"€_ %0\A\']^n^3l ■^ Given By .g-' DEPOSITORY r-!/ V IDAHO Vol. 1 - pt. 28 COUNTIES AND STATE ECONOMIC AREAS 1954 Census Agriculture U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE • BUREAU OF THE CENSUS • WASHINGTON • 1956 1/ J, I U. S. Department of Commerce Sinclair Weeks, Secretary Bureau of the Census Robert W. Gursess, Director s-r / % CehA'^. ^^ United States Census of Agriculture: 1954 Volume I COUNTrES AND STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Part 28 Idaho Prepared under the supervision oF RAY HURLEY Chief, Agriculture Division FARMS • FARM CHARACTERISTICS • LIVESTOCK and PRODUCTS • CROPS • FRUITS • VALUES • «"'°"I:;"mx:™."" Suviennt'^"'^ JUN12\9B5 BUREAU OF THE CENSUS ROBERT W. BURGESS, Dmcur A. Ross EcKLER, Deputy Director Howard C. Grieves, Assistant Director Robert Y. Phillips, Special Assistant Conrad Taeuber, Assistant Director Jack B. Robertson, Special Assistant Morris H. Hansen, Assistant Director for Statistical Standards Lowell T. Galt, Assistant Director for Operations Walter L. Kehres, Assistant Director for Administration Calvert L. Dedrick, Coordinator, International Statistics A. W. von Struve, Acting Public Information Officer Agriculture Division — Ray Hurley, Chief Warder B. Jenkins, Assistant Chief Administrative Service Division — Everett H. Burke, Chief Budget and Management Division — Charles H. Alexander, Chief Business Division — Harvey Kailin, Chief Census Operations Division — Marion D. Bingham, Chief Field Division — Robert B. Voight, Chief Foreign Trade Division — J. Edward Ely, Chief Geography Division — Clarence E. Batschelet, Chief Governments Division — Allen D. Manvel, Chief Industry Division — Maxwell R. Conklin, Chief Machine Tabulation Division — C. F. Van Aken, Chief Personnel Division — Helen D. Almon, Chief Population and Housing Division — Howard G. Brunsman, Chief Statistical Reports Division — Edwin D. Goldfield, Chief Statistical Research Division — William N. Hurwitz, Chief Transportation Division — Donald E. Church, Chief Statistics in this report supersede figures shown in Series AC54-1, PreHminary Reports. SUGGESTED IDENTIFICATION U. S. Bureau of the Census. Economic Areas, Part 28. U. S. Census of Agricu.'ture: 1954. Vol. I, Counties and State U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C, 1956. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. or any of the Field Offices of the Department of Commerce, Price $1.25 (paper! PREFACE Volume I. Counties and State E)conoraic Areas, is one of the three principal reports presenting the results of the l!t54 Census of Agriculture. Tliis volume, in 33 parts, pre- sents the compilation of the information given hy farm operators to Census enumerators in 1954. The 1954 Census of Agriculture was taken in conformity with the Act of Congress (Title 13, United States Code) api)roved August 31; 1954, which includes provisions for the mid-decade censuses of agriculture. The collection of the data was carried out by Census enumerators directed by super- visors appointed by the Director of the Census and working under the direction of Jack B. Robertson, then Chief, Field Division. Ernest R. Underwood, then special Assistant to the Director, was responsible for the recruitment of the field staff. The planning of the census and the compilation of the statistics were supervised by Ray Hurley, Chief, Agriculture Division, and Warder B. Jenkins, Assistant Chief. They were assisted by Hilton E. Robison, (Jrvin L. WiLhite, Hubert L. Collins, Benjamin J. Tepping, Lois Hutchison, Carl U. Nyman, J. Thomas Breen, Robert S. Overton, Merton V. Lindquist, Russell V. Oliver. Charles F. Frazier, Gladys L. Eagle, Orville M. Slye, Gaylord G. Green, Harold N. Cox, and Henry A. Tucker. Acknowledgment is made of the technical assistance and the loan of technical personnel by the United States Department of Agriculture in the planning, the enumera- tion, and the compilation of the 1954 Census of Agriculture. March 1956 III UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1954 REPORTS Volume I. — Counties and State Economic Areas. Statistics for counties include uuralier of farms, acreage, value, and farm oiiera- tors; farms by color and tenure of operator; facilities and equipment; use of commercial fertilizer: farm labor; farm expenditures; livestock and livestock jiroducts; specified crops harvested; farms classified by type of farm and by economic class; and value of products sold by source. Data f:ir State economic areas inclivde farms and farm characteristics by tenure of operator, by type of farm, and by economic class. Volume I is published in 33 parts as follows : Part State or States Part State or States Part State or States 1 New England States: West North Central: East South Central — Continued Maine. 8 Minnesota. 21 Alabama. New Hampshire. 9 Iowa. 22 Mississippi. Vermont. 10 Missouri. West South Central: Massachusetts. 11 North Dakota and South 23 Arkansas. Rhode Island. Dakota. 24 Louisiana. Connecticut. 12 Nebraska. 25 Oklahoma. 2 Middle Atlantic States: 13 Kansas. 26 Texas. New York. South Atlantic: Mountain: New Jersey. 14 Delaware and Marvland. 27 Montana. 1.0 Virginia and West Virginia. 28 Idaho. 16 North Carolina and South 29 Wyoming and Colorado. 3 Ohio. Carolina. 30 New Mexico and Arizona. 17 Georgia. 31 Utah and Nevada. 4 Indiana. 18 Florida. Pacific: 5 Illinois. East South Central: 32 Washington and Oregon. 6 Michigan. 19 Kentuckv. 33 California. 7 Wisconsin. 20 Tennessee. Volume II. — General Report. Statistics by Subjects, United States Census of Agriculture. 19.j4. Summary data and analyses of the data for States, for Geographic Divisions, and for the United States by subjects as illustrated by the chapter titles listed below : Chapter Title Chapter Title I Farms and Land in Farms. VII Field Crops and Vegetables. II Age, Residence, Years on Farm, Work Off Farm. VIII Fruits and Nuts, Horticultural Specialties, Forest III Farm Facilities, Farm Equipment. Products. IV Farm Labor. Use of Fertilizer, Farm Expenditures, and IX Value of Farm Products. Cash Rent. X Color, Race and Tenure of Farm Operator. V Size of Farm. XI Economic Class of Farm. VI Livestock and Livestock Products. XII Type of Farm. Volume III. — Special Reports Part 1. — Multiple-unit Operations. This report will be :similar to Part 2 of Volume V of the reports for the 1050 Census of Agriculture. It will present statistics for approximately 900 counties and State economic areas in 12 Southern States and Missouri for the number and characteristics of multiple-unit operations and farms in multiple units. Part 2. — Ranking Agricultural Counties. This special report will present statistics for selected items of inventory and agricul- tural production for the leading counties in the United States. Part 3. — Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, District of Columbia, and TJ. S. Possessions. These areas were not included In the 1054 Census of .\gricultnre. The available current data from vari- ous Government sources will be compiled and published in this report. Part 4. — Agriculture, 1954, a Graphic Summary. This report will present graphically some of the significant facts regarding agriculture and agricultural prort presents data relating to the agriculture of the I'nlted States liased on the most reoent census of agriculture taken in the fall of 1954. The tables also Include some compara- tive data from earlier censuses. History and legal basis. — The current census extends the num- ber of nationwide agricultural censuses to 16. Initially, an agri- cultural enumeration was taken in conjunctiim with the Decen- nial Census of Population in 1S40. Congress first provided for a miri4 Census of Agriculture was authorized by an Act of Congress appn)ver shall include each State, but shall not include the District of Columbia, Alaska, Hawaii. Puerto Rico, or such other areas or territories over which the United States exercises sovereignty or jurisdiction : Provided, however, that as to the areas excluded from such census it is directed that data available from various Government sources shall be included a.s an appendix to the report of such census. The Secretary of Commerce is authorized to collect such prelimi- nary or supplementary statistics, either in advance of, or after the taking of such census, as are necessary to the initiation, taking, or completion thereof. The inquiries, and the number, form, and subdivisions thereof for the census provided for in this section shall be determined by the Secretary of Commerce." The initial appropriation for map preparation, field eninnera- tion, and a part of the office processing was obtained under this authority. Subsequently, the Congress, in a code revision ap- proved August 31, 19.54. incorporated the |)rovisions for all cen- suses in a code which may be cited as "Title 13. United States Code." The request for funds for fiscal year 1954 included funds for preparatory work for a complete census of agriculture to be taken in the fall of 19.54. This request was not approved by the Congress. However, a limited appropriation was made for exjienses for "spot checking business, manufactures, and agri- culture in such manner as the Secretary of Commerce should decide to be most helpful and informative to said undertakings." Since one of the important uses of quinquennial agricultural census statistics is to serve as a benchmark for the annual esti- mates of production and inventories prepared by the United States Department of Agriculture, the assumption was made that a "s|K>t check" should provide reliable totals for a limited number of items by States and major producing areas. Accordingly, a sample census was conducted as a pretest of procedures in Utah and Virginia, beginning in October 19.5.3. These surveys are more fully described in separate reports for those two States, published in 1954. Congress, in an appropriation Act approved July 2, 1954, appro- priated $16,000,000 for the exjjenses necessary for taking, com- piling, and publishing the 1954 Census of Agriculture, as author- ized by law. Additional funds, amounting to $5,500,000, were appropriated in 1955 in order to complete the work on the 1954 Census. Plan of presentation of statistics. — This report follows the same general plan of presentation as that for 1950, the last complete census of agriculture. The report is a part of Volume 1 which comprises 33 reports. Each part of Volume I presents the data for each county and each State economic area for one or more States as well as State totals for those States for which county and State economic area data are shown. Statistics are most revealing when comparisons are available. Therefore, compa- rable data gathered in the 19.50 Census of Agriculture are given for counties and for State economic areas. Comparative data for the States are given for each successive cen.sus year be;;inning with 1920. However, for some items, the data obtained in 1954 are the only ones available. The tables provide totals for counties for nearly all items for which Information was obtained in the 19.54 (."en.sus. Howevet;. most data by economic class of farm, type of farm, and color and tenure of farm operator are presented only for State economic areas. State economic areas represent groupings of co\uities within a State. Outside of metropolitan areas, the State econ(miic areas are. in general, the same as State typeoffarming areas. (A description of State economic areas is given In a Sjiecial Ke- p(>rt of the 1950 Census, entitled "State Economic Areas: A De- scription of the Procedure Used in Making a P^mctlonal Grouping of fhe Counties in the United States.") A map showing the State economic areas is shown at the beginning of Ch;ipter C of this report. The Act of Congress excluded from the field enumeration the agriculture in Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, District of Columbia, and U. S. possessions. Available statistics, obtained from other sources, for these areas are included in Part 3 of Volume III. Data for most of the items included in the 1954 Cens\is of Agri- culture, as in prior censuses, were tabulated for "minor civil divisions" or areas smaller than counties. The term "minor civil division" is aiiplied to the primary subdivisions of the counties. These may be townships, precincts, districts, independent muni- cipalities, unorganized territory, etc. The figures for these smaller areas are not included in any of the regular reports. However, it is possible to obtain data for small geographic areas, as heretofore, by paying the cost of checking the data and pre- paring the necessary statistical tables. Prior to the 19iV4 Census, an enumeration district did not in- clude more than one minor civil division, even thimgh the town- ship, precinct, or the like often did not have enough farms to provide a full workload for an enumerator. The aim in estab- lishing the 1954 enumeration districts was to make them large enough to keep each enumerator fully occupied in his area for a thiee-week. or possibly a four-week, period. Hence, some enumer- ation districts included more than one minor civil division. Such combined minor divisions were always adjacent. An enumera- tion district never con)prlsed the whole of one minor civil division and a part of another nor a part of two or more minor civil divisions. A minor civil division which included too many farms for one enumerator was divided into two or more enumeration districts. The tabulations, as made by machines, in some cases provided totals for a single minor civil division — even though that required a grouping of enumeration districts — and. in other cases, they provided totals for two or more minor civil divisions combined. In the latter instance, the small-area data will be readily available only for combined totals for adjoining minor civil divisions. If there is need for making a separation of the data for such combinations, this is ix>ssible at some additional IX UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1954 cost, since each questionnaire contains tlie name of the minor civil division in which the farm headquarters was located. Operations for 1954 Census. — The Act providing for the 1954 Census of Agriculture states tliat "the inquiries, and the number, form, and subdivision thereof . . . shall be determined by the Secretary of Commerce." The staff of the Bureau of the Census prepared the questionnaire for the 1954 Census of Agriculture on the basis of experience obtained in prior censuses, on the basis of an analysis of the sample survey for the States of Utah and Virginia for the calendar year 1953, and on the basis of the advice of a Special Advisory Committee for the 1954 Census of Agriculture. The Advisory Committee comprised representatives of the U. S. Department of Agriculture, State Agricultural Col- leges, State Departments of Agriculture, The American Farm Economic Association, The American Statistical Association, The Association of Land-Grant Colleges and Universities, The Agri- cultural Publishers Association, The Farm Equipment Institute, The American Farm Bureau Federation, The National Grange, Tlie National Council of Farmers' Cooiieratives, and the Farmers" Educational and Cooperative Union of America. The Special Advisory Committee had also assisted in deciding; the inquiries to be included on the questionnaire for the 1953 Sample Census for Utah and Virginia. During the planning, State Agricultural Colleges, the U. S. Department of Agriculture, and other major users of data from the census of agriculture were asked to submit suggested inquiries for the census. The number of iiKpiiries recommended greatly exceeded the number that could be included in the census. The Special Advisory Com- mittee and the staff of the Bureau recommended the inclusion or exclusion of these inquiries after giving consideration to the possibilities of obtaining the information in some way other than through the census of agi'iculture, to the adequacy of the informa- tion tliat might be secured in the census, to the availability of data from other sources, and to the usefulness of the data, etc. This committee reviewed the plans and questionnaires for the 1953 sample enumeration and the 1954 Census of Agriculture as they were developed, and submitted recommendations regarding these plans and questionnaires. The content of the 21 regional (luestiiuinaires (one for each State or group of ad.iaceut States) was similar to that of the questionnaires used for the Utah and Virginia sample surveys conducted in 19.53. There were variations regi(ni by region in the questionnaires to provide for differences in crops grown, in live- stock production, and in cultural practices. Also, the positions of inquiries were changed in order to provide for the enumera- tion of some items for a limited number of farms even though other inquiries were made for all farms. An agricultural census that collects vast quantities of reliable information requires that all employees be trained and that they adhere carefully to prescribed procedures as well as time sched- ules. For the 1954 Census of Agriculture, the Bureau devised a training program so that all employees received instructions for the re.spective jobs. In most instances, training sessions were held near the areas in which employees worked and immediately prior to the beginning of their as.signments. The 1954 enumeration required approximately 30,000 enumera- tors who were supervised by some 2,200 crew leaders. These persons were supervised by 119 field offices organized under five regional offices. FVom October 4 to November 8, 1954, depending upon the State and the area, trained enumerators began their work. Their work was to obtain for every farm the required information about that farm's operations, such as its crops, live- stock, poultry, farm expenses, equipment and facilities, and some facts about the farm oi)erator. About two weeks before the census starting date, questionnaires were distributed to all box holders on the rural postal routes in all except a few Southern States. The questionnaire was accom- panied by a letter asking the farm operator to examine it and to answer as many of the questions as possible prior to the visit of the census enumerator. By this procedure, the Bureau expected to expedite the work of the enumerator and to improve the quality of the information given by farmers. By reading the question- naire, farmers knew what was wanted and could check their records in advance of the enumerator's visit. A good census requires a complete as well as an accurate enumeration. Several techniques were used to help obtain a good census in 1954. Instructions covering census procedures were designed in such a manner that objective criteria were supplied, and enumerators were not expected to rely on their own opinions or judgments concerning census entries or classifications. For example, an enumerator was required to complete an agriculture question- naire when specified conditions were met. He was not required to decide first what constituted a farm and then to obtain a questionnaire. Instead, a questionnaire was completed whenever minimum conditions were satisfied. Then, during central office processing operations, a decision was made — on the basis of care- fully defined criteria — as to which questionnaires represented farms. To help in insuring the conii)leteness of the enumeration, enumerators were provided with a sjiecially designed Enumera- tor's Record Book in which to list heads of households for the dwellings in their enumeration districts and names of the tenants or owners for places on which no one lived. The Enumerator's Record Book contained questions about the agricultural opera- tions on the place. The answers to these questions determined whether an agriculture questionnaire was required for the place and, also, whether this enumerator or an enumerator in another enumeration district was required to fill out the questionnaire. In order to minimize the cost of the enumeration, procedures were developed to limit the listing of heads of households and of other places in urban areas, incorporated places, and built-up residential areas. In accordance with these procedures, enumera- tion districts were cla.ssifled, prior to the enumeration, into three groups on the basis of the density of dwellings in relation to the number of farms according to the 1950 Censuses of Agriculture and Population. In general, the enumeration districts with no well-defined cluster of dwellings were considerehioking at his map, the extent of coverage at any given time. It also helped the crew leader in checking to see that coverage was complete. Some farms were given special attention to insure their inclu- sion in the enumeration. Prior to the enumeration, a list known as "specified farms" was prepared from records of the Id.iO Cen- sus of Agriculture. Farms having unusually large agricultural operations were included in this list. During the enumeration a careful check was made to see that each place on the .specifled- farm list was accounted for. This procedure helped to insure that units which could have a significant effect upon the census data were not omitted from the enumeration. (For a detailed ex- planaticm of specified famis, see page XII.) Some farm units other than specified farms also received special attention to insure complete coverage. Prior to the field enum- eration, lists were obtained of places known to be si>ecializing in specific types of agricultural production, such as garbage-feeding operations, broiler operations, large turkey farms, livestock feed lots, cranberry bogs, and citrus groves. For some of these operations, the list represented a nationwide effort to insure coverage, while for others, only some of the intensive areas of pr(Xluction were given this sjiecial attention. These lists were prepared, in part, with the cooperation of the Agricultural Market- ing Service of the U. S. Department of Agriculture and State Agricultural Statisticians. During the enumeration, the enumer- ator was required to obtain a questionnaire for each place or otherwise satisfactorily account for each place on the list of specified farms or on other special lists. Some areas of the High Plains required sjiecial consideration since the usual enumeration procedure was Complicated by the prevalence of nonresident operators and widely scattered tracts operated as one farm. In these areas a special mapping form was used to insure complete coverage. Land was checked off on the mapping form by section, township, and range as it was enumerated. This check map. designed for plotting sections within a township, was subdivided into IG parts of 40 acres each. Enumerators were required to indicate on this form all land in farms that they enumerated. Cross references were made be- tween the questionnaire and the map. The enumerator identified land for a given questionnaire on his check map by writing the number identifying the questionnaire in each corresponding 40- acre square of the check map. The check map helped the enum- erator and, subsequently, the crew leader and other personnel reviewing the enumerator's work to determine whether the cov- erage of the enumeration district was complete. This procedure was used in all of North Dakota and South Dakota and selected counties in Colorado. Kansas. Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, and Oklahoma. In general, the areas for which such maps were used corresponded with the major wheat-producing sections with low rainfall. A si)ecial supplementary que.stionnaire was used in approxi- mately 900 counties in the South. This questionnaire, designated the Landlord-Tenant Questionnaire, aided in the enumeration of cropper and other tenant farms which were parts of larger landholdings. This additional form was completed when two or more agriculture (juestionnaires were needed for a landhold- ing. Since it called for the name iind agricultural oiXMations of each tenant on the landholding, the procedure enabled an enum- erator to determine that all operations were reported completely and only once. The Enumerator's Record Book, used in these selected southern counties, differed from that used elsewhere. The southern version helped the enumerator to identify the land- holdings for which this supplementary landlord-tenant form was required. Crew leaders, in supervising enumerators, began reviewing (luestionnaires, maps, and other forms and checking the enum- erator's work for completeness of coverage and quality almost as soon as the enumeration was started. The crew leader and his enumerators were required to make the records of their respective areas as accurate and as complete as possible. While assembling rec(u-ds, the field processing offices also made certain checks. Although these offices performed no detailed editing of questionnaires, some steps were taken to detect enumeration districts in which the enumerator's work was not fully satisfactory, especially in regard to coverage. The 26 proc- essing offices were given a form, for each county, which contained data from the 1950 Census for the number of farms and land in farms. Where possible, this form gave the 1950 comparative data for the enumeration districts or for the minor civil divisions comprising each county. For most counties, it was possible to furnish, at the county level, an additi(mal check figure. This figure was the acreage of one of the following crops : wheat, corn, cotton, tobacco, or rice. In most instances, these check figures represented measured acreages (before harvest) as determined by the Commodity Stabilization Service of the U. S. Department of Agriculture. By checking totals for the enumeration dis- tricts with these check data, it was possible to determine and remedy obvious underenumeration before records were released from field processing oflices. The 1954 totals for the county, together with the check data, were .sent to the Washington office for review and ajiproval before the enumeration was considered acceptable. After the canvass of an enumeration district was completed, the supervising crew leader collected the questionnaires and other records from the enumerator and sent them to the processing office for his area. The processing offices made some checks on the enumeration in each enumeration district. In this checking, emphasis was placed upon preparation of payrolls, completeness of coverage, and the correct application of the sampling pro- cedure. The final operations for the agricultural census were handled in central offices. The Washington office was the focal point of these activities; but, for the first time, some of the agricultural census operations were decentralized into areas outside of Wash- ington. Census operations offices were established at Detroit, Michigan and Pittsburg, Kansas. Upon their release from field processing offices, records were transferred to the two Census operations offices. Although there were exceptions, in general, records from the Northern and Niirtheastern States were sent to the Detroit office and those from Southern and AVestern States were sent to Pittsburg, Kansas. At these offices, questionnaires were edited and coded and the information was entered on punch cards for tabulation. In the operations offices, the checking, editing, and coding were performed for individual agriculture (lUestionnaires. The check- ing consisted of seeing (1) that the questionnaires were com- I)letely filled out; (2) that the acreage of individual crops har- vested was in reasonable agreement with the acreage of cropland harvested when 100 or more acres of cropland harvested were XII UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1954 reiwrted ; (3) that the acres of land elassifled according to use accounted for the entire farm acreage for farms having 200 acres or more ; (4) that the total of the acreage for tlie various uses of corn, sorghum, soybeans, cowpeas, and peanuts was in reasonable agreement with the total acreage reported for all purposes for each of these crops ; (5) that the age and sex breakdown for cattle, hogs, and sheep added to approxiniatel.v the total number of such animals of all ages ; and ( (i) that all entries for related items were reasonably consistent. Editing consisted of the identification and withdrawal of questionnaires filled for places not qualifying as farms; the selection of questionnaires with entries of unusually large size for review by the technical staff; the selection of groups of questionnaires with common reporting errors in an individual enumeration district for referral to technical personnel for review; and the correction of obvious inconsistencies, such as reporting in an incorrect unit, or reporting in an iniproiier place on the questionnaire. Coding consisted of entering code numbers for crops for which there were no separate in(iuiries on the ques- tionnaire, for- color and tenure of operator, and for irrigation ; and, for a sample of farms, of entering codes for economic class of farm and type of farm. Entries determined by the technical staff to be in error were corrected on the basis of relationships existing on nearby farms or, if the entries were large, on the basis of corresixmdence with the farm operator. In case of information missing for a group of questions, estimates were prepared on the basis of adjacent questionnaires for farms with similar ojiera- tions and, in some cases, on the basis of information obtained by mail from farm operators. When estimates were made, letters were mailed to the farm operators to verify the information and. if the estimates were not in reasonable agreement with the infor- mation contained in the replies, the entries were corrected before the tabulations were made. After punch cards were prepared, the punch cards, together veith records containing the corresponding basic data, were for- warded to the Washington office for tabulation. Once on punch cards, the data were sorted, listed, or otherwise handled mechani- cally to facilitate making final checks and to obtain totals. One of the initial and primary stops in the machine handling of the punch cards was to separate those cards which lacked necessary information, those on which the punched data were inconsistent or impossible, and those on which the relationships were possible but the data were of such magnitude that a further review of the individual questionnaires was warranted. These cards contain- ing questionable data or lacking data were examined, checked to the agriculture questionnaires, and corrected, if necessary, before the tabulations were made. Finally, tabulations w-ere examined from the standpoint of over-all reasonableness and consistency. This examination re- quired the judgment of specialists and was the primary respon- sibility of senior Census staff members. However, qualified State personnel of the Agricultural Marketing Service, V. S. Department of Agriculture, assisted in examining the data, especially those for crops and livestock, evaluating the results, and calling atten- tion to the situations for which further checking was necessary. DEFINITIONS AND EXPLANATIONS Specified farms. — "Specified farms" refers to the larger farms that were selected for special handling during the enumeration and during the processing of the agriculture questionnaires. Although the criteria for their selection have varied since this technique was first used in the 1945 Census of Agriculture, the basic purposes for employing this technique have not changed. One purpose for using a list of specified farms was to help to get a complete enumeration. The criteria for selecting specified farms were kept as simple as possible in order to facilitate the work of enumeration. In most States, only one item was considered in classif.ving farms as "speci- fied." The following are the criteria used for the 1954 Census : Criteria Area Land in the farm — 1,000 acres or more All States Cropland harvested : 200 acres or more Florida 500 acres or more Michigan, Minnesota, N. W. Missouri, Wisconsin Irrigated cropland harvested : 200 acres or more Arizona, California, Louisiana Cattle and calves : 100 or more Alabama, Mississippi, N. W. Missouri 200 or more Louisiana Milk cows ; lOOormore Arizona, California, Florida Chickens sold : 70,000 or more Delaware, Maryland, West Vir- ginia Occasionally, a farm which did not meet any of the criteria chosen, but which bulked large in respect to some other farm characteristics, had to be treated as a specified farm to reduce its effect on the results based on a sample of farms. In terms of total agricultural production, the operators of specified farms account for a significant part of the total produc- tion." For example, in the 1950 Census, 71,328 farms (then desig- nated "large" farms) were handled on a special basis. Although this number was only 1.3 percent of all farms, these "large" farms accounted for 17.3 percent of the value of all farm products sold and 33.1 percent of all land in farms. The criteria used for estab- lishing the group of specified farms for special handling in the 1954 Census resulted in more than twice as many farms (147,000 in the 1954 Census as compared with 72,000 in 1050) being given special attention. General Farm Information Date of enumeration. — The enumeration of the 1954 Census of Agriculture was made during the latter part of 1954. In the 1950 Census the starting date for the enumeration was April 1. The 1954 Census beginning dates were varied by areas or States, ranging from October 4 to November S. In general, the varied starting dates were ba.sed upon (1) selecting dates late enough for the enumeration to follow the harvesting of the bulk of im- portant crops, (2) setting the dates early enough to avoid unde- sirable weather and travel conditions during the enumeration, and (3) arranging for the enumeration to be substantially completed prior to customary dates when farm operators move from one farm to another. The average date of ennmeralion for the 1954 Census for each county is given in County Table 7. and the per- centage of farms enumerated by various dates for the State and the date or dates for the starting of the enumeration are given in State Table 11. Information for inventory items is based on the situation as of the actual day of enumeration. Data on acreage and quantity of crops harvested are for the crop year 1954. Data on sales of crops relate to crops harvested in the year 19.54 regardless of when sold ; data on sales of livestock products relate to the production and sales during the calendar year 1954. Since the period to be included was not yet completed for some items at the time of enumeration, special emphasis was placed upf)n including accurate estimates for such items for the remainder of the period. For example, the question relating to dairy products stated, "Be sure to include dairy products which you will sell before .lanuary 1, 1955." A farm. — For the 1954 and the 1950 Censuses of Agriculture, places of 3 or more acres were counted as farms if the annual value of agricultural products, exclusive of home-garden products, amounted to ,$150 or more. The agricultural products could have been either for home use or for sale. Places of less than 3 acres were counted as farms only if the annual value of sales of agri- cultural products amounted to $150 or more. Places for which the value of agricultural products for 1954 vv'as less than these minima because of crop failure or other unusual conditions, and INTRODUCTION XIII places operated at the time of the census for the first time were counted as farms if normally they could be expected to produce these minimiuu quantities of agricultural i)ro(lucts. All the land under the control of one person or partnership was included as one farm. Control may have been through ownership, or through lease, rental, or cropping arrangement. For the 1954 Census, enumerators were instructed to obtain an agriculture questionnaire for all places that the ojierator con- sidered a farm and for all i)laces having during l'j.'i4 (1) any hogs, cattle, sheep, or goats; (2) any crops such as corn, oats, hay, or tobacco; (3) 20 or more chickens, turkeys, and geese; (4) 20 or more fruit trees, grapevines, and planted nut trees; or (5) any vegetables, berries, or nursery or greenhouse products grown for sale. Thus, agriculture questionnaires were filled tor more pla<'es than those (jualifying as farms. The determination as to which reports were to be included in the tabulations as farms was made during the central office processing of questionnaires. For the 194.5 and earlier censuses of agriculture, the definition of a farm was somewhat more inclusive. Censu.s enumerators were provided with the definition of a farm and were instructed to fill reports only for those places which met the criteria. From 1925 to 1945, farms for census iiurposes included places of 3 or more acres on which there were agricultural operations, and places of less than 3 acres with agricultural products for home use or for sale with a value of $2."»(> or more. For places of 3 or more acres, no minimum quantity of agricultural production was re- quired for purposes of enumeration: for i>laces of under 3 acres all the agricultural products valued at $2.50 or more may have been for home use and not for sale. The only reports excluded from the tabulations were those taken in error and those with very limited agricultural production, such as only a small home garden, a few fruit trees, a very small flock of chickens, etc. In 1945, reports for places of 3 acres or more with limited agricul- tural operations were retained if there were 3 or more acres of cropland and pasture, or if the value of prcKlucts in 1944 amounted to $150 or more when there was less than 3 acres of cropland and pasture. Because of changes in price level, the .$250 limit for value of products for farms under 3 acres resulted in the inclusion of \arying numbers of farms in the several censuses prior to 1950. The change in the definition of a farm in 19.50, and continued In 1954, resulted in a decrease in the number of farms as compared with earlier censuses, especially in the number of farms of 3 or more acres in size. Places of 3 or more acres with a value of agricultural products of less than $150 were not counted as farms in the 1954 and 1950 Censuses. In some cases, the.se places would have been counted as farms if the criteria used in 1954 and 1950 had been the same as those used in previous censuses. The change in the definition of a farm had no appreciable effect on the totals for livestock or crops, for the places affected by this change ordinarily accounted for less than 1 percent of the total for a county or State. There are two figures published for the number of farms for each county in 19.54. One is an actual count of all farms enumer- ated, and the other is an estimate based upon the number of sample farms multiplied by 5, plus the number of si>ecified farms. In almost every county, the actual number of farms and the esti- mated number of farms differ. Because of sampling variability, the selection of the sample of farms seldom resulted in the in- clusion of exactly 20 percent of the non-specified farms. The number of farms in the sample in a county was accepted if this number was within predetermined limits. The counties that were not acceptable were adjusteerator did not live on the farm, the figures for the farm were included in the county in which the farm headquarters was lo- cated. If there was any question as to the location of the head- qiiarters of the farm, the farm was included in the county iu which most of the land was located. Farm operator. — A "farm operator" is a person who operates a farm, either performing the labor himself or directly supervising it. He may be an owner, a hired manager, or a tenant, renter, or sharecropper. If he rents land to others or has land cropped for. him by others, he is listed as the o[)erator of only that land which lie retains. In the case of a partnership, only one partner was included as the operator. The number of farm operators is considered the same as the number of farms. Farms reporting or operators reporting. — Figures for farms re- porting or ojjcrators reporting, based on a tabulation of all farms, represent the number of farms, or farm operators, for which the si)eeified item was reported. For example, if there were 1,922 farms in a county and only 1.405 had chickens over 4 months old on hand, the numl>er of farms reporting chickens would be 1,465. The difference between the total number of farms and the number of farms reporting an item represents the numlier of farms not having that item, provided the inquiry was answered completely for all farms. For some of tlie items, such a.s the residence of the operator, for which reports were to have been obtained for all farms, figures are given for the number of farms not reporting. The number of farms, or ojierators, not reporting indicates the extent of the incompleteness of the reporting for the item. Figures for farms reporting or operators reporting, based on a tabulation for only a sample of farms, represent the total esti- mated from the sample, not the actual number of farms or operators reporting. Land owned, rented, and managed. — The land to be included in each farm was determined by asking the number of acres owned, the acres rented from others or worked on shares for others, and the acres rented to others or worked on shares by others. The acres in the farm were obtained by adding the acres owned and acres rented from others or worked on shares for others, and sub- tracting the acres rented to others (U- worked on shares b.v others. In case of a managed farm, the person in charge was asked the total acreage managed for his employer. The acreage that was rented to others or cropped by others was subtracted from the total managed acreage. For 1954 and 19.50, the figures for land owned, land rented from others, and land managed for others include land rented to others by farm operators. In earlier censuses, the enumerator was instructed to include all land rented from others and to ex- clude all land rented to others. Thus, he recorded only that portion of the acreage owned and the acreage rented from others which was retained by the farm operator. For prior censuses, the land included in each farm was es.sentially the same as that included for the 1954 and 19.50 Censuses. Land owned. — Land owned includes all land that the operator or his wife, or both, hold under title, purchase contract, home- steail law, or as one of the heirs, or as a trustee of an undivided estate. Land rented from others. — Land rented from others includes land worked on shares for others, and land used rent free, XIV UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1954 as well as all land rented or leased under other arrangements. Grazing land used under government permit was not included. Land rented to others. — Many farm operators rent land to others. For the most part, the land rented to others represents agricultural land but it also includes tracts rented for resi- dential or other purposes. When land is leased, rented, or cropped on shares, the tenant or cropper is considered the farm operator even though his landlord may exercise supervision over his operations. The landlord is considered as operating only that portion of the land not assigned to tenants or croppers. land area. — The approximate total land area reported for 1954 for States and counties is, in general, the same as that reported for the 1950, 1945, and 1940 Censuses. Changes since 1940 rep- resent changes in boundary, actual changes in land area due to the construction of reservoirs, etc. The figures for 1940 repre- sent a complete remeasurement of the United States and, there- fore, may differ from the figures shown for earlier censuses. Land in farms. — The acreage designated "land in farms" in- cludes considerable areas of land not actually under cultivation and some land not used for pasture or grazing. All woodland and wasteland owned by farm operators, or included in tracts rented from others, is included as land in farms unless such land was held for other than agricultural purposes, or unless the acreage of such land held by a farm operator was unusually large. If a place had 1,000 or more acres of land not being used for agricultural purposes and less than 10 percent of the total acreage in the place was used for agricultural purposes, the non- agricultural land in excess of the number of acres used for agri- cultural purposes was excluded from the farm area. In applying this rule, land used for crops, for pasture, or grazing, and land rented to others were considered to be land for agricultural purposes. On the other hand, land was defined as nonagricul- tural when it was woodland not pastured, or in house and barn lots, roads, lanes, ditches, or wasteland. The procedure used in 1950 for excluding unusually large acreages of nonagricultural land differed slightly from the one used for the current census. In 1950, adjustments were made in places of 1,000 acres or more (5,000 acres or more in the 17 Western States) if less than 10 percent of the total acreage was used for agricultural purposes. Except for open range and grazing land used under govern- ment permit, all grazing land was to be included as land in farms. Land used rent free was to be included as land rented from others. Grazing lands oi)erated by grazing associations were to be reported in the name of the manager in charge. All land in Indian reservations used for growing crops or grazing livestock was to be included. Land in Indian reservations not reported by individual Indians or not rented to non-Indians was to be re- ported in the name of the cooperative group using the land. Thus, in some instances the entire Indian reservation was reported as one farm. Land in farms according to use. — Land in farms was classified according to the use made of it in 1954. The classes of land are mutually exclusive, i. e., each acre of land was included only once even though it may have had more than one use during the year. The classes are as follows : Cropland harvested. — This includes land from which crops were harvested; land from which hay (including wild hay) was cut ; and land in small fruits, orchards, vineyards, nurser- ies, and greenhouses. Land from which two or more crops were reported as harvested was to be counted only once. The enumerator was instructed to check the figure for crop- land harvested for each farm by adding the acreages of the in- dividual crops reported and subtracting the acres of land from which two crops were harvested. This procedure was repeated during the central office editing process for farms with 100 or more acres of cropland harvested. If the harvested cropland was used for other purposes, either before or after the harvest of a crop, the enumerator was specifically instructed to report the acreage only under crop- land harvested. Cropland used only for pasture. — In the 1954 and 1950 Cen- suses, the enumerator's instructions stated that rotation pasture and all other cropland that was used only for pasture were to be included under this class. No further definition of crop- land pastured was given the farm operator or enumerator. Permanent open pasture may, therefore, have been included under this item or under "other pasture," depending on whether the enumerator or farm operator considered it as cropland. The figures for 1945 and earlier censuses are not entirely comparable with those for the last two censuses. For 1945, the figures include only cropland used solely for pasture in 1944 that had been plowed within the preceding seven years. The figures for this item, for the Censuses of 1940. 1935, and 1925, are more nearly comparable with those for the Censuses of 1954 and 1950, as they include land pastured that could have been plowed and used for crops without additional clearing, draining, or irrigating. Cropland not harvested and not pastured. — This item includes idle cropland, land in soil-improvement crops only, land on which all crops failed, land seeded to crops for harvest after 1954, and cultivated summer fallow. In the Western States, this class was subdivided to show separately the acres of cultivated summer fallow. In these States, the acreage not in cultivated summer fallow represents largely crop failure. There are very few counties in the Western States in which there is a large acreage of idle crop- land or in which the growing of soil-improvement crops is an important use of the land. In the States other than the Western States, this general class was subdivided to show separately the acres of idle crop- land (not used for crops or for pasture in 1954). In these States, the incidence of crop failure is usually low. It was expected that the acreage figure that excluded idle land would reflect the acreage in soil-improvement crops. However, the 1954 crop year was one of low rainfall in many Eastern and Southern States and, therefore, in these areas the acreage of cropland not harvested and not pastured includes more land on which all crops failed than would u.sually be the case. Cultivated summer fallow. — This item includes cropland that was plowed and cultivated but left unseeded for several months to control weeds and conserve moisture. No land from which crops were harvested in 1954 was to be included under this item. Woodland pastured. — This includes all woodland that was used for pasture or grazing. The questionnaire contained the following instruction : "Include as woodland all wood lots and timber tracts and cutover land with yoimg trees which have or will have value as wood or timber." No definition of wood- laml was given in 1950 to either farm operators or Census enumerators except an Instruction to enumerators not to In- clude brush pasture as woodland. Some of the changes in wood- land acreages from one census to another may merely represent differences in interpretation of the meaning of woodland. Woodland not pastured. — This includes all woodland that was not used for pasture or grazing. TTnusually large tracts of timberland rejjorted as woodland not pastured were excluded from the tabulations of land in farms when it was evident that such land was held primarily for nonagricultural purposes. The definition for woodland, as stated above, was used also for enumerating woodland not pastured. Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland). — This In- cludes rough and brush laTul pastured and any other land pastured that the respondent did not consider as either wood- land or cropland. The figures for 19.54 and 1950 are comparable but for 1945 all nonwoodland pasture not plowed within the preceding 7 years was included. For the 1940 Census and earlier years, "the figures are more nearly comparable with those for 19.54 and 19.50, except that the item may be somewhat less inclusive since land that could have been plowed and used for crops without additional clearing, draining, or irrigating was classified as plowable pasture (shown as cropland used only for pasture in the tables). Improved pasture. — This item includes land in "other pas- ture" on which one or more of the following practices had been used: Liming, fertilizing, seeding to grasses or legumes, irrigating, draining, or controlling weeds and brush. The question on improved pasture was included in 1954 for the first time. Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.). — This item in- cludes house lots, barn lots, lanes, roads, ditches, and waste- land. It includes all land that does not belong under any of the other land-use classes. INTRODUCTION XV In addition to the conipletp classificiition of land in farms ac- cording to use, the tables also present data for three summary classifications as follows : Cropland, total. — This includes cropland harvested, cropland used only for pasture, and cropland not harvested and not pastured. Land pastured, total. — This in<'lndes crojjland u.sed only for pasture, woodland pastured, and other pasture ( not cropland and not woodland). Woodland, total. — This includes woodland pastured and wood- land not pastured. Value of land and buildings.— The value to be reported was the approximate amount for which the land and the buildings on it would sell. This item was obtained for only a sample of the farms; however, the value was not reported for all the farms comprising the sample. Many problems, not encountered in enumerating most agricul- tural items, are involved in obtaining farm real-estate values. Most enumerated items require (he respondent to make a state- ment based upon fact. It may be the number .ind value of farm animals sold alive during the year or the number of lambs under 1 year old on the place. In either case, only information as to activities during a specified period, or the situation as of a stated time, is required. This information is based u\K>n actual trans- actions or existing conditions. But the estimation of the value of land and buildings is based largely \ii>on opinion. In the event a farm had been recently imrchased, answers could be based upon that experience. But many farms have not changed hands for many years, nor are they currently for sale. In such cases, farm operators may have no clear basis for estimating the value. In making an intelligent estimate, a respondent needs, first, to estimate the prevailing market value in the community. Sec- ondly, he must in some way add to or subtract from this base to allow for his farm's special characteristics. In many cases, a farm oi>erator who would not sell his place under any circum- stances may be inclined to give a "market value" that is un- reasonably high. Some operators who had purchased their real estate during periods of rchitirrhj tnir pricrs may give an esti- mate that is unduly influenced by that experience. Further- more, the extent of variation known to exist in real-estate values makes it difficult to establish checking procedures that will dis- close inaccurate estimates. Only average values of land and buildings i>er farm and per acre are presented in this rejiort. A total value of the land and buildings for States, geographic divisions, and the United States, will lie presented in Volume II. Age of operator. — Farm operators were classified by age into six age groups. The average age of farm operators was calculated by dividing the total of ages of all farm oi>erators reporting age by the number of farm (»perators reporting. Residence of farm operator. — Farm operators were classified by residence on the basis of whether or not they lived on the farm operated. Some of those not living on the farm operated lived on other farms. AVhen a farm operator rented land from others or worked land on .shares for others and had the use of a dwell- ing as part of the rental arrangement, the enumerator was in- structed to consider the dwelling a part of the farm operated. The dwelling assigned may have been on a tract other than that as- signed for crops. Since some farm ojierators live on their farms only a portion of the year, comparability of the figures for var- ious censuses may be affected to some extent by the date of the enumeration. In a few cases the enumerator failed to indicate the residence of the farm oi)erator. Differences between the total number of farms and the number of farm oi)erators by residence represent underreporting of this item. Years on present farm (year began operation of present farm). — The data on years on present farm and year began operation of present farm were secured on the basis of the inquiry, "When did you begin to operate this place? " The (Month) (Year) time of year that farmers move is indicated by the month they began to operate their farms, as shown by a breakdown of the data for those farm operators who began to operate their present farms in the calendar years 1954 and 1953. The tabulation of years on present farm at each census is based on the calendar year the operator began oiierating his farm. Because of differ- ences in the date for various censuses, the figures are not fully comparable from one census to another. Off-farm work and other income. — Many farm operators receive a part of their income from sources other than the sale of farm products from their farms. The VXA Agriculture Questionnaire included several inquiries relating to work off the farm and non- farm income. These inquiries called for the number of days worked off the farm by the farm operator ; whether other members of the operator's family worked off the farm ; and whether the farm operator received income from other sources, such as sale of i)roducts from land rented out, cash rent, brted were (1) grain combines (for harvest- ing and threshing grains or seeds in one operation) ; (2) corn pickers: (3) pick-up balers (stationary ones not to be reported) ; (4) field forage harvesters (for field chopping of silage and forage crops) ; (5) motortrucks; (6) wheel tractors (other than garden) ; (7) garden tractors; (8) crawler tractors (tracklaying, caterpillar); (9) automobiles; and (10) artificial ponds, reser- voirs, and earth tanks. Wheel tractors were to include homemade tractors but were not to include implements having built-in power units such as self-propelled comliines. powered buck rakes, etc. "Pick-up" and truck-trailer combinations were to be re|iorted as motor- trucks. School buses were not to l>e refwrted. and jeeps and station wagons were to be included as motortrucks or automo- biles, depending on whether used for hauling farm products or supplies, or as passenger vehicles. Classification of farms by class of work power. — Farms were groui)ed liy class of work iK)wer on the basis of whether horses, XVI UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1954 mules, or tractors (wheel or crawler, but not garden) were reported. This classification does not present a complete picture of the work power used on all farms. For some farms, all the work power may be furnished by the landlord ; and for some farms, all the work power may be hired. Thus, farms hiring all of the work power from others and those having it furnished are shown as having no work power, unless the work animals or tractors were kept on the tenant-operated tract. Since the number of tractors was obtained for only a sample of farms, the number of farms by class of work power represents an estimate. Farm labor. — The farm-labor inquiries for 1954, made on a sample basis, called for the number of persons doing farm work or chores on the place during a specified calendar vt'eek. Since starting dates of the 1954 enumeration varied by areas or States, the calendar week to which the fami-labor inquiries related varied also. The calendar week was September 26-October 2 or October 24r-Z0. States with the September 26-October 2 calendar week were: Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Idaho, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hamp- shire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, Okla- homa, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Ten- nessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Washington, Wisconsin, and Wyoming. States with the October 24-30 calendar week were : Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Maryland, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Ohio, South Carolina, Virginia, and West Virginia. Farm work was to include any work, chores, or planning necessary to the operation of the farm or ranch business. Housework, contract construction work, and labor involved when equipment was hired (custom work) were not to be included. The farm labor information was obtainetl in three parts : (1) Operators working, (2) unpaid members of the operator's famil.v working, and (.3) hired persons working. Operators were considered as working if they worked 1 or more hours ; unpaid members of the operator's family, if they worked 15 or more hours; and hired persons, if they worked any time during the calendar week specified. Instructions contained no specifications regarding age of the persons working. Data shown for earlier c-ensuses are not fiilly comparable with those for 1954, primarily l)eetroleuni fuel and oil were to include only those used for the farm business. Petroleum products used for the farmer's automobile for pleasure or used exclusively in the farm home fur heating, cooking, and lighting were not to be included. Farm-mortgage debt. — Data on farm-mortgage debt will be con- tained in a special report (Part 5 of Volume III) to be issued in 1956. This report will contain data only for States and larger geographic areas. Crops Crops harvested. — The agriculture questionnaire was organized to make ix)ssil>le the listing of acreage and quantity harvested for each crop. To facilitate the enumerator's work, si)ecific crop questions were varied according to areas (usually each area com- prised a State or a group of States). Regionalizing question- naires made it possible to devote special attention to the more important crops for a given area and also to use the unit of measure that was in most common use in the area. In most instances, the harvested acreage that was reportetl for individual crops represents the area harvested for the 19.>4 crop year. An exception was made for land in fruit orchards, vineyards, and planted nut trees ; in this case the acreage repre- sents that in both bearing and nonbearing trees and vines as of the date of enumeration (usually October or November 1954). The acreage harvested for various crops is often less than the acreage planted. With three exceptions, citrus fruits, olives, and avocados, figures for quantity harvested represent the amount actually harvested during the 1954 crop year, ("itrus fruit production was to be re- ported for the 1953-1954 marketing season (from the bloom of 19.53). Olive and avocado production for California related to the quantity harvested from the 19.53 bloom (an instruction to enumerators referred to the marketing season which began October 1, 1953). In Florida, the avocado production period, according to the Enumerator's Instruction Book, was to include the quantity harvested from the 1953 bloom (the harvesting sea- son extending from July 1, 19.53, to .lune 30, 1954). The unit of measure used for reporting the quantity harvested for .some crops has varied, not only from State to State, but from census to census, to permit reporting in units of measure cur- rently in use. In the State and county tables, tigures on quantity harvested for each crop are shown in the unit of measure appear- ing on the 1954 Agriculture Questionnaire. When required, data for earlier years were converted into units of measure differing from tho.se which were used in the jiublished reports for those years. Corn. — The inquiries regarding corn acreage and quantity har- vested were not the same in all States. In areas where farmers frefpiently use units of measure such as baskets, barrels, etc., the questionnaire permitted the reporting of quantity harvested in bushels or in an alternative unit of measure. When alternative units of measure other than bushels (shelled basis) were reported on the questionnaire, the quantity was converted into bushels prior to tabulation. As in former censuses, farmers in certain areas had a tendency to report the quantity of corn harvested in terms of baskets of ear corn, barrels, or some unit other than bushels of corn on a shelled basis. Such reports, when detected, were corrected to represent the equivalent bushels of 70 iKJunds of ear corn or 56 pounds of shelled corn. Annual legumes. — Acres and quantity harvested for the most important uses of soybeans, cowpeas, and peanuts, as well as the total acreage grown for all purposes, were obtained for areas where the.se crops are grown extensively. The total acreage grown for all purposes includes some acreage not harvested as the acreage plowed under for green manure was included. In certain States, separate figures were obtained for the acres grown alime and the acres grown with other crops. For the 19.54 Census, enumerators were instructed to report acres and value of sales for cowpeas harvested for green peas with vegetables harvested for sale. For 1949, the total acreage of vegetables harvested for sale, shown in State and county tables, includes the acres of cowpeas harve.sted for green peas for the following States: Ala- bama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Texas. However, for 1949 the number of farms reitorting and the value of vegetables harvested for sale do not include farms reporting or the value of cowpeas harvested for green peas. Hay crops. — The tables contain data regarding the total acres of land frcmi which hay was cut. Sorghum, soybean, cowpea, and peanut hays were excluded from this total as separate questions were provided in those States where these crops are important. The figures for total land from which hay was cut for 19.54 were obtained by adding the acres of the various hay crops, including grass silage, for each county. The comparable figures for the 1950 Census were obtained by an inquiry of the farm operator. Alfalfa hay includes any production which was dehydrated. The tonnage of alfalfa hay for dehydration (as well as that for other hays but not for grass silage) is given on a dry -weight basis. Enumerators and farmers were instructed to report the total quantity of hay harvested from all cuttings, but to report only once the acres of land from which more than one cutting was made. For 1954, alfalfa hay included alfalfa and alfalfa mix- tures. Likewise, clover and timothy hay included clover and timothy and mixtures of clover and grasses. For 19.50. the agri- culture questionnaire contained instructions to report mixed hay under the kind of hay that made up the largest part of the mix- ture. The differences in the instructions for reporting mixed hays affect the comparability of the data for the 19.54 and prior censuses. The kinds of hay to be reported under "Other hay" varied from State to State, and can be determined for a specific State b.v referring to the copy of the questionnaire in the Appendix. Clover seed, alfalfa, grass and other field seed crops. — The 1954 questionnaire contained separate Inquiries for a number of the field seed crops and provideil a question cm "other field seed crops" for the purpose of obtaining information for all minor field seed crops harvested. Irish potatoes and sweetpotatoes. — The 1954 Census inquiry for both Irish and sweet potatoes called for acres harvested and the quantity harvested. If less than 20 bushels (or 10 bags in speci- fied States) of Irish potatoes or if less than 20 bu.shels of sweet- potatoes were harvested, the enumerator was instructed to report the quantity harvested, but not the area harvested. This method of reporting was used in order to facilitate the enumera- tion of potatoes grown on small plots for home use. Tlie pro- cedure and inquiries for both Irish jxitatoes and sweeti>otatoes were essentially the same for 19.50. Data for censuses prior to 1950 are not entirely comparable with those for 19.50 and 1954. Earlier censuses did not eliminate the acres of the small plot — home-use production of Irish potatoes and sweetpotatoes. There- XVIII UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1954 fore, especially in counties or States where the production of potatoes is largely for home use, the data on acres for 1954 and 1950 are not fully comparable with those for earlier censuses. Berries and other small fruits. — The questionnaire called for acreage and quantity harvested in 19.54 for sale. Nonbearing areas and areas from which berries or fruits were not harvestep may later have failed. This inquir.v was not made in Ari- zona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, Wyoming, and the western part of Texas. Stripcropping. — Tlie data for stripcropping relates to the area of row crops or close-seeded crops that were grown in strips across the path of prevailing winds to prevent or reduce the blowing of topsoil. This question was included only in Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada. New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, South I>akota, Utah, Washington, Wyoming, and the western part of Texas. Cropland used for grain or row crops farmed on the contour. — Tliis is the area for all grain and row crops that were planted around the xlopr to maintain comparatively level rows instead of being planted in straight rows running up and down the slope. Livestock and Poultry The 1954 questionnaire called for an inventory of or for some phase of production for all the important kinds of farm animals and poultry. Respondents were asked for the numbers on hand on the day of enumeration. Livestock were to he enumerated on the place on which they were located, regardless of ownership. Livestock grazing in national forests, grazing districts, or on oi)en range at the time of enumeration were to be reported for the farm or ranch to which they belonged. The time of the year at which livesto.S in 100 that the difference between the estimates based on the sample and the figure that would have been obtained from a tabulation for all farms would be approximately within the limit specified. However, the chances are 99 in 100 that the difference would be less than two and one-half times the percent- age given in the table. The (lata in State Table 18 indicate tliat when the number of farms reporting specified items is small, the item totals are subject to relatively large sampling errors. Nevertheless, the considerable detail for every classification for each item is pre- sented to insure maximum usefulness for appraising estimates for any combination of items that may be desired. Percentage figures and averages derived from the tables will generally have greater reliability than the estimated totals ; also, significant patterns of relationships may sometimes be observed even though the individual data are subject to relatively large sampling errors. The data representing estimates based on a sample for the 19.j0 Census were obtained in essentially the same way as in 1954 and the same State Tables 18 and 19 may be used to estimate the sampling errors for the 1950 data. Differences in data presented by counties and by State economic areas, — In many ca.ses, data presented by State economic areas were estimated on the basis of tabulations for a sample of farms, while most of the data presented by counties were obtained by the tabulation of data for all farms in the county. However, data for the number of farms classified by type of farm and economic class of farm, and for the use of fertilizer and lime, farm expenditures, farm labor, farm facilities, farm equipment, and value of land and buildings were estimated for each county on the basis of the tabulation of data for a sample of farms in each county. The same sample of farms was also used for the tabulation of data for these items for State economic areas and for the State. In some cases, the totals presented for these items for State economic areas or for the State will diiTer slightly, but not significantly, from the totals obtained by adding figures for counties in the State economic area or the State. As a matter of economy, small adjustments were not made in the tabulations when the difference was not large enough to affect the usefulness or reliability of the data. Classification of Farms The classifications of farms by color and tenure of operator, economic class of farm, and type of farm were made on the basis of visual inspection of each questionnaire during the office processing. The classification for color and tenure of operator was made for all farms, while the classifications by economic class and by type of farm were made for only a sample of farms. The classification of farms by size was made for all farms by means of electric tabulating equipment. Farms by size. — Farms were classified by size according to the total land area of each farm. The same classification was used for all States. In analyzing size-of-farm statistics, consideration should be given to the definition of a farm for census purposes. Census farms are essentially operating units, not ownership tracts. If a landlord has croppers or other tenants, the land assigned each cropper or tenant is a separate farm even though the landlord may operate the entire holding essentially as one farm in respect to supervision, equipment, rotation practices, purchase of sup- plies, or sale of products. In some parts of the South a special questionnaire, the Land- lord-Tenant Questionnaire, was used to obtain statistics for such multiple units. The statistics for multiple units will be pub- lished in Volume III, Part 1. Farms by tenure of operator. — Farm operators are classified ac- cording to the tenure under which they hold their land on the basis of the replies to the inquiries on total land owned, total land rented from others, total land managed for others, and land rented to others. The l)asis of classification by tenure is, in general, the same for the 1954 as for the 19,50 Census. In 1950, for an opera- tor who owned land and rented land from others, there was no way to determine whether land rented to others represented land owned by the operator or land rented by the operator from others ; therefore, such an operator was ehissified as a part owner. In 1945 and earlier, full owners, part owners, and tenants were classi- fied on the basis of the land retained. Under this earlier classi- fication a part owner who sublets to others all the land he rents from others would have been classified as a full owner; a part owner who rents to others all the land he owns would have been classified as a tenant. In 19.54, the acreage of owned land that was rented to others was obtained for the first time. Thus, it was possible to classify a farm operator who owned land and rented land from others as a full owner, part owner, or tenant according to the ownership or rental of the land he retained. Full owners own land but do not retain any land rented from others. Part owners own land and rent land from others. Managers operate farms for others and are paid a wage or sal- ary for their services. Persons acting merely as caretakers or hired as laborers are not classified as managers. If a farm operator managed land for others and also operated land on his own account, the land operated on his own account was considered as one farm and the land managed for others as a second farm. If a farm operator managed land for two or more employers all the land managed was considered one farm. Tenants rent from others or work on shares for others all the land they operate. Tenants are further classified on the basis of their rental arrangement as follows : Cash tenants pay cash as rent, such as $10 an acre or .$1,000 for the use of the farm. Share-cash tenants pay a part of the rent in cash and a part as a share of the crops or of the livestock or livestock products. Share tenants pay a share of either the crops or livestock or livestock products, or a share of both. Crop-share tenants pay only a share of the crops. Croppers are croii-share tenants whose landlords furnish all work power. The landlords either furnish all the work animals or furnish tractor power in lieu of work animals. Croppers usually work under the close suiiervision of the landowners, or their agents, or another farm operator, and the land assigned them is often merely a part of a larger enterprise operated as a single unit. Livestock-share tenants pay a share of the livestock or live- stock products. They may or may not also pay a share of the crops. Other tenants include those who pay a fixed quantity of any product ; those who pay taxes, keep up the land and buildings, or keep the landlord in exchange for the use of the land ; those who have the use of the land rent free; and others who could not be included in one of the other specified subclasses. Unspecified tenants include those tenants for whom the rental arrangement was not reportees I!ananas Dates Guavas Japanese i)ersimnions Jujubes l'ai)ayas Pineapples Pomegranates (Juinces SaiK)diIlas Soursops Sugar apples Loquats Other tree fruits Tung nuts Walnuts (English or Persian) .Mmonds Filberts and hazelnuts Black walnuts Chestnuts CiK-on'uts Other nuts Oranges Tangerines, mandarins, sat- suinas ( except in selected States where the proportion The quantity sold was estima basis of crop-disi>osition data Marketing Service of the U. S. of the crop culled was con- siderable) Temple oranges Valencia oranges (except in selected States where the proportion of the crop culled was ecmsiderable ) Navel oranges (except in se- lected States where the pro- portion of the crop culled was considerable) Other oranges (except in se- lected States where the pro- portion of the crop culled was consideralile) Grapefruit (except in selected States where the proportion of the crop culled was con- siderable) Lemons Limes Tangeloes Kumquats Citrons Limequats Other citrus fruits Cotton I'opcorn Sugar beets for sugar Broomcorn Sugarcane for sugar Tobacco ted for the following crops on the I)ul)lished by the Agricultural Department of Agriculture : Alfalfa seed Red clover seed Lespedeza seed Sweetclover .seed Timothy .seed Alsike seed Soybeans for beans Cowpeas for dry peas Peanuts for nuts Dry field beans Sugarcane and sorghum for sirup Maple sugar Maple sirup In the case of Irish iKjtatoes and sweetpotatoes, the quantity sold was estimated after making allowance for home use, on the basis of data on the disiX)sition of these crops as published by the Agricultural Marketing Service of the U. S. Department of Agriculture. The quantity sold for the following miscellaneous crops was estimated on the basis of the reported quantity or value of sales for the 1054 Census or on the basis of the quantity sold as shown for the 1950 Census : Soybeans for hay Cowpeas for hay Peanuts for hay Velvetbeans Angelica .\nise (except for oil) Arnica Artemisia Basil Belladonna Bloodroot Borage Buhach Burnet Cascara bark Carambola Cassava Castor beans Chicory Chufas Coriander Dikon Dill for oil Fennel seed Fejou Flax for fiber Foxglove Ginseng Gobhe Golden seal Guar Hemp for fiber Hemp for seed Jaboticaba Kudzu crowns Lemon balm Litchi nuts Mint for oil Oiticica nut Ramie for fiber Rape seed Roselle Safflower Sesame for oil Sorrel Sugar beet seed Sunflower seed Sweet corn for seed Teosinte Vetiver Wormseed oil Lentils Other grains Grass silage Other clover seed Hubam clover Mammoth clover Persian clover Sour clover Crotalaria seed XXIV UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1954 Indigo, hairy seed Other seed Meadow foxtail Sesbania Fescue grass Sheep fescue Rhodes grass The estimated value of all crops sold, except vegetables har- vested for sale, nursery and greenhouse products, and forest prod- ucts, was obtained by multiplying the estimated quantity sold by the State average price. The State average prices were obtained by the Agricultural Marketing Service of the U. S. Department of Agriculture. In the case of miscellaneous crops listed above, the average I)rices have been determined on the basis of reports of quantity sold and value of sales obtained in the 1054 Census of Agriculture. For the 1950 Census, the value of all farm products sold was obtained by inquiry of each farm operator during the enumera- tion. In that census, inquiries were made regarding the value of farm products sold for a maximum of 46 individual farm prod- ucts or groups of farm products. In most cases, the quantity sold for the individual farm product was obtained together with the vaUie of sales. The total value of farm products sold for 10.50 includes the value of several farm products not included in the figures for 1054 — butter, cheese, skim milk, bees, honey, corn fod- der, corn silage, and grain straw, and receipts from the rental of pasture. Data for the sales of farm products represent total sales for the entire farm, regardless of who shared in the receipts. The landlord's share of crops and livestock sold and also the livestock which the landlord took from the tenant farm to his own place were considered as sales from the tenant farm. Sales of crops grown on a contract basis, of livestock fed on a contract basis, or of poultry raised under a contract with a feed dealer or others, were included as sales from the farm. The (lata on sales cover one year's operation. The sales of crops represent the sales of crops before the enumeration as well as those yet to be sold at the time of the enumeration. Corn, cotton, and other commodities under loan were to be considered as sold at loan prices. Livestock sales are for the calendar year regardless of when the livestock were raised or produced. Most livestock products are sold at the time they are produced. It was assumed that all wool and mohair shorn or clipped in 1054 was sold. The value of farm products sold does not include government payments for soil conservation, lime and fertilizer furnished, and subsidy payments. When obtaining the value of the farm products sold from farm operators, the enumerators were instructed to report the gross value without making deductions of any kind. These instruc- tions, however, were not always followed. In the case of milk, poultry, eggs, etc., deductions were often made by buyers of farm products for hauling, handling, marketing, etc., before making payments to farmers. In such cases, farm operators often con- sidered the amount of the check received as the gross value of the farm products sold. IDAHO Chapter A STATISTICS FOR THE STATE (1) STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table l.-FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1954 [Data in italics are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text^ (For definitions and explanations, soe text) Farms Approxinale land area (see text). Proportion in farms Lain) in farms Average size of farm Value of land and buiidinKS; Average per farm . . number . . . .acres, .percent. . . .acres. . . .acres. Average per acre Land in farms according to use: ' Cropland harvested farms .dollars, .dollars. 1 to 9 acres farms 10 to 19 acres farms 20 to 29 acres farms 30 to ^9 acres farms 50 to 99 acres farms 100 to 199 acres farms 200 acres and over farms 200 to 499 acres farms 500 to 999 acres farms 1,000 acres and over farms Cropland used only for pasture-* farms Cropland not harvested and not pastured... farms Cultivated summer fallow farms Other cropland farms reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting. reporting. , reporting., reporting. , reporting., reporting, reporting. , acres. , reporting., acres. , reporting. , acres. , reporting. , Woodland pastured , farms reporting. acres. Woodland not pastured farms reporting. acres. Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) ^ farms reporting. acres. Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) farms reporting. acres. Cropland, total-* farms reporting. acres. Land pastured, total farms reporting . acres. Woodland, total farms reporting. acres. Irrigated land in farms farms reporting. acres. Irrigated cropland harvested farms reporting. acres. Irrigated pasture farms reporting. acres. 195.; (October) 38,740 52,97^,160 27.1 14,364,471 370.8 31 .662 9i.i9 33,697 3,727,616 3,428 2,681 2,750 4,934 9,663 5,817 4,424 3,350 847 227 19,063 545,073 10,344 1,202,831 7,082 995,837 4,614 206,994 4,812 1,165,167 2,112 262,451 16,171 6,712,298 36,151 749,035 35,941 5,475,520 31,926 8,422,533 6,171 1,427,618 28,218 2,324,571 25,133 1,854,573 20,752 469,998 1950 (April 1) 40,284 52,972,160 25.0 13,224,192 328.3 22.471 72.31 36,150 3,647,885 4,237 3,057 3,236 5,893 10,026 5,583 4,118 3.096 a07 215 17,138 484,625 11,000 1,097,245 6,828 863,269 5,462 233,976 5,992 1,242,638 2,505 309,415 17,595 5,625,500 37,852 816,884 37,999 5,229,755 33,225 7,352,763 7,406 1,552,053 29,413 *2, 137, 237 26,740 1,703,601 20,692 402,917 1945 (January l) 41,498 52,997,120 23.6 12,503,332 301.3 11,888 39.46 37,301 3,441,661 4,744 3,227 3,525 6,166 10,171 5,626 3,842 2,996 688 158 15,320 322,286 (NA) 825,651 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 5,273 946,253 1,190 113,881 22,538 6,229,520 39,273 624,080 39,301 4,589,598 35,494 7,498,059 6,038 1,060,134 28,571 2,026,280 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1940 (April l) 43,663 52,997,120 19.4 10,297,745 235. S 7,768 32.94 39,936 2,935,350 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 25,048 779,080 (NA) 993,713 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) («.) (") 42,700 4,708,143 (NA) (NA) 6,822 691,683 29,898 1,895,048 28,201 1,578,741 13,540 316, 307 1935 ( January l) 45,113 53,346,560 18.7 9,951,661 220.6 6,314 30.39 41,117 2,668,685 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 9,243 352,806 (HA) 1,263,105 (NA) (HA) (NA) (NA) 7,595 840,103 1,594 111,178 24,858 3,871,423 40,957 844,361 (NA) 4,284,596 (NA) 5,064,332 (NA) 951,281 (NA) (NA) 28, 350 1,388,200 (NA) (NA) 1930 (April 1) 41,674 53,346,560 17.5 9,346,908 224.3 10,012 44.64 39,203 3,150,097 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 12,407 379,451 (NA) 923,163 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 6,346 736,456 1,455 123,452 19,399 3,275,894 36,152 758,390 (NA) 4,452,716 (NA) 4,391,801 (NA) 859,903 (NA) (NA) '27,953 '1,634,321 (NA) (NA) 1925 ( January 1) 40,592 53,344,560 15.2 3,116,147 199.9 9,197 46.00 (NA) 2,578,799 (na) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 10,194 363,740 (NA) 1,135,537 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 5,773 646,139 1,381 97,422 17,646 2,543,895 (NA) 750,615 (NA) 4,078,076 (NA) 3,553,774 (NA) 743, 561 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1920 (January 1) ••♦Available data not comparable. NA Not available. *For the Census of 1954, in the calendar year; all other censuses, in the ^Total acreage of crops for which figures are available, except that com vested for grain. 'Total cropland, cropland used only for pasture, and other pasture not only for pasture. See text. ^Includes irrigated cropland not harvested and not pastured. 'Acreage of irrigated crops including some duplication where two or more calendar year preceding the census, cut for forage was excluded as nest of this acreage was probably duplicated fully comparable for the various census years because of differences in crops were harvested from the same land. in the acreage of com har- definition of cropland used IDAHO Slate Table 2-FAKMS AND FARM ACREAGE ACCORDING TO USE, BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1954 [Data for 1950 are based on reports for onl^ a saiaple of farms. See textl Item (For definitions and explanations, see t«xt) 1054 (October! 1950 (April 1) 1945 (January 1) 1940 (April 1) 1935 (January I) 1930 (April 1) 1925 (January 1) 1920 (January 1) \11 faras number . Under 10 acres number . Under 3 acres number . 3 to 9 acres number. 10 to 29 acres number . 30 to 49 acres number . 50 to 69 acres number . 70 to 99 acres number . 100 to 139 acres number . 1-40 to 179 acres number . 180 to 219 acres number. 220 to 259 acres number . 260 to 499 acres number . 500 to 999 acres number . 1 ,CX)0 acres and over number . Land in faras acres - Average size of farms acres . Under 10 acres acres . 10 to 29 acres acres. 30 to 49 acres acres . 50 to 69 acres acres . 70 to 99 acres acres . 100 to 139 acres acres. 140 to 179 acres acres . 180 to 219 acres acres . 220 to 259 acres acres . 260 to 499 acres acres . 500 to 999 acres acres. 1,000 acres and over acres. Lund in faras according to ase:^ Cropland harvested farms reporting. acres . Under 10 acres farms reporting. acres. 10 to 29 acres farms reporting. acres . 30 to 49 acres farms reporting. acres . 50 to 69 acres farms reporting . acres. 70 to 99 acres farms reporting . acres . 100 to 139 acres farms reporting. acres . 140 to 179 acres farms reporting. acres. 180 to 219 acres farms reporting. acres. 220 to 259 acres farms reporting. acres . 260 to 499 acres farms reporting . acres. 500 to 999 acres farms reporting . acres . 1 ,000 acres and over farms reporting . acres. Cropland osed only for paatorr'" farms reporting. acres. Under 10 acres farms reporting . acres . 10 to 29 acres farms reporting . acres. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting. acres. 50 to 69 acres farms reporting. acres. 70 to 99 acres farms reporting . acres . 100 to 139 acres farms reporting . acres . 140 to 179 acres farms reporting . acres . 180 to 219 acres farms reporting. acres . 220 to 259 acres farms reporting . acres . 260 to 499 acres farms reporting . acres . 500 to 999 acres farms reporting . acres. 1 ,000 acres and over farms reporting. acres. See footnotes at end of table. 38,740 4,323 1,395 2,928 3,396 3,720 2,032 5,944 3,547 3,564 1,54A 1,312 4,071 2.759 2,523 U.3P4.471 366.2 17,008 57,699 145,200 119,570 482,315 412,166 563,936 305,404 311,450 1,456,173 1,928,4A9 8,565,051 33 , 697 3,727,616 1,377 3.918 2,503 25,339 3,443 32.192 1,952 72 . 612 5,302 305,945 3,44.6 239,756 3,405 290,036 1,492 150,425 1,271 141,696 3,933 594,446 2,686 650,153 2,332 1,171,098 19,063 545,073 1.440 4,187 1.645 12,159 2,015 20,572 1,148 15,076 3,524 49 . 576 2.039 37,252 1,910 41,999 817 22,382 653 20,741 1,8U 75,904 1,100 69,850 953 175,375 40,311 3,829 471 3,353 3,621 4,602 2,336 6,568 3,487 3,821 1,542 1,419 4,122 2,584 2.380 13.258.110 328.9 18,201 60,509 179,661 136,500 530,257 405,615 600,749 304,668 339,200 1,476,393 1,799,219 7,407,138 36,220 3 , 662 . 377 1,781 5,309 2.766 27,492 4.365 104.620 2,210 81,475 6.352 334,715 3,407 228,357 3,661 281,955 1,507 146,736 1,364 152,383 4,047 582,063 2,538 615,973 2,222 1,101,299 17.473 482,683 1.320 3,760 1,410 9,575 2.035 18,450 1.161 12.120 3,596 43 . 562 1.651 26,612 1,687 35,854 755 20,035 656 13,327 1,523 53,979 397 62,998 732 177,311 41,498 4,267 744 3,523 3,833 4,912 2,232 6,763 3,552 4,132 1,557 1,361 4,186 2.469 2.134 12.503,332 301.3 18,982 63,622 192,436 132,712 545,438 414,045 663,093 307,602 323,843 1,499,716 1,717,098 6,624,695 37,301 3,441,661 1,982 5,916 3,044 30.584 4.659 114.360 2,209 80.781 6.596 335.293 3,439 229,958 3,999 310,136 1,501 142,856 1,332 144,533 4,079 586,259 2,413 578,725 1,998 382,260 15,320 322,286 (NA) 4.402 (NA) 10.161 (NA) 17,574 (1«) 11,305 (NA) 36,112 (NA) 23,240 (NA) 29.732 (NA) 12,367 (NA) 12,020 (NA) 39,973 (NA) 36,065 (NA) 89.335 43 , 663 4,088 402 3,686 4,236 5,707 2,378 7,007 3,553 4,909 1,641 1,451 4,509 2,542 1,642 10,297,745 235.8 19,409 71,064 223,760 139,254 564,322 415,097 773,522 324,580 345 , 563 1,613,569 1,753,924 4,048,681 39,936 2,935,350 2,606 7,627 3,647 35,988 6.377 127,985 2,297 83,667 6,729 331.145 3.411 210,443 4,6a 326,504 1,580 135,383 1,411 139,344 4,325 549,377 2,407 470,504 1,606 516,473 25,048 779,080 (NA) 5,733 (NA) 14,929 (NA) 29.873 (NA) 16.601 (NA) 56. 563 (NA) 41.006 (NA) 1)5.013 (NA) 27.361 (NA) 29,691 (NA) 126,568 (NA) 134, 563 (HA) 230,684 45,113 3,492 438 3,054 4,410 6,274 2,399 7,304 3,414 5,604 1,624 1,655 4,898 2,751 1,388 9,951,661 220.6 16,602 74,757 246,177 139,791 583,047 399,521 889,441 320,933 370,361 1,749,203 1,379,032 3,277,396 41,117 2,668,685 (NA) 7,405 (NA) 40.632 (NA) 137,272 (NA) 81,501 (NA) 323,542 (NA) 192,358 (NA) 323,638 (NA) 126,544 (NA) 138,056 (NA) 506,794 (NA) 420,232 (NA) 365,712 9,243 352,806 (NA) 1.179 (NA) 3.865 (NA) 7,330 (NA) 4,598 (NA) 16.610 (NA) 11.151 (NA) 32,454 (NA) 11,238 (NA) 15,400 (NA) 70,679 (NA) 69,983 (NA) 107,329 41,674 2,681 547 2,134 9,028 9,010 5,084 2,702 1,245 9,346,903 224.3 12,330 275,433 1,949,622 1,826,228 1,853,753 2,752,410 39,203 3,150,097 (NA) 6,346 (NA) '174,363 (NA) (NA) (NA) '429,290 (NA) (NA) (NA) '909,137 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 670,343 (NA) 534.100 (NA) 426,518 12,407 379,451 (NA) 1,725 Cna) '18,373 (NA) (NA) (NA) *33,312 (NA) (NA) (NA) '91,089 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 76,655 (HA) 73,171 (NA) 84,621 40,592 1,921 185 1,736 9,480 12,531 650,028 2,034,659 1,803,905 1,477,518 1,855,620 (NA) 2,578,799 (NA) 4,942 (NA) '168,381 (NA) (NA) (NA) ■'386,009 (NA) (NA) (NA) '838,793 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 589,612 (NA) 365,227 (HA) 225,836 10,194 363,740 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (HA) (HA) (HA) (HA) (HA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (HA) (HA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 42,106 1,513 332 1,181 3,223 5,089 6,813 2,186 2,209 760 606 6,147 3,375,873 199.9 198.9 9,452 8,077 264,884 640,094 2,378,619 1,475,446 1,263,471 (NA) ^2,706,312 (HA) (HA) (HA) (HA) (HA) (HA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (HA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (HA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (HA) (NA) (NA) (HA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) STATISTICS FOR THE STATE Slate Table 2.-FARMS AND FARM ACREAGE ACCORDING TO USE, BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1954-Continued [Data for 1950 are baaed on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) 195-; (October) 1950 (April l) 1945 ( January l) 1940 (April 1) 1935 (January 1) 1930 (April 1) 1925 ( January l) 1920 ( January 1) Land io faras according to aae^ — Continued Croplaod not harvested and not pastured farms Under 10 acres farms 10 to 29 acres farms 30 to 49 acres farms 50 to 69 acres farms 70 to 99 acres farms 100 to 139 acres farms 140 to 179 acres farms 180 to 219 acres farms 220 to 259 acres farms 260 to 499 acres farms 500 to 999 acres farms 1,000 acres and over farms Cultivated Sumner fallov farms Under 10 acres farms 10 to 29 acres farms 30 to 49 acres farms 50 to 69 acres farms 70 to 99 acres farms 100 to 139 acres farms 140 to 179 acres farms 180 to 219 acres farms 220 to 259 acres farms 260 to 499 acres farms 500 to 999 acres farms 1,000 acres and over farms Other cropland farms Under 10 acres farms 10 to 29 acres farms 30 to 49 acres farms 50 to 69 acres farms 70 to 99 acres farms 100 to 139 acres farms 140 to 179 acres farms 180 to 219 acres farms 220 to 259 acres farms 260 to 499 acres farms 500 to 999 acres farms 1,000 acres and over farms reporting, acres. reporting, acres. reporting, acres. reporting, acres. reporting, acres. reporting, acres. reporting, acres. reporting, acres. reporting, acres. reporting, acres. reporting, acres, reporting, acres. reporting, acres. reporting. . acres. . reporting. . acres. . reporting., acres.. reporting. . reporting. . acres. . reporting. . acres. . reporting. . reporting, acres. reporting., acres. reporting, acres. reporting, acres. reporting, acres. reporting, acres. reporting, acres. , reporting. . acres. . reporting. , acres, , reporting., acres. , reporting, acres. reporting, acres. reporting, acres. reporting, acres. reporting. , acres. , reporting, , acres. , reporting., acres.. reporting. . acres. . reporting. . acres. . 10,344 1,202,831 125 307 249 1,473 427 3,974 263 2,339 970 13,266 769 15,883 1,030 30,358 586 20,507 532 24,145 2,107 153,630 1,740 260,911 1,546 675,538 7,032 995,837 25 57 77 434 146 1,180 382 4,902 368 6,231 610 16,135 375 12,364 373 16,114 1,713 115,716 1,531 220,367 1,385 601,439 4,614 206,994 100 250 181 1,039 299 2,794 187 1.941 655 8,364 464 9,652 530 14,223 285 8,143 243 8,031 727 37,914 519 40,544 424 74,099 11,121 1,099,210 215 505 406 2,150 620 5,695 315 3,335 1,206 15,561 910 17,380 1,365 41,525 591 20,215 501 26,215 2,073 138,125 1,544 225,684 1,375 602,820 6,864 869,625 55 110 100 580 240 2,020 70 945 450 4,905 435 7,545 650 17,330 391 12,665 340 17,015 1,541 93,849 1,400 188,657 1,192 524,004 5,633 229,585 160 395 311 1,570 420 3,675 250 2,390 841 10,656 530 9,835 865 24,195 260 7,550 226 9,200 912 44,276 471 37,027 387 73,816 (NA) 825,651 (NA) 499 (NA) 1,642 (NA) 3,901 (NA) 2,702 (NA) 11,420 (NA) 10,623 (NA) 24,829 (NA) 14,022 (NA) 18,621 (NA) 115,626 (NA) 182,683 (NA) 439,078 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (na) (NA) 993,713 (NA) 856 (NA) 3,231 (NA) 7,569 (NA) 4,713 (NA) 19,504 (NA) 19,845 (NA) 54,558 (NA) 25,345 (NA) 33,455 (NA) 192,950 (NA) 253,122 (NA) 378,060 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) INA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) ,263,105 (NA) 862 (NA) 4,637 (NA) 19,434 (NA) 10,041 (NA) 53,332 (NA) 37,106 (NA) 103,811 (NA) 39,946 (NA) 56,245 (NA) 299,622 (NA) 313,747 (NA) 324,322 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 923,163 NA) na) NA) NA) NA) NA) NA) NA) NA) NA) NA) NA) NA) NA) NA) NA) NA) NA) NA) NA) NA) NA) NA) NA) NA) NA) NA) NA) NA) NA) NA) NA) NA) NA) NA) NA) NA) NA) NA) NA) NA) NA) NA) NA) NA) NA) NA) NA) NA) NA) NA) NA) NA) NA) NA) NA) NA) NA) NA) NA) NA) NA) NA) NA) NA) NA) NA) NA) NA) NA) NA) NA) NA) NA) (NA) 1,U5,537 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (KA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (.NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) See footnotes at end of table. IDAHO State Table 2.-FARMS AND FARM ACREAGE ACCORDING TO USE, BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1954-Continued [Eiata for 1950 are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Census of — 1954 (October) 1950 (April 1) 1945 {January i) 1940 (April 1) 1935 (January l) 1930 (April 1) 1925 (January 1) 1920 (January l) i,312 1,165,167 6,114 1,291,061 5,273 946,253 (NA) (NA) 7,595 840,103 6,346 736,456 5,773 646,139 (NA) (NA) 52 167 60 200 (NA) 203 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 175 140 1,425 (NA) 1,909 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 227 4,703 355 7,515 (NA) 7,390 (HA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 136 3,647 210 6,605 (NA) 5,130 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 45<) 18,704 550 21,545 (NA) 28,656 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 398 21,395 490 27,480 (NA) 28,661 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 643 54,179 920 71,545 (NA) 33,447 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 271 25,853 365 29,925 (NA) 29,640 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 266 31,124 440 44,950 (NA) 36.397 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 933 153,133 1,161 139,613 (NA) 177,009 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 739 214.176 873 233.103 (NA) 165,117 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 513 631.591 560 657,150 (NA) 382,789 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 2,112 262,451 2,692 313,627 1,190 113,381 (NA) (NA) 1,594 111,178 1,455 123,452 1,381 97,422 (NA) (NA) 13 39 10 30 (NA) 86 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 53 554 60 346 (NA) 404 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA! (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 121 2,498 110 1,490 (NA) 1,370 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 53 1,630 140 3,965 (NA) 1,116 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 209 S,062 200 6,300 (NA) 3,861 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 173 9,022 200 9,660 (NA) 4,432 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 276 20,123 390 24,435 (NA) 11. 831 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NAl 126 10,592 195 13,340 (NA) 5,732 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 124 12,469 200 17,275 (NA) 5 , 945 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 494 67.022 535 70,810 (NA) 29,360 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 319 66,443 380 73,055 (NA) 22.531 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 146 62,002 172 92,522 (NA) 27,213 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 16,171 6,712,298 17,386 5,564,557 22,533 6.229,520 (NA) (NA) 24.858 3,371,423 19,399 3,275,394 17,04o 2,543,895 (NA) (NAl 1,045 3,066 1,051 3,338 (NA) 3,173 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1,340 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1,047 8,500 1,336 10,432 (NA) 10,733 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) '26,551 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1,149 14,442 1,596 19,408 (NA) 25,881 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 689 11,152 865 14,455 (NA) 17,932 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) '63,226 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 2,002 34,653 2,30) 44,605 (NA) 63,718 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1,436 43,016 1,635 48,625 (NA) 72,201 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) '324,200 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1,560 67,734 1,652 80,363 (NA) 140,043 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 733 45,313 651 37,513 (NA) 76,774 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 649 52 . 293 732 62,492 (NA) 73.110 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 2,196 296,359 2,244 319,148 (NA) 449 . 626 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 479.269 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1,749 550,665 1,521 467,628 (NA) 647,658 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 720,298 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1,866 5,585,105 1,703 4,476,500 (NA) 4,639,616 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1.661.010 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) Laod in farms arrordiofc lo «»e' — Continued WoodlaniJ pasturrd farms Under 10 acres farms 10 to 29 acres farms 30 to 49 acres farms 50 to 69 acres farms 70 to 99 acres farms 100 to 139 acres farms liO to 179 acres farms 180 to 219 acres farms 220 tc 259 acres farms 260 to i99 acres farms 500 to 999 acres farms 1,000 acres and over farms ttoodland oot pastured farms Under 10 acres farms 10 to 29 acres farms 30 to ^9 acres farms 50 to 69 acres farms 70 to 99 acres farms 100 to 139 acres farms lAO to 179 acres farms 180 lo 219 acres farms 220 to 259 acrei farms 260 to age: Under 25 years operators reporting. 25 to 34 years operators reporting. 35 to -44 years operators reporting. 45 to 54 years operators reporting. 55 to 64 years operators rei)orting. 65 years and over operators reporting. By year began operation of present farn: 1954 operators reporting. 1953 operators reporting. 1952 operators reporting. 1951 operators reporting, 1946-1950 operators reporting. 1941-1945 operators reporting. 1940 or earlier operators reporting. Faraa by class of worl po««r: No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting. No tractor and only 1 horse or raule farms reporting. No tractor and 2 or more horses and/or mules farms reporting. Tractor and horses and/or mules farms reporting. Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting. 778 7 780 778 174,998 XXX XXX 13 1,340 174 ,438 224.2 166.98 31 778 96,565 15 15 5 135 300 198 87 23 493 12,960 215 18,398 164 16 ,739 70 1,659 36 5,322 333 24 ,449 727 11 ,489 778 127 ,923 719 42 ,731 62 10 ,577 704 58 363 267 96 390 32 215 303 118 75 35 78 98 107 66 262 95 62 10 293 ,50 3,376 84 7,694 3,376 755,727 XXX XXX 89 8,069 755,352 223.7 41 ,260 181.42 86 3,371 432,637 20 51 70 340 1,467 945 391 87 1,582 24,723 917 118,282 636 101 ,002 407 17,280 95 14,793 116 11,965 1,109 91,843 3,162 61,109 3,371 575,642 2,394 131,359 180 26,758 2,960 350 ,656 ,162 496 ,662 258 1,241 1,001 566 216 46 371 518 374 221 1,057 503 252 25 i.ri2 40 658 177,822 XXX XXX 12 126 177,736 270.1 44,778 161.66 90 648 77,529 5 11 15 85 247 195 81 9 430 13,687 186 11,097 134 9,182 73 1,915 51 13,777 266 48,127 652 12,543 653 102 ,313 621 75,591 52 14,753 607 46 269 217 52 384 55 322 178 85 12 87 80 62 82 208 10 317 311 424 6 440 424 82 ,565 XXX XXX 6 440 82,565 194.7 31 ,487 164.90 85 338 28,194 10 25 40 61 122 62 16 2 211 6,753 100 6,154 39 4,632 66 1,522 145 21,281 387 9,776 348 41 ,101 322 37,866 14 10,407 371 28 265 131 134 148 30 153 144 41 55 58 66 21 121 51 21 31 150 7,528 6,772 429,046 1,133 60,843 43 614,078 738 69 ,980 1,033,987 137.4 9,422 107.45 89 4,380 73,361 2,380 920 500 384 175 16 5 2,911 42,011 980 26,931 368 7,970 690 18,961 1,312 211,705 608 68,460 2,312 570,790 6,462 40,729 5,612 142,303 5,571 824,506 1,739 280,165 7,013 344 6,361 626 5,735 1,114 116 1,122 2;026 1,694 1,329 1,049 628 561 532 561 2,250 1,044 1,751 3,766 471 714 922 1,655 12 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 4.-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, (|Data are based on reports for only (For definitions and explanations, see text) All farm operators Total all farms Tenure of operator^ Full owners Part owners Managers Farns number. . SPECIFIED FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT Telephone farms reporting.. Electricity farms reporting.. Television set farms reporting.. Piped running water farms reporting.. Home freezer farms reporting.. Electric pig brooder farms reporting,. Power feed grinder farms reporting.. Milking machine farms reporting.. Grain combines farms reporting.. number . . Corn pickers farms reporting. . nuniber. . Pick-up hay balers farms reporting.. number. . Field forage harvesters farms reporting.. number , , Moiortrucks farms reporting.. number. , Tractors farms reporting. . number. . Wheel and/or crawler tractors other than garden farms reporting.. Wheel tractors other than garden farms reporting,. number.. Garden tractors farms reporting . . number, . Crawler tractors farms reporting.. number . . Automobiles farms reporting.. number. . FARM UVBCH WEEK OF SEPT. 26-OCT. 2 Fanily and/or hired workers farms reporting.. persons. . Faaily workers, including operator farms reporting.. persons. . Operators working 1 or more hours persons.. Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 hours or more farms reporting.. persona. . Hired workers farms reporting.. persons . . Regular workers { to be eaqjloyed 150 days or more) farms reporting.. persons. . Seasonal workers ( to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting.. persons . . Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers farms reporting.. Faras by kiod of workers: Both family workers and hired workers farms reporting,, Family workers only farms reporting., Operators only farms reporting., Unpaid members of operator's family only farms reporting. , Hired workers only farms reporting, , SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES IN 1954 Specified lara expenditures farms reporting., Machine hire and/or hired labor farms reporting.. dollars . . Machine hire farms reporting. dollars. Hired labor farms reporting., dollara. Feed for livestock and poultry farms reporting, dollars . Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil farms reporting. dollars. Connoerclal fertilizer and fertilizing material ••*.•• farms reporting. dollars. tons. acres on which used. Lime and liming material farms reporting. dollars. tone. acres en which used. See footnotes at end of table. 26,154 37,364 11 ,409 33,892 16,725 971 6,300 14,367 11,821 13,404 280 280 6,558 6,635 2,175 2,225 27,247 38,838 30,775 52,890 29,893 27,864 42,052 3,058 3,137 6/00 7,701 33,014 43 ,189 36,365 86,781 35,928 57,808 34,967 14,823 22,841 8,028 28,973 3,945 6,947 5,263 22,026 7,591 28,337 793 38,238 29,747 39,952,346 24,087 9,510,105 21 ,908 30,442,241 29,250 26,724,171 32 ,897 19,086,688 17,357 8,380,325 110,620 949,792 12,«7 5,498 17,219 7,099 4,975 2,480 15,606 6,698 7,983 3,866 451 281 3,378 1,799 7,810 2,946 5,313 3,753 5,740 4,564 138 73 US 73 3,127 1,927 3,164 1,955 1,160 607 1,178 618 12,764 6,324 17,027 10,979 15 ,072 6,967 24,410 14,276 14,832 6,945 14,002 6,277 20,195 10,478 1,142 665 1,174 670 2,669 2,419 3,041 3,128 15,187 6,613 19,299 9,575 17,033 39,951 7,073 22,805 16,820 27,479 16,448 6,944 12,595 6,820 7,304 11,031 3,349 5,775 3,614 12,472 2,622 10,210 1,691 2,677 1,468 2,874 2,434 9,795 1,601 7,336 1,180 3,401 U,419 7,653 305 213 17,763 14,664 16,270,997 12 ,056 4,392,816 10,862 11,878,181 13,622 12,947,162 16,138 ,152,991 8,465 3,482,971 46,379 381,369 1,021 2,488 4,456 2,195 82 134 7,276 6,536 14 597,097 4,804 2 405 ,972 5,593 12 ,191,125 5,445 7 ,987,575 7,098 6 ,505,545 4,019 p 722,001 34,420 322,126 124 64 38 215 209 1 ,887,419 110 190,269 194 1 ,697,150 139 1 ,301,585 194 362,409 104 290,783 4,260 27,808 5,876 166 3,933 201 5,661 47 1,676 193 5,186 87 2,392 6 153 53 846 61 2,927 65 2,368 98 2,664 1 62 1 62 35 1,305 38 1,313 17 318 21 330 151 4,489 393 6,370 155 5,394 465 9,899 155 5,384 152 5,122 370 8,557 4 306 4 318 42 871 91 1,024 174 5,128 318 6,784 200 957 5,661 14 ,402 188 287 176 5,610 9,002 5,482 65 111 2,298 3,520 136 670 1,520 5,400 126 470 £41 892 46 200 1,059 4,508 1,469 4,141 2,450 5,840 5,172 6,730,728 4,245 2,217,316 4,311 4,513,412 4,278 3,187,617 5,590 3,619,822 3,773 1,819,765 24,613 206 ,941 IDAHO 13 BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1954-Continued a sample of fanes. See text] Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) All farm operators — Continued Tenure of operator^ — Continued Tenants — Continued Crop-share tenants and croppers Livestock-share Other and unspecified Other farms Farns number. SPECIFIED FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT Telephone farms reporting . Electricity farms reporting. Television set farms reporting. Piped running water farms reporting. Home freezer farms reporting. Electric pig brooder farms reporting. Power feed grinder farms reporting. MiUfing machine farms reporting. Grain combines farms reporting. number. Corn pickers farms reporting. number. Pick-up hay balers farms reporting. number. Field forage harvesters farms reporting. number. Motortrucks farms reporting. number. Tractors farms reporting. number. Vheel and/or crawler tractors other than garden farms reporting. Wheel tractors other than garden farms reporting. number.. Garden tractors farms reporting., number.. Crawler tractors farms rejtorting. number. Autoao biles farms reporting. , number. , FARM lABCR WEEK OF SEPT. J6-0CT. 2 Faaily and/or hired workers farms reporting., persons. . Faaily vorkera, including operator farms reporting.. persons. . Operators working 1 or more hours persons . . Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 hours or more farms reporting., persons. . Hired workers farms repirting., persons. , Regular workers ( to be en^iloyed 150 days or more) farms reporting.. persons. . Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting.. persons. , Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers farms reporting . . Faras by kiod of workers: Both family workers and hired workers farms reporting.. Family workers only farms reporting.. Operators only farms reporting.. Unpaid members of operator ' s family only farms reporting.. Hired workers only farms reporting.. SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES IN 1954 Specified fsra expeaditures farms reporting.. Machine hire and/or hired labor farms reporting.. dollars. . Machine hire , farms reporting.. dollars. . Hired labor farms reporting.. dollars. . Feed for livestock and poultry farms reporting.. dollars.. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil .farms reporting.. dollars. . Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing material farms reporting. . dollars. . tons. . acres on which used.. Lime and liming material farms reporting.. dollars. . tons. . acres on which used.. 587 759 206 736 351 18 103 550 352 408 10 10 203 203 24 24 613 846 748 ,336 743 713 ,119 68 68 121 149 701 898 771 1,885 760 1,276 745 351 531 224 609 95 107 153 502 213 547 289 15 11 2,264 3,273 Q90 2,963 1,409 64 403 1,483 1,517 1,706 25 25 725 732 146 151 2,659 3,821 3,205 6,023 3,200 3,030 5,216 166 168 544 639 2,965 3,919 3,247 8,636 3,209 5,176 3,138 1,331 2,038 S85 3,460 354 478 623 2,982 847 2,362 1,379 778 3,356 737 3,046 932,985 3,957,606 655 2,454 380,140 1,366,468 630 2,615 552,845 2,591,138 634 2,313 499,293 1,488,173 757 3,278 508,055 2,215,752 507 2,383 226,590 1,145,957 3,039 15,509 23,417 136,271 465 643 187 600 230 31 177 378 263 287 12 12 195 195 66 66 526 797 623 1,271 628 610 1,098 50 60 101 113 607 928 643 1,616 642 1,020 632 266 388 209 596 107 148 136 448 208 434 272 10 1 657 593 921,230 488 202,564 498 718,666 522 417,968 642 458,103 482 263,596 3,555 27,607 264 414 115 385 147 25 76 190 89 5 5 79 79 65 70 248 342 318 539 318 306 474 15 15 40 50 369 420 393 779 393 600 362 147 238 77 179 46 101 77 316 199 305 338 ,655 238 99 ,477 224 239 ,178 329 307 236 353 166 696 184 104 101 1 320 10 490 7,528 4,110 7,164 2,231 6,209 2,397 80 224 623 322 333 6 6 154 165 73 78 3,519 4,069 3,187 3,840 2,577 2,311 2,452 941 971 399 417 5,912 7,213 6,393 8,666 6,366 8,445 6,041 1,807 2,404 136 221 19 34 123 187 109 6,257 4,490 320 27 7 ,144 3 ,166 466 ,105 2 ,872 303 ,732 948 162 ,373 5 766 1,300 232 3 877 445 921 996 64 805 948 11 548 14 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 4-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, [Data are based on reports for only s, see text) All farm operators Item (For definitions and explanation Total all farms Tenure of operator^ Full owners Part owners Managers Tenants All Cash 38,flO 17,879 7,311 216 5,876 640 LIVESTOCK Livestock od band: 33,351 1,325,682 31 ,67^ 544,700 28,268 214,832 15,533 635,079 14,983 267,695 13,441 115,607 6,456 431,504 6,297 176 ,839 5,498 45,938 166 32,895 138 10,670 129 1,274 5,187 176,258 4,981 68,807 4,605 40,597 537 20,851 Cows, including heifers that have number,. Milk cows number,. 9,721 492 number, • 5,096 16,752 56,993 8,121 25,873 4,029 17,848 121 1,080 2,374 5,797 306 number. . 886 All hogs and pigs ....farms reporting., number.. 9,616 118,690 4,486 60 ,770 2,168 31,202 44 640 1,562 20,186 183 3,167 23,409 1,803,287 11,000 1,069,604 4,497 380,560 101 6,868 3,446 168,214 339 number.. 15,317 Livestock and livestock products sold in 1954: 25,256 501,691 13 ,094 246,565 5,590 157,596 142 25,081 3,918 61,357 431 number.. 5,990 5,759 111,519 2,850 58,156 1,495 29,690 21 563 955 18,871 121 number. , 3,975 5,997 1,344,958 3,236 967,493 1,250 219,963 17 3,185 781 102,600 37 dollars.. 1,907 10,618 11,748,501 5,579 8,498,385 2,103 2,189,373 29 29,003 1,287 578,488 80 dozens . , 35,472 CROPS Specified crops herTCSted in 19S4: 3,695 46,100 1,352 13,895 864,863 373,769 1,960 21,797 715 6,860 435,953 159,365 782 10,846 248 3,210 198,900 124,145 39 860 16 400 9,450 5,950 747 11,440 293 3,095 205,875 84,209 Com harvested for grain acres . . . . . . farms reporting . . acres. . bushels harvested.. bushels sold.. 1,383 40 605 35,600 15,500 5,413 639,811 16,913,740 15,860,323 2,247 183,256 4,756,146 4,400,862 2,145 354,689 9,087,718 8,553,773 21 7,420 247,747 235,202 829 92,344 2,796,029 2,651,046 56 acres. . bushels harvested . . bushels sold . . 4,702 171,140 147,517 Spring wheat threshed or combined ....farms reporting.. acres. . bushels harvested.. bushels sold . . 18,315 501,616 17,255,205 15,615,718 9,053 193,399 7,096,692 6,362,289 4,442 194 ,099 5,816,814 5,246,750 103 12 ,923 512,841 494,552 3,931 95 ,689 3,689,612 3,404,547 290 6,738 216,965 200,832 Irish potatoes harvested for 11,444 147,545 25,214,499 5,034 62,667 10,605,213 2,416 43,631 7,438,470 57 3,764 840,066 2,081 37,053 6,282,378 136 100 acres^. . -lb . bags harvested . . 3,369 556,850 1,099,035 2,695,554 505,073 1,271,237 353,283 796,781 18,840 41,330 171,187 5U,779 14,851 tons . . 35,372 Data are given by tenure of operator for commercial farms only. ■^Does not include acreage for farms with lessthan 10 bags harvested. See text. IDAHO 15 BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1954-Continued a sample of farms. See textj (For definitions and explanations, see text) All farm operators — Continued Tenure of operator^ — Continued Tenahts — Continued Crop-share tenants and croppers Livestock-share Other and unspecified Tarns number., LIVESTOCK UvestocL oa hand: All cattle and calves farms reporting.. number.. Cows, including heifers that have calved. farms reporting. . number,. Hillt cows farms reporting,. number, . Horses and mules farms reporting,. number. . All hogs and pigs farms reporting. . number. . Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting.. number. . LivestucL and livestock products sold in I'^Sl: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting.. number.. Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting.. number . . Chickens sold farms reporting., dollars. . Chicken eggs sold farms reporting., dozens. . CROPS Specified crops harvested in l*)54: Corn for all purpose;^ farms reporting.. acres. . Com harvested for grain farms reporting.. acres. . bushels harvested.. bushels sold.. Winter wheat threshed or combined farms reporting.. acres. . bushels harvested.. bushels sold. . Spring wheat threshed or combined farms reporting.. acres. . bushels harvested.. bushels sold.. Irish potatoes harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting . . acres ^. , 100-lb. bags harvested.. Hay cut acres . . tons. . 23 734 ,447 9 7 723 ,608 710 ,141 303 679 3 210 ,038 26 516 ,572 6 604 ,274 3 147 ,596 8 152 922 12 251 261 2,900 76,642 2,745 29,465 2,520 18,917 1,242 2,855 802 9,187 1,937 82,935 2,034 29,194 449 7,465 429 77,239 696 270,126 156 292 2,220 4,644 60 106 665 1,249 43,800 98,510 25,150 35,899 126 510 11,254 66,475 395,039 1,924,271 358 ,045 1,851,669 574 2,418 13 ,742 61,913 541,192 2,400,824 493,854 2,240,449 227 1.394 2,938 25,706 455,143 4,377,395 23,861 96,315 71 ,960 302,215 640 37,734 630 14,243 575 6,297 327 887 204 3,168 425 25,961 569 15,153 142 2,817 107 7,026 173 1,973 67 486 24,265 7,660 100 6,763 235,428 226,664 450 10,128 391,531 351,862 263 4,415 773,590 25,647 76,017 376 15,584 361 5,570 308 3,146 196 490 163 1,626 229 17,429 280 .746 56 7,506 60 1 220 20 90 3 700 37 3 150 70 151 67 ,151 199 3 ,168 139 100 117 ,550 61 625 119 400 10 513 28 215 7,528 6 49 009 946 5 20 4 11 279 689 595 416 2 6 107 ,395 1 5 356 ,892 4 178 ,365 ,041 2 11 ,512 ,292 4 438 ,239 51 713 717 1 453 620 252 167 1 155 80 330 14 ,685 100 171 2 ,102 26 ,100 19 ,440 786 5 ,506 139 ,246 107 ,580 1 856 430 48 372 50 652 72 427 16 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 5._FARM OPERATORS BY COLOR, RESIDENCE, OFF-FARM WORK, AGE, AND YEARS ON PRESENT FARM: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1954 fData in italics are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text^ (For definitions aftd explanations, see text) 1954 (October) 1950 (April l) 1945 (January l) 1940 (J^ril l) 1935 (January l) 1930 (April 1) 1925 (January 1) 1920 (January l) FARN OPEEIATCES By color: White number.. N egro number . . Other nonwhite number.. By rrsidcDCe: Residing on farm operated operators reporting., Not residing on farm operated operators reporting., Operators not reporting residence number., By off-iaro work: Working off their farms, total operators reporting., 1 to 49 days operators reporting.. 50 to 99 days operators reporting.. 100 days or more operators reporting.. 100 to 199 days operators reporting.. 200 days and over operators reporting.. Operators not working off their farms number.. Operators not reporting niimber. By age: Under 25 years operators reporting. 25 to 34 years operators reporting. 35 to 44 years operators reporting. 45 to 54 years operators reporting. 55 to 64 years operators reporting. 65 years and over operators reporting. Average age years. Operators not reporting age number- Operatioo of present farm began-- 1954: September or later operators reporting,, July and August operators reporting.. May and June operators reporting. . March and April operators reporting.. January and February operators reporting.. 1953: November and December operators reporting. September and October operators reporting. July and August operators reporting. May and June operators reporting. March and April operators reporting. January and February operators reporting. 1952 operators reporting. 1951 operators reporting. 1946 to 1950 operators reporting. 1941 to 1945 operators reporting. 1940 and earlier operators reporting. Operators not reporting ..number. Average number of years on present farm years. 38,357 5 378 35,293 2,768 679 19.859 6.233 2.799 10,827 3.086 7,7il 18.273 678 69i 6.243 10.115 9,309 6,998 i.751 47.9 695 280 15i 307 958 iil 504 282 131 323 611 327 2.257 2.16i 10.339 6.207 12.733 792 13 39 824 8 452 36 929 2 774 5B1 18 351 6 268 2 782 9 301 2 661 6 640 21 281 679 1 0i9 B 850 9 967 8 7i8 7 108 i 098 i6.7 2 i91 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 40,961 537 38,211 2,844 443 12,769 3,278 1,961 7,530 2,227 5,303 28,729 7,334 9,916 10,163 8,223 4,486 47.3 488 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 12 43,097 14 552 38,860 2,949 1,854 15,594 5,580 2,596 7,418 3,210 4,208 24,239 3,830 1,286 6,990 9,160 10,963 8,478 5,011 47.7 1,775 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 44,343 770 (NA) (NA) (NA) 17,765 8,217 3,651 5,897 3,091 2,806 26,224 1,124 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (na) (NA) XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX (NA) 40,976 16 682 (NA) (NA) (NA) 15,348 6,716 2,804 5,828 2,439 3,389 26,326 1,436 6,454 10,467 10,355 7,065 4.139 (na) 1,758 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (.NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (,VA) (NA) (NA) (NA) XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX (NA) 41,598 23 485 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1,689 9,599 11,753 9,680 6,075 2,354 tsA) 956 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX (NA) NA Not available. State Table 6.-FARMS BY CLASS OF WORK POWER AND SPECIFIED FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1954 [Data in italics are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Faras by class of work pover: No tractor, horses, or mules farms No tractor and only 1 horse or mule farms No tractor and 2 or acre horses and/or mules farms Tractor and horses and/or mules farms Tractor and no horses or mules farms Specified facilities Bad equipment: Telephone ,,..., ..farms Electricity farms Television set farms Piped running water , farms Home freezer farms Electric pig brooder farms Power feed grinder farms MiUiing machine farms Grain combines farms Corn pickers , farms Pick-up hay balers farms Field forage harvesters farms Motortrucks farms Tractors, including garden tractors farms 1 tractor farms 2 tractors farms 3 tractors farms 4 tractors farms 5 or nxjre tractors farms Wheel tractors other than garden Garden tractors Crawler tractors Automobiles farms Farms reporting automobiles and/or motortrucks. reporting, reporting. reporting., reporting, reporting. reporting., reporting., reporting, , reporting. , reporting, reporting, reporting, , reporting., reporting.. number. , reporting. , number. , reporting. , number. , reporting. , number . , reporting. , number. , reporting. . number. . reporting., reporting., reporting. , reporting. , reporting, . ,, number.. . , .number. . . ..number. . reporting, , number. , . . .number. . Census of — 1954 (.October) 6.127 793 1.997 13.962 15,931 26. 154 37.364 11.409 33.892 16. 725 971 6.300 14.367 11.821 13.404 280 280 6.558 6,635 2.175 2,225 27.247 38.838 30. 775 52.890 ' 16.516 ^9.326 ' 2. 701 '877 '473 42,052 3.137 7.701 33.014 4,3. IS9 37.186 1950 (April 1) 5.988 1.061 5.721 16.144 11.397 22.242 37.195 (NA) (NA) 5.980 'NA) (NA) 11.767 9.185 10. 425 129 129 2,204 2,253 (NA) (NA) 22, 766 29,662 27,541 39,398 ' 18. 767 '6. 036 '1.967 31.042 1.649 6.707 31,825 39,995 37,500 1»45 (January 1) 8,843 1,224 14.052 13. 165 4.188 17,421 31,995 (NA) 22,475 (NA) (NA) (NA) 6.803 4.821 5. 179 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (MA) (NA) 16,576 19,096 17,263 20,299 14,864 1,961 438 15.693 243 4.253 31,601 35,802 37,237 1940 (April l) (NA) (NA) (N4) (NA) (NA) 12,523 26,384 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 10,941 12,002 10,175 11,103 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 32,806 38,184 (NA) 1935 (January 1) (.NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (N4) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (Nft) (NA) (NA) 1930 (April 1) (NA) (NA) (NA) (.NA) (NA) 15,733 '12,809 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 5,986 6,281 4,377 4,691 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 30,776 33,966 (NA) 1925 (January 1) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (HA) (NA) (NA) 1,796 1,927 (NA) (M) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1920 (January 1) (NA) (na) (NA) (NA) (NA) 13,837 '5,982 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 779 837 1,468 1,587 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 16,651 17,646 (NA) NA Not available. 'The 1930 inquiry referred to electricity in "farmer's dwelling," and the 1920 inquiry referred to ^Figures for 1954 and 1950 are for tractors other than garden tractors . gas or electricity in "operator's dwelling. IDAHO 17 State Table 7.-FARM LABOR AND SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1Q54 [Data in italics are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See textj (For definitions and explanations, see text) Census of — 195h ."'t.jber 1 1950 (April l) 1945 (January l) 1940 (April 1) 1935 (January 1) 1930 (April 1) 1925 (January 1) 1920 (January l) FARM LABOB Fiir» workers for specified neeL; ^ Family and/or hired workers^ farms reporting. Average per farm reporting. persons, .persons. Family workers, including operators. .. .farms reporting.. persons. . Operators working 1 or more hours persons.. Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 or more hours farms reporting. . persons. . Hired workers farms reporting. . persons. . Workers hired by month persons . . Workers hired by day or week person?.. Workers hired by hour or on piece-work basis persons . . No report as to basis of payment persons.. Farms reporting by DiHber of bired vorLers: 1 hired worker farms reporting. . 2 hired workers farms reporting . . 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting. . 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting.. 10 or more workers farms reporting.. Faras by kind of •orLers during specitied feck: No workers reported farms . . Fami ly workers and hired workers farms . . Operator and hired workers farms . . Operator, members of his family, and hired workers farms . . Members of operator's family and hired workers — farms.. Family workers only farms. . Operator only farms. . Operator and members of his family farms.. Members of operator's family only farms. . Hired workers only farms . . SPECIFIED FAHM EXPENDITURES' Macbine hire farms reporting.. dollars. . Hired labor^ farms reporting.. dollars. . $1 to $99 farms reportirig. . $100 to $199 farms reporting. . $200 to $499 farms reporting. , $500 to $999 farms reporting.. $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting.. $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting.. $5,000 to $9,999 farms reporting.. $10,000 to $19,999 farms reporting.. $20,000 and over farms reporting.. Feed for livestock and poultry farms reporting.. dollars. . Gasoline and other pelroleui .farms reporting., dollars. . CoDnercial fertilizer and fertilizing nateriai farms reporting.. dollars. . Line and limin)^ material farms reporting.. dollars. . as. 731 JS.32S 57. SOS li.a23 22.3il 8.028 28.973 5.961 A. 137 i.033 I.SiO 1.059 791 605 2.ii5 7.591 i.279 j, tii 168 28.337 16.826 10. 719 793 i3? 2i.087 9.510.105 21.903 30.H2.2il 3.881 2,926 i.931 3.i03 3.623 1.896 826 260 157 29.250 26.72i.l71 32.897 19.036.683 17.357 .380.325 35.933 66.593 35. i93 54.169 13.56i 19.919 6.53i 12,i2i e.i63 2.368 3.ii7 lie 4.362 1.157 622 291 102 4.373 6.094 3.372 2.102 120 29.399 18.057 10.219 1.123 440 25.849 3.510.612 26.203 32.196.779 4.362 3.395 5.750 4.464 4.670 30.386 24.749.164 31.077 15.071.471 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 36,577 57,282 36 , 284 52,267 2,865 5,015 (HA) (NA) (NA) (NA) !,Li27 423 1 .t-f'? S28 52 33,712 22.931 10,179 11.02 (NA) (NA) 23,836 29,415,136 5.505 3,994 6,849 4,859 4,890 32.153 ,120,136 (NA) (NA) 88 74.105 15 2.431 36,966 63,463 35,578 51,316 (NA) 6,514 12,147 7,432 3,648 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 6,697 5,126 (NA) (NA) (NA) 30,452 (NA) (NA) (NA) 1,383 (NA) (NA) 25,483 11,487,378 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 24,72o 6,135,958 22,307 3,653,107 6,117 329,362 1,585 30.036 43,732 69, 575 42,916 60,763 (NA) (na) (na) 5,495 3,812 (NA) (na) (NA) (NA) 4,012 862 401 184 36 1,381 4,r.,79 (NA) (NA) (NA) 38,237 (NA) (NA) (NA) 810 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (na) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (na) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 25,475 ,706,235 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 22,051 (NA) (NA) '1,342 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 22,811 9,293,688 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 19,360 5,494,083 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (na) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 24,789 14,733,521 (NA) (na) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 24,062 10,709,475 (NA) (NA) 575 106,121 (NA) (NA) NA Not available. ^Census of 1954, week of Sept. 26-Oct. 2; Census of 1950, week preceding enumeration; Censuses of 1945 and 1935, first week of January; Census of 1940, last week of March See text for differences in definition of farm workers. For Census of 1954, expenditures during calendar year 1954; for earlier censuses, expenditures during the preceding cal *Cash payments for farm labor; housework not included. For 1954, 1950, 1945, and 1940, the data do not include expend labor included in cost of machine hire. For 1920, the value of board furnished was included. 'Farms reporting tons of commercial fertilizer. endar year. tures for contract construction work, machine hire, and 18 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 8.-HIRED FARM LABOR AND WAGE RATES [Figures on number of workers and wage rates are for hired persons working the week of Item (For definitions and explanations, text) Total all farms Economic class Commercial farms Hired workers farms reporting. persons. 1 hired worker farms reporting. 2 hired workers farms reporting. 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. 10 hired workers or more farms reporting. Regular workers (to be eii5)loyed 150 days or more) farms reporting. persons. 1 hired worker farms reporting. 2 hired workers farms reporting. 3 or <; hired workers farms reporting. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. 10 hired workers or more farms reporting. Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting. persons. 1 hired worker farms reporting. 2 hired workers farms reporting. 3 or ^ hired workers farms reporting. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. 10 hired workers or more farms reporting. Regular hired workers and no season:il hired workers farms reporting. Both regular and seasonal hired workers farms reporting. Seasonal hired workers and no regular hired workers farms reporting. Paid OD a nonthly basis farms reporting. Undei $25 per month farms reporting. $25 to $3-1 per month « farms reporting. $35 to $49 per month farms reporting. $50 to $3.4 per month farms reporting. $85 to $109 per month farms reporting. $110 to $129 per month farms reporting. $130 to $169 per month farms reporting. $170 to $214 per month farms reporting. $215 to $274 per month farms reporting. $275 to $324 per month farms reporting. $325 and over per month farms reporting. Paid on a weekly basis farms reporting. Under $5 per week farms reporting. $5 to $7 per week farms reporting. $8 to $11 per week farms reporting. $12 to $19 per week farms reporting. $20 to $24 per week farms reporting . $25 to $29 per week farms reporting. $30 to $39 per week farms reporting. $40 to $49 per week farms reporting . $50 to $59 per week farms reporting. $60 to $69 per week farms reporting. $70 to $79 per week farms reporting. $80 and over per week farms reporting. Paid on a daily basis farms reporting. $1 per day farms reporting. $2 per day farms reporting. $3 per day farms reporting. $4 per day farms reporting. $5 per day farms reporting. $6 per day farms reporting. $7 per day farms reporting. $8 per day farms reporting. $9 per day farms reporting. $10 and over per day farms reporting. Paid on an hourly basis farms reporting. Under $0.25 per hour farms reporting. $0.25 to $0.34 per hour farms reporting. $0.35 to $0.44 per hour farms reporting. $0.45 to $0.54 per hour farms reporting. $0.55 to $0.64 per hour farms reporting. $0.65 to $0.74 per hour farms reporting. $0.75 to $0.84 per hour farms reporting. $0.85 to $0.99 per hour farms reporting. $1.00 to $1.14 per hour farms reporting. $1.15 to $1.29 per hour farms reporting. $1.30 to $1.44 per hour farms reporting. $1.45 and over per hour farms reporting. Paid on a piece-work basis farms reporting. Expenditures for hired labor in 1954 farms reporting. dollars. $1 to $99. farms reporting. $100 to $199 farms reporting . $200 to $499 farms reporting. $500 to $999 farms reporting. $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting. $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting. $5,000 and over farms reporting. Faras with expenditures for faired labor but no hired workers reported. . .farms reporting. $1 to $99 ....farms reporting., $100 to $199 farms reporting.. $200 to $499 farms reporting. , $500 to $999 farms reporting.. $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting.. $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting.. $5,000 and over farms reporting.. 8,028 28,973 4,033 1,540 1,059 791 605 3,945 6,947 2,776 641 311 152 65 5,263 22,025 2,489 945 735 585 509 2,765 1,180 4,083 3,650 5 10 98 146 77 423 1,503 1,131 221 36 225 1,803 11 30 31 21 87 151 144 463 86 779 2,379 21 15 11 47 157 1,844 536 51 197 1,023 21, '308 30,442,241 3,381 2,926 4,931 3,403 3,628 1,896 1,243 13,880 3,534 2,411 3,825 2,21J2 1,538 271 89 7,892 28,752 3,926 1,519 1,059 785 603 3,926 6,913 2,759 641 311 151 64 5,140 21,839 2,387 930 735 5S0 503 2,752 1,174 3,966 3,625 5 10 97 131 77 418 1,501 1,130 220 36 220 5 10 22 42 62 55 11 7 1,777 11 30 31 21 87 US U4 U3 86 779 2,813 16 IS 11 47 157 1,799 535 51 182 998 20,960 30,279,868 3,309 2,749 4,780 3,380 3,606 1,395 1,241 13,068 3,007 2,260 3,709 2,204 1,528 271 1,783 10,637 563 369 336 282 233 1,430 3,841 659 357 221 130 63 964 6,796 385 151 153 114 161 819 611 353 • 1,298 2 3 13 66 528 537 126 23 25 18 27 64 22 259 51 316 72 14 55 2,243 15,229,167 24 155 408 632 907 460 18 22 68 93 146 3,202 10,278 1,733 621 385 230 233 1,734 2,208 1,412 221 82 19 1,893 8,070 868 342 270 201 212 1,309 425 1,468 1,618 28 68 36 199 711 489 74 13 10 6 5 24 40 39 162 36 336 5 1 20 51 734 207 22 40 365 6,375 ,808,810 225 335 966 1,450 2,063 1,031 305 3,173 206 261 757 904 857 148 38 IDAHO 19 BY ECONOMIC CLASS: CENSUS OF 1954 Sept. 26-Oct.. 2. Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] (For definitions and explanations, see text) Economic class — Continued Connnerclal farms — Continued Other farms Residential Hired workers farms reporting. persons. 1 hired worker • farms reporting. 2 hired workers farms reporting. 3 or <; hired workers farms reporting. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. 10 hired workers or more farms reporting. Regular workers (to be employed 150 days or more) farms reporting. persons. 1 hired worker farms reporting. 2 hired workers farms reporting. 3 or A hired workers farms reporting . 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. 10 hired workers or more farms reporting . Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting. persons. 1 hired worker farms reporting. 2 hired workers farms reporting . 3 or -i hired workers farms reporting. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. 10 hired workers or more farms reporting. Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers farms reporting. Both regular and seasonal hired workers farms reporting. Seasonal hired workers and no regular hired workers farms reporting. Paid oo a aontbly basis fai-ms reporting. Under $25 per month farms reporting. $25 to $3-; per month farms reporting. $35 to $49 per month farms reporting. $50 to $SA per month farms reporting . $85 to $109 per month farms reporting. $110 to $129 per month farms reporting . $130 to $169 per month farms reporting. $170 to $2U per ncnth farms reporting. $215 to $27-; per month farms reporting. $275 to $32-4 per month farms reporting. $325 and over per month farms reporting. Paid OD a weekly basis farms reporting. Under $5 per week farms reporting. $5 to $7 per week farms reporting. $3 to $11 per week , farms reporting. $12 to $19 per week farms reporting. $20 to $24 per week farms reporting. $25 to $29 per week farms reporting. $30 to $39 per week farms reporting. $40 to $49 per week farms reporting. $50 to $59 per week farms reporting. $60 to $69 per week farms reporting. $70 to $79 per week farms reporting. $80 and over ner week farms reporting. Paid on a daily basis farms reporting. $1 per day farms reporting. $2 per day farms reporting. $3 per day farms reporting. $4 per day farms reporting. $5 per day farms reporting. $6 per day farms reporting. $7 per day farms reporting. $8 per day farms reporting. $9 per day farms reporting. $10 and over per day farms reporting. Paid on an hourly basis farms reporting. Under $0.25 per hour farms reporting. $0.25 to $0-34. per hour farms reporting. $0.35 to $0.4i4 per hour farms reporting. $0.45 to $0.54 per hour farms reporting. $0.55 to $0.64 per hour farms reporting. $0.65 to $0.74 per hour farms reporting. $0.75 to $0.84 per hour farms reporting. $0.85 to $0.99 per hour farms reporting. $1,00 to $1,14 per hour farms reporting. $1.15 to $1.29 per hour farms reporting. $1.30 to $1.44 per hour farms reporting. $1.45 and over per hour farms reporting. Paid on a piece-work basis farms reporting. Expenditures for hired labor in I<)54 farms reporting, dollars. $1 to $99 farms reporting. $100 to $199 farms reporting. $200 to $499 farms reporting. $500 to $999 farms reporting. $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting. $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting. $5,000 and over farms reporting. Faras with expenditures for hired labor but oo hired workers reported. • .farms reporting. $1 to $99 farms reporting. $100 to $199 farms reporting. , $200 to $499 farms reporting., $500 to $999 farms reporting. , $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting.. $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting.. $5,000 and over farms reporting. . 803 2,101 457 154. 30 185 217 159 642 ,884 332 130 70 80 30 161 24 618 199 5 1 ,853 ,276 ,068 1 ,062 902 1 ,16i 451 231 41 2 3 050 950 762 896 297 123 22 314 655 194 52 262 587 155 41 50 11 5 52 1 261 10 102 25 5 11 40 1,701 395 ,187 796 383 328 116 51 20 2 1,387 739 322 251 46 29 429 108,223 246 381 235 73 42 16 143 71 21 92 132 72 15 86 12 25 613 81,555 331 147 116 3 10 516 291 131 86 3 5 25 25 25 10 321 30,480 241 25 35 291 236 30 5 20 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 9.-HIRED FARM LABOR AND WAGE RATES [Figures on number of workers and wage rates are for hired persons working the week of (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Tenure of operator^ Full owners Part owners Hired workers farms reporting. . persons. . 1 hired worker farms reporting.. 2 hired workers farms reporting.. 3 or i hired workers farms reporting.. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting.. 10 hired workers or more farms reporting. . Regular workers (to be employed 150 days or more) farms reporting.. persons. . 1 hired worker farms reporting. . 2 hired workers farms reporting . , 3 or i hired workers farms reporting.. 5 to 9 hired workers farn£ reporting.. 10 hired workers or more farms reporting.. Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting.. persons. . 1 hired worker farms reporting.. 2 hired workers farms reporting. . 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting. . 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting.. 10 hired workers or more farms reporting . . Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers farms reporting.. Both regular and seasonal hired workers farms reporting.. Seasonal hired workers and no regular hired workers farms reporting.. Paid on a Monthly basis farms reporting. Under $25 per month farms reporting. $25 to $34 per month farms reiiorting. $35 to $49 per month farms reporting. $50 to $84 per month farms reporting. $85 to $109 per month farms reporting. $110 to $129 per month farms reporting. $130 to $169 per month farms reporting. $170 to $214 per month farms reporting. $215 to $274 per month farms reporting. $275 to $324 per month farms reporting. $325 and over per month farms reporting. Paid on a .eekl^ basis farms reporting. Under $5 per week farms reporting. $5 to $7 per week farms reporting. $8 to $11 per week farms reporting. $12 to $19 per week farms reporting. $20 to $24 per week farms reporting. $25 to $29 per week farms reporting. $30 to $39 per week farms reporting. $40 to $49 per week farms reporting. $50 to $59 per week farms reporting. $60 to $69 per week farms reporting. $70 to $79 per week farms reporting. $80 and over per week farms reporting. Paid on a daily basis farms reporting. $1 per day farms reporting. $2 per day farms reporting. $3 per day farms reporting. $4 per day farms reporting. $5 per day farms reporting. $6 per day farms reporting. $7 per day farms reporting. $8 per day farms reporting. $9 per day farms reporting. $10 and over per day farms reporting. Paid on an hourly basis farms reporting. Under $0.25 per hour farms reporting. $0.25 to $0.34 per hour farms reporting. $0.35 to $0.44 per hour farms reporting. $0.45 to $0.54 per hour farms reporting. $0.55 to $0.64 per hour farms reporting. $0.65 to $0.74 per hour farms reporting. $0.75 to $0.84 per hour farms reporting. $0.85 to $0.99 per hour farms reporting. $1.00 to $1.14 per hour farms reporting. $1.15 to $1.29 per hour farms reporting. $1.30 to $1.44 per hour farms reporting. $1.45 and over per hour farms reporting. Paid on a piece-wot-k basis farms reporting. Expenditures for hired labor in 1954 farms reporting. dollars. $1 to $99 farms reporting. $100 to $199 farms reporting. $200 to $499 farms reporting. $500 to $999 farms reporting. $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting. $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting. $5,000 and over farms reporting. Farna with expenditures for hired labor but no hired workers reported. . .farms reporting. $1 to $99 farms reporting. $100 to $199 farms reporting. $200 to $499 farms reporting. $500 to $999 farms reporting. $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting. $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting., $5,000 and over farms reporting.. 8,028 28,973 4,033 1,540 1,059 791 605 3,945 6,947 2,776 641 311 152 65 5,263 22,026 2,489 945 735 585 509 2,765 1,180 4,083 3,650 5 10 98 146 77 423 -1,503 1,131 221 36 1,803 U 30 151 144 463 S6 2,879 21 15 11 47 157 1,S44 536 51 197 21, 90S 30,442,241 3,861 2,926 4,931 3,403 3,62S 1,896 1,243 13,880 3,534 2,4U 3,825 2,212 1,538 271 89 3,614 12,472 1,819 712 485 342 256 1,691 2,677 1,264 260 95 49 23 2,434 9,795 1,139 423 377 259 236 1,180 511 1,923 1,536 5 10 71 64 32 230 607 422 15 16 16 42 52 74 218 45 284 1,368 15 11 22 61 897 262 21 10,862 11,878,181 2,175 1,591 2,630 1,618 1,593 829 426 7,248 1,964 1,332 2,029 1,047 691 145 40 2,622 10,210 1,274 499 359 287 203 1,468 2,874 929 278 150 84 27 1,601 7,336 272 208 183 161 1,021 447 1,154 1,316 24 39 32 121 617 378 91 14 5 10 5 34 63 53 149 23 352 9 36 555 136 19 72 5,593 12,191,125 572 593 1,112 891 1,083 745 597 2,971 531 471 850 564 436 13o 670 62 24 16 12 22 126 470 75 21 5 11 14 46 200 15 13 3 10 5 90 36 10 10 194 1,697,150 10 5 12 11 49 45 62 58 10 5 11 20 6 1,520 5,400 771 284 199 144 122 641 892 491 82 61 7 1,059 4,508 456 222 U7 128 106 461 180 879 666 2 27 13 59 2U 312 26 16 10 5 10 29 16 74 17 133 30 16 50 331 136 11 36 4,311 4,513,412 552 560 1,026 860 881 276 156 2,791 502 452 819 593 381 31 13 ^Data are given by tenure of operator for commercial farms only. IDAHO 21 BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1954 Sept. 26-Oct. 2. Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Tenure of operator^ — Continued Tenants — Continued Share-cash Crop-share tenants and Livestock-share Other and unspecified Other farms lii red vorkerB farms reporting. persons. 1 hired worker farms reporting. 2 hired workers farms repor ting . 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. 10 hired workers or more farms reporting. Regular workers (to be enqjloyed 150 days or more) farms reporting. persons. 1 hired worker farms reporting. 2 hired workers farms reporting. 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting . 3 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. 10 hired workers or msre farms reporting. Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting. persons. 1 hired worker farms reporting. 2 hired workers farms reporting . 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. 10 hired workers or more farms reporting. Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers farms reporting. Both regular and seasonal hired workers farms reporting. Seasonal hired workers and no regular hired workers farms reporting. Paid on ■ aonlhly basia farms reporting. Under $25 per month farms reporting. $25 to $34 per month farms reporting. $35 to $49 per month farms reporting . $50 to $84 per month farms reporting . $85 to $109 per month farms reporting . $110 to $129 per month farms reporting. $130 to $169 per month farms reporting. $170 to $214 per moi.th farms reporting. $215 to $274 per month farms reporting. $275 to $324 per month farms reporting. $325 and over per month farms reporting. Paid on a weekly basis farms reporting. Under $5 per week farms reporting. $5 to $7 per week farms reporting. $8 to $11 per week farms reporting. $12 to $19 per week farms reporting. $20 to $24 per week farms reporting. $25 to $29 per week farms reporting. $30 to $39 per week farms reporting. $40 to $49 per week farms reporting. $50 to $59 per week farms reporting. $60 to $69 per week farms reporting. $70 to $79 per week farms reporting. $30 and over per week farms reporting. Paid on a daily basis farms reporting. $1 per day farms reporting, $2 per day farms reporting. $3 per day farms reporting. $4 per day farms reporting, $5 per day farms reporting. $6 per day farms reporting. $7 per day farms reporting. $8 per day farms reporting. $9 per day farms reporting. $10 and over per day farms reporting. Paid on an hourly basis , , farms reporting. Under $0.25 per hour farms reporting. $0.25 to $0.34 per hour farms reporting. $0.35 to $0.44 per hour.. farms reporting. $0.45 to $0.54 per hour farms reporting. $0.55 to $0.64 per hour farms reporting. $0.65 to $0.74 per hour farms reporting. $0.75 to $0.84 per hour farms reporting. $0.85 to $0.99 per hour farms reporting. $1.00 to $1.14 per hour farms reporting. $1.15 to $1.29 per hour farms reporting. $1,30 to $1.44 per hour farms reporting. $1.45 and over per hour farms reporting. Paid on a piecework basis farms reporting. Expenditures for hired labor in 1954 farms reporting. dollars. $1 to $99 farms reporting. $100 to $199 farms reporting. $200 to $499 farms reporting. $500 to $999 farms reporting. $1^000 to $2,499 farms reporting. $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting. $5,000 and over farms reporting. Faras vith expenditures for hired labor but no hired vorkera reported. . .farms reporting. $1 to $99 farms reporting. $100 to $199 farms reporting. $200 to $499 farms reporting. $500 to $999 farms reporting. $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting. $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting. $5,000 and over farms reporting.. 224 609 124 37 28 25 10 153 502 60 37 26 25 55 30 5 5 25 630 552,845 137 96 118 101 120 43 15 406 127 75 102 54 885 3,460 466 160 91 92 76 354 478 274 52 28 623 :,932 296 113 61 83 262 92 531 30 165 90 126 2,615 2,591,138 259 285 672 579 588 165 67 1,730 234 224 548 434 260 23 209 596 110 41 32 11 15 107 148 10 1 U6 448 59 2? 73 34 102 17 498 718,666 70 73 87 93 91 46 33 2S9 70 62 60 54 37 77 179 31 20 21 5 46 78 30 46 101 16 20 224 239,178 41 35 56 35 31 136 221 107 21 6 2 19 34 17 1 1 123 187 102 15 1 13 6 117 1 15 5 2 1 1 6 20 45 1 25 948 162,373 572 177 151 23 22 10 16 1 2 147 312 36 527 35 151 36 116 25 3 15 10 22 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table lO.-HIRED FARM LABOR AND WAGE RATES [Figures on number of workers and wage rates are for hired persons working the week of (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Type of farm Cash-grai Other field-crop Hired workera farms reporting. . persons . . 1 hired worker farms reporting.. 2 hired workers farms reporting.. 3 or -4 hired workers farms reporting . . 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting.. 10 hired workers or more.... farms reporting.. Regular workers (to be eiiiployed 150 days or more) farms reporting.. persons. . 1 hired worker farms reporting.. 2 hired workers farms reporting.. 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting.. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting.. 10 hired workers or more farms reporting.. Seasonal workers { to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting.. persons. . 1 hired worker farms reporting. . 2 hired workers farms reporting.. 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting.. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting . . 10 hired workers or more farms reporting. . Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers farms reporting.. Both regular and seasonal hired workers farms reporting.. Seasonal hired workers and no regular hired workers farms reporting.. Paid on a monthly basis farms reporting.. Under $25 per month farms reporting., $25 to $34 per month farms reporting. . $35 to $49 per month farms reporting,. $50 to $84 per month farms reporting.. $85 to $109 per month farms reporting. . $110 to $129 per month farms reporting. . $130 to $169 per month farms reporting.. $170 to $214 per month farms re]'Orting., $215 to $274 per month farms reporting.. $275 to $324 per month farms reporting. . $325 and over per month farms reporting.. Paid on a weekly basis farrcs reporting.. Under $5 per week farms reporting., $5 to $7 per week i arms reporting. . $8 to $11 per week farms reporting.. $12 to $19 per week farms reporting.. $20 to $24 per week farms reporting.. $25 to $29 per week farms reporting.. $30 to $39 per week farms reporting.. $40 to $49 per week farms reporting.. $50 to $59 per week farms reporting . . $60 to $69 per week farms reporting.. $70 to $79 per week farms reporting.. $80 and over per week farms reporting.. Paid on a daily basis farms reporting.. $1 ,00 per day farms reporting. . $2.00 per day farms reporting. . $3.00 per day farms reporting.. $4.00 per day farms reporting., $5.00 per day farms reporting, , $6.00 per day farms reporting.. $7.00 per day farms reporting.. $8.00 per day farms reporting. , $9.00 per day farms reporting., $10.00 and over per day farms reporting.. Paid on an hourly basis farms reporting. . Under $0.25 per hour farms reporting.. $0.25 to $0.34 per hour farms reporting.. $0.35 to $0.44 per hour farms reporting.. $0,45 to $0,54 per hour farms reporting,. $0.55 to $0,64 per hour farms reporting,, $0,65 to $0.74 per hour farms reporting., $0.75 to $0.84 per hour farms reporting., $0.85 to $0,99 per hour farms reporting.. $1.00 to $1.14 per hour farms reporting,. $1.15 to $1.29 per hour farms reporting.. $1.30 to $1.44 per hour farms reporting.. $1,45 and over per hour farms reporting.. Paid on a piece-work basis farms reporting.. Expenditures for hired labor in 1954 farms reporting.. dollars. . $1 to $99 farms reporting.. $100 to $199 farms reporting.. $200 to $499 farms reporting.. $500 to $999 farms reporting.. $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting.. $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting.. $5,000 and over farms reporting.. Faras vith expenditures for hired labor but no hired workers reported. . .farms reporting,. $1 to $99 farms reporting.. $100 to $199 farms reporting.. $200 to $499 farms reporting.. $500 to $999 farms reporting.. $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting,. $2,500 to i4,999 farms reporting,. $5,000 and over farms reporting.. 8,028 2,119 28,973 4,707 4,033 1,273 1,540 452 1,059 245 791 104 605 45 3,945 988 6,947 1,380 2,776 749 641 157 311 62 152 19 65 1 5,263 1,440 22,026 3,327 2,489 912 945 274 735 152 585 68 509 34 2,765 679 1,180 309 4,083 1,131 3,650 867 5 10 98 17 146 22 77 9 423 92 1,503 322 1,131 326 221 67 36 12 10 27 6 42 13 62 13 55 13 11 3 7 1 803 793 11 30 10 31 10 21 87 8 151 52 144 38 463 151 86 33 779 491 2,879 21 15 15 5 11 1 47 2 157 15 ,844 328 536 131 51 15 197 78 21,908 5,061 ,442 ,241 5,809,055 3,881 350 2,926 675 4,931 1,118 3,403 804 3,628 959 1,896 420 1,243 235 13,880 2,942 3,534 751 2,411 522 3,825 791 2,212 491 1,538 322 271 48 89 17 1,463 9,030 506 193 218 276 265 655 1,165 451 127 55 14 8 1,030 7,865 267 119 200 243 251 383 272 5 15 20 25 253 199 69 17 16 40 439 226 26 31 48 447 17 5 10 10 6 11 20 10 42 427 12 5 10 10 5 3,642 94 6,961,161 249 ,854 30 25 165 5 300 15 823 26 1,065 6 458 10 251 7 2,179 46 60 20 135 5 615 646 16 579 5 108 36 IDAHO 23 BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1954 Sept. 26-Oct. 2. Data are based or. reports for only a sajnple of farms. See text^ Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Hired .orUers firms reporting. persons. 1 hired worker farms reporting. 2 hired workers farms reporting.. 3 or "i hired workers farms reporting. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. 10 hired workers or more farms reporting . Regular workers (to be employed 150 days or more) farms reporting. persons. 1 hired worker farms reporting. 2 hired workers farms reporting. 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. 10 hired workers or more farms reporting. Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting. persons . 1 hired worker farms reporting. 2 hired workers farms reporting. 3 or 4 hired workers farms reporting. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. 10 hired workers or more farms reporting. Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers farms reporting. Both regular and seasonal hired workers farms reporting. Seasonal hired workers and no regular hired workers farms reporting. Paid on a nonthLy basis farms reporting. Under $25 per month farms reporting. $25 to $34 per month farms reporting. $35 to $49 per month farms reporting. $50 to $84 per month farms reporting. $85 to $109 per month farms reporting. $110 to $129 per month farms reporting. $130 to $169 per month farms reporting. $170 to $214 per month farms reporting. $215 to $274 per month farms reporting. $275 to $324 per month farms reporting. $325 and over per iwnth farms reporting. Paid on a weekly basis farms reporting. Under $5 per week farms reporting. $5 to $7 per week farms reporting. $3 to $11 per week fajTns reporting. $12 to $19 per week farms reporting. $20 to $24 per week farms reporting. $25 to $29 per week farms reporting. $30 to $39 per week farms reporting. $40 to $49 per week farms reporting. $50 to $59 per week farms reporting. $60 to $69 per week farms reporting. $70 to $79 per week farms rej-orting. $80 and over per week farms reporting. Paid on a daily basis farms reporting. $1.00 per day ' farms reporting. $2.00 per day farms reporting. $3.00 per day farms reporting. $4.00 per day farms reporting. $5.00 per day farms reporting. $6.00 per day farms reporting. $7.00 per day farms reporting. $8.00 per day farms reporting. $9.00 per day farms reporting. $10.00 and over per day farms reporting. Paid on an hourly basis farms reporting. Under $0.25 per hour farms reporting. $0.25 to $0.34 per hour farms reporting. $0.35 to $0.44 per hour farms reportir.g. $0.45 to $0.54 per hour farms reporting. $0.55 to $0.64 per hour farms reporting. $0.65 to $0.74 per hour farms reporting, $0.75 to $0.84 per hour farms reporting. $0.35 to $0.99 per hour farms reporting. $1.00 to $1.14 per hour farms reporting. $1.15 to $1.29 per hour farms reporting. $1.30 to $1.44 per hour farms reporting. $1.45 and over per hour farms reporting. Paid on a piercwork basis farms reporting. Expenditures for hired labor in 19S4 farms reporting. dollars. $1 to $99 farms reporting. $100 to $199 farms reporting. $200 to $499 farms reporting. $500 to $999 farms reporting. $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting. $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting. $5,000 and over farms reporting. Farms with expenditures for hired labor but no hired workers reported. . .farms reporting. $1 to $99 farms reporting. $100 to $199 farms reporting. $200 to $499 farms reporting. $500 to $999 farms reporting. $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting. $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting. $5,000 and over farms reporting.. Type of farm — Continued "07 1,631 335 161 101 10 TO 2 59 142 ;08 35 11 51 i 1,289 25' 116 95 15 30 194 65 443 10 270 91 3,264 1,551,240 993 820 810 299 193 118 31 2,557 938 680 688 174 40 130 10 10 15 5 30 60 10 10 10 10 145 168 ,675 20 35 35 15 105 20 35 25 15 5 Live;- took other than dairy and poultry 1,526 4,099 756 338 219 149 64 1,062 2,373 666 183 101 76 36 728 1,726 379 155 131 40 23 798 264 464 1,025 33 154 505 241 60 130 17 189 37 99 3,279 ,239,504 524 337 660 41o 499 453 390 1,753 473 273 512 229 199 49 n Primarily Primarily crop livestoc 332 3,328 452 L29 33 84 34 369 545 300 31 6 542 2,733 235 93 58 85 71 290 5 48 129 156 122 2,024 2,745,421 207 233 474 406 405 185 114 1,192 196 187 373 256 149 42 100 30 1 293 150,345 101 41 33 40 16 5 Crop and livestock 829 2,722 393 131 105 92 53 390 644 260 78 30 21 1 552 2,073 245 147 33 33 113 439 135 133 22 5 21 214 55 5 10 109 2,686 2,693,483 479 406 703 434 339 163 107 1,857 438 360 566 325 145 22 1 Miscel- laneous and un- classified 24 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table ll.-DATE OF ENUMERATION; CENSUSES OF 1954, 1950, AND 1945 [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] Census of 1954 Census starting dates — October 11; October IP Census of 1950 Census date — April 1 Approximate average date of enumeration. Perceat of farms enumerated during— October 1 to 9 October 10 to 16,. October 17 to 23. . October 24 to 31.. November 1 to 6 . . . November 7 to 13.. November 14 to 20. November 21 to 27. November 28 "to 30. December 1 to 4... December 5 to 11. . December 12 to 18. December 19 to 25. December 26 to 31. Z Less than 0.5. Nov. 1-Nov. 6 14 22 17 16 13 6 2 1 1 (Z) (Z) (Z) Appri imate Bverage date of enumeration. Percent of farms enumerated during — April 14 and earlier April 15 to 28...... April 29 to May 12. May 13 to June 2 . . . June 3 and later... Census of 1945 Census date — January 1 Approximate average date of enuneration Percent of enumeration districts enumerated during— January 1 to 15 January 16 to 31 Apr. 15-Apr. 2S 61 29 7 2 (Z) Feb. 16-Feb. 23 February 1 to 15.. February 16 to 28. 3 27 18 14 March 1 to 31. April 1 to 30. May 1 to 31 June 1 and later. IDAHO 25 S ^ , S 33 3 3 3 1 t 1 11 »«,a t 3 u 3 c OJ 1 ■— fMiU-H'O v_^^>^s_- '"^'~' 3 C P O > 0) rt > > M -c n 1 io o x: o si 1 0 0) (J. — . tr< ■H -r. 1 -H ft 4, Id -O CO TJ 0 (- V, 1 ^& asss "l^i c 1 tl CJ QJ iU C A > td -a t3 m >. ■ 0 " 5 -d t3 41 IL P. 1 M tn ^ >^ F • " 5 m -O o O rg 4t l-sl. 0 0 m aj C o > 4) 41 41 P p 41 1 c --3 no • 01 CO - O bO bo • txo • bo • bo • t. tl 0 .0 . bO . ai -^ 'S »SE>g« S CO nl 0 cd 0 <0 0 CO OJ p. 0 <" p 5^-a p nj P rH P 0 CO d to (h 0 a DC 0 a 0 t t> +^ P P P 41 4> qj +> p> P P 3 2 s'^s^^ a ^ ^ +a ^ ;s rH H-> P >i >i ■d +> 41 HJ 41 P> rH P aaass aa .§-°°-°a a 3rH Q :§ 3 ^ 3^ 333 ~- ^ h ^ ^ ^ „ ^ __ ^^ „ ^ ~~;iir „ ~ ^ - ^ S S ,^,SJ.•0 ° . 3 3 3 g 3 3 3 J Si, i ss- •A 3 3 3 t^ 3 i : & 3 3 1 — ■ -^ >iDH w-J-i— > t3 -- w o j:: O rH ry 5 (J. ^ t, oia^ d fl >-i .-( 41 TJ -O « rH -d ■d 0 t- c c ^. M ■3 " - S I'S 0 01 h c G c ^ > to to ^ '=2s''>; s^ 0 ■a TJ OJ 1 >1 >f c -> W -OOOCMO ■'^tl Si § w " . g . -O p. ■ 0 0 0 n (y 01 01 u bD • bO bO & . E^ 0 1 N t. rH 0 g, . r1 aOl-rlOJC ^JrHCjP a 0 ^3 s d c 0 (0 0 P -p V. P p p o rH -P >j >1 -d rH P o as a 3 as fi-^ Q- 0 a Q a bD .r. as ^ h ^ — ^ ^ , ^ ^ ^ ~ ^ '~* ^ .^ ° ■ s 3 3 3 3 3 i rH~ to Xl TJ 3 3 3 ^ 2 ^- 2 s . ; 3 3 1 •— CO TO ■ rH CJi — • w ao d OJ e3 C o o UlOJOli-ytnC Hr>j (^ f^CT-f-iiJiOO <0On 1 +j p CT> (U rH 01 rH Vl -H M CJ V p 01 ■Hai-HlP>iO C P ? O -H 0 S 0 t. C rH g - ..si . , 0 ^ s R 3'S. s ^s^s IS. •= a « Cm t-l c o 01 41 41 .%^ , g 1 c-^ . OJ W -< dD . (0 a) ••do.- bo ■ ja bO fil J3 C^ "3 »S„ES.3S5bS rH*J 3030lll-rl-PrHC+J rH^ 0J30j3^d^2jnjYH a 0 3 • 0 a) m Oj 0 0 eO d 3^' 3>* s d CO 0 ^ p ?S)3p -333-p "■ o! Q .5 Q p> E -^J c M G . p> u rH P (. rH p > Lr J- t. J- 0- P rH P c 3 ^ 3 3 as ^ a 3 S 0 0 -"S 3 as h , „ "~" ^ 1 r.S S g° . I 1 t ? 5 i ^ 3 «.S . g ^ u 3 3 3 3 w — ■ 3 lA > X) T5 a. (^ WO -H P^ 0 t. a) CT' C C Oi 0 0 4) -H -rH ^ V. >i P S'C § 1 1 £- o t. C (h • rH § »g ^ 3 *j m -a O tJ (h ^s s « T) G C 0 D 3 C E 1 c^ . 0 B B » g- s.? bo • 5 w • -O E . 41 01 4J bo • bo • bo • & . bO • f^ m - (^ . bo • O OJ-^ ca O tj O 0) o ■a; S u Q S Q « OCO^OJO cd 0 CO 01 41 0 CO 0 CO d 0 0 M 0 o p V, +> 01 T3 P P 41 Fh -HI tl P P ^ *3 ^ 43 ^ 5 "H +> to 3 C P" r-i P >> p 4. +J 41 P rH P 3 S 3 3 3 3 3 3 s^^'n a Q rH b i5 3 5 333 U ^- „ , , _ ^ ^ ^ 1 e 3 3 3 3 3 »iiS . 3 ^ * 1 ^ • 3 ■a > > >, ^ T3 T) -O •0 X 0 v^ 3 a^ 0 W QOrH ^ ■d n3 Td t3 T) 1 o rH W O >i C O C Oh rH O 3 H fl k 000 0 0 C G 0^ 0 0 0 '0 0 1 R. 4) t3 ■ C -H t3 ■ O. ■^ s s s ^ J= 0 '3 rH _^ -C 41 • x: ^ ^ .C 0 rH p p p ■p p C t, - r? ■p > -d +a P" P P ^ C X-OrH TJ-OH Ur^ 0 r-l P O rH 3 c c c c c 0 I^ u G 0 rH c ■P W 'u 000 0 0 0 0 ■H 3 Q. S -OO- p. (hO^ -t3«-. e e B e B n U. Q C a s m fli C rH 4) Q. ^ O B 1 3 41 « c -— n . cB to . AJ ta • -o -,r • -J I- 1 c --a • \D • 3 j:: >£• -J- .J - ^ . 1 ■o o (H-o jflh-oai-po 000 0 a 4> 0' 0 0 4) P d 0 0 u SiS SSSS SnJ SSS3SS fn +J h P f^ P ;. +J h 4J ^ +j O' -d P P C p t, P> t4 +J tl +J 1 +J 41 P Oj pi 4) +* 41 P P rH 0 41 J +j a, 4J sss'-^a gs^^-^ggftg 5 Q 5 Q S n S 3 (5 3 &^' ss & 33=^ b s S 3 5 3 5 3 — --. t, — . ^ ■v --~ , ^ ^ __ ~~1 ^ - _ g o. S g g '= . s 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 g^l^ 3 3 1 3 3 g g 3 3 1 „g - ":l;^ - w ' M bOrH ^ 4> C U) a ON -— l-< 03 bo bc • bfl ■ t- 1 G Tl . . 3 W c. . -f o 0)1-^ oj O (4 O U Q 0 -d TD 1 gS S^" c 3 f" G C 1 bfl it- to 1 ■r- n) C 3 m • B p a- 0 £1 a- 0 T3 -G -n O t- tJ Tl 4; ^ u>, ■0 ^ 0 ■0 -a 1 's 3 O 0) ttJ -J j3 a> CT- SE3 01 ■-* ft o ^ rH >> -^ tM > Fh 41 0 0 1 » g5 . SS-S'S C bo 0 • M J3 - c CI 3 D. OJ -H-P-d 0-HJ5U 41 41 41 41 J= ^ 'H rTrH 41 j= j:: 43 1 "> J . . (10 1 C--^ tdo-.m>o jaojo CO 0 lO 0 iU 0 cO 0 C t- 0 "^ . d 0 • 01 d 0 41 fl • d c^ 0 t> d C t. 0 C pm^.r^♦^ >i>i^>+3 p p p +J 0 01 P tl) t3 -p tl cy c p 0) f^ +j t, 01 3 P P" B P +3 c ■-r p ■vT Pi 0 41 P 0 41 P O rH P B > P p> 1 o> -P £< c> pi e > p e > -p rH 1 < 3 3 Q 3 3 0 -H * 0 -H to Q "-s -^ ^ Q bk Q i-< rH rH 0 0 rH .H 0 .H 0 -r* rH ■o; Q vj a < Q < a m Q m *"" 3 -i- Q ^ " Q -jj 1 1 M -^ — ~ ^ u ■J 5.0^ 3 3. ■d ^ ■d ■^ 1^ ^ u t. 0 £ TJCto — ^.— -ifj-a c rH G G G • 01 --i > 3 « j:: p. aj 01 (0 41 0 X. fi 0 0 ■d P m 1 bp 0 rH -P 01 > 1 4> 41 01 •» >^ G O.CT- 1 ""^ fc C > 0 M 5-. ^ w-^ 3 3 P n1 -^ 3 Q 41 rH ■H aJ C 3 m . -H « 3 Vi § c ,ld ■oj:: ■'^o^^T^ ojo rH ^ •S 01 lA >A 41 "d 0 C 3 , y (U a> -c "d T) J3 a. o> a c u ■H ■2 rH tJ ^ t« s. a, r- to Td t: 41 0 c 1 on OlJfi-rHrH tJ!> ja c 0 'iA It 3 O m a JZ ■ 3r-.a)aJ Cffl C C - - 0 "o j:: C tft 1 01 ■-■♦^-a O-ri-CO ■njz 41 < 3 bO . bO . bfl . do . £ m • ■ 3 ■ • t. ■p • • >.Ti . ho . 1 tflO-ui>o .Mojo 3+j 0 tH 4J > 0 CO 0 oj 0 ffl 0 CO 0 -^ 0 -JO 0 ■ 41 0 0 oj >t 0 m 0 to 6 d C tH 0 0 pmt.rH+-> >J>,rH>P p-Hfl) +J 0) 41 ■3S P P -P P 1 lA P C en pi t. cj C P (,0,43 f- 41 3 P T P 0) -o p 0> +J J3 Tl P 0 01 P js 0) P p> < 0 u C) J: c tii -P 0) HJ fi ^ r^ ^^ f, ^^ rH P- C CT> P fcl § c^ +» CU c hflPi >i p >i p 1 e > p t tj +J rH P 3 3 3 3 3 3 rH ^ C 3 (i ^ ^' ^ ^ ^ fc SfeS ' ^ bo t^ M h C 41 C Q> ^ 0) g, 41 C p- 1 ^ 1 i C 41 G 4) C 0> ■H J3 -rl J3 -H J5 -rH J3 -H J3 -H £1 -r. £. H J= -rl J3 J3 •r^ X> T^ A j=i ^ -H ^ ,Q J3 -H £1 -H XI ^ t §r It It; It 1 t; 1 P E P- E P B t- 3 t, 3 t- 3 t^ 1 t 1 t 1 t is f- *^ § t It Itl oco CO coco c 0 c 0 c 0 c 0 c 0 C C c 0 C 0 G 0 c 0 c c 0 c 0 GO C 0 C X p. p. p. o. a p. p. 0. p- p. P. P. P. p. a. p. p. 0. a. 0. OJ 0) f-, U h t, h ti £ ti t I t. U £ u t. I t t t. s 1 1 1 if 1 t i I i I § 1 i 1 i I n i i 1 to 0) aJ (0 d § ^ V V, %- 1^ -^ r^ " t- '" ^ '~ (^ 1 C i E ( 1 c Id p. 3 01 •" V. ti s 01 S rt c 0) fl ■0 IM V. M d +j 1 t- rH C 0 -H M u C Q t. t3 c to 0. o C c m £ « ■ -rl P P U -H il rH tl 4) 01 -. * 0 cc 0 0 0 ^ jO a 0) u a t-H * B >> ■c « ^ s rH 01 ■a 4 m S "^1 L. 0 rH m c p p 3 ■0 ■o ^ rH 0 > -^0 0 41 ■P J3 ^ s§ 3 5 •* 0 OK « (0 01 « >l w M 1 1 U r-l ac 3 V 1 fl C. 3 £ i i 0 V. w CO » s J 1 26 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 13.-LIVEST0CK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1954 [Data for number of livestock not fully comparable for the several censuses. See State Table 12 and text] (For definitions and explanations, see text) 1954 (October) 1950 (April 1) 1945 ( January 1) 1940 (April 1) 1935 (January l) 1930 (April 1) 1925 (January l) 1920 (January l) Total value of specified classes of livestock dollars.. Cattle aad dairy products; Cattle and calves farms reporting.. number . . value. .dollars. . Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting. . number. . value. .dollars. . Milk cows farms reporting . . number. . Dairy products sold farms reporting. . dollars. . Whole milk sold farms reporting.. gallons . . dollars. . Cream sold farms reporting.. pounds of butterfat. . dollars. . Butter, buttermilk, skim milk, and cheese sold farms reporting.. dollars. . Cows milked, day preceding enumeration. .. .farms reporting.. number of cows.. Milk produced, day preceding enumeration gallons.. Cows and heifers milked dui'ing any part of preceding year farms reporting.. number. . Horses and mules; Horses and/or mules farms reporting.. number . . value. .dollars. . Horses and colts, including ponies farms reporting.. number. . value. .dollars. . Mules and mule colts farms reporting.. number. . value. .dollars. . Hops; Hogs and pigs farms reporting. . number.. value . . dollars . . 4 months old and over farms reporting.. number. . Less than 4 months old farms reporting. . number. . Sows and gilts farrowing farms reporting.. number . . Between December 1 and June 1 farms reporting.. number . . Between June 1 and December 1 farms reporting.. number . . Sheep and wool; Sheep and lambs farms reporting.. number. . value. .dollars. . Sheep 1 year old and over farms reporting.. number. . Ewes farms reporting. . number. . Rams and wethers farms reporting. . number. . Lambs under 1 year old farms reporting.. number. . Sheep and lambs shorn farms reporting.. number shorn. . Wool shorn pounds. . value. .dollars.. See footnotes at end of table. 32,905 1,356,723 131,611,187 31,197 547,302 71,149,260 27,915 209,392 (NA) ^37, 731, 469 18,164 134,136,321 36,315,918 3,832 2,601,511 1,415,551 (NA) (NA) 26,725 158,294 451,754 (NA) (NA) 16,319 56,200 3,091,000 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 9,634 121,541 3,716,195 7,035 51,415 6,020 70,126 4,698 21,410 3,479 11,247 3,369 10,163 5,535 1,198,147 20,719,876 4,648 854,230 4,547 827,201 2,913 27,029 4,018 343,917 4,378 928,324 9,832.106 5,014,375 150,034,559 33,639 948,802 112,961,115 32,700 407,406 73,049,333 30,830 185,819 24,197 27,817,955 18,391 89,649,582 25,566,442 6,295 3,665,284 2,225,222 73 26,291 29,560 144,799 432,805 (NA) (NA) 22,672 91,063 3,828,946 22,419 88,035 3,673,200 846 3,028 155,746 13,930 161,195 3,171,982 12,100 80,543 6,192 80,652 (NA) (NA) 7,799 25,442 (NA) (NA) 4,549 1,503,690 28,442,812 3,875 834,181 3,779 813,290 2,246 20,891 3,561 674,509 3,310 855,728 8,357,924 3,740,795 97,253,732 35,755 949,369 67,922,635 34,535 464,902 44,397,791 (NA) (NA) 28,676 28,285,773 19,323 103,148,974 ^24,635,255 10,058 7,304,531 ^3, 629, 992 '112 ^20,526 (NA) (NA) (NA) 34,319 216,314 (NA) 147,272 7,401,120 29,483 143,582 7,121,154 1,116 3,690 279,966 18,188 227,166 4,450,353 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 10,822 34,001 (NA) (NA) 5,325 1,335,794 14,938,370 (NA) (NA) 4,590 1,113,640 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 4,381 (NA) 11,342,470 4,698,989 50,943,704 37,148 663,276 28,987,675 36,469 342,875 19,043,209 35,710 211,180 28,872 10,610,163 12,654 53,526,908 ^6,685,45d 16,996 16,731,922 ^3,870,770 '853 ^53,937 (NA) (NA) (NA) 35,691 191,103 32,917 170,389 9,882,622 32,644 166,258 9,568,881 1,516 4,131 313,741 25,114 245,754 2,194,534 25,114 245,754 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 18,484 61,847 (NA) (NA) 6,996 1,372,415 8,361,267 6,996 1,372,415 6,543 1,285,771 (NA) 86,644 (NA) (NA) 5,816 1,297,428 12,151,539 2,716,229 38,775,311 38,603 784,272 14,238,076 38,221 374,526 9,363,150 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 37,004 198,789 35,545 196,254 12,365,102 35,278 190,451 11,915,470 1,993 5,803 449,632 22,613 196,330 1,040,549 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 13,366 33,780 (NA) (NA) 9,051 2,208,697 10,270,441 (NA) (NA) 3,189 1,723,867 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 8,127 1,966,035 17,186,546 3,952,906 71,641,683 34,117 622,170 32,362,214 (NA) 248,675 18,604,396 31,396 157,580 25,987 14,136,256 8,052 28,448,962 5,597,898 (NA) (NA) 8,343,733 '1,665 '189,625 30,898 139,187 357,467 32,872 lo8,086 33,987 213,322 10,449,241 (NA) 206,086 10,017,009 (NA) 7,236 432,232 19,334 267,614 2,968,412 (NA) 146,672 8,092 120,942 (NA) (NA) 11,418 34,694 (NA) (NA) 8,975 3,301,754 24,353,514 (NA) 2,077,453 (NA) 2,015,702 (NA) 61,751 (NA) 1,224,301 6,880 2,022,216 18,020,282 5,747,035 51,792,761 (NA) 605,604 17,638,765 (NA) 291,636 11,453,629 26,902 138,768 (NA) (NA) (NA) 8,804,739 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 31,931 151,722 35,506 240,391 10,251,582 (NA) 232,546 9,826,437 (NA) 7,845 425,145 22,216 276,323 2,603,880 (NA) («) (NA) («.) (NA) (NA) (NA) 43,948 (NA) (NA) 6,075 1,745,769 19,833,718 (NA) 1,465,800 (NA) 1,416,307 (NA) 49,493 (NA) 279,969 (NA) 1,644,999 14,025,808 5,379,611 95,753,215 35,494 714,903 36,382,229 (NA) 302,342 19,673,549 29,461 115,336 (NA) 6,368,269 3,036 6,302,891 1,831,036 (NA) (NA) 3,780,382 '8,188 '756,851 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 300,858 25,179,163 38,067 293,123 24,368,376 2,605 7,735 810,787 26,708 240,030 3,567,413 (♦•) (».) («) («) (NA) (NA) 14,915 43,084 (NA) (NA) 8,037 '2,356,270 29,249,088 (NA) 1,880,021 6,485 1,789,631 (NA) 90,390 5,246 446,449 4,966 2,170,133 17,860,527 8,751,658 IDAHO State Table 13.-LIVEST0CK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1954 -Continued 27 [Data for number of lives tock not fully comparable for the sevenl censuses. See Sta te T-,ble 12 and text] Item (For definitions and explanations. Census :,!■_ see text) 195.•.•■■•.•..••• .farnis reporting,. («A) (NA) 625 641 712 333 729 316 274 number.. (NA) 5,481 4,164 3,886 3,563 l,o02 1,515 value.. dollars. . (NA) (NA) 27,405 16,587 9,715 19,660 9,800 14,808 Anfiora goats and kids. .■•...•••>•••• • .farms reporting.. (MA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 18 (NA) 135 (NA) 77 number.. (NA) 552 (NA) 768 (NA) 815 Other coats and klds> ■•*•••■•••■•••• • , farms reporting.. (NA) (MA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 699 (NA) (NA) (NA) 243 number, . (NA) 3,ol2 (NA) 2,795 (NA) 700 Goats and kids clipped. .......•..*..... • .farms reporting,. (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 18 21 (NA) (NA) 71 number,. (NA) (NA) (NA) 522 502 682 Mohair clipped pounds.. (NA) (NA) (NA) 2,644 2,032 2,142 2,283 2,436 value. .dollars,. (NA) («.) (NA) 792 416 772 981 1,520 Poaltry and poultry products: .farms reporting,. n,98'i 15,520 20,299 20,188 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) dollars, , 5,503,84o 6,134,311 6,581,804 2,534,416 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) Chickens, A months old and over, on hand .farms reporting.. 23,386 27,414 32,164 33,961 34,983 32,462 31,669 35,167 number. , 1,666,877 1,525,438 2,169,061 1,966,356 1,930,065 1,989,328 2,028,805 1,654,771 value. .dollars. , 1,833,565 1,629,704 2,483,849 1,001,019 851,428 1,433,642 1,455,016 1,360,514 Chickens sold .farms reporting.. 5,886 8,374 (NA) 10,797 (NA) 12,902 (NA) 9,943 nuTiber., 1,453,276 1,202,072 (NA) 1,013, •'97 (NA) 1,124,225 (NA) 448,311 dollars.. 1,265,337 1,244,267 (NA) 548,205 (NA) 398,247 (NA) 326,273 Chicken eggs sold .farms reporting.. 10,316 13,246 (NA) (NA) (NA) 19,382 (NA) 19,820 dozens . . 10,U3,936 8,625,894 (NA) (NA) (NA) 10,317,632 (NA) 3,555,021 dollars.. 3,569,105 3,672,725 (NA) (NA) (NA) 2,871,579 (NA) 1,427,106 Turkey hens, to be kept for breeding on hsnd. ..................... .farms reporting.. 'V'il 333 (NA) 2,443 6,493 (NA) (NA) 4,807 number.. 2,727 10,582 (NA) 24,156 62,073 (NA) (NA) 25,982 Turkeys raised .farms reporting.. 1,282 1,052 1,110 2,129 (NA) 9,384 (NA) (NA) number, , 159,846 207,207 252,047 196,615 (NA) 516,976 (NA) (NA) Ducks raised , farms reporting,. 1,297 e» («A) 644 (NA) 1,575 (NA) (NA) number. . 13,919 8,720 (NA) 14,246 (NA) 30,174 (NA) (NA) Geese raised .farms reporting.. 1,120 908 (NA) 571 (NA) 2,291 (NA) (NA) number . . 9,998 9,9iS (NA) 6,738 (NA) 25,121 (NA) (NA) Guineas raised. ..••.••••••- ....•.•.••••• .farms reporting., number. . 22 22i 21 627 (NA) (NA) 50 706 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) Turkeys, ducks, geese, and other miscellaneous Doultry and their esgs sold ••••••••••• ,f ELrms reporting. . 833 958 (NA) (NA) (NA) (SA) (NA) (NA) dollars.. 66'=*,'W4 1,217,319 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) Aninals sold alive: Cattle, hogs, sheep, horses, or mules sold alive . -farms reporting.. 27,309 29,536 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) dollars. . 85,639,950 87,386,693 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (HA) (NA) Cattle, hogs, or sheep sold alive .farms reporting.. 27,137 29,202 (NA) 23,191 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) Cattle and/or calves sold alive .. . .farms reporting.. 2i,924 26,395 25,447 21,454 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) number . . 534,23'5 441,534 373,636 240,931 (KA) (UA) (NA) (NA) dollars. . 63,608,955 59,904,808 23,125,804 10,399,678 (HA) (NA) (NA) (UA) Cattle sold alive, excluding .farms reporting., number . . 20,001 392,612 21,851 346,495 (NA) (NA) 17,287 194,681 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) dollars,. 54,807,286 53,527,012 (NA) 9,651,685 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) Calves sold alive , farms reporting.. 14,038 14,218 (NA) 10,138 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) number . , 141,627 95,039 (NA) 46,250 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) dollars,. 8,801,669 6,377,796 (NA) 747,993 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) Hogs and pigs sold alive .farms reporting.. 5,970 13,082 13,381 17,475 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) number. , 119,272 257,325 492,659 430,915 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) dollars.. 4,344,240 8,620,293 13,424,516 5,601,895 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) Sheep and lambs sold alive ..farms reporting.. 4,250 3,282 4,038 4,891 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) number, . 1,039,998 990,809 1,298,821 1,346,568 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) dollars.. 17,482,541 18,479,694 12,901,178 8,577,4aH (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) Horses and mules sold alive, «.*.••••• ..farms reporting.. 1,446 3,470 3,815 10,436 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) number, . (NA) dollars. , 204,214 381,893 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) ••Available data not comparable. NA Not available. ^For 1954, whole milk and cream only, ^Published values for 1945 and 1940 were computed on the basis of average prices. For this table, these values have been adjusted to equal the enumerated value of all dairy products sold. ^Butter sold. ^Figures include 29,800 sheep not classified by age and sex. 28 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 14.-FARMS REPORTING SPECIFIED NUMBER OF CATTLE ON HAND; CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950; FARMS REPORTING SPECIFIED NUMBER OF LIVESTOCK ON HAND OR SOLD ALIVE: CENSUS OF 1954 [Data for 1954 are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] (For definitions and explanations, see text) State total (For definitions and explanations, see text) State total Cattle and calves of all ages on hand farms reporting 195*i.. 1950.. number 1954., 1950., 1 farms reporting 195'!.. 1950. . 2 to 4 farms reporting 195"^.. 1950.. 5 to 9 farms reporting 195'i.. 1950.. 10 to 24 farms reporting 1954 . . 1950. . 25 to 49 farms reporting 1954., 1950. . 50 to 99 farms reporting 1954.. 1950. . 100 and over farms reporting 1954. . 1950.. Cows on hand 1954, iocluding heifers that have calved farms reporting,. number. . 1 farms reporting. . 2 farms reporting. , 3 or 4 farms reporting, . 5 to 9 farms reporting,. 10 to 14 farms reporting.. 15 to 19 farms reporting. . 20 to 29 farms reporting.. 30 to 49 farms reporting. . 50 to 74 farms reporting., 75 to 99 farms reporting., 100 to 199 farms reporting.. 200 to 499 farms reporting.. 500 to 999 farms reporting.. 1 , 000 and over farms reporting . . Milk cows on hand, 1954 farms reporting.. number , . 1 farms reporting, . 2 farms reporting.. 3 farms reporting . . 4 farms reporting.. 5 to 9 farms reporting., 10 to 14 farms reporting. , 15 to 19 farms reporting.. 20 to 29 farms reporting. , 30 to 49 farms reporting. . 50 to 74 farms reporting.. 75 to 99 farms reporting.. 100 and over farms reporting.. Cattle sold alive, excluding calves, 1954 farms reporting,. number, . 1 to 4 farms reporting. . 5 to 9 farms reporting.. 10 to 19 farms reporting.. 20 to 29 farms reporting. . 30 to 39 farms reporting. , 40 to 49 farms reporting. . 50 to 99 farms reporting. . 100 to 199 farms reporting., 200 and over farms reporting, . Calves sold alive, 1954 farms reporting,. number. . 1 to 4 farms reporting. . 5 to 9 farms reporting., 10 to 14 farms reporting.. 15 to 19 farms reporting.. 20 to 29 farms reporting., 30 to 39 farms reporting,. 40 to 49 farms reporting.. 50 to 99 farms reporting,. 100 and over farms reporting,. 33,351 33,639 1,325,682 948,802 961 1,461 4,039 5,424 4,629 6,226 10,079 11,291 7,457 5,463 3,683 2,136 2,503 1,616 31,676 544,700 3,747 2,463 3,659 7,708 5,053 2,602 2,626 1,820 828 371 535 223 31 7 28, 268 214,832 5,032 3,192 2,252 1,868 7,742 4,410 1,766 1,402 499 87 11 7 20,130 360,945 9,520 4,280 2,688 1,169 666 389 761 403 254 14,354 140,946 7,278 3,703 1,269 573 625 289 150 309 158 Sows and ffilts fnrrovine after Dec. 1, 1953 and before Dec. 1, 1954 farms reporting., 1 farms reporting. 2 farms reporting. 3 farms reporting. 4 farms reporting. 5 farms reporting. 6 farms reporting. 7. farms reporting, 8 farms reporting. 9 farms reporting. 10 or more ...farms reporting.. Hogs and pigs sold alive, 1951 farms reporting. number. 1 "to 4 farms reporting.. 5 to 9 farms report ing . . 10 to 14 farms reporting.. 15 to 19 farms reporting,. 20 to 29 farms reporting., 30 to 39 farms reporting., 40 to 49 farms reporting, , 50 to 99 farms reporting, , 100 to 199 fanns reporting.. 200 and over farms reporting.. Turkeys raised, light breeds, 1954 farms reporting.. number. . Under 25 farms reporting.. 25 to 49 farms reporting. . 50 to 99 farms reporting. . 100 to 199 farms reporting.. 200 to 399 (arms reporting.. 400 to 799 farms reporting.. 800 to 1,599 farms reporting,. 1,600 and over farms reporting,. Turkeys raised, heavy breeds, 1954 farms reporting,. number , , Under 25 farms reporting, . 25 to 49 farms reporting.. 50 to 99 farms reporting. . 100 to 199 farms reporting.. 200 to 399 farms reporting,. 400 to 799 farms reporting,. 800 to 1,599 farms reporting.. 1,600 and over farms reporting.. Broilers (chickens) sold, 1954 farms reporting.. number . . Under 2,000 farms reporting,. 2,000 to 3,999 farms reporting.. 4,000 to 7,999 farms reporting.. 8,000 to 15,999 farms reporting.. 16,000 to 31,999 farms reporting.. 32,000 to 39,999 farms reporting,. 40,000 to 49,999 farms reporting.. 50,000 to 59,999 farms reporting.. 60,000 to 69,999 farms reporting,. 70,000 to 79,999 farms reporting,. 80,000 to 89,999 farms reporting., 90,000 and over farms reporting.. 4,712 1,469 1,071 446 457 200 242 75 145 61 546 5,759 111,519 1,493 1,300 770 554 559 311 223 386 139 24 587 25,294 525 39 12 1 5 5 BOA. 77,280 643 86 53 5 5 96 844, 540 45 5 16 10 10 5 IDAHO Slate Table 15.-NURSERY, GREENHOUSE, AND FOREST PRODUCTS: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1954 29 Item Census of— [For definitions and explanations, see text) 1954 1950 1945 1940 1935 1930 1925 1980 (October ) (April 1) (January 1) (April 1) (January 1) (April 1) (January 1) (January ll Nursery anil greenhouse pruducts, flo«er aod vegetable seeds aDd plants, and bulbs: Nursery and greenhouse products, flower and vegetable seeds and plants, flowers, and bulbs sold dollars... 1,433,936 1,261,802 2,796,726 350,451 (HA) 239,225 (NA) 160,608 Nursery products (trees, shrubs, vines, ornajnentals, etc.) farms reporting... 43 58 (NA) 30 (NA) '84 (NA) 26 acres.. . 103 108 (NA) 80 (NA) (NA) (NA) 95 Sold............... ■......■■•........•.■.. .dollars ... 175,305 214,133 (NA) 40,343 (NA) '87,997 (NA) 45,335 Cut flowers, potted plants, florist greeos. and bedding plants grown for sale: Grown under gl:iss farms reporting... 69 ^58 (NA) '50 (NA) *71 (NA) '33 square feet... 486,648 2349,581 (NA) =309,523 (NA) (NA) (NA) '237,431 Grown in open f ai-ms reporting. . . 45 '62 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) acres.. . 27 '120 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) Sold farms reporting — 93 '91 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) dollars... 560,178 '328,747 (NA) '121,733 (HA) '201,228 (NA) '103,794 Vegetables grown under glass, flower seeds. vegetable seeds, vegetable plants, bulbs, and ausbrooBS produced for sale: Grown under glass or in house farms reporting 34 45 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) square feet. , . 77,172 72,004 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) Grown in open farms reporting... 209 251 (NA) '281 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) acres. . . 2,436 2,815 (NA) '2,646 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) Sold farms reporting.. . 237 284 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) dollars.. . 698,453 718,922 (NA) '188,375 (NA) (NA) (NA) "^11,479 Forest products: All forest products sold. .........dollars... 1,551,883 3,215 867,428 3,535 482,854 (NA) 274,888 (NA) 205,408 (NA) 662,619 5,443 (NA) 5,672 1,633,624 Firewood and fuelwood cut farms reporting... (NA) cords C4'x "i'x 8')... 35,263 43,788 (NA) (NA) (NA) 100,649 96,174 (HA) Fence posts cut farms reporting... 1,359 1,524 (NA) (NA) (NA) 1,737 (NA) (NA) 335,385 525,520 (NA) (NA) (NA) 360,964 (NA) (NA) Sawlogs and veneer logs cut (including standing tijnber sold) farms reporting... 1,027 »442 (NA) (NA) (NA) '300 (NA) (NA) thousands of bd. ft... 95,547 *15,465 (NA) (NA) (NA) «31,492 (NA) (NA) Value of firewood, fence posts, logs, liimber. pulpwood, piling and poles, bark, bolts. Christmas trees, hewn ties, mine tijnber, and other 1,198 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (HA) dollars, , . 1,551,888 867,428 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) HA Not available. ^Trees, plants, vines, etc., in nurseries; flower and vegetable seeds; and bulbs. ^Flowers and flowering plants grown for sale. ^Crops grown under glass (flowers, plants, and vegetables) and propagated ntushrooms. *Flowers, plants, and vegetables grown under glass, and flowers grown in the open, 'Total square feet under glass. ^Flower and vegetable seeds, bulbs, and flowers and plants grown in the open. 'Value of flower and vegetable seeds; and vegetables and vegetable plants. ^Does not include amount sold as standing timber. 30 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE Stale Table 16.-SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED:' CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1954 Item [For definitions and explanations, see text) 1954 (October) 1950 (April 1) 1945 (January 1) 1940 (April 1) 1935 (January 1) 1930 (April 1] 1925 (January 1) Al 1 farms number . Cropland harvested farms reporting. acres. Total value of specified crops harvested (see text)^ dollars. Value of all crops sold (see text)^ dollars. Corn; Corn for all purposes farms reporting. acres, value. .dollars. Harvested for grain farms reporting. seres . bushels . Cut for silage farms reporting . acres, tons, green weight. Hogged or grazed, or cut for green or dry fodder farms reporting. acres. Corn sold farms reporting. bushels . dollars . Small grains : Grains grown together and threshed as a mixture farms reporting. acres. bushels. value. .dollars . Sold farms reporting. bushels, dollars. Winter wheat threshed or combined farms reporting. acres. bushels . value. .dollars. Sold farms reporting . bushels . dollars . Spring wheat threshed or combined farms reporting. acres. bushels . value. .dollars. Sold farms reporting. bushels. dollars. Oats threshed or combined farms reporting. acres. bushels. value. .dollars . Sold farms reporting . bushels . dollars. Oats cut for feeding unthreshed farms reporting. acres, value. .dollars. Barley threshed or combined farms reporting. acres. bushels . value. .dollars. Sold farms reporting. bushels . dollars. Other grain threshed or combined farms reporting. acres - bushels. value. .dollars. Sold farms reporting. bushels, dollars. Annual le^nies: Dry field and seed beans harvested for besns farms reporting. acres. 100- lb. bags. value.. dollars. sold. .dollars. Dry field and seed peas harvested for peas farms reporting. acres. pourds. value. .dollars . sold. .dollars. Hay crops (see text): Land from which hay was cut'' acres. Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay (and for dehydrating) farms reporting. acres. tons. value. .dollars. Sold farms reporting. tons . dollars. Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay farms reporting. acres. tons. value. .dollars. Sold farms reporti ng . tons, dollars. 38,737 33,697 3,727,616 269,218,541 196,634,262 3,633 44,010 4,366,854 1,373 13,982 852,101 2,448 28,357 393,026 215 1,671 442 344,091 584,954 7,098 93,336 4,478,062 5,373,674 1,442 720,396 864,473 5,490 646,482 17,202,143 35,264,393 5,174 15,954,187 32,706,085 18,145 508,880 17,342,343 33,645,115 16,714 15,761,224 30,576,776 10,059 174,079 8,183,284 6,219,296 4,100 4,283,663 3,255,532 (') (') (') 11,832 540,793 17,734,854 17,912,203 7,273 12,662,192 12,738,810 183 5,441 110,747 170,550 75 68,560 105,584 5,306 149,493 2,637,682 18,463,774 18,094,499 1,803 100,483 134,352,031 6,742,604 6,607,754 1,113,379 26,831 342,950 2,387,321 50,133,741 7,478 536,278 11,261,838 3,336 95,888 136,707 2,939,2qo 454 14,147 304,162 36,150 3,647,885 212,938,006 153,836,501 2,882 25,940 2,074,025 1,725 13,095 713,747 1,244 11,644 135,655 210 1,201 =772 281,076 =571,832 5,035 71,686 3,013,419 3,314,764 1,269 657,963 (NA) 6,871 961,865 20,551,103 37,429,726 6,068 18,908,772 (NA) 17,353 507,733 14,321,779 25,264,957 13,744 11,406,646 (NA) 10,338 158,259 6,248,875 4,573,708 3,742 2,687,069 (NA) 932 8,902 267,007 10,627 303,600 9,598,169 8,756,928 5,019 5,641,941 (NA) 193 3,270 46,560 64,823 66 13,561 (NA) 5,418 143 , 589 2,36^,970 14,128,309 (NA) 1,881 88,271 94,501,600 3,567,767 (NA) 1,031,775 26,739 690,781 1,881,056 35,562,920 (NA) (NA) (NA) 5,477 137,276 183,837 ^,793,059 (NA) (NA) (NA) 37,301 3,441,661 190,381,068 120,147,871 2,838 23,715 ,294,139 1,647 12,623 524,808 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 4,555 59,587 2,901,978 2,837,440 (NA) (NA) (NA) 5,364 663,539 18,152,213 23,533,526 (NA) (NA) (NA) 15,646 377,291 12,226,905 15,739,331 (NA) (NA) (NA) 10,741 164,906 7,023,860 4,324,271 (NA) (NA) (NA) 2,059 21,875 483,829 11,506 297,907 11,084,714 9,304,817 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 4,890 63,784 71,861 (NA) (NA) (NA) 5,069 142,175 2,205,049 13,252,381 (NA) 4,068 212,856 271,515,600 13,435,176 (NA) 1,151,579 23,967 793,758 1,921,298 29,927,336 (NA) (NA) (NA) 4,562 122,498 167,602 2,602,826 (NA) (NA) (NA) 39,936 2,935,350 64,761,253 43,064,843 6,546 45,427 1,236,614 4,998 33,276 1,392,641 811 6,279 59,238 1,114 5,872 (NA) (NA) (NA) 2,167 23,872 987,729 416,889 (NA) (NA) (NA) 5,930 562,596 13,650,783 8,371,319 (NA) (NA) (NA) 18,514 316,300 8,672,294 5,102,379 (NA) (NA) (NA) 12,189 176,067 6,611,917 1,858,282 (HA) (HA) (HA) 670 6,600 51,800 12,597 214,007 7,312,336 2,909,127 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 13 , 594 150,395 192,134 (NA) (NA) (NA) '3,342 '98,937 1,480,220 3,946,040 (NA) '1,647 '48,155 52,990,200 1,278,432 (NA) 1,120,599 30,078 774,034 1,798,219 12,183,406 (NA) (NA) (NA) 6,490 125,507 163,659 1,049,636 (NA) (NA) (NA) 45,113 41,117 2,663,635 («♦) (NA) 4,514 26,736 (NA) 3,306 18,421 666,982 (HA) (HA) (HA) (HA) (HA) (HA) (NA) (NA) 757 7,525 296,887 178,132 (HA) (HA) (NA) 6,256 518,737 10,536,816 7,410,771 (NA) (NA) (NA) 13,390 361,679 9,149,647 6,221,760 (NA) (NA) (NA) 10,000 121,902 4,284,047 1,670,778 (HA) (NA) (NA) 600 5,397 (NA) 7,659 95,554 3,289,131 1,677,457 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 6,346 61,782 42,824 (NA) (NA) (NA) 3,414 92,188 1,204,823 3,775,113 (NA) [Z] (NA) (NA) (NA) 1,188,062 29,325 758,466 1,701,638 14,293,759 (NA) (NA) (NA) 5,363 111,523 145,725 1,296,952 (NA) (NA) (NA) 39,203 3,150,097 ("•) 73,658,398 4,856 31,844 (NA) 3,297 19,711 700,187 470 4,032 34,672 (HA) 8,101 (HA) (NA) (NA) 636 8,351 257,502 198,278 (NA) (NA) (NA) 7,029 703,239 13,971,744 13,975,013 (NA) (NA) {Z\ 591,336 14,619,613 14,355,753 (NA) (NA) (NA) 8,765 124,236 4,244,701 2,075,406 (NA) (NA) (NA) 975 10,242 (NA) 9,071 133,416 4,247,839 2,717,117 (HA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 3,899 44,341 42,366 (NA) (NA) (NA) 3,362 ■133,169 1,596,215 9,094,683 (NA) 2,611 ■56,420 65,665,800 2.353,029 (NA) 1,150,735 23,077 766,445 1,369,923 20,097,342 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 181,037 236,633 2,956,882 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 2,573,799 (") (NA) 7,361 63,324 (NA) 4,642 36,551 1,121,202 317 7,810 53 ,402 (HA) 18,963 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) fK (NA) (NA) (NA) 5,943 414,579 6,225,922 3,423,836 (NA) (NA) (NA) 14,44-6 394,625 7,015,334 9,540,308 (NA) (NA) (NA) 8,968 132,442 3,479,331 2,195,502 (NA) (NA) (NA) 1,066 13,096 (NA) 6,933 116,910 2,826,538 2,486,872 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 2,951 20,982 25,045 (NA) (NA) (NA) 2,369 65,221 (NA) (NA) (NA) [Z] (HA) (HA) (NA) 1,162,332 25,236 724,733 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (HA) (NA) 191,521 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) See footnotes at end of table. IDAHO Stale Table 16.-SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED:' CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1954-Coniinued 31 Census of— Item see tent) [For definitions and explanations 1.^^4 I9bri K'4f 1940 1936 1930 1925 1920 /ictjl.erl (April 1) (January 11 (April 1) [January 1) (April 1) (January 1) (January 1) Ilay crops (see text) — Continued Oats, uheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay . farms reporting . . . '2,571 3,060 3,499 5,921 3,419 5,403 6,201 9,107 acres... '38,195 45,033 48,915 73,782 128,030 30,204 107,430 167,531 ton.-?. . . '53,308 56,942 66,743 94,669 141,620 96,935 (NA) 139,881 '1,039,506 1,196,243 1,032,330 650,381 1,132,960 1,317,054 (NA) 3,846,739 Sold U7 (HA) (NA) (NA) (HA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 4,166 (HA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) aollarj... 81,242 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) Wild hay cut .farms reporting... 1,725 2,196 2,053 2,055 («) 1,522 (NA) 2,003 acres. . . 120,6^7 142,599 134,833 109,707 (") 95,443 93,753 121,097 tons... 131,697 155,782 150,351 117,636 (*-) 97,083 (NA) 116,239 value. .dollars. . . 2,304,698 2,451,437 1,700,633 607,020 (*") 341,171 (NA) 2,208,541 Sold .farms reporting... 170 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (HA) (NA) tons . . . 12,151 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) dollars. . . 212,647 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) nth HI* hav flit. ( Sffl tox fl .farms reporting... 670 1,124 1,875 (NA) (NA) '"190,043 (NA) (NA) (NA) \j \tH^k Jiojr w u f \ jcD vv /\^. ■••.-.»-......■. acres. . . 14,854 25,257 46,570 l''37,516 '"27,556 '"39,890 '"25,001 tons . . . 20,139 33,543 58,393 '"43,650 '"170,770 '"32,245 (NA) '"28,635 value. .dollars... 422,919 654,271 872,524 '°30e,238 '"1,522,183 '"312,412 (HA) '"601,335 Sold .farms reporting... 79 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (HA) (NA) tons... 2,437 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) dollars. . . 52,227 (NA) (NA) (NA) (HA) (HA) (NA) (NA) Crass silage made from grasses, alfalfa. clover Or sns 11 fn's ins. ...... ■-----•.. .farms reporting... 23 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) "6 (*') (♦») (*») (*") acres. .. 345 "53 (*♦) (•*) (-) (") tons, green weight. .. 6,037 (NA) (NA) "415 (") (»*) (NA) (.,) value. .dollars. . . 39,240 (NA) (NA) "2,075 (-) («) (NA) (") \lfalfa sved, clover, erasa. and other field seed crops: Alfalfa seed harvested .farns reporting... 910 1,348 930 2,786 (NA) 1,930 (NA) («•) acres. . . 25,591 25,907 13,517 58,912 (NA) 41,723 (NA) (NA) pounds. . . 3,659,721 3,053,976 l,371,3cO 5,065,560 (NA) 7,080,780 (NA) (,.) value . .dollars . , . 1,427,291 1,341,795 544,671 705,061 (NA) 1,415,121 (NA) (") sold.. dollars... 1,398,744 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) Austrian winter peas hervested ......... .farms reporting... 1U6 3hl (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) acres. . . 8,466 32,693 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) pounds. . . 11,604,919 29,643,519 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) value,. dollars... 343,143 1,185,740 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) sold.. dollars... 313,333 (NA) (NA) (NA) (HA) (NA) (NA) (NA) Bluegrass seed harvested .farms reporting... 8 5 (NA) (NA) (HA) (NA) (NA) (NA) acres. .. 200 53 NA) (NA) HA) (NA) (NA) HA) pounds . . . 58,235 3,632 (NA) (HA) (HA) (NA) (NA) (NA) value. .dollars . . , 3,153 1,452 (NA) (NA) (HA) (HA) (NA) (HA) sold. .dollars... 7,745 (NA) (NA) (NA) (HA) (NA) (NA) (NA) BromegTB ss seed harvested......... .farms reporting... 32 26 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (HA) (HA) acres. . . 673 588 pounds . . . 109,330 48,693 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (HA) value. .dollars. . . 12,026 19,477 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (HA) sold.. dollars... 10,826 (NA) (NA) (NA) (HA) (NA) (NA) (NA) Clover seed haTvested: Alsike clover seed harvested .farms reporting... 213 449 (NA) (HA) (HA) (NA) (NA) (NA) acres . . . 7,126 14,778 (NA) (NA) (HA) (NA) (NA) (NA) pounds. .. 1,702,353 1,821,491 (NA) (HA) (HA) (NA) (HA) (NA) value.. dollars. .. 476,659 575,026 (NA) (HA) (HA) (NA) (NA) (NA) sold.. dollars. .. 467,127 (NA) (NA) (HA) (HA) (HA) (HA) (NA) Ladino clover seed harvested .farms reporting... 9 131 (NA) (HA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) acres. . . 135 2,065 (NA) (HA) (NA) (NA) (HA) (NA) pounds.. . 21,125 174,732 (NA) (NA) NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) value. .dollars.. . 9,718 235,888 (NA) (NA) (na) (NA) (NA) (NA) sold.. dollars... 9,231 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) Red clover seed harvested .farns reporting... 1 ,066 2,810 1,839 1^4,692 (NA) '^3,914 (NA) 1,293 acres. . . 13,666 35,583 21,469 '=62,503 (NA) "50,715 HA) (NA) pounds. .. 5,312,473 3,977,284 5,572,320 '=13,767,660 (na) "11,706,420 (NA) 3,771,720 value., dollars. . . 2,762,486 3,770,457 1,782,330 '=3,034,184 (NA) "1,580,342 (NA) 1,697,274 sold.. dollars... 2,734,863 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) Sweetclover seed harvested .farms reporting... 38 126 (NA) 232 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) acres. .. 1,034 3,129 (NS) 3,813 (NA) (NA) (HA) (NA) pounds.. . 196,131 918,571 (NA) 802,020 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) value. .dollars . . . 21,574 137,789 (NA) 26,734 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) sold. .dollars... 19,418 (NA) (NA) (NA) (HA) (NA) (NA) (NA) White clover seed harvested. ........ .farms reporting... 92 203 (NA) (NA) (ha) (NA) (NA) (HA) acres. . . 3,004 8,851 (NA) (NA) (HA) (NA) (NA) (NA) pounds.. . 684,330 1,023,512 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (HA) value . .dollars . . . 526,934 730,247 (NA) (HA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) sold.. dollars... 500,589 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (HA) (NA) (NA) Other and unspecified clover seed harvested .farms reporting... 1 3 (NA) (HA) (NA) (NA) (HA) (NA) seres... 12 12 (NA) (NA) (NA) (HA) (HA) (NA) pounds . . . 1,254 1,290 (NA) (NA) (NA) HA NA) (NA) value . .dollars . . . 602 903 (NA) (NA) (NA) (HA) (na) (NA) sold.. dollars... 542 (NA) (NA) (HA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) Fescue seed harvested .farms reporting... 80 24 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) acres. . . 2,150 539 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (HA) pounds. . . 732,295 33,397 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (HA) value . .dollars . . . 153,782 35,237 (NA) (HA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) sold. .dollars... 138,403 (NA) (NA) (HA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) Ryegrass seed harvested ................ .farms reporting... 1 (NA) (NA) (NA) (HA) (NA) (HA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) acres. .. 105 pounds.. . 82,000 (NA) (HA) (HA) (NA) (NA) (NA) value. .dollars... 6,560 ... (NA) (NA) (HA) (NA) (NA) (NA) sold.. dollars... 5,904 (NA) HA) HA) (NA) NA) (NA Sudan grass seed harvested .farms reporting... 1 "i (na) (na) (NA) (NA) (NA) (na) acres. . . 65 10 (NA) (HA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) pounds. .. 15,000 2,000 (NA) (HA) (HA) (NA) (NA) (NA) value.. dollars... 1,350 100 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) sold.. dollars.. . 1,215 (NA) (NA) (NA) (na) (na) (na) (NA) Timotlty seed harvested .farms reporting... 6 4 NA) (NA) NA) (HA) (NA) (NA) 2.7 NA) (NA) (NA) acres. . . 66 16 584 (NA) pounds . . . 10,960 2,250 (NA) (NA) (NA) 84,420 (NA) (NA) value. .dollars .. . 1,863 450 (NA) (HA) (NA) 3,659 (NA) (NA) sold.. dollars. .. 1,677 (NA) (NA) (HA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) See footnotes at end of table. 32 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table I6.-SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED:' CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1954-Continual Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) 1954 (October) 1950 (April 1) 1945 (January 1) 1940 (April 1| 1935 (January 1) 1930 (April 1| 1925 (January 1) Alfalfa seed, clover, ^ass, and other field seed crops — Continued Wheatgrass seed harvested farms reporting. acres. pounds. value. .dollars. sold. .dollars. Other field seed crops harvested acres. value. .dollars . sold. .dollars . Other field crops: Dill for oil harvested farms reporting. acres. pounds. value.. dollars. sold. .dollars. Irish potatoes harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting. acres. 100-lb. bags. value . .dollars . sold. .dollars . Lentils harvested farms repa.'ting. acres . pounds. value . .dollars . sold. .dollars. Mint for oil harvested farms reporting. acres. pounds. value, .dollars , sold,. dollars. Popcorn harvested farms reporting. acres. pounds . value. .dollars . sold, .dollars. Rapeseed harvested farms reporting. acres. pounds. value. .dollars. sold. .dollars, Safflower harvested farms reporting. acres. bushels . value. .dollars. sold.. dollars. Sugar beets h8rver?ted for sugar farms reporting. acres. tons. value. .dollars. sold . .dollars. Sweet corn harvested for seed farms reporting. acres. pounds. value. .dollars. sold. .dollars . All other field crops harvested acres. value. .dollars. sold . .dollars. Value of specified crops harvested, except fruits, nuts, horticultural specialties, and vef);etables. .. .dollars. Value of crops sold, except fruits, nuts, horticultural specialties, and vegetahles dollars. Vegetables for home use and for sale (other than Irish and sweet potatoes): Vegetables harvested for home use^^ farms reporting. value. .dollars. Vegetables harvested for sale^' farms reporting. acres. sold. .dollars. Beans, snap (bush and pole types) farms reporting. acres. Beans, green lima farms reporting. acres. Cantaloups and musionelons farms reporting. acres. Carrots farms reporting. acres. Corn^ sueet farms reporting. acres. Lettuce and romaine farms reporting. acres. Onions, dry farms reporting. acres . Peas, green farms reporting. acres. Tomatoes farms reporting. acres. Watermelons farms reporting. acres. Other vegetables acres. Berries and other small fruits harvested for sale:^' Strawberries farms reporting. acres. quarts. value. .dollars. Raspberries (tame) farms reporting. acres. quarts. value. .dollars . Other berries and small fruits acres . value. .dollars. See footnotes at end of table. 72 1,595 192,295 32,690 547 37,673 35,735 100 10,396 35,658 35,658 11,409 1''150,151 25,735,619 46,324,114 41,489,344 ao 4,824 3,317,193 199,032 195,051 4 241 3,859 21,224 21,224 74 1,031 1,623,616 97,417 97,417 7 239 253,610 17,753 17,753 18 509 7,760 11,640 11,640 3,969 85,696 1,547,436 18,414,489 18,414,489 436 6,871 14,065,929 1,687,911 1,687,911 120 5,651 3,989 257,680,165 185,145,886 23,017 (NA) 1,635 29,237 3,596,954 61 161 89 2,599 53 172 68 249 1,099 11,887 62 402 223 2,443 261 10,643 148 101 51 196 384 332 267 360,060 108,020 547 173 217,989 76,296 32 11,847 44 1,237 95,760 23,727 (NA) 266 10,355 (NA) 2 238 9,600 31,650 (NA) 12,048 '■'144,523 21,320,192 39,351,568 (NA) 12 448 208,189 17,696 (NA) (NA) 131 1,423 3,229,100 136,099 (NA) 73 4,215 2,130,203 176,807 (NA) 5 66 661 1,640 (NA) 3,923 58,355 1,080,387 11,062,275 (NA) 375 4,645 10,654,567 958,911 (NA) 3,394 "1,463,577 (NA) '204,373,810 '146,027,104 23,969 (NA) 1,882 20,704 ,345,976 150 824 26 476 113 194 95 111 1,050 8,517 162 1,688 291 2,750 350 5,474 238 155 89 197 317 652 464 660,626 265,635 691 252 232,164 92,074 19 4,748 174,684,092 107,925,116 29 ,472 2,227,291 2,637 26,008 3,855,047 189 500 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1,059 7,335 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 499 5,483 303 214 (NA) (NA) (NA) 1,072 381 426,557 136,947 1,733 426 500,235 157,657 110 26,431 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 32,063 (NA) 3 41 2,384 2,861 (NA) 15,296 125,242 15,963,067 11,354,346 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 137 1,081 2,141,200 43,040 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 5,883 70,804 980,401 4,116,695 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 93,048 (NA) 59,569,904 39,723,760 30,937 1,350,653 2,242 14,582 1,321,355 128 97 24 8 146 294 281 236 605 1,693 281 1,955 653 3,101 478 5,442 508 328 155 471 957 2,119 645 1,071,306 87,229 3,104 635 812,711 104,528 165 22,047 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) («.) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 19,244 123,724 14,280,641 11,424,513 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) h (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) NA) (NA) 3,055 32,640 292,986 1,377,034 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (*•) (NA) («.) (NA) 27,179 974, 512 (NA) 11,093 (NA) 229 142 (NA) (NA) \Z] (NA) (NA) 973 2,373 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 378 231 280 598 (NA) 1,605 855 1,024,232 102,423 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) NA) NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) («) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 15,406 76,609 8,582,758 16,525,013 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 2 19 800 2,200 (NA) 50 236 491,800 19,673 (HA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) NA) (NA) 4,110 47,814 527,257 3,954,433 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (♦*) (NA) (") (NA) 23,001 1,343,601 2,377 6,770 834,223 376 257 230 214 183 177 775 1,640 307 353 578 979 475 1,117 468 185 274 563 1,285 2,973 661 941,109 143,055 3,897 635 694,343 118,388 188 24,794 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (*») (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 13,217 60,694 6,088,309 6,580,018 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) h (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) NA) (NA) 3,463 38,881 260,574 1,954,310 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (•*) (NA) (") (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 156 232 (NA) (NA) 643 800 542 1,500 506 587 (NA) (NA) 233 158 219 479 (NA) 617 397 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) [Z] IDAHO Slate Table 16.-SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED:' CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1954-Coniinued 33 Item definitioas and explanations. 1954 [October) 1950 (April 1) 1945 ( January 1 ) 1940 (April 1) 1935 (January Ij 1930 (April 1 1925 (January 1920 (January 1) Tree fruits, nuts, aDd grapes : Lend in bearing and nonbeBring fruit orchardSi groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees ferms reporting.. acres. . Apples farms reporting . . Trees of all ages number.. Trees not of bearing age farms reporting.. number . . Trees of bearing age farms reporting . . number . . Quantity harvested farms reporting.. bushels. . value. .dollars. . Apricots farms reporting . . Trees of all ages number.. Trees not of bearing age farms reporting.. number . . Trees of bearing age farms reporting.. number . . Quantity harvested farms reporting.. bushels . . value. .dollars. . Cherries farms reporting . . Trees of all ages number.. Trees not of bearing age number. . Trees of bearing age number.. Quantity harvested pounds. . value.. dollars. . Sour cherries farms reporting . . Trees of all ages number.. Trees not of bearing age farms reporting.. number . . Trees of bearing age farms reporting. . number . . Quantity harvested farms reporting. . pounds . . value. .dollars . . Sweet cherries farms reporting.. Trees of all ages number.. Trees not of bearing age farms reporting.. number . . Trees of bearing age farms reporting.. number. . Quantity harvested farms reporting.. pounds., value. .dollars. . Grapes farms reporting. . Vines of all ages number.. Vines not of bearing age farms reporting.. number . . Vines of bearing age farms reporting.. number . . Quantity harvested farms reporting.. pounds . . value. .dollars.. Peaches farms reporting.. Trees of all ages number . . Trees not of bearing age farms reporting.. number . . Trees of bearing age farms reporting.. number . . Quantity harvested farms reporting.. bushels . . value. .dollars. . Pears farms reporting . . Trees of all ages number. . Trees not of bearing age farms reporting.. number . . Trees of bearing age farms reporting.. number. . Quantity harvested farms reporting. . bushels., value. .dollars. . Plums and prunes farms reporting. . Trees of alleges number.. Trees not of bearing age farms reporting.. number . . Trees of bearing age farms reporting.. number. . Quantity harvested farms reporting. . bushels. . value. .dollars. . Other tree fruits and nuts value, .dollars. . Value of fruits, including berries and other small fruits, and nuts harvested dollars.. Value of fruits, including berries and other small fruits, and nuts sold dollars. . ^°1,792 '°14,158 ^''1,676 '"310,997 "645 2°115,448 =°1,412 '°195,5i9 20,28 '"1,055,873 '"2,639,680 '"941 '"11,467 '"637 '"1,734 ">724 '"9,733 '"202 '"9,172 '"27,516 (NA) '"100,051 '"19,013 '"81,038 '"6,372,550 '"790,352 '"899 '"33,391 '"304 '"4,906 '"695 '"29,485 '"398 '"1,696,694 '"135,732 '"983 '"66,660 '"338 '"14,107 '"771 '"52,553 '"382 '"4,675,856 '"654,620 '"633 '"36,112 '"445 '"4,047 '"512 '"32,065 '"286 '"176,890 '"8,846 '"1,096 '"210,379 "5433 '"54,744 '"868 '"155,635 '"421 '"271,831 '"543,662 '"1,137 '"49,368 '"350 '"13,646 '"914 '"35,522 '"558 '"76,274 '"167,805 '"1,377 '"362,859 '"409 '"63,458 '"1,151 '"299,401 '"680 '"517,473 '"2,131,985 '"1,477 '"6,507,486 '"6,507,486 14,119 "16,683 10,692 325,601 3,283 57,395 8,581 268,206 5,788 1,701,334 1,748,482 5,336 32,170 1,507 4,597 4,086 27,573 2,714 22,463 44,106 (HA) 128,472 44,644 83,828 4,482,672 340,599 4,078 48,327 1,430 25,567 2,796 22,760 1,592 588,809 53,337 4,410 80,145 1,828 19,077 2,842 61,068 1,662 3,893,863 287,262 3,041 47,592 910 6,592 2,195 41,000 1,557 535,720 17,456 4,788 215,935 2,094 59,066 3,149 156,869 2,193 282,385 301,865 5,000 52,587 1,876 19,396 3,409 33,191 1,946 54,171 118,279 6,428 425,905 1,963 77,019 4,887 348,886 3,163 806,844 1,016,970 6,204 3,956,418 3,201,619 4,533 17,276 9,457 377,660 (KA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1,575,996 3,123,059 3,761 42,046 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 36,492 80,055 5,287 127,133 (NA) (NA) 6,591,388 753,646 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (ma) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1,766 53,489 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 594,903 24,793 3,635 184,553 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 342,292 623,034 4,490 39,569 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 69,642 166,333 5,149 485,984 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 823,179 1,720,608 5,349 6,817,912 5,570,982 4,733 17,958 3,861 463,860 1,907 30,769 7,691 433,091 6,173 2,355,213 1,234,122 3,925 48,861 1,082 11,182 3,080 37,679 2,409 39,377 37,793 5,347 97,214 16,720 80,494 3,404,204 119,431 3,593 19,811 (NA) 3,123 (NA) 16,688 (NA) 555,456 12,952 3,425 77,403 (NA) 13,597 (NA) 63,806 (NA) 2,848,748 106,479 1,937 88,610 450 11,576 1,531 77,034 1,325 926,020 15,918 3,815 173,416 1,408 50,799 2,795 122,617 2,127 207,300 145,343 4,548 41,252 1,214 11,539 3,662 29,713 2,812 65,749 66,675 5,509 468,687 1,514 125,535 4,349 343,152 3,553 597,634 333,110 1,694 2,166,895 1,672,366 8,814 32,251 10,026 1,093,300 (NA) 97,083 (NA) 996,217 (NA) 3,340,246 2,739,149 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 6,018 139,134 32,416 106,718 5,839,680 137,704 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1,705 109,349 (NA) 11,339 (NA) 98,010 (NA) 1,160,876 27,861 2,729 111,747 (NA) 32,819 (NA) 78,923 (NA) 117,561 135,195 5,123 47,317 (NA) 8,191 (NA) 39,126 (NA) 52,671 57,938 6,122 455,019 (NA) 61,274 (NA) 393,745 (NA) 445,715 222,358 (««) («) (NA) 11,534 36,989 13,589 1,359,786 (NA) 109,607 (NA) 1,250,179 (NA) 4,878,937 5,409,317 2,108 34,272 (NA) 10,514 (NA) 23,758 (NA) 38,451 61,123 7,247 148,359 47,835 100,524 5,936,568 447,952 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) \Z] (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1,682 126,235 (NA) 23,419 (NA) 102,815 (NA) 1,056,071 36,334 4,154 118,185 (NA) 22,427 (NA) 95,758 (NA) 132,907 217,838 6,535 54,657 (NA) 9,891 (NA) 44,766 (NA) 58,626 90,812 8,340 557,043 (NA) 40,118 (NA) 516,925 (NA) 978,264 644,163 (") («) (NA) (NA) (NA) 16,251 1,883,542 (NA) 127,894 (NA) 1,760,648 (NA) 1,911,945 2,106,156 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) lz\ (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (na) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 2,387 114,748 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 5,48o 147,631 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 66,264 86,638 3,383 71,177 (NA) (NA) (NA) (MA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 10,237 719,008 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (*•) (..) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 2,524,511 5,135 144,088 18,530 2,380,523 (NA) 3,645,540 6,379,873 (NA) 7,107 99 3,009 240 4,098 (NA) 4,349 6,953 (NA) 143,549 25,877 117,672 5,043,192 310,701 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (na) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 87,221 624 13,432 1,435 73,789 (NA) 519,544 36,370 (NA) 205,082 1,799 26,648 5,823 178,434 (NA) 279,101 502,330 (NA) 95,991 2,460 20,539 8,645 75,452 (NA) 47,347 105,263 (NA) 633,030 2,310 80,435 10,706 552,595 (NA) 485,325 1,067,715 (») (NA) **Available data not comparable. NA Not available. ^Figures for cropland harvested and specified crops relate to the crop years 1954, 1949, 1944, 1939, 1934, 1929, 1924, and 1919. 'Total acreage of crops for which figures are available, except that corn cut for forage was excluded as most of this acreage was probably duplicated in the acreage of corn harvested for grain. ^Includes value of horticultural specialties. See State Table 15. For comparability, see other footnotes and text. 'Corn cut for forage. ^Value of corn and other corn products sold. ^Oats cut for feeding unthreshed included with "Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay." ^Excludes reports for farms reporting acres grown for all purposes with no production. Acres harvested for beans or peas not available. ^Includes acres grown alone and acres grown with other crops for all purposes. Acres harvested for beans or peas not available. 'For all censuses except 1950, obtained by adding the individual hay crops, ^"includes annual legumes saved for hay. ^^Silage crops other than corn or sorghum. ^'clover seed, except sweetclover. '"'clover seed, including sweetclover. "Does not include acreage for farms with less than 10 bags harvested. See text. '^Includes receipts from sale of pasture and grazing privileges. '^Excludes Irish potatoes and sweetpotatoes, except for 1920 Census, which included potatoes for home use only. '''Excludes Irish and sweet potatoes. '^reen lima beans included with snap beans. "For censuses prior to 1950, small fruits harvested for home use or for sale. '"l>oes not include data for farms with less than 20 trees or grapevines. See text. "Does not include acreage for farms reporting less than 1/2 acre. See text. 34 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 17.-FARMS REPORTING BY SPECIFIED ACRES, QUANTITY HARVESTED, AND QUANTITY SOLD FOR SPECIFIED CROPS: CENSUS OF 1954 [Data are tased on reports for only a aaii5)le of farma. See tert ] State total State total CORN By acres harvested for all purposes farms reporting. acres. Under 3 acres farms reporting. 3 to ^ acres farms reporting. 5 to 10 acres farms reporting. 11 to 15 acres farms reporting. 16 to 19 acres farms reporting. 20 to 2^ acres farms reporting. 25 to 49 acres farms reporting. 50 to 74 acres farms reporting. 75 to 99 acres farms reporting. 100 to 149 acres farms reporting. 150 to 199 acres farms reporting. 200 to 249 acres farms reporting. 250 to 299 acres fsriDS reporting. 300 to 399 acres farms reporting. 400 to 499 acres farms reporting. 500 acres and over farms reporting. By acres harvested for grain farms reporting. ai-rea. Under 3 acres farms reporting. 3 or 4 acres farms reporting. 5 to 10 acres farms reporting . 11 to 15 acres farms reporting . 16 to 19 acres farms reporting. 20 to 24 acres farms reporting. 25 to 29 acres farms reporting. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting. . 50 to 74 acres farms reporting. 75 to 99 acres farms reporting. 100 to 149 acres farms reporting. 150 to 199 acres farms reporting. 200 to 249 acres farms reporting. 250 to 299 acres farms reporting. 300 to 399 acres farms reporting. 400 to 499 acres farms reporting. 500 acres and over farms reporting. , By quantity sold farms reporting.. bushels.. Under 25 bushels farms reporting.. 25 to 49 bushels farms reporting., 50 to 99 bushels farms reporting., 100 to 499 bushels farms reporting. , 500 to 999 bushels farms reporting . , 1,000 to 1,499 bushels farms reporting. 1,500 to 1,999 bushels farms reporting., 2,000 to 2,999 bushels farms reporting., 3,000 to 4,999 bushels farms reporting., 5,000 to 9,999 bushels farms reporting., 10,000 bushels and over farms reporting.. WINTER WHEAT By acres threshed or combined farms reporting. acres . Under 5 acres farms reporting. 5 to 9 acres farms reporting. 10 to 24 acres farms reporting. 25 to 49 acres farms reporting, 50 to 99 acres farms reporting . 100 to 199 acres farms reporting. 200 to 299 acres farms reporting. 300 to 499 acres farms reporting. 500 to 999 acres farms reporting. 1,000 acres and over farms reporting. By quantity harvested. .. .farms reporting, bushels. Under 25 bushels farms reporting. 25 to 49 bushels farms reporting. 50 to 99 bushels farms reporting. 100 to 499 bushels farms reporting. 500 to 999 bushels farms reporting. 1,000 to 1,499 bushels farms reporting. 1,500 to 1,999 bushels farms reporting. 2,000 to 2,999 bushels farms reporting. 3,000 to 4,999 bushels farms reporting. 5,000 to 9,999 bushels farms reporting. 10,000 bushels and over farms reporting. By quantity sold farms reporting. , bushels. , Under 25 bushels farms reporting . , 25 to 49 bushels farms reporting. 50 to 99 bushels farms reporting. 100 to 499 bushels farms reporting. 500 to 999 bushels farms reporting. 1,000 to 1,499 bushels farms reporting. 1,500 to 1,999 bushels farms reporting. 2,000 to 2,999 bushels farms reporting. 3,000 to 4,999 bushels farms reporting. 5,000 to 9,999 bushels farms reporting. 10,000 bushels and over. ... .farms reporting.. 3,695 46,100 250 43 S 1,636 514 163 280 332 60 4 12 6 1,352 13,695 193 248 539 166 30 65 10 68 30 406 373,769 11 5 20 140 121 40 16 32 16 5,413 639,811 208 406 988 923 1,037 960 379 302 174 36 5,413 16,913,740 12 64 1A5 1,176 756 483 428 574 697 748 330 5,135 15,860,323 5 35 131 1,072 728 481 431 565 688 710 289 SPRING WHEAT By acres threshed or combined farms reporting. acres. Under 5 acres farms reporting. 5 to 9 acres farms reporting. 10 to 24 acres farms reporting. 25 to 49 acres farms reporting. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting. 200 to 299 acres farms reporting. 300 to 499 acres farms reporting. 500 to 999 acres farms reporting. 1,000 acres and over farms reporting. By quantity harvested. . .farms reporting, bushels. Under 25 bushels farms reporting. 25 to 49 bushels farms reporting. 50 to 99 bushels farms reporting. 100 to 499 bushels farms reporting. 500 to 999 bushels farms reporting. 1,000 to 1,499 bushels farms reporting. 1,500 to 1,999 bushels farms reporting. 2,000 to 2,999 bushels farms reporting. 3,000 to 4,999 bushels farms reporting. 5,000 to 9,999 bushels farms reporting. 10,000 bushels and over ... .farms reporting. By quantity sold farms reporting. bushels . Under 25 bushels farms reporting. 25 to 49 bushels farms reporting. 50 to 99 bushels farms reporting. 100 to 499 bushels farms reporting. 500 to 999 bushels farms reporting. 1,000 to 1,499 bushels farms reporting. 1,500 to 1,999 bushels farms reporting. 2,000 to 2,999 bushels farms reporting. 3,000 to 4,999 bushels farms reporting. 5,000 to 9,999 bushels farms reporting. 10,000 bushels and over .farms reporting. OATS By acres threshed or combined farms reporting. acres. Under 5 acres farms reporting . 5 to 9 acres farms reporting . 10 to 24 acres farms reporting. 25 to 49 acres farms reporting. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting. 200 to 299 acres farms reporting. 300 to 499 acres farms reporting. 500 acres and over farms reporting. By quantity harvested .. .farms reporting, bushels. Under 25 bushels farms reporting. 25 to 49 bushels farms reporting. 50 to 99 bushels farms reporting . 100 to 499 bushels farms reporting. 500 to 999 bushels farms reporting. 1,000 to 1,499 bushels farma reporting. 1,500 to 1,999 bushels farms reporting. 2,000 to 2,999 bushels farms reporting. 3,000 to 4,999 bushels farms reporting. 5,000 to 9,999 bushels farms reporting. 10,000 bushels and over ... .farms reporting. By quantity sold farms reporting. bushels . Under 25 bushels farms reporting. 25 to 49 bushels farms reporting. 50 to 99 bushels farms reporting. 100 to 499 bushels farms reporting. 500 to 999 bushels farms reporting. 1,000 to 1,499 bushels farms reporting. 1,500 to 1,999 bushels farms reporting. 2,000 to 2,999 bushels farms reporting. 3,000 to 4,999 bushels farms reporting. 5,000 to 9,999 bushels farms reporting. 10,000 bushels and over. .. .farms reporting. tJARLEY By acres threshed or combined farms reporting. acres. Under 5 acres farms reporting. 5 to 9 acres farms reporting. 10 to 24 acres farms reporting. 25 to 49 acres farms reporting. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting. 200 to 299 acres farms reporting. 300 to 499 acres farms reporting. 500 to 999 acres farms reporting . 1,000 acres and over farms reporting. 18,315 501,616 2,127 3,876 7,701 2,559 1,192 553 175 86 34 12 18,315 17,255,205 111 248 695 6,689 5,589 2,166 1,052 915 505 277 68 16,980 15,615,718 67 181 511 6,813 4,952 1,936 927 833 453 250 57 10,064 176,451 2,642 3,066 2,767 869 469 151 63 25 12 10,064 8,192,930 49 146 589 5,186 2,190 785 344 303 265 U4 73 4,152 4,448,975 26 63 210 1,997 841 331 161 177 188 97 61 11,879 541,379 1,491 2,152 3,320 1,912 1,550 964 266 143 67 14 BARLEY— Continued By quantity harvested. . .farms reporting, bushels. Under 25 bushels farms reporting. 25 to 49 bushels farms reporting. 50 to 99 bushels farms reporting . 100 to 499 bushels farms reporting. 500 to 999 bushels farms reporting . 1,000 to 1,499 bushels farms reporting. 1,500 to 1,999 bushels farms reporting. 2,000 to 2,999 bushels farms reporting. 3,000 to 4,999 bushels farms reporting. 5,000 to 9,999 bushels farms reporting. 10,000 bushels and over. .. .farms reporting. By quantity sold farms reporting. bushels. . Under 25 bushels farms reporting . . 25 to 49 bushels farms reporting., 50 to 99 bushels farms reporting. 100 to 499 bushels farms reporting. 500 to 999 bushels farms reporting.. 1,000 to 1,499 bushels farms reporting. 1,500 to 1,999 bushels farms reporting. 2,000 to 2,999 bushels farms reporting. 3,000 to 4,999 bushels farms reporting.. 5,000 to 9,999 bushels farms reporting., 10,000 bushels and over. .. -farms reporting., DRY FIELD AND SEED BEANS By acres harvested for beans farms reporting . , acres. , Under 5 acres farms reporting . , 5 to 9 acres farms reporting., 10 to 24 acres farms reporting.. 25 to 49 acres farms reporting., 50 to 99 acres farms reporting . . 100 to 199 acres farms reporting., 200 to 299 acres farms reporting.. 300 acres and over farms reporting.. By quantity harvested. . .farms reporting., 100-lb. bags., Under 25 100-lb. bags farms reporting.. 25 to 49 100-lb. bags farms reporting., 50 to 99 100-lb. bags farms reporting., 100 to 499 100-lb. bags farms reporting., 500 to 999 100-lb. bags farms reporting., 1,000 to 1,499 100-lb.bags. .farms reporting.. 1,500 to 1,999 100-lb.bags. .farms reporting., 2,000 to2, 999 100-lb. bags. .farms reporting.. 3,000 100-lb. bags and over .. farms reporting., DRY FIELD AND SEED PEAS By acres harvested for peas farms reporting. acres. Under 5 acres farms reporting. 5 to 9 acres farms reporting. 10 to 24 acres farms reporting. 25 to 49 acres farms reporting. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting., 200 to 299 acres farms reporting. 300 to 499 acres farms reporting., 500 acres and over farms reporting.. By quantity harvested. . .farms reporting., pounds . , Under 1,000 pounds farms reporting., 1,000 to 2,999 pounds farms reporting., 3,000 to 4,999 pounds farms reporting., 5,000 to 9,999 pounds farms reporting., 10,000 pounds and over farms reporting.. ALFALFA AND ALFALFA MIXTURES By acres cut for hay (and for dehydrating) farms reporting. . acres. . Under 5 acres farms reporting. . 5 to 9 acres farms reporting.. 10 to 24 acres farms reporting.. 25 to 49 acres farms reporting.. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting.. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting.. 200 to 299 acres farms reporting.. 300 to 499 acres farms reporting.. 500 to 999 acres farms reporting.. 1,000 acres and over farms reporting.. By quantity harvested. . .farms reporting., tons . , Under 25 tons farms reporting . , 25 to 49 tons farms reporting. . 50 to 99 tons farms reporting . , 100 to 499 tons farms reporting. , 500 to 999 tons farms reporting., 1,000 to 1,499 tons farms reporting., 1,500 to 1,999 tons farms reporting., 2,000 to 2,999 tons farms reporting., 3,000 tons and over farms reporting.. See footnotes at end of table. IDAHO 35 State Table 17.-FARMS REPORTING BY SPECMED ACRES, QUANTITY HARVESTED, AND QUANTITY SOLD FOR SPECIFIED CROPS: CENSUS OF 1954-Continued [[lata are based on reports for only a eangjle of farms. See text] State total State total State total ALFALFA AND ALFALFA MIXTURES— Continued By quantity sold farms reporting.. tons . , Under 25 tons farms reporting . . 25 to 49 tons farms reporting., 50 to 99 ions farms reporting. 100 to 499 tons farms reporting.. 500 to 999 tons farms reporting.. 1,000 to 1,499 tons farms reporting.. 1,500 to 1,999 tons farms reporting.. 2,000 to 2,999 tons farms reporting.. 3,000 tons and over farms reporting.. CLOVES, TIMOTHY, ANP MIXTURES OF CLOVER AND GRASSES By acres cut for hay farms reporting.. acres. . Under 5 acres farms reporting. 5 to 9 acres farms reporting. 10 to 2i acres farms reporting. 25 to 49 acres farms reporting. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting. 200 to 299 acres farms reporting. 300 to 499 acres farms reporting. 500 to 999 acres farms reporting. 1,000 acres and over farms reporting. By quantity harvested. .. .farms reporting, tons. Under 25 tons farms reporting. 25 to 49 tons farms reporting. 50 to 99 tons farms reporting. 100 to 499 tons farms reporting, 500 tons and over farms reporting. By quantity sold farms reporting. tons. Under 25 tons farms reporting. 25 to 49 tons farms reporting. 50 to 99 tons farms reporting. 100 to 499 tons farms reporting. 500 tons and over farms reporting. OATS, WHEAT, BARLEY, RYE, OR OTHER SMALL GRAIMS By acres cut for hay farms reporting, acres. Under 5 acres farms reporting. 5 to 9 acres farms reporting, 10 to 24 acres farms reporting. 25 to 49 acres farms reporting, 50 to 99 acres farms reporting . 100 to 199 acres farms reporting, 200 to 299 acres farms reporting . 300 acres and over farms reporting. By quantity harvested. .. .farms reporting. tons. Under 25 tons farms reporting. 25 to 49 tons farms reporting . 50 to 99 tons farms reporting. 100 to 499 tons farms reporting. 500 tons and over farms reporting. By quantity sold farms reporting. tons. Under 25 tons farms reporting. 25 to 49 tons farms reporting. 50 to 99 tons farms reporting. 100 to 499 tons farms reporting. 500 tons and over farms reporting. WILD HAY By acres cut for hay farms reporting. acres. Under 5 acres farms reporting . 5 to 9 acres farms reporting. 10 to 24 acres farms reporting. 25 to 49 acres farms reporting, 50 to 99 acres farms reporting. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting. 200 to 299 acres farms reporting. 300 to 499 acres farms reporting. 500 to 999 acres farms reporting, 1,000 acres and over farms reporting. By quantity harvested. .. .farms reporting. tons. Under 25 tons farms reporting. 25 to 49 tons farms reporting. 50 to 99 tons farms reporting. 100 to 499 tons farms reporting. 500 tons and over farms reporting. By quantity sold farms reporting. tons. Under 25 tons farms reporting. 25 to 49 tons farms reporting. 50 to 99 tons farms reporting. 100 to 499 tons farms reporting. 500 tons and over farms reporting. 7,433 529,208 2,250 1,798 1,774 1,^32 67 11 3,270 90,159 456 728 1,157 463 330 3,270 128,219 1,890 675 437 255 13 491 12,918 356 2,694 3S, 674 752 746 848 191 127 17 2,694 53,045 2,138 346 139 69 137 3,238 98 25 10 3 1,811 28,319 244 223 386 285 316 199 54 1,811 138,153 777 335 256 413 30 156 8,944 38 18 27 OTHER HAY By acres cut for hay .... farms reporting, acres. Under 5 acres farna reporting. 5 to 9 acres farms reporting. 10 to 24 acres farms reporting. 25 to 49 acres farms reporting. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting , 100 to 199 acres farms reporting. 200 to 299 acres farms reporting. 300 acres and over farms reporting. By quantity harvested, , .farms reporting. tons. Urider 25 tons farms reporting. 25 to 49 tons farms reporting. 50 to 99 tons farms reporting. 100 to 499 tons farms reporting. 500 tons and over farms reporting,, By quantity sold farms reporting. tons. Under 25 tons farms reporting. 5 to 49 tons farms reporting. 50 to 99 tons farms reporting. 100 to 499 tons farms reporting. 500 tons and over farms reporting. IRISH POTATOES By acres harvested for home use or for sale farms Under 0.5 acres farms 0.5 to 0.9 acres farms 1,0 to 2,4 acres farms 5 to 4.9 acres farms 0 to 9.9 acres farms 10.0 to 19.9 acres farms 20.0 to 29.9 acres farms 30.0 to 49.9 acres farms 50.0 to 99,9 acres farms 100 acres and over farms reporting. . acres^ . reporting., reporting,, reporting. . reporting. . reporting. . reporting. . reporting. . reporting. . reporting. . reporting. . 21 By quantity harvested. . .farms reporting.. 100- lb. bags.. Under 25 100-lb. bags farms reporting., 25 to 49 100-lb. bags farms reporting.. 50 to 99 100-lb. bags farms reporting.. 100 to 499 100-lb. bags. .. .farms reporting.. 500 to 999 100-lb. bags farms reporting.. 1,000 to 1,499 100-lb, bags.. farms reporting,. 1,500 to 1,999 100-lb. tags.. farms reporting.. 2,000to2,999 100-lb. bags, .farms reporting., 3,000tD 4,999 100-lb. bags.. farms reporting.. 5,000 to9, 999 100-lb. bags.. farms reporting., 10,000 100-lb. bags and over farms reporting. . SUG&R BEETS By acres harvested for sugar farms reporting. . acres., Under 5 acres farms reporting., 5 to 9 acres farms reporting.. 10 to 24 acres farms reporting., 25 to 49 acres farms reporting.. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting.. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting.. 200 to 299 acres, farms reporting.. 300 to 499 acres farms reporting., 500 to 999 acres farms reporting., 1,000 acres and over farms reporting. By quantity harvested. . .farms reporting, tons. Under 25 tons farms reporting . 5 to 49 tons farms reporting. 50 to 99 tons farms reporting, 100 to 499 tons farms reporting. 500 to 999 tons farms reporting. 1,000 to 1,499 tons farms reporting. 1,500 to 1,999 tons farms reporting. 2,000 to 2,999 tons farms reporting. 3,000 to 4,999 tons farms reporting. 5,000 to 9,999 tons farms reporting. 10,000 tons and over farms reporting. VEGETABLES HARVESTED FOR SALE (other than Irish and sweet potatoes) By value of sales farms reporting. dollars. Under 25 dollars farms reporting. 25 to 49 dollars farms reporting. 50 to 99 dollars farms reporting. 100 to 499 dollars farms reporting.. 500 to 999 dollars farms reporting. 1,000 to 1,499 dollars farms reporting. 1,500 to 1,999 dollars farms reporting. 2,000 to 2,999 dollars farms reporting. 3,000 to 4,999 dollars farms reporting.. 5,000 to 9,999 dollars farms reporting. 10,000 dollars and over. .. .farms reporting. 749 U,420 214 197 208 71 34 16 e 749 18,064 562 100 46 40 1,833 11,444 147,545 4,290 251 293 366 1,370 2,292 1,206 866 400 110 11,444 25,214,499 4,178 357 157 469 656 796 848 1,111 1,469 1,022 381 3,924 84,877 208 871 1,834 739 229 27 3,924 1,505,382 50 87 425 2,510 587 176 62 17 1,850 3,308,359 90 55 108 368 382 236 150 187 157 LAND IN BEARING AND NONBEARING FRUIT ORCHARDS, GROVES, VINEYARDS, AND PLANTED NUT TREES^ By acres in orchard farms reporting,, acres. , Under 0.5 acres farms reporting., 0.5 to 0.9 acres farms reporting.. 1.0 to 2,4 acres farms reporting., 2,5 to 4,9 acres farms reporting., 5.0 to 9.9 acres farms reporting., 10.0 to 19.9 acres farms reporting.. 20.0 to 29.9 acres farms reporting.. 30.0 to 49.9 acres farms reporting,, 50.0 to 99.9 acres farms reporting.. 100 acres and over farms reporting.. APPLES^ Any apples farms reporting. By trees not of bearing age farms reporting. number. Under 5 trees farms reporting. 5 to 9 trees farms reporting. 10 to 24 trees farms reporting. 25 to 49 trees farms reporting. 50 to 99 trees farms reporting. 100 to 199 trees farms reporting. 200 to 299 trees farms reporting. 300 to 499 trees farms reporting. 500 to 999 trees farms reporting. 1,000 trees and over farms reporting. By trees of bearing age farms Under 25 trees farms 25 to 49 trees farms 50 to 99 trees farms 100 to 499 trees farms 500 to 999 trees farms 1,000 to 1,499 trees farms 1,500 to 1,999 trees farms 2,000 to 2,999 trees farms 3,000 to 4,999 trees farms 5,000 to 9,999 trees farms 10,000 trees and over farms By quantity harvested. ,, farms Under 25 bushels farms 25 to 49 bushels farms 50 to 99 bushels farms 100 to 499 bushels farms 500 to 999 bushels farms 1,000 to 1,499 busbels farms 1,500 to 1,999 bushels farms 2,000 to 2,999 bushels farms 3,000 to 4,999 bushels farms 5,000 to 9,999 bushels farms 10,000 bushels and over. ., .farms PEACHES^ Any peaches farms reporting. . . By trees not of bearing age farms reporting. . , number . . . Under 5 trees farms reporting... 5 to 9 trees farms reporting.., 10 to 24 trees farms reporting.,, 25 to 49 trees farms reporting.., 50 to 99 trees farms reporting.., 100 to 199 trees farms reporting.., 200 to 299 trees farms reporting... 300 to 499 trees farms reporting... 500 to 999 trees ...farms reporting... 1,000 trees and over farms reporting... By trees of bearing age farms Under 25 trees farms 25 to 49 trees farms 50 to 99 trees farms 100 to 499 trees farms 500 to 999 trees farms 1,000 to 1,499 trees farms 1,500 to 1,999 trees farms 2,000 to 2,999 trees farms 3,000 to 4,999 trees farms 5,000 to 9,999 trees farms 10,000 trees and over farms By quantity harvested. . .farms Under 25 bushels farms 25 to 49 bushels farms 50 to 99 bushels farms 100 to 499 bushels farms 500 to 999 bushels farms 1,000 to 1,499 bushels farms 1,500 to 1,999 bushels farms 2,000 to 2,999 bushels farms 3,000 to 4,999 bushels farms 5,000 to 9,999 bushels farms 10,000 bushels end over. .. .farms reporting, number . reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting. reporting, bushels, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting. reporting., number. . reporting . . reporting., reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting. reporting, bushels. reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting , reporting, reporting. 1,862 15,589 267 344 567 147 214 145 46 66 55 11 669 69,358 195 124 155 47 42 45 20 1,465 216,499 934 144 87 169 65 30 5 20 10 1 919 1,272,227 432 72 93 91 65 55 35 26 1,236 455 83,558 229 5 31 1,005 202,743 672 65 36 131 51 15 20 5 423 361,649 171 35 35 72 35 5 15 30 15 ^Does not include acreage for farms with less than 10 bags harvested. See text. ^Does not include data for farms with less than 20 trees or grapevines. See text. 36 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 18.-SAMPLING RELIABILITY OF ESTIMATED TOTALS FOR COUNTY, ECONOMIC AREA, AND STATE BY NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING, BY LEVELS If the estimated number of farms reporting is — Then the chances are about 2 In 3 that the estimated total would differ from the results of a complete tabulation of the items for all farms by less than — If the estimated number of farms reporting is— Then the chances are about 2 in 3 that the estimated total would differ from the results of a complete tabulation of the items for all farms by less than — Level ll Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 11 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Percent iO 28 20 13 8.9 6.3 4.0 Percent 53 37 26 17 12 3.4 5.3 Percent 71 50 35 22 16 11 7.1 Percent 96 68 4S 30 21 15 9.6 Percent 2.8 2.0 1.3 0.9 0.6 0.4 Percent 3.7 2.6 1.7 1.2 0.8 0.5 Percent 5.0 3.5 2.2 1.6 1.1 0.7 Percent 50 10,000 4.8 25,000 3.0 250 50,000 2.1 100,000 1.5 250,000 1.0 2,500 ^Level 1 should be used in deteriEining the sampling reliability of estimated number of farms Eind farms reporting. If the estimated number of farms or farms reporting consti- tutes more than 75 percent of all farms in the universe, a better approximation to the sampling reliability may be obtained by multiplying the percent given in the tables as follows : 1. When the number of farms or farms reporting is 75 percent of all farms, multiply the percent error by 0.50. 2. When the number of farms or farms reporting is 90 percent of all farms, multiply the percent error by 0,30. 3. When the number of farms or farms reporting is 95 percent of all farms, multiply the percent error by 0,20. State Table 19.-INDICATED LEVEL OF SAMPLING RELIABILITY OF ESTIMATED COUNTY. ECONOMIC AREA. AND STATE TOTALS FOR SPECIFIED ITEMS [To determine sampling reliability for an item. It is necessary to use this table to find out which of the ^ levels of san^jling reliability given in State Table 18 to use. Reference is required also to the county, economic area, or State table in order to obtain the number of farms reporting] Level of sampling reliability for specified items by number of milk cows All commercial farms 30 to 49 50 and more Dairy farms 10 to 29 30 to 49 50 and more Mllli cows number.. Whole milk sold gallons . . dollars. , Cream sold. pounds of butterfat. . dollars . , Level of sampling reliability for specified items by number of chlckene on hand All commercial farms Under 400 400 to 799 800 to 1,599 1,600 to 3,199 3,200 and over Poultry farms Under 400 400 to 799 800 to 1,599 1,600 to 3,199 3,200 and over Chickens on hand number. Chickens sold number. Chicken eggs sold dozens. Chicken egge sold, value of sales dollars. Value of sales of other poultry products dollars. Note: Items whose level is Indicated by an x may be approximated by using the level given for the State. IDAHO 37 State Table 19.-INDICATED LEVEL OF SAMPLING RELIABILITY OF ESTIMATED COUNTY, ECONOMIC AREA, AND STATE TOTALS FOR SPECIFIED ITEMS-Continued [To determine sampling reliability for an Item, it Is necessary to use this table to find out which of the 4 levels of sampling reliability given in State Table 19 to use. is required also to the county, economic area, or State table in order to obtain the number of famis reporting] (For definitions and explanations, see text) Tenure groups Full owners and managers Part owners All tenants Economic-class groups and III IV and VI and VII VIII and Type-of-farm groups Vegetable and fruit- and-nut Other field- crop and general — primarily crop Dairy Poultry Livestock, general — primarily livestock, and primarily crop and livestock Faras and fan characteristics: Land owned or managed by farm operators a.:r>:— ,, Land rented from others by farm operators acres.. Land rented to others by farm operators acres.. Cash rent paid by farm operators dollars.. Value of land and buildings per farm dollars.. Land in farms acres.. Cropland: Total, harvested, pastured, or other. .acres. , Woodland: Total, pastured or not pastured acres.. Total pastui-eland acres,. Total irrigated land, land in crops for erosion control, or cropland farmed on contour acres,. CoKdcrcial fertilizer: Commercial fertiliser purchased tons.. Acres on which commercial fertilizer applied acres.. Lime or liming material purchased tons.. Acres on which lime or liming material applied.. .acres. . Specified facilities and equipment: Grain combines, com pickers, pick-up balers, feed forage harvesters number.. Artificial ponds, reservoirs, and earth tanks. , .number.. Motortrucks number.. Tractors: Total, wheel, garden, or crawler number,. Automobiles number,. Farn labor: Total hired workers and unpaid family workers. .persons. . Hired workers: Regular persons. . Seasonal persons.. Paid on daily basis persons.. Specified farn evpendi tares: Machine hire and/or hired labor dollars.. Feed for livestock and poultry dollars.. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil dollars,. Commercial fertiliser purchased dollars.. Livestock and livestock products: Horses and/or mules number.. Cattle and calves number.. Cows including heifers that have calved number., MiUt cows number.. Hogs and pigs number,. Sheep and lambs number.. Chickens, 4 months old and over, on hand number.. Cattle and calves sold number.. Hogs and pigs sold niUQber.. Sheep shorn pounds of wool. . Whole milk sold gallons,. Cream sold pounds of butterfat, * Chickens sold nunter.. Chicken eggs sold dozens.. Value of [troducts sold by source: Hogs and pigb sold dollars.. Whole milk sold dollars, . Cream sold dollars.. Chicken eggs sold dollars.. Other poultry and poultry products sold dollars.. Forest products sold dollars.. Specified crops harvested: CoiT. for all purposes acres,. Com harvested for grain acres., bushels harvested,, bushels sold. . Winter v/heat threshed or combined acres... bushels harvested., bushels sold,. Spring wheat threshed or combined acres,. bushels harvested., bushels sold.. Oats threshed or combined acres.. bushels harvested., bushels sold,. Barley threshed or combined acres.. bushels harvested., bushels sold,. Alfalfa hay acres.. tons harvested.. Clover hay ..acres.. tons harvested.. Wild hay acres., Irish potatoes harvested for home use or for sale acres.. 100-lb. bags harvested.. Land in fruit orchards, groves^ vineyards, and planted nut trees acres.. Note: Items whose level is indicated hy an X may be approximated by using the level given for the State. Chapter B STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES (39) IDAHO Counties, County Sects, Mountains, and Rivers 115" I . BOUriDARY SCALE 20 40 60 MILES ® STATE CAPITAL ® COUNTY SEAT MUBPHY \ ® MOUNTAFN HOME ) I ^ /' I GOODING I^'L I N C O LN 1 OWYHEE ( * .^i;-, -,- LINCOLN , III ^-'^ 3~^~Jr ODrM^/j>_^j (^SHOSHOm I ' , I ^l/"' V. I' ? r 1. r' r' 'i .„\,Tr!',.,,, i^kcaUlio caribou fJ .minidokaI _I / li T ^ -vL JEROME ^-X I POWER s "* rt)sODA SPRINL.i y 1 r B A N N 0,C K > V>, / ^ EROME TWIN FALLS (•) ^Vj / '--?■ ®- TWIN FALLS CASSIA I 117" 42 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 1. -FARMS, ACREAGE. VALUE, AND FARM [ Data for items shown in Italics are based on Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) The State Ada Adams Bannock Bear Lake Benewah Bingham Blaine FASHS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE 1 Farms number 1954 . . . 38,740 2,007 283 873 759 440 2,161 321 2 1950 . . . 40,264 2,503 322 927 712 434 2,153 326 3 4 Approxinia'te land area acres 195'i . . . ^52,972,160 669,440 881,280 719,360 632,320 506 240 1,326,030 52.2 1,695,360 15.9 Proportion in farms percent 1954... 27.1 44.9 32.1 55.4 52.7 37.2 5 Land ou>ned by farm operators acres 1954. . . 9,449,525 191,327 149,521 248,813 267,862 57,774 120,149 72,333 405,515 134,475 169,777 57,101 6 Land rented from others by farm operators. ... acres 2954... 4,246,664 103,577 62,054 119,622 7 Land manoied by farm operators acres 195i. • . 1,171,663 2,678 69,189 50,540 29 312 43,311 102,357 67,345 8 Land rented (o others by farm operators (see text) acres 1954... 619,010 7,780 800 15,740 3,724 40,046 32,554 8,355 9 Land in farms acres 1954 . . . 14,364,471 300,310 283,089 398,511 333,126 138,199 691,828 286,577 10 1950... 13,224,192 390,647 274,670 369,574 294,575 182,118 535,720 214,401 11 Average size of farm acres 1954. . . 370.8 149.6 1,000.3 456.5 438.9 427.7 320.1 892.3 12 1950 . . . Value of land and buildinis: 328.3 156.1 353.0 398.7 413.7 376.3 271.4 657.7 13 Aueraie per farm dollars 1954 . . . 31,672 24, 900 21 903 30,366 21,707 20,135 32,578 24,748 28 043 36,512 25,680 li 22,.'.75 15,731 13,'346 23,035 21,'l04 15 Average per acre dollars 1954.. . 94.31 157.62 30.63 63.00 49.67 74.25 126.15 43.26 16 1950... 73.01 123.01 20.39 66.61 39.41 52.50 89.49 40.68 17 Proportion of farms reporting value percent 1954... Land in farms accordiag to use: 88 82 80 38 94 88 38 97 18 Cropland harvested farms reporting 1954 . . . 33,697 1,630 239 738 677 337 1,932 239 19 1949 . . . 36,150 1,886 279 821 580 420 2,006 302 20 acres 1954... 3,727,616 72,412 23,431 99,923 97,660 47,587 194,994 35,807 21 1949 . . . 3,647,885 71,652 22,942 97,138 37,685 43; 375 175,185 34,628 22 1 to 9 acres • f aims report! ns 1954 . . . 3,428 255 22 99 54 57 85 19 23 1949 .. . 4,237 398 38 119 61 83 95 9 24 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 1954 .. . 2,631 236 18 76 48 49 127 12 25 1949 . . . 3,057 260 23 71 42 72 138 19 26 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 1954..-. 2,750 232 20 35 54 38 152 16 27 1949... 3,236 XO 25 43 41 24 160 19 28 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 1954... 4,934 337 34 74 79 53 342 31 29 1949 .. . 5,893 380 35 97 91 64 461 45 30 9,663 405 73 144 166 64 754 95 31 1949... 10,026 414 83 179 185 72 797 100 32 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 1954... 5,817 92 46 164 137 55 334 71 33 1949... 5,583 78 50 158 141 44 268 75 34 200 acres and over farms reporting 1954... 4,424 23 26 146 139 66 138 45 35 1949 . . . 4,118 16 20 149 119 61 37 35 36 Cropland used only for pasture . .farms reporting 1954... 19,063 1,530 139 374 257 109 1,384 166 37 1949 . . . 17,133 977 125 304 181 139 1,427 158 38 acres 1954. . . 545,073 29,538 17,052 6,351 11,044 3,729 26,340 11,062 39 1949 . . . 484,625 23,410 17,494 9,261 13,438 4,122 62,158 12,903 40 Cropland not harvested and not 10,344 222 33 332 313 175 243 65 41 1949 . . . 11,000 220 56 401 239 165 404 95 42 acres 1954. . . 1,202,331 5,815 1,673 62,936 22,958 14,875 28,561 3,278 43 1949 . . . 1,097,245 5,938 2,778 57,070 15,887 3,674 48,793 5,248 44 7,082 54 15 338 297 126 101 31 45 6,823 92 23 348 260 91 150 41 46 acres 1954.. . 995,837 1,955 775 57,732 20,367 12,969 15,972 2,366 47 1949... 863,269 1,752 1,526 52,461 12,719 5,054 26,129 2,367 48 Other cropland farms reporting 1954... 4,614 174 23 124 41 76 169 42 49 1949 .. . 5,462 138 37 108 67 100 235 64 50 acres 1954... 206,994 3,860 903 5,154 2,601 1,906 12,539 912 51 1949... 233,976 4,186 1,252 4,609 3,168 3,620 22,654 2,831 52 Woodland pastured farms reporting 1954. . . 4,812 39 86 36 11 254 33 39 53 1949 . . . 5,992 39 103 52 47 325 44 41 54 acres 1954. .. 1,165,167 12,525 47,167 15,277 7,469 78,414 3,637 3,799 55 1949 . . . 1,242,633 19,218 64,659 20,386 13,187 31,873 15,074 5,341 56 Woodland not pastured farms reporting 1954... 2,112 17 12 10 2 163 3 3 57 1949 .. . 2,505 19 16 32 5 172 14 8 53 acres 1954 . . . 262,451 3,250 1,471 1,985 120 31,119 42 322 59 1949 . . . 309,415 1,156 3,127 4,862 670 31,175 284 487 60 not woodland) farms reporting 1954... 16,171 435 230 405 553 77 719 250 61 1949... 17,595 1,447 239 498 545 72 525 219 62 acres 1954... 6,712,298 163,480 189,312 173,923 184,356 7,207 371, 123 225,579 63 1949 . . . 5,625,503 253,382 160,595 146,923 151,135 6,711 226,755 149,388 64 Improved (see text) farms reporting 1954... 5,929 277 32 81 160 13 239 115 65 acres 1954... 248,495 6,608 3,831 2,373 4,845 132 7,011 6,378 66 Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc. ) farms reporting 1954. . . 36,151 1,865 270 809 701 401 2,060 313 67 1949 . . . 37,352 2,355 302 850 654 469 2,059 293 68 acres 1954... 749,035 13,290 2,973 32,616 9,509 5,258 66,626 5,730 69 1949 . . . 816,884 15,891 3,075 33,334 L2,573 5,688 56,461 6,406 70 Cropland, total farms reporting 1954... 35,941 1,915 255 804 695 '402 2,052 302 71 1949 . . . 37,999 2,131 292 860 586 451 2,099 308 72 acres 1954 . . . 5,475,520 107,765 42,161 169,710 131,672 66,191 250,395 50,147 73 1949 . . . 5,229,755 101,000 43,214 163,519 117,010 56,671 286, 145 52,779 74 Land pastured, total -...farms reporting 1954... 31,926 1,881 269 649 644 337 1,734 300 75 1949 . . . 33,225 2,307 300 710 635 407 1,757 293 76 acres 1954 . . . 8,422,538 205,543 253,531 201,051 202,369 89,350 401,605 241,440 77 1949 . . . 7,352,763 296,010 242,748 176,570 177,760 92,706 304,997 157,532 78 Woodland, total farms reporting 1954... 6,171 49 96 44 13 350 35 40 79 1949 . . . 7,406 54 116 31 49 405 57 45 80 acres 1954. .. 1,427,613 15,775 48,633 17,262 7,589 109,533 3,679 4,121 81 1949 . . . 1,552,053 20, 374 67,786 25,248 13,857 113,043 16,358 5,828 82 Irrigated land in farms farms reporting 1954... 28.218 1,948 213 643 618 2 2,067 294 83 1949 . . . 29,413 2,405 245 704 594 2 2,030 304 84 acres 1954 . . . 2,324,571 95,738 23,784 39,450 56,820 55 183,024 39,220 85 1949... 2,137,237 103,462 24,376 36,905 48,315 23 157,981 35,785 86 Land in row or close-seeded crops grown Ln strips for wind erosion control farms reporting 1954... 153 3 6 6 3 7 87 acres 1954 . . . 12,134 47 1,032 317 78 639 88 Cropland used for row or grain crops farmed on contour farms reporting 1954. . . 562 10 3 18 29 15 12 89 acres 1954... FARM OPKHATORS 68,959 287 93 2,177 2,807 2,025 932 90 35,293 1,860 264 745 606 395 1,975 272 91 1950... 36,929 2,425 300 798 587 447 i;958 273 92 Not residing on farm operated . .operators reporting 1954... 2,768 75 17 114 144 36 147 45 93 1950... 2,774 61 20 121 119 30 160 44 "■Includes 37,120 acres in Yellowstone National Park (part of) not shown in detail. IDAHO 43 OPERATORS: CENSUSES OF 1954 AMD 1950 reports for only a sample 3f farms. See text] B3i3e Bom.er bonneville iiouiidfjry Butte Camas Canyon Caribou Cassia 1 Clark Clesrw.'-'ter Custer Elmore Franklin 142 1,150 1,483 596 271 Ul 4,183 579 1,225 67 390 290 407 1,098 1 129 1,185 1,533 667 237 139 3,985 593 1,248 84 374 316 407 1,151 2 1,224,320 1,111,040 1,181,440 816, 000 1,433,600 676,480 371,200 1,118,080 1,628,160 1,120,640 1,614,080 3,157,120 1,959,630 426,880 3 11.9 25.5 43.4 15.9 11.9 24.4 88.0 46.0 32.0 17.3 11.4 5.4 25.3 60.9 4 80,073 244,200 306,015 107,191 130,696 100,955 226,843 332,821 418,263 167,320 91,590 122,003 284,942 224,204 5 23,890 39,155 203,591 20,445 41,085 65,464 114,716 109,994 166,319 36,592 24.746 35,837 183,993 50,336 6 45,180 38,585 6,800 1,100 3,870 106,895 1,200 71,190 4,400 62,762 530 7 5,291 833 30,501 730 4,051 5,905 30,133 16,635 64,973 1,660 2,651 315 34,734 1,495 3 145,533 283,867 512,495 129,539 171,020 165,214 326,807 514,809 520,472 199,881 184,060 172,008 495,732 259,884 9 124,291 256,871 517,275 U5,633 155,767 160,835 295,994 414,643 464,638 244,633 96,206 146,679 476,754 267,535 10 1,024.9 246.8 345.6 217.3 631.1 1,261.2 78.1 889.1 424.9 2,983.3 471.9 593.1 1,218.0 236.7 11 963.5 216.8 336.3 203.3 657.2 1,157.1 74.3 699.2 372.3 2,912.3 257.2 464.2 1,171.4 232.4 12 24,310 14,881 44,080 26,447 27,420 76,889 24,097 53,013 33,666 53,953 22,656 41,446 29,274 23,910 13 16,745 9,792 30,345 16,135 23,544 48,699 18,217 35,555 21,521 31,525 15,603 20,229 17,642 19,206 14 29.92 64.86 131.82 113.64 43.60 60.23 325.25 30.13 82.54 20.33 75.26 62.61 29.46 106.74 15 17.54 41.11 91.35 85.35 33.69 48.79 231.37 49.31 61.16 31.17 56.72 49.42 18.60 85.20 16 94 89 85 91 96 92 85 93 86 75 89 95 85 37 17 105 1,003 1,333 512 238 128 3,235 554 1,079 62 333 262 333 1,023 P 120 1,031 1,443 601 225 128 3,264 562 1,171 74 355 276 351 1,058 19 9,357 37,726 190,640 34,121 34,434 61,440 164,942 152,927 139,419 14,846 27,536 34,353 34,483 91,314 20 9,730 36,464 191,561 40,092 28,563 56,435 150,043 145,992 124,819 17,518 25,644 34,839 33,305 93,747 21 11 227 53 95 9 439 10 45 33 6 56 106 22 4 253 52 150 12 1 526 9 59 2 56 12 50 85 23 8 199 31 95 7 1 333 5 47 41 9 38 59 24 U 224 46 121 4 343 6 53 1 42 9 27 33 25 9 142 54 79 14 4 422 4 71 41 13 28 67 26 10 172 60 30 8 3 480 4 91 "2 38 11 40 79 27 15 206 137 36 25 2 673 14 171 2 41 24 39 154 28 27 201 186 100 30 4 738 28 229 3 52 32 66 206 29 28 157 583 98 77 9 1,043 34 396 8 83 74 74 337 30 31 173 665 68 76 10 912 111 424 12 80 87 71 356 31 23 60 292 25 63 14 271 191 184 16 53 33 50 213 32 23 45 259 48 67 17 219 180 186 25 54 86 53 202 33 11 12 183 34 43 98 54 246 165 36 36 48 43 87 34 11 13 175 34 23 93 41 224 124 29 33 39 44 92 35 40 443 659 230 100 38 2,229 236 492 31 103 113 175 576 36 50 371 708 250 116 28 2,109 187 563 33 71 133 119 325 37 2,917 11,198 16,062 5,007 5,589 4,440 30,764 10,102 39,771 4,227 2,903 8,298 6,615 8,757 33 2,890 8,036 9,505 5,307 5,690 2,137 30,749 10,473 12,531 7,252 1,280 12,291 7,330 5,174 39 16 278 414 235 95 99 479 405 260 21 141 58 89 515 40 36 262 347 221 91 106 600 409 259 22 123 63 108 494 41 475 5,832 99,428 12,439 17,971 36,032 13, 826 76,884 54,917 3,922 5,315 2,109 7,963 34,334 42 1,433 6,994 91,680 4,891 14,798 42,903 10,649 64,297 43,990 2,007 3,961 5,858 10,912 33,203 43 5 103 291 107 34 94 74 390 157 20 10? 39 40 434 44 15 111 270 81 36 100 110 394 147 12 80 27 35 434 45 120 1,668 39,603 5,489 7,997 33,044 2,120 73,550 45,599 2,999 4,003 1,263 4,271 31,092 46 294 1,725 83,112 1,405 4,995 39,330 1,361 61,397 37,789 1,559 2,587 1,631 3,037 30,590 47 11 206 157 176 72 37 431 51 137 4 55 23 61 171 48 26 172 101 171 64 30 514 65 126 10 65 43 80 117 49 355 4,164 9,825 7,000 9,974 2,988 11,706 3,334 9,313 923 1,812 846 3,692 3,792 50 1,139 5,369 8,568 3,486 9,803 3,573 9,288 2,900 6,201 448 1,374 4,227 7,875 2,613 51 56 848 49 287 11 9 14 31 9 2 302 52 15 12 52 70 857 71 400 16 4 62 58 17 5 278 70 14 48 53 24,114 154,964 11,186 27,820 1,344 1,642 2,002 8,643 278 10,936 123,378 4,683 16,636 3,779 54 25,716 143,244 22,070 38,533 2,824 1,332 3,064 16,499 7,375 8,210 41,385 5,017 9,867 9,775 55 8 280 24 344 1 18 6 66 4 4 6 56 25 272 27 326 4 28 15 4 109 13 5 9 57 991 52,720 2,223 41,124 20 808 637 8,284 307 174 883 58 6,968 37,193 4,142 37,233 164 1,465 5,681 75 12,954 418 1,004 1,153 59 89 146 532 119 143 95 1,633 303 637 56 73 264 271 614 60 70 187 522 101 123 101 1,409 357 445 73 68 206 274 763 61 106,478 13,681 147,466 4,215 104,473 53,125 75,356 232,548 256,863 163,692 6,998 112,785 419,896 98,671 62 76,641 11,105 149,860 3,161 94,299 52,929 52,969 140,014 236,511 206,557 6,396 70,253 390,542 103,239 63 22 32 204 26 45 19 868 32 341 12 15 122 105 162 64 974 1,001 9,537 409 4,800 3,502 18,788 4,798 23,620 1,245 342 13,007 6,312 3,115 65 127 1,099 1,400 570 257 123 3,909 537 1,137 60 372 284 386 1,032 66 117 1,112 1,469 641 228 136 3,789 555 1,203 73 342 292 400 1,077 67 1,201 7,746 45,490 4,763 7, 189 3,535 39,109 33,068 29,224 2,253 4,096 9,473 9,960 21,596 68 913 13,835 48,457 6,411 9,424 5,049 47,055 31,637 39,287 3,089 4,586 18,003 23,794 21,244 69 112 1,078 1,380 566 246 123 3,619 559 1,128 62 355 273 375 1,051 70 127 1,148 1,434 639 229 133 3,658 573 1,193 75 359 288 374 1,070 71 12,749 54,756 306,130 51,617 57,994 101,912 209,532 239,913 234,107 22,995 36,304 44,760 49,066 134,955 72 14,053 51,494 292,746 50,290 49,056 101,475 191,441 220,762 181,390 26,777 30,885 52,988 51,547 132,124 73 130 1,016 1,103 440 194 112 3,636 446 933 65 355 278 334 894 74 124 1,071 1,155 534 194 115 3,313 469 893 78 328 295 341 930 75 133,509 179,843 174,714 37,042 111,406 64,207 108,122 251,293 296,912 178,855 138,279 125,766 443,147 111,207 76 105,247 162,385 131,435 47,006 102,813 56,443 86,782 166,986 256,467 222,019 49,061 87,561 407,739 113,188 77 61 993 69 524 12 9 32 34 9 2 335 55 19 17 78 77 955 90 597 19 4 85 71 20 5 325 77 19 53 79 25,105 207,684 U,409 68,944 1,364 1,642 2,810 9,230 278 10,936 136,662 4,990 16,810 4,662 80 32,684 180,437 26,212 75,771 2,988 1,382 4,529 22,180 7,450 8,210 54,339 5,435 10,871 10,928 81 69 104 1,259 19 241 57 3,997 411 1,092 59 8 273 355 867 82 70 34 1,339 10 225 44 3,873 392 1,150 46 296 347 905 83 4,142 3,830 116,131 700 33,736 10,037 210,190 51,451 106,642 13,207 '38 53,102 32,675 41,417 34 4,489 628 103,509 422 30,591 6,057 196,901 41,360 100,391 9,453 49,669 23,263 37,831 35 11 1 3 ., 2 1 2 1 86 570 70 86 ;57 45 155 361 15 87 3 5 30 1 4 1 16 25 17 5 33 83 66 274 11,677 12 194 160 255 1,471 2,845 348 2,910 39 137 1,106 1,353 549 241 110 3,913 453 1,124 57 365 280 363 936 90 116 1,123 1,387 603 208 126 3;819 437 1,121 63 351 275 379 1,038 91 3 37 45 29 21 165 114 33 10 20 10 42 105 92 li 37 13.? 50 28 13 119 95 98 17 18 39 25 102 93 44 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 1. -FARMS, ACREAGE. VALUE, AND FARM [ Data for items shown in italics are based < — Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Fremont Gem Gooding Idaho Jefferson Jerome Kootenai Latah Lemhi FARMS, ACREAGE, AHD VALUE 1 Farms number 1954 .. . 892 832 916 950 1,038 1,065 1,090 1,155 1,247 1,255 1,122 1,111 1,324 1,413 1,309 1,457 491 485 2 1950... 3 i. Approximate land area acres 1954 . . . 1,164,160 355,200 462,080 5,449,600 696,960 379,520 303,840 697,600 2,934 400 Proportion in farms percent 1954 . . . 37.0 99.2 53.8 15.0 45.8 46.8 38.5 57.1 3.0 5 land omed by farm operators aores 195i. . . 202,980 194,993 179,503 570,414 271,397 128,378 250,506 256,672 131,959 6 Land rented from others bf/ farm operators. .. .acres 195i... 107, 103 129,613 63,386 250,658 33,527 67,610 37,337 159,738 36,266 7 t nn/i mnnnieii hii farm nnerntnr^ arres 79.54. . . 101 606 1 800 7 000 10 286 525 1,200 1,200 30,237 8 Land rented to others by farm operators /app text) acres 195i. • • 13,844 430,437 1,235 352,250 7,955 248,676 13,645 815,546 33,966 319,331 11,165 177,644 16,905 309,213 20,275 398,657 4,236 234,501 9 Land in farms acres 1954 . . . 10 1950... 362,088 294,991 210,412 754,422 311,756 160,200 310,578 375,163 206,590 11 12 Average size of farm acres 1954... 482.6 384.6 239.6 748.2 256.1 158.3 144.2 233.5 219.8 304.6 257.5 477.6 426.0 1950... 435.2 310.5 197.6 653.2 243.4 Value of land and buildinis: 13 iuprafip Der farm dollars 1954... 32,572 28,652 21,851 14,367 26,582 19,517 41,560 31,183 27,458 17,363 35,044 24,150 19,783 13,765 38,018 29,621 29,859 19,523 U 1950... 15 Auprn^e ner firrf dol lars 1954. • ■ 99.71 87.00 124.84 91.77 55.64 47.73 121.45 76.50 230.58 157.81 92.21 69.95 125 . 30 164.63 71.44 47.83 16 fHyV' 1 'itJO yt^l UL IK-.-' - -. .. ... ■ - .. .... ■ ■ ■■ . •.^'J . ^ • r- vy .^wv-W*. ;950. . . 73.16 42. fK 17 Proportion of farms reporting value percent 195i... Land in farms accordiog to use: 94 91 93 95 90 81 93 84 92 18 Cropland harvested farms reporting 1954. . . 786 736 930 962 1,151 1,034 1,092 1,173 396 19 1949 . . . 788 781 973 1,066 1,193 1,049 1,227 1,317 441 20 acres 1954... 120,869 37,073 66,403 150,972 110,484 91,599 74,747 181,153 51,372 21 1949 . . . 117,826 37,540 67,405 179,474 104,150 85,179 74,334 188, 346 50,332 22 23 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 1954 .. . 55 129 63 79 73 21 307 118 46 1949 . . . 15 144 65 95 76 25 398 161 45 21, 25 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 1954... 36 102 69 76 61 24 172 88 23 1949 . . . 33 129 64 89 78 47 191 110 31 26 27 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 1954 . . - 25 107 35 52 101 51 98 66 17 1949 . . . 34 116 94 64 120 54 135 85 27 28 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 1954... 84 157 203 89 196 152 157 97 49 29 1949 . . . 109 155 210 103 258 162 159 128 59 30 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1954... 198 162 340 163 335 471 155 195 97 31 210 160 330 154 377 486 150 214 103 32 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 1954. . . 191 60 131 242 215 261 115 292 96 33 1949 . . . 197 59 129 260 200 234 104 303 108 3i 200 acres and over farms reporting 1954. . . 197 19 ■29 261 120 54 38 317 68 35 1949... 170 18 31 301 34 41 90 316 63 36 Cropland used only for pasture. .farms reporting 1954... 260 622 750 291 749 755 558 444 172 37 1949 . . . 2.!7 642 698 321 737 567 499 557 129 33 acres 1954... 9,337 16,168 17,972 11,533 15,535 12,781 9,414 9,642 14,237 39 1949 . . . 10,340 14,171 16,746 10,707 16,491 8,555 8,849 9,362 3,936 iO Cropland not harvested and not 321 76 89 582 240 133 510 760 48 41 1949 . . . 355 165 133 417 342 215 490 714 47 42 acres 1954 . . . 43,889 2,078 5,090 46,338 18,367 6,604 28.900 54,197 2,015 43 1949... 41,580 5,202 6,185 22,331 21,592 10,291 24,756 33,665 2,066 44 295 25 23 523 131 40 293 682 25 45 1949 . . . 302 66 40 341 173 54 244 515 19 46 acres 1954... 41,501 688 1,302 43,334 11,892 375 22,877 46,675 714 47 1949... 37,915 1,840 2,838 18,540 13,342 1,928 14,100 27,237 439 48 Other cropland farms reporting 1954 . . . 67 56 72 121 131 101 285 218 28 49 1949 . . . 96 125 149 124 205 174 317 364 34 50 acres 1954 . . . 2,388 1,390 3,738 3,054 6,475 6,229 6,023 7,522 1,301 51 1949 . . . 3,665 3,362 3,347 3,841 8,250 3,363 10,656 11,423 1,627 52 Woodland pastured farms reporting 1954 . . . 44 24 15 439 125 15 642 517 87 53 1949 . . . 83 31 31 567 195 33 691 667 75 54 acres 1954... 6,832 28,314 67 122,659 7,336 77 128,148 76,134 4,492 55 1949 . . . 26,717 25,236 3,632 166,043 9,951 884 122,557 66,496 4,261 56 Woodland not pastured farms reporting 1954... 40 15 7 92 25 12 273 414 10 57 1949 . . . 45 9 17 136 51 38 325 420 15 58 acres 1954... 3,093 170 90 7,960 411 31 32,879 40,245 371 59 1949 . . . 6,747 2,314 477 18,614 3,217 3,847 45,665 35,753 598 60 not woodland) farms reporting 1954. . . 465 317 447 777 465 496 132 363 400 61 1949... 459 342 529 736 473 400 246 345 396 62 acres 1954... 210,487 261,070 133,198 465,367 146,364 46,803 25,517 21,160 143,912 63 1949... 124,356 202,004 97,759 339,736 134,411 23,958 22,837 22,233 125,623 64 Improved (see text) farms reporting 1954... 221 152 210 70 174 142 34 64 287 65 acres 1954... 11,244 3,376 3,223 3,804 7,388 3,112 640 1,146 27,359 66 Other land (house lots, roads. 827 353 1,000 1,019 1,142 1,073 1,212 1,142 460 67 1949 . . . 774 381 1,003 1,098 1,146 1,048 1,271 1,371 467 68 acres 1954... 35,930 7,377 25,351 10,167 19,834 19,749 9,608 16,126 18,052 69 1949... 34,522 8,524 18,203 17,462 21,944 27,486 11,530 14,303 14,274 70 811 834 989 1,001 1,189 1,070 1,244 1,213 415 71 1949 . . . 793 888 1,029 1,103 1,215 1,084 1,333 1,372 451 72 acres 1954 . . . 174,095 55,319 39,470 209,393 144,386 110,984 113,061 244,992 67,674 73 1949 . . . 169,746 56,913 90, 336 212,562 142,233 104,025 107,939 236,373 61,334 74 617 821 952 1,005 1,021 933 1,014 972 444 75 1949 . . . 623 855 966 1,101 1,047 856 1,093 1,164 459 76 acres 1954... 226,656 305,552 151,237 599,559 170,235 59,661 163,079 106,936 162,691 77 1949 . . . 161,413 241,411 113,137 516,491 160,353 33,397 154,293 98,091 133,320 78 79 Woodland total farms reporting 1954... 72 35 22 504 144 27 821 775 93 1949... 115 37 44 655 221 66 384 881 85 80 acres 1954 . . . 9,925 28,484 157 130,619 3,247 108 161,027 116,379 4,363 81 1949 . . . 33,464 27,550 4,109 134,662 13,168 4,731 168,222 102,254 4,359 82 Irrigated land In farms farms reporting 1954... 668 852 1,011 66 1,176 1,068 324 14 445 83 1949 . . . 658 836 l,a45 81 1,194 1,076 335 4 455 84 acres 1954 . . . 62,478 43,447 86,878 1,499 115,778 104,653 5,617 359 85,195 65 1949... 61,268 43,335 84,676 1,432 101,852 96,532 3,566 31 79,211 86 Land in row or close-seeded crops grown in strips for wind erosion control farms reporting 1954... 18 2 4 3 5 2 4 6 87 acres 1954.. . 1,959 64 50 76 313 65 31 336 ae Cropland used for row or grain crops farmed on contour farms reporting 1954. . . 52 3 3 13 1 4 10 72 1 89 acres 1954... FARM OPERATORS 1,974 87 109 731 15 L28 416 12,134 7 90 708 871 982 1,017 1,149 1,058 1,257 1,221 468 91 1950... 660 905 1,004 1,038 1,133 1,010 1,343 1,370 460 92 Not residing on farm operated. .operators reporting 1954... 177 31 47 68 80 43 60 80 68 14 17 93 1950... 164 40 37 105 74 68 51 ^The excess of farm acreage over approximate land area is due to the fact that the entire acreage of a farm Is tabulated as In the county in which the headquarters is located, even though a part of the farm may be situated in an adjoining county. IDAHO 45 OPERATORS: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued reports for only a sample of farms. See text] I,.'uij Lln;oln Madison Miiiiijoi.a Nl>2 Perce Oneida Owyhee Payette Power SJiCS,4arie Teton Twin Fall!! Valley Washin^on I'll 414 902 1,067 933 485 744 1,114 397 163 447 2,406 206 775 1 453 891 1,059 993 543 774 1,153 388 168 459 2,623 209 926 2 305,920 769,920 '302,720 480,000 542,080 762,240 4,894,720 257,920 903,040 1,669,760 293,760 1,242,880 2,353,920 944,000 3 76.3 16.6 123 8 43 2 81.1 43,1 15.1 76.2 47.5 1.3 64,5 43.9 4.9 60.0 4 132,480 86,600 242,516 106,692 266,151 244,250 326,387 148,453 267,682 19,365 122,854 347,978 95,840 415,393 5 103,927 29,951 127,776 81,287 172,693 99,582 177,024 44,474 190,266 63,274 262 , 544 39,879 135,640 6 1,900 12,800 1,240 30,537 7,325 212,937 505 4,140 14,075 25,055 7 9,2iXi 1,520 B,d66 3, lb 5 6,190 9,163 39,507 3,948 35,782 655 6,510 32,661 4,655 14,550 3 233,528 127,707 '374,824 207,392 439,528 328,782 733,875 196,428 429,204 21,743 189,597 545,950 114,968 566,729 9 226,192 108,134 '317,920 123,334 467,972 331,728 596,343 183,699 406,345 25,351 193,232 508,458 39, 834 582,441 10 597.2 308. 5 415.5 194.4 463.6 677.9 993.1 176.3 1,031.1 129.4 424.2 226.9 558.1 730.3 11 517.6 238.7 355.8 116.5 471.3 610.9 770.5 159.3 1,052.4 153.9 432.0 193.8 429.8 629.0 12 60,961 22,221 39, 367 28,141 47,630 44,205 36,488 22,795 63,978 10,016 33,431 44,573 31,718 25,455 13 55,126 17,310 25,245 16,310 31,469 39,055 19,228 15,432 50,162 7,419 25,071 32, 192 19,154 17,395 14 U4.41 83.14 103.97 152.74 106.37 72 . 96 43.43 201.48 55.57 93.93 85.40 191.84 60.07 48.03 15 116.00 73.25 98.77 155.71 68.07 68.46 34.66 96.61 43.51 67.06 50.38 180.95 50.22 30.36 16 91 96 87 88 88 95 91 94 98 S3 90 66 88 86 17 372 386 79J 959 834 466 646 951 359 115 400 2,179 162 710 18 412 427 845 981 944 522 724 1,041 359 116 440 2,399 174 813 19 108,761 37,172 110,174 92,071 146,429 114,887 63,364 43,234 144,592 2,663 72,882 204,793 28,744 73,766 20 121,135 35,576 112,249 55, .345 147,947 114,150 58,990 40,256 145,184 2,317 76,373 212,033 29,388 68,387 21 17 57 53 232 8 38 186 8 51 3 125 4 60 22 22 13 73 82 293 20 54 207 5 43 6 184 4 107 23 8 50 43 47 10 44 163 12 28 13 89 10 61 24 8 13 58 39 72 9 59 198 15 23 17 115 10 80 25 10 16 77 79 36 12 43 112 5 13 13 111 3 53 26 8 32 93 105 35 11 54 147 10 18 17 150 12 70 27 U 58 US 192 54 16 116 188 22 9 35 251 14 119 28 13 61 143 259 54 22 139 228 21 13 42 305 16 154 29 31 167 231 430 91 71 229 229 43 10 100 397 39 172 30 48 192 232 414 102 98 249 205 49 9 122 935 39 192 31 92 101 131 117 138 141 116 50 56 3 120 535 36 135 32 82 99 119 67 137 145 112 42 53 3 140 533 42 137 33 200 27 129 45 236 210 60 23 223 2 105 171 51 104 34 231 17 137 15 246 217 47 14 214 2 96 177 51 78 35 56 378 374 544 216 131 483 662 92 58 184 1,292 143 425 35 77 360 282 t47 308 115 352 546 114 49 39 871 85 437 37 1,714 11,510 9,054 5,122 5,433 6,364 21,216 12,866 5,489 1,234 8,320 30,320 26,696 19,750 38 2,546 10,399 3,373 5,049 6,669 7,334 7,356 13,552 8,855 1,240 4,013 20,389 9,303 16,393 39 286 84 277 150 462 391 146 192 264 27 179 306 69 208 40 229 147 3U0 161 466 431 134 266 293 20 210 256 75 307 41 30,561 3,705 67,465 10,257 53,876 82,650 14,048 5,573 136,046 345 31,429 23,923 4,185 18,062 42 20,343 4,579 57,776 4,016 45,002 81,936 6,043 4,788 139,933 451 37,500 12,412 4,522 23,253 43 273 44 243 37 399 378 13 29 252 11 163 153 32 144 44 203 78 245 42 354 416 31 67 269 6 181 102 39 179 45 29,056 1,782 64,657 5,672 47,634 77,590 712 794 130,787 73 30,103 8,955 1,030 12,070 46 17,238 1,536 54,742 1,282 35,163 79,306 547 352 130,595 87 26,297 6,790 1,044 16,741 47 48 47 61 120 166 84 136 169 52 17 31 212 45 105 48 67 38 72 125 199 64 106 221 59 15 59 173 49 182 49 1,505 1,923 2,808 4,585 6,192 5,060 13,336 4,779 5,259 272 1,326 14,958 3,155 6,012 50 3,055 3,043 3,034 2,734 9,839 2,630 5,496 3,936 9,338 364 11,212 5,622 3,478 6,512 51 121 11 62 3 151 4 6 7 4 89 96 8 114 28 52 125 6 94 11 240 45 15 21 11 93 133 29 111 54 53 43,791 715 3,544 34 51,550 1,821 7,012 467 667 10,126 14,857 2,105 34,470 54,656 54 23,666 735 8,376 143 107,623 17,969 22,561 1,861 3,789 9,957 20,044 8,722 21,541 14,165 55 62 2 10 3 58 1 2 6 2 34 13 10 34 11 56 61 7 17 3 92 3 10 9 10 56 22 3 27 16 57 9,631 220 385 323 7,569 3 201 441 2 4,007 1,131 316 3,530 2,962 58 9,113 96 324 64 10,297 714 945 334 1,450 3,247 2,6,36 239 3,C47 4,361 59 229 254 333 268 655 280 217 382 227 14 220 955 82 438 60 233 230 432 134 464 354 339 493 194 ii 291 1,470 101 507 61 24,579 66,356 161,892 77,188 168,207 103,365 595,726 125,495 111,576 1,914 45,559 251,929 13,635 388,267 62 37,734 45,333 111,322 47,373 139,159 90,502 462,236 110,180 76,197 1,948 44,084 214,384 19,042 443,674 63 20 29 127 153 138 73 51 171 75 74 430 54 106 64 501 963 7,202 1,940 2,996 3,228 4,523 4,994 2,417 3,414 14,305 5,806 6,776 65 355 393 ,844 1,025 764 453 693 1,069 371 163 424 2,269 191 697 66 390 434 822 1,033 859 493 733 1,084 361 161 413 2,522 199 863 57 14,491 8,029 22,210 22,397 6,414 19,692 37, 303 8,352 30,332 1,454 14,919 32,564 3,708 9,246 68 11,655 11,41b 24,000 11,344 11,275 19,123 38,212 12,726 31,936 1,191 13,563 40,179 2,991 12,203 69 376 410 S21 1,020 353 471 698 1,038 375 133 414 2,269 194 746 70 421 442 350 1,024 964 529 739 1,094 330 136 444 2,462 183 681 71 141,036 52,387 186,693 107,450 205,788 203,901 98,628 61,673 285,127 4,242 113,131 259,036 59,625 111,598 72 14A,024 50,554 173,398 64,410 199,618 203,420 72,389 56,598 294,973 4,508 117,905 244,884 43,213 108,033 73 300 397 647 744 777 337 600 952 264 119 382 1,943 189 696 74 347 418 653 741 760 395 632 927 265 144 395 2,151 185 799 75 70,0e4 78,581 174,590 82,344 225,240 111,550 623,954 138,828 117,732 13,274 69,236 284,354 74,801 462,673 76 63,94b 56,467 123,571 52,565 253,451 115,805 492,153 125,593 88,842 13,145 68,146 243,495 49,886 474,232 77 161 12 69 11 191 5 8 12 6 109 109 17 132 37 78 165 12 102 13 295 48 24 30 21 123 148 37 128 68 79 53,422 935 4,029 357 59,119 1,824 7,213 908 669 14,133 15,968 2,421 36,000 57,618 80 32,779 831 8,700 207 117,920 18,583 23,505 2,195 5,239 18,204 22,730 9,011 24,588 18,526 81 409 747 1,026 3CK 278 693 1,058 194 3 314 2,264 150 553 82 443 784 1,018 282 311 753 1,113 170 5 335 2,560 139 701 83 46,783 61,238 91,832 2,644 19,915 75,054 56,403 21,073 29 36,007 226,921 32,313 32,956 S4 44,748 56,683 53,088 1,665 19,212 71,665 51,645 10,868 50 33,152 238,452 23,421 31,219 85 6 12 7 6 6 2 2 , 3 1 .i 86 ''5 2,13.9 269 1,032 650 26 18 208 190 14 127 87 ^ 3 12 4 31 72 2 8 4 7 6 1 18 88 1,11' 57 683 45 8,095 10,814 27 92 920 373 577 181 1,736 89 307 395 760 978 355 383 667 1,049 352 Ibl 3,54 2,269 132 7111 90 350 424 794 997 918 403 715 1,057 334 158 391 2,514 135 672 91 SO 13 137 69 68 85 55 40 42 5 49 34 21 4b 92 78 21 80 58 63 128 46 57 43 6 62 37 93 46 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table la.-IRRIGATED FARMS: NUMBER AND Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Bingham Irrigated farms number 1954.. 1950.. Proportion of all farms percent 1954.. Land in irrigated farms acres 1954.. 1950.. Average per farm acres 1954. . 1950.. Laad in irrigated farms accordiag to use, 1454: Cropland harvested farms reporting . . acres. . Cropland used only for pasture acres . . Cropland not harvested and not pastured acres.. Cultivated summer fallow acres.. Woodland pastured acres . . Woodland not pastured acres . . Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) . .acres. . Improved acres . . Land pastured , total farms reporting . . acres. . Land in row or close-seeded crops grown in strips for wind erosion control farms reporting. . acres. . Cropland used for row or grain crops farmed on contour farms reporting. . acres . . Land irrigated acres 1954.. 1949'. Irrigated laad ia farms accordiag to use: Irrigated cropland harvested. .. .farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949.. Irrigated pasture farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949.. Faras with all harvested crops irrigated: Farms number 1954 . . 1949 . . Irrigated cropland harvested acres 1954.. 1949 . . 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 1954.. 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 1954.. 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 1954.. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 1954.. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1954.. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 1954.. 200 acres and over farms reporting 1954.. 28,218 29,413 72.8 8,633,254 7,980,249 307.7 271.3 25,531 2,350,424 443,144 485,276 352,650 345,131 39,234 4,499,160 229,528 24,381 5,287,435 122 7,505 1,948 2,405 97.1 243,647 263,853 125.1 109.7 1,610 69,171 27,890 4,364 1,300 7,230 2,930 120,074 6,450 1,342 155.194 341 27 ,063 2,324,571 2,137,237 25^133 26,740 1,854,573 1,703,601 20,752 20,692 469,998 403,017 21,616 22,748 1,588,161 1,443,918 2,316 1,751 1,992 3,741 7,413 3,285 1,118 9 227 95 ,738 103 ,462 1 ,604 1 ,834 65 ,257 66 ,393 1 ,695 2 ,193 30 ,481 35 ,904 1 533 1 ,784 63 ,654 63 ,816 248 232 278 333 396 84 12 213 245 75.3 250,947 249 ,990 1,178.2 1,020.4 187 19,184 16,008 930 387 45,086 1,135 166,551 3,546 209 227,645 3 93 23,784 24,376 162 199 10,915 11,935 162 169 12,869 12 ,075 51 85 4,526 4,522 6 5 5 9 U 10 3 648 704 74.2 242,695 248,160 374.5 352.5 594 74,989 5,719 40,447 36,529 11,837 1,545 87,877 2,502 511 105,433 17 2,112 39,450 36,905 534 655 34,648 32,585 366 315 4,802 3,981 349 374 21,333 18,192 84 58 28 47 71 45 618 594 81.4 284,157 250,296 459.8 421.4 587 84,998 10,247 15,604 14,676 7,469 120 158,167 4,718 560 175 ,883 25 2,460 56,820 48,315 577 569 48,318 43,581 335 249 8,502 4,535 213 217 16 ,040 17,848 44 36 29 37 35 19 2 2 0.4 793 1,220 396.5 610.0 2 98 20 200 462 10 10 2 230 2,067 2,080 95.7 406,270 527,540 196.6 253.6 1,915 169,340 23,487 21,724 10;401 3,028 42 133,352 7,081 1,751 159,867 7 689 12 932 183,024 157,981 1,894 1,969 154 ,794 132,586 1,648 1,570 28,230 23 ,474 1,846 1,881 147,923 122,826 332 734 317 103 29. 304 91.6 240,207 197,504 817.0 649.7 277 32,370 8,526 2,029 i;256 3,529 210 188 ,854 6,378 280 200 ,909 39,220 36,785 274 291 29,433 28,175 224 173 9,787 8,509 224 237 23,882 22,685 19 11 14 25 74 57 24 Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Gooding Irrigated farms number 1954, . . 1950... Proportion of all farms percent 1954 . . . Land in irrigated farms .acres 1954 1950... Average per farm acres 1954... 1950... Laod ia irrigated forms according to use, 1954: Cropland harvested farms reporting . . . acres. . . Cropland used only for pasture acres . . . Cropland not harvested and not pastured acres... Cultivated summer fallow acres . . . Woodland pastured acres . . . Woodland not pastured acres... Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland ).. acres.. . Improved acres . . . Land pastured , total farms reporting . . . acres . . . Land in row or close-seeded crops grown in strips for wind erosion control farms reporting... acres . . ■ Cropland used for row or grain crops farmed on contour farms reporting. . . acres. . . Land irrigated acres 1954... 1949' . . Irrigated laud iu farms according to use: Irrigated cropland harvested. .. .farms reporting 1954... 1949 . . . acres 1954. . . 1949 . . . Irrigated pasture farms reporting 1954... 1949... acres 1954... 1949... Farms with all harvested crops irrigated: Farms number 1954. . . 1949... Irrigated cropland harvested acres 1954 . . . 1949... 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 1954 .. . 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 1954... 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 1954... 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 1954 . . . 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1954 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 1954... 200 acres and over farms reporting 1954... 668 658 74.9 210,422 192,541 315.0 292.6 643 81,761 8,503 17,886 16,473 3,043 1,232 74 ,311 11,148 515 85,857 16 1,716 48 1,511 62,478 61,268 629 631 53,590 49,531 380 364 8,838 10,433 446 431 35,837 32,314 46 31 21 75 153 96 24 852 886 93.0 325,150 217,741 381.6 245.7 637 33,008 15,450 1,368 237 27,964 120 240,296 3,376 769 283,710 2 27 43,447 43,335 679 724 27,903 28,476 741 754 15,539 13,715 623 637 23 ,481 24,647 122 97 99 139 129 34 3 1,011 1,045 97.4 243 ,001 195,731 240.4 137.3 928 66,398 17,955 5,090 1,302 67 90 127,627 8,228 944 145,649 3 109 86,878 84,676 922 963 63,920 64,216 889 909 22,953 18,926 910 944 61,353 62,141 57 69 94 200 336 129 25 66 81 6.0 65 ,729 98,083 995.9 1,210.9 57 2,522 804 471 86 16,984 124 44,413 151 65 62,201 1,499 1,432 51 75 1,127 1,320 32 15 372 137 30 43 430 725 15 4 3 6 2 1,176 1,194 94.3 292,177 285 ,762 248.4 239.3 1,125 102,230 14,750 12,403 6,227 7,482 411 139,158 7,348 986 161 ,390 115,778 101,352 1,114 1,163 96,865 85,781 832 802 18,913 12,896 1,086 1,057 94,725 78,098 70 59 96 189 375 200 97 1,068 1,076 95.2 174,667 147,323 163.5 136.9 1,024 90,882 12,692 6,340 361 57 25 45,070 3,112 919 57,819 2 65 104,653 96,532 1,020 1,043 90,187 83,987 843 758 14,466 10,659 1,006 1,023 38,505 31,772 19 23 50 149 461 254 50 324 335 24.5 29,686 22,280 91.6 66.5 289 8,701 2,496 3,036 2,181 8,289 4,049 1,587 454 252 12,374 2 50 5,617 3,566 252 270 3,793 2,431 187 182 1,324 974 151 157 2,355 1,377 14 445 4 455 1.1 90.6 8,031 231,739 1,478 203,894 573.6 520. E 369.5 443.1 14 394 2,684 51,365 753 14,277 525 1,995 462 714 679 4,440 452 353 2,441 141,336 10 27,355 14 430 3,873 160,053 4 231 31 85,195 79,211 394 431 51,215 50,434 364 353 33,980 28,571 387 412 50,736 48,928 44 22 17 43 96 92 'includes irrigated cropland not harvested and not pastured. IDAHO 47 ACREAGE: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 Boise Bonner Bonneville Boundary Burke Camas Canyon Caribou Cassia Clark Clearwater Custer ELnore Franklin 69 70 104 34 1,259 1,339 19 10 lil 57 44 3,997 3,873 411 392 1,092 1,150 46 3 273 296 355 347 867 905 1 2 ^.3.6 9.0 84.9 3.2 88.9 43.5 95.6 71.1 89.1 88.0 2.0 94.1 87.2 79.0 3 '■;,6oi 57,062 309,281 5,624 157,395 64,286 320,993 284,971 374,685 171,930 1,493 169,998 358,865 184,736 4 7i; .or" 8,933 275,314 3,689 149,878 66,614 290,238 259,004 378,352 190,552 143,802 364 ,009 201,628 5 l,0i,.2 54S.9 245.6 296.0 653.1 1,473.7 80.3 693.4 343.3 2,914.1 186.6 622.7 1,010.9 213.1 6 1,0.M.^ 262.7 205.6 368.9 666.1 1,513.9 74.9 660.7 329.0 4,142.4 485.6 1,049.0 223.0 7 60 101 1,183 1° 233 55 3,202 404 1,032 57 7 258 309 845 8 5,5 95 28 191 172 llo 116 315 29d 39 29 Ul 118 23 37 26 1950... 27 28 Crop-share tenants and croppers ....number 1954 1950 . . . ?1 13 IS 157 135 53 59 101 93 277 263 32 26 120 104 22 29 30 Livestock-share tenants ...number 1954. .. 1950... 14 1 10 3? U 20 ^3 32 7 3 11 14 10 15 31 32 Other and unspecified tenants ...number 1954. .. 1950. . . 11 11 lo 15 37 26 lu 17 23 32 33 18 27 21 22 31 25 n 6 2 2 8 6 12 9 3 3 7 3 8 16 10 11 22 5 34 1950... 35 36 Unspecified tenants Land in farms by tenure of operator; ...number 1954... 1950... 21 7 17 31 14 10 1, .■0 3f, 10 11 11 11 9 20 37 38 Full owners acres 1954... 1950... 100,8t,c 1?2,5S2 80,393 110,46^ 106,196 10o,466 207,621 287,489 162,153 l.,2,202 83,002 77,417 161,805 160,915 146,947 150,339 122,588 127,613 197,t'5S 145,940 254,953 169,084 Q5,728 65,006 532,765 384,993 130,082 139,009 41,133 33,166 119,070 118,463 174,768 157,665 64,916 47,978 40 1950... 41 102,622 3,,3.:.l 2,363 735 8,881 1,706 11,067 1,575 623 24 1,120 1,200 2,468 1,450 893 1,795 29,772 10,500 42 1950... 43 44 All tenants acres 1954... 1950... 2S,7-!>1 2'), 205 14,541 14,703 37,871 64,093 30,365 2.J ,4nS 30,521 52,364 46,415 25,870 29,750 76,049 65,314 17,225 20,499 45 46 Cash tenants acres 1954... 1950... 717 5,276 1,427 2,656 l.aOo 1,617 12,733 14,453 1,040 826 625 1,319 5,441 6,263 323 2,198 4,913 3,583 47 48 Share-cash tenants acres 1954... 1950... 4,311 2,864 1,844 2,561 3,395 4,880 15,013 19,241 512 5,469 4,920 5,202 770 3,901 7,545 17,403 1,600 858 4Q ....acres 1954... 21,620 19,538 10,252 6,638 30,882 26,320 31,817 40,235 23,840 15,600 43,326 36,057 18,915 14,819 57,750 43,238 9,194 11,932 50 1950... 51 52 Crop-share tenants and croppers acres 1954... 1950... lo,808 19,490 1,586 2,117 23,572 19,913 23,714 21,379 20,7U 12,756 37,687 32,752 12,514 12,963 53,496 37,898 3,680 7,566 53 54 Livestock-share tenants acres 1954... 1950 . . . 4,812 48 8,666 4,571 7,310 6,407 8,103 18,856 3,137 2,844 5,639 5,305 6,401 1,856 4,254 5,340 5,514 4,366 55 56 57 58 59 60 Other and unspecified tenants Cropland harvested by tenure of operator Full owners farms acres 1954... 1950 . . . reporting 1954... 1949... acres 1954... 1949 . . . 2,143 1,527 407 442 44,677 44,734 1,018 2,798 539 575 21,507 22,460 l,o68 4,415 53o 587 28,733 30,897 4,530 6,436 470 569 49,330 59,420 l,0o7 3,62o 767 851 59,043 55,716 3,313 3,837 503 513 36,567 34,597 744 4,7d7 843 964 33,382 33,855 10,431 2,475 658 791 56,451 60,144 1,518 4,126 268 322 30,883 33,605 61 62 63 54 Part owners farms reporting 1954 .. . 1949 . . . acres 1954... 1949... 241 220 56,682 55,883 117 114 10,158 9,520 147 119 16,704 14,789 359 331 75,101 86,045 232 173 33,747 33,0o8 143 133 16,271 15,153 134 183 32,201 23,331 345 344 83,843 86,910 62 41 10,162 8,802 65 66 67 68 Managers farms reporting 1954.. . 1949 . . . acres 1954... 1949... 2,3b2 3 5i:.9 7 7 1,031 72S 3 3 , 127 44.; 1 23 3 403 5 611 130 1 127 oOl 10 3 5,196 1,181 69 70 71 72 All tenants farms reporting 1954 . . . 1949... acres 1954... 1949... 120 120 17,062 14,847 77 88 4,839 4,865 240 2dO 19,940 20,9^:'l 126 163 23,414 31,5r.5 14S 163 17,243 15,343 379 395 38,353 34,733 oO 78 6,553 11,968 169 180 40,732 40,691 56 75 5,131 7,244 IDAHO 51 OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950L-Continued Uuii, Lincoln MadlEt.n Mlnilokt, fje2 Perce One ill a Owyhee Fayette Power 2hn£hone Tet.r.n T-Jir. Falls Valley Washiri^ton J91 -.37 414 453 •J02 891 1,067 1,059 938 993 485 543 744 774 1,114 1,153 397 388 I08 168 447 459 2,4uc. 2,623 206 209 776 926 1 2 233,5^8 22t,192 127,707 108,134 374,824 317,920 207,392 123,334 439,528 467,972 328,782 331,728 738,875 596,343 196,428 133,699 429,204 408,345 21,743 25,851 189,597 198,282 545,950 508,458 114,963 89,834 566,729 582,441 3 4 108,761 121,135 37,172 35,576 110,174 112,249 92 ,071 55,345 146,429 147,947 114,887 114,150 63,364 58,990 43,234 40,258 144,592 146,134 2,663 2,617 72,832 76,378 204,793 212,083 28,744 29,338 73,766 68,387 5 6 391 37 71 7 15 96 63 22 13 2 613 11 65 21 7 48 74 8 5 98 72 40 6 1 603 7 73 20 10 42 79 9 1 100 96 55 9 1 680 4 139 20 7 34 78 10 3 119 114 69 9 2 780 6 181 19 7 38 104 11 3 47 94 25 7 ... 299 6 68 11 2 15 74 12 3 43 128 31 4 1 314 8 81 12 6 18 72 13 6 150 397 33 33 4 394 17 257 31 11 35 113 14 6 163 450 93 23 2 869 28 314 26 15 38 135 15 5 115 187 72 25 2 379 22 115 36 19 32 125 16 6 119 193 81 31 1 324 22 103 37 22 28 110 17 17 154 148 91 34 2 219 49 96 2 56 38 31 101 18 U 180 IJl 97 33 3 204 71 95 6 59 51 37 110 19 9 47 39 41 16 2 81 29 34 2 31 18 10 63 20 14 55 45 43 15 3 76 22 45 1 36 19 13 72 21 » 56 i_, 38 17 3 44 36 42 1 22 19 15 50 22 7 68 55 34 11 6 33 35 30 1 24 19 12 48 23 15 135 105 85 39 13 81 139 103 9 90 57 33 152 24 23 168 96 99 42 23 65 146 81 10 83 87 45 161 25 24 81 66 39 23 37 24 127 90 13 44 64 29 92 26 20 76 69 40 18 35 24 113 79 17 34 48 30 90 27 25 32 104 13 31 59 12 120 114 34 19 39 69 43 28 28 26 95 13 34 56 10 117 106 33 8 27 64 43 29 145,533 283,867 512,495 129,539 171,020 165 ,214 326,807 514,809 520 ,472 199 ,381 184,060 172,008 495,732 259,884 30 124,291 256,871 517.275 U5,633 155,767 160,835 295 ,994 414,643 464,638 244,633 96 ,206 146 ,679 476 ,754 267.535 31 37 392 413 115 o7 1 3,702 69 341 29 25 234 483 32 8 441 416 131 60 25 3,388 87 227 4 44 26 218 444. 33 252 1,639 1,097 375 204 45 10 ,269 183 1.027 11 402 138 742 1,369 34 79 1,736 1,325 668 84 20 10,100 105 1,259 11 357 178 705 1,487 35 42 3,916 3,779 2,158 346 40 26.675 150 5,377 ... 786 258 1,328 3,093 36 137 4,891 4,460 2,749 358 85 30,602 229 7,039 36 789 267 1,510 4,157 37 177 2,731 5,676 1,484 420 17 .408 367 3,983 657 116 849 4,390 38 173 2,482 7,622 1,829 241 '56 18,396 475 4,810 736 357 1,071 4,255 39 531 12,142 31,985 6,707 2,713 327 72 ,299 1,343 20,667 80 2,484 882 2,869 9,283 40 514 13,103 36,169 7,565 1,910 168 70,233 2,199 25,013 240 2,092 1,134 3,068 11,280 41 532 13,455 21,609 8,506 2,339 237 43 ,776 2,574 13,302 487 4,218 2,276 3,740 14.650 42 728 14,013 22 ,095 9,425 3,559 117 37,251 2,573 12,044 499 4,402 2,652 3,230 12,320 43 2,727 24,554 23 ,268 14,435 5,433 330 34 ,455 7.751 15,211 320 8,827 5,060 4,864 16 .074 44 2,129 28.552 20,663 15,342 5,262 480 31,930 11,253 14,806 960 9,344 8,116 5,825 17.445 45 1,752 9,432 7,624 8,125 3,215 400 15,932 5,761 6,596 412 6,218 3,603 1,946 12,405 46 2,790 11,226 8,798 8,379 2,975 600 14,929 4,383 8,758 200 7,186 3,815 2,561 14 ,080 47 1,888 13,456 12,490 9,054 3,963 700 10,356 8,632 10.002 240 5,253 4,510 3.556 11,790 48 1,679 16,156 12,897 8,155 2,602 1,433 8,959 8,460 7,185 240 5,750 4,522 2,924 11,331 49 5,251 64,235 37,475 29,998 14,058 7,085 26,696 51,099 36,077 3,870 32,429 19,667 11,532 54,452 50 8,604 57,911 34,675 34,663 14,697 8,639 21,895 52 ,869 30,142 4,290 30,229 32,241 15,495 57,267 51 16,367 56 ,483 45 ,241 26,211 15 ,530 26,480 15,048 87,486 62,818 9,709 30,521 43 ,807 21,103 63,384. 52 14,684 52,191 4«,534 25 ,821 12,451 25,420 14,637 78,035 56,535 12,117 23,911 33,044 20,867 62,363 53 115,427 81 ,377 321,338 22,371 122 ,227 129,569 50,191 349,394 345 ,071 184,752 92,236 90,660 442,969 68,510 54 92 ,761 54,069 319,621 20,906 111,568 123,798 33,674 253,975 296.820 226,036 11,356 60,277 419,280 70,606 55 125 1,132 1,484 603 271 119 4,207 610 1,233 69 399 244 409 1,113 56 129 1,185 1,538 667 237 139 3,985 593 1,248 84 374 310 407 1,151 57 5 63 764 138 65 89 703 274 386 17 133 16 68 294 56 8 14 766 95 57 90 632 300 490 7 125 25 76 299 59 5 52 206 128 IS 39 270 253 227 17 133 57 224 60 ^ ..! 170 90 23 90 154 286 228 6 125 "25 57 221 61 62 'ii 558 "6 47 433 21 159 lo 'ii '76 63 64 ■■; 596 5 5 34 478 60 56 85 50 14 262 1 10 9 5 5 5 78 5 65 66 67 68 69 ; 197 66 85 15 1,485 50 120 5 5 5 278 70 4 291 79 103 5 1,166 U 89 8 21 25 14 131 71 20 15 5 35 10 10 5 70 72 24 10 5 55 5 5 5 74 73 46 126 168 62 96 20 231 131 240 38 34 171 141 64 74 f.l 188 122 57 90 28 275 141 211 40 31 193 96 94 75 27 63 304 52 50 10 687 128 311 9 42 37 82 257 76 26 58 414 82 68 7 939 95 334 13 33 10 91 405 77 6 21 96 20 25 6 252 18 150 2 26 12 58 31 78 13 24 123 36 17 1 360 19 154 4 11 5 53 49 79 1 35 5 50 11 2 5 20 5 46 ■30 5 34 31 '17 84 42 16 5 195 81 21 41 173 27 25 4 385 99 159 "7 11 5 19 190 82 13 29 257 15 34 6 495 34 180 9 11 5 33 161 83 42 c53 167 266 40 921 27 171 175 20 98 140 84 40 010 142 -■-' 9 812 43 124 '16 144 5 8 111 143 85 54 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 3. -FARMS BY SIZE OF FARM AND BY TYPE [Data for items shown in italics are based (For definitions and explanations, see text) Gooding FAHMS BY SIZE OF FABM Farms by size: All farms number 195-1 . Under 10 acres number 1954, 1950. Under 3 acres nijjnber 1954. 1950. 3 to 9 acres number 1954. 1950. 10 to 29 acres number 1954. 1950. 30 to 49 acres number 1954. 1950. 50 to 69 acres number 1954 . 1950. 70 to 99 acres number 1954. 1950. 100 to 139 acres number 1954. 1950. 140 to 179 acres number 1954. 1950. 180 to 219 acres number 1954 . 1950. 220 to 259 acres number 1954. 1950. 260 to 499 acres number 1954. 1950. 500 to 999 acres number 1954. 1950. 1,000 acres and over number 1954. 1950. Land ia farms by size ef farn: All land in farms acres 1954. 1950. Under 10 acres acres 1954. 1950. 10 to 29 acres acres 1954 . 1950. 30 to 49 acres acres 1954. 1950. 50 to 69 acres acres 1954 . 1950. 70 to 99 acres acres 1954. 1950. 100 to 139 acres acres 1954. 1950. 140 to 179 acres acres 1954. 1950. ISO to 219 acres acres 1954., 1950. 220 to 259 acres acres 1954.. 1950. 260 to 499 acres acres 1954., 1950., 500 to 999 acres acres 1954. 1950., 1,000 acres and over acres 1954., 1950., FARHS BY TYPE OF FABM Est Imite't ntmher nf firm^ WHi. 1950. Fteld-cmrt farms nthpr tfiiri vegetable find frul t-nnd-nut ntmher 1954.. 1950.. Cash-frnin number 1954. , 1950. . Cotton mmber 195i. . 1950. . Other fieJd-rrnp number 1954. . 1950. . Ve^p.tdbte fnrms number 1954.. 1950.. Frut t-nnd-nut fnrms. nimber 1954. . 1950.. Ddtr!/ fnrms ....number 1954.. 1950.. Pnultrl/ fnrms number 1954.. 1950.. LIuestcrtf fnrms ot^er than dntrif and poultry number 1954. . 1950.. Genernt fnrms nimber 1954. . 1950.. Primnrili/ crop number 1954.. 1950. , Prtmnri t a 1 ivestnctr number 1954. . 1950. . Crop nnd t tueptorlr number 1954. . 1950.. Hisrellnneous nnd unclasst fied farms number 1954.. 1950. . 116 36 78 3 38 33 64 77 38 32 108 111 73 71 95 101 39 37 36 50 129 132 90 79 64 66 430 ,437 362,088 279 185 699 683 2,549 3,032 2,194 1,970 8,821 8,983 8,413 8,261 15,04.4 15,932 7,746 7,267 8,564 12,079 46,040 47,195 62,253 55,317 267,835 201,184 894 832 567 515 290 215 277 300 31 61 125 174 79 93 10 32 36 49 157 141 38 14 119 127 179 182 127 149 84 87 123 122 50 59 36 42 24 27 19 16 44 38 41 352,250 294,991 662 718 3,045 3,055 4,888 5,801 4,903 5,069 10,090 9,866 5,789 6,975 5,703 6,563 4,680 5,349 4,479 3,795 15,372 13,338 29,868 28,780 262,271 205 ,682 852 950 5 66 54 371 379 5 19 U6 024. 20 33 20 5 77 48 172 255 117 49 47 220 288 162 156 117 123 53 43 70 66 32 22 35 27 248,676 210,412 323 322 1,442 1,168 3,726 4,610 2,921 2,723 17,694 23 ,272 18,713 18 ,005 18,390 19,483 10,520 8,483 9,948 9,738 23,691 22,444 23 ,719 16,228 117,589 83,936 1,035 1,065 243 256 221 204 211 218 5 10 190 165 246 268 75 95 150 162 140 138 51 46 96 125 55 69 55 62 270 304 215 212 153 142 815,546 754,422 198 152 636 844 1,207 1,669 1,233 1,096 3,411 4,754 6,051 5,409 15,318 19,789 10,966 13,755 13,181 U,832 98,061 109,200 151,694 147 ,087 513,590 435 ,835 1,103 1,155 459 404 459 404 201 246 10 85 126 322 304 152 182 100 121 22o 281 U8 119 146 U7 37 36 46 34 134 99 48 38 44. 319,331 311,756 352 300 1,404 1,287 5,957 7,232 6,027 7,172 18,295 22,704 15,966 13,745 23 ,024 23,159 7,319 7,215 10,838 8,252 47,437 35,952 33,454 25,543 149,258 159,190 1,349 1,255 676 475 149 67 527 408 Ul 113 5 5 141 161 251 322 83 68 5 29 163 225 UO 169 67 34 34 4 33 30 31 29 75 93 50 50 308 365 180 137 183 190 33 48 32 36 92 63 11 5 10 177,644 160,200 212 164 577 587 2,986 3,725 2,911 2,990 25,022 29,586 21,249 21,858 28,738 29,588 16 ,343 9,443 7,668 8,504 30,523 21,042 6,667 3,370 34,698 29,343 1,125 1,111 507 595 397 504 110 91 380 266 205 U3 10 165 123 50 99 1,324 208 193 39 17 169 181 217 236 79 92 36 50 105 103 30 91 161 183 70 73 5. 65 158 182 111 104 47 36 309,213 310,578 912 1,015 3,271 3,503 2,981 3,573 2,087 2,873 8,551 8,446 9,316 10,739 25 ,579 28,940 13,839 14,314 12,427 15,488 58,412 66,336 76,520 69,540 95,318 85 ,761 1,372 1,413 195 160 190 155 179 206 110 70 730 756 1,309 113 120 48 34. 70 86 64 39 70 96 24 43 107 126 93 108 141 178 78 90 70 83 320 331 176 155 48 38 398,657 375 ,163 440 509 1,049 1,419 2,754 3,787 1,386 2,485 8,731 10,235 10,886 12,597 22,509 28,117 15,533 18,024 16,645 19 ,785 114,962 119,980 119 ,495 102,318 84,267 55 ,907 1,323 1,457 723 663 723 663 73 137 410 457 IDAHO 55 OF FARM : CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued reports l*or only a aample of farms. See text] Lewis Lincoln Madison Minidoka Nez Perce Oneida Owyhee Payette Power Shoshone Teton T\e$ and mules: Horses and/or mules farms reporting number Hogs: Hogs and pigs farms reporting number Born before June 1 farms reporting number Bom since June 1 farms reporting number Sows and gilts farrowing farms reporting number Between Dec. 1 and June 1.... farms reporting number Af ter June 1 farms reporting number Sheep and wool: Sheep and lambs farms reporting Sheep 1 year old and over ... .farms reporting number 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1954. Ewes farms reporting 1954 . 1950. number 1954 . 1950. Rams and wethers farms reporting 1954. 1950. number 1954 . 1950. Lambs under 1 year old farms reporting 1954 . number 1954. Sheep and lambs shorn ....farms reporting 1954. 1949. number shorn 1954 . 1949. Wool shorn pounds 1954 . 1949. Average date of enumeration 1954. 32,905 33,639 1,356,723 948,802 31,197 32,700 547,302 407,406 27,915 30,830 209,392 185,819 28,912 392,398 27,383 417,023 18,164 13,391 134,136,321 89,649,582 36,315,918 25,566,442 3,832 6,295 2,601,511 3,665,284 1,415,551 2,225,222 26,725 158,294 451,754 3,808 10,329 16,319 22,672 56,200 91,063 9,634 13,980 121,541 161,195 7,035 51,415 6,020 70,126 4,898 21,410 3,479 7,799 11,247 25,4/42 3,369 10,163 5,535 4,549 1,198,147 1,508,690 4,648 854,230 4,547 3,779 827,201 813,290 2,913 2,246 27,029 20,601 4,018 343,917 4,378 3,310 928,324 355,728 9,832,106 8,357,924 11/1-11/6 1,827 2,185 64.705 49,631 1,736 2,099 27,923 23,635 1,626 2,023 22,030 19,515 1,678 21,283 1,524 15,499 1,512 1,744 17,398,769 13,079,497 4,967,448 3,805,505 IS 59 27,415 59,830 14,118 45,811 1,595 17,499 51,707 45 159 677 1,178 1,754 3,492 362 691 5,979 10,303 256 2,059 266 3,920 213 1,154 129 365 493 1,213 181 661 130 142 36,261 45,164 161 35,364 160 128 34, 997 20,499 84 57 367 367 116 897 128 106 35,555 39,734 356,461 403,628 11/1-11/6 257 277 24,201 20,702 250 266 9.024 7,365 217 254 1,124 1,121 226 5,367 225 9,810 58 18 250,165 64,814 79,962 20,236 82 161 59,291 112,074 34,326 64,035 209 809 1,779 71 166 190 225 822 1,186 124 167 1,919 3,287 94 66 328 52 102 188 386 43 140 45 2,865 2,193 53 1,940 1,871 1,104 69 68 53 925 54 34 1,921 1,011 17,950 9,687 683 743 23,323 20,145 642 723 9,292 9,136 548 678 3,621 4,296 561 7,848 561 6,183 314 391 ,253,727 ,136,050 583,930 620,097 74 139 46, 837 60,757 27,553 38,346 519 2,743 7,654 81 236 461 616 1,407 2,550 267 333 2,053 2,291 196 996 161 1,057 121 369 81 176 222 394 66 147 110 91 17,035 19,481 81 12,574 77 80 12,202 12,229 47 43 372 317 81 4,461 62 16,057 12,290 170,699 109,348 10/17-10/23 11/7-11/13 661 635 30,364 28,816 648 633 13,764 12,073 595 608 4,021 4,654 593 8,236 561 8,364 512 532 2,594,456 2,278,109 611,032 578,284 15 28 10,438 18,331 7,113 11,114 578 3,010 8,220 491 577 2,085 2,949 274 230 1,200 1,007 205 548 134 652 101 190 62 124 95 210 62 95 241 164 22,710 23,431 211 19,264 204 160 18,705 13,551 113 91 559 520 170 3,446 191 141 23,163 19, 994 239,919 166,151 355 375 8,522 6,042 339 367 3,667 2,756 275 327 1,097 1,231 305 2,599 275 2,256 35 29 266,724 143,794 107,447 51,263 119 179 58,402 100,668 30,173 59,697 244 793 186 262 431 718 121 131 1,409 1,176 89 637 81 772 66 253 45 iA 125 161 53 123 25 10 258 188 20 163 147 103 11/7-11/13 18 95 20 6 160 85 1,443 738 10/17-10/23 1,852 1,819 60, 905 51,853 1,762 1,766 24,039 23,754 1,539 1,637 11,083 9,472 1,631 17,205 1,592 19,661 1,221 1,277 7,725,328 4,708,370 1,900,366 1,830,257 38 84 26,370 45,394 15,082 29,653 1,474 8,265 24,919 56 147 926 1,425 2,388 5,892 498 741 6,613 7,718 372 3,060 302 3,553 315 1,268 212 433 677 1,384 214 591 405 300 90,352 80,865 362 57,925 354 254 56,623 42,599 294 166 1,302 771 287 32,427 344 227 55,682 39,528 606,777 408,112 11/7-11/13 IDAHO 67 PRODUCTS; CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 and poultry seo text and State Table 12] Boise Conner Borjieville Boundary Butte Cajnaii Canyon Cari60u Cassia Clark Clearwater Custer Elmore Franklin - . i.''i.'.9 l.--5'-l 215 05 3,744 428 1,095 59 294 268 328 936 1 1 , 038 1 , 280 509 200 109 3,387 455 1,108 56 298 259 320 958 2 7,t'25 19,975 40,630 7,201 13,781 10,155 117,771 30,602 57,265 9,651 6,012 34,748 25,639 24,673 3 '.,7ei 17,176 28,292 6,565 9,693 6,924 66,274 23,819 42,883 6,600 3,704 26,2o4 18,022 19,801 4 ilD 949 1.188 426 209 94 3,443 417 1,038 57 285 262 312 893 5 6 7 8 108 1,0136 1,249 493 197 lOS 3,247 460 1,083 66 293 267 312 940 3,650 8,749 14,460 3,206 6,284 4,789 40,978 13,811 24,225 4,023 2,637 16,636 11,323 9,903 ^■,40- 7.903 11,261 3,102 4,634 2,952 26,717 10,208 13,176 3,519 1,645 13,053 7,027 8,498 "•• ■■-A'.' 1,078 384 185 75 3,244 359 963 46 213 223 252 854 9 'o 939 1 , 2o3 462 192 86 3,187 426 1,027 61 267 245 286 922 10 3^'-. i . 998 7,070 2,036 853 275 32,447 3,015 6,623 321 600 1,055 1,171 7,731 11 3^r: 4,610 6,522 2,411 796 335 24,037 3,255 5,729 333 858 1,192 1,111 7,174 12 98 847 1,091 361 187 88 3,293 394 983 56 249 251 280 840 13 2, Hi 6,147 11,867 2,22tD 3,812 2,781 36,940 8,204 16,180 3,084 1,876 9,302 6,638 3,573 14 105 775 1,020 3oO ISO 83 3,018 365 931 55 228 242 271 690 L5 1,832 5,079 14.303 1,769 3,685 2,585 39,853 8,587 16,860 2,544 1,499 8,810 7,578 6,192 16 3 183 753 99 34 5 2,804 266 780 9 12 46 74 784 17 15 24-; 314 129 105 1 2,496 322 307 3 29 57 40 811 18 4,2b7 1,722,978 4,503,144 339, o91 286,314 11,007 22,823,437 1,923,625 4,925,999 57,316 80,056 201 , 253 363,707 6,864,755 19 ;i.i37 1,335,131 3,111,86^ 332 . 272 234,, 33 10,950 15,618,136 1,575,246 2,851,530 3,681 71,393 245,007 171,898 4,267,2Cr7 20 1 , 803 603,207 1,124, ,.00 346,5'07 67,730 4,065 6,700,325 484,509 1,219,393 14,663 25,425 41,082 87,518 1,496,150 21 t.,t.53 466.792 842,997 290,810 d7,1o2 3,000 4,281,398 379,750 727,951 1,221 23,219 64,259 53,087 1,132,759 22 3'^ 334 o3 193 31 46 63 28 37 22 87 100 76 26 23 37 494 153 282 30 55 213 42 61 35 124 97 134 60 24 37 , 957 2l'2,212 48,766 119,714 15,3d8 49,567 55,226 22,585 26,953 22,975 30,920 48,043 53,548 39,323 25 2^ . 923 2'-5, 716 90,103 166,732 11,854 39,566 218,097 32,500 42,489 37,555 35,719 61,809 77,993 51,573 26 21.131 103,447 27,563 59,395 8,655 25,154 33,619 13,582 16,634 13,323 15,349 25,770 30,529 24,365 27 l-;,7Si 178,343 57,413 104,651 7,834 25,188 137,847 16,512 26,912 23,328 21,869 36,578 45,836 34,173 28 8o 803 1,035 360 176 74 3,151 345 927 44 213 207 240 839 29 223 3,098 5,306 1,540 566 229 25,117 2,314 4,990 247 467 683 842 6,006 30 524 8,780 15,177 4,221 1,610 561 72,729 6,932 15,092 523 1,140 1,590 2,171 19,317 31 2b 355 94 128 34 31 163 39 74 20 95 94 ,,,-, 9 32 71 934 267 363 99 85 401 118 165 83 303 315 181 2d 33 37 392 oe3 137 157 81 1,143 369 627 52 135 244 208 572 34 95 605 957 238 171 85 1,743 397 866 65 205 250 264 797 35 392 842 1,744 374 792 345 2,675 1,503 2,049 515 470 1,738 1,236 1,411 36 ^.'Si 1,435 3,179 653 1,066 432 4,987 2,191 3,630 772 618 2,437 1,588 2,8C7 37 i. 254 433 156 117 30 733 176 426 33 97 137 122 270 33 5o 261 611 164 134 36 1,340 255 532 39 131 153 174 43V 39 727 999 7,532 1,525 2,797 169 9,707 3,403 3,815 890 905 1,961 2,250 2,647 40 5iS 1.159 6,986 795 2,563 432 16,091 3,104 5,336 651 9CH 2,228 2,586 4,721 41 3d 153 321 108 99 17 492 147 295 22 73 112 87 210 42 392 419 3.353 590 l,3e4 68 3,373 2,101 1,405 313 479 840 1,032 1,107 43 33 155 276 87 82 16 514 90 271 22 59 84 91 164 44 335 580 4,174 935 1,433 101 6,334 1,302 2,410 572 426 1,121 1,218 1,540 45 25 70 256 46 81 4 347 117 212 24 39 85 66 155 46 103 169 1,321 247 446 8 1,808 549 755 158 114 334 423 507 47 19 ,;2 196 35 62 3 226 98 138 18 28 51 45 122 48 30 82 418 54 97 18 621 194 279 25 66 105 76 309 49 6LI 83 804 127 250 7 850 347 384 72 67 188 194 302 50 l[i3 154 1,696 129 481 103 2,084 858 828 80 128 473 319 795 51 IS 49 143 35 54 1 287 60 145 16 25 54 51 89 52 93 Sb 517 120 196 1 958 202 371 86 47 146 229 205 53 17 54 340 30 90 12 407 147 289 25 11 130 77 152 54 8 39 322 14 69 7 331 146 230 40 10 85 88 144 55 7,804 1,652 65,929 867 25,506 138 20,353 25,431 71,471 27,123 261 31,624 58,737 10,648 56 99 1,076 87,035 418 37,073 533 28,851 39,372 50,643 53,310 240 34,963 91,556 11,431 57 17 54 285 26 62 9 334 132 234 22 10 122 61 127 58 6,000 1,166 37,863 409 19,428 105 13,966 19,126 31,706 21,241 188 24,950 52,550 6,394 59 54 273 26 61 9 317 128 231 22 9 119 58 125 60 8 36 269 14 59 6 277 131 192 39 9 77 77 115 61 6,765 l,Cf77 35,087 385 18,933 99 13,274 18,543 30,850 18,677 176 24 , 262 51,768 6,193 62 43 679 43,075 183 21,580 266 13,434 22,777 31,350 35,761 139 23,705 53,319 6,087 63 11 37 169 15 43 5 187 81 144 16 9 98 41 53 64 21 174 10 46 4 139 84 108 26 4 48 39 55 65 135 S9 2,776 24 495 6 692 483 846 2,554 12 693 732 201 66 " 42 1,487 14 452 12 394 625 620 1,036 7 448 778 345 67 _ 44 257 24 69 8 286 118 194 21 8 100 52 114 68 90-; 486 28,066 458 6,078 33 6,387 6,305 39,765 5,382 73 5,654 6,187 4,254 69 17 45 262 26 65 9 285 131 219 20 10 123 52 115 70 7 28 273 13 52 6 220 119 153 31 7 80 56 103 71 8,0o3 1,218 40,375 583 23,397 159 12,945 18,852 33,063 21,377 173 28,735 54,757 6,529 72 2,169 860 41,725 250 23,479 253 13,945 21,908 29,873 33,918 92 24,888 52,071 5,50? 73 79,429 10,081 430,062 5,562 255,554 1,479 133,995 201,491 369,501 221,361 1,331 293,978 555,568 73,261 74 21,974 6,366 404,048 1,939 234,351 2,315 135,735 193,656 272,189 350,371 720 247,926 486,336 51,885 75 11/7-11/13 10/17-10/23 11/1-11/6 10/17-10/23 11/1-11/6 11/1-11/6 11/1-11/6 11/1-11/6 11/7-11/13 11/1-11/6 l(n7-10/23 1047-10/23 II/7-II/I3 11/7-11/13 76 68 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 7 (Part 1 of 2 ) —LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK [For comparability of data on livestock (For definitions and explanations, see text) Cattle and dairy products: Cattle and calves farms reporting Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting Milk cows farms reporting number Heifers and heifer calves farms reporting number Steers and bulls including steer and bull calves farms reporting number Whole milk sold farms reporting gallons dollars Cream sold farms reporting pounds of butterfat dollars Cows milked, day preceding enumeration farms reporting number of cows Millt produced, day preceding enumeration gallons Butter churned, week preceding enumeration farms reporting pounds llorses and nules: Horses and/or mules farms reporting number Hogs; Hogs and pigs farms reporting number Born before Jane 1 farms reporting number Born since June 1 farms reporting number Sows and gilts farrowing farms reporting number Between Dec. 1 and June 1.... farms reporting number After June I farms reporting number Sheep and wool: Sheep and lambs farms reporting Sheep 1 year old and over. .. .farms reporting number 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1950. 1954. 1954. Ewes farms reporting 1954 . 1950. number 1954 . 1950. Rams and wethers farms reporting 1954. 1950. number 1954. 1950. Lambs under 1 year old farms reporting 1954. number 1954. Sheep and lambs shorn farms reporting 1954. 1949. number shorn 1954. 1949. Wool shorn pounds 1954 . 1949. Average date of enumeration 1954 . 685 634 21,797 13,659 657 627 7,687 5,278 583 572 3,397 2,989 600 5,813 565 8, 297 388 376 1,936,693 1,151,478 459,216 278,707 46 34,876 41,246 550 2,492 6,519 336 427 963 1,450 211 318 2,281 2,184 165 1,186 106 1,095 128 395 6?1 167 139 110 32,261 44,754 107 25,161 90 24.599 24,341 591 105 7,100 26,066 23,676 293,325 230,599 11/7-11/13 797 809 30,009 21,395 757 784 13,744 9,773 703 739 7,136 5,313 663 6,744 580 516 5,366,282 3,174,424 1,527,484 939,178 3D 106 24,828 72,771 15,805 42,861 685 5,564 329 435 1,347 197 362 1,961 4,264 137 695 132 1,266 101 339 58 196 145 547 28,337 57,250 103 24,098 23,606 27,807 492 526 28,067 24,312 324,981 238,349 11/7-11/13 948 944 47,642 30,324 904 911 18,918 12,472 847 879 8,178 6,594 863 13,552 851 15,172 708 656 5,733,096 3,125,148 1,407,579 914,949 44 57 50,548 58,872 28,280 832 6,066 17,892 535 727 1,816 223 360 3,064 4,920 153 1,229 166 1,835 109 529 73 188 252 649 156 132 57,987 102,014 136 46,170 45,175 51,290 105 62 995 632 98 11,817 55,897 53,361 571,56 566,181 11/1-11/6 978 1,001 48,533 35,309 960 991 19,437 15,038 801 861 3,161 3,472 869 13,566 849 15,530 73 84 593,008 248,351 223,007 91,392 418 519 206,295 289,829 110,412 163,500 744 2,358 5,ai9 339 851 638 789 2,377 393 536 7,229 10,116 321 2,873 255 4,356 229 1,247 153 345 588 1,332 202 659 17,452 12,241 14,430 81 14,152 9,823 278 232 50 14,629 9,373 142,349 77,082 10/17-10/23 1,101 37,536 24,607 1,069 1,076 15,607 10,229 970 1,031 5,705 5,792 966 10,706 934 11,223 789 791 3,967,943 2,674,255 966,882 694,344 44 55,163 20, 768 947 4,935 13,764 537 806 1,323 402 646 5,282 7,388 323 2,762 249 3,520 258 1,154 169 476 584 1,645 183 570 251 189 48,357 56,102 197 23,407 197 153 22,910 497 521 188 24,950 212 139 27,399 25,865 301,344 263, 545 11/1-11/6 995 963 34,763 19,155 933 930 9,956 5,588 853 889 6,455 4,463 869 9,031 875 16,766 657 584 4,041,560 1,926,664 1,115,949 534,071 34 59 43,006 31,467 28,234 18,560 810 4,564 371 598 901 1,878 227 369 2,345 3,314 152 S31 149 1,514 91 410 155 213 489 69 197 147 126 40,265 57,370 105 25,243 83 24,632 28,332 52 611 482 112 15,022 32,331 29,646 369,950 329,923 11/7-11/] 3 1,039 1,107 16,960 12,947 954 1,057 7,612 6,228 825 1,016 4,155 4,472 821 5,322 804 4,026 196 250 1,932,644 1,715,836 740,800 568,682 316 439 145,909 214,237 71,527 126,795 775 3,149 274 718 369 604 767 1,469 271 298 1,842 1,563 188 727 152 1,115 72 96 136 198 56 174 2,233 5,947 831 :,725 60 185 34 1,342 41 17 978 3,468 8,735 26,547 10/24-10/31 1,051 1,209 18,512 13,611 1,010 1,174 7,974 868 1,108 3,120 3,642 896 1,921 814 4,617 83 116 880,589 521,003 327,601 231,462 426 717 273,462 267,164 139 ,298 162,579 775 .276 324 894 424 567 892 1.347 358 504 4,216 6,185 278 1,996 195 2,220 168 748 135 261 441 726 106 307 52 ,955 ,535 1,811 ,670 782 141 147 1,941 843 18,821 6,799 10/17-10/23 10/17-10/23 IDAHO 69 PRODUCTS: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued and poultry, see text and State Table 12} Louis Lincoln Madison Minidoka 1 Nez Perce Oneida Owyhee Payette Power Shoshone Teton Twin Falls Valley Washington r S72 381 725 874 764 360 666 944 275 129 364 2,088 171 685 1 321 4O0 720 879 770 404 661 924 264 128 383 2,243 162 769 2 ",e^8 18,035 27,698 24,031 23,136 23, 760 69,447 31,570 14,774 2,189 13,668 95,431 16,606 40,949 3 6,3f4 12,372 19,550 16,231 16,394 13,481 40,485 21,029 10,363 1,870 12,307 61,073 4,021 29,485 4 ^h'5 377 704 794 716 350 618 885 268 119 361 1,928 160 662 5 310 398 706 845 751 395 652 903 259 123 375 2,161 148 745 6 3,»1 7,760 11,327 7,709 8,929 11,155 31,177 12,787 6,869 954 6,612 31,271 4,559 16,722 7 2,443 5,257 8,474 5,413 6,501 9,363 18,293 8,780 4,941 783 4,772 22,209 1,510 12,167 8 214 359 647 "44 676 250 537 830 219 95 339 1,738 122 586 9 262 380 673 828 666 332 570 862 229 112 369 2,067 129 683 10 504 3,661 4,484 4,783 1,806 1,429 4,294 7,939 1,346 285 2,873 14,363 618 4,372 11 741 2,946 3,744 4,016 2,194 1,792 2,920 5,567 1,281 453 2,999 12,901 735 3,673 12 234 360 659 719 639 323 697 850 236 103 338 1,830 141 636 13 2,413 5,366 8,036 5,836 6,334 6,960 20,356 10,237 3,809 670 3,894 27,610 4,134 12,246 14 218 353 594 720 630 313 592 750 231 96 310 1,779 148 619 15 2,234 4,909 8,335 10,486 7,872 6,656 17,914 8,546 •!.,096 565 4,052 36,550 7,852 11,981 16 3 292 560 638 47 210 304 722 80 21 269 1,334 30 358 17 22 249 550 707 86 233 266 650 98 33 259 1,482 36 227 18 17,080 2,307,230 2,968,678 3,454,332 483,623 904,761 2,517,552 5,327,422 638,096 74,946 1,586,155 10,094,546 108,547 2,187,910 19 45,942 1,077,424 1,690,700 2,383,374 398,806 746,531 1,268,416 3,308,893 601,736 272,010 1,327,882 7,122,839 74,874 1,093,194 20 7,296 580,870 778,309 876,124 200,193 188,387 678,323 1,602,103 177,954 28,578 391,432 2,680,911 27,458 593,437 21 13,466 287,251 447,579 606,667 132,565 200,806 359,797 952,082 132,966 126,970 303,152 1,899,644 30,768 309,487 22 86 51 22 4 244 7 38 19 46 29 31 44 58 122 23 128 103 46 12 320 36 67 68 50 29 69 157 84 327 24 33,571 102,475 16,878 10,791 95,138 4,615 62,965 31,784 33,405 18,558 38,321 34,104 54,997 104,499 25 42,945 95,140 23,013 6,678 133,687 12,501 33,304 32,517 25,971 43,696 63,074 66,427 52,030 227,431 26 17,118 55,803 7,691 6,037 48,087 2,721 36,068 18,414 20,690 10,267 21,985 19,816 29,097 58,851 27 27,156 59,258 14,4-01 3,020 80,387 7,914 19,848 21,965 16,260 28,322 37,823 40,198 31,181 131,752 28 184 354 630 711 527 238 508 810 199 88 335 1,646 120 571 29 356 2,749 3,543 3,649 1,321 980 3,140 6,186 996 221 2,036 10,662 400 3,266 30 818 8,125 9,769 10,766 3,383 2,670 8,408 16,088 2,745 562 4,781 33,024 879 8,308 31 73 43 27 28 200 10 81 40 44 30 36 94 60 63 32 186 163 69 72 624 31 227 169 126 80 102 213 158 151 33 173 250 326 316 421 305 349 294 202 67 300 775 114 399 34 214 356 441 625 469 363 487 437 214 87 360 1,319 122 521 35 454 828 923 729 1,111 1,082 4,499 762 974 147 1,001 2,271 433 1,801 36 619 1,506 1,399 1,928 1,604 1,799 4,386 1,405 1,192 218 1,454 4,412 673 2,595 37 JO 112 234 156 £58 110 J57 223 US 19 130 368 50 £93 38 126 204 339 246 339 186 295 357 93 18 209 638 40 465 39 1.347 1,409 2,316 1,006 3,701 1,010 2,921 2,999 782 71 1,253 3,347 465 6,691 40 1,305 2,911 3,197 1,764 4,330 1,434 4,112 4,589 339 69 1,258 6,480 393 8,891 41 64 86 173 96 199 103 120 150 97 11 102 228 36 248 42 603 490 886 272 1,819 475 1,286 1,028 463 36 762 1,149 187 2,661 43 53 65 128 105 154 77 107 169 46 9 55 265 18 202 44 744 919 1,430 733 1,682 635 l,r;35 1,971 319 35 491 2,198 268 3, 93 J 45 42 53 145 54 113 73 88 136 46 3 89 135 11 190 46 220 233 436 200 606 174 475 693 116 5 226 542 60 1,180 47 30 37 107 32 86 58 71 106 36 3 66 90 8 165 48 65 107 230 124 182 116 156 180 66 5 147 296 10 282 49 105 115 241 91 274 110 269 283 74 4 160 264 26 666 50 174 444 607 280 561 261 644 657 161 9 419 946 3r 1,065 51 27 37 74 36 82 40 69 100 20 1 33 90 6 146 52 115 118 195 109 231 64 216 310 42 1 66 £78 32 524 53 8 86 118 216 79 87 114 94 44 „ 82 333 18 130 54 8 74 84 202 49 67 126 77 39 4 87 299 13 116 55 53 28,988 37,629 52,874 1,787 11,090 62,342 4,022 12,276 233 11,742 101,196 865 38,029 56 93 51,993 26,655 58,569 1,258 10,776 70,210 6,863 12,216 98 17,859 125,388 138 47,956 57 4 78 99 163 59 74 96 76 33 6 79 277 18 111 58 26 22,658 23,027 35,616 1,103 8,680 36,696 3,466 8,364 155 10,580 67,518 610 30,512 59 4 78 98 163 67 71 90 74 32 6 78 275 17 109 60 8 47 66 157 41 64 102 62 34 4 71 229 12 93 61 25 22,287 22,439 34,285 953 8,349 36,837 3,375 8,017 143 10,247 66,293 561 27,673 62 59 23,463 15,368 30,116 639 7,022 31,066 3,203 6,669 90 10,673 59,102 84 34,663 63 1 52 58 118 42 38 58 40 22 6 42 170 9 58 64 1 34 29 99 27 38 61 24 23 3 50 138 6 43 65 1 371 688 1,331 150 231 859 91 347 12 333 1,225 49 2,839 66 3 311 237 1,621 48 210 567 66 182 7 358 1,199 8 1,075 67 7 60 95 132 62 65 89 72 35 5 59 229 14 115 68 27 6,330 14,602 17,268 684 2,510 15,646 566 3,911 78 1,162 33, 678 255 7,517 69 3 67 95 164 57 71 86 73 27 6 79 266 16 108 70 7 48 59 132 36 53 79 54 33 3 66 203 10 79 71 25 21,403 21,712 46,127 1,161 9,399 40,599 3,790 9,963 152 9,960 71,612 556 35,602 72 65 25,100 18,529 28,366 1,698 12,977 33,328 3,832 5,591 85 11,644 63,982 76 43,207 73 29i3 250,031 226,606 503,932 11,468 94,61^^ 418,571 39,956 111,072 1,269 97,263 741,224 4,886 348,280 74 403 302,484 192,359 256,374 14,621 106,974 329,718 36,013 56,229 561 99,593 598,747 577 386,491 75 10/24-10/31 11/14-11/20 U/7-11/13 11/7-11/13 10/17-10/23 11/21-11/27 11/1-11/6 11/1-11/6 11/1-11/6 13/17-10/23 11/7-11/13 U/7-11/13 11/7-11/13 10/24-10/31 76 70 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 7 (Part 2 of 2 ) .-LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK [For comparability of data on livestock Item (For definitions and explanations , see text) The State Ada Adams Bannock Bear Lake Benewah Bingham Blaine Poultry and poultry products: 1 Poultry and/or poultry products sold farms reporting 1954. . . 11,984 724 108 138 160 153 536 102 2 1949... 15,520 1,035 132 279 173 179 674 129 3 dollars 1954... 5,503,846 473 ,902 20,341 179,526 43,566 61,799 224,630 16,170 i 1949... 6,134,311 401,969 20,444 209,616 100,760 59,313 276 ,937 36,944 5 Chickens, 4 months old and over, on hand farms reporting 1954. .. 23,386 1,096 212 440 434 290 1,255 2U 6 1950... 27,414 1,808 250 598 429 310 1,352 232 7 number 1954.. . 1,666,877 99,303 9,505 33,626 23,427 19,204 93,147 10,032 8 1950... 1,525,438 100 ,947 8,782 37,595 19,766 15,298 84,503 10,386 9 Chickens sold. farms reporting 1954... 1949... 5,886 390 43 92 148 67 74 71 32 270 317 33 47 10 8,374 625 72 11 number 1954... 1,453,276 65,649 2,621 35,515 7,659 9,314 33,780 2,1J29 12 1949... 1,202,072 70,717 3,334 53,936 9,321 11,370 36,252 4,723 13 dollars 1954... 1,265,337 59,172 2,637 34,863 6,750 9,011 28,242 2,173 14 1949... 1,244,267 78,290 3,726 59,292 10,393 13,353 35,688 5,194 15 Broilers farms reporting 1954... number 1954 82 7 4 22 ,373 16 749 ,379 17 ,676 1,500 17 dollars 1954... 666,075 16,040 23 ,740 1,875 18 Other chickens farms reporting 1954 5,828 337 48 90 '67 71 269 33 19 number 1954... 703 ,897 47 ,973 2,621 12,637 7,659 9,314 32,280 2,129 20 dollars 1954... 599,262 43,132 2,637 11,123 6,750 9,011 26,367 2,173 21 Chicken eggs sold farms reporting 1954... 10,316 643 96 141 142 135 502 85 22 1949... 13,246 890 114 222 137 153 574 109 23 dozens 1954 . . . 10,143,936 773,622 31,780 169,303 101,511 118 ,458 570,969 30,823 24 1949... 8,625,894 596,637 25,503 221 ,924 7 5,947 97,142 440,958 36,989 25 dollars 1954. . . 3,569,105 285,360 12,124 62,752 31,198 52,513 192,237 12,448 26 1949... 3,672,725 256,991 10,369 102 ,016 26,871 45,072 181,522 16,097 27 Turkeys raised farms reporting 1954... 1,282 65 13 29 61 17 78 13 28 1949... 1,052 57 10 35 32 3 59 23 29 number 1954. . . 159,846 28 ,983 1,420 16,236 1,487 148 1,263 323 30 1949... 207 ,207 12,362 1,068 6,984 10,959 13 10 ,458 2,674 31 Light breeds farms reporting 1954. . . 594 36 9 13 6 8 42 10 32 number 1954.. . 36,213 7,416 204 97 55 49 584 179 33 Heavy breeds farms reporting 1954... 714 31 10 16 55 9 38 8 3.4 number 1954. . . 123,633 21,567 1,216 16,139 1,432 99 679 144 35 Turkey hens to be kept for breeding. on hand farms reporting 1954... number 1954. .. 441 2 ,727 16 96 4 22 IB 74 6 20 1 1 32 219 L2 52 36 37 Light breeds farms reporting 1954... 222 10 3 9 1 16 5 38 number 1954 1,621 68 12 23 1 137 22 39 Heavy breeds farms reporting 1954... 222 6 2 9 6 16 7 40 number 1954... 1,106 28 10 46 20 82 30 41 Ducks raised farms reporting 1954. .. 1,297 71 13 42 14 15 90 21 42 1949... 853 37 19 18 16 10 67 15 43 number 1954... 13,919 3,816 UO 287 76 110 722 225 44 1949... 8,720 368 164 148 86 124 1,158 138 45 Turkeys, ducks, geese, other miscellaneous poultry, and their eggs sold. ..farms reporting 1954... 333 51 10 21 11 8 39 18 46 1949... 958 59 8 24 22 12 47 20 47 dollars 1954... 669 ,404 128,370 5,530 81,911 5,618 275 4,201 1,549 48 Animals sold alive: 1949. . . 1,217,319 66,688 6,349 48,303 63 ,496 388 59 ,777 15,653 49 Cattle, hogs, sheep, horses, or mules sold alive farms reporting 1954. . . 27,309 1,618 209 552 564 266 1,723 262 50 1949. . . 29,536 1,315 251 644 593 312 1,674 267 51 dollars 1954... 85,639,950 3,174,664 1,375,091 1,697,117 1,291,076 278,817 3,838,610 2,172,241 52 1949. . . 87,386,693 3,305,637 1,669,608 1,242,051 1,601,219 311,924 5,344,639 1,325,341 53 Cattle and/or calves sold alive farms reporting 1954 1949. . . 24,924 1,555 189 493 527 543 245 233 1,560 1,475 215 229 54 26,395 1,708 232 570 55 number 1954 534 ,239 23,058 8,301 11,455 9,663 2,757 23,406 6,781 56 1949... 441,534 21,277 8,572 6,936 8,798 2,344 24,475 5,131 57 Cattle sold alive, excluding calves farms reporting 1954... 20,001 1,279 173 407 430 186 1,245 167 58 1949... 21,351 1,419 198 435 459 225 1,247 180 59 number 1954... 392,612 14,557 7,330 9,517 7,830 1,275 15 ,742 4,235 60 1949... 346,495 15 ,432 7,860 5,512 7,344 1,400 19,707 3,466 61 dollars 1954... 54,807,2S6 2,023,207 1,230,733 1,195,854 894 ,975 145,794 2,130,624 515,691 62 1949... 53,527,012 2,155,641 1,447,642 832,337 1,167,522 189,303 3 ,471 ,649 502,149 63 Calves sold alive farms reporting 1954.. . 14 ,038 1,023 63 257 252 163 915 137 64 1949... 14,218 993 110 315 218 184 781 126 65 number 1954.. . 141 ,627 8,501 471 1,938 1,833 1,482 7,664 2,546 66 1949... 95,039 5,845 712 1,424 954 944 4,763 1,665 67 dollars 1954... 3,801,669 264,183 30 ,419 105,343 110 ,397 92,050 525,709 174,029 68 1949... 6,377,796 247 ,367 44.512 79,607 60,386 59,393 379,391 138,593 69 Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting 1954. . . 5,970 239 34 141 108 30 312 10] 70 1949.. . 13,082 610 172 297 195 123 751 167 71 number 1954. . . 119,272 5,950 1,371 1,332 999 1,144 5,549 2,716 72 1949... 257,325 13,791 4,702 4,205 1,988 1,594 12,452 5,750 73 dollars 1954... 4,344,240 221,067 73,462 66,774 25,095 38,196 209,054 99,664 74 1949... 8,620,298 439,332 159,961 131,629 54,551 59,970 458,916 188,412 75 Sheep and lambs sold alive — farms reporting 1954.. . 4,250 105 46 75 143 9 345 118 76 1949... 3,282 100 29 61 105 2 244 66 77 number 1954... 1 ,089 ,998 36,642 2,909 20,567 18,045 159 64,181 77 ,979 78 1949... 990 ,809 45,982 932 10,744 19,259 40 53 ,243 50,391 79 dollars 1954... 17,432,541 659,574 38 ,403 323,668 257,152 1,842 963,458 1,376,002 80 1949... 18,479,694 949,358 13,395 187 ,262 314,440 758 1 ,004 ,460 990,936 81 Horses and mules sold alive. .farms reporting 1954... 1,446 54 21 46 31 14 75 33 82 1949... 3,815 153 52 108 61 30 260 38 83 number 1954. .. 3,470 94 40 74 51 15 145 123 84 1949... 10,436 295 118 297 106 62 1,003 101 85 dollars 1954... 204 ,214 6,628 2,074 4,973 2,957 935 9,765 6,855 86 1949... 381,393 12,939 4,098 11,166 3,820 1,995 30,223 5,251 IDAHO 71 PRODUCTS : CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 and poultry, see text and State Table U] B.-..,-e pi^iLnf-r riMineviUe Boundary B'ltfe C ama s Canyon Caribou Cassia Clark Clearwaler Cuiter Elmore Franklin 49 49 13,022 23,158 441 30,273 91,239 441 523 219.108 194 ,005 216 258 52 ,035 64,538 97 93 46,644 37,760 55 67 7,557 20,615 1,329 1,768 600,223 811,182 147 167 61,750 42,135 319 420 154,733 106,641 17 29 2,389 2,755 142 152 28 ,700 26,670 88 99 14,416 24 , 124 143 163 77,321 50,250 373 554 615 ,784 737 ,077 1 2 3 4 104 755 937 400 165 39 2,533 230 7o3 43 295 218 284 462 5 78 794 963 463 166 90 2,893 336 808 53 284 214 307 752 6 5,916 32,52'' 67,937 21,473 17 ,471 4.431 171,426 27 ,963 37,235 2,4i3 13,494 11,639 13,665 166 ,782 7 4,194 29,305 52,011 17 ,229 11,654 4,537 152,343 20,562 37,354 2,156 10,518 10,904 16,394 149 ,415 8 27 163 216 77 51 31 666 80 137 7 58 47 68 314 9 37 184 240 124 53 51 1,172 65 138 12 63 39 87 402 10 1,305 12,193 72,546 6,145 6,750 1,534 227,360 13,180 126,880 568 3,569 2,158 35 ,269 114,779 11 2,348 17,318 45,734 7,520 7,328 2,415 241,452 8,845 17,522 548 3,950 3,595 11,005 130,404 12 1,280 13,333 67,284 7,205 4,645 1,411 208,117 9,441 97 .994 438 4,391 2,660 31,259 67,674 13 3,514 21,438 4^ ,632 1 48,000 48,000 9,099 7,085 2,965 242,919 9 153,800 141,390 3,i:« 20,048 3 91,000 68,620 578 4,7 52 3,810 12 ,459 3 26,800 22,250 103,721 3 13,500 10 ,800 14 15 16 17 '27 lo3 215 77 51 31 659 80 134 7 58 4" 53 311 18 1,305 12,193 24,546 6,145 6,750 1,534 73,560 13,180 35 ,830 563 3,569 2,158 8,469 101,279 19 1 ,280 13,833 19,284 7,205 4,645 1,411 66 ,727 9,441 29,374 488 4,391 2,560 9,009 56 ,874 20 44 331 379 192 39 48 1,118 123 257 13 126 74 127 353 21 37 402 453 224 86 50 1,440 U9 360 21 L33 79 134 495 22 25,734 135,280 410,294 97 ,746 111,728 18 ,155 970,096 156,676 130,935 4,332 50,634 28,350 102 ,986 1,825,285 23 23,237 U9,333 250,355 81,371 69 ,433 23,527 959,638 81,905 151,524 4,755 43 ,063 25 ,735 31,379 1,340,781 24 8,742 63 ,830 150 ,262 43 ,801 41,486 6,084 339,319 51,274 47 ,706 1,592 24 ,249 10,175 42,858 546,921 25 9 ,231 67,305 102,359 36,936 23,033 8,615 417,453 32,697 62,307 1,924 19,754 10,412 34,247 558,011 26 10 59 21 26 24 2 88 23 40 10 50 19 3 27 8 25 26 6 17 2 106 13 37 10 2 37 18 20 28 928 562 228 293 255 8 16,062 415 1,942 111 680 582 176 29 1,772 533 7,154 3,027 413 1,8U 24, U3 285 4,204 137 94 1,301 548 24,332 30 4 40 6 19 11 2 55 6 11 7 26 5 2 31 29 353 99 193 127 6 1^,689 111 744 72 376 187 U6 32 0 23 15 10 13 1 34 17 30 3 25 15 1 33 899 209 129 95 128 2 3,373 304 1,193 39 304 395 40 34 3 13 20 9 9 28 12 13 9 15 9 ^ 35 9 42 90 32 50 755 ol 36 23 49 49 11 36 1 9 7 7 5 13 2 4 6 13 2 1 37 2 34 33 15 37 685 11 13 14 41 5 4 33 2 4 13 3 3 10 10 9 3 2 7 1 39 7 8 57 17 13 70 50 23 9 8 44 7 40 ^, 47 52 22 19 7 L22 10 31 1 7 10 20 3 41 31 35 17 8 4 93 12 35 7 10 20 42 41 398 393 171 116 48 1,226 136 211 6 53 51 166 6 43 422 293 121 45 46 946 102 280 50 61 135 44 1 27 ,, 19 8 3 91 11 21 5 3 9 14 6 45 5 23 30 10 12 3 100 15 30 5 3 23 11 17 46 3,000 2,510 1,562 1,030 513 62 52 ,787 1,035 9,038 309 60 1,581 3,204 1,189 47 10,413 2,496 44,014 18,503 2,637 9,035 150,810 345 24,285 253 2,154 9.902 3,534 115,345 48 89 725 1,063 310 186 86 3 ,032 409 1,011 62 231 244 262 308 49 90 806 1,166 428 200 94 2,963 445 1,015 69 244 255 288 905 50 410,351 599 , 135 3,254,560 287,142 956,057 402,255 6,363,714 1,865,013 4,505,725 684,821 178, 0O6 1,373,631 1,965,526 1,072,696 51 388,228 718,978 3,060,958 292,226 1,045,807 391,527 5,758,057 2,050,344 4,575,418 1,169,658 203,873 1,790,53';. 1,980,536 1,547.339 52 33 686 370 278 145 86 2,931 350 930 56 208 207 233 751 53 89 765 964 395 145 37 2,713 374 908 57 213 226 248 826 54 2,o01 6,782 17 ,426 2,491 4,865 3,535 50,226 11,275 26,673 3,914 1,654 11,185 8,550 7,623 55 2,384 6,481 13,299 2,530 4,010 2,443 35,613 3,329 24,011 3,626 1,699 10,348 6.348 8,363 56 70 509 694 214 122 82 2,313 301 719 52 147 164 167 619 57 82 607 831 279 132 83 2,220 333 737 52 159 193 209 690 53 1,548 4,103 14,316 1,349 2,984 2,994 39,340 9,397 20,094 2,623 901 5,352 6,715 5,851 59 1,291 4,017 11,547 1,282 3,L24 2,330 25,750 7,511 18,522 2,638 1,099 8,480 5,153 5 .462 60 177,103 423 ,977 2,043,706 153,748 370 .714 339,548 5,755,296 1,202,671 2,970,145 302,054 105,782 580 ,988 749 ,713 746,250 61 170 ,754 514,679 1,622,025 163 ,845 460,633 330,765 4,198,542 1,155,903 3,285,343 406,994 131,771 1,133,838 753,125 1,053,390 62 50 455 358 187 77 33 1,783 153 503 27 130 144 117 4 30 63 53 519 363 273 60 24 1,617 156 492 28 138 95 112 440 64 1,053 2,679 3,110 1,142 1,881 591 10 ,835 1,878 6,579 1,291 753 5,834 1,935 1,772 65 1,093 2,464 1,752 1,248 886 113 9,863 818 5,389 988 600 2,368 1,195 1,906 66 77,792 136,4^ 237,882 52 ,904 123,769 45,763 396,338 115,992 466,660 94,291 47,153 422 , 180 142,919 43.985 67 84,893 133 ,427 141,427 66,450 55,580 11,047 456,120 63,017 431,460 73,449 37,185 213,656 93,092 92,542 68 40 93 298 56 83 15 481 127 261 24 49 92 74 195 69 49 183 660 147 140 43 1,142 260 476 39 110 132 140 423 70 770 860 5,529 1,567 2,221 283 11,476 2,550 5,250 588 760 1,571 2,176 2,914 71 1,461 1,745 13,219 1,864 4,753 1,137 24,675 5,790 7,090 853 1,338 4,040 3.001 6,182 72 30 ,259 23,174 230,198 64,279 95,553 13,393 407 ,477 101,111 148 ,963 24,441 23,001 54,213 77 ,739 113,371 73 44,601 47 ,335 501,558 50,875 169 ,367 46,758 753,254 217,505 222,073 29,955 32,745 123,825 106,229 223 .377 74 14 40 299 20 75 4 271 121 243 22 8 109 47 81 75 3 26 265 13 49 4 227 89 162 35 4 69 45 09 76 7,515 771 52,624 504 25,129 38 17,613 26,362 68,337 18,203 112 23,836 58,050 10 .406 77 4,650 801 49,909 216 21,935 254 16,500 36,496 34,905 35,722 26 13,906 53,163 13.156 78 124 ,246 10,616 734 ,477 5,538 353,981 1,660 291,491 442,115 1,014,596 262 ,725 1,434 313,153 99 3,948 158.712 79 86,640 13,424 780,306 3,280 354,598 4,167 318,590 607 ,725 614,096 652,032 388 302,803 1,023,329 259,736 80 9 47 56 3 16 L2 99 27 55 9 11 33 8 53 31 14 62 154 51 33 13 321 71 U9 20 32 58 39 141 32 18 83 104 13 44 28 197 59 88 26 20 69 17 92 33 36 152 363 88 173 21 616 152 526 97 51 328 170 237 34 951 4,905 8,297 623 2,040 1,891 13,112 3,124 5,361 1,309 1,186 3,097 1,207 4.878 35 1,330 4,613 15,542 2,770 5,079 739 26,551 6,194 21,946 2,228 1,784 11,364 4,761 12,244 36 72 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 7 ( Part 2 of 2) -LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK [For comparability of data on livestock Item (For definitions and explanations , see text) Fremont Gem i3oodinj;- Idaho Jefferson Jerome Kootenai Latah Lemhi Poultry and poultry products: 1 Poultry and/or poultry products sold farms reporting 1954. . . 1949. . . 199 275 418 340 383 542 505 296 426 331 357 493 598 507 689 204 200 2 261 3 dollars 1954... 90,315 109,331 170,745 115,139 126,735 82,755 386,638 118,533 68,434 4 1949... 51,358 164,543 204,066 100,422 •219,931 94,112 357,581 141,511 52,385 5 Chickens, 4 months old and over, on hand ••................,,.,.. farms reporting 1954. .. 493 581 723 359 672 666 848 880 379 6 1950... 508 682 711 885 785 710 955 1,075 388 7 number 1954... 33,209 37,799 42,224 54,780 59,0.34 37,603 72,754 46,323 19,658 8 1950... 27,318 28,081 36,539 46,463 43,896 31,528 61,842 45,423 18,763 9 Chickens sold farms reporting 1954... 82 125 182 247 162 169 288 213 76 10 1949... 89 243 255 243 223 211 321 312 105 11 number 1954... 11,151 23,505 49,698 17,523 26,736 20,434 116,551 19,329 13,203 12 1949... 3,435 20,061 23,725 15,449 26,439 14,115 92,760 28,321 9,373 13 dollars 1954... 8,o94 24,814 40,439 19,606 22,254 18,699 109,943 19,271 15,925 U 1949... 3,927 21,987 24,743 16,235 24,133 15,942 112,081 28,951 12,162 15 Broilers farms reporting 1954.. . 3 4 2 15 2 16 number 1954... 13,400 31,900 6,000 81,000 6,300 17 dollars 1954... 11,440 24,760 5,500 75,565 7,250 18 Other chickens farms reporting 1954... 82 123 179 247 162 167 277 218 74 19 number 1954... 11,151 15,105 17,798 17,523 26,736 14 .484 35,551 19,329 6,903 20 dollars 1954... 8,694 13,374 15,679 19,606 22,254 13,199 34,378 19,271 8,675 21 Chicken eggs sold farms reporting 1954... 173 223 272 501 252 261 423 456 168 22 1949... 239 340 310 455 358 305 535 625 152 23 dozens 1954... i43,676 233,132 218,579 233.532 346,058 184,724 550,781 219,774 79,874 24 1949... 134,964 156,736 195.449 197,588 337,599 124,366 507,244 226,802 68,854 25 dollars 1954... 80,160 80,130 68.338 90,974 100,798 62,497 241,394 96,353 30,180 26 1949... 40,154 62,177 78,449 82,069 133,184 51,824 242,611 106,355 29,152 27 Turkeys raised farms reporting 1954. .. 1949. . . 27 29 46 IS 26 27 25 12 17 9 64 18 31 29 59 68 28 21 31 29 number 1954.. . 320 1,272 30,504 826 682 195 5 , 196 653 4,197 30 1949... 537 14,080 15,546 334 10,365 4,311 457 972 1,874 31 Light breeds farms reporting 1954... 10 20 30 14 8 12 27 10 15 32 number 1954.. . 94 135 308 263 157 97 145 220 217 33 Heavy breeds farms reporting 1954.. . 17 9 16 13 17 6 37 21 44 34 number 1954.. . 226 1,137 30,196 563 525 98 5,051 433 3,980 35 Turkey hens to be kept for breeding. on hand farms reporting 1954... number 1954... 10 40 17 50 q 3 28 5 10 13 39 12 49 27 85 36 55 85 37 Light breeds farms reporting 1954... number 1954.. . 4 2 10 24 5 22 2 8 4 8 7 17 2 22 7 36 38 21 3 39 Heavy breeds farms reporting 1954.. . number 1954... 6 2 7 26 4 63 6 20 1 2 6 22 10 27 20 49 40 19 52 41 Ducks raised .farms reporting 1954.. . 1949... 35 16 23 72 14 36 32 19 10 56 19 50 24 45 23 34 34 42 19 43 number 1954... 250 139 552 305 130 498 326 329 236 44 1949... 107 410 113 259 170 164 199 117 261 45 Turkeys, ducks, geese, other miscellaneous poultry, and their eggs sold,.. farms reporting 1954. . . 19 14 30 40 13 28 25 24 37 46 1949... 14 24 22 30 23 12 24 31 41 47 dollars 1954... 1,461 4,437 61,468 4,559 3,733 1.559 35,301 2,909 22,329 48 Aniials sold alive: 1949. . . 2,277 80,379 100,874 2,118 57,564 26,346 2,889 6,205 11,071 49 Cattle, hogs, sheep, horses, or mules sold alive firms reporting 1954... 578 660 797 826 881 861 683 780 392 50 1949... 593 729 833 913 1,015 807 785 964 415 51 dollars 1954... 2,357,511 1,774,8'»7 3,106.039 2.507,o39 2,042,712 5,0c4,256 552,761 842 , 380 2,310,637 52 1949... 1,554,436 1.999,705 3,238,831 2,765,758 2.347,655 2,896,985 640,717 1,045,281 2,955,368 53 Cattle and/or calves sold alive farms reporting 1954. . . 1949. . . 531 492 623 670 736 756 758 831 744 847 799 735 629 708 705 850 361 383 54 55 number 1954. . . 11,608 10,796 17.164 18,201 11.611 26,C40 5,187 6,366 21,481 56 1949... 6,073 9,763 13.352 l6,0I2 10,768 14.667 5 , UC7 6,150 18,408 57 Cattle sold alive, excluding calves ................... farms reporting 1954.. . 1949... 4d6 413 524 571 597 624 646 707 531 704 673 561 490 528 560 699 280 328 58 59 number 1954... 9,660 7,011 13,163 12,972 7,346 22,934 2,941 3,829 10,516 60 1949... 5 . 132 7,329 10,433 11,550 8,817 12 , 328 2,905 4,400 13,179 61 dollars 1954... 1,703.913 960,968 1,309,819 1,649,884 955,806 4,035,488 354,378 473,729 1,215,799 62 1949... 874,021 1,053,516 1.624.440 1.742,341 1,271,040 1,913,680 417,926 618,140 1,935,996 63 Calves sold alive farms reporting 1954... 1949... 237 209 363 338 40/ 41" 435 483 421 378 374 395 398 450 426 509 285 253 64 65 number 1954. .. 1,948 3,785 4.001 5,229 4,265 3,106 2,246 2,537 10.965 66 1949... 391 2,434 2,919 4,462 1,951 2,339 2,102 1.750 5,229 67 dollars 1954... 95 , 302 214.786 241,295 352,489 308,411 189,947 94,336 163,988 760,896 68 1949... 71,504 136,770 240,647 323,714 146,102 172,294 102,603 116,924 449,466 69 Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting 1954... 131 116 140 309 265 143 114 229 109 70 1949... 346 365 335 585 667 280 240 468 225 71 number 1954. .. 1,473 2,069 3.104 7,746 4,780 3,036 1,955 4,882 1,998 72 1949... 5,205 0 .867 7.579 15,966 14,202 5,553 2,450 7,751 5,069 73 dollars 1954... 54,938 71,862 93,484 292,774 198,854 93,271 65,034 177,666 55,661 74 1949... 170,111 214,332 243,384 564,133 503,788 137,162 75,806 282,668 152,305 75 Sheep and lambs sold alive. . .farms reporting 1954 99 76 145 62 195 118 38 56 131 76 1949... 8] 57 88 43 155 89 18 31 116 77 number 1954. . . 32,551 31,727 57.323 13.679 33,850 42,766 2,108 1,495 20,169 78 1949... 23.442 23,744 54,240 3.t.73 24,59] 33,524 2,017 1,034 26,275 79 dollars 1954... 499 . 532 519,713 949,133 206^442 574,629 736,382 34,437 22,809 272,298 80 1949... 433,348 580,587 1,117,133 127,577 409,728 615,415 39,302 21,950 409,138 81 Horses and mules sold alive.. farms reporting 1954. . . 24 26 55 52 53 32 35 28 38 82 1949... 63 88 139 79 153 111 78 87 62 83 number 1954.. . 57 119 104 98 90 65 61 76 U9 84 1949... 132 651 301 136 405 207 158 179 279 85 dollars 1954... 3.821 7.563 7.358 6,050 5,012 4,168 4,526 4,188 5,983 36 1949... 5,452 14,500 13,227 7,993 16,997 8,434 5,080 5,599 8,463 IDAHO 73 PRODUCTS: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Coniinued and poultry. ee Lexl and state Table 1 .1 :,..... Lliiculn ^todlaon Minidoka Nes Ferce Oneida Owyhee Payette Power Shoshone Teton Twin Falls Valley Washington 156 231 242 329 86 176 321 113 59 110 735 32 246 1 194 258 434 400 126 286 502 138 59 157 1,034 81 452 2 59,367 226,909 94,343 133,410 61,890 33,557 112,009 27,973 57,056 16,719 238,371 19,279 79,931 3 --..^'- 55,754 117,275 88,457 118,565 107,335 73,100 151,233 23,945 14,442 29,455 344,644 22,641 173,466 4 Ji^ 300 446 563 604 130 456 684 246 121 253 1,362 142 443 5 281 319 508 737 770 277 568 821 249 109 300 1,732 141 723 6 LI, 538 17,760 51,075 27 , 186 30,226 14,703 20,130 38,573 15,372 9,317 12,741 87,142 7,640 26,394 7 ij,..-;.. 15,971 2'3.840 32,002 33,367 21,191 25,465 36,725 12,719 4,274 15,224 90,497 7,190 40,575 8 47 r.^ 91 81 154 57 93 150 57 25 38 396 39 134 9 68 91 109 183 194 55 152 294 50 33 62 646 51 292 10 3,335 33,077 88 , 129 7,383 53,507 6,333 7,411 3,3949 5,126 23,580 2,026 86,367 4,314 14,651 11 4,076 5,723 17,087 20,584 15,790 11,597 29,864 37,892 2,808 2,553 6,408 77,356 4,080 36,779 12 3,409 31,952 71,459 5,732 43,102 4,807 7,503 29,358 5,182 29,868 1,755 63,316 3,955 13,714 13 4,872 5,763 15,634 20,964 13,721 9,318 30,843 40,062 2,980 4,230 7,053 83,568 6,017 33,921 14 1 4 7 3 I 7 1 1 15 28,000 73,350 42,075 23,200 15,000 47,500 1,500 5,000 16 28,000 61,900 38,425 20,270 20,000 34,500 750 5,000 17 „'; 61 38 81 143 57 93 148 57 25 38 391 39 133 18 3,335 5,077 14,779 7,383 11,432 6,333 7,411 10,749 5,126 8,530 2,026 33 , 867 2,814 9,651 19 3,409 3,952 9,559 5,732 9,677 4,307 7,503 9,083 5,182 9,8b8 1,755 33,816 3,205 8,714 20 81 134 198 215 294 67 133 273 97 53 99 649 74 197 21 148 162 230 382 343 105 236 434 123 48 138 877 64 385 22 59,564 85,894 402 , 576 124,843 137,316 84,776 64,431 181,726 59,335 60,094 39,921 521,514 32,566 104,295 23 62,999 60,501 134,886 171,639 136,435 111,302 87,416 217,813 46,292 18 , 117 55,010 515,545 30,935 236,110 24 26,759 26,270 120,074 46,904 58,167 23,355 24,757 64,505 21,396 26,804 13,807 186,393 14,920 35,739 25 29,566 23,519 79,631 63,633 62,560 42,105 36,801 91,656 18,100 9,884 21,105 216,854 15,196 92,908 26 1 21 4L 15 21 10 ^3 28 26 7 41 29 10 24 27 7 IS I'J 23 8 31 15 24 1 25 34 6 29 23 23 327 t,2j2 6,663 3,982 6,603 332 5,845 363 109 380 6,-365 120 6,555 29 100 5,853 3,319 548 5,856 8,630 2,037 3,373 598 55 409 6,139 302 6,703 30 11 10 6 10 2 9 15 13 4 10 14 7 19 31 215 2,103 34 832 60 179 5,354 171 35 81 230 59 1,508 32 1 10 34 9 12 8 14 13 13 3 33 16 3 5 33 23 112 4,124 6,629 3,150 6,543 153 491 192 74 299 t,135 61 5,047 34 14 6 g 3 5 11 15 17 2 3 3 4 4 35 74 30 12B 7 22 49 61 64 6 24 54 16 60 36 ^ 3 4 3 1 7 10 8 3 5 2 3 37 53 10 13 7 10 19 43 32 6 9 26 11 59 38 6 3 4 ,; 4 5 9 5 4 2 1 39 21 20 115 12 30 18 32 15 23 5 1 40 i 21 ,j3 22 36 1 25 31 16 29 7 74 4 18 41 11 12 7 16 25 3 20 26 10 3 1 54 11 42 13 133 193 164 211 20 251 214 141 198 36 860 17 295 43 99 81 49 319 199 14 179 366 60 17 16 599 225 44 20 25 10 16 6 19 20 15 4 8 39 5 15 45 3 19 17 28 20 6 13 24 19 4 12 44 5 33 46 139 1,145 35,376 41,707 27,141 33,728 1,297 13,146 1,400 384 1,157 33,662 404 30,528 47 419 22,010 3,855 37,234 55,912 10,456 19,515 2,865 323 1,297 44,222 1,428 46,637 48 221 366 598 686 573 328 546 701 222 75 . • -i 135 591 49 272 377 649 795 621 363 627 756 269 75 :>39 134 739 50 325,379 1,140,111 2,140,903 2,402,739 1,016.043 1.012,580 3,364,877 2,314,740 694,134 77,138 800, 02i ,; ,i, '0,240 708,560 2,559,749 51 503,454 1,318,748 1.632,324 2,978,156 1,010,243 1,059,742 3,992,991 1,927,756 644,252 109,471 1,095,893 7,414,419 342,502 3,031,002 52 206 349 528 592 509 301 504 642 194 71 329 1,548 130 537 53 241 349 537 702 545 324 575 673 249 73 346 l,e82 127 650 54 2 .498 6,792 11,491 10,773 7,468 8,350 22,423 15,479 4,655 882 5,082 45,130 5,602 14,735 55 3,160 5,466 6,513 11,041 5,908 6,382 22,479 11,153 4,247 832 5,672 36,114 2,269 12,521 56 149 299 406 435 390 265 421 490 165 52 252 1,297 103 445 57 203 298 443 555 425 279 500 530 2m 56 317 1,405 117 541 58 1,563 4,745 3,156 3,248 4,932 6,714 16,785 12.360 3,281 504 4,093 36,259 4,413 11,134 59 2,444 3,872 5,167 9,377 3,872 5,237 18,837 9,208 3,425 611 5,071 30,407 1,961 10,356 60 196,585 503,056 1,365,125 1,281,033 705,036 768 ,705 2,046,533 1,980,823 395 , 880 54,223 501,429 5,611,002 608,037 1,561,452 61 377,665 545,523 938,664 1 ,765 , 108 604,590 707,259 2,586,881 1,510,043 447,754 88,765 740,057 4,693,653 303,388 1,602,541 62 120 156 292 306 332 131 272 430 98 43 155 704 55 276 63 128 200 238 402 332 151 302 403 126 43 104 860 47 351 64 935 2,047 3,335 2,530 2,536 1,636 5,638 2,619 1,374 378 989 8,921 1,189 3,599 65 716 1,594 1,351 1,664 2,036 1,145 3,642 1,945 822 271 601 5.707 308 2,165 66 66,201 144,327 244,910 313,148 167,501 109,735 384,291 121,707 96,146 20,046 62 , 184 654,776 76,158 206,360 67 56,175 115,646 110,939 121,391 141,242 87,103 267,894 103,965 51,467 16 , 694 29,139 374.364 22,223 145,286 68 60 79 151 58 161 72 111 151 57 5 84 192 25 244 69 135 210 356 203 300 165 262 325 93 4 222 517 42 473 70 1,389 1,695 2,002 1,150 3,554 773 2.759 3,524 744 31 1,003 4,080 423 6,526 71 1,990 4,921 5,263 2,847 6,446 1,751 6.234 6,330 1,170 57 3,326 9,678 447 14,543 72 59,587 67,476 69.937 29,554 126,830 28,242 93,805 134,993 24,458 989 38,533 135,982 15,642 258,634 73 71,729 161,680 175,115 77,673 211,520 64,889 199,609 205,268 36,131 2,463 107,701 307,422 15,150 516,026 74 5 78 93 175 55 66 83 72 29 3 69 274 11 107 75 66 79 163 26 36 77 58 36 3 66 233 4 86 76 52 26,254 31,185 45,775 1,017 8,061 50,980 4,447 11,497 112 10,792 101,564 608 31,904 77 27 25,882 20,740 47,638 2,089 11,787 47,127 6.687 7,126 47 11,171 100,541 39 40,138 78 361 420,889 457,930 777,723 11,997 101,866 810,545 72,077 175,920 1,605 192,837 1,766,399 7,719 529,901 79 357 488,711 402,640 1,003.844 46,000 197,192 917,824 100.184 104,666 920 214,259 2,006,352 706 760,132 80 15 35 29 15 39 33 37 20 17 3 34 63 8 33 81 25 79 68 134 66 A3 95 97 U 3 73 239 17 92 82 23 66 65 20 63 68 565 93 31 5 62 130 16 69 83 63 246 142 232 199 87 676 188 107 17 130 606 35 208 84 2,145 3,863 3,001 1,276 4,679 4,032 24,703 5,135 1,728 275 5,043 3,031 1,004 3,402 85 2,528 7,188 4,966 10,140 6,891 3,299 20,783 3,291 4,234 624 4,687 27,628 1,035 7,017 86 74 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table S^NURSERY, GREENHOUSE, AND FOREST Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) The State Ada Adams Bannock Bear Lake Benewah Bingham Blaine Nursery and greenhouse products, flower and vegetable seeds and plants, and bulbs; 1 Nursery and greenhouse products, flower and vegetable seeds and plants, f lovers, and bulbs sold dollars 1954 . . . 1,433,936 388,841 40 4,250 22,651 5,400 2 1949 . . . 1,261,802 176,201 56,751 60 3 Nursery products (trees, shrubs, vines, ornamentals , etc . ) farms reporting 1954 . . . 43 6 ] 1 1 4 1949 . . . 58 10 4 5 acres 1954... 103 27 (z 2 (z) 6 1949 .. . 108 29 7 7 Sold dollars 1954 . . . 175,305 78,030 4( 1,000 5,000 .8 1949 . . . Cut flowers, potted plants, florist greens, and bedding plants grown for sale: 214,133 76,220 52,727 9 Grown under glass farms reporting 1954 . . . 69 10 2 1 1 10 58 11 1 IX square feet 1954 . . . 486,548 141,250 4,600 16,500 1,500 12 1949 .. . 349,581 142,880 2,500 13 drown in open farms reporting 1954. . . 45 9 2 2 U 1949... 62 17 4 15 acres 1954... 27 5 (Z) 1 16 1949 . . . 120 16 1 17 Sold farms reporting 1954... 93 13 4 2 1 18 1949 . . . 91 19 4 19 dollars 1954... 560,178 214,640 3,250 16,276 400 20 1949 . . . Vegetables grown under glass, flower seeds, vegetable seeds, vegetable plants, bulbs, and mushrooms produced for sale: 328,747 41,575 3,724 21 Grown under glass or in house farms reporting 1954 .. . 34 7 22 1949 .. . 45 5 1 23 square feet 1954. .. 77,172 34,468 24 1949 . . . 72,004 559 31 25 Grown in open farms reporting 1954 . . . 209 16 4 26 1949 . . . 251 21 2 27 acres 1954... 2,436 254 20 28 1949 . . . 2,815 343 4 29 Sold farms reporting 1954 . . . 237 21 4 30 1949 . . . 284 26 1 2 31 dollars 1954... 698,453 96,171 6,375 32 1949 .. . Forest products: 718,922 58,406 300 60 33 Firewood and fuelwood cut farms reporting 1954... 3,215 13 5f 9 7 186 5 34 34 1949 .. . 3,535 17 43 14 10 225 23 20 35 cords (4'x 4'x 8' ) 1954.. . 35,263 93 565 75 85 3,004 56 372 36 1949 . . . 43,786 86 623 76 84 3,092 102 204 37 Fence posts cut farms reporting 1954... 1,359 9 24 19 8 63 6 14 38 1949 . . . 1,524 13 22 15 17 78 17 9 39 number 1954 . . . 385,385 966 10,99C 5,480 1,170 15,262 326 3,555 40 1949... 525,520 931 14,37; 2,323 2,735 29,430 1,430 5,500 41 Sawlogs and veneer logs cut (including standing timber sold) farms reporting 1954. . . 1,027 1 It 1 106 3 42 1949I . . 442 1 3 1 62 1 43 thousands of bd . f t . 1954 .. . 95,547 300 6,93; 8 9,227 234 44 1949^ . . 15,465 16 50 5 2,847 3 45 Value of firewood, fence posts, logs, lumber, pulp- wood, piling and poles, bark, bolts, Christmas trees, hewn ties, mine timber, and other miscellaneous forest products sold farms reporting 1954 . . . 1,198 1 15 1 105 1 46 dollars 1954 . . . 1,551,888 5,000 53,011 300 206,819 675 47 1949 . . . 867,428 4,170 10,982 370 99,178 200 Z Reported in small fractions . ^Does not include amount sold as standing timber. IDAHO 75 PRODUCTS: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 Boise Bonner Bonneville Boundary Butte Camas Canyon Caribou Cassia Clark Clearwater 132 179 5,050 3,700 5 1,209 ■431 16,028 20,640 10,040 13,300 (Z) 1U,650 11,000 50 1,000 122,901 101,427 34,942 8,165 2,900 500 2 15,200 7,501 (Z) (Z) 10 2 5 2 1 10,020 21,272 12,050 7,003 10,000 (Z) 1 3 1 1 20 10 770 750 665 o97 32 691 20 8,249 236 9,226 196 218 29 173 17 51,745 8 ,180 81,551 5 ,070 141 3 52 3,994 55 1,j36 2,967 1,753 2,057 (Z) (Z) 320 367 3,663 5,162 112 146 46,985 85,836 84 59 3,778 1,527 114,252 95,773 3 28 3 400 540 1,400 3,452 1 266 542,132 532,925 16 14 27,360 9,668 51,080 19,260 6 9 5 20 11 13 70,750 47,568 9 3,800 11,175 133 149 1,816 1,832 136 152 444,022 475,669 22 62 131 502 10 34 474 3,653 5,495 195 12 12 102 126 18 15 4,870 5,413 2,790 13,460 2,695 3 (Z) 1 2,000 195 9,550 4,450 2 11,060 2,150 1,400 1,000 1 3 400 350 2 10 18 4,925 1,200 1 1 15 10 1 3 100 2,100 222 196 2,096 2,403 71 72 24,411 33,700 32 13,253 1,961 103 161,316 77,625 37 37 512 580 1,100 4,095 2 700 150 1 (Z) 11 103 83 2,710 1,920 2 10,400 1,965 6,300 14,000 1 (Z) 175 1,000 9,100 17,800 1 3 (Z) 6,325 11,900 1 21 2 22 600 23 ,400 24 25 1 26 (z) 1 2 300 1,10j 18 1,674 6,017 1,000 76 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table S^NURSERY, GREENHOUSE, AND FOREST Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Frem^ nt Gem Gooding IdahL Jefferson Jerome Kootenai latah Lemhi Nursery and greenhouse products, flower and vegetable seeds and plants, end bulbs: 1 Nursery and greenhouse products, flower and vegetable seeds and plants, flowers, and bulbs sold dollars 1954... 350 12,855 5,00s 15,555 73,415 13,575 1,500 2 1949 . . . 38 L 32,199 24,857 2,138 28,280 75,043 2,075 480 3 Nursery products (trees, shrubs, vines, ornamentals, etc.) farms reporting 1954... .^ 1 L 4 1949 .. . L 2 2 2 1 L 5 acres 1954 . . . 2 (Z) l| 6 1949... (z) (Z) 3 1 (z ... 7 Sold dollars 1954 . . . 2,650 150 125 1 8 1949 . . . Cut flowers, potted plants, florist greens, and bedding plants grown for sale: 1,005 138 2,300 200 9 Grown under glass farms reporting 1954 . . . 1 1 4 6 3 2 10 2 1 1 2 6 3 1 11 square feet 1954. . . 8,000 3,000 9,400 64,574 16,300 2,464 12 1949 . . . 9,000 5,000 1,500 6,200 54,624 4,336 1,800 13 Grown in open farms reporting 1954 . . . 3 1 14 1949 . . . 2 1 4 "21 15 acres 1954. . . 1 (Z) 16 1 (Z) 4 1 (z) 17 Sold farms reporting 1954... 1 1 4 e 3 2 18 1949 . . . 3 2 1 :■ 0 4 1 19 dollars 1954... 8,000 5,000 7 , jL!': 71,1c:. 13,450 1,250 20 1949 .. . 25,005 24,077 1,000 3 , 500 64,513 2,075 180 Vegetables grown under glass, flower seeds, vegetable seeds, vegetable plants, bulbs, and mushrooms produced for sale: 21 house farms reporting 1954 . . . 1 1 2 , 2 22 1949 . . . 6 1 1 4 1 23 square feet 1954 . . . 3,000 1,500 40 1,640 3,400 210 24 1949 .. . 4,420 1,500 270 27,680 400 25 Grown in open farms reporting 1954 . . . 8 26 1949 . . . 2 18 27 acres 1954 . . . 22 32 28 1949 .. . IC 20 129 29 Sold farms reporting 1954 . . . 1 i 10 2 2 30 1949 .. . 0 1 18 6 1 31 dollars 1954 . . . 350 4,855 8 5,705 2,100 250 32 1949... 81 6,189 780 1,000 22,480 10,330 300 33 Forest products: Firewood and fuelwood cut farms reporting 1954... 11 10 8 44 10 433 32( 71 34 1949 .. . 2i 16 li 06 24 6 410 38^ 90 35 cords (4'x 4'x 8') 1954... 3 81 100 66 3.- 47 111 4,758 3,41< 820 36 9< 106 31 5,; 16 240 77 5,036 4,13 1,350 37 Fence posts cut farms reporting 1954 .. . 1^ 9 12 ] 47 12 10 ISO 10 17 38 1949 . . . 2. 25 14 01 26 10 155 12 34 39 number 1954... 7,. 3C 6,050 1,649 52, £ 68 2,000 2,251 31,017 19,97 3,100 40 1949... 5,. 1 4,518 3,491 102, < 56 4,690 347 24,741 21,47< 6,519 41 Sawlogs and veneer logs cut (including standing timber sold ) farms reporting 1954 . . . 3 1 1 65 141 13J 42 ]'-..'.9^. 1 1 38 1 72 i' 3 43 thousands of bd . f t . 1954 . . . 1,740 2 27, < 01 7,207 8,58. 44 I949I . . 3t (z) 4 1, 41 2 2,902 1,63' 34 45 Value of firewood, fence posts, logs, lumber, pulp- wood, piling and poles, bark, bolts, Christmas trees, hewn ties, mine timber, and other miscellaneous forest products sold farms reporting 1954... 5 1 1 72 151 15( 46 dollars 1954... 1,. OC ) 21,278 12 316,. 00 165,244 14.-: , 3.;. 47 1949... ] i' 1,246 2,000 160,' 11 94,612 -■:■., !A 1,27:- Z Reported in small fractions . Does not include amoujlt sold as standing timber. IDAHO 77 PRODUCTS: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Coniinued Lfvls- lin.-.ilri Mad iron Minldrka Nez Perce Oneida Owyhee Payette Power Shoshone TetOD T^ln Falls Valley Washington 9,066 10,480 55,100 17,830 42,950 12,99t 112, k:0 20, 450 1 4,583 5,010 63,290 3 3 2,090 1 91,825 1 3 1,097 3 2 80,990 4 42,742 2 3 2 23 (Z) 11 3 13 2 5 (z) 35 ... 6 1 6 2 6 800 14,700 25 15,000 1 , 400 22,950 1,000 7 301 26,041 24,542 597 16,012 1,689 8 1 1 3 1 3 3 1 1 1 3 4 1 3 9 10 56 2,162 11,675 18,600 560 6,000 4,050 -9,1^7 8,200 11 600 400 27,400 560 14,272 1 300 2 2,600 5,678 12 13 2 1 1 8 IZ) 1 1 3 2 I U 15 (Z) (Z) 3 ... 1 IZ) 2 60 16 1 o 4 3 1 1 4 q 3 17 2 2 4 1 4 1 4 18 75 5,050 1,200 27,000 2,300 13,000 10,745 20,750 18,950 19 675 662 23,250 100 33,050 600 2,429 21,639 20 3 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 3 4 21 22 1,130 5,000 10,600 ... 100 234 23 400 4,270 91 7,500 ... 4,292 4,016 24 1 5 2 5 7 3 17 1 25 5 2 2 3 9 32 1 26 16 26 10 48 81 1 133 2 27 46 9 12 10 113 ... 250 32 28 4 7 3 5 7 3 18 1 29 6 4 2 4 10 31 30 4,015 8,480 13,400 15,505 14,950 850 68,420 510 31 3,908 4,048 14,000 1,990 34,233 62,549 19,414 32 38 2 16 3 96 1 9 17 1 37 20 " 54 12 33 48 1 24 18 88 2 19 8 2 41 28 15 56 19 34 352 24 125 4 904 2 187 103 10 238 265 83 498 89 35 S64 2 247 98 1,002 8 175 39 26 420 300 56 687 162 36 19 2 15 5 27 8 14 5 25 21 11 31 11 37 11 1 23 6 27 3 12 7 4 19 33 12 40 10 38 11,855 270 4,670 425 12,480 2,150 1,322 1,250 2,108 9,750 937 17,130 2,825 39 4,150 25 3,816 450 7,492 752 3,775 464 1,350 4,255 10,160 1,166 16,770 1,870 40 15 57 1 17 3 12 41 4 2 2 9 ... ... ... 8 8 8 42 2,635 ... ... ... 6,737 10 442 13 12 660 210 43 204 212 10 392 ... ... 61 106 254 84 44 20 52 3 14 3 2 20 1 45 ?1,151 ... ... ... 89,158 ... 348 14,860 2,600 47 11,566 1,125 46 18,713 ... 975 10 43,586 50 250 9,494 3,390 12,029 635 47 78 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9 (Part 1 of 4) .-SPECIFIED CROPS Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) The State Ada Adams Bannock Bear Lake Benewah Bingham Blaine 1 Corn: Corn for all purposes. ...farms reporting 1954... 3,633 624 5 12 93 23 2 1 2 1949... 2,882 589 7 3 acres 1954... 44,010 7,522 41 110 861 61 * 1949... 25,940 5,680 52 119 1 5 Harvested for grain farms reporting 1954... 1,373 93 1 1 2 6 1949... 1,725 210 2 6 7 acres 1954... 13,982 807 '20 1 7 8 1949... 13,095 1,325 3 19 9 bushels 1954... 852,101 46,707 200 60 280 10 1949... 713,747 77,069 90 20 510 11 Cut for silage farms reporting 1954... 2,448 562 4 10 66 2 12 1949... 1,244 441 3 6 13 acres 1954... 28,357 6,607 21 108 606 61 lA 1949... 11,644 4,263 28 37 15 tons, green weight 1954... 393,026 94,118 280 1,252 20 7,349 345 16 1949 . . . 135,655 52,186 276 534 17 Hogged or grazed, or cut for green or dry fodder farms reporting 1954... 215 17 1 27 18 1949... 210 19 2 11 1 19 acres 1954... 1,671 108 1 243 20 1949 . . . 1,201 92 ... 21 63 1 21 Com sold farms reporting 1954... 442 18 22 1949 . . . 772 138 1 23 bushels 1954... 344,091 9,834 24 1949 . . . Small grains: 281,076 17,171 20 25 Grains grown together and threshed as a mixture farms reporting 1954... 7,098 477 16 29 12 11 473 49 26 1949 . . . 5,035 501 9 25 31 5 365 9 27 acres 1954... 93,336 6,372 251 405 191 264 5,730 798 28 1949... 71,686 6,927 148 421 312 142 4,243 90 29 bushels 1954... 4,478,062 345,329 7,397 14,541 3,354 9,160 245,951 29,902 30 1949... 3,013,419 329,342 4,086 13,962 8,936 4,450 173,809 3,600 31 bushels sold 1954... 720,396 49,509 3,155 550 2,608 27,031 3,515 32 657,963 45,720 100 3,386 1,550 31,638 430 33 Winter wheat threshed or combined farms reporting 1954... 5,490 6,871 32 21 10 23 262 340 56 93 146 153 33 57 10 37 34 1949... 35 acres 1954... 646,482 1,608 438 37,390 3,790 12,559 12,308 1,046 36 1949... 961,865 1,361 723 46,891 5,100 14,998 22,000 3,032 37 bushels 1954... 17,202,143 31,419 8,860 716,436 66,080 482,462 173,358 11,540 38 1949... 20,551,103 24,932 10,203 1,092,114 90,230 351,548 303,580 45,003 39 bushels sold 1954... 15,954,187 22,672 6,516 654,589 64,877 460,298 161,180 10,639 40 1949... 18,908,772 15,069 4,989 1,004,189 86,173 295,876 285,710 33,852 41 Spring wheat threshed or combined farms reporting 1954. . . 18,145 535 71 379 382 129 1,674 216 42 1949 . . . 17,358 727 51 422 382 59 1,551 210 43 acres 1954... 506,880 5,532 857 13,921 18,729 4,426 39,906 6,686 44 507,733 8,339 581 14,622 19,025 2,553 34,632 6,678 « bushels 1954... 17,342,843 256,296 23,652 399,032 305,005 94,049 1,657,334 247,028 46 1949... 14,321,779 318,864 11,764 360,134 318,855 34,015 1,220,253 196,957 47 bushels sold 1954... 15,761,224 197,630 20,754 373,742 266,415 85,400 1,535,232 221,888 48 1949... 11,406,646 180,483 2,662 296,066 257,508 28,770 963,673 151,888 49 Oats threshed or combined farms reporting 1954... 10,059 618 75 174 158 195 678 163 50 1949... 10,338 622 59 167 175 153 748 151 51 acres 1954... 174,079 6,951 1,121 2,809 2,414 8,503 5,997 3,375 52 1949... 158,259 7,649 732 2,833 2,281 5,241 5,815 4,066 53 8,183,284 413,435 50,046 117,218 881640 427,234 397,545 150,538 54 1949... 6,248,875 389,392 22,866 112,713 103,093 206,000 292,346 153,505 55 bushels sold 1954... 4,283,663 111,298 15,469 61,029 33,255 361,805 115,495 91,970 56 1949... 2,687,069 101,646 3,846 57,304 36,942 143,283 69,869 75,723 57 Barley threshed or combined farms reporting 1954... 11,832 173 98 437 435 156 708 138 58 1949... 10,627 257 116 318 353 107 554 118 59 acres 1954... 540,793 3,060 2,013 17,540 15,615 7,394 14,908 4,065 60 1949... 303,600 4,126 2,286 6,688 8,403 3,036 8,698 2,529 61 bushels 1954... 17,734,854 101,338 71,605 520,003 444,135 230,444 519,009 134,591 62 1949... 9,598,169 153,763 63,368 201,540 253,662 62,449 325,038 89,375 63 bushels sold 1954... 12,662,192 27,592 31,348 329,208 260,308 182,040 280,937 75 ,742 64 1949... 5,641,941 40,744 14,373 82,959 117,206 37,103 141,184 25,145 65 combined farms reporting 1954... 183 6 3 1 3 4 12 2 66 1949... 193 6 1 6 13 7 8 5 67 acres 1954... 5,441 40 66 100 39 279 671 4 68 1949 . . . 3,270 41 90 21 132 355 189 71 69 bushels 1954... 110,747 466 875 230 265 3,499 5,346 135 70 1949... 46,560 595 450 192 2,335 7,427 2,191 700 71 bushels sold 1954... 68,560 230 400 230 45 2,959 2,935 72 1949... AnDual lejrumes: 13,561 3 33 84 958 1,205 '56 73 Dry field and seed beans harvested for beans farms reporting 1954... 5,306 107 51 2 74 1949... 5^418 46 146 75 acres 1954... 149,493 1,665 532 76 76 1949... 143,589 490 1,392 77 100-lb. bags 1954... 2,637,682 1 24,250 5,888 9ii 78 1949 . . . 2,364,970 5,561 15,124 79 Dry field and seed peas harvested 1,803 1 38 19 2 80 1949 . . . 1,881 1 66 48 31 acres 1954... 100,483 16 5,136 382 17 82 1949 . . . 88,271 15 8,237 536 33 pounds 1954... 134,852,081 16,000 5,499,957 519,016 12,400 34 1949... 94,501,600 27,000 5,424,500 572,200 IDAHO 79 HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 Bolae Bonner Bonneville Boundary Butte Camas Canyon Caribou Cassia Clark Clearwater Custer EliLore Franklin 2 3 10 1 3 2 1,100 4 23 47 70 1 I 2 5 6 1 921 7 12 6 51 82 2 128 38 136 1 44 15 13,139 42 239 68 71 923 596 3 3 3 15 17 25 9,143 64 189 16 541 407 4 1 1 1 618 1 35 5 1 1 632 5 5 44 3 6 ioo 6 1 6,425 35 612 7 1 7 5,383 33 15 447 20 8 3,400 300 35 419,495 975 31,865 9 '40 40 300,734 825 390 19,935 825 10 2 1 5 2 2 624 4 25 3 14 68 11 1 1 3 ' 3 1 371 6 2 5 76 13 28 1 52 43 15 6,439 42 223 '63 33 296 577 13 3 2 6 7 25 3,576 60 91 79 378 14 319 5 340 235 iio 91,573 445 2,855 450 275 '60 3,493 7,230 15 50 20 30 59 150 41,606 741 580 312 4,603 16 2 4 1 35 3 2 2 2 17 2 2 36 1 5 1 3 3 18 37 78 1 275 16 3 15 19 19 9 3 179 4 65 1 15 9 20 1 219 322 12 17 2 21 22 1,700 161,395 135,810 11,345 3,318 266 23 24 L2 42 254 19 36 7 1,198 15 377 3 11 15 54 23 25 22 33 187 19 9 3 977 13 240 6 3 16 18 43 26 152 388 2,896 183 746 1,196 12,735 430 5,410 145 150 235 709 327 27 515 297 1,877 605 248 31 12,172 531 4,194 218 36 385 231 581 28 5,700 15,189 113,240 7,629 20,235 13,768 713,545 14,591 236,617 5,510 3,540 8,435 31,852 12,335 29 13,555 9,532 87,638 19,066 6,890 680 604,917 13,927 136,136 5,408 870 10,877 7,709 24,166 30 300 475 15 ,772 1,400 3,450 12,018 104,110 7,879 37,536 200 2,400 4,770 530 31 2,958 1,960 12,121 9,775 1,780 115,620 3,812 32,189 250 620 1,335 2,130 32 9 60 127 102 4 78 57 189 116 5 98 2 26 387 33 15 144 189 171 6 100 49 307 137 7 113 6 20 510 34 1&4 627 46,589 5,093 2,165 19,311 670 13,134 29,048 929 3,803 165 2,330 22,568 35 i57 1,658 67,764 13,039 2,927 37,515 1,051 40,341 33,817 4,100 5,652 906 3,157 32,561 36 3,610 11,592 926,103 245,622 7,990 327,755 27,959 390,813 431,742 8,690 145,750 1,620 42,732 442,938 37 6,537 28,027 1,045,959 435,416 24,630 560,159 26,301 999,180 609,643 35,523 135,637 14,960 36,806 745,497 38 620 7,711 823,382 236,977 7,380 309,216 23,032 366,818 387,003 8,200 138,297 1,590 41,203 390,077 39 1,388 16,647 955,926 404,880 22,540 516,737 23,515 954,124 564,405 34,123 120,649 14,500 33,101 600,815 40 39 159 1,095 137 184 89 1,545 354 733 20 139 113 134 535 41 35 129 1,096 120 151 72 1,425 326 719 26 136 117 140 580 42 358 1,950 36,345 6,544 7,048 11,912 17,502 31,621 16,796 1,000 3,571 1,791 4,933 11,942 43 427 778 33,826 6,257 4,011 4,904 19,262 22,080 11,140 1,328 3,652 2,814 5,570 12,124 44 10,912 45,252 1,240,480 213,716 221,039 194,670 898,929 600,786 711,447 13,136 97,918 72,978 124,898 320,080 45 8,264 14,836 1,079,873 155,060 137,090 76,494 335,719 426,908 465,704 23,973 69,668 79,826 114,554 322,163 46 5,716 35,220 1,120,515 209,136 191,640 173,319 325,063 557,597 634,390 15,391 91,920 65,322 116,461 274,324 47 2,004 4,423 341,780 140,994 96,772 66,t47 734,456 376,130 326,385 16,821 52,227 49,413 37,422 220,845 48 37 378 431 181 103 48 828 152 226 32 154 107 57 140 49 35 291 565 210 95 22 741 116 234 23 129 92 32 228 50 446 5,727 5,634 9,565 1,905 1,893 6,478 3,022 1,845 1,097 4,052 1,431 769 370 51 517 3,516 5,996 8,723 1,558 473 6,580 2,008 1,648 701 2,332 1,340 1,230 1,332 52 15,243 231,441 261,370 660,179 87,012 69,621 398,655 108,419 97,707 30,004 133,570 54,044 36,337 43,402 53 17,953 112,846 285,952 523,506 70,790 11,578 323,783 32,905 83,269 19,593 30,954 49,309 47,463 72,383 54 2,800 115,153 101,236 562,365 29,126 45,255 103,201 35,799 23,976 10,835 93,468 14,520 12,294 3,500 55 3,472 36,018 95,302 423,522 17,685 2,868 90,148 37,044 16,015 1,660 45,618 8,715 21,192 16,065 56 42 142 538 116 160 94 434 488 358 41 131 106 124 805 57 48 143 418 119 160 41 528 442 389 23 128 102 123 793 53 886 1,734 27,131 1,410 5,677 L2,417 5,380 59,571 13,885 2,067 5,349 2,301 4,518 19,951 59 1,029 1,498 10,199 1,601 5,564 2,436 7,063 43,097 6,083 1,038 3,878 2,488 2,429 14,127 60 32,500 47,872 795,309 61,191 203,140 289,577 263,182 1,814,741 369,958 54,143 170,137 101,653 137,281 652,125 61 22,968 34,848 361,660 59,811 188,976 49,716 279,931 1,558,325 228,301 30,291 99,543 89,982 82,637 562 ,466 62 8,423 15,738 560,809 39,615 120,914 244,817 122,338 1,297,025 246,679 29,702 150,556 43,650 71,727 297,896 63 4,630 10,002 166,566 32,883 76,100 32,029 131,370 1,266,133 91,138 4,640 74,086 24,215 35,025 207,449 64 3 8 1 2 2 1 21 2 9 2 4 1 2 65 1 2 1 1 3 16 2 13 1 3 5 1 66 47 82 2 5 45 10 232 16 348 43 32 1 31 67 a 8 10 8 4* 117 30 436 63 '31 28 3 68 1,500 1,016 55 115 600 150 8,555 191 14,746 1,475 765 15 860 69 160 463 600 240 600 1,807 60 5,511 1,102 850 523 50 70 40 150 2,875 11 12,411 200 350 71 120 250 190 400 1,102 260 10 72 1 1 421 1 537 9 77 2 73 1 1 364 1 500 13 1 71 74 60 6 7,872 17 12,523 517 1,505 12 75 55 6 6,907 10 3,459 563 10 1,724 76 1,320 60 161,664 180 195,540 5,130 24,797 180 77 607 91 126,924 300 156,514 1,050 80 30,430 73 1 123 2 14 1 1 23 1 9 19 79 147 28 6 10 4 21 1 3 80 6 2,005 160 183 ... 7 1 1,153 30 390 309 81 2,127 545 55 289 290 457 18 '25 82 2,000 3,251,253 180,000 244,406 4,400 1,000 1,306,757 35,000 277,250 494,781 83 3,102,700 403,900 96,900 622,400 127,200 558,500 19,800 24,000 84 80 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9 (Part 1 of 4) —SPECIFIED CROPS Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Fremont Gem Gooding Idaho Jefferson Jerome Kootenai Latah Lemhi 1 Corn: Corn for all purpoaeB farms reporting 1954 27 210 240 4 19 132 15 1 2 2 1949... 3 236 146 17 10 58 28 3 3 acres 1954... 347 2,188 2,717 18 179 1,532 100 4 15 i 1949... 33 1,968 1,268 46 106 406 98 7 5 Harvested for grain farms reporting 1954... 2 100 112 1 27 2 6 1949... 166 110 8 2 43 19 2 7 acres 1954. .. 4 828 891 3 171 2 8 1949... 1,187 721 11 5 289 44 6 9 bushels 1954 .. . 166 41,413 47,821 60 8,363 80 10 1949... 66,398 31,314 192 85 12,805 1,250 110 11 Cut for silage farms reporting 1954... 25 139 130 1 16 106 12 1 1 12 1949... 2 97 28 3 4 15 6 1 13 acres 1954... 336 1,320 1,671 6 150 1,317 96 4 4 M 1949... 24 726 374 12 72 113 43 1 15 tons, green weight 1954... 4,757 15,256 21,949 80 2,369 24,380 326 28 'so 16 1949. . . 220 7,690 4,123 54 625 1,442 195 11 17 Hogged or grazed, or cut for green or dry fodder farms reporting 1954 . . . 2 3 23 2 4 6 1 1 18 1949... 1 7 19 7 5 3 4 19 acres 1954 . . . 40 155 9 29 44 2 11 20 1949... ':' 55 173 23 29 4 11 21 Corn sold farms reporting 1954... 21 30 5 22 1949... 50 28 6 3 23 bushels 1954... 10,847 20,397 1,074 ^■^ 1949... jNnall grains: 22,648 5,814 1,613 145 25 Grains grown together and threshed as a mixture farms reporting 1954 . . . 77 264 432 34 321 526 21 41 40 26 1949... 26 193 252 18 212 217 14 19 19 27 acres 1954 . . . 1,288 3,900 4,955 943 3,620 5,696 239 699 637 28 1949... 257 3,019 3,012 547 2,363 2,159 405 233 267 29 bushels 1954 .. . 47,615 199,773 236,486 24,919 155,993 335,372 6,815 23,525 29,295 30 1949... 6,846 124,934 115,907 17,663 93 ,872 101,680 11,503 5,364 7,657 31 bushels sold 1954 , . . 1,772 19,299 40,310 5,662 18,167 54 ,679 635 8,562 2,037 32 1949... 675 15,275 17,772 8,556 10,476 20,776 3,250 559 2,050 33 Winter wheat threshed or combined farms reporting 1954. . . 109 67 35 552 37 27 263 746 1 34 1949... 107 95 51 594 56 56 345 919 9 35 acres 1954... 13,199 1,221 749 45,692 6,859 1,007 18,317 55,593 3 36 1949. . . 14,220 2,085 2,539 70,634 12,641 1,620 26,288 89,454 106 37 bushels 1954... 318,213 40,364 19,452 1,903,138 138,299 22,423 549,186 2,391,982 100 38 1949... 220,304 47,331 47,938 2,107,554 199,983 41,004 443,611 2,148,895 3,537 39 bushels sold 1954... 300,551 28,462 16,987 1,796,014 129,962 19,682 508,007 2,297,696 AO 1949... 204,499 22,975 40,378 1 ,924 ,604 182,476 32,726 392,828 2,019,990 1,305 41 Spring wheat threshed or combined farms reporting 1954... 684 115 558 366 974 811 192 326 136 42 1949... 665 193 528 341 888 706 95 246 180 43 acres 1954... 38,647 1,094 8,921 13,020 21,364 12,093 5,223 8,735 1,314 44 1949. . . 51,677 2,107 8,573 20,563 19,049 12 ,321 2,075 10,032 2,261 45 bushels 1954... 1,186,302 46,496 376,711 343,211 849,163 649,628 145,815 269,516 54,542 46 1949... 1,073,857 66,760 295,676 437,558 550,979 515,945 32,956 196,795 72,307 47 bushels sold 1954.. . 1,107,860 29,153 338,492 313,787 743,516 583,561 129,055 242,029 37,064 48 1949... 930,312 24,148 201,888 367,021 379,631 404,031 21,169 170,620 30,881 49 Oats threshed or combined farms reporting 1954... 326 182 242 266 412 182 427 642 117 50 1949... 369 252 280 218 472 199 382 632 137 51 acres 1954.. . 5,852 2,363 2,242 4,694 4,670 1,315 12,642 22,476 1,635 52 1949... 7,410 3,630 2,766 3,807 5,323 1,450 9,609 15,869 1,557 53 226,761 102,263 133,443 173,612 196,531 89,405 435,359 1,076,886 76,309 54 1949... 246,684 157,597 133,445 104,027 201,812 82,024 209,868 503,268 71,246 55 bushels sold 1954. .. 112,617 25,654 31,628 85,056 49,578 31,587 283,771 857,009 9,868 56 1949... 118,301 36,914 30,843 40,475 50,948 21 ,746 94 ,037 351,643 4,714 57 Barley threshed or combined farms reporting 1954... 381 78 193 551 4-42 149 212 631 119 58 1949... 241 114 271 430 378 240 183 500 171 59 acres 1954... 23,148 1,610 3,003 41,355 14,173 1,814 5,980 31,098 2,063 60 1949... 8,668 2,106 3,505 24,983 9,607 2,723 3,582 15,588 2,827 61 bushels 1954 . . . 756,166 58,569 117,047 1,520,094 498,699 93,250 194,029 1,264,415 79,632 62 1949... 247,008 67,290 135,906 670,188 321,377 130,125 59,698 408,902 99,644 63 bushels sold 1954... 577,819 16,926 45,921 1,234,239 319,603 52,796 148,562 1,111,406 16,950 64 1949... 200 ,063 18,063 38,159 519,423 153,520 51,050 23,745 323,640 13,197 65 combined farms reporting 1954... 3 2 7 2 13 11 5 66 1949... 7 7 2 2 3 7 12 67 acres 1954... 58 10 76 11 97 635 471 68 1949... 165 « '39 13 17 138 216 69 bushels 1954... 436 485 2,024 360 5,329 6,600 19,257 70 1949... 1,475 845 140 350 200 917 1,826 71 bushels sold 1954 . . . 270 930 200 2,170 5,170 19,107 72 1949... Annual Icpimcs: 630 230 '60 736 1,649 73 Efry field and seed beans harvested for beans farms reporting 1954... 9 533 3 814 5 27 74 1949... 9 536 2 4 851 24 62 75 acres 1954... 227 11,101 27 25,650 70 1,121 76 1949... 142 11,371 45 58 25,643 495 2,116 77 100- lb. bags 1954... 2,671 206,909 857 481,140 814 8,050 78 1949... 2,621 201,597 361 736 452,166 3,256 7,410 79 Dry field and seed peas harvested for peas farms reporting 1954... 108 104 60 239 51 322 80 1949... 101 5 77 124 252 63 347 7 81 acres 1954... 2,454 6,979 874 5,096 6,331 30,505 82 1949... 2 292 33 5,109 1,800 4,647 9,188 31,279 165 83 pounds 1954 . . . 3,427,117 8,111,654 1,453,196 6,400,605 6,673,520 40,265,833 84 1949. . . 2,001,900 24,600 4,683,100 1,959,700 8,855,100 5,639,000 31,809,200 112,300 IDAHO 81 HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Conlinued Lewis Lincoln Madison Minidoka Nez Perce Oneida Owyhee Payette Power Shoshone Teton Twin Falls Valley Washington 37 15 27 10 81 252 260 Ul 1 139 1 1 21 1 11 20 5 171 215 4 70 147 2 346 299 133 21 1,293 4,085 2,925 69 1,966 10 1,722 3 ^ 201 7 39 3 39 6 51 1,812 159 1,609 130 39 468 18 1,465 59 4 5 1 4 5 17 7 138 2,410 167 885 2 40 113 91 550 6 7 ' 14 11 250 35 399 1,496 159,725 1,021 51 ,676 22 255 6,977 717 31,854 8 9 '50 725 535 842 84,476 60,347 1,620 14,582 37,438 10 23 13 22 2 80 123 154 4 112 1 85 11 12 1 3 27 51 1 18 56 12 246 261 118 "5 1,284 1,490 1,936 69 1,771 10 1,037 13 95 11 42 230 500 13 131 702 14 3 ,073 4,225 1,199 26 16,764 21 ,095 23,701 1,265 27,066 100 13 ,473 15 1,034 125 470 2,879 5,057 250 1,547 8,236 16 14 2 3 2 1 13 20 12 10 17 7 1 5 3 2 19 14 1 15 11 18 100 38 11 9 9 185 104 82 35 19 92 7 17 1 150 4 "2 177 9 86 76 77 99,432 50,921 88 35 61 14 ,292 16,979 '4 82 3 12 1,029 4,992 ... 46 21 51 12,596 16,268 20 21 22 23 24 11 170 135 146 15 24 168 264 25 25 1,088 5 133 25 1 74 77 63 15 19 121 179 29 8 864 4 72 26 •483 2,055 2,168 1,629 972 1,392 2,075 3,858 1,262 386 12,204 40 3,072 27 110 881 942 542 176 684 1,689 2,053 5,194 231 10,802 398 1,518 28 16,036 90,582 84,599 71,753 27,682 26,500 102 ,862 130,521 25,417 12,962 820 ,302 845 95,288 29 2,118 33,691 41 ,380 23,599 4,474 15,837 79,265 83,581 81,941 5,225 630,900 4,860 41,566 30 l,i26 12,719 19,180 16,356 16,532 6,746 20,471 14,566 10 ,990 153,153 19,856 31 2,118 5,887 5,886 5,105 1,468 5,702 22,008 12 ,467 67,750 140 159 ,064 4,220 9,335 32 268 6 130 62 421 339 22 84 240 2 78 55 4 133 33 320 10 137 61 462 429 21 72 249 114 67 6 193 34 26, •M2 513 39,385 3,641 52,067 50,584 355 1,140 77,846 9 17,939 2,755 36 10,345 35 51,964 568 48,742 2,152 69,458 76 ,472 493 1,309 109,546 13,984 6,388 142 16,460 36 l,217,'i41 3,524 822,021 77,773 2,144,001 967,501 13,287 46,658 1,352,757 129 379,939 55,596 908 217,325 37 1,592,515 14,333 803,924 41,643 2,006,995 1 ,604 ,041 15,922 39,463 1,937,001 288,198 135,573 1,270 218,083 38 1,164,900 8,180 697,447 59,728 2,047,002 860,397 11,092 37,409 1,261,887 346 ,299 50,678 595 188,435 39 1,5K,152 13,683 750,065 34,726 1,917,834 1,481,461 13,038 22,049 1,807,913 257,982 119,543 668 164,669 40 189 330 637 641 262 207 342 326 174 1 245 1,503 40 369 41 132 346 652 534 217 172 323 334 190 2 264 1,488 51 337 42 11,239 7,403 19,385 19,042 12,438 13,320 5,463 3,497 16,177 1 9,528 29,416 546 7,592 43 8,976 9,778 26,126 6,234 15,003 8,250 6,285 3,773 17,854 2 18,529 34,653 803 8,206 44 401,110 346,234 673,570 826,677 373,508 267,988 258,730 147,470 310 ,404 10 184,829 1,631,254 8,878 232,150 45 170 ,599 315,064 629,151 257,658 330,199 184,255 270,948 121,642 322,316 40 267,595 1,730,057 10,820 197,623 46 336,306 329,818 595 ,687 785,525 348,819 226,603 229,149 128,943 297,536 156 ,476 1,528,056 5,616 200,548 47 154,520 263 ,921 505,571 204,740 303,962 150,991 206,558 64,491 299,252 216,370 1,476,196 2,807 129,697 48 85 166 327 289 152 78 157 225 61 3 229 244 114 148 49 92 186 387 344 122 57 162 225 52 6 242 287 124 118 50 2,089 2,129 3,726 2,236 2,400 868 1,519 2,129 1,132 43 5,383 2,240 13,152 1,190 51 1,872 2,087 4,117 2,479 2,489 558 1,726 2,104 410 55 6,765 2,431 11,774 1,295 52 96,163 117,786 165,707 122.335 119,944 34,690 79,716 114,983 34,937 2,666 181,721 172,813 496,986 60,108 53 53,271 85,975 178,923 118,474 75,757 32,352 83,605 88,233 22,158 2,210 169,546 167,374 348 ,933 44,334 54 64,829 56,274 53,357 61,289 66,059 7,675 30,890 31,529 12,125 350 98,175 74,051 232,659 8,774 55 26,962 29,921 40,745 50,490 37,193 6,025 31,861 18,965 5,434 700 69,510 54,359 254,321 7,025 56 308 104 374 289 401 401 187 193 292 253 149 39 352 57 266 110 238 243 275 287 243 226 117 1 206 203 20 369 53 39,121 1,460 15,484 8,040 31,269 25,118 3,025 2,761 34,192 13,879 2,847 1,490 10,491 59 27,032 1,256 3,273 3,060 15,566 7,221 4,169 3,691 3,893 5 5,155 2,934 456 8,939 60 1,583,592 62,133 458,172 373,748 1,186,762 695,958 134,570 110,955 706,447 343,645 120,531 38,252 324,194 61 780,272 51,015 106,667 109,360 403,618 270,157 176 ,107 142,521 92,023 120 118,574 131,313 12,060 255,019 62 1,435,272 29,940 299,974 311,515 982,206 454,911 64,377 45 ,046 562,049 264,922 66,497 25,638 138,554 63 699,050 13 ,730 32,417 63,075 323,998 141,956 85,396 72,169 44,254 'so 59,488 66,643 4,316 78 ,979 64 3 4 4 4 5 3 5 1 1 1 9 1 10 65 1 6 5 7 6 7 1 8 1 16 66 65 155 21 367 244 19 39 7 5 4 205 67 291 67 17 44 61 333 17 113 15 110 2 241 68 2,118 2,488 500 13,768 2,683 665 2,379 240 120 40 4,987 600 4,754 69 130 1,246 524 6,084 407 865 350 2,579 40 2 676 70 1,618 60 260 11,578 1,498 35 682 600 1J546 71 520 165 2,470 151 50 1,200 1,035 72 1 169 567 76 64 59 4 175, 12 73 1 126 1 556 78 52 123 2 '.'.'. 1^^42 5 74 78 3,949 12,967 5,104 1,244 305 203 61,746 416 75 98 2,675 '14 10,706 5,971 722 1,726 35 62,092 64 75 260 57,307 160,688 31,571 20,590 5,281 2,808 1,231,580 6,136 77 254 41 ,209 '50 155,013 22,334 10,062 20,711 447 1,109,155 898 78 133 2 38 46 124 3 312 1 1 79 58 3 48 2 63 1 1 1 22 371 SO 15,408 40 470 952 14,848 85 6,615 10 15 81 5,342 45 606 95 7,274 250 7 200 341 7 004 82 83 .■3,389,974 48,000 540,110 1,273,788 21,858,903 83,750 9,466 '031 9,373 6,000 ~,82J,200 43,100 719,100 14 5,000 8,223,000 63,000 15,000 120,000 236,900 14,050,300 84 82 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9 (Part 2 of 4) .-SPECIFIED CROPS Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) The State Ada Adams Bannock Bear Lake Benewah Bingham Blaine Hay crops (see text): 1 Land from which hay was cut acres 1954. .. 1,113,379 32,64-5 17 ,075 21,201 57,020 8,468 8,380 58,246 19,048 2 1949. .. 1,031,775 31,713 15,680 20,293 52,319 53,090 17,627 3 Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay (and for dehydrating) farms reporting 1951... 26,831 1,343 183 582 538 173 1,709 249 .4 1949... 26,739 1,409 174 636 502 129 1.757 252 5 acres 1954. . . 84.2,950 30,500 10,269 16,119 19,188 3,045 50;251 16,01? 6 1949... 690,781 27,043 6,489 14,446 15,596 2,093 47,231 13,995 7 tons 1954 .. . 2,387,321 104,418 14,894 45 ,352 27,813 4,322 153,229 46,052 S 1949... 1,881,056 82,083 9,520 36,902 25,212 3,007 136,576 34,965 9 Sold farms reporting 1954... 7,478 295 25 157 63 25 443 114 10 tons 1954... 536,278 15,549 1,297 9,013 2,325 338 26,483 13,568 11 Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay farms reporting 1954... 3,336 103 95 27 126 167 23 15 12 1949... 5,477 224 114 31 147 200 46 24 13 acres 1954... 95,888 1,073 5,038 595 5,581 4,026 268 1,305 U 1949. . . 137,276 2,622 6,087 1,045 6,384 4,763 310 679 15 tons 1954... 136 ,707 2,428 8,029 1,024 6,861 6,232 529 1,750 16 1949. . . 188,837 4,710 8,636 2,039 9,191 6,918 1,419 1,157 17 Sold ...farms reporting 1954... 454 22 10 16 508 26 704 2 1 8 18 tons 1954... 14,147 264 578 ... 25 19 Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut Cor hay farms reporting 1954... 2,571 52 44 64 150 46 46 17 20 1949... 3,060 133 59 61 116 69 38 28 21 acres 1954... 38,195 318 660 560 2,478 533 590 513 22 1949... 45,033 1,182 1,098 669 1,930 893 553 572 23 tons 1954... 53,308 501 1,138 636 2,866 825 702 587 24 1949. . . 56,942 2,109 1,353 1,019 2,238 946 820 788 25 Sold farms reporting 1954 . . . 147 4., 166 2 7 3 55 10 300 2 14 4 154 2 68 26 tons 1954... 27 Wild hay cut farms reporting 1954... 1,725 2,196 7 27 30 52 63 67 333 329 26 32 16 36 19 23 28 1949. . . 29 acres 1954... 120,64.7 183 904 3,799 29,179 526 6,668 1,169 30 U2,599 496 1,384 3,831 26,596 516 9,440 2,627 31 tons 1954... 131,697 455 1,149 5,923 29,360 731 4,778 1,541 32 1949. . . 155,782 778 1,828 6,225 23,610 537 5,812 2,105 33 Sold farms reporting 1954 . . . 170 12,151 3 115 7 259 36 3,594 1 6 2 2,610 4 440 34 tons 1954... ... 35 Other hay cut farms reporting 1954 . . . 670 29 8 10 21 21 12 3 36 1949... 1,124 43 20 14 38 37 18 10 37 acres 1954... U,854 566 204 128 594 338 205 45 38 1949. . . 25 ,257 487 650 490 1,292 702 328 92 39 tons 1954... 20,139 1,035 230 201 455 424 329 95 40 1949... 33 ,543 822 1,193 828 1,390 983 561 124 41 Sold farms reporting 1954 . . . 79 ^ 3 2 1 12 3 48 42 tons 1954... 2,4S7 137 48 34 43 Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting 1954... 23 3 44 acres 1954... 845 264 45 tons, green weight 1954... seed crops: 6,037 . * . • . . ... 2,310 46 Alfalfa seed harveated farms reporting 1954... 910 24 30 8 44 1 47 1949... i,3.;8 39 39 8 2 1 87 2 48 acres 1954... 25,591 562 1,313 71 1,285 20 49 1949... 25,907 832 1,488 177 18 1 2,079 11 50 pounds 1954 . . . 3,659,721 74,109 75 ,072 11,840 202,899 1,000 51 1949. . . 3,053,976 75 ,610 94,665 12,790 1,666 ii6 363,937 425 52 Red clover seed harvested farms reporting 1954... 1,066 74 10 8 2 57 6 53 1949... 2,810 203 21 8 1 134 11 54 acres 1954. .. 13,666 347 83 72 58 983 77 55 1949. .. 35,583 2,109 220 127 12 2,144 121 56 pounds 1954 5,312,473 333 ,988 21,630 19,121 5,615 341,980 20,356 57 1949. . . 8,977,284 648,046 30,978 27,463 ... 500 573,548 18,428 58 Austrian winter peas harvested. .farms reporting 1954... 106 59 1949... 361 60 acres 1954... 8,466 61 1949... 32,693 !!! !!! !!! 62 pounds 1954 . . . 11,604,919 ... ... 63 1949... 29,64.3,519 ... ... ... 64 Other field seed crops harvested acres 1954... 16,712 229 206 42 66 44 100 Other field crops: 65 sugar farms reporting 1954... 3,969 3,923 85 104 113 101 342 402 66 1949... . • . 67 acres 1954... 85,696 1,378 ... 3,465 ... ... 6,549 68 1949... 58,355 1,435 ... 1,399 ... 4,806 > . • 69 tons 1954 .. . 1,547,436 25,113 53,263 ... 37,960 70 1949... 1,080,387 28,022 33,311 68 ,338 ... 71 Irish potatoes harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting 1954... 11,4.09 160 54 178 123 130 1,431 46 72 1949... 12,048 150 43 187 62 104 1,584 33 73 acres 1954'.. 150,151 462 7 2,969 7 14 37,491 449 74 144,523 234 23 2,967 22 30 29,794 39 75 lOO-lb. bags 1954... 25,735,619 89,009 1,157 468,183 955 1,332 6,009,739 88,206 76 1949... 21,320,192 41,634 1,314 359,119 1,445 1,903 4,331,108 4,444 77 Sweet corn harvested for seed. ..farms reporting 1954... 436 42 78 1949... 375 60 ... 79 6,871 845 80 1949... 4,645 787 81 pounds 1954 .. . 14,065,929 2,034,808 82 1949... 10,654,567 1,650,510 ... 83 Lentils harvested farms reporting 1954... 80 g 84 1949... 12 1 . . * 85 acres 1954. ., 4,82.4 ... 644 ... 86 1949... 448 110 ... 87 pounds 1954... 3,317,193 370,030 88 1949... 208,189 59,200 89 Other field crops harvested acres 1954. . . 2,240 50 40 104 ^Doea not include acreage for farms with less than 10 bags harvested. IDAHO 83 HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 Boise ponner Ltnnnevllle Boundai-y Butte Camas Canyon Caribou Cassia Clark Clearwater Custer Elmore Franklin 6,7-;0 27,090 43,979 9,890 14,141 13,492 53,955 38,411 42,547 9,069 8,241 26,401 17,330 28,407 1 6,072 28,140 44,377 8,647 11,243 10,511 45 ,903 30,239 45 ,933 9,566 6,707 25,211 16,140 25,961 2 96 543 1,135 378 20B 98 2,654 414 960 53 214 203 286 888 3 104 363 1,250 391 181 92 2,436 394 1,050 50 219 188 285 922 4 5,924 9,820 39,579 6,924 12,679 11,762 50,480 20,098 36,581 5,811 4,635 14,146 12,965 25,532 5 4,919 4,942 39,740 5,091 8,821 6,818 39,297 14,677 34,330 3,557 2,958 10,547 11,286 22,391 6 7,702 18,449 121,537 16 ,777 32,108 13,045 209,023 43 ,782 121,493 10,470 7,510 26,110 36,891 52,074 7 6,700 8,289 106,469 10,539 22,575 9,362 150,210 31,134 106,368 5,736 4,483 19,845 30,55 5 52,432 8 24 73 369 133 90 40 779 102 323 13 36 32 114 90 9 924 1,852 28,828 4,404 12,009 3,791 46,317 8,538 29,385 2,272 717 2,645 11,016 3,025 10 18 554 15 85 2 7 239 78 29 16 83 81 24 41 11 27 721 29 87 17 5 468 81 79 24 103 56 39 82 12 458 13,232 592 1,450 190 352 2,543 4.881 854 1,178 2,237 4,659 905 674 13 733 15,653 1,627 1,624 283 81 5,680 6,719 2,713 1,839 2,232 2,621 923 1,718 14 650 19,172 905 2,472 310 372 4,951 6,472 1,059 1,380 2,878 6,427 1,351 1,100 15 920 21,354 2,071 2,328 365 109 8,334 9,083 3,272 1,878 2,557 3,741 1,397 2,734 16 4 68 2 9 49 14 4 3 14 3 17 29 1,979 50 198 ;:: 1,418 1,703 107 240 287 260 50 1 40 16 4 151 55 21 17 14 57 76 25 7 98 43 7 58 19 9 112 26 40 6 15 107 60 32 6 84 41 22 1 67 20 105 1,606 949 124 295 252 456 2,570 368 211 951 526 s 2 552 21 113 851 426 385 227 670 723 1,459 600 134 731 902 322 543 22 103 2,523 l',345 204 518 375 778 3,253 889 330 1,349 1,051 90 898 23 101 1,082 590 540 243 1,438 1,533 1,392 739 151 784 1,025 503 890 24 4 5 3 7 13 1 4 2 25 66 159 93 12 66 1,402 12 ... 53 236 26 10 98 19 33 10 24 4 87 70 18 19 60 19 56 27 15 118 30 56 12 33 12 77 98 28 22 104 27 64 28 229 1,984 1,407 801 822 1,126 128 10,549 4,537 1,839 300 5,734 3,265 1,519 29 348 4,463 2,320 1,303 1,918 2,752 170 6,978 7,845 3,836 419 9,386 3,715 1,292 30 190 2,501 1,465 1,090 781 987 227 11, U5 4,706 1,775 206 7,611 2,637 2,089 31 474 4,084 2,410 1,405 1,9U 3,586 404 8,133 9,142 2,885 312 10,246 3,995 2,091 32 2 3 1 2 3 12 3 2 2 1 5 33 32 142 6 25 39 1,490 94 155 15 22 1 146 34 4 30 31 23 "7 26 11 6 1 13 6 6 15 35 4 121 13 34 8 3 53 12 14 3 22 27 4 U 36 24 448 1,452 472 155 ,.. 325 313 207 30 118 336 IC )2 130 37 31 2,373 520 380 129 165 470 434 449 145 250 1,842 5 186 36 26 657 1,741 719 169 667 382 192 12 100 319 r ?7 220 39 47 2,511 600 560 184 103 1,213 667 448 175 236 1,981 1 )5 406 40 3 7 3 1 6 2 1 41 61 183 87 9 119 544 1 141 1 300 13 50 42 43 44 45 30 6 23 5 15 147 23 1 1 1 51 36 46 33 6 43 7 20 201 "5 57 2 4 50 58 47 998 75 381 144 1,262 2,245 621 25 6 13 2,7 32 787 48 1,137 137 427 147 814 1,847 'si 1,053 12 24 2,9 ?2 655 49 73,852 7,405 43,830 10,600 44,310 760,165 77,707 3,000 533 1,000 326,4 S3 50,940 50 60,401 6,567 97,532 4,135 32 ,281 429,002 6,908 70,683 2,150 1,130 237,5 42 29,846 51 4 11 3 13 1 259 20 14 17 1 52 11 25 13 39 2 i 565 60 39 1 34 4 53 95 125 53 147 10 2,711 ... 279 242 3 5b 17 54 293 255 205 381 36 "4 5,798 592 724 '30 5 75 35 55 19,165 10,498 17,214 20,710 400 1,289,123 114,269 50,550 165,0 11 12,000 56 21,693 11,425 49,675 65,563 1,300 700 2,094,954 136,729 65 ,466 700 132,4 34 12,336 57 1 56 59 60 ... 4 51 62 '.'. 3,340 63 85 135 10 157 96 87 188 3 1,172 3 2 09 115 54 146 833 17 371 12 343 65 156 2 815 2 350 2 8 290 66 2,932 19,611 756 8,263 2 54 4,564 67 2,550 55 15,679 115 4,505 'ii 72 3 ,323 66 35,850 444,453 7,027 127.326 3,8 40 62 ,727 69 31,763 660 357,612 785 73,337 127 9 43 55,288 70 > 646 933 30( J 116 13 502 Ai 283 4 150 88 53 90 71 I 322 1,013 27 ! 108 3 574 4" 513 10 115 58 57 129 72 1. ? 203 22,118 11. 2,502 34 5,582 94= 6,061 263 22 1,175 57 619 73 (' 245 22,225 17 ) 1,827 6 5,019 52; 7,546 221 40 733 ^ 37 766 74 1,53 1 33,374 3,434,523 11,96 J 341,700 5,271 1,235,950 178,81, 1,050,827 28,800 1,560 136,159 33, t 92 104 ,437 75 1 1 26,485 3,078,933 13,70) J 227,011 611 1,070,039 368 94,10: 1,243,535 34,271 2,411 34,477 51,^ 59 113 ,678 75 77 309 78 5,734 79 3,827 80 11,620,408 81 8,944,372 1 "5 5,000 82 83 84 85 86 87 86 4 3 21 i 'ii 675 20 69 84 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9 (Part 2 of 4 ) .-SPECIFIED CROPS (For definltlonB and explanations, see text) Hay crops (see text); Land from which hay was cut acres 1954. . , 1949.., Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay (and for dehydrating) farms reporting 1954... 1949... acres 1954. . . 1949.., tons 1954... 1949.., Sold farms reporting 1954.., tons 1954... Clover, timothy, and mixtiires of clover and grasses cut for hay farms reporting 1954.., 1949.., acres 1954. . , 1949... tons 1954.., 1949 . . , Sold farms reporting 1954 . . , tons 1954.., Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting 1954.., 1949.., acres 1954. .. 1949... tons 1954... 1949.., Sold farms reporting 1954. . . tons 1954... Wild hay cut farms reporting 1954.., 1949... acres 1954. . . 1949... tons 1954... 1949... Sold farms reporting 1954.., tons 1954... Other hay cut farms reporting 1954. . . 1949.. acres 1954. .. 1949... tons 1954... 1949... Sold farms reporting 1954... tons 1954... Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954.. tons, green weight 1954.. Alfalfa seed, clover, ^rasa, and other field seed crops: Alfalfa seed harvested farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954. . 1949.. pounds 1954. . 1949.. Red clover seed harvested farms reporting 1954,. 1949.. acres 1954. . 1949.. pounds 1954. . 1949.. Austrian winter peas harvested. .farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954, . 1949. . pounds 1954. . 1949. . Other field seed crops harvested acres 1954.. Other field crops: Sugar beets harvested for sugar farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954. . 1949.. tons 1954., 1949.. Irish potatoes harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting 1954 . . 1949.. acres 1954^. 1949^. 100-lb. bags 1954.. 1949.. Sweet corn harvested for seed... farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954. . 1949.. pounds 1954.. 1949 . . Lentils harvested farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954. . 1949., pounds 1954. . 1949.. Other field crops harvested acres 1954.. 24,169 18 453 19,625 16 351 586 578 5<;9 553 20,949 15 960 15,732 12 345 49,517 41 901 33,524 33 116 192 125 13,849 5 718 25 66 48 116 1,945 911 1,034 1 567 2,149 2 282 1,643 2 759 6 7 414 254 31 24 14 61 474 186 110 579 409 326 132 801 1 3 27 30 47 57 556 944 2,390 1 484 800 1 609 2,256 2 551 5 2 219 42 8 16 24 31 245 332 507 478 197 495 743 838 2 10 34 400 600 18 30 1,248 36,300 668,515 12 10 155 71 2 250 656 495 542 11 551 12 019 1 904 211 1 431 970 120 660 54 75 1,832 1,815 220,844 272,209 31 98 319 1,064 112,264 267,696 236 465 3,889 7,154 2,337 14,756 3,500 16, 500 28,275 27, 521 862 890 27,629 25,737 98,600 84,376 293 22,393 120 313 1,400 420 1,925 7 61 20 30 164 283 276 495 130 65 156 13 98 393 222 907 1 40 200 36 65 850 1,097 140,415 145,499 50 220 581 2,424 258,089 631,543 83 78 1,298 842 24,705 13,606 183 264 1,408 2,784 253,112 458,491 32,946 34,593 630 539 15,584 10,180 24,439 13,627 57 1,208 183 306 5,267 7,213 6,834 8,401 409 523 8,299 11,425 12,066 13,794 18 303 97 133 1,733 2,962 1,825 2,888 15 154 91 137 2,063 3,430 3,019 4,204 4 268 2 140 12,000 22 269 296 38,482 29,792 50 183 3,472 13,807 4,743,640 12,402,104 1,313 455 201 73 263 6,907 8,537 42,207 35,680 1,031 1,029 40,916 33,411 121,920 96,280 349 36,430 16 50 281 945 460 1,713 2 62 251 642 453 976 15 583 830 631 756 3 21 26 233 51 367 150 1,009 17 15 1,304 438 99,399 34,253 2 16 13 129 2,324 19,029 5 61,177 261 51 86 968 1,013 13,007 14,236 666 774 13,701 13,461 2,177,195 1,691,868 396 201,800 27,618 24,169 960 951 26,789 21,900 119,032 83,364 419 38,160 46 107 490 1,517 897 2,543 6 183 26 23 299 249 414 436 2 18 613 36 525 22 344 50 644 15 30 268 446 81,631 68,054 77 165 786 2,159 400,283 608,145 3,820 23 175 135 2,961 1,637 59,713 23,911 444 496 6,478 6,889 1,598,189 1,258,042 23,967 21,526 758 698 17,115 10,160 26,071 13,023 155 4,407 201 361 3,691 7,693 5,239 9,648 37 673 179 184 1,961 1,565 2,641 1,323 6 36 34 62 617 1,390 629 1,361 3 66 41 64 583 1,055 1,002 1,187 6 235 2 7 20 73 950 3,125 600 216 118 1,023 625 565 164 185 19,066 13,424 25,389 19,673 839 925 19,783 14,734 29,205 19,967 168 5,343 196 249 3,678 3,129 5,299 3,952 25 590 95 141 991 1,217 1,138 1,175 7 158 13 31 98 220 109 238 2 36 39 40 709 432 777 542 6 223 3 130 1,014 2 1 12 1 1,110 60 35 45 586 732 56,662 52,367 1 18 28 1,375 28,000 1,112,632 1,528 637 309,000 413 403 81 83 7,222 4,917 37 11 2,481 338 1,956,468 148,989 ^Does not Include acreage for farms with less than 10 bags harvested IDAHO 85 HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued 6,131 7,072 loA 152 3,542 2,568 5,827 3,133 31 788 61 704 1,071 855 1,130 11 154 148 1,281 2,440 2,118 2,794 11 209 34 45 385 516 434 522 271 421 350 451 103 40 102 259 6,976 14,594 17,394 14,lo0 372 389 16 ,782 12,498 54,093 41,351 172 16,1^3 27 122 404 1,887 410 2,645 19 19 171 195 336 260 37 296 62 495 128 1,300 1,100 11,877 1 36 8 U2 80 661 267 1,922 8,000 178,777 21,101 308.957 49 111 4,437 12,624 6,441,479 11,934,378 1,383 33 143 160 1,504 1,926 276,353 297,753 19.777 17 , 148 620 544 17,605 14,392 62,648 35,016 173 9,746 10 20 U4 385 178 508 644 518 762 665 Owyhee 618 1,347 895 1,344 4 114 10 25 596 313 901 474 2 30 300 500 52 42 806 530 9,996 6.318 491 590 8,236 10,453 1,247.480 1,270,956 20.882 19,563 809 869 20,403 18,795 78,133 69 ,400 373 27,265 35 648 66 984 403 140 492 153 15 117 35 12 6,570 950 30 104 870 104,089 254,389 430 413 12,329 5,273 194,353 78,732 296 458 8,482 4.507 1,526,895 707,840 13 706 13 710 521 594 10 165 8 733 15 260 n ,574 75 1 .250 74 464 1,049 577 1,248 6 76 151 259 1,983 3,583 2,489 4,080 7 41 9 11 227 98 277 127 1 40 51 34 866 283 1,244 303 23 85 423 11,792 51,145 4 17 469 3,368 339,500 3,328,560 3,789 339 273 79 190 7,718 18,256 660 474,895 239 21 522 19 623 330 362 13 599 12 ,549 27 ,351 28 .250 2.393 10 251 273 354 425 1 15 57 16 1,297 413 1,858 442 75 97 97 6,248 6,451 8,072 8,275 11 794 227 58 292 86 1 120 50 42 1.119 870 50.303 42 ,064 :,560 190 30 24 458 318 6,289 5 .976 57 25 248 283 53.894 39 ,270 33,750 556 532 24,094 15,522 87,215 63,441 264 35,571 127 4,242 3,869 5,385 5,720 13 449 28 53 599 1 074 1 308 2 30 53 95 10 057 12 ,852 10 ,049 15 ,173 74 90 1,547 1,139 457,163 242,194 71 133 999 1,651 459,811 561,421 70,400 6 157 168 3,546 3,233 76,332 73,300 119 176 1,497 2,361 332,460 462 ,092 12 15,976 15,009 741 732 14,845 13.141 51.957 43.343 199 8,914 41 137 452 1,477 1,035 1,953 o 150 220 457 386 714 8 400 188 410 461 14 17 178 59 207 82 565 133 287 146 2 33 61 1,261 754 170,571 189,509 46 177 376 1,848 129,632 397.670 243,860 15 .385 9.717 7.451 200 190 8.033 5.473 26,876 15,327 56 6,753 115 26 262 64 29 37 423 688 430 957 2 33 36 35 1,066 1,269 1,559 1,872 3 50 59 262 36 1 16 63 292 7,510 21.973 38 196 15,655 44,209 119 7 1,593 998 1,794 119 33 ,670 18,170 29,926 1,322 123 76 156 64 863 2,553 582 878 162,777 481,680 89 ,970 175 ,268 2,595 2,68^ 27 424 382 650 461 6 61 84 1,765 2,208 2,117 3,035 5 54 10 305 32 407 40 3 34 63 131 57 72 57 9 21 1,090 1,629 24 ,437 24,517 J 15 318 15,499 13,725 21,379 18,948 50 3,765 64 68 2,769 3,555 3.789 60 50 1,186 1,041 1,318 871 221 59 72 4,573 5.329 4,884 5 ,236 8 243 8 15 410 776 485 844 95 113 1,144 1,584 94,978 167,839 Washington 53,213 60,209 1,924 2,044 54,970 51,884 226,563 200 ,547 721 54,803 101 324 1,544 5,404 2,185 7,537 435 19 28 231 274 15 20 1,196 3,051 1.917 3,552 1 200 272 747 349 1,298 63 51 1 257 823 348 982 152 653 142 331 2 ,204 5 ,412 ,029 ,149 ,580 ,629 540 437 10 ,703 7,233 220,644 151,365 579 824 9,639 11,391 2,148,655 2,282,175 3 12 2,750 27,300 11,293 71 78 2,656 2,724 2,682 2,481 20 431 106 4,101 5,865 4,512 5,146 19 1,081 25 17 431 454 676 396 5 56 25 35 1,056 1.546 961 1,214 7 109 1,168 935 3 55 111 7,608 5,418 30.333 3,415 20 25 290 192 24,912 24,213 32 ,487 25 ,202 605 613 30,123 20,815 60,640 45 ,285 143 10,377 47 103 815 1,606 1,827 2,896 8 438 53 121 1,185 2,245 1,454 3,121 3 98 10 32 91 566 104 583 14 25 273 445 317 537 1 20 99 186 3,250 4,117 279,748 341 ,603 15 79 170 1,055 55,771 235.215 16 ,000 24,500 752 64 72 1,650 1,059 35 ,836 20,100 49 66 387 278 84,358 35,654 86 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9 (Part 3 of 4) .-SPECIFIED CROPS Item (For definitions and ejcplanations , see text) Vegetables for home use and for sale (other than Irish and sweet potatoes): Vegetables harvested for home use farms reporting 195^. 1949. Vegetables harvested for sale... farms reporting 195A. 1949 . acres 1954. 1949 . , Sold dollars 1954.. 1949 . , Sweet corn farms reporting 1954., 1949 . , acres 1954. , 1949.. Dry onions farms reporting 1954 . . 1949 . . acres 1954.. 1949 . . Green peas farms reporting 1954.. 1949 . . acres 1954.. 1949 . . Tomatoes farms reporting 1954., 1949 . . acres 1954.. 1949 . . Other vegetables acres 1954., Berries and other small fruits harvested for sale: Strawberries farms reporting 1954. . 1949 . . acres 1954., 1949 . . quarts 1954.. 1949.. Raspberries (tame) farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949.. quarts 1954.. 1949.. Other berries acres 1954., 23,017 23,969 1,635 1,882 29,237 20,704 3,596,954 3,345,976 1,099 1,050 11,887 8,517 223 291 2,443 2,750 261 350 10,643 5,474 148 233 101 156 4,163 332 652 267 464 360,060 660,626 547 691 173 252 217,989 282,164 32 1,141 1,664 122 64 1,751 354 210,390 53,497 112 40 1,580 180 3 5 6 23 4 11 133 7 36 18 20 25,360 15,509 29 50 9 14 8,942 10,458 6 189 221 3 205 383 2 2 (Z) 5 1,550 3,475 3 757 ,174 454 518 25 741 ,875 (Z) 2 3 (Z) 12 2 3 (Z) (Z) (Z) 5,861 18 19 16 15 21,117 20,027 417 298 2 2 1 1 35 130 2 1 1 23 900 31,254 6 20 2 20 1,780 24,096 239 249 1 2 216 400 429 2,073 446 810 Bingham 1,473 1,355 14 13 28 43 7,274 4,446 14 5 15 7 103 46 633 50 27 21 6 32 286 4 673 (For definitions and ejcplanatlons , see text) (kioding Vegetables for borne use and for sale (other than Irish and sweet potatoes): Vegetables harvested for home use farms reporting 1954 . 1949. Vegetables harvested for sale... farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Sold dollars 1954. 1949. Sweet corn farms reporting 1954. 1949 . acres 1954. 1949 . Dry onions farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Green peas farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954., 1949 . , Tomatoes farms reporting 1954 . , 1949 . , acres 1954., 1949 . , Other vegetables acrea 1954., Berries am) other small fruits harvested for sale: Strawberries farms reporting 1954., 1949 . , acres 1954. , 1949 . . quarts 1954.. 1949 . . Raspberries (tame) farms reporting 1954.. 1949 . . acres 1954.. 1949.. quarts 1954.. 1949.. Other berries acres 1954.. 586 451 (Z) 716 30 599 656 114 85 1,633 995 174,689 94,461 107 74 1,532 878 2 3 2 3 6 (Z) 36 652 712 42 71 372 673 33,328 44,934 38 57 319 583 801 670 16 9 1.410 3,320 14 (Z) (Z) (Z) 753 718 6 13 32 11 8,875 5,257 5 5 12 2 (Z) 4 13 10 39 1 43 13 40 400 113,372 12,606 59,286 14 22 3 27 2 17 1 8 8,756 17 713 650 8,349 644 16,128 3 312 1,925 3,346 4,239 13 16 2 2 1,612 3,735 19 570 33,748 14,954 7,128 751 648 6 29 60 440 11,850 32,426 21 22 356 3 5 38 64 1 2 (Z) 2 3 6,400 1,906 3 12 1 3 510 1,384 19 39 103 74 36,075 16,716 19 34 54 34 1 2 (Z) (Z) 2 2 33 52 9 22 6,999 23,093 50 59 14 23 25,248 13,925 2 775 993 9 22 49 323 3,750 22,648 32 52 33 41 21 , 692 36,343 1,700 4,030 Z Reported in small fractions. IDAHO 87 HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 Boise Bonner Bonneville Boundary Butte Camas Canyon Caribou Cassia Clark Clearwater Custer Elmore Franklin 80 346 932 399 135 66 2,273 193 757 20 289 156 220 597 1 32 761 854 438 136 71 2,543 256 704 24 235 100 221 666 2 6 9 4 1 334 4 6 1 19 181 3 13 4 7 1 428 11 1 7 21 251 4 1 17 2 (zi 7,022 1 16 (zi 91 1,091 5 4 (Z) 5 (Z) 6,439 11 (Z) 9 100 1,760 6 231 5,401 161 "40 1,358,207 104 3,122 50 13,234 77,171 7 551 100 344 '10 1,556,221 3,234 30 1,122 28,142 256,274 8 4 6 4 190 3 3 1 8 57 9 7 6 190 ... 6 4 3 57 10 1 7 2 2,194 1 2 (zi 4 274 11 2 ... 3 1,368 2 3 2 271 12 1 3 "2 106 135 1 2 1 1 4 13 14 (Z) 1 (Z) 1,433 1.529 (Z) 1 (Z) 2 16 15 16 1 3 34 2 2 141 17 1 2 50 242 13 (Z) 1 304 (Z) 1 779 19 (Z) 1 (Z) 1 734 36 1 "3 4 1,456 20 21 1 1 (Z) 2 (Z) 47 34 2 (Z) 4 2 2 2 "2 22 23 (Z) (2) 1 33 1 1 1 Vz) 24 (Z) 8 (Z) (Z) 3,057 (Z) 10 (Z) 83 38 25 3 34 12 2 44 5 2 2 26 1 22 15 9 "2 54 2 7 16 2 9 7 27 (Z) 24 6 1 (z) 47 3 1 1 23 (Z) 10 14 4 1 56 (zi 1 6 1 2 4 29 434 37,334 5,979 950 180 77,215 3,500 415 170 30 100 12,775 18,430 3,713 415 54,267 44 2,026 8,762 146 2,906 7,096 31 1 23 34 8 59 8 5 2 6 32 2 21 8 17 60 4 18 9 1 9 22 33 (Z) 3 S 1 (Z) 16 2 1 1 2 34 (z) 4 4 3 (Z) 13 1 2 2 (zi 3 4 35 100 1,900 9,229 1,133 300 22.985 1,178 424 497 1,344 36 146 5,327 6.399 5.174 48 10 , 601 15 392 1,410 990 20 843 2,864 37 38 Uuis Lincoln Madison Minidoka Nez Perce Oneida Owyhee Payette Power Shoshone Teton Twin Falls Valley Washington 207 280 539 714 665 203 333 663 144 104 151 1,269 122 441 1 161 274 517 740 724 142 330 792 150 63 131 1,623 76 536 2 8 1 10 6 61 14 22 248 1 1 7 182 1 79 3 3 6 5 10 34 14 46 263 6 2 222 1 37 4 1,696 (Z) 6 77 7,816 116 232 3,358 1 5 59 2,327 2 1,251 5 156 30 11 3 2,634 39 376 2,695 6 90 2,339 2 982 6 110,085 15 816 13,420 561,412 5,373 51,032 397.413 '50 1,463 3,453 249,772 1,000 253,564 7 1,720 2,606 2,050 2,133 180,533 23 , 978 74,642 341 , 552 2,528 7,329 322,825 2,377 251,401 8 3 1 9 15 11 225 1 1 168 45 9 2 4 2 "3 33 26 221 2 143 48 10 (z) (Z) 6 18 141 2,995 1 (zi 2,089 557 11 (Z) 23 1 1 22 207 2,272 (zi 1,415 356 12 1 1 3 10 23 ... 13 28 13 1 6 9 30 1 35 28 14 (Z) (z) 4 82 232 ... 162 391 15 ... 1 3 117 308 (zi 232 345 16 8 4 29 14 5 1 17 1 8 14 2 1 2 3 18 1 696 35 7,643 116 59 (Z) 19 156 2,441 39 10 (zi 90 153 20 1 1 1 23 ... 11 9 8 21 1 5 54 5 14 . * • 13 9 22 (Z) (Z) (Zl 20 8 4 3 23 (Z) 1 60 "2 7 .. 6 3 24 (Z) (Z) 42 131 9 73 ... "'5 (zi 72 "2 300 25 1 1 15 4 15 2 6 4 2 9 6 4 26 3 8 19 14 31 "i 9 29 i 10 4 27 2 24 27 (Z) (z) 4 1 8 , , (Z) 4 1 (Z) 3 1 11 23 1 1 4 4 25 (z) 22 42 (Z) 2 1 15 1 20 29 21 24 4,573 1,997 11 , 531 517 5,775 288 84 6,065 407 10,420 30 253 1,920 6,013 4,342 48,619 120 19,900 125,936 300 3,686 965 29,179 262 11,490 31 1 1 32 4 26 9 16 2 9 17 1 6 32 4 2 8 9 98 6 3 16 9 5 43 13 33 (Z) (Z) 7 1 10 1 10 (Z) 4 4 (Z) 1 34 1 (Z) 2 1 76 1 1 4 2 2 3 1 35 720 200 10,236 357 7,777 396 11,199 260 5,373 2,329 240 998 36 452 130 1 1,558 1,228 110,432 1 2,250 783 2,822 2 5,437 1.785 6,170 2 1,502 37 38 88 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9 (Part 4 of 4) —SPECIFIED CROPS Item {For definitions and explanations, see text) Bingham Tree fruita, nuts, and grapes: Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees farms reporting acres Apples farms reporting : Trees of all ages number Trees not of bearing age number . Trees of bearing age number , Quantity harvested bushels Peaches farms reporting '. Trees of all ages number '. Trees not of bearing age number Trees of bearing age number '. Quantity harvested bushels Pears farms reporting Trees of all ages number . Trees not of bearing age number . Trees of bearing age number Quantity harvested bushels Cherries: Trees of all ages number Quantity harvested pounds Sour cherries farms reporting '. Trees of all ages number . Trees not of bearing age number : Trees of bearing age number . Quantity harvested pounds Sweet cherries farms reporting '. Trees of all ages number : Trees not of bearing age number ; Trees of bearing age number '. Quantity harvested pounds Plums and prunes farms reporting '. Trees of all ages number Trees not of bearing age number : Trees of bearing age number ; Quantity harvested bushels Apricots farms reporting '. Trees of all ages number Trees not of bearing age number Trees of bearing age number Quantity harvested bushels Grapes farms reporting Vines of all ages number Vines not of bearing age number Vines of bearing age number Quanti ty harvested pounds 19541 . . ],792 1950... 14,119 195^1 . . )4,158 1950^. 16,683 1954».. 1,676 1950... 10,692 19541.. 3)0,997 1950... 325,601 1954' . . 115,44.8 1950... 57,395 19541.. 195,549 1950... 268,206 19541.. 1,055,873 1949... 1,701,334 1954I.. 1,096 1950... 4,788 I954I.. 210,379 1950... 215,935 I954I.. 54,744. 1950... 59,066 I954I.. 155,635 1950... 156, 869 I954I.. 271,831 1949... 282,385 I954I.. 1,137 1950... 5,000 19541 . . 49,368 1950... 52,587 I954I.. 13,846 1950... 19,396 I954I.. 35,522 1950... 33,191 I954I.. 76,274 1949... 54,171 I954I . . 100,051 1950... 128,472 1954I . . 6,372,550 1949... 4,482,672 1954' . . 899 1950... 4,078 1954'.. 33,391 1950... 48,327 19541.. 4,906 1950... 25,567 1954I.. 28,485 1950... 22,760 I9541.. 1,696,694 1949 . . . 588,809 I954I.. 983 1950... 4,410 I954I.. 66,660 1950... 80,145 I954I.. 14,107 1950... 19,077 1954'.. 52,553 1950... 61,068 1954' . . 4,675,856 1949 . . . 3,893,863 1954'.. 1,377 1950... 6,428 1954'.. 362,859 1950... 425,905 I954I.. 63,458 1950... 77,019 I954I.. 299,401 1950... 348,886 I954I.. 517,473 1949... 806,844 I954I.. 941 1950... 5,336 I954I.. 11,467 1950... 32,170 1954'.. 1,734 1950... 4,597 1954'.. 9,733 1950... 27,573 I954I.. 9,172 1949 . . . 22,463 I954I.. 633 1950... 3,041 1954'.. 36,112 1950... 47,592 I954I.. 4,047 1950... 6,592 19 541.. 32,065 1950... 41,000 1954' . . 176,890 1949... 535,720 932 409 534 82 588 10,712 11,061 1,368 2,069 9,344 8,992 42,515 32,679 62 532 4,465 5,450 1,243 718 3,222 4,732 250 5,449 50 366 543 1,408 205 246 338 1,160 713 1,851 353 1,424 230 23,091 34 268 154 549 26 195 128 354 180 8,442 38 311 199 875 42 307 157 568 100 U,649 51 382 10,838 20,664 1,4U 286 9,425 20,378 15,868 40,629 48 527 234 1,497 80 24.6 154 1,251 34 296 3,076 3,805 306 444 2,770 3,361 1,358 33,043 31 174 844 1,742 30 158 33,657 55,572 4,684 654 28,973 54,918 134,036 379,227 12 36 5,779 834 5,538 621 24.1 213 474 228 22 71 7,747 3,149 6,0U 1,034 1,733 2,115 8,720 5,950 91 329 1,654 7,480 27 96 5 38 22 58 585 2,700 64 233 15 48 49 185 1,069 4,780 20 63 1,872 577 1,510 44 362 533 86 330 9 28 25 93 12 48 13 45 14 24 10 39 81 335 19 64 62 271 353 4,497 33 293 54 74 48 282 1,458 3,777 221 744 1,237 3,033 818 4,565 18 54 320 300 91 220 229 80 608 42 31 108 220 367 38 225 182 142 291 157 214 659 8,822 2,665 20 99 69 270 20 81 49 189 412 2,440 51 U5 389 25 363 120 26 1,410 225 36 166 397 793 86 185 311 608 11 363 180 330 23 139 157 141 2 100 31 101 5 64 26 37 100 482 3 142 2 13 167 2U 1,701 38 56 176 1,645 15 1,996 1 32 3 200 21 3 179 188 5 12 16 180 110 1,138 50 245 60 893 86 1,899 6 11 12 24 11 15 10 73 23 178 11 68 12 110 6 123 35 265 15 115 6 50 9 65 2 1,197 5 49 20 150 20 105 10 117 111 431 23 156 3 17 11 251 46 672 59 131 57 670 2,927 9,971 801 1,661 2,126 8,310 4,080 11,112 101 81 6 54 95 27 13 23 13 126 152 257 15 105 137 152 62 173 89 434 250 617 12 96 81 332 11 58 70 274 250 458 102 6 50 239 152 1,111 21 180 131 931 52 546 7 58 U 107 (1) 1 21 12 87 12 50 'For 1954, does not include data for farms with leas than 20 trees or grapevines. See text. ^For 1950, does not include acreage for farms reporting less than 1/2 acre. IDAHO 89 HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 Boise Bonner Bonrieville Boundary Butte Camas Canyon Caribou Cassia Clark Clearwater Custer ElJtore Franklin 10 41 37 32 3 4 296 5 17 14 2 23 25 1 34 582 370 360 54 13 1,877 74 392 U 152 42 184 350 2 17 49 31 33 2 3 4,348 3 21 ... 25 2 38 55 3 7 142 26 51 3 b 4,417 6 51 6 48 10 89 64 4 9 61 45 49 5 3 191 7 25 1 20 5 23 33 5 27 530 357 362 50 11 837 67 327 10 134 30 128 349 6 293 1,141 1,014 672 101 80 67,402 112 495 20 307 110 1,143 1,602 7 39i 5,804 3,783 2,829 505 177 47,897 523 2,875 269 1,759 427 2,608 4,037 3 57 170 225 102 17 10 24,719 4 153 9 106 2 125 321 9 34 1,214 713 846 68 24 12,062 46 390 ... 346 55 158 653 10 236 971 739 570 34 70 42,683 103 333 11 201 108 1,018 1,281 11 360 4,590 3,070 1,983 437 153 35,845 577 2,485 269 1,4U 372 2,450 3,384 12 392 2,044 715 570 70 1 238,509 65 225 5 202 70 745 1,009 13 395 6,566 2,699 4,019 442 65 262,201 299 2,581 115 1,051 405 7,769 3,054 14 4 5 4 11 . • • 1 255 . . . 8 7 1 20 2? 15 12 41 9 70 1 1 1,236 1 68 12 1 117 65 16 49 19 51 44 ... 4 119,723 ... 88 36 1 230 712 17 54 195 21 184 1 4 115,364 2 224 49 2 905 273 18 7 26 18 4 23,375 26 ... 24 1 50 135 19 15 169 15 144 1 4 28,723 '2 119 35 2 295 143 20 49 12 25 26 91,348 ... 62 12 220 577 21 39 26 6 40 80, '541 ... 105 13 ... 611 135 22 39 1 1 30 178,913 18 1 ... 30 465 23 54 9 2 8 ... 191,604 ... 108 4 1,038 144 24 8 33 14 37 1 2 165 3 12 1 19 2 19 25 25 13 2o3 56 190 5 5 581 17 106 4 88 3 74 121 26 84 151 60 128 4 q 23,875 10 38 3 73 4 148 260 27 38 745 133 470 10 14 21,479 35 232 10 294 9 317 440 28 4 19 32 22 4 6 3,952 5 13 ... 19 4 39 170 29 6 163 57 160 6 2 5,446 5 45 ... 57 5 69 100 30 80 132 28 106 ... 3 19,923 5 25 3 54 109 90 31 32 562 76 310 4 12 16,033 30 137 10 227 4 248 340 32 78 259 30 195 45,950 4 24 6 55 ... 60 80 33 44 551 46 520 1 6 28,450 11 203 8 155 ... 344 265 34 18 325 43 264 15,428 2 55 99 12 79 129 35 64 1,240 147 679 15 20,346 49 572 384 13 385 232 36 2ol 6,815 343 4,792 ... 774,094 1,024 1,175 ... 76 152 37 348 13,890 839 6,163 270 329,417 425 5,303 7,173 100 9,797 4,795 38 4 38 10 39 ... 110 14 11 2 14 17 39 6 202 50 152 3 525 16 114 42 2 51 49 40 8 116 35 143 ... 3,259 33 28 9 32 54 41 11 574 100 306 6 4,970 41 441 91 11 114 95 42 5 44 10 66 ... 474 ... 16 9 9 ... 25 43 ... 197 21 133 3,077 52 25 6 24 23 44 3 72 25 77 2,795 17 19 32 29 45 1! 377 79 173 6 1,893 35 339 65 "5 90 67 4e 26 1,050 343 2,042 ... ... 69,951 ... 824 65 76 152 47 292 4,497 319 3,265 270 51,881 405 2,004 1,188 100 2,847 1,835 48 4 35 4 31 161 1 6 12 1 13 9 49 7 217 23 142 4 724 5 56 78 1 69 37 50 10 209 8 121 ... 12,159 1 22 71 3 47 75 51 53 666 47 373 9 15,376 8 131 293 2 271 137 52 3 21 7 35 ... 3,842 ... 16 39 3 4 5 53 16 206 32 227 4 5,458 1 45 52 2 63 37 54 7 183 1 86 ... 8,317 1 6 32 43 70 55 37 460 15 146 5 9,913 7 86 241 208 100 56 235 5,765 2,750 704, 143 200 1,110 ... 57 556 9,393 '20 2,398 ... 777,536 20 3,299 5,985 6,950 2,960 58 7 51 24 42 1 215 4 16 1 16 3 14 31 59 13 348 116 226 19 827 27 151 2 93 6 76 173 60 25 270 209 201 8 25 127,788 22 80 5 107 41 72 253 61 44 1,495 460 797 146 60 152,251 178 552 30 378 20 307 867 62 4 86 42 20 8 lo,UO . . . 17 28 28 2 63 63 6 409 85 271 16 27,494 17 95 . . . 69 4 62 75 64 21 184 167 181 ... 25 111,648 22 53 6 79 13 70 185 65 38 1,086 375 526 UO 57 124,757 161 457 30 309 16 245 792 66 14 185 65 98 I 151,928 32 2 101 5 70 67 32 959 160 523 30 6 325,934 43 344 10 185 7 157 470 68 4 6 7 23 1 ... 189 14 8 1 15 22 69 11 27 18 93 1 ... 1,177 ... 142 27 3 113 92 70 28 10 15 54 2 . . . 5,137 65 20 1 98 316 71 30 51 35 240 2 ... 10,089 425 65 4 410 770 72 ... 4 12 20 2 ... 469 15 14 1 6 99 73 3 30 22 95 1,272 68 27 2 57 61 74 28 6 3 44 4,668 ... 50 6 ... 92 217 75 27 21 13 145 8,817 357 39 2 353 709 76 11 1 2 13 3,949 55 167 77 40 2 2 67 8,713 ... 228 3 2 696 750 78 4 14 16 129 6 12 . . • 14 6 79 6 58 'ii 61 654 33 46 59 23 80 105 107 95 14,432 75 181 199 987 81 28 585 43 280 12 1J,475 147 469 1,913 783 82 16 . . . 35 ... 1,103 ... 52 91 4 865 83 16 136 24 148 10 1,764 ... 49 156 83 37 84 105 91 .. . 60 ... ... 13,379 23 90 ... 19 5 122 85 12 449 19 132 11,711 ... 98 313 ... 1,830 751 86 10 L28 55 62,963 710 175 ... 405 500 87 80 4,781 120 667 30 221,796 856 2,123 23,434 2,622 88 90 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9 (Part 4 of 4) .-SPECIFIED CROPS (For definitions and explanations, see text) Gooding Tree fruits, nuts, and grapes: Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees farms reporting 1954^ . . 1950... acres 195^^ .. 1950^ . . Apples farms reporting igs-i^.. 1950... Trees of all ages number 1954^ . . 1950... Trees not of bearing age number 1954^.. 1950... Trees of bearing age number 1954^. . 1950... Quantity harvested bushels 195'!^.. 1949... Peaches farms reporting 195i^ . . 1950... Trees of all ages number 1954^.. 1950... Trees not of bearing age number 1954^.. 1950... Trees of bearing age number 1954^ . . 1950... Quantity harvested bushels 1954^. . 1949... Pears farms reporting 1954^ . . 1950. . . Trees of all ages number 1954^.. 1950... Trees not of bearing age number 1954^., 1950... Trees of bearing age number 1954^ . . 1950... Quantity harvested bushels 1954^ . , 1949 . . . Cherries: Trees of all ages number 1954^ . . 1950. . , Quantity harvested pounds 1954^ . , 1949... Sour cherries farms reporting 1954^ . . 1950... Trees of all ages number 1954^.. 1950... Trees not of bearing age number 1954^., 1950... Trees of bearing age number 1954^ . . 1950... Quantl ty harvested pounds 1954 ^ . 1949.. Sweet cherries farms reporting 1954^. 1950.. Trees of all ages number 1954^. 1950.. Trees not of bearing age number 1954^. 1950.. Trees of bearing age number 1954^. 1950.. Quantity harveated pounds 1954^. 1949.. Plums and prunes farms reporting 1954^. 1950.. Trees of all ages number 1954^. 1950.. Trees not of bearing age number 1954^. 1950.. Trees of bearing age number 1954 ^ . 1950.. Quantity harvested bushels 1954^. 1949.. Apricots farms reporting 1954^. 1950. . Trees of all ages number 1954^ . 1950.. Trees not of bearing age number 1954^. 1950.. Trees of bearing age number 1954^ . 1950.. Quantity harvested bushels 1954^ . 1949.. Grapes farms reporting 1954 ^ . 1950.. Vines of all ages number 1954^. 1950.. Vines not of bearing age number 1954^. 1950.. Vines of bearing age number 1954^ . 1950.. Quantity harvested pounds 1954^. 1949.. 207 271 2,298 48 316 223 1,982 299 1,134 1 3 2 27 202 139 440 3,674 3,509 66 170 62,489 46,443 30,880 15,738 31,609 30,705 186,240 235,767 94 287 37,927 40,016 8,133 14,350 29,794 25,666 53,140 39,983 40 148 6,365 8,087 959 5,909 5,406 2,178 8,475 2,764 51,841 51,870 4,318,753 1,952,469 60 131 10,584 14,191 1,352 7,687 9,232 6,504 882,379 173,899 98 231 41,257 37,679 8,452 7,519 32,805 30,160 3,436,374 1,778,570 107 247 98,798 90,434 20,565 19,830 78,233 70,604 181,217 170,498 42 232 1,557 3,351 58 283 1,499 3,068 1,594 2,483 21 162 8,964 4,544 23 168 8,941 4,376 c.8,721 SO. 990 55 67 335 475 115 103 145 190 53 70 230 442 1,917 1 477 3,368 5 305 570 95 669 575 1,347 1 382 2,699 4 730 528 2 090 1,190 4 726 51 28 162 111 3,568 921 2,912 1 371 714 213 116 283 2,854 708 2,796 1 088 457 441 559 1 003 40 54 155 255 531 250 204 809 54 9 162 152 477 241 42 657 283 324 559 751 516 262 881 1 .175 518 4 ,901 7,449 50 ,874 35 31 117 156 86 100 248 457 34 28 92 96 52 72 156 361 49G 1 ,354 4,062 6 ,635 41 45 128 236 430 162 633 718 258 26 190 178 172 136 443 540 20 3 547 3,387 44 ,239 36 58 141 309 133 347 464 1 402 44 19 184 213 89 328 280 1 ,189 ^ 795 280 1 095 47 28 224 116 270 113 1,114 357 48 13 254 111 222 100 860 246 17 366 337 223 23 301 27 44 21 312 1,313 4,307 400 523 913 3,784 2,146 4,663 9 65 26 121 10 44 16 77 1 275 127 386 23 56 104 330 65 252 3 16 14 28 5 9 25 365 26 92 30 275 415 2,188 58 367 357 1,821 196 3,649 24 199 152 791 43 355 109 436 16 375 621 124 241 88 619 3,143 9,312 695 2,456 2,448 6,856 2,814 12,056 30 117 155 456 130 237 25 219 93 676 2,328 162 258 514 2,070 3,803 12,151 223 740 12 208 211 532 27 62 200 274 112 398 467 1,735 42 116 175 733 70 282 292 1,052 U, 348 239 1,305 296 1,184 909 3,481 10,041 23,755 16,640 77,623 21 51 171 272 228 416 546 1,805 15 56 128 205 213 360 418 1,600 9,446 8,325 13,977 47,322 18 48 168 266 68 768 363 1,676 14 71 143 263 54 697 220 1,413 595 15,430 2,663 30,301 22 68 177 356 176 508 618 1,421 47 47 150 293 129 461 468 1,128 11 453 374 2,024 25 18 271 70 142 61 963 153 22 46 208 83 120 15 755 70 15 2 453 16 20 34 147 125 339 528 1,477 1,295 32 163 354 213 307 360 1,123 1,082 3,090 75 9,689 9,260 39 543 108 174 54 492 1,822 4,384 970 1,206 852 3,178 1,159 3,364 17 84 669 358 623 187 46 171 38 253 333 1,071 141 220 192 851 328 443 1,610 3,323 33,619 49,043 33 161 198 385 114 159 84 226 2,151 5,349 34 223 1,412 2,938 414 791 998 2,147 31,468 43,694 42 309 627 1,443 340 414 287 1,029 407 538 16 112 119 292 104 107 15 185 11 63 39 529 19 133 20 396 25 1,666 ^For 1954, does not include data for farms vlth leas than 20 trees or grapevines. See tert. ^For 1950, does not include acreage for farms reporting less than 1/2 acre. IDAHO 91 HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued Lewis Lincoln Madison Minidoka Nez Perce Oneida Owyhee Payette Power Shoshone Teton Twin Falls Valley Washington 7 20 13 124 3 51 215 10 4 3 121 3 28 1 71 127 256 282 413 62 315 550 75 47 37 1,110 6 309 2 A 5 30 8 247 3 225 2,454 22 6 3 54"^ 4 322 3 11 1.. 33 26 440 3 369 2,540 44 4 3 957 4 307 4 6 7 21 13 109 3 39 146 19 5 4 111 ^ 24 5 59 100 242 233 297 52 200 209 62 45 17 714 4 194 6 51 63 1,2S7 211 3,319 122 2,624 87,667 410 66 107 12,431 127 4,547 7 557 589 3,572 2,003 6,062 365 3,266 44,981 1,245 263 202 22,402 95 1,744 8 19 23 193 143 253 ... 862 40,536 60 51 14 2,270 45 3,812 9 30 104 551 645 1,627 56 464 6,406 80 111 17 2,251 5 625 10 12 40 1,094 6S 3,066 122 1,762 47,131 350 15 93 10,211 32 735 11 477 485 3,021 1,358 4,435 309 2,802 38,575 1,165 152 185 20,151 90 1,113 12 2i 20 1,162 50 9,464 1,304 362,798 122 42 218 56,045 53 757 13 455 575 2,263 1,344 16,174 172 1,119 531,905 481 485 345 140,251 78 2,223 14 1 2 1 3 106 1 36 112 7 2 35 3 20 15 6 37 - 51 212 12 238 269 9 2 528 126 16 1 3 1 33 3,082 8 3,588 12,401 42 6 11,363 9 3,983 17 10 116 3 165 5,438 39 6,334 14,424 26 3 16,44d 2,571 18 1 27 464 530 5,259 27 6 1,178 9 1,779 19 8 75 ... 113 1,827 9 3,024 3,107 8 3 2,715 1,198 20 1 2 1 6 2,618 8 3,058 7,142 15 ... 10,685 2,204 21 41 9 8 47 1 3 3,011 770 4,207 30 12 3,310 6,408 2,807 11,317 10,388 12,464 18 13,731 9,579 20,049 ■■: 1,473 9,333 1,944 22 23 24 5 4 8 6 s:! 25 93 12 ^ 2 86 ■ 19 25 iO 45 24 79 130 14 119 147 25 21 1 477 2 114 26 15 7 48 20 747 840 2,262 107 12 5 2,776 24 759 27 45 96 101 134 1,305 39 1,279 1,611 177 68 3 4,612 10 651 28 1 2 12 12 242 535 645 7 3 292 16 115 29 15 40 41 65 351- 18 934 903 20 22 3 1,221 2 409 30 14 5 36 8 505 305 1,617 107 5 2 2,484 8 644 31 30 56 60 69 954 21 345 70S 157 46 3,391 8 242 32 3 4 42 17 583 210 2,810 40 3 1 5,179 5 831 33 40 32 49 22 1,973 '2 424 1,267 36 53 ... 4 , 746 12 311 34 22 33 105 25 3,741 1,569 9,825 61 3 51 7,898 23 3,487 35 126 193 32 274 6,346 6 4,042 13,471 92 63 85 10,762 17 3,447 36 205 123 45 101,717 87,627 444,472 54 ... 575 289,503 140 254,194 37 1,964 1,960 196 859 723,076 5,850 447,599 10,526 516 1,143 178,962 1,300 35,013 38 4 5 2 5 65 23 88 12 1 2 56 2 13 39 30 46 13 103 124 4 114 149 27 11 7 402 1 105 40 8 29 100 15 264 1,137 7,068 57 2 44 5,523 9 3,310 41 67 139 25 206 494 2,876 6,620 67 19 79 8,420 7 3,092 42 1 13 11 125 30 1,504 11 2 8 527 305 43 12 49 4 44 183 2,733 5,823 10 11 13 2,334 1,361 44 7 16 100 4 139 1,107 5,564 46 ... 36 4,996 5 3,005 45 55 90 21 162 306 •. 143 797 57 8 66 5,586 7 1,731 46 5 ... 2 45 2,130 69,436 151,925 54 375 238,551 15 252,314 47 1,257 1,910 196 709 25,716 ... 3,012 65,784 10,436 176 1,143 110,279 300 28,053 48 4 1 3 5 100 25 80 3 2 2 72 3 16 49 26 27 3 35 250 2 131 184 14 17 2 426 1 105 50 14 4 5 10 3,477 432 2,757 4 6 7 2,375 14 177 51 59 54 7 68 5,852 2 1,166 6,851 25 44 6 2,342 10 355 52 2 3 10 253 57 251 6 2 121 3 43 53 23 28 3 49 330 1,008 860 9 32 4 353 181 54 14 2 2 3,224 375 2,506 4 5 2,254 6 134 55 36 26 4 '19 5,522 J 158 5,991 16 12 2 1,989 10 174 56 200 126 99,537 13,191 292,547 ... 200 50,952 125 1,880 57 707 50 150 697,360 2,838 381,815 90 340 63,683 1,000 6,960 58 4 6 7 7 93 36 171 10 5 1 69 3 22 59 26 55 33 96 226 31 161 312 34 20 4 449 2 134 60 23 93 142 24 873 6,453 97,208 91 97 8 1,471 19 12,984 61 10^ 153 153 258 2,038 126 18,708 102,166 544 77 77 11,488 19 11,843 62 4 42 10 19 139 ... 338 18,727 6 30 143 6 3,393 63 19 49 37 61 399 1 10,683 12,946 20 38 45 318 3 1,669 64 24 56 132 5 734 ... 6,115 78,481 85 67 8 1,328 13 9,591 65 85 104 116 197 1,689 125 8,025 89,220 524 39 32 11,170 16 10,174 66 17 ... 623 1 439 ... 19,794 126,378 3 3 3 2,675 10 15,902 67 55 118 167 63 2,739 74 12,435 197,454 97 52 IS 10,205 15 36, 861 63 2 6 2 9 112 2 27 82 7 1 85 3 16 69 10 43 3 74 220 21 215 259 17 2 805 160 70 13 21 6 28 914 23 609 437 19 2 673 8 74 71 24 127 7 177 2,464 357 3,441 1,126 56 J, 336 464 72 12 9 4 18 74 356 62 2 68 3 31 73 3 47 2 69 273 "7 241 164 23 307 125 74 1 12 2 10 840 23 253 375 17 610 43 75 16 80 5 11 108 2,191 1,958 350 3,200 411 962 173 33 3 3,029 226 339 21 76 77 7 19 ... 11 1,645 446 1,463 384 ' 2,039 574 78 1 1 3 66 20 62 T 49 16 79 11 '17 2 30 117 6 122 194 5 315 1 108 80 12 2 37 2,485 278 787 7 1,884 16 312 31 100 161 2 715 4,174 13 948 1,986 17 4,432 a 1,684 82 15 542 ... 39 241 105 16 128 83 23 62 1 149 372 3 229 445 12 606 9 171 84 12 2 22 1,944 239 546 7 1,770 184 85 72 99 1 566 96 3,802 12,346 "0 719 2,361 1,541 6,747 s 3,326 9,340 ' 1,513 1,691 36 87 1,030 1,721 50 2,612 49,564 80 8,472 12,357 63 33,219 7,721 88 92 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9a.-SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED [Data for specified crops are not included for farms on Item (For definitions and explanations, see teit) The State Ada Adams Bannock Bear Lake Bingham Blaine Boise 1 Irrigated cropland harvested ..farms reporting — 25,133 1,604 162 584 577 1,894 274 54 2 COHU acres.. . 1,854,573 65,257 10,915 34, 648 48,318 154,794 29,433 2,830 3 Com for all purposes . . farms reporting . . . 3,484 622 4 11 89 839 1 51 1 120 A acres . . . 42,218 7,495 34 90 5 Harvested for grain . . farms reporting . . . 1,342 93 1 1 2 1 D acres. ,. 13,737 786 20 1 7 100 7 bushels . . . 841,185 45,207 200 60 280 3,400 8 Corn sold SmLL GRAINS bushels. . . 340,055 9,834 1,700 9 Grains grown together and threshed as a mixture ..farms reporting... 6,475 466 5 16 5 458 41 3 10 acres.,. 73,320 6,000 74 162 31 4,797 414 27 11 bushels . . . 3,997,557 339,234 2,765 8,335 1.440 233,326 20,120 1,400 12 bushels sold. . . 588,197 49,389 700 250 20,291 3,488 13 Winter wheat threshed or combined.... ..farms reporting... 639 28 1 10 3 17 5 li acres.. , 15,314 293 28 464 27 635 174 15 bushels.. . 438,245 12,879 1,300 3,919 763 16,693 4,251 16 bushels sold. . . 384,498 11,132 1,244 8,502 590 14, 645 3,810 17 Spring wheat threshed or combined.... ..farms reporting... 13,623 525 21 235 50 1,640 190 17 18 acres. .. 249,274 5,317 140 4,964 919 34,404 5,076 154 19 bushels... 11,691,016 249,851 6,894 205,471 15,777 1,594,934 211,489 5,993 20 bushels sold . . . 10,608,688 194,572 5,932 194,582 11,757 1,483,680 189,793 3,481 21 Oats threshed or combined ..farms reporting... 6,528 608 17 115 75 670 151 15 22 acres . . . 71,412 6,376 288 970 985 5,625 2,876 197 23 bushels.,. 3,836,242 397,648 15,188 51,944 41,474 388,973 135,167 7,580 2i bushels sold.. . 1,282,588 101,498 10,550 16,405 17,727 111,665 80,677 1,150 25 Barley threshed or combined ..farms reporting... 5,821 162 21 186 135 678 110 13 26 acres. . . 108,184 1,924 257 3,239 2,532 9,792 2,568 215 27 bushels... 4,517,876 82,673 11,450 130,635 91,313 455,801 103,408 8,545 28 bushels sold. . . 2,405,532 20,772 1,834 64,029 48,913 247,347 63,411 2,600 29 Other grains threshed or combined .... ..farms reporting... 99 5 1 11 2 1 30 acres.. . 1,958 25 32 666 4 20 31 bushels... 49,488 394 650 5,271 185 1,000 32 ANNUAL LEGUMES bushels sold... 21,588 170 400 2,885 33 Dry field and seed beans harvested . . rflrTnt; reDortinp ... 5,088 107 50 1 1 34 acres 139,228 1,665 530 60 60 35 lOO-lb. bags... 2,535,702 24,250 5,843 800 1,320 36 Dry field and seed peas harvested for peas ..farms reporting... 973 1 19 2 37 acres. .. 19,420 16 382 17 38 HAY pounds. . . 27,060,608 16,000 519,016 12,400 39 Land from which hay was cut acres. . . 766,424 29,867 7,127 14,650 35,290 51,154 16,890 1,080 40 Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay (and for dehydrating) . . farms reporting . . . 20,315 1,313 58 449 315 1,677 229 15 41 acres. .. 626,308 28,134 2,725 12,235 3,498 49,164 14,428 711 42 tons... 2,049,237 99,911 5,931 38,194 15,461 154,721 42,662 1,313 43 tons sold. . . 487,804 14,349 552 8,386 1,367 25,333 12,274 450 44 Clover, timothy, and mixtures of c Lover and grasses cut for hay ..farms reporting... 1,458 99 53 13 84 23 13 13 45 acres... 46,547 1,014 3,635 331 3,226 268 1,080 303 46 tons... 70,411 2,260 6,003 677 4,231 529 1,450 465 47 tons sold . . . 6,456 220 428 343 25 3 24 48 Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay ..farms reporting... 833 49 19 20 67 38 16 49 acre^.. . 9,850 302 304 187 1,074 235 508 50 tons , . . 15,126 469 540 296 1,379 427 577 51 tons sold. . . 1,082 7 40 136 14 68 52 Wild hay cut . . farms reporting ... 891 5 10 27 261 9 17 "2 53 acres... 78,777 53 343 1,804 22,413 1,093 829 65 54 tons.. , 89,906 135 449 3,375 23,280 1,713 1,117 35 55 tons sold . . . 6,750 95 192 2,563 440 ... 56 Other hay cut . . farms reporting — 252 26 2 6 8 11 3 1 57 acres. .. 4,467 364 120 93 79 125 45 1 58 tons. .. 7,332 791 110 160 84 269 95 1 59 tons sold . . . 972 137 10 34 12 60 Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa. clover, or small grains .......... ..farms reporting... 9 3 61 acres 475 264 62 FIELD SEED CROPS tons, green weight... 4,100 2,310 63 Alfalfa seed harvested ..farms reporting... 603 15,040 20 491 4 237 8 44 1,235 2 20 64 acres... 65 pounds... 2,821,616 69,209 19,850 3,200 202,399 1,100 66 Red clover seed harvested . . farms reporting . . . 938 73 4 7 57 5 3 67 acres. .. 11,727 837 26 70 983 57 85 68 pounds. . . 5,032,884 331,908 10, 700 18,921 341,980 19,156 18,965 MISCELLANEOUS CROPS 69 Sugar beets harvested for sugar . .farms reporting... 3,969 85 113 342 70 acres. . . 85,696 1,378 3,465 6,549 71 tons. . . 1,547,436 25,113 53,263 87,960 72 Irish potatoes harvested for hcane use or for sale . . farms reporting. . . 7,766 133 10 136 57 1,409 37 3 73 acres^.. 146^291 460 3 2,926 4 37,098 442 12 74 lOO-lb. bags... 25,213,304 88,612 515 465,004 534 5,949,973 37,101 1,525 75 ..farms reporting... 177 7 4 1 10 1 2 76 acres. . . 169 18 2 2 3 (Z) (Z) 77 quarts . . . 213,463 25,360 1,110 900 5,725 20 180 78 Vegetables harvested for sale . . farms reporting^ . . 1,372 116 1 4 2 9 79 acres. . . 19,341 1,720 1 4 25 80 Sold dollars^.. 2,796,493 208,381 60 194 35 7,030 81 Sweet corn . . farms reporting . . . 993 11,553 106 1,550 2 (Z) 5 5 82 acres.. . 4 3 S3 ._...__.__. -Acres 7,788 170 1 (z) 22 84 Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchardSj groves. vineyards, and planted nut trees^ . . . . . farms reporting . . . 1,377 67 18 19 43 3 2 85 acres, . . 13,359 401 823 31 57 2 5 Z Reported in small fractions. ^Does not include acreage for farms with less than 10 1 farms only. ^Does not include data for farms with less than 20 trees or grapevines. harvested. See text. 'Farms reporting and dollars are for wholly irrigated IDAHO 93 FROM IRRIGATED LAND: CENSUS OF 1954 which only part of specifiec crop was irrigated. See te xt] B. liner Bonneville Bounaary Butte Camac Can;/on Caribou Cas.-ia CI art. Cusfer Eljuor... FranJslin Fremont 87 1,170 15 233 51 3,174 399 1,027 57 252 306 821 629 1 ?,595 101,371 525 27,995 8,752 162,650 44,900 95,239 11,207 33,167 25,589 34,969 53,590 2 1 10 2 2 1,082 2 27 2 1 47 61 24 3 1 136 43 15 12,939 17 236 68 4 923 539 335 4 1 609 35 2 5 t 6,347 612 4 6 300 ... 415,380 160,749 31,865 11,345 166 7 8 239 1 34 2 1,179 1 352 3 13 51 10 58 9 2,050 3 541 60 12,621 25 4,045 145 224 620 96 895 10 98,985 100 19,235 2,023 710, 564 1,000 210,769 5,510 7,885 30,850 5,660 38,432 11 10, 753 3,450 823 101,630 300 31,378 2,400 4,620 400 1,537 12 1 16 2 1 54 17 22 1 15 36 5 13 6 2,802 37 17 477 598 930 15 578 798 177 14 30 47,069 1,210 554 22,547 14,344 20,353 120 14,591 16,018 4,423 15 44,385 1,100 500 19,032 13,274 18,466 90 14,181 13,713 3,838 li. 3 954 2 171 17 1,513 61 688 '13 111 116 283 427 17 11 18,562 29 4,208 864 17,258 2,307 13,771 371 1,747 3,088 3,170 11,541 IS 325 885,323 795 195,080 24,111 839,382 65,172 641,401 12,361 70,673 92, 830 133,312 534,400 19 233 794,344 767 169,080 21,460 817,269 61 , 836 570, 956 10,461 63,222 86,508 112,257 491,614 20 9 418 2 94 20 811 66 209 22 105 54 84 222 21 73 3,948 26 1,773 529 6,348 780 1,460 844 1,412 729 449 2,719 22 <,267 199,102 2,110 83,436 16,190 391,240 36,145 85,312 23,739 53,4C4 36,037 28,713 133,598 23 1,835 69,927 2,000 26,933 10,420 102,386 10,219 22,268 7,825 14,520 12,294 6,610 57,338 24 A 351 1 146 20 413 138 279 29 101 112 357 141 25 59 5,818 1 4,34S 1,479 4,895 6,631 5,884 1,345 2,725 3,084 4,843 1,942 26 70< 236,184 75 188,721 43,230 253,265 267,748 227,047 37,193 99,293 112,383 224,878 76,287 27 118,796 110.311 36,740 113,642 167,266 135,120 17,462 43,150 52,049 69,432 35,686 28 1 2 1 19 6 1 1 1 29 2 45 10 208 353 37 1 30 30 55 600 150 150 7,900 2,875 12,996 11,241 1,400 15 120 120 31 32 1 414 1 533 77 2 33 6 7,809 17 12,455 1,505 12 34 60 160,636 180 194,470 24,797 180 35 121 14 1 1 28 1 18 85 36 1,962 183 7 1 1,158 30 299 1,990 37 3,101,258 244,406. 4,400 1,000 1,306,757 35,000 479,781 3,03.3,440 38 1,053 37,190 97 13,352 3,738 53,114 23,293 39,035 7,325 25,427 14,078 11,969 16,294 39 15 1,056 5 197 25 2,609 292 923 46 194 265 507 461 40 272 35,612 90 11,997 3,276 49,791 13,755 34,992 5,377 13,804 11,131 10,896 14,315 41 631 114,378 253 31,166 4,774 206,158 3.\oQb 118,630 9,t>26 25,553 35,742 30,699 37, 877 42 3 26,707 30 11,891 842 45,491 7,874 28,939 2,272 2,515 10,938 2,386 9,998 43 18 10 1 2 3 236 33 29 12 79 23 23 12 44 739 336 7 190 85 2,519 1,798 854 738 4,514 903 396 1,325 45 1,274 517 25 310 130 4,905 3,276 1,059 830 6,227 1,346 757 1,482 46 8 50 1,412 441 107 30 260 5U 40 115 47 i 34 16 4 56 26 15 42 7 15 14 48 30 467 280 71 394 681 88 111 522 92 78 128 49 43 753 34 508 93 210 716 66 898 317 121 205 1,046 90 147 30 149 3 50 51 1 8 6 7 3 39 44 10 54 12 23 16 52 3 602 740 306 63 6,804 2,955 1,069 6,251 1,850 574 368 53 5 532 715 335 87 7,192 1,145 3,517 75 1,165 7,062 5 1,225 855 139 525 165 54 55 1 'lO 6 25 8 4 6 6 6 4 56 14 173 145 325 255 146 30 336 102 25 158 57 14 254 30 154 1 665 141 1 22 300 314 10 161 12 ... 319 50 177 42 142 77 53 59 60 61 62 5 4 8 142 17 1 37 4 63 69 130 699 2,174 478 25 18 1,496 36 64 6,805 8,600 27,100 742,445 65,951 3,000 1,000 258,736 1,015 65 3 1 255 20 17 1 66 53 10 2,690 279 356 17 l;7 17,214 400 1,280,243 114,269 165,011 12,000 68 146 833 17 371 12 343 12 69 2,932 19,611 756 8,263 254 4,564 155 70 35,850 444,453 7,027 127,326 3,840 62,727 2,250 71 26 893 3 113 3 441 40 284 84 40 59 425 72 101 21,856 (>) 2,463 33 5,581 931 6,014 263 1,175 251 607 10,052 73 17,275 3,390,138 13 338,280 5,003 1,235,611 177,189 1,044,569 28,800 136,113 38,876 101,471 1,749,676 74 5 12 35 2 1 3 75 8 6 43 1 1 1 76 8,397 5,979 9 72,693 376 4 1 415 13 160 105 250 4 77 78 17 1 6,973 i (z) 91 1,032 5 79 5,401 1,339,777 104 50 13,178 46,598 716 80 1 6 1 186 3 1 7 50 4 81 (?■) 7 10 1 2,145 4,828 1 (Z) (Z) (Z) 4 37 264 768 2 3 82 83 1 3 275 11 20 , 34 (Z) 4,315 3 13 2 3r. ..1 ?5 94 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 9a.-SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED [Data for specified crops are not included for farms on Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Gooding Irrigated cropland harvested farms reporting... acres. . , CORW Corn for all purposes farms reporting.. acres. . Harvested for grain farms reporting . . acres. - bushels . . Corn so Id bushe Is . . SMALL GRAINS Grains grovm together and threshed as a mixture farms reporting . . acres . . bushels. . bushels sold. . Winter wheat threshed or combined farms reporting.. acres. . bushels. . bushels sold. . Spring wheat threshed or combined farms reporting.. acres. . bushels. . bushels sold. . Oats threshed or combined farms reporting.. acres.. bushels . . bushels sold. . Barley threshed or combined farms reporting.. acres. . bushels. . bushels sold. . Other grains threshed or combined farms reporting.. acres.. bushels . . bushels sold. . ANNUAL LEGUMES Dry field and seed beans harvested for beans farms reporting. . acres.. 100-ib. bags.. Dry field and seed peas harvested for peas farms reporting . . acres. . pounds.. HAY Land from which hay was cut acre.s. . Alfalfa and alfalfa mtxtureE cut for hay (end for dehydrating)..., farms reporting... acres. . tons . . tons sold . . Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay farms reporting.. acres. . tons. . tons sold.. Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grains cut for hay farms reporting.. acres. . tons . . tons sold . , Wild hay cut farms reporting . . acres. . tons . . tons sold.. Other hay cut farms reporting . . acres. . tons. . tons sold.. Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains farms reporting.. acres. . tons, green weight.. FIELD SEED CROPS Alfalfa seed harvested farms reporting . . acres. . pound s . . Red clover seed harvested farms reporting.. acres. . pounds. . MISCELLANEOUS CROPS Sugar beets harvested for sugaj* farms reporting.. acres. . tons . . Irish potatoes harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting . , acres-"-. 100- lb. bags.. Strawberries harvested farms reporting. . acres. . quarts. . Vegetables harvested for sale farms reporting^. acres. . Sold dollars^. Sweet corn farms reporting.. acres. . Other vegetables acres. . Land In bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees^ .farms reporting.. acres. . 679 27,908 199 2,021 99 820 4l,3i3 10,847 243 2,928 173,385 15,799 52 62i 29,150 19,009 95 915 42,843 28,483 148 1,348 78,714 18.387 48 707 26,216 5,236 1 10 400 212 2,521 11,650 490 9,814 33,794 5", 259 5^ 798 2,118 254 19 151 263 *21 616 1,091 42 11 217 384 50 19 543 63 700 30 317 18 201 400 204 39 5 21 ' ■"'4 694 93 353 190 44 8 5 22 1 4 1 •;..; 160 105 46 7 23 lA''''^ 1 A''-'':- - 2 . '4" 1,716 102 294 440 474 295 111 236 345 24 '. . -7'^''" 1 . ^ " '" IC' 2.222 1,617 62 246 412 506 301 90 310 295 25 .ji .--'i': Pi>^.' ■ 44 . OQO' 123,025 29,005 31,900 23,945 25,324 9,889 2,962 ii,e4Ci 9,425 26 : " . "C ■? 1 * , ■ "^ * 74 i; li-U.Vf.o 96,659 16,884 24,553 22,339 20,470 8,863 3,550 6,130 2,980 27 ^■■^■^ =, 1.953 1,611 139 395 486 331 205 55 196 146 26 22 1 .8"'^. 1,45... 60 248 367 420 256 105 225 155 29 ;=■, V'l 11, -■^- 515 160, ^'98 151, .=48 41,663 50,202 37,879 11,102 8,492 2,510 5,270 3,280 30 it./'^^' 19,920 8.000 138.044 129,824 25,857 41,472 28,745 14,860 6,290 12,600 4,045 4,175 31 .:^.8 12=^ 1 .."24 1,133 110 332 326 240 90 35 71 20 32 ='.?-n 2 , ..' 1 ■■ '■■I'' 11' .'<'" 111,992 32,845 42,957 26,252 6,491 2,732 715 1,210 425 33 1 . ' 2 1 754 50 123 245 155 155 25 136 135 34 T' , 1 ■"■ 1 ,^.8L" 40.771 39,856 8,818 7,245 11,627 4.611 5,760 1,795 4,060 2,655 35 6.; 2 2. ..31 1,613 47 164 378 396 390 238 422 391 5 36 F2 ,'-•"" -i ? , 6 ? 3 83.415 584.912 425,887 63,118 81,732 92 , 599 86,776 71,145 30.517 49,882 28,973 80,190 37 3^":" 281 931 570 37 96 138 106 118 75 195 165 38 -'9.6?=. 28.82? 123.215 85,040 7,648 15,487 14,584 17,606 21,975 7,540 23,070 15,105 39 1.2?2 i."!6': n 3.061 2,463 193 520 668 577 342 163 302 295 1 40 -;0.'T61 31.ai8 498,311 2.034,001 1.9-^5,105 1.079,895 389,140 263,446 150,655 51,284 30,485 15,874 15,740 25,282 41 ■;,:o "^lO 1 964 794 74 161 204 189 110 55 105 65 42 ^63.^ ] . S'"'^ 1 r'o "•<'. "42 76,382 24,537 21,641 14,328 7,806 5,380 2,490 1,325 335 43 ^n2l 3,422 19 5 .6 87 3,927 236 683 991 910 701 406 769 991 44 17.6i7 20! '^^f 2 "°7 84.1,02 72.812 16,916 16,779 20,615 8,935 6,647 2,720 5,967 5,903 45 2,877 2.911 24 5 , 547 3,992 243 692 1,006 920 716 415 734 821 46 3,335 3,215 44 5.899 4,221 206 613 896 1,192 911 405 600 675 1 47 81.658 i6,125 14,520 884.728 832,844 206,251 248,767 201,465 109,139 50,439 16,783 32 . 929 16,955 48 ■^0,960 54,720 27,518 846 . 375 803,335 167,358 234,934 182,220 123,755 57,853 31,205 26.460 14,410 150 49 2,760 2,788 23 5,210 3 , 734 219 653 936 864 661 401 684 786 6 50 2,960 2,920 36 5,542 3,936 205 573 824 1,138 825 370 755 850 1 51 li4,328 97,086 583,092 2,763,023 2,524,017 1,172,018 502,772 379,990 262,955 142,318 63,954 78,395 54,138 106,472 52 177, ?50 102,960 203.364 2.333,313 2,168,298 901.697 418,929 354,858 309,821 129,378 53,515 70,220 46,355 48,440 53 89^ 837 6 2.959 1,885 80 210 430 461 436 268 558 511 5 54 ■580 1.130 6 3,311 2,140 59 247 412 536 531 255 560 590 1 55 122.292 74.4^8 83,415 708,147 510,927 70,766 97,219 107,183 104,582 93,120 38,057 72,952 44,076 80, 190 56 118,980 11 0.08=' 8,325 719,758 589,958 82,635 129,828 99,735 128,390 99,100 50,270 68,440 54,160 7,200 57 2 . 087 2 , |"10? 18 2,330 1,914 137 375 512 464 313 113 171 245 58 2,^4^ 2 . 010 33 2.324 1,853 103 278 439 537 361 135 250 220 1 59 "' j.i"'"' 14 , ?40 7,860 342,477 330,187 84,769 89,910 78.430 52.550 17,292 7.236 8,225 4,065 60 1? .635 7,025 263.800 2 20 806 253,110 2 3or 20 806 60,421 1 30 3 240 66.218 1 360 10 288 52,403 7 278 46,953 19,140 7,975 8,335 2,105 250 61 62 63 64 65 1^0 1 760 573 38 108 173 136 98 20 122 65 66 ."'1 1 Pc 31 2 . 160 1,982 284 464 673 363 168 30 134 44 67 1. "-^0 400 23.442 20,872 3,258 4,895 5,991 3,973 2,385 370 1,780 790 68 "1". ^'=' 85 45 5 12 5 16 =. 20 20 69 ^r IK 94 41 20 2 26 5 16 4 70 -,9l :■""' 1,432 1,072 455 247 55 265 50 245 115 71 It 17'. 19 1 19 40 1 19 40 72 73 74 714 652 75 212 163 113 74 15 51 11 75 177 2fl ... 2 .399 2,318 896 655 330 128 90 19 65 16 76 - .' '^^ A'X SO l"-\07" 38,088 16,496 12,048 5,913 1,948 1,168 515 715 274 77 80 4s 1 155 120 9 28 43 10 20 10 10 25 78 ■>n F 3 302 298 65 123 70 5 31 4 1 3 79 .'■?'=■ P'^ ;.,.; 2,278 2,238 767 759 542 65 95 10 10 30 80 2-i'"' >:/' 1 692 572 68 188 178 82 4l 1 0 p' 40 81 1 !':■ 1." 2.218 2,132 724 740 456 126 58 2.P 4'.. 40 82 1 ,''■■'' 87"! HO 33,463 32,228 11,811 10,458 6,141 1,923 750 1 , 14- 585 r.SO 83 102 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table l.-FARMS, ACREAGE, VALUE, AND USE OF COMMERCIAL [Data are based on reports for only Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Area 2 Total all farms Economic class Commercial farms Total Class I Class II Class III Class 17 Class V Class VI 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE 4,412 4,792 1,572,332 1,595,627 356.4 333.0 37,226 27,551 108.73 83.41 39 3,S59 4,331 544,236 573,724 797 344 257 353 521 710 687 190 1,516 1,570 28,348 29,925 2,240 2,137 186,255 144,628 1,812 160.556 920 25,699 1,667 376,019 1,052 138,786 1,433 242,527 355 6,189 3,845 56,161 4,091 4,521 758,839 748,277 3,435 3,719 646,894 691,139 2,332 2,613 514,805 584,306 717 672 9,886 5,273 22 2,595 120 24,669 552 1,078 15,460 117 133 1,881 56 315 3,S1~ 1,180 5,562 97,780 37 16 193 993 3, ■'go 69,634 3,05; 1,455,9;;.' l,43.j,317 52,617 38,345 103.31 83.83 88 2;727 2,901 530,116 555,229 132 149 112 276 471 710 687 190 979 1,025 22,493 23,765 1,905 1,707 181,085 134,283 1,667 158,481 690 22,604 1,199 326,709 825 108,871 1,100 235,592 220 5,629 2,602 51,056 2,773 2,961 733,694 713,277 2,331 2,439 584,794 605,469 1,713 1,793 435;580 481,611 257 237 7,496 3,018 17 2,590 115 24,604 411 1,015 14,400 92 127 1,616 56 315 3,817 1,130 5,535 97,265 12 8 138 923 3,770 69,114 327 166 441,949 357,945 1,351.5 2,156.3 171,047 171,155 141.46 85.67 91 327 160 206,749 127,012 745 571 443,180 395,037 601.6 691.8 70,184 73,798 124.32 108.58 90 733 55b 186,388 202,872 5 5 34 212 459 13 255 159 7,219 3,430 621 405 71,239 51,891 582 63,914 149 7,325 236 80,087 213 29,999 320 59,475 47 1,345 691 13,7''3 738 556 264,846 258,193 591 458 146,781 102,795 399 232 110,086 79,111 45 11 2,690 150 38 5,917 151 410 5,801 41 38 724 25 132 1,575 463 2,359 42,728 332 1,290 24,493 567 690 232,181 317,280 409.5 459.8 35,444 37,793 84.49 79.96 85 535 665 74,023 125,925 10 10 5 36 81 324 68 1 203 250 4,165 5,515 380 420 21,099 28,295 328 17,523 132 3,576 260 67,341 190 22,457 194 32,206 64 1,727 523 10,890 541 670 99,287 159,735 456 545 103,712 132,635 362 400 89,793 122,130 53 20 2,199 595 5 725 21 2,058 85 194 2,878 30 42 500 15 20 380 240 488 9,255 183 444 3,703 5.1 lSS,t.54 188,250 336.3 278.9 21,771 18,282 70.76 64.45 88 526 660 41,722 61,960 26 12 25 78 225 150 10 228 240 4,189 5,345 329 375 12,333 18,570 270 9,167 170 3,216 299 82,961 161 17,095 198 23,724 20 95 481 6,580 536 670 58,294 85,875 476 555 110,874 83,965 374 425 100,056 79,100 36 75 595 i;i75 .10 1,190 21 914 84 152 2,180 136 184 3,697 5 2 25 156 254 5,807 33o 630 91 , 538 136,800 237.3 217.1 13,598 11 ,784 55.02 51.77 89 340 585 13,675 29,650 41 52 41 96 93 17 129 220 1,635 4,315 176 285 5,369 8,495 129 3,660 107 1,709 173 35,743 117 16,065 87 14,704 22 510 336 4,397 350 605 20,679 42,460 276 500 52,082 74,545 253 400 51,808 80,745 67 80 465 450 26 47 618 5 5 100 ~1 81 1,273 '40 50 715 302 320 53,370 41,005 176.7 128.1 12,052 7,476 60.76 59.91 83 266 275 7,559 7,310 50 70 41 66 38 1 61 95 1,008 1,775 83 105 1,369 1,715 52 740 47 629 130 21,636 55 6,215 107 13,551 40 420 266 1,932 281 300 9,936 11,300 247 250 36,245 21,030 170 215 27,901 25,750 45 40 1,100 310 27 68 665 5 45 150 20 12 135 5 1 5 30 15 170 1950... acres 1954... 1950... Value of laud and buildings: 1950. . . 1950... 10 11 Proportion of farms reporting v Land in farms according to use: 1950... alue percent 1954 . . . .farms reporting 1954... 194'i. . . acres 1954... 1949... .farms reporting 1954... .farms reporting 1954... .farms reporting 1954 — .farms reporting 1954... .farms reporting 1954... .farms reporting 1954... •farms reporting 1954... .farms reporting 1954... .farms reporting 1954... 1949... acres 1954... 1949... .farms reporting 1954... 1949... acres 1954... 1949... .farms reporting 1954... acres 1954... .farms reporting 1954 — acres 1954... .farms reporting 1954... acres 1954... .farms reporting 1954... acres 1954... .farms reporting 1954... acres 1954... .farms reporting 1954... acres' 1954... .farms reporting 1954... acres 1954... .farms reporting 1954... 1949... acres 1954... 1949... •farms reporting 1954... 1949... acres 1954. •• 1949... .farms reporting 1954... 1949... acres 1954... 1949... .farms reporting 1954... 1949... acres 1954... 1949... ps grown in strips .farms reporting 1954... acres 1954... crops .farms reporting 1954... acres 1954... -ERTILIZER er na used, 1954; farms reporting... tons — acres on which used. . . 13 U 15 17 18 10 to 19 acres 20 to 29 acres 20 6 150 171 103 61 4,277 3,335 316 117 69,626 25,317 306 63,477 85 6,149 101 38,891 89 17,040 194 91,932 27 1,532 305 13,434 327 160 280,652 155,714 285 131 135,100 190,499 155 71 55,931 94,775 11 447 338 2 675 35 15,715 38 144 2,253 16 42 492 11 118 1,712 200 2,411 40,127 5 108 177 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 500 acres and over Cropland used only for pasture Cropland not harvested and not 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Cultivated snraner fallow... Other cropland 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 Woodland not pastured Other pasture (not cropland anc not woodland) Improved (see text) Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) 47 43 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 Land in row or close-seeded crc for wind erosion control Cropland used for row or grain 65 66 67 63 USE OF COMMERCIAL I Crops on which comnercial fcrlili Hay and cropland pastured 70 71 tons. . . acres on which used... 73 74 tons . . . acres on which used... 76 77 78 79 80 81 tons... acres on which used... Fruits, vegetables, potatoes, etc farms reporting... tons... acres on which used... 82 83 tons... acres on which used... 1,717 29,226 IDAHO FKKTILIZER. BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued 103 a sample of farms. See text] Area 2 — Continued Economic class— Continued Total all farms Economic :lass Other farms Coinnerc lal farms Other farms Resi- dential Part-time Abnormal Total Class 1 Class 11 Class III Class IV Clsss V Class VI Part-time Resi- dentisl Abnormal t-.il 881 9,773 7,917 392 1,395 2,189 2,073 l,45o 412 QoO 2 1 025 1,105 10 10,296 8,036 289 1,063 1,952 2,452 1,700 580 1,190 1.070 2 vo.St.ri 45,550 2,471,542 2,299,573 1,008,415 494,404 401,061 248,889 124,998 21,806 25,J11 1-. ,590 131,063 3 ■.>,,T'"'n 81,000 1,920 2,345,519 2,271,184 989,579 464,195 401 , 565 275,175 116,230 24,440 54,715 19,620 4 no.; 51.7 252.9 290.5 2,572.5 354.4 183.2 120.1 85.9 52.9 28.3 16.2 65,534.0 5 : :;.."' 73.3 102!o 227.8 282.6 3,424.1 436.7 205.7 112.2 68.4 42.1 46.0 13.3 6 ■■',■•■■" 3,140 25,119 28,364 104,908 39,439 27,878 .'0,111 13,696 10,894 10,228 9,095 1,640,550 7 c,415 19,500 16,807 19,537 82,791 33,885 20,865 13,829 10,774 8,376 7,924 6,932 8 -•'.■'f 151.30 115.00 114.98 61.96 121.43 147.23 158.73 156.30 212.64 389.86 5"6.49 25.03 9 '"'.''-'' 83.85 300.00 84.54 79.07 28.54 85.55 117.09 127.18 155.79 196.76 163.34 414.83 10 ^3 86 35 35 88 87 83 87 72 89 86 ioo 11 <05 7,94'' 7,136 369 1,347 2,038 1,920 1,120 292 464 345 ., 12 845 10 8,560 7,360 254 1,048 1,901 2,282 1,405 470 730 420 13 '.-" 4,650 447,336 432,795 69,617 127,129 126,493 73,785 30,534 5,237 5,821 2,220 6,500 14 : .• 1 -,340 545 425,758 411,518 53,507 101,148 117,918 94,025 38,145 6,775 11,145 3,095 15 440 1,166 606 15 56 130 290 115 275 285 16 105 1,019 894 10 32 156 306 330 60 100 25 17 40 978 903 55 151 441 195 61 50 25 18 t..." 15 1,572 1,546 22 132 564 582 151 45 21 5 19 ■'.'' ^ 2,240 2,213 90 678 935 382 122 11 17 5 20 699 693 135 272 194 63 29 1 21 232 232 87 101 30 11 3 22 41 39 25 12 2 23 305 6,163 5,225 198 906 1,512 1,460 893 256 511 425 2 24 '.^'^ 360 10 5,061 4,186 129 598 1,049 1,355 820 235 465 410 25 ."■ . * -•'■ 3,210 132,289 126,198 19,677 25,859 35,026 27,901 15,324 2,411 3,810 1,615 666 26 -■ ■■ 3,380 740 92,629 84,884 8,711 16,945 22,718 26,285 8,795 1,430 3,785 3,960 27 155 1,414 1,287 42 245 423 337 184 56 57 70 28 1". 270 5 1,579 1,329 65 226 343 330 295 70 160 90 29 ■'■ .-■''■'' 1,680 59,014 52,863 8,274 15,717 12,572 9,533 5,597 1,170 2,556 3,595 30 3 .' "'0 o,765 520 55,739 49,999 3,268 13,521 15,900 6,270 10,100 940 4,010 1,730 31 nO 65 386 360 11 73 117 75 73 11 16 10 32 1 ,.^, 1 715 20,049 19,144 3,080 7,745 5,167 1,690 1,372 90 850 55 33 i,:- 105 1,120 1,008 34 179 334 285 126 50 52 60 34 Z'.llG 965 38,965 33,719 5,194 7,972 7,405 7,843 4,225 1,080 1 ,700 3,540 35 ?.;" 221 10- 96 10 24 28 24 10 10 1 36 i;,?nn 16,610 106,162 102,887 79,132 10,463 5,732 7,475 85 50 3,225 37 llD 111 83 73 3 18 17 25 'io 5 5 38 .r,y:o 13,715 4,721 4,516 2,690 607 884 220 115 200 5 39 176 3,360 2,725 151 434 790 647 566 137 318 315 2 40 3,220 1,610,982 1,477,355 315,147 285,124 190,703 110,861 64,461 11,059 10,092 3,135 120,400 41 75 1,615 1,375 75 247 388 369 265 31 125 115 42 220 41,701 39,786 10,892 7,243 10,011 8,546 2,975 119 755 1,160 43 ■, 3 720 9,092 ",552 371 1,324 2,119 1,980 1,371 387 763 775 ; 44 3,„..0 ;,465 111,038 102,959 13,878 29,505 29,651 19,114 8,997 1,814 2,832 4,970 277 45 '-:.3 755 8,854 -,513 375 1,362 2,134 2,020 1,245 377 704 635 2 46 ■^Qfi 960 10 9,352 ■,662 266 1,048 1,926 2,377 1,540 505 975 715 47 l^bOS ^J,540 638,639 611,356 97,563 168,705 174,091 111,219 51,455 8,818 12,187 7,430 7,166 48 15,-10 l-',485 1,805 574,126 546,401 65,486 131,614 156,536 126,580 57,040 9,145 18,940 3,785 49 483 o;i 8,718 7,ir3 311 1,208 1,998 1,938 1,346 372 803 740 2 50 »70 800 10 3,871 7,121 219 918 1,727 2,237 1,535 4«5 960 790 51 Ji.i'c.O 23,040 1,849,433 1,706,440 913,956 321,446 231,461 146,237 79,870 13,470 13,902 4,800 124,291 52 ,7,;io 37,770 740 1,698,760 1,657,400 916,763 297,831 236,139 144,157 51,445 11,065 32,535 8,825 53 308 311 175 154 11 35 44 44 10 10 5 15 "i 54 345 480 343 318 20 42 116 85 40 15 5 20 55 -s,wo 30,325 110,883 107,403 31,822 11,070 6,616 7,695 85 115 200 55 3,225 56 ,3,;.fl5 54,110 97,925 97,-90 49,342 20,433 19,880 6,560 760 815 10 125 57 170 290 9,141 7,513 374 1,350 2,081 1,998 1,318 392 836 790 2 58 130 300 5 9,731 7,721 270 1,019 1,885 2,357 1,625 565 1,120 890 59 1,I3' 1,255 508,825 488,434 73,499 133,778 145,902 90,465 37,723 7,067 9,090 4,635 6,666 60 f. 1,500 120 491,118 16 500 63 2,445 469,033 16 500 63 2,445 62,017 1 40 100,254 10 380 18 926 137,989 5 80 29 874 112,473 16 645 46,425 ... ... 9,875 15,220 6,865 61 62 63 64 65 .,0 1,739 1,724 113 443 547 391 165 60 45 20 66 4,963 4,927 626 1,909 1,408 667 230 8'.' 28 3 67 35,078 34,753 5,685 11,200 10,032 4,901 2,045 890 275 50 68 5 20 482 42- 18 148 131 85 45 30 25 69 5 911 877 122 451 172 92 40 13 21 70 60 5,57- 5,357 722 2,510 1,130 785 210 160 60 71 1,056 1,051 117 458 356 100 20 5 72 7,667 7,652 1,996 3,443 1,884 295 34 15 73 23,278 23,188 6,042 10,577 5, "19 735 115 90 74 ,. 10 1,049 1,034 84 340 341 173 90 6 15 75 1 -' 8 2,168 2,123 254 917 586 227 135 4 45 76 -.10 105 17,798 17,673 3,145 6,229 4,748 2,325 1,175 51 125 ... 77 ■-> 10 815 785 149 315 161 120 40 25 5 78 2 7,824 7,804 5,541 1,588 401 226 48 19 1 79 " 20 18,205 17,970 9,255 5,460 1,665 1,225 365 230 5 80 10 ... 2,227 2,187 159 592 791 444 135 66 30 10 81 6 7,184 7,146 1,459 2,316 2,226 862 212 71 32 6 82 no 41 , 543 4i,.:e8 7,039 12,951 13,212 5,903 1,600 533 215 40 83 104 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table l.-FARMS. ACREAGE, VALUE, AND USE OF COMMERCIAL [Data are based on reports for only (For definitions and explanations, see text) FAMC, ACRE4GE, AND VALUE Farms numter 195A. 1950. Land in farms acres 195A. 1950. Average size of farm acres 1954. 1950. Value of land and buildings: Average per farm dollars 195-4 . 1950. Average per acre dollars 1954. 1950. Proportion of farms reporting value percent 1954. Laud in forns according to use; Cropland harvested farms reporting 1954 . 1949. acres 1954. 1949. 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 1954. 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 1954. 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 1954. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 1954. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1954. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 1954. 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 1954. 500 acres and over farms reporting 1954. Cropland used only for pasture., farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting 1954 . 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Cultivated summer fallow farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. Other cropland farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. Woodland pastured farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. Woodland not pastured farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. Other pasture (not cropland snd not woodland) farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. Improved (see text) farms reporting 1954. acres" 1954. Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. Cropland, total farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Land pastured, total farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Woodland, total farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Irrigated land in famis farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Land In row or close-seeded crops grown in strips for wind erosion control farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. Cropland used for row or grain crops farmed on contour farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER Crops on which commercial fertilizer was used, 1954: Hay and cropland pastured farms reporting. tons. acres on which used. Other pasture farms reporting. tons. acres on which used. Sugar beets farms reporting. tons, acres on which used. Wheat farms reporting. tons, acres on which used. Fruits, vegetables, potatoes, etc. ...farms reporting. tons. acres on which used. Other crops farms reporting. tons. acres on which used. Total all farms 7,20D 7,545 ,337,036 ,554,120 252.8 206.0 34,6S4 24,123 148.16 120.76 6,617 6,910 632,292 577,428 297 316 446 1,025 2,690 1,386 352 105 4,382 3,773 122,949 72,570 999 1,201 99,466 75,959 486 61,816 666 37,650 48 2,282 31 395 2,962 845,942 1,239 49,183 6,936 133,710 6,925 7,217 854,707 725,957 5,919 0,123 971,173 756,936 79 215 2,677 24,073 6,372 7,272 669,423 35 1,035 32 3,007 3 021 8 o55 82 120 453 526 5 o30 1 580 7 711 36 164 2 344 5 800 57 922 1 115 4 307 25 315 2 035 5 0.,6 ■,7 972 Economic class Cormnercial farms 6,633 6,835 1,797,111 1,524,340 270. o 223.0 36,970 25, 648 146.46 119.80 6,331 6,520 628,355 573,073 117 266 431 995 2,680 1,386 352 104 4,117 3,543 117,464 69,925 953 1,086 96,721 70,714 470 61,171 635 35,550 48 2,282 31 395 2,770 824,699 1,174 48,953 6,419 127,195 6,469 6,657 842,540 713,712 5,492 5,643 944,445 742,966 79 170 2,677 22,743 6,392 6,672 663,398 615,451 35 32 3,007 2,981 81,810 448 524 5,565 1,580 7,711 36, 164 2,319 5,784 57,757 1,105 4,804 25,230 1,980 5,022 47,632 644 418 774,217 539,253 1,202.2 1,290.1 101,514 73,390 94.05 60.69 83 604 380 189,335 110,323 9 42 257 215 81 354 195 31,665 14,384 120 68 41,572 23,287 66 29,782 80 11,790 7 214 1 320 ,77,490 93 17,251 603 33,621 608 392 262,572 147,994 472 364 509,359 367,402 8 3 534 2,483 591 377 173,378 101,433 358 2,107 21,137 41 87 850 295 3,598 16,648 285 2,510 22,502 276 2,876 14,152 242 1,257 12,473 1,869 1,392 465,328 399,704 249.0 287.1 48,496 40,037 201.87 140.66 84 1,638 1,366 216,580 133,044 6 11 1 45 798 361 97 19 1,160 682 32,125 15,479 251 233 28,777 26,717 121 15,979 159 12,798 15 20 10 30 737 147,819 354 14,808 1,825 39,977 1,849 1,376 277,482 225,240 1,529 1,189 179,964 158,593 25 37 50 5,340 1,821 1,357 230,866 182,650 10 3b0 12 691 1,045 3,544 30,680 145 136 1,990 715 2,823 13,481 332 1,588 17,951 1,525 8,368 740 2,052 17,622 2,095 2,323 344,165 331,918 164.3 142.9 27,4£8 22,701 173.14 170.70 90 2,08o 2,302 145,436 168,966 21 335 1,383 213 22 2 1,346 1,361 29,077 20,832 344 340 17,639 10, 530 177 10,572 220 7,067 16 2,028 10 15 116,018 379 10,524 2,065 33,952 2,092 2,312 192,152 200, 328 1,817 1,933 147,123 116,407 26 55 2,043 5,575 2,065 2,317 165,019 197,288 15 175 996 2,092 21,013 175 155 1,895 415 986 4,725 802 1,224 12,904 240 351 2,300 641 1,094 11,810 1,269 1,726 154,071 169,255 121.4 98.1 19,354 15,433 150.07 151.38 84 1,188 1,651 60,314 33,755 15 55 195 451 410 16 2 318 905 18,587 11,240 171 270 5,863 4,965 74 4, ,33 115 2,435 10 20 10 30 545 55,374 193 4,685 1,236 12,873 1,229 1,68b 85,769 99,950 1,043 1,461 73,981 50,429 20 45 50 8,470 1,213 1,701 72, 160 99,680 10 500 417 587 7,320 52 42 130 195 985 335 359 3,860 45 52 460 257 525 4,747 595 796 46,450 71,330 78.1 89.5 13,022 10, 165 160.68 117.95 92 494 691 14, 120 24,310 40 130 140 145 31 343 320 4,850 5,960 61 140 1,695 3,650 31 285 1,410 255 20,711 140 1,635 554 5,064 540 736 20,575 34,920 510 531 25,571 32,930 20 125 552 760 13,295 29,585 140 194 1,400 25 34 210 25 109 325 93 540 IDAHO FERTILIZER. BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Conlinuecl 105 6 BBinple of farms. See text] Are a 3t^^ontijiued Area 4 Econcroic class— Continued EeonoiDic class Other farms Total Coimercial farms other fanne farnja Part-tine .""f", Abnom dential Bl Total Class I Class II Class III Class IT Class V Class VI Part-time Resi- dential Abnormal J06 326 1 11,381 9,762 706 2,509 2,866 2,l6U 1,175 346 815 775 29 1 395 300 15 11,477 10,180 605 1,902 3,310 2,ol6 1,322 ,25 735 540 22 2 d,t)50 16,475 12,8 00 4,683,139 4,297,326 1,378,596 1,412,744 842,332 463, 607 159,457 ,0,540 23,115 9,195 348,503 3 lr-,'335 12,355 4 40 4,404,436 ,,172,217 1,312,828 1,250,449 910,299 493,633 165,198 39,760 37,855 13,835 180, 529 4 28.3 56.7 12,800 .0 411.5 ..40.2 1,952.7 563.1 293.9 214.6 135.7 117.2 34.5 11.9 12,017.3 5 ^3.0 ■^.l 29 .3 383.8 409.8 2,170.0 657.4 275.0 188.7 125.0 93.6 51.5 25.6 8,205.9 6 .-i.350 11,864 J4,140 38,626 121,999 55,532 30,251 21,392 14,083 8,643 7,019 5,930 100,188 7 o.or.l 7,123 1,6 00 25,457 27,555 101,422 42,475 23,445 17,129 11,049 7,170 8,211 6,773 46,860 8 ^'■'f'.^5 2,7.07 91.74 91.10 65.21 102.96 103.46 100.01 110.88 77.12 189.35 487.42 29.81 9 L.'".:'9 201.20 200. 00 71.66 71.07 51.94 65.89 85.74 94.24 39.53 65.07 150.65 283.36 13.33 10 90 31 89 89 37 90 90 91 39 77 90 93 62 11 156 130 10,283 9,391 683 2,455 2,812 2,104 1,072 265 540 330 22 12 235 140 15 10,798 9,872 577 1,869 3,230 2,559 1,207 380 610 300 16 13 3,082 855 1,491,589 1,473,095 363,588 541,379 334,463 175,582 50,896 7,187 10,265 1,590 6,639 14 J, '''5 5 1,240 1 60 1,481,905 1,449,007 353,833 454,973 379,011 188,320 60,325 12,045 12,675 2,300 17,923 15 ':'■ 105 651 181 ... 6 5 15 90 65 180 285 5 16 3: 15 507 287 5 ... 31 35 150 66 175 40 5 17 ■ ij 5 618 528 10 11 80 157 220 50 85 5 ... 18 25 1,249 1,184 10 42 328 511 247 46 65 ... 19 10 3,105 3,075 35 705 1,229 795 281 30 25 5 20 2,268 2,253 178 804 736 468 60 7 10 5 21 1,337 1,337 183 648 364 118 23 1 ... 22 .. 548 546 262 239 39 5 1 2 23 150 5,329 4,789 283 1,292 1,503 1,074 516 121 295 240 5 24 105 4,847 4,497 241 899 1,694 1,078 485 100 215 135 25 ; . ■- ■" -■ 4,330 131,880 128,365 20,029 37,420 31,197 25,493 12,422 1,804 2,360 955 200 26 svo 1,775 182,690 175,315 62,770 47,736 30,359 26,395 7,225 830 5,900 1,475 27 2t. 20 3,971 3,841 361 1,088 1,067 958 339 28 85 40 5 28 »5 60 IC 4,368 4,116 388 884 1,414 953 377 100 145 100 7 29 1,375 1,370 691,875 687,560 217,428 272,445 123, 560 57,157 15,979 2,700 1,100 515 30 i , 5..0 3,485 2 20 684,340 669,925 227,254 216,076 147,792 54,680 19,633 3,890 3,765 7,260 31 11 5 3,259 3,169 315 921 885 767 258 i2 60 25 5 32 0,0 5 634,827 632,117 205,745 255,567 103,609 49,397 11,908 891 1,130 1,015 515 33 lo 15 1,170 1,125 73 292 345 282 123 10 30 15 34 735 1,365 57,048 55,443 11,683 16,878 14,951 7,760 4,071 100 1,520 S5 ... 35 519 504 50 134 145 127 28 20 15 ... 36 94,775 94,700 20,666 26,092 22,112 19,340 3,335 3,155 75 ... 37 188 178 16 79 48 30 5 10 ... 38 14,845 14,680 1,823 8,269 2,363 2,200 25 ... 165 ... ... 39 130 ol 1 5,234 4,680 355 1,133 1,394 1,041 591 166 325 220 9 40 -.'■■15 f.;2;. 12,8 oc 1,918,176 1,568,087 684,200 406,204 248,152 141,533 63,004 24,944 7,465 3,295 339,329 41 ■JJ 25 1,726 1,605 117 419 491 360 132 36 90 30 1 42 lb5 65 71,438 70,123 19, 731 21,137 15,187 9,318 2,935 1,265 1,050 115 150 43 2oo 251 10,688 9,286 659 2,387 2,769 2,055 1,095 321 700 685 17 44 1,123 5,392 339,999 330,839 70, 862 120,935 80,535 42,252 13,796 2,459 5,085 2,255 1,320 45 221 235 10,651 9,509 685 2,462 2,824 2,129 1,123 281 655 465 22 46 305 240 15 11,093 9,985 584 1,884 3,285 2,580 1,257 395 665 425 13 47 5 , 612 o,555 2,315,344 2,289,020 601,045 851,244 489,220 258,232 79,297 9,982 15,325 3,645 7,354 48 5,3d5 0,500 : sc 2,349,435 2,294,247 643,857 718,735 557,162 269,895 87,183 17,365 22,465 7,540 25,183 49 230 196 1 8,847 7,823 497 1,995 2,384 1,778 918 256 550 445 14 50 300 170 IC 9,149 8,349 440 1,495 2,848 2,231 1,020 315 475 310 15 51 3,070 10,358 12, £ oc 2,144,831 1,791,152 724,895 469,716 301,461 186,416 78,761 29,903 9,900 4,250 339, 529 52 10,305 3,645 2C 1,853,003 1,680,194 639,840 464,258 290,606 199,970 65,740 19,780 17,280 6,365 154,164 53 662 637 63 202 172 152 28 20 25 54 15 30 1,054 1,004 66 252 286 275 100 25 35 'io 5 55 . 109,620 109,380 22,489 34,361 24,475 21,540 3,360 3,155 240 56 ,0 1,290 . 183,626 180,196 57,983 44,758 40,640 32,285 3,685 840 1,905 400 1,125 57 2oC 220 9,362 8,236 543 2,065 2,484 1,878 1,002 259 650 460 16 58 3o0 225 1- 9,599 8,627 447 1,522 2,911 2,357 1,065 325 585 375 12 59 3. ^65 2,460 803,639 790,260 158,739 264,398 203,737 113,648 37,904 6,784 10,060 2,125 1,194 60 ..,630 2,305 ^ « 741,263 718,, 13 102 14,439 115,063 9 2,235 196,526 51 4,664 221,387 31 6,525 136,402 11 965 42,295 6,740 13,735 2,860 6,255 61 62 63 299 289 32 110 86 35 26 10 64 37,930 37,840 12,162 11,754 11,794 1,575 555 140 65 30 10 2,706 223 941 360 466 171 40 35 15 1 66 7 4 V.oo3 7,793 1,486 3,183 1,750 1,064 272 38 55 4 31 67 150 160 77, 97^ 76,971 15,524 29,999 19,306 9,433 2,244 460 555 45 400 68 10 ... '355 340 29 135 76 55 40 5 5 10 69 2 514 510 130 219 89 22 48 2 2 2 70 65 9,626 9,591 5,503 2,443 855 340 430 20 15 20 71 l.Cl? 1,008 123 308 397 145 30 5 5 5 72 ^,22t' 3,197 930 1,050 924 203 30 10 2 26 73 17'"53 17,753 5,385 5,583 5,325 1,235 190 35 25 ... 175 74 20 5 2,102 2,056 232 672 667 332 138 15 40 5 1 75 l.i 2 '■. 140 5,098 1,710 1,664 1,126 412 176 10 34 2 6 76 155 10 oij, !,7 59,732 18,465 21,446 12,873 5,065 1,813 120 270 15 80 77 5 5 2,373 2,347 253 892 811 326 60 5 25 ... 1 78 1 2 3,990 8,975 3,289 3,423 1,638 588 36 1 12 ... 3 79 5 30 63,406 63,267 19,751 26,360 12,679 4,127 345 5 105 ... 34 80 50 5 1,405 1,384 159 497 410 192 116 10 20 ... 1 81 22 2 3,331 3,308 1,013 1,349 582 259 95 10 13 10 82 270 70 35,.;.13 35,368 9,850 14, 506 7,012 2,604 1,296 100 115 UO 83 106 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 2.-FARM FACILITIES, OFF-FARM WORK. WORK POWER, FARM LABOR, AND [Data are baaed on reports for only The State Item (For definitioQB and explanations, see text) Total all farms Economic class Corranercial farms Total Class I Class II Class III Class n Claaa V Class VI 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 SPECIFIED FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT 26,154 37,364 37,195 11,409 33,892 16,725 971 6,300 14,367 11,821 13,404 280 280 6,558 6,635 2,175 2,225 27,247 38,838 29,893 26,770 49,753 37,749 33,014 43,189 9,370 9,919 19,859 18,351 10,827 9,301 6,127 2,790 13,962 15,931 36,365 86,781 35,928 34,967 14,823 22,841 8,028 28,973 3,945 6,947 5,263 22,026 38,238 29,747 24,087 9,510,105 21,908 26,203 30,442,241 32,196,779 18,769 3,139 29,250 30,386 26,724,171 24,749,164 32,897 31,077 19,086,688 15,071,471 17,357 8,380,325 110,620 949,792 22,044 30, 180 30,272 9,178 27,683 14,328 891 6,076 13,744 11,499 13,066 274 274 6,394 6,470 2,102 2,147 23,728 34,769 27,316 24,716 46,884 35,470 27,102 35,976 3,319 3,379 13,498 11,956 5,092 3,836 2,361 1,605 13,040 14,276 29,972 78,115 29,562 28,926 13,016 20,437 7,892 28,752 3,926 6,913 5,140 21,839 31,094 26,581 21,215 9,206,373 20, 960 24,504 30,279,868 31,830,261 17,824 3,136 23,484 25,083 25,423,939 23,384,127 29,020 28,018 18,640,767 14,686,020 16,361 8,315,520 109,672 938,244 1,974 2,259 1,567 1,015 2,180 1,556 116 675 521 1,529 2,238 17 17 911 958 359 373 2,239 6,285 2,210 1,497 7,130 4,123 2,236 5,052 46 56 495 334 137 132 35 74 1,323 887 2,277 14,430 2,157 2,112 905 1,681 1,783 10,637 1,430 3,841 964 6,796 2,309 2,286 1,460 1,629,887 2,243 1,640 15,229,167 12,241,564 704 1,539 1,684 1,343 9,823,663 9,153,014 2,264 1,623 4,503,368 2,822,831 1,669 2,951,261 37,560 301,935 5,910 7,043 5,281 2,640 6,808 4,176 247 1,775 3,146 3,914 4,501 109 109 2,169 2,181 753 759 6,580 10,640 6,969 5,130 14,568 9,320 6,828 9,613 138 170 2,304 1,367 372 291 157 94 3,526 3,443 7,008 22,562 6,881 6,759 3,307 5,525 3,202 10,278 1,734 2,208 1,893 8,070 7,194 6,807 5,015 2,859,142 6,375 5,153 9,808,310 10,058,547 5,039 1,336 5,526 4,463 6,177,964 4,343,578 7,062 5,314 6,308,906 4,485,258 5,158 3,004,339 39,755 342,881 6,437 8,452 8,830 2,546 7,897 3,973 283 1,385 4,812 3,380 3,572 82 82 1,881 1,897 612 617 6,839 3,470 3,159 8,223 12,677 10,788 7,843 9,373 493 421 3,318 2,890 1,102 626 375 201 3,816 4,343 8,443 19,330 8,366 3,184 3,911 6,144 1,742 5,002 505 558 1,345 4,444 8,717 7,724 6,291 2,608,307 6,359 3,055 3,462,413 6,451,857 6,169 190 6,662 7,336 4,853,346 4,835,630 3,478 8,643 4,405,740 4,011,457 5,121 1,589,234 21,437 188,980 4,463 6,308 8,143 1,626 6,080 2,767 165 1,121 3,469 1,931 1,991 41 41 1,006 1,006 257 277 4,741 5,575 6,073 6,344 7,870 7,339 5,646 6,680 976 1,071 3,541 3,818 1,586 1,317 541 388 2,844 3,229 6,649 12,951 6,594 6,470 2,940 4,380 803 2,101 185 217 642 1,884 6,960 5,803 4,962 1,427,294 3,853 6,169 1,276,068 2,285,197 3,810 43 5,196 6,760 2,706,974 3,236,845 6,489 7,400 2,363,743 2,362,949 2,920 564,982 8,028 76,061 2,501 4,092 4,821 1,016 3,509 1,382 50 503 1,483 617 636 10 10 340 340 85 35 2,541 2,942 3,023 2,837 3,584 3,140 3,382 3,946 1,664 1,661 2,859 2,987 1,385 1,470 302 524 1,199 1,824 4,113 6,776 4,083 3,950 1,509 2,171 314 655 53 68 262 537 4,327 3,010 2,652 559,389 1,701 2,902 395,187 651,786 1,679 22 3,306 3,876 1,494,209 1,499,745 3,592 3,898 850,449 323,700 1,155 168,634 2,362 22,177 759 1,526 1,630 335 1,209 474 30 117 313 128 128 15 15 87 38 36 36 788 857 332 685 1,055 760 1,167 1,312 ... 481 560 10 451 324 332 550 1,482 2,066 1,481 1,451 444 536 48 79 19 21 34 53 1,537 951 835 122,354 429 535 108,223 141,310 423 6 1,110 1,305 367,283 315,315 1,135 1,140 203,561 179,825 338 37,070 530 6,210 1950... Electric pig brooder farms reporting 1954... 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 number 195-;. .. number igs-l . . . number 1954... . number 1954... number 1954.. - Tractors, other than garden farms reporting 1954... number 1954 . . . 25 26 27 28 number 1954... Far. operators— of farm products sold operators reporting 1954... Working off their farms. 29 30 31 32 33 1949... 1949... FAJtMS BY CLASS OF WORK POWER No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting 1954... 34 35 36 37 38 Tractor and horses and/or mules farms reporting 1954... Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting 1954... FARM LABOR Weel of September 26-October 2: Family and/or hired workers farms reporting 1954... persons 1954 . . . Family workers, including 39 Operators working 1 or more 40 41 Unpaid members of operator's family farms reporting 1954... persons 1954. . . 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 persons 1954 .. . or more days) farms reporting 1954... persons 1954 . . . Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days ) farms reporting 1954 . . . persons 1954 . . . SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Specified farm expenditures farms reporting 1954... Machine hire and/or hired 51 dollars 1954... 53 54 55 1949... dollars 1954... 1949 . . . 57 58 59 60 61 62 $2,500 and over farms reporting 1954... Feed for livestock and poultry. .farms reporting 1954... 1949... dollars 1954... 1949 . . . Gasoline and other petroleum fuel 63 64 65 66 1949 . . . dollars 1954 . . . 1949 . . . Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 dollars 1954... tons 1954... acres on which used 1954 . . . Lime and liming material farms reporting 1954... tons 1954... dollars 1954... acres limed 1954... FARM EXPENDITURES. BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: IDAHO CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 107 a eanplo of farms. Sea text] The State — Continued Area 1 Econanic clas3— Continued Total all farms Economic c lasa Other farms Coimiercial farms Other farms Part-time Resi- dential Abnormal Total Class I Class 11 Class III ClasB IV Class V Claas VI Part-tinie Resi- dential Abnormal 1 , .-'«- 2,210 13 2,884 2,218 201 484 667 443 299 124 246 420 1 '■'.-"-■• 3,887 13 5,596 3,826 237 683 967 890 649 400 739 1,031 2 3,505 28 5,049 3,578 197 558 830 1,002 701 290 700 770 3 '■■■1 1,295 5 1,134 673 53 127 217 94 122 60 196 265 4 : . ,-> -■ 3,357 14 4,695 3,275 234 650 884 687 536 284 619 801 5 1, •■■:■;• 1,301 8 2,429 1,834 164 409 495 405 250 111 290 305 6 CO 20 151 136 26 20 43 22 15 10 10 5 7 131 91 "2 1,447 1,357 125 339 398 336 128 31 45 45 8 -El 135 7 1,045 970 42 163 337 268 120 40 55 20 9 :ou 120 ^ 1,714 1,631 180 453 486 356 120 36 53 30 10 :io 120 2,057 1,968 315 566 547 384 120 36 59 30 11 5 1 16 16 4 11 1 12 s 1 16 16 4 11 1 13 1.;- 35 1 928 882 111 198 244 204 103 22 41 5 14 l.'S 35 2 949 903 121 202 250 204 103 23 41 15 •1 40 2 311 300 29 95 82 57 22 15 11 16 3C 40 2 332 316 29 96 87 67 22 15 lo 17 l.Vjfl 1,767 13 4,474 3,395 245 676 891 805 543 235 488 591 18 i , '-'VJ 2,022 68 6,019 4,813 732 1,052 1,108 1,028 635 258 540 666 19 1 , t,77 892 8 4,400 3,585 231 669 984 356 590 255 504 311 20 1 , :«5 725 24 3,743 3,187 185 561 804 956 501 180 370 185 21 1 , evi 967 31 7,081 6,158 825 1,465 1,646 1,205 707 310 587 336 22 i,-...c 7d0 59 5,297 4,674 501 1,031 1,153 1,201 583 205 430 190 23 ; ,:■!:• 3,031 12 4,406 3,077 237 663 805 612 486 274 609 720 24 3,74o 36 5,756 4,155 608 956 962 735 577 317 761 840 25 ;■ , 'lio 3,111 2,139 571 5 4 64 177 321 667 901 26 3,-;30 3,105 "'5 2,156 536 33 46 151 306 800 820 27 3,06i 3,296 1 3,392 1,793 41 163 484 520 434 151 698 901 28 3,295 3,090 10 3,00d 1,536 35 144 286 481 455 135 740 730 29 3 , ?*:'•; 2,961 2,134 735 7 49 155 247 277 598 801 30 3 , 7-0 2,720 5 1,693 493 11 41 50 161 230 565 635 31 1,33-1 2,446 2° 902 171 2 23 20 26 50 50 165 560 6 32 47Q 705 1 676 326 17 10 14 57 97 131 120 230 33 tjO.1 316 2,535 2,207 172 447 599 566 314 109 227 101 34 l,07i 576 ' 1,3^5 1 . 373 59 222 385 290 276 146 277 210 35 3,067 3,317 ^ 5,557 3,937 246 689 988 896 697 421 699 921 36 4,399 4,217 5C 11,996 9,559 1,393 1,870 2,424 1,905 1,280 687 1,166 1,271 37 3,057 3,307 2 5,470 3,855 227 673 964 884 686 421 694 921 33 3 , e.o- 3,147 2 5,253 3,748 220 659 951 848 654 416 664 346 39 9o3 845 2,S57 2,167 116 403 573 532 351 182 330 360 40 1,3« 1,040 4,335 3,450 240 674 963 866 483 224 465 420 41 97 30 9 1,105 1,069 199 330 294 152 67 27 31 5 ... 42 1-3 30 48 2,403 2,361 933 537 510 191 143 47 37 5 43 11 3 536 520 176 193 71 46 23 11 11 5 44 11 18 1,104 1,038 652 237 97 59 32 11 11 5 45 93 6 704 678 99 167 234 112 45 21 26 46 132 -3 30 1 , 2QQ 1,273 281 300 413 132 111 36 26 47 3 .317 30 5,734 - . 02- 250 697 1,007 923 731 416 744 1,016 48 1,735 1.411 20 3,340 3,096 241 616 827 710 487 215 383 356 49 1 , 570 1,235 17 :• 7,j^ 2,114 127 393 552 474 386 182 345 325 50 190,322 36,700 26,710 333)952 760,612 146,066 191,159 221,266 113,721 71,160 17,240 52,575 20,765 51 613 321 14 2,594 2,390 239 580 708 516 253 94 108 96 52 l,lco 520 14 3,247 2,876 206 542 760 768 460 140 240 130 "i 53 81,555 30,480 50,338 3,991,552 3,950,277 2,191,190 925,433 474,209 205,730 113,630 40,085 26,600 14,675 54 237,605 43,700 85,123 3,823,458 3,739,174 1,900,953 907,110 537,291 281,795 90,140 21,885 34,975 7,335 41,974 55 ol2 321 12 2,202 1,999 57 443 666 505 240 88 107 96 56 1 2 392 391 182 137 42 11 13 6 1 57 ?,f,2,-3 3,126 12 4,533 3,076 200 509 814 705 540 308 602 855 53 2,735 2,510 8 4,619 3,303 188 498 715 916 681 305 640 675 1 59 769, 9d7 513,140 17,125 3,671,996 3,388,624 1,616,382 494,263 650, 884 364,283 171,517 91,295 152,087 131,285 60 842,595 332,035 140,407 3,921,137 3,620,420 1,757,884 623,726 513,730 447,080 219,635 58,365 192,375 85,295 23,047 61 3.i;; 1,736 19 4,372 3,783 247 682 1,001 899 643 311 603 486 62 1 , 9,35 1,060 14 4,t.51 3,755 198 573 855 1,073 746 310 580 315 1 63 270,356 152,965 22,100 2,602,939 2,458,419 561,255 707,939 580,839 381,461 162,835 64,090 97,245 47,325 64 268,375 93,170 23,906 2,007,793 1,899,222 350,272 523,576 432,672 392,945 158,217 41,540 78,500 27,880 2,191 65 Dd4 326 6 1,646 1,322 128 347 344 242 206 55 193 131 66 -3,475 14,625 f. . 705 503,055 479,130 162,108 146,537 98,641 40,252 24,697 6,945 16,020 7,855 67 o66 207 75 7,225 6,355 2,027 2,210 1,536 648 348 86 262 108 68 7,7S5 2,944 319 99,615 94,421 32,819 28,347 ... 18,590 8,177 4,398 2,090 3,335 1,859 69 70 71 72 73 108 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 2.-FARM FACILITIES, OFF-FARM WORK, WORK POWER, FARM LABOR, AND [Data are based on reports for only Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) SPECIFIED FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT Telephone farms reporting 1954 . Electricity farms reporting 1954. 1950. Television set farms reporting 1954. Piped running water farms reporting 1954. Home freezer farms reporting 1954 . Electric pig brooder farms reporting 1954. Power feed grinder farms reporting 1954 . Milking machine , farms reporting 1954 . Grain combines farms reporting 1954. number 1954. Com pickers farms reporting 1954. niMiber 1954. Pick-up hay balers farms reporting 1954. number 1954. Field forage harvesters farms reporting 1954. number 1954. Motortrucks farms reporting 1954 . number 1954. Tractors, other than garden farms reporting 1954. 1950. number 1954. 1950. Automobiles farms reporting 1954. number 1954. OFF-FARM WOEIK AND OTHER INCCTIE Fans operators— With other income of family exceeding value of farm products sold operators reporting Working off their farms, total operators reporting 100 or more days operators reporting FARMS BY CLASS OF WORK POWER No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting No tractor but horses and/or mules farms reporting Tractor and horses and/or miiles. .. .farms reporting Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting FARM LABOR Week of Septcnber 26-October 2: Family and/or hired workers farms reporting persons Family workers, including operator farms reporting Operators working 1 or more hours persons Unpaid members of operator's family farms reporting persons Hired workers farms reporting persons Regular workers (to be employed 150 or more days ) farms reporting persons Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting persons SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Specified farm expenditures farms reporting Machine hire and/or hired labor farms reporting Machine hire farms reporting dollars Hired labor farms reporting dollars $1 to $2 ,499 farms reporting $2,500 and over farms reporting Feed for livestock and poultry. .farms reporting dollars 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1949. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. 1954. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil farms reporting dollars Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing ma terial farms reporting dollars tons acres on which used Lime and liming material farms reporting tons dollars acres limed Total all farms 2,686 4,249 4,383 1,272 3,757 1,573 139 714 519 1,812 2,224 553 554 182 187 3,516 5,275 3,119 2,834 5,061 4,075 3,557 4,589 1,638 1,825 2,429 2,558 1,551 1,516 4,055 7,307 4,006 3,841 1,665 2,305 731 1,161 315 437 487 724 195 20 261 270 70 100 5 5 10 ss IP 10 10 10 10 116 110 161 145 146 80 120 70 152 110 170 60 266 260 306 320 266 245 340 220 251 210 205 200 20 40 106 256 326 156 105 145 100 17.495 6,050 86 30 100 A5 6,040 1,435 29,855 12,250 86 30 210 205 290 165 50,095 37,440 70,190 27,910 141 165 200 20,770 30,380 65 22,390 11,720 90 15 4,000 45 965 10 640 270 7,823 10,818 10,485 4,287 9,813 5 , 073 269 1,750 4,075 4,073 4,589 1,904 1,921 506 510 8,093 11,818 9,280 8,669 15,466 12,168 10,180 13 , 005 5,887 5 , 105 3,063 2,283 641 5,072 4,208 10,624 29,644 10,508 10,267 4,202 7,139 2.683 12,238 1,274 2,040 1,890 10,198 11,253 9,329 7,214 2,477.314 7.562 8,797 9,170,857 10,734,315 6,518 1,044 8,002 8,286 6,597,582 6,333,811 10,144 9,640 6,281,581 5,160,891 4,971 2,408,825 29,155 264,615 6,942 9,327 9,363 3 , 712 8,536 4,557 259 1.734 3,929 3,997 4,503 1,873 1,889 490 494 7,542 11,198 8,804 8,276 14,959 11,722 8,854 11,429 935 833 4,487 3,970 1,763 1,278 405 4,881 3,923 Q,252 27,792 9,148 8.942 3,927 6,689 2,641 12,161 1,272 2,028 1,850 10,133 9,735 8,621 6,583 2,405,899 7,345 8,439 9,119,082 10,648,491 6,302 1,043 6,816 7,544 6,360,957 6,154,871 9,327 9,157 6,193,621 5,089,931 4,825 2,393,555 28,953 262,631 564 681 532 383 658 473 23 196 180 499 749 232 241 84 675 1,852 684 534 2,048 1,450 682 1,340 165 111 42 43 415 269 694 5,498 669 05b 273 589 532 4,253 434 929 320 3,324 706 701 420 288,784 688 589 3,618,587 3,433,117 232 456 480 432 2,151,553 2,243,617 694 577 1,305,641 1,007,875 438 739.805 8,582 74,962 2,049 2,414 1,779 1,244 2,328 1,496 75 556 1,054 1,323 1,520 715 722 184 184 2,332 3,896 2,436 1,792 5,005 3,135 2.421 3 . 371 879 484 169 84 41 1,433 1,003 2,414 8,467 2,311 1,119 2,048 1,157 4,108 597 827 759 3,281 2,509 2,389 1,643 771,074 2,325 1,807 3,598,084 3,514,677 1,817 508 1,851 1,516 1,924,371 1,502,681 2,486 1,853 2,269,669 1,588,160 1,582 920, 139 10,940 100,276 2,096 2,761 3,103 1,100 2,582 1,310 80 548 1,449 1,258 1,303 573 573 166 166 2,314 2,899 2.702 3,032 4,227 3,878 2,635 3,158 124 135 1,322 1,102 415 281 1,470 1,232 2,751 7,059 2,735 2,678 1,204 1,985 587 2,396 159 172 2,865 2,602 1,982 742,682 2,329 3,033 1,329,349 2,723,471 2,273 56 2,003 2,560 1,357,088 1,308,963 2,811 3,151 1,539,600 1,469,168 1,559 486,320 6.153 57,651 1,433 2,087 2,454 642 1,852 881 61 298 878 678 690 265 265 26 26 1.454 1,701 1,980 2,007 2,539 2,282 343 285 1,206 1,321 568 500 85 ,071 909 2,002 4,462 1,995 1,949 873 1,387 267 1,126 209 1,045 2,150 1,825 1,544 428,147 1,370 2,068 454,995 788,780 1,349 21 1,505 1,941 578,729 782,945 2,072 2,354 797,622 765,035 648 189, 174 2,557 22,684 626 1,078 1,155 297 882 294 10 130 310 206 208 76 76 25 25 632 702 842 776 949 832 994 1,113 405 350 819 822 569 370 161 399 443 1,105 1,938 1,103 1,068 408 605 90 265 79 248 1,174 870 792 150,197 539 822 100,992 171,026 537 2 790 850 307,653 263,250 1,029 1,002 241,284 220,563 338 53,062 649 6,318 174 306 340 46 234 103 10 135 148 160 135 191 145 264 319 96 130 286 368 285 280 50 331 234 202 25,015 94 120 17,075 17,420 94 187 245 41,563 53,415 235 220 39,805 39,130 60 5,055 72 740 460 745 670 260 610 235 10 10 105 55 65 20 20 5 5 340 370 355 305 375 325 695 820 740 695 120 125 230 740 ,095 740 715 195 330 25 50 785 435 385 36,945 160 290 17,295 67,145 160 585 465 143,475 108,880 500 375 57,755 53,370 110 8,150 120 1,085 410 735 445 310 655 275 10 10 10 10 200 220 115 85 115 90 620 745 630 385 660 430 620 400 115 65 625 740 80 120 10 10 715 255 230 8,495 45 65 2,430 7,555 45 590 275 81,275 44,960 300 105 16,305 7,200 30 415 18 18 16 25,975 12 3 32,050 11,124 11 2 11,875 25,100 3 13,900 10,390 6,705 75 819 112 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 3.-LIVEST0CK ON HAND, LIVESTOCK SOLD. AND SPECIFIED [Data are baaed on reportB for only Item (For deflDitiODS and explanatioDB, see text) The State Total all farms Economic class Commercial farms Total Class I Class II Class III Class IV Class V Class VI Livestock on hanil;^ 1 Horses and mules ..farms reporting 1954 — 16,752 14,645 1,397 3,620 4,017 3,232 1,723 656 2 1950... 22,926 20,002 1,201 3,529 5,965 5,466 2,926 915 3 number 1954 .. . ■ 56,993 50,598 9; 608 12,863 11,986 9,192 5,136 1,813 i. 1950... 92,433 83,784 12,043 16,955 23,333 19,090 9,603 2,760 5 All cattle and calves . . .farms reporting 1954 . . . 33,351 27,342 1,842 6,262 7,869 6,277 3,723 1,369 6 1950... 34,152 28,469 1,387 4,798 8,294 7,834 4,661 1,495 7 number 1954 . . . 1,325,682 1,275,736 297,257 390,244 306,732 186,506 72,537 22,460 8 1950 . . . 9-"0,189 926,543 197,160 231,589 244,641 173,208 66,165 13,780 9 Cows, Including heifers that have calved ...farms reporting 1954... 31,678 26,399 1,719 5,963 7,680 6,122 3,573 1,342 10 1950 . . . 33,235 27,862 1,337 4,685 8,141 7,703 4,536 1,460 11 number 1954 . . . 544,700 524,011 104,153 156,263 134,294 85,164 33,781 10,351 12 1950... 416,703 394,570 70,484 98,861 108,353 79,080 30,687 6,605 13 Hlli cows ...farms reporting 1954... 28,268 23,673 1,348 5,300 7,066 5,565 3,198 1,196 U 1950... 31,543 26,460 1,190 4,343 7,800 7,446 4,276 1,400 15 number 1954... 214,832 203,416 11,621 52,363 68,934 46,443 19,449 4,606 16 1950... 190,799 177,876 7,73b 30,649 59,902 51,317 22,932 5,290 17 All hogs and pigs . . .farms reporting 1954 . . . 9,616 8,260 470 1,964 2,333 1,965 1,093 435 18 1950... 14,049 12,158 548 2,061 3,813 3,466 1,840 430 19 number 1954 . . . 118,690 112,798 13,896 30,554 35,144 23,920 7,239 1,995 20 1950... 161,790 152,143 12,032 35,335 49,556 33,050 14,730 2,390 21 23,409 19,044 1,023 4,182 5,437 4,581 2,691 1,080 22 1950... 28,080 22,959 963 3,781 6,508 6,391 3,906 1,410 23 number 1954 . . . 1,803,287 1,625,246 230,701 373,968 481,668 306,954 174,446 57,509 24 Livestock and livestock products 1950... sold: 1,525,405 1,349,038 99,085 247,610 411,840 357,435 176,133 56,935 25 Cattle and calves sold alive. ...farms reporting 1954... 25,256 22,744 1,531 5,372 6,682 5,298 2,949 912 26 1949 . . . 27,068 24,302 1,207 4,106 7,331 6,808 3,760 1,090 27 number 1954... 501,891 490,599 171,923 146,777 94,113 54,335 19,308 4,138 28 1949 . . . 436,181 425,061 141,68" 110,599 90,718 57,757 20,395 3,905 29 dollars 1954... 58,463,547 57,584,901 25,517,461 16,776,081 9,031,301 4,461,912 1,495,598 302,040 30 1949 . . . 58,956,129 57,678,889 24,571,427 14,344,209 10,671,043 5,349,545 1,926,490 316,175 31 Hogs and pigs sold alive ...farms reporting 1954... 5,759 5,321 323 1,311 1,588 1,338 543 213 32 1949 . . . 13,437 12,216 527 2,134 3,993 3,437 1,760 365 33 number 1954 . . . 111,519 107,280 13,863 32,495 33,986 19,122 6,273 1,541 34 1949 . . . 263,745 253,725 21,474 62,137 93,849 52,855 19,880 3,530 35 dollars 1954... 4,238,903 4,115,488 570,039 1,334,405 1,316,297 672,331 187,266 35,150 36 1949... 8,^-0^605 8,520,865 863,713 2,310,486 3,039,436 1,667,210 575,130 64,840 37 Chickens sold ...farms reporting 1954... 5,997 5,284 303 1,231 1,584 1,177 756 233 38 1949 . . . 8,713 7,487 240 1,171 2,205 2,166 1,290 415 39 dollars 1954 . . . 1,344,958 1,293,241 330,994 464,422 284,741 107,783 91,154 14,147 40 1949 . . . 1,484,695 1,396,336 252,136 383,740 355,107 255,212 118,738 26,403 41 Chicken eggs sold ...farms reporting 1954... 10;618 8,998 421 1,982 2,603 2,163 1,297 532 42 1949 . . . 13,562 11,561 385 1,977 3,313 3,246 1,940 700 43 dozens 1954... 11,748,501 11,295,249 2,195,844 2,793,447 3,506,773 1,732,155 343,765 173,260 44 1949... 8,522,930 7,973,110 639,063 1,470,519 2,508,308 2,127,290 967,455 260,475 45 dollars 1954... 4,155,783 3,977,329 672,144 1,046,197 1,237,332 647,858 307,033 66,265 46 1949... 3,678,588 3,425,038 320,082 594,763 1,073,550 916,008 408,695 111,940 47 Milk sold^ gallons 1954 . . . 144,845,382 141,456,157 8,274,338 38,909,776 51,115,371 29,698,989 11,736,080 1,721,603 48 dollars 1954... 38,749,718 37,967,628 2,573,786 11,029,973 13,455,318 7,680,791 2,338,278 389,482 49 Specified crops harvested: 1949 . . . 28,172,389 27,284,509 1,304,328 5,131,785 9,881,706 7,732,390 2,804,810 429,490 50 Com for all purposes ...farms reporting 1954... 3,695 3,528 316 831 1,223 742 321 95 51 1949... 2,876 2,605 119 404 787 750 420 125 52 acres 1954 . . . 46,100 44,945 7,047 13,635 12,923 7,980 2,540 815 53 1949... 25,898 24,372 2,808 5,134 7,945 5,200 2,490 795 54 Com harvested for grain. ...farms reporting 1954... 1,352 1,272 92 309 409 282 130 50 55 1949... 1,711 1,506 44 166 441 440 315 100 56 acres 1954 . . . 13,895 13,565 1,905 4,888 3,665 2,152 665 290 57 1949 . . . 13,171 12,056 903 2,078 4,150 2,660 1,625 640 58 bushels harvested 1954 . . . 8o4,863 850,178 126,846 328,930 226,640 126,032 31,735 9,995 59 1949 . . . 697,124 656,714 54,219 129,965 241,400 134,315 73,285 23,530 60 bushels sold 1954... 373,769 373,669 79,875 138,865 99,995 43,634 4,300 2,000 61 1949 . . . 332,244 323,154 34,059 95,780 117,565 44,835 23,020 7,845 62 Winter wheat threshed or conibined .......••■•••..•.•. • • .farms reporting 1954 . . . 5,413 6,780 5,242 6,414 710 553 1,653 1,535 1,409 1,966 1,037 1,512 323 658 110 190 63 1949... 64 acres 1954... 639,811 637,709 250,706 240,868 98,191 39,407 7,409 1,128 65 1949... 947,735 941,945 321,564 327,306 200,820 67,665 20,645 3,945 66 bushels harvested 1954 . . . 16,913,740 16,887,640 7,279,808 6,511,328 2,227,444 713,379 131,340 24,341 67 1949... 20,290,680 20,190,210 6,936,396 7,519,807 4,001,385 1,367,077 317,670 47,375 68 bushels sold 1954... 15,860,323 15,840,883 6,962,910 6,104,372 2,015,230 631,014 108,907 18,400 69 1949... 18,744,482 18,670,127 6,600,300 6,967,100 3,664,705 1,171,697 241,225 25,100 70 Spring wheat threshed or f^ninlTf Tl^H . . .......... . . .farms reporting 1954». . . 18,315 17,398 17,529 16,677 1,369 920 4,968 3,345 5,650 5,604 3,616 4,342 1,628 1,976 298 490 71 ^UUl^ Xiidasss •■»«• •« as *• • ••■ « 1949 . . . 72 acres 1954... 501,616 496,110 120,422 172,177 123,582 57,595 19,605 2,729 73 1949... 519,640 509,835 92,588 169,222 138,877 75,163 28,915 5,070 74 bushels harvested 1954... 17,255,205 17,115,959 4,275,186 6,218,356 4,221,448 1,792,792 532,977 75,200 75 1949... 14,380,616 14,121,707 2,477,017 4,694,418 4,098,077 2,059,535 680,730 111,930 76 bushels sold 1954 . . . 15,615,718 15,508,138 4,063,930 5,668,732 3,758,017 1,522,560 439,955 54,944 77 1949 . . . 11,470,698 li;272,120 2,139,790 3,927,915 3;220;910 i;461,935 461,810 59,760 78 Irish potatoes haj^rested for home use or for sfile ••••••••■••••••■ . . J'arms reporting 1954 . . . 11,444 11,906 9,588 10,470 974 693 3,088 2,489 2,303 3,547 1,501 2,286 775 1,145 447 310 79 1949 . . . 30 acres 1954' . . 147,545 147,115 46,288 62,419 29,794 7,071 1,404 139 81 1949' . . 144,437 143,735 28,057 51,242 44,379 15,799 4,040 218 82 lon- lb. bags harvested 1954... 25,214,499 25,166,127 9,257,670 10,717,167 4,144,619 884,741 150,245 11,685 83 1949 . . . 21,711,951 21,647,331 5,527,142 8,177,409 5,390,915 1,681,090 353,635 17,140 84 85 Hav Gilt acres 1954 1,099,035 1,047,569 1,048,383 990,028 186,194 157,068 313,103 249,607 276,432 275,270 178,990 202,818 70,240 82,855 23 ,424 22,410 1949... 86 tons 1954 . . . 2,695,554 2,623,127 485,795 855,281 706,125 400,440 134,835 39,651 For comparability of data on livestock and poultry, see text and State Table 12. for farms with less than 10 bags harvested. ^Includes milk equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. ■'Does not include acreage IDAHO CROPS. BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 113 a sample of farms. See ext] The State — Continued Area 1 Econonic class — Continued Total all farms Economic c laas Other farma Conme rcial farma Other farma Resi- dential Part-time Resi- dential Abnormal Total Clasa I Class 11 Class III Class IV Clasa V Class VI Part-time Abnormal 1,08c' 1,021 4 3,211 2,533 189 457 613 623 411 240 347 331 1 1,515 1,390 19 3,918 3,012 176 465 638 838 625 270 455 450 1 2 2,737 2,096 1,562 14,0910 12,296 2,303 2,742 2,392 2,590 1,411 858 1,158 636 3 i,305 3,325 1,019 20,024 17,160 2,338 3,276 4,3U 3,708 2,625 900 1,575 1,265 '24 4 2,83o 3,l6l 9 5,074 3,58b 215 638 892 863 593 385 688 800 5 r.'J^^' 2,725 13 5,234 3,879 197 539 814 1,143 826 360 700 655 6 :'3,o;a 15,307 5,ol8 291,151 278,636 71,845 83,132 58,989 41,956 15,919 6,795 3,510 4,005 7 10,5"0 10,656 207,250 198,740 48,866 50,866 43,201 37,462 14,340 4,005 6,125 2,385 3 ^,b39 2,o31 9 4,890 3,517 209 621 882 843 578 364 633 "35 9 2,875 2,535 13 5,169 3,844 192 539 810 1,142 801 360 690 o35 10 12,iS7 5,4-1 2,731 125,162 119,832 27,763 35,374 27,506 18,759 7,099 3,331 3,625 1,705 11 10,455 4,860 6,318 93,115 89,180 20,047 23,547 20,422 16,547 6,767 1,850 2,775 1,160 12 2,300 2,286 9 4,122 2,967 153 507 749 743 472 343 520 635 13 2,725 2,350 3 4,780 3,560 178 482 738 1,081 741 340 640 580 14 7,175 3,856 385 19,163 16,743 722 2,919 5,166 4,737 2,118 1,081 1,400 1,020 15 3,335 4,lt,0 363 .'l.c93 18,578 935 2,462 4,022 6,107 3,802 1,250 2,160 955 16 d94 6oO n 1,303 1,464 86 231 362 406 248 131 175 170 17 1,090 790 11 2,446 1,981 91 306 463 596 385 140 270 195 18 3,350 1,815 727 24,599 23,429 3,926 5,456 6,232 5,693 1,646 476 790 380 19 5,5';5 2,585 1,517 29,051 27,061 2,547 6,429 6,590 6,575 3,730 1,190 1,355 635 20 2,066 2,296 3 4,261 2,933 139 501 742 722 509 310 608 730 21 2,590 2,505 26 4,480 3,210 159 431 692 922 701 305 640 630 22 101,596 73,645 2,800 234,269 182,553 14,598 34,077 52,768 45,486 20,953 14,671 27,906 23,810 23 97,045 67,780 11,542 200,525 163,525 14,868 26,726 40,203 41,095 30,838 9,795 22,365 14,635 24 1,789 715 ,, 3,720 3,071 179 565 806 752 490 279 469 130 25 2,085 675 .,261 3,466 181 503 749 1,008 730 295 600 195 26 7,982 1,430 1,330 lot., 838 104,291 29,742 34,121 21,671 12,669 4,608 1,480 2,222 325 27 6,300 1,095 3,225 87,462 85,097 24,295 22,710 18,629 12,868 5,355 1,240 2,070 295 26 572,096 36,325 220,225 11,023,706 10,841,876 3,854,639 3,365,644 1,044,477 1,079,629 383,342 114,145 164,575 17,255 29 562,095 78,180 616,965 11,361,5481 11,150,123 4,018,551 2,909,587 2,245,740 1,362,175 508,845 105,225 187,815 23,610 30 316 120 2 1,043 948 66 179 255 277 121 50 65 30 31 895 320 6 2,314 1,964 88 290 499 627 350 110 265 85 32 2,999 450 790 22,012 21,412 3,980 5,870 5,379 4,164 1,159 360 510 90 33 7,235 1,5-5 1,190 49,413 46,448 4,174 9,304 14,505 12,055 4,570 1,840 2,335 635 34 79,705 10,21? 33.5 10> 366,736 851,941 163,628 238,390 251,392 146,619 38,462 8,450 12,755 2,040 35 170, o25 39,11^ ■.\ '"0, 1.5' • ,"32 1,499,482 180,882 340,386 446,274 375,610 124,410 31,920 49,870 17,380 36 40'^ 305 3 1,j5" 372 52 195 218 192 119 96 95 90 37 810 410 ( 1,217 922 55 106 246 235 210 70 180 115 38 33,017 11,235 175,851 167,101 29,776 85,279 24,484 13,263 9,449 4,850 5,605 2,945 39 57,608 It ,401 14'350 81, 1-4 68,030 5,361 7,681 18,466 18,861 13,708 3,953 9,643 3,501 40 t95 3 2,042 1,561 71 296 374 400 259 161 256 225 41 1,270 72 5 2,149 1,634 90 231 368 450 370 125 350 165 42 3 2-, 137 93,065 33,050 936,722 825,975 70,059 147,786 299,776 188,079 62,285 57,990 90,617 20,130 43 356,330 83,180 109,310 797,923 698,333 58,103 131,945 166,170 199,700 115,995 26,420 84,975 14,615 44 12c., 044 36,310 16 . 100 388,175 340,106 24,962 58,329 122,255 79,635 28,805 26,120 38,609 9,460 45 159,930 35,270 53,300 34-, 002 303,452 23,449 55,235 63,118 94,520 49,775 12,355 36,475 7,075 46 2,755,429 375,717 258,079 9,223,283 8,827,666 274,180 1,588,201 3,198, . - -. ..'",945 1,005,518 303 ,762 336,207 59,415 47 633,070 82,660 CO, 360 2,432.744 2,361,699 53,566 476,819 945, "■ - ,335 207,410 53,160 60,285 10,760 48 699,690 54,965 133,205 2,405,958 2,269,398 171.625 329,753 607,:; ,' ,510 334,370 80,420 126,730 9,330 49 or, -.- „ 102 7- 10 13 22 5 5 15 15 10 50 170 95 o 82 47 2 20 25 20 15 51 570 445 140 1,636 1,581 440 783 218 40 40 60 25 30 52 945 575 o 545 500 100 220 180 20 25 53 45 35 58 48 8 10 10 5 15 10 54 125 80 57 37 2 15 20 10 10 55 155 175 972 952 282 500 ■70 40 60 20 56 660 455 4o5 435 70 215 150 10 20 57 8,125 6,5o0 50,550 49,550 9,200 35,000 2,000 1,000 2,350 1,000 56 27,055 13,355 19,915 19,370 4,250 6,870 8,250 120 425 59 100 3,700 3,700 1,700 2,000 60 5,660 3,430 9,340 9,340 3,600 2,090 3,650 61 96 75 965 925 101 276 279 160 32 25 25 15 62 255 105 0 1,281 1,221 101 311 344 310 125 30 45 15 63 1,672 430 79,424 79,114 26,780 29,701 16,193 4,611 1,649 ISO 245 65 64 3,995 l,loO 635 148,838 148,143 45,650 57,043 29,390 13,210 2,115 735 650 95 65 21,740 4,360 2,726,106 2,720,531 992,767 1,112,536 465,314 113,554 30,940 5,420 4,850 725 66 58,590 22,830 19,050 3,533,422 3,519,562 1,151,463 1,383,184 676,905 262,165 38,940 6,900 11,760 2,100 67 17,990 1,450 2,575,720 2,571,320 963,429 1,058,326 427,202 94,616 23,127 4,620 4,150 250 68 44,185 11,170 19,000 3,215,580 3,208,745 1,121,594 1,240,976 596,800 222,970 23,975 2,430 6,335 500 69 548 225 13 1,775 1,633 131 403 468 365 220 46 97 45 70 525 165 31 1,884 1,719 100 314 434 491 255 125 130 35 71 4,099 675 732 65,272 64,538 17,665 19,182 18,015 5,304 3,825 547 619 115 72 4,715 660 4,410 65,651 64,251 14,116 19,520 14,8~2 10,003 4,160 1,560 1,260 140 73 115,660 14,455 9,131 1,691,197 1,675,312 483,003 548,636 413,367 151,761 70,755 7,790 13,715 2,170 74 111,850 16,595 130,464 1,500,387 1,479,687 324,473 513,837 311,052 228,305 74,110 27,910 17,790 2,910 75 93,015 7,705 6,860 1.508,684 1,498,954 447,597 490,863 373,939 123,308 56,807 6,440 8,445 1,285 76 73,185 4,850 120,543 1,162.145 1,155,285 293,563 443,447 217,045 148,650 43,025 9,555 6,610 250 77 798 1,055 3 2,124 1,372 51 206 330 317 252 216 302 450 78 765 oo5 1,306 876 19 127 195 255 190 90 270 160 79 269 114 47 5,052 5,004 1,165 2,029 1,406 218 160 26 26 22 80 537 1J5 30 3,098 3,016 366 1,071 915 476 166 22 58 24 61 27,332 16,450 4,590 714,495 707,695 179,653 306,584 173,577 26,527 17,979 3,375 3,615 3,185 62 34,705 8,965 20,950 3oe,041 362,051 47,405 131,821 121,100 42,200 16,650 2,375 3,965 2,025 83 27,885 11,39D 11,371 256,343 238,390 46,766 58,298 61,028 43,095 19,577 9,526 12,713 5,240 84 30,820 15,535 11,136 235,647 216,147 37,317 47,123 49,659 47,038 25,765 9,245 13,000 6,350 150 85 44,529 17,246 lJ,o52 425,826 402,500 84,677 109,367 97,726 66,753 31,092 12,865 16,366 6,460 36 114 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table S.-LFVESTOCK ON HAND, LIVESTOCK SOLD, AND SPECIFIED [Data are based on re aorta for only Area 2 Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Totsl sll farms Economic class Commercial farms Total Class I Class 11 Class 111 Class 17 Class V Class VI Uveatock on han 345 150 3 number 1954... 3,669 2,761 33t 314 46' 43 ? 368 242 i 1950 . . . 6,074 4,534 36 334 88 93C 1,150 370 5 All cattle and calves farms reporting 1954... 3,471 2,277 24C 602 44, 45 290 252 6 1950... 3,764 2,504 12 494 59 55 > 500 235 7 number 1954 . . . 71,417 63,607 14,13[ 16,681 13,34{ 10,69 > 5,066 3,637 8 1950... 53,575 46,470 5,43i 9,821 13,95C 8,57C 6,505 2,130 9 Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting 1954... 3,302 2,218 23. 582 44 43 ; 270 251 10 1950... 3,629 2,439 12 479 58 53 480 235 11 number 1954 . . . 30,673 27,418 5,37. 7,514 6,14f 4,63 1 2,170 1,523 12 1950... 24,473 21,008 1,87 4,220 6,71C 4,04 3,070 1,090 Milk cows farms reporting 1954... 2,792 3,381 1,854 2,271 16 lOf 521 433 36( 54 35f 52C 220 440 223 225 1950 . . . 15 number 1954 . . . 11,039 9,052 45< 2,580 2,64C 1,83 714 725 16 1950... 12,490 10,310 33' 1,638 2,96C 2,81C 1,685 830 17 All hogs and pigs...., farms reporting 1954... 1,056 764 7 200 12 15< 107 106 18 1950... 1,265 975 6 209 26 21t 190 40 19 number 1954 . . . 10,479 9,290 1,29= 2,807 1,67 2,34 585 582 20 1950... 13,742 11,217 1,47C 2,847 3,41 1,67C ) 1,590 225 21 2,889 1,903 15J 497 37' 35' 283 227 22 1950... 3,464 2,284 11= 410 53C 51 ) 475 235 23 number 1954 . . . 205,736 167,391 9,52, 45,305 30,02( 41,93 29,473 11,133 2i 1950... Livestock and livestock products sold: 167,112 125,132 5,95, 21,395 37,19 30,38C ) 19,840 10,370 25 Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting 1954... 2,269 1,311 20' 456 36 39 ) 232 162 26 1949... 2,641 2,091 13 345 51 48C ) 410 210 27 number 1954 . . . 23,716 22,017 4,92 1 6,517 4,51t 3,69 1,589 775 2S 1949... 23,435 21,820 3,33 5,127 5,92 ) 4,26 ) 2,490 675 29 dollars 1954 . . . 2,325,891 2,188,795 661,94, 607,368 426,60 300,62 ) 133,173 59,034 30 1949 . . . 2,662,872 2,521,402 552, 70i 580,189 666,05 403, 47C ) 254,355 62,625 31 Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting 1954... 605 495 % 139 7! 10 i 64 56 32 1949... 1,324 1,139 6C 244 29 24 ) 225 70 33 number 1954 .. . 11,784 10,634 1,23< 4,142 1,85 7 2,07 7 804 515 34 1949 . . . 19,874 17,864 1,80 3,856 4,58 4,09 ) 3,175 355 35 dollars 1954... 425,806 391,406 50,77 ? 171,647 59,07 79,59 ) 20,495 9,825 36 718,142 643,117 69,61, 147,155 186,27 139,35C ) 95,295 9,930 37 38 Chickens sold farms reporting 1954 . . . 840 630 5 133 13 11 3 135 57 ^lii,. ttllO BU.LU ............... ....i.'^u.^ ...,.w. v>..^ » . ^ . . . . 1949 . . . 995 750 3C 115 20 19( ) 155 55 39 dollars 1954... 163,51b 146,581 3,77 23,527 49,39' 27,03 ) 39,350 3,497 W 1949 . . . 150,290 122,055 2,03 ) 6,650 70,53 22,94 ) 16,550 3,190 41 42 Chicken eggs sold farms reporting 1954 . . . 1,481 1,841 1,071 1,366 8! 4 234 1 249 2K 30 20 33 i 190 ) 270 141 160 1949 . . . 43 1,367,494 1,271,354 39, 7« 412,975 235, OK 339,21 ) 209,825 34,580 44 1949 . . . 1,036,982 842,952 14,32 88,936 276,611 218,70 ) 181,460 62,915 45 dollars 1954 . . . 588,029 542,979 17,29 186,447 102,52 136,63( ) 85,195 14,890 46 1949 . . . 498,639 399,544 6,33 ) 42,359 123, 63C 103,99 p 88,655 29,570 47 48 Milk sold ^ gallons 1954. . . 5,349,446 1,841,526 5,061,551 1,785,361 140,15 39,21< ! 1,737,526 639,609 1,760,97 681,46 840,87 269,62 287,965 56,555 244,054 48,887 IliiR aU^U ............................. .^,1A i.\jaJ —.».... dollars 1954... 49 1949... Specified crops harvested: 1,692,610 1,503,100 35,62 261,777 580,71 420,91 > 161,520 42,550 50 Com for all purposes farms reporting 1954... 22 17 e 5X 50 20 5 'io "5 52 acres 1954... 129 124 7 10 1 53 1949 . . . 130 45 5 25 "15 54 Com harvested for grain farms reporting 1954... 11 6 6 55 1949 . . . 45 20 5 10 5 56 acres 1954.. . 12 7 7 57 1949 .. . 125 45 5 25 15 58 bushels harvested 1954 . . . 390 290 290 ... 59 1949 . . . 2,430 850 150 550 150 60 bushels sold 1954... 61 1949 . . . 385 62 Winter wheat threshed or combined farms reporting 1954 . . . 1,335 2,124 1,750 1,944 31 14 623 ! 496 35 51 1 30 ) 42 95 J 270 57 90 63 1949 . . . 64 acres 1954... 165,688 165,088 77,01 J 60,194 16,91 > 3,95 1,400 612 65 1949 . . . 254,595 252,445 68,33 ? 93,713 59,53 21,15 i 7, 680 1,525 66 bushels harvested 1954... D, 616, 715 6,602,340 3,336,43 2,439,327 564,07t ) 209,11 > 41,205 12,695 67 1949 . . . 6,570,126 6,536,691 2,000,64 2,713,215 1,244,21( 437,16 ; 120,710 20,750 63 bushels sold 1954... 6,414,059 6,403,239 3,280,37 2,344,030 536,74' 196,62 ? 35,315 10,146 69 1949 .. . 6,233,198 6,213,903 1,942,70 ) 2,568,142 1,203,86 390, 63C ) 96,385 12,175 70 Spring wheat threshed or combined farms reporting 1954,. . . 1,169 729 1,044 674 12 6 326 L 173 23 16C 19 ) 16 107 > 95 61 20 71 1949... 72 acres 1954 . . . 41,554 40,569 11,02 J 16,262 7,33 1 3,48 1,778 683 73 1949 . . . 38,133 37,528 3,98( ) 13,768 8,39 > 4,39 > 1,345 145 74 bushels harvested 1954... 1,223,538 1,202,133 357,09 ) 509,598 185, 16C 96,37 ) 40,336 13,570 75 1949 . . . 754,649 746,179 189,60 253,288 175,11 > 97,97C ) 23,945 1,260 76 bushels sold 1954 . . . 1,154,645 1,137,300 347,24 1 484,881 174,72' 87,89 35,491 7,059 77 1949... 670,054 664,689 182,73 242,683 148, 39t 73,05 ) 16,960 375 78 Irish potatoes harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting 1954 . . . 1,686 1,385 910 775 4 2 p 195 105 18 13 ) IS > 13t J 156 ) 215 145 115 79 1949 . . . 80 acres 1954'.. 306 186 2 76 2 > 2 J 25 16 81 1949^ . . 557 425 10 ) 18 3 7 123 66 82 100-lb. bags harvested 1954... 33,201 17,374 2,20 L 5,979 3,02 > 2,41 ) 2,090 1,660 33 1949... 56,659 48,799 30,34 S 1,345 2,22 ) 2,73( ) 8,705 3,445 34 Hay cut acres 1954.. . 72,794 63,516 10,44, 17,615 15,00 10, 57( ) 5,151 4,730 85 1949 . . . 70,885 58,980 4,03 J 13,444 16,30( ) 12,64 > 8,075 3,530 86 tons 1954... 108,000 95,293 16,16 J 25,898 24,69 14,44( ) 7,551 6,543 ^For comparability of data on livestock and poultry, for farms with less than 10 bags harvested. see text and State Table 12. ^Includes milk equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. 'Does not include acreage IDAHO CROPS, BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continuecl a sample of farms. See text] 115 Area 2^Contlnued I Area 3a Econcmi c class— Continued Total all farms Economic c lass Other farTOB Corame rcial farms Other farms Resi- dential Fart-time Resi- dential Abnormal Total Class I Class 11 Class III Class 17 Class V Class VI Part-time Abnormal ^1" 235 3,222 2,817 210 509 888 718 405 87 213 190 , 1 300 375 5 4,878 4,273 163 596 1,162 1,402 760 190 305 300 2 *83 425 12,369 10,047 2,453 2,214 2,427 1,553 1,146 254 371 435 1,516 3 720 750 70 19,207 17,722 3,006 3,242 3,943 4,971 2,025 535 815 670 4 488 706 8,919 7,329 313 1,248 2,099 1,941 1,366 362 778 310 2 5 4i5 805 'io 8,813 7,173 233 922 1,746 2,242 1,570 460 910 730 6 4,328 3,482 337,060 319,571 57,701 89,489 83,628 53,946 24,787 5,020 8,463 3,785 5,241 7 3,205 2,630 1,27C 236,655 226,850 39,133 50,508 59,062 51,937 22,250 3,910 6,775 3,030 g 453 d31 3 , 34? 7,052 286 1,158 2,059 1,891 1,316 342 713 580 2 9 435 745 10 3,566 7,046 230 912 1,722 2,202 1,535 445 885 635 10 1,949 1,306 141,374 134,882 21,789 34,581 38,930 25,367 11,793 2,422 3,428 1,060 2,504 11 1,525 1,275 665 102,401 97,836 12,470 21,236 27,083 24,507 10,695 1,845 3,390 1,175 12 382 556 7,748 6,628 229 1,076 1,963 1,826 1,237 297 638 480 2 13 405 700 5 8,196 6,776 207 841 1,686 2,132 1,470 440 840 530 14 1,071 916 81,755 78,573 4,375 16,439 27,186 19,771 9,293 1,509 2,244 780 15S 15 8bO 1,055 265 62,744 58,679 1,225 8,741 18,671 19,072 9,255 1,715 2,995 1,070 16 142 150 2,052 1,784 111 326 582 417 278 70 127 140 1 17 125 160 5 3,502 2,997 99 395 838 1,005 550 110 290 215 18 800 380 30,389 29,206 3,213 6,477 10,648 6,310 2,268 290 526 430 227 19 bl5 600 1,3",0 52,085 49,575 2,264 9,918 14,188 17,540 5,275 390 1,755 755 20 415 571 5,880 4,955 165 820 1,427 1,423 864 256 478 445 '2 21 415 755 10 7,613 6,118 168 780 1,404 1,951 1,350 465 830 665 22 21,655 16,690 411,735 373,860 53,416 77,197 100,805 80,202 52,415 9,825 24,090 13,085 700 23 13,705 21,310 6,Ot5 392,516 342,211 28,239 44,249 80,513 111,570 59,845 17,795 32,260 18,045 24 318 140 7,038 6,369 268 1,151 1,378 1,741 1,105 226 492 175 , 25 320 225 5 7,093 6,343 203 836 1,657 2,082 1,275 290 615 135 26 1,394 305 118,742 114,541 33,739 32,887 25,016 15,547 6,335 1,017 2,086 365 1,750 27 1,095 350 170 109,902 107,682 35,230 24,809 21,904 17,809 6,880 1,000 1,965 255 23 116,896 20,200 13,018,672 12,642,452 4,833,750 3,805,256 2,387,438- 1,119,160 433,403 63,445 143,060 20,910 212,250 29 90,395 26,110 24,965 14,093,974 13,938,954 5,917,230 3,360,335 2,365,979 1,632,060 597,670 65,630 142,155 12,865 30 95 15 1,305 1,238 64 224 450 344 126 30 46 20 1 31 110 70 5 3,249 2,934 92 414 363 955 510 100 235 80 32 1,040 110 31,677 31,023 2,788 7,677 12,726 6,007 1,630 195 434 30 190 33 825 185 1,000 79,907 77,5d7 4,525 17,751' 31,861 16,695 6,195 540 1,915 425 34 32,765 1,635 1,269,235 1,247,020 127,030 344,437 510,113 220,541 39,664 5,235 11,820 895 9,500 35 24,630 5,395 40,000 2,543,265 2,488,655 184,245 651,572 967,288 495,370 178,335 11,845 45,580 9,030 36 140 70 1,524 1,337 53 263 407 383 251 30 85 50 2 37 125 115 5 2,933 2,513 42 279 596 881 550 170 305 115 33 14,140 2,795 192,049 179,356 44,105 37, 169 53,447 26,925 16,105 1,605 5,345 1,270 6,078 39 10,475 5,500 12,260 677,266 649,801 222,326 119,782 114,617 131,546 49,600 11,930 22,240 5,225 40 240 170 2,711 2,373 56 387 696 743 396 95 191 145 2 41 240 230 5 3,824 3,259 41 400 777 1,076 710 255 380 185 42 76,440 19,700 2,795,154 2,692,389 619,807 562,520 774,377 461,510 250,815 23,360 78,875 21,340 2,550 43 63,505 28,515 102,010 2,355,161 2,207,991 310,468 245,850 539, 533 723,655 289,480 94,005 126,840 20,330 44 35,885 9,165 1,015,216 981,906 206,523 235,040 279,354 165,032 88,232 7,725 25,070 7,390 850 45 31,860 12,445 54,790 1,017,411 952,436 173,575 91,171 231,417 299,393 117,100 39,730 57,370 7,605 46 188,930 98,965 60,577,635 59,421,681 3,513,194 13,348,400 22,041,752 13,875,209 6,019,465 623,661 1,005,051 54,103 96,800 47 36,530 19,635 ... 16,896,759 16,593,444 1,091,625 3,992,248 6,007,414 3,783,614 1,553,423 160,120 265,615 14, 160 23,540 48 61,425 10,535 117,550 11,135,053 10,804,053 216,094 1,781,104 3,768,885 3,466,080 1,375,060 196,830 314,325 16,175 49 5 2,570 2,469 151 514 917 572 245 70 45 55 1 50 15 10 2,283 2,083 72 314 637 620 330 110 130 70 51 5 32,127 31,392 3,428 9,321 10,127 5,731 2,195 590 300 355 80 52 55 25 5 21,993 20,613 1,874 4,274 7,075 4,560 2,070 760 355 525 53 5 1,095 1,040 75 265 339 231 95 35 25 30 54 15 10 1,410 1,255 33 136 371 385 240 90 95 60 55 5 11,754 11,514 1,491 4,220 3,165 1,868 540 230 125 115 56 55 25 11,551 10, 561 703 1,853 3,855 2,255 1,275 620 580 410 57 100 742,138 731,728 103,811 282,765 203,615 107,407 26,485 7,645 6,850 3,560 58 875 705 629,209 591,624 43,639 118,165 229,925 118,180 58,535 23,130 25,360 12,225 59 357,195 357,195 77,515 133,865 92,470 44,045 4,300 60 385 315,354 307,149 30,419 94,405 116,565 40,045 17,870 7,845 5,666 3,045 61 40 45 405 390 29 86 139 92 37 7 5 10 62 105 70 "'5 422 392 14 55 113 150 45 10 25 5 63 415 135 14,283 14,118 3,410 5,150 3,492 1,630 390 46 25 140 64 1,595 520 '35 22,008 21,298 1,490 7,343 5,895 4,650 1,790 130 700 10 65 11,215 2,660 375,314 373,814 86,655 129,640 106,137 38,451 10,755 2,176 800 700 66 22,505 9,880 1,050 369,925 363,125 31,525 121,790 94,595 92,915 18,950 3,350 6,500 300 67 9,895 925 307,984 307,184 72,231 111,399 83,729 31,971 6,990 864 800 68 17,225 1,070 1,066 279,705 274,355 16,350 100,770 73,780 74,685 7,270 1,500 5,050 366 69 80 45 3,276 3,169 161 780 1,093 721 374 40 100 5 2 70 25 25 '5 3,297 3,142 129 556 937 895 535 90 120 35 71 320 165 40,405 39,493 3,330 11,968 12,779 7,333 3,223 360 560 20 332 72 430 IcO 15 46,990 45,975 4,431 11,598 14,021 9,575 5,650 700 875 140 73 19,370 2,080 1,838,557 1,811,302 195,899 597,235 589,875 303,363 113,395 11,535 22,505 600 4,150 74 5,665 2,355 450 1,785,720 1,759,120 210,535 475,900 535,330 342,730 172,985 21,140 22,585 4,015 75 17,120 225 1,542,754 1,524,674 174,870 523,553 485,278 238,228 94,305 8,440 15,490 £00 2,000 76 5,365 1,315,883 1,298,243 176,908 391,530 396,225 216,680 105,650 11,250 15,295 2,345 77 301 475 998 856 118 294 186 137 86 35 55 85 2 78 235 375 1,315 1,120 115 344 236 225 145 55 120 75 79 30 90 6,773 6,737 2,498 3,236 752 234 16 1 11 (') 25 80 62 70 9,193 9,149 3,380 3,841 1,349 435 94 50 36 3 81 3,087 12,740 1,481,520 1,478,680 562,835 751,297 133,086 28,308 2,944 210 410 240 2,190 82 4,405 3,455 1,849,483 1,842,083 808,134 762,574 207,720 50, 9X 9,350 3,375 5,655 1,745 83 6,002 3,276 188,063 173,122 25,067 47,495 52,734 34,588 15,571 2,667 2,725 1,355 5,861 84 6,170 5,695 '46 171,061 164,576 20,652 35,475 46,774 41,705 16,970 3,000 5,120 1,365 85 8,106 4,601 575,857 559,038 72,131 154,422 177,998 109,193 38,244 7,050 7,142 3,275 6,402 86 116 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table S.-LFVESTOCK ON HAND, LIVESTOCK SOLD, AND SPECIFIED [Data are baaed on re ports for only Item (For definitions and expl anations, see text) Area 3b | Total all farms Ec onomic class Coirmercial farras Total Class I Class II Class III Class n Claeg V Class VI Livestock on hand; 1 Horses and mules — farms reporting 1954... :',9.,9 2,30, 411 325 319 513 190 46 2 1950 . . . i,543 4,313 357 347 1, .577 1,011 421 100 3 number 1954... 9,083 8,703 2,204 2,128 2,444 1, 370 445 112 4 1950 .. . 16,214 15,669 2,941 3,257 5,224 2,734 1,138 375 5 All cattle and calves ...farms reporting 1954... 6,380 5,915 563 1,684 1,910 1,128 514 116 6 1950... 6,609 6,134 380 1,265 2,143 1,566 665 115 7 niimber 1954 . . . 268,783 265,923 88,075 74,304 61,341 29,599 9,697 2,907 s 1950... 184,282 181,332 46,789 45,945 52,151 27,392 7,890 1,165 9 Cows, including heifers that have calved ...farms reporting 195.i... 6,007 5,632 519 1,577 1,838 1,093 494 111 10 1950... 6,406 5,936 352 1,220 2,063 1,521 650 110 11 number 195i . . . 98,605 97,340 25,220 27,013 25,79;. 13,400 4,593 1,320 12 1950... 69,759 68,369 13,680 17,317 21,070 12,162 3,640 500 13 Milk covis ...farms reporting 1954... 5,511 5,171 418 1,466 1,733 1,001 463 90 U 1950... 6,166 5,726 318 1,176 2,021 1,481 625 105 15 number 1954 . . . 43,665 42,670 2,917 14,062 14,544 8,068 2,679 400 16 1950... 36,659 35,544 1,753 7,465 13,944 8,782 3,230 370 17 All hogs and pigs ...farms reporting 1954... 1,450 1,375 96 -.54 434 235 136 20 13 1950... 2,266 2,116 120 490 771 505 195 35 19 number 1954 . . . 15,102 14,827 2,160 5,275 3,808 2,835 549 200 20 1950. . . 25,111 24,486 2,553 6,846 9,722 4,400 605 160 21 Chickens 4 months old and over.. farms reporting 1954... 4,334 3,989 242 1,106 1,287 872 407 75 22 1950... 5,1»9 4,739 245 9tj8 1,681 1,175 545 125 23 number 1954 . . . 269,590 249,320 11,433 71,492 85,237 50,665 18,618 11,875 24 Livestock and livestock products 1950 . . . sold: 230,996 216,996 11,235 52,866 72,055 52,370 20,730 7,740 25 Cattle and calves sold alive. ...farms reporting 1954... 4,906 4,676 465 1,387 1,528 331 404 61 26 1949... 5,247 5,007 309 1,089 1,783 1,246 505 70 27 number 1954 . . . 121,102 120,237 60,806 30, 613 18,121 7,336 2,612 249 28 1949... 102,450 101,705 44,923 26,894 18,535 9,018 2,040 245 29 dollars 1954 . . . 16,662,882 16,615,067 10,188,016 3,790,098 1,725,007 697, 846 195,660 18,440 30 1949 . . . 14,844,226 14,779,686 8,079,214 3,447,382 2,124,075 911,550 195,170 22,295 31 Hogs and pigs sold alive ...farms reporting 1954... 852 822 63 293 243 127 76 20 32 1949 . . . 2,010 1,895 120 434 746 420 150 25 33 number 1954 16,153 15,903 2,429 6,724 3,923 1,949 703 175 34 1949... 38,797 37,917 4,052 10,862 15,913 5,580 1,390 120 35 dollars 1954 . . . 596,430 591,315 90,675 266,400 146,442 64,973 19,135 3,690 36 1949... 1,254,490 1,237,875 148,902 382,684 505,969 165,330 32,955 2,035 37 Chickens sold ...farms reporting 1954... 1,088 1,013 48 314 329 182 105 35 38 1949 . . . 1,693 1,558 66 351 541 360 185 55 39 dollars 1954 . . . 435,887 427,977 203,994 114,945 84,640 14,663 6,280 3,455 40 1949... 228,501 220,676 4,081 90,755 75,155 24,555 23,330 2,800 41 Chicken eggs sold ■ • .fanns reporting 195i. . . 1,834 1,709 76 525 526 526 825 327 550 205 260 50 75 42 1949... 2,490 2,320 84 43 dozens 1954... 1,427,970 1,395,365 47,749 357,917 645,949 264,080 60,770 18,900 44 1949... 1,173,223 1,135,103 15, 108 284,230 430,690 254,455 116,040 34,580 45 dollars 1954... 532,714 521,114 16,452 135,258 254,115 87,844 21,515 5,930 46 1949... 484,531 469,421 5,896 117,790 177,950 106,795 47,145 13,845 47 Milk sold^ gallons 1954... 30,173,265 29,830,913 2,201,043 10,506,788 10,371,327 5,002,420 1,584,596 164,739 48 dollars 1954 . . . 7,85o,143 7,775,368 760,223 2,792,391 2,570,056 1,232,803 377,245 42,650 49 Specified crops barvested: 1949... 5,182,519 5,109,389 226,973 1,087,361 2,152,505 1,224,750 393,865 23,935 50 Com for all purposes ...farms reporting 1954... 647 277 627 272 119 27 160 50 166 90 126 60 51 40 5 5 51 1949... 52 acres 1954 . . . 8,693 8,413 2,517 2,011 1,606 2,039 205 35 53 1949 . . . 2,209 2,194 654 565 530 275 165 5 54 Com harvested for grain.. ...farms reporting 1954... 178 168 9 28 55 46 30 55 1949... 179 174 9 25 70 25 40 5 56 acres 1954... 1,097 1,032 132 161 400 254 35 • , . 57 1949... 980 965 130 220 295 150 165 5 58 bushels harvested 1954... 69,035 65,860 13,835 10,875 19,525 17,375 4,250 59 1949 . . . 43,105 42,405 6,330 11,650 11,475 7,100 5,600 250 60 bushels sold 1954... 12,874 12,774 660 7,525 4,589 61 1949... 5,665 5,665 40 1,375 1,000 1,750 1,500 62 Winter wheat threshed or combined . • J'arms reporting 1954 . . . 268 257 392 33 55 89 59 21 46 63 1949... 417 34 36 126 90 10 64 acres 1954 . . . 35,561 34,889 18,074 10,395 4,685 1,595 140 ... 65 1949... 48,661 48,466 18,884 21,147 4,655 1,665 1,785 330 66 bushels harvested 1954... 581,943 579,018 301,975 156,405 87,653 30,685 2,300 67 1949 . . . 915,405 911,680 351,088 400,377 92,765 44,605 19,445 3,400 68 bushels sold 1954... 513,550 511,975 259,920 145,264 76,255 28,351 2,185 69 1949... 833,980 831,130 322,801 373,744 80,430 37,960 15,445 750 70 Spring wheat threshed or combined . . .farms reporting 1954., . . 4,661 4,190 4,575 4,135 454 233 1,495 916 1,546 1,571 774 1,035 266 330 40 45 71 1949 . . . 72 acres 1954... 94,903 94,338 31,851 29,540 22,123 8,732 1,877 210 73 1949... 74,619 74,339 12,607 21,611 23,286 13,365 3,215 255 74 bushels harvested 1954... 4,640,023 4,625,118 1,498,207 1,611,034 1,080,113 349,049 76,615 10,100 75 1949 . . . 3,274,875 3,266,300 562,290 1,040,490 1,077,160 472,520 105,335 8,505 76 bushels sold 1954 . . . 4,313,894 4,303,174 1,443,589 1,466,968 1,003,538 317,744 61,875 9,460 77 1949 . . . 2,630,429 2,626,139 449, 399 854,255 880,810 356,760 78,820 6,095 78 Irish potatoes harvested for home use or for sale • * • f*flT*TflG Ten/tT*-^ 1 rttr 1 Q'^y 1,937 1,887 380 835 517 110 35 10 • ■ ■ 1 Q,£ lilD 1 tz^JKJi UUlg L J J*^ • a • 79 1949... 2,769 2,669 268 856 960 455 115 15 80 acres 1954'.. 32,658 32,652 16,331 12,569 3,444 288 20 ( = ) 81 1949'.. 35,390 35,342 9,358 13,326 8,853 2,802 485 18 82 100-lb. bags 1954... 6, ..66, 137 6,464,697 3,508,945 2,346,905 538,457 69,385 965 40 83 1949 . . . 0,23.,, 236 6,279,661 1,996,236 2,582,895 1,312,970 337,935 48,690 935 84 Hay cut acres 1954 . . . 139,963 196,28m 188,558 194,329 42,920 39,781 63,697 53,413 49,928 57,010 23,889 32,610 6,485 10,335 1,639 1,180 85 1949 . . . 86 tons 1954... 704,222 700,772 168,319 252,428 175,549 80,652 19,294 4,530 ^For comparability of data on livestock and poultry, see text and State Table 12. farms with less than 10 bags harvested . ^IncludcB milk equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. 'Does not include acreage for IDAHO CROPS. BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued 117 a aample of fanna. See text] Area .3U— Continued Area 4 Econom c clasa— Continued Total all farms Economic c lasa Other farroB Coimorcial farms Other farm a Part-timo Reai- dential Abnormal Total Clasa I Clasa 11 Claaa III Claaa IV Clasa V Claaa VI Part- time Reai- dential Abnormal bO 85 5,713 S236 426 1,-74 1,506 1,156 560 164 245 lec 2 1 liO 80 111 7,37L 6,367 410 1,324 2,253 1,900 775 205 315 13; 3 2 115 265 17,732 16,791 2,262 4,965 4,259 3,192 1,766 347 610 33; 46 3 320 205 20 30, 'Jl, 28,699 3,393 6,346 8,968 6,747 2,665 580 875 «S 905 4 225 240 9,50':' 8,235 511 2,090 2,526 1,894 960 254 660 605 7 5 310 165 9,732 8,779 452 1,578 2,996 2,328 1,100 325 530 37C 3 6 1,730 1,130 357,271 347,999 65,506 126,638 84,426 50,310 17,063 ,,051 5,990 2,905 377 7 ;,i;-.5 795 288,427 273,151 56,938 74,449 76,267 47,797 15,180 2,520 4,160 1,73C 9,386 3 200 175 9,132 7,980 467 2,025 2,460 1,859 915 254 635 51C 7 9 305 165 9,515 8,597 438 1,535 2,941 2,303 1,070 310 560 353 3 10 795 470 1,6, 33o 1,4,539 24,008 51,781 35,913 22,951 8,126 1,755 2,690 9.3C 227 11 1,0,5 345 12o,955 118,177 22,414 32,541 33,568 21,819 6,515 1,320 1,720 90; 6,153 12 17 5 165 3,095 7,053 382 1,730 2,255 1,637 806 243 585 45C 7 13 2S;' 155 9,020 8,127 379 1,416 2,310 2,232 1,000 290 555 33: 3 14 5oO 435 59,210 5o,378 3,145 16,263 19,398 12,036 4,645 391 1,900 70: 227 13 SCO 235 57,213 54,765 3,436 10,343 20,305 14, 546 5,010 1,125 1,500 845 103 16 ^0 35 i,^~' 2,373 106 753 334 748 324 103 210 16! 1 17 105 45 ,,570 ,,089 177 661 1,476 1,150 520 105 300 17; 6 18 200 75 33,121 36,04d 3,298 10,539 12,780 6,741 2,241 447 J.,025 55C 5D0 19 530 95 ,1,301 39,304 3,243 9,295 15,6,1 7,865 3,330 425 1,290 50C 207 20 190 155 6,045 5,274 319 1,258 1,652 1,205 628 212 375 395 1 21 2^5 155 10 7,374 6,608 272 1,192 2,201 1,828 835 230 460 30C 6 22 11,710 8,560 681,957 652,122 141,732 145,897 212,838 88,663 52,987 10,005 16,235 11,50C 2,100 23 -,,50 4,050 500 534,256 501,174 38,791 102, 374 181,874 122,020 44,880 11,235 19,265 9,74C 4,077 24 130 50 7,32 6,317 415 1,813 2,109 1,578 718 13- 330 17C 6 25 205 35 7,395 333 1,333 2,622 1,992 840 225 345 3: 1 26 790 75 131, ,9j 129,513 42,714 42,639 24,795 14,534 4,164 617 1,490 36C 130 27 655 90 112,932 108,757 33,851 31,059 25,675 13,797 3,630 745 1,015 10; 3,055 26 43,540 4,275 15, ,32, 39,:, 15,296,711 5,979,122 5,207,715 2,448,276 1,264,652 350,020 -6, 926 104,025 23,635 7,975 29 58,1,5 o,395 15,993,50" 15,288,724 6,003,724 4,046,716 3,267,194 1,540,290 370,450 60, 350 103,585 9,20c 592,000 30 25 5 1,95, 1,818 80 476 562 482 161 57 35 5C 1 31 90 ,,5,0 4,234 167 752 1,590 1,190 525 60 195 6C 1 32 245 : 29 , 3' '3 28,308 3,427 8,082 9,601 4,925 1,977 296 770 21! 600 33 715 lr'5 75,7,'.' 73,929 6,920 20,364 26,985 14,435 4,550 675 1,495 13. 190 34 ,,7,0 375 1,080,696 1,033,306 132,929 313,531 349,278 160,603 69,510 7,950 17,625 5,26! 24,000 35 13,215 3,, 00 2,696,970 2,6,6,736 280,072 788,689 933,630 491,050 144,185 9,110 37,330 3,91C 9,000 36 ,0 35 1,,8S 1,382 94 326 494 307 146 15 -5 eC 1 37 100 35 1,870 1,739 47 320 617 500 190 65 100 3C 1 38 5,,o; 2 , 505 377,655 372,226 49,346 203,502 72,771 25,897 19,970 740 2,915 1,72C 794 39 o.oOC 3,7,, 0, 335,774 18,333 163,872 76,134 57,305 15,550 4,530 8,650 95[ 2,090 40 r-C 2,550 2,284 130 540 797 485 247 85 175 9C 1 41 -,; ,5 3,253 2,982 123 571 1,033 835 330 85 175 IOC 1 42 ^,. 125 3:'., .7.0 5,221, iDl 5,110,166 1,418,481 1,312,2,9 1,551,666 529,270 260,070 38,430 67,080 13,41! 30,500 43 33,290 ,,S,0 3,159,641 3,083,731 241,058 719,558 1,095,305 725,775 264,430 42,555 48,230 14,38C 7,800 44 5 , 2' 'u L..310 l,o31,t49 1,591,224 406,911 431,123 479,587 173,717 83,236 11,600 21,190 3,98! 15,250 45 13.325 i,';35' 1,331,005 1,300,185 110,827 288,208 467,435 311,305 106,020 16, 390 20,950 6,36C 3,510 46 315,012 2'.' . 3,1) 39,521,748 38,314,346 2,145,768 11,678,861 13,743,257 7,522,537 2,838,536 335,387 910,229 135, 39<. l6l,279 47 73,0'-^5 V . L.30 9,722,546 9,^51,756 624,153 3,078,906 3,250,473 1,774,914 638,645 34, 665 197,545 30,42! 42, 820 43 68,905 ,,225 7,756,2,9 7,5''S,069 654,013 1,071,790 2,772,381 1,874,135 539,995 35,755 127,805 14,72C 15,655 49 15 3-, 338 34 133 113 33 20 5 10 6 50 5 133 18 35 60 50 15 5 1 51 225 uO 3. 5-' 3,,35 662 1,513 877 153 100 130 60 52 15 _,LLi 1,020 180 290 340 145 50 15 1 53 5 10 10 5 5 54 ;' 20 20 eO 30 15 30 5 55 56 15 175 3,'".'0C 50 2,750 1,500 40 1,250 10 57 58 700 ir-^l'^' 2,465 2,165 300 59 IOC' 1 , 000 1,000 1,000 60 61 11 1,9,0 1,920 231 611 547 422 88 21 15 62 20 5 2,53i 2,465 256 587 863 537 172 50 60 1 ) 1 63 672 344,855 344,500 125,429 135,428 56,906 22,617 3,330 290 315 4( ) 64 135 'oO ,73,533 471,593 186,703 148,060 101,345 26,985 7,275 1,225 915 47 ) 600 65 2,925 6,613,662 6,611,437 2,561,980 2,673,420 1,00,,270 321,577 46,140 4,050 1,950 27 66 3, ,25 300 3,901,802 8,859,152 3,401,674 2,901,241 1,892,910 530,227 119,625 13,-75 14,400 10,25 ) 18,000 67 1,575 6,049,010 6,047,165 2,386,958 2,445,353 891,345 279,449 41,290 2,770 1,570 27 68 2,350 8,132,019 8,141,994 3,196,849 2,683,468 1,709,830 445,452 98,150 3,245 12,725 9,30 ) 18, 660 69 5tj 30 7,, 3, 7,108 499 1,964 2,308 1,565 661 111 215 10 ) 11 70 30 10 L5 7,007 392 1,386 2,502 1,756 761 210 220 6 ] 11 71 ,'^5 70 2 59,, 82 257,172 56,051 95,225 63,323 32,742 8,902 929 1,605 30 ) 400 72 165 30 85 294,2,7 287,742 52,454 102,725 78,303 37,325 14,545 2,390 1,985 21 ) 4,310 73 13,055 1,350 7,861.340 7,802,089 1,740,978 2,951,853 1,952,933 892,244 231,876 32,205 47,015 7,75 ) 4,981 74 5,350 750 2,475 7,064,985 6,870,421 1,190,118 2,405,903 1,998,920 918,010 304,355 53,115 60,460 6,56 ) 127,539 75 10,570 150 7,095,731 7,044,036 1,650,627 2,702,467 1,720,533 755,337 191,477 23,545 41,390 5,44 > 4,860 76 4,040 250 5,692,137 5,527,764 1,037,189 1,996,000 1,578,440 666,795 217, 355 31,985 41,875 2,00 ) 120,543 77 40 10 ,,699 4,563 380 1,558 1,534 754 246 41 100 3 ) 1 78 dO 35 5,131 5,030 267 1,056 2,021 1,171 480 35 80 2 ) 1 79 5 1 102,756 102,536 26,273 44,509 24,167 6,308 1,183 96 197 22 BO 33 ('} 'io 96,199 95,803 14,848 32,486 33,223 12,012 3,172 62 343 3 J 20 81 1 , 35,1 '0 16,519,146 16,497,681 5,004,036 7,306,402 3,296,474 758,102 126,267 6,400 18,370 19 ) 2,400 82 3,510 115 950 13,153,532 13,114,737 2,645,018 4,698,774 4,246,900 1,247,295 270,240 6,510 17,170 1,62 > 20,000 83 985 ,40 391,852 379,797 60,997 125,998 97,736 66,843 23,356 4,862 5,460 1,03 ) 5,510 84 1,255 660 40 373,692 355,996 54,332 100,152 105,527 68,820 21,710 5,455 5,275 1,46 S 10,956 85 2,490 960 681,649 865,524 144,499 314,166 230,160 129,402 38,65h 3,6-3 9,925 1,"5 1 4,250 86 118 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 4.-FARMS, ACREAGE, VALUE, AND USE OF COMMERCIAL [Data are baBed oo reporta for only {For definitions and eiplanat ions, see text) Total all farms Type of farm Caah-grain Other field-crop Vegetable Fruit- and-nut Poultry Livestock other than dairy and poultry FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number 1954. 1950. Land in farms acres 1954. 1950. Average size of farm acres 1954. 1950. Value of land and buildings; Average per farm dollars 1954. 1950. Average per acre dollars 1954. 1950. Proportion of farms reporting value percent 1954, Land in faras according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting 1954, 1949. acres 1954, 1949. 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 1954. 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 1954. 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 1954. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 1954. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1954. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 1954. 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 1954. 500 acres and over farms reporting 1954. Cropland used only for pasture, .farms reporting 1954, 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Cropland not harve^^ted and not pastured farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Cultivated summer fallow farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. Other cropland farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. Woodland pastured farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. Woodland not pastured farms reporting 1954, acres 1954, Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting 1954 . acres 1954, Improved (see text) farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. Cropland, total farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954, 1949. Land pastured, total farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Woodland, total farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949, Irrigated land in farms farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Land in row or close-seeded crops grown in strips for wind erosion control farms reporting 1954, acres 1954, Cropland used for row or grain crops farmed on contour farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. USE OF COmERCIAL FERTILIZER Crops oo nhicli connercial fertilizer was used, 1954; Hay and cropland pastured farms reporting. tons, acres on which used. Other pasture farms reporting. tons, acres on which used. Sugar beets farms reporting. tons, acres on which used. Wheat farms reporting. tons, acres on which used. Fruits, vegetables, potatoes, etc.... farms reporting. tons, acres on which used. Other crops farms reporting. tons, acres on which used. 38,810 40,311 14,275,607 13,258,110 367.8 328.9 31,662 22,471 94.49 72.31 33,860 36,220 3,695,693 3,662,377 3,592 2,766 2,744 4,916 9,566 5,930 3,302 1,044 19,737 17,473 559,556 482,583 10.577 11,121 1 , 197 , 008 1,099,210 7,167 990, 875 4,902 206,133 4,772 1,164,170 2,285 281,962 16,050 6,651,628 5,899 246,553 36,248 725 , 590 36,068 38,082 5,452,257 5,244,170 32,129 33,404 8,375,354 7,338,201 6,207 7,541 1,446,132 1,609,688 28,422 29,598 2,334,250 2,124,240 177 18,959 534 68,907 8,879 24.739 234,071 1,497 2,198 24,146 3,711 18,937 81,252 7,389 21,069 272,724 4,495 21,939 109.397 7,352 21,578 228,225 7,776 7,133 4,019,033 3,605,304 516.9 505.4 53,167 39,845 103.89 80.01 89 7,776 7,133 1,705,112 1,658,216 60 130 230 786 1.961 1,950 1,394 765 2,946 2,305 93,008 81,306 4,612 3,825 906,585 779,713 4,053 322,086 1,428 84,499 1,038 217,255 883 99.973 3,320 709,607 697 23,682 7,329 287,493 7,776 7,133 2,704,705 2,519,235 5,730 5,324 1,019,870 810,171 1,634 1,477 317.228 295,007 4,073 3,655 384,607 297,992 61 11,554 240 56.455 1,611 4,317 41.435 198 259 3,139 346 1,367 8,237 2,804 10,562 163,137 350 876 6,442 2,264 8,409 123 , 760 4,007 4,468 638,482 584,020 159.3 130.7 38,639 24,030 247.24 188.74 88 4,007 4,468 403,359 349,598 25 90 155 565 1,923 1,005 195 49 2,304 2,558 35,951 28,292 734 984 28,038 32,331 330 13,212 467 14,826 94 6,779 46 2,240 1,243 87.205 564 15,852 3,856 74,910 4,007 4,468 467,348 410,221 3,044 3,497 129,935 130,143 130 333 9,019 18,144 3,972 4,423 426,976 369,530 35 2,095 1,040 1,677 5,072 44,716 169 270 1,944 1,406 10,283 39,549 1,260 4,214 38,304 2,056 11,038 63,871 1,153 4,447 29,654 154 166 16,325 11,075 106.0 66.7 29,809 20,027 257.36 296.44 67 154 166 10,290 7,207 35 30 449 432 31 1,051 170 746 20 305 138 11 220 70 139 997 154 166 11.790 7,809 3,7o7 1,882 12 5 358 125 140 161 5,350 7,924 5 285 20 178 550 7 92 1,308 47 282 1,805 382 337 29,245 26,525 76.6 78.7 34,966 17,324 451.75 220.65 99 382 337 18,120 11,432 70 95 45 60 86 10 15 127 101 ,640 ,995 81 1,150 1,480 10 105 65 1,045 1 1,490 5 111 1,335 55 350 342 3,505 382 337 22,910 15,907 222 161 6,465 9,805 6 20 1,495 1,430 377 317 19,375 14,167 70 73 510 25 63 160 47 285 222 4,530 6,590 100 229 1 , 185 6,620 6,286 716,484 665,925 108.2 105.9 20,050 14,063 179.33 133.75 87 5,825 5,616 272,457 236,575 570 876 920 1,353 1,607 407 92 4,523 3,226 39,705 57,958 1,301 1,116 34,171 25,490 616 16,570 799 17,601 520 73,574 206 17,603 2,662 167, 890 1,409 26,135 6,435 61,084 6,205 5,931 396,333 320,023 6,365 5,996 331,169 310,248 640 990 91,177 135,895 5,838 5,311 289,545 264,032 20 1,140 70 3,300 1,533 4,014 33,142 372 544 4,020 305 647 2,690 552 765 7,121 187 348 2,213 1,012 2,024 13,695 510 539 33,945 46,510 66.6 86.3 14,190 13,911 228.24 147.05 91 310 339 9,515 13,730 95 55 60 40 40 215 200 2,230 2.210 95 114 1,880 6,940 60 690 55 1,190 75 6,760 50 4,925 105 4,875 55 525 480 3,760 375 434 13,625 22,880 340 341 13,865 19,125 110 60 11,685 3,740 290 336 7,825 7,530 45 73 640 5 25 100 85 25 21 320 4,883 5,511 6,125,137 5,831,711 1,254.4 1,058.2 41,856 28,970 37.66 30.19 85 4,180 4,989 547,510 601,027 181 295 334 560 1,093 963 605 149 2,438 2,343 197,987 187,414 1,108 1,510 113,719 107,334 691 71,382 582 42,337 914 488,721 149 34,056 3,186 4,614,542 1,129 137,635 4,553 128,602 4,474 5,212 859,216 895,775 4,590 5,124 5,301.250 4,809,845 975 1,399 522,777 665,429 3,589 4,096 550,184 517,618 18 1,675 62 3,088 1,021 3,884 42,520 155 396 8,106 226 1,138 6,172 555 1,142 15,077 163 1,004 5,649 627 1,470 15,427 FERTILIZER, BY TYPE OF FARM: IDAHO CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 119 a sample of farms. See text] The State— Continued Area 1 Type of farm— Con inued Total all farms Type of farm General— Con. Uiscel- Livestock other than dairy and poultry General Miscel- Primarily livestock Crop and livestock laneous and unclassi- fied Cash- grain Cotton Other field- crop Vegetable Fruit- and-nut Dairy Poultry Primarily crop Primarily livestock Crop and livestock laneous and unclas- sified 497 3,567 7,900 5,978 1,068 110 36 473 60 1,508 240 82 318 2,078 1 927 3,780 8,280 6,201 940 71 15 31 670 45 1,633 284 105 370 2,037 2 107,746 885.300 1,157,068 3,711,558 644,830 29,790 60 5,105 105,479 6,210 2,257,636 104,855 24,800 149,611 383,182 3 225,5iO 635,522 833,006 3,358,408 539,453 13,435 845 8,130 124,185 6,785 2,038,280 113,218 25 , 100 189,957 299,020 4 216.8 248.2 146.5 620.9 603.8 270.8 12.0 141.8 223.0 103.5 1,497.1 436 . 9 302.4 470.5 184.4 5 243.3 221.0 100.6 541.6 573.9 189.2 56.3 262.3 185.4 150.8 1,248.2 398.7 239.0 513.4 146.8 6 23,859 32,609 9,884 29,635 57,265 29,412 14,049 19,246 9,800 40,426 37,579 25,002 31,061 9,756 7 17.722 23,434 7,495 20,149 43,607 15,041 7,667 16,226 12,216 12,367 25,509 18,998 16,127 23,565 6,797 8 114.48 133.48 99.68 52.96 95.29 109.54 99.07 90.76 95.38 30.11 79.50 82.67 70.24 71.22 9 709.5 110.97 86.44 38.55 77.25 81.81 136.09 61.87 68.95 70.32 21.83 51.74 67.46 47.00 45.93 10 90 88 90 90 93 95 100 90 100 89 90 100 89 90 11 45b 3 , 567 4,689 5,154 1,068 lie ^ 36 443 50 1,382 240 82 318 1,420 12 882 3,774 5,638 5,621 940 71 15 31 655 40 1,549 283 105 365 1,567 13 31,056 342,151 86,028 580,240 255,095 10,576 50 1,885 21,307 2,085 182,512 32,640 6,455 40,128 27,506 14 62,870 327,962 103,698 603,562 259,446 5,980 200 2,370 28,435 1,545 185,309 32,547 7,180 49,800 30,750 15 10 60 2,450 681 10 20 30 20 46 5 5 10 535 16 70 85 985 580 15 5 5 55 15 70 10 30 370 17 50 305 525 445 25 10 65 5 100 '25 20 195 18 85 618 441 717 70 10 10 126 5 196 32 10 36 222 19 13" 1.433 237 1,010 186 60 120 384 62 10 97 91 20 QV 781 38 867 314 16 42 5 312 80 32 60 6 21 251 8 694 347 9 5 232 45 55 1 22 34 5 160 101 1 42 6 10 23 317 2.323 3,058 2,347 276 60 16 295 25 647 93 52 163 720 24 486 2,183 2,705 2,222 254 40 10 6 255 15 700 106 45 131 660 25 12.312 50.909 45,997 144,090 15,011 2,108 2,825 8,305 915 79,570 3,109 3,152 5,687 23,408 26 ic.oi- 53.336 33,410 104,769 13,966 540 '30 2,270 5,390 530 56,350 8,003 1,790 7,090 8,810 27 122 852 1,077 1,951 823 37 5 116 10 357 93 5 113 394 28 286 946 1,527 1.836 489 10 11 200 10 443 81 25 152 415 29 4,055 50,1364 29,561 160.198 105,313 1.581 80 2,333 335 29,305 4,116 240 6,950 9,645 30 11,698 54,966 47,645 138,044 81,945 200 240 4,465 450 29,515 2,485 700 8,839 9.205 31 86 603 422 1,224 697 12 5 40 5 213 59 76 117 32 3,335 39,988 9,500 113,627 89,225 400 80 645 14,190 2,586 4,411 2.090 33 38 352 749 1,026 276 26 81 5 218 54 5 52 309 34 720 10 , 076 20.061 46,771 16,588 1,181 1,688 335 15,115 1,530 240 2,539 7,555 35 68 363 1,556 2,431 324 16 253 30 571 63 46 165 963 36 9,574 74.914 266,016 584,932 60,652 4,145 36,506 2,280 239,856 9,977 4,784 42,899 183,833 37 36 85 737 931 206 10 5 86 10 84 39 30 28 433 38 889 11,645 97,922 121,215 24,327 1,140 5 9,233 240 19,964 5,534 450 6,775 55,547 39 269 1,748 2 , 397 3,061 610 51 206 10 1,157 136 66 186 637 40 44,405 290,934 588,658 2,034,001 165,953 8,557 23,777 40 1,670,237 43,218 8,447 43,272 70,500 41 93 731 754 964 61 10 65 494 53 30 68 183 42 :■ , 7^5 17.493 6,110 78, «2 5.593 900 1,735 58,881 3,810 1,750 3,298 2,075 43 455 3,445 6,801 5,687 1,021 110 5 21 463 60 1,454 237 82 297 1,937 44 5,455 64,683 42 , 886 84,682 17,979 1.683 10 310 4,018 315 36,192 6,261 1,271 3,900 12,743 45 462 3,567 6,152 5,547 1,068 110 5 36 458 55 1,443 240 82 318 1,732 46 897 3.780 6,845 5,899 940 71 15 31 660 45 1,596 284 105 370 1,782 47 47,423 443,124 161,586 884,728 375.919 14,265 50 4,790 31,945 3,335 291,387 39,8c5 9,848 52,765 60,559 4S 34,585 433,264 184,753 846,375 355,357 6,720 230 4,830 38,290 2,525 271,174 43,035 9,670 65,729 48,765 49 457 3.366 5,877 5,210 880 90 16 453 50 1,493 190 82 313 1,643 50 887 3,543 6,132 5,542 762 56 '15 26 645 40 1,572 259 100 360 1,707 51 66.291 416,757 900,671 2,763,023 241,616 14,810 2,825 08,588 3,235 1,989,663 56,304 16,383 91,858 277,741 52 U0,324 376,612 529,089 2,333.313 159.105 5.885 555 5,210 66,685 3,660 1,698,937 70,569 14,245 120,127 188,335 53 74 403 2,030 2.959 466 26 5 288 35 594 79 46 175 1,245 54 215 477 2,277 3.311 369 15 10 450 30 792 121 65 192 1,267 55 10,463 86,559 363,938 708.147 84,979 5,285 5 45,739 2,520 259,820 15,511 5,234 49,674 239,380 56 47,275 98,409 300,255 719,758 64,448 1,675 825 65,810 1,445 331,700 30,815 11,555 47,940 163,545 57 429 1,192 4,191 2.330 162 90 5 31 215 25 1,016 149 62 140 435 58 672 3.392 4,609 2,324 162 61 15 16 180 10 1,005 174 45 174 482 ,59 30,178 301,662 57,531 342,477 27,703 11,554 50 2,530 12.490 2,620 216,604 26,251 7,347 22,087 13,241 60 41,480 278,153 22 1.915 66,645 263,800 390 25,766 390 5,410 210 2,215 9,640 1,085 158,142 27,017 4,315 19,085 10,915 61 62 63 51 16 20 4 5 4 6 1 64 220 ' , 321 218 806 490 25 178 100 13 65 96 1,343 512 760 116 12 106 230 24 57 209 66 20o 3,576 422 2,160 366 39 286 988 87 14 178 202 67 2,087 34,845 5,992 23,442 4,123 375 3,215 9,730 595 122 2,255 3,027 68 15 285 145 85 11 23 6 5 40 69 2'' 466 66 114 16 68 5 5 20 70 110 4,510 745 1,432 205 747 70 50 360 71 20 781 30 1 1 72 76 2,784 108 19 19 73 375 12.775 765 40 40 74 72 1,033 205 714 382 11 25 105 64 59 68 75 109 1,353 221 2,399 1,855 21 10 192 134 100 87 76 1,240 19,598 2,294 39,077 31,664 420 190 2,042 2,181 1,506 1,074 77 15 662 136 155 10 42 26 5 5 3 17 12 35 78 27 1.467 75 302 3 147 42 5 1 3 83 14 4 79 120 9,935 599 2,278 20 1,205 250 25 5 32 522 179 40 80 61 949 342 692 248 27 40 129 76 42 125 81 90 2,384 297 2.218 1,244 111 50 310 283 8 112 94 32 1,267 19,165 3,200 33,463 22,633 785 591! 3,139 3,236 150 1,595 1,335 83 120 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 4.-FARMS, ACREAGE, VALUE, AND USE OF COMMERCIAL [Data are based oa reports for only Item (For dsfinitioDS aBd ezplaDationa, aee text) Total all farraa Type of farm Cash-grail Other field- crop Fruit- and-nut Dairy- Poultry Livestock other than dairy and poultry FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number 1954. 1950. Land In farms acres 1954. 1950. Average size of farm acres 1954. 1950. Value of land and buildiags: Average per farm dollars 1954 . 1950. Average per acre dollars 1954. 1950. Proportion of farms reporting value percent 1954. Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 1954. 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 1954. 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 1954. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 1954. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1954. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 1954. 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 1954. 500 acres and over farms reporting 1954. Cropland used only for pasture. .farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954, 1949. Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Cultivated summer fallow farms reporting 1954. acres 1954, Other cropland farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. Woodland pastured farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. Woodland not pastured farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting 1954 . acres 1954. Improved (see text) farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. Cropland, total farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Land pastured, total farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Woodland, total farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Irrigated land in farms farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Land in row or close-seeded crops grown in strips for wind erosion control farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. Cropland used for row or grain crops farmed on contour farms reporting 1954 . acres 1954. USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER Crops on which commercial fertilizer was used, 1954; Hay and cropland pastured farms reporting. tons, acres on which used. Other pasture farms reporting. tons, acres on which used. Sugar beets Sarins reporting. tons, acres on which used. Wheat Xarms reporting. tons, acres on which used. Fruits, vegetables, potatoes, etc.... farms reporting. tons, acres on which used. Other crops farms reporting. tons, acres on which used. 4,4L2 4,792 1,572,332 1.595,627 356.4 333.0 37,226 27,551 108.73 83.41 3,859 4,331 544,235 573 , 724 797 344 257 353 521 710 687 190 1.516 1,570 28,348 29,925 2,240 2.137 186,255 144,628 1,812 160,556 920 25,699 1,667 376,019 1,052 136,785 1,433 242,527 355 6,189 3,845 56,161 4,091 4,521 758,839 748,277 3,435 3,719 646,894 691,189 2,332 2,613 514,805 584,306 717 672 9,885 5,273 22 2,595 120 24,569 1,773 1,580 995,433 858,074 552.0 543.1 71,745 59,124 128.66 111.71 87 1,773 1,560 461,106 462,445 5 15 10 85 260 587 630 181 561 458 11,941 10,430 1,478 1,142 163,152 110,682 1,393 146,439 438 15,713 599 134,140 563 66,556 703 119,126 82 2,659 1,609 38,412 1,773 1,580 636,199 583,507 1,362 1,208 265,207 214,827 972 789 202,696 157,615 55 21 3,119 418 12 92 23,062 552 207 1,078 551 15,460 7,414 117 51 133 58 1,881 1,212 56 35 315 225 3,817 3,087 1,180 944 5,562 5.068 97,780 88,028 37 2 16 5 193 106 993 776 3,799 3,468 69,634 54,320 10 1,530 7,850 306.0 785.0 80,000 37,920 251.44 24.78 100 730 415 5 70 250 19 10 9,715 100 511.3 10.0 93,885 8,000 159.70 533.33 5,410 90 5 5 400 74* 80 5 9 400 715 5 30 2 138 5 5 225 110 5 14 75 3,015 5 75 5 19 100 237 5 19 10 10 1,130 6,215 495 90 5 14 10 ... 75 3,212 7,300 5 7 10 ... 225 243 3,250 5 5 5 10 510 10 150 90 1 100 2 71 1,263 25 2 26 525 10 65 40 1,385 4.0 21.3 8,500 11,756 2,125.00 528.46 100 10 65 20 565 10 25 5 100 15 10 65 25 695 570 10 60 20 505 307 370 79,207 89,160 258.0 241.0 21,152 11,771 80.29 50.14 92 287 335 20,690 15,575 25 45 170 165 4.015 3,625 140 95 4,892 2,730 3,188 74 1,704 171 29,017 75 7,245 97 9,330 61 1,400 292 3,418 292 355 30,197 22,130 302 350 42,962 59,975 215 285 36,262 56,880 97 60 2,126 1,270 15 990 31 132 2,840 15 20 170 57 133 ,375 1 5 46 98 ,170 145 120 12,825 4,935 88.4 41.1 13,632 7,201 133.12 181.39 110 80 2,120 1,260 50 15 60 50 550 270 935 595 35 470 40 465 45 4,480 35 3,470 605 10 100 130 465 120 105 3,605 2,145 90 70 5,835 2,275 70 30 7,950 2,295 45 40 160 125 25 12 375 340 450 255,893 333,560 752.6 725.1 23,945 18,546 40.18 25.94 92 275 429 17,712 32,970 26 44 42 58 61 33 9 3 92 195 3,085 5,675 93 158 5,973 8,871 49 3,328 69 2,545 186 117,939 27 10,445 189 94,794 42 1,155 296 5,945 292 434 26,770 47,716 330 434 215,818 253,568 206 343 128,384 190,992 23 10 670 120 1,145 64 160 2,516 1 1 19 84 1,905 45 46 1,234 FERTILIZER. BY TYPE OF FARM: IDAHO CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued 121 a sample of farms. See text] Area 2 — Continued Area 3a Type of farm — Cont inued Total all farms Type of farm GeneraJ — Con. Miscel- Livestock other than dairy and poultry General Miscel- Priraarily livestock Crop and livestock laneous and unclassi- fied Cash- grain Cotton Other field- crop Vegetable Fruit- and-nut Dairy Poultry Primarily crop Primarily livestock Crop and livestock laneous and unclas- sified 11 84 1,648 9,773 493 624 110 321 3,646 100 1,033 360 153 836 1,897 1 105 161 1,825 10,296 447 693 lib 191 3,355 145 1,156 773 180 925 2,315 2 1,355 23,415 168,979 2,471,542 114,717 72,130 b,340 23,795 247,993 4,860 1,565,175 103,892 21,380 132,686 178,574 3 20,795 52,920 189,465 2,345,519 107,385 67,495 9,405 14,965 212,405 3,645 1,598,096 103,361 17,175 136,282 74,805 4 168.6 276.7 102.5 252.9 232.7 115.6 57.6 74.1 68.0 48.6 1,515.2 185.5 139.7 158.7 94.1 5 198.0 328.7 103.8 227.8 240.2 97.4 81.1 78. 4 63.3 25.1 1,332.4 134.4 95.4 147.3 32.3 6 10,000 20,592 9,655 25,119 29,212 42,903 21,386 38,650 19,932 15,028 42,719 38,576 26,045 28,785 11,921 7 14,433 17,760 7,700 16,807 19,593 27,115 24,720 20,859 13,916 13,874 26,482 24,948 13,546 22,757 7,560 8 59.30 71.99 92.70 115.00 119.58 362.83 403.03 514. b8 280.63 679.65 33.55 216.90 180.89 180.46 116.22 9 72.88 56.12 72.31 84.54 82.95 286.26 303.78 274.46 226.92 471.34 22.81 179.06 136.42 147.70 229.09 10 100 81 90 86 81 90 73 98 86 90 78 92 90 83 88 11 84 1,219 7,947 493 o24 110 321 3,116 45 862 560 128 836 852 12 95 161 1,480 8,560 447 693 116 191 2,940 90 985 773 160 925 1,240 13 413 O.870 19,549 447,336 45,949 48,30b 4,695 15,965 113,436 1,280 83,745 52,357 6,586 58,400 16,117 W 4,930 15,d36 20,840 425,753 43,685 47.509 6,582 7.502 96,380 1,045 89,814 54,021 5,785 58,890 14,545 15 o75 1,166 5 ... 15 40 440 10 56 5 5 15 575 16 5 215 1,019 45 10 20 75 570 15 84 20 25 25 130 17 10 150 978 35 30 5 45 525 5 93 25 15 125 75 18 5 11 88 1,572 100 120 35 50 760 5 131 95 30 210 36 19 36 73 2,240 190 335 20 86 721 10 251 260 36 303 28 20 20 11 699 56 115 15 10 38 151 122 17 119 6 21 1 232 41 56 6 13 1 15 75 21 25 8 36 3 2 22 23 22 534 0.163 265 392 40 106 2,628 35 649 391 111 602 944 24 '40 61 555 5,061 186 383 41 85 1,920 55 491 386 110 519 885 25 ... 402 7,438 132,289 14,078 5.600 390 810 44,450 235 39,366 8,474 2,055 10,690 6,141 26 550 1,690 6,675 92,629 3,415 4,570 372 695 28,775 375 27,554 4,840 1,025 13,253 7,755 27 1 41 369 1,414 168 111 15 dO 453 10 189 94 26 150 138 28 35 101 475 1,579 122 113 26 40 400 15 269 141 40 158 255 29 15:' 933 6,410 59,014 16,300 2,472 295 1,065 8,401 140 14,124 4,443 372 4,956 6,446 30 1,000 4,860 11,220 55,739 8,980 2,946 150 675 8,250 90 20,486 3,580 540 4,272 5,770 31 1 3b 168 386 72 15 5 5 87 10 60 12 11 78 31 32 112 678 3,135 20,049 10,931 230 20 25 1,178 140 3,602 397 202 2,404 920 33 1 15 246 1,120 107 9b 15 60 387 137 87 15 98 118 34 40 2bO 3,275 38,9o5 5.369 2,242 275 1,040 7,223 10,522 4,046 170 2,552 5,526 35 t. 63 566 107 1 25 52 11 5 1 12 36 1,225 8,470 78,633 106 , 162 1,490 310 97,297 3,260 200 130 3,475 37 17 283 83 5 25 25 6 6 5 11 38 1,645 41,985 4,721 110 615 2,997 330 439 5 225 39 33 358 3,360 99 lb" 30 111 1,180 45 574 139 58 311 646 40 3,809 9,035 1,610,982 29,161 4,871 165 1,335 52,882 3,030 1,300,398 24,463 10,813 45,658 137,706 41 15 135 1,615 42 105 15 55 760 30 168 65 16 114 245 42 215 560 41,701 1,082 2,350 70 350 13,345 310 17,179 2,682 285 2,128 1,920 43 C' 79 1,349 9,092 450 614 95 301 3,531 100 953 540 12'' 810 1,571 44 65 1,281 5,929 111,038 9,229 10,331 685 3,130 27,899 175 26,748 10,565 915 12,847 8,464 45 6 84 1,420 8,854 493 624 110 321 3,386 60 949 560 133 836 1,382 46 100 161 1,615 9,352 447 b93 116 191 3,140 115 1,057 773 165 925 1,730 47 565 8,210 33,397 638,639 76,327 56,378 5,380 17,840 166,287 1,655 137,235 65,274 9,013 74,046 28,704 48 6,480 22,186 38,735 574,126 56,080 55,025 7,104 8,872 133,405 1,510 137,854 62,441 7,350 76,415 28,070 49 6 79 1,212 8,718 337 493 65 201 3,556 80 992 499 133 796 1,561 50 100 141 1,335 3,871 347 515 66 100 3,255 90 1,070 608 175 870 1,7''5 51 1,225 12,681 95,106 1,849,433 43,239 10,471 555 3,635 97,642 3,265 1,437,561 36,197 13,068 56,478 147,322 52 9,575 24 ,654 101,830 1,698,760 37,820 7,783 1,167 4,295 78,420 1,825 1,427,430 33,422 8,795 56,393 41,410 53 0 63 738 175 ... 5 1 50 ... 64 16 11 6 22 54 90 126 885 343 '30 20 5 5 105 87 35 5 26 25 55 1,225 10,115 120,618 110,883 . • . 110 1,490 925 100,294 3,590 639 135 3,700 56 13,515 25,974 126,360 97,925 7,360 35 125 35 6,075 81,535 550 200 1,825 135 57 10 461 9,141 454 624 110 321 3,499 70 900 556 137 801 1,669 58 15 445 9,731 391 683 111 191 3,310 125 1,037 763 155 905 2,060 59 635 2,400 508,825 38,841 55,896 5,155 16,570 157,752 1,315 86,826 56,963 7,281 60,220 22,006 60 105 2.44.0 5 5 491,118 Id 500 26,990 52,552 7,114 5 285 10,187 149,400 5 95 1,150 89,074 1 40 61,483 5 80 6,070 64,628 22,470 61 62 63 5 63 14 5 20 7 10 7 . .. 64 o5 2,445 925 100 ... 670 375 70 305 65 26 147 1,789 90 178 10 70 720 10 207 160 20 259 65 66 61 83 4,963 216 441 87 73 2,128 20 931 429 24 578 36 67 765 1,330 35,078 1.375 2,990 230 510 13,095 115 3,039 4,035 285 4,079 325 68 15 25 482 10 31 25 180 46 35 5 95 55 69 32 6 911 5 118 63 329 94 32 11 225 34 70 330 65 5,577 45 620 ... 160 1,775 727 320 75 1,635 220 71 5 10 1,056 30 488 20 10 115 26 147 210 10 72 5 15 7,667 192 4,652 178 22 371 230 1,063 894 65 73 80 400 23,278 620 13,773 550 80 1,230 697 3,463 2,700 165 74 1 32 51 1,049 154 137 5 25 240 5 91 153 26 198 15 75 2 40 31 2,168 332 287 21 47 356 20 170 362 39 439 45 76 30 610 565 17,798 4,790 2,168 45 285 1,985 65 1,817 2,948 340 3,230 125 77 25 815 25 233 45 196 65 ... 11 95 10 95 40 78 8 7,824 35 1,654 230 4,488 190 118 842 14 208 45 79 55 18,205 280 4,930 770 6,340 850 335 3,345 70 955 3.0 80 26 76 2,227 186 303 45 100 701 5 177 237 45 368 60 81 60 43 7,184 706 1,865 256 229 1,616 7 544 608 66 1,17" 110 82 555 750 41,543 5,735 7,344 1,280 1,185 9,100 60 3,856 4,905 770 6,783 525 33 122 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 4.-FARMS. ACREAGE, VALUE, AND USE OF COMMERCIAL [Data are baaed on reporta for only Item (For dafinitiona and explanations, see text) Total all f arraa Type of farm Cash-grain Other field-crop Vegetable Fruit- and-nut Dairy Poultry Livestock other than dairy and poultry FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number 1954. 1950. Land in farms acres 1954. 1950. Average size of farm acres 1954. 1950. Value of laad and buildings: Average per farm dollars 1954. 1950. Average per acre dollars 1954. 1950. Proportion of farms reporting value percent 1954. Land in faros according to uae; Cropland harvested farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 1954. 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 1954. 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 1954. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 1954 . 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1954. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 1954. 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 1954. 500 acres and over farms reporting 1954. Cropland used only for pasture. .farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954, 1949. Cultivated summer fallow farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. Other cropland farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. Woodland pastured farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. Woodland not pastured farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting 1954 . acres 1954. Improved (see text) farms reporting 1954. acres 1954. Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) farms reporting 1954, acres 1954. Cropland, total farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954, 1949. Land pastured, total farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Woodland, total farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954. 1949. Irrigated land In farms farms reporting 1954. 1949. acres 1954, 1949. Land In row or close-seeded crops grown In strips for wind erosion control farms reporting 1954, acres 1954. Cropland used for row or grain crops farmed on contour farms reporting 1954, acres 1954, USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER Crops on which commercial fertilizer was used, 19S4; Hay and cropland pastured farms reporting. tons, acres on which used. Other pasture farms reporting. tons. acres on which used. Sugar beets farms reporting, tons, acres on which used. Wheat farms reporting. tons, acres on which used. Fruits, vegetables, potatoes, etc.... farms reporting. tons, acres on which used. Other crops farms reporting. tons, acres on which used. 7,266 7,545 ,837,036 , 554, 120 252.8 206.0 34,684 24,123 148 . 16 120.76 6,617 6,910 632,292 577,428 297 316 446 1,025 2,690 1,386 352 105 4,382 3,773 122,949 72,570 990 1,201 99,466 75,959 486 61,816 666 37,650 48 2,282 31 395 2,962 845,942 1,239 49,183 6,936 133,710 6,925 7,217 854,707 725,957 5,919 6,123 971,173 756,936 79 215 2,677 24,073 6,372 7,272 669,423 622, 786 35 1,035 32 3,007 3,021 8,655 82,120 458 526 5,630 1,580 7,711 36,164 2,344 5,800 57,922 1,115 4,807 25,315 2,035 5,046 47,972 2,132 2,040 430,707 354,466 202.0 173.8 36,353 27,671 199.23 154.36 2,132 2,040 220,866 199,539 20 35 105 385 972 450 128 37 1,237 914 27,400 13,405 375 388 57,431 46,758 221 40,369 234 17,062 10 20 10 35 843 85, 976 281 6,025 2,075 37,979 2,132 2,040 305,697 259,702 1,678 1,549 114,396 69, 737 20 48 55 5,235 2,103 2,005 204, 775 180,790 5 5 11 2,052 987 2,666 23,029 116 152 1,590 248 778 3,808 993 1,954 21,441 214 546 3,35B 835 2,417 22,372 309 130,853 127,772 209.0 157.9 47,948 25,484 260.36 164.77 33 809 96,655 72,367 20 55 300 217 3"7 463 7,0c 0 b,042 109 113 3,354 4,586 31 1,215 89 2,630 1 320 129 15,720 51 1.455 661 16,235 669 809 107, 509 62,995 609 22,739 37,567 6 10 330 35 669 804 100,745 77,748 5 50 277 1,142 8,685 20 22 140 422 3,d69 15,764 240 1,716 U,694 315 2,302 11,114 212 687 6,596 10 15 100 630 10.0 42.0 8,900 206.98 10 15 80 305 10 15 35 305 1,320 20.3 37.7 25,200 13, 500 1,239.34 357.95 100 15 35 250 805 10 20 10 15 80 345 15 50 15 35 255 805 5 15 5 95 35 255 1,070 770 73,770 65,405 85.7 84.9 19,308 13,960 211.65 147,82 756 635 31,835 28,555 35 120 120 196 255 30 590 430 12,065 8,225 110 90 2,905 1,035 15 406 18,325 206 3,400 846 8,610 811 690 46,805 37,815 806 705 30,405 26,405 15 15 30 810 811 720 44,280 41,915 5 320 325 720 6,745 81 95 915 35 156 115 152 1,360 25 30 330 145 179 1,990 65 50 2,415 3,335 37.2 66.7 16,292 13,000 406.44 225.81 92 570 695 10 5 5 35 10 260 265 15 335 10 45 5 15 50 1,540 50 35 830 1,295 40 30 305 1,290 50 40 875 2,090 869 888 827,834 640,862 952.6 721.7 49,721 33,033 55.19 48.67 83 723 768 96,402 93,831 12 46 51 89 200 216 80 29 539 441 41,816 20,227 127 127 24, 191 6,712 87 16,964 1,737 495 636,406 198 30,123 812 27, 277 780 825 162,409 120,770 758 829 679,959 500, 261 17 22 1,742 4,838 759 840 111,638 111,768 5 130 10 313 18 1,072 145 13,795 56 98 920 S 160 25 798 1L«J 4,576 10 202 15 462 115 5,512 83 627 3,558 5 156 5 342 40 3,466 IDAHO 123 FERTILIZER, BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued a sample of farms. See text] Area 3b— Continued Area 4 Type of farm — Continued Total Type of farm General — Con. Uiscel- Livestock General Miscel- Primarily livestock Crop and livestock laneous and unclassi- fied all farms Cash- grain Cotton Other field- crop Vegetable Fruit- and-nut Dairy Poultry other than dairy and poultry Primarily crop Primarily livestock Crop and, livestock laneous and unclas- sified SA 1,000 54S 11,381 2,310 2,599 10 1,333 140 1,133 731 167 1,329 1,629 1 61 1,165 755 11,477 2,126 2,885 10 15 1,121 179 1,374 784 476 1,159 1,348 2 15,762 165,520 40,005 4,633,139 1,832,346 395,179 110 .. . 210,035 7,635 1,218,599 174, 390 43,949 414,068 386,328 3 9,775 178,435 35,825 4,404,436 1,745,92., 367,468 95 725 174,770 27,810 1,220,913 202,215 152,695 277, 928 233,391 4 187.6 165.5 61.7 411.5 793.2 152.0 U.O ... 157.6 54.5 1,075.6 239.2 263.2 311.6 237.2 5 160.2 153.2 47.5 383.8 821.2 127.4 9,5 48.3 155.9 155.4 888.6 257.9 320.8 239.8 173.5 6 21,195 35,683 10,525 34,140 57,392 35,648 7,400 ... 20,846 15,204 42,990 33,171 23,544 33,600 7,734 7 20,196 24,405 7,066 25,457 39,595 23,153 13,000 9,533 16,277 18,443 36,135 26,404 20,099 23,687 8,399 8 122.58 207.69 277.73 91.74 73.01 232.51 672.73 ... 130.06 356.13 43.75 L38.14 99.50 113.46 118.21 9 123.47 185.97 154.22 71.66 50.12 187.65 1,363.42 197.24 104.99 113.37 44.24 107.85 60.75 104.19 98.99 10 86 87 85 89 90 88 100 ... 89 93 S5 83 88 92 91 11 -^ 1,000 301 10,283 2,310 2,599 10 1,223 30 937 731 167 1,329 897 12 61 1,165 400 10,798 2,126 2,835 10 15 1,051 104 1,258 779 461 1,153 951 13 4,510 82,167 3,962 1,491,589 722,096 246, 592 55 85, 189 3,460 167,139 80,487 13,091 154,586 18,894 14 2,920 88,457 4,545 1,481,905 693, 101 2Z3,327 30 190 67, 630 9,165 199,103 99,107 42,055 115,179 33,018 15 ... 10 195 651 20 25 5 ... 40 5 41 20 25 470 16 SD 5 50 507 20 70 3'.. 5 51 5 25 20 220 17 5 90 15 618 55 95 ... 130 30 48 55 5 60 90 18 20 150 517 30 10 1,249 3,105 146 353 380 1,228 •;; •;; 221 445 10 15 36 197 110 277 20 75 211 430 65 35 19 20 7 191 • .• 2,268 543 652 ... ... 198 15 251 167 36 391 15 21 5 33 1,337 733 125 ... ... 53 209 86 6 125 ... 22 ... 4 1 548 440 24 ... ... ... ... 54 11 ... 17 2 23 58 30 717 764 270 245 5,329 4,847 607 483 1,475 1,667 3^ 456 ■J,0 70 511 516 381 321 96 261 819 708 540 360 24 25 4,7-M 17,203 5,495 131, 880 24,578 21,243 ... 20,2''0 270 34,150 8,562 2,365 16,927 3,515 26 950 12,406 2,770 182,690 40,040 17,140 10 11,743 770 77,408 6,580 5,702 15,897 7,400 27 18 92 44 3,971 1,768 472 5 482 20 342 224 72 456 130 28 5 173 115 4,368 1,684 743 5 331 29 513 258 131 357 267 29 421 2,684 2,745 691,875 553,889 19,731 10 ... 15,640 470 40,126 10,288 2,870 34,536 4,315 30 60 7,023 5,245 684,340 531, 348 24,519 ... 465 9,010 5,470 41,750 16,703 9,393 29,972 16,205 31 12 43 16 3,259 1,670 267 5 356 10 282 147 62 370 90 32 401 957 645 634,827 535,122 10,967 10 11,054 80 33,298 7,428 2,620 31,538 2,710 33 6 59 31 1,170 373 256 ... ... 167 10 97 83 11 128 45 34 20 1,727 2,100 57,048 28, 767 8,764 4, 586 390 6,828 2,860 250 2,998 1,605 35 ... 6 ... 519 105 73 ... (1 ... 93 33 11 128 15 36 350 ... 94 ,775 22,443 2,624 . . . 7,72':, ... 31,892 3,585 3,365 23,065 75 37 10 183 84 30 15 5 8 11 25 10 38 20 14,845 7,055 555 495 1,215 645 1,515 3 , 200 165 39 48 493 197 5,234 1,060 889 773 25 771 335 97 725 559 40 4,515 42,433 241 21,253 70 1,918,176 l,72n 308,391 231 57,973 393 63,576 317 955 10 912,207 227 48,518 118 20,630 16 155,762 293 350,164 121 41 42 - ' 4,210 240 71,438 8,323 11,072 6,255 100 30,297 6,154 280 7,642 1,315 43 73 975 532 10,688 2,174 2,466 10 1,303 140 1,038 699 162 1,284 1,412 44 1,576 20,663 6,550 339,999 183,894 46,461 45 17,139 1,265 32,440 21,935 1,628 25,992 9,200 45 74 1,000 471 10,651 2,310 2,599 10 1,258 90 1,010 731 167 1,329 1,147 46 61 1,165 585 11,093 2,126 2,885 10 15 1,086 134 1,300 779 465 1,159 1,133 47 9,671 102,054 12,202 2,315,344 1,310,563 287,566 65 121,099 4,200 241,415 99,337 18,326 206,049 26,724 48 3,930 107,886 12, 560 2,349,435 L,2M,489 2&4,986 40 655 38,383 15,405 318,261 122,390 57,155 161,043 56,623 49 79 935 437 8,847 1,473 2,006 1,248 80 1,017 599 157 1,243 1,024 50 56 1,074 500 9,149 1,458 2,307 5 1,041 111 1,219 639 456 1,098 815 51 9,255 59,986 26,748 2,144,831 355,412 81,840 91,572 1,225 978,249 60,665 26, 360 195, 754 353,754 52 5,765 64,216 16 19,560 1,858,003 662 32?, 682 176 71,608 93 20 78,763 71 10,075 5 919,649 94 68,086 44 91,944 11 111,222 143 177,954 25 53 54 35 50 1,054 241 278 135 155 42 55 98 50 55 370 109,620 29,498 3,179 8,221 1,215 32,537 5,100 3,365 26,265 240 56 ... 5,755 6,785 183,626 60,349 13,149 ... 0,320 56,314 5,144 22,005 16,915 3,430 57 78 969 495 9,362 1,299 2,584 10 1 . ^ ' 6 ioo 391 707 152 1,272 1,131 58 61 1,165 630 9,599 1,076 2,870 10 15 1 , 0-', 1 121 1,204 726 411 1,133 992 ,59 J, 335 95,577 6,070 803,639 110,169 < 58, 171 55 ... 72,397 2,355 134,-M,j 78,874 9,215 123, 143 13,814 60 4 . 220 99,136 10 345 7,665 741,263 102 14,439 64,023 42 9,714 233,670 30 2,045 50 190 61,807 10 "25 3,080 158,514 310 74,695 1 75 26, 375 95, 199 12 23,155 61 52 63 299 119 45 30 29 IS 10 38 10 64 37,980 29,926 9.,0 1.615 1,653 640 150 2,916 140 65 45 518 40 2,757 211 1 , 205 301 15 207 259 25 483 51 66 110 1,278 11 7,883 518 3,445 noa 27 733 833 58 1,481 90 67 3d5 13,131 310 77,971 5,494 32,566 7,247 240 3,440 7,554 315 14,615 1,000 66 14 115 111 10 2 355 514 21 34 118 130 85 ,°4 29 135 27 32 5 2 55 93 15 4 69 70 15 1,455 65 9,626 292 1,184 955 5,693 407 20 1,040 35 71 10 339 1,018 32 491 105 40 103 10 227 10 72 1,290 3,225 172 1,892 120 110 301 7 595 28 73 295 6,396 17,953 722 9,762 835 899 1,856 80 3,599 200 74 30 394 25 2,102 331 872 115 5 112 256 15 350 46 75 48 724 16 5,140 1 , 303 2,190 114 4 234 683 20 550 42 76 525 7,118 165 60,147 17,214 22,022 1,210 35 3,801 7,971 345 7,134 365 77 5 189 10 2,373 99 1,466 5 87 5 66 253 366 26 78 13 503 3 8,990 287 6,935 1 122 30 256 602 ','42 15 79 50 2,717 35 63,406 2,676 46,622 5 1,'103 80 1,724 5,073 n.i'),34 139 80 6 302 60 1,405 219 611 80 10 120 128 „■: : 21 81 3 614 27 3,331 574 1,784 81 8 220 212 8 421 23 82 197 5,910 345 35,613 8,700 14,929 345 210 3,732 2,480 150 4,322 245 33 124 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 5.-FARM FACILITIES, OFF-FARM WORK, WORK POWER, FARM LABOR, [Data are baaed on reporta for only Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farina Type of farm Cash-grain Other field-crop Vegetable Fruit- and- nut Dairy- Poultry Livestock other than dairy and poultry SPECIFIED FACILITIES AJID EQUIPMEMT Telephone farms reporting 1954 . Electricity farms reporting 195"^. 1950., Television set farms reporting 1954. Piped running water farms reporting 1954. Home freezer farms reporting 1954 . Electric pig brooder farms reporting 1954. Power feed grinder farms reporting 1954 . Milking machine farms reporting 1954. Grain combines farms reporting 1954. number 1954 . Com pickers farms reporting 1954 . number 1954 . Pick-up iiay balers farms reporting 1954. number 1954 . Field forage harvesters farms reporting 1954. number 1954 . Motortrucks farms reporting 1954 . number 1954. Tractors, other than garden farms reporting 1954. 1950. number 1954. 1950. Automobiles farms reporting 1954. number 1954. OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME para operators — With other income of family exceeding value of farm products sold operators reporting 1954. 1949. Working off their farms, total operators reporting 1954 . 1949. 100 or more days operators reporting 1954. 1949. FARMS BY CLASS OF WORK POWER No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting 1954. No tractor but horses and/or mules farms reporting 1954 . Tractor and horses and/or mules. .. .farms reporting 1954. Tractor and no horses .or mules farms reporting 1954. FARM LABOR Week of September 26-October 2: Family and/or hired workers farms reporting 1954. persons 1954.' Family workers, including operator farms reporting 1954. Operators working 1 or more hours persons 1954 . Unpaid members of operator's family farms reporting 1954. persons 1954. Hired workers farms reporting 1954 . persons 1954 . Regular workers (to be employed 150 or more days ) farms reporting 1954 . persons 1954 . Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting 1954. persons 1954-. SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Specified farm expenditures farms reporting 1954. Machine hire and/or hired labor farms reporting 1954 . Machine hire farms reporting 1954 . dollars 1954. Hired labor farms reporting 1954. 1949. dollars 1954. 1949. $1 to $2,499 farms reporting 1954. $2,500 and over farms reporting 1954. Feed for livestock and poultry. .farms reporting 1954. 1949. dollars 1954. 1949. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil farms reporting 1954 . 1949. dollars 1954. 1949. Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing material farms reporting 1954. dollars 1954. tons 1954. acres on which used 1954 . Lime and liming material farms reporting 1954. tons 1954. dollars 1954. acres limed 1954. 26,154 37,364 37,195 11,409 33,892 16,725 971 6,300 14,367 11,821 13,404 280 280 6,558 6,635 2,175 2,225 27,247 38,838 29,893 26,770 49,753 37,749 33,014 43,189 2,790 13,962 15,931 36,365 86,781 35,928 34,967 14,823 22,841 8,028 28,973 3,945 6,947 5,263 22,026 38,238 29,747 24,087 9,510,105 21,908 26,203 30,442,241 32,196,779 18,769 3,139 29,250 30.386 26,724,171 24,749,164 32,897 31,077 19,086,688 15,071,471 17,357 8,380,325 110,620 949 ,792 5,350 7,317 6,455 2,184 6,594 3,376 185 1,212 1,804 5,162 6,378 46 46 1,414 1,419 304 327 6,494 10,636 7,302 6,363 13,300 9,826 6,820 9,121 9,370 646 9,919 502 19,859 3,355 18,351 2,676 10,827 1,157 9,301 779 106 2,923 4,379 7,285 16,073 6,978 2,864 4,388 2,119 4,707 1,440 3,327 7,761 6,555 4,727 2,521,161 5,061 5,371 5,809,065 5,449,228 4,406 655 4,767 4,651 2,135,426 1,582,810 7,517 6,414 5,760,942 4,404,284 4,072 2,031,960 25,857 345,680 3,125 3,961 4,316 1,629 3,729 2,063 81 553 1,606 1,111 1,133 10 10 986 999 214 217 3,230 4,923 3,851 3,873 7,294 5,623 3,705 4,935 235 280 1,734 1,632 541 476 30 1,653 2,198 3,896 15,821 3,725 1,723 3,066 1,463 9,030 655 1,165 1,080 7,365 3,857 3,184 1,603,291 3,642 3,972 6,961,161 7,018,230 2,933 709 2,711 3,294 1,758,573 1,593,417 3,937 4,067 3,070,031 2,370,816 3,444 2,742,377 35,329 218,420 104 144 151 34 118 114 197 134 121 210 184 149 209 154 632 144 138 37 42 427 126 249,864 380,928 79 115 25,804 27,060 144 141 77,879 78,986 103 75,370 872 4,710 292 4,744 367 6,530 321 6,096 150 1,882 352 6,051 181 2,699 125 16 1,166 60 5,345 6 965 6 984 5 45 5 45 16 958 16 959 15 521 15 531 302 3,976 512 4,643 332 5,189 211 3,675 509 6,772 312 4 , 165 351 5,633 681 6,799 140 145 85 65 30 20 86 246 357 2,877 347 342 110 125 201 2,410 96 291 156 2,119 372 352 252 73,076 327 291 ,576,665 983,655 196 131 205 196 90,470 66,085 347 291 216,770 96,145 272 344,361 4,978 8,820 1,067 950 2,460 1,513 935 511 2,206 2,983 6,485 12,399 6,449 6,324 3,052 4,444 707 1,631 259 342 513 1,289 6,585 5,214 4,698 1,310,877 3,264 3,950 551,240 1,660,180 3,115 149 5,793 5,486 5,063,719 4,094,480 5,714 4,851 1,992,521 1,324,890 2,439 553,989 8,323 62,731 365 505 517 155 480 215 20 20 10 10 325 380 235 128 275 162 435 505 130 125 240 236 155 121 50 185 500 920 500 495 220 295 40 130 30 60 505 310 235 28,425 145 213 168,675 201,565 120 25 495 493 2,187,130 1,523,495 345 329 91,565 108,315 85 13,790 201 1,795 3,104 4,551 4,778 1,171 4,202 2,542 202 1,505 1,150 1,401 1,512 47 47 1,192 1,234 477 485 3,911 6,107 3,930 3,893 7,552 5,993 3,953 5,866 502 649 1,656 1,659 663 577 614 3,037 893 4,591 11,323 4,491 4,389 1,843 2,835 1,526 4,099 1,062 2,373 728 1,726 4,813 3,927 2,838 1,236,127 3,279 4,112 8,239,504 9,066,505 2,436 843 4,039 4,513 10, 516, 889 10, 548, 172 4,418 4,749 3,343,319 2,875,039 1,580 657,352 9,049 93,071 IDAHO AND FARM EXPENDITURES, BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 125 a sample of farms. See text] The State— Continued Area 1 Type of farm — Con inued Total all Type of farm ijeneral — Con. Miscel- Livestock General Miscel- laneous Cash- grain Other Fruit- and-nut other laneous Primarily livestock Crop and livestock and unclassi- fied farms Cotton field- crop Vegetable Dairy Poultry than dairy and poultry Primarily crop Primarily livestock Crop and livestock and unclas- sified 3Si 2,701 4,253 2,884 760 69 11 210 35 712 147 62 165 713 1 491 3,545 7,530 5,596 992 110 31 463 60 1,382 238 77 307 1,931 2 886 3,709 7,220 5,049 833 71 15 21 530 40 1,264 238 95 335 1,557 3 U5 967 2,300 1,134 195 17 106 10 215 74 5 35 477 4 425 3,236 6,508 4,695 858 110 '26 392 45 1,197 195 62 245 1,555 5 2J1 1,712 2,465 2,429 483 59 11 105 30 813 123 45 127 d33 6 10 194 SO 151 31 15 5 33 40 15 7 l-il 9b5 250 1,447 293 27 1 130 10 dU C.5 35 165 10- 8 313 2,287 650 1,045 137 15 3..U 26d 38 47 112 90 9 l!.l 1,505 382 1,714 769 24 1 40 5 423 144 26 173 109 10 151 1,601 45 45 398 6 6 2,057 16 16 1,001 24 1 40 5 450 16 16 135 26 210 115 11 12 13 'so 959 191 928 190 10 1 91 401 32 10 "^0 63 14 80 960 192 949 191 11 1 91 414 35 10 SO 63 15 27 384 75 311 102 1 5 36 100 11 6 39 11 16 27 385 80 332 113 1 5 36 105 11 6 39 16 17 371 2,803 3,815 4,474 987 85 31 363 45 1,240 133 4- 257 1,236 18 432 3,814 4,471 6,019 1,533 117 45 391 55 1,334 240 63 325 1,416 19 426 3,364 2,828 4,400 1,02- 110 31 413 30 1,268 210 77 282 947 20 641 3,233 2,190 3,-43 856 66 16 420 15 1,160 203 75 310 622 21 5S7 5,757 3,210 -,081 1,818 176 53 484 50 2,366 427 109 491 1,102 22 893 4,431 2,451 5,297 1,377 98 37 470 15 1,705 336 95 464 ■JOO 23 425 3,168 6,178 4,406 833 90 5 30 332 40 1,149 172 72 232 1,451 24 4S3 4,263 7,549 5,756 1,109 97 5 45 377 55 1,687 214 32 334 1,751 25 75 284 6,138 2,139 135 25 15 75 10 166 32 20 47 1,614 26 125 246 6,635 2,156 60 15 10 5 115 5 199 51 15 26 1,655 27 265 1,544 6,527 3,392 502 65 5 15 246 30 555 121 51 110 1,692 28 410 1,351 6,525 3,006 356 26 10 10 235 20 477 141 65 136 1,530 29 141 438 5,813 2,134 228 20 15 70 10 204 72 25 49 1,441 30 135 331 5,550 1,693 95 10 10 105 5 152 51 15 20 1,230 31 45 95 3,812 902 31 s 15 20 60 15 10 741 32 26 108 1,260 676 10 45 10 180 15 26 390 33 250 1,798 1,061 2,535 454 54 1 187 5 1,054 113 47 195 425 34 1-6 l,5o6 1,767 1,865 573 5o 5 30 226 25 214 97 30 3- 522 35 476 3,457 0,739 5,55- 1,02- 110 5 36 463 60 1,441 238 82 308 1,737 35 1,016 9,093 9,305 11,996 2,491 288 5 136 935 115 3,722 612 203 753 2,736 37 476 3,435 6,712 5,4-0 933 110 5 3o 453 oO 1,411 238 32 305 1,782 38 466 3,387 6,366 5,258 949 110 5 3t. 453 60 1,372 237 82 298 1,656 39 242 l,-'26 1,9-3 2,857 571 52 282 30 769 113 55 196 789 40 39- 2,984 2,623 4,335 953 106 397 35 1,170 183 95 370 1,017 41 64 829 199 1,105 338 33 21;, 40 10 450 91 16 49 52 42 153 2,722 316 2,403 589 72 100 85 20 1,180 192 26 76 63 43 33 390 52 536 127 23 11 10 10 2SG 23 6 19 27 44 5 J 644 74 1,104 190 27 31 10 20 709 33 16 36 32 45 42 552 153 704 261 10 It- 30 :35 7- 10 34 31 46 100 :,078 242 1,299 399 45 o'-' 75 471 159 10 40 31 47 491 3,557 7,505 5,784 1,063 110 5 3d -58 55 1,480 240 32 313 1,937 43 429 3,253 3,372 3,840 825 90 3o 321 45 1,176 217 72 224 334 49 344 2,701 3,000 2,784 570 63 3d 275 30 697 179 21 195 713 50 94,460 1,107,943 340,617 833,952 271,012 30,572 7,93d 57,730 2,425 246,562 69,879 1,965 53,301 87,020 51 293 2,686 1,093 2,594 625 75 26 181 25 986 132 67 168 259 52 632 3,149 1,941 3,247 601 56 5 16 320 15 1,216 227 75 264 452 53 150,345 2,693,483 296,812 3,991,552 762,341 146,320 132 , 500 55,615 56,290 2,403,082 218,339 21,720 123,945 56,400 54 429,042 3,330,064 830,249 3,823,458 630,843 94,685 300 154,205 120,920 14,125 2,249,461 167,030 38,355 200,325 153,209 55 272 2,411 1,078 2,202 533 52 15 181 15 769 154 66 160 258 56 21 275 15 392 93 23 11 10 217 23 1 8 1 57 453 3,049 6,024 4,533 610 94 5 10 408 50 1,219 178 32 279 1,593 58 822 3,281 5,545 4,619 606 46 15 16 590 45 1,341 178 90 280 1,412 59 471,409 2,298,811 1,354,677 3,61, 996 270,919 13,295 300 13,250 347,170 137,010 2,250,605 46,821 89,700 193,374 309,552 60 710,040 2,260,960 1,599,513 3,921,137 259,457 11,555 850 33,720 473,125 34,230 2,313,915 53,090 59,450 295,414 336,331 61 471 3,425 4,182 4,872 1,055 110 5 31 418 40 1,373 219 82 293 1,246 52 812 3,555 3,326 4,651 835 -1 10 16 570 35 1,444 243 100 345 982 53 179,906 2,117,468 552,577 2,602,989 375,659 62,365 130 10,085 132,155 12,790 950,551 151,292 3-', 680 183 ,976 186,306 64 2-0,6U i;630,937 477,600 .',007,793 638,254 34,580 750 ",415 123,950 11,240 706,615 119,497 32,905 184)130 142)457 65 174 2,352 1,075 1,646 468 64 2o 132 5 363 110 11 116 346 66 36,174 940,597 82,554 503,055 256,670 25,462 2,826 22,202 115 99,379 43,562 1,270 25,360 26,209 67 534 12,576 1,189 7,225 3,472 317 42 363 1 1,574 611 21 411 408 68 5,184 100,343 13,590 99,615 58,420 2,735 250 4,215 5 15,693 6,604 2-2 5,535 5,836 69 70 71 72 73 126 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 5.-FARM FACILITIES, OFF-FARM WORK, WORK POWER, FARM LABOR, [Data are based on reports for only Item (For definitions and explanations, aee text) SPECIFIED FACILITIES AND EQUIFMENT Telephone farms reporting 195A . Electricity farms reporting 1954. 1950. Television set farms reporting 1954. Piped running water farms reporting 1954. Home freezer farms reporting 1954 . Electric pig brooder farms reporting 1954. Power feed grinder farms reporting 1954. Milking machine farms reporting 1954 . Grain combines , . .farms reporting 1954 . number 1954 . Corn pickers farms reporting 1954 . number 1954 . Pick-up hay balers farms reporting 1954 . number 1954 . Field forage harvesters farms reporting 1954. number 1954 . Motortrucks farms reporting 1954 . number 1954 . Tractors, other than garden farms reporting 1954. 1950. number 1954 . 1950. Automobiles farms reporting 1954. number 1954 . OFF-FAIW WORK AND OTHER INCOME Farm operators — With other income of family exceeding value of farm products sold operators reporting 1954. 1949. Working off their farms, total operators reporting 1954. 1949. 100 or more days operators reporting 1954. 1949. FARMS BY CLASS OF WORK POWER No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting 1954. No tractor but horses and/or mules farms reporting 1954 . Tractor and horses and/or mules. .. .farms reporting 1954. Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting 1954. FARM LABOR Week of September 26-October 2: Family and/or hired workers farms reporting 1954. persons 1954 . Family workers, including opera tor farms reporting 1954 . Operators working 1 or more hours persons 1954 . Unpaid members of operator's family farms reporting 1954. persons 1954. Hired workers farms reporting 1954. persons 1954. Regular workers (to be employed 150 or more days ) farms reporting 1954 . persons 1954. Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting 1954. persons 1954.. SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Specified farm expenditures farms reporting 1954. Machine hire and/or hired labor farms reporting 1954 . Machine hire farms reporting 1954. dollars 1954. Hired labor farms reporting 1954. 1949. dollars 1954. 1949. $1 to $2,499 farms reporting 1954. $2,500 and over farms reporting 1954. Feed for livestock and poultry. .farms reporting 1954. 1949. dollars 1954. 1949. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil farms reporting 1954. 1949. dollars 1954. 1949. Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing ma terial farms reporting 1954 . dollars 1954. tons 1954. acres on which used 1954 . Lime and liming material farms reporting 1954. tons 1954. dollars 1954. acres limed 1954. Total all farms 2,686 4.249 4;383 1,272 3.757 1,572 139 714 519 1,812 2,224 553 554 182 187 3,516 5,275 3,119 2,834 5,061 4,075 3,557 4,589 1,638 1,825 2,429 2,558 1,551 1,516 418 1,239 1,880 4,055 7,307 4,006 3,841 1,665 2,305 731 1,161 315 437 487 724 4,401 2,932 2,206 678,166 1,753 2,455 1,768,081 1,973,424 1,558 195 3,285 3,539 1,889,225 1.514,231 3,585 3,376 1,922,467 1 , 577 . 741 1,813 968,109 10,947 188,469 Type of farm Cash-grain 1,339 1,715 1,457 630 1,552 861 56 356 117 1,460 1,855 322 323 65 70 1.687 2,981 1.703 1,454 3.245 2,354 1,561 2,080 628 587 193 171 5 690 ,013 1,678 3,473 1,648 1,624 662 952 555 897 253 342 366 555 1,773 1,402 902 466,962 1,102 1.203 1,372,917 1,304,399 940 162 1,137 1,099 435,836 311,953 1,706 1,484 1,428,761 1,090,830 1,174 343,267 9,438 163,838 Other field-crop 5 7,840 5 10 9,250 4,300 5 5 500 30 5 10 3,875 2,585 5 6,855 75 350 Vegetable 19 17 3,603 19 10 106,324 8,180 17 7,454 150 19 10 21,744 1,875 8 9,015 99 1,825 Fruit- and-nut 485 60 52,815 5 55 2,525 7,905 10 65 505 7,410 Dairy 185 302 350 72 276 89 10 138 246 260 363 262 210 355 255 220 258 116 150 41 35 307 690 217 330 47 68 16 26 31 42 307 225 158 30,790 165 205 76,080 65,940 159 6 295 350 435,060 297,595 287 30O 132,425 75,705 133 38,064 433 6,561 145 120 55 145 120 130 65 30 65 30 120 130 145 215 100 85 7,175 35 35 5,760 21,785 145 110 367,505 193,250 120 60 19,660 7,790 2,090 535 Livestock other than dairy and poultry 160 307 404 50 278 109 33 81 47 69 71 245 321 226 348 319 499 208 237 62 85 161 165 68 55 91 128 320 547 317 312 115 149 54 86 20 29 340 229 171 46,634 135 260 100,460 171,598 120 15 276 339 269,805 194,049 256 365 109,032 147,711 89 24,237 291 5.674 AND FARM EXPENDITURES, BY TYPE OF FARM IDAHO CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Coniinued 127 a aarople of fartra. See text] Area Z — Continued Area 3a Type of farnh— Con inued Total Type of farm Genera] — Cod. Miscel- Livestock other General Miscel- laneous all Cash- grain ether laneous Primarily livestock Crop and livestock and unclassi- fied farms Cotton field- crop Vegetable Fruit- and-nut Dairy Poultry than dairy and poultry Primarily crop Primarily livestock Crop and livestock and unclas- sified 58 781 7,422 351 553 75 256 2,769 80 709 406 123 662 1,433 1 n 84 1,596 9,605 470 619 100 311 3,611 100 984 540 153 831 1,886 2 'JS 161 1,640 9,905 441 671 106 190 3,320 140 1,029 758 180 905 2.165 3 s 21 418 3.676 162 294 30 150 1,242 35 332 294 60 287 790 4 6 73 1,350 9.052 4 30 593 35 301 3,436 90 953 507 132 755 1,765 5 6 27 396 4,570 196 357 35 155 1,638 40 621 277 66 445 740 6 10 25 233 15 20 5 eo 51 11 5 46 20 7 33 49 1,470 96 96 5 15 515 15 329 81 38 212 68 8 ^' 15 68 5.387 164 300 55 60 3,110 30 371 267 102 647 281 9 .,-, 79 1,569 2iy. 148 25 400 15 222 204 27 257 67 10 ^3 79 1,625 225 148 25 402 15 232 216 27 267 57 11 255 46 10 10 5 45 5 27 56 45 6 12 255 46 10 10 5 .;5 5 27 5(: 45 6 U 1 32 ■iO 1,189 85 116 5 l^ 411 10 182 153 lo 169 27 14 1 32 50 1,194 85 116 5 15 411 10 186 154 16 169 27 15 6 32 762 36 51 15 10 282 5 159 51 20 117 16 16 6 32 775 36 54 15 10 292 5 159 51 20 117 16 17 11 69 1.040 5,912 378 539 85 261 1,926 50 793 430 93 600 757 13 12 103 1.218 7.867 498 891 130 457 2,247 65 1,127 655 105 786 906 19 6 Si 699 6,905 442 614 105 236 2,740 60 764 525 103 786 475 20 f^O 126 500 5.807 381 593 106 150 1,885 20 689 658 110 745 470 21 11 124 801 10.321 745 1,256 155 436 3,475 65 1,371 936 141 1,208 533 22 e.0 163 560 7,660 501 964 169 210 2,125 20 1,032 944 135 1,060 500 23 6 59 1,304 8,431 448 599 110 296 3,189 90 857 463 107 726 1.546 24 6 71 1,696 10.902 575 820 150 611 3,906 110 1,178 590 122 980 1 . 860 25 . 20 1,344 2.332 70 1! . 50 610 15 92 35 25 61 1,354 26 20 15 1,460 3,038 70 30 10 30 560 45 182 106 50 70 1,875 27 57 1,335 5,015 245 226 50 110 1,816 30 322 180 86 355 1,589 28 53 76 1,375 4,916 155 186 45 7r 1,340 55 442 326 70 337 1,890 29 16 1,148 2,833 80 55 10 55 855 10 130 45 50 80 1,463 30 'is ^ 1,180 2,763 SO 36 15 4i"' 575 25 170 91 35 91 1,605 31 5 662 2,122 50 10 ■^ 15 o35 40 122 25 15 30 1,155 32 287 746 1 20 271 147 10 10 20 267 33 49 236 2,476 156 167 20 75 810 10 552 168 53 326 139 34 b 35 463 4.429 286 447 85 211 1,930 50 212 357 55 460 336 35 11 79 1,427 9,126 4b8 589 110 296 3,561 100 936 530 138 791 1,607 36 32 177 2.002 20.693 848 2,067 525 2.706 6,573 165 2,036 1,474 239 2,046 2,014 37 79 1.417 9,034 452 539 no 286 3,541 100 911 520 138 730 1,607 38 11 74 1,302 8,824 430 569 105 281 3,481 95 883 510 138 770 1,562 39 6 43 518 3,334 153 248 20 105 1,569 45 307 210 37 374 266 40 18 83 660 4,820 248 412 25 120 2,276 55 499 285 43 526 331 41 10 33 1,595 95 243 25 170 373 5 253 184 15 169 57 42 20 40 7,049 170 1,086 395 2,305 816 15 654 679 58 750 121 43 12 757 41 88 10 85 157 5 194 88 5 82 1 44 14 1.463 48 151 10 260 210 15 435 153 6 164 6 45 10 21 1.093 72 195 20 135 256 111 128 11 109 56 46 20 26 5,586 122 935 385 2,045 606 219 521 52 585 115 47 11 84 1,637 9,618 493 619 110 311 3,626 100 1,003 550 148 831 1,822 48 1 68 828 7,404 436 589 80 296 2,931 70 849 520 127 785 721 49 1 47 771 6,439 341 524 75 201 2,693 45 637 436 110 702 625 50 150 8,945 87,549 2,285,958 141,265 299,815 21.980 61,655 783,950 5,200 252,662 306,836 30,170 311,587 70,338 51 1 46 225 5,220 365 554 65 236 1,831 35 668 475 87 593 256 52 65 81 445 6,057 296 597 96 170 2,135 60 735 628 75 765 450 53 200 7,960 42,214 7,628,006 347,503 1,774,322 140,540 1,435,585 369,595 51,125 1,412,081 865,391 47,320 595,396 89,143 54 19,495 30,577 216,540 7,957,324 231,995 1,763,044 363,213 674,450 898,245 62,925 1,795,610 929,906 19,505 l/)3Epil 180,615 55 1 46 223 4,548 336 395 50 166 1,755 30 543 401 82 540 250 56 2 672 29 159 15 120 76 5 125 74 5 58 6 57 11 68 1,295 7,856 282 422 55 175 3,238 100 869 338 137 715 1,525 58 100 136 1,280 8,013 236 509 75 105 2,945 130 936 477 155 305 1,590 59 6,030 45.155 314,475 6,963,742 119,394 334,124 17,550 73,075 2,796,074 515,505 1,969,606 254,851 113,360 364,213 405,990 60 58,605 41.484 394,790 6,964,036 75 , 145 271,873 22,660 21,005 2,385,495 423,430 2,429,378 192,313 126,005 554,437 462,295 61 a 84 1,017 7,729 483 609 100 291 3,050 60 901 530 133 791 776 62 ":" 141 765 7,067 351 577 106 180 2,480 95 910 658 135 815 760 63 1.730 39.360 137,430 3,813,533 293,035 616,774 55.645 201,130 983,526 23,120 613,027 435,671 47,920 447,469 91 . 171 64 22,210 64,635 103,410 2,881,641 197,620 427,488 71,461 68,430 661,380 24,755 539,292 368,125 30,615 392,580 99,895 65 1 52 273 4,137 279 614 90 246 1,276 15 355 379 66 622 195 56 19-; 13,057 12,885 2,124,469 107,340 653,633 66.300 341,535 301,235 2,995 126,024 248,499 9,860 244,123 22,925 67 2 195 184 30.726 1,538 9,013 772 4,936 4,974 48 2,088 3,333 154 3,533 337 68 30 2,370 3.170 141,310 12.700 31.925 2,880 8,570 27,995 240 15,477 19,031 1,540 19,267 1,585 69 70 71 72 73 128 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 5.-FARM FACILITIES, OFF-FARM WORK, WORK POWER. FARM LABOR, _. [Data are baaed on reports for only Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Area 3b 1 Total all Type of farm Livestock other than dairy and poultry General farms Cash-grain Cotton Other field-crop Vegetable Fruit- and-nut Dairy Poultry Primarily crop SPECIFIED- FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT 1 Telephone farms reporting 1954 — 5,339 1,557 499 10 15 595 60 677 615 2 Electricity farms reporting 1954... 7,096 2,069 658 10 15 846 65 836 903 3 1950... 7,373 1,989 804 15 35 765 50 862 942 4 Television set farms reporting 1954 . . . 1,040 303 103 ... 110 10 163 167 5 Piped running water farms reporting 1954... 6,575 1,931 613 10 15 741 65 769 847 6 Home freezer farms reporting 1954 . . . 3,081 791 354 10 15 370 45 414 416 7 Electric pig brooder farms reporting 1954... 179 30 10 5 43 40 s Power feed grinder farms reporting 1954 . . . 919 165 37 150 'io 217 121 9 Milking machine farms reporting 1954 . . . 3,341 926 270 686 5 200 448 10 Grain combines farms reporting 1954... 2,653 1,068 201 5 110 10 313 401 11 number 1954 . . . 2,909 1,195 214 5 120 10 359 433 12 Corn pickers farms reporting 1954 . . . 9 .; 5 5 13 number 1954 . . . 9 ... 4 U Pick-up hay balers farms reporting 1954. . . 1,984 498 261 180 5 338 318 15 number 1954 . . . 2,017 499 266 180 5 359 324 16 Field forage harvesters farms reporting 1954... 414 54 51 60 117 26 17 number 1954 . . . 421 59 51 60 119 26 IS Motortrucks farms reporting 1954 .. . 5,252 1,513 538 10 10 596 30 733 703 19 number 1954... 7,859 2,107 1,027 20 10 687 35 1,443 1,004 20 Tractors, other than garden farms reporting 1954... 6,189 1,981 648 10 15 681 25 727 363 21 5,717 1,799 714 10 15 410 10 686 827 22 number 1954 .. . 11,824 3,693 1,495 20 20 986 25 1,738 1,721 23 1950 .. . 8,549 2,759 1,066 10 30 470 20 1,159 1,333 24 Automobiles farms reporting 1954... 6,440 1,914 603 10 15 721 65 741 833 25 number 1954 . . . Farm operators^ 8,937 2,573 924 20 15 866 80 1,377 1,083 26 of farm products sold operators reporting 1954... 1,001 165 30 10 10 146 10 49 45 27 1,012 116 35 5 105 5 66 65 28 Working off their farms. total operators reporting 1954 . . . 3,136 927 222 10 5 396 20 230 363 29 1949... 2,766 731 300 5 15 260 20 179 345 30 l,24o 260 55 10 5 191 15 72 66 31 1949 . . . FUmS BY CLASS OF WORK POWER 1,046 166 90 70 10 60 45 32 No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting 1954... 768 105 21 130 40 75 25 33 mules .farms reporting 1954 . . . 309 46 50 67 25 34 Tractor and horses and/or mules. .. .farms reporting 1954... 2,640 648 259 10 10 341 5 546 290 35 Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting 1954... FARM LABOR Week of September 26-October 2: 3,549 1,333 389 5 340 20 181 573 36 Family and/or hired workers farms reporting 1954 — 7,003 2,051 6e4 10 15 851 65 845 908 37 persons 1954 .. . 17,141 4,807 2,513 30 20 1,491 110 2,265 2,605 38 Family workers, including operator farms reporting 1954... 0,910 2,026 642 ... 15 350 65 815 908 39 Operators working 1 or more hours persons 1954 . . . 6,777 1,983 621 ... 15 830 65 808 897 40 Unpaid members of operator's family farms reporting 1954... 2,7o5 335 305 ... 380 25 272 355 41 persons 1954... 4,242 1,222 532 530 45 414 513 42 Hired workers farms reporting 1954 . . . 1,914 553 277 10 5 91 374 307 43 persons 1954 . . • o,122 1,597 1,360 30 5 131 1,043 1,195 44 Regular workers (to be employed 150 or more days ) farms reporting 1954 . . . 1,063 255 162 36 292 172 45 persons 1954 . . • 1,903 342 305 46 773 225 46 Seasonal workers {to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting 1954... 1,089 362 163 10 5 70 141 155 47 persons 1954.. . . SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES 4,219 1,255 1,055 30 5 85 270 970 48 Specified farm expenditures farms reporting 1954... 7,182 2,122 669 10 15 861 65 868 913 49 Machine hire and/or hired labor farms reporting 1954... 6,242 1,958 669 10 15 676 20 728 883 50 5,444 1,733 568 10 636 10 535 814 51 dollars 1954... 3,234,715 1,116,037 496, 578 2,950 205,770 1,750 419,353 550,903 52 Hired labor farms reporting 1954... 4,779 1,387 624 'io 15 361 10 651 758 53 1949 . . . 5,647 1,601 709 10 30 450 10 759 812 54 dollars 1954... 7,883,745 1,523,046 1,509,406 3,000 8,580 219,425 4,000 2,674,098 975,035 55 1949 . . . 7,707,758 1,467,744 1,322,733 7,980 38,500 169,210 2,710 2,469,559 966,672 56 $1 to $2 ,499 farms reporting 1954 . . . 3,943 1,225 483 10 15 330 10 403 626 57 $2,500 and over farms reporting 1954... 83b 162 141 31 248 132 58 Feed for livestock and poultry. .farms reporting 1954... 5,574 1,529 455 15 776 65 724 660 59 1949 .. . 5,929 1,499 592 io 20 660 40 781 722 60 dollars 1954... 7,601,626 761,289 427,395 1,620 735,315 415,825 3,397,610 370,142 61 1949... 6,015,949 545,219 331,260 1,750 3,455 427,825 84,045 3,307,404 296,139 62 Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oi 1 farms reporting 1954 . . . 6,567 2,034 659 10 15 741 35 331 378 63 1949 . . . 6,343 1,834 739 10 25 595 20 797 342 64 dollars 1954 . . . 4,466,113 1,284,831 674,978 250 5,000 277,075 8,775 857,548 661,535 65 1949... 3,443,405 976,331 484,890 2,300 10,890 173,030 5,425 696,270 476,109 66 Commercial fertilizer and fertilizing 4,790 1,590 593 451 15 423 755 67 dollars 1954 . . . 2,375,867 536,291 694,414 93,556 4,610 263,900 367,135 68 tons 1954 . . . 32,567 8,517 9,534 1,331 62 3,410 4,380 69 acres on which used 1954... 255,783 75,728 56,043 11,950 400 31,902 40,151 70 Lime and liming material farms reporting 1954... ... 71 tons 1954... 72 dollars 1954... 73 acres limed 1954... IDAHO AND FARM EXPENDITURES, BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Con tinned 129 a sample of farns. See text] Area 3b — Continued Area 4 Type of farm — Con inued Total all Type of farm Genera — Con. Miscel- Livestock r.eneral Miscel- laneous Cash- grain Other other laneous Primarily liTestock Crop and livestock and unclassi- fied farms Cotton field- crop Vegetable Fruit- arui-nut Dairy Poultry than dairy and poultry Primarily crop Primarily livestock Crop and 1 ivestock and unclas- sified 804 440 7,823 1,343 1,999 10 985 95 846 525 122 1,012 886 1 33 995 616 10,818 2,071 2,569 10 1,303 135 1,042 687 167 1,328 1,501 2 61 1,165 685 10,435 1,735 2,760 10 1,081 167 1,219 727 455 1,143 1,173 3 26 118 35 4,287 894 1,210 352 45 406 259 35 506 580 4 33 955 546 9,813 1,823 2,403 "l 1,206 135 1,005 604 142 1,208 1,282 5 38 453 175 5,073 1,045 1,293 407 55 535 341 76 660 521 6 41 10 269 53 36 45 37 26 5 57 10 7 16 193 10 1,750 302 388 ... 233 25 264 98 62 362 16 3 46 695 65 4,075 4(-0 1,021 963 30 266 259 112 818 146 9 22 472 51 4,073 l,6ol 733 316 15 374 272 76 550 76 10 22 500 51 4,539 2,101 742 323 15 400 275 7e 571 86 11 12 ■;; 347 20 1,904 319 599 209 5 206 IcS 3o 331 '31 13 14 17 347 20 1,921 321 1:06 210 5 210 169 36 332 32 15 106 506 47 HI 86 5 80 44 1 116 16 16 ... 106 510 49 111 36 5 81 44 1 117 16 17 73 760 231 8,093 1,924 2,013 831 30 900 530 147 1,117 551 18 88 1,127 311 11,818 3,517 2,333 955 95 1,332 729 164 1,473 620 19 73 930 231 9,280 2,149 2,474 1,093 55 945 649 157 1,282 476 20 41 1,005 200 3,669 1,373 2,490 5 750 53 1,010 673 365 1,047 398 21 112 1,742 267 15,466 3,794 4,352 1,462 70 1,758 1,117 214 2,192 507 22 53 1,399 240 12,168 2,835 3,485 "5 845 77 1,598 927 545 1,395 451 23 33 909 541 10,180 2,0ai 2,408 10 1,171 120 993 674 157 1,242 1,336 24 105 1,243 651 13,005 2,784 3,089 10 1,392 130 1,387 319 168 1,635 1,591 25 5 30 501 2,260 179 165 206 35 133 71 20 126 1,325 26 45 570 1,888 121 200 15 130 35 117 70 30 90 1,075 27 37 410 511 5,887 1,053 1,221 5 715 90 333 312 91 612 1,400 28 15 316 580 5,105 347 1,115 5 15 475 71 396 340 205 456 1,150 29 26 85 461 3,063 396 411 356 65 139 93 40 208 1,300 30 5 85 515 2,263 267 340 5 1; 150 46 140 105 65 130 1,020 31 30 342 1,460 117 95 10 110 70 59 62 25 912 12 r 40 75 641 44 30 130 15 129 20 10 22 241 33 23 433 70 5,072 975 1,173 772 15 757 272 122 795 191 34 5C 497 161 4,203 1,174 1,301 321 40 138 377 35 487 235 35 78 980 536 10,624 2,061 2,528 10 1,303 130 1,049 695 167 1,299 1,382 36 163 2,446 661 29,644 4,454 10,943 15 2,710 315 2,753 2,542 379 3,671 1,362 37 78 975 536 10,503 2,030 2,485 10 1,293 130 1,037 635 167 1,296 1,370 33 ■73 969 511 10,267 1,987 2,420 10 1,268 130 1,014 665 162 1,276 1,335 39 ^ 420 125 4,202 643 1,118 5 604 60 379 329 96 693 275 40 "4 747 165 7,139 1,013 2,016 5 911 95 603 630 167 1,249 450 41 11 271 15 2,683 578 900 156 20 395 242 20 330 42 42 lb 730 15 12,238 1,454 6,507 531 90 1,136 1,247 50 1,146 77 43 11 125 10 1,274 312 377 40 10 276 33 10 164 2 44 11 191 10 2,040 458 677 50 2C 427 123 20 253 12 45 5 173 5 1,890 379 712 126 15 202 175 15 226 40 46 5 539 5 10,198 996 5,830 4.31 70 709 1,124 30 893 65 47 83 995 581 11,253 2,310 2,589 10 1,333 140 1,117 730 167 1,329 1,523 43 -3 929 276 9,329 1,934 2,504 5 1,061 75 945 694 151 1,247 713 49 71 762 255 7,214 1,181 2,024 5 936 65 698 538 141 995 631 50 23,225 394,349 23,795 2,477,314 525,835 768,486 35 232,637 11,375 270,911 222,859 38,950 334,261 71,415 51 33 799 131 7,562 1,582 2,384 726 40 339 539 105 1,075 222 52 51 1,025 190 8,797 1,670 2,600 "5 '15 840 98 1,092 693 366 1,014 404 53 37,495 884,335 45,275 9,170,857 1,803,258 3,521,363 330,525 51,500 1,649,783 639,696 43,610 1,076,847 53,775 54 63,116 1,068,439 81,095 10,734,315 1,814,247 3,833,468 1,250 13,635 405,365 100,020 2,380,277 705,730 288,571 992,412 198,790 55 23 692 126 6,518 1,373 1,998 690 30 601 532 100 973 221 56 10 107 5 1,044 209 386 36 10 233 57 5 102 1 57 71 864 415 8,002 1,209 1,735 5 1,076 135 951 425 152 1,123 1,191 58 61 1,059 435 3,286 1,161 2,142 10 941 168 1,116 553 416 1,001 778 59 113,615 791,280 87,535 6,597,532 547,933 983,259 500 750,100 751,235 2,128,663 145,169 143,704 904,789 237,125 60 105,182 693,635 170,035 6,333,811 391,036 928,699 1,650 510,440 738,530 2,303,426 187,180 360.798 675,990 236.062 61 73 970 316 10,144 2,239 2,554 10 1,218 90 1,047 705 167 1,287 827 62 51 1,120 310 9,640 1,910 2,670 5 5 906 119 1,213 718 451 1,134 509 63 32,531 617,130 46,410 6,281,581 1,378,656 1,712,039 110 467,340 27,220 303,161 407,317 60,045 329,483 91,210 64 22,244 541,421 54,495 5,160,891 1,501,249 1,421,273 2,600 1,666 285,325 59,105 785,151 366,535 162,639 498,171 77,343 65 56 787 115 4,971 561 2,168 5 447 15 340 474 40 775 146 66 16,865 338,831 5,265 2,403,825 233,392 1,362,013 55 93,932 3,980 138,812 224,160 7,985 319,226 15,270 67 262 4,513 58 29,155 2,392 16,390 1 1,217 68 1,686 2,680 95 3,924 202 68 1,927 36,767 915 264,615 34,994 127,317 5 ;;; 12,010 615 24,325 25,546 1,415 36,404 1,984 69 70 71 72 73 130 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 6.-LIVEST0CK ON HAND, LIVESTOCK SOLD, AND £Data are based on reports for only Item (For definitions and ezplanationa, see tert) The State Total all farms Type of farm Cash-grain Cotton Other field-crop Vegetable Fruit- and-nut Dairy Poultry Livestock other than dairy and General Primarily poultry crop LivestocL OD baod: ' 1 Horses and mules farms reporting 1954 . . . 16,752 3,029 1,683 42 106 2,717 95 3,651 926 2 1950... 22 , 926 3,603 2,479 70 86 3,871 136 4,514 1,660 3 number 1954 . . . 56,993 8,322 3,618 77 277 6,711 190 22,206 2,503 4 1950... 92,433 11,922 7,371 230 210 11,628 337 33,576 5,359 5 All cattle and calves farms reporting 1954... 33,351 5,672 3,453 109 222 6,615 320 4,607 2,119 6 1950. .. 34,152 5,469 3,811 95 166 6,226 361 5,239 2,405 7 8 number 1954 1,325,682 155,414 105,251 2.401 3.419 202,800 3,870 568,348 66,880 1950.. . 970,189 102,164 62,479 885 1,910 149,603 3,272 443,308 41,437 9 Cows, including heifers tliat have calved farms reporting 1954... 31,678 5,469 3,299 109 95 207 156 6,600 6,201 300 356 4,353 5,071 1,993 2,311 10 1950... 33,285 5,303 3^726 11 number 1954 . . . 544,700 66,417 36,182 1,058 1,091 98,975 1,530 229,160 24,290 12 1950... 416,703 42,964 23,378 460 822 71,721 1,376 185,300 17, 888 U Mill; cows farms reporting 1954... 28,268 4,674 2,947 104 205 6,590 280 3,258 1,745 U 1950... 31,543 4,884 3,624 90 150 6,151 341 4,449 2,225 15 number 1954 . . . 214,832 22,899 20,510 831 790 91,290 1,055 17,539 12,078 16 1950... 190,799 20,590 18,170 430 455 66,680 1,006 25,731 11,243 17 All hogs and pigs farms reporting 1954... 9,616 1,811 1,030 32 40 1,584 55 1,657 456 18 1950... 14,049 2,063 1,631 45 36 2,175 125 2,677 951 19 number 1954 . . . 118,690 15,311 11,737 257 240 13,595 235 33,562 4,599 20 1950... 161,790 18,002 20,394 235 780 13,970 1,330 50,423 8,278 21 Chickens 4 months old and over.. farms reporting 1954... 23,409 4,276 2,211 78 171 4,337 450 2,904 1,507 22 1950... 28,080 4,538 2,828 105 210 4,985 471 3,906 1,981 23 number 1954... 1,803,287 236,598 123,308 2,623 7,236 258,305 458,740 157,007 79,415 24 1950... LivestocL and livestock products sold: 1,525,405 210,850 136,631 2,695 5,830 242,700 165,035 201,459 92,315 25 Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting 1954... 25,256 4,012 2,591 53 132 5,984 160 4,466 1,578 26 1949 .. . 27,068 3,991 2,799 45 56 5,776 266 5,153 1,843 27 number 1954 . . . 501,391 42,439 31,510 307 1,244 53,636 835 284,491 16,718 28 1949 . . . 436,181 28,967 22,577 340 352 48,029 1,637 259,714 11,829 29 dollars 1954... 58,463,547 4,421,159 3,485,728 25,074 125,833 3,305,912 72,895 36.979,222 1,736,926 30 1949 . . . 58,956,129 3,472,807 2,810,524 32,720 36,090 4,344,340 206,940 38,664,919 1,232,199 31 Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting 1954... 5,759 1,004 550 17 15 962 45 1,227 302 32 1949... 13,437 1,905 1,595 35 31 2,175 155 2,783 896 33 number 1954 . . . 111,519 13,379 6,323 127 80 12,288 420 42,983 4,249 34 1949... 263,745 26,363 24,456 140 1,375 33,210 2,160 94,143 12,281 35 dollars 1954... 4,238,003 509,522 245,955 2,742 3,625 395,522 17,030 1,766,505 151,490 36 1949 . . . 8,779,605 911,082 815,005 2,380 52,340 908,335 74,720 3,253,931 380,736 37 Chickens sold farms reporting 1954 . . . 5,997 1,083 462 12 60 1,193 470 593 303 38 1949... 8,713 1,198 706 20 25 1,745 441 1,061 573 39 dollars 1954... 1,344,958 77,613 32,083 320 4,970 93,320 863,510 51,725 17,189 40 1949 . . . 1,484,695 82,831 45,410 935 1,595 142,544 791,471 90,551 39,673 41 Chicken eggs sold farms reporting 1954 . . . 10,618 1,901 793 32 70 2,056 455 1,221 703 42 1949 . . . 13,562 2,092 1,178 25 75 2,655 451 1,717 904 43 dozens 1954... 11,748,501 1,003,535 462,320 6,874 32,715 1,355,658 5,192,260 705,447 330,672 44 1949... 8,522,930 796,934 4A2,445 10,250 22,490 1,190,100 2,056,386 804,355 360,358 45 dollars 1954 .. . 4,155,783 383,565 149,114 2,786 13,340 460,779 1,845,585 231,798 109,461 46 1949... 3,678,588 329, 747 182,175 3,855 10,630 498,915 959,294 314,481 145,227 47 Milk sold^ gallons 1954. . . 144,845,382 12,323,616 12,448,756 655, 804 445,811 74, 169, 855 654,675 8,028,922 7,082,665 48 dollars 1954... 38,749,718 2,878,323 2,992,166 132,032 127,705 21,550,391 154,895 1,842,221 1,729,391 49 1949... Specified crops harvested; 28,172,389 1,950,762 2,300,486 62,680 45,970 14, 168, 765 88,615 2,190,637 1,371,522 50 Com for all purposes farms reporting 1954... 3,o':'5 267 266 20 56 1,573 15 522 250 51 1949 . . . 2,876 156 207 35 35 1,095 35 401 163 52 acres 1954 . . . 46,100 5,858 2,357 170 535 15,653 75 8,903 4,604 53 1949 . . . 25,898 2,537 1,541 675 135 8,240 305 4,330 2,409 54 Com harvested for grain farms reporting 1954... 1,352 126 101 56 466 5 129 141 55 1949 . . . 1,711 100 130 5 35 550 30 201 148 56 acres 1954.. . 13,895 2,655 1,116 465 3,027 35 1,322 2,360 57 1949... 13,171 1,Q60 860 '25 135 3,150 230 1,542 1,924 58 bushels harvested 1954 . . . 864,863 168,130 30,790 21,475 182,575 3,000 104,693 144,280 59 1949 . . . 697,124 108,510 38,375 1,375 7,625 165,240 10,725 72,565 124, 859 60 bushels sold 1954 . . . 373.7oO 148, cl5 40, 305 13,300 39, 870 4,860 91,550 61 1949 . . . 83,070 11,730 705 32,695 1,000 16,795 99,764 62 Winter wheat threshed or ' combined Sarins reporting 1954 . . . 5,413 3,652 115 4 6 322 35 415 153 63 1949... b,730 3,931 109 5 11 360 84 779 300 64 acres 1954 . . . oJ9,eil 558,137 7,281 1,392 103 8,090 395 27,825 7,492 65 1949... 947,735 813,819 4,724 40 165 7,655 6,155 45,670 12,957 66 bushels harvested 1954 . . . 16,913,740 15,179,295 140,015 71,467 7,300 173,800 7,640 545,803 215,938 67 1949... 20,290,680 17,651,433 93,840 1,500 6,450 153,170 110,195 824,557 338,450 68 bushels sold 1954... 15,860,323 14,351,395 129,375 70,900 7,244 144,551 3,230 445,330 200,543 69 1949... 18,744,432 16,648,295 72,950 730 4,050 95,215 32,440 636,298 303,675 70 Spring wheat threshed or combined farms reporting 1954t . . 18,315 4,906 3,404 27 45 2,494 115 1,584 1,966 71 1949... 17,398 4,000 3,309 25 45 2,235 98 2,070 1,931 72 acres 1954... 501,616 247,400 75,434 639 230 26,540 1,790 42,336 46, 799 73 1949... 519,640 253,725 68,627 145 345 24,205 1,575 54,763 50,493 74 bushels harvested 1954... 17,255,205 6,878,574 3,569,962 22,355 11,700 930,913 72,150 1,310,377 2,142,448 75 1949 . . . 14,380,616 5,685,838 2,563,939 8,345 14,050 772,645 39,740 1,434,510 1,739,485 76 bushels sold 1954... 15,615,718 6,434,601 3,258,660 20,275 9,500 745,464 57,310 1,110,087 1,987,249 77 1949 . . . 11,470,698 5,151,734 2,074,201 6,045 11,135 414,230 17,350 350,400 1,445,370 78 Irish potatoes harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting 1954 . . . 11,444 1,526 3,484 16 40 814 135 810 1,208 79 1949... 11,905 1,012 3,906 55 60 950 30 1,029 1,437 SO acres 1954'.. 147,545 7,963 95,919 107 58 2,230 171 7,962 17,057 81 1949' . . 144,437 6,453 83,832 450 224 2,519 35 10,341 19,387 82 100- lb. bags harvested 1954... 25,214,499 1,335,516 16,811,769 23,708 8,585 298,812 25,545 1,362,076 2,304,330 83 1949... 21,711,951 954,635 13,098, 127 74,035 29,570 255,230 2,500 1,524,698 2,960,447 84 Hay cut acres 1954. . . 1,099,035 186,246 110,461 1,001 2,040 144,511 4,335 343,137 100,913 85 1949... 1,047,569 147,609 100,839 1,195 1,265 125,625 2,940 366,410 104,548 86 tons 1954 . . . 2,695,554 422,292 376,979 3,196 5,295 396,667 9,785 655,373 339,176 ^For comparability of data on livestock and poultry, see text and State Table 12. farms with less than 10 bags harvested. ^Includes milk equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. ■'Does not include acreage for IDAHO 131 SPECIFIED CROPS, BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 a Banple of farms. See text] Tlie S tate— Contiriued Area 1 Typo of farm— Cont inued Total Type of f arm General — Con. Miscel- Livestock General Miscel- laneous all Other Fruit- and-nut other laneous FYimarily Crop and and unclassi- fied farms Cash- grain Cotton field- Vegetable Dairy Poultry than dairy and poultry Primarily Primarily Crop and and unclas- livestock livestock crop crop livestock livestock sified 276 1,906 2,321 3,211 4o4 54 1 232 15 1,234 128 47 221 315 1 687 2,735 3,085 3,918 499 31 10 21 400 20 1,442 148 75 275 997 2 919 5,225 6,945 14,090 1,306 174 7 540 40 8,557 420 145 697 2,204 3 2,805 9,673 9,322 20,024 1,743 175 60 75 1,035 70 11,32<1 476 265 1,454 3,342 4 456 3,485 6,283 5,074 769 100 5 11 473 50 1,446 196 67 313 1,644 5 897 3,624 5,859 5,234 739 61 10 21 660 45 1,583 204 105 345 1,456 6 16,819 144,895 54, 585 291,151 26,928 3,118 5 570 13,641 765 204,313 8,403 3,786 14,725 14,397 7 23,312 96,224 45,595 207,250 18, 349 395 45 535 13,750 605 147,697 2,757 2,925 10,503 9,689 8 219 13 2 1950... 2,217 682 5 5 20 220 3 ) 329 40 3 number 1954 . . . 3,669 1,561 37 231 5 ) 613 17 i 1950... 0,074 1,327 10 10 25 610 8 ) 1,359 80 5 All cattle and calves farms reporting 1954 . . . 3,471 1,290 5 14 307 3 > 335 54 6 1950... 3,764 1,24, 5 30 3o5 7 ) 443 61 7 number 1954 . . . 71,417 30,65, 55 561 3,771 o7 17,972 827 a 1950... 53,575 18,360 15 85 6,975 53C 15,086 1,177 9 Cous, Including heifers that have calved farms reporting 1954... 3,302 1,249 5 14 ... 307 7 ) 327 54 10 1950... 3,629 1,184 5 ... 25 365 7 ) 443 61 11 number 1954 . . . 30,673 13,017 20 243 5,036 23 ) 6,792 315 12 1950... 24,473 7,675 5 35 4,005 21 ) 6,631 537 13 Milk cows farms reporting 1954... 2,792 1,024 5 1, 307 7 224 34 U 1950 . . . 3,331 1,092 5 25 365 7 407 51 15 number 1954... 11,039 2,654 5 2u 4,742 14 > 834 54 16 1950. . . 12,490 3,276 s 35 3,305 17 ) 1,791 97 17 All hogs and pigs farms reporting 1954... l,05o 453 7 5 62 2 ) 131 8 13 1950... 1,265 482 5 5 115 3 ] 206 31 19 number 1954 . . . 10,479 4,604 27 10 442 3 ] 3,782 59 20 1950... 13,742 4,892 10 10 285 64 ) 3,632 425 21 2,889 1,087 5 13 5 217 14 ) 223 27 22 1950... 3,464 1,111 5 5 55 290 12 ) 392 56 23 number 1954 . . . 205,736 62,383 75 503 150 12,856 69,94 ) 9,698 1,515 24 1950... Livestock and livestock products sold; 167,112 51,427 2^0 75 1,330 12,595 26,18 J 15,645 2,435 25 Cattle and calves sold alive. .. .farms reporting 1954... 2,269 974 5 3 231 4 ) 335 22 26 1949 . . . 2,d41 911 5 10 335 0 ) 439 50 27 number 1954 . . . 23,71o 10,181 10 87 3,006 12 J 7,603 133 28 1949 . . . 23,435 6,303 190 'lO 3,050 29 ) 9,985 255 29 dollars 1954... 2,325,891 1,049,680 1,000 4,539 167,266 11,19 > 865,031 15,250 30 1949... 2,662,872 747,462 32,600 1,225 238, 520 30,45 ) 1,253,465 33,035 31 Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting 1954... 605 270 36 1 ) 115 3 32 1949... 1,324 532 s 120 5 J 250 36 33 number 1954 . . . 11,734 4,926 82 340 6 ) 4,661 41 34 1949... 19,87, 7,125 50 780 69 ) 6,525 515 35 dollars 1954... 42f',30D 192,517 1,092 6,470 3,210 J 165,935 590 36 1949... 713.142 271,0,2 2,000 29,210 24,, 9 ) 226,655 13,245 37 Chickens sold '.farms reporting 1954 . . . 840 338 7 5 31 13 ) 50 5 38 1949 . . . 995 314 5 110 10( ) 96 15 39 dollars 1954... 163,516 29,237 170 2,405 8,530 98,27 J 2,744 225 40 1949 . . . 150,290 17,455 760 13,385 69,66 ) 5,715 590 41 Chicken eggs sold farms reporting 1954 . . . 1,481 577 7 5 97 14 J 123 16 42 1949 . . . 1,841 605 20 170 12 3 206 25 43 1,367,494 303,295 924 520 71,825 785,96 ) 41,375 3,450 44 1949... 1,036,982 191,227 1,710 96,010 326,25 ) 66,910 10,650 45 dollars 1954... 583,029 134,571 411 260 32,040 326,00 ) 16,717 1,915 46 1949 . . . 498,639 84,489 860 47,795 158,44 ) 29,330 3,650 47 Milk sold 2 gallons 1954 . . . 5,349,446 788,893 2,028 ... 3,677,279 66,88 ! 311,179 5,625 48 dollars 1954... 1,841,526 174,576 657 1,486,524 16,26 ] 67,022 895 49 1949... Specified crops barvested: 1,692,610 173,435 1,750 1,074,330 11,00 ) 110,725 6,680 50 Com for all purposes farms reporting 1954... 22 5 6 51 1949... 50 5 52 acres 1954... 129 5 102 'i ) 7 53 1949... 130 "io 54 Com harvested for grain farms reporting 1954... 11 5 1 55 1949... 45 5 56 acres 1954... 12 "2 ... 57 1949... 125 10 58 bushels harvested 1954... 390 250 ■M ... 59 1949... 2,430 150 ^^ 150 60 bushels sold 1954... ... 61 1949... 335 62 Winter v/heat threshed or combined farms reporting 1954 . . . 1,335 1,492 1,,55 4 60 75 3 3 > 57 ) 172 33 56 63 1949... 64 acres 1954 . . . 165^683 154,494 1,392 2,600 39 ) 2,793 2,092 65 1949... 254,595 234,325 .'.. 1,395 28C ) 6,760 3,760 66 buBhels harvested 1954 . . . 6,616,715 6,274,774 71,467 ... 72,635 7,64( ) 61,793 75,806 67 1949... 6,570,126 6,162,431 ... 19,585 4,90 121,375 107,980 68 bushels sold 1954... 6,414,059 6,105,442 70,900 ... 66,955 3,23C ) 47,021 74,346 69 1949... 6,233,198 5,919,318 ... ... 8,905 1,15C ) 93,965 96,205 70 Spring wheat threshed or combined farms reporting 1954 . . . 1,169 771 7 100 1 56 29 71 1949... 729 461 ... 5 40 78 40 72 acres 1954 . . . ,1,554 34,525 145 409 ... 1,775 32t ) 783 1,276 73 1949... 33,133 31,353 45 215 3C ) 2,675 1,525 74 bushels harvested 1954... 1,223,538 1,048,549 ,,000 12,110 ... 42,000 5,62 20, 107 40,412 75 1949 . . . 754,649 642,186 ... 850 3,510 60C ) 43,063 34,425 76 bushels sold 1954... 1,154,645 993,811 ,,000 10,950 35,214 4,60C 17,777 39,762 77 1949 . . . 670,054 594,456 750 20,598 29,640 78 Irish potatoes harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting 1954 . . . 1,686 1,385 503 289 10 5 5 25 109 130 8t 3 108 no 21 25 79 1949... 80 acres 1954^.. 306 127 2 (') 20 It 14 2 81 1949' . . 557 100 136 5 12 44 1 21 18 82 100-lb. bags harvested 1954... 33,201 11,529 208 45 2,114 94 1,384 255 83 1949... 56,659 5,644 33,250 30 1,115 2,000 69( ) 1,170 1,315 84 Hay cut acres 1954... 72,794 34,246 225 266 5 10,011 93( ) 10,165 1,467 85 1949 . . . 70,885 24,125 30 ... 145 8,530 67 16,090 3,465 86 tons 1954... 108,000 48,935 720 226 5 18,471 l,22t 14,159 2,331 ^For comparability of data on llvestoclc and poultry, see text and State Table 12. farms with less than 10 bags harvested . ^Includes milt equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. ^Doss not Include acreage for IDAHO 133 SPECIFIED CROPS, BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued a sample of farms. See text] Area 2 — Continued Area 3a Typo of farm — Continued Total all Type of t arm General — Con. Miscel- laneous Other Fruit- and-nut Livestock other General Miscel- laneous Primarily livestock Crop and livestock and unclassi- fied farms Cash- grain Cotton field- crop Vegetable Dairy Poultry than dairy and poultry Primarily crop Primarily livestock Crop and livestock. and unclas- sified 523 3,222 157 167 20 95 1,081 10 699 178 63 346 406 1 10b 725 4,878 157 273 35 40 1,340 30 841 342 115 590 615 2 "'" 126 1,034 12,369 353 363 30 255 2,484 15 5,129 487 148 774 2,331 3 1 'I'l 288 1,655 19,207 474 744 110 95 4,965 60 7,801 1,177 325 1,961 1,495 4 ; \ 74 141 1,296 8,919 354 502 90 20o 3,646 55 992 499 143 831 1,601 5 ''', 1,305 8,813 337 540 65 95 3,325 105 1,065 576 170 880 1,655 6 l'-"' 2,005 9,732 337,060 7,622 13,765 1,835 2,824 112,823 755 122, 334 17,423 4,309 30,501 17,764 7 1,230 2,332 7,785 236,655 5,533 ■J, 723 695 1,085 73,690 605 95,740 8,219 2,865 23,640 9,860 S 1_ \ 74 141 1,186 8,347 34-; 447 90 191 3,646 55 895 454 118 806 1,301 9 ' 1,235 8,566 327 530 65 95 3,310 105 1,020 551 165 863 1,535 10 909 4,051 141,874 3,099 4,855 810 865 54, 567 310 49,664 6,321 1,430 12,844 7,109 U 'i', 1,025 3,855 102,401 2,203 3,397 385 475 38,610 250 38,787 3,768 1,190 8,736 4,600 12 II 74 1,024 7,748 316 395 85 190 3,636 45 672 337 112 784 1,126 13 'H-i 126 1,145 8,196 312 525 60 90 3,295 95 865 501 165 853 1,435 14 300 2,189 81,755 1,830 3,605 800 770 52,410 220 4,776 3,564 1,096 9,445 3,239 15 -.JU 541 2,350 62,744 1,50b 3,082 355 280 36,750 200 5,062 2,903 1,085 7,421 4,100 16 \ I 42 317 2,052 101 155 20 35 696 5 363 128 57 218 274 17 3'' 61 295 3,502 121 232 35 20 1,175 25 57- 210 120 475 515 18 '.'.' 219 1,259 30,389 1,078 2,305 225 230 7,577 65 11,976 1,029 977 3,738 1,189 19 '■.;"0 798 2,530 52,085 1,467 7,235 220 265 13,145 65 13,568 2,355 1,775 9,385 2,605 20 1 ; 74 1,077 5,880 280 311 55 141 2,399 85 609 384 111 569 936 21 130 1,230 7,613 302 478 70 120 2,735 115 801 566 145 761 1,520 22 1,2^3 o,962 40,354 411,735 10,721 l..,575 2,065 5,216 130,60.. 108,675 31,390 15, 542 19,864 34,693 38,390 23 b^50 o,925 43,995 392,516 14,069 17,315 1,965 3,770 131,075 ..8,540 48,276 24,905 14,655 36,946 51,000 24 t) 79 514 7,038 221 417 55 126 3,346 35 960 359 123 721 675 25 100 141 590 7,093 190 334 35 40 3,050 70 1,134 441 160 829 760 26 27 28 29 1,864 118,742 2,056 5,747 220 1,147 30,198 225 60,934 4,175 1,338 8,469 4,233 992 1,850 109,902 1,110 4,394 325 255 25,510 145 62,657 2,328 1,130 9,758 2,290 "",000 54,795 154,535 13,018,672 197,309 746,865 21,535 114,358 2,109,815 15,835 7,978,314 365,860 167,566 921,410 379, 305 29 .c.,,°0 1U,065 165,555 14,093,974 113,450 525,920 30,620 20,475 2,203,915 10,935 9,306,334 246,795 115,175 1,356,235 161,620 30 11 27 121 1,305 60 85 10 15 446 5 321 77 52 166 68 31 f'O 71 205 3,249 97 142 30 25 1,175 30 634 190 115 436 325 32 70 438 1,166 31,677 785 1,330 45 80 6,857 150 15,456 979 1,379 3,961 655 33 '"T'' 1,149 2,085 79,907 1,560 2,981 135 580 23,450 135 30,036 2,980 3,295 12,255 2,400 34 3,ol7 15,195 35,290 1,269,235 23,949 54,120 1,650 3,625 22m,630 7,500 695,846 29,536 58,235 147,889 22,255 35 37,2S>5 .,0,740 73,500 2,543,265 51,235 74,960 2,180 19,825 610,390 6,295 1,071,080 90,395 116,635 444,960 55,310 36 11 36 222 1,524 40 120 5 40 691 75 141 57 60 158 137 37 ■'. :"' 50 260 2,938 96 185 10 20 1,130 130 256 176 130 380 425 38 513 3,705 17,715 192,049 2,038 5,9.i0 150 1,765 45,460 84,850 l.,,098 1,740 9,515 13,800 12,693 39 8,->l'> 3,130 31,175 677,266 6,605 11,430 250 835 94,065 425,200 34,736 15,155 24,670 36,705 27,615 40 11 57 448 2,711 98 140 25 50 1,167 35 270 160 81 292 343 41 ■■0 105 500 3,824 145 211 15 45 1,495 105 417 250 140 41o 585 42 l-.,^.5 4d,615 99,080 2,795,154 28,858 5.., 630 5,950 20,395 636,013 1,313,980 173,645 50,443 173,310 227,615 105,315 43 51,965 208,005 2,355,161 56,850 47,750 1,200 19,670 682,075 558,390 257,006 110,920 202,805 270,075 148,420 44 6,610 23,070 46,430 1,015,216 11,200 19,055 2,375 8,445 221,441 489,710 64,981 16,014 70,252 77,498 34,245 45 ^0,660 25,940 107,470 1,017,411 26,885 20, 190 450 9,230 280,095 280,205 93,301 49,600 80,930 110,975 65,500 46 ■^o,^^5 144,005 323,355 60,577,635 979,432 2,505,483 664,776 445,811 42,618,975 108,856 2,427,854 1,903,080 861,704 6,85C1959 1,210,704 47 5,135 27,925 62,532 16,896,759 264,174 677,065 131,375 127,705 12,06^Cr70 29, 540 615,091 534,770 244,723 1,892,981 314,265 48 d1,430 55,0o0 193,150 11,135,053 130,575 ... 411,959 55,200 31,945 7,818,720 20, 140 514,062 376, 147 186,250 1,258, 6o0 331,395 49 t 2,570 119 l66 20 b5 1,317 5 284 173 30 285 106 50 10 30 2,283 125 156 35 30 970 20 273 132 55 287 200 51 5 32,127 3,330 1,845 170 565 13, 33o 35 4,577 3,740 320 3,374 835 52 30 85 21,993 2,410 1,266 675 130 7,425 150 3,068 2,174 425 2,890 1,380 53 5 1,095 96 80 55 395 5 86 111 10 197 60 54 10 25 1,410 90 105 5 30 505 20 141 117 45 197 155 55 5 11,754 2,460 935 445 2,715 35 1,053 2,095 80 1,596 340 56 30 80 11,551 1,900 765 25 130 2,850 140 1,102 1,689 275 1,685 990 57 100 742, 138 178,340 66,200 21,275 166,035 3,000 56,373 133,855 3,600 94,550 18,910 58 550 1,580 629,209 106, 560 34,585 1,375 7,475 150,790 6,750 52,315 114,459 15,700 101,115 37,585 59 357,195 142,050 ... 40,305 13,300 38,870 2,500 90, 550 ... 29,620 60 385 315,854 83,070 11,730 ... 705 29,295 1,000 14,665 93,414 3,375 69,895 8,705 61 1 41 112 405 62 25 5 83 75 42 5 88 15 62 91 200 422 86 5 5, 10 60 5 108 61 10 42 30 63 ','.' o40 1,210 14,283 6,193 195 75 1,455 3,476 903 45 1,776 165 64 65 66 67 68 69 1,240 .,,235 2,600 22,008 9,725 30 40 125 725 275 6,938 1,255 240 1,945 710 i,?no 21,745 29,655 375,314 139,351 7,975 6,000 34,900 93, 561 31, 136 710 60, 131 1,500 27,765 80,115 45,970 369,925 158,920 1,000 1,500 5,050 25,650 2,800 116,705 29,810 2,925 13,765 6,800 SOO 19,475 25,890 307,984 123,927 5,350 6,000 25,791 72,566 23,631 49,36'J 800 13,920 65,105 29,630 279,705 136,555 950 730 4,050 8,850 925 82,365 26,745 300 12,8.45 5,350 38 148 3,276 349 423 20 -0 1,088 25 320 372 63 ..64 112 70 40 60 3,297 255 412 20 40 1,040 5 291 461 30 533 155 71 587 1,734 40,405 7,133 5,366 230 205 3,825 300 4,733 5,918 630 6,028 1,037 72 1,075 715 46,990 7,990 5,893 135 300 9,400 10 4,837 8,910 655 7,845 1,015 73 12,.4i9 38,336 1,838,557 299,535 298,815 10,245 10,700 394, 510 14,250 177,866 297,470 27,870 275,666 31,630 74 18,845 11,170 1,785,720 281,090 261,915 7,870 13,210 346,590 500 144,295 368,610 21,410 313,630 26,600 75 10,250 33,281 1,542,764 280,357 258,830 9,325 9,500 318,095 10,970 138,688 257,356 19,430 217,748 22,465 76 16,820 7,790 1,315,883 252,705 229,022 6,045 10,385 16-, 235 500 33,146 309,635 5,735 236,335 17,640 77 6 52 796 998 22 303 10 30 195 5 64 102 10 110 147 78 -5 86 625 1,315 20 351 45 10 290 20 73 173 35 103 195 79 5 122 6,773 53 4,464 105 50 168 ( = ) 318 1,042 ( = ) 512 61 80 10 59 134 9,193 76 5,630 415 105 162 6 270 1,796 3 686 ..4 81 22^ 499 15,997 1,481,520 6,197 1,042,430 23,500 8,165 26,195 5 69,243 204,955 30 91,660 9,090 82 535 2,840 7,970 1,849,483 18,050 1,173,680 70,255 15,450 20,470 815 63,959 349,094 285 130,025 7,400 83 282 3,590 11,607 188,063 10,677 10,415 735 1,560 56,381 705 51,545 21,005 2,520 22,219 10,301 84 1,220 3,900 12,705 171,061 8,390 10,427 1,040 735 47,095 295 53,519 18,811 2,960 21,274 6,515 85 1 6,343 15,330 575,857 31,550 46,095 2,970 5,490 194,769 1,585 119,196 76,435 7,455 72,203 18,109 86 134 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 6.-LIVEST0CK ON HAND, LIVESTOCK SOLD, AND [Data are based on reports for only Area 3b Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all fai-ins Typ e of farm Cash-grain Cotton Other field-crop Vegetable Fruit- and-nut Dairy Poultry Livestock other than dairy and poultry General Primarily crop Livestock on band: ^ 1 Horses and mules farms reporting 1954... 2,9,9 694 259 10 10 391 5 Dl3 315 2 1950... 4,543 1,109 459 15 5 505 5 592 3 number 1954 . . . 9,083 1,537 610 10 15 1,033 10 J ■',' 840 4 1950... 16,214 3,150 1,336 30 15 1,470 10 ,. '35 1,767 5 All cattle and calves farms reporting 1954... 6,380 1,812 558 5 861 45 816 761 6 1950... 6,609 1,714 70S 'io 20 765 25 840 866 7 number 1954 . . . 268,783 42,175 16,457 25 27,655 375 109,323 23,321 8 1950... 184,283 23,576 12,400 130 205 19,830 310 72,431 14,768 9 Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting 1954 . . . 6,007 1,726 526 5 851 35 761 701 10 1950 . . . 6,406 1,669 663 10 25 760 25 777 832 11 number 1954 . . . 93,605 16,688 5,066 10 13,365 125 39,320 7,406 12 1950 . . . 69,759 11,375 4,252 '35 105 8,535 115 25,526 5,942 U Milk cows farms reporting 1954 . . . 5,511 1,589 498 5 851 35 532 635 14 1950... 6,166 1,530 658 'io 25 740 25 699 832 15 number 1954 . . . 43,665 9,634 3,431 10 12,104 110 2,818 4,397 16 1950... 35,659 7,532 3,122 '35 05 7,730 115 3,734 4,131 17 All hogs and pigs farms reporting 1954... 1,450 375 152 230 186 121 18 1950 . . . 2,266 499 297 190 20 356 262 19 number 1954 . . . 15,102 2,364 1,759 1,465 4,665 1,420 20 25,111 2,877 3,178 1,500 195 9,157 1,993 21 Chickens 4 months old and over.. farms reporting 1954... 4,334 1,186 373 10 605 50 444 534 22 1950... 5,149 1,303 512 'io 10 650 45 595 647 23 number 1954 . . . 269,590 54,701 13,724 945 31,635 41,500 24,687 23,592 24 1950 . . . Livestock and livestock products sold; 230,996 46,853 21,610 120 225 27,960 9,505 28,021 28,170 25 Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting 1954... 4,900 1,171 387 5 "41 10 760 596 26 1949... 5,247 1,21° 439 5 5 720 15 787 647 27 number 1954 . . . 121,102 9,141 6,499 10 6,311 80 70,782 6,482 28 1949... 102,450 7,258 4,956 'io 5 6,175 60 61,792 4,902 29 dollars 1954 . . . 16,662,882 1,021,731 663,377 1,000 515,495 7,165 10,983,096 763 ,895 30 1949... 14,844,226 301,692 490,564 1,300 450 624,585 4,300 10,120,093 499,741 31 Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting 1954... 852 164 62 105 5 132 97 32 1949 . . . 2,010 359 201 190 15 356 247 33 number 1954 .. . 16,153 1,383 749 1,415 30 5,739 1,499 34 1949 . . . 38,797 4,533 3,736 2,705 235 14,441 3,122 35 596,430 41,820 24,960 51,820 1,080 237,821 52,634 36 1949... 1,254,490 155,449 126,665 ... 72,295 7,960 483,608 95,034 37 Chickens sold farms reporting 1954 . . . 1,088 283 45 135 65 87 130 38 1949 . . . 1,693 38t, 145 'io 220 50 206 196 39 dollars 1954... 4j5,8.^r/ 13,93;' 2,690 500 6,155 328,005 7,105 7,130 40 1949 . . . j;'S,5C:l 22, '-40 o,0b5 685 15,515 110,565 14,281 12,455 41 Chicken eggs sold farms reporting 1954 . . . 1,834 455 130 5 255 45 175 235 42 2,490 581 230 5 5 345 40 254 306 43 dozens 1954 . . . 1,427,970 202,881 41,315 350 144,305 538,300 85,254 76,385 44 1949 . . . 1,173,223 214, 94C 81,505 1,250 900 144,455 76,770 120,621 109,508 45 dollars 1954... 532,714 63,417 16,140 255 46,845 221,630 26,811 24,485 46 1949 . . . 484,531 91,620 31,225 ..40 390 57,355 35,100 44,159 44,254 47 Milk sold^ gallons 1954. . . 30,173,265 7,856,143 6,317,431 1,503,477 1,877,494 475,990 9,731,299 2,797,475 64,200 14,570 1,708,910 407,207 2,937,278 717,812 48 dollars 1954... 49 1949... Specified crops harvested; 5,132,519 917,021 386,015 7,045 10,755 1,578,110 11,990 386,068 4S6,545 50 Com for all purposes farms reporting 1954... t..47 35 31 165 154 45 51 1949... 15 21 60 85 15 52 acres 1954 . . . .-^,'.i'-'S 1,795 291 1,525 2,668 425 53 1949 . . . 2,.''0'-' 5" 130 510 120 794 95 54 Coin harvested for grain farms reporting 1954... 178 15 11 65 16 25 55 1949 . . . 179 10 15 35 44 15 56 acres 1954 . . . 1,097 100 111 280 117 115 57 1949 . . . 980 60 80 245 '35 190 95 58 bushels harvested 1954... 69,035 6,540 12,590 15,000 7,720 5,425 59 1949... 43,105 1,950 3,400 11,450 3,825 10,730 2,900 60 bushels sold 1954. . . 12,874 4,565 1,000 660 1,000 61 1949... 5,665 2,500 40 62 Winter wheat threshed or combined farms reporting 1954 . . . 263 132 16 25 33 12 63 1949... 417 174 21 30 35 45 64 acres 1954 . . . 35,561 26,761 1,085 110 5,796 339 65 1949 . . . 48,661 39,207 664 370 50 3,545 1,455 66 bushels harvested 1954 . . . 581,943 425,577 10,745 3,450 114,301 6,095 67 1949 . . . 915,405 723,800 23,885 11,075 800 54,300 25,600 68 bushels sold 1954 . . . 513,550 379,346 10,145 3, ,50 95,818 5,825 69 1949 .. . 333,980 690,325 22,245 3,c70 300 39,250 21,875 70 Spring wheat threshed or combined farms reporting 1954^ . . 4,b61 4,190 1,674 1,382 56o 527 5 380 340 15 361 435 762 691 71 1949 . . . 72 acres 1954... 94,903 33,817 19,381 25 3,150 135 10,605 14,774 73 1949... 74,619 27,389 10,349 10 3,220 10,543 11,974 74 bushels harvested 1954... 4,640,023 1,736,561 900,487 1,666 145,410 7,666 427,595 787,355 75 1949... 3,274,375 1,253,141 465,305 475 126,955 396,809 571,295 76 bushels sold 1954... 4,313,894 1,631,962 851,562 127,870 7,600 378,826 743,455 77 1949... 2,630,429 1,127,304 376,210 76,525 221,155 490,145 78 Irish potatoes harvested for home use or for sale, ,........,.,. .farms reporting 1954... 1,937 2,769 334 407 512 694 5 70 120 134 264 457 621 79 1949. . . 80 acres 1954'.. 32,658 3,316 14,537 190 4,249 6,337 81 1949' . . 35,390 4,361 12,777 '('] 472 4,093 7,753 82 100-lb. bags harvested 1954... 6,466,137 745,755 2,863,940 50,390 ioo 792,455 1,228,865 83 1949... 6,234,236 735,300 2,448,105 'so 51,995 771,261 1,267,730 84 85 86 Hay cut acres 1954 . . . 139,933 19o,2S4 47,363 40,784 21,304 25,147 105 'io 15,440 14,555 ieo 370 41,093 50,096 32,861 31,593 1949 . . . tons 1954 . . . ■134, j;.-' 17S, So- 34,924 56,975 800 Ul,126 134,417 ^For con^arablllty of data on livestock nnfl poultry, see text and State Table 12. farms with less than 10 bags harvested. * Includes milk equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. 'Does not include acreage for IDAHO 135 SPECIFIED CROPS, BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued a eample of farms. See text] Ares 3b— Continued Area 4 Type of farm — Cont inued Total Type of farm Genera! — Con. Miscel- Livestock other than dairy and poultry General Miscel- laneous and unclas- Primarily Crop and laneous and uncl888 1 - all farms Cash- grain Cotton Other field- Vegetable Fruit- and-nut Dairy Poultry Primarily Primaril / Crop and livestock livestock fied crop crop livestoc livestock sified 3^ 4-3 145 5,713 1,01" 1,203 902 30 886 29: 13< 317 432 1 i6 860 240 7,370 1,156 1,711 5 906 46 1,195 53f 401 904 508 2 69 1,283 380 l'',782 3,515 2,471 2,423 75 4,661 73": 55' 2,345 996 3 210 2,901 590 30,914 4,728 5,106 '20 3,548 117 8,352 1,35= 1,87; 3,069 2,240 4 68 984 470 9,507 1,447 2,298 1,323 35 1,018 60= 16' 1,283 1,272 5 61 1,120 480 9,732 1.435 2,497 10 1,111 111 1,303 69f 46£ 1,138 963 6 2,817 »3,215 2,920 357,271 40,035 66,856 39,910 1,300 114,406 16,401 5,74: 54,349 9,272 7 1,519 31,108 2,955 288,427 31,346 39,946 15 30,358 1,222 112,304 14,51t 14,77; 23,641 15,306 8 63 959 380 9,132 1,397 2,226 1,323 85 946 58= 16' 1,247 1,152 9 5n 1,109 475 9,515 1,393 2,4d2 10 1,106 106 1,249 66£ 471 1,122 928 10 1,189 14,146 1,290 148,336 21,935 24,89t. 19,218 540 45,563 6,69; 2,50; 23,189 3,847 11 470 12,009 1,395 126,955 13,966 15,521 10 13,991 556 47,780 6,47( 7,00; 12,857 8,793 12 58 913 345 8,095 1,147 1.955 1,323 85 656 53C 16; 1,195 1,042 13 56 1,096 445 9,020 1,247 2,375 10 1,101 101 1,065 65; 46f 1,100 903 14 784 9,307 1,020 59,210 6,359 13,158 16,621 495 4,081 3,44' 1,46; 10,754 2,832 15 448 8,597 1,120 57,213 6,068 11,838 10 12,315 341 8,572 3,46: 3,67C 8,473 2,463 16 27 284 75 3,249 582 672 s 419 25 362 15« 3; 567 376 17 25 462 155 4,570 602 1,061 455 40 640 361 24; 685 iil 18 441 2,713 275 33,121 5,775 6,923 5 3,042 135 6,506 1,48: 1,65; 10,523 2,075 19 395 5,186 630 41,801 3,923 9,436 2,615 390 9,937 3,04; 1,39C 8,570 1,997 20 68 714 350 6,045 996 1,453 760 135 547 39: i3f 849 776 21 60 897 420 7,374 1,176 1,788 5 801 151 851 54^ 41« 865 111 22 6,906 51,595 20,305 681,957 68,081 91,021 61,735 228,140 39,670 30,44; 37,33; 95,027 29,955 23 6,745 47,497 14,090 534,256 63,822 93,781 250 48,525 73,270 46,449 29,21' 71, 12c 74,510 33,312 24 68 933 230 7,323 1,061 1,728 1,188 50 988 48] 14' 1,169 511 25 56 1,054 250 7,826 1,111 1,895 1,036 91 1,228 56' 46] 996 441 26 1,292 19,140 865 131,493 12,923 18,542 9,544 210 62,280 3,85. 2,06; 20,054 2,025 27 805 15,692 795 112,932 9,101 12,626 L=,524 727 58,130 3,57' 5,12C 10,937 4,190 28 115,673 2,538,635 47,315 15,432,396 1,306,696 2,010,201 772,886 20,450 8,260,500 393,94] 205,77= 2,323,008 133,935 29 142,615 2,088,666 70,220 15,993,509 1,154,979 1,711,355 930,340 96,785 8,794,708 417, 51< 696,67. 1,484,015 706,635 30 35 222 30 1,954 328 367 288 20 252 3. 81 394 136 31 25 49" 120 4,540 531 1,216 465 45 6:'l 34t 25C 760 256 32 780 4,25? 250 29,393 4,032 3,729 2,336 180 6,332 85' 1,51 3,331 1,535 33 570 8,495 910 75,749 5,427 16,814 4,075 885 19,135 4,63 3,84C 19,072 1,820 34 30,585 150,545 5,115 1,080,696 138,096 145,575 80,492 5,350 261,539 31,45 61,64 309,654 46,890 35 22,330 273,184 17,865 2,696,976 l-'8,250 590,330 130,095 33,645 680,843 146,09 138,94 748,535 50,240 36 4<;. 217 75 1,488 220 281 205 135 101 5 IOC 231 106 37 50 290 140 1,870 198 346 180 126 193 12 21« 350 136 38 22,580 39,830 7,910 377,655 17,169 22,153 20,565 249,380 12,670 5,37 14,58 30,325 5,429 39 9,435 26,970 7,890 347,464 21,426 23,750 14,900 180,565 13,343 3,47( ) 38,11 35,175 11,720 40 46 363 125 2,550 404 498 316 135 207 19 8 448 266 41 60 494 170 3,258 419 697 350 156 301 22' 31 516 276 42 77,265 228,310 32,605 5,221,161 305,741 349,765 -24,880 2,461,950 260,710 171,14 478, 70C ) 657,275 110,995 43 95,420 289,734 33,120 3,159,641 200,093 300,210 7,800 172,240 998,976 152,632 107,10 ) 598, 21c 551,465 70,910 44 27,251 89,280 11,600 1,631,649 99,610 108,909 128,783 769,325 69,421 56,08C 156,63 202,461 40,425 45 45,055 119,823 15,110 1,331,005 74,451 127,075 2,965 69,335 434,769 61,845 39,02( 262,34 228,380 30,820 46 559,733 6,610,568 366,352 39,521,748 3,399,730 7,969,874 13,573,019 395,742 2,077,382 2,022,96- l,042,74t 7,832,890 1.207,402 47 168,175 1,679,662 36,775 9,722,546 753,546 1,817,266 3,758,627 91,210 453,961 429,36' 281,07. 1,866,706 270,790 48 75,990 1,249,850 73,130 7,756,249 596,749 1,498,767 2,353,295 33,905 752,689 460,83 ) 702,74, 1,193,342 158,930 49 6 141 20 354 33 58 80 5 55 2f 30 \t 50 5 66 5 184 16 30 55 10 22 45 1 51 39 1,670 285 3,510 328 611 635 30 338 27 2 702 75 52 15 480 15 1,021 77 145 250 35 183 1 315 1 53 1 35 10 10 5 5 54 5 45 5 20 '10 5 5 55 4 305 65 60 30 30 56 15 195 15 50 15 "5 30 57 60 18,525 3,175 2,750 1,500 1,250 58 750 7,400 700 2,465 390 150 1,925 59 24 5,525 3,125 100 1,000 1,000 60 61 34 11 1,940 1,280 75 119 147 4< 4 211 20 62 "i 25 2,536 1,488 78 13iJ '29 280 9 15 214 71 63 798 672 344,855 300,244 6,001 3,500 U,880 3,03< 1,07( 18,711 355 64 75 3,100 195 4-3,583 407,629 3,970 4,400 5,225 18,737 4,34 r 7, IK ) 20,175 1,990 65 13,850 2,925 6,613,662 5,884,3-'6 121,295 56,D6U 190,251 69,51 25,33( ) 264,010 2,225 66 4,500 62,720 3,725 3,901,802 7,596,880 67,455 84,785 90,150 369,052 120,51 ) 146,14 ) 384,180 42,650 67 17,391 1,575 6,049,010 5,393,893 114,380 44,985 160,669 66,51 21,57( ) 245,153 1,845 68 4,500 48,465 2,850 8,182,019 7,094,931 49,005 69,150 68,925 314,658 111,21 ) 112,85 321,210 40,025 69 58 754 86 7,434 l,49o 2,326 814 50 502 66 J 12- 1,127 326 70 46 704 60 7,293 1,370 2,334 660 53 703 61 33 934 291 71 763 11,688 565 259,482 128,046 4^,901 11,729 695 16,955 21,0c 1,91 27,927 2,310 72 730 10,074 330 294,247 146,956 51,535 9,915 1,235 24,234 25,77 J 7,03 21,008 6,505 73 38,810 580,300 14,905 7,861,840 2,763,397 2,297,685 323,940 24,575 443,765 863,31 57,5.'' 1,027,875 ,59,751 74 31.090 418,980 10,825 7,064,985 2,635,341 1,809,069 255,860 29,200 553,681 700,90 192,86 ) 693,505 194,56^ 75 33,2-5 528,634 10,720 7,095,731 2,578,807 2,082,093 247,337 14,720 378,606 805,09 38,80 J 898,531 51,695 76 23,315 309,485 6,290 5,692,187 2,378,174 1,447,144 149,460 14,050 377,341 566,68 115,35 ) 479,560 164,423 77 11 364 50 4,699 322 2,564 214 15 173 53. IC ) 732 136 78 558 100 5,131 153 2,795 10 230 15 321 54' 12 819 116 79 '85 3,937 6 102,756 4,407 74,137 1,762 100 3,142 8,32' C 10,664 220 80 5,886 48 96,199 1,826 64,063 '32 1,724 5 5,630 9,22^ 1,181 12,020 494 81 16,805 766,387 1,440 16,519,146 567,072 12,458, i64 212,885 12,920 471,254 1,206,83; 1; 1,568,536 21,465 82 1,005,240 4,575 13,153,532 187,951 9,262,342 4,135 169,985 520 658,548 1,279,32£ 113, 69C 1,429,223 47,810 83 1,891 28,426 1,425 391,852 59,797 74,842 46,900 1,645 93,196 31,67: 6,03C 60,315 12,455 84 1,000 30,634 1,990 373,692 47,597 63,510 10 35,800 940 115,143 39,01' 17,43C 36,047 18,201 85 6,590 107,373 3,450 881,649 112,619 236,090 95,606 3,055 165,318 91,12E 13,61( 147,313 16,410 86 136 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 7.-FARMS, ACREAGE, VALUE, AND USE OF COMMERCIAL [Data are based on reports for only Item (For definitions and explanationa, see text) FARHS, ACBUIGE, AND VALUE Farms , number 195^' 132,239 69,639 35,179 1,315 20,065 2,205 6,470 5,230 3,730 2,330 6,091 26 17? 2-'0 b.lcO 92.629 45,940 25,400 1,599 11.945 2,795 2,425 3,415 2,620 690 7,745 27 33 ,_, 335 1,414 735 3CH 5 243 36 61 87 24 35 127 28 11 27 430 1 , 579 338 278 6 207 40 50 81 11 25 250 29 2,SZ} 437 5 , 170 59,014 21.478 22,808 30 8,547 455 2,770 2.767 1.555 1,000 6,151 30 ilO 2,540 10,345 55,739 27,982 17,075 27 4,915 300 1,170 1,880 1.105 460 5,740 31 31 . 145 386 195 100 65 15 25 16 9 26 32 2.043 425 2.0^5 20,049 6,855 8.352 3,937 135 2,220 622 960 905 33 14 230 1 . 120 574 238 5 191 21 41 76 18 35 112 34 ■'30 ^^ 3.09 5 4i 3 3?,9(-.5 10': 14,623 69 14,456 26 30 1 4,610 320 550 2,145 595 1,000 5,246 11 35 36 ? . '->.'' ' ^-,717 49,310 106 , 162 22,864 72,023 8,000 3,275 37 5 227 83 60 8 5 5 10 38 ""' 575 29,915 4.721 4,286 120 110 110 205 39 ., 1 333 3,360 1,633 596 24 472 118 101 157 70 26 635 40 -., ^'0^' 38 6,935 1,610,982 345,418 958,989 86,027 86,921 46,995 3,606 13,175 16,550 6,595 133,627 41 1 135 1,615 824 257 15 279 91 46 90 27 25 240 42 45 5 560 41,701 19,825 12,970 450 6,541 2,685 845 1,835 861 315 1,915 43 34 12 1,243 9,092 4,706 1,304 64 1,478 247 321 569 191 150 1,540 44 374 1,112 5.105 ill. 0 33 47,244 33,980 923 20,812 2,270 2,698 8,220 3,554 4,070 8,079 45 34 1,313 3.3 54 4.651 1,322 69 1,471 238 331 594 187 121 1,341 46 36 62 l,5bO 9,352 4,865 1,233 33 1,531 262 385 533 216 135 1,690 47 1,938 25,145 638,639 297,354 178,654 6,282 129,566 13,245 31,316 54,452 19,058 11,495 26,783 43 ■^. -4 12,281 35,000 574,126 267,965 158,283 7,533 112,570 13,658 27,460 43,287 20,275 7,890 27,725 49 3- 12 1,104 8,718 4,491 1,237 50 1,345 228 316 503 182 116 1.545 50 \. 52 1,280 8,871 4,640 1,135 17 1,279 226 355 377 206 115 1,750 51 13,911 7,955 62,100 1,849,433 437,921 1,066,191 95,342 106,986 49,200 10,076 18,455 20,280 8,975 142,993 52 6 . 74 ? 5,178 35,720 1,698,760 402,365 1,055,505 113,333 86,192 43,025 15,370 14.632 10,295 2.870 41 , 360 53 15 12 619 175 117 31 1 5 5 21 54 15 15 825 343 183 74 6 55 10 15 20 5 5 25 55 9.308 8,292 79,225 110.383 27,150 72,143 8,000 110 110 3,480 56 3.930 3,020 102,695 97,925 41,355 53,898 1,647 890 266 445 75 '95 '75 135 57 460 9,141 4,660 1,308 69 1,476 263 316 587 179 131 1,628 58 10 435 9,731 5.009 1,174 33 1,505 257 375 528 210 135 2,010 59 2,390 508.825 241 . 596 128,988 5,792 112,058 13,465 23,570 50,692 14,176 10,155 20,391 60 10 190 2,255 5 5 5 491,118 16 500 63 233.690 54 112,378 11 420 9 7,080 110,885 5 30 12,593 28,765 41,322 5 30 13,990 9,215 22,085 61 62 63 64 1.1.60 65 2,445 1,999 44c 65 3 141 1,789 1,033 311 12 368 116 120 92 15 65 66 iZ 63 4,963 2,979 790 53 1,105 50 354 352 319 30 36 67 500 1.060 35,078 20,527 7,162 318 6,746 360 2,180 2,570 1,496 140 325 68 25 482 252 88 1 86 31 35 15 5 55 69 6 911 515 193 86 83 36 13 14 15 34 70 65 5,577 3,242 1,090 325 700 265 270 90 :'5 220 71 1,056 422 282 1 346 30 65 161 45 45 5 72 7,667 2,184 2,758 132 2,578 302 494 1,296 268 218 15 73 23,278 6,617 8,082 265 8,224 830 1,615 3,394 855 1,030 90 74 10 5 50 1,049 593 207 234 15 80 90 34 15 15 75 63 20 27 2,168 1,088 540 495 13 110 160 176 31 45 76 1,150 300 515 17,798 9,424 4,638 3,611 150 970 1,405 926 160 125 77 25 815 399 171 15 200 25 30 105 25 15 30 73 8 7,824 5,123 2,066 46 569 44 42 371 80 32 20 79 55 18,205 8,877 6,238 420 2,435 230 225 1,500 300 130 235 80 3 5 70 2,227 1,167 396 11 613 60 135 281 77 60 40 31 40 30 29 7,184 3,109 1,624 258 2,155 250 436 953 229 282 38 82 475 470 520 41,543 19,271 9,307 835 11,875 1,215 2,125 5,655 1,140 1,740 255 33 140 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 7.-FARMS, ACREAGE, VALUE, AND USE OF COMMERCIAL [Data are based on reports for only (For definitions and explanations, see text) Area 3b Total all fams Tenure of operator^ Part owners Crop- share tenants and croppers FACmS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms .,. number 195"^.. 1950.. Land in farms acres 195^.. 1950.. Average size of farm acres 1954.. 1950.. Valor of laod and buildings: Average per farm..... dollars 1954.. 1950.. Average per acre dollars 1954.. 1950. . ProTtortion of farms reporting value percent 1954.. Land in farns according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting 1954.. 1949.. acres 1954.. 1949.. 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 1954., 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 1954.. 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 1954., 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 1954., 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 1954,, 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 1954., 200 to 499 acres farms reporting 1954., 500 acres and over farms reporting 1954., Cropland used only for pasture,, farms reporting 1954., 1949. . acres 1954,. 1949. . Croplanfi not harvested and not pastured farms reporting 1954.. 1949. . acres 1954.. 1949.. Cultivated summer fallow farms reporting 1954.. acres 1954,, Other cropland farms reporting 1954 . , acres 1954., Woodland pastured farms reporting 1954., acres 1954., Woodland not pastured farms reporting 1954., acres 1954., Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting 1954., acres 1954. Improved (see text) farms reporting 1954., acres 1954., Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) farms reporting 1954., acres 1954. Cropland, total farms reporting 1954. 1949. , acres 1954. , 1949., Land pastured, total fanns reporting 1954., 1949., acres 1954. 1949,, Woodland, total farms reporting 1954., 1949., acres 1954., 1949., Irrigated land in farms farms reporting 1954, 1949,, acres 1954, 1949. Land In row or close-seeded crops grown in strips for wind erosion control farms reporting 1954. acres 1954., Cropland used for row or grain crops farmed on contour farms reporting 1954. acres 1954., USE OF COmEBCIAL FERTILIZER Crops on which connercial fertilizer was used, 1954: Hay and cropland pastured farms reporting. tons, acres on which used. Other pasture farms reporting. tons, acres on which used. Sugar beets farms reporting. tons, acres on which used. Wheat farms reporting. tons, acres on which used. Fruits, vegetables, potatoes, etc, ...farms reporting. tons. acres on which used. Other crops farms reporting. tons. acres on which used. 7,^66 7,545 1,837,036 1,554,120 252,3 206,0 34,684 24,123 148.16 120.76 6,617 6,910 632, 292 577,428 297 316 446 1,025 2,690 1,386 352 105 4,382 3,773 122,949 72,570 999 1,201 99,466 75,959 4B6 61,816 666 37,650 iS 2,282 31 395 2,952 845,942 1,239 49, 183 6,936 133,710 6,925 7,217 854, 707 725,957 5,919 6,123 971,173 756,936 79 215 2,677 24,073 6,872 7,272 669,423 622,786 35 1,035 3,021 8,655 82, 120 458 526 5,630 1,580 7,711 36,164 2,344 5,800 57, 922 1,115 4,807 25,315 2,035 5,046 47, 972 3,335 3,554 692, 750 770,051 204.7 216.7 26,739 20,066 146.34 100.50 3,120 3,316 217,829 234, 512 107 211 355 748 1,205 372 95 27 2,183 1,980 63,671 43,027 404 595 25,942 29,108 170 14,605 281 11,336 25 355 25 60 1,449 333,358 612 22,325 3,262 51,025 3,245 3,442 307,442 306, 647 2,356 3,047 397,894 435, 132 50 95 425 15,675 3,231 3,474 257,145 264, 674 20 685 7 278 1,427 3,492 33,395 242 272 2,650 540 2,047 9,544 1,077 1,795 13,336 400 1,269 7,096 895 1,733 17,612 1,194 1,010 751,052 440,463 529.0 436.1 60,083 39, 787 91.84 90.60 79 1,183 985 187, 735 132,913 5 25 31 62 469 337 150 54 773 544 31,639 14,083 268 195 54,133 31,055 172 36,291 153 17,842 13 1,757 1 320 582 438,749 245 20,423 1,169 36,718 1,191 985 273, 508 173,057 1,042 830 472,145 246,670 14 35 2,077 5,233 1,157 957 172, 278 125,914 10 230 9 1,929 523 1,951 17,460 101 112 1,255 434 2,368 11,373 455 1,420 13,249 300 1,503 3,124 355 1,533 12,234 35 25 53,082 25,782 1,516.6 1,031.3 128,409 85,026 104.86 71.03 55 30 24 24,678 7,154 5 5 12 7 15 10 764 595 ,580 250 4 975 20 19,601 34 5,459 30 24 28,022 7,999 21 17 20,365 17,469 30 24 24,325 9,574 9 133 1,000 5 15 100 4 311 3,132 15 1,080 3,001 12 779 3,265 10 110 1,251 2,019 2,245 300,227 288,044 148.7 128.2 41,036 28, 658 286.97 221.55 1,998 2,195 198,112 198,489 5 30 45 135 1,001 621 95 16 1,146 1,009 21,390 12,220 272 295 14,066 10,300 124 9,299 139 4,767 10 160 5 15 719 32,491 305 5,090 1,954 33,993 2,003 2,205 233,568 221,009 1,573 1,699 54,041 43,695 15 40 175 835 1,974 2,207 209,650 215,289 5 120 1,017 3,058 29,955 100 125 1,560 502 2,485 12,115 772 1,439 17,671 393 1,253 6,795 720 1,596 15,535 116 18,295 9,917 207.9 85.5 29,875 18, 313 213.71 206.39 81 100 5,598 5,955 20 30 15 2 75 55 1,590 695 5 11 732 205 7,905 5 20 75 2,320 87 106 3,070 6,355 81 95 9,595 2,300 "6 110 71 105 5,595 7,200 15 28 355 45 315 221 337 32,575 37,357 147.4 110.9 37,631 29,553 286.17 263.58 76 337 22,236 26, 194 10 105 90 10 1 145 176 3,416 2,350 31 45 398 690 21 773 15 125 115 2,060 55 790 216 3,955 221 337 25,550 29,244 215 327 5,476 5,360 "26 690 221 337 24,068 30,389 110 256 2,845 10 4 60 50 279 1,130 100 187 1,710 15 14 125 65 127 1,085 ^Data are given by tenure of operator for connnercial farms only. IDAHO 141 FERTILIZER, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Coniinued a aanple of farms. See text] Area 3b — Continued Tenure of operator^ — Co Tenants— Con. Livestock- share Other and un- speci fied Other farms Total all farms Tenure of operator^ Full owners Part owners Crop-share tenants and croppers ivestock- share Other and un- specified Other farms iVl 40,;!30 43,715 192.5 161.3 3?,l»i 301.37 237.39 95 209 271 5 100 71 158 110 4,389 2,250 S94 270 629 20 265 5 10 6,220 50 1,245 209 3,97o 209 30.024 28,737 204 216 10,619 13,385 5 10 209 271 28,265 31,160 141 494 5,210 25 52 770 85 270 1,610 92 204 1,865 183 1,025 97 22S 2,378 127 131 18,280 13,380 143.9 102.1 32,662 17,676 241.94 158.71 86 60 55 ,710 725 1,2C0 65 2,810 30 840 111 2,320 112 101 13,150 9,315 95 85 4,520 2,195 10 116 106 10,930 9,640 31 222 ,465 5 30 200 86 ,575 1 10 65 20 34 655 633 710 39,925 29, 780 63.1 41.9 10,327 6,807 266.16 173.26 85 286 390 3,937 4,355 180 50 15 30 10 1 265 230 5,485 2,645 115 5^245 lij 645 31 2,100 192 21,243 65 230 517 6,515 456 560 12, 167 12,245 427 480 26,728 13,970 45 1,330 480 600 6,025 7,335 310 10 25 16 165 10 3 35 55 24 340 11,381 11,477 4,683,139 4,404,436 411.5 383.8 34,140 25,457 91.74 71.66 89 10,283 10,798 1,491,589 1,481,905 651 507 618 1,249 3,105 2,268 1,337 548 5,329 4,847 131,880 182,690 3,971 4,368 691,875 684,840 3,259 634,827 1,1'« 57,048 519 94,775 188 14,845 5,234 1,918,176 1,726 71,438 10, 688 339,999 10,651 11,093 2,315,344 2,349,435 8,847 9,149 2,144,831 1,858,003 662 1,054 109,620 183,626 9,362 9,599 803,639 741,263 102 14,439 299 37,980 7,883 77,971 355 514 9,626 1,018 3,225 17,953 2,102 5,140 50,147 2,373 8,990 63,406 1,405 3,331 35,613 5,533 6,243 1,631,675 1,801,104 294.9 288.5 31,376 23, 389 105.91 31.17 92 5,237 6,029 604,425 673,656 135 220 406 854 1,817 1,144 512 149 2,787 2,873 68,745 86,958 1,951 2,340 218,372 233,073 1,560 198,766 593 20,106 282 39,770 79 6,241 2,572 544,256 867 30,831 5,310 149,366 5,342 6,105 892,042 998,687 4,465 5,283 652,771 727, 380 34A 609 46,011 96,858 4,716 5,428 333,823 407,938 43 5,400 139 12,091 1,575 4,352 42,195 215 358 7,392 516 1,311 7,416 1,098 2,569 28,688 1,222 4,U6 28,980 783 1,768 17,610 2,662 2,262 2,154,436 1,917,263 809.3 847.6 56,758 41,901 72.15 54.63 84 2,617 2,210 643,432 566,678 21 31 92 200 653 684 600 336 1,302 393 40,492 75,910 1,365 1,218 379,052 363,251 1,196 353, 283 348 25,769 187 48,735 84 7,044 1,494 896,825 503 27,4 3t ) 515 42 ^11,889 48,740 453,252 936,722 540,333 228,118 11,642 45,882 4,66- 22, IOC 8,72= 9,59C ) 79t ) 110,747 43 109,552 109,120 549,320 797,923 423,133 195,055 6,480 73,665 4,27 14,26C 43,32C 5,41t ) 6,40t 99,590 44 39,633 21,170 178,454 388,175 219,835 97,649 4,283 18,339 1,70 7,75 3,46 5,11 30 48,069 45 44,440 50,930 253,550 347,002 189,126 79,859 2,960 31,507 l,71t 6,72C 18,12 2,56' 2,38 43,550 46 4,337,o43 2,202,603 3,389,225 9,223,288 5,681,043 2,368,494 16,443 761,686 110,44 118, 9W 278,27 109,29 144,76 395,622 47 1,101,361 614,155 782,090 2,432,744 1,585,491 604,223 4,522 167,463 22,63 38,72f 61,04C 21,63 23,43C 71,045 48 964,355 406,290 837,380 2,405,958 1,720,575 313,678 41,350 194,295 19,86( ) 33,82 61,05: 39,03 40,52 135,060 49 173 .-.0 '.O..' 5- 20 2 25 50 135 65 2-.'l 82 40 5 2 35 51 1,973 1,220 1,155 1,636 1,090 303 160 '28 '21 55 52 1,310 -55 1,526 545 335 65 100 45 53 67 20 80 58 41 6 1 10 54 75 45 205 57 30 5 2 20 55 486 90 330 972 690 162 100 20 56 725 470 1,115 465 300 65 70 30 57 24,265 3 . 7C0 14,685 50,550 40,550 5,600 3,400 1,000 58 29,090 18.015 40.410 19,915 12,800 2,320 4,250 545 59 7,660 100 3,700 2,000 1,700 60 12,440 11,515 9,090 9,340 3,650 2,090 3,600 61 100 37 171 965 396 401 9 19 1 , 5 1 40 62 116 73 366 1,281 563 464 29 165 2C ) 3C ) 8C 1 ) 2 60 63 6,763 3,150 2,102 79,424 27,148 38,945 1,587 11,434 41 ) 3,55 6,18t 94^ 34 310 64 10,285 9,910 5,790 148,883 41,417 77,620 4,351 24,755 1,35 ) 5,04 13,41 1,21c ) 3,73 745 65 235,428 70,151 2e,100 2,726,106 947,837 1,310,502 85,545 376,547 12,00 123,02' 188,34 r 41,97 > 11,20( ) 5,575 66 233,490 286,080 100,470 3,533,422 936,115 1,860,739 114,567 608,141 32,55 J 151, 15( ) 292,79 33,85 1 97,80{ ) 13,360 67 226,654 67,151 19,440 2,575,720 887,865 1,251,135 83,722 348,593 7,75 107, 00( ) 183,67 40,47 > 9,70C ) 4,400 68 222,050 283,235 74,355 3,215,530 836,186 1,719,555 106,767 546 , 236 23,37 > 145,65 ) 246 , 56 33,85 3 96,30( ) 6,835 69 450 199 786 1,775 928 538 16 151 2 ) 1 L 9 2 142 70 378 237 721 1,884 960 541 15 203 1 ) 2 J 12 1 J 2 165 71 10,128 3,168 5,506 65,272 23,866 30,517 2,189 7,966 38 ] 58 6,25 74 734 72 7,710 7,280 9,805 o5,551 24,052 29,451 1,801 8,947 43 > 1,02 > 5,07 ? 36 ) 2,04 1.400 73 391,531 139,100 139,246 1,691,197 712,924 711,781 84,668 165,939 8,83 ) 16,13 L 123,86 17,11 > • • 15,885 74 292,345 245,245 253,909 1.500,387 576,763 612,284 60,100 230,540 13,12 ) 22,64 ) 121,50 ) 10,40 ) 62,87 > 20,700 75 351,862 117,550 107,580 1,508,684 631,953 632,085 82,127 152,789 7,15 ? 11,13 L 118,81 15,68 J , , 9,730 76 227,505 214,905 198,578 1,162,145 405,608 502,342 53,250 194,085 8,50( ) 11,45 107, 63( ) 8,00( ) 58,50: ) 6,850 77 263 61 1,856 2,124 931 362 12 57 1 J 1( ) 2 i 1 752 78 225 141 1,436 1,306 561 226 9 80 1 ; 1 > 2 1 ) 1 430 79 4,415 625 430 5,052 3,185 1,453 101 255 ) 2 21 > (' 48 80 4.114 2.511 702 3,098 1,520 1,128 22 346 2 ) 2( ) 12 8 ) 10; 1 32 81 773,590 119,400 48,372 714,495 439,477 221,297 20,205 25,716 12 J 1,15( ) 24,49 89 L 6 ) 6,800 82 713,080 385,900 64,620 368,041 199,901 114,100 2,840 45,210 1,86 ) 2,00 ) 18,74 7,53 3 15,07C ) 5,990 S3 25,e47 10,513 50,652 256,343 127,361 83,077 8,754 19,198 2,60 J 3,53 7 7,62 4,33 1,04 17,953 84 28,510 11,530 57,541 235,647 115,214 71,201 7,278 21,454 2,59 ! 2,70 9,73 ' 3,44 2,96 ) 19,500 85 76,717 28.215 -2,427 425,826 220,508 137,477 15,021 29,494 3,01 J 5,50( ) 13,07 ^ 6,0=" 1,80 23,326 86 150 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 9.-LIVEST0CK ON HAND, LIVESTOCK SOLD, AND SPECIFIED [Data are based c n reports for only Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Area 2 1 Total all fanns Tenure of operator^ Full owners Part ovmers Managers Tenanta Crop- share All Cosh Share-cash tenants snd croppers Livestock on hand: 1 Horses and mules farms reporting 1954 . . . 1,657 2,217 566 718 460 582 4 5 175 232 3 3 ' 1 5 6( 3 104 5 75 2 1950... 3 number 1954... 3,669 1,224 1,157 28 352 6 ) 6 I 136 I, 1950... 6,074 1,801 2,202 5 526 11 3 16( 3 132 5 All cfittle and cQlves •••..■■••• .fanes reporting 19 5A . . . 3,471 1,140 811 5 321 409 3 4( 7 4 ) 10 7 136 1 195 6 1950 . . . 3,764 1,134 955 6 7 number 1954. . . 71,417 26,245 30,434 586 6,342 1,08 ] 1,02 3 2,357 8 1950... 53,575 17,297 23,279 276 5,618 1,16 ) 1,59 5 1,580 9 Cows^ Including heifers that have calved farms reporting 1954... 3,302 1,114 798 5 301 3 7 4 7 176 10 1950 . . . 3,629 1,114 940 6 379 4( J 9 1 180 U number 1954 . . . 30,673 12,065 12,451 345 2,557 51 ) 31 5 957 12 1950... 24,473 8,341 9,787 132 2,748 55 S 87 J 720 13 Milk cows farms reporting 1954 . . . 2,792 949 659 4 242 3 4 I 141 lA 1950... 3,381 1,044 868 6 353 4( ) 8 3 165 15 number 1954 . . . 11,039 5,315 2,726 8 1,003 31 J 10 ) 381 16 1950... 12,490 4,531 4,144 131 1,504 40( ) 28 3 485 17 All hogs and pigs farms reporting 1954... 1,056 335 313 3 113 1 L 1 ) 63 18 1950... 1,265 392 418 6 159 1 J 3 5 88 19 number 1954 . . . 10,479 3,416 4,044 30 1,800 12 J 23 J 1,244 20 13,742 4,066 5,279 18 1,854 9 5 70 5 449 21 CMckena 4 months old and over.. farms reporting 1954... 2,889 997 648 4 254 2 7 3 171 22 1950... 3,464 1,047 835 1 401 5( ) 9( 1 188 23 number 1954... 205,736 111,521 44,498 259 11,113 1% ) 1,05( 5 8,135 24 1950... Livestock aod livestock products sold: 167,112 60,885 42,052 30 22,165 2,01 4,00 3 7,295 25 Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting 1954... 2,269 904 673 4 230 3 7 2 3 128 26 1949 . . . 2,641 974 799 5 313 4 5 7 3 122 27 number 1954 . . . 23,716 9,226 9,844 403 2,544 66 5 51 I 730 28 1949... 23,435 9,385 9,890 170 2,375 40 5 81 3 630 29 doUars 1954... 2,325,391 804,291 1,065,003 73,562 245,939 58,91 i 39,59 3 90,427 30 1949... 2,662,872 1,044,398 1,205,186 11,520 260,298 37,28 J 69, 10 5 90,923 31 Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting 1954... 605 184 217 3 91 1 1 1 3 63 32 1949... 1,324 471 444 224 2 ! 5( 3 113 33 number 1954 .. . 11,784 3,700 4,601 '16 2,323 5 i 29 5 1,823 34 1949... 19,874 7,176 7,892 2,796 32 ] 1,06 5 901 35 425,806 109,271 188,394 332 93,409 1,59( ) 9,26< 3 73,853 36 1949... 718,142 259,105 284,722 104,290 11,25( ) 38,30( 3 35,455 37 Chickens sold farms reporting 1954 . . . 840 334 205 1 90 2 1 50 38 1949... 995 361 239 150 "2 ) 3 5 45 39 dollars 1954... 163,516 123,643 17,470 '25 5,443 67 7 2,016 40 1949... 150,290 83,457 23,763 14,835 1,41 ) 1,99 3 1,915 41 Chicken eggs sold farms reporting 1954 . . . 1,481 619 323 1 128 ) 2 33 42 1,841 715 429 ... 222 3 3 4 5 87 43 dozens 1954 . . . 1,367,494 993,800 232,748 162 44,644 65( ) 2,63 3 33,384 44 1949... 1,036,982 478,430 206,743 157,779 13,87( ) 16,50 5 37,799 45 dollars 1954... 588,029 419,093 103,882 '65 19,939 32( ) 1,19 J 14,564 46 1949 . . . 498,639 231,485 96,382 ... 71,677 5,15< ) 6,28 5 17,562 47 Milk sold^ gallons 1954... 5,349,446 3,145,789 1,469,933 600 445,229 170,68 ) 27,75 3 140,321 48 dollars 1954... 1,841,526 1,140,670 497,553 100 147,038 78,54( ) 4,99 5 25,108 49 1949... Specified crops harvested: 1,692,610 678,250 547,865 50,590 226,395 107, 59 ) 7,22 3 55,375 50 Com for all purposes farms reporting 1954... 22 6 6 5 51 1949 . . . 50 15 5 52 acres 1954... 129 12 107 "5 53 1949 . . . 130 40 5 54 Com harvested for grain farms reporting 1954... 11 1 5 55 1949... 45 15 "s 56 acres 1954... 12 2 5 57 1949... 125 40 "5 58 bushels harvested 1954... 390 40 ... 250 59 1949... 2,430 700 150 60 bushels sold 1954... 61 1949... 385 ... ... 62 Winter wheat threshed or combined farms reporting 1954... 1,835 2,124 612 735 761 806 372 397 1 2C 4 ) 9 278 L 223 63 1949... 64 acres 1954... 165,688 37,743 89,161 2,923 35,261 25 4,62 27,473 65 1949... 254,595 54,557 130,882 2,770 64,236 5,03t 15, 59c 3 37,151 66 bushels harvested 1954 . . . 6,616,715 1,502,029 3,522,223 111,742 1,466,846 11,20c 211,80 1,115,527 67 1949... 6,570,126 1,334,461 3,520,618 92,325 1,589,287 168,42 424, 50C 813,102 68 bushels sold 1954... 6,414,059 1,444,204 3,429,251 107,260 1,422,524 10,95( 204,85 1,030,644 69 1949... 6,233,198 1,215,897 3,339,327 91,825 1,566,354 165,02 418,15 805,289 70 Spring wheat threshed or combined farms reporting 1954(. . . 1,169 729 478 261 389 279 3 1 174 133 1 It 3 107 67 71 1949... 72 acres 1954... 41,554 13,062 20,480 274 6,753 9C 2,46. 3,613 73 1949... 38,133 9,653 19,110 110 8,655 7 2,91C 4,860 74 bushels harvested 1954 . . . 1,223,588 396,859 618,903 6,912 179,464 3,09 62,16! 96,444 75 1949 . . . 754,649 187,245 374,379 1,100 182,955 2,12 75,01c 95,200 76 bushels sold 1954 . . . 1,154,645 373,286 581,248 6,580 176,186 2,59C 61,30f 94,643 77 1949... 670,054 146,780 349, 549 1,100 167, 2K) 70, 53c 87,235 78 Irish potatoes harvested for home use or for sale. .................. .farms reporting 1954... 1,686 1,385 .j4 455 317 225 2 5 87 90 1 1 1 67 45 79 1949... 80 acres 1954*.. 306 104 71 (4) 11 i 6 81 1949' . . 557 176 227 2 20 11 82 100-lb. bags harvested 1954... 33,201 9,139 7,433 6 796 9C 9e 596 83 1949... 56,659 8,970 38,149 75 1,605 37C 10 505 84 85 Hay cut acres 1954. . . 72,794 70,885 26,779 23,490 28,458 27,635 426 500 7,853 7,355 1,17£ 1,21c 1,18. 1,32 4,287 3,179 1949... 86 tons 1954... 108,000 43,466 40,391 681 10,755 1,52; 1,70' 5,949 ^Data are given by tenure of operator for commercial farms only. ^For comparability of data on livestock and poultry, see text and State Table 12. alent of cream and butterfat sold. *Does not include acreage for farms with leas than 10 bags harvested. ^Includes milk equiv- IDAHO 151 CROPS, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950-Continued a sample of farms. S« e text] Area 2 — Continued Area 3a Tenure of operator^— Cc n. Total Tenure of operator 1 Tenants—Con. Tenants Otiier all Full Part Other farms farms Llvestoek- Other and un- farms owners owners Managers All Cash Share-cash Crop- share tenants and Livestock- Other and un- ehare specifie i croppers share specified 18 ; 452 3,222 1,708 545 38 52r, 87 121 217 45 56 405 1 25 3 7 680 4,878 2,700 757 22 794 155 190 253 116 75 605 2 30 5 908 12,369 4,980 3,689 194 1,184 205 224 506 124 125 2,322 3 50 7 4 1,540 19,207 9,624 5,454 217 2,427 515 520 747 355 290 1,485 4 3« 1 7 1,194 8,919 4,541 1,290 58 1,440 217 326 574 192 131 1,590 5 31 4 2 1,260 8,813 4,593 1,199 32 1,349 210 350 463 216 110 1,640 6 1,555 32 4 7,810 337,060 165,886 93,549 3,755 51,381 6,995 9,300 19,067 9,329 6,190 17,489 7 c77 60 7,105 231, 655 117,370 70,532 4,804 34,094 5,540 7,350 10,080 8,794 2,330 9,805 8 34 1,034 8,347 4,351 1,263 53 1,385 212 321 534 187 131 1,295 9 26 4 2 1,190 8,566 4,507 1,199 31 1,309 205 350 443 211 100 1,520 10 680 9< 5 3,255 141,874 69,826 42,469 1,217 21,370 3,435 4,567 6,976 4,142 2,250 6,992 11 282 31 2 3,465 102,401 51,203 29,C01 1,263 15,564 2,705 3,575 4,314 3,735 1,235 4,565 12 27 1 938 7,748 4,064 1,178 52 1,334 211 321 519 183 100 1,120 13 21 4 1 1,110 8,196 4,329 1,137 31 1,279 205 340 428 206 100 1,420 14 202 I 1,987 81,755 46,507 14,456 540 17,070 2,651 4,071 5,770 2,908 1,670 3,182 15 107 22 5 2,180 62,744 36,387 9,953 298 12,041 1,885 2,925 3,064 3,157 1,010 4,065 16 10 5 292 2,052 1,094 346 10 334 35 SO 136 43 40 263 17 11 1 5 290 3,502 1,786 534 10 667 85 185 231 121 45 505 18 182 1 5 1,189 30,389 18,649 6,202 175 4,180 730 925 1,030 900 595 1,183 19 120 48 5 2,525 52,085 32,148 9,246 30 8,151 800 1,360 2,024 3,302 665 2,510 20 12 1 3 986 5,880 3,216 843 31 865 120 230 330 129 56 925 21 26 4 7 1,180 7,613 4,023 962 14 1,119 205 280 393 136 105 1,495 22 878 30 3 38,345 411,735 286,365 47,651 910 38,934 5,985 9,890 13,410 6,024 3,625 37,875 23 1,160 7,69 5 41,980 392,516 245,000 47,900 925 48,386 7,465 12,520 19,856 5,150 3,395 50,305 24 29 7 458 7,038 3,978 1,165 48 1,178 177 286 463 161 91 669 25 30 U 3 550 7,093 4,098 1,103 20 1,122 185 295 347 195 100 750 26 496 9 1 1,699 118,742 61,450 34,084 2,146 16,861 1,945 2,145 9,436 2,470 865 4,201 27 180 30 1 1,615 109,902 59,911 32,360 2,828 12,583 1,980 3,400 3,743 2,735 725 2,220 23 48,154 8,85( 3 137,096 13,018,672 7,074,393 3,784,216 357,729 1,426,114 129,440 164,430 319,941 239,433 72,865 376,220 29 25,425 37,56 5 141,470 14,093,974 7,301,854 4,753,349 556,644 1,327,107 140,105 386,475 470,752 253,960 75,815 155,020 30 4 no 1,30? 772 262 5 199 20 65 66 28 20 67 31 11 J J 13? 3.249 1,865 501 5 563 100 150 157 116 40 315 32 154 1,150 31,677 20,377 6,165 90 4,391 995 1,040 1,168 838 350 654 33 90 42 5 2,010 79,907 49,564 13,763 5 14,235 1,920 2,565 2,525 6,275 950 2,340 34 3,706 34,400 1,260,235 838,453 234,938 3,500 170,129 30,335 42,480 51,315 25,729 19,770 22,215 35 4,055 15,23 ] 70,025 2,543,2o5 1,556,388 481,842 225 450,200 71,370 85,865 70,255 197,870 24,840 54,610 36 9 1 2;o 1,524 980 214 5 188 10 65 65 38 10 137 37 20 2 ) 245 2,933 1,733 434 5 346 45 100 150 36 15 420 38 1,820 93 ) 16,935 192,04'-' 152,598 14,782 750 11,226 580 4,110 4,090 1,526 920 12,693 39 900 8,61 p 28,235 677,266 585,140 35,491 110 29,055 4,930 9,345 12,520 1,800 460 27,470 40 13 ) 410 2,711 1,642 358 15 358 25 105 160 53 15 338 41 15 4 J 475 3,824 2,257 535 5 462 55 140 177 50 40 565 42 7,740 24( 1 9b, 140 2,795,154 2,344,422 184,832 550 lo2,535 3,560 44.625 51,525 31,560 26,315 102,765 43 7,330 82,27 ) 194,030 2,355,161 1,820,720 197,754 4,500 185,017 15,265 50,360 96,757 16,235 6,400 147,170 44 3,782 8 ) 45,050 1,015,216 856,889 64,857 165 59,995 2,725 16,885 17,855 10,095 12,435 33,310 45 3,330 39,35 J 99,095 1,017,411 789,796 82,120 1,395 78,625 5,980 22,790 41,095 6,475 2,285 64,975 46 106,469 287,895 60,577,635 35,137,766 10,366,239 463,075 13,399,601 2,262,611 2,990,734 4,908,032 2,048,993 1,139,181 1,155,954 47 38,395 56,165 16,896,759 9,827,079 2,977,040 159,615 3,629,710 606,925 817,310 1,255,533 590,232 359,710 303,315 48 22,480 33,72 1 189,510 11,135,053 7,004,044 1,708,706 43,253 2,043,050 407,325 604,820 429,430 441,915 159,560 331,000 49 5 5 2 , 570 1,390 505 31 543 60 140 211 92 40 101 50 30 2,233 1,199 373 21 490 30 105 150 95 60 200 51 5 5 32,127 15,557 7,601 412 7,322 1,345 1,930 2,955 972 620 735 52 85 21 993 10,916 4,344 473 4,880 500 300 1,910 955 715 1,380 53 5 5 l',095 530 204 15 241 35 60 85 46 15 55 54 25 1,410 726 208 1 320 50 60 110 55 45 155 55 5 fi 11,754 5,766 2,813 300 2,635 575 665 975 380 40 240 56 SO 11,551 5,545 2,010 16 2,990 280 300 1,450 490 470 990 57 250 100 742,138 372,463 178,325 6,050 174,890 34, 100 43,300 74,785 20,505 1,700 10,410 58 1,580 629,209 305,955 124,269 900 160,500 17,400 18,715 89,380 16,990 18,015 37,585 59 357,195 153,340 119,580 4,250 80,025 15,500 25,150 33,375 6,000 60 385 315,854 131,140 70,699 105,310 10,115 8,035 64,205 11,440 11,515 8,705 61 32 1 ) 85 405 208 125 57 1 26 11 19 15 62 31 2 1 ISO 422 219 116 r'7 1 15 35 6 30 63 2,486 42 600 14,283 5,899 5,882 2,3T1 500 330 735 772 165 64 2,865 3,60C 2,150 22,008 10,019 8,689 2 , 500 500 155 905 1,030 710 65 109,896 18,42C 13,875 375,314 178,038 135,916 50,S.jj 13,000 8,125 15,600 23,135 1,M0 66 69,820 113, 44( ) 33,435 369,925 178,000 120,430 t^4 , ':.o 5 13,000 4,505 25,150 22,040 6,800 67 107,657 18,42C 1 10,820 307,984 146,588 111,306 .;■"■,. ■"'0 6,500 6,250 14,300 22,240 800 68 65,890 111,99 19,295 270,705 127,570 92,880 53,905 6,500 4,065 22,090 21,250 5,350 69 16 > 125 3,276 1,675 677 10 807 66 221 353 97 70 107 70 10 1 55 3,297 1,744 605 7 786 60 200 361 105 60 155 71 517 7C ) 985 40,405 18,116 9,814 215 11,348 750 3,117 5,188 1,363 930 912 72 725 8 605 46,990 21,149 11,992 118 12,716 565 3,480 6,276 1,540 855 1,015 73 16,132 1,62 21,450 1,838,557 841,846 451,492 9,500 508,464 36,115 133,375 232,700 60,244 46,030 27,255 74 8,920 l,70t 8,470 1,785,720 780,875 468,395 6,370 502,980 22,380 119,190 272,180 61,900 27,330 26,600 75 16,020 1,62 ) 17,345 1,542,764 708,972 367,386 8,650 439,666 34,665 108,290 205,590 51,761 39,360 18,090 76 8,295 1,20( 5,3o5 1,315,883 512,391 369,792 5,300 410,260 18,760 99,080 235,510 37,915 13,995 17,640 77 2 776 998 463 158 235 15 55 100 45 20 142 78 'i 610 1,315 623 189 6 302 46 85 131 40 195 79 (4) 120 6,773 2,507 1,939 2,291 60 298 1,483 295 150 36 80 > 132 9,193 3,389 2,463 208 3,089 222 680 1,379 308 44 81 12 15,827 1,431,520 579,779 395,636 503,265 12,610 66,380 324,775 61,250 38,250 2,340 82 62 7,860 1,849,483 615,405 494,228 52,900 679,550 69,040 152,830 274,590 183,090 7,400 83 1,110 9 9,278 188,063 89,423 52,437 1,078 35,184 2,765 8,325 15,775 5,589 2,730 9,941 84 705 43 > 11,905 171,061 78,422 49,425 1,635 35,094 3,090 8,820 14,034 7,010 2,140 6,485 85 1,475 10 > 12,707 575,857 288,289 147,878 4,015 118,856 9,270 29,602 53,942 18,652 7,390 16,819 86 152 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 9.-LIVEST0CK ON HAND, LIVESTOCK SOLD, AND SPECIFIED __ [Data are based on reports for only Item (For definitioDS and explanations, see text) Area 3b 1 Total all farms Te nure of operator^ Full owners Part owners Managers Tenants Crop- share All Cash Share-cash tenants and croppers LivestocL on haad;" 1 Horses and mules farms reporting 1954. . . 2,°49 1,430 629 24 721 26 86 446 2 1950... 4,543 2,316 731 19 1,247 46 202 788 3 number 1954 .. . 9,083 4,542 2,330 84 1,697 107 158 1,003 4 1950... 16,214 8,5=9 3,047 162 3,361 111 583 2,306 5 All cattle and calves farms reporting 1954... 6,380 2,965 1,092 26 1,832 71 206 1,231 6 1950... 6,S09 3,187 941 _ 14 1,992 96 326 1,239 7 number 1954 . . . 268,783 132,676 68,439 6,028 58,730 2,371 6,047 30,959 3 1950... 184,282 99,780 34,730 5,371 41,451 2,640 6,430 20,121 9 Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting 1954 . . . 6,007 2,831 1,044 25 1,732 71 206 1,141 10 1950... 6,406 3,056 O40 13 1,927 90 322 1,199 11 number 1954 . . . 98,605 52 , 848 25,031 1,121 13,340 1,109 2,223 10,154 12 1950 . . . 6Q,7^Q 38,227 12,514 2,3=2 15,236 305 2,275 8,041 13 Milk cows farms reporting 1954... 5.511 2,541 945 24 1,661 66 206 1,101 U 1950... 6,166 2,027 901 7 1,891 85 317 1,173 15 number 1954 . . . .;3,66' 21,236 8,218 199 13,017 749 2,033 7,668 16 1950 . . . 36,6 59 19,053 5,376 29 10,536 585 2,095 5,660 17 All hogs and pigs .............. .farms reporting 1954 . . . 1,450 653 291 6 425 20 41 262 18 1950... 2,266 1,111 330 6 66° 40 117 426 19 20 number 1954 .. . 1950... 15,102 6,049 3,710 21 5.047 575 207 3,026 25,111 15,339 3,955 15 5,177 300 1 067 3,024 802 21 Chickens 4 months old and over.. farms reporting 1954... 4,334 2,110 682 13 1,184 40 'l35 22 1950. . . 5,14° 2,485 726 7 1,521 85 272 914 23 24 number 1954 . . . 1950 . . . 269,590 160,852 36,424 385 51,659 1,865 5,735 34,016 230, '3^6 121,049 37,595 160 58,lo2 3,060 9,010 34,607 Livestock and livestock products sold: 25 Cattle and calves sold alive. .. .farms reporting 1954... 4,906 2,374 916 26 1,360 61 171 854 26 1949... 5,247 2,764 772 14 1,457 86 272 858 27 number 1954 . . . 121,102 58,989 29,956 6,991 24,301 666 1,951 11,158 28 1949... 102,450 56,801 20,245 4,292 20,367 2,240 2,841 8,976 29 dollars 1954... 16,662,332 8,018,781 3,042,348 1,258,769 3,395,169 74,435 201,644 1,419,242 30 1949... 14,844,226 8,313,759 2,904,983 803,350 2,757,594 309,865 334,129 1,111,325 31 Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting 1954 852 384 219 1 218 10 15 122 32 1949... 2,010 1,010 345 1 539 30 57 381 33 number 1954 . . . 16,153 6,805 4,604 6 4,488 915 520 1,898 34 1949 . . . 38,797 22,203 7,050 22 8,642 465 1,005 5,072 35 596,430 257,825 174,003 270 159,217 30,070 21,140 63,622 36 1949... 1,254,490 736,657 235,253 817 265,148 16,245 33,913 156, 505 37 Chickens sold farms reporting 1954. . . 1,083 1,693 544 885 168 242 301 430 10 30 40 95 201 235 38 1949... 1 39 dollars 1954... 435,887 305,892 86,110 35,975 425 1,680 29,330 40 1949 . . . 228, 501 177,511 16,635 50 26,480 3,035 5,720 12,510 41 Chicken eggs sold farms reporting 1954 . . . 1,834 QQ7 299 1 412 5 65 231 42 2,490 1,282 351 1 636 35 115 441 43 dozens 1954 . . . 1,427,970 1,090,780 139,815 400 164, 370 300 27,455 111,460 44 1949 . . . 1,173,223 706,454 193,581 638 234,430 8,645 34,745 142,660 45 dollars 1954... 532,714 414,612 49,983 160 56, 359 90 9,140 37,305 46 1949... 484,531 287,0^3 84,989 319 97,060 3,460 14,100 59,460 47 48 Milk sold 3 gallons 1954 . . . 30,173,265 15,431,839 5,904,934 97,478 8,396,662 445,030 1,411,478 4,758,826 dollars 1954 . . . 7,856,143 4,049,397 1,565,645 26,444 2,133,882 104,060 408,237 1,210,545 49 1949... Specified crops faarvcsted; 5,182,519 2,771,718 923,996 2,190 1,411,485 95,490 317,620 698,400 50 647 336 133 6 152 15 61 51 1949... 277 164 57 1 50 5 25 52 acres 1954 . . . 8,698 3,531 1,354 288 3,240 270 1,634 53 1949 .. . 2,209 1,015 722 7 450 15 185 54 Com harvested for grain farms reporting 1954... 178 88 38 42 21 55 1949 . . . 179 96 32 1 45 "i 25 56 acres 1954... 1,097 372 235 425 274 57 1949 . . . 980 407 146 7 405 'is 185 58 bushels harvested 1954 . . . 69,035 21,650 14,975 29,235 23,725 59 1949 . . . 43,105 17,205 6,175 400 13,625 300 3,150 60 bushels sold 1954... 12, 874 4,025 4,565 4,184 2,524 61 1949... 5,665 2,540 1,750 1,375 1,375 62 Winter wheat threshed or combined Xarms reporting 1954 . . . 268 417 121 log 65 97 1 70 96 6 5 11 5 44 54 63 1949... 64 acres 1954... 35,561 8,650 21,122 100 5,017 318 522 2,906 65 1949... 48,661 20,330 20,166 7,970 90 30 6,650 66 bushels harvested 1954... 581,943 141,329 339,541 400 97,248 11,400 11,741 53,541 67 1949... 915,405 363,370 370,100 173,210 3,000 2,355 141,015 68 bushels sold 1954... 513,550 131,562 287,076 200 93,137 11,064 8,866 57,641 69 1949 . . . 833,980 329,690 337,830 163,610 2,625 1,500 131,045 70 Spring wheat threshed or combined farms reporting 1954i. . . 4,661 2,052 906 25 1,592 55 191 1,111 71 1949... 4,190 2,003 664 13 1,455 60 232 946 72 acres 1954... 94,903 31,145 2 ',277 9,032 28,884 755 3,256 20, 633 73 1949... 74, 619 30,927 14,938 1,025 27,449 535 4,244 13,425 74 bushels harvested 1954... 4,640,023 1,614,663 1,153,019 362,301 1,490,135 37,545 170,750 1,059,925 75 1949... 3,274,875 1,325,177 623,868 45,300 1,271.955 29,520 188,620 850,470 76 bushels sold 1954... 4,313,894 1,489,914 1,036,265 351,292 1,375,703 31,520 157,263 988,430 77 78 1949 . . . 2,630,429 909,563 474,781 38,650 1,113,145 27,520 175,255 728,765 Irish potatoes harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting 1954 . . . 1,937 2,769 777 1,228 398 500 17 13 695 928 11 30 70 105 511 682 79 1949... 80 acres 1945'.. 32,658 10,143 9,333 3,073 10, 103 375 1,000 7,186 81 1949'.. 35,390 13,946 8,305 242 12,349 382 1,436 9,131 82 100-lb. bags harvested 1954... 6,466,137 1,844,207 1,774,945 717,365 2,128,180 61,000 178,890 1,583,235 83 1949 . . . 6,284,236 2,445,876 1,443,955 90,100 2,299,730 78,000 228,190 1,580,060 84 Hay cut acres 1954... 189,983 77,152 52,587 2,477 56,342 1,720 6,395 37,774 85 1949 . . . 196,284 86,573 41,460 4,058 62,238 1,870 7,855 39,488 86 tons 1954 . . . 704,222 286,220 182,789 10,748 221,006 6,375 24,785 143,281 Data are given by tenure of operator for commercial farms only. ^For comparability of data on livestock and poultry, equivalent of cream and butterfat sold. ^Does not include acreage for farms with less than 10 bags harvested. see text and State Table 12. ■'includes milk IDAHO 153 CROPS, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950— Continued a sample of farms. See text] Are a 3b— Continued Area 4 Tenure of operator^ — Con. Other farms Total all farms Tenure of operator I Other farms Tenants —Con. Full owners Part owners Uanagers Tenants Livestock- Other and un- All Cash Share- cae Crop-share h tenants an Livestock- share Other and un- share specified croppers specified 50 145 ■■,"1.1 2,892 1,639 28 727 116 4 39" 114 56 427 1 151 60 230 7,370 4,380 1,486 23 978 128 8 2 550 152 66 503 2 329 100 380 17,782 8,420 6,316 231 1,824 277 16 4 932 253 193 991 3 f.06 265 545 30,914 17,733 7,533 356 3,077 335 26 9 1,606 609 258 2,215 4 209 115 465 9,507 4,672 2,235 42 1,286 157 11 1 730 157 81 1,272 5 226 105 475 9,732 5,551 1,846 38 1,344 136 12 7 yo" 173 111 953 6 13,503 5,900 2,860 357,271 179,318 123,859 5,763 39,059 5,657 2,53 2 21,16C 7,394 2,316 9,272 7 10,550 1,710 2,950 288,427 157,269 86,267 2,638 26,077 2,740 2,70 7 12,548 5,594 3,388 15,276 8 20i 110 375 9,132 4,513 2,185 27 1,255 147 10 5 76- 157 81 1,152 9 216 100 470 9,515 5,463 1,803 38 1,293 126 12 7 761 173 106 918 10 3,164 1,690 1,265 148,386 74,027 51,821 1,318 17,373 2,485 1,27 0 9,049 3,513 1,056 3,847 11 3,W5 670 1,390 126,955 69,100 35,943 1,009 12,125 1,125 1,1; 5 5,687 3,007 1,151 8,778 12 IS8 100 340 8,095 4,033 1,891 23 1,106 131 IC 4 653 142 76 1,042 13 216 95 440 9,020 5,153 1,674 33 1,267 121 12 2 751 172 101 803 14 1,617 945 995 59,210 31,851 16,025 439 8,063 1,113 6" 7 4,49C 1,371 412 2,832 15 1,581 665 1,115 57.213 35,129 11,717 56" 7.352 890 81 9 3,915 1,138 590 2,448 16 47 .,, - = 3 , 2vi 1,542 797 Q 525 36 4 2 26! 31 51 376 17 61 25 150 4^570 2,572 816 2C 681 66 4 6 384 115 50 481 18 774 465 275 38,121 20,140 9,377 166 6,363 1,625 35 9 3,01a 1,059 302 2,075 19 526 260 625 41,801 23,54* 7,553 85C 7,855 1,665 5" 7 3,66£ 1,785 160 1,997 20 122 85 345 6,045 2,854 1,496 31 893 105 S 5 52' 120 56 771 21 180 70 410 7,374 4,175 1,441 23 969 110 IC 8 56£ 127 56 766 ? 5,388 4,655 20,270 681,9 57 398,130 198,462 3,269 52,261 5,065 4,90 2 22,95' 11,659 7,588 29,835 23 8,880 2,635 14,000 534,256 324,238 132,370 93c 43,636 4,810 6.2: 2 21,93.. 9,055 1,605 33,082 24 179 95 230 7,323 3,928 1,922 36 931 111 •9 5ie 153 70 506 25 176 65 240 7,826 4,742 1,611 3£ 1,004 116 IC 8 58C 124 76 431 26 8,141 2,385 865 131,493 67,877 40,940 9,546 11,150 1,310 66 4 5,95- 2,173 1,050 1,980 27 5,905 405 745 112.932 56,556 40,560 2,785 8,856 941 8- 0 4,282 1,979 784 4,175 28 l,'81,o3S 318,210 47,815 15,432,306 7,664,020 4,703,230 1,762,465 1,166,996 137,385 65,01 5 600,461 255,690 107,945 135,685 29 9..9.005 53,270 64,540 15,093,509 7,908,183 5,710,110 549,00c 1,121,431 105,158 111,64 4 571,53' 199,590 133,500 704,785 30 31 40 30 1,954 999 487 329 61 1 14f 66 2=1 136 31 41 30 115 4,540 2,732 848 16 688 96 41 96 30 256 32 755 400 250 29 , 393 15,965 7,240 24£ 4,855 1,778 1- 4 2,02. 761 140 1,535 33 1,720 380 880 75,749 48,024 14,751 58: 10, 571 1,213 1,15 0 5,00c 2,828 380 1,820 X 32,595 11,790 5,115 1,080,696 559,704 271,240 9, OX 193,812 71,290 6,6£ 19 76,85C 31.133 7,850 46,890 35 45,490 12,990 16,615 2,696,076 1,752,809 526,785 10,20c 356,042 35,345 44,7, 5 164,03' 97,693 14,225 50,240 36 30 20 75 1,488 807 432 ( 13" 10 6 3c 25 10 106 37 50 20 135 1,870 1,196 343 200 35 6 7. 41 15 131 38 1,080 2,910 7,910 377,655 239,797 84,634 1,15C 46,645 680 2. 0 40,55 2,560 2,600 5,429 39 2,875 2,340 7,825 347.464 272,635 50,036 13,103 1,900 2,4C 5 5,89: 2,671 255 11 , 690 40 36 25 125 2,550 1,334 638 t 256 30 .; .6 llf 47 15 266 41 70 25 170 3,258 1,072 639 371 45 6 17 72 10 276 42 11,360 13,795 32,605 5,221,161 3,529,050 1,403,860 16, 24c 161,007 21,295 15,4. 5 65,02 51,639 7,600 110,095 43 35,715 12,665 38 , 120 3,150,641 2.207,812 693,832 182,087 41,275 40,9' 0 53,60C 44,862 1,380 70,910 44 3,934 5,390 11,600 1,631,649 1,102,578 430,009 3,93- 54,610 6,700 5,5' .0 22,70 16,707 2,960 40,425 45 13,690 6,350 15,110 1,331,005 928,783 294,468 76,934 10,370 16,7' 6 21, ■>7' 18,381 560 30,820 46 1,166,331 614,997 342,352 39,521,748 22,339,455 10,548,682 432, 49t 4,903,711 726,738 345,8] 3 2,760,94C 906,555 253,660 1,207,402 47 245,330 165,710 80,775 9,722,546 5,439,313 2,607,487 116,70' 1,288,252 184,250 82, 7C 2 750, 22' 205,771 65,305 270,790 48 212,455 87,520 73,130 7,756,240 5,059,637 1,534,511 69,90C 034,021 149,075 107,11 6 444,30 148,470 84,965 158,180 49 66 10 20 354 175 118 5 2C 10 10 16 50 20 184 111 37 35 5 20 5 1 51 936 4O0 235 3,510 1,607 1,433 }^^, 30 5 60 200 75 52 250 15 1,021 537 203 I'lQ 5 41: 105 40 1 53 16 5 10 10 5 5 = 54 15 ... 5 20 5 10 5 5 55 101 50 65 60 30 30 '36 56 205 15 50 5 15 30 30 57 3,510 2,000 3,175 2,750 1,250 1,500 1,5C«3 53 10,175 700 2,465 90 450 1,025 1,025 50 1,6M1 100 1,000 ... 1,000 1,000 60 61 „ 11 1,940 910 703 J 211 20 1 12 5 29 15 20 62 21 11 25 2.536 1,380 833 1 J 239 14 9 15 3 48 10 71 63 206 1.065 672 344,855 103,816 199,579 2,81 ) 38,295 3,219 2,2 5 29,18 2,355 1,315 355 64 450 750 195 473,583 163,330 257,661 2,43 i 48,167 3,335 3,1 .7 35,13 3 4,730 1,825 1,090 65 4,880 10,686 2,925 6,613,662 1,986,413 3,779,536 49,96( 1 705,528 123,539 40,3 .6 546,25 3 55,542 29,845 2,225 66 7,500 24,340 3,725 8,901,802 3,351,716 4,576,764 52,28 878,337 38,400 59,2 30 630,00 7 100,280 50,500 42,650 67 4,880 10,686 1,575 6,049,010 1,790,643 3,475,005 44,02 ] 737,497 111,252 31,0 76 515,41 2 51,412 28,345 1,845 68 4,500 23,040 2,850 8,182,019 3,038,366 4,209,650 48.68 5 845,293 37,400 55,8 30 605,03 3 96,560 50,500 40,025 69 154 81 86 7,434 3,020 1,932 4 1 1,207 138 1 17 75 3 154 42 326 70 156 61 ss 7,298 4,202 1,611 2 1,170 153 1 33 74 J 92 80 291 71 2,900 1.340 565 259,482 107,210 108,011 1,21 3 40,738 4,763 *.3 ?0 26,22 4,603 828 2,310 72 2,590 1,655 280 204,247 139,600 106,905 2,11 ? 30,125 6,335 2,0 .5 25,61 5 2,400 2,640 6,505 73 153,620 68,295 14,905 7,361,340 3,530,400 2,876,619 49,46 3 1,345,610 131,380 158,7 ;8 887,89 I 144,420 23,150 59,751 74 145,105 58,240 8,575 7.064.985 3,484,930 2,227,721 42,52 5 1,115,245 143,780 83,7 55 726,59 3 66,020 95,100 194,564 75 139,895 58,595 10,720 7,095,731 3,158,164 2,579,766 45,90 3 1,260,203 124,900 155,8 32 832,96 3 128,503 17.970 51,695 76 128,420 53,185 4,290 5,602,187 2,698,514 1,864,570 29,35 3 935,330 122,625 68,1 30 616,62 5 44,875 83,025 164,423 77 82 21 50 4 , 600 2,359 1,131 2 3 997 86 35 69 3 121 15 136 78 85 26 100 5,131 2,943 974 1 5 1,098 105 1 36 71 J 90 85 101 79 1,402 140 6 102,756 46,728 30,825 59 3 24,393 2,928 1,6( 38 16,81 3 2,712 335 220 80 1,412 488 48 96.190 49,954 24,041 53 5 21,273 1,922 2,4 55 13,16 1,814 1,918 396 81 233,975 16,080 1,440 16,510.146 7,732,611 5,039,159 102,49 3 3,623,421 483,030 208,6 25 2,444,29 422,462 65,010 21,465 82 280,075 132,505 4,575 13,153,532 6,931,674 3,241,884 107, 25( 3 2,833,929 235,735 290,4 J5 1,778,53 241,485 237,700 38,795 83 7,223 3,230 1,425 301,852 184,358 136,724 6,10 5 52,610 6,535 4,3 71 30,85 3 7,394 3,410 12,055 84 10,850 2,175 1,055 373,602 207,399 96,803 6,36 5 45,429 3,777 2 9 .7 23,30 5 6,500 3,810 17,696 85 29,595 11,970 3,450 881,649 432,745 J 288,246 10,86 5 133,668 15,100 10^3 dO 80,06 20,200 6.945 16,125 86 154 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table lO.-FARMS REPORTING, NUMBER OF COWS. AND DAIRY PRODUCTS SOLD, BY NUMBER OF MILK COWS, FOR ALL COMMERCIAL FARMS AND DAIRY FARMS: CENSUS OF 1954 [Data are b.ised on reports for only a sample of farms, oee textj Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) All commerrial farios: Milk cows farms reporting. number . Whole milk sold farms reporting. gallons. dollars. Cream sold farms reporting. pounds of butterfat. dollars. With less than 10 milk cows on hand: .^ilk cows farms reporting. number . Whole milk sold farms reporting. gal Ions . dollars . Cream sold farms reporting . pounds of butterfat. dollars. With 10 to 29 milk cows on band; Milk cows farms reporting. number . Whole milk sold farms reporting . gallons . dollars . Cream sold farms reporting . pounds of butterfat. dollars. ttitli 30 to 49 milk cows on hand; rilk cows farms reporting. number . '^ole milk sold farms reporting. gallons . dollars . Cream sold f nrms reporting . pounds of butterfat. dollars . With 30 or more milk cows on hand: Milk cows farms reporting. number . Whole milk sold farms reporting. gallons . dollars. Cream sold farms reporting . pounds of butterfat. dollars. Dniry farms; Milk cows farms reporting. number . Whole milk sold farms reporting. gallons . dollars . Cream sold farms reporting. pounds of butterfat. dollars. With less than 10 milk cows on hand: Milk cows farms reporting. number. Whole milk sold farms reporting. gallons. dollars . Cream sold farms reporting . pounds of butterfat. dollars. With 10 to 29 milk cows on hand: Milk cows farms reporting. number . l^/hole milk sold farms reporting. gallons . dollars. Cream sold farms reporting. pounds of butterfat. dollars. With 30 to 19 milk cows on hand; Milk cows farms reporting . number . Whole milk sold farms reporting. gallons . dollars . Cream sold farms reporting. pounds of butterfat, dollars. With 50 or more milk cows on hand; Milk cows farms reporting number Whole mi Ik sold farms repor ting gallons dollars Cream sold farms repor ting pounds of butterfat dollars 23,673 203,416 15,832 134,856,382 36,764,167 3,034 2,199,925 1,203,461 15,554 68,083 9,040 37,277,930 9,555,392 2,674 1,507,291 805,461 7,518 111,808 7,201 80,109,578 21,667,411 344 638,059 361,380 499 17,205 494 12,731,263 3,855,109 5 11,125 6,365 102 6,320 97 4,737,611 1,686,255 11 43,450 30,255 6,590 91,290 6,371 72,660,101 21,269,351 294 503,251 281,040 2,485 15,947 2,323 12,321,961 3,337,353 202 246,696 132,615 3,686 58,704 3,634 46,591,076 13,416,213 82 214,105 118,750 343 11,759 343 9,715,553 3,025,470 76 4,380 71 4,031,511 1,490,315 10 42,450 29,675 2,967 16,743 839 5,991,355 1,860,273 1,332 945,437 501,426 2,414 8,522 435 ,466,919 370,185 1,167 627,528 330,724 540 7,731 391 4,195,936 1,409,188 164 316,909 170,122 11 380 11 291,450 73,800 2 110 2 37,050 7,100 1 1,000 580 473 5,413 361 3,876,731 1,325,030 142 230,850 117,665 195 1,150 105 609,195 163,485 100 106,925 53,140 273 4,113 251 3,057,536 1,101,545 42 123,925 64,525 5 150 5 210,000 60,000 1,854 9,052 323 3,796,961 1,578,302 805 421,530 207,059 1,618 4,392 107 475, 195,336 780 387,945 189,914 216 3,936 196 2,767,234 1,132,785 25 33,585 17,145 19 674 19 544,838 245,681 1 50 1 9,000 4,500 307 4,742 247 3,463,080 1,450,884 60 71,400 35,640 101 615 46 324,509 137,174 55 59,970 29,925 189 3,521 184 2,643,931 1,087,690 5 11,430 5,715 17 606 17 494,640 226,020 6,628 78,573 5,839 58,596,786 16,433,216 268 274,965 160,228 3,124 16,095 2,378 11,414,240 3,237,624 226 194,580 109,507 3,181 49,369 3,143 37,292,288 10,185,535 32 68,060 43,556 257 8,919 252 6,631,106 1,924,262 5 11,125 6,365 66 4,190 66 3,259,152 1,085,745 5 1,200 800 3,636 52,410 3,596 42,354,333 12,010,175 50 88,215 54,895 1,246 7,957 1,221 6,418,241 1,806,533 30 50,315 31,670 2,144 34,493 2,129 27,693,553 7,657,377 15 36,700 22,425 200 6,870 200 5,524,732 1,610,450 46 15 3,090 905 46 10 2,717,802 597,558 935,815 294,800 5 5 1,200 41,250 800 28,876 5,171 42,670 4,202 29,228,141 7,647,674 206 200,924 127,694 3,524 16,442 2,593 10,252,384 2,585,808 157 95,656 58,927 1,530 21,758 1,497 15,722,712 4,016,116 44 64,013 39,892 101 3,505 101 2,640,987 747,350 16 965 11 611,558 298,400 5 41,250 28,875 851 12,104 851 9,605,593 2,768,225 10 41,900 29,250 X5 2,350 350 1,795,628 468,460 441 7,124 441 5,675,333 1,573,265 5 650 375 50 1,725 50 1,537,079 426,700 IDAHO 155 Economic Area Table ll.-FARMS RFPORTINC, NUMBER OF CHICKENS, AND POULTRY PRODUCTS SOLD. BY NLiMBER OF CHICKENS ON HAND, FOR ALL COMMERCIAL FARMS AND POULTRY FARMS: CENSUS OF 1954 LlJBta are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See textj {For definitions and explanations, see text) All coBBcrcial feras: Chickens U months old and over... farms reporting... number. . . Chickens sold farms reporting... number. . . Chicken eggs sold farms reporting... dozens . . . dollars. . . Other poultry and poultry products sold. .dollars. . . With less than 400 chickens 4 ■onths old and over: Chickens A months old and over rarms reporting. . . number. . . Chickens sold farms reporting... number. . . Chicken eggs sold farms reporting... dozens . . . dollars . . . Other poultry and poultry products sold dollars. . . With 400 to 799 chicbeos 4 Months old and over: Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting... number . . . Chickens sold farms reporting . . . number . . . Chicken eggs sold farms reporting . . . dozens . . . dollars. . . Other poultry and poultry products sold dollars... With 800 to 1,599 chickens 4 nontba old and over: Chickens A months old and over farms reporting. . . number . . . Chickens sold farms reporting . . . number . . . Chicken eggs sold farms reporting... dozens . . . dollars. . . Other poultry and poultry products sold dollars... With 1,600 to 3,199 chickens 4 nonths old and over: Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting... number. . . Chickens sold farms reporting . . . number . . . Chicken eggs sold farms reporting . . . dozens . . . dollars. . . Other poultry and poultry products sold dollars... With 3,200 or aore chickens 4 aonths old and over: Chickens i> months old and over farms reporting... number . . . Chickens sold farms reporting... number . . . Chicken eggs sold farms reporting . . . dozens. . . dollars. . . Other poultry and poultry products sold dollars... Poultry farns: Chickens 4 months old and over... farms reporting... number . . . Chickens sold farms reporting... number . . . Chicken eggs sold farms reporting . . . dozens . . . dollars . . . Other poultry and poultry products sold . .dollars .. . With less than 400 chickens 4 Booths old and over: Chickens i months old and over farms reporting... number . . , Chickens sold farms reporting... number . . . Chicken eggs sold farms reporting . . , dozens. . . dollars. , . Other poultry and poultry products sold dollars.., With 400 to 799 chickens 4 months old and over: Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting... number . . . Chickens sold farms reporting.. number . . . Chicken eggs sold farms reporting.. dozens . . dollars . . . Other poultry and poultry products sold dollars.. With 800 to 1,599 chickens 4 aontfas old and over: Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting.. number . . Chickens sold farms reporting.. number . . Chicken eggs sold farms reporting . . dozens. . dollars. . Other poultry and poultry products sold dollars.. With 1,600 to 3,199 chickens 4 aonths old and over: Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting . . number . . Chickens sold farms reporting.. number . . Chicken eggs sold farms reporting.. dozens . . dollars. . Other poultry and poultry products sold dollars.. With 3,200 or aore chickens 4 aooths old and over: Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting. . number . . Chickens sold ..farms reporting.. number. . Chicken eggs sold farms reporting . . dozens . . dollars . . Other poultry and poultry products sold dollars. . The State Area 1 Area 2 Area 3« Area 3b Area 4 19,04i 2,923 1,903 4,955 3,989 5,274 1,625,246 182,553 167,391 373.860 249,320 652,122 5,284 872 630 1,387 1,013 1,332 1,603,249 182,058 145,732 197,297 542,303 535,859 8.998 1,561 1.071 2,373 1,709 2.234 11,295,249 825,975 1.271,354 2,692,389 1,395,365 5,110,166 3,977,329 340,106 542,979 981,906 521,114 1.591,224 451,138 112,168 4,655 192,554 45,960 95 , 301 18,437 2,900 1,810 4,845 3,909 4,973 1,009,371 169,263 101,976 243,860 188,460 305,312 4,718 349 547 1,302 933 1,087 1,127,104 175,623 96,767 96,512 500,163 258,039 8,421 1,538 978 2,278 1,634 1,993 4,793,369 701,860 526,759 1,323,344 740,665 1,500,741 1,737,724 291,418 236,694 466,646 253,264 489,702 448,753 111,568 4,405 191,304 45,960 95,516 408 22 68 60 50 208 206,315 12,490 33,165 29,250 26,860 104,550 377 22 58 45 50 202 192,350 5,785 32,300 22,075 17,390 114,800 388 22 68 50 50 198 2,089,960 116,715 319,695 246,285 304,400 1,102,365 734,290 44,988 128,960 91,395 120,500 343,447 1,135 600 250 285 134 1 20 35 25 53 145.560 800 23,250 40,750 23,000 57,760 129 1 20 30 25 53 99.200 650 10,665 35,210 14,750 37,925 129 1 20 35 20 53 1,492.060 7,400 234,500 402,760 235,300 562,100 569,055 3,700 118,360 163 . 365 100,850 182.280 1,250 1,250 35 5 5 5 20 86,000 ... 9,000 15,000 11,000 51,000 35 ... 5 5 5 20 56.930 ... 6,000 3,500 10,000 37,430 35 ... 5 5 5 20 899,150 ... 140,400 120,000 115,000 523,750 322,590 ... 58,965 60,000 46,500 157,125 30 10 20 178,000 ... ... 45,000 133,000 25 ... 5 20 127,665 40,000 ... 87,665 25 ... 5 20 2,020.710 600,000 ... 1,420,710 613,670 200,000 ... 413,670 460 50 140 85 50 135 458,740 10,485 69,940 108, 6"; 41.500 228,140 470 60 135 75 65 135 1,105,115 126,510 96,975 86,935 430,750 363,895 455 50 140 85 45 135 5,192,260 87,065 785,965 1,318,980 538,300 2,461,950 1,845,585 38,915 326,005 489,710 221,630 769,325 274,100 100,000 150 173,950 180 45 60 30 10 35 31,965 6,875 11,400 6,550 500 6,640 205 55 65 25 25 35 750,395 125,225 52,070 5,025 400,500 167,575 180 45 60 30 10 35 467,955 49,730 122,690 123,935 10,000 161,600 179,210 23,980 53,685 46,150 3,080 52,315 272,700 100,000 172,700 ... ... 130 5 55 15 10 45 69,525 3,610 26,290 7.625 7,000 25,000 120 5 45 15 10 45 107,055 1,285 28,240 7,250 5,500 64,780 130 5 55 15 10 45 847,935 37,335 238,375 117,285 178,000 276,940 326,925 14,935 94,995 44,695 71,200 101,100 150 ... 150 ... ... 95 20 30 25 20 105,250 ... 23,250 34,500 23,000 24,500 90 ... 20 25 25 20 72,000 ... 10,665 31,210 14,750 15,375 90 • *■ 20 30 20 20 1,135,760 ... 284,500 357,760 235,300 258,200 456,965 ... 118,360 138,865 100,850 98,890 1,250 ..! ... 1,250 ... 30 5 5 5 15 74,000 ... 9,000 15,000 11,000 39,000 30 ... 5 5 5 15 48,000 ... 6,000 3,500 10,000 23,500 30 ... 5 5 5 15 719,900 ... 140,400 120,000 115,000 344,500 268,815 ... 58,965 60,000 46,500 103,350 25 5' 20 178,000 ... 45,000 ... 133,000 25 ... ... 5 ■ •• 20 127,665 ... ... 40,000 ... 87,665 25 ... 5 ... 20 2,020,710 • * . 600,000 ... 1,420,710 613,670 200,000 ... 413,670 156 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 12.-FARM LABOR: CENSUS OF 1954 [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] (For definitions and explanations, see text) FARM LABOR Week of September 26-October 2: Family and/or hired workers farms reporting.. persons. . Average per farm reporting persons . . Family workers, including operator farms reporting. . persons. . Operators working 1 or more hours farms reporting . . 1 to 14 hours farms reporting . . 15 or more hours farms reporting . . Operators not working or not reporting number of farms . . Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 hours or more farms reporting. . persons. . No unpaid members of operator's family working 15 hours or more or not reporting number of farms. . Hired workers farms reporting . . persons. . 1 hired worker farms reporting. . 2 hired workers farms reporting . . 3 or A hired workers farms reporting . . 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting.. 10 or more hired workers farms reporting.. Regular workers (to be employed 150 days or more) farms reporting . . persons . . 1 worker farms reporting.. 2 workers farms reporting. . 3 or 4 workers farms reporting. . 5 to 9 workers farms reporting . . 10 or more workers farms reporting.. Seasonal workers {to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting. . persons . . 1 worker farms reporting . . 2 workers farms reporting. . 3 or 4 workers farms reporting . . 5 to 9 workers farms reporting . . 10 or more workers farms reporting. . Farms by kind of workers; Both family workers and hired workers farms reporting. . Family workers only farms reporting.. Operator only farms reporting.. Unpaid members of operator's family only farms reporting. . Hired workers only farms reporting. . Operator and hired workers only. ..farms reporting.. Hired workers by basis of payment: Paid on a monthly basis farms reporting.. persons . . Average hours worked per month hours . . Average wage per month dollars. . Paid on a weekly basis farms reporting.. persons . . Average hours worked per week hours . . Average wage per week dollars . . Paid on a daily basis farms reporting.. persons.. Average hours worked per day hours. . Average wage per day dollars. , Paid on an hourly basis farms reporting.. persons. . Average wage per hour dollars. . Paid on a piece-work basis farms reporting.. persons. . EXPENDITURES FOR HIRED LABOR Expenditures lor hired labor in 1154- ■■ .farms reporting., dollars. . $1 to $99 farms reporting . . $100 to $199 farms reporting . $200 to $^99 farms reporting.. $500 to $999 farms reporting. $1 ,000 to $2 ,499 farms reporting . $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting. $5,000 and over farms reporting. Farms with expenditures for hired labor but no hired workers reported farms reporting. $1 to $99 farms reporting . $100 to $199 farms reporting . $200 to $499 farms reporting . $500 to $999 farms reporting . $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting. $2,500 to $4,999 farms reporting. $5,000 and over farms reporting. 36,365 86,781 2.4 35,928 57,808 34,967 7,519 27,448 3,843 14,823 22,841 23,987 8,028 28,973 4,033 1,540 1,059 791 605 3,945 6,947 2,776 641 311 152 65 5,263 22,026 2,489 945 735 535 509 7,591 28,337 16,826 437 4,279 3,650 5,961 242 209 225 558 52 48 1,803 3,629 9.0 2,879 8,218 1.08 1,023 10,607 21,908 30,442,241 3,881 2,926 4,931 3,403 3,628 1,896 1,243 13,880 3,534 2,411 3,825 2,212 1,538 271 89 5,557 11,996 2.2 5,470 9,593 5,258 1,189 4,069 2,857 4,335 3,121 1,105 2,403 632 240 140 67 26 536 1,104 348 98 49 25 16 704 1,299 431 147 93 29 1,018 4,452 2,168 87 445 507 1,009 244 199 37 393 750 234 494 1.17 2,594 3,991,552 454 385 626 367 370 229 163 1,489 404 263 441 215 129 33 4 4,055 7,307 1.8 4,006 6,146 3,841 948 2,893 1,665 2,305 2,747 731 1,161 498 157 50 22 315 437 240 50 19 5 1 487 724 353 93 30 10 1 682 3,324 1,922 49 419 251 309 228 203 15 21 48 55 364 561 9.8 10.94 154 254 1.25 14 16 1,753 1,768,031 360 318 297 336 247 136 59 1,022 323 271 214 153 51 7 3 9,126 20,693 2.3 9,034 13,644 8,824 2,214 6,610 3,334 4,820 6,439 1,595 7,049 713 326 254 176 126 757 1,463 515 117 65 38 22 1,093 5,586 449 231 176 124 113 1,503 7,531 4,840 92 860 605 1,071 233 213 87 284 50 47 151 307 319 2,448 0.96 286 2,939 5,220 7,628,006 1,298 730 1,139 543 338 350 322 3,625 1,202 623 911 378 406 59 46 7,003 17, 141 2.4 6,910 11,019 6,777 1,217 5,560 2,765 4,242 4,501 1,914 6,122 1,077 374 224 119 120 1,063 1,903 784 135 79 46 19 1,089 4,219 574 205 157 58 95 1,821 5,089 3,082 93 1,063 1,100 1,825 254 216 32 34 58 52 336 799 9.0 8.67 578 1,262 1.08 209 2,202 4,779 7,883,745 778 625 1,026 695 819 486 350 2,865 717 514 781 454 345 33 16 APPENDIX The Questionnaire Index to tables (157) 158 THE QUESTIONNAIRE lulhoriifil i>Y An of Connrrss (46 Slal i t'SI. 201-2181 FORM Al U S DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE— Bureau OF THE CENSUS WASHNCTON CENSUS OF ACRICILTURE 1 aCA QUESTIONNAIRE: i*fOt PERSON NOW IN CHARGE clue fills this qiiesliij (If a member of Ihe family o; ill charKC, please lie sure (hat all the iiifoniiatioii is ni CHARGE.) 1. What is your name? iPcnonlnrliare.') 2. Whal is your address? I Fdlt ilie I'KHSnN IN la) D \Vlif'.<- (h) D Nearo (r) D e|QNo included in this report.) . . '^ Id Yes 6. Hob- many acres of land do vou RENT FROM others, including anv worked on shares? . . Q None (Include any (separate fields, meadows, pastureland. woodland, wa.steland, etc. Include Federal, State, school, railroad, and other land leased and land used by you rent free ) // •■Sone," rhrrk and »k>p lo giuMiion [9 J. (a) Give the following information for each landlord: rented landlord? s for all landlord'' must (a) Do you pay to your landlord any cash a^ rent? |D No ID Ye.. ID No ID Vc8 (<■) Do vou pav to vour landlord anv share of the livestock ,[-, .. or livestock products' |U ' " (Such as I. i, ),) ID Ves (d) Do you have this land under any Other arrangement? . . ..''—'''* (Such a.1 0 fixed quantity of any product, upkeep of laud and) D Yes buildings, paynumt of taxes, keep of landlord, rent free, etc ) LAND MANAGED FOR OTHERS; LAND RENTED TO OTHERS- 10. How many acre^ are RENTED TO others, including land worked on shares'* ... D None (Include any separate fields rented lo others. Land worked by meniberB of your household w-ith your equipment should not t>e conxidcred as rented to others.) // "None," fherk and skip lo (/utilion [II]. Acres in This Place: [II] Addmi) a(re» ouintd and acrtf rr Ihrn fiiblraeling acrti renlid lo others, wr grt (Que^ilion 4 + qiieation ^ — (pieslton 10; i/ nianagtd ijiifilion 9 — qiiealion 10.) Acris It this place LOCATION IIF LAND outtide of 1 (a) How hiseountv' . many acres are i Id Yes . this county' 0 9- ../.o- [131- (ft) Give names of ol here ounliCB and acr ^k caled III each; of county) (Acral (Namooloiunlyl RESIDENCK AND AGE OF l'ERSi)N IN CHARGE: [13] Do you live on thin place? 14. How old ui-re vou on your lfl.sl birthday' . . . 15. When did v„ii (k'h.h to operate tins place*' JD No ■ Id v<. Seclion III,— f ROPS HARVESTEU THIS YEAR. I95i Report all crops harTesled. i for QuesiJon II) acres. If yoi FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Fur rarh crop, atis How much wai or will be harve-Med? fml or lavd on eil I 28. WILD HAV (prairie, range, ur inarvh grass) cut FORHAV7 D None 29. Anv OTHER HAV?. D None "r, i crop r« or ToiiH ALFALFA SEED, CLOVER, GRASS, AND OTHER FIELD Si:i:i> CHOI'S; 30. Were any alfalfa seed, clover seed, grass IQ No If Wo," chtrk and nkip to seed, and other field seed crops harvested this I question [34]. year? | D Yes Color 1 2 3 Tedure 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 O Irrigation 1 2 3 X Qax 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Typ. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 O X V REGION 19 IMo Moot. Nn. Ulih Wyo. (Reduced facsimile) IDAHO 159 SICAK lll.l TS AND I'oTATOllS [343 Sugar beels lor SugftrT 35- Irish polaloes t litii rtporl ftcrw ) D No. HOH ha * _ * _ (1) Ot Wlll^^lW (21 How much >-a^or«illbc liar vested' Tons 100-11), . la) For hotn« u VKCKTAHI.I^S F ofii, rape sepd. root ( orn), saffloner, uorghii id grain crop-* hoaged ' •"'■'■ "' »■-■■'-■ '•' r-i *- in, hup>, lentil.i, pop- J ^ r graied (othi-r lhanl|-| ,. eeo, SBe«i corn aeed | '-' ' ^" e of the crop, acrcn and quantity harvested, and value of Vala« ol lUa rear's crop sold or lo * be sold •$ '00 Section IV.— LAND USE THIS YEAR. 1954 56. lCo|iv arro rruiii iiModuK 11) , » Arr N'u« ue«»nr lo distrilnile the ACHIvS [N THIS PLACi: accordind In how lliev were used this vear AflT von have aeeoiinled fiir a field or plot do nut count this land aKSin lie Ftiire t.i ttcinnnl fur nil the land fiivr onlv whole acrev CHOl'LANI). 69o From how many acre» of land Mcrr C'Roi'S HAR\>;STKD (inel.idiug hav cut) this year? Q None (This area mav be nbtauird hv adding the acn-s in the fields from whieh one or more crops were harvested or hay v/tu- cut Ihix year, acres in nonhearing and tjcariiig planted IreefruiU. iiiil--, and i(rapc<>, and acres in nur-erv and grecnlii.n-e prodiiru i iUdiu y acren of land v IK" Blti>i>nd'-, M\« S9c. Huh nianv acres of cropland wei suminer fallow ihin vear' i^d How many acrt-t of cropland I accoanled for^ (Include idle land, laud in ■oil-impi only, and land on which all cropn failed WOODLAND (Include a^ woodland all Hood lots and cnlover land with voung trees w have value aii wood or timt>er ) (or graied) Ihi^ year? OTHER LAND: lire- uf woodland « 61. How II cropland pa«l were in other paslnre "^ '^'"1 ^<'d °"'V for paalure or frazlnf {repotted ill questious S96, 60a, and 61). huw iiianv acres were Irrigated this year? . . . 0 ^'^nc 65. How maiiv acres of ROW CROPS or CLOSI-:-St';EDI-;i) CROPS were grown in Blrips this year for wind erosioi; control ' D None (Reduced facsimile) 160 THE QUESTIONNAIRE FOREST PllODUCTS: 67. Wfti any firewood, fuclwood, fence pu>1-. lumber, or other forest I)rlnilll'1^i ciil Ilii" lear f home use or for sale? [D Nu //-'.Vo."' rhrfk and \ y»'.sf,on C69J. FUELWdOD were or will Iw cut th.H vear on this place? , Q Noi (0 How tiiativ board feel of SAWI.OGS at>d VENEBIt LOGS were or will he ciil thi.s vcar on Ihis place? '. Q No, rord.-^_ \'iiiiiber_ feel M. How Mi.icli was or will be received this year froTii the sale of firewood, fL-iice post«, Iors. Imiiber, piilpwuod, piling and polei, bark. bollH, ChrisIiiia-< trees, hevvji tics, mine timber, and oilier mi:.ce11aiieuii^ None fore.-il products? Q sold •$_ £691 Were any nuriiery or greenhouse [Q No. produela. flower or vegetable seeds or | plaiitJi. flowers, or bulbs grown for sale iD Ye^ this year? 70. How many acres of NURSERY PRODUCTS drees, shrubs, vines, ornaniciitala, etc.) did you have this year? 71. How main- CUT FLOWERS, POTTI^D PLANTS. FLORIST GREENS, and BEDDING PLANTS were grown this year (or sale — (a) Under glaii (b) In open? . 72. How many of the following were produced ihi.i year for Bal«T Vegetables grown under glits, flower seeds, vegetable Hcedf^, vegetable plants, bulbs, and (a) Under gla.sM or in house? . . (6) In open'' (1) Arcs (Report tenths of a Square feet Include all animals on iMn place owned by you and by olbers. Also, Include any animals belonging to this place but grazins on national ioreslR. grating districts, or on open range. CATTLE AND CALVES: £731 How many CATTLE and CALVES of all agfc. an- on this place? D Noi (Include all cows and all other cattle and calves, both dairy and beet, on thia place.) // ■■\oni," check and ikip lo (/••c'lion [781. OF THIS TOTAL— (a) H. 161 H. (r) H e COWS' Include heifers Ihal hai :>w many are bulls, bull calves, ati (The total for questions (a), (b), i lUmber for question 73.) COWS .MILKED YESTERDAY; 71. How mariv COWS and HEIFERS were MILKED YEStERDAY? CLNo- 7G. How many MILK COWS were on this place yesterday? Include dry milk cows and milk heifers that have calved . * . , Q Not DAIRY PRODUCTS SOLD AND TO RE SOLD THIS YEAR, 1954: [781 Was anv MILK, CREAM, BUTTER, or CHEKSE sold (this ; fD No iQYo Report all sales from this place wJiether made by you or by others. Report aa sold dairy products turned over to or »old for ir landlord. Be sure to include dairy producu which vou will sell before ■ iiiarv 1, 1955 ) I WHOLE MILK I be .^old QNoi (6) How mi.rh CREAM was or Hill be sold llii.-^ vear? Q None (If cream sold by callon, innltiplv the lumber of RallonK by 2'i to yet jioiindn u( bntlerfat.) OR (2) Lb of bulterfat (3) Gallons of milk [791 Hon mat.v EW ES, RA.MS, W KTHEItS, and LAMHS of all ages arc on this place'. . D Noi // ".Vonf." rhtrk ami ikip lo q\ niaiK aw I.A.MIiS under I year old' , . IM ll.Mi ..lanv arc l.^\l■:s 1 year old and over' Onl, No. (r) Hon maiiv- are RAMS and Wl'iTHERS I vcar old and over (The total for questions (o). ((,), and' (r) tmisl e[|iial IliP nuiiilHT for rine-tion 79,] !^' MULES AND HOItSKS [SOI IIq PONIES a; HOGS AND PIGS: 81. Hon many HOGS and PIGS of all age.-, induding son-^ and boars, are on this place' Q No ic // "A'onf," chirk and sktp lo qiirflmn [82al. OF THIS TOTAL— (o) How many wore born Hince June 1, this year? {6) How iiianv were born before June I, this vear? (The total for qne.-lions (a) and (h) must equal the mimbcr for quc-Jlion 81.) SOWS AND GILTS FARROWING: [82a] How many sows and gilts farrowed between December 1, la^t year, and June 1, thia year' ... □Nunc ANIMM,.'^ .-^tH.D KM) TO BE SOLD .\J.1\E THIS \E.\n. {Report all -lale.s fro ii this p B.S sold ani'nals turned over to oi which you will sell l>efore Januf For rarh ktnd. i ace whether made bv von c sold for vour landlord " Bes ■y 1. 11155.1 83ft. CALVES .sold i lo be sold' iinliiiE calvft' D None n None How ma be sold t WOOL .^imiiN TIMS ^ I.AK, If. \onr." ch^rk onrf .*jp(n gi,rii(,«N [851- anv pound.s of wool were Hliorn (his year [1954) ' made b» . over to( , broilers, eggs, turkeys. l{.-i.uf( [851 An- there now any chickens, (Q No. turkeys, or other poultry on this place I or were there anv on this place Ihi.- 1 >car? - In Yd- 8S. How many CHICKENS, i monUir. old ind over, are an thin place'' . . (Hcria, pulleta, rooster-, etc ) (0) Broilers? ON"" ( Report all broilcrn Mold from this place including those raised for others under D None D None 89a. How inanv TURKEYS and ({J None TLRKEY FRYJ'RS were rai,-ed this \ear? , . , . . , , (Light breed* (Include those raised from poulln boughl, poults hatched on thLi place, or ^Heavy breeds raLsed for othcni under contract, whether sold, eaten, or now on hand.) // "A'o," ehfrk an.I >k-p to tt'imhon [92]. 896. How many TTIfKEY HENS hand notv. are you keeping for breeding in l'J55' 90. How many DUCKS. GP:ESE, and other poultry (n< counting chickens and tnrkeva) wei RAISED this year? p None ( Light breeds I Heavy breeds 91. How much was or will be received this vear from the sale of TURKEYS. DUCKS, GEESE, and miscellane.ni- pmiltrv. and THEIR None EGGS? a sold (Do ncil inelinle chieken. and rhicken rgg.s ) X X X X X X XXX XXX 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 O Irrigalioo 1 2 3 X^ Clan 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Type 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 O X V REGION 19 Idiio Modi. Nn. Uub Wyo. (Reduced facsimile) roAHO 161 S«Hon XI.— OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INtOME Section Vm— FERTILIZER AND LIME [921 Hurt .1J.1.I1 COMMKIUUI. FKRTll.IZKIf uo'l FKIITII.IZINC MATKltlAI.Ma- |>iitdiii-.il ilii- Mut ' Q Noi IS ■•S.mf,- ,hf,k .„ul ', and roUKliatif > , al-o, amoinit^ [laid for urindiiiK and nnMnic fccil I Senior -FARM LABOR M. D Noiir , Alioiit hu» many hours till; week or Si'pl 2li-Ori 2 ,■011 (the pi-r^on id charge of Ihi- placfl d.j farm ( 2 Q ' '*> ' FAMII Ri;r'i I !! \[l Minus OF ^oril r r. .,t furrnnnrk orflicin- Ju I),-. 2 WITIIOIT Ilo» inanv IMlil.l) I'l.ltSONS.lldaiu Tarni »<.rk o ■^ on till-, place llic «cck of Sri.i 2li-iict. 2? (Include inciiilK-r-ol your faiiidv rccfLvniKca-li «a)jr- I 150 dac or more durinu Ihis yci I I ^.» than 130 day durniu tlii?' 1 D N..n. D Nun. □ Nu, D No, 197] How many days Ihis year did you wurk off y farm ' Include work at a nonfarm job, busnit profession, or on someone else"* farm (Chti-k onr) (Do not include exchange work Include days 1 expect to work off your farm before Jan. 1, 1955 )" D Norn. D 1 to 10 di a 50 to w • n 100 to i» ,5, Q 200 daw fli Did any other member of yoi n job, hii»i(ie»«, profeivioii. or wo sale of product.-^ from land reiiled ou ancf, pensions, veteran.^' alluwaiii liiiere^it. dividend.-, profits from nonfi from any ol ihc following nources . canh n-ht, boarders, old-B)[<- s.'lsih eH, uiieiiiptoyinenl componnatiu rm biiHineHH, and hrlpfmm memhe ■■-Vo" for both qufitio ID ■ in ■ Id ' .ir family receive from work off 1 qiie>iiui>» 97. (a), and (bi) lir .urnl prodiiein ..old or lo he sold ■lerT SecUon XII.— FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT NOW ON THIS PI. Include equipment and facNltlc.4 tbal are lemporarllr aul of order [991 Do vol. Iiaie on Itu- place— ID No ID Yc. IDN. ID Te, ID .No Id ve, ID No ID Ve. |DNo Id Ve. (a) TelephoneT (b) Piped running (ri EleetrlellyT {d) Television sell Home freezer Ifnr qui i-iiiiR and MloniiK foo. not iiidiide refngerator) tj} Eleclrlc pig brooderT ([/) Milking machine? (A) Power feed grinder (mutable f..r grmdinK and cru-lnnggrainl'' 100. HDW MAW OF THE FOLLOWING Alll' ON THIS PI.Ai L- Include equlpmenl, whether owned by you or by olherfi, kepi on Ihia place. (n) Grain combines (fur harve.slniK and lbri-.hiiiR (b) Corn pJckersT Ir! Pick-up balersT . . (li) Field forage faarvealers (for field rliuppinu of .-^ilaKC and furBRe crup^) ' . . ig) Garden iraciorsT (Al Crawler IraclorsKrack- (■1 Automobiles (hetongiiig toyuu, Iohir«d workerg.riTto others living on thiB placid)?. Section XIII.— MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION FARM XAI-lf. MORTIiAUK OIHT, \\h C\SH UK\T ■01. About how much n.nild Ihr land ami rlu.' liiiildinR-< on it sell for'' (Give (h) 1,AND RENTED FROM OTHERS' D .Noi (from qup^^Iiou «l Total 'Value per ■ ■I CASH HKNTfor [Q N. n Vt In \o Ie k IS. Ni Ini" 104. On irhal Aair was Ihit qn 105. li'Ao/i D Hired laborer D Neighbor a Other -\amr. Ill' of pay' (If I ban one person. ) average) KNl'.\Il;llATOirs UI.CI)UI)-T.. U filled l>y CeiiMi HTATi; .^ COUNTY ____^ DISTRICT. rUlJCINCT, ToUNSHlf Hav,' you reviewed each section o( thi.- ,| iHt rlASl'S DUISION . .- 1 a No ID Ve- iMonlhl Date , n)54 (Reduced facsimile) 162 ENIMERATORS KKCORD BOOK 2i (S o c ^ a SB S c S o-S'= o« 3i«_.ss e 2c. S « ■ o „ So.? 00> u Ui DSiiSS o ^ : o ^ o 2 : H, SS I o^ 2 : [L, Z It • :i i I: £ 2; E gi 0. 2: d. 2; £ £ Z : a. 2 ; a, 2-0. Z 3 e O 0,0 E Of ^ o « ^ S 11 Z * £ ONE LI S ED r name of OWB Crops r livestock ill »- t- 0 11 S5ni 05s to S5o s^z UjZe x"" "^ •s S oi» p»0J JO aiuwfi — i S « s (Reduied facsiinile) INDEX TO TABLES 163 Economic area County Abnormal farms. • Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures cut for hay.... Alfalfa seed AljDonds Angora goats and kids Animals sold alive, specified Annual legumes, specified Apples • Apricots • Area, approximate land Artificial ponds, reservoirs, and earth tanks Asparagus Automobiles Austrian winter peas, including Dixie Wonder Avocados Barley Beans Beets (table) Berries, specified Blackberries Blackeyes and other green cowpeas Blueberries ( tame or wild ) Boysenberries Broccoli Brocmcom Buckwheat • Butter churned Butter, buttermilk, skim milk, and cheese sold Cabbage Calves. See Cattle and calves. Cane, sugar Cantaloups and muskmelons, etc Carrots Cash-grain famis Cash tenants Cash wages paid for farm labor Cattle and calves Cattle and calves sold alive Cattle and dairy products Cherries Chicken eggs sold Chickens Chickens sold Citrus finiits, specified Class of work power Clingstone peaches Clover seed Clover, timothy, and mixtures of clover and grasses cut for hay Color of operator Commercial farms Coinmercial fertilizer, expenditures for CocniDercial fertilizer, uses of Common and perennial (English) ryegrass seed Conservation of land Com Com pickers Cotton Cotton farms Cover crops turned under and land planted to another crop Cowpeas Cows Cows milked Cream sold Crimson clover seed Crop and livestock farms, general Cropland By acres harvested By color of operator By irrigation By tenure of operator By use Cropland used for row or grain crops farmed on contour Croppers ( for South only) Crop-share tenants and croppers Crops fertilized, specified Crops harvested from irrigated land Crcpps harvested, specified Crops sold Cucumbers and pickles Cultivated summer fallow Cut flowers, potted plants, florist greens, and bedding plants grown for sale Dairy farms Dairy products Dairy products sold Date of enumeration Days worked off farm Dry field and seed beans Dry field and seed peas Dry onions Ducks raised DurujD or macaroni wheat Economic class of farm Eggplant EggB sold 16 16 16 15 4,13,U 16 16 16 16 9 4,6 5 16 9 16 9 16 9 16 9 16 9 16 9 16 9 16 9 16 9 16 9 16 9 16 9 16 9 10 3 3,4,9 2 8,9,10 ... 4,13,14 7 4,13,14 7 13 7 16 9 4,13 7 4,13 7 4,13,14 7 16 9 4,6 5 16 9 16 9 16 9 3,4,5,9 2,2a 9 5 '.■7 6 ... 6 16 9 2 1,1a 4,16,17 9 4,6 5 16 9 10 3 2 l,la 16 9 4,13,14 7 13 7 13 7 16 9 10 3 1,2,3,4 1,1a, 2,2a 1.2j3,4 l,la,2 4 2a 1 la 3,4 2a 1,2,4 1 2 1,1a 3,4,9 2,2a 4,9 2 ... 6 ... 9a 4,16,17 9,9a 4,16,17 4,9,9a 16 9,9a 1,2,4 1,1a 2,5,8 4,5,6 7,8,9 12 3,6,9 3,6,9 3,6,9,11 3,6,9,11 1,2,3,10,U 2,5,8 1,4,7 1,4,7 3,6,9 2,5,8 4,5,6 1,4,7 3,6,9 10 4,5,6 1,4,7 1,4,7 7 1,4,7 1,4,7 7,8,9 3,6,9 3,6,9 3 4 5,6,10 7 ... 4,7 3 6,9,10 7 ... 5 2,5,8 9 ... 9 ... 9 ... 7 9 Electricity Electric pig brooder E^omer and spelt English or Persian walnuts Eves Expenditures, farm. See Farm expend itxirea. Facilities and equipment, specified Fallow land. See Cultivated summer fallow. Farm expenditures, specified Farm labor By color of operator By economic class By tenure of operator By type of farm Farm operators: By age By color By residence By tenure By years on farm By off -farm work and other income Farm products , value of Farm property, value of Farms, number By class of work power By color of operator By economic class By kind of workers By land irrigated By size of farm By tenure of operator By type of farm By value of products sold Farms with all harvested crops irrigated Feed for livestock and poultry, expenditures for 4,6 6 16 16 13 4,7 ,7,8,9,10 ■i.S 1,2,3 3,6,9 Fence posts cut Fertilizer, commercial, expenditures for.. Fertili2er, commercial, uses of Fescue seed Field and seed beans, dry Field and seed peas, dry Field-crop farms other than vegetable and fruit-and-nut Field crops Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold Field seed crops Figs Filberts and hazelnuts Firewood and fuelwood cut Flaxseed Forest products Forest products sold Freestone peaches Fruit-and-nut farms Fruits and nuts, specified Fruits and nuts sold Full owners Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil, expenditures for Geese raised General farms Gilts. See Sows and gilts. Goats and kids Goats and kids clipped Grain combines Grains Grains grown together and threshed as a mixture Grapefruit Grapes Grass silage made from grasses, alfalfa, clover, or small grains Green lima beans Green peas (English) Greenhouse products Guineas raised Hairy vetch seed Harvesters, field forage Hay balers, pick-up Hay crops Hazelnuts (included with Filberts) Heifers and heifer calves Hired labor, expenditures for Hired labor by basis of payment Hogs and pigs Hogs and pigs sold alive Home freezer Horses and colts, including ponies Horses and mules sold alive Horticultural specialties sold See also Nursery and greenhouse products Improved pecans Income, farm. See Value of farm products sold. Irish potatoes Irrigated farms, number Irrigated land in farms By use Kumquats 3,4,5,9 5 3,4,9 4,5 4,5 13,16 1,4 1,2,3,4 4,6 3,4 4,7 1,2 2 3,4 10 13,15,16 15 4.7 16 16 15 16 15 15 16 10 X6 16 3,4,9 4,7 13 10 13 4,6 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 15 13 16 4,6 4,6 16 16 4,7 8,9,10 4,13 4,13,14 4,6 13 13 15 1 1,2,3,4 5 2,2a 5 6 l,la 3 2,2a 3 4,7,8 la 16 9 ... 1,1a 1,2 1,1a, 9a 2,5,1 2,5,1 2,5,8,12 2,5,8,12 7,8,9 2,5,8 1,4,7 1,4,7 2,5,8 1 5,8,12 1,4,7 3,6,9,10,11 2,5,8 2,5,8 1,4,7 2,5,8 4,5,6 2,5,8 2,5,8 3,6,9 3,6,9 3,6,9 2,5,8 1,4,7 1,4,7 164 INDEX TO TABLES Economic area County Ladino seed Land and buildings, value of Land area, approximate Land from which hay was cut Land in farms By color of operator By size of farm By tenure of operator By use Land in fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees Land in irrigated farms By use Land in row or close-seeded crops grown in strips for wind erosion control Land pastured Legumes, specified annual Lemons Lespedeza cut for hay Lespedeza seed Lettuce and romaine Lima beans Lime and liming material, expenditures for. Limes Livestock and livestock products sold Livestock farms, other than dairy and poultry Livestock-share tenants Livestock, specified Livestock sold alive Loganberries Lupine seed Machine hire, expenditures for Machinery, farm Managed land Managers Mandarins (included with Tangerines) Mangoes Naple sirup made Maple sugar made Maple trees tapped Milk Milk sold Milk cows Milking machine Miscellaneous and unclassified farms Mixed grains Mohair clipped Motortrucks Mules and mule colts Mavel oranges Nectarines Nonwhite farm operators Niorsery and greenhouse products, flower and vegetable seeds and plants, and bulbs Nuts, specified Oats Oats cleaned out of vetch and peas Oats, wheat, barley, xr^, and other small grains cut for hay Of f- farm work and other Income Okra Olives Onions, dry Operators, farm. See Farm operators. Oraiiges.' Oranges, including tangerines and mandarins Other field-crop farms Owned land Fart owners Part-time farms Pasture Peaches Peanuts Pears Peas Pecans Peppers. See Sweet peppers and pimientos. Pig brooder, electric Pimientos (included with sweet peppers)..,. Piped running water Plums Plums and prunes Popcorn Potatoes Poultry and poultry products Poultry and poultry products sold Poultry farms Power feed grinder Primarily crop farms, general Primarily livestock farms, general Products, farm, value of Proso millet Prunes Pulpwood cut Rams and wethers Raspberries Red clover seed Redtop seed Rented land 16 ,2,3,4 3,4 2 3,4 1,2,4 16 2 1,2,4 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 ■1,13,14 10 4,9 4,13,14 4,13,14 16 16 4,7 4,6 ^,^ 3,4,9 16 16 15 15 15 13 13 4,13,14 4,6 10 16 13 4,6 13 15 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 10 16 16 16 16 4,6 16 4,6 16 16 16 16 4,13,14 4,13,14 10 4,6 10 10 13,16 16 16 15 13 16 16 16 3.4 1,2,2a 2a 3 1,2,2a 1 9 la la 3,6,9 1,4,7 1,1a 1,4,7 1,1a 1,4,7 9 • • > 9 9 >■ • 9 9 9 6 2,5,8 9 4,7 3,6,9,10,11 3 4,5,6 2 7,8,9 7 3,6,9,10,11 7 3,6,9 9 < • • 9 ... 6 2,5,8 5 2,5,8 1 7 2,2a 7,8,9 9 ... 9 ... 8 ... 8 ... 8 ... 7 ... 7 3,6,9,10 7 3,6,9,10 5 2,5,8 3 4,5,6 9 ... 7 . ..' 5 2,5,8 7 ... 9 9 2,2a ... 3 9 ... 9 9 9 5 2,5,8 9 9 9 9 9 3 4,5,6 1 7 2,2a 7,8,9 5 1,2,3 1,1a 1,4,7 9 9 9 9 9 ... 5 2,5,8 9 . .. 5 2,5,8 11 3,6,9,11 4,5,6, U 2 ' - 4,5,6 4,5,6 Residence of operator Residential farms Rice Root and grain crops hogged or grazed Rye Ryegrass seed, common and perennial (English) Sampling, reliability of Sawlogs and veneer logs cut Seed beans, dry field and Seed peas, dry field and Seeds, field Share-cash tenants Share tenants and croppers Sheep and lambs Sheep and lambs shorn Sheep and lambs sold alive Silage Size of farm Small fruits Small grains Snap beans (buah and pole types ) Sorghums Sows and gilts Soybeans Specified facilities and equipment Specified farm expenditures Spinach Spring wheat Squash ,. Steers and bulls, including steer and bull calves Strawberries Sugar beets for sugar Sugarcane for seed Sugarcane for sugar or for sale to mills.. Sug^ircane or sorghum for sirup Summer fallow, cultivated Sweetc lover seed Sweet com Sweet peppers and pimientos Sweetpotatoes Tangeloes Tangerines and mandarins Telephone Television set Tenants Temple oranges Tenure of farm operator Timber Timothy seed Tobacco Tomatoes Tractors Tree fruits, nuts, and grapes Tung nuts Turkeys Type of farm Unclassified farms Uses of commercial fertilizer Uses of land Valencia oranges Value : Crops Farm products sold Farms (land and buildings) Livestock Vegetables grown under glass, flower and vegetable seeds, vegetable plants, bulbs, and mushrocans produced for sale Vegetable farms Vegetables for home use Vegetables harvested for sale Velvetbeans Vetch or peas, alone or mixed with oats or other grains, cut for hay Vetch seed Vineyards. See Tree fruits, nuts, and grapes. Wage rates Walnuts (English or Persian) Watermelons Water, piped running Wax beans. See Snap beans. Wheat White farm operators Wild hay cut Winter wheat Woodland in farm, by use Wool shorn Workers: Family Hired Regular Seasonal Work off farm ■ Work power, class of Years on farm Youngberries , 4 1 3 5 16 9 16 9 16 9 16 16 16 3,4,9 3 13 13 13 16 2 16 16 16 16,17 13,14 16 16 16 16 16 16 1,2,4 16 16 16 16 16 16 4,6 4,6 3,4,9 16 3,4,9 15 16 16 4,6 16 13,14 10 1,2,4 16 5 2,2a 9 2,2a 3 9 9 9 13,15,16 4,7,8 1,4 1 13 7 15 8 10 3 16 9 16 ^,5 16 9 16 9 16 9 3,9,10 16 9 16 9 4,6 5 16 9 3,4,9 2,2a 16 9 16 9 1,2,4 1,1a 13 7 <,7 6 4,7,8,9,10 6 4,8,9,10 6 4,8,9,10 6 4,5 5 *,6 5 4,5 16 9