1,0,398 160,744 6,0 S4 960,864 645,543 23,432 66,652 89,319 111,073 126, 563 228,499 142,069 171,832 1,370 49 1,752 2,581 16,895 8,994 49 252 607 1,517 2,931 3,638 3,550 4,341 10 50 2,669 4,084 6 17,139 7,565 40 177 409 976 1,717 4,246 3,461 6,105 8 51 140,156 123,836 2,050,596 1,555,082 124,650 220,497 244,839 337,031 353,037 2d9,978 299,531 193,328 2,655 52 150,358 170,700 1,2( )5 1,672,434 1,160,599 72,148 127,238 202,467 224,944 240,413 293,389 260,553 248,958 2,324 53 1,447 1,803 13,307 7,578 43 258 574 1,299 2,338 3,011 3,003 3,216 10 54 2,014 3,135 1 14,356 6,437 40 173 390 894 1,579 3,411 2,916 4,950 3 55 98,509 107,439 1,482,654 1,087,953 100,829 156,097 158,755 219,704 257,737 194,731 210,987 179,889 3,825 56 112,604 207,725 13,1 >2 1,451,295 983,310 68,808 108,672 156,067 134,087 214, 103 251,573 209,364 257,501 1,120 57 100 99 6 U 13 17 40 10 1 58 59 60 61 10 2.'-> 2,589 687 651 585 316 255 95 20 ":j 15 ■-•Bj 838 15 71 73 134 291 254 113 30 2 62 <^J'j 145 13.233 16,820 1,076 4,988 2,904 2,672 3,294 1,886 1,228 125 110 63 rO 10 4.033 2,353 7 70 221 513 1,067 975 749 480 1 64 5- 2 30 65,281 568 7,224 6,805 14,905 22,365 13,414 9,165 2,4o0 60 65 102 c5 2,230 1,671 25 121 315 505 369 336 424 130 5 66 263 173 12' 1,8 8,797 1,115 1,387 2,321 2,314 1,173 437 1,040 126 185 67 2.2,0 9"2 .:",530 59,718 7,262 11,657 13,451 16,227 7,462 3,649 5,720 785 1,316 68 5.. ,2 85 5 615 15 50 155 144 178 73 194 45 1 69 2?L ", t . 07" 5,324 757 956 1,520 834 1,099 158 676 57 20 70 1 . 370 b05 44.453 39,576 4,860 7,132 11,105 5,659 9,355 1,465 3,752 925 200 71 1 , 163 c63 13,i31 9,129 35 184 448 1,340 3,454 3,668 2,573 1,920 9 72 1,2'=3 555 20,. ,41 16,298 568 1,368 2,034 3,360 5,303 3,655 2,841 1,246 56 73 9,31, 4 . 193 13o,33t 109,659 3,840 9,110 10,326 21,055 37,233 23,095 18,441 7,950 336 74 1,5?-: 3c7 12 . "30 9,710 26 153 264 1,295 3,852 4,120 2,229 790 1 75 . , 785 233 21.805 19,212 570 1,613 1,158 4,014 7,130 4,722 2,191 401 1 76 8.4.29 1,177 103,872 92,054 3,982 6,883 5,346 18,074 34,956 22, 8U 9,918 1,895 5 77 35 115 3 . ...85 2,346 4 32 86 430 828 966 722 610 7 78 55 30 4 . 192 3,548 56 213 370 804 1,209 896 444 190 10 79 205 125 10,3.>1 8,651 88 733 587 1,957 3,091 2,195 1,417 770 26 80 4'2 4._ .345 647 9 59 122 160 170 127 113 80 81 115 2, 2,5"3 2,379 221 558 577 590 255 178 146 43 82 322) 15.59t. 14,444 740 4,231 3,605 3,146 1,949 773 850 305 83 168 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table l.-FARMS, ACREAGE, VALUE, AND USE OF COMMERCIAL [I Data are based on reports for only Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farniB EcoDomic class Commercial farms FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number 195^ . , 1950. , Land in farms acres 1954., 1950. , Average size of farm acres 1954. 1950. , Value of land and buildings: Average per farm dollars 1954.. 1950.. Average per acre • .dollars 1954, 1950. Proportion of farms reporting value percent 1954.. Land in fnrBs according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 1954, 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 1954. 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 1954. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 1954. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1954. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 1954. 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 1954. 500 acres and over farms reporting 1954. Cropland used only for pasture. .farms reporting acres Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting Cropland used only for crops not harvested and not pastured farms reporting acres Cropland lying idle farms reporting acres Woodland pastured farms reporting acres Woodland not pastured farms reporting acres Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting acres In^jroved (see text) farms reporting acres Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) farms reporting acres Cropland, total farms reporting acres Land pastured, total farms reporting acres Woodland, total farms reporting acres Irrigated land In farms farms reporting acres Cover crops turned under and land planted to another crop farms reporting acres Cropland used for row or grain crops farmed on contour farms reporting acres 1954.. 1949.. 195.4. . 1949.. 1954., 1949.. 1954. . 1949.. 1954.. 1954.. 1954.. 1954.. 1954.. 1954.. 1954.. 1954.. 1954.. 1954.. 1954.. 1954. . 1954. , 1954., 1954., 1949. . 1954., 1949.. 1954., 1949., 1954.. 1949., 1954., 1949. . 1954. . 1949. . 1954. , 1949., 1954. . 1949.. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER Crops OD which coaaercial fertilizer vas used, 1954: Hay and cropland pastured farms reporting.. tons. , acres on which used.. Other pasture farms reporting., tons. . acres on which used., Com ^arms reporting. . tons. . acres on which used., Cotton J'arms reporting.. tons., acres on which used.. Fruits, vegetables, potatoes, etc.... farms reporting.. tons. acres on which used. Other crops farms reporting. tons. acres on which used. _L 23,858 28,57,4 2,171,082 2,269,424 91.0 79.4 5,007 3,712 59.04 47.83 79 20,798 25,788 557,000 644,257 3,773 5,674 4,799 4,273 1,915 302 57 5 3,296 5,957 57,454 102,140 6,445 8,614 88,566 124,458 1,825 18,175 5,259 70,391 12,028 496,778 9,504 493,798 15,216 379,185 3,097 54,892 21,555 98,301 21,886 26,862 703,020 870,855 18,490 21,008 933,417 815,566 15,133 16,925 990,576 969,906 86 973 1,651 19,853 2,540 38,665 1,365 2,967 17,969 567 1,492 11,634 15,868 31,239 208,766 16,980 42,630 174,087 1,426 948 3,470 1,050 1,318 8,870 16,572 18,734 1,680,710 1,634,222 101.4 87.2 5,542 4,051 58.40 47.67 16,238 18,415 508,508 532,278 1,157 4,388 4,383 4,077 1,869 302 57 5 2,510 4,125 48,529 74,390 4,139 5,559 54,021 78,019 1,400 13,140 3,238 40, 881 8,320 362,038 6,440 337,649 10,779 298,553 2,354 46,413 14,725 71,362 16,338 18,546 611,058 684,637 12,695 13,752 709,170 581,639 10,313 11,040 699,737 640,123 31 1,436 18,583 2,095 35,270 1,068 2,523 15,389 421 1,270 9,654 13,021 28,069 187,366 14,875 40,000 164,002 926 778 2,715 854 1,157 7,935 22 3 13,380 4,692 608.2 1,564.0 45,341 100, 575 103 .33 68.40 68 17 3 4,555 2,429 1 1 3 3 2 ,116 150 2 58 130 1 30 2 28 11 2,469 15 2,724 10 1,123 8 510 22 335 17 3 6,729 2,709 11 3 5,703 983 22 2 5,193 1,703 3 463 8 72 566 1 20 80 15 227 1,375 10 353 905 126 64 54,277 24,656 430.8 385.2 26,750 21,610 79.16 60.21 72 96 53 13,469 7,229 5 11 22 35 22 16 957 865 33 511 11 446 98 13,267 45 10,663 98 11,482 56 3,763 120 1,373 96 59 17,492 9,629 121 49 27,315 10,663 106 44 23,930 9,608 3 65 23 465 28 1,053 17 511 31 147 1,U0 5 83 397 79 556 3,480 80 603 2,539 12 12 105 12 122 622 347 273 185,742 81,024 219.3 296.3 12,075 16,340 61.94 53.92 78 810 243 53,493 21,144 15 15 80 137 398 146 18 1 212 82 7,866 3,435 241 68 4,832 4,306 110 1,853 156 2,979 560 34,056 413 37,103 655 36,374 277 12,635 795 7,013 817 258 71,196 28,835 742 248 78,296 38,339 652 213 71,159 35,922 21 355 140 3,670 184 5,428 3,557 1,704 425,852 259,313 119.7 152.2 7,316 7,895 62.79 52.20 79 3,519 1,671 151,913 79,553 31 232 726 1,502 945 68 15 610 417 11,173 11,688 753 548 12,454 12,881 293 3,690 572 8,764 1,631 32,600 1,299 76,463 2,467 75,254 578 11,078 3,137 15,990 3,531 1,677 175,545 104,122 2,741 1,372 169,027 88,867 2,094 1,141 159,063 102,965 12 103 434 5,590 548 11 , 548 129 311 550 722 3,315 4,003 87 143 493 337 3,423 2,780 711 2,903 3,202 3,241 19,666 53,510 731 3,358 4,025 13,073 16,364 52,995 41 232 90 190 338 687 129 256 405 289 2,405 1,988 6,930 6,814 594,635 573,558 35.8 84.2 4,780 4,195 58.42 50.51 82 6,857 6,757 193,395 214,373 206 1,685 2,502 1,932 440 42 958 1,523 12,838 25,012 1,683 1,896 19,694 23,849 582 4,330 1,332 15,364 3,362 128,341 2,575 112,727 4,354 100,539 914 11,902 6,093 27,101 6,888 6,794 225,927 263,239 5,130 5,009 241,718 195,221 4,159 3,839 241,068 196,338 35 290 581 5,950 326 11,903 382 723 4,505 124 233 2,449 5,537 10,867 74,135 6,416 15,910 65,334 365 317 1,030 292 226 1,491 MISSISSIPPI FERTILIZER, BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued 169 n sample of farms. See text] Area « — Continued Area 5 EcoDon c class — Continued Total all farms Economic claee Other farms Comnercial farms Other farms Part-time Resi- dential Abnormal Total Class I Class II Class III Class IV Class V Class VI Part-time Resi- dential Abnormal 2,661 4,625 19,224 12,725 80 266 654 2,343 5,073 4,309 2,310 3,687 2 1 i,811 5,028 ' i 22,835 14,513 57 219 335 1,214 4,159 8,529 2,993 5,327 2 2 220,003 270,369 1,961,046 1,584,466 150,783 216,180 224,223 319,381 403,328 270,571 173,051 160,856 42,673 3 145,350 289,316 536 1,964,156 1,508,468 153,145 156,647 146,431 218,501 386,721 447,023 192,053 254,456 9,154 4 82.7 58.4 102.0 124.5 1,88A.8 812.7 342.8 136.3 79.5 62.8 61.6 43.6 21,336.5 5 71.8 57.5 536 ;6 86.0 103.9 2,686.8 715.3 437.1 130.0 93.0 52.4 64.2 47.8 4,582.0 6 4,369 3,309 5,785 6,883 132,670 46,365 20,961 3,463 4,509 3,038 4,284 3,216 7 3,258 2,840 22,512 4,212 4,940 118,068 33,461 21,730 3,859 5,224 2,305 3,491 2,504 548,875 8 58.21 64.39 67.06 64.89 84.39 68.48 70.66 67.29 61.82 52.84 70.69 82.81 9 46.37 50.68 42!o6 51.18 49.28 40.34 48.55 48.62 53.05 57.58 44.15 55.01 59.44 75.52 10 80 73 78 77 64 64 68 75 79 79 80 78 11 2,324 2,236 17,082 12,411 77 248 603 2,315 5,014 4,149 2,514 2,155 2 12 4,556 2,817 20,593 14,195 55 213 314 1,162 4,073 3,373 2,686 3,711 1 13 34,507 13,985 510,357 457,530 31,609 58,244 55,856 107,159 135,482 69,180 35,581 15,465 681 14 86,681 25,298 606,517 511,001 30,441 44,340 39,414 66,535 146,546 183,725 53,785 41,033 592 15 801 1,815 4,115 1,500 5 22 37 320 1,116 940 1,675 16 960 326 5,329 3,954 5 1 21 206 1,325 1,896 980 395 17 3*^' 60 3,148 2,698 1 1 20 578 1,382 716 400 50 18 It'i. 30 2,522 2,331 6 8 170 798 1,013 331 166 25 19 41 5 1,288 1,272 9 39 181 556 404 73 11 5 20 433 411 12 83 US 99 53 16 17 5 21 199 197 26 86 i2 31 11 1 2 22 48 48 18 25 4 1 23 361 425 2,630 1,819 28 105 187 370 669 460 346 465 24 940 892 3,144 2,031 24 41 98 272 607 989 422 691 25 5,320 3,605 110,933 98,058 14,229 18,582 15,732 16,830 21,335 11,299 6,470 6,405 26 14,570 13,180 144,780 117,093 21,013 8,552 17,828 25,216 22,874 21,610 10,942 16,745 27 774 1,532 3,894 2,226 21 51 107 396 800 851 642 1,025 1 28 1,561 1,494 4,564 2,511 24 48 87 310 658 1,334 695 1,355 1 29 11,895 22,650 71,734 44.,059 2,617 2,958 6,8U U,175 11,107 9,391 9,005 18,520 150 30 18,675 27,764 97,511 58,520 3,515 4,787 6,188 11,454 13,994 18,582 10,205 23,780 6 31 200 225 1,609 1,077 7 29 50 176 359 446 256 275 1 32 2,175 2,860 17,888 13,113 1,U9 934 1,706 3,090 3,408 2,856 2,010 2,615 150 33 639 1,382 2,751 1,419 18 31 69 274 495 531 497 835 34 9,720 19,790 53,846 30,946 1,498 2,024 5,105 8,085 7,599 6,535 6,995 15,905 35 1,414 2,294 7,190 4,517 58 158 314 835 1,597 1,555 1,313 1,350 36 59,125 75,565 346,220 267,962 21,991 27,172 39,099 53,505 67, 505 58,690 42,303 35,955 37 1,105 1,959 4,049 2,638 28 105 192 540 988 785 582 827 2 38 60,007 96,142 297,823 200,106 20,475 26,025 28,444 35,240 53,986 35,936 22,271 38,596 36,850 39 1,739 2,698 9,792 6,256 66 212 437 1,215 2,276 2,050 1,504 1,930 2 40 38,629 42,003 557,916 458,103 57,501 78,073 72,123 35,679 100,159 74,568 50,471 37,320 2,022 41 383 360 2,047 1,517 43 118 223 423 392 318 343 185 2 42 6,149 2,330 137,653 125,046 22,075 31,346 25,400 23,592 13,405 9,228 9,220 2,165 1,222 43 2,4il 4,389 ... 14,936 9,426 71 251 579 1,751 3,601 3,173 2,303 3,205 2 44 10,520 16,419 ... 66,063 48,648 2,361 5,126 5,153 9,793 13,703 11,507 5,350 8,595 2,970 45 2,425 3,123 17,827 12,481 78 254 515 2,320 5,029 4,184 2,584 2,760 2 46 4,671 3,645 21,399 14,304 57 213 320 1,137 4,093 8,429 2,726 4,368 1 47 51,722 40,240 693,024 599,647 48,455 79,784 78,399 135,16^ 167,975 89,870 52,156 40,390 831 48 119,926 66,242 848,808 686,614 5i,969 57,679 63,430 103,205 183,414 223,917 74,933 86, 563 698 49 2,106 3,689 12,888 8,CW2 80 251 508 1,526 2,948 2,729 2,089 2,755 2 50 3,611 3,64.4 "i 14,224 8,983 51 209 324 983 2,328 4,583 2,107 3,132 2 51 103,074 121,173 1,015,069 834,123 93,721 123,827 126,954 156,014 189,050 144,557 99,244 79,680 2,022 52 127,155 106,336 386 895,462 698,651 92,096 83,529 79,158 107,924 170,112 165,332 88,765 100,264 7,782 53 1,770 3,055 8,989 5,661 71 204 395 1,037 2,090 1,864 1,534 1,792 2 54 3,046 2,838 i 9,520 6,110 47 158 257 670 1,881 3,087 1,343 2,065 2 55 119,132 171,707 644,043 468,068 42,465 53,197 67,543 88,745 121,491 94,626 64,574 74,551 36,350 56 162,409 166,888 485 595,938 413,748 47,198 42,113 41,980 55,949 101,916 124,592 67,334 U0,418 4,438 57 5 49 49 11 1 12 10 15 58 59 60 61 '75 979 979 579 5 235 lis '45 140 75 808 672 9 32 59 187 269 116 110 25 1 62 1,005 260 11,810 10,420 1,010 1,217 1,340 3,073 2,620 1,160 830 360 200 53 250 195 551 380 5 12 7 105 161 90 136 35 54 2,545 850 12,071 9,485 908 312 250 3,636 2,540 1,340 2,335 250 65 162 135 896 705 39 71 129 172 198 96 125 65 1 66 295 149 5,214 4,881 1,824 844 854 533 647 179 251 62 20 67 1,570 1,010 33,808 31,373 9,628 7,003 4,902 3,578 4,572 1,690 1,695 610 130 68 66 80 396 293 19 46 46 85 50 47 57 45 1 69 148 74 3,488 3,287 1,275 884 4.^6 315 271 96 143 28 30 70 1,375 605 24,526 23,309 6,651 6,502 3,433 2,782 1,847 2,094 720 175 322 71 1,672 1,175 7,995 6,046 42 139 365 1,343 2,414 1,743 1,188 760 1 72 2,209 961 13,795 11,828 648 942 1,186 3,187 3,746 2,119 1,399 565 2 73 14,855 6,545 105,131 88,907 3,981 6,255 8,590 22,690 29,892 17,499 11,520 4,560 44 74 1,730 375 11,906 9,716 36 133 44.5 1,938 4,220 2,944 1,585 505 75 2,296 334 28,234 25,708 1,055 1,311 2,346 6,724 9,874 4,393 2,061 465 76 8,955 1,130 136,443 124,783 3,968 5,552 11,435 34,317 48,912 20,549 9,380 2,280 77 135 365 687 372 2 9 26 70 150 115 140 175 78 54 116 554 441 12 14 75 120 118 102 56 57 79 245 510 2,631 2,071 220 34 377 450 515 475 290 270 30 K'6 70 903 743 40 125 139 212 153 74 83 75 2 81 139 22 3,810 3,578 603 1,071 814 763 232 90 125 40 67 82 '"^J? 140 25,194 23,870 3,715 7,848 5,422 4,381 1,927 577 752 340 232 83 170 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table l.-FARMS. ACREAGE, VALUE, AND USE OF COMMERCIAL [Data are based on reports for only (For definitioDs and explanatiooB, see text) FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farina number 1954. 1950. Land In farms acres 1954. 1950. Average size of farm acres 1954. 1950. Value of land and buildings: Average per farm dollars 1954. . 1950. Average per acre dollars 1954., 1950. Proportion of f arras reporting value percent 1954.. Laod io fams according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting 1954,, 1949. acres 1954.. 1949., 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 1954., 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 1954., 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 1954., 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 1954., 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1954,, 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 1954,, 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 1954., 500 acres and over farms reporting 1954., Cropland used only for pasture. .farms reporting 1954., 1949.. acres 195,4,. 1949.. Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting 1954 . . 1949. . acres 1954.. 1949. . Cropland used only for crops not harvested and not pastured farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Cropland lying idle farms reporting 1954,. acres 1954. . Woodland pastured farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Woodland not pastured farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting 1954 , , acres 1954., Improved {see text) farms reporting 1954., acres 1954. . Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954. . Cropland, total farms reporting 1954.. 1949. . acres 1954. . 1949.. Land pastured, total farms reporting 1954,. 1949., acres 1954,- 1949.. Woodland, total farms reporting 1954.. 1949. , acres 1954. . 1949,. Irrigated land in farms farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954, . 1949.. Cover crops turned under and land planted to another crop farms reporting 1954 . . acres 1954. , Cropland used for row or grain crops farmed on contour farms reporting 1954 . . acres 1954.. USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER Crops OD which coDnercial fertilizer vas used, 1954: Hay and cropland pastured farms reporting,. Ions. . acres on which used.. Other pasture farms reporting.. tons . . acres on which used.. Com farms reporting. . tons. . acres on which used.. Cotton , farms reporting . . tons . . acres on which used,. Fruits, vegetables, potatoes, etc. ...farms reporting.. tons . . acres on which used,. Other crops fsirms reporting,. tons . . acres on which used.. Total all farms 2,0rl 25,5d8 17,14 342,2'^ 13,590 86,584 1,603 6,946 44,869 28,826 49,739 321,741 24,893 50,900 203,950 7,793 5,470 19,119 1,642 3,202 20,143 Economic class Comraerc ial farms 38,6>4 22,841 «,052 21,580 3,543,156 2,497,656 3,583,418 2,201,866 91.7 109.3 33.2 102.0 5,445 5,915 3,841 4,399 63.16 57.76 46.65 43.22 82 83 33,794 22,289 38,662 21,023 702,139 589,464 854,799 591,396 8,566 1,780 11,786 8,156 6,851 6,037 4,687 4,481 1,550 1,490 283 281 67 61 4 3 10,528 6,181 9,946 5,118 257,330 171,734 235,264 145,701 9,689 5,291 13,374 6,176 126,852 67,576 204,338 93,976 2,068 1,391 15,625 10,654 8,504 4,467 111,227 56,922 25,016 14,825 1,316,462 912,245 10,754 6,418 547,550 336,298 16,866 10,142 ;''H.,^44 363,365 ■■ . .'73 3,192 ^-' .j'-.0 108,152 34,307 19,801 93,979 56,974 36,078 22,482 41,127 21,385 1,086,321 828,774 1,294,401 831,073 30,087 17,125 31,475 15,708 2,072,636 1,447,344 1,730,867 1,070,569 28,251 16,449 29,646 14,755 1,864,012 1,248,543 1,808,316 1,080, olO 112 106 1,759 22,873 12,114 288,171 3,438 11,488 70,409 1,092 5,671 37,023 19,917 39,689 261,426 19,591 45,26<4 182, 217 5,482 4,292 15,216 1,223 2,678 17 , 185 155 14 85,025 20,593 548.5 1,470.9 33,878 74,818 60.47 50.37 83 113 13 5,892 5,086 40 26 18 10 5 3 11 5,202 1,492 31 2 1,220 600 13 140 19 1,080 123 29,150 58 29, U8 101 13,001 50 4,052 152 1,422 120 13 12,314 7,178 150 14 47,353 7,660 130 14 58, 288 9,474 3 230 15 217 79 2,790 31 494 3,400 34 232 2,406 93 416 1,760 30 364 865 22 12 43 10 55 276 459 21A 148,007 81,117 322.5 379.1 23,426 16,198 81.15 41.53 77 4U 187 29,763 9,753 57 107 32 45 49 81 39 3 192 94 15,206 10,672 79 56 1,331 1,874 21 676 64 655 360 46,671 177 30,001 300 22, 273 166 11,018 438 2,762 428 209 46,300 22,299 424 208 84,150 49,593 416 189 76, 672 46,118 10 607 73 1,517 221 13,076 167 l,59t 8,229 61 711 3,810 295 1,799 10,588 216 1,691 6,237 72 137 438 97 508 3,210 884 560 240,680 152,664 272.3 272.6 15,913 12,435 66.14 44.42 79 835 507 45,064 23,997 31 138 58 217 293 91 7 425 269 21,264 18,625 175 184 5,432 4,790 54 855 129 4,577 721 91,256 236 32,125 547 42,760 322 18,471 843 2,779 857 539 71,760 47,412 803 550 155,280 90,769 771 500 123,381 85,275 36 773 134 3,329 400 15,526 370 2,254 13,168 170 1,234 8,712 643 2,803 15,709 517 2,868 9,833 142 175 866 139 635 4,107 3,557 1,407 494,892 279,467 139.1 198.6 7,596 9,114 58.95 47.18 82 3,470 1,310 137,588 63,824 77 316 732 1,562 714 65 4 1,115 559 37,553 19,748 604 403 8,704 11,008 192 1,345 482 7,359 2,189 170,524 966 60,370 1,540 70,918 627 23,916 3,035 9,235 3,486 1,387 183,845 94,580 2,597 1,227 278,995 U3,598 2,453 1,182 230,894 152,531 24 249 380 6,686 1,717 64,033 746 3,032 17,117 303 1,738 10,218 3,118 8,890 57,051 3,074 11,478 47,732 1,022 1,098 3,696 283 570 4,015 9,299 5,060 899,603 657,092 96.7 129.9 5,116 5,218 55.15 40.65 85 9,192 4,898 237,052 169,066 235 2,708 3,597 2,247 380 25 2,415 1,513 50,515 41,064 2,216 1,503 27,452 23,534 699 5,136 1,799 22,316 5,816 331,933 2,462 99,449 3,952 131,040 1,287 35,535 7,937 22, 162 9,235 5,023 315,019 233, 664 6,684 4,044 513,488 334,151 6,377 3,795 431,382 336,249 18 200 652 6,869 5,170 123,219 1,326 2,866 19,983 338 1,354 8,797 8,302 15,773 107,236 8,562 19,399 79,360 2,476 2,037 7,062 458 618 4,074 MISSISSIPPI FERTILIZER. BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Contmued 171 a BftDplo of farms. S«« text] » Area t>a — Continued Area 6b Kcononic clase— Continued Tot Hi all farms Economic class Other foTwB Conmercial farms Otbor fanna Part-time Reei- dential Abnomal Total Class I Class II Class III Class IV Clsss V Class VI Part-time Resi- dential Abnormal 10 20,395 10,242 39 79 354 1,101 3,407 5,262 4,151 6,500 2 1 ait^is 12 , ^:-^ 10 23,419 9,753 4 68 200 561 2,143 6,777 4,563 9,072 26 2 567, 82^ 469. '."wl 8,c35 2,229,710 1,464,729 37,602 141,341 161, 145 236,677 427,506 460,458 397,323 364,306 2,852 3 667,901 702.3.,0 11,391 2,»9,515 1,259,167 11,895 62,597 96,060 156,942 322,442 609,231 416,336 526,646 7,366 4 33... 52.2 3...3 . 5 10b." 1A3.0 964.2 1,789.1 455.2 215.0 125.5 87.5 95.8 56.0 1,426.0 5 5,," 1,139.1 --•-' 129.1 2,973.8 920.5 480.3 279.8 150.5 89.9 91.1 53.1 283.3 6 '^ , •^" ■■ 3,860 4l,l60 5,208 6,477 58,542 47,437 25,109 10,949 5,723 4,042 5,170 3,257 51,364 7 ■*.■".- 2,736 1U,157 3,446 4,227 72,950 30,841 15,564 8,579 5,279 2,359 3,525 2,508 17,265 8 ".'.i .1 80.56 lib. 22 52.59 49.1b 59.60 40.73 58.97 52.22 48.11 46.12 56.41 61.93 35.92 9 f-L . 1 ' 52.02 124 . 53 37.02 33.41 24.53 35.58 34.33 32.49 35.89 32.15 38.70 43.85 79.49 10 .-:_' IK) 31 81 97 63 o9 81 81 82 80 83 100 11 ■..Vi 10 13.330 9,977 29 70 341 1,085 3,324 5,128 3,764 4,637 2 12 !--. '■'■ .J. 574 10 21,1..4 9,525 4 61 164 550 2,036 6,660 4,376 7,252 11 13 ■o.i-O 32,4 5" 1.3"3 .>57.35.. 269,413 3,882 7,437 22,642 50,437 95,846 89, 169 57, 163 30,418 360 U .f.s.-'^o 101, 91e. 2 , c, "'" ..'...,2.-.9 289,181 1,786 8,808 12,263 23,299 73, X2 164,683 88,236 85,336 1,496 15 2.2n(_. 4.515 5 5 . 3'Jl 803 5 1 16 13 63 700 1,012 3,576 16 : . '~M.- 33. C.213 3,509 5 1 40 53 722 2,688 1,773 936 17 3 . .. bl 2,839 2 10 12 217 1,257 1,341 722 100 18 i.-'i ^■.l*. 1,942 7 10 69 436 1,052 368 222 20 19 ..J.. 698 2 20 132 300 214 30 34 5 20 Ib3 165 3 20 68 57 16 1 1 2 21 i 1" 17 2 3 7 1 4 4 22 23 1.'J..8 2 3,5^J 1,989 3 29 130 234 680 863 7U 855 2 24 2,1..' 2 , t 5 2 4.350 2.348 2 25 115 194 635 1,377 920 1,567 15 25 51, 7U 33,75" 125 35,473 58,437 1,090 6,750 9,778 7,350 19,299 14,220 15,875 10,570 546 26 ■i3,905 45 , 2bO 398 109,725 70,515 330 9,595 11,330 8,868 17,908 22,484 13,010 19,465 1,735 27 1,303 2.539 t b,382 2,954 1 20 70 272 935 1,656 1,190 2,237 1 28 2,700 4,439 ",c"" 2,951 2 14 69 183 612 2,071 1,583 3,132 11 29 22, 74b 3c, 410 120 3", 222 40,827 20 2,351 2,771 5,196 11,558 18,931 15,481 30,864 30 30 JB,5U "1.351 llb,cl3 52,687 575 775 3,557 4,524 12,156 31,100 22,552 40,642 737 31 3S1 1 1,1'94 723 1 13 U7 246 346 190 280 1 32 2 . ■ ■, 1 10 9,137 5,752 11 215 1,104 2,100 2,322 1,520 1,855 10 33 i.^''7 2. .."4 6 5,701 2,558 1 19 67 205 790 1,476 1,075 2,067 1 34 l--,Pr; 3-,3-'. 110 78,0b5 35,075 20 2,340 2,556 4,092 9,458 16,609 13,961 29,009 20 35 4 , 7'-'5 5,3'-.5 1 13,201 6,675 30 56 251 303 2,U0 3,405 2,729 3,796 1 36 225, -'..0 1"" , ..'■'" 430 770,215 489,396 15,451 36,034 47,536 80,346 144,930 165,099 148,574 132,043 202 37 l,sas 2, ..3-. 9 3,123 4,010 13 44 205 521 1,223 2,004 1,627 2,484 2 38 -1,3':'') 115, ■•' 1 3,592 535,935 341,300 7,659 65,471 50,565 42,420 79,499 95,686 90,593 103,582 460 39 3 1-' 4 10,853 5,735 26 53 242 709 1,995 2,710 2,254 2,863 1 40 30.0J1 52,3.34 2,504 341,954 237,535 9,257 22,139 25,741 47,531 66,707 66,160 £0,391 43,763 265 41 t'..2 3 2,140 1,386 IS 23 142 293 459 451 472 281 1 42 13, '3^,4 1,304 bO,5b8 55,049 4,902 5,185 8,828 14,611 12,303 9,220 10,674 3,580 265 43 c , 205 3.2-1 10 18,ol6 9,011 34 79 336 1,015 2,995 4,552 3,744 5,359 2 44 Id, 74^ 19, ■,■75 43b 51,572 27,771 243 1,159 2,112 3,397 9,667 11,193 9,746 13,066 989 45 c,3sb 7,220 10 19,431 10,097 29 71 343 1,095 3,360 5,199 3,910 5,472 2 46 3,3-7 11.355 10 22,430 9,674 4 66 185 560 2,124 6,735 4,507 8,223 a 47 153,300 102,624 i,c2J 530,034 368,727 4,992 16,538 35,191 62,983 126,703 122,320 38,519 71,852 936 48 241,206 219,027 3,095 b90,642 412,383 2,691 19,178 27,150 41,691 103,406 213,267 128,848 145,443 3,963 49 5,6Z? 7,330 5 lb, 159 7,904 38 69 333 920 2,542 4,002 3,370 4,883 2 50 6,748 9,009 10 17,490 7,368 4 68 190 511 1,753 4,842 3,638 6,468 16 51 357,595 264,638 3,059 l,197,e»47 785,418 25,798 64,923 83,055 135,227 230,936 245,479 224,840 186,376 1,013 52 329,149 327,304 3,845 1,027,489 612,998 6,854 38,455 51,078 88,246 164,048 264,317 196,901 215,045 2,545 53 5,338 6,455 9 15,700 7,583 39 73 316 903 2,430 3,317 3,261 4,854 2 54 6,428 8,459 4 16,659 7,014 4 62 164 499 1,633 4,652 3,523 6,116 6 55 317,689 293,753 4,022 1,306,150 830,696 23,110 101,505 98,101 122,766 224,429 260,785 239,167 235,625 662 56 338,277 382,652 6,777 1,198,396 660,697 8,003 25,017 54,445 89, 826 171,325 312,080 224,155 310,946 2,598 57 1 45 40 3 1 15 1 10 10 5 53 59 60 61 ■;.;. 1 548 533 78 80 265 80 20 10 15 211 ... 1 559 386 4 9 16 93 144 120 136 35 2 62 195 6,117 4,584 405 275 272 1,367 1,150 1,115 1,190 310 33 63 2. '. 1 5 9,711 5,156 12 41 153 606 1,677 2,667 2,117 2,436 2 64 _^.::: 1,136 171,405 122,549 2,315 3,367 6,997 24,938 43,560 41,372 31,241 17,378 237 65 r.2- 2,538 1,654 9 38 170 329 606 502 512 370 2 66 2- ■. i^ .,32 -j3 4,967 3,939 60 550 818 1,015 l,0b4 432 631 318 29 67 12,o65 3, !'.■"" 345 38,743 30,864 355 4,362 5,853 3,119 8,535 3,640 5,194 2,485 205 68 319 l^-J 2 589 322 13 13 61 68 104 63 155 111 1 69 gci 244 lo7 2,220 1,665 314 157 320 337 377 160 416 132 7 70 5,570 1,525 751 16,525 12,927 1,695 1,751 2,246 3,398 2,674 1,163 2,423 1,130 40 71 4,9.x 4,000 5 15,993 9,143 13 46 258 991 3,060 4,775 3,257 3,596 2 72 ■:-.'>•-■ 3,44^- 256 23 , 05o 20,123 145 520 1,563 3,750 7,090 7,055 4,888 3,002 43 73 33,53'J 21,lc.5 620 184,749 132, "306 695 2,124 8,233 22,658 47,988 50,908 31,643 20.375 125 74 4,3.-.2 ■■•35 5 12, ..73 8,569 10 30 203 917 2,974 4,430 2,693 1,215 1 75 5,040 5 ■■'4 2 22.244 18,332 245 317 1,148 3,392 7,375 5,855 3,227 682 3 76 19,433 2,235 10 35,339 70,290 588 902 4,343 12,928 27,934 23,595 12,457 3,080 12 77 1,10c 1,^21 4 3,014 1,506 13 13 39 188 622 631 616 890 2 78 b2.J 511 33 1,491 916 18 17 33 130 354 309 278 274 23 79 1,9=1 1 , 323 ?■- 5,649 3,436 63 38 464 498 1,372 1,001 1,036 1,125 52 eo 25.. i.^'T 3 1,332 904 7 14 37 153 290 353 257 170 1 31 235 121 1L3 2,000 1,694 479 139 194 236 354 242 220 84 2 82 2 , .J33 c,22 11,320 9,360 1,496 751 1,390 2,075 2,065 1,583 1,410 545 5 83 172 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table l.-FARMS, ACREAGE, VALUE, AND USE OF COMMERCIAL [Date are baeed on reporte for only Item (For deflnltiooa and explanatione, see text) Total all farms Economic claea Comnercial farms FtBUS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number 1954. 1950. Land In farms acres 195A. 1950. Average size of farm acres 1954. 1950. Value of land and buildinga; Average per farm dollars 1954 . 1950. Average per acre dollars 1954. 1950. Proportion of farms reporting value percent 1954. Laod in farna according to uae; Cropland harvested farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 1954. 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 1954. 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 1954. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 1954. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1954. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 1954. 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 1954. 500 acres and over farms reporting 1954. Cropland used only for pasture. .farms reporting acres Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting Cropland used only for crops not harvested and not pastured farms reporting acres Cropland lying idle farms reporting acres Woodland pastured farms reporting acres Woodland not pastured farms reporting acres Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting acres Improved (see text) farms reporting acres Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc . ) farms reporting acres Cropland, total farms reporting acres Land pastured, total farms reporting acres Woodland, total farms reporting acres Irrigated land in farms farms reporting acres Cover crops turned under and land planted to another crop farms reporting acres Cropland utied for row or grain crops farmed on contour farms reporting acres 1954. . 1949. . 1954.. 1949.. 1954.. 1949.. 1954.. 1949. . 1954.. 1954.. 1954 . . 1954.. 1954., 1954 . . 1954.. 1954.. 1954.. 1954.. 1954.. 1954.. 1954.. 1954 . , 1954.. 1949. . 1954.. 1949.. 1954. . 1949.. 1954 . . 1949. . 1954.. 1949. . 1954. 1949.. 1954. , 1949. . 1954., 1949. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER Oops on which coaaercial fertilizer was used, 1954: Hay and cropland pastured farms reporting. tons, acres on which used. Other pasture farms reporting. tons, acres on which used. Corn farms reporting. tons, acres on which used. Cotton farms reporting. tons, acres on which used. Fruits, vegetables, potatoes, etc.... farms reporting. tons. acres on which used. Other crops farms reporting . tons, acres on which used. 8,783 8,667 965,016 879,056 109.9 101.4 7,701 5,149 76.81 53.39 91 7,334 7,264 202,557 187,037 3,201 1,883 927 698 419 88 8b 32 3,262 2,583 78,856 48,261 2,094 3,024 29,983 48,705 420 4,955 1,775 25,028 4,474 314,089 3,620 267,912 1,548 49,181 1,005 26,428 8,323 22,438 8,183 8,246 311,396 284,003 b,490 5,402 442,126 297,385 6,995 7,014 582,001 554,673 10 355 206 ,514 1,617 43,300 1,278 5,581 31,023 493 3,203 16,860 5,703 12,622 63,276 2,067 3,274 12,339 3,080 13,838 77,079 407 1,010 5,472 2,816 2,656 621,112 521,076 220.6 196.2 13,751 8,845 70.49 48.83 2,656 2,538 147,336 131,064 315 697 571 541 358 81 61 32 1,220 898 50,228 25,781 568 859 12,755 16,255 189 3,737 429 9,018 1,732 207,164 1,276 158,013 699 35,517 496 19,319 2,672 10,099 2,728 2,625 210,319 173,100 2,379 1,971 292,909 187,075 2,478 2,298 365,177 325,338 161 7,114 842 29,145 740 4,765 25,848 268 2,671 13,010 2,246 7,626 38,421 1,287 2,567 9,769 1,272 16,554 61,652 257 882 4,887 29 15 107,105 120,612 3,693.3 8,040.8 258,213 345,588 81.27 53.40 79 38,979 42,234 5 3 15 19" 6 14,304 3,505 2 2,760 2,250 1 180 7 2,580 15 20,564 16 23,379 6,125 2 900 24 994 29 15 56,043 47,989 24 11 40,993 29,545 24 14 43,943 68,983 2 245 5 2,325 2,505 13 1,156 5,093 2 374 900 6 63 235 1 13 28 13 9,506 30,040 4 265 1,458 121 56 82,082 41,416 678.4 739.6 36,052 38,730 75.34 52.77 84 108 56 20,727 14,221 10 11 5 18 16 14 21 13 62 31 6,529 3,190 26 6 1,850 195 16 315 11 1,535 67 27,126 43 20,995 38 4,048 23 3,543 114 807 114 56 29,106 17,606 109 43 37,703 13,215 87 46 48,121 22,523 2 75 22 1,892 43 972 4,537 14 334 2,407 77 696 2,849 18 154 511 62 2,206 10,255 1 9 49 275 5L2 162 333 57,646 110,895 40,367 66,102 209.6 216.6 249.2 198.5 16,862 13,368 13,284 8,368 89.07 68.41 63.60 44.07 89 88 260 489 151 316 15,586 20,986 9,253 12,665 26 21 45 81 36 88 46 162 67 115 29 14 8 7 3 1 132 248 89 U2 6,516. 9,006 3,333 4,682 24 90 32 66 195 1,210 960 1,170 7 37 110 530 17 60 85 680 182 326 17,948 42,013 120 222 11,915 26,339 103 137 4,867 9,455 67 111 3,395 4,643 257 490 619 1,886 260 497 162 327 22,297 31,202 13,546 18,517 240 455 151 277 29,331 60,474 19,318 31,392 235 455 156 292 29,863 68,352 23,735 43,7(>i 10 375 37 2,074 121 818 4,233 44 327 1,940 189 690 3,745 82 258 940 123 2,196 5,703 47 169 939 49 1,221 172 7,473 188 791 4,826 66 677 3,347 389 1,610 8,199 253 785 2,893 256 1,029 5,143 78 213 1,072 952 711 165,148 102,957 173.5 144.8 10,049 6,139 60.39 43.15 87 681 33,015 23,250 62 184 243 240 124 18 18 378 228 7,333 5,166 232 247 2,928 4,380 72 774 171 2,154 626 67,077 445 44,268 244 7,414 181 4,923 891 3,113 921 701 43,276 32,796 819 570 81,824 40,873 871 611 111,345 64,656 5 25 67 2,542 372 11,295 232 685 4,011 82 717 2,738 785 2,764 13,963 545 985 3,841 465 1, 158 8,120 69 169 965 MISSISSIPPI FERTILIZER. BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM. CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued 173 * sanple of fanos. See text] Arta 7— ''ontlnued Area 8 EcoDcoic class — Continued Total Economic class Other farme Connercial farms Otber farms all farms Part-time Ho»l- dential Abnormal Total Class I Class II Class III Class IV Class V Class VI Part-time Resi- dential Abnormal 2,102 3 , 8b5 2,967 664 3 31 78 197 193 152 486 1,817 1 2,071 3,940 2,807 682 3 17 69 96 212 285 580 1,545 2 176,029 167,875 261,557 145,821 16,420 12,715 25,953 35,559 38,399 15,775 38,641 77,095 3 166,000 191,980 218,610 121,765 17,540 9,310 13,095 28,120 23,170 30,530 39,350 57,485 4 83.7 43.4 88.2 219.6 5,473.3 410.2 345.5 180.5 199.0 97.4 79.5 42.4 5 80.2 46.7 77.9 178.5 5,846.7 547.6 189.8 292.9 109.3 107.1 57.9 37.2 6 6,548 4,095 8,654 14,596 57,000 37,854 25,362 10,842 16,592 5,450 7,512 5,773 7 4,425 3,027 5,632 8,700 217,500 24,121 11,077 12,265 7,098 6,223 6,245 4,057 8 78.71 94.76 103.57 74.35 50.00 77.68 84.83 57.73 83.48 51.74 95.18 156.99 9 54.76 t4.01 75.14 52.75 48.88 26.31 71.77 42.83 52.25 54.56 86.55 109.45 10 92 ■12 38 88 33 77 91 85 92 88 90 87 11 1,333 T ... c 2,098 570 3 26 66 158 160 147 353 1,175 12 l,B4e. J ] 330 2,236 596 3 16 67 38 187 235 475 1,165 13 37 , 77d 17,. '.4 5 31,860 18,789 1,029 2,553 2,508 4,755 5,895 2,049 3,396 9,575 14 30.b03 2' , ^r^ 25,536 14,586 1,132 1,310 2,900 3,736 2,518 2,890 4,720 6,230 15 b2fc "ii.'bO 1,285 147 10 15 45 21 56 228 910 16 801 J 35 419 173 30 62 41 40 91 155 17 28b 70 158 87 5 1 15 25 40 26 45 18 152 5 135 90 2 U 16 50 11 5 40 19 36 25 57 41 2 4 19 16 1 15 20 7 30 18 1 2 10 5 2 10 21 2-i 10 4 10 4 5 1 3 1 2 22 23 737 1,305 993 322 2 8 49 101 95 67 216 455 24 615 1 , 0'.'O 860 280 2 11 39 38 80 110 210 370 25 14,638 L3,"«0 27.436 18,104 5,578 845 4,065 2,946 3,488 1,182 4,172 5,160 26 7,685 14,795 15,893 7,863 85 805 1,948 905 1,710 2,410 2,910 5,120 27 511 1,015 717 143 1 8 39 26 44 25 108 466 28 715 1,450 802 187 10 22 50 95 145 470 29 4,343 12,885 12,859 4,308 67 611 1,495 565 1,259 310 1,571 5,880 30 9,535 22,915 19,176 9,776 190 2,441 770 5,375 2,575 6,825 31 111 120 195 68 1 2 18 16 26 5 27 100 32 673 540 3,715 2,229 5 91 800 385 898 50 521 865 33 431 915 603 110 1 6 33 11 34 25 92 401 34 3,665 12,345 9,144 2,079 62 520 695 181 361 250 1,050 5,015 35 1,137 l,b05 1,170 326 2 9 51 113 80 71 253 591 35 54,510 52,415 73,008 40,847 5,480 2,557 9,525 13,036 6,814 3,335 14,768 17,393 37 894 1,450 1,160 313 2 18 43 90 99 51 171 675 38 51,58^ 53.310 95,904 53,410 3,594 4,977 8,313 12,069 17,340 7,117 11,639 30,855 39 4:.; 425 394 142 8 13 35 60 26 42 210 40 S,U9 5.535 12,730 7,310 921 646 1,475 2,916 1,352 1,610 3,810 41 309 200 145 79 7 7 18 32 15 31 35 42 5,394 1,715 4,276 3,111 901 340 1,045 705 120 930 235 43 2.00b 3.u;5 2,705 613 2 25 72 180 182 152 455 1,637 44 5,044 -.295 7,760 3,053 672 251 301 712 587 430 1,385 3,322 45 2,055 3,400 2,557 631 3 26 77 180 188 157 435 1,491 46 2.021 3.600 2,556 651 3 16 69 91 207 255 525 1,380 47 5b, 757 4., , 320 72,155 41,201 6,674 4,009 8,068 8,267 10,542 3,541 9,239 21,715 48 47 , 328 b3.075 60,605 32,225 1,217 2,115 5,038 7,082 5,098 11,675 10,205 18,175 49 1,591 2,520 1,866 536 2 15 68 171 153 127 369 961 50 1,356 2,075 1,419 429 2 17 54 59 122 175 310 680 51 7-7,277 71,940 113,174 66,261 11,058 4,323 14,336 17,457 13,218 5,869 20,550 26,353 52 55,565 54,745 90,579 60,579 10,830 5,649 5,933 16,870 12,292 8,005 14,235 15,755 53 1,767 2.750 2,116 543 3 24 73 151 155 127 386 1,187 54 1,701 3,015 1,820 475 2 17 49 75 142 190 365 980 55 106,099 110,725 168,912 94,257 9,074 7,534 17,938 25,105 24,154 10,452 25,407 48,248 56 111,225 1 118,115 129,699 2 72,954 2 8,745 6,259 1 7,815 1 17,313 15,807 15,005 24,870 31,875 57 58 59 'io '60 'eo '40 '26 50 51 25 20 50 30 1 2 6 10 11 5 15 62 80 320 637 532 10 112 185 125 100 15 90 63 475 300 11 6 1 5 5 54 65 12,300 1,855 870 855 55 800 15 318 220 449 215 2 12 61 42 78 20 114 120 66 571 245 2,726 1,977 218 256 575 393 495 40 455 294 67 4,090 1,085 12,238 8,518 289 1,130 2,958 1,511 2,295 285 2,225 1,495 68 140 85 109 53 4 7 11 25 5 31 25 59 428 104 520 316 94 32 54 124 12 107 97 70 3,120 730 3,C06 2,341 436 340 790 705 70 430 235 71 1,532 1,925 953 310 1 5 29 95 90 90 183 460 72 3,050 1,946 1,624 861 15 86 133 293 198 135 301 462 73 15,455 9,400 7,217 3,943 30 247 502 1,494 1,105 565 1,364 1,910 74 625 155 25 15 5 10 5 5 75 643 64 56 50 15 35 4 2 76 2.295 275 130 115 35 80 10 5 77 878 930 1,177 264 1 7 32 73 75 76 208 705 78 1,580 704 2,415 1,511 68 282 322 350 365 124 141 763 79 80 81 82 83 11,907 3,520 11,520 5,728 450 1,002 698 976 2,170 432 772 5,020 85 65 128 78 10 12 26 15 15 30 20 92 36 287 263 8 98 107 34 16 10 14 415 170 982 897 75 277 375 110 60 65 20 174 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 2.-FARM FACILITIES, OFF-FARM WORK, WORK POWER, FARM LABOR, AND [Data are based on reports for only (For de^finitions and explanations, see text) SPECIFIED FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT Telephone farms reporting 1954 . Electricity farms reporting 1954. 1950. Television set farms reporting 1954. Piped running water farms reporting 1954 . Home freezer farms reporting 1954 . Electric pig brooder farms reporting 1954. Power feed grinder farms reporting 1954 . Milking machine farms reporting 1954. Grain combines farms reporting 1954. number 1954. Corn pickers farms reporting 1954 . number 1954 . Pick-up hay balers farms reporting 1954 . number 1954. Field forage harvesters farms reporting 1954. number 1954. Motortrucks farms reporting 1954 . number 1954. Tractors, other than garden farms reporting 1954. 1950. number 1954. 1950. Automobiles farms reporting 1954. number 1954 . OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Fam operators— With other income of family exceeding value of farm products sold operators reporting 1954. 1949 . , Working off their farms, total operators reporting 1954. , 1949 . , 100 or more days operators reporting 1954. 1949.. FARMS BY CLASS OF WORK POWER No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting 1954.. No tractor but horses and/or mules farms reporting 1954 . . Tractor and horses and/or mules ... .farms reporting 1954.. Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting 1954.. FARM LABOR Weok of October 24-30: Family and/or hired workers farms reporting 1954.. persons 1954 . . Family workers, including operator farms reporting 1954.. Operators working 1 or more hours persons 1954 . . Unpaid members of operator's family farms reporting 1954 . . persons 1954 . . Hired workers farms reporting 1954 . . persons 1954. . Regular workers ( to be employed 150 or more days ) farms reporting 1954 . . persons 1954 . . Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting 1954.. persons 1954 . . SPECIFIED FAJm EXPENDITURES Specified farm expenditures^ farms reporting 1954.. Machine hire and/or hired labor farms reporting 1954.. Machine hire farms reporting 1954.. dollars 1954.. Hired labor farms reporting 1954.. 1949 . . dollars 1954.. 1949.. $1 to $2,499 farms reporting 1954.. $2,500 and over farms reporting 1954. . Feed for livestock and poultry. .farms reporting 1954.. 1949 . . dollars 1954.. 1949 . . Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil farms reporting 1954 . . 1949 . . dollars 1954 . . 1949.. Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing material farms reporting 1954 . . dollars 1954.. tons 1954.. acres on which used 1954.. Lime and liming material farms reporting 1954.. tons 1954.. dollars 1954.. acres limed 1954 . . Total all farms 29,734 183,331 140,486 29,514 63,150 36,293 716 7,509 5,047 6,282 7,536 1,900 1,996 4,605 4,794 1,360 1,472 68,874 77,551 51,489 32,474 79,575 50,494 84,482 93,862 57,286 75,306 91,383 98,860 46,757 43,908 87,579 76,819 29,286 22,203 186,849 468,963 185,017 180,020 88,402 169,071 19,626 119,872 5,046 17, 740 16,580 102,132 207,646 150,896 115,709 19,144,943 86,754 31,171 45,913,072 44,212,203 83,440 3,314 119, 970 124,083 46,172,124 25,866,811 84,551 54,573 23,510,809 16,512,123 180,449 40,773,991 707,674 4,449,804 6,372 185,268 1,007,228 216,634 Economic class Commercial farms 16,027 135,163 84,827 17,429 35,859 22,756 500 6,520 4,627 5,942 7,183 1,802 1,898 4,300 4,487 1,220 1,296 50,113 57,562 41,201 25,683 68,095 42,812 53,373 65,424 8,914 10,246 46,290 46,601 10,426 7,541 48,909 24,148 17,053 137,578 396,537 136,271 133,699 74,197 148,903 17,031 113,935 4,729 17,049 14,273 96, 336 145,797 121,056 93, 073 17,866,568 71,072 60,232 43,365,787 41,309,337 67, 791 3,281 73,599 73,606 41,005,477 21,047,713 64,562 40,784 22,062,049 15,040,483 138,241 36,872,610 631,268 4,005,315 4,924 166,493 900, 575 192,842 1,301 1,665 967 1,067 1,543 1,210 26 531 114 1,135 1,774 455 535 752 838 236 278 1,543 3,960 1,591 981 11,870 7,249 1,549 6,637 110 32 293 147 190 92 56 1,179 412 1,656 36,513 1,446 1,427 240 356 1,390 34, 730 1,101 9,444 897 25,286 1,692 1,643 1,145 3,591,714 1,604 1,008 19,037,794 18,447,733 264 1,340 1,034 638 11,505,590 2,114,137 1,624 1,002 6,850,170 4,338,967 1,587 6,000,374 36, 959 699,632 234 44,438 221,698 40, 800 1,312 3,061 1,784 1,564 2,585 1,399 44 871 573 1,276 1,534 396 399 797 833 296 319 2,671 4,170 2,706 1,617 8,560 5,394 2,518 4,983 274 311 813 403 432 279 169 1,816 890 3,015 23,053 2,816 2.757 1,005 1,919 1,991 18,377 1,288 3,672 1,342 14,705 3,121 2,376 1,944 1,923,370 2,717 1,764 8,005,694 8,191,738 1,493 1,224 2,180 1,467 8,570,671 4,143,408 2,847 1,791 3,926,094 2,748,981 2,829 3, 584, 806 56,848 387,102 436 30,009 154,667 35,916 705 570 2,244 1,065 1,047 596 932 2,993 2,264 7,456 34,037 7,056 4,074 11,614 2,664 15,367 1,087 2,139 1,936 13,228 7,803 6,999 4,992 1,951,861 5,606 3,069 5,309,516 4, 498, 302 5,130 476 4,929 2,867 7,507,699 4,027,664 6,001 3,097 3,113,503 2,031,556 7,406 4,034,831 69,941 425,670 776 29,132 163,636 33,735 2,314 3,371 7,500 27,517 3,486 10,671 2,448 4,143 4,466 8,195 3,129 5,625 86 105 1,206 1,669 1,413 1,571 1,234 1,164 1,401 1,222 350 231 362 231 816 882 363 890 286 201 294 202 5,030 11,813 6,162 12,313 5,257 11,437 2,651 5,674 9,147 14,470 4,807 7,930 4,603 12,821 5,828 13,980 1,878 2,000 8,682 5,254 2,699 1,573 12,872 6,128 6,338 5,099 28,930 96,777 28,677 28,086 18,977 47,076 4,403 21,615 769 1,148 3,866 20, 467 30,171 26, 394 20,121 4,160,450 16,711 8,768 5,620,002 4,234,254 16,564 147 14,544 8,391 6,336,154 3,940,341 16,463 7,263 3,844,228 2,323,817 28,341 8,338,707 144,427 871,204 1,356 30,775 177,259 39,829 4,359 52,131 29,895 5,127 11,346 6,974 154 1,534 721 793 871 206 209 784 789 124 126 18,216 19,223 14,080 8,737 16,829 10,619 20,691 22,251 5,947 7,283 21,210 19,030 6,058 4,996 23,867 19,221 8,197 5,383 57, 993 138,429 57,657 56,580 33,797 63,410 4,795 18,439 416 562 4,497 17,877 61,195 51,944 40, 701 4,728,353 28,760 22,283 4,614,243 3,918,907 28,685 75 27,633 23,722 4,649,395 3,710,487 24,837 14,526 3,246,096 2,265,638 58,549 10,439,267 187,450 1,111,169 1,408 23,157 134,331 29, 964 2,870 33,289 38,024 3,080 7,724 3,919 85 709 235 340 381 112 112 269 274 77 77 10,840 11,234 6,130 6,023 7,219 6,813 11,191 11, 745 13,048 20,702 14,717 22,403 3,625 2,505 38,523 67,728 38,420 37,793 16,104 24, 523 1,788 5,407 1,735 5,323 41,815 31,200 24, 170 1,510,320 15,674 23,340 1,278, 538 2,018,403 15,655 19 23,279 36,021 2,435,968 3,111,676 12,790 13,105 1,031,958 1,281,524 39,029 4,474,625 85,643 510, 538 714 8,887 43,934 12,598 ^Excludes fantta reporting commercial fertilizer and lljne. MISSISSIPPI FARM EXPENDITURES, BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 175 a Banple of farms. See text] The State— Continued Area 1 Econcmic class — Continued Total all farms Economic class Other farms Conmercial farms Other farms Part-time Resi- dential Abnormal Total Class I Class II Class III Class IV Class V Class VI Part-time Resi- dential Abnormal 5,366 8,313 28 3,949 3,437 872 672 596 639 502 156 221 287 4 1 24,203 33,937 28 39.411 37,304 1,051 1,135 2,571 10,334 16,770 5,443 1,306 797 4 2 23,897 31,728 34 26,639 23,024 712 686 1,186 3,848 9,859 6,733 2,208 1,404 3 3 5,152 6,916 17 4,163 3,365 722 603 635 908 730 267 151 146 1 4 11,151 16,112 28 6,947 6,226 995 885 1,025 1,500 1,343 478 380 337 4 5 6,225 7,289 23 5,245 4,880 783 753 866 1,272 923 283 185 176 4 6 103 ■ 110 3 134 128 19 14 25 30 30 10 5 1 7 693 281 15 752 739 291 170 85 99 67 27 11 2 3 271 135 14 262 240 19 25 60 60 71 5 15 "5 ' 9 221 109 10 2,950 2,869 844 636 559 420 283 127 51 20 4 10 226 111 16 3,821 3,734 1,336 788 674 446 333 157 51 27 9 11 51 43 4 654 646 341 171 78 31 15 10 6 2 12 51 43 4 736 728 410 173 89 31 15 10 6 2 13 215 78 12 1,318 1,293 547 281 182 130 106 47 'ii 11 3 14 215 78 14 1,437 1,411 608 298 222 130 106 47 11 11 4 15 87 45 8 ZU, 227 122 78 12 5 5 5 5 10 2 16 102 65 9 295 277 149 96 17 5 5 5 5 10 3 17 9,980 8,763 18 9,035 8,584 1,005 993 1,380 2,423 2,200 583 246 201 4 18 10,656 9,230 103 12,229 11,665 2,655 1,555 1,803 2,607 2,396 649 247 253 64 19 7,022 3,248 18 9,119 8,663 1,053 1,050 1,554 2,570 1,924 512 276 176 4 20 4,345 2,422 24 8,194 7,344 729 750 1,089 1,803 1,975 998 478 36^ 3 21 7,74t. 3,612 122 26,083 25,331 9,421 4,519 3,478 3,821 3,013 1,079 381 315 61 22 4,725 2,822 135 20,346 19,079 6,047 3,454 2,406 2,867 2,923 1,382 622 578 67 23 13,624 17,460 25 15,939 14,966 1,015 974 1,474 4,603 5,599 1,296 581 388 4 24 14,725 18,587 126 22,720 21,538 4,865 2,258 1,926 4,995 5,927 1,567 658 464 60 25 22,390 25,979 3 2 , 787 1,194 29 46 119 273 727 1,161 432 26 32,410 32 '630 20 7,689 3,083 48 50 80 538 2,367 3,602 1,004 27 21,284 23,801 ? 11,730 10,197 118 205 607 2,460 5,062 1,745 1,076 457 28 23,781 28,458 20 23,892 19,019 88 83 324 2,651 10,313 5,560 3,668 1,205 29 17,224 19,099 8 2 , 773 1,681 62 87 246 504 782 766 326 30 16,663 19,o^4 10 5,333 2,590 52 45 121 444 1,928 2,173 570 31 8,378 20,784 5 31,83- 30,159 6 81 975 7,610 15,982 5,505 1,150 578 32 12,329 15,576 5 3,534 3,279 9 16 202 1,146 1,410 496 90 165 33 3,554 1,568 16 3,584 3,485 767 588 605 796 598 131 51 45 34 3,468 1,680 2 5,535 5,178 286 462 949 1,774 1,326 381 225 131 ^ 35 22,594 26,o54 23 41,089 39,247 1,035 1,037 2,531 10,710 18,096 5,733 1,256 582 36 38,298 33.752 376 145,067 141,756 26,480 10,364 13,932 37,326 43,411 10,193 2,274 793 244 37 22,223 2t- . 50" 16 40,664 38,863 909 1,010 2,500 10,655 18,066 5,723 1,231 567 3 38 21,068 25,237 16 39,919 38,193 391 999 2,449 10,420 17,751 5,683 1,181 542 3 39 8,349 5,855 1 25,244 24,522 108 247 1,601 8,033 11,876 2,657 565 156 1 40 12,866 7,280 2 53,272 52,359 164 594 5,557 20,869 21,276 3,899 710 201 2 41 1,887 686 22 4,824 4,634 916 764 752 1,114 962 176 101 35 4 42 4,344 1,235 358 51,876 51,204 25,425 8,771 5,976 6,037 4,334 611 383 50 239 43 218 78 21 1,563 1,563 714 428 246 143 27 5 1 4 44 262 144 285 9,009 8.818 6,532 1,381 637 219 39 10 1 190 45 1,687 613 7 4,037 3,900 627 552 597 1,003 950 171 101 35 1 46 4,032 1,091 73 42,867 42,336 18,893 7,390 5,339 5,818 4,345 601 382 50 49 47 27,058 34,763 28 44,443 42,075 1,068 1,147 2,731 11,321 19,315 6,493 l,50f 863 4 48 17.744 12. Ob^ 27 41,354 39,609 1,064 1,127 2,597 10,615 18,184 6,022 1,351 390 4 49 13, 127 9,495 11 35,961 34,454 761 810 2,079 9,240 16,208 5,356 1,195 310 2 50 354,155 417^450 6,770 10,426,257 10,250,707 2,907,325 1,184,530 1,044,801 2,312,327 2,351,754 449,970 125,415 45,015 5,120 51 10, 674 4,986 22 13,988 18,243 1,058 1,081 1,335 5,203 7,214 1,852 571 170 4 52 12,755 8,144 40 22,615 20,378 740 753 1,181 3,651 8,916 5,137 1,518 711 8 53 1,148,553 371,037 532,640 23,437,196 22,953,320 13,861,878 3,911,525 2,091,958 1,770,559 1,160,255 157,145 71,740 22,685 389,451 54 1,477,729 875,919 549,168 28,569,436 27,743,850 15,491,194 5,282,337 2,494,511 2,146,001 1,684,002 545,305 245,397 242,524 337,665 55 10, 666 4,975 8 17,133 16,397 89 476 1,620 5,161 7,199 1,852 570 170 1 56 8 11 14 1,350 1,346 969 605 215 42 15 1 3 57 13,532 27,823 16 11,054 10,091 511 486 986 3,182 3,723 1,203 370 590 3 53 21,737 28,704 36 19,145 16, 853 416 456 822 3,147 7,130 4,832 1,222 1,063 7 59 2,752,931 2,241,450 172,266 2,792,802 2,672,542 1,205,883 422,670 317,199 383,755 256,425 86,610 42,025 54,105 24, 130 60 2,403,399 2,262,432 153,267 2,781,174 2,528,898 714,056 311,264 203, 852 334,034 565,792 349,900 115,763 107,217 29,296 61 10,981 8,981 27 17,291 16,463 1,055 1,079 1,834 4,918 5,850 1,727 491 333 4 62 8,450 5,310 29 14,096 12,425 736 760 1,157 2,470 4,435 2,367 1,063 600 8 63 947,728 448,305 52,727 10,860,357 10,709,980 5,361,574 2,137,381 1,193,265 1,153,875 724,900 133,985 61,912 58,465 30,000 64 370,533 529, 924 71,173 3,830,376 8,502,365 3,669,359 1,741,525 1,097,540 964,296 713,485 316, 160 148,449 142,685 36, 877 65 22.673 19, 502 28 41,244 39,675 1,041 1,091 2,609 10,764 18,200 5,970 1,260 305 4 66 2,713,193 1,044,560 138,628 12,074,680 11,882,295 4,127,660 1,519,110 1,177,373 2,304,967 2,312, d25 440,560 96,230 17,645 78,510 67 53,266 21,003 2,132 145,167 142 , 845 48,722 17, 663 14,493 28,103 28,466 5,393 1,110 218 994 68 302.651 124,738 17.100 1,344.777 1,320,991 496,678 165,883 127,715 246,231 238, 719 45,765 9,375 2,470 11,941 69 936 507 5 365 355 103 46 35 61 75 35 10 70 14.607 3,523 635 39,213 33,908 25,406 7,740 3,076 1,606 820 260 305 71 82.061 21.70Q 2.793 198,733 197,203 131,500 36,536 13,753 9,269 4,980 1,170 1,525 72 18.207 5,155 430 35,041 34,336 22,531 6,755 2,470 1,910 910 260 205 73 176 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 2.-FARM FACILITIES, OFF-FARM WORK, WORK POWER, FARM LABOR, AND __^ [Data are based on reports for only Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) SPECIFIED FACILITIES AND EQUIFKENT Telephone farms reporting 1954. Electricity farms reporting 1954. 1950. Television set farms reporting 1954. Piped rxinnlng water farms reporting 1954. Home freezer farms reporting 1954 . Electric pig brooder farms reporting 1954. Power feed grinder farms reporting 1954 . Milking machine farms reporting 1954. Grain combines farms reporting 1954 . number 1954. Com piclcers farms reporting 1954 . number 1954. Pick-up hay balers farms reporting 1954. number 1954 . Field forage harvesters farms reporting 1954 . number 1954. Motortrucks farms reporting 1954 . number 1954. Tractors, other than garden farms reporting 1954. 1950. number 1954. 1950. Automobiles farms reporting 1954. number 1954. OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Fara operators^ With other income of family exceeding value of farm products sold operators reporting 1954. 1949. Working off their farms, total operators reporting 1954 . 1949. 100 or more days operators reporting 1954. 1949. FARMS BY CLASS OF WORK POWER No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting 1954. No tractor but horses and/or mules farms reporting 1954. Tractor and horses and/or mules. .. .farms reporting 1954. Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting 1954. FARM LABOR Week of October 24-30: Family and/or hired workers farms reporting 1954. persons 1954. Family workers, including operator farms reporting 1954. Operators working 1 or more hours persons 1954. Unpaid members of operator's family farms reporting 1954. persons 1954. Hired workers farms reporting 1954 . persons 1954. Regular workers (to be employed 150 or more days } farms reporting 1954 . persons 1954. Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days ) farms reporting 1954 . , persons 1954. SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Specified farm expenditures^ farms reporting 1954.. Machine hire and/or hired labor farms reporting 1954., Machine hire farms reporting 1954 . . dollars 1954., Hired laboi farms reporting 1954. 1949., dollars 1954., 1949., $1 to $2,499 farms reporting 1954., $2,500 and over farms reporting 1954. , Feed for livestock and poultry. .farms reporting 1954., 1949 . , dollars 1954., 1949.. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil farms reporting 1954., 1949 . , dollars 1954., 1949.. Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing material farms reporting 1954.. dollars 1954.. tons 1954 . , acres on which used 1954.. Lime and liming material farms reporting 1954.. tons 1954 . . dollars 1954.. acres limed 1954.. Total all farms 3,969 26,561 16,142 5,480 6,012 4,057 97 1,153 504 993 1,233 452 461 678 693 310 318 10,654 12,172 7,022 4,862 11,703 7,348 11,736 14,482 5 306 8 291 10 080 11 6b? ,; 330 I, 602 13,634 12,938 4,503 2,519 30,344 92,121 29,514 17,402 37,597 3,484 25,010 977 3,263 2,930 21,747 32,750 25,971 20.278 3,158,106 13,829 12,717 7,538,286 5,484,645 13,222 607 16,260 16,728 4,973,920 4,308,294 12,843 7,118 3,805,359 2,310,357 28,249 6,647,873 117,354 686,898 826 36, 503 190,285 43,182 Economic class Conmercial farms 2,478 21,411 11,363 3,898 4,060 3,089 72 1,051 469 956 1,191 431 440 651 666 285 293 8,865 10,233 6,095 4,021 10,567 6,394 9,090 11,477 1,108 1,259 6,315 5,798 1,337 990 10,765 10,505 4,039 2,056 25,810 84,568 25,600 25,251 15,839 35,028 3,166 24,289 918 3,161 2,666 21,128 27,020 23,089 18, U9 3,013,803 12(343 9,898 7,339,542 5,154,385 11,742 601 12,333 11,297 4,543,375 3,863,651 10,763 5,646 3,641,524 2,112,690 25,286 6,388,635 112,374 656,019 725 34,298 178,072 40,397 186 239 131 175 206 181 4 115 34 176 282 74 82 108 114 63 67 240 622 238 130 1,520 739 232 938 7 189 49 242 6,408 213 213 43 64 217 6,131 171 1,525 145 4,606 245 239 191 436,204 239 139 2,757,548 1,577,140 31 208 161 104 935,533 759,255 230 139 931,431 378,132 243 963,868 14,309 97,715 51 8,770 42,477 7,649 417 602 354 394 519 373 10 243 169 239 346 110 111 161 168 76 79 569 925 574 340 1,757 903 539 1,111 35 87 131 92 84 28 456 lis 604 5,367 554 168 371 466 4,442 313 936 333 3,506 624 591 423 336,686 5M 374 1,664,061 1,350,699 309 255 478 336 1,349,068 1,239,943 591 379 793,431 422,007 592 742,493 U,156 74,278 123 7,096 39,301 10,928 400 1,310 525 590 645 471 9 249 129 131 198 91 91 111 113 62 62 899 1,128 389 409 1,639 782 310 1,081 282 169 139 103 240 £03 236 1,334 7,080 1,235 1,263 656 2,120 557 3,697 232 419 393 3,278 1,373 1,292 323 350,867 1,041 478 1,012,213 657,664 954 87 797 401 845,949 545,532 1,032 456 589, 933 361,427 1,324 735,417 13,153 77,563 134 9,009 43,572 9,057 415 5,019 1,314 953 379 745 12 205 77 143 166 62 62 100 100 31 31 2,206 2,371 1,732 857 2,145 1,166 2,072 2,223 203 267 1,316 540 362 236 1,629 1,152 580 5,705 21,715 5,669 5,603 4,036 10,880 791 5,232 107 145 729 5,087 5,875 5,153 3,775 702,264 3,077 1,233 938, 508 611,815 3,052 25 2,532 1,103 610,957 405,425 2,805 1,034 638, 121 371,609 5,631 ,526,953 27,529 155,163 194 4,993 29,673 6,648 596 9,308 3,532 1,141 1,127 823 17 197 40 134 160 63 63 128 128 36 37 3,320 3,493 1,375 1,174 2,529 1,545 3,783 4,322 761 825 2,995 1,926 730 569 4,939 1,133 737 11,584 31,370 11,534 11,374 7,677 15,993 363 3,998 81 120 3,873 12,006 10,344 8,324 904,798 5,101 3,131 754,427 604,290 5,081 20 5,047 3,032 505,108 417,332 4,180 1,743 534,456 353,989 11,320 1,803,816 32,779 130,900 156 2,525 14,569 3,550 ^Excludes fanrs reporting commercial fertilizer and lime. MISSISSIPPI FARM EXPENDITURES, BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUSF-S OF 1954 AND 1950-Coiitinued 177 a sajnple of farma. See text] A rea 2 — Continued Areas 3 and A Econan c claaa— Continued Total all Econ<»ilc c lass Other fariDB Conmercial farma Other farma Part-time Reei- dential Abnormal Total Claaa I Claaa 11 Class III Class IV Claas V Claas VI Part-time Resi- dent ial Abnoraal 5Jl. '"'55 4,350 1,958 32 142 281 501 612 390 1,076 1,306 10 1 2.J-;3 2 , ^'U7 17, 267 9,196 48 258 622 1,628 3,306 3,334 3,597 4,464 10 2 J,l-.o 2.932 i 12,898 5,752 37 177 355 909 1,615 2,659 2,647 4,496 3 3 o7J U09 3,505 1,605 27 U9 253 405 470 300 893 998 9 4 7d7 1.135 7,799 3,898 45 233 555 992 1,137 936 1,747 2,144 10 5 ■iVJ 495 4,242 2,243 34 150 365 597 628 469 1,016 976 7 6 21J ^j 94 58 1 16 20 11 10 16. 20 7 36 1,101 888 '37 121 157 248 216 109 148 60 5 8 3U 928 864 5 53 319 365 71 45 35 25 4 9 .: ll 437 398 29 101 73 105 70 20 16 21 2 10 1(.. 475 434 42 113 80 107 72 20 16 22 3 11 n 11 116 100 16 33 24 10 16 1 5 10 1 12 ij 11 119 103 19 33 24 10 16 1 5 10 1 13 !•- 11 531 476 25 90 128 108 97 28 30 21 4 14 1- 11 543 488 33 91 130 109 97 28 30 21 4 15 10 15 176 129 16 30 18 37 17 11 30 15 2 16 10 15 V< 1J2 19 30 IS 37 17 11 35 25 2 17 l.OOC 730 7 . (_.76 5,104 47 254 475 1,052 1,751 1,525 1,436 1,131 5 18 1,05'J 530 3,513 5,310 111 402 600 1,270 1,861 1,566 1,528 1,165 9 19 „15 322 4 . 850 3,467 50 238 505 953 1,104 617 1,017 361 5 20 ■47c. 36— 1 2,732 1,962 37 159 253 489 554 470 509 258 3 21 7^1 395 6,247 4,731 218 569 750 1,261 1,311 522 1,130 365 20 22 523 423 3 3,413 2,581 98 362 374 617 627 503 554 269 9 23 1,200 1,446 10,423 5,262 45 234 484 1,103 1,757 1,539 2,447 2,704 10 24 1.366 1,639 11,681 6,014 126 419 646 1,266 1,897 1,550 2,746 2,901 20 25 ;.i3'- 3,c41 1,214 6 59 106 299 744 3,666 3,761 26 J,7fc.l 3 . 266 5 10,953 928 8 29 71 297 523 4,192 5,833 5 27 2,00b 1,759 12,023 4,916 10 98 265 786 2,019 1,738 3,578 3,528 1 28 2,3^6 3,CK33 10 11,543 3,576 9 40 124 417 850 2,U6 3,056 4,901 29 l,o05 1,388 7,291 1,424 8 61 134 403 818 2,988 2,878 "i 30 l.Sbl 1,751 6,560 810 5 33 73 270 429 2,230 3,520 31 993 1,87b 6,341 2,568 1 15 45 298 1,149 1,060 1,059 2,714 32 1,127 1.3urj 12.201 7,161 20 88 653 2,559 3,831 2,409 2,626 5 33 32- 140 3,450 2,621 41 179 350 723 886 442 588 236 5 34 231 182 1,400 846 9 59 155 230 218 175 429 125 35 2,223 2,311 19,837 12,340 51 273 532 1,844 4,572 4,968 3,660 3,877 10 36 ■,.-;is 3,135 44,539 32,477 564 2,131 2,261 5,941 11,569 9,911 6,908 5,127 27 37 2,178 2,290 19,t.25 12,180 43 238 617 1,806 4,518 4,958 3,593 3,847 5 38 2,078 2,185 18,796 11,842 43 236 602 1,740 4,383 4,838 3,372 3,577 5 39 992 571 8,917 6,338 10 99 294 1,043 2,520 2,372 1,582 997 40 1.773 15,951 11,977 13 131 505 2,286 5,155 3,887 2,637 1,337 41 23? 33 2,482 1,975 44 207 274 483 628 339 387 111 9 42 5d7 15- 9,792 8,658 608 1,754 1,154 1,915 2,031 1,186 899 213 22 43 -2 17 65'^ 602 42 150 135 155 86 13 44 5 8 44 <;9 53 1,380 1,303 245 393 281 267 104 13 54 5 13 45 193 71 2,047 1,595 22 128 194 350 559 332 344 106 2 45 101 8,412 7,355 363 1,371 873 1,648 1,927 1,173 845 208 4 47 2,695 3,031 22,431 12,905 51 273 633 1,904 4,721 5,323 4,345 5,171 10 48 1,848 1,034 13,341 9,303 48 261 576 1,581 3,375 3,462 2,493 1,536 9 49 1,333 806 8,678 5,889 26 146 404 1,056 2,077 2,180 1,678 1,110 1 50 111,448 32,855 992,825 855,387 39,545 120,563 123,546 208,913 239,701 123,919 104,118 31,645 675 51 1,077 409 9,266 6,815 47 265 486 1,296 2,490 2,241 1,661 781 9 52 1,520 1,293 6 7,014 4,332 40 174 315 648 1,178 1,976 1,509 1,155 8 53 143.339 55,405 3,014,322 2,774,044 355,969 721,800 501,158 586,448 434,558 174,101 159,833 51,945 18,500 54 170,975 143,782 15,503 2,049,376 1,743,882 292,325 433,647 329,152 330,193 215,205 142,359 195,476 93,218 16, 800 55 1,077 403 9,031 6,583 10 143 433 1,268 2,488 2,241 1,661 781 6 56 6 235 232 37 112 53 28 2 3 57 l,c21 2,306 16,097 8,660 46 232 585 1,415 2,947 3,434 3,250 4,183 4 58 2,381 3,045 5 14,248 6,438 38 139 327 818 1,455 3,661 3,002 4,801 7 59 226,560 203,985 5,127,584 4,298,194 225,184 741,197 1,287,530 1,156,190 568,375 319,718 492,191 328,110 9,089 60 251, MO 188,228 375 3,429,790 2,667,880 201,007 268,394 659,017 790,688 453,712 295,062 378,291 378,044 5,575 61 1.086 994 7,929 5,097 51 241 525 1,185 1,750 1,345 1,463 1,359 10 62 867 604 1 5,619 3,548 39 173 317 660 974 1,385 1,222 841 8 63 99,375 c4,4b0 1,573,2U 1,399,158 120,276 280, 309 283,103 354,789 249, 522 111,059 114,670 51,065 8,320 64 121,894 73,773 2,000 1,005,510 836, 537 69,297 180,466 149,914 176,479 153,364 107,017 110,262 52,905 5,806 65 1,965 998 17,826 11,785 48 249 622 1,749 4,375 4,741 3,496 2,535 10 66 199,143 60,095 3,436,572 2,950,381 167,094 347,984 418,933 525,548 858,108 532,714 365,435 104,530 16,226 67 3,820 1,160 65,559 55,861 3,300 6,166 8,050 12,009 16, 171 10,165 7,350 2,074 274 68 22,969 7,910 378,678 324,223 20,860 39,585 43,995 66,380 94,286 59,117 40,077 12,495 1,883 69 66 35 929 715 11 67 143 226 182 85 153 55 1 70 2,C45 160 20,992 19, U8 1,288 3,582 3,224 6,843 3,142 1,059 1,559 235 50 71 10,bl3 1,600 137,702 123,857 7,448 21,187 21,980 45,138 23,015 5,089 11,850 1,545 450 72 2,505 280 29,584 26, 639 2,099 5,515 4,632 8,841 4,408 1,144 2,445 450 50 73 178 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 2.-FARM FACILITIES, OFF-FARM WORK, WORK POWER, FARM LABOR, AND [Data are based on re ports for only Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Area 4 Total all farms Economic class Commercial farms Total Class I Class II Class III Class IV Class V Class VI SPECIFIED FACILITIES AND EQUimENT 1 Telephone farms reporting 1954 . . . 3,076 1,710 8 51 192 402 613 444 2 Electrlcltv farms reporting 1954. . . 22,573 19,455 15,708 12,907 22 3 126 63 836 238 3,516 1,390 6,578 5,340 4,630 5,873 3 1950... <; Television set farms reporting 1954... 3,830 2,396 8 57 282 651 966 432 5 6 Piped running water farms reporting 1954. . . 6,950 4,365 21 102 467 1,160 1,682 933 Home freezer farms reporting 1954... 3,954 2,621 14 66 272 '770 li062 437 7 Electric Die brooder farms reporting 1954... 85 64 1 1 22 15 25 g Power feed grinder farms reporting 1954 . . . 975 869 4 37 221 271 230 106 9 Milking machine farms reporting 1954. . . 459 429 2 30 127 160 80 30 10 Grain combines farms reporting 1954... 457 410 4 35 114 133 79 45 11 number 1954 .. . 475 428 4 37 129 134 79 45 12 Corn pickers farms reporting 1954. . . 244 223 2 18 76 76 31 20 13 number 1954... 244 223 2 18 76 76 31 20 14 Plok-up hay balers farms reporting 1954 . . . 431 395 2 32 97 153 96 15 15 number 1954 . . . 436 400 2 32 97 153 101 15 16 Field forage harvesters farms reporting 1954... 154 148 1 24 61 42 15 5 17 number 1954 . . . 156 150 1 25 62 42 15 5 18 Motortrucks farms reporting 1954 . . . 8,575 6,663 16 100 635 1,823 2,706 1,383 19 number 1954 . . . 8,980 6,983 26 157 694 1,928 2,774 1,404 20 Tractors, other than garden farms reporting 1954... 8,361 7,150 17 91 707 2,257 3,064 1,014 21 1950 .. . 4,965 4,116 3 37 191 875 1,932 1,078 22 9,531 8,197 43 208 1,017 2,581 3,282 1,066 23 1950... 5,667 4,733 19 76 275 1,183 2,042 1,U8 24 9,738 6,410 20 83 460 1,548 2,671 1,628 25 number 1954 . . . OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Farm operators— 10,401 6,884 52 127 541 1,650 2,846 1,668 26 of farm products sold operators reporting 1954... 5,227 996 2 10 71 204 709 27 8,222 1,203 18 55 196 934 28 Working off their farms, total operators reporting 1954 . . . 10,t)34 6,027 3 53 270 1,176 2,770 1,755 29 1949... 10,266 5,357 1 23 98 521 2,099 2,615 30 4,223 922 1 17 81 263 560 31 1949 . . . FARMS BY CLASS OF WORK POWER 4,266 792 1 17 67 149 558 32 No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting 1954... 7,819 4,006 5 35 75 721 1,755 1,415 33 Ho tractor but horses and/or 7,b78 5,416 65 579 2,111 2,661 34 Tractor and horses and/or mules farms reporting 1954... 4,404 3,860 5 68 439 1,247 1,574 527 35 Tractor and no horses or mules fanns reporting 1954... Veeb of October 24-30: 3,957 3,290 12 23 268 1,010 1,490 487 36 Family and/or hired workers farms reporting 1954... 20,288 15,270 22 126 811 3,403 6,484 4,424 37 45,333 38,261 233 576 3,814 10,751 15,371 7,516 38 Family workers, including opera tor farms reporting 1954 . . . 20,215 15,213 21 125 803 3,384 6,466 4,414 39 Operators working 1 or more hours persons 1954 . . . 19,70b 14,949 21 125 760 3,313 6,341 4,389 40 Unpaid members of operator's f ami ly farms reporting 1954 — 9,669 8,254 2 66 528 2,155 3,668 1,835 41 persons 1954. . . 17,222 15,262 3 128 1,274 4,758 6,594 2,505 42 Hired workers farms reporting 1954 . . . 1,907 1,770 12 47 283 595 652 181 43 persons 1954 . . . 8,405 8,050 209 323 1,780 2,680 2,436 622 44 or more days) farms reporting 1954. . . 189 169 10 30 69 40 19 1 45 persons 1954 . . . 377 352 83 60 122 62 24 1 46 Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting 1954... l,7b2 1,M5 4 29 233 564 634 181 47 persons 1954 . . . SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES 3,023 7,698 126 263 1,658 2,618 2,412 621 48 Specified farm expenditures' farms reporting 1954... 22,718 16,107 22 126 837 3,472 6,755 4,895 49 Machine hire and/or hired labor farms reporting 1954 . . . 15,213 12,371 22 104 694 2,764 5,347 3,440 50 Machine hire farms reporting 1954... 11,716 9,456 14 55 492 1,982 4,111 2,802 51 1,063,082 943,224 4,835 31,734 117,740 289,170 347,984 151,761 52 Hired labor farms reporting 1954. . . 9,988 8,553 17 93 644 2,217 3,712 1,870 53 1949... 10,824 8,075 3 33 235 1,115 3,337 3,352 54 dollars 1954... 1,993,496 1,883,036 144,200 126,575 425,400 583,358 477,490 126,013 55 1949... 1,460,315 1,208,716 47,869 58,699 185,534 285,394 418,055 213,165 56 $1 to $2,499 farms reporting 1954... 9,934 8,500 7 81 624 2,207 3,711 1,870 57 $2,500 and over farms reporting 1954. . . 54 53 10 12 20 10 1 58 Feed for livestock and poultry. .farms reporting 1954... 15 , 681 10,649 21 114 660 2,353 4,297 3,204 59 1949... 17,581 11,700 3 62 237 1,186 4,529 5,683 60 dollars 1954... 4,416,495 3,927,895 485,394 623,380 896,468 914,868 694,135 313,650 61 1949... 2,502,820 2,004,586 3,561 186,623 333,423 393,649 619,695 467,635 62 Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil farms reporting 1954... 11,353 8,997 17 106 747 2,524 3,788 1,815 63 1949 . . . 7,405 5,806 3 59 216 1,006 2,628 1,894 64 dollars 1954... 1,819,303 1,659,263 28,180 85,526 286,995 563,591 537,695 157,276 65 1949... 1,000,328 867,101 10,581 42,823 92,336 222,161 339,210 159,990 66 Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing material farms reporting 1954. . . 19,639 15,778 17 94 815 3,456 6,717 4,679 67 3,991,816 3,666,653 29,972 73,942 454, 192 1,186,855 1,373,482 548,210 68 tons 1954 . . . 80,900 74,092 706 1,524 8,719 22,880 28,542 11,721 69 acres on which used 1954... 426,621 388,631 4,009 8,304 45,766 115,939 151,092 63,521 70 Lime and liming material farms reporting 1954... 870 734 11 18 119 203 282 101 71 tons 1954... 12,084 JD,234 315 1,014 3,419 2,572 2,432 482 72 dollars 1954... 60,400 50,961 1,045 3,817 19,390 11,238 11,891 3,580 73 acres limed 1954... 15,647 13,327 325 1,363 4,004 3,480 3,165 990 ^Excludes farms reporting connercial fertilizer and lime. MISSISSIPPI FARM EXPENDITURES. BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued 179 a sample of farms. See text] Area ■; — Continued Area 5 Econcmlc class — Continued Total all farms Economic :laBS Other farms Connercial farms Other farms Part-time Resi- dent i si Abnormel Total Class I Class II Class III Class IV Class V Class VI Part-time Resi- dential Abnormal -■' ' 2,047 63 212 314 494 585 379 530 856 1 ^ . '■■^^'-'' if'i jsf 9,819 79 264 596 2,030 3,967 2,883 2,235 2,992 2 3 . -■ 1 1 J. 337 lJ,'-33 8,658 50 194 323 1,033 3,035 4,023 2,052 2,922 3 . nf 326 l,i.,jl 1,082 36 84 163 265 323 206 242 336 4 ■''fli l,bC^ 5,25' 3,307 79 250 465 363 1,025 625 300 1,147 5 '^(. J 771 3,313 2,224 58 152 310 604 680 420 517 576 6 1 i^ 71 35 1 12 2 10 10 16 20 7 ' 1 m5 l.'.wr' 931 43 128 183 316 184 77 70 45 8 25 rlr 750 29 115 200 251 130 25 30 35 9 2, ^1 ~i 2 476 43 108 97 129 61 33 15 10 10 2, 21 5tl 535 63 136 102 135 61 33 15 10 11 IG 11 155 150 16 33 37 21 28 15 5 12 10 11 155 150 16 33 37 21 28 15 5 13 2b 10 715 694 38 130 122 171 165 68 10 'io 14 21. 10 741 720 46 138 125 178 165 68 10 10 15 o 163 161 23 45 46 17 8 22 1 16 " loS l66 26 46 47 17 8 22 1 17 911 1,001 5,719 4,259 77 245 4i3 1,086 1,528 880 823 635 2 18 961 l,03i 6,472 4,943 227 446 535 1,195 1,624 916 864 655 10 19 793 418 5,03c 4,075 79 246 464 1,179 1,475 632 674 285 2 20 o36 213 3,371 2,801 50 173 221 640 1,159 558 385 134 1 21 850 484 o, 696 5,636 332 650 776 1,476 1,660 742 725 325 10 22 682 252 4,322 3,692 207 334 330 370 1,309 642 399 208 23 23 1,356 1,972 7,744 4,953 77 225 459 1,104 1,993 1,095 1,353 1,436 2 24 1,^55 2,062 8,o64 5,739 263 426 557 1,268 2,033 1,U2 1,423 1,496 6 25 :,25i 2,980 5,&i9 1,025 21 26 74 267 -.37 2,308 2,316 26 ,,1~' 2,843 6,043 840 3 14 71 158 594 2,612 2,591 27 1. 'tO 2,o47 3,107 4,071 24 81 244 719 1,786 1,217 2,035 2,001 28 ;'.55i 2,358 ■,' 2^1 3,145 11 43 70 285 1,013 1,723 1,748 2,358 29 i.^j'j 1,862 4 , 2'-'" 1,157 14 28 U7 306 672 1,584 1,556 30 1.^1. l,ti58 3 . 3'- -' 553 3 28 53 112 347 1,223 1,593 31 '1 2,397 ' .74 'J 3,782 1 10 109 631 1,706 1,325 905 2,062 32 = j 1,310 ",..39 4,863 10 81 533 1,892 2,352 1,231 1,340 33 338 206 2,331 2,451 62 168 302 757 807 355 294 135 1 34 ^55 212 2,155 1,624 17 78 162 422 668 277 380 150 1 35 2,140 2,869 lc,c39 11,695 80 251 619 2,228 4,688 3,829 2,330 2,612 2 36 3,552 3,520 33, .,03 31,276 1,342 1,976 2,304 7,486 11,331 6,837 3,197 26 37 2,13^ 2,868 lo,4o0 11,568 69 236 £04 2,184 4,657 3,818 2,284 2,607 1 38 2,0 1,572 4 2,853 1,212 14 37 144 219 387 411 691 953 2 4 S.i:?-! 4,lol 10 6,949 3,261 39 66 300 619 1,099 1,133 1,599 2,087 2 5 1,714 1,^18 9 3,768 1,937 23 50 210 334 742 523 907 922 2 6 ^^ 15 2 67 42 1 1 25 15 5 20 7 17^ j"! 5 854 686 14 32 72 188 269 113 129 35 2 6 S-' JO 5 485 442 15 33 148 UO 71 45 16 25 2 9 f.*) 2 204 136 5 15 32 53 59 22 17 1 10 ( ^ '1 2 208 190 6 16 34 53 59 22 17 1 11 u 58 52 3 1 9 23 6 5 5 1 12 u 58 52 3 1 9 23 5 5 5 1 13 liLi 10 2 255 219 6 24 38 81 52 18 29 "5 2 14 L.L 10 3 257 221 7 25 38 61 52 18 29 5 2 15 •> 1 105 93 4 9 33 25 21 1 5 5 2 15 5 1 lib 94 4 9 33 25 22 1 5 15 2 17 i.6l5 2,023 5 7,460 4,405 23 73 289 714 1,754 1,542 1,733 1,320 2 18 J, 732 2,103 12 7,992 4,740 46 108 354 770 1,891 1,571 1,399 1,345 8 19 1,701 71X) 5 4 , 26b 3,061 34 67 266 630 1,250 804 893 305 2 20 889 457 5 2,361 1,567 3 33 UO 306 556 529 515 272 5 21 1,795 710 21 4,798 3,522 61 123 333 771 1,403 831 941 325 10 22 93b 490 15 2,632 1,789 12 62 158 391 611 555 538 237 18 23 3,«0 4,074 8 7,l>;5 3,354 33 57 245 475 1,176 1,357 1,781 2,509 1 24 3,636 4,244 33 8,079 3,562 49 93 284 519 1,243 1,374 1,380 2,530 7 25 5,«78 5,892 , 8,493 796 5 5 49 123 609 3,254 4,442 1 26 7,653 7,803 10,14b 693 25 20 1J7 511 4,098 5,350 5 27 5,232 5,158 7 11,292 4,114 15 20 1J4 452 1,611 1,832 3,159 4,009 28 5,170 6,513 5 9,992 2,750 1 25 43 184 732 1,750 2,837 4,400 5 29 4,242 4,163 7 b,b96 824 13 11 65 155 530 2,608 3,254 30 3,804 4,522 5 5,4^1 430 1 23 38 53 315 2,051 2,955 5 31 1,592 4,488 5 5,732 1,721 2 22 166 678 351 1,012 3,049 32 3 , 50f? 3.302 10,847 5,460 5 10 66 303 1,459 3,507 2,241 3,U6 33 ■"'80 3' 0 2,9bl 2,210 21 48 177 425 946 592 559 190 2 34 '.'^1 -^.\ 1,305 851 13 19 89 204 3U 212 339 115 35 ■ .i;'- lb,oi2 9,lb3 39 78 337 1,041 3,056 4,612 3,215 4,262 2 36 M . . . •■,cl9 53 26,795 16,415 U6 284 837 2,302 5,677 6,979 4,931 5,373 25 37 ^■,074 5 lb, 513 9,034 33 73 331 1,022 3,026 4,597 3,180 4,247 2 33 5,110 5,809 5 15,938 3,869 33 73 329 992 2,951 4,481 3,020 4,047 2 39 1,827 1,210 4,999 3,116 6 15 103 333 1,131 1,418 937 946 40 2,599 1,435 7,585 5,002 8 22 156 308 1,935 2,063 1,457 1,126 41 49o 175 5 1,233 894 22 55 133 183 304 197 222 115 2 42 957 375 48 3,2-?2 2,544 95 189 342 502 931 435 504 200 24 43 28 10 317 263 21 48 73 72 39 10 17 35 2 44 39 10 "^ 515 408 55 104 103 93 43 10 22 55 20 45 474 lc.5 1 93b 695 4 25 76 132 271 137 210 30 1 46 918 365 ^ 2,^5'" 2,1J6 40 85 239 409 938 425 482 135 4 47 6,653 8,257 10 19,754 10,032 39 79 354 1,096 3,357 5,107 4,036 5,634 2 48 4,332 2,751 10 12,940 7,671 33 61 292 882 2,599 3,304 2,859 2,408 2 49 3,242 2,170 6 9,360 5,427 15 32 187 556 1,896 2,741 2,050 1,683 50 204,386 79,750 325 608,960 440,095 17,065 15,600 44,887 81,443 149,230 131,820 108,455 60,410 51 2,785 1,161 5 7,995 5,193 28 61 277 753 1,860 2,219 1,764 1,031 2 52 2,971 1,372 10 5,088 3,351 4 54 150 320 1,038 1,785 1,551 1,180 6 53 272,022 60,215 66,060 1,365,332 1,094,755 95,215 126,394 170,744 242,961 312,581 145,860 158,425 74,007 38,545 54 331,831 125,294 65,505 915,818 629,598 38,450 81,905 133,676 97,319 162,353 115,895 160,870 55,290 50,060 55 2,784 1,161 1 7,938 5,143 15 45 254 750 1,355 2,219 1,764 1,025 56 1 4 57 50 13 15 13 3 5 5 "2 57 4,o28 c,693 14 , 708 7,155 38 71 312 835 2,323 3,575 2,919 4,631 2 58 5,28d 6,ii54 10 12,769 5,343 4 58 159 385 1,343 3,394 2,600 4,620 6 59 594,930 490,470 103,104 4,032,338 3,172,775 745,000 422,943 567,472 531,364 507,906 396,090 464,111 359,625 25,827 60 538,604 515,760 69,962 1,936,248 1,319,529 26,800 162,740 367,764 217,982 245,848 293,495 284,055 303,970 28,583 61 2,855 2,189 9 7,616 4,888 29 79 318 802 1,685 1,775 1,514 1,112 2 62 1,763 1,167 5 4,148 2,497 4 50 153 327 907 1,055 952 593 5 63 209,865 82,580 6,961 1,009,851 309,969 37,100 50,957 122,833 210,685 252,393 135,985 151,611 45,235 3,045 64 157,092 87,795 6,762 537,692 385,765 9,225 25,537 56,354 79,069 124,985 91,595 91,430 46,380 13,117 65 5,976 5,021 10 17,711 9,810 27 71 342 1,065 3,273 5,032 3,552 4,237 2 66 748,259 269,170 32,178 3,135,830 2,389,425 55, 690 82,125 195,451 470,597 861,973 721,539 514,990 225,715 5,700 67 14,798 5,347 533 51,179 46,885 1,259 1,695 4,133 8,931 16,725 14,092 9,515 4,572 107 58 80 . 397 30,788 2,109 344,017 260,025 4,837 9,967 22,557 49,637 90,603 82,314 54,828 28,725 439 59 268 105 831 535 7 24 51 146 199 98 168 126 2 70 3,820 645 16,331 12,442 1,366 1,277 1,850 2,985 3,108 1,846 3,066 743 75 71 19,660 3,630 35,154 62,939 4,247 7,928 8,871 16,493 18,360 7,040 17,432 3,970 813 72 4,023 945 20,352 15,170 1,289 1,432 2,558 3,565 4,221 2,105 4,107 960 125 73 182 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 2.-FARM FACILITIES, OFF-FARM WORK, WORK POWER, FARM LABOR, AND [Data are based on re ports for only Item (For definitioDB and explanations, see text) Area 7 Total all farms Economic class Commercial farms Total Class I Class II Class III Class 17 Class V Class VI 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 SPECIFIED FACILITIES AMD EaUIPHENT 1,600 8,198 7,084 1,700 5,310 2,498 42 227 321 143 157 111 113 120 126 54 64 4,078 4,534 2,960 1,457 3,412 1,715 4,298 4,721 4,806 4,992 6,009 4,932 4,598 3,616 3,071 2,752 1,263 1,697 7,283 12,486 7,197 0,925 2,257 3,319 636 2,242 223 504 486 1,738 8,128 4,451 3,150 394,281 2,592 1,957 1,553,572 872,770 2,517 75 6,290 5,452 2,611,020 1,328,024 3,527 2,056 591,569 336,188 6,946 1,894,302 44,726 206,329 482 12,576 83,469 17,068 513 2,661 2,293 525 1,818 1,0U 17 185 291 128 142 106 108 94 100 29 29 1,829 2,049 1,665 831 1,995 1,074 1,209 1,434 517 361 1,314 817 588 306 390 761 719 946 2,611 6,034 2,565 2,475 1,067 1,631 433 1,928 181 461 320 1,467 2,756 1,935 1,180 283,311 1,482 1,102 1,409,333 793,575 1,412 70 2,070 1,771 2,134,651 926,349 1,856 1,140 468,994 261,678 2,620 1,444,677 35,208 153,787 320 10,620 68,602 13,508 16 29 14 13 28 21 3 2 12 17 1 1 7 8 2 2 23 76 23 13 108 90 27 117 4 2 15 6 12 6 6 14 9 29 662 21 21 5 5 19 636 17 220 11 416 29 19 12 109,702 19 15 693,072 332,927 2 17 26 10 67,027 6,668 24 15 68,129 42,337 19 349,811 11,375 37,755 8 1,977 10,792 2,060 51 113 34 53 99 88 39 42 24 25 17 17 15 15 16 16 107 156 111 34 181 74 73 104 37 15 65 17 58 12 10 47 64 121 512 112 106 77 129 71 277 47 84 48 193 121 87 49 35,456 87 39 204,217 158,086 54 114 30 701,615 145,465 104 40 71,885 34,903 104 192,857 4,372 20,509 18 914 5,790 1,179 82 269 154 104 243 130 5 17 80 38 41 18 19 13 13 8 8 183 214 204 105 251 161 151 163 74 24 114 51 67 31 35 36 85 119 240 797 234 208 149 242 S3 347 59 87 35 260 275 203 150 37,302 157 91 147,211 100,340 145 12 247 U7 624,437 297,881 233 110 71,726 36,503 254 192,540 4,492 17,529 65 2,378 19,148 3,120 104 502 310 167 373 221 7 61 117 28 28 32 32 22 22 365 378 355 162 392 189 282 315 105 68 310 151 154 90 72 85 148 207 492 1,137 483 482 216 379 103 276 32 38 83 238 507 404 244 35,650 327 176 152,533 84,508 322 5 418 269 370,338 242,395 388 208 102,587 55,903 474 244,572 5,173 25,243 80 1,690 11,739 2,534 176 906 638 144 647 312 44 30 14 14 24 26 26 2 2 680 723 619 259 681 297 358 402 297 252 514 277 297 167 100 288 331 912 1,692 903 876 361 526 124 290 25 31 111 259 937 730 371 44, U5 587 339 175,915 64,356 585 2 621 433 270,230 123,070 643 385 100,617 51,325 911 313,021 6,495 33,965 78 3,171 16,438 3,545 84 842 1,W3 44 428 242 5 21 20 12 17 15 15 11 16 1 1 471 502 353 258 382 263 318 333 296 315 167 407 137 216 817 1,234 812 782 259 350 33 102 1 1 32 101 887 492 354 21,056 305 442 36,385 53,358 304 1 644 892 101,004 110,870 464 382 54,050 40,207 858 151,876 3,301 18,786 71 490 4,695 1,070 1950... number 195<1 . , . niimber 1954. .. 15 16 17 niimber 1954.. . number 1954 . . . 19 20 21 22 23 number 1954 . . . Tractors, other than garden farms reporting 1954... 1950 . . . 1950... 25 26 27 28 number 1954. .. OFF-FAHM WORK AMD OTHER INCOME ram operators — of farm products sold operators reporting 1954... Working off their farms, 29 30 31 32 33 1949 . . . 1949... FAflMS BY CLASS OF UOHX POWER No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting 1954... No tractor but horses and/or 3* 35 36 37 38 39 Tractor and horses and/or mules ... .farms reporting 1954... Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting 1954... Weel of October 24-30: Family and/or hired workers farms reporting 1954... Family workers, including operator farms reporting 1954 . . . Operators working 1 or more 40 il 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Unpaid members of operator's family farms reporting 1954... persons 1954 . . . Hired workers farms reporting 1954 . . . persons 1954. .. or more days) farms reporting 1954. .. persons 1954. . . Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting 1954 . . . persons 1954 .. . SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Specified farm expenditures^ farms reporting 1954... Machine hire and/or hired labor farms reporting 1954 . . . 51 52 53 54 55 Hired labor farms reporting 1954 . . . 1949 . . . dollars 1954 . . . 1949... 57 58 59 60 61 62 Feed for livestock and poultry. -farms reporting 1954... 1949 .. . dollars 1954... 1949 . . . Gasoline and other petroleum fuel 63 64 65 66 1949 . . . dollars 1954 . . . 1949 . . . Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 tons 1954... acres on which used 1954 . . . Lime and liming material farms reporting 1954... tons 1954 . . . dollars 1954... acres limed 1954 . . . ^Excludes farms reporting commercial fertilizer and lime. MISSISSIPPI FARM EXPENDITURES, BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUSF5 OF 1954 AND 1950-Coiiiinued 183 a sample of fanua. See text] Area 7— Continued Area 8 Economic class — Continued Total all farms Economic c Isas Other fanne Coimercial farms Other farms Part-time Resi- dential Abnormal Total Class I Class II Class III Class IV Class V Class VI Part-time Resi- dential Abnormal 342 745 1,005 239 2 15 33 78 65 46 176 590 1 2,017 3,520 2,795 638 3 31 78 191 193 142 476 1,681 2 1,766 3,025 2,336 596 3 17 58 86 182 250 500 1,240 3 465 710 802 191 1 26 22 59 53 30 150 461 4 1,352 2,140 2,283 580 3 26 78 170 181 122 396 1,307 5 624 860 1,178 356 2 28 62 115 103 46 227 595 6 10 15 12 12 6 6 7 22 20 122 96 1 9 22 23 25 16 'ii 15 8 25 5 140 130 1 10 55 53 11 10 9 10 5 31 26 1 7 4 7 2 5 5 10 10 5 32 27 1 8 4 7 2 5 5 11 5 14 9 1 1 1 1 5 5 12 5 14 9 1 1 1 1 5 5 13 26 25 24 4 5 7 3 5 1 14 26 25 24 4 5 7 3 5 1 15 25 30 30 10 10 5 5 16 35 30 30 10 10 5 5 17 1,014 1,235 1,004 374 3 25 66 119 105 56 193 437 18 1,160 1,325 1,110 437 7 34 80 135 125 56 206 467 19 860 435 839 395 3 20 67 113 135 57 193 246 20 396 230 345 205 3 16 27 33 51 75 60 80 21 972 445 947 489 11 44 87 130 160 57 211 247 22 411 230 374 234 7 22 32 41 52 80 60 80 23 1,179 1,910 1,697 389 3 29 45 118 123 71 287 1,021 24 1,262 2,025 1,891, 471 8 38 57 140 157 71 299 1,126 25 1,699 2,590 2,175 234 2 3 11 87 131 434 1,507 26 1,816 2,815 1,749 129 5 ^ 33 85 500 1,120 27 1,810 2,885 2,103 328 i 4 26 123 139 35 418 1,357 28 1,440 2,675 1,736 241 12 37 111 30 455 1,040 29 1,585 2,425 1,859 215 1 1 14 87 112 407 1,237 30 1,125 2,185 1,424 104 " 26 71 380 940 31 58o 2,095 1,323 133 11 5 41 21 55 165 1,025 32 656 1,335 805 136 6 43 37 50 123 546 33 359 185 332 200 2 7 40 55 59 37 61 71 34 501 250 507 195 1 13 27 58 76 20 137 175 35 1,857 2,315 2,247 619 3 31 73 182 193 137 426 1,202 36 2,942 3,510 3,411 1,280 20 U6 167 344 405 203 653 1,478 37 1,827 2,805 2,221 604 2 29 72 182 182 137 415 1,202 38 1,725 2,725 2,145 589 2 29 72 172 182 U2 409 1,147 39 o20 570 c28 223 15 35 62 55 56 135 270 40 968 720 772 276 19 46 79 71 61 201 295 41 148 55 174 125 "3 20 15 30 51 6 33 16 42 249 65 494 415 18 88 49 93 152 15 43 36 43 37 5 69 oO 3 12 7 13 25 8 1 44 38 5 150 136 12 18 18 54 34 13 1 45 116 50 125 85 1 16 11 19 32 6 25 15 46 211 60 344 279 6 70 31 39 118 15 30 35 47 2,037 3,335 2,627 659 3 31 78 197 193 157 486 1,482 48 1,206 1,310 1,013 375 3 25 51 113 131 52 177 461 49 890 1,080 771 235 1 16 28 67 84 40 149 386 50 56,955 54,015 75,561 30,931 1,250 6,196 4,695 6,710 10,490 1,590 9,675 34,955 51 6«) 450 436 236 3 20 41 72 38 12 59 141 52 525 330 392 152 3 17 39 37 31 25 95 U5 53 123,569 25,670 293,36-4 240,084 19,220 61,950 40,275 32,739 72,700 13,200 24,000 29,280 54 61,740 17,455 263,228 176,808 76,330 50,180 14,138 23,635 3,700 8,825 45,300 41,120 55 t55 450 400 200 12 35 70 76 7 59 141 56 5 36 36 3 8 6 2 12 5 57 1,525 2,695 2,187 570 2 22 78 165 156 i;7 445 1,172 58 1,501 2,180 1,933 503 2 17 43 75 166 200 450 985 59 231,964 244,405 1,125,388 851,103 21,500 119,780 211,335 346,103 84,505 67,830 116,900 157,385 60 200,625 201,050 744,964 478, 8&4 13,775 91,414 103,720 103,560 88,525 77,870 92,410 173,690 61 951 720 1,047 421 3 19 73 134 131 61 225 401 62 581 335 701 341 3 16 43 43 131 105 165 195 63 90,985 31,590 133,383 99,283 5,400 10, 610 28,465 30,481 18,792 5,535 14,925 19,175 64 50,300 24,210 98,927 o9,442 14,956 7,896 8,145 9,820 12,050 16,575 13,350 16,135 65 1,841 2,485 1,366 543 3 26 77 145 166 126 353 970 66 308,855 140,770 352,245 226,112 13.7fC 30,366 52,823 55,804 58,494 14,865 43,633 82,500 67 6,400 3,118 7,627 4,981 301 726 1,161 1,216 1,249 323 1,015 1,631 68 37,292 15,250 35,083 21,552 769 2,940 4,775 5,181 6,460 1,427 4,836 8,695 69 107 55 187 104 2 1 23 32 19 20 28 55 70 1,236 720 2,273 1,597 220 184 383 274 361 175 381 295 71 10,382 4,485 16, ^J". 12,420 1,550 1,121 3,321 2,323 2,470 1,635 1,544 2,970 72 2,280 1,280 2,805 2,058 270 334 325 404 305 420 372 375 73 184 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 3.-LIVEST0CK ON HAND, LIVESTOCK SOLD, AND SPECIFIED [Data are based on reports for only Item (For definitions and expl anations, see text) The State 1 Total all farms Ec onomic class Conmerc i al farms Total Class I Class II Class III Class rv Class V Clasa VI LiTeatocb OD hand: 1 Horses and mules ■ ■■farms reporting 1954. ■. 106,105 73,057 89,779 1,235 910 1,985 1,737 3,925 3,031 12,466 8,732 27,418 24,843 25,023 50,521 2 1950... 148,052 3 number 1954... 244,541 189,389 9,747 U,6C3 13,504 34,583 65,690 54,202 4 1950... 395,076 278,082 16,103 14,297 16,584 31,688 74,269 125,136 5 All cattle and calves ...farms reporting 1954... 153,819 98,925 1,313 2,533 5,157 20,612 38,396 29,904 6 1950. . ■ 171,509 104,589 788 1,656 3,490 11,539 32,559 54,547 7 number 1954 ■ . ■ 2,329,602 1,884,263 246,282 234,473 269,381 379,298 463,994 290,335 8 1950 . ■ ■ 1,565,998 1,197,905 84,937 122,121 145, 503 205,847 309,634 329,863 9 Cows, including heifers that have calved ...farms reporting 1954... 150,446 97,267 1,261 2,505 6,118 20,311 37,784 29,288 10 1950... 167,042 102,239 775 1,655 3,426 11,301 31,837 53,245 11 number 1954... 1,314,3.;8 1,066,633 127,399 135,291 156,483 219,729 264,177 163,554 12 1950... 862,789 665,582 46,956 71,572 83,066 115,545 168,930 179,403 L3 mli cows • • • f "TTHfl TPpfil*t,5 ng 195'i OS. 123,372 82,218 95,305 689 617 1,830 1,433 5,057 3,145 17,597 10,595 32,520 30,116 24,525 49,394 U 1950... 154,401 15 number 1954... 500,042 401,372 16,005 42,265 60,904 91,437 116,349 74,360 16 1950... 502,627 369,055 13,232 31,092 35,733 55,365 103,654 129,480 17 All hogs and pigs ...farms reporting 1954... 127,868 93,410 793 1,302 4,821 20,115 39,239 25,590 18 1950... 170,225 112,579 661 1,358 2,749 11,798 37,928 58,035 19 number 1954... 683,165 547,079 30,190 34,909 57,002 136,714 183,712 104,552 20 1950... 878,252 641,506 33,152 38,139 38,604 91,262 197,880 242,469 21 Chickens 4 months old and over.. farms reporting 1954... 168,072 113,185 774 1,992 5,149 23,740 46,386 33,644 22 1950... 210,340 131,678 676 1,507 3,439 13,996 43,523 68,532 23 number 1954... 5,477,502 4,033,699 333,648 234,212 350,844 871,661 1,351,593 391,741 2-1 Livestock uid livestock products 1950... sold: 5,724,873 3,778,751 55,265 127,402 185,427 501, 869 1,217,981 1,690,807 25 Cattle and calves sold alive. ...farms reporting 1954... 75,867 51,712 1,105 2,127 4,380 10,874 13,667 14,559 26 1949... 91,519 61,893 535 1,237 2,599 7,925 20,722 28,825 27 number 1954... 764,151 639,001 105,121 92,813 98,751 124,197 140,601 77,518 28 1949... 473,390 398,536 46,886 57,910 55,031 70,071 94,434 74,204 29 dollars 1954... 36,778,932 32,011,149 3,264,276 5,258,030 4,700,431 5,301,342 5,534,024 2,353,046 30 1949... 33,251,461 28,768,342 4,796,962 4,826,966 4,082,391 4,817,056 5,992,604 4,252,363 31 Hogs and pigs sold alive . . . farms reporting 1954 .. . 33,536 25,675 530 1,070 1,973 5,872 9,949 5,281 32 1949... 61,786 43,182 531 983 1,715 5,283 14,879 19,785 33 number 1954... 334,906 283,037 27,593 30,614 42,132 67,797 77,697 37,104 y. 1949... 539,582 433,372 35,044 43,662 36,959 75,490 130,389 111,828 35 dollars 1954... 8,213,317 7,191,668 912,957 956,664 1,325,394 1,716,704 1,617,168 652,771 36 1949... 11,253,909 9,440,658 1,060,663 1,122,131 984,677 1,722,640 2,727,573 1,822,954 37 Chickens sold . . .farms reporting 1954 . . . 12,064 8,386 249 627 813 1,690 2,849 2,158 38 1949... 35,906 22,874 120 366 893 2,650 7,771 11,074 39 doUars 1954... 19,780,232 19,671,454 10,524,514 5,674,405 2,351,700 777,890 274,525 68,430 40 1949... 5,274,851 4,805,208 23,585 1,503,313 1,154,725 1,076,062 658,100 379,423 41 Chicken eggs sold ...farms reporting 1954... 30,250 20,452 152 507 1,327 3,941 7,333 6,692 42 1949... 65,786 41,277 199 449 1,208 4,173 13,036 22,212 43 dozens 1954 . . . 13,618,793 12,154,744 3,077,586 1,879,441 1,498,991 2,491,742 2,256,352 960,632 44 1949... 10,367,588 7,800,405 166,812 473,407 807,408 1,419,785 2,451,393 2,481,599 45 dollars 1954... 6,131,202 5,537,800 1,596,811 933,553 692,119 1,033,258 907,693 374,355 46 1949... 4,126,616 3,134,527 77,295 192,164 342,550 623,333 974,673 924,507 47 Milk sold gallons 1954... 36,605,534 82,641,374 6,442,544 17,069,014 22,350,631 19,858,622 12,773,156 4,147,407 48 dollars 1954... 30,336,728 29,117,252 2,554,595 6,759,932 3,471,465 5,722,447 3,551,013 1,057,799 49 Specified crops harvested: 1949... 24,928,800 23,592,123 2,730,292 5,334,704 5,204,807 4,656,517 3,863,733 1,587,020 50 Corn for all purposes..,..... . ..faims reporting 1954.., 149,965 185,619 Ul,943 123,429 1,114 780 2,247 1,476 5,737 2,951 23,207 12,190 46,039 39,163 33,549 65, 859 51 1949.'.'. 52 acres 1954... 1,635,321 1,383,675 86,659 90,236 124,812 316,034 479,853 286,031 53 1949... 1,988,645 1,474,509 81,557 57,308 80,543 177,590 415,961 651,550 54 Com harvested for grain. , . ..fanns reporting 1954... 145,232 108,615 991 2,045 5,471 22,431 44,923 32,704 55 1949.., 184,392 122,677 768 1,445 2,903 12,089 38,893 56,579 56 acres 1954.,, 1,541,528 1,301,194 72,327 76,511 111,051 299,845 465,056 276,404 57 1949.,. 1,951,592 1,443,379 75,977 60.708 77,213 171,623 410,188 547,570 58 bushels harvested 1954... 25,472,506 21,570,207 1,681,673 1,586,709 2,184,469 5,030,631 7,186,731 3,849,994 59 1949.., 37,841,767 29,239,502 1,827,344 1,501,076 1,828,193 3,930,139 3,778,975 11,373,775 60 bushels sold 1954... 4,317,595 3,914,135 673,333 389,955 433,385 1,011,992 1,064,385 335,575 61 1949... 3,343,901 2,823,611 263,976 112,675 151,731 404,006 943,849 942,374 62 Oats threshed or cctnbined. . . . ..fams reporting 1954... 9,939 9,097 1,014 1,303 1,546 2,262 2,057 909 63 1949... 3,618 3,193 378 469 526 521 630 519 64 acres 1954... 330,350 321,823 143,445 68,943 43,319 33,534 23,933 8,549 65 1949... 104, U5 98,351 35,134 23,137 14,455 13,239 3,326 4,010 66 bushels harvested 1954... 13,045,605 12,801,106 6,349,523 2,784,551 1,608,041 1,149,856 637,515 221,510 67 1949... 2,617,242 2,503,757 937,072 622,780 342,350 284,845 136,420 80,290 68 bushels sold 1954... 7,013,880 6,945,221 4,194,242 1,451,463 692,705 385,835 190,955 30,015 69 1949... 592,068 567,088 279,617 149,447 41,779 45,450 33,935 15,860 70 Soyheana harvested for beans. ..farms reporting 1954... 7,309 5,989 1,026 1,128 1,333 2,011 1,194 297 71 1949... 4,515 3,873 400 445 445 730 1,027 826 72 acres grown alone 1954. . . 541,544 535,629 252,095 133,037 58,593 52,453 25,224 4,177 73 1949... 165,672 161,463 53,334 39,048 24,808 21,618 15,936 6,724 74 acres grown with other crops 1954... 2,206 2,011 510 391 50 525 320 205 75 1949... 3,603 2,943 490 250 78 420 730 925 76 bushels harvested 1954... 5,594,158 5,560,560 2,994,331 1,232,803 663,946 425,496 172,469 21,515 77 1949.,. 2,785,897 2,723,426 912,122 554,471 417,095 364,396 250,717 104,525 78 Cotton harvested ..fauns reporting 1954... 156,225 190,329 133,700 142,022 1,334 942 2,233 1,431 6,135 28,016 58,609 37,372 79 1949,.. 2,733 13,637 48,346 74,883 80 acres 1954.,, 1,949,693 1,849,445 293,961 115,972 162,163 468,912 594,163 214,275 81 1949.., 2,753,096 2,394,548 354,602 145,467 130,700 328,643 705,443 729,788 82 bales harvested 1954... 1,553,719 1,497,948 277,902 99,066 144,651 401,691 449,058 125,530 83 1949... 1,496,696 1,387,859 260,867 82,171 79,345 237,209 451,083 276,633 84 Hay cut acres 1954.,. 620,111 539,562 72,491 81,010 83,916 111,700 122,000 68,445 85 1949... 629,923 525,585 63,038 74,777 62,966 83,221 119,060 122,523 86 tons 1954... 620,549 550,587 84,608 87,916 92,137 114,579 112,321 58,476 ^For comparability of data on livestock and poultry, see text and State Table 12. ^Includes mili equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. MISSISSIPPI CROPS, BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM. CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 185 a sample of farms. See text] The State— Continued Area 1 EcoDcnic class — Continued Total all farms Economic class Other farna Commercial farms Other farms Resi- dential Part-time Abnormal Total Class I cues II Class III Class IV Class V Class VI Part-time Resi- dential Abnormal 15,883 17,144 21 7,118 6,764 776 604 807 1,942 2,008 627 141 210 3 1 24,969 33,255 49 14,017 12,231 654 642 787 2,411 4,4U 3,323 851 927 8 2 29,05- 25,199 31=1 22,388 20,929 5,712 3,401 2,290 4,299 3,975 1,252 233 355 821 3 55,c2J t'-"'.33- ■3" 52,202 47,485 U,132 5,910 4,170 7,255 11,429 7,589 1,317 2,244 656 4 22,051 3-, 321:. 1" 16,317 15,248 752 718 1,588 5,199 5,589 1,402 401 665 3 5 27,72" 3'*.145 43 21,777 19,471 533 508 960 4,050 8,536 4,884 1,207 1,09; 8 6 291,918 148.409 5,012 232,153 225,868 120,516 34,160 20,638 24,940 19,238 6,376 2,222 2,460 1,603 7 213,918 148,915 5 . 2.^0 106,353 97,686 28,170 11,334 3,376 14,906 21,655 13,245 4,229 2,972 1,466 3 21,53S 31,?"- 1" 15 , 677 14,673 711 705 1,562 5,009 5,374 1,312 371 630 3 9 27,10. 3",i -,-' -3 20,733 18,617 523 504 918 3,904 8,184 4,584 1,107 1,006 8 10 164,983 80 , 234 2,-98 124,362 121, U6 62,209 18,944 11,471 1J,631 11,326 3,555 1,185 1,390 651 11 113,995 80,668 2,544 60,490 55,812 16,298 6,914 4,377 8,124 12,754 7,345 2,353 1,636 689 12 16,552 24,588 14 13,194 12,362 312 467 1,317 4,460 4,704 1,102 320 510 2 13 25,196 33,353 4" 19,565 17,560 413 444 877 3,692 7,766 4,363 1,052 946 7 14 40,438 47,b30 1,552 26,506 24,765 2,170 2,356 3,731 7,871 6,903 1,684 550 840 351 15 c9,0Q6 62.3'* 1 , -"'3 32,582 29,124 2,816 1,642 2,131 5,562 10,613 6,360 1,663 1,420 375 16 1 5 , ^'— . 13,-^'i;; 22,237 21,228 442 635 1,541 6,613 9,549 2,4.48 546 460 3 17 25, i':^ J2.3'" ?(. 35,518 31,846 486 563 1,048 5,570 15,065 9,114 2,277 1,338 7 18 75,-09 56.44'J 4 , r-8 113,132 107,372 17,729 11,228 12,750 31,233 27,333 6,599 2,058 1,315 2,387 19 124,580 106,91._ 5,250 169,921 154,588 23,253 11,827 10,794 28,654 52,769 27,291 7,876 4,505 2,952 20 21,741 33, U8 8 27,372 25,945 463 £A9 2,002 7,765 U,728 3,338 730 695 2 21 31,640 46,988 34 41,687 37,077 470 591 1,186 6,421 17,345 11,064 2,696 1,907 7 22 651,347 783,597 8,859 627,195 586,830 24,781 47,510 59,558 178,231 214,715 62,035 16,465 19,650 4,250 23 897,268 1,032,925 15,929 854,935 762,182 32,756 31,067 41,117 159,120 312,205 185,917 43,047 41,502 3,204 24 14,311 ■3 , 32" 17 3,622 3,363 602 462 526 873 663 237 106 150 3 25 It, "30 12,859 37 9,334 8,405 311 247 410 1,873 3,705 1,859 561 366 2 26 98.598 24,786 1,766 81,995 80,360 49, 991 12,978 7,137 5,469 3,623 1,162 776 335 524 27 52,t-5 20,715 1,494 36,038 34,105 12,158 4,420 3,394 4,604 6,441 3,088 1,176 551 206 28 3,811,449 801,956 154,378 5,720,191 5,615,024 3,854,195 850,853 396,463 288,934 176,544 48,035 37,667 13,720 53,780 29 3,334,101 1,003,819 145,199 2,834,768 2,699,196 1,227,109 370,993 228,617 307,333 390,745 174,344 72,572 28,807 34,193 30 4,958 2,88o 17 3,416 3,198 303 389 435 955 398 213 120 95 3 31 11,033 7,551 20 8,955 8,012 332 366 527 1,5£A 3,401 1,772 606 335 2 32 35,889 12,900 3,080 44,837 41,779 13,643 7,744 6,486 7,262 5,472 1,167 975 340 1,743 33 73,166 29,686 3,358 74,749 68,406 17,491 7,654 7,563 11,950 16,726 7,022 3,180 1,415 1,748 34 690,554 198,345 132,750 1,218,823 1,106,533 455, Ul 211,627 182,315 142,190 96,555 18,205 18,100 7,460 36,730 35 1,334,475 370,746 108,030 1,714,624 1,580,009 499,179 203,953 179,751 263,836 317,932 115,353 59,250 13,985 61,330 36 1,782 1,891 5 781 680 36 71 76 131 270 46 55 45 1 37 6,640 6,364 28 3,364 2,916 66 85 179 559 1,292 735 235 206 7 33 66,213 35,450 7,105 186,341 131,871 133,212 15,132 2,070 25,402 4,155 1,900 1,345 625 2,500 39 321,962 132,166 15,515 136,224 118,679 8,494 12,874 9,720 21,775 46,381 19,435 10,190 5,630 1,725 40 4,591 5,200 7 1,385 1,21J 66 116 227 307 371 126 85 85 2 41 12,151 12,324 34 4,534 4,045 129 118 274 772 1,676 1,076 295 187 7 42 888,985 479,825 85,239 699,828 630,093 64,044 314,745 63,720 107,334 53,315 26,935 17,310 11,425 41,000 43 1,666,054 822,119 79,010 524,371 473,166 60,768 51,555 49,262 107,496 136,535 72,550 29,515 7,720 8,970 44 358,528 198,360 36,514 339,339 304,259 27,709 166,877 26,440 50,367 22,744 10,122 10,020 4,560 20,500 45 653,423 302, 7U 35,953 235,584 215,992 26,587 25,390 22,866 47,994 61,895 30,760 12,775 3,302 3,515 46 2,532,422 396,486 1,035,252 2,582,225 2,218,659 797,517 564,634 523,036 219,180 104,171 10,121 4,720 6,830 352,016 47 6r9,350 106,675 443,451 1,080,109 949,691 359,294 247,187 225,080 80,125 35,195 2,310 1,130 2,010 127,278 48 337,622 125,710 323,145 875 . 989 758,728 504,677 102,764 69,389 40,194 24,155 17,549 4,746 315 112,200 49 19,416 13,534 22 19,573 18,984 672 737 1,636 6,271 7,897 1,671 331 255 3 50 28,126 34,036 28 31,479 23,782 532 615 1,014 5,063 13,492 8,011 1,757 937 3 51 158,633 87,985 5,028 176,020 168,922 52,923 25,596 19,019 34,212 30,422 6,750 1,820 1,430 3,798 52 274,300 234,053 5,783 270,652 251,239 59,391 29,101 21,491 39,979 63,792 37,535 9,660 5,516 4,187 53 18,794 17,804 19 18,418 17,879 591 707 1,592 5,961 7,457 1,571 306 230 3 54 27,926 33,761 28 31,095 28,443 573 602 1,003 5,022 13,312 7,931 1,737 912 3 55 151, W4 84,065 4,625 159,839 153,373 45,742 23,391 17,136 32,267 28,697 6,140 1,580 1,320 3,566 56 271,570 231,398 5,245 260, 673 241,795 55,377 26,141 21,246 39,339 62,742 36,950 9,545 5,431 3,902 57 2,529,033 1,261,735 111,531 2,882,017 2,775,424 1,029,455 466,426 310,088 508,530 395,190 65,735 20,610 9,620 76,363 58 5,035,790 3,386,835 179,640 5,600,234 5,223,109 1,362,357 593,450 454,925 855,554 1,308,513 648,310 163,415 83,640 130,070 59 283,745 39,002 80,713 988,351 910,403 487,833 185,160 92,575 95,735 46,325 2,775 2,500 735 74, 7U 60 403,740 109,000 7,550 501,555 481,550 203,206 34,457 26,442 71,265 98,630 47,550 11,670 2,335 6,000 61 625 207 10 3,990 3,882 786 703 655 931 646 161 80 25 3 62 231 180 14 1,313 1,249 294 249 201 247 167 91 21 40 3 63 6,109 1,112 1,316 199,981 198,188 119,403 39,654 18,797 12,308 6,575 1,451 835 215 743 64 3,050 1,215 1,529 59,663 57, 698 23, 103 13,560 6,449 6,188 2,668 725 520 230 1,215 65 173,057 24,558 46,884 8,535,334 8,479,325 5,360,333 1,712,490 737,312 446,495 190,775 31,920 29,525 3,950 23,034 66 63,835 16,575 33,075 1,637,435 1,594,410 805,235 392,350 163,060 145,150 73,040 10,575 15,375 5,850 21,800 67 41,375 3,470 23,814 5,342,182 5,797,293 3,834,824 1,120,319 500,750 246, 590 86,705 8,105 22, 825 1,750 20,314 68 16,055 3,300 5,625 399, 519 391,269 235,857 114,637 22,775 10,650 6,500 850 875 2,375 5,000 69 236 80 4 5,207 5,059 871 343 992 1,422 770 156 121 25 2 70 423 210 9 2,441 2,236 351 345 309 454 492 235 132 70 3 71 3,800 1,770 345 431,534 426,766 213,159 93,633 52,619 40,210 13,460 3,635 3,060 1,375 333 72 3,579 1,295 330 122,067 119,553 43, 108 30,623 19,694 12,914 9,429 3,790 1,584 610 315 73 125 70 564 564 260 159 10 125 10 74 475 185 950 800 300 200 145 55 ioo iio 75 22,785 6,930 3,883 4,314,883 4,291,880 2,496,911 887,164 483,299 296,336 111,460 16,710 14,525 4,710 3,768 76 42,600 15,825 5,046 2,052,530 2,022,245 747, 523 503,720 333,825 222,125 156,117 58,935 17,835 7,650 4,800 77 17,075 5,440 10 42,854 41,386 986 1,062 2,674 11,166 19,158 6,340 1,255 210 3 78 27,831 20,467 9 54,781 49,388 746 793 1,430 7,388 22,846 16,185 4,086 1,305 2 79 80,409 13,885 5,953 866,773 852,682 243,708 68,977 83,610 204,173 211,269 40,945 7,415 750 5,926 80 236, 20o 115,978 6,264 1,272,616 1,210,187 315,423 111,639 86,356 189,350 335,251 172,168 43,463 12,785 6,181 81 4c, 113 5.270 4,338 745,036 735,839 227,931 53,419 75,206 180,973 167,450 25,910 4,575 205 4,367 82 32,99? 20,103 5,735 869,079 843,135 233,372 62,769 55,965 154,600 255,579 80,900 18,599 1,605 5,690 83 56,090 22,374 1,535 59,856 58,204 31,551 10,923 5,612 6,173 3,205 740 525 375 752 84 60,0r.3 41,564 2,706 103,242 97,577 36,666 21,760 10,799 12,257 9,535 6,560 2,285 1,985 1,395 85 50,033 18,051 1,878 65,096 63,527 37,050 11,858 5,067 6,101 2,741 710 340 295 934 86 186 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 3.-LIVEST0CK ON HAND, LIVESTOCK SOLD, AND SPECIFIED [Data are based on reports for only Item (For definitions and ejtplanatiODB, see text) Area 2 Total all farms Economic class Commercial farms Total Class I Class II Class III Class IV Class V Class VI Livestock oo hand; 1 Horses sjid mules ..farms reporting 1954... 17,441 14,544 196 484 843 2,781 6,077 4,163 2 1950. . . 24,409 17,254 140 384 553 1,353 4,313 10,511 3 number 1954... 50,922 45,288 2,170 3,454 4,133 9,202 16,692 9,637 4 1950... 79,544 62,444 2,796 3,560 3,924 7,159 15,449 29,556 5 All cattle and calves ..farms reporting 1954... 23,234 18,408 203 591 1,126 4,035 7,894 4,559 6 1950... 27,034 19,015 132 380 583 1,648 5,188 11,084 7 number 1954 . . . 391,536 350,378 50,442 60,561 57,149 65,385 75,902 40,939 8 1950... 304,402 258,923 22,897 39,372 33,006 40,477 57,385 65,786 9 Cows, lncl»idlng heifers that have calved ..farma reporting 1954... 22,851 18,151 201 590 1,120 3,975 7,772 4,493 10 1950... 26,311 18,508 132 379 573 1,597 5,078 10,749 11 number 1954... 226,977 202,893 27,914 37,042 32,562 38,472 43,091 23,812 12 1950 . . . 170,500 146,660 13,002 23,346 19,857 23,804 31,216 35,435 13 Mlli cows . . farms reporting 1954 .. . 17,441 14 239 119 403 327 776 468 3,183 1,446 6,306 4,601 3,452 9,748 U 1950 . . . 23^619 16^695 105 15 number 1954 .. . 71,425 63,770 5,758 13,396 7,078 11,095 17,004 9,439 16 1950... 86,608 70,168 5,069 11,059 5,425 7,810 15,690 25,115 17 All hogs and pigs ..farms reporting 1954... 21,964 13,765 145 384 979 4,280 8,398 4,579 18 1950 .. . 28,487 20,766 96 268 440 1,583 5,984 12,395 19 number 1954 . . . 120,593 109,082 6,058 7,843 12,210 27,283 38,157 17,531 20 1950... 173,132 139,818 4,849 7,137 10,693 20,279 38,509 58,351 21 Chickens 4 months old and over ..farms reporting 1954... 25,404 20,604 130 430 1,064 4,585 9,212 5,183 22 1950... 32,437 22,829 115 307 521 1,758 6,343 13,785 23 number 1954 . . . 731,620 608,206 58,560 24,796 52,644 128,943 222,358 120,905 24 LivestocL and livestock products 1950 . . . sold: 738,158 579,130 9,304 16,211 28,730 65,274 170,305 289,306 25 Cattle and calves sold alive. ..farms reporting 1954... 10,433 8,121 178 534 749 1,810 2,899 1,951 26 1949... 14,006 10,448 106 356 485 1,198 3,113 5,190 27 number 1954... 130,370 116,946 20,150 23,553 21,083 21,402 19,797 10,961 28 1949... 97,982 88,968 12,858 18,120 13,132 14,006 17,331 13,521 29 dollars 1954... 6,687,586 6,150,647 1,585,473 1,211,163 1,059,731 1,013,794 831,030 449,456 30 1949 . . . 7,312,691 6,752,223 1,093,592 1,456,462 1,044,477 1,046,373 1,261,432 849,887 31 Hogs and pigs sold alive ..farms reporting 1954... 5,589 4,918 99 247 396 1,327 1,959 890 32 1949... 11,063 8,690 88 208 325 939 2,711 4,419 33 number 1954... 55,225 51,461 5,419 6,411 8,839 11,747 14,180 4,865 3* 1949 . . . 106,034 92,953 8,532 7,927 10,527 17,938 23,044 24,985 35 dollars 1954 . . . 1,415,408 1,333,472 170,081 207, CK9 281,342 292,305 292,892 89,803 36 1949... 2,414,566 2,184,008 288,963 236,760 304,666 457,798 484,248 411,573 37 Chickens sold ..farms reporting 1954... 1,084 803 11 36 58 165 322 211 38 1949 . . . 3,599 2,556 31 60 139 270 797 1,259 39 dollars 1954... 311,276 306,448 113,095 126,228 12,283 29,666 17,526 7,650 40 1949 . . . 205,256 173,645 8,591 6,480 24,823 61,080 40,756 31,915 41 Chicken eggs sold ..farms reporting 1954... 3,232 2,449 22 103 161 581 873 709 42 1949 . . . 6,677 4,724 37 92 170 488 1,325 2,612 43 dozens 1954... 1,861,512 1,758,952 952,725 118,030 212,990 183,737 197,292 94,178 44 1949... 899,037 750,253 30,032 37,592 183,800 109,480 190,491 198,858 45 dollars 1954... 876,783 832,780 474,958 53,811 103,942 82,003 78,742 39,324 46 1949... 381,459 320,019 12,797 14,403 79,809 55,279 77,689 80,042 47 Milk sold gallons 1954... 11,246,537 11,224,312 2,208,147 5,582,683 2,283,987 754,193 294,605 100,697 48 dollars 1954... 4,382,810 4,377,295 850,196 2,323,834 862,350 243,668 74,537 22,710 49 Specified crops harvested: 1949... 4,511,853 4,452,628 972,326 2,010,772 724,650 372,085 274,157 98,638 50 Com for all purposes. . . . farms reporting 1954 .. . 25,264 22,393 209 509 1,147 5,002 10,072 5,454 51 1949... 30 ' 183 22^614 119 303 465 1,669 6,084 13,974 52 acres 1954... 286,883 269,236 20,548 24,633 31,211 64,145 38,081 40,618 53 1949... 337,981 276,788 13,793 15,785 17,528 32,923 69,200 127,559 54 Com harvested for grain.. ...farms reporting 1954... 24,137 21,491 191 451 1,084 4,829 9,769 5,167 55 1949... 29,928 22,444 116 299 457 1,654 6,059 13,859 56 acres 1954... 259,842 243,880 16,759 19,321 26,618 59,268 84,446 37,468 57 1949... 326,751 266,648 12,559 14,485 15,861 30,179 67,595 125,969 58 bushels harvested 1954... 3,503,872 3,327,648 418,195 377,565 432,330 796,128 940,205 363,225 59 1949... 5,426,354 4,624,964 255,211 356,501 366,409 643,650 1,227,813 1,775,380 60 bushels sold 1954... 603,005 585,090 156,870 95,725 88,920 140,535 82,785 20,255 61 1949... 468,603 413,873 36,390 41,508 37,410 54,341 111,560 132,664 62 Oats threshed or combined.... ...farms reporting 1954... 1,122 1,071 145 199 221 168 228 110 63 1949... 455 397 39 61 87 62 71 77 64 acres 1954... 46,120 45,813 16,271 12,992 9,058 3,129 2,960 1,403 65 1949... 11,999 11,544 3,882 2,037 2,852 1,385 778 610 66 bushels harvested 1954... 1,769,833 1,762,865 705,831 524,993 321,074 94,497 76,250 40,220 67 1949... 279,467 267,392 86,762 55,250 67,470 27,400 U,785 15,725 68 bushels sold 1954... 685,123 685,123 301,818 266,735 90,890 6,840 18,840 69 1949... 50,190 48,190 31,555 1,800 9,960 3,000 600 1,275 70 Soybeans harvested for beans. . . . farms reporting 1954 .. . 987 947 140 202 168 250 151 36 71 1949... 694 613 44 64 77 125 147 156 72 acres grown alone 1954... 87,173 86,718 36,703 28,567 11,344 6,184 3,513 407 73 1949... 30,264 29,459 9,966 5,655 3,417 5,705 3,242 1,474 74 acres grown with other crops 1954... 525 525 250 200 40 30 5 75 1949... 948 838 190 40 73 185 65 280 76 bushels harvested 1954... 988,409 985,339 474,714 305,905 119,942 57,445 24,703 2,630 77 1949... 501,274 490,289 160,199 118,454 57,265 82,131 50,725 21,515 78 Cotton harvested............. • • • famis reporting 195'+. • • 28,101 32,357 25,789 25,376 229 126 508 313 1,210 448 5,726 1,727 11,844 7,038 6,272 15,724 79 1949... 80 acres 1954... 356,560 346,463 39,908 24,713 30,156 93,870 120,034 37,782 81 1949... 444,097 384,674 29,030 20,323 20,341 41,724 107,703 165,553 82 bales harvested 1954... 306,448 300,490 41,733 22,400 29,838 86,764 96,609 23,146 83 1949... 208,166 193,808 22,022 12,145 10,677 28,087 62,543 58,329 84 Hay cut...................... acres 1954. . . 86,223 106,893 77,641 90,200 14,177 7,369 13,336 10,659 13,341 12,042 13,820 13,382 15,783 22,757 7,184 23,991 85 1949... 86 tons 1954... 89,818 81,175 15,056 14,313 15,231 14,843 15,940 5,792 ^For comparability of data on livestocii and poultry, aee text and State Table 12. ^Includes milk equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. MISSISSIPPI CROPS. BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued 187 « aample of fanna. See teit] Area 2 — Continued Areas " and A Econooilc class — Continued Total all farms EcOQOIDiC claaa Other farma Connercial fanna Other farms Hesi- deotial Part- time Abnormal Total Class I Class II Class III Class IV Class V Class VI Part-time Reai- dential Abnormal 1,451 1,446 15,651 9,782 41 199 438 1,386 3,445 4,273 2,997 2,862 10 1 2,9il 4,2L4 19,216 9,420 34 170 352 894 1,985 5,985 3,581 6,207 8 2 3,002 2,632 35,007 25,440 515 1,316 1,771 4,418 8,662 8,758 5,522 4,023 22 3 8,263 8,337 45,863 27,559 477 1,231 2,160 3,161 5,371 14,609 7,527 10,753 24 4 1,973 2,853 19,153 10,501 49 259 617 1,647 3,622 4,307 3,724 4,923 5 5 3,269 4,750 19,939 9,375 39 181 418 998 2,150 5,589 3,788 6,768 8 6 27,248 13,910 421,675 329,890 21,378 45,353 56,223 77,211 77,581 52,144 65,582 25,183 1,020 7 25,591 19,888 293,416 217,147 9,283 23,985 37,198 49,663 44,024 52,994 44,489 31,193 587 8 1,922 2,778 13,746 10,329 48 253 617 1,647 3,567 4,197 3,644 4,768 5 9 3,194 4,609 19,522 9,228 39 181 418 993 2,125 5,472 3,748 6,538 3 10 16,404 7,680 240,945 183,948 10,407 24,581 33,129 45,650 45,210 29,971 37,866 13,786 345 11 13,298 10,542 163,083 121,777 5,197 13,390 20,721 28,179 24,761 29,529 24,562 16,485 259 12 1,195 2,007 13,193 7,477 23 158 503 1,290 2,563 2,940 2,570 3,142 4 13 2,878 4,046 16,812 7,892 27 143 361 839 1,893 4,629 3,309 5,603 8 14 3,243 4,412 60,169 46,377 731 3,417 11,902 12,633 9,247 8,447 7,525 6,132 135 15 8,488 7,952 63,132 41,258 1,230 2,612 6,173 3,244 9,573 13,426 10,244 11,555 75 16 1,447 1,752 14,222 8,937 29 130 356 1,233 3,475 3,764 2,490 2,736 9 17 3,235 4,476 16 17,114 8,629 22 133 234 682 1,364 5,694 2,996 5,481 3 18 6,904 4,612 85,678 67,017 2,922 4,986 6,396 16,033 19,646 17,034 10,780 7,419 452 19 17,112 16,167 35 102,840 68,659 2,396 9,912 4,581 9,029 14,055 28,686 15,906 17,934 341 20 1,905 2,895 19,391 10,924 27 148 488 1,535 4,037 4,689 3,584 4,880 3 21 3,784 5,824 22,338 10,409 32 U2 334 920 2,250 6,731 4,008 7,914 7 22 51,083 72,331 590,605 373,265 3,706 9,631 23,736 70,828 141,976 118,388 102,298 114,633 409 23 94,717 114,311 577,250 305,840 3,935 6,829 14,987 36,228 77,104 166,757 108,103 162,447 350 24 1,357 955 10,447 6,423 48 257 592 1,304 2,135 2,092 2,563 1,451 5 25 2,041 1,517 10,988 6,333 34 169 377 924 1,650 3,179 2,542 2,105 8 25 10,779 2,645 140,921 115,538 11,755 20,401 19,215 24,588 25,322 14,257 21,393 3,542 348 27 6,584 2,430 36,732 72,104 6,450 11,636 12,966 15,377 13,861 U,314 10,766 3,550 352 28 445,174 91,765 t,ol9,170 5,643,105 898,067 1,246,084 912,891 1,024,799 1,039,234 522,030 818,769 119,591 37,705 29 432,55- 127,911 6,378,502 5,435,569 697,397 1,073,276 930,625 1,104,240 922,302 702,729 718,703 182,575 41,555 30 4 Id 255 3,339 2,835 25 79 164 526 1,081 960 650 345 9 31 1,395 978 6,015 3,610 16 109 152 415 937 1,981 1,244 1,155 5 32 2,929 835 42,967 37,039 3,882 4,411 5,619 8,249 8,701 6,177 4,221 1,465 242 33 9,228 3,853 70,202 58,181 4,508 16,121 3,849 9,380 10,049 14,274 7,911 3,895 215 X 66,696 15,240 1,047,492 949,372 142,633 158,122 173,131 207,134 172,345 96,452 72,370 19,030 5,720 35 180,132 50,426 1,413,435 1,215,410 142,655 362,339 110,737 134,315 202,462 212,352 142,375 47,950 7,750 36 126 155 966 629 4 33 53 128 230 176 161 175 1 37 516 527 2,945 1,524 8 24 t4 152 435 341 610 805 6 36 2,128 2,700 627,235 613,413 31,695 361,297 lie,2o3 27,275 23,618 6,265 5,130 3,680 12 39 22,085 9,526 268,306 213,411 2,080 2,028 37,143 57,675 87,677 26,808 38,440 16,255 190 40 368 415 3,267 2,013 10 43 135 325 774 731 652 595 2 41 995 958 6,698 3,486 10 43 109 . 322 833 2,169 1,479 1,726 7 42 51,130 51,380 963,246 811,351 12,289 65,709 114,369 241,707 306,429 70,348 107,945 47,150 1,300 43 102,040 46,744 321,031 545,267 3,902 11,196 24,155 150,464 158,030 197,520 176,259 95,195 3,310 44 21,598 22,405 422,938 354,668 5,127 26,529 52,773 109,289 131,139 29,806 46,190 21,340 740 45 43,239 18,201 346,274 233,012 1,797 4,823 9,267 72,735 65,908 78,512 73,714 38,160 1,358 46 16,656 5,569 11,333,230 11,034,372 351,640 1,352,258 4,932,391 3,636,273 549,271 162,539 201,650 22,641 74,057 47 4,055 1,460 4,352,378 4,265,898 150,751 579,396 1,979,418 1,332,160 182,443 41,730 56,820 4,750 24,900 48 48,230 10,995 3,780,707 3,667,507 498,335 546,596 1,034,309 1,092,192 411,925 84,100 100,010 6,390 6,800 49 1,609 1,262 17,365 11,376 36 213 477 1,606 4,271 4,773 3,258 2,721 10 50 3,316 4,253 19,545 10,201 16 138 296 767 2,133 6,851 3,581 5,755 8 51 11,636 6,011 162,752 129,409 4,332 10,688 10,351 25,763 43,461 34,814 22,463 10,534 346 52 30,125 31,066 193,543 124,248 1,816 7,052 7,798 15,117 27,466 64,999 32,459 36,640 201 53 1,479 1,167 16,760 11,029 31 186 424 1,521 4,195 4,672 3,117 2,506 3 54 3,291 4,193 19,408 10,129 16 128 239 747 2,113 6,836 3,556 5,715 3 55 10,536 5,426 149,335 117,653 2,817 7,979 3,093 22,820 42,087 33,857 21,323 10,099 250 56 29,640 30,463 188,158 119,564 1,494 5,287 7,238 L4,107 26,654 64,784 32,044 35,365 185 57 131,204 51,020 2,950,937 2,346,598 61,810 191,145 207,646 512,712 809,550 543,735 413,579 182,460 8,300 58 444,990 356,400 3,298,069 2,259,057 42,986 166,225 183,316 329,720 518,525 1,018,285 547,757 481,395 9,360 59 16,635 1,280 334,560 280,435 17,700 13,815 15,035 73,820 116,150 43,915 41,520 8,505 4,000 60 39,230 15,500 237,972 177,442 10,200 16,070 7,567 31,300 39,080 73,225 46,460 14,070 61 25 26 774 673 19 97 142 135 157 78 83 10 3 62 43 15 390 333 11 50 51 30 50 91 31 25 1 63 170 137 16,668 15,392 1,942 4,227 3,168 3,444 2,311 800 481 55 240 64 325 130 7,816 7,341 503 2,250 1,394 1,639 870 685 195 220 60 65 4,210 2,758 526,729 505,929 62 , 195 128,562 111,739 123,385 62,678 17,370 10,200 1,000 9,600 66 11,225 850 176,060 167,510 24,730 63,800 26,850 26,095 10,960 15,075 3,850 2,300 1,900 67 70,410 66,610 9,000 13,725 7,205 27,080 9,600 300 3,500 68 2,000 19,959 18,459 1,609 6,600 2,200 505 4,635 2,910 1,500 69 20 30 134 123 6 20 14 35 28 20 10 1 70 51 30 186 131 15 7 14 10 85 35 20 71 200 255 3,615 3,520 463 2,068 407 480 97 5 85 "io 72 520 285 1,041 105 1,041 105 403 173 10 210 '35 250 60 73 74 '85 '25 320 175 'io 65 25 75 '76 '75 75 2,310 760 47,563 46,313 3,650 23,293 4,095 8,210 2,110 450 650 100 76 7,765 3,220 21,955 20,680 7,325 4,090 3,370 150 4,745 525 750 77 1,787 525 13,343 10,445 26 153 265 1,345 4,137 4,519 2,462 935 1 78 3,565 3,416 14,605 8,643 20 59 97 445 1,684 6,333 2,846 3,U5 1 79 8,762 1,335 105,790 93,672 3,981 6,880 5,360 18,705 35,541 23,205 9,963 2,130 5 80 34,837 24,586 127,413 90,173 1,171 2,982 2,774 8,711 22,191 52,34i 21,265 15,970 5 81 5,418 540 77,068 70,031 3,914 5,695 4,056 15,279 27,077 14,008 6,129 905 3 82 10,837 3,521 47,291 37,737 1,347 1,691 1,009 3,371 11,381 18,438 6,772 2,780 2 83 6,235 2,347 79,282 57,131 5,781 10,233 13,911 15,763 13,010 3,433 9,425 2,420 305 84 8,994 7,390 309 55,721 44,866 3,162 7,035 6,806 11,437 8,024 8,402 5,670 4,895 290 85 6,670 1,973 90,471 79,269 9,032 12,766 16,120 17,120 14,232 7,949 8,798 2,066 333 86 188 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 3.-LrVEST0CK ON HAND, LIVESTOCK SOLD, AND SPECIFIED [Data are based on reports for only Item Area 4 Economic class (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Conmercial farms Total Class I Class II Class III Class 17 Class T Class VI Livestoclt on haod;^ 1 Horses wnrt nulea •.•.••••••••••• -fams reporting 1954. • • 12,082 9 276 5 63 504 237 1,826 1,326 3,635 4,950 3,188 7,406 2 1950... 19,598 13 ,'976 3 54 3 number 1954... 26,329 21,444 88 321 1,431 4,362 3,546 6,696 4 1950... 50,928 38,562 30 393 1,453 4,357 14,121 13,208 5 All cattle and calves farms reporting 1954... 20,207 14,113 21 111 786 3,147 5,934 4,114 6 1950... 23,459 16,035 1 59 261 1,569 6,034 3,111 7 number 1954 . . . 178,524 147,162 1,367 6,840 22,363 40,339 49,748 26,505 S 1950... 132,252 104 , 542 1 1,939 8,469 18,035 40, 931 35,167 9 Cowa, Including heifers that hsve cBlved .■...•■.•■.••••• .TsLnss roportliur 195'4 . . • 19 925 13,947 15,740 21 1 110 59 786 251 3,142 1,564 5,849 5,929 4,039 7,936 10 1950... 22^914 11 nuinber 1954... 100,998 83,654 726 3,679 12,691 23,272 28,297 14,989 12 1950... 71,382 56,275 1 1,180 4,642 9,563 21,501 19,388 13 Milk cows farms reporting 1954. * . 18,104 22,296 12,870 15,362 20 1 94 58 711 244 2,921 1,528 5,463 5,836 U 1950... 3,661 7,695 15 number 1954... 65,547 54,811 213 1,690 6,734 15,602 20,375 10,197 16 1950... 59,958 46,489 1 614 2,5C4 7,054 18,357 171459 17 All hogs and pigs farms reporting 1954... 15,411 11,509 15 105 636 2,712 4,8M 3,177 18 1950... 20,199 14,590 2 53 197 1,403 5,595 7,340 19 number 1954 77,150 64,033 174 1,397 7,702 19,855 23,976 10,929 20 1950... 86,484 68,943 118 879 3,043 11,948 27,375 25,075 21 20,711 14,490 14 92 731 3,252 6,004 4,347 22 1950... 25,581 17,275 2 53 253 1,586 6,421 3,960 23 number 1954... 742,095 574,699 40,850 17,508 44,403 139,366 201,306 131,266 24 1950... Livestock and livestock products sold; 772,896 554,827 42 3,347 10,130 68,930 225,460 246,868 25 Cattle and calves sold alive. .. .farms reporting 1954... 11,073 8,329 16 106 635 2,091 3,348 2,133 26 1949 . . . 14,166 10,430 2 58 214 1,134 4,261 4,761 27 number 1954 . . . 60,237 50,225 548 2,238 3,734 13,774 16,747 8,184 28 1949... 42,403 35,243 36 1,774 3,737 6,814 12,927 9,955 29 dollars 1954... 2,383,952 2,035,705 53,814 136,065 339,732 529,935 627,484 298,625 30 1949... 2,436,851 2,050,271 3,866 142,196 270,009 422,223 704,704 507,273 31 Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting 1954... 4,818 3,852 4 53 332 991 1,646 326 32 1949... 8,789 6,824 3 38 164 883 2,847 2,889 33 number 1954... 45,108 38,973 148 2,159 6,573 12,983 12,337 4,768 3i 1949... 71,785 61,515 821 1,335 4,854 13,912 25,013 15,580 35 dollars 1954... 1,256,087 1,132,587 6,510 71,602 222,374 425,459 310,184 95,958 36 1,464,851 1,292,771 25,835 36,294 146,307 330,922 501,917 251,446 37 Chlcksns soldo ••••••••••••••••• •r&nns peportixu? 195i4.op 2,437 7,713 1,842 5,548 16 1 56 34 188 66 436 583 660 2,236 436 2,623 38 1949... 39 dollars 1954... 1,880,335 1,859,090 312,515 632,610 596,415 245,920 62,365 3,765 40 1949 . . . 639,526 585,686 15 173,646 104,230 174,150 80,970 52,675 41 Chicken eggs sold farms reporting 1954... 6,094 4,544 5 25 260 1,031 1,937 1,286 42 1949 . . . 13,604 9,532 23 143 949 3,879 4,533 43 dozens 1954... 1,882,658 1,722,873 570,000 104,390 199,507 377,988 305,540 165,443 44 1949... 1,711,083 1,312,098 9,645 40,605 219,810 570,893 471, U5 45 dollars 1954... 865,194 805,604 325,000 38,910 94,626 166,245 121,767 59,056 46 1949... 618,365 479,085 3,274 13,863 88,353 203,214 164,876 47 MiUc sold' gallons 1954... 12,428,582 11,788,020 90,581 742,140 2,515,387 3,655,425 3,738,075 1,046,412 48 dollars 1954... 3,729,926 3,581,061 38,000 263,562 856,295 1,180,475 979,149 263,580 49 1949... Specified crops harvested: 2,406,662 2,195,228 181,635 337,268 500,172 328,280 347,873 50 Com for all purposes. ..........farms reporting 1954, ., 18,668 15,246 15 91 782 3,404 6,498 4,456 51 23,289 17,369 3 52 229 1,584 6,465 9,036 52 acres 1954.,. 251,555 226,493 1,375 4,280 22,751 64,522 91,350 42,215 53 1949... 264,737 216,347 1,150 2,105 7,650 27,809 86,697 90,936 54 Com harvested for grain farms reporting 1954,,. 18,236 14,969 13 85 750 3,357 6,413 4,351 55 1949... 23,239 17,349 3 52 229 1,584 6,460 9,021 56 acres 1954.,, 240,418 216,921 1,125 3,117 20,583 62,196 83,315 41,085 57 1949... 263,777 215,747 1,150 1,930 7,560 27,744 36,532 90, 331 58 bushels harvested 1954... 3,420,430 3,116,940 16,450 54,530 377,135 930,675 1,230,065 503,035 59 1949.,, 6,276,644 5,239,219 29,500 74,175 214,061 755,889 2,179,109 1,936,435 60 bushels sold 1954,.. 594,260 560,510 3,050 7,600 80,955 203,890 204,460 60,555 61 1949. . . 735,339 651,014 9,930 7,500 26,220 126,680 293,679 181,955 62 Oats threshed or combined farms reporting 1954... 542 466 2 17 93 175 119 55 63 1949... 172 152 1 31 35 60 25 64 acres 1954... 6,907 5,802 125 401 1,650 2,284 977 365 65 1949... 1,070 990 40 170 250 355 175 66 bushels harvested 1954... 255,721 214,596 5,000 11,931 67,780 82,775 36,325 10,735 67 1949... 21,580 20,830 2,000 1,330 3,600 9,125 4,275 68 bushels sold 1954... 41,255 37,505 1,000 100 9,200 23,700 3,105 400 69 1949... 3,470 3,345 1,000 200 70 1,325 750 70 Soybeans harvested for beans farms reporting 1954... 499 469 2 16 103 192 136 20 71 1949.,, ■A5 520 1 7 31 91 230 160 72 acres grown alone 1954... 10,088 9,988 352 1,185 2,750 3,520 2,161 20 73 1949... 7,095 5,785 100 390 740 1,460 1,790 805 74 acres grown with other crops 1954... 410 355 290 60 5 75 1949... 580 560 ... 425 135 76 bushels harvested 1954... 128,405 127,405 600 20,545 37,540 41,745 26,500 475 77 1949... 120,625 105,420 1,500 15,700 15,175 29,130 32,385 11,530 78 Cotton harvested. .............. .fanns reporting 1954... 17,454 15,259 10 80 734 3,412 6,603 4,420 79 1949... 23,027 17,632 3 42 233 1,613 6,600 9,141 80 acres 1954... 174,672 164,497 905 2,594 16,371 53,007 65,680 25,940 81 1949... 257,856 220,006 718 2,111 6,931 36,114 92,369 81,763 82 bales harvested 1954... 127,447 122,012 716 2,272 14,405 43,451 46,683 14,485 83 1949... 130,496 115,801 599 1,311 4,716 22,656 52,403 34,116 84 Hay eut acres 1954. . . 77,813 69,150 731 3,503 10,567 18,525 23,077 12,747 85 1949. . . 81,795 64,834 70 1,246 3,910 10,995 24,346 24,267 86 tons 1954... 69,206 62,073 SOO 2,932 10,435 16,845 20,667 10,394 ^For comparability of data on livestock and poultry, see text and State Table 12. ^Includes milk equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. MISSISSIPPI CROPS, BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued 189 a Bample of farms. See text] Area 4 — Continued Area 5 Bcononic class — Continued Total all farms Economic :lsss Other farms Conmercial ferns Other farms Part-tlDS Resi- dential Abnormal Total Class I Class 11 Class III Class IV Class V Class VI Part-tiroe Resi- dential Abnormal 1,290 1,516 10,320 7,319 62 178 383 1,290 2,699 2,707 1,525 1,475 1 1 3,491 2,130 U,627 9,917 49 192 290 874 2,865 5,647 2,017 2,692 1 2 2,382 2,503 29,013 22,690 696 1,541 1,670 4,329 7,555 7,099 3,540 2,580 3 3 7,910 4,454 2 47,472 35,769 1,318 1,942 2,350 3,630 10,141 16,383 5,764 5,901 33 4 2,U1 3,953 15,476 10,034 74 241 569 1,953 3,838 3,309 2,295 3,W5 2 5 3,891 3,533 17,498 11,502 50 211 335 1,086 3,546 6,274 2,421 3,574- 1 6 18,905 12,457 258,621 224,393 27,480 39,397 34,399 44,676 48,006 30,435 21,653 12,025 550 7 18,140 9,570 193,987 165,744 16,183 23,614 19,421 26,376 42,106 38,044 16,346 10,804 1,093 8 2,126 3,852 15,113 9,861 69 235 557 1,948 3,823 3,229 2,230 3,020 2 9 3,791 3,383 17,078 U,312 47 210 334 1,076 3,496 6,149 2,361 3,404 1 10 10,380 6,964 148,186 128,704 13,596 23,059 20,345 26,607 27,676 17,421 12,152 6,935 395 11 9,680 5,427 109,927 93,997 8,019 14,499 10,745 15,183 23,343 22,208 9,120 6,337 473 12 1,853 3,381 U,071 8,747 45 186 461 1,719 3,462 2,874 1,883 2,440 1 13 3,711 3,223 16,355 10,872 39 190 310 1,019 3,376 5,938 2,274 3,208 1 14 5,220 5,516 83,412 70,718 4,068 10,3U 9,238 15,723 19,061 12,315 7,694 4,875 125 15 3,517 4,952 86,325 72,764 3,615 10,281 6,920 11,569 20,184 20,195 7,743 5,707 111 16 1,610 2,292 11,329 7,977 27 110 359 1,611 3,202 2,668 1,612 1,740 17 3,331 2,278 15,472 10,424 36 135 224 840 3,186 6,003 2,065 2,932 1 18 7,2X 5,863 49,315 39,281 1,088 2,320 3,406 8,333 14,164 9,420 6,119 3,915 19 12,274 5,267 71,208 53,561 1,990 3,811 2,733 6,U5 17,550 21,282 9,103 3,153 391 20 2,224 3,^97 15,247 9,91/ 40 152 464 1,929 3,964 3,365 2,198 3,135 21 4,2St 4,020 19,735 12,770 35 170 292 1,113 3,752 7,408 2,630 4,334 1 22 66,845 100,551 473, 535 353,830 27,180 27,227 28,010 76,241 116,752 78,420 54,345 65,360 23 117,875 100,154 527,764 368,221 4,118 13,056 12,455 46,424 127,609 164,559 72,225 86,206 1,112 24 1 , ^OK^ l,J--3 8,120 5,909 67 216 523 1,347 2,U3 1,643 1,359 850 2 25 2,251 1,..85 10,038 7,482 50 200 304 917 2,545 3,466 1,434 1,121 1 26 7,ia4 2,828 39,449 80,213 12,220 16,409 U,296 U,901 14,497 7,890 6,911 1,990 335 27 5,095 2,065 Bi,067 57,049 9,864 8,315 6,707 9,568 13,308 9,287 4,548 2,167 303 28 258,307 89,940 4,318,140 3,994,690 1,029,426 921,087 688,689 593,171 513,305 249,012 252,970 56,780 13,700 29 293,540 93,040 4,275,174 3,941,017 1,184,340 705,183 486,053 577,191 611,556 376,694 236,613 70,199 27,345 30 626 340 2,750 2,124 25 56 150 492 838 563 441 185 31 1,455 510 5,623 4,178 22 102 U8 455 1,486 1,965 833 611 1 32 4,910 1,225 22,451 19,204 1,937 1,888 2,577 4,641 5,165 2,996 2,627 620 33 8,410 1,860 48,431 39,893 2,679 6,630 2,833 5,989 12,000 9,762 5,707 2,326 505 34 100,555- 22,945 547,696 488,573 49,653 61,989 91,566 U0,215 101,515 53,635 48,393 10,730 35 145,530 26,550 972, 176 842,731 81,503 178,002 64,417 U0,379 233,913 144,517 95, 570 26,300 7,575 36 275 320 901 651 18 39 82 U3 197 177 U5 115 37 1,240 925 3,419 2,266 3 30 95 276 911 951 537 615 1 38 17,245 4,000 679,400 674,810 176,856 193,772 225,831 30,140 44,496 3,715 2,195 2,395 39 34,670 19,170 321,749 283,328 1,620 16,245 30,155 83,263 81,845 20,200 22,766 10,455 5,200 40 595 955 2,547 1,862 15 60 144 388 682 573 375 310 41 2,181 1,891 6,526 4,402 17 60 116 510 1,563 2,136 998 1,125 1 42 92,985 66,800 1,170,010 1,079,320 371,904 172, 231 35,396 234,640 145,234 69,915 56,590 34,100 43 245,250 153,735 1,103,348 921,843 15,800 231,209 35,428 157,095 283,915 198,396 107,240 56,265 13,000 44 34,420 25,170 445,347 410,957 110,543 96,962 31,903 89,434 55,613 26,502 21,890 12,500 45 86,575 52,705 425,774 355,069 6,696 86,249 15,420 68,256 109,640 68,808 41,145 20,560 9,000 46 561,183 79,379 20,009,361 18,710,141 1,746,562 4,073,317 3,316,634 4,238,355 3,662,699 1,622,074 1,027,933 185,938 85,349 47 129,550 19,315 6,142,238 5,782,113 592,542 1,453,394 1,090,471 1,253,479 980,143 407,084 271,980 51,145 37,000 48 182, 5 b9 28,865 0,382,776 5,993,989 648,724 1,421,990 790,512 1,131,963 1,266,250 734,550 316,217 42,570 30,000 49 l,8o2 1,560 14,204 10,679 47 174 511 2,126 4,396 3,425 1,993 1,530 2 50 3,915 2,C05 18,436 U,011 40 154 261 1,076 3,735 7,745 2,354 3,070 1 51 17,3r2 7,700 159,167 136,078 4,594 7,719 12,857 33,819 49,322 27,767 15,420 7,515 154 52 35,920 12,470 203,271 162,431 3,308 6,577 8,181 19,147 51,395 73,823 20,991 19,660 189 53 1,787 1,480 13,555 10,295 34 157 483 2,084 4,258 3,279 1,913 1,345 2 54 3,900 1,990 18,297 12,947 40 151 250 1,076 3,715 7,715 2,324 3,025 1 55 16,377 7,120 149,286 127,959 3,432 6,483 11,796 32,696 47,174 26,378 14,643 6,550 134 56 35,720 12,310 201,398 161,118 3,298 6,309 3,031 18,727 50,945 73,803 20,726 19,395 159 57 215,405 88,085 1,935,817 1,718,219 70,795 U2,182 215, 760 464,477 533,431 271,574 153,815 61,275 2,508 58 802,605 234,820 3,962,223 3,329,733 107,715 166,305 187,482 454,001 1,128,480 1,235,250 375,425 248,525 8,540 59 30,565 3,185 316,342 297,960 12,000 24,375 49,715 94,195 88,425 28,750 17,300 1,582 60 70,775 13,550 456,666 404,761 3,700 5,815 14,731 53,950 172,105 154,410 33,580 16,325 1,500 61 46 30 868 794 36 124 130 212 199 93 52 20 2 62 5 15 341 340 21 67 49 75 108 20 1 63 985 120 23,777 23,082 3,800 7,375 4,307 4,419 2,439 742 447 '75 173 64 25 55 9,357 9,276 1,736 3,635 1,525 1,115 1,105 110 81 65 39,450 1,675 844,961 326,068 139,710 256,228 174,640 151,975 81,060 22,455 10,813 1,825 6,250 66 75 625 215,230 210,770 41,145 32,600 30,695 31,900 23,225 1,205 4,460 67 3,500 250 166,079 164,579 34,500 39,804 54,550 17,425 12,300 6,000 1,500 68 125 40,444 40,044 5,000 22,500 3,644 4,400 4,500 400 69 20 10 193 173 3 24 27 47 52 20 15 5 70 100 25 293 232 3 13 15 34 97 70 40 20 1 71 55 45 4,490 4,280 23 1,812 825 825 730 15 210 72 1,095 215 5,269 5,034 100 1,465 709 1,120 1,270 370 120 110 5 73 55 140 120 90 30 20 74 20 180 85 25 20 40 60 35 75 550 450 72,894 70,569 279 38,733 14,027 12,510 4,690 330 2,125 200 76 13,080 2,125 75,111 72,700 900 18,700 6,050 23,950 17,225 5,875 1,520 795 96 77 1,770 425 13,857 10,967 33 137 445 2,051 4,M4 3,652 1,965 925 78 4,105 1,290 17,338 12,773 30 99 207 928 3,687 7,822 2,214 2,350 1 79 0,025 1,150 143,004 129,229 3,978 5,564 11,496 35,325 50,123 22,743 10,900 2,375 80 32,535 5,315 203,528 171,157 6,456 5,339 7,211 21,029 54,952 76,170 18, 883 13,455 33 81 5,010 425 91,649 85,924 2,600 4,513 3,674 26,138 32,329 11,165 4,825 900 82 13,440 1,255 82,511 73,295 2,633 2,959 3,855 11,573 26,493 25,782 5,928 3,260 28 83 5,393 3,270 145,391 U3,226 15,196 31,316 19,978 27,113 25,562 14,056 8,320 3,715 130 84 12,100 4,861 142,222 126,992 12,032 26,945 17,656 19,530 27,164 23,615 9,518 5,450 262 85 4,688 2,445 142,829 133,529 17, 154 32,351 21,626 27,969 22,402 12,027 5,730 2,335 185 86 190 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECOINOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 3.-LIVEST0CK ON HAND, LIVESTOCK SOLD, AND SPECIFIED [Data are based on re porta for only Item (For definitions and expl anationa, see text) Area 6a Total all farms Ec onomic class Conimercial farms Total Class I Class II Class III Class rv Class V Class VI Uvestocl OD bud:' 1 HoFse3 and nniXcs .>.....••••.• . . .fams reporting 1954. . ■ 24,533 15,886 113 340 540 2,181 6 472 6 240 2 1950. . . 31,635 16,602 13 192 481 l'099 3 1 887 10^930 3 number 1954... 47,168 33,616 380 1,181 1,295 5,455 13,624 11,681 l. 1950... 69,720 41,469 181 680 1,513 4,023 11,090 23,982 5 All cattle and calves ...farms reporting 1954... 32,025 18,763 1A4 414 814 2,962 7,547 5,882 6 1950... 34,086 17,763 14 203 515 1,266 4,375 11,395 7 number 1954... 436,575 325,788 9,864 26,206 38,958 69,314 110,914 70,532 8 1950... 278,610 190,293 2,234 9,049 13,912 30,149 58,332 71,617 9 Cows, including heifers that have calved ...farms reporting 1954... 31,507 18,557 143 414 814 2,937 7,492 6,757 10 1950... 33,379 17,527 14 198 514 1,256 4,320 11,225 11 number 1954... 245,154 183,379 5,078 15,165 22,858 39,265 62,097 38,915 12 1950... 147,372 101,660 1,082 5,409 10,486 15,728 31,130 37,825 13 MlDr cows ...farms reporting 1954... 26,976 16,374 128 369 710 2,585 6,686 5,895 U 1950... 31,094 16,425 13 172 492 1,138 4,086 10,474 15 number 1954... 105,924 79,427 1,663 6,117 12,041 15,788 26,230 17,588 16 1950... 94,757 61,677 241 2,044 5,958 8,238 17,424 27,762 17 All hogs and pigs ...farms reporting 1954... 23,278 15,480 106 313 535 2,448 6,525 5,553 IS 1950... 29,333 16,008 8 125 320 985 3,807 10,763 19 number 1954... 104,035 79,875 1,833 4,078 7,633 16,295 30,850 19,186 20 1950... 122,831 77,339 288 3,011 2,529 6,977 22,606 41,928 21 Chickens 4 months old and over.. farms reporting igs-i... 32,226 19,400 72 356 762 3,097 3,037 7,076 22 1950... 37,S49 19,319 11 157 482 1,273 4,622 12,769 23 number 1954... 1,237,412 895,473 174,318 53,286 31,733 149,532 281,266 205,338 24 Lirestock and livestock products 1950... sold: 1,223,366 733,568 4,520 53,640 44,190 66,769 179,118 385,331 25 Cattle and calves sold alive. ...farms reporting 1954... 17,351 11,224 129 369 734 2,057 4,498 3,437 26 1949... 18,220 11,016 14 136 439 1,061 3,201 5,165 27 number 1954... 135,916 103,487 3,231 9,123 14,726 24,290 33,543 18,574 28 1949... 76,141 58,735 2,728 6,546 7,519 9,190 17,382 15,420 29 dollars 1954... 5,635,571 4,383,040 289,091 460,346 624,044 998,781 1,331,943 678,835 30 1949... 5,407,168 4,315,423 349,099 513,693 622,133 649,397 1,222,246 958,855 31 Hogs and pigs sold alive ...farms reporting 1954... 5,896 4,559 57 169 261 862 1,926 1,284 32 1949 . . . 9,931 6,015 13 89 173 516 1,836 3,333 33 number 1954 .. . 48,876 40,609 1,404 5,347 4,780 8,008 14,213 6,357 34 1949. . . 70,698 51,274 712 2,597 1,811 7,395 21,213 17,546 35 dollars 1954... 1,055,524 904,409 53,669 168,735 150,192 194,250 239,858 97,705 36 1949... 1,398,013 1,092,388 15,705 72,875 46,392 153,665 523,268 280,483 37 Chickens sold — farms reporting 1954... 3,127 2,224 132 300 158 361 698 575 38 1949 . . . 7,971 4,642 9 123 231 459 1,280 2,540 39 dollars 1954... 13,381,613 13,356,340 8,362, Oil 3,631,762 926,455 329,064 89,128 18,390 40 1949... 3,219,563 3,068,083 2,655 1,289,243 834,620 547,206 254,764 139,595 41 Chicken eggs sold ...farms reporting 1954... 7,041 4,659 26 100 175 765 1,882 1,711 42 1949... 14,945 8,756 4 79 218 580 2,223 5,652 43 dozens 1954 . . . 3,216,989 2,887,139 1,074,344 354,661 62,168 572,550 576,116 247,300 44 1949... 2,777,143 2,103,603 55,900 106,850 246,435 336,110 613,813 744,490 45 dollars 1954... 1,497,512 1,369,278 640,222 170,103 32,698 217,564 212,616 96,075 46 1949... 1,102,370 840,810 29,241 45,324 102,431 139,305 243,119 276,390 47 Milk sold gallons 1954. . , 15,940,473 15,074,020 550,785 2,793,756 4,787,007 3,842,207 2,455,523 639,742 48 dollars 1954... 5,806,840 5,463,310 249,774 1,089,121 1,893,415 1,336,284 730,106 164,610 49 Specified crops harvested: 1949... 3,616,510 3,319,670 104,454 464,425 1,007,394 830,576 652,451 260,370 50 Com for all purposes . . . faTTTi.'^ TH='nnT'+ 1 n CT IQ'lZ. 30,831 21,108 108 328 687 3,265 3,309 7,911 51 . . ■ J. ai. jiiu X c^vji ^^J.Jlg J. ?^*T ■ ■ . 1949... 35,379 19,696 12 152 407 1,206 4,531 13,388 52 acres 1954... 336,626 274,059 1,806 11,111 15,999 59,913 113,080 72,150 53 1949... 399,198 263,426 344 3,374 8,569 24,513 72,271 153,855 54 Com harvested for grain. . ...farms reporting 1954, ,. 30,540 20,978 106 317 669 3,223 8,778 7,880 55 1949... 35,263 19,650 12 151 402 1,201 4,521 13,353 56 acres 1954... 329,811 268,469 1,569 10,676 15,244 58,350 111,205 71,424 57 1949... 396,405 261,810 844 3,242 3,489 24,209 71,841 153,185 58 bushels harvested 1954... 6,191,699 5,090,464 39,945 245,360 381,865 1,177,629 2,071,315 1,174,350 59 1949... 7,307,847 4,958,245 11,065 75,900 189,345 483,935 1,455,520 2,742,430 60 bushels sold 1954... 965,732 879,122 850 42,890 74,655 289,222 366,085 105,420 61 1949... 538,265 405,195 500 6,850 14,775 30,795 136,020 216,255 62 Oats threshed or combined.... ...fams reporting 1954... 1,538 1,345 14 118 176 374 426 237 63 1949. . . 574 455 9 24 53 95 139 135 64 acres 1954... 21,987 19,658 689 2,757 3,928 5,053 4,998 2,233 65 1949... 9,083 7,283 670 878 900 2,060 1,710 1,065 66 bushels harvested 1954... 664,892 608,537 25,750 97,382 128,770 157,210 144,365 55,060 67 1949... 135,735 156,160 25,100 11,960 21,145 38,950 33,905 25,100 68 bushels sold 1954... 132,905 125,530 6,400 8,935 25,100 38,475 37,360 9,260 69 1949... 55,826 44,771 5,596 1,800 ... 22,275 9,025 6,075 70 Soybeans harvested for beans. ..fanns reporting 1954... 107 87 12 18 31 16 10 71 1949... 130 30 1 6 7 26 40 72 acres grown alone 1954... 1,661 1,591 527 316 620 123 5 73 1949... 589 344 'm ... 70 179 20 15 74 acres grown with other crops 1954... 45 45 40 5 75 1949... 380 260 90 170 76 bushels harvested 1954... 11,834 11,614 5,120 1,713 3,725 1,036 20 77 1949. . . 8,970 6,560 2,000 690 2,590 530 750 73 Cotton harvested ..fains reporting 1954... 25,272 30,595 19,834 18,788 34 13 230 85 519 268 3,123 1,027 8,646 4,353 7,282 13,042 79 1949... 80 acres 1954... 204,230 182,418 865 5,764 9,835 47,834 79,645 38,425 81 1949... 303,605 220,954 1,104 1,787 4,133 23,165 66,491 124,274 82 bales harvested 1954... 145,528 132, 5CK 669 4,702 8,455 37,524 57,781 23,373 83 1949... 107,990 35,842 531 708 1,966 11,881 30,112 40,644 84 Hay cut nnT"pf3 T 9*iZ. 96,430 77,660 77,231 55,474 2,177 2,182 7,071 2,393 10,718 6,838 17,023 8,034 25,792 15,737 14,450 20,240 85 • •.•..•.*..*aL^J.CC3 -L ?^*+. . . 1949... 86 tons 1954... 89,176 72,901 2,028 7,247 10,861 17,459 23,007 12,299 ^For comparability of data on livestock and poultry, see text and State Table 12. ^Includes milk equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. MISSISSIPPI 191 CROPS. BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM. CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued s aample of farms. Sea text] Area 6a— Continued Area 6b Ecoooniic clasa — Continued Economic class Other farms Total all ConiDercial fama Other farms Resi- dential farms Part-tlmo Abnormal Total Class I Clasa II Class III Class IV Class 7 Class VI Part-time Resi- dential Abnormal ^ . ^ :iV' 4,162 5 13,803 7,670 26 58 243 729 2,415 4,199 2,800 3,336 2 1 3,266 1 0 17,369 7,889 4 62 163 467 1,773 5,420 3,610 5,849 21 2 '^.<-'— 5,845 4 3 26,234 16,655 99 322 581 1,929 5,624 8,100 4,937 4,532 10 3 li . IC^ 13,968 17 9 37,978 20,380 59 410 706 1,540 4,965 12,700 7,563 9,947 88 4 5, "13 7,539 5 17,576 8,701 39 78 349 1,016 2,867 4,352 3,531 5,342 2 5 •-,123 9,185 1 0 13,942 8,530 4 68 196 535 1,9U 5,812 3,872 6,519 21 6 "i.^01 35,905 1,48 1 233,638 169,003 4,862 9,266 22,199 34,434 51,634 46,613 45,448 23,824 358 7 ii.SJ" 34,044 1,44 6 153,341 104,704 553 8,064 10,391 15,337 30,195 40,164 29,660 23,309 568 8 ?.'-'' ~,2U3 5 17,244 8,635 39 77 349 1,006 2,857 4,307 3,450 5,157 2 9 '. .'^ \ 3 , 370 1 0 13,642 3,455 4 68 193 525 1,898 5,762 3,822 6,344 21 10 -1. -:■','! 1^,2-3 95 1 134,835 96,690 2,506 6,145 13,449 19,700 29,155 25,735 25, U3 12,906 156 11 .D.SlCi 13,121 78 1 84,049 55,073 396 4,039 6,393 3,134 15,491 20,570 15,559 13,075 342 12 ■-,50: t_ , J95 5 14,692 7,741 26 65 304 893 2,571 3,882 2,742 4,207 2 13 t.,531 8,128 1 D 17,406 7,931 4 56 189 5U 1,802 5,366 3,590 5,664 21 14 12,982 12,730 73 5 57,799 41,056 1,158 2,199 5,001 6,747 13,248 12,703 8,523 8,064 156 15 17, «3 14,956 68 1 53,420 31,439 144 1,293 2,506 3,892 8,147 15,507 10,460 11,134 337 16 3,7-3 4,016 9 12,950 7,219 16 57 207 791 2,490 3,658 2,534 3,196 1 17 t,0»i 7,222 9 16,730 7,875 3 47 123 424 1,733 5,545 3,355 5,479 21 18 13,850 9,338 1,01 b 62,224 42,542 231 779 3,529 8,235 14,526 15,242 10,997 8,372 313 19 24,198 20,378 91 D 79,413 44,472 15 823 1,809 3,363 12,931 25,531 17,374 16,952 515 20 5,475 7,349 2 18,087 9,004 17 60 308 987 2,986 4,6..................x lillUO i C^UX ki^l^^ i^.^.* ... 1949... 80 acres 1954... 12,580 9,995 28 577 996 2,938 3,856 1,6C0 SI 1949... 13,890 9,600 50 570 858 1,155 3,217 3,750 82 bales harvested 1954... 9,435 7,815 17 433 900 2,495 2,947 1,023 83 1949... 7,037 5,202 11 361 533 756 1,836 1,705 84 Hay cut. ........................ . acrp'^ 19*14 17,105 10,161 L?,694 7,454 1,835 1,000 1,514 975 2,809 1,189 2,212 1,162 2,903 1,773 1,421 1,355 85 .. •"--................................. .anco X17.J..... 1949... 86 tons 1954... 17,573 13,881 2,115 2,131 3,449 1,998 2,525 1,663 For comparability of data on livestock and poultry, see text and State Table 12. ■^Includes milk equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. MISSISSIPPI 193 CROPS. BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued s Bample of farms. See text] Ar«a 7 — Continued Area 8 Economic class — Continued Total all farms Economic class Other farms Conmercial farms Otiier farms Resi- Part-time Abnormal Total Class I Class II Class III Class IV Class V Class VI Part-time Resi- Abnormal dential 1,015 1,520 1,U-' 33b 2 7 46 98 96 87 184 617 1 1,386 2,215 1,518 428 2 12 54 53 137 170 335 755 2 1,412 1,910 1,645 614 23 15 86 142 168 180 262 769 3 4 2,225 3,250 2,191 711 21 29 90 70 256 245 450 1,030 1,377 3,125 2,254 582 2 15 78 172 173 142 391 1,281 5 6 l,70f. 2,300 1,930 555 2 17 64 80 182 210 450 925 .^^."'?' 1 5 , 9'--^ 40,131 25,758 1,781 1,928 4,921 6,829 7,004 3,295 7,723 6,650 7 i i^ , ^- 1 1J,'^15 22,294 14,779 1,352 1,758 2,914 2,310 3,575 2,870 3,795 3,720 8 l.-l" 2 , '30 2,094 572 2 15 78 172 173 132 381 1,141 9 J . ' 4 5 1,825 535 2 17 64 80 177 195 440 850 10 ■J. 020 21,614 14,284 8U 879 3,Cfc9 3,859 4,006 1,677 4,050 3,280 11 iO,-.>'3 "','040 13,616 9,481 790 1,062 1,870 1,544 2,555 1,660 2,130 2,005 12 l,2tO 2.145 1,295 407 1 12 68 137 114 75 227 661 13 1.4^1 2.165 1,481 451 2 17 58 73 156 145 360 670 14 -M- ■-' 3, ■CO 7,053 5,399 100 519 1,795 2,340 420 225 533 1,121 15 ^. ' '- 6,575 4,495 87 639 1,315 807 732 915 850 1,230 16 1 , yj} l.^-*10 1,375 356 2 10 44 118 101 31 229 790 17 l.^Sl 2.2-30 1,610 430 2 12 47 73 136 160 360 820 18 u.oi-: 10,655 14,950 6,516 31 256 417 1,637 3,139 1,036 3,424 5,010 19 16 , 172 13,050 15,545 6,470 105 271 978 591 2,610 1,915 4,565 4,510 20 1 , '^l: 3,255 2,272 543 2 22 73 151 154 L41 409 1,320 21 1 . 326 3,2'30 2,279 554 1 11 58 78 161 245 500 1,225 22 ^,0?" "1 . -80 144,379 87,454 85 12,800 16,850 29,967 14,119 13,633 20,410 36,515 23 ■-1,5 3 5 89,073 31,453 150 408 6,800 2,285 13,370 8,440 26,250 31,370 24 1,.--- 755 934 487 2 15 68 152 143 107 276 171 25 1.115 870 885 430 2 17 63 66 137 145 260 195 26 8,6o3 1,970 9,493 6,758 338 537 985 1,827 2,270 801 2,103 632 27 4,375 1,420 6,050 4,725 249 730 1,616 667 878 585 935 390 28 342,915 63,025 398,788 299,589 14,700 62,760 42,050 68,711 88,268 23,100 81,458 17,741 29 258,055 71,945 350,439 275,984 15,234 50,510 77,310 42,645 58,185 32,100 55,500 13,955 30 31S 4-5 652 232 2 3 lA 82 85 46 164 256 31 1.081 310 807 287 2 16 31 32 91 115 270 250 32 ■',''13 2.9J5 7,369 3,107 20 151 107 703 1,650 476 2,462 1,300 33 11, .20 4.330 9,658 5,458 117 325 1,165 831 2,065 955 2,335 1,365 34 162,255 45,230 136,365 6-i,770 500 4,520 2,130 13,235 34,660 9,725 47,030 24,565 35 208,515 57,020 235,623 136,213 2,985 6,225 25,695 23,573 56,895 20,840 77,495 21,915 36 165 190 362 177 5 18 31 38 35 95 90 37 500 445 477 177 1 11 20 70 75 130 170 38 ".2.-5 36,338 25,683 760 1,775 12,882 5,416 4,850 7,080 3,575 39 30 . 120 13! 2 30 75,457 59,837 100 11,632 27,395 14,065 6,645 10,455 5,165 40 395 530 527 246 '7 32 79 73 55 131 150 41 7'^ 5 '20 653 228 1 5 16 26 95 85 235 190 42 113,330 43,545 905,032 836,187 ... 134,775 214,117 321,300 97,765 68,230 48,985 19,860 43 159,020 53,850 282,855 156,845 400 1,825 39,270 7,750 78,880 23,720 106,755 19,255 44 46,015 17.435 409,172 376,052 82,238 87,937 134,696 42,441 28,690 23,365 9,755 45 62,130 21.115 125,644 68,349 172 910 15,805 3,882 34,765 12,815 48,875 8,420 46 22,970 5.413 1,718,157 1,704,525 75,135 203,476 664,427 729,905 31,082 500 8,618 5,014 47 9,455 1,635 784,861 778,711 48,180 91,949 314,914 311,258 12,050 360 3,955 2,195 48 28,645 2.655 631,436 623,476 16,000 150,546 265,310 98,935 78,200 14,435 6,860 1,100 49 1.613 2.055 1,078 330 1 6 29 110 94 90 203 545 50 l.cll 2.330 1,023 323 1 5 40 36 106 135 250 450 51 16,285 ^.335 7,581 4,097 31 250 467 1,569 1,215 565 1,339 2,095 52 I'.^SS 15.1305 6,479 2,949 45 200 325 529 970 880 1,970 1,560 53 1,563 2.000 996 303 1 6 19 109 83 85 193 495 54 1,576 2.290 998 303 1 5 40 31 96 130 250 445 55 14,970 9,530 6,981 3,697 31 140 377 1,559 1,095 495 1,369 1,915 56 17,228 14,420 6,059 2,584 45 200 300 429 790 820 1,945 1,530 57 345,475 189,610 181,553 105,938 1,260 2,870 9,300 47,436 30,747 14,325 34,710 40,905 58 336,310 259,550 138,280 59,485 1,000 7,500 12,935 6,425 17,675 13,950 41,225 37,570 59 44,105 3,485 19,210 16,475 . . . 3,050 10,550 2,875 2,500 235 60 22,815 3,270 2,545 200 260 2,345 61 45 20 30 25 1 1 11 7 5 5 62 15 20 10 5 5 5 63 370 105 454 444 7 12 295 126 '16 'io 64 145 310 65 50 50 '15 65 7,760 2,980 12,700 12,600 150 250 8,750 3,400 '56 ioo 66 2,-;io 850 3.700 1,075 1,000 1,000 75 67 68 69 70 ,0 ^ 15 15 5 5 5 10 ... 71 210 60 60 ... '36 5 25 72 73 '70 '56 74 10 75 3,030 150 1,300 1,300 900 100 303 76 30 ... 77 635 155 30 20 10 10 5 5 78 645 265 15 10 'io 5 79 2,305 280 165 150 '70 'so 10 5 80 3,575 715 30 25 '25 5 81 1,435 135 115 100 45 55 10 5 82 1,620 215 15 15 15 83 3,026 1,385 4,494 3,579 124 657 703 1,016 939 140 605 310 84 1,372 1,335 2,282 1,792 12 260 535 570 135 280 225 265 85 2,482 1,210 5,363 4,593 70 754 549 2,012 1,018 190 550 220 ... 36 194 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 4.-FARMS, ACREAGE, VALUE, AND USE OF COMMERCIAL [Data are based on reports for only Item (For definitions and ezplaoStions, see text) Total all farms Type of farm Cash-grain Other field-crop Vegetable Fruit- and-nut Dairy Poultry Livestock other than dairy and poultry FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number 195A. . 1950. . Land in farms acres 1954.. 1950.. Average size of farm acres WS-l.. 1950. . Value of land aod buildings; Average per farm. ..................... ..dollars 1954.. 1950. . Average per acre dollars 1954,. 1950.. Proportion of farms reporting value percent 1954., Land in fnrus according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting 1954.. 1949., acres 1954.. 1949.. 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 1954.. 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 1954.. 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 1954.. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 1954,. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1954,. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 1954., 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 1954., 500 acres and over farms reporting 1954,, Cropland used only for pasture, , farms reporting 1954.. 1949,. acres 1954,. 1949. . Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949.. Cropland used only for crops not harvested and not pastured... farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Cropland lying idle farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Woodland pastured farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Woodland not pastured farms reporting 1954., acres 1954.. Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting 1954. . acres 1954.. Improved (see text) farms reporting 1954,, acres 1954.. Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Cropland, total farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954., 1949, , Land pastured, total farms reporting 1954., 1949. . acres 1954. . 1949.. Woodland, total farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954., 1949. , Irrigated land In farms farms reporting 1954,. 1949,. acres 1954.. 1949.. Cover crops turned under and land planted to another crop ...farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954., Cropland used for row or grain crops farmed on contour farms reporting 1954,. acres 1954,. USE OF COItlERCIAL FERTILIZER Crops on wbich connercial fertilizer was used, 1954; Hay and cropland pastured .,,,farms reporting., tons., acres on which used.. Other pasture farms reporting. , tons. acres on which used.. Com farms reporting. tons, acres on which used. Cotton farms reporting. tons, acres on which used. Fruits, vegetables, potatoes, etc.... farms reporting. tons, acres on which used. Other crops farms reporting. tons, acres on which used. 215,887 251,286 20,777,721 20,818,632 96.2 82.8 6,126 4,448 72.53 55.91 81 194,382 229,480 5,611,393 6,130,336 50,615 68,875 34,919 23,623 10,156 3,063 2,108 1,023 41,587 51,183 1,506,951 1,598,351 43,244 61,437 754,907 1,261,921 13,449 178,925 33,868 575,982 88,218 5,310,629 52 , 767 3,551,507 75,867 3,282,773 17,492 735,960 158,040 759,561 203,671 241,224 7,873,251 8,990,608 127,104 136,230 10,100,353 8,396,684 110,445 118,012 8,862,136 8,593,935 1,754 44 136,805 8,410 9,163 224,477 37,176 760,871 15,325 56,886 407,027 5,415 29,472 224,228 119,222 204,032 1,386,071 147,552 340,720 1,922,549 21,741 34,841 135,078 10,007 38,558 366,634 1,503 1,501 649,416 280,370 432.1 186.8 42,653 12,720 102.63 69,19 63 1,503 1,501 327,298 1^8,576 55 150 150 190 204 235 350 169 507 313 30,238 10,922 408 423 26,794 16,968 230 11,548 230 15,146 488 45,062 674 147,797 379 38,634 160 9,855 1,251 33 , 593 1,503 1,501 384,330 156,466 958 721 113,934 50,821 982 703 192,859 88,786 220 17 63,250 6,590 120 16,087 245 22,453 122 923 8,811 27 494 5,023 912 4,435 33,631 645 3,374 23,168 52 90 510 514 7,315 89,560 123,480 122,467 8,783,014 7,662,318 71.1 62.6 4,882 4,109 77.87 67.83 83 123,480 122,467 3,750,085 3,765,629 18,174 49,596 27,364 18,215 6,815 1,530 1,108 677 16,799 16 , 873 480,410 364,402 20,289 21,781 312,294 438,460 7,915 90,367 14,604 221,927 35,720 1,640,438 23,146 1,212,719 33,459 1,037,368 5,725 147,981 75,441 349,700 123,480 122,467 4,542,789 4,568,491 53,691 45,682 3,158,216 1,881,091 45,136 36,528 2,853,157 2,166,235 1,196 12 60,512 1,700 5,625 139,413 19,016 437,811 4,520 11,488 96,899 1,258 4,921 45,426 71,894 115,454 849,294 117,072 295,746 1,721,018 8,650 6,522 23,647 4,441 14,360 lt4,230 442 506 54,158 55,562 122.5 109.8 6,389 3,999 57.77 34.35 85 442 506 11,485 13,545 80 161 90 78 28 115 155 3,930 2,755 67 190 583 1,840 62 593 254 19,266 141 9,966 . 206 7,100 59 1,751 401 1,728 442 506 16,098 18,140 335 405 30,296 18,820 327 381 29,232 31,847 6 155 55 600 108 2,108 73 154 817 5 6 30 356 763 4,446 191 257 1,167 256 416 1,176 94 171 561 377 1,054 35,887 74,153 95.2 70.4 5,156 3,086 55.87 47.07 90 377 1,054 7,993 20,676 75 lo6 65 46 20 204 1,035 4,086 125 207 2,235 4,154 35 385 100 1,850 186 11,220 126 6,988 162 5,231 26 1,135 327 1,135 377 1,054 11,263 28,916 262 619 17, 536 29,259 247 559 13,208 32,892 20 5 110 35 22 170 40 86 995 10 26 60 202 459 1,905 135 182 900 332 1,675 4,063 15 25 85 220 321 126 ,194 132,083 573.6 411.5 52,996 25,947 97.95 57.47 70 220 321 52,487 63,674 45 30 21 31 21 26 23 23 36 96 7,105 7,862 51 77 5,190 3,760 20 345 36 4,845 114 26,058 10,751 25 2,765 180 1,333 220 321 64,783 75,296 137 212 43,915 26,138 159 238 49,327 48,327 28 3,825 58 6,133 45 1,108 4,794 12 616 2,082 70 135 880 185 135 13,173 43,526 3 112 985 6,542 7,272 1,258,794 1,146,725 189,5 157,7 12,987 8,353 71.34 54.99 79 6,206 5,477 248,173 227,833 553 1,577 1,206 1,370 937 275 118 10 2,798 3,119 140,217 166,455 1,277 1,851 26,161 44,728 525 7,932 891 18,229 4,809 312,502 2,367 143,757 4,790 350,907 2,004 105,124 6,385 37,077 6,335 6,933 414,551 439,016 6,571 5,745 803,626 700,588 5,548 5,664 456,259 404,940 37 5 1,216 75 520 11,133 1,477 42,399 2,399 12 , 187 68,479 813 4,554 34,193 4,334 12,990 70,606 2,900 5,874 22,550 718 989 3,759 1,105 3,908 25,454 2,140 1,728 231,456 135,575 108.2 78.5 9,551 4,823 93.99 62.10 1,559 1,418 36,830 22,992 490 557 220 174 65 35 543 457 14,671 9,590 434 555 5,458 7,320 133 1,780 352 4,678 1,336 82,875 694 46,073 1,070 37,145 413 11 , 842 2,080 7,414 1,705 1,538 57,959 39,902 1,300 1,433 134,691 76,140 1,608 1,278 128,948 68,592 135 1,743 581 10,245 342 699 5,459 109 492 3,808 1,152 2,593 14,322 567 1,173 4,235 300 574 1,786 125 408 2,537 8,661 11,092 3,593,442 3,571,185 414.9 322.0 21,365 12,759 55.58 42.35 71 7,200 9,559 335,875 415,002 1,159 1,655 1,273 1,191 1,008 557 286 71 3,709 4,952 401,236 474,233 1,306 3,661 75,461 131,267 736 22,042 1,293 53,419 6,617 1,249,915 3,230 51^,955 5,517 877,013 2,682 292,473 8,008 39,981 7,903 10,554 863,572 1,070,502 8,399 10,149 2,526,169 2,199,570 7,537 9,254 1,762,371 1,767,494 130 5,574 771 23,033 1,763 57,988 2,424 17, 596 130,14S 1,173 11,997 92,459 4,960 19,709 111,480 1,381 4,297 17,783 1,003 2,720 14,531 1,181 7,131 44,046 2 Reported in small fractions. FERTILIZER, BY TYPE OF FARM: MISSISSIPPI CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 195 a aaniplo of farma. See text] The State— Continued Area 1 Type of farm — Cent inued Total Type of farm General — Con. Miacel- Livestock General Miscel- laneous and unclas- Primarily Crop and laneous and unclaaai- fied all farma Cash- grain Cotton Other fleld- Vegetable Fruit- and-nut Dairy Poultry other than dairy and poultry Primarily Primarily Crop and liTCBtOCk liveatock .rop crop livestock livestock sified 234 2,458 68,306 44,540 764 40,746 10 5 108 32 254 81 5 79 2,456 1 662 5,967 96,383 57,102 541 48,581 15 21 67 35 455 81 7 69 7,230 2 41,961 609,675 4,972,253 3,208,252 452,354 2,359,704 560 20 12,938 4,029 138,742 73,799 325 49,094 U6,687 3 91,316 885,860 6,383,525 3,267,921 151,714 2,629,847 40 1,140 10,721 1,390 137,479 40,919 2,413 24,931 267,327 4 179.3 248.0 72.8 72.0 592.1 57.9 56.0 4.0 119.8 125.9 546.2 911.1 65.0 621.4 47.5 5 137.9 148.5 66.2 57.2 280.4 54.1 2.7 54.3 160.0 39.7 302.2 505.2 344.7 361.3 37.0 6 9,807 14,116 4,701 7,494 72,288 6,371 3,100 25,000 15,858 28,095 45,397 113,113 87,258 3,985 7 7,334 6,053 3,266 5,659 23,764 5,621 5,800 12,912 12,529 9,583 15,907 40,759 35,392 30,627 3,119 8 55.16 63.93 71.41 135.81 119.09 141.02 55.36 6,250.00 167.54 177.92 94.02 138.62 134.13 115.31 9 53.32 43.14 50.97 102.98 86.49 107.98 2,175.00 284.97 71.74 210.62 65.03 82.71 137.09 90.22 83.53 10 7t. 75 82 82 55 83 100 100 94 34 59 79 57 73 11 224 2,458 49,289 44,027 764 40,746 10 5 106 17 207 81 5 79 2,007 12 627 5,961 77,257 55,956 541 48,581 15 21 51 30 341 81 7 69 6,219 13 8,213 131,661 540,080 1,930,728 262,696 1,542,733 100 15 4,980 2,203 26,894 33,324 20 19,724 38,039 14 20,005 215,375 1,127,784 1,932,425 83,402 1,687,033 20 940 2,683 580 25,723 20,327 671 11,318 99,728 15 60 157 29,603 11,298 9,770 5 5 5 48 5 1,460 16 31 666 13,943 18,215 17,801 5 41 5 17 "i '5 340 17 65 467 3,690 6,032 20 5,886 30 21 75 18 35 558 1,451 3,726 45 3,576 15 25 5 5 55 19 21 361 420 1,873 107 1,646 11 43 10 13 43 20 5 139 123 1,004 168 737 2 5 19 20 27 25 21 7 89 50 1,119 269 768 7 1 22 24 23 5 22 21 9 760 155 562 1 12 21 6 3 23 81 871 15,390 4,561 289 3,584 66 7 168 48 60 339 24 247 2,103 21,948 4,862 130 3,743 5 29 20 222 28 6 26 653 25 3,185 46,862 338,582 213,344 20,585 131,628 2,943 351 31,196 12,103 8,272 6,266 26 8,190 70,134 459,478 119,502 4,043 81,707 25 1,743 300 20,357 1,220 130 1,902 8,075 27 67 792 17,524 4,576 247 3,905 5 15 49 36 27 292 28 224 2,085 29,530 8,321 183 6,038 10 8 5 183 49 2 24 1,819 29 922 15,390 269,781 110,733 18,439 82,004 '36 90 2,025 1,500 680 5,965 30 3,219 39,721 499,830 257,186 11,073 191,188 45 721 50 9,653 4,622 216 877 38, 741 31 17 273 3,391 3,163 170 2,742 10 35 34 27 145 32 105 4,64^ 33,817 58,261 8,958 43,479 45 1,315 1,254 630 2,580 33 5b 598 15,345 1,964 111 1,628 5 5 21 11 11 172 34 817 10,746 235,964 52,472 9,481 38,525 30 45 710 246 50 3,335 35 164 1,884 35,625 2,877 146 2,234 5 26 142 14 52 258 36 10,066 170,454 1,640,795 201,699 14,558 123,777 180 677 34,778 3,801 6,242 17,686 37 109 1,220 20,346 4,684 420 3,650 22 7 62 45 "5 41 432 38 7,907 117,826 1,237,831 463,324 95,517 301,454 1,254 1,180 13,449 13,963 235 8,512 27,760 39 160 1,780 28,370 2,454 142 1,809 5 55 10 94 25 5 27 282 40 9,704 107,506 744,123 141,996 14,066 78,690 240 2,414 65 26,510 4,921 55 2,553 12,432 41 73 692 5,362 702 53 535 25 38 4 12 35 42 4,6i7 30,435 118,652 44,604 3,805 23,729 9K4 14,168 495 1,243 200 43 229 2,344 60,066 14,917 642 12,526 5 5 93 32 228 79 5 78 1,219 44 1,964 19,976 201,061 146,428 26,493 99,418 10 5 560 230 3,890 4,187 15 3,111 8,489 45 229 2,458 57,545 44,181 764 40,746 10 5 107 22 225 81 5 79 2,137 46 632 5,962 87,418 56,669 541 48,581 15 21 51 35 404 81 7 69 6,864 47 12,320 193,913 1,148,443 2,254,805 301,720 1,756,365 130 15 8,013 2,554 60,115 46,927 20 28,676 50,270 48 31,414 325,230 2,087,092 2,309,113 98,518 1,959,928 20 1,010 5,147 930 55,733 26,169 1,017 14,097 146,544 49 219 2,331 51,069 7,385 461 5,719 5 108 17 237 65 5 78 690 50 607 5,390 62,182 8,509 220 6,290 '10 36 25 378 56 7 59 1,428 51 22,955 324,822 2,723,500 557,039 49,209 334,095 420 6,034 416 92,484 20,825 55 17,067 36,434 52 46,651 431,486 2,780,366 356,981 11,996 212,231 45 5,319 470 73,157 2,723 535 6,535 43,970 53 202 2,241 45,144 6,521 490 5,056 43 7 169 51 5 70 625 54 567 4,930 56,001 7,239 241 5,140 10 22 15 309 47 7 48 1,400 55 17,973 288,280 2,878,626 665,023 110,075 425,231 180 1,931 1,180 48,227 17,764 235 14,754 45,446 56 45,386 420,634 3,317,975 680,687 35,172 468,649 75 3,660 425 60,032 12,325 1,030 9,026 JO, 293 57 42 55 5 1,209 29 201 17 942 12 3 15 11 8 24 58 59 1,113 1,912 10 118,413 8,290 61,570 6,590 51,558 1,700 'is 266 809 2,134 670 1,391 60 61 9 371 1,267 1,989 90 1,741 11 24 19 27 77 62 120 9,808 13,595 112,824 15,202 88,515 250 2,267 2,557 2,767 1,266 63 77 745 12,530 269 56 202 2 4 5 64 1,588 22,194 139,942 36,448 15,456 19,317 1,350 310 15 65 58 580 4,451 823 66 579 47 75 12 16 28 66 222 2,959 8,383 5,134 566 2,914 124 1,106 197 155 72 67 1,526 20,038 56,920 68,621 6,316 40,266 1,197 12,952 4,415 2,345 1,130 68 21 188 1,713 385 26 291 8 25 4 11 20 69 99 1,310 4,535 2,077 244 1,266 66 382 25 77 17 70 867 9,472 27,936 32,738 3,948 20,929 584 5,522 400 1,200 155 71 180 2,161 31,886 13,050 322 12,106 47 11 84 40 56 334 72 504 6,694 36,546 16,548 1,934 12,731 80 14 320 636 278 555 73 2,439 40,652 231,783 146,377 18,512 110,981 590 285 3,400 4,307 2,252 6,050 74 95 2,078 20,812 40,345 343 38,402 65 6 59 74 68 1,328 75 159 4,770 21,778 101,592 2,622 95,538 175 55 365 788 579 1,470 76 551 18,738 98,068 853,978 19,057 808,468 1,174 375 3,249 4,410 3,510 13,735 77 33 585 9,066 143 7 95 5 5 5 1 1 24 78 78 1,027 6,484 282 49 88 20 1 1 (Z) 30 93 79 209 3,056 35,026 2,327 400 590 50 15 5 1 40 1,226 30 33 351 1,908 2,605 396 1,941 '22 6 69 35 34 102 81 82 1,118 2,331 18,250 6,573 9,957 46 32 711 557 218 156 82 577 10,155 13,732 234,515 82,142 131,031 405 425 7,514 7,606 3,631 1,761 83 196 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 4.-FARMS, ACREAGE, VALUE, AND USE OF COMMERCIAL [Data are based on reports for only (For definitions and explaoations, see text) FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number 1954. 1950. Land In farms acres 1954. 1950. Average size of farm .acres 1954. 1950. Value of lanil and buildings; Average per farm dollars 1954. 1950. Average per acre dollars 1954. 1950. Proportion of farms reporting value percent 1954. Land in farns according to use; Cropland harvested farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 1954. 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 1954. 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 1954. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 1954. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1954. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 1954. 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 1954. 500 acres and over farms reporting 1954. Cropland used only for pasture. .farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Cropland used only for crops not harvested and not pastured farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. Cropland lying idle farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. Woodland pastured farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. Woodland not pastured., ....farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland)..... farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. Improved (see text) farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) farms reporting 1954, acres 1954. Cropland, total farms reporting 1954, 1949. acres 1954., 1949., Land pastured, total farms reporting 1954., 1949., acres 1954. 1949., Woodland, total farms reporting 1954., 1949., acres 1954., 1949. , Irrigated land in farms farms reporting 1954., 1949., acres 1954., 1949., Cover crops turned under and land planted to another crop ,,,farms reporting 1954,, acres 1954,, Cropland used for row or grain crops farmed on contour ,,, farms reporting 1954,. acres 1954,. USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER Crops oo vhicb coaaercial fertilizer vas used. 1954; Hay and cropland pastured farms reporting, tons. acres on which used. Other pasture farms reporting. tons, acres on which used. Com farms reporting. tons, acres on which used. Cotton farms reporting. tons, acres on which used. Fruits, vegetables, potatoes, etc.... farms reporting. tons, acres on which used. Other crops farms reporting. tons, acres on which used. Total all farms 33 , 594 39,210 3.445,364 3,565,164 102.6 90.9 5,339 4,019 61.12 47.12 78 31,119 36,146 920,688 987,103 6,179 12,081 6,421 3,791 1,567 501 432 147 6,540 10,027 354,638 435,054 5,7o9 8,340 144,483 249,160 1,954 35,907 4,388 108,576 10,415 678,522 6,534 480,243 10,619 685,489 1,198 84,097 23,254 181,301 32,204 37,804 1,419,809 1,671,317 16,844 19,564 1,718,649 1,509,921 12,928 14,833 1,158,765 1,205,020 141 15 10, '718 120 856 21,871 1,244 38,848 922 6,559 50,497 418 3,449 29,617 17.198 29,968 212,428 26,128 69,985 351,911 736 641 2.419 1.095 6,108 44,539 Type of farm Caah-grain 190 220 107,880 42 , 792 567.8 194.5 49,959 11,229 77.94 57.85 68 190 220 40,163 16,263 10 20 10 34 12 72 50 5,206 3,244 44 64 5,347 3,230 18 2,192 32 3,155 69 10,036 92 31 , 594 53 11,081 9 190 168 4,453 190 220 50,716 22,737 129 73 26,323 11,801 129 78 41,630 15,350 9 1,610 7 1.317 24,748 22 , 545 1,854,010 1,447,927 74.9 64,2 3,955 3,082 62.08 49.78 80 24,748 22,545 690,136 633,911 3,347 10,566 5,811 3.244 1,230 228 227 95 3,749 4.37': 146,168 117,551 3 , 596 3 , 703 73,222 84,85b 1,354 lo,196 2,619 57,026 6,029 308,639 4,049 241 , 581 6,228 29(,,393 535 26,322 15 , 769 97,871 24,748 22,545 909,526 836,318 10,053 3,621 751,200 423.235 7,t,04 6,079 550,220 386,846 103 7,061 560 12,143 1,049 24,403 7 336 54 1,806, 575 12,917 148 1,180 9,059 122 13,856 881 19,9o0 5 317 150,673 105 23,179 362 64,760 2 536 327,209 421 363 1,523 49 544 491 2,285 4 083 19,772 Other field-crop 22 20 4,207 2,000 191.2 100.0 13,518 2,973 75,54 27.70 77 20 ,196 545 17 1,136 10 100 12 1,071 11 289 17 215 22 20 2,332 645 22 20 2,496 890 12 20 1,371 1,040 110 580 20 45 2,750 3,130 137.5 69.6 3,750 2,569 26.22 36.93 50 20 45 275 1,245 10 10 155 20 20 575 145 5 75 15 500 20 890 20 50 20 45 860 1,545 20 25 955 1,490 20 20 1,785 1,325 10 10 45 10 14 10 28 50 Fruit- and-nut 10 10 1,335 780 133.5 78.0 3,000 20,200 30.00 280.56 50 10 10 95 310 5 5 10 325 10 720 10 70 10 10 120 320 10 10 1,045 315 10 10 425 140 439 641 136,781 151,878 311.6 236.9 25,188 16,529 84.27 74.58 77 395 543 25,903 24,629 30 55 56 120 64 41 213 472 22,990 46,156 81 183 3,750 8,143 34 1,408 54 2.342 245 17,734 138 9,327 332 49,591 111 7,178 411 7,486 424 620 52,643 78,933 439 526 90,315 93,166 298 508 27,061 36,829 4 5 175 75 42 1,303 24 1,643 107 852 5,175 49 277 2,117 5 282 2 1,748 25 8,180 5 249 2 952 10 3,727 9 44 99 122 530 3,677 Poultry 102 80 3,079 5,060 79.2 63.2 7,272 3,603 72.30 54.32 66 57 55 1,161 540 20 15 15 20 15 570 270 10 20 280 250 10 105 5 175 42 1,360 21 577 57 3,569 16 745 92 562 62 60 2,011 1,060 67 55 5,499 3,175 52 45 1,937 2,205 Livestock other than dairy aad poultry 1,450 2,635 700,513 884,332 483.1 335.6 24,824 12,323 55.41 40.36 51 1,181 2,302 85,278 117,620 168 213 192 204 157 150 75 21 769 1,451 111,518 160,630 408 972 24,644 58,445 135 8,758 316 15,886 1,047 187,021 533 70,458 885 189,139 240 38,577 1,320 32,455 1,370 2,524 221,440 336,695 1,399 2,447 487,678 538,307 1,195 2,045 257,479 322,137 17 1,437 109 5,660 9,446 11 238 49 2,981 505 25,139 1 108 3 1,276 10 14,253 47 770 66 4,193 443 25,477 25 319 81 957 195 3,931 11 50 16 55 24 200 233 1,958 10,795 FERTILIZER, BY TYPE OF FARM: MISSISSIPPI CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued 197 a 9 ample of farms. See text] Area 2— Continued Areas 3 and A Type of farm — Continued Total all farms Type of farm General — Con. laneous and unclassi- fied Livestock General Miscel- Pr li imarily (restock Crop and livestock Cash- grain Cotton Other field- crop Vegetable Fruit- and-nut Dairy Poultry other than dairy and poultry Primarily crop Primarily livestock Crop and livestock laneous and unclas- sified 12 175 6,302 23,392 69 9,117 173 161 15 947 129 1,847 290 19 300 10,325 1 30 604 12,189 25,620 95 6,278 65 759 37 964 100 2,234 291 60 536 14,201 2 3,305 72,561 488,240 2,992,538 18,269 704,961 23,779 11,543 3,505 184,422 9,330 986,636 79,495 7,236 93,398 369,414 3 5,100 120,744 844,200 2,861,368 17,936 376,388 7,350 53,703 4,635 164,325 5,900 1,022,964 40,833 10,855 99,904 LP56,575 4 275.i 414.6 77.5 127.9 264.8 77.3 137.5 71.7 233.7 194.7 72.7 534.2 274.1 380.8 313.0 84.2 5 170.0 199.9 69.3 111.7 188.8 60.0 113.1 70.8 125.3 170.5 59.0 457.9 140.3 180.9 136.4 74.4 6 3,138 23,891 3,891 6,888 10,905 3,939 6,701 4,120 5,400 13,621 10,382 25,127 12,809 11,862 16,905 5,476 7 3,792 8,215 2,823 4,944 5,693 2,200 3,730 2,569 7,902 9,142 4,443 21,049 3,791 7,425 6,335 3,582 3 21.56 59.47 53.04 61.69 57.58 55.07 55.99 63.46 981.82 73.05 142.78 52.50 48.25 31.15 61.10 74.71 9 22.31 46.16 44.39 47.48 28.56 38.23 27.92 40.28 57.86 55.10 76.82 47.92 28.59 41.04 33.23 51.47 10 83 73 76 84 84 84 83 96 67 87 100 75 85 100 73 86 11 12 175 4,185 19,750 69 9,117 173 161 15 876 89 1,472 290 19 300 7,169 12 30 604 9,582 21,671 95 6,278 65 759 37 756 70 1,866 291 55 530 10,369 13 821 13,690 44,098 398,710 2,637 198,004 4,469 3,152 135 26,846 1,502 68,804 9,830 1,105 12,696 69,530 14 780 28,952 150,714 428,363 4,265 146,437 1,970 13,546 1,085 21,051 985 73,546 10,257 1,860 17,642 135,719 15 5 15 2,578 6,807 5 1,446 45 40 10 140 45 270 21 5 46 4,734 16 5 40 1,137 7,270 30 4,377 66 75 255 25 333 101 130 1,878 17 21 276 2,922 20 1,962 35 20 "5 186 10 244 68 20 352 18 16 146 1,607 911 12 21 178 6 238 66 56 117 19 49 29 750 "i 319 12 92 1 205 20 12 21 65 20 16 17 254 10 58 5 20 1 121 10 2 12 15 21 2 14 4 1 1 121 19 1 34 10 "i 5 1 55 6 4 11 2 7 1 22 23 2 89 1,529 6,218 8 1,507 33 10 466 57 784 113 12 147 3,081 24 15 316 3,232 8,954 28 1,241 30 149 20 685 40 1,138 95 35 290 5,153 25 269 8,764 49,776 321,482 1,741 56,017 1,714 20 25,360 1,540 122,648 7,840 989 9,315 94,298 26 675 15,731 85,303 387,732 1,570 33,315 605 3,071 480 40,233 925 152,933 3,735 1,600 11,679 137,436 27 1 63 1,501 3,678 12 1,475 27 40 10 85 5 302 78 6 72 1,566 28 5 225 3,564 6,221 26 1,230 15 122 7 206 10 656 56 15 137 3,741 29 23 2,171 31,155 82,495 730 27,123 383 335 2,600 2,975 150 16,239 2,237 109 1,692 27,422 30 20 5,928 63,455 144,769 640 21,891 235 1,539 715 4,449 155 50,573 1,606 55 2,253 60,653 31 1 17 354 1,021 10 435 5 20 26 5 132 19 1 21 347 32 23 851 3,433 15,262 20 5.021 15 190 640 150 3,335 465 22 584 4,320 33 53 1,264 2,923 2 1,156 27 30 '16 59 211 60 6 52 1,310 34 1,320 27,722 67,233 710 22,102 368 645 2,600 2,335 12,404 1,772 37 1,103 23,102 35 12 129 2,721 11,847 19 3,485 81 61 793 63 1,476 213 19 247 5,390 36 540 16,037 122,759 1,113,636 5,353 208,190 9,485 4,190 62,426 2,539 411,004 27,014 3,257 28,934 351,244 37 11 88 1,511 4,339 9 1,337 34 35 "5 293 27 517 101 7 139 1,335 38 490 11,919 100,852 369,018 2,953 72,108 4,111 445 765 17,728 1,304 91,589 14,608 398 22,372 140,637 39 12 120 2,846 9,125 27 2,921 48 31 570 22 1,183 174 7 179 3,913 40 922 16,675 107,572 615,478 4,460 116,106 2,881 2,641 45, '908 1,905 255,491 15,568 1,134 16,342 152,992 41 5 33 236 2,385 15 484 17 1 315 6 617 50 7 80 793 42 50 2,600 7,695 179,052 2,620 19,012 680 100 19,493 175 95,682 3,110 530 5,326 32,274 43 12 160 5,175 19,427 43 7,019 147 131 5 902 119 1,655 278 19 294 8,815 44 240 3,305 32,028 91,719 395 27,413 736 260 5 3,179 440 20,861 2,398 194 2,547 33,291 45 12 175 5,047 21,274 69 9,117 173 161 15 922 94 1,632 290 19 300 8,482 46 30 604 10,935 24,131 95 6,278 65 759 37 904 80 2 , 107 291 55 531 12,929 47 1,113 24,625 125,029 802,687 5,108 281,144 6,566 4,007 2,735 55,181 3,192 207,691 19,907 2,203 23,703 191,250 48 1,475 50,611 319,472 960,864 6,475 201,643 2,810 18,156 2,280 65,783 2,065 277,052 15,643 3,515 31,579 333,853 49 12 170 4,406 16,895 29 5,186 102 101 947 39 1,823 270 19 300 8,029 50 30 54B 6,918 17, U9 54 2,900 50 424 '32 943 75 2,057 235 60 4S5 9,824 51 1,731 41,476 280,107 2,050,596 11,554 380,313 14,080 6,351 133,694 5,984 789,143 50,422 5,430 54,591 596,534 52 3,455 61,475 347,022 1,672,434 5,446 147,240 3,190 23,324 2,550 118,701 3,710 696,248 22,875 6,340 55,338 537,472 53 12 165 3,323 13,807 24 4,097 108 81 5 879 79 1,614 259 19 239 6,353 54 30 464 5,364 14,356 45 2,213 50 364 27 879 65 1,912 201 60 421 3,119 55 1,030 27,956 223,611 1,482,654 8,306 280,298 13,596 4,635 765 80,154 3,843 502,593 41,622 3,655 51,306 491,681 56 2,980 45,923 366,277 1,451,295 9,102 131,447 3,395 25,082 1,700 74,187 2,815 565,721 19,944 5,670 53,911 557,821 57 5 5 100 35 6 5 2 1 30 11 8 2 53 59 200 'io 2,609 325 155 '■70 150 75 1,572 99 103 '60 60 61 2 39 92 983 513 20 11 50 1 159 14 53 162 62 40 1,265 987 18,283 6,934 295 110 995 40 5,455 360 2,096 1,998 63 1 9 76 4,088 20 1,924 32 36 383 10 249 104 5 79 1,246 64 451 763 655 76,966 290 40,917 598 1,047 9,213 35 7,444 2,601 100 2,721 12,000 65 2 32 170 2,230 6 383 33 519 18 539 55 7 70 600 66 17 240 453 10,148 110 1,426 86 2,722 89 3,473 108 68 466 1,600 67 260 1,711 3,310 67,539 510 8,811 557 13,563 835 23,877 894 340 3,309 9,843 66 13 96 855 1 100 5 5 144 5 276 29 1 36 253 69 350 350 6,077 250 710 6 1 894 6 2,694 178 9 no 889 70 1,602 1,975 44,453 1,075 3,843 30 20 8,113 40 22,282 612 252 2,695 5,491 71 7 150 1,876 13,631 68 6,791 132 61 593 54 876 219 19 261 4,557 72 36 629 2,018 20,441 204 9,299 267 74 1,876 102 3,161 463 93 642 4,260 73 235 3,514 15,303 136,386 1,019 70,602 1,453 410 3,668 495 18,889 2,754 334 4,232 27,530 74 2 148 1,987 12,730 40 8,429 69 100 272 6 314 233 11 229 3,027 75 23 391 2,045 21,805 62 16,916 113 144 472 4 646 403 16 418 2,611 76 97 1,820 9,923 103,872 210 82,961 482 750 1,613 29 2,691 1,543 40 1,655 U,393 77 1 18 201 3,685 1,461 99 151 5 109 10 198 169 6 126 1,351 73 1 11 86 4,192 1,511 213 774 2 152 4 339 400 12 125 655 79 2 96 331 10,864 3,875 495 1,702 25 315 15 1,032 848 16 311 2,230 80 2 28 87 845 'i 182 12 5 155 1 189 38 6 32 213 81 15 132 223 2,573 33 354 34 22 655 2 1,044 32 14 163 220 82 65 1,245 1,561 15,599 405 2,220 SO 50 3,610 8 6,294 195 75 1,199 1,463 83 198 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 4.-FARMS, ACREAGE, VALUE, AND USE OF COMMERCIAL [Data are based on reports for only (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all Type of farm Other field-crop Fruit- and-nut Dairy Poultry Livestock other than dairy and poultry FflRlC, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number 195-4. . 1950. . Land in farms acres 195i.. 1950. . Average size of farm .acres 1954.. 1950. . Value of land and buildiags; Average per farm. ...................... .dollars 1954.. 1950. . Average per acre. ...................... .dollars 1954, , 1950,. Proportion of farms reporting value percent 1954.. Land ID faras according to use; Cropland harvested farms reporting 1954 , , 1949,. acres 1954, , 1949.. 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 1954.. 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 1954,, 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 1954,, 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 1954,, 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1954., 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 1954,, 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 1954,, 500 acres and over farms reporting 1954,, Cropland used only for pasture. .farms reporting 1954., 1949,. acres 1954,. 1949, , Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting 1954, , 1949,. acres 1954,, 1949,. Cropland used only for crops not harvested and not pastured... farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954., Cropland lying idle farms reporting 1954,, acres 1954., Woodland pastured farms reporting 1954,, acres 1954,, Woodland not pastured farms reporting 1954,, acres 1954, . Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting 1954, , acres 1954, , Improved (see text) farms reporting 1954,, acres 1954,. Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) farms reporting 1954., acres 1954,, Cropland, total farms reporting 1954,. 1949,, acres 1954,, 1949,, Land pastured, total farms reporting 1954,. 1949, . acres 1954, . 1949,, Woodland, total farms reporting 1954,. 1949,. acres 1954, . 1949, . Irrigated land in farms farms reporting 1954,. 1949. . acres 1954. . 1949.. Cover crops turned under and land planted to another crop ...farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Cropland used for row or grain crops farmed on contour... farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954,. USE OF COmERCIAL FERTILIZER Crops on which couuercial fertilizer vas used, 1954; Hay and cropland pastured farms reporting.. tons., acres on which used., Other pasture farms reporting.. tons. . acres on which used.. Com farms reporting. tons. acres on which used. Cotton farms reporting. tons, acres on which used. Fruits, vegetables, potatoes, etc. ...farms reporting. tons, acres on which used. Other crops farms reporting. tons, acres on which used. 23,353 23,574 2,171,082 2,269,424 91.0 79,4 5,007 3,712 59.04 47.83 79 20,798 25,788 557,000 644,257 3,773 5,674 4,799 4,273 1,915 302 57 3,296 5,957 57,454 102,140 6,445 8,614 88,566 124,458 1,825 18,175 5,259 70,391 12,028 496,778 9,504 493,798 15,216 379, 185 3,097 54,892 21,555 98, 301 21,886 26,862 703,020 6TO,S55 13,490 21,008 933,417 815,566 15,138 16,925 990,576 969,906 86 973 1,651 19,353 2,540 38,665 l,3o5 2,967 17,96° 56' 1,492 11,634 15,868 31,239 208,766 16,980 42,630 174,087 1,425 948 3,470 1,050 1,318 8,870 127 137 19,751 19,433 155.5 141,8 14,212 5,843 97.26 40.78 57 127 137 6,880 5,647 10 40 15 35 20 1 11 25 200 395 40 35 565 305 20 225 30 340 112 625 127 137 7,645 6,347 86 87 5,415 7,902 82 77 8,456 9,231 10 15 270 13,495 15,003 1,142,982 1,120,106 84.7 74.7 4,682 3,528 57.26 48.84 82 U,495 15,003 403,692 426,74.4 316 3,735 3,825 3,488 1,429 184 15 3 1,793 3,011 27,427 47,790 3,311 4,134 37,363 53,618 1,084 8,927 2,620 28,436 6,292 231,000 4,945 210,264 8,296 182,227 1,533 19,099 11,780 51,009 13,495 15,003 468,482 528,152 9,810 10,347 440,654 346,516 7,819 8,093 441,264 399,285 48 610 1,015 12,093 1,771 29,613 560 368 5,716 178 257 1,886 101 10,831 352 21,606 210 147,250 36 13,174 46 36,831 265 151,355 614 453 1,541 1 521 lo 446 950 2,680 66 65 6,002 6,840 90.9 105.2 4,442 4,658 70.17 44.27 98 66 65 1,481 1,430 15 30 5 10 5 10 30 85 230 10 85 46 1,000 26 1,657 . 61 1,544 6 250 66 235 66 65 1,566 2,110 61 60 2,544 2,625 56 55 2,657 3,880 15 27 140 61 93 613 40 71 241 20 24 30 20 2,125 1,050 70,8 52.5 4,405 1,650 56.19 31,43 83 30 20 335 240 15 10 5 400 200 20 5 90 75 20 90 20 375 10 455 25 160 30 20 825 515 25 20 1,035 350 25 10 830 300 10 5 60 110 6.0 22,0 1,700 660 283.33 30.00 100 10 5 30 70 10 10 25 10 5 30 70 5 5 5 30 30 60 135 927 889 114,971 91,038 124.0 102,4 8,415 5,868 72,47 61.06 867 794 30,483 21,691 120 205 155 191 162 26 231 291 4,174 7,695 215 206 2,225 2,860 95 740 150 1,485 602 24,969 426 15,435 822 31,788 269 8,203 912 5,897 877 814 36, 332 32,246 902 844 60,931 45,625 752 623 40,404 27,906 136 1,925 110 1,770 196 779 4,585 77 256 1,535 674 1,634 10,442 563 1,060 4,111 55 36 150 129 273 2,153 342 160 31,521 9,500 92,2 59.4 7,157 4,467 81.87 74.74 75 212 110 5,382 1,670 35 65 60 35 10 20 343 275 71 45 1,148 315 25 435 61 713 227 9,430 126 9,192 201 4,377 71 925 337 1,149 237 135 7,373 2,260 307 125 14,650 3,520 262 95 18,622 5,100 7 113 35 585 72 525 181 380 2,775 125 261 845 5 12 28 160 756 828 206,819 164,459 273,6 198,6 13,677 8,413 51,14 41.30 72 634 700 29,932 25,463 76 112 128 132 124 41 20 1 219 270 11,360 8,310 209 329 6,197 9,633 75 1,523 155 4,674 506 52,592 378 49,295 660 50,600 250 12,442 706 6,843 697 775 47,489 43,406 735 758 114,552 82,648 638 688 101,887 84,938 18 128 2,172 165 598 3,449 103 620 5,331 469 2,222 11,942 239 468 1,541 173 1,038 FERTILIZER, BY TYPE OF FARM: MISSISSIPPI CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued 199 a Bainple of farms. See text3 Area 4 — Continued Area 5 Type of farm — Continued Total all Type of farm General — Coo. Miscel- laneous Livestock General Miscel- Caah- grsin Other other laneous Primarily livestock Crop and livestock and unclassi- fied farms Cotton field- crop Vegetable Fruit- and-iiut Dairy Poultry than dsiry and poultry Primarily crop Primarily livestock Crop and livestoclc and unclas- sified 35 519 7,393 19,224 54 9,483 55 10 5 1,709 132 744 101 45 331 6,555 1 127 1,066 10,015 22,835 117 9,733 85 10 10 2,395 92 744 159 137 906 3,447 2 2,335 77,946 526,678 1,961,046 15,770 629,711 4,880 495 4,290 344,159 18,445 396,630 47,461 11,666 82,592 404,947 3 9,815 133,867 671,237 1,964,156 12,643 571,084 5,195 550 3,335 384,922 8,265 324,003 27,066 22,583 123,665 480,840 4 66.7 150.2 71.2 102.0 292.0 66.4 88.7 49.5 858.0 201.4 139.7 533.1 469.9 259.2 249.5 61.8 5 77.3 125.6 67.0 86.0 108.1 58.7 61.1 55.0 333.5 160.7 89.3 435.5 170.2 164.8 136.5 56.9 6 8,6iO 7,684 3,878 5,785 9,023 3,694 5,129 500 34,320 12,646 12,954 33,316 15,415 12,513 14,311 3,839 7 2,735 5,328 3,100 4,212 2,970 3,105 2,387 4,475 23,525 7,571 10,337 17,003 5,969 16,451 5,910 3,017 8 105.88 56.26 61.20 67.06 38.91 63.33 66.28 25.00 40.00 64.56 140.50 68.17 42.55 56.23 61.56 75.11 9 33.01 43.43 47.06 51.18 33.81 53.36 35.63 81.36 70.54 48.56 104.70 39.97 47.84 100.21 44.12 57.00 10 71 77 76 78 48 79 73 50 100 76 87 64 53 93 66 79 11 30 519 4,650 17,082 54 9,483 55 10 5 1,576 87 629 101 45 331 4,706 12 107 1,066 7,522 20,593 117 9,733 85 10 10 2,193 62 664 159 132 906 6,517 13 700 18,078 50,837 510,357 4,919 266,769 1,475 380 1,115 73,885 5,986 63,890 12,222 3,049 22,651 54,016 14 1,998 33,896 114,872 606,517 6,819 283,911 1,995 2TO 990 95,295 2,115 53,635 14,203 6,851 40,449 99,984 15 5 20 2,651 4,115 1,175 5 5 201 30 57 1 10 11 2,620 16 5 145 1,302 5,329 'io 3,330 10 371 11 97 15 100 1,385 17 15 140 421 3,148 20 2,237 15 251 15 65 20 '16 60 455 18 5 131 221 2,522 5 1,781 20 336 98 11 15 57 199 19 66 48 1,288 5 743 5 5 266 '16 145 16 2 63 23 20 10 7 433 7 165 98 12 83 25 3 18 22 21 7 199 6 41 '5 45 8 64 9 5 14 2 22 ... 48 1 6 8 1 20 4 3 23 15 137 798 2,630 16 904 10 544 29 201 38 7 63 818 24 30 353 1,870 3,144 15 948 20 5 532 21 200 31 41 211 1,120 25 50 2,105 9,880 110,933 375 27,196 110 29,094 1,130 32,692 2,520 712 3,559 13,545 26 240 7,450 28,375 144,780 615 27,361 270 400 32,192 645 40,569 795 2,730 10,642 28,061 27 10 168 2,355 3,894 7 1,435 10 5 407 38 146 23 5 77 1,691 28 46 448 3,149 4,564 20 1,400 10 "5 554 30 180 30 31 206 2,098 29 115 3,529 36,274 71, 734 400 21,558 150 370 7,407 1,120 6,184 3,025 175 2,271 29,074 30 670 5,831 48,627 97,511 450 20,179 135 '15 13,830 755 10,665 844 908 9,044 40,686 31 5 61 440 1,609 6 755 5 171 12 85 5 31 539 32 15 980 5,140 17,888 200 6,607 50 2,477 605 2,302 200 618 4,829 33 5 117 2,065 2,751 2 909 10 '5 236 26 73 23 5 58 1,354 34 100 2,549 31,134 53,846 200 14,951 100 370 4,930 515 3,882 2,825 175 1,653 24,245 35 20 344 3,795 7,190 26 2,491 35 10 5 1,050 59 492 63 25 232 2,702 36 215 20,462 142,355 346,220 4,125 91,215 1,245 60 1,500 63,169 2,615 77, 592 3,311 1,618 13,445 81,325 37 20 277 3,15t 4,049 13 1,543 25 5 5 476 36 308 43 14 131 1,450 33 275 16,130 175.984 297,823 1,144 82,932 625 15 775 24,150 2,080 54,362 10,689 1,519 9,033 110,494 39 30 434 4,518 9,792 34 3,724 45 5 5 1,358 65 599 74 34 273 3,571 40 480 15,207 83,307 557,916 4,212 120,134 1,090 20 500 135,876 4,914 152,090 8,657 4,288 28,265 97,820 41 15 130 766 2,047 15 514 15 523 23 276 18 24 39 545 42 140 2,315 9,118 137,653 690 13,720 150 39,952 1,350 49,338 398 3,052 8,671 14,332 43 35 493 6,932 14,936 43 6,413 50 10 5 1,615 127 676 96 40 305 5,556 44 500 2,435 28,041 66,063 595 19,857 135 20 30 10, 573 600 9,820 2,037 305 3,363 18,673 45 30 519 5,640 17,827 54 9,433 55 10 5 1,602 97 658 101 45 331 5,386 46 112 1,066 8,471 21,399 117 9,733 85 10 10 2,259 72 702 159 132 906 7,214 47 865 23,712 96,991 693,024 5,694 315,523 1,735 380 1,485 110,386 8,236 102,766 17,767 3,936 28,481 96,635 48 2,908 47,177 191,374 348,808 7,884 331,951 2,400 285 1,390 141,317 3,515 104,369 15,842 10,489 60,135 168,731 49 30 499 5,892 12,888 34 4,933 50 10 5 1,684 92 722 91 40 331 4,896 50 117 1,001 7,421 14,224 51 4,808 85 10 10 2,140 87 697 103 112 766 5,355 51 745 37,774 235,542 1,015,069 8,712 238,595 2,445 80 2,000 228,139 3,659 262,374 19,483 6,618 45,269 192,690 52 4,320 59,040 248,434 395,462 2,655 176,616 2,395 220 725 227,735 4,330 196,649 3,539 10,171 56,330 209,097 53 25 424 4,927 8,989 33 3,235 35 10 5 1,216 80 598 35 28 285 3,379 54 112 910 6,050 9,520 31 2,946 65 10 10 1,606 32 561 72 87 531 3,519 55 490 36,592 318,339 644,043 5,269 174,147 1,870 75 2,275 87,319 4,695 131,954 19,000 3,137 22,483 191,819 56 4,688 60,410 353,543 5 595,933 49 2,368 140,070 32 1,350 70 1,825 98,326 2 2,930 102,643 10 5,531 8,033 37,623 195,119 5 57 58 59 60 61 75 979 583 25 321 50 83 231 808 5 414 15 125 1 43 11 6 47 136 62 1,240 1,420 11,810 250 5,490 140 2,540 18 1,056 225 30 671 1,390 63 15 87 450 551 230 15 57 29 15 1 33 171 64 210 1,248 3,420 12,071 5,810 340 1,240 1,404 110 12 570 2,585 65 5 58 314 896 6 213 255 16 143 17 2 36 208 66 5 122 474 5,214 35 1,091 979 60 2,095 90 7 414 443 67 10 640 2,744 33,803 140 5,707 8,795 470 13,029 343 97 2,442 2,785 68 5 40 152 396 50 114 7 88 7 3 19 108 69 21 75 243 3,488 274 804 135 1,949 18 31 61 216 70 60 630 2,060 24,526 2,165 5,545 732 U,899 107 230 606 1,242 71 30 458 2,921 7,995 42 4,343 45 5 5 869 38 334 67 31 251 1,965 72 60 1,149 3,284 13,795 154 6,968 68 1 25 2,059 85 1,477 363 70 527 1,993 73 375 7,621 22,304 105,131 838 56,750 550 5 200 13,597 604 9,669 1,935 435 4,123 16,425 74 15 488 2,153 11,906 21 3,343 25 799 13 154 66 17 270 2,198 75 25 918 2,711 23,234 132 22,806 25 1,324 186 391 182 41 615 2,532 76 75 3,488 10,423 136,443 565 112,760 125 5,345 469 1,823 958 159 2,542 11,692 77 61 515 687 ... 166 45 5 54 10 21 30 36 320 78 66 180 564 156 48 55 48 6 25 40 61 125 79 223 805 2,631 900 165 335 130 30 75 230 201 565 80 5 45 197 903 15 179 15 5 266 20 144 25 19 43 172 81 9 82 222 3,310 81 329 15 1 1,058 231 1,441 114 41 200 299 82 50 400 1,054 25,194 680 2,482 1 95 5 7,954 1,273 3,580 1,037 379 1,017 1,642 83 200 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 4.-FARMS, ACREAGE, VALUE, AND USE OF COMMERCIAL [Data are based on reporta for only (For deflnitiODa aod explBDatioas, see text) Total all Type of farm Caah-grain Other field-crop Vegetable Dairy Livestock other than dairy aod poultry FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number 195"^. . 1950.. Land in farms acres 195"^.. 1950.. Average size of farm acres 1954.. 1950.. Value of laud and buildings; Average per farm.... dollars 1954.. 1950. . Average per acre dollars 1954.. 1950.. Proportion of farms reporting value percent 1954.. Land in fams according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting 1954 . . 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949.. 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 1954.. 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 1954.. 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 1954.. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 1954.. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1954.. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 1954.. 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 1954 . . 500 acres and over farms reporting 1954.. Cropland used only for pasture. .farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949.. Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949.. Cropland used only for crops not harvested and not pastured... farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Cropland lying idle farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Woodland pastured farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Woodland not pastured farms reporting 1954., acres 1954., Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954,. Improved ( see text) farms reporting 1954 . . acres 1954.. Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Cropland, total farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949. . Land pastured, total farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954. . 1949.. Woodland, total farms reporting 1954.. 1949. . acres 1954. . 1949. . Irrigated land in farms farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954. . 1949.. Cover crops turned under and land planted to another crop farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954., Cropland used for row or grain crops farmed on contour farms reporting 1954., acres 1954., USE OF COI^IERCIAL FERTILIZER Crops on «hicb connercial fertilizer vaa used, 1954; Hay and cropland pastured farms reporting., tons., acres on which used.. Other pasture farms reporting.. tons. , acres on which used.. Com farms reporting. tons, acres on which used.. Cotton farms reporting. tons. acres on which used.. Fruits, vegetables, potatoes, etc.... farms reporting. tons, acres on which used. Other crops farms reporting. tons, acres on which used. 38,634 43,052 3,543,156 3,583,418 91.7 83.2 5,445 3,841 63.16 46.65 82 33 , 794 38,662 702,139 854,799 8,566 11,786 6,851 4,687 1,550 283 67 4 10,528 9,94i:, 257,330 235,264 9,689 13,374 126,852 204,338 2,068 15,625 8,504 111,227 25,016 1,316,462 10, 754 547,550 16,866 498,844 4,773 135,390 34,307 93,979 36,078 41,127 1,036,321 1,294,401 30,087 31,475 2,072,636 1,730,867 28,251 29,646 1,864,012 1,808,316 112 2,150 2,061 25,568 17,145 342,298 4,824 13,590 86,584 1,603 6,946 44,869 28,826 49,739 321,741 24,893 50,900 203,950 7,793 5,470 19,119 1,642 3,202 20,143 147 221 15,209 18,442 103.5 83.4 6,646 3,506 65.85 47.14 80 147 221 5,348 5,595 15 30 25 45 25 45 30 1,015 505 36 55 648 570 53 31 595 77 3,620 41 2,685 47 1,250 32 900 117 643 147 221 7,011 6,670 107 116 5,885 5,501 117 136 6,305 10,568 97 3,745 17,676 14,149 1,349,250 1,004,471 76.3 71.0 4,202 3,171 57.35 44.90 85 17,676 14,149 439,663 403,517 1,035 6,821 5,177 3,612 930 80 21 3,926 2,409 67,515 38,878 4,169 3,505 44,6,64 42,278 1,023 6,904 3,590 37,760 10,368 441,543 4,675 165,534 6,771 153,711 1,441 28,000 14,884 36,620 17,676 14,149 551,842 484,673 12,151 8,808 662 , 769 386,005 11,635 8,204 607,077 402,847 26 345 1,163 12,351 9,623 221,894 11 1,632 45 2,468 480 15,722 359 926 5,479 122 16,228 499 29,206 3,015 204,528 55 17,450 94 41,324 345 168,200 30 4,417 19 2,816 50 11,094 20 549 86 525 815 3,327 65 110 9,300 7,655 143.1 69.6 4,859 3,015 31.07 43.14 85 65 110 1,670 2,095 35 25 745 405 55 30 455 30 55 4,875 15 695 25 1,095 5 500 60 190 65 110 2,445 2,955 55 95 6,715 3,540 60 85 5,570 3,200 5 100 40 800 50 100 620 35 52 210 40 38 110 15 42 145 51 95 6,929 5,625 135.9 69.7 7,799 3,695 57.40 56.70 100 51 95 1,251 2,535 5 16 15 10 5 11 20 245 280 35 3,070 1,140 15 920 41 155 51 95 1,571 3,195 36 75 4,455 2,105 36 70 4,063 2,895 21 501 167 585 5 5 15 46 369 481 31 12 4,579 4,435 147.7 369.6 17,116 14,583 111.42 39.46 84 620 620 10 5 5 10 90 400 26 2,793 10 lOO 26 899 11 305 31 77 31 12 710 1,020 31 12 3,782 3,778 26 12 2,893 2,963 11 411 11 24 138 5 5 2 5 5 30 225 1 4 25 1,319 1,285 246,171 189,029 186.6 147.1 13,031 7,415 71.17 49.91 78 1,262 1,179 47,235 32,864 85 283 281 303 247 54 702 642 28,909 20,843 209 452 4,408 9,395 92 1,046 139 3,362 1,203 81,942 411 29,951 902 48,925 473 18,707 1,287 4,801 1,293 1,274 80,552 63,102 1,318 1,245 159,776 119,341 1,282 1,150 Ul,893 92,072 13 210 143 2,424 513 17,022 693 3,318 20,068 297 1,546 10,294 995 2,892 15,839 584 1,109 4,183 197 233 757 227 860 5,008 872 875 107,724 75,355 123.5 36.1 9,792 4,377 31.35 53.35 76 682 770 12,289 12,640 215 306 64 76 11 5 5 288 205 6,443 3,900 163 345 2,300 4,570 25 135 153 2,165 652 46,396 287 19,654 533 17,745 227 6,462 867 2,837 732 310 21,032 21,110 797 305 70,534 44,270 732 730 66,060 39,025 111 1,452 445 7,265 151 222 1,545 58 261 2,301 543 1,194 6,277 295 431 1,712 256 55 66 399 1,634 1,898 520,094 463,835 318.3 247.0 15,898 9,367 49.48 33.81 71 1,372 1,620 45,340 49,988 278 382 259 202 154 81 15 1 741 788 50,954 52,039 323 596 9,797 18,170 110 1,255 245 8,542 1,475 222,665 564 78,037 1,107 106,350 654 40,506 1,527 6,451 1,472 1,810 106,591 120,247 1,629 1,812 379,969 293,031 1,576 1,683 300,702 277,943 25 964 200 4,723 742 20,825 595 3,759 23,401 294 2,613 16,554 1,057 3,179 16,647 400 761 2,493 310 218 702 207 696 4,597 FERTILIZER, BY TYPE OF FARM: MISSISSIPPI CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued 201 a sample of farms. S^e text] Area 6a— Continued Area 6b Type of farm—Continued Total all farms Type of farm General — Con. Miscel- laneous and unclassi- fied Cash- grain Cotton Other field- crop Vegetable Fruit- and-nut Dairy Poultry Livestock other than dairy and poultry General Miscel- laneous and unclas- sified Primarily livestock Crop and livestock Primarily crop Primarily livestock Crop and liveetocV 41 444 16,028 20,895 66 7,233 10 30 15 738 186 1,095 183 50 433 10,856 1 2 126 1,476 22,013 23,419 110 5,536 30 20 5 556 230 1,421 392 110 941 14,018 5,224 96,603 1,132,402 2,229,710 10,550 647,634 490 3,975 6,275 137,434 17,918 381,412 31,088 5,350 36,349 900,735 3 19,095 187,236 1,517,918 2,209,515 8,110 454,772 1,750 825 805 83,513 20,175 374,235 56,220 11,435 147,453 1,015, 522 83.0 ,; 127. i 217.6 70.7 106.7 159.8 89.5 49.0 132.5 418.3 186.2 96.3 348.3 169.9 117.0 199.4 5 151.5 126.9 68.9 94.3 73.7 81.4 58.3 41.3 161.0 159.2 87.7 263.4 143.4 104. 0 156.7 74.6 6 9,290 11,652 4,388 5,208 5,870 4,138 1,960 5,317 9, 670 8,203 17,592 7,609 6,730 9,365 4,272 7 8 5,283 5,002 3,442 3,446 2,434 2,582 2,250 2,438 3,500 7,105 5,342 3,352 4,258 4,264 5,370 2,966 75.51 63.11 73.46 52.59 34.79 47.25 40.00 40.13 54.44 90.58 51.03 43.11 52.92 50.10 57.36 9 34.86 40.62 50.57 37.02 33.01 32.51 38.57 59.09 21.74 44.50 55.55 32.20 32.77 40.57 35.11 40.11 10 76 81 82 81 70 84 100 100 79 81 74 81 60 74 81 11 41 444 11,697 13,380 66 7,233 10 30 15 691 14c. 952 183 45 433 8,576 12 126 1,476 18,112 21,164 110 5,536 30 20 5 531 195 1,297 392 105 941 11,952 13 924 17,228 117,616 357,354 2,200 182,655 155 655 955 24,047 2,890 28,983 6,813 850 15,982 91,159 14 3,335 42,725 275,093 464,299 3,025 167,200 490 490 70 18,632 3,130 44,841 11,532 2,545 29,778 182,566 15 5 55 6,853 5,391 5 500 5 31 30 137 5 15 5 4,658 16 10 121 3,686 6,218 15 2,690 10 10 220 60 321 40 5 95 2,752 17 20 91 843 3,661 15 2,210 10 172 21 205 70 20 100 838 18 5 93 216 2,184 20 1,332 5 'io 139 30 174 30 5 157 282 19 1 43 83 737 5 422 101 5 75 30 58 41 20 33 7 163 5 76 5 24 30 7 17 4 21 8 7 2 17 4 1 2 1 4 8 2 'i 1 1 22 23 10 175 4,444 3,559 5 1,013 10 5 2t:2 21 390 51 25 135 1,642 24 55 489 5,032 4,850 25 1,025 5 218 80 466 127 40 290 2,574 25 90 7,532 89,498 85,478 15 20,518 75 1,666 7,c03 285 19,022 905 325 4,086 31,14A 26 995 13,360 99,364 109,725 295 15,930 325 9,764 1,875 29,608 2,340 1,230 7,110 41,248 27 15 176 4,458 6,382 11 2,074 5 10 5 198 65 243 70 30 170 3,501 28 55 559 7,436 7,677 20 1,505 10 156 65 463 156 45 364 4,893 29 120 2,266 61,159 87,202 590 23,771 25 360 'io 3,300 405 5,639 580 380 1,921 50,221 30 725 8,217 116,718 116,618 610 20,735 25 3,580 735 14, 957 2,760 310 5,046 67,860 31 5 53 709 1,194 466 5 55 25 102 10 5 50 476 32 30 406 5,196 9,137 2,975 25 440 55 1,807 95 15 330 3,395 33 10 155 4,101 5,701 li 1,848 10 5 163 45 183 65 30 125 3,216 34 90 1,860 55,963 78,065 590 20,796 360 10 2,860 350 3,832 485 365 1,591 46,826 35 36 403 10,410 13,201 36 4,240 5 20 15 591 111 909 152 40 375 6,707 36 1,890 42,858 443,699 770,215 2,015 206,860 100 1,875 2,540 38,132 7,140 149,612 10,915 1,755 26,779 322,492 37 38 16 189 4,443 8,123 21 2,42" 5 15 10 430 60 503 111 20 270 4,251 670 8,387 236,152 535,935 5,100 111,465 200 405 1,375 30,003 3,060 93,259 5,767 400 24,756 260,145 39 36 359 6,860 10,853 20 3,544 15 10 649 106 791 133 30 300 5,255 40 1,035 15,386 146,298 341,954 540 87,317 465 225 31,911 3,690 78,799 5,428 1,515 11,244 120,820 41 16 173 1,623 2,140 15 597 5 230 25 373 21 5 102 767 ,;2 625 6,357 30,178 69,568 245 11,929 200 7,668 1,150 29,476 623 50 2,414 15,813 43 41 429 14,723 18,616 45 6,108 10 30 15 721 181 1,072 168 50 413 9,798 44 495 2,946 37,980 51,572 90 15,048 10 140 170 2,438 4i8 6,093 675 125 1,531 24,754 45 41 444 13,800 19,481 66 7,233 10 30 15 707 156 1,020 183 50 433 9,578 46 126 1,476 20,252 22,430 110 5,536 30 20 5 551 205 1,391 392 105 941 13,094 47 1,134 27,026 268,273 530,034 2,805 226,944 180 1,090 1,965 34,950 3,580 53,649 8,303 2,055 21,989 172,524 48 5,055 64,302 491,175 690,642 3,930 203,865 840 490 70 31,976 5,740 89,406 16,632 4,085 41,934 291,674 49 41 439 13,187 16,159 36 5,063 5 25 15 738 146 1,047 173 50 408 8,453 50 126 1,376 16,278 17,490 75 3,491 15 15 5 521 210 1,366 357 105 881 10,449 51 3,015 65,776 679,495 1,197,647 2,570 314,695 100 2,415 3,765 77,646 11,115 247,433 17,248 4,095 42,109 474,456 52 11,550 100,373 726,093 1,027,489 3,225 167, 976 1,060 280 550 51,965 12,530 229,020 25,671 5,190 73,391 456,631 53 41 423 12,027 15,700 41 4,808 5 20 15 695 141 1,014 178 50 418 8,315 54 116 1,321 15,407 16,659 55 3,351 20 15 5 476 205 1,267 347 90 861 9,967 55 2,560 51,245 679,851 1,306,150 7,115 318,325 300 2,280 3,915 68,135 10,200 242,871 16,682 2,155 51,535 582,637 56 11,290 98,274 20 821,375 7 1,198,396 45 2,780 202,775 5 800 130 360 37,527 11 10,415 6 213,622 13 31,869 5,210 85,219 607,689 10 57 58 120 ioi 548 5 315 '26 183 25 59 60 61 1 92 314 559 168 78 5 80 16 29 183 62 50 1,227 2,936 6,117 1,490 945 25 1,282 475 342 1,558 63 25 259 5,147 9,711 40 3,708 10 15 15 365 71 515 77 30 217 4,648 64 410 7,915 56,067 171,405 1,020 83,112 115 100 530 10,663 1,400 14,012 2,708 405 6,522 50,768 65 11 170 1,422 2,538 5 685 10 10 315 31 382 50 20 121 909 66 20 641 2,309 4,967 8 748 16 10 954 51 1,558 38 67 292 1,175 67 90 4,265 17,315 38,748 50 6,756 85 105 7,088 540 11,608 920 480 2,309 8,807 68 6 41 516 589 91 78 16 100 10 5 10 279 69 14 96 1,425 2,220 178 406 69 830 8 12 74 643 70 125 1,210 8,276 16,525 1,530 3,476 545 6,238 90 50 507 4,039 71 41 407 9,047 15,998 65 6,812 5 25 15 583 111 770 173 30 421 6,988 72 140 1,320 10,412 28,056 188 13,548 5 25 30 1,624 246 2,520 425 62 1,234 8,149 73 590 7,379 62,169 184,749 1,505 95,314 60 170 160 8,826 1,425 13,336 2,920 290 7,305 53,433 74 30 390 5,360 12,478 35 7,138 10 10 347 65 314 168 20 402 3,969 75 32 906 5,716 22,244 38 15,605 11 38 721 76 559 412 22 782 3,980 76 100 2,790 22,068 35,839 110 62,043 45 140 2,145 350 1,582 1,258 80 2,342 15,744 77 125 2,346 3,014 953 5 20 15 143 30 124 70 15 98 1,541 73 280 1,222 1,491 458 5 21 65 56 14 79 55 45 78 615 79 701 3,968 5,649 1,618 25 75 465 224 35 256 215 115 263 2,353 80 79 441 1,332 6 445 5 136 10 176 27 71 456 81 193 629 2,000 20 348 2 292 5 664 259 82 323 8? 1,451 3,170 11,320 225 2,273 30 1,720 50 3,098 926 887 2,111 83 202 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 4.-FARMS, ACREAGE, VALUE, AND USE OF COMMERCIAL [Data are based on reports for only (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Type of farm Cash-grain Other field-crop Vegetable Fruit- and-Dut Dairy Poultry Livestock other than dairy and poultry FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number 195*+. , 1950. . Land in farms acres 1954.. 1950.. Average size of farm acres 1954.. 1950.. Value of laDd and buildings; Average per farm dollars 1954.. 1950. . Average per acre dollars 1954., 1950.. Proportion of farms reporting value percent 1954.. Land iu faras according Co use: Cropland harvested farms reporting 1954 . . 1949. . acres 1954.. 1949. . 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 1954.. 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 1954.. 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 1954.. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 1954.. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1954,. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 1954 . . 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 1954.. 500 acres and over farms reporting 1954.. Cropland used only for pasture.. farms reporting 1954.. ■ 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949. . Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting 1954., 1949.. acres 1954. . 1949.. Cropland used only for crops not harvested and not pastured.,, farms reporting 1954,. acres 1954.. Cropland lying idle farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Woodland pastured farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Woodland not pastured farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting 1954. . acres 1954.. Improved (see text) farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954. . Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) farms reporting 1954., acres 1954.. Cropland, total farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949. . Land oastured, total farms reporting 1954.. 1949. . acres 1954.. 1949.. Woodland, total farms reporting 1954.. 1949. . acres 1954,. 1949.. Irrigated land in farms farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949.. Cover crops turned under and land planted to another crop farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954. . Cropland used for row or grain crops farmed on contour farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954,. USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER Crops OD which conaercial {ertilizer was used, 1954; liay and cropland pastured farms reporting., tons., acres on which used.. Other pasture farms reporting. . tons. . acres on which used.. Com farms reporting. tons., acres on which used, , Cotton farms reporting. tons, acres on which used. Fruits, vegetables, potatoes, etc.... farms reporting. tons, acres on which used. Other crops farms reporting. tons, acres on which used. 8,783 8,667 965,016 879,056 109.9 101.4 7,701 5,149 76.31 53.39 91 7,334 7,264 202,557 187,037 3,201 1,883 927 698 419 32 3,262 2,583 78,856 48,261 2,094 3,024 29,983 48,705 420 4,955 1,775 25,028 4,474 314,089 3,620 267,912 1,548 49,181 1,005 26,428 8,323 22,438 8,183 8,246 311,396 284,003 6,490 5,402 442,126 297,385 6,995 7,014 582,001 554,678 10 355 206 7,514 1,617 43,300 1,278 5,581 31,023 493 3,203 16,860 5,703 12,622 63,276 2,067 3,274 12,339 3,080 18,838 77,079 407 1,010 5,472 71 60 8,143 9,300 114.7 155.0 7,865 10,552 68.57 63.11 100 60 2,025 3,560 15 15 15 20 5 1 46 10 876 255 11 20 75 90 11 75 40 2,435 16 2,488 244 71 60 2,976 3,905 61 45 3,311 2,295 51 40 4,923 4,215 15 435 977 587 94,337 57,523 96.6 98.0 5,757 3,852 63.70 39.99 87 977 587 26,183 16,836 85 276 256 272 323 120 3,941 1,370 274 216 2,589 3,715 56 258 234 2,331 576 29,054 520 27,381 166 2,740 86 1,170 937 2,449 977 587 32,713 21,921 766 417 35,735 21,272 877 497 56,435 34,166 5 25 51 397 509 12,745 16 132 92 167 535 1,004 41 130 535 60 922 195 2,121 ,115 13,046 10 952 18 1,941 80 7,482 10 518 20 667 55 2,446 15 80 11 116 250 445 46 86 5,300 18,327 115.2 218.9 10,183 6,722 85.20 28.37 969 4,390 20 35 225 615 10 40 10 400 10 10 20 1,490 26 2,303 11 151 11 121 46 152 46 86 1,204 5,405 36 60 1,866 4,620 46 56 3,793 13,272 11 255 115 545 11 21 63 20 28 35 26 46 103 50 70 5,890 5,335 117.8 83.4 5,775 4,730 47.83 51.40 50 70 1,230 2,035 20 20 285 380 20 20 245 250 15 200 10 180 35 3,365 5 370 5 75 50 215 50 70 1,760 2,715 35 45 835 1,380 40 60 3,545 2,910 45 154 515 50 226 305 101 109 100,175 105,302 991.8 966.1 93,155 54,293 101.44 51.45 75 101 109 47,215 54,464 5 15 5 5 11 21 13 21 20 25 5,674 6,077 21 15 2,165 2,450 15 335 1,830 57 17,900 34 18,854 14 7,445 9 2,260 77 922 101 109 55,054 62,991 65 77 31,019 16,645 80 93 36,754 37,984 27 3,725 32 5,142 19 1,024 4,251 7 614 2,052 30 118 445 6 12 30 83 12,746 41,191 2 108 960 232 323 42,657 38,490 151.3 119.2 14,081 8,435 93.33 77.22 90 276 283 10,937 8,303 16 91 49 62 39 9 10 204 163 8,661 4,064 15 51 395 950 15 265 5 130 194 12,704 95 5,978 73 2,859 36 1,699 232 1,123 281 318 19,993 13,317 277 273 24,224 20,256 241 278 18,682 21,398 23 504 24 793 131 1,231 4,933 32 137 1,269 204 748 3,122 21 61 252 35 293 1,663 33 164 722 213 91 18,370 5,795 88.6 63.7 10,080 3,826 118.06 60.98 93 163 71 4,217 957 65 35 10 21 27 5 103 31 2,354 50O 51 25 440 245 20 225 31 215 115 6,030 63 4,683 46 575 40 495 203 571 178 81 7,011 1,702 173 61 8,959 1,315 148 61 10,713 3,352 20 960 47 48 395 1 4 60 127 418 1,708 31 84 260 76 389 1,206 20 40 220 711 687 220,839 152,568 310.6 222.1 16,163 7,397 56.90 4^.44 89 619 629 31,672 21,136 93 140 134 102 95 27 21 7 351 287 18,093 7,879 96 240 3,361 3,435 50 684 69 3,177 495 107,635 284 42,229 253 14,421 209 10,573 657 2,923 671 671 53,631 32,500 653 491 140,154 63,490 647 635 149,864 113,159 1 45 116 3,828 226 1,339 3,337 157 1,469 7,504 512 2,335 11,031 77 135 433 181 1,273 10,052 56 351 1,874 FERTILIZER. BY TYPE OF FARM: MISSISSIPPI CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Conlmued 203 a sample of farms. See text] Area 7— Continued Area 8 Type of farm — Continued Total all farms Type of farm Genera] — Con. Miscel- laneous and unclassi- fied Cash- grain Cotton Other field- crop Vegetable Frult- and-nut Dairy Poultry Livestock other than dairy and poultry General Miscel- laneous and unclas- sified FTiraaxily livestock Crop and livestock Primarily crop Primarily livestock Crop and livestock 16 155 6,022 2,967 15 5 5 15 28 173 132 170 22 11 22 2,369 1 55 344 6,093 2,807 5 45 20 112 152 65 190 6 10 25 2,177 2 3,580 42,652 396,485 261,557 1,490 425 200 1,620 5,955 39,261 15,500 41,757 8,264 2,440 7,930 136,665 3 7,liO 46,580 387,611 218,610 ... 200 5,945 2,395 11,541 27,810 4,135 42,304 7,325 2,880 1,480 112,595 4 223.8 275.2 65.8 88.2 99.3 35.0 40.0 108.0 212.7 226.9 117.4 245.6 375.6 221.8 362.7 57.7 5 129.8 135.4 63.6 77.9 40.0 132.1 119.8 103.0 133.0 63.6 222.7 1,220.8 238.0 59.2 51.7 6 11,250 12,943 5,280 8,654 11,675 15,000 3,000 10,000 17,056 13,200 11,071 15,789 18,659 13;i82 12,381 7,391 7 5,995 5,833 3,631 5,632 320 5,359 12,750 10,696 7,470 5,038 7,814 13,333 10,000 8,250 4,974 8 75.00 56.51 84.95 103.57 102.41 176.47 75.00 92.59 59.55 74.60 91.69 64.81 49.67 59.43 65.33 131.97 9 46.18 51.93 57.58 75.14 8.00 37.31 106.47 97.23 59.63 73.27 38.85 10.92 66.23 119.57 91.67 10 62 83 92 88 67 100 100 100 64 90 96 86 100 100 95 87 11 16 155 4,721 2,098 15 5 5 15 23 157 106 134 22 11 22 1,578 12 55 344 4,803 2,236 5 45 20 112 137 55 140 6 10 25 1,681 13 605 10,722 60,096 31,860 430 250 70 615 2,307 3,857 1,200 5,577 1,836 139 890 14,689 lA 1,195 9,830 57,586 25,536 40 630 245 5,125 2,635 375 3,050 309 770 785 11,522 15 5 5 2,896 1,285 5 40 45 32 5 5 1,153 16 25 1,201 419 "5 5 5 56 35 40 5 5 262 17 30 358 153 5 26 25 25 5 72 18 31 158 1J5 10 5 6 25 16 5 10 57 19 t 48 72 57 5 5 10 5 1 10 5 16 20 5 8 30 1 5 6 ' i 17 21 10 26 10 5 1 1 22 1 2 4 2 1 1 23 5 58 2,059 993 15 f 110 72 86 12 5 7 680 24 15 128 1,713 860 '26 31 87 25 80 6 10 601 25 200 2,584 34,448 27,436 225 342 10,483 1,155 3,748 1,061 50 ^; 9,727 26 260 2,260 23,216 15,893 85 470 3,715 900 1,858 135 330 8,350 27 38 1,542 717 5 5 52 31 30 5 1 588 28 25 117 2,195 802 20 5 45 35 10 42 5 5 635 29 835 18,998 12,859 25 20 1,611 615 875 175 25 9,513 30 315 2,510 33,245 19,176 260 1,750 550 795 245 5,686 35 10 9,845 31 12 242 195 27 11 12 5 1 139 32 220 2,913 3,715 871 70 563 175 25 2,011 33 27 1,356 603 5 • 30 31 25 507 34 615 16,085 9,144 25 20 740 545 312 7,502 35 6 80 2,778 1,170 10 5 5 1 105 67 75 10 6 22 864 36 555 11,337 118,733 73,008 730 160 400 1,000 10,749 7,365 7,016 490 236 4,360 40,502 37 11 83 2,387 1,160 5 5 10 17 76 67 81 11 5 2 881 33 2,020 14,833 134,249 95,904 50 75 415 1,300 9,931 4,333 20,278 4,185 1,900 1,879 51,558 39 1 73 865 394 5 5 1 29 30 44 5 5 10 260 40 150 1,734 17,232 12,730 50 40 957 1,635 305 3,618 350 75 100 5,600 41 1 63 524 145 5 5 17 5 25 5 10 73 42 150 1,409 7,717 4,276 50 40 1,260 40 1,111 350 100 1,325 43 16 145 5,706 2,705 15 5 5 15 22 157 122 167 22 11 22 2,142 44 50 607 12,729 7,760 55 15 5 125 29 995 527 645 167 40 81 5,076 45 16 155 5,498 2,557 15 5 5 15 28 172 127 158 22 11 22 1,977 46 55 344 5,703 2,556 5 45 20 112 147 60 170 6 10 25 1,956 47 805 14,141 113,542 72,155 655 250 70 640 2,669 15,951 2,970 10,200 3,072 139 1,560 33,929 48 1,770 14,600 114,047 60,605 40 975 1,995 6,145 7,195 1,520 10,594 529 1,100 795 29,717 49 11 134 4,155 1,866 15 5 5 5 6 158 107 149 22 11 22 1,361 50 40 259 3,492 1,419 20 5 51 112 40 143 6 10 15 1,017 51 905 15,655 170,413 113,174 955 160 50 440 2,299 22,867 8,825 14,382 1,901 361 5,105 55,829 52 4,360 18,679 123,888 90,579 500 110 1,500 18,480 2,820 22,020 6,335 730 325 37,759 53 11 145 4,571 2,116 15 5 5 10 18 142 107 136 21 11 22 1,624 54 55 304 4,788 1,820 5 30 10 61 112 30 149 6 10 20 1,387 55 2,575 26,170 252,932 168,912 780 160 75 815 2,300 20,680 11,698 27,294 4,675 2,136 6,239 92,060 56 4,865 29,638 255,209 2 210 129,699 2 60 150 4,410 180 3,250 13,035 1,775 27,299 1 40 6,721 1,620 610 1 20 70,649 57 58 59 60 61 1 51 50 1 12 5 6 5 21 62 200 1,925 637 100 247 50 50 75 115 63 57 782 U 1 5 5 15 64 65 2,145 14,417 870 55 ... 800 6 65 559 449 5 5 86 32 61 2 5 12 241 66 26 503 956 2,726 13 50 728 108 637 96 12 126 901 67 68 69 70 71 214 2,337 7,072 12,233 205 300 3,075 643 2,856 530 35 630 3,914 1 12 17 131 227 546 109 520 5 25 14 118 5 6 22 159 1 6 62 206 150 922 3,968 3,006 40 1,260 40 886 100 680 16 137 3,491 953 10 5 5 15 5 87 40 88 15 6 20 657 72 73 74 36 877 5,074 1,624 28 15 5 38 1 329 88 252 27 7 38 796 158 4,026 25,170 7,217 100 150 25 175 10 1,342 310 1,089 400 22 200 3,394 83 161 780 707 25 56 5 25 5 15 5 10 10 6 75 76 591 2,570 130 40 35 40 15 77 5 108 1,837 1,177 5 5 5 1; 22 66 41 54 15 6 12 931 78 10 314 2,568 2,415 2 10 5 122 32o 122 74 690 52 10 62 940 79 35 1 1,017 14 17,203 150 11,520 128 5 5 60 45 430 1,615 421 15 200 1 2,054 12 105 5 41 204 5 6,340 85 80 31 3 8 38 128 287 4 30 4 83 25 10 126 82 275 585 982 10 205 2 255 75 50 385 83 204 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 5.-FARM FACILITIES, OFF-FARM WORK, WORK POWER, FARM LABOR, [Data are based on reports for only Item (For definitions end explanations, see teit) The State Total all Type of farm Livestock General farms Cash-grain Cotton Other field-crop Vegetable Fruit- and-nut Dairy Poultry other than dairy and poultry Primarily crop SPECIFIED FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT 1 Telephone farms reporting 1954... 29,734 675 7,219 61 87 83 2,445 787 3,391 334 2 Electricity farms reporting 1954... 183,331 1,397 101,431 370 327 203 6,409 2,115 8,256 1,259 3 1950 . . . 140,486 967 58,564 386 522 241 6,173 1,548 8,492 1,593 I, Television set farms reporting 1954. . . 29,514 628 10,684 34 61 69 1,638 559 2,662 282 5 Piped running uater farms reporting 1954... 63,150 1,088 18,795 134 147 162 4,829 1,780 ■6,082 741 6 Home freezer farms reporting 1954 . . 36,293 705 12,583 101 65 84 2,800 927 3,818 400 7 Elec trie pig brooder farms reporting 1954 . . . 716 6 301 5 61 11 84 8 8 Power feed grinder farms reporting 1954 . . . 7,509 142 2,302 28 19 1,537 171 1,645 149 9 Hllking machine farms reporting 1954 . . . 5,047 17 586 11 5 2 3 585 60 184 32 237 10 Grain combines farms reporting 1954 . . . 6,282 676 3,104 3 19 576 80 933 IX nijraber 1954 . . . 7,536 959 3,836 3 20 605 92 1,045 273 12 Corn pickers farms reporting 1954 .. . 1,900 154 968 1 172 172 18 18 356 364 44 50 13 number 1954 . . . 1,996 169 1.03; 1 \K Pick-up hay balers farms reporting 1954 . . . 4,605 272 1 794 4 15 16 744 756 53 54 980 1,006 168 188 15 number 1954 .. . 4,794 322 1^864 4 16 Field forage harvesters farms reporting 1954 . . . 1,360 18 429 7 3 378 28 277 17 17 number 1954 . . . 1,472 20 472 7 3 381 28 304 18 18 Motortrucks farms reporting 1954 . . . 68,874 1,007 34,709 246 196 113 4,200 1,094 5,566 863 19 number 1954 . . . 77,551 1,893 38,418 270 220 153 4,827 1,228 6,849 1,087 20 Tractors, other than garden farms reporting 1954... 51,489 1,155 26,413 167 126 109 4,191 915 5,412 746 21 1950 . . . 32,474 609 14,819 121 122 124 2,503 223 4,221 623 22 79,575 4,750 43,110 181 132 193 5,454 1,065 8,511 1,608 23 1950 .. , 50,494 1,526 27,365 153 U8 217 3,096 266 6,198 960 24 84,482 98,862 1,028 39,887 124 176 136 3,340 1,185 5,131 650 25 number 1954 . . . 2,485 46,920 U3 131 170 4,046 1,309 6,667 1,101 OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCCHE Farm operators— 26 of farm products sold operators reporting 1954... 57,286 139 5,127 23 25 58 777 503 1,451 219 27 75,306 117 5,690 45 56 48 1,077 475 1,500 158 23 Working off their farms. total operators reporting 1954 . . . 91,383 334 37,783 144 176 83 2,354 921 2,738 524 29 1949 . . . 98,860 335 38,359 170 92 1,665 495 2,645 602 30 46,757 167 6,231 38 70 1,132 591 1,490 161 31 1949 . . . FARMS BY CLASS OF WORK POWER 43,908 96 4,258 30 47 820 235 1,278 129 32 No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting 1954... 87,579 201 55,046 70 115 66 620 635 1,167 133 33 No tractor but horses and/or 76,819 147 42,021 205 136 45 1 831 590 2 082 545 34 Tractor and horses and/or mules. .. .farms reporting 1954... 29,286 593 14*247 104 81 61 2*723 484 3*902 510 35 Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting 1954... FARM LABOR Week of October 24-30: 22,203 562 12,166 63 45 48 1,468 431 1,510 236 36 Family and/or hired workers farms reporting 1954... 186,849 1,305 114,675 407 322 195 6,352 2,035 7,594 1,307 37 468, 9o3 7,856 335,932 1,128 575 1,001 15,849 4,201 16, 252 4,758 38 Family workers, including operator farms reporting 1954 . . . 185,017 1,243 114,033 406 317 178 6,235 2,009 7,264 1,285 39 Operators working 1 or more hours persons 1954 — 180,020 1,225 111,990 401 312 178 6,052 1,934 7,115 1,260 40 Unpaid members of operator's family farms reporting 1954. . . 88,402 268 65,853 182 121 21 3,179 933 1,872 543 41 persons 1954. . . 169,071 395 136,528 323 176 26 4,838 1,340 2,515 971 42 Hired workers farms reporting 1954 . . . 19,626 119,872 585 6,236 11,093 87,414 87 404 32 87 81 797 1,686 4,959 342 927 1,985 6,622 333 2,527 43 persons 1954. . . 44 or more days) farms reporting 1954. . . 5,046 357 1,898 6 12 59 916 144 909 107 45 persons 1954 . . . 17,740 1,623 9,456 18 18 165 1,826 292 2,071 513 46 Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days ) farms reporting 1954 . . . 16,580 382 10,197 84 21 47 1,019 233 1,364 284 47 persons 1954 . . . SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES 102, 132 4,613 77,958 386 69 632 3,U3 635 4,551 2,014 48 Specified farm expenditures^ farms reporting 1954... 207,646 1,493 120,964 422 357 210 6,637 2,125 8,594 1,4U 49 Machine hire and/or hired labor farms reporting 1954... 150,896 115,709 19,144,943 1,316 886 970,026 102,892 80,484 14,161,590 307 214 27,615 272 126 16,155 185 110 139,880 5,025 3,838 758,020 1,163 728 91,880 6,029 3,988 1,146,197 1,154 783 227,068 50 Machine hire farms reporting 1954 . . . 51 52 Hired labor farms reporting 1954... 86,754 1,102 57,054 232 217 155 3,857 837 4,681 858 53 1949 . . . 81,171 718 43,634 206 453 165 3,570 502 5,833 1,138 54 dollars 1954.. 45,913,072 3,191,140 29,539,726 55,580 68,405 633,071 2,817,764 623,525 4,119,498 973,967 55 1949 .. . 44.212,203 1,242,714 31,257,075 94,195 104,850 425,055 2,557,976 79,635 3,512,903 570,091 56 $1 to $2,499 farms reporting 1954... 83,440 760 55,194 228 212 123 3,578 802 4,241 777 57 $2,500 and over farms reporting 1954. . . 3,314 342 1,860 4 5 32 279 35 440 81 58 Feed for livestock and poultry. .farms reporting 1954... 119,970 620 52,879 272 192 133 6,342 2,020 7,157 1,006 59 1949 . . . 124,083 654 49,202 320 556 180 6,229 1,428 7,784 1,319 60 dollars 1954 . . . 46,172,124 291,389 6,444,323 48,789 52,745 74,785 10,643,045 16,960,483 4,847,643 220,675 61 1949... 25,866,811 156,916 4,956,094 33,995 64,015 46,094 8,350,991 2,978,945 3,150,764 148,235 62 Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil farms reporting 1954... 84,551 1,286 47,165 246 252 115 4,789 1,259 6,099 983 63 1949... 54,573 685 25,252 206 528 148 3,426 543 5,480 1,012 64 dollars 1954... 23,510,809 2,244,335 13,720,828 40,645 38,800 82,709 1,639,333 338,476 2,492,854 566,422 65 1949... 16,512,123 670,006 9,977,589 32,790 56,475 76,962 1,083,361 94,955 1,955,234 319,518 6f Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing material farms reporting 1954 . . . 180,449 40,773,991 1,306 1,267,998 117,561 27,425,129 412 89,472 352 119,040 174 505,968 5,782 2,116,750 1,373 303,465 6,615- 3,261,391 1,329 586,689 67 68 tons 1954 . . . 707,674 16, 696 450,937 1,774 2,490 15,251 40,699 5,967 63,677 10,957 69 acres on which used 1954 . . . 4,449,804 157,122 2,911,513 8,173 8,015 52,120 225,803 32,328 408,613 72,195 70 Lijne and liming material farms reporting 1954... 6,372 40 2,066 19 15 17 818 150 1,245 165 71 tons 1954... 185,268 3,940 57,780 220 100 1,351 18,846 2,743 66,005 3,972 72 dollars 1954... 1,007,228 25,689 315,472 1,280 1,910 9,449 109,662 19,132 328,394 23,474 73 acres lijned 1954... 216,634 3,365 59,719 240 300 1,582 22,969 3,775 82,143 4,854 ^Excludes farms reporting oommercial fertilizer and lime. MISSISSIPPI AND FARM EXPENDITURES, BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 205 a aample of farms. See tent] The State — Continued Areii 1 Type of farm — Continued Total all Type of farm General — Con. Miscel- laneoue Cash- grain Other Fruit- and-nut Livestock other General Miscel- laneous Primarily livestock Crop and livestock and unclassi- fied farms Cotton field- crop Vegetable Dairy Poultry than dairy and poultry Primarily crop Primarily livestock Crop and livestock and unclas- sified 76 559 14,017 3,949 477 2,605 5 5 61 32 142 55 49 518 1 219 2,307 59,038 39,411 736 35,995 10 5 103 32 243 80 73 2,124 2 530 4,493 56,977 26,639 392 22,033 15 11 50 25 339 67 7 64 3,531 3 60 489 12,343 4,163 423 3,234 5 25 11 78 37 35 315 4 152 1,385 27,355 6,947 672 5,061 "5 5 103 32 196 70 65 738 5 90 888 13,832 5,245 464 4,035 5 54 21 126 59 50 381 6 5 14 221 134 6 100 10 10 1 1 6 7 37 415 1,064 752 74 514 29 70 27 24 U 8 V, 111 420 262 1 132 93 6 8 22 9 25 246 333 2,950 508 2,U7 25 2 78 61 58 81 10 28 274 401 3,821 767 2,683 25 4 99 81 70 87 11 13 71 103 654 103 473 7 1 15 24 23 8 12 13 71 104 736 117 535 7 1 15 30 23 8 13 16 2W 345 1,318 202 9L2 10 2 71 55 40 25 14 17 219 348 1,437 243 968 10 3 80 65 41 27 15 6 52 145 244 12 164 13 1 14 10 13 17 16 6 52 181 295 14 201 13 1 24 11 13 18 17 162 1,505 19,213 9,035 619 7,501 10 82 12 217 63 5 63 463 18 182 1,776 20,648 12,229 1,363 9,557 10 120 18 313 157 5 105 531 19 133 1,443 10,679 9,119 726 7,462 5 102 L2 135 76 5 73 473 20 196 1,737 7,176 8,194 361 6,543 5 40 10 253 75 2 49 856 21 170 2,300 12,101 26,088 3,723 19,367 "5 173 36 563 552 5 376 733 22 243 2,125 3,207 20,346 1,112 16,899 5 68 40 543 252 7 146 1,274 23 37 1,067 31,671 15,939 644 13,932 '5 5 41 27 166 68 62 989 24 95 1,495 34,260 22,720 1,842 18,705 5 5 30 39 321 310 209 1,204 25 12 323 48,629 2,787 83 1,054 U 39 1,594 26 66 601 65,473 7,639 52 2,956 11 5 36 "s 10 4,611 27 -^, a43 45,402 11,730 156 9,912 30 5 58 14 21 1,534 28 12? 1,372 52,729 23,892 120 18,727 5 10 10 99 17 21 4,883 29 2" 302 36,518 2,773 112 1,479 15 49 7 18 1,093 30 20 355 36,604 5,333 54 2,468 5 16 26 12 10 2,748 31 30 125 29,371 31,887 26 30,076 5 6 15 31 1,728 32 "1 890 28,256 3,534 12 3,208 5 5 38 5 6 255 33 ^:'8 1,051 5,432 3,584 370 2,855 21 7 U6 49 5 56 105 34 35 392 5,247 5,535 356 4,607 "5 81 5 69 27 17 368 35 219 2,357 50,081 41,039 689 38,019 5 5 108 27 227 71 5 74 1,859 36 «5 6,599 74,367 145,067 6,150 132,726 15 20 331 95 761 1,016 5 584 3,364 37 219 2,315 49,513 40,664 636 37,731 5 103 26 210 66 5 64 1,318 38 219 2,261 47,073 39,919 628 37,079 5 103 26 205 66 5 59 1,743 39 82 986 14,362 25,244 114 24,274 5 51 15 33 13 12 727 40 119 1,473 20,367 53,272 164 51,994 5 66 15 56 31 23 918 41 V, 533 2,835 4,824 459 3,956 5 5 37 7 96 61 47 151 42 107 2,365 5,927 51,876 5,358 43,653 5 20 162 54 500 919 502 703 43 21 170 4A7 1,568 291 1,123 5 16 2 53 34 33 11 44 40 437 1,231 9,009 1,340 6,688 5 42 5 250 302 170 207 45 20 467 2,462 4,037 287 3,429 5 25 7 62 42 38 142 46 67 2,373 5,696 42,367 4,018 36,965 20 120 49 250 617 332 496 47 234 2,453 62,744 44,448 764 40,720 10 5 108 32 254 81 5 79 2,390 48 152 1,937 30,464 41,354 744 38,383 10 5 83 22 191 76 78 1,762 49 106 1,424 23,022 35,961 516 33,622 59 10 132 48 57 1,517 50 14,625 230,614 1,361,273 10,426,257 825,391 9,134,347 16,113 2,110 137,651 90,770 34,700 185,175 51 97 1,477 16,187 18,983 685 17,117 'io "5 68 22 170 76 78 757 52 321 3,074 21,557 22,615 376 19,486 15 16 35 15 277 71 7 59 2,258 53 52,856 1,123,474 2,719,066 23,437,196 2,780,382 18,875,441 5,100 150 107,037 30,300 426,843 421,263 288,154 501,515 54 139,708 790,356 3,437,645 23,569,436 1,016,854 25,723,018 5,575 13,415 143,095 3,625 369,162 224,770 4,900 171,686 893,335 55 91 1,345 16,039 17,138 377 15,722 10 5 53 20 119 37 42 748 56 6 132 98 1,350 308 1,395 10 2 51 39 36 9 57 217 2,091 47,041 11,054 303 9,446 5 5 63 12 156 44 51 959 58 510 4,353 51,548 19,145 243 16,081 15 15 45 25 305 62 5 46 2,303 59 223,103 990,355 5,374,789 2,792,802 221,599 1,604,542 800 600 192,124 145,125 333,493 31,968 89,791 122,560 60 167,206 734,575 5,028,981 2,731,174 85,305 2,076,157 10,040 3,600 152,357 4,600 166,080 9,234 200 18,775 254,326 61 153 1,706 20,493 17,291 743 15,219 10 103 17 206 71 5 73 844 62 256 2,574 14,463 14,096 386 11,546 5 6 40 10 274 81 2 54 1,692 63 37,914 702,325 1,606,168 10,860,357 1,373,466 8,049,668 1,925 68,004 17,700 246, UO 261,152 250 131,425 160,627 64 53,640 554,666 1,636,927 3,330,376 549,045 7,541,491 720 1,566 33,256 1,250 183,595 110,822 3,500 68,835 336,361 65 219 2,373 42,953 41,244 619 38,600 5 37 16 186 75 75 1,581 66 59,935 953,073 4,085,076 12,074,680 1,018,229 10,337,048 1,340 37,360 8,265 224,383 148,062 105,603 194,390 67 1,1>43 17,939 80,139 145,167 12,056 123,679 20 489 102 2,922 2,203 1,336 2,360 68 6,166 102,273 465,478 1,344,777 126,998 l,l£l,3t8 50 3,939 1,100 33,040 21,011 U,155 24,126 69 39 26B 1,530 365 13 310 6 13 1 7 10 70 928 7,330 22,003 39,213 2,945 23,545 250 11,263 150 750 305 71 4,225 43,725 124,816 198,733 18,001 128,141 4,880 38,221 2,250 5,715 1,525 72 1,010 7,450 29,227 35,041 2,255 19,916 530 11,420 75 640 205 73 206 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 5.-FARM FACILITIES, OFF-FARM WORK, WORK POWER, FARM LABOR. [Data are based on reports for only Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Area 2 Total all farms Tyl e of farm Cash-grain Cotton Other field- crop Vegetable Fruit- and-nut Dairy Poultry Livestoolc other than dairy and General Primarily poultry crop SPECIFIED FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT 1 Telephone farms reporting 1954 . . , 3,969 99 1,230 7 283 71 657 50 2 Electricity farms reporting 1954... 26,561 177 18,979 17 20 10 428 102 1 352 107 86 3 1950 . . . 16,142 123 7,822 5 30 10 518 75 l'884 4 Television set farms reporting 1954... 5,480 124 2,732 7 5 232 56 531 69 5 Piped running water farms reporting 1954... 6,012 130 2,379 1 ? 361 216 77 898 660 16 73 40 5 Home freezer farms reporting 1954 . . . 4 057 97 1 923 16 56 7 IIUIUC ilCC^C ....................... t.J» ."w '^^^'. "'..& ^ij-.. Electric pig brooder farms reporting 1954. . . 97 47 g 8 Power feed grinder farms reporting 1954... 1,153 30 481 5 l'-'2 7 269 11 1 9 Milking machine farms reporting 1954 . . . '5CH 90 346 23 10 Grain combines farms reporting 1954 . . . 993 92 514 84 1 187 39 11 number 1954 . . . 1,233 107 672 83 1 223 53 12 Corn pickers farms reporting 1954 . . , 452 24 232 32 110 3 13 number 1954... 461 25 236 i2 113 3 14 Pick-up hay balers farms reporting 1954 . . . 678 23 321 1 69 12 177 9 15 number 1954 . . . 693 26 329 1 70 12 180 9 16 Field forage harvesters farms reporting 1954... 310 5 97 73 86 4 17 number 1954 . . . 318 5 99 80 90 4 18 Motortrucks farms reporting 1954... 10,654 162 7,111 21 10 5 345 57 914 82 19 number 1954 . . . 12,172 272 7,899 22 10 5 444 59 1,189 126 20 Tractors, other than garden farms reporting 1954... 7,022 165 4,422 17 307 42 895 93 21 1950 . . . 4,862 85 2,029 'io "5 307 15 1,213 56 22 11,703 654 7,010 '26 522 50 1,635 313 23 1950... 7,348 181 3,291 '16 5 483 15 1,326 103 24 11,736 146 7,439 6 309 66 919 61 25 number 1954 . . . OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Fam operators— 14,482 331 8,800 7 453 67 1,355 208 26 of farm products sold operators reporting 1954... 5,306 7 841 15 15 185 19 27 8,291 23 720 5 80 15 290 17 28 Working off their farms. 10,080 11,662 19 56 5,743 4,807 1 15 5 82 154 25 10 352 523 21 42 29 1949... 30 4,330 7 1,010 57 15 223 8 31 1949... FARMS BY CLASS OF WORX POWER 4,602 21 508 32 5 274 6 32 No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting 1954... 13,634 20 10,403 36 35 220 11 33 No tractor but horses and/or 12,938 4,503 5 120 9,923 2,721 5 17 20 10 96 254 25 16 335 728 20 65 34 Tractor and horses and/or mules farms reporting 1954... 35 Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting 1954... WetL of October 24-30: 2,519 45 1,701 53 26 167 28 36 Family and/or hired workers farms reporting 1954... 30,344 167 23,461 17 20 10 439 92 1,239 108 37 92,L21 942 76,912 40 50 10 1,383 250 2,918 735 38 Family workers, including operator farms reporting 1954 . . . 30,0oS 160 23,361 17 15 10 408 92 1,185 103 39 Operators working 1 or more hours persons 1954 . . . 29,514 155 23,071 12 15 10 397 87 1,153 103 40 Unpaid members of operator's family farms reporting 1954 — 17,402 57 15,151 5 5 160 50 316 lA 41 persons 1954. . . 37,597 103 33,936 10 5 237 130 434 26 42 Hired workers farms reporting 1954 . . . 3,484 25,010 71 684 2,260 19,905 7 18 10 30 234 1,254 22 33 390 1,331 51 606 43 persons 1954. . . 44 or more days) farms reporting 1954. . . 977 52 356 2 202 6 239 27 45 persons 1954 . . . 3,263 258 1,752 2 435 12 506 108 46 Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting 1954.. . 2,930 47 2,111 0 10 151 16 221 48 47 persons 1954 . . . SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES 21,747 426 13,153 1-: 30 819 21 325 493 48 Specified farm expenditures^ farms reporting 1954... 32,750 135 24,418 22 10 10 439 102 1,450 124 49 Machine hire and/or hired labor farms reporting 1954 . . . 25,971 20,278 3,158,106 174 132 112,075 21,136 16,360 2,467,745 12 12 3,020 10 5 20 5 5 375 372 233 33,207 47 21 2,015 1,036 639 256,176 102 35 49,370 50 Machine hire farms reporting 1954 . . . 51 52 Hired labor farms reporting 1954. . . 13,829 12,717 139 99 10,735 7,056 12 10 10 25 5 321 440 47 30 845 1,681 31 90 53 1949... 54 dollars 1954... 7,538,286 321,908 4,808,519 7,875 3,500 693,211 20,950 1,038,259 288,175 55 1949... 5,484,M5 160,499 2,968,704 175 3,510 5,000 708,594 4,125 l/)69,473 54,074 56 $1 to $2,499 farms reporting 1954... 13,222 112 10,431 10 10 222 46 724 54 57 $2,500 and over farms reporting 1954 . . . 607 27 304 2 99 1 121 27 58 59 Feed for livestock and poultry. .farms reporting 1954... 1949 . . . 16,^60 16,728 67 60 10,200 3,171 16 10 10 20 10 5 429 539 97 55 1,212 1,840 78 99 60 dollars 1954 . . . 4,973,920 36,150 1,174,433 5,575 2,000 510 1,343,631 261,670 1^66,261 22,948 61 1949 . . . 4,308,294 10,154 724,491 375 875 550 2,003,832 89,640 399,936 12,171 62 gasoline and other petroleum fuel 1,002 1,513 92 69 and oil farms reporting 1954. . . 12,843 7,118 169 109 8,900 3,128 22 10 20 "5 337 371 62 25 63 1949 . . . 64 dollars 1954 . . . 3,305,359 292,022 2,293,317 5,050 1,550 243,744 11,550 563,684 107,305 65 1949... 2,310,357 71,759 1,016,850 2,010 2,500 191,277 3,660 653,238 41,853 66 Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing 1,005 90 material farms reporting 1954... 28,249 168 23.300 22 10 10 391 62 67 6,647,873 111,835 5,190,490 7,767 2,610 350 238,985 11,525 635,638 80,124 63 tons 1954 .. . 117,354 1,784 90,985 164 55 5 4,409 218 11,365 1,308 69 acres on which used 1954 . . . 686,898 12,277 516,914 745 160 35 23,160 1,177 79,<.52 9,673 70 Lime and liming material farms reporting 1954... 826 9 410 76 6 187 5 71 tons 1954... 36,503 335 14,138 2,720 240 1A,867 110 72 dollars 1954 . . . 190,285 6,410 71,790 13,317 840 76,543 825 73 acres limed 1954 . . . 43,182 900 14,789 3,386 390 19,426 150 ^Excludes farms reporting commercial fertilizer and lime. AND FARM EXPENDITURES. BY TYPE OF FARM a sample of farms. See text] MISSISSIPPI CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued 207 Area 2— Continued Type of farm— Cont inue L.7 ^.S8j 107 5,911 95 3,248 57 5,047 57 5,335 67 36 7,600 62 82 21,550 14,899 62 56 8,300 6,183 92 57 25,975 U,661 107 20,930 414 3,425 25 125 25 671 785 5,049 4,504 608 522 4,600 2,802 2,588 112 12,494 203 32,561 112 12,453 112 12,236 31 7,075 41 13,478 12 1,379 50 6,847 o2 148 12 1,338 50 6,699 13,060 10,279 7,869 713,836 7,013 6,132 1,346,950 743,085 6,995 13 8,006 8,722 972,249 800,495 6,930 4,117 1,101,326 527,944 13,219 2,988,538 60,550 312, 243 450 5,414 28,439 7,194 Other field-crop 6l 16 10 205 16 40 1,175 35,655 16 41 55 2,830 11,135 41 30 5,050 3,910 66 12,900 260 30 150 30 Vegetable 15 10 140 15 5 1,850 500 15 20 10 1,060 250 25 30 3,945 70 180 Fruit- and-nut 10 10 400 5 100 5 200 5 15 Dairy 246 902 783 183 5c6 324 10 173 271 51 51 27 27 87 87 63 63 527 587 552 271 674 311 390 428 312 lc.5 260 332 220 867 1,870 434 659 116 354 78 262 922 672 554 92,480 512 463 155,420 141,395 502 10 852 758 685,350 428,165 647 403 188,654 78,480 817 207,415 4,120 23,011 77 790 3,045 940 Poultry 71 337 145 91 277 122 6 21 5 187 198 162 20 171 20 162 U5 50 85 25 342 172 106 10,600 132 55 108,395 10,045 126 337 140 1,702,305 272,760 227 65 40,470 10,410 192 38,195 758 4,405 25 270 275 Livestock other than dairy and poultry 310 743 623 191 475 310 22 166 26 92 98 69 69 46 46 23 24 459 509 497 322 753 436 386 459 206 226 90 105 144 309 188 322 610 627 1,093 322 616 297 615 127 183 52 130 180 243 90 235 11 42 24 37 41 88 72 198 746 508 339 62,498 377 415 145,076 129,352 363 14 647 631 338,291 269,913 538 418 178,708 108,601 568 2U, 661 4,191 23,686 113 2,608 10,633 3,583 ^Excludes farms reporting commercial fertilizer and lime. AND FARM EXPENDITURES, BY TYPE OF FARM MISSISSIPPI CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued 209 a aaniplfl c f farmB. See text] Area i— ciontinued AreS 5 Type of farm — Continued Total all Type of farm Cener al — Con. Uiscel- laneous Livestock General Miscel- Cash- grain Othe other laneous Primarily livestock Crop end livestock and unclaaai- fied farms Cotton field crop Vegetable Fruit- and-nut Dairy Poultry than dairy and poultry Primarily crop Primarily livestock Crop and liveatock and unclas- sified 21 3 97 1,384 3,435 23 732 15 5 629 80 378 26 17 103 1,427 1 3 S 509 6,972 15,098 49 6,846 55 5 5 1,577 U2 694 76 40 284 5,335 2 10 ■> 816 6,668 13,633 52 5,140 65 10 10 1,772 77 «» 108 82 fo43 5,074 3 1 3 67 1,462 1,661 12 485 5 242 27 196 7 7 84 596 4 2( 3 223 2,625 5,256 43 1,349 20 5 5 946 122 529 41 29 183 1,934 5 1 J 144 1,348 3,318 15 1,004 10 5 5 529 91 360 20 19 133 1,127 6 5 21 71 20 3 5 6 1 36 7 46 lU 1,047 15 185 5 472 13 150 18 11 61 117 8 5 30 816 1 97 5 544 8 31 15 49 66 9 35 53 502 11 120 143 35 119 10 6 27 31 10 35 53 561 12 124 162 41 U8 10 9 34 31 11 5 21 155 5 62 47 6 21 1 2 6 5 12 5 21 155 5 62 47 6 21 1 2 6 5 13 21 43 715 13 148 272 18 179 22 6 35 22 14 21 43 741 14 148 280 18 185 28 7 39 22 15 7 7 163 51 65 2 34 3 2 4 2 16 7 7 168 53 65 2 37 3 2 4 2 17 2( ) 272 1,957 5,719 34 2,376 20 5 895 67 533 53 35 198 1,503 18 2. 283 2,056 6,472 38 2,517 20 5 1,071 86 723 70 39 237 1,666 19 2< ) 284 1,241 5,036 34 2,221 20 5 5 903 62 499 55 25 210 997 20 1 > 376 892 3,371 37 1,286 25 5 5 723 12 319 44 57 255 603 21 2C 334 1,387 6,696 73 2,656 20 5 5 1,314 101 954 90 39 290 1,149 22 1 401 985 4,322 57 1,569 25 5 5 916 14 601 61 76 324 669 23 1 224 3,374 7,744 44 3,158 10 10 5 855 97 489 66 24 151 2,835 24 1 255 3,570 8,664 57 3,322 10 10 10 1,086 107 679 88 27 193 3,075 25 36 5,248 5,649 2 535 10 5 5 216 27 123 17 64 4,645 26 21 122 7,051 6,043 5 321 5 5 270 40 103 10 10 56 5,218 27 IC 177 4,634 8,107 17 2,909 20 10 5 597 58 271 36 17 105 4,062 28 i; 257 4,946 7,251 5 2,255 20 5 399 40 169 24 30 177 4,127 29 27 3,307 4,297 2 583 5 5 5 275 42 142 15 62 3,161 30 31 3,496 3,369 188 5 5 185 30 85 3 5 32 2,831 31 ic 30 3,839 6,749 20 3,415 171 60 100 6 10 2,967 32 205 2,3U 7,439 3,847 35 5 635 10 145 40 20 111 2,591 33 ic 214 568 2,881 '23 1,178 15 5 626 15 341 40 20 152 466 34 IC 70 673 2,155 11 1,043 5 5 277 47 158 15 5 58 531 35 3C 484 5,109 16,639 54 8,653 50 10 5 1,639 117 664 91 45 326 4,985 36 6C 1,U8 7,226 33,403 92 23,156 1 55 10 20 4,123 294 1,721 371 141 913 7,407 37 3C 484 5,093 16,460 54 8,626 50 10 5 1,594 117 623 90 45 318 4,928 38 3C 468 4,848 16,006 54 8,505 50 10 5 1,552 117 612 90 45 308 4,658 39 IC 276 1,430 7,325 6 4,728 35 5 789 49 129 36 13 123 1,412 40 25 437 1,980 13,243 7 9,594 40 5 1,175 64 158 46 28 173 1,953 41 52 159 1,892 8 794 20 5 453 32 193 42 12 39 244 42 233 398 9,154 31 5,057 65 10 1,396 113 951 235 68 432 796 43 6 26 500 ^ to 5 232 14 107 10 6 16 44 44 16 32 1,543 12 190 10 582 38 369 U 18 61 249 45 46 133 1,547 3 769 20 234 19 U9 32 9 30 212 46 217 366 7,611 19 4,867 65 814 75 582 221 50 371 547 47 35 519 6,718 17,761 54 8,908 55 10 5 1,709 127 738 101 45 331 5,678 48 25 394 2,917 12,395 49 7,126 35 10 5 1,298 77 558 85 39 250 2,863 49 25 326 2,313 9,050 19 5,208 20 5 1,019 33 350 63 36 132 2,110 50 3,285 30,125 125,438 1,030,636 3,645 522,973 2,' 65 70 196,608 U,154 132,389 20,558 6,205 31,972 99,297 51 2C 249 1,489 7,679 39 4,302 30 5 5 964 62 451 75 14 194 1,538 52 6« 621 2,803 7,228 30 3,082 35 10 5 1,130 37 475 78 57 478 1,311 53 1,055 53,540 131,360 3,U8,948 37,800 1,101,951 1,4 35 3,250 8,250 762,017 57,197 610,015 55,792 22,526 131,901 326,814 54 7,885 87,480 264,209 2,725,242 11,995 784,644 3,5 25 3,750 8,000 795,841 10,500 562,562 18,192 22,683 142,963 360,587 55 2C 244 1,488 7,445 33 4,264 30 5 5 880 54 388 71 11 184 1,520 56 5 1 234 6 38 94 3 63 4 3 10 18 57 3C 469 5,108 12,171 18 4,980 40 5 5 1,634 122 639 70 44 278 4,336 58 Hi 916 6,015 12,787 31 4,468 70 10 10 2,043 72 566 105 87 681 4,644 59 36,025 145,410 501,575 4,518,143 6,450 625,764 4,C 30 150 2,880 1,824,233 640,570 689,590 16, 199 46,412 133,324 528,541 60 23,185 161,730 513,659 3,204,604 4,875 542,944 6,1 65 3,250 500 1,413,907 154,540 339, 197 13,125 30,381 148, 950 491,770 61 2C 329 2,386 7,244 39 3,277 25 5 5 1,065 77 554 61 30 255 1,351 62 2' 471 1,678 5,197 32 2,017 45 5 5 993 27 421 83 81 339 1,149 63 3,775 72,705 167,715 1,697,280 17,975 591,512 1,4 70 2,500 1,840 418,378 32,530 347,536 29,433 13,032 37,702 153,317 64 3, IOC 82,560 143,752 1,273,241 15,375 374,151 5,4 90 1,350 1,625 355,159 6,510 226,891 26,653 17,290 96,181 146,566 65 3C 508 3,945 14,029 54 8,413 55 10 5 1,252 52 507 80 40 298 3,263 66 6,41C 122,470 337,058 2,651,508 19,755 1,516,310 6,9 30 2,140 800 335,381 36,920 307,271 42,626 10,279 94,681 277,915 67 12C 2,446 7,124 54,950 402 31,539 1 55 56 25 6,220 710 7,390 807 189 1,868 5,589 68 57C 12,987 39,635 327,532 2,183 180,773 9 35 345 200 41,272 3,573 47,040 4,630 1,300 10,315 34,461 69 IC 41 141 330 104 64 16 60 8 1 4 73 70 19C 260 2,380 13,608 2,706 2,048 970 5,676 248 100 290 1,570 71 425 2,915 12,089 52,316 11,677 7,503 4,287 21,907 780 105 1,312 4,745 72 9C 505 2,850 U,484 3,335 2,132 642 5,697 237 100 271 1,070 73 210 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 5.-FARM FACILITIES, OFF-FARM WORK, WORK POWER, FARM LABOR, ^_^ C^ata are based on reporte for only Item (For definitions and ezplanatione, see text) SPECIFIED FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT Telephone farms reporting 1954 . Electricity farms reporting 1954. 1950. Television set farms reporting 1954. Piped running water farms reporting 1954. Home freezer farms reporting 1954 . Electric pig brooder farms reporting 1954. Power feed grinder farms reporting 1954 . Milking machine farms reporting 1954 . Grain combines farms reporting 1954 . number 1954. Corn pickers farms reporting 1954 . number 1954. Pick-up hay balers farms reporting 1954 . number 1954 . Field forage harvesters farms reporting 1954. number 1954. Motortrucks farms reporting 1954 . number 1954. Tractors, other than garden farms reporting 1954. 1950. number 1954. 1950. Automobiles farms reporting 1954. number 1954. OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Fara operators— With other income of family exceeding value of farm products sold operators reporting 1954. 1949. Working off their farms, total operators reporting 1954. 1949. 100 or more days operators reporting 1954. 1949. FARMS BY CLASS OF WORK POWER No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting 1954. No tractor but horses and/or mules farms reporting 1954 . Tractor and horses and/or mules. .. .farms reporting 1954. Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting 1954. FABM LABOR feel of October 24-30: Family and/or hired workers farms reporting 1954. persons 1954 . Family workers, including opera tor farms reporting 1954 . Operators working 1 or more hours persons 1954 . Unpaid members of operator's family farms reporting 1954. persons 1954 . Hired workers farms reporting 1954 . persons 1954. Regular workers (to be employed 150 or more days ) farms reporting 1954 . persons 1954. Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days ) farms reporting 1954 . persons 1954,. SPECIFIED FARM EM>ENDITURES Specified farm expenditures^ farms reporting 1954. Machine hire and/or hired labor farms reporting 1954 . Machine hire farms reporting 1954 . dollars 1954. Hired labor farms reporting 1954. 1949. dollars 1954. 1949. $1 to $2,499 farms reporting 1954. $2,500 and over farms reporting 1954. Feed for livestock and poultry . .farms reporting 1954. 1949. dollars 1954. 1949. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil farms reporting 1954. 1949. dollars 1954. 1949. ConBnercial fertilizer and fertilizing material farms reporting 1954 . dollars 1954. tons 1954. acres on which used 1954 . Lime and liming material farms reporting 1954. tons 1954. dollars 1954. acres limed 1954. Total all farms 5,946 34,147 28,491 5,510 15,64.4 8,033 114 1,278 1,132 565 574 532 536 124 131 14,673 15,549 9,036 4,187 10,153 4,677 15 , 262 16,218 13,202 17,216 19,405 17,586 10,690 9,297 10,973 18,625 5,908 3,128 32,430 60,808 32,054 31,071 11,961 20,110 2,994 9,627 544 999 2,660 8,628 37,029 24,218 16,745 1,395,235 15,981 12,336 3,598,056 1,871,373 15,815 166 25,522 23,435 16,574,434 5,630,893 15,701 8,233 2,020,484 1,119,504 32,939 6,589,165 130,212 699,869 1,552 31,688 182,235 39,461 Type of farm Cash-grain 22 852 142 14 862 135 8 269 21 1 373 87 4 406 46 2 228 55 10 348 5 76 21 86 22 89 5 30 5 30 5 110 6 110 11 12 36 6 734 37 6 984 77 3 691 16 1 004 89 3 955 23 1 i:m 57 5 232 £4 5 421 107 143 147 107 65 8,295 11 56 7,550 5,437 77 62 101 4,850 17,324 102 41 14,780 7,345 137 38,260 743 i,lbi 12 110 963 140 1,063 608 7,224 4,148 1,415 321 4,235 9,750 2,500 1,191 16,111 33,928 15,987 15,636 7,102 13,355 1,298 4,937 131 235 1,218 4,702 16,991 13,357 8,673 as, 947 9,205 4,341 1,623,888 506,019 9,175 30 9,781 6,250 940,396 422,415 6,973 2,353 760,903 267,093 17,451 3,926,672 77,526 411,893 415 5,519 33,287 6,470 Other field-crop 65 235 30 50 15 120 15 120 65 65 50 2,865 40 35 7,925 7,625 40 40 £0 3,000 4,580 55 25 3,800 4,525 65 12,180 239 1,150 5 25 150 25 Vegetable 46 26 21 6,175 16 40 15,800 11,050 11 5 36 65 23,260 5,640 41 30 3,775 4,295 46 30,350 606 1,968 5 75 1,725 250 Fruit- and-nut 16 510 31 1,309 12 1,190 10 338 21 1,137 5 650 5 1 228 867 1 161 1 163 19 19 144 147 66 67 16 955 16 1,077 11 917 2 473 12 1,116 4 505 20 589 20 675 31 21 15 2,125 16 2 5,100 7,100 15 1 21 12 3,085 1,320 11 2 1,570 1,100 16 3,825 70 458 1 11 187 22 Dairy- 145 216 452 287 232 135 312 574 343 1,259 2,964 1,249 1,217 630 1,017 278 730 142 263 175 467 1,319 1,062 796 146,518 801 579 469,395 192,757 772 29 1,289 1,105 2,220,863 1,260,975 1,008 640 290,225 163,555 1,268 560,210 10,481 56,549 265 7,445 43,023 8,089 Poultry 317 862 780 195 722 355 81 16 12 14 14 14 10 10 486 549 362 115 415 120 454 491 166 245 300 256 366 532 240 423 218 252 115 205 325 286 832 1,825 814 794 408 555 161 476 63 135 119 341 867 541 357 44,820 376 265 298,915 41,170 367 837 765 11,251,430 2,083,975 561 270 188,315 49,555 596 116,972 2,255 12,626 38 405 3,150 928 Liveatock other than dairy and poultry 661 1,579 1,571 536 1,269 766 7 278 28 143 144 18 IS 129 129 30 35 1,067 1,221 1,029 568 1,334 759 900 1,062 408 758 271 1,422 3,013 1,366 1,338 328 447 374 1,228 104 179 324 1,049 1,613 1,123 758 171,180 892 885 460, 191 324,966 851 41 1,329 1,291 615,980 434,514 1,212 811 290,410 192.611 1,372 537,308 11,266 62,658 317 10,755 57,782 15,171 ^Excludes farms reporting commercial fertilizer and lime. AND FARM EXPENDITURES, BY TYPE OF FARM MISSISSIPPI CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 -Continued 211 a sample of farms. See text] Area 6a— Continued Area 6b Type of farm — Con inued Total all farms Type of farm General — Con. Miscel- laneous and unclassi- fied Livestock General Miscel- Primarily livestock Crop and livestock Cash- grain Cotton Other field- crop Vegetable Fruit- and-nut Dairy Poultry other than dairy and poultry Primarily crop Primarily livestock Crop and livestock laneous and unclas- sified 10 122 3,354 2,404 379 10 151 40 304 20 10 34 1,456 1 41 434 14,470 17,281 56 5,672 10 30 15 598 181 1,063 168 45 403 8,940 2 IJl 1,220 14,447 13,808 40 2,995 25 15 461 205 1,084 257 75 666 7,985 3 11 73 2,901 2,863 10 541 5 10 133 40 309 21 15 87 1,692 4 3t 291 7,423 6,949 21 1,409 10 15 441 126 791 83 20 233 3,800 5 Ir 181 5 3,699 42 3,768 67 16 882 26 5 10 271 65 417 11 53 5 10 149 1,885 25 6 7 6 85 223 854 182 181 20 178 20 91 132 8 5 10 120 485 42 331 6 31 10 22 43 9 29 83 204 6 21 5 31 5 63 17 5 31 20 10 29 83 208 6 22 5 31 5 66 17 5 31 20 11 ■? 2 11 58 15 13 17 7 6 12 5 2 11 58 15 '.'.'. 13 17 7 6 13 25 S6 255 1 51 5 51 65 '12 5 26 39 14 25 87 257 1 51 5 51 67 12 5 26 39 15 1 6 105 27 46 12 7 13 16 1 6 116 27 46 13 7 23 17 Jl 319 4,743 7,460 20 2,618 5 25 15 499 96 675 98 30 251 3,128 18 3:' 361 4,966 7,992 20 2,725 5 30 25 534 106 800 103 30 283 3,331 19 ^^- 234 2,489 4,266 16 1,530 5 5 15 401 71 612 68 15 258 1,270 20 339 1,477 2,361 528 5 221 20 424 31 30 208 844 21 r 351 2,627 4,798 22 1,669 5 10 15 463 72 778 87 15 312 1,350 22 3- 372 1,590 2,632 614 5 248 25 479 92 35 236 398 23 r 175 7,664 7,645 6 1,990 10 10 238 105 609 63 15 171 4,378 24 6 243 8,065 8,079 6 2,047 10 10 325 105 677 66 15 197 4,621 25 69 11,426 8,493 5 341 5 84 25 188 46 67 7,732 26 5 143 15,615 10,146 139 5 92 25 205 30 15 113 9,522 27 11 157 10,462 11,292 30 3,079 10 20 10 244 80 352 72 20 143 7,232 28 30 324 11,840 9,992 25 1,665 5 10 US 65 335 150 30 214 7,345 29 5 60 8,445 6,696 5 377 5 "5 123 45 165 26 5 46 5,894 30 78 8,390 5,441 94 5 42 10 143 25 5 53 5,0M 31 20 6,156 5,782 30 1,396 66 40 102 25 10 5 4,103 32 15 190 7,383 10,847 20 4,307 5 25 271 75 381 90 25 170 5,478 33 .n 201 1,423 2,961 6 1,069 5 5 15 286 35 476 63 15 186 300 34 33 1,066 1,305 10 4ol 115 36 136 5 72 470 35 il 429 11,801 16,642 46 6,428 10 25 15 693 181 962 168 45 418 7,651 36 kA 1,213 16,675 26,795 86 11,504 10 30 35 1,458 283 1,579 336 70 753 10,651 37 4l 426 11,640 16,513 45 6,401 10 25 15 534 176 939 168 45 411 7,594 38 41 425 11,104 15,938 45 6,245 10 25 15 668 171 921 168 45 396 7,229 39 20 177 3,090 4,999 10 2,332 5 5 298 55 198 36 20 136 1,904 40 Xs 243 4,097 7,585 10 3,898 5 10 457 65 266 61 20 184 2,509 41 1 123 722 1,233 16 384 5 136 21 189 32 5 66 379 42 3 545 1,474 3,272 31 1,361 10 333 47 392 107 5 173 813 43 32 66 317 6 43 5 74 21 77 7 5 14 65 44 42 129 515 6 49 10 118 26 135 20 5 20 125 45 1 116 672 986 15 364 72 6 123 27 57 322 46 3 503 1,345 2,757 25 1,312 215 21 257 87 153 687 47 41 444 15,144 19,754 66 7,048 10 30 15 733 181 1,090 183 50 423 9,915 43 26 383 7,226 12,940 51 5,562 10 25 15 517 76 809 138 40 302 5,395 49 11 316 5,504 9,360 26 3,961 5 15 10 402 30 575 93 30 187 4,026 50 1,025 48,958 297,812 608,960 2,250 256,155 250 210 4,310 60,701 3,110 80,091 7,258 1,900 U,560 179,165 51 21 298 4,058 7,995 41 3,625 5 15 15 411 61 549 98 20 252 2,903 52 101 669 5,031 6,088 25 1,564 15 15 5 271 50 631 132 35 439 2,856 53 1,775 ^01,674 464,593 1,365,832 4,800 497,694 15 550 6,125 166,375 44,550 254,904 28,615 6,475 43,286 307,443 54 63,320 86,686 579,968 915,813 750 209,515 500 2,625 325 108, 155 5,310 154,931 25,047 3,910 55,730 348,020 55 21 263 4,043 7,938 41 3,616 5 15 15 401 55 529 97 20 251 2,893 56 35 15 57 9 10 6 20 1 1 10 57 35 377 11,504 14,708 36 4,568 10 15 15 693 171 944 157 50 342 7,702 58 101 1,022 12,251 12,769 70 2,506 20 15 5 471 165 949 206 65 673 7,624 59 15,190 209,725 1,241,745 4,032,338 3,670 554,515 525 1,730 8,500 856,790 1,064,995 467, 884 13,135 31,780 126,440 897,373 60 35,085 143,187 1,171,448 1,936,243 4,790 206,695 1,925 900 25 543,000 169,455 249, OM 22,295 18,295 84,350 635,474 61 36 309 5,177 7,616 51 2,898 5 20 15 511 96 754 108 20 303 2,335 62 41 580 3,128 4,143 5 959 5 10 271 65 569 117 20 351 1,776 63 4,335 94,196 322, 9U 1,009,861 4,595 355,588 250 2,210 6,325 131,755 14,515 190,847 21,885 2,425 64,002 213, 9&4 64 6,560 80,758 301,562 537,692 250 111,805 200 1,400 66,120 12,420 111,543 12,010 3,625 51,450 166,869 65 41 439 11,137 17,711 66 7,138 5 30 15 702 U6 893 173 50 42a 8,076 66 9,625 172,573 1,095,439 3,135,830 15,150 1,589,452 400 3,895 6,580 213,294 23,650 307,403 56,595 10,605 132,772 776,029 67 203 3,443 21,731 61,179 254 31,028 10 76 145 4,090 457 6,246 1,248 208 2,544 14,873 68 905 17,804 117,855 344,017 1,895 169,546 85 415 370 23,580 2,935 36,508 6,369 1,010 13,613 87,191 59 5 66 376 831 169 72 10 153 42 10 56 319 70 50 2,224 4,659 16,331 2,297 1,331 115 5,574 1,150 425 945 4,494 71 900 12,913 24,570 85,154 13,500 6,675 625 26,554 4,525 1,865 5,150 26,260 72 125 1,703 5,858 20,362 2,450 1,526 175 7,062 1,285 510 1,450 5,904 73 212 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 5.-FARM FACILITIES, OFF-FARM WORK, WORK POWER, FARM LABOR, [Data are based on reports for only (For definitions and explanations, see text] EPECIFIBK FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT Telephone farms reporting 195^ . Electricity farms reporting 1954. 1950. Television set farms reporting 1954. Piped running water farms reporting 1954. Home freezer farms reporting 1954 . Electric pig brooder farms reporting 1954. Power feed grinder farms reporting 1954 . Milking machine farms reporting 1954 . Grain combines farms reporting 1954 . number 1954. Com pickers farms reporting 1954 . number 1954 . Pick-up hay balers farms reporting 1954 . number 1954 . Field forage harvesters farms reporting 1954. number 1954. Motortrucks farms reporting 1954 . number 1954. Tractors, other than garden farms reporting 1954. 1950. number 1954 . 1950. Automobiles farms reporting 1954. number 1954. OFF-FAHM UORX AND OTHER INCOME Fara operators — With other income of family exceeding value of farm products sold operators reporting 1954. 1949. Working off their farms, total operators reporting 1954 . 1949. 100 or more days operators reporting 1954. 1949. FAHMS BY CLASS OF WORK POWER No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting 1954. No tractor but horses and/or mules farms reporting 1954 . Tractor and horses and/or mules. .. .farms reporting 1954. Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting 1954. FARM LABOR Week of October 24-30: Family and/or hired workers farms reporting 1954. persons 1954 . Family workers, including opera tor farms reporting 1954 . Operators working 1 or more hours persons 1954 . Unpsid members of operator's family farms reporting 1954. persons 1954. Hired workers farms reporting 1954 . persons 1954 . Regular workers (to be employed 150 or more days) farms reporting 1954. persons 1954. Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting 1954. persons 1954 . SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Specified farm expenditures^ farms reporting 1954. Machine hire and/or hlrt^d labor farms reporting 1954 . Machine hire farms reporting 1954 . dollars 1954. Hired labor farms reporting 1954 . 1949. dollars 1954. 1949. $1 to $2,499 farms reporting 1954. $2,500 and over farms reporting 1954. Feed for livestock and poultry. .farms reporting 1954. 1949. dollars 1954. 1949. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil farms reporting 1954. 1949. dollars 1954. 1949. Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing material farms reporting 1954 . dollars 1954. tons 1954. acres on which used 1954. Lime and liming material farms reporting 1954. tons 1954. dollars 1954. acres limed 1954. Total all farms 1,600 8,198 7,084 1,700 5,310 2,498 42 227 321 143 157 111 113 120 126 54 64 4,078 4,534 2,960 1,457 3,412 1,715 4,298 4,721 4,992 6,009 4,932 4,598 3,616 2,752 1,263 1,697 7,283 12,486 6,925 2,257 3,319 636 2,242 223 504 486 1,738 8,128 4,451 3,150 394 , 281 2,592 1,957 1,558,572 872,770 2,517 75 6,290 5,452 2,611,020 1,328,024 3,527 2,056 591,569 336,188 6,946 1,894,302 44,726 206,329 482 12,576 83,469 17,068 Type of farm Cash-grain 71 56 35 1 , oOO 31 30 1,515 23,255 31 2,975 8,015 46 20 4,462 6,325 71 U,012 331 2,040 52 897 505 73 416 224 667 703 450 137 461 1A2 296 306 446 145 125 20 407 158 292 927 1,916 389 643 91 386 85 370 952 752 410 31,663 626 277 153,035 43,575 626 602 355 88,590 31,205 550 217 83,560 25,370 957 244,293 5,194 25,403 40 505 2,795 540 Other field- crop 35 1,750 16 41 3,350 28,825 16 3,250 3,885 26 51 2,125 12,740 41 9,675 216 812 Vegetable 45 30 15 925 30 30 10,250 14,000 30 4,425 7,615 35 45 6,000 9,350 50 17,250 382 1,325 Fruit- and-nut 94 60 49 138 135 68 91 81 747 10 10 47 666 41 U6 24 530 101 101 55 131,520 91 63 598,651 351,782 62 29 56 36 53,830 6,694 66 57 67,324 53,802 96 475,168 14,623 48,587 11 1,315 9,062 1,530 76 282 318 135 262 154 5 49 247 22 23 13 13 15 15 15 15 196 217 237 122 272 148 164 178 141 116 25 124 113 267 549 1A3 215 65 87 282 183 149 40,029 133 123 87,323 93,653 125 277 283 539,730 621,925 246 158 77,375 40,740 257 135, 7U 2,7U 12,261 62 1,221 8,280 1,625 Poultry 62 213 81 61 203 118 17 15 5 5 108 118 123 98 115 102 30 87 10 208 443 122 197 32 53 17 18 20 35 213 103 67 5,555 82 5 34,568 125 81 203 66 1,035,750 47,495 133 11 19,875 1,050 158 42,030 982 3,865 27 540 6,736 960 Livestock other than dairy and poultry 172 683 589 137 511 332 6 56 11 471 544 476 229 603 287 362 447 161 98 314 217 158 76 123 253 223 631 1,075 177 208 117 277 94 199 696 401 265 44,672 286 234 217,678 88,878 266 20 551 488 309,581 116,780 491 256 126,486 52,704 644 333,040 7,019 39,453 97 4,321 26,478 5,538 ^Excludes farms reporting conmerclal fertilizer and lime. AND FARM EXPENDITURES, BY TYPE OF FARM MISSISSIPPI CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued 213 a sample of farms. S<-e text] Area 7— Continued Area S Type of farm — Continued Total all farms Type of farm Genera 1 — Con. Miscel- laneous and unclassi- fied Cash- grain Cotton Other field- crop Vegetable Frui t- and-nut Dairy Poultry Livestock other than dairy and poultry General Miscel- Primarily livestock Crop and livestock Primarily crop Primarily livestock Crop and livestock laneous and unclas- sified 10 38 1,113 1,005 5 1 60 66 51 7 5 1 809 •1 Ic 140 5,592 2,795 10 5 5 15 23 173 127 164 17 11 22 2,223 2 55 292 4,842 2,336 5 45 20 92 152 60 U9 6 10 15 1,782 3 5 28 1,190 802 5 1 53 30 52 1 5 1 654 4 16 107 3,547 2,283 10 5 23 L58 122 151 17 11 22 1,764 5 ..? 62 1 1,497 25 1,178 12 5 5 11 117 10 47 75 1 16 1 11 17 874 6 7 c 9 45 122 33 10 40 5 '5 1 28 8 1 30 140 122 7 1 10 9 8 18 31 9 3 7 1 6 10 9 20 32 10 8 7 1 6 11 2 5 14 3 6 5 12 2 5 14 3 6 5 13 8 28 25 6 10 6 2 1 14 8 28 25 35 25 30 30 6 5 5 'io 10 10 15 15 6 2 1 15 16 17 11 108 2,282 1,0« 5 5 7 126 37 109 7 11 7 685 18 12 129 2,536 1,110 15 5 5 8 145 37 117 11 11 10 746 19 16 90 1,328 339 5 5 5 5 18 126 52 92 17 10 22 482 20 30 123 629 345 15 42 67 10 34 6 10 10 151 21 16 U7 1,465 947 10 5 5 5 23 157 53 121 25 10 26 507 22 30 129 644 374 15 44 73 10 41 8 15 15 153 23 1 66 3,113 1,697 10 5 15 IS 90 87 30 7 6 16 1,363 24 1 90 3,356 1,896 10 5 20 24 106 88 102 7 6 19 1,309 25 29 4,312 2,175 5 5 6 40 56 45 7 11 15 1,935 26 'io 41 4,642 1,749 5 15 20 5 54 5 10 1,635 27 105 4,718 2,103 10 5 11 87 71 74 1 10 16 1,818 23 10 102 4,148 1,736 5 30 5 31 45 20 74 5 10 1,511 29 45 4,027 1,859 5 5 6 47 46 37 1 10 15 1,687 30 5 32 3,328 1,424 5 16 15 10 38 5 5 1,330 31 10 2,698 1,323 5 10 5 15 60 27 1,201 32 55 1,996 805 5 32 20 51 5 1 686 33 6 17 566 332 6 78 22 58 6 10 L2 140 34 10 73 762 507 5 5 ^ 5 12 49 30 34 11 10 342 35 11 155 4,717 2,247 10 5 5 15 28 158 132 150 17 11 22 1,694 36 19 436 6,646 3,411 20 5 10 20 72 321 136 294 35 22 59 2,367 37 11 152 4,676 2,221 10 5 5 15 27 153 132 144 15 11 22 1,677 38 11 151 4,494 2,145 10 5 5 15 27 153 127 144 15 11 22 1,611 39 6 81 1,208 628 5 5 1 71 46 62 10 6 1 421 40 7 150 1,708 772 5 5 1 97 51 68 15 11 1 518 41 1 26 214 174 5 13 35 6 29 2 2 32 42 1 135 444 494 10 44 71 8 82 5 36 238 43 10 47 69 7 8 1 14 1 2 36 44 35 143 150 8 19 3 25 3 7 85 45 1 23 175 125 5 12 32 5 17 1 1 52 46 1 100 301 344 10 36 52 5 57 2 29 153 47 16 155 5,417 2,627 15 5 5 15 23 173 132 170 22 11 22 2,034 48 11 109 2,550 1,013 15 5 15 13 105 61 97 12 7 683 49 84 1,983 771 15 5 5 70 51 65 6 554 50 14,065 117,815 75,561 1,525 670 1,000 9,631 3,195 7,925 200 51,415 51 'ii 63 1,139 436 5 5 15 13 70 16 59 12 2 239 52 20 139 874 392 5 42 52 10 15 1 5 262 53 1,075 118,900 280,937 293,364 500 500 2,400 U,320 38,375 8,125 64,079 8,700 13,000 143,365 54 3,560 26,766 82,151 263,228 250 28,788 34,800 760 4,625 6,000 30,000 158,005 55 11 55 1,132 400 5 5 15 11 66 15 49 11 223 56 8 7 36 2 4 1 10 1 2 16 57 16 148 4,258 2,187 5 5 5 5 16 168 122 149 17 11 22 1,662 58 55 237 3,726 1,938 25 20 71 112 60 147 6 10 20 1,467 59 15,870 45,920 492,059 1,125,388 250 500 125 2,400 5,280 448,521 296,270 66,912 3,500 9,760 11,600 280,270 60 18,410 46,825 408,005 744,964 3,725 6,300 25,780 312,789 56,905 33,055 3,625 25,005 5,715 272,065 61 11 115 1,700 1,047 10 5 5 15 18 142 47 96 17 10 L2 670 62 30 173 947 701 20 10 57 102 30 75 6 10 10 331 63 3,300 31,797 143,635 133,383 375 1,000 250 1,390 5,150 34,840 8,640 19,593 7,620 750 4,925 48,850 64 6,345 23,081 77,946 98,927 1,125 135 10,140 23,832 3,505 6,255 3,750 4,000 950 45,235 65 16 U9 4,374 1,366 15 5 5 15 22 147 92 132 22 11 22 1,378 66 4,245 89,483 475,817 352,245 2,780 2,600 450 7,520 18,945 61,277 14,960 77,992 6,165 1,095 14,325 144,136 67 83 2,030 10,031 7,627 52 50 10 185 376 1,328 230 1,892 210 30 242 2,972 68 565 9,200 56,633 35,083 315 250 70 645 1,930 6,303 1,220 7,175 1,150 98 1,234 14,693 69 6 26 186 187 5 5 5 45 22 16 5 84 70 63 630 2,906 2,273 25 20 25 734 173 495 25 726 71 465 3,540 18,365 16,934 190 160 20O 5,751 1,205 3,973 190 5,264 72 70 588 4,765 2,805 45 40 30 949 300 569 ... 25 847 73 214 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 6.-LIVEST0CK ON HAND, LIVESTOCK SOLD, AND [Data are based on reports for only Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) The State Total all farms Typo of farm Cash-grain Cotton Other field-crop Vegetable Fruit- and-nut Dairy Poultry Livestock other than dairy and General Primarily crop poultry Livestock on hand: 1 Horses and nniles .......••••••.. ixsms peportlnH 1954 . . . 106,105 740 56 268 309 217 106 152 4,554 6,156 1,074 1,208 5,984 9,753 1,055 2,007 2 1950... 148,052 804 61^026 435 772 3 number 1954 . . . 244,541 4,171 136,564 691 424 211 11,596 2,014 21,730 3,476 A 1950... 395,076 4,032 178,384 1,105 1,641 313 20,402 2,646 41,106 5,902 5 All cattle and calves farms reporting 1954 153,819 319 75,710 381 282 143 6,632 1,784 3,443 1,265 6 1950... 171,509 855 72,673 436 707 217 7,217 1,448 10,798 2,177 7 number 1954... 2,329,602 23,837 763,144 5,443 3,544 8,219 281,418 32,516 610,231 35,454 8 1950... 1,565,998 6,276 388,900 3,304 5,842 6,391 211,625 12,154 421,024 22,260 9 Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting 1954 . . . 150 446 793 809 74,252 70,594 381 431 277 682 142 217 6,632 7,212 1,753 1,423 3,324 10,674 1,249 2,167 10 1950 . . . 167'o42 11 number 1954 . . . 1,314,343 13,935 425,884 2,934 2,004 4,689 176,571 16,764 336,828 19,463 12 1950 . . . 862,789 3,477 213, UO 1,640 3,114 3,523 132,935 6,240 226,649 10,944 13 Mlllt cows farms reporting 1954 . . . 123,372 551 63, 5U 334 215 97 6,617 1,542 5,358 1,027 U 1950... 154,401 741 66,025 391 557 187 7,187 1,368 9,191 2,000 15 number 1954 . . . 500,042 1,470 187,860 972 460 569 159,844 6,344 20,464 4,345 16 1950. . . 502,627 1,804 150,203 1,073 1,242 614 125,627 4,415 44,430 6,413 17 All hogs and pigs farms reporting 1954 . . . 127,868 611 78,533 308 201 36 3,990 1,250 4,963 974 18 1950... 170,225 910 87,162 395 692 118 5,004 1,076 8,495 1,832 19 number 1954 . . . 683,165 7,360 371,167 2,030 991 222 25,386 3,795 91,215 9,222 20 1950... 878,252 7,935 385,261 2,250 3,013 699 30,186 6,484 140,319 11,826 21 163,072 830 92,896 414 266 124 5,786 1,754 6,651 1,197 22 1950... 210,340 1,172 100,474 446 883 232 6,712 1,608 9,924 2,171 23 number 1954 . . . 5,477,502 33,701 2,348,181 19,071 7,445 5,241 260,967 801,846 283,505 48,742 24 1950... Livestock and livestock products sold: 5,724,873 35,017 2,339,250 14,815 22,925 6,816 255,885 268,205 385,522 77,444 25 Cattle and calves sold alive. .. .farms reporting 1954... 75,867 454 30,583 196 137 123 6,325 1,323 8,412 1,004 26 1949... 91,519 337 35,042 225 326 Ml 6,441 852 10,243 1,540 27 number 1954 . . . 764,151 8,233 197,787 1,084 1,340 1,604 83,909 9,703 277,269 10,446 23 1949 . . . 473,390 1,363 91,871 845 1,140 2,195 59,424 3,055 198,569 5,357 29 dollars 1954... 36,778,932 473,382 8,914,697 42,986 43,500 75,738 2,566,791 443,217 16,953,930 489,033 30 1949... 33,251,461 90,614 5,818,137 54,330 78,794 174,325 2,909,593 198,880 16,689,721 361,709 31 Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting 1954... 33,536 268 17,921 134 65 16 1,430 548 3,331 456 32 1949 . . . 61,786 357 26,835 180 186 43 2,493 555 6,944 970 33 number 1954... 334,906 3,551 140, »2 1,262 455 66 U,342 6,756 87,455 4,775 34 1949... 539,582 3,705 167,508 1,285 1,255 412 24,119 5,020 171,479 8,198 35 dollars 1954... 8,213,317 93,992 3,132,742 28,680 9,895 425 302,633 189,710 2,654,578 112,826 36 11,253,909 78,691 3,271,115 23,485 21,245 7,136 492,773 93,260 4,287,302 147,327 37 Chickens sold farms reporting 1954 . . . 12,064 54 3,947 45 15 20 674 1,917 747 162 38 1949... 35,906 144 13,080 140 100 30 1,700 1,456 2,292 534 39 dollars 1954... 19,780,232 3,734 194,745 4,910 435 505 83,938 19,172,478 45,481 5,764 40 1949... 5,274,851 4,255 362,851 4,240 5,560 1,445 126,659 3,915,480 127,031 25,990 41 Chicken eggs sold f anus reporting 1954 . . . 30,250 131 12,708 115 50 46 1,957 1,124 2,030 380 42 1949... 65,786 311 24,909 200 165 83 3,337 1,212 4,539 1,061 43 13,618,793 45,594 1,923,994 70,190 3,810 13,285 737,998 7,635,382 583,585 116,272 44 1949 . . . 10,367,588 41,563 2,353,678 25,830 32,555 17,390 760,035 2,152,195 863,584 144,780 45 dollars 1954... 6,131,202 19,780 779,479 31,885 1,775 5,175 273,795 3,695,666 248,237 42,575 46 1949. . . 4,126,616 16,766 884,988 9,575 13,860 6,830 291,375 957,314 346,233 55,259 47 Milk sold '. gallons 1954. . . 86,605,534 34,503 13,121,983 56,193 1,175 45,175 63,391,254 832,971 882,056 380,282 48 dollars 1954... 30,336,728 9,380 3,532,315 15,700 200 16,925 23,606,135 306,633 267,665 114,035 49 1949... Specified crops harvested; 24,928,800 12,720 1,329,659 9,395 2,065 13,020 19,789,594 167,005 603,861 39,716 50 Com for all puTposes........ . .fanns reporting 1954, ,. 149 965 1,038 93 936 437 301 81 5,010 1,298 5,478 1,272 51 185^619 1^168 95',690 486 919 120 5 '702 1^227 3^276 2,214 52 acres 1954... 1,635,321 35,930 1,047,059 5,408 2,790 916 80,327 15,322 115,013 27,191 53 1949... 1,938,645 28, UO 1,033,073 5,295 8,118 1,342 80,449 12,740 155,733 35,416 54 Com harvested for grain farms reporting 1954... 145,232 992 91,582 421 291 81 4,638 1,256 5,160 1,241 55 1949... 134,392 1,162 95,194 431 919 120 5,671 1,212 8,133 2,203 56 acres 1954... 1,541,528 34,664 1,005,448 4,811 2,435 347 66,064 14,619 97,421 25,936 57 1949... 1,951,592 27,370 1,020,602 5,185 8,073 1,342 78,533 12,270 142,112 35,007 58 bushels harvested 1954... 25,472,506 854,690 15,350,759 90,850 40,355 18,930 1,321,000 325,900 2,007,279 555,929 59 1949... 37,841,767 697,804 19,723,975 106,745 165,470 24,410 1,357,732 304,920 3,094,051 766,518 60 bushels sold 1954... 4,317,595 536,538 2,957,047 11,960 3,785 750 50,165 30,710 36,420 172,635 61 1949... 3,343,901 308,531 1,931,337 5,205 17,655 1,250 45,230 16,475 114,373 149,055 62 Oats threshed or combined fanas reporting 1954... 9,939 589 5,141 27 10 10 1,030 165 1,347 243 63 1949. . . 3,618 130 1,468 10 6 353 77 598 153 64 acres 1954... 330,360 48,651 178,031 395 15 315 19,308 3,980 44,997 11,453 65 1949... 104, U5 7,084 52,985 95 160 8,280 382 16,976 5,467 66 bushels harvested 1954... U, 045, 605 2,077,962 7,405,323 12,200 395 4,515 665,898 132,300 1,473,259 464,887 67 1949... 2,617,242 189, 130 1,430,550 1,800 2,100 197,187 10,315 365,530 132,935 68 bushels sold 1954... 7,013,880 1,595,878 4,591,505 375 68,724 62,085 155,683 285,381 69 1949... 592,068 42,295 349,123 1,110 12,885 1,860 37,333 72,622 70 Soybeans harvested for beans. ..farms reporting 1954... 7,309 797 5,578 5 10 4 84 28 149 187 71 1949... 4,515 Ml 2,510 5 5 5 113 10 267 94 72 acres grown alone 1954... 541,544 123,741 372,719 115 1,120 1,719 1,177 5,229 21,902 73 1949... 166,672 46,679 97,092 130 10 1,503 95 4,410 7,267 74 acres grown with othel crops 1954. . . 2,206 199 1,535 10 20 170 75 1949. . . 3,603 210 1,295 5 170 853 76 bushels narvested 1954... 5,594,158 1,659,548 3,476,737 "60 2,045 11,042 19,384 8,055 37,886 267,675 77 1949... 2,786,897 862,215 1,552,813 1,200 25 150 23,600 1,900 73,499 132,934 78 Cotton harvested., ........fanns reporting 1954... 156,225 190,329 671 332 123,480 122,467 217 280 150 557 26 45 3,018 3,630 585 1,908 1,187 79 1949... 610 4,95.1 2,099 80 acres 1954... 1,949,693 23,453 1,743,243 1,622 935 200 22,712 4,291 17,899 14,364 81 1949... 2,753,096 16,035 2,198,050 2,545 3,734 505 34,174 3,880 49,442 24,117 82 bales harvested 1954... 1,553,719 18,776 1,422,743 1,072 455 110 15,251 2,930 12,394 10,308 83 1949... 1,496, 696 6,727 1,319,105 1,030 988 175 11,603 1,445 16,366 9,318 84 Hay cut. ......................... . . acres 1954 620,111 629,923 10,607 9,947 209,812 219,538 1,492 1,505 645 1,380 1 615 95 111 7 959 148,635 20,648 85 1949... 979 76^410 4^010 131,957 22,870 86 tons 1954... 620,549 11,397 197,413 1,313 745 1,932 103,952 8,e49 156,596 21,459 ^For comparability of data on livestock and poultry, see text and State Table 12. ^Includes milk equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. MISSISSIPPI 215 SPECIFIED CROPS, BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 a sample of farms. See text] The State— Continued Area 1 Type of fanii — Continued Total Type of farm General — Con. Uiscel- Livestock General Miscel- Primarily livestock Crop and livestock laneous and unclassi- fied all farms Cash- grain Cotton Other field- crop Vegetable Fruit- and-nut Dairy Poultry other than dairy and poultry Primarily crop Primarily livestock Crop and livestock laneous and unclas- sified If ^1 1,941 33,688 7,118 382 6,063 5 21 12 154 54 5 62 360 1 ■ 3j 5,513 59,644 14,017 284 11,371 5 'io 36 15 371 67 2 59 1,797 2 ■■L^ 6,150 57,010 22,388 2,692 16,30<:. 5 71 47 714 627 5 451 1,470 3 1,639 16,946 120,955 52,202 2,548 41,65c 5 20 117 fO 2,058 459 33 444 4,802 4 2:)'. 2,423 55,703 16,317 379 14,351 5 103 12 248 61 5 73 1,080 5 1-A2 5,865 68,469 21,777 270 18,532 10 15 67 J5 403 72 7 49 2,317 6 7,952 82,059 475,785 232,153 15,250 144,66^ 5 4,150 145 48,417 6,018 40 6,667 6,795 7 10,289 85,688 391,745 106,353 2,772 72,516 20 '20 2,387 135 16,058 813 115 2,803 8,714 8 234 2,422 53,987 15,677 370 13,812 5 103 7 238 50 5 72 1,015 9 t>i2 5,850 66,336 20,738 249 17,699 10 15 67 35 403 72 7 49 2,132 10 4,434 45,731 265,111 124,362 8,621 79,488 5 2,544 90 22,956 3,424 25 3,663 3,546 11 5,512 45,842 209,778 60,490 1,540 41,777 10 15 1,645 85 3,624 436 65 1,594 4,699 12 223 2,161 41,734 13,194 242 11,795 103 7 115 41 5 49 837 13 631 5,702 60,421 19,565 209 16,777 'io 16 67 35 331 55 7 48 2,016 14 1,735 15,195 100,784 26,506 623 20,538 2,464 10 421 165 10 524 1,751 15 3,906 25,333 137,517 32,582 639 25,244 'io 'io 1,500 85 1,263 129 40 183 3,479 16 174 1,901 34,927 22,237 272 20,676 5 55 6 121 42 5 40 1,015 17 576 5,145 58,770 35,518 346 30,888 15 51 10 391 63 7 64 3,683 13 3,531 23,585 139,661 113,132 4,199 94,689 35 566 45 3,841 1,795 5 2,030 5,927 19 6,180 41,281 242,818 169,921 4,488 137,091 35 927 85 9,217 1,165 105 1,429 15,379 20 229 2,320 55,605 27,372 414 25,107 'io 5 85 27 180 39 5 62 1,433 21 630 5,889 80,199 41,687 388 36,003 15 20 66 35 393 72 6 67 4,622 22 40,181 153,541 1,475,031 627,195 20,533 522,879 275 150 4,819 23,885 6,641 3,313 250 3,635 40,815 23 47,409 273,650 1,997,935 854,935 U,664 710,759 2,540 705 3,402 7,270 16,086 2,576 850 4,201 92,832 24 219 2,316 24,775 3,622 222 2,646 103 6 253 40 5 77 270 25 567 5,208 30,597 9,334 98 7,748 10 52 5 377 45 7 57 935 26 2,516 30,637 134,618 81,995 5,604 42,299 1,615 150 25,595 1,940 5 2,977 1,810 27 3,349 26,244 79,973 36,038 574 21,398 '15 798 10 9,536 278 37 1,453 1,939 28 137,416 1,491,086 5,147,106 5,720,191 364,750 2,830,420 65,647 9,400 1,985,627 127,242 150 223,325 113,630 29 210,218 1,820,576 fi, 844,564 2,834,768 39,537 1,632,141 915 44,266 470 797,064 23,767 2,918 157,383 136,307 30 117 1,223 8,027 3,416 180 2,830 5 30 1 73 37 37 223 31 456 3,580 19,137 8,955 157 7,361 5 28 15 341 40 2 63 943 32 2,439 20,268 53,635 44,837 2,163 33,283 25 355 20 2,594 1,099 2,040 3,258 33 5,669 39,475 111,457 74,749 1,948 54,427 10 421 30 9,790 716 '45 969 6,343 34 70,221 558,816 1,058,799 1,218,823 53,198 859,826 125 5,030 350 81,375 31,954 72,675 U4,290 35 128,660 800,337 1,902,578 1,714,624 46,662 1,231,390 70 14,938 2,575 243,386 14,946 1,750 24,292 134,615 36 109 611 3,763 781 24 587 6 27 18 12 6 101 37 342 2,663 13,425 3,364 41 2,687 'io 26 30 64 27 5 26 448 38 18,120 137,656 112,466 186,841 2,389 102,347 UO 75,075 714 504 732 4,970 39 42,895 155,676 502,719 136,224 1,160 94,704 2,000 1,754 12,840 3,511 760 500 1,450 17,545 40 202 1,377 10,080 1,385 68 1,004 31 27 40 21 5 17 172 41 554 4,136 25,224 4,534 79 3,708 10 5 34 35 116 24 6 28 489 42 275,660 700,143 1,512,880 699,828 39,594 228,653 14,'850 306,925 10,423 10,538 500 18,610 69,735 43 309,855 1,001,305 p, 659, 818 524,371 18,410 346,247 19,000 1,060 7,602 33,265 25,067 9,000 1,520 16,995 46,205 44 116,74^ 296,680 619,411 339,339 17,490 94,696 7,420 166,885 4,574 4,076 200 8,913 35,030 45 121,020 398,046 1,024,850 235,584 8,039 159,351 7,920 315 3,252 15,130 10,040 3,075 790 8,080 19,592 46 461,505 3,311,450 4,086,987 2,582,225 5,328 816,129 1,140,278 30,900 8,140 2,775 215,109 363,566 47 139,753 1,076,012 1,251,975 1,080,109 1,755 288,385 551,620 9,332 3,020 575 95,004 130,418 48 212,018 855,741 1,384,006 875,989 1,575 16^,991 570,851 5,735 3,616 2,700 9,260 117,261 49 185 2,302 38,577 19,573 375 18,288 5 57 12 112 55 65 604 50 594 5,739 63,484 31,479 312 27,907 '26 34 15 327 79 "7 69 2,709 51 2,755 43,529 259,081 176,020 18,607 137,853 "5 650 310 3,873 4,337 2,877 7,508 52 8,821 88,991 530,537 270,652 10,211 225,061 80 788 370 7,020 3,375 364 3,839 19,544 53 172 2,254 37,144 18,418 345 17,259 5 32 12 99 49 63 554 54 594 5,709 62,989 31,095 306 27,601 '20 33 10 312 78 7 69 2,659 55 2,397 39,722 247,164 159,839 17,661 125,930 5 330 110 2,870 3,732 2,325 6,876 56 8,746 87,563 524,289 260,673 10,051 216,304 SO 671 195 6,785 3,350 364 3,819 19,054 57 54,162 822,828 4,029,824 2,882,017 355,772 ',230,430 50 10,350 925 41,120 76,327 53,875 113,168 53 188,905 2,001,467 !,909,720 5,600,234 250,655 4,645,671 850 13,737 3,000 144,546 72,655 4,630 85,040 379,450 59 500 109,300 407,735 988,351 195,358 674,345 50 2,300 24,010 13,840 77,948 60 8,785 209,740 536,265 501,555 61,372 397,598 50 2,255 12,800 6,475 21,005 61 50 414 913 3,990 4/W 3,190 34 12 89 38 5 65 109 62 47 249 477 1,313 127 1,027 13 41 36 5 64 63 933 12,262 10,020 199,981 41,460 133,803 875 570 5,917 6,058 '26 4,415 1,863 64 1,030 4,832 6,854 59,663 5,693 46,159 415 1,974 2,819 638 1,965 65 42,150 486,777 279,939 8,535,834 1,757,862 5,974,689 36,500 16,050 206,694 272,945 i,i66 212,785 57,209 66 18,450 123,805 145,440 1,637,435 157,385 1,270,455 11,900 45,730 87, 790 21,150 43,025 67 7,400 175,005 71,844 5,842,182 1,377,873 4.CW. 142 7,500 12,206 39,132 186,346 114,100 44,889 63 2,500 41,360 30,980 399,519 26,650 310,802 2,000 5,600 42,217 4,000 8,250 69 6 132 329 5,207 601 4,295 11 7 31 70 39 153 70 31 181 653 2,441 425 1,692 11 39 51 1 17 205 71 100 7,273 6,449 431,534 96,351 310,402 875 750 2,228 12,048 3,962 4,918 72 145 3,972 5,369 122,067 34,717 77,058 565 1,062 4,937 '25 1,194 2,509 73 10 35 227 564 199 365 74 65 340 660 950 200 550 50 150 75 935 73,385 37,406 4,314,883 1,269,526 2,823,773 7,600 5,i75 15,579 127,560 36,292 24,378 76 2,590 65,150 65,821 2,052,530 628,700 1,258,635 10,125 16,695 87,420 450 20,220 30,285 77 96 2,138 22,749 42,854 349 40,746 75 6 62 76 72 1,468 78 443 5,362 49,053 54,781 329 48,581 20 27 10 277 63 6 64 5,404 79 571 18,855 101,548 866,773 19,147 820,783 1,179 375 3,251 4,417 3,530 14,091 80 2,959 52,147 365,408 1,272,616 10,613 1,186,820 360 335 85 5,404 3,592 60 2,694 62,653 81 299 12,794 56,582 745,036 15,448 711,293 690 180 2,393 3,444 2,4*1 9,147 32 893 18,372 110,674 869,079 5,336 333,189 140 158 15 1,508 1,432 "a 1,287 26,006 83 2,721 30,768 90,048 59,856 6,469 41,156 544 100 6,070 2,034 1,666 1,317 84 4,800 43,248 113,279 103,242 5,398 78,593 '20 790 95 5,644 4,318 95 2,624 5,665 35 2,750 34,216 80,122 65,096 6,999 43,349 679 30O 7,608 2,599 1,813 1,744 86 216 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 6.-LIVEST0CK ON HAND, LIVESTOCK SOLD, AND [Data are baaed on reporta for only Item {For definitionB and explanations, see text) Area 2 Total all Type of farm Llveatock other than dairy aod General farma Caah-grain Cotton Other field-crop Vegetable Fruit- and-nut Dairy Poultry Primarily crop poultry Livestock on hand: 1 Horses and mules farms reporting 1954 . . . 17,441 125 12,644 22 20 10 350 41 1,063 85 2 1950... 24,409 101 13,146 15 30 5 574 50 2,391 175 3 number 1954 .. . 50,922 854 35,414 48 40 20 1,634 97 5,865 352 4 1950 . . . 79,544 396 41,387 95 70 20 2,802 90 13,022 803 5 All cattle and calves farms reporting 1954... 23,234 97 15,985 22 20 10 439 77 1,408 93 6 1950... 27,034 103 14,665 20 30 5 641 55 2,542 169 7 number 1954 . . . 391,536 2,871 172,491 443 60 105 36,176 1,730 121,058 4,711 8 1950... 304,402 918 94,003 130 265 30 33,831 465 111,681 2,680 9 Cows, Including heifers that have calved farms reporting 1954... 22,351 90 15,742 22 20 10 439 77 1,401 93 10 1950... 26,311 93 14,205 20 30 5 641 50 2,510 169 11 number 1954 . . . 226,977 1,924 98,406 280 30 50 25,000 810 67,839 2,456 12 1950... 170,500 491 51,679 75 145 10 23,392 245 61,538 1,229 13 Milk cows farms reporting 1954... 17,441 75 12,600 11 10 10 439 67 734 55 U 1950... 23,619 91 12,364 20 25 5 641 50 2,109 147 15 number 1954 . . . 71,425 172 35,225 36 10 50 23,475 289 2,896 237 16 1950 . . . 86,608 230 32,129 50 115 10 22,363 135 12,695 511 17 All hogs and pigs farms reporting 1954... 21,964 92 17,183 15 15 5 304 72 844 65 IS 1950... 28,487 121 17,228 25 45 5 427 45 1,998 165 19 number 1954 . . . 120,598 1,524 84,474 30 30 45 1,768 314 17,042 1,144 20 1950... 173,132 1,090 86,335 105 145 15 3,692 210 38,967 1,561 21 Chickens 4 months old and over.. farms reporting 1954 25,404 97 18,614 20 10 10 375 101 1,062 85 22 1950 . . . 32,437 146 18,653 20 45 ':74 80 2,357 176 23 number 1954 . . . 731,620 3,078 439,746 725 255 210 20,299 73,600 44,179 2,855 24 1950 . . . Livestock and livestock products sold: 738,158 4,217 400,472 520 1,050 25,361 15,380 90,023 6,025 25 Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting 1954... 10,433 66 L..7'10 12 5 10 429 72 1,414 80 26 1940 . . . 14,006 30 ' ,-'-^'' 15 20 561 30 2,440 149 27 number 1 954 . . . 130,370 912 „ 3^956 109 15 '15 14,095 404 51,837 1,280 2S 1949 . . . 97,982 234 21,200 20 35 12,117 70 50,476 520 29 dollars 1954... 6,687,586 40,730 1,947,551 4,870 500 325 313,643 19,130 3,539,066 58,124 30 1949... 7,312,691 16,449 1,423,049 1,150 1,355 495,015 4,115 4,463,740 36,658 31 Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting 1954... 5,589 43 4,046 5 10 10 87 30 548 41 32 1949... 11,063 76 5,970 5 10 255 20 1,728 114 33 number 1954.. . 55,225 713 31,736 5 30 40 1,156 105 15,543 510 34 1949... 106,034 582 35,566 10 145 2,913 215 45,964 1,337 35 dollars 1954... 1,415,408 16,884 722,371 75 600 285 33,101 4,400 486,950 15,425 36 2,414,566 11,766 679,628 150 1,550 94,270 3,050 1,214,494 28,983 37 Chickens sold farms reporting 1954... 1,084 3,599 5 12 486 1,636 5 10 5 34 77 87 18 38 1949... 146 70 386 20 39 dollars 1954... 311,276 475 18,023 35 10 3,842 262,800 6,309 970 40 1949... 205,256 1,735 50,305 160 8,725 60,865 37,40i 265 41 Chicken eggs sold farms reporting 1954 . , . 3,232 6,677 7 6 1,754 2,970 5 10 5 101 91 31* 909 22 42 1949... 10 244 70 59 43 dozens 1954 . . . 1,861,512 730 285,440 1,200 500 48,377 1,161,990 86,820 5,680 44 1949... 899,037 500 223,722 150 190 121,821 146,350 162,039 4,115 45 dollars 1954... 876,783 245 124,361 600 266 20,321 568,585 38,056 3,125 46 2 1949... 381,459 170 92,848 60 80 45,260 74,420 65,388 1,684 47 Milk sold gallons 1954 . . . 11,246,537 855,069 7,250 10,075,548 2,700 40,602 32,272 48 dollars 1954... 4,382,810 266,763 1,80) ... 4,013,372 505 13,120 15,940 49 1949... Specified crops bnrTestfld: 4,511,853 221,045 2,300 325 465 4,031,878 1,500 112,200 2,290 50 Com for all purposes fanns reporting 1954... 25,264 150 20,565 22 20 10 323 A^ 939 95 51 30,183 135 19,046 20 25 10 465 40 1,952 182 52 acres 1954... 286,883 6,111 216,209 600 105 55 9,213 ■;43 26,442 4,018 53 1949... 337,981 2,935 202,069 285 335 65 7,909 270 45,536 3,416 54 Com harvested for grain fanns reporting 1954... 24,137 140 19,900 22 20 10 255 31 814 95 55 1949... 29,928 135 13,956 20 25 10 462 40 1,890 182 56 acres 1954... 259,842 5,836 204,182 300 75 55 4,389 295 20,147 3,883 57 1949... 326,751 2,875 200,502 285 305 65 6,959 270 38,295 3,262 58 bushels harvested 1954., , 3,509,872 139,465 2,596,485 6,860 1,565 875 85,750 5,275 346,323 72,365 59 1949 . . . 5,426,354 54,870 3,207,618 2,260 2,620 800 178,270 5,300 815,257 57,433 60 bushels sold 1954... 603,005 88,975 446,725 7,500 9,555 21,865 61 1949... 468,603 23,140 292,003 250 9,025 '65 42,171 14,315 62 Oats threshed or combined farms reporting 1954... 1,122 71 575 5 67 1 274 28 63 1949... 455 7 122 5 61 159 9 64 acres 1954... 46,120 4,971 22,098 5 2,357 160 12,583 1,559 65 1949... 11,999 336 3,618 45 1,642 4,584 303 66 bushels harvested 1954... 1,769,833 243,225 395,290 150 91,733 2,500 378,247 73,540 67 1949... 279,467 7,920 87,550 800 40,972 37,500 3,885 68 bushels sold 1954... 685,123 159,325 409,243 18,150 34,545 47,910 69 1949... 50,190 1,520 22,365 100 10,900 1,955 70 Soybeans harvested for beans.... fanns reporting 1954... 987 135 700 3 49 33 71 1949,.. 694 141 277 "5 24 116 20 72 acres grown alone 1954... 87,173 22,923 52,865 176 1,949 6,832 73 1949... 30,264 8,751 15,799 250 2,383 1,640 74 acres grown with other crops 1954... 525 480 45 75 1949... 948 230 5 40 473 76 bushels harvested 1954... 988,409 309,292 535,157 2,390 12,640 106,670 77 1949... 501,274 176,250 228,198 25 5,430 39,472 28,289 73 Cotton harvested.. ............. .farms reporting 1954... 28,101 32,357 109 117 24,748 22,545 12 20 20 25 5 253 363 31 25 326 1,411 93 184 79 1949. .. 80 acres 1954... 356,560 2,549 330,874 442 65 'io 3,759 185 3,994 2,365 81 1949 . . . 444,097 2,438 349,250 230 320 4,760 185 16,074 2,763 82 bales harvested 1954... 306,448 2,308 287,794 297 40 "5 3,049 143 3,049 2,047 994 83 1949... 208,166 628 181,833 30 40 1,752 65 5,662 84 Hay cut acres 1954,.. 86,223 106,893 893 930 35,260 38,458 90 250 170 '75 5,917 6,300 360 55 29,549 33,967 1,843 2,373 85 1949 . . . 8f tons 1954... 89,818 1,016 34,761 115 6,542 380 33,050 1,846 ^For comparability of data on livestock and poultry, see text and State Table 12. ^j^cludes millc equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. MISSISSIPPI 217 SPECIFIED CROPS, BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued a eaople of farms. See text] Area Z — Continued Areas 3 and A Type of farm— Cont iaued Total all fame Type of farm GoDeral— Con. Uiscel- Livestock General Miscel- Prlmartly livestock Crop and livestock lail60U9 and fied Cash- grain Cotton Other field- crop Vegetable Fruit- and-nut Dairy Poultry other than dairy and poultry Primarily crop Primarily livestock Crop and livestock Isneous snd unclas- sified ^ 134 2,940 15,o51 32 6,943 126 7o 628 49 1,320 258 9 232 5,978 1 10 604 7,288 19,216 44 4,851 60 537 16 793 70 1,966 268 60 519 10,032 2 37 710 5,851 35,007 95 16,726 329 191 1,210 112 4,525 818 34 963 10,004 3 110 2,785 17,464 45,863 124 12,418 165 1,241 '23 1,843 110 8,219 784 165 1,588 19,183 4 12 174 4,897 19,153 49 6,662 137 111 947 99 1,822 255 19 283 3,769 5 30 604 8,170 19,939 37 4,420 55 477 26 954 75 2,218 279 60 515 10,323 6 t>iO 3,315 42,936 421,675 1,385 82,816 2,648 1,315 45,922 2,597 161,429 6,950 1,204 12,991 102,413 7 480 12,796 47,123 293,416 411 31,017 425 4,362 616 32,295 940 122,740 3,514 1,310 11,614 34,172 8 12 174 4,771 18,746 49 6,517 137 111 947 94 1,800 255 19 283 8,534 9 30 604 7,954 19,522 37 4,320 55 457 26 954 70 2,201 274 60 515 10,553 10 290 4,773 25,119 240,945 930 45,795 1,469 790 23,953 1,299 91,849 4,158 743 7,190 57,764 11 260 6,820 24,616 163,083 196 16,814 200 2,339 160 19,837 460 68,352 1,961 700 6,350 45,714 12 12 140 3,238 13,193 26 4,572 107 90 947 76 1,128 222 13 226 5,781 13 30 589 7,CK8 16,812 36 3,639 55 352 '25 949 60 1,795 233 55 477 9,136 14 U6 1,138 7,751 60,169 63 12,676 319 165 26,368 401 3,420 969 189 1,565 U,034 15 205 1,280 16,885 63,132 61 9,378 195 812 '65 18,521 255 7,490 889 270 2,473 22,723 16 7 120 3,242 14,222 50 6,876 121 90 487 58 822 212 19 189 5,298 17 30 557 7,841 17, lU 23 5,056 60 482 10 516 55 1,552 236 40 415 8,669 18 113 2,266 11,843 85,673 115 39,604 715 245 3,041 346 17,755 1,255 874 2,513 19,215 19 3i5 6,367 34,300 102,840 156 26,770 295 1,413 15 2,597 615 30,252 1,226 500 3,472 35,529 20 12 156 4,862 19,391 26 7,779 153 106 773 87 1,347 258 18 285 8,559 21 30 602 9,754 22,338 53 5,657 50 623 35 848 95 1,94* 264 55 524 12,135 22 4,-105 17,124 125,144 590,605 645 199,484 10,776 2,685 28,472 36,375 51,765 9,132 7,425 21,771 222,075 23 1,970 29 J 676 213,464 577,250 2,300 129,230 1,345 13,865 775 29,471 13,135 70,796 3,527 2,885 25,507 279,364 24 12 175 2,368 10,447 18 2,880 77 36 927 74 1,807 214 19 270 4,125 25 25 545 3,646 10,983 16 2,064 25 206 16 873 45 2,145 219 55 490 4,834 26 224 3,546 13,977 140,921 337 19,683 556 731 12,553 592 69,754 2,187 366 5,927 23,235 27 90 3,802 9,413 86,782 59 5,551 55 305 '70 7,936 255 51,498 399 420 2,925 16,309 28 17,035 187,589 559,023 6,619,170 19,315 801,054 21,501 22,530 354,554 31,857 3,919,328 31,723 19,195 254,143 1,093,970 29 5,965 280,062 584,633 6,378,502 4,135 350,601 3,225 58,169 3,725 390,809 17,575 4,203,794 64,763 25,950 191,995 1,063,711 30 2 84 683 3,839 1,851 42 20 98 7 573 94 13 120 1,021 31 25 418 2,442 6,015 1 1,613 20 101 "i 236 45 1,144 81 25 255 2,493 32 102 1,428 3,857 42,967 14,669 317 120 1,679 68 16,048 650 782 2,339 6,245 33 115 5,591 13,596 70,202 10 9,956 140 370 '40 2,739 600 37,477 933 185 4,699 13,043 34 4,900 45,130 85,287 1,047,492 318,106 2,830 2,900 51,425 2,150 478,046 10,234 24,747 51,253 105,801 35 4,635 133,300 242,740 1,413,485 356 198,622 1,915 5,930 1,600 44,184 12,165 845,053 12,505 3,690 72,134 215,281 36 12 64 291 966 203 10 15 60 114 97 36 13 73 345 37 15 248 1,056 2,945 461 25 30 119 95 429 36 40 246 1,464 38 2,800 11,094 4,918 627,235 4,693 4,075 435 4,385 536,365 3,882 1,000 4,295 9,205 3,900 39 510 13,435 31,854 268,306 13,967 530 545 27,965 125,760 13,566 500 5,695 12,510 62,268 40 12 109 808 3,267 5 1,049 30 30 223 83 362 47 13 142 1,273 41 30 363 2,006 6,698 10 1,595 25 85 "5 310 75 770 121 50 359 3,293 42 47,760 118,410 l[>i,605 968,246 65 99,352 61,460 2,885 49,152 353,665 86,482 7,299 44,300 104,378 159,203 43 10,090 73,631 156,429 821,031 200 115,360 1,425 7,795 1,000 56,258 126,950 123,667 10,480 13,290 81,062 233,544 44 21,284 55,288 44,718 422,938 25 40,456 28,130 1,410 21,636 154,368 37,490 3,139 21,930 45,129 69,175 45 6,115 31,118 64,316 346,274 70 44,624 700 3,845 525 20,943 65,725 51,220 5,095 5,335 32,159 115,983 46 27,215 182,441 23,440 11,333,230 316,401 17,442 10,235,448 60,135 112,938 39,381 102,276 149,107 300,102 47 7,445 58,110 5,755 4,352,378 87,755 6,000 4,012,789 23,735 44,939 13,780 32,370 43,480 86,980 48 3,930 74,470 61,450 3,780,707 16,610 1,740 3,433,737 12,575 131,442 1,095 10,605 43,208 129,695 49 7 154 2,922 17,365 69 8,558 173 126 665 69 1,079 276 19 269 6,062 50 25 568 7,715 19,545 91 5,955 60 724 '16 644 70 1,612 235 55 503 9,530 51 345 4,393 18,949 162,752 1,174 85,410 1,968 1,010 9,413 565 20,819 3,470 344 4,269 34,310 52 365 11,603 63,193 193,548 2,295 63,823 715 6,033 '96 8,892 505 23,625 3,722 935 6,375 71,433 53 7 156 2,687 16,760 68 8,361 167 121 604 74 1,017 276 13 260 5,799 54 25 558 7,625 19,408 91 5,930 60 724 16 639 65 1,575 285 55 503 9,465 55 259 3,302 17, lU 1A9,335 i,iearability of data on livestock and poultry, see text and State Table 12. ^Includes milk equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. SPECIFIED CROPS. BY TYPE OF FARM: a eainple of farms. See text^ MISSISSIPPI CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued 219 Arija •; — Continued Area 5 Typ. of f arm— Cont inued Total Type of farm General — Con. Uiscel- Livestock General Miscel- laneous laneous all Other other Primarily Crop and and unclaaai- Tied fanna Caah- grain Cotton field- Vegetable Fruit- and-nut Dairy Poultry than dairy and poultry Primarily Primarily Crop and and unclas- livestock livestock crop crop livestock livestock sified 15 419 2,881 10,320 23 5,025 50 5 5 1,261 25 436 80 40 263 3,057 1 11" 920 5,747 14,627 57 5,822 75 5 10 2,039 47 703 124 97 811 4,787 2 43 1,067 5,031 29,013 195 14,150 115 5 30 3,773 82 2,612 407 179 1,047 6,418 3 295 2,559 12,743 47,472 139 17,776 280 15 55 8,784 120 4,328 472 353 3,133 11,962 4 35 514 6,180 15,476 24 6,952 50 5 5 1,704 92 714 81 45 331 5,473 5 127 1,031 7,584 17,498 52 6,392 75 10 5 2,395 62 741 146 122 905 6,093 6 455 8,745 32,445 258,621 1,206 62,194 425 20 175 69,416 3,113 67,836 3,136 2,283 13,237 35,530 7 929 11,204 28,669 193,987 317 36,425 980 50 125 67,878 850 40,689 1,644 2,595 12,756 29,678 8 35 514 6,064 15,113 24 6,306 50 5 5 1,704 91 688 81 45 331 5,283 9 127 1,026 7,334 17,078 42 6,731 75 10 5 2,390 62 732 146 122 905 5,858 10 240 5,138 17,850 148,186 725 35,936 225 10 90 42,895 1,349 36,237 1,621 1,341 7,495 20,262 11 492 5,780 15,611 109,927 187 20,976 330 15 90 41,751 455 20,030 893 1,435 7,026 16,689 12 35 487 5,313 13,071 15 6,106 50 5 5 1,694 75 386 51 45 296 4,343 13 12" 1,011 7,087 16,355 42 6,461 75 10 5 2,390 57 609 133 121 903 5,549 U 240 3,356 10,942 83,412 105 25,322 205 10 90 38,231 352 2,164 283 629 3,094 12,927 15 437 4,725 13,822 86,325 146 18,530 240 5 90 39,844 385 5,906 591 1,154 5,655 13,779 16 25 443 3,982 11,329 16 6,138 40 5 1,020 22 363 82 31 243 3,364 17 10" 951 5,728 15,472 57 6,825 75 5 5 1,731 45 555 152 117 801 5,104 18 150 4,148 13,574 49,315 326 24,321 205 5 6,317 51 4,797 637 346 2,249 10,061 19 a4t 6,768 18,283 71,208 325 25,902 260 60 'io 9,930 100 3,827 702 1,574 5,442 18,076 20 35 508 6,319 15,247 26 7,333 50 5 5 1,457 80 508 72 41 298 5,372 21 127 1,056 8,480 19,735 87 8,367 85 10 10 2,188 92 667 134 121 906 7,063 22 e,255 28,242 172,190 473,535 897 173,554 1,450 100 290 60,072 63,459 29,423 2,440 5,401 15,799 120,650 23 8,595 46,270 224,734 527,764 1,576 187.595 2,395 235 325 75,262 18.410 27,905 4,315 3,389 38,634 162,723 24 30 479 2,795 8,120 24 3,039 30 5 1,588 62 714 70 45 311 2,232 25 107 956 3,826 10,038 21 3,509 65 'i6 5 2,070 37 702 80 112 820 2,607 26 100 2,875 10,399 89,449 448 14,314 115 30 24,065 710 34,512 657 933 4,053 9,607 27 312 4,179 7,470 64,067 59 9,243 350 25 70 17, 787 250 23,288 433 875 4,152 7,535 28 2,650 115,030 362,480 4,318,140 13,730 483,487 5,215 1,200 738,342 39,532 2,424,661 33,307 60,636 182,422 335,103 29 18,175 256,216 407,310 4,275,174 2,950 467,296 24,900 1,300 6,260 973,403 17,600 2,087,192 21,074 51,985 243,760 377,454 30 25 288 990 2,750 10 1,257 25 389 11 229 44 25 133 627 31 77 706 2,024 5,623 11 2,133 25 5 843 5 429 71 112 523 1,466 32 385 3,863 6,366 22,451 50 7,912 120 3.215 650 4,914 368 209 1,760 3,253 33 864 8,630 11,204 43,431 22 11,735 65 oO 6,862 50 12,300 765 2,070 5,813 3,639 34 U,950 126,990 128,033 547,696 900 172,125 2,500 68,862 13,205 172,304 11,340 5,819 41,453 59,183 35 19,700 202,655 185,295 972,176 470 189,823 1,110 1,000 143,767 600 345,706 12,425 49,325 96,330 131,620 36 20 135 605 901 223 5 166 115 82 13 41 251 37 67 529 2,250 3,419 1,177 25 460 75 145 6 40 322 1,169 38 2,160 8,530 21,375 679,400 3,045 50 10,274 626,731 8,037 4,375 17,218 4,620 39 6,490 19,951 55,485 321,749 30,010 770 16,940 136,925 5,615 290 13,055 29,433 38,706 40 30 321 1,607 2,547 5 936 20 475 74 173 20 30 129 685 41 122 854 4,200 6,526 10 2,338 15 5 5 1,004 66 279 56 90 497 2,161 42 46,075 116,985 163,660 1,170,010 100 94,400 510 140,950 648,557 109,053 1,155 36,165 48,430 90,690 43 61,490 212,540 418,095 1,103,348 400 223,418 3,375 130 766 171,377 269,865 54,617 4,610 59,560 128,636 186,660 4A 20,175 48,670 60,900 445,347 30 36,165 225 48,279 240,855 49,831 475 15,794 19,253 34,390 45 22,195 84,559 146,097 425,774 120 81,371 1.335 '45 350 67,518 105,604 20,515 2,010 24,205 50,136 72,565 46 48,887 964,705 669,733 20,009,361 18,000 3,369,418 27,907 6,977 13,751,33 87,126 276,753 13,547 207,932 894,803 1,355,525 47 U,805 386,645 155,235 6,142,238 5,000 382,390 ",200 1,500 4,4£4,262 29,293 76,059 3,000 66,556 240,523 376,450 48 28,843 259,910 217,729 6,382,776 4,200 569,880 4,670 1,375 4,?9e,CK3 61,655 196,411 11,280 82,553 262,512 396,187 49 30 494 3,502 14,204 52 8,400 55 5 5 1,293 53 386 78 41 294 3,542 50 85 1,021 6,042 18,436 107 9,012 85 5 5 2,004 52 494 143 141 896 5,492 51 375 8,195 26,003 159,167 1,203 97,096 640 10 200 19,137 649 9,687 2,041 596 4,611 23,297 52 985 13,872 49,795 203,271 1,928 103,600 765 80 200 26,667 610 9,956 3,242 2,362 12,291 41,570 53 30 479 3,341 13,555 47 8,162 55 5 5 1,212 43 345 73 39 293 3,276 54 85 1,021 6,012 18,297 107 8,972 85 5 5 1,993 52 491 143 141 891 5,412 55 350 7,805 24,233 149,286 1,193 93,606 640 10 200 16,431 634 8,127 1,966 496 4,471 21,512 56 985 13,767 49,420 201,398 1,928 103,230 765 80 200 26,550 610 9,640 3,222 2,362 11,891 40,920 57 6,000 135,165 315,625 1,935,817 24,933 1,163,210 8,650 25 2,000 233,469 11,600 144,846 33,415 9,822 84,779 219,068 58 32,750 409,045 1,068,825 3,962,223 60,075 2,042,375 15,500 1,000 2,000 588,530 19,180 223,042 78,610 41,900 247, 921 642,090 59 13,530 34,550 316,842 15,050 255,900 6,795 1,000 5,925 10,375 250 2,665 18,382 60 1,025 62,355 85,875 456,666 43,475 281,356 1,075 '45 1,066 13,235 200 7,895 19,825 3,850 32,805 51,905 61 5 25 82 868 11 292 10 220 25 163 16 20 37 74 62 16 20 341 10 58 130 1 54 18 12 46 12 63 50 215 1,214 23,777 180 5,256 '■70 5,324 1,822 7,765 797 392 1,476 695 64 80 80 9,357 250 820 3,181 10 2,550 310 260 1,665 3U 65 1,666 11,525 42,950 844,961 7,300 173,207 2,i66 192,145 66,270 286,146 25,500 17,100 56,300 18,893 66 1,425 700 215,230 4,250 16,075 70,245 300 61,130 9,000 7,075 37,445 9,710 67 3,750 166,079 5,250 46,825 15,179 44,000 33,425 6,050 1,500 12,350 1,500 68 270 125 40,444 2,750 3,950 8,144 7,000 17,700 900 69 20 30 193 17 93 20 13 9 21 20 70 5 66 130 293 26 93 33 5 15 13 15 32 61 71 325 100 4,490 2,035 913 253 119 247 703 210 72 20 455 180 1,385 55 20 5,269 140 180 1,616 505 L20 80 398 '26 255 440 166 1,700 5 235 20 95 73 74 75 4,000 1,000 72,394 47,375 10,168 3,444 924 2,640 6,018 2,325 76 125 9,440 16,705 75,111 23,300 4,715 6,100 400 2,935 10,975 1,700 22,575 2,411 77 15 499 2,247 13,857 21 9,433 30 5 854 17 157 76 17 296 2,901 78 75 1,016 5,492 17,338 55 9,733 60 5 1,399 35 232 134 112 878 4,645 79 75 3,516 10,538 143,004 570 117,050 145 15 5,384 480 1,852 963 165 2,565 13,815 30 365 9,670 38,433 203,528 350 139,874 275 40 13,051 475 3,248 2,267 1,114 9,198 33,636 31 40 2,306 5,648 91,649 383 78,636 65 5 3,193 246 1,218 492 72 1,5% 5,738 82 115 4,249 14,902 82,511 110 63,260 115 20 4,113 215 1,160 861 335 2,806 9,516 83 230 3,780 9,225 145,391 690 36,780 305 5 215 35,034 2,598 37,604 7,309 1,666 10,621 12,564 84 440 7,344 17,546 142,222 1,911 26,923 470 45 42,270 775 32,330 6,697 2,210 12,036 16,505 85 215 3,545 7,474 142,829 785 33 , 574 275 5 280 38,262 2,301 35,469 7,507 1,442 12,696 9,733 86 220 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 6.-LIVEST0CK ON HAND, LIVESTOCK SOLD, AND [Data are based on reports for only Item (For definitiona and explanationa, see text) Area 6a Total all farms Type of farm | Cash-grain Cotton Other field-crop Vegetable Frult- and-nut Dairy Poultry Livestock other than dairy and poultry General Primarily crop Livestock on hood: 1 Horses and mules farms reporting 1954... 24,533 55 12,250 45 26 21 886 611 1,166 240 2 1950... 31,635 126 10, 193 90 90 11 1,100 710 1,658 697 3 number 1954. .. 47,168 75 25,028 80 43 42 1,865 1,150 3,443 517 4 1950... 69, 720 273 24,223 175 170 21 2,718 1,640 5,507 1,687 5 All cattle and calves farms reporting 1954... 32,025 77 U,850 60 41 26 1,319 781 1,599 316 6 1950... 34,086 171 10,678 100 85 12 1,285 775 1,877 732 7 number 1954 . . . 436,575 988 141,037 960 1,269 545 56,467 14,486 83,905 5,125 a 1950... 278,610 606 63,115 600 330 241 31,625 6,610 53,977 6,220 9 Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting 1954 . . . 31,507 77 13,665 60 36 26 1,319 781 1,588 311 10 1950... 33,379 166 10,478 100 85 12 1,285 775 1,856 727 11 number 1954 . . . 245,154 590 76,879 550 774 350 34,730 7,960 47,132 2,889 12 1950... 147,372 320 32,776 270 165 111 18,705 3,415 28,889 3,025 13 Milk covfs farms reporting 1954... 26,976 71 12,160 55 25 21 1,319 714 1,121 259 14 1950... 31,094 151 9,743 90 80 12 1,275 765 1,647 705 15 number 1954 . . . 105,924 127 37,039 185 60 71 31,375 2,638 4,114 870 16 1950... 04,757 261 24,158 215 150 33 17,729 2,600 6,946 2,085 17 All hogs and pigs farms reporting 1954.. . 23,273 50 12,387 50 31 5 722 599 907 213 18 1950... 2'1,3J3 136 10,587 70 65 5 832 630 1,417 611 19 number 1954 . . . 104,085 155 52,000 460 266 45 3,989 4,391 12,629 1,121 20 1950... 122,831 402 42,516 210 220 10 4,211 3,810 13,849 3,250 21 Chickens 4 months old and over.. farms reporting 1954... 32,226 81 15,129 65 30 30 1,141 684 1,305 290 22 1950... 37,849 206 12,415 85 85 12 1,233 770 1,733 765 23 number 1954 . . . 1,237,412 2,608 432,224 1,870 1,420 1,210 53,916 290,920 52,985 12,677 24 1950... Livestock, and livestock products sold: 1,223,366 4,920 350,314 2,255 2,170 530 51,420 135,490 68,629 26,390 25 Cattle and calves sold alive. .. .farms reporting 1954... 17,351 37 6,701 30 36 21 1,299 621 1,619 221 26 1949 . . . 18,220 66 5,232 40 45 12 1,140 480 1,802 517 27 number 1954 . . . 135,916 290 34,423 105 234 137 15,693 4,676 38,213 1,574 28 1949 . . . 76,141 159 12,152 100 130 67 8,831 1,610 27,059 1,406 29 dollars 1954... 5,635,571 10,523 1,278,594 4,210 8,475 5,103 451,831 198,653 2,000,147 66, U2 30 1949... 5,407,168 10,004 756,262 5,900 8,495 5,319 466,375 106, 160 2,344,123 87,910 31 Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting 1954... 5,896 3,172 35 10 240 247 484 102 32 1949... 9,931 40 3,022 30 15 377 315 1,051 236 33 number 1954 . . . 48,876 19,297 305 80 1,869 2,425 11,724 825 34 1949... 70,698 175 15,639 155 45 3,200 2,515 20,966 1,255 35 1,055,524 305,775 7,575 1,660 35,431 62,400 378,035 U,283 36 1949. . . 1,398,0U 3,495 247,227 2,885 1,825 61,240 49,180 562,466 19,290 37 Chickens sold farms reporting 1954... 3,127 5 892 15 140 807 128 46 38 1949... 7,971 35 2,023 5 25 5 320 750 386 230 39 dollars 1954... 13,381,618 60 21,215 125 31,482 13,226,280 6,369 2,350 40 1949... 3,219,568 375 49,715 100 890 100 16,795, 2,897,445 20,773 18,355 41 Chicken eggs sold farms reporting 1954 . . . 7,041 10 2,973 15 5 10 388 344 412 100 42 1949... 14,945 80 4,849 35 40 10 631 515 329 395 43 dozens 1954 . . . 3,216,989 750 393,445 2,420 500 800 170,332 1,960,530 93,797 56,425 44 1949... 2,777,143 10,145 479,610 1,900 2,990 1,775 137,617 859,625 181,196 52,620 45 dollars 1954... 1,497,512 300 149,002 1,070 175 395 61,033 1,013,750 37,586 19,230 46 , 1949... 1,102,370 4,160 170,920 705 1,145 585 50,920 367,650 79,778 19,550 47 Milk sold gallons 1954... 15,940,473 675 1,350,226 12,731,858 288,287 195,229 83,129 48 dollars 1954... 5,806,840 125 347,650 4,834,674 94,745 56,534 23,020 49 1949... Specified crops harvested; 3,616,510 275 1U,585 50O 2,903,708 59,060 75,475 5,105 50 Com for all purposes farms reporting 1954... 30, 831 136 17,268 65 45 5 1,020 603 1,066 300 51 1949. . . 35,379 221 U,437 105 85 10 1,012 730 1,430 726 52 acres 1954... 336,626 3,U5 215,958 895 625 35 15,993 6,577 16,673 4,310 53 1949... 399,198 3,865 178,991 910 920 55 14,740 7, 555 20, 186 9,487 54 Com harvested for grain farms reporting 1954... 30,540 35,263 1J6 221 17,227 13,422 60 105 45 85 5 10 970 1,007 588 730 1,049 1,414 300 726 55 1949... 56 acres 1954... 329,811 3,145 214,090 895 430 35 14,568 6,492 15,039 4,235 57 1949... 396,405 3,865 178,339 910 920 55 14,645 7,520 19,622 9,407 58 bushels harvested 1954... 6,191,699 100,490 3, 816, 760 18,475 11,930 600 309,120 137,205 345,849 107,205 59 1949... 7,307,847 90,975 3,193,870 21,050 17,300 1,150 234,365 195,835 401,880 196,555 60 bushels sold 1954... 965,732 73,350 704,612 1,000 2,000 2,700 11,575 3,800 44,655 61 1949... 538,265 55,635 248,445 700 515 7,290 13,910 7,980 29,960 62 Oats threshed or combined farms reporting 1954... 1,588 31 513 5 5 309 58 250 79 63 1949... 574 5 99 37 50 102 55 64 acres 1954... 21,987 950 4,275 15 40 5,290 638 5,254 1,686 65 1949... 9,083 200 938 540 230 2,458 1,410 66 bushels harvested 1954... 664,892 32, 500 130,705 300 1,000 148,427 17,005 175,745 49,700 67 1949... 185,735 7,000 21,130 9,935 6,750 58,595 21,650 68 bushels sold 1954... 132,905 26,580 26,350 375 12,180 3,135 21,320 24,360 69 1949... 55,826 7,000 8,906 1,500 5,175 15,900 70 Soybeans harvested for beans fanns reporting 1954... 107 5 42 5 10 12 11 71 1949. . . 130 6 26 5 5 7 72 acres grown alone 1954... 1,661 90 778 25 175 356 105 73 1949... 589 100 75 5 75 25 74 acres grown with other crops 1954... 45 45 75 1949... 380 'io 35 65 40 76 bushels harvested 1954... 11,834 450 8,026 50 3o0 1,498 530 77 1949... 8,970 1,060 2,090 ... 15 1,500 690 78 Cotton harvested farms reporting 1954... 25,272 60 17,676 40 5 5 587 299 400 284 79 1949... 30,595 136 14,149 70 65 695 405 356 721 80 acres 1954... 204,230 375 168,210 225 15 '20 4,220 1,742 2,487 1,878 81 1949... 303,605 1,070 182,195 550 765 6,170 2,450 7,443 6,342 82 bales harvested 1954... 145,528 180 122,777 185 10 '20 2,978 1,258 1,672 1,235 83 1949... 107,990 216 74,078 200 100 1,750 855 2,054 2,218 84 Hay cut, .............................. .. . acres 1954 96,430 77,660 600 225 29,370 19,401 350 50 215 65 75 115 18,576 7,629 2,772 1,800 17,271 14,261 2,681 2,060 85 1949... 86 tons 1954... 89,176 561 26,318 250 365 84 18,369 2,683 17,077 1,913 ^For comparability of data on livestock and poultry, see text and State Table 12. ^Includes milk equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. MISSISSIPPI 221 SPECIFIED CROPS, BY TYPE OF FARM: a eomple of farms. See text]) CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued Area 6a— Continued Area 6b Type of farm — Cont inued Total Type of farm GeDera — Con. Miscel- laneous Livestock General Miscel- all Other other laneous Primarily livestock Crop and livestock and unclassi- fied farms Cash- grain Cot ton field- crop Vegetable Fruit- end-nut Dairy Poultry than dairy and poultry Primarily crop Primarily livestock Crop and livestock and unclas- sified 3t-. 3^1 8,80o 13,803 26 5,376 10 30 15 557 110 857 153 40 356 6,278 1 i:'r; 1,380 15,454 17,369 70 4,150 30 15 5 481 165 1,292 361 105 921 9,774 2 ■■'A 882 U,944 26,234 46 11,329 10 60 25 1,240 195 2,191 350 75 884 9,829 3 3^.5 3,578 29,370 37,978 165 10,302 65 20 25 1,260 350 3,897 902 250 2,375 18,367 4 -il 438 13,477 17,576 26 5,823 10 30 15 738 146 1,070 168 50 433 9,067 5 12i 1,456 16,789 18,942 80 4,495 20 15 5 546 220 1,409 332 105 941 10,724 6 '-f'X) 13,207 117,596 238,633 320 63,747 45 320 780 25,245 2,867 53,855 3,434 1,085 12,033 74,807 7 Z.O^O 18,671 94,575 158,841 290 27,702 165 55 60 14,496 1,935 40,018 3,339 1,275 11,517 57,939 3 ^i 438 13,165 17,244 26 5,763 10 30 15 738 146 1,064 168 50 433 8,801 9 121. 1,456 16,313 18,642 30 4,435 20 15 5 546 210 1,404 382 105 941 10,499 10 50? 7,015 65,730 134,885 205 35,082 15 145 330 15,859 1,380 31,105 1,749 555 7,041 41,369 U 1,050 9,830 48,816 84,049 155 14,263 95 35 25 8,600 1,005 20,628 1,604 625 5,377 31,132 12 41 419 10,771 14,692 15 5,216 10 30 10 738 131 844 157 40 403 7,098 13 126 1,419 15,081 17,406 30 4,117 20 15 5 541 195 1,309 347 100 926 9,751 U IdO 2,239 27,046 57,799 40 13,699 15 85 25 13,896 690 3,075 844 215 2,827 17,383 15 7i0 5,572 34,268 53,420 155 10,705 70 35 25 8,015 555 5,358 1,034 470 4,364 22,634 16 Tl 346 7,937 12,950 30 5,258 20 504 100 691 127 35 364 5,821 17 125 1,228 13,627 16,730 75 4,540 25 15 5 444 135 1,166 316 95 810 9,104 18 213 3,514 25,302 62,224 75 26,432 75 2,191 545 3,537 790 360 3,127 20,092 19 735 0,815 46,753 79,413 130 19,080 'so 40 5 2,U2 700 13,463 1,418 875 6,067 35,393 20 41 432 12,998 18,087 45 6,297 10 30 15 698 160 939 172 50 422 9,249 21 12l-. 1,444 18,975 20,852 105 5,065 20 10 5 511 230 1,320 382 110 926 12,163 22 5 , too 29,678 352,304 595,319 1,205 184,347 510 625 1,575 30,050 52,635 37,723 6,990 6,650 26,293 246,661 23 11,340 ';4,765 504,6«43 632,484 2,455 139,038 395 200 100 19,460 33,830 54,590 14,316 9,465 40,745 317,890 24 41 434 6,291 9,974 11 3,233 20 15 698 111 1,080 148 50 413 4,190 25 lib 1,280 7,490 10,207 30 2,305 io 5 5 506 125 1,321 251 90 786 4,773 26 350 5,638 34,583 77,512 162 16,366 65 170 7,530 1,121 25,762 1,098 355 3,769 21,114 27 690 5,384 18,553 44,935 70 5,537 30 15 15 3,928 420 19,212 719 375 3,206 11,358 23 13,225 258,146 1,340,532 3,183,359 5,014 619,017 3,210 6,850 219,083 65,460 1,257,454 53,327 19,185 156,695 778,064 29 48,295 387,860 1,180,465 3,040,028 3,210 330,452 1,200 900 1,320 188,086 26,230 1,516,887 42,104 21,430 235,359 572,850 30 Ic 194 1,39b 4,062 1,736 5 177 45 449 51 15 231 1,353 31 kC 757 4,028 7,170 15 1,744 5 243 60 948 206 95 530 3,274 32 -'r 3,674 8,581 32,363 11,367 15 1,381 1,070 8,865 294 480 2,185 6,715 33 c-;i;. 5,769 20,374 51,140 155 8,774 5 1,953 725 15, lU 1,455 870 4,607 17,432 34 2,355 89,600 158,410 760,665 222,804 550 22,654 34,360 279,992 7,010 12,200 57,040 123,555 35 12,375 115,992 322,038 940,237 1,385 161,000 100 32,840 10,225 304,972 25,245 21,160 91,976 291,334 36 20 uo 934 1,667 10 406 5 10 76 171 132 20 20 136 681 37 75 671 3,446 4,671 10 987 15 5 181 160 409 105 55 419 2,325 38 1,155 64,894 27,688 1,549,997 290 11,367 400 415 3,630 1,475,970 12,537 240 3,110 23,123 18,915 39 5,025 38,995 171,000 282,373 95 26,860 620 75 5,975 135,815 16,432 2,925 8,765 19,720 55,591 40 40 275 2,469 4,409 10 1,409 5 5 'io 253 125 332 85 40 291 1,839 41 HI 1,039 6,411 9,463 45 2,326 10 5 313 135 332 236 95 714 4,702 42 43,200 133,265 361,525 1,505,532 2,075 361,165 55 ioo 7,500 65,725 532,240 64,072 12,585 27,830 102,158 330,077 43 99,215 249,435 701,015 1,532,934 6,105 232, 145 750 100 78,015 347,780 165,562 31,030 44,315 151,832 524,700 44 15,225 56,540 143,206 657,949 730 157,393 25 40 2,500 22,200 258,730 30,382 4,870 11, U5 37,652 132,292 45 35,505 100,252 271,200 609,710 2,190 86,076 250 30 31,013 153,635 59,030 10,635 13,225 56,030 192,546 46 15,768 384,636 890, 665 8,138,896 1,024,766 2,700 1,013 5,835,739 143,949 59,060 81,077 40,752 507,899 441,941 47 3,107 97,205 349,780 2,639,331 274,330 500 170 2,029,557 56,885 17,357 19,575 12,795 148,045 130,117 43 23,307 127,736 307,759 1,388,153 2,220 46,430 1,925 500 1,098,423 11,110 22,855 3,045 19,615 67,725 114,305 49 41 421 9,861 16,980 65 7,112 10 30 15 582 121 791 173 30 427 7,619 50 121 1,429 16,073 20,115 110 5,465 30 15 5 492 175 1,139 392 105 931 11,206 51 600 7,394 64,421 183,643 1,505 97,924 95 305 160 3,329 1,465 13,315 2,925 310 7,310 54,500 52 1,535 20,384 140,570 244,913 1,985 80,101 445 95 100 8,141 1,935 22,251 5,604 1,410 15,675 107,121 53 41 419 9,700 16,742 65 7,067 10 30 15 568 120 765 168 30 421 7,483 54 121 1,419 16,003 20,080 110 5,465 30 15 5 487 175 1,184 392 105 931 11,181 55 595 7,046 63,191 184,597 1,505 97,067 95 305 160 7,996 1,410 12,540 2,725 310 6,930 53,504 56 1,520 20,234 139,368 243,293 1,985 79,751 445 95 100 7,876 1,980 21,641 5,604 1,410 15,605 106,801 57 19,075 191,460 1,133,530 2,932,353 45,300 1,447,130 1,450 4,850 2,250 136,090 35,465 244,488 53,000 6,300 127,435 798,595 53 32,600 420,320 2,451,947 4,508,331 52,115 1,432,145 8,575 1,625 1,000 190,330 33,530 465,640 121,010 31,375 342,880 1,772,056 59 34,955 87,085 328,735 33,000 203,700 625 600 1,400 700 13,035 250 11,520 63,905 60 2,850 32,835 U8,145 306,631 26,400 120,140 1,000 175 625 1,600 15,115 23,650 320 22,811 94,295 61 82 256 718 1 195 105 10 U3 17 10 86 141 62 10 78 138 241 10 46 32 43 11 22 72 63 1,265 2,574 9,507 200 1,629 1,314 135 2,972 650 120 1,048 1,429 64 255 890 2,162 2,691 50 375 615 872 80 213 486 65 44,980 64,530 304,374 2,400 44,932 245 44,285 5,400 105,493 19,850 6,100 30,335 45,334 66 5,875 16,625 38,175 54,355 750 9,950 9,250 17,455 2,075 5,635 9,240 67 9,725 8,380 53,711 5,200 1,500 9,246 12,200 5,650 12,370 7,545 68 500 5,790 U,055 6,950 200 600 1,600 3,750 800 69 2 20 100 5 55 20 1 12 7 70 'io 16 55 111 20 5 21 10 55 71 62 70 799 300 145 5 300 42 7 72 4 305 347 267 60 120 5 177 80 5 35 100 32 73 74 e5 45 120 230 5 200 15 10 75 700 220 7,443 2,400 835 340 2,400 1,295 173 76 315 290 3,010 6,392 ... 975 50 4,232 265 870 77 30 390 5,496 12,682 35 7,233 10 10 345 65 315 163 20 397 4,084 78 % 1,353 12,055 15,610 80 5,586 30 5 317 80 770 357 90 825 7,465 79 100 2,811 22, 147 85,919 110 62,033 45 140 2,146 350 1,575 1,258 90 2,343 15,774 30 575 11,366 84,679 130,061 550 67,326 185 30 25 2,837 340 5,029 2,630 450 7,108 43,501 81 50 1,929 U,234 50,993 65 38,335 20 65 1,271 215 856 801 45 1,385 7,935 82 150 3,621 22,748 44,111 95 26,819 '45 15 5 767 135 1,403 968 160 2,280 11,419 83 170 3,672 20,678 53,517 25 14,063 25 140 85 8,913 435 10,413 1,513 310 3,664 13,856 34 675 6,476 24,903 49,947 250 10,577 50 10 15 5,540 525 12,413 1,337 555 4,173 14,452 35 187 3,635 17,729 51,017 25 12,025 15 125 55 10,184 445 11,069 1,236 350 3,200 12,283 86 222 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 6.-LIVEST0CK ON HAND, LIVESTOCK SOLD, AND For comparability of data on livestock and poultry, see text and State Table 12. ^Includes millt equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. Item (For definitiooB and explanations, see text) Area 7 Total all farma Type of farm Cash-grain Cotton Other field- crop Vegetable Fruit- and-nut Dairy Poultry Livestock other than General Primarily dairy and crop poultry Livestock on haod:^ 1 Horses and mules farms reporting 1954... 4,015 36 565 25 30 44 149 78 376 72 2 1950... 5,663 30 517 65 55 44 248 56 560 116 3 number 1954 .. . 5,835 41 92C 35 30 75 284 85 703 126 ^ 1950... 9,178 40 913 120 80 83 482 71 1,081 246 5 All cattle and calves farms reporting 1954. . . 7,577 66 877 41 35 76 282 173 636 123 6 1950... 6,844 45 482 71 50 73 308 56 656 157 7 3 number 1954 . . . 131,749 557 11,774 527 335 6,299 13,883 3,325 38,458 2,665 1950 . . . 75,843 595 4,365 934 640 4,459 9,510 404 15,905 1,921 9 Govs, Including heifers that have calved farms renortlnp 19^i 7,289 61 857 41 35 75 282 173 680 123 ■~ ... ....^.i..*.................! .ii lua i o^ui i.xil^ 1.7 Jt • . . 10 1950... 6,633 45 482 71 50 73 308 56 641 157 11 12 number 195^; . . . 71,227 285 6,143 195 145 3,599 8,554 1,830 20,407 1,450 1950... 42,370 380 2,249 370 335 2,593 6,522 210 8,634 661 13 MiUc GOVS farms reporting 195ortliiir iQ'ii 739 5 65 5 42 71 173 91 57 197 20 40 38 <^»-***.*ii'.*w w^j...^.. ... ■■ •■ . ... . ... . . .X ta^ UIO .1 ^^KJi VXJ]^ A.7j*^ ... 1949... 1,747 10 100 20 20 5 39 dollars 1954... 1,127,192 470 1,445 225 6,405 1,104,412 2,365 605 40 1949... 125,892 235 3,400 275 1,000 70 4,520 40,940 3,615 1,690 41 Chicken eges sold farms renortinp 1954 1 748 j3 263 196 20 25 10 10 11 23 64 122 137 91 159 321 35 35 42 — ..— — .■—.. ^b^.. ........ ................ t^i uuj 1 c J/VJl 1.11^ i7 J.T . . . 1949... 2,686 20 43 1,408,936 1,380 86,244 3,140 325 2,380 93,940 940,630 41,985 15,425 44 1949... 665,786 1,875 34,351 1,570 950 2,550 71,560 155,325 77,171 15,635 45 dollars 1954... 616,968 590 34,747 1,255 150 1,030 36,222 432,033 15,329 4,765 46 J 1949... 281,436 770 13,250 595 375 1,060 31,120 73,610 32,060 7,275 47 Milk sold palloni 1954 3,208,073 1,368,235 4,212 780 162 30 38,198 15,425 2,935,556 1,252,025 131,326 64,075 47,641 17,750 4,995 1,060 48 — — — — ............................. .gQj,tuiia i?j., ... dollars 1954... 49 1949... 1,334,714 '75 1,450 1,251,203 24,880 3,261 Specified crops bu-vested: 50 Com for all purposes. ......... .fanns reporting 1954... 6,002 60 932 46 45 36 224 152 518 128 51 6,170 55 587 81 50 29 223 60 562 160 52 acres 1954... 66,094 1,115 13,316 585 515 451 3,962 1,878 10,889 2,455 53 1949... 67,866 1,800 8,352 1,345 575 497 3,389 555 9,890 2,520 54 Com harvested for grain fanns reporting 1954... 5,848 60 917 41 40 36 213 152 516 123 55 1949... 6,084 55 587 81 50 29 222 60 562 155 56 acres 1954... 61,419 1,115 12,586 460 355 382 3,657 1,808 9,947 2,335 57 1949... 65,078 1,760 8,267 1,285 575 497 3,252 515 9,219 2,450 58 bushels harvested 1954... 1,467,828 39,275 271,835 13,475 7,475 12,980 121,424 49,975 254,654 68, 100 59 1949... 1,323,785 52,975 171,650 27,425 11,175 11,610 83,485 10,375 176,325 60,490 60 bushels sold 1954... 166,900 29,915 28,060 4,400 750 14,300 7,970 3,990 19,050 61 1949... 96,325 29,025 12,980 1,030 1,250 75 2,500 650 3,150 11,325 62 Oats threshed or combined farms reporting 1954... 307 16 51 5 38 15 68 16 63 1949... 122 15 10 10 1 12 19 64 acres 1954... 4,959 355 423 275 858 165 1,592 190 65 1949... 2,401 485 80 190 37 424 485 66 bushels harvested 1954... 130, 561 8,800 9,075 3,515 32,250 4,425 35,954 4,400 67 1949... 46,305 8,675 2,900 1,400 1,110 14,200 8,035 68 bushels sold 1954... 22,215 4,350 3,000 200 1,000 6,925 2,500 69 1949... 15,710 6,300 1,110 3,000 3,950 70 Soybeans harvested for beans .... farms reporting 1954... 67 5 4 3 6 71 1949... i-S 5 72 acres grown alone 1954... 2, '24 1,120 74 455 73 1949... 74 acres grown with other crops 1954... 150 30 75 1949... 15 5 76 bushels harvested 1954 .. . 21,427 300 11,1X2 705 3,400 77 1949... 40 10 78 Cotton harvested farms reporting 1954... 2,132 10 977 11 6 31 31 86 101 79 1949... 2,001 5 587 45 'is 31 10 86 105 80 acres 1954... 12,580 80 7,592 63 '36 277 260 471 633 31 1949... 13,890 40 6,195 780 165 190 35 380 730 82 bales harvested 1954... 9,435 50 6,105 61 ... '26 209 199 331 394 83 1949... 7,037 30 3,496 430 70 81 15 161 400 84 Hay cut acres 1954 17,105 10,161 185 45 1,284 518 225 35 100 1,215 479 2,319 1,575 490 30 4,240 2,736 785 585 85 1949... 86 tons 1954... 17,573 145 1,133 10 1,498 3,637 510 4,325 1,055 SPECIFIED CROPS, BY TYPE OF FARM: a aample of farms. See text]) MISSISSIPPI CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued 223 Area 7 — Continued Area 8 Type o f farm— Con tlnuad Total all farma Type of farm General — Con. Uiaeel- laneous and unclaasi- fiod Caah- grain Cotton Other fiold- crop Vegetable Fruit- and-nut Dairy Poultry Livestock other than dairy and poultry General Miscel- Primarily livestock Crop and llveBtock Primarily crop Primarily livestock Crop and livestock laneous and unclas- sified „ 72 2,562 1,137 5 11 110 42 109 11 11 12 826 1 iO 284 3,648 1,519 35 '20 46 122 5 152 1 5 15 1,117 2 11 132 3,393 1,l45 5 19 189 65 242 17 24 14 1,070 3 55 459 5,548 2,191 50 '26 51 234 5 270 5 20 20 1,516 4 16 155 5,047 2.254 10 5 10 11 173 112 165 22 11 22 1,713 5 55 339 4,552 1,930 30 10 71 152 35 179 1 10 25 1,417 6 695 5,635 47,596 40,131 130 30 185 315 10,008 1,786 9,291 985 560 1,179 15,662 7 9i0 3,697 32,473 22,294 175 75 830 6,556 165 4,704 200 605 630 6,352 8 16 155 4,791 2,094 10 5 10 11 173 102 165 22 11 22 1,563 9 55 334 4,361 1,625 25 10 71 152 35 169 1 10 20 1,332 10 400 2,821 25,398 21,614 'io 5 75 220 5,833 768 5,235 445 330 595 8,073 11 445 2,170 17,801 13,616 70 45 519 4,467 100 2,732 146 440 395 4,700 12 16 120 3,442 1,295 '5 5 5 173 76 33 5 11 21 911 13 55 314 3,686 1,481 10 10 66 152 35 115 1 10 15 1,067 14 111 387 7,253 7,053 '15 5 10 4,521 258 447 5 35 65 1,692 15 3tO 1,051 7,753 6,575 30 15 252 3,482 80 330 2 180 30 2,174 16 10 135 3,236 1,375 5 5 5 5 5 107 60 ICH 20 11 16 1,032 17 i5 299 3,307 1,610 5 30 10 36 122 20 149 1 10 20 1,207 18 460 3,493 25,108 14,950 5 150 10 125 10 1,353 750 2,373 385 1,010 245 6,534 19 875 4,741 29,730 15,545 5 320 110 238 1,136 125 3,728 3 275 180 9,375 20 16 U6 5,040 2,272 10 5 5 16 150 132 139 15 11 21 1,766 21 50 339 5,185 2,279 5 45 10 81 UO 60 141 5 5 25 1,762 22 1,475 9,869 137,662 144,379 300 90 150 718 6,462 66,337 6,297 60O 2,720 1,125 57,580 23 3,540 21,012 143,622 89,073 125 2,515 260 2,510 4,455 11,635 5,655 90 375 2,840 53,613 24 6 135 2,036 934 5 5 16 163 67 155 22 11 17 468 25 45 254 2,009 885 5 5 36 127 30 169 6 10 20 477 26 93 1,659 11,721 9,493 '16 25 54 2,258 422 3,068 206 85 193 3,172 27 20O 968 5,867 6,050 10 20 133 1,270 55 2,436 27 350 175 1,524 28 3,390 106,641 451,996 398,788 566 1,025 3,175 100,052 18,540 148,063 6,085 1,950 7,095 112,303 29 10,480 54,641 335,690 350,439 180 1,100 7,850 69,410 3,920 142,080 1,435 25,020 13,300 86,144 30 10 L20 1,311 652 5 5 5 54 35 83 15 11 16 423 31 50 268 1,930 807 20 5 a 66 10 134 10 10 537 32 130 2,702 11,081 7,369 30 75 25 437 335 1,592 115 255 226 4,279 33 800 3,247 16,024 9,658 U5 100 ■70 755 160 3,476 115 150 4,697 34 3,650 71,600 212,335 136,365 400 2,600 650 7,715 5,060 37,940 2,475 4,600 3,070 71,855 35 13,575 58,108 269,890 235,623 1,850 1,100 870 12,600 3,900 97,588 2,450 5,500 109,765 36 6 6 360 362 5 30 102 20 10 195 37 40 192 961 477 15 5 20 10 60 46 '5 10 306 38 225 860 10,180 36,338 80 1,305 20,555 998 2,000 10,900 39 2,735 18,312 44,100 75,457 1,060 1,000 1,275 3,300 45,860 4,807 ijo 1,865 16,170 40 16 72 946 527 5 45 132 22 10 11 21 281 41 45 267 1,531 653 '20 35 . 35 55 57 5 15 431 42 10,850 48,102 164,535 905,032 ... 2,080 54,942 732,075 16,655 1,650 16,980 9,805 68,845 43 14,675 75,864 2U,260 282,855 S,255 10,205 10,225 98,400 10,400 5,200 11,260 128,910 44 4,350 19,967 66,530 409,172 1,040 21,644 332,800 8,029 675 6,601 5,263 33,120 45 6,600 30,887 83,834 125,644 3,145 3,965 5,045 43,480 4,467 2,000 4,825 58,717 46 15,850 1,750 28,383 1,718,157 1,680,955 1,175 11,395 11,000 13,632 47 4,600 1,400 11,090 784,861 766,801 510 5,300 5,600 6,150 46 11,265 10,920 31,660 631,436 15,680 570,306 1,490 6,800 29,200 7,960 49 11 148 3,702 1,078 15 5 5 15 5 101 40 88 15 6 20 763 50 i5 317 4,001 1,023 5 40 10 20 65 10 122 10 5 716 51 lr3 4,280 26,485 7,581 260 150 25 175 10 1,332 310 1,089 400 22 200 3,608 52 ^95 4,892 33,456 6,479 20 205 60 215 735 60 1,099 220 60 3,805 53 11 143 3,596 996 15 5 5 15 5 96 35 76 15 1 20 708 54 45 312 3,926 998 5 35 10 20 85 5 117 10 5 706 55 163 3,826 24,785 6,981 260 150 25 175 10 1,247 255 339 400 12 200 3,406 56 535 4,412 32,311 6,059 20 155 60 215 735 20 979 220 60 3,595 57 4,725 77,720 546,190 181,553 14,200 1,500 250 2,600 100 32,906 3,200 25,252 9,875 720 6,250 79,700 58 12,500 99,260 606,515 138,280 800 3,675 450 3,050 16,785 500 21,825 8,300 1,000 81,895 59 9,375 48,590 19,210 12,150 50 400 3,666 875 2,735 60 240 7,940 26.160 2,545 200 2,345 61 1 25 72 30 16 8 6 62 10 10 35 10 5 5 63 S 445 648 454 172 265 17 64 175 70 455 65 50 15 65 400 15,252 16,490 12,700 4,950 7,500 250 66 1,750 2,125 3,910 6,110 330 1,075 1,000 75 67 66 500 3 256 850 46 10 219 15 60 5 "5 5 '30 25 69 70 71 72 73 74 iio 10 ?5 2,740 3,240 30 1,300 ioo 900 300 ... 76 77 89 790 30 5 5 10 10 78 5 201 589 911 2,585 15 165 5 40 5 35 75 5 15 79 80 '30 1,042 446 4,303 1,620 30 115 15 40 10 20 40 5 15 61 82 io 506 1,838 15 10 5 83 14 876 5,162 4,494 25 1,039 113 1,394 534 2 315 1,072 84 145 993 2,730 2,282 15 '16 90 810 25 370 100 75 255 532 35 20 1,069 4,171 5,363 15 1,170 516 1,733 645 4 425 355 86 224 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 7— FARMS, ACREAGE, VALUE, AND USE OF COMMERCIAL [Data are baaed on reports for only Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) FARMS, ACRFAGE, AND VALUE Farms • number 1954. 1950. Land in farms acres 1954., 1950. Average size of farm acres 1954., 1950. Value of laod and buildings; Average per farm dollars 1954., 1950. Average per acre dollars 1954. 1950., Proportion of farms reporting value percent 1954., Land in fans according to use; Cropland harvested farms reporting 1954. , 1949., acres 1954. , 1949., l to 9 acres farms reporting 1954,, 10 io 19 acres farms reporting 1954., 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 1954., 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 1954., 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1954., 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 1954., 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 1954. 500 acres and over farms reporting 1954., Cropland used onl^ for pasture, .farms reporting 1954., 1949., acres 1954., 1949., Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting 1954. , 1949., acres 1954., 1949.. Cropland used only for crops not harvested and not pastured farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Cropland lying idle farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. , Woodland pastured farms reporting 1954. , acres 1954.. Woodland not pastured farms reporting 1954., acres 1954.. Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Improved (see text) farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954, . Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Cropland, total farms reporting 1954,. 1949,. acres 1954.. 1949., Land pastured, total farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949.. Woodland, total farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954. . -1949.. Irrigated land in farms farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954,. 1949.. Cover crops turned under and land planted to another crop farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Cropland used for row or grain crops farmed on contour farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. USE OF COlOTItCIAL FERTILIZER Crops on which coonercial fertilizer was used, 1954; Hay and cropland pastured farms reporting.. tons. . acres on which used. , Other pasture farms reporting.. tons. . acres on which used., Com farms reporting., tons., acres on which used.. Cotton farms reporting.. tons., acres on which used., Fruits, vegetables, potatoes, etc.... farms reporting,. tons. , acres on which used.. Other crops farms reporting,. tons. . acres on which used. . Total all farms 215,887 251,286 20,777,721 20,818,632 96.2 6,126 4,448 72.53 55.91 81 1«,382 229,480 5,611,393 6,130,336 50,615 68,875 34,919 23,623 10,156 3,063 2,108 1,023 41,587 51,183 1,506,951 1,598,351 43,244 61,437 754,907 1,261,921 13,449 178,925 33,868 575,982 88,218 5,310,629 52,767 3,551,507 76,867 3,282,773 17,492 735,960 158,040 759, 561 203,671 241,224 7,873,251 8,990,608 127,104 136,230 10,100,353 3,396,684 110,445 118,012 8,862,136 8,593,935 1,754 44 136, 805 8,410 9,163 224,477 37,176 760, 871 15,325 56,886 407,027 5,415 29,472 224,228 119,222 204,032 1,386,071 147,552 340,720 1,922,549 21,741 34,841 135,078 10,007 38,558 366,634 Tenure of operator ^ Full owners 45,062 48,031 7,872,642 7,724,463 174.7 160.8 10,091 7,759 65.89 50.30 83 42,914 45,774 1,681,901 1,775,398 5,111 13,903 9,607 8,107 3,933 1,156 786 311 15,969 17,906 651,424 703,075 14,243 16, 660 263,442 396,449 4,832 67,899 11,071 195,543 31,670 2,254,945 19,232 1,378,798 26,295 1,378,493 7,562 348,161 42,928 263,639 43,831 47,096 2,596,767 2,874,922 42,209 44,225 4,284,862 3,670,987 38,780 40,121 3,633,743 3,572,582 444 16 39,402 1,675 3,377 86,255 12,279 293,304 6,950 27,449 190,419 2,309 14,170 110,670 32,756 70,497 454,225 32,767 78, 023 390,152 6,943 12,247 42,467 4,3?0 13,352 137,429 Part owners 17,746 12,222 4,234,596 2,737,633 238.6 224.0 15,878 12,546 71.51 56.36 69 17, 552 12,003 1,230,894 792,626 730 3,285 3,672 4,569 3,092 1,178 664 362 5,777 4,336 349,893 244,316 5,103 4,353 121,242 164,627 2,153 40,323 3,664 80, 919 11,803 1,024,893 7,479 603,369 10,799 755,131 3,387 191,039 17,039 149, 174 17,623 12,127 1,702,029 1,201,569 16,040 10,681 2,L29,917 1,151,062 14,433 9,423 1,628,262 1,026,635 327 6 39,875 1,645 2,009 67,932 4,605 157,742 3,050 14,443 108,329 1,097 7,045 54,740 14,047 43, 603 288,763 15,040 61,478 327,108 2,734 4,519 18, 630 2,198 11,414 118,504 Uana^era 663 726 ,038,169 965,861 1,565.9 1,330.4 140,103 102,857 94.00 80.38 62 621 670 308,418 346,715 14 27 30 17 78 64 166 225 326 327 86,209 72 , 514 202 328 27,779 69,451 106 7,460 126 20,319 345 200,214 337 203,634 335 172,712 170 62,866 605 39,203 638 708 422,406 488,680 579 592 459,135 274,428 546 586 403,848 334, 547 109 7 25,133 4,500 114 21,429 75 15,255 204 5,314 42,438 107 3,156 25,896 412 4,365 31,484 385 8,888 63,874 73 9,130 31,514 258 5,142 49,048 85,051 95,717 3,204,533 3,526,128 37.7 36.8 2,849 2,402 82.85 67.10 83 84,773 95,330 1,878,440 2,126,810 15,400 37,919 18,003 9,603 2,707 568 452 121 4,434 7,225 109,466 147, 552 6,518 11,348 88,597 153,062 3,063 32,318 3,962 56,279 9,535 388,832 5,915 318,205 11,609 301,367 1,186 35,309 38,272 119,626 84,862 95,553 2,076,503 2,427,424 18,070 20,170 799,665 776,320 12,437 13,523 707,037 707,293 837 10 30,848 580 2,470 38,099 7,930 159,147 838 2,353 15,751 238 992 6,759 40,636 50, 162 386, 869 78,762 170,833 1,044,604 3,073 2,889 10,048 1,447 4,724 49,395 4,468 5,618 553,022 551, 522 123.8 98.2 8,084 5,625 77.53 60.38 79 4,383 5,510 237,821 232,959 421 1,658 835 679 369 151 183 87 943 1,408 28,378 35,889 1,182 1,486 21,746 30,976 498 8,217 807 13,529 1,648 89,731 1,155 86,548 1,582 65,442 209 9,334 3,503 23,356 4,408 5,581 287,945 299,824 2,849 3,229 193,551 171,047 2,262 2,476 176,279 174,851 65 8,242 148 8,091 525 12,725 160 604 5,216 63 289 2,972 2,801 4,088 35,419 3,868 11,079 75,916 472 415 1,690 402 1,958 23,677 708 1,322 90,730 74,798 128.1 56.6 8,091 5,420 73.14 98.27 77 703 1,312 42,402 48, 895 65 156 200 116 76 33 146 106 5,754 3,165 136 264 2,545 6,032 67 905 89 1,640 238 13,484 158 12,778 217 9,650 34 1,455 532 4,117 703 1,322 50,701 58,092 387 282 28,888 12,447 288 176 26,262 10,528 20 1,740 37 2,030 100 3,525 30 154 1,035 1 11 55 499 796 6,190 659 1,847 13,203 45 60 185 92 309 4,835 Crop-Share 21,384 24,498 1,101,106 1,237,493 51.5 50.5 3,366 2,643 68.97 52.99 82 21,364 24,468 562,427 664,512 1,934 8,204 5,961 3,653 1,258 236 100 18 1,834 3,082 32,393 56,015 2,654 4,469 36,444 60,604 1,033 11,224 1,836 25,220 4,652 160, 546 2,753 127,683 5,892 134,603 521 11,730 13,681 47,010 21,369 24,488 631,264 781,131 8,762 9,678 327, 542 318,970 5,820 6,297 288,229 284,674 75 5 7,045 545 713 10,806 2,558 51,149 256 323 2,290 60 277 800 13,612 18, 998 151,486 19,976 46,636 261,856 1,025 658 2,425 525 997 10,389 ^Data are given by tenure of operator for commercial farms only. MISSISSIPPI FERTILIZER. BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 225 a asnple of farms. See text] The State— Continued Area 1 Tawre of operator^— On. Other farms Total all farms Tenure of operator^ Other farms Tenants — Con. Full owners Part owners Uana^ers Tenants Croppers Other and unspeci- fied All Cash Share- cash Crop- share Livestock- share Croppers Other and un- specified 5i,700 3,568 67,365 44,540 4,594 1,933 280 35,291 1,160 279 3,696 16 29,657 436 2,439 1 60,349 3,647 94,590 57,102 4,905 1,815 390 42,784 1,666 954 4,127 25 35,635 377 7,208 2 1,107,310 314,264 4,427,781 3,208,252 959,835 810,043 386,231 944,947 222,184 38,303 179,918 3,221 451,803 49,513 107,146 3 1,346,208 285,816 5,864,547 3,267,921 363,305 624,868 477,446 1,037,712 196,511 43,711 167,838 630 580,254 43,763 264,590 4 20.2 88.1 65.7 72.0 208.9 419.1 1,379.6 26.8 191.5 U7.3 48.7 201.3 15.2 101.9 43.9 5 22.3 78.4 62.0 57.2 176.0 344.3 1,224.2 24.3 118.0 51.1 40.7 25.2 16.3 116.1 36.7 6 2,051 4,921 4,474 7,494 20,391 55,723 229,352 3,161 19,311 11,301 5,449 27,619 2,201 11,187 3,703 7 1,339 3,967 3,152 5,659 16,224 34,017 137,569 2,612 10,741 6,239 3,640 8,970 1,921 11,268 3,067 8 103.80 61.34 73.27 135.81 126.91 133.18 162.43 139.82 130.08 129.54 123.17 137.19 147 .20 139.84 114.13 9 84.44 51.63 52.53 102.98 98.84 96.20 116 . 57 109.96 96.04 120.20 92.36 355.95 118.30 106.38 32.45 10 85 73 82 82 79 63 49 85 73 70 77 100 36 61 73 11 54,675 3,432 48,522 44,027 4,577 1,926 276 35,253 1,155 274 3,686 16 29,657 470 1,990 12 60,232 3,530 75,703 55,956 4,843 1,313 379 42,713 1,666 954 4,127 25 35,575 366 6,203 13 920,559 105,769 511,740 1,930,723 486,365 449,155 200,166 757,843 146,780 24,444 129,547 1,495 427,294 28,283 37,199 14 1,064,737 106,128 1,088,787 1,932,425 421,965 317,733 245,590 847,544 124,045 33,305 119, 564 520 541,331 23,779 99, 593 15 12,581 369 29,360 11,298 326 30 1 9,481 75 40 425 3,870 71 1,460 16 2«,-f2 1,2'K 13,741 18,215 713 136 1 17,025 205 55 1,380 5 15,255 125 340 17 1 - . 1 ! ■ 354 3,607 6,032 825 101 1 5,030 145 40 820 5 3,915 105 75 18 ^. ■ ^i" 569 1,327 3,726 1,170 330 2,181 200 46 585 1,310 40 45 19 ''nO 219 346 1,873 649 396 792 191 25 270 241 65 36 20 32 51 97 1,004 288 366 'ii 311 113 26 121 5 35 11 26 21 33 74 40 1,119 375 307 96 336 142 41 73 23 52 5 22 9 2 4 760 231 260 164 102 84 1 12 1 3 1 3 23 845 639 15,081 4,561 2,217 994 144 873 317 68 312 1 121 54 333 24 1,712 856 21,389 4,862 2,289 761 162 1,002 366 49 253 257 72 648 25 16,032 25,164 309, 959 213,344 84,813 75,246 28,307 19,802 9,003 2,700 3,789 230 1,739 2,336 5,176 26 24,554 25,359 430,894 119,502 47,903 29,843 21,827 11,864 5,182 665 2,769 1,683 1,565 3,065 27 1,800 694 17,178 4,576 1,793 694 106 1,702 427 53 403 736 83 281 28 4,241 822 28,748 8,321 2,031 915 213 3,299 571 167 695 1,760 106 1,313 29 12,785 14,666 253,847 110,733 40,214 27,275 10,093 27,641 9,274 1,245 8,925 4,737 3,410 5,510 30 37,812 14,968 478,332 257,186 72,398 56,974 35,304 53,384 18,553 4,437 13,309 ... 14,210 2,870 38,626 31 1,204 244 3,295 3,163 1,170 459 79 1,315 234 42 276 661 52 140 32 6,065 5,811 30,925 53,261 19,836 13,603 4,784 17,463 5,765 685 5,451 2,977 2,585 2,575 33 668 521 15,045 1,964 384 333 47 534 2U 16 156 95 56 166 34 6,720 8,855 222,922 52,472 20,378 13,672 5,309 10,173 3,509 560 3,474 i,ao 825 2,935 35 1,662 1,248 34,865 2,877 1,410 591 86 544 209 27 163 10 88 47 246 36 45,863 66,937 1,441,745 201,699 79,145 51,311 34,781 24,826 9,326 1,585 9,000 150 1,230 3,535 11,636 37 1,069 723 19,804 4,684 2,066 1,038 173 930 385 38 318 11 140 83 427 38 36,581 51,195 1,(K7,501 463,324 166,241 126,939 68, 574 73,325 33,020 5,412 19,103 735 7,001 8,554 27,745 39 2,634 1,189 27,829 2,454 1,160 496 80 446 169 26 143 5 77 26 272 40 43,778 38,893 675,070 141,996 50,438 43,796 21,906 14,244 6,130 1,105 2,691 485 2,412 1,421 11,612 41 254 128 5,187 702 369 163 27 108 57 5 15 26 5 35 42 6,590 4,670 98,585 44,604 15,378 12,345 12,995 3,686 2,029 100 365 1,177 15 200 43 17,894 2,501 59,196 14,917 4,274 1,790 261 7,390 904 169 1,445 11 4,636 225 1,202 44 31,712 11,640 187,919 146,428 52,619 36,321 22,454 26,766 8,646 1,812 6,863 126 7,340 1,979 8,268 45 54,680 3,485 56,717 44,131 4,591 1,928 279 35,263 1,155 274 3,691 16 29,657 470 2,120 46 60,288 3,596 85,740 56,669 4,865 1,814 389 42,753 1,666 954 4,127 25 35,605 376 6,848 47 949,376 145, 599 1,075,546 2,254,805 611,392 551,676 238,566 805,286 165,062 28,389 142,261 1,725 433,820 34,029 47,885 48 1,127,103 146,455 1,998,0U 2,309,113 542,766 401,550 302,721 912,792 147,785 43,407 135,542 520 557,224 28,214 146,234 49 4,037 1,907 50,206 7,385 3,486 1,488 222 1,516 526 89 545 11 246 99 673 50 4,902 1,921 60,562 8,509 3,554 1,312 289 1,932 645 99 567 520 101 1,422 51 105,673 130,994 2,426,774 557,039 214,396 170,353 84,994 58,872 24,464 5,390 15,480 865 5,381 7,292 28,424 52 157,085 102,841 2,523,887 356,931 116,239 80,702 64,184 51,904 20,010 1,672 15,121 7,955 7,116 43,952 53 2,383 1,576 44,249 6,521 3,01J 1,343 219 1,338 538 49 420 11 211 109 608 54 2,930 1,531 54,359 7,239 2,984 1,154 303 1,395 511 54 392 5 332 101 1,398 55 82,444 118,132 2,489,246 665,023 245,386 178,250 103,355 98,651 42,346 6,997 28, 103 885 8,231 12,089 39,381 56 133,224 95,846 2,952,878 630,687 233,434 157,530 122,031 79,743 33,167 2,609 19,404 100 U,834 12,629 87,949 57 649 28 37 1,209 225 130 84 701 53 20 59 543 26 19 58 5 5 29 11 6 7 5 5 59 10,259 3.562 1,547 118,413 33,319 33,257 22,883 27,083 6,769 1,740 6,750 8,279 3,550 1,366 60 35 10 8,290 1,600 1,645 4,500 545 545 61 1,454 103 1,193 1,989 467 346 64 1,010 80 30 127 1 797 5 72 62 15,391 786 10,762 112,824 37,537 34,893 17,622 21,606 6,314 1,740 4,516 175 8,801 60 1,166 63 4,150 556 12,287 269 50 27 16 171 15 5 1 150 5 64 79,734 10,856 135,423 36,448 l..,907 9,733 5,340 6,453 2,758 1,000 400 2,295 15 65 193 177 4,233 323 401 236 60 99 28 5 18 36 12 27 66 447 549 7,327 5,134 2,070 1,463 1,257 276 165 1 44 46 20 68 67 2,847 3,323 50,090 68,621 26,406 22,298 15,163 3,664 2,535 5 380 454 290 1,090 68 78 18 1,664 385 209 94 21 41 20 15 6 20 69 190 95 4,109 2,077 753 540 707 60 38 20 2 17 70 1,565 532 26,163 32,738 13,064 10,001 8,352 666 456 190 20 155 71 21,339 2,243 31,371 U,050 2,280 1,031 190 9,171 537 163 1,546 11 6,771 143 378 72 22,550 3,420 35,405 16,548 4,612 3,787 2,177 5,443 859 163 1,196 14 2,948 263 529 73 165,043 26,234 224,730 146,377 40,766 32,816 13,959 48,056 8,683 1,553 11,613 215 24,379 1,613 5,780 74 51,072 3,015 20,598 40,345 4,040 1,743 239 32,995 1,043 258 3,449 16 27,821 408 1,323 75 103,774 7,081 21,498 101,592 18,113 15,250 6,984 59,775 5,020 350 8,216 38 44,211 1,440 1,470 76 653,660 37,651 96,811 853,?r78 144,830 128,675 54,362 512,376 46,069 7,644 71,566 685 375,196 ia,216 13,735 77 1,223 287 8,918 143 58 18 12 31 6 20 5 24 78 1.528 202 6,056 282 48 23 61 57 1 54 2 93 79 4,724 943 32,419 2,327 297 227 250 327 12 305 10 1,226 80 278 128 1,784 2,605 1,073 639 149 647 259 '67 206 "i 62 52 97 81 603 748 1,926 13,250 5,927 5,782 3,236 3,157 1,568 248 515 33 197 596 143 32 4,922 4,927 12,258 234,515 77,150 79,447 38,948 37,239 20,309 4,120 6,758 200 1,932 3,920 1,731 83 226 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 7.-FARMS, ACREAGE, VALUE. AND USE OF COMMERCIAL (For definitions and explanations, see text) FiRMS, ACRF«iZ, AND VALUE Farms number 1954. 1950. Land in farms acres 195-4. 1950. Average size of farm acres 1954.. 1950., Value of land and buildings; Average per farm dollars 1954., 1950. , Average per acre dollars 1954. . 1950.. Proportion of farms reporting value percent 1954., Land in faros according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting 1954., 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949.. 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 1954.. 10 to 19 acres ....farms reporting 1954.. 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 1954.. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 1954.. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1954.. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 1954., 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 1954., 500 acres and over farms reporting 1954.. Cropland used only for pasture. .farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949.. Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949.. Cropland used only for crops not harvested and not pastured farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Cropland lying idle farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954. . Woodland pastured farms reporting 1954. . acres 1954. . Woodland not pastured farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting 1954. . acres 1954.. Improved (see text) farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Cropland, total farms reporting 1954. . 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949.. Land pastured, total farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949.. Woodland, total farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949.. Irrigated land in farms farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949.. Cover crops turned under and land planted to another crop farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Cropland used for row or grain crops farmed on contour farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954. . USE OF COhWERCIAL FERTILIZER Crops on which commercial fertilizer waa used, 1954: Hay and cropland pastured farms reporting.. tons., acres on which used.. Other pasture farms reporting.. tons. . acres on which used.. Com .farms reporting. . tons, . acres on which used.. Cotton J" arms reporting. . tons . . acres on which used.. Fruits, vegetables, potatoes, etc. ...farms reporting,. tons . . acres on which used.. Other crops farms reporting. . , tons.., acres on which used... [Data are based on reports for only Total all farms 33,594 39,210 3,445,364 3,565,164 102.6 90.9 5,339 4,019 61.12 47.12 78 31,119 36,146 920,688 987,103 6,179 12,081 6,421 3,791 1,567 501 432 147 6,540 10,027 354,638 435,054 5,769 8,840 144,483 249,160 1,954 35,907 4,388 108,576 10,415 678,522 6,534 480,243 10,619 685,489 1,198 84,097 23,254 181,301 32,204 37,804 1,419,809 1,671,317 16,844 19,564 1,718,649 1,509,921 12,928 14,833 1,158,765 1,205,020 141 15 10,718 L20 856 21,871 1,244 38,848 922 6,559 50,497 418 3,449 29,617 17,198 29,968 212,428 26,128 69,985 351,911 736 641 2,419 1,095 6,108 44,539 Tenure of operator^ Data are given by tenure of operator for commercial farms only. 5,653 5,545 1,147,746 1,103,260 203.0 199.0 10, 188 8,721 57.87 46.00 78 5,384 5,215 231,587 230,907 622 1,686 1,194 934 543 214 151 40 2,241 2,929 132,369 169,368 1,798 2,084 47,819 78,114 623 14,634 1,392 33,185 3,751 275,779 2,404 156,324 3,380 243,683 505 30,560 5,267 60,185 5,568 5,437 411,775 478,389 5,390 5,183 651,831 544,076 4,607 4,468 432,103 404,911 29 Part owners 1,8 346 8,498 225 11,575 319 2,294 18,124 152 1,533 14,065 3,516 8,708 55,363 4,300 12,354 55,702 154 195 600 459 2,453 17,507 2,390 2,231 853,511 704,007 357.1 315.6 21,075 U,562 62.79 44.45 63 2,368 2,161 201,077 139,929 128 411 440 502 478 181 167 61 1,098 1,094 106,390 98,909 835 762 33,935 44,713 302 9,320 658 24,615 1,561 162,395 1,000 118,999 1,455 190,109 273 30,958 2,262 40,606 2,387 2,189 341,402 283,551 2,207 2,033 458,894 358,090 1,889 1,651 281,394 248,821 36 4,603 211 8,008 159 12,898 257 2,066 16,248 108 784 7,410 1,775 7,115 47,090 2,031 11,008 56,512 103 105 309 306 1,748 12,963 Managers 117 1J5 180,653 146,459 1,544.1 1,085.0 97,989 57,936 67.37 58.88 62 111 109 35,812 32,755 3 11 2 3 18 19 25 30 74 80 20,484 18,907 32 5,846 11,763 1,004 27 4,842 81 35,295 67 29,513 78 45,751 32 9,526 106 7,962 115 123 62,142 63,425 113 125 101,530 63,472 110 114 64,808 53,067 12 930 12 ,072 43 1,114 8,876 20 417 4,607 83 999 6,352 69 663 4,555 7 21 91 44 927 5,192 19,205 19,289 808,510 819,711 42.1 42.5 2,508 2,097 66.50 51.05 81 19,144 19,222 411,390 437,544 2,869 3,861 4,525 2,207 501 76 89 16 1,634 2,735 47,580 66,546 1,639 2,444 27,621 34,585 675 7,634 1,081 19,987 2,351 90,030 1,585 84,482 2,913 104,792 162 6,723 10,517 42,615 19,160 19,283 486,591 538,776 4,801 5,459 242,402 222,020 3,072 3,400 174,512 154,740 69 5 3,040 35 202 3,690 778 9,713 136 649 4,039 42 365 1,560 9,993 11,292 89,611 17,774 43,942 225,495 272 235 1, 200 771 7,352 994 1,204 114,112 115,794 114.8 96.2 6,715 4,454 65.87 49.91 81 979 1,179 37,367 41,670 60 432 210 180 48 15 30 3 296 409 11,146 16,027 220 210 5,221 4,028 71 970 158 4,251 348 16,035 240 17,863 406 18,454 43 1,045 698 8,021 984 1,199 53,734 61,725 685 696 45,635 44,187 444 472 33,903 35,019 15 1,225 33 585 24 82 732 2 73 658 687 1,050 8,976 905 2,415 12,626 30 122 580 43 262 2,451 111 128 22,633 12,792 203.9 99.9 9,'487 5,368 57.24 54.35 111 128 3,258 4,965 5 21 25 25 20 1 13 1 33 27 2,339 1,455 27 22 960 1,045 5 125 27 835 48 3,303 39 3,029 53 3,519 2 750 1,215 111 128 11,567 7,465 80 63 9,161 4,710 51 42 5,332 4,219 Crop-share 7 290 3 90 500 60 128 749 105 370 2,588 13 52 675 6,295 6,535 317,440 342,911 50.4 52.5 2,684 2,308 59.15 45.56 81 6,295 6,525 148,842 173,012 683 2,559 1,815 903 282 25 21 6 715 1,226 15,756 24,536 830 1,097 12,264 16,208 326 2,848 574 9,416 1,L46 37,122 769 35,510 1,489 50,272 81 2,980 3,784 17,674 5,295 6,535 176,862 213,756 2,304 2,715 103,150 98,682 1,452 1,605 72,632 75,587 1 170 61 995 231 3,104 42 111 635 15 196 250 3,665 4,296 37,043 5,867 13,500 74,670 115 52 240 73 196 2,041 Livestock- share 85 56 14,919 4,266 175.5 76.2 3,985 3,379 45.70 54.10 91 85 56 2,722 1,799 20 25 15 15 10 7 15 430 550 146 35 11 46 16 100 25 4,317 11 1,300 30 4,917 1 250 49 1,087 85 56 3,298 2,384 40 16 9,65^ 1,515 30 21 5,617 1,085 2 110 46 115 1 10 100 55 101 887 75 178 863 1 1 1 3 19 138 FERTILIZER, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: MISSISSIPPI CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Contmued 227 a sample of farms. See text] Area 2 — Contl nued Areas 3 and A T^aiire of operator^— Geo. Other farms Total all farms Tenure of operator* Other farms TenantB — Con. Full oimers Part ownera Uana^era Tenaota Croppers Other and unspeci- fied All Cash Share- cash Crop- share Livestock- share Croppers Other and un- specified 10,733 93" 6,229 23,392 5,U5 1,355 83 6,113 1,007 76 2,436 22 1,941 631 10,196 1 10,163 1,198 12,010 25,620 4,887 1,001 45 5,751 927 90 2,428 15 1,397 394 13,936 2 235, A6i 103,942 454,934 2,992,538 1,217,396 603,581 170,986 271,947 84,261 9,U0 80,100 5,780 41,125 51,571 728,628 3 248,545 95,403 791,717 2,861,368 1,217,667 328,505 115,525 269,(>;6 77,884 4,150 88,532 1,205 62,447 34,323 930,625 4 21.8 110.9 73.0 127.9 236.6 325.4 2,060.1 44.5 83.7 119.9 32.9 262.7 21.2 81.7 71.5 5 24.4 79.6 65.9 111.7 249.2 328.2 2,567.2 46.8 84.0 46.1 36.5 80.3 32.9 88.4 66.8 6 1.-71 5,100 3,767 6,888 U,481 14,891 108,599 2,342 3,473 4,853 2,066 9,795 1,356 3,384 5,144 7 1.43" 3,298 2,722 4,944 11,499 9,848 81,172 1,722 2,554 1,170 1,387 3,200 1,576 2,650 3,411 8 3J.54 49.31 54.49 61.69 57.97 51.14 57.63 55.80 49.13 36.11 64.92 73.99 64.77 47.46 77.52 9 62.74 41.68 44.95 47.48 49.74 30.52 33.36 39.74 35.26 42.76 33.17 84.21 49.28 33.66 54.02 10 S3 63 76 34 87 73 81 82 86 87 83 95 80 30 86 11 10,768 906 4,112 19,750 4,759 1,792 76 6,043 989 76 2,436 22 1,936 539 7,075 12 10,161 1,173 9,439 21,671 4,375 940 38 5,672 889 85 2,423 15 1,837 373 10,646 13 134,9.31 29,210 40,822 398,710 133,789 75,580 13,492 112,357 21,380 1,729 43,635 1,070 32,428 11,615 63,492 14 133,050 33,048 145,968 428,363 135,683 38,535 6,235 117,623 18,000 1,620 51,449 740 38,402 7,412 130,287 15 2,031 70 2,557 6,807 9U 164 2 1,016 160 15 370 5 365 101 4,714 16 5,511 313 1,112 7,270 1,804 508 1 3,100 525 30 1,320 5 935 235 1,857 17 2,178 281 260 2,922 947 348 11 1,273 156 10 520 10 465 1L2 343 18 964 120 145 1,607 626 366 5 510 83 10 170 171 76 100 19 66 85 27 750 290 271 24 120 52 U 46 11 45 20 7 17 11 254 113 94 14 19 7 10 2 W 21 r 19 121 62 34 14 9 6 1 2 2 22 5 1 19 6 7 5 1 1 23 343 234 1,493 6,218 2,082 587 41 480 135 5 14o 6 71 117 3,028 24 648 410 3,189 8,954 2,694 524 22 702 262 10 227 115 88 5,012 25 6,096 11,813 47,815 321,482 137,070 67,449 17,168 15,174 3,935 25 3,628 635 2,217 4,684 84,621 26 10,636 13,342 81,324 387,732 176,159 50,931 13,510 20,347 3,175 765 5,770 1,625 4,012 125,785 27 327 2U 1,465 3,678 1,115 360 20 651 146 10 215 15 135 130 1,532 28 326 284 3,482 6,221 1,329 271 18 962 172 25 465 5 235 60 3,641 29 2,650 6,380 29,262 82,495 28,942 15,849 5,550 6,729 1,574 35 2,190 175 730 1,975 25,425 30 7,387 5,483 79,884 144,769 44,283 16,300 18,217 7,720 1,770 185 3,465 40 1,535 725 58,249 31 192 70 346 1,021 325 131 3 216 41 35 45 45 346 32 1,135 2,510 3,315 15,262 4,309 4,467 1,062 1,259 499 340 155 265 4,165 33 147 159 1,230 2,923 894 257 20 475 115 10 150 15 95 90 1,277 34 1,515 3,870 25,947 67,233 24,633 11,382 4,488 5,470 1,075 85 1,850 175 575 1,710 21,260 35 431 353 2,661 11,847 3,943 1,356 59 1,215 437 26 406 7 91 243 5,274 36 9,258 19,995 115,023 1,113,636 469,666 240,071 61,546 64,337 26,322 2,960 13,175 2,903 2,165 16,312 278,016 37 309 217 1,478 4,339 1,619 396 30 510 163 10 165 5 90 77 1,784 38 3,479 18,296 90,925 369,018 148,750 50,610 26,871 26,102 13,269 2,230 4,765 20O 705 4,883 116,685 39 641 294 2,793 9,125 2,727 1,053 54 1,443 366 36 595 6 165 275 3,348 40 13,907 13,723 101,154 615,478 264,189 139,422 41,607 37,333 13,957 1,676 9,475 712 1,070 10,493 132,877 41 23 L2 226 2,385 1,044 463 31 104 24 16 25 1 5 33 743 42 998 700 6,330 179,052 92,731 46,051 13,089 6,243 2,185 290 1,135 400 20 2,213 20,938 43 5,254 652 5,102 19,427 4,791 1,774 76 4,088 310 66 1,736 16 990 470 8,698 44 10,093 4,525 29,933 91,719 34,990 14,600 4,752 9,865 2,774 355 3,232 85 1,810 1,609 27,512 45 10,768 917 4,974 21,274 4,937 1,822 78 6,069 993 76 2,436 22 1,941 601 3,368 46 10,167 1,193 10,772 24,131 4,704 976 42 5,724 920 90 2,423 15 1,887 389 12,635 47 193,727 47,403 117,899 802,687 299,801 158,878 36,210 134,260 27,439 1,839 49,453 1,880 35,375 18,274 173,538 48 201,573 51,373 307,176 960,864 356,125 105,766 37,962 145,690 27,945 2,570 60,684 780 41,562 12,149 315,321 49 1,163 529 4,333 16,895 4,976 1,654 82 2,282 662 46 906 12 281 375 7,901 50 1,231 738 6,759 17,139 4,705 916 43 1,901 567 35 713 10 367 209 9,574 51 29,261 45,531 263,992 2,050,596 870,925 446,942 120,321 U6,894 44,764 4,661 26,278 4,250 5,452 31,489 495,514 52 34,641 38,285 322,263 1,672,434 784,913 218,430 52,375 104,831 46,699 2,055 23,532 245 18,570 13,780 511,335 53 653 427 3,250 13,807 4,527 1,488 63 1,495 502 31 506 7 166 283 6,229 54 697 563 5,200 14,356 4,385 845 41 1,216 397 20 418 5 207 169 7,869 55 17,737 38,291 205,948 1,482,654 618,416 290,681 88,417 90,439 4o,cei 5,240 17,940 3,103 2,870 21,195 394,701 56 25,229 23,601 333,481 1,451,295 666,499 166,588 60,833 89,390 36,123 1,275 19,992 195 15,185 16,620 467,985 57 58 59 61 1 5 10 100 55 26 2 16 15 1 1 1,550 35 10 2,609 1,486 659 397 47 45 2 '26 60 61 11^' 5 35 983 357 158 14 309 22 150 1 110 26 145 62 1.060 10 745 18,283 6,626 5,277 1,540 3,377 297 1,505 65 1,260 250 1,463 63 483 25 70 4,088 1,253 519 11 1,075 130 15 360 10 400 160 1,230 64 5,rjl6 385 590 76,966 26,358 16, U3 1,220 21,570 2,700 245 7,820 220 7,285 3,300 11,685 65 16 45 167 2,230 1,156 405 27 83 30 1 11 5 5 31 559 66 32 288 436 10,148 4,856 2,718 884 339 117 4 11 75 1 131 1,351 7,821 240 67 235 1,672 3,210 67,539 37,463 15,199 5,459 1,597 702 50 45 175 20 605 68 17 7 96 855 380 194 16 25 19 1 5 69 53 33 350 6,077 2,740 1,860 579 145 51 54 40 753 4,877 70 305 237 1,975 44,453 22,182 12,191 3,938 1,215 690 400 125 71 4,966 560 1,831 13,631 3,558 1,387 55 4,129 688 61 1,730 15 1,215 420 4,502 72 4,683 1,034 1,854 20,441 7,004 4,337 475 4,482 305 96 1,736 10 1,422 413 4,143 73 34,613 7,343 14,012 136,386 43,301 27,129 2,928 36,301 6,931 708 14,640 55 10,250 3,717 26,727 74 9,998 824 1,954 12,730 3,078 1,260 26 5,346 322 71 2,235 15 1,720 483 3,020 75 25,253 2,226 2,018 21,805 5,154 3,424 338 10,296 1,431 128 3,912 29 4,054 742 2,593 76 124,257 10,491 9,646 103,872 23,633 15,267 2,006 51, U3 7,251 676 21,250 140 17,930 3,901 11,818 77 105 21 200 3,685 1,111 368 22 845 215 15 255 285 75 1,339 73 38 22 85 4,192 1,429 794 100 1,225 181 25 248 720 51 644 79 165 103 330 10,864 3,517 1,992 182 2,960 635 40 825 1,230 180 2,213 198 80 53 15 86 845 380 153 18 96 41 5 15 6 5 24 81 194 48 209 2,573 1,136 773 263 202 47 2 38 35 16 64 194 82 1,540 507 1,525 15,599 7,177 5,042 1,099 1,126 410 5 140 170 50 351 1,155 83 228 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 7.-FARMS, ACREAGE, VALUE, AND USE OF COMMERCIAL [Data are based on reports for only Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Tenure of operator^ Full owners Part owners Uanagers FJ^R^E, ACRFAGE, AND VALUE Farms numter 1954.. 1950.. Land in farms acres 1954.. 1950.. Average size of farm acres 1954, . 1950.. Value of land and buildings: Average per farm dollars 1954. . 1950. . Average per acre dollars 1954. . 1950.. Proportion of farms reporting value percent 1954.. Land in farma according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949.. 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 1954.. 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 1954.. 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 1954.. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 1954.. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1954,. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 1954,. 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 1954,, 500 acres and over farms reporting 1954,. Cropland used only for pasture, , farms reporting 1954,. 1949,. acres 1954,. 1949,. Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting 1954,. 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949,. Cropland used only for crops not harvested and not pastured farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. Cropland lying idle farms reporting 1954, acres 1954,, Woodland pastured farms reporting 1954 , , acres 1954,, Woodland not pastured farms reporting 1954, acres 1954, , Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting 1954, , acres 1954,, Improved (see text) farms reporting 1954, acres 1954., Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) farms reporting 1954., acres 1954., iCropland, total farms reporting 1954., 1949., acres 1954., 1949., Land pastured, total farms reporting 1954. 1949., acres 1954,, 1949., Woodland, total .farms reporting 1954, 1949,, acres 1954, 1949,, Irrigated land in farms farms reporting 1954,, 1949., acres 1954., 1949., Cover crops turned under and land planted to another crop farms reporting 1954. acres 1954,, Cropland used for row or grain crops farmed on contour farms reporting 1954, acres 1954, USE OF COWERCIAL FERTILIZER Crops OD which coamercial fertilizer waa used, 19S4: Hay and cropland pastured farms reporting. tons, acres on which used. Other pasture farms reporting. tons, acres on which used. Com farms reporting. tons, acres on which used. Cotton farms reporting, tons, acres on which used. Fruits, vegetables, potatoes, etc.... farms reporting, tons, acres on which used. Other crops farms reporting. tons, acres on which used. 23,858 28,574 2,171,082 2,269,424 91.0 79.4 5,007 3,712 59.04 47.83 79 20,798 25,788 557,000 644,257 3,773 5,674 4,799 4,273 1,915 302 57 5 3,296 5,957 57,454 102,140 6,445 8,614 88,566 124,458 1,825 18,175 5,259 70,391 12,028 496,778 9,504 493,798 15,216 379,185 3,097 54,892 21,555 98,301 21,886 26,862 703,020 870,855 18,490 21,008 933,417 815,566 15,138 16,925 990,576 969,906 86 973 1,651 19,853 2,540 38, 665 1,365 2,967 17,969 567 1,492 11,634 15,868 31,239 208,766 16,980 42,630 174,087 1,426 948 3,470 1,050 1,318 3,870 6,002 7,781 786,781 907,471 Ul.l 116.6 6,675 5,072 56.12 44.55 81 5,695 7,498 167,469 223,180 626 1,701 1,316 1,334 620 70 26 2 1,281 2,454 25,411 48,610 2,274 3,024 31,655 44,195 754 7,495 1,811 24,160 4,129 188,589 3,341 187,727 5,058 155,468 1,200 23,365 5,866 30,462 5,794 7,623 224,535 315,985 5,825 7,489 369,468 361,552 5,179 6,508 376,316 403,982 37 500 3,324 2,189 479,731 259,008 144.3 118.3 7,956 5,437 56.60 45.93 74 3,308 2,178 140,269 75,199 91 546 827 1,008 650 161 23 2 686 594 15,058 9,440 1,064 876 13,305 14,4^7 407 3,829 799 9,476 2,207 105,779 1,851 96,943 2,685 86,702 777 17,338 3,273 21,675 3,309 2,179 168,632 99,086 3,129 2,014 207,539 97,670 2,669 1,749 202,722 U0,571 22 255 650 Abi, 8,575 6,605 810 492 13,704 10,325 568 386 1,161 976 6,664 6,897 213 167 730 448 5,755 3,179 4,639 2,912 9,739 8,473 63,807 53,520 4,848 3,073 10,495 10,234 39,932 40, 658 486 233 419 224 1,368 853 377 298 606 408 4,382 2,604 6 5 6,619 7,548 1,103.2 1,509.6 42,000 32,398 40.64 19.65 67 5 1,427 2,065 2 1 320 200 90 275 75 5 1,250 5 2,006 6 1,330 3 495 196 5 5 1,837 2,540 6 5 2,900 4,182 5 5 3,256 4,043 2 33 7,240 8,759 407,579 460,195 56.3 52.5 3,611 2,837 64.39 54.80 83 7,230 8,734 199,343 231,834 440 2,140 2,240 1,735 598 70 7 541 1,076 7,740 16,140 798 1,658 8,971 19,102 237 1,801 627 7,170 1,979 66,470 ■ 1,243 50,973 3,030 55,053 374 5,215 5,580 19,029 7,230 8,739 216,054 267,076 3,735 4,244 129,263 118.235 2,460 2,778 117,443 121,527 20 110 321 3,378 791 11,203 114 386 1,828 40 87 20 700 ? 5,468 6 9,851 50 69,989 2 6,952 U 19,257 58 83,354 1 206 7^ 135 4 490 1 178 ? 141 8 941 131 141 19,548 20,498 149.2 145.4 4,933 5,006 38.70 31.63 73 30 20 485 535 40 66 840 390 20 95 25 745 76 5 685 50 2 595 76 5 131 6 326 116 1 U2 Ul 141 4 955 5 017 111 126 11 351 6 420 101 101 8 280 11 276 15 315 20 135 110 160 1,330 115 284 1,220 10 3 20 1 2 90 65 35 4,030 1,755 62.0 50.1 4,922 2,326 72.25 48.79 62 65 35 1,675 1,130 10 105 5 40 15 290 10 850 40 915 60 260 65 35 1,715 1,235 40 15 1,205 540 20 10 1,U0 U5 3,440 5,173 240,020 302,752 69.8 58.5 4,299 3,092 62.09 53.30 87 3,440 5,168 107,085 146,452 135 800 1,075 980 385 60 5 335 761 4,570 10,495 490 1,132 5,565 11,782 120 910 415 4,655 1,305 42,595 795 34,290 1,905 34,180 225 2,415 2,880 11,735 3,440 5,168 117, 220 168,729 2,330 2,968 81,345 81,925 1,560 2,057 76,885 85,016 10 60 170 1 ,600 10 445 155 6 ,300 45 35 275 15 14 70 55 2 «?5 72 5 864 625 41 335 55 3 350 94 9 075 490 39 120 100 61 240 105 65 410 Z Reported in small fractions. ^Data are given by tenure of operator for comniercial farms only. MISSISSIPPI FERTILIZER. BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued 229 a Bample of fanuB. See text] Area «;— Continued An^a 5 Itamireof opera tor^—ttn. Other farms Total all fama Tenure of operator* Other farms Tenants — Con. Pull Part llanagere Tenants Other and Other Croppers unepecl- fled owners owners All Cssh Share- cash Crop- share Livestock- share Croppers and un- specified 3, 117 442 7,286 19,224 4,007 1,965 65 6,683 456 22 2,301 12 3,572 325 6,499 1 r,830 495 9,840 22,835 4,734 1,637 43 8,094 742 40 2,930 57 3,930 345 8,322 2 105,673 31,438 490,372 1,961,046 746,359 432,350 110,145 295,612 46,651 3,229 111,728 2,004 104,707 27, 293 376,580 3 98,505 31,255 635,202 1,964,156 750,759 304,517 70,346 382,346 66,446 3,135 150,940 15,440 122,870 24,015 455,688 4 33.9 71.1 67.3 102.0 186.3 220.0 1,694.5 44.2 102.3 146.8 48.6 167.0 29.3 84.0 57.9 5 3^.8 63.1 64.6 86.0 158.6 186.0 1,465.5 47.3 39.5 78.4 51.5 270.9 30.9 69.6 54.8 6 2 , t>i b 3,567 3,717 5,785 10,790 12,874 73,695 2,489 4,164 15,639 2,936 5,675 1,774 ■ 4,033 3,685 7 ;,3^s 2,536 3,056 4,212 7,410 10,085 50,448 2,291 3,332 3,393 2,631 8,684 1,798 2,899 2,935 8 75.^3 54.09 61.44 67.06 65.79 64.66 76.66 60.32 45.30 42.34 63.95 99.56 65.18 57.26 76.15 9 r'^.2^ 41.69 48.24 51.16 48.24 56.41 35.25 48.66 32.47 50.97 51.02 30.42 59.15 35.75 57.75 10 81 68 76 78 ''-' 68 65 79 79 32 79 83 79 78 79 11 3,117 432 4,560 17,082 3,766 1,939 55 6,651 436 22 2,301 7 3,572 313 4,671 12 2,830 475 7,373 20,593 4,493 1,617 46 8,039 722 40 2,930 52 3,955 340 6,393 13 73,026 11,817 48,492 510,357 164,555 124,190 14,935 153,800 11,842 1,631 53,973 555 71,837 3,962 52,327 14 66,665 12,035 111,979 606,517 200,217 95,744 6,643 208,397 22,262 1,230 32,635 3,430 89,395 9,345 95,516 15 260 20 2,616 4,115 427 100 1 972 41 186 5 710 30 2,615 16 1,120 155 1,286 5,329 1,017 355 6 2,576 151 825 1,480 120 1,375 17 1,005 95 416 3,148 7U 353 1,631 110 "5 640 300 76 450 18 575 U5 196 2,522 799 445 6 1,081 85 10 475 460 51 191 19 151 21 46 1,288 516 426 9 321 41 5 155 95 25 16 20 5 5 433 179 158 9 65 8 1 20 25 11 22 21 1 1 199 48 96 18 79 23 13 6 4 1 1 2 2 2 22 23 101 65 786 2,630 1,027 479 26 287 37 5 90 1 67 37 311 24 140 115 1,832 3,144 1,046 337 17 631 145 235 11 195 45 1,113 25 1,165 1,310 8,925 110,933 55,163 26,221 7,427 9,247 2,776 'io 1,630 110 3,254 1,417 12,875 26 1,890 2,210 27,750 144,780 75,337 18,901 3,235 14,620 2,910 5,820 1,025 3,195 1,670 27,687 27 loo 32 2,306 3,894 1,156 493 12 560 142 1 210 1 166 40 1,663 28 310 130 3,055 4,564 1,210 400 10 391 150 20 405 16 250 50 2,053 29 1,575 896 34,545 71,734 24,463 12,147 1,401 6,048 2,195 15 1,950 35 1,343 510 27,675 30 4,155 1,925 46,439 97,511 32, W3 10,035 2,217 14,125 1,515 80 7,595 2,090 2,085 760 33,991 31 75 12 425 1,609 496 248 5 328 36 125 1 U6 20 532 32 550 191 5,035 17,888 5,395 4,969 371 2,378 435 1,005 35 313 90 4,775 33 101 76 2,021 2,751 804 330 8 277 116 "i 95 35 30 1,332 34 1,025 705 29,510 53,846 19,068 7,178 1,030 3,670 1,760 15 945 530 420 22,900 35 397 161 3,708 7,190 2,377 1,143 41 956 192 2 441 2 192 127 2,673 36 10 , 0-5 5,585 134,690 346,220 U2,789 79,034 18,090 38,049 9,931 731 12,190 469 6,415 8,313 73,258 37 2..1 122 3,064 4,049 1,516 619 21 432 92 1 255 92 42 1,411 33 5, 040 6,798 156, 149 297,823 104,743 43,331 25,852 26,180 3,920 132 11,330 3,484 1,814 97,717 39 7o7 212 4,437 9,792 2,993 1,454 50 1,759 240 2 855 11 512 139 3,536 40 9,592 3,535 80,632 557,916 239,822 134,007 40,420 53,354 14,666 660 22,135 810 10,127 5,456 39,813 41 92 31 743 2,047 883 419 30 185 27 1 90 5 51 n 530 42 1,545 424 8,479 U7,653 66,000 32,793 16, 999 9,254 2,914 75 3,815 65 1,675 710 12,607 43 2,137 347 6,830 14,936 3,779 1,363 57 3,727 376 7 1,495 12 1,622 215 5,510 44 4,000 1,497 26,939 66,063 24,824 13,420 1,970 8,434 1,321 50 2,970 25 3,247 821 17,415 45 3,117 432 5,548 17,827 3,829 1,939 57 6,656 436 22 2,301 7 3,572 313 5,346 46 2,830 480 8,316 21,399 4,566 1,632 47 3,059 732 40 J, 930 52 3,965 340 7,095 47 75,766 14,023 91,962 693,024 244,181 162,553 23,813 169,095 16,813 1,656 62,603 700 76,434 10,839 93,377 43 72,710 16, 170 186,168 848,808 307,697 124,680 17,095 237, U2 26,687 1,360 96,050 6,595 94,675 11,775 162,194 49 952 267 5,795 12,888 3,395 1,310 65 2,272 340 7 1,091 12 627 195 4,846 50 775 300 7,256 14,224 4,524 1,487 43 2,929 562 30 1,375 42 770 150 5,241 51 21,432 10,430 224,247 1,015,069 427,774 239,262 65,937 101,150 27,373 1,401 36,005 1,389 19,796 15,136 180,946 52 16,440 10,800 233,927 895,462 387,-951 151,669 46,754 112,277 28,062 1,635 40,355 8,535 22,475 10,665 196,811 53 537 212 4,825 8,989 3,012 1,402 53 1,194 229 2 571 2 247 143 3,323 54 380 205 5,885 9,520 3,446 1,036 24 1,554 397 20 685 32 325 95 3,410 55 16,315 12,383 290,839 644,043 237,532 122,365 43,942 64,229 13,351 863 24,020 469 14,899 10,127 175,975 56 13,885 9,950 329,783 595,938 234,179 32,598 23,701 73,270 24,305 705 27,255 3,965 9,220 7,320 182,190 57 10 5 49 18 3 8 20 5 15 58 59 60 61 '50 75 979 75 169 410 325 65 260 115 26 215 808 216 186 4 266 6 105 130 25 136 62 1,430 238 1,265 11,810 3,523 3,329 608 2,960 115 1,140 1,565 140 1,390 63 27o 35 445 551 150 98 2 130 15 55 55 5 171 64 3,993 330 3,395 12,071 3,098 2,903 575 2,910 195 1,475 1,220 20 2,585 65 42 11 297 896 390 222 19 74 22 1 20 26 5 191 66 169 12 444 5,214 2,537 1,100 927 317 120 43 64 80 5 333 67 &43 70 2,580 33,808 14,787 9,127 5,782 1,677 512 320 370 435 40 2,435 66 15 146 396 169 84 14 26 9 1 5 "5 5 1 103 69 45 222 3,488 2,019 625 473 170 43 11 25 13 48 20 201 70 500 1,980 24,526 13,454 5,652 3,098 1,105 450 55 200 65 175 160 1,217 71 2,122 336 2,847 7,995 2,253 1,215 18 2,560 150 10 975 1,281 144 1,949 72 3,191 514 3,170 13,795 5,111 3,260 166 3,291 179 18 1,330 1,564 200 1,967 73 22,545 3,819 21,400 105,131 35,080 24,840 1,032 27,955 1,333 280 11,430 12,663 1,744 16,224 74 2,981 421 2,105 11,906 2,545 1,531 15 5,625 310 15 1,970 3,096 234 2,190 75 8,752 960 2,630 28,234 5,710 5,334 678 13,986 546 48 5,202 7,724 466 2,526 76 38,113 4,066 10,085 136,443 26,426 24,259 2,284 71,814 2,370 295 26,000 39,960 2,689 11,660 77 65 31 500 687 191 101 80 15 35 25 5 315 78 41 30 170 564 210 168 63 6 22 34 1 123 79 145 85 755 2,631 842 909 320 50 50 ao 10 560 SO 56 11 196 903 367 277 28 71 6 "2 40 6 12 5 160 61 52 17 161 3,810 1,662 1,335 395 186 17 6 74 10 74 5 232 62 370 56 935 25,194 10,671 9,753 2,146 1,300 90 30 440 95 620 25 1,324 63 230 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 7.-FARMS, ACREAGE, VALUE, AND USE OF COMMERCIAL [Data are based on reports for only Iten (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Tenure of operator^ Full owners Part owners Managers Crop- share FARMS, ACRFAGE, AMD VALUE Farms number 1954 . 1950. Land in farms acres 1954 . 1950. Average size of farm acres 1954. 1950. Value of laad sod buildings: Average per farm dollars 1954. 1950. Average per acre dollars 1954. 1950. Proportion of farms reporting value percent 1954. Land in farns according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 1954. 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 1954. 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 1954. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 1954. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1954. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 1954. 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 1954 . 500 acres and over farms reporting 1954. Cropland used only for pasture. .farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Cropland used only for crops not harvested and not pastured farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. Cropland lying Idle farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. Woodland pastured farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. Woodland not pastured farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. Improved (see text) farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. Cropland, total farms reporting 1954. , 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Land pastured, total farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Woodland, t^Dtal farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Irrigated land in farms farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Cover crops turned under and land planted to another crop farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. Cropland used for row or grain crops farmed on contour farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER Crops on which connercial fertilizer was used, 1954; Hay and cropland pastured farms reporting. tons. acres on which used. Other pasture farms reporting. tons, acres on which used. Com farms reporting. tons, acres on which used. Cotton farms reporting. tons, acres on which used. Fruits, vegetables, potatoes, etc.... farms reporting. tons, acres on which used. Other crops farms reporting, tons, acres on which used. 33,634 43,052 3,543,156 3,583,418 91.7 83.2 5,445 3,841 63.16 46.65 t!2 33,794 38,662 702,139 854,799 8,566 11,786 6,851 4,687 1,550 283 67 10,528 9,946 257,330 235,264 9,689 13,374 126,852 204,338 2,068 15,625 8,501 111,227 25,016 1,316,462 10,754 547,550 16,866 493,844 4,773 135,390 34,307 93,979 36,078 41,127 1,086,321 1,294,401 30,087 31,475 2,072,636 1,730,867 28,251 29,646 1,364,012 1,808,316 1L2 2,150 2,061 25,568 17,145 342,298 4,824 13,590 86,584 1,603 6,946 44,869 23,826 49,739 321,741 24,893 50,900 203,950 7,793 5,470 19,119 1,642 3,202 20,143 11,621 11,915 1,529,079 1,518,264 131.6 127.4 7,421 5,376 59.36 42.40 84 11,140 11,443 279,798 319,421 1,217 4,296 2,774 1,962 722 140 28 1 4,365 3,785 123,497 110,605 3,499 4,081 48,639 64,472 776 6,877 3,069 41,762 9,971 592,383 4,353 216,309 6,631 234,332 2,214 72,272 11,217 34,121 11,319 11,750 451,934 494,498 11,210 11,438 950,212 810,708 11,001 10,385 808, 692 808,131 60 943 944 11,918 6,499 145,355 2,307 7,672 45,582 716 3,300 22,392 9,959 19,685 124,063 9,065 17,393 67,176 3,018 2,413 8,272 831 1,970 11,737 3,976 2,059 603,914 292,207 151.9 141.9 7,777 6,169 54.86 43.21 72 3,933 2,027 139,084 77,467 136 869 1,083 1,214 489 122 24 1 1,363 655 37,904 20,474 1,057 733 11,642 14,089 428 2,912 788 8,730 3,203 234,871 1,439 69,615 2,250 97,281 793 29,152 3,812 13,517 3,945 2,054 188, 630 112,030 3,651 1,834 370,056 134,908 3,567 1,809 304,486 143,325 32 747 512 8,032 2,193 68,075 903 3,165 20,019 316 1,951 11,051 3,602 9,378 60,978 3,555 11,021 42 , 867 1,274 1,193 4,181 263 533 4,466 51 28 59,618 34,323 1,169.0 1,225 51,709 48,263 46.73 43.34 17 12 3,614 3,537 10 11 945 1,000 2 40 10 905 35 19,758 13 20,589 33 9,965 25 4,268 50 865 45 23 8,441 8,630 41 28 33,337 16,903 44 28 40,347 22,162 3 161 11 190 14 1,488 21 361 2,595 14 312 2,035 32 316 1,325 19 159 443 4 18 57 11 62 211 7,193 7,578 305,045 357,072 42.4 47.1 2,363 2,188 7,167 7,528 166,700 190,415 421 2,990 2,172 1,303 259 17 436 666 6,719 11,085 725 1,351 6,350 14,415 135 825 600 5,525 1,616 65,233 613 29,785 1,223 21,787 160 2,460 4,722 8,471 7,173 7,553 179,769 215,915 2,223 2,408 93,739 108,045 1,837 2,033 95,018 106, 992 11 292 2,733 3,408 73,253 207 290 2,213 46 108 1,045 6,324 10,310 75,060 6,952 16, 691 71,731 1,186 658 2,706 118 113 721 349 507 35,572 39,534 101.9 78.0 4,083 3,462 33.57 43.14 34 339 487 8,381 11,877 35 130 102 55 42 131 579 1,705 105 166 1,470 2,045 35 350 85 1,120 202 11,538 116 8,390 142 3,930 36 525 298 784 339 492 10,930 15,627 249 377 16,047 13,942 218 352 19,928 13,729 25 140 161 3,007 28 70 364 6 52 500 297 488 3,683 336 815 3,313 130 68 285 21 22 206 55 60 3,695 3,365 67.2 56.1 3,339 i;780 48.32 30.00 91 55 55 1,370 1,220 15 10 175 175 10 20 25 270 5 10 20 45 1,385 15 345 25 40 50 95 55 60 1,570 1,665 45 35 1,860 1,605 45 20 1,730 1,115 10 270 2,245 2,270 117,710 123,695 52.4 54.5 2,660 2,423 52.15 43.26 86 2,240 2,270 52,060 61,325 85 960 725 385 85 195 245 2,425 4,850 325 445 2,965 4,735 60 205 285 2,780 870 33,465 260 12,660 605 10, 985 50 630 1,640 3,130 2,240 2,270 57,470 70, 910 1,145 880 46,875 41,795 940 755 46,125 38,655 90 960 1,060 22,770 5 65 8 39 25 405 10 22 80 50 1,990 84 3,068 620 24,095 55 2,165 U8 4,644 580 20,475 10 370 11 201 45 775 35 22 170 ^Data are given by teniire of operator for commGrcial farms only. MISSISSIPPI FERTILIZER, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 -Continued 231 a sample of farms. See text] Area 6tt— Ckintinued Area 6b lyature of opeiator*— Con. Other farms Total all farms Tenure of operator^ Other farms Tenants — Con. Full ownera Part ownors Uana^ers Tenants Croppers Other and unspeci- fied All Cash Share- caab Crop- a bare LiTestock- share Croppers Other snd un- specified 4.052 480 15,793 20,895 5,366 1,772 10 3,094 309 75 915 25 1,545 225 10,653 1 ,,186 520 21,472 23,419 5,543 1,001 15 3,194 350 10 995 10 1,583 246 13,666 2 119,099 27,422 1,045,500 2,229,710 962,339 342,536 14,105 145,749 23,604 8,030 48,580 1,495 45,805 18,235 754, 981 3 158,733 29,525 1,381,552 2,209,515 891,726 182,620 15,435 169,386 26,650 490 58,430 1,100 63,319 19,397 950,348 4 29.4 57.1 66.2 106.7 179.3 193.3 1,410.5 47.1 76.4 107.1 53.1 59.8 29.6 81.0 71.8 5 -i- q 56.8 64.3 'K.3 160.9 182.4 1,029.0 53.0 76.1 49.0 58.7 110.0 40.0 78.8 69.5 6 1,904 3,463 4,755 5,208 8,001 9,693 82,158 2,157 2,646 3,719 2,385 2,522 1,611 3,718 3,997 7 l,?'--- 2,847 3,290 3,446 5,152 6,100 38,871 1,870 2,463 1,000 1,832 2,350 1,517 3,571 2,884 8 65.06 t>2.37 76.19 52.59 50.32 48.70 42.28 43.87 31.08 33.43 43.06 43.12 53.26 43.33 58.96 9 50 .4i 50.69 52.09 37.02 32.69 33.93 36.20 36.43 32.39 15.87 32.01 21.36 40.01 45.92 41.78 10 37 86 82 81 86 64 60 83 74 87 83 80 84 89 82 11 ..,047 475 11,505 18,380 5,138 1,757 9 3,073 298 75 910 25 1,545 220 3,403 12 4,171 510 17,639 21,164 5,358 988 10 3,169 350 10 985 10 1,583 231 11,639 13 93,687 10,297 112,675 357,354 130.737 67,345 865 70,466 5,946 2,480 20,495 955 35,425 5,165 87,941 14 102,548 12,590 263,403 464,299 165, 124 37,410 2,025 84,622 9,245 215 28,990 225 39,606 6,341 175,118 15 2«) 36 6,786 5,391 576 56 1 170 20 50 80 20 4,588 16 1,680 210 3,630 6,218 1,930 394 1,185 165 '20 345 "5 565 85 2,709 17 1,175 130 814 3,661 1,345 437 "i 1,056 66 30 335 570 55 822 18 765 92 206 2,184 845 536 561 41 15 155 'is 280 55 242 19 157 7 60 737 359 244 4 91 6 5 25 5 50 39 20 10 2 6 1 168 17 4 73 8 2 80 8 2 2 1 10 5 5 3 21 22 23 U6 66 4,347 3,559 1,481 379 4 125 25 10 35 20 35 1,570 24 205 70 4,828 4,850 1,690 288 13 357 65 130 117 45 2,502 25 1,265 2,145 85,596 85,478 42,886 13,538 463 1,600 210 350 510 85 445 26,991 26 2,725 1,540 89, 563 109,725 50,247 13,718 1,550 5,000 1,195 1,775 1,365 665 39,210 27 200 85 4,398 6,382 2,022 535 1 396 81 30 170 60 55 3,428 28 600 105 7,198 7,677 2,003 296 6 646 120 10 225 5 230 56 4,726 29 1,160 710 59,276 87,202 29,523 6,689 20 4,595 925 175 2,295 435 765 46,375 30 5,495 1,735 110,362 116,618 37,573 6,384 525 8,205 1,655 15 3,465 '26 1,885 1,165 63,931 31 60 25 677 1,194 465 158 100 10 10 40 20 20 471 32 215 50 4,971 9,137 3,349 1,033 870 100 50 425 175 120 3,385 33 150 70 4,037 5,701 1,777 454 "i 326 76 25 150 40 35 3,143 34 945 660 54,305 78,065 25,674 5,656 20 3,725 825 125 1,870 260 645 42,990 35 332 160 10,191 13,201 4,447 1,466 9 753 138 55 305 5 125 125 6,526 36 12,685 5,460 404,217 770,215 330,276 121,971 5,765 31,384 8,054 2,670 11,575 145 3,385 5,555 280,819 37 120 102 4,336 8,123 2,692 904 6 408 83 30 165 5 70 55 4,113 38 2,370 6,020 2U,252 535,935 248,263 69,418 3,358 20,261 4,961 610 7,920 385 2,575 3,810 1«,635 39 307 142 6,724 10,853 3,749 1,219 9 758 163 35 295 165 100 5, US 40 4,145 2,150 135,479 341,954 164,291 56,438 3,372 13,434 2,904 1,475 4,500 2,525 2,030 104,419 41 42 20 1,581 2,140 931 368 6 81 U 5 35 15 15 754 42 1,015 90 27,238 69, 568 33,314 17,687 2,538 1,510 285 200 390 160 475 14,519 43 2,372 350 14,506 18,616 5,196 1,746 10 2,059 249 75 655 15 865 200 9,605 44 3,787 640 37,005 51,572 16,363 7,137 262 4,009 604 270 1,285 10 1,375 465 23,801 45 4,047 480 13,596 19,481 5,231 1,769 9 3,088 308 75 910 25 1,545 225 9,384 46 4,181 515 19,742 22,430 5,486 994 15 3,179 350 10 995 10 1,583 231 12,756 47 96,112 13,152 257,547 530,034 203,146 87,572 1,348 76,661 7,081 3,005 23,300 955 35,945 6,375 161,307 48 110,768 15,865 463,328 690,642 252,944 57,512 4,100 97,827 12,095 230 34,230 245 42,856 8,171 278,259 49 537 240 12,962 16,159 5,144 1,656 10 1,0% 224 55 420 5 225 165 8,255 50 831 265 15,767 17,490 5,313 881 15 1,159 215 445 10 363 126 10,122 51 18,095 9,755 625,292 1,197,647 537,453 191,947 9,600 46,418 11,168 4,495 16,585 145 5,995 8,03C 412,229 52 38,568 11,215 660,298 1,027,489 465,326 90,177 7,744 49,751 8,730 16,865 555 15,226 8,375 414,491 53 402 225 11,802 15,700 5,064 1,630 10 879 174 '60 340 10 160 135 8,117 54 651 240 14,891 16,659 5,111 895 9 999 195 5 370 10 303 116 9,645 55 15,055 11,480 615,469 1,306,150 578,539 191,339 9,123 51,645 13,015 3,280 19,495 530 5,960 9,365 475,454 56 35,588 12,040 727,706 1,198,396 499,672 %,926 8,601 55,498 11,375 240 17,575 695 17,013 8,600 537,699 57 5 6 45 18 21 1 5 58 59 60 61 '75 61 548 438 ' 85 10 'is 160 16 302 559 262 83 1 40 10 30 173 62 1,510 88 2,695 6,117 2,965 1,239 25 355 90 265 1,533 63 1,946 221 5,031 9,711 2,756 923 6 1,471 131 45 380 10 805 100 4,555 64 42,105 4,741 54,127 171,405 60,938 30,108 378 31,125 2,460 1,435 8,110 445 16,685 1,990 48,856 65 57 51 1,386 2,538 1,090 471 6 87 2 15 40 10 20 834 66 108 60 2,102 4,967 2,269 1,556 52 62 8 3 15 10 26 1,028 67 9"0 409 16,175 38,748 17,354 12,501 608 401 61 35 95 35 175 7,884 63 2 5 5 511 589 228 76 6 12 2 10 267 69 32 2 1,275 2,220 1,145 438 47 35 25 10 555 70 455 10 7,846 16,525 9,470 2,752 402 303 193 110 3,598 71 3,552 424 8,909 15,998 4,680 1,637 5 2,821 276 75 835 25 1,405 205 6,355 72 5,993 637 10,050 28,056 10,023 5,065 38 4,997 437 182 1,402 55 2,572 349 7,933 73 41,420 4,997 60,315 184,749 64,196 31,012 165 37,2.33 3,163 1,190 10,710 670 18,540 2,960 52,143 74 3,940 445 5,302 12,478 4,101 1,524 3 2,941 281 75 885 20 1,490 190 3,909 75 10,172 888 5,636 22,24i 7,417 4,365 12 6,538 474 182 1,930 35 3,568 349 3,912 76 43,42 5 3,808 21,733 85,839 27,188 15,753 40 27,309 2,064 795 8,300 130 14,580 1,440 15,549 77 551 120 2,311 3,014 766 370 370 35 5 135 10 160 25 1,508 78 32 5 48 1,178 1,491 439 331 146 16 4 56 10 52 8 575 79 1,391 200 3,903 5,649 1,487 1,349 600 50 5 200 35 245 65 2,213 30 50 U 419 1,332 599 184 121 21 5 45 40 10 428 81 57 10 524 2,000 978 650 66 30 1 9 18 8 306 82 2.?0 38 2,958 11,320 5,980 3,049 331 111 5 55 130 30 1,960 83 232 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 7.-FARMS, ACREAGE, VALUE. AND USE OF COMMERCIAL [Data are based oa reports for only Item (For definitions and explaoations, see text) FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number 1954. 1950. Land in farms acres 1954. 1950. Average size of farm acres 1954. 1950. Value of land and buildioga: Average per farm dollars 1954. 1950. Average per acre dollars 1954. 1950. Proportion of farms reporting value percent 1954. Laod in farns according to use; Cropland harvested farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 1954 . 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 1954. 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 1954. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 1954. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1954. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 1954. 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 1954. 500 acres and over farms reporting 1954, Cropland used only for pasture. .farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Cropland used only for crops not harvested and not pastured farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. Cropland lying idle farms reporting 1954, acres 1954, Woodland pastured farms reporting 1954, acres 1954, Woodland not pastured farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. Improved (see text) farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc, ) farms reporting 1954 . acres 1954. Cropland, total farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Land pastured, total farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Woodland, total farms reporting 1954. 1949., acres 1954. 1949., Irrigated land in farms farms reporting 1954., 1949., acres 1954,, 1949., Cover crops turned under and land planted to another crop farms reporting 1954., acres 1954., Cropland used for row or grain crops farmed on contour farms reporting 1954., acres 1954., USE OF COmERCIAL FERTILIZER Crops on which conmercial fertilizer vas used, 1954; Hay and cropland pastured farms reporting. tons., acres on which used.. Other pasture farms reporting., tons. , acres on which used.. Com farms reporting. , tons. , acres on which used.. Cotton farms reporting . , tons. , acres on which used.. Fruits, vegetables, potatoes, etc,.,, farms reporting., tons. , acres on which used.. Other crops farms reporting. , tons, , acres on which used,. Total all farms 8,783 8,667 965,016 879,056 109.9 101.4 7,701 5,149 76.81 53.39 91 7,334 7,264 202,557 187,037 3,201 1,883 927 698 419 32 3,262 2,583 78,856 48,261 2,094 3,024 29,983 48,705 420 4,955 1,775 25,028 4,474 314,089 3,620 267,912 1,548 49,181 1,005 26,428 8,323 22,438 8,183 8,246 311,396 284,003 6,490 5,402 442,126 297,385 6,995 7,014 582,001 554,678 10 355 206 7,514 1,617 43,300 1,278 5,581 31,023 493 3,203 16,860 5,703 12,622 63,276 2,067 3,274 12,339 3,080 18,838 77,079 407 1,010 5,472 Tenure of operator ^ Full owners 2,052 2,103 392,928 373,647 191.5 177.7 12,095 7,908 71.49 50.25 91 1,925 2,006 71,445 70,135 264 594 412 353 200 62 32 8 962 762 33,418 18,366 458 676 8,073 13,210 160 3,359 341 4,714 1,333 150,874 951 101,812 459 19,971 340 11,971 1,962 7,335 1,972 2,078 112,936 101,711 1,779 1,623 204,263 152,641 1,869 1,902 252,686 256,850 2 245 107 6,118 531 16,569 510 2,871 16,618 192 1,706 7,988 1,582 4,911 24,231 775 1,337 5,150 922 5,898 21,780 157 361 1,880 Part owners 508 282 104,063 32,065 204.8 113,7 12,124 5,838 68.14 49.06 73 501 272 33,624 9,544 25 56 77 162 137 16 22 6 189 76 7,930 2,010 55 100 350 1,685 20 190 40 160 258 26,695 225 26,743 186 6,906 131 4,715 501 1,815 501 282 41,904 13,239 427 192 41,531 10,676 427 227 53,438 17,626 49 549 194 7,567 169 1,379 5,896 58 399 2,504 470 2,100 11,036 323 842 3,117 250 1,658 8,728 78 180 1,180 Uanagers 45 43 102,072 90,474 2,268.3 2,104.0 159,946 88,491 70.95 43.65 39 42 36,875 44,289 5 6 1 1 3 5 18 13 9 7,501 3,675 13 1 3,710 150 2 100 11 3,610 27 21,229 17 24,221 23 7,960 14 2,555 33 576 44 42 48,086 48,114 34 28 36,690 15,846 32 41 45,450 37,644 5 447 11 2,089 23 481 3,002 13 564 2,493 24 119 490 12 40 125 23 8,821 30,683 6 253 1,442 211 228 22,049 24,890 104.5 109.2 6,148 5,165 60.96 48.22 191 218 5,392 7,096 26 42 76 25 20 56 51 1,379 1,730 42 622 1,210 37 534 114 8,366 83 5,237 31 680 11 78 176 373 211 223 7,393 10,036 139 128 10,425 ■7,912 150 128 13,603 13,218 106 2,920 38 34 332 5 2 25 170 496 2,654 177 348 1,377 177 461 16 61 76 7,075 7,905 116.0 104.0 4,190 5,964 40.45 63.21 92 56 71 1,495 2,058 5 10 25 5 10 10 10 175 160 21 31 247 515 1 3 21 244 45 2,340 26 2,525 20 220 5 25 51 73 51 76 1,917 2,743 51 41 2,735 2,967 56 51 4,865 4,857 25 705 20 22 175 5 2 25 56 110 820 55 94 503 31 18 58 10 10 10 25 5 1,700 400 68.0 80.0 6;052 4,000 89.00 50.00 100 25 5 805 160 10 155 20 560 15 120 25 50 25 5 960 160 25 5 715 230 20 5 680 230 Crop-share 15 420 25 53 465 25 37 135 15 20 95 55 40 5,610 2,395 100.2 59.9 5,732 3,304 57.22 43.59 100 56 40 1,790 1,085 15 30 10 1 5 35 11 5 270 45 1 40 11 230 16 1,424 26 1,605 5 365 46 121 56 40 2,095 1,130 21 15 1,824 195 31 15 3,029 1,190 26 1,170 46 105 520 55 157 475 15 18 95 6 78 375 Data are given by tenure of operator for commercial fauns only. MISSISSIPPI FERTILIZER, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued 233 a BOmpl© of fanns. See toxt] AreB 7— Continued Area 8 Itamiroof opera tor^— Con. Other farms Total 111 farms Tenure of operator^ Other farms Tenants— Con, Full owners Part owners yaoagers Tenantfi Other and Share- Crop- share Livestock- Other Croppers unspeci- All Cash cash share Croppers and un- fied specified 32 32 5,967 2,%7 622 23 6 13 1 1 1 10 2,303 1 60 47 6,011 2,807 618 7 17 40 5 10 25 2,125 2 1,«4 4,230 343,904 261,557 130,179 4,867 7,680 3,095 15 265 2,200 615 U5,736 3 8,110 6,080 357,980 218,610 98,364 9,836 8,295 5,270 300 3,425 1,545 96,845 4 44.8 132.2 57.6 88.2 209.3 211.6 1,280.0 233.1 15.0 265.0 2,200.0 61.5 50.3 5 U5.2 129.4 59.6 77.9 159.2 1,405.1 437.9 131.8 60.0 342.5 61.8 45.6 6 6,578 6,219 4,960 8,654 14,438 11,318 86,667 6,500 4,000 26,500 3,000 6,933 7 6,298 3,230 3,521 5,632 8,024 36,667 31,193 6,564 6,564 4,680 8 146.79 47.04 86.55 103.57 74.12 60.66 100.00 105.81 266.67 100.60 100.00 136.21 9 46.59 29.22 59.55 75.14 49.09 183.95 68.90 106.21 106.21 99.49 10 100 100 92 88 89 96 50 54 100 ioo 50 83 11 32 17 4,678 2,098 530 23 6 11 1 10 1,528 12 60 42 4,726 2,236 538 7 16 35 "5 10 20 1,640 13 1,032 120 55,221 31,860 16,156 570 914 1,149 849 300 13,071 14 2,665 1,118 55,973 25,536 8,766 1,065 3,020 1,735 200 1,075 460 10,950 15 5 16 2,886 1,285 142 5 5 1,138 16 16 1 1,186 419 162 'io i 246 17 5 356 158 80 6 1 71 13 5 157 135 84 6 45 19 61 57 34 1 i ■■5 "5 16 20 7 30 17 1 12 21 1 25 10 4 8 3 2 1 1 22 23 31 2,042 993 313 2 5 2 1 1 671 24 '36 11 1,685 860 257 7 11 5 5 580 25 1,014 28,628 27,436 16,797 157 925 225 14 211 9,332 26 1,215 355 22,430 15,893 6,480 90 1,073 220 220 8,030 27 10 1,526 717 128 5 5 5 5 574 28 30 '16 2,165 802 ir2 15 15 615 29 105 17,228 12,859 4,114 'io 124 20 20 8,551 30 560 '96 32,450 19,176 9,561 215 215 9,400 31 5 231 195 63 5 127 32 45 1,218 3,715 2,145 84 1,486 33 5 1,346 M3 99 5 1 5 5 493 34 60 16,010 9,144 1,969 50 40 20 20 7,065 35 5 22 2,742 1,170 299 18 2 7 1 1 5 844 36 40 2,177 106,925 73,008 35,444 2,766 2,500 137 122 10 5 32,161 37 6 10 2,344 1,160 290 7 5 11 1 10 347 33 237 750 109,899 95,904 43,629 771 2,650 1,360 1,090 270 42,494 39 1 849 394 138 1 2 1 1 252 40 85 13,664 12,730 6,299 470 401 140 140 5,420 41 1 509 145 76 2 1 1 66 42 43 7,109 4,276 2,570 401 140 140 1,165 43 17 32 5,651 2,705 576 IS 6 13 1 1 1 10 2,092 44 20 84 12,339 7,760 2,740 33 166 64 1 3 40 20 4,707 45 32 32 5,455 2,557 590 23 6 12 1 1 10 1,926 46 60 42 5,621 2,556 587 7 17 40 5 10 25 1,905 47 1,137 1,134 101,077 72,155 37,067 777 1,963 1,394 14 1,060 320 30,954 48 4,440 1,563 110,903 60,605 24,807 1,155 4,093 2,170 200 1,295 675 28,380 49 5 32 4,111 1,866 504 18 6 8 1 1 1 5 1,330 50 40 27 3,431 1,419 396 7 16 10 5 5 990 51 40 3,276 149,217 113,174 53,540 3,393 3,326 502 14 262 221 5 46,913 52 1,930 2,590 110,310 90,579 47, 581 8,740 2,963 1,295 1,280 15 30,000 53 6 32 4,517 2,116 508 18 5 12 1 1 10 1,573 54 30 27 4,716 1,820 432 7 16 20 5 15 1,345 55 277 2,927 216,824 168,912 84,0-^ 3,537 5,150 1,497 ... 122 1,100 275 74,655 56 3,180 3,761 229,340 1 '10 45 400 129,699 2 '60 50 637 64,924 28 495 2,550 2,465 2 60 2 37 2,915 2,090 825 56,745 20 105 57 53 59 60 61 62 63 30 10 775 U 5 1 5 64 535 90 14,155 870 300 55 15 65 1 2 538 449 209 1 5 234 66 1 7 816 2,726 1,719 20 238 749 67 5 67 5,175 12,238 7,421 144 953 3,720 68 225 109 50 2 1 1 56 69 532 520 244 52 20 20 204 70 3,850 3,006 1,800 401 140 140 665 71 27 11 3,457 953 289 18 3 643 72 177 10 4,996 1,624 704 88 69 763 73 628 41 24,855 7,217 3,418 342 183 3,274 74 26 10 780 25 15 10 75 40 10 707 56 50 6 76 199 40 2,570 130 115 15 77 11 1,808 1,177 237 17 4 6 1 5 913 78 111 2,284 2,415 1,191 18 109 193 153 40 904 79 183 15,427 150 128 585 11,520 128 287 982 4,304 77 259 895 82 247 1 4 2 1,095 300 295 5,792 50 24 85 30 31 32 33 234 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 8.— FARM FACILITIES, OFF-FARM WORK, WORK POWER, FARM LABOR, ^ [Data are based on reports for only Item (For definitions and erplanationa, see text] SPECIFIED FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT Telephone farms reporting 195^ . Electricity farms reporting ISS**. 1950. Television set farms reporting 1954. Piped running water farms reporting 1954 . Home freezer farms reporting 1954 . Elec trie pig brooder farms reporting 1954 . Power feed grinder farms reporting 1954. Hlllcing machine farms reporting 1954. Grain combines farms reporting 1954 . number 1954. Corn pickers farms reporting 1954. number 1954. Pick-up hay balers farms reporting 1954 . number 1954. Field forage harvesters farms reporting 1954. number 1954. Motortrucks farms reporting 1954 . number 1954. Tractors, other than garden farms reporting 1954.. 1950.. number 1954 . . 1950.. Automobiles farms reporting 1954 . . number 1954 . . OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCCME Fbfb operators — With other income of family exceeding value of farm products sold operators reporting 1954., 1949 . , Working off their farms, total operators reporting 1954., 1949., 100 or more days operators reporting 1954., 1949.. FARMS BY CLASS OF WORK POWER No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting 1954.. No tractor but horses and/or mules. farms reporting 1954. . Tractor and horses and/or mules. .. .farms reporting 1954.. Tractor and no horses or mulea farms reporting 1954.. FARM LABOR WeeL of October 24-30: Family and/or hired workers farms reporting 1954.. persons 1954. , Family workers, including operator farms reporting 1954 . . Operators working 1 or more hoiors persons 1954. . Unpaid members of operator's family farms reporting 1954.. persons 1954. . Hired workers farms reporting 1954 . . persons 1954. . Regular workers (to be employed 150 or more days ) farms reporting 1954 . . persons 1954. . Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days ) farms reporting 1954 . . persons 1954. . SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Specified farm expenditures^ farms reporting 1954.. Machine hire and/or hired labor farms reporting 1954.. Machine hire farms reporting 1954 . . dollars 1954.. Hired labor farms reporting 1954 . . 1949.. dollars 1954.. 1949.. $1 to $2,499 farms reporting 1954.. $2,500 and over farms reporting 1954.. Feed for livestock and poultry. .farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. dollars 1954.. 1949.. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil ..farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. dollars 1954.. 1949.. Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing material farms reporting 1954.. dollars 1954.. tons 1954.. acres on which used 1954.. Lime and liming material farms reporting 1954.. tons 1954.. dollars 1954.. acres limed 1954.. Total all farms 29 734 183 331 U0,iB6 29 514 63 150 36 293 716 7 509 5 047 6,282 7 536 1 900 1 996 4 605 4 794 1 360 1,472 63 374 77 551 51 489 32 474 79 575 50,494 84 482 98 862 57,236 75,306 91,383 98,860 46,757 43,908 76,319 29,286 22,203 186,349 468,963 180,020 83,402 169,071 19,626 119,872 5,046 17,740 16,580 102,132 207,646 150,396 115,709 19,144,943 86,754 81,171 45,918,072 44,212,203 83,440 3,314 119,970 124,083 46,172,124 25,866,811 34,551 54,573 23,510,309 16,512,123 180,449 40,773,991 707,674 4,4i9,8CK 6,372 185,268 1,007,228 216,634 Tenure of operator^ 9,242 40,904 36,217 8,142 20,959 12,784 257 3,390 2,652 2,373 2,758 718 752 1,928 1,994 54^ 576 23,211 25,908 20,274 12,939 29,587 19,190 18,783 23,090 4,437 4,619 13,943 10,718 5,003 3,450 4,317 20,471 12,878 7,396 41,244 103,855 40,470 39,522 17,418 30,071 6,564 34,262 2,211 6,519 5,143 27,743 44,635 33,545 24,386 4,883,986 23,811 22,321 15,085,593 15,1A0,714 22,628 1,163 32,134 31,332 26,552,395 12,699,378 26,480 19,005 8,612,502 6,343,451 40,764 12,031,354 213,875 l,i28,973 2,762 75,166 427,819 92,549 Part owners 4,215 16,172 9,034 4,136 8,162 5,761 85 2,302 1,493 1,376 2,266 624 645 1,470 1,536 452 472 11,187 13,854 10,695 5,254 19,520 9,783 3,454 12,108 1,876 1,178 7,148 3,371 2,310 920 6,082 6,884 3,811 16,636 68,187 16,331 15,884 7,844 15,996 4,522 36,307 1,572 5,721 3,639 30,586 17,650 U,598 10,607 3,388,336 11,652 7,122 13,874,846 10,352,093 10,483 1,169 12,597 3,595 9,481,718 3,973,793 12,358 6,411 7,167,794 4,031,711 17,092 3,377,475 1A3,303 918,664 1,379 53,029 291,068 60,729 Uanagera 394 643 638 276 573 371 9 209 31 311 494 139 173 266 319 82 105 593 1,427 607 609 3,567 3,623 527 2,225 91 114 59 89 29 506 101 650 11,245 608 60 104 498 10,533 362 3,012 310 7,521 658 625 356 933,527 600 681 5,374,390 7,6*7,033 226 374 443 435 1,550,693 777,765 608 667 1,792,084 1,870,852 597 2,095,015 36,162 242,672 125 24,931 112,068 25,349 2,176 67,444 38,938 4,875 6,165 3,840 149 619 451 1,382 1,665 321 323 636 638 142 143 15,122 16,373 9,625 6,881 15,421 10,216 25,604 28,001 2,547 4,369 25,108 32,393 3,054 3,082 53,099 22,327 3,830 5,745 79,048 213,250 77,635 48,875 102,732 5,447 32,833 584 1,797 5,181 31,036 82,854 72,288 57,724 8,660,719 35,009 30,108 9,530,958 8,169,547 34,454 555 28,375 33,244 3,420,671 3,591,777 25,116 14,701 4,439,669 2,744,469 79,738 14,318,266 232,923 1,515,001 658 13,322 69,620 14,215 496 3,026 2,127 553 829 519 26 103 67 309 365 59 64 129 130 19 19 1,877 2,200 1,447 1,041 3,169 2,046 1,581 2,176 355 265 1,535 1,297 374 153 2,617 741 706 4,076 15,016 4,017 3,946 2,161 4,626 733 6,444 233 1,035 670 5,409 4,411 3,524 2,640 749,225 2,266 2,274 2,476,745 2,639,208 1,996 270 2,-463 3,259 633,573 723,319 2,031 1,719 1,251,458 355,532 4,085 1,277,313 18,532 U5,765 74 1,597 9,364 2,092 21 55 324 331 56 21 301 130 127 677 667 383 833 137 1,236 34 141 117 1,U5 703 637 497 166,662 412 621 448,380 387,460 370 42 391 714 155,760 120,976 347 407 233,935 160,698 672 207,500 3,174 25,533 7 325 1,670 290 Crop-ahare 93 616 557 16,232 537 10,415 119 1,446 155 1,660 146 1,210 5 26 25 144 21 123 68 334 91 394 7 107 7 108 41 137 42 137 2 43 2 43 282 6,034 373 6,339 257 4,257 262 2,777 597 5,412 431 3,363 327 6,805 445 7,149 677 904 6,688 6,705 781 479 12,163 1,983 2,274 19,924 54,672 19,606 12,017 25,940 1,608 9,126 107 267 1,552 8,359 21,034 17,095 13,654 1,788,474 9,590 3,355 2,243,330 1,515,233 9,479 111 11,223 12,045 1,137,385 1,206,231 7,728 4,339 1,402,046 703,411 20,197 3,939,726 68,164 427,836 132 4,950 26,065 5,750 LiTestock- share Data are given by tenure of operator for commercial farms only. -^Excludes farms reporting commercial fertilizer and lijne. MISSISSIPPI 235 AND FARM EXPENDITURES, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 a sample of farniB. See text") The State— Continued Area 1 Itoire of operator^— Con. Other farms Total all farms Tenure of operator^ Other farms TenantE —Con. Full owners Part owoers Uanagera Tenants Other and Share- Crop- share Livestock- Other Croppers unspeci- fied All Cash cash share Croppers and un- specified 319 13,707 3,949 1,433 899 210 895 302 59 168 6 281 79 512 1 44,713 2,729 58,168 39,411 4,258 1,820 273 30,943 1,004 264 3,246 11 25,972 451 2,107 2 i4,144 1,543 55,659 26,639 3,607 1,398 370 17,649 801 389 1,907 20 14,330 202 3,615 3 2.315 400 12,085 4,163 1,122 835 133 1,775 277 68 328 6 1,023 73 293 4 2,321 629 27,291 6,947 2,269 1,182 268 2,507 447 93 380 6 1,451 130 721 5 1,571 349 13,537 5,245 1,832 1,106 206 1,736 301 97 378 5 861 94 365 6 "6 16 216 134 51 20 6 51 10 6 35 6 7 199 114 989 752 296 257 70 116 53 'io 9 27 '17 13 8 U7 75 420 262 123 50 7 60 10 50 22 9 511 KO 340 2,950 399 857 184 929 245 53 199 6 349 77 81 10 637 156 353 3,821 1,152 1,115 322 1,145 231 73 253 6 440 92 87 11 121 25 98 654 232 208 92 114 47 26 34 7 8 12 122 25 98 736 261 225 121 121 52 27 35 7 8 13 253 65 305 1,318 488 397 140 268 80 '22 41 i 103 21 25 14 253 65 307 1,437 528 428 187 268 30 22 41 1 103 21 26 15 62 15 140 244 82 84 29 32 13 3 16 17 16 63 15 176 295 106 97 42 32 13 3 16 IS 17 5,630 1,203 18,761 9,035 2,646 1,541 267 4,130 649 134 1,090 6 2,072 179 451 18 6,039 1,311 19,989 12,229 3,487 2,549 774 4,855 868 206 1,217 7 2,350 207 564 19 2,683 868 10,288 9,119 3,337 1,680 271 3,375 809 154 1,066 11 1,152 183 456 20 2,279 464 6,791 8,194 2,893 1,379 376 2,696 655 224 766 920 131 850 21 4,802 1,286 11,480 26,088 8,517 6,760 2,443 7,606 2,229 425 1,354 '29 2,678 391 757 22 3,583 721 7,682 20,346 6,640 4,553 2,320 5,061 1,500 378 1,1(X ... 1,732 347 1,267 23 15,636 1,U6 31,109 15,939 2,391 1,292 242 11,041 648 153 1,495 11 8,500 234 973 24 16,706 1,391 33,438 22,720 4,355 3,282 1,426 12,475 1,110 246 1,698 23 9,072 326 1,182 25 1,232 194 48,372 2,787 261 130 10 793 127 5 75 560 26 1,593 26 2,939 201 65,060 7,689 288 128 13 2,654 77 55 271 2,206 45 4,606 27 15,204 1,277 45,093 11,730 969 515 13 8,700 297 110 905 5 7,277 106 1,533 28 23,155 865 52,259 23,892 829 292 35 17,363 279 241 1,316 10 15,927 90 4,873 29 1,639 196 36,331 2,773 439 238 8 996 140 30 115 685 26 1,092 30 2,354 70 36,367 5,333 316 110 18 2,146 52 21 131 1,927 15 2,743 31 46,743 808 29,167 31,887 401 87 1 29,670 95 100 1,620 27,650 205 1,728 32 5,2c4 1,892 27,910 3,534 856 166 8 2,249 256 25 1,010 5 855 98 255 33 531 429 5,138 3,584 1,472 354 217 942 305 74 337 6 153 67 99 34 2,1-.- 439 5,150 5,535 1,865 826 54 2,433 504 80 729 5 999 116 357 35 50,915 3,242 49,271 41,089 4,213 1,791 279 32,964 1,035 269 3,401 16 27,787 456 1,842 36 131,307 8,8CK 72,426 145,067 22,123 18,116 7,835 93,682 6,007 1,383 10,938 76 73,830 1,448 3,311 37 50,850 3,227 48,746 40,564 4,023 1,703 265 32,872 990 269 3,385 16 27,762 450 1,801 38 50,093 3,161 46,321 39,919 3,888 1,6S4 265 32,356 984 269 3,330 16 27,312 445 1,726 39 32,418 1,790 14,205 25,244 2,019 661 16 21,826 497 156 2,216 10 18,716 231 722 40 67,447 3,615 20,168 53,272 4,420 1,556 19 46,364 1,193 401 5,322 15 38,956 477 913 41 2,522 360 2,595 4,824 1,299 921 243 2,221 394 79 380 6 1,282 80 140 42 13,767 2,023 5,937 51,876 13,815 14,376 7,551 14,962 3,830 713 2,286 45 7,562 526 672 43 89 cl 317 1,568 572 445 194 352 191 19 64 1 54 23 5 44 219 114 691 9,009 3,074 2,613 2,053 1,078 654 57 190 2 130 45 191 45 2,469 337 2,307 4,037 934 723 152 2,041 316 66 340 6 1,245 68 137 46 13,548 1,914 5,246 42,867 10,741 12,263 5,498 13,884 3,176 656 2,096 43 7,432 481 431 47 53,005 3,473 61,849 44,448 4,594 1,933 280 35,263 1,154 279 3,696 16 29,637 486 2,373 48 48,101 2,740 29,840 41,354 4,113 1,842 278 33,376 1,038 274 3,386 16 28,222 440 1,745 49 38,808 1,986 22,636 35,961 3,X0 1,449 172 29,493 823 222 2,868 16 25,260 304 1,507 50 5,618,241 301,857 1,278,375 10,426,257 2,144,439 1,693,778 676,786 5,735,704 515,264 105,606 765,839 9,549 4,200,616 138,830 175,550 51 20,915 1,721 15,682 18,988 3,310 1,620 272 13,041 768 169 1,706 11 10,072 315 745 52 17,551 1,226 20,939 22,615 3,445 1,395 332 15,156 974 498 1,827 5 11,630 222 2,237 53 3,622,075 666,688 2,052,285 23,437,196 7,016,199 7,119,994 3,533,647 5,283,480 1,792,520 259,135 962,445 26,100 1,925,525 317,755 483,876 54 3,032,790 583,936 2,902,816 28,569,436 8,423,240 7,119,601 6,037,241 6,163,768 2,264,954 369,320 861,680 325 2,199,415 468,074 825,586 55 20,852 1,662 15,649 17,138 2,688 1,028 43 12,633 556 141 1,617 5 10,033 281 741 56 63 59 33 1,850 622 592 229 403 212 28 89 6 34 34 4 57 12,219 1,934 46,371 11,054 2,484 945 131 6,531 352 104 1,287 6 4,646 136 963 58 15,220 1,848 50,477 19,145 3,209 1,176 219 12,249 1,096 537 2,105 10 8,322 179 2,292 59 905,875 481,904 5,166,6^7 2,792,802 1,065,504 672,093 435,897 499,048 76,903 39,400 135,360 2,750 206,310 33,325 120,260 60 1,100,839 329,482 4,819,098 2,781,174 669,799 567,618 337,866 953,615 233,972 78,626 228,155 825 354,000 58,037 252,276 61 13,493 1,375 19,989 17,291 3,692 1,766 277 10,723 911 163 1,731 11 7,637 275 828 62 7,411 757 13,789 14,096 3,322 1,415 377 7,311 830 319 1,061 10 4,920 171 1,671 63 1,142,210 401,480 1,448,760 10,860,357 3,545,434 3,315,976 1,311,954 2,536,616 927,840 172,385 582,431 13,120 659,025 176,315 150,377 64 777,159 230,764 1,471,640 8,830,376 2,361,211 2,378,188 1,507,580 1,755,386 695,171 139,318 314,916 525 454,525 150,931 328,011 65 51,456 3,171 42,208 41,244 4,282 1,860 273 33,260 1,089 258 3,491 16 27,981 425 1,569 66 8,137,836 688,472 3,901,381 12,074,680 2,586,663 2,344,141 1,161,427 5,790,064 681,687 110,777 857,791 8,670 3,941,443 189,696 192,385 67 129,674 12,117 76,406 145,167 31,76A 27,250 14,543 69,288 7,686 1,260 10,077 85 47,854 2,326 2,322 68 834,701 73,725 44A,489 1,344,777 304,396 274,440 135,991 606,164 78,962 13,332 90,432 1,100 405,176 17,162 23,786 69 70 343 37 1,448 3b5 79 67 38 171 1 1 10 6 143 5 10 4,979 788 18,770 39,213 9,364 10,488 15,217 3,339 50 120 640 362 2,592 75 305 71 72 73 26,141 3,048 106,653 198,733 54,006 62,083 59,403 21,716 250 600 5,105 1,800 13,511 450 1,525 4,648 952 23,792 35,041 9,232 9,502 13,425 2,677 50 60 340 125 2,027 75 205 236 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 8— FARM FACILITIES. OFF-FARM WORK, WORK POWER, FARM LABOR, [Data are based on reports for only Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) SPECIFIED FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT Telephone farms reporting 195-4 . Electricity farms reporting 195i. 1950. Television set farms reporting 195^ . Piped running water farms reporting 1954 . Home freezer farms reporting 1954 . Electric pig brooder farms reporting 1954. Power feed grinder farms reporting 1954 . Milking machine farms reporting 1954. Grain combines farms reporting 1954. number 1954 . Com pickers farms reporting 1954 . number 1954. Pick-up hay balers farms reporting 1954 . number 1954 . Field forage harvesters farms reporting 1954. number 1954. Motortrucks farms reporting 1954 . number 1954. Tractors, other than garden farms reporting 1954. 1950. number 1954 . 1950. Automobiles farms reporting 1954 . number 1954. OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Fara operators — With other income of family exceeding value of farm products sold operators reporting Working off their farms, total operators reporting 100 or more days operators reporting FARMS BY CLASS OF WORK POWER No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting No tractor but horses and/or mules farms reporting Tractor and horses and/or mules. .. .farms reporting Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting FARM LABOR Week of October 24-30: Family and/or hired workers farms reporting persons Family workers, including operator farms reporting Operators working 1 or more hours persons Unpaid members of operator ' s family farms reporting persons Hired workers farms reporting persons Regular workers (to be employed 150 or more days) farms reporting persons Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting persons SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Specified farm expenditures^ farms reporting Machine hire and/or hired labor farms reporting Machine hire farms reporting dollars Hired labor farms reporting dollars $1 to $2 ,499 farms reporting $2,500 and over farms reporting Feed for livestock and poultry. .farms reporting dollars Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil farms reporting dollars Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing material farms reporting dollars tons acres on which used Lime and liming material farms reporting tons dollars acres limed 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. Total all farms 3,969 26,561 16, 142 5,480 6,012 4,057 97 1,153 504 993 1,233 452 461 678 693 310 318 10,654 12,172 7,022 4,862 11,703 7,348 11,736 14,482 5,306 8,291 10,080 11,662 4,330 4,602 13,634 12,938 4,503 2,519 30,344 92,121 30,068 29,514 17,402 37,597 3,484 25,010 977 3,263 2,930 21,747 32,750 25,971 20,278 3,158,106 13,829 12,717 7,538,286 5,484,645 13,222 607 16,260 16,728 4,973,920 4,308,294 12,843 7,118 3,805,359 2,310,357 28,249 6,647,873 117,354 686,898 826 36,503 190,285 43,182 Tenure of operator^ Full owners 1,200 678 4,840 2,082 3,438 1,599 1,429 841 l,89i4 977 1,459 796 28 11 438 409 193 173 339 324 403 411 158 139 161 142 234 203 235 214 104 108 107 113 2,892 1,696 3,304 2,224 2,401 1,541 1,652 1,070 3,757 3,169 2,504 1,823 2,435 1,164 3,192 1,863 393 475 1,167 978 451 405 2,709 1,755 646 5,633 4,367 3,197 649,749 2,869 2,794 2,067,193 1,820,071 2,683 186 3,839 3,411 1,887,280 1,480,918 3,274 2,149 1,148,834 836,187 4,902 1,586,419 27,577 159,586 312 11,616 60,932 13,711 Part owners 210 252 724 558 295 235 776 1,221 320 5,205 2,302 16,670 13,173 5,085 2,252 4,943 2,202 2,613 1,104 5,438 2,581 1,037 799 6,284 8,395 372 344 395 1,458 800 616 5,389 6,937 2,390 2,016 1,405 520,465 1,625 1,473 2,566,712 1,615,984 1,376 249 1,659 1,554 1,427,533 1,365,137 1,786 1,306 1,346,357 734,369 2,280 1,372,732 22,950 140,423 210 15,458 82,115 17,293 Managers 64 536 109 14,380 113 5,913 53 1,575 90 1,099 56 778 1 32 50 154 4 99 50 243 76 301 29 105 32 105 38 176 40 177 21 52 21 52 100 4,177 196 4,509 111 2,042 111 1,188 440 3,201 443 1,624 95 5,396 343 6,079 5 500 22 510 12 4,412 23 4,239 5 586 23 327 101 10 117 114 76 100,029 111 127 652,037 873,950 55 56 95 87 314,043 201,642 108 L26 205,867 188,189 105 233,150 4,197 29,200 16 2,937 13,151 3,643 10, 149 7,014 962 1,080 110 18,193 1,138 53,582 100 18,163 100 13,001 12 12,110 18 26,991 83 1,247 1,020 3,590 66 136 287 521 43 1,202 733 8,069 18, 880 16,592 13,461 1,743,560 7,738 5,499 2,053,600 839,380 7,628 110 6,740 6,245 914,519 820,954 5,595 2,065 939, 966 353,945 17, 999 3,191,334 57, 650 326,810 187 4,287 21,824 5,750 654 313 144 117 94 6 29 17 41 60 5 5 15 16 3 3 375 431 227 167 434 282 309 395 48 24 239 203 57 37 651 158 918 3,577 911 886 551 1,372 112 1,319 30 237 99 1,032 989 802 665 146,878 407 389 357,930 231,752 373 34 512 520 167,630 139,238 347 254 170, 357 95,473 933 244,691 4,035 26,083 18 282 2,099 665 27 142 75 4 654 53 1 916 24 507 30 319 19 246 10 8 35 11 23 8 55 9 56 2 21 2 21 8 50 8 50 2 20 2 20 55 1 822 69 1 925 45 824 23 473 98 1 065 38 571 46 1 849 65 1 895 111 100 78 45,220 70 63 155,610 15,050 56 14 75 47 97,425 14,725 56 38 45,235 17,405 106 33,092 640 4,572 1 105 420 105 Crop -share 136 153 1,432 1,323 150 98 1,469 4,002 486 338 111 5,945 664 17,915 111 5,935 111 5,884 57 3,980 122 9,177 30 392 431 2,854 14 32 83 56 24 332 348 2,793 6,260 5,408 4,530 493,195 2,738 2,035 581,595 255,103 2,771 17 3,074 2,716 379, 595 231,502 2,060 830 332,635 131,410 5,924 1,044,120 18,548 113,644 87 3,070 14,725 3,805 ^Data are given by tenure of operator for conmercial farms only. ^Excludes farms reporting commercial fertilizer and lime. MISSISSIPPI 237 AND FARM EXPENDITURES. BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Coniinued a Baoiple of farms. See text] Area 2— Cont Inued Areas 3 and A Tteure of opoiHtor^— Cm. Other farms Total all farms Tenure of operator^ Other farms TenantB— Con. Full owners Part owners Managers TenantB Croppers Other and unapect- fled All Cash Share- cssh Crop- share Livestock- share Cropper Other 3 and un- specified l~.i 108 1,491 4,350 1,223 574 40 121 32 31 2 2 3 36 2,392 1 ^2u 729 5,150 17,267 4,456 1,628 80 3,032 502 41 1,076 17 1,(X i 355 8,071 2 : , 1 1 ^ 295 5,079 12,898 3,795 701 32 1,224 275 10 405 5 40( ) 129 7,146 3 "ro 123 1,582 3,505 911 483 28 183 50 5 46 7 4 > 30 1,900 4 146 1,952 7,799 2,496 984 58 360 87 5 101 7 6 95 3,901 5 -1 ■ 82 968 4,242 1,360 677 34 172 48 5 56 7 1( 1 46 1,999 6 11 5 25 94 30 6 1 21 10 5 6 36 7 31 102 1,101 504 272 37 75 5 5 5 2 2 33 213 8 2 c 16 35 928 510 291 1 62 10 5 1 1( ) 31 64 9 9c 40 37 437 218 133 33 14 5 2 7 39 10 133 41 42 475 236 141 42 15 5 7 41 11 66 9 21 116 45 36 9 10 6 4 16 12 66 9 21 119 46 36 11 10 6 4 16 13 82 19 27 531 227 193 31 25 13 1 "2 9 55 14 82 19 27 543 234 196 33 25 13 1 2 9 55 15 12 U 25 176 88 27 13 1 1 47 16 12 14 25 1« 88 27 16 1 1 62 17 1,533 358 1,789 7,676 2,500 1,187 77 1,340 386 16 546 7 20c 185 2,572 18 1,626 423 1,939 8,513 2,803 1,471 142 1,394 409 16 566 9 20c 194 2,703 19 693 238 927 4,850 1,992 930 69 426 154 11 116 7 4C 98 1,383 20 i05 109 »41 2,732 1,248 408 31 275 59 5 96 5 6- 43 770 21 1,172 403 1,136 6,247 2,580 1,429 210 512 211 11 L21 12 4C 117 1,516 22 ^9^ 122 954 3,413 1,595 576 92 318 77 5 96 5 79 56 832 23 2,868 301 2,&;6 10,423 2,631 1,024 66 1,541 226 21 621 17 45; 201 5,161 24 3,258 441 3,005 11,681 3,051 1,265 114 1,584 246 21 631 23 46C 203 5,667 25 2'0 59 4,198 8,641 647 231 ID 276 52 6 90 5 91 32 7,427 26 2;-l 52 7,032 10,958 684 103 8 128 36 50 35 7 10,030 27 2,iC:3 280 3,765 12,023 1,717 829 34 2,336 352 51 795 10 341 287 7,107 23 2,447 231 5,864 11,543 1,300 287 12 1,977 334 30 811 725 77 7,967 29 322 51 2,993 7,291 698 338 25 363 64 6 100 155 38 5,867 30 181 11 3.612 6,560 588 116 11 95 28 25 40 2 5.750 31 8,3-8 201 2,869 6,341 501 122 2 1,943 87 20 400 5 1,350 81 3,773 32 1,7-: 498 2,433 12,201 2,652 753 12 3,744 766 45 1,920 10 551 452 5,040 33 13^ 138 464 3,450 1,487 781 61 292 128 6 75 7 15 61 829 34 ' c 100 463 1,400 505 199 8 134 26 5 41 25 37 554 35 10,2''S 861 4,534 19,887 4,739 1,790 83 5,728 972 76 2,266 22 1,316 576 7,547 36 28,4&4 2,712 7,553 44,539 10,783 5,939 513 15,242 2,944 292 5,976 59 4,381 1,590 12,062 37 10,268 859 4,468 19,625 4,620 1,759 81 5,720 971 75 2,266 22 1,811 575 7,445 38 10,192 849 4,263 18,796 4,489 1,697 31 5,575 951 75 2,221 22 1,746 560 6,954 39 6,948 528 1,563 8,917 2,052 891 5 3,390 602 45 1,325 10 1,025 383 2,579 40 15,063 1,166 2,569 15,951 3,362 1,686 8 6,921 1,152 95 2,745 30 2,145 754 3,974 41 584 115 318 2,482 868 518 60 529 121 21 225 1 90 71 507 42 3.209 697 721 9,792 2,932 2,556 424 2,746 841 122 1,010 7 490 276 1,134 43 26 31 59 659 321 216 28 37 32 1 4 57 44 ?■" 58 102 1,380 625 421 162 95 84 '■ 7 77 45 57-' 107 264 2,047 654 375 46 520 113 21 225 1 90 70 452 46 3.132 639 619 8,412 2,307 2,135 262 2,651 757 122 1,010 3 490 269 1,057 47 10,513 922 5,730 22,431 5,104 1,835 83 5,883 982 76 2,396 22 1,801 606 9,526 48 9,441 761 2,832 13,341 3,635 1,480 70 4,118 715 56 1,540 22 1,336 449 4,038 49 7,583 541 2,139 8,678 2,379 1,037 36 2,437 448 46 980 16 641 306 2,789 50 955,490 82,971 14A,303 992,825 388,444 235,603 25,158 207,182 30,585 3,030 92,435 1,800 52,715 26,617 136,438 51 3,990 458 1,486 9,266 2,696 1,226 66 2,827 489 36 1,040 12 931 319 2,451 52 2,603 388 2,819 7,014 2,287 557 41 1,447 306 25 586 5 427 98 2,632 53 746,050 195,665 198,744 3,014,322 1,236,037 915,064 207,668 415,275 146,755 7,240 110,305 12,275 89,375 49,325 240,278 54 297,840 36,585 330,260 2,049,376 1,030,358 417,139 126,791 169,594 58,782 1,320 44,205 1,500 47,215 16,572 305,494 55 3,968 438 1,480 9,031 2,588 1,141 43 2,811 481 36 1,035 11 931 317 2,448 56 22 20 6 235 108 85 23 16 3 5 1 2 3 57 2,604 426 3,927 16,097 3,761 1,488 69 3,342 648 46 1,546 22 676 404 7,437 58 2,282 649 5,431 14,248 3,440 712 31 2,255 500 35 1,092 10 460 158 7,810 59 170,340 86,264 430,545 5,127,584 2,552,834 1,242,450 112,778 390,132 84,730 4,385 105,200 20,092 42,310 133,415 829,390 60 313 , 674 61,445 439,643 3,429,790 P, 013, 916 402,214 45,186 206,564 85,209 1,625 83,565 3,090 19,755 13,320 761,910 61 2,688 414 2,080 7,929 2,737 1,172 65 1,123 280 26 391 6 266 154 2,832 62 727 200 1,472 5,619 2,105 525 37 881 235 15 316 5 217 93 2,071 63 262,005 120,034 163,835 1,573,213 696,761 434,646 91,680 176,071 84,426 6,040 40,140 3,250 19,610 22,605 174,055 64 75,294 31,533 197,667 1,005,510 524,092 192,572 35,715 84,158 21,453 1,575 22 , 185 1,500 27,120 10,325 168,973 65 10,101 850 2,963 17,826 4,456 1,731 73 5,525 878 71 2,246 22 1,760 548 6,041 66 1,653,970 192,295 259,238 3,436,572 1,133,751 729,643 145,173 891,314 144,148 15,570 331,130 6,720 318,980 75,266 486,191 67 30,400 3,672 4,980 65,559 22,527 14,013 2,630 16,691 2,670 255 5,942 203 6,178 1,442 9,693 68 160,105 20,312 30,879 378,678 137,491 77,149 15,531 94,052 16,44i 1,534 36,315 940 29,440 8,879 54,455 69 62 12 101 929 418 210 24 63 33 10 1 15 4 214 70 5-;5 105 2,205 20,992 10, 952 5,140 1,933 1,113 680 105 118 30 180 1,854 71 2 , 680 1,075 12,213 137,702 70,293 35,746 12,636 5,182 2,945 1,160 407 195 475 13,845 72 "5C 245 2,785 29,534 15,200 7,343 2,706 1,390 702 250 113 80 240 2,945 73 238 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 8.-FARM FACILITIES, OFF-FARM WORK, WORK POWER, FARM LABOR, [Data are based on reports for only Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) SPECIFIED FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT Telephone farms reporting Electricity farms reporting Television set farms reporting Piped running water farms reporting Home freezer farms reporting Electric pig brooder farms reporting Power feed grinder farms reporting Millcing machine farms reporting Grain combines farms reporting number Corn pickers farms reporting number Pick-up hay balers farms reporting number Field forage harvesters farms reporting number Motortrucks farms reporting number Tractors, other than garden farms reporting number Automobiles farms reporting number OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Farm operators— With other income of family exceeding value of farm products sold operators reporting Working off their farms, total operators reporting 100 or more days operators reporting FARMS BY CLASS OF WORK POWER No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting No tractor but horses and/or mules farms reporting Tractor and horses and/or mules ... .farms reporting Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting FARM LABOR Week of October 24-30: Family and/or hired workers farms reporting persons Family workers, including operator farms reporting Operators working 1 or more hours persons Unpaid members of operator's family farms reporting persons Hired workers farms reporting persons Regular workers (to be employed 150 or more days) farms reporting persons Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting persons SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Specified farm expenditures^ farms reporting Machine hire and/or hired labor farms reporting Machine hire farms reporting dollars Hired labor farms reporting dollars $1 to $2,499 farms reporting $2 ,500 and over farms reporting Feed for livestock and poultry. .farms reporting dollars Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil farms reporting dollars Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing material farms reporting dollars tons acres on which used Lime and liming material farms reporting tons dollars acres limed 1954. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. Total all farms 3,076 22,573 19,455 3,830 6,950 3,954 85 975 459 457 475 244 244 431 436 154 156 8,575 8,980 8,361 4,965 9,531 5,667 9,738 10,401 6,227 8,222 10,634 10,266 4,223 4,266 7,678 4,404 3,957 20,288 45,333 20,215 19,706 9,o69 17,222 1,907 8,405 189 377 1,762 8,028 22,718 15, 2U ll,71o 1,063,082 9,988 10,824 1,993,496 1,400,315 9,934 54 15,681 17,581 4,416,495 2,502,820 11,353 7,405 1,819,303 1,000,328 19,639 3,991,816 80,900 426,621 870 12,084 60,400 15,647 Tenure of operator^ 1,011 475 5,725 3 193 5,765 1 591 998 680 2,357 1 292 1,402 813 33 20 365 379 141 202 174 162 182 167 75 102 75 102 157 173 157 178 54 74 54 76 2,841 1 859 3,002 1 980 2,956 2 248 1,942 80b 3,352 2 730 2,280 892 2,269 1 489 2,478 1 653 407 629 1,320 1,835 418 426 2,345 1,790 1,166 5,967 4,365 3,542 351,245 2,914 3,688 641,236 670, 262 2,892 22 4,509 5,390 2, 221, 809 1,292,115 3,629 2,911 664,475 487,039 5,433 1,155,547 23,341 122,432 361 4,759 22,579 7,085 Part owners 278 198 1,380 736 269 121 886 1,238 1,010 5,503 3,076 11,877 9,226 5,481 3,061 5,409 2,990 2,578 1,714 4,149 3,268 572 628 2,319 2,968 62 98 124 211 520 563 2,195 2,757 3,314 2,631 1,975 255,187 2,119 1,164 650,487 213,296 2,091 28 2,459 1,649 1,162,541 292,440 2,472 1,017 588,637 170,090 3,280 1,035,579 20,862 109,697 283 4,166 22,157 4,929 Uana^ers 2 321 6 5 11,460 43,413 4 2 3 2,500 2,597 6,800 12,012 5 1,572 28 140 3 117 760 105 223 6,784 5,547 716 713 405 10 121 86 72 77 45 45 62 62 17 17 1,958 1,990 1,940 1,363 2,081 1,533 2,648 2,735 310 376 2,827 2,785 235 245 3,115 2,185 829 1,111 6,685 17,116 6,544 3,961 7,844 567 2,728 5«) 2,715 6,820 5,369 3,937 336,471 3,514 3,218 579,853 281,745 3,513 1 3,675 4,658 541,045 417,434 2,890 1,873 399,351 197,960 7,060 1,473,955 29,861 156,362 87 1,192 5,465 1,208 10 116 80 21 26 10 111 297 65 115 21 76 101 71 8,300 71 66 16,985 8,675 70 1 76 91 11,095 9,085 56 10,135 5,625 126 23,860 464 2,805 1 10 120 10 140 60 3,260 25 3,347 10 380 5 350 5 230 60 40 5 60 5 65 40 40 5 35 5 35 10 10 5 1,235 5 1,255 25 1,420 5 957 35 1,500 5 1,007 50 1,305 50 1,350 65 65 50 1,905 40 15 11,285 975 40 45 20 1,770 15,150 40 15 5,525 775 65 7,030 166 1,115 165 230 1,380 1,630 140 160 1,470 650 770 3,240 8,305 3,235 3,185 1,855 3,615 340 1,505 5 10 335 1,495 3,360 2,675 2,145 184,090 1,770 2,1A2 306,600 182,910 1,770 2,045 3,092 244,230 263,979 1,865 1,297 278,000 U6, 830 3,390 777,400 15,126 80,570 20 245 770 260 iData are given by tenure of operator for commercial farms only. ^Excludes farms reporting commercial fertilizer and lim MISSISSIPPI AND FARM EXPENDITURES. BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued 239 a sample of fanns. See text] Area 4— Coni Inued Area 5 Tlanureofoferetor^— Con. Other farms Total all fanes Tenure of operator^ Other farms Tenants— Con. Full omera Part owners Managers Tenants Croppers Other and unspeci- fied All Cash Share- cash Crop- Bbare Livestock- share Croppers Other and un- specified il 37 1,366 3,435 1,158 631 41 217 44 2 75 1 62 33 1,383 1 2,8-1 412 6,865 15,093 3,556 1,732 65 4,466 230 12 1,595 12 2,422 195 5,279 2 1,715 320 c,54S 13,633 3,580 1,245 45 3,788 222 20 1,420 41 1,935 150 4,975 3 2j5 (>J 1,434 1,661 506 271 28 277 30 7 100 1 106 33 579 4 Z2c. 81 2,585 5,256 1,845 915 57 490 45 7 200 7 177 54 1,949 5 115 35 1,333 3,318 1,275 605 26 318 36 135 5 101 41 1,094 6 5 5 21 71 25 5 5 ■ 5 36 7 »1 1- 106 1,047 495 341 '25 70 U 2 '26 6 11 '17 116 8 30 30 816 367 289 13 81 23 25 5 11 12 66 9 2 47 5J2 a9 156 19 82 11 2 20 6 32 11 26 10 2 4" 561 246 179 26 84 11 4 20 6 32 11 26 11 5 21 155 46 64 5 35 15 15 5 5 12 5 21 155 46 64 5 35 15 ... 15 5 5 13 17 5 36 715 340 248 30 76 12 1 10 36 11 21 14 17 5 36 741 350 263 30 77 12 2 10 36 11 21 15 7 6 163 60 65 9 27 2 5 20 2 16 7 6 168 63 65 U 27 2 5 20 2 17 482 180 1,912 5,719 1,906 1,169 52 1,132 130 2 495 6 396 103 1,460 13 i89 185 1,997 6,472 2,207 1,434 124 1,178 U3 7 510 12 402 104 1,529 19 2-17 167 1,211 5,036 1,900 1,198 57 920 81 2 490 7 267 73 961 20 280 90 349 3,371 1,346 662 34 759 72 5 355 32 275 20 570 21 285 179 1,334 6,696 2,604 1,782 205 1,045 105 8 525 13 308 86 1,060 22 390 100 934 4,322 1,724 384 94 990 89 5 450 41 385 20 630 23 1,091 1J7 3,323 7,744 1,905 913 56 2,074 175 12 695 7 1,087 98 2,791 24 1,127 138 3,517 8,664 2,259 1,W9 166 2,165 194 13 730 7 1,118 103 2,925 25 120 15 5,231 5,649 514 260 13 238 37 o5 5 105 26 4,624 26 105 30 7,019 6,043 460 114 10 256 21 110 5 110 10 5,203 27 1,186 161 4,607 8,107 1,257 723 15 2,076 208 11 665 6 1,085 101 4,036 28 990 100 4,909 7,251 322 387 10 1,926 176 10 595 10 1,065 70 4,106 29 75 10 3,301 4,297 575 287 7 288 42 80 5 155 6 3,U0 30 60 10 3,474 3,369 336 101 10 106 11 20 65 10 2,816 31 2,«0 90 3,81J 6,749 378 121 7 3,276 30 5 375 5 2,820 41 2,967 32 430 185 2,262 7,439 1,729 646 1 2,492 345 15 1,436 485 211 2,571 33 66 67 544 2,881 1,255 748 54 394 57 1 220 "i 77 38 430 34 181 100 667 2,155 645 450 3 526 24 1 270 6 190 35 531 35 2,832 407 5,018 16,639 3,687 1,835 60 6,113 386 17 2,171 12 3,227 300 4,944 36 7,154 1,145 7,072 38,403 8,719 6,652 896 15,009 909 47 5,527 32 7,730 764 7,127 37 2,817 407 5,002 16,460 3,606 1,804 55 6,103 381 17 2,171 12 3,222 300 4,892 38 2,762 396 4,757 16,006 3,534 1,757 55 6,038 376 17 2,156 12 3,187 290 4,622 39 1,750 236 1,415 7,325 1,585 867 7 3,455 208 10 1,291 1,795 151 1,411 40 3,530 479 1,960 13,243 2,580 1,664 13 7,035 343 25 2,581 3,760 321 1,951 41 171 30 U7 1,892 666 536 43 421 45 2 155 5 182 32 226 42 362 270 355 9,154 2,605 3,231 828 1,936 185 5 790 20 783 153 554 43 1 20 500 223 187 33 29 U 1 5 5 2 2 28 44 2 25 1,543 639 494 306 65 43 1 10 5 3 3 39 45 170 30 117 1,547 500 414 17 416 45 1 155 5 180 30 200 46 8bO 270 330 7,611 1,966 2,737 522 1,871 U2 4 780 15 780 150 515 47 2,792 432 6,611 17,761 4,001 1,945 60 6,128 451 22 2,206 12 3,117 320 5,627 48 2,191 302 2,342 12,395 2,977 1,653 54 4,389 315 22 1,705 6 2,607 234 2,317 49 1,415 231 2,260 9,050 2,220 1,270 25 3,450 259 21 1,340 6 1,642 182 2,085 50 118,205 14,886 119,858 1,030,636 365,343 242,851 22,853 306,234 21,400 4,446 116,600 205 149,390 13,743 93,300 51 1,416 192 1,435 7,679 2,100 1,2U 48 2,813 150 7 915 6 1,617 118 1,507 52 780 195 2,749 7,228 2,309 933 42 2,177 227 945 15 920 70 1,767 53 211,085 30,348 110,460 3,118,948 1,139,699 965, 199 339,581 527,435 80,055 5,ioo 137,680 10,600 261,655 32,345 147,034 54 72,450 U,435 251,599 2,725,242 1,287,526 576,052 168, 662 477,590 39,040 115,955 3,525 310,935 3,135 215,412 55 l,4lr 192 1,434 7,445 2,005 1,109 23 2,803 144 7 915 6 1,615 116 1,505 56 1 234 95 102 25 10 6 2 2 2 57 1,197 282 5,032 12, 171 3,156 1,486 46 3,186 361 16 1,406 11 1,152 240 4,297 58 1,095 315 5,881 12,787 3,325 1,264 29 3,593 536 30 1,510 47 1,310 165 4,571 59 194,280 73,450 438,600 4,518,143 2,035,982 1,346,677 159,695 476,658 178,231 1,090 126,915 4,637 102,955 62,830 499,131 60 66,815 58,430 498,234 3,204,604 1,600,943 543,105 90,741 S12,500 75,545 5,950 226,720 13,520 166,660 24,105 457,315 61 687 207 2,356 7,244 2,353 1,303 58 1,710 126 7 745 12 737 33 1,815 62 400 95 1,599 5,197 1,863 809 42 1,364 167 5 525 22 585 60 1,1W 63 61,355 31,141 160,Ck;0 1,697,280 716,993 545,006 79,011 211,390 23,875 2,950 107,285 5,515 54,930 17,335 144,380 64 43,310 9,820 133, 227 1,273,241 529,052 329,768 52, 810 234,420 20,465 1,000 83,825 5,400 116,905 6,825 127,191 65 3,017 422 3,861 14,029 3,249 1,796 47 5,720 351 17 2,000 6 3,107 239 3,217 66 577,985 73,590 325, 163 2,651,508 788,392 576,798 124,351 895,333 43,447 5,026 330,345 2,180 473,245 36,090 266,634 67 12,262 1,518 6,303 54,950 17,243 11,746 2,638 17,966 916 130 6,660 28 9,528 704 5,357 68 62,266 8,076 37,990 327.532 100,970 74,500 14,245 104,297 5,310 980 38,650 160 53,963 4,714 33,520 69 66 136 330 139 64 11 43 1 20 1 21 73 70 937 1,850 13,608 6,023 3,581 1,796 638 50 295 23 270 1,570 71 4,575 9,439 52,316 24,623 U,071 5,637 3,240 675 1,290 300 975 4,745 72 938 2,320 13,484 6,345 3,667 1,607 795 100 355 60 280 1,070 73 240 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 8.— FARM FACILITIES, OFF-FARM WORK, WORK POWER, FARM LABOR, [Data are based on reports for only Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) SPECIFIED FACILITIES AND EQUIPMEOT Telephone farms reporting 1954 . Electricity farms reporting 1954.. 1950., Television set farms reporting 1954.. Piped running imter farms reporting 1954. . Home freezer farms reporting 1954 . . Electric pig brooder farms reporting 1954. . Power feed grinder farms reporting 1954 . . Milking machine farms reporting 1954 . . Grain combines farms reporting 1954 . . number 1954 . . Corn pickers farms reporting 1954 . . number 1954. . Pick-up hay balers farms reporting 1954 . . number 1954 . . Field forage harvesters farms reporting 1954.. number 1954 . Motortrucks farms reporting 1954 . . number 1954 . . Tractors, other than garden farms reporting 1954.. 1950.. number 1954 . . 1950. Automobiles farms reporting 1954 . . number 1954 . OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME Fara operators— With other income of family exceeding value of farm products sold operators reporting 1954. 1949 . Working off their farms, total operators reporting 1954. 1949.. 100 or more days operators reporting 1954. 1949. FARMS BY CLASS OF WORK POWER No tractor, horses, or raules farms reporting 1954. No tractor but horses and/or mules farms reporting 1954. Tractor and horses and/or mules. .. .farms reporting 1954. Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting 1954. FARM LABOR WeeL of October 24-30: Fajnlly and/or hired workers farms reporting 1954. persons 1954. Family workers, including operator farms reporting 1954. Operators working 1 or more hours persons 1954 . Unpaid members of operator's family farms reporting 1954. persons 1954. Hired workers farms reporting 1954. persons 1954. Regular workers (to be employed 150 or more days) farms reporting 1954. persons 1954 . Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting 1954. persons 1954. SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Specified farm expenditures^ farms reporting 1954. Machine hire and/or hired labor farms reporting 1954 . Machine hire farms reporting 1954 . dollars 1954. Hired labor farms reporting 1954 . 1949. dollars 1954. 1949. $1 to $2,499 farms reporting 1954. $2,500 and over farms reporting 1954. Feed for livestock and poultry .. farms reporting 1954. 1949. dollars 1954. 1949. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil farms reporting 1954. 1949. dollars 1954. 1949. Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing material farms reporting 1954. dollars 1954. tons 1954. acres on which used 1954. Lime and liming material farms reporting 1954. tons 1954. dollars 1954. acres limed 1954. Total all farms 5,946 34, U7 28,491 5,510 15,644 a, 033 114 1,278 1,U2 565 574 96 96 532 536 124 131 U,673 15,549 9,036 4,187 10,153 4,677 15,262 16,218 13,202 17,216 19,405 17,586 10,690 9,297 18, 625 5,908 3,128 32,430 60,808 32,054 31,071 11,961 20,110 2,994 9,627 544 999 2,660 8,628 37,029 24,218 16,745 1,395,235 15,981 12,336 3,598,056 1,871,373 15,815 166 25,522 23,435 16,574,434 5,630,893 15,701 8,233 2,020,484 1,119,504 32,939 6,589,165 130,212 699,869 1,552 31,688 182,235 39,461 Tenure of operator^ Full owners 1,967 549 10,718 3 608 9,566 1 555 1,810 582 5,905 1 666 3,047 1 026 40 7 648 358 673 292 305 141 310 145 49 34 49 34 284 136 286 136 67 34 68 X 6,118 2 286 6,461 2 552 4,220 1 805 2,000 499 4,789 2 165 2,272 577 4,089 1 578 4,377 1 754 1,110 1,205 3,987 2,771 1,268 738 6,419 2,965 1,255 10, 610 20,315 10,274 4,091 6,420 1,228 3,621 327 566 1,030 3,055 11,401 8,564 5,907 595,826 6,034 4,762 1,625,170 933,757 6,020 64 8,208 7,326 12,133,041 3,526,809 6,181 3,742 1,011,217 603,573 10,968 2,685,336 52,642 281,062 773 16, 101 99,649 20,085 Part owners 428 219 1,871 690 570 117 1,890 1,285 520 3,700 10,347 3,637 3,509 1,745 3,816 709 3,022 144 275 633 2,747 3,940 3,U7 2,205 274, 238 2,413 939 995, Ul 251,113 2,339 74 2,793 1,298 2,491,965 450,798 2,335 752 548, 249 161,542 3,885 1,377,987 27,304 143,604 354 9,668 49,539 12,157 Uanagers 16 131 49 5 522 16 3 342 5 258 43 730 17 302 25 10 57 4 43 11 36 11 36 1 1 1 1 11 23 12 23 4 13 9 U 42 1 584 74 1 615 41 564 21 316 71 602 41 346 23 2 050 70 2 104 50 20 10,325 44 16 73,023 23,778 35 9 49 20 396,449 16,345 40 23 23,562 15,645 41 59,987 1,227 6,676 16 726 4,254 1,434 287 316 3,U6 2,435 437 110 3,615 3,0U 282 282 51 6,462 179 13,629 50 6,436 48 6,316 10 3,078 26 5,814 30 351 105 1,499 11 19 45 20 22 335 60 1,479 6,717 5,364 3,195 230,385 3,439 1,766 506,425 140,090 3,475 U 3,146 2,841 364,475 511,615 2,092 781 137,950 77,095 7,038 1,416,248 28,256 154,733 36 728 5,503 767 21 274 231 22 83 16 163 169 78 36 90 41 99 102 36 61 182 135 35 5 241 46 32 323 766 U6 308 63 136 52 122 343 243 141 8,580 188 161 54,710 18,180 180 243 251 84,020 88,755 168 91 21,065 11,240 344 75,495 1,506 8,366 10 250 1,700 340 55 45 35 2,330 35 15 4,185 295 35 35 35 2,335 3,650 35 5 2,350 75 55 11,915 240 1,275 Crop- share 45 1,715 930 75 215 125 10 10 25 5 5 570 570 225 70 225 75 625 630 120 45 1,035 675 155 30 1,630 150 75 2,040 4,410 2,025 1,990 985 1,840 100 580 100 580 2,155 1,605 1,150 99,425 985 565 107,370 35,365 985 1,250 1,030 105,725 144,535 645 220 43,220 16,135 2,200 409,330 8,034 46,720 15 235 1,385 260 Livestock- share ^Data are given by tenure of operator for commercial farms only. ^Excludes farms reporting commercial fertilizer and lime. MISSISSIPPI 241 AND FARM EXPENDITURES. BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued 8 aainple of farma. See text] Area 6a — Continued Tteiire o f opero tor^ — Cnru Tenants — Con. Croppers Other and unspeci- fied 52 11 3,091 390 1,786 290 105 51 367 58 125 31 15 32 6 5 1 701 726 192 180 217 195 ,207 Ul 175 l,71o 1,435 201 300 42 150 3,622 7,588 3,617 3,547 1,736 3,338 161 703 156 698 3,707 3,097 1,586 104,325 2,052 850 306,620 67,440 2,047 5 1,347 1,265 154,460 132,100 1,097 395 59,390 38,355 3,972 833,980 16,738 88,431 10 240 2,400 155 15 35 186 180 40 293 32 25 410 748 405 395 181 288 21 65 445 363 277 15,485 218 160 31,040 18,590 217 254 245 14,910 63,425 135 70 10,515 11,290 455 80,890 1,652 9,489 103 4,643 103 4,847 57 2,406 30 1,351 53 2,526 35 1,441 99 7,522 104 7,913 3,;S3 14,^50 14,012 2,855 7,300 3,641 42 205 120 72 72 11,372 15,466 10,397 U,688 8,412 3,331 7,302 1,345 1,061 U,607 16,338 U,460 10,924 3,037 4,034 676 1,380 43 93 640 1,287 14,920 7,093 5,418 284,461 3,951 4,353 393,297 522,630 3,946 5 11,326 U,95G 1,183,504 1,125,326 5,053 2,935 299,506 261, &49 11,007 1,049,607 20,783 113,794 373 4,465 23,290 4,968 Total all farms 8,493 10, U6 U,292 9,992 6,696 5,441 10,847 2,961 1,305 16,642 26,795 16,513 15,938 4,999 7,585 1,233 3,272 317 515 986 2,757 19,754 12,940 9,360 cO8,9t0 7,995 6,088 1,365,332 915,313 7,938 57 14,703 12,769 4,032,338 1,936,243 7,616 4,1A8 1,009,861 537,692 17,711 3,135,830 61,179 344,017 831 16,331 85,154 20,362 Tenure of operator* Full ownera 2,4&; 662 17,281 4 SM U,308 4 070 2,863 808 6,949 2 262 3,768 1 324 .67 31 854 427 435 288 204 103 208 103 58 34 58 34 255 114 257 115 105 52 116 53 7,460 2 668 7,992 2 844 4,266 1 896 2,361 1 051 4,798 2 181 2,632 1 192 7,645 1 830 8,079 1 957 Part ownera 5U 482 1,803 1,309 498 290 3,060 1,424 472 4,848 8,369 4,793 4,663 1,545 2,334 503 1,322 163 242 381 1,080 5,3U 3,814 2,756 226,275 2,653 2,U8 577,801 427,228 2,626 27 4,175 3,403 2,278,901 949,133 2,876 1,722 459,765 269,440 5,074 1,U6,351 22,410 126,725 347 7,876 40,232 9,544 281 1,591 701 327 797 436 6 232 US 41 41 1,058 1,192 859 305 1,016 334 715 737 186 113 329 343 225 92 848 627 232 1,621 3,427 1,597 1,547 604 996 297 884 92 148 225 736 1,767 1,419 992 114,465 1,088 472 363,224 117,750 1,071 17 1,357 703 717,674 246, 676 1,129 433 272, 191 85,285 1,740 637,227 12,430 66,021 120 3,064 15,303 3,354 Uana^ers 2 2,175 9 9 18,545 12,980 10 10 50,996 U,420 10 9 6,033 4,575 7,587 150 1,215 3 127 1,129 312 38 2,124 1,274 73 193 123 5 25 15 671 692 297 203 308 258 803 93 1,482 1,092 101 42 1,551 151 U6 2,684 4,587 2,684 2,649 966 1,621 87 317 85 315 2,944 2,429 1,677 97,180 1,448 732 135,185 71,&40 1,447 1,614 1,227 125,204 109,395 373 333 71,980 27,465 2,988 598, 260 11,845 66,064 65 1,375 5,775 1,460 199 145 13 18 13 25 20 172 105 21 5 251 21 11 269 392 269 259 71 106 12 27 Share- caab 304 249 192 16,615 133 no 12,615 8,895 132 229 200 22,524 17,720 118 50 5,540 1,305 298 50, 920 991 5,664 10 275 1,575 225 70 185 35 105 5 15 Crop- Bbare 75 70 45 4,125 50 5,625 50 45 5 1,830 500 15 5 3,900 50 75 13,790 372 2,030 5 100 650 125 15 630 410 10 70 40 240 255 95 55 100 55 215 215 20 45 445 350 25 15 675 55 40 LiTeatock- ahare 805 1,515 335 620 15 100 15 100 910 740 630 31,090 350 230 32,180 17,790 350 575 490 40,125 27,650 260 85 15,935 2,785 890 174,425 3,416 19,405 15 310 1,255 430 15 5 525 10 1,265 10 10 625 1,750 50 25 4,900 100 835 Croppers 5 1,065 608 30 55 40 Other ajid un speci f led 245 245 95 122 100 172 420 420 40 22 680 551 40 16 1,050 400 40 1,320 2,110 1,320 1,315 440 645 50 150 50 150 1,410 1,185 670 36,500 825 321 76,090 32,245 825 590 446 34,945 33,155 375 147 24,220 16, 810 1,435 311,650 6,231 33,485 20 265 1,265 30O 10 155 106 15 35 15 135 81 10 6 155 25 20 195 340 75 125 5 25 170 135 8,325 80 71 7,410 12,710 25,155 30,370 85 41 20,635 6,465 215 37,575 735 4,645 15 425 1,030| 380 Other farms 1,422 3,752 7,753 1,651 3,688 1,831 25 166 43 18 18 6 6 36 36 12 22 3,055 3,252 1,205 794 1,276 843 4,291 4,517 7,697 9,453 7,178 7,242 5,872 5,011 5,387 751 454 7,479 10,380 7,429 7,069 1,883 2,583 339 728 54 107 291 621 5,269 3,933 168,865 2,797 2,737 271,077 236,220 2,790 7,552 7,426 859,563 616, 619 2,728 1,651 199,892 150,927 7,901 746,405 14,294 83,992 296 3, 22,215 5,192 242 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 8— FARM FACILITIES, OFF-FARM WORK, WORK POWER, FARM LABOR, [Data are based on reports for only Item (For deflDitions and explanations, see text) SPECIFIED FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT Telephone farms reporting 195«t . Electricity farms reporting WS-i. 1950. Television set farms reporting 1954. Piped running water farms reporting 1954. Home freezer farms reporting 1954 . Electric pig brooder farms reporting 1954. Power feed grinder farms reporting 1954. Milking machine farms reporting 1954. Grain combines farms reporting 1954. number 1954 . Com pickers farms reporting 1954. number 1954 . Pick-up hay balers farms reporting 1954 . number 1954. Field forage harvesters farms reporting 1954. number 1954. Motortrucks farms reporting 1954 . number 1954. Tractors, other than garden farms reporting 1954. 1950. number 1954 . 1950. Automobiles farms reporting 1954 . number 1954 . OFF-FARM WORK AMD OTHER INCOME Farsi operators — With other income of family exceeding value of farm products sold operators reporting Working off their farms, total operators reporting 100 or more days operators reporting FARMS BY CLASS OF WOHX POWER No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting No tractor but horses and/or mules farms reporting Tractor and horses and/or mules. .. .farms reporting Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting FARM LABOR Week of OcloLcr 24-30: Family and/or hired workers farms reporting persons Family workers. Including operator farms reporting Operators working 1 or more hours persons Unpaid members of operator ' s family farms reporting persons Hired workers farms reporting persons Regular workers (to be employed 150 or more days ) farms reporting persons Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days ) farms reporting persons SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Specified fann expenditures^ farms reporting Machine hire and/or hired labor farms reporting Machine hire farms reporting dollars Hired labor farms reporting dollars $1 to $2 ,499 farms reporting $2,500 and over farms reporting Feed for livestock and poultry. .farms reporting dollars Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil farms reporting dollars Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing material farms reporting dollars tons acres on which used Lime and liming material farms reporting tons dollars acres limed 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954.. 1954 . . 1954.. 1954 . . 1954 . . 1954 . . 1954 . . 1954 . . 1954 . . 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. Total all farms l,bO0 8,198 7,084 1,700 5,310 2,498 42 227 321 143 157 lU 113 120 126 54 64 4,078 4,534 2,960 1,457 3,412 1,715 4,298 4,721 4,806 4,992 6,009 4,932 4,593 3,616 3,071 2,752 1,263 1,697 7,283 12,486 7,197 6,925 2,257 3,319 636 2,242 223 504 486 1,738 8,128 4,451 3,150 394,281 2,592 1,957 1,558,572 872,770 2,517 75 6,290 5,452 2,611,020 1,328,024 3,527 2,056 591,569 336, 188 6,946 1,894,302 44,726 206,329 482 12,576 83,469 17,068 Tenure of operator^ Full owners 360 1,946 1,849 379 1,393 757 12 132 234 91 100 70 71 62 67 7 7 1,301 1,402 1,201 635 1,351 794 880 997 371 277 919 659 455 253 572 544 657 1,862 3,805 1,829 1,770 715 1,045 278 990 118 240 195 750 2,007 1,359 819 134,299 972 775 576,094 430,142 945 27 1,516 1,363 1,584,677 751,276 1,346 874 281,965 173,181 1,893 761,992 17,200 78,378 231 6,907 43,253 9,331 Part owners 123 500 237 lU 326 235 5 47 51 28 30 33 34 24 24 19 19 374 435 371 117 456 132 261 337 98 46 267 72 83 27 112 122 249 498 1,270 495 475 257 423 112 367 44 97 503 393 268 49,654 338 177 293,425 35,970 317 21 392 232 391,360 96,155 372 U7 112,457 27, Ul 497 297,329 6,577 32,242 71 1,464 9,554 1,984 Uanagera 15 40 31 20 39 22 6 1 9 12 2 2 8 9 3 3 37 85 39 18 133 82 29 61 45 587 7 17 25 533 18 123 19 410 45 39 20 95,455 39 42 512,409 302,723 17 22 32 25 67,879 21,393 39 36 59,777 47,626 39 332,398 10,278 37,888 12 2,099 14,880 2,025 15 175 176 15 60 117 127 54 61 55 66 39 39 206 372 204 193 Ul 18 38 201 144 73 3,903 133 108 27,405 24,740 133 130 151 90,735 57,525 99 83 14,795 13,730 191 52,958 1,153 ),279 6 150' 915 168 61 123 61 61 41 1,603 60 41 15,125 8,930 60 36 65 7,890 23,795 35 36 8,220 4,800 61 13,070 264 1,626 200 500 5 25 5 7,525 750 5 5 500 500 25 5,300 110 695 51 36 11 800 36 25 5,655 2,225 36 40 10 50,235 125 31 5 2,400 325 56 14,685 361 1,650 5 50 375 50 Livestock- share ^Data are given by tenure of operator for commercial farms only. ^Excludes farms reporting commercial fertilizer and lime. MISSISSIPPI AND FARM EXPENDITURES, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued 243 a sample of farms. See text] Area 7— Continued Area 8 ' T\siir8 of opera tor^—Ooo. Other farms Total all farms Tenure of operator^ Other farms Tenants— Con. Full owners Part owners Managers Tenants Croppers Other and unspeci- fied All Cash 9hare- caah Crop- abare Livestock- share Croppers Other and un- specified 5 1,087 1,005 228 5 6 766 1 21 32 5,537 2,795 601 18 6 'ii 1 "i 'io 2,157 2 50 31 4,791 2,336 547 7 17 25 20 1,740 3 15 1,175 802 179 6 3 3 1 "i 611 4 20 3,492 2,283 538 23 6 13 1 1 'io 1,703 5 l,4»i 1,178 328 17 5 6 1 5 822 6 25 12 7 5 7 42 122 85 7 "3 1 1 26 8 30 140 123 7 ... 10 9 15 31 25 1 5 10 15 32 26 1 5 11 1 5 14 9 5 12 1 5 26 26 25 35 14 25 25 30 30 9 22 22 30 30 2 2 5 1 1 13 14 15 16 17 10 2,249 1,004 339 17 5 13 1 10 630 18 10 2,485 1,110 398 17 9 13 1 10 573 19 1 2 1,295 839 371 U 4 7 5 444 20 20 15 626 345 172 7 11 15 10 5 140 21 1 2 1,417 947 456 13 9 11 5 453 22 20 15 641 374 189 7 18 20 15 5 140 23 7 U 3,089 1,697 358 U 6 12 10 1,303 24 7 U 3,287 1,896 424 18 17 12 10 1,425 25 5 11 4,289 2,175 220 5 3 6 1 5 1,941 26 5 11 4,631 1,749 119 5 5 5 1,620 27 lo 11 4,695 2,103 304 10 3 11 1 10 1,775 28 15 21 4,115 1,736 215 6 5 15 15 1,495 29 6 10 4,010 1,859 201 5 3 6 1 5 1,644 30 D 3,310 1,424 98 1 5 1,320 31 JO 30 2,681 1,323 122 5 1 5 5 1,190 32 1 1,991 805 129 5 1 1 1 659 33 1 544 332 186 8 4 2 1 1 132 34 1 1 751 507 185 5 5 '"" 312 35 32 27 4,672 2,247 577 23 6 13 1 1 10 1 628 36 46 32 6,452 3,411 1,194 32 23 31 1 4 25 2,131 37 32 2b 4,632 2,221 562 23 6 13 1 1 10 1,517 38 31 26 4,450 2,145 547 23 6 13 1 1 10 1,556 39 7 5 1,190 628 220 1 1 1 1 405 40 9 5 1,688 772 273 1 1 1 1 496 41 1 1 203 174 113 2 4 6 ... 1 "5 49 42 D 1 314 494 374 8 16 17 2 15 79 43 42 69 53 2 4 1 1 9 44 43 150 U4 4 16 2 2 14 45 1 1 166 125 79 1 5 5 40 46 6 1 271 344 260 '* 15 15 55 47 27 32 5,372 2,627 617 23 6 13 1 1 1 10 1,953 48 21 16 2,516 1,013 351 12 5 7 1 638 49 11 10 1,970 771 226 6 3 1 535 50 500 1,000 110,970 75,561 28,366 2,095 420 50 ... 50 44,630 51 11 16 1,110 436 213 12 5 6 ... 1 200 52 20 17 855 392 123 7 17 5 240 53 3,575 2,500 149,239 293,364 206,164 5,600 26,020 2,300 2,000 300 53,280 54 5,250 7,835 79, 195 263,228 118,130 5,183 52,495 1,000 1,000 85,420 55 11 16 1,105 5 400 36 181 32 11 1 2 3 6 1 5 200 56 57 7 17 4,220 2,187 536 18 5 11 1 10 1,617 58 35 36 3,631 1,938 465 7 11 20 ... 5 15 1,435 59 275 24,200 476,369 1,125,388 792,367 29,425 10,456 18,855 500 18,355 274,285 60 14,055 18,800 401, 675 744,964 414,464 14,650 4-'. 575 2,175 ... 625 1,550 266, 100 61 6 17 1,671 1,047 392 18 5 6 5 626 62 20 17 916 701 312 7 12 10 10 360 63 1,675 1,500 122, 575 133,383 87,058 3,775 7,400 1,050 150 900 34,100 64 4,S40 3,265 74,510 98,927 59,676 2,756 6,700 310 310 29,485 65 32 12 4,326 1,866 507 23 6 7 1 5 1,323 66 15,583 1,270 449,625 352,245 187,403 6,039 24,370 8,300 500 6,000 1,800 125,133 67 330 28 9,518 7,627 4,171 126 471 213 20 153 40 2,646 63 1,015 148 52,542 35,083 17,938 588 1,736 1,240 ... ... 140 800 300 13,531 69 1 162 187 102 2 83 70 100 1,956 2,273 1,568 29 676 71 540 14, 867 16,934 12,202 218 4,514 72 118 3,560 2,805 2,016 -2 747 73 244 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 9.-LIVEST0CK ON HAND, LIVESTOCK SOLD, AND SPECIFIED £Data are baaed on reports for only Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) The State Total all farms Tenure of operator^ Full owners Part Uanagers Tenants owners All Cash Share- cash Crop- share Livestock- share Livestock on hand: ^ 1 Horses w"H mules . . . ■ • fapiDfl reporting 1954. . . 106,105 148,052 33,349 41,759 12,966 10,648 535 621 26,207 36,751 3,353 4,954 431 1,037 14,145 19,529 156 223 2 1950... 3 number 1954... 244,541 82,511 40,693 4,202 61,983 8,856 1,191 34,523 492 4 1950... 395,076 125,927 44,882 9,465 97,803 14,015 3,308 52,124 785 5 All oattle and calves farms reporting 1954. . . 153,819 171,509 41,402 44,446 16,477 11,069 532 609 40,514 48,465 3,457 4,325 521 890 15,403 18,286 188 223 6 1950... 7 number 1954... 2,329,602 998,031 521,978 131,113 233,141 42,615 8,022 87,174 5,926 8 1950... 1,565,998 697,484 231,147 53,460 215,814 33,796 4,083 35,646 3,490 9 Cows, Inoliidlng heifers that have calved farms reporting 1954 . . . 150,446 40,996 16,340 517 39,414 3,337 520 15,094 188 10 1950... 167,042 43,874 10,939 602 46,324 4,250 860 17,846 223 u number 1954... 1,314,348 567,454 299,049 66,560 133,570 23,640 4,409 49,878 3,430 12 1950... 362,789 382,053 130,239 29,429 123,311 19,355 2,296 47,357 1,809 13 mii cows farms reporting 1954 . . . 123,372 34,823 14,013 316 33,066 2,630 471 12,520 155 U 1950... 154,401 41,300 10,207 475 43,323 3,355 793 16,493 213 15 number 1954... 500,042 210,646 105,510 3,714 81,502 9,984 2,442 33,763 1,709 16 1950... 502,627 205,940 60,690 4,923 97,503 13,598 1,747 39,468 1,262 17 All hogs and pigs .... farms reporting 1954 . . . 127,868 30,620 13,206 353 49,231 3,129 499 15,054 172 IS 1950... 170,225 36,814 9,817 523 65,425 4,333 1,086 19,573 231 19 number 1954 . . . 633,165 231,304 123,717 12,698 178,860 19,994 2,432 52,585 1,423 20 1950... 878,252 274,472 99,024 16,929 251,031 26,794 5,331 86,549 2,120 21 Chiclceiis 4 montha old and over.. farms reporting 1954... 168,072 39,150 15,545 374 58,116 3,657 578 17,277 187 22 1950 . . . 210,340 44,739 11,194 527 75,218 5,062 1,130 21,754 233 23 number 1954... 5,477,502 2,078,885 713,694 23,709 1,217,411 93,417 15,460 403,767 6,750 24 1950... 5,724,873 1,833,975 440,238 31,742 1,472,796 127,481 28,250 508,805 6,464 Lireatock aod livestock products sold: 25 Cattle and calves sole alive .... farms reporting 1954 . . . 75,867 28,974 11,591 461 10,686 1,503 200 4,924 108 26 1949... 91,519 30,935 7,672 420 22,866 2,280 373 9,093 158 27 number 1954... 764,151 348,905 131,846 54,673 53,577 13,805 2,806 18,464 1,416 28 1949... 473,390 233,139 33,853 21,754 59,790 10,550 1,151 20,701 914 29 dollars 1954... 36,778,932 16,721,559 3,997,195 4,091,591 2,200,804 689,283 145,005 626,638 55,164 30 1949... 33,251,461 16,860,017 6,226,266 2,113,679 3,563,380 735,933 68,893 1,140,265 60,753 31 Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting 1954... 33,536 11,705 5,731 250 7,989 1,012 163 3,241 57 32 1949 . . . 61,786 19,041 5,393 387 18,361 1,754 365 6,948 92 33 number 1954 . . . 334,906 136,634 31,310 12,508 52 , 585 10,275 2,031 19,236 362 34 1949... 539,582 226,335 38,019 10,129 108,389 16,594 2,854 40,949 1,895 35 dollars 1954 . . . 8,213,317 3,498,503 2,257,474 312,154 1,123,532 247,590 43,525 415,175 17,620 36 1949... 11,253,909 5,021,043 2,107,324 298,010 2,014,231 365,998 60,159 758,340 36,630 37 Chickens sold farms reporting 1954 . . . 12,064 5,188 1,572 52 1,574 126 21 677 21 38 1949 . . . 35,906 12,163 2,854 98 7,759 534 141 2,937 50 39 doUara 1954... 19,780,232 16,096,343 2,230,830 672,648 671,638 17,460 1,025 270,761 335 40 1949... 5,274,851 3,710,652 394,574 8,537 691, U5 114,280 4,700 134,170 122,725 41 Chicken eggs sold farms reporting 1954 . . . 30,250 11,601 4,161 63 4,627 434 86 2,191 53 42 1949... 65,786 22,167 4,919 173 14,018 1,167 217 6,216 82 43 dozens 1954 . . . 13,618,793 3,237,162 3,003,614 69,940 854,023 116,824 15,470 248,335 10,350 44 1949 . . . 10,367,588 5,409,625 1,131,963 77,497 1,131,320 132,555 19,342 484,593 6,426 45 dollars 1954... 6,131,202 3,760,920 1,394,393 30,037 352,400 51,858 6,040 100,035 3,371 46 1949 . . . 4,126,616 2,184,113 457,790 33,738 458,831 53,135 6,932 180,469 2,348 47 Milk sold^ gallons 1954. . . 36,605,534 45,787,760 27,637,006 1,110,476 8,106,132 1,513,385 457,506 3,079,172 544,528 48 dollars 1954... 30,336,728 16,240,669 9,395,449 417,319 2,563,815 497,545 224,055 333,055 247,630 49 Specified crops harveste 1949... 1: 24,928,800 14,653,015 5,051,813 589,533 3,297,757 1,120,771 35,965 365,081 83,710 50 Com for all purposes farms reporting 1954,,. 149,965 37,823 16,112 452 57,555 3,921 649 18,709 183 51 1949... 185,619 41,349 10,913 515 70,652 4,934 1,092 21,773 273 52 acres 1954... 1,635,321 508,536 323,389 32,788 518,962 45,944 8,507 204,050 3,067 S3 1949... 1,988,645 591,832 212,605 42,358 627,214 58,895 9,400 245,519 4,092 54 Com harvested for grain farms reporting 1954... 145,232 36,539 15,485 411 56,130 3,328 642 18,274 183 55 1949... 184,392 41,088 10,822 513 70,254 4,907 1,087 21,702 263 56 acres 1954... 1,541,528 474,579 293,239 28,531 504,845 43,702 7,913 198,704 3,010 57 1949... 1,951,592 576,794 203,058 41,748 621,779 57,911 9,135 244,539 3,532 58 bushels harvested 1954... 25,472,506 8,541,375 5,172,379 625,308 7,231,145 635,736 138,760 2,691,119 48,100 59 1949... 37,841,767 12,387,989 4,271,920 953,013 11,621,530 992,815 168,705 4,305,150 73,315 60 bushels sold 1954... 4,317,595 969,908 754,735 248,687 1,930,755 143,640 53,410 600,225 5,935 61 1949.., 3,343,901 758,178 360,945 120,759 1,583,729 57,560 14,695 550,484 5,890 62 Oats threshed or comb ined farms reporting 1954... 9,939 4,616 2,585 317 1,579 504 97 547 1.7 63 1949.,, 3,618 1,739 757 246 401 144 53 74 1 64 acres 1954 .. . 330,360 127,744 110,770 41,824 41,485 20,245 3,155 9,484 623 65 1949... 104,145 41,039 25,579 22,165 9,563 4,811 565 1,515 40 66 bushels harvested 1954.,. 13,045,605 4,926,749 4,407,435 1,732,485 1,734,437 388,782 110,925 401,955 33,455 67 1949... 2,617,242 1,018,950 622,503 597,844 254,460 139,955 16,625 38,115 400 68 bushels sold 1954... 7,013,880 2,273,773 2,390,746 1,077,777 1,202,925 672,818 68,250 281,685 13,000 69 1949... 592,068 200,281 124,208 160, 746 81,853 55,230 6,688 6,610 70 Soybeans harvested fo r beans. ...fanns reporting 1954... 7,309 2,803 1,743 267 2,176 742 138 796 2 71 1949... 4,515 1,610 739 231 1,293 236 53 500 72 acres grovm alone 1954,,. 541,544 167,566 131,825 63,272 122,966 59,354 8,715 34,166 212 73 1949,,. 166,672 55,359 39,194 28,637 38,278 14,382 3,090 9,020 ... 74 ac res grown with other cixips 1954... 2,206 897 829 15 270 20 105 75 1949... 3,603 2,048 170 235 490 5 320 76 bushels harvested 1954... 5,594,153 2,053,473 1,724,720 668,561 1,113,806 530,957 63,380 325,333 1,520 77 1949... 2,786,397 978,473 653,684 427,075 564,194 264,565 39,225 148,464 78 Cotton harvested famis reporting 1954... 156,225 33,866 15,300 399 84,135 4,213 694 21,198 182 79 1949... 190,329 37,052 10,530 496 93,944 5,178 1,301 24,220 268 80 acres 1954,.. 1,949,693 402,173 323,573 64,062 1,054,638 77,487 13,413 263,115 2,394 81 1949.,. 2,753,096 619,576 329,435 141,062 1,304,575 122,275 32,115 346,046 3,359 82 bales harvested 1954... 1,553,719 316 , 545 264,017 60,070 857,316 59,578 10,974 202,961 1,899 83 1949... 1,496,696 306,285 183,510 98,211 799,853 59,815 20,522 171,694 1,547 84 Hay cut acres 1954, . , 620,111 629,923 288,088 277,913 156,071 123,200 35,967 36,584 59,436 37,888 12,553 17,256 3,092 1,995 25,668 39,036 2,178 1,730 85 1949,., 86 tons 1954,.. 620, 549 294,758 161,285 39,850 54,694 12,811 2,816 22,297 2,436 ■•^Data are given by tenure of operator for coi equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. mercial farms only. ^For comparability of data on livestock and poultry, see text Eind State Table 12. ■^Includes milk MISSISSIPPI CROPS, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 245 a sample of fanue. See text] The State— Continued 1 Area 1 Itaairo of operator*— Om. Other farms Total all farraa Tenure of operator* Other farms ToDaats —Con. Full ownera Part oiroera Managers Tenants Croppers Other and unapeci- fied All Caah Share- cash Crop- abare Liveatock- ahare Croppers Other and un- specified 5,795 2,321 33,048 7,118 2,328 1,020 225 3,191 561 99 1,347 11 1,008 165 354 1 8,292 2,661 58,273 14,017 3,520 1,334 357 7,020 1,305 744 2,450 10 2,320 191 1,786 2 U,251 5,670 55,152 22,383 7,427 4,748 1,647 7,107 1,406 323 2,919 24 1,963 467 1,459 3 19,65^ 7,422 116,994 52,202 13,917 7,638 6,447 19,483 4,052 2,761 6,005 30 5,880 755 4,717 4 18,355 2,590 54,894 16,317 3,396 1,466 181 10,205 675 163 1,879 11 7,266 206 1,069 5 22, 1« 2,599 66,920 21,777 3,876 1,339 308 13,943 1,005 592 2,205 15 9,925 206 2,306 6 58,556 30,848 445,339 232,153 77,879 64,217 49,020 34,752 9,076 2,233 6,377 213 14,724 2,124 6,285 7 68,525 20,274 368,093 106,353 31,951 20,892 11,550 33,293 4,735 1,258 6,392 55 18,934 1,919 8,667 3 17,680 2,545 53,179 15,677 3,282 1,433 172 9,786 658 167 1,813 11 6,936 201 1,004 9 31,102 2,543 64,803 20,738 3,787 1,287 306 13,237 975 567 2,085 15 9,405 190 2,121 10 34,75i 17,459 247,715 124,362 42,998 35,335 23,176 19,627 4,809 997 3,477 97 9,157 1,090 3,226 11 41,029 11,455 197,207 60,490 17,508 11,995 6,559 19,750 2,886 724 3,364 35 11,794 947 4,678 12 15,175 2,065 41,154 13,194 2,634 1,080 115 8,483 513 142 1,549 10 6,107 162 832 13 19,633 2,336 59,096 19,565 3,567 1,153 259 12,576 937 521 2,000 15 8,914 189 2,005 U 25,560 S,04i 98,670 26,506 3,908 3,988 583 11,286 1,015 308 2,156 25 7,534 248 1,741 15 33 . 509 ",919 133,571 32,582 8,342 3,106 1,335 16,341 1,830 605 2,860 35 10,655 356 3,458 16 28,020 2,357 34,458 22,237 2,698 1,169 153 17,203 629 177 2,242 16 13,910 234 1,009 17 37,450 2,652 57,646 35,518 3,716 1,378 326 26,426 1,241 783 3,081 20 21,045 256 3,672 18 79,507 12,868 136,086 113,132 31,425 17,595 6,330 52,022 5,337 798 8,697 86 36,115 989 5,760 19 115,606 14,631 236,746 169,921 36,479 19,886 12,044 86,179 7,465 3,336 12,480 35 60,428 2,385 15,333 20 33,623 2,794 54,887 27,372 3,564 1,380 149 20,352 779 211 2,676 10 16,873 303 1,427 21 43,882 3,107 78,662 41,687 4,301 1,546 299 30,931 1,454 827 3,451 20 24,859 320 4,610 22 597,440 95,577 1,443,803 627,195 139,658 58,042 10,483 378,647 20,325 4,900 61,346 300 279,980 11,796 40,365 23 'T.-'.t.J? 84,171 1,946,122 854,935 160,155 59,927 18,536 523,514 37,247 20,305 76,780 375 377,300 11,007 92,753 24 ; . -83 1,168 24,155 3,622 1,564 777 130 892 216 52 206 6 356 56 259 25 9,r'27 1,335 29,626 9,334 1,323 634 141 5,757 445 207 940 5 4,090 70 929 26 8,445 8,641 125,150 81,995 23,395 22,643 22,459 6,363 3,141 1,170 907 51 370 724 1,635 27 19,796 6,678 74,854 36,038 10,183 3,433 4,258 11,226 1,514 370 1,506 5 5,760 2,071 1,933 28 314,975 369,689 4,767,783 5,720,191 1,938,686 1,533,565 1,725,547 412,226 196,191 82,155 60,505 2,600 37,220 33,555 105,167 29 1.115,962 441,569 4,483,119 2,834,768 871,191 791,758 381,491 654,756 95,959 23,038 84,358 250 303,335 142,266 135,572 30 ;.8i9 697 7,861 3,416 1,023 548 109 1,518 210 46 305 914 43 218 31 3,200 1,001 18,604 8,955 1,724 741 226 5,321 450 243 384 "5 3,663 76 943 32 14,467 5,714 51,869 44,837 14,750 11,492 4,508 11,029 3,019 900 1,745 4,924 441 3,058 33 37,333 3,764 106,210 74,749 21,353 14,392 5,511 26,c45 4,194 1,649 4,667 '26 14,054 2,061 6,343 34 273,734 125,838 1,021,649 1,218,823 373,797 354,543 159,603 218,535 64,170 20,770 36,795 38,310 3,040 112,290 35 631,018 162,086 1,813,251 1,714,624 547,363 353 , 106 169,744 509,791 83,923 30,479 94,219 60O 263,068 32,502 134,615 36 577 152 J, 678 781 214 78 13 375 15 10 80 245 25 101 37 3,498 499 13,032 3,364 646 213 56 2,001 133 75 300 1,461 32 448 38 260,072 121,985 108,768 186,841 87,056 83,734 2,096 8,985 300 235 1,705 5,850 395 4,970 39 185,635 79,935 469,643 136,224 49,358 12,332 4,196 52,743 3,303 2,545 7,130 36,730 3,035 17,545 40 1,380 433 9,798 1,335 476 220 26 491 35 20 150 261 25 172 41 5,410 926 24,509 4,534 991 327 92 2,635 210 101 471 1,8U 42 489 42 106,618 356,431 1,454,049 699,828 345,031 145,633 23,033 116,341 4,600 4,255 30,860 27,451 49,175 69,735 43 407,464 130,940 2,567,133 524,371 175,217 65,269 43,803 133,877 21,220 4,207 29,915 126, 610 6,925 46,205 44 43,011 148,085 593,402 339,339 176,463 65,394 9,819 52,083 1,785 2,115 12,225 12,273 23,635 35,080 45 162,606 53,341 992,039 235,584 82,662 23,513 20,395 84,422 9,625 1,947 12,535 57,355 2,910 19,592 46 1,320,170 1,091,271 3,964,160 2,532,225 1,097,245 907,302 163,992 45,120 11,430 588 9,776 ... 23,311 15 363,566 47 374,257 337,173 1,219,476 1,080,109 524,685 351,846 61,240 11,920 4,260 185 2,930 4,535 10 130,418 43 785,845 356,335 1,336,677 375,989 212,424 142 , 556 74,063 329,680 308,495 665 6,920 650 11,440 1,510 117,261 49 31,077 3,01^ 38,022 19,573 3,216 1,337 209 14,222 832 227 2,238 11 10,596 263 539 50 39,487 3,093 62,190 31,479 3,312 1,403 320 23,247 1,264 734 2,650 20 18,360 219 2,697 51 223,081 34,303 251,646 176,020 48,153 36,091 19,116 65,562 10,590 1,990 15,503 215 34,916 2,343 7,098 52 270,593 38,714 514,136 270,652 64,782 40,622 30,391 115,494 16,130 5,363 19,047 140 68,885 5,879 19,363 53 30,296 2,957 36,617 13,413 2,879 1,176 196 13,623 791 222 2,196 11 10,156 252 539 54 39,217 3,073 61,715 31,095 3,747 1,371 319 23,006 1,248 734 2,605 15 13,185 219 2,652 55 218,751 32,760 240,334 159,839 42,269 31,436 17,277 62,391 9,832 1,915 14,732 215 33,611 2,086 6,466 56 268,123 38,489 508,213 260,673 60,024 37, 734 29,383 114,154 15,905 5,278 13,312 100 63,180 5,879 18,376 57 3,290,230 427,200 3,902,299 2,382,017 733,129 622,451 393,394 1,025,950 159,905 39,930 261,225 4,800 523,835 31,255 106,593 58 5,414,505 667,090 8,602,265 5,600,234 1,360,357 787,770 703,657 2,371,325 316,285 101,300 350,935 2,300 1,498,005 102,000 377,125 59 1,033,195 94,350 403,460 988,351 251,968 185,415 223,735 249,285 56,100 17,325 83,590 73,270 14,000 77,948 60 900,055 55,045 520,290 501,555 113,975 92,490 94,780 130,305 16,025 7,265 11,730 139,430 5,805 20,005 61 247 167 842 3,990 1,575 968 194 1,145 426 37 369 1 165 97 108 62 90 39 425 1,313 494 324 174 257 108 51 28 53 17 64 63 3,337 4,641 8,537 199,931 63,254 66,080 32,310 31,544 17,828 2,750 5,834 200 1,857 3,075 1,793 64 1,707 930 5,794 59,663 17,397 15,170 18,201 6,930 4,140 505 610 1,175 500 1,965 65 122,055 177,255 244,499 3,535,834 2,901,494 2,323,794 1,417,367 1,336,670 792,375 96,125 251,130 15,000 60,710 121,330 56,509 66 45,390 23,475 1U,435 1,637,435 465,445 414,136 508,519 206,260 123,010 14,525 18,050 34,900 15,775 43,025 67 70,072 97,100 68,659 5,842,132 1,813,251 1,963,222 1,023,617 997,203 618,061 60,000 187,070 11,500 39,972 80,600 44,889 63 5,475 6,350 24,980 399,519 92,797 96,128 136,446 65,898 54,260 4,638 100 1,300 5,550 3,250 69 353 145 320 5,207 1,963 1,225 225 1,646 664 122 515 1 251 93 148 70 434 70 642 2,441 785 437 196 818 182 52 242 303 39 205 71 11,116 9,403 5,915 431,534 132,357 142,874 54,193 96,842 51,883 7,010 24,230 150 7,393 6,166 4,768 72 8,259 3,527 5,204 122,067 36,133 29,421 24,157 29,847 11,625 2,940 6,540 ... 5,780 2,962 2,509 73 125 20 195 564 265 2"4 15 10 ... 10 74 165 660 950 545 225 30 30 150 75 100,851 91,715 33,598 4,314,333 1,642,382 1,278,982 541,408 829,108 448,697 43,630 217,650 650 53,731 54,750 23,003 76 152,705 59,235 63,471 2,052,530 644,622 496,807 366,511 514,305 214,875 36,425 108,075 109,025 45,905 30,235 77 54,569 3,279 22,525 42,854 4,227 1,769 247 35,143 1,099 273 3,655 16 29,651 449 1,468 73 59,704 3,273 43,307 54, 781 4,617 1,300 351 42,620 1,609 949 4,117 25 35,575 345 5,393 79 653,705 39,519 100,247 366,773 154,376 129,046 54,499 514,761 46,134 7,699 71,807 685 377,016 11,370 14,091 80 752,792 47,988 358,443 1,272,616 237,979 131,609 126,889 663,710 77,243 27,197 35,663 360 460,808 12,434 62,429 81 551,959 29,945 55,771 745,036 134,500 113,642 52,411 435,336 36,763 6,602 53,876 516 323,122 9,452 9,147 82 524,634 21,641 108,337 869,079 144,335 115,295 33,744 494,811 41,480 17,318 55,559 235 371,748 7,971 25,894 83 7,735 8,105 80,549 59,356 23,696 15,268 10,991 8,249 4,744 450 1,838 50 517 600 1,652 34 1-7,561 10,310 104,333 103,242 32,470 26,373 21,334 17,400 7,874 960 3,563 10 3,176 1,817 5,665 85 6,589 7,745 69,962 65,096 25,049 18,192 12,227 8,059 4,910 462 1,761 75 441 410 1,569 36 246 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 9.-LIVEST0CK ON HAND, LIVESTOCK SOLD, AND SPECIFIED [Data are based on reports for oaly Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Area 2 Total all farms Tenure of operator^ Full owners Part Uanagera Tenants owners All Cash Share- cash Crop- share Livestock- share Lirestock OD hand;-^ 1 Horses and otules farms reporting 1954 . . . 17,441 4,454 1,997 107 7,976 309 100 4,488 64 2 1950. . . 24,409 5,033 2,034 121 10,066 1,117 118 5,549 46 3 number 1954... 50,922 14,299 9,247 1,151 20,591 2,235 356 12,281 293 4 1950... 79,544 20,232 11,995 1,789 28,428 3,409 487 15,863 177 5 All cattle and calves farms reporting 1954... 23,234 5,287 2,256 112 10,753 773 95 4,546 65 6 1950... 27,034 5,196 2,062 122 11,635 1,007 108 5,040 46 7 number 1954... 391,536 147,840 106,133 27,322 69,083 10,417 3,008 29,711 1,303 8 1950... 304,402 113,361 70,808 15,538 59,216 8,471 1,090 25,647 650 9 Cows, Including heifers that have calved f arma reporting 1954 . . . 22,851 5,260 2,240 112 10, 539 772 95 4,473 65 10 1950... 26,311 5,136 2,036 121 11,215 987 108 4,935 46 11 number 1954... 226,977 84,544 63,098 15,223 40,023 6,007 1,832 17,138 1,087 U 1950... 170, 500 64,018 40,451 3,313 33,378 5,242 612 13,619 334 13 Milk cows farms reporting 1954 . . . 17,441 3,952 1,751 67 8,469 607 88 3,544 46 U 1950... 23,619 4,646 1,831 90 10,128 354 97 4,437 46 15 number 1954... 71,425 23,568 17,249 555 22,398 2,498 1,250 9,859 530 16 1950... 86,603 27,332 15,875 1,291 25,670 3,237 402 11,175 245 17 All hogs and pigs farms reporting 1954... 21,9(>l 4,266 1,394 76 12,529 725 97 4,691 63 18 1950 . . . 28,487 4,432 1,767 95 14,472 950 98 5,508 45 19 number 1954 . . . 120,598 35,670 21,077 1,505 50,830 4,473 469 21,197 544 20 1950... 173,132 44,247 25,144 2,313 68,114 7,336 1,040 28,920 765 21 25,404 4,370 2,049 71 13,614 854 87 4,895 72 22 1950 . . . 32,437 5,107 1,986 105 15,631 1,034 128 5,757 46 23 number 1954... 731,620 240,741 78,892 3,887 284,636 22,013 3,600 113,676 2,585 24 1950... Livestock and livestock products sold: 788,158 190,531 85,399 5,438 297,762 25,902 3,290 123,375 973 25 Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting 1954... 10,433 3,582 1,670 111 2,758 349 55 1,375 20 26 1949 . . . 14,006 3,813 1,609 108 4,918 444 46 2,210 26 27 number 1954... 130,370 54,223 36,962 10,683 15,078 3,253 973 6,089 495 28 1949 . . . 97,982 41,609 26,938 5,935 14,436 2,698 196 5,248 179 29 dollars 1954... 6,637,586 2,779,789 1,872,550 901,712 596,596 142,726 34,990 218,008 18,425 30 1949... 7,312,691 3,252,944 1,937,619 566,751 944,909 214,071 14,175 336,213 11,868 31 Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reportiiig 1954... 5,589 1,577 922 56 2,363 204 32 1,066 31 32 1949... 11,063 2,629 1,163 71 4,827 379 48 2,097 35 33 number 1954... 55,225 20,810 13,207 1,468 15,976 1,892 241 7,176 267 34 1949... 106,034 36,423 24,389 2,272 29,364 5,099 730 13,315 300 35 dollars 1954... 1,415,408 560,400 366,647 48,220 358,205 54,986 4,095 155,460 3,995 36 2,414,566 858,893 659,350 72,179 593,586 133,063 20,175 249,205 6,650 37 Chickens sold farms reporting 1954 . . . 1,084 3,599 396 1,016 131 368 3 22 273 1,150 35 95 6 31 122 457 15 5 38 1949 . . . 39 dollars 1954... 311,276 163,965 14,737 225 127,521 2,120 775 122,731 135 40 1949 . . . 205,256 95,518 26,527 1,707 49,893 2,725 855 25,180 45 41 Chicken eggs sold farms reporting 1954... 3,232 1,070 430 14 935 87 16 421 11 42 1949... 6,677 1,947 678 35 2,064 160 26 998 11 43 1,861,512 1,368,616 194,286 7,108 188, %2 30,525 3,300 82,180 3,125 44 1949... 899,037 411,236 173,686 12,839 152,442 20,095 10,405 51,413 90 45 dollars 1954... 876,783 661,946 89,359 2,7X 78,741 15,027 2,800 35,645 951 46 1949... 381,459 177,468 78,959 5,519 53,073 8,905 3,115 18,398 45 47 Milk sold^ gallons 1954... 11,246,537 4,249,697 1,677,965 4,981,555 154,382 1,838,178 460,214 380,119 336,679 208,549 48 dollars 1954... 4]382iai0 1^953,699 61,396 634,235 168,010 191,620 90,055 73,440 49 1949... Specified crops harvested; 4,511,853 1,660,398 1,783,263 170,916 838,051 282,190 44,035 112,511 22,500 50 Com I oi all purposes......... .fanns reporting 1954 25,264 30,183 4,854 4,722 2,197 1,897 92 15 250 924 106 5,618 65 51 91 15^904 1,071 123 5,938 56 52 acres 1954... 236,833 75,650 54,761 7,105 131,720 11,447 2,364 54,403 917 53 1949... 337,981 74,792 46,969 6,598 148,429 14,579 1,867 64,590 627 54 Com harvested for grain fams reporting 1954... 24,137 4,521 2,068 86 14,816 888 104 5,445 65 55 1949... 29,928 4,665 1,376 90 15,813 1,060 123 5,983 56 56 acres 1954... 259,842 65,378 46,213 6,321 125,968 10,752 1,875 52,173 360 57 1949... 326,751 71,106 42,555 6,438 146,549 14,004 1,737 64,310 627 58 bushels harvested 1954... 3,509,872 968,296 718,597 111,699 1,529,056 146,236 33,775 539,110 14,550 59 1949... 5,426,354 1,393,703 831,165 146,191 2,253,905 212,280 33,665 393,025 17,065 60 bushels sold 1954... 603,005 170,450 113,795 18,500 282,345 31,375 25,850 72,415 395 61 1949... 468, 603 86,703 65,244 16,122 245,804 16,165 4,765 74,459 2,325 62 Oats threshed or combined farms reporting 1954... 1,122 517 341 50 163 36 3 63 3 63 1949... 455 216 110 35 36 10 2 6 64 acres 1954... 46,120 17,406 17,141 4,968 6,293 1,800 285 2,535 123 65 1949... 11,999 4,056 4,338 2,467 683 296 60 90 66 bushels harvested 1954... 1,769,833 644,040 667,139 172,515 279,171 78,791 7,400 123,750 5,405 67 1949... 279,467 102,230 88,737 59,740 16,635 6,545 2,100 2,350 68 bushels sold 1954... 685,123 237,047 237,044 40,875 170,157 53,757 3,500 83,900 1,500 69 1949... 50,190 9,290 11,180 23,350 4,370 1,520 2,000 70 Soybeans harvested for beans.... farms reporting 1954... 987 438 229 29 251 42 11 115 71 1949... 694 274 123 28 133 33 1 67 72 acres grown alone 1954... 87,173 27,237 32,353 7,532 19,596 6,121 1,490 6,406 73 1949... 30,264 12,647 7,021 4,165 5,626 2,207 150 1,270 74 acres grown with other crops 1954... 525 175 340 10 10 75 1949... 948 538 90 210 60 76 bushels harvested 1954... 938,409 307,351 375,769 110,446 191,773 63,925 13,000 54,568 77 1949... 501,274 226,016 108,255 54,219 101,799 43,625 2,800 20,274 78 Cotton harvested.. ............ ..faims reporting 1954... 28,101 32,357 4,589 4,430 2,068 1,829 72 82 19,060 18,985 953 1,131 105 127 6,277 6,522 80 51 79 1949... 80 acres 1954... 356,560 56,910 57,191 4,567 227,795 12,808 2,588 74,824 899 81 1949... 444,097 75,765 45,269 11,645 251,995 20,436 2,428 92,093 869 32 bales harvested 1954... 306,448 47,932 50,804 4,365 197,339 10,408 2,368 61,528 702 83 1949... 208,166 34,275 22,975 8,283 123,270 9,363 1,604 40,174 328 84 Hsv cut........................ RCTft 1 Q'iA 86,223 106,893 33,931 42,745 23,287 24,711 3,549 4,717 11 374 1,593 1,020 5,400 543 85 *«*J ^XAi/«*****«aaB>s*ss*ss ***•*•*« ••■■• •• •aCL^^J.Ca X J^ Vt ■ ■ * 1949... 18,027 2^440 430 9,246 290 86 tons 1954... 89,818 36,968 24,634 8,962 10,611 1,708 870 4,081 1,061 2 Reported In small fractions. ^Data are given by tenure of operator for commercial farms only. State Table 12. ^Includes milk equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. ^For comparability of data on livestock and poultry, see text and MISSISSIPPI 247 CROPS, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Conunued a Bample of farms. See text] Area 2— Continued Areas 3 and A l^sureofopefftttor^— Ooo. Other farms Total all farms Tenure of operator^ Other farms Tenants — Con. Full owners Part owners Managers Tenants Croppers Other and unspeci- fied All Cash Share- cash Crop- Bbare Livestock- share Croppers Other and un- specified L.^-a 636 2,897 15,651 4,139 1,534 73 4,036 894 51 1,995 17 566 513 5,869 1 2,2^3 978 7,155 19,216 4,317 893 37 4,173 876 80 2,143 15 705 354 9,796 2 3,693 1,733 5,634 35,007 10,453 4,842 724 9,421 2,155 91 4,830 48 981 1,316 9,567 3 ;.361 3,131 17,100 45,863 13,355 3,555 389 10,260 2,197 225 5,485 45 1,445 363 18,304 4 i.t-;-; 630 4,826 19,153 4,868 1,765 76 3,792 827 56 1,626 17 741 525 3,652 5 i,M~ 917 8,019 19,939 4,614 935 41 3,785 757 55 1,768 15 891 299 10,564 6 16,290 7,849 41,158 421,675 180,184 97,234 19,199 33,273 10,225 586 9,460 1,081 2,980 8,941 91,735 7 i7,cce 6,312 45,479 293,416 142,938 38,383 9,328 26,498 8,259 395 10,304 140 4,000 3,400 76,269 3 4,^U 620 4,700 18,746 4,833 1,754 76 3,666 801 56 1,586 17 696 510 8,417 9 4,2« 897 7,803 19, 522 4,592 930 41 3,665 742 50 1,708 15 851 299 10,294 10 9,6'^'^ 4,287 24,084 240, «5 104,942 56,728 9,055 13,223 5,522 375 4,915 671 1,675 5,065 51,997 11 10]CK7 3,524 23,840 163,083 80,787 21,844 4,508 14,633 4,628 205 5,610 75 2,325 1,795 41,306 12 3,686 498 3,202 13,193 3,743 1,333 34 2,367 534 45 986 12 445 345 5,716 13 3,856 838 6,924 16,812 4,109 806 . 28 2,949 588 40 1,383 10 690 238 8,920 14 6,-10 1,551 7,655 60,169 25,817 U,993 302 6,265 1,469 120 2,239 222 640 1,575 13,792 15 "\ ^11 2,700 16,440 63,132 28,277 5,007 212 7,762 2,354 60 3,434 10 1,325 579 21,874 16 t * ■^- 619 3,199 14,222 3,319 1,249 33 4,381 825 55 1,835 22 1,165 479 5,235 17 6 . '-'3" 934 7,721 17,114 3,363 768 22 4,476 742 70 2,078 15 1,295 276 8,485 13 20. 2U 3,933 11,516 35,678 26,979 16, 883 1,713 21,442 5,395 470 8,655 253 3,640 3,029 18,661 19 2.;,-9Q 5,254 33,314 102,340 30,169 15,099 844 22,547 4,360 430 11,179 470 4,510 1,598 34,181 20 7,fK- 659 4,800 19,391 4,387 1,556 56 4,925 881 70 2,060 17 1,355 542 8,467 21 7,598 1,018 9,608 22,338 4,434 882 27 5,066 864 85 22,33 10 1,506 363 11,929 22 L24,2il 18,571 123,414 590,605 189,069 60,670 4,070 119,456 20,042 1,625 44,280 575 26,225 26,709 217,340 23 119,518 24,704 209,028 577,250 165,363 33,093 1,079 106,305 22,200 1,385 47,790 575 25,210 9,145 271,410 24 708 251 2,312 10,447 3,637 1,335 74 1,382 377 16 441 12 196 340 4,019 25 1,762 430 3,558 10,988 3,776 741 40 1,776 431 30 801 5 356 153 4,655 26 2,161 2,102 13,424 140, 921 64,668 33,9914 7,797 9,079 3,324 168 1,639 303 665 2,930 25,383 27 <,589 1,526 9,014 86,782 46,356 15,735 2,989 7,024 2,875 100 2,220 15 925 889 14,673 28 77,290 105,157 536,939 6,619,170 3,200,574 1,545,616 433,399 413,516 183,004 8,835 58,200 15,750 23,200 119, 527 976,065 29 262,522 106,060 560,468 6,378,502 3,416,136 1,247,7CW 258,687 513,042 243,175 6,715 143,435 1,250 62,250 56,217 942,933 30 351 179 671 3,839 1,131 525 30 1,149 320 25 420 6 185 193 1,004 31 1,939 329 2,373 6,015 1,703 408 20 1,479 292 35 747 5 280 120 2,405 32 •1,101 2,209 3,7&4 42,967 16,890 10,606 1,736 7,757 3,024 330 1,995 240 900 1,268 5,928 33 7,724 2,196 U,081 70,202 29,726 12,530 549 15,326 3,154 220 4,317 1,250 5,230 1,155 12,021 34 84,7<>1 54,905 81,936 1,047,492 444,480 238,462 53,636 163,294 72,844 8,735 39,325 6,300 14,155 21,435 97,620 35 li2 , 701 41,792 230,558 1,413,485 625,869 324,644 15,277 249,620 59,019 4,170 80,436 20,000 66,765 19,230 198,075 36 70 25 281 966 418 91 3 117 20 55 1 15 26 337 37 466 96 1,043 2,945 974 187 5 358 81 5 155 5 91 21 1,421 38 1,045 715 4,828 627,235 586,849 21,734 2,645 7,135 625 860 50 320 5,230 8,822 39 19,070 2,018 31,611 268,306 156,679 43,690 353 12,639 2,282 200 7,375 250 1,925 657 54,395 40 303 97 783 3,267 1,129 345 10 534 130 5 190 7 60 142 1,249 41 682 187 1,953 6,698 1,941 312 3 1,230 267 20 576 10 261 96 3,212 42 27,492 37,320 102,560 968,246 531,017 103,015 11,226 166,093 9,740 150 7,865 1,150 2,060 145,128 156,895 43 53,059 17,375 148,784 821,031 375,061 56,956 280 112,970 30,870 705 58,385 810 15,130 7,020 275,764 44 10,223 14,090 44,003 422,938 238,925 44,791 4,673 66,279 4,330 60 3,475 495 995 56,924 68,270 45 20,594 7,016 61,440 346,274 161,615 24,552 123 46,752 11,415 235 26,167 360 5,830 2,695 113,232 46 334,335 117,782 22,225 11,333,230 6,337,060 4,093,543 29,651 574,618 175,433 135 65,031 100,163 28,957 204,849 298,358 47 113,345 47,765 5,515 4,352,378 2,415,692 1,611,216 10,220 228,770 75,705 25 27,020 43,250 3,535 79,235 86,480 48 325,020 51,795 59,225 3,780,707 2,848,111 513,204 13,496 292,696 185,321 31,845 10,750 64,780 113,200 49 7,743 794 2,871 17,365 4,152 1,613 62 5,549 970 76 2,266 20 1,666 551 5,989 50 7,661 1,000 7,569 19,545 3,994 339 28 5,340 858 35 2,283 15 1,737 362 9,344 51 52,530 10,009 17,6-i7 162,752 48,493 29,661 3,285 47,970 9,552 363 19,225 75 13,250 5,005 33,343 52 55,392 11,374 61,193 193,548 55,767 14,380 2,035 52,066 7,695 700 23,213 570 16, 575 3,313 69,300 53 7, 538 776 2,646 16,760 4.010 1,526 46 5,447 964 76 2,201 20 1,651 535 5,731 54 7ic01 990 7,484 19,408 3,965 622 28 5,314 858 85 2,267 10 1,732 362 9,279 55 51,090 9,213 15,962 149,335 44,068 24,433 2,462 46,690 9,052 338 18,885 75 13,100 4,740 31,682 56 54,677 11,194 60,103 183,158 53,925 13,235 1,628 50,776 7,570 700 23,003 70 16,120 3,313 68,594 57 646,685 93,700 182,224 2,950,937 1,010,642 545,156 52,290 738,510 146,595 13,430 263,445 825 245,230 63,985 604,339 58 958,345 U9,525 801,390 3,298,069 1,144,817 230,590 34,055 799,595 120,255 9,440 317,755 1,500 298,150 52,495 1,039,012 59 136,350 15,960 17,915 334,560 71,720 35,375 6,420 166,920 21,775 2,735 38,420 100, 875 3,115 54,125 60 144,685 3,405 54,730 237,972 66,225 8,355 5,192 97,670 4,405 650 23,805 64,135 4,675 60, 530 61 33 20 51 774 391 217 29 41 11 5 2 23 96 62 11 7 58 390 223 79 11 20 5 10 5 57 63 670 835 307 16, 668 7,281 6,066 1,915 630 260 10 95 265 776 64 127 110 455 7,816 4,612 1,665 459 605 200 280 125 475 65 32,045 31,780 6,968 526,729 257,770 176,247 57,917 13,995 6,150 145 2,950 4,750 20, 800 66 2,390 3,250 12,075 176,060 107,020 35,320 10,655 14, 515 6,000 5,515 3,000 8,550 67 16,000 11,500 70,410 26,930 32,255 7,175 250 250 3,800 68 350 500 2,000 19,959 13,004 4,880 575 1,500 69 51 32 40 134 57 30 5 31 26 5 11 70 71 11 81 186 41 20 4 66 11 50 5 55 71 2,527 3,052 455 3,615 1,045 888 237 1,350 1,325 '25 95 72 1,589 410 805 1,041 105 394 75 227 10 100 320 20 200 20 iio (Z) 73 74 150 iio 320 85 5 10 75 5 'to 145 75 25,300 34,980 3,070 47,563 16,123 9,070 3,490 18,130 17,880 250 750 76 24,580 10, 520 10,985 21,955 7,875 4,125 2,245 6,435 3,050 3,360 25 1,275 77 10,765 880 2,312 13,843 3,221 1,300 30 5,894 917 76 2,415 15 1,905 536 3,398 78 10,023 1,131 6,981 14,605 2,674 614 20 5,335 778 35 2,338 15 1,777 342 5,962 79 125,587 11,089 10,097 105,790 23,724 15,341 2,029 52,578 7,781 731 21,575 140 18,035 4,316 12,118 80 119,803 16,316 59,423 127,413 28,410 8,338 502 52,873 6,377 790 23,861 110 18,837 2,893 37,240 81 113,078 9,255 5,958 77,068 17,889 12,083 1,388 33,671 5,542 529 15,980 160 13,600 2,360 7,037 82 71,098 5,698 14,358 47,291 10,773 4,199 201 22,564 2,193 360 9,914 70 8,915 1,112 9,554 S3 960 2,358 8,582 79,282 41,347 17,864 3,669 4,251 1,450 100 1,030 600 93 928 12,151 84 2,815 2,806 16,693 55,721 28,914 8,984 2,296 4,672 1,130 15 1,275 1,330 922 10,855 85 629 2,262 8,6.43 90,471 48,601 21,495 4,607 4,566 1,531 49 1,145 420 65 1,356 11,202 86 248 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 9.-LIVEST0CK ON HAND, LIVESTOCK SOLD, AND SPECIFIED [Data are based on reports for only Item (For definitions and eiplanatione, see text} Area 4 | Total all farms Tenure of operator^ Full owners Part Uanagers Tenants owners All Cash Share-cash Crop-share Livestock- share Livestock on hand:'^ 1 Horses and mulee faims reporting 1954. . . 12,082 4,135 2,124 3 3,014 86 30 2,120 30 2 1950... 19,598 6,701 1,923 4 5,348 106 35 4,172 75 3 number 1954... 26,329 9,273 5,347 24 6,800 256 70 4,890 70 t, 1950... 50,928 19,122 5,807 59 13,574 278 75 10,751 225 5 All cattle and calves fams reporting 1954... 20,207 5,623 3,204 6 5,280 126 55 2,985 40 6 1950... 23,459 7,258 2,059 4 6,714 121 35 4,408 60 7 number 1954... 178,524 71,147 46,859 678 28,478 802 195 16,845 1,170 8 1950... 132,252 59,554 17,757 92 27,139 501 ■265 18,643 290 9 Cows, Including heifers that have calved farms reporting 1954... 19,925 5,557 3,199 6 5,185 111 55 2,925 40 10 1950... 22,914 7,143 2,039 4 6,554 121 35 4,323 60 11 number 1954... 100, 998 39,845 26, 599 256 16,954 477 120 9,895 685 12 1950... 71,382 31,181 9,311 47 15,736 317 180 10,569 135 13 MiUt cows farms reporting 1954. . . 18,104 5,126 2,972 2 4,770 96 55 2,675 40 M 1950... 22,296 7,042 1,988 3 6,329 121 35 4,173 60 15 number 1954... 65,547 24,441 16,294 15 14,061 367 115 8,475 450 16 1950. . . 59,958 25,315 7,060 33 14,081 257 180 9,669 130 17 All hogs and pigs farms reporting 1954... 15,411 4,327 2,561 3 4,618 105 45 2,420 35 18 1950... 20,199 6,226 1,788 4 6,572 126 35 4,181 60 19 number 1954 .. . 77,150 26,971 19,420 95 17,547 490 175 10,220 140 20 1950. . . 86,484 34,401 10,883 114 23,545 650 105 15,725 170 21 Chickens 4 months old and over. .farms reporting 1954... 20,711 5,559 3,084 3 5,844 121 50 3,015 40 22 1950... 25,581 7,471 2,076 4 7,724 136 30 4,743 75 23 number 1954... 742,095 280,681 138,100 77 155,841 2,820 1,480 86,005 1,200 24 1950... Livestock Bod livestock products sold: 772,396 285,910 73,220 142 195,555 3,690 715 128,275 2,240 25 Cattle and calves sold alive. — farms reporting 1954... 11,073 3,957 2,234 6 2,U2 46 5 1,385 30 26 1949... 14,166 5,036 1,358 4 4,032 85 15 2,662 45 27 number 1954 . . . 60,237 26,943 15,974 238 7,070 210 5 4,675 230 28 1949... 42,403 20,940 5,991 60 8,252 260 100 5,412 100 29 dollars 1954... 2,383,952 1,112,830 684,342 16,563 221,970 4,620 1,250 148,890 4,495 30 1949... 2,436,851 1,263,758 373,820 3,599 409, 094 14,175 1,375 260,009 5,155 31 Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting 1954... 4,818 1,682 1,175 2 993 30 5 605 10 32 1949 . . . 8,789 3,155 974 4 2,691 66 10 1,725 20 33 number 1954... 45,108 18,930 13,306 70 6,667 235 50 4,085 145 34 1949... 71,785 34,637 11,216 426 15,236 626 85 10,335 45 35 1,256,087 568,097 388,457 2,420 173,613 8,570 500 108, 515 4,475 36 1949... 1,464,851 769,169 241,395 11,272 270,935 11,230 950 192,095 870 37 Chickens sold farms reporting 1954... 2,437 966 465 407 10 5 255 5 38 1949... 7,713 2,777 714 "2 2,055 45 5 1,270 15 39 dollars 1954... 1,880,335 1,172,850 430,430 255,810 85 15 26,060 150 40 1949... 639,526 474,491 32,655 35 78,505 800 180 29,195 565 41 Chicken eggs sold farms reporting 1954 . . . 6,094 2,234 1,114 1,196 15 15 770 5 42 13,604 4,814 1,200 "2 3,516 65 15 2,391 30 43 dozens 1954... 1,882,658 1,306,503 326,967 89,403 585 400 61,770 1,300 44 1949... 1,711,083 824,458 197,655 250 289,735 3,110 425 205,925 1,960 45 dollars 1954... 865,194 645,087 126,876 33,641 250 120 23,275 390 46 1949... 618,365 305,842 69,166 '78 103,999 1,135 315 74,219 650 47 Milk sold^ gsllons 1954... 12,428,582 5,164,639 4,180,218 3,488 2,439,675 64,302 7,100 1,497,423 222,404 48 dollars 1954... 3,729,926 1,633,179 1,284,737 900 662,245 18,830 2,400 380,260 80,810 49 1949... Specified crops barvested; 2,406,662 1,412,213 357,890 5,000 420,125 5,630 23,015 287,560 1,945 50 18,668 5,268 3,237 3 6,738 125 65 3,325 45 51 1949. . . 23,289 7,007 2,096 3 8,263 141 35 4,982 85 52 acres 1954... 251,555 73,462 61,074 103 91, 854 1,610 650 52,190 820 53 1949... 264,737 88,141 29,568 959 97,679 1,455 450 62,449 875 54 Com harvested for grain farms reporting 1954. . . 18,236 5,144 3,160 2 6,663 125 65 3,285 45 55 1949... 23,239 7,002 2,086 3 8,258 141 35 4,977 85 56 acres 1954... 240,418 69,908 56,826 73 90,114 1,505 650 50, 960 820 57 1949... 263,777 87,986 29,333 959 97,469 1,455 450 62,284 855 58 bushels harvested 1954... 3,420,430 1,059,885 857,515 720 1,198,820 18,325 8,045 696,270 12,875 59 1949... 6,276,644 2,278,220 727,664 20,510 2,212,825 29,625 8,600 1,377,995 19,275 60 bushels sold 1954... 5'*4,260 105,225 118,700 336,585 4,000 1,750 178, 530 2,415 61 1949... 735,339 169,449 58,900 3,000 419,665 1,765 244,535 875 62 Oats threshed or combined fams reporting 1954... 542 191 205 3 67 1 5 50 5 63 1949... 172 96 41 15 5 64 acres 1954... 6,907 2,386 2,713 166 537 12 95 255 125 65 1949... 1,070 610 270 110 15 66 bushels harvested 1954. . . 255,721 83,495 104,725 3,200 23,176 786 6,250 7,240 7,500 67 1949. . . 21,580 10,605 6,625 3,650 500 68 bushels sold 1954... 41,255 IS, 600 12,300 ... 6,605 4,750 915 69 1949. . . 3,470 900 2,320 ... 125 70 Soybeans harvested for beans.... farms reporting 1954... 499 181 147 1 140 5 115 71 1949... 645 271 86 2 161 5 91 72 acres grown alone 1954... 10,088 3,553 3,090 20 3,325 215 3,020 73 1949... 7,095 2,710 1,055 200 1,820 (Z) 860 74 acres grown with other crops 1954... 410 120 75 160 60 75 1949... 580 410 55 95 80 76 bushels harvested 1954... 128,405 39,825 35,705 166 51,775 1,750 48,285 77 1949... 120,625 51,330 15,660 4,000 34,430 'is 13,480 78 Cotton harvested. .............. .faims reporting 1954... 17 454 5,016 6,911 3,104 2,088 2 7 137 130 65 3,390 35 79 1949... 23^027 4 8^629 131 35 5,118 85 80 acres 1954... 174,672 40,086 40,689 58 83,664 1,265 530 39,130 385 81 1949... 257,856 79,230 30,740 590 109,446 1,652 410 65,639 915 82 bales harvested 1954... 127,447 30,259 29,591 54 62,108 905 375 28,350 320 83 1949... 130,496 40,324 15,446 467 59,564 782 260 35,202 520 84 Hay cut ...................................acres 1954... 77,813 81,795 33,203 36,016 21,340 10,943 961 103 13,646 17,772 628 240 210 165 8,680 13,202 640 205 85 1949... 86 tons 1954... 69,206 29,694 19,828 866 11,685 420 105 7,420 690 Z Reported in small fractions. ^Data are given by tenure of operator for commercial farms only. Table 12. ■'includes milk equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. ^For canparability of data on livestock and poultry, see text and State MISSISSIPPI CROPS, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 -Continued 249 a asmple of fariDB. Sea text] Area <; — Continued Area 5 'I>»»ire of operator^— Cbo, Other farms Total all Tenure of operator^ Other farms Tenantfl —Con. Full Part Tenanta Other and fanna ownera ownera Uanacera Share- Crop- Liveatock- Other Croppers unapeoi- fled All Cash caah ahare ahare Croppers and un- specified 2 52 2,306 10,320 2,984 1,3*4 55 2,886 402 16 1,656 1 562 249 3,001 1 610 350 5,622 14,627 4,178 1,415 35 4,289 687 35 2,435 52 865 215 4,710 2 ^:^'2 542 4,385 29,013 9,425 5,168 300 7,997 1,456 41 4,483 2 1,396 619 6,123 3 1,h1.. 835 12,366 47,472 15,186 7,005 417 13,161 2,318 115 7,395 243 2,425 660 11,703 4 1, '' ■ 367 6,094 15,476 3,826 1,820 55 4,333 441 17 1,831 12 1,682 300 5,442 5 l."C'- 385 7,424 17,498 4,496 1,551 46 5,409 687 40 2,335 57 2,090 200 5,996 6 2,711 31,362 258,621 113,194 63,980 16,769 30,450 6,061 645 11,126 714 7,825 4,079 34,228 7 •',?.l' 1,655 27,710 193,987 85,170 38,335 6,791 35,448 7,278 625 12,370 2,185 10,385 2,605 28,243 8 1,6T' 367 5,973 15,113 3,785 1,794 50 4,232 440 17 1,851 12 1,612 300 5,252 9 1,&40 375 7,174 17,078 4,426 1,544 43 5,299 677 40 2,300 57 2,030 195 5,766 10 -.110 1,667 17,34i 148,186 64,468 36,244 9,767 18,225 3,411 425 6,929 345 4,530 2,535 19,482 11 1 . '60 975 15,107 109,927 47,473 21,737 3,630 21,107 4,187 325 7,390 1,125 6,325 1,755 15,930 12 1. ;--''• V.1 5,234 13,071 3,385 1,610 30 3,722 410 11 1,596 10 1,436 259 4,324 13 1.^90 350 6,934 16,355 4,258 1,484 26 5,104 667 40 2,205 57 1,950 185 5,483 U 1,407 10,736 83,412 33,525 21,148 1,503 U,542 2,721 74 5,869 270 3,695 1,913 12,694 15 iW-C 915 13,469 86,325 35,819 16,741 1,074 19,130 3,848 30O 6,995 787 5,860 1,340 13,561 16 l.-'-il 272 3,902 11,329 2,597 1,417 17 3,946 315 5 1,541 1,346 239 3,352 17 i.eoo 370 5,609 15,472 3,497 1,327 22 5,578 602 35 2,250 56 2,415 220 5,048 18 5.149 1,373 13,117 49,315 15,730 9,757 509 13,285 1,545 45 5,447 5,187 1,061 10,034 19 ^,575 1,320 17,541 71,208 22,013 10,208 699 20,641 3,401 235 8,440 475 7,170 920 17,647 20 2,326 392 6,221 15,247 3,315 1,705 35 4,359 412 15 1,856 11 2,282 283 5,333 21 2,300 4i0 8,306 19,735 4,444 1,532 41 6,753 711 40 2,650 52 3,045 255 6,965 22 51,504 12,832 167,396 473,535 167,723 36,901 2,273 96,928 9,760 225 40,145 315 38,460 8,023 119,705 23 -■='.--' 11,290 218,069 527,764 162,608 61,005 2,986 141,622 16,281 855 62,615 1,336 52,040 8,495 159,543 24 496 170 2,744 8,120 2,871 1,397 54 1,587 251 7 776 12 422 119 2,211 25 96' 5 260 3,736 10,038 3,269 1,192 47 2,974 487 15 1,165 57 1,115 135 2,556 26 1,245 705 10,012 89,449 41,989 23,741 7,136 7,347 1,953 230 2,523 68 1,607 966 9,236 27 1,790 590 7,160 64,067 31,402 11,419 4,396 9,832 2,052 180 3,205 575 3,120 700 7,018 28 34,090 28,625 348,247 4,318,140 2,058,833 1,201,412 492,625 241,320 76,680 10,275 56,425 3,875 63,425 31,140 323,450 29 96,095 32,285 386, 580 4,275,174 2,185,406 742,953 536,470 476,183 97,098 3,325 141,310 40,735 143,245 45,470 334,157 30 241 102 966 2,750 929 493 9 693 105 310 215 63 626 31 685 185 1,965 5,623 1,740 697 23 1,718 256 '26 705 22 630 85 1,445 32 1,546 606 6,135 22,451 9,015 5,330 600 3,759 835 1,495 920 509 3,247 33 2,655 1,490 10,270 48,431 17,901 11,585 512 9,895 1,730 145 4,650 250 2,725 395 8,538 34 34,335 17,218 123,500 547,696 239,007 143,114 20,242 86,210 26,545 30,115 19,315 10,235 59,123 35 36,215 29,575 172,080 972,176 336,740 271,939 12,357 171,695 32,670 3,870 80,720 7,560 40,140 6,735 129,445 36 96 36 595 901 389 149 7 106 21 40 45 250 37 570 150 2,165 3,419 1,000 419 7 840 95 15 400 5 290 35 1,153 38 156,765 72,735 21,245 679,400 399,215 256,535 4,370 14,690 13,510 695 485 4,590 39 8,750 39,015 53,840 321,749 184,250 25,948 2,045 71,085 21,565 195 28,025 100 6,315 14,835 38,421 40 305 86 1,550 2,547 973 454 3 432 45 240 5 120 22 685 41 775 240 4,072 6,526 2,103 720 13 1,566 190 20 720 11 550 75 2,124 42 18,875 6,473 159,785 1,170,010 513,471 440, 568 16,331 108,950 23,940 18,710 100 5,125 61,075 90,690 43 61,230 17,085 398,985 1,103,348 574,612 184,273 12,752 150,206 24,285 385 54,675 691 37,745 32,425 181, 505 44 7,000 2,606 59,590 445,347 214,231 147,981 6,090 42,655 9,605 6,870 30 2,110 24,040 34,390 45 21,710 5,970 139,280 425,774 222,904 70,653 6,784 54,728 9,115 iio 18,845 338 13,190 13,110 70,705 46 363,664 284,782 640, 562 20,009,361 9,526,456 6,236,048 513,145 2,434,492 590,351 27,000 884,918 95,349 436,231 400,643 1,299,220 47 102,160 77,785 148,865 6,142,238 2,822,838 2,072,480 164,758 722,037 152.120 9,600 245,160 45,000 113,457 156,700 360,125 48 68,590 33,385 211,434 6,382,776 3,356,731 1,460,473 168, 980 1,007,755 264,760 15,100 307,410 58,615 293,735 63,135 388,737 49 2 , 762 416 3,422 14,204 3,196 1,774 17 5,692 406 20 2,086 1 2,891 288 3,525 50 2,590 430 5,920 18,436 4,053 1,515 24 7,419 697 40 2,710 52 3,600 320 5,425 51 31,250 5,334 25,062 159,167 42,953 35,071 1,002 57,052 4,534 285 23,719 35 25,390 3,089 23,089 52 27,4A5 5,005 48,390 203,271 56,778 25,260 697 79,696 7,836 440 32,050 1,205 34,830 3,335 40,340 53 2,732 411 3,267 13,555 3,046 1,687 15 5,547 396 20 2,031 1 2,816 283 3,260 54 2,590 430 5,890 18,297 4,019 1,510 24 7,394 697 40 2,710 52 3,580 315 5,350 55 30, 895 5,284 23,497 149,286 39, 667 32,093 712 55,437 4,399 285 23,104 35 24,750 2,914 21,327 56 27,420 5,005 43,030 201,398 55,765 24,990 677 79,686 7,826 440 32,050 1,205 34,830 3,335 40,280 57 389,075 74,230 303,490 1,935,817 540, 917 443,783 22,670 705,849 43,435 1,475 309,369 200 324,605 26,765 217,598 58 673,680 103,650 1,037,425 3,962,223 1,172,992 581,811 15,095 1,559,835 118,350 8,325 514,435 21,750 718,975 77,970 632,490 59 133,445 16,445 33,750 316,842 35,275 68,505 194,180 6,225 78,610 108,680 665 18,882 60 159,490 13,000 84,325 456,666 62,330 42,996 1,650 297,785 5,720 1,235 95,465 1,835 181,940 11,590 51,905 61 6 76 868 452 268 20 54 8 2 25 1 2 16 74 62 5 5 20 341 213 84 6 37 11 15 1 10 1 63 50 1,105 23,777 10,322 9,146 1,664 1,450 105 '25 490 60 325 445 695 64 50 45 80 9,357 6,125 2,220 351 580 130 310 40 100 81 65 1,400 41,125 844,961 401,452 317,820 59,051 47,745 3,125 1,150 12,050 1,800 10,800 18,320 18,893 66 2,500 650 700 215,230 146,225 44,625 5,920 14,000 3,450 9,150 400 1,000 4,460 67 940 3,750 166,079 69, 654 79,425 4,250 11,250 500 5,000 1,000 4,750 1,500 68 125 125 40,444 33,094 1,950 5,000 4,500 500 400 69 15 5 30 193 38 61 3 71 40 1 20 10 20 70 45 20 125 293 130 47 55 5 40 10 61 71 30 10 100 4,490 1,707 1,391 150 1,032 205 '62 615 150 210 72 305 155 1,310 5,269 3,071 1,298 665 350 230 85 235 73 l-OO 55 140 65 55 35 20 20 74 15 20 180 '40 45 45 95 75 1,705 35 1,000 72,894 35,025 18,204 2,225 15,115 2,395 870 10,150 1,700 2,325 76 18,125 2,810 15,205 75,111 39,925 25,600 7,175 3,060 3,225 950 2,411 77 3,036 431 2,195 13,857 2,766 1,620 15 6,566 406 20 2,271 3,566 303 2,890 73 2,810 450 5,395 17,338 3,569 1,389 16 7,799 687 35 2,875 47 3,345 310 4,565 79 38,268 4,086 10,175 143,004 27,359 24,350 2,297 75,223 3,559 360 26,499 41,450 3,355 13,775 80 35,820 5,010 37,850 203,528 48,543 23,186 332 99,096 7,991 505 38,875 740 47,435 3,550 32,371 81 29,132 3,026 5,435 91,649 16,620 15,624 1,424 52,256 2,084 150 17,897 30,187 1,938 5,725 82 20,300 2,500 14,695 82,511 18,093 10,655 142 44,405 3,086 215 16, 180 194 23,220 1,510 9,216 S3 1,867 1,621 8,663 145,391 66,110 44,013 8,512 14,591 3,177 747 5,985 260 2,870 1,552 12,165 84 2,700 1,260 16, 961 142,222 65,410 36,333 4,214 21,030 4,470 250 7,750 1,205 5,125 2,230 15,230 85 1,810 1,240 7,133 142,829 67,010 43,567 9,093 13,859 3,1»1 770 5,705 140 2,460 1,600 9,300 86 250 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 9.-LIVEST0CK ON HAND, LIVESTOCK SOLD, AND SPECIFIED [Data are baaed on reporta for only (For definitiona and eiplanatione, see text) Livestock on band:' Horses and mtiles farms reporting 1954. 1950. number 1954. 1950. All cattle and aalvec farms reporting 1954. 1950. number 1954 . 1950. Cows, Including heifers that have calved farms reporting 1954 . 1950., number 1954 . , 1950.. Mlli cows farms reporting 1954.. 1950 . . number 1954 . . 1950., All hogs and pigs farms reporting 1954 . . 1950.. number 1954 . . 1950. , Chickens 4 months old and over. .farms reporting 1954.. 1950.. number 1954 . . 1950.. Livestock and livestock products sold; Cattle and calves sold alive. .. .farms reporting 1954.. 1949 . . number 1954 . . 1949.. dollars 1954.. 1949.. Hogs and pigs sold alive . Chickens sold. Chicken eggs sold. .farms reportiiig 1954. 1949. number 1954. 1949. dollars 1954. 1949. .farms reporting 1954. 1949. dollars 1954. 1949. .farms reporting 1954. 1949. dozens 1954 . 1949. dollars 1954. 1949. gallons 1954. dollars 1954. 1949., Total all farms Specified crops harvested: Com for all purposes,. ....farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Com harvested for grain fanns reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954., 1949., bushels harvested 1954., 1949. , bushels sold 1954.. 1949.. Oats threshed or combined fanos reporting acres bushels harvested bushels sold Soybesns harvested for beans. .. .fanns reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops bushels harvested Cotton harvested fanns reporting acres bales harvested Hay out acres tons 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949., 1954., 1949., 1954.. 1949. , 1954.. 1949.. 1954.. 1949.. 1954. . 1949.. 1954.. 1949.. 1954.. 1949.. 1954.. 24,533 31,635 47,168 69,720 32,025 34,086 436,575 278,610 31,507 33,379 245,154 147,372 26,976 31,094 105,924 94,757 23,278 29,333 104,085 122,831 32,226 37,349 1,237,412 1,223,366 17,351 18,220 135,916 76,141 5,635,571 5,407,168 5,896 9,931 48,876 70,698 1,055,524 1,398,013 3,127 7,971 13,381,618 3,219,568 7,041 14,945 3,216,989 2,777,143 1,497,512 1,102,370 15,940,473 5,806,840 3,616,510 30,831 35,379 336,626 399,198 30,540 35,263 329,811 396,405 6,191,699 7,307,847 965,732 538,265 1,588 574 21,987 9,083 664,892 185,735 132,905 55,826 107 130 1,661 589 45 380 11,834 8,970 25,272 30,595 204,230 303,605 145,528 107,990 96,430 77,660 39,176 Tenure of operator^ 9,384 10,827 19,620 27,143 10,880 11,298 213,425 142,172 10,820 11,143 120,912 74,763 9,570 10,557 51,906 45,017 7,957 9,131 44,340 50,075 10,282 11,223 593,389 516,512 7,601 7,647 63,835 44,684 2,825,751 3,311,631 2,676 3,963 23,299 39,859 494,620 895,295 1,620 3,230 11,749,354 2,426,194 3,095 5,882 1,513,271 1,615,270 606,261 644,520 .10,318,338 3,769,423 2,670,125 10,384 10,568 126,979 141,999 10,301 10,533 124,328 140,873 2,452,109 2,813,520 207,980 143,450 906 366 13,342 5,258 400,390 121,605 73,870 31,636 30 64 411 329 5 205 3,499 6,385 9,116 9,636 67,201 102,442 43, 182 39,394 Part owners 52,788 39,152 48,798 3,175 1,901 7,352 5,835 3,754 1,904 82,294 24,338 3,718 1,889 46,240 13,383 3,320 1,799 19,003 7,503 3,107 1,705 20,500 9,007 3,673 1,943 178,284 79,122 2,456 1,219 27,804 7,530 1,264,123 561,018 1,111 709 12,842 5,315 346,579 99,355 376 569 1,083,639 228,690 922 1,004 1,283,732 319,170 724,933 132,145 4,072,659 1,432,174 401,637 3,774 1,938 62,976 32,350 3,735 1,937 60,745 32,18u 1,220,905 576,610 153,020 43,685 340 66 5,194 1,492 168,370 26,005 36,000 7,550 31 5 560 40 20 2,410 25 3,572 1,799 42,878 28,039 30,128 10, 193 18,390 9,037 18,317 Managers 31 26 246 162 46 28 6,397 2,376 46 27 3,299 1,701 30 26 427 183 33 20 669 215 25 25 1,148 2,040 40 22 2,013 1,259 11A,426 117,574 24 17 396 179 3,090 3,375 18 3 409,662 64 5 15 2,401 1,473 1,004 495 U5,612 81,080 19,973 36 22 1,327 628 34 22 998 613 23,345 9,220 32 15 12 3 236 143 9,872 2,300 375 300 100 19 16 448 787 323 310 1,387 2,055 1,584 3,29d 3,848 6,398 8,329 4,083 4,538 23,672 20,907 3,973 4,468 12,928 11,313 3,454 4,043 8,091 3,974 4,383 5,152 14,366 18,042 5,420 6,123 122,652 135,894 1,127 2,123 4,835 5,312 178,740 325,200 748 1,326 4,072 5,921 55,120 94,363 210 840 114,185 413,135 637 1,855 87,735 167,690 37,080 63,650 537,411 180,633 227,930 6,914 7,168 82,777 38,449 6,908 7,158 82,398 88,144 1,394,105 1,558,895 513,090 218,045 87 20 886 385 29,905 6,250 15,660 5,210 25 10 570 35 5,405 50 7,127 7,337 71,891 39,686 53,871 35,945 4,666 5,230 4,202 287 457 624 865 289 352 3,468 2,072 284 352 1,946 1,143 237 307 1,136 811 247 331 1,264 1,661 282 407 8,725 10,381 138 167 1,138 597 48,145 36,310 86 156 736 836 10,950 20,628 15 105 595 81,945 51 150 24,930 20,300 11,915 7,530 190,747 74,270 28,720 322 482 4,028 5,256 322 482 4,004 5,256 58,500 92,820 7,640 5,300 16 200 6,680 500 336 451 3,318 4,756 2,376 1,591 760 450 791 50 60 120 110 50 50 420 405 50 50 190 225 50 50 190 175 40 50 205 150 50 60 1,555 1,325 20 45 80 185 3,035 U,065 20 10 145 25 2,020 515 50 15 25 1,275 1,915 510 740 3,488 900 2,400 55 650 455 55 55 650 455 8,305 5,300 1,230 780 Crop- share 55 55 580 555 465 185 80 160 65 1,780 1,870 3,500 4,465 1,730 1,715 10,125 7,965 1,700 1,695 5,510 4,490 1,495 1,550 3,565 3,530 1,625 1,675 5,690 6,185 1,930 1,965 45,325 47,045 475 820 1,895 1,760 58,785 105,375 330 465 1,645 1,975 22,400 32,125 80 220 12,380 84,575 260 640 33,115 50,385 13,140 17,900 224,606 73,325 51,220 2,185 2,160 27,120 28,720 2,185 2,160 27,030 28,660 409,520 469,940 117,720 55,495 30 15 250 225 5,850 3,050 3,000 2,010 5 10 100 35 450 50 2,225 2,250 20,505 27,995 14,965 10,360 2,010 2,505 1,720 Data are given by tenure of operator for commercial farms only, equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. ^For comparability of data on livestock and poultry, see text and State Table 12. ^Includes milk MISSISSIPPI 251 CROPS, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Conunued a aample of fama. Sea teit] Aj>;a oa— Con inued Area 6b T^iiroofoperatnr^— Coo. Other farms Total all famiB Tenure of operator^ Other farms Tenants— Con. Full owners Part ownera Uana^era Tenants Croppers Other and unspeci- fied All Cash Share- caah Crop- ahare Liveatock- ahare Croppers Other and un- specified 51,; 325 8,647 U,S03 4,484 1,475 9 1,702 272 65 730 15 440 130 6,138 1 i,ff)i 350 15,033 17,369 5,132 920 8 1,829 335 10 880 10 403 191 9,480 2 1,508 621 13,552 26,234 9,570 3,563 39 3,483 643 W5 1,575 20 730 370 9,579 3 2.11-5 680 28,251 37,978 13,326 2,636 124 4,292 780 30 2,105 20 9U 443 17,598 4 1,L"2 330 13,262 17,576 5,101 1,701 10 1,889 264 55 715 25 635 195 8,875 5 2,&it 355 16,318 18,942 5,322 960 9 2,239 320 10 790 10 908 201 10,412 6 c,')35 2,414 110,787 238,638 112,516 43,911 1,776 10,305 1,800 635 3,220 250 2,740 2,160 69,630 7 7.850 2,515 88,317 158,841 75,226 16,330 1,643 U,505 1,830 45 4,255 70 3,845 1,460 54,137 8 1,607 320 12,950 17,244 5,065 1,701 10 1,859 259 55 710 25 620 190 8,609 9 2,001 350 15,852 18,642 5,297 960 9 2,189 320 10 775 10 873 201 10,187 10 3,760 1,347 61,775 134,885 64,192 25,450 926 6,122 1,032 290 1,815 140 1,710 1,135 38,195 U i,510 1,365 45,712 54,049 38,979 9,065 696 6,333 1,020 25 2,280 25 2,208 775 28,976 12 l..;02 263 10,602 14,692 4,554 1,529 6 1,652 232 55 640 25 535 165 6,951 13 1.7*. 325 14,669 17,406 5,004 917 3 2,007 305 10 720 10 787 175 9,475 U ^,.;^--; 654 26,497 57,799 26,444 10,095 112 4,405 600 265 1,500 125 1,260 655 16,743 15 3,3^B 1,050 33,080 53,420 22,464 4,284 56 4,685 845 25 1,770 25 1,335 685 21,931 16 2,152 308 7,798 12,950 3,801 1,384 8 2,026 236 65 660 20 855 190 5,731 17 2,741 330 13,325 16,730 4,465 865 8 2,537 270 10 880 10 1,157 210 8,855 13 c,078 1.099 24,210 62,224 23,672 10,893 124 7,853 1,133 130 2,595 220 2,930 845 19,632 19 3,39b 1,510 45,492 79,413 28,565 5,685 329 9,893 1,360 20 3,435 15 4,093 970 34,941 20 2,752 394 12,826 18,087 4,952 1,633 7 2,412 272 70 790 25 1,070 185 9,083 21 3,241 430 18,530 20,852 5,275 952 4 2,748 330 10 910 10 1,268 220 11,873 22 56,435 9,967 341,939 595,819 230,746 72,507 287 51,527 6,767 1,415 16,930 1,130 20,330 4,955 240,752 23 64,813 11,690 489,798 632,484 224,646 36,725 428 64,034 9,880 375 21,590 325 26,764 5,100 306,651 24 337 105 6,127 9,974 3,884 1,327 10 719 104 30 245 20 215 105 4,034 25 916 165 7,204 10,207 3,304 696 10 1,149 175 10 480 5 383 96 4,543 26 1,214 426 32,429 77,512 38,870 15,226 1,183 2,570 575 75 650 115 580 575 19,663 27 2,245 490 17,356 44,935 23,467 6,899 1,032 2,962 335 15 1,315 5 927 315 10,575 28 47,725 18,085 1,252,531 3,183,359 1,673,424 635,016 62,264 92,410 26,365 2,050 22,115 4,045 20,275 17,560 720,245 29 135,575 32,575 1,091,745 3,(K0,028 1,651,481 474,068 112,770 175,100 23,130 775 67,715 200 61,095 22,185 626,609 30 261 51 1,337 4,062 1,600 677 4 455 40 20 ViCj 5 150 50 1,326 31 590 lOO 3,916 7,170 2,596 538 7 383 125 320 368 70 3,146 32 1,346 200 8,267 32,363 U,779 8,639 60 2,385 325 165 940 125 560 270 6,500 33 2,580 475 19,424 51,140 24,299 5,513 195 4,550 710 1,605 1,320 415 16,583 34 17,175 2,575 151,115 760,665 369,669 223,377 2,469 43,215 6,010 3,405 17,955 1,500 12,155 7,190 116,935 35 30,750 9,345 305,625 940,237 467,823 95,122 4,700 94,634 17,150 28,115 38,609 10,310 277,908 36 90 25 903 1,667 771 169 1 55 5 35 15 671 37 420 80 3,329 4,671 1,707 273 3 460 70 125 10 190 65 2,228 38 95,280 5,930 24,773 1,549,997 1,290,811 191,636 12,000 36,700 75 36,330 295 18,850 39 108,005 16,885 151,485 282,873 193,885 15,860 137 10,115 1,035 2,385 90 4,690 1,915 62,876 40 250 56 2,382 4,409 1,775 526 2 335 40 10 150 20 80 35 1,771 41 830 145 6,139 9,463 3,318 542 2 1,071 115 5 410 5 421 115 4,530 42 21,395 6,520 329,850 1,505,582 929,534 226,763 206 30,215 6,170 215 13,535 4,175 3,860 2,260 318,814 43 67,285 25,180 673,540 1,582,934 871,654 108,300 530 98,930 10,525 1,000 33,625 250 40,335 12,695 503,520 44 8,765 2,600 128,234 657,949 425,518 93,616 85 11,465 2,445 85 5,285 1,355 1,460 835 127,265 45 26,790 9,765 261,560 609,710 343,241 44,038 224 36,467 3,845 300 12,265 30 15,052 4,925 135,740 46 94,169 17,401 366,453 8,138,896 5,239,386 2,192,454 23,256 202,039 20,908 4,477 60,689 11,163 39,003 65,799 431,761 47 22,960 6,928 343,530 2,689,331 1,745,373 754,680 6,000 55,975 4,450 1,325 14,305 2,880 U,265 16,750 127,303 48 66,105 79,485 296,840 1,388,153 880,683 272,320 2,350 121,625 10,450 750 67,615 2,955 39,355 110,670 49 3,8-'2 469 9,723 16,980 4,780 1,686 6 3,021 286 75 895 25 1,520 220 7,437 50 3,941 495 15,683 20,115 5,154 958 3 3,089 350 10 965 10 1,538 216 10,911 51 45,4i2 5,292 62,567 183,643 64,434 31,483 177 39,363 3,363 1,240 11,280 670 19,625 3,185 53,186 52 47,423 6,065 135,772 244,913 81,260 18,099 430 42,169 4,655 55 14,940 145 19,228 3,146 102,955 53 3,866 469 9,562 16,742 4,719 1,661 5 3,001 286 75 885 25 1,510 220 7,356 54 3,931 495 15,613 20,080 5,149 953 3 3,089 350 10 965 10 1,533 216 10,886 55 45,177 5,292 61,342 184,597 62,531 30,467 142 39,183 3,338 1,240 11,200 670 19,550 3,185 52,274 56 47,178 6,065 134,595 243,293 80,450 17,999 430 41,804 4,655 55 14,910 145 18,903 3,136 102,610 57 825,290 39,690 1,101,235 2,932,353 1,091,520 483,558 2,825 578,330 44,990 20,200 146,730 8,450 311,010 46,950 776,120 58 872,310 110,725 2,349,602 4,508,331 1,636,430 378,310 7,350 795,675 77,375 325 270,435 3,125 376,565 67,850 1,690,566 59 355,085 31,415 86,610 328,735 57,725 36,875 170,230 10,275 4,520 29,595 1,125 111,965 12,750 63,905 60 147,370 8,775 133,070 306,631 84,261 24,950 110,125 2,325 42,380 530 60,595 4,295 87,295 61 25 11 243 718 405 172 1 16 6 10 124 62 5 119 241 108 48 8 11 5 6 66 63 395 21 2,329 9,507 5,182 3,118 100 60 40 20 1,047 64 160 1,800 2,691 1,499 324 275 125 30 95 468 65 16,000 575 56,355 304,374 162,465 106,925 600 1,375 875 500 33,009 66 3,200 29,575 54,355 31,625 5,955 5,510 2,350 450 1,900 3,915 67 12,160 7,375 53,711 20,066 26,300 7,345 es 3,200 11,055 6,950 5,500 200 450 450 800 69 10 20 50 100 111 68 40 16 16 10 5 5 6 70 71 450 70 245 120 799 347 267 230 372 75 227 220 395 172 25 25 15 5 '20 'is 7 100 io 72 73 74 75 4,500 220 2,410 7,443 6,392 4,403 2,310 2,875 3,212 110 '35 75 50 870 76 77 4,035 465 5,438 12,682 4,096 1,528 3 3,031 286 75 910 20 1,535 205 4,024 78 4,076 470 11,807 15,610 4,366 855 7 3,093 345 10 965 10 1,553 ^"■S 7,239 79 43,535 3,823 21,812 85,919 27,190 15,760 41 27,349 2,069 795 8,300 130 14,615 1,440 15,579 80 50,705 5,365 82,651 130,061 40,275 10,641 317 36,639 3,440 155 11,590 55 19,069 2,330 42,189 31 33,395 2,579 13,024 50,993 16,771 9,611 23 16,778 1,173 410 5,010 90 9,280 815 7,310 82 21,549 2,080 22,148 44,111 15,352 3,869 59 13,694 1,095 40 4,175 20 7,639 725 11,137 83 1.175 641 19,199 53,517 26,160 12,116 519 1,911 276 380 530 85 245 395 12, 8U 84 1,495 600 22,186 49,947 26,193 5,988 835 3,380 550 15 1,485 805 525 13,551 85 654 16,275 51,017 26,419 11,247 491 1,482 242 420 350 '56 205 215 11,378 86 252 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 9.-LIVEST0CK ON HAND, LIVESTOCK SOLD, AND SPECIFIED [Data are baaed 00 reports for only Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Area 7 Total all farms Tenure of operator! Full owners Part owners Managers Tenants All Cash Share-cash Crop- share Livestock- share Livestock on hond:^ 1 Horses and mules farms renortin£ 1954 . . . 4,015 1 116 234 27 17 103 158 46 66 20 30 30 5 2 1950... 5,663 1^666 221 3 number 1954... 5,835 1,873 406 58 176 77 45 45 '5 A 1950... 9,178 3,015 388 44 256 111 55 5 All cattle and calves farms reporting 1954... 7,577 1,871 498 40 166 61 25 41 5 6 1950. . . 6,844 1,874 252 35 177 71 25 7 number 1954... 131,749 58,986 16,145 8,742 2,145 606 295 310 136 e 1950 . . . 75,843 35,181 3,064 4,464 1,378 575 70 9 Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting 1954 . . . 7,289 1,854 488 39 161 177 61 25 36 25 5 10 1950... 6J633 1^858 247 35 71 11 number 1954 . . . 71,227 32,797 8,691 4,278 1,179 297 180 199 130 12 1950... 42,370 19,467 1,724 2,730 926 382 35 13 Mili cows farms reporting 1954. . . 5,406 5,773 1,428 1,703 406 217 29 25 138 172 51 71 '25 35 25 "5 U 1950... 15 number 1954 .. . 22,207 11,009 3,446 157 437 178 126 100 "5 16 1950. . . 19,270 9,461 1,032 319 780 356 35 17 All hogs and pigs farms reporting 1954... 5,102 1,314 417 24 134 46 15 40 5 18 1950... 5,762 1,591 217 16 187 71 20 19 number 1954 . . . 56,033 21,056 7,272 1,678 1,355 207 190 85 156 20 1950... 56,878 22,756 3,059 141 1,700 561 65 185 ... 21 7,362 1,710 447 25 179 56 25 55 . . . 22 1950... 7,582 1,966 266 17 217 71 40 23 number 1954... 334,842 154,410 37,980 1,246 5,239 2,965 660 1,060 24 1950... Livestock and livestock products sold: 258,947 98,417 11,602 943 6,735 1,810 1,335 25 Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting 1954... 3,913 1,418 382 30 81 21 15 21 5 26 1949... 3,675 1,370 171 32 117 46 15 27 number 1954 . . . 38,258 18,859 5,347 2,819 600 146 105 86 15 28 1949 . . . 18,992 10,591 700 1,325 581 169 35 29 dollars 1954... 1,832,175 866,842 252,383 269,635 37,375 9,310 2,415 3,760 300 30 1949... 1,215,840 688,296 39,221 105,942 51,781 12,015 425 1,850 31 Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reportirig 1954... 2,514 870 272 15 64 16 15 15 5 32 1949... 3,433 1,270 162 9 101 30 5 33 number 1954... 35,710 15,409 5,130 3,575 838 112 266 155 "85 34 1949 . . . 36,885 17,419 2,479 210 1,027 245 35 35 dollars 1954... 775,257 391,163 140,760 17,074 18,725 2,060 4,666 4,610 856 36 700,334 352,498 61,413 4,606 16,282 3,315 1,425 37 Chickens sold farms reporting 1954 . . . 739 254 104 6 20 5 10 38 1949... 1,747 651 111 40 10 10 39 dollars 1954... 1,127,192 623 , 577 146,985 241,450 105,150 150 70,000 40 1949... 125,892 71,640 8,822 2,030 625 675 305 41 Chicken eggs sold farms reporting 1954 . . . 1,748 626 140 1 56 31 10 42 1949 . . . 2,686 963 131 11 66 10 10 ..'. 43 1,408,936 983,202 250,120 1,130 17,609 16,334 875 300 44 1949... 665,786 409,092 26,604 570 16,650 2,150 300 265 . . . 45 dollars 1954... 616,968 458,187 87,868 452 7,011 6,501 350 120 46 1949... 281,436 179,067 9,744 170 9,210 1,515 150 90 47 Milk sold' gallons 1954. . . 3,208,073 2,225,577 872,064 47,450 34, 599 34,599 ... 48 dollars 1954... 1,368,235 923,403 393,017 22,725 18,000 18,000 . . . 49 1949... Specified crops harvested: 1,334,714 1,084,739 103,910 55,500 59,265 34,575 50 Com for all purposes... ..... ...fairos reporting 1954... 6,002 6,170 1,6d4 1,741 47b 267 24 14 170 207 56 25 46 5 51 1949... 71 5 35 52 acres 1954... 66,094 24,840 11,930 490 2,664 820 465 620 '96 53 1949... 67,866 25,729 5,357 850 3,137 1,240 70 510 54 Corn harvested for grain fanns reporting 1954... 5,848 1,637 454 24 170 56 25 46 5 55 1949... 6,084 1,730 267 14 207 71 5 35 56 acres 1954... 61,419 23,098 10,734 473 2,614 820 465 620 96 57 1949... 65,078 24,446 5,032 850 3,102 1,240 70 510 58 bushels harvested 1954... 1,467,828 585,231 270,164 16,823 60,525 17,750 8,600 10,450 3,600 59 1949. . . 1,323,785 542,390 108,000 9,810 67,725 25,825 1,750 10,600 60 bushels sold 1954... 166,900 53,090 48,100 18,120 6,250 1,345 2,666 61 1949... 96,325 31,585 24,325 14,330 5,855 2,615 62 Oats threshed or combined faims reporting 1954... 307 155 74 7 6 5 63 1949... 122 73 5 4 5 64 acres 1954... 4,959 2,639 1,312 453 80 60 65 1949... 2,401 1,482 100 214 150 66 bushels harvested 1954... 130,561 63,293 42,415 11,713 2,400 1,366 67 1949... 46,305 34,195 1,000 4,200 800 68 bushels sold 1954... 22,215 14,355 4,200 1,860 1,800 1,866 69 1949... 15,710 14,060 800 70 Soybeans harvested for beans .... f aims reporting 1954... 67 13 4 3 2 1 71 1949... 15 5 72 acres grown alone 1954... 2,124 324 274 1,090 226 200 73 1949... ... 74 acres grown with other crops 1954... 150 '36 75 1949 . . . 15 5 76 bushels harvested 1954... 21,427 3,560 1,705 10,592 2,390 2,666 77 1949... 40 10 78 Cotton harvested farms reporting 1954... 2,132 815 339 11 177 56 25 55 5 79 1949... 2,001 794 156 141 46 35 80 acres 1954... 12,580 5,177 3,318 123 1,377 503 135 475 25 81 1949... 13,890 6,922 1,563 1,115 325 75 330 82 bales harvested 1954... 9,435 4,242 2,534 'te 957 322 75 355 '26 83 1949... 7,037 3,734 878 590 220 40 130 84 Hay cut.......................... ....acres 1954... 17,105 10,161 7,675 5,606 3,793 811 986 710 240 327 30 77 105 95 10 85 1949... 86 tons 1954, ., 17,573 8,185 4,005 1,468 223 25 '75 115 ^Data are given by tenure of operator for commercial farms only, equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. ^For comparability of data on livestock and poultry, see text and State Table 12. ^Includes milk MISSISSIPPI CROPS. BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued 253 a sample of farms. See text] Area 7 — Continued Area 8 ]^iiro of openUji^—Cca. Other farms Total all farms Tenure of operator^ Other farms Tenants — Coo. Full Part Usnagers Tenants Other and Other and un- specified Croppers unspeci- fied owners owners All Cash Share- cash Crop- share Livestock- share Croppers 1 2,535 1,137 315 13 5 3 1 1 1 801 1 35 22 3,601 1,518 385 7 16 20 5 5 'i6 1,090 2 2 2 3,322 1,645 571 20 13 10 4 5 1 1,031 3 AS 40 5,475 2,191 629 23 34 25 5 5 15 1,480 4 7 27 5,002 2,254 550 13 6 13 1 1 1 10 1,672 5 50 31 4,506 1,930 512 7 16 20 5 10 5 1,375 6 24i 510 45,731 40,131 22,860 1,205 1,210 483 160 266 63 60 14,373 7 320 413 31,756 22,294 11,931 1,240 1,178 430 75 330 25 7,515 8 7 27 4,747 2,094 540 13 6 13 1 1 1 10 1,522 9 50 31 4,316 1,825 492 7 16 20 5 10 5 1,290 10 105 268 24,282 21,514 12,755 664 580 284 139 i66 30 15 7,330 U 205 304 17,523 13,616 7,877 729 745 130 60 55 15 4,135 12 6 16 3,405 1,295 331 12 3 11 1 10 888 13 45 31 3,656 1,481 414 7 15 15 "5 5 5 1,030 U 8 2CI 7,158 7,053 5,028 294 60 17 2 15 1,654 15 110 279 7,673 6,575 3,913 82 420 80 '66 5 15 2,030 16 17 11 3,213 1,375 341 8 1 6 1 5 1,019 17 50 41 3,751 1,610 393 2 10 25 10 15 1,180 18 194 529 24,672 14,950 5,961 320 75 160 150 10 3,434 19 365 524 29,222 15,545 5,767 53 230 420 276 150 9,075 20 17 26 5,001 2,272 5U 13 3 11 1 10 1,729 21 60 46 5,116 2,279 518 6 5 25 5 5 15 1,725 22 230 324 135,967 144,379 82,468 2,318 233 2,435 35 2,400 56,925 23 1.325 1,765 141,250 39,073 29,833 145 100 1,375 '96 310 975 57,620 24 2 17 2,002 934 460 13 6 8 1 1 1 S 447 25 30 21 1,985 885 397 2 16 15 10 5 455 26 90 158 10,633 9,493 6,123 155 345 135 '60 57 13 5 2,735 27 230 92 5,795 6,050 3,902 158 500 165 160 5 1,325 28 5,650 15,940 405,940 398,788 264,830 3,188 25,420 6,151 2,242 2,769 1,100 100 99,199 29 33,375 4,116 330,600 350,439 219,174 3,100 35,395 13,315 12,920 395 74,455 30 2 11 1,293 652 217 8 1 6 1 5 420 31 35 31 1,891 807 261 1 10 15 10 5 520 32 80 206 10,708 7,369 2,752 208 45 102 97 5 4,262 33 270 427 15,750 9,658 4,708 50 275 425 275 150 4,200 X 3,025 4,180 207,535 136,365 57,275 5,530 400 1,565 1,455 110 71,595 35 5,«5 6,097 265,535 235,623 117,388 1,000 4,500 13,325 7,325 6,000 99,410 36 5 355 362 160 5 1 11 1 10 185 37 5 10 945 477 162 15 5 10 300 38 35,000 10,030 36,338 22,671 1,350 266 1,462 32 1,430 10,655 39 75 400 43,350 75,457 56,637 1,200 75 1,125 15,620 40 10 925 527 223 '16 "2 11 1 10 281 41 25 16 1,515 653 208 5 15 5 10 425 42 100 156,875 905,032 746,417 32,530 8,500 48,740 360 43,380 63,345 43 3,700 10,235 212,870 282,355 152,975 50 3,820 1,320 2,000 126,010 44 40 63,450 409,172 334,302 13,075 5,230 23,445 180 23,265 33,120 45 1,355 6,100 83,245 28,383 11,090 125,644 1,718,157 784,361 66,799 1,579,362 728,111 20 101,163 41,600 24,000 9,000 1,530 680 850 ... 57,295 13,632 6,150 46 47 48 2,250 22,440 31,300 631,436 527,536 16,060 79,250 630 636 ... 7,960 49 27 U 3,668 1,078 309 18 3 748 SO 55 41 3,941 1,023 293 10 'is 5 "io 700 51 628 41 26,170 7,581 3,572 342 183 3,484 52 765 552 32,793 6,479 2,534 270 95 '56 '45 3,530 53 27 11 3,563 996 282 18 3 693 54 55 41 3,866 998 273 10 'is 5 10 695 55 573 41 24,500 6,981 3,332 292 73 3,284 56 765 517 31,648 6,059 2,219 270 95 '56 45 3,475 57 19,500 625 535,085 181,553 99,546 5,256 1,042 75,615 58 17,975 11,575 595,860 138,280 45,560 12,125 1,666 560 1,366 78,795 59 8,525 47,590 19,210 16,475 2,735 60 2,360 3,566 26,085 2,545 200 2,345 61 1 5 65 35 30 10 24 1 5 5 5 62 63 20 150 475 455 454 65 432 12 50 10 15 64 65 600 800 SOO 10,740 6,110 850 12,700 1,075 12,356 250 1,000 100 75 66 67 68 69 1 45 10 15 15 70 71 '26 210 126 10 66 'm 72 73 74 75 390 3,180 30 1,366 1,300 76 77 26 10 790 30 20 10 78 45 10 910 15 5 5 5 5 79 199 40 2,535 165 150 15 80 315 70 4,290 30 10 'is 15 5 81 165 20 1,620 115 100 15 82 165 35 1,835 15 5 'i6 10 83 10 4,411 4,494 3,173 393 8 R 915 84 115 125 2,707 2,282 1,407 15 320 50 '25 25 490 35 8 3,692 5,363 4,034 552 7 7 770 86 254 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table lO.-FARMS REPORTING. NUMBER OF COWS, AND DAIRY PRODUCTS SOLD, BY NUMBER OF MILK COWS, FOR ALL COMMERCIAL FARMS AND DAIRY FARMS: CENSUS OF 1954 [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See textj (For definitions and explanations, see text) All coBsercial faras: Mlli cows farms reporting. number . Whole milk sold farms reporting . gallons . dollars . Cream sold farms reporting . pounds of butterfat. dollars. With less thao 10 milk co«s oa hand: Hllk cows farms reporting. number . Whole milk sold farms reporting . gallons, dollars. Cream sold farms reporting . pounds of butterfat. dollars. With 10 to 29 ailk cows on band; Hili cows farms reporting . number . Whole milk sold farms reporting. gallona. dollars. Cream sold farms reporting . pounds of butterfat. dollars . With 30 to 49 Bilk co«s on hand: Milk cows farms reporting . number . Whole mlli sold farms reporting . gallons, dollars. Cream sold ferms reporting. pounds of butterfat. dollars . With 50 or nore silk cows on hand: Milk cows farms reporting. number . Whole milk sold farms reporting. gallons . dollars . Cream sold farms reporting . pounds of butterfat. dollars . Dairy farns: Milk cows farms reporting . number . , Whole milk sold farms reporting . , gallons. , dollars . Cream sold farms reporting . pounds of butterfat. dollars. With less than 10 ailk covs on band: Milk cows farms reporting. number . Whole milk sold farms reporting. gallons, dollars . Cream sold farms reporting . pounds of butterfat. dollars . With 10 to 29 Bilk cows on hand: Milk cows farms reporting. number . Whole milk sold farms reporting . gallonai. dollars . Cream sold farms reporting . pounds of butterfat. dollars . With 30 to 49 silk cows on hand: Milk cows farms reporting . number . Whole milk sold farms reporting. gallons. dollars. Cream sold farms reporting. pounds of butterfat. dollars. With SO or Bore ailk cowa on hand: Milk cows farms reporting. number . 75 Whole milk sold farms reporting. 76 gallons. 77 dollars . 78 Cream sold farms reporting. 79 poimds of butterfat. 3Q dollara . Areas 3 The State Area 1 Area 2 and A 82,218 12,362 U,239 7,477 401,372 24,765 63,770 45,377 17,169 371 791 1,258 81,730,32^ 2,113,475 11,079,916 10,996,516 28,948,932 930,371 4,349,717 4,258,510 1,473 148 167 120 337,426 38,957 53,480 U,206 168,320 19,320 27,578 7,388 73,751 12,124 13,379 6,328 198, 100 19,489 33,270 16,201 10,044 202 254 241 14,125,249 276,928 344,272 342,509 3,956,122 104,268 85,720 104,895 1,285 131 124 110 216,216 17,752 26,630 12,506 103,862 8,960 13,495 6,658 6,452 193 522 766 100,477 2,787 7,560 U,120 5,134 129 199 635 28,732,810 658,682 1,075,904 4,863,119 10,145,283 273,837 398,650 1,936,390 175 16 43 10 97,580 16,405 26,850 1,700 52,148 8,200 14,083 730 1,371 29 143 322 48, 610 1,045 5,337 11,299 1,360 24 U3 322 18,336,U8 334,206 2,743,866 4,226,937 6,901,669 1&4,340 1,061,081 1,582,594 11 ... 11,280 5,770 ... 644 16 195 61 54,185 1,444 17,603 4,757 631 16 195 60 20,536,127 843,659 6,915,874 1,563,951 7,945,853 387,926 2,804,266 634,631 2 1 ... 12,350 4,800 6,540 2,160 ... 6,617 103 439 947 159,844 2,464 23,475 26,368 6,601 108 429 947 63,229,753 1,127,318 10,035,102 10,235,448 23,571,995 549,460 4,005,622 4,012,789 68 1 10 59,815 4,800 14,980 34,140 2,160 7,750 1,536 15 30 40 9,144 90 190 210 1,541 20 25 40 3,645,952 110,466 70,034 77,039 1,077,540 38,000 16,350 26,595 30 5 21,640 12,480 U,530 6,500 3,243 65 85 534 56,816 1,040 1,675 10,594 3,223 65 80 534 22,989,188 404,596 737,943 4,433,288 8,501,647 187,200 300,070 1,796,690 30 5 24,545 2,500 15,300 ... 1,250 1,259 15 143 3U 44,678 575 5,337 10,992 1,258 15 U3 3U 17,460,005 201,959 2,743,866 4,161,929 6,588,709 6 1,280 108,900 1,061,081 1,556,103 770 ... 579 8 181 59 49,206 759 16,273 4,572 579 8 181 59 19,134,608 410,297 6,463,259 1,561,192 7,404,099 215,360 2,628,121 633,401 2 1 12,350 4,800 6,540 2,160 12,870 54,811 4,909 11,547,694 3,541,911 406 89,010 39,150 11,792 37,374 3,976 6,156,180 1,755,115 386 77,890 33,655 1,010 U,397 865 4,151,353 1,339,671 20 11,120 5,495 51 1,822 51 762,380 278,525 17 1,218 17 477,781 168,600 922 11,533 922 4,992,506 1,688,650 15 4,460 2,385 495 2,780 500 1,236,527 352,725 10 2,060 1,185 370 6,075 365 2,586,632 9U,000 5 2,400 1,200 40 1,460 40 691,566 253,325 17 1,218 17 477,781 168,600 MISSISSIPPI 255 Economic Area Table lO—FARMS REPORTING, NUMBER OF COWS, AND DAIRY PRODUCTS SOLD, BY NUMBER OF MILK COWS, FOR AIX COMMERCIAL FARMS AND DAIRY FARMS: CENSUS OF 1954-Continued l^Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text3 (For definitions and explanations, see text) All coaaercial faras; mix cows farms reporting . number . Whole mlllc sold farms reporting. ee lions, dollars . Cream sold farms reporting. pounds of butterfat. dollars . Wilb less tbao 10 ailk cova OD hand: Milk cows farms reporting. number . Whole mlUt sold farms reporting. gallons . dollars . Cream sold fai-ms reporting . pounds of butterfat. dollars. With 10 to 29 ailk cows oo hand: Milk cows farms reporting. number. Whole milk sold farms reporting . gallons, dollars . CresA sold farms reporting . pounds of butterfat. dollars. With 30 to 49 ailk co«b od hand; Milk cows farms reporting. number . Whole milk sold farms reporting. gallons. dollars . Cream sold rrtnas reporting . pounds of butterfat. dollars . Vitb 50 or aorc ailk covs on hand; Milk cows farms reporting. number . Whole milk sold farms reporting. gallons. dollars . Cream sold farms reporting . pounds of butterfat. dollars. Dairy faras: Milk cows farms reporting. number . Whole milk sold farms reporting. gallons . dollars . Cream sola farms reporting . pounds of butterfat. dollars . Vith less than 10 ailk covs on hand; Milk cows farms reporting. number . Whole milk sold farms reporting. gallons, dollars. Cream sold farms reporting. pounds of butterfat. dollars . With 10 to 29 ailk cova on hand: Milk cows farms reporting. number . Whole milk sold farms reporting. gallons. dollars . Cream sold farms reporting . pounds of butterfat. dollars . With 30 to 49 ailk cowa on hand: Milk cows farms reporting. number . Whole milk sold farms reporting. gallons. dollars . Cream sold farms reporting. pounds of butterfat. dollars. With 50 or Bare ailk cova oa band; Milk cows farms reporting. number. Whole milk sold farms reporting. gallons. dollars . Cream sold farms reporting . pounds of butterfat. dollars. 8,747 70,718 4,950 18,677,619 5,774,513 25 12,045 7,600 6,851 23,522 3,120 3,842,040 1,017,793 15 4,900 2,600 1,447 21,831 1,381 5,689,544 1,686,100 10 7,U5 5,000 288 10,376 288 3,721,710 1,178,691 161 U,939 161 5,424,325 1,891,929 1,694 38,231 1,699 13,723,932 4,4*7,462 10 10, 145 6,800 540 3,370 550 1,269,922 362,620 5 3,000 1,800 765 12,355 760 4,065,127 1,267,299 5 7,U5 5,000 246 3,325,933 1,054,837 143 13,617 143 5,062,950 1,762,656 16,374 79,427 2,610 14,917,169 5,435,096 333 58,093 28, 2U 14,702 41,805 1,204 1,730,597 458,220 352 52,963 25,794 1,281 20,324 1,016 6,754,100 2,423,075 31 5,130 2,420 297 10,337 296 3,709,308 1,454,439 94 6,961 94 2,723,064 1,099,362 1,319 31,375 1,313 12,724,569 4,833,379 5 2,700 1,295 185 1,115 180 384,330 101,260 5 2,700 1,295 760 13,619 760 6,071,764 2,226,508 282 9,807 281 3,573,823 1,406,689 92 6,834 92 2,694,652 1,088,922 7,741 41,056 1,789 7,555,705 2,531,718 168 56,085 30,310 6,742 21,344 1,017 1,365,053 393, 861 127 19,635 10,430 863 12,837 641 3,595,965 1,215,260 35 25,950 14,580 81 2,745 76 902,227 333,670 6 10,500 5,300 55 4,130 55 1,691,460 588,927 738 13,896 728 5,303,609 2,021,907 16 11,900 7,650 216 1,284 211 455,570 145,500 5 1,400 750 407 5,699 402 2,844,189 983,770 10 10,000 6,600 893 ,367 329 ,270 1 500 300 49 3 668 49 1,610,483 563 367 2,001 15,049 311 3,158,765 1,352,915 50 7,750 4,230 1,601 4,391 15 44,163 17,990 35 3,690 2,120 273 4,882 181 1,310,849 590,590 10 3,280 1,640 90 3,241 90 1,108,236 477, 685 5 780 470 37 2,535 25 695,517 266,650 282 7,981 282 2,926,700 1,250,305 10 3,280 1,720 5 45 5 19,157 6,590 170 3,140 170 1,2U,355 544,400 5 2,500 1,250 84 2,995 84 1,051,294 453,410 5 780 470 23 1,801 23 644,894 245,905 407 5,399 180 1,68j,465 774,181 6 7,800 4,530 232 704 15 23,407 18,260 5 250 150 97 1,739 87 632,294 281,710 70 2,408 70 827,268 370,644 548 8 200,496 103,567 1 7,550 4,380 173 4,521 173 1,660,569 762,421 1 7,550 4,380 10 60 10 22,907 17,900 87 1,619 87 632,294 281,710 69 2,378 69 816,268 365,044 7 464 7 189,100 97,767 1 7,550 4,380 256 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING, NUMBER OF CHICKENS, AND POULTRY PRODUCTS SOLD, BY NUMBER OF CHICKENS ON HAND, FOR ALL COMMERCIAL FARMS AND POULTRY FARMS: CENSUS OF 1954 [Data are based on reports for only a sa:nple of farms. See text] (For definitions and explanations, see text) Area 3 and A All conmercial farms: Chickens 4 months old and over. . .farms reporting. number . Chickens sold farms reporting . number . Chicken eggs sold farms reporting . dozens, dollars . Other poultry and poultry products sold. .dollars. With less than 400 chickens 4 months old and over: Chickens i months old and over farms reporting. number . Chickens sold farms reporting . number . Chicken eggs sold farms reporting. dozens . dollars . Other poultry and poultry products sold dollars. With 400 to 799 chickens 4 months old and over: Chickens K months old and over farms reporting . number. Chickens sold farms reporting . number . Chicken eggs sold farms reporting . dozens . dollars. Other poultry and poultry products sold dollars. With 800 to 1,599 chickens 4 months old and over; Chickens ^ months old and over farms reporting. number . Chickens sold ''arms reporting . number . Chicken eggs sold farms reporting . dozens . dollars. Other poultry and poultry products sold dollars. With 1,600 to 3,199 chickens 4 months old and over: Chickens I, months old and over farms reporting. number. Chickens sold . farms reporting . number . Chicken eggs sold farms reporting. dozens . dollars . Other poultry and poultry products sold dollars. With 3,200 or more chickens 4 months old and over: Chickens < months old and over farms reporting. number . Chickens sold farms reporting . number . Chicken eggs sold farms reporting . dozens, dollars . Other poultry and poultry products sold dollars. Poultry farms: Chickens -4 months old and over... farms reporting. number . Chickens sold farms reporting . number . Chicken eggs sold farms reporting . dozens, dollars. Other poultry and poultry products sold. .dollars. With less than 400 chickens 4 months old and over: Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting. number . Chickens sold farms reporting . number . Chicken eggs sold farms reporting . dozens . dollars . Other poultry and poultry products sold dollars. With 400 to 799 chickens 4 months old and over: Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting. number . Chickens sold farms reporting. number . Chicken eggs sold farms reporting . dozens . dollars . Other poultry and poultry products sold dollars. With 800 to 1,599 chickens 4 months old and over: Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting. number . Chickens sold farms reporting . number . Chicken eggs sold farms f ^porting. dozens, dollars. Other poultry and poultry produc ts sold dollars . With 1,600 to 3,199 chickens 4 months old and over: Chickens ^ months old and over farms reporting. number. Chickens sold farms reporting . number . Chicken eggs sold farms reporting . dozens . dollars. Other poultry and poultry products sold dollars. With 3,200 or more chickens 4 months old and over: Chickens i months old and over farms reporting. number , Chickens sold farms reporting . number . Chicken eggs sold farms reporting . dozens. dollars. Other poultry and poultry products sold dollars. 113,185 4,033,699 8,386 32,678,878 20,452 12,164,744 5,537,800 491,539 112,481 3,186,748 7,697 25,856,096 19,748 4,490,956 1,884,895 480,393 445 241,240 437 224,532 445 1,930,865 838, 101 765 173 179, 136 167 171,395 173 1,513,523 650,615 10,286 63 143,100 62 94,855 63 1,369,900 654,724 95 23 283,475 23 6,332,000 23 2,859,500 1,509,465 1,754 801,846 1,917 32,006,446 1,124 7,635,382 3,695,666 307,836 1,273 93,285 1,441 25,275,411 643 988,070 480,723 302,255 259 139,620 259 160,280 259 1,251,231 544,368 lAO 1A5,866 135 148,300 140 1,245,931 538,725 5,486 59 134,600 59 90,455 59 1,290,650 622,385 95 23 283,475 23 6,332,000 23 2,859,500 1,509,465 25,945 586,830 680 261,040 1,2U 630,093 304,259 44,986 25,914 559,345 649 179,120 1,182 328,718 140,939 44,891 20 10,285 20 65,170 20 50,125 23,970 5 5,000 5 250 5 60,000 30,000 20,604 608,206 803 442,499 2,449 1,758,952 832,780 28,604 20,535 517,001 735 380,164 2,380 505,007 219,599 28,409 56 32,405 56 17, 175 56 255,355 116,662 195 7 6,800 6 4,160 7 60,540 28,254 16,500 1,000 6 1 191,250 25,550 109,350 12,000 95 5 • > • 50,000 5 ... 40,000 5 ... 912,500 ... 456,265 27 101 23,885 73,600 27 77 107,100 390,980 27 91 306,925 1,161,990 166,885 568,585 95 6,000 5 75 1,250 10,900 5 51 28,000 344,265 5 65 27,375 117,435 13,685 57,590 6,000 11 20 5,435 11,900 11 20 62,350 6,615 11 20 28,300 127,375 13,850 52,390 5 1 5,000 800 5 1 250 lOO 5 1 60,000 4,680 30,000 2,340 6 12,200 6 16,500 6 191,250 109,350 95 ... 5 50,000 5 40,000 5 912,500 456,265 10,924 373,265 629 967,280 2,018 811,351 354,668 15,310 10,847 320,660 564 906,113 1,941 401,462 174,678 14,890 64 38,955 52 40,367 64 268,330 121,428 170 12 12,050 12 7,800 12 121,559 51,812 250 1 1,600 1 13,000 1 20,000 6,750 87 36,375 114 934,406 83 353,665 154,368 1,500 45 10,075 72 886,456 41 117,645 51,580 1,500 41 24,700 41 34,950 41 216,020 96,038 1 1,600 1 13,000 1 20,000 6,750 MISSISSIPPI 257 Economic Area Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING, NUMBER OF CHICKENS, AND POULTRY PRODUCTS SOLD, BY NLIMBER OF CHICKENS ON HAND, FOR ALL COMMERCIAL FARMS AND POULTRY FARMS: CENSUS OF 1954-Continued [DQta are based on reports for on ly a sample of farms . See text] Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Area 5 Area 6a Area 6b Area 7 Area 8 All couercial fanis: 1 thickens 4 months old and over... farms reporting... 9,914 19,400 9,0CVi 2,361 543 2 number . . . 353,830 895,473 355,067 198,875 87,454 3 Chickens sold farms reporting . . . 651 2,224 996 384 177 4 number . . . 1,210,829 22,483,067 2,430,239 1,695,352 28,148 5 Ch] oken eggs sold farms reporting . . . 1,862 4,659 2,638 823 246 6 dozens . . . 1,079,320 2,887,139 1,186,768 1,252,061 836,187 7 dollars 410,957 1,369,278 530,684 553,518 376,052 8 Other poultry and poultry products sold. .dollars. . . Witb less than 400 chickens 4 nonths old dnd over: 164,219 67,467 46,224 22,505 2,037 9 Chickens 4 months old and over ............ farms reporting . . . 9,840 19,246 8,932 2 285 462 26,357 10 number . . . 271,361 605,573 303)837 97*565 11 Chickens sold farms reporting... 578 2,065 924 2,402,189 . 310 1,651,537 101 10,923 12 number. . . 1,156,224 16,090,062 13 Chicken eggs sold farms reporting . . . 1,788 4,505 2,566 748 165 14 dozens . . . 350,274 871,779 780,500 312,501 211,192 15 dollars . . . 134,492 335,713 372,089 125,174 98,387 16 Other poultry and poultry products sold dollars... With 400 to 794 chickens 4 aonlha old and over: 154,313 66,937 46,224 22,505 2,037 17 Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting... 38 89 56 17 55 18 number . . . 21, UO 46,100 29,150 9,610 28,250 19 Chickens sold farms reporting... 38 94 36,750 56 15,640 16 6,605 55 15,325 20 number . . . 12,740 21 Chicken eggs sold farms reporting... 38 166,345 89 363,300 56 246,465 17 58,130 55 273,865 22 dozens . . . 23 dollars. .. 72,164 150,695 91,715 22,172 118,775 24 Other poultry and poultry products sold dollars... With 800 to 1,599 chickens 4 nonths old and over: ... 400 25 Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting 24 46 11 36 21 26 number . . . 26,259 47,800 12,080 39,500 20,347 27 Chickens sold farms reporting . . . 24 46 11 36 21,110 16 900 28 number . . . 23,310 101,555 4,960 29 Chicken eggs sold farms reporting 24 46 11 36 21 30 dozens .. . U3,331 391,210 77,803 367,050 217,130 31 dollars . . . 50,194 153,765 34,080 186,760 76,990 32 Other poultry and poultry products sold dollars... Witb 1,600 to 3,199 chickens 4 nonths old and over: 9,906 ,130 33 Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting.. - 7 11 5 22 5 34 number . . . U,100 24,000 10,000 52,200 12,500 35 Chickens sold., farms reporting... 6 11 5 22 5 36 number. .. 12,555 18,700 7,500 16,100 1,000 37 7 n 5 22 5 38 dozens . . . 111,870 190,850 82,000 514,380 134,000 39 dollars . . . 64,107 90,905 32,800 219,412 31,900 40 Other poultry and poultry products sold dollars... 41 Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting... 5 8 ... 42 number . . . 21,000 172,000 ... 43 Chickens sold farms reporting... 5 8 44 number . . . 6,000 6,236,000 45 Chicken eggs sold farms reporting . . . 5 3 46 dozens . . . 307,000 1,070,000 ... 47 dollars. .. 90,000 638,200 ... 48 Other poultry and poultry products sold dollars... Poultry fnrna: 49 Chickens 4 months old and over... farms reporting... 80 684 160 187 132 50 number — 63,459 290,920 52,685 102,570 66,337 51 Chickens sold farms reporting . . . 115 807 171 173 102 52 number 1,153,070 22,272,935 2,368,415 1,681,345 22,700 53 Chicken eggs sold farms reporting. . . 74 344 125 137 132 54 dozens. . . 648,557 1,960,530 532,240 940,630 732,075 55 dollars... 240,855 1,013,750 258,730 432,033 332,800 56 Other poultry and poultry products sold. .dollars. . . With less than 400 chickens 4 nonths old and over: 129,356 36,460 30,405 12,550 1,350 57 Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting... 36 580 105 121 61 58 number. . . 2,840 29,695 11,560 9,360 9,740 59 Chickens sold farms reporting . . . 71 703 116 107 36 60 number . . . 1,112,005 15,907,895 2,346,240 1,643,130 6,825 61 Chicken eggs sold farms reporting . . , 30 240 70 71 61 62 dozens . . . 69,200 175,430 169,325 75,560 164,280 63 dollars . . . 27,285 70,360 115,585 31,933 78,315 64 Other poultry and poultry products sold dollars . . . With 400 to 799 chickens 4 nonths old and over: 124,000 36,330 30,405 12,550 1,350 65 Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting. . . 17 45 40 10 45 66 number . . . 10,700 23,225 20,125 4.,910 23,750 67 Chickens sold farms reporting . . . 17 45 40 10 45 68 number . . . 6,500 13,385 9,750 3,705 13,975 69 Chicken eggs sold farms reporting . . . 17 45 40 10 45 70 dozens . . . 68,036 182,700 208,565 21,520 216,665 71 dollars . . . 27,500 79,260 78,165 9,560 95,595 72 Other poultry and poultry products sold dollars... With 800 to 1,599 chickens 4 nonths old and over: 73 Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting . . . 17 40 10 35 21 74 number. . . 18,919 42,000 11,000 38,500 20,347 75 Chickens sold farms reporting . . . 17 40 10 35 16 76 number . . . 17,510 96,955 4,925 20,310 900 77 Chicken eggs sold farms reporting... 17 40 10 35 21 78 dozens . . . 118,071 341,550 72,350 357,250 217,130 79 dollars. . . 41,070 135,025 32,180 182,360 76,990 80 Other poultry and poultry products sold dollars. . . With l,eOO to 3,199 chickens 4 nonths old and over: 5,356 130 81 Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting... 5 11 5 21 5 82 number.. . 10,000 24,000 10,000 49,800 12,500 83 Chickens sold farms reporting... 5 11 5 21 5 84 number. . . 11,055 18,700 7,500 U,200 1,000 85 5 11 5 21 5 86 dozens . . . 86,250 190,850 82,000 486,300 134,000 37 dollars . . . 55,000 90,905 32,800 208,180 81,900 88 Other poultry and poultry products sold dollars . . . 89 Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting. . . 5 8 ... 90 number. . . 21,000 172,000 91 Chickens sold farms reporting . . . 5 8 ... 92 number . . . 6,000 6,236,000 ... 93 Chicken eggs sold farms reporting . . . 5 8 ... 94 dozens.. . 307,000 1,070,000 ... 95 dollars . . . 90,000 638,200 96 Other poultry and poultry products sold dollars. . . 258 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 12-FARM LABOR: CENSUS OF 1954 [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See textj (For definitions and explanations, see text) Areas 3 and A FAHM LABOR Week of October 24-30: Family aod/or hired workers farms reporting.. persons . . Average per farm reporting persons.. Family workers, including operator farms reporting . . persons . . Operators working 1 or more hours farms reporting . . 1 to K hoxirs farms reporting . . 15 or more hours farms reporting . . Operators not working or not reporting number of farms . . Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 hours or more farms reporting.. persons . . No unpaid members of operator's family working 15 hours or more or not reporting number of farms . . Hired workers farms reporting . . persons . . 1 hired worker farms reporting.. 2 hired workers farms reporting . . 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting . . 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting . . 10 or more hired workers farms reporting . . Regular workers (to be employed 130 days or more) farms reporting.. persons . . 1 worker farms reporting . . 2 workers farms reporting . . 3 or 4 workers farms reporting.. 5 to 9 workers farms reporting . . 10 or more workers farms reporting . . Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days ) farms reporting . . persons . . 1 worker farms reporting . . 2 workers farms reporting . . 3 or 4 workers farms reporting . . 5 to 9 workers farms reporting . . 10 or more workers farms reporting . . FarBs by kiod of workers: Both family workers and hired workers farms reporting. . Family workers only farms reporting.. Operator only farms reporting.. Unpaid members of operator's family only farms reporting. . Hired workers only farms reporting. . Operator and hired workers only... farms reporting.. Hired workers by basis of payment: Paid on a monthly basis farms reporting. . persons. . Average hours worked per month hours. . Average wage per month dollars. Paid on a weekly basis farms reporting. persons . Average hours worked per week hours . Average wage per week dollars. Paid on a daily basis farms reporting . persons . Average hours worked per day hours . Average wage per day dollars . Paid on an hourly basis farms reporting . persons . Average wage per hour dollars. Paid on a piece-work basis farms reporting. persons . EXPENDITURES FOR HIRED LABOR Expenditures for hired labor in 1954. .. .farms reporting. dollars . $1 to $99 farms reporting . $100 to $199 farms reporting . $200 to $A99 farms reporting . $500 to $999 farms reporting . $1,000 to $2,';99 farms reporting. $2,500 to $i,999 farms reporting. $5,000 and over farms reporting. Faras with expenditures for hired labor but no hired workers reported farms reporting. $1 to $99 farms reporting. $100 to $199 farms reporting . $200 to $.499 farms reporting. $500 to $999 farms reporting . $1,000 to $2, '199 farms reporting. $2,500 to $^1,999 farms reporting. $5,000 and over farms reporting. 186, 849 468,963 2.5 185,017 349,091 180,020 41,025 138,995 88,402 169,071 127,485 19,626 119,872 5,401 3,617 4,110 3,457 3,041 5,046 17,740 2,290 1,034 798 546 378 16,580 102,132 4,296 3,018 3,496 3,124 2,646 17,794 167,223 86,366 1,832 10,249 2,529 4,680 203 124 1,536 4,044 48 26 9,315 41,040 8.9 3.80 1,270 4,814 0.56 7,357 65,294 86,754 45,918,072 40,851 17,361 15,9M 5,398 3,916 1,550 1,764 67,128 36, 7 W 14,396 11,483 2,825 1,243 336 131 41,039 145,067 3.5 40,664 93, 191 39,919 5,577 34,342 25,244 53,272 19,296 4,824 51,876 770 698 959 958 1,439 1,568 9,009 403 301 330 280 254 4,037 42,367 637 572 761 886 1,181 4,399 36,265 12,885 425 2,535 558 1,338 222 167 412 1,617 51 28 2,241 18,104 9.3 4.03 280 2,155 0.43 2,390 28,662 18,988 23,437,196 6,059 4,006 4,174 1,615 1,284 725 1,125 U,164 5,565 3,411 3,273 1,066 528 234 87 30,344 92,121 3.0 30,068 67,111 29,514 4,443 25,071 4,080 17,402 37,597 16,192 19,887 44,539 2.2 19,625 34,747 18,796 5,027 13,769 4,596 8,917 15,951 3,434 2,482 25,010 9,792 737 819 529 543 704 567 702 349 762 204 977 659 3,263 1,380 417 389 221 108 161 108 102 47 76 7 2,930 2,047 21,747 8,412 576 630 443 457 593 465 625 302 693 193 3,203 2,220 26,360 17,405 10,726 9,331 474 776 276 262 1,940 1,327 589 333 1,083 530 197 198 LIO 110 204 243 565 490 46 46 24 23 1,427 1,176 7,431 3,330 8.9 8.3 3.53 3.75 129 167 418 443 0.47 0.53 1,637 781 15, 5U 4,994 13,829 9,266 533,286 3,0U,322 6,510 5,284 2,472 1,411 2,656 1,362 859 507 725 467 309 136 293 99 10,345 6,784 5,853 4,571 2,091 1,052 1,799 832 357 201 164 117 48 9 33 2 20,288 45,333 2.2 20,215 36,928 19,706 4,469 15,237 4,152 9,669 17,222 U,189 1,907 8,405 415 340 481 467 204 189 377 97 66 15 9 2 1,762 3,023 351 287 463 466 195 1,834 13,381 9,784 73 762 134 222 200 101 45 65 41 7A 655 1,333 3.4 3.83 85 273 0.56 1,043 6,012 9,988 1,993,496 4,826 2,4U 1,959 473 262 43 3,081 4,371 1,953 1,428 209 113 MISSISSIPPI 259 Economic Area Table 12.-FARM LABOR; CENSUS OF 1954 -Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See textj (For definitions and explanations, see text) VJTO LABOR Week of October 24-30: Foaily ond/or hired worLers farms reporting. persons. . Average per farm reporting persona . Family workers, including operator farms reporting . persons . Operators working 1 or more hours farms reporting . 1 to K hours farms reporting . 15 or more hours farms reporting . Operators not working or not reporting number of farms . Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 hours or more farms reporting. persons . No unpaid members of operator's family working 15 hours or more or not reporting number of farms. Hired workers farms reporting. persons . 1 hired worker farms reporting. 2 hired workers farms reporting . 3 or ^ hired workers farms reporting . 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. 10 or more hired workers farms reporting. Regular workers (to be employed 150 days or more ) farms reporting . persons . 1 worker farms reporting . 2 workers farms reporting . 3 or 4 workers farms reporting. 5 to 9 workers farms reporting. 10 or more workers farms reporting . Seasonal workers (to be employed leas than 150 days) fanes reporting. persons . 1 worker farms reporting . 2 workers farms reporting . 3 or 4 workers farms reporting. 5 to 9 workers farms reporting . 10 or more workers farms reporting. Faras by kiod of vorkers: Both family workers and hired workers farms reporting . Family workers only farms reporting. Operator only farms reporting. Unpaid members of operator's family only farms reporting. Hired workers only farms reporting. Operator and hired workers only... farms reporting. Hired workers by baaia of payaent: Paid on a monthly basis farms reporting. persons . Average hours worked per month hours. Average wage per month dollars. Paid on a weekly basis farms reporting . persons . Average hours worked per week hours . Average wage per week dollars . Paid on a daily basis farms reporting. persons . Average hours worked per day hours . Average wage per day dollars. Paid on an hourly basis farms reporting . persons . Average wage per hour dollars. Paid on a piece-work basis farms reporting. persons. EXPENDITURES FOR HIKED LABOR Expenditurca for bired labor in 1954. .. .farms reporting. dollars . $1 to $99 farms reporting . $100 to $199 farms reporting. $200 to $499 farms reporting . $500 to $999 farms reporting . $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting. $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting. $5,000 and over farms reporting. Faras »itb expeoditures for bired labor but do hired workers reported farms reporting. $1 to $99 farms reporting. $100 to $199 farms reporting. $200 to $499 farms reporting . $500 to $999 farms reporting. $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting. $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting. $5 ,000 and over farms reporting . 16,639 38,403 2.3 16,460 29,249 16,006 3,911 12,095 7,325 13,243 U,899 1,892 9,154 533 361 420 384 194 500 1,543 229 117 70 61 23 1,547 7,6n 408 276 365 332 166 1,713 U,747 8,215 179 920 281 607 190 96 184 512 48 24 889 2,979 8.7 3.33 85 346 0.63 658 4,710 7,679 3,118,948 3,4M 1,637 1,483 521 340 136 93 5,787 3,022 1,286 1,11.0 244 109 lA 2 32,430 60,808 1.9 32,054 51,181 31,071 8,351 22,720 7,563 11,961 20,110 26,673 2,994 9,627 1,081 767 609 386 151 544 999 338 117 65 19 5 2,660 8,628 944 694 542 341 139 2,618 29,436 18,486 376 1,607 291 440 195 108 214 340 44 25 1,888 5,031 8.4 3.65 306 574 0.71 501 3,242 15,981 3,598,056 8,201 3,611 2,734 788 481 111 55 12,987 7,322 3,078 2,029 407 136 15 16,642 26,795 1.6 16,513 23,523 15,938 5,329 10,609 4,999 7,585 15,896 1,233 3,272 553 237 275 127 41 317 515 219 56 32 986 2,757 401 196 242 109 38 1,104 15,409 10,778 129 736 1A3 200 189 92 163 236 729 1,693 71 160 0.64 200 983 7,995 1,365,832 5,093 1,319 984 359 183 36 21 6,762 4,726 1,120 674 199 35 3 5 7,283 12,486 1.7 7,197 10,244 6,925 2,876 4,049 2,257 3,319 6,526 636 2,242 363 111 66 58 38 223 504 161 36 10 486 1,738 283 72 47 51 33 550 6,647 4,616 152 189 208 129 74 138 47 34 272 5L4 8.3 4.46 100 346 0.72 127 1,055 2,592 1,558,572 1,219 424 489 252 133 33 42 1,956 1,135 348 303 136 31 3 2,247 3,411 1.5 2,221 2,917 2,U5 1,042 1,103 628 772 2,339 174 494 80 31 29 26 8 69 150 37 12 7 13 125 344 66 21 18 12 8 148 2,073 1,495 26 98 48 71 190 117 47 81 46 30 38 125 8.5 4.58 47 94 0.82 20 123 436 293,364 195 67 73 24 41 21 15 262 149 57 35 6 10 5 APPENDIX The Questionnaire Index to tables (261) 262 THE QUESTIONNAIRE at Si.l. 21: n I'SC !01-:i8i »hirh r u filr ( rcporl. cordrd ronlidrnliBl Imlmfnl, eubjei: FORM Al CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE QUESnONNAmt 1954 Section I.— PERSON NOW IN CHARGE (If B member of the family or anyone else Gils thin questionnaire for the person. n charge, pleMC be mire that all the information is given FOR the PERSON IN CHARGE.) 2. What is your address? _ I (a) D White ! (6) □ NeRTO [ (c) n Other; What r Secdon II.— OWNERS Hri*. RENTAL AGREEMENT. AND LOCATION OP LAND OWNED LAND: 4. How many acres of land do you OWN? O None (If you own more than one tract of land, INCLUDE ALL LAND OWNED. Include not only cropland but alBo paslureland, woodland, wasteland, etc.) // no land ii oumrd, chtek Iht tijuare for LAND RENTED FROM OTHERS: «. HownianyBcreModanddoyou RENT FROM others, including any worked on Bhares? [ (Include any separate fields, meadows, paetureland, woodland, waHlelaiid. etc. Also include land used by you rent free.) // "None," check and ikip U> quealion [SJ, (a) Give the following information for each landlord: Name and address of landlord (or employer if the place ia operated by a hired n {List additional n , Does the landlord furnish ALL the work animals or tractor power, p. . a part of his share in the operation of this place) ? |M , ffli (a) Do you pay to your landlord any cash as rent? (6) Do you pay to your landlord any share of the crops? . . . \\=^ < (Such as 1. t, i) l"-" (r) Do you pay to your landlord any share of the livestock or .|--i ^ livestock products? . . , |W ^ (Such OS i, ), i) ((f) Do vou have this land under any other arranRement? . {'p\ . - ■■ ' ■ - -■■-■ - -3 of land and "-J ' LAND MANAGED FOR OTHERS: FBI How many acres do you operate for others as a HIRED MANAGER? D None (Enter the name and addreas of the employer under LAND RENTED TO OTHERS: 10. How many acres are RENTED TO others, including land worked on aharea by croppers or tenants? I (Include any separate flelds rented to others. Land worked by members of your household wiih your equip- ment should not be considered as rented to others.) // "None," chtck and skip Ic gueilion [ll J, AcreB in Thi$ Place: [11] Adding arrti oimcd and acru rer Ihrn tublracting aerea rtnltd to olhera, ve get (Queition A-^-qaeslion S — queilion 10; if managed qutiticn 9 — fluM'ion 10.) e want a report of the crops harvested LOCATION OF LAND: 12. Is any of this land locatedjD No. // "No," check and skip ouUtide of this county? . . .( to qvetlion llij. Id Yes (a) How many acres are in this county? , (b) Give names of other counties and acres located in each: iNum olCDUDty) RESIDENCE AND AGE OF PERSON IN CHARGE: [131 Do you live on this place? 14. How old were you on your last birthday? . . . . . 16. When did you begin to operate this place? . . . _ rn No Id Yea Section III,— CROPS HARVESTED THIS YEAR. 1954 Report all crops harTCBled, i for question II) acres. II ftn CORN AND SORGHUMS: ^nH ' (o) CORN for GRAIN? . , (70 lb. ear corn or 56 lb. shelled corQ= 1 bu. Report corn hogged off in question (e), not here.) (b) CORN for SILAGE? . . . (c) CORN hogged or graied, or cut for green or dry fodder [ears nut husked or mapped)? , , (Tt» Lolal ot the arna Car qucsUoni ' , snd (c) miul gqui] the Km Mca l« \ (Tt» M. I< SORGHUMS: (Kafir, miio, hegari, amber, oranae, atlas, etc ) Report sweet sorgnum for sirup in question 35. (b) SORGHU.M for SILAGE? . (c) SORGHUM hogged or grazed, or cut for dry forage or hay? (Tb« lot4] Dl (be tara toi qoMUoiu j«), (b). *Dd d lor K. CLOVER. TIMOTHY, ftnd miKtum of clover and fTMiira FOR HAVT ... D None (Riporl ivwuloia' cut be h*r in quntloa »J 27. LESfKDEZA FOR HAVT n None 28. OATS. WHEAT, BARLEV, RYE. or olher ■mkll intin cut FOR HAY* (iBctudaoaUcul vhin rln«D(VlT 29. Anv OTHER HAYT D None IBniDiitU rru>. Kudiu. lotuuan ptm. oM Dadaai. on:h»nJ (na, rrOlop, 8udui (FMi, From how many »crm thb yewT Tona Ton. Tona Tona Ton« Ton. Ton. Ton. (8) How much of thi. year'. wilt be aeldr (Hiporl UndlorO'i LESPEDEZA SEED. GRASS. AND OTHER FIELD SEED CROPS: SO. Were any leapedeia «eed, grtn seed. ( Q No- If "A"". " check and iJh> U> and other field wed crops harvested thU { qutition [941. y*»rf la v«. 31. How much LESPEDEZA SEED was harvested T Acres *_ . Acrea * _ . Aen» ♦ _ . Pound. . BuaheU _ . Pound. . Pounds Carpet grass, Dalll* gran. fMcuo, lupine, velch, while clover, wild winter peas. COTTON. POTATOES, AND OTHER CROPS: Which or thi Followino Cbops Wire HuvESTED This Ykar— For tack crop, ariitctr lht4e fuufion* — tS4] Caltonr Q None . D None U. Irl.h Potaloe. (or borne um or for saleT ,.....,,□ None canner«. freesers, or other processors?. I ou«tlion TJSI. In Yea (a) For kome nuT s Harvcsteo This Yeas Fob Salk— (Report tenths of a Jchas A. A, i^. 1A.( »o or more plantings OI lue aame crop were rnaae. eitner on me same land or on different land, report the total h&rvesited seres of the several plantings Include acres of vegetable, harvested from land from which other crops were alao harvested.) 40. Green lima beansT, 41. CabbafeT ... 44. Tomatoear . 45. Water melouT, Efcptaot Lctiuca ud rnnul MiutArd gravtLt But ptppm Bvect pepDEn Ilry oalonj (Udhba a the ealue of att oegetablei SOLD or TO BE (laduda luidlortl') : BERRIES AND OTHER SMALL FRUITS: [481 Were any berries or other small [n No. // "PJo," chick and »kip to fruits harvated this vear (or saleT . . . . { ojiation r491 In Yea ' of each and the acres and quantity harvested in the spaces such as iV. A. 1 A. etc. Do not include nonbearing Give the n provided belo' (Report tenth, of area.) _ Acres * _ . Acres * _ . Quarts Blackberries, gooseberries, rajipben- TREE FRUITS, NUTS, AND GRAPES: ut trees or (o) Are there as many aa 20 fruit and nut treeaandgrapevinp«or allklndsf . a No. D Yw a No. a Ves // "No," chfck and tk,p gucalion [62 J. U. How much land U In bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut tree*? .... Acres * _ (Report tentha of an acre, aurh as A, I iV, etc. Do not include berry acreaige or nurseriea,) h op tub FoLu>wiNa Kini Faurr and Nut Tekes AsB ON This Placb — 51. APPLEBT 62. PEACHEST 5S. PEARST 54. CHERRIES? 65. PLUMS and PRUNE8T . 66. FIGST 67. GRAPES? S». WILD or SEEDLING PECAN8T «. TUNG NUT8T £ boanog age? much was harvested thiB year? [621 Are there any other crops (not mentioned before) that were or will be harvested (hia year on this place? Cbufas, popcorn, root crope for feed, root and mn crops bogged or graied (other than corn, fQ No sorghums, or annual legumes), tobacco J Id Ye« If " >'««." give the name of the crop, acres and quantity harvested, and value of be sold •« SecUoB IV.— LAND USE THIS YEAR. 1954 «S. (Copy acrea from question II) ^ A Now we want to distribute the ACRES IN THIS PLACET according to how they were used this year After you have accounted for a field or plot do not count this land again. Be sore to account for all the land. Give only whole acm. CROPLAND: Mo. From how many acres of land were CROPS HARVESTED (including hay cut) this year? .... Q Noi 'This area may be obtained by adding the acres in tho fields from which one or more crops were harvested or hay naa cut this year, acres in nonbearing and bearing planted tree fruits, nut*, and grapes, and acres m nursery and greenhouse products.) nStclui To Be Filled by Census Kt (1) Add aetf, of ali crop, (unih it 1 1 1 and V 1} and enUr lolal here . ...... (2) From how many acres of land were two crops harvested this year? (3) Sublrael Iht acres for (2) from (1) and enter differenct here . (This entry should be within three acres of the acres shown for question 64a.} «4b. How many acres of cropiaod were used only for paatare (or graiing) this year? Q None %le. How many acres of cropland were used only for croM not harvealed and Dot paalnred this year? . . . Q None (Include land on which all crops failed and land in soil-improvement crops only.) 64d. How nnany acres of cropland were lytng Idle (not used for crops or pasture) this year? ..... □ Nooe WOODLAND; (Include as woodland alt wood lota and timber tracts and cut to qutsiion I82J. OF THIS TOTAL— (a) How many are C0WS7 Include heifers that have calved . . (c) How many are bulls, bull calves, steers, and steer calves? . (The total for questions (a), (b), and (c) must equal the number for question 77.) COWS MILKED YESTERDAY: 79. How many MILK COWS were on this place yesterday? Include dry milk cows and milk heifers that have calved Q None 81. How many POUNDS of BUTTER were CHURNED last week? □ None DAIRY PRODUCTS SOLD AND TO BE SOLD THIS YEAR, 1954: heck an< [83]. [821 V, BUTTER 1954)?, . (Report all sales from this place whether made by you or by others. Report as sold dairy products turned over to or sold for your landlord. Be sure to include dairy product* which you will sell before January I, 1955.) .w much WHOLE MILK a or will be sold s year' , Q None (6) How much CREAM was or will be sold this year? , Q None llf cream sold by gallon, multiply the lumber of gallons by 2}^ to get pounds of (2) r will be the Uue of sales? .siii:i:r axd lamus: [83] Huh manv K\\ F,S, RAMS, WETHlClte, and LA,\IUSof all ages aruon tlii^'l*"-' // "A'one," check a.irf s*ip lo i/^-clion [84]. OF THIS TOTAI.— (a) How many are LAMBS under 1 year old?. . . . (0) Ho' OHIb* Uh Only D No y are EWES 1 year old and over? (r) How many are RAMS at>d WETHERS I vcar old and over?. (The iiital for queslion,'' (a), (6), and (r) must equal the number for question 83.) MULES AND HORSES: [84] How many MULES, HORSES, COLTS, and PONIES are on this place? // "A'one," ehtek and skip lo quralion [85]. OF THIS TOTAL— (a) How many are MULES and MULIO COLTS? . . . (f.) How n e HORSES and COLTS, including ponies? HOGS AND PIGS. [65] How many HOGS and PIGS of all agen, including sows and boar^, are on this place? Q Noi // "Sone," check and »kip In question [SSn]. OF THIS TOTAl^ (a) How many were born since June 1, this year? {6} How many were born before Juno I, this year? SOWS AND GILTS FARROWING: ANIMALS SOLD AND TO BE SOLD ALIVE THIS VEAR, 1954: (Report all sales from this place whether made bv > as sold animals turned over to or sold for your landlord. which you will sell before January I. 1955.) For each kind, aruwer theit queilions - 87a. HOGS and PIGS sold or to be sold? n None 876. CALVES hold or to be sold? . Q None 87r CATTLE, not counting calves, sold or to be sold 7 Q None g7d SHEEP and LAMBS sold or to be sold? D None 87c, HORSES. MULES, COLTS, and PONIES sold or to be Bold? . . . D None . mi- WOOL SHORN THIS YEAR. 1954: * 88. How many sheep and lambs were shorn this year (1954)7 Q // "None," cheek and iktp lo queilion [89]. (a) How many pounds of wool were shorn this year (1954) 7 POULTRY: (Report all sales from this place whether made by you or by others. Report as sold all poultry and poultry products turned over to or sold for your landlord. Be L (a) flkv diid rraplftiid puturcT . . . . Q None (b) Other pwturc (not »oplaiiH)T , ,. G None (e) Com* D None (d) Cotton T O None (() Pniiis. vcdPUbiM, vid poutoM? . O None (/) Other cropaT Q None lOlt* OMM) How manv lone were UKdT MATKltlAL wupurrhAwd thL-<. _ (Include ground limcatone, hydrnlrd ftiid liunit liinc. marl, oyster ahclb. etc. Otnil lime iispd f(ir apr»v« or a»iiilatioii.l UnSd) Section Include all ei -SELEfTED FARM EXPENDITl'RES. THIS YEAR, 19S4 iitrs paid, or lo be paid belore Januarr 1, I9SS, hf reo and bf jour M. How much wan or will be- Sl'liNT this year (or— (o) MACHINE HIRE* Q No' (Include eustora worlc. such as tractor hire. tlirtaihinK, combining, silo GMInR, bating, ginning, plowing, and sprayiiifi.) (6) HIRED LABOR* Q Not (Do not include housework. cust«m work, or contract construcllon work. Include cash payments only.) (() FEED for iLveatock and poultry* Q Not (Include coat of grain, hay. mill feeds, concentrates, and roughages, also, amounts paid for grinding and mixing feed ) SecUon X.— FARM LABOR 100. About how many hour? the week of October 34-% did you (the person in charge of this placel do farm work or chores on this place? ...... iChtck ont a None D 1 to 14 hoi D 15 hours oi (a) How manv OTHER MEMBKRS OF YOUR FAMILY did 15 hours or more of farm work or chores on thU place the week of October 24-30 WITHOUT RECEIVING CASH WAGES? O None (Do not include housework.) W How many HIRED PERSONS did anv farn> work or chores on this place the week of October 24-30T . . D None (Includenieinbersof your faniily receiving cash wages.) // "A'tin(," cKtck and ahp lo guedion [lOlJ. (c) 150 days or more during this year? Q None ((f) Less than ISO days during this vear* ....... Q None (The total for questions (c) and id) must equal the number for question 100(6)) Whsl uas the agreed ca.<:li rate of pay 7 (If more than one person, give average,,! S /OO per month 8 /OO per week pereon were these jrkerb expected to work to earn this pay 7 u Section XI -OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME [lOIJ Hu» many dav.ihi-vrar did vou work off vour farm* Include work at a nonfarra Job, buHincss, profeiulon. or on someone else's farm, . (Cherli one) ) Piped ranolni water? . (e) Eleelrldly? (d) Tclevialon aetF .... (<) Home treeier (for quick freeiiDg and storing foods. Do not include refrigerator) ? CO Electric pig brooder? . ig) Milking macUne? D No D Yea D No D Yes a No (A) Power feed grinder (suitable for grinding ar._ crushing grain)? ID Yes 104. HOW MAN^ OK THE EOl.LuWlNO ARE ON THIS PLACE- Inclnde e^nlpnenl. whether owned by yoa or by others, kept on lUa place. (a) Grain ' eomblnea (for harvesting and threshing grains or seedh m one (6) Corn pickers? . (r) Plcb-Dp balers! . (d) Field lorage harveiters (for field choppine of silage and forage crops)?. . . . (g) Garden traclorsT toothers livingon this place)?. Seedon XUL— MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION FARM VALUE. MORTGAGE DEBT, AND CASH RENT: lOS. About how much would the land and the buildings on it sell for? D Noi (6) LAND RENTED FROM OTHERS* Q Not (from question 6) (c) LAND MANAGED FOR OTHERS? G Noi (from question 9) (d) LAND RENTED TO OTHERS? (from question 10) D Noi Acres Toul IOC. Is there any MORTGAGE DEBT o buildings owned by you? 107. If you rent from others any land for cash, what ii he amount of CASH RENT for the year' fO No Id Yes Id No land o I (Dotknonir) \ D No land ren I for cash. IS. On whal date tfoj (An quiiUonnairt fiiledt . 't moalb um 109. Whofurnithcd the informaiton gieen in ihtt reporlT (CAm* lakifk) D Operator G Hired laborer D Wife or other member of operator's family G Neighbor G Undlord G Other ENUMERATOR'S RECORD— To tje filled l,y Com STATE ^ COUNTY PRECINCT OR BEAT Have you reviewed each section of ihiji qucslio Certified by Dale _ Checked by ^ Date _ ID No ID Yea _. 1954 _. MJ54 (Reduced facsmile) 266 KNIMKKATORS KKCOKD BOOK t s " ■ 9 'si m III is I E: I E i zj (L. 2 i CL, z; 3 1, o f* o I- o ; * c » • s s ^; Dzi Dz; Dz z °; Dz: az z °: Dz; Dz z Dzj Dz; Dz Dz: Dzj Dz; Dz; Dz - I cW !&:££ s. HE" SiS£l5llS ; c ». S „ • Z e 3S o ° 81§ 5 2 o CE5S ^2; z_ ^^2 mZ 313 'p»Oi JO 3UI«|>I •- ('■eiiii'-.eii facsiMile) INDEX TO TABLES 267 Ecanomic area County Economic area Abnormal faraa Alfalfa and alfalfa mlxturea cut for hay. . . . Alfalfa seed Aljsonds Angora goats and kids Animals sold alive, specified Annual legumes, specified Apples Apricots Area, approximate land. Artificial ponds, reservoirs, and earth tanks Asparagus Autcfsoblles Austrian winter peas, including Dixie Wonder Avocados Barley Beans Beets ( table ) Berries, specified Blackberries Blackeyes and other green cowpeas Blueberries ( tame or wild ) Boysenberries Broccoli Broomcom Buckwheat Butter churned Butter, buttermilk, skim milk, and cheese sold Cabbage Calves. See Cattle and calves. Cane, sugar Cantaloups and muskmelons, etc Carrots Cash-grain farms Cash tenants Cash wages paid for farm labor Cattle and calves Cattle and calves sold alive Cattle and dairy products Cherries Chicken eggs sold Chickens Chickens sold Citrus fruits, specified Class of work power Clingstone peaches Clover seed Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay Color of operator Commercial farms Coomiercial fertilizer, expenditures for Commercial fertilizer, uses of Common and perennial (English) ryegrass seed Conservation of land Com Com pickers Cotton Cotton farms Cover crops turned under and land planted to another crop Cowpeas Cows Cows milked Cream sold Crimson clover seed Crop and livestock farms, general Cropland By acres harvested By color of operator By irrigation By tenure of operator By use Cropland used for row or grain crops farmed on contour Croppers (for South only) Crop-share tenants and croppers Crops fertilized, specified Crops harvested from irrigated land Crops harvested, specified Crops sold. Chicumbers and pickles Cultivated summer fallow Cut flowers, potted plants, florist greens, and bedding plants grown for sale Dairy farms Dairy products Dairy products sold , Date of enumeration Days worked off farm Dry field and seed beans Dry field and seed peas Dry onions Ducks raised Durum or macaroni wheat Economic class of farm Eggplant Eggs sold S 16 16 16 15 4,U,U 16 16 16 1 16 4,6 16 16 16 16 16 16 10 3,4,9 8,9,10 4,13,14 4,13,14 13 16 4,13 4,13 4,13,14 16 *,6 16 16 16 3,4,5,9 9 *.' 16 2 4,16,17 4,6 16 10 2 16 4,13,14 13 13 16 10 li2,3,4 1,2,3,4 4 1 3,4 1,2,4 2 3,4,9 *,5 4,16,17 4,16,17 16 1,2,4 15 10 13 13 11 ^5 16 16 16 13 16 8 16 4,13 9 9 9 3 2 7 7 7 9 7 7 7 9 5 9 9 9 2,2a 5 6 6 9 1,1a 9 5 9 3 1,1a 9 7 7 7 9 3 l,la,2,2a l,la,2 2a la 2a 1 1,1a 2,2a 2 6 9a 9,9a 4,9,9a 9,9a I, la ",5, 3,6 3,6! 3,6,9; 3,6,9; 3,6,9, 1,2,3,10,11 2,5,' 1,4, 1,4, 3,6' 2,5; 1,4, 3,6, 4,5 1,4: 1,4: 1,4, 7, 7,8; 1,4, 3,6,' 3,6 4,5,6,10 3,6,9,10 2,5, 1,2 3,6, Electricity Electric pig brooder Qmier and spelt English or Persian walnuts , Ewes Expenditures, farm. See Farm expenditures. Facilities and equipment, specified Fallow land. See Cultivated summer fallow. Farm expenditures, specified Farm labor By color of operator By economic class By tenure of operator By type of farm , Farm operators : By age By color , By residence By tenure By years on farm By off -farm work and other income Farm products, value of Farm property, value of Farms, number By class of work power By color of operator By economic class By kind of workers By land irrigated By size of farm By tenure of operator By type of farm By value of products sold Fanns with all harvested crops irrigated.... Feed for livestock and poultry, expenditures for , Fence posts cut Fertilizer, commercial, expenditures for..... Fertilizer, commercial, uses of , Fescue seed Field and seed beans, dry , Field and seed peas, dry , Field-crop farms other than vegetable and fruit-and-nut , Field crops , Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold , Field seed crops , Figs "Filberts and hazelnuts Firewood and fuelwood cut Flaxseed , Forest products Forest products sold Freestone peaches Fruit-and-nut farms Fruits and nuts, specified Fruits and nuts sold Full owners , Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil, expenditures for Ceese raised General farms Gilts. See Sows and gilts. Goats and kids Goats and kids clipped , Grain combines , Grains Grains grown together and threshed as a mixture Grapefruit Grapes Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains , Green lima beans , Green peas (English) Greenhouse products Guineas raised Hairy vetch seed Harvesters, field forage Hay balers, pick-up Hay crops Hazelnuts (included with Filberts) Heifers and heifer calves Hired labor, expenditures for Hired labor by basis of payment Hogs and pigs Hogs and pigs sold alive Home freezer Horses and colts, including ponies Horses and mules sold alive Horticultural specialties sold See also Nursery and greenhouse products. Improved pecans Income, farm. See Value of farm products sold. Irish potatoes Irrigated farms, number Irrigated land In farms By use Kumquats 4,6 6 16 16 13 4,6 4,7 4,7,8,9,10 4,9 8 10 4,5 3,4,5,9 5 3,4,9 '•.'^ 4,5 13,16 1,4 1,2,3,4 4,6 3,4 4,7 1,2 2 3,4 10 13,15,16 4,7 15 4,7 16 16 16 16 16 16 15 16 15 15 16 10 16 16 3,4,9 13 10 13 13 4,6 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 15 13 16 4,6 4,6 16 16 4,7 8,9,10 4,13 4,13,14 4,6 13 13 15 16 1,2 1 1,2,3,4 5 2,2a 5 6 l,ia 3 2,2a 3 4,7,8 la 4,8 9 3 9 2,5,1 2,5,1 2,5,8,12 2,5,8,12 2 8 5 7,8,9 2,5,8 1,4,7 1,4,7 2,5,8 2,5,8,12 1,4,7 3,6,9,10,11 2,5, 2,5, 2,5, 4,5, 2,5,1 2,5,1 5,8,12 12 3,6,9 3,6,9 2,5,8 9 1,1a 1,4,7 1,4,7 268 INDEX TO TABLES Ladino seed Land ajid buildings, value of Land area, approximate Land from which hay was cut Land in farms By color of operator By size of farm By tenure of operator By use Land tn fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees Land in irrigated farms By use Land In row or close-seeded crops grown in strips for wind erosion control Land pastured Legumes, specified annual Lemons Lespedeza cut for hay Lespedeza seed Lettuce and romaine Lima beans Lime and liming material, expenditures for. Limes Livestock and livestock products sold Livestock farms, other than dairy and poultry Livestock-share tenants Livestock, specified Livestock sold alive Loganberries Lupine seed Machine hire, expenditures for Machinery, farm Managed land Managers Mandarins (included with Tangerines) Mangoes Maple sirup made Maple sugar made Maple trees tapped Milk Milk sold Milk cows Milking machine Miscellaneous and unclassified farms. Mixed grains Mohair clipped Motortrucks Mules and mule colts Navel oranges Nectarines Nonwhite farm operators Nursery and greenhouse products, flower and vegetable seeds and plants, and bulbs Nuts, specified County Oats Oats cleaned out of vetch and peas Oats, wheat, barley, rye, and other small grains cut for hay Off-farm work and other income Okra Olives Onions, dry Operators, farm. See Farm operators. Oranges Oranges, including tangerines and mandarins. Other field-crop farms Owned land Part owners Part-time fanes. Pasture Peaches Peanuts Pears Peas Pecans Peppers. See Sweet peppers and pimientos. Pig brooder, electric Pimientos {included with sweet peppers)... Piped running water Plums Plums and prunes Popcorn Potatoes Poultry and poultry products Poultry and poultry products sold Poultry farms Power feed grinder Primarily crop farms, general Primarily livestock farms, general Products, farm, value of Proso millet Prunes Pulpwood cut RajDs and wethers Raspberries Red clover seed Redtop seed Rented land 16 1 16 1,2,3,4 3,4 2 3,4 1,2,4 16 2 1,2,4 16 16 16 16 16 16 ',7 16 4,13,14 10 4,9 4,13,14 4,13,14 16 16 ''.'^ 4,6 3,4 3,4,9 16 16 15 15 15 13 13 4,13,14 4,6 10 16 13 4,6 13 16 16 3,4,9 15 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 10 3,* 3,4,9 8 1,2,4 16 16 16 16 16 *,« 16 *,6 16 16 16 16 4,13,14 4,13,14 10 4,6 10 10 13,16 16 16 15 13 16 16 16 3,4 9 1 1 9 1,2,2a 2a 3 1,2,2a 1 9 la la 1,1a 1,1a 9 9 9 9 9 9 6 9 4,7 3 2 7 7 6 5 1 2,2a 9 9 Economic area 8 9 9 9 9 5 9 9 9 9 9 3 1 2,2a -•\ 9 9 9 9 5 9 9 9 9 7 4,7 3 5 3 3 1,4,7 3,6,9 1,4,7 7 1,4,7 1,4,7 1,4,7 2,5,8 ,6,9,10,11 4,5,6 7,8,9 ,6,9,10,11 3,6,9 2,5,8 2,5,8 7 3,6,9,10 3,6,9,10 2,5,8 4,5,6 4,5,6 7 7,8,9 1,2,3 1,4,7 2,5, e 11 3,6,9,11 4,5,6,11 2,5,8 4,5,6 4,5,6 Residence of operator. Residential farms Rice Root and grain crops hogged or grazed. Rye Ityegrass seed, common and perennial (English) Sampling, reliability of Sawlogs and veneer logs out Seed beans, dry field and Seed peas, dry field and Seeds, field Share-cash tenants Share tenants and croppers Sheep and lambs Sheep and lambs shorn Sheep and lambs sold alive Silage Size of farm Small fruits Snail grains Snap beans (bush and pole types) Sorghums Sows and gilts Soybeans Specified facilities and equipment Specified farm expenditures Spinach Spring wheat Squash Steers and bulls, including steer and bull calves Strawberries Sugar beets for sugar Sugarcane for seed Sugarcane for sugar or for sale to mills... Sugarcane or sorghiim for sirup Summer fallow, cultivated Sweetclover seed Sweet com Sweet peppers and pimientos Sweetpotatoes Tangeloes Tangerines and mandarins Telephone Television set Tenants Temple oranges Tenure of farm operator Timber Timothy seed Tobacco Tomatoes Tractors Tree fruits, nuts, and grapes. Tung nuts Turkeys Type of farm Unclassified farms Uses of commercial fertilizer. Uses of land Valencia oranges Value : Crops Farm products sold Farms (land and buildings) Livestock Vegetables grown under glass, flower and vegetable seeds, vegetable plants, bulbs, and mushrooms produced for sale Vegetable farms Vegetables for home use Vegetables harvested for sale Velvetbeans Vetch or peas, alone or mixed with oats or other grains , cut for hay Vetch seed Vineyards, See Tree fruits, nuts, and grapes . Wage rates Walnuts (English or Persian). Watermelons Water, piped running Wax beans. See Snap beans. Wheat White farm operators Wild hay cut Winter wheat Woodland In farm, by use Wool shorn Workers : Famil^r Hired Regular Seasonal Work off farm Work power, class of Years on farm Youngberries 16 16 16 16 18,19 15 16 16 16 3,4,9 3 13 13 13 16 2 16 16 16 16,17 13,14 16 4,6 4,7 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 1,2,4 16 16 16 16 16 16 4,6 4,6 3,4,9 16 3,4,9 15 16 16 16 4,6 16 16 13,14 10 10 16 16 13,15,16 1,4 13 County 8,9,10 16 16 4,6 16 3,4,9 16 16 1,2,4 13 4,7 4,7 8,9,10 4 8,9,10 4 8,9,10 4,5 4,6 4,5 16 9 9 .la 5 5 2,2a 9 2,2a 4,7,8 9 4,9 9 9 9 9 9 5 9 2,2a 9